HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-19 - Newport Balboa PressGAZE INTO -ADVENTURE Standing at the wheel of the luxury schooner Te Vega are Skipper and Mrs. Omer Darr. Te Vega hu been outfltt~ in Newpor t Harbor for the newly originated Darr Lines, to cruiae regularly between Honolulu and romantic Te.hiti. Maiden voyage of the vessel begill8 from Loa Angeles June 10. T be shakedown cruise which will carry up to 12 pa.aseogera, includes •tops throughout · the South Seas. Hfgnlight of lhe trip will be the Fete Nationale ln Tahiti. (~ story Page 7, Pe.rt ill) -Staff Photo by Bill Phillipe 40 NEW MESA HOM.ES PLANS ON BOARD PIUl1 are now betnr drawn tor 40 homee to be con.tructed on 10 acrta or land ln !Ji. block bound· SCHOOLS ELECTIONS SCHEDULED f RIDA Y. Ov-tax for High Schoot, 4 School Board Races at Stake Newport Beach and CoGa Mee voi.e;s wUJ go t o the polle tomor- row and cut ballota 1mportuit to the ruture of their 1chool1. Pollll are open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Members ot tour achoo! board11 will t>. cl\oun ~d the queeUon ot financing an add1llonal hlKh echool Where to Vote in Elections tor l'>ewporl Harbor 1 'nlon High Thei e &rf six polling pl~ee tor S<'hoot Oiatnct will be decided. tomorrow'• llChoOI board ell"ctlona 1 F"or comment see Edlton lll Pllge.1 ot lrusteu !or Orange cout Col· Thr following fl\'e candid•le11 legl". Newport Harbor Union Hl11:h are running for the high achoo! School. Newport Bearh E.ltmen- board: Incumbent& Judge Donald tary School a nd Co.tll Mesa Union J. Dodge 11nd J . Lnlle Sletfen11t>n, School dl.atri<'ta. \\"llh new enlrif'tl Robert L. Allt>n, Everett A. Rea School at Hamll- F:dward W. Milum and Frank 1.. ton and M'yer St• .. Costa Mesa, 11 Woodland. ) Pri!clnct 1 for the high 11chool and For Orange Cou t College board Co11t& Mes• and Precinct 11 for l.Qula <.:onrlld llnd Horace Parker 1 OCC. have Tiie(! for re-electJon a.nd art J\!llln Srhool at 1901 Newport opposed by Robert H. Olllltder. Blvd., Co1ll1t Mf'H , la Precinct 2 lnci;~bent Ha.rvey D. Ptue II tor the hlith echool and Costa Men runn!!!.g against. Wiiiiam H. Spur· and Precinct l I for OCC. geon In -tor the one vacancy on Llndbergtr Sc~I at 2!rd St. and lhe New rt Buch Element& Oran~e Ave. Is P recinct 3 for the District board. Precinct l 3 f'>r OCC. In the Colla Meq Elementary Newport Eltmentary School a t Dlatricl 1'ce, w blch may be a!fec· 14th Sl. and Balbo• Blvd. la Pre- t.ed by the ~ent Neff-Sanborn c:lnct 4 fe>r the high echool, Pre- declalon, Mn. Robert M. WU.On clnct I tor Newport Beach and la eeeklnl' one of the pl.cea now Prl"clnct 14 for OCC. held by C. Chlaholm Brown and Corona del Ma r ~hool at e10 Albert Ogden. who are candldatu Carnation· ...(ve. la pf\c:Jnct 6 for tor re-ele<:llon. the hlfh achool, Precinct 2 tor Votera will be aaked to approve l'\ewport Beach and Prednct l~ a high ec:hool building pla.n wbJch tor OCC. calll tor •~ cent.I per 1100 ot u -Horace En•lgn School at H OO lleued valuation over tax for eon-Cliff pnve, 111 Precinct 8 for the atruction ot • new high 8Chool hJgh achoo!, P recinct 3 tor New- plant and 10 cent.I per SlOO for port Beach and P recinct U for echool operation. _ OCC. Quick Site Release to ed by 18th a nd lllth St• .. Monrovia ---------------------------- • School Sein . GSA Releases Hold on 70 St. and Pl~ntt. Ave.. Coat& Meaa. It waa Announc1id today by 8e&Jtor Jamee C. Howard. Th• Sf-00.000 aubdlvlaJon le owned by the Robert Ford EnterprtM•, Inc. The hou.eee are ~ted to eell be- low the SU.000 pr:lce range. a c- a.dln&' to Howard. Sewer Un .. an_.... ut&lltl'ed to eervtoe Ute ad~pproved tract. Howard and Mike Oen co repr.· .. ted the buyer• and aellen of ~ property involved. Lou Uon of UM tract la Immedia tely 11outh of the new 19th St. bualnua cuter tn Coat& Mel&. TRAILER PARK ·ISSUE MAY GO TO P!J~ ..-eMnt. nis-t.cS HMl;y Jl"O" po11e • method Of raia~• the trall- er ~rk revenue which would be to.t to the city were the park lea.HI cuicelt!d. "~OMETRlNO BETTU"' Fred Palmer, Pomona. who a PHONE HARBOR .141~ ... .. ... FIVE CENTS .Ne~port · Loses • In , Mesa Border Fight OCC PIRATES IN MLE GO FRIDAY FULLE.RTO:\' tOCNSI - Orange Cout Coll"lt~'A hard- hlttll\( PiraJfl will pl11y l..011 Ange'~• City Collegl" al A mio· rige. PKrk tomorrow for the Southern Cllllfomla J unior College bueba ll title. J. F. I Pep I Lc>mon, park suj)t'rln· trndent announ<'N! tot111y. t St>e Sporh PAgt>e ror more df· tails). · Wendell Picken11. Orange Coa111 athletic tllrl'clo1·. con· lllcled l..emon yeatetJ&y when - It W811 111'Clded to play the lWO· nut-ot-three eertr• on a neutr11l field. FINE THING Stale Off ice Loses Mesa Applications AU appllcatton.w made by Co•t• Me.a for use of a pproximately '187,000 of Chapt•r 20 monltt tor con1truction other than tor aewera have been loat or ml11pl1Ced by the 1tate'1 Lo11 Angelu oUice. City Manager Gl!Orge Cotrty learned yeaterd•y. In order lo mal<e uee ot U\emonlee before the J une 30 de&dlllle, new a ppltcaUona wlll have to be In by·that Ume, Cotrey aald. Loat by the Loe Ancelea office were letten frorn Ute et.le, t1'e aa.nitary district a nd underwater pollution boa rd 1tat1n• that ea.ta Me•'• aewer taclllUM were a ct. quate IU'ld the uionlea could be em- ployed for other purpoaea. The city lntenda to UM the mon- ies to u slsl In con.structton of Su- perior Ave. t.nd other areu. Court Finds for Mesa on Seaquist Annexation Deal SANTA ANA (OCNS) - Superior Court Judge J ohn Shea ruled yesterday a two-block annexation by Newport Beach is null and void. · Judge Shea granted petitioners a writ ot mandate against Newpqrt Beach t o halt the "Seaquist pa.reel" annexa.. lion. It lnr tuded land bordered ~y Place: Mr. a.nd Mn. W•leJ a. lrvlnt AvP., 18th Al .. and l Mh St. r Hf'Us11tr, 1!)78 Sant• Ma Ave.; Judgt Sh'& helcl Costa Mr11a'1 1 R. J . Mell, 1!)88 Sa.n Bem'ardlno Incorporation wu prior ui Ume Place ; Mr. and Mra. JamM H. in nght lo Anneullon No. 7 by S&.ndJI, 168f SM Bema.rdiao Place, Ntwport Bearh. 1111 of Coat• 'Meea. NO BOl"NDAltV ltLcUNO The )udae automatic-ally denlPd . I determine boun a c-s. I Cnata Men w1u incorporated Judge Shea had taken tM ~ J une 16, 19f>3. a.nd lnclude4 the under 11ubmlN lon alter M1'W"9nla "Seaqul11t p41rcel " I by Attomey1 Leroy A. And...- Seo>klng the writ of mandate for the Cerriahee and ~pl&lnUtfa. .iglunAt 1' ewport Beach were pro-I City A ttom eya Ka.rt L. D•'Yta for perty ownl!'r& Mr. and Mra. Howard I Newport Beach e.nd Ool'I ~ W. G«rri•h. 1~85 San Bernardlno for Coet• Meea.. CORPORATION COMMISSION PROBES . STOCK COMPLAINT lnveettr•llon of the reported 11&.le of an undl11cloeed number of 1harea for $2000 In Shelter Ialand, Inc. la being made by The St.tc Corporation Commfalion. Accordinr to infotrnaUon told to local police by Everett MOIU'oe of Tll J u aune Ave. and Ke&Ut Mon~ roe or 227 20th St., nothing but • promlaeory note haa ever bffn ~ cetYed by t.h4111l for Uletr _ ... ,. • The Monroe• told officer. they were contacted by Nick Delaney ot 2800·La.tayette Ave. on July 1, 1953. ~la.ney reportedly told thtm ~rt LaShtlJe, local ttateure.nt own· er, ~led to ralM eome money tor a rut•ura.nt ln I an DlefO. La- Sht!lle could not be l'MC1*S by the Newe-rr.a. Jor comm•t WCS.y. SllAAll P~ 'Ille Mo111'0• brotMra aid an· other brother, 1"1As ~roe of JHal Pirate ltoad, made out • check for $1000 payable to De·_ ane:r Sha. wtUt a 'YWb&l Wider· ~ ~ ...... woa.ld add SlOOO ffW ~ al POOO worth ot aharM tn a~ .lal&ad. Inc. Delaney cubed th • Monroe clleck and WT'Ot• & new CHte tor o.ua..d -..... 4 ~~~----------~~~--· Acres to U. S. Air Force .By BEN KD>DICK WASHINGTON, D.C .. KAY 19 (()CNS) -Reieue ot the 70-acre aite reqUMted .by Newport Hubor Union High School Di•trict from th. '12 ac"-JWD•ining in the old Se.n- ta Ana Army Air Bue ta imminent. (The district hopea to obtain the parcel for • new hip be not.lt\ed before the land ca.n be Khool e&mpuel. relNMd for cl'Yillan uee. The Work on the eubd!Vielon 11 es- ~ted lo it.rt lmmedlately. R ow- a.rd u ld. Thtl hoUMI wU1 be two t.nd thre. bedrooma, rancho type. ~:r a pubUo Tote on UM conlr1>nnl&l munJclpe.1 tr at le r park quMllon may be recommend· ed to city councll wu' Indicated by Newport Bea.cJa Park. Beach a.nd Recre•Uon Commlulon mem- ber& Tueeday nlcht followln~ •a meellnc pl•yed to a packed audi- ence ID COWICU cha.mbera. Queetlon. u to legality of Luu- tng new leue.e on tr&Uer park Iota should the alt• be modemlud ~~~:F~~~~~.!"~:~ MAY 26, 27 _v ACCINE Census Chief Due Monday for New Count HARBOR WEATHER Ora.n.J• County we&ther tore- caa MoaUy clear through Friday u cept fog near cout tonlf ht and Friday mornln•. and exp~ded wu raJaed by sev- eral. City Me.nager John J. S~l- 0111 lnfonned the News · Prue tod•y the city attorney bellevu the charter dou not prevent 1uch re-leaalng. Mesa census DATES FOR HARBOR Thia wae dlsclo1ed today by Con· USAF placed • hold on the acr e- l'f1!Um.n Jamee B. Utt uid Sen -a ge when .!l:orth Amerlcan Avla- a tor Thomu Kuchel. The General Uon Co. waa considering loc•tlon 8ervicu Admln l•tratlon hae ra-of ui •t.o.mlc reactor plant on the turned to the United St.tu Alr 1lt.e. Slnce then, the aviation ln- J'orce Its hold upon UM land, they et.all&Uon haa been reloca ted, the •td. : !Inn dJtcloaed. It will be •t Canoi a If lhe USAF endOrlff n ltUI Puk. ot the property whlcb both Kuchel The 70-acre propoeed high 1tehool e.nd Utt have been a.uured the elte . I• 1ituated acrou Falrvle~ •erv1ce unit wlll do. ~nert.1 Ser-Ave. from OMLDge Cout College vtcu Admlnl1tra Uon will then a proximity whkh college board eomp1!'tlJ -a -pf'T'fUnctory clrcularla-t ruateea have lhoug,ht too cioae. a tlon of Other agtnclH before re-oCC board membera have llSkl'd 1 ... 1ng the property for ec:hool th\ high 11Chool board to relocate purpoeea. , . the 70 u rea along Newport Blvd Under the aurplWI propwt7 n · but no agTttment hu been made sul•tlona each 8!rrice •r•ncy l'll\18t alonr tl11a line. NEW MESA ANNEXATION -HEARING NOW JUNE 20 Temperature& tbe put wee.k ID UM Harbor UM "'ere: · Htrh Low Friday, May 13 .. 64 !)4 Saturday, May 1' .... 62 !'IO , Sunday, May US ........ 64 :i:i Monday. May 18 ........ 83 •8 Tuesd&y. May 17 .... es 63 Wednl"sda y. May 18 .... 78 62 Thunieday, M11y 19 .... 77 69 Palmer Bares Huge New Mesa Subdivision RESOLUTION READY Commluion membera vott-d to eubmlt • May 10 ru olutlon to city council next Monday. The ru olu· lion re&dl!: "That . black and white pnnted copiea of u ch tr~Jer pa.rk ,pro· poe11l• under dlscu1111on together "'1th economic 8Jl&ly11l1 or. ea.ch propoea.I be pruented for con· 11lderation ; that a pllU\ of a tr&.ller park on an alternate 1lte tor eUter w1th economic analyala of reloca- ted park be "pretienled tor con· alderation; furthermore. that a pla.n or • dedicated public park located on the alte or the preaen~ trailer pl!.[k together with eco- nomic Maly11ls or 1uch a .Public park be preaented tor coneidera· A wbdtvlslon north of Coeta Me-lion ·• u projected tor •bout • S2,~llO.OOO Mra. Louil Ceena.r. chaJrma.n or co1t wu di11CIQ1ed today by Pllul the commlaaion. •~d the commla· A. Palmer, prt11ldfnt or N""'T"'rt slon may recommend the council s.lboa Sa,·lng11 A: Loan A.uocia· call tor a public vote on lhf' lrail- tlon, wt11rh bouJJhl 37 11r rea at er park leumg after the council Ba ker St. a nt! F11lrvlel4' Ave.. for repllu to the commluton reeolu- more than SIS!),000. uon. The 11rrragf' WM bou.fhl f rom <'H.ARTER AME.SDME~'T Protut heartnr on Coirta MN&'I McCL1n'1 property 11 a 200-ft. Mr. and Mr11. Howard A. Beu . Commissioner Robert C&mpbell annexation to Santa Ana River wide •trip runntnr approximately prominrnt we~tern Oran~e County ral11ed the-queatlon of recommen<I· wu Monday night switched from 1600 feet 11011th or the exletlng tannera. according to Emery S. Ing a pt>nnl~ive charlt>r amrnd· .tune 8 \o June 20. A peUUon In Coat a Men boundary beside. the HanM>n,. c·o·owner of Ole Han11on ment to the <"ouncll that the city UI• name of 1.. Adrian McCAln, City of NPwport Beach'• dump Co. tense the par)( area to a private 901• owner or tha property lnvolv-11lte off WhltUer uid 19th Sta., "This ii! jn~t a l'11b1hvlsion tor conces11J<•na1re to take the city ed. r~ueeted Co11ta Men. to IU'I· then approxlmate]J 2600 fet-t wut one of our bu1ldrr11 to develop," out of the hou111ng h111Jnu1 a.nd belt the •rM May 2. Contln~ oa Paire 4 Palml'r aald. • releMe It from maintenance ex· -------------------------penee. He 81l1d a neglltive vote nn a propo11itlon or this type would lnillcale lhe voter• wnuld r&th'r ha ,.e the are11 m111le Into a r11bllc recrt'11tlon park TRAILER PARK lSSl E Spea.l<lng r<>r creation of 11 pub- lic park when• the trailer rark HI no\I.' SllURtt'd wu Ed He11 iv. who waved a tL9t!ul or Jlf'llllo~• ,.11rport1ng this move. He decl11r- ed his group dO<'a not te11r 11 public \·ote Al F'orglt. :'lll'Wport Falls Short of High Hopes Unhappy over 81\nounced pre- liminary 11peci11l ·ceneua count of 17,279 per*lna !Qr Co•t• Me11&. Councilman A. L. P inkley today 81\nounced hi" had forms at his downtown Meaa dnJK •tore tor peniona who feel th•y may have been ml.aaed in the t¥ulat1on. Oeadlimi to !1U out nl"cu sary rorma, according to City M8J\&ger Georae Cottl"y, 111 Tuf'11day. 1 New· port Be&ch ha.a 17,307 pe raona u of the aJ)f'cl.el rtderal Cfn.rua. .:"o- vember, 19!)3). The cen11u1 count announced by Superintendent E. B. l.Awla wu a good 3000 peraon11 below general bellrt concerning Co11ta Me11&'1 growth. City Clerk Arlie Sw11rtz apJX!&red cloAf'r to the actual cnunt th11n any of the MPH orflclLldom Hl11 gue1111 wu 17.900 compared to a cham~r of comm•rce e~t1- m11l,. or 23.000. Majority c-r the rounrllmen e11tl· ma t"d the p!>p11i"llon al 20.000 . Coffey 1111td today 1\1' hilt! air mr11l<'d fnur torm11 tllled out by persona who rt<lt they llll1l not bl-en t•numl"r&ted ln the two-wi>rk cen· au11 startlnlt" M1ty ;l. 1'ul'11day wu tht' l1111l day 11uch form11 couhl be 1cccpt,.d. Corf,. • 11Ald Dr1dllne tor incluelon In thr B11n>1111 Of Ctn11us' rertlrlc:allon of populatlnn In \\'111hlnglnn, 0 C 1~ May le. Cottry ut1m11 tf'rl thr I t'.2i9 fig- ure. whlrh top11 Co11s Mu11'1 orl· glnal eetlmlllrtl c,.nsua or 18.185, "multi mea.n $7(}0/l mor!' P"r year: lo lh,. cnmmunlty 1n 11tst" gu tax anti In lftu mon1,.~ Co11t of the sp,.cl11l Cl'n11u11 ,. ... llJlproxima tely $3000. Ne.wport School Bonds Bought by California Bank's Low Bid FOR TRAILER PAllK -Al Forgit. local merchant. atanding rifht, told park commia- lionera Ed Healy haa been bucking municipal trailer park !or put five years. Forglt !avor1 revenue city r<>"emment and bu9ine8l1Dlen rtteive from trailer park re•idente. -St.aft Photo r.-."'l' A AX K f OC':"<!n -'nit Or•ni:~ County Board or Super· vlaora Tuesday awarded '5!)(),000 worth 9f Ne1o--port Buch echool bond• &nd Sl20,000 In Garden Orov1 Hip lkhool bond1 ,to low btddert. C.llfornl• Bank e.ncf Al90Clatea WU Ull W CCHafuJ bidder OD the' NewpornlMie. n wnr COi t u1• a1 .. trict 121T.787.1'() OVf'r the 25 metur· Ing yora. Thie wae th' lowut coat to U\e dl11trlct out of tour of fen . Thi county audltor'• otoce re- commended th!' awa.rdlns ot bc>ndA to Ula low 'bidder•. Fint, Second Graden Slated to Receive Fint Inoculation Nt wport Harbor youngster• ar. enrollrd, will receive tlret 1hot1 echeouled to r et their rtr11t anti-May 27. Pollo Salk vaccine 11hot11 Th11nd1ty Stcon<I 11hol tor Newport Beach· e.nd Prlday May 26 11nd 27, 11r-St. Jamt ll 11ludt•nts will be given at cording to Information from the Harbor Vll'W Sc-hQOl Frid11y, June local school dl1trlct11. 10. Cn~t& M t 88 aecond 1hot 11 The director ot Newport Beadt'•"' • epecl•l federa.I cenaua will amv• here May ~3 to conduct the MW.Ml heed count of thla clty'a popula · tlon. Benjamin K. Kundln, 1pect.l cenaua aupervlaor, -will conduct the project which hu been re· • que11ted by Newport Beech CHy Council. ln • letter to the city m&naa'eT, Kundln uked that &O peT90tl1 be 1ecrulled to eerve u m umer.tor1 tor a three-week period. They mu.et be cltl&eM of thla country belweeen the •KU ot 21 .nd A . Approxlmaltly 80 per ctnl of 11che<lule1I for Thursday, J~ne 9 the firet and 1Pcond grade younir-ind Frnlay. Junt JO. Second shot •tera In Newport Beach Eitmt n · for St Joachim'• 111 set tor June 10. tary School District will receive M11keup datu for both dlstrlcta their first shota on F'rldlly, M11y I on the flrllt shot will bt> given 27. Harbor View school w11J aervt Slllurday. M11y 28. 9 a.m. to noon l.ntervtewe for e.numerator ap- es thl" clinic centu • at th" Cnmmumty Club Hou11e, rll,.nnts will bel'ln TuNday, May Tv.·enty-alx of the 3& ellgihle 110. W . Ell?hth St. Santa Ana. 24 at 11 L m AppllcaUon fo~ flnl a nd aecon•I gr11fltr11 at St. J\!1<ktup 3hotl! nn th,. second shot may be obtafoed at the city h-11 Jamt11 Day School wtll also re-will be glvPn S1HurdR)'. J une 11 Information dtek. c~ve their 1hot1 at the 1111me time. durlni: the 111me ho11r11 a t th" 1111mt-Jn :"OVf'nt~r. 11163 · • ll)eei&I MESA 8CHEOUl..I: loc11t1on cen11u11 wu t~t-n heret tlndln( Coeta Mel!a youn1tstrtll wlll gf't ~O \"AC'C'l:'\F. CA~f:i;I s'lme 0()()0 new popula Uon and their fir\[ ahota Thur111!1y, May All orl!l'1n111 pRr,.n1111 lt'QUt'~t.. IJnriiclnic the popula tion count to 28 11nct Friday. M11y 27 111 Main were citnrrl,.d a.rtrr tht \'lll'rln" li.307. The forthcomlnr head- School. Seventy • alx Jlf'r rtnl ot proi:r11m wa~ hallrd Apnl 27. ;"b count h• txpect,.d lo find nf'W the flrllt and l!eCOnd ln'lldPrll &re Ka_.r~•r llr"ll Y<mng~trr11 retelVPtl I lholll!Sn<ll! Of reaififnll , With 8 poll• partlclp11Ung, the it i11trk t 1111ld St. thf' Hrl!L 111'hPll11ll't1 shot11. l!llJl11 new population fii ure or J oachlm'a young11wrt. 9& 0111 ot121 c·onfln11Pa on rac~ 4 2n.r1on <'lly otrlrl11J1 report AGAINST TRAILER PAilK -Holding stack of petillons ag1unst municipal trailer' park, Ed Healy, Centn.I Newport A880Ciation preaident, standing, gave park commllt- aionera hi• vie•• Tueeday nirht . -Staff Photo .. r ) .. .. 1. .. • 'AGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS Home, they say, iJt where yo~..hang your .h&t.-That'• all well and good, but in these days of inC!'eued leisure time you lrnye to t nkP a clo~er look at tbe hat-and the peg it han&" on-to get th<' full story. Thr 'chapeau in the closet of a BBC ,apartment, for ex-~ ample, is likely to be a blue denim y&chting cap or a battered old felt studded with colorful fiahing flies. Beside it, most likely. you'll find milady'• pink aun etraw and junior's raveled and r rownleM Hawaiian job. The Club provide. accommodatione for 11s-tamilies. The units range all the way from big apartments sleeplng six with extra bedroom, spacioua studio living room and kitch- ettr. to tbe smartly appointed patio rooms overlooking the mafo pool\A,ealgned for couples. ''BRC City" when all its citizens are at hom~. haa e pop· u latum nf about 350. And more of them are s taying at home -occupymg their apartments full time-with each passing day. Many members nre tnoving down from -the metropolitan a rea. down to Newport where the ocean draws well in the lung1> and the sun is warm on the sand where, at night, the gentl<' lapping of the Bay falla sleepily on the ear. Som<' commutt to business activities in the city, otht'rs are retired or semi-ret ired. All find that livi ng at the BBC fret's t hem from home upkeep cares and supplies extra hours fo~ the pursui~ of pl<'asu re. Entertaining guests or keeping c~1ldren occupied i~. of course, a veritable breeze off the Bay with so many r<'crealional facilities 1;0 close at hand. • M.any who live in the city and lease an apartment at the Club fmd many good reasons for doing so. First of all, they know there's no pince like N. ewport, and they want to spend every free mom<'nt thr y can in the area. When this time comes, they are assur<'d of a place to stay with a BBC apart- ment. '.W'hen school is nut. Mom usually moves in for the sum. mer with the family, and Dad joins them on long-week-ends. Both the permanent resident and the some-time vaca- tioner find surprising economy in leasing a Club apartment. Arrangements arc such that they can sub-lease their quarters when awa an r · ' · · um. . Both, too, are good customers of Newport business fLnn~. They buy groceries for cooking in their apartments, mervices for th~ir cars and boats, clothing. drugs. gifts. stocks and bonds, furniture nnd furnishings cwhile the apartments are beautifully decorated , did you ever know a lady who didn't insis t on gfring her. homo an individualistic touch ?). and ~any other items. Th<'y rC'port fine quality and excellent ~ 1erv1ce from Newport firms. and they recommend them to their guests when they nrrh·e for a stay. U y~u're thinking that you would like a BBC apartment, well, we re sorry-they're all taken. Leased by the year. Plans were under way to build another three-story building wit h 48 units during early 1955, but they had to be postponed for technical reasons. Half of these units were spoken for be- fore the blueprints were dry ! The project is proposed for the near future. ~ • LOCAL GRAND PRIZE WIN.HER :\Ill's S 1lht' Kt'nne<ly an•i Mrs. E. W. Kennedy, bolh of Cnrona dt'I M11r. 11bin t', er1> llh•"\'n io'f1\·fni; by \\'estl!rn Air C..1nl!!! for wec:kl'n<1 vat n111 n 11t Th11n11trbir•1 Hotri. Llls Vt'ga.s. following Ml"!! K~n­ nt'd~"s winnin#:' Rtrhftrrt'11 l .1110 M1trket pr1zr a t mart contl!sl durlnir ?'r<'l'nl 11nnt\'f'tl<lll')' ""ir!Jmtll"n. \\'lll111m EcclPs Photo Track-Auto Crash Merkel Loses Food A two c11r Mllli<ton Mond11y oc· Thf'fl of 10 weiners. four frozen C'11rred' when A trul'.'k c1r1vt'n by plrs a.nd a. gallon of ''llllilla Ice crum, all VAiued at Sii or S6 wu Howard l... Rcrry. :'>14 San Bernar-, rt'ported by J ohn Merkel. 220 Col· I.lino Ave .. '''"• lnvoh•C'l In a n!U· llns Avl! .. Monday night to P<JllCI!. t'nd cru h at 0 11.hlla Ave. and HI.' Mid the food was taken from I C-ou t· Highway with A car drlvt'n a freeur In hi• unlocked garagl!. by \\'llllam K. Hot ton. Ht Cr e8· Malcolm H . Merrill, Callt. pub-I cent Bay Drivti. t..guna St ach. po-lk: health dtr.-"Maybt' lf city Hee rl!portc1i. The truck driver 11ald per10na knew of the health menace • he wu trying to turn left on Dah-poled by 1lum aru1 Al their door· ha when h• wu 1truck from bti· 11tep1 they would do aomtlhi.ng hind. Minor damagu occurred. abo~l It." ·-~? MAKE ... us PROVE IT "Wa llan Motra IDUJ' _ utomobU. clrlnn llow to 1&\'e mOM7 Ulle State f'a.nn way. lmt &1"-• UI• opportaalty to pro•• to 100 the money •rtQl'I a4h'aDtAcee ot \M unique dlfft'l"Nlt plaa plo-red ~ State Fann. State Fann 11 Insurance Co. al BLOO~ll:SOTOS. ILL. L ~-Celt"• W. L t...11411 ?OR YOUR PICNIC AND . •ARBECUE NEEDS Charcoal Lighter 1 Pint, re(. 4150 Charcoal Briquets 10 Lb. Si.ze _ Picnic Box Met,1 J'ORTABLE ReK. U .89 Barbecue BRAZIER With Pouring Spout. Ont Gal. R~g. 3.98 Patio Table Rerlar $2.69 Spoons and Forks Wooden-Reg. 10c ~~~=~r~~! BRAZIER 524' rMlu<'f'd to . .. ................... -... --....... --.. - -you PAY LESS . . AT j;(.,, .. ,+, VINCENTS ICE CREAM i....rrwWTi.-i DOUBLE DIP CON'l:B rJ. ~ HAND PACUD PIN TB HAND PACKED QUARTS )Qc 3QC 59c Illlllfl' BULK sTYLE 1 Ga1 -59c HOLIDAY 2 •• RUBBING 9c ALCOHOL 1 Pt. EPSOM SALTS S'~·19c For Bathin9 12c ZINC OINTMENT 1 Oz:. Bile · UDO DltUGS 'WEEK-E;tD Specials "'OM •. , ... I.Me u..,.· Mel Via Lido, Newpori lleMla ,,. H.AUOR DRUGS UOl E. c.o..t By., Corou del --IAUOA DRUGS '°I. MAY 19, 20, 21 THURS., FRI., if SAT. 111 E. Balboa 9Uvd., ..._ Prr or CJAL'IATJO?/ ,_ GANNID MILK Tall OU. 2 for 25c &BOU Notebook Paper PluUa WIMl1ae POOL Wide 6 for 29c Jluled, ffC. lOc , .. s .,.. res. tl.O HAPPIER BABIES f 0 R whL on~:\~ ~={.!'."" d1inty tnlurJ, and di1rmin1 color bwlt ri11ht in the aeUDy liquid l1tu ... won't fade. cu ck. chip dr ptel. Pl1yt~s Rippy Paoli atretch to 11\'er 4 timM thtir air.e. That'• wby they can't bind. chafe, or irrit1te. Penect protectioa everywhere: ... completely w1terprooC and non-allergenic ..• CooJ.yc:n1'4i for eomf ort. Five lollipop eoloi;-for a 1m1rt wardrobe. ........ ~, ... pink. bl• ..... 91c mli .•. l for $2. 94 ,,.,., _ _ ...... _,,.,,., .. ,,.., ...... .......... ::c..-·' ..... ,, ... , ... ,,, ... _ ... "' ........... .......... ....-... • v_,f'PAY LESS~ ' • 1 • • . -' ..... --- VETS DoG FOOD. 4 for.27c: DS--126.h. ~ll WAX PAPER TOILET TISSUE ,KLEENEX 300s ZEE Sandwich lats .... CoaD• 17c 6c SHELF le,. -23c: Decorated 13 '' Wide GARDEN HOSE REFUSE CAN Sot\ Plutic, Jte(. 3.2• TV.TABLE LAMPS a.,.ua ti DECORATED TUMBLERS I« of e, Jter. '7&o GI-AH 3-PO. 29C MIXING · · BOWL SET &er. '3o YOU PAY LESS .. ' . A' V.. • a.pau 6 ceet 3for12c CANDY IARS 12c: GLASS CRUET ttf. H e for \·1aera.r a Salad Oil ABC B·EER 6 for 97• WOODE~ SACCHARIN -1 j gr. 37c Tablets iooo. · PAY LES~., . FOR SOAPS & DETERGENTS TIDE . 'P U R E X SALAQ IOWLS I" Cberry Wood "'f· H e PEROXIDE 20 Volume • 01. Tussy NOW Reg. Creme $1.00 Deodorant 0 F'cd Tax .A dded ~ 1/2 price! ·.'ussv'!!'I CREAM~ .D•ODORANT ... IM i•tut cleodon nt ! Linu~'.f:.~, 50¢ , ...... IMl&atly 1topt r-rin.1ion <><iN: 0.@U• IW'"P•r•hon mo1'turc' 9&fe (Of n11nnal 1k111. d•lir•t• f·~r'nl 1/2 . price sale TU8aY 8TIOIC DSODOMNT ~··--!5~ ·- Olan\ 65C Sile 1 Gallon ALL JOY · Large otan\ 28c 65c DETERG&NT 10 lb9. 51" Ll9UOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Smirnoff 1 VODKA FTJIH 100 Prl\Of SHADY GROVE Kentucky Host S Tra. Old Bo\~td bl BolUl Seagram's SEVEN CROwtf 4 for 5100 IRONING IOARD PAD And • one ~;.'E.~.i~~ .... -.. -....... -... 01- IADMINTON SETS T·w~o· TWO RACKt.:1'!'4 Full 8h.e 1'if't RH l"JTt .t:oo<:Ks Rf'K· l•.&a -· .•.... _ 8PONOE R•'RRt'.R SEAT CUSHIONS ~~:us ........... ·.$149 LADIES NYLON IRIEFS lD • ~~TE~.~~~~----.. -... 3~' PLA&nc DISH PANS f S.:.. ·-·· .. -. 99c VISIT OUR CAMERA DEPT. -AGENTS FOR . EASTMAN, BELL & HOWELL. GRAFLEX, POLAROID 133 E. 17th St.., C~ta Mrlila U 8·1011 -----------------' ADVERTISING IS THE BEST MEDIUM-Phone Harbor 1616 Everybody Reads The C L A S. S I F I E D Just Phone HARBOR 1616 to Plue Your Ad on Thie P19• . c ,.,. - ~· . - . , I • . ' League ··sparks CompletiOn Campaign for Youth Center •trucUon on the 1lte, lhla on• by memben of the Roury club tor ~umber one goaT of the Wom· Uff of Bo.)' Scout Troope which an'• Civic League iii the Youth they •J>OOIOI'· Center being con11truetl>d on 1chool Th• Youth Cmter 11 belni 1pon· • F ound JU•t .outh o! 11.t.rbor IOrecf~y a poup oc OTJ&ZIUatiOM, btw. School. • -~Ir of ~la hu a dlreotor on By BERT BRINT~ALL To th•~ tnd they IA nel'dlng the CenteT board. n. rroup and tht1r-tnen-" and-any oth~ stray 1U t.epr_..~ ... are CemmlUI· me.le I.hey may contact to get lty Ct\urch, Grant How al d ; t he1n up to the Center to work on Buatneu Men'• Aa9ociatlon, AJ t he g-ro11nd11 a.n•I the building. Al Clem•nce ; Corona del Kar Civic t he :<am~ t1n1~ memb<!ra of U1e A.uoclatlon, T. Duncan Stewart; 11Aflr1<:lalibn a.re_ ~Orking on lh• Woman'• Ct'l'tc Le&l'lJe, Ml"I. Alvtn gi-ollndo themseh•u . u well 111 S~ncer. A.. K. Pbtlp• b.u don.at· aerv1ng hot coffee and .andw1chea ed hi• Hrvic• &lao. • to the men who are doing the toll· Whlle th• Llona club b.u not lug_ ~1&:11< Bea tt>encer:--Mralr· joinw the group, Ill me.,.beu rnan or the leaglle'a park' and rec· have undertaken to e~t th• big reatlo n c:omo11Ltec, ls in charge of backatop .a e•enttaJ to lh• new food end of the Job. basebaJJ diamond. A. &"'Ml deal Thla Saturday there will ~ ·• of work hu been done on thla work party at the Center and the dJa.mond, tnoll.ldlne huaWnc dirt womrn are twplng to have a good to make the ftll and·buUdoanr. &JI' turn out. Thi' association Is 11tlll of whlc'h wu donated by public allK> on a twnl for lumber that can apirit~ m•n, none of whom want- be 1\sr1J 1n lilt> h11tlding 11nd any ed publicity. • . k lnrl of "tulpnwnt. tnC'ludsng tablN Shortly after tbe play they are and chairs. Anrl of course they 1ponaor1n1 memMr• of the Wom- are willing to ac1;rpt mQney in an'• Civic Leacue'a plan to have Ueu of ma terial. a re(Ular barn raiainr and to lhat ------------ The league la &Lso putting on a end wm round up &11 lh• men they play, ''The lJlack Flamingo.'' at can ret and trj-to do moet of the Orange Coa.'l College May 27 and work on the Center buUdlnr over 28. It ill hoped from thl.a •bow th• league will net· th1 $1500 for one -k-.nd. That I.I planned malerlala and Njulpment that an for •rly ln' June. Mn. Stewart la badly needed for the l:fulldlnr. preeldant of the league. Thia building wu originally ------------ part ot lhe army barracka north M U-dlcl of COil& Meaa, but It WU broUJbt oney, .... ... Worley AiNstH Jewell Artie Worley, llO, ol 2Uk Cnatvlew Drive, wu booked by Colt. .Mea police l'riday att.er- noon on a ch&re• ot drunk drtY· in&'· The .u.pect WU 1.r'r'Ni.d lJl the HOO blOck ot Newport Blvd. Finds Medical lox to Corona deJ Mar for use in the T tma --T le blC Scout Jamboree In 19a2. Since OGS 5,,.... op L. E., Whltton ol 310 El. ~9th St.. then it hu been moved to. Ila pru-Guaranteed &JIJIU&l warea and found a box cont.aln1n&' medical eat aite and It ill hoped thla aum· .oc:lallzed medicine · were topic• :!P6!4:, ~: ~C:-~r::.!!. =~ meer It will be posalble to ftnl.lh dltcu.ued by memben ot Newport th bo d pu1 t _three aaaembly roo~-~ well u .!_ Be~ Toutmt.tre~ club Tueed&)' ol-•_,:,:~M~C: ~°:n:t fdfC)\en and rea rooma. In llie ewninr. . the box 1 R ....,1.h bud"ding. Th-reat rooma will Dave o~. Vince Pickup, waa n ..--· be needed thia wmmer when the Jack P enney and SteYe Smith took 'Boya Lqgue guneJI are beinc part tn the diecuaslon. The club .J!I&)'~ oo l!Je new diamond. e.acb Tuuday •LUie New- Another building I.I under con· port Harbor Ya.cJ!t Club. SUGAI LOAF , .... n • ..i 2·1.cryw • MOCHA CAKI 7f'-. NEW RICHARD IN BUSINESS HERE R H. •TRlch" R1ch11.rd, sbo\'e, brother ot Newport Harbor'• m.trkrteer. O. \\'. "DlC'k" Richard. today announced the p .. npt>nlng of his Sea F ood Market, 811 W. 19th St., Vlata Vil~. C(l~ta Mt-aa. IL will feature dive~lfied !reah poultry ancl tr'Mb w111Pi-' f1:.<h among ottier dt'Jicacle.. '• VOTI FOR " Dr. Robert 1x1 H. Olander~ Board of Trustees --. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE .. The followlftCJ reslclewts of 1lle Orante Coast Coll• DI 1 tr I ct urge and r.commend that you ••Port DR. RdBERT H. OLANDER ~r. &I Mn. O. W. Rlcbardi Mr. II Mn. B~ Marta Mr . .t Mn. Donalcl"-llacldea.tioa Dr. & Mn. O. G. SueM Mr. & Mn. Ha.I Dike · Mr. & Mn. Milo Lacy Mr. Roland Wright Mr. & Mn. .Joha Mant, m Dr. & Mn. Nonua C. eut.oa Mr. a Mn. 4rthar McKeaae Mr. II Mra. Undw,-l'ouqbloOd Mr. & Mn. Robert E. Cunpbell Mr. II M..._ .R.ldlard 1'.-.ahMd .. Mr. ~Lawrmce Pftaer Mr. Mell'tn M. Davey Mr. & Mrs. Wftllam Jluovt;' M.r. T~ Hambrook 0r. a 11n. Boben o. AlldreM 11.r. Joe Carlo. 11.r. a Mn. Bart a. -..... Mr. Gilbert Seal Mr. a lln. tloba o. w .... Mr. a 11.n. A_. 8tart.eftlld Mr. A Mn. Pet.er B. RID Mr. 11 Mrs. Richard Mee1e Dr. Martin Dale9 M~ Lou.le R. V1DeMt Mn. Ricbard 8. CM&le Jin..~ Arnold E. Naetel, 11.D. llr. Bad 0.--. llr. Vine, Mup- Mr. 11. 0 . RaMOD ,, VOTE FRIDAY MAY 20th • .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE 3 •• l~ion Holds Caucus Here - Tht' 21•t Amrrlt•an i..r1:fon °'9• trk t r 11.11t·u• '"'""11ni:-'"'" h,,111 111 a pre-COD\'e.QUM ICMl\lil In N-·· por~ l{a.rlX'r l'Qllt ?, I lutJI at U Mnt! Rey Sti1. lut 1'11n1ht~ 1-'nuill Moore. lll'"''Y •llcl..J 1iu.l -Cotn- ru.Adtt to, "P)a!'O pl'.UCUl.t C4m• man<lt'r Don Mun,..~. wu ehatr· WAn ot \.ta ~nJ(. M11rv1n Robln90n ot San a.. ' mrnt11 wu ctio~ dl•tnt't eom· mand<-r for one year. Wlnttred Tlruil~y of .Hunttncton Bea.cit v.·u aeltctt.'d u • •«l"nd v1!'e • ~ Jent. While the men met In lbe new hll.ll, American Uf,'10n Auxiliary member• met In tht' hut 1t the ume time. With thl' POllt :llll Auxtllary preparing the mN1I, din· ner for 200 wu held. · /(t 1 :30 p. m., th• Orange C<>Wl· ty Voiture 627 of tO et ti put on memorial Mn1cea tor a.JI departed vrterana of RJver1lde and Or-.n~e Counu... Serv1cea wcrn under d1· • rectlon of Fnnk Webber, chtt de rare ot Or&ni• County Volwu. 8El'S GOOD EXAMPLE -Mrs. J . R. Longley's son, Mark, tries to -8how hia eldenl how to get to work on ball grounds ~t new Youth Center ju.st below Harbor View School. Elders shown above, who were at grounda to do aome of hard work are, from left,° Hal Glua, Tom- my -Foster, Al Clemence, J im Moltrop, Mn. Longley, Jim Chinn, Ed Schwa~ and M·ra. James Ray, wa)"I !Jid-. means chairman for Woman's Civic League. Children in picture came in from the neighborhood to· help with the work. -Lin Sheely Photo · ' '~'!!4 ~~!e~!~. ru'o~ MolU'OYia Ave .. Coeta Meaa, ..,.. parent.a ot a T lb., •"t OL boy, bon Kay 13 tn 8t. Jowph ROlpltal •'i e..nta Ana. IOXMY CANDIS S~ c-ct,. Feett....a GUM DROPS, JELL y BEANS or ORANGE Sl.JCES = 23c /iATiMERS SPlCIAl Off £R ! luy o 1 .,_,,.d pG(k098 ii•' • 7 -.ince f>Odt098 of l\nY Boker ~!flii~ .. Sodo (Jo<ken. AT NO E(TiA COST ......... 34c ANri ---GIAHULAJB> . SUGAR tt-7·9'· ,. 5-lla. laag 4t fUNAER B~ ·1· ftt CHUNK STYLE 7- ST AR KIST BRAND CHUNK TUNA locally produced on modem egg ronches. ' LARGE ''AA'' ECiGs •• 51c CREAM O' THE CROP .... BACON BROMT A Safeway • •t•cl ........ rib ....... USDA CHOICE b .. f tclentif'Kolly br0ught to peak of flavor ond trimmed of exceu fot and-bone IATH1J BLACICHAWIC SWIFT'S PRIMIUM .. 69' HlgMtt quality 1tlced baeon. Heat Seol Padr. -:57c .. 4Sc aon.1 ... Brialret. CORNED BEEF LIVER ~~or .. 4Sc S.r"Ve hot or cold. POR.K Sliced or Pi-. .. 25c ::;45c FRANKS SOMRSIT laAND No. 1 Sklnleu.. GROUND BllF Mode ft-om freshly-boned, rid\ lean meat from ... 39 lected beef. Made to a f04'mulo, conailtently good ... Try It ••• you'll lilce itl Captain'• Choke SIA FOODI WHOLE wHn•G '~~39• OCEAN PEROI ~~ 37• COTIWON CATtRING ICE CREAM ~ Aho OtOiCe .of Vonllla. Choc:olat9 OI S.,~ ~2.t::' •. 47e ~--------------------~---------------------~~~,~~~ 2·5( f J~\~~~~~WAOAN 1':9' -: 19( !~~_!J!~ FLOUR ~44' fM!!J~~~J.~t .. ;;:. .-;:4CJ' ~JtL-= 2:·25' !!~-~!~l~~ '°~1& SIYWI SLENDER-WAY llEAD ...... I .... ~2 .. redudne. ..-.- ZU DINNU NAPKINS • • • 40 1ach, Uk. ( --------------------- Nm EffKTM Tim.. Fil. SU. "'' "· Jo. 21. t9SS. " wnru S10IO • 1llS AlfA. (Tin s.diy ill 'StorM op.a s.dlr) m..., ...... __ .................. """ -....._. ..... ..w. .._ STORE BO'C'RS DU.17 t a.m. to 8 p.m. (Frtday ttl t p.m .\ SadaJ t a.m.. to I i>.m.. t l .. 1722 'Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY or PARKING ON l.ABGE PA VD> Lal' ... .1 .. -' PAGE 4 ·PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, !'AAY 19, 1955 SANT A ANA-POMONA FREEWA y 'GOES COMMISSION 0.. ..................... One ot tb• out.tandinl' future11 o f a Navy dutroyar le Yar•t.Ulty. In th• crew no mu .. i;., a· *rd tcw on1 Job aloD.. MOs.r Dauf)llter Mr. and Mr9. Cla rence Mo11e1, 2M Vlr&in!a Place. Cotta Mua .• ,.. pa.rent.I ol a strl. born May U 111 Roar RNPlt.al. TO SUPERVISORS fOR APPROVAL Too Late To Classlfy .. SANTA. ANA IOCNil -Tb1 ~ Countf Plan~ eorrvni•· alon late ye1terday recommended the ~ of auperviaor-e .. Pfl'OV• lo rt.nfl'al a propoeed Pomona- to·Santa An& Frecwll.)'. Gilmore It alao wu ree~tnded the IUptrvtaore con1tder th• mov· Ing of the propowd route alone Sunklat" -A .. e.,. e~t of •Anaheim, 1320 ft-et ea1t aa 1urgetted by pl'(lperty ownua ia-lhe re1lon. planntrl 1114 led by &oad Com· mluioner Al JiCod&. Koch pointed out that Brea. J'ul• l•rton and Aa.Uetm bad orgtnaWd th• frffway Idea Mveral y.U...,o and mack a propoeal to th• 1t&t. hig)\way de~tl\t. I-A DY W1LL MANAGll APTI. Xlnt. rf'f. BO« 8 -Sl Carl ol thll P~Ptr, 54pl5f 29-Help Wanted .. LADY to work In 8andwteh atand. 20-to 40 ye&r• or &I'•· OriU work 1111'1 C".Uh recteter experience. Must be fut Ir cou~. Top w11gu. Call Ll S-3HS between 4 A 8 pm. 114~ O'Kl!:EFE A MERRITT dbl. oven ~ range. Criddle A broiler. S8:i. C E ~trigerator U:i. Maple tin· l11h twin bedstead• S7 ~. Bed di· van 115. 710 Avocado. COM. Har. 198:i-MK. Mc:i8 1948 CUSHMAN motor ICOOter. XJnt. co~dltlon, SS6. U S-7140. !)4cM M-DoPJ Cata, Peta F OX TERRIERS, 1ta.ndard, tine young watl·h doge. 11862 W. 11th St., Santa Ana. Kl 2-8e8ll. M<:M 48.-\-Apta. for ~nt 1'URN. bachelor 1pt., $46 mo, 719 W. Bslboa Blvo. r or kl'y11 a.nd Information. Bo•11 twRem& AVAIL. TO OCT: 15 A TTllA.Cl'IVIJ turn. I bdrm. home '" Corona del Mar. Refere.nce1 reqWnd. AndrMOCl, aua JC. aout. cow. Harbor 1~0. M ctwl BUSINJC88 LJ:ASJC available June 11150. Corona deJ Mu choice lo- caUon. Ideal for proteuionaJ of- flc1 or! BLANCHE GA~. Realtor 311 Manne Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 1871 64c6e 62-Rea.I IAtate $13.000 BY OW)l"ER. 3 bdrma., din. rm .. a tta. car. W to W carpet., hwd. fire , thl!nno heat, prb. dl1p., k itchen fan. I ncl, nrly new a uto washl!r le dryer, r~rrtg. A gu range. $1500 dn .. $7000 0 . I. loan. Wiii t·onalder 2nd conl•ct. 3211 Broadway, Costa Mesa. 64tfc Th• plann•l'll una.nlmoualy acted to approve the freew11y ruute an aubltance, but wgieeted additional 1tudy bl made of the proiioaed La Habra to llrea · epur freeway In th• Ucht of the 1Jt•t~·· plan tb develop Whittler Blvd. 11 an ex· preMWay. On motion of Oomml11ioner J ohn VACCINE CoeUnlled from t'ln& l'ap No ~• ot polio have resulted amonr the 8228 Orange County children who rrcelved the Cutter vaccine. the health department nld. The Incubatio n period he.s now expl~d and there should be no auch cases hert> Any casl!s ,,.·htch might develop now would not be rtue to tht \'acrine, bnt r1lhtr to t1llure of the v11.cc1ne to give protection, the department 1a1d. ANNEXATION The maulve freeway would run down B~a Canyon and continue aouth by pesalng Placentia, Fullt'r- ton and' Ana heim. )n Ila latter atagea it would run par11lr l to Sun.lmrt, crou the Sant& Ana River Just north or the Orange drive-In theater and tie lnto ~e Santa Ana Fret>way In wut Otange. Objection• were Ught a.a •P· proximately 35 peraona attended a public meeting conducted by the ' Clerk Joins Mesa Sta.ff Mra. Charle. Kennedy of 111111 The 1tate Ulen mact. an 1n&1n·e· erlnr 1Urv•y ot a cesieralty 8anc- tloned routi"an.d ca me up wttb UI• pruent IUl'CHleit plan. Koch •Id lhe freeway would "'" lleve traffic In tbe northern coun· ty cltlea by toUowlnl' BrM canyon and bypaulnl' the t.owna. City atreeta In Fullertoa, Brea and An~ l'elm already are owrloaded, ac· cordlnc to th• road commlutoner. He urred 1~ed In r etUnr a plan &Pprov1d. Tiie lo~er th• wait the more money It coata to oondemn Land. he upla1ned. It 11 the flm time t.b• 1tate hU aaJced the pubUc tor ~1utlon1 on_ a f,_.,ay route before 11ttinr It up. Newport Blvd., CoKta ?>1,faa. today TRAILER PARK Joined at&tf of lhe ~tE'1& city hall _,. u clerk typl.11t In A. J, Vol&'• building department. Mra Ken· Coetlaoed "-Plrtt P..- nedy will replace Mra. George and ha. ellher camped or ~n on Dietzel who temporalJIY replaces the 1£te In a trailer the put 25 City Hall Secretary Mra. Tom to :\5 yean , he Mid. contended the Murray J une 15. realdeni. there helped th• city At that time. Mr• Murray till the taclllty wtth tenanta when alartl a three·month leave ot ab· a 50 per cent vacancy exl•ted Coellnued from Fl1'9l Pase j IK'nce from city duties. Sh.,e said He contended th1 trailer park folk 62-Rea.I Estate the leave of a bsence wu for th1 spend about a quarter million dol· -------"---------t to SAnta Ana River 811d acro1111 the purpote ot "beinf the mother to lar1 toe.ally per year. Thl1 drew S~OO DOWN. 2 bdrm. turn. houae, river bed to the ctty boundary of my chlldre.n wfllle they are out Of applaUM. He .aid removal ot t he Huntington Bear h. • · .. i;:ar. Ocran vtf!w. Colored folk• Ht:.Ms IS XEWPORT school this 1ummer. Mr11. Mur· trailer park mean• "aomethlnl' o k. PaymenlJI $100 p;or month ray la 11cheduled to return to work better" mwit be put there. Laguna Bch. HY ~-3423. !\4 c:S6 The approximlllely hat.(-mile Sept. l:i. "fhe city man&l'er told quMllon- U OOO pa.7&.b&e l.O Cl\rllUan'a Hut with Ule .aot&Uoa ';MOftl"Oe Broe. '1000. Dela.Dey Broe. $1000. Plly- DMDt few lltOck la CJuotal1&A'1 Hu.t, au ix.co. caw .... at wu ~ ~to Wormallon stvm local pc>U_tt, UM dteck wu euhed by }-sift L. ManMl1 -July 17, 196!. Manhall w• "ldenUfled u l •SbeDe'a tlwl1w m&nl!Cff al tbe um .. PaOllU8801lY NOTE 'n\I Monroe• told police Bruce Delaney received lhroucb th• mail a promlMOry not.• dated J uly 17, lt63 for StOOO wtt.h lh• not.Ilion, "exchan&'ed for 1lock" written In lnlt. Th• note wu aimed by Aline HU~n. pruldent. Shelter Ialand. TM Monroe. and Delaneya claim to dale thf'y have never received any atock 1or their money. ACCOC'dlnl' to lntonnatlon ~•Iv· ad Ulla mominc from Mr9. Alice l!lnloe, lnveaUp tor of tht State CorporalJon Commluion, a cloeed lalUe permit WU (T&Dted 8hf'lter llland, Inc. on July a. lt6S to 11U 1100 lhar.. bf 1tod: at SlOO ptr Iha.re. LDIJTED aALE She.explained cloled laaue .mean.t the eomml11lon authortMd -Ml• ot the atock only to the Ii• or MVen specified peraona or companlu named on the permit. Sh• l&ld for each aale of thrM ah&AI, Ml .. Bu~n w·a1 to ttcelve ont ah•r• ot 1tock not to vi.ceed 388.ee 1hare1. Thue -r• not conalde~ part of t.h• 1100 ahar. limit. Neither the Monroe or Del&11ey n&me. are reported to be on tht ~rm.It 11.t. CO'l*'&llcm WM iMitnc ~. No chacSM havt been b~t by any p.rti .. to date .,..in.t an,y p.reooa ln Ule Shelter I.land or· caniaUon. accordlnc to t.nfonna· Uoo trom polloa. lnvMUptoni ~J_ •t•t D ...... ,...,.. u.. •'1*'&*'-......... ue rwported dMC.llirlC tM - now to detennln• pNa~ ftQ&a.. llou. Chars-, If mach, wll1 • brouf'lt th~ u.. Onnse 0..- ty dt.ttnct atto~·· otnce. CLVf D LAM l NATfO Ml.Maun. GNE. CLE. ... R ~N, ... ,POQ.OING GQU.T ~TQENGTH 1'1 .LOWEQ ~u.;:~~--- C05T. COMPLlTl DUlll>INO vn&:1TY OlLIVf.RtO TO Joe $1TE FAOM II~ P£R.SO..n. OQ COHPLtTtLY f.Rtcno. I NO.UO\NG S&.1'~ FQOM t t • PlR. ~. PT. llOA. COHMUlC"''- fAAM.OA,,l .. OU.TAW. -· Allt'tllN61M "' #. """ --~,.~. Baya lJPach ~illy, ICi-0 w strip to the r1nr borller11 NeW· ...M..t:a.... .Kennedy bu realded ln ~r• he h~ 11.nR .plana tor u- JXll'rt one-f(l()t ltl1p whlt-h nm• Costa Mesa 11lnce February when pandlng th• pa.rk. One under Mra. JCnloe .1aid the N-port Beach Ch.rl1Uan'1 Hut wu not In- volved In the corpora.tlon ln any way. Shi U.ud l!lhelteT bland corpora tion otrlcera aa Aline Hud- 110n. pruldent: K•nneth Winter. bum, vjce·p~aldent and treu unr a.nd Mor~y Leven.eon, HCl'llt.&ry and attorney. She laid LaShelle wu not n&med l'.t that Ume .. an of. ttcer or director. Metro coaches travel thouaanda of mllea every day in the year, providins tranapo,.. tatioh~busysouthland communttier.Metro. and probably most of Metro'• ridera. too,.judp thei r performance on 8 important poi nta-which we conaider the "iadiapensabtes" of aatiafactorJ lft'Yiee. , \ Balboa Blvd. Hai. 126'4 :ilp66 • we1l, from thP cJunap lllle to the her husband, a Marine muter l!tudy would divide the tnuler !'>EARLY l\EW 3 bdrm. homt , rut a1dl! uf Santa Ana River and At-e you ha Vl}lg troubles? Let a 'wane Ail t>elp you aolve t hem! fenced yd .. nlee 1-wn, lots of t ale. aoutherly along rut side of the 11ergell11t. wu aaslgned to El Toro. park oft from a public beach to ijllerior piuoted A wallpapered, .river. Annuauon of the .i.rlp will The pair came here from M em· the eut .• Thi1 would ullll&fl the dblr gar .. large kitchen. $11 ,. throw a barrlc&dl! ag&Jnst M Y phi&. Tenn., where Kennedy wu Southern County Ou Co. loll to 203:il Orchid. Santa Ana Hu . future N1>wport Beat'h anneutlon prt\'lou11lv us1gned.0 Tht'y have be bought by the City and would LJ~rty 8-2986. Mp67 norlhwe.11t of the Newport cit~· • girl. Edith. S. call for creation ot 182 parkln( ---------------------------~in. Kf!nnedy wu bom In 1pac .. with metera. Sa.Uora 1&ld dul~p~lher bualneu, the council: Tampt, Fla . hu hwiband In Jack· no flnal t1rure1 on any plan an 110nv11lf!. She haa had prev1ou1 available, the project betnc too 3 I NVE5 TM ENT Corona del Mar Furnished ·Cottages, Qn Sl8,950 TERMS 102 -704 -706 -708 IRIS Phone Harbor 1069 or Hargor 2649-J ' 4 62-R .. al l'Aitate 62-Rea.I Eatate Adopted a re110lut1on appointing experience in the building tleld. embryonic now. City Attorney Don DungAn Costa She worked 1n the termite depart· Rt:FUSE TO 8HA.RE Mesa'a proiKullng attor~y. ment of a concern tn Memphl1. How trailer park folk felt a bout A•ked City Manager George 11\arlng their bay front ewlmmlnr Coffey to arrange a noon ml'eUng area with Newport relidenta wu with the Downtown Busaneasmen·s Davidson Gives ahown clearly on a ra.laed hand A1J10Clatlon at the earlleat possl-• vote. Heavy majority of trailer bte opportunity Mayor Claire Eledion Pitch park ,tenant• voted &l'&lrult •har- l\rll!On propo8ed the 1meetlng after lnl' their be&ch with local ~•I· city council iteeldttf it rould not af Kid Assembly derit•. Tra.ller perk apokumen 1tfh•ance S:iOOO to ~l•'lla parking laid they would feel more cooper- dlstrlC't :-;0 t for hl 11rktopplng Today at Harbor hlgh 1chool In alive on keeplnc their area clean· purp<>lll'll. assembly Principal S1dnl'y H. Dav· er had they any auurt11ce from OKA\' xt HDl\'11'10.S , ldson told the atudrnt11 how badly Approved a 8Ubc.l1v1~1un of le~s a ntw achoo! building 11 needed. th~ 1~ty their tenure would ~ I h N 't Usln"' the auditorium aa an ex· up e · than five ot• an t e ewport·•· 1'811. ., •Other .1urr•Uon1 Included re· tract for Counc·ilman B .. rt Smtth. ample. h• aald• that the lncof!!r loca Unc the trailer park on the prevlowily t11rne<1 down • by the freshman c-lalll alone would fill t • I th• lower floor. If th• ove ... ·• ot vu t ltretch at CICIUl front pen-city planning comm1a11 on. lll\"O \'• ~ r. I .... ~ I ula d. Lots 54tfc According to Information ln Ul• oomm!Mlon'• fllea, th• corporation wu for the fln.anclnl' ot a re.t&ur- ant In San Dlel'o to be known u Sheller laland. PEJUOT 8~PENDSD comm1 .. 1on recorda lhow the permit to Mll 1tock wu suap.nded on Jan. 211, 1964. ''Then were tndl- oa.tlon1 tb1 company wu tn bank· ruptcy.'' Mra. Enloe explained, "and wu proceedln&' to reori-an- l.R." Mn. JCnloe toid of a ,-roup of San Diego people coming to the com~Llalon a yf'ar •r o wtth a almllar complalnt. She aald tha t 1tock Involved wa1 10llciled by Miu Hucaon. Accordtnr to re- cord•. th• partle. declined to br1n( char&'••, 11ytnc Oley believed the r 1u1e po'-U ere: (1) SANTY (2' ltH> MAJNTIHANCI OP TIMI SCHIDULlf mMI fa PASllHOll COMJ"09T Durins the put two ,_,.. It(.., mcMllla '"air auapension" buaea have been added to the Metro fteeL Tbe1 t.&ve wba& it tau. to do the job. .. ' ed waa a m11under11tandmg of the :;:; <'Pr1tlJ i11 not paqed tOmorrow. "' IUI ordinance which ca.Ila ror a J0.000· In three ye1.-. the •tudent1 will ---::----::~----------------------------------:._---------------- CORONA DEL MAR COTT AGE 710 IRIS (Lot 30x118) S4950 Cash Phont' Harbor 1069 or Harbor 2649-J 54tfc Owner S,ez Buy Owner Rez 1t1ak€.' offer Owner sez will take $1 00 month pay ment Owner e€.'z, scr t his cute little house fl. minimum lot tor reeldenU.~ have to &o o.n double ae .. lona. M UH In an M·l tndu1t.rl&l sone, but uJd. For the next two yean It aei. no definite ~lnlmum on in-will be poutble to flt 1tud111ta dualrlaJ uae. Smlth'a rejected "Into cornera,"' but an addlUona l loll proved to be for lndu1trlal 300 1tudenta per year i. expect.4"1. u•e. adding-to a total of 900 new puplll Took under adviaement a plan In 19s&. of action prH ented by .M.-.. Gary ln cloamg. h t aaid. "The prob· Fredrickaen of the Co.ta Meaa tern 111 not one t or Costa MN&, nor volunteer defenH group. for Newport Buch. but 11 a prob· Accepted an euement a n d lem for the Xl!Wport Harbor Union JT&nted a permit to Howard B. High School Dt11tncL" He urred L&w10n for a dl&l'ona.I ii.rklng thf" 11tudenta to have their pannta area et 19th St. 11nd Placentia. vote tomorn>w. 12 feet ba ck from the eid1tlng ------------- curb. Gave flrat ree.dm1 lo an amend· 111t'nl ealabll1h1ng 11etb&ck11 for ex- ttn•lon of We.t1tm1n11ter Ave. ~­ twet1n E. 17th and E. l 8th Stl. Southern Route for New 'Grove FrHway Referred back to the city plan· nlng comml1111ton with a recom- mendation of 1pproval a le11·than· five lot 11ubdlvl1lon rt'queat by Pll'asc tnlk tn him as he is anxious and wili listen to Clyde c. Or1vea 1t Ul48 Fullrrton GARDEN GROVE, ·MAY 19 - (0CNSI -OCNS learned late thte forenoon the State Hlghy.'ay Commil!lllon h1111 adopted the "11outhern roultl" through here tor the Garden GrOVI' F'reew1y. Con!lrmauon of the action came from District Engineer Paul Hard· 1ng who 11t&ted h111 offlcr received a t~let~ -commun1nition thl11 mominf 1nnounclng th' aouthem route. low down paym€.'nt. Call him evenmgs Har. 3361 54c56 "I Found That THEODORE ROBINS Has a Wonderful Selection of - F~IRLANE Town Sedans, Club Sedans, CUSTOMLINE Tudors and Fordon and Station Wagons ••• and Ave. Granted a one·nian bu11lnua vanance l~ Alfred Payn-. 643 W. Wllaon !!It.. prevtou11ly <1enled by the planning commh1111on. The ·rrac1 .. 1n Allowances Are Even Greater on Cars in Stock I S.. Them TODAY I" THEODORE ROBINS Yow Ford DNler Since 1921 ,-(011 Mariner's Mlle) · 3100 W. Coast Highway . Newport l1adl Uber+, 8-3471 '> NoW Record·_l;lreaking "' .. : Trades ••• oN THE l.OWEBT-PRICED, M08T DURABl.E V-8 PICKUP, BU/lTI Look und•r the hood I Only FORD•'"' yev • v.a Plcln., et •-" • low ,._ ....... ••••• / 1hott Strelle -...,. fer •WtY ••••· v.a ., Shd ............... ,..__ Ford Truca .......... ,. ,,... NOW--.................... ,, • • I 11111'1$ m&lll?W 12-. THEODORE-IOBINS Y ... '-4 D11ll1r ..... 1921 -fO. H.a11r'1 Mlel 3100 w. Caal Hlal • ., ... .,.,. l1a I ••rtr 1-3471 -. 1¥ ................ .,,..., i1•UCA t!r•M•!JIWt• • • ... \. ./ , Huntington Beach ·Drilling Permits Zero for 10 Days Then bu not Men 4 drllling permit iMued ln Hunlln(ton BHcb for 10 day. and durU.1 Ulal Ume eeveral drfllel'I have applied to the cny Cll\ll\cll to have bon!U Uley have put up tor drllllnl' t.lvoked u they do not tntl!lld to ..-the permtta whi<'h coet them 1100 eM'h, a New1-Preu 11Urvey ahowecS today. At prtaen t thrr. are •I• rig.a drUHnc ln tM boom area at ~nt­ ln(ton Beach and they ahouJd be done and oul ot there within two Wl'eka. lt no more permlta .,., taken out that will be IL MOU PE&MJTS DOZ However, }.here wtll undoubt~ly be permit. luued from tlme to Ume, but nolhin1 like t.he nab that aaw UWzL. I•~ by the doaen. W-a1ttf ·Parker, manarer of the erty whtre they dr1ll and bund altracUve wali. around lh• tank• which are pi1nted gwen. NE\\'l*OltT Rf!SrDE~.,. Parlett Uvu ln Newport Beach a.nd ta anJlou1 lo I!\' thet ~lltng never get• Qlll of hand here _1111 he aid ll did In HuntU!,i.'ton Uearh. That ahould be ea.ay to do. he said, wtlh proper law1 regulating drllUnc and the wella confined t.o •J)ttlned area.a f rom where the r est or t.he temtory can be whip atocked. LIKES TO POSE -Allfl' .•.. pricks up bis cars at the camera u owner George J . G&rdner of Costa Mesa 'tries:-to get his mind off carrots. When Gardner 'is around the lltallion Is usually trying to picJc his pockets· for something to eat., Gardner bu twa hones he is getting in ahape for the summer fair circuit. -Staff Photo • Hedc-u OU Company which hu probably done more drilUqs tn th• pruent ruah thah an1 other lndM- dU&J company. uya he plan• to take out probably half a doaen more .permlta tn Ole couue of the next few week.I. That will make Lhl.I company betwun 26 and 30 wellll ln the dlatrlct. At preaent Cy Wlllla.m1. oil In- spector, I• hammering lhe drillers on the back to set lht' city clean· ed up tor the Fourlh ol July celebraUon. The city hu p1.4t£h.u· ed • new •treet tweeper wllh which It I.I h oped to 1et the dJrt oft the atreeta and the drilling oompanlea are rebulldlni curbe and atdewalks a1 rut u Willia.ma can urge th.in Into IL lkaidn cleanln1 up. t.he principal lnduatry a round the oU an& I.I building oil tank• and keeping pumpa operaunlf. Irvine Park Picnic Not eirpectln( to (et rich o.n DISSENSION WANES - Mesa Teacher Majority Upholds Neff Decision Krauss Resigns L.eague Position one well the Hed(H company la Membeni of the Senior Youth content it their well.II pump 36-40 J'ellowahip or the Balboa Island barrela In 24 houra. The company Community Methodlal Church are la hlnng about 16 loe&I men be· pianntng a picnic at Irvine Park &Idea drlllera and plana to clean tor Sunday afternoon, May 22. up lta l'l'Ounda and make th• loll Th• iroup will meet at Ole church where Oley have drilled look u a t 2 :30 pm. Arrangements are well or better than they dJd before being made by Sharon Waidelich, Resignation ot Lu d w I g H. the drlllinf. They tear down and Marilyn Shooter, Barbara Harper, l\rauH of 963 Oak St .. -Freedom 1 _m_ov_•_aU_t_h_e_ah_a_c_u_on __ lll_•_P_ro_p-__ an_d_Lan __ c:_e_G __ ree_n1e_a1_. ____ _ I fomea tract, Coat& Mua, from the Fredom Tupayeni League 'l'e&ehff tltt.lf'll9ioft whieh hu-19'1 to i:M.&UI Sanborn ~..lllWI1.e.&.1U-rnr. ~-cnnnon-wu-ui-1 Ulreatentd Coal& Meaa aC'hools manltger f11r a month alter a new I • , bui<mC'1, m1tnllg•·r 1~ hlrtd Rf'a nuunced th1JI Wl'ek. Krauu Bald he I following firing of Theo.IOrt' ;-.;err • · . . d 1 ti f H . 1 s· 1 sairt it \1ouhl tak,• ~unborn a 11 as re11lgmng ~c:auae he wu an res gna on o arr Mn • an-h . "•uat too. busy.;· born 4urtng l'iftly TI mel'ling of I mont to llhOVI" a.n~ mnl11'1~f." • I the .M,.11a t:nlon School Oistrlrl ropC'.'s anll break him Into the In-The 'J'!ewii-f'reu received aev· boa.rd of trllstetll, appearl'<'I to be \'C•lve1l l.lutle11. eral <'alls from re11ldents In the; Special Purchase-. aba.le<1 today. arcordmg to Super· 1 "\\'e are lntenrlew!ng tor re· t;al't today. ~1·antlng to kn?~ why 1 l.etendent f,;\•erell Rea plal'<'tnl'nt.t now," Rea said. "But Krau;,'lJ had re!llgnl'd. "\\ e were l Majority uf the teat'h•rs yote<l that takra lime.·· won1te~!ng wh~'s rlf ht and who'• to bac~ the hoard's artlon In not F.moti{lnally 11 p ~ ,. t tt'at'hers wrong. one v.onran. who refused r•h\rlng ~,.ft. pr1n .. 1p11,I of Fvl'r-warnNi the hmird of 111111lre mt'm· to lth·nlrfy hersetr, t•ommented. ell Rta Sl'llf>c>I. \\h11 \\M ••p fur hers ll h.1d "slrmk 11 blow og111n~t KraUJ!:I tolol the !'\1•ws-Prc1111 : tm ure. A rn1>el1ng 1Je1w1>en i..r, 111>•· eJuc•utrun nnd urx ... t nwml><'111 of "J II\ surt'eptrble to volunteerinic. trtct 1earhn11 anJ the bcu111I r•f lh" lto111ol Le'\ '""""~'"' r their de-1 found I h11t1 tak1·n on more than tnu1teei took pier!' In Monte Vra-cumm r<'g nn Jlng ~r(( lmme•tiat('-I rouJ<I hamllr. In ortJer to 1pend la Schon! al 4 pm. Mondny. nu ly folio\\ mg the M.r v 11 st>.'l..~on a frw nights at home, I l1ad to 1 reportt>d. atten•Jed h\• .!l<'\'eral hunoJre<I per· slnr l cutting down. I'm In com· ~t;1• A ltA T t: ~f:!"!"IOS~ J!On11 rn Jl11 1 p;;r Sr hr111I 11111lt1pur-flit' Lo nr<'Ord,. with tho league 11nr1 JtOSe room. ~!any nr t he:-tell• h••rs only wt"h l "nad the proper time Rea 11ald ench of the fl\'e decl111<'<I thr\' Wt-re "11tc:k" at the Lo dC\'Ote to It." I llChools ht'ld •eparate ml'eltnRll bonrt1 nrt ... n' Kmtas was i.n area chalnnan 1 prior to the I" ·~1'ln "llh th,. Ont• ln•lrurtor told Tr11~tc>e Al fur the taxpayers' lt-agu,. Then board. Utlllohng 111•r,.,ental1\ 1·s l•f I Ug11e11, ·I II M·rrou~•~· h&\·e to ron· hi> &t'c< f'te.1 a tl'mpora ry 1ppo1nt-I the tl'arhl'r~ made a r<'purl. ( · l-lder ''ho I II• r 1 wnnl to continue ment to the board of direct.or• Chl11holm Um 11 n. pres1ol1•nl of the-I 1rn• hlnl:' trt < ·.,,.t n ~fe11a " Anothrr 1tftl'r 11evrrul 1 eslgnallons occur· 1 achool h•Jlllol, •·'<rlntnf'•t ll'h\' IJ1I' wa11wd ll •· """rd, "\'l'lu'll hitVI' tu red llo wall HUf1po11etl to remain board made the'.' cl••<lslcm It d1ol He 1 i:o 011tio1<ll' t hP. st nte for nrw c•n the board of <11rrl'tor11 until th• potnt<'•I out lh;At tut Y"rtr the tt':t<'ht>ra aft<'r lhls deuslun:• • let·tiun rn J une, reporl.8 11how. bone of rontenll•in waa mt mb't-r- ahtp of Xrff anti· Sanborn In th,. 1 P'ellow11h1p 1 t Ur<'on<'tll1111on end thl! A mr11.-:rn 1 ·1v1I l.ohnt Ir~ 1 In- ton. U11t lh111 V•·nr nth .. r thlns;s hall bec-n itlld.-ol, he 11a1d. The •hlltrfrt l'llf'e1 mtemll'nt 11111'1 th,.re had b('rn no f•1rlhtr tro11bl<' wllh the t• 1u herll "A f,.w olld not ~~~.w ,::fi,,~':~gth~;; .. r~~:;::, T~uar;'~ 1 BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CllAPF:L liU Superior Avenue t°O!la !\lt'Sj, l".tHf Jfm>ne Llbt>1Ly 8·~121 CllAPEL BY THE SEA 3!>20 E . Cout' Bl\·d. Corona d<'I Mar. C:&llf. Phone Harbor 42 . , . BEAUTIFUL PILLOWS ' Corduroys -Antique Satins -Banio Cloth filled with Kap~k many col.ors and sizes many, from •I.SO ,; •3.95 Dick Macker DJlAPEJUU CARPEIS M'ROLSTl:RY IN NEW LIDO BHOPPr.-:O CE:-rrER 3420 Via Udo Newport leach HARBOR 4328 . ml'et 111.: " l~Pa "' knowll'llg<'<I, "but Olll ... 11•1 lC'.'nrhPr~. thllt w ... to be experte I. Th"Y were 1111 ba.<'k Friday." . By. Order of the Superior Court ... HIRED t •OR ~OXTH Rea rt>rnrted the hoar<1 ha.r1 \'Ol· Stolen Mesa Safe Found in Harbor Recover~· of " AA re atolt'n !ro~n a •ervlc-t11t1on At 2•3~ Newport Blvd .. Co11 L1t :\te:ia. th111 Wl'rk wa11 made Tl1r11d11y, ="""'l"'rt poll<'!' rt" porte<l , _ :.- Stale of California . . .. ~ .... Final Windup --AU-CTI ON! . . ' N. c .Morrison or 128 Chll:>hOU.!!e >s e... told local pohce .he nollc<'<l the 1111.fe 1n the W'lltrr at thP 1l1'1rth • end ot Cluthon11e A\'e nc:'llr th<' Arche11 C"o"Lll Me~a offlcl'r11 i<lcn· titled it u the one taken Monday ntghl or Tuuday morning from the atatlrm IL rep(lrteclly rnn- ~lnt'<I S';O cuh 1n'1 p!lpcr11 whrn ato:en. --OUR-FINE COlttCTION OF DOMESTIC -AND IMPO~TED -1~ Cati DAN'S TV : S.n1ce -Rent&la -Salee Llb•.rty 8-222~ WATF.R HT.ATER~ SAllS lfl YICE ••d ll'AtlS Joe ,.~~~(of J JU).tS 10 'U CENl OOWN ,~... H••bor SllO Quick Service I t'OK Roller Shades Standa rd Shade Cloth! and Cu8t.om Sr<'(taltlra • Drapery H&rdware • \·enet1&0 BUnda C'Al.L H ARBOR 88' THE SHADE SHOP tn Shd St., Xewport llea<'h 8Hlde the PMt Ofnt-t- I AITHRITIS?rt f ...... ~ _ .... ..., ~ ... "-'"' _...., ......... ~ -"• ~ ... c:rl .... 1..:1 .. _., ...., lei"' le ., ~ •-' ..!Ill _....._,_.._.. .. , .... I ......... , ........... e"4 ...... ,_ "' ........... .._. .......... "'4 ., ..... -. ... . u.lle4 -· ~ telll ... , .. -· ......... '" ... _. __ , ...... iy l ..... ~ ... ,... .._ I ...i...-flllo _....if '-a.f. Mn. Leta S. ·Wier ' •os """-".11..-o.i .. -w ' o .... 2•U ,_._,,......,. I , 0 OBJECTS D'ART PLUS THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES OF MERCHANDJSE, SUCH AS: .... ·-. Ellt)rtsh Sffver • Antiques • Oriental Art • Porcelains . . ~ Jewelry • Furniture • Unens • Paintings · . Ca~ Demontes • Crystals • Sevres • Meissen , ' Will Be Sacrificed To The Highest Bidders! • • PRICE IS NO OJJECT IN THIS • • ~·' . . Gigantic Dissolution of Partnership Sale! I Everything ·Must Go! Stoel<, Fixfur.es, and All! • • NOTI TO COLLlCTOIS • CONNOISEURS •• . . This Sale h Worth Your Attend1nce Since . The Dix'• Collection 11 Well Reco9niud By Art Loven I IMPORTANT: Upon Presentation of Thia Ad We Will Award You a Special Gift 1 - DIAMOND RINGS NOW ON SILVER SEtS TO BE GIVEN AWAY l :JO P.M. • l :JO P.M. TO BE GIVEN AWAY And Will Contlnul' Dally At ~ml' DURING SALE H oun EJ:ceptln!, Sunday1 DURING SALE Until All Id . No hrdaMe NfJClf'M&ry to QuallfJ . . I Preview & Inspection Daly 2:30 p.m. Up to TlnM of Sale I Dix's Treasure Sh·op -- 12JS NortlaCoast Highw~ La g111a l~acll. Calf. I .f DEA TH NOTICE \\1 LI.I A-'11 ('. OllA Y William Clare Gray. U . U8 Sa11- ta lMbtl, Coata J.fha. died In an llccldent at Mountain Home, Idaho. He 11 th• eon ot Mr. and Mn Nor- mu Gray Of Ul• a bove acW:reu.. Born In MlchiJ'&n. he came hue abt year• a ro and attflld~ New- port Harl>or ffts-b School; nit-ere<t Ole 1ervlo• and waa Airman thlrd cl•• .. Beeldu hla parentll he ta 1ur· vlved by two broUl•ni. Roy and JUchard N!)rman. h rvtcu Jre pendlnr at BaJta Mortuary, Coeta Allfight Qu~te Tame But Has Fast Bloodline Fut horau are the breath of life to a Coat.a Meaa.n, Georr• J. Gardner, 23U Santa Ana An. and h• doea everylhinr but lllttp wtUI the pair he ta nunlng alonr tor NEWPORT HAltBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAG;l 1 THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 - the eummrr reu. ln Ole tatr rlr- culta, Wht n he eeta home at n lahl he ~ta them ae he f~d• them r t.r- rota and they pull tncka on him like a couple ot k lda. found t111ancln1t dim<'ult and ~ ward he went Into \,be JU ital.la. bu:aln~ ... which he ~ ........ One a( t.a. pa.tr u a at&lUon' ,he hu naml'd A 11t1c-ht and he hoJ>Q W. Ml'M wUl &ire a w~ wa..n1• h& bned.a hlm..wttb RltA. &.be oUler member of U1e amall .Uble. All· fi&hr1 pann.~ were both mem~ ben at one Ume ot t.h• VanderbUl racln~ 1tabl• and GariSner'1 little mare, Rita, alao hu a racln1 back- (T'OUlld. Oardn!PJ rot hi.I ton for~ whto he Mrvtd ii) th• <'•Valry a.od then when he had a •table ln J'ort Dod('e, Jowa, he 1lept harne• horaN to race al th• aMl'by fain. Comln1 to eo.ta ,._, 1n lilt, Gardner kept a CIOUpi. of quarur h~ juat t.o have a borM a.round to ride. He •ttled °" J:ut 11Ul St. and ltill OW1UI the half acrt.. h• bout'ht Ulen Jut eut ot the poet otnce bulldlnJ . ' He 1t&!Ud ln bueln-wtt.h a teed atore, but .,,... cleaned °'tt ln I "' th• •ao·a w~e.n eo '\nany othen SAVI IAFaY· At Oren9e County's LHdin9 Home Lendin9 ln1titution CONTINUING TO PAY NOT BLINDFOLDED ! vacro ' PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS ;.LllLU.1~4.lJP.IQ__J_~..., ..... -~-- All Accounts °'**' On or Before · You wouldn't meke • purchase br.nd- folded 7 Don't plen • future without "sight." Let e systematic: saving plen be your guide. See Us T 9dey I The I 0th of the Month Eun From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SA VIN6S & LOAN ASSOCIATION COST A MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDlY ' INDEPENDENT BANK" HtO-A.._.., ,.._.,RY 6-1111 11161 NeJ""POrt Blvd. {~ ' .. IHSUIANCI COaPOIATION LAGUNA BEACH • extensions Extension telephones ha"9 a new look these daya. They have color. Color to blend with the interiors of ,oar boa& Color ta &natch your tun:Uture or yoar drapes. Color to make them u decora- tive u they'n u.lul in any room iD JOU1 home. Color phone. come In red, blue, 1N1ft. _yeUo~ .•. bei1e. b.rown.. l?*Y ot. ivoey....Or in smart "two-tone .. combinations of jet black with red, peen, ivory or IT*Y· Call your telephone buainesa office today or tomorrow. .. ' ' J ., - PAGE'. PART f -NEWPORT HARIOI N~PReS~ THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 OCC HONOR STUDENTS TOUR .L A. ON ANNUAL FIELD DAY Is, ............ . to Sc• COKlne Th HARIOR Honor .wdeftC. trom Onqw eout ~· •.,.et_ u after· -&Dd .... iq .tatt.tar attrn.ct.loU'lia Loe Anp\ea wt .,.._. tor UMtr annual fteld day, accontln• to )(lee Mary )I(· WUltam K. I~ Ill. Boy Bcouta ot America naUOAal ooun· C)eti up ... ly ell npn..at&ttn for the Oranp Empire ArM Qo\mcU ta ta at. Lou.la. Mo .• attendlA( the n&Uonal meeUnc. Be dpeet.a to retun SUlld&)'. every clay, a....r . .,ci'fUor.• J'l>un-atudeAta and their advt.or toured lh• Loe AA• ,.i.. Oowl~ Ku.awn durtnr t.h• attet'DOOll. dllled at lw1tser· laM RMtaw'sat,-. u4 wtt.Maed a productJon of ''ll\ICb· Ado Aboyt-Nolblq" v VIC cinm& departmt11t ~ Bovard Audi· todllm. 7 to 10 A.M. NOT lln ERbfHD -Mn. R. L. Bacon, H~g H08pital-Adminlat.r&tor, d<>M her best to lnter.t Sandra. 20-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mn. Ben Ko Sh1nuU, of 18056 ~ et th• loc&1 c.baplu ot ..Alpba Gamma 8lpa 1lllt.o mad• the trtp a.re: Joanne Merrill. VlrrtAla Moore. Wayne 8mlth80n, Paul Oaollna. 8ha~n 0'1', 8ondra Ha rbert, Harlan Oonter, Donna Shurr. Howard Allen, Valerie D' Amato, Dardle Sc!l&efer, ChrUtln• Rogere, Jerry Vau(h• alld Biii Pr1oe. ' .. 1be connnUccl l"lll dr,w .iaoo t ecout ...... fl"Oftl all ot the A&t.iOIL J'ollowiq Ult ~ ay progn.m. th• sroUp will aleel oUlc~t:t._ Hutchinson SOii ' A boy wu born to Mr. and M re. Chari.a H\ltchl80n, 11 T 31th It .. May H 1!1 Ho•&' hoapltal. i Marie 'V. Howe•; In1tructon John S. Owen.a, Kaymond ROMO and Bnnly c.mpbell: and MUdent• Lynn Smith, Bob'Graham, Jerry E-nna, Pat Raran. Roaalflond Bur- kett, J erTy Tbompeon, Jane Cowl· 1Ar and Dick Williama. Scrff n 9 D~ • .. ~ Nut Tueaday. the .ruor clue of Harbor Hl&'h School wU1 &'O to Oranp Cout campu.e to obeerv• the coller• lD action. On May M. thta priY1.ler• wUI be afforded the pro.pectt .. graduatee trom BUAt· in gt.on. ~ach. • Plywood • ShelYlllCJ ll•LIOll • FHcl119 • Doon· •• MUaJOI l"VNI PIUZUt TOU! WEATH&al I O&U! COFFEE!! .wltll DJ !Javis· Oii llacllo I 1480 on the ·radio dlal Huntlqt<m Beech Blvd. -Staff Photo Durln.. the flnit put of June COUllM1Jorw trom the oollep "111 _ ___..______ K<> ,o each high echool to conter OCC Teachers Visit Seniors ~ at 2 Schools with Individual •tudt1nta lnt.erMled ln •tt•ndlnl' Oralll'• Cout n .. t fall. ~ ONEI IUMBIR& 2727 Jo.MN# It. ?t•6etltt t•tS39i Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 During the put week repruen· taUvu of Orange Cout College have vl11tted the aenlot" cl&Hu of -lfeWl)OT't Marbor Urrlon--.nd Hunt- ington 84!11ch high •chool•. Tbe purpoae of theM vlaila hu been to pruent to the}lroapectlve grad· uatu Information reitardlng the educational opportunltlu available at Orange Cout. All lltudenta were givf'n the chance lo uk que1Uon1. Two team• f rom the colle1t• vi•· lted the varloua twelfth grade clUMI In °80ClaJ 1tudlea. ThOlle to pt.rtlclpate Included PTuldtnt Bu· II H. P t tt'rMln: Jamu W . Thom· ton, vke • president; Do.n o f Stu- dent PtrsQnnel Norman WatlKln: AllllO<:ia te Dl'ana Fred Rut>.r and DEATH NOTICE I HEN'RV T. Rl'jAD Funeral ~rvlcu for Hl'nry T. l1B8T BABY -The fint baby born in Hoag Hospital waa the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Si~ven, now of Gt.rden Grove, but then living at 2000 Harbor St., Co•ta Mesa. They named her Paula Fern (on chair) and llbe wu born the cSq the b09pltal opened. Sept. 15, 1952. They a.i.o haYe a MCOnd baby, Donna Lee, held by Mrs. Sievers. -Staff Photo Read, lmmedlat~ put president of the Orlmge County Clout A..,.oc· latlon were hllld thl• morning ln the Sa.n C I• m • n t • Epi11COpal church. He hll.d a number ot Ha~ bor frlenda. An Annapolla graduate and rl'· Und officer from th• U. 8. Navy. Mr. l'.-4 Nrnd on U.. ..-l&Oon for lhrM )'Ml'll, th• put 7.., u prMldlbL Re ta alao tM former mayor or Ban Clemente. I Herb Kenny, Bal}>oa pollmuter, waa an honorary pallbearer. I Vandals Scar Home l J. D. Dover11plke of 3ot 'E. 19th St. ~ported mallctoua mlKhlef had occurred In a six-room 1tucco hou.ee he wu building at 3~ Wal· nut Place, Cb.st& Mea ; betwttn Thunlday a.nd F11day. a.ccordlng to Meaa police. Doverspike 11&Jd ob- 1cen.e remarks were Imprinted In UpeUck throughout thfl houM. 1 . I PARKF.S -RIDLEY MORTUARY Fonnerl1 ORAUEL CHAPEL UO BrolMlway I-Coeta M- l.Berty 11-HU aod 8-SU4 MESA UPHOLSTERING 0......,._1 a Drapery UM NW'pL Blvd.. Coeta .... IAerty H11l IDENTICAL -Thetie 5 t/z month old girla are Debby and Cindy Nub. The girl holcijng the one on the eight la the twine' mother, believe it or not, Mn. Fred Nash. 2688 Pala Way, Laguna. The other, baby tender ia Bar- bara Martin. -Staff Photo · Rountrees Host Two HouseCJuesfs aei-an • ...._tMUce • ... tallattou STAFFORD & ION "NIU.oS and DOC" a.&OTJUO.U. COSTMO'l'OU ...... UlMrt;y ....... no RJn nlde A,_• Newpen Be&Clll H OUN aueata thl1 week at tht> )lom• ot Mr. and Mra. Onnond J:. RoUlltr'ff, 304 ~ Main St., are ~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;~;;;;~~~;;~~;;;:=:;g Mn. E. V. Campbell of Loa An· ~ ........ 1 p1-9. mot.her of Mt1. Rountree and Kn. JI. c. Ra~r of SteubeftTillt, ObJo. Mra. Campbell Cl'lf'bratfld her birthday Saturday with additional boua• guut.. Mr. and Mra. Kl'n· ' net.h Hemphill ot Loa Angeleti. gnacf'daupt.er ot Mn. CAmpbell. Platt Baby Born LOCKERS SPECIAL -Locken ( app. ~ lb.) 1lf'E f"EATl"RF. f'ELEC'TED PRDlli and l "HOl<.'t: M£A~ S1."J5 yr. A ctr1 ~ I lbe. wu born 'll • INl St. ~"'EWPORT KACH ...,._ 0'1111 to M r . and Mn. Courtney Platt. ~~~~~~~~::;===:==:==:=:=l.:~~:=-::J •OT Vlat& 8&1' eo.ta Mee&. lJl at. Joeepb'•. bolpttal. ,_. ... Ana, May U . ~Ills Co•11•1recl '.31leutlll lalatf• ••• " Lons BeeM -A trted aad pro"1l ..-.dy. Oftl7 OU otft~ -.U ..... u1red for "lid tn>rn t.boee lortllJ'o hie pain-. Arthrttia. )318 S. T\11 at.. Loq Be&cb '-Hoare Moe., TIMa.. Tllun. A J'rt. t a. m. to I p.m. -Ad•. . BUil T. ON YOUR LOT HOIMI -l11come U111ts 8"t Poeeible Fill&nr l "J ~ CARDINAL HOMll 111 IJ. !Srd 8&. ta Costa 11 .. I 0pea , na,.. o,. Eva by Apt* u MM5 <Polltlcal Adwrttaement) (Political Advertlaement (Political Adverllaem•nt I (Political Adveru .. ment) . . . DON'T TRADE REVENUE ' FOR ADDED EXP-ENSE ! The Trailer Park Represent$ an annual income of s40 ,f'aeJ for the City of ·Newport Beach • • • If it is eliminated You. the -Property Owner and Taxpayer Must Make Up the Deficit! ·DO· YOU WANT -HIGHER TAXES ?i .. DO YOU WANT CITY-REVENUES CUT ? ./ DO YOU WANT To Be Saddled with further .Expense for Beach. Park and Recreation · For Out of Town. Citizens ? • • We Alre~dy Have 15.000 Feet o·f Bay Frontage for Public Swim· ming, a~d the 1000 extra feet made possible by the elimination of the Trailer Park is Unnecessary. Don't Eliminate $40,000 Annual · Income For Added Expense ) ( THE CITY COUNCIL MEETS MONDAY EVE. MAY 23rH f Be Present-Let Your City Council Know That You WON'T TU1 DE REVENUE FOR ADDED 'EXPEis.Er NEWPORT BEACH TAXPAYlll'I AlloCIATION , ' l l -. MISS MARY BARRETT ·-use Photo Top Honors of USC for --H -arbor ·Girl Von KleinSmid Award Given Mary Barrett Mary J. Barrett, 21, of 2772 Bay Shor e Dr., Newpo rt Be::1ch, was honored by the AsMciated Women Students of· t he University of Southern Cali fo rnia Monday at the annual rcl'ognitifln a8~cmbly, held in Hancock Auditorium. Shr rt'l'l'IVl'<f the Eliieb!'lh von , ------------- Kll'tnSn11d aw11r11, one 11f the three t"P h<•:1111 ~ of the 11n1\'er1uty, tor "r1111s1Ht•nry of 11Pn·1rr and loyally as "<'II as rer1tnna!yin1t the char- llcl"r .. r 111, h•I" wife of Cha.nrel· Harbor View P-TA Awarded lor ''"n l<l•·anXm1<1. Tht hnnor waa Al a Harbor View P ·TA. board prt>11Pnf,.•I hv Mr11. Ruth H. Grant. meeting, held May 11 a l lhe home r xl'r111 n · d11 Pct nr of the rampu11 or Mn1. Fred KW!ler. president, )'\\'CA M 1'1!. Warren Clemence. announced A'f THE GARDEN FETE This view of the master tea table shows only a part of the huge crowd which • attended the benefit tea and fashion show given by Hoag HoRpital Auxiliary in the grounds of the Lon V. NE WP O RT HARBOR MRS. Wr1tllP'RED BARBRE, Women's F.ditor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE I THURSDAY, MAY 19, 19S5 TO HONOR LOCAL KAPPAS AT USC MUSICAL TEA M11111 Jeann" Congdon. <laughter of Mr, Md Mra. Jack N. C'on.1:rlon, end Ml~.e Mary Barrell, daughter of Mr. and Mr-. Janwll Barrell. will bf' among t he 12 Ka ppa Kappa Gamma. Delta Tau chapter, ~entora to be honored by the Mothere Clu 11t a m11s1c11l,. tea ln the home of Mr. and Mn. George D. McD01111ld, Mulrfleld Road, Loa Angelu, Sunday, May 22, ,. from 2 to ~ p.m. The program will be presented by Ml11.1"• Lee Green, vocalist. and 1' ancy Bncard, pianiat, both Kappa aenlor1. Each senior will be prrsenled with a !!ilver bon bon dl11h, a tradition followed by the Mother. Club. Mrs. McDonald "'i ll be uslsted by Mrs. Eugene T. Ca.rey, pru1dent or the Mothera Club, In n~ceivlng the llonored a nd 1~c1al ~11ealll, amonit whbm wi.U be Mrs. Edward& While, dean of women al the U111veraity of Southern California. Thi' RWllr•I was kepl 11••rre1 until thal lhe F ourth Distr1rt had pre· t h•' 1114qi-mbly whlrh was attended aenled the unit Clnt prlu on the hy ~\'c:111l hundred women 11tu· yearly record book and a gold tlrnt• trophy on a n lncreMed member-WEDDING SHOWER TOO! Mt•" Rsn-l'll Is the daughter of ·ship. Mt nnd ~t r11 .J.1me11 S Barr~lt Mr11. Gordon Mc~lahon, way• and •~ " m<'mh.-r 11f K.ippll K11 ppa and mean11 chairman, gave a re· G1rnin:a "" eortt y !'h~ 111 prt•111<t,.nt port on the hl~hllght of the recent of lh• .TtOJ·"' Amuzun11. out~tand· convention. . lni.:. '' •imrn ~ arrvh.'4' Qrg&nlzat1on The next P·T A meeting will And '"' '' i<<'nlnr In lh!' Collei:e of he held Tt1esday At 2 p. m. In the Ullt'r~. A 1 tJ<, and S<'lf'ncu . So-srhool autlitorlum. The new offi~ raol"l!Y 11' hn major. r trs will be Installed by Mra. Ha.r- \'ty Peue. Theme !or the meet· In" wtll be •"Your Children 11.nd Your <:ommu1111 ,. .. Duncan St.ew-~rt will give a' talk on thr nl'w ·omm11nily Youth Center bP1ng State Grange Officers Attend Harbor Dinner Stale and county otrlcer•, .. 1 couple and c11ttlnr.or the bride'• well u membe.ra from 2i !!Ul>Ord· cake follow~ th' wedding much , -and !!lnglng of "Oh Prnm1se Mt>" I matt• 11nd r nmoM Grangr11 from by Mr11. F. W. Davis, lfUl'lll of lhe • 11even cou11lle11 were smong the Joe Davlse11 nf Cost11 Mea11, and 1 400 people attending the third llJ\· MIS& E liiabeth Lompe of Wlntera- .. Fellowship Meet at St. Andrew's burg Gra.nge, 1)111lt near the S('ho<1l. Mr11. l'\nr· 1 nual fH•h !ry or Nrwport Hllrbor mRn Carlson, health xntl l!Rfety J GrRnge held rerc·ntly s t Amtr1can h w thl' May 1:enPr•I 11Ps.t110n. t'ha1rman, will report on a\·eals hl<' Legion Hall. Card Party Wanikis nt•·mher11 or U'le exrrutlve board nf rf.'cr!'11t1 on11t facilitlrs for the t h(• Womt>n'e f"ellow3hlp nf Sl ,·outh of Lhe a rra thtll 11ummcr I lnclud!'J were 11l3le Chaplain A11d1·1•w'11 rrrllh)'ll't Ian ( 'hurr h h•J!I· I Le~I\ Lal lier or Lo-. Angeles; stale for t rss .. 1 ll lunrhr on for mem~tll of n · . M f L<>rturer Margaret Avery of RI· lhl' fl\'e rnrll'l!. inner eet or ~11' Glenn B&llt'~'. chairman. D M I '·crinde: Jllmrs FrQllt of Oj&l, Ven-Members o! Wanlkl Asoyed an ht•.trtl 'ri·pOi l" Crom~ Mrs Oonaltl e 0 ay Mothers lura County dr-puty: H.-rbert Ma r-afternoon oi brldge and canasta An.Jen.on. lli'CN'llll y. and Mn . Ber· De~lola , !\lothrr's C'lub will hnld 11hall or Onlar1o Los An1tl'les when thl'y met Al the home or t ha 1'1llol110n, t rl'~ure1 • ~1rs. ) Cuunt~· 1h'pu1y Robt 1 t \\'a1.tlow ~trs. J_ame11 Van Dyke. Mrs. Don Lloyd Fi•lsi m led the devotions I fhetr .!'<'COnd dinner me••tlnj: nt th<' Of Santi\ An". Orsnge County de-K1rkplllrtr k was aaaislln~ ho11le11• ~trs J . Lllmar John•ton program I year on We<lnP~llay Msy 2!'i, s t puty. Sen Herni;rdtno \ounty Lee-a.nd Mrs. George Stricker pt e111ded ch111rm1tn, prr11Pnttd a.~ 11peaker The Waterwheel Rrstaurant. 7842 turl'r =-:,ttt1' Palml'r of Fontlln&: Pre~nl were }.fmes. Vtrnon Elizabeth Dunbar, who !lervl'd for Sn Eur h<l Ansh!'tm, at 7 :10 pm and p11•l U1•puty Harolo1 Harding Ko!'psel. Rogrr Hanna.ford. Bl'rl "'111~\· \'el\rll 1111 lllt'dlral mllll\lona ry \I bl' I or Thumal. Connell. Maune Slan~y. Charin In n~rth India . · em rs may gn 'lrer~t or mrl't ("l11n:>v or lhe ... ,nn•r ... a.•. it' •ur· \" H h E H t R11r haf'I c·1rrle will be ho11lr~-n al 6 30 I'm 11.t R.Anrhn C ll'n. 21~1 .~ .. < ~ ~ a \ tgg, arry As ton. rnelll ar • . .,., pr111e w1'llrhng 11huw"r for Mr. ttnd man, Jack :o;t'lson. Jack RRuh. Al· for the Jf!n,. Ff'llow~htp hmr ht>on lrYtnl'. <:osta Mrse. hnme of ~tr>1 Mt1<. Hay !'moot of H1nr111t1e. Mrs. b...rt Stocktun. Berl Webb, 'Roy ancl proi:ram will be cnlnred pl<'· C11rl Thomu . Sm0<it "' the fl'lrmer ~1 r11. Marge Yourstone a nd the ho11tesee11. Nt xt l}lrre 11how1ng th,. 11tr1111gle of '"'' ~lothe111 or all DeMola\' boy11 In Rm< kl'll ,,f C'o.,ta MeM. 11nd 11n ~rs:11on will b,. offlcC'r rlectlon. 11nli Amerkan l ndiAn family lo find I the Harbor arra antl c.;~la MM"a oCflr er of Nt>wpurt Hirrbor GritnE?e. ",II bP held 11t the homl! of Mra. their place UI 11 modern city. are lnvltt'd to I! ttenl'!. rr,.l!tnlalion the 1 Ashton. :1) /?A/_ l~f!.. ~~ ... r11.,.'&.• MM SHOE FASHIONS CANVAS CASUALS Hearty, Happy Play Shoes at Healthy Savings! We've Marked Down Every Pair ••• So Hurry in CANVAS LOAFERS in Brown end Navy Blue ; Martced Down to COSTA MESA Smith est ate at ,Em"eratd t.ay. All money raised was mat ched by the Smiths and will go toward expanding the hospital. -Gene Roes Photo· • Hoag Auxiliary Garden F ete is Smash Success I "'Ith bouqu"t. ot n owt ra. At the twco .. n11An•"8 1:ik1ni: 11.Jht~ a 11d aupt>rv111nc the !•'"' .... iJl\'<11, \\U-e )tmu H uwa rd JUo. chairman Wll· Uam Mtra m1, cu chairman, with Mmta. Howard llltt. C'ha1rman. \\'11· eron a nd Jal"\< Conc•lt1n aNt.8Ung. Hoete.uta wtre: r.tmra. Orval Stewart. J ohn •t<lcl.A'<>d, Elwood Marlin. Jol\nny J.tercer, Earl Stan- ley, all ot Newport Beach: John Daniella, LAmon He1('hta; A.rt.bur Wap er , S.n ta Ana, and :'oiell C . .0.wltt., k.nt& Ana. TH08t; l'Ol11UNQ Preeldlnr over le.a and coffee W"ll• were: Mmea. A, L. J>:inkl•y, Frtday Anernoon · Club, ('oata Meu ; Jack Colvin. Huntlnfton Beach Au lln ance League: George 8 . Rea)•, Junior Women'• Club. La- runa Beach; O. E. McDowett. Hun- tington Buch Women't Club; Wil- liam Com ito, Women'• Felrowablp of Flrat Preabyter1an Church, Sa.n· ta Ana; Al.o from local organl&aUona, ~S" W ide Crease Resistant Mercerized Just Arrived # 1'fmea Nlchola': Brtllftw, 1'...-port Rl'&<'h &bl'll Club: Fornet NMl, M.i1 .. 111.m.e Lea1u •. J unior A.Wlil· 1ary;. Ralph Tllndowa!ty. Udo Ule Womf'n'1 Club: Dunc&n St-art. Women'a Ch'1r Le.,.ue, OlVUl Ball<'y. Wom•n'• Fe.llowl>atp of St. And~w·a rrubytenan Church; Mle J ean Howell, 8 uainff9 a11a Proteutona.1 Wome.n'e Club, and Mlmlt Clara Kohlltedt.. Women'1 8o- clety of ChrtaUu a.rvtoe, Olrial Church by th• ha. ~, wi.. 'f loUJBrS Party Beat.I lte.e J•O-' If. Coon H'I/ .. Corotte Ul llar Harbor 5011 Comal' a cick•d GfJCJharn A Real -Buy at A record crowd of over 1000 women attended the annual benefit garden fete of Hoag Hospital Awtilia.ry on May 12 in • the s pacious grounds of Smitbcliffe, the Lon V. Smith eatate I at Emerald Bay. Mn1. D. M. Hummell welcomed guests, and Fruit ofloom Percale Prints gave the· 11urpr111e announcement -• that Mr. and M r1 .. Smith would ne.r the terrace, were decorated I with ant.her1um1 nown from Ha· match, dollsr for dollu, the money 1 f 11 bldl ra ided at lht benefit. wa1 . 11praya o ye ow cym um I Mrs. Hummell, who i• prelide.nt or t1>0 auxlllsry. 11laled, that al lhP annool meellrg ln April t he group had pledged $2~.000 to the boa~ ~pan11lon .prognm, the money to be r•l•ed over a period of SO month•. Summer atylea, from c&IU&I to formal wear, were emceed for Buffum'a In the faahlon abow, "An Oriental Bauar". Door priaee weH donated by the It.ore, and wen won by Mmee. Sherry Major, II:. B. Merker and K&1'7 N.a-ot Three Arch Bay : Mrs. Jl!dpr R-iltroo1' and Miu Helen Porter of N-- port Beach. TROPIC AL FLOWERS and the maat•r table, covered by an Imported lace cloth, held 11ilvl'r I ce.ndelabra a nd waa centef ed with an epergne willed with A m1111~ of I yellow roaea. Punch w,io eerved from a 11lver punch bowl. Credit tor the lovely decoration• gou tll Mra. Chartu Lamb, Mra. Irving Watcher, both of Udo Iale, and Mmu. Herbert Sheffiln and 0 . F . rr-man. ~na Beacli. I Mrs. Donald Co&e(TO>c• of Udo Ia&.. ln charge of food. wu ualtlted by J.t.mea. Donald Hart, Robert J"ratky. , •"7 Onlpe and ,ob.D lll'oue1tt-. aD of Udo ble. SILVER RIBBON 'J'he fuhton ahow arra waa en· closed by 111lver ribbon futened a l 1 only 4~ per yd. We Gh•11 0"'4'11 ~Hampe OPES FRIDAY EVEN I NO 'TlL 1:00 P. M. einert's DSP.&idmT ft'OIUI: 1111 N_,,.... ....... 0.... .._ FREE PARKING REAR ENTRANCE The t ea tablea, aet In the aroa the top of the aupportln~ a1.ai.e.·--------------------------- • al)nounc1ng • * MONDAY MAY 16th -AT 34401/2 Via Oporto In the lido Shopping Center BUD Opening of LANNING 'S '• The Harbor Area's Foremost Hair Styl- ists-offering you their latest techniques and trends ... only an ·expert custom- wave can achieve that perfectly natura·I look for you. Let our experts•groom your hair for summer-. Harbor 5364 ... «'.. ~ .- all the latest modern equipment for your . convenience Featuring DOROTHY JOHNSON GRACE STRUBLE MILDRED SMITH HELEN McDONALD ' BUD'S BEAUTY ·SALON .• I _3440112 Via Oporto i" the lido Shor.ping Center Newport Beach • • , I PAGE 2 -PART 11 - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS HOSTESSES AT THE PUNCH BOWL -Thill group of hos tesae:1 al Hoag 0Hospital Auxiliary'~ benefit garden party and fElllhlon show at the Smith eatatj!, Emerald Bay, i• from the Harbor ue'a. From left to iight ~re THURSDAY , MAY 19, 1955 Afmes. Donald Colgto\'l', Ralph Tando .... •sky. Charles Lamb, Harry Ca!Wy and In ·in g \\'atcher. ----Cl'.'ne Ross Pho Lo • BRIDE-ELECT -Mr. and }.frs. Clyde P. ~Yhite. 2001 Santa Ana A\'e., Co•ta Me1Ja, ere announC· ing tne engagement or thei r daughter Joyce Lee, to Tom McClell and(""!on of ~fr. nnd hofrs. H. T. Mc· Clelland. 169 East Coet11i Meaa ~l. Both young pe6- Ple are graduate• of Har- bor High School. .,. ·•nlct ot Pafftll-Teaclltr work, with I Ek t d N l Newport P-TA esnphu l1 on p1rUamt nl•l')' proced· s ran s 0 e ure, P-TA ft'•l• and bulc ptO• · • D elegates at ··~:.:;:;:;:;, " , .. ,. .. ,. Silve r Weddin g S C f b TA, ;\l r• ... \'allace, a ltr.nded th•I' A 2~-yeir "'•!thnl( •nn1,r1 u1 y tate On a Pubj!c welfano conferencf'I, hls;h · ll(hlln1 need• for children ind c•l•br1 t 1on "''• heLil !'.11n.i.~· •r:~r· Dtlt pl•• trom Newport Ele· youth tn th• eo1nmur11ty. Di~!.!•· 1 lloon •I lht )10111• r l ;\lr. •nd i1t., "'-l•l')' .cl'lool .,ho 1ttend•d th• 1lon11 c1nttrtd oa th• dovf'La\llnJ \'\ctor E k1tr1nd. Zl\M Ehlf'l'I f l , ~th annu1l C'onv.nUon of the C.11· ot eueh flelde u Juvenll• protrf'· Co11a ::O.le111. whor" :;.'! !ll<'no.l• 11~::-i. t ornl1 Conrrt•i ot P1ttnt1 e.nd Uon ... t1ty ind <'IV1l (lefente ""'1lhl 'red 1ro1ind the 1mor111a1>VrJ 11b',., T ... ch1r1 r.ctntl7· at the Shrine P -T A )H'Olt&ml &nd rroJtclll. f Pr~nt wt re MP.Ura. t.n.:I J.hn•.•· Awll.tortum ln Loe Anreles-were j Mr1. C1rdn1r, NewHtte editor. Erk F.ck~:1.nd. ll•rl")' ::111!\h, J1>4· Km ... J 1ck M. Bradbury, R. J .11v1tled her1o1Lt of the df'partmrnt I eph De Sutler. A. Ar-.liC:h ,,nburR. Vt'allac1 1nd JL S. C.rdntt. b.<'h lof c-ommunlc1tlon1 Hmlnare, con-l c eorre H11:hn1lll"r. F'r•nk Mo,.,.n. del111t1 1ttended IJMC\tlc :teml• a!Jllln& of pr ... publklty, ne--ey. Ludwig ~nrli',., R6m11 !11r \\'ti• nan 1ubdlvtded Into '"Tflo0\1hop1"1 ellee. home ~adlnr e.nd ll b•lll'Y l •on. >if•\ F:11rk1<>n 1'h1.rh~ Ma l- and "\\'ork1hop1." •rrvlee, motion pleturu . and radio pa1a. £,1"·11·<1 ?il11l~1ua, Ed"'~11I Mr1 Brldbury ~<'ently tnduo;l· Of! Suttr r. ~I r•. Gf{lt lt Burn•. C:u I ~ ae 'Newport l:1ement1,ry P -TA. I.lid te.levtelon. Eckel rand. o .. ·11r l-.:1t!lns and t"-" pre•ldent rw the <'Omln& year, wa1 waa ho.st couple. Mr. and >ilra. f'.<'k - conetrned mall'l.ly with.I.he mteh· 1tr1nd. ________ _ WU AlOllG 1111 SMQOlll SPOl1S OUlRT 5.90 Church Wom en O bserve Day Rl11C, Ca lvin Slll..,·ell e.nd Jack l--------------------------1 You'll fool w oudomll ln-comfor1ablo Mparatn atrolUna on ded: or on the "°"'"· ""· u oyd Fo<oom ' 0 " M AGNOLIA BALL P LANNED T he -D r am a the atory a nd purpoee or'the day. of 4.50 1horo-lmpoccobly tolio<od by GRAFF ... ,. ~;,::;'":,:;~:,::·;:0~:"'""'~"' BY JUN IOR EBELL GRO UP League Work Mtalc program wu by 1-lmee. of long W9Grlna .SAILCLOTH -M9rcerlz:.d-cotton lh01'1 SANFORIZED of £ellowship United ChLlrCh \\'01no;>n annLJ1lly ob11erv1 May Fello"·11h!p d11y, and then1a thie year "''"J 'Tlte H.rspon· •Ible Chrl!lllan F'a n1Lly." The !let· \•Ice Willi h.,Jd s t Christ Chur<'h b 1· the Sea \\•Ith the pre11l<!,nt. :.tr~. Che11ter F i11her, 11"r1·111i:: In abeence of the chalrn1:1n , !>1 1'1. Everett n,~ :\lr1. Irving \\'ll lC'her, 1-lrs. \\'. A. 1-fcBrtde and 1-[rs. f>. F. IJ11tne11 lert In the "'GJ"llhl p ur,·lce. A p11.nel d!scu1111lon 11t reAlng r tap()n- albi!Hy or parent11, thfir con1·1c· tlnn. and power or l'x11mp1 ... Tllk· Ing part wert lolra. J o 1 1 p h HamblPt, moderator ; lofme11. l-lanl Dele\'lll F'teit•g and Robert Mere· dith, with Mra. A. J . Rutter 11a director I.lid Mr•. L&\'erne J 11C'oha •11 nrian.l1l. ~1!11.t Clara h'.okiatedt. \\'.SC.~. pr111d,nt, wel1.:Qn1~ rl'1Jre11ent a- t1vea trom nfnl.' ehurrhe1. The Re,•, Roy Ca rlaon ga"• lhe in,·o- catlon e.nd bf'nedictt<Jn. 11,.glstn•!I wen1 Mr!!. \\'. S. llun~k<'r and ::O.f ra. John E . S11dleir. L:shrre were Mra. Artht1r :.tiller 11-nrl :.1 ra. ~!:or· Ian Sef'ley, .\l r.'1 .. \l11rlon ~kholu ,.,.a.., !n 1·hargf! or the nursery :.tr1. Jo11eph lJOOn111n. aS!lb!~ by Dalbo" J11l11nd &mi Uu Amiga.a Cl rCle1. "'ere in rh11ri:e or tf'a, :.tr1. Roy Car\aon e.nd J.fr1. F'lsher pour9d:"" e Shop Where Selection is Greatest - t'Ulorhd -C(!mtortahle -Cool! RATTAN FURNITURE In \\'ld11 · f"~tec:tloa Ynu'll d"lll'ht ln our "'·ond .. rtul -elH tlon. Bed dh·an1, eolfl'<'.! tahlf'•, f'nd tahle11, de-k,,, han, har Rlooho, Pie. flne1t wnrkm1111hlp, In ne"·"•~lylf'I e.nd color1. f'haln, All of Close-Out! Only 2 Sets-Re9. 84.95 & 89.50 5 _pc. DINETTE SETS Tbe (r?al.Ht buy or th .. .''rar'. One ..,, hu 36ll2fi In. drop lea! tahlf' Iha! OfW'n!I t o S&ll•8 In.; the otb .. r. h&11 snx•O In. P11IMN011 -tnp I.able and OPf'n• to llB ll /'it In. Both tablMI hi!\'" FORMICA Tor~ ln t<batc'Oal ""l41r. t:af'h ,,..., hn~ t 1•IM!le uphol•lef'f'd cha.Ira. FOLDING CHAIRS t'ior n....b, \'M"allun, only t49S \'arni.h hafdM·ood frMne Mllb multi · rolol"fld atrllM".4. t<1un ·a1 f'O \'l!rin&., •·n14a n.t~-1 to takf' on lrir!l. Hard"·ood t•,_. Foldin9 Backrest )fu.ltl • <'Olof'f!d 1trlprd -·-c--s19s ftlAEDJ at beiM;-Jl or plt'ato ..... __ ...... --.... •49•• Jn\'ll11\)on~ h1t«e l>•'l'n rl!111l"•t un<l i;rl!.t t'flll 111.~,i::no\1& bloa- 1on1J1 are brinj.; 1nsh!r111.-.1 in prr p11r1&!1un fOr lh<' J unior t'.bell t:ll1h'11 annu111 ph1h1nthl'op1c pal'!)'. the t:ott<Jn Ball to be hl'ld J une 3 1t the BeaehC{Jft!h<•rs f 'lub "fn San J uan Capistrano. - ?ifn Cecil Llnk••y, gl'n• 1'al l'halrn1 an ur th" b>tll, /11111 bet'n a s- 11urt'd of 11 la•·l~h buff;,·t dlnn .. r. "'"-kh 1,. lo ~ lll"rvrd froni a to ti p m. Dnnring \\'ill r .. 110"'' "''llh rnu:slt: pnJ\1ded by th.- B,.11r hcombcr11 <'lnb's o,.,·n or·r h,.11tra . T h• buffet t1ble. d1nlnK roon1 11n•I d11nrini:: 11r~a will be decorated with 11rge n1ng-noll11.1 and glllt<'r l<":•v.-s. sug~'allva or the ro,inance or aumn1t'r IJl"a1ure. T•ble d•.,·oratlon.s are t o be cleverly ·wrought 1rnn flll'.urr1 "'h!~h "'Ill hold the n&me• or the iable rtMrv11llons. l nv1tallon11 11 r11I rrs~r1•11t!o1111 are being handled by 1'lr1. Belly Reynold.•. :\1 r~. E<lwan t H. K··lly l.t cle<'or11tlon1 ch11lrn1an, 11s•l11ted by !>l r1< ll11y Do1111ld, t11ble decoratlon1 e.nd J.tmet. Robert Gijr r, Donald F utter, Robert FT1i\ey 11\d Burr Whita. Quality Highest -Prices Lowest Lar9e Gorden Umbrella Re<J. 21.95 Values 7 K gardf'n umbrella with 8 rib!', Ya t dy .. d duck co\'er In "holce of color&. 4 In. ,,·hit.a frini;::P. S·w•r tut hard"·()0{1r 1r. Other garden lirrihrella.'f Umbrella Table$ from 14.95 Redwood Tables & Benches ~- e • tL He&\'Y Duly • Otl Tn-ated lo r?t1l1t the ,.· .. athr r Deluxe Redwood Loun9e "1tll HMVJ Duty, \'al Dytd f'lld 11 .. ,. Zl.9.) '18" PADS! PADS! PADS. AT ~f't:CJAJ. !ool'IUSl; l'llll't;s \'at Dyed H1>~~•\ A' \\'r.ll<'d :~~.~~~ ...... '59'' ~·~1A1':<'''i!AO~ •5~~ ..\~•!. ("Ul•lt l Otber ec:oi OOUCJI f'AJ;>S. bo•lld .. "'tllrd, ~·~t:'3~":ion _, ........ : 71l;I WE ARE HEADQUA RTER S FOR • Bamboo shad .. • • ll"ml• ll.t11t1 • a..riboo t"PcQCln& • Rm•h ll.u1:1 • """'"'°° nr..-• nam.-qu ... • SANTA ANA TENT &-AWNING 1626 South Main · Street S...la ha FREE DEU\'ER\' Kl 2-SM5 OPES FRIDA\' A:SD MONDA\" S IGlrTill •. FOR \'OUR COX\T.:0-'Il::S('t: , The llfe of t. welfare ch1\rm1.n ind her ron,mltt .. e wu 11lu1trated by the r'pnrl gtven 11t the monthly n1f'et1ni:: ot the =--e"''JlOrl H•••~bo"'-'l---~IO AUIS(lll'ffe Lt11°iuP -hild---oii' ay 17, Mr.11-John Boyd, chairman. and her commltt,.e CQITlpolltd ot Mme,, A. rthur Lewi,,, O. l\'. Richard. Ken- n<·lh St10 rege, Tern Ham brook and Chariee SuJU v11n 11 re called upon to mrf'l rmer£"rncle.'I large and 11'1111 \I. La..,. New Shipment Graff 11-and T Shirts TrAgedy, humor and drama ar'e .ome or the r11cet" or thll work "'hich demands a depth of patlenc,., 8}'n>plillhy and under8LAnd!ng. To lllu,.lrate this. one n1e1nbfor nad two t:1tll1 "'!thin a few m1nuteJ1 JWnod recently: a dl~lr1ughl pt:r· eon threating 11ulc!de 11 nd lln old lady a"klng tn have her telf'vi1!on I 1'1'palred. The catt or the youn/( wire ar· riving on the bue rrom the North· 1 "'""l "'Ith a lt'n d11y ol•I baby an.U I, nn funds to buy the next formula ror UI• llny one, brou1ht a m em-N~~%T .. Op on -Sundey1 10 to 5 1 --bP.r on the run ""'Ith immediate help, ' Commit \"" report" wrre 11ven on lhe ''lllrlou" 1c11v!!ll'11 or tlte League Lnd !>l rl. Ed"·11rd R. )!1!- !ett the.nked the luncheon ho1teN1- e1, 1-fmes. 0 . V.', Rlch•rd, Ted Hambrook, J ohn J ohn,.on, Rkhard DEPARTMENT STORI! Oii th11 oc-n ri-o.t at 2fnd 8 1. 0-llffrt Block from Sewpor\ .Pier NEWPORT IEACH We Glwe S & H GrHll Stomps • C1111llr. \\', H. Spurg('()n and H. E. I Stahler. GRAFF CALIFORNIAWEAR ' • • • Ask Any Islander TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING Grocery Department ~·1~ ~I Mont.>! KaJ\·n PEACHES .... 8 .. Y.' .T l'JCE GRAPEFRUIT ,8-<>L 29c ,., :SlbH-l'• MEXICORN . -~---~'.17~ .~:. 2 ... 25c 'SPECIAJ.S FOR MA\' 19-20-21 Don's Meats T Bone ROAST t.onr l11lud ..... -..... Jb. DUCKS ..... ·--.................... .lb. C'lt<'le K BACON . -···-·-···········"" DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT ., /7 th. Sh. . ,, '::JrDfl op Ubby'1 TOM A TO JUICE ....... . Campbell'• PORK&BEANS •'" 23c . ,., Tl.DE :._._ °'""'6~ ,A,,. 29c . 3 .. "" 25c 8 klpp7 DOG FOOD _ BAB-0 . __ _ 2 .~, 23c 17c 8ao .. · Crop ORANGE JUICE DICK'S Green Groceries Local o ...... l 'ri•p + llOMAJ!lo"I: LETTUCE _ '8&Q Die&• County CUCUMBERS Speclollll119 .In 9llOl1ty l'nlduce '(ou Select ••• We Dellver 23' ... , ..... ,,, .... )' 2·1.ayor • MOCHA CAKI 79' ... ..... THE MARKET SPOl--- 200 MARINE AVENUE \_IALloA ISLAND , • , I I J THU RSDAY. MAY 19, 1955 NEWPORT HAR.SOR NEWS-PRESS-PART I I· PAGE 3 Mesa ROMS Ta•• MlSS MONA FAY McT 1GGART -Ray HUff Photo na McTaggart Reyeals Troth to Delta Ganlmas Co~ta Mesa Girl Engaged Marston to Richard w . Gamma, and Phi Beta, naUonal mWlic ·and apeech fraternity; ahe served as V1c:e president of her sophomor• clus. &11 president o Chlmea. chairman of UCLA chap· ter of Calllornla Club. chaJrm1tn It was t o her D <.'lta Gamma sorority sisters at UCLA ot the Unlnr•lly R.ellgioua Conler- t hat Miss Mo na Fay McTaggart r evealed her engagement ence studeru. board, and Studf'nt· faculty commlllPP; she la &180 t <i Richard W eldon M arsto n in the traditional passing of a member or Spura, Mortar Board candy. while a hidden party favo r revealed the name. em-and Trolt.. · d · Mr. Kant.on 1il 195'·':>~ atudent boss<'d in gold. Clue t o finaing the favor wa.s containe 1n body p resident t1t Unlveraky or a (>t><•m rt-llrl ro lh,. wnm,.n I son nr Mr end Mra. Winthrop S. California: Berkeley . carnpua. He T h· h1 l•l'"·"I"' I 1• th•• •lff llj:hlt-r Manton or El Cerrito. WU president o f hte llQphomore .\fl~11 McTllu;art wu gTaduated cl&A and la a member ot Alpha of )I I .rnd Mr• Wtl11arn Oamel from ,Newport Ha.rbor High School Tau Omega. Callfomla Club and M1 Tai;:i:urt, 1!JZ7 :-lewp111 l Bh·d . und 18 sctlve on the ueLA campus G<:llden BE>&r. ., C"11lll 11 ~'""''1 11nd h<'r fumr r 111 thP wh"r• ahe ill a.tflllated with Delta No w('(ldlng <late h u been Mll. EARLY WITH THE IR BUNDLES arc tliese members of the A ssistance League, (l to r ) Mmes. W illard K illion, Austin Sturtevant. A llen CriseU and H ow ard PC'terson . The Ifundle brunc h, annual affair whic h provides new Nielsen Kin· Hosted at L.A. Dinner A famUy &et torelher and. Molheni Day celebration wu th• Incentive for a dinner hosted at the Bel-Air Hotel by Mr. and Mn. Alyn Nielsen, aon and daughter· ln-law of the Ray Nlelaena, 332 Holm.wood Drln, Newport Hel(l\ta. Included were Mr. and Mn. "Olar· lea Sldnarn of San Clemente. Mr. and Mrs. \Vllli&m Horton and l!IOD GllJ of Beverly HIJJa, Mre: Helga WamPr of Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nlelaen. let. $4.ts Mlalohre ALARM CLOCKS stock for the Thrift Shop, will be h eld Wedneeday, May 25. at the L eague Ser vice Center on 32nd'St. -Maggie Price Photo IC. v. Jl'Ttt.a Of 2123 N•11"PC>rt Blvd., Cotta M...., nported &heft ot n)ee bWlh .. from ht. p....-nleM &ut 'nlurwrtay. -a Snith-Corona POITAILE TYP£WlllEI . I It'• the sift for a U!e!lme • ~ • the portable that a1vea bit. office·macbinc performuc.. Full·liu keyboard of cour-. 39 ftatureS for •mooch. i... dependable typinS. Smllh-Coroaa II the worW"I ftnt and fut• ponable ~ ,..rittt. Come in, IOI and lrY it. So .uy to buy ••• '1". Pay M Uttle u a wHk LORE.NZ · 'ewelen IOI WMt 't.11 ft. ... ta ..... Open 1'rt.. to • p ... l'rM Partctnc at an1 )ot 2108 Ocean Front I M p 0 R T E NEAR NEWPORT 'PIER Newport 1w11 • • Phone Harbor 5 • ........... c.. ... Automatic .TOASTER ·-............. ,9. ... ............ Two ... ...,,. AT MAY LUNCHEON Lido I-Ste Women Elect New Officers tra.cUve book with nauUcal cover done by Mra. Herbert Riley wUl be on aale during the b&za&r. Orden1 a.re being t,J.krn in .Jdvance and a malling aerv1re 19 being •et up by the committee. R. i1erVaUon chairman. Mra. The A lyn N lel.aena hue reoent.- ly purcha.sed an apartment bu.lld· tng 111 Beverly Hlll.8 and are In tbe midst or m oving to 1~7 A.thton Ave. They entertained al a rock- tall party Jut Wronc"1&y evenini for family and tr1enda honortns the H. P. Jacobiiena or Minneapolis, Mlnn. J acobaen, a cou11ln of Mra. Ray Nlellien, wu attending a den- tal convention al the Blttmore. Th• couple, whlch comes to C&ll· fornJa every two year•. ttp~ amuement al the building growth In Orange County trtnca the lut vi11lt. Jnme11 Martindale, reported lhlll p TA Board to ........... """ -3"· * .. ...W • ...... ,__-c......_ . D ' s c B«J 1'ai«u /tn ~ PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE A spring time lunche on and card party was diversion offered t o Lu.Jo Is le W oman's Club m e mbers after business 11nd election of officers a t the ln·ine Co untry-Club M ay 10. M n1. (,;('n<' Hoss. decorations chairman, was assisted by .Mme!' Redfi<.'ld Dinwoodie, B e rwy n Maple and R alph Ahrens. E :1rh Rmall t11ble h11t1 Ill! nwn grovr: '"cond vice-president, Mrs. canary rulor"<f i\l11ypol" trimmed J~ F:. Ptt'lninger: recording aec- w1th p1u!lel Mlln ribbtms. Talllta reiary, Mra. Paul M. Ror en : cor· v. ..-rr May ba.•ki-1.3 t1l\\1chcd lo J>e· responding aecretary. Mr~. Nell tll•' nns~gsy; or rln111ly flowers. Ct1meron: treuu~r. Mrw. Gene w. Two large table!! hacl wide runnera Roae and parllamentar1an, Mra. ot mat1lt'nha1r rrrn m a<ldlllon lo Charlea A. Lamb. rtlnbow hu!'d cent .. rplece11 an<! fra-Mel Berry • .memb« o( the Hllr· ff'1nt" OllW~l'lt bor High-Citizens <'ommittee, waa M !"ll. Robert f'. Templeton waa j Introduced by Mra. Robert Keppen, In rhllrJ;"I' or the card pu1y. Num-proKJ'lll'h ch&lrm&n and g•ve a talk eroua bc11ut1fully wrappl'd table I on how to raise fundi! for a nPw pn us W"rr a rrtllli;t·J on & table lugh achool on a "p&y u you go" covered by 11 grt>en cloth. Its outer buui. el'.lge bank ed with ft'rn and cenlf'r· ~tr1. R.l1lph Ta.ndow.sky. prrsl· ed wllh « l&rg<' )taypole. The rib· dent, uked Mra. Keith Cordrey, bon:. iotret. hr <! towa rd rl(Ul'H 11pec1a; evcnlll chairman. to rt>port holding 11mall bouquel1. the effect on plans for the bazaar scht'duled being that nr d1l1dren d1U1 Clng on (Qr June 3, 1 to 5 and 7 tu ll I'm. a gn<'n lawn. Mrs. Vincent Sal-Proceeds will go tow&Td communl- ma~1a 11..«S11<tE"d Mt'll. Templeton. ty proj!'cl!I. This annual atfair, M r. Templeton and Gene R-Oee &e· open to the pulllic, hea In ronner ffmblt'd the prt'lty Maypolea. yeara bem preMnled u nov:er. on,CERS ELFA"l"ED" antique and hobby ehowa. The nomlna Ung com.mitt.ff. NF." COOK BOOK h«°'.tdPd by Mra. Char.lea A. Lamb. --'rhe tlnit t.I\VC cook book, ju.at nported on It• work. rouowm, I ort lha preu. made Ila debut &I'd otrlcera were elected: P"nl11ldent., the editor, Mr1. Leon Wa re, w11.11 M rs. Thomu L. Letto; flnit vice-Introduced u wu Mr~. Donald prwtdent. Mra. Donald R. Cole-Col,.~e. Mlee chalrman. Thla at.. th• method or paytng in adVMce - for luncheon rreervatfoM lhl• peal year h11..11 been a greal succua. Present Student It was Mnounce<t that the gar· 1 den ~S4'ctlnn will mttt Tueaday, Art A d May 24, 10 ll.m. at lhe home Of war S Mrs. Ralph Ahrens. 11!1 VI& S&n Ramo. with Mn. Irving Watcber U <'ha.innM . Toastmist ress Will Elect Officers The Jul executive board meeting for the current yeer of the high school P·TA wlll bo held Monday, Mav 23, ln the home e<"onomlca cot· tag~ at the achoo!. M.ris.. Jud80fl Sulherla.nd, pre11ldent. will intro- duce the new chairmen and com- m ittee membera. Harbor ToutrnlstttM Club will Three Harbor 1tudenta will be hold elecUon ot officers at rt.a meet· preatnted with P·TA awa.rd.1 for Ing Monday, 7·30 pm. at Hospital-the a.rt exhlblL On Me.y l the P-TA U.y..lio111e In .Ballioa. !rp(tnt10red-the·arllst11" tea-Wltlt-Mfw.- Mra LeRoy Anrleraon will be Robf'rt Zelitler '"' chAllrmM. &a• toutml11tru11 ot the evening and I slslrd bv Mrs. G. J\torgan Fttz· Mrs. Edward Mirkovich, top1cm1s-1 water. Mrs.. R. T. Steven1 wu 1n tttss. The Invocation and pledge charge of table deroratlona and will ~ g1\>1"n by Mrs. Albert E . Mrs. Stanley LeLlevre wu facWty Johnson. the pearl by Mu . J . E. repre11entat1\'e. P~r('(9 Timer and awards will be ------------- Mr11. Arthur Mlchaell and Mra. Ha.ut R. Risk will be evalustor. laden• Are Parenti Mr. and Mra. John Barit'n, 1'106 Act c1a St., ar• ,J>a"renl.e of a prl, born Ma)"' 13 at H~g HosplW. Benefit Dance at Blimp Base Tht> Navy Relief Society ot El Toro Marine 'Ba.•e 1,. 11ponsortnr a dance nn Tueeday. 'MRy 24, at lhe blimp h1tnga.r, Sant!l Aiis Marlne Wall Boy Bom Air Fllc1llty. LawTl'nco Welk and I .A boy waa born May 11 at the his orch1>1ttr11 wlll prnvl<lt1 '"rh.am· Hoar hoepltal to Mr. and Mra. Dar· j .J>&«1le m1u1Jc .. from 9 p.m. to l a. 1 rell Wall, J02 Eut 16Ul 8\,. eo.ta m. C'ol. Gabbert la In chuge e.nd Mea. 1 proceeds go to n1wy fllmlly relier. j PERAAP.S THE - YEU.OW MC5ff CAN HELP ME SOOTHE MY PAINS FOR OflROPODISTS rT PAYS TO LOOK rN Tlff tl.A$1FIED" PART OF YQUR TELEPHONE BOOK ' . - U.1"91f n .. ht.I •••· 100* $1 .75 _W0.9.PE,. CLOTHES PINS Lano-Set Hair Spray ,. VI~ .. 1,111i.1 12: .... ~ ... 1. Sl.25 Vold! 69c* 'h Price Sale! PETROLEUM JELLY c ..... ·• W111te ,., 1 ... JeflJ •• ,, ..... 29c $1.0o TUSSY -oEODORANT Cr..,. -Stick ' ...... -_ _., ,_~ SOC* , I s s 0 R s AU T)'Pf'* •16~ 5-Tr.'••••tMf ...... Ylrtl• Yhry( Ua\ls t1•1, ..., .. IMt. • ... ., ....... ...._ • er.tr =·= 3sa. 50 Feet ····- Me4en wey fe wafer t•Nl••f $1.89 GREEN PLASTIC SOAKER HOSE Ti11y Rftf0t'ttio111 p«mit proper '"tN99 to l.W{IC ..-cf 1hrvbs. We_atfterprooL wi• l),Ot qul_.,_ro1. 20 It. _ ?~ •. ,,.,,...Nd ..... Serva-Snack Metal Clothes Hamper Sto.oo \"~u., s59s HOSTESS SET 611 O" w.., wlfti wefl fw 111• ,.._ ae11. ci-AHli•rtl• a. ..,ti ... ..,... • tNyt, 4 ••· S,.Clel Owl,.,..._., WATCH FOR THE Owl Circular in tfle mail • • • • BARGAINS SytYwl• --Styte,..•• PersoHI • PORT ABLE RADIO ....... ~-·· -· 1-"-T· Mi-Swtttai. 1695 J s..t c.-.1 . GALORE! WIMJ'• New Sprf119 JEWELRY i . 14·f ... Nec•i.e.I .C4 ........ te Msfetll 1'' ) . t • • ; .. ., ,. • J PAQE 4 . PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 ANIMAL.HOSTS HEARD DETAILS of the Delta Gamma Homes Tour when these alums of Orange County cha,pter met in the patio o! the Woodrow G. Kreigu home. 100 Via Lido Nord, where they will serve a.a hostesses on Friday, May 27. This is one ot four homes which will be included in the benefit affair tor the Nursery School for Visually Handicapped Children. Stand\ng are (I to r) Mmes. Charles Eaton. John Ca r- eon and ~orge Johns. Seated, Mrs. Kreiger and Mrs. Laurence Reynolds. Mrs. A. J. Aune and Mrs. Walter Spicer are in charge of reservations -Staff Photo SCHOOL ESSAYS Ainerican Legion Auxiliary to Give Coatest Awards A t the Amt'ric'an LPi:lon Hall, 151 eighth grades of all Newport Beach St., second plact, Carolyn Cally, !':t 11nrl We-st B11y A ve. May 2J,1•chool11. Winners In lhl' fifth gr11de fll Tustin Avto. thrrd pla<"e. Graci' 8 rm. the American Leirlon AUiu· "'""°>" subject, "~orite Wa8hln1t· Carter, 444 Aliso St.. all :'\ewport li.u-y l 'nlt 291 will prt11rnt s ilver ton," were, fm!l rlace. RIC'hard Beach Sctiool. Mmes <'ltlyton mrffals Rnd re~h pri:te11 lo the win-Cathcart. 1402 We11t Ocean Blvd .. Thomp110n, chairman. and Albert ners llf tht' Aml'rlC'snlsm e1111ay Newport Beach School; •econd cnnl<'l'l Judges w .. r,. Mra. Marie J»act', WPndy Blair, 21!) Pearl St .. Hnwe.1', dP11n of wnml'n at Orange Corona del Mar School: third place, CnRitl CollP!;t', Mp• AlbN"t Sl"ck-Manna Dorcy, 614 w, Ocean FTonl, tun. rPt.:t'nl of lhl' ()A R anti Col. !l:ewport S.-ach S chool. Sqm rrr C'omma!"d"r ~ftlllsry Or· \\'lnnf'rll in el~hlh K'r&de. 11ubjecl. •der nf \\'nrld :'·ar~ "S111r Spangled B&nner." C1r1t Th,. C"On\f'itl we11 hl'ld 1n ftrth and place, William Muuy, 1~03 Cley Methodist WSCS ' chRlrm~ tor lhll Mother-Daugh· t,.r t>11nqul't, which will be held In Pl B t GOO'h~ll Hall Newport Height• an s anque lan'1 La11 Am1ga11 Circles will be in lnsla llRl!on ()f off1cer1111ncl plan11 rh1.r~i-of t11blei1, 11nd men of thP for lhf' May 2:\ Mothrr-l>aughter r hur r h will l!!'rV" the cslere!l benq11r t t1t r 11p1r•1 RltPnllon nf thP rnr11I . \\' S C S nf <'tlrt~ C-hUI• h fw lhl' Thf' Thank Offr r Ing serVIC't' will Ses a t II~ ,\fa\' Ill l't'l'l'1t1n flt>art-b,. h<'ll! June 19 w1lh Miss El111e Ing the nff11·f'1 (:r..,up nrf' M:M F a1 1111. 1..Amg 8 Parh ettorney, u CIRrll Kohbt<'1ll. rr""l'JPnt. a ntf i1p.-i1k,..r. Mrs. Arth11r Miller W88 Mrs. Ralph \\'etit'ln. ''H'P p1· .. ,.1. nam"•I rlclt'galr to the \\'. S. C. S. dl'nt 1 nnfr rt'n<'e. to be held M11v 20 al Mra. A .I Rutl<'t Ill rrog-rsm I Lrlng flf'llC'h. . J.EWELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILABLE If you are seeking Jewelry Items that are Sc:arc:e • let u' know • W.eJri.iy.luy.Jt F9r You e .U:Wt:LR\' BOl'GHT e ROBERTS JEWELERS • ~'?lll 1 Marine A\·e. -Balbua hland -Harbor !S2l Lutwyler, chlllrmep for thP poppy program. havt' plannM th• enter- tainment for the evenln..:. HostessH for the evening will be MmPs. Calyton Thomp!'lnn. G1lbrrt l Opel, Roy Oehrea and F. H. J oy- ner. l!:============================================::!.I ~ For the GRADUATE of 1955 •.NYLO N shrer11 1n t1ote and pall l'r nA 1111 w11nlNI 11hAd<'~ NYLON &-F.G YPTIAN COTTON light 11h1111"" NYLON A \'Ji:;cosE ahs rlf'<I ct\lnri1 NYLON :iel• i2 lnchu w1tle and 4~ Inch YAR:'ll DYED Tllffl'la for tho11e novelty J>"lllro11 t~ PASTEL cotton11.,Tabellud 11nd 0 1g11™11Pll LlNEN etfecll. plain llnd t11ftl't1 1wrlnkle ru1111tanl 1 Prlcee in accorrl with all pur11"• BARTINE'S CALICO SHOP 111 E. 18th Costa Mesa Phone U 8-2011 • eu~uR STORAGE a..t •perts 1'9re and ...a,. your fun. H.,,. Yevr ,..,. HSTY\.IO NOW ·At ll!fDUCID NfCltl OUYE Me DULING FURS 211 N. Broadway . DO YOU WISH TO IE A SINGR? Madame Lillya Andenon \\'ho bu intunational ur-rteric. u a voice t-.cbv a. ... cl&Mlc.1 and popular voke d•v•lopment, will fi\'9 ....... lnatrucllor1 to a Umlted number of 1tud•nt.e. , NI RE · Fine Furniture & Acceuorie1 DARITH SHERRILL receives from Mrs .. Arthur !J;'hronaon a pin aa April Zonta "Girl of the Month" at Harbor High School, while looking on are Myrna Bouchey, "Girl of the Month'' for May (right) and Mra. Harold Rober:t.aon, Zonta president, left. -Meara Photo Diatindtve Decoratin9 Service -Clunf1ed Ad• are na4 by folu who are rully looklns w buy. COl'OllCI clel Mar • 2Are Named \ PoUllcal Advtrt11ement) t Poll.tlcal AdverUHment) • CPoUUcal A~t Zonta .Girls ~ ..,·"'. . Chosen on th~ basis of leadership, friendliness, de- pendability, fineness of character and ambition, Dareth Sherrill and•Myma Bouchey of Newport Harbor Union High School Wl!re named respectively "Girl of the Month'' !or A pril 11nd Mey. They were pre-llsherellef!3. J ob'• Oaughlera and sented pins by Mr11. Arthur Thron- wn. •'halrman, and Mr11. Hwold I Helen) Robertaon, Zonla prul- dent. Oart'lh, daur hter or Mr. and M~. G"orge F. SherrJll. 4~. 39th St., lisl11 11mong her ocllvlllea r«· r01dlng 11rc retary of G. A. A.; on lhe staff Of achoo! paper. The Buron; ml'mber of Tri Stwma. .. 3081 Marine Ave. ' lhP Honor Society. Myrna. daughter ot Mra. Roy W. Cehre•. 431 Fullerton Ave .. 11 preald~t of C. A . A. and member of Tri S1irma, Honor S ociety allO parllclpate11 in aram& actlvitln . A II told there are more th.an 22h w11r11hlpa !n the deetroyer cate- gory. now on a ctive eervtce ln the U.S. Navy. Balboa Island Under New Ownenhip I Mrs. Blanche Ben:z Opening Saturday, May 21st 10 &. m. -&:SO p. m. .Ne1''})0rt Harbor Union High School Trmt.ee Vote for Dr. Edward W. Milum ' I lelleve In th, Americ:1n W 1y of Education, with equ1I opportunity for ALL, regardless of rice, sex, color or creed. · In the Offering of this education in the best f acili- ties obt~nable; by T e1cher, with highest tr1inin9 ind receiving .compensation in 1c:c:ord with their profeuion; and Administr1tion on 1 sound Eco- nomic: basis by People of the highest b~tiness acumen. ~ In the Newport Harbor Union High School District with continued equal representation ind imp1rti1l- lity between the communities -Codi Mes. ind Newpqrt Beech. ' That the Trustees of the Newport H1rbor Union ' Hig~ School District should Live in, Work in, ind strive for the development of the Commonity. Also, th1t the Trustees should sincerely d"ir• to ·serve ind hive the time to devote to the District . VOTEMC.y20 - For letter Education Dr. and Mr•. 0 . 0 . Sueu Mr. and Mr1. R ichard Lilienthal Mr. Edward R. Mlllet Jr. Mr. Don I. Huddl..toll Mr. and Mra. N&te RMde Dr. and Mn. Don Oal1ch · Mra. H. Payne Thayer Telephone: Harbor 0880 Mr. and Mra. Verne Wat.ton Mr. and Mra. Grant Howald Mr. and Mrs. Mylet Porter Mr. a.nd Mra. Al Clemenc• Mr. and M ni. Clarence Higbie Mr. Rona.Id Barlow ·Mr. and Mre. George Guthrie Mr. and Mni. Bruce Martin Mr. and Mr• Bert Smith Mr. Jud Sutherland Mr. llnd Mr•. Ray Nlelaon Mr. and Mn. Melwod a.r, Mr. and Mn. Don A.ndenoft Mr. and M.,..., RaJ <J&&. • N11mhtr five in a series: SCHOOL SAVINGS -· .•• SU RE, BUT l:OCAL TOO I Here's another ·way we serve Orange Cottnty . ,, • Every week our bank makes it possible for school children to ./ bank small amouo.,ts of money right in their classrooms. This year, more than 30,000 boys ar,ld girls in our county a.re learning I thrifr this practical way ... by parcicipatin'g in Barrk of Arncr~ca's school savings plan. Our b:mk col)e 1 cts the deposits an4 pays 2% interest on Jhese accounts: This is anocher way thir Bank of Ameri~ serves Orange County . TSunk of .Anteriru NATIONAL f!~~1;/&'1l ASSOCIATION BANKING THAT 1s BUILDING cAt1PORN1~ ••• banking that is building Orangt Countz .. • ANAMllM IU.NCH ULIOA llANCH PULlllTON IU.NCH LAGUNA HACH llANCM C.O ho! C-'-..._. tlS hit a.I.,_ .... , .... ,. ' >.Joo..t,. e"4 .._.,. HP C-~.._... 0.1 . .._,._,Mfr. H. M. Helt .. , Mf•, H. M. W..-ru. ~r. H. l . C~, ~ • LA HAHA HANCH NIWPOlT llACH llANCH O•ANOI llANCH ,LACINTIA HANCtl toOW_.C_.,..A._.,. L H. L41t-. Mer. IAN CllMINn llANCH '°' iwtt. fl c.. .. 1 ....... LA. ww..._, ,,.._ ~Vie Utile ....... .. w ........... I01 Hem Oleotell s. ... o. l'""'91tlll, ,.., Mer. w ... ._..,.._ Liil. ............ SANTA ANA HANCH· IOI ,,.._... Mel11 ...... t.t.W ..... Y,.,_lMeilo YOllA LINDA llANCH tllllOJ ....... /11\ioi,. ,,,... .... "' ........ . •• -. i I - .•. t r. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11-PA6E I Pilot Class in THURSDAY, >.AAY 19, 1955 to Buy bus.Ln~-. m~ellnr. the rroup voted and Mr9. Harolc1 Arthur, M.r. and .:. iP. ... *J Jr. ClUbwOmen- lnstalla ti on ·· Held at-Costa __ Mesa Plan Film P • t to buy • l llm 1trlp projector tor Mr11. ~enneUl Dlckel'80D.. Kr. and r-0 jeC or U~!' Of thl' c.hurch. Mra. Rou Owen. Mr. and Mra. Thi' P1lril C'laxs ot Christ rhur<'h Sp<>l'llll guf'Al.8 lnrludf!\1 Mr. and FreJ \\'o<'dworth. Mr . and Mra. by the ~<'!\ 11\l'l Mrt.v 1:1, a th.l' Mrs. E,I .M<.':-\1el and J.fr. and Mr8. I Halph W atson, Mra. Roy Saller. home nt Mr 11r11i Mr ~. Har11hl H ugh McMIUan. Mr•. C'alvm Stillwell, Mr.. RCl1 ~s.s ~:....::t.l_lOtb SL Dunng the'I Attendln~ Ute 11usle>n wnt: Mr. <':irlse>n 11nl1 Mu Marlon Strly . ORANGE COUNTY FEDERA7ION of Women's ClUbs, Junior Membership, installed officers Wednesday evening, May 11. in Friday Afternoon clubhouse, Costa Mesa. Par· ticipating in-the gavel exchange ceremony are (l t o r ) Mrs. Lloyd Mallory of Fwler· ton, incoming president; Mrs. qail Barnett of Buena Park, -outgoing president; and Mrs. Dan Young of San Bemardino, outgoing president of Southern District, Junior Membership, installing officer. -OCNS Photo Progressors Entertained Lady Kiis Have Lido Indiapr-Program at Linso11 Ho111e on 'nle Progr('111mr aecllon.. of Ebell Ba!\tl Po·terson, Charle11 P~rnn. ' Mrs. R ichard Button ah.owed Club met for the last lime untll Theo R11b1ns. t:laytnn Thnmpson. 1·olorl'd 11lidf'1 of Arizona and Nt\V next fall at th1-home of Mrs. John J rihn Lsmar, L. H. Stl((Jer, Byron Mextco when Lady KJls met at the Llluon, L1<10 lslo" for luncheon a nd w .. 11.•. H11ns \\'1ppler, P. J. Wll.\on carde on Mav 18. Furty-flve me-m-snd Jll••rtfn Sheely. hnme of Mrs. Willard Courtney, ben ~nJoy••<I th .. 11ffa1r. 2348 St. J11.me.s Road. She aleo Paetf!l fhl\\'rr~ ant! ~•Iver candtl· ~.. ahowed 'lndf&n dolls, sJlv~r jewel· abra on 8 llhf'll pmk rloth gnu.·f'<l 'World Around' ry and example-sot we&ving. The the bufftt tnhl• lradl\'1tJual lunch· B11tlon11 were at Fort Defiance for ~n tsblei; With "l1lhr•J1.t:rl'•ldolh~. Fash1·011 Show two years where. Mr. Button WU lland'-pa,!ntl'd pl•t1·•· rnrd• •i"n" by 1·h1d of opthalmology v.ith the U, S ?ubll•: Health depa.rtment. Mr1. C'. ~I. lk&klns ar .. 1 dainty SI t d F "d favors CRrn<>d tllll \ht> lt•rltng o! a e n ay Al .. xander o! California !uhlon •prlng. creation.a were model!!d by Mr1. Chalr~n Mr>. \\'ilhnm R. T ntt, Co!!l& Mesa'• Harbor Hou11e wUI Marilyn Fr('ltlrlch and Mre. 0·- held a l!hort hu><1111'"~ R\'!<Slon. Shi' .set 1 h~ !<"ene tor .. Around lhe announced lh»t Mrs. 1·"•' Barnell w orhl Fuhlons" rrom South Coast will be n••Xl Y•'llr'K ('h111rman and will appoint her c<1rnnuttee durrni:: apparrl shops this 1-'nday night. the 1umml'r Rs ,.11,. 18 In Eurupt· Slat<'<! l o bt>g1n at 8 p.m. the gals' al tht pr ""'""l ltme. This s••rtwn g11sl11on party t~ produced by Clor· )lu !12 m•·mb"'" Knrt ha<4 had an 111 Fwkhng. W <·ll known fashion lnttreetlni.i yr a r with trips v pJ bus wrlt' r. to the thrl\\('r an !.<•~ AngPk•. Rrprcsenli'd in tile wurdly rae- ..At. the Orange County Fede.ration of Women's clubs, Junior Memberah.ip meeting, the evening of May 11 m ~sta Mesa and hot!teseed by the Juniors of th6 Friday Afternoon Club, N~wpor( Beacl'.l was well rep.resented l>oth by members preeent and honora beet.owed. 1'hi1 last meeting of the county Junior• wu held In honor of, and. · dedt at 4 t Ml' No w t-port Beach Included Mmo-s Stn· c e o, a. rman 1 ling Par!.! Ju lor club lilt! l aon newly el!!cted • prnldent of • n pre rn · Sou.tllern Di1trlct Feder1uo11 u! Edward H. l«•lly, ~llrr Whttl', Dnn Womf'n's Cluba Junior Me-nib•·r· Ha~, Df'an Oor.on, Forrr~-i. Al· ' tinder an!l J amea White, with 1~lp, and rtn active mt>m~c-r or thl' Mmee. John Lamar ILtld c. ~t N ewport Juniors. Mu. W alllon hi\:; Deaklna advtaort: long been active ln junior fed1-ra· __, __ • ________ _ tlon actlvitlea and hu aervf'J as club and county president, going on to become first vice prutdent of ' Southern District. She wu alllo Penny Art che.tnnan In State Jun- ior Federation the put year, and locally. w11.1 preu chalnn•n on Ka,yor }Ull'• Easter W~k Council. Aa a cllmax to the County Jun· lor•' bu11y year, lnlt&llatlon o! otfl· cer• waa held \\'ith Mn. Dan Young ot San Bernardino. out -101n1 Southern Dl11trlct Junior prtaldent. u ln11talllng oltlcer. Mr•. Young welcomed each new officer aboard the ship J unor Club Woman and I preaenlecl hr r with a lei with whfC'h t o alarl the year's voyage. Mr1. Young was Introduced by Mrs. Don Hayton, •econd vlce- prealdeot of County J unior•. Mrs, Hayton bu served this 18.llt year a s corrupondlng a•'cretary tor Newport Ju.nlors. Mrs. Vivian Woodward, a Newport Junior, wee Jnat&lled "" lTeasurer &nd w!ll be 1 a memb~r of their executive board I tor the next year. NeW])-Ort Beach J unior Ebell club r l'celved an honorable mention tor the awud In the prus and public relation• flefd, pa.rtlcularly tor Mrs. Norman \Vatson's coverage of the Euter Week.. .campaign. ln a sperlal recognition ceremony. Mrs. Burr White, Introduced u a fonner recording u cretary tor County JunJora, wu pruented wlth a coraage 1n a elmple gra4ua- tlon trom Junior Club membenhip. Thoae attending the county meeUnr In Coat& MHa from New- Br1~n. from Marilyn'• 'F11.1hlon .Ap- parel. Present were Mmes. Chaholm Brown, Robert Crawford. J eJf Scov!lle, Harry lzenour, J oeeph De•chenes, Claire Ntl!IOn, Gilbert Seal, Hal HaUleld, Herbert Ward, Wiiliard Courtney, Thomu de J'or- ut, Joaeph Humphrle1, Barry Wright, Don Whyte, Gordon Im· ler, M.. F'. Aufder-Helde, Ruuell Bartlne, George Coffey, Irvine Harrison a nd Richard Button. Mre. De Forut w1ll be ho1teu on June e at her borne, 1437 Sue- nade T errace, Corona. del Mar. Paul E lsner of the Beauty Corra.I will demonstrate the lat~11t In •urn- mer hair atylH. STORE YOUR PRECIOUS F~URS WITH A PROFESSIONAL 'FURRIER Phone Kl 2-0652 F.ur Storage SPEC~AL Clean, Glaze and Frlgtd Cold Storage Your F\lra. Now .~,_ -M-n,irer Pick· up Bonded! Prompt I Call &:Im· berlJ ,l~t. Santa Ana FUR Co. ()pea Fr1da7 Evening• 'UJ t JU %-085~ .J>adua Hllls. 1•1111aot1 n11 :ind San I 1111111 tour a1-. . Ell$;Pnc "' Co~te Clemente Alt••rn11le m "I' t Ing 11 .Mr•811 La Rrrnt• 11n•I \·ai;:ubond 1 -thl'Otlgh lhf' .'1"''111 WN(' h<>ld an 1 li•Jll"". l;"l.h ur U 1t11 l!<ll'; llalhna ' Yarloia hnnws 111 thr llarbt'.lr un·a l!1h111ol .• h am of .r11Ht111ntfl . 1111•1 I "'Ith progrnm• of anlPt·~~t \I') wu· (1 run l,nr.::una U l'B• h th" I ln11se of I me.n. ~11y, S· awo•e.t· .. ran.I \\'atCn h l'lnrkl'~ FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 20 & 21 Bridge and l:an11~t.t \\"'"' rnJ"Y"' H:i\\n11.1n Shur . 1 during th,. nrt<'rn11011 <1nd nun11•rn11~ · 'fli<' • \'('n111g plan nl!!o lnl"lutit'll 1 prlae11 we11• dl>t r1but•"l ""''r pt17.I'~ Kll•l '."f'd 'lal l'llll·rtnin· 1 Mra. S. E Locke an1! Mrs. 1< nwnt, with olnnr1ng i.nd bark· O. Miller a~imtte~ Mr5. l.111~on with ground music by the Roynl Lantz· luncheon arrnni:em!'nt~. Other hc>i<· er,., te .. e1 wrre ~l rlJl•a. l •1•11k1n~ . .Mht · 1 Th" p11blw Ii! 111\'llt•d tu «i>nJ"Y ruerlte Murphy. I 1·ri:11s :.t.l,11)': lhc •ll••W l11tl11 t~c ('Oi')<tllal Joun~" Leo McGa,·r1>n. E:__L. ~ll1~~11i: ~·,-•_•n_. _______ , OWNER'S HOME Completely Furnished Available for Sum;,,er Season June 1 to Sept. 5. 2 B. R. dose to Bay and Be<1ch. Fireplace; Patio, etc. SSlHl FOU SEASO~ 1 P. M. TO 5 P.M. • Demonstration ol Portraiture Contest Awards You Are Most Welcome Kayette Studio Corona del Mar ·. Something New! p -_, . I and exclush·ely ln Orange County ~ll/O';J flie MAPLE of the month CLUB Here is a chance for you to buy individual pieces of Maple at cost or below through our Maple of the Month Cluo. Each month we offer a Dividend at a very Jo\v price. You -,nay qualify to buy this t;>y registering at the Arcade Maple. There is no obligation to buy the Dividend or any other ' merchandise. Join Today . . • Get Your Dividend at Great Savings I This Month'• Dividend . . . Reg. U II!\ Knick-Knack WALL S-H E L'f •100 Good Only Tbu.nday, Friday and Saturday Remember you do not have to buy each of the 12 dividenda. Nothing elae to buy. This is a plan whereby lovers bf Maple may club together to pur- chase Maple at cost or below cost. Stop in and Regtater with ua today! ARCADE MAPLE SHOP. 1750 So. Malo St. they fell~ love ... 2908 E. Coast Hwy. Harbor 5135 ----------·---·-------. ----------('(lurt"°".'' I (l brnlc,.,. 1918 Court. St., Newport. Bn<'11. Ph. Ha rbor 4-129 ' ..•• with the sweetheart of the low-price 3 TOWN TOPICS from Bank of America HERE'S A ' TIP FOR NEXT YEAR I BIR!'t of the low-prlre 3 ~Plymouth iii much bigtter th1tn the "other 2" low· pri~an. You get~ beauty out- 1ide, more comfort inside, more trunk •pace, plu1 the onl1 truly big car ride in the lowelt·price 6cld. Greer.et vl1lon of the low·prfce S l Plymouth·~ nrw full· View "indshield, with ce1rneTpo!'te 1wept back hoth top and bottom. gi1·et1 you the wide~t vision of any low·prire car. Whr P•Y up to l'500 !!!!!!. 1 11 I r -fl'.('-'f'£1t H '"'f'l:t.l r C r • ',""" Ct\j't (' .. ~;-~~·· •t I Newport Beach Branch ~ .._ Roland A.. Wright, \. ~ Mo•Offf '-• WHERE WOULD !Q.!l LIKE TO GO [~ THIS SUMMER? Suppose you eouJd go .. ·her· ever 10'1 wanted on your '"11· cation this su~r-"·ithout "'orryin{' •bout e:rpen~? If you ba\'e a steedy job and a repuution for pAying ~·our hills, you can 4Q it ~ith 7illti/llM.. Herf s alt there is to it: Fir11t,, 6gun out how much you'll nttd for tnns1'9rtation, hoctls, food. and all the fun that's waiting for you. ( & rutt to allow enough for "extru"' !) Then come in to our bank and a.range a 7"""""1t ~non11I loAn to co\t'r c"cr:·1hing. '\ilu c.an ttpAy ia s.maJ.J 'n>oothly iDstalmeou ~ hrn you recurn. For a r111Ll7 cardne ncadoo, naturally there'• nothing like having die money sand up in advance. J( this idea appeah co you, rigbt now iJ a good time to IUrt puni.ag a ~ doU.rs aside "'ry psy·· day for oert yeat. Oon you get into the habit you won't miss the monty at all. If you'd like w to work out a pl~ for you., come io to our batik and' ask about a Thrift Oub account. Vacation taven bne bttn ~g thia .,.,umatic 19Tinp plan for yan. ? BofA 0«1z ~? DID.YOU llNOW THAT Baok of Aineria Tran~ ~ cost only 7'' for each •100 worth you buY? Theyre the ale. aeosible ""Y, to procect the m<>MY you take on ~don. n~·re tdf-idtt1tifyf.ng. and yoa an cash chem wbernt.t you go. Dow't INN vilhofll lhnll --- Mot1t economical of the low·pritt SI Plymouth'•-fut-etepping nrw 6-c~·lin­ der Powerf1ow 117 is a joy to drive, and own. Ill urlusi1'e Chrome· ealed Action locks in power to 11ive you pe-3\c ~lonn-;,;;, for ntra thouaa.nd. of milea-8t r6ck ·bottom CO&t. N,.w~t pm•·cr featura t Plymouth all)ne offen fulJ.1ime Power Steering, •nrl all the nth• rnrrgy-s111•in1t power &!'~i~l.t, •I In"· exlrn Cl)st. Anil you get m~ny feetur~ that other low·pri<:41 cart dnn't have. Drive ahla blg beauty today l -Plymouth IDT IUY NIW1 HTTllt T'!AD.E-JN, TOO '· for • c.r 1mallw th•n Plymouth? Doll'! be fooled ~y t+ie cloltN of !Md~ pnc. Cla!" that they cotf procficolfy the 1a111e Ch Plymo11th. When yo11 compare price tag1, you'll firw:I ltlot, model fOf mocl.f, "y"'ollfh 1t1fh for "'vet., mud! r.., and 11"'-yo11 111or• eor for yovr moM)' I I LOU REED· & 0 AllOCIA TEI 1200 W. COClst HlgKway -NEWPORT IEA.CH IOW-lte lalboa lay Cl~ll1 '' - Uberty 8-3486 - r _J, _,,,,,._ • /' l' • \iii_ 12.~ --,,.o ••••• ,. WITH SALLI~ Scboola! Tomorrow, Fri· day t. the day •• , Vote! If you don't ha\•e a 1'\'&)' to get to the polt. ca.II lUI ! We'U tw.e that you get there ... Harbor %828 la the number , •• \\'e mean It , •. How to \'9te!' ••••. ft'hen our kklM' f.uW,re ht at Atake, ahoukl th~rt, be any doubt in your mind!' • , • Our kids muKt be educaUid .• , . There are tao many klda about to en- ter a high tiehool that d~ not ha\'e enough room .•. To me whether t~ pttst:nt high .chool bl added onto, or another one la built ... How It l8 p&id for or by whom It 19 paid for ..• Who paya the mOllt or the leut ... an bot needlet in a hay· atack th&& must lH" packed Into a wagon that Is too .mall ••• Think or the atngglen that •ill fall over the aidM and th<Mte that wtll drop along the way ... Our achoo! admlnislnLtion throughout the put 2:i yeara bu been in very capable hanch •.. The confidence and tn18t they he.Ve built 'up in the minds of all people of the Harbor Area h&11 given them an abaolute vote of confidence u fa.r aa I'm concerned ... Teachera. School admlnistra. tion and members of the School Board. have but one thought .•. to educate our kldla a.a American kids should be educated ... to think right and do right by them.sel ves and others ... Each ha11 a job to do ... the riglit Way , .• Our kids so far are clean ••• Let's keep them that way ..• Give our 11chools what they need to do their job with . , . unhampered ... uncluttered ... They \\"ill do right by'you 1 and yours ... Tomorrow may· I be you "''on't be here .. , but there \11il\ be someone to fill your shoes, just the way you "'ant t hem filled .. . You kno"' ... )'OU \'Oted 'em In ... rou and ~e ... A.11 rltl7.t'nK "'hO M>n'e on SchoOI Roa.nl" and other Comn111nity l'rojel'tK ·-And thr,\' se.r\'f.1 you free J(r&lis • . . In my hook this requi r H •"~-< clth.f'n"hlp of a r-&llbrf' ht>)·a nd th" UKu&I Ca.Ml af duty ••• These p ea pl e mu"t he dtdleat· e:d_ ••• they art cledlcat.<I ' ' ' • Thanks White King and Rheem tot choosing Costa ~lesa and the ;\.fesa. Builders to produce the dream home in your "Name the H8'use'1 contest ..• Thia home is already attract· Jng vh~itors from the four Wettern States .... Don't :i.·ou 1 Jocalitea miss this living dream because -it is practica.l- Jy •itting in your parlor , • _, You might win it or one of the 120 RbC'('llJ·\Vt-dg('\\'OOd Rang-1 .. and Oryen to be given 11,1 .... _.· du ring the next aix weeks ... All )'OU do ia name the House ..• It i11 loeatcd on Jrvine between 18t h and Jith 1treN.11 . ' "ft.tr yau purrh&sf' anr 0Rf' of the \\'hlU! KinJt t·am- lly of Clr.anlng prodti"t11 , .. a.ad you kuo•· where you l''ill find a1J fl\'C ••• MND• der and take • ~er among Harry'• Tuh!rollB - Begon.iu ••• 'This )'-.,.'• llDprllnp are mU<'h nkfor .. • " .,_ .'l....,..., .. ' ' ' ' White King Selec,s-·Har"or Are~ -I.or-· Dream Home-Exhibit ' ' • • • • • ir;NTE& WIUTE IUS0'8 ''SAME TIU: llOUSE"' CO~'TEH IUc:hard'• ... w rt"• a ....2!:!!" ~ or Wiile. .U.,. Soap or 0ew,,.._i lo U.. Harbor A,.. ooeW.UI wt.iull.nr u.e oontMt. ~t J'oal' ent'J' Maak ...... toda,y :"' Ill Pn-la ..U. Whl .. -DmRGENT ____ _ \\'hl\e IUJlil{ 55 SOAP POWDER -... -• c u9uib "D" -· ---. .!.'. 33c "~"· -41c WATER SOFTENER _ • ..;., """• Kl•• . -2 23c CLEANSER ·····---.... : ............. -.. . 'J arJ1111 /,.e6~ prod.tct1 l.&rge Slu, Sweet ArlZOb&. 3for19c Grapefruit FJ:eah, ~. Northem Grown 2lbo.25, Broccoli Creaming Size, New \\'hlte RorMi 4 lb .. 15, Potatoes P IJT OUR KIDS O\'ER THI: 7·BON"E .,_~ ..... n • 79c COFF E·E ·-----·--··--· .. ·-·····-·····'" · l ·LIL <JAN --······-···-······· l.11 <l a ff Plar. Cue GrMUW.. 4ac: SUGAR ----·----.~ 7 ~ ., _s-u,•t 11.w 27 c _, CHUNK TUNA --u::.n ...... _... 2 35c MARGARINE . . .. .......... _..., 49c MAYONNAISE --·--··········--·- SOUTHllN CALIFORNIA'S OWN FAMOUS SOAP _ CO. OffUS H.-,RIOR AREA "EXHlllT HOME'' IN WESTERN STATES CONTEST 8oo -boiiQ\uuJ ...ch type ........... o~n. Juat North of 11th St. oa lni ae Ave., la Coata .__ Plannf!d Md con1tnackid by Mma Bullden ud Equipment Co., Ille. the aew Rheem Dreun Home .. the ... t word bt moden rueb •tyle b-. Richard'• would llb lo ... gniola .. the below ...... .._. contncton ud ~ who _... a .. dr'llUll home" come tnae. c..t. .. _ u ...... .. ...__. ............ C11r1 R ,.......... ....... o ...... , Save Your Re<Jlster Receipts • • • ~~ ~ ................. lb. 59 f Campbell'• TOMATO 3/291 SOUi' -........ 10\.')--o..., Weld'• o,..,. 4ellJ or 3/1'° G&Al'f:LA..OE .... 20-oa. U..~y ........... 2/351 OU\'t:S _, ..• S 11. t ran Ha~·••ll.-Star 8UC. 2/291 PL~t:APPLI: 1 •,. net Cutrlt.! 231 \\'A.Xt:O PAPER l'!:l·tl. Here'• -.Vlng• for all real 9WIUller aoavcnie•CflS through J'UDe SOth. Ut your dally 8tope..•1de pur· chMN pay ov~r 303 on Patio, Home a.ad SlUlllDer Saod Relaxen. lfliRDU: ... \"ol e .. ,.,.,,.. f or the H!l{b SdlGOI f;:cplU'l"'lun: ff,ad Ramblln" Romui Rlcl:Janl'• tor a me.Mii• that oon· oefn• u~ au . ROAST lb. 43, Jelica le6~en ••• V -8 21231 VEG. JUICE . ·'··· ..... TRiX ·c'ERuL 23~ "'"""''''Yi-ot . U. 8. CHOICE -0.BONE POT ROAST · lb. 53, AMERicAN CHEESE .:.. 2tc Lcffor'1 A.II M-t 45c FRANKS ..... : _ _ __ .... lb. l'UlHuey 331 PANCAKE MIX ........... t-lb. 5YR'up' · 271 -····-··-·······-"-""'''l:lo.01. SH10RT~ RIBS-•b.--19c t::u,-Mf'lth11 55c TIL~~OOK .............. -........ ..11 .. -• , • New ~ ... Food• Dept. renioJeling ... t 'ratlt"ll,. llOt\:"'T HE..Et'-8\\'ISS STEA.ll- HA.Kt;U HA.,\f Ii> flUP:D SHHIMP 75c DINNERS .. !~ t'rMlcll~ (ilt01"XI) BEf::F and ME.\T IA>AF" 65c DINNERS ___ _:~ _ !'1.-·anlMln"• CHICKEN.PlES ,~ 3 ... 6'F .... ~,.. 37c PERCH FILLETS .....• ~. •1n1~,-· 37c FISH STICKS . . .~~ · Rlni..-ye F"Kl:XCH 2 ~ FRIES : .......... .!. , .. 1,7-..... ~,.. 2 ..ac: GREEN PEAS .. !!'. ,., 1.1- You'll find a Lido Shop _, • 8,000 ORANGE coum SCHOOL CHILDRE." DRINK TODD8 MILK DAll.l', !Oda Uke It, you will tool Orange County'• fute.t powlllg dairy productA. Bnldes drinldag the frMheAt and fine•( milk . you can buy, enjoy the lft()l)t m~ro milk_ • pwkaglng exclusl\'f.11)' youn thru "rodlb and your Tod4. 4Nler. The new wax-ffM. .an.ltary and euy· to-pour carton otfe1'9 ma:drrnua COD\'enience and eUmlnat.ett retrt1- ator ftlflM from ordinary wu /,-......., • • • Any re&embla.nc.e between the Old Rlch.ard'11 a.ad the new IUchlU'd'11 la pnn"ly oolncldent&I. We'rt1 twice u oolortul and hetlf:r equipped to lf"M'fl your nttd.11. f1oor plan d.lrectories wW llOOn be a\·allable tor quick, eaey and more err~at ahopptn1 tou.n. •, . TH1'K1'!DA \' !il'M.'f!O ,,.r1 .. 1,-b..-1• ... OATMEAL 'BREAD f'RIDA \' Mf!M.'fl .. la iriodf' ' .. ILUEIERRY PIE . 8A TL'KDA \' Claaanto• Crt•p Ouilllll. COFFEE CAKE BM....svt LAYER CAKE ·~· 241 . .. a.ch 54" . 3 ... 251 '-· 87 1 to fit your every need ! "' than Jut yran' , ._. l ha,·e alDe different eolon ••• ..S aow'a tbe Ume to pt ·-Jn .... ,.. JlarTJ' ... Richard'• Greenhouae i1 out in front u you dri,•e along Via Lida between the Lldo ! Shops 11.t the entranc. to Udo Jalo. , SPECL\LS FOB MAl' 19, :0 aad U, 1935 ; • ·~ • ,• ., ' t ' . . J .--... .. . - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 PART THREE. PAGE ONE -- -. . , . . . . -.. -.. ' . ~ . . A.·GA/N· A ·WINNER. • • '+· NOW· ' • • • < This time it's two NArlONAL "firsts" won in clos,e competition by the News-Press Women's Editor, Mrs. Winifred Barbre, for ••• • 1 , "Best Women's Department" -weeklies . ~ "Best Women's Department" -bi-weeklies 14 These top honors NA TIO NALLY were awarded for News-Press women's pages which are read twice a week by the Harbor area's most di~cerning citizens and civic leaders -Newport Harbor . ~omen. It was great news for the News-Press women's department to be chosen tops in California by the California Association of Press W ~men ~ for ~Best Women's Department" weekly and . bi-weekly earlier this year. With this . new honor from the National Federation of Press Women for the same awards the News-Press Women's Editor:, Mrs. Winifred Bar- bre, brings topmost la-urels to the Harbor. area's. most complete NEWS- paper. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE . .. ,. • Newport Harbor women-through th~ir consistent, unmatched .readership of YOUR News- Press -are twice a wee~, kept informed of your local women's activities, ma"y of which affect vit4Jly the entir-e Harbor area. , \ ~ To know . what Newport Harbor women are doing to better their community be sure to read each issue of YOUR News-Press. . ' • SUBSCRIBE TODAY~ ONLY SOC PER· MONTH - . . .. .. -. • • , .. : • l'A&E 2 ·PART111-NEWPOJIT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 MATHENY'S . 'MEANDERINGS By UM, MATHENY Saturday, M&y 21, ie deaignated a.a .A.rmed-Forcn ·Day, Thal'• the day "'e pay tribute tq the lada ~f.id !usiee in all our strvicn whose vi(ilance an.d. r.eadineu per:mit ua to aleep the sleep or the rt~ued ! So, come Saturday perhaps-we might do well to doff our d•rble• In ge1turt: to th• mll'Mber• di d t "' 1 • f ' of lhe~~ ~orcu.:::.wrui_a.1.1o.w re• t ~ e open n1 "!'Ir o ua to tlkf ti me oft for .......ome p.rn. Monda y• will be clo1Lng day 1'--bl dl 1 •nJ on Sund•)'t th• T. C. Re1tau· p un. e ninr·l)U · ni.nt ..nu open a t t p.m. Otal1tt4ui'11 Hui w\U celebrate It.JI See y. at th1 race1'. l tlh annlvtraary 1hl1 S11turd1y. Dlnlnl" a nd d-.ncln1 h•v<' becoml.' Thtre'll ~ a Polyne1lan·Amerte1n ao pOpolar o"u t a t J ohn M1jurr 11 Luau W'Lth ''natlve mu1!e and dane· Harbor 110-lh•t they •r• l'IOW lnl" rtrl1,"~11ccordtnr to Art Ls· m ambotni and 1uch 1\a evea .ach 8helle, our Htlrbor per110nLflc11Uon v.•eek. No Sunday dancing. Barney of Ole netch hlmHlf ~ LllnU and Hl.!i Roy11I l.anurr1 pro- The *1011r1 of the fe1tlv!Uea "'lll vide the toe-tappin& te1npo for the M from 2 'ti! • p.m. Th• pl•ce youn g In ftt! ~ on the Bay at B&lbo1 -Ctul1· The third Jo"'u11·F1alilnn .It Food tiaD'• Hut. r rolle wtll con"eri1 a t HarbOr ~fl)'be you'd Uke a few word.I Home thll Jl"rtd•y night at I. on A.rt'• recent \<'Orld-junket. y •. There'll ti. be•UUQu1 Pbe1. lovely know I.A.Shell went alone N co-rannen\.I, tine tood &nd r ood pUot a.nd Unit m r r. for th• Ctner· mualc. C•n ya' bett.t Lt? tt.m• dlvillon ot Lowell TholtlaR "Pinky" Scott remind• diner• Produellona. The air tour took there I• 11omethlnK 11mlu !f they 1lx monlh11.. They vl&Lll.'d 30 CQUO· haven't lnveatlgated the nr~. dln- li"i1•, tr1vell•d 71.000, mUu a nd ner policy at Park Avea ... Cafe "ahot" t•0,000 feet of film. on e.Jboa l1land. Oon't, l&ke any· Loe11.l •p1ed flyer, Paul M•nU . one'•. w ord for ·It. Slop by The 1erved •• Air Unll D lrM.tor 11nd Ha&cll 1.ome llma l900n; Rltraah ptlot or th• modified B·.'a.5 W\VII your.elf at the hand• of Buu, Leo bomber. 'nl• 11pec:l-.J camera• wer• or Pinky and then tak1 • look at ln1ta!led In th• plane'• noM. · that new -but new-menu. It • . . , -ANONYMOUS CALLS DEATH NOTICE • NEW MESA HOllY7 l---,.-.. -.. -,-,-.-.-,-n-.,.-.-,-,-.. - Art t ilt •t )\Qml beellllM he wu -m• everyone a lway• h111 fun al a B-2~ pllol In \.\'orld War 11 a• """' HatC'h and The Park AftlllM'. COMELY MISS VIES fOR CROWN well u tlylng C·~• In t he CBI Al the l.'n trance to Bal lR!e l!e1 ThtalrC'. loviely \'Illa ll.farlna. The Honeybee• J udi Bank• ot 1838 Har bor Blvd., Co•11 ~lei~. \1 one >Jf t~.e The unit ilhot 1cro1111 •cene• of p lay l•r S1turd1y danetnr In the queen ea ndhl•to:! ror the Uckf'l ••le at the Coat" Meh F lah Fry. the lowe1l apot on earth in the popul•r Aquartum Room, They 8he 111 aponaored by the Y,.iday Afternoon Club. -Staff Photo De.ad &ea and 9011.red to th• world'• provlo11 d!nner·dancl.11a for p1tron• 1----------------------------- NEW LINES FOR BEACH WEAR Owner J ohn JUajurl prevltwa on"' ot the amart out!lta which •ill be attn At hlll Harbor H OUM Rr~tuarant thla Friday "''·enlng when third fa1hlO'n ahow·d!nner of the 11eaaon l''llJ be prru11.ted. Trudy \\'raver ·i• ahov:n modellng a gal!y atriped cotton •tin • awim 11ult w!th a 1111.tching h00<1ed jackrt br Cole of Calltom!a from the E !!gtne Shop In Coata Jllesit, !'1une!'oua Joca! 11hop1 Y>'ili •how !he!r late•t fllshlon11 for milady 11nd Harbor liouae will C)ffer \ta uaual fine eeh!ction of food, drink and mualc by the Royal l-antzer1. -B~knir Photo <1 Widening. Expansion Set for Harbor Blvd.. Katella New 'Workingman' Store: Opened by Wasemiller Here , Rt'lnf' 11n•l 1 ... ·11.h \\'11.•en11Her t..o- 11!\y 11nn .. unr,..1 "rrn1ng or their ne....-''"••1k1.11i;:-1111<n 11 111n1·cr"' on H.ar!A)r lll''•L Ill C'V81H ~!C'!R . A n1111'·•· f•nhfolllllRO, IJlrr11lty born 1n\H the <?n1h1.ni: a w l rnl.'r · ranllle 1<011•1. \\'11.•<'nll ll"r l"'"~u­•t• " 11·•·,.llll of r.~prril.'no·e !hat ll.!l•urt"11 11111 • 11.•1 ,.111er~ nr hl1:he•I till.ah\~· ilO•l ••1'.pO'rt ll"r\"H'f' llP 111 f"'rtir11!1ll'l.•• rrnud ,.,, ht~ 11!J11Jty IQ fi! Ill<"'~ llJI th"y ~hr>ulJ bt> !LI• tfd, hr 8A i<I. G1.u1r11ntr1·1ni;:-r"nlJ""t " Jil\l~f:o('· tlon Wl lh 11 i;:u~n•nt••I! nt n1on'")"- b11.ck·rh1>P rfull\·, \\"""'"m1t\P r hl.IO 11ele•·\rr1 111" tl•tl;;I! ~lil<'.k with an ry• .,., r1 ... ,,. .. 111 .. -... ,,rk1ni:;-111:1n llll\! hl• rl•r;ni;: "r .,,,.,., kuu: ~"" AlXiut 11. ~•'I'!" llJ,:•l th" \\.flllP!Till· l11r1 OJ'""""1 11 "111111111, hut ~nut.lier •tQre. 10 1hi.~ 11rr...'...fl, lor"p 1>.r1 "Yl' 1'>1'1 th" i;:n "'·lnt rronu1111nl1)· To- '111.y, thrr r~Rl ll" 1t1••1r !\n1l•l\1nn. .. l•r~er, '""r" ('n1nrlr!e J<Vlrt o( l helr own with ''"hirh tn 11ri·••e Hl\rhor nrl.'R t••1kll 11·hn ,,,.,.Ire top· n1une. Orl\n<lr•I n1l'1"rh11ndi~f'. Expand Mesa Shap SANTA. ANA (QCNSl -lm· pro\·emrnt or two arterle. to tit into Orange County'• long r&11ge rn1u1ter highway plfl.n got the go· ahead aiirnal Tut!.11<111.,)' trom th• bo11rd or •ul'U"LJtOr•'. Super,·l.sor11 1111n ctloned the w1- \ltnlng nr Klltl'llll A\'l'. from llunl· 1ni.;1 on l1('11r h Ul\·11. to the Sa.nta AnlL Fre"""llY. F unds "'ll\ be ni11de 11.nu!ablr neJ<t yl'ar througl\ I.he !e11t•r>1l 11ld 11eoond11ry pla.n. 1·n<1er the p!11.n the government woll fomiah 11.00ut h11lf the money. Hu.id Comrnl.'<sloner Al Koch ull· n'"'"'' \hi' pro:iJe1•t v.·ll r c~t 11.bout S3-~•l,{'l()(l. It "·ill 11f'e Kat"lla Ave. expanrfr"1 fr<;in1 t.,. . ., to four lane•. Al."'} e ppro,·ed by the 11upervls· or.• \\"1•ll th<' ext<'nlllon of K11te \l11 Av•· rrom the S anta Ana Fre•""llY t<>.i<;11nt i.1i;:C1 Bl\•11. It "·Ill go \"lll ~t'f'\1 rk Ave . V1f!a P11rk Ro11d 11nd connl'l t into 11 ~nd In S•nli•go 011 .. t. Thi' rflll'I c~mn1 i,.11!oner f1~urrd l h•· K11!••l!a A\'" r J<tension co~t 111 "111<\\ITI<I $·HlO,Q00" .SUJ1"l"\'l~nr~ fl t'cepte<1 b1d11 on the "x1111 n~t'lll or H nrbor Dh·d lo 11111: l;tnf'~ frnn1 th,. S11nta At111 Fr"e· w11.y tu 11 polilt a hc,ut 11 quarter null' twlnw l\i>ll'!!R ,\\"!.'.Coll Bi-oth· rr.• L'.nnstn1r11nn Co. !'IUbmlltl.'d the 1 .. ,.. ,.rr .. r $.'.>J.08~-Lf-tllni.: or lhe rn111r.11r! h11~ 11,.rn \\•Jlhhf'ld. ho.,.·· """t . . pPntl1nK An11helm'1 cert!· t1r at1 ... n that rli;ht·Of·"""Y ha11 been 01Jt111n,.,1. ·The ro11•! con1 ml•~inn"r l.'&\ln1atrfl thr H11rbnr Blv11. "'Ork Hov.·ar_d n. J .......... IS ot lhe..CD Ja)' \l.'nUld ""~t $~:1~48T. Corpor•tinn F ndny took nut 11 $12.· -------------- 000 bu!lllin~ rtrnut in t'<)ltHI. :\11.'MI. Car Battery MissinCJ hlghe11t peak, ahootll'l1 In th1 Him· who dea!re. Adrl•n provide• favo· &IS)-1.1. Art rl.'porl• ha rec.11lved r1t1 metodle1 at the or,.an·p!ano- enoui:h thrill tor the whQle trip b11.r tor .11! who wl1h IQ ... ther during Paur, '"ride 11ro11nd th• In· a round, aide ot the Grand Canyon.'~ Family dtntnr la getttnr to be ln~Juded among I.ht many sce.n11 to be rele1aed In 'about a ye•r with a lit!• .. Pre1enl Day \Vonder• Qf the Y•or!d" 1r1 the Pynunld,, U.1 7-tt. Watu911l w1.rrtoi;1 of Bel- gian Congo, Vk to11a Falla: Olbra.I· t•r. tile Tat 1'f1hal, the Lellnlng Tower of P1.u. and m •ny other• "'hO&e nil.Irie• are lt1"end11ry to 1rm- eh&lr travelerll.. When qulzud about "touchy 11tuirtlon11" Art re1pondl.'d th.It a flight "down a speelal corridor lrom B-.nckok to Hong Kol'lg with alf rttd planl.'11 on either 1tde of lhem w u touchy enough for a ny· one."' He 11.o added 1pec\al 11iecu• rlty offlcen joined th•m for fllght1 lQ and from and over the J1r1el· J ordan border. Maybe you'd tlk• to drop by n.e Hut and 1111\etn to Art'• In· terl.'1tlng t.ale1 of thla 1pactacuh1r flight. rtlld KM'1»9 of v-...• W orm ua h• bu a new cri•t. um• lo Balboa from The Racquet Club over In P aln1 Spring•. Fred h&• rt\1aed his m'nu1 and "-'&nt1 to poll Qut he fe•l11rl.'1 complete din· point no\¥. Th•t'1 In a.dd1t1on, or eour•e. IQ , lhe p opu19t Sunda y Brutlch which \'.-u' unre• from 9 11..m. 'tH 1 p.m. quite a popul•r ph1.1e or \'Illa .'l&rt-'1 llfe the.e d&ya. They ,havt! a F1re1lde Special on Monday night• tha t give• the kiddie• a re•I break u ""ell 11 mom and .... Idell• for meanderlnga: The Pirate for coi y com fort and draft brew; K&l'lllllU tor f ood th11.t l"our- me\.I r1.v1 about; GraMolfe'• fQr "01.d world 1.tmQ11phere" plu1 auth· entlc ltallan food ; The Art'hfll tor thal homey fel'hng with Harbor· Itel you'll prob•bly know by lht .oore: 1.ar~ for 8panleh·Mexl- can 1ty!e food with d,.eor that l1ke1 you out In the de•ert 60 year• p1111t; RoMll'a for a wann· hearted welcom• and •p•cheltl with what yQu want with It; Ye Okie fta,lbol. 1..... Cafe, right on th1 ehota ot th• blue. bhle P &· cUlc, tor out-of·thla·W<irld recipe•. amoothly • preppe<1 refre11lment• a.nd Plenty r ood ent.ertalnment for vn• •nd •11. Dolt• • 111ood movie .ound r ood lo you! Try the11e for •lie: .. The Detectl\·e" plu1 "Ride Clear or Olablo'' at the Balboa. In Balboa: "The Blackboard J unttle .. 11howlng with "Cult of the Cobra" 1t .Coala Met•'• M-; ''The M•n V.'lthl)Ut A St11.r" coupll.'d wtth •·itevenr• of the Cn1tUre" 1t l'iewport'• Ude: •nJ ''Three For The Show' paired with "J ump Into Hell" at T1H' Por1 In Corona del Mar. 'J'hey'r • aetUng IPf'td t ee<:1rd1 durtn& the Trt&l11 11 lnd!&n&pol!1' fgmed brlr.k lr11ck. U !'• let them do it. we·u follow th• Golden Rule of th• Hi&h••Y• and drl•• Jull like we w1nt the othtr feLIQW to Th• dlnlnJ room at V.au' h ... heen eQmpltttly red,corated and L• now approprlat•IY ca.lied "Th• Ro11e R ooni." Th11t'1 \lo'hrra the new act "'111 open t omorrow I F ri· day ) f0r • local run. They're The. V•rlallon11 and Krau1111 tllptcls them to keep up the ll!1h 1t.a.odard ol fine •howa ""t by Arthur .. ?.t ad· n11n"' \\'al11h .It Compan); who de· part lh••• ahore• •fl•r lhe tlne'I. I ·'-'-''-'-·_8_•_•_•_"'"·-"-'-------· 1 ahow tonight: For your Info ''Thi \'arla.\lona" ml.'an• thrl.'t tllltnled lad& who 1re her• direct from a IA• Vega• eng11grment. The horaee aren't tha only one11 "'ho can eat a t Loa Alunito• ft.act Cour•t. Tomorrow eve tht Turt Club Rest•uranl "·ill m-.ke lt.11 bow at the track. An lnt1m1111 • bar and pleno bar will bt &\·allabl• t lllO tor tho11e "-"ho \<'\ah 11 chlUl(e In • 11cl.'nery after lh11 Jail hor1e romp11 hnme. A Chuck \Vagon •nd regular • la carte d\nn('r• will be Richter, Takes Top Toa1tma1t•rs Aw!lrd Hub Richter ""on t1r1t place 11w1rd !of11.y 10 In Har bor Arr• To1~tm1111ter11 "'iee.kly com· p9tillon. •P"•klng on "Superman." ll dealt "'llh the a ver&&• 11le1· m11.11'11 Job to the American publ1r. s~cond award went to HorM'e Clark. r<pea.Jl !ng on '1Voeabul•ry." The ""111!on w11~ held at Newport Harbor Ya cht Club. Grando/lo 's Th• JWtT111t r11 vPrJ1 11 "·11.rehnu~r 11nd addllionRI tchnp "P"'"" 11.t :?1 20 P !a- cenUll /\\'P, T'1J~lflr ln'>n 11.nil Strei t• cont111Ptor. Doans Have Son Mr . 11.nd t>1 rJ. Th11n11.11 [)nan. 109 VI .. E boll. Rre parent• nr 11 boy, born ;\f11y 11, RI Ho11i:: 11<>"1'('{111. /\ batt,ry \<"R11 remo\'l.'d t rom a r R>' o .. ·n~<! hy \\·. <:. Og11l of 117 Arnl'thyat A1·~. In CoJ1t11 :\lf'Bll rr- <'rn1ly. t.le!lll pnl:ce rrp'lrted. Th• I \hel l .,.·11 11 reported by \·er\1n J ohn S11.n1nl<,n:o .or the B•lbl/11 l11l11nd •d· •ltf'Fll, <ln 1· .. r "r tile 1111to 11.t the time. He ~~"' thr .-~r· ha"l be»n 1•11rk~.1 11rrn.•• fron1 1.1:'. }~. f.'I O"-'Cr St. "'hll" l h"'Y .,.·et!.' RUendin.t • ~hO\lo'. (formerly or Hen1.,t) complete me"u for the family P IZZA e 8PAGHt:l'TI e LA.SA.GSA HOME -MADE RA\'IOLI • STt:AHS • tsl:A ··ooo /t'OOD TO GO 511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 CIOMd M(lflday11 RE AL MIXl<;AN FO 0 D jLA POS T~ U 7oa pftff'r to atay at home to we your fa\·orlte Mlevkloa program try our boxed Mexic:U dlnne~ or tpedal onlen to take ouL Thf'y'" ttady to een·e. PR.n"A.R PART1' aooM FOR IAAGI: P.UCn:Ea UM Se~ Bl.-d. COSTA MESA I llCIC'il Seu~ or ~nS. Ana Cnunlry Club ' ~ ----- For a-rTaUou PM .. LI 8°2403 ' "Superb .FooJ" Local Pair Collide 'lM Speech Therap1"sts Hold Acc1d,nt bt>tw .. en t""' N•'wrurt j;UU ""'"" '"" '".'"'". ,, '""' .,,.. kine Condon o~ 318 1"ard1111u~ A1·e, j" Harbor Vl·ew Schoo'I Conclave ~· 011'·' ........ , "~"'·' .. , "" PacUtc Drive occurred nn M1y 12 ) Two hundred •pe-eeh thcr11 p!1ta lt'l1mentary Dt1ti1ct. wer• ho•\• .at Cout Hl(hw1y &nd J11mlne. COCKTAILS Dinner S· 11 p.m. ~v1., polle1 &aid. According to th~ ot lhe public achoo\ sy11tem11 1rf to th• .sroup. Arran••m•nU Wl.'fl reporL the Condon c•r pulled out 8ouUam Cal!fornl• and admlnla· m•de by Mr1. W. 8. Vaucl\n. from th• ~urb on Cout Hlghv.·sy t r11tor1 met S1turd•Y at Harbor 1paec:h con1Ulla.l"lt for th1 N1Wp0rt and th• Sleeper e•r made • u turn View School for • apeecll corn e-·'-'-"-"'-"--------~--·I In front of it. lion conference. Mr1. Ann11. June -------------- D•ily (Clnfltll T ue!!d•)') Visit our Piano Lounge Wtvlll. klnd1r11:1rten teacher at Ca-'Enter"1ng Harbor View, rave a demon•tra-1 • lion with lhe h•!p of her atudenta. ' Mesans Have Baby Mr . ..nd Mn. Richard Runnt>ll~. They ahOWl.'d drill work which c11.rt State Increase help atudent8 In apeech correction. Mls11 Len& ~lay Y.'U!sey, flr1t grade te.ach1e at Harbor Vie"". put on 1 dl.'monstratlon wl!h htr cl11.1111 on cre1tlvl.' dram11.Ues In apeech. m e Republic St., Coet1 Meall , ar~ IN BALBOA l!IACft.A.Ml:NT(), (CNS! _ Th• parents of a Uoy, born M11y 11, at I i t al.I bureau of plant quara.ntln1 •H~-~~H~~~p~t~<o~I~";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;-~-;-;-;-;-;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;~ Newport Be•eh Elementllry. Or· anr• County and San.t• Ana city today r1ported a 1ublltanUal In· i CT"*lll In th• number of ea.r1 en· tel1n1 C-.Jttornl• dul1nl" April of thll y-.r u compared tVlth th• aam1 mont.A a y11.t 1.fO. Harbor Island Road Name ChallCJ• Asked R..~Ln.r of Hut.or t.l..nd Road to 1 vQld eontu•lon In 1d- d ret111 number• Mondi~· nlg-ht .,..1111 referred to the city planning C'Om· m!111lon. 'nl• number Jumped trom .'a31',· f,f,8 lul y-.r to 212,N5 thle; yMT. Tbe number of out-Gt-•t•t• cu• lnerellled from 10',813 to J20,821 and th• numblr of C&lttoml• e•ra from 130.1!2 to lf.2,031. ' A !titer from Harbor J11land A1· ll0('\1tlon rtportelf delh'er\'men h•v• been eoptueect in' dhtch1~glng their package• bee1u1e of num· .. ~. Aeeordlnr to th• buraau. th• number of pa.Men••"' totaled 71i4.· MIO Jut month, compared wllb 885.11.'a for April. lt&t . Out.of· 1tat1 p11M,,,-1r1 tot1llld 3De.1190. lln tnere&M of ov1r 31,000. Truck t r&J'nc alllO tnen1ued, l rom 23,140 to 211.281. • THE PIRATE !8th St. at Newport Blvd. -Open 10 &.m, dally T&fl Bttr at Ula n....ide -Hot Dop -lloaet 'tm Yau,...._u ~~ _, 1 Now Open E\·ery Day In the We"ek Christian's Hut Anniversary 111 YEARS, )flSD YOU ~ ! ! ! SATURDAY, MAY 21 ST POLY?>."ESIAIN ·AMERICAN' LUAU -E!\"TERTAJN~fE:-.·T NATrYE BAND -DANCING GIRLS AU.. OVER PLACE TAHITIAN Pl'NCH \\'ITH PUN'CH ON CRAZ\'...FLETC li TWO-TO FOUR I'. M. FRO:\t OU!~ C HINESE OVEN CHOICF. OF PIT ROASTEll HA~1 -f'lT ROASTEn rRt~IE RID CO~I Pl..E'TF:. DIS!\"F.:R E:O-.'TIRE E\'ENl:NQ 13.U FU..lCH Pr..ENTY CRAZY HE LlKE PEOPLE -HE GO FOR ,BROl<:E oor-;·T Bt; POO·rAA CO ... !E EARLY NO PJLIKlA DINNER SERVED FROM 11 TO 12 P . ~t. RE)fEMBER COOL HEAD :\tAIN TING Balboa Island CHEF HENRY JONES Dinner Su99estian1 Park Avenue. Special MO~A1' TH&U 9A.TI1aDAJ'1 tn:UIED FIN NAN HADDIE w1tlt Bolle-d Pntato POT ROAST Complete DillHrl "Rendezvous of the Mariners" Pan Av•-at Marl11e • THE ARCHES Cafe and 'Cocktail Lounge Of'P:S 10 A. 1'1. THKO}GH J A. N . • • ~ .. ujlort Rhd. on N'Y.\\'l'OHT • rn .. 1 lllll'h"'·•1 HEAC"ll !~\·~ ''~ C h:>..,.d nn Thurttel1y•) OPENING FRIDAY MAY 20th "THE VARIATIONS " Fealurffi In fht" RoY Room Dlrert from I.as \"f',icaa t''t:IJ:&J::f'mrnt DINING • -DANCING SUPPER i)aii1 CLUB • B,AL80A . Our Food is Great •:-.·r\\' ~f•'llll" l'ith C "n1ph·1 .. lllnn•r• from $2.50 SUNDAY BRUNCH 9 A;M. -1 P. M. "e real bre.itkfast -only · 8Qr" ONCE AGAIN for the 3rd Time A :'\fl,lfT 0 1· FUN • FOOD • FASlllONS A ~:\I./\ 1'1tY 1.r, l'll Ut\\' Friday, May 20th 8 p. m. ]{~~~~~ l.t~.-{ ~~;~-' i ii1l!ff!:ji':@?il 2260 l·larbo r Boulev.arJ • DANCING t:\'t:I{\. ~l(illT • .~,...pl iolun.11,. BARNEY LANTZ ,& his . mus IC 9 to 1 ~30 ~m. OJM"n i Oa}·.• A ".""'°' New Menu lncludu Italian Delicacie1 • May We Su99e5t From Our Ne"' Feature• \·t:A.l, ·"CAJ,l..Of'l:O:I • l.A!4Al•.'\"1\ e Pl7.7.A A"'°ommoi~tl .. n• .. ,·•lf•hl,. '"' PARTIES, IANQUETS, or CLUI DINNIRS PHOSF. \'ol·K nt:.,.t .K\ A TlllS!'( S O\\' Hartiar llvd. at Wlhotl Uberty 1·5543 • I l -- READY, AIM ........ David Lagerlof, aon of R. N. Lagerlof, 315 Klnr Place, Newport Bu.ch, get.a a bead on a target ln the preaent funior ruge of th• tjfle club. --ataff Photo Burclars Steal ·Station's Safe · Sout~ Coast Rifle, Pistol Club Attracts 600 Members ~nd1t.a atoll' a ·1ate containing 170 cuh from a Co•ta Mf's& M"r· vice •talion ov,rniJ:hl Monday. Mua police r'J"Ort,.d. Thf' 11mRll roll-arount1 11trongbox w1111 tllk"n from the Wllsh1r,. Serv•· YQur114'lf •tatfon of Harv,.y Lf"11lt r :-."twberry at 2439 Newport alvd. Offlcera on routine patrol found front door to the et at ion optn at l :t>O a.m . Tueaday. The hasp h11d be•n pried oft. Drawer• and bona were apparently 11earched ln1lde. N ewbury reported the mls11lng Hfe waa kept beneath the atatlon counter. Nearly 600 HarbOr uea re•l- denu are learning the &rt of shooting as result or belonginK to thl' South COMt Rine • Pistol Club wh1r h hu a large 11hoot1nr r&nge j11!'lt oH Mac Arthur Blvd. on rmrt of the Irvine Ranch Of thrse 2110 belong to the un· lor ranks and' 3-CO to the Junior side of the club. TAKE L. A. HOSORl'I • Saturday three ot the junlo1'11 tran~lled to Loa AngelPll to win a fiut, foul'th and tltth places. Kr11lin St11I took first in the g irl'• d1vl11ion Class D and 8-0b Ballln~ er and Kul Still fourth and fifth in Cius C dw~lon. All three live In Corona. del Mar. Payne, vlre -pruljSent; Smith, executive officer; dt!ll, aecretary : treuurer and GN>flte A. Slmpeon. rhld training omcer. S1mpaon ll\·e• In Seal Beach and while In World War 11 wu chief flJnnery ln11tructor to1· th" 8th Air Forre and wo" the Brltl11h . and lrl8'1 rtne •hooting champlonehlpa. ,ffSlOR RASGt; Al pruent the club la building a 1pecial range for the Junior 1hooter1. It has high bank.t on both 1ldr1 with t•rget• up a gaJn•t µte hlll and the l 2'0·ft. aquare area will be pa vt'd. Both Jliewp<>rt Beach and Coeta Me1111. pollct 0H1cer1 make uae of the pistol range and llC&tter gim addlr U have a range to Lhem- ; I ONE OF NEWPORT BEACH'S FINEST ~ Patrolman G. D. Breeze, 460 Westminster Ave.", trie• hie trwity weapon on one of the targets at the piatol range of the South Coa.at Rifle and Pistol Club on MacArthur Blvd: -Staff Photo I $6 MILLIO.N APPROPRIATED l~M' CIASH ON. TOO MUCH TALIC Dl•tracllon or a ronveraa· lion lD hla family car a ppar- ently cauM'd Verne Hennamen Gilmore. 39. nt • l.MlMlde to be<:orn~ Involved ln 811 &<'cl· dent Sunday with "car dnven by "'Carol Vlnc.at Mayo. M of Lo~ Stach, police aald. The cra•h o«urred •t Orchid Ave.. and Cout R!Jhway. Gilmore •Id whtn M aaw the Mayo car &he.ad ot hJlll be wu una ble to 1top In time. Mias Mayo told poll~ 11hor WH etopped tn the lnteraectlon to make a ltf\ tu~n when 11truck In th• rear by tha Gilmore car. COINCIDENCE 3· Mesa Fires in 21 Minutes Bring Action Three Ciro in 20 minutu were an...,..t'red yut"dlt.Y morning by the Cost.a J.tei<a VolunteH Fire IH· partment, llc.'c.'Ordlnr lll Ralph ve, fire prevention offlceT Firlit fare wa ll a l 9 !10 a m at lhf' ru1dence of Mr~. E. I t,.awll'11s, 2221 Harbor Blvd , A pt 2. Thf" apartment was nnl orrup1f'd whPn neighbor• noll<'t'd amoke c.imlng out or wlndowa. A wa111.t'b&1<ket waa on fire In the kitchen. f'.1re- men extlngul11hed the blue. ~o damage wu rtported. Ca1J11e wa1 believed due to 11n uh tray f'mptltd lo the baaket. Second fire occurred at JO a .m. at 2!139 Sa.nt& Ana AV'f'. 1t WU • cra.u tire ext1nrul1hed by the department betore damage reault· ed, Le.~. Number threl! camf a t 10:10 a.m. , .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 111 ·PAGE l I THURSDAY , MAY 19, 1955 -. Llnne~I. Norton in Elks Visit Two !l:e'"·port Brach mt n l"l'Cf'nt- Jy retuml't! Crom 11 wok 111 Tuc- eon. Ariz., whl're thty "'"Pre mem- lox Traller Stole• T hf'n Cit • 1wo.whtoel bo• trail· f"r w 1(ti )tlfhljt&n II• f'n•u• plalu from • var a11t lot ~ext to hf'r h<lll'" 14·u reportl'd tu police May 7 by Mna.•Cl'la rlu Bull of 4\7 lht St ber& of a jud~1ng t~am to pk k" ••miilllill•••••••• tlle WllJ~r ot lhf' ICJb rltua llatic conll'U at the Arisona •tat• con. V!'nllon. Making tht trip were local Piit Exaulted R11l<ira Frank Linnell anli Tom Norton. Jn Turl!OJI they re- newt'd memorif'~ with Rlcb.ard Bar- relo. 'tomter member ot the local Elk• club. A~" 6111NNF.H8 ~ H .. l"u-6Mt MTHE Dl:TJ;(1'1'1\.E .. Audl11 Mu.rvby. 0-DUl'f• "Ill.DE OLEAll OF OIAJILO'" la T9dlftiC!Olor STARTS FllDA Y Ends Tues. ............ .,... ...... lwt coWln't dop ltiml ............... lwt couldn't w#tip ltim 1 ................. but covlcln't ltokl hlml Newberry. who llvt!s In Orange, 1111ld he 1eh Homer Y Wllker1on of 1984 Anaheim Ave., Coeta t.tua, to lock up lhe 1tat1on at 9 p.m. Mon- day. e,11ldea cash. Ntwberry aald th" Hfl' conta1nt>J !nsura.nce -pap«r•. l t &H ancf contracu and ml11et'll&nt'Ou11 papt rl' The club wu founded three yurs ago &11d moved from the range by the old city dump to the pre11ent range lut year. T. Dun- can Sl,w11.rt '" president: 1<enneth aelvee wtnr. C't~•:JY"'-"1¢?tii"'eom1rr1 -.e!)Jed:Wt1f'1;11ft-li;JiAl;o-f--- to to.is up theu: target.a. M other crau tire at 1711!1 Santa Alla Ave. Jt wae on the property ot John Sudenberr. No darnace re- d alth h 2 a ea wei-e bum- No. 2 Mesa Parking District Hearing Slated for June & Tucker Car Gone Pnhce are looking for the car ut Danif'I T ucker of 217 Irvine Ave. which hf' aald wu stolen Sun- day from a servk " 11tallon at 2300 Cnut Hlghw8y The k"Y• were In lht 11nlot kf'd vrhlclf", off Ir'"' 1J1tld. June 9 WH eet H dalf' for a funda. the balanre In be paid by public he•rlnp: on rxp&nBlon of own .. r11 and tenant!! an th,. dllltrlct C-Mla Mel!A Vr hlrle Puking 0111------------------------------ t• ar t :-<o. 2 <luring city council mf!rtlng Mond11y n1i:ht Thr action folloWl'd r'11dlng of a letter of re- rn01 m .. ndat11Jn11 nn lht' m11tl,.r from th·,, city pla nning C'OmmlMlon. Thr l'omml11111on rf"rommt'n<1ed thr 1>nt lr,. trll1ngle boundt'd on th' ,. ,1;;l .. •:1•t h\" Nrwporl Blvrl., on lhf" W PA'I lw Harbor· Blvol. 1tnt1 on th!' n111 1 h by \\' I Pl h St. 11hould be ln- ch1if,.<I In thf" rl18tr1cl. In 11:11vani: th11l th" p11bllc hear-ln~ tw h!'ld. Councilman Charin T t>\\ ankle' l'Kld. '"It will give All lhe p1111w1 ty ownn• In that at l!ll ~ rh•n"" to bf. h .. ard." Councilman s .. 1 t Smith 11d11f"{\, "lt behoovu th" ~url" conc:f'mf'd to .be here. b"<·111111r th"} .. 11 have to mak,. up th,.1r mm<111 at that llmP whethl'r thl'V 11 rt w1lhn1: to r 11rry thl' a rt-dllt~'n" I txp,.n11e nl't'e111111ry to pur· t'h:IM lh,. r arkinit l11nrt." Shnuld the pa rklnr dt•trlrt . 8.JI r"<"nrnm,.n1lf"rt by the plannl'r ... ~ ar rrnv .. rl, J'llrt·hllllt' O( lhP (11nl1 wr>11ltl h" ma•lt poAl'iblf thrl'Ulh 11 .. • "' ,.,,h1l"lt1< Jl!rklni: 1111111 1r t IUT KNOWS THE ROPES Jf'11nn' Crain prellf'nlll tetchtni: aleht In old-f1111hlontd tub In th111 11r,.ne f rom Un1vf'rU l-lntt'm11tlonal"• Tf'<'hnlcolor rom11tk meln· dr11m11. Man Without A St11r. In wh1rh 11he rn-11t11n1 "'1 th Kirk OoutlH ... f'l1t Jrl' TrPvnr 11nrl William CampbPll. rflltur• be1rln• run Friday at Lido Tht11tr ... HARBOR HI.-LITES Minor lniuries to Laci in Collision By PATl'IE RETMIER M1nnr 111j11rl~• Wl'te 1ufftrt'd Tue~<111y by Rol11nd Th,,mpaon. 11. Hl'lpln11 fill the 11tand•, of the frlend11 to his hontl' In Nrw!'(11 t I <1( 306 33rrl St. WhPn lhl! bicycle Co1ta Mtlll ball pllrk M11y 10 to M11)· 14. Among tho11e playing hr wn11 rullni: t11n1tll'd w1\h a car watch the var111ty pla~ Huntlnitton brlrt11:e. •eating, watc:h1nii: tel,vlelon, J In· front of I :?4 Tu11tln Avt. rlravrn ~ach were J ohn swain. Marian •l&.n l"lnl' and Just ·having a goorl I by Rnb<'rt J.A!p Trusty. 2~. of 2:'>8 Koerner. J oanne Suen. Bob Milum, lime Wl'rl' Gary 11nd B1>t~y Bla<'k· Mai:nolla St .. Co11ta. ~fr11a. Paul Neumann. Glenn Thomu . mar. Bob k11il a"''"V 11nd ~fa nan Bnlh Tru~t v 11 nrl younir Thomp- Bnl<'e· Barton. Al11n ftyp1n11k1. ·K~m...-r. Pant~ PtPtmrrr irntt T'firt. l11an 1111111 ttlty.mrl not ~h~ ot Brue,. Knipp. Lury Pope, Vlrgy Fu· d.v ~f11rtinrz Sa m C:OOf>er 11nd r11 t until only a !""' frf't apart Ro· ctL Dick Campbell, Gynelt Mar-Rllt'h1e. M11non Oavf'y. Rancly Al· I IKnd Wiii' takrn hoT • lo aee the aac. Dave Balmtr, Rich Palrftrn. ber11 11nd C11ry Par!\OnJJ. family phy111c111n. Donna SmaJI. Chip Regan, Diane Fealhtratont, Pat Tultlt. Jerry ~:i::~. ~t':telt~~r:~· p~:. c 0 m 1· n g s 0 0 n ! Jim Vlnryard. Don Thompton. John Mufllh)' and Pattie Retmln . Lynn McFa.rl&J\d"I home In CO· rona del Mar wt.1 thf' 1teltln1t for !he Lura Kl alumber party lut FTlday. Thaw try1n1 to calrh a wtnk of 1lMp we~ Cota P""'r11. Marcia MooN'hf'lld. Sue Du1111lf'r. Jillf'n Ol'ffn. Laurf'I Woodaon. Joy~ Vltte. Shirley St&tford. Tacao Hay... Ta ja Tohill, Juli)' Bl.wart. Borinle ~re•. Arlene Hutt and Joa.nne Buen. PIC"NIO IN ILUN A. wttk a(O Saturday. Howa rd Mltdl•U and Pat Tutt.le. Jack 8mllll and Jody Ueb bettled th" rate to pkfllc at lmn'• Park, bill namore an they ended up at .... 8bo'lt. -- ,... eopbomor. "T ... Chi Rho Chi elu~ eM<:t.cl tu ofNcttr• tor th• eomtaa .-.on. The ntw prn ldent u Claudia 0-toel. Nan Reynold8. • ..w:..-...-d•nt. recordlnlf llf'r,..._ a,, le nt.a Knapp. corT1•pond- .. .ecntary w Doena Small. Tak~ ... .an Of Ule mon•y will be 8hlr- llt' etalfN'd, t.M c..bAplai.n I• Patty ........ OUol Callla Wiii teke onr ._ dullff of llOC'l•I <'halrman. ~ H.nctn r k• wtll ~ 11rY1r• .........., kHpl~ ordil-at the ... tap wtU M lu. BrOWll, re- ,......ia.uw. Pat Tutti .. °""CNtulatlone 10 to ltne Watcl\er and Van Polmeroy who .,. ...., m.-ntlere of O&rC\•)'1-. ova nu; BO&Dl:R ••vtns • wond•rful tlrne down la l:n#nad& Ju t Wffk end •·•r• Vu Polmeroy. Torn Wt.,,.ltr. Bn1r• 11arton . Oldt H11t<"h. O\('k C'amr · .. u. Chatlll' R!'IC'l'I a ntl Mike Hanil· ...... Wtlo all "'""t-1 at U1• RIVlfl'f& del Pa r 1f1ro 0e.rJ Wr ker 1nvi1..,s e r~ ... ut ha• lt'1 the FIRST J.M1·5 !'foe U1le •how,_ of o,,., • m.llbotl --.~ ... aad u.. ...,., .... ,.,, ,...,,. lhi ... ,... •• ,.. two• ... ......., •• , •• -... ...... of ll•e'Onll«• c ..... .., ..... ,...,,..,.. apon•o~ by _ Oran4Je Co. lullclen Aun. Convenion of Brackish Water Into Fresh Obied of Solons Postmen's Walk Among-lhl' Oranrr County po11t- men who will retrace their route. DICK the evenlnf of May 24 to plr k up By Bl:S RED • Alm of the reAorch procram 11 contribution.a for the Cerebral Pal· WASHINGTON. D.C .. M-.. J7-to bring the coat of de-salUn& of 1y Auoci•tlon will be tho11e ot 10CNS1-Delayed -Sax million watf'r down to • fagurt ot $2lO per Newport &each M d Costa Ml'11a. dolkir• was approprlaltd by the llCre toot tor munldpsl ui1e •nd lo Thi• 1• an •nnual affair and fol- Houst of Repruentallvea Monday J40 for the U"I' of agTlculture. I lowing the tour a p11rty to honor for reM'11.rch •nd eicpl'rlment11.llon AcC'ording to the rt!port of Con-the worken will ~ held In Amerl· and development of uJt w11.Ler con· ft'ru11man Englt'• commlttf"e of can Legion hAll In Santa Ana. ve1"8lon faclllUl!I. AJm of the com-which Jam•11 Utt 111 a membf"r, 114!& mlttee headed by Congru11mlln wstn r an be purifll!d for a.rrlcul- Chllr Engle la to 171&ke the recov-tun(l purpoM'A for much luti than pry pt 11ea water practicable tor It can be p\Jrlfled for domtatlc UafJ. the Stale of California. CongrHamM Chet Holifield of Coming to th._ aid ot the Call· Monte~llo. a member of AtomJc fomla convea11nH11 and •II hill fel-, Energy Commlaelon, A&id the Al:C low ~ongttumrn of Callfornl& I• carrylntr forth 1tudlt11 now re- were the Jeg111lator• of Arizona, 1 laUng lo lhe use of atomic heal Ohlll, Coloredo, NebraAk11. and i and power for purification of - Iowa. The bill was paued 11'1th out wa.t.r. dlllsene. I ff R. 21261 Compa.rleon to the humanitarian Cong-reuman John Philhp.11 of aim11 of a dt·~•ltin~ prt•grarn to Banning, formerly thf repruenta· that of the f1ghu agalnlll de1<eaae Uve for Ora.n~e c ounty. and Ja.ml!I condut'Led by the Un1tf'd Statea. 8 . Utt. pl'f'S#nt ron~l'lll!nlan rrp_..i·wu m11.df'. Many member• of Con· rf'aentlng Orange C'ounly ant1 a grl!MI pmnted out one of the gu 11L- portion of Sitn Dif'll:O Count\· . .,.,.,r, Nit 111ds our country l"Oul1 lrn<l tn a<'hVI' floor INdera for the pUMge lf1111 fortuna tf a.r'u of the world of thf' bill. would bie a w11y to rrovlde suffl· r 1rnt J>(ltAhlr water for domesUc R t:\"F.R."'I': Pt"MPS: l and 1111:nrult\Jral use!'. Sfnl'I' nf the Congre1111 WU ex-Uricenl nef'<I for add1t1onel WI · Jll Pl'lll't1 by CongrPA11m11n John J. tn not 1n Southt m C'all1om1a, but I Rhod,.,. of A nwna when h" 11t11t4'd, In Ar,z.on11, Texu. anrt Colorado. "On l>Phalf nf my 11t11lf'. 11n1I lh·" I 11rcnunttrl <or lhP hr1,·y f11,·oriable welfs" of thP United Stat"'· I 11m vnt& In f11vor of the bHI. !M king tnrwllrd to the d11y whtn we c11n revtrll, th" pumps on the Metr<>poht8.11 Wet"r 0111trict ' •nd Paul Omelich Gets brlng r11nTiril ~fll W8fl'r b11rk In· p i i CHP IA.rid to the State of Arizona ." I romot Oft ft A rt>mark11ble conclou11nH11 of th• problem of water. not only of the St ate of C&lltornla, bul or prartlrally all thl' 11trH4'10 of th,. na- tion "Md of the posuiuon• of the United Slain. wu revuled by the rl'marks of congn•1111m,.n nt the country In dl11l·us11Jng the bill to llp!frO'l>rmti Je.000.000 1.o Ole o~­ p11rtm,nt of lnlPrlOr The money wlll be allocated lo coUtge, unlver- llil1ea, and lndu11tr1&J research or- p mz.ation11 for lhl' dl'vt>lopmmt 0( method!! for de-salting not only IK'a water but olhrr llA.llnt or bra.ck111h w11.len1 nf lhe country. SANTA ANA cOCNS I -Paul B. Om,.llch, Co11la Mu a. l9, Or- anitl' County California Hig-hway p11trolman. hu bffn promoted to 11tatt traHlc seq:e11nt and wu tran11r,.rr4'd to CHP hudqua rtera In l..011 Angl'll'll " r.11pt H. W. Null. commanding Ole l OC&l l'llgl!Way lJ&trOI ~ made the announcement. Omellch, forml'r U S. Air Forre Capt&IJI, hl\.ll been on duty In thle county iitnce last October. Omttllch. his w1fe. Shlrlty and 1111.ughter. Linda. hvf' 11l 1941 Sylvia Llule. Conata Ml'.a. HEN.RY'S 3rd Thursday · May 26th' NOW fJROWINO -911oe- -JUIAP INIO · HELi:/ ,._ *ll•mtlllll·-.aE .......... ~ ... ..-.en• .. •911f'•lfm•.u:r- EXTRA: ''TamlftCJ The Crippler" l>f'a11n1r with Dr. ~k'• Pollo \"A('('IM BUFFET 12 Noon • t ii ? """ fyiUSIC • ENTERTAINMENT . • FUN COME ONE COME ALL JOIN THE PARTY We Thank You for your -2530 W. Coast Hwy • , ,., .. ,,,. WILUAM CAMPllU. -llCHAID IOONl MAIA COIDAY • MYINA HANSIN Pin News Thril ~-·..---.--. Cmt11• • I -Kid• MAt. Mat. I :'6 .. OA80LIN'l'J Au.ET" ~TARTI\ Sl':XT "~D~'Y;MOAV "DADDY LONG LEGS" • Now 2nd WMk Inds THI. THE SCREAM IN THE SCHOOLROOM! She was a teacher who waa in- discreet enough to wear · a tight skirt! What happened then could only happen in this big-city school where tough teen·agen ran wild! AA a .best-seller and widely reed magazine story .•. it shocked America !Ae an M-G-M piC"ture •.•• it'• terrific, timely enlA!rt.ainmenL ...... . GLEtltFORD. AMIE FRAJICIS. LDllS CAUlll PLt:S "<T L T Of' TKF. COBRA" Stwta Snl \hd. -ouo at.11naa" ... "'non aror ,.. ... • I .. TOD WHITE, RENE ROGERS CLASH IN CIF MILE -CLASSICS SATURDAY M.ry Seeley N•1ne4 to City TNCllWJ Mra. Mary l:dtlh 8ttley WU •r- poi.nted deputy city tl'fJuur.r flO May ti and her oath or otflce ac• cepted by city council. ••ally lreaks Ov.:,n 1320 Markr Knlpprffenrotln R~ Finals I 'UCS SLATE SPORTS FElE BE SURE -INSURE • "Ith 11.A.V.&u 8TANLl:Y ~ 0..,. rt.o.. Harbor H H uaa F.. c....a Hlf~•lll 01'IJl.I• Coaat Coll•&• ""ill hold Ill Sprlnr Sporta Award Banquet fn Ole 8t11dent Center •t 7 p.m. WeJneadl )'. P'red Huber, dean ofmtn, tl\nounc· ed today. 'l'be Southland'• prep mile ~uaic'\r the-year will atar Newport Harbor High'• Tod Whitt and Groeetnont'a Rene Rogers. After each distance ace·copped their separate heata 1n both CLF Southern Section quarter .and .emifinal1, the showdown i.s alat.ed to take place in the finala at Chaffey Sat- dilt&nce In fut er Ume thla Ma· Purpo.:e-of the atfair 11 to Coro.a. d•I M&r ' Newport Yarl'ty YOl'1l a ... 10 arou We Oh·e Crowa Item,. OclM8 t"na& NMI' Piel' . urday. Rocen romped to vktory TuM- day at HunUn,ron.&each ln 4:21.7. W!llte nabbed flrat in the aecond beat ln f :22.9. To ahow how ,..p. Idly th• pair an improvinf, R6r· era won hie qu&rterftna1.9 heat at ~u Otero lut Saturday 111 f :28.9 WbJle White ~led h1a In •:H .1. IUCll DECIDER It appura t.he CIF dwnplon.lhlp Sa track and field'• der-by ,-allop wU1 co to th• lad with hettleat tin· lab.In~ Jdck come Saturday'• tnck tln&lt. The winner may have to anaah the na.tlon&l pnp record tor the event of 4:2CU. JCJrpert.a a re ecnt\dent the meet mark pf 4 :21.2 la at lea.at due to ta.11. RALLt."T DE BASEBALL -H onest. Denny Fitzpatrick l!\n't rloing & tap dtrnre at the plate in Tueeday'R fray a ginst Santa Ana o n Llo·na Field in Costa Mesa. Wha l b3 pptntd wa~ thi8: Fiupatric k waa on third bue after do ubling in the fourt.h frame. With the ~re a mere 2.n in f~vor of the Harbor High nine, Coach Emil N~mP callC'd ror a squeeze. Obvioualy, Denny didn't make it as he became embroiled with Sit.int hurler Charley Ber· ryman and Catcher Profrnt. Profant ia already pqieed for a throw across the-infield. Looking on between the ump and the play ia Catcher Dick Mirkovich. -Sta.ff Photo ln I.he 8 cluCl\c&Uon, Don Beatty of the Tan conUnued hi• record arnaahins pertonnancea. A!· ter amuhll\I' a 21.y~ld cnr mark 1n the 1320 Saturday a.t Ban meeo. Beatty -21&ttered tt .,...in In wtnntnr hl1 Runtlncton Bea.ch heat Tueaday. Saturday, Don di!· livered with a. 3:16.f docklnJ. Tuesday, he lowl!red It to 3:14.1. Only White hlmll!lf hu 1one the 110\l' TO START RALLY -Thia diamond art fs here demonstrated by T a r Seco nd Sat' h r I~ Fish er ..,.With Santa Ana leadin g 4-2 Tuesday. Fisher opened the Tar hall of th<' i<1xth w ith a single. Singles followed off the bats of t eammates Paul L o rent zen, Hill WC>tu l. Jim N ewkirk. Dave T anrnra and R oy Daniels . plus a double by Denny F1t1patm·k. Those se\'<'n blows a cco unted for six r uns and an 8-4 t riu mph for the Sailors 111 Sunset League play. -Staff Phot o Bue ·Mermaids FITZPATRICK MAKES . BID Retain Crown FOR SUNSET SWAT TITLE The wnmt.n ~ """'mmlni;: team C•I I oran1u· cu1111t ('olll'i:e Friday M11c· · Tan Torment Saints 8-4•, Go ••f'l'f<Cullv •lt•Ceodcd Lhc Soulbcrn (·a1irur1;111. Junior <·o•trKt' 11w1m· After . Orann. N·1ne Tomorrow ming lltlt wom lout ,·,.11r Placing .,- HARBOR ~\)0~ PAGE 4·PART111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 VOCAL VARIETY FOULS CHASE MERCHANTS INTO MUNI LOOP Too many toula-languagt', th4t ta-have chued the Coat& Mesa MtrchA11t1 from the Southern California M:cocl•· lion Into the Munlc•pal Bueba ll Auoclatton, Managu Ed J.ane hill! announcect. "Thtt plate at Lion• F ield I• too clo .. to the 11tand11 ror th11.t .art or 1tuff." Lane dtclartd. Sunday the Merchant.a club with their tlrat Munl toe. the Do~·ney North American R.ockell. Ol\ the Ca.ta M.eaa pea puture a t 2 p.m . Bob Blaylock will hendle the chuckblg. O•ry Ford to recelvlnc. The Merchant1 depe.rttd t he other loop on a. winnln1 note lu t Sabbath. Vlcllma were the Long &a.ch Sta.ra. 4·3. E~d1e Brown homert'd in t.he aecond with no one •board. With Brown and Kenny Moall on b&H In the third, Don Wll- ll1UT11 blutt'd ont out or the lot. Lane tod11y announced departure ot Moala from the Mer· chanl roater. Kenny wtll be coaching l'he HunUnrton Be-ach Legion tram. Lane saJd. Bucs Drop Links Title to Tigers; EC Go Next By .Jl:RRl' THOMPSON fluca and defendlnf CE UU11t Ttgen had 11et up tht match aa ~ Orange Cont Colleg" go\f men-natural. - ton Ray Ru11110 wasn't 11bout to Nl'rtl atop tor the Coata Meillna aon, lha.t a aenaallonal S:lS.7 In honor alhletea tn crew, aalUn1. lh• BunMl Le-.ue M"l.. track, b&Mball. 1011, wr..u.ui.. TWO OTHICa TAIUI awlmmln1 and tennla. Huber ••Id therl' woukl be no taa · Wlif te wu the lone Sailor qual· lured apeakere. ltytnr tor lht varalty cu· final•. -------------Jolnlnf Beatty In the B'a waa Sn.ice Knipp, plarlng lt'cond In a 13 flat low hur<lles hut. SEWPOAT BEACH MA1Tlll:1'!'1:!11 lloate -Homee -Tn&ler1 lrrtorular Sha!>f!e Ut.rrty 11·130J CO!'TA MESA MATl'at::ss co. Uao Newport Bh•d. John Htnrollo waa tl\e lone lo· caJ C tn qw.llfy Cor the Chatfey go. He placed •tcond to a lhot pul of C>i f t. •tn. by Tyne. ot Valencia. Service Club Divot Digger Alert Issued GOOD SKATES Mesa Roller Adicts Top· Rink Meet 1 ;:;=0==lct;:::E=e=t=a=b=h1=h=ect;;=~===1ran;:::=c=e~ Goata. Mf'aa rol)!'r akAlera doml· l111l!'d last Wl"f'kf'nrl 11 8nuthe.rn C11llforn1a <'h1mplon1hlp meet In Harbor Rollt r Flink. At1 tlit win· nll'r11. plu1 otht'r Meeana •d,.pt c.n I h6 wheell. will t nler the C-ahfor· n1a Sk.ate Champ1ol\lhlp In P111a· dena May 28·30. , Bertvce cl!ilb 101ter• tnurelted ln In the juvenll" dance 1n thf' tnterln g :-;e'wporl Harbor l!:x· Mesa rink. winner• were Claudia chang' club'• annual lnvitallonal Ludlum end Lang. Ladwlf. both link• tou17'amtnl at Irvine Coun· or Costa Mua. Rob4rta Jewell and try Club Juntt 17. were today ad· Skippy Crank of Coata Mesa. were v1aed by tourney chalnnan Paul flrat In lhe 1ub-nov1ce dance. BuU.r to check wtlh club pre.I· Novice dance found Doyne Lad· denta or golt committee chairmen wtr and Bob McClelland In f1r1t tor pa.rtlcula.ra. Proceed• of the place, Lou Ellen Robm.an and Bob' grttna joust wtll go to the Oran1e Heckathorn In aecond. Louetta. WU· County Cr1ppltd Children'• At· 1lam1 and Wllllam Diehl were flrat aoclaUon. In lntermed.lau B. lntumedlate A "!:very aervice club goiter In the Ylclora wtre Noel Shtltny &lid Den· tourna.rnrnt.'' Butltr aa.td, "will ~ nla vfito .. 11wing1ng hia clube, not only tor Betty Lan1dale a.11d Eddie 8he· his own orp nlzaUon. but tci enable leny were aecond In t.he junior IOml! little tyke to Jay dt>wn hlR dance. LanJt' Ladwig WU f lrll, Bllt- Agtnry All Un~• Vl'Tllll'n. HOWARD W. GERRISH 1808 Nt"'f'Orl Blvd . Co1ta MM& PHO~t: UBt:RT\' 8-llUI JORNSTONE'8 M9$G Auto Wreckers UMd Auto r-te Md Acoeeeort.e I076 PIMMltla Ave. Ubu11· 1-1ou c-ca 11-. BA \"E ON A.tJ'l'O Dt'8. s11•0 sa .......... 10.ooe N.• IHllJ 1-1.,., a Pt•~· D•-... ~ . ...-. 8M BOB McOOaD, for PRV'E&UD IN8UAA.~CE I AU ll NI.I) Moore teeond 1n ractn1 for juvl!nlle crutchu and enjoy tht awtmmlnit boY•· Jo Ann Klote wu .tirat ln rac· IN \"ktorta 8t.. ea.ta 11'9& no .. J.Dwtr •7ut pool and many other featuree of· !nit for noYtce Jadin. Skippy Crank • fl!f'td by Camp Patvtka." took tint, Denl\lll O'Hare ee<'Ond '~!!!!!!!!!!~~ At today'a reg\4la.r mMUn( of In novlcl! men racing. ~ !Jle Ntwport Exchanre Club ln Jntermec!Jate men'a racl111 went N~wport Harbor Yechl Club, R. F to Bob McClelland. Jydy Frame Chittenden of thl! adYlaory board topped aenlor l&dlta ra.clng. Btll ot the Orange County Society tor Ma.xwl'll wu flrat. Colline Chr11ty Crippled Ch11dren, apoke and lhow-1econd In the 1enlor mtn'a racing, ed fUma of the Crutllne camp Club Pruldenl Bob Jonu announc· ed '"~n"• tor each child tor a Auto Winds Up in 12 day camp ~rlod arnounta to 18~. He .. ,d It WU goal ot th• Offi I Fe Exchange club l o 1end many cer I nee youn11tera who might not other· wlae (el to go. 81.artley Edwa.rd Nutrt. 18, ot BuUer reported entrlea are al· 122 ~ 24th St. told police he r an hie car 11\to a fence Sunday at rt&dy coming In t or th• tourney 3012 W. Balboa Blvd. to u old an Eig'ht trophle• have l>ffn choeen a ccident with an unidtntlned car for Ute triumphant divot dtrgera whJch h1 aald almoat hit him "In addition. a nl!w Ml of Bobby headon. sl~ature colt club• hu bffn clo· na t.ed u a ipectal prise dunn1 He happened to hit the fence the dln.ner whJch tollowa the tour· at Ule home of Newport Beach ney,'' Buller revealed today. policeman Geor1e Kouman. Police aald there wer• no braku on the nhlcle. Ts Tennis Team in Fifth Place Lovell Kayak Theft Theft ot a kayak from In front Sunaet Lt•rur 1t.andtn~1 Mon· ot hla gara1re wu reported to po· day found Newport Harbor'• prt!p hce yeriterday by Gary LoYell of Priv•te Police • MERCHANT PATROL · and HARBOR BOAT P.ATROL CALL COMMER CIA~ SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 net team In filth place with a rt· 1242 W. Ocun Blvd. _____ _'._~=;;a;;~==--===;;_:~:== cord or thrtl! win•. nine 10 8.l!l'll. The ------ Anaheim Colonlill topped the loop EVERYBODY'S GOING TO THE BIG with 11 triumph• a nd but ont 11et· back. Complete •tandln1r1: An&hl!lm, ll·l ; Fullerton, 19·2 ; Santa Ana, B·f ; Orange, f -8; Newport, 3·11 end Hlmtington Beach, 0·12. KIDS !he mRx1111um number or finnllsts make any prerllrllons tor l9M th~1 poslliblf' thP Inca! rn·rds came oCf • • • . • • • werk after Jut Frldny. Ro8!IO a 111 the a ll·conterence tourney Mon· -------------GET lh "n l , . c n 1 With Dennis Fitzpatric k mak mg a last ditch bid for the l!nksmen dropped ll 131,.p, decl-w1 11 ., ·pmn man? n M"r JW o • S L b · · I C h L' ·1 N • N rt · f'IRr .. Pllsu ll'OR <.'tty <'nll•·i:e. • unsl't eague. attmg tit e. oac "'m1 ceme a e wpo s1on and the Ell.Stern Conffrence • . . k Ha rbo r H igh nine came fro m behind m C osta Mesa Tuesda y ch&plpionsh1p to Rlveralcte M11y 23 Th'r"f' 0( { r .. roi d~ \\ ~r·· b1" en h S A 8 l T h " h T b' k · on tht> winners' own Victoria Coun• Slt'ph:i nlP Hrh 11, r ,.111 ••• ,1 lh" r,0 t o crus anta na • . e '1c tory sent l e ars a c into a try Club course ti ,.e•l vi.-n1111 k u ( :t11 fi with 11 30 l 1 th1rtl plltcc l ie with H11n11ngtun I Ch11rl1 y HPr1 y •Nllt'<! dov."ll. He ;\f1~< rl,•lr h• r 11l11u M:l-11 n• \(' 0 ('(" H"11cil~ thi-lwt1",."1>f Ftr~l 11"-•'4' ~#I~ .. ~ ulll)" one base knock ).!I _Th~ only thing Wall U\Al I } Pllr bai k•ti 41k•• r··io141 bv "l•l><•hinE: Full. 1tr:m'11 ~·I triumph •we r the lh•· next four frame11, t.hat t o F itz· "Oeror ... Tn "T9':lct"; both--c..&at ..&11cl tht' roUll' 111 1; llf'rnn.ti< fh•t. 8'lth Ollerll B<>lh te1 Ill!'! nnw pv11st"''·' ;.6 r.1trh k .,., ht n he Jauhlctl in the RIYl.'n lde cump1led uaclly lht rt•cnr•l3 WPP' IJU&llf\ 1n2 un.eii. The lm•p records. r1111rth. llt•nny Willi out at the pl.1te sa.me conf erencl! iecorJ1 in m11tch m"•ll• _. 1,.J,,,· 1 ,.,.,,1~1 nl•o wa!'I twt· Thret• games ago, sllCk·fl • IJing I"" 41 ~qu .... z4• lhal hl\ckf1r.-d. play, gomg . unbeaten until thty 1,.1,.,1.hv Jun. ~unlln HPnf'" F:I· P1tzpatnck f'(>N>•"'l!!etl a .361! "'" k "'' IS RREEZE • " met m lht' final match of the •ta· Hott :\n.•I 1.A'~lt,. Kol\'l~l11 , lt•C'kc"I mark f,,r third' :>J>Ot l><'l11ml A11.1· I ~lt>'.tntllTH~. b1g J im Newkirk wu 10n, played over the same course '" ,;1 2 h< 1m'!< lJa\·c Stepht'nson tt n•I ,J,,.•J bi,. ;r.,1.~ 111uni; with a no·hlllt>r gv-( Vlctona I and tur:ied In ldtnllcal day at ~d Hill• Country Club In Upland. The tourney will be acored on both lndlviduel !medal) and t'11m play with award• In both 1llvl1fon1. but the actual champion· 1h1r And Its accompanylnlf pupt· tual trophy will remllin wllh tht m11~~~ play•~• RinQlde. __ Grid Scheduf e for Pirate 11 TcBRl mt>mbt'111 J ,·J nn Toul11U!lf', ;-.:~..,.kirk l'il«'ph• n~1n b .. a11l\·,1 _"I in.: ml•> lup uf the r1fth. Saml Sec· scores 113'i·l3'i l. l~f'.1111" l{.,1,·111t". C\·nth1a . troth!'< I ti "' ••rJU;t' and :'l:t'wk1rk 111. .l. \ urul ~ ... k .. r R11 nk11 nploJed that The 111x man P1rat• aquaJ play-The Orange Cot.at College Pir· R••ncr J-:lllull 1¥111.1 r.r11n1:•·r. St••p· Un t tw h.i"1"' uC lJf'nny s ~t· rh• K 1 ''Ith n. 1 ..... 11.rt JuubJ,. t o rlghl c .. n. tel th1>1r Cml'at golf of the M'uon ate11 wlll bull lht lr way through h1o1n1t· Ht•I• h•·r nn.t .Jon·· ="1man w jll h11•h • ft.1rls ~IJH "· he n.u.1 "" 11'1'. l'rol1t11t Y.11lk,..i. thl'n Berry· as a leK.m, bul JW!t couldn't match a nlnt ·rame football 11ehedule tn be nnHin,:-th•· wunh n 11t111ll'nt11 I hr• 11t••111nj! n ···11 the hn11l·111pp111g nurn bu11f'et1 Cor an lntlt'IJ hit whtn the e>u·elleni. Rtvf'r11de team. Co· Ji!>~. •llrUng with the dt!dlcation hnnor«•I 11t tht' 11nrmal \\'11111r n·11 St••phc-n~un J :-.;,."kirk Cell J oWlT In his f1el1llng captain Bud Sl!'va. l ·vall lll!>dBl· or their new 11tadlum against Eut Spor111 RftlllJll"t tn h<-IH'ltl i<t Or· OKA ~Gt: ~l::\T :n 11111pt Wilh thl! b11g.11 bulging, 1n wllh an 80, 10111 2·1 and number Contra Costa Sept. 18 at 8 pm. 11 n~" t'nllal ~t11o1~n1 r .. nll"• .. 11 ;\Illy Th•· Sn11 .. , '!1 •1 l11t11p sh.,ulol h 11 e 1 'o•nl•·r Ftehler Radfurd cruhed a four man Syd T ovatl wai. deff'at· Thi' P irfltf'& Wlll pl ay five home .11 11. , ll1111o • t .. r11ot h1:c bill '"' 1111-I 1111~J11dg1·d· triple l1> detp center-ed 21'1· 1.,. tor the only OCC point.~. ca.mu In ·ti:'I, four llfttr da rk and •1l hr1 11111 ~l"""" Ill lht· plate I flt•l<I for U1ree nin1< Four straight w11111 over Chaf· one In the •flernoon. Fullowtng 11~1111.:-f hu~n1,.nl·lfw,.lll111: < 111111ge I l :11me top of the alxth. and San· fey. Santa Ana. S1111 Bernardino the clt'<Jlr 11tory contest agalnat. lh• 1,. l1•n1t11row ta An11 lld<ll'<t anoth"r lally on a and Mt. San Antonio by both t he E..t Contra Co.•ta, lhr Buc11 will Harbor Hi Site of Sunset Loop Meet Next Year It !i ~-ertain DeTin,v !lld Rll 11i:ht tluulJle by \.\'lll<()n 11.nd a pair ot have a bye before meeting San •• ~1111tM Sainl ch111k"1 " 111 t\1" (11Kt Tar •·1n1111. Thftl ~-2 lead Yanl!!hed tray wu In th!! bag, he Sl'nl New· Mall'O fn the north, Sept. 30 11 11em.-he p11"""'' ''"" """ti\' 111111 b<•nt'lllh a 81ulor bftrl"&f• In bot· kirk to tbe out!feld a nd 11ent 8 p.m. llJ<:hl '"r • run·.'1'1•111111 .•111~1·'. 111111 or frame. Gfl>rge Maybe lo the mound. Two Th" con!<-ren~ opeper will be 1l1111hl<'il '" lt•Ct •"llt<'r 11\ lh<' I• 11;h OAMAOl.SG 8TA:o-'U 11r11t krw• k<'d 111 111., ,,1 ~1 '"" ,.111,, wallu to o~n the •tani& brourht plllyed on Pirate fleld O~l 8 ~'1sllt'r "ntl Lorent.Z.•"n aingltd. Maybe'• retirement tU'ld r.turn of agaln1t the Ch&fft'y Pai:ithus. Th' I Y.1 th A 1w11•h1110(•'"-h '''"I "J:li\ F 1t.7J\l\l l1• ~ dnubl··rl lo tlet'p nght btg:_Jtm to th!' rubl>er tor comple· traditional riv11.Jry with the Sanla ~··xt i-t u~on·~ ~lln•t'l t..r,11:ur t11111ag th<' 1\1111' t111•·.11" 1n•1 11.st h 11 ~u.,re Dfnnr . tll•t V."6.1 all for lion of a four-hitter. Ane Dona will be anothl!r hom' Ti"' k M<'..t '1 iU b·· h• Iii ••n th• •~Tu t'A )(T t.t. \ 11 u .. r rvman. He wu replaced by Sun11et loop 1tanding1: YUUerton 11 eat Oct . 1:.i. After another ldlf' H orbt>r H11t h O\'l\I. ~•lll~•'t L"R jtHI' I :-;,., 11 •' lJ k:i·" k!'t '< J•11111• •I lnln :-: .. ut hpriw Jmcll who d1J little ~l· 10.3; Anfthe;m 9.4; Newport and I Wl!tk, lhl! Pira~eii ,.1111t FullHton 11t1111mlsl.rator1 announrtd at ll re-1 ~ fai.t ~wiHtsn 1'"1'1 11x·11" .. : '11e Irr. Huntington &a•·h 7·8 , Santa Ana on Oct. 29 at 8 p.m .. Mt. San An· ,. ,.,.nl meeting Al the .amt t an1P, II !S int" s""''' I B11~"n1:1n I Pt' F1'<h· Cal. hi -Dirk M.'r1<ov1ch wu ~.8 and Orange 1•12 • lonlo Nov.~ et 8 p.m. snd llrt at ""' ,J,•1ult'J th1 rl' 11111111' a 1loublo t•r :.t111lk d. ,.11.•I ~II• ker 1';1111 1,. r· ... 1r..· 0 :. an trrur :"f'wktrk, Dave b11~Pbl\ll l\f''tl \'l'IH I •ntn I• (t cenl•·r F'111p.1trh'k 11h .. ~\\'Tt1l 111nji!les F'1n111ly, Fl11her. who m~trllr1 l\f a tnrlt' 10111hl In lt•l'r 1 ena .. 'l 1htn1J""' 11 T• , .... Lt'Rlf'll'r T11m1111\ aml Roy Daniels fullowcd,1 R,uon h>r the 1ilh11l in J 1arnond his first b1ngle into right. 1c .. 1 in~ 11torlc.t It all oH. ended It on a LARGE SELECTION AT domu I• du!' to l'nlrv l'f GarJl'n F'lsher. Denny k1peJ l'l"•ond, th•·n irround out. But t.h• Tara had atx Uro\'e tnto the cln:u1t j oined Lo~ntun 111 a •louble 11tPC\J 11111 rkt'r!I nn .weven llW&l.A. The admlnt4tl"&t.on a lao \'Oted for the second t&lly, ~EWlUU ai.:T1-.s1 that tht tl'n.m ltedtni;: th .. hnr.11t· But Santa Ana mound.man So .:onfld .. nt WM N~me that hide fla~ 1 llCt &Ctn tnnall r<>w'a ~amH w111 reprefi'nt lhf' 1 .. 11~uf' In C-lF playnff1. In cu., of a llf'. dt· rl11on "11•111 be madt bv lht' "' hoolli ron(!l'Mlf'd. 'J>l'Obabty by mp or a coin. Adopted WU • ·u~gtJttlOn by Ralph Retd of ~twport that any proro•d rule r haniru 111•011ld have to t>. appl'Oved by a't leot three 1chool.11 to f t t on a mHtmg aal'nde I Adopted u th• ~~~!WI a thll'tk 11Ctlf'd11lt wtre lht tollow1ni;: .wt&rt· 1 tnJ d•le,., F0t1tbaJJ. St pl 23. cro•• 1 , ,\untry, OH 8: hMkl'tball, JUt :\ .111<1mns1nt :\fllr<'IJ :ll. ba.of'ball 1 11n1l t1>nn1t, March ::::. SS Wanted SS From erivate parties v Money to Loan on Cho i0t H a rbo r Art"a Pro pPrt1<'!' Your Funds will Earn 6r, !SU\\ o n Well Secured ~le<:ted pro perty MR. O~RORSt: OSBORNE REALTY CO. c """' Htahway. Harhor Utl..I Dan's TV Sales IO " Seh 12 " Seh 16" Console N tndy Day Oua.rantH $29.00 $39.00 f49.00 Xl:W SETI' AJ.AO A\.All . ..\BLE -BA:-iK TER..\11( DAN'S TV SERVICE l~ :\·~rt · Bh-d. home for .Sin Be>rnardlno NoY. 10 at 8 p.m The Rivenidt game NoY. 18 capt the rtgular leag\lt Muon end a home gamt" with Lone Bu ch City Colleg" on Nov. 23 at 8 p .m brings the euaorr to a clu11t. May 18 to 2~ Santa Ano fowl Spon•o~ b )• Santa Ana IJuM Ch1h IN FREE S£E IT NOW! SAVE NOW! SUI 6.00 ••• 6..40. IJ .,.. ... 7,fO a U , ...... ..... ,. 1moouc10RY TIRE SAU! .......... ~ .. "' St6.7SI 11.U f 1001 1D.70f tutt tu st • Presenting the l\'eu' Super·Cushion Sl4.2S' u . u• 1S.9S' 17.60' 1'.U' , .. .,. by GOOD/iE4R Tht LOW COST tire with HIGH PRICE 0 ft1tur11I $15 9~ ..._... .. , .. 1 ... 6 7t •II a.u tire volu& ,,., th• low priced fie ld of lnrro- duclor-y Sole Pr1c .. 1 Fomou1 Goodyeor quollry for long, dep•l'ldoble H rvic• -triple-te mpered 3-T Cord body for u tro duroblllry -new Stop. Notch treod deaiqn for •ofer troctionl Some p rov.d tread d eal;,., lhor come on the r,,.,.,, 195• coh . ....... l!Wy ...................... ,. .... . Y~ OlD TIIES All YOUI DOWN rAYMINT ........ __ ... I,..._ As low H $1.25 • w1d fer • rAlll MOii PJOJtU atDI ON-OOODYIAl-J.llU-tHAN QN_ A y OTHll klND ~~~~~~~~~~·--;JK.=,,'---- COURTNEY & LEST.ER , 1 596 Newport llYd. COSTA MESA u 1-1191 I ) .. . . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 -PA(7E I THWRSOAY, MAY 19, 1955 -----. TBOIAN SHELL-The University of Southern California vanity eight will vie for defmding Navy's Newport Harbor Rowing Regatta crown May 28. Here they att. from left. Biii Gobbell, Jim Keating, Bob Friedman. Jim Rodgers, J im Dwight, John >fiU., Brt>ndan Mututl, l?tter La Sha. Tony Sloan, cox.wain. is kneeling. Mickey Gouyd Gains Entrance to Air Academy Ml1hty Mlrlcey Gouyd. 1peedy All·CIP' (Tldlron halfback for lu t eeaaon '1 Sunllf't LeRgue Anaheim' football eleven., will 11trut h11 ath- letic abllUes al the n«lll U . 8. Air F on:e Academy. This wu rtvealf'd by Con(nt!l!man Jam,.11 B. Utt ln a telegnph to Oranire County New. Service this wf'f•k. U'tt'a telegram rt"vr 1.led Gouy~. a rMldent of Cypru 11. made the h lgheat ,nde out of 320 11\udenta a pplylnJ' ~· entr11nce In the Air F orce Academy from C&Jlfornl&. Gouyd will ant'('r the a cademy July l I. Ha wlll attend claa.tU al Lowry Air Force Baae In Denvl'r, Colo .. NOW HER HONOR GETS INVITE BY WATER SKI DELIVERY MEN Ont of the moet sru•lllng attempt• at lonr rllatanc• water skiing out of Sa.n Diego Harbor will bt undertaken early Saturday when Dick' Walger 11nd D11v,. Ht ller of the San Diego Speed Boat Club make a 7~·mlle, "inn-atop run In the open -a to Newport Harbor. They wtn be towed by Paul Kettenburg. well-known IO<'al yachtaman, from the 22-toot, 200-h.p. Coronado, one or the fu t.eat crulaera In the are11. Pul'J>OV rir the trip. which Will t ake a bout four houra. la to hf'le publklze Harbor Days, which ~ill be observed In San Diego on May 27-30. Thty will bear ~c:lal lnv1tallon1-ln waterproofer! C'Ont11iners-from Mayor Charles Dall to Mayor Dora Hill ot ="<'wport. and the mayors of Long Beach and Loe Angele11 to Join In the futlv· IUea. Although both ml'n are expert rough watrr 11k iera, the trip Is particularly haz.ardoua If a 1:hoppy aea Is rnrountered. For thla reaaon, departure from San Diego la tentatively ached- uled for daybreak when falrl,y calm weather m1.y be expected. until o~nlng of lh11 Sl26,000,000 ---------------------------academy &l Co!,.rado Spnng11. prob· a bly In lhl' rail of !11:17. · THIRD TRY IS CHARM Gouyd lf'tter"tl at Anaheim Klith -----------------l chool In fontball and trar k. He jolnt>d other Cnlnnl11t bnt'kll In n.in· nlnK wllfl 11g1w18t th•• Newport Hubor H lll'h g1111or grnllrnn tum h rte In lll:\4's footb1tll finale. 40· 10. Pickens' Pokers Take on Clubs for JC Ball Crown Enright leafs Coach Wendell Pickena' Orange Coast College Eastern 1--"o~ski for Conference champs hope to make their t/tird straight bid for •JR the Southern California Junior College Baseball crown a suc- T S T •be cessful one this weekend. Blasting Citrus, South Central loop Op pot rl king. into easy H -0 aubmiulon a t 28~ Glendora Tuesday. the P l"te pok· · · Fl'LLF.RTO:>; l oc:-;s 1 Behind ers take on Los Angeles City Col· Coughtree topped loop hurler. thf' f'fCt!< h\'" rhurkinl( of Ken En· I iege In & bfft two out o! ~ with a .enlMlliOnal \•1ctory m1uk of r!6:ht a n<I the 1:rnt thrnwlng by . aeven win• ag&in1t no loMeJ!. Big -8<1b I2yknw11lc1. b11.,,.hall fan11 wit· I g~;s~e~~=y will take pl~• to· J erry Rice W'IU llkr\\:IS(' unddeat· nu ,,.,..J th•' tnp flh1nwn I t nrl\ler of morrow with & double-header fol· 1 ed. but with a lone \lctory. t he 11,.1u1t1n TutM!ay al Huntington 8 _. Th Cub of the Oth1•r OCC bat Jeadl'rs included • lowing AlUrnBy. e 11 Hiii 4"" N 4· C h 36" ~" ·h · u d ed El Camino • · '"' ' 0· • oug trt"t'. · '" ' · \\ eatem ague e g ' No. 13, and C..Orge Bishop .. 3:>9, l~ykow1k1 H11ntini:ton H 1 Rh Mf'lropolltan che.mp, l.~·11 in & No. 14. Wetul "tied with \\'llhe hurler. lnA~\'d " no-h1ttt'r for {1ve wild fray TIJ1>sday. Site or the Quezada "tor mo11t hits with 19. trllmell, a nd c:onrht•led play by glv· 1 games will ellhPr be a neutr11l ll'IK 11p onl,v thr"" blll'll' ~11.1 to the fiPl<I, or a home field determlnt d L Bab B }P&j;lll'·IU illng. Fullerton lnd1an1.1 by Olp of Lhe coin.• . opez y orn ~1'1j:'hl Wiii> nicked for fullr hllll. Ql'IC'K co_~ Pll'iiO .Mr. and Mr•. Donald Lopez, 10~ but behind . a w••tl-fnrlltieil team, i In the Bue cont est, n wu &11 1 " St . 11rl' J'ftr"nlll of a !'I lbs-H ~ matlP <iff with t h1• r1-l Vl\'tory. 'over 'before the first frame got oz. boy born . May 1 In the Santa Thf' win enR hlf'1I lit•· Br11vu to i 11tartt>d. !<"'Ive ma rkers cro11.1ed the Ana cnmniunlty hospital. moint111n tht'1r lt•ad ov"r the 11cc· 1 plllle for OCC before the flntt out. -~· ----------- onrl -plar;• ,._A,1hl'llTI t:l•lonlst.!I. Ann· Rolilnrl H ilt 11\ngled, 11lole second N p • I!.• h .. 1m play11 hn11t to F ullf'i'lon to· 11ntt tnirct Bob \\'t>i.ul \m Uced•a.nd otary erm1t .)ill'IVen nH•1 row l\ftPrnonn. Fnllnw1nic thnt Atole 11econcl. Walk11 lo G11yle Hrr· SACRAME:>;TO I C''.:'\S I -The 11amt' a lr:•f(ll•• r"rirr~rnt11t1ve wtll bel. Johnny Estrada. and Tony secretary of sta te'• office announc- be 11el••ctetl to phi\' 1n t hi' Cl F Lombardo fnllllwed. G~rge Bishop etl ls.<1u1.ncl' nt I\ notary publfc com· playoffs. whr1·h n .1rt T1M1<Jay singled. mlulon to Frank P. F env.1ck Jr., PIRATES ARE READY-Entered in the Newport Harbor Rowing Re~atta ie .the Orange Coast College 1955 four with coxswain. From left, Frank Beall. Ted Jeff. Ties. Dick Jordan, Graham Gibbons, Coach Paul Baptillte, and, kneeling, Coxaw.ain Bob Gbiselin. GET . THIS-FORMER CHORUS BOY NOW .RACING SPORTS CARS AROUND • Karl Brigandi of Garden Grove Once Hoofed in Hollywood Pies GARDE~ ~ROVE IOC:-lSI - One would 1'Jrdly expe<"t to flnd & former ch~rus boy r11cln1t aporta r11n. but nettht>r would on!' ex- Pf'Ct tn finl 1. ru1rged 11hc·footer hoofini; m the Warner Broa. line Karl Brl1t&nd1's h usky frame be· hl's the <"nmm"n conrf'ptton of a chorus boy. u does hill temper11- menl and <.h11raclH bt>lle his nmg In the line before the cl\JTle ru du r- in~ the middle 1930'11 while he Wall attending school. The ugrl',.,,~lve lndlvltlualhtl flta in more w ith hla hobby-nctnr sporb care. NATl'RAL MO\'E The (4jirden Grover moved Into 11ports car11 naturally. He used tc r ace 11aH boRh, lhf'n took up (ly- ing. When too many weekend Oight11 were weathered out, be tumed to racing 11porta cara. Hollywood friend•. Mr. and lln. A. !(.. Allee Introduced the Bripn· rli11, Karl. hill wlfe F loN"nce, and their daughter Carmela to apol'U car racing aJmoat two yeara ago, It took a year Qf attending the race• with the Allee11 before lht Brigandls bought an MG late la8t July. Brlgandl'a nrst n ee wu at S&n· l & Barbara over the Ll\bor Day weekend. Re finl11hed laat, but at leut he finiahffi. Carmela a.Jso took to racing. but Mn•. Brig1.ndi never learned to cln\·e, so she functions as nav1gnt · or st the f!ICl!ll, just aa tlhe did when they flew. She nevf'f mlMes ll rac". b11l r 11n't unflt"rstand why the t\\·o )!G's 11re parkl'I! 111 tht' gnrag!' an~ the Chry~ll'r 111 lt"fl to fend for itsel(. Jn Novembrr. the TF c&me out &nd the Bri1o:andi1' had one almo11l a11 i<OOn 11.1• thl' new mndel MO hit rotlM onto th~ floor-Carmel& 11t11rted to finish In the mon<'y and Brigand! lmpro\•erl steadily In the ~tl((er ma.JP competition. FlRST Tt' RAl.'E Jn the !11'$t race 1n the TF, 11. 'Ix· hour !!rind over Torrey Plne1 a1rainsl all claasu of can . Bri· ganrl1 placed 21st and waa l~th according to tndtx of perform· an('e and alxlh In his clus. The overa.11 winner placed Just ahead of Brlg11ndl In the indi>x. Only 38 or the 88 at11rtf'ra finished. Thi' Brigand111 bou,;ht the car only a Wf'ek before the r ace. To break ll in .hi' drovl' 1000 mlll's &ml 111111 hlld the enrlurance to last out the slx·hour race &nd flnlah hlgtl In hi• cl11.111. • Br1g11ndi'1 hlghut place wea a fourth. last week at B&.kerafleld. H,. al!IO placed fifth and aixth In other rll<'t'll there. He hu a Ume trial flr11t to hi• credit . Me1..11whlle, Carmela haa nf'Ver flnl11~d -aut of the money aince r11cing In the TF. She •tarted with a third at Torrey Pines, and got tint at Palm Springe 1..11d WUlow Sprtnp and & tlr•t ln a time trlal In which the driver race• alone over the counia aaaln•l the clock. At Ba.karatlald •h• WU running flnt, when, one of her carburetora went out, but lltJll fbllatled -d. I~ CHORl'S LINE Brtgandl. who h&a lived In Oar· den Grove for 10 yeatt 1.nd hu been presldt'nl of Hveral l'lvk clubs and the chamber of com· merce. was not onlv in lhl' choru11 lint' of Mammy. Show of Showa and the Gold Dil!'gera. but &lllO 11tudif'd music before returning to htgh school In 1930. Carmela a t- tendtd his high school graduation. He matriculated to UCLA. BrlgMdl thlnkl'I that of thr thrt>t> varlablf's -rlr1vt r. mechanic and cu -the .driver J1 the most ell· 11enli1.I to wtnnmg a 'race, prov1d~d hP has II good Cllr &nd & good me<"hank. Dewey Veift.r. machine &hop 11u- per!nlendtnt al Rhet'm Mfg. Cn. 1a hl11 mechanic. That la he la the pit man and does the fine.I tune up. Actually, Brlg•ndl 111 hi• own mech1..11lc. After each r&ee he tea.ra the motor down, r epl.l.cet ring. and rod bearing• and what· ever elM need• It, then puta It back together agatn. Vener pull! the tt.niahing touc:haa on. Brlpndl learned to be a mech· ante wlth a book tn one hand, a wrench tn the othtt. l •'n"s ,.1gnat111l' ic•11f dub~ has been 1 h1> tun came to an end whl'n 2:124 CllCC Drive. dont1tr<I ss R l'J"l'rt;rl f'l'tt'.e •lutlnit. Ci~s:ua .uru:eE>led a double play. J uat p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;::;;::;~ lzykowsk1 tnnne1l nln;> batteis to show thls -wa11 a · d~ •ood and w11lk1•1l four En11.;ht !RnnNI thing fnr them, Buddy Pierce only (1111r. hut •h•ln't allow R fref' doubled pill' ato fn st Enri11hl t11rni>J 1o\·er WAY:SE WINNER mnunrl r11Jt1r<t I<> ~ftke J rwelt for \\'a\·ne Coughtrer, winnlngut th,. f1nnt two 'frsm .. ~. J e\.,ett fan· hurle; In the ~lem Conference, n•'ti two "11 lked n .. nt' gut credit for the win. He hurled Cite SpHdy Mesan the first f1vt' bt'fore Don Lelgb took U\'"r 1 t>Sl of the way. Both 1w11 ll'r11 gan: ~p tv.:o hits a nd H.1a<.:Ot' L'.la1k Lewi". 111; UlM \ whiffed ll\'e opposing batten. S11n\11 An11 Avf' Cflltll . lt•t<lt. wu Wetul raised h1a b"'-'h mark lo c1tetl by S11n tll Ana poh<"e S11nd",Y ' .HS in 2:i games \hi!! 11euon by 1or goin.: ~O·mtl .. a P"r hour m 8 2·1·1111apping out !our h its in four trips. mile l\Olll' """ /<!I in a ··~·nllll' Z(>nl'. Cough tn·e made1certaln of his win· U'-'''~ r<!portPJly ref11!1ed lt> ll\~ I ning rna.rgln b\• ela mmlng a hom- thP ttrket h.-cnu~t>. he llll h1, his r in the fifth 111trnza with one mother'• 19~3 Af'd•n "won't go ~n Olher big blowa included Ell· O\'Pr 80." 1-.·rorrlm1t tn a police tr~da's tnpl<' and Pl\'rce'a two- rrporl. bagger. Mesan in Accident BOB TOP KIT REPEAT BU-SINESS , . From Satisfied Customers 1 Ruaty Callow, dMn of \American rowlnr coa.chN. bn.t1• hi.a defend· Inc ehampfOIUI, tlwl CRW-U &DLQ( the U. 8. S aval Academy. Winne" of Jut ytar·1 Weatern Sprint Champlonahip, to Newport Harbor to compete ln the tilth an.nual ln· ten:oll•ci•t• Rowtnc R.catt.t. M;&Y 28. F or over 36 yean, atnce he captained the Unlver'9lty ot Waah- tn,.ton'• varetty •llht ln 191&'. Ruaty bu devoted hi• Ula to the 11port and haa h&d the t1ne.i coachlnl record In htatary. Challenciftl lh• mldJlhipmen In UUa yeair'• event, over th• popular North Udo Channel c:oune. wUI .,. eeven of the top Y&t'llty el1hta In the country, Including Ky Ebright'• California· G o 1 d • n Bur11, Al Ulbrickaon'a Waahln1- lon HualclU, Frank: Read'• Brit- lah Columbia Thunclarblrdl. win· ner1 of the 19~• Br!U.h Empire Oamu champlon1hlp; Lou Llnd· ley'• Stanford Indl&na, Bob HWen'• Trojan•. Karl Drllca'• · Ore1on State Beaven and Bob Schaeffer'• Uc Ian.. BVC8 COMPETE In a.dd!Uon, H VeD Junior VILT· 11ty eighta and four foun with c:oxawain er.,...• v.111 battle It out tor a w1n In their dlVl•iona. Or· ange Cout College, now In ita 1econd yeu of row1na under the tutela.t"e of Paul Baptiate, will have an el\try In both event.a, and the S1.11 Diego Rowing Club will be rt'preaentt'd in the foura. Six f&med aicullera, lncludlng Jack Kelly, Jr. ot the Vesper Boat Club, Phlla.dl'lphl&. holdf'r ol U.. U. S. N&Uona1. C1J1ad1an NaUonal. lhrxlcan National &11d 19''5 Pan .. Amtrt~u Oa.mee Cha.mptOMlltp; Charlu Mclntytt. Jr., U. 8. Nation•! and C&l'ladtan NatJoftal Doublea Champton; Kuualn mi. Alty, Zl'YJltl&n NaUonaJ and M-0• lturanean Oamu Cha.mpion : Rob- ert NI~. Pactnc Cout P'OUl"I Champion; Stuart Law, Inlerme- dlata a.nt• Champion, and K-.r· ney .Job11.1tl!ti, Pacific Cout Jl'oura Champion. will m.atch 1weep1 In the &lnalM for the Wutem Spr1nt medaa. !'ffi't"?; R.ACZS 8ET Nina r&c .. are arheduled at 20 minute lnltrval11. Jt a.m to 2:20 p.m .. lncludJnir a teaturt' event., aerved up •• comf'd!' ~lier, pre· aentlnr thl' Wf'll known U&J~ b - land Sculling and Punting Club In their late11t \'l'r.lon of "Crew Cap· er• or t 9511 " Clifford T. Goe11, rhairman or lhe 0 1.vmpl(' CommltlH, will ny from New York to rd~ree the racu The regatta Ill apan.ortld by the SQUthwutf!rn Rowtn1 A•• ~latee and 11 under aupervtllon of Hay Langfflhe1m, rtptt& di· rector. who la alAo a member ot the u. 8. _Olympic Rowtns Com· 1T1IU.M. An 1'11.borata public addr..a 1)'11• tem will relay a det&llad nnualns account of each race to the tan.a in the &'f&114tt&nda and th• tToptiy prMentatlon dinner W1ll be bald tha t night at the Newport Har- bor Yacht Club. T lckf'U for both may be aecured at lh• Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. TV SALES • RCA VICTOR DEALER • All Makes-All Parts & Tubes • Honest Scientifi4: Analysis & Repalr • Prompt Service • Reasonable Prices TARTER TELEVISION CM•Cll WAeO• ••fflT All you can eat $1.75 Prime Riha every day, P..ha a daily special PW Smorgasbord J>.W desaert and beverage (5 pin to 9 pm-Sundays F rancu G. B,.nt. ~~. Orange. wu trt11lf'd at Orang.. County Ht\llpll&l ror minor iniunu a!t'r t1111 car \'OIHdP<l with a p1ck11p t 1 uck dr1\'f'n by Harvty Hendf't· .on. SO. WO Dt•I Mar. C'o11ta Meta, al Gan!rn Grove Blvd. 11nd Mar· nolla SatuNlay a!ternt>On. O(( the Eastern Conterenc• aea- AOn , Shortstop Wetzel collected the bat crown With a .422 mark, b&M'd on 19 h1ta in 4~ at baU.. He barely f'dgt'd ·out Chaffey's Second Sark· er Fred Feroonde:s .421. The po· tent Pirate• alllo walkf"d off with lf'&rn battlng title wrt h a .31~ "''• erag«'. Fullerton waa nut with .1-, from 4 pm). FIBERGLASS PANELS II.ally 0U1•r·ut1H OPEN DAJU' MO~DAl" TIDIOCGR SO"UJn' I a. 111. -I p. m. gc~uflz.)/ul/,~rl Bui/JerJ Suppf'J Wllo ll'.al,, 4 1tf'fo1I Bwllden llnrdlc'Orf Phone l.IMrh· ti-i~ tn \'k-tA)na !'t. ( twar ~ r.P,n Bini.) Costa MHA ·Pictured a bove I.I Jack Hauakni. pr.idant ot Hauak en Moton , dellvtr1n1 a new AU.ITIN • BE.U.l:Y 100 lo Mr. and M.ra. JackllOo Reynolda. of Ballla AnL Mr. and Mra. Raynokll pu'ifha.ffd an MO ftom lh• Company a year -.0· QUALITY PRODUCTS PLUS GOOD SERVlCZ MEBrr8 REPEAT BUSINESS o-e I• Today and ~ ti.. ~f'w .&uatla-H-'t>J 1no OPF.N' ~flSDA \'8 A~"D &\'!;SINO!.' HAUSKEH MOTORS. IN • Dealer In MO and Ult NEW MG MAGN'E'M'E SEDAN 19S2 Harbor Bh·d. Ll~rty S.~l C'OST A '.\tEStl j 2 A LA CAaH DIMMlil Steaks, chops or sea food (5 pm until m.dn1ght -Sundays from 4 pm). WllTIR• ROOM For private partiea, banquet., cocktau partiet., meetinp, wedding receptions. Accommodates 40 to 150 gu~sts; private bar. Buffet arrange- mmtl fw larpr puu. by ....vatiolll. for ....,,,.,..., Jeleplton• 'adr'°" 7·1011 I I • • .- Banquet at Academy Chorus and. Orchestra IUniversalists Christ Church · 1Are Named to ~-.:!~::E.::: = Coming to Adventist c~ u.rch . I SJ.~t~ ... ?.!:,ic~"'"""; of ,ClUUl OwU '1 U.. a. ,. Four Harbor area yowic people will participate thi1 Sal· Under the. dlnicUon of•En1er1.ld Feliow•hlp """.1 w•l 11preMntfd .Jl!1t..!!d!.."!"16J. Mar. at T , ..... urdav,..KQ 21. in. proctam...prHented &l ~..u o'cloclt..W,QZ'.• Rotf'rll_. l.!ll ...MCl\f.lli .. \)'Ill plu.)'._•t~( •tale tonyent12n Rl Unl: la aoio.u JraJL lbi":l"' ...-vi pt th N M Se -cl d •·Onv,.ard Chrllluan 80ld1•r• ... •nd V<'r:~"·t Churche• In Pa1111d1na on Toual" M--. ol .. DoroUl.J P ce e ewport.. eu · venth •)' A ventiet '"God ot OYr f'alhere". M1y 1J. J . =.::u,.---=-u-.,... _ _. ,.. church, by V&l.ucia JW&ior Academy~C:hof\19 and Orcheatra. ·111 1 1 1 ,._-0 ........ · ""' ... e ,_... 1..-.n Hauw~t ud Martha Gt-'n1ere wlU •11111 ~ .. P"-no ;.oLo " r.·"° UI "" oppna "'' ....,m. ~1.141k&l ,,..~ .. .._ ellu'p ol.,..... o6 COilta---W:iN. lad t>milla ChM•I dirwctor, Mlu Belly An· '"Piigrim"• Choru1", by Ualla"""Lw t mun~ •n.:I o!h•r torm• l>f dkt.a-1 Mme1. DlkYM n.ttac U4 'flt'WY W-.de ud an.a MKw.&I at Bt.nta. drew•, w11l l11d th• chon.11 In 11n1 · Shulu; • \1pJ1n llOIQ ··1·11 Co lONhlp _wu pl'f'.entM by th• loc•/·1 .11.ldll. Woma 1111: ~ dWrdr. ~ .-.... x.tfllta, all .ludilnta of tM In(" '"Battll Hym" or the Re.pub-\Vh,.re You Want Me to ~'', "Jiy 1 d~legation. and paaMd ~nanlmwa­ partletp&Ui ta lM ,....,_ ,,.,.... .U...U. .IW&lor Hiib. khOQJ ~ lie,"' "lk.&id• SUll \Y • t • r 1 .. , 8 ~, A hwo lh 1 d • •hort ly. 'Jhe church at Van Nuya, which oto~ Mi. aa4,...... ..... •r 111 ~ r · 11 11 le•tin1 the loy1lty Olllh r.,qulre· Tick.ta for U-. •--.ar M la Pullertoa wtU tall:• pa.rt ln "0 Mom of Beauty,"' and the aeven-ae.anonettl'. by H.nberl Cale, prln· ment tor chutthea ln court w•• I ,_,,.94 try ee.ma,. tM ........ U.._prosnm ot nw&c. fold 'Choral S...1t1r .1• ctpal of lhe 1ca demy. commanded tor 111 action.' Tht 1 otftff, or at Hat1ilW lltl-Jl. ·----------------------------l church h•• WOii LU Jlr11 round Jn rout! Ln lhl1 matter whleh i11volvM l the 1uue a't .,eper1llon ot churdl al'ld •1.att . I DINctory of HARIOR AREA CHURCHES ........... Pr' ....... ~ llUI I t.. .. ll AJMI,._ Jld., . •~"'-rr-Rl(h lehool U°Dert)' t-17tl Put.or: Jle•. Jun11 a, l\1w•rt ,,__,., -'10 W, l9UI at .. Co1ta M•"' Lht'V' Me.&J "'•· J-ph W. ¥clthue TM CIMmib. et Clan.• 1060 ctiu...:b. It., C•ta Mt"' "Llbnty •·ti'Ttt • TOfl\ a.k•r Jr., MlnU.t1r. Qin.I Clll•rdl· .,. Tiie ... Oommwdty M1lhodl•t llalboa Blvd. at 141.h, Nawport H•tbor 1221 Mlllll1t1r: "411'. Roy Carl.Ion IL I.at. Cltardl 1H6 Or.nr• Av• .• Co•ta MtM. Ublrty 1·1091 r1th1r Thomu J. N1'rln -.. -..ua• o~• '' s-·port Bal'*' Blvd., 1tth • Court au .. Newport •arbor "63 Liberty 1·3072 Patt.or: Htrbert Q. J ohnaon w...,.... ........ ~au.m UOl CUtt Dr., Newport Hll(hU Ubirty •3431 1\.1•'. ft.Obert Qrol'llund .._w,. ., o.ct IJnd I t. • Elden A'llt., COila MeM. Liberty 1-3~11 Jllqn.ad M. C. CrOf'lic. Putor ...... ta-<llAJ A•ll"-dat N.-wport Blvd. •l Bolaa 81., Ntwport Hetrht• Eld.ft' Jll*1'd StrU Llblrt7 1-l~'J <>web. flt U.. N ...... 1116 A.nu.Im, ea.ta M1M Put.or: .._.,., C1IY1...JVlllMJnll i..o,.rt7 l ·Tlll U.UnnMlet CemMulit7 r....,..., l:blll Clubhou•. :na Bait.a. Bl¥d. Min.later; Rev. r . W. RLn1e Flrtil ... u.-....... -G'lll.rdll '60, w. Hunllton, Comta M•M LIMrt7 1-2413 Putor: Dr. JUch&rd H. Po.- Cel'OM ........ cia-..l'J' a.udll c onrre1attonal 111 Htliotrope A¥e. Harbof 6237 Pa.tor: lltt.¥. Edwln C. Gomk1 n...t B&pta.• Clriardl lana Ana Ava. I t Ma.poll• Colta MN& .... ¥. P . Q. Newn•nn Cli•tdt. of 0... IM7 •f ML u.r-1 14'1 W. Balboa Bl,.d., N1wporl H•rbor 0214 ' FaUl1r Stephen Kiley, PulOr F•tll•r O.or11 P1maaua Aut. Putor ~-- Clu•t l.,atkn.m D•l'flri •f oo.i. MrM p (N\QOUr\ Synod) Coat& Meu Putor: Re¥. Lothar Tornow IL 1~1 Epl.copal 120I VI.a Udo, N1wport S..ach H•rbor 1230 CUn.ll: RI•. Ralph P1a11 IL lob \'INM1 116 Marlnt:, Bilbo& hlland H•rbor 0214 ftlbll' 8ttphtn Klky, P11tor • J'ath•r 0..0..(t P •rn&11u1 Aallt. P a1tor o.s:r.t •1111 Cll•rc• <>rur• A". at 2Jrd st. oa.ta M .... Llblrt)' 1-"~ A. A. Kadln. Putor ........... 0 -~· ...... , 1111 A.p.'9 A .... Balboa llW!d JilllUltw: 1\1•. Donald lapp REV. LESLIE Sil( To Address Methodists &lrcttd from lht loc" F1llow- llh1p were, Leon Rudd bt N1wporl [ H1111\t.a. rep~Mnt•U't at the A1· aoclallon of Un\vt r .. ll•t Men lor lhta area, Mni.. lrtl'le Wlalon or Co· j rona del .Ma.r e\ec::t ed to l111e all.ti board tor tht C.l!fomlll chul'<'ht•. 1nd !ht Rt¥. F,-e<krkk R.ln1e. u11ned cb•lrmal'l of the fe1Jo,.·1hJp 1-----------------------------1 and crt'dentl•I• commlltN for min· CORONA DEL MAR CHURCH FELLOWSHIP INDUCTION The Women'B Fellowship of Corona deJ Mar Com- munity Church will meet in the aanetuary on Wed· neaday, May 25 at 2 p.m. Music wilf be by the Mixed Chon.t• of Newport Hart;>or High School. Officeni tor the coming year will be installed by the pa.st pre1idenll. Tea will be aerved aftei-ward. Taking office will be: Mn. Arthur Kemper, ptt· aident ; Mrs. Stuart Diehl, vice president; Mr1. Her- 11ter1 and church••· Islam Th• M"rrnon 1ub}eCt" a t the Unl- Vf'l'Sll.lht Communlly l"ellawah1p on Sunday. M1y 22, "'111 }>t ··r...1 Tht-m BQth Grow Tor eth1r'" bUt<! upoll the parabl• of the "'htal llJ\d Ult Lire•. Dr. Frink Mcint yre will continue the d1toeia1lon of the ' 1tgn1ttca1'1<.:t' or Mohammedanlam I ln the modem world. and ln\'lte1 p•rtk!pallon of tho.e tntereeted in world reUgiona. I Th• Ile¥. tAalte VI'. !!ltm of ru1-bert Miller, secretary; Mrs. H o ward Bogart, corree· A c:hlJdren'1 1t'rn1on l• pe,rt <ir ev1ry Sunday mom/ng'1 wor1hip. I and nt:xt Sunday the mtnlater Wlll apeak on the 1ubject: "Land 11 Bound to Grow Soml'thll'll:' Sun· ''"Y •chool begin• at IO:lO and 1 morninc wor1hlp a t 11 1 m. "'1th l • coffee hOIU" follow!ng the morn· lnr; 1erv1e1. lerten wtll l)t lhe 1u11t 1pe•kt't ponding secretary: MNJ. Clifford Quisel, treuurer: ·~both mominr "'-rvtce• •t Chrt•t Mn. Weimer Bakkela, auditor ; Mrs. David Hanson, Church B1 the Se• on 8und1y, hiatorian, H I• aubjtct II. "~&Ill\( \'!.'Ith Am·1 ----------------------------trlc1'1 S•cred Cow." The cni1ader ll'ld Sanctuary Choir• ·will partl· clp•t• at the 9:30 and 11 l..JTl. Krv1c•1 re1pecllwly. Thi Sanctu- 1ry ·Choir will atn1 '7he Lo1t Chord" by Sullivan. Mr. 8Jm l• '•ducaUOnal director for the A110Cl1tlon for Alcohol l:duc•tkm. He 11 not 011ly an or- d&ln td Methodl1t mlni•tt"r. but I• alto an a ccredltld ltf"COnd11')' achoo! ttacher, He ha1 d(lne 1dval'letd 1tudy Jn lh• tlt:ld of •leohol edu- cation. 1nd 11 qualified lo prelel'lL alcohol tnf<1rma lion In an accurate. ac\11'1\llflc way. He 1pe&ka frequent· \y tor toehoo\ and elvic groupa. u "'ell u In churchea. Th1' 1umm•r he pl1.11• to be ava.Uabl1 for coun1rlUnr and tt1ch· In& I" ¥artOW church c1mpa tor you Ou. Drive Opens Church Budget at Island A f inancial c•mp&lp to under· wr1tt the !1~·3"1 bUdl"tt of tht B11.lboa !•land Community Met.hod· lat Church I• achtdu\ed to bf:11n th!a week. Dr. Cl1lr 8 . Bllrnelt. chairman of th• Commlulon o" '1nanc1. ha• announced Ui•t the apecla\ apptal -..'Ml be made for •II membtr• a"d con1tltuent1 to plf'dg!! tln&ncta\ 1a11l1t&nct to I.hr new bu.diet which w\11 become tt- tectlv• Jun• I. A1111t1111 Or. Barnett tn lht drive wlll be Mr. P. F. 8alnt1, Mr. Ted R. H a11~r. Mr. Otto H°'lt· Mr. Burt C. Lowf'I\ Jr., Mr1. Fr1."- cl1 Riley 1.nd. Mra. Cltnton T . Coa.ne. Island Choir Has New Robes '"1• r hoir of the Balboa 11\and Community Metllodi1t Church ap- pe•~d at !he ll a.m. Mrvlct: Sun· d1y In _!.l• new cl•ttt fattl!.. ~luaJc gowna. The robt1 are th• flr1t to be purch11f:d for the "4Ult choir. Putcha11 of the robe• wu arranr- ed by f'lrs. Robtrl Ibbot!IOn. chair - man of the muele cnmmltlte. Tht: choir, or11:anlaed In Dec,m· btr by tht dlr«tor. Lt•Ue Van Oyk' of Lt.run• Bflach, tnclu1\e1 Mra. George Brld1in1n, Mn, Ber· tha P inkham. :lfr~. Vernon Sn•lth. Mra. Robert Moody. Ml111 Marval- lee Mnody, Ml&• J t 1n Smith. MIU Jo Be•ubL•n. Corn,Uu11 Donker. John Stoner. Matth•w v . "'•Id•· hc:h. LL Col. John Loy a nd Ro~rt Gut11!h•t. Mr11. BrldJm•n l• th• prealdtnt of t h1 choir. SERVICE SCHEDULE The f'el!o-..•1h1p rnt:et• each Sun-I day n1ornlnr at th~ Effll Club Houae, :ll~ \.•/. Balboa Blvd. The rn1nlltt't J1 the Rev, l'rlderick Rlnl"'· Southern· Baptist Plans Vacation · Bible School To Participate 1n Anaheim Memorial4 Rites ,. Plan• •rt Ul'lderway for th" v1c1· lion Bible 11ehoo/ whlcn bt(tn• Monday, J une 20. 11.t the F'lr1l Southern Bapti1t Church or CO.ta Mt .... A prt'par•tlon m«llng ia beln1t held at the chun:h Monday. May 23, •t 9:30 a.m .. !or all the adult• who wHI work ln tht pro- 1ram. A &h1dy will be mid" pf the Otllll'llaatlon antj 11dminl1tra- Uon ot Ole vacation Bible achooL. A Blble .tudy ll conducted each WtdnHday ev""lng at 7 :4~ b7 th• pa.ator, Dr. f\lchar<1 H. Po111. Tht: p.-ent etudy 11 brlnir laken from the ~k .of Tlrnothy. The Book ot Jamel cont1tttutt1 th• them't' the Sunda 7 tvenlnc meu•ge ch week. Trainlnlf Unlo" JTie•t• t 7 o'clo.::k and the w or1h!p .,.r,1ce 011e hour later, A mullic ft'1Uv1l w111 be p~· at:nled by th• r hor•I group• nr the church, 1'ue.d1y e~ntnr. May 24. • 'Soul and Body' Is Sunday Text st l ;30 o'tlock. Varlou1 mu1tc1\ groUpa -..•Ill prt&e"t I. .v1rltly Of l!OnC• 'nd eplr1 tuai.. The public i• Jnvlltd. Island Youths Will Attend Junior Camps Four t>qy1 ln !ht junior dep&rl· m•nl of the B11lboa l1l11 nd Com- munity r.t•l hodl•t Church School made 11ppl1cation !hi• wtck to 1t- tend thr SJCy ).te1dowa C•mp, S'v"n 011k1. rrom July 11 -1s. Thi" ('Amp la one nf 11 JUnlor c1 mp11. to be held d11nng tht •ummer by thf' Southern C.11Ur(lrn!a·A1·1uina C"n· f•rence of Ill• 1'fcthod!11t Church. The ynun,1:1ter1 ire Chip1 Gurn- Mtroort•I 0.7 weekend will find lhl!I Spanl•h \V•r Ytler•IJ organl- u llon1 partlclp11.1lng In t wo mem- orial •ftvice1. Member• of th' Wo- men'• Au11lllary of Calumpl\ Camp No, 39 wlll join the comrad•• of Calumplt Camp No. lt 1 t urvlc•• ln the Church of th.e Naurt:nt, Anaheim. on Memorial Bund1y, May 2ii. al 10:43 a.m. St"rVICtl on D«or11lori O.y, Al il.y 30, at F1lrv11w Cemetery W\11 be held at 10 a .m. The color• of C.1- umpil Camp wll\ bt prtKl\le(I and a 4 roup of rneml>t'r• of bolh U•I' t'.•mp ll'ld \\'ome-n·~ Au11irtary will be·pre1e11l to t•k" p•rt In tht 1er· vlr t:.11. to Note Baha'is Bab Anniversary lhf't, C•rlton 1..0""<rn, Dougl111 Carl Tht lll!h 1.nniv .. r1111 ry of tht be·' anrt Robert N•11ly. ' (inp n1> "t 1 n .. ,.. reh(iou11 •rll -..·11! Ten nf th11 JUl\!flr high 11chnol b" (lhHtr•·~rt by Bahe'l11 through· 1 youth11 h11"e !'@cti\"r<l ronl'lrme ll<in out th• wortrl on M•y 23. the day of their •dm1tt.&nct" 'tn lh' Chr!ll.· nf th• Dl'<'IAratinn or lht Bah, II I Uan Arlvtnturr C11mr •l Carnp wu announc~• oy ,., " • • •'Ble1111 th' Lord. o my 1tOUI. •· " "' 101111° Ced1r Glrn, Jull11n. Th,lr r •n•p Bllh.a't A.11 .... mbly thl11 we•k. Many l 0 Lord my God. thou art very will b<" he1<1 June 2~·July 2. Tho11e of lht H•rbor ar•., Bah•'lll 11,.111 ~t: lhotj •rt clothed with hon-Who w'IU Ml~-lnt·htdf~Rill >-.•fry thff ~ lwn [ or 1.11d m•)'"Y·" So •Ing• U>< S 11:• •I I --e or Mr11. FA· l•ve •'•rry, S•ndv. """''' \'al"· w1,d M•,k• • h ''' R • < s P•••m•o< In the "-Iden Tt11t of ' ,,y,c • 0Cnt1 •r t ., -..,,, l'I" Lo"·en. Su~an N°f'll lV, TPrr l Co11t1. 1'1 t tht Sunday 1.Je'MOn -Sermon on · e,,.. o ('ommen1<1ra le tht I '"Soul and Body" in t.11 Chrt11U11n \\'1ldellch, D<llorta H~rper, :'l>Anry d11y ""Ith pr•ytr And the rr•d!rtjl' Shooter, G•ll Gra vell •nd Betteje1.11 of 1erlr'"''' ,,. ,. B • ., h < Sclt:nce chu.rche•. Jl04:1! " m "' an& oy Guenther. boo,k•, Tht r lory Of Soul wa1 demon·[---------------.:_:_::._.:_:_ _______ .:_ __ _ 1trated by Chrl•t Je•ua tn hea.lll'll the two blind m•n. Matlhtw'1 Go11· pel 49 :28·30) record1, "The bUnd men ca.mi to h im: and Je11u1 •Ith unto Ulem, Believe ye that I a.m ablt t(I i;lO_lJllS.!.t..Thty Hid unto h1m, Yt•, Lord. Then louchf'd h .. their ey••· uy1ng. According to your filth be It unto you. A nd their eye1 '"'"el'I Of't'ntd."• ' Jn "SCJtnce and H"Alth with Key lo thf Scrlpturps"' Al•ry Bil- ker Eddy wrlle1, "Kno-..·ing th1t Sl)ul an<! Its a ttribute• Wt'rt for- •ver m;ni(e1ttd through m11n. the M .. ter hr•led lhll' 1lck, pve alght to lht' blind. h•arlng lo Uie <1t &f, rett to the Jafne. thu1 brh1gtng tn ll1ht the aclenllflc acuon or th• d!¥ln" Mind "" human rnlnd1 and bodlt11 and giving a better 11ndtr· atanding ot Soul and •lv•llon" !p, 2101. Memorial Day Plans of . Harbor Church Council Harbor Council of Churche11. mtetlng M1y 24 In Co•t• Mt:M Conimunlty Metl\od11t C hurch. ""ill mAke plA r\11 for /'•fllCI Jllllng Jn f.ht Metnon"l Day 1erv1ct at H1tbot Re&t C•n1elery · wh•n 11 n1~"lJo May 24 11.t Co•'lt.a Me1a Mtthodtst Church. Am1rican ~g1on unlt11 1r1 Jn char1e ot the rtt1:1. , At the previou1 round ! me,Unc prffldent. thr Rt'"/. Joeeph ,\le. Shane, PT!'lf!nttd u •pe11k'r H11r· vey Ptut, who talked a bout Ch·U ~fenae And .... ked ·cooper1t1on In prf'<atnlln( the prorram. The Rtv. J o11•ph C11 rJ.oion \l'U appointed li~l!IDn oft!ct:r lo roordlnatt 1id from the churrhe.9, r11..eter Robt:rl Gronlund Alld the Rev. Ralph Ptue reported nn progreu madt In provtdinr &n off. c11mpu1 noli,g1Qu• centt'r ror Or· """'" Cout Coller" at udtnt1 a nd the Rt:v. J1mt11 St!'w11rl 1pok1! on nee<I ot l!lll:p11.n11!°" at ffoa l" ffo3- plt.al. A letter fro1n M1yor Dor a 0Hill e11pre•11ed apprtciat!on for cooper· 1t1011 of !ht council In • dt\"otlon· 1.J progran1 at city council mtf!t· lng.!I, 11.nd \l"!lh th, Euter "''etk actl•·1ue1. Vacation Church School for Island Youngsters Home Baptists' Representative to Speak Here The n ,v, Edwin Gomkt g•v• ·I <:onclae hl•to;y of th' Congrtp· t1on11 Church 1nd Mr. Stewart conducted the devollQnal "'-"lee. . A V•c•tlon Church SchOQI for P. J'. Ba.In•. Teacher. who 11t tend-Edw~rd L Mesa Methodist chlldN1n who l\av• compltled (f'd-ed a 9pecl"1 tn.tnLn1 conference reprt•Pnt11li•·e tor thP Ch1 hlr,.n·1 •• 1-t I• boetri1 pl11.11ned for July Tueltd•y at Uie Ftr•t Methodl•l Baptl11t Home {if lnJ;ltWOt•d. 1"'111 Reded·ication . 11 ·J2 by tht Balboa Ialuid Com-Church ot Ol"anft we~ Mmea. be the '(>tllk<'r al th .. Fl r~I Bep· ~ 1111 ...,._ ...._ mUhlty Mtthodl1t etu.1rch'. accord-l.A.wrence Bro.rlrig, Robt.rt lAI· ti•! Church nf =--ew p<nt B"•<'h. I Rel'IMLt ll!Jon of Co11a w- "'lclmce of )(Uid" Ins to Matthew V. 'A'aldl!'IJCh, nau. John Lor, Waidelich, Balr!u Hllh a nd 811\b.,~ Blvd .. """I Sun-Comn1unlty MethO<l l•I Chun:h wtll chalnnwi o( the commlulon on 11.nd Sapp. day I ! ; JO p.n>. I\~ hel! 11 l l I 11.n1. Sunrtay, with ~ ~ ~at~ --ti°". --------------1 Dr. PP11t . ..,n ha~ bf.tn all9()('.111ted the Rev a nd Mr•. JoMph Thomp- Rn. I!'-TUrtl. Xtat.ter Th• Kl'lool will lie eonduet-4 •l with th' Chl!.lr"n·• H11m" for many lion •A ~pt'cl•I (Uf:ft lA P.lr Thomp-~ chun:h Mond&y tnrou .. h P'ri· Circle J Holds Y••r• and h•11 tr11veled e•t•n•iveJy aon wu P••lor wheii the church ~ fll ,_ OUtl4 day tor•th• fwo-w"k pertod. Tba throu1hout lht .-tat1 repr1"f.ntln1 h..U, ._.hl.::h I• lo bear hta namt, prollWf'I, 11> bef1n a t f a.m. 'lt.nd G d T UH! home. wu •tarted. ' j ., ..... _.. ...... oon.::IVd• •l ll :•O. wtll lnclutM N· ar: en ea A food 1hov .. er of oommtrc\11 Or. Maurict 8&lltn11r, dlatTICI I J"r1dl.)' Altenloc9 Chall H-11,;ou& ln•lru('tlon, c~atl¥r actl'W"i· product. wUI be htld for the bomt auperln1.tnd1nt, wtU prH.ch at Ula e.&a ~I ..._., ~...!a:--'111 U•. drama &nd mu.lie. ft.e.ca u.e of On Na)' 0 90 peopi9 att•ndtd th• at lhl• tlmt'. _ dedication H rvice "(Id . the Rn, I ------'-=--=-.,,---------·I lill'ltttd 1pac1 and •l aft member• saro"n tee. or Circle lhr". "-'.S ,C.s . Th" Jl'irat Bapti•t Church hold• J~ph Mcshane win prt'ach •t nan CBUacR 6r ClllU8T ont7 to ch!ldr1Ti will be rt(i•l.tred, of lht Community Mtlhodl.111 Sunday S<'hoot al 9 ·t~ a.m. with 9:30" •.m. ~ 'n!lrly will be rt iti•tertd in th• church in Coata Mt~t.M...at the clUll•t _f9r all •gt•. The mnrn\nr Aner· the dedica tion th1ra wtll I----~·~,--.. -""""-_,........__ ~-f"UHl'"d"°"t-.,1~·«"llf •plpfiyllum aaf'dt ni ot Mra. y,·11. wor-11·ip il'l••UJt 1t 11 a .m, will bfc • buket lunch, &nd lhl' Fourtll A .,_. ., ............ ·a-ii, ~ Pini wtll ~ admlltf'd 1n lhl junlor !lam P•n•lt'. 1124 y,•. WUt0n S l. bl!': "Th• Thr~ Fold 8«rtt of A Quarterly confertnc1 of th1 church °"'"'".,. • QioW. ........,, i. ....... M•-· Gr.at ur.:· wlU ba h1ld at 2:30 p.m. ....,_, IT'ftUP• t rradf'I 4·11 1, The ptr1od Man:l'I to J une 11 \~ ...._ ...., t:ll •· •· R•Ptra.Uol'\a for th~ children ttrn .. of 1hr JTf'&ltflt bt0Qml n1t of J j';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =..., ....... ._... .......... _ ~1.:~:: ~f"l'Ad)' 1tttr1dln1 the church Wiii the IM'lullf\ll pink. t ed. bron.l• a nd CHURCH OF REUGIOUS SCIENCE a..•1 .. "-~ M •rt h lllfe, •«tpttd until June 1. Aftir ••nrorofe.d planti, -.nd 'lliiiton Erne•l Holmf.1. founo:ier, •Ulhor or "Scltnce of Mind.~ ~ ...... lo - -"""" .... tb•t d•lt lh~ llC.hool Will be OJIM h•v• d•lly tOUt•d "'"' P•n1lt'• ii;:;~; .... ,,..,!;~·,.::::-:::r; l:'; t o otli•r c.hUdrtn pf tht commun· i•r~tn•. Mlln)' mtlTlbt.r• ot tht' SlJNDA.Y SER\'ICES 11 a.m. ci.;...,,..,..,,....., llJ. Ep1phyltum s~irty (If America lunior Chlll'Ch UICI Nunery Care 11 .. m. n.-to-•1 ......... ~-• S ,_, ,. a. '" T k.M '' ..,. ~ ......... ..,. _ ..._ ,:;;-.. UP"" .. n1 "' 11Chool -..·IH 1M' hlvr comr In v11w UI" :,3 varleUe• • v. • ur •• • "' Nr1. °''"•1<1 r;, !l...t•IJ .,,,, Ml3 I now bloatUll!K. LAOt::SA Bl:Al"H ,\ICT OALl.l:llV Rl'Ut t-ttM .., cutt Dr. ,, •. . . . I t'• a fascinating thine. that 1:tebl'. Aa they twirl it, Ken and Jol:!nnit 1peak of the plac.11 thty'd likt to visit, the things they·d Jilr:e to do. All tht wondtra thty"ve e-eer heard of come to lift for t hem, and it'• aa if they c.ould actually 1hut thtif tyea and ate the Taj Mahal, in its Orj en11l sp lendor. and the Tower of Pi111 1\antinc 1croa1 the lta.lian sky. But ifa a frithttninc thine too, th.at clobc, shadowird by war and tht threat of war. intolerance, 1uptr11ition. Out of its darlr:neu, a 1inglt: licht burns bri&:htly, the light of FAITH .... kindled 11cro11 i ts f1t e by the Church. K•n and Johnnie ... and all the other young1t er1 in tht:ir gtnera· tion ... need tht guiding hind of the Church if they ire going to 1ucceed in mak- ing th•t clobt a better world in which to liv•. - 'This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms .. Vincent's RexaH D,.,,,, Stores R. WASEMILLER Tht•tt loc1tlon1 to Serve \·ou "Th• Yo'orklngman'a 8tor• Nf""'port Beach, Balbo.,a., Corona del Mar 20fM w. BaJboa 81,·d., Harbor 6SS1 Alice of Lido Beauty Salon Jl11 1r 81yhnr rot tht h\(UvlduaJ .ltm 32nd (on lhf" PO St.) Harbor Z844 RUSSELL W. BANGERT Ill Sl1Jt St. Harbor 4446 RADDSER & PONTING "Blllll)'"I Pll('f'" lla.rhnr 251 THE CLOTHES HORSE '"Shop of Dtll til'cllon·· 215 Marine A\·t .. Balboa l•land Harbor 0101 General Shfft Metal Works Bhttt M•t•I -Htatlng -\'r nt1l1t1n11: •o:J SOth Slrt>f'f, llarbor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS Yor All Oc<:u lona S.JOS E. Cout ff"')'., COM. llarhor 5071 KOPPER KmLE BalOO& llland Mann & Smltlt Shell Service Your Corona d•I r.111r Dealer• %801 & 3800 E. Cout Hlgh"·ay . Harbor 6568 ........ Ii ........ Harbor 2710 NEWPORT CLEANERS- Ory Clt1an1n1 -Laun~ -Pruunr MARGARET'S CAFE Specl1ll.. Jn Sta Food• !61' Newport Blvd. On1era to Go Harbor Z2K6 ' NEWPORT HARIOR IANK ROSAN INC . JOLLY ROGU B&ltto& l1dand IA.YSHORE RICHFIELD Jl'r•e Plck up A DeUvwry 11th~ Cout Hwy. Llhorcy 11-914.'I Boyer's Balboa Unoleu111 Co. L1nolmnl .,,... '7'11• .... C•l'Jl'l't -Pornitee. ZSOI "" BalOO& Bh·d. Harbo• ~ HAL COWER. & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION f'r•e Pjck u p "-d••l. -Wheel Balan~• ~SOI Sewport 81,·d. · J;lar00_!_~ ~ GEORGE M. GRAHAM Ru11 &l'ld Carf>"tJI 122 A1tal~ "''e., Balboa bl&nd Harbor 3256 HOUSE AND GARDIN Complt tl Hom • J\im1'h1nl" , Dr11pt:rle1 -R11K11 SOJ7 "'· C<w!t ff"')" Liberty 8·5518 MAC'S CAfl Ftrll on right to .... rd Hlll'!Un(tol\ Btac;h 6204 Cuut ""')'. Harbor 126J...& MARINE BEAUTY SHQP Peraon11llzrll St:rv1r1 In HA1r' 8tyllnr 327 Marine A\·e., Balboa llllad . Harbor 1.51 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Compltt• H om• F um1'hln1• 2620 \\'. Cout. Hwy, Uberty II-WI MARKET SPOT 200 Marine A \·e., Harbor 1000 Reinert'• Newpart Dept. St.. "'Your Fan11ly Store I Lnce !91'" ~ Froat at 22nd. SEASIDE MALT SHOP uoo w. Oceaa lluboolll Higlr Qualify Printing-Ph.· Har; 1616 ' • ' Harbor Department . H1-ri(les 368 Calls During Month of April NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 ·PAGE 7 THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 MARINE NEWS N-port Harbor Department I wu render~ 19 lars• boat. and had a bu.sy nion\h ln Aprtl with 22 •mall boat.I and :lG atrl'I~ were a total ot HO calla. Two ot thue ma•le, lnl'ludln~ 16 f or •pt>eclitlf. were for tin• &nd three reACUt\I ThirlY·lWA dlr.:llcta_turned up mtaa1onL In tht' Harbor and were du troyed Rowboat. took up a &OOd deal and 33 compla!nU.-11 tor •Pffd· ot lb• ·Harbor Muter'• Ume w1t.b tn°"i-taken care of. SUI iuut v..- •O ealla, 21 bOl.t.I tound 11nd re· sel• were grttted t.nd 161 other tumed and H picked up and held comp laints handled. o. .. TI DI ..,_ TAILI ·~ ,.... 111. tor return to ownera. Aulat.Anc 'CLIMENTI NAVAL GUNFIRE WARNING YOUNG SKIPPERS' OFF SHORE . RACE K&rlnert •re warned a.a Clamtntt 11land area1 will be d&n1eroua to nav11auon Ulla -k at uaual. Cout Guard otn~ report Cu lle Rock wm be bwt~ todt-Y and to- morT'OW from I a.m. to mid· ntpt and dayllcht hour• of Saturday and 8Wld&¥. A fleet ot eeven entriea turned out for the high echool akippers' sailing contest tut Sunday over a triangular course whic h 1tarU<I o(( Balboa Pier. The Rhodes sloop Witch, skippered by Jane Enright, was first to liniah the course but lost out to J ulie Hurndall's LudeTS-16 Vixen on corrected time. Shown from left are; Dave Grant'• Teuer; Nancy Corkett'a Piyfng Cloud; Jane Enright'• Witch; Julie Hurndall'• Vixen, and Norman Lawson's Diune. Also racing were Ferne'a Delight ill skip~ by Oren Wade Jr. an_q Merlin Couch'• Tempt· resa. -Beckner J>hoto ' Pyramid Oove wU1 be bom· ktded l>y naval cuntln todt-y rrOm I Lm. to 11 p .m. and to- 1norrow from 12 :30 to • p.m. I.ADY ANGLERS ON LAND -Ranged around the counting board at the "Prelude to Fiahing" luncheon and fashion show at Newport Harbor Yacht Club Friday are seated, Mrs. W. A. Tobias. treasurer of Lady Anglers; Mrs. Lawrence Piper. Mrs. Andy Andresen and Mrs. William Tallman. Standing, Mrs. Ray Marshall, Mrs. John \ Hartlein and Mrs. Ned Johnaon. -Staff Photo DARRS TO START TE VEGA CRUISE ' SERIES ·FROM L. A. ·NEXT MONTH 134-ft. Schooner Now ReadylnCJ for Lush Tour of South Seas FLY CHILDREN HOME "We just flew the children back to our home In Honolulu ao that I'll be free to make the shake- down cruise." Mra. Darr reported. -LADY .ANGLERS By ST~ (Mn. Ra)') ~HALL The wonder of wordt never leaves ua -a whole new area ot ;iiou(bta and 11Uperlallvei to expre111 our appreciation open11 up. The 1Newport Harbor Yacht Club wu lhe 11cene on May 13 of our "Prelude to J'lah!nf" Luncheon, Carda and F8ahlon Show, where aucllence parti· clpatlon offered keen compelltlon with Verne Miller'11 artistic models who dlllplayed Umely fuhlon• from nlne local shopa. Many of of the tong ll!t or cene.roua local theM c011tumu m ade the gtr l• merchants who donated the m&11y drool and t.e.mpted them to U&hten dlllllncllve door prizes. · up on their fishing budgeta In For tho1e who 1tayed on tor favor of more rtamour. Not to b« carda. there wt re table prtzu of outdone by human temmea, Pe,. • beautifully dtcorated ceramic: uh- lope PQOdle almoat atole the 111" JW traya, dl'signPd by Mr•. La\\Ttnce with her engaging way or model-(Fran) Piper. tng her pert. petite chapeaua with CHARITY PROlJ',CT real French flair. On behalf of the C'lub0 as a wholt'. BA\'E 1'0 QUAL'IS I wish to thank all I.he g1rl1 who Even. though Friday the 13th gave ao gt-nl'rou~ly ot their time uaually portends u Ill-fated da y. and eCforls In ma kln& this party n<> compunc:tiona were harbored In auch a hu&e 1uc:cess, not forgetting •lectlng thla · date for 1uch a our friend• and nelghbont whose worthy ca~. u our club wu suppor t made thla our record l.n found~ on the 13th. nnal fln&n· Ucket aales. c:Lal resullt proved thl• date to The proceeds of I.his party are lo aga in be lucky tor our fl1hlng p.11, be utilized ror the annual picnic, •Ince we exctl'ded all previous phll· May 27, at C.,lla Mesa P•rk, tor anthropic proceeda. the Hu1dlcapped Children ot Or · The 1etu ng or thl• party car· ange County. Thi• will conclude rled out a the.me ot 1prlnr n owert our phllanthroplc program for the. and It& ah.ell• Which the guellta year. will long remember. Mu. J ohn M. Soon lbe acene will change and rBlz) Hartlein, who hu won five we can relax and exchanie glam-awarda for her arl11Uc noral cru.-tlorur, w .. reaponaibl• for thla dee. our cl9.thea tor ti&hinr regalla. T o crawl out· ot the u ck tn the old oratlve dltplAy. VaJuable H1llta.nce mlaty dawn, board a boat and head wu g1ven 1n the pl&l:lJltng and et-for the old familiar haunta, one feeUng ot thia out.tandtn1 atfalr hand clutchinr; a tackle bo• titled by Mra. Andy (Phoebe) Andreaen with all the new fandangled trap- and her co-chairman, Mra. J im P~• auch aa apoofera, d~ra, (Allee} 81emona, Mn. l'tan)c clooben, homicide Jlp, ate., the (Clara) Keeler and their commit-otht'r hand atretchlng around at tee. Mr1. Ned CPlpey) Joh.neon, teut thr~ brlgbt ahlny ro<la pre- who ~njoy1 a popular reputation pared to cajo}t a thlver1ng tooth- .. emcee, 1ave a brief re11um1 of chattering ti~ Into aelt dut ruc- the p.urpoH ot thl• be.nellt. tlon. Yea, thla I• relaxation tor a Space doea not penntt menUon LA.DY ANGLER. The children total three: Bllly, 6; ---------------------------Bf Bll.L PHILLIPS Captain Omer Darr and his lovely Hawaiiap-born wife are offering arm-chair-'ld\·enturers the real thing this sum- mer. June 10 is start.int dale of t !'IP shakedown passenger cruise of their two-masted schooner Te Vega from Los An· Bobby, 3 "a lllld Mlrhele. 2 ';;. Bul a bout that maiden voya1e ot the Darr Unes: After 18 day• at ~I\ In the lu1h schooner. •topt will be made at Marquesaa u chl- pelRgo, Nukuhlva. Typee Valley, ecene ot H f'nn&n Melville'" clalllllc r eles to romanllo Tahiti. Te Veg-& hu been underl{t>rnr renovallon In Newporl llarbor for J&unrhmg of lhe Darr Llnrs f'\'Cr •Ince It~ •lclpprr broug-ht Ute (!rll Ct here from Tahiti l&!l year. Darr p,urch11~ed the 13~-ft. 11choanC"I' liH1t M11y 11hd lmmedlatrly muled h..er back lo Newport. The n a Cl W AR con11trurtcrl fn 19:10 by Fi t<'d K rupp GrrmRnlawerCl. l~1el, Gr1 · many. built , of strrl ln Lloytl's r11lts 11nrl <14'8lplNI by Cox 11ntl 8 t<"Vl"n.t0, 1'rw Yu1 k 11,1vnl 11rr hl· ~oulh Si>a:o. So he w<'nl to Hong wntlnga; TRksroa. an atoll In t<ong. lot•allon or a gorn.I shtpyarJ Ta11molo arc-hlpe!Al{O, only a few and lhe rheape!lt labor In lhP world miles from where the !&med rail But IL bt•mg right aflt>r the wa r, no Kon Tiki wu wrecked; Atuona. tunbrr wu avallable. Jnsteat1 of Resolullon Bay, n&med after Cap· b111ldtn1: l1i:1 boa t. Darr opcr8lrtl taln Cook's ship which anchored a palm! bosl for the Chinese .N11-lh11re for waler In early exp lora- ttonnhst ru~l-0m11 ~ Lory dan: Taloh81, ~oorea. Bora- ('Ot'PLY. ~lEt7rS borll, RAllt'a, with Honolulu voy- This fndm•<"t route somrhow 8ge'11 rntl Aug. 1:1. br<>ught the Darrs together. Mrf. HICllJ.IOllT OF TRlP Darr. born and reared in Honolulu. But hlghllghl of lhl' lnp Will tee ta. rlu:Jn't leave th1' Islands unl1I she bP arrival tn Tahiti In time for w.:i' 18. ln 19H she went to San opening of lhJ Fete l':atlonale, I.he Hll'I t 'JR.ST STt:r Pram 1sco. aturlying nunnng al SL exciting Bs:1tllle Day celebration ___ ,, d "• t ?ofllry':< l1Mp1tal She n1rt Omer In lht St1t1lh Sus pl\r&rll!I'. Bill ()blalnlnK Te \i•fe~ u.&LAC ..... a 1trp In cre&tlon of a paMrni;:tr t1n'crogl'I ·a: 1Ttemt '"1Ust ltft rr Da S'font", a uthor or Talilfr Landfill!. I I I returnrrl from l'hlna. Afler· Darr. Ship3 <1C Flame and TwQ came By .. 11ing hnr bt tf 'Pen Hano u u 81\1 1 h T11hlll that Darr h1111 bffn th1nkln1' took Rnother South Seu cru 5"', e S""· " p11io11rnger on lhr cruille, will ~NNUAL MUSSEL QUARANTINE EFFECTIVE UNTIL OCT. 31 ,The yearly quarantine o ( m\188els for human consumption established along the entire California coastal shore ia in effect to October 31, the state health director reported. Mussels ma.y be used for bait during the ban, but must be.broken open and placed in containeni plainly marked in big print, "For ttsh bait only. Unfit for human consumption." It is a protection against toxic poison present in abellfiah during 81llllmer and early autumn. Clams should be cleaned and washed thoroughly before cooking and all dark part.I, where the poison concentrates during the May-October period, should be discarded. Only th~-wblte meal should be eate-n. In addition, clam.a should be taken from areas free from sewage contamination. ot for 110 long he "11n't put his ~top(>f'd b.' Honolulu and p1ckrrl up give a iopt'<'l8l Tahitian feMt a l hls tlnger on when the r1rt-llm beg:_an lhP future !\tr11. Dan as a p11ssen· 11a1and home. --------------------------- "We don't care IC our 1 z pn!li<<'n-i:r r. ~'\l'xt stC1p was Reno a nd a Accommodation• a boar~ Te Vep power. water capacity of 9200 gal· en ry two month3." Skipper Dur r er berths aren't full !<tr the tTlp m:unage hc-eMe. C'Bn only be rffl'rrrd lo Ill! lush. Joni. refrigeration, pubUc addre1111 reported. "And we hope to malce from Loa Angelu." Ilnrr ~81,1 DarT t'11rly obtained his tra ining ComplPl"lY 11lr·contlltloned. w ith 11ysttm, 11hlp .ro 11hore anti l!hlp to ll to the P.tci(lc eoa.,t about ooce ''Thie 111 llrluAlly a '""It l'l'ak,.down tn bPC•';nP an eJ&perlC'nri>d 11k1pper., mll~h· plpP•I Into thr Six comlort· ship radio teltphone, u u1 two 22· a yeat." Hawleyt Enter Palmdale lace Bob Hawley, and hit dtuchter. Friday May 20 8al urday May 21 8ua~ M-.y 22 Monday .May 23 Tueaday Nat 2• wec1n..-y 14)' J6 Tb ul"ldaJ' M-.r H ~" 8.1 L 11\, 'L U p.m. 9:08 a. m. l :IO p. t1t. 10:.02 .. l'I\. 9:06 p. m. lO:~Lm. ll:lt p. nl. 11:58 L m. ~O :'I p. IJI. 1:01 , ••. ll:ff L m. ..................... J :ot p. a\. IAw st 1 OJ L m. -1.l 6.6 1.U p_, m. 1.1 u 2 d LnL -t.1 u 1.06 p. m. 1.6 u 1 .31' a.m. -1.7 6.T t 61 •· "'· 1.1 u t 27 L 11\. -1.T t.5 3.U p. ro. 1.t a.a 6 :20 L m. -1.1 6.0 t .17 p. m. 1.1 u t :UI LUI. -1.1 ••• l :•t p. m. u 7:12 L m, -0.T •. o T:U p. nL 1.• AM. botb of Cott& Mesa.. wlll enter their boall, Bore Polnt and Bore Jolnt, both M hydroa, In lb• May 2.2 J'&Ce at Palmdale Outboard Re- ptta. Tbe race will be held on Palmdale RcNrvoU' IOUUl ot Palm· dale ott Htcbway 8. DAYLIGHT IA.VINO TDB The Rawley• wiU be at&.rtJnc on their first racea thl1 year. The rac· ln1 fathrr and dauchler won or placed 1n a number of American Powerboat AtloclaUon repttu Jut year which were held In the Southland. ~ nan QUAllTD Kay. ,, .. . . ~ "1LL MOON J\UM • NEW UPPER IA Y SAFETY LAW ADOPTED BY SUPE~YISORS SANTA ANA (OCNSl -Tiie 0r&nl'• County Boa~ or Superv1sor1 adopted a new aafely ordinance for Upper New· port Bay. Prusure for a new ordinance wu applied when Donna Sorensen loat her arm ln a power boat accident In the bay lut aummer. The new ordln&nce hu bl'en pa.ued by the Harbor Com- mlsalon and lh• Outboal"d Cluh. It amend• ordinance •90. Among the prov11lon1 ot th• ordinance are that no boat ex· ceedmg 18 fet't shall ply upper bay waten, no boat, shall move counter clockwl1e unle11 ordu ed by the harbor muter, no boat af\all uce.d Ute lpted ot 35 nautical mllu per hour, no boat ma y follow another at a dlat&nc1 le&1 than 200 feet. no skier tow llne may be longer than Tl! feet. no swlmmln1 or wading except In areu lo be dulgnated by the 1upervt.o", no one under H to drtve a power boat. It alSQ wu 1tlpulated each boat lowlnc a alder muat have at lea st t wo paasenrer..-on• tor 1teertn c th• other t or watch- ing the 11kler. County, City Gas Tax Apportionment Ot the record total $24,<>Sa,· Z!i:l.42 ot 1tale guollne tax rev•· nuea given 3US c1tlta ln C&lllom la for slreel work tbl• tl1c&l year, !llewport Beach received $111.- 711.52. Costa Meaa 147,0&f .07. Orange County wu apportioned SM9,9~7.117 for th• year endln June 30. Alhley Car Stole11 Reports Tire The~ Joseph L. KIUlnrer of 9TS Gov· emor St., Colla M.... reported theft ot a Ure and wheel from bl• carport eometlme thla month, Le· cordinl' to Meaa poUce .. Klliinler dlaoovered th• I.heft from trunk of h1a car Monday. Value wu aet at '10. ~ 80VTB OOAST 00. llrd a Newpon Blvd. Cf • I.Aft N'SW QV4Jl'l'l:a llOUJf Jun. u May 11 Drunk Drivl.. a., William Cl11rl'nce Prtfttt. ll, or 2166 olll'ge Ave., eo.ta Mffa. wu booked hy ,.._ police 1t 10 :60 p.m. Sun.Jay on a cb&rp ot drunk drlvln~ He WU &rr..ted In the 2200 blt•(·k or Newport Blvd. . M.,Wlta_...lor fWl!fttl .............. . '"'9ht, flta ........... Niie of A 19113 green coupe w .. 1lolen tTom Van'a Bowling parkln1 lot at 1703 Si.u>erlor Ave., Co1ta M-. ';============~ lut week. MeH poliC9 reporlted. ; your car. Jampocbd with big· ....,,....,,.. ............... . QUllTI The au to belon&'ed to l!lherld&n r. Aahley of Cardt:n Orove. who .. buslnellJI add~sa 11 l 03 E. lllth St., ta Meioa Ashll.'Y said the car wa.s taken betl''et'n 8 ·30 and ~O:&O p. m.· ~oo, Author Is e d THALCO Flberg.laM • DMler la the Harbor a'rea. Bring your fiber· COfH °" In and ... the '~ today. '"*'-lef'1 eo flaNtt.Q I Ivy naw, we our tlMe pay• Ment plan. . .. Waidelich The~ gla.u problems to us. South Coast Co. Theft ot .:lot.b lng, a camera and Pacific Fiberglass 23rd & Newnart lfvd lls appurten&11cu , &II \'&lued al ·F • SlZ~. from hla open 1port.ol car wu HOI W. Coaal Hwy. n.£ reported Saturda y by John R. Pb. LI 1-102 u61JJll•ll Waidelich. Pa.JOI Verdea. He told Acroaa f rom AU-American Mitt. local police the theft occurred '============~:_..:::'..:::'_:::'_·H:.:..:.o:_:":_::':._:0_:11.:.:t•:..:°'=td.:....:ll:.o::.t:.::o~lf=-­whlle hi• car w .. parked In the :. 'Lido 11.re&. McCollocln on Trip Mr. and Mra. Lee McColloch, owners or I11land Pharmllcy, Bal· boa b land. are on a five-week sojourn In the R&wa.tl&n hlandi1, MARINE CARIURITOlS 1Wpa1n -Salee -Part• ZENITH & STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM i4S9 W. Cout HJghllray Liberty 8·1S4S ''Rich'' -Richard cruise wp'd take an~ how .. Main1 t-~t mnuc lhr<'e tr ip .. \\:•th hi" ~·11 rht nble enb1ns and plannl'rl entl'rtaln· tt. motor wb aleboats. ------------- ObJecuve I• st&rl of thllt 11t8n•l::tr 1I Nordh'll, <1nr!' frt'm :-;!'wporl Har·1mpnt th~ghout the ttlp, Te Vtga FREQL"ENT CRl"ISES llnr connerLlng llawllll nn.i Ta· bor. Ha9 11r~t one. slartrni: fro.~ wlll ra'rfY"l....personnt l ot !Ive in One euch cruise might aaUafy Harold I. Johnson hill. the South Seu ' mosl romAn· Annapolis. ls11ttd Cl\'er ~ ye11r. J the stewart'a department to cater most &..rm·chalr advenluren. but It ~ t'ro~llar Repalnt , llc&I ind hlitor1ril n&mu, by the jusl wa~t~rl to IHI there. DarT ex· to th1• advent11r<'r'a evr ry whim. will only be the at.art tor the Columbian and f"l'deral ld , ntur ot llall ' plains. \\ t 8topptd at all the 111· Ralph Varandy, ofrmerly m11nager Darrs. Te Vega vo•lll a rrive in AJen<"y ~~ck ~n l!l,16 • .j7, DArr dl'Clded IM1I~:· Thrrr·,,. a lot qr thMI' In ot world-renowned Trader Vic'• ln Honolulu Aug. l~. Sept. l markl! Phone llubor 620 Opens ,.Friday, May 20th 811 Weflt 19th St.· Vista Vlllage • cOtta •Mea llt"'J build a boat lo iiro t n the the Sollth Seas. Honolulu. 11 rhlt f 11tew11rd. 11tart of the 11n<"a' 8"cond voyage to 1911 Villa Way, Newport Bead! ll wn~ n natural ste-p ror Darr The schoonf'r wiU carry s crew of Tahiti. ''\\'e will malle lbe trip f rom. :'\nnllys to Te Vt'(:ll 11nd the 17. tnrlut11ng three Ta.hlt111ns. auxl- D:ur LrnC":<. And Just 811 natural llary pow('r with a cr11li1ln1t range for Mrll (liur to ~lrp from the or l'JOOO mllea wllh rPserve, elcculc togs Of a regltslereu n11rs" Into work "lack~ ti' help with thr nrrt s· •11ry work nreiled on thl' ~rhoonrr. Yn11 don't ~N' Mrs. Darr Bl hrr most natural altr11rli"""~~·. how· t'VCr, until 11he 11lep11 !'n the three- lnC'll teak deck of the Tl' Vtga tn rnl<'rful nn<I lra<11t1on11I "11ro11g w11.h ' flowcl"in he.r dark hair. MARL''E C:PHOLSTERL.~O BOAT 00\"!:RS BALBOA CA.,'\'.~S SROf Herbo< m 2l4rt l ist St. HlWrou HACH RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 30th St .• ~ewi>ort ~-h · ~ 8.a.rbor m:. • Step Up And MHt ••• A REAL Woodworking Expert t YOU .•• octuolly lt'a yov and your new SHOPSMrTH* Marie S, b«ovse all the crofts· monship you need hos been built Into the machine I You'll be amazed how easy oil wood- working la with SHC>nliArTH I Come iri for o demonsr1orion I Sii for yourself I lnchHlee --h.~ • ......, ........ LUY THMI • -Specia.1.Wnc ln FRESH WATER FISH PfKF:. PICKLRl:L. RAJSBOW TROUT, n:aar. AND AVAILABLE LOCAL nsa .... -· WE ALSO SPECIALIZE1N POULTRY Squab, Partridg«1i Guinea Hen, Ducu, Gt-es<', etc. FEATURING FRUH OCEAN and SHILL FISH Crabe, Lobel.er, Shrimp, Halibut, Swordfh~h. et.c . Phone -LI e.7644 "RICH" llCHAlD 1 SEA FOOD MARKET 81 l WMt. 19th It. • V1lfa VIDage • Coeta Mf!M ' I J ,... ..... 'AGE 8 ·PART I I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRl:SS THURSDAY'.. MAY 19, 1955 • I Coveted Achievement Award Won by Robins Ford for Operation, Theodore Robina. plon .. r Har- bor &rM bualn••man. and ht. 80n. Bob Robina. partner In the lo· In cal auto -.enl'y on Mariner'• MUe, the .. r1 .. "Europe In ll·D" will bt &1\1\0Ul\Ced today ~lpt of a COY· FU'Jlt..S a l Or&nire Cout eoii.,. .CC ed •ward trom th!_l'ord Motor o. I Third Lecture on Europe Set • for Tuesday j The third Uluatrated l~tul't' t!Mn judJ"ed u s-•••lnW eow1f nna.nc,., ettlcl.ent manacement.. alway• comp«Jtlve epbil &l'4 compl"ely modern faclllU•." Bob Robina voiced hi• appNCla· Uon of UM award b7 ~ t'Onllnued eaort to 1cMp tM H-· "-rt S..ch·Coeta Meea Femi dMJ· erattlp a t the hlrb live! ot etll.tce m'°'talnt<1 llnt-9 1t1t. TUelday n enlnf, May 2( at 7 :SO p.m .. ~Ins lo t>r. Thomu A. IJ~e\y, dMn•of adult."edurat1on; Known throu.Jhout ~ a1.1t.amo· Uve world u tM Ford Four ?At· tu .Awa.rd Ulll emblem la tllpltr· cant of outatandJnc achievement In 1964. . occ a~L--9 L Th• Four Lett.re are derlv-4 ~ •G•H Crom four baalc fundament&la of BANTA ANA C0CN8) -Twe excellent dealerahlp opersUon: ti· Aijr bruahM valued at NI we..- nanaee; manac•mt..nt; 1plr1l and Jtolen Monday from loekera In th• racWtlea. Accordlnw to RobW art p.llery etudto, Or~ Cout aenlor. "after caretul ecrutiny by COD•re. 8herl.tra deputl• "port• Ford Motor Co. offlclala we have ed. The leeture lut week wu at· tended by a capacity audience. The May 2t lecture will be devoted to Scandlnavlan Hlfhlig-ht.a, Startinr la, Copenhagen .11t11eenea wilt be ahown of t.llle capital or Denmark, city of blcycl.ea, D&nlab allver and Royal Copenhairn porcelain. ln Sweden plct urea will be shown or StocJtbol.wl, 'tta Orrefo1·1 gl•u, rr:==:=:=:=::=:=:=:=:=::=:;=::=:==::=:=:=:=;:=:=:=:==:~ Skan11en Park . Drottingholm and S&lt.sjobaden. The mount11ln• and fjords ot Norway llnd the North Sea will &l$O be pu:tured. ANNOUNCING . .... the Opening' of Our Own Shop Upholalerlns and lllpconn with the Same Fine Work We Kave Produced at KIMMON'S the Pest 2t years •••• Contlnulnc at th11 eame add,..... FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE BEST LOOKING FORWARD TO HIGH SCHOOL n 1e lectur ea are held In the Art Ct>nter 0 9.lJery at the c.ollege and are open to the public without charge. The series ha.s been endors· ed by the Bu11ineM and ProCeulon· al Women's Club. the EbeU dub 'ot Newport Beach, the Friday Afternoon Clu?J, the Barbor Coun· • ell of P.T.A., Harbor PanhellenJc, Lido liale Women'• Club, and ZOnta John We and Ann L Konllel 616 E. l,dl BL Coeta .._ Horace Ensign School Grade 8 A, taught by Mrs. Mou· teller, appears above from left in this order: Top row- Charlene Carroll, Kent Hay, Elsie Silman, Jim Walker, Linda Bowen, Pat Hanehaw, Charlotte McGann, Nick Jarrett, Melinda Rork. Middle row-Erik Sjobeck, Mel- inda Peeler, Dana Cordrey. Tom Corkett, David Elford. J ohn Bellinger, Larry Ashby, Mike Calhoun, Terry Rose. Lower row-Dick Tarnoneki, ~b Lieb/ Ricley. Arens, Roy Mather, Carol Hyden, Marilyn Bowfer, Randy Hill, Deniae McDonald, Tom Hare; left Mrs. Mouteller, right Nancy Prior. Club of Newport Beach. Ullert7 ........ lf ........ ,. Ullelty ...... COLONIAL .CONTEST RElllLTI Su~ervisoa: Rejects 4-county Air Pollution District-rran SANTA ANA (OCNS) _:_ The in Los Angelee County and that eounty board of 8upervi110rs Tues-this county would be uked to day went on record u opposing toot more than lta abare of the bll ~-~L • I .,.,fore the leglatature whkh Also, It was explained, mo11t of 'would form a metropolitan air the art ion 111 predicated on amog pollution d istrict out of four coun· condit1on:1 in Los Angeles County. tlea. Ir the new district i11 formed It The meuure would to~s Orani:-e. woulrt do aw11..v ·with local air pol· llan Bernardi.no. River,.idt• 1111t1 lut1on control. Loe Angfle.1 counties together 111 1 C'ounty Counsel J oel Ogle WILi one vut dlatrlct. 111str(1cte<l to contat·t Sen. John Local auperv1Hr1 claimed. how-Murdy Immediately and gave him •ver, moat of the power would lie I this county'• 1tand. · Club Opening Ceremonies at NHYC Saturday Newport Harbor Yacht Club will-celebrate the 38lh annlver- 11ary or IU rounding this week end with a. number of important .. vent& to mark the orrtcuLl open· Ing ot the 19:;:; season. Starling Sat urdtt .v -.rt-noo!' 11 large group ot racing 1&11 f rail wall leave Lo1 Angelo· Harbor in a handicap race whlch will end off lhe Balboa Pier. Concurrently, the power boal enlhWJl&ata will en· gage in predtcted log race over the course and a tine group ot trophies will be at eyi.ke for both dh1slons In this annual classic. KIRKPATRICK ACCIDENT Mary Mcchesney WIM ·BrownlnCJ Honor ~ County Named in $301.432 Suit for Wrongful De~th Mary McCheaney, Orange Cout College Engllab Instructor, receiv- ed one of four honorable aienttona Jn the Robert Browning Poetry Contest for 19M, It wu revealed today. SANTA ANA (OCN8) -A Costa Mesa woman whOlle huaband was fatally Injured ln a traffic crash tiled a $301,432.12 wrongftll death auJt Tueaday agalllat Orange County. Supervisor Heinz Kalaer, Road Comml1111loner AJ Koch and Road Enflnee~ Henry Anderson. mJtttnr a danceroua condition to exJat. The conteet la 1ponaortd annu- ally by Redlands University. M iu The pl&intlft alleges there wu McChesney'a contribution wu a n.o wam1ng provided at the T·end, lyrk entitled "Young lnatructcir." that no atop algn ~aa e rected on ;J.Uss McChermey la alJJO one of the the northea.et corner ind that there organizers or the lolial l:Ul~en w&11 looae gravel atrewn on the Club made up of local vene writ• 1st PRIZE s100°° Sheny Lyle s...lth, nsJ. Los Altos 2nd PRIZE 57500 ~3~· ~i,::::1.e., •-Park er•. Kirkpatrick WH northbound on Lodging lhe action wu Adele B. road. ·3rc1 PRIZE $rft00 Mr. Myron Robl...0.. .,.,--13282 LaVa .. 1111, Gar .. Grove Kir kpatrlc:J.!. aa admJnlst:ratrilt In the estat6 of Curry W. Kirkpat- rick Jr. Tu1tin Ave. HI.a car tnt.veled acroes I 23rd st., and hit an ob1trucuon. Osborne Realty in accordinc to the complaint. The pla1ntttf contends Klrkpat-New Local Offices . . CHILDREN'S PRIZE 525°0 Klrl<palrlck wu kllled Nov. 24, 1954, when hl1 panel truck llltlaah- ed Into the Tualln Ave. dead end at 23rd st.. county territory. as a partner in the Mesa Ranch 01bome Realty Co. hu lope.ned Bernice Huhn • • • 7661 Wyomlftt, Westminster The plaintiff cl.alma the county and Ila employeea were sutJty ot negligence and carele .. neu in per· rick wu earnJng $10.000 a year I . Market, 1978 Newport Blvd .. and a brand new real eat.ale office at the Ranch Market Lawaderette 2323 w. Cout Highway, a fflW next door. · . door11 from Port Orange. Kirkpatrick left h1a wit~. three Harold E. Oeborne hu been THE PANEL OF JUdGES roater of offlce ni and dl~tora of children, father. mother and a act.Ive in the real estate and in· brother. 'The ault wu filed by Atty. veetment fie.Ida for 26 yearw ln Max Hurwitz. PUii.den& where be developed and • Mr. W. L Farrow Mr. R. D. Eliot • • • • Serge Krilman Son Mr. and Kra. Serge Krlzman, 123 Onyx St., . B&lboa Ialand, are p&rent.a of a boy n*orn May 10 at Hoac Hoapttal. 1old 1ubdivlalon and high grade properUe.11. Recently he hu l>ffll Uloclated with P. A. Palmer. The Oabomea have aummered here for many yeara and particu- larly enjoy flllhlng, Mr. Richhard Haster • Mr. Richard Hanna • • • • • • Gardett Grove Realtor Gardell Grove lni11e11 ~" Garden Grove,....._ .... • • • WestlftlMter AnorMy A-worldaCJlllClll's _store .to Ser¥' y_~~-w~highest quality at lowest p;im. You must be satisfied or y0ur money . cheerfully refunded. t:. Hundreds of items_ too nuliiefOR -to-mentio11-at-extra low prkes_durip.e._our _openin_CJ-sales. WRANGLERS lll!)-oz. Sanfortucl-Mea'a SU. 30-41 w&Mt OPE?ll'lNO SALE • • • • • • • • • • • YOt'TH'S SIZES J!I • JI • • • • • BOY'S SIZES 6 -U • LADIES JEANS, BLUE DENIM 8-oz. Saaforl.ud %1 to 14 Wal11t • • • • • • • • • , , WORK SOX~ White or Random Fl~ Quallty 'Cotton .?\'lyoa Rtotnforced fff'f'I A T-.Sl-.10 tv It BONDS BDlE MEN'S DRESS SHOES i e.yeleta -Loafeni -Plain Toea -Fancy JI.tor. value to 110.18 • • • • • , • • • • T SHIRTS Oottoa Rll>-Nyloa Jl.to~oraed-Wltla Pocket White & Oolo,_.ltf',. 11.16 value • • , • • Men's Zinner SWEAT SHIRT Wlalte V-N~~-H"''7 We.trht 8mall ·Med· l..a.lye. -!:11~1lmt \'alee ........., lt-.11 .... • • • • • • .~ • • • - • t Pain ARMY TWILLS, Super Qualitv KMld11 or Grey-Ht1avy Zlppe~ardodJ Full Cut Pant.-.Slzeit 29 to fl OPENING SALE • • • • • SHIRTS to Match j4f.17 OPE~l1'"G SALE BELTS Large Selt'<'tlon Gl'nuln,. Top Cowhide Boy'a and Mf'n'11 22 to t2 Re.J · ·12.00 BOY'S SPORT SHIRTS . . . Fanl'y PKltf'rn11 -Prf'·!'lhrunk Wsuhable Larg11 Selectton-SIUll 8 tn 18--0uaranfH d WORK SHOES S177 . ThJa Sale Only . ~ . IANl t-0 T-Plaln T°", ~turd.y Ouanni-t QuaJll y Hea''Y Cord Sol~ • • • • • • • . s500 MEN'S DENIMS Faded RllMI or Charcoal ~Y lO-o1.-Hl:a\'Y Pocket--.~anfortzed .IAC:KJ;TS TO MA~H Openlor Sale Onl¥ Chambray llue ,WORK SHIRTS SA.~RIZ.CD SHRUNK 8UPl:B VALUE •••• . . . ' STRETCH SOX 801"8 Nl'LON RELANCA FUmesTtoJl •••••• . . MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS . . . . Short Slf'f'VM, Whit.ti a Colo", Pl&lo a F&DCJ Cool SumnHJr F.abrl-8mall-Medlwn-LA.rse OPESl~G SALE • • • , • • • • • • • I THOROOOOD' FIELD BOOTS Sturdy 0 11 Tan i;itocJr Bea''Y CompMltloo 8-0leoa -Ill.ts value , • SWEAT SOX Mf'n'• or Boy'1 -lhaV)'Welpt Nylon, Wool, ~Y°" Blftld-~. tic MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS Plain or Fuey \'aJue1 to ........... . Elltra ..... ,. to .. ShshtlJ ID.rlMlr BOY'S SWIM TRUNKS -AD Stfla ... Fiabrlea .... . . . ~ oar _op.tar Sale 0a1, • • • • • • • I hln : I Kr .and Jdra. Donald FTanltlin an on lhrM-•Mll trlp to HOllo- JWu. Th•y ere shown waving goodby from county &1rport. Th«y WW nturn by boat. Franklin, wttb Balboa leland omce Of Vo~ Co., reported pcononal aleti of mor. than U 00.000 durills thrM -U before hJe ncaUon. They Included apartment build.tn&' and two buslne .. 1tructure1 on M&rlne Ave. At left, Betty Petti'• eon throw~ ltl f>Tl'lltnte<1 by =-:E'""J)Qrl H11.rbor Board of R~alton. She alto la in 111land o((ice ot Voge.1 Co. -Don Bush Photo TOP 9UALITY MercM11dlM WASEMILtER'S -'• Mat .. -c.tMl..t----m--.:1 or yow wy cll11,,.y ret .. 1d I - WO-RKINGMAN'S STOii -· 18941 HARIOR ILYD. COSTA MIU • \ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ·rHURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 AU'IOMATIC SAMPLER -Jack Baker, chief operator at County Sanitatlo~ Dtstrtct8 •Treatment Plant No. 1 checks the sampler on the settling tank which periodically dips into the influent to .coop up water and drop it into a bucket. -All Staff Photo1 BATHING WATER -Twice daily u.mples of the aurf are taken at 12 stations along the Newport Beach-Hunt- ington Beach coast by Herb Hargett. ~ . BUBE'l'ID -Deviaed by Bill Henderson, district chemist. the titrimeter and its &e· companying 1et of burettes m~ures alkalinity, acidity, salt and othE'r cont(!nt of tht .__) aample under lnveetlgaUon. Solutions In botrte-s libove --i<ac1l biir"ttl' ha''(" fl°""rrdard known strength. Burettes measure amount of standard !' ' 1 I' • affect the aample. OOLIFORllS -Sucking up a aample of sea water from the sample bottle. Noel Pet;r. 80D, lab technician. prepare• to Inoculate the ocean water with culture medium in lht ftnt A,ep to determine pouible coliform content. • Chemistry Use at Plant Told By PHYU..18 '· 'ACK.SON ~.1cmletry and ecientific analyaia ia u muc;h a part .of operating a modern aanitation treatment plant u the digeeter'9 and aludge bed.I which make up part of the mechanical phue. Conatant laboratory checkin1 la the au.r.t way ot determining plant efficiency. A cloee watch on the · treatment pla.nta of the County Sanitation Diatricta of Or:!f: County la kept by William Hendenon, head ch t and hia ataff. __ -Jl~ Henderson worka from compomne 11&1Dpl• of both pt.nt.a which a.re analyzed ~ery other day. An aµto- · matic machine dipe out aamples from the influent in proportion to now over each 24 hour period. Thia meth- od not only aamples all typea of flow which may come from sewers into the plant, but it alao meuuree the incoming load. · · Sample• are a~ taken each day from the four digestor tanka at Plant No. 1 and the two tanb at Plant No. 2. By anarobic digestion.· which I.a bacterial fermentation in the absence of air, theae tanb actually. digest the sludge matter which hu been separated pre- viously from the influent in the settling tank. In the proceaa of digeation, a aludge P.:! ia pro- duced which ia burned off in the plant buildinp for heat. Thia gaa alao 11 analyzed to determine the effec- tiveness of the digesting system. When the digested aludge, the end result of the treatment plant aystem. is spread into aludge beda for dryin1 and eventual aale u fertilizer, aamplea pt it too are constantly analyzed. An additional twice-dally check peculiar to the NeWl>Ort Beach arta which i. 'Part of "the-nnttation d.iatricta, ii the beach count. Twelve check pointa or at.ationa are sampled in the morning and afternoon be- tween the Newport Beach pier and the Huntington Beach pier. ., Samples are taken from the aurf in a 1teri1-, OAS ANALYZER -·Hender&0n hold.a the leveling bottle ----:---....::on:L.:t~h::_e instrument in order to meuure the gu in the c~ ratet1 tube; a guporetle, far right. The gu, a by- product or the digestion ayatem o! the plant proceli, i1 analyud for content of carbon dioxide, oxygen, meth- ane and nitrogen. Thl8 same pa 11 ulled for fuel in the planL PART FOUR, PAGE ONE • OFF THE HOOK -A sadiple bottle full of aea water ia removed from the hook by HargetL The bottle will ~ numbered and placed in the rack. Hargett keep. detailed rec0rda of beach condition• obaerved during aampllng tripa. bottle tutened on the end of a long pole. Water temp- erature and condition of the beach. such aa prevaience of tar, aeaweed. surf fishermen and bathers are all part of the beach aampler's observation• which are recorded. Each station'• sample is worked separately In the lab. Six teat tubFs. each filled with a fixed amount or culture medium which contains milk sugar, are fll,led with from 1 c~ to 1/100 cc of bathing water sample from the aame aample station. A am&ll viai upside down in the bottom of the teat tube will trap po&Bible carbon dioxide g ... which would Indicate contamination. A.a explained by Hender· .on, when bup ferment, ihey produce gu. Few orian- lama can ferment in the culture Wied, thereby pinpoint- ing the contamination. The aix test tubes are incubated for 48 houn at body temperature. At the end of 24 houra. they are ex.a.mined and ,aU tubea which have v~ ahowing a ru content are ti'anaferred to • ditlcrlminatory medJum called brilliant peen. ThJi lnhlbft. all other orpn.lmu but coliform, the presence of which in the aea water la being determined. State health atandarda require not more than a 10 coliform count in bathing water 20 per cent of the time. Since the Taibert drainage wu recently switched counta along the beach have practically ·di.Mppee.red, Hendenon wd. After the first group has incubated lta complete 48 hours. positive testis are also transferred to the brilliant green. Reincubation in the poaltive green for 48 additional hours determines whether the gu collec- tion under the first culture medium ii coliform eon- tamination. If the samples continue to prodtsce gu in the brilliant green, it is a positive check containing coliform count. If the sample does not produce gu, it la a fa!Ae presumption. All records are computed and recorded. Weekly reports and monthly summariee are 1ent to various state and county health and unitation a.sen- .. cies u an operational record on treatment plant ef!lcacy. NOW YOU SEE rr !.... A atrip of chemically treated tape II 1tudi4}d by Hendenon to determine odor-caUling aub- atanca. •peclrically hydrogen sulfide, in the air. The tape at.orbs the hydrogen 1ultide anct recorda tta tn· J,enaity by producing a colored 1pot ranJin1 trom J>&J• yellow. to ~lack. The Dmpte;-left, can operate. for menJ. hoW"I at the point of poeaible odor. The tape ranner. rlcht, meuur. the •pot.a. • . + . -• (}ot1ernmenl f:xcepf PAGE 2 ·PART IV NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS · PRESS -THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 ''God 9ront u' th e &erenity to '9Ccept the• thina1 we connot chonge: the courage to chonge the things we can end tht ~wisdom to kn9w the difference." (A. Anon .) EDITORIALS \ Park Costs Must Balance Out with Municipal Needs The Newport Beach City Council la in the mJddle of conference aeulone with all city department heada ln an effort to maintain the low level of taxes for the City of Newport Beac;h. Thia new Newport Beach City Council hu inherited many probleua of adminiatration. True it hae inherited many aaaeta of administration and we the people of Newport Beach, together with our God· given and man-created ueet. and beautiful city, also have to (.ace many natural and artificially created coat.a ot. 1overnment. We have hifher coat.I of government..,becauae of the dlatended nature of our municipality along the cout and around the bay. It i1 an upenelve t own to police, to clean, to maintain etreet, 11ldewalk and road-wiae and it ta an expenaive problem t o maintain, the beaches and auch parka u there a~e in our community. ' The beachea· which one day were our greateet u- 11ure any honeet penon can look at the ocean beach frontage -all 8 mllee ot it varying in depth fr&n one· half to five tlme1 the width or depth of the 110-called trailer park property. Any one block of it would be ade- quate to provide all the park facilltiea that the Beach, Park and Recreation Commilalon propoaea to provide in the trailer park property. Once again, we ahould not eliminate a profit Item in favor ot a coat item when we are faced with riling co1t1 and conaiderable capital Im· provement moniea -all to be ra.iaed from the people ln one form or another. Any peraon1 who wiU be boneat with them.elvee and with the city will and tan recognl..rie that we can develop ample wat~rfront parka and that we shoufd train our eights on an adequate dry land park. Thia 11hould ba the aecondary application, or even the primary application of any city tunda that can be railed, before we eliminate any aource of money to the city treuury. · School Candidate Choices ~t In attracting people to thl1 community an1 now the Once•again the selection of trustee• to .admin11ter rreateat uaet t o thoee who live here. The beachee at the echool diatrlcta of the Newport Harbor area la up one time were kept clean, policed and lifeguards pro-to the electon of the community. • vided ao t~at villltora to our community would want to From the elementary achoola to the college level atay here, return here and thua 1pend their money. Now candidatet are in the field, t.hia year more than ever those same beaches are kept clean and policed and life-before. . · guards provided for the benefit of the people who UVe Two hiltorlc agreement. abould be revivified ln the here-they are the one1 who pay the taxe11 and muat m.inde of local elector•. Firltly, Newport Harbor Union foot all the bllls. Therefore, we should consider in our High School hu alwaye been administered by a balance READE.RS May .US, 19M 1130 Dogv.•ood • Coata Men, Call!. WR·ITE clty budget ju8t how much mo~ey we are justltled in of three trustees from the Newport Beach Elementary .-~~~-.~mrnn:r-t'ol"-n'!-e-in:ll't'~ntt-umrmrltl!rt11tedt-a:tm~!ID1enlblbr~~~eclc'hhou~t~BBtiis~t~r~te~t~a:11m1dt-ttww'O'ofromCosl:illfeea.Tbisw Mr. Ben Reddick, P ublisher Newport Harbor News-Presa Newpor~each, Callr . Dear Mr. Reddick: by million• mor• than their fl(- ures ahow will be coU~t.ed. Paet practice provu that when poll· Uclana get their hand• on money OYtr a.nd aboYe that needed, It la upended. U1ual.l)' 1n u txtr!va- rut. manner. ... of unattached and unproductive visitors. For instance, on the fin1t board and hu been followed ever since. One we must balance out against our cost of parks and rec-of thoee fint achool board members ti still on the boaro, reation the total cost of upkeep and maintenance of he is Judge Donald J . Dodge. He ii a repruentativa of beachea. both the 15.000 feet of bayfront beach and the the Costa Mesa area a.nd is deserving of the continued 6 miles of ocean beach. We must a1so 11tqp to.figure that support of all constituent.a of the district, including we provide a great inland lake in the Harbor. It ia part Newport Beach. Dr. Edward Milum will get our vote aa of that which causes our city to be very expensive to the representative from the Newport Beach Elementary run. Because of this body of water we have to have a School District. All hie int.e.reate are local. He livu here, fire station on Balboa Island and, a fire station in Bal-he h811 been active in youth and eervice club work in the boa as well as the main station near the city ball. Thia community. He i11 worthy of the support of all thinking would not be true were our.city laid out on a level plot citizen11. of ground and along the line1 of moat cities. In out' Orange Cout College truat.eee have alway1 been budget, we are faced w1tb providing at least seven eeleeted on the buia of one tru11tee to the college boa.rd more full time paid firemen. We are faced with the pur· from each elementary t1ehool diJltrict. The two candidate. chase of two more fire trucks. We are faced with the up for re-election are Dr. Horace P&rker of C9ata w ... neceuity ~f providing additional police. Thia ls to keep and Lewis Conrady of WMtminater. Dr. Parker bu been up with our growing city, our growing population and one of the bardut workiog acbool truateee ln the County the expanding nature of our economy. of Orange. He hu given not only of his time but of hi.a lt seema to us it would be lli-advtaed at this time profeuional training and ta.lent to the institution on be- for the City of Newport Beach to close it.a trailer park halt of which he baa worked. His buaine. la in Coeta -a facility· that is paying its own way and producing Meaa and he ia aitu.at.ed near the campua of the college for our city treasury $30,000 a year net profit. It would where he can, in'hla lipare lime, uatat in the agrlcultural seem Just aa eiUy for us to desire to remove from city and animal huabandry programs of the college. Loula land on the highway the Balboa Bay Club which la pro-Conrady i• the candidate of the We1tmin1ter School \'iding a tremendous amount of money to the city treas· Di.strict and is certainly de.erving of the vote of the ury. No is may seem incon11istent wlth our belief people of the Newport Harbor area. He bu aerved long and faithfully on the Orange Co~t College board. Both that all govern · 1l 11houJd 1et out of all bu.sineu and Conrady and Parker are memben o'f the original achool should conduct n busine11e In competition with its ci-board of Orange Cout College. ti1ens. But we should consider here that the municipal One of the moet important vote.I that can be cut ln trailer pnrk was the first trailer park in the city and put the May 20 balloting la a vote for William H. Spurgeon Allow me to commend you on yQ)Jr' fine, well thouzht-<>ut e<11tor- lala of recent week• re: the New- Jl<»'l Union Hip School Otstnct. Wbll• I do n ot nect'ssarlly agree w1th you or ev~ry point you cer- tainly have developed 1ome lnter- tltlng polnu and eome that ahould receive full atudy. I read with lnterut Mr. David- .on'• letter of lut week and your a.nawer. Being a "newcomer" In Ulla area I cannot but feel lh•l there la loo much thlnkl11g In l{le, put and not enough proper plan- nlnr tor the future. IA Mr. Davldaon'1 remuka there 11 repealed reference to 2& year• a10 Ul la, or 2~ yeara ago that. That .. au very well for back- fT'Ound but I find the aa.me thing lft all Mr. Davldeon'• remark1, arUclee and lettera. I believe -should concentrate on plannlnr for the gnat future ot thJ1 area and 1tudytng bow to provide adequate 11choou tor the tutur. and fT&lefuUy bury the put. The 6~ tax oven1de, I believe alter 1erlou1 1tudy, waa not well planned and la ln1tead a "rush Act" propo11tllon to beat that date (beyond a doubt next year) when the NUHSD can be apllt. If thla luue ta Yotad In It could not be 1pllt for tll• nut ten yeara without Mrloua leral entanglement. Mr. Davld80n maku lenfthy re- ference to the tnoraUty of divorce-· ment. I would like to comment upon the "morality" or the t lgurea The)' •Y t.h•re la need tor a4-dluona.I tunda for admlnlalraUon upeneM NOW. That cannot be true and t.11•1 muet know IL But bt.YI they at a.ny ume lnlormed the publle that tb1r1 w.1 a wr• plua of unupended admlnlat.raUon tunda of MOl.711.U aa of Jwft 30, 19M T Or t.hal the admlJ\latra- tlve operaUnr expenae foT the year 19~3-M WU '211.0te.M ! Or that they w111 collect by the 10c part of lh ll dMl a1CM,SOO per ye&r (Ull.nf their Ht. ot flruru) or over tour Umu lh1 annual expendltUl'9 tor admlnJatraUOD t Why t Break down what they 1&)' they wtll t.alc.1 U( and you will find that the 12 ctaaarooma planned to be completed TJ:N TEAM J'ROM NOW wtU bave coal you •121.00 .• Tll per claaaroom by th• tl!M, you pa)' for all the dupUcaUona or fa.cl- llUet and thl "frlll1" IUCh &a IWtm· mt.nr podl, 1t.adlum, tennl• court•, two complete l')'11Ululuma, audl· torlum, admlnlat.nUon bulld1n11. etc. I ~lien we lhould defeat tbla v1c1oua daaJ that UH ua up tor ten yeara, IMYlnf lttUt or n9 money ror addlUonal. 1lement&ry ac!hool Improvement, then after 1tudy, aubrnit a boJld taaue with all tac- Uone behind It and Mt that we get & achoo! of th• al.se w1 nted. where and when we need IL Youn alnct,..ly, V. ID. M&ce.u\TJ:R to use idle, unused land. 'rhe Balboa Bay Club is the III, for trustee of Newport Beach Elementary School • first big hostelry in our town. It ia one"of the best things Diatrict. Spurgeon baa been a.n ardent worker on behalf that ever happened t o our·town and although we have f b f labelC'd it wae a wrongful use of public land we must o t e youth o this community and of Orange County and melhod1 being ueed to force Dear l:dttor: thl1 override tax upon the NUHSD t.u})&yel'9. I would like to ,.,11 to Rorer admit, In all justice, it has proved to be an ~set to the for many years paat. He la a resident of the Newport community. This is the way w.e must look at the trailer Heights area and haa •pent muCh time on the grade 1tudy committee of the elementary achool district. I h&11' npeatedly ahown that Hardacr1'1 letter ot May 6th. Lt't the baalo niuru-atlll used by ua rtva cred1t tor datermlnlng the the proponent• and promoteta or .. wm of th• people" where credit Wa daal are faille anq C¥>mpletely le due. Mr. Hardacre at.alee that phony. TJley art1 not baaed on fact the Chairman ot lhe Grade Study or realUIUc thinking. Committee .ent quu tlonnalru to par k and the Bay Club. And until we-make a better use Spurgeon ia perhaptt one of the beat qualified can- parkw1!IC', of that 6 miles of public beach that is vacan~ d.d th uld be 1 atea at co found in Orange County for any and until we use lo the ultimate that 15,000 feet of bay-office of aervice. He hu devoted the major part of otf· front 111.nd. we cannot •H how any HMlblt ptnoh can duty Ume in the paat decade to the cauae of the Boy lome of theee promotere, mostly parenu, and recommends th11l we high echool t .. cher1. tell acme ot elect an man who obaerv~ the wlll th1 people l.n Costa MeM th&t this of the people. In .the tlr1l pla<'e. a t&ll ta not going to coat them one chairman doe• not act lndepen· cent because the enUre coet wtll denUy 'bf hi.a commltlff, turther- be botne by Jllewport Beach. I more Wa commlttH waa appoint- wonder tRhat they tell the people ed by the board a l the n commen· ot Newport Beach In that respect. daUon of our ,8uperlntendent. Roy propose eliminating the Income from either. of thMe Scout and Sea Scout movement in the City of Newport projects or any other project that i• sen•ratinf money Bea.ch and County of Orange. With his own hands and for the city tre~ury until the tax requirement& can be by hi.a own effort.a Spurgeon bu done much of the work h<'tter met . to develop the Sea Scout Bue on Cout Highway. It wu By the almple ot exped.Jent of allotting a, portion or hll effort.a on behalf of the Bey Scout Jamboree that all of th<?ee income lterna~ if that la poulble, to the park permJtted that event to be ao 1tuccea.ful locally with a OU\u ltatmut.t are that the And1n11n, tor the upr ... purpoee ''rtch" people of Newport Beach of det•~ Ula .. wW of the dOft't can wheUlel' we have good pt-ople.'' and recrea~lon !U!ld we can develop tlie racilltlee on u:i-very minimum ot cOit to local c1t1Jen.a. . -' used land that a lot of clti&en1 of our town feel ahould Although we are not privileged to vote tn the eo.ta ICJiloola or not btcau1e they can The st.au.t.lca of the p&«nt roll Mad th•lr children to private an not pneenMd ~kly by Khoola and that It 11 up to the Mr. HardaCJW. "'' percent. or t "poor" Coat& MH& people to vote puenta out of 11, wtahed a ch.t.nr• for Ulla OYtrrlde or thty will have 1n th• tth, '1lh and Ith fndtl. no IChoola. (Incidentally this one 2 to 1 of the parentl wtahed the ht' developed. We are eure tho1e who are honeet in their Keet. Elementary Sohool Olatrict, were we able to do proposal! wm concede thi1 11 a een1lble eolution. We are 90 our vote would go for Mary Alice WU.On. SALEM, IND.J LEADER: "A recitation of govern. ment aid on hoapltals, welfare, houalnr. and what have you sounds aplepdld until we atop to consider that theH funds ar_e 1f9thln1 ~ut O\lr own m.onef taken to Wutv ington, dlacoun~ a half or more through \tarioua bur. ea us, and the r.malnder aent back." Enterell 111 Seeoed-aaa.t Matter at U\a Poetottlca ta Newport 8-ch. _ Calltol'ftl• under the Act. 0( Karch a. 1179. ~ltled to ,...... ..... Na.._ ... -''"rtl• siata ;, AU ...,._ 81 l>ttl1'tl of IM .., .... 0ovt af 0...,. 0.. Ill Acta. No. A·llTll Mrmber ~ N..,.,_.r hWW.n Alaoc!l&Uaa .._._ ,,...._. ~ ICdltoflal AJIMdalloa M,..m~r or Or.are l 'ou.at)' Ne,,... 8en1cle BEN RllDDICK. PU8LlaKllR \Vll..LIA)( A. MoaEa, Editor ORM01'fD E. RC>t!NTR£E; Adnru11nr Director CHAR.LES A. .uuaTROHo, Meob&aioaJ 8Up&1'1.nt.andent ' baa been made to lnclud• the un-chanre for 7th and Ith JTadH. daralrn•d with the "rich" New-I am endoralnr Harvey Puae AFFAIRS 0 F STATE port Baachen.) for r1·1lecUon. He, and th• bo&rd They uae other. llhall l 111y (poll· with which he haa 11rved, have tely) untruthl, to etate their 110 -~en <'itar-thtnklnr, «1onomloa.I called cue and then aeems t11 be without H crlflclnf 1tandard1, com· By HENJIY Cl. MaeABTllVB no limit to which they go to m is-petent In teacher eelecllon, rtpr.-.nt tlll• dtal and not to In· Sincerely, 8ACR.AMENTO CCNS)-Llt'la· adopted at th11 MUlon ol the lte· form Ula public of the f11cts, \\'hat MRS. LEON A.RD ORA VJCS laUoa concerning milk n011r bl-lalal'!J"&. about the "morality" or l.hllt? tore the C&Jlfomla le(lelatura bu. AB 23a6 la a dla'lrtbuton bill, They r.:tear anyone who darn to hit a anatu eltuallon oncJ acatn and the teameten work for the take t. et.and a111n't the mcthoJ u A.Membly Bill 2333 th• bltt dlattibutora. They aleo work 1n of nn&11clnr they &re 1!0 detennln- ' '".'" eome derre11 tor lha JTOCen, ed to have YOU pay for. They 11 toufht meuure belnr tour ht who11 orranJ.&atlon 1a acUYely c.latm that anyone opposing them tor J>UAC• by the bll m1lll dla· rupportlnr the m1uur1. la acaJntt all echoola &nd dot• trtbut.orw ot the 1ta te and oppoa-Accordlnr to 110ma cont.antlonl not h&v1 the lnterHt.e ot the ~hll· ad bj aateway etore1, ••ta tll• lht meuure. authored by .A.IMJn-dnn at hearL How about the bl Willi"'-u-----t•'1 of that t third nadlnr file of th' lower yman · -..n ~....... " county, who hesda the llv•tock Th•t are lndoctrlnattnr Ule rhll· bouae. a.nd dalrlea aommlttee 0•r the ..,. dnn ln th• 1clloola with all kinds l:&rU• 111 the Hlllon, M>m .. 1embly, n:pr11aly civ• the State ot fal~ U\lormaUon (double sea- .... _ ol ~ Burn11 of Milk Control power to 11one-nut )'Hr, improper •ludy ..... ,, an qr nt by the var-t 11tabllab nt&U prlc• wh1•" are raclliUff, etc.) I thl• deal does noL IOUI lntenated part(~ WU ~-'°"' 00 .c to tll• affect th.at al.I mWt 1,1_ bJ&'h•r than tlloaa IU.ftlclent to CUTY. But. 1 -..id behold. thty lal&Uon would be civen an tater· oorner all coeta a.nd naaonable lllfonn th .. puplla thl'Te w11 be Im OOllUl\lttte for etuay. Tlili"'m protlL In other worda, It would 114ef1Galle duarooma. etc. -In ... _. autbort .. the bureau to ....... , fa.et manna trona be&vt n Ir they unn 11\&1,..ted by the Teamiatar'a •" .,. ... n,.,__ rnWt dlltrtbutora an unr--.. ·" Will .. ,.t bablnd w••lr pannta" and v u.vu, Whl4h I• Vitally attactad by -·--, 11 h1•b profit wttbout ltm.lt.aUona Ill that tM7 YOta tor thla deal. almoat My milk leflalatlon, con-u to amount. How aboUt t.ha "ll)Orallty" of that! lldertnr that thla union la N9pOll· ~ TJltrt 11 much more on tnat ti ne •Ible ln moat parta of the at&.te • r.:a LOBBY INFLt."ESCI: f but l a,e:1 • .,.. the matter of "mora- ror dtllvery ot milk both to 1torae Ht.nHn, who 11 • dlr.ctor In' a llty" 1hould be left out ct thla deal ~d homea. ' milk dlatrtbuUn• comJ>M>y, and by tu proponent& ~d bac:kere. TE.AJUTERS W1TllDRSW hie committee have tor eomeUme Many people hU't bftn duped and been dl!lcrtbed u under the lntlu· ml1led tnll b.ra are eome or the Tbl l tj>I')' now II that. t.ba lllOI ot Ule m1lll lrwt lobby In tact.al Teamatan have w1thdraWD ~lir ~W. 'tf.bJC4JI .h-4M b7 Th'" lll no ~rrency tor clue· ..,...UO.. tor an lnterlm com-Harold Wakeneld. a former exec-rooma that BONDS rannot ade- .UttM. and actively ar• 1upport--uu.,.. of one of the st.ate'• lacre quet.ely take rare of. lDC t.ba prami9I that AB 3311 be diatrtbulUI& eonccu. _ nM la a b1aak oback da&1 when- !Ed. Not1: Mr. 8purraon had not clalmtd he aent out lhl qu11Uon- nalre. Hl1 public 1tat1ment.a hav1 been made on behalf Of the fnde study commltllt. W. A. M.) Dear 81r: Maryalice Wl1-oft of tH J'101nr Street, Co1ta M1ea. ta an acUv1 mc-mber and otncer of the Mat- lner1 Sunday ldlool Clue of thl Flrat Baptt.t OIW"Cll of Coal& Mtea. A.a putor of the Cburch I am del~btld to et.ate that Mrs. Wll- i<on la a 'lll'Om .. et hJ•ll 1Bt1(11t)', Cbriltlan cllarMW, and aa Amel"' lean ot fermtt loJ'&l\7 aad divo- t Ion to tM prmclpl41e w1llell Madi our country mat. She 11 one of lhl nn .. t clUMU or OW' communl\J and la ~ lD hlgb eateem by llv ••l&'bborl and the memberw of OW'.COftCftlaUon.. Sha ta nllabJ1 aad tnaatwort111 a.nd can be depended upon to 1eek her commllfUtJ &ad oountrT• belt. Sincerely 701&n. P;-o. ~mt;-"PalltM Finl Baptt.t Cburch of Coat.a Me& - :Jrom 'BRUSH COUNTRY JD URN AL :~MOE PARKER (IU. NIM -TUI..&.-., 8onMl9 Parlltr aUI Mal .-tt• tM WU.kaowa kletortoa.I laell 9'I ...• ..._ .. up In IU• mu1 Vlpt ........... MUafrJ .. ,_.., ,......) AGAVE Dr.8EBTl -Tbeae which blo0m 8frly in May furnish~ food, sandals, c.an-ying neta, i¥)rd buket.s and the like for California desert Indiana in bygone age1. -Horace Parker Photo Two daye before in the Mason Valley I bad stopped the car and watched for some minute. u the AU:ni&bty ~ caded cottony putt. of fog over the brink of the Laguna Mount.ainl, and tben made them disappear in the dry at.mo•· phere of the deeert. Now lhl 1cen1 wu r.vVMd, mlnue tll• toe a.nd In hue-clear wnltlht. On the paved road that th,_da thl Lafun& RecreaUon Area wblcb •t&rtl at Juli.an and Karl Bannta ln many or h1e wan- dtrln1• haa run lnto .,... .. wbue the expoead "mllC&l plll" left by th• Indiana bUl\Air9da ot yaan ago with their llnlnr oC l\on11 lay u n-• CU.lur~. aa If ab&n.dcmld only 1ftntuaJly enda at Hlfhway IO are lut •aaon. It one will locate a many vantac• point.I to overlook t.h• d ... rt at your feet. A m U• hlCh a.nd an abrupt drop makee the deMrt look Uke a rtant relief map. Pinon Mountain. Flah Mountain and Coyote MoWlt.&ln form th• et.Item backdrop or the Muon Valley, Valleclto, and the Ca.rrlao Qap to the IOUth. BU&OO& MOaTA&a Juat bl.low· u1 In a hu1• 1ranlt1 boulder were a hal.f do•n bed- rock 111ort&ra where Indian aquaw• Ln centurtu put c•th•rtd to (rind tb1 beUota, the acorn flower wblcb wu lhelr 1Wf or 111•. It wu early May and even lhourh we had pu- led patchu ot anow In. the Lacuna Mountalna, the deaert wu blrl.n· nlnr to heat up. It you looked ol01ely 01te could -r Ump... of ancient lra.111 wtndtnr their 111ay up tlle It.Hp, bruaby eldn of th• 1AJUnaa. Thia wa. the Indian'• Mcret of ualnr Nature'• own par- ticular brand ot a.Ir con~Uontnr. They lived In t he warm deaert In the late fall and winter, then ml· rnted 1lowly back to th1 cool ot th1 plnea, crffk•. and cieneru In the late aprln& and 1ummer. Thia muat have been about the time th•y would 1tart their up-rd trek, becauH I had Harched tor a day tor a mescal plant In the boulder jumbled hill ~re la a JOod chance a.mon• th• crtYleee and cavt1 on• will tlnd aome mu- cal aUc.U and abovtla, lift there by their lndlan ownent deca4u aro. In the dry d111rt eJmoaph•• • and protected by the roclu thtH lmplem1ni. will remain intact. for centurlee. In prapartnr maecal, the lndi.n uain• a abarpenld branch of th• deeert ironwood pried the cukr rom t.h• meec.al plant. when tt wu in Ill crouched pc*Uon. Then he dur a ahallow pit tn Ula aand anJ lined It w1th a porou1 l1A1n& of ~· roe.Ila. Alternately between the rock.a ht placid lhl young "mueal cent1r11," WhJCh Welf hetJ perh&pe I t4 I lbe. T Oii thtn had a pattern ot aomethlnc Uk1 UIUI, a ml6Cal center eurroundad looae- ly b)' lhrff or tour lacs• roclul and the •nJ.lr• rroup formtnc a bowl-Uke ltnlnr for th• m1aca1 pit. Woo<S WU p theM and pine! In the depre•lon and • tire atarted. After allowlnc the tire to bum tor about • halt hour, 1&11d wae tumbltd Into the pit Wltll tlle en- tire mH• of tlr., rocka, Md mea- cat waa burled. Jn H to 41 houre the 1and wu dur away and be- twetn the rock• ara found 1tr&n1te. blQ1 k withered th1n1a a b-OuL t he "edible" •ta&e, but l w111 too late, lllMJ or your rorl'llrm. This 11 t he moe~ ot them ha41.-14rWJ Lo blovm. • t)lll<ed mesca l. J'eeHnr oft th1e The mn caJ or u the ~drntli<l calls bui:nt wve111ig one c11mea lo a It, Agave tleaertl. was probably 11llrky mus, which ocror<lanic to the moat plenl1(ul 1<nt1 nul rt1 luu1 prople who have t'Blrn It has the ot the dtl!t'rt phrnt,.. '~ \hi' 11"'1111"· t1111tr CJf 11 cr .. ss between a bakt1I the tullsi•l<•li. 111111 w11:<ht•.<1 ur the sweet Pl•bllo ""U pumpkin. deacrt 1111•• ... 111 !md at f'f'S uf thr clumpl'd, 11h1tr(l·J1<llnled, 1'111slrr11 nr 1' l TRITIOl'M t"C>OU me1<'AI. Jn 11n.i •mnng lhe lll•ll<'BI plsnte one will tand remnanta or old Indian campeltu . and the burht rharcoal, beads, and broken ollu oC a torlom abortl(lna1 cr1ve. ./\Hrr 11 Is bake•I the mest·11l may be drted and around. Jl m a.Jen a very-nutr1Uoua llfhtwttf hl food which may be 1tored or carrttd 011 Joumeya. The btauUtul, flat me•- cal •hovel found by Karl 'Ind ahown In the picture, I think wa1 When lhe •prlnr rain• come at about "wtld-flow,r tlm"" •cttvlty takea place In the ccntu or lht tle1hy, 1plked-leat clu•ler ot th• und to llft the muca1 center• maacal pl&nL A rrc~ .auc:culc:nt 1 from thtlr nr•l or hot rock• ni.· like hump atarta to awtll with U!f' thcr than tor dlcrlnc . uited eom•· 1pe.ree mol1ture or the n ine. l n a thlnJ like the modtrn b•ktra to tew daya one end or th• hump pull loavu or bro il from tht oven, 1Wl~1 1kyw1rd, and looke all the I Th• three 1tlc.1c1 art tor prylnf world like a huge. 1quat upararu• out t he center1. atalk about 6 lnchu In diameter I · TJlen, u the ·~k r rowa lo a . Jn 11tdltlon to lood·r arryinr helr;h~or 8 lo 12 retl, ll oeumre ntta, aandlea, baaktl• and the llk1 a 1maUcr Lnd more graceful line were woven fr<>m lhe mt.oral tl- topped with a cluattr ot yellow ~n -an lnlernllnJ and valuable tlowefl -th• mucal hu bloomf'd. J1h'"t to our urly <lunt Indian, OLD TOOL8-Karl BennJs in 25~yellr-old pitture abovt lltanda by dilplay of mescal Atirl<a ftnd 1hovel he found oun a.oc Inman oil& { .. .. I \ \. W.W. f ,nrkfin Now- Sarv:r9 in Alas"a FORT RWHARDSO!'J. ALASKA r vL \\'1lllllm \\', f'ranklln, Whote wife, Lona, hv'"" at 2029 Pomona A ve, Coata Mt'h. rec~ntly arrlnd In Aluk& a.nd 11 now a.:rvlng at Yort Rl~hardiwn. ' Sold1er1 at&lluned In I.he Alu· )<an territory unJerco rtgorou• lr&lnlnr for oold·wt.atbn combat while guardlnr lhe norU,.rn ap· proachu to the U.8 . P'ra.nkJln. who all~ded Alie• R obforuon Hlfh School, Mwikocff. Okla .. enter.!d the Anny In Odt>- ber. 19M and eomplaled bulc tralnlnc at Fort Ord. He wu pr,. vloual)' atatloned al Fort BhN , Teit. HI.I mothu. Mra. Lei& While· win(. lives In Patler10n. Tractor lid Okay Low bid ot JSU9.18 from Wal· lace Tractor Salu. Anaheim, wu accepted on May 9 by crty councrl which a uthorlud pun:haff nr a new tractor tor baa.ch cleanln& work . Soot Causes Ffre No damage Ol'<'urr~d when llOOl Jn a <'htmney at 218 Ogle St .. Co.tta )feaa.. <'a ught fir" al 10:09 a.m. on Mey 11. F'lre Prevention Otflrer Ralph Lff Rtporl~. Mrs. Loul111 McDonald w&11 In the l\ou1e al the time. Lee H id thrff tr11~k• a nd 18 mf'n ruponded to tht alarm. ·~~~~.~,c1~~~""l>Ort fff'l1thta, wa11 appointed a11 a l'lty libra ry boa rd mem~r on May 9 by Mayor Dora Hiii with cit)' council ronnrmatlon. LEGAL NOTICE LEGA~ NOTICE No. • NOTlCF. Ot' BID Notil:" la hueby given that lht Board ot Tru1tefll ot the Orange Cout J r Collece Dtatrict or Or- ange County, Caht. wlll rttt>1v~1 bid• .UP to 2.yo P M .. June 10. 1966, 11 t the otflre Of Hkl l<'hool I d11trl<'t, located at 19961 ~· Jhr· bor Blvd.. COit& Meaa, Calif.. a t which time aald bid will be opened I and publicly read aloud for Mag•· 1 i;.lne 11ubltcrlptlona tor 1966·~. Spec1t1r atlon1 for which may be secured ln lhe ottl~e of the A11111· t&11t SuperintMdenl ln Char,;~ or I Bualne1111. The owner rHrrYts the prlvlltg·e of rejecting any and 11 II bld!t or waiving any lr rt'gula11t1<•!1 nr mform&lltlea In 1ny bid or In the blt1dlng. Adv: May 19 a nd 28, 19M Ope.n: June .10. l9M-2:00 P M. Jlio. 1320~tWl·Prl'M IS THF. .lt'RTl('E ('ot'RT JIOEWPORT BF.A<'H ll'OIC'IAL Ol~TRlrr .. C'Ot.STV OF' ORASC.F. 8TATP: Of' CALIFORSfA ('nurt So. llt'J f'llt1 No. MM . f'OSHTABt.t:·~ ~AU: SOTlC'E 01" RALF. OP' REAL PROPP:RTV t'SDER t:XECITTlOl'\ C"LARl':NCE BOARDMAN NOTICE OP' f STJ;STION TO Plalntltf. ESGAOE IS THE MALE OF v1 ALCOHOUC BP:\'F.RAGE8 LILLIA!': F OX, Ddent111nt May 17, 19M Unrt,.r and by virtue of 11n EJll'C'U· DELIVERY. GUARANTEED DeUvery ot the Newport Harbot New1-Preaa i1 guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papera be· fore 6 p.m. on Monday i nd Thursday. If your paper 11 not delivered by that hour pleue caU Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS E very Monday and Thur9day COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Unee 1 Pallll. St.00 4 Unes 2 Pape~ 1.60 4 Unes S Papers 2.00 CoutaJ 8 hopp<!r ('luelflf'd Ad11 mu11t run lo the Moad&y or Tbunlday PubUcatlon MJSL'll'lt AD 18 ' LINES All ('tualtlt>d, Ach mt11t be 1M1ld for Callh i. advanee of pabll<"Alloa. DEADLINES for placlnc or cancelling ada are: F'or Monda)' Publication -Saturday Noon Jl'or Wedne.tday Putincatlon -Tueeday 2 p.m. For Thuraday Publication -Wednuday 1 p.m. Speda.I N otlcea Newport H~rbor B .. P. 0 . E . 1767 Mttll every Tburaday 8 p m. Via Oporto -Centra.1 Ave. Newport Beach Albtrt H. Matthewa, Exalted Rultr t Z-:-Bulldlng Sen ices Skill sa!~!t.Ri!~~ollAlhera. all lypu of Sanders, WheelbU· rowe, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. l2-Bulldln1 Service. Microfilming BE SAFE, HVt apac!'. Tht morlt rn way to 1111t,.,1?1111rd ~our l'fl('OrdL CALL KEyatone 5-1:153 or KE 6·01 IS ORANOE COUNTY M JCROl-'JLMING SERVICE 1712 Anaheim-Olive Rd . Anaheim. 5lc63h "A's" To whom It may l'onr em: !Ion l11111ivd out nf tht J1111Ure Subject to lquan~e of lht hct'Mt ("nurt ot Newport Sch. J u1t. 1'1~· applied for, a nd romm,.rlc1n1t nnt trfrt tht Counlv of Orangr. Stair ll'H than l."I day11 afttr thf' date nr C'11llforn11. whtrf'ln CLAREKC'E ro..lf'd, nnur,. 111 hrrrhy i:tvrn 111111 ROAROMAN T'l11lntiff, an<l LIL· the under1lgntd propn11e!l In 11f'll LIAN F'OX Drff'ndHnt. upon " 2630 W. COAST HIGHWAY Uberty 8-.343S, N~port Bel\ 28lfc VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Will come lo your home. take down your VPnet1an bhnd11, take lhem to our laundry. Launder the 11lau. Generaf'bontracto~ \1rohollr ~\'f'ragu at tht11r prt>· J11di:m1·nt rt'nt1trf'd the 28th n1\· LICEll:SF:O mlll"tl, df'~rtbf'<t 81' fnllow11 : nf Apr il. IP~. tor lhf' 111m of I New Work -Remodeling · 128 \Vf'11l CnRst H l~hwAy, Ntw· Two h11n<lr••r1 ntnl'ly twn "nd J. MILTON McKENZIE port Bearh. Ori1n11: .. C'ounty. :12 IM ••• n o1111n, bt.~111r11 M~lS Harb 3122-R 44p57h f'11n1usnt to llll<'h lnl•'nllnn. lht anrt lnttrr~I; 111 nnw (al the tlalf'I or 11ntl,.1s1~"t1 1• Applying to th" n ... nr th111 "rill 11ctu1111y due nn SAttl ___ A_S_P_H--A,-'T--T-I_L_E __ _ r •rtm,.r;I "f Alrnhnllr Bl'Vf'l llCI' Jut111m•nt ___!:\.b t .,,,.,, rw 1~1111anr,.. "" nrrs:1n11l 11r· l h'"'" nn lhe 41h t1sy-nt M11y LINOLEUM f11ll'Ht1on of 11n 11lt••ihollr hrv1•111i:" lllM1, lr\•11•ol llflOtl 1tll lh" ni.:ht. ltth•. l h n-.e for thr11t pr,.mtllC'll Ill! fol· rh111n 11n•I 1n1 "l'r•I n( 1u11rt ''"'•'nd· I n:-:-SALP: REER LIC"E:-.'SF: 11"1 thrt1 rf'AI l'lltlll ... to Wit . ln11t11tl lhe 111>ove cheaper than most. Al!lf> 11t-lt Tiie A Llnoltum. 1"un·umon. 25 year1 experience. C'nmpare ont1 ue - · tapr1, cords, 11parkltng clean with our ntw machine procu1 mtthod. Return your blind• and re·ln11tall them In 24 houra. Pr•<'t" v1'ry re&Aonabl!'. The a ver· age 2 tape re11lllenlllll bllnd- Qnly $1.00 W f' \1so r!'parr and rt'bt11ld vtne-1 tlon blinrl11. All work done by BP-I polntmC'nt. Phone now l.lh!'rty 8-5701 or KlmbeTJy 3·8274. ppllc H. H.HOLBROOK ~-I.Git Md Foalld ------- 0 51'-on tJonda.y, May 9th, Gold bracelet with 3 ~opd1, old · faAbloned dealgn. REW A.RD .. l'hone Harbor 4317. !ltcM . .OST -SIAMl!:8E CAT, ft>malt dark muk, lone dark atralr ht tall. May limp, name Debby Harbor l462·M. C>3c55 .. ·Jv~D-Ught blue ,.raktet - Male Clift Haven aru Owner Identity A pay thl• ad U S-.8302 113p LOST-e.~.a 11aaau. ~r-1 leather cas~ blue A 1llvn tramee. LI 1·2'•2. ~~ t-l-8chools. ln1tructlon CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS S'l'UDY In 1pare time 'tor contrac· tor'• •llarnlnallon' undtr a g•n· eraJ contractor with 25 year• ellperience. Cl&He• Tuu. and Fri. evea. 7:30 P·'71· Attend flr1t ae11lon tree. Begin anytlme Al Tyler School 41:S''t N. SycamC1re.,S1rnta Ami. Kl 3·17S3, Kl b-3489 or KEI 8·2S13 52lfc Real Estate School in Santa Ana CIRl.S - TT"S A GffiL'S WORLD! And you'll •irre"· Whf'n you h· 1• ot lhe many job <1pportun,•. tor qualllltd younc wumtn In our bualnt11 t6day. OPENINGS NOW FOR: TELEPHONE OPERATORS ltf!Plr-MOflde~g-h--¥riday­ OH t, No. Main Sl. 9 :()() lO 4 .00 p.m. Room 111. S.Aot.& Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22tlc WANT upt'rlen('et1 relll t'!ltatt broker ur 1&lc11man In live Of· tlce. S"e Mra. Shlrlt)'. Mgr. In· formation conflrlt'ntrnl BALBOA BAY PROP'T[ES !SOii W. Balboa Bl . Npwt. Buch Harbor :i188 :'12cM LAD'f WITH CAR for Avon P ro· duct• In Newport area. Excel· lt nt prom! Call ror app't. KI 3·9391. r>2pM WANT High School boy1 H • 18 )'rl. part lime work art"r school and on Saturd&v. Full lime dur- ing eummtr. A vrragt earning• 140 · $60 per wet k. Contact Mr Walter11. Har. 6461 . 02c:S4 \VANT expnlf'nCt'd hardWllTe an!I houaewar~a man. Ph. Ll 8-3•3~ ~JrSll NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART IV. PAGE l THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 Bob Skiles still has a few things LEFT FROM THE SALE. Complete set of drums, xtra bass & snart", practice Xylophone, 2 viollna, mandolin, 2 ukuleles, odd1 and -"'di -of--d*8M.t. la.rp Sunbff D.l on.n~ jui~. Box _ t railer, license pd. ~. Commercial dbl waffle Iron, Htmdreda of other items. See a.t 1517 Superior. Costa ME'8& SO-Mt.ttllanf"Owt ----------· J AM ORCA!\'IZl:'\C A C:ROl lP to purchlll!e ntw For1ls on pracu 11lly I\ COl!l bUilll, 'l'r&lll'll •llOWt'\I Phone HYalt •·3958 t vtnlnl(ll 63p~~ BJC\'CL~::. St·hw1nn. •lbl'" bu, boy11, 24 In .. yt•ar A hill! ol\l, mHl"\11'111 A Ivory, lfOO\I !'Onoltllnn S2S. Harbor 42. ~3c~• 1000 EMBOi::SF:O buMnf'~& <'llr<I~ SJ 99 3 LinP HttblH'r flt11mp $1 no • Line R11btwor Stnmv wll h r ut $2 00 • 884 r ut111 Book M1<lrhf' .. L. \\'. \\'HITB Llberly 8·•011, tvrs, LI 8-~1~0 pptfc S0~-8-.~-A~p~pl_laneee~~~-----·~ t.I A Y CLEARANCE Bl!:NDIX 1111t11, Wlll!hf'r. aenrr.I, J2!1 !\O tu 179 r>0 LAUXOE.HALI. V.•liJ'l~r. £ood <'on• 1lltlon . I MI DO Sl'F:EO Qt.'EEN wuhtr, verr r lnn . .. . $:H lit KE~AIORE wrinf,:t'r ~ub•r. al• mot<l nr\\', bf•111 mnd,.I .. l lltl C>O F.AS \' •ptn drlH 1 In n .. $M ~ \\'l!:STINr.HOl'SE rr frtR., delux' 9 I'll fl. . $99 :-.() :>-'ORGF. refr 1i,:. ,.-n\1111 $~9 M ~F:R \' F:I, r• I 111: • hke Ot'\\'. big frf'nrr, Ill r11. tt 11191\0 SEH \"EL 11•frii; . l'l't 111u , nlre. ff r11 fl . SH ~o GAl-'Ft::HS It ~Al'Tl,ER ran ... 311'', C'INlll . U 9 M MEN A WOMEN prepare ln apant Ume for unllmlted opportunlUM In Real Estate. New clauu weekJy. AJ Tyler inslructJnc. At· PART T IME flX(ll'rll.'nCt<l Swltl.'h· l::>:nER\\'001' STA:-:11,\Rfl t) [M"· bo&rd op..rlll!Jr Apply In pl'rson. wrltl'r, with t'lllntl. Good 1'o>nrl t:~IVJ.;RSAl. ..1 ... t. IAnit•. Ilka nrw 2 n\'Nt~. :1(1" . $911 :II) Balboa Bay Club. (>3cM H1trbor ~370-\\'. ~.:trl\'I tend first evening rree and learn w ANTEO-Pert t ime main M'r· abuut this creat field. Call or vice for motel. Mll~t i,,. wllling write now tor informallun. BWll· to work Seturd!ly & ti: sunn11y11• neaa 1n11tJtute, 4111% N. Syca-Harbor 3772. 53cllS more. Kl 8·17113. 74llc China Painting Day and Evenlns ClUM• Ordna Tak"n Now Phone Liberty B·C>648 94tfc BONNIE BRAE Pre-school MUSIC ar·ta & cr&flll. morning• only. TrllnJ!porlaUon. 11116 SanLtt: An11 Ave .. LI 8·6215. IH~88 t8-8ltuations Wanted Roy's Maintenance HouH cleaning-Floor wutnc Wall waahlng-wlndow cltanlnc VeM tlan blinds. 1Jphol11tery In.lured. Frt• Eatlmatu Liberty e-1332. 1t(C NOW taking applkatlo1111 for l'X· perlence<1 waltrellaf'I, fnr 1um· mer help. SEASPORT COFFEE SHOP 2633 Coul Hwy .. Ntwport Bl'&C'h 53c:i:i ATTENTION ALL BOTS -. New11-Prea11' carrier route are now open In llOme nt lghborhoods - Balboa , We11t Newport, Balboa l11la.n.d, Ntwport Hel~l• and Corona del Mar 1tnd Cost.a Mt11a. JI you are 12·111 y re. olrt, have a brrycle, •rply 10·12 a.m. or •·:S r .m. only 11t Circulation Dept., Ne,:.vport H11rbor New11·Prt11~. 2211 B11lbo&0 Blvd., Newport Buch. Harl)()r 1618. 39trc 45 Big H a n g i n g B a s k e t Fuchsias. All in bud, or bloom. ,$3.95 ftnd up. 28:! Broadway, Co11ta Me~a. 53['1!15 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $2.98 LAI P8t 11lylt'~ A: rnlors, Dan R1vt1 tal)nr DONALDSON'S 5 & 10 300 Main St . llHlbmt RA :-.'G F:S R1i:ht or lt"tt hand M•'n $10 ra<'h. ~on.I N•nt11unn M1,oq-. flln:iltur" chr11r. 21\06 Court Av,. Newpor t. r.ar.'H BEA UTI F L'I. r n •sl11 I rhanrlPltf'r, ~ tl,.111 of pri:om"" (lj" f11amf'tPr x 24" ll'ng. Si~ l'h. LI 8·:!077 1'>3r55 New & l 'scd Guns All'O 1111 typr 11mm11m11on. BOYD'S HOWE. 2830 W . CoMt Hwy . :-ipl. Rl'llr h :'l:lc~:, \'A< ·1 • l ' M ( 'LJ.:A ~ F:R~. 1n,.r11l, JI• :>fl In IH 60 f:\•••n•thtttj! J:UAI Anlf'f't1, F't l't' tl••ll\'f't-\• Tr rma STROOT'S HARn\\'ARF: • H<WSEWAREI 1110:? !\'•'" f'"'' Blv1I . ( ·1111ta Meaa LI 11·3126 ~3r5' Washing Machine ~EnVICE l -ye11.r gu11rantte on Joba d0111 and on U8td wuht'r&. ~48814' !rear) Newport Pl .. Coata M-. Liberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8·4327. Mt.to St7 Wantf'd to 807 WA:-:T \\I'll trnl. 10xl4. camp •lovP. rnnkrn~ f'lllllp .. ot l lamp, lln•I olhr r r"mfltnl( A un1nlum prn~rrrtnr11 f'!J11lpm,.nt. Hubor 1132-R. l\3c&I S2--Fumlture for Sale Last Call, help us luw11 "rit In 11nrt l'l lhl' folio\\ 1ni;: flt· 1 Anynn,. !1!'11lrrn11: In proltl'.'t lht Lot 23 of Trart 882. Coron" "''" nf l'Hr h 11r.-n11y'"riV.t fll" <1,.1 Mfir "" pt>,. M11p on PHite ------------- \ f l l r 111t•«l \\'Ill\ ttw D1•p111 I· JO 600 A\'f1t•1tdn SL Cnmna p A IN TING BILL COKER U 8-8204 Tll'C DEPENDABLE PLUMBING BABY 81TTINO day or flight. BOOKKEEPER must ~ 11hlP to tak" full C'hlltjte. Wf' ilo nnt want an ex,.~utrv" ot public r.-111- tlone. ·we wa nt a ,bookkrertr' Perman,.nl t'mploymt.nt. Xlnt. future. Boll Q·79, thl1 new11papu. M~M CALLING ALL 12s' It nf Ah'ohnhr Bevt"111g" <.:on· •t,.I M1tr C-allfnrnla. J!l.11-:RIOR -EXTERid R I :it • ~11c·ri1mtn1n C11hforn111, 1'ollr f' Ill hl"r••hv 1tlVf'n. thAl on LICENS ED _ INSURED "S: i:;1011nds for drn111 R .. pro· M•>nrlav. thf' &tti day or J unt Glenn Jo'hnston t b,v law. Tiit f1rtmlu11 nrf' JllM, 1tt 2.00 o'clock P.M .. Of said I n"•d fM thl' 118IC' of alco· •ll1y. I wHI pror•'<'d lo ull at C'ottrt SOI ·31st Sl. Newporl Btach h•·vrrAi:ts 1 House, S6i W. 18th St.. CO!llll Hai bor 3176 22trc ~ \ •. ~;U='D G. TREVORRO\\' I Mtio11, C11llforn1a at Public A11r· ~ ·:::1 l\"l'Ws·Pt<.:ill ~ Ill :irl 11on tn lhe hlghf'•t blchler for ruli [ C A R P !!.I N T E R n -- -'tn lawful money or thr UnltNI RPpair Work lv481 St Ir~ 811 tht iljtht. Utl,., t'llllm 0 y -H N d R alrin ~OTl('I': <W ISTt:STIOS I""" 1ntf'n•11l nf sarrt defl'nllant tif oea our ome u ep I TO SF.LL in nn<I tn the abovr dri1cnbetl or RC1111odellng ! ."1)\h'r Is hel'••by i;tv•n rur~111m1 • ""'l'"itv. nr ,.0 mur h therl'Of 851 Call F'r1111k. Libert)' 8·89M I ) ll\A pruv1•;ons or s .. ('l\Ons.~· 111 l:IV h~ ni>Cl'l<l!8ry to r11l11e 1111(· All Work Guaranteed Htfo r.n 3110 I nr tl:e Cl\'11 l'<><lr nf 11 1 ... ·H to 1111t1i1fy ""''' Judgment '.'. ~:: nr C6.hfornia, thlH J~H:-: ,. . I 1r •.• , .. l!l 1<n(I ('OSt!I l "f,1'.;1.ER ... ••n1lnr 11( 2Z~ J 1111m111" 1 c "1·n, unoler my h&nll th111 10th !'tt• C"I. Corona tlt>I M11r. l'11 hf111n11t 1f ;11 I''. 19~~. PAINTING PAT'ER HA.NGlNO Rr sldentl•\I & Commerclsl Work lnt•-n.I" In sell tu Rlt 'H,\1!1 •1 H (,\;<\I.; VAtl~HN «R \~IF.f< \0t111<lre. "' 21t~1, E111 1-1 rin.111.hl· flf' tht ,lu~tln Call alil Str••tl. B11lhoa l11l1ntl <'1h f .. 1· ('.,11 11 •1f s.ud J uJ1t·1111 I LtcenM>ll Contractor11 LexrnJ:"t nn 6-49•6 coUect. - Hunllngto6 Beach ~9pp60h ntD. 1111 lhlll ('•1t n:n r .. , .... ., .. 1 fll'll'· n :,.111<1 I ~1 l\' '"" t·tt n~ <11 nil ~11ll'k In l111d1• H~· L. R \'Al0GHN, UC'p11ty f1xt 1111·~. • 1u1pt:i•nl ,111.t jlllrn1 Wiii (' A lllGHIF; 11( 11 l"'il~.:1 1 .•11 J.':.t• ,1in1• lillini;: Allt11n,.v fur l'l11 1nUff I CEMENT & BUILDING 11· :• , 1 h 1 .. n • l<t "n e JOU :'II :!.!!t M;i 1 Int> Ave , Ba lbrnl I T . K E i~ I. r: R t.·1 l<t:F:l.ER'~ 1 11n1I Cuhf. 1·:-:10;-;' ~f Af rn. 111 t•·t1 nt 1~1 :-;,, 1 I!•· All Krn<ls FREE EST IM.A TES Lrberty 8-6109 :.1·11 .n" ~:11 .. "l ' • 1· "111 Bui· X ·. ·l ',e~s 5 12. 19, 26. 6 2. 19:,!), ' . PH UNUM CURRENT EARNINGS All t=UNOS RECEIVED ON OR BEJ=ORE T~E 10th OF ™' MONTH EARN FROM TME FIRST 2911 A Prom~ Good relerencea. Kl C>·90l5. Repalr Sen1ce kalnt.ainad ANNETTE WO~LJTZ. C>4pr>& Phon e: Harbor HH 2'01 Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach plrp CARPENTRY LICENSED experienced Skipper. avaJlable, Phone Har. 1129-W, attar e p.m. C>2p54 , Refined Active Lady Solicitor . YOU who wear model elu• wU Ond aome wonderful buy1 al MAROll'.: WEBB'S, 1956 South Coaat Bl•d.. Laguna Beach .. Clean House! LOOK, only $19.95 MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL Experienc'd gardener ~SCAPING 8AM'PLI: dre .. u, dtacontlnued Oood maple dea.k -........ -..• 11•.N MUST llvt> In Newport Beach, number•, -..paralea a.nd fancy Mod. blonde e"-•t. lJu new f1'.N H. 0. Ander.on 1014 E . Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 24C>O 83t!c PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging - "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 1112 38lh St., ttewport Beacb PHONE HARBOR 2.40t and CLEAN UPS Liberty S.1659 30Uc MAN .ti WOMAN wm do ceneral houuwork. floor WIUllnc. win· dow cltanlng. Fut workers, white. UM E. 20th St.. Coata Mt11&. U 8·2683. pptf PAINTER have hlg;hest rrfertncfJI, mQm · p&ntl, J!rutlcRlly rttfuced. Fine maple ChHl ··-. .. .. 119,911 Inca only, 12 33 per hr. Pennan· a tt"w other 1lze11. too~ •Ill employment. y .. ar round Wt 1le Box R·80 thl11 ntwspept"r. BE SMART. frel SHARP. When 54c5& you 111\'t on nPllt ly new 11pp11rel EXP. WAITRESS for dlnlnJ? rnom Grandolfo Rtataurant. ~11 Eal't Balboa Blvd , BalhoA, ~4C~J6 for womtn & r htl.lrtn Only btl LOOK, only $29 .50 AXO GllARANTl-~EO 0 . K . Sf':RVf:I_, r<'fnll'f'rlltnr .... _ '211 50 COLDS POT r"trl~rt i< tor -$29 ~ SI LVERTU:-:E J2'2' TV tabl,. m o<l,.I .. -~ 118.60 trr i.:111de tnl't rh11n!l11«• 111 rt>n 111pird 1tl K.t\Tf:Y UOA;'l;g Ap parel Shop, 2i21 E. Coast llwy 1Klnlltll'!i PHlllll r . D. M. ALTEHATIO:-:S too: Your gar A LS 0 w Al'"TS WORK. 15 ytara uptri· tfc enct . Non union. Hourly, MAlDS W AXTEO. Experlt nce un· ntct11l!llry. Part or full time Contact houaekteper. Balboa Bay Club. 531·~5 mtnt.s or ours. :,2<'60 SIXGF:R COl\llQle tyre ll'winr ------------Uberty 8-2722. Painting & Paperhanging pp63 We do the "!Ork ourselves. 30 yean experience L1cen1Jed ti: lnaured. Satisfaction guaranteed. Eattma tu rree. Call J ohnnie. LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfc COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGE NE 0. SAUNDERS C>OO 3Jat Street. Newport Beach Harbor 2978 or HH. 4448. ttc Pamting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTRACTOR 878 W. 18th St .. ~ta Mua Llbut.¥ ~28 El~. Tool Repair PAINTING EXl>ERil!:NCED palnter by day or hr. Exterior or Interior. Small job1 okay. Lt 8·2137. 63005 GARDENER ; FREE l.:STl.MA TE8 WAl'"TED-MAN txptrlenced In machine auto pollllhlng. under· 1eetlng and 11team Clf'a.nlng. 3100 W , Co&11l Hwy, ?'pt Brh 1'>3cM W A="T E AGER BEA VER ,...al el· tale aale.man who 111 w1lllnc to hold open ho1111u 1n11tea<l ot All ya rd clun up. Pltue call warming a r hatr In lhe ortlce evenlnc• U 8·1648 or U .8·4708. Top earning• for lln w1rf' 50~ I ART c. KIBTLEK co. ----0-A_RD_E_N_I_N_O____ 2901 Newport Blvd .. NpL Beach GARDEN MAI NTENANCE. yard Harbor C>2M !t:k5:'Jh clean up. Call Klmberl)' 3·3025 SEVERAL SEC'TV .·STE:"OS, day1 or Harbc'r 3034 atti-r 4.1 ASSIST. bkkpr .. addlnl{ m11r h .. p 53p~ DRIVER. truck or bu" "Xf1 ---,-.---------OTHERS l'\ew Job~ 0Alh•. CLEA.NlNG A lRt>NlNO by the JUNE FARRAR F.mplo}:. AJr.CY d11y. Experltnced. Balboa lttland "402 ~ • 3tn<I sr. .~ ... ,,.irt '9.-ach pre.ten.ct. Kl 3-eo9e. !SJc:>:S 1 acro111 1t. from City Hall I 29-Belp Wauted 53c55 JUl;AL OPPORTUNITY tor uper· lenctd real utatt .alt11man. WIN Anson Jackpot, get your STOP THE MUSIC blanks at RAY FIELDS, Lido Walch Repair V1nc"1t Drugi, 3461 Via U do 42cM H ORIGINALS Af'TJ;:R:'-10 0 :-:. C'ockt111I, l11nne d,.,.,..,.., • CO<lrdlnAtl'~. Custom Dressmaking Ph. Harbor 6268·R. C>2.pll' Gl':'-1 Jo"OH SAL~ Ptulln dble. b&rr!'I 16 i,:11. ~hut j(Un. F:.tcl'•'I ltnl ('und1llon. 1 ·1111 evrt H itt bOr 200·WK. 47ttc A!'iTIQl,;ES -OJd turrut.ure. cut glai,1, Mmp!!. olll pictures. cludui tlc. Bargl\lns galor•. Big dis counll to dcl\lc.>r11. \harlte lJavls, J805 E An~hclm Sl., Long Beach. 6C.0-J:l!I :Wtlc ntsch1ne .. ··-tet.OQ HOTl'O I :>:T :, 1•11. fl. art. rt"fMRl'tfllnr . ·-9".110 B!o;:-:Ouc 17" TV con11<>le ... S.9110 PL.A Y P F.:'\, BABY CRIB&. •'41 --"'' '1 e Rr11 lly CleanlnJ 110\ml, Dale's FurnHure 18H Hartior Jilvtl. Coata Meal· S lNCLE bed, 1pring1 • mattn., S t:i. Tape rtrordt>r, llke new, l~ 7·tl rnoclem couch, $7S1 Alao rnflce It tnd t.ablea. 60 Balboa l.'O\'l'S, 49cM Skit Saw1. Drills. S11nder1 Qt.ac K SER\"l CE LEWCO ELECTR.IC CO. BOAT BUILDERS wanted, \ year round ~ork . WRITE quAhflratt1m~ Boll L·74, F h thl1 pa per. Information conflllt>n· r eS Hearing Aid MOVING, \\ lLL SELL i o l1 d • h"r r.v 11e11llh<111rl'l tor double bed w11 h ranf'l..,I Mmpctrtmenta f40t 2 brasa 101111111 18" high 110 -. 11v11ler 1'111111 I'd drape• cut fol :ti" wtnrlow11. enouich tor J to :1 lietlro11111" $:HI; 8 .11 11 antlqut 841khera rtljt, beaulltul wlnt r ulur, i 21111, JaplUIMI wat.- r ul11r on srlk 1311. Phone Barbot 31177 &2c6' 456 No. Nrv.-port Blvd, ~pt. Bch. Llberty 8·831>3. H trc For That SPECIAL PAJ:-:T -\\'ALl..PAPER DEC'ORA T INO JOB CALL Wm. Baker Kl 5-3621 2302 ral1Hdes ftd .. s. A. Kt11. A!tk t;a About ZOLOTONE Ltcenstd In Harbor area 4 pflllh House Plans LIBERTY 8·8251 lOUc 14-Penonals AJcoboltca A.Donymou. Wnte P. 0 . Boa 311 Newport Buch. C&llt.. Pbooa 8.arbor '786 Good Wages MESA Boat & Hdwe. 220 26th St., Npt. Sch. 53c55 tll.1. b3c5:'1 BABY SITTER wanted from 8 JO a.m until 12.30. Har. 3279-J C>3cM HOUSEKEEPER. Liva In 2 chll· S0--MJ9Cella.aeous dren. 2 day• wtek ott. Call Har, 0363-W. 62pC>• EXP HARDWARE MA:->, full trme. Good condlUon11. STROOT'S Hardw11rt·Hou11tware1 1802 Newport Blvd .. Coata Mel& 53c54 CHRISTIAN lady to cook ave.nlnr meal tor adult family In exch. ror mew It pri. room A bath In beautiful Bay Front home, Bal. I1l&nd. ,Wiii be con11dert d a part of family. Har. 2694-W. ~ 53cll6 LARGE lonr aatabUahed reel ••· lat• firm need• . upe~enced u le1man. All an11W"ra k.pt con· f1dentlaJ. Write Box X~. thll paper. Pltaae 1tate \qllall!lca· ~allon1 In full. Otte M~yie Projectors ,. FOR RENT 8-MM 18·MM 3:'1·MM HOBBY and MODEL AlRPLANE SUPPLIES ALSO Geiser Counten1 for rent. Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd .. Costa MeM Pbona Lil>frty 8-7042. Pr tf R. C. ALLEN addlnc ma~hlne and caah regleter combina tion. See BOYD'S HOWE . 2830 We11t Cout Hwy.. !'\pt. Bch. 03cM ~ w ASTED older P rotutant woman 10" ATLAS circular aaw with at.and. rip blal.le It comb. blaM plua dado ~ead complete with '\ hp. motor. 4' f'Xten11on lablu, ,t l25. -Har. 5~5. 113ct>:'J -------------tor light boueekuplnr It com-SOUND J:QUJPME:-:T. Speak•rl m lkea. Klcock Volt-AM mete1'. New G.IC. elec. bl81lket, tint cello, Bendix wuher, complelt tqU!Hrin( library, Har. 29S8 Superfluous Hair PennanV1lly remo•td rrom fact arma, teca. Eyebrow. and hair Iii>• abaped-No mora lW@Ulnl· 'ELLEN L..: RR YANT R. C. l.rdo'a, Salon 01 Beau ty Bar. 2171 .,. panion for aged moth~. Private room ti: 11~1ng trH. Ocaan tronL Po. Box ,ae, B&lboa laland. 5-4~ Mc~ 1:•10 Kl<EF.PER capabla, lalclnc full rl'sr~e of l~t:I o-rfke. Writ.a QA..ZINll CINI: KODA.IC 16mm q1111', ·1nn1 Expenance, &g"a. P'·l .t l•na w1UI lea ther cue. 1100 etc. to Boll 0-77, Ut.IA paper. ~O unpe.lnttid I dr. ~ 28 .. • .,. ~ 110. Bar. uu. 64p3t ' BATIEfUF:S We Give S&H Green Ste.mp• Gunderson Drug Co. M11ln St. Al B&!bos Blvd .. Dalbnt Harbor 515. 98trc SOt:JX Jnd1«n IJ~Arti>d moC'cll.l!IM, btlt11. hrecrll't..11 1m1I nthl'r ltt'm11 Btll Jor1tsn, 384 Ell.Ill 16th St Co11t11 ~1e8a. ri2c ~• SO-B-A ,PP.lianc_t9 ____ _ SERVEL refrtg . • c·u rt Xln conihtion. Gua ranl"t 1llll "ff~r­ tlv,., $lf:i. •'h LJbPrty 8-3flfl:l ~3c::-1:i Used Automatics $39.50 to $99.50 Dellv"r"t1 ln•tnll,.11 1r1t"r1nt,.,.d ="o ~xt ra r har1te We Service All Appliances Specializing in Automatics Auto. ~ai.her Enterpris{'s U.8 ~'"'"fllllt Hlvd . Co't~ M• •II MOVJ:'\G SATl'RDAY -Mode~ ''""'""fl"' 1. l1111ni:• cha irs, table-. Attl11n1Rll<' wa11tu•r • dryer. O.IL t•'tni;rt>rAtur. v .. ry r~onabt. H>tr btlr M17·J . 63c6' RF~A l"T. 11nl m Hh. hi pollar bed 'uni p1"1i> 8ppn111"1I 12SO, aacrl• ftr" $!1:1. !Jriuble bf'd, aprtnr11r m11ttrr:<• !111ubl" dre111flr, 6' ~ta rr11r ri1r. \Bhl,. cha.Ir 190. 10'11.H' I ~lltn"llr wool hooked rug 195, Jl••1l d1v1tn 11nd chair newly cov• ,.,. ... 1 In Prnvinl'18I print, 195. \\'e ll!"wootl 11t.ove, oven control. ~hrto1ll" br1Jll,.r 12:i. tlrop leaf t11blr, marl" lablll, lf.mpa, mlac. 271f1;, l'r,.~tv1rw, Balboa Bay Sh111 1•M, =""wp<1rt. 63p66 TWO MAPLI': l..OVE 8EAT8. R!'11AOn11hlt. 2:J7t Crt1tvlew Or .• Bey Shnrt'I', 62~ lJIXt:'\r. RM !U.'T. Lllrre old fad• rlln• •I t1thlr "II h g uplfol.8ter"'1 i'h~1r11. hutf~~ • t hlna doiet. Hit r :l<i9 t ·k a fter <I 30 p m. 1'>2p:'.4 Liberty &-7808 1 :->ur Golt Cour.11,.1 !~~~~f!<J~------­ tfp!' I\\ <1:-0 [11-:HFl 'L 1-:1111v Aln,.rtcan KE:-IMORF: \\"'l1nCH "'""tr .1tk1 t111nk1t•I( l(llUllll'•. Antlqu" ailvn new. ll:U. Ce.liar Pl~ .eoaa M......,._ l•• I. u.rt•• .Mil. l.Afrr t11.1 land· !,~ l' " "I•" I! r :1117,8 C>4c~ SERVP.:L rt>frlR ~. < u n--;.;1,.ct I R••11ult~ • •1me frtmt con.tant con<litlon. 8 .> 11 oM, $9S 11111 prel'tlre' An ad rtgu larly la t.llll «» bttor a . I JI m. 6i c3:i I ri•per w1U produc. ""'1'-... rou. I / . ' PAGE '4 ·PART IV - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR ESS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 _n-_A_-_AD_~ ..... -----· ---' M-lla.lcal. Radio, • TV flO Y Al. PM llon plat u , t1fUrUIU. C RAND PU?\OS many hke nt'""' p1ttur1·~ mlrrllr, cha ir. braa. I Stelnway. Excf'llent r.ondUlon • h•·•t tolhlr :>:f'w oreandy cur-BeauUt\ll Behr· Brn5, Quern 1>11n11 & 3 rh1na cowe. Harbor style. Knabe Grand. Offa·i:•' 21J'J8-M 63c~ I Opu a pia no. only $1'~. LuvelY 1 Coopa Grand. Mahogany •'h<' tine tone and action, only S49r1 Another G1'nd only $43~. l\t11ny other won,lerful buy1 In Grnnds C"omr! Ll'lok ! TRADE Bcuut1!ul ~t.J.t' aux.. ad1ooner. h'ull,y CquruJ, go anywhH.,. Will u1l1e oq111t) In prop,.rty or amal· lt>r h'111t 122\l W. Ralboa Dlvd .. 1'··" 1•••1 t. linr. :1032 39trc DA~Z-SCHMIDT Blx Piano Stem• Santa Ana. !i20 !':o. Main. 100 Pfano1. Hon\a o! tht ' Hamniom.I Organ. TV SERVICE )fF:R<'t'HY SLOOP. Trophy win-1 ll"t· l••JI l\h8-pc, •l~I tt All«•r. • S!l7~ llYllll t-'•O i 60tfc 1 WE RE:'\'f portabl<' rec•>rd playl'r, 8·1-I' llt:'\C1H\' With IUlll, $115. I 't-w111 I r11t11n Sllfl ll11r. 327»-J. 49r:i.t - • arnphr1erl'. alllo P. A. •Y~tc1n11 STF.VE:>:S nnd SO:--S 1879 Ha1 bor Blvd. Co11La M• .,. Llbl'rty 8·2301. 631':1~H . ' -10-AutOfl and Trwlut For the Cream Off the Top. See these Cars at Theodore '54 Ford Robins $2295 ('11111. '"n"h "'a1.1or) H-tlnt~d 111u,11. F"uldo. '53 Ford 1495 <:11111. ~ c11 , n1J1u, h•'•h,r. Furtl11 '50 Chev 845 ! Con\•erl1ble, ra.dJo, heater. rea.I nu:<' I '50 Ford 775 Crt~I hne. 2 dr . ra•hn, h"attr, wsw 151 Nash 645 14.1-·r t:L.\SS OOltt & )() hp Mt r-50 l'~ED PIA!':OS want,.11 tOt our St11l~,.m11n 4 1lr C'lll v 11utlWlu rot F ii Pl r lau <"Ondl· t1r•n .. 1:.?-::81h St, -"•'WflOll Bt·h Hlfr THHEF n~. ft .... ,. .. I• 1 • • nt. $ ~ mu11111 111 l.ul11 \\t11ut Y.1l'hl LA11dlni,: .: 111\ \ '" OJ"1l l11 l'h Llhr11' l'\.·,1111!1 l~dill CH RY~l.F:R ~f1111n .. • nrtn~. 11, lo I 1 •••h11·tlnn i;r.1r REFn 11;f"HATOH 1 •n , .... , fl c~ l'F.F: .J i\C'K llAltl'P:lt Ill Llllot l'hlf1\'l'ld •·flol .. c :ll•l ~II P1•I, fl:rwr111 t R1•11; h 2!ltl\' 1 • 1-~r '\;FAl11.\' !'WW r·11RI!' ('llAl"T l!ttll "h,,111, F1h1>1~I·•'-~· f'•I 1 nnt rn l,., 1 •, h fl 1i:v1111111h• m•1t011. t'h 1 1~ T1 ail• 1, Hai ::till :1:lp:):'I \\'tr.1. J\1 ·1·1-:1·r 1111 '" $1 noo1•nh1n I 1111~1 I' nn :I ll•h Ill 11"1\( h h 'llllE', 11, bl•1.-1<11 ,;, •>• ''""· l'"rtly t urn 111 $!1,:!"111 RHI $110 11111111'1 Ph ""' n1'r. u ., hol r.~26 ft:S, • ., ... h H ' WHIT F: STAR !"omplt tt ly f'qlllf'p••1I :"o;lnl • 11nthl11111 10 hr Jllhn~.n & i;ah 111nk• Live hMll tu 1k. ··I·. I pun1p b tlt•·ry f<U•J rh1;1 i:• 1 11 ·11..Y 1 :i.t 1 u ... s.11:.0 ., ... dl, ""n"r t!l1h k Br1\ -"''"'I'"'' 61p~6 f'l'J!UI ""Pl ~liellt'l!l <'ll:th alluw- 11n1 r Ill t 1 a.r. fnr oq:an11. i;r;1nd p1unn,, nntl •plnt t'i O,\~Z-S<'H,\llDT ~·:'.O ="'•• ~lain ~anti\ A na. ;\\11 ''" T.'I"~ f:1nn1 t c'nt~ t:),"•. HOOi hrr 11111111(' 1 inu.11 s.:111;. Ont' "'""" lhl' A11r1s1tn11• R1•1nrl only So tr.:, ~Intl\' tol h• r i.:1 ••0t huyi< l•ltl p1.rn11~ from whu·h to •'b•~••1' n l'\\' & IJ~rtJ r>A :-:Z-SCHMIO'r ma.; Plllllfl .t- 01 K"" ~Inn', ~211 No J\111111. ~11111a An1;, 0pPn 1o~r1. f;,.,. H r1mr n( the H•rn1111oml OrJ,;an~ Bl<>n•lt> 1'l11d1(• p1Ann RRVi' J.26:1. S PEC IAL BUY! S MALl,E~T sl111ho uprii;ht 8Rl1I ,.; 111 11111d1• purno In !II•~ 1 on•l11111n. \\'>1 h full 88 k"ybo11r11. T<'t ma $180:'1 clown. $16.67 rn mu at, SHAFER'S MU3IC C-11. tSlnce 10071 4:!1 ·12:1 ~-Svl'amort'. S11n1& Ana rhvne Klmbe~ly 2-06i2 See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWOHTH Pl.ANO C O . '51 Ford 975 995 hl"Rl f'r, WSW 995 R H Hy<lr<i '52 Chev 995 '51 Ford 795 '• 1 .. n 1111•k11p Theodore Robins Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 "ON THE MA.RI NER'S MILE" 3100 W. Coast. Hwy. l~lbert y 8-3471 COMPARE Bt:F'ORE YOU BUY Hillman Husky 1 Thr A II Nf'w Slal1on \\'»gon ) 30' I A BIS l 'Hl'l~~H. i;:111v m111in,. • bunks h"il•I l't• . s.:.:.i:.o. Ll•n..: Hri1< h 1'1-flllloo:/ ~ 1 f'\Ml 1318 <:oost Blvd., <.:on.ma del Maz (That.Jen Interior Bldg I l'ri1 ,. 5144500 4335 ·1·. l-'OR ~,\I.Jo: Pit r1tA IW 211' nu<-Har. 3382 66 Uc hol(Mn\' 1ah111 1·1111~11 , 6 -1·\I 1111 h I' • ni:tn•'. ><•ni:I•• ~· '""" 12 W•I blltt••t y hr•nk $2,HJO 'T'rrm" 111 11 .. d1• ffol l>rn111:1• (" l''''fl"ll) 1111111 "r h1111xr t1 ;1tlPr C'an bl' '"'"" itl :l~t)~ M1111·11,. Or, New-llf" l LF:i..111..:1 .. n n-o:n Mr M lll:,;i C Al31:'\ l'HUISER. 17 tt . .,ith ~'I F:v1nrurto mutor. II .795. Call sftr·r 4 r m Har 1164-M 04r:16 f'HA•'TIC'Al.LY :--:F:W, 212 h. p. J <•hnaon "lllboard motor. 1':~\'f'r In .:ill wa t"r All!O 6 h fl l ll1thll)' ll&f'<I I.lb• ti} 8-:l898. :•t p:wl '\\'A :'\T TP Ill' Y f;nnwblrd <loll\' HM l1or I..!:: I :.t p68 -26 l•I 1·111:1::-< HA F'T <.1b1n t111I~· ~r n ,, •·nJ.:ln11 111 th• & m 1ny • "'•' , ... Jh u\\n•·r, l'h••M•· 11nr !/\ ~·• \\ r,:Jr~.r, EU.I:'\ • ;1h ... 11d 111 t .. 1, :1 II I' II•• I nl\ I I 11" .1\1 I Ilk•• ll• W P t""' t 1-. '•II ( '"•1•ti'\ ~f·· t J."( 1ft I:,\ LUtJA 1::1.~: f1rt1pc1 r \ o\\0•1!1 ~,. Hh\" UtunlLl1.:". ~o· 'I''"'"'· ult publu· l'•~r e l Sl\fl· rh~r··, s 11•11 Dill. l.Jo::\l.Tfl t:! I' •d11i1• buK1 1l, Ruot! •"fl 1t111n i:w. M11l 1Jo:,1; .. 1 1·111 11 v l '"\'l" Cut11· 111111. 'Ht' ~I"" " $!\Qi\ 10' !•l.ASTU' \\ 17.AH I> •hHl(bV ~ :il'l:\J.:T T'lJ\~0. ThP 11111!\l bt•llll· llflll r11ann in lhP \\'Clrltl H1i.:h• lit ~111d1'. All (ru1twno•I '"'"'' .lti-1 like n1·w. A hs11lul t>ly~ 1'hls rhan('C• roml's but 11nC'•'. !-i11ve J32r1 DA:>:Z-SCHMlDT F11mo1111 l't11n11 Stun~. Santa An11 , :,:,eo i\o. Main. BEA UTlFUL Ste1nw11y Mu<lel B , Gr.,.tcl ptano ln perfect condition. Save ovrr h11lf of nPW rrlrP 11 t SHAFER'S Mu11lc Co. !Since 1907) 421-423 N. Sycamore, Senta Ana !'bone Klmberly 2-06i2. S~ J>En MO renLs j(uOd praclki' ' piano. !At th~ k1d111.,,. l•·l\rn, All li'rlll l•·nl 11llow.·.J 1r ·y .. u buy hHtl, C1ood prncthf' J>liln<ll' S1a;1. $IHI. n :-s. SI!\!\, DA~Z-SC.:H~ll lJT 811: P1an11 Slur• JtlO f'l&nO'I. j20 -"'" Main, 8 •• nt" A nn. Tem1« Pomeranian Pu ps A KC. rhlllllpllln al "tud. 71:1!'1 \\·,. .. 1mlw1ter An , \\'e!!lmln- Sl••r. l'h. \\'e!lmln~lrr :.t-2"1:1~, 501'63H S IAMJo:SE Kl'ITE:'\S. 110 Sf'\'tllf' Balbu11. Hn.rbl•r 1212-\\'. 511'.:11) 2500 151335 45()00 3916 1-'ull Del, Prict Oc1wn • Month 5% Rank Fin&11clnf Lil>• rnl T'rade in Allowancu Harvey Mayer Mtrs. :.?13i ll1111><1r Costa Mn a I..1 8·22~ Volkswagen Trade·ins UIU l! ~1111 1 40-Auto8 ror Sale "19 CHRY~LER Windsor lied. 8 C'autiful cond. R & H $34~ 1'110:'\fo~ 11.11 ""r ~ 1~;: :.;h:-.:. ~---- SLIP RENTALS Ma.x1mum lwnm 3', l1·ndh :12· ALSO HO\\ HI IA r H 1-::--r A LS AMERICAN 1.1'.:CJON HALI., 15th It; B11yf10111. :-.1•w1>01t Beat n.I Harbor o::. l'R·ll M-Muslc a l, Radio, ~ T '' I U!P:D RA ~OV'r.\TI ~1nr ori:An In flnr ront11tlon. 811: 11tl\•1ngs C'llnVl'nlf'nt tt'nnl 111 SHA FER'11 Mu~IC Co I ~tn('I' J!IOi l 42 1-423 N . Sy<".1ntore ~11nta Ana. Phone Klmbt•rl:v 2-00i2 I ACCORDION t:!O Ha,~. 2 11hlfls & C&llP ,; Xlnl. ronll1t11111, $1:1~. l'rill LI 8-4927 arter :i. 521 ii•I JAl"SE;i; OHGA;o.;O. The piano 11n1I elect rlo Or~an In ont Inst ru- ment. Solt! tor ov1;r SlllOO. 011r p rice 188i . Terme. All!O one beautiful Electronic OrK&n. Like new. Blon1l tlnJah. Famoua m11kt> Our price only S68:i. Think or that! DANZ-SCHMIDT Big P iano Co, Sant& Ana, 620 Nv. t.laln. BEAt.l'IFt:L maple mirror t ypt 11pnght piano In perfect comll· t ton. i:.rm1 $36.3i down and II l 7~ p1•r month a l SHAFER'S Music Co. (Smet 190il •21·•23 ~. Sycamore. Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 2·06i2 HAMMO!':D ORCA!':S u1t d. A rare opportunity. One famou1 Chord o r,.an, ~rftet condition One H.ammond Splnet Organ, 2 kC'\'bol\rd9. Don'l Wall I( \'011 w1~ to ma.ke a aood11eav1na· "" the world'• flneat orp.111. • DA:-:Z-SC'HMIDT. Home of !ht HAmmond Organ. 620 :"o. Main SAnla Ana. Good t erm•. TV UTE 21 " MOTOROLA. CCII I S:l.~O ~I'll tnr S 12!\. Phone l.I 8-~IS4 64p 8P.SC1Jd:> BUYt · 0"'E 0:-\1.Y 1..l'Wf'ry Or~MO. Lat.- ~t mnt1•1 ~in-e S 100. Convenltot ll'rll\~ Al ~HAFl':R s ~11 .. 1( c-" t s1nc·e 1110~ 11 4'11·423 -"· i:v1 11mnr. S81lla Ani1 l P hone Klm~rly 2·06i2 • G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 'lf.l G~l<' 1, T. PlCKl'f' 'Ii FC'Hn •, T l'l<.:Kl'P '~!I STl 'PF:BAKFR ·~ T_ 1'1rll'llp '.",I t;)fl' 1, T l 'H 'Kl'P ·;,2 l:\"TEK-"ATICl:\"Al. 1, T l'H •Kt'l' ·:,:t IJOD~; F. 1, T PICK t 'I', Sl'UltTS~f A=" ·r n P ·r,;1 G'.\IC 1, T. 1·1c-Kt:P u \'- lift.\ '.\IA TIC 1'nA:'\S ·~:1"1 :'.\tl' "• T PIC'Kl'l' H\'l'R TR,\:'\S. 'fl:l flOflGE l T. nt'ALS '-11 \\'HITE 2 T. \'OE 'I. Sp••rd '48 GMC J:.i' STAK1':. I ' 'r 'ill FORD 2 T l'&t'. 8·2:i T11~1t. 2 SPEEU •:,1 FORD 2 T. 12' BOUY. 8 2S T IHES. 2 SP~;ll:O •:,1 ta.1c 1\) WHl!:EL Dt:MP, P·OQ TIRES. B1L nu:O-:s. Wt> ha ve the larit~st a.ml rlean .. ~l !ltnt k llf 11>•'•1 ll UlkS In UtRO>!<' County. H;. sure tu ser our sto~k b<!t.)r•· nny uM><I l1 u' k. W.W. WOODS GMC DEAl.F:R 61~-19 E. 4th St. Santll .,nil Opt'n Sun•lay a m. Truck h<'Rdqua rt<'r& !or Orange Co ' --Bt:ICK ·~9 Super. 2 door, W. \\'. tlru. hut•'r, radio 11-nd Dyn11 - flow. 3 14 Anada. Balboa. 53p!l4 11!.:IO Bl ,CK Rhierll. DoctM'a ur. Beautiful cond. All Plllraa. $950. J M)() Kings Road, :"t"l'Ort ~ts. 63c:66 61 CHE\' conv. P'Glldt . R..tH. Gret1n, r lean $Si~. 619 Poppy, L'arona c1,1 Mar. Harbor ~~·R at"l1ir r. JO p. m. 112p.'14 '-t~ C H E YROLE.'T Sedanette, al is . .. ..... $195 '51 FORD 8 Custom club coupe. R & H. F o rdo m a tic. Beautiful black color . $795 '53 PL Y~IOUTH club, R & O\'erdrh·e . .. S895 50 P O NTIAC 8 sedanette, R & R. ~yncro-mesh trans- mission . ..... . . ... .$595 COITON GOFF Vol kswagen Dealer ..!116 :'\ .. w[l-Ort Blvd .. Newport B<"h.. Harbor 8 63c:'.>6h l 9H Fo no busl11es11 coupe, 6 cyl., ralll11. hl'a lcr. xlnl. mechanical r •md1llon. Call a.!ler 6 weekdays, S 100. LI 8· 1098. 2010 Monrovia, l'ostn .Mesa. 49tfc 111;,o r HHYSLJ.:R Nt>w Yorktr, ex- •Cllent concf. RAH. Owner lt av- lng for Hawaii. Must 11<'11. DelJ- nry date May 27. $846. Harbor 6202-~I. 62p54 1!129 FORD mOdel A pick up. B motor SM 818 K1ng1 Place, !':ewpon Hu. LI 1-¥02 19•8 FORD Conv. $17~. By owner. Prict'd !or quick aa.le. R.li:H. GJ. (;11ncl. 1982 ln·tne, C. M. Liberty 8·i~6 ~c[>& 5:1 E:-:OLISH FORD Zephyr 6- 8,.aut. blut . Low mtte~e. • dr ~da.n. Showroom treah.. Lotht'r uphol!lttr~'. R.lH, new W, S W, $82:>. LI 8·4073. Mc.68 49 OLDSMOBILE atatlon wagon. Top shape, Private puty. Har. 870~-\.\'. &•c[>& 1P61 PI~YMO\.l'H Savoy ataUon w11gon. Exct'll tnt condJUol\ F O R a KNOCKOUT DEAL owner drh•,.n. S97!1 Phone LI on an a utomob ile, ~au-me~ __ s_:z:_•_a:i_e._,._en..ui.g ______ • ___ 1l_lc6_'- Coun trv Wuhburne,Chr..·a· IP~t PLYMOUT·1 atatloll wason. J f'l'r!,.ct molnr RAH, tx<'epllonal lf'r-Plymo uth. I.Aiu Rred &' qua lity, f l.lM A l90 u Plymoutll A ssociates, LI S-3486. I •1r 111'(!11n Cnmp~uton rhccka .,2 .. r:.,c hkt new, $19:1. Prtnte party u '-"' LI 1-3~. M~ 40-Aato. a11d TracU ---. . . -. ---. -. -----. ....--.... WE'RE JAMMED FULL Our Lot Our Used Car is Small !! Inventory BIG ! ! • Select from the cleanest ca PS in Southern Calif. & at reasonable prices ... •49 OLDS. V·8 ..... ---.. --·------·-... $699. Radio. Heater & Hydramatic. '54 OLDS. 98 HOLIDAY $3199. Fully equipped, 11 .000 o rigina l mile.. 41-Auto Senicft ~ Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. .. ................... $48.88 s Cyla. .. .................. ~.88 I lncludn. both labor and paru New rfn1u. wrl1t pua. valve (Tlnd. flttlnca of marn and rod bea.rtnp. Expert molor twle up. 90-day or 4,000 mile fUU a.nttt INO MO!\"EY oow:q. REBUILT ENGINES -UP to lli MONTHS TO PAY- B1.1llt In our own fl\l'tory by 1kllltd machlnt~t11. Don't rontt'nd with the midclle man. Buy t11r.-cl. 4'7-Wu t.ed to ~nt WANTED. RENTALS Please drop by our new office and list your rental witb ua. Summel" Of' yearly. Prompt, courteous attention for you. Osborne Realty Co. 2323'W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach H arbor 492s.J • 153 FORD 2 DOOR CUSTOM $1299. • REBUILT a.nd INSTALLED Cahanas Marinas R adio, H eater & F ordomati". '53 FORD 4 DOOR $1399. N ew blll4:k f inish . Radio, Healer & Overdrive. '54 JAGUAR Coupe (like new), $2499. '50 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE . $699. Radio, H eater & H ydram atic. '54 MERC. CONY. .. $2499. Radio, H eater, Overdrive. P o we r Brakes 1 owner. '51 MERC. 4 DOOR $999. R adio, Hca~r & Overdrive. '52 STU DE. V ·8 Hardtop $1699. • ·Rpecial H igh compression head&, auto matic, R Ii H . '51 FORD 4 DOOR $899. Radio , H ester a nd Fn rd o matic. white w aUs. 'il9 PONTIAC 2 dr. Sedanette ... $599. Radio, Heater. '49 CHEV. 4 DOOR '$699. Radio, H eater, new baked engine enamel fin ll!lh. Money 3 Day Back Guarant ee SEE THESE AND MORE AT JOHNSON & SON LINC OLN· MERCURY DEALER 900 W . Coaat Hwy ., Newport Beach . LI 8·5545 SA VE MONEY WITH THESE MQVING DAY SPECIALS 1952 MERCURY Hardtop, Radio, H eater, M e rco· matic, New w-e-w tires ... . ........... $1495 1953 1952 195.l 1951 1951 1951 1950 1949 CHRYS LER N ew Y orker 4 d oor ........ 1695 . NASH Country Club 2-Tone Brown ...... 945 H UDSON Hornet 4-dr. Dark Green .... MERCURY Statio n W agon .... -......... _ .. STUDEBAKER 4-dr. Sed .. Auto. Trans. 895 1095 795 CHRYSLER New Y o rker 4-dr . Sedan 1125 CHRYS LER Windsor 4-door-PerfecL .. 795 HUDSON 4 d oor 395 LOU REED "WE HAVE MOVED" / 1200 West Coast Hig?way. Phone L.Iberty 8·3486 Used Car Department Now Located at Our New Bu ilding New Studebaker Sales Now Going on ! Contest I I • • WE ARE TRADING WILD ! WE ARE DESPERATELY in need u_sed cars. Used car values are higher than ever. So NOW is the time & HERE is the place to trade for t hat .. new Studebaker. Trade for t he BEST LOOKING, the MOST ECONOMI· CAL, t he MOST POWERFUL car made. • Proven Economy EASY "Joe Nick eru" T enna See JOE NICKERTZ YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER 3415 Newport Blvd .. N~rt Beach (at entrance to Lido) Harb. 510 54c -we DON'T SELL BALONEY....:. Just the Best Deal on Used Cars 1~7 MERCURY Sution Wagon &-Clean. 1953 BUICK S uper R ivie ra-A -1. 1951 PLYMOUTH 2-dr.-A good buy 1950 B UICK R oadmaater 4-dr.-I owner 1947 FORD Convertib~Priced to sell. See ua for a real deal on a NEW 'M BUICK._ TERRY'S BUICK 2612 Newport Bl\'d., Newport Beach Har. 5021 . (A few blka Eut o'r Newport City Hall) RHORT BLOCK FORD .. .. ....................... $129.~01 CHEVRO LET . . ........ -....... $H9 60 PLYM • .t DODO!: .... _ ....... _Sit>!\ CHRYS . .t DE SOTO ..... -..... $1701 STl'DEBAKER ......... 1170 OLDS It PONTIAC 6 __ .. ·-·" SI 70 BUICK . . . .. . ...... 117~ HUDSON ..... -... .. . $ 17:J Loan Car Free Tow jng NEW CAR GUARANTEE Block muat mnt our ata ndarda Plue tuu, KUket11 and oll Open 8UJ1day 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally I to T Statfl Bonded NEW LOCATION -310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage Authorized Part.I It Service a!Ao Good Tran11portatlon Cari For Sale Au to Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. Nt wport Beach, Har. •725. 36tfc MAY SPECIAL Foreign Car Tune·up $3.95 & u p Plus part.I If necl!BMry, We pick up .t deliver. BE A W INNER WlTH- Hausken Motors Inc. 1932 Harbllr Blvd .. Costa Mua Llberty 8-~061. 47c:i8h •:,3 BOLll:S .ENSENAbA 22 tt. houae trailer. Llkt new. Toilet It ahwr. Slttp1 6. J ll50. See at 1991 Newporl Ave., Costa Mu&, or call Harbor 70-R evu. 47lfc SMALL utUlly trailer -With hitch &11d llcl!nae. 17~. Har. 3279-J. 49c54 BARGAIN lfl54 lt·ft. vacation lraOer. almost new, Blrr h wood Interior Private party. $:i9:5 Har. 3812-W. 62-p 29 F"T. TRAIL.ER-AWN, tullel. 1hwr .. Sl295 caah or S<IOO. dnwn Bal. monthly. 114 E!. Wll.tt0n, Co.tla Mtsa, No. 3. !'>:lp64 47-Wanted to Beat Rentals Wanted We need a pta and hou.ea ln all eecU<>n1 tor b<>th wbltcr and ye&r'e leue. Film. or unlum. U you. have a vacancy, phone today The Vogel Co. 1201 W. C1L Hwy., Newport &..h. Phone Ubert7 11--3411 208 M&rtne, Balboa lal&nd P.hone Barbor U • 2667 E. Coa1t Hy .. Corona dtl Mu Phone Harbor 17 41 Lidll O!fl~, 3416 Via Udo Harbor 41171 32tfc W A:".'TED TO RE':O.'T In S ewport &terh 11rhool d1~trlrt 3 or 4 bed- room unturn. hC.mf'. Reliable family <If f!\•t. Monthly or leu~. Har. 0618-~t. &2c~4 PHYSICIAN WAl\"TS 3 bednn. hoW!e 1 to ~yr. le-.,e. up to 1126 per mnnlh. Har. 1273 62c:M OWNERS LIST your rentals with u1. Wt ~ve tenanh walllnc tor both pennanent 4r 1ummer rcntall. REX RECHS, REALTOR 2307 W. B11lbo11 Blvd. Harbor 61&6-Har. 98'1. f.S-Apta. a Hoaaee 2 DORMS. un!um., gai\re., atove. rerrtg. Wattr paid. 1 child o.k. '1~3 W. 19th St.. Coet.a Meaa. LI 8~971 or LI 8·3:140 '7ttc Lido Peninsula, East 31st ~t., Npt. Bcb. OFFERS Delightful living. ApL-Cabanaa. Utilitlta p&id. witb Yacht alip a ccomodation.. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. Mtlo 4_3-_A_.p._ta._tll_B_OUMla ____ I .&SA-Apta. for Beal LIDO ISLE Summer Rentals UNFURNISHED. yearly ltau. 3 bdnn., 2 bath, llvlng room 20ll30 • Excluaive Bay Jl'ronta 2 patios .corner 2 1tr11du, $260 + pr r month.4 other choice propertiee Bay It Beach Realty Harbor Jaland, ky Dor.. ._. 14 ~0 W . Ralboa Rlvd .. Balboa con Bay, qualtlled client. Cll\)7. H~rbor 1264 Harbor Jnveetment Co. REASONABLY priced, clean 1 It 2 bdrm. turn. 11p1.1. UUL paid. Laundry room. Playirround tor ~hlldren. Blue Top Apt.a.. •oa N11wporl Blvd., Newport Beach. Above the Arche1<. 49tfc Choice Summe r Rent.a.la on Balboa laland le Lido Lale SmalJ It cosy or &arce It dal\IM •'16 w poo month VOGEL CO. 20I Marine A \'e., Balboa lala.nd Pb. Harbor 44' or Harbor 21lil Ru. Har. 1786-R or Har. JOMl-M 64tlc NEARLY NEW modern 2 bdrm. dllplex, untUm., With l&fajte, Co11ta M t-11&. W&tt'r pd. No chil- dren. $67.&0 mo. Call LI &·H 09. (7Uc CORONA DEL MAR'a out.atand· 1111: 2 bdrm. apt. oceal\ 1ide Hwy. view. Lovely c11..rpeted living m1. Corner flreplac'" G11rbagl' dill· po1111l. PAllo & garage, 1110. mo. ytarly, unrurn. 14URlE.L PINOVER. Realtor ' Ca.II Harbor· 46J 0. -63c66 Rll:DECOR.A TED, UNFURN. col· tage, Uvlng nn .. dlnUtg rm .. kttrhenett.e It 2 bdrm. Hot 11bwr. gaa .t waler pd. $65. mo .. yrly. rental. 108 Adama, BaJboa. Har· bor 11124-M. ~3c55 48A-Apta. for Bent BALBOA ISLA:'\'D, Bay Front- J uly 24 to fl:ov. 24 for price or 2 month11. 3 bdrm•. 2 bat ha. t'\'ery· thing to make a dt'llghlful homr. :--=u Jl<!LS, no arnall t:hlldrtn. Har 2336-W afll'r 4 • p .111 . ~3c66 l\WPERN F UR..'\. APT .. utll. rd. Si il. mo. yearly lt&a<'. Suitable tor cvuplu. Har. 0863-R. 63trc MUDEH:" l BDRM. APT. unfum. Stuve. retri1C . bar Ir atoola fUm. Yearly. 0Ad11lt11 . 807 Fl'rnleaf, Co- rona del Mu. ~3c05 / COf\Ol':A DICL MAR -Large 1 bdrm. tum. apt. Laundry taclll· t1u, $85. mo. Yurly lelM'. No pl't•. Har. 4381. 63<:05 Lido Bayfront NEW I 3 bdrma., 2 batha, immacu- late ly furn. apL l:MMEDIATE.QCfUpa11cy for I mo. J>tt1nd. Al>r. ~ tOU CC Ut1i. l2MO. lNCLt:DES el\Ure aummer' ....on. No ~ll. No children. Sbown by appointment only. H.A RBOR I :'\VESTI>lE!':T CO. Pl'lone Har. 1600 1 tvu JUr. 1210) UUc BAY Vlli:W APT. on Lllo Pentn- Harbor 1800 (E~ LI 1·&111 I tTtte FURN. l Mrm. apt .. )'Mr Jeue f7!'t.-U O. or 1t1mmer "'t• H OO for a monU\a. Jnq. 30I Cama- Uon, Corona del Mar. Ha.r. •OHi &2tfo Charminr Harbor. Haven A~rtmenu ,.._tloa NEW ' ROOM. iltrfft feftl Nur achoole, ahopplns di#tr1ct. Quiet. pleuant, u cllllllve. Oarb&ge di•· poaal, laundry, 1torac• rooma. prase, U2.l50 up. O«upl11 en• Ure etneL Good wper"'rinon. Mgr.. 1&01 Raven P,lace 1 Block Soutll ot Rish School ALSO FURNI8HICD APT8. WINTl:J\ RA Tl!:S 3l!c Newport Island Waterfront Summer Rental• RA TES by wetk, month or aeaaon. 3706 Channel Pl. Har. 1217-J. '4lttc Close to Lido Shops NZWLY D~R.ATED. Unturn. 2 bdrm. a pt. w/pra .. •. l.&r•• llv. rm. • kltc.Mtl, "6. mo. rentel. Phone: Har. 6003 or ~92:61p.'\a 48~HoUMe for Rent NEW, unturn . .) t>.11 111. ltvUM, lgf' yd. v.·tth trtu, near 1('h•>0la and tranaportaUon, l lfO, lu• on Ju,_~. Anll. May 18 -17'.! Vtcfor111, C'Olta Mt'aa. rr. •·8078. :.11 re 2 RJ"IRM F"l !R:--.'. bou1e du1 ln1r J un(! • J uly. H O. munth. t:tih· 11 .. rahl 1971 ll'llUlltrlOn ~t, Co1ta Mt'A&. Ll 1-4208, ()3;!'1!'1 -+---~~-~----~-N J CE 2 BDRM. and den untum. homt. $9<1. mo. 237 Rocbt11ter. Costa Meaa. LI 1-3371 morn- lnp or evu. &3<'M FURN. SM.ALL 1 bdrm. ~,_,.h hou1e, y early, J4T.llO. Jnq, 1.1 1 -21.!12. ~ CORON.A. DJllL MAR BEAlfr'IFULLT Jl'URNJSHJ:D 2 bdnn. hJ!JDe. Jurle 1:1 to Au1. l~. 1 bl~from ocM.n. Har. !'>680. 61c66 LIDO ISLE J RARLY RENTALS VNl"CllN. . J badrootna, 2 baUIL 1 2. ' Mdrooma_ I bat.ha. Cbotce locat lona.. 1!:.ARL W. STANLEY, Rah.or 1111 Newport Blvd. >l.wport Bch. Harbor 1011 tOlf• SUMMER R ENTAL ~clualve Baytront horn-, Beacon Bay, av&llable tor July • Au· iuat.. B.-uutully flU'IU8hed. o.r. bage dlapoeal. dllhwuber, dHp trt~u. 2-ou ...,..._ .Adu.lta, no pell. Har. 1'71, ~ to armt... 61tte 1ula. Nrw Ir a ttractive panelled • living rrxm1 , 2 bdm11. S1500 on yt>arly leL1•'. Ph. Httr. 27~1 or Ji•r. 811 ~3c61 2 BDRM. t.::-:.F"U R:\'. duplrx. wltll C'arag1• 3:1~' 1, Oitll!, ( 'vata Meaa, between l6lh 6 17th St. ~3p!'>!'> CUSTA MESA Laq:e llt'W ) br. unfum. 1tpl. Sep. gar. A l aul\· dry m i. ;-.;,.nr traru. E. 1lde. '6:5. mo. HUUSTOS R~TY. 509 Center. t". M. Ph. LI ·~91 1. 53cM FOR LEASE TWO Bll:.AUTIJ'UL MW tntne T errace unfum. view horn• 3 BDRM8.~2 bat.b.I and 2 BEDRMB .. 2 ba!Jla. C•.11 Harbor 111~ or ll.ar1IM "41. EARL w. STANLEY. ReAlwr Irvine Terra.ce om. 'Corona d.i Mar. M tlo Nrw a B DRM., ,..,,... &po.I. RENTAL v CHANJ'o:E L FROl'\T tummer IUN SM . mon Ui. 217·21tt at., Co1ta Mea&. LI 1-3180. 1Uc63h SPECIALISTS Call Edna CraJr Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Ave. ~boa Wand, 11&.r. 1171 T2ttc BRA.'\"O .NEW 2 bdrm. untum. du- plex. garb&&• dl•poaa.I., garage. 116 . .month. CALL DAYS t :a-0-4 :30 U MUI or LI l-'1182 a.n.r & p.m. It wk. end.a phone Har. «1'1. &Ot.tc LIDO ltu..&-J'um. 2 bdrm., 1" bat.la, w&lltd pa uo: a,. block to ba&cll-41/16 to 9 /16, I 1,&00. Club prt\'\Je,... tneluded. Harbor P'OR RENT. until June Ulla. $23. P9f WHlt, 2 Wm! .. rue.I)' tum. ocu.n tront. UtUltJH paid, tlec:t. retrtruator;· lleepe ~. PM11 J . Smith, 0 0 E. 7th IL. Upland. l'tl. T'l11lon 121-lM. 6'eM or yt·arly tum 1 It 2 bdnn. apta. l blk. to bus It Lido Shopptnf. Owntr leaving. mual be 14!en be!· fort Sal. a m. Apt. 2 • 616·38lh SL. 1" eY..-porl. 63cM HARBOR APTS. -M~m furnished apt.s. day, week or m o nth Near bua, atorea It bay. Reuonable rat.a. 10. E . 81.y Ave., BALBOA Harbor 634•. 11ltc YEARLY untUTI\, 1 bdrm. apt .. wt th prace. Balboa laland. Har. 2665· ~ or Liberty l-4438. a5tte X MDX: I rm. apt:: tum. or UAturn .. tnclud.ea llt.WUU. Call HTatt~T. 21ttc BALBOA I8LA.ND, bay tr'Oilt. 11- lower a pt. P'lreplac.. di.po.al • dlllltiraaher. tum. Of' Wt(Um. 0... Bu. ll»W, ..... BA YSHORE8-Beacb houee, elHpl 7, 2 balh11, IJ•. )19110. Owner LI 1-4277. N c6& li'NFURNIJIHllD I bednn. Corona ~hlanda fa.mJ.ly home. W ;W carpeili\c. d~. ecis7 ~ br1r k fireplace, rallied htart.h, birch paneled kltA:be.n. Oee&11 vlev.". J,.t,. yard. Stove, rtlfrll . automatic W'Ub• l.ncJuded 1r de.tree!. a .. now IOt le&w•r11 Road. Corona da1 Kar. ft. 8Yat t •·6e91. &'1lrc MODERN, one bedroom uldUnUah- ed dupllll wlUI ....,.,.. Wa ll'r, .,£ar1iuu tum'.a>"' tto.-9tlll'tti.~ 1 .. 2.'807 Elden A .. ., Cotlt& Mna PhonM LI 1-1161 or ..... I.I 1-~'1. Np6r-t UJ\.'J"URN. 2 bdrm. bcNM. 2017 tkrbor Bl\'d., C.O.ta W-. MO mo. Anl...W. u. J w a wk• ~ .. ,.. a.c&t ' ~ I! ' t I I I • ., ' •·- .. - - .. - . p '!!! r.-.. Bayfront 156 Feet Beautiful, ·unique Desirable Bayfront Residence q'o the yachting family of eucUng tute and re- quirement.a we offer a marine rHidence of excep· tional merit on lM feet of Newport Harbor'• most desirable. Jeuehold BaY Front. Vigoroua contemporary conception , advanced func· tional design and equipment. !S bedroomA, 3 baths. 24 ft. x 24 ft. view living room. View and privacy from expanaive muter bedroom. Large dining room, completely equipped luxury view kitchen, marble fireplace. All on one level terruo and carpeted. floor. Radiant heat. Inter-com. aystem throughouL Movie pro1ection room. Planned area for awimming pool. Dramatic entrance. Concrete bulkhead, moore your 100-ft., or larger yacht to akillfully enitneered, well lighted private pier and float. Thia bayfront reaidence shown by appointment only. Call Joh'n Macnab, Harbor 1775 or liarbor 53.59. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Ieland ''C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS •·c·• THOMAS "C' THOMAS 12 UNIT MOTEL 12 completely FURNISHED unit.s PLUS owner'• 3 bdrm. furnished home -Excellent highway location Property in top condition It ahowa a good INCOME Priced right a t SM.000 Cliff Haven View Home Beautiful 2 bdrm. & den home on acenic Kings Road. Panoramic view of bay and ocean, 18x26 liv. room. large din. room, den with built-in bar, two fireplaces, P .a baths. heated and filtered SWIMMING POOL, completely enclosed patio and attractively land- scaped. Priced at $42,500. Owner wants offer. • "C" , T H 0 MAS,. Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-5527 " 1'C" THOMAS •'C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS Corona del Mar Vogel Values Exclusive Shorecliffs Beautiful, modern 3 bedrooms & den, P~ bath home with view of ocean from upetaira den. 2 fireplaces, :icoustic pla.stf'r, indirect lighting, 125,000 BTU fvrcl·d air heat, lovely batha, extra lot of cabinets & closel.8. mercury awitches, w /w carpel.81 custom J rapc•rie!'I. Copper Chambers blt.-in stove & oven. 50 gal. water htr. Large lot. One' of the finest homea in t he area. Priced at $39.500. See this home today. Corona del Mar :.! beJroorni; & den, 1 1 ~baths borne with ocean & bay ,·iew llll lovely landscaped & fenced R-2 lot which· is 185' dc<'p with lots of room to build income or add to home. Choice location. Owner has moved and s&ys "Sell". -Prll:ed at $21;~. , THE VOGEL CO. -~667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 1741 -Harbor 1477 -------- $500 DOWN The best tract home in Town • Hardwood floors - Fq,rced Air }feat· Garbage Diapoaal -two ca-r gar. Lots of cupboard space - 3 bedrooms - 2 baths. If you art> interested in making a good deal investi- gate this immediately. Payments like rent. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. 6verson 1 56 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (across from Costa Mesa Bank I Phone LI 8-8761. Eves. Har. 4366 • LI 8-2103 488-Bo~ for Beat 1.100. Lovely J lxlrm., furmahed July . ... ...... .. .... H :.O. Aurust . . . S:'l:\O. Ask for Ot!orge Kilmer GreenJeaf-Sevuts Rea lty lli\r. 2651 31 12 !'pt. Blvd., !'\pt. 1'>2c54 Brand New Store & Office Bldg. A\'allablt' ;July Jst. Oppoalte :"1'"1>"fl City Hall ELEVATOR PARKJNC LONQ BEACH Penin. Ocean F t. JA.'i!TOR SERVJCE Lovt.l)' new 2 bdnn. home. BeAu-Call PAUi Herron, leasing agent t1 fully rum .. WUhPr. g11r. I,eue The BEAUMO?\'T co .. Hllr 4299 Sl86, mo .. L.B. 343-19~.. 4!1pM 1'>3r 60h 49-Rooml to Beat LAROE P'RO?ljT RM .. 2 dbl•. bed1, f ine for 2 mtn, rrnl S1 2. per wk A lllO amall•r nn. Pri\'ate entr. 12S-28Ut S t.. XpL Bch. ppt!c s OFFICE SPACES for leu t, •Pr 13x3S ea. (Tound tlr . nr. Coast Hwy. Mt'dlral pr•tt<rred. CLAIRE YAN HORN...-Rea.lt.or LI 8-427':'. Mc~ NTCll CLEAN room .. bath and 5S-A-Baalllt9 Beata.la prtnte entranre. ~ block to ocean. maid Mn-let'. t22-42nd BL. AV .uLABI.JC -.UOut ~ lq. N.wport. 64c5e ft. U.ht lnduatry .pace on i.t A orncm .Wtable for protealon&l UM, rs.I ut.Ata or &1ft &hop. 2nd. floor. t:. s. Hl1hwaJ 101 a.nd Bay F'ront&f'I. WW leue au or any part 6: remodtl t() llll.lt tananL Vorel Co., ane via U do. Harbol' 411':'1. -28tfc An.Uable J.uly. 408 R. Balboa------------ BlYd. llal'tior 2010. Mc5e ·M-aumea ~rtanl~ OP'P'ICE SPACE for r.nt. 130 mo .. In bldg. with r .. 111 •tltlllf' otftre locattd on Jl:t'Wl'flrt Blvll. nor Hoa.r Boaplt.&l. rh. u 1-2112 63cM Bt:8 CO~U>>.:>:Y with Ions term f"11ch11e In fut rrowtng Coata ltf'"• Phone O\.\"NER. U bt'rty 1·366.1 or Llberty Ma2J. 60l/c M-Ba11Des. ~rtanlttn J ~~-1 _F_.s_ta_ir ______ 6i--__ BeaJ __ r..tate ______ .a-~ Eitate FOR $ALE. POPS FAMOUS j ' S1'£AK HOU$E. Rl!nl s1:.o. on L I D 0 I s L E le&ae include& 7 room hom ... \\'Ill pay tor lf'aelf IJ'I nnl 4 monUa 811 Ea.olt &Ibo& BlvJ., BaJb6ao ;-\o rPuona ble ortn rt'C\lll'll ~3p~ DELI CA T£SSES It.., j:rc>ct1ry atorl' a nd a two t>e<lrm. home locateJ nut to com er_ of 19th A P la· cenlla C'o1ta M.,a., Exctllent •pot tor hqunr 111orl', ~r anJ WIM . Call LI 8·3683 or U bt!rt)' 8-62:13. !.Otte Tl!:l!:~U.~C lit~ ahort order rll.(,. wiLb .parltlulg new 1ounl111n R"ally ""'>ti for 2 p.~•rlc-. S•;<$00 Wl\h Jdnt l<'l ltl,., LEI!: CASEY OFFICE 2i21 E Coast Highway Harbor 0846. Q>rona. del )tar ~1·~ ~Monet to Lou REAL ESTATE LOANS interest Ra,\e 5--:>1h~ Loans quickly made In the B:>.y Area and Costa Men . Single or multiple unit.I. New or old. Be wtae and u ve by r tr•tln&ncing your preaent loan. l.flnimum ex- pen.e. No char1e for preUmt· nary appraisal f'hone Santa Ana Klinberly a-693a or write ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Lo&n Corn.spondent Occldt'ntal Ll!e l.Muranc:e Co. 933 South Main Santa Ana pp Quick Cash Loans on furniture. auto, salary. $50. to $750. or more. One day service Appllratlon may be mMle In ~r­ aon, by phone or by mall. CALIF.ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., Co1~~\ Mr.sa LI 8-771H -Open Fridays till 8 Cloaed SaturJay-41 Uc WOULD llke to buy tn and 2nd Tn.1.11t Dffd~ Call Har. 2328 '8ttc LOANS for Homes 6~ -20 yr. Loana Construction Loans SEl: BOB SA TrLER 2516 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor a881 Rep. PODUER MORTGAGE CO Metro Lile Ina. P"Und1 KL 1·5185 48ttc . NO COMM1SSION No Appraiaal Fee S ALES -REJ.'JXANCE COXSTRUC'TION Call fur Free Fut Commitmenta on Ruldencu and Unlt.1 only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI 8-5!>4 l LI 8-6~2 LOA.NS TO BUlLJJ. OtlPROVE BUY, MODERNlZE, OR RJJ7INANCJ: We Buy Trust Dced8 NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS 6 LOA.'1 ASSOCIATION !3ee Via Udo. Ph. Hu. '200 Uo 57-Real Estate Wanted WANTED FROM OWNER, 2 or :i bdrm. home. Harbor area. Cd. lllC'\L. $12.000-(19.000. All caah. BEAUTlFt:L furn. new 3 bdrm. & den home with gorgeous secluded patio. Tbermador o,·en and range. Tbe last word in architecture and charm. Thia is worth your attention at the price of $43.~. · It jwrt has everything. l.ovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. & large den home. Choice location on widt> street-to-st reet lot. Spacious dining room. briald'a.at bar, charming patio. Ran~. refrlg, carpets Ii drapes included for only $32,WO. Extra choice 40-ft. lot on Via Genoa, (widest St. on the Island). only Sl3,500 fo r qu~ck salt>. COSTA MESA ON 17TH STREET BUSINESS SECTION WE OFFER a C-2 108x300 ft. lot improved with nice buildin~a consisting of showroom with 2 addi- tional adjoining rooms with a two bt'droom apart- ment (approx. 2100 sq. fl. in bldg.) with loads of room to build additional income or another store on front. Ideal for doctor's suite. furniture t1hop nr • i;1milar business. Plenty of parking. lt'a a good buy -let us show you, AND REMEMBER THlS -.. many other fine hom<'s are listed <'Xclus1vely at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. N<'wport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 Eves. Har, 2191-M or LI 8-5297 • • BAY SHORES • Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 EXCLUSIVE LISTING • • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., rajsed used brick fireplace, dishwasher, diapo&al. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price S23,500, term1. AND • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrms., 2 b11 ths, bay view home -All electric , house. Built.in range & oven. Carpeted and drap- ed. Ideal home for couple with visiting relations or friends. Full price $29,500 -Terma.o For preview showing. call Harbor 1600 - (Eves. Llberty 8-5386) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar ' with never ending view- TWO STORY, 2 bdrm. (have plans for 3rd bdrm. to be added at small cost), 2 1 ~ bathe, lge. liv. rm., separate dining room. large knotty pine den with built-in bar. lounge, 2 fireplaces, basement with 150,000 BTU furnace. Expensively carpeted wall to wall tbru-out. Garbage disposal and 'dishwasher. House 6 yrs. old. Large double garage with laun- dry. radio·controlled _,garage door. Lot fl([ x 142'. Wt>ll landscaped. This hople must be seen to be ap- preciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Bh-d:, Corona dcl Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only Phone Owner, HarbOr 3435 47c54 M l...:onarrl. Box Lr';~. l h11 ------------------------ new11paper. 03r~.:. Having reu.I estate 1 roubles? DI- . VOr C't', tle8th O( jll~t 8tl'apped for m t>nry? Prrhups J can ht>lp you. Wr1tt' Box P· 7 , this papr r 53rfl5 ~ l'..f'OJN:rf_J~---,_ $24,750. 3 UNITS -4 YEARS OLD HAS HIGH L'\COMF: RF:CORD. anJ c:••nall1ts or-Ont tli>lux11 r, room houae. anti 2 ,,pac1ou1 I t.edroom unit.I. nil heaut1I ully furm11hed a.nd lmmarulal<>. Clo~f' t o bay. bt'ICh, 11tor,.s uni:! tran~· portutlnn. Tenant11 now 11Vft'rl• able tor high l'umnwr r!'nlal1 Greenleaf-Severts Realty 3112 Newp<irt Blvd .. :-\pt. Beach Har. 2:>~1 (ens. LI 8-3188 !'>2cM 60·A • CommerclaJ, Industrial Business Property Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa TWO F\.'LL ACRES, r hetn l111k tcnct!U. Many goocl Improve· menu that might be adapte!.I 111 • various buslne11w1. C'a.11 Ubuty 8-6345 bet.,•un ~ A: 7 pm. 62~H 81-Real .Eltate E:rcban1e OWNER WA..'OTI NE\\'PORT HEIGHTS HOM.£: CLIJ:NT .. '&Jltl to u cl\an!e. IOV"tly 1pa.etou1 2 bt'droom, l ' bath homt In Fulluton. Ca.lltomla. llltuated on a 00x120 tt.. lot. tor similar home In ="t "'-p<>rt Ht• Or i ·llJ eell. Pmr I Bl $17,:>0.' $6,:500 d<lwn. ~ALROA REALTY CO., 700 E. Ballll'lll Blvd., Bal· ~ Harbor 32i7 · ~:lct•:I WA.''T COOO F'J\'E AC'Rb .,ranJ:t gTOVf for 3 unit rt~ldt'nt1al ln· comt . BALROA BAY PROPERTIES l Nl~ BaJboll BJ,·d~ Harbor !H83 Mcbe FIRST TIME OUT ! HERE'S a WINNER the first time listed. 2 large bdnns .. Big Bath, tile shower and walla, Hwd. firs., F. A. heat, Heatilator firl'place. an honest to good- ness dining rm., 24 ft. gar. Fenced )'ard. Walled patio, and many other refinements. The ideal home for t he discriminating couple. The price is right and the tt>rms are liberal. Exclusive with - R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE, Associate 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 2774 ·LIDO ISLE A REAL BUY: 3 Bdrm., 4 yrs. old, F.A. Heat, Disposal. Wired fo r Elec. Range. $22,500. 3 Bdrm. 21 'x30' Liv. Rm .. Birch' Kit.. P 1 Baths, Flgstne Fireplace. F.A. Heat. $3800 down. 46-ft. cornt>r lot with Bay ,·iew near the Club House. For Lido Summer Rentals See Us Business Opportunity Brokers Bay & Beach Realty -Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport. HA. 3643 HA. 2999 Evea. J ust to the right of Lido Bridge Entrance BAY FRONT LOT-S /'-- 105 Ft:' of choice Bay Froqtage. Bulkhead la in. W'tinderful ,·1ew. Lots surrounded by quality homes. Pier and slip right.a. Theee wiU 11ell ! ACT TODAY! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Ncw11ort Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 1013 53c~, ·- , • Off er Wanted on Prime I I Bay Shore Home Owner in Europe and wants I IMMEDIATE sale! Thie ls • a beautiful (comer) 2 beJ. rooms,_ 2 bath borne with exlFa utilit y bdrm. Com-1 plt'tcly and smartly furnish- t>d-and ''<'ry livable-Wall to wall ca rpeting -cxpen: aively hrnds<'aped. Has bl'ell 1 pricrd a t S32.50.Q. S~i.500 mig ht bu~· it. This is a rc:il opjl(lrtunity -• SF:E IT I I Ha/bor Investment Co., Realtors I ="•'ll'J'"I( 111\'ol "l 30\h ~t :>:"Wf'(IJ l RP11rh J'hnnt' Har. 1600 Balboa Island !'r ACJOt:~ DI 'f'LEX nn llalhua l~llln•I. 'l h•1rm . 2 hMlh J 1,11·n- 11a1ri-2 bt1rm 2 hath pll1e nim- J'••~ rin, 11r f:l'IO<I r«-nlal prnp- nty showing Xlnt. rl'lumii s:H .~ Trrm11 ;l;()RTH \\'EST CO~TA. MESA. 2 ti.II rn "t111·1·11 h11me on 111 gt' Int . l11wn & ~hn•h~. $7 000, ltr1111 Ted Hauser 20:?9 Harbnr Blvd c·o1>1a M1·1111. Ll 8-4761 Newport Heights TWO LOTS. rorner Swt'll loutmn. Altracllvt' prirt'. Speeulator will mak.-mon<'y on thts. N. B. C. Realty Co. :12nrl & 1'1'Wf)(\rt Blwl . ~pl. Bch. Harbor 140.5 ----- BY OW'\"ER 3 btlrm. Modern home n• ar H1i;h St'hnnl, 2 17 yrs 01r1: F1r"t>l&rc. ~x•ru, 111,(100. U 8·2829 af!Pr :'I nr wt>ek~nrls :He~ 208 Kings Place FOR SAL!! OR LEASE with 01>- Uon to buy. AtlnlcUve 2 bdrm. 6: den, beam celllngii, large view ltJl. CUCf Haven. Owner. Long lkacb ~-317. 39p82H BY OW'XER 3 bJrm. hdwd tlra. Fireplace, gartlllge dltpou.I. 2 ('Ur iv Jl:l.'Wf)(•l l Height.'!. 4', lolUI. $13,MO. .528 Hcdlanila. Ll II· 4 U 1l :12c54 BY OWNER I , Curona Highlands -3 bdrm .. 2 beth flit mhr1tl.lh' FHA commit· I 1nent. Ph. H 111 bor 78-J. tl9lfc FOR SALE BY OWNER VIF:W LOT c;.;La ltna Drl\·1•, S·l.000 1113 Everl(re n. Cm•la l\.lt•M . t FrfPdom Homest. :ltp:l6 $1100 DOWN THHEE bt\Jr1101n hun1e, garage. fcncl'd y\l . b"RUI. land~capPd SIO:i<IO. CALL 'et 1881 H ARBOR Bl.VD . l 'USTA MF.SA. Lf 8-1681. :12C'!'>4 For Sale or Trade- ocEA=" \'IEW modt>m 2 bedrm h11me w11h extr11. room And I\ b11th on i:lnubte R'lfnllr" 2712 \lilt Driv\' 1s<lj >t1 ent vacant lnl available I Ph Ol'"ner. LI 8-2!'>32 ! 23lfc LEASEHOLD ESTATE I VIEW LOT -Cliff Haven l)VE>RLOOKl="U f:R!il Jetty t>nlr In :-;.,.,,.port Harbor S11cnr1t t s1tle. !3.~00 LF:hlgh 11·21118 e\'es Lltwny 8·fl1Hh. :lltfr BY OWNER -3 bdrm., do.,e to 11h11pping, etc., nn quiet g1. Hwd. firs, renrt'd lot, aewtra, g arb. <lti<p. allev rur. Koom for In· I con1('. :'\ew p11lnt. 4', lnM at I SS• per mo., 1.ncludlng t&>e"• &. ln!IU. Prl1 e $13,250. 0~11 Park lJrlv•'. Cost a ~tua. -• •Olfc Bay Front Income 3 t.":'.\"lTS -2 & 3 f>edrooma. f urn- lsh••<l P1t>r. float llnd prl\·ete btnt h 111110 t-.: ):Ja lbrn< Hlv1I . 1Jalb<1&. <.:n•&l\'lt'W J 86HJ, (;our· lt sy tu brokPrs. JJtfr :\E\\' 3 BUR;\!. on '1 HCll', $';,!l•,(I 2 3 A voca•ln, Co~llil M "~• Ph KI 2-2822. 4 7t!c Want a home iri the Coves 1 }};FORM A TIO:-\ and KEYS at l'o. 9 Balboa Covea. Owner. l:l&fber 2878-W, OOp63A YOUR OPPORTUNITY THJS IS lTI Ideal looUon. Clo1~ to 1lore•. AttracUvt oldtr 3 br. ~wood cotlagt Excd l con- d1t1on. ~-nt'r Ill. mu11t leave a rea Convf'nlent term1. Harbor 61M. Harbor 987 5~6 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV· PA&E I THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 Open 1ill So~ 3 bcdrm. 2 bath home phu a 3 bedrm. and a 2 bedrm. apt. ALL complettiy furnlabed. Top rental Jocatfon-Only $25.~. xln't. tenm. 1417 W. Balboa ·Blvd. . 2 Iii' ole beach cottages Fumishea. on C·l lot..-2 blka. from Nev.'J)Ort pin Full price $9~ $1500 down WATERFRONT Pier and Float privilege, with furnished beach eabi!a -Only $13,950. $3500 down . bal. $80 mo, Ocean Front Furn. Duplex $11 ,850. -$2,500. down Look ! Look !' Look ! Nt>ar new Lido 2 ~drm. beautifully furnlahed, 1 <!nor off Lido Nord. $21.~$6000 down Balboa Island Bayfront Corner Lot with 2 bedrm. !um . home and area to build new residence, $31,500 . ART C. KISTLER co~ 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 8229 VOGEL VALUES · Choice Income Properties· 1 . Furnished Triplex-2·1-1-bedrooma. Good Joca. lion. Income $310 per month. Price $32,7SO. 2. Furnished Triplex. 2-1·1 Bedroom.a. Ne wly Decor· at ed. I neome $305 per month. Price ~.000. 3. Four new fumlahed duplexee-i bdrm. each. Good income. Price $48,000. ONLY $11,000 down to handle. -· 4. Beautifully furniahed Bayfront Triplex with pier le float. 3-2-2 bedroom.a. Thia la strictly den1xe with terrific potenUaJ income. Price $70,000 with $27,000 down. 5. New le Modern untunw.bed r.ldenc4 Is 1 b4rm. furnished apt. on Balboa Island. W /W carpet.I. Glau dool'9 to patio, DeJma. ODJ.J '21,lSOO. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 West Cout Hwy., Newport Beach U . S...3481 It's a "LIVABLE" 2 BR. HOME An ideal location on Balboa Island with fenced yard, large shade tree, paved patio plua eand area. Smart- ly arranged 2 B.R. home with gay interior, com- plete electrically equipped bar kHchen, panelled and wallpaper. J ust $17,950, furnished. $8,500 Joan at $75. per mont h GOOD INCOME -TWO UNIT 2-BDRM. stucco home with dbl. gar. and Apt. over both units furn. for only $19.500. Apt. is rented, tbl' 2-BDRM. home is open. Take over this immed- iate summer opportwtity with down payment of $7.000. Call Powers or Lake, HArbor 63 J. A. BEEK, Realtor ~03 Park J\"i;~nue BaTboa IBTnnd BEFORE YOU BUY ANYWHERE • Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - 4 l>drms., 2 bath homes Close to everything. FHA TERMS CALL MR. GATES, with DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone Liberty 8-7976 This Is Value - 33tto On BALBOA ISLAND we offer excluaively an unua. ually desirable 4 bdrm. multl-blth h ome. Delightful li\'ing room. large dining room. Maximum aquare foot.age. Cloae to beat beach. Can only be appreciated by lnspectlon. Call Harbor 1775 Eve.. Harbor 15359 EARL W. STANLEY, R'ealtor 225 Marine Ave . ."Balboa laland OCEAN FRONT Near Catholic Church & School, 3 bdrm. home attrac:tJv. ly redecorated &r furnished. May be qad unJum. at Sl!S,500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ~W.~Blv4 I • -. ! I I ' ' I ' t PA6E 6 -rART rl-NEWPORT HARBOR .NEWS-PRE THUR~DAY, MAY 19, 1955 a, .......... • THE GREAT .ORAN<* COAST $ Uveable, lo¥eable Baell Bay Home. If you a-re look,. tnr for S bdrm. 2 bath brand new home ln the '25,000 elue let ua .ahow you thia exciting, ready for ocoupancy, delirhtful ranch •tyle dwelling. $$ Best acreace buy In Onnge eounty. 150 acre11 be· \ween Santa Ana Ir ea.ta Men (@ $2QOO acre. Bound to make lnve•tor money. $$$ An ''L" shaped piece 80' front 300' deep 132' acroc• back. Maka into 3 lou. Must be aold. Owner wanu offer. Let ua •how you • R-4 zoning. $$$$ On the aand and near the •urf. La.st of reuonable priced beach Iota. R-2 zone. 30'x104'. Only $2250 cub. $$$$$ Bir Industrial Buildin·g. Mfg. zone. Large loft.a each lide center drive. Could COJ'.lVert to 2 story. Office. Re.t room•. Centrally located. Site for whl.se., or retail or mfg. buaineu . -Leue or aell. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1~7 Newport Ave·, Costa Mea Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-UOO Evea. LID 0 Pick your choice: a upit.1 on 80 ft. waterfront. Good income .. $105,000 ~ unita. Income $600 per month .... ··········---~ S 59.500 4 bedrooma, 3 bath•. New waterfront _______ $ 75.000 4 bedroomll (under conat.) water front ___ $ 69,500 4 bedroom•, 2 bath• (carpeted) New -··--· $ 37.500 2 Mdrooma, 2 bath• Ir den. 50 ft. lot ........ $ 35.000 4 bedroom•, 2 batha. St. to St. lot ................ $ 34.500 3 bedroom• Ir den. 2 atory. New ................. $ 33.500 3 bedrooma. 2 bat ha .. St. to St. lot ................ $ 32.500 4 bedroom•. 2 atory (under conat.) ............ $ 31,000 3 bedrooms, ~ batha, carpet & drapes inc .... S 29.500 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Only $3800 down ..... $ 27.500 3 bedrooms, 2 batha, furnished .................... $ 26,500 3 bedrooma ..................................................... $ 22,500 2 bedrooma. Separated garage. Furn ......... $ 21,500 45 ft. waterfront lot. Pier privelegea ........ $ 36.000 ~ ft. waterfront R·3 lot ................................ $ 36.000 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor LIDO SPECIALIST -Drive Into our Lree parking lot - 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 4718 Bay and Beach Realty Realtors INCOME -Bay Ave. -NEAR BEACH. Z houaea • beat rental area - Migflt consider trade Newport' Heights, Full price $14.000. DUPLEX -Bay Ave.:_ $26,500 Furnished. Exe. rental record • almost ioor, filled for aummer • $6500 down. BAY AVE. -Near Catholic Church. 4 B.R. home, nice dining room. Patio. A truly fine home at a price that la far below replacement cost. $23,950 -Terms. Ocean Front Lot -$8500. , BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1m W. BaJboa Blvd , Balboa Har bor 1264 Live at Your Workshop Enioy Additional Income M·l zone. 2 atory duplex, dble. garage on rear of lot. Room for over lOOQ eq. ft. building in front. Excelletn location. Bargain at SH.500. Terms. 7 bedroom ocean front home on corner lot. Good location. Muat be eeen to be appreciated, $17,000. 3 bedroom home, 2L2 batha. Well located on Balboa peninaula. Nicely f•miahed in maple. Patio, BBQ. wnd.ek. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l:so6 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 BALBOA ISLAND Exclusive • Fint time offered • Choice Eut Bay Front location • Spacious home-6 bednn1. • batha • Printe p1er and float • Le.rr• patio • Price SM,500 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A-.oclate. ~ at M&ri.De, Balboa laland -Har~r 2462 , SS • ,, WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine, Balboa Island. HAr. 0534 Balboa Penins1'1a Open Hous,-S~turday, Sunday 1.1:, p. m. 402 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven BeauUful Early American brand new. Select your own interior decoration. WATERFRONT LOT -10& tt fronta1e. Pier A OMt pr1V11ege .. Leu th.an $~00· per front loo\.· 3 bedrm. Ii den, 2 baths, knotty pine kitchen, built-in Thermador oven Ii: range. Hwd. floons, large VIEW lot. Lo~ly awimming pool. Breezeway from garage to house. Tiered patio. Balboa Isla~ 8.E. PLUa apt I BJ:.DROOM HOU Both completely clude1 18 ft ... n 11hore moorlnr A mt'Orlng. Nice to l~.000 down. Bal tumlthed. l.n· boat. a dlnchy, an off ahore Must see to appreciate. r a boat man! No phone calla pleaae ! ance like rent ! WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine, Balboa Ialand. HAr. 0234 I No Fancy Slogans Just Honeat Values - Come in & let ua prove it! BALBOA ISLAND NCOME whll~ building. Ovl'r 700 1q. ft. of 1unny tum. 11 pl. PLUS gueet rm. and batb. PLUS dble. itllraRe on r~11r nt choice lot. Plent y room tor 2nd un it. A11k· Ins-$19, 750. 18,000 down. CORONA DEL MAR OUTST ANDINO TRIPLEX ocean •Id• of Hwy. 2 bdrin. apt. with fl"place. two l bedrm. apt.a, .,Y_lew ot ocean with aun deck a.nd patio. Fully tumlahed. ln· come carrlu. DUPLEX WITH VJEW-<>nly 2 yra. old. PrlCl'c:I for quick aale at 118,000. p AIR OF DUPLEXES on 2 ruu Inti. Scheduled Income 129~. mo. Full pnre $27.~. 15.000 ~ Muriel M, Pinover, Realtor 28().4 Newport Blvd., Npt. Brh. F.uy Parking. Har. 4810. 1'13c~tl 205 Del Mar L R WORTH WAITING FO A Lido Nord Bayf rant Home e finest We have juat listed exclusively one of th homes ever offered on Lido-Excellently near the E;ast-end. Designed by one of the located leading architect.a of the area. of gl&.81 The 18x30 living rm. haa 48 running feet windows affording a panoramic view of th and hills. The den, dining nn. and muter e harbor bedrm. have the aame view. l room to the The lovely kitchen baa a separate breaklu and laundry room adjoining-In addition master bedrm., thei'e are 2 other family bed a maid's room~ach bavinr their own bath rma. and ing • bathnna. in all. Room for expansion on thia large lot witho ing the well land.leaped patio. There ia a and 4Q.ft. alip. -mak- ut harm- new pier Thia home ia priced to aeU at $125,000 and will~ ahown by app't. only. Call Mr. WEED at The Vogel Co. Lido Office · ET US SHOW YOU th111 3 bdrm., i •. bath hnmt. Jap11nt'll" uh p11nrlmg, flrtpl.. copper plumb· Ing F.A. heat. Excellent quality. FuU price 118.000. 3416 Via Lido Newport Beach, Har, 4971 or Har . 2191·M evea ™~5~ ~ohe~X. ~~~ 90 comfortable. C bdrma .. 1 % bath. Natural cablneta. dlapoaal, Car· J)eltd w/w. P'1replacr. Full price. 113.7~. 2089 Orange Ave. ' w MO. OLD .. J bdrm., 111 bath, large dlnlne-area. Birch kitchen. /w · carptt. Back yard fenced. Very good buy, Juat 111,750. See t.hle. II ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1686 Newport Blvd. Co1ta Me1a, Calif. LI 8-3792 BAYSHORES c HARMI NG 3 br.. knotty pme lnltrlor, 2 pallo11. Open hou11e Sunday l :oo.~:oo or by app't. MUST SEE. B G l!!ST LOCATION on Jrvlnt-3 br plua gar. uni t. hw. floora, Swed- l•h fireplace. lgt. llv. room. App't. only. $22.950. 000 M·I properties, u lt or ltaae G 000 C·l bu1 bldg. 2i x 95. Balboa, $29.500. B EACH LOTS -VER Y CHEAP c. D.M. torntr 70' lot. ch11rm1ng 2 br It gar apt. $22 ~QO. Ll DO -lots. homre. bayfronl Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cou l Hwy, LI 8·4277 0 pen House Sun. 1-5 L CIW PICTURESQUE early Amu · k 11n-Rtdwood 11nd brltk exter· tor-Unu11u11I fl oor plan Includes I . 4 be1lroom1. 3 bRths. din room •• Enjoy a view or tht 0<'t11.11 trom the llv1nR room thtn atep out 1n~ to on,. or the m011t bt aull tul pr· tlf'n patios In the arta. Les1 lh11n one blork to exclu1lve b&thtng beach. Truly a luxury home In 11 top location. A ateal It S28.~00 p a. palmer Inc.. 1700 ~" cout hwy., II a-6~73. Come by Sun· day or.call Dave Osburn for ap- pointment to Hr. 239 Poppy ave. Corona dtl Mar. 53c55 Look at this bdrm . ., llwd. noo,.., ft.~plaee, dl.poeal. Wired for .iectric ltOYe. P'tflced, located at 211'9 ...J'&irwy Dr., Colt.a Meaa.. 111,2~. Ph. Har. 3Ml·.f. 3filc 0 U'T or TOWN owner aaya "cet ofter" on comer duplex So. or Htway. One unrumlahed ap111rt- ment hu 3 bedroom•. one rur-nlahed etudlo &partmtnt 1aral(t .AU In cooc:I condition. Call M1sa Kohl.ltedt. Har. 21!\2 nr. Ru. 082t·R, 113!1 Cout Blvd .. C.D M. Otte BA Y Jl'ROX''1' new modem homt. boat "11!1p, I!\ Balboa Co•u Ownci Harbor 1100-W. U t.tc . BILL'S BEST JI UYS Rustic Ranch Style Home On large lot, 2 bdrma., large uaed brick f plastered interior, cute kitchen, shake roof ireplace, , service porch, flowers and ahrube. Close in Only $9250 with $3500 dn. and $51.50 mo . See. it! Are You Fussy? lute red Neatest 2 bdrm. and den, Hd. Wd. floors, p interior. Thermo beat, dbl. gar.. beautifu flowers and shrubs. Rear ia fenced. Npt. Ji1a I lawns, . area. Really a nice home. $14,500. Arrange te nna. Family Life Unlimited lace and In thi11 nearly new 3 bdrm. home with firep extra large lot. Real country living for the stera yet located on new street ot fine'hom new Monte Vista Grade School and the ba young- es. Near ck bay. Full price $10,900 with just $1000 do wn. Above the Average hd. wd. 3 bdrma., 2 baths, Forced Alr heat, carpeted floors, large picture windowa overlooking be fenced back yard and ahrubbery. Attractive _and dial;}master f!l80 included. Large lot a gar. located in choice area. $17,500 with ONLY $2000 dowd. autiful drape• nd <!.b1 W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly eervice'' 393 E . 17th St., Costa Meaa Liberty 8-1139 .. BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlo ~d off your p ayroll ! . home . 26,506. ~ ~. Here ia a 2 bdrm. home for you ¥1d a 1 bdrm for rental. C-0mp. furn. ready to move in. $ Take low down payment & termi. $5000 down moves you in - l o 3 bdrm" 2 bath completely furn. home. patio. BBQ. Iqeal spot for year-round li Lovely 'ving. S18,500 full price. See this IMMACULATE 2 bdrm. home, well located ner lot with apace to build 1n front. Comp new stove Ii refrig. Lovely patio. on ~or- . furn .. Only $17,500. $3500 down. We ha\'e aome real nice bayfront hom available for aummer rent. VOGEL co . ea 208 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Harbo r•u Sf TIM& OFFERED home, or apt. 310 Lark1pur, Corona del Mar One of the very choice propertiet -Owner 's PLUS one 2 bdrm., two 1 bdrm. and a ba.chel All have garb. CU.p., fana, aix 24-ft. garag storeroom & laundry rm. SOxl 18 fl. fenc quiet street. -.·2 blk11. from the fine.t beach H plua ed lot. in ail of California. E Z terma. Shown by app Excluaive with -G. H. LATHROP 't. :1635 Eaat Cout H ighway,. Corona d el Mu I Harbor 5"2-Ev~. 3Ml-J I I . . Costa Mesa Feel Like Falling your In 1ove apln ! Herr I• thant'f'' Charmlnir family h ot 3 bltnn1 , 1 t1 batha, cf\lor IK'hemf' throu~hnut . .M un dul~ntd tor modem ome crl•P od· day nceJ hvlnc with jtTAJ>Hlake f• patio. ttrepllrre, bar kttc- forced &.Ir .hrat. parq11tt ti ,.arbae-e dl1po1111I. 2 car rara unequaled .l•alue at $11 ,900 hf'n , oor11. 1(- The Chips ar~ Do wn new w .. 114.700-113,50-0 I• thf' reduced pr1cf'. Owner 111 -m sell. An appealing 3 bdrm. h on a beautltully land~ap!'d nt'r lot with thl' mo1t attrac patio a.nd 8.B.Q. you've -n. We reput $13.&00! we ahow you through ! Ult ome cor· llVl' fVflr May 2 Anxious Owne Reduced! rs Wu $15.600-Now $14.350 3 bdrm . hdwd noon. tlrf'p !act 3 yrs. old. Plus! P11tlo. B BQ. I' rry! and lr•h•Pf'd swimming poo Once In a llteltml' buy! Hu Ste th11 buy 1n thl• but I!: 11ldf' loc'lllton. $14.350-l!:xct ast· ll tnt term1. Was $H,fl00 . Now Sll.760 thl• 3 bdrm. and dtn with pat io, l i.. bsths In !(nod Eut C0!1ta Mr11a loca lion . . . S tnr 12.750 today! Bay & Beach Real 1898 Newport Blvd, Costa Mu&, Calif. Ire~· 11ldt' II Ve ty Liberty a-1181. Eve•. Ll 8·3 l~tl HORSE LOVER s CHOICE ·~ acre Santa Ana Htl. 96ll300-S3,7:10. anti .000 CHANNEL DUPLEX, pin n1at. t'nlSf' to 1hopptn1t 120 $9,000 down. 13 bo111t11 optlo n11l1. ANOTHER Xlnl rlupln $2:1, 000 .. • -Jtl.000 down. to INCO ME -12 unst1. Oc,.a.n Blvd. a moneymakf'r 147 .ooo Good tHms. Commercial Bldg s. HEART OF BALBOA. Stort 3 rentals, $18,500., 14.000 d and own. TWO 1tore11. II renlal11, 1411 .000. your tenna. LET US LOCATE Jl'OR YOU ! The Locator of Ca lif. a b07 East Balboa Blvd., Balbo Harbor a90e 6 3~6 Balboa Island Oil have ON!: OF THE PRETTIEST. m homr-llke propertl r• we seen. •t.arge room11. Dellgh patio. Prier reaJ10na ble. tful oom WILL EXCHANGE one ~dr home on Balboa llland cloa ahopplne-center tor acreage vacant lot.JI. Come In and e to or talk ••changn! F itzmor ris Realty C ReaJtora -Multiple Llatlnr Bu1lneH Broker 313:1 E. Cout Highway o. Coron~ del Mar Harbor 2i :12 NEWPORT BEAC H ,_ W~A-··ooLL ""HOUSE"" WE HA VE IT. 1 bdrm. dble r age on 11mall lot. cloae to L Shopping. ocean A bay, o ar· 1do nly, 3 18.500. BALBOA otk BEDROOMS It OE;-.;, I bl from bay • ocean. Only 14, down. See thl1 ~ Coast Propertie 000 s a 301 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balbo Harbor 2658, 2597 and 4800 Cliff Drive Specia I s KY 19,500! ! WHO'S THE LUC 01'E? Very nlct 2 bd rm. hom Xtra lgf'. llv, rm . hdwd. tloo rl bl. gu.. Attn rlf'Ck with VI All UHa -PLUS -b PAUl. fu 9Jlverware. dl nnl'rware, ,.lee pllancr1. MOVE I N TODA Good term• -not a ll'Uf'ho .. "· ~w. rn. AJl· y • Id Mariners Isle Realty 318 Marine, Balboa lllland Harbor 4781 Business Building c ORNER LOCATl O!'l In Cnro del Mar. 2 oNlc ... 1000 •q. 'rennf &vallablt , Only: 117.~ n1 4 tt 00 Ray Realty Co. 1.04 E. Cout. Corona del Mar _lla..thor 228& Open Hous e d· nd 1918 ConUnental, Co•t.a Mn• BDRM .. 2 bat.ha. 1 yr. old tan 11e:aped, e&rpeuna. ca.rport a m•ny Hlraa Lot 70'1ll 10. B~I tlfUI corner. ONLY fJ0,7 U· 00. Try IUOO down. .. FISHER & CO. 2903 :"~rt BIYd . Newport Be h. llt.rbor 4Ut. &4Qe - . • L" - c ORONA DEL MAR I SPECIALS 1. T ' View of breakers , ocean & beach hia 3 bdrui. homa. 2 bath.a. .carpeted wall to wall. uilt on rear of ocean front-lot. Reduced from a2.7~ to $29.900. A 8TEAL--MU9t Seel ... B s 2, WILL TAKE TRADE On thla 3 bdrm. plua den, 2 batha. 60-fL lot, &uth t Hwy. Hwd. floors, forced air he.at. fene.ed yd. 0 Will take small home or vacant lot in part pay · ent. Full price $24,500. m 3. CHINA COVE-- Del uxe ocean view ·quality built 4 bdrm. home, I ath11. For you who can alford the finMt thla it. Priced at $42,500. b ia 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Roo m for another unit. Thia la a G. I. Raale. J'ull rice $9950. $2500 down. p 5. TWO SEPARAT E UNITS Bot h furnished -2 bdrm.. house. plua 1 bdrm. pt. Full price $17,900. South of Hwy. $3000 dn. a 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- Vie A w of ocean and jetty. 2 bdrm. plua a 1 bdrm.- bargain at $31,500. 3447 lOt'f PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LlSTING REALTOR E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 ice located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) OD LIVING starts GO - at IRVINE TERRACE -We cor diiily mv1 e you o inspect model homes, built by Macco Corp. ext1uisitely fu r nished by Martin & Von Hemert Wh en you inspect them, you will note they hiclude ry comfort and convenience tor GOOD LIVING. ~Vt' AL L of the planning and thought that reaulted In remarkable community will provide GOOD vtNG for Irvine Terrace families for many yean1. rmanent ~strictioM guarantee you will alway1 this LI Pe be proud of your home here. To the home buyer who wtshet to purchue In th• 000 to $35,000 claaa we sincerely recommend tbt rvine F.etatee overlooking Newport Harbor. $22, I Irvi ne Terrace i.8 located on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. * ~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information F or Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a ~bold Eetate in Irvine Terrace. I INVITATION We are opening a brand new off ice serve, you in the Harbor area. Lo- ed at 2323 W. Coast Highway (at rt Orange). A wonderful location to cat Po cen trally located, with literally t hou- ds of cars passing here daily. san P-le ase-oome-in .and Jet ua tell yq_u of plan to sell your property in a fast, an efficient way. our cle We need your listing now so call for e-appraisal within 24 hours at abso- ely no obligation to you. fre lut Osborne Rea lty Co. 2323 W. Co'ti.st Hwy .. N pt. Bch. Harbor 4923-J 1 VOGEL VALUES Scare Items in Cliff Haven L O\'ely 2 bdrm. home on beautiful 11t. w-w carp.- et s . GlasR Doors to patio. Nice Yard. Price $15,· 00. 5 2. H ard to find 3 bdrm. on 60-ft. lot. Newly dec- rated. Swedis h frpl. Real buy at Sl5,500. 0 3. c hoice 2-story custQm built home, 3 bdrm. It en. 3 baths, extra built-ins on beautifully land-d 8C a ped lot. Price $25.500. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 We11t Coast Hwy., Newport Beach LI. 8·3481 BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE n_,ftft .now .r.edU.ced below r~hlcement cost ... Beau- almo11t new two-story 3 bdrm .. 3 b·ath "Bay t home. Bay view from all roome. Fully car- . beaut1.ful drapes, new pier & allp, Price in- udea 20-ft. Century 11~boat one year old. l iful, Fron peted cl Artistic landscaping. Np W, bold your breath ~ All th1R for SM.950. Better hurrry aa th1a won't lut. E ARL W. STANLEY~ Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch .Ha.r. 1011 •.. -, BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor JIEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LlSTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa I.eland Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 -Balboa Island Sacrifice due to illness. B~st Income• Buy. ~aut. cor. dupl~x . Two large B.R. each. 5 Bath. plua ~xtra guf'st rm. & bath. Comp. and attr. turn. 2 patios, sun decka. Dbl. gar. S11.crifice S33750. with low down pyt. Average yearly lncom~5278. 305 Ruby Ave. Open for l nspcction $.'lOOO down. Nr. No. Bay. Light, cheery, nicely turn. 2 B.R. home. Patio. Dbl. Gar. Newly decor- at.e<I. $17,950. Waterfront Income $29500. Attr. furn. 3 B.R. home and 1 B.R. apt. Tenna Shore Cliffs charm. 4 B.R. 3 bath. S.ee lo appreciate. Only $42500 -Terms-Purchaser 'may .Ue0 have privilege ot buying adjoining choice large view lot at reas- onable price. Thia is worth looking into. We have the key. No appt. neceM&ry. Just call u.. Lido Isle Bay Front Luxury home. This must be SEEN lo be appreciated. Unsurpused panoramic mffine view. 4 spacious bedrooms. 3 baths. Everything of the finest. Don't wait as this is the finest and priced RIGHT. Get in touch with ua NOW. We have the key and this is YOUR opportunity. A honey 3 B.R. 2 bath spacious home. W to W ~arp· et.a, drapes, patios. Dbl. gar. F or a charming home, all one floor, don't overlook this. Only $31,500. Xlnt. terms. NPT. BCH. Here's a Bargain!-A REAL investment! M-1 lot. Has fine 8 yr. old duplex built on rear. 2 B.R. upper and 1 B.R. lower. Room for business bldg. on front. This can be handled for small down payment. WHY WAIT when this A.l investment is open to you. Nr. P.O. and City HaJI. BE DOLLAR WISE! CORONA DEL MAR TWO BEDROOM & den with 1:1~ baths on corner of Seaview & J asmine. Shake roof, used brick fire- pla.ce, garbage disposal & other extrarJ. Just finish· ed. Has excellent financing. Can be made into 4 bedrooms if desired. $27,500. • OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. ONE OF THE LAST riew homes ln Corona High~, lands. Shake roof, 3 large bedrooms, 1 :il baths with dree11ing room. Panoramic view of hills and ocean. ~lu11t be seen to appreciate. Good financing -or will trade fo.r lota or acreage. OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY 1-5 448 Rivera Terrace Will Sacrifice Two bfodroom picture bungalow on Begonia. Close to bay. Obie. garage, flagstone fireplace. Owner anxious. Make otter! 60 ft. of Highway frontage on corner in downtown Corona del Mar. $12,500. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard . Pat Pattison 3034 E. Cout Hwy., Corona de! Mar Har. 2443 TERRIFIC Blrrlvl-1 Buy this for l!n·estment or speculation. Corner lot · cl~e in • 140 feet of frontage. Undoubtedly the best buy in M-1 properly. Full price is only $10,500 INVESTMENT First class -one-of the best b111ldings. S500.00 per month income. Will net 10',. Cood tc-nantll · Triple A location. Ideal property for the landlord. No phone informa1ion. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Llbcrty 8·6761 Eves. Harbor 'l366 · Liberty 8·2103 Build a Home on your vacant lot AND DERIVE some income from thnt im·estment 1244 sq. ft. home ........ ·······-···· .. .... ........ $9100 Fully financed. 19 yr. Bldg. & Loan. Forcrd air heat. Hwd. n oorl'. Individual GI lOO ~c financing. State \'etcran $ 500 3 r; -$49 month. MARSHALL HO.MES Models open -Newport Bl\"d. & Mitchrll. Tustin Kl 7-3293-Kl 2·356~ & (E\"C'!t. LI -4073> 4lc54H SEE WHAT_ WE FOUND a-----,-EXC'EM'lt>N A LL Y A!f't'RA.crl\~E~ bdrm. .home.. Panelled li\"ing roon1 and small dining room. car- pct<'<l wall to wal11 good k1tchC'n, breakfast space and IK'r\"ice porch. Ample cupboards nnd 15torage 1pacf>. o,·ersizcd 2-<:ar garage. Nice rnclosed patio. Moet convenient corner l6cation. 2 blka. from City H&ll, Newport Beach. Only S12,000. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Bl\"J., Newport Beach Har. 1013 • si-__ ae_a1_r.._ta_te ____ .,!a-~~B~..a~r..~ta~t.!,_ ____ n_-_ .... __ ..... _t. _____ n-_ ... __ FAta __ .., ____ NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV. PA&• 1 THURSDAY, MAV 19, 1955 p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle Our 20th year at t his loca tion, 2'pecializing in ~ido Isle prope.rties 2 bedrm., 1 bath 4 yrs. old ........... -...... $21,500. 3 bedrm., 2 bath f urnished -·--·-·-.. $26,900 3 bedrm., 2 bath furnished _ ............ -.. $28,750 3 bedrm., 2 bath f urnished u ................. $32,500 3 bedrm., 2 bath New Or leans ·······-· $33,500 4 bedrm., 2 bath plush-modem ...... _.$36,500 4 b~drm., 3 bath French Regency .$37,400 4 bedrm., 3 bath pool -new ............. $50,000 BA YFRONT Homes f rom $49,500 -$200,000 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 123 Via Genoa -3 bedrm., 2 bath and 100 Via Dijon (Corner of Soud) 4 bedrm., 3 bath Both homes are carpeted, have Therm. oven and 1"ange, disposals, unit heat, landscaped, beautiful and ready to move into. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via ll~o, harbor l~ View Home Open House Sun. 1 • 5 New 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with a view of the Bat and Ocean. Thia home has a large lh·ing room 16'x26' with a besutiful fireplace. Also a dining room lOxll. This home la an extremely good buy and the owner has arrru1j!e1l terms to Cit almoat anyone. Fall price $25.500. Drive by 243 Ocean View or call Bill Famsworth. Investors Attention MOTEI..,-...6 unite plua owners quarters. All 11re com- pletely furnished-K1tchtn hcillties are In every unit but one. This propC'rty la located on a high· way and Is only 5 years old. Property si1,e ia 60x300. ao there is room ror exJ.Ansion. An lm·ome ot $8314.45 in 195:5 more than justifi es the price of $47,500. For more information please call, write, or visi\ ua. Magnificent Bay View Lot Localed at the extreme head of tile Back Bay high on a hill. This lot offers a panoramic view of every- thing. Only the finest and most exclu-sivc homea are adjacent to this property. Approximately 2 acres. room for horses, stable and a beautiful Bay View i1ome. p. a. piilmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-M73 Peninsula "Poi').t" Home! OPEN FOR INSPECTION Houston ~Values A ORACIOt:S HOME WITH IN· FORMAL CHARM .• bedroom•. 2 baths. Beautttul comer loca· lion. Concrete block walled patl6 and badmlngton court. W lo W carpeting. Nice n owen and 1111d- 1caplng. $32,l'>OO, terma. Beach Home! -SAT.ASUN.AFTERNOONS-- 530 KINGS ROAD -CLIFF HA VEN-$2000 On. Here'1.truly an exceptional value that you mu.at see % BR. HOME .t: EXTRA LOT. Each e 3 Bdrms. • 1:v Batha lot Mx200 on paved It. In r ood "N W . side location. A real barpln • Forced Air Heat e W toW Carpet at $8,2:10. • Large Dining and • Patio INVEST Living Room Area • Dbl. Garage FOR INCOME • Landscaped & Fenced Sprtn.kle.~ System BALBOA ISLAND A HAPPY COMBINATION of Ellerbroek and Bal- boa laJand -'bdrm., S bath. T o a qu&lltled faa.. Uy who can handle a blsb monthly PQm•t. n offer 'bout S&OOO down. GRAND CANAL - 2 unite .. a lar(e paUo, fenced. Attractively turnlahed. $10,000 down. &O rt. of BAY FftONT -Pier, float. t bdrm.a. Lovely 1rowu1a. Thia home la priced low at $78,000. • BDRMS., 2% bathe. New furniture. TV. BBQ. North Bay moortni. Good funlly hom .. All f<>' $24.~. DEUGHTFUL amall vacation home. Double prap. Fetchln1. $15,750. BAY SHORES We offer the only available Bay Front home wtUa pier It float. l M ft. frontap. Mott uoeptJonal. Shown by app't only. CALL HAJIBOR 1775 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 2~ Marine Ave., Balboa Island. LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acrou from Richard'• Market) $12,500 buy1 a 40-foot street to street VIA GENOA lot. "You can hardly get them kind no more" -and we KNOW you can't get a more reasonable VIA GENOA lot. "GOING" -"GOING" -don't meu around -GRAB IT -and there you are. BALBOA LOCATION. Cloa. to NHYC. 3 bedr()(lms. l 't bathe. You must are at $12,1100, $4,000 down. • Area for Swimming HERBl I!rAN OPPORTUNITY to Pool • Abundance of make good income on 1m&11 in· _ .NOW Bay Ave . Home! GOOD FOR RENTAL OR BEACH H OME! 3 bedrooma. Cute and but a atep to the Bay. Heavy furniture included. $14,500, $6000 down. Balboa Home! A8 CLOSE TO THE BAY A8 YOU CAN GET. • bedrooms, 2 bat h1. Furnished per Inven tory. 11 you want a roomy beach home or for y'ar around living aee It now. $ Ul.600, $15.000 down. Ideal Beach House! e Aco\l.ltical Ceiling Cupboards vut.ment. A t\Jll acre, 132' tronl· agt' 2 aep. rentals now brtng1n1 You'll be'unable to find a compariaon to t}l.ia home SllO. mo. Room t.o build • add for ita price of $22,750. M~ convenient term•. houM11. ONt;Y '3.000 DOWN. $1 uoo., tuU pric.. Call Us Now f or a Pre-Showing T 7o6 L!'ncspur, C. D. M. Open For ln4pectJon FRI. SAT. SUN. AFTERNOONS-- YOU'LL FALL IN' LOVE with th18 cosy little 2 Bedm. home. It bu beam cellinr , fireplace, encloeed patio, dbl. garage.-Come look and we11 tell you more good thinp like the LOW DOWN Pyt. etc. etc. Newport Hts. Lot-$2,950 J uat llated, a nice leasehold view lot on St. James Road-Aleo have 2 othen (with no view) for $1,000 each. COUNTRY CLUB BEAUTY ON M&SA DRIVE-Acrou from •olf courM. &aut. 70x23' to&. 2 br. home wilh 1330 IQ. tt. tlneal conat. paUo, landac., fireplace . .A real home et $16,600, with $3,000 down. Eve. Itlt. on thu. PeUlte Ll 1-:M87 Furn. Balboa Duplex GET INTO THIS ONE for hl1h summer rentals. Good rental lo- CAtton on Bey Ave. Just a etep le> beach. 2 br. up. 1 br. down. Rumpus rm., dble pr., paUo, here ii an Idea for YOU - - -- We have exclusively lleted a modern two bedroom plua den a.nd two bath LIDO home, It'a completely furnished right· down to drapes, wall-to-wall car· peting, deep freeze, waaher and dryer, etc. Thia well located, turnlabed home la excellent value at the.lQllr price of $24,225. Summer income thould pay you $1~ wh1ch means by Sept 15, 1955 you will own thJa U do home for only $22,72ll. NOW la the time to buy THIS h ome. It la f rH and clear and we wtJJ aubmit your tum.a. We can &rrange a low monthly payment 5~'1 loan. Contact one ot our experienced Lido aaleemen and make him ahow you how you can own U)i1 outatanding buy. W. G. (Bill) Kempton * Joaeph H. Grohman * Virginia Manson * ~ne Vreeland * Tom Campbell * (Lldo laland's moat experience<J aalea penonnel) 3 BEDROOM HOUSE 4' QUEST ROOM! On 2 valuable R-3 loll. 200 ft. from Bay swlmmln1 beach. More poulbllltlu than you can Imagine. $13,llOO . • . good terma. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK 13 B.Q. Netds p&lnt, $4,600 dn. --------------------- Bay Front Home! FIRST TL'\IE OFFERED ... SM C. B. Ruu, Wm. G. Schmidt, R. W. Rayle, Aqoc, 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Ieland Harbor 2042 It before eomebody buya IL Eut --------------------- P eninsula location . 2 bedroom h ouse with attached 1 bedroom apartment. Older property but wha t poaslbllltlee ... haa pier too. F.P. $37,1100 and only $7,1100 dOV.'TI. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoalte Bank of America ROIJ Greeley A I Comellu1 Ed 1Ae Jack Pinkham Joeephine Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 3277. , RE~L VALUES INCOME TWO HOUSES on one lot, c:loae to :'l:e\\"port Blvtl. transportation <l ichopping Full price only $8.9110. Terms. • • • ~ DREAM HOUSE THIS CHARM.ING THREE BDR. home ls rt•BI dreamy. Ftreplar c, natural wood In kitchen. built 111 11tnvl'. & ovrn. Extra largr b1lrms. Forced Rlr heat. Lola or cement work, pa tio and Barbq. P't'nced, double garage. But E.aat' Side Jou t Ion, not a tract houH. Full prke U3,900. term1. • • • VACANT TWO LARGE LOTS, 63x300. ltac. Eut Side l~allnn. Thi• 11 the perfect spot for lh&t cualom home. Full price $3.!100, eiu:h. B. A. Nereson REALTOR 1n82 Newport Blvd. Ol1ta Mua Phone Lt 8·1672 ~ .. U 11-5487 DEAR PUBLIC: If you want to sell in a hurry , I . Without u:ny troubl~ or worry, Call your 'Realtor ,' insisting On Multiple Listing. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach 46lfc Just Enjoy the Income from thla excellent property (no rent to pay). Located ln choice rental district, 100 ft. from ocean. --·· There are 3 unita -a new duplex and a 5·room house on 2 Iota. 2 unlta are furnished and rented on yearly basis. Owner'• home available now. Three gara gea on . alley. Present income can be aubstan· tially increased. $5000 wUl bandte. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport.Beach Harbor 1013 Good terms. Eve. Info. Benner Har. 1811 Inviting Attention 026 ALISO AVE., NPT. HTS. A LL DRESSED UP re&dy to 1how ott your furniture. A Colonial 3 bdnn., real fireplace, oak nn .. dual furnace, llle klL, din. rm. rt8l eervlce porch, dble. garage, &hln1tlcd roof. r-;ear HI School Only SH.~O .. open 2·0. HARD TO BEAT $6,200 full price, 2 bdrm. atucco. Eet.l a.Ille loc. A real In u • UtU e home. EZ ltnnl . REAL UP TO DA TE 3 BDRMS, garb. dl11p .• F.A. heat, B"ll-ln oven It stove, BBQ. etc. 113.900, EZ termic. P'or Eve. lnfonnatlon on abovt, Ph. Lytle Ll 8·2!142. Exe. Income BEAUTJFUL NEW APT. BLDG. • unllll. qutPl nel(hb. near tran1 .. r olltges. Gd E . 11tde Joe. Landl!C . lg-. room11, &ep. llf'rv. pch1.,-and gar. 3 units with J br., 1 unlt-2 hr. Inc. $3,100 yr. Full price. $27 ,000. Low dn. It tenn1. 3 Building Lots R"'4 0 :-1 W A~CE ST. paved and curbl'd. titlllUu In. Ea. lot Mx· J 311. Muat be 110ld tosetber. Low cuh price tor all I 11 111.800. Eve, Info. Seymour Har. 11298·W Houston Realty and Associates 1109 <Anter, Coeta Meaa t.1 8-778' # Ll 8~911 'l Corona del Mar 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' 4 Br. home, 2 baths, fireplace, Hwd. flooni, dbl. garages, good corner Joca(lon, A.ND swimming pool. $17,000 with terms. (P.S. It's furnished, too) · DUPLEX -1 Br .. each aide & they are neat & clean. No garages bµt a real buy at $7950 with $2950 down and .balance $60 per month. 2 Br. home & nice duplex. 3 garagee and EXTRA lot. $17,500 with $3500 down & bal~ $140 per month. C-2 Zoned • Duplex, 2 Br. Ir l lk~ llwd... tloorw, garages, chain link fence, completely furn11liled. $14,750 with reasonable terms. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle -1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. u 8-1601 Store Building 101 Highway Leased to responsible tenants. Shows NOW 10% net plUI chance for increased income. Total price, M7,500. Thi.a la a 11<>1id investment in all respect.ti. See Russ Ford 5 Buildings , 5 Lots Ten 2 bedroom unturniahed unit.a. All on ~&Tl lea.HI. Thia choice property is well l~atccl anil after all ex-pen• aea & loan payments, property returns MOOO per year net on $30,000 caah required. Stt Ruas Ford VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach LIB 8-3481 LIB 8·8595 ~4C">6 -----''-------------------ATI'RACTIVE 1 btJnn. homr &nd ---------------------- on Irvine Ave. Lo\tely 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. New wall to w&ll urpeung and tna· \ F r11e dN~. Bloek-'#alt tutd IAnrleca~ l l!l.7~. Owner. Ll 8·!1•3i. H c!li'H INCOME P'or Sale -By Owntt I HOUSE.I o:-; 4 LOTS-704-?0e Im /\\"f'. C" D M $18,9~. -Ph Harbor 1089 or "'t.J. aou" MAGNIF ICIENT VIEW Cliff L--oeatioft--n-0t a leasehold. $22,750 Spacious, 2 bedroom a.nd convertible paneled den, raised fireplace, oak floors, 2 tiled baths, bullt-ln Thermador range a.nd overt, diapa.er, beautiful C&r· petinr and draperies. Thia la a ru.1 1 find and rare buy at.,9nly $22,™· Good Tem\8. . Greenleaf-Severts Realty 3112 Newport Bl., Npt. tJch. Haz:. ~l (evea. l..1 8·3t86. ·- &ma ll ~nlal unit. Lou of Ule In k1trhl"n 4' baUI. Dutch door nprn1 Into covr1 I'd patio. ff'nced Can be converted Into 2 bdrm. l ' bath home. $13.:100. -Ray Rulty Co. uu E Cout Corona de.l Mar .. Harbor sw' WHY P AY RENT7 MONTHLY paymuit. onlf 550. per mo. Im~ 2 llf, bome ill bouurU! Clift Haftn.. ,,,..pWit, I'" P . $9.600. Harbor IH:lt o ..... ar. 917. ~ CLIFF HAVEN Three bedroom, 1 bath. 1200 sq·ft., fireplace, drapee. Jdeally landacaped-fenced -alley, double garage. Next to St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. FL'LL PRICE, $15,4~ , Trust Deed $9MO at 4 )170 with monthly payment.I $6e.fl7. Cub from lnllt deed lo sale price. C&ll Mr. Gallant lo abow thia-home EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 3113 Nt"f<>rt Blvd.. Newport ~ Harl lOU • , . PAGE I · PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 DISCt:SSING PLANS -A good deal for..aU concerned was the general concensus aa membera of the Helipot executi\'e staff and guests met for refreshments and dinnr r nt Balboa Bay Club following flag-raising on the new factory site. Talking things over here are (L. to R.) Oliver L. George of Costa Mesa, Realty broker who handled transaction; William Cagney, former owner of the 15-acre tract; and Dr. 0 . A. Beckman, of Lido Isle and Pasadena, president of Beckman Instruments and the Helipot Division. -Beckner Photo FREE FL YING f INN TWINS, URGES UTT ., MOWER MENDED; NOT FOR OWNER Jeae A. Boldtnr of 18811 Mernll Place. CuaU& Meaa. n~· ported petty thel'\ of a lawn mower to Coat& 1-ttsa police Saturday. Ht aald h e wa1 repalnng lh• mowar tor an un· IJ~ntlf1tJ woman "who llvu on Klnga Road. l'iewpart B<>ach." The' mower wu called tor by aohieone -claiming to-pick ll up for the owner. Later, Bold· Ing a&ld he 1.-arned the right· ful owner had not received IL LANE SAYS fNHOCENT OF AUTO DEALS Court Trial Set June 29 on Theft, BrJbery Charges . ~ . SANTA ANA (OCNS) -New- port Beach car aalesma.n George H. Une, Jr .. .01 Cat&llna Dnve. Friday pleaded lnnocl'nt on five count.a of j\rll.nd lhefl and one forgery atlegallon. Through hi• attorney, Robert Hurw1tz. the <lefenda.nt requested a non-jury tnal. Superior court Judge J ohn Shi'& comphl.'d and aet the trial for 9 30 a. m . June 29. Judge Shea cont111ued Lane on ball, pending hi• trl&.I date. L11ne i1 ac<"W!ed of thelle grand tMft.I In ca.ah: $3640 from J . Rob- ert Maddox, J uly 17, 19M; '2021.80 from the Newport Bank of Am· erlca . Sept. 13, 1934; 12000 f rom the Newport Hubor Bank, Au.r . 2:S, 19:S4; and $2074.815 from Roland N. Lagerlof, J uly 31, 1964. Lane al.ta 111 al\eJed to have forged a conditional 11&le1 cont:-&cl for $2000 on Sepl. 16, 19M. R e Is ac.:use<I of grand theft ol a n auto owned by Ellubeth l'f. Smith. Sept. 11. 1964. The defendant'• uaerted oNen- SP!I re11ulted tr om automobile t ransactlona. Deaven, Mien U'kSW=--GTCX. ltAY J9 ~I UWa Jlllltmtent yeetJ:?rd11y. re· Serve Oxy Alum {OC."\S 1 U 1 irnize t 'ounty Con-le11i<ed In W&11hlngton, decl&rl'tf: • • • gre:<Smrrn Jnm•" 13 L'll todny join-·I ln1end to do rvPrylhlng I Day Fesf1Ylfl8S ed 01hf'1 !«u1t hi.in.I •·1vir 11ntl l'On· r :rn to help ll't't lhe Finns out of gre~i-100111 ll'1toltti< in lll)!tnl( tht> j111l right now. · I AnnWll Alumni Day feallvtllell imme lllllt' '"'""se C1f the fly mg ~Frankly. l wu very much sur-at Occidental Colle.ge wlll be held F inn l\\ 1ni1 I r11m f Plll'r ,.i ~Oltl'n· 1 pr1<1l'd when tht'y were put back 1 on Saturday. June 11, accordlng to Uruy. • in J&ll sfler a feder11t court ordrr· Alfred Hartley. cla.aa of "36. prf•I· l t l c1,•1111<n1h'rl • C••t t hl' F 1nn1< 1.>11 the i:ovemment to give lht>m I dt.'nt ot the college Alumni A H O· out or jt•ll 1114ht now.· 111,. appea l hack their airplane anrt even elation. who will aerve u chair- ruu .. " '"I "'l 111 .. ht>t'IS nf 1t1milar l"h&rgi>d dRmages ag8lnst lhP KrTV· man ot the day. r r• P"•Blll m nil•• hv Am1h,.1m011 Sen· Pmment fnr every day ll was 11· Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ~aver o'- a! 1 Tlwn; ii> H. K uthd 11n•J Cun-l!'ga lly held. 117 Apolena Ave., and Mr. an11 VP •Ill Ill ("\it .. [11.)I". l ~\Nlhl L.. CA~'T t"!lo'"Dt:RSTA.~D \ Mra. Miiiard M. Mier of 2642 Ja• k•" n Hnd c·, .. ti ll l<lnji:. An "1 just can't underatand thla. l Vlata Drive. will aerve u Chatr· l'AI fl•·r ''l'I" nl h11•t b•·"n vnlc••rl by think the Juetlce department h83 men for their rupecllve areu. ,~·11•111 hl•• ~011thl11n•I IR•w deRn-J os· been wrong from the beginning Opening "''ent of the day wlll • l'h ~· • l l .. J think the govl"rnment should be the Honors Con voe a lion, wiual· T h" I '" 1 .q" J>l • -.•nllv !<4'rv1n1t I l"tteat f1 om llll present position ly held on Comml'ncement 01w. ~h.:;,::·· 1.;,·• rh ·.,; 1 .'!,~::;z1'.~'.~"~·;·~"s~~ ~;: ,,:\,~e11~:f~~= t~~n~1:~~o;ri!!,·~ rii~m':0~e:11 t~ro:1~~;1 to o;yp.:: 1 nf I ' ~ .\r·,, ,.,,,. l.R\ll(hhn \\'atPr8. -s nd th••n r~vlew thP enL1re cssf' T h•''' 11 1,. in 1 ,. 27 th 1lay of a brfore t he Suprem" Court of Uie Umbrella Taken hun.:"• •II ll1t• al llw Sp11ngf1 .. w Unltf'd States." l\l•J It• lo 1.d ,,..,.,,, h"~IJllRI. Th• y I The twins' hassle with the f Pd·, Theft of a a-reen and white p r· h,.,., 1 1 •11 _,.I I<• M 11 '" to u*'alh tr11t i:overnmenl tx-gan with thtir den umbrella from hlir home ~'Bil nit h• 1 lh 1 't•·'·I lu wh1ar th"Y 1 p111 chaae of a .surplus a1rplant, 1 reported to pollee lllay 8 by lei "' 1 h· ,, · 1111• .. n .• 111111111nAl 1111· "hirh the go\"ernmenl chargctl I William M&nnlng of 2:U Via Ban pu. .. 111 ... 1 r · we3 1<t1hl wflhout fede1 al 111t ncUon. Remo. le aking for a BARGAIN? PERHAPS A USED CAR? Y the Want Ads NE\Y OR USED FURNITURE? (.the Want Ads AN ATTRACTIVE RENTAL? ... (the Want Ads \\'hethn ~·ou want to bu~· o.r want to ReU, the Cl&Mlfltd columns of tbl9 11ews1la1wr offf'r the best opportunlt~· for retmlts ... A four line ad wW appt-ar Monday, Wf'dn~ay and Thursday in onr 28,000 oopiee for Only s·200 • • • " this VALUE ! Call Harbor 1616 for Ad· Taker I-, ' High School:s 70-acre Site Action Due Ha.rbor High Scbool"a proposed TO·acre •Ile I• "out ot the pigeon l\OJe ·~aln.'' Thl1 word wu bro~tht I by Hadd RlnJ, lcllooJ tr~lu. wbea he retum-S recantly from Waah- lngt.on, D.C. He reported with aid of Con· fT&Nman Jamea B. Ult conta!)t wu .. tabllahed with AHlstant Secr·el&ry ot the AJr FOJ'C't' Roger lAwia who waa 1urpri11ed to heu nothing had ~tn accompllsed lo upedite the •chool'1 a1le requeal. The parcel !• part of the 412-acre old S&nla Ana Army Air Bliit'. RJng noported Lewi• will gel the 11te cleared through UJe Drpart- ment of DeftnH, then rflta84! It to General S"rv1cea Admtniiltra- llon. H e added Lewis has IMued in· 1tructlons to expedite the matlt>r. Once cleared by Gi'nc>ral Ser· vlcea Admtnl1tratlon the 111to> must receive 1fmllar trtatml'nt rrom the Na vy and Army, R111g 1ald. J,;lmo Bullie, In charge of Uie real p1op- ert,,y n cllon, General Servirt8 Ad· ministration. with whom the schonl offJclaJa are In contact. ,v!IJ h&(ldle clearance with Navy and Army: Rinr aaJd. "Every one we hava talked to &Nurea ua ll wlll come Uirough," he Mid. "The county a:i l under· 11t&nd It Incorporated .1111 r~quest for th, old air bue ao as not to conruct with the high 1chool'1. HUbor High'• truateea hava form- ally uked the county 1JUperv1aor1 to exclude the 70-acre alte from the oounty requeat for the whole air bue parcel J •• Tat 41. Mesa Cop Hopefuls t°lr J,,11 .. rh Kroll of Orans• C"c>ut Cnllrito> r~~cholt111y Jtpart- mtnt 1§a turn11y i.:•w tut• to ap- prnxl_ma1 .. 1y 4~apt1 fnr poei- tt\•n• 10 lhl' ( \u1ta Mra11 pull<"• d•· putmrJll, l'llllu:-i.)uct A rl Mc· Ken.&lft •nno11nn•J today. MrKen· 11.-1111J 6.' arrllP11llvne wn• r.- <'t'WtJ pnor tf\ th• ..... r!tlen '-l. M<'Kt'nr.1 .. •A1C1 If thl' c .. ei. Ul4 •·PJ'h<'ath>n• werf' pr•weaMd on achedule. hf' hupt•I.! lo rmt llnlU for an lll itl tllrtmlnatlon by the ap- Jllkant 11 for ~atun1a~~ "We'll mail out po~t i-an l1 to ,..rh appllC'ant ~ with llm" 111•1 for 11.n "l'fXllntment," Mr K .. nitte annoum·~·I ~-~~-~~~ I 1 Mesa Promotl011 -• Ideas of Chamber IT'S A BEAUTIFl L PROJECT-R. A. Glenn, chief building inspector of Newport Beach, left above, said as much as he viewed plans for the new Bob Dalton Reet~u­ rant whic h ·will occupy the property now housing the former Lido Wharf Restaurant. Others in picture, left to right above, Bob Dalton, City Manager John Sailors, David Olmsted of the Orange County Coast Association. and Lee Barnes of Lido lsle.-St.a!f Photo De1rry( ¥i'9ney. Hurt in Cycle Accident Pou1ble akull fracture and deep lacerauon to the 11r11.lp ot Darryl Vienney, 312. o! 2616 Creatvlew Drive. who WIL.8 1tru<'k by a Po)' on a bicycle Friday wu reported to police by th• ch.lid'• parent.I. lnveatlgauon by police re,•ealed the bicycle wu 11dden by Robert. Joh.naon. H . or 263~ Creatvlew Drtve. He 1&1d Darryl and an· Qliler child_ ~err playing. In the atreet In front of hi• nome when he snd Darryl becamf' \:Ontue~ In lhe1r dlrecllona u he a pproach· ed the ch1ldren on his b1<"ydl!. He 11Lld he plckad the chlltJ up after the accident and lhal Darr~ I 11eeml'd to be unhurt. The rhlld wu t reated at El T oro Hoepltal. Doug Pledger, 8. F. dt»e jockry -''The average woman apends 76 percent ot her time estUng down -u flf'll.l'H clearly ahow.'' Lone Bidder Wins WHd Removal Job Lone and wlnnlnK bidder on th• caty wred abatement contract on May 9 wu Wall• • Hardman Ct.ntraclors, Jnc. with a bid of S3H O. City Eng1net>r Bert Webt> recommended th• city council a p- prove the bid which waa done unanlmoualy. He ~•ported the COil la 20 per ctmt up ovar la.at yu.r·a contract but 11 a.a Jn pen· alve a.a obl&lnable. MerchAAt• l>lvlaion of Colla Mt'sa <.:hllmber or COmm•rt• h•• tak~n the tlllnd thal promotion• for var1ou1 Mtsa lnaine.. ar•U •hould be comb1ntd to promot• trade sn C'o•la Mesa H a whoJf'. A letter teKd by 8l'cr•tary RoN rt Crawford from J . W. Ralnert In- dicated tht• durlnc rerul•r month· ly <Mulon of th• l'ttlUllNr board ot dln-ctora In Harbor Hou.a Thu.nday. ~Inert aald Meaa merdlantl have be:en ureed to rf'maJn open Fr1day nJRhU!, etop flghlln1 amon1 lhemtelvr.to a nd kef'p buainH1 In Costa Jilt> •• ' A promoUonal aurny hu been propo.ed. In other bualnHa. Ule ohamW dlrectora: Macie a motion oomm111d1a1 the Ahaa CIU..n. CommltMt I« tt. tree plant1n1 propam. r---.~~-~-~ ....... ""'""" .__,.:~---·~----~---...,..;----- J •• t i • -............ ..._ ....... _... , ...... .._. Merovty MERCURY CONSISIEm LEADS ITS FBD ,__ . IN TOP TRADE-I VAUI. MUCUU cosn USS nm1 YOU THlllK. Thia bi« MWC111J' Cuatom 6-p~r Secfaa, abown above, COlll ,_ Uiua u mo<kla ia tbe '1o•·priot" 6ald .• No other car offers you 3 b{gger reasons for buying it A EXCLUSIVE STYLING SHARED BY NO J., OTHER CAR. Thm:"a no mi.9taking a M,.rcury-it's di\/inr111•e from e very an~e. The unifiNI humprr anri ~rill,. ll'"rmhly. 1hr oriitinnl tJ•P nf color anol chrnmr . the massive tail.light• .•. 1111 HY "~trr<'ury." Mett11ry of'fe" 11 me4el1 In l 19"11. You 'll find a :\lrrrury 1hai"~ ju•t rif!ht for y1rnr n rcJ s. Hi>j!ardl,,~s of the onr ynu @rlcrt. you J;N the di&tinrtive !tylin~ 1ha1 mAkl"! Mucury America's mo~t ad1 nnrrd new car. 2 NEW-$.llf'ER·TORQUE Y·I POWER AT • EVERY SelED. l\frrcury puts high hCJN"· pown In work in a new wav-n ot ju~t f,,r bii:h ~per.I~ but fo r ,.urr·wlnv dri,·inj!. Ynu i;t•I for more pirkup 111 r \rry ~prrd, frnm 1lert to ~upt•rh i~h"RY limit~­ tr•l'rve power for safer p1s,ing. hill t·lim!iing. "Hlth-f"'lce" H r , ... vre• in \frrcury at nn extra cost-4-barrr l rarburetor, hi1tl•· Mmpcr~~ion anti.fouling ~park. plu~~. half.joint frnnt ""hl'r l rn•prn•ion, and dual exhauJlt on 8 ('If 11 moods. "2 CONSISTENTLY HIGHEST TRADE·IN tJ• VALUE IN ff ELD. l\frrcury is champion nf i1s clMs for reule value. accortfin~ to indepC'ndenl market report,\ of u~,.d- 1·ar prwr•. Y rar aftl'r year. Mercury hu con~im•111fy hrlJ that distinction b,.. • au•e it'• 11tyl,.J to be yur~ aheari in 11,.auly •.. pnwl"r!"ff to be y,.ar~ 1ht1d in perfnrmance. You command 1 ~lier trade.in price. • 'r111're eh-4 wheft yev llffve • Mettvry, Inn, bec1u,e of Mercury 'a tradi1ioo al low OPQJ•llng coJI. IT PAYS TO OWN A m ER cu RY-FOR FUTYRE :TYLING. SUPER POWER lhe't "'la ..._ ltle t.lo•hio• hi', I d t.111•1•'1 "TOAST <>'~OWN,"' ._,_, _1.., 1• le •·OO. S.et!.• IHXT, °'""""' I - JOHNSON & ··SON, LlncOln • Mercury --_::-Liberty 8-5145 900 W. Coast . Highway NE)YPORT .BEACH • Acrou from lay Clllb