HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-02 - Newport Balboa PressTHERE SHE BLOWS -Spouting mud, oil. gu and wa- ter about 200 feet into the air above the derrick, a nm- paging oil weU wu brought into co~trol in Huntington Beach tltia moming after it blew for eeven hours. Work-men a.re abown "1llDing acroa the mud lake In front ot the well. Spectators and workers were r-llo>vered with the dirt1 spray. -Statt Photo by Phyflla J. Jada.on LOCAL BURGl:ARIES CLEARED BY ARRESTS . 2 M~ns Booked as· Suspects by Police, Sheriff's _Deputies The arru t early yesterday where they took a atnalr aate con· mornin g of two Col!ta Mu a bur· talnlng $70. glary au1pect11 has cleared up five Lets than four houra after they burglaries 11nlf attempted burgla,.. allegedly held 11p Ted Wicks. Gar· lea ln t<ewport Beach and one arm-,den Grove ca!e owner. Tuesday ed robbeTy, accordinJ to Newport night. the men were taken lnlo police. • custody and booked In county jail Marvin R. Ford, 21, of 2381 on an armed robbery chuge. Rodeo Place and Roo11evell G. The victim tefephoned deputlea. Wilkins. 22, of 2183 Rodeo P lace, He H id he thought he recognized -were 11rrested rn a field near San-one ot the auspect11 aa a previous ta Jsabt.>lle SL and Irvine Ave., employee of hi-. Wilkins. by 11herltr11 deputlu and Newport HIDDiO LV FIELD Be.ach Officer Ed Brawn. ~putles Harry BJock and Jim LOCAL 'OBS TOLD I Sands hurt.led to Wllklna' addreas According to Del. Sgt. V. I. in Costa Me11&. They contacted )fcMa ntgal of NPWport Beach. the Mra. Alameda F ord, who told depu- pair ndmttted the weekend bur· ties her husband arid Wilkin• were l'larrcs of W11rd llJld Harrington, (Colltl•ued -Pase 5) Or•lnite County Drafting Service. Greyhound Bus Station and the f I··-... ••••• HARBOR MADOR-WIATHa y._,,, ............... .. .... ...,.. ......... , ..-.... J'riday, May IT ...... -fT 81 P -R~·SS --+--=aaturday~a.l'Jt ,_JI... H 8uncs.y, May Jt -·-13 Ill PB<>Nm llAllBOR 18lt -----~ MOftda¥, May ao _ t& Ill Tu~. May 31 ·-ft M WednMday, June 1 •... t4 H ~ T'bUl'9d"J. Jnu. I ... tl _ 4t Senate ·· lills Tideland 's FISH FRY AT MESA SLATES 'FULL PROGRAM l"1ab Fry procram will be l'Wl oa\ thla week ead .. fol- low•: latW'd&)'~ Pe.t pan.de. car.- nlvaJ bootlw, exhlblta, Jdddle rid• •tart at 10 L m.; tlah dlnnen will be Mrved from ll noon to cloal.n&' Ume: crowilinl' of queen, 12:SO p. Grand ;Jury (ourt Protie Revealea ·! Oil Bills! m.: m&ln parade,; 1 :SO p. m.: awardlnl' of pr1-, i, 8 anil 8 p.m. Sund&¥: Carnival open.a, 11 Bo s L,m.; fiah dlnMl'll 12 noon to I core . on cloeinl' Ume; beauty cont.Nt, l :SO p. m.; awardl.n&' Of prta. 2:30. 5 and 8 p. m.; baby con-Harbor Area l•t, s p. m. The main parad9 wt11 form Narcoilcs. Robbery Cases of Harbor Area · Involved All Legislation Sent to Interim Group for Study at Victoria and l'O down Har· Do A Sec · ~1. ti f S ri Court.a' •-·•--f bor B!vd. to 19th St., tum p· e ITests ret lDVan . .,.a on 0 upe or •·n••~t 0 weat to Newport Blvd., pro-· narcotic• oflenden reportedly will get underway next Tu-. ceed down Newport ~lvd. to day when the 1955 Orange County Grand Jury l'08ll into lta w•t 14th St., follow w•t A suney by the N-•Preee ot 18th Bt. to A.llaheim St. and Newport 8e&ch and Coat& Meaa firat inquiaitive aeeaion. tU ball park wb.-tt will police reconh deallnl' with narcot-Ht&'h Oii the a1W1da ta an Inv•· .t. ---mblym.an ~-....:} W S•·-ley Balboa J-'-nd ·today dlqene. lea arreeta ahowa a total of 20 ap- 1 tlpUon Into complalnta by law Aa111C .i:..&1'. • ..... • 1U& • -------------prebenalona In the beach city and enforcement offlctw and Oran&'• informed the News-Press that the atate aenate committee five !ft the Mua durtnl' the paat County Newa Service newapapera about 11 a.m. scuttled al) tidelan~ oil billa aubmitted thia wn·ght ,. alk yeu to date. tbat Superior Court.t have been Th• arruta and ~IUoaa fol-"too lenient" with narcoU~ of-aeasion. The committee aent the bills to the Mllee committee low: fendeni e.nd armed pnmen, the to be assigned to an interim committee for study during the s rk J NEWPORT BEACH BIXX>RD Newa-PTeu lea.med exclualvely to. next two yean. pa s ury Dec. llO, ltM, aix juvenilea, In· day. Stanley a&ld, "Aa tar u the pr9-eludlnl' tWo &'lrlll 15 and 17. were Grand Jury Foreman Bromley B•g 0•1 Well .ent law ta concerned we tw.ve the nabbed. Of three committed u w. Hiii of L&pna Beach aald no I I drainage provtaton wb~ch requtr. Court Probe ward.a Of juvenile court. all were aubpenaa have been tuued OD tbla dnLlnage from the tidelanda be-declared In violation of probation. parUcul&r pbue, but that two R e 0 t fore the State Landa Conun1-loa A 17-year-old WU commltteed to Superior Court Juda-, Sbertft'a Oa·rs 10 U can make any leuea on Udelanda. lly P.&T MJCllA&IA Camarillo for 90 day• of obaerva· narcottca serce.nt Clint Wrt&'ht. Inumuch aa we tw.ve no commer-SANTA ANA, .TWll 2 (0CN8) lion whUe the 17-yeu-old &'lrl wu and ''at leut one law enforcement ~ claJ field• eouth of the &ant& An& The apark lb.Lt apparently aet off declared a juvenile court wa.rd and offklaJ from another town'' had Of Control ! River th.la proviaion proU<:ta the next Tuuday'a gra.nd jury probe releued to cu•tody of her part.[lta. been "Invited" to Tueada.y'a _.. Huntington leach Rig Spews Sludge Throughout Area With a deep-throated roar which took oil workers by aurpri.se at 3 o'clock thlll morning, a Standard OU well nea.r Coast Hl&'hway ln HunUnstoo Beach apewed out rocka, water, and mud and oil 200 feet Into tbe air. Oilmen aald the well wu down to about 1100 feeL Etfort.t to cap the .well were not aucceaatul unUI !0:18 a. m. Flre Lrucks and crewa atood by during the aeven hour period 1n cue .of fire. southern portlOll of Ora.nl'e of Or&n1'9 county judicial and law A HI-year-old boy wu made a aion: County. entoreemmt proeedurea waa tired juvenile court ward and releued Hill aald no complalnta ot len· "What we had feared wu that lut March H, when aberiff'• nar-on condlUon be be home before lency have ~en made to the jury thia drainage provaton would be cotlea detective, BJL Clint Wright, 8 p.m. except one nJ&'hl a week lt.aelt, but ·the body'• law enforce- ta.lten out ot the law th1a ...SOU ch&rged Suputlor Court Judge when he ea.n. atay out Ull 10 p.m. ment committee had received In· but 1 bave peraonaJ uaura.nce John Shea with failure to C!i&l Another 18-yur-old boy wu form.Uon of that nature In wbtch from Robert Kirkwood, head of "properly" wtth convicted narcol-boOked April 8, 19~ and police they were "vitally lnteruted." the landa aomml.ulon, that 90\lth· tea pedcllera. • here do not know court dt.poatUon Beauee th• compl&inta bad been ern Ora.nl'e County couw.n. wt1l Jude-Ille& atronclJ dented UJ• of bla cue. made to the committee, and u yet be definitely protected.'' charpa. · On the ·adult aide of th• lecl...,., not officially to the lftl\d Jury Stanley Aid the at&te l.anda AlllSD u llll&A wtth 13 &rre•ta. folll' receJnd pro-ltMlf, HlU au,..ed he wu apee.k- eommt.Nlon can call for bl.da aUU Wrt(bt made b1a accuaUODll tn (C.U.~ • .... I) las onb' u an lndl'ftdual jw'J on tldelanda off 9hore fl'OJn Hunt-a speech before the Banta Ana _______ .._ _________________ _ Ina-ton Beach u tb_.. ta dra1Mp "Freedom Cl.ub." Wrta'bt ll&td at there now. the time •'failure of tbe Onnc- Clty Manacer John 8&1lon la-County w.perlor court to .. ~al prop. formed the News-PNae eo far u •rlJ wiUl ~ct.eel ftU'eOUca of· be C9.Jl determine tnm thla lnfor-fentlen bu proved a roadblock to ma.tlo11 the at&te w.te~--. MM ,..,,_.ft uu-earcotlu _,....,... not affect Newport Beach W!ilcao ment." W?tpt later admltted bia owna lt.t own tldelanda that are nmarka were atmed at Judi'• Shea. now leued to Mont.Ny OU Co. (0-..._. • .... I) MESA WOMEN AHEAD OF MEN-- STATISTICALLY SPEAKING J'ema.lee outnumber malee ta ea.ta Kua. It wu rwealecl , today wtth NlMM o1 ottte1&1 ceMUe ooat in the ciolDllND1t7 fn>m the eeruua bureau ta W~ D.C. Qt)' ~ 0eora-Coffey annollDCed UM total tallUlaUOD u 11,llO ,.,... eona. Thia ta 11 man than ta H_,...t llMc:b'• 1,.. ..,.mal cenaua. Oilmen aald the metal derrtclt which ata.nda about 110 feet 1n the air could wtthst&nd the &'&II pree-aurea of the blow: Fire danger _____________ ... ____ _ Of tbJa official popuktlon n.,.... eoaapOed ta a two-week enumeration which at&rted Ka7 I , Coff., reft&led 8780 are · femalea, ~•O are m&lu. came from poeaible 11parka atruck by flylng rock.a u they carcmed off the metal r1g. Coast A$sociation Sets 11 New .Major Objectives UnoftlciaJ flruree ortgtnaJly reJe&ii4 ;stood a~ 17,21t pr1or to the Bureau of Caisua eerllileatlon of populaUon. Cof· fey aald the tabulation reveala there are 5711 occupied dwell· Ing units In Coat.a Mua. Occupanta of the Bea Breeze Trailer Court on Cout Highway In front of th.e well were evacu- ated at an early hour. Over llOO residents of the Oolden Ea.gle Motel at. Flrat and Atlantic Sta. Adoption of a determined cam-Capi.trano Beach area betwa. NO SALK VACCINE FOR were alao evacuated 1n cue of p~lgn for Improvement ot the Qr. Dana Point and the Caplatrano , fl anp County Coutllne wu one Pter !or public UM. ~undred• of apectatora and oU of a trio of major movea of the 8. Improvement of San Ole- workera ringed the rampagtns 4lran&'• County Cout AUoclatlon m7.~~~~taRJt•gBMhwachy Pmarodk-~. uU.on. SECOND SHOT IN SIGHT well to watch the apectacular when it met at the Newport Har• .....,... .. ..._ al&'ht. Newamen who crept 1n u bor Yacht Club yuterday noon. cloae u arda would permit were Pre•ldlng over the aesalon wu and Improvement of acceN 1'09da, : anrayed t;th the mud wht.ch drttt-Oavtd Olmated of Udo IAle, prest-particularly the bUlldinJ of h1P ;d lUce a curtain tn the wind. dent. brtdp &el'OlllJ Upper Newport Bay. SANTA ANA (OCNS)-There'• when the next inoculation• will be no chance Oranp County can pro-aet up. but ''It will have to be A platform with 11 major ob-8. Exten11lon of the Lon,c Bea.ch ceed with another round of anU-80llle Ume after achool la out. .,. • Jectlvea wu adopted ~ tbe a.no-Brealcwater to Seal Be&ch and de· polio ahot. next week, county We'•• uked the State Health De-lea 111 1cat1on elation atreulnr the point that all n.lopment of the Beal Beach water health ortic:er E. L. Ru.ell aald partment to contact the National of the objecUvee abould be accom-area. 9. Creation of a •mall en.ft yesterday. -Polio Foundation to aee bow much T h W b pllabed during the next 12 montha. harbor at Bola Chica. 10. · Re· "I talked' to the at&te office rnatertal will be avallabl• and rop y on y .The alrnAJ of the orpnis&Uon 1n movaJ of lb• Pacific J!.:.Jectrte In Berkeley th1a momlnr." Rua-wb.en. rn been told Southern Call- order riven were: Tracka &Jone the Orange County aell explained yeaterda)'. '7here tomla ta In line to l'et the nrat Newport Beach 1:-Acqulmtlon of the Bolla Chica 2>&-tlln.: 11. BuildiJ\I' of the just lm't enoul'h material avail-batches tn the at.ate bee&uae of area for pubilc recreaUon pur· ~ Dle&'o (Sepulveda) Freeway. able to do the job. We need 8705 !ta •rly polio Incident aeuon." member and not u a f01'91Daft of that ausuat body . Queatloned about the poa.tbUlt,. of the srand Jury tndicUq -- OM from Superior Court -when the jury la actually appolnlfd - Hill ll&ld M pui1ona117 doUbt«I anything of that eort would eom• • OUl of the tnv..UpUOll. He confirmed, bOWTeer, that the Jury ml&'ht well come up in.lead, with a "aort or policy for th• ~rt.a p. r recommandationa of eclne kind." He ll&ld he "....-CS wholebe&rt· ed.ly'' that the matter wu one of proper concern for the snnd Jur7. Despite publicity &'l'ffJI Wrtcbt'• charcu of too much lnlency and euti.equent. u well u pnor critlclam In county papera, HIU Kid he wu not aw-an. penon- aUy, ot any public cr1Ucl.lln 9r of Wrlg'bt'a public charpa. The foreman ll&ld the Jury will conalder all theM compla.tnt.t and "needa noth.lq f\lrt.her to take the matter Ulldft' lnYUttpUoo." Altboqh Btu mentioned two pan.ta betns "tlrrtt.d" to appur Wore the l'l'Ud Jury 8 C t . Wrtpt'• cntk:imn waa leveled on- ly at ........ .l'lldp JClba 8bea. lab 2 S11pects OI l1r1l1ry II 101~1 llooke~ TWo ...,ecta ...,.. UT'elted tor buritaf'J' Wa IDOIDtq by New· port Beach poUc. on Bay An. be· tween 11th and ltth Sta. Ramon ProYUCO River&. 2J, On• tarto and Duny Delpbln. 211Kunt· tnaton Park are under qu..Uon by polloe. They allel'edlY burrtartMd a home at u10 Rlrt A.ft., and re- moved a wallet. Police blocked tbe pen1nwla wtiere the auapeebl beaded after the burrla?')'. Tbe7 .,, .. MeD by officera to tOM the wallet out of their cu juat prtor to M1J1C ap- pmhended on Ba7 A.ft. Nlcollch lobHcl --Cl'u~"...Founda11on. ollke.. Tlley a lao allegedly•dmltted making an attempt on the Newport Harbor bank In Corona del Mar but were atopp.od by Iron bars at a wllldow. HiCJbie Elected as Uons Club ffead Clarence Higbie, Newport Beach city councilman, )VU 1_.t nJght elect~ pre.a~d.•f-ot the Balboa Bay Uona C[ab for the coming year. The organization met in VUla Marina for the election. Memben of the · Aaociated poeea. 2. Expan.1lon of the Hunt-To brlnr about the aecom~Uab-CC'• In addition to what we have The department head •Id 18.- Chambfl'a of Commen:e of <>ranee tn(t01'J Beach State Park wf{h ment of theM alma the orl'aniia-lilafock." 3(5 antJ-j>ollo abota heve l>eeil c ounty tulfllled a triple purpoee improved parking. 3. Improve-Uon tnatructed Selim Franklin to Ruuell Mid 7371 flrat and aec-glftl\ ta thla county. A total of at their dinner maeUnl' tn Hunting-ment and development of Upper proceed with, the Incorporation at ond gradera aUU need &bot.-12.IM ~ bava been IDqculat- ton Beach Tuesday night. The Newport Bay. ._ Creation of the the orrant-Uon. A new aet of moatly the aecond round. A total ed. group heard a leg!alaUve report San Clemente-Dana Point small by-lawa and constJtuUon were of IM.U ltudenta bu nceiYed both There b&.. been no polio out.- A car cloutir naped Pl ..,,rtli of ttems Tbunday ntpt trom an auto parked a.t ~ rMI' of 1111 Newport BlYd., Coat.a M-. Joe.- epb A. Nlcollch notlfted Keaa po- Uce of the theft fl'oal Isl• nhJcl• Of a woman'• red coat, two blan• keta and miacel]tneoua toola. Nloo- Ucb reported the Wet .,.i.o nn• a eked hl1 rlove compartment and th• lntenor of the car. DalsllMI' H•bs ~ Dennla Dalatmer of 1 '108 <>c.aa Blvd. told pollce TIMlda:y two bub cape were· mtaatns from hia car wbile parked in front of b1a llome. .• Wilkins and !'ord told local po- lice they hf'ld up a pair In a park- ed car on midnight of May 30, ualng two gun.!I they allegedly ad· mltted sleallng from a Garden Or,ove sporting &'oods atore lhat from Sacramento, 'by telephone craft harbor-. G. Acquisition of the 9C!opted. lnjectlone of the 8aUt vaccine. bl'Mlu amonr thoee who have re- and arnpll!Jed by Senator John Ruuell wu unable to pNCllct cetnd the 8allc tnjeoUolla. --lllghl. According to Costa Meaa police. Uie pair admitted burg'larizt.or Oranl'• Surplu11 Ston!, 1829 New- port Ave. on May 25 'fftlere they took $70 and merchtt.ndi,ae. Tbey -1lo ~pol'Wly admit buglary or Uie Wilshire Mn'tce atatlon on May JT al 243& Newport Blvd. Other officers choaen: Gordon Walker, first vice president : George Erickson, second vice pt'H· ldent: Norman Hackford, third vice prealdent; Jlm Moultrop, ta.II twt.ter; Elmer Lalanne. Uon tamer: Secretary Don Gftrlch, Treuurer Bill Tallman, and dlrec· tora Mlclcey Heath, Bob Ramsey and C. B. Edwa.rda. Murdy, a report on the atanding ot water problema and legtalation by the eminent authority H&rolll W. Kennedy, County CourmeJ qt Loe Angelea and awarded civic beautttlcaUon and cle11n up' tro· phlea. The aeaslon wu called to order by President Selim H. Franklin of Coeta Meaa. He tumed the meeting over to Mrti. Robert Mar- (OonUaued oa Pase 5) -·~AW:&B08=Reclplenta Ofanniiil CITlc DeallWlcation aw&rd. of the A.uo- dated Chambera of Commerce of Orange C:>unty an pictured above u they ~elved tMlr trophies in· ljun~n Beach Tueaday night. Left to right. Meedamee Franklin DITII. Santa Ana; John Neff, Newport Beach; Gracebel Hanna. Weetmtnater; Robert lfanball, Newport Beach committee chainnan; Calla Viele, a.ta 11 .... : and Mayor David Blakelock of San Clemente. -itaff P~ THOUSANDS EXPECTED AT ANNUAL FISH FRY Tenth annual Coat& Meaa Uona Club F lab Fry will be held tbla Saturday an.d Sunday In Coat& Meaa Park when thouaanda a.re expected. The celebrdlon will ret under way at 10 a. m .. when the carnJ· val, boot.ha, exhibit.a, klddle rtdea and the big pet parade will atart. Servin&' of flab dinne.ra wUI •tart at 12 noon, both Saturday and Sunday and continue_.. long u there la any demand. them at Mercury Cleanera, 18N Harbor Blvd., by tomorrow nl&'ht. Baby pt.rad• entra.nta mu.at rec- later not later than Jl'rtday: Th• parade wtU at&rt at a p. m. Sun- day and there will be two ace l'J"OUpe, the tint lnelUdJne babl• up to a yev oJd and tbe MCODd lll to 24 months. There will be all ltJndll of awarda and cran<l prlsee for the beat b&bl•. A new f•ture of entertainment th1a year will be a COfttlnUOU. •tac• performance wbtch can be watched while apectaton are en- joytnr flab dtMen. Product.II on Ml• In Ute eom~ muntt7 will be ub.lblt.d ta boou.a betnc Mt up oa th• park ...._ under d1reeli4m of Paul Pwll•, dlail'mu. QUEEN CAXDIDAm The main parade will l'•t under way at 1:30 p. m. Saturday with Bruce Martin u chalrma.n and Jack Balley u grand mal'lhal. E.ntriea l.n thla para~ have al- ready topped the 100 trl&rk and rtdera will compete In .Uver pa.I" and all"ll)ea for both man and women, In Bpe.nlah aUvw, w..tem pa.Ira and •lnl'lee, bMt Indian, Meitlcan Cbarn>, 8~ belt ~ ooWboy and cowatrl. both orp.nl•tlom ................... under 18, with t~ for the atUl ..auns l'llb hy Uebt8 ud wtnnera. J~ ot U.. borM the wtuer WULlle aow ... 8at· untta will be ~ the putt at tbe __,, at U :IO e'eloelL Oaat.. end of th• parade. tuta ud ............... ... , PET PAAA.DI: aT elude Jd ...... .1an1o1' ~ ChUdren wtah1nc to enter peta ~ club; Vtvtan ~ in the pet parade muat nt1aW .(" It II• hp I) :NBWLY lllfoomlOllATICD -Ben are your new corporation papers. genilemeri, aaya Selim l'rulkUn. Wt. to oftlcen of the Orange County Cout AUociation. From left, Daftl Olmlted, pnpllnt;J. JC. JICKt • ..,, dlrec:tor; Herbert F. Kenny, 8eC1"etar'J; and Wm. A. G.UltaM, n.~t. -Staff Photo t I .' J ·. . . . . . .. . . • I ' PAGE 2 • PART I -NeWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS .._,.._ THURSDAY. "JUNE 2, • lt55 taqalar ,.,_. ott lllilor'9 of Runt· i.a .. -.. made around NC!'MU.· v I I p ..L • L I ,. ~-=-~-'°t!:~.:; ;~~==d~=~~ 0 II Ill lralll 0 111111 . I ----~----------• ~ llM ..-ward Pf'O'-pUoe of Beacb reen&Uon.al area. The par-Pl 0 1• ~ L M Co •1 GOINGS ON AT THE Oii DeYe'nnment Revealed ~a::., ~~u:!°" ...=~ :~ ~~l~·= '= =' :::n:: ••. 11 •••• •Y-. 111 •••• """ JatkUl.at., aad 1~ ~ dlat&nt Oommi..&oa la d.lncted prtmarlJ7 Me111llen ot Colt& MM& ~, ..... ....._ City ........ o..re • • w., le nllldl7 Wit&' emnd., aa .,. to ~ IUld p,. ftom \bat U-. Ola llM north. or at BunUqton Beacb and the aru Oomcil Ud tbe Mw Dowatowa Oottey u.o .,... ,,_t fW tM -BALBOA BAY CLUB tbe aaq ot cdfDnlJa la couort ftllt.loa Of wu&e. laland mes.. llM ordinary hi~· of tbe BllDllacton B4tach State B\Mllt -•'• Awd&Uoa a..,..,. d~. ·D -wtda the Wlt&tAil ~·•• NaMI ll~&olle .. aM1• tar t. autr ot ti.. Padfk Oceaa a. ~ 9d t.o -.r-durtD( a 1"41Ceftt -t· Ot.bu ldeu dtk :....._..-.. ment fat deftlopment of ott llbor• .udl tnuportaUoa bMe wtll a. the boundary, ancf on th• .outb, ThON who will pern>nn the tar th.at \l'Ol\.lntary ~ -d UaMd ... --B DAN BAYLESS oU uplontJoa at BllDtiqton elude anu nec.-ry fOf' pump-the line la one parallel to and 1 atudlu are a petroleum reok>(1ca.I on llM part ot .urcM.nt. .... .s, ~an ~ of ~ ... y Y BMcb. TM .......i a.pier pllb-1q •Uom or GUier equtpmmt. mile M&W&rd of the ahore. An out· IQClneer, a profHeOr trom tbe Eco-th• ma11t plauttble wa t.o r&1M l 0 pro" ea par "'-..... ----------------------u.Md 1a W&lllalqt.Gn. DC. 1a U.t 'J'be areu for-pipelJnee are not llM ot the cedlUom tor bldding nomlc Depart.m .. l of t.M Un1v•r· pa.rklq moee 1 and property lncluded ,utdas Ow EPAR~ ..,...,_ ...nt be lllUe ot Ma: 1 deMrtMd 'u. Ni.a to exceed 100 t .. t ta wtdUI Tb• and tbe form of btd lnclu~ the-stty of Clllitomla at Loa All~les. .,.ce 7· JUta:a. aad llM Po""IW11l7 GI Ille RO\V, ROW, R D •~'Al: uaw ww a '1 _....... t ............. .._ .:..... ..... torm tor oU and ru leue att and • former planntnr commla-Jlk)oor Clatre N ellon. ,.. dty putUnc up llle amount ,.. bl b __ .. l b t th ''B -1-4... f Champlo .. •" "'*" wWella ~--)' ..... -~wmm•n_ ._ -•· a ,._ a.1•· .. •-t.h • --d quuted th.a ...-wtUI U.. ..,_ ty1nd. /\ ow to t e cer"4n peop e, u e re~-" o ..-snnted tor oil and ru pJpe Un• of io per ,_, per mile for n,ttt.e-av ...... from • 8.W• ~ • sloner ol tU Ctty of Lo.1 Aq'el ... 'dwlu dw1ll !Mt M da"/ atpt' mat 1 ian't Wheaties -at leut 11 ~ u the championahip Navy la u.. out.r eeaUDellta.I llbalt off 'fll-~1 and a60 f~ MCb ..,.. 1a Commtuion. LOCAL STUDY SOON council ... ~ ~"eouncUma.! ...... ~IUD4a.,., _,,. '* , • ..,... crew ie eon~rned. The Mjdcilts, who lt4Ytd. at the Club and lhon of the Untted State•. u~na ot 100 ftd ln wtdth. AD n-SURV&T AUTHOalZED c T'111 ~ that aoon t.b• peo-Bruce Martin ...;.,wtwd t1't~· .r .. .!.. 1_._ . ~·:a,~ . bl h de th · , ful Jr'EDllaAL S11'UllfClll' qulrenlfnta of llle Army Dtpgl· TM lltate bu ai.o autborlaeet pi. ot the Oran~e CountJ cout· tathere Robt en°" ~-~ aa set. up their t~.lnlng ~ e ere un 1' 9• care euper· ftullnp han been made by the ment and Cout Guard tor.,,..._. the expenditure of •20.000 to co•· llne will be able to atudy turther dent 0 ; th• b:!m.-~ ta • tJ dould llOt •pead·,...,U tu \'1s1on of Coach Ruaty Callow and the BBC S Chet Gabriel, Deputmmt ot tntenor. Pipe liD• Uoa ot o'-lnlcUon t.o navtpUon, duct a survey 1>t 1eolo11c. econ<>-off ah,ore oil production. 'nie Mon· UOn. currenU com........t ~ mode7 t.o .benefit uy ~ ate bacon, scrambled eggs and toaat, and dn.nk orange Julee fl'Oll\ off llhor'9 •tnactul'M Wu.t be pnm..lon for upt. and WU"IUll&' mlc. aad cultural prob~ma lnvolved terey lalud aeaw&rd ot Sea.I Blach 1 .......,. rrouP ot the commun1t11 and milk the day they took the Wettem Sprint Champion-built undu rovemme.nt rtrbt-or-CS.t'tou, b\lll be met. Tb• ruld ln the off abore exploration along lis now the location ol tlve compJel· · ahip. And at lunch, just before the m.Un event, they downed way rruta and will be cluMd u bave been publllbed by lh• Bur-the coutllne Of Southern CaJltor-ed well• with another currailly and the ttrat weU W&11 broulbt la S. ,., H••• u:a wilh honey a.nd lemon beet broth and W&at. Sounda like conunOll c:arri.ra. Operator• ot pipe ta\I ot t.nd llanaJement of the nla. ln the bllla Just puaed by the belnf drtlled. The llland 11 99 con· on tt lut October. PtkJa la ntighty light fare, bat It'• a bJgbly recommended diet for 11nu to oft 9hore, lllanda aa4/0I" Department of Int.artor. 'niere it le(lal.alure there wlU 6e no off 1trurted that U1e Monterey Oil CO. productiOll have been encountered TM v...._ ll&rdeM a.re.,.,._._ those who would paddle their own can. oea About .500 plattorma wtU be rilqulttd to b'alW-a Ume of 30 da71 Mt from May 1hore drlllinC' perm!tted 'berow the could Mnd down betwttn 80 and becaUM ot t.M lnabWty t.o pt u.. ot a 1t01. 1 n.., e oa., bona la °"" . h . l th · · · · f th port or bu1 wt~ dlKrlmlDatlon a In which tnten.ted pert.Ju may northerly city llmlta, or u we 70 wtlll. Their en_c1neutnr hu produced petfOlewn product tato uap 0ount7 bo.ptt&l ~ people decidhed at tlnedin~e time, earuldy 0~ .~~idommeal !1~-te aucb &l'DOWll.9 orp. or .,_tro1eum tile comme.nbl, ~rut1on1, or ob-determine them hett, tbe w .. terly extended to 1uch a point t.bat t.be ahore. At pl"tlMl\t. however a ptpe _1 ... 'thla mak u.i.. chU race, that t e ma mg room WO uv I.WCI, ~ 0 produet.t u ma1 be nquired by u.. jecUona. . city llmlta at tbe Santa Ana River taland waa deatp"ed lo permit line trom the moulb of 0. aaa -·-· .. . • lunch and watch the cqntest. Even though we re all window Federal Power Commh-Son or by NEAJU.Y LEASING of the City of Newport Beach. Off double de-eking In ordu to accom-Gabriel RJnr la belne completed *-ta tb• Rarden famU.1, t.M and a Bay wide, it waa impo88ible to resei-v\ waterside tables t.be lnttrttate Commerce Commla-Colnctdenla.I wtth Ulla annOU11ce-abort uplorauon from l.alanda or modate all the wella nfce ... ry to th.al conl&lnl freab water plpee. a tint two be1a&' rtrll. OM aad twe Cor all those who wanted them ... Lunching at the BBC be-alon. Under the rullnr. .ucb a-ment I.a tbe announcement of t.be pl.at!onna tbeoreUcally can be con· p auc.QU&fUlly the area ~de>r conduit tor electrtca.I eMr'fY IUld .,..,.. of ...... T'be R&rdeM ..,. tween race& was Admiral Charles C. Hartman, Commandant anwAl.9 at all Umu to be required, ~tat.e i..nda.Commtalon t.bet they ducted beyond th•l point lo San deyelopment. Monterey'• !al.ml otf plpu of llUtttclent cap&cltT t.o brine morinr Uala· ~ t.o IOO WU.. or the 11th Na\lal District, Rear Admiral and Mrs. c. A. muat. be J'U,M)J\&bl.e &lld tlud wtlll wtll oUu tor leue a 320-acre rec-Lu11 ObUpo County. RaervaUon1 Seal Beach ... 1 i,, mile• from ahore I lbe oU ta llM>n. • It.. o.ta M..&. Buchanan, commander · of Naval destroyer diviaio111, and Capt. "Moon" Chapple, skipper of the cruiser Pittsburg. It wu Chapple who solved the vantage-point problem ot Navy brass by bringing in three auxiliary boats from Long Beach ... Many members were hosts on their boats to spectator friends. Aboard George Gaudin's big Canim were his daug~ ter, J acque and a h06t of her friends. and Mr. and Mra. Nor- mann Kendall and the K. T. Kendalls. The rails of Frank Muller's Mojo were crowded, too, with the likes of Bob and Sally Cobb Che of the Brown Derby and Hollywood Stars baaeball team) and Mr. and Mrs. William Lear. President of the airc raft company which bears his name, Mr. Lear iB the inventor of the automatic landing gear used on jet planes. Before the races got under way, members of the Bal- boa Island Sculling and Punting Clµb struck fear in the h eart. of onlookers when they appeared in the main lobby dressed in sarongs and bronzed from the wafst up. They were· alJ set to challenge the best of the collegians with their "out- rigger." "Navy and Waabington," they declared, "are afraid to take us on in the same heat. Cowards!" But trouble beset the proud Punters when they got out on the Bay. Their entry sank with aU bands aboard, and by the time rescue operations were finished artificial respira. Uon applied, they learned they bad Jost the race. "Wen, too bad we went under," one of the crewmen aaid, "but that waa the only thing that saved the Admi~ and the Huskies from the defeat of their Jivee." After Che regatta there was much ado about old school ties at the Club. A Stanford alum was beard to say he sWl . didn't bcu~ve the Indians had come in second. "Why, that crew isn't even financed by the school, and they work out on their own time just becaUBe they love the sport," he said proudly. Over in another corner of the main dining room, Adm. and Mrs. T. H. J ames, and Lt. Gen. and Mrs. T. H. Cushman, were host.a at a party for the University of Washington alumni. Prominent among the guests was W. K. Wardroper, Canadian vice-consul of Los Angeles, who was down to cheer on the British Columbia t eam and strengthen ties with ha Washington neighbors. FAR FROM HOME Flown trom Chrlatchurch, N~w Zfaland by way of Aulc.land and Honolulu. a blteult -colort'd French poodle named Bt.cult 11 now h11vlni; a good lune at the home of Mr. and Jifra. Nelaon Jonra, J 00 K ln1>1 Road. Bealdn her rare color, which Mra. Jont11 N y11 la champagne, the poodle'• gnat peat·rranlJf:ather wu bt>sl dug In the London ~how ar1d supreme champion of lntt>rnaUonal club In London. Blacull"• poodle playmat1 la th• amokty gray, Co~r. -Staff Photo MAKE . us PROVE IT L LC.-. "\\"e 11&"9 1bo"'11 1DU11 -telllDblJe ~ ... •ow to 1ne mon.7 tM State F-....,.. Ju.a rh.. Ull tbe opporhualt:T to pron to JOG the mon.7 •vlnp adnetac-of tM •lll•ue dlffurnt plaa ~ 117 State Farm. State Fann Insurance Co. . . . BLOOMINGTON, ILL W.L ....... JM E. 17th St., C08ta lie-A& LI 8-1011 ' ·!' PAY LESS_ , .1 • ~ • IOC-.t 2 15C Zee Sandwich lags........ for H 0-t.. 118vy Brown Papu 2 15 Zee Lunch Bags _ "tor C New CoatrolJed Sada.for au~. 179 Deter nt wube,. ge . 10 lbe.·-··--··-· Giant 8lle 65 TIDE ···--·····---····· c OlaDt 8b.e 65 DREFT -·-----····-·················· c FOR OUTDOOR SUPPUES a.er. t.&0 a1am111-,,_"'It Rockll" 679 Gcwclen Ghair ~.:=.:~~~----·-··· H P.-clll 'GGc: c11m:coal •iquets ---··-·······-0!- l qaan 39 Charcoal Ughter -·----··········· c • 5 p .......... liO ft. .,., · Garden Hose 1.--, Plutle ....... . -.'l PAY LES~-. SILVER ............. 4-100 ~------' for 11117 .. ._ ... ,.u. ....... 'M9 .. ,.,. ___ 1.· . RIPPLE GIN 80 Proof SC RA DU nJ'TB ... LIDO DRUGS ' ''One of U1e Udo Shope• 3461 Via Udo, Newport Beac!b WEEK-END HARBOR DRUGS :;soi E. Cout By., Corona del Illar Specials BALBOA DRUGS '716 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa ' COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of Ima Carclom Father's Day aac1 Gnldlllltloll c.c1s. Friendly SERVICE * Y<* and yov C1mily ate auund a warm wel· come IC thit "Reliable" pbarm1q. Tlllo co us coo· 6ckntJy (or YOW' dngt aod tllodria. Aod be t\llC 10 brio1' .. yo11t Doccor'• prcaaipciooa Cor prompt, praciae compoaodin1. ... _ ..... _.... t. s.... Lmliussl ~ ....,,. llMIAM8 ac-.~-­_, __ ~ ..... ~.---.-, ....... ~ .. ,.$100 UM.... ~NIT 1WI ._ OU Tu11y Fragrance Seb I Scent-matched COLOGNE AND DUSTING POWDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . regularly '2 each NOW ONLY~·::- four refreshing . . . r FOR JUNI J, 4, 5 THRUS., RI., & SAT. VINCENTS ICE CREAM DOUBLI DIP oona ___ _ llA1fD PAODD l'OrTI -··--- Jlil'D ••DnD QUilTI ···--·- IULK ITYt.:I ~ Ckl. htmlam QuUtr ·- DY n.AVO& COSMETICS 10C 30C 59c 79C p~ ... PIMUo lloltle 7ne ANGEL SKIN --·---····--····-·-··· 1- FREE: SEA & SKI Tanning Lotion with purchase of stopette s pra1 125 DEODORANT at ~-Prke •. ·-·····-·-· H~ll!... Rubelllltrin, ~". 2.ao l SO COLOR SHAMPOO ........... ·-·····- WIUI Lo<-k Atomizer COTY ··--·•••c-··· .......... c .••. ·~-·-······~······················ .Acc-omplke, MUIMi, .Aluma. 8t)'ll, l'am, L'Ort.,an, L'Atmaat, Elft4'raude · .. PAY LESS ., f1owertnr 'fte MIRACLE BOWL .... 1-"'"t ad4 ...Ur Mid watcb a.em f'row • ;A·NTS STRETCHER , pn ......... 88c Sii t.CUSHIONS Rq. ,_" ..... _ .. .1 49 DRUGS Bathing Ep.Om Salts 5 lb. size 19c ~rular llfc-45'a 36c COTION BALLS -2 pkc• ................... ::-summer fragrances: FLAMINGO in cologne, and a duatiog powder SAFARI to match ... ib gay pastel pol.U JOO Tablea-M mr. "'6fte :!~ii•dcr containa a ~~;ION YIT AMIN "B" TABLnS .. :..... 7- ____________ YITAMIN "C" TABLETs .129 .Ll9UOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS ' oa-. •1t141-Ge _____________ __,.PEROXIDE 11 ,.oL ... ______ ._7- SHADY Kentucky Seagram's GROVE· . Host SEVEN $porkl•ff• ILslfD 5 Yra. 9w loWecl.Ja CROWN rUTB ... 6 Yr: Old ·oo P?oor .,._ _$Jn; FIPTJI 4• 1•s C"A•• 0, 6 HA~·OAUDlll •orn•• :;;;_ . -, • • I I ---·---...... ... . • •• • ._ ... .._....._. • • .. • • • -.,.. .. .f ~ --....... - ' . Many DistlnguisW . Gilests Attend May 30 Celebration \ IUS COMPANY NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PA&E I THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1951 ROlllD Hiii a A clertl at u.. ~ HunflllllMR Beach eanlng 9ull ea..-, tidl9l o111ce. I '111 "'I • ~ cu-ta at ua. .... pr'Hidmt. •••uoe Llqw. . noo w. Clout Rlp-y. ,... u on Bool Subsides morild Day dtedicat.loll of u. Vet-llra. N°"9Ul Gamble. ........ t. port~ a bu.rliary to N-port p Jar m .... 11..-..a at Sanor Relit Jr. A'*'•a-.1.Aque; J. 8. W1lyte. police Kay ~· .... u..on.i Park ~Y iAduded ~t. B&Uloa Yacht Club; LH Mr•. H, &. lhrattcwd, au ... _ oU ~ t ....__._ 0 ....._ Ned Roblloe. ComlD&llder, u.lted Nolt, .. pruildtat, Boy aco.at.a ot Santa Ana Ave .. l&ld tbat be-OtwadtUoD of ._ ......., a put -· ...,.rdl~ a ,... - 1 p a n ta ii Am• r I c a n Velt!n.nl America: II.re. Harold Bl.rd, pre111-~ 11 p.m. May n aad 1 BWltlnatoll S-Cll Ml !tut lllutrat· who wu -~ moeey by ..,..,,,.... alum It Q am_p No. 2e; dent. llu.llA .. ._~um ~ aomeoae \&894 a ~ bl' ~Ja !as-JOO~., ••• a W ~lfl'l~l-:i~~~,;i;:bt~n=~·· -comm•Dder, ,°"'-.._. .• Oub; llrl. H. Payne '"'-1" pua k•Y· •t•rtd UM office, well-Jut WMk. h'om OM ot Ule city nr. hl*aata UP...00..\f ..hlt..N.9_, jJ~..Jlp ... V. er-, ,,..._t. ctUldreft'• lfome· &Dd-pded open an old wooden ~ Ule naab of Ole tloom a POIJa WELL9 VJ11D1.a TO THOSE DEPARTED -Solemn highlight of the. Memorial Day Observance -at Harbor Re.st Memorial Park Monday wu 'Wlvelling of plaquea &t hue. of dedicaUd flagpole. Approximately 200 persons, including Mayor Dora HW of Newport Beach and Mayor Claire Nelaon of Costa Mesa, witnessed the ceremony. Right of the flag pole are Chaplain Myrtle Blood and Commander Don MUD.80n of Newport Harbor Ameri- can ~on Post 291. Other plaques are being unveiled by Veterans of Foreign Wan representatives Commander George W. Spink and Chaplain Charles A. Smith of Coast- line Post 3536, Costa Mesa; American Veterana ot World War Il, Disabled American Veterans, Military Order of Purple Heart and Military Order of World Want. -Staff Photo • TA.PS IN DIBUTE-AJbert B. Leutwyler plays Taps for America'• departed war veterans during Monday's Memorial Day obeervance at Harbor Rest Memorial Park. In the background Jooma a 3-in. 150 Mk. 22 gun loaned by the United States Naval Shipyard. Long Beach. for u~ in the veterans' section of the park. -Staff Photo DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE MRS.. FORREST McK.INl.EY FREDDICK ~OUN RARmORN Fun<'ral 1erv1~ for Mn. For-Funeral aervtc~ for Frederlck re1t McKlnley, 76, of El ,l:ajon John Harthorn, 80, ot ~08 Orahgr were held 'CuM<!Ay at 1 o'clock In Ave., Coeta M-. will be held to· Greenwood :\kmoliaJ c b a p e I, day at 10 a.tn. ln Parke.Ridley 0rffnw<>ot1 cemetery, San Diego, Mortuary chapel with the Rev. P. OCC Summer Sessmn Opens on June 21 Summer Seuldll enrollment et Oru&'e Cout Cqllere will •tart June 1a with th• ftnt day of clau- u on June 20 It wu dlacloeed today .. Almo.l all cluaea ,..u1 be held from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The llWD- mer eeulon wlJJ Jut from June •July 29. Approved coller• cre- dit can be earned by attQdance at the awnmer sell.Ilion. aa-whlcb are Mlnf offered IDc:lude Bu.11.neu ~uatlon; Typ- tnr. 8tenogTapb1, Acoountinr. Of· flee Practlce, Bualnes1 Conupond- ence. Aru and Cl'1.t11; PainUng, Art Workahop. Photoi,'l'Aphy. Lapl· dary. Jewelry Making. Vocation· al: Radio, ~dlotelrgraph Code, Report WrlUng and Interrogation. Academnlc: Aml'rican Heritage, Anthropology, General Chemlatry, IntroduC'tory Crneral Chemistry, Economics. Englnec>rlng, English. Frenrh, ~ography, Life Science, Algebra, Cf'omctry, Trigonometry, Slide Rule. Phllo80phy, Phy1lcal Srlcnc<', Political Science, Paychol· O@'Y, SocloloirY. Sp an I 1 h and ""' tho ..... """'" D . ........., o. ,._..., offtdoUng. Horthom '~if offlrlallng. Mra. McKinlq wu died Saturda, In 0ranl"8 County f ~ ~ vUlltlng ber daughter, Mn. E. H. HoapltaL He WU • native 0( Col<>-l\\.:.• \ OUl>ert 1n Coat. Me .... ,hen 11he rado Sprtnp and came to Call!or--~ .._ becl\Jlle UI and died May 2e. e.-nla 78 yean qo and to Coet& M~ \.. > 'I 11fdu tier daughter an. la aurvlved aa Sl yeara ago. Su.rv1vora lnclude 1 ,,~ ~~, by her hul'ba.nd, a 110n, WIJllam H. hie wife. a daughter, Mn. R. J . I ~~)I<~~·~. McKin1cy of Ancbora.ge, A.IMka: BantN ot Vi.ta: a aJster. Mr8. ~ ~-~~~·~·\;ti a brolhrr, Orovt"r '. Smith of San Helen Roberta ot Loe Ang-ele11; t , :'\),. · · Dteg-o and four griuttk hlldren. En· three gnuldcblldren. on• nephew '-{-~ tombment w1ll be In GrN'n Ma~o· and one niece. Interment wm be ln 2 ~_.=.;_ f -L lt>um v.1lh Parkta-Rldley In ch&r(t San Jacinto cemetery. --.,-..._. ;f::.:4 of ~ement.3. C)llANOI CAO 79' ALEXA.vnt:R r. BAtu:\· Till Call leach •• __ ...._._, __ ~ F'unt"Mll lltn'lct'S for AIC'XAllder -..._ -- P . BaJll'y, 73. of 1938 Santa Ana 5eftt State Senate ~,.,,,;;.,_ •-, .. u Ave., CN!ta Mu a, were hild yee-l / __ d '1:1'-~ lerday al 1 pm. In T'arkl"&-Rldley SA.CRAXENTO (CN!)-A bill Wl1 e namp's KOrtwuy chspel with lh~ Rev. approprtal.lns $750,000 for acqul• u u "•U·COf fll '"°" Joeeph Al!'Sl)ane offlrk'ltlng. Mr. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Balll'y dlt-11, Saturd11y In HOii,( ltlon of ''Un can" bu.ch tn Orange Memorlal HO!'plt11I. He wa. a 0 .,. oounty u a lt&t.e belLCb wu a.p- tlYe ot °ET!J:l':\nd, c&me to this cwn· proffd by Ute uatmbly Saturday. try u 1a youn.g mM an• to Co.ta Leijoy E. Lywi. of Fullerton. :Mesa 1n l!l.,3. Sun1lvlng ~!'ldr• aulh<'r or the bUI, wd the mee· hi. wife r.trt' a daughter, 1'1r-. 1 Thelma M. Cr9lg of Alh1tmbrn; a lure prov1de11 for purch~ of about 1lltler. ~~!< '.\lllry I..owrry &nd a 3 miles of l>earh ·rl"Qnlage, whlcti brothtr. \\ lliklnl Ballt!)'. both ot Colorado and tw~ gT&ndchlldren. Eatombment w1U ~ In lo~alrh&\'tn. • llu between Seal Beach u1J Hunt· lngton Bear!\. The bUl paaaed * ~-~ l -1- COSTA llUA 1'00 Newport llh d. OORONA Dl:L 11.il IOI Oout n..,.. A OORD'S LAGUNA UACB US Broadw., BALBOA ISLU.'D too Martne A Ye. ~WPOKT BF.ACB 120 eo..t a..,.. ==~ese;:; .. a!:!": ~t.let~:_~ ~!-.m.i.e.. Pl'ftll-caab bolL ~~I)'~ i:! :,: ~ tour w.n rtp are ..., ,.,. _ _._ N ' llra. I' tiler Qol ,... -.._.:a ..... The bqlar took l lT ln u-and atdewalk ln the procaa. pullb \'Uibat Oil Ule HWltlnS'ao ...._ ....._... 0. ; . e' • -• llOll& oumn "1r14'<1 amall cMa(• and Ulree ...__ ~ ... -·bbe-. --. m-..0...... the ...._.. __ • but u.. cttw .... tMcome aa.. ,..,lfdeill\ GoY 8l&r wr ... et boltlea of wlne. Total value of """"'" ...... .,, • .,.,.,. "Y._ _,_ " ~ i.C.. <>rans• Cotait.J Mn. Nlcbol&a Brettner, p....t· _Ul.A-10o waa utun•ted al ra and ~on&ll)' bump a taak farm. Wk,.. MUlJ ..-, a.ptW-. ----dent, aMU CIW; Mrt1~ Sterttnc OU.the ne{if\li0r'1 hciuM. lot Tri town hu a well on It Uie vrr'KuN OllOUPll ParU, pnafden\, Jr. llbell Club: 129-n.~· J:~~rt~~iloe Dc!part· ALL LOTS US&D Tilt& baa become l'fWll wtth or-• Mia. Ralph Bonda. pruident. Al llatlleWll, l:uJted Ruler, Elka ment la makin&' a complete ln UM cue of UM well beln&' an,. trtm. 'nle cl~ picked U.. Americu .Lotcloe .;.a. Polt Bl Club ot Newport Harbor; Paul T. In U all apud~ed In thla w"k Ule land ookU', an ou .. ltb&de, and by tM Mn. Oe.nldlne Qlnnora, prMldenl, BuUer, praaldent. l!blchanp Club vea I' on. bu been ~teared, f~ removed ann~ J'ourUa ot .J\aly f..U"'1 U•• A.Jnertcan Le~ A.OlL Poat H6· of Newport Barbor: Ray NellOn, and a concrete al1b poured for city lllould be rut:f\ll to Ule, eye Kn. ~ Patt..reoa. ,.._w.~ Worllllptul Muter, ~at.n~ Ka-Mra. AUb~ l:ickhorD. pl'Midat.. Ule "-to aet on. Tbta la at tM &t CJ Wlll!ama, ctty oU ~lor. Yetanaa ot hnlp Wan AWL; ..Uc Lodp of Newport Harbor; Nt ... "port Hubor Oranp No. 771: Southwfft 'comer of Ninth and au~ tn rett.1111 the 011 m• to Mn. Albert Stockton, pl'Mlcknt. Mra. T. W. Hambrook, prealdent, Jamea Sheppard, prutdent, New-Olive Sta. and t.hla well wtll com-ftn1lb and p&lnt the tank fume. Dau&tlten of the Am.nc&n ~ Girl Bcout.a of A.mertca. port Harbor Yacht Club; Matt M. plete Ule U.M et enry lot ta th• 'fOluUoe; Mn. Ray Buber, com· ~ D. M. Rummel, l)Nllldent, LaBorde, pre.tdent. <>pUmlat Club. block for drtlllns purpoaea. New Ml...... Meet mander, Dt.hled American Vet· lioas Ho.pit.al Aaxillary; Harry Howard Oe.rrlab. prt'llldent, Odd Permit.I for two Dell wella wel"9 _ e.ran.. Jack f'l*r Cbapt.r No. n Aabton. preGdent. Klwanla Club; l'ellow1 Lodp; R. N. Lasnlof. luu~ at the cJty ball on Kay lt. Newport H&nc>r KIW&DW a... Aux. ' Comm~ Cb&rle• Lamb, pl'elll· pruldent, Rotary Club; William flrlt for 10 day1. ni-were taken bald Dt'W membera day tn YWa IOw. Oeorae Rlckett.e. prMldeet. dent. Udo lale Yacht Club; Bow-Spurgeon m. pre a Iden t, Sea out by Neevu Petroleum Develop-Martn& R-...unnt t.b1a noon. ,,.,_ KWtarY Order of the Purple ard Balmer, pruldent. Uona Club; Scouta: Mr•. Cheater ll'Wler. prm· ment.1 Co .. for wella on Second Bt .. luncbeon honored all Neelftd la· aeut Aua.; Mn. Ralph Randell, Kn. Walter W. Noll&r, pre.tldent. !lent. United Church Women of which w1.ll be whlpAc>cked under to clllb be bl d"P4•• \be pniGdent,. 0ran&'e County Council NaUve D&up~n of The Golden Newport Harbor; Mrs. lllva Airpln. part. of the rulrfct~ ar'eL mem l"I P -._ A.mericall Lesion Aux.. Newport Weal. prealdtnt, Zonta Club; Maurice Complaint.a from dtl&eJll to po-,ear. T'Ueeday Newport Barbor .. Harbor Ullit 291 ; Ralph Adalr, Charlu ReJT011, pruident. New· Stanley. prealdent, Newport Har· Uce, cauled by ~. conUnue echeduled to attend an Inter-club oommande'I', Oranc• County Coun-port H&tt>or Area Toulm&llttt11; bor Chamber of Commerce, and to tell ot oU •pilled on walk.I and meetift&' In Alaabe1m, a t noon. 4 cO · American Legion; J'ullertO'n Ch&dee ll. can, pnalcknt. New-Don Huddle1ton, pr•lcS,nt, Coat.a ~ well pumpa. One brand new local K1wan1a board m..U.. ta Po9t. U.2; lll"I. Roland Wr1Cllt. port Harbor Board of Realtors: Me.a· Cb&rnber of Commerce. complaint wa1 nled duJiaS the elated tor T:to p.m. that n.lcht. llDWICll SPREAD LUNCH IOX HANO '-; 21c ';3Sc filAPEFIUIJ SKTIOllS 2 '!:"2~ YIEllllA SAUSAg DUBUQUE HAND. Snoc.k wi•Mn. ':lie •• .....,. s ...... (;aJl4Uee GUM DROPS . ORANGE SLICES !ir':: 2]' M.sl.alows , ... 2nc fluft-i-ett. In poly bog. .... 7 • The aky'a the llllllt when rt comet IO high quollty dolry ,-duch ~ .. ot Sot.woyt lkh. -..t, and nourithlng doiry trtlllft ore belnt t.otwed ot low, low prteet during Sofewoy'a lie Volve Dolry Show. ....... ,... COTIAGE CHEESE 1'lte .... , ...... Y• C.. "'1t CtMm, ,.,,,...., 18c Chhie, fnilt Solad. lllNf a. (c,_,,__., M,W, 11c) c..-...... la CREAM for Ywr PIMlt 0 1111111111 T• Qua&. 1ty.1upertt....,. ••• ve1 ...... ..._ :-2-=-47c wmNI HOMOQlllED..U ... Quality. .....201 bnlld\. .... c wr-.- COllCBITIAllD ... , ==--'9'/a• .. ................. _.... Loma llllk Ana Price COFFEE BUYS EDWARDS MAXWELL HOUSE t ... 75c or HIU.S BIOS. • CHUNK TUNA .&!'m:"SEA •%:25' m.,. ': 19 GOLDEN CORN w;!;~~;;~. n: 1 oc SALAD DRESSING == ":! 49c 1111 .. Y l C.lVTEST C£0BBS._1Vl T'NI• Ol.DIMOIPI win be award. ed to the ttv. winners of thl1 A.Ml wM k'• con!Mt. YOU coul4 be ~ lucky wlnnerl H ... YI GIT RUUI AND INftY MANkS AT THI IKYLMlc MIAD ACTION TODAYI n..111_.... • ..._.v.s...t. VAMt. Mite :::.:.. :: 28' en.-.. W'-t =-M 23' SALTllES = ~ 16' ,,....,.. ptl'm .... 2Sc.) VIDA Ot01cc. Sot.. WO}'-oe-d .. ~ of ~-hww • • -• trf~ before W.lghlne. •lode . -~cut.--. ROUND BONE cur SllCED BACON ..... ;!45• Morr.# YortcaNt. or Wli.-Cotn °"I ffMt Seal ,... 39- ~.!A..!. lb. 6t BOlllNG BEEF ...,.~.-. .. 9' IEEF LIVER ~ -· .. 45, VEA! ROllS ··-·-· 4 CORNED BEEF ~.::;. .. 5• __ ....... eoucto ta1cu Sweet \ulcy, thln ... lnn-· • ORN Lorge eo'n. Youn• FRESH C P'~;:~~:.::.· ~ 4c CRISP C£l£RY -:;;.1 ...... ... 'I Sc CUCUMBERS """ma. 2 sc RALWI " 10' OMIOMS "" :'SH 10' =-~ 2. ~ 2.5c PLAM1 " GROUND BEEF .:::::.,.;_;_, .. 4 9' DRY SAU PORK ., .. _ ... 3 9' SHORT RIBS "50:J";: : ~:: FIUT (,fT"lln CllelQ SEA "•• SOU ,._45c 11':1' '=49c IAWll PllEAPPLI IWllT HAWAIIAN with l..tilaftrt ...... ...., .,.,.., °"' 111 •nw. . ~13' " STORE ROt:RS Dal.17 t ...... to 8 p.no (Frlday ttl t p..m.) •ellda7 t &.ID. to • p.a. 1722 ·Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa _ PLENTY or PMUUNO ON LUOE PA VD> LO'I I >.• ' • • -.. .. -~•l •!'-IE 1. I 055 • . SHOW HONOIS HARIOI ARIA ....... -•u. wUl be lft the ipOWsbt w. WMll 9IMS at UM 0,.,..... OMID· ty a-. Dow ....... lile1d .. lbe .. ., NI0,000 Jl::xlLIMte , Doken Takes Craig Trophy · for Log lace . I Bullet!., at <>nap CoualJ . J'atr-Orouacla. Ana bullden will PQ trt· Jiute to New:port a.cb kt· urday whe ll&)'or Dora RW will 11e lllt.roluced mm I.be li:aJa&blte BulldJnc •tac• Uld be uked to make a llbort talk. -Ja, a JWd ., i..,orti"°"~*aiii. ;iaa,iiii"''ft--~;':!!':~?:i::~~~~::.a:=-,__:±:j ..W.-, and Jlln a..t~ mem On Sunday, CoAa w .. wm be 1lmlluly honored. with Mayor Claire Nelaon ap,,_r- lnl'. of th• Balboa ........ 8quadroe. .. u.. CraJc Perpetual trophy .. tM Newport to Coronado rac. OYer' M.anor1al Day w..as.nd. - The palr tumed ln a remarkha. perfonn&nc• u they •l•red u novice• _,.alnn ulppere w l t b yeara of experience ln precllcled k>I' racln( tor powu boat.I. --------'nle race look pl&c• kt~ '"°"' ~ a.1bo& .... io CWonado; ·tl-iiiiiiil Dollen took tbe trophy tor p,.. dlcUona bued on the trip down Memon.11 llJ and the race back u w.U. rouowtns .,.. u.e rMUJta o1 lb• Cl • I race with boat, owner, pereeat.14r9 11111 r1w1 error for Balboe to Coronado, Coronado to Newport i.nd the 111 Skl.ppen overall ~entai• enor: Clue "A": RewUer V, 1'ranll With 100 IOlft• bcMat.. eni.,... Rupert. a.n. 2.M , 1,18; Luc:k1 ta t.be B&ltio. Tacbt Club Memofi&l LMly, WUon Ferrta. 1.11, 1 :'Ft, 0.7 Reptta. rMUJta by clue _,. 1.16; Vlde W . Deaa C&.mpbeU, .. follow•: • a.n . •.11. 1.11: Lucille rv. 1111 Albalnl9-K lea. Robert· Bop RJ_.,, 12.lt, t .06, U7; White At Or1n99 County'1 LHdi"9. Home Leftdlnt Institution CONTINUING TO PAY ' HOAACI i••••• . ec~ LIYC· Le-' .... "" McCall a, Heron. 'nleobold. 21.11, 7.ta, H . .O;. • -~-1 um, Thunderm~ Ken Tbomaa, 11.IO ~C Mur·ll&le, Murray Roberu, 1.11. 11.20;, EIJMn, Cut xoon'. · 12.1a. •.11, 1.•a. lnteraaUonaJ-1' -CarOUMI, Cl&M .. 8 .. • (Novice): Dollen, • ' Peter Oalu. BYC; Chill Pepper, Ray Bridl'•. 6.U , 1.11,.a.at; ft.- Robert a.nae. BYC; Lehman Dtn&tlY·-The Menace, BUI Clark, Ju'n. W• Nance, 11.17, t .H. Bye Bol a-rt H .. _ 10.et; )(arpet, M.al1lh Petrie, lt.H , I ; ero, DOI en ... raon, 1 M. SM RaJ BYC. · 1 . ; jondo ll. Ralph I.qhttnc -V•pa. Harold Sy .. Phllllpe. daquallfted, II.ti, di.q. PER ANNUM 'rHEY'RE STUDYING TO GRADUATE Raljoado JI mi.ect the mark .ion.. CBYC. Penl'Uln -Spook, and dtequ&lined on flhlt '•· auto-w.. rrut>rey, BYe; Mo Too, m&Ucally ds.qualtt)'tQI' for t.M aia.rl• Rood, BY<'-,.._1,.. ....._.. -nu.u.--Thlal..S-, Neal Allen, -·-.... .,..y. BYC;, l"rall, John Cuter, BYC; --.---------- ALL ACC9UNTS INSURED UP TO •10,000 ' Horace Ensign School Grade 8C, taught by Clifford ~foh•cr, appears above in this order : Top row-Kenneth C:i:-r. ~oc~:-t Day, Jeanine Armstrong, Larry Hagen, Lc"ln i\tnood, Sha{On Pattison, J ames Louis, Jim Nie- mie. Patricia Walker. Middle row-Benjamin Hickman, Fred Wn3oner. Ro~•anne Rogers, Tony . Hatherly, Joe SONG 0•·· 'l'Ha: •SLANl>s Tay!or, ~n Hoffner, Dusty Darnell, Frank Jenaon, Su.aan King. Lower row.-Bill Flory, Blake Hampton, Terry Villagrana. Jim Barrnett, Cbarlea Remley, Mary Sheeley, Rusael Han.en, Rick Criatield, Loel Johnson. Left. Clifford Mahler, Joan Walp, Toni Tbompaon ; right, Bill Corkett, Duke Llndeke, Shari Tobiu. 8euttlebutt, R. B. Wet.ter, BYC. Sully-Miiier c Star-North Star II. Lowell 0. No~ SDYp: xenouns" JUcbard .. _._. Pra.!eed Halm. BYC; Wench V, O.Orp --~---J -II nett.a, NRYC. ~ C. •·-•·-ot ... _ 1 .. n-'IL6tn-r. Oatee, NBTC; le& Bee, Book -•-1 ..... -.,·-..-r Co. Beard8lee,. NBTC. Mercury :._ oftlcu at the Newport Beach city 'Richfield Story TV Tomorrow J"taoch 'Elleau Bill Mae.Donald dump .,.. .. 1 pit at the -t end CBYC; TWI~. H. W. Ward: at ltt.b I t. ln Coeta K._ waa ln· hand explan&Uon of the lhlp'1 CBYC; WlngTa. Mel Wit.on, BYC. ....Upted by Newport Beach po- firepower and how rocket launch-Ludere--Genanlum, Ruth Hu-lice Tueeday. era operate. ltell. NHYC; Zeet, Ed El.eenbelu, Offt~ra eafd the otftce wu an- on SucceH :s;,ory you'll a1.o ro BYC· Els Velero Bus Gare WYC tered by bre&ktnl' a window al the u · your adventuruome aoul aboard a l una reaearch boat and PC A Cbamplon~pe -Ch~enre: -.atk '1 1de2 of .~ "'1ildiaed 80 • J'ourln _ .. _ f t'" t Th ...., k n....-BYC· P •~ eye, pvic ... an cente longs lo ana.wer the call of the ue aona.r, ..... r. a .. ome era. e ..,,c ..,.,.ver, ' a-,, Ann, ban tak fro th dMk sea-lo follow Its lrackles. patha half-hour ahow will 11.lao 1how you Jack Toon, BYC; Blllbad, Bob : se w:e e:. Mi':; • to strange and far away placee--tlreboala In action-a marine ra.U-~ar, NHYC. ra;:~ U:: = 1a.r left, be a • you'll part.lcularly e n J o Y Rich-~~ad-!-he complete worklnr• of a partntly unlocJcJ the front ctc!r tlled'a Success Story telecaat Fri· Y dock. looked Oii Ex~ wtUi one of the keye be found, of· Al Accounts Opened On or Wore The I 0th of the Month bm From the I It LAGUIA FEDERAL SA V1N6S I LOAN ASSOCIATION tnO-A,_ ..... , ft &-UTT LAGUNA BEACH d.ay night. r---tlcera l&ld. Locale Is the Fellow• and stew· P. 0 . Box Darnaned Bary Delou Ro&"era, 23~of tU II. ;=::.:..=::;;;:::---;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~==========~ art. wharves and thou,.•nd-lon dry "Ill 17th St., COata Me-. WU a.rreated -b ~ l ...... ........ e Md I . =tt e '11110 0 U1a dock on Terminal u land. A prob-Raymond Jackeon Taylor ot 333 Y ... eea po Ice u aureday afternoon ing Channel 11 TV camera 11.t 7 Ba'y St., Costa Mel&, notified po-on a charge of indecent expo1Ur•. IT A ff 0. D . ..IL I 0. P. m. will ahow you how lhl• '"0-8 He wae picked up ln front of -u lice -,iurday that a aporta car l •23 u N rt A hU t .._ • •-'" ~ year-old company builds, repairs 0 n ewpo ve. w • n a ~"--~ knocked over h11 mall box. Taylor narked car .......,.. _ .. _w Ros•-~ 00~ and equips every type ot eeagolnr ..-· • •..--.. .., ' '• vc11Bel. 11tt damare at se. The auto tel.led wu booked Into Oranl'• County -""-ta.l1ir N• lo llO T I rted JaU a Ill ......... A,_ ........... Y ll p, ay or repo . at u :00 p.m. ou Wi vl$1l With delllgnen who .::;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~-----~------;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~E uplaln planning a tea-worthy r ship. You'll eee a yacht betnr readied for the big t rana-pacltlc race from Loa Angeles to Hawaii. You'll board an LSMR wllb a brll· llanl Korean record-hear a flrat TONIGHT and A Sportsman's Dream Come True KOM-PAK . TRAILER .. mon~ t he myriad costumes which blossomed fi rth at Balboa Power Sq uadron's lw~h':' f:l"~cessful Hawaiian party at Newp:>rt Harbor Yacht Club it was a tough job for the committ ~e to choose the prize winners. After due thought and consideration Ilcm ie Palm and Cave Frazer took the honors for the funniest: Sunny Kingsley (cen- ter I was chosen as most authentic: while J oan Bran~ (left ) and June Holder (right) \V0!1 a .. ·1rJs as the prcttiesl -Beckner Ph:>to 3 more d~5 SEE UNCLE The KOMPAK trailer Is a complete boat, camp kitchen, and slHpllNJ trall· er all In one streamlined, l'UfJCJ•d unit. A beautiful 12 ft. laminated flbertlas boat attaches over body to form a roof. ALL IN "PARTY MOOD ·WILLIE AT THE HOME SHOW · • Stage ~hows Nl!fhlly . 7:30 nnd 9.30 Mallnre Sal & Sun. 2:30 ... :30 ·-7:30. 9:30 , Thirteenth District Power Squadron Command<!r To.m Sloan and Mrs. Sloan, at left, were honored guests among a record breaking gTQup of membera and guests who at- tended the annual Hawaiian party of Balboa· Power Squadron last Thursday at New- poi:t Harbor Yacht Club. Mrs. Cutt Dosh headed the decoration committee which tul'ned the club into a veritable tropical pandise while Balboa Commander Curt Dosh acted tbe graciou.8 boat" for the· ~on: -Beckner Photo. · First In OranKe County New ,Exhibit.~ BuildlnJ: ~ O. C.. Falrlt'round" - Thurs., Fri. 6 to l t Sat~, Sun., l tu l l FR.EE \'aeatlnn .Modrl llO'lW ' ~1·1•rr .. of fltitr". , .. hi'•(·, I •<'n. \11-ni ... :.n:i ... C • • C"lllhirr·1 ... :; i<' 1 l8~: ~ "IC'lt1•lr~ I ,. We Offer, Suhi«t to Prio~ Sale $10,500 . Flnt Trust D~ Mortgage Loan ... ,.... •Ito.to O~N ~r -u1 lnefadlq I.,. Seeured by Dowato"11 Laguaa Beech Wm. -a. HOa.T .ll<>t'l 1mgf! B11"lri"ll Buice J 0 I IU 1-1111 '--. ' Side View Showing Boat ~~bed • . , ·-..;!:..·.,. -.... .. ae.Vlew~ ....... GeleJ EQUIPm;NT-Standard equipmmt lneladm combination tail light., lltop U,ht, and tutn ill4iea&ep -VAita monnW on w.h fender leCtion. Interior controlled ven- tilation port., sidewall lamps, canvu canopy for root when boat la In ue. Built-in work table, cabinet. with ln4i· vidual Jock Arrangement.a, 5.• cu. tt. ~ refrigerator; and 8.• pl1on waw tank. AR OpYNAMIC·. DESIG/f J ••• ~··il thing of beauty/ THE KO ·PAlf i1 not _a uwtty trailer uJ i.a ~ot a boat. trail ,_nor a h.ouee trailer.-Yet, Jt ta~ of.theae: need w.~ether it be alone the road, 1D th1 oamp. o. ,afloat, ' KOM-PA i8 a new and di.etinct.' trailer tjpe. The · jKOM-PA is a•' sportsman's trailer dJigned and A l~·foot ·hLmina~ fiberglU. boat .of proven ct.. built excl ively for the outdoorsman'1 uee by corn-1ign i.a attached over the body to ~t the Inverted ,bining: -int ningle compact unit, the m01t «rvice-hull provi6ea a_ root tor the trailer. The d.tp of P..:>!c fc:i~1tre3 of all three trailer typea. Whether he the boat complement.a lbe trailer with th• fine hull be n."l an:;ler, a nimrod, or one who ju1t likes to get linet being carried into the trailer dealgD. The boat 0·1t for cam~ing or boa~g -KOM-PAK i.a ready 1 ia euily removable, and when in 1eparate u.e, tta to go. The KOM-PAK will go any place that i.I ac-prot~tiye duty ta auumed by a wind-reaistant ..,_ ccssible to a car. anq properly equipped and provi-.. J terproof cover that rolla up and over the top. la a sioned. will provide the true outdoormnan hla every t jiffy. DISPlA ¥-MOI)~~ ~ED-ZS~ This Great Trailer 1ls Now On Display At -. Forjil· :HclrciWclre -~f~ s':;;:Y~~ \ NEWfORT •ACH HARIOR 116 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 -• • t ----------------------~i..:.-----....1~----------,.-~ .. ----------------------~--------------------------' • . - .• MESA BOARD CLEARS . NEFF OF 'SUBVERSION' ..,,. ....... -· flnence ot ch'q'9 ot!lw Gl&.tl ~ -------• • ~=~~~1a~::.1 1AC JUNIOR FISHIRMEN'S ==~ .. tlned'*1TOURNIY TO START JUNE 4 .......... for .... un.ual ... ~ Clab'• JuaF ~·· touawt WW opca ~ lal1Ud&)r, lt Wu • ..,...... t.odq. . $11,111 Damage i1it File~ by Coda Maa1 &A.NT.A ANA (OC'N8)-Vaupn BnNunan ot Oolrt& Jl6a broq1at NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I · PA&E I THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 • JOIN MEMORIAL DAY RITES AT HARBOR . REST Trustees to Draft Statement at June 15 AdlOlll!*I Me•tl DoaaJd llarl Williama, booked NOY. i.a. l aM, cbarp4 wltb .. ~ .ucb' of mariJuana ID bla ~ non. ~denied ptoMUon by 8u- ~rioal Judi• R9bart OardMr aad MDt.ac414 Jaa. & to lllat. pn.. for t.b• term p,..a1~ "1 law. 1larol4 Han)' . Davia, ~ -~hiirm.-:!lf.;-wU etiiiiiil-Wffli1 dPfwlllr1 under iafluenc• of nembutal. B)' BILL PIDLUP8 If we ooulcl itn a nuon .~t .lucta-Doqe tined biln 1100, bUt ft'.queet by approxlltlately 2S would, be .-uar•ctory to you. ~.nded •uio ot c.be t1114, ,.,aona for r-everaal of decl1lo11 N1ZD PB.E8'ftOE ------------ QaDdra ID&7 ~ at-Ule local tackle atorel ~ a.1boa ~ QDla. ~ WU1 ... awuded tor lllhlq oMcM9 llelweeA J\lae 4 Ud Aal'· 11. U.. pdM8 depeAdlq,...aa ------~~..lt.a.tll_Clalllll . -~- Tbl Jualor ...... ~ tMdaC u.. ~ 'fU'i.elJ cl &lb wtn ,...,.. • ..., oqtboud mot.at. Tbl uuaaeJ tropbx_ a_ward putj "°1 11e ~ ~--· 11. n i. ,.... 1o all eetranta. 1 dellJUlg-Theodon Nett. prinelp&I DonneUy aald ·11-tb1.a Lt juat R I it a B ldl or"-Scllool, tenure May 11 WU drop. ped bere. I'~ not conllnf back JuclcJe • ....... FISH FIY ·ty ul ng la 8upe0clr Court a.ea. TUMCIQ ~_pl'"' t.hrte~ '"'!,thtt :OQ IAlll-~ u.. .-'"' t.udiq .,.r.on.-atmr• x..nmai Day Inc. ud ladt B~, -ktn• obeerYanol at Har"" ftMt M.rilO<' •10.000 damyu_ Ha C!h&rru be r1al Park Monday. Durtnr alnfinr wu UAulted by employee. of~ ot-n. Star Spu~led Banner. the ~ wblle a pay\nr puM!n~tT Ude• UC!\Uned aii.d a p.atch o! on ·t.ba bo&t bland LMly, May 31, blue •~ed U\roul1\ a brtt1' In lOM. the overcan. CAJ.lt.d OW' timu ~ .C.rTl* t~­ TIODi°ill'ntury" ~b«:aute ot tll• num• btt c>t worlll·w1de wan wqed, ·•w .. ""'" bl~88<'d m"tmauy, bul l)<'l«lr In .irlrlt.'' Mr. Oomke -.id. "We \\1n war., but lo.a th• pea~ ... lt we CQ11ld rM1lu ndUter \\'uhlt16;lOn nor Moecow but Ood ruin the world, we could ll&v. J>NIC~." la.It night rejected by Cotta Mesa to teach In the dlatrtct nex~ )'•ar. · Bl'lnkman cl&1ma U\•• boat .,, .... Union School Dl.atrlct Board of I know two other• ottered tenure Heroin Pmiol•• on ea.~ ,..... .,,.. ..... morilla-betwe• Avalon ud New-Truat~e•. However, lhe b<>ard who .,.. Jeavtnr. Ptt1tlp baa to Boote and Baddl• club; lol&r7 Pat-e' . Its R h port Beach'Wb.611 bew .. 1truck ln •.creed 10 luue a atate.ment clear-be g1ven to the teaching pro. tu-Ylolatlon Chcwif.lo8 t.rd, Oltle club ot Lh• Barbor enn eac lb• ta.ce &Ad DOH wllb ti•ta of t.be Inc Neff ot eubveratve connec-11lon. I fed the board IOtt • cl)&.n« • ~ An&-.&Dd Manly N-ioa., Ud!l&JitL Uon.a. . to ctve it preaUg-e.". SANTA Al'{.A. COCNB)-S11per--x .. Bay CiU. Fucbli& Society. $971243 J I -----------.--Board Pretldent C. Chlaholm ){r$, Howard Mello?' .. Id ahe tor Court· Judea Kenneth E . Mor-Kenn Nm&. cbalrmall, la all eat . of a Brown today u ld the ·~Jement felt Neff bad ~en pilloried ·by n.on yetterday reinlltated proba-t.o 1tq'e a bis ..._ut7 cont•t Sun· I WRlftHJ TALI( would be announced at an ou.m-the new1papers and rumon. "Ted Uon-vtolalor Curtla Hawkln1 of day, •tarUn&' at l :SO p. m. ThOM · '1 11'<1 meetlnr of the truiteu June Nett Is a.n exceptional man. I've Loll A.ngelee tor atlother tour competln&' are Terry, Jaan.10n, Bulldlnr pennlta l•ued at the ()oat11n1H from nrst Par l!I. Brown expl&.lned there wu no traveled abOut quite. a bit and he year probation. Rozanne CUnniJlfh&m,' J a n I~ city hall Lhl1 year for May were Repttaent.aUwa trom more lhllu 50 Orange Co11nty vttler&t) a.nil tervlce .ora·antzaUOill, Jda.Yot Dora HUI ot Newport Beach a.nd Mayor CJ&ir• N.elaon ot Costa lieu.were amona-thoaa who heard a.n addtf'M by the R~v. J!;dwln C. Goinke. J.tr. Oomke declared. "It the mllllon.1 of war d~IS could 11prak. their one m,,_aage would be -Pe.ace.." Mr. Gomke polnte-d out that though "we todlly live ln a magic world .•. \\'ioeton ChurchlU hu Weston Withdraws His Resic)natloll, Receives T•••• Al lh• UTJin&' ot a dl'JcaUon of pa~nta tu11.1 the Cost& Mesa Un.Ion School Dl.ttrlct. Bo4lrd ot 'rrwilffs, l-jarmon W•ton. fourth grade tea<'her at Ma.In School, la.I' nllfbl ·withdrew hi.a reatpaUon. fUbmittt-d 01-.rJtct" thl1 W•k. Spoke1man ot the pa.rente, Oeorge Sutton, 1ntoml4d th• bo&1.t. "\\ e would like lo •~ b.lm ' ah&ll who pruenttd awarus tor contlnue es 11 teacher." atlll'mpt to draw up the statement stands head and ahouldcr1 above Hawldna wu brou1ht in on e. Pomato 8a:ndra Knlrbte:n Pergy pr&cUcally the aame u Cor May "Lut year," Wrl1ht told hi.II lut nigbt. Th~ board did no~I g~t any prlnclp•I or teacher I have bencb W&rl'a.nt after be admitted-Abbott,' Bet~ Patteraon 'Beverly of 1854, building' department total• audience . "when Judire Robert dowu to regular bualnen unt a -come In contact with. You can't ly failed to make monthly proba· Stalford, Donna Kin,.b~. Mar-ahow. La.at month 13~ permit• add· Gardner wu on the bench. Oranlt"e moat 11 p.m. and did not adjourn be a paclflet and be a. coward.'' llona report.I elnce lut fall. He Jene Hickman and Carole Hodf•· ed up to f 971,J43, aplnet 5972,2'13 Cou.nty wu taboo territory for Cl v IC AWAI D uUl 1 :30 •·'!'· today. She added, ''The no11y faction blamed hi.I predlca.merit on the IUDW.&Y ll'tJN fot" May 1954. April permit& of pcddlen &nd usec-a, ht-cause he POLICY DESIRED that cauaed all this against hill\ ract hi• wile died unexpectedly Bee&UM the U ona Club want. to t.bl.t year ic>talled Sl,<M0.~83. handt>d out atlff prison tl'rms." Jame1 Donnelly. Rea School can move to Japan "1d leave ua laat year. He aald he hu been make th1I Ftah Fry a Sood Ume Single family dwellings led the Judge Gardner had preceded Judi:;e teacher, lpformed the lru.1teu that Ted Neff and we'd be. happy. In· unable to a.ciju.1t hlmMlt. tor the whole family ther• will be f\SUJ'Q for May with SS valued ~~:l.n: !~~tl~fen~~~e ot the ln view or uncertainty toUowlng re-1tead we Jaae a wondertul person Judge Morrlaon put. Hawkin.a klddie1 rtdM for the amall fry at HOO.IMO. Two-family dwellings "But our handa are tied thla Jeaee ot Nett, the teachers would and are atlll •luck with tht.'le on tlve yta.n probatJon June 13, anA tun on t.be midway tor the were three. at S!ll,550 whUe two • ... yeu." Wright continued. "because like to 1<now If a policy wu belng other people.' . 19!11 . He pleaded guilty to heroin rrown·upa and c.hUdren alike. In· three -famllv dwelllng permit• the criminal calendar hu been uta.bllabed having def\nlle ~at"lng Donnelly .uJd the papers gave poueulon after hi.a armt by u-•oue tlah dtnnerw tor lbe whole were tasued at a total ~luatlon J It t t.b t h "' chanf ed. Now U:e addict• and ped· nn teacher acqulaltlon In the ilia-the Jdca ma or Y o e eac era Newport Beach pollc• on et&keout tamUy wlll be cooked under the of. S80.9!IO. t h bo d d I I I lera have 8 good cbanc~ of ~et-trtct. favorei t l' at ec 8 on' n r~-at 17th St .. a.nd Cout Highway. watclltul •Y• of tamed ehet Belnll Dwwllln« "palre C09tln1 leu Ung atralr,ht probation or n f"w Brown aa.id membeta ot tho gud to Nett. "AU the teacbe.rw "'·•--r. -.. Uonett. ban added ........ 000 --mad• to 30 homea Id .. t -..... ...., ... , •• .. ~•v v wccka In county jail." board did nol all agree on that did," Do~elly ea • .was acce.p a te&t\11'• thla ye•r and will aell for $9.395 and co11tln~ over UOOO matter. Trustee Bradley Scbwarz the board II decision. Tnree-rourtb11 Shrader to Plead on dellcloue homemade cake Ot" pie to to 2t home• tot" S66,0!IO. 81JF.A TELLS OCNS uld tPnure was an lndlvltlual caae ot the faculty thou~ht It unjust." Drunk Drive Charge top oft the wonderful flah dinner. Two pennlll were IMued !or new OCNS wu the !Int and only which. ha<'I to be ma<le concem l.ng STATE~IE....._T NEEDED Dlnneni will-be HrVed from noon commercial co!lltructlon !or $lS,• newt medium lo contact Judge .. _ t 1n t t th ti di· Shea fo.r h11 lllde ot the atory, tol-u d teres • o e en re 11• Brown agreed • 1l&teme.nt wu .. d-·-'-......... 1 o·n privat. untJl doCnc time on b<>tb Satuz-.. 260 and eomm.,rclal ttpa1r1 to 10 t I t .... ,....,. .......... lo'IVln.,. publication ot Wright's r c · neceaaary to clear Nett of any property charre will be answered day and Sunday. buildlnp for JK,2!!0. " Asked tor Individual reuons tor eubverslve stigma. He ~ded Uie t.omorrow by Oen.Id w. Shrader, Th• ticket tor the dinner en· Nineteen cabana permit• were ~~~ge:b1:o~u~~~ .. .!:::,~~a~~':;~ dlsmlaalng Nett, thl' b<>ard mem-board had not auddenly t urned "1, of 1118 Mont.a Vlata St., c oata uu .. tta holdet" to a chance on all 1-ued to cost $30.850; one private Shea maid. "nabberr ... ted." CoaUnue4 from f1re$ P" .. e city bMuWlclltlon an.tl Improve· Withdrawal of the ~Uon mfllll. Flrat pla.ce dlvillon prlua le.ft Weston with tenure apprond. awarded \>'era "Continued Prog· ;::::.===:::::::;::::::::::======::; re.!a" to Tri-City !Midway City-\\'A'J'EK REATERS Wutmln.ster-Barber City) tropl1y SAllS SHYICI ... IVAIU to Oracebll'l Ha.rm•: Moet Artiltlc J B. ~ lmprovemenl" to Newport Beacb, on PLllMAlll·r:s'olo ~ I acet'pted by Mayor Dora Hill; aec· '"' ~.,h d ond to Co:illl Mesa, accepted by Calla Viele, and honorable men-raws IO JU-C&NJ DOWN ,....._Har-UM Uon to San Clemente, accept4!<! by I ~============= Mayor David R. Blakelock; "Moat Extenalve Improvement" went to Santa Ana and we.a accepted by Mrw. Franklin Davie. 91rick Senlce FOR Roller Shades bera rt'plled aubala.ntla'l'ly u fol· agalnat the teo.ch('ra. "But," be ){eea. the drawtnp and th• 'main draw-pn.J• to coat $1600, alx IWlm-•- Iowa: concluded, "on th• hula oC what He ~· booked by Neamnrt """' Inf wt• .. •"'e ........ "d p~ trip mine pooll were propoaed at • The judge atated he had talked u-M• bl ... __ , ......... __ d BOARD REASON~O ~ .. --r-r -'" .... •·-· I t to Sgt. Wright on numerou1 OC· -q a I _, ,._ -ma • · • we know now, we fee\ the de.cllllon lice Thuniday when police aald he for two to Hawaii, all cxp·-39 COit of Sl3,800 and two • ms o caelon5 and the oftlcet" had never lhroU(h a amall cJauWed ad. Al Ogden: "l voted against ten· made was tbe only declalon we wu trying to drive hie car from paid. Thie wUl ·tie awarded at coat $990. menUonlld he did not approve ot the ure r11r Net( !or the good of the coultl ma.ke." the Villa Marina parking lot. Ar-I p. m. Sunday. diapoaltlon ot narcotics C&ffS, ''I've 11eh01'l .ltstrlct bel'11use thla mat-Others who epoke for Nett In· kanA N~t. 31, 111 26th St. told All the proceeda from thll ex-Joh La nhel ter k• pt 1nowball1.ng n ar u eluded Mrs. Malcolm Reid, Mn. officers S'"-d•r'a car ilr\tclc hl• ctt•ft• event. '"' lo ald Barb<>r -• I h mt I "" ~ ft ftge m gone. e.lopg with 8g1. Wrt,-ht'a rec· ..,,. ~ u.. •-ommendaUone almoat 100 per ta!!hlon." Woodrow Hadley. Mrs. Ann Sav-car while backing oul ot the lot. Area youth Ot"ganllatlona. le G aduatecl cent," be aid. "I don't belleve Schwarz: ''He 11howed lack of age and John Lyba.rger. to f realistic thinking and an approach I've ahown unwarranted lenle.nc7 we don't think llUHable In a per· c·1ty Employee . to Ret·1re from Annapo11·s In any ot the cuee I've handled. u manrnt lnlltrur tor." Mesa Schools to Contacted again, Wright aatd be Brown: "l'v,. been living wilh • atlfl felt the II.Ille way about Jud&'e thl$ matter for a year. l ju!ll • M John L&ngenhe.lm, eon of M.r. Shea and that mo•t'of hla chaJ'iu I woul<ln't wnn1 to Sl'e the l'Ontro-Hire anager·, ft s I 25 Years and Mrw. Hay Langenheim of New-were balled 01) fact. verily contln11r" a er erv ng port Beach, will be 1T&4uated from Two daya latet", the 1965 Oranre Edwin Edlrk: "J votrd against 01·scuss Plans the U.S. Naval Academy at Ann•· County grand jury took otnceo. t enure fl)r the good o( th" dis· Alter 26 yeare of aervlce with then and in the IUITUllerw we had pol11 tomorro*. He wW leave an Thie will be the tlrat tull·IC&le trl"t." ._ ___ ., ...... _ J t .... .. Saturday u admlnl.lt.raUve aide probe ot that body. ' Co t ... u • s h 1 DI.a· the Newpot"t Buch City Govern· the ..,.,..,.. cro...... ua ..... now, tl ftl bo d th R. w. McClellan: "My decl.11lon 5 a ,.,e11& n.on c 00 ·'"e --•d, t.o Ule ueeu ve o ce.r a ar e t I t Buslne•• 'tan°ger H 0 r•ison ment, Mrs. Mable Cum.min .. , a "" .... "·ttl ... , N J 11 E ro--·a• n1ade .nn th• ba•ia o' what l r c -" " -• ·-Bal""• hu r··"y ......,_.. ••• -e .... p f!W erMy O a u .., __ ! D Bak L. • un ll ~..... -· ~ ~ ' Sanborn la.st night withdrew his finance department employee, I.a ...,.. -.. ·---·-. -paan ru11a ...... e · er, -co c • thought best for the dlstrllcl.'' _.. resignation, enabling the board o! ready tor retirement. eord.lng-to )(r1. CUmmlnCL The ~-c ' .. .:. ... enbetm. i. preaen".. man-"An informed pub!Jc la • Thi' pt r80ns pruent comp aincu trus•e-to hire him unUI Sept. l . Mni. Cummlnga, who lives at flnt year •h• wu hare, the terry ....,,. -.. -v ea.te public, but an unlntonned I rl's.son11 .. tven for Nerf's di.!lmlseal • ~o bulldlnC ·-· --•v a __ ., o---cll&paronlnr nve midahlpmen and communJty 1' • danguou.t one." " Su ...... rlntendent Everett Rea lltlld 406 E. Bay Ave. flr11t came w thie --.,...,, -•-..... .... _,_ .tr} fr1-A-ln Anna--.1i. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. were not 11ut ricient. Brown told r-''Th_.. aa a u. ID trurt ot O. ...._.,. •• --· ·r-• . them. "I thmk you won't get the the action waa neceA&ey to mllke area 1n 1923. b .. n .01R ... --A I ... _,...,. lt would prior to tomorTOW'• ceremonlee. 11'"""1 the hiring into tbe next She dJdn't plan to remain at ......._ ..... ......,....... r _. __ ._._ -'d ""-would not be kind ot rt>.a.son you expect. I doubt .,-.._ .... _ to .. -It tor a ,.__._.___ ---.--·-_, ... echool year. fir-St. "l just 1tayed on," •h• eald. .,. •""4 ,_... """9.._ alll• to l•n Newport Beach at OLYMPICS? Sanborn .ubmltted his r esign.a· CA.XE IN 19'!1 trM," ah.-Mid. tbll Ume. lion at the board meeUng May 11 ''When I tlnt came in 1923, I OllBl8Tll.&8 POTT Tba ''learn "1 dolnl" cruJae for after the trustees refused The'" worked t or the Joeeph A. Bffk 0'W• dacon.ted u. ud the tint th• mtdahlpman fl.nd.I the-eew mid· dore Netr. principal o! Rea School. oftlce," ehe taid. ''The.re were year we had 1~ chUdnn ft'om th• dle product& aulgn.ed to joba t.e.nure. Superintendent Rea report-not more than a dozen tamlllea on I.a.land at a p&rt.y," ebe n.ld. "r.lve aboard 18 line ahlpa, lncludtnr ed a new buelneas manager would Balboa Island then. The day I years later, w• had onr 70 chU· batUellhJpa. deatroyere and crul• be chosen to take over Sept. I. ar'Jived, they we.re juat et&rtlnf dren.'' en. John Langenheim wut be re-Shell Course Planned for Upper NB Bay ln othet" b1ulnus, tti. tru11tt>cs: lo pave the llreeta 6n BalboL'l Mra. Cummlnc• bu bMn wtU. aponalble for 800 mldllblpmen, Voted bacl<·to-ech.ool con1Lruc· "On any of the unpaved 11treetl, the city .tne• 1030. Sha worked tbelr uatpmentl a.nd conduct. Sn Uon ot cla11roome on the 11chool you couldn't park your car and ID th• trea.wrer'a ottlce until lHO 1111 poet. site located 1n the back bay area c rou the etreet to visit wlthoa\ wbc llhe took e~ ot Lh• tu The crulae goe. to Spain, .France, In an etrort to cut down con11truc-emptying your aboea on the other department. • Enctand a.nd Guantanamo Bay, Uon COlll•. side," ahe eald. Atter ah• retlrM, Krs. Cum-Cu.ba, betore returning to Anna- Sl't blll!lc pay as overtime pay "The brldgee we.re rudy to tall mtnp pl&n8 to move to Santa poll• Aug-. s. for aµ classtrled (llstrlct empluye· to plect's then," she added. "The Ana where abe bu a brother and ------------- lt sniping between city and ea, and adopted a new vacation Newport area wu a t"UOrt town nlecea. C'Ollnty lnte1•est11 ;n the recently time achedule for thrm. Overtime JaunC'hed l'pp<'r Bay Annt>.xaUon pay In the paiit was St.2S per hour. to N°t'wpart Heach can J>c calmed, Approved sending o! Owen Kid· Hay Langenheim ot l'\ewport Har· man to the California School Em· bor Chnmb1>r or Commerce today ployee11 Association July 10·13 for reveall'd a lu~h new t owing course conference reg11rdlng 11chool maln· a.ml 11\adlnm planned In that area. lt>nance and cleaning. might land the community the ----- • 1956 Olympic trials. MORRISON CONTINUES MACKENZIE ARGUMENT Lllngenh.etm. a member or the BOX SCORE u. s. Olympic Howlng committee, SANTA ANA, (OCNS)-On m~ count.a· I arid 15 what, 11 an.y, BE SURE -INSURE with llAUIUI: 8'1'.ANLEY hlmraace Oaly ftODe Banor H7& 1111 E. CoMt 111.cbW&J Voro-clel Mar MESA UPHOLSTERING Informed the News· Press today Contlnut'd from FlnJ& Pare Uona by defeue counsel•, Superior charre11 are leveled •pin.et Avu. th t l 1 :-. t Up B the Jacobi an-eat ot judgment and u .... oll1ertll& a n-;;..._ a n aying ou per ay. b11tion. onP on ronclltlon he take Court Judge Kenneth E. Mon180t\ '"' _._...,,. b<>a d f sup •n·i,.ors Irvine Com new trial gTOUnda were nearl7 1llO lllW1L Blvd., eo.aa M-. · r 0 ~ · • · · -, psychotoi:;iral lrPntmrnt, his being ye.aterday continued to July 20 &r-Th 1 V di t d • pany ll!l~ other Jntert>sta had de-a lower court l'RSl' Involving 8 mis-. alike. ey were: -er c e-Ullerty IJ..4781 algnatell the 11pp•T part o! Upper demeanor .. Thi~ wii~ Bernard Jol\n gumente for arreat ot Judrme.nt clded on matle"ra or meana other ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:~~I B11y ror a 511(1() meter rowing L... ..,1 .. rr•. ~l. arre.ste.d Nov. 8. and a new trial for H . E. Mac-than a falr expre111oii of Jury O.P-; w urse. 1;,,H' ..., "" l{eJaie and George A vat. In.Ion ; 2....-The court mlelnatructed ''The couriol' 11s planned.'' Le.ng· · · 19 booked Judge Morrl80n also IM!t the the jury; 3-Verdlct contrary to enllelm revealed. •·emll'! In a b<>wl N ,Jam;; ~95~alJC1w~y. d ' ball same dale for pronouncemenl ot law and evtdenoe; f-.N-)y dle- wllh seating for lCl.000 pcnon11. ov. ~:_~e ::-dl~~J'i': J~'1!l.!nt_~d rob~LJ?n hearl.n . • tove.m..a.videnca alAQ4.~ iWr-Foimirt, GRAUEL CHAPEL ll. wonk!~~"" •rt~y umque"'al'=" Lee Cunningham 20 booked the BOm CONVICl'£D wit& employed the aame lfOWlda 110 Bl'OIMlwa7 I-C:O.&a Me.a rangemt'nl. There ls no~illl' elae aame day. Ardn~ Aian Horvath. MacKenzie. 1u11pe.nded diet.Tiet for a~~~~ OPPOSES ~ a.JUI and 8-UH PARKES -RIDLEY MORTUARY llk~·~bo; In t~he ~~i~nl~~:-lng booked Dec. 7. 1954 wae commit-' liquor administrator. Md Avu, Dist Atty. Robert Kneeland OJ>' ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ l·• ebt erb '"ht 1) ll1P 1 ls Nroo,vv t ted to 11tate prrson,, Soledad for a ailing Sanlll All11 bltr owner, have poaed ·the Jong continuance. He ; cou u e roug ll'rll n. · 0 te.nn 0 ( one ll' 10 yeors hy Supl'r· been t·<mvlcle~ ot coll.'lplracy and ... 1P56 will be flrtermlncd June 19 1 J d J h Sh H th had biiberv. told Judge Morrison. I understood ~ • l nr u ge o n ea. orva . J th were •ol•,.. to 11Ubmlt written In Sy~acuiie. "N. \ • Langenhe m no prior re<'<>rd. polke report. All S l H 11• ey " . .., · 111 leaving tor ~vraC'11111.• June 16 to . • ornrys amu<' urw '""'• rep-urument. and gel the thlnl aet- attcnd t he O(n11pk11 <'ommltttt HOR\ ATR CASE ~nting Ava.s. and Robert Jaco)>I tled todi.y. Tha.t'1 what Attl'· ,J&• m eeUng 1<t that lime and be an His wHe. Jal)adeane Kay Hor-tor MacKenzie, presented WTlttm coba aaid.'' • ~ Newport Variety l'OUB I aad 10 t& TORE llA'l'l1U:88E8 eo.ta -e-.. -Tn.Uen l""'l"Qlar 8Mpea LDertJ 11-llOI OOM'A KESA MA~SS CO. IUO Newpon Blvd. Call DAN'S TV •mee•&eatall·S&lee Uberty 8-2228 . Old Eatab llhed Inaurance Agency All llnu written. BOWARD W. GERRISH 1808 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PRONE LIBERTY 11-1512 Standard Sb&da Clot.b.1 and Cuatom 8pecta1Uee • Oral*')' H&rdW&N e Vceti&n !Wada OAU. llAJUIO& IM THE SHADE SHOP U.1 lllld 8t.. Newport .... BMlcle ....... om. LOCKERt 8Pm!AL -Locken (app. 126 lb.) t'J.11 p; W2 Fl!ATUIU! 8ICLD1l'&D PIUJOll Md OBOIOll ID.ATS ill·IOtllB&. NEWPORT BEACH "RICH" RICHARD SIA FOOD MARKET Corner 19th & PlaeeaUa -vi.ta <Jenter FILLET OF ROCK COD ,_ .......... -·-··--lb. JS# ROCK COD to Bake ····-···········-··· ......... ..lb. 21t FILLET OF SEA BASS .............................. _ lb. 53r LOCAL .HALIBUT STEAKS : .... -..... _ .. _ lb. 45¢ SHRIMP ················-········-······································ lb. 85f ALSO LOBSTI:R8 -ALBACORE -TROUT -PIKE CATFISH a.nd LOCAL POULTRY 4 ft. •quore $ 11. high otrlclal guest al the Intercollegiate vath. 18, arre11te.<1 at the ea.me time, grounds ror e.rre11t of judgment The judge, h owever, ~: We OIH Crowa Stampe Ocean Front ~ar Pter NEWPOJlT BE~CH Rowing J\s!!Orlntlnn RegRtta !or was &entt'nced to 90 days tn co1t.n-and a new trlal. "I could agree If Mt". J~be J<;,>t.. the national championship, June ty jell and gtvcn rive years prob&· Four polnta we.re outjlned In the to Jacob•) were here. Bil lai~l~===~=========~ WHEN MOM a·uvs .. THIS 18 lion. When re-arrested Ma~ 6. Mr11. judgment arrest arcument by Hur· mtnut.a pe.ckinJ tor hi• trip pre-it the new l'pper Bay cour1111 Horvath wu booked on pl'QbaUon wit.z: l -Appear1 on lndictment vented the compoetn.c of USU· <'llll not be otr<'r!'d, Ll'lngrnhelm vlolatlon anti was C'Onltnued on more than one offense charred. mente." I 11ai<! Newport Bear h <'Ot1ld use .the probation a$ her probation report-contrary to law; 2-Count. 1, 2 Avu and MacKe11%1e were con- N. I.lrlo Channel M In the \Vest• erlly did not cover pcn!Ont with and i lmproperly joined with vtcted ot a~.r down two Or- em Sprint Champlonshlpa. whom she could Ul!OClate. She wu count.a 3 and !I; 3-Avaa not nam· ange countl&J18 4.0r U!l,600 ln ob- pk krrl up wit.II Edward Bruce Rob-ed ae defendant 1n count. I and tatn~ on·eale reneral liquor U-1 When first arrested Dec. 7. 1954. lnMn. H .ln Co~a Mc~ ;~=~~~~an:'~~~~~:d:~::ed~~=~~u:~:~~=r~th~e=k~H=~=~ll=s:~:~:~~~~~~~~======~~ Robinson rec11lved a 180-day term In county jail with 150 day• 1ms· Co11tlJl11ed from f1nt Par pended a nd he was put on three , 5 BURGLARIES l.n a nrarby f1t'ld h.ldlng guns and yt>ar11 probation. I money. When n'-11rrf!11h-d May 6. he WM I The de.pulle8 called In another bowt{l over to Superior Court bnce M depulleii-Ben Hicks a.nd where lhe cas~ Is pending. Marahall Norrt., a.nd Brawn from Don Thomas Sparke. 211. l»oked ~ewport. A .search of the !leld Dec. 1. 1954, w11s glven. 90 d11yt1 turned up W1lkin11 lyln~ !AC'(' down In Camanllo and a five-year\ pro· about 100 yardl from his hOUff. baUon term. He was ch11rgt'd with A celophane bag containing two po1ae1111lon n! narcotlca 11ml police run• was found ne11.r WUkln11. clnlmert he made drliverie.s at the 8lJtty·aeven dollara ln curl'ti\cy Horvath hou!'e when tbe •rrtsts wu found In the suspect'• po<'kels, were made. He hu a put ttcord, police sa1d. police 111..td. About !10 feet from tht Wilkins Samuel F'rank Kniss. 19. book· houee deputlu found a partially e.d Dec. 30. 19$4 wu released tor due hole. A lunch paH bearing lack of evidence by police. Ford'11 name wu stalhed 1n U. David Richard Ll'lth&m, 18, bOok· Newspaptr clippings telling ot ed at the game time. rt>cl'lvNl • robberll's and burglaries were ecat-lllx-month term. h county J&H. John t..-ed near the hole. Edward Stenn•, 18, arre.sted the While quNllonlng \\"llkJns the ame day, received probation. Eu· number 2 Nepect, Ford approach· l'ene EdWard t>aria ,,,.. 11ent to ed and {ave himself up. I prieon on a one to lO•year term. Ch1tcht't reported to police 1 Vaughn Lee Brlnltrnan, booked Tuesday the $1().;000 coin collection April 17 and William Scott Onmes, a.nd $~00 \\'Orth of old irold·back ~t. booked May 31, are allll watt· bills Wt<re not 11tole.n as hl' h_11d In~ l'ourt action on their cues. t.holl(tht bnt Wl're Ml!t>ly In h is W1ll1Am ROM Manford. hou!;l'd , , .,. Ju:Jl --4-rriVeJ ':1-rom /Jern~arJ .Af lmann ; New Styles of Beauty in Swea~ers . and .. Dyed -to -Match Doeski~ . Flannel Skirts · ~1all in lus'h, breath-taking colors} Gxclwive4 at &e Cfo1~e6 JJ.o,6e ~k ~~•"n~L ,1 Au~2~10M~rdrlv~~du~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,... (~ -. - NORGE Automatic ·Wash•r Alfnivenary Special tor 10 d&ya •IT pnly · s300 per w.Hk ,_ on this NORGE AUTOMATIC WASHER MARTIN Furniture 1865 Harbor llvcl. "Costa Mesa UHrty 1-5131 \A~ op.. Friday eyetdncJ 'tll f :Gap. Ill. f' . • PA&! l; ·PART I -NEWPORT HARIOl NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, .t95S J 1Aio: ~. l.r\M: lkt\ftm. t~r. 1.ofnta.; k lunldt, 8&11· dra; SdiulbtJ-c, AndrM; Bdt\llta. Jarry Waltw: Sedan, Don; S.lby, l>oa&ld , allaftr, Edward; paw. Carol Al\11: l hawhaa, Joh 0..td; lbeec... Rob.rt: &n•feny, Noel: • rt .......... UOKOR ft\TDDfT, ._. m,. 8eMelprt.19~---­ ... Wt.or &lld 10.ea1t• HM -* LU• .. ytq Olrt1ftcale. ~wtc.dalldr9.a.r.. e.-cae. wm...,. 1a. w~ ..... llJl. ..... . • '"n 'RI.,. Two storage cabinets, WIT AJaLS for Mnea. •tonse wall. or ,.,.... lllo .... e. Ill~ Mol'I • aow.r .._at. Two •·A. wicle. J ft. dMp, f.lt. blfb ST5 ... HuiMr U TT. eoc.I 1A11u 1, Suntly•. 8h,..der. Sal· t.. JAMI Qulfln tHowardl: Mary ~11 : I Jlk'lalr, Slpl•, Gordon, 8l~r • Jll4)'; Smith, Clua Loul•: Smtul, BoMri ~.,..... ...... cm;... ; ttJ>t,nJC, Luoy l'arrtU; Starw- buy, MarUyn. 8\Mma, Oa••d: 8 t.teon. ·.JU.. W.; 8ltwarc, Ann; 15t-arl. J udltb; 8tllUn1a. Jl'red; 8totare)(, A UCfl Mari•; 8 tru.d· l\a~ll. J.rar1artl Anne: Swain. Jol\n Soren: Swattord, 8tllrl~ Jo Anne; Taylor, Robert Ray; Tayk>r, • Raymond; Tbomu, o aenn: Ttlom· CROWDS CHEER SHEU. CREW$_ ~N~u~oo~"~,:-~~c:n=: An tlltimated 20,000 -·lined the 2000 meter coune Saturday to witne. the nak, Carl; Twlchen, Edmund r-~-Bruce: Vatt., MJcbul O.vUI; Wad· W..tern Sprint ChuipionahJpe in Newport Harbor. Many people aat on the beach at «MU, Robt-rt MacDonald: Wanon· IRITISH COLUMBIA TAKES JUNIORS the end of Barbor and watched the crews race towam them. -Dick Reddick Photo •r. Dian• Baird: w~er. <lflle; . Ward, Patricia lue; Webater, R.tms Oil their OU'I after rowiDr to victory in the junior nntty elgbta Saturday at Martin, Robel't; KcClu¥Y, ~ man, Jack Raymond; M)'•n. Rob-Rap.n, Carolyn; Racer, RJcbal'd ~~:n~· =~ ~; W•l· the We.tent Sprint Cbampionahlpe, Britiah Columbia crew cout. put fin1ah Une. ert· McDermott, orw.ce· )k()&vran wt l'rulklln; NaVVT'O, l'n.all; Ronald ; Ralaton, Dorothy Ann; .. • ~ ~ 1• a.It Teama from r.r ot photograph forward are Calltomia, "Pickle Boat", Brit.lab Colum· ~-· McGee w~· KcOln.la. Neuma.nn. Paul; Newkirk, Jamee: Ray, l'redericlc; Reddlck, Richard Wh1te, Darid Erwin; Wlalte. ltrol· ........ • 'rft.JCR J aclc xitA:Jwu· ii~, Carol: Newkln, Ronald; NUH. DentM; D.; ~ Robert; Repn. Job.n; ler (Tod); Wtwama. l:rtc Paul~; · IA &. taMe ~ bia, UCLA.and Stanford. The lnd l1D1 were teCODd with UCLA third apd the "Piciu. Mendenhall, £w. J . Mil~ Ro~ Ostrander, J&l19 Uvinptoa.; Retch, Ch&rlu ; RetnlJer, Patricia WUll&m.a, Luetta; Wood, Kathl~n; =-.::..:·.boa r;r1n!;. Sl~ Boat'r beatins out the Golden Bean. -Dick Reddick Photo ert B.; Mlrkmdl, 'iuc.b&rd; Kltr Pace. Dan; Palaten1. Anthony Sue; ~a:~· Pbyllia and Yodv, (n&r apt.) Ill Ooral, Balboa Ia. ---------------------------------chel. A.rt.bur Brian; Klthoft, Rich· MarUn: Peanon, 'Domu ; Petera, Rice, Charlu LynvaJ: Richard&. IOoll RECORD HIGH SCHOOL w , 8andra Lea; i..wt., L&Veme &rd; MJley, Vlra1e: Moody, .Mal'wl· Cora Vlr(1nla; Pftater, Carole; 1-h-nee Harman; RJchuda>n. -------------Robert; Unlc, Jam• Byron; Lion· '--Jr.; Koor., O.Orp ffmr7; Pf\.lter, 8ally ; Piecer. Marta; Deanna; RJchard8on. L • N • t ta. Mohamm&d H. Auj, ~t.o .. vt.alt. . ' barpr, L7le yvanu; Loos. Nan· Moore. Paul Raymond; Moor-Piecer. Richard; P09JUt, Red.man; RJn1. William; RJtcbJe, Patrict~ 111, Palc'8tan edltor-':<>NY ln Arn· cy; LouYlv, Richard ~; Luak, head1 Marcia; Korrlll. Karlalne; Pope, Lucllle; Porter, Tom ; Prtd· Helene; Robert.eoG, Dorotlly: Roar-artca do people Mal their JtOUMe CLASS ....... , ..,_ ....... , --· ....... ...,,, "-~ ....... Bonato; ......,... .... ...... , ... .con.tanu .... , ......... ,_u m .... ...,, --......... 0-l'Joallen -. Newport BU1lol' tlllion Rip Ann; lldeu, x.uUt 1-; lld· •OUUl"l'ltA.D.D. llNIJ VlklJll'. J ldlool'a l&rs-t paduat.lftC c1aM. wuda. Ra.y: llfprt., Job;-; lllll1ott, ltdrm, fla11 lll&lb. Wtth awnlnf • lncludlnl' 2841 MnSon. will be pre· Jan• Ana, mm., J-..n•. C..non, CabenL Sllll. lp&c• T, 133 w. Miited at co~~t n:erclael Jam .. ; J'ellbeum, Mary ~ple.n; 11th at. c. K. ~... 1 --..1 June 15 &C' p.m., 8uperbltadent l'lelda, Gary; J'Ue, Richard Dale; on y, ...,...., Sidney D&Yidaaft anaouncld today. rtah, l:dward B.; J'ltapat.rtclc. Den· ----~~----~-'8 A--A..... •or •-t Th• ..ruon aCMCS lut )'Mr'• nta Klchul; J"rahm, o.u: l"r..ly, r-•' -IT'f.du.ata by l50 aorne 1tucknta. Wllllam: rrott, Peter; llOl>auf 8tudSo ~ bOUN Prl· Thia year'• MDfor I.I.It follow.: Oattey, John Patrick; Oant, nt. pMSo. eo.ta Me-.. Phone AbraJuon, Wl.Uiam; Adair, Un· lAITy Keith; Ovdner, llharoo U .. .,.,. eoc.J da; .Allen, .A.an Lynn; .W.. Mar-MA41"e ; O&n'elt, Jacqueline; O.t.e. aha Jane: .A.nchwon. Oenld; An-L&Von.ne; Oeorr e, Bonn.le; 0.1'9- drew, J oyce; Arant. JOIUUM; Any, p&ch, Jam•: O~ Koclt•; Glb- Marsk: A.rmltroal'. Mar7 Jane; bou, Patricia Louiet; Glb9oll, Ann; ~ R.llNT.U.. Newport 11-Aabby'. ~I Atldaaon. Kary OU.On, Dian• Ali~; Glenn, Sha· land Wat.tront. pier • noat. LucW., • ron; Ooul4. Richard; Oowea. l'r'an· ~ J..,., bome, 3 bdrm .• 2 Ba.Uey, Lan7 Dee.n; B&iley, Roi>-cu ;A.naat.ula; Oraa. Patrlcla; ._.... patio, barb., dbl. car. 3909 ert Munro; BaJdwtQ, Carol Ami; OMlllt, Palay; Grier, J&mH Dee; ~Har. l60I. eocti Balmer, D&'rid; Bartlett, William; ~Uui. Unda; Grilty, N ancy; Bauer, Mary; Buter, O~; OrOth. Daren Arthur; .,. e.auy, Donald; BaJtran. rellcla· ·""'Lpy, Johll Kaurtce; Hall, •i-a.I f'Ala~~-~ _ Berry, Barbara Ann; Beta, SUMll Kathuniae The,_.; Hamblet, Bill I llDIUL home A I rm. apL Xlllt Carolyn; Bl&lr, Barbara J ean: (Wllliam Joeeph); Hamilton, Don· loct.Uoa ta Lonee.ch. Value to Blue. J..-; Bodenboefer, 1'•11" -: Hamilton, Ronald Ant.bony ; Sla,000 tor mna1J place in Bal· neth; BooNJ, Jou: Boale1, Lynn; Han8baw, K lcbael; Rarrrove, Jam· 1lo&. What ._. .. JOU. Har. MOC. Bouchey, Kyma; Bradley, Edwtn er H omer; Hart, William ll.; Hart· IOpeJ J amH ; ~ Btlen J:llaabeth; wt6, Bruce; Hatch, RJcb&rd ; -----------Brelth&Dpt, Paul; Brt1p. Jean R.a.wtteld, Derrol &bert; lfelm, . G-Real Eltale Lou!M; JlruniDI', J obn; Buck. Mar)' Catherine: Hendenon, Peter ----------.--L&wr.nce RJcbal'd; C.; Hendenon, Ruth; H&ltt, Batty; Widow Lady callahan. Din; C&ll.la. Robert: R llbert, Diane: Hlrth, Johan; Cantu, Robert Uward: Campbell, Bttcbcock, Charle• Kent Jr.; Roi· ... "Nllilellt, tto.m't oar. to d• RJcb&rd Zilla; Carter, Richard le)', Marilyn JDthel; Holmwood, ,.... thJa property-(productn1 Newton; Chue, Ronald; Chllda. Loren: Hooee, Clint.on M.; Houri- .,, ... wtt.hln one blk.) WW Mll Ttlomu; c:::tu1.ltlanMn. P a trtcla 1an. Shirlee: Butt, ATlene; Huff. • .._ ~a for property Jean; Clu1aeaMn, Ton79 I.A«; man, Gordon; Hu,:be1, Chrtlttna; *' ~ Conaflta ot IO'xl1T' Clark. Karpret; Clemau, Pat· Inrmundmon. Kui11•: lanent, lot ... .... a bdrm. houM, rlcta ; Coue. Robert; Colliu, O&iJ; RJcbard: Jaca-. Danall; Jeuen, hd•S.. I ...... @le. pr .. relD-Ooo~r. Johll; Coad, J'aye; O:t.n· Arthur Thomu; Jobnlton, Johll f0tt~ .-blef'~ d&ll, Diane; era... Diane: Craw· Earl; J-. X....U.; Janu. mcs- to build "'-owrtaMd. Goo4 ford, Anaette: Creel)', O.rtDl; ward; Keim, Dorta 8mann•: Kel· JocaUo~ i.. mq ero., GeraJd; OaDm GeraldtDe; 1ou : Joyctt J:la.lne; be etcured Oil I IMIJominl' Jog. Dalby, Cal'olJ'a ••: Danoee, x.lle)', William R.obertr Kern· PREFER INOOJO:, Coet& )(.._ Robert Roy: D&.ta, Sandra Sue; per, J oel; Ke.el, M~; Kini', B o- or Newport,.-tmprovld or va· Dencnott, K ary Ann; Detblet.on, ward Roy; Ktnltather, DeWayne; C&J\L Call Upland, Y'Ulcon Roser; Dlcarto, J erome; Dillon, Knipp. BMJCe:; Kopp, Richard 123·1N or 121·™ eoc Janet Ells&beth; Doane, Carol; Herbert; Kn.mer, Muy; KUhl· Dockter, Arlow ... Colleen; Drt> meyv, B elen; Labelle, Betty ; Ttae M&T)' Ute 12 mlWon pounda )eel, Michael; Dudley, Ruthi D7· LAm. b, C'barMll: 1-Ji•, Llndalee; el 11M1C1e a ll'IOllUl. a&rt, Oynelle; Lan1d&Je, Betty: l.ebto, JAa.n.la Eutman, &bert; ~ 10109 Roy ; I.Alt.hold, Melinda; Leutwy- looking for a BARGAIN? PERHAPS A USED CAR? i/ the Want Acls NEW-OR USED FURNITURE 1 ·t the wa .. i Acls AN AnRACnYE RENTAL 1 if th~ Wani Ads .. WbetlMr 1" wut to bay or wut to NII, U. Cl'lullfted eoa..... ot Wt ....,..... otter U.. ~ oppottalty for ftlRHa ••• A foar U.. ad wlll .,,._ ~. Wedli•U, wt naanc1a, la owr_l&Ooo oo.- for °""·sr • • • . ; ( this VALUE I ~ HARBOR ~PRESS Call H11bor 1616 for Ad· Taker I ..... GRAND OPENING! • -...--. .. s1••1 •• HEW RIVIERA SHOW llOOM ------'-:-• E_s __ E N __ T_s ___ ......... 405 -407 E. 4th Sf. SANT A ANA . ..... -INAC.. --·----... , ... ....... IAT.l--.'91,_. .................. FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd: SATURDAY, JUNE 4111: SUNDAY. JUNE 5flJ ------------De-. .... I Qllf 11 --. N'•-----------. 1¥BY ltlVI PA OPIMS INTO AllULLSID DOlallm. ~ S199 to $289.50 $139 ....... $39.50 220 coll m. nenprinc mattreu 1ncJuded. $109.!50 to $1!i8..50 SOFA BED ·SALE! FREE ·~~--• .._ ..... Cw I ...... ........... . ... .......... • ,..,. ... a. ... ,_ ............. • ,...._ •• i. ..... ,.... .. • Get ,... tlllMt .. ........... '1 l Day Sale Pd. -lat. -I.a ,_ ,.... •tia. & 5tll $249 .. 50 to $329.50 $179 ......... $49.50 252 coll ln-· nenprinc rnatt:rea lncluded. S69t!so .. . . ..................... 'JAi ........... ... ........ ) ... ...... COllPAUL • ...._U,'9 _.. ............... ............... ..,, 1 c , .... ............. e.uwtlp.-trea ........ ...,...a.. .............. ..u ............... ............... 1 .. -IS YOUlt IOHUS •.-y tt. ...... ue.a m.._...._._. ............... w.. ....... ..... y.., ............. . --IMOt·la ........ .... ... NTIDllT or AWG. ••8"•-·. CllUNT • GOOD ·a T ..., ... r 405 -407 E. 4th St. SANTA AH4 1J LONG llACH FREE WHY IUYIDA? LOCA· •a.r...,.. ... BECAOSEt IUae II••· 1.Lfl.ml = ........ l>Mlll9 ~-.. 110NS • c .... ~ .. -..::"i; Atit.-.. ..... ·~ POMONA e I 2 ........... .,.... ..... i.e. a&CAOS&i ....... a ... ............. S•EEl1 an LT • .._ ........... ere --:;~ ..... ,. la•a ·-·· ........ YOU a.MONN .. TMfl e t e•• ... • 3 2 0 .. .. ITTl.al 1t 11l•• ... . ,.,,.. .... ..... .. ..... ....... •~er• le .... .... ...... lellr ... C-11 0 • _.y, ,..,... ....... ..... t'•"" ' ' AT JUNIOR EBEIJ. INSTALLATION -lln. 8terl1nf Paria prwnb sam to Kn. Freeman w. Flahu, incoming premdent, aitttnr. Studlns (l to r) are Mmee. Paria, F.dward H. Kelly, treuurer; Edward T. Cronin, ·lutallinl off~r; Don Hayton. tint vice preaident; W. B. Cullen Jr., CO!ft9pondins Meretary; Dean A. Gorton, MCOnd vice pl'Nident. -Staff Photo - JUNIOR EBELL CLUB • . HOLDS INSTALLATION Officers Are Seated at Villa Marina buncheon By llB8. A. BUD WHITE. m. Mn. F.dward Cronin. 'named out.stand.ins dtmen of the year among junior clubwomen ot California, pnmded u inatalllng officer for the Junior Ebell-Club at the lut meet- ing before aummer held at the Vil),& Muina Kay 28, and preceded by a buffet luncheon. Mn. J'reem&n n.btr WU M&ted 8cbool for de&f and bard-d·~ u prealdent and MrWl&' u ottt-ln&' chlldnll, wu p......U to accept ce111 on hu uecuUve board are the a check wbJch ahe mt&t.ed would followt.nr: Mmu. Don Bayton, be U8ed to purdl&R a Mt ot u.d WHEN USC DELTA DELTA DELTAS held their Pa.nay Breakfut, three Pi Beta Phi flrwt vice pruiJent; Dean Gorton, pbon• to aurment the ecbool'• 10rority aiaten who stepped through the floral ring and will be married this .au.miner aecond vice pruldent; J'c>rTMt All-audio equJpmenL Ki.a Mlller ~ were (Ito r) Miu Gav Pobanz of North Hollywood, engaged to Donald Scraggs ·, Misa lnder, recordlng aecretary; William ported that t.be next achool tAlrm .1 CuUen Jr.. cornapondln( llee.l'e· would ... the handicapped dJ.wc. Diana Evelyn Green, daughter of Mre. John Bishop Green of Lido· lale and Palm tary; Edward Kelly, trM8UJ'er; ot the achoo! u cner-c&pMdty. Springs, who will aay vowa ln St. Andrew'a Presbyterian Church on June 24 with C. . Don Petereon. auditor. llra. Bter-Mra. Ronald Blrt.dler, youth eea- Marland Johnson; and Miu Sbirlev Tanner, daughter of Charlea Tanner of Loe An·_ Ung Pull, put prutdent, ,..... •P-aervauon chairman. reported that J pointed parltamenta.rtan. the eamparahip • o t • d by the gele. and the Bay Area. who will be bride of Grey G. Berg. Speakeni were Mrs. F.d· AIDS 8CllOOL Eben Junion WOUSd belp ......, wardo White, dean ot women, and Miu Mary Barnett, graduating)nior, of Newport M.lu Edna MWer, pl'i.ndpaJ ot chlldttn go to camp tau.. aun- Beach. -TroJ'an Studio Photo . , ~kiln Bcbool ln Santa An& mer. TM Junior. al80 P .. a do- 1'hlcl naUon to tll• ~ lltudelll ----------------------------------ch b<>U.le9 the Orange ~t7 Prosnm and voted t.o Mc:ome a NIGHTINGALES PREXY Mrs. Arthur Gruwell Heads Hospital Group pat!'on Of the Oran&'• ODullty Pllll· b&rmonic toctety. N E w p 0 RT HAR B 0 R Kra. c. M. DeU1M ., aenlor DMll preeented S.«3' ( Kn. ,,.._, R.,aolde wtth Ula\ club'• -.Vd u Wiie moet ouut&nd.lnc Jualor for her cll&lnmubip ot U.. a.u Detenae comm.ltt.H.. OllOLU. 81NOEU The prornm wu under th• di· At the lntne Count.ry Club on Jrirat ~ prM., Mrs. Hany H . rection of Mn. Luter Vlerlln(, June 7 memben ot the N11lltln-C....y; HCODd vlce-prea., M111. WU-Who ,,...ented the EbeU Choral ple Chapter of the Auxiliary of Liam Min.ma; third vtce-pree., Mra. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'a Editor &'">UP whJch entertaiJ!ed With hour Hoag Hoepltal will attend a lunch-J oe E . Prelnlnrer; treasurer, Mr•. ------------------------Mlectiom. The Junior Ebe1l pre-eon al which the new offlcera elect-WllUam 0 . Payne; reco rdinr eecre- ed for the coming year Will be ln· tary; Mrw. J ohn C. Swart&; cor- llt&lled. re1pondlnr aecretary. Mra. Jack J(mM. Joe Premtn,.r and Al-bett ,:. Stockt.on are ln cb&rl'• ot decoraUona and luncheon arrange- menta. N. Congdon and parllamentanan. Mn. Orval StewarL ESA INSTALLATION TO BE ~~:'j1~i:sa~0 Kra. Orval Stewart. outioln&' pruldent, will pr-t the ravel t.o Mn. ArUlur J . OniwelL Ot.ben to be lnatalled a.re: Master Point Gaine Sunday Mrii. Stewart wu bo1te11 al luncheon, at her home In Balboa Covea followtnr the meeting on May :le, at which membera of the preaent board and the newly elect- ed werf preaent .• A party buffet luncheon wu aerv~. alter which bridge wu en- joyed by the ruest.s. ThOM attend· inc were: Mm•. Donald Colegrove. Char- lea Lamb, Oeorge Coffey, J. Har• Tbe . Balboa Duplicate Bridre old Round, Art.bur Gruwell, Ed· Club wtll bold It.a Monthly Muter ward B. l"tah. EU.Worth Bett.s. Point Open a.me on Sunday atter-Jack N. Congdon. WllUam O. DCIOll at u.· Ebe11 Ctub HOUM In Payne, D. H. Crum. J r.. Orval PRECEDED BY PARTY EVE Innallatlon ot o!CJcera and lnJUiUon of pledru of J:ta Eta Chapter of Epsilon Slrma A'lpba wW be held Thursday evening, J une 9, at Kennedy'• ln Coat& Mua. Ju prelude, dluert and coffee ,...llfl-acqualnted party wW be held at the home of Mra. J. E. Stroup, 416 Slpa.1 ~d. Newport Helrhta. on Monday evening, June e. Mn. Everett B~• and Mn. Georse Bezbt"zlan wW be co-hoateuea. Election of officera of the lntemaUonal 10rorlty wu held on May 19 at the home of Mra. Brace, U3 li9 E. 11th St. Ottl· cer1-elect are J.fr1. Brace. praildent; Mra. Bezbolan, 'rice pre• ldent: Mra. M. P. Beam, corrupondlns 1eeret,.ry; Mra. Glenn B. Jaclulon ,recordinT acret&ry; Mn. Stroup, 'ttt&aurer. Balboa wttll plaJ' st&rt1n&' at,1:30 Stewart, Joe E. Prelnlnfer, J ohn ------------------------o'cJock. C. Swara, Harry H . c u .-y and _____ .., _________________ _ Kra. J'rulk Reed and llrL Mar· W. D. Humuon. pret Bolmea were north -aouth ------------ wtnnera 1n J'rtday •nnlnc• rame Ducommons on while eut·weat hlsll aoorera were Mra. Louiae Wuhbroolt and Mra. Joe Wlleox. ·Jlunrier.up north-European Tour eouth were Mn. A.mold Gauer and Mn. >-W. Tummel; Mn1. The Alan Norwood Ducummona PerlY Johuon and M111. Edna MacMuten; Kra. Edythe d'Er· ot Beacon Bay left Lut Thureday lanrer and Amold Oauu. tor a tour of the E&.1t Coaet and Runne,.up eut·weat were Mra. - ARE PRETIIEI THAN mR A reunion ot old frtenda wu held Saturday at the Albert z. Johnaon borne, •OO Weal Wilaoll St., Coata Mua, when Mr. and Mr1. William !:. Dowee of Bloom· Inst.on wer. sue.ta. Formttly nel(hbora of tlle J ohl14oru1 In Nortll Lonr Beach. Mr. and Mn. DoWH bave bffn ln the motel bualn .. In Bloomlnirton tor aneral yeara. anted the.....,.. wtth a mOM- l&.l"J' sttt with which to purc:hue mule. Tbe J\Ullor Dell Club WW ,._ -· lnMt1np Dal lleptmlber. Tbe ftn&1 e1'ent apon80nd "7 JUAion wtll .,. the UUNal Cotten Ball Jum I at the Ban luan a.,.. tnao ~ Club. & ....... fan prvJect •. ............. .............. .............. .............. ca..i-..... ~ ... ............ LORENZ ilewelen • HI W_. ftla 8&. 8ul& A.- Open 1'rl to t p. m. 1"r.e Parltin1 at any lot Rob«t Roaa and l:&rl B~; Mn. H1nry Jta'rert and Mra. A. G. Doeaburg; MrL B. M. Walllncford and Don Wallace. North•90Uth winnen ln Monde7 aftemoon'a p.me w.re Pere)' Crawley and Maf'llWl Ketclnlm Wbl&e eut•Weat hll'h 9COrtta ..,.,.. Mr. anct Mra. Europe. They new from Loe An- Jelu to Denver and Ch icago, atop- pln.g at the latter city to vlalt wtlh relaUvu of Mn. Duoommun. Plannlnr to fly oveneu. their tour will Include journeys throug'h lttland, England and the Conlin· ent. Tbty plan to return here July 16 when they wlll ruurne reel· dence In Beacon Bay. ~ ttetitt u iama< ch«k fow rima 1 ~ on JOUl Full Paid Cmifiare. (i.ssued in muhiplesof $100). rred Johnaon. Runnera-up north • aoutll WWI" Bally Brown and Robert Lualt; Mn. B. B. Moma and Mn. E. J. Wlcltman; Kra. John DeVlco and Marsant McKinley. Runner. • up eut·....t w.re Miaa Linda Huber UC1 Jack Ot.n; Irene Krebblll .and Kaai• Smart; Mr9. o.orse Caft'OU and Mn. >-o. Doe•burs· Mra. Olive Ttd""ell. Plumu Co .. bedridden editor Of lbUt-ln mafa- zlne-"l f"1 that by dolns ror other• with no thought of reward that my Ute la tuller and more worthwhile." ·TV SALES • ·Authorized RCA VIC.TOR DEALER • All M.kea ~All' P•rt• I TubH • Honest Scientifte Anely1i1 &· Repeir • Prompt Service • Reaaoneble Prices TARTER TELEVISION OOllONA DEL llAa l9M E. CoMt Bwy. Barbor 5491 IAcw ._. Trh,•DM 81'&&& 4-6611 I We alwua have a Yardage Special Jotng-AJlk about our se, Spedal. We Gt,e SI H ...... Stwl•• ~ eccount tarns INTEll!ST •chi currmt n~ of 3\.1% a yar. ~ sninp ~~It! Eadl la'OllM it insured 10 SI0,000 by 111 A~ of chi' Unittd Smn Gowmmtne. IAV'INGI ACCOUNTS OPINID IY THI 1ont Of THI MONTH IAIN PltOM THI 1 IT: ....................................... .. • NEWPORT HAUO~ NEWS;PRESS -PART I I • PA&E r· THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 ' • summer coats • 29.95 to 35.00 values! . . . our successful little toppen, • must with your v•c•tion w•rdrobe, IO comforting on cool evenings I lu1uriout I oo~. wool f •bric1, MW f •aNon 1h.pes, am•rt det•il- ing, ah" I 0 -20. e e • •1r1te1 -.... ttp .......... coeh, second floor -· ... , ................ ,....,......,IQ ti~ I I . .. I J I ' ' .• . . . . . . . . .. . . . . P ~GE 2 · P:\P.T 11 -NE\VPORT HARBOR tiEWS·PRESS -. BIRTHDAY GIH.L -Mr. and Mrs. Jac:Jc Curnow were dinner bosta at a party honor- ing their daughter Jae~ on her 16th birthday. Seated at the table in Balboa'Bay Club (I tor) are J ackie, Jack Duckett, Dorothy Robertaon, Perry Mutro, Janice Curnow, Al Escobar and Mrs. Curnow. In rear TOW (I to r) are Marty McGrath, Jeannie Smi th. Jl'rry De Carlo~, Jean Boosey, Jim Hurd, J :>an Booaey and Mr. Curnow, sports writer for the Times. -Terry Bor~ Photo . .... PLANN11'4U SENIOR GiRLS' tea due SllDday are, from left, Patty Clem~nce. Corona del Mar, decorationa com- mittu; Lynne Bosley, Corona del Mar, refreahmenta committee; Arlene Huff, Newport Height.a, hoateu co~mittee. -Staff Photo Senior Girls' Class Tea Set Sunday in Beacon Bay Serving u a farewell oeeulon Sandra Schmidt and Patty Clem· lor mnnr. lhl' 11rnlor rlo.-.s tf'a for ence. HO ,1}rl• In NewPort Harbor Pouring will bt Mra. R. I:. Har- 'H~ag Auxiliary Board Feted Ne~s Have Girt Mr. and Mr1. Lloyd 'wcN1W ot l&Tl l&nta Ana Av1., lanta An• Httpt., 'llttlcomid a kby Jtrl Into th• famUy at Ho&&' H•plt.tJ aahuda,y •• JIWELRY FIOM DTATIS AVAILAIU If you .. ,.. ...kin9 Je\lfelry Items th.t .,.. ScerCe l~ us know ••• We rMf Buy It For You e DWEI.aY BOUGHT e IOIDTS JIWILllS na~ ~ ..... -..._....., -&anor ma PARIS TRAINED FASHION DESIGNER Teaches dreu designing. Learn for your Career or for. own uae. Small groupe or lndivldual teacbinr. For Information Call - Madame Fenyo HYatt 4-7203 . bt.on, Newport Harbor Union Union High Sc-hool• &'Tadu1Llng Rich School dean of &1rli; Mra. _______________________ _. cla.u will ~ held Crom 3 to II p. m. John Seeley and Miu Marl' ,------------------------. Sunday at the home or MIAl! SaJJy Hlebech, 1enlor cla.N advt.onr, and Pflattr ut 33 Beacon Bay. Ma.ny Mn. F. Roy Fox, dlrector of rtrla' ot the Jlrl•, who will now be going work In the YKCA. • lo dltrerent achooll. .have been A•l8llng the hott-WIU bt , GRADUATING SENIORS -Mr. and Mn. John Stet.on bono"f their daugh~r Jane at a graduation dinher in Balboa Bay Club, with dancing afterward. 84ted around the table from right front and cl!)Ckwise, are Charlie Reich, Ann Allen, John Eggert, Gary Socker, Pattie Retmi~ Sam Cooper, Pat Richie, Johann Hirth, Chuck Tmk, Ann Stewart, Charlie Harring, Jamee Stetaon, .S.Je Thomu and Rod LaSbeUe. -Terry &r-Ja Photo ' . Koivisto Wedding July I Ho1llng a family dinner Sun· day. Mr. and Mr•. Don l<oavlsto • of I~ Ea..st Ocean Front announc· ~-~~!:~1111i,..._ cd the enfagement Of their daugh· tcr Lrsllc to Ric-hard H. McCarthy. ion of Mr. and Mrs. John Michael McCarthy of Euclid, Ohio. The brldr·el<'ct wa11 grRduated from NEwpcrt Herbor Union High School, and attt>nded Or11nge Coast Colle~• for two yeara where shl' served aa director or women's olb· JcUc11. member o! the i1tude11t c:oun· ell •• Black 'En11lgn 11nd the awlm learn. Mr. .McCarthy was ~raduated from Eut H ieb !fc:hool In Cleve- land, Ohio. 11rrved tour yeau w1lh lhe U.S. Nll\'111 Air Corps In the Far E311t 11n1I 111 presently continu· Ing his ~ucat1on a t Orange Cou t LESLIE KOlVISTO By george I Collrge. I Tht' C'Ouplot has phuinrd a Wt"I· I !)Ing for J uty 22 a t giriat Church Handmade . I in a leisurely manner, the Norman Maidrns arri\'ed on the Lurline May 9 for a atay nf fh·e \\'<.'t>ks or more. It's a fourth visit for the Balboa Island realtor and I\ first for his wife; with them is Mra. Ruth Chapman of Los Angeles . .Mr. Maiden's aunt who is also a frequent retun1ce to the Islands. All are enjoy- ing thr hospitality of Honolwa fri~dl and making trtp1 to thr nrighbor isles with returns to The Royal Hawaiian ana Waikiki beach for swim.mint and ~laxing. -Royal Hawaiian Photo I wish to npress my th:anb to all t.be people "ho placed thelr trust and <'Onlidenee lD me durtag my recent camp..._ If nothing elM, I bt>pe a deeper lDtereet la ecbool affa&ra baa beea 1tima1Ued la tile oaamnmltJ ud more ,.r.ta will att-1 8Gbool .,_,.. meetaqw. .,,.. Mrs. Robert (Maryalice) Wilson I ..,. by the Sea. Contemporary Originals 80., for "li:,.umers u -!ltttb Place at Brlmont Pin I IHI Long ~ach, Calif. ~ ·r ... :.\ .. "'boy Wall born to Mr. and <'•o~d 1'1nnd&)'9 Mr•. Carl Baumer or 608 :'l:ewport • I Blvd., Tuesday. M1y 31 In Hoag 1------------ Hospllal. . · · -It pay1 to rea~ the want 'd.a DO YOU WISH TO BE A SINGER 7 Madame Lillya Anderson Who hu lnlem&Uona.J experience u a voice teacher In both cl&Nlcal and PoPUlar volre development, wUJ &'Ive private lnatrucllon to a limited number of 1tudent.t. At:DITJON8 FREE OS FRIDAT8 Call BY~tt 4·6685 for appolatment c ........... , . ' . . :.fine Fumiture &· Accessories , Oiatlnctive Decorating Service with each other since flrat grade Mn. Lawrcne1 Ptlmter, Mra. Ro11r day1. 8-rdacre and Mrt. Wllllam Har· lnvltallora lD thl• tradJUonal vey. aoclal affair have been unt t o all Membeni of lht OyaJ~ al*> In· glrla In lhe Hnrbor R!&;h senior elude Ann Allen, Ruth Dudley, clou. Gall Frahn. Oi&Jle Gil.eon. Mary Uoteuee of the tea are 19 mem-Kay Hehn, Arlene Huft, Sue Kelm. ~ra or the Oyafoa, t he aenlor Tri· Denlae ?-rnea, Patricia Ritchie . .An· I tu Y club ChaJrman l.s Mlcs T2Ja drea SchuJberg and Phyllla Yar· Tohill. Her tea C!l'nmltt~ in· wood. Belly Be<-lt, former mem· eludes Sally Pflltu, J udy SIM!per., ber of the local club. ls expected I Melinda Leit hold. Lyn Dollley, to atte.nd,from San Rafael. I Chooses Queen for Fish .Fry lous proj«'.UI. She Hkt that any:' one having paint or any kind or omount they are not going to UM, brinJ:' It to the clubhouse, ll>H\t, •. arbor Blvd., tor uae In thue classt'I. A.I~ 11.llY type or dlac:ard· ed record c11b1net11 and recorda would be w clcomrd, •he added. Additional groups have otrered lo help the Harbor Gfrl!1' Club ln their FIPh Fry Queen ca mpaign'. Mt1. Earl P iper. extcuttve dlttctor ot the club, announce• that tJckd taJu by the SL Joachim chureh and orranl•Uorui will be nedlted to the club: al1JO the Demolay 8a3"ft With NOW YOU DON'.T • • • UNLESS YOU SA VE SYSTEMATICALLY ... SAVE BEJl'ORE YOU SPEND ..• SEE US TODAY ABOUT .A SAVINGS PLAN. group ls donating J lcket sales 'f c-redltt t o th,. a1ri.· Club. Mary Jowe!".t Vir.;tnla Patlcr~on Is the quttn ~-~· randidate. "' w.,. COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENOL Y INbEPENDENT BANK" MM!. P1~r rt>pcru th3t there 13 Party Rental lt~ma I\ Jtl"('lll lot of lntnct-l in the CMlflll I !403 B. C:oa~t 8 11., C:Of"Otla dd Ma• 11181 Nnrpert Blvd. prui;ram at tht dub, 1esultlng In II bo r.0•1 a 'hortage of paint for the var· ar r " ' MlMIU NOllAL OIPOSll IHSVIAHCI COUOI AflON I · ·-.----- • • • Ask Any Islander TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING SPECIALS FOR IUNE 2 -S -4 Don's Meats ttAM ........................... ··-····-··J~ 69c SPARE RIBS ....... _._ .... .;. 65c IAcoN ... ~ ....... -................. 55c DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT ., qro+g• Shop" Grocery Depart111ent Campbell'• 25c TOMATO JUICE .......... : Royal Prlnee 25C YAMS -..: .......................... -.. #30s Def 111-1~ "°llM KHINll 17c GOLDEN CORN .... #llOS Tex.ua 2 2Jc G-FRUIT JUICE ~~ for ~te <'MIMf'd 25c PINEAPPLE :ans 8klpp1 ] 2Sc DOG FOOD . . ~M MAYONNAISE .L S~t.35c Btitty CrOC'.ktr 35C CAKE MIXES........................... . BISQUICK ............................ !~ 25c· RIJbland ~ SYR P 12 U .............................................. o&. •ICK'I Gr .. n Groceries Freel! G~• sTiiNG1EANS .... u..19c liNGtHERRIES .. ~ c rt.p T"*r aoM~'ll: . 2 ......... l sc LETI\JCE .. __ ·- You Select ••• We Deliver THE MARKET SPOl--- 200 MARINE A,_NUI IAUOA ISLAND . ·' l .. NEWPORT HAUoR NEWS-PIESS-PART 11 • PA&E I Shade Garden • THURSDAY. JUNE 2, 19'5 i.8 what this group of members of Newport Beach Assist. ance League, Junior Auxiliary, is planning. The affair lM calendared for Saturday, June 18 at the League &-n •ice Center. and is for members of the Auxiliary, their husbands and guests. Mrs. Robert Crowner. at whose home the waya and means committee which ia in charge met, is chairman. Left t o right are Mrs. Ed Richardson, Mrs. William Holstein, Mrs. Crowner, Mrs. Edward Chapman ID and Mrs. Peter Barrett. -Staff Photo COST A MESA MODEL Pat Burkhart wears a Dorothy Porter design which will be featured in the fashion luncheon 11t Capistrano :tJeachcomh<'rs· Club on Fri- day, June lo at 12 :30 p.m. Costa Mesa and Laguna Beach shops will sh ow new aummcr styles and Gloria (Mra. Skip) Fielding will be commentator. Reservations ahouJd be made at the club. -Terry Boris Photo Granddaughter for Mrs. Aspin Big e\·rnt at the Ja.mu A&pln homo In Xrwport Hclghls 111 wel- <'nmlng tho f1r11t gr11ndd1.ughler, Pamela. Jean, born May 24 In St. J Ol!eph H!'spltol to ~Ir nm! Mra. E. F.. Ba m l'tl, 1216J Marviua Drh·e, Gardea Grove. Tht' baby weighed 8 Iba. 8 oL HPr mot.ht'r la the former Lila CranC', caugh- ter of Mn. &rt.ha. Crane, Coela Meea. Tbl1 Ume It wu the (T&lldmoth- era wbo fOl th.-lr \\illh tor a g1rl. little J:uur out:nt. In mind. Spanish War Vets Share in Services • WEl,..L TAUGHT l N HISTORY -When Mrs. Clayton Thompson, American Legion Auxiliary Americanism chaiJ1llan, prcticnted essay awards on May' 23 five recipienta were students at Newport Beach Elementary School. In top row (1 to r) are William Muzzy, 1503 Clay St., M~. Thompson_, Grace Carter, 444 Aliao 'Ave., Carlyn Cuey, 411 Tustin Ave. In bottom row are Richard Cathcart. 1402 West Ocean Blvd., Marina Dor· cey, 614 West Ocean Front: and Wendy Blair, 215 Pearl Ave., student at the Corona de!. Mar school. -Ollerman 'Photo SEALARKING • Circu~ Night for Cub Pack With MRS. EDWARD LESTER SMITH Cub -scout Pa.ck 10ll met tn Ute ABOARD SLOOP TYPEE: Cat.a-MORE CHERRY COVE: Other plly decorated Newport School tln'6•11 famed tr6plral I~lh1nia. the Newporll'ra at CbelTy were Har-for their Cub Scout CLrtWI, with rlett and George Pnegft' on Unge. BWy FrJUICiJI leading the pledge ha; the Mitchell Howea on Maur-of &llegiance to the fla.g. Cu~ lne I from the Balboa Bay Club; muter Robert Gardner Inducted Jerry and Worthington Lee on ~liuworth; the Jack L&WTencea on eight Bobcat.a, Stephen Adam, Joel t..ewell&, alM> from BBC; Howard J?r&dbury, Robin Field. M I k e Is a l'nack bar, and 11 cocktaJI bar, Bryan w1lh a stag pa.rty on hla Hodgaon, Micha.el Kreml'r, Fra.nk lllso a 11hor f'·boat running to the new motor sailor. Tahuna: Andy M&nball. Geot.rrey lfoore and Jim i<urroundlng coves ... and a .groc· 'Kirk'• Frolic, a.nd Highlander, O\\"ll· Wa.ydellch. Awa.n!M were given to Pry bar !or yacht~ I but ~on l ex· ed by the Bruce McNeil• with lbe foll\lWin,r boya: peel the Richard 11 lllyle. • • • • ""'ell8 Ginny and Bill Andenon ~-Co"'--a.n" Stepb·~ 8eclud\'ll renJezvou~ of Southern <"'a llfon1in yachL~mf'n for thrte 1o:rnerat1on11. openw its palm fram- l'J bl'och. Memorial wpek end tor the summer Mni<on. Thl11 year then• there Is music. however!. ..bo-_, .... .....,.. " .... a a"'. e, wolt b&dgea; Cha.rles Card- ISTHMUS: The cove wlll be Uve· HOWLAND'S LAND IN O : ner, bear badge; Danny Hunaaker, lier than e\•er tttls 11euon with the Sbep McCook and Phillip OertJy, addition of Arnold Eddy's Cata· Crulaed by Howland'• to note Fred w"ott ldlver arroww; Doug FroJley, Han1a on Sea Qu~n. Arnold Ell-llna Island Qlrl'a Camp which will dy'• Ortona; Kay and J ohn Swl· wolt gold a.rrow; Hank Tba.yer, bll establlllhrd l\l the 11pacloua gart's lovely Tamalmar: Lia and wolf rold and aUvor a.rrowa; Tim Guut Ranr h (Banning Houul. Johnnie )forrow 00 AltaJr, BIU RY8d&Je, bear l'Old and allver a~ D~}or Hl'len Cni.ick.IJha.nk,· SC St--.rt'a Cbubueo,' and Wool-1"01n. . alum, head• a 11core of college lahrL The Cabm.aat.er announced Uta.t rouuelor aul•' A.Ota. (Hear tber. lb• annual picnic would be held la a w.IUng ··"t for the coWl.lt'lor CATALINA lSL.A.."'n> YACHT June ' at Santiago Puk. Sa.nta job . • . what dreamy place to CLUB: Lut Saturday night the Ana. andllrled the bo)'11 to g-el work) .••. among Newport girt. CTYC officially open~ It. 11ummer In plent,y ot b&Mba.ll pra.cUce tor enrolled are Cberi CUtendyck. aeuon with a. PY dinner dt.nc.. the blC ,.amt between the Cube Und& McCook. J oyce Srnltll., Me-Amonr othera were Kathryn and and their d&da. He lhrn lntroduc- Und& Hoag, Tina BnmlnJ and Rola Cutendyck. Al Cl.oud (Fan· ed Wlldan Thouw.a. who. play~ Pata)' Pardoll. Die LI In Vlf'&1ni& .t.llUng ber fam· Ule part at rlnputer for the clr- Uy), the Rup WaJJ.ace.a, Harriet cua. CHlCRRY COVJ:: A •toM'1 and Oeorl'I PtJerer. the Duke _ ..... _ ... _ d ___ .. Tbomu throw awa.y from the Iethmua LI Woodwarda. Mlldred a.A.d Howard ftA..-".,_ l'l'Ul ,....,.,.._ popular Ctlerry Cove whe" Lut Koon, B elu and Buell AytrL "l>U'lted eJoque11~ u each den weekmd the moor'1nJ9 wen ftlled . put on Ile ut. There were tight to capacJlJ' •.. w1lb about ftO of Rl:OA1TA. PARTIU1 B er. at rope walkera, muacle men, Si&· lbe yacht.a coming trom the N-· Newport Saturday w.tcbln& the m-. twllla, tr1cll "trike" riders, port Rubor a.rea •• , "boat bop-N&YJ crew come out on top went tbe tin eater, 2-ton ntly, a. t.&l'k- llemortaJ O.y obar va.ncu on plnr" wu order ot tbe day with celebrant. ploTe a.t U do Nord lnl' hone, and all tbe clown• and Bunday at Anaheim and J.tonday cockt.aU n.,. tlyl.nf oe Uenoda ba7 trcftt bom•. Among lbe boaU frea.ka found 1n any clrcua. Tbe at rautla\••ll c.metuy W•re a.t-(Admell 1ttaaale'a crulMr) wfth ••• Ol&clya (Mn. Paul Wlllla.m rlnpnut«r put on a. "era~" tended by groupa tro.m 8p&nleh peci. Belt1' and J'nd Button and L&WTeDc. and eon Paut L&wrtnce rood act wtth h1a whlpa betore be WU Vet&alie. -cil\iiDpU Camfl 28 TOlnJn7 Qmna-noed; th end.Mr Jr. wtao beid open h<>U.¥); the M.aa ballyhooed the rnldwa.y pm• and the Womell·a AWtlllary 39. BO-Lo owned by Lo18 and mu 8turpelt9 who "'" a IUncbeon; SOOUlee dona.ted by the molben ())lore of the two orpnlutlon• Cloud; the ~ Wanac.' llad· Bett.y and Allan Mickle, al80 tn· and prlllM donated by JMrchanl.I. ..,.. pns.:nltd a.t IDt.monaJ Mr· cap; the Roa Cuted)'Cb' paJa.-tertalnlnl wtt.h a. luncheon; and er.mt for Ute ~I wealn,r TiCM a.ad n owere were etrewn on tl&I n.,.. O&JJant Lady V {pe.U Kl.J and Lyman Fannll, wbo pn "91l to the drc\19 commJtt., ti.. rnaw.-4'f the. d~~ com· Al Cloud. 1.11d M.lldl"fd 1.11d BID a pa.rty aboard their echoontt ,..,_, D&ll Runaker, WUJlam ndee. lltrl Lat.ham of Ca.mp 28 j C-a~n abo&rd): and tt.e Boward 8"dt1tt 1.11cho~ w1UI the ~ W1l1te and Jolm o.tJ.7, and to ... tM GelQ'abw'J addn.aa. lil.oora' F~. ta&ar lloatl at tM ftn1ab line. 'naDU. Mra. Hugb OOdwtn'a Troop 2t, .eventh grade Olrl Scouts. had an overnlrht camp·oul on the Irvine Ranch. Thl'y set Up c11mp. cooked lunch lllld dinner. and returned In limo for church on Sunday. Cblef PU!!h·ma-ta·ha ot th<' Buf- falo Ranch ume to the camp 111te and lnBl.l'Ucted the girls on Indian lore. Mno. Godwin and Mrs. l.. E. Newcomb aC'o:ompanl,.d tho glrlll on !Ills u p<-<lltlon. T hill l(IOUp lnC'IUdt'i! Donna Al· bn i;hl. Llntla CaL11lell, Janet Hobd. Holly HyJ!'n, t'ttrol~ n :'\ewc-onib, Llnda Spt al l, t:a1J Tuuiih. Sanrly Wat80n. Sandy G0Jw1n. K11ren Bets HnJ C.:oll .. en Rupp. Thl'y h11n WCIC'Onll.'d into thPlr Jt"rOup two newcomerH. Pally Ostling anll F.rancC'a Bee11l..-y. • Troop 29 has flnllbed it.a first a.Id btHJge under the d1recUon of Mra. Robert L. Keppen of the Red Crod. They ha.ve vlJllled the life- guard at.a.Uon where Captain Ja.ck Jones gave a demonstration of a.rtlflcla.1 resrlratlon. TROOP H Troop 26, eighth grade Girl Scout.a, went on a. two-night ca.mp. Inc trip to Peter• Canyon. Their leadc-r, Mn. Fred Slnger, wu a. slated by Mra. Ralph Wilcox. Mra. Ha.rry WllJta a.nd M.ra. R. C. P etty. The purpoae of the trip wu to pre- pare for county camp. Flftttn g1rla eet up a neat camp alte and apecl&J care wu taken to train them In cooking with cha.rcoal, ulling dehydrated foods. and In la.11\Jng. The girla slept m aleeplnr baga on the ·ground v.1th pup lent• •• ah.:lter. 8i\JKE CAX\'OS Troop 27, eighth grade Girl Scout• under the leaJershlp of Mn. William Spur1eon 111, alao b&d an overnight at Pcteni Canyon In pre- pa.ra.Uon for hUl ca.mp. Tbty join· ed with a. rroup from Gar\l<'_n Grove whJch la planning to r o to Oenma.rk tn 19~9. , They had ~ mutua.I cam(!tlr~. t.lL'l- cwiaed plan11 ~nd ung l!OnRS. Hill Camp, hrld later. had repruenta· Uvu from thle troop a.nd Troop 26, In addition to 300 other Girl ScoutA from thl.11 uea. The troops were spill up ao that the girb had the opportunity to meet Scout.I from other locatloni. Mn. Spurgeon'• ,oup won the honora for the beat ca.mp slte•and the beat huhmga. Two nigh t.a and two daya were apent In J>C'rlectlng varioia type• and camps. nllE STARTS Lut nmt o6 the progn.m wu lWlch. and th1a proved the moet txclUnJ .An ember trom a e&mp- nni new out and lit oo a 1raab. In ~ tbe IUrrouDdinJ bnah caurllt nn. The Girl Beaut.I put out the nr. wflb wet runny aacka. bucket.I of dirt, bo~ be.,u and enn hot dla!nnter, mana.cta1 to ,et It under cootrol before UM f\re deplrt.ment arrtnd. o.rptte Ute huatd. It wu a tnmendoull u - perlence for th stria and a Sood pracit.lcal dernonatratlall at tlr. tll'htlq. The Court ot A wardl f« Troop 2'7. lncluttlnJ a pot-tuck llU~r wtll be Mid on June JI. nie Court of Award.I for Troop II w1ll be Mid -, .... . Experf Will Talk Tuesday Oordoe Baker Lloyd. one ot th• Welll'• beet kDOW1l (vden audM>r- W.. wW be preeented by tb• Qollta ~-Bay au.. aranca. ot ' U.. CWAtomla Natl<>naJ 1'\Mlb9la aocwt)' JUM T, at t :SO p. m .• tn l.IMJ s.tnt\ A. 8" ldlool alldt· wtwn. COl"9•r ot llamllloll Md Me,_ 8t& ea.ta Mt'U. -Tinn wW " a f\JU •t~ Mttina 1>1 Lloyd, the theme belns "Ky lbade Garden and I." ICmpbuit wUI be made on what can be done • with plant.. euch aa tucbllta. be· MISS MARVE LEE MOODY.' young meuo soprano, will be beard in a recital Friday, 8 :15 p.m. at the Ch~ Room of Coast College auditorium in eelection.t bf Bach, Handel, Debuuy, Landon Ronald, Brahma and Filher arrangementa of apirituala. She ia the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Moody of Corona del Kar, appeared last year with Orange County Light Opera company, bas been aoloist ~ith church cboirll and wu alto eoloiat at a combined choi r presentation of Handel'• Meaiali in Bellflower. She will be accompanied by JJoyd Hob- grafe. - YOUNG DESIGNER -Mn. John Owena, left. head of the high echool home economics department, watchea u .Diana Crane model.a a tormal black net over taffeta, (le. signed to enhance the beauty of her lhouldera and blonde hair. Diana won thia year'a McCall'• homemaking award, also made a navy blue Englilh wool tailored IUit. She·al· so took the Betty Crocker award for general acellenc. in home economic• work during her four yean at high achool -Staff Photo Fiesta of ·Stars, Film Preview to Aid Bureau A prevll'w of a new film front & maJOr• Hollywood studJo will be one of the principal features of the 7th annua l Fleata of Stan, Tue• dar. J une 7 at 8 p.m. In the Broadway lhealt r, Santa An&, Ule Rev. \\'1lllam J. Bury. director of the Santa Ana office of lhe Catholic Welfllre d uf'l!au, has a.n· nounced. Featured a.rll.at. from rad!lo. television and moving plcturea will parJ,.lclpa.te ln the atage ahow portion of U1e yearly bent'flt, 11pon· sored to augment the !un(lll a l· located lo the bureau 1111 a member organl%nllon or the Community Cheat. ln order to 11crve more ade· quately the lncre&lling appeal11 !or aid t-0 !a.m1J1e1 In need. BiJJ Cv.'1nn will mako a retum engagement to Santa An11 u mu- ter of ceremonlea of the 11how and J ohnny Mercer. composer and ,n. tertaJner, wtll be ont of the at- tr&clions of the Uve portion of lh,. pre!IC'ntallon. , Mn. Pei.r Pft'a.k of Santa Ana 11 gener&J chairman of the event Anniversary for William Blusts Mr. 1.1td Mn. Wlllla.m Blust of 307 I:. 11th St., ~ta Mesa. l.'C' companied by their ltOfl. William BJuat. Jr., ceJebrat.d tllelr 63rd •eddlJlg annh'erar)' by attendlnJ tbe Padua Hilla TbMtre nMr Claremont. a Year11 cu.tom. The• ell~t alao tnclu6- ed dlnJler and a IJoo1' ehop. On P'r1~y lbe \hrH took an ail day tr1p ftiotm1nr ·up UM 0rt4'1'• Hll'b· -1. •nJc>Jinl a. 'llll'&yelde plcnJc IUDCh, aDd retanalq Tia 0oroaa. lhia yeer, ... Llted by Mra. Donald Davtu , Lou.la Kelly, Mra. Vincent Borchard and Plern Goubttt. Procff<14, trom the allow are uaed for direct uai.tance t.o nted.y tamJUea wltllout reprd to race or creed. In keeplng wt~ tbe poll· CIH of the Ca.thollc Welte.re Bu.r· ea.u and the CommunJty Cbe.t. The bureau la the only prt't'&te welfare 1.1ency doing llOClal cue work In Oran1e COUnty, llcenaed by the St.ate Department of 8octal Welfare to carry on a child plae. mPnt program ant1 offering eer-- vl<'l'll to all the people ln the a.re&. Mrs. Arthur Taylor' 111 the New· port -Balboa. community repre-- ll<'nla tlve of the Catholic Welfare Bureau. Will Address St. James Group Mrs. Oeo~a Robtnaon ol Wut- wood. former truaurer of the Dlo- Cl'ICI or Loe Ange:Jee. wfJI be l!pMk· er at tho luncheon of ui. Woman'• Auxiliary or St. Ja.mea EJ!lllCOp&' Church at J2:30 p.m. Wedl'leeday June 8. Mn. RobllUIOll t. ehalrman of the Woman'a Auxlll•ry Fund fo1 Good Samartton HOllplt.al and v.11 tell a.bout t.M wortl done t.Mn fo: needy llplw:apallana. ,, SL Marpret'e OuOd MD be Ir cha.rl'• of the luncbeola, whir" wW be p~ by an 11 e.m board mMUnJ. A t lbla tmie nnr plan• will be l'D&de for the J ul party, Which t. cb&ll'111&UCl by th Awrllll.l'J pr..-t_ Jin. I . H IUg9. .-&u &114 f•nY. Lloyd wtU OOYer lbree ph&ae• ln the al'l&de l'&rd•n: UM ato17 beh1nd planU. what la DOW in 81\&de p.rdenln.1, and a. bett• pbiloeophy. Gordon U oyd and hla ch&n"D.lnl' wtte. .... y. a.re Hen each wwk la thetr a,. sarden ln America'• oal,Y nal Uvtn1 outdoor prdea 8bOw oYer KABC·TV, lunda)-e ... •:IO p.m. Marilyn Newton la be1AC ....- lllM'ed by the J'ucbala Soctet;r u lta candidate for q-ol tM Uollll' Club tenth annual ftala ~. parade 1.11d camJval to be Wei JUM • and a. and the 80det7 wUI hiold lta foldh a.nnual 1'acblla J'..Uftl ln 6 eo.t& K .. Put& la ('OlljunctJon wttb t.M ftlb ~ Approximately tOO named ...... u.. ot tucbai& bJoom8. lnda ..... man1 ot lb• Ull6 latroducltlaM. and blOMOma from eome ol o.llt Lido Couple Home From Trip Abroad Ju.t badl ~ ...... tM Wide world, Mr. aad Kr& 'n.c.u m. 0tomw are at hOIM apla al 111 Via x..u... TUJ tl.w f'll'lt '° lltmolulw ...... a... ....... .._,... to lilt, tlMa 111 lldp to 1...-. o.w to Roqtrons aDd tlill8 1" lldp apln to O.ykln, ~ .... sms. India, Jlc'Tpt. the Roly Land, a-. u. JU.._, Pana, Lamdoa Uld Rolland. ni. croa.. ..... a.. ...,. al ....,_, ptans out jmt Won tbe ~Uq ~ ,,., found tbe ..u ... ~ to nat mjpt bappm and .. wt.mas k> be undw' cammuntm M U7 other type or aoffl'DllMllt. Ia India they wml •W-ua. .... t.rsor u far u New Delld &Dd .,., the TaJ K.abal. CID8 ol t.be bJJh potJlt. ta their tour. L&i.. ta J:cypt they wmt to Lux.or Uld la !\om• were at an aucn.nci. .,.,_ by the Pope at the Vatloea. They dJd DOt find '1lq ulmo- aU7 toward A.mertoa. la tWJI traftl8 and aw ntdmoe ~ toward more pn.il*OIM .,.ooDdlt.lcd--- ln both It.al,J aDd ~ 8eoll 18 lbe United at.at. tbeJ 11p111t CW. ""° la V1rJ1n1&, Kn. ~ old bolM. Lawler Kin in Visit . Here ~ta 'C!" a deJtcldN ._ bere are Mb.. H.ala.. •ad a• Lawler ot Kauaa Cl\;7, Ko. Uf btt motber, Kn. W..., A..s... ot IA.naq, MJch. ni. COUJlle' new bin ._a:," .. tWr ~-and~ crandd&u(hur, n.. montha ol4 Ke!JN& Lawler, M't parete * and Kra. KlchMl C. Lawt. i. and her brother, )O~ m. ell 102 rem.Jeat A.n. Mn. LaW'I«' .. ~ .. llOCi&I attain of Kauu ~ woru wft.h Ill a.rt tuUtme, Is cba1rm&n ot the P-TA. boud la attlll&ted with lbe 8&4d1oa Md ... Iota Club. Members Bridge at Country Club •" l:i(bt tablH W.l'e 1D pla7 wt.. Santa. Ana. Country Cl.ub WaDMa held their D'letnbera Juncllena aDd t.nemooc of brtdp on Kay .. Mre. Stanley Rldderbof wu c:tiaar- m&n for the day, &nd bad ~ ed decoraUona of unuaual ....,...... pop plea. ' rtnit prtu went to Mre. Iii. Thompaon. 11ttond to Mr1. Paul Rall, third to Mn. r:. r. lh.lder- man. Earh rte.Ind a COllMUO caae. Seventh Birthday fo r Donna Schorle Utt.le tr1mda of Donn.a ldM>~ IAU&'l~T of the R&Jph kl>orttil ol .?013 Federal Avr., Coat.a M-. •nJoyed a blrtM.a.y lunch-. rrt• lay noUnir Donn&'• eevent.h birth· lay. r o11owtn1 luncheon U. J"OUP eft for achoo!, all beilllf ln the teeond ire.de a.l'Umooa ..-on a..t ~ 'ofaln School. Pre•nl ,,,.,.. l:llMD llckford, YVODM La PeTle, Cbrt.· lne Ra..mUton, CynW.a llart. "red& Y<JUAPlood. Nancy lchorle aadUM..._0-....... .. • .... . . . '\ H QRACE ENSIGN SCHOOL GRADE 8 D, la.ufh& by Mr. Sumrell, appears from fefl above In thll order: Top row-Terry Clarke, Barbara Peck. Terry Zwiebel. Stepehen Landess, Reece Stauffer, Alan Mea1tng, Judy Lovell, David Drury, StA!phen Kimble. Middle row-Donna Bellinger, Allen Guenther, Raymond Elle- boudt, Gilberta Buma. Billy Markham, Conde• Corbin, Mnry Lu DownlnJo:. John Owt'n.t, Tommy Cottle. Lower row-Patricia Bulh, Marvin Gray. Waller Bo1l'e, Barbara Nott, Mike Taras, Paul Olsen. Carol Francke, C"orge Houser. Grant Homt>eax. Left )fr. Swnttll, Patricia Freuhllng, right., Charles Pellet11>r, Cornella Smith. HORACE ENS JG:-; SCHOOL GRADE 8 F , taught by Mr. Chrtaten~n. appears aboveo rrom left In lhl1 order: Top row-Carrol Montrose, J«'ff Smith, Susan Jont-1, Martin AndtTkin. Sally While, Ronald Stomp, Jackie R umsey, 1'1ch8rd Kornwl1>bel, Marie Patterson. Donna Munson. Alden D()('11burir. J ohn Gonlon. Kll y Frampton. Jf'rry M11nn. Rhetta Brown. Bill .Mu:tz.y; 1-0wer row-Dan Art- hofer. Hf'len Mathew1. Joe Lippitt, 'carol Jaquith, Ricky Bouck. Sandy Fletr, Earl D11y, Grace Cartn, Bob Beacheurnp, left Mr. ChrlstenMn. George M<'Far- land, rig-ht Bob Hotcm11n. Barbara Elliott. ' - HARBOR . HI --LITES-Jim Hurd and J ean Booeey, Janice wu pruented with an• alfl~a~or beg and a lovely b1rttrlay cal<•. The Annual Tatty Luau wu held la.at Saturday In PlacentJa. Everyone w11 all deckf'd out In sarong1. Haw1111a.n •hlrte and lei•. Spar11 riba, pork chopa, fresb pine- applee. coconuta and Alad were all ~rved by candlelight on tablu cover~ with palm leavu. Among lhO&e dancing and ea.Ung through the evening w.-re: Ann· Allen and Charlie Rltth, Gay Arm1trong and Mike Handllbsw, Pally Clemence and Denny Fl1.&p.ur1ck, Arlene Huff and Demi HaN!nhlt',ld. Mer· lln Cou<'h and J im Taylor, Brend-' Bamt>tt and Sally Green, Ruthy Dudley and Dick Hatch. Camp~ll. Mary Ja.ne Armmonir and Mike Long. Gall Frah.m and Bob Kelsey, r.tarllyn Hammond and Jerry Samll(>I, Ma.ry Kay Hehn and Bruce Knipp, Laurie fiend· rick• and Mickey RetrntH, Lynn Peaae &nd Joel Ltonard. Johan Hirth IUld Chuck Frisk. Jan..Sttt- ii511 and J ohn Eu;~ert. 1rayla ffurat and Jerry Crou, Lynn Stahler and Bill Ring, Carol .King and Peteor Schulbt'rg, Dh•n• Joye and Cha.rile Berry, Pal Kelter 8.nd Jim New· kirk, Anita Palm and 8111 Wet:sfi. Ma.rial\ Koerner a nd Bunny Conae, J oanne Sueu and .Alan RyplMkl. Marcia Moorehl'ad a nd Biil Rffd, Taja Tohill and David:'. Sue NI•· 1ten and Tom Pea.MIOtl, J udy Corf· man and Buddy Thompaon. Sally Pfister &nd J ohn Bruning, Pal Kite.hie • and Sam Cooper, An.n By PAnIE RETMlER ,,.... 8tetaoe WU mlchlY IUr· pr1Nd wh•n 1he walked Into the ~ Club Frtday ew.nlng and found "11 Of hu trienda walUnf for bu. 'oha ERtrt eacorted Jane to the ~ whtN theN we,.. C0"9&1ff and enrnaved compe<1ll for Ule pla and MITilved by cllaJna for t.b• boya. 8 ltUn1 around the din· ftt!r tabM W'e.NI: Jane and JQf\n. .A.nn St~ and Char1le Hernnr. A.ru1 Alleit and CharUe Riedl, Rod Lubell a~e Thoma.. J~ Hirth and Chuck Frlak, PatUe ftetm:Jer and 0.17 Locker, Patricia • RJtcble and Sam Cooper. After dln· ner we all enjoyed a ca)le wltll "Boll Voyage Harbor High" writ· ten on ll •1th chO<'olate tudg"e aundaea. Mr. and Mna. Stet.Ion pve Jant the party In Jlooor of her CT•duaUon. .. c trbow BlanlDAY Alao cWlln1 at the Bay Club the aame ev~r 1ft honor of Jani~ Cumow'1 allltHnth Birthday were: JanJce and A! kober, Martie )tc· Gralh and Junnlt Smith. Pt>l'flY l.lutro and Oorotbv h.ot>.-rtl!On, Jackie Curnow M'\ Jack Ducket, MORE Gl 'l:ST8 Marilyn Newmann &nd-Dick • fA6E 4 ·PART f I -NEWPORT HAUOll ~ THURSDAY, JUNF 2, 1955 \ · - McClellan_ J111e Grad at Brown One of the J une &'J'1aduatea at Brown Military Academy. San Dleco. Is ~ J. McClellan, eon ot Lee J . McClellan Sr., Udo hie. I Taktnr hle last ,hl&h 1ehool year at the San Dlero achool, Cadet McClellan has been on the varllty bUketball and baseball lea.ma. and a member of the Chriatlan Club, In addl lion to partlclpallng-In var- lou. othu acholu llc and military actlvlUee ot the achool. FolloWlnc hi.I graduation from Brown, Cadet McClellan bope11 to enter Ora.n1e Coa.at College neat fall. Maliscal Home ~ Entry of the Joaeph F. Manacal borne. 128 Cryatal Ave. during the put five or 1ix weelut wu rt'port· ed lo police Saturoay. r.tarllc&I I aaJd hi• home wu dirtied by per· eon• apparently ualnc It for a party or lod(inr. DEATH NOTICE .IASPER LLOYD A UTERV The body of Juper U oyd Au- tery. 87, of 1934 Walt.Ce Ave., Co11ta Mesa, were 1ent Sunday to Oklahoma City for Interment. He died laat Tuesday In Orange Coun- ty ·Ho1pllAI. ~e wu a retired poet office clerk. Born In Nebruka he lived In Co1ta Mua aln<fe 1947. He wu a rnembt'r of the Baptlat church In Coeta Mea. and Masonic FAMILY AFFAa Mother T1rns Son Over to Mesa Police BANTA' AJ>JA, (0CN8)-Tumed In by hla mother Mra. Savem Holmea of Coat& Mtaa, Rlchud E. Bu.tter, whoae addre.. wae Uno Maple St., Coit.a Meaa when ar- reeted, Friday wu deprived of hie t~edom ror a time prueribed by law. Superior Court Juda• John Shea denied eroballon for Bueter, who pleaded euJlty to tuutnr two bad check•, tota.Ulnr m . Mr•. Holrnea accUMd Buater of ta.klnr $300 worth of jnn!ry from her place. She made the report to Coeta Meaa police. She at.o U · eertedly Implicated him ln tb• b&d check charge•. Buater, an ex-convict, gave him· .elf up to Reno police and he wu returned to Coeta. Me• on the check char1ea.. He denied atealln1 the jewelry. but pleaded pllty OD the bo,U. check charge•. ~ Aid 11111 Sencl - State. Cost Up Two lect&l&U•e btU. ~ lncreue lD a.Id to aced and bllnd would up. th• preeent Slll,I00,000 annual C09t bl' t.be lltat. by ......i million doll&n, aecordlns to a etatement ot UI• C&W'ora.I& 'h.a· pa.yen' Amod&Uoa. The tlnl, a Hnat• m.uure, • pt"opolii9 to add '6 a moat.b to aid alnad)' betnc provl.ded C&Jltornla'• needy and bltnd, With offMt bued oa outad• Income. Tb• MCond, u ...ably bill, would 11•• a t1at M a..cr.... 'nl• coet of the ftnt ID t.be ltate would be about f ll ,tOQ,000 and the MCond SH ,I00,000 U.. tint year. In <>ran.-oount)', t.be ueoal&- Uon •tat•. C09t al Use ...ie pro- poeal would be about All.tOO ti>• flrat year, bued -.....,, q9d and 211on11Hdy bllDd roUa .i UM county ln Marcb. NEW POPULATION INCREASE FORECAST BY CITY MANAGER New Census Will lllllft Newport Its Fair Share of State Funds lodge In Oklahoma City. Surviving "Wt can't mlu on a population TO ornrr 009'1'8 bc11ldl'I bla wife ere two 1on1, Ja•· lncrea8e." The pin tn eta.le tund8 w1U pt'r L. Jr. a::d Wallace G.; two These Art' the word• of J ohn more than compenate for thi cen· . daughters. Mra. Marl~• Jordan J . Sailors. Newport Beach city 11u.1 eirpen~. whJcb l8 "tJ.mated at and Mr11. Belly J . Wllllama. all of man1i;<'r. who bt'l11>ves that the $2810, accordlnr to Satlora. ''W• Oklahoma City; two allllfrs, M~ city wlll ~aln <'onslduably In tht are aMumlnc that we wtll at leut Zella Autery and Mr1. Ina Frank· poputat!on count wt.lch bc1tan brea.k even on coetJI the .tint year," arkea·Rldlc-y mortuary. aus be<:auae l knew ..,e were g-olng Meanwhile Benjamin K. Kund&n, en. A rren(rements were m11de by I ''l recommended a special cen· proflj.." fin of Balboa RM two rrandchlld· M11y 24. he ea.Id. "A(ler tha t it wtll be all MRS. MARIA.'li BARBER to _J,!l n," Sallora ...NJd,_.'rlle..cllY I• federal Ctl\.IUI llUJ>eMllOI', l• J.fl'I'. lifiRl:Jof"t.."Bar&er. "l«:liled 1 growing f111t but not &.11 rut a1 f 1 iltng fomm a JUmt~ ·---• suddenly May 31 al her home, 318 11ome of lhe olhc-r11 In the &rl'I, for lhe compltUon of UM ~ B1 oadway, Co1t1t. Me11a. She bad according lo S1tllor11. According to city offlcJ&la, lhe II ttllld"d here tor !Ive year•. 111 Call-I ORO"°TH V ARDSTIC'K <'en1u1 mu•t be completed by that tornla for 2~ year• and w1111 a n•· There are eeveral way1 to judge date In order for the city to ben•· I Uvr of Lake City, Minn. She waa 1 whether or not the city Is jtl'OW· t when the 8tat. apportiou · active in the Ft !day A ftrmoon J lnl[. The number or new wat"r con· fun<la July J. Club. She la .urvlvt'd by her hua-nectlona in the city 111 one good St:ED 0011NTD8 bllr.d, Harry E . or the home: two • lnl1rx.. "\Ye ha ve bf>en ln11talllni; Kundln 111 not too opUmletlo eons, Donald B. of Co11ta Meaa., 30 to AO nt!w water <"onnecllon1 about gelllnl[ tnourh cen1u1 tak· and Major John L. Barber of Uie every month." 8a llor11 111.ld. "Mui· era. He nerda a total ot 23, but U. S. Army. Grcenvllle. Miii!., and tlply thl11 number by three 11nrt nld. "I hope we can pt ... many six grandchl)dren. Servi er• will be you Kt!t a rough approximation or a11 20." Tul'aday artemoon. Kun· held Friday at 2 p.m. In Baltz thf' lncreue." din h11d only lt ~pie at work .Mortuary, Cost• Mu a Chapel, Thi' fut c't n1u11 wu hc>ld In on the count. with the Rev. We.wley H&vermale Ne-wport Beach only two ye11r11 Thi' c-ounUng procedur11 l• .. ry or The Church of the Mes11la h or-111:0. Sailor. 1111ld hi' rPrommemlM 11Mrough, accordln1 to Kundin. flclAt1ng. Interment will be In t h" curi"t"nt en ... <11':.pll" thr 11hort F:numerator1 call back twtc• and, Jo'alrhaven Cemetery. lnt'erval, f!O th!' city c11n gvl lt11 If un11U<'Ctll11ful. turn to frienda PlM.t:NTAL l.NFANT fair "h11re o: 11:n:i· fun• a Othf'r I and nel(hbort of lhe abaent tn· Prlvat.e interment wu held Sat· cll!t11 are having lhem lhle frt>q· ante for lnflltm&tjon. urday mom lng In Holy Sepb kh . u<'ntly. a ccording to SAllont. Kundln hoJ>('• to flnlah Ula -.U· Ct",mttf'ry In Orange ro Ju. r~ "We have one l"Vtry two yN1t1 mnat1on by Jun• 4 but, he aa.ld, Pimental. infanl eon ot r Mr ~':!:d because othPr cttlu are doing 1t," "I don't lntend to flnllll on .. Um• Mrs. Je1ut Plmental, l928l New-he 11&ld. a t the-expen11e of accuracy. I port Blvd .. Coata Mesa, who wa11 borl) dead a t St. Joseph'• ho1p1taJ wt, Wednt-lday. Bttldu hla J)ar- • ent.e he 111 aurvl~ed by three 1l1le~ and four brothert. Pa r kU·Rldley Monuary had charge of arrange- ' menta. Laurie Hendric.k1 wlll be the aer· St~rt and Q11.rllt' Herrlnr, P.t-gHJ1t-et-erm1. Ue Retmler and Tom Web1ter. "Happy Birthday Patti Ann" Caryll Eaerer and Glenn Thom-'could be heard u Patti Kelter 1111. Judy Sande and Tom Niquette, walked Ink> Sue Nl1een'1 home May 29. The ~rtrlM party wu Beverly Pflrrmann and Dick Over· riven by Bue and l11m Newkirk In by. Phylll1 Yarwood and John horior ot Pat'•· ft!•enteenUI Blrth· Swain, Diane 01\con a11d Ron New· day. AmOftJ thoee watc.hlnc Pat lo.n, Su" Klen1 and VJc Wit.on. open her prueat.1 and utln1 c&ke Sue Thomu and Rod Lubell, Sue were: Pat and Jtm Newkirk, Tom ~rby_ud Cluck Burr!n. 8heltlY. Pe.anon and Sue, Mi ke Valle and 'Punnell and Jack Bmlth. Cora ICnlyn Taylor, Bruce Bartoa &J>d Ptter1 and Chuck Rorrer, Calan Joanne su..., Jane It.et.loll and s:nilh_ and Carl Bwteci.ctn, Nickl~ John -prt. Tod Wblte and llMI· Nllu and Bob? · by Tunnell. Bob KUum &Ad x..,.,. MEW PllUIDL~ Kay Helln, Jerry Croaa and "-YI& Pat Ktlter wUl be th• MW pr-ee-Hunt. De.nail nt.spatl1dt ud lde.nt or Taffy with Kayla Huret Markie llcffer, Mal1aa ltoemer to help h!'r, 4U$1y Banda and Mar· and MJclley RetJlller, Pa.ill Lorent· Ian KOflrner will take our the of· am and Sue M&nroa. Bill Ropklna flcea of ~retariea. 8ue Ni-and N~y Campbell Dan Brldl· will take can of UI• money and ner and 'L7DA K.actar ... Rheem Dream Home Draws Hundreds to Costa Mesa Crowda ot people ar• cotnr Mesa tor the winner, wh.,...... a.. throuJh lM Rheem" Dtte.m Home uv... . on Irvine Ave., Coata Mesa In a The prize houae la atnc:Uy mod- lleady 1tn.m to admire the ar· em, fll)lurioua In every det&U, b&a r~ementJI, conatroctlon and four bedronu, two bat.ha, a.ll·brtck eepeclally the equipment of the fireplace lllld hardwood noo.... Jt kitchen and beth rooma. ii equipped Wllh bullt In Rheem· Louted JWlt north of l!ut 17th Wedgewood oven and coo«Jns top, 8t., lhe hoUM la euy to flnd and clolhea dryer, water 90ftftMr, IO people from all over Southern pl. Rheemclu wam hat.er and California were ther~ over the re-Rheem Y .. r 'Rounder a1r eon- cen\. weekend holiday. It wu dlUoner that heata 1ft th• wtlllft built by M .. Bulldera. and coola In the eummer. Thl8 bollM II to be f1v-.i away Official entry blUlka may._ ob- UU. wmmer to the lucky perwon talned at any cte.J«'a ha.n41iD&' who dreama up Ute moet •ppro-tll• Wbtta Kins fam11)' ot Jf'Od· prt.ate name tn 11119 W1ITte Kin( ucta. At Ute &&me time tMt UMt "NIJM UI• HouM" ccmteaL Th• boUM contAlll .. under .., - White fUns eoap company la mak· a.pan.le weekly eoal41ne .,.. llie- l.DS Ulla a 9tricUy weatem conleal, lf\S held In which to IQ9eam •• open only to w..t.em homel1\Akert Wed1-ood UM ru nnpl UMI and Ute company wiJJ build a to Rheem-Wqewood .. elot.IMe llnlil&r bome to t.be --la Coat.a dr7.. w1Jl be "... ..... ~ _j • • ., • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART 11-PAGES THURSDAY, JUNE 2, I 955 Lido Cub Scot1ts Present Circas at Pack Meeting - ne clrcu• came to town tor Dcnnu •tripe• were fivcm to Jt'rl'1 Lido I.lie'• Cub S<.'<>Ut • Pack 3'1 Adami and Bill Wek.h, St t'pht'n wlle1' Dena Two. ~ rour J'ivc Broylu a nd •Ba.rt Christler were ' -• (liven u.Witonl denner 11lrl~•· and ·eta P" drcu. pertorma11ce1 Membtoin1 v( th.i $a.11Clab Patrol al the ,Pack m.etinir. for t.heu or Udo Ille welc_pmed Xmny ~al• , '°" Dton llOld popcorn with lht' F'or the cto11lnir rtl'C'mony Ofon ~parent.a ~ t.eUo-: Cµb&. n, .~ Ucdnto Troop !).. ~~i:'.:t-1 roceeda -~ -mto t.he Pack-1 If'd the Pacl< 1n tl)t' eua..~L treuury. oath &nd a chCt-r of thank• lo ONE OF THE MANY TABLE groupe which helped to celebrate the atart of the 38th 1euon of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club on Saturday evening with dining and danc· Ing. Thia party includes Mesars. and Mmes. ~ard Kingsbaker, Dale Runsey, Mur- ray Roberta, Dwight Gibbs, Jack Axelson,· Delbert Axelaon, and Mrs. Gordon Grundy. -Beckner Photo · Openlns ceremonlea Wtl'e pre-C\Jbma.et<'r Rill'y. t unle<l by Den 7. Den l , wltb Mrt. The June meetln1t will be a Hsrry Oate1 u Den Mother . .,.,. family pirnlc at CQ•l& Mt-~ Park. Jiven penna.nent poa11e1111101'1 of the J une 10 at e p.m. lnapecUon pennant a1 top winner• ------------ of the montl\ly,i. lnspectlon1. Mem· bere ot Den 1 art' Brott Oatn, Lar· Grown-up Dress ry Glbaon. John Reilly, John Shiel~. Charin Tree.a, Curti. EU· £ N a} F more, Kent rJdter and Michael Kut· Or at ete ner. . . Aware. were presented by CUb-Cbrirtine H&n111ton, daughter of muter Herb RHey to the follow-Mr. and Mn . P. W. Hamlll-0n, 1003 Ing: wol.t b&dge, Oreg Von H9tf· Oak St., Costa MM&, celebnte4 man and Bllly Dona11oe; wolf ar-her Hwnth birthday with • lunch· rows. Billy DonAhoe, Jeff Clark eon and party at her home. All and Bobby Chacon; bear bad,.e, the gue:<ls n me dres~d In gTOWn· Mike Morgan and Randy Rlgp; up atUre with jewelry, m&k .. up, bear arrow•, Charlir Trees, Larry hat• a.nd glows. ---------------------------------Gibson, Mike Morgan and Randy Enjoying the novel party'"" AT THE BUNDLE CO~ -Aasistance League membera in top photo are unload- ing the truck filled with supplies for their Thrift Shop. In tMfclc ()to r ) are Mrs. Lou.is E. Libbey and Mrs. Edward Chapman m . Below are 'Mrs. Edward Millett and Mrs. Forreet Neal. Lower photo shows Cl to r). Mmes. Arthur Lewis, Leon Yale, Nel80n Neice and Clarence Cooper. -Staff Photo At Laguna I . Art Gallery By OSWELL lACll80N The Annual Artl•t.a' Lawn Fete lield at Laguna Beach Art Gallery over the Decoration Day week-cid attr&cted many vtaltora. Tbere Wer9 111 arttst.a exhibltinl' and aev· enl of them did demonatraU011.1. Many aales were mada and mun· tiers exhibltinc pronounced lt one of the moat eucceutul ever held. Wednuday eventns at the hi(h ICbool there wu a talk and iSem- outraUon by Arthur Beaumont. famous wa tercolorat. apo1U10red by the FeaUval of ArU. At the sallery there are tor the Callfomla State Fair and Expo- 11Uon to be. h'eld at ~ento Thuraday, Sept. 1 throug'h Sept. 11. 0111, watercolora, prtnt., aculpture an4 all aorta ot art.a and cratll are &dmJlted. Prt.lee totaling $11 ,384.00 are to be stnn In all ci.u-. There will be two Jurt119, conae.rvaUve &na modern. On Saturday 80 children from Crane. Monte Vista principal and At San Diego San Bernardino and their leadera Wiiliam Purdy or the ta.eulty. mtted the pllery. . Is Hostess at Put member• of the board pres· Mr. and Mra. D. C. Allen of HlllS& Briatow 11 b&vt.nc a one Garden Lunch enl were Mmes.; F. D. Butler, K. 781w.18th St., Coat& Mesa, apent man ahow of ber Olli, palnted Sn 1'!. Aeschliman, Allan Jackson, k d ln 8 DI ... _..,R .. New ·.," .. land Jut .mnmer durln&' Kenneth Wolff, C. \V. Hale, Ken-a wee en an eso ..... _ -• • Mn. Paul E. Martin, ot Costa neth Lentz, Henry Crawford, Al· re!aUves and attending' the &'Olden the month ~June In th• lobby of Meaa, put pre.sldent of the Monte wedding celebraUon ot Mra Al· th• Hay tri.te BuUdinc on Vt.at& P-TA. honor!'d board mem· fred Briggs, Thomu ColUns. 1 . · Seventh St., Loe Anselu. ben who 11erved w ilh her laat year F ra.nk Marcellus, Robert Cotton, Jen s brother and elater-In-law, Mr. The calendar for the Art Gal· a.t an atlr1\C'lh•e gardtn luncht'On H. R. Hendrie, M. H. Deckard, F. and Mra. C. B. Duham of San lery for the Month of June la &a recenUy. Attending wero Mrs. w. Scroggs. Dlrgo. • to.Uowa: Sunday, June &, Monthly Riggs; llon badge. Charlie Treff. C'lndy FArnJJWorth, Donna Hutt.on. Tea, S to 5 p. m. opening the new Mr. and Mn. Eugene• Nowlen. Kent Edler, John Reilly and Scott Donna Srhorlt', Yvoone La Perle, exhlblta. Free to members. Gatea; lion a rrows. Scott Oate1 Cindy Harl. Donna Archer, Jae· S&t\lrday. June 11, 8 p. m., ''A Friday, l une 24, 8 p. m. bridge and George Va ndervort; Webelos, quellne Archer. Janice Ha.mU&on Trip to Ba.II" ln motion plcturu and canuta party, benefit for the George McCulley, Bill Elmqulat, and the honoree, Chrtlltlne Hamll- and alldu by Mildred F. Brown, gallery. Tlekel• at the door. Char!H Bell, and P ete Mlehaud: ton. SUMMER ·SHOE: FASHIONS AT Hearty, Happy , Play Shoes at Healthy Savings ! CAN Y AS· CASUALS FOB MEN Md WOMEN la I <>o&o...-Browa. NaYJ Blue lllMI Faded Blae. Marked clowa to' .•299 NOT TO SAFEWAY s\\~ FOR Father's Day We've Marked Down Every Pair •• So hurry In! CANVAS LOAFERS in Brown and Navy Blue M.tled Dowa to •299 Uncoln • Mercsy USED CARS CUT $200-$300 TheM are NOT left-oven, bat eODM of U.. Qeueet Can 7oa will flat la Ula eaUre .,..! JUNE 2 to 12 NOW ONLY .. , FREE PORTRAITS! $5.00 VALUE ~51-lONllAt lDoor. x r-SlOO JL_ ~ ~--aAx--1-....... V-E $600-te $1000.00 ~ -MVl-W--tlt-i '52 NASH Rambler~. x Cut $100 x 1099 on New Uncolns & Mercurys AN .ACTUAL $5.00 VALUE· .. 1'11, abeolat.ely FREE, aa 8"110" Portrait of yOUl'lelf or aay member of JOUJ' tuna, taken by profeteloul pllot.ognpben at aay Fox '11ffuy or Austin Studio la tile ......, ~ee aa eseellent Gradoatioa Gift.. NOTHING TO BUY, JUST OOllE IN ad uk for the l"KlO" Portnlt Gitt. SPECIAL No ••• This 11 Not a Mis-print '52 LINC. Capri. 4 Dr. 11 cut 5200 • 1699 S1995 we Mean It-Wheii We '49 PONTIAC 2 Door x cut s200 x 499 UJlcw)la aius Hqve a Celebratlon '49 cH1:v 4 Door • c. s150 • 495 ~:;~Oar -:4 Bi::; vou REALL v sA v1 . ~ We me oDlJ faetol')' aatllor· ' lsed brake llnlnl' UICI the '53 fORD 4 Door xCut$150x 1299 ==~~~:.0"' \Ve Give UR Ol"MID Stampe '53 FORD 2 ~ x Cut $250 x 1250 '54 MERC. Conv, x·cut sJ0ox 2499 '54 MERC. Suri Valley • c111 s200 • 2499 '49 LINC. 4 Door ll Clll ?200 ll 399 'SS MERC. Montclair Coupe Save 800 P. S.-Power Brakes. Near new. Some mil .. on it '51 BUICK Riv. Coupe • c• s200 ~ 999 _, I UAY MONn BAOK QtJAILUfl'EZ 01' OUll "9.AJl'll lltTr trn:D OAM" BLUE CORAL lpeclal •1495 w ......... ,.... ,.. .... ftl'lt, tltell llud poUali It wtQi Blae Oor.I lleaaer. Pro- ._. ,...., ... danme ,,_ ...... ..n ..,, , J ' .WepMBo,.......,. We allowed $1150 Oft a '49 U11eoln We aUowed 2267 Oft a '53 Mercmy We allowed 2070 Oft a '52 Mercsy We allowed We allowed 1450 on a '51 Mercsy 1850 on a '53 Ford 6 cyt. We allowed 1425 0n a '51 lulck We aRowed 2850 on a '54 Mercsy Come in and See What We Offer for Yoar Trade-in. JOHNSON & SONuNCOLN-MERCURY -~' coAsr HIGHwAv· .. . ' We 1 H11e 1 S1rprise for YQI ! Newport l1adl Ub1rty 8-5545 • ' , • .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 2. 1951 ( ~~ ~·•o MAAlltT WITH SALLIE ..... ,.1w Newport llarbor l' our -ldda ooulda't take after a abr PY t11u O.vy Crockett t Slmple, b...t, stnllbt • U.l•ldac D a v 1 Crockett! Uadl Walt 1)9. MY broQ&bt him to Ille iluoqb Im DMeylMd TV fl'Ocnm. O.\')' OroC!kett llM beeD OM of the •· ~ beroee of oar 1a1i1torJ boob ••• Beu" Ye I lle&r Ye! Rldaal'd'1 .... ,,............. WI Bldari11 J)a.y Orodu* Week I .. Step dPt ap ldda ud pt yoar . · Jree hTJ Crockett bat- I tDM. thee ooax mom ..,.. .... to .. .n the ab ~ we baw to offer to • .,...Ue J"Oll a tne llldiu nsiater ...• Teenapra •.. Your time ta Saturday afternoon from 2-3 1n frpnt wtiere Al Jarvie will put on hi.I teen..ap dance par- ty . . . Evolution of the dance OCJlllOlllW!IA ••• Cut.le Walk! Charleston, Varsity Drag, Big Apple! Thea came Swin&', next Jitter Bug! Now It'• Bop ••• Vernon and Irene Cutle had to be !Dftltioned, l>tcf!ll" they were the tint to dance to four beata to the bar lnlltead of three •• Dancing or not da.nc· lnl ... Public opinion 9eeDll to be divided ~ • • Come and ..... Doof I rve wrtttea tw word 10 maay tDee I eoal4 write It baeknrcll! ht tbeee .cloofa .,.... oa ,wr MW twWa fCll' ...... If' eM- bal n.t. Olllon roa. from 0ur Bakery • • • PW ucl ~d, ,_ Cl'1iac to ..... bunbarpr ••• 'fte • lret. Ollloa fla•or ......... rtsM .._, .wttll tile ....... . Tbeee ... rc6 ..., .. perk ap uy .,_.IMed ............. wltll ...... c-.. . . . 0..1 a......,. ..... De ...._r ,_ pWa oJd bdend -pit ..... die brollel'! Now tllere'• a eoava..UO. piece of awt It I ever __. .. r Oec&r Kayer'1 All Met.t Dbmer Bologna can be bolled. baked, fried or .erved cold ••• Looka like a hot doc'• creat lfUddaddy ... What tun to out croeawt.e In .Uta, not q11ite through, and between eleh .Ut place onion 11Jcec, eheele, tomato and green pep- per . • . Bake whole • . . only tan. about 20 minute. • . • Olcar Mayer ia 1preadlnc oul all over the place . . . rlMta io.t bu the b&r-b-q sauce oook~ riaht In with th• meat • • • Anotlier excftiD&' tut. to Include in your cold cut plat- ter suppers • . . Ham and ~ roll! Can't eee the oheeee, but the tUte ia there! ....._O....Tooll.,1 c.11 them ••• O-pletie .tr Boe, nlr.e, ~. llJ*le lllld • oe1111W.atloa hoe..ud -.lthator ..• fteJ do the r:.~n:...:=. = uorter to mUe ,.... feel .... Ike a MW llMd, .... 19' feel die mp to dis ••. Aacl ttaat .. Mort nb wOI rMll7 pt betweea, .... ............... llO otbefo raise ever natued Wore • • • . Nice to have .,.,... ,_ tl.e hmlon of c.:Qy .. to u.e -~ . ...... --.... oi be. sre-t'o-•more.bata ............. It~· ............... .._ • • • Apia .... J[ b&t ,....,.,,. .... ............ \ .................. .... ................. -.. . J'ather'1 l>a7 .. oam'"r up th9 19th • . • While )'OU are aamtnma tbe Da., Crockett lam OG tM M ..... lllCml. tab .a look at tlM l'athwa D&y Glft Tai*. You'll find Joe. of thJDo tJwe )"OG'd Jib father to 6an ., that 1ft oould u.ae them too • • • ·with Joe Yoem11, Guest St.I mlCI tM "Mal•, lellne lallroom" THIS SATUIDAY AFTBNOON, 2·3 P.M., IN FIONT OF llCHAID'S UDO MAlllT. DANCI A.ND HIAI YOUR FAYOllTI RECORDS FIOM THI GUATIST OF THIM ~LL IVllYONE'S CiiAM CHEESE -...... ! 2 ... 25c •CHEDDAR CHEESE · ·-·~ 59c ......... 429 CAllED HAM ....................................... ~ ' INVITED FOi AN AFTllNOON OF FUN. - • David Crockett Trad'l11 Post · .............. _ A.tten~on all little CTocketl.8. Don't bead for t.be froDUer un- Ul )'OU'W •tocked up on Vitti• and Davy Crocllttt. equipment. at. Richard'• . .. .,.... FUil HATS FRO~ Tt••c"'6o ..._.,, Olp ,......,. DA VY <JllOOKElT RDLE ~ .. ,.. ... T-81118'h i......t r..ue DA VY OBOCKEIT 0011108 llacUM DepL Tblll here TrWtn Poet bu •verytb1ns neceM&I')' and a litU• more. Free Davy Crockett. bade• wtiu. \her iui • • • • "'But QMJitir -IJ tcOl'W kttw• .,.,.. ... 0 ..... AA. BUTTER "Cdfontlo ._, ••llflr'' • ~ 11'1..e...,.. o .... ~ SUGAR FLOUR u ••Jor ,oi,.r. ., tlW l'W~ ml' r..,.,...,_~ COFFEE ' •· 1 •b. 59c . 5 lb. bar 43~ I .s 1b. 45c iiiiPAGIE KRAUT :. 35c \\\ • 111/ t./w.t. 6pon6oreJ proJuc/6 •• ,J ••• COFFIE 1.58 .. /,-u' ta/nJ , ,. IWDaRY TBMUFANS & for 31~ ~ OATMEAL COOKIES 2do&. ~· ' FILIDA'f' Ga.ADD . DONUTS .......... 6 for 24¢ iT.S.K IREAD ·-··--··--········.ao.t 24¢ • SATURDAY 116* A--. Topped 4 27¢ IUTtERHORNS --··-···-· for ~Onqe~t 17; LArER CAKE ---·----··~ Pu'Nc~-···--···! 2 for 2fc ~ ...., ... Oll«l&&N 2 45c PIES --· .! for .. Y ou'H. flncl a Udo Shop ••• \\\ • 1111 "8fl40Ud for CIN G"4ed tr«Jf"" Beet Center Cut Smoked P-ORll CHO .. S POT ROAST POT ROAST SHORT RIBS lb. lb. lb. lb. Jll;/ 79c 43c 53c 19~ . , ... ,. I.Aura 8cedder 51' MAYONNAISE...,... __ ' ......... 8c!9IMer .., POTATO CHft .. , .... ___ • roll & ··uNs N .. ll~ ... _ 1r ow.IP ~ 111a..... 21'. CAKE MIXES,-. . 8tokf.~· n• CUT GREEN llANS1...._ 8t~ &MW ., DOG FOOD I ...... ___ - iiii~.·~~~~~-11 ' llunns'• . 11' IEER 1-""···-·--·-··--··--·---............. pw .... a.rs·~ 11' . IEER 1-p11. .. ·-·~···-··-- ee1aelle8'• Bolluid ._,..... 41' IEER 11-oa.·--······--·-·······-···-···-mo14 la 6'aw ......... N-~ ·1 a# DR. PEPPER .....__ ... • ., ........ , 45- 7.up ....,"----·--·-----··-,.... ..,.., For 8otkr Water ' 21' RAIN DROPSu....... ___ ··-··-··-... -· Ff'i.-!.-) Prtce 8-le V.,_ 2 • ._ INST. SOAP a.. N ····--'• W YMr elllo6ee-of -colon 15•· MYmK TAPE_.. roa--·-- • tt•eet. 1a1e1. v.._. 25c ORANGES ·········-····~!: F.-,. Meat7 Ge EGGPLANT ············-·········ed 1- v. 8. No. l WMte ROM 10 'Jae POTATOES -····· .... ~1- ••• to flt your every neecl ! ~ ........ (tM mw looll srooer1 ...,.) II lien W ......, die Udo ... at .. •tnMI .. Ulla ..... SPJlOIAl.8 l'O& Im 1.-I ad t.. 19 •btMHlllW•hnN1..._ •• .. I r ' r ' ., - •• PLAYtRS NAME DICK . MIRKOVICH . TOP -JAR Newkirk, Lorentzen.. Wetzel . H· A R 1 0 R Wetzel, Hill, -no~~;!~i::.f~~r~~ -y ('nnfra•l'nrt llit:w~all Tu.m and two on lhl' .. 'l'l•ml atrl11g. J:aatem Con· fl!rem·c 11port11wnt•i-. ~ntly an-nounN"~ !'Ihm ttlltop Bob Wflt»I, Coaches'. All·l.eague-choii.:;-.. i.---1·-NEWPO=--RT HARBOR N EWS.PRESS -PART-I I I • PAGE I THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 . '"11teo1C11•41 lwlan1J Hill and P llch- l"r \\'1tynt' ('nun.gtry wl'N' the first ____________ .-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiioiiii._..iioiilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiooo-•+~ m~lOi<',.• !alllll OCC. :_Catcher Dick Mirkovich. a three.year veter.a.A , wu named most valuable player of the 1955 Sunset League baseball contenders from Newport Harbor Higtt by vote of the players themselves, Coach Emil Neeme revealed today. At the same time. Harbor High'e Tar nine learned two Sailon wer• nam~ on the AU·Sunffl helm, c, a nd Mike Jawetl, Fuller- League first string, one on t he ton, utility. sPcond string e.nd three received Honorable ml'nUon: Fitzpatrlrk. honorable mention. Mirkovich and Tunura, Newpor t; • Jim Newkirk, with a 4·2 loop Avita. Villasenor and Wt.'\lv~r. recoNI. wu named No. 3 !Int Ana.helm: Vaughn and • Purcell, Orange : P rofant and Grou. Santa 11trtng hurler behl.nd Gerald Run· Ana: Bill Coopman. Huntington, y1t11 t6·1}. ot Fullerton and work· and Jim F ishel, Fullerton. IOI WETZEL SIGNS CONTRACT WITH CINCY: GOES TO O~DEN Bob W eUd, captain of the Southern CaJlforn1a chamr1vn· •hip Onrn~e Cout College baseball team a nd l~adlnit h it 1er In lhe E&atem Confert'nce, waa 111gned to a profl!lalonal con- tract by the Cincinnati Reda thia week. Third Sac'kn Ga,·le Hrrbl'I vid Outfleldt'r Ht'nry ~t.'O..A•• rt"flre• ~ntf'd the thrt•e lime lllC cha mp· Ion H11r11 on thr llet'ond 11tr1n1. llC~Jlllr t1nb1h1n1 aeor.ond. Rive ..... ~Ml' land('(! Ow n1011t aelttllona - six. C'h11rft'y plac~ four. Fullerton t hrt'<', Mt S1111 Antonio two, and Sa11ta Ana and San Bernardino Ont' .sch BIGHT HANDY MAN -Here Paul Lorentzen. first baseman. outfielder, pitcher or what11 you have for t he Newport Harbor High Tar nine this season, demonstrates one of the reasons he was selected All-Sunset League utility man by loop coaches. He did some timely swinging of that war club as Coach Emil Neeme·~ kno~ers tied with Huntington Beach and Anaheim fo r second pl.ace. -Staff Photo horse Bob Izykow11kl (9·4) of 'l'NANDIOUS CHOICES · Huntington Beach. Paul Lorentzen, Besides Lorentzen. une.nlmowi cnmbination first 11&cker-p1tcher-cho1ce11 were l zykow11ki. Stephen- nutf1elder, was unanimous choice eon, Gonzale11 and J oel Newkirk. Voting wu held at the home of 11~ utility man on the first string w. w. Foote, loop commi1S11ionu. <'hosen by the 11ix loop rooches. <;:o&.ches making the loop select10111 I HONORABLE J\I ENTlON wrre Emil NPeme. Newport; Ralph Wetzel l• the eon of Mr. and Mrs. Charlee T. Wr l:tel of Coata Meaa. Bob played second ha.lit' for · t hP Plrate11 111 the Eutnn Co.nference champlonl!hlp club of l!IM end lP!l!I. H e led the league In hitting thaa yt>ar and wu vot~d thl' outatam1- 1ng junior colle1e ball playt>r In the Citrus tournament aa a freshman. The looae-jomted lnrteldl'r will Join Ogden. Utah, a Ckl!IA rnu1· team for the R~da In Lht.' Class c Pioneer Le11gu•. Well•'' follows Don Carter. last year'a out11la"idlng, athlete tro ll Orange Cout College. who 111 now w1th Eau Chu.re. W1i11'on. eln Claaa C Club of the Mil'>''ffllkre Ba avt't!, and Tt'd H<>rtl'r8, currently pltchl.ng with Stockton In the PaC'lflc Lt'ague. \l\'Rlt r oopman, another Ora.nge Co11J1t College produt·t , 111 now ~oln it gr .. at guns In the Ev1mgrline Ll'ag1.1e wtlh good prol'!~<'lll of going lo the majors nl'Xt 11ea~o,n. Flr8t strlna': Morgan. Mt . sk, tb: F~rn;indt>&, Chatft'y. 2b; Foe- tn. Santa Ana.. 3b; Wetsel, M; We1tbrook. Rlvfnllt<', E\•e,1·s. Chaf· fry. ('1•abtreeo. San Bernardino, a nd Hill, nf; Coughtry and Ollbert, RI· verslde, p, and Schimpf, River- side, c. -, Sttond ll'llJ'll : SaJpdo. Jliver- 11ide. lb; !:mnl. Rlverwlde, 2b; Ht>rhel, 3b: ~c1better, Fullerton. s.~. DeCaM.11. Qunerta. l\lllertoft. t:OO<lwln. C'hafft'y. and Munos. JU. vPrsh1~. of: O'M,.ila., Mt. 8 AC. and Ool(I, Chaff~Y. p, 1tnd llulllva.fto F'Ulleorton, c. TWO OF A KIND -Rusty Callow, left, is coach of the U. S. Naval Academy, twice winner of the Western Sprint Championship on North Lido Channel. He's known as d~n of American rowing coaches. Right is George Pocock. renowned builder of the sleek and fragile racing shells used in crew races. _Staff Photo OLDTIMERS' REUNION RESULTS AT REGATTA Rusty Callow, Navy Coach, in Get TlMJetller with Shell Man By BERT BRINTNALL There was a genuine reunion at the crew headquarters of Newport Harbor Intercollegiate Rowing Rega\la Satur· day when Rusty Callow. Navy coach and George Pocock, ehell billldcr for the entire country, got together again. These two men ha\'e worked t~gether since Rusty waR a freshman at Washington in 1912. It's obvious they will co n- timi~ lo W()fl< tO~thcr M long 1'!I they are &bll', f6i-Uwlr Interest in crew raring lies deep In lh11ir na· lures. • FRO~I ENGLASD much a part or rowing as the Pocock shells. Connlbear had "been trainer for the Chicago White Sox bef<.>n• he went to WMhingt()n to rllrect alh· hl'"f s llrl hack lo t•atch wat•·r 1 ~anaed No. 3 R cond string TRylor. Santa Ana ;,Noel Sw~ney, 111riun. Connlbe&r beltt•ved thRl a r hur ker WIUI the Tars' Bob Wet-Orange: Scott Flanagan, Hunling- qual'k st roke 11nd slow . return u l. Mir'kuvkh, Shortstop Dennis lon: John WaJlin. AJ1al)e1m a nd woulrl ~ep the ,.h,•11 running. Ln Fitzpalrn:k and Third Sacker Dave John Vallen tlno. Fullerton. nl'arly ev~ college 111 the t'nuntry T11mure. rere1verl honorable .men---.------------ 1111w "t I' nwn ';hn hu ve learn"d ll•in by the roa.-hes. that s trok,. at V. as hlni:;t11n. I .:-iewkirk Wll.'I tabbed hnnora1 \\'hi.'11 <'nnnabear fl'll oul of 11 S111lor 1\i,imond ca ptain. Team ca~ t r(,• an 1917 11nrl broke his net·k, 111111 ohnsen for next season by h1.~ rla<'" was taken by Ed Lc&clcr. I the Taf.5 wa s Tamura. Outfielder nt1w al Yale, Leaclt>r was followed Roy Dan1t•ls was named Harbor by l \1Jl11w . As In m111<l ~·allege High's most lmprovt>d performer. ll1wn11. downtown alumni at S«a-f'lllll'rton":q powerful Indians tile try and often !!Ut'r«"ed an man· dnmin11ted th•• roa<'hei;' selections aging athletic sC!R lr11 at the Uni· with 1ive on the f1r&t tl'am 4llld ve ri<ity of Washlni;ton. When Cal· rtw on the .second. Anaheim placed l1Jw rt>tumed to Seattle his first two nn thl' f irst team and three St.'llson ~ft1>r has crews had swept t•n t.h.o second. ~erry F i!!hel. catch- th" Hutl~on at Pou1ihkeep11ie, win-('f , and Carl f'rnnlnglon. third nlng the vari1ity. JV and fresh· h!L«e': both or the Tribe. W"re the wan 1 at I'S, Call<.>w . wa.'! invited to only far1<l te11m rt•peals from last 1<JWtllc 11t an alumm lunrht'on. The y1•ar. F itzpat rirk, Roy '''ea vrr of Jila••c was crowded c•,.111.w·s in-Ar.11h1·ini and Butt·h Coopman nf l rodul'lory r emsrks art> typlral of Huntington. failed lo make the the man. 1 grade this st.>ason. • "\.\'ell, we won. didn't we. ~o, F lRST T EA.\f I rn a grea t man a11<1. you are all ! First team: Joel Newkirk, Ful· glad t o l!IW me and listen to m t'. le t 1.. l G· . 1 A J! 'd I t lh I 't t I r on. .,; ,upe on:w es. ne.· we os ere im fl one o heam 2b· Pr ingt 3b· Wh' you 11o·anll-110s U1nt would 11peak •. · · nn on. • Ile, 10 me on lhe strreL" Fullrrton. s11: Dave Stephenson. [ Anaheim, Beebe, Huntington, and BIG SllRL~K -. Moreno. Orange, of: Runyon, Jey. Washington's crews havf' always I kowsk i end J im Newkirk, p: F ish· been known &.'I ''tall men trom the el, c. and Lorentzen, utility. lall timber". but t hll! year's cn•w Sec.:ond team: Blllllkmeyer. Ana· at Newport Beach was un excep-1 helm. lb: Stafford, .Pullerton, 2b; tlon. They averaged 0 feel , 9 In· 1 Story, Anaheim. 3b; Coopman, chea tall. noL Including the cox. Huntington. u: Msgdall.'no. Full· Al Ulbnckson , the coal'h;-now In erton, Pembroke, Fullerton, and his 29th year at Waahlngton, has Radford. Santa Ana.. or: Enright, been having daf((cullit>:s with his Fullcrton. Maldonado, Orange. e.nd crews this year. After beating the Wetzel, p: Frank Doretti, Ana,. 1Jniverslly of California on Lake Wuhlngton a couple of weeks ago, he boated a completely new var- aity crew, taklnc tive men from the former junior varsity crew and three f rom lrl!ller crew11. "Th1_'1 outfit began to click right away." he said. "I don't know what they will do toooy. They have not bern work ing together long enough to work M 11moothly as they should and that counts in a close finish." FASTEST TL\IE The crew stood up t o set the fastest lime made on the rrmrse Saturday In wi11ning t heir h<•al, bul lost t o both Navy and Sll\nford in t hr "l'lc11se f1ni11h". C'allow w11uld hke to see greater lntere11t tk velop In rowing from such regattas M that heh! Satur- day. He looked over the hunclrt'ds ot sle'ek yachts visible frpm the St>a Scout base where the rowing crews were boated. Tar Tank Team Ch.oases MVP's Harbor High'• All -American freestyle 11wimmer Don Redding• ton and breast and lndivldu&I med· ley are J erry F&rquh&r have been named moi1t valuable membt'r1 of the !oral prep varsity tank team, according to Coach Al Irwin. Most valuable performers on lhe B squall '>''UJI Ted Von Hemert while Jerry Whitak"r raled Lhe MVP nod among \he C water !)ea.a. ~ Obtamini;-the t I ties of most Im· pl'oV<'d swimmers were Bill Mills, varsity; Dave Andrews. B, and Joe Bush, C. Ch01Jen tank captains for the YCt"lr were Tom J enson, \•arllty: Bob Johnson. B, and-Jer- ry Whitaker, C. TARS LAY FOR TRIBE lrWin Reveals Sailor Grid Schedule for '55 The Sailor football eleven's big game with Fullerton will crack open the Sunset League season locally next fall. Coach Al Irwin revealed that in expectation of a huge crowd. the fray will be played Oct. 7 in the lush new Orange Coast Cot.'l lege stadium. All home games will start at 7 :30 p.m. with the Newport Harbor Union High School field the npnnal site. Lo.sl 1w11s<m . Fullerton handed B I earh 42·7 and Orange 13·0 for Lhe Tara their first loss of the remainder of ut aeuon'a pigskin season. 26-7. Defeat by lhe Indians t riumphs. After the Initial Fuller. tumbled the local lads from their ton 10111 In 'M, t.he Sailor• received bid for the loop champlon•htp. aetbac~ from Sant. Ana, 28-20, Fullback Charlie Berry hu reflect-and champion Anaheim,\ 40-20. ed the feeling of the Sailor aock· era during current spring training drllll! when he recenUy &aid, "I really -nt lo get lho1e guys." EXCELSIOR OPENER The Sailor pl'acUr e aeuon ope"'8 here against Excel.tor Sept. 23. Lul year, Excelaior pulled out a 7-7 tie with a Jut half TD aft~r Berry'1 tally •J11'\ared to wrap up the game tor Newport. Sept. 30, the Tara take on Montebello there.· La.st year'• e<:ore favored tbe Ta ra 21-7. rou--u.. ruu.rt.on ue-to. there'll one more practice lift, t.ak· Ing care ot the Tare' bye loop date. Opponent wlU be Callfomla, not the Unlver.tity but the high achool. Remainder of the Sunset League schedule shapes up Like this: Oct. 21, Huntington ~llCh there. Oct. 28, Garden Grove here; Nov. 4. Santa Ana there: Nov. 11. Orange here, a nd Nov. 18, Anaheim there. W IN FOR TOE Last M?~n. three conver!lion11 by Tackle Dirk Markovir h, No. 2 extm-polnt prep plac-l'kirkn in thr nation, provtdt.>d the Sallor11 a thrllling 21·19 pracllC'e win over Gardl'n Grove. Th!s marks the Ar· gonaute fir11t year In lhe SunseL loop. The Te.r11 trampll'd Huntington ThornburcJ in South FORT EUSTIS, VA. -Pfc Buck Thornburg, aon of Jim Thornburg. 288 1:1th Sl., Costa Mesa. ts now a meomber of the 097th Trans· porlatlqn Company at Fort Eustis, Va. Thornburg t'ntered the Army In September. 1963 and completed basic training at Fort Knox, Ky. ......................... , I • : r-.,__ : : ""' ,_ ~·--· : I ,...,.. : I ....... I : OftHIAI : : HUVlllY : : ftM : I I I I i GOING i ABROAD? : -I You no Set' mcm of Europe and : save up co 1400 doing 1t -in : your owo economical Hillman : Minx. Come in or phone us • 1oJay and we'll t~ll you juH : 1 how lhe convenient, iocxpc.nsivt' : 1 Roo1tt OYerxu Delivery 'Plan : : worki. : I I : HllllAN MINX : : llAR\'t:\' MAYER 1 : M OTORS : I U S"/ Hanor Bh·d. : : LI 8·%%M C0ttta MMla : "The ptice of & lot or lhoRP yacht11 would pay for new 11hells for every college In the land. But I there l11n't a shell here today less than four yeQrs old. We nl'ed more Interest ln boys and young men," Get the Newe!lt and Smartest ln '-·-········-~--~·-··---' he said. I • I Swimm1n9 Pool Due Wlz.ard Bos: t -M1Dtllfaetur1ng ~ F riday took out a $66,000 Costa Mesa city building permit for con· strucuon of a swimming pool fabrication plant al 2077 Chllrles St. Named contractor was Buller Manufacturing Company. t he new I 00°/0 PLASTIC LEATHERETTE• Seat Covers Full Private Police • MERCHANT Georgl' Porn<-k went to Wa1<h· l<'licl! In 1906. He had ne\•er rowed lni,;ton from Engll\11•1 m 1908. With m h1:s. lire. But he h11tl a theory his brother . nuw building shells rnr Cl&\'<'lopPd from w11t 1'11ing Cflrnell Yak he began t urnmg-{iut the and other r rt'W!! Ami hi'.'· put It to -----..-----'----- bn11lll that ha\'l' sm•'e cnrried crt?ws work or1 Lake \\'ashmgtnn. PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL or prllcl1<'1tlly evt.>ry collr gc ar.\l In Ot.O J,0;1;c. f'l'LI, J O H NS'tO NE •s Mesa Auto Wreckers evi•iy L)lymp1"" l'P•Ot k sa~·~ h11 At thkl ti111e nil 11( the rn1•1ng tutn•'<I 11ut 16 J'hell~ In.st \'l'ar a11cl i·rews usl'd 8 Ion~ pull on the uars ''lll'd Auto Parh1 eiq>t•t·ti< tn build 01><1111 20 ihli< yeo i'· aml 11 quil'k 1<llrll' hll• k til pulling and Acc1·,.l'Or1t'A How iinexp,,ndahl<' lht• P•woc k poi<1t11>n. Tha~ bruu"ht tlw boats 20i!> Placentia A\·e. •hd ls tir1· w 11s wrll 11111,:t r11t t•d a L' to ll !>hll.d~t ill as I h,. hnlf ·1011 of Llbt-rl)' 8-iOIS C09la )le~_, th!' Rr).!11tt11. A shell thnt h111l b1•en I----in continuous u~c for 2i ~·r11rs wns 1 r-------"""'::: _________________ _;:;;;;:;:-. on t>xhibillun. It had l)l'1•n p11lrh••<t l Sl¥E $ 22 5 1 and glai;s tlnlshi:11, hut It \Ns 11t11l I aeaworthy. P!'t'o< k seld. AJ.L Sltl;Ll.S HIS AU of I.he shelll! In the Rt.'gatta were PO<'ork shells. But onlv Stan-~.AA.- ford brought down lhl'I~ hrsl ' v~ ahell. a 11Jingle laminall<'ln J<•b, ft\'t> I ON A NEW D~ s KI L s AW t hlrty11econds thk k. All or lift' other boats wen> d(luhlt• lhlckni.'11~. ST&in running leoni.lhwtst' 1•f lht"l T rade in your old saw boat on thi.' out111«le a nd t'roiosw1~r tnalde. • and ge1a $22.50 credit Callow went to \\\1shin1tt.1n on e•ther of chne grrac from the lumber town of S helton. I A t collere he leam r d th~ Conni· ocw SK IL Sa"''· Mar stroke, which has become 1111' !!IA\"E OS At."TO l~S. s1110 1&,ooo--t1 o.Cl(IC)-.4.~.ooo .. <Illy l•I"" I "'°"· O•"'••t h <• 6 Mo"tht • 'Your choice: Medel n ....... (71/•·I M.U 125 •••••• (1141 Only •111 50 In 2 color Combinations to match the new 1955 cars •t:SCONDITIO~ALLY GUARANTEED! Colort1 att1 \\'hltf'. RH, Blllt', o,_, \'ellow Grey, Ria.ck AU Mr talllc C.ol~ ' Any ~olor, combination r oa -t. Specially Priced For Ten Days CALL COMMERCIAL S~CURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 Aboard ll Navy drllLroyrr mak· Ing a torpe<to attack . a machlnr called " computer calrulates lht' l!peed Qnd d1r!'cllon of the 11hlp, probable 11peed of target. target angle, balltstlcs and w1•ather fac· tors. HouCJGn Permit Casper H. Ho11ga.n 'nlund&y look out a SM72 Costa Meaa city building permit. He plana eon· 11tru<'tlon of I\ realdenc. at 2"8 Santa Ana Ave. Jack OorM1r wu named CQJltractor. Demonstration ! on Saturday June 4th FIND OUT For Your .. lf -at- Vincent's Udo Dl'UCJI •ACTOIY IXPllT will 1how TOU how T•• can •ha•• clo••r •atl d-••r with • INTlllLY NIW SHAPl-laller·to·hDn•1 • Slngle TWICl·AS·WIDI Head • Compact, Powerful llAL Motor Find out for yourself how you can gee a lasteq doe9 shave io leu time thao any ocher way• Doabc lc1 Skip your oen shave and yisit our score. By apedal arrup1 ments with the maoufac:tu~r we Will ha.; 'a Sha .. master expert io our store for this demonttratiooo S.. him demomuace Shavero11ter OD all-tyl* ol _,... IHA~STllt OWNIRSI FREE IMAl'8NINe ANI OILINe lll VICll L« a factofT tniMd .. ,.... • 11 I,_. Shavemutcr u1in1 lite n d ..n. ,.._ beam compound. He'U a1lo oil -,aw Sbavemuter al no cote. Don't For9et -This Saturday, June 4th We Carry t'ull U M of Sunbeam Applla.as~--· Open Pl ay SATURDAY ancl SUNDAY Open ~II Night FRIDAY, SATURDAY Giid SUNDAY ·' 8foe 'BOB MrCORD. for PREFEARl:D l:Sl'URA~C'F. (ALL LIHISI IN '\'lctorta SI .. C'•ta Mf'M P boee U herty A·"IUt 'B'!f/!!S Hard Y/''D' r·e VAN'S BOWLING • ""] """'' •' ( "' ..... ..ih-"" ....... ,,,. • " ' ' ,.. 170S 9'1perlor, eo.ta Meea .-BILL KLOTZ. M~. ' , i PAGE 2·PART111 _,NEWPORT HARBOR NEW'S-PltESS ~ ..a..-THUlt~DAY, JUNE 2, 1911 Grand _Qpening for Har~or~ s NewestAuto Agency -I • LOU REED AND ASSOCIATES 1c•w ... , ""' CtryUer W Di1pl1y l11d1y lteed Thinks . OPEN DOORS ,-0 rua•=ll! ft):.~ -:i ~ =M· T~~ 11 New Loi lee~ Age1cy Here c tr:~ LI\, °" " A. CJuofaler ··aoo:· WlllMr or~ °" u.. auracu .. ".,.. co1on ,.. AHi a10l'S ud Mn. Jo!m lllctward kbooft of recat Daytoaa 9eAell R&ce, will tllNd 1n UM Cbryuer line of motor Thia lunday lhe publlc will ban ta taklnl lta flue la tlM fut Ooeta Ilea. IM • en.play at Lou ft..cl • ~ can. f Edlfl an opportunity to .tew t.lle bMU· rrowtn1 Harbor area. aocla&M UU. ·~d.ay M •., part Vi.ltora lo UM MW qua.rtera or ce tlful new quartera ho\JAl\f the The ldo ~ warmeet wel ot th• d&y-lon1 open bouM pro-wtJl Ttew t..b• nuorucent Indirect local a1ency for Chry1ler Im,.,.,rtal come to all local f'Hldenta a.JI IJ"&lft • ~· •--"' -"in f b'" rt ' r-week1Dd Ttaltora to Y\.1lt UM new · U1bt1A1 which 1low1 throu1h lhe _.. ,_, -I or .. ,. • and Plymouth mol4r tert Uld In ~ U.. .,,.,oue et.owioeim Oool' .e:n ill U1e °"71Mr • IM,.rtal-. -auto aa-ency located l>pposlt.e ti.a rueata or lhe Chryaler a1ency will p&uuc-type ceillns; Further at• Plymoutil • 1ntA111&Uonal R&rYNl• ternatlonal Harvealer lruclca at entra.nce to lhe Bay club. Plaster·1ng be able l4 lnapeet Uiorouply the tracuon In uni&aual decor art the er .,.11cy. today .. ten4-d alncer- Lou Reed A A81od atu , 1200 W. amarl, MW Impertal Ntwp0rt for walla and fioor coverlnp ot ZOlo-eat COftC'l'&lulallou Uld apprecl&· Cout Highway. c I F 11151. tone. Accordinc to Wuhbume, thl• uon l.O lh• i•ner&l contractor and LeH than M\leD monthe after p • erguson ....-IA\& l\ffd pointed CNt the pla1n. flnllh Adda much to llle WMr, U aUb-OClfttraclon wbo oomp&eted the the announcement of the dealer· 1 1 H for modena archtteetw-e ln I.be apn-weu u 10rtenln1 U\e wailtlnr and talk ot eNCUnl and tlnlatlln1 the .hip Lou R ••d and hla nartn•r1. e 1rn1 ome CY'• lbOW?'OOln with an aeeent oa 1l&ndtn1 tflorta Of cuatome" and flrm'a beaUUful, modem -.Ulldlnl n ..-~ aeutral co~. permlta em,,.._ tti. firm'• pereonnel. on Cout Bl.lhWa)'. Hany 0.111t&d and "Country" New Cordon B. J'lndlay, veteran New- Waahburne, welcome local motor· Cpl. Rlcb&rd L. Ferruaon. eo port Harbor builder, Mrved aa the lat.a to their newly erected. imarl· of Mr. and Mra. l,eon H. l'•rsv general contractor on thia project . eon, of •63 Santa Ana Ave .. h Ch I Among tboae who contributed ly decorated. completely e~ulpped returned from ICnlwetok al.OU . rys er-labor a.nd mattrlal a.nd-who tum· agency home. Complete with ad· the Pacific where he Mrved a )'f M Wlt'd equipment for Lou fteed A jolnlnc UM<1 car lot and th• latut with the u. s. Army. He la hom Plymouth as 0 n r y Aal!OCl•l~ agency ·~= Tiem a.n'•· modtrn Mrvlce facllltlu the Chry· on fur1ou(h for 30 d&)'I. Santa Ana; Chas. C. Warren A: 1ler product• orcanlaatlon 111 ready Younr Ferruaon 11 a (1'&dua A Sons. Coata. Mua; Al Harri11on of tor • 1ala "houae wannln1." of N~port H&rbor Union H ip 9ency Coat& Meaa; On Sunday re!ruhmenta wiU be School and Ore.n.1e Coaat Celle,. Barr Lumber, CO.ta r.tc • • Ray 1e~d. ,.tft11 wlll await vleltora a nd He expect• to be releaaed fro Gardell. Santa Ana: Gillman outstanding peuonalillts from the the Mrvica In o.c.mber wbela he Plumblnf Co.. Newport Be&<'h; enttr talnmt nt world will be on wlll return to San JoM State Co by Frank A. Kltnlk. Newport Beach; hand to add to . the tu tivltlH . Iese where he w111 continue b Stafford A 8on. Newport Beat'h; Lovely Joanne Can&i. beauty itudy for hla teachlnr c"dmtla Y Billheimer It Walker. Newport l"ontt1ta nl from Guden Grove, will Beaeh and Dun<'an-Hunter Co . ot ~~1:. .... ""'lth the rta1•tratlon of Hoat $50 Theft Told RAY· AL HARRISON ~· An1elu. Reed, a Vf'teran Of the automo-Theft of JM In an envelope from w .. toft leSICJftiftCJ bile world, Join• with televlalon • drawer ln the t.elephOM opera GARDELL Harmon Weston, fourt h grade producer a nd dlrutor Gtr11llld and teacher at Main School, I Costa 110nr-wrlter, band leader Waab· ori booth at Hoa, Hoeptt.al WM Meaa, haa 1ubmltted hla r11lgn•· bume lft dlrKtlnl t)!e deai.r.hlp reported to police May M . Costa ~ 'esa lion. effective at end of th• 1ehool 141 W h S IYI year, according to Coata Meaa I • 9t t. Union School D11t rkl Superinten- - . d / , / n . .. ln ar • te m 1- to la. t· dent Everett ReL Santa An• 824 W. 18th St. ." .... 1'iieti ....... --.-..... ... ........ ..._...,UlllJI*&. n. Al\l4ra .............. ........................ ., IA.Jf f'llAllfCl800; -eAUP. -...,.. ......... tM ... ......., Crll'l'MC) -W&Waa D ........... .-att1 el f9of U ... '9 ftnm&n. t111f, .. ., Mr. ... ,... • .,., .,. ...,.. "' .... Mn. 1. I . ...,._ ol lNO W.U... _...,. of tM TUt f'IMt. Congratulations Lou Reed & Associates on Y ex1r New . Home Hardware by BILLHEIMER & WALKER Newport Beech 2860 w. A\'OD St. Concrete ·Work for the Telepboae: Libert)' 8·261S GILLMAN PLUMBING CO. NEW Chrysler-Plymouth Agency by Charles Warren & Sons ltll Newport Blvd. 008'l'A llE!IA Telepboae: Liberty 8-2079 Electrical Installation & Luminous Plastic Ceiling installed by STAFFORD & SON ~LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR , ·Lumber for Lou Reed & Associates NEW HOME FURNISHED by BARR LUMBER CO. Coste MHe Yard .PAINTING & DECORATING for Libert)' 8-1136 Newport Beech LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 110 IUftl'llcle Ave. UMnJ 8·1'59 " . II • Congratulations • LOU REED and Associates We are proud to have h•d • part in the equip- pin9 of your l»eautffUI new buildht9. Our con- 9r•tul•tion1 and it• • t wi1he1. ........... IMtaAM ....... I 2 ' by FRANK A. KATNIK of Newport •••ch 912 W. Coast Hwy. Liberty 8-5071 ......... BEST WISHES JO LOU REED & ASSOCIATES Auto S.rvtc. Equipment . ln.+alled 1'y DUNCAN-HUNTER CO. Loa Angele• J . I ' . n.wxnt 14111 -410 31st St. Newport Be•ch Harbor 2685 extends Congratulations to r LOU REED & ASSOCIATES General Contractor CHRYSLER'S NEW HARIOR AREA HOMI Gordon B. Findlay BUILDER CONJRACTOR .. • 3410 W. B3lboa Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 412 • t I j I j I , ~~ ' I , I J ';. • . ) . THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS:.... PART 111 ·PAGE 3 SUNDAY JUNE 5 10 A.M. 'TIL CLOSING -. in .our new ~ome • New Home of CHRYSLER IMPERIAL -PLYMOUTH Sales and Service International Harvester Trucks 1200 W. Coasl Highway Newport Beach . . . . R ' . ' ............... :c~~,.~·· E C E· P T I 0 II ·· · Souvenirs TV Personalltles Ref r8shments I LOU .· REED . & ASSOCIATES 1200 W. Coast Hwy. Opposite B'lboa Bay '-Club Ub1rty 8-3486 ° ' You Are Cordially Invited to Inspect Our Complete. Faa1ties . for Sales and Senice .• ..... PAGE 4 ·PART111 -NEWPORT HARSOR NEWS-PRESS . . LI D -07'1a .. trt" . . .• ...-c.. v. NOW SHOWING Ends Tues. READY WITH 'THE FORWARD LOOK' Thia quartet represents some of top brass at Lou Reed Chrysler-Plymouth agency, now housed in its modern new building opposite Balboa Bay Club on Coast Highway. From left. Walter McMullen, service manager; Bill Krumphol%, Bales manager.; Lou M. Reed, co-owner; Phyllis Church. office manager. They are seated in 1955 Plymouth Belvedere convertible. -Staff Photo NEW LEGION OFFICERS FOR POST 291 Ready for new year of activities on behalf of American Legion, Post 291, are newly elected officers above. From left, Mrs. Myrtle Blood, post chaplain; Jerry Breese, third vice commander; Kennetb J ohnson, second vice commander; Frank D. Moore, incom- ing commander; Don Munaon, outgoing commander named adjutant; JU.lph Bonds, first vice commander: A. B. Leutwyler: sergeant-at-arms. -Staff Photo MATHENY 'S MEANDERINGS Welcome to June. The month of wedding1, graduations, Dad's Day, grunion rwu1 and a full moon on the 5th. Wonder what day we'll have a full aun ! So, if you need an excu.e for dining out in one of the many Harbor area reataurante you have plenty. Even if you don't have a rood rea.aon, ll'1 a worthy project reachee completion. treat to put th• fMt under & cosy Then all will be happy! table and relax whUlt y ou enjoy Frank and Gina <irandolfo In· t ine food. And dancinc. And aipp-v1te you to enjoy a bit of Italy in Ing. too. their Balboa Blvd. apot. It'• quaint Before we uy farewell to May and cozy and the food la authen- MONO JUDGE TO HEAR SAM COLLINSES' THEFT .TRIAL SANTA ANA IOCNS) -Judge Waller R. Evans c;f Mono County Tuesday wa.e aas1gned to an Orange County Superior Court bench for the J une 13-June 30 period. County Clerk B. J. Smith announced the assignment. f Evan• 111 expected to alt on the grand theft trial of tonner A11.1embly Speaker Sam L. Collins and his eon, Fullerton Atty. Sam E. ColJJna. They face trial on ·charges they unlaw!UIJy took S7~0 from George Underwood, Buena Pa.rk tavern operator. for eng1neer lng an on-sale general liquor Jicen~ tor hi• place. A Superior Court here under Judge Stanley Moak wu unable to reach agreement on a verdict In the aame cue. A directed verdict of acquittal. however, wa1 tttumed on a conspiracy charge agaln11t the Colllnaes. who were lndleted by the Orange County Grand J ury last tall. Thousands Throng Annual Orange County Home· Show Thousands of people j ammed the new Exhibits Building at Orange County Fair Grounds last night to give an enthnaiutrc Mnd-oft to the Orange County Home Show, acheduled to run through Sunday. Officials ot the Orange County Builders Associatlon, which ls sponsoring the event, said opl'.'n· i:li crowtls indicate the Home Show may set new a ttendance re· cord• In the area. MANY PISPLA \'8 The 38,400 sq. ft, Exhi blta Build· Ing i• lined with a duzllng array of more than 1~0 display11, care· fully eelected and designed to show modem living at !ta beat. Stage enterta!runent ls provided at Intervals by Uncle Wilhe Pratt. young •Inger. dancer and panto· mlmlc who hu capture9 the hearh the final day of the show. The home Is completely rumlshrd, d•· coralt>d and air-conditioned and suitable tor moving to the beach. mounta.ln~. de11Prl or anywhere a home Is needed. ASSl"AL E\'t;ST Charles Mower of Corona del Mar. president of the Orange County Builders Association, 11&id the Home Show prom1ec11 to be an unqualHieu 11uccess from the stand- point of both exhibitor and visitor. "We hope this Is only the flrat of mqy our or,anlll&Uon1 will sponaor. Our plana are to make the Orange County Home Show an outstanding annual event." Show hour• are from e to 11 p.rq, weekday• and from 1 to 11 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. ltl'• doff our derblM to Johnny tlcalJy prepared and Mrved aa the REALLY DRAGGING Vllelle who all ao quietly and un. nice Gr.nclolf• .know 11\JCh fan of audiences at more than 200 Arrested wel'9 Hal Morriu. 18, home show• ln"Unlt~ States and FRIDAY u d SATUJU>AY a Marine 1t&Uoned at the Santa obtrualvety "celebrat.d" h1e nth from their native B&ri, Italy. a.nn\versary ·at 'n.. ~ Doubt By the way. Gra..dolf• feature. it anyone In the harbor &Na can food to take out -ln all'lta clory top that. TwentJ'-Nne yeen of -It you IO dealre to eat In your conUnuou11 service tn one bulln.. own patio or home. Juel call 'em, Ana Air Facility: John. A. Janema, Canada. lett <Jlaudler 19, u211 E. Baker st., Santa Geo~e Colouril, lhow manacer. "EAST OF SUMATRA" Ana; Jamu o: Brown, l8, l38e1 a&ld lnterut la runnlnc hlfh ln Frank 8laatra Paula.rlno: Aaron EL Winder. 19, the all~lectrtc, CWJt.om made vac&· In one •pot! tMe all! 17101 B St .. Huntincton Bea.ch; tlOf\ home to be given away on "MEET DANNY WIUf>N" o.arp a. eooic.. ia. 1no. Churcb ·;~;;;i;;;;;;~~-~=~~,~~;r.;~~ii ' St.. Santa Ana; and Ro~.rt D. ' Shiffer. 18. of the MCAF. Driver• r Qfij NOW SHOWING were Cooke ,and Shiffer. &&.~~:f!~MI Ends Tues. Nice going .1ob1JA7. IC8ep up t111e ._,, *7 S. pl& •t aan.u.. .. 1tood work. You have made many B at. What wtth the crowd gather· good !rlendB to vouch for your lnf to view from the Tabltl&D h11rd wo rk. Boom and enjoy the food and grog. SANTA ANA (OCNS) _ Six Nab & Youths in Wild. Chase North of Mesa Old you 11ee the blf calendar Wlth Alyce and Marshall and Art. youths were m county Jan' today I:\ lMt wrek'a NEWS-PRUS of-rett1nc In the glad hand act It all on speeding and evading arrest fe.ed by \·Illa Marta&! It'1 a ~~-make• for run any day, ~ery day charges after they were appre- •ly thmg to keep \.round the home. on the bay at Balboa. . hended by Sheriff's deputies In a There'11 a reproducUon ot ame at A coup)e who 1topped in Harbor high speed chue north or Co11ta tb;-_ <'ntranc<' to the VU!a. It'• a HC>Wlfl !or dinner t'o_~her eve re-Mes& Monday afternoon. i.:ootl iniide lo f ood eaUnc econ· ported "food was fine, aervlce ex-Two cars were cornered. An· omlc11lly. Watch for unu1ual food cellent, atmosphere friendly and other, containing three men, elud- "alues fr·a tured each week at the the Scot.ch old ra.shlons toppetl It <'0 the deputlt's. DepuUea ll&id they noUc~ lhtte cars lined up abreut at Paulamio and Brietol. All were undenlung wwi pipu. They-zoomed north. with the deputies' patrol car In pursuit. Bay!il<le n•stuurant·bar. all off." 'J'hQt'a what they 1a1d. ------------- A chase through dirt roads or lhe area en11Ued. With all lh~e cars making good on t,)lelr escape. Speed of the chue ranged up to top miles per h our, deputies aald. . Rememb~r -the Honeybees play Barney and His Lantzers play for Saturtlay d&nclng at Vllla Ma.-tor dancing out at ti. H. every rlna. u ·s a good place tor d inner-night excepting Monday antl TuPS· tlltnt•lng. wllh Adrian entertaining day. There Is oodles of room for a t the nr>:,in-plano bar when your apeclal parties. banquets. tllnner- feet gf'l wenry and your pipes get meeting• and such, out at J otinn y nisty. l\1-.l jurl's Harbor Blvd. 11pa . .'!O in , F••hx 1111.1 Leo ar .. b&<'k and Kate C'lllll' you neeu 11arne you n11giit Oent'i< got ·em According to contat•t him. • Balboa, ln Balboa, "East of Suma- tra .. and at the Port In Corona del Mar. "Fa.r Horizons." Remember when you·re driving lo and from such and 1uch, that speed might reduce your traveUng ti.me a wee bit. but it cnn reduce your hfe I or someone els,.•s I by many, mRny yrari1! Tllke tl Nsy. Have fun? Laitr. deputjea observed all three cars movlng ee.st on Wake- ham in a drag race. Two of the cara were halted; the other cot away at a high rate of 11peed. Deputle11 U S<'rted Cooke attempt· ed to drive his car out of the blockade. but was halted al gun po mt. 1>1l'k'll g~1:1al mate. thrlle two pop-"Ru11ty", "Bus" and "Pinky" are 11htr g11yi< are pnt•klng 'em in dOWQ your nosls at TbP Hal('b. adjvining ;,t Y.-.flldt• Balboa Inn. They're Thi' Park A\"l'RUp Caff. A lot of ;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I playrng fnr 1lnm·fng and l'nle1 lain-folks find this g<'nlnl trio \'flry 111ent m~hlly. t•xe1•pl111g Tuesday. ge111al•w1lh their rec1'pl1ons before La9una Beach Community Players "Mn. Mc Thing" a c-omf'd~· by M~ry C'h &M J UNES through JUNE 11 Curta ln l(:•O " H\'att 4-6529 Only $1.l'IC) 319 0<-+>an Aw. 1>1t•k unrl K :Ho• are proud of lhr1r you try one of the very special l flr,,. eel nntl the lnn'11 g <>Ot1 foo<I. dinn..rs servrd nt the 111ianu·s ren-1 lnc1flt•ntahy. 1~ you aren't one of !11•zvous of lht• mnriner.!!. I the m11.ny who h·.n·e bren down Betrla It will pay you to takc> th111 pa.<t wt>k·end. you'll ... ,.e a ·a peek at the Park Avt•nue display ··11f"w look" 11b<111t lhis ot·f"fin front atl 11.nd i<ee what's what. If you 1 ~~;;;;~;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~~ 1t'11laurant that w1•'re sur» you'll mills. we can i<ay ··we told you so!" I' li ke Vf'ry rnuc-h. BN•n to Thi' Pirate lately? T H E p I 1 AT E Bl'fore Wf' st>t Mii from Balboa Oc to Rm1.cl't1 in Corona dPJ ,_ ~~~t:'~'.'!~~e1~·~ro~~~r a8~1t :~~:: ~~:;:, !.~~;~~~eall~~efl~g'~~em~o1:1~ I . 28th St. at Newport.Blvd. -Open 10 a.m. daily host Jim K. a11llure1< u11 nnt a sin-Anyone for movies? Let"s take gle numb of chow hell bt>f'n wa.~l· A lopk·see at wh11.t•t1 11howlng on eel while llll lhl" building goe!s on the loc11.I snet•n11. To wit: a t the 11round this haven of gourmets, j ~t~ 111 Collta Meio.1, "The Eternal Jim Karam is l!llre his many pa-SE'&... Ill the l.Jdo. in Newport, Iron!' will bear with him until the "The Purple Plain!\"; at the P~edenfing. FELIX& LEO Togethe r Again Latin -American Rhythms DINE & D~NCE NIGHTLY hcept Tuesday "A· Great Act-Fine Food" - Tap Beer a& tile Fireside -Bot Dofa -Rout 'em l'oul'9elf ~ . I ·" . :A .-, .... -.. .. " • • ·' • •• (, 1-'t ~ . ~ :?'~, ~ ,, .;:, -f .-~ • l, .~, -:-~ \. ;.t ,, ·[~·-----l .Jj TOOO, GROG_ .••• ,~,. 're-.' .,,.."n ,,~ 011 l ----------Now Open Every Day in the Week ''Superb Food" PAll&.INO IEllVIVE ROM oua oooa r A STORY OF HEROIC GREATN ESS ... inspired by t.he depth of a woman'• love! -----r Tiie J AttllUr •••• Or1•..iut1ot1 ,., ... 111. NOllMAN MA11U1tn WISDOM • llUTMKllFOllD 1 .. "TROUBLE IN STORE" el• ttln'lll1 MOIU Uln.I · DCl(K IOllO ·I.MA MOlllll ·JORY 0($MOllO( ·A l (rutl.IC •m:.u« STARTS WED., AT REGULAR PRICES Walt D111ney'• "20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA" Balboa Island CHEF HENRY JONES Dinner Su1gestions Parle Avenue Special MOSDA\·, ,ffSt; 61h. THR\i SATl.RDA1·. Jt'Xt: 11th -BAKED HAM with Chatnp&l'llfl 8AUC'e 'SAUTE HALIBUT wUh IA'mon Buttf'r CompJ.te Dinnen "Rendezvous o f the Mariners'' Park Avenue at Marl• , . Ru•way Boy Found By Local Policemen . A 18-year-<>ld Walteria boy who admitted to polk e be was run· nlng away from home becauae be was "mad at something" w&s picked up on Coast HlghwAy at 3 :45 a~m. Fritlay while trying lo hitchhlkt'. Police took him to Juve- nile hall where appllcallon for petition wa.s filed and his parents no lilied. . -. ... .. . • .. .,, ~ ..... A' .. ,..,lfL.'~ •. ,tJ NOW 8BOWINO ,_ h& }"or ODe Week "FAR HORIZONS" CARl.El'ON BESTON FRED HacMURRA Y In Tec.llnJcolor -AJao - "SAIAKA11 Stania&' BORJS llA.aLOFP' .. hclt•l()Olo~ • CIUllY ECHlllCOLOR ......... N MIN THAN ~ "ERIC llllEI ., ... ., IOllT PUllSll P114mf h JOU UYU A I. Arttwt .... Ot&.UllOll PT.-ltl>Q<I a.1NtH 111111 IWIM Mlllt -AIM - IDD8 MAT. BAT. 1:•5 ".&DVENTVIUCll OF BU8Tl'" ~Wed. Cl.A.a& OABLll "SOLDIB OF FORTUNE" T H:'I A R C H I S Cafe· and Cocktail Lounge OPEN 10 A. II. TIDOUGB 2 A. M. • Newport Bhd. -ClOMt Htrlnvay NEWPORT BICA.OH • (We an Cleted • Tllanday~) Grandolfo 's tformerly of Hem1>t) complete menu .for the fa mily PIZZA e SPAGHE'ITI e LASAGSA BOHE·'MA'DF.' BAYJOU" ~ STEA"lfS e ·nA FOOU FOOD TO GO 511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 l 'lowd Monday11 THE PLACE ... . DINING ... . DANCING ... . J Jarbor -lou.s~. 1.t~. { "·"'~ "-'_ eoo/Jod .e~ 2260 Harbor Bou.l~varJ • Coel~ Mcu, California DANCING · BARNEY LANTZ & his . music 9 to 1 :30 a.m. OPfn 7 Da~·s A W~f'k New Menu Includes Italian Delicacies .. May We Suggest From Our New Featur~s \'EAL ~(.ALU>PI SI e l.AIC Af;:"A e l'IZ1.A PARTIES. BANQUETS, or CLUB DINNERS PHOJ\"1'; l'Ol.R IU:SER\'ATIO~H XOW Harbor llvd. at WDson Uberty 1·5543 J } ) WIN AGAIN -Remarkable predicted log racing of Ray Bridges, center and hi.a t;>oat· ing partner, Jim Beatty, right ,in the "novice" clau last weekend drew praiae from Frank Moyer, left, chairman of Craig Trophy nee cominittee as well as many local yachtsmen. The ''novice" rating is no more for the owners of the cruiser Doken, both of whom are Balboa Power Squadron members. They won Lester Lowe Perpetual last week. -Beckner Photo TRI -ISLAND-VICTOR Pt·ter Grant's Nalu Il of Newport Harbor YC e~erged victorious on corrected time to take the Robert Carleon Perpetual in one of the year's finest races for Ocean ·Racing yachts. Los Angeles YC's annual Tri-Island Race over a 160-mile course leaving Santa Barbara, San Clemente and Catalina Islands to port drew an entry for the 1955 event of 22 boat.a, including several of the franspacific Race yachts besides Nalu II. Fin1t to fin- ish but losing out on time was Howa rd Ahmanson's lO·meler Sirius also of NHYC. -Becl<ner Photo . LI YACHT CLUB LOG RACE. COM.MODORE DINNER SLATED st'ntallon l!I slal<'d for the banquet l.1dn Isle Yacht ('lub, oft1 r1ally agenda. Commodore M. A. Anderaon and hill1'1• iJ 11~11in al lhl'lr hona• port. Mrs. Anderson. with LJYC Oag of· I\~· :me~. )IA 'M' ORt:R th1 l.1olu f'h1bho11sr nnd pier. pre· !Jeers 11nd their wives. will offi· "•'fib 11 hwly twm·blll Saturday, elate as ho11ls and hostel!J!es to the J un" 11. guesL1, who will Include ·yacht club ~ members, visiting commodores and , IH1 nmi.: and aft ... 1 noo_n w ill .see log race entrants. th1,,11i... \11111,• th•• 1-v~nmg pro· 1fr. 11nll ~rs. J\r111l.!r fteaume !Ji... L1Ju Los. Ra<:c JU!Jill.t .!411 • 1 1:111111 l\lHr~ th•• 1111nu1tl semt·form al are llandhng the (tinner-dance ar· (" •llllH"'l•ll 1 ·~ Dlniwr. rangements. I S l"TR 1'< TIO!\ AL :\I f:ET:i Appo1.ntments of. Paul Elmquist I'""'' r 1: .. a1 Cha11·1win l{l'1lh as Port Captain and James Adams <_'.,,11lt"> hlU• M'ht••luled two In· as Flc•et Captnm W<>re announced 1t11w•11111.1I m<'• lin~" J un.-7 ::rnll at a recent LlYC meellng. J 1111• !•. h!llh at i ;,n pm. al the Bl.FFET TOSlGHT clt1hho111!1'. for 1'.'nlrants and 1lb11erv· r 1 .. ; .. r 111 .. pt •••lll'lf'•I Ing race. AU c1 ""'''" uwn .. r,, hv111i; 1>11 l..1.to Isle '1\1111 !II•' 11\l'llltWI~ n! l.IYl' nr Any oth,•r 1 flf'ogn1ze1t yarht club 11re t lli:thle nntl lnvttt>d In «omprt<' · Th•· ""' ,.print wlll h1· twr•·fnlrl " 111 I\ rn1·e ;,,.t ror both n1w11 11 I It'~ today's mo•• po"'mul production ou1bou J .1hc Mercurv M~rl 55 ' Super· · amooth po,.·cr no~, · .', C'c>mpl''' en1inc ~· ...... ailcncina. :--.....::. : nc:"" Oyna·Float Suspcn\ion for -......_ rupcr quiet opera. &Ion 1o·ithfl11I I<'" "' rerlormancc. , .. ,, -'911• The J une board meeting 1s on the ducket for this 1•\•enlng. Com· modore R.m1 Mrs. Anderson are entt'rlaining Flag. offlctr11, com· mlttee rhaim1en an.t their w1Vea al 1tn al fresco buffet at U1tlr Lido lslt• .home pr•or to the bust· ne1111 mel'tmg. Guest .roster Include• MeS11r1. ind Mesda mes Allt'n W. Criswell, t1ow11rd B. Lewis. Charle• A. I ~~m b. Ktnneth Kmg11l1•y, Gene ROlll!I, Keith Cordrey. IA-on Ware. Arthur Re11 ume, Linn Williams, R1r ha1'll Sw<'l'l. Jam••s Adams, Paul 1-:;1mq11t11l. C. L. Smith. Harry Rn~­ tr!!, ~11-. 1u 11I J\1 1". Ralph Tnnclow· :-ky, Lt. C()I. and Mrs. M. S. Ober J r. and J\lr!I. F:ll!llworth E . Betti!, Robert H ill, G~ne Ro~ J r. and BW11ler t:reeley. MESAN'S BROTHER SUCCEEDS CARNEY The French Smith home at 1728 Monrovia Ave., Costa. Mesa, was In a at.ate of ex- citement and joy on May 20 when r ad io and teleals- lon newscasters announcea about S p. m. that Mrs. Smith'• brother, Adm iral Ar· lelgh Burke, had been named by President Eisenhower 1u1 Chief of ·Naval Operations to 11ucc1>ed Admiral Camey. Admiral Burki>, according to the reports. WM aelt'cte<l over 92 other eligible cal\dl· dates. It being only t he fourth time lo U.S. history that any· one had been 80 11elecled. PREDICT RIGHT Powe1 Squadron Pair Wins 2nd Boat Log Race By MRS. G. N. (ISAREI.) PEASE It was a big w<>ek tor P..ay Bridges and J3mes Beatty, mem· bera of BaJboa Power Squa.dron. Aboard their 33 ft. cruiser, Doken, they brought home the Craig tro· phy la.st weekend, from the pre· dieted log race from Newport to Corona do and back. Only one week ~fort', they had won ·the LMter Lowe Tropby , raclns trom Loa Angeles to Newport, tor t he novice elus. But they nr~ novices no longer, and aa thl')[ recelved the coveted Craig t~hy, they gave credit to their P Owt'r -Squad· ron courses, Md esped ally Ad· vancPd Piloting. CAMPBELL T HIRD Dean Campbell, who Is the aquadron'a chairman of predicted log racing, won th1r1I place in Ute Craig trophy race. Always a formida ble contender In predicted log racing, Campbell Is furU1erlng lh111 program now m the Squadron group. and arranged a squadron race only a few Wttka ago, which ·was the first of such races ror Bridge• and Beattit. A summer courae ln Advanced Piloting la to ·begin J une 7 \\oi lh \\larren Pomeroy In c h a r g e . Twenty·llix have alteady enrolled, many of them from the most re· cent Piloling course. The Advanc· ed Piloting course, which !lnlahed In April, wa.11 cont;,Juded with an examination in which Ute class waa...lOAl-peci-cent 11tteee11!1fttr. Certificates were awarded at lut Tbur11day night's Squadron diner dance at Newport Hubor Yacht Club. New Advanced Pilol4 are: Ray Bridges , Phil French, (whose death aboard his boat re· centfy ca.me before he could re- ceive his cert llicate); Murray Gardner. Walter H. Harrill', J 1'11Se Luke, Alan Osborn, Philip Smith, Herhert Steck. H. Payne Thayer and Kenneth Woo<ison. It ls from lhe Advanced PlloUng group lhat navigators and obl!ervers for the lncreaalngly pouplar predicted log race!!, principally will be drawn: PIWTL~U CERTIFICATES Thirty·nven men and nine women were presente<i with, th<'lr Piloting Certtflcatu at the dinner da.n ce. which was accla.imed a great 11uccu 11. School books were left at home and 2i 6 member11 and guest.a appeared In tropical cos· t ume, for an evrnlng of mu1lc 11.nd tun, 1u111!1 a prufusl('ln ot gn•Pns and flow ers wllh whlch Mrs. C'Ur· tis Dosh a.nd her a1111lata.nts. had bel1ecked the club. Next for the aquadron log, Is the With Full =-~ Jcwdtd Po1"'cr•! ~n.ao DAVE SPIES RESIDENTIAL-I NDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO S)(Ar.t. 2610 W. Coast DJch\\ .. y 280 80tb St.. Newport Beach ·Barbor WS ' r 56 CRAEI· . ENJfff ED _IN _ . TRANS-PACIFIC RACE P.t Too, 40-ft. Sloop, JolM LA.· HOnolulu Classic List With the 1a_wt entry of the 40- ft. aloop Pa.rt Too. owned by Roy R. Elliott Jr. of Berkeley, the number of yachta compeUng ln the lttll Truw·Paciflc Yacht Race h&I .welled to the all·Ume high of Iii boat.e, lt wu announced by Race Cbalrma.n Ira P. Fulmer. 8Wl more are e:x:pected. Fulmor laid, before the 1mtry deadline June 10. Due to ~rd parUclpa· Uon thla year, tour clauea ln· .te&d ot tbe cu.tomary three wUI be dellpated for competJUon, he •tat..S. Dtvialou, baaed upon mu· aurement ot boata, will be an· nounc.d aborUy after cl<*t ot en· trl-. nvDIAB ACTIVITY MeanW)lile, report.I trom Paclflc Cout yacht.men Indicate that boat.a from Vancounr to San Diero u. und•rrolnl' tnertah onrtwillne in couta1 boatyar1a, ..U and rtntnr Iott.a ln prepan.- uon for et.art of the rac. at noon (PDT) July • at Loe Anfelu Har- hor. F llil:ah llJie ror th• biennial event, lonsut rerutarly ecbeduled yacht race In the world. wtU be off Diamond Head, i.tand of Oahu, T.H. Amons Newport BarbOr entriee In the marine eluate are: Seadrift. 84·n . 11ehooner. t.yman H. Jl'ar- well. Balboa; Fcyins Cloud, «·tt. yawl. Earl 0 . Corketl. Balb6a; Ody111ey, M·ft. yawl, RJcbard Steelt', Newport Be.ach: Bonn.le Doone, 37-ft. ketch. Eusene W . WeU., Corona del Kar; Nordly1, 72-ft. 11ebooner, Walter S. • John· eon Jr. of Newport Beach. FLAG SHIP 'Ibe M-tt. ket.ch Mornlng Bt.ar, own.ed by Rlchard 8. Rheem, com· modore of the mpontoring Tr&U· Pacific Ya.cht Club, haa been de- 11snate<1 u flaphJp for the gruall· m1 U26-mll• Loa Anplea-to- Bonolulu coune, accord.Ins to N· mer, and a new yacht ba.atn, known u the Trane-Paciflc Yacht Baaln, i. being made available 1n Hono- lulu for arrival of the race Oeet. LADY ANGLERS 8)' STELL (Mn. Ray) MABSBAU 1rs Amenca·s newest thrilf: explorinr the fantastic undtrweter WOf'fd ... Discover the wonders of the uncharted depths with the help of the famous "Aqua LllflC'' . .. used by the u. s. N1YY ••. In RKO's "Underwater" and Disney's "20,000 Leaiues Under The Sea." Yn. you can explore this fncinatiN new world for yourslff. (MfY hNlthy, compettnt'"'"""* can 11in tht ttirills of 1 lifetime, 100 fHt down or deeper with tht "Aqua lune'' and rel1ted equlplntnt. In 9 years of incr11sin1 use, no cnualty hn bttn triced to the mechanical flilurt of the "~ Lu111." LYLE A. HOSKIN & SON Watu Sport• Eqal..-t nto w. cout RW"J'. Ubforty 1·'1t'71 MARINE UPBOL81'£RINO BOAT OOVEU BALBOA. CA.NV AS SHOP H.,._,., iH11 Jltt 1t. Nl~lf llACH Your A at b orlsucl TB AL C 0 F1bersJue Dealer la the Barbor area. Brillg yoar fiber. 11.,.._., ....... &.--.- Pacific FfbenJlau I llOl w, Oou& e.,., Pia. U 1-UTI Acroe1 from All·A:merlcan Mltt. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 ·PAGE5 THURSDAY, JUNE 2, f955 MARINE NEWS Tl DI TAILI Datil .,... .... . n.. -Hip _.J ..... Friday t :aa Lm. 1.4 /"" l :IO L Ill. ~ .. JUM I J ;U p,m. u 2 :11 p.m. 2.0 .ktW'day 10:11 L m. :u 3;61 ..&. m. -o.a. June 4 t :oo p. m. a.I 2:4t p. m. 2.J Sunday 10:54 L m, u •:If L DI. ~ .. JWle 5 l :S1 p. m. a.T S:ll p. m . " M~ 11 :32 L m. u 4 :&1 a. m. ~-· Junee 10!-02 p. m. a.e 1 :51 p. m. 2.• Tueeda)' 12:12.,p. m. S.4 ll :S2 a.m. ~.a June T 10:34 p. m. a.a 4 :H p. m. 2.a~ Wedneeday 12:114 p. m. u l :OI a.m. ~-· June I 11:08 p. m. 6.2 5:()15 p.m. u Thuntday 1:38 p. m. s.a 8 :116 a. m. --0.J June I 11:47 p. m. 4.t 61114 p. m. 2.T DAYLIGHT •AVINO TDa: J (j) er • '1ILft 1171.L QlJilftll llOON Jun• 28 June II LU'r QUA.&TD June 13 NEW MOON June 11 ~···--­flthlntl Smolf, «lfllPC!Cf, lithf• welfht, flfl litht In the tNlk of mt ex~ hJa admlraUon for allp IT, Lldo Yacht Anchon.c-, your car, Ja111pOckecf with bit· a rroup whkh could torset lt.e when th• blue occurred. Tba boat lllOtOr fMtv,.. ... ~ •.• oncl 11port loll,I' enou.n t~ stve th... QUIET! unfortunate children a few hOW'll la owned by J:dward Nobe.r. BlaJn· COIN on In Oftcf '"the-'~ ot -·--... •--d 1 .... _,_ ed on aa eMctrte&l oftfloed of a •<M_,,...., an p euure ..... -today. Then, let'• ,o filltitlgt m•t of Um• meane nothlnc-to wire, tin ~ wu Mtlmat.d Ivy now, vs, CM' HIM poy. the Lady Anf1era. 'Ibey will al· at •100. INflt pion. waya aet ulde ~ for a wor- thy cauae. In thl.I lnat.ance Jin. H Id South C.-..J C Andy <Phoebe> .Alldrelen. ch&lr-aro ~. Johnson uuaT O. man, and co-chalrrnen )(re. Jim ~ Prep ... r &ep.ln 2J d & N II cl (Allee) 8lemon1 and Kn. rr.nlt ~ ... r......a r •wport y • (Cl&ra) Keeler, torether with 10 ~ I I. .& many volunteer members, wen ..... ~ .. u•n11••11 - hlghly rupon1lble for making th.la 1111 VIiia Way, Ne.pen BeMlt • · one of our moat out.ttanding" and ~==========~~8;•~·~·~1f.;O~fl~t~0;11~t;b;o•;td~M;o;l~o~11~ enjoyable occukma for the child-r ren. te&chere and nuraee. Supertn-MARINE CARIUllTORS tendent and Or&"aniUr ot th.la STOUP· Mrl. M&ipret Dudley, Mid Re ...... -8llea -Part. all Ute tummy ache• of tomorrow Z!!NITll a STROMBERG would be worth 1t. Gl!O J M~ •CHEM Dll'li'NER DANCE DUI: . • • 5"' The l&dlta of the Balboa Angling US9 W. Cout lllgbwa.y Uberty 8-lSU Club (of which many of our girl.I'=========================-:::!. aro member1) call your attention to the!ir ''Night ln M•ntlan" din- ner dance, June 10, Amerioe.n Le- g-Ion lfall, where the gala and guy1 can don their aerapea and reboatw and get Into ~ aouth-of.Ute·border mood. Don't WOl'T)', even thoup Papa lovee Mama but can't mam· ba. there Ui alwaye the rhythm or the waltz. Fire Damages loat ,B?};f ]_ ~'°== .,.ID • .._ GLUfD LAMINATtO t1!.M8ERS. Grvr: CLE.AR SP.t.N, .,FORDING GQEA.T :STQENGTH /l\T l.OWEQ COST. COHPUT! &UILDINO vnuTV DELIV[QEO TO JO& 51T! FROM tl!I PlR.SQ.F't. OR COMPLETELY tRlCT!O, INCLUDING 31.A~ fQOM ti 9 PlR. $Q. fl. FOR COMMUlCIAL.. An electrical fl r-. -in the eng'lne room of the 38-ft. ~r Caryn Lorra!Jle wu extln11Jlabed Mon· day afternoon by flre fight.era. po- lice reported. She wu moored at ·~CIA IMDUSTAW. ... _.., •••• OllU'- ~ SOUTH COAST CO. Urd a Newport Blwd. ''To Start or No.I to Start ,, That Is the Question ••• ancl llOW HERE IS THE ANSWER ~ . Dubl • Powr Boat Starting Switch The Simplest Most Direct Six· Twelve Switch Ever lulff For Depend Ible Sta; Is • e • e All Semon Long The DuW • Powr loat Stwllllt Swltcll Easly lllltallect ARC LISS Ollly --· / GEORGE & SONS Carburetor Electric 500 W. Balboa llvd. Hmbor 1172 or Yo. Local Mar:e• llectllcal Demi• \ "Baptismal at B. I . Service Methodist "Who la the Orealul !" la lh• Hrmon lop1t Mlttled by the Rev. Donald G. Sapp ror both lbe 11:30 and 11 •. m. MTVICU al lb• Ba.I .. boa lal&ncl ~munily Methodilt Chum. The ~ ot Chrilltlan bapti.tn will be conduct*1 at lb• ll o'clock MrY1ce tor Robla Anna OoocS.nc>l.111'• dal.lf!ltv ol lb. and Mn. rrMklt.o Oooder\O\Alh, 2» Ametbyat Ave. NurMry care for amaU clilldnn la provided al th• MOOnd Ml"V1ce. He enJ01a mucll who la, tbUlk· 1\11 for lltUe: a ,nteful mind la both • IT'Ml and • MpP)' mind. Directory of HARBOR AREA CHURCHES II&. AMreww ,.....,....,... Cllardl lSlll 8L • 8l. Andrew• Rd., acroae from Ht1h· School Liberty 1-3773 Pulor: ~v. Jamee 8 . 8tewart C-ua1t1 Mrl911ochat UO W. 19th St .. Corta Mu& LJIMlrty 8·4!)!)2 Rn. J~ph W. Mc8hane T1lle C111utth of c .. n., 10!)0 Church St .. <Aata Mua • Liberty 8-!)711 Tom Bakl'r J r.. Mlnl1ter Cttrl•l Cbutth fty Tbtl ~ Community Methodl•t Balboa BlvJ. at 14t!l, Newport H11rbor 1)229 Minlater: Rev. Roy Carlaon Kt. .loeclWn Churcll 1H4 Orange Ave .. Coat& Mu a Liberty 8-1091 Father Thomu J . Nevin nraa llapUat Cllarcb of Newport Balboa Blvd.. 19th Is Court Sta .. Newport Harbor SM3 Liberty 8-3072 Pulor: Herbert G. J ohnaon Jfewport Harbor LuUM!raa Cbarc9' l501 Cliff Dr .. Newport Helfhta Liberty 1-3431 Rev. Robert Gronlund "-1111 of Oed 12nd 8t. Is Elden Ave .. Coat& Mua Liberty 8-3781 91.everend M. C. Cronic. Put.or Se\-lh-day AdvenUat Newport Blvd. at Bola& St., Newport Helghta Elder Richard 8ern• Uberty 8-1:1i 2 Clluttlll of UM NuattM lW Anahel.m. Coat& Meaa Putor: Rev. Clive WUUam• Liberty 8·7181 ·--Flr1t Cllurt'lt of Ollirta&. SeleltU.t 3303 Via Udo, H-port 8-cll Harbor 2428 l 'nh't!nMl11& Commualty t"ellow.blp EIH-11 t lubhouee. ~l& Balboa Blvd. Mln1-ttr: Rev. F . W. Rln1e tint ~utberw BatK'a& ClMarclt ~o w. Hamilton , C01ta Meaa Llberty 8-2483 Putor: Dr. RJchard H. Po .. Corona del Mar Oommanlt7 (,'barc91 . (.;ongregaUonal 811 Htllotrope Ave. Harbor !)237 Paator: Rev. Ed~ln C. Oomke t,ra& Baptl8' (;hurch Santa Ana Ave. at M.agnolla Co11ta )1t11& Rev. P. G. Neumann ('buttb of Our I.Ady of Mt. ('amwl 1141 W. Balboa Blv11 .. Newport -~ OlJi Father Slf'phen Kiley. Putor Father Ol'or,e:e P11rnat111ua Aul. Putor Chrlat LullH!..-C'11urf'b of ('Mt& MMI& ( M u•!!Oun :; ynod I C'Ol!IR M !'Ill\ Pastor. Rev. LtHhar Tornow folt. .lamH t:pltl('opel 3208 Via Udo. 1'ewport Bf'ar h Harbor 1230 curate ~ Rev. Ralph Prue 8t. .lo ... \'laalwy 31!) Marine. Balboa bla nd Harbor 02U Father Stt'phl'n K tlfy, Pa•tor P'ather Oeorir• Parne111ue ANl. Pa•tor Cftltnl BIWe C1lurdt Oran1e Ave. al 23rd St. Coeta M..a. Uberty 8·!)30S A. A. Kader&. Putor ............. C.--ltyMeC ... a l 15 Af•te Ave~ Ba.Ibo& 11la nd MUU.t.r: Rn. Donald lapp n..r.., ·~ ~ -~ ot Mind" Lq\111& a.Mb A rt ~ry JOT cun Drt-RTatt ._ 72M Rn. In. 1'ln. Mlai.t.r a..lla .. ,_ aJtae ................. J"rid&J Afttnooa Cl~ HOUN eo.a JI.-UlNl'tJ 1-17A ....... .... Dllebout . \ CHRISTINE ELLEBOUDT, one of I5·children to whom the Rev. Stephen Kiley adminiatered First Communion, Sunday, May 22 at St. J ohn Vianney church on Balboa Church nwj a11J Announcemenb PAGE 6. PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE '"2, 1955 HARBOR LUTHERANS AT $60,000 IN FUND DRIVE The S60.000 mark was rrached over the week·tnd In th• Newport Harbor Lutheran Church Bulld1nc F und ca mpaign, Canvua Chairman Roy Mccardle announced today. Becun May 18 with a hu1e Loyalty Dlnnl'r, the dnve a im· ed tor M6.000 i. UU-..-7.ar ~· to be lleed t or debl ,.... tl~ment and Ole con1t~t1on of a epllt-lenl clu11rooom unit overlooking the harbor . With 3:1 fam1llu yet lo be contactt'd, Mr. McCardle expruaed confidence that the goaJ would be reached by the lime the Follow-Up committee under the dirt'C· lion of Wilton Lewton had compll'ted Ila work. In addition J o the building fund. pledges werl' alllO ll'CUrl'd tor the 1 12.000 current budget. Conatructlon of the new unit la expected to •tart In the tall. AT CHRIST CHURCH Begins Sermon Series on Life of the Church "The Church's Strength" will be thl' llt!'rmon UJPme at Chnst Church bv th"l' Sea. Community Ml'thod11t. J un1> :'I. The Rev. Roy A. Carli-on. m1n1stfr or thr church, wlll prt•11ch al both mom ing serv1ce11. "Th111 I~ 1"'11' flrrt of a ffTt'1f"Of-~ m Junl' that will c-on11idt'r import· 11nt a rras o! the churrh's hfe and work." atal('!I Mr. Carl!!On The Sanctuary Choir Wlll 1ln,e: 111 an antht'm for the IM'rvlcl' al 11 o'clock. "C"hnstian. Th" Morn BriAkl Sw1>etly O't'r Tiwr" by ~helley Solo pttr~ w11l bf' 8ung by ~fu. W11li11 F'1eJds. Mra ~•lie i;·rl'lt&... And Roy Kl'lloicg. The Cruu dl'r Choir of junior high Church Council Meets at Mesa N!'wport Harbor Council of C"h urC'he11 wu ho11tt'd May 24 at C'oatA Mua. MethoJl1t Church. where tlhp Rev. Joaeph McShane r11cor'll'd ml'mber111 throueh thr nl'wl.v <1l'd1c11te1I bulldlnJCS. Lunc-h- eon ...,., eerved by women or lhP chun·h. youth will 11lng !or the first Hr· Vici' l l 11 •30 8 ."1. The Church School mf'tll rach Sunday Al ll 30 a .m. with clu.e1 ror a ll AJCH from n11r11ery to adult.a. Thr Youth Fr llowah1pe for Junior hlith and ..n1or hlch )tOllth mfft. r i<ch Sunday l'venlng a t e o'clock In Goodtll HAii God's Creation Perfect, States Sunday Sermon The grealneu and the jP;lory of Cod'1 prrfecl crullon will be U· poundt'd In the Lenon-Sermon on "God the On ly Ca u1e and Creator " In all Churchr 11 ot C hrl1t, Sclen· t111t. Sundey. l n a Blblr paAAAge the Paalm!Jit 1lng11. "I will pral11e the Lord wllh my whole hrart ... Hla work la honourable and g"lorlou1: and hi• rt1hteou11nf'H endurt'lh tor e\•er . . . All hla cornmandmt'nl1 •~ au rt " 1111·1.3. 7 1 Mary Baker Eddy declare. In "Scll'nce and Hl'&Jlh willl Key to the Scripturl'•:" "When we learn Island, accepts her First Communion certificate from Miss Mary Nell Cahill. u Fr. Kiley, Mra. Sue Monroe, and other children look on. -Photo by Colleen CHRIST LUTHERAN Laymen's Group Installs Off ice rs Met>tlng •l the nrw r•rlAh housr, 760 w. Victoria St.. Co11.& MPaa. thl' Lut hei an Laymen'• League !Jf Chriat Luthr ran Church crlebnllt>d the 26th a.n nlveraary of lhe Lutheran Hour on md10. A film, ''Into All the Worl11". waa shown. Jnslallatlon waa htld for n!'wl:v elected off1 cer11: Roy Spargur. chahma.n; E mil Roth. vice cha irman. Mni. Gary F rrdrlkllen, M!Crl'tary; Mr•. Ken- neth Dutro. t~surer. Board mem- ber1 •trf Robert Eecret a nd Mra. Lother Tornow. The program com- mlltet lncludu Mr11. Robt'rt Eac- ret end Mra. Walter Alben. Emil Roth d!Aplayed a miniature handmadt organ to be uaed for collrcllon of funds for an organ ror t hl' church soon to be cQJl· 11trucled. W11l ttr AJt14tr1 "''.U re· c-lecte(l membership c h a I r m a n. RepruentaUvu named to the zonr I board were Walter Albera. Robert Eacret and Roy Spargur with Ir· wln Tonne named u alternate. Mavis Koenig Installation I as Parish Worker Sunday Mavis Koenig o! Kincsv11ll', Tt'X· 1 ~ER\'lCE PRo.n:cr as. will be m11t.allt'd H the pa n.sh A .ophomort' a t Tn.a s Lutheran worker of :'l:ewport HArbor t.uth-Colll'jlt . Seguin. 11he 11 one of 151 nan Church al the 11 o'dock 11er-Lutheran tollejC'e women giving \1ce Sundey. their 11ummt'r vaca llon 1n aervice A volunlt'f'r workc-r. aerving un-to their chui ch Three or the t&J cil'r the a ullplcf'& o! the Youth De· r;trl11 will ~ aervlng California partmt'nl or the American Luth· conr;regauon11• thl' other two 1olnf er•n Church. Ml111 KOt'ntir will to !)an Francill<'o end Sant.a Roaa. aerve lhe congrega tion without The new par1Alf worker, 20. baa ealary for an t'l~ht-wtek pt'rwd. a twin brother, Danny, who 11 MA VIS KOENIG 1tudyln1r for the mlnl1try. An older brolhfr. Walter. 111 beginning hi• yHr !Jf putoral lntern1htp and will be orda ined nut year. Miu Koenig' her11elf will enter fUll·Ume parish work in St>ptemlMlr. She ha, been active ln youth • work tor aome lime, h•vtna aerv- l'd •• Tt'xu •Dla,trlct Recreation P romoter the put two years. M.Ju K<1en1g will alao l!i'rve u one or lhe hoatUllH tor the International Conwt'lilott of lM LYui.r ~ a t Texa11 A and M College A\if. 23-30. \'Ol'TH Wqf&Ea I She will be In charge of the I 1ummrr youth work at the New- port Helghta conrregaUon and wm &a1111t Putor Robert B. Gronlund ln hi• work In t he pariah. ln addit ion to her ln.ataJlalion, duplica te 11ervlcu al Newport Ha r· bor Lutheran Church will be hl(h· lighted by the 1'x11mln11tlon of the Conf1rmatJon ClaA at bolh thl' 8 :30 and 11 o'clock aervlce. The examination. which la th• nature or a review for th• conrreptlon. will replace the Mrmon, and la 011en to the public. • BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL. .. 17'1 Superior Avenue Coat& Meaa. Calif. Phone Liberty 8-2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3620 !:. Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar, Calif. Phone Harbor 42 Thi' Rn. M C. Cronic. p~•ldtnl. h•ard rf'por'\1 of comm1M1on• M tl Int ro.lucf'd guuta. Tht'M lncludtd Mayor~ Dora Hill a nd Clalrl' Net· .on, Ml"ll. Marie Ancknon of Colo- rado Sprin11. motht'r of Mra. Roy Car\aon: and WaJtn Halbert o( w .. 11, Foundahona, 111•ho apoke on the dnw. • the way In Chrl1llan Science and .---------------------------.-ri. rKOJTl lH man'• 1plrlll1aJ bt'lng, we •h all behold and undl'ntand Ood'1 crff.tlon.-all t he 1lorle1 o! urth and heaven and m an" Ip 2841. The Golden Text from Acts 14 241 r!'a d.I. ''Loni. thou a rt CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE .:rnf'sl Holmu. fountier. a uthor or .. Science of Mind .. St..:NDA \' SEK\'lCES J l Lm. Juolor Church a.nd Nurwry Care J l Lm. Kl'v. lrl.!I Turk. M.nl~lt'r LAGl'~A BEAC'H ART OAU.XR\' R\'aU 4·7!84 I01 CUlf Or. PHtor• prueat tncluded Rf'va Mr8hane, DonaJd S&pp. Herbert Johnaon. IUdaard S.nu.. Robert Oronlu.nd. Edwla Oornlra and Roy Ood. which hu t made heavPn, and ~==========================~ Mrth. and the ff&, and all that .---------------------------" ln lhf'm la." rl.on. Church reptt•ntaUve• Wt're Thf'Odore Harrtn(1on. Mr. and Mra, JamH Taylor. M. C Perry, Mra. Mc$hall•. Mr9. w. 8 • \\'f1fbt. Mn. P. F. Balnt'a, Dukf' Coa, MlMfa Elilla Newland and ('1ara Kohh•tedt. Wisconsin Picnic \\'laccn1ln l!ltat• $ocwty wm hold lb annual all day ptcnl<' "1 th bu- kl't dinner In Bixby Park In LonR ~acll on Sunday inup ri. A pro- gram h .. bffn planned. R"jtllllra- Baptist Told lion by county rurfl'e And re-TopiC8 trellhm•ntA , In lhf' pArk. T'oplca for mom1111 and eventri.c Th,.,.. wlll be W1scon~1n rhttn DIHt1ni11 Sunday at the Flrat B•p· tor' all. ll•t r hurch by the R~ Hnb..rt 0.1 ------------- Jnhr"'"' will b<! haMd on Junl' bf'· The w,.11lt h or man 11 the nu{ll· In& the month f t')f arn agr a 11d bl'r of thanp wlilt'h hi' lovu .. nd N\Abluotlm,.n\ nf 4.'W horn.., t>lf'lll~-which 11.. 11 lnv~d and "MAl""" 111r H"m" I 1'111•1 IRll ' &ro•I blt a.tJ l'I\' "Abl11'1ll1n1 I.I\·•• I!' • I Thonou Ce.rlylc "Come as You Are" Breakfast •• 8ponaofH b7 Ute \' ouni People of tlM COMMl.iNIT\' Cffl!RCH CO AST SUPER MARKET PARKlNG LOT 334 7 E. Cout Blvd. Corona dt'!" Mar Saturday, June 4 -8 'til 11 •· m. l:nCrrla.lnmrltt -lk>or Prt1" Do_.lot1 ~ ' - THE CONQUEST OF FBAR One of the urlle1t emotiona a child u perl· tnn1 la fur. And from the firat loud noi11 that •••lieu him a.11cll the moment of hit death he know1 no day without t ome recurrence of th1 na: aruaar ro1 AU. ••• AU. FOi na: CHUICH The Cl11uch ie tl\e vr-1 lae· lo< on ••lh lor the b"tldlq el •har-•·· .... 9ood Cili-1l11p. II 11 o 1tore hou1• ol tptrUuo.t ••J.,., Wul\o"t o ll•ong °'"~h. 11e11h..: de .. on_, 11or c .. 111 .. 1--... ,..1... n.... .... ,,.., -""* 1lnl1t1r, 1ome forebodlna of dancer. • Prom the be11Mina of time reliclon hu bun -.11r tHted antidote to the pol10n of fur. In the '8rlll forHta .l'f antlq•ltJ, on the bollinc , .. , of ·~loration. I• the foa4'ole1 of modern 1trife, ••• un calmed the IMNl1'1 tramblins with the aoul'1 faith. We bne faced the anJrnowa. the boatlla, tbre111b trut la the JCnowa. the Paith· f.t: we .)l.w• cltall•Dled tlse lneurmoutable, cealdnt la dte power of the Ahnlchty. 1-. why •••.., -1....,.,. •lleed .... _ ... ,.i. • ., -4 .v~ pof1 the Ch~h. n.., -Cl) , .. hi. .... ..... 121 ,_ 1'ia ............ .... ,,, ,_ ....... of Ille __ 11,..., --· CO ror Ill. ..ne ol th. Cllurch ... .. .. ~ ...... hit ........ ..: ......, ... .._.. "-.... .. chllrdi ........., ... ,.... ,_. llWe ...,,, H.,, ....-tlaJ, ~ that aad1 cner•ti011 ,..... .. "' P'altllt to the nu t I Who darff to d.,,t•• a chil.d of the chance to conquer fear1 Wlto wo•ld rob hi• 10n'1 10ul of the Chri1tiaa heritac• 11U1rtyra died to pre11n e? Dior a..a. ~ ........ lm4-r .•••. 1r.1111ew , , .. ...... ,..... ..... . . ., ... , T'""4ar ;·a_,,,, a U-11 ~ .... 14 I' 1 Cetlat~le.. I H I ..,..., ... 01l111u 1 , , .. ,. Brine yoar children to God'• HouH uery lllnda1. Suk whb them PAITH for tbl1 atomic &1•· l"rl._,. · · · I To-•hr 1·1 lttw'-7 .. r J•luo 1 1-1 I Thli Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Finns RUSSEU W. IANGERT Heat1n1 . VentllaUn1 • Sheet · Met&I "" tll Stet 8t. Barbor 4446 RADDSER & PONTING "Baldy'• P\ac." Harbor ~l THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of DlaUl'ctlon" 115 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Harbor 0707 · GeMral Sheet Metal Worb Bhfft Metil -Heatlnr -Ventllatlne 'Harbor %210 HARTUIN FLOWERS For AU Occulona· MOSE. Cout Hwy,. CDM. HUbor 5071 Manti & Smltll SW Service Your Corona del Mar Dea lera %801 & S800 E. Cout Highway Barbor 6S68 ~-·· .. A ........ Barbor %710 NEWPORT CLIANDS Dry Cleanins -Laundry -Preaalnf 1oe r.tta Newport Beach MARGARD'S CAFE lpeci&llM ln lea J'ooda -Onlara lo Go MH Newport Blvd. NIWPORT HARIOll IANK ROSAN INC. Vlllcewt's Rnal ~ Stor .. Thrw locall088 to lerv• T ou I AllceefUdolealltyW.. 8* ........ tw UM lndl'1ftal •SW (•tMPOk) ..,_IN' IA YSHORI RICHFIELD Free Pick up • Dell•ery 17th & Cout Hwy. Liberty 8-91'5 . loyer's lalboa U110lftlft Co. Unolewn -Tll• -Carpet -Fonnlca tSOl W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5S89 HAL COWER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION Free f lck up A del. -Wlleel Ba.lance SSOI Newport Blvd. Ral'bor 5MO GEORGE M. GRAHAM Ru1• and Carpet.a 122 Ap&e Ave., Balboa bl&nd Harbor~ HOUSE AND GARDEN Complete Home Furn1ahlnp Draperlea -Ruca son w. Cout Hwy. Ubuty 8-5518 MAC'S CAFI Finl on rtcht toward HunUqt.oa Bea.ch 62M Cout Hwy. Barbor 2262-8 MARINI IEAUTY SHOP PeraonaUud Servtce In Hair Stylln&' !27 Marine Ave., Balboa blud Harbor 151 ~EWPORT FURNITURI CO. Complete Hom• l'umlab.lnp Z620 W. Cout Hwy. L1bertJ 8-WI MARKO SPOT ' ZOO Marine Ave., Whoa lllllllld Barbor 1000 Reinert'• Newport Dept. Store "Your Taml17 8tore 81.noe ltH" SEASIDE-MALT SMOP 1100 w. 0ceaa lla.rbor eu Newport lleMb R. WASIMIUB "The Worktnrmu'• l tore ~W. ~Blvd., JOLLY ROGD High Quality Printing-Pb. Hqr. 1616 ' .. THE WOMAN'S FELLOWSHIP of Corona del Mar Community Church, Congregational. will be h eaded by these officers for the new church year. Installed by the Rev. Edwin Gomke, (left) were (I to r) Mmes. Arthur Kemper, preeldent; Stuart Diehl, vice presldent; Her- bert Miller, recording secretary; Clifford Quisel, treu- 'Urer and Castleman Smith, parliamentarian. -Bill Durkee Photo SUNDAY BREAKFAST B. I. Graduates To Be Honored will be extended by th• mlnllter, the Rev. Donald G. Sapp. Youth to whom Invitations have been extendl!d Include 8 an d r • Fleer, Melinda Rork, Georre Hau- ur, Whitney BaJn1, Roell l:ckert, AIJen Guenther, Ronald Carl, Mar- garet Fruehan, Donna Smith. Jim Wlnter botham, Dean Peue, ~tar­ vellee Moody, and Mary Kraemer. Commltteu for the 1>reak.fut In- clude: Mrs. Lawrence Broering, tn- vitallons; decoratlona, Mra. Robert Lelnau and Mrs. Sapp ; mu!llc; Mrs. Robert lbbot.eon; program, Mr. WaldeUch and Mr. Sapp; food, M'r. Rnd .Mrs. r. F. Balnea &nd Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shooter, Costa. Mesa Baptist The Rev. P. O. Neumann wUI give a communion add.real at the 11 o'clock eervtce ln J'tr9t Baptist t hurch, Costa Mua. The rtsht hand or t ellowahlp will be extend- ed new member•. There wUJ be a ro::~ preadler at th• 7 :30 p.m., Syphert Birthday Young people of the Balboa ls-on Education, wiH be held a t 8 land Community Methodist Churt h a.m. In Dearborn Hall A 1urprtae party Batuni.y eve- nl.ng a~ the home of the Robert Sypherta, 2020 Continental Ave., Costa Mesa. noted Mr. Sypert'1 blrlhday. Present to enjoy the btg birthday cake, tee cream and 1 cof. fee Wl're Mr. and Mra. Morrll 11 SmJth, Mr. and M.r11. Corma.c Me· Connell and aon Vern. and the host. Mr. and Mrs. Syphert. who are graduating from •lement- ary 1chool, high st hool and college will be honorrd 'along wt th their parent• at the Graduatea' Break- ~ut, Sunday. June ~. The break- SPrving as toutma.t1ler wilt be Matthew V. Waldellt h, chairman ot the Comml.ulon on lklOcatlon. ------------ Violin and piano 110lot1 wUJ be pre· R It t esu 1 come rom constant aented by OaJl OravM and Biii practice ! An ad regularly tn thla _ rut, 1poneored by the CommlN lon Fer ry. Words or congn.hllaUon paper will produce rault1 tor ypu. .:NOW RECORD BRIAID•G FORD PORD lowest dellver~d prJ~o of any cv l1t the velumo leldl For examp&e. yol'i c-an buy a 1955 Ford Six businaa coupe for only $li59!• Hither rteolo v.,uel Font a.cl cars are tho lllOlt want.eel In .America. That me&n1 yom Ford fa WOlth moro when you buy it. and worth more wbela you .U tt. tool ·~ Cali/!ornias leatlel' in-sales ••• pem,mance ••• economy Hither trade-In for your old corf Ford Dealers want you to be driving a· '55 Ford. Theyll trade tho ~t to put you Into ooet I.ewer ....,_.,. ..... hf Ford led fta ~three .. canpetilion In gu economy In the Mobdpl Economy Run in ~ 8 and V-8 eompetitianll Lewor dowtt on4 !"•nthly poy• C.llfentl. MloJ-1N'9rf For the put 111ent1! It's easy to Jr,re this one. You eighteen maathl ,.-ardliu led all other .let more for your car, pay Jeu for c.n in CaliEornia In..-... lead. the )'Ol&r tfew ·Ford. Malces payments easyf ittOnd car by men than ll,000 WlitU ·~ loO.l Mliwrwl ,wict. L'--..., _, 1ons1 ...-,.... fOID the new IUT SU.~ •• , !!!!! "*'e bectlUM lt'1 worth MOr•I ' - THEODORE ROBINS \"Ol"R FORD DF.AU:R SJXCE 19:?1 -(OX MA.RV-'E.R8 MIU:) 3100 W. Coast Highway~Newport Beach-Uberty 8-.3471 TV at Its lest! Don't Miu •Ford Theatre' KICA (4), Thursday, 9:30 p. "'· .. IN COURTYARD OF ROYAL HAWAilAN Hotel while on a three week• visit to ihe islandi are (1 to r) Miu Elae Lei9er, Costa Mesa; Mrs. Julia Hyde, Santa Ana and Mn. George Vaughn, Costa Mesa. -Travel Newa Photo NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11I .PAGE7 THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 . ' Four re.organlutionaL {11.eetings for the circles bt the Woman's Societ y ot ~hristian Service of the Balboa Island Community Methodist Church were held Wednesday, May 20, 1D the homes of members. lt is the fiirst t ime that special namea have t.en t iwta to the sro1:1ps. One additional group b» allo bea acl~. Men1bera of the Martha Cltti. Bowman. L<>uls S&nl1-. P. P'. of wbkh MN. ComeUua Donket ~ Baines. Cll'm ,Christle. John Ston• c:iat""an, met at t :to a.m. at the I •r. Gra~e ?>:us h. Lona Griffin. home of Mr11. Ted H·.iuser. w .S.C . Junl.1111 Ehlrrs. und Martha Alll'I\ U. presidtnt. Thl'y mtlude Mmes. a.nd M t~s Jrii11t<-H11:u-lt1ne. Carl ll1lgrcn, WIUiam Bowlu. j The Lydia <.'1rcll' hC'hl " burft't Ste\'e Smith Robert lbbotaon E•1· suppl'r at the huml' of Mr11. Clair ward Frueh~n. Hub Powerll. ·Rufull' D. Harnett. N1·w <'hR1rman 1s lira. llctwatdl •rUla Pinkham. and Walt••r Sl'l11nld. Ml'mb<'r8 mcludo Della C~ll I Mmes. Fr11J1tl~ Rllry. Arthur K.ra.- IN. MOaNING mer. Vrrnun Smith. Mtchl\el C'u t. Al*> mHtlJ\I' at 9:30 a.m. w•re Clyde Shtkltn. Matlhl·w V. W&ide- membera of the Ruth Circle, at lk h, R111x'rt L•'1nnu. Robert Gu•n· (be bom• ot their chairman, Mrs. ther. O lio Ho!'~. Norma.n Grtlrud, W.,-ne Hunter. Members are Har1,l11 F ink. H1chal"d Park and Mm ... Fount L. Lowe, By1-on L. M1M Gene Dullu. MMI)', Cheater m<:kert. George BlltTllDA \'1!4 lb1cfiman. Lawrence Broerlni:;, /\ birthcl11y lunr heon honoring all Robert Blair, C. Douglass Ferry. members of th•· \\'.$.C'.S. was held J\lohard Hauaer, and DonRld G. Wedne11d11y, June l . In Dearborn lapp, and MJu llabell• Bowl-. Kall. Mi s Hawll'r. g<'nt'ral tfielr· Tha afternoon roup, Mary C1r-man, 11eatrd m('mben1 al tablea ac· cle, met at 12:30' In the. home ot cording lo t1eas1>ns of the year In 11n. Wayland Dunham. )tr11. Ar• whk h U1t>y r1 h•brate lhclr bl.rth· thur Schenkel la the chairman. da7:.. New membert tnclude Mme11. Roy Party games were played In Rickard., Leonard Harrnvl', Dk k· place u( thl' n ·gular program. A eraon 0 . Baker , Oeorr• Jones, Ar-food 1ialt" which will benent youth• thur Price, Harry Mekeel, Clattnce l'Ql.ng to camp waa aJ so held. A jouiney of a tbousanrl miles a begins w.ith but single step Moet really big things st.art In a 91Dall way ••• ud maalJJ ·with a Savings Account. ~n your Account with us today, add t.o It regularly, and we'll lncreue It with dividends 4 times yearty.1You'U be surprlted bow fut your uvtnp grow, beJplaa,...,..... yov p.._ for --1 of Ufe'a tllleet tlablp. A HOME OF YOUR OWN Many bunclreda of Orange County famlllee are •Jo1bag tbe pride and pleuutt11 of home ownenhlp throqb oar eervlee. They began 1'ith small sa\•ln~11. Wbea tlle Ume· eame. we helped them with a loan planned for their parileaJar aeed. They like our efficient, prompt Eecrow Se"*' aad the IDUJ other ~rvlces \\'f' render to lnveeton la molt of the M atee and eeveral foreign couatrlee. COLLEGE roR YOUR CHILDREN . . Let your boy and glrl start their own Snlni;s Accounts. Help them plaA t.o make those Snlngs grow. TheY1J be 1&lnln1 good, sound pracUcal upt>rie.nce In money management f~r future yean -and when tt.'1 tlme for coJlege, they'll have ample funds set aside, \\ith ~a,·ings that have been eamlag dlvidenda 4 times yearly. VACATIONS YOU'VE DREAMED OF • Start aavlag now for that trip you've planned. Your funda will be ready "'hen you need them, with our liberal dh·ideada added-at S~3 per year, our current ra~ We'll lasue your Travelers Cheq~ too -just another one of the many Ml'Vicea we render. RETIREMENT SECURITY Set aside a small unount in ~\·lng!I every month toward the day when your time will be your own. Let ua ahow you how •vbap Increase over a given period of yean, and what It meau to have dlvidends compounded. Uae Ot1r COit~~"' Coroaa del Mar Office %40,7 Eut Cout IDghway Harbor 6220 NEWPORT BALBOA. SAVINGS ot .lloc..&rthr B0tiletiont Res_oorces AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 3366 Vie lido NEWPORT BEACH P.A. PALMER, President Harbor 4200 CALIFORN'IA now In ex ce11 0 f v $18' lS 01J ;, 0 0 0. 0 0 ·- . . . . .. . .... . -.. .... , ,,.. PAWl•MBlll-WHAllOINEWs.PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 l ... I . . . .. , . . •' • -lfiile ~ Kig Pieks ·Orange only for its ... Gcan-d Prize Dream Home! See ·it in CoSta Mesa!· R-n1emberf You can win this actual Mesa Builders' Model Home located at corner· of Cabrillo Street and Irvine Avenue Dolt'! fall to vllit ft whlle you're In c:.tw ..._ for the fl1h Fryl Here'• how ............ ,,..... ......... C..te Me .. 1 . I SH JACK {'Queen For A Day') BAILEY In ~n1on-aa Orand M.tlnbal of the C'CHlla M8& Fhb Ff"1 Heer 1111 11bout White Klng'11 big "NAME THE HOllSF." Contellt-&nd the Mesa. BulJden' Onam Home In Costa Me11a on J11C'k Balley'• popula.r 'Qu<"en For A Day' radio program 11:3Q a.m. over KHJ JUST lDOI AT THE LUXURY FUTURES IN THIS GLORIOUS RHEEM DREAM HOME! TIUI snod priJi! bome-of·your-dnams was sp«ially designed by Mesa Builders ol C.oeca Meta. California, esclusively for the great White King "Name tbe Hoale" a>aWSC. It'• a moduo bome. luxurious in every detail, with 1650 tquatt hec. " epecioua bed.rooms. 2 t>-du, all·brick fuep12ce aod hardwood floors ~ Home is complecely equipped with built·in Rheem-Wedgewood 0.. Md Cooking Top, Clotba Dryer, Wam Softener, 50 gallon Rheemglu Yaw 8-ciu aod the Jl.beem Year "Rouoder Air Conditioner that beau in ~ ead coola io swnmcr. WI WAIT YOU TO ltCOMl IETTEI ACQUAINTED WITH OUR WHITt IUNS FAMILY Ye ... , IO mab fhon•ods of new friends for our famous family of producu! -n.c'1 why we're bringing you thia gtt1t "Name the Houte" contest. Every one ol tb.-White K.iog products is desjgned to do a special household cleaning job fw ,.,.._ 1""1 eae wean tbC famous White King name-the famous White Kiog ""1 •k. Aad ti.ck of every one thett's 95 years of ex~rieoce-and an unquali· ~ W...,..... of quality and •tialaction. ' • nm•• WAltl SOfTDIU -tnsWfnttr ---..... .. " ....... .,. WHITE . KING ~--· ·1 ~ -,1 '&. ~--. ~ ~ . D•T•llG•NT nm•••••omn -cm.,.. ............... .. IMthr ..... Jl'll...,... ,....... . - Jun for rhfnklog up dM wfanlng name for mil pod ..- Rheem Dram Home-White King will gin you this luxurious -'·bedroom bom~bsolucely free! Your RMem Dream Home will be built for you, in your owo home cowo I Or-if )'OU ptefer. you will be pea the Mesa Builders' model bowe iii C.O.U Mesa. CalJfonaia. Y~ famoua Wlti• K1og family of p«Oduca ia ping away a ~rful home for ,.our fUlily io rhe sr-- coocest io all White King bistory.'So-get busy I Scan ioaiaa down appropriate aama right now I YOU may be the OOI to win I . ' 1 suwn WEmY comm wme 21 wmu PllZESI 111....., .......... ........,...,n • ....., .......... ......, ... 11 JM.....,_... .... ..........._...,n .. ....., .......... .....,._,, .,....., ........... ........, ... , • ...., ......... ...._. ... n OtwMI prise DrMM Heme wllt 1te •••~ te w ef 60 .... ., .. .......,. ........................ . nis la I mtln Clltllt ..., ... .,.. HIJ ti wntlrl ~-11 .. tr'll ,. ........... ~·················---················· I I I I I I I U141hi1 E"'rJ SU.It or n1 onlifur7 tw#;,,1,._,,. WHITI KING ''NAMI '"' HOUSI" co•nar ... 70, Le. Aft1•'" 11, C.llfenNe Hlnll., .... f« .. lia-0.-Ho.e - ._. .... ------== ""'1t ge CWIRI __ .,_ ... _ .... 6t...,-.., ...... wn .. .._.,_, _ ................. ... _...,. ......... ..... --... .. • •• . - ,. • . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, ·JUNE' 2, 1955 •~AMIL Y AFFAIR -Everybody had fun at the recent Scout-o-Rama held at the county fair grounds. Big Scouts and little Scouts accompanied by parents and friem.is visited the mal'}y demonstrations of Scouting • which made up the display. -Pierce-Bush Photos SCOUT~O-RAMA SCENES DRAWS HONOR -Scout-o-rama booth of P ost 17. Corona del Mar, above, was chosen for display at Orange County Fair in August by Scout-o-rama officials who found it striking example of Scouts' efforts. GREAT INTEREST -Youngsters were intrigued by the display of Boy Scout Troop 5. Christ Church-by-the- Sea. Newport Beach. Bob Gardner. left ahd Mike.J.,ind- atedt, right, ahow them the secrets of tin can craft. .. for the· Troop 81 Balboa the collected lore a re from left, Steve BIO l'O\\' \eOn' -An t!J\c1uog lnaiau s1.ow µut on by the Order oft he Arrow, honorary Scout camping or1ani- zallon, thrilled hundreds of youngsters In the evening. . ,. PART FOUR, PAGE ONE BROTHERS JN LIBERTY -Senior crew leader, Ron Keeler, left and post advisor, Lyn Barton, right, of Ex- plorer Post 17, Corona del Mar, discu88 the building ot Uieir booth. r Lt:T'S DO IT THlS WAY -Explorer Scouts ot Poet 5 are shown building their Scout-o--Rama booth. The Ex- P!Or<'rs frotn left are Dennis Cole, Chuck Remley, L. E. Cock, post advisor and Dick Carter. The auditorium at ~he county fair grounds wu packed with Scout. and frienda to eee ''The Life of a Sioux from Birth to Death.'' .. • .,. • PAGE 2 • PART IV NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS· PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 ''G"od grant u1 the 11renity to accept the thinc;t we cennot cMn~: the courage to chang• the thln91 wt can •nd the wiadom to know th. difference." IA. Anon.} Plaudits on Rowing Regatta The fifth annual Newport Harbor ~t. rowing regatta demonstrated the proof of c1&lma madt by the Chamber of Commerce over the put few yean. The aucceae of thia cnat event wu an outatandinr ex- am pie of community enterprile 1parked by a committee ot determined cltbena. 'Principal credit for the auccees of the interco1Jea1ate rowtnr reratta of coune goee to Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, lta manqer, Hay Langenheim and to that rroup of Interested clt.ilena banded together u the Southw•tem Rowing Auoclate.. We hope moet of our fellow cltilena were able to see a good portion of the W•tern Sprint CbamplonahJpe <lgring the regatta. We hope the youngsters of the com- munjty were able to g&in vantage point.a on the bluff inland ·of the Cout Highway if no better or nearer polnta were available to them becauae th1a wu an event to ~ · member. It wu truly an international event by the entry of University of BrWah Columbia'• crew. It certalnly was a demonstration ~f tnie, clean 1portam&nlhJ with these collep and Naval Academy young men atrlring their physical best to take home for their Institution• the coveted championship. No praise ls too great for the Southwestern Rowing A880Ciates which la headed by Edwin L. Harback u president, ~rge Hoag Il a.e vice-president and, of . oou.ne. Bay Langenheim u MCl'8t.lry·U..W"tr. The oo- operatJoa lent thia event by the Newport Harbor Olam-'* ot Commerce ablo ahould be duly acbowledpd by the c1tt.m of thia communjty who aaw an orderly com- mWllty nent, properly ataged, rtihttully adm1n1atered and the needa of the participant.a adequately tended to without an undue disturbance of the wa1 ot Uf e of any- one ln thla community who did not chooet to be lni.r.t· ed, bothered or cooperate. Once apln, the heartimt of congratulations to the Newport Harbdl' Chamber of Commeroe, the Southweatern Rowing Aleociatee and three cheen for the fifth annual intercollegiate rowing regatta. White, Reddington Honors Two Newport lads have brought great honor to their community through athletic prow._ for Newport Harbor Union High School. We refu to Tod White, ace dlatance runner, who lut week broke the national high hool~tt.cOld..APd Don Reddington, who re<:eived All·Amerlcan rating for hJa 200-yd. freestyle awimming. Both these youths are a credit to their achool. home town, county and at.ate. We are happy to join with their fellowa in congratulating them a.nd their coaches for their outatanding performance. YOUR SENATOR WRITES RE ADER S WRITE By JOHN A. MURDY lR., Senator, S5tb Dlatrlct Hay %8, 19~~ lleve ln true educaUon ln It.I flnut Federal aPc>roprtaUona for Call· need-for more water IA aou~ Dear Editor: term•-rroup that would be fomla hl6hway1 under tht El.Mn· California, tome Southland mem· Juat wa11t to My that I am lnteruted In promotlnr atudl11 of hower admlnlatratJon'1 propoMd bera of the .u.tmbly propoeed a rratetul that there 11 one newe· every-part of our achoo) 1y1tem- mulU·bllllon dollar naUonal atra-cona~itutlonal amendment to ruar-paper In the Harbor area I.bat people wllo want to kAow what la teglc hlrh-y prorram were antee 8outh1m California and baa pertonnel with lntuttnal tort, belnl' t.auf11t, and bow It .. btlnl' aourht Jut week by a deleratton other water detlclent areu tlrm ltude to tell the people t!Mt tnath t.auf11t and by wbom-people wbo trom the le&11latun1. Three eena. rlrhta to a11y water imported trom ln rerarc1 to the P·TA &lld the are tnteN1"4 In quality ot educ&· tori and tour a.aaemblymen jour-Ule Northern counU.1. where moet echoola In rener&l. The pullUc Uon raU..r than eo much open· neyed to Wuhtnrton, alonr wtth ot Ule water tn the It.ate or111h&t· tchoola are no Jonrer In the haadl llw quanUt)' of aamt and 1ut but atate hlrhway otflclala to preaent ea. of the people, who IUpport ~ not Mul peop&t who art lnterut· a n unofficial bid !or 1ome 2400 From ~ tHtlmony, aao, It II with Ulelr hard·urned dollan. I td ln 'l'OUaC for lcbool board mem· mile_, of roada the admlnl1tntlon believed that both North and ha ve attended jult enourh ecbool· be1'1 Who 'frill truly npruent th• 1s proposing to bulfd. There "-v• I South may ret behind a ruoluUon board meeUn11 to dlacover that people who pay the btlll. bten e11tlmatu 4J•t this progT&m to eonrr... urrtnr r~ral con· our acllool bQard membtra, wtio Do JOU ~ wt can do It 1' coul11 tTeru,,-to '1~.000,000 of etnic:.tlon ~ the Trlnlty·llan Lula. are 1uppoaed to repreeent tht peo-I beU..,. we can. ".the s(ate highway money annually Project, w1th eventual lntre~a· pie who elected them, AN mon Ltt WI trJ to fonn • VIQILA.NT for u.ee .on 11tate and MCOndary tlon of the San Lula !UarYOlr wtlh or lua rubber at.a.mp• fol' eftr)' PAJUl!NTI 01\0AN'IllTION. road!! not ln the federal net\1P'dl"k. the State'a own FeaUlef Rhe1' whim &11d wlah• of echool admin'-!" llnoenty, KIGRLY PRESSl'RED Project. tratori who are bulldln( t.hemalY· mLVA WOODLAND One or the moet hlchly pre11Uttd Sou'" m ,._,.. -1 •-..;.1.•-" UtUt emplru wtth publlo twlda. 531 TulUn Aft. u:1. · • ~o ... a ... _...,,. The ~pie who do apeak up to T bills to come bt'fore the Lertala-are pretty much In arrecmen\ that IC.ltool board membln and makt Libert)' M M ture tor action IO far thl1 tualon 1nntually U..,, wtJ1 Med UM their ldel.9 and ~ ma-a _. waa tM propo1ed Fair Employ· F.uther River Project, alt.bourb Mid Immediately to be attacldq Kay 11, 1~ ml'nt Practlce1 Act which would they dln(lffd on a IUll'Mllon the achooli. (How well 1 know) DMr llr: make an employer 1ubJect to pe.n· from Northem lawmaker1 on an Four yeara 110 l IUffHWd that I do not Mlltve I ban the ward• altlu If he were convicted of die-appropriation to llart acqulalUoft we •hould have more compeUUon at my comma11d to properly thanll crimlnallng aralnlt minority racu of Ul 0 e Oro.We dam alte. The and comparl.on In the cl.-oom'. JOU tor your "IO r1(bt" editorial In hla hlrlnc of worker•. Juat be· South a oppoalUon cente~d on UM 1 IU H ted allO th abould ot 1.ut Thured&y, re: the P·TA fMe the bill w"u heard bet~e an a rpment that without a tlrm .... er ' uu· •:....'!~. and Ult rteet elecUon. A bl Ill rt f .... ve a compe ve •.-I 111• uem y com~ ff, 1uppo en 9 .cuarantee of water rllhl•. they tem. Itnmedlately, Kr. Peue ~ Ky only nproaeb to you i. Ul&t the mebure, ~ho were naeettng In could not go alonr wtth even a "Atta k '" "M WoodJan w. u.cellent artJcle oould not ban corwm,.IJ>n In Sacramento, descend· token appropriation for Ult Feat.her tackm° · ra. d 1'ful hd ~ a t• Men prtnted pn to the lecU uron 1ftdlvldual ltJlslator!l, walk· River Project at thla Miilon , .• r our won e IC oo 111• or • on Ing rtrht Into each lawmaker'• of· There juit doem't teem to be &11 tern. It wa~ neceuary for mt to and thtnby awakened the wten flee unannounced, and derQandtng arreement In •lght on ape.ndlnf produce .!1'-C&lltomi& l:ducaUon· to JUlt what wu l'Olnl on. panace of the bill. Your legblator more money to atudy an alttma· al Code to prove to Mr. PIUt I tntd rtJM&"41y In my wrtUnp per.anally bt'llevu Ulat people'• tlve route for the FeaUltr River and other prominent people ot Ol.l1' and ctrcul&r1 to awake the Lax· heart1 cannot be cbanged by leg11-Project which would 11ntrally community that It wu the dut1 payer to the Yiclou.nUI of t.bll h1llon, and that education would follow U,1 cout&l hlfhlanda rather ot achool board membtu lo "-d-.1 and the tacUcti belnc utd t.o bt'tt'r reduct race pr,judlcea. than be routed down the 8an responalblt for all phuM of our force It "down 70'll' throat¥' The · Long' Bta<'h tidelands oil Joaquin, Valley and over Ule Teha· :_~~· ;;t1j~~iu~i':1cur:: ~ ~~ )'W-:an"4 ltotorf-~t. •· meuure, which would tum over all chap! mount.alna. •· ' • nca 6 ..... Upoll ... t Mnat -.u P-1 of that city'• a ccumulated oil reve· . SALT WATER 008T trtbutlon of tunda that the people I.lid decency Inherent 11'1 ~· STMt nu.,11 to the au.le, wu up tor It.I b&d bttn propaca11dtaed lnto wt· maJortty of people to dQ ICUD•thlnr Demanding the Impossible 1tor1 the achoo! 1y1tem to the handa ot the vot~r• a nd tupay· era and thereby take the 1chool ayatem out of the h&11da of the P·TA and the echool tuchera. Talk to any 1ebool teacJ>er ln CO.ta MeH ancl their only tnterut la thtmfflft• and their Johll and hardly a word ta .. td a6out the welfare of the children, Thue teachera have a very nice little telephone lobby that takea ln their wive• u well u themeelvea - and of courae the P·TA. For yeara I have wondered at the acUona and &11tlc1 of the P·T A In oUier communlllM and U.tlr lobbytnr a11d "poUUclnr" for ttac.'11r'1 ra£••. etc., but nowhere that I h&n Htr been la the "1ya- tern" IO Will Or(&ll~ U here ln th1a area. The recent tu ovir- rtck deal alone proYta that. I only hope thet ~tthlnl' 'frill come of your tdltorl&l t0 that wt 'frill nenr aptn ban Ulfft con· dlUOM. It thtr• II any way l can ti.Ip I am moN than wtllllls to do IO, llnotNly )'OW'9, V. I:. KaeCAATllR H O DoJWOOd It .. eo.ta Kii&, calU. MU Clrclt Drtn, Newport Beach, C&lltomla 1'eo lldttor: Thank yoa for your upert ad· Ttct and eupport eit mt u a can- didate for the Newport Harbor Unton Hlfh lcbool Board. I am Nn that you did not wpport mt mtn17 tor pel'9Clftal nuo1.11, but th&t )'W btllntd that & Ch&ni't Oft th1a Board WU ntceM&r)' and that I would and could nu th• poelUon. The many YOt .. that I received w.. an Indication that many people lh&rtd your vlew1. I am Mli'e that you will admit that w1Ulout tb• work ot Ult Harbor H1P au... eommni.e that th• .. p&Nlton prorrun would not have canted. I wonder If the Board ot truat .. a and the .chool AdmtnlJ)· traUon will uk the Harbor Hl~h CIUuna Committee to remain In effect. and again aaalat the Bond In admlnl1terlng the Eitpa.nalo n program! I doubt lt too. Again, Thank )'O\I. Sincerely youra, Edward W. Milum May !H , 19:1~ Winifred Barbre, Society Edllor Newport New1-Pres11- Newport Beach, Callfomla Dear Mra. Barbre: Mrs, Hummel, Presldt'nt, bu ukld me to write to you In behalf ot our Au:stllary, to Ulank you tor the ucellent publicity you h&ve given our actlvttlea In tht' past month. Tht Benefit Oarden r ete-Faa- hlon Show ot May 12th and the Baby Party RectpUon of May 15th. were both mat IUCCHNI, r.i MY people attended. The flrat affair ltd a con1ld1rable 1Um for the w wlnl' of Hoar Hoapllal. We do Ulank )'OU. llnctrtly, Om\TRUDll P'ROST correepondlnr Secretary Deu llr: Many U\&nka for th• nne <Kii· torl&l (Jack Boettner) In the May 23 tuue of ~our paper br1nglng to tht tyt of Ult public the very worthwhile work of Superior Court Judft Mon11on. We .... eo mucll ln the headllnr11 of the unaavory It.ma It 111 1urelv rtfrtlhl.nc to r'ad about fin~ thlnp. Let'1 have more publicity Of tht r ood lnltead Of the evil aide ot llfe. Tha111t1nr you aratn, I am 1lncerely yourt, MA.RY W. JOHNSTO:-:, 1810 'W. Ocean Front P. I . And a.llO for the quote at the hl&dinl' of the Ed!tonal Pag~. "God ,.rant ua tht ttrenlty. etl'." P11Ue don't d.rop that from e.uh Juue. M. W. J. COURTHOUSE BEAT . .. :Jrom BRUSH COUN~RY ­ JOURNAL' (M. Neq -'ftle oat_. •1 ..,._ l'artlw wUI .... wttll &M IUU..katwa lllaterta.I ~ta M .._ ........ •fl la 1111a ..., ,. tr1111, .... U'I ,.. ....at'7 .. ,_. ,..,., ) (Ed Nott: lteotld pa.rt of lh• '9.Mll attadt en Ute OUklU ltort In Campo, California In 11T6.) Of the •ix b&ndJta who had tntered Campo on that chill morning in Dece.mber, 187:5. and ln leea t han ten mlnutee time, five were either wounded or dead. The two Oukill brothen who ran the atore In Campo were wounded. Luman with a ahot In the lung, SUu 1hot ln the right arm. But each barrel of the double-barrelled ahot.fUn• belon(ln1 to the two men had downed a banrut apiece without a mlu. After 811u had ahot hla aecond Cr u1 Lo~a and hi• drawn platof. bandit at the aldt of the black· "O•t ott your horN•."' rmwled ernltb •hop and had -n the Jone Lopea obvloully In pain. "And rtn 1Urv1vor hide tn a pile ot lumber m e your money. Pronto, "We have he at.arted toward lbl' hou11e1 In very lltU, time." Campo ln aearch of a loaded wea· 8l'RRl:NDl:IUt NONl:Y pon. Ae he pueed Mr. Llvlng1tone Miller and the boy dlamounted one of the town'• Inhabitant• he with their hande up, anct the fat her thruat the empty ahotcun ln bl• banded Lopea the UO he bad IA band1 with the admonition, "Do hi• pocltet1. One of the men ht aomelhlng with thla If you r•n." n<>tt'd as the bandll11 rodt1 a way. SEARCH IS \",AIS WU AO Wt•k he rout.s tumllr k!'"P Ouhlnr Into th11 nearut bouh hla llHt In !he aaddl,. h• aearched In vain for a irun. A.11 A• the bandit• Pnltre<I the J•· he came out on the purch un1;rm· l'Umba Valli')', th, batlly w1mmlt •l ed the banrllt In the wOQdpl\1' not· ont kl'pt fnoan1n1t Rn1t t>fw.or Ing hie phght advsnct'd with hl11 Lopez lo lt'l him 11top a.nd la)' gun pointing. S1ls11 rus.hed and down grabbetl t he t'mply 11hotgun fruin "Pleau. capt111n," he whined In L1v1ng11lont' ancl took l'areful aim pain. "I 11m m11v \'auseado" at the banJlt. The bandit remPm· Lopr~ tloubly · lrrltltl'd by the berl.nf the deadly accuracy with e""'"'1!1 ot the mornlnK and the which the brolher11 knoe)<ed ovtr \l.•ound In his neck rotle over an4 his contederatu turne•I And ran. gan the woumlet1 man a pu1h, auumlnc It wu loaded. tumblln& him frofn hie hor ... And Luman. afler 11taun«hlng the Ill! lht' bandit J11y on hi• bark hla now ot blood from the gaping holf! face lo lite sky s Jonk nt Nctr.-me in hill Chti'~t In the lry Wl\ters of l .. rr11r •·amt over It, for Lopn; the crPek. 11tag1tert>d toward his wu bending dvwn f'.rom h111 hor:<f' home. Ml'l by his young 6-year· j With a l'<K'kl'd pistol. Thi' roar !lf old son be grasped ham for aup· the P•~tnl and lhl' 11nr1m of th,. port anti MllkNI him from hraJ now dMd msn had hardly d lt'd to foot with hla blood and bloody away wht1n Lopu. tou ed hi• lartat water. Mr11, Oaaklll, upon ,,ee1nr over an outatntchld arm &11d Luman and the boy covered w ith 11purrlnf hi• horH dra1r•d bll gore, fainted u he entered the dead compa111on Into the briiah. houae. Stargffln( about he aearch· Af1RP1Ulll VllROR ed tor a loaded weapon. Bolh ot thCI' wound1111 Oukllla At the entrance. to the atort', were being cartd for &11d a hur-• Crus Lopell the lt'luitr of Ull1 laat rltd call had been tel•rraphed for remnant of Ule old Vuquu 1an1 IMioctor.,n 8&n 01110. At ' o'clock began rec~rlnr coneclouanue In Ule momlnl' thete came a knocJc from the ahot ln hla neck delivered on tht O~klll ~r. thlnkln1 •It by the Frenchman on the white wu the doctor. the door ••• horae Who laid 1evertly wounded thrown open. Il\•tead a wo\11\ded near him. The othtr bandit who Mexican fell aero• the U\,...,,old had been &hot by Luman u he btl'ftnr fo_r water. Buaplcloualy starrered &11d lurched nMlnr from they marched Ult Mtalcan before the •tore alto btfan to move. the OuJllll brot.hera and they Jftll· llELPl:D TO HOUl:I ttned him u ont of the l'UI· Ht The unwounded bandit who had had eecaped, but u loet permna hid from 81Jaa In the lumber pile, will do In U.1 dark, Md ma6t a circled and entered the atore 1tart· blf circle and retumld to Ult .,.ry Ing to ranaa.ck It for money. Vain· 1pot from which ht had •tarted. ly ht aearched. Orabblnc up an He later atated he would havt Brmtul ot pl1lola and I'll"• Jett never knocked, but he Uloul'lt h• for r11palt, &11d with a muttered waa mllea away from Campo. Ht Melllcan curee he carrted thtm too, wu thrown In wtth h1-eom• oullldt and helpfli Crull Lopez and panlon ln Ole locked and (\&al'ded the wounded confederate on th,lr •hid. hOl'IU. Slowly they btf&n to ride out of town. Luman by thla time had found bll old "needle·run" and he aimed at the dt'partlnc bandit• but the effort waa too much and he frll unconlt'loua. By thl1 time boUI the wounded brotheni were btln1 1rsal1ted by the town1folk. One of the wounded bandlta at the blackamlth 1hop crawled pain· Cully swsy In the conruslon. The oth<-r y.oas drai:ged 11n"°remonlou11· I~ by the enraaed C1llum·y of Campo an11 lorkrd In s Bhf'd. OMIULl.a TIDUV& first hMrlnl?' lal't wrtk beforP lln Llvlni cloee to the oc.an u we 1ng for. about what 11 happenlnr to you a11Nmbly commlltct'. Because of In Orange county do. It wu Inter· Let'• take a look at the newly and not take thla laylnr down. 1,nglhy tt~llmunv t1ncl rommlttt'e r-ettnr to hear nro report.a deUYer· voted tax-override for the hlrh The vlolatlona of law &11d decency quesllon\nJ? whl• h ,1,.,.,Jop"d thl' ed by aclenti.ta on the hope of achooL The high echool truateu Involved call upon anyone w1th a hnrlng waii ronunue<i to· th1s cheap water by convertlnr .. n will no doubt be eo buay 1pendlng aenae of right. or wrong to join In By JACK JJOE'ITNER Wet'k. wattr to fresh water. But Ule price UI~ mUUon. of dolJara juat voted a common cauae to aee that thi• ---------...,.---------------- Jlfr. ')f 1l11tr &NI hl11 ton were rlct· ing Into Campo when thr)' ct•w three hontmt>n &pJlro&rhin~ In !he chstanr t Th1nk1ng tht>y """' r somP or the local flllk thtr r1,.1e lo· ward lhl'Tn unly to br grt"lrt1 by The two Oukllla llYed for many a )'tar after the battle, lht rrtnch• man, badly wounded aa ~ wu , 1urvlved a trip to au rranclll'o where he died. The two wowic\ld Mulcan bandlll In the lhtd were lynched the next momln1 by local cowboy1. Crull Lopes died a horr· Ible and llnfer1nf death a year later cau-.d by U11 rrenchman'• bull"t wbtrh drnvl' a pll'rf' or his ove1 co•• Into hi• nt'ck cau1lnr an abccSA. The only unwounded ban· dlt dlu ppeu el1 11nd wu neYer heard of again, ind th,. nine with wa11on1 vamoo1td ovtr tht border 11 l t hr flr11t "ihOt In the mP1nUm e. the thr,,P·day of lhe water dispelled &llY hope that they will have little or no Ume IOrt ot. t&ctlca, thla aort of pl)ony SAJl.'TA ANA (OCNSI -cl' wstn ll1'99ton hl'lt1 In the AsMmb· that 11uch a pla.n 11 feasible-or to find out bow and what our flrurea, thl1 eort or mlarepreaenta-fTUft-volced f\IY who r oe• in ·for ly l•l• la•t --k ••w ..,01 ..... ••n profltable-l.n the near tutu re. h· chJldren are belnr taught, or by lion. even thla eort of LIES 11 .... klm d 1 " ~ ~ ~n -" ..... ~ ~rimenta. indicate tbat lhe. con· bo l'be ill h I n v r d •rain b all.,. rt c. ~Y • meni &II ong cigar• and Southern C111lforn1a IPgli<lators version of eall water could coat w m. ~· ave_ no t me to e 11 uae Y eo-c -~:..-P n· la dolnl a..kin'·llH Job around the working toward a comprom1n on a11;ywheni from aeoo an acre-foot ::_w~t kln~bro~ ~r ch~ ~P~!:tif :o~ I~ thli area. ~la Oranre County Court. Houae tbeae 11t IC'&sl two ot Ule moat Important to u low aa u2~. Thia all lead " a • em • • can Wirf -• d&ya. K• au bed stnct Ult ottlct wall'r problem• ln the Sl•lC'. your S.nator to decide to aee 1f the ICbool Ubn.ry. nay 'frill haft proper -.y. Of public dtfendtr WU Mt up by :'\r:r:;o Jl'OR WATt:R we couldn't obtain our wate:r rrom no Umt to d11COYV 1t our chU· n. P·TA la beyond a doubt Ult beard of 1Upervlaon back ln Racked by teeUmony or 11coru oUler, natural eouttN _ at teut drte.M• btillr tausbl Mw to Wnk by now lhowertnr you wtth tWr hbNU')', lt!M. " of '"perts on California '• presitlnr tor Ule prnen. t. or 1t U..y ut belnl' taq'bt wW \l.IU&l t&cUc. of a dtlUI'• ot let· The wrtter II nftrrtnl' to Nlch-to think. ney wW han no Ume ten-&11 ap1nat you. Doo't btU..,. olu Deed Meyer, '6, knowu fondly Grass Roots Opinion ODE.SSA, TEXAS, AMERICAN: "Little M.lM }(uf. !et sat on a tutfet eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider and a.t down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away." We are looklnc for the mnfder. It ~ ~ -r seems the government. in the role of the hUDrrY KJu Muffet bu been ln the proceu ot aquattlng on it. ex- tended bureacracy and endeevorlng to con.aume all tht eXtra curds and whey ln the country." to dtacoYtr that our children art that lhty rep,....t the' majority throuCll j\adld&l clrclee u "Ntck." belnf lndoctrtaa"4 rather than of rtrht minded peopl..-the ma-WMn Wa writer flnt cam• on educa"4. jortt.y llaytd home and didn't wte the COW'thouae ldene a )'tar &fO But they wtll no doubt ban -&nd now, no doubt, rernt IL the buUdOI' ltyle of detenH PIA up Umt to ~ t.dMr• ll&J&rtM and The l'f'Uld JW'J', If they properly by Keytr made a dMp lmpree· blre more unDIOIM&l'J' perlOMtl do tli.lr duty, 'frill ln...Upte th1a •Ion. It bun't dlmmtd over the and 1"dl4 lbOre 11DW-"1 IN1Ja. ~S. m•• ad ~ UMIN ,.._ mont.11.1. lnp for unntc...ary counee to tponllblt for Juat what t1'amplr-M RAU OF LAW .Sdttnek our c:h1ldre away from ed. I fHJ thet JOU now who Nlcll wW complete tO yeara of cu.. Nb~ Which would t.rvly Uloet people art and, ln my opln· pracUctnr Jaw ne:st month. All rt" a ~d for na1 ldu· Ion, I fMl that I knOw who U..7 acep\ about ti6ht J'l&l'I of K•J'· caUon. are. er'a courtroom tttorta h&n been A1 for the P·T A. I ban Jl&lt 'nlJ.I wu not an i.ola"4 lutanct lplllt ln th1a count.y. Ht 1t.aned &1'fWll •1 1.ut ao canta to Join W• ot 10mt .to&aUon1 ot l aw 1 hen. Wu one ot 41 attorDt)'• when dulltouil out.flt., ti.at II eontrolled and et.hJce but, tnlte9d wu, quite be tadred up bU llhlns1e. by the NaUoeal P·TA. aad Uie otmouely a plautd and tftl1Dter-Meyer leaned b&clt ln hla ... t.h. N.s.A. la •7 oplnSoa the P·TA ed d-.1 and dllln'M apo11Ur1.. tr cb&lr on tM third floor ot tM oould h Mtter ....._.the a.L.O. It the Orand 111"1 doee aot ... OU. llWldlq 1n laata .Ana and -llld\Ml&ton Lff1liJ Onup. Iu nt to do their duty, tha a tu· ~ed. mala flallcUoa...,.. \0 '9 to C&rrJ ,_,.ra• l\lll lllould bl broupt to "Tte, l'ft t.aekJtd a k>t ot In· oat tM wtlM9 ot tM tducaton, It.op ~ dte.l and thenbJ apoee t.aneun1 CUM oftl' tM Je&n," raUMr tMa tna17 to rtpruent the to pubUo ,... UM whole •"7 ht aplaJntd., f1lcktn1 th• uh• peopi. u4 tM ,.,_ca ot thu mtM u4 tll• eo-can.cs pUlan of l'r'Om a well lpeJlt etpr. 'Trttd at ~ the community Who fo.Wrld and &eut IO murder CUii. MON than P'orm.ly tile Mt'WrpCll'& a&lboa N..,..,,__ n.. ~ la ov ~ an condoned t.heM t.aeuc. ud the aU the r.-t ot the attorneJ• In and U.. M..,.rt-aalllioe ..,_ .... u '"-8 to pt ~ ,.,_u mt.n.,,_cauoa tnYOIYtd. th• county combtatd. TM moet A Dtp ztHe 1...a falrMI M• ,., o.w r.., -y.,. ... 11 .,.,.ta ud aunta and PtnanaJ17, 1 can not whetMT &at.MUncT Well, I wppoe1 rd _.. ... ..-..au trlend9 '° I wu on th• io.inr or wtnA1ns haft ~ llat OatUt CaUIOl.IJl a11d l:ntefed u SeooM4ee Matter at the Ponoaloe la MetrpOlt ....... jo&a t111e P-TA.. TIM Wt LI a ,r'8I mdt. K)' ml).y Int.nit wu to -Bllly ftupp on top. And tMre wen CaliflmUa under u.. .A.ct°' KU'Gb a. 1m. tw t111e ,... ptunc u.. molt Ul&t Ula! tupa11r1 (tepeCi&lly oUMra, too. Palillllllecl E\•ef7 ·~ ... ft~ .. H..,,.... ....... Olll&. Ntbn wtUI ... ca to ... en. u.o. et tM J'retdon\ Tup&)'IH WQ.1.1!1) DILLSJlfOD by•• l'tSWW aUlllOll PValD.,,.,O OOIOAJn ~ ._ 19' _,et U... .._. i..c-. ot wtllch I am ~dent) ••OallwND Jdli.d Jolln Dlllenpr'1 T I st•, ....._ lilt ...., ..,. M .,...... &Mt 19 ... ...,. "'111 I a tor m 1 d ud II.nee "'°UMr• aai-oe O\lt lit Cypr ... bVJ .. 11119 ....._el 11119 Mau.al a-.. WU a Yirtu.1 M'W'I Mack· Dot ~ u.roup UM 111&.at wtth q..l1fted to ........ =' x.-... ....... • .. ., All ..... P•T4 ... u. If.JI.A. ... all .... wt la ONta KIM aplMt Ule tu a~ ... WU la UM llou9e; 87 Decne et ... ·~ o..t et~ 0.. la..._ ... A41,. 1M1 ............. ftW ,..,.. ...n4e I ~ to ~ CM.rile la tM )'Vd. Cbaru. ..U .... _..... M -. ...... lf Uld ..aliq ot dmilan. TOU, U1e _,,.,.. becaUlll ~. wMm aa •u •t• ,....... lllla( tM ftt.tn. ban eJlloeta J'OUI' -. • lllM pt ...-iat«S wtth tn P-T4 .. -ll 9 I .. • Tl U ... It te m7 '9Uel Ulat ... ..._ ......... .,,.,_u7 W plDtd U.. ... ,,,_., Mil el Qe,..... Uil9J ..... U.. 10 ,.... II UJ 1'ft wtll ,an.eue.. of ill9 wtft. .... ~ ... "'Diii tt .. -. NI"'\ J'O'll' 90t.I or )'OUr fadlln •-nat wu 11 7ean ap. Qot ..._ a. u.. ,.-., Will t11p1 to .... apaut wa .,.nu. a.ar11e eq wtth ..... cs.rne about ll u wttnMMd la the recent Tben u not much more tbat 1 murder. Ht &cl thnie ,..ara or to. •~ eu add to thll l.tt« tMt mlatit a. I'll out and -• i.cJc to aH I ......,. tt ti ame we Md a de &aJUdal to llllJ at thll Umt IM. !Mt J bard ot lllm ti. wu '"*" ua \Ml uwa that II tnaly aa4 It II too late for H-cr1mtaa· dotnr &11 rllht. reprtHntatln of U.. thlak&aa par-Uona. But let me repeat that IOrn• "If Jltupp II J\anpd ht'D ti. Ult -nt~ """ 01t•..,. t--~ """"' .,._ ~t' ltloald M doae now to ,... nl'lt ooe I rrer dtlendtd wtlo rot death. He'1 legally aane all rlghl I ft el llOClt'ty 111 to blame tor hl11 predlcamtnt. He had pulled prac· U£_ally the 111.me r !.-ne on snoUler woman. Beat her wllh a hammer: Then they got him reltU l'd and he attacked and kllll!d the Yorba Linda fltl " ONE OF ODDEST Meyer leaned rorwar'1 and emll· ed. "One ot the oddl'!!l raau I b&11dled, a11 tar as the vt'rdlct 11 concerned, oc-culTI.'d down In 1:1 Puo, Taxaa. My client 11hot a man ln the back and I got him off on a Mlf def<>nse plea. Thrr,. Soot· l1rrtr1 had fallen out. Two took aft.r the lhlr4 and we.rs fOIAI to kill him. Ont t1lerled to 10 for a l'Un and my men shot him," A• public dl'fendl'r Mt')'"r tak• on a11y felony au10pect who le fin• anclally unabJ,. l t> l'mploy coun1tJ. Tht rlfht ot th,. a•·t·utc<'d In crlm· lnal C&IH tfl bo• rr pn•11rnttd by counHI 11 gueranl<'t'd by ths Con· ltltuUon. Any defendant Mryer rrprtMnta wtll ret a gOOIJ roll tor h111 money. The tame goel! for Nlrk'• two able ... iatant~ Sam Drr17.<>n, who baa been with lhe public llrt<>nder'1 otnc1 here slmn~t from lti• lnoep· lion, Md euy·jtnlng Bh1ce Sum· So rn'111 one of lh,. ch11ptf'r• 1n lhf' "talt'11 of C'smpo Town-lhe Cro11~roat111 to Htll " GASKILL HOUSE, CAMPO -Man In pbotorraph Is believed to be Luman Guklll, apparently ho1dln1 his farwpwi three·ba~l grluly bear rifle . -Photo Courtesy of San Diego Hlatorica.l Society · ner. I Meyer la Mdd,.ned with lhe proe-aanctloned In the budl'•t. Meytr'll of c .... : peel ot losing l>relun and 8um-have h•to a .. lstanta. 7-Dllatory a11d procrutlnallnir Dl1'. But 11uch will bi' the cue Nltk cltea PICht ,..uon1 why the prectlcee ntvttr are reeorte•I to ant1 Wben tht board Of hU;>erviaora public defender'a office la Cood 1 the atmo•phert (If th1t tr llll of mak11 Uie public ddPnder·s off\ce for U\e county: criminal cuea I• f'levat .. •I 11n'1 a f\IU tune job tuHl n.1le11 out the l·If the defendant hu no CUI, thertby rus>«t for the l"w """ handllnf ot c1v1I cu e11 by lhe ot-he la hon .. tl)' advlaed to plrad I han~: flee. The board I• uperled to U · rullty, thu' evoldlnf unne<:euary l·Thert are le• rhenc•" !01 a t.ablllb Ule public df'fender on a U'lala : mlK•rri•ft of Ju.Ucf' a1it11n•t a permanent bul11 nrirt fall. 2·11 Ult defendant bu a f ood poor and pertl•p• Ulltrrat,. def•n- TWO TOP MES cue. he i. (1van an adequate de-dant who rNlbt otherwlu be JtHnt "1'hal'• one thJng about the n-t.ue; to pr11tOn not kllowlnc what It 11 Mtup l won't like," Meyer rubbed J..Jurtea often art waJ•ed; au e bout h.11 chin. "I've s ot two top men. '~ an promptly and npe-&UJ011fAft9 IJllfEXl'ftl&!'oo'< r: I WGD't M able to set that c&llm dlUOu.ely tried, •vtnr lti. tlm11 ot &.tort the PD otflc• wu eal,.b· ta Ult MW otnce. Have to t&Jre the court. the Jury, w1tne .. a and IJahtd httt uelrntcS _.ttorn"Y~ If'• thoet JIMlt out ot achoot. The lt.&1'f.. court.room otflclala;.. prHl.ni.d the a.cculld without lq pay'll only be a.bout 1400. Prl-• ll·By vtrtue ot the rorecolnr;. comp~naa~l'ln undtr a rot.al inJC 'Yahl prtctlce la too much better nit tcont)fTll,.. •re attl'rted tn a lphabetlral 11yirt1tm. lnf'x~rlel\r"t1 pay1.af. 8am an4 Bruce are ana· the admlll.l11trtUon · of mmlll&l I lawy•r1 were ca.l'H on. 0-lay• lou.a to apand their clvtt caet cue1: wer11 encoWJtered a nti the d"'""' practJce." I · The trial judrea tend to r tlY I dint.a W"r• not arc,.rtltd a ,,.,. Tht publJc def111d«''1 off\ce will on the opl.nl°'J an4 llt.&temait.I of u d ~uate dtfenae, Meyer u· be located IA tM courtbouae, If U\e pubUo d4itmd4ir 1n d~ llrt.a. I ~ ------ THAT MAJOR LEAGUE LOOK arbor's Big Four Milers Seek Record N•wport Htu bor High School'11 dh1t&ncl' trat•k •CH may •dd an· othl'r national r .. cord to th,.lr CQI· lirl'llO{'I thl• mUf\U\. Track ctM.'Oac:h· o Rltlph Rt'l.'<I and Duo 8um3 Iv· dlly an1w11n .... d T•"I \\'hit... Don &ally, t..;.rry C'tt~tM and Aug1 .. 011trvw11k t would try for the four· mun. four·mlll' rt> lay 1 t-l'<)l'tl In LQ11 A nl!dt'~ COJ18,.Ulll Junr 10. Ken f.'a1otan~. C'lF' rommtlllllOlll't of athll'll•'" h1111 il<llll,.J lnv11at1v11~ t o r•'IBY team11 from Mrll!lnwt'r Oros11mor•t San 111,.KU HW Vl.'t , Mom1ngs1<1,•, H ... 11aml11. Rl\'t'r10J,. Pc..ly and Whitt ll'r to rnmptotP in a prep e11h1btllon r•n It 111 111'bed· ul"d for 6 p.m. 1>nor to a reirulu.r AAU meet. Bellflow•r b1 okt' the national H'- lay mark Of 18::10.8 Lil ll 11pec1al event hl'ld during the Santa An• Colll'ge .Eaat.ir Rrl11ys., averaging 4 :44 tor tht mile pl'r man. Harbor High'• fc>urM>mt was orlgU1ally elated to compelt a t lhat lime, but 11. combination of Easter vacation plans 11nd lllneu cau11t1d thf' Sa1lor1 to withdraw. PICKLEBOAT IN MOnEY CREW PICKLE WITH TO DIE OR DO .. Win you P1ckltboal '" wu U1• 1eneraJ cry Saturday around c~ew headquartera u the .. venUI no1atl.Jl ~ce 1ot uuJt-r w•y Made up of m•n from four different achoola, men who had nevn aat In a 8hell toc~lher bttonr, and with a coitrN&UI from a t1Cth k huOI, th" n1ollf'y thron1 lead for a while. But 1t wu ~)t' BrlUsh Columbia f'tght that wrnl acrou lhl' t1n1•il line fh•st, The cr.-w wu nu•Je uµ uf !kolt UralJ anu Cr.-1 Black , 8lruk\' •1Hl No. 1, :\avy; (;,m,. !\unt .. nlkln s nd Bob Thor11t .. n11<•n. " Noa. 11 •nd ~. Wuhlngtvn. UtWt' Wt>blltcr anJ Dave Helltwell, 1"011. <I 11.n\l 3. Brtll11h C'olumbltt. and Greg Maclean and Bill Houi.;hlvn, No. 2 •ntl buw. f1u111 UCLA, with Cox ~"o,:e from use. ALWAYS NEXT Pickens Has 9 for Next SEASON Nucleus of Pirate Nine The Pirate.a of Orange COO•t I Rice and Don U-lc-h had consider· College returned from Richmond a ble trouble In rinding the •trike Jut weekend as runners-up in the z.onl'. Their wlldnu11, coupled with Stat. Pla yotra for the Junior Col-, lhe powerful b1tt1ng on the part lege Ba.aebalf Champtonahip. The of the Well( Contl"Ct Costa Comets, Southern Dlvl sion champs dropped apelled defeat tor thl' Buc'11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV • PAGE 3 lt-B~ 8enteee THURSDAY. JUNE 2. 19ss Microfilming DELIVERY GU~RANTEED DeUvery of the Newport Harbor News-Pres.a ia guaranteed. Carrier boys will ddh·er their papers ~­ fore 6 p.m. en Monday and Thursday. Ir your paper ia not delivered by that hour plea~ call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. NEWPORT HARBOR N~\VS--PRESS E\'\'t y Monday a nd Thu 1 llday COASTAL SHOPPE R-\\'ednesdays DEADLIN'ES for pl•ring or canctlllnr a da a re: f"or Monday Publll'a t1c..n -Saturday !'\oon For \\'ednesd11y Publication -Tuelid11y 2 p.m. For Thur:.day P ublllallon -\\'ednuday l pm. 4 Linea 1 Pa~r $1.00 4 UnH 2 ra~rs 1.50 BE SA FE. PVe apace. Th• mod•'1 war I" Aif Pi U&rd )'OUr ~r<la CALL KEy1tone 0-1~ or Kl ~OH~ ORAJl;GP! COUNTY IDCROFlt..MlNO SJCllVICI: 1712 Anahelm·Ollv• Rd., Analwlm &l~ For Thllt SPECIAL l'Al:-0.'T -WALLPAPER OECORATlNQ JOB CALL Wm. Baker Kl ~3621 2302 Pall81H1f4 R<I., 8. A . H t1. "\ A•k Ua About /-J ZOLOTONE l.tctnaed In Harbor HAPPY BlRTl:IDAT, Miii"&'• Smith! J une 3rd- AlcohoUca ADonymou Wr1t• P. O. Bos Ill Ntwport 8eacb. Ca1tL Pbon• Barbor '1tlJ After Bob WeUel, Pirate short.atop, won the Eutem Conference batting crown with a .422 a verage and spark': ed the Buca afield to their third straight championship, he landed a contract with the Cincinnati Reds. The Na- tional League club is sending him to Ogden, Utah, in the Pioneer League. -OCC Photo Tht Tar stepper• will rate the favorlte·s role to knock over Bell· floW'rr In the event J une 10. Bo1111t· Ing White. the national prep champ •t '4 :20. llrtd Beatty, the C11,lltomla 1320 chau1p . .J:.Qa chea Ret<t and Bur11s figure thPir lada 1bould lowl'r the '4 :44 average con11lder- ably. the flrat game by the lop·11ided Second 1am1" of lhe beat or lhrtt score of 24·:1. Bue Pitcht'ra Jerry eene11. a hHrt breaking 4.3 IOM, ;# .a Lines S Pa~n 2.00 l:>-8har@ l' OOJ' Car HO..T NINE L'9ion Lads in Anaheim Clash Next Newport Harbor Pnt1t 291 J unior A mertcan Lf>glon Bueba.J.l.Jtam J oeA a1atn11t a formidable Ana- )lf'lm club thla Wt'f'kend. Satur· day the loca l dub. ro-11ponl'Or1'<1 by Po.111 291, Theodor" Robina Forti ~aler and Harbor Bova' Club. Pn· terta ln• An&hl'lm on· the Ora11ge Cout Collegf' fltld at 4 p m. Sun- day the localll lnvatie Lii.Paima Park. Anaheim TRIBE SEEKS CIF VICTORY FULLERTON IOCNSl T he Fullerton Indta1u1, bue· baJI champs of the Sunset U-ague, tangle with San Diego High In the CTF eemlftnels tomorrow afternoon In Ana· hf'lm. The nlne-Lnnlng fra.v in La Palma P11rk la alalM to ht.ogin Ill 2 30 p. m. A .9-fl victory over Lnng RP11d1 Jordan lul F ntiay wa.11 racked up by the T ribe. San Otego bl'lled Baldwin Park J3-11 by means or a 16-htt al· lark. Southpaw Geraht Run· yun, w1nntr of JO games fQr thP Indiana this 11e&.80n. IS the prnbabll' F ullt'rton •tarter. Thi' Harl>or .. , f'W nieile lit-aur-, timp~d Huntington Be11<'h. 8 ·II. Cl'&aful debut lut wrcktnrl as thPy In & prsct1ce g&Qll' Th11r11rt11y be· I (o1 P unlf'IU!hing 10·0 and 12·11 --------------lt'&glll' "·Ins over Santll Ana. LE~,\,_ .,'OTICE Pttrhmg appured strong for the ~ "1 1cw11ls J1111 Nrwklrk anc1 PRiii --------------Lty-1'nt:tl'n alternaLPti st erttnK M · !8Ul 111~nn1ent11 Rod Gary Grel'n <'•me SOTf('r; OY 1<f.:A1.t:n I in both Set11rti11r and Sunday to ftll> !'4A 1.t: throw good rel II'( ball. l\'otll'I' II' hf'll'by l lVf'n thRI llf'RI· PAl"L J>ot·:"oS Pll.L ed bl•l11 will bt r"cr1vtll up to 2.00• Lnrf'ntz:eon clobbt'rt'd l'tt•n tor .J>.M .. Ju11" 17. t{l~~. for th,. """• fr1111· 11g1un1<t H untington: tw~ for of ll<'r•r Iron 11nd (lthrr junk mt't•l four. against S1rnta Ana Sat11rc19y to lhl' hli:hr11t oon11ttl!" bllltil'r on 1 ant1 thrte for folir against thPm a prr pounc1 h1111~ 8 1<1'1 m118l ~ Suncla~· Hr ponnd,.d & triple 1ind accompantrd with 11 10•; C"Ri<h· 11. rtouble. Of'nnls F1tzp11lr1ck got ler'• C"herl< cil'Jlnll\t nr the tntlll rour for ten tn the lhrl'e game.!I. amount o! lhf! blrl Surh tirpo,.\t He slammed out a triple and a fo bf' retalnl'c1 h\' thl' ~rhool dl11· J ouble. t rkt ~houM the ht~h bl•Mf'r f"hll•P Grel'n provf'<i hero or thf' llf'rtPS. to tskf> ·,1 .. 11v,.ry w1\hln the time Ht hurll'd no hit relit'! Saturd11v iq>erlflPti And In th,. n111nn•r ~"l while . R1llil)j: three hits tn ftv~ forth In thf> blrt Ct1rm M11ttr\11lio trlJ'!I ln1•h1d111g a rlouhltl Runt111y for Bill" ma" h<> lrJl'P"•'lf'ti Rt lhf' h,. ··ntPrN1 tJ,.,·i:;Am" \\Ith the lo· colll'ge by rnnt11r 1tn1: I hP hlll'tn"M l'Rll' tri111lng ~-3. the ha.st 11 louted offlrl' b,.twtrn I hf' hn11r11 n( ~ 111'1 11nd one 0111. Hl' rellre<I the 111tle A.M Rrtd :1·00 PM . Molll<l:iy th111 with no mnrt runs anrl threw Jl't1day lh1.r •· hit ball re11t or the WA Y Rh;nf'•I R H PET ERS01' Hilt h<'r l'<'nrNI lhr"I' morl' tn thf' Rec1rt111ry. :01x1h 141 1o:o out tn frnnt. 6-:1. Anol Board of Tntl\ll"f'll then ired th,. gllmr in Utl" ninth Adv, :Jun .. 2 Anrt !I, 19~:.. 1 wit h 111x runll on a double h:v f111,·e Open: JIJll'l,...., i, 111r,~. 2 .oo T' M. Burkman. e1nglt11 b:v Rov Danl,.111 NG. 1324 !\l'w~-r'rrM 11.nti Lorentien a,nrt walks to Jiil\ B!'lltlv can ra.mhle the mile In approximately 4 :2:1. Oalrowakl has turned In a. 4 :43 clocking thi11 ~11son, and Cutro La upable of g&lloplng bl't wet'n those times. Bue Rowers in Close Oar Goes Cappinl( a highly auceuatul au· 110n of crt>w actlv1tlea lhe Orangt' Co111•l Colltge four with couw .. n !!Wf'pl t..o a clOllf' 11econd In tht wuvm Spr1ntl4 Regatta In Lido ChannPI Saturday. Racing R1tainAl the Ssn Dieiro Rowing Club, UCLA anti USC. tile Pirate fc>u r 11lKge<I a nip and tuck battl" ovPr 11 two meter rou~ to lo~P , t(l theo San Diego Rowing Club by Ins than a half length. In the OCC boat wPre Ill Graham Gibbon11, 121 Dick Jordan, 131 Ted J effr1u. tfJ Frank Beall, f:'>I Bol> Ghls.Phn. ·r he JC eight finished fourth In t heir hrat lo Brllil'h Columbia. Los Angt'le11. anc1 the Unlven1lty or Southern C11hforn1A. Huntington Cops Buena Park Pair Huntington 8 Pach 1wepl a two- gRm,. Rer1u from Buena Park on the wtnnt'r'a field u the Orange County J unior Bft8t'bllll U-ague Wllll laun<"hl'd nver t !w-weekend MESA SKATERS TAKE CROWNS Co.slll. Mt'sa 11katera whirled oft with five first pl11.ru In the CallCorma Skate Champion· 11hlp compt'l1t1on in ruadena IW!l weekend. Two 11econd •pola were also rar kM up by local Jada and lasses. Lang Ladwig took fi rst. Billy Moore second In juvenile ml'n <'la.asiflration. J o Ann Ca te nabbed ftral place amnng novlrr ladles. Skippy Cr11nk •ll8<1 In !int for novice men title. Wilham ~!&XWl'll wa11 ftn•l In both senior men and 1nter- medla te men. J u<ty Fn1me topped 11en1or lati1es. Oenn111 O'Hair wa.a St'cond tn Crank In novke mf'n d1v1slon. FLEE FRY Mesamen Go to LA Sunday for Contest wu most lndlcalivl' of th,. balance txotwl'en the teams. Wayne Cough· try oppo~d Ray Luce. Both were more than a m<1tch for the oppos- ing turns, Luce limited t he Plr· at!'ll to lhrte run11 ou ftve hits. Coughlr')' allowed four runs on six h1t11. Bobby W~a:el anti Tonv Loin· bardo were the leading htltera ror OCC. Wetul had three tor seven and Lombardo three tor 11ix. Thr tPam con!'luJed t he sevon with a 20-10 record e.nd a .300 team a\'f'rage. Coach Wt'ndell Picken• w i 11 place next year'• hope tor a chamrtonshlp team on returning eophomoreA Don U-tgh. Wayne Coughtr')', Jerry Rice, Tony Lom- bardo. Buddy Pter«'e. John EAlr a- da, Roland Hill, A&ron M&.ldonado a nd Ray Ealrada. Lawn Bowlen in Battle for Title &ttle for the 111nglt'1 champ· ton11hlp 1n the Nl'wport Beach I.Awn Clttlb tht put week dec1deti the following mal<'hes: Ed Wtl· cox def. Jame-. A•pin; L. Stt'I'"""' r1t'f. Joe Stamp; Al Oxland def. Mr.e. W. Pearaon ; Taylor Carr dt'f. C. B. Rudd; Bill B1'.l.m8 dtf. vw What wllh the Fish Fry taking P@tlit. over all Co11ls Mesa lh1.1 Wf'ekf'nd. Jn qu&rter'.t1nal matchu. Eti Ed La.ne'11 Costa Men Mtrchanl.11 Wllrox def . .Nick Brellnt'r; U oyti travel a.way from Lions Fll'lrl for Sleeves di'!. Mrs. W. Br1m11; Al the firat time In, many Wl'f'kl!. They Oxl•nd dl'f. Taylor Carr: Walt tangl .. with thl' Watt11 G111nt.11 11t Pearl!IOn def. Bill Brlma. Wiii Rose,.. Playground In L<I• All· · ThlJI Wttk w1JJ df!dd• lhe aeml- gelu. final matche11 of Erl Wllrn>. v11 Lane announc,.d lht> Ml'rc·h!tnlll l Llovrt Steeves and Al Oxlanc1 vs will open <'Ompet1tton In th., R1n w ait p .,;u,,on The w1nners or Hondo Lt>a.gue of the Mu01c1ral thr11e two matchea will mef't In A.AaociaUon on the Mesa rt1amond thl' flnaJ match to dKtc1e the J une 12. The other teams <'ompo11· <"hamplon1bJp. Ing the 11'1\Jnll' will Ix' releaaed nr.xl -------------- week, Lane llalti. WA.'liT ISTROSCiF.ST Saturd&y the Olltn downed But'n& Park 1 1·2. Sun<\,ay the srore favore<I Huntington Beach R-2. Jetlt1y Young w11.11 winning pitcher In Sund•y·a fray. "TbPy askPd me wh1<"h Joor WI' :'\Pwk1rk. GrPPn, Lii< k .MtrkO\'tr h Wtlllted In," LAne rtported, "And I en<I t\11d1tv Thomp11on tnld thPm we w11nttd In thl' 111ron1:· Tlit!l Wl'f'krnc1 will fin(1 th .. lo· r st. The bAll cluhs In t he R~l<Orte· r11l11 .gom~ with .Mlrkovlrh l'1ttrh· t1on are more Cor rleytni:: b11ll 111g : Nt>wklrk p1trhlng SAturdRy th11n e r1e111ng. Anyone tht ump11 ttnrl Lortnt:t•n ~llntlny; Lorentzen tolls out flf the i.rame ts ~uspendtrl and Newkirk alt"l'Ollting Al flr"l for 30 1lnys. And If two player~ on l>&Mt'; Roy f'anrels at lll'COnd; Boh. one t<'am ere 11u11pendl'd Kt th• All,.n or· 011ve Tllnrnrll Al third llame lime. the manag•r Is fmed." Mesan Occupied with Softball FIRST DIV .. GER~tA:'\Y-Arm\' Cpl, RQbrr l K. Cubbison. son ~( M r11. A rnold C. Kohls. <186 Broati- w&y. Co11ta MMa. J8 play1n1t llllfl- ball this 11eR110n In Gcnn11.11v whilr serving with tht' l11l lnfa.ntrv Oi- vl11lon'11 7th Fll'ld Arttllery ·Bat· talion. anrt Buckman. Thomp1Jon a nd L811t Sunday. lhe Lane l811ht'rll Green In l hP oulClelrt. litmba!ILNI Atwllter Ml'rd18nti1 11 · ~-~~---~-----------------3 on thP Me:oJa diamond. C'Rtrh"r Gsry Forrt ran a mol rn his foot. Pltl'her Bob Bl11ylork wa11 ll1rk ab.e,d a nti lnfleldl'r Eddie Brown went f111h tng, Lane reported. so Mme fa:<t recruiting bad to ~ In· dulgt'd In. A clerk·t ypl11t In the batt&Jlon·11 Headquarters Battf'r')', Corporal Cubbison • arrived In E urope In July, 19154. A 191r2 gra.du11te of Newport Harbor High School, the corporal att~ndf'd Orange Co1111t College before entering the Anny In Septem~r 1963. "" cc>mpleted bu lc traJn1nr al F ort Ord. PH AHUM CURRENT EARNINGS GOOD H Al"L Tht' MesamPn came up with P it· r her Ray R-.mirez., Long Beach City Collt-ge hurler . who tosMd a OSC HAS REAL f ive hiller age.mst th e oppo1it1on And JOtned Charlev Black In RIVER TO ROW bluLlnJ:" 01.1l doublts. Harbor Hlgh's I Ll>e Fisher look over 11\'cond blllle duties. He perform<'d a perfect pt\'O\ on a pa.tr of.. twin kllllnf:tl, handfed "°'''en playa 'Yl1lhout trror and alngle,d In four at bats. Wally Welbrock took over back11lop chores. "ll ·s Ul.i first errorlHa game tor Costa M('88 th11 year," Lane re- vrRll'll. Raw1'4f out 12 hit.a. t.e,fiel11 llr- rupers were led l>y Norm Rld1ote· way and Don \\'1ll1am11. Rli.lgew11y hsmmerrd three Cor tlve, \VJlllan111 two for three. Costa Mell8 had run up a l!IX run lead before Atwater scored a pair In the 11txlh 11lan:ia. The hold rowing has on col· lt'ge boys wa11 well illUlltrlltP<I a t thf' Newport Harbor Inter· l'f>lll'glat" Rowing Regatta Sa turday by t hr appearance or c rl'Wtl from ~ltanford and Orrgon • State College. In nP1lhtr echool I• rowing a fnl- ll'ge sport. but 111 In "''ch cue handled by 11. dub. Oregon Stille at CorvallhJ hu t o row· on the Wlllam· ette R ivl'r. w hich 111 a dl f!k11lt cour11e. "We go down In fi ve minUIE'!I and come back m 415," 11Rld one or lhe crew. Plan Parade. Practice Go for Midget Loops Opener tea ma ALL FUNDS RICC,IVEO ON OR BEFORE ™' 10th OF TM' MONTM EARN FROM ncG FIRST Plana for the openlnr of Harbor Boy11' Club Midget baa eb a 11 league• Yl1th a g-rand parsde a nd nJghl exhibition game June 17 were berng-made thla week u tearn11 prepared tor their final pracuce gamf!I! next Wffkl\ A 11pec1a.l meeting of all coachu bu bttn caJled tor 7 :30 p. m. tomor- row. Practice acheduJe for rema.lnder of the pre-llt'UOn period. Today~·3o p. m., B,, I ndi&nl!· Red Sox: 8:1:1 p m . .A. White Sox· Yankeea. J Tomorrow-ti le p m. B. Tigl'r•· AUlletlc1: II 18 p. m, B, While Sox-Yank.u. o ,·er 50 boya tr1ed out lut Sat· urday morntng tn hopea lh&t theoy mlly be called upon to ftll any va- vanclei that may occur In A. B .. or C leaguee. Chances are g'OOd for aortte uatrnmtnlA to the 2& C team.a. but dropout.a In th• A and B learue have !ailed to ma· terialtu. Names are ltlU betnl!' taken at the Boym' Club for the variou. "·1.ltlng Hsu and a aetr.t tryout w111 be held later tht.1 month. All bo}'a Who tr!~ out ln the Aprtl •-Iona b.av• bMn pl~ on Monday-6 30 p. m., B .. Bravu- Cub1: 8 16 i>• m., A, Brne•· Dodgera. Tue.day~:30 p.m ., B. Plraln· Cardlnala; ~:1~ p.m., A, Cardlnala- GlanlJJ. Wednead&y -e.so p. m., e, Dodcn•·lndlana; 8 :10 p. m., A, In· dJan-Whtta Sox. Thuraday~ 30 p. m., B, Olanta· While Box; 8:16 p. m., A. Red Sox· Yanke.. Friday~ 30 p. m., B. Red Sox· Alhletlca; 1 :1' p. m ., B. Tank-· Tlcen.. t Couta.I ~hopper ('W.lfl1od Ad• muat run In the 1\londay • or Thurada)' l'ubllcallon )UNll\U'M AO IS • USt:S All Claa•lfled Ada Dlll!Ot he paid tor C'a11h In ad\lt.lll'e of puhllcattoD. The puallshers will not be re11ponslble ror more tha n one Incorrect lns,·rllnn or An aJ, r.-11en•(' the right to l·orrectly cJas_,1fv a ny and all ada t.nd to rt>jecl any ad no( conformtni;: to rules and r(•gutatlona. NEWPORT llARHOR l't·eusm.so <..'O. i :n I Balboa Bh·d., Nt" port Rcat•h, (.'allfoml&. Classified Index I FuaeraJ Solien i Caret ot Tbank• • t"uneraJ Dll'N'tors I 0 Bualneu tiuJdf! 11 BuUdln1 Malf'rlal• 1~ BuUdln~ Sen·lcH U Penional11 U !'\hare \'our Car 18 Tran11portatlon l l Rooflnir l K Rt-auty Aid" !O HN!th /\IJ" !! Loat and •·ound H School-. tn .. trur llno 28 l!'ituatloa. Waotetl 29 tlf'lp Want"'1 :10 Mf,.t>,.llan1•ou• 30-A :o;"llPA :10-8 Appll•nCt'11 :II Waot~d to Bu;r ll2 Furniture for Sale ll?·A Antlqut'" U Bo•h•, Su11pll.,. :t• MusleaJ, Kadl•1, T V Special Notices Newport Harbor 8 . P. 0 . E. 1767 J.leell e\'ery Thursday 8 p m. Via Oporto -Central Ave. !\ewport Beach Albert H. Malthew11. Exalted Ruler 12-t-BuiJdin~ St-n1cf'9 PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & ~oll~r 512 38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2<104 FOR RENT ttc SkJll 811.w11, Elec. Dnll11, PolU1here, aU t ypea ot Sa.nder11, Wheelbar· rows, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COAST li!GHWA Y Liberty 8-343~. Nt!wport Bch 2btrc Painting & Paperhanging We do the work oursch-es. 30 yeara experience Llctnsed & ln111rrd. Sa u11ractlon 1uaranterd. Estima tes free. Call Johnnie. ll.\ Uuc•. C'•t•, Peta :18 l'uult ry • :n 1J\·r11t&k :JM l"JH'<'ial Annnunttment S9 Auto• Want.4'd •u Auto• for ~" 41h \ Tlrt'A ll Part. 41 Au10 ~nice 4'! TraJJn• 4:1 AlrpJan, .. 4 l \\'antf'd to R~ot '41! Apt ... #;Hou-for Real •l!A-Apts. tor Rent 411~Hou-for R~nt 4!1C-Tr&ller Sp~ 411 Koom" for Kf'n& 49·1\ Ht•"t Homf'" "9-R Koom I: Board r.o tc .. n1, Ml"". !\ll l'4tor1'11 1: orn~ l\ll-A 8u11ln8• Rentals 1'16 Hu1tlDl!t<ll OpportWLIUee M 1'toory lo Ulan .'WI l'lonl'y \\ant rd fl l K.t-&l t:atate \\'anted 110 t_n romo l'rofl('rty 61 ftt-al t:11tato E.11cl:uulre 62 ftl'nl E11tate 12-BuJldlng Serylcea COMPLETE PAINTING ll Paper Hanging Service Et:GE:'\E 0. SAUXDERS ~.oo 31st Street, Newport Beach Harbor 2&76 or Har. 4448. t!c .... CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK !':O JOB TOO SMALL l:I O. An<!erson l OH E . Balbo>t. Bh·d., Ba.Jbo& Harbor 24:10 83t!c CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinds FREE E STIMATES Liberty 8-6109 House Plans LIBERTY 8-82:11 Painting M . W. ROSS 2ttf lOtfc Fir~ l-:i1tunatl"'I -Fullv Insured Jll \"('81" F.XPf'l H'nC'e Ll !S-J321 & Her. 3089-M. ~6p6!lh RJOERS w A:-0..,.EO: Nort.bnsp An11h,.lm Oa \· 1hlft. 119 38th St, :'\ewl'('lrt -Bea.ch. t 0ct3 ~'Beaut>: Alda Superfluous Hair Perma.nenUy removed from raee arma, leea. Eyebrow• L"MI la&lr Une aha~-No more tw.-ns. l!!Ll...ltN L. SRY ANT R.. a Udo'1 S&lon ot Beaut1 Bar. MTI ... 24-Schools. lnltructloa CONTRACTORS A LL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY In gpa.r• Uma for eont.r&Oo tor'.11 f'Xamtnllt!On Under a S9n• r ral r ontractor wlt.b 211 ,..." rx~nence. Cluaea Tuea. and Fn . f'VU. 7 :30 p.m. A tltnd ftnt 9t'tl~lon rru. Beg1n anytime Al Tyler School 1811 No. Broadway, 8anta Ana Ph. Kimberly 1·0 28 or Kl T·S&l l 62Uo Real . '" Estate School Santa Ana MEN .It: WOM..EN prepan ln apan time for unlLmltad opportun.ltJ• In Real Emu. New c1 ..... WMkly. Al Tyler tn.tnact1nc. At.- lend tint eftllllls tr .. and learn about UWI lft&l ft.id. Call 0 1 wTtt• now tor tntormauon. Bulll· neaa ln1titut., US~ N. 8yc .. more. IQ 1-1761. T•U• China Painting Da1 and Z°fmlnS a..... Order. Tak.en Now Pti.oM Ll'bartJ ....... ..tt. BONNIE BRAE Pre-school Ml.iSIC art.a • crafl.I, monunre only. Tran11porl11tlon. 11U6 Santa Anll Ave~ LI M210. O'cef !8-Sltoattou Wanted HA!\'D IRONING done In my hOlllf', :\67 W. Wllaon, Pl ..... b1·ing hsn·gf'r11. L. H. Ille W WllMn, ColltA MM&. Np&O WANT TO T AKlll A. TRIP T R"tlrPd coup!\ will atay and look aft,.r your pmperly, Ref. fl&dly g1wn. LO 11· 7993. 68pf!C Roy's Maintenance Hoose cll'&nln1-Floor W&JClnl' Wsll waAAlng-wlndow cJe&DJns Venetian blinds. Upholalal"J ln1mrt'd. 1-'rf'e E1Umat .. Llberty 6·1332. 1U. LI 8-2687 & LI 8·52 9 81tfc General Contractor "A 's" VENETIAN BLIND Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAJ5ING LAUNDRY and CLEAN UPS I.ICE:"SF.D New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZlE Harbor 3122-R 5 tfc Painting, Decorating Paper Hang1ng GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED <.;UNTRACTOR 8i8 W. 18th St., C'o~ta Mraa Liberty 8-8625 ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM lnetaU the abov<' cheapt>r than moat. Al.so 11ell Tiie Ir Linoleum Non-union. 2~ y"an1 expenence. Compare and '"" -BILL COKERL LI 8-6204 7tfc PAINTING l?\"TERJOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -·INSURED Glenn Johnston 501 • 3l1t Sl. :-o.·cwport Buch Harbor 31i6 22ttc CARPENTER Repair Work . Ooea Tour Hom• Need Repalrln1 or Remodeltn« f c.&11 l'Tanll, L.rberty 8-8~· All Worll Guaranteed 7t Uc \\'111 t omc ln yu11r home. take dOYo"TI Liberty 'S·lM9 yot11r v1 m lll\n blmd11, take them to 01Jr laumh y. Leundr r the slats. tlljl•. !I, rortlll. 11pnrklt111; clea n "ti h .. ur n••w m11rhtnr pro!'e!l~ mt>l h•"1 R••tum your hllnl1s a nrl rr-ln•tall t hl'm Tn 2<1 hours. P rtr,. v1 rv ren•"nobl• ThP RV"r· 11ge 2 tor e 1ei>1<l"ntlal bllnd- On ly $1.00 WP 111110 rPp11lr and r ('b111Jd vene· lion blln•lll. All wurk done I)~ Ap· rnlnt m1·nt. Phon e n(lw t.lbl'rtv 8-~illt or KlmbPt ly 3·827.t . flpltc PAINTING f'A PE!l HANCl:'\G R,.~idf'nllal & CommnclaJ Work t.lcen.~<I Contractore Cell l..exlni;:ton 8·4916 collect. Huntingto·n H1•&ch ~9pp60h H . H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Rep111r Service Malnt&ln~ Phone: Harbor 48H 280 1 811.lbua Hlvd., :'\ewport Brach p.\p Elec. Tool Repair S kit HAw•. r1nll• S11.niJ"ra <.lL'ICK Sf'.:R\'ICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 4Cl6 No. Nrwp<11t Blvd., NpL Bch. Liberty 8-838:!. . H tCt.: MAN It WOMAN win ,do 1•neraJ hou~ework. noor wulnr, ~ dtiw clf'anlng. FAil work;er• While. 11!4 E. 20th at.. Coeta M1w1.. t.l 8·2683. ppU PAINTER WA:"TS WORK. 115 yean ~~ en~ll. Non u nion. Hourly. t.lhrr1 y 8-2722. GARDENING Mittnt('nanr ,., yard cleantnl' ant lt~hl hauling. Kimberly l·S-021 <IAy11 or fl11.rbor 303• evlftlaca 41 • week tnl111. Npn YACHT SKIPPER Fl'Lt. Y Qt; A Llf"JED It u ,,.rtm c· ,.c1 LlrenMrt Mbtu SlMm an~ M•1tor. Any tonnait. Any ocean Exfl"rl•nced In aatl. Local r• f,.r .. ncu !urn18hl'd. J, S. COLI!: 61 01, W. Bay Av,.., Ba.Jboa. 6tp7' GRA r>t.:ATE PRACTIC AL a u"" «'hllrl <>r 11ti11ll t ar... wlll cook d1 1w•. tn1v"I. light llf'Cratarta 1h1t •"'· 1-~xrellrnl ret,.rencea. l 'h H14r ll'H 118-W. t Opftl WILL l >l'J IRO .... INO In my bome J.:xpt>rlf'Ol l"I. sr ... hr. 800 C'on gu1111 St .. Co,t.a Mc.a. U 8~1!114 eope: Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 ALt. AR()I.;\'[) MF.CHANlO want.I "'""'JY Jul> White, rellabl• - Jiu du111rt,.ur llren11e. ~ferwic ci•. L. J . sruru.,· au Vkltona ea.ta M-. tope: ·. ' I! Ii 1: I ... h IJ I•! 11 II fl 11 I\ MGE 4 . PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS St-Funlltu,.. for Salt THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 ~M111Jal._ Radlo,:_~ _T_!_ . %8-81tu.tton Wanted ----~--------~~·----- Good Used FURNITURE CRA~D PIAJ'l:OS m1<ny llke new I Stt'1nw11y. Ex1 rll• nt 1•vnJ1tlon. 841\utltul IHhr Bro•. Qu!'fll ~1yl11. Knebe Grtlnd. Ottklal ()~re p11u10. unJy $11~0. Lo\'e{y <."oops Grand. Mit.hoir1ny cue, line tont' &nd action. unly $19:\. Anothl'r Gran1l nnly .s1 3:, Many nthu wonderful buy• In Otilruia. Come! Lookl v v Check these Used Cars Buy f10111 a local dM.lct wh•• will I>{> hert' TOMORROW lo back 11p what nt-..r II~ TOOA YI Cabanas Marinas WM'. "PETE" PANGLE • TIUC'TOR WORK, d!Jelng, plow· lnr 6 mowing. Clearance Sale 40-Attto. and Trucks o&O--Autos and Trucks Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. U 8-lTM -LI 8·2827. l\9p&I CHKOM E din•tt.-llel t I.A.a ire lable OFFERS COLOl'l.ED 01RL W'&ltt8 hoUM work by the day. Experienced. Own tr&n•portaUon. Kl 2·7429 :iepe1 UNDERWOOD porl'.able lypewril· •t , Unlver .. 1 .. U :I. UNDEf\WOOD Champion portable • • cht.in I $29.60 DUNCAN PHYFE dlnlns ~t. 2 DA:"Z·SCHMIDT Bli; Plano Store. Opening Specials · OelighUul livinJ. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilitiet paid. with typewriter . .. . .. u~. cha1r1, mabopny , 134 ~ Santa Ana. 520 No. Mll1tr. 1954 CHRYSLER Nt>w Yorke-r Newport. L ight Green. P s -R & H. New W8W tires 2395 BUICK Super, 2 doo; 11t'dan. Black ~ ... 295 NASH. 4 door sedan. Ovt>rdrive. R & H. 2-tone,,green . . . . .. . . .... 945 Yacht alip a ccomodationa. WALNUT b«lroom Ht. v11mly, 1 UND.l!:RWOOD portable t)'pewnt· •r ............ _......... . $:?2 60 100 Pi11no1. Home or the Hammond Organ. Daily, weekly. monthly, yearly. COUPLE H USRANO paln~r. dealre p<111I· lion 1111 ('aret&llers In exch. tor rPnt Best loea.1 retertncu. Har. 07•6-J. 59p61 lar~e 1111rrvr, cheat 41 l>l·d $f9 !10 L. c. ~R omce t~w1 lttr, .............. -........ , $37.50 0000 bNI 11lv1n. mttple !anl1h. ]{)48 1952 For appt. or reeervation, Ca.II Har. 2992. 3'tfo R. c. AW.EN adding mabi. $89.:io cnew I • $16 50 120 Bass Accordion 1 Like new. Sacrifice. Phone Llber ty 8-2237 COPY·PLUS duplicator machlnt'. 5 ORA WER CHEST . $H.r10 ( demol\.atralor) . ...... .. .... $8:1. 81.RC.H DESK, floor sample J42 50 WA NTEf\. Part lime houHk~per. P hOnP LI 8-2086 after 5:30 p m Near Nu Furniture Mart 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Bch Williams Stat ioners Ph. Har, ~3112 !>!ll'lll Mp72 1952 1951 1951 60c62 3130 Via LIJo Har. •1:>88 M~c6 1 \\'ant ell~rlenc:e<.I white woman u ------------- \ hu1111ekeeper-cooll. Aaal1l moth· BE SMART, Ced SHARI". \\'h'en l'r, :? 1<ChO<ll are ch1ldrt-n Nu h eavy l'leaninic. Live In. Refei · ~·ou savl! on nt'at ly n1•w i;pp81 el encu rfQ. Ji&r. H 88. 60ltc tor women A chll<.lrf'n. Only bel· t,.r i;ra1t.: merch1lnd1St! IH l'On· Salesmen Wanted H ERE JS A CH.ANrE II) M• II !1IJ;n1:t.l 11l KATEY DOA:-.;E Ap· /1>1 I td !;hop, 2i21 E. <.:out Hwy. t K1ndl"ll's Pal Ill I \ ', I'. M . ALTERATJOl:\S tuo' Your J(llr· rn"nts or ours. t'>2.:60 lJlD YOU KXO \V JA:\'SE!': ORGA:"O, The piano a.nd 1951 t'le1•trlc Oq;an ID Ont' IDltru· Mesa Woodcraft 11h'nt. Sold tor over USOO~r l 950 p111·e $887. Terma, ~ • o~ 1949 be&ullful Electronic Or1:an. L ike Unp111ntt•d 41 J uvenll<' F'urullure """" Blond finl•h. Fa.mou1 make. ~1951 Lgo. :> dr. <'hl'11lll, epe1·111l '1 1 95 Our price only $6M. Thin~ Ll!;t>. reclining patw 1•hu1r11 . S:i 9!1 • that! De1:p sllu111g Joor t'Olilnd>1 "O.!I~ DANZ·SCHM10 T Big Piano Co.. 1955 M111w1ot 1u111 Dr fl ruu~h··s s A 1\20 N M Oniel'!! t uk<'n for 11hullcrri ii.fl• na, u. ain. 2121 Harbor. C M. L_lherty 11·164~1 pp tr SPECIAL BUY! ONE ONLY Lt>Wl'ry Organo. Late· iit rnu<Jr l. S11ve $100. Convenient terms at- 1954 NASH Country Club 2-To11e Brown ___ 945 HUDSON Hornet •-dr, Dark Green _____ 895 MERCURY Station Wagon . . .............. 1095 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4-dr. Sedan 1125 CHRYSLER Windsor 4·door P erfect .... 795 HUDSON 4 door . . ................... 395 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 door Sedan Light gray .......................... -... 1095 DESOTO Sportsman. Loaded. Red and black, 2-tone ............... SA VE S $ $ DESOTO Conv. Cpe. all the extras. Red & black ............................ SA VE $ $ $ LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER Chevrolet 4 Oldl!'TI'lOblle. \\'(' nrc looking tor young m .. n w1111ng to learn, wllllnK In work. Thia 11 an e1tcellent opportunity tor a jnb "''Ith a ruture Sllll'!! f'X· p~r1tnrt not 11b80lutely ntrt•· aary. IEE CEO. CRUPE, 1 111 ~ p in. MILLER CHEVROLET. 1000 "'"'t Cout Highway, Newport 8 .. ach ll1'•t Ray l''ield.s. tlw Lldu lJrug J""''••ler lhe JMlll 6 .HH .. 111111 new l1>\al1011 et 19th 1111d f'lacenlau.? \'111111 C<'nll·r. t'. :0.1. ('omp. line n1u. a•h-..•rlls~I wal~hu « g1ft11 at popular pricu. OPE;.J June l Ph. l.lbl'rty8-EH88 ~·ua!lh F.XE<.:1 ·n VE desk, wulnul. $60 .. pustur" d l><1r $2~ only I yr. old. 2!J 12 \\' Coe st Hlghw11y. !'hon•• Ll 1·5071 or Har. ~577. ~'6llc SHAFER'S Mllalc Co. (Since 1907) 421-423 N. Syramore. Santa Ana Phone Klm1>e1 ly 2·0672 1200 West Coast Highway. Phone Liberty 8-3486 601'112 --------·---- Si-A-Antiques ---~--;;.._. ____ _ A="TIQL'E chin11 rupbn1t1if, MO 228 F.. Co!lla Mt11e St , 1 ·n8111 M~,.a. Ph. Ll 8·5118:.1. 60,62 S:> PER AlO r~nla good practice piano. ~t the kldlJlca learn. All term re.nl Mllowt-41 '' you buy later. Good pral·lice pulnoa $135, $116, $1 i8, $195 . 40-Aatoe and Truck9 40-Autoe and Trucu G. M. C. 41-Auto ~rvloe ATiENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Gar age .Authort&ed Paru • S.rvle• allO ~ Tr~rtatJon Cara Ji'or Sa.le Auto. Radio Repair 409 E. 29th S t . Newport Beach, Har. 4725. 36tfc .i 2-Tlalle,. ---------· ~ 3 BOLES ENSF.l\"ADA 22 ft. hou1e trall.-r, Like new. Toilet A •hwr. Sleepa (I. 118~. See al 1091 Newporl Ave., Custa Mua, or call Harbor 70-R e\'<'11. Htrc 47-Waoted to Rent -Rentals Wan ted We need apt.a a.nd Ml.l8U In all -13A-Apta. for Rat NO. 6 Bll:ACON B.A Y .-Summer r.-nlal. Spacloua t11rn. apt., aleep• •. overloo.kl.nr ba.y. J.uu lllt.b-- Sept. lMh., $DOO. month. ALSO Wlll take rut~Uon for Winter. Har. 2tTl, court•)' t o •&en~. Otte Summer Rentals • Excluaive Bay Front.a + other choice propertie• Harbor Wand, Bay Sboru, BIA· con Bey, qualified c:l(cn~ only. Harbor Investment Co. · Harbor 1600 (Evea. U 1-03861 27trc FURN. bachelor apL. l-40 mo. 719 W. Balboa Blvd. For key a and ln!ormallon, SH Bay .. e.'a.<'h R.ealty, H~ \\' &lboa Blvd, Har. 128' 6'p66 48~Houaee for Rent WANT exper1ence<1 co1mellc: an1I drug c:lf'rk. Gunderson Drug ANTIQUES -Oltl f11rn1lu1e, l'Ul .rlass. lumps, old pictures. clocks I'll". Bargain$ galore. Big dis· rwint.! lo dealer~. Charlie D11v1s, 11:10:) !::, Anaheim lit., Lone Bi·a• h. li!'>O· t3!J. 29ttc U-Boata, Ha~ •• DAl'\Z·SCHMIDT Sig Plano Store. 100 pJanos. 520 No. Main, Sa nta Ana. Tem11. For the Cream Off the Top TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS FOR Lf:ASF. aecuora ror 1>9th winter a.nd TWO BEAUTIFUL year'• leue. trum. or untum. new Irvinti 117 Mttln St . Balboa. H11 r. r,1~1 60cU GIRLS - IT'S A GmL·s WORLD! And you'll agree when you he11r of the many job ppportunlU"!I for quahfled ynung wom~n In our business tod11y. OPENINOS NOW FOR: TELEPHONE OPERATORS Apply-Monday through Friday 5H ·~ No, Main St. 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. Room 211. Santa Ana • PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22l!C YOUNG t.ADY for gener&l office work In Corona del Mar. ~ day wel'k , perm&nenL For app'l call Har. 83 08c60 STANDARD STATIONS Haa opening for Station S&leSTl'len Acu 18 • .co 0ranp (;'ount7 I Fresh Hearing BATTERIES Aid \Ve 0 1\'e S&H Green Stamp1 Gunderson Drug Co. .Mam St. nl Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 515. · 98tfc 100(1 EMBOSSF.D bm1ln<'u cards $3.99 3 Line Rubber Stamp $1.011 i Line Rubber Stamp with cut $2 ()0 188"' <·vlsl !:kink M ii lC'h<'ll L. \\', \\'HITE Llb<'rty 8·~011, t'VU, LI 8·:1 1:\0 pptrc RVBBER SKJN DIVI NG sull. new for 17!'> lb. man. T en l·lb. weights !ms. ~a!t>ly belt, fare plate. snorkle $7ri. ~54 Hu~I Drlv<'. Cur ona dtl Mar. Harbor J089·W. 119p61 AMATEUR µllotographer de11lru l o rt'nt or share dark room for montha ot July &: August. Write Box Y ·87, this paper. :i9p6 I TRADE Beeu11rul 70-tL aux. achooner. C. Fully round. go 11.nywhm. w111 M-Dop, ta, Peta See These Cars take equJty In pro~rty or amal· 1 • ler boaL 1220 w. Balboa Blvd., Pomeranian Pups at Newport. Har. 3032. 30tfc AKC, t'hampion at alud. Th d R b" :O.IEHCL'R Y 011tbo11rd, 10 hors<' 713:1 Wr11lmln11ler Ave., Westmln· eO Ore 0 lnS pow<'r. ·1st clall!I rondltlon. 5121 11ter. Ph. Wulmlnater 2·253:1. 1 :isth st .. ="ewport Bearh. •11rr Mc&lH 1 51 Chrysler $1095 TllREJ·; 65-Ct. llllpa for rent. S85 MA-LE & fen1Ale Toy PeklnN1t•; i j Windsor dlx. 1 dr. Low milr al(e. month at LiJo Wharf Yucht mo. old. 712 Fe111lcar, Corona ,49 F d $575 1.11nJ1ng. 3H6 Via Oporto. Ph dt•I Mar. Har. 35'13. 55c60 I or Liberty 8·:i009. 46c60 Ct. cpp with r11 rflo anti he11ter. H ' Bt:RCHCRAF'f 71, hp, 011l· board. Excell $2~. Hnr. 4188\\' !'>9c61 "Nani." "Xero.'' "Kip," arlorable Heinz kittens need good homu- Frt'e. Call H ·l42. 6 p.m. 60p62 CHRYSLER Marine engsne, 4 12 to I 40-Aato. and Trucks 1 r<'duction J;tellt. Rfo:FRIGERATOR . 110 volt D. c. SEE JACK HARPER al Lido Shipyard, f'nd ot 31st Street, ·Newport Buch. 29tfc Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent Am11ncan ~g1on 215·1Mh SL Meetings _2nd -4th Wed. 8 p.m PR tr JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DEALER 3636 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach '49 Chrysler New Yorker • dr A nice one. $645 '50 Hillman $495 Convertible. radio, ht'ater. '53 Ford $1795 ConvcrUble. radm hes tf:'r, F ordo. Conlinental. '51 Chev $895 Deluxe 2 fir. R H. PowtrgHcte '52 Ford 'HI CMC ~ T. PJCKUP 'ii FORD '2 T. PICKt;P. 'tO CMt: 1, T . PICKUP. ·~11 GMC 1 i T . PICKUP. '53 DOUOF. 1,. T. PICKUP, SPORTSMAN TOP. ':'.14 CMC I, T, P ICKUP. HYDRA·MATIC TRANS. '51 CHEVROLET •. 'r. PlCKtJP U you have a va cancy, phone today The Vogel Co. · S201 W Cat. Hwy .• Newport Sf.h PhOne Uberty 8-3481 208 Marine. Balboa b land Phone Rarbor H4 2667 II:. Coast Hy .. Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 1741 L1<10 Ort\1'•'. 3416 Via Udo Harbor 4971 32t!c '53 CMC % T. PICKUP. PROFF:SSIONJ\L MA?'.' wants lo HYDRA·MATIC TRANS. rent llpt: or room. Ph. Malloy 'M OMC l ·T. DUAL, FLATBED. al Ll b<>1ty 8·5:133. ll8c60 '1'13 DOOGE l·T. DUAL. C • C ------'------~I FORD 2·T. 12' FL.4.TBED CHRJSTIAt\ LADY wants lo rf'11I 2 SPEED. 8.2!1 TIRES. room with kit pr1viltg-es. or wlll '52 CHEVROLET 2-1'. 179" WB, bt> rompAnlon to eld!'rly la•I) 2·SPF:ED. 8·2:1 TIRES. L.l 11·1'1682 !'VI'S 6()j-62 '51 GMC lO·WHEEL DUMP Q-_L TRA 1'S., 9 00 TlR.ES. See u~ betorr buying any USPd l• uck, w11 have a selection or 25 to <:house from. Our pr1ccS' and terms cRn not be matched, W .W . WOODS OltfC DEALER 48-Apt.8. & Hoo8e!' ___ _ Corona del Mar 2 BORM. duplex. unt11m. Jo~l1epl,, j.?&rage. 1 block to markela, $7~. moy yearly. Muriel M. Pinover, Realtor 1115·19 F. 4th Sl. Santa Ana 26o.t Newport Blvd. l't'wport Br h. Opl!n• Sunday a.m. 1 gasy Parking. Hl\r 4610. 59l'61 Truck heudciuarters for Orange Co. I REAsO:-.;ABLY price<!, dean 1 It Turact unfum. view bomra. 3 BDRMS .. 2 bath.I and 2 BEDRMS , 2 baths. Call Harbor 1775 or Harbor 41 111 EARL W , STA.11,'L!:Y. Reallu1 lrvtne Terrace Office <.:mona d1•J Mar. JJtl<' QUALITY Mai:nolll\ Sl., !C 1'I 1 homl'. Unrnrn .. 2 br. dlntns:, tl1·11 Avsll. J un.-l!'>. $90. L<·••" A1lult.~. LI 8·~32f. :l!lp<l I LIDO IS~E 2 YEARLY RE:-;TALS U:'\FtjR:" l. 2 belfroom11. 2 bath11. 2. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. Choice locauun1. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 X l'Wf!Ol l lilvd., Jl>('wp<H·t Brh Harbor 1013 4fltf•' t::-:P-l'Rl': 2 BDRM. HOMF:. \\' 111 W ca rp4'l. Beaullt111 y11rt1. r11t1n. firl'placl', 1t11r. $1:.?ll "'''"' h Or leaa rent on leu e. Ll 8-~i:,11 after G. 116tt•· UNFURN. modem 2 bdrm, Fir"· pince. l:SeamPd cci11ns:. $!•.'• I 'til flll 3 blks. tn be11rh. """ Ill 1111 J n!O, Cni nna '1 tl MAr. f'hnne l.F:JC • 111gton 6·:?930. OScilO 5-Day-40-Hour Week Movie Proiectors Hlab •tarting pay i'OR RENT Ex~llent Bend1lAI &-MM 16-MM 3~·MM 30 FT. CABIX CRlJISER, sleeps 4 Galley, head, ball tank. Ship tn 11hnre. Full COVPNI, $4 25-0 Ph, Ha r. <117!'>·W. 60c65 Trading Wild ! Desperate for Used Cars $1195 Clb. Cpe. Fordo., radio. heater. 40-A-Tlres & Parts 2 bdrm. furn. ap~. UUJ. paid. ----------- l.aunt11 y rvom. Playground for SUMMER RENTAL rh1ldr1 n. ntue Top Apt:s.. 403 M--M uslcal, Radio, &: T v T Good opportunity for HQBBY ana MODEL Advancement AIRPLANE SUPPUES Apply ALSO Gelger Counten1 for r ent. STA)'JDARD STATIONS • Da.hlla a.nt1 eoaat HJchway Mears Camera Shop Corona dpl Mar 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Me .. SP1NET PIANO. The most beau· Chapman anJ SpaJra Phone Uberty 8-7042. Pru t1ful piano in the world. H lghrat '50 Ford $745 V8 C11~t, 4-dr RH. O'Drlvr. Tubeless Tire and $1495 153 Ford cust. •-11r, Rnd10 lll'ater. i;orclo. Recapping Hdqtrs. Nrwporl Blvd., Newport Beech. Above the Arche!I. 49tJc PRIVE BY " lie•• ) 12 Via \\'azit·rs. Lillo lsle. 3 bill nts , 2 IJ11.lh11 completely !umlshe11. Av1tllt1bl•• J une 1~1-30-$2!'>0. July $650.- .August $725, Rc>du<'llon for en· tire aeaiton. Call Har~r ~ 2i 4 1 • ~ :i7c6flh Fullrrton l'r11d11. All !rultwoo<.I r wie. J ust 8·30 to 9:39 • m. like new. Ab so I u tel y! This Thor11day•. 55c69 SO·~Ap_pllances i,. chance comes but once. Sa\'e • Now's Your Opportunity to own '50 Chev~ $845 Converttbl.-. Radio Heater. I 8 hour aerv1re Choice Summer Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Isle Small le co7.y or large .I: deluxe $75 to $300 month VOGEL CO. AV~ILJ\BLE in SHORE CLIFl-'S, C D.ltt. 2 br., mo:illy r11m1~hell private home. nu St!pt. 111 011 lllt. or !or I yr. ten~ .. or will 11rll-1111 1s-Harbnr 32t}9·ll --------------~-$325.' th t ' t .A.1'Ti:NTtor-: AU. soys -J une Clearance DA=--Z·SCH~nDT Fa.moue Piano e spor ies ' Ne"'11·P~.a• c&rrter route are nuw Store, Santa Ana. ~20 No. Main. most beautiful, open In aome neighborhoods -\\'f:STr~GHOUSE refrlg .. 9 rn. rt. '51 Nash $645 Statesman •Hlr O'dr Goo1J tires. F ree Pick up &: delivery Balbo~. Weat Newporl. Balboa IAt•· mudl'I Sll!l.:'10 USED HAMMOJ'>D Spinet ori.:an most powerful, '51 Ford $995 Courtney & Lester laland. Newport H eights and SER\'EIJ refrlg. 10 cu. fl. Almost in r111e conl111iOn. Mlg savings. <.:oron11 dPI Ma r and Cost.a Mesa. n('W, <leluxe $Iii! :,o Convenient tenns at-most e«;onomical Conv1•rtlblt1 Ra1J10. HNth'r. WSW lt you ere 12~15 yrs. old. h11ve a .GI ldSO~ refr11<: • s. cui ft. <"h•An' SHAFER's Music Co. (Since 1901' b[cyc.le. upply 10·12 a.m. ur 4·0 llt le model SIS1t.r10 421·<12~ :-.. Sycnmort', Santa Ana Car made. p.m. only at Cir.:ulaliofl lJepl., SF:llVEL. rcr1·1g .. i 1·11. Cl. <'l,.an Phone Klmberly 2·0672 151' Pontiac $995 PHO:'\E LIBERTY 8-1198 P&P NAUl'TV\rl Ha.rbor Newe·Pre1111, ·--.. . . Sil.~O -up to 28 m1' per gal Cat&llna Hardtop. n&H. HyJra. v .. ..., MUST SELL 120 bus lmpor tl'd • . • 41-Auto 84-rvlet.' 2:111 Balboa Blvd., Newport f'rn~perily rnnge, :16" 'f'up .. nvt'r. '-• DRIVE IN f l d 11 h · $995 -----------Beach. Harbor l616-:J9tfc C:k11n .. $~191'10 acroraion. Brand new. 'l'akl' llll Or a rea ea . '52 c eV W A:"T garl nr cn1l••i:1• 111 uJenl to help l.n 11mall groe .. ry alort' . .C·lll pm. & d11y11 wk 11 nJ 8 a!TTl ·• p m. SU11da v11. 'THIC DELL ~tARKET, Comer 19th A Plac~ntl1, Costa Mua. !16llc LADY WITH C1J\R lt1r Newport Ht-1ghlll 11.nd l°11~t• Ml'llH. Jo:xr .. 1. lent Avon work Ph Kl :t-11391. t'>lp63 SEL'RETARlES, 1teno!I · l>unlc- krrpcr; j'en'I. ot!ic,• 11th! me1 h . far lory; hou11ckr<'rwr !"onk, II\• .. In: g r n'I. new Jobs •l.11ly J t."'NE P' ARRA.Jt Em pin) menl 4021" -32n<J St .. :-;t'wport Beach (aerou SL from City Hallt ~9c60 C AS rang ... 36" ... $2~· r.o goo(! of!er. Har. 1880. 58p60 -and drive h ome in a Stylrllne Olx 2 • <1 1 w~w. Motor Overhaul Sl'~:r.r> QUEE!\° wrin~t>r, run~ HAMMOND ORGANS 1111Pd. A AKE Y DOWN Wt>ll $29 :.o STUD EB R I .. NO MONE . rare upportunlly. One famous . '53 Ch $1 n"A5 LAL':"OJ,:RALL W811her, l(OOd l'tJn• .• N I H I N I ev \rt * w"1th th·1s ad * Chord Orgllll. perfect t:nlluiUon. OW Urry OW dttlon · S.'iO r.<I One Hammond Splnf't Ori;ran, 2 ° 0 • 1t Ton Pll'l<11p BE:'\[)IX a utom .. t11· • S 19 :10 k!'yboerds. Don't wait If you I I ~:ASY ~pin drier· runA P·~~~!~;~ wish to make a good 11llvtng rm J h & s 51 Ford lhe world'!! flnt'st orgen11. Other Item!! n•1l hfttr d DAJ\'Z·SCHMJDT. Homr of the 0 nson on •,·Tvn P1rk111.1 F:wryt h111g Cuai 1tntc"J Hammond Organ. 020 No. Matn. $795 Frre Dellvt'ry Santa Ana. t;ood terms. STROOT'S Hdw~ .. Hou~ew111·,.~ 1802 Newpot l Blvd. <.:osla Mr~a Uberty 8·3126. llll<'60 BEAUTIFUL meple mirror type upright piano In Pf'rll'rt ronrll· t 11>n. ·r,.l'm• $36.37 do\\'ll and $11.75 per month a l- I..INCOLN -MERCURY are having their Theodore Robins W ashi nca Machine SERVlCJ:: • J.year guarantee on Joba done 8HAFI::R'S Music Co. (Slnre 190il 421-423 N. Sycamore. S&nla ,, na Phone Klmberly 2-0612 Your F ord Dealer I Since 1921 6 Cyls. . ................ _._$48.88 8 Cyls. . .................... $58.88 llll'IU<ll'• bt1th labor and part:<. :-:,w 1 ln1<11, Wl'll!t pins, valve -g-rinJ. r1t1 11111:11 or main and rod tiea1 1ng11. 1-;xp1·1 t motur tune up. !lO·<lay or 4,000 mill' v:11arantre ( l'\O MOXF:Y DOW;\' I. REBUILT ENGINES -l'P to 1:1 MUXTHS TO PAY- 811.tt In our own rar tory by 1kllled m11lhinl1t4. Don't contend with th<' ni1ddle man. Buy direct. 208 Marine AVt'., B&tboa Island Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor 2151 Res. Har. 1786·R or Har. 30~11·M Mlle 2 BDRMS. unt um., garage, s tove. rerri,;. \l\'11 ter p111<1. 1 r htll'.l o.k. 7:13 W. l9lh St .. Co11ta Mesa. U 8·6971 or LI 8-3310. 47tte RENTAL v'. SPECIALISTS I Call Edna Cra.11 Blanche Gates, Rltr . 311 Marine Ave. lialboa lel&nd, Rar. 1871 72ttc Lido Bayfront Apt. liRA:'\D NEW 3 bclnn .. 2 baU1 :.lit,,. YEA RL \' 2 bdnn, bOlll!t• & IC·" I yr. old. Knotty p1nr WHll~ lit>11111ell c<'tllngs. l'artly furn11•h· et.I. C.:1011" lo orean and 11hop1lln>-: crnl er, S8:1. mo .. lnrl. ,.)rr. 1111.J v.·11kr. No fll'lll. lnq. In rear 22l 33rd., !'>ewport B<'h . i!faL or ~1111 > 601f•l NO EXTRA. CHA.ROE tor <'htl· d~n to peMTIMent tenanta. En<I 1pact vacanl, 30x66. S U?l:N\" J\CRES, l 1' E. W lleon, Coata Mua. KI ~·1560. :19<'61 1111maculall'ly rum . a.11t -1M· 49--Rooma to Rent MF:OIATE occupancy untll Oct. --------------28lh fur $2,8r..O. PIF:R And ~lip ava1leb1". M11•t bP Ahown hy e pp'l uni\· HARBOit 1;\VF:ST:O.H::>:T C'O J,A RGF: F'RONT RM., 2 dble. bed1t, fine tor 2 mPn"rrnl $12. per wk. .A l~ 11m1llrr rm. Private entr. !23·28lh St., NVl. Bch. pptro Phone H111 161111 1ev"~ Her. 12101 ROOM F'OR RENT-Prlnte bath _ "I Uc 6 · .. 'nlra nc11. S•O. mo. U l-&098. BRAND :"!-:\\' 2 Mrm. 11nf11rn. du· l>tlrfl l • an<1 on u1ed washer•. 2488 \6 1rnrJ Newport Bl .. ~ta Mesa. Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8~4327. 64Uc 50 USED PIANOS w&nted for our rental dept. Hlgheal caah allt>w· ance in trade W organ11, grnnd lst Anniversary SALE 3100 \V. Cbast Hwy. LI 8-3471 Newport Beach plrx. i.:111 h111:e ..i1~p<·sal, Kar•1e. REBUI,LT and INSTALLED 17~. 'ITll')llt h. 5S-StorN a OtftCN SllORT BLOCK CA.LL DAY~ Sf 30··1 ;10 J,J 8-098 -------------- ORIGINALS A.i"TER.NOON, Cocktail, dinner ------------- Jrnaea 6 Coord1nate1. SERVEL &\.J cu. tt. r efrlir. Exl'el· Custom Dteumaking lent condition $~0. 3111 El Mo· Ph. Harhor 5268-R. Mp69 _a_e_n_a._N_e_wpo __ r_l_u_e_l_f.l_h_ts_. _ri_Sc_60 OUN FOR SALE-Parker dblt. l>AJ'rel, l6 l'L ahot &'Wl· !:xcel· lent ~ndlUon. C&U evea. H arbor 20~·WK. 47tfc PADDLEBOARD 121.\ feet. Built 1n 61.a.aa for akin dlvl.Jl&. XJnl. rond1Uan I~. Harbor '3847-J, 60p62 Used Automatics S39.50 to $99.50 Dell\•cred Installed, «""ran11·eJ. ...---,,.ttm11 A v11llBblt We Service All Appliances OUTBOARD MOTOR 2 ~ h.p. 125. -Specializing in J\utomatica G.11. •lectrtc natplate lronn 110. Auto Washer Enterprises Love eea\ 140. 1202 !lut Bal· • boa Blvd., Dalbo&. Har. 1396·J . 2648 Newport Blvd., Colt& Mesa 60pe2 Ubt'rty IJ..i808 1Near Oolf Course I -------------tlpp CDV.MlC elect.rte kiln ...... 125. Frame. boll epr. matt.reaa. U O. Taylor Tot. potty chalr. baby car -lAI ..... ___ . -· ........ .... $8 FRlGlDAIRE auloma Uc waahlJ\g machine. UMd very little, $1~0. W: 8·6300 or LI 8·2664. 60c62 Club ch&ir an<.I cove.r -· ..... ~ ------------- All In rood condition. 1n 38th SL, Newport Buch. ~2 Original Modela C0CKT AIL DRESSES. 111ih. 1pls. rtre11et1 le torma.Ja. Sizes H · 18. 8ome NEW-ALL rerf,cl conc:t. A 1.80 ' 1,nith rnorlrm atrlt1 C'hlna mink ro11t Sf'll tx-lo"· cot>t. \V'r1te Box A ·8t, lhla ne• ,. papu. eouc ' LIXll NEW t\Jll &Ju eohd maple ~. Cost :O.:EW 1811.110. Harbor 2489·M ~Pc&l RED Ul'HOLSTERED rhalr S24 : 2 root l~kera ot drape4!. curtnln• and plllowa bnlh St l M , 4 ' •'hromt;,, hr• 11 lc fut i:halr• $., ra Ca.II U' M i 67. ~ ' plano11. and 11plnel11.. • DANZ-SCHMIDT, :120 !'\o. Main, Santa Ana. SAVE -S S S -SA VE -PRICES CUT - See Baldwi~ Piano FREE Gift.a valued at $5.00 & Organ Display I C'ach Cone to a family) WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1318 Coaat Blvd .. Corona del Ma.r I Starts J une 2nd to 12th (Thaden Interior BldJ.) 1 · Har. 1382 , M tte 900 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8·5545 SPll'ET PlA!'\OS. All wonderlul 11951 Mli:RCL'RY 2 <Jr. Overdri\'e, buys. Shghlly usc<.I many rmtal rodio A htr. New pa int. Phone rotum•. One In beM1Ur111 Ebony. LI 8-6894. , 59c6i Famous name. This make 11Rf'd by Caruso. Only '39~. lA\·1•ly 119!1•1 SC:-.' VALLEY .MERCL"RY. Mirror Type Splnel. only $1!15., nil power equ1pmenl, terms. Call another maple flnlAh $39i. Ode ownrr, Ll 8·3663 or U 8·622.3. more, the Acroeonlc Spln'l onzy 56tfc S•&~. M&ny .Qthrr gre11t lmya. ~~P:"uo:e:,om which to choose, ST ,A TION WAGON DANZ·SCHMlDT Bir Piano .. Ori:an Store, 020 No. Maan. Sa nta Ana. O~n P'rl. E\''· Home of the Hammond OrttaM. JlJl<lnrle Studio piano MVt' 126~. . Special Buy BF.A \J. blont1e l<lmb11ll 8Jlln~t ptano. Rtntal tf'll1m. SM·e $100. Cooventent t,.rm• at- SHAVER~ M11~1c t'o. (S1n<'e lto7 I ~~1·~2:1 X S)"llll'lnr ... 6a.nt11 Ana Pbon(' K.lmwb 2.ot73.. ·~1 FORD SQl:IRE. R.tll. Owr· l'.lnve. ont own,r, \'ery clean. Harbor •Oi6. 60ct2 ·~o 1F ORD COO\'. By owner. R.ltH, O'dr, good cond. Alao Stnrer portab~ elrct. """''In( machlnt', $30. Harbor 899·R. 07tfc PERFECT RU:"~'1NG ':il Ply· mout11 alallnn wagon. ~109~ ALSO lDU Pl~•mout.h ffdir.n, tine mntor n,.v,.r n~gle<'ted SH~. ,r. Ll 8-3003. 6~1 AMERICAN CAR Trade Ins on NEW FOREIGN Cars 19:>1 F ORl> V1ctorla, R H, O'dr., As IS • • • $69~. 19~0 FORD dlx. i rtvor. Rachn- Heater. c lean ... . . $495. 19~0 FORD Cu.!f. ~talion wagon . fl. H . 0 dr., • . .... $645. l9r>O NASH. Sll1te11man IH!•lan. R, H, O'dr . overh11ulN1 . Sf9:;, 1950 NASH Sta.te!!mBn, 2 door. R. Ft, O'dr. . S39:r 19H Bt:JCK Super aedanett~- Radlo. hf'atrr .. .. $195. 11H6 po:-;TIAC g aed&nell•, R. H Full pm.a -· ~ '85. 1950 STl'DF".SAKER Champion Regal. R, H. O'dr., w.w, Clean. .. . .... .. .. . ........ .. St9:1. Hausken Motors Inc. 19:12 Ha.rbor Blvd. Phone U 8-~~I Ll 8·U8 1 ELiy Bank or Amer1c& Trrma solt. CLEA!-: '61 Dogie pick u p, low FORO .... .. ............. ----· 1129.:10 or U 8·7182-1111cr :; p.m. A wk. CHEVROLET ...................... $149.60 enct1 p)1onr H111. 44 17. ~10lfc f'l.,YM . & DODGF. ................ -11:10 ------------- C:HR\"S. tl DE: SOTO ... ---... 1170 4XA---='Aptlll. for Rent STUUl'~BAIO~fl. ·-.... ·-··· U 70 --------------OLDS &: f'Ol"TlAC 6 ....... -... Sl70 lll"ICK ........................ _. 1175 HARBOR APTS. Hl"DS0:-1 ....... ·-· ... ·-·-··· $175 Loan (';i r Free Tow1J11 Modem furnished apts. Brand New Store & Office Bldg. Available July 11l. Orpo•lt• Newport City Ka.JI ELEVATOR PARK1XO JANITOR SE:RVICl'l .="fo;\\' CAR CUARA:":TEE Blo<'k 1n11st m"el our ~tandard• Plus ta11t·~. i.:n!lkl'ts And ml Op<'n Sunday HI a m. to ~ pm. day, week or month C&ll Paul H~rron, leu lnit as•nl Near bus. 11tr1re11 41 bay. Reu one.ble The BEAUMONT co .. Har. 421111 rale!1. 10 1 F:. Boy Ave., HALBOA , 6k 60h BELLES ENGINE O~en ~l~~~l~D~e\onrled NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. BRAKE SPECIAL durlns J una Harbor ~3H 17tlc Summer Rentals WAG::-.IER l'Ol:"T \\'alerfmnt 6: nlht·r~ ll"l" $:lr1 week a11d up. Ph. Hurb<•r J 21 7-J . illlc 'BALBOA J~l.A:'\D, Bay l"'rool- July 24 tn :'\ov. 24 for price of 2 monlha. 3 bdrm1., 2 b&lha, every· lhlnr to niaJte a tft!llchltuJ bome No pet.II, no am•ll children. II., 233&·W 11ftr r 4 p m :13c66 COST.A MESA, a nn. apt., rum. or unrum .. lncludea utillt1c... CaU HYa tt 1-4351. 21Uc -For a dependable uaed car .... Foreign auto brake job, by expert mechanics $18.95 & up. W e Ceatu ... SUDDl:N ~«. your loa.I dealer who will be here TOMOIU\OW to back up What be Hausken Motors Inc. 11eu. TOD.Av1 Check lh• \&&I'd Lll.>O OP-FICE SPACE -Will ~llbltt llpttce 1ult&ble ror au .. r- n•·y•. enirtnffr-. ttc. AppruK lllx30 In 1hoppln1r are1t on "'"' U <.111. <'&II I l<Jn t;ol• a!Lerno"n • only, Har. 4650. 6lllf1 AV .A.ILA.BL.I: -About 9000 '"I. ft. li&ht lndu.try llP&C• OD u t &1 2nd. noor. u. a. U'lshw&7 10 1 a nd Bay 1'ront.ap. ~W J.MN nit or any part 6 ttmod•I to 11u1l leMnL Vo~tl Co., Ult Via J.ado. Harbor '971, 26tfc New Store for Rent 1200 llq·ft. Cout W,bwey. 'Newport Beach. Amp I «: mUefLle S~O. Call U 8 -5:\63 11132 Harbor Bl•d.. 009t,,a Me• C&n1 tn the cl.a.Mln.d MCUon to-Pa.rklng. Liblr11 1-Ttfl. 08~ U 8-60:11-U &-.MSl ti~c72h day. ' llt1o ... ' .( • I ' ' ' ' I - ' i I I . I ' . OP:LlCATESSEN' 4r grocw-y 1tore and a two ti.arm. home lout.CS nut to corner ot 19th 6 Pla- rcnlla Co1ta Mc... EllCf'llcnl apot for liquor 11tore, bffr and HAVE f 10-l201JOO LO loan on good relllde11tJ&J or Income prop, 6-l. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 Coast Hwy .. Ntwport Buch Harbor 4923-J I Ru l wine. CaJJ U 8-3e63 or Liberty ~tfc l ·t223. 50tfc ----------- B\!S COMPA~Y Wllh Ions t'nn tr&nt hlM In tut l>"Owlng Coat.a Meaa, S\lbrn1t l\ll cxchan&•· Ph. OWNER, Llberty 8·3683 or LI 11 .. 223. &Otte PO'ITERY SHOP fully equipped, •1110. Lt &·6098. 69c411 , NO COMMISSION 5'7-Real Estate Wanted PRL PTY. fnot reaJtorl bu HOOO dn. tor Income property. Muat have pier 4r noat. Submit P. 0 . Box 2~. InslewOOd 4. C&llf. 69ptl WANTED 81n&ll M·zone lot 10 buy or 1 .. u c. Mu~t b'° rl'uonublf'. Phone SYca.mare •·OH 3 or wrtt11 Box Z·88:-thJa paper. Mlc411 ON THE ISLAND JF YOlJ WANT to llVt> on Udo and you hkf' 110meUllJJg Juat a Uttle nll't'r than your nctlchbor. $-OIMthmg with a lot of appeal and allll t1ll of the comfort•. 1,1 11• •how you our h1tlng on Via Dljtn1. A truly flnf' 3 bedroom hQme W 4''14! St:RE you will hkt> It! This Is M111l1ple l.l11tlng No. :>8118 PRICED at 07.~00 PAUL C. JONES REALTOR 2620 !'\rwpn1 t Blvd. Npl. Beach Harbor 2313 No Appraisal l"ee II ALJ!l8 -R.EFIN ANCE COS STR UCTlON Call ror Fru 60-A -Commercial, lndUBtriaJ ----------- Fast Commitments on Reatdene" and Unlta only Don I. Huddleston ' 173 E. 17th St. COSTA·MESA Ll 8-6~ 1 LI 8-6!1&2 Business Property Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa TWO f'VLI. ACRES. chain link ft>nce\J. Many good lntprov1:· ment• Ulat rn11ht be a<lepted to varic7ue busirielJ&t's. Call Llbt'rt)' 8·5346 bclWet"n 6 It 1 p.m. 52c80H . 61-ReaJ Estate Eschan~e LOANS for Homes roR SALE OR TRADE - 6" -20 yr. Loan.a • DUPLEX-NEW, 1 bdrm. ea. Lgt. LOTS HOME SITE. \\'rst 1'1'wporl. only Oii<! 1n ·K.1l11bll' $2660. 2 lllJSlNF:SS LOTS. near fl08l of· fie<' $7000 ror two. DUPLEX Int, Orange St , near l :,tn $!!~~. . CHANNEL FRONT SMALL HOL'SE $13.950. Lowrst prtcNI on the waterfront, $3'100 down.• N. 8. C. REAL TY Con' struct·1on Loans rooms. dbl. gar. att•chf'd. Laun-dry rm. Lot l OOxl 70, room for 32ml & J\'rwport Boult>vard romm1'rc1at blctg. on HW<Y. front· ~ew1)01 t B1•1H'h Harbor 1405 SEE BOB SA 'M'LJ!:R ~1~ JC.UJT COAST BLVD. Corona de! Mu H.arbOr 8888 •J:t. l720Cl·08 Huntington Bt'ach Blvd .. Orean Vlt'w. !'>6p41l Rep. POIRlltR MORTGAGE CO. -..---------- TRADE J.t e tro Llt e 1J'la. i'Unda Kl. 3-51 M tSlfc Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, salary. $50. to $750. or more. One day service Application may be made Ul per- •on, by phone or by mall CALIF.ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION BICAUTIFULl.Y decorated. amall 11rl1:1t1c home. 3 bedrooms. Clrt'· plal'e. For larirer home tn Co- rona dt>I Mar, Lido. Balbo&. Harbor 4i19. ~ceo BY OWNER-W ill take tradl' on lhla corner lol. r.uich home. 3 bdrm.. 11: baths, hdwd. flrt .. F A , hPat. w.w. carpet, fenced yd .. 11tra. lg. patio overlooking canyon. Will lake smallfr plac1· 1898 H<1ibor Blvd., Coi1t& Mesa or v11"11nt lot In p11rt payment. M 4 Hau l Drlvt-, C.D.M. Har Ll 8·77'>1 -Open Frldo)'s tJll 8 1089.\.\', 5Uc72 <::toseu SaturJars-"1l!c ----------- LUA!';S TU BU!W. UlPRUVE BUY. MUOERNlZE, OR REF11' A.NCI: W1 Huy Tnat Dee<S. Nl:WPURT BALBOA SA YrNGS • WAN ASSOCl.A TION 33N Via Udo. Pb. Har. •200 V\ Ua 62-Real Estate Bay & Ocean View LARGE double frontai e Rl·R3 lot 7 rma. 2 baths. $39.~0. 29b3 C1lff Or. at Santa Alla Avt>. u 8-tl92. ~6p69 Bayfront Sleeper ON BALBOA ISLAND ATTRACTI VE m o•lrrn 2 bedrm. humP. Gift!<.'! lo view. H uge liv· mg rm. with bl"amed ceilings cl ru Pfl)a1•e. Brl'akf1ut bar. 2 paUoa CuC'~l rllOrn &: bl\lh. Plus a wnn· derflll l b<lrm. vlrw apt. Bot.h unit• fumlsh!d. Only. $39.~ .. SJ0.000 down, ·:a~ Mariners Isle Realty 318 M11,rlne, Balboa l .11land Ha rbor H8l NEVER Before Offered ! OW~ER OESlRES quick sale on this choice R-2 lot. First buyt>r with $6:100 cash t11kes It. Local· ed Nnrth of Highway. Corona del Mar with UJJu11ua.lly nice out- look. W OULU like to lluy 1st and 2nd Stanle~ A sm·1th TruS'l E>eeda. Ca.II Har. 2328 SPECIAL • •au R ALTOR ___________ c HIGH DE:SERT Improved acreage 24147 1: Cout Hwy Corona drl Mar REAL ~STATE LOANS humes1te,, at 11scrit1ce prices. ----------- All ut1lillc1. ~o a1111e11sment.1. OPEN Ul"TJL SOL~83 Morn· Interest Rate 5--51/:.:% Tcrm11• Ing Canyon Rd., Coron& H1gh- Louns quickly made In lhu Bay YUCCA NOUNA RAl'CHOS land11 -Owner IU\1ng state. Ar,•a snO Costa !lll'aa. Single or Martell Bldf. Sl2,000. 20 yr .• 5,.,r lo&n commlt- mull1Jlle unlu. New or old. St' ment. Full price. $l8,(>()(), partly r 1n Yucca \'alley. Callromla w1 ... · 111'111 nve by re-Inane g furnlllhed. y 1111 pr•·~··nl luu11 Mln1mum ex· 'P hon,•: 356. 5:ltfc G. H. LATHROP, 383:'1 E. Cout 11 ·mw Su • h111i;e for preJlml· Hwy., Corona d!'I Mar. Harbor 11ury appra111aJ. Phone Sant& F S J T d ... 2 E J"'lJ J •o 82 A1111 KJmbcrly 3·69:•3 or write or a e or ra e-.,..f I ( vea. .., • J v c ARTHUR A. MAY OCEAN VIEW modem 2 ~drm. home With extra room and % want a home Morq;age Lnnn Corrupondent bath on double garage. <1"l'"l~n1111 Life lnirura.nce Co. 2712 Clltr Drive (adjacent vacanl 11: •• ~•lllth ~ln1n Sant.a Ana lot &V&llable> Ph. owner, LI 8-2532 in the Coves? PP 2Jttc INFORMATION and KEYS at . . . ot-._, n.t.111 ---,.-----------· ··-~---- VOGEL VALUES Corona del Mar Specials No. 1-2 BR.a. & studio apt. Both furnished. $155.00 per month income. Fireplace, HW floors, ocean aide of Hwy. Owner moving east. SlS,750. No. 2-Very attractive, 2 BR. home, lg. living room, HW !loon, thermo floor turn., patio, quiet street, only $13.750. No. 3-Ruatic 3 BR.a., ia~ batb11 home, choice corner lot. Lg. living room with rsd. brick fireplace, HW floora, mstr. BR. has dressing rm. & con- necting bath. BR. opena to enclosed patio. FHA loan at $92.57 incl. taxee. if\Surance Ir interest, No. 4-Lovely home with 3 B.R.8. le maid's rm. Unob- structed ocean view. Choice corner lot. Many outstanding features. W/W cpta., cust om drapes, partly furnished. Prieed at $63.500. THE VOGEL CO . 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Har. 1741 & 1477 -------------------~-~- '{ . • BAY SHORES • Open House ' Sat. & Sun. 1-S EXCLUSIVE LISTING • • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Ho~e 2 bdrm., rat.ed used brick fireplace, dishwasher, disposal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. run price $23,500, terms. AN D • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrma., 2 bath.I, bay view hoaie -AU electric hoUBe. Built-in range le oven, Ca~ted and drap- ed. Ideal home for couple with visiting relations or friends. Full price $29,500 -Terms, For preview showing, call Ha.rbor l 600 - (Eves. Liberty 8-5386) HARBOR INVESTM.ENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach MARINES / Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms -Fore~ Air Heat • Massive Stone Fireplaces -Built in Range and Oven ••• actuaUy every lux~ feature and in Orange County's finest location. Big Eetate Sized Lota suitable for pool and . patio! Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Thru Tustin and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV • PA&E 5 THUltSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 • OWNER'S LOSS Y G . n-a.a r..tUe a-a.a r.w. our am _ _,, _________ __...__.....,,....._ __ _ BEAUTIFUL comer home In Bay ShorH . % bdrm1. plua ullllty bdrm. -2 bath1. Completely fumlihed-Owner In Euro.,._ Mu1t have Immediate eale. Asking $32,500 Might take $27 ,500 SEE THIS! • • • • • •EXCLUSIVE But Priced Right! ON THE WATERFRONT ln Bal· boa Covet. t w1l h 1pace to buOd your awn boal alip1. 6 room luxury home with 2 batha, Gar· age 201124 fl. T hia home 11 the BEST on tod•)''• market at- Only S28.500 TAKE ADVANTAGE 01!' THIS FINE OFFER NOW. • • • • • • Colonial Cottage (Back Bay Area) BALBOA ISLAND Choicest Bayfront Buys BAY FRONT HOUSE 6 APT.., No. Ba.y. BeauUful be9cb. 110.000 down. haJuee euy, LITTLE ISLAND -So tt. bay frontap, pler Ir float. • bdnu. $78,000. DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luxury home and Income. $8:5,000. WATERFRONT -Furn. home and apt. 4 bdrtM. Firtplact. $10,000 down. Full prit1e $29,500. ) QJTEST low priced h ome on Ialand. Furn. Lovely patio. Good location. All for $21,500. ISLAND COTrAGE -Dble. prage. fireplace. $1'5,750. 4 BDRMS., 2* baths. New fumiture. TV. BBQ. North Bay moortns. Good family home. All for $24,g5(), WATERFRONT - 2 superior unit.I. S bdrm., ft.re. 3 BEDROOMS. '} balh1, real din· place DOWN; 2 bdrm.a. 2 bat.ha UP. Bay view tl'om Ing room-family room -out d k $.uc 000 Sub d ot thla world kltchen-Gorgeoua upper ec · '0 • • mit own. pan~llng throurboul. Bullt-ln• CUNNING Cottap n-.r South Ba.y. S bdnna., 1~ found only in homea twice t.hb prtc--Curved front drlVt'. bat.ha, firepla.ce, large living ·f'OODl. EJlQelleDt reQt&l Y0$25~5f:<r:~:n'°;)"'' coToN~ ;~~at;;: . •NEW DUPLEX Newport Beach NEAR OCEAN A: BAY BEACHJCS Situated when ~alty ftlun are tncreulng steadily -unu.ually good home with tncome and e•· ct>ptlonally low priced- at $18,950 (R.l:MEMBER, t.hla II brand new a.nd on a comer Jot.) EXCELLENT INOOKE -4 tumleW witt.: 1 bdrm. each. No •aeandel ln owr a y.ar. Rent hi ~ each. Grou yearly $3920. All l.Q firtt c1i.u ocm- dition, $fOOO takes. run pri~ $22,:SOO. ON HAZEL, 2 br. vtew home. 'Private pathwa7 to little Corona be&Cb. '25.~. . LUXURIOUS~ bedroom .tew home. Luah troptcal patio and yard. $15,000 do1"l TO TAKI! TIMI!: to -thl• duplu SEE us for BEACON BA y and BAY today may aave 9 UMeceaaary SH6-hES rt1 lrlpa ~lMwhere. n prope es. • • • • • e p. C L CALL HARBOR 177:1 rim~ orner ot EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Lido Isle 2~ ~--"-e Ave., Bal'---..... __ d. ONE OF THE FEW remaining ~ ~w ·YV4i ~ cornn Iota -50 ft. on Via ----------------------... Trieate at Lido Nord. $16,500 BUY NOW-the prlcu will ~ hlgherl • • • • • NEW LISTING Corona del Mar ONE OF THJt OUTSTA'NDINC comer Jocatlona ln Corona del Mar. Lovely 2 bdrm. home - Spacloua IM nr rm .. buutlrully land1caped. $29,500 BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlord off your payroll ! Here ia a 2 bdrm. home for you and a 1 bdrm.. home for rental. Comp. furn. ready to move ln. $26,Soo. Take low down paymct 6 terma. $5000 down moves you in - to 3 bdrm., 2 bath completely funi. home. Lovely patio. BBQ. Ideal apot for year-round llvinr. $18,:500 lull pnc., See this IMMACULATE 2 bdrm. home, well Jocated on cor· ner lot with apace to build in fronl Comp. turn., new atove A refrtg. Lovely patio. Only $17,:500. $3&>0 down. 'No. 9 Balboa covea. Owner. _ George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Harbor 2876·W. 50p63h Harbor Investment Company REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St. Newport Bea.ch Phone Harbor 1600 We have eome real nice bayfront homM avallable !or llWD.Dler rent. .. 2 Office Spaces & Store NEW BLDG. in Lido ~hopping area. Bolh 670 area f1..'<'l. By lease" $100 & $115 mo. ALSO store. 600 ' . fret. S H O mu. 500 Via Malaga. Newport Beach. Har. 3327 57c69 Partner Acli\'c or nol with S30.000 cash. Money U; 100' { secured & just as safe as real estate. Should return investor at least '50.000 net this year. This will stand the most rigid type of investjgation. Send name, Bddrellll & phon<' No. to. Bo.x U-83. this news- paper. 55c60 BY O\V~"'ER -3 bdrm., cloae to 11hopplng, etc., on quiet St. Hwd. 11r.I'., 1enct'rl lot, 11ewer31 garb. duip . allt'y rear. Room Cur In- come. 1' ew pa.Jnt. 4 'O loan at $64 per mo .. Including laxe" & lruiu. Prlre $13,21j0. 689 P11rk Drlve, Costa Mesa. •Otfc CORONA HIOliL.6.NDS by owner love!,Y 2 bdrm. ranch type home. With view. Shake roor. U/St'd brick f11't'placl', etc. Grounds lands«ap· l'd & lef\cri.1. Doublt gal'a~e & hobby 11hop. Priced nghl. See at 608 Seaward Road. Corona H lghl&11d1.1. Har. 2:167-M. Mlp80 For Sale or Trade NEW 3 b<'lrm. aJobe, l )• baths, w/Ulc, spa<"IO\ls ltv. rm. w;tirt· pll1rl', galll'y kitchen, attl\rhed llblf. i:i.r. Pln."ll'r anll stucco throughout. WILL '.[AKF:, lots. house, trailer. nr what h11ve you. Locstt'tl l72 J::. W1laon. CoRta Me~a. Owner- Ll 8·2932, 8.fl••r 6 p.m. or wk. end1. r16p6l LIDO ISLE 35 FT. LOT, PRICE ... -.. S0.500. ------------------------•ml a 70 ft. Jot. OO-__ ln_c_o_m .... e_Pro_..J,pe_rty.::·---00-lnt'omf' ProJ>t:rty -INVESTMENT Corona del Mar 3 Furnished Cottages, on 4 -Lots Sl8,950 TERMS 702 -704 -706 -10s mrs Phone Harbor 1069 or Harbor 2649-J 54Uc a.:.:-BNI FA~ ------ BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE Price'now ttductd below re-placement cost •.. Beau- tiful, almost new two-story 3 bdrm., 3 bath Bay · Front home. Bay view from aU rooms. Fully car- peted, beautiful drapes, new pier & slip. Price in- cludes 20-ft. Century apcedboat one year old. / Artistic landacaping. NOW, hold your breath! All this for M<t.950. Better hurrry aa this won't Jut. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Bh·d .. Newport Beach Har. 1013 ALSO comrortable 2 Mrm. home, tl~plllce. Incl. carpets A: flrape11. On St. to SL lot, 120,500, terms. Phone ow ner, Harbor 4123. 56p69 OUT OF TOWN owner 11ay11 "get offl'f''' on corner duplex So. ot H1way. One unfurnished ,apart- mf'nt ha11 ll bedrooms, one !Ur· nlshl'd aludlo apartment gll,1'3ge. All In good condition. Cail ?.tt111 Kohh•tedl. H11r. 2152 ~ve. H11r. 082fHt. 3135 Cout Blvd., C.D.M. H tfc C2 Lot, Costa Mesa COMM'ERCIAL Jot ~Oxl25, c'nter ot Costa Mua. ieooo-=or will trade Jor hou~. Income property etc. own,r, LI 8-8688. 11 a.m.· II pm. 59c61 $l3,000 BY OWNER. 3 ~rma., dill. rm., alla. car. W t-0 W carpet., hwd. flra., thermo heat, ~b. dhrp., k itchen f&n. Jnrl. nrly Plew auto 'A'Uher Ii dryt>r, ~fr1Jt. It pa range. $1500 dn., 17000 G. J. lc>IUl. Wiil coralder 2nd co'ntnict. 3211 Broadw11y, Coi t& Ml'M. Mlle BY OWN&R lra'ring Jul1 J. Cui · t om built. 3 t>.frm .. % bath11, nur Hack ~y. '18.000. SF.E THIS LOVP:L Y l1r1. kttch~n .,,,°' Wut"rn ttolly M'"n It J1U1 J'lay1< 1tf't In hrirk Wflll. 19417 Alao Ave. W~r\)· 8-323.1 r>llci2 Designed by Cliff May • .. THREE MAGIC WORDS to Sell Your, Property Pr tr "Multiple listing Service" Phone your realtor NEWPORT BUYS 3 BR near Lido M'kl. . 110,600 4 UNITS near bch. A bay $15,lj()() 4 BR. Li blk. to beach •.. $19,500 OCEANFR 01'"T Income. Bwinu 11 bldf. ... .......................... " 136.000 Many more li1tlng1 Homer E. Shafer 106 McFadden Place at the Pier Newport Beach Harbor 140. ltvt. H&r. ll37·M. 410c:82 VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Harbor «i Open House Daily 1 -5 p. m. 615 Jasmine, Corona del Mar CHARMING provincial 3 bdrm .. 1 1~ bath home. 26-ft. living rm. -fireplace. Rambles all over thia 60 FT. LOT. Secluded guest house rented unru.m .. S70 per mon, French p icket fence. Don't m1u thJa! Out of town owner aaya "Sell" ( $24,500 Easy terms. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lido Specialist" Use Our Free Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4718 Newport Harbor Board of Realtors N~~!~L 8"~~S.~ WE HA VI!: IT. 1 bdrm. dble car· 8 UNITS Beat at.reel i.n BalboL Shows 11 % acbeduled net income on winter rental buia. 410 -32nd· St., Newport Beach Planning to Build on Your Lot 1 Take a look at ~r model homes at Newport and Mitchell . Tustin. Open Daily 9 to 6 Sundays 1 to 6 See for yourself how we can build a 1244 sq. fl. home. forced air heat. hdwd. noon, 2 car garage for only $9,100 .. 1 Let us direct you to our·homes under construction and finished. Look them over, compare, satisfy yourseif. We have custom home planning service, financing for State vets, FHA and Savinp and Loan. as a 1 stop facility. Nothing down. MARSHALL HOMES KI 7-3293 -KI 2-3569 (Eve11. LI 8-4073) 55c69h ' \ LIDO NORD Bayf ront -Charming 5 bdrm. 31" bath home plua 2 bdrm. apt. Completely furnished with brand new furniture. A beautiful home of luxury for the diecrtminating. Let us show you -We ha,·e the key. Osborne Realty Co. 2323 Weet Cout Highway (st Port Oran~f'I Phone Har. •933-J \ . ~ a.ge on 11mall lot, clo&e to Lido Shopping. oceM It bay, only, IMOO. BALBOA 3 BEDROOMS • DE~. 1 block from bay 4r oeean. Only U .000 down. 8ee this. Coast Properties 301 E. Balb()a Blvd., Balboa Harbor 24151. 2697 a11d t4100. Vets $565 down P LUS IMPOUNDS .. {,;SE YOUR 0 .1. LOAN on • yr. old. 3 bdfTJI~ dble. ,.,. •• , tenc• ed. Wonderful patio It laundry. yard. Garba~ dJ11poul. All fruhly pa.lnl.9d. Ne&T Upper BMlk a.y 2S11 Palin.du Rd., aanta Ana Phol\e KI 1-:11893. &Otte A'l"nU.CTIVE neuly new a bdrm homt, clOM to Bac)t Bay. Extra lug. lot. ttr.pl&ce, ~eel p&Uo, tenc-1, land8c&l*f )'ard. UYble • dlllblc area carpeted. U0,1&0. C&U LI 1""1IO. Npec> Priced at S:S7.500. Will aell or trade. Osborne Realty Co. 2323 We11t Cout Highway (at Port Orange) Phone Har. 4923-J CORONA DEL MAR Ideal home for large family in beat aectlon. Cloae to beach. 3 bdnna. & den, l A * bath•. Spacloua living room. di.n.ing room, break.fut nook, patio, b&rbeque, large dbl. garage, forced air heat. Hu complete guest house mt.ke excellent maida quar- tenl. Nicely landacaped, 67xl 18 foot lot. Sle,700 RAY REALTY CO. 34-H E. Cout Hwy, Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 CHARMING -NEW NEAR NORTH BAY FRONT, BALBOA ISLAND S bedroom Ir guest room. 3 batha. IJWde-Outaide p&llo. $30,000 oPEN ROUBll 1oot w. 0eeu 0 O R I S B R A Y Realtor hoet. I 1lr,. 1.. MUa, ftM be&dl I hnm• W\U. "JlllCatn tront "°a.. Phone Harbor 20 Days & Evenings rtum. •• ..._ ta ~,.. Nona Hyer Chet SallaburJ ~:::m!'ar. ans.. an.eoo. = 211 KariM .Aft., Balboa I.&u4 .. .. r I • j ... •k PAGE 6 -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS at-Real P'Atat!_ -~-~·'~ta~···----THURSDAY, JUNE 2. 1955 ---I a • ..,......,. a-Real ~tale ----- v CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS 1. View of breakers .. ocean & beach Tbi1 3 bdrm. home, 2 bathe, carpeted wall to wall. Built on rear ot ocean tront lot. Reduced from $32,750 to $29,900. A STEAL--.Muat See! 2. WILL TAKE TRADE On thia 3 bdrm. plu1 den. 2 batha. 60·ft. lot, South of Hwy. Hwd. floors, forced air· heat, fenced yd. Will take amall home or vacant lot in pnrt pay- ment. Full price $24,500. 3. CHINA COVE- Deluxe ocean view -quality built 4 bdrm. home, 2 baths. For you who can afford the flnest this is it. REDUCED tor quicl< sale from $42,500 lo $37,500. Owner must move this immediately! 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room for another unit. Thia is a G. J. Resale. Full price $9950. $2500 down. 5. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both furnished -2 bdrm. house, plus 1 bdrm. apt . .Full price $17,900. South of Hwy. $3000 dn. 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- View of ocean and jetty. 2 bdrm. plus a 1 bdrm.- A bargain at $31,500. • PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del M ar Bank) LIDO .ISLE BEAUTIFUL furn. new 3 bdrm. Ci den home with gorgeous secluded patio. Tbermador oven and range. The laat word in architecture and charm. Thia ia worth your attention at the price of $43,500. It just has everything. Lovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. & large den home. Choice location on wide street-lo-street lot. Spacious dining room, breakfast bar, charming patio. Range. tefrig, carpet.a & drapes included fo r only $32,500. Extra choice 40-ft. lot on Via Genoa. (widest St. on the bland). ~nly $13,500 for quick sale. COSTA MESA ON 17TH STREET BUSINESS SECTION WE OFFER a C-2 108x300 ft. lot improved with nice buildings consieting of showroom with 2 addi· tional adjoining rooms with a two bedroom apart- ment I approx. 2100 sq. ft. in bldg.) with loads of room to build additional income or another •tore on front. Ideal fo r doctor's suite, furniture shop or similar business. Plenty of parking. It's a good buy -let us show you. AND. REMEMBER THIS. - many other fine homes are listed excluai\'ely at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M or 1:1 8-5297 CORONA DEL MAR New 3 bedroom. 1::1 ba th in Corona H1ghlamls. Panoramic view of Coastline & hills. Easy financing or will t rade for vacant prop<'rty. Open House Eve ry Afternoon 448 Rin•ira Terrace also 3 bedroom, 2 bath home 1n Corona Highlands. Shake roof Fisher built with many extras. 1 yr. old . Price $29,500 NEAT little 2 bedroom on Poi nsettia. Fenced, with nice yard & in excellent neighborhood. Can be pur - chased for LOW down. Full price $12.750 LAST'Commercial lot on Balboa Island. $1000 down 1 • will take it. Full price $8500. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard Pat Pattison 3034 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2443 PROUD TO OWN IN CORONA DEL MAR Thia 2 bdrm. & den, Hwd. floo rs, 2 fireplaces. 'Fur- nace heat. Ideal neighborhood PLUS 2 bdrm. garage apt. to pay those expenses. $23,500 OR this lovely 2 bdrm. with panelled liv. nn., full d ining rm .. fireplace. Hdw. fl oors. Many fine fea - tures. PLUS guest unit. Just 3 doors of( Ocean Blvd. $26,500. BOTH are on large lot.a and have spacious rooms. R. L STRICKLER , Realtor DICK HODGE, Asaociate M22 E. Coast H1V)'., Corona de! Mar Har 2174 CORONA DEL MAR COTTAGE 710 IRIS (Lot 301118) Phone Harbor 1069 or Harbor 2649.J Mlle ' 135 ft. OCEAN FRONTAGE FOR Builder. or Investor R3 ZONE , 4 unit Apartment on lo~ 55' x 100' With adioining lots 40' x 100 and 102' x 135' on Ocean Front All as one parcel With 197 ft. frontage on 2 streets and 135 ft. Ocean frontage Good Terms. Full Price $51,000 NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Jim and Sally Newlin S.15 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 Tip-Top Quality Buy 1 yr. old 3 b<lnn. bath A ~ home with nPl~rly new waJI l() wall carpet.i.. garb. dl!lposal, hwd. floor•. fori;ed a ir h•t. fireplace, on a beaU'ltrully land.llcaped and walled yard •.. The loca Uon Is tops Ion Irvine Avenue) and the prl<'r UJ RJGHT !! $16.~00 with excl'llent F .H.A. tlnancln~. H ur- ry on thl• one. 11nd comfort wrre uppermo11t In mind wht'n thl11 modem l!tyle 3 blirm .. 1 '2 bath home was built. ll hM grap"take tence<1 patio. n11tural wood-burning f1nplll<'"". bar k1lchcn, forced air hf'11t. g11 rb. d111J)(l1111 I . , , unequaled value at $11,900. 3 Good Values 2 bdrm., !>O'xlJO' lot. 7 yu. old. $6.300 1 bdr m., dbl. prwK•· e yrs. old. S6,7~ 2 b<lrm .. dbl. R&nge. Nice lot. 2'~ yra . .,.IJS.i :>O ACT NOW. W llJL SHOW ANYTIME Special Reduction! BACK BAY. 3 bdrm .. hdwd, firs. flrepla<'e, ll<'pArate dbl. garaie. nlcut nPighbo1h11od. Need.• paint -Our best value $60 mo. F .H.A. t erm11 incl. laXPll and inaursnce. Hurry! Full price only U 0.7!>0. Bay & Be_ach Realty 1696 'Newport Blvd. c ,1sta Mel'll, ('ah(. Llbr rly 8-1161. Jo~vea. LI 8·31~8 WORTH WAITING FOR A lido Nord Bayf ront Home We have just listed exclusively one of the finest homes ever offered on Lido-Excellently located near the East-end. Designed by one of the leading architects of the area. The 18x30 living rm. has 48 running feet of glau windows affording a panoramic view of the harbor and hills. The den, dining rm. and master bedrm. have the same view. The lovely kitchen .has a separate breakfut room and laundry room adjoining-In addition to the master bedrm., there ar~ 2 other family bedrma. and a maid's room--each having their own bath-mak- ing 4 bathrms. in all. Room for expansion on thia large lot without harm- ing the well landscaped patio. There is a new pier and 40-ft. sli¢' This home is priced to sell at $125,000 and will be shown by app't. only. The . Vogel Co. ~. Lido Office 3416. Via Lido, Npt. lkh., Har. 4971 .or Har. 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Llberty B-5297 BILL'S BEST BUYS G. I. RESALE ----__,,...------Located in finellt area in Costa Men. 3 'bedroom, BAYSHORES ChArmlni:-3 br . knotty plnf' In· terlor, 2 pal1011. Open House Sunday l :00·!>:00 or appt. CLIFF HAVEN 2 br., xlnt. view IO<"ation $20,000. CORONA DEL MAR 70' lot-churning 2 br. A gar. 11 pl. 11hake roof, patios S22,::JOO. NEWPORT HEIGHTS View lot. $4.000. Beach Lots-CHEAP LIDO "Lot1, home!!'! bayfronL M·l C·2 properties. 1111le or I Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W, Coalt Hwy, LI 8-4277 CHANNEL FRONTS- Ooen House J30• Marcu11 St P ier It OoM, S 18.~. Shat'k, $3~00 dn . S80 mo. S 13.9~0 2 br, 2 bathe, S5000 dn., '21.~00 3 unit :'17' fr., SI0.000 dn., S42,M)Q 8 unit 7.S' fr. Sl:>,000 dn . $63.1100 Bayview Realtors 2ao~ Balboa Blvd. R ar. 3371 .. :'i9r60 Look at this a bdrm... hwd. floor•. fl~place. d.11poeal. Wired for electrtc l lO\'t . Fenced, loca ted a l "49 Fairway Dr.. Coata Meaa.. $1 l.~. Ph. Har. 3:>il-J . 39tfc double garage, paved alley. Nice flo.,en, shrub. and lawn. Completely fenced rear yard. Full price $10,SOO -$2650 down. DUPLEX One year old. Two bedrooms each aide. Next to schools, bus Line and stores. Full price $13,950 Terms -With monthly pymt. $78.00. EXECUTIVES ATTENTION Do you need an exclusive addreaa? We have t.wo of the best in Costa Mesa. Priced al $23.500 and $~500. These are new and excellent terms available, FIRST TIME ON MARKET Large 3 bedroom home in top location. Haa dining room. fir<'place, double garage and completely fenced. Priced at $11,500 with terms. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, RtALTORl "you'll like our friendly service·• 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty S.1139 Summer Rent too ·High 1 Then be a landlord Li\'e m cute studio apt. -rent front house for $100 per week. Choice Balboa location. $3500 down. Total price $12.500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Bl vd. Har. 5188 Balboa Island We offer exclusi\'ely an unu.eually desirable f bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful livinr room, larre din- ing room. Maximum equare foot.Age. Close to beach. $26.000, eaay tenna. See thi1 value Buy! Call Harbor 177~ Evee. Harbor ~ • o·sT OCT ST ANDLNO HOME In thf' Harbor area . Thrft be-droom. 2 bath. ab90lutely the tineat cnn· atn.w:uon. Thp locauon. 90me- •11w. Entry h•ll • d1n1111 room. EARL W. STANLEY Realtor Perteet tn1Jld(' 6 out. Small do••n t payment. Bar. 6711. Mlle ~ M&riDt Ave., Bal-ll&&nd . ... Drive by 411 Redlands Newport H~ights vu;w HOME-a bdrm• .. 1 ~ bath home. Built tn Thermador ranre It o•en. Hdwd. floor9, lhake roof. l ~ yf9. old. 1,,1)() IQ. ft. Exter- ior mahosany and 1tucco. Price $%7.71)(). P'OR SA~ OR TRADE tor 2·bed· room home. A Jarse home ln Newport beach. 1 block from ocean. l ~room down •talr9. ' up.talra. The upataira rfltted for S1200 plu1 per year. Ownen heaJlh demand.I ll&le. Pl"lce 114000 or $16,500 turnlahed. NICE HOM.I: uptown Coat& Meq. & yra. old. 2 bedroom. Very Sood looalion. Price J8000. WI: HA VI: a ' bdrm.. 2 bath home I month• old. 1000 IQ·ft . Thi• 11 very JO(>d. $12,t&o. Good ~rm1. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR l&ef Ne~rt Bl•d, Coata Meaa. Calif. U 1-3792 LIDO. ISLE Bay Front Sacrifice SPACIOUS J B!:D- ROOM Ir DltN home on eaclual•• L t d o 8oud. Newly decor•t· ed In aott color tonu. New carpetln1 and drapert... 2 car 1•r- "9· Front paUo over· looka one ot the ftneal MCUone 0( lbe ky; own be.ch. dock a.M ' n1»t. Ull,500·-$10,000 down Greenleaf -Severts Realty 3112 Newport Bl., Npt. Bch. Har. 2~1 (ev... U 8·31M Open House 10 a. m. to 8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. . Corona Highlands A VERY LOW PRlCI: tor th.111 lovely new rHldence with 3 bed· rooma, 2 bat.ha, Ice. Uvlnc rm. It playroom. One of the n.lcu t kit· chen1 with all u h cabinet.a, and dlntnr rm . . . alao 1lu1ed In 11un porch. Sea view from all wlndow1, 2000' in .houae A Ire. dble. (&rare. Room for . awim· min( pool or suut hou.e. VERY GOOD TERMS to qualified purch&Mr. W iii ~e 10me trade. PHONIC owner. Llceneed Builder. Harbor '825-JK*--!Witte SPECIAL HIOJI Dl:8CRT lrnproved acrup hom•ite.1. at aacrtflce prfcu . All utJllUu . No a.Meumenta. Tenna. YUOCA NOLINA RANCHOS Martell Bids. Yucca Valley, Ca.lltomla 'Phone: JM. Mttc NEW I BDRM. on ~ acr., $7.t~. W AYOC&do. Coet& ~ua. Ph. JU 2·2822. O tte' LET US LOCATE for you. _Property anywhere. ' The Locator of C&lif. I0'7 .. Balboa a.d., hlboe ...,,... HO&. ltd1 , \ THE GREAT ORANGE COAST SAVE~ Big Lot Room to Build 4 Unit.a Coat $512.50 per Bldg. Site. Walking distance to town. Be•l lot buy in Costa Mf'sa. SAVE $1000 Vtry lovely:.? bdrm. 1tucco home on com er lot. Dbl. garage. Room for incomt" unit facing ftidt" •trtet . Reduced from $8500 to $7500. Will tab $4500 to handle. Rented for $70 month. BUY SECURITY $52.50x8 t-quals $420 per mo. 8 1 bdrm. rentals. you will be proud to own. Almost new. 8 garage•. N-p- arate laundry & storage room•. Cement dr1v~. Al· tractive appearance. Locat ion. priet" Ii inC-Otnt". $12,000 down. HOLMWOOD DRIVE -OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO !I 413 Holmwood Dr. 3 bedrm. 1 b bath ltome. Drive by thia lovely landscaped home then call We will be happy to show. Priced at bargain price of $19,750 witb good terms. 406 SIERRA VISTA &ck Bay new 2 bdrm., 2 bath le den. AU electrtc kitchen. Wlll be open Sat. & Sun. 1 to 6, or we can show at your convenience. Very meritoriom home for just $24,500. Term.1. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -Btm..D!:RS 1857 Newport Ave·, Co.ta Meu Liberty 8-1632 Llbe?ty 8-UOO Evea. SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONALLY ATI'RACl'IVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and small dining room, c&r-, peted wall to wall, good kitchen, breakfut •p&c. and .ervice porch. Ample cupbo&rda and atoiage apace. Oveni.zed 2-car garage. Nie. encloeed patio. Moet convenient corner location. 2 bib. fr-om City Hall, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. • Just Enioy the Income from thi1 exceHent property (no rent to pay). ~ted in choice rental district, 100 tt. from ocean. There ue 3 unite -a new duplex and a 5-room hou.e on 2 lot.a. 2 unit.a are furnished and rented on yearly buia. Owner'• home available now. ThrM garages on alley. Preaent income can be aubeta.b· tiaUy increased. $5000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 BAY FRONT LOTS 105 Ft. of choice Bay Frontage. Bulkhead t. In. Wonderful view. Lota •urrounded by quality homes. Pier and •lip right.a. Theae will 11ell! ACT TODAY! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1018 ~ISLE -BRAND NEW 4 bdrm., 2 bath. L~e. Fireplace. Elec. Kit., Beaut. So. Patio, W to W Cpt. $10,000 Down. 1 A SLEEPER 3 bdrm .. 2 Bath. F. A. Heat. Lge. Living room, 50 ft. Lot -Well landscaped. SEE THIS! LO.OK WHAT YOU GET FOR S2215QO Near Oub House -Re.ady to Move Into Now. 3 Bdrm., Fireplace, F. A. Heal; Dispoaal. Two 3 Bdrm. BA YFRONTS under $50,000. ., See Us For Lido Lot& Ii Rentala Buaineea Opportunity Broker1 Bay & Beach Realty-lido Office 3112 Lafayette. Newport. Har. 3643. Har. 2999 Evea. PENINSULA PINK i11 the word for it! New & ao very modern. Tfiia 4 bdrm., 2 bath home : never lived in. Indirect heating & lighting. Iota of glass, kitchen & Jiving rm. open onto patio. Fire· place of counie. Only $6000 handle«. Full Price $22,500. OCEAN FRONT near Catholic Church & school. 3 bdrms. furn. only $16,000. Coneider local trade. ., BAY SHORES. 3 bdrm .. 2 bath1, PLUS guest rm., play room Ii bath over garage. Completely built-in kitchen included in price of $29,500. Xlnt tenn11. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1506 W_ Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 ' A BIG STEAL! 11/2 Acres M -1, Costa Mesa $6500 FULL PRICE Thie won't laat 2 da}'I, SO HURRY! Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 18M Newport Blvd. ea.ta Meea (acT'OU from Cotta Meaa Bank) ... Pbone LI M711.. Ev•. Har ..... u a..21oa I ' •• .. ' BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND SSOOO down. Uttle llland. Nr. So. Bay. 3 B.R. 111~ bath older home. Bit. on -rear of lot. Room to build on tront. Choice &ocatJon. Full price $21.600. A cOOD BUY! ,29,500 WATERFRONT. 3 B.R. home plUI 1 B.R. apt, Both unita furnlahed. XlnL financing A GOOD BUY! ~ down. Nr. No. Bay. Channing older 2 B.R. tum. home ln Xlnt. condition. Full price $17,950. ANOTHER GOOD BUY! SHORE CLIFFS 4 B.R. beaut. home. Choice view location. OWner wUl al1<> .ell adjoining vacant view lot to pu.rcbuer of houae. ANOTHER GOOD BUY! LIDO ISLE $4850 down, 4 B.R. 3 bath two year old ldeal family home. Terms like rent. Total price $31,500. ANOTHER GOOD BUY! LIDO PENINSULA fleal Estate Office, DeluXe Bay FTont office and hom~. Fine income record for Broker or Saleaman. Live like a rnilij_onalre on a bargain budget! 32LSignalRo_ad ..CLIEE l:fAY~ OPEN HOUSE 1 'TILL 5 Spacious -Charming --4 B.R. 2 bath home. Muter B.R. 20x.20 with m&rine vtr'· Priced $24,750 u is. Needa redecorating. Owner's lou • your gain. An- other Ideal family home and atill ANOTHER GOOD BUY! BALBOA ..BARGAIN HUNTER -$3750 DOWN THIS IS A RED HOT INVESTMENT OCEAN FRONT HOME -Zoned for business, In beat block in Balboa. Price firm at $13. 750. Ask ua what a well-known local Loan man said about this property. BLANCHE A. GATES , Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTlP.LE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 40 Ft. Waterfront With pier & fl oat. Beautifully landscaped corner lot with 2 bdrm. home & room to enlarge. Wall to Wall carpets & drapes included at only ~27,500. 1.: cash handles. -Hurry! TWO for the Price of ONE Furni~hrd duplNC. V ery neat. 2 blocks to beach. Owner s:iys "Sell". Only $13. 750. $5000 down. Outstanding! Handy Man Special 3 bdrm. beach cottage. Partly furn. On 2 30-ft, loU!. Only 2 blocks from beach. Steal this for only S 500 -S3250 dn. Bal. $60 mo. BALBOA ISLAND ~O ft. Bayfront corner lot with furn. 2 bdrm. honey- moon cottage -plus area for new house on front. BEST BUY on Balboa hiland. ONLY $31.500. Terms. ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Bh·d .. Newport Beach · Har. 5226 Causes you to consult a specialist, So why not see a specialist before you buy a home or lot on LIDO ISLE Don't be sick because you bought a home that is over priced. SEE US FIRST! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor • "LIDO SPECIALIST 2602 Newport. Bh·d., Newport. Beach. Har, 471 8 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar with never ·ending view -. ·TWO STORY. 2 bdrm. (have plans for 3rd bdrm. to be added at small cost), 2 ':.: b:iths, lge. liv. rm .. separate dining room. large knotty pine den with built-in bar. lounge, 2 fireplaces, basement with 150.000 BTU furnsce. Expenlinly ca~ted wall to wall thru-out. Garbage disposal and dishwasher. Houae 6 yrs. old. Large double garage with laun· dry. radio-controlled garage doo r. Lot 50. x 142'. Well landscaped. Thi. home must be ettn to ~ ap- preiciatfd. Located at 3312 Ocean Pl\'d., Corona del Mu. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only Phone Owner, Harbor 34SS · :5!\c&3 .. '!a=-~·-~Et~:tta~t~e---·~~··~el~b~·~..,~---N!WPOltT HAltlOl NEWS.Plm -PART IV. ,A.17 --------THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 p . a . p a.I m e r i n c o r po r a t e d dev,lopers Bayv~w Home Lovely comer home, baa • bdrma, and 3 batha land also 2 fireplacee. If you pea~ a larger home oome ln and we will be happy to sbow you why we think thia la a terrific buy at $37,400. We have 4 new homes just beinr completed. 2 are 4 bdrma. and 2 are 3 bdrms. AU are carpeted, have 11liding glass doors to patio1. Therm. oven and ranges, forced air therm. controlled furnaces and 2 or 3 baths. They are in different locatione and are different styles. Before buying you should see these. OPEN SAT. & SUN. NOON·TO 12 BEAUTIFUL -NEW 125 Via Waz.iera and 123 Via Genoa We have-many weU-.loca~ lot-a at. t.hia-time,-- alao rentala by the ye&r or for the awnmer. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 of Udo Isle , OPEN HOUSE Rambling OPEN HOUSE Rustic Pictu.reaque Early American in 1arden aettlng-un- uauaJ floor plan lncludee • bedrooms, 3 batha •nd dinlnc room-la~ lot with ocean view-leas than one bloclr to ezcllllive beacb-$28,500. Open Su.nday from 1-5 p.m. 239 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar I;>rlve by or call ~ve Osburn for an appointment to eee OUTSTANDING VIEW Open Sunday 1 .. 5 Drive by 243 Ocean View anJ see the lovely .~x­ terior ot this new 3 bedroom-2 ba~ home. CaU me and I will ahow you the lovely interior and explaln the attractive tenna the buyer offer• on the price ot $2!S,500. Bill Farnsworth. HAS YOUR FAMILY GROWN 1 If ao, then be aure to aee this fine family home. Four good aiud bdrm.., one downata.in and three upetain. Llvin1 room H l/~x28', tremendoua family room 20'~20'. patio 12x27'-Electric kitchen, oak floor1, ahJngle rooC and shingle exterior-2400 sq. ft. in the house. U ~ ue looking for a good aize houae wtth a comfortable feeling be certain to cal \UI. Price $29,750. LocatJon-Clitt Haven- • (not leuebold) p. a. palmer incorporated ole hiµison co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 Corona del Mar CUTE ANO ARTISTIC 2 bdrm. home with t bedroom apa rt· ment over 2 ~ar garage. View loca tion, l"lo1e to shopplnir. Ideal homl' w1ll1 Income. $18.~00,- An Unusual Buy ! Houston Values terms. Peninsula Home! $1500. down A GOOD t b<fnn. stucco tiome. Full pr1ce 182'50, only 7 y ra. old. Clo&e to Newport Blvd .. atorea. 1ellool1 6 church, a~o. month. a 8rnJa..u. a a..ar..e.e. GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE . We cordially invite you to inspect model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin &: Von Hemert When you lupect them, you will note they Include every comfort a.nd convenience for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the plannin1 and thourht that l'ftlllted ln th.la remarkable community wlll provide 0000 LIVlNO for Irvine Terrace famillea for many y.an. '\·Permanent reat.rictJona guarantee you ~·~ &lwa)"I be proud of your home here. To the home buyer who wiab .. to purchaae lD the $22,000 to $315.000 aia. we lf.neereJy recommend the Irvin~ Estate11 overlooking Newport Harbor. lrvine Terrace ta !~at.cl on Cout Highway oppomte the new Irvlne Co&tt Country Club.: EARL-W. ~STANLEY. EXCLU81V!l AGENTS Phone Harbor tf48 For J'wther Information • Jlor Reoommmdatloll, we refer you to an7oee who holda a Leuehotd l!»tate in In1ne Terraee. LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor +i-44 (Acrou from Richard'• Marbt) ·VIA GENOA IF YOU ODJECT TO B.EINO CLOSED 11' , . • IC you want room to breathe, see thut 4 ~d­ room, 2 bllth home altuated on 2 lari:o loll • • • 7~x128, on a com er and beauurully land· 1M:Aped. Walled tor privacy. See this Ideal large family home. $32,500, t erms. 3 bedroom home in good location in the Broadway section ot Costa Meea. It'• a well-built home,· only 6 yea.rs old, but ia·neglected and run down. It needs cleaning and painting inaide and out and the yard ia a fright. HOWEVER. it'• priced 'way under the market. The owner aaya, "Sell now!" lf you a.re handy in ''fixing up" a place, thia will intereat you. . $10,500 -$2000 down. Inspection Invited You can own 40 ft. on Lido Island's ~28 Al~.11~;~~tiieirhta widest street f or $12,500 full price . View Home! N EWPORT HEIGHTS. T t'rrlflc view ot Bay and Ocean. 2 ~d­ room. 2 bath t>uuty. F.A. heat. f ireplace. 2 car gara.si:e. l':lcelY landscaped. SN! this lovely home for '21 .~00 &nd low down payment. Bav Avenue Home! ON EAST BA y A VENUE ••.. cla.e to town and tun sane. 2'19 bedroom comer homl'. Heavy furniture Included. AltracUvc ltttl .. plarl' (or beach living or rl'nlala. $14.~00. $4,WO down. Beach Home! OR YEAR AROU~D LIVlSG- f'lo11e to l'\.H.Y.C . has 3 bed· ror•ms and 1 1, bath:i. Some rum· llure lncludecl. You will rind It lmpol'.'!lble tn Kl'l a btllt'r value l\nywhl'r<'. C11ll to<h•Y end .we, $12.:iOO, $1,000 down. -Balboa Lots! Pretty As a Picture ! Here's a small but attractive little Newport Height.I home that ia worth the price of $9450. It bu l bed- room plu a den, hardwood floors, Iota of cloeeta, garage with storage apace and a ·valuable lot with some view ot the ocean. The houae ia 7 yeara old. ia in ~utiful condition and ready to move into with no fuu. Choice Location ! Excellent neigh~rhood in Newport Heiiht.a 2 blks. from High School. 2 bdrm~ and den home with 2 batba, less than 1 year old. Beautifully finished with many quality feature.. Select grade oak floors, A.r- cadia sliding glJlU doors opening to rear yard, au- per-size closets and clock controlled furnace. 'The price of $19,500 include• 100 yda. w/! carpeting. Elton Barnett, Realtor 466 N. Newport Blvd. (2 blocka from Ho-s Hospital) Phone Liberty 8-2772 Dly or Night. Newport Beach nEsT NEw s 1N THE PAPER 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' TODAY. 3 awell R·3 lotl!, aide by Jldc. c 1o .. lo lOWI\. Buy au three for $19,500. Barboa Realty Co. Opposite Bank or Am enca Rosa Greelty Al CMnf"liUs Ed Lee Jack Pinkham Joeephlne Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa P hone Harbor 32i7. REAL VALUES $11 ,500 rs all they 8 re a.~klni!f tnr this luve- ly three bdrm. home. Hardwood tlt><11 .i, flrephll'C, tile l<lll.'h('n and bath. dlspos:al, w!ret.I fv r electric r .. ni:•'-u, ;.t "ast:w!" h 1 111 Ion. wm<'r lot. Not a trac-t house. ~•;'I loa n ftnd monthly p11y· nwnla much less than rent. Set- t.her call on lhla today. . . . NEWPORT HTS. Need a large garap, work Hop, etc. T It bu over 1000 Sq. Ft .. wired le plumbed. PLUS a neat It clean 2 Bdrm. home, wall to wall carpet It electric ranp. $10,8:50 with term.a. 3 Bdrm. home (NEW) 1 % batha. Hwd. tloora. Forced heating, double garage. $14,500 with t.eJ'IM. DUPLEX 1 large bdrm. each mde. Neat It clean. $7950 with $2950 down It balance $60 per month. SPECIAL.. ON LOTS 66 foot fontage, paved street, all utilities. $2,450. with , good terms. (may sell for less if all cash) G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McC&rd.le 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mea. LI 8-1801 CLIFF HAVEN 3 BDR>.f. Colonial with dble. gar. Au newly decorated In.side and out. Vacant and rudy lo move In. Real fireplace. Hdwd. Ora, porches and ~autltul yud - All for $14.500 w!lh low down. A: !:Z terma. Choice Corner Lot EXCELLENT centrally located for duplex or alngle dwellln~. Ul:J<l cuh. Eve. Into. on thu e Lytle LI 8-2342. Ml Superior DUPLEX -SHOO 1 BDRM ... ch-dbl. ~aragP, Xlnt. com.r. cloee In, Low down. Good t.rma. Income Opportunities I BDRM. home on rear ot large 7h3SO loL Xlnt. hom<'. newly decorated. Can build additional unit.a. Near Newport Blvd. and KhOOI•. S2!IOO down. Full price $11,1)()(). Newport Bus. Bldg. Nlce cornu bldJ. clOM to bay- Hu nlc• poaatbllltl~Income­ S274 mo.-J'UJt pr1ee 12:1,200- Term- Eve. Info. on above, Pettltte LI 1-6487. · Houston Realty & Associates 609 C.nter 8t. Coeta Mua LI Mtll U 8-71~ No Fancy Slogans Juat Honect Valuea Come ln It let u prove it! CORONA DEL MAR 304 MarruerHa Open Bat. It Bun. 1-~ CALL HARBOR '810 for preview. OUT8TANDINO TRIPLEX, So. ot Hwy. S..ut. 2 br. wllh flre· place, 2 lowly 1 br. apt .. with view of oee&n ,rrom 1un deck. Tripi• rarer-. extra laundry rm. Compl. turn.lib~. 8o1Jd )'early Inc. record an.Uable. Can In· cn&N wttb •wnmer ralo. Full You CAN'T buy 65 ft. bulkheaded on Lido Soud for $65,000 cash, but you C A N acquire this fabulou~ frontage by trading your acreage or business i n c o m e of comparable value. O.w n er will consider any Southern California property and will trade up if need be. Exclusive with us . W. G. (Bill) Kempton* J oseph H. Grohman* Virginia Manson * Gene Vreeland * Tom Campbell * (Lido Island's most experiem:ed salea personnel) Bay & Beach Realty _ Realtors BALBOA Income -Close to Bay • 3 Unlts Near Library -Low Down Payment Will Handle. • Bedroom Home, 2 Bedroom Apt. and 1 Bedroom Apt. Newly ·Deco· ~ted -Nicely ~lahed. Ocean Front Duplex -Near Catholic Church. Full price $16,500. Low Down Payment will Handle. BAY &-BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Cal. Har. 1264 ANNOUNCEMENT Roy Greenleaf & Gordon Severt.a are pleued to an- nounce that M. F. Au!der-Heide formerly with C. Galen Dennison of Costa ~e.!fl, is now auociated with - GREENLEAF -SEVERTS REALTY · "25 years in the aa.me locaUon" 3112 Newport Blvd. Harbor 2M2 prtce fH,000, 1ood Umla. -------------------- Muriel M. Pinover JlL\.LTOR Lovely Jot With fUt'lt hOUJle ln rear. This <'OulJ be U~!'d for a aununt'r vaca tion collage, or build your f11mlly home up front and u11e the coll&lt<' for your Wt>t'k tml J?UPSts. Thlll (l\Jl0l be beat !or only s:i.~o. EZ terms. Three bedroom, 1 bath. 1200 8q-tt.., fireplace, drapee. Ideally landscaped-fenced alley, double pragt. Nat to St. Andrews Preabyterian Church. • Mot N4"t'p0rt Bl•Cl., NtwpQrt Bch. LIDO AREA $14,500 • • • B. A. Nereson REALTOR 1982 :'\t'wporl Dl vd.. Co11ta Mtlll\ Phone I.I 8-1Si2 E\~11. l..l 8-~f8i SPECIAL FULL PRICE. $16,~ Trust Deed $9500 at 41,',% with monthly payment. $66.41. Cuh from truat deed to tale pric.. Call Mr. Gallant to ab~ia bom. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa lal&od Harbor 1718 .. lnGH DESERT lmprOVt't1 aCl'f'agt -------------------- hnrnf'lllU to, llt 111Cr1fl('e prlC!t'I. All u1lllt1r1', No -•ament.. Tt>rms. \'1.JCC' A :'\OU:'\ A RAX CH OS Yucca \'all"Y· C'allfomla 'Phone: ll:'Je. Mt!t LEASEHOLD EST A TE I VIEW LOT -Clift Havm 0\"1:1\.LOOKJ~O Kut ,.U)' .•tr. lo N,.v.-port Haroor. SacrU~ MJ., 13~ l.Ehlfh t ·21ot. e..-. U lx'r\y t-.e4St.o. &u&a t BALBOA ISLAND LM'TLE ISLAND -5 bedrvoma, 4 bl.th home. Separate dining room facin• lovely paUo, fOl'Old air hut, -every modem convenience for complete It enjoya!>le living. ONLY tfC)O() down. WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor ADii ...... t. I Park at Jlarizw, &Ibo& 1llaDd -Barbor 2482 '• 1£uy Parkln• Harbor 4610 CLIFF DRIVE BEST BUY Duplex. Located on valuable M zone lot. 2 unit., doub)e garage. PPrfect col)ditlon. We hav~ the key - aPACJOUI I Wnn. bome. Mwd. b f n001'1. Hur• 11¥\nr rm. Patio Os orne Rea ty Co. 6 •leW deck. Jn tip tDp <'ondl· uan. ~1 to mo ... lnt n. COM· 2323 West Cout Highway Cat Port Orance) PL&TJ:LT ruJUolUH.ro. u ct+ Phone Har. 4923-J a-t appl~ llllwr anti din· --......------------------ "'' ftrt. A 1tea1 at llt .9:;<> 4 ~ IN SHORECLIFFS - 3 bdrm. furn.lahed home, 2 .._ 11Ue ii not a leuc-hold. Mariners Isle Realty Ill JitarlDe, ....... lal&nd 11U110r 6 Tll BACK BA.Y Jlf&AJU.1' NSW I Wtm. bome. ,._.. )'d.. alee lawn. Iota of Ule, "'*'°' ,...Wd .. walJpepertd. .... ,.,. ........ ldtdMa. Sll.500 -1 Oreld4. ._ta .Au Ht. Llllert7 l-2"$. M~l baths, dbl. gar. View. A delightful home ready for you to. occupy. ON BALBOA ISLAND -The patio la like another nn. at th1a 2 story home whlcb baa 2 bdrm.a., 1 1~ b&tb&. ID t.bt car. then ii u atn rm.:' ud % bath. Dbl ,.,..... FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. Multiple u.ttnc 'Realtor1 . Buatneu Broker am &. ~ 81allnr. Corona de1 Mu. Har 2152 ' \ . ' PASE·I. PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 2. 1955 eon.icterauon to th• Bureau ot Yachtsman Cllillns t<'booner r.attt11ta rnoo...., 1.t s.60 C• l•tlarJ Da•a.h Lon Told . . nela. Schoow Da~ Wedderapoon aleo Nport•d con· Public Roada via coentant chan~ Vi& Oporto. John O.vl1 P•tenon. Loe A.n· 8u.rJ'u1I tooll •111.n ~., NAVY REQUESTS MILITARY ROADS UNK-·ORANGTOOUNrt 'FACILITIES Th. Chief, Bureau of Y•'tdl and IHI I keel · atderabl• damare to the. Khooner Dock.I, hu ~n advi.ed by the a GllMC paneUnr. poJJce Hid. Offlc. of Ole Chief ot Tran.aporta· YacbUinan Edward -A, Wedder· Re !lated clotntnr 1tolen eallmat- tlon, Department ot the Army, ~n. H31 Alvardo Terl'llCe Loa f'd a vt,lu.t 1n ~ QL~, ---1 ttnrt-t:he Commtuioner at-Put>ltc Anie1u : reported t o pol ce ere ahlp f\lm!Jlhlng1 eulmat~ about Road.I bu forwarded cop1u or the on May n that alnce Nonm!>e,r. I S33:'>, and mlll<'e\laneoua ltelTUI at corrqpondence on thl• propoaed 19:'>•. aom~ne hae been atealing about St 7:'>. ac<:ordlng to police. highway to the DUltrkt Jlnein~r. numerou1 Item• from bit 90-ft. Police are maklns an lnvullgatlon. ,;du. Fri.day al(bt ,..portld bi.I r1np, u. ...... cMcb, ... otMr l'ar w .. tllltered and more Ulan pel"90l\&l tttma from lb• ,..... o6 SlU In valuable• taken wllH• It Tallia Danlel8, UT H.iiotrope;\ft •• WU j11&rJt~ j)lt 8&Uao&~Ve...JUIU. ~ ~ 8at'!rdiif• Marine Ave .. &t'<'Ordln.J lo poll«. 8 1'11 •Id D'I09t ot t.be lt.em.1 ..,..,. la Lo .. H indudfld a -tch ''alued at lier pune. lnch1dlna MT.la lft cub. $100, a SU wallet and a dlamood No entry lo th• llome ~ Ille ... S.~1nlsorl Approve Ormtge • POlllOna JT1eway: Im~• Ollwn utilise exi•ttns 81.&te Hi&'hW&Y• Bvruu of Public Ro.da and the over mOlll of ll.1 len&th· However, c.ll(om W. Df!parlment of Public the military man apperc!i!d a map Wof"lt• both a~ -S.crammto, "° to hie Jett.er or t.r&qfb1lt.tal and re-thtY MU be aware or the lntuut queet ehowinl' the Uoeup ot the of t he O.partment ol Detenae roadway aa reque.t.e<S by bim. when c.onaiderinl' the l®ation of ~ Comity ii belns cf.tan evw clOMr to th• •ur· 81X·IA.Nll P&UWAY lnterat&Le....mutea in lh1.t vicffiity. round.Uc eountrymide. Urreney ha back of the tightening Of The map reveela that the pro-Th• Com.m1-loner or Publlc Roada the hlshwa.y 11triDp ill military need for accem and egreu ~ .tx·l&ne freeway would t.n-advt.I!• that: trom ::!abli1h-=ta Oil th• __ A_."-e a-..1 ,_ the binterlanda. ter Oranp Cowlty t.iuou&'h the "Botb Lo9 Allcele1 and Ban Dle- --~~ ..-11& heart of Loa Al&mltOI at th• in-go are e pp:roved control arua Late.t inland pathway to cain approval ia the Pomona land aide ot lhfl Naval Alr Sta tion which ww be aerved JJ7 the pro- to Onn1e J'reeway route that wu approved bv the Orange there. The roadway woul.d thai poHd National Syatem of Inter· ~DlJ Board ot au,_riilon MaJ ' join' State Route ·18 (US 91) nev at.at.a Hl&hwa.y&. A.ryet no Inter· ft. The Cowlty ot Orance approv-wa7 06 bNrt the lelf.ll&Uv1 ci-iir· Anaheim. The Santa Ana Canyon mediate control point• have been ed that routlq , alN&Ciy okaJed nation ot tS and encompu1e1 Freeway would be utilised aa a ettat>lt.hed between the &ftlll. by the ~ COllUIUNlon. that hlrtaway 11 (Santa Ana Oan.yon1 porUon of th' military frHway •'The Commudant may be .,._ would take the MW frMWay from In It.a ldenUflcallon Into the San to the point where It lntert1e1::ts 1ured that &nY linal location ee- lll juncUon wtth the Bani.& Ana Bemudino Kountal.na and down Hl(hway 71 near Corona. The new lected will be amenable to tlevelop- ......,.,.ay Uu'OQl1l Ule BrM Can· to Vlctorvllk atter puat~ uound frl'e-y would follow the routing-ment to f~ay ata.ndardl -Afth yon from 0nnp \4> 4~1m, ~ Lale• Anowbead and Big Bear. of Highway n realigned throuch full control of accua. and thu1 do • cenUa., and llklrtJftl". the ecSc-ot ORA.MOE OOUNTY VITAL Teme.cal Canyon, around LaJte El· away w'ith obJKtlonable conge•· W\&Uert.on. Whittier Bl•d.. wlll Wltb talk of military ucape ll.nore on the Inland 11lde to an In· lion and grade cro111lng1 on u : make a JWICWre with the ,-.. tera.ctlon with Highway 395 at la Ung hil'hwaya." • -....---rout.a and accue ro&d1 Orange Temecula. · FrMwa)' aa4 WNtUer will aJ9o •· County t. becomlnl' a pivotal hub Thi• ailatement totether with t"'• aero.1 to Htpwq It aa4 on ol travel for the military between Hlihway 395 would be utillaed the encloeed print le to edvae or lllt.o Loe _uw.-. 8an Dlea'o end Lo9 An«el" Har-u a portion o'r. the new freeway the action taken by the Command- 8TATIC APPaoVU bon and between lb<>N Harbor• to • point 5 mllea aouth of EA<:on-ant and the interest of the De--Hip-., It haa Nell approftd and the tnJ&nd areu. dido. Here the new road would partment ot Defenae In an altem· ~y tbe 1apl&lure of California Creation of a new major mill-awing Inland, lo El Cajon .._. a ate protected highway connecting WStb a 1111• ot delqn&Uona. It tarJ bJpway Unlllng all the U. S. new highway. The road would cul-these two Import.ant mUltary com- ..... M d..,,_tton 111 at the Navy Mtabliabmmta of Ore..nge mlnale In a wide Inland 11wlng ple-xes. The Commandant conaldeni rtnr and brief c.... lermlnld, pollCI MJd. LuxUry yo'-' · can walk at ·budget prices • on • • • • • • PAY FOR YOUR CARPET WITH ff IASIUI' llJJ• EVER AVAILABLE IN CARPET HISTOR~ -•i ............. • • • • • r-lllfilrN~"1-:-wt1~~,-e~~fish-j~Noft~~~...Ut,e191.....o:Wlan._Dieg4a~ro~u~nd~an~d~be:'.::l~o:w~8:an~D~lt"~g:o_:to1.'::lhat BUCh a etudy at thl1 lime --., at HuU.,icia Beach and car· County bu been reque1ted by the li-pe~~~-..... ~~~~~1----------.---~r-#-: Itel tb'°"Jh to Buena Park. J'rom Commandant of the lllb Naval A.t. the Orange Count.y line the atJon of the amount of Federal ta.re lt tA dMlp&t~ route a2 all Diatrtct. propo.ed new 111llitary roadway uslatance which might be Ktven t.M wa7 acroee tM Baa QUrlel ft...-Adnliral c. c. Hartman, would apparently make a juncture t..o St•te Highway program• for Mountaiu, to Wrtrlltwood aa4 U8N, Commandant ot the llth with the San Diego Freeway and portions of the project and alao *""' to an tnter-.c:tiaft wttll lll&U Na.....i .ot.trt.ct bu ctap&tcbed a the propoeed new WHt Covina permit the development of plena mpway 2. letter requ..tblc tb• cooperation f'reeway or State Route 35 nea tor It. conlltrucUon .. tunda be- Jlla'bway II, wb1c11, I.a Newport of county, 1tate and national offl-Lonr Beach. come available 1n Ole future. ._.._, and U.. l1D.k trom UM N--cl&ll ot Orance, Rlvenid9 and San Text of the Navy Admiral'• Thi• 15tatem~t I.a luued In the aiort Ban.r.,. tq,Ute 8ulta .Ana oteco cowaU• 1n cre&UOD of a 1tatement of nwd tor the blrtaway eplrtt of cooperating wtt.h all par-e.a,_ J'rMwa)', la ,.....ntq be-MCOn4 maJor "mWt.ary h~way followa: Uea and lnterutt concerned In lbe Jar tlnPf'O""cl wtUl ow~ of turtller lriland trom Cout Jl.i..tl· The Commandant of lhe Elev-ta.. 8uta 411& 1'l••*7 W prm!t way. enth Naval Dl1trlct bu bMn con-long r&ll&'~ plannln( of btctiwaya ti.. tubln dn•ioplMllt ot tM ft• propoMd new 1llpway, n-cemed over 1:he tact that t.fi.,. in thla area.. ._....,... u a &II rr..w.7. BIP-commendM by tbe NaY)', would I.a only one main diJ'ect btrta-Y artery bet:we.n the vital m1Utary ln.lt&ll&Uon.1 tn the 8Ml Dteco ~ and thoee hi the Loni' Beach-Ban Pedro area. Tbe exiettng route 11 coutal U. B. Hlrbway 101 and101 Alternate north ot Sell Clemente. Thi.a blgbway a vulnnable to at- tack from the 1ea ae 1s that por- tion of the only ratlrcad frcm the north pa.ra.lleUni the aouthem por- Uon of Highway 101 to San Diego. Any major de.mage 1u1talned to tbl.s dlrect hlghway auftlrlent to cawie delay o! trartic between these two major mllltary com- plexu would be tot.ally unaccept- able. • ' ... ,. I Y •D Prawlng No. 6~,990 which accomp&nle1 t his at.atement lndl· catea an apprcxlmat.e route ot the addltlo.nal propoeed divided mul• tlple lane Wand freeway varyuig ln dU!tance up lo 2~ mile• from the ocean. Besides aervlng a.n In· creuing civilian need the route conetructed to fuU freeway atand. arda and Jocated In vallt"ya pro- tected from the ocean by Interven- ing mount.al!UI would be of pa.ra- mount military importance. Thll project haa bee-n 1ubmlttl!d ror Mllitwy Sttlclent. Honors for Swede•• DA VlS -Kendal P. Svtdeen, 801 Bayaide Dr1n, Newport Beach wa.a honored u a dlltlnp U1bed military 1tudent at an awa.rda u- aembly May 25 on the Davia C6ffi• pua of tbe Unlverllty of C4Jlfom1a. Svedem. atudylng-zoology in the College of Letter. and Science, was one ot eight cadet.a ln the Re- 11erve omcers Tnllnlng Corps on the campus to be g1v•n Ulla honor~ • At the 1ame time he wu promoted to the rank of eerond lieutenant in the cadet corp1. Mesan Arrested A' 17 -~ar-old Coeta. Meea uilor and Jam~ O. Shawb&n, 18. ·Santa Ana. were booked on poa1eseion of liquor charges by Newport poUce Saturday night when they were observed farrylng beer near lhe Batboa pa.rklng lot. They claimed they bought It f rom a aaJJor. The Me11&n wu re.le&Bl!d to the shore patrol ···v·· .. .. '" Toc ~l111 Str1, -COMPARE :JUST ·14. FM 2RICE~ . '6" C01'TOH fRIEZI INSTAl llO ·---~ 141 • .,4. •1·· VISCOSl-NYLOM IMSTAlUD ··-·--··--141 • .,4. '10" ALL WOOL TWH D INSTALLED ··----··· 141 . .,4. '10" All WOOL TEXTURED INSTALLED _,_,,,_ ... _.. Ml· y4. 100~ OU,ONT NYLON C~lOM MADE 11291 Any Coler -Any Sin _:, Any Sha,• ·--·-141 • .,4. -r' Check Thete Payments 1.1. i 2 ,.,o •. 24 ~01. ,. "'01. 2oo. I 17.67 I f.33 I 6.56 80. I 22.oa 1 It . t-.:il 300. 1 26.50 I 14.uJ I 9.ll jso. 1 10.92 I 16.lYJTi.47 400. 1 1s.11 I 1 i .67 I I f.11 4~1t I 39.7ff'ff."OO I 14.75 soo. I 43.96 I' 21.11 I 16.11 600. I n .so I 21.so I 1t.11 A111111 ..... l•I. .... --~ MN* ........ .._,,.,.Jr a 8286 Garden Grove Blvd. call LEhigh 9-a520 200 ·yds. E. of Hwy. No. 39 Frtt E1Umat. tvUla 811mplel to Uae llleme FREE PARKING FOR SO CARS Open Tbunday• and Fridays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sunday• 1Z Nooa to 5 p.m. -Otben "1111 5:80 ... Number six in a series: PERSONAL LOANS ,, • • • • SU RE, BUT LOCAL TOO I Here 's another way we serve Orange County • • • Last year our bank approved 24 ,536 personal loans-totaling more 1than $27,800,000-to residents of Orange C.Ounty. This money was used to meet unexpected bills ... stnightcn out family finances ... to pay for IY.lbf's arrival...and for hundreds of other worthwhile purposes. Whatc:venhcir need, these people found they could look to Bank of America for quick financial help. Herc is :mother way in which our bank serves Orange C.Ounty. r lSunk nf America NATIONAL l~~,1Aci~ ASSOCIATION ·'"'"' IUU•l °''Oilt 1111111uu IOOOUfllll . . BANKING THAT 1s 1u1LDING CALIFORNIA •• : banking thtt:t is building O~f!!!ge County . . l90r'OID IWWA1' -Shown 1aboft iii propoeed a.Jue frwft.1 fr'Ola Loi Al&mitoe at top, p&11ing near AuMtm • ltate ao.t.e 18, thence through the county ba1aDd .of Camp ~ and on down ' ln 1rict. Pring arou.d Ud bllow Sea ~o and National Q t y. ,- ANAHEIM HANCM IALIOA llANCH FULUl10N llANCH LAGUNA HACM llANCH UO.hlt C..'9r...... ..S lett ._..._ ._._,.. A•en .. e"4 s,.NM 2tO C-ct ......._.. i.wlll O. l. ...__,Mp. H.-. Hel~er. M9'· H. M. w-. Mp. H. I.~. Mef. lA HAHA llANCH NIWPOIT UACH llANCH OIANOI llANCH P\ACINTIA llANCH 500 w .. 1 c~ •-,.... Vie l141 IOJ .....,.. Gteo..,. Sto... w .. 1 ..... '• •- l. "-l.,-, ...,. .....,.,...,....,..,. o.~ . .i. .. Mp. L-. ......... ...,. SAN CllMINTI llANat SANTA ANA llANCff YOllA UNDA llANCH IOI $oetto 0 C.•I...... IOI Ne<t11 -.!11 ..,_ 41Cn S..... .W. ...... LA. wi...,.., Mp. a. 1. wr19W.v,.,.,_ &~_...,, ,._...,.._.._ { . ' I I ·-·