HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-06 - Newport Balboa Press. , -PROD ILUUIOR 1'18 -.. ·-- li.delandS Bill Given 'D p 'I ·New· Irvine Annexation o .ass • SbellJ.egislation_Giyen_ Committee Approlal Today LAGUNA BEACH, JUNE 8, COCNS) -Coutal Area Protective League officers were notified this aftemoon the . to "ewpQrt Second Unit of l"ine T mace. Highway DUe ln' Senate Rules Committee at Sacramento had 1ent the Shell Fr a_ v h Plana for the ann~tion of the 90-aen ..eoad aDtt of OU bill to the legialature with a "do pus" tag. an. aug n Irvine Terrace to the City of Newport 8Mch ...... baJ1c Alter a Jons burins today the tbe Coutal ~ undent.uda. .._ committee acceded to the. 1'9quelt The Rt.~11 bUI Jivu the cout.al Di Rit made by the city engineer'• office today. Jn ~ ann .. _ .,_ .utJl of tM Newport ... ch es• es proceedinga the city will Mek to bring into ~ oorporat. of A111e111btyman Joe Shell and weat Cll.y llmJt.1 91 per .cut pro-I b Senator JoMph Cunnin~ham and tecUon, Oout&l ~ ome.n . Umita all remaining portlona of the Cout Hi, ft1 now decided to tend the m~ to llecland. , Set Thursd out.aide the clt7 jurlldldion. butulca that la to M tal'DM la· the legUl&ture.. AU belM:h a.nu wtlldl eoupl ay The lrvb.e COmpe.ny now hu on to a city perk. It ta pNmmed the The "do pa.a .. tac l'irtually u-exclusloci. were excluded trom the • l \,h4' .~ the plana foir th• 11.1b-puk wm be nued and lienled ott I lb Sb IJ bill, ft rt.cl. dlvlafon of the 1eeond Irvine Tu· to make It MON ~t. · l\ltta puuge o e e meuure, wu repo ,,,__ of .._._ Meaa'• __ ... 1 Nil· ....,... .._.... ... • t1M)e lncrement ot appt'Olliln&~J u the Pl'CJll09ld •• _.._ "' llO ACN9 or more than 200 !tome tbe dty Sa ~ all u.e ODut 1tt.ee.. "Thi propoeed deftlopment II H.lpwaf from UY ~ Iba· of a new nature with all the hOm.. lte at th• Banta Alla IUnr to tbe llt.e1 to be created h&Yinc a Ylew -..tuty clty llmita at U.. Iv edfe acl"Oel the bay. The land wlU be ot corona del Mar wUl ... wttllla tiered In different levela to •· tbe Qty ot N~ ..._ ft1a h&nce the nJue ot .-ell bolulllte. wtn sr-Uy ~ pa6clac and dent. and dYk: fl1"'"9. Comt.ab&e l"tank Vaqtm. 68, died yemterday momlnc at 2:80 o'clock ln Hoec HMyMtaJ followtnc a hee.rt attack. GRAND ~JURY COURT \ PROBE. TEMPO RISES J'\meraJ ..-vie• tor the will· known officer are Mt tor Thura· day. 2:30 p. m. ai CommunJty Methodilt Church. The Rev. C. F. Hand will oflkiate wtt.b Parll_. SANTA .ANA, June 8 (OCNS)-Tempo inc,...S today IUdley MortU&ry ln dwTt, u the Orange County Grand Jury prepared !or tomorrow'• · FATIWL orne&a 1be parcel to be a.nnaed bf lh• nr. pl'OtectJoft ot u.a ....-rtr city Uea between Baymde Drive boU'dlJas tbe hletrwa7· .At tJw IUt• and Cout Htlllway and between lime all land lle&ward ot 0.. 11:1 Pueo Drtve ln lrvtM Twnce eipway from th.e rtftl' to the and A.YOCado &L la 0oroDa del Iv Umlta ot Cerooa del Mar will Mar. ba wtUda ~ Qty ., JC...,ort ALL BEAunES -Out of 16 entrant.. all of whom received universal applauae from the huge crowd that gathered 't Co.ta Meaa Lions Fiab Fry to eee the bathing beauties, the judges fiDany e0rted the trio abown abov~ Jeft to r1ght, Sandra Knighten, Costa Mesa, third; CaroJ Hodges, Huntington Bach, first: Janice Pomato, Brea, .econd. Walter Miller, president of the Liona club, wu master of ceremonies. -St4ff Photo in~n of judicial and law en!orc.ment prooedur. bl ~~ v;;:::;, ~t:S-la~~ Orange County. wi-h• wu a CaW'onU& Hia'h· nae.,.. wU1 lndude t11e 1...,.. ~ 10,000 CROWD TALLIED BY BIG MESA FISH FRY Dl8t.rid. Attomq Robert P . Wrtpt. wt.o dlupd U. JuNt way hOol ottker. He wu al*>------------------------::;,::.:i.~:.7s' u~r'ia!:!: ~~~an~ .:;.r:; :..Uo~.:=~~t ~ =ck~ ~~11e_"'e': MACCARTER 'SLAJE' Madeli~ Allen. Lakealde: lil•er bee m\led by b1m fllr tomonow • .., ta"ftted to att.d tbe JMu-.. IC 1n a motott)'de ~t wMle • ~n. Enieet Cbamploo, R.lnnide. .-Om. Bowe'fW, lt•••laad lap. mnf111s ~ CRP ...._ U.. two.• Ledl.• t&DCJ w.t.m. ., .. a-. atated ..,. would .-• .....-at KeunrliDe. oara ...,... tMt u.. ' . ~ . l.ElG da. J:'1 Cajon; -·· tuq ....... t.be beuiaC· Wrtctit ....... to "'-wtUl WJtJ.i. be ... ~ In th• ELECTED Bl UE '"'-WalJ7 moomqw.t. ~ Sarller l"9J*'t.I ..,, OC'N8 Md ldlll reconte Md SntormaUoll OI\ 1-pltaJ. be took otnce tor U.. • (Olaet 1 • ,.... t) pf&ced tllil ftwnkr el 1111llpmu • two Jfewport ...... .......u. '9llrtJll .._. .. .. .. ,to. • Ille _ MMd at tWQ. 0.. at U...,... w One ·-ecllliCllDed Doe N'ewpon a.a J\adldal w Approldmatll)' T0,000 per90na TV f.-with lucll Banka and y th I'll ~ lmow'D to ha._ .,._ 8ll"ted Oil 8parlle ot N.-port Beadl. Tbe Mr. Va"l'hll .... forced to ,...ip lined Coete )Ce• •treet. and Muy Patttl'llOA .. au.ndult..,,,. 01 I e ,,,. Newport a.ch Det. tlct. v . L Ko-otber CODCer1Md Archie and Jan· th.LI poet lallf' .. )1111 COflUnutd ftOwde4 oandWI •im lll Ooeta par&cle followed. with Collt.a Keea f ' Maatpl 'nine other ,__ ade&ne Monath of Cana x.... dub' wtt.b CHP prevented hfm Meea Park d\b1al 0 the pe.n&. hl&'h· Police department under Chief Art CDM ft• I H rt han ~ Mlled bf l.D?tt&tioa. 'n.e trio wu na!>bed on narcoUca holdinc -elect.I"' otnce. ll&ht of the IUlllual week-end Uon• McKtnxl• capably twidllar u.e air I ,,.,. .... ldentJfted by · """ ellara'• tn th• lle&cll &.f9& eome He WU eMct.s ep1n .. COD· 'levolt' Afllml k.,.-a1lcl1nt .... Falls la Hot . M•••1 ' Clu.b l'\1h ""1· PrMldmt Walt Mii· huge crowd and clearlnc Harbor f'onman Brami.,-W. Bill u monthll -.0· Both men are ,,,_.. stable in lHt and "'1lected 111 ler of the LIOM Club reported 7100 I Blvd .. 19th St. &lid Newport A~. ·n eo11·111· I "two Judl9I -d a Ml"lllltiCI oftl. enUy MrTtnc Nllt..ncel •hlk th• 1900 and ltM. Mr. Vaichn ... A. molt acaJnet ....... dSeCao uac ~ ... , ..,. doctor t lllh dinner• were strwd and net for tM gt1ra.nUc ahow. C&rol Bod· I 0 UJ'."· strl la Oft probation. a chal'ter munber ot tht Newport tortal ru)e by ortctn&l f'rNClom lllu Nolc11d11S wlMn U..,-ta&IM. of the affair was eX}lf'Cted to ex· I'"· Huntington Beach. waa nam-8ANT A ANA, JUN!: • (OCNS) One ot the 1\ld&'98 " Superior Th• JID'l' ....aon ':' llCbedw.d .tb Harbor llllu lodfe and put com-Tupayerl J...tape Preltdent v. I!. (C r I -.... ,, ceed lael yt1&r'a Sl0.000. ed beauty quffn, Sunday. Court Jqe Jobn a. -local l'tt underway at 10 a. rn. Tomor• rnander and fo1.111de.r of the Ooeta Macearter faJi.d J'r1day Jlllbl HAUOl wu~ MllJer nlrt it wou1,1 take sevrr11l Special award wlnntrt ln the A l .. year-old Unlverllty of South-point ot an attack Jut Mardt..,, '1'f:llW In Juda'• Jolla SIM&'• Dep&rt· ..,_ a_ ...... __ '-'on -L He wbe a 1lat.e of wbat -ta ,,.._, em Ca.Jltomla student WU lnjured --.wu•n...... ._. r---r..--- WeeXI lo dttermlne oCflcial net. 1 parade Included Harbor Olrla' fatally and hie pretty Corona dtl Sberttt'• J1&1"COUC8 Det. Bst. Clint met 11 courtroom. wu bom ta Plkeeville, Ky. and termed "handpicked can41dat.ee" .. Jt took 4 toM of ftah to get 2 Club. d~oratrd bicyclt1; Ra.rbor Mar compe.nlon etrloual,y burt · wu a ftletan ot World War I. wu elected to ottlce. Appreximat.-T 1 ,.... ._ .... _. .. t ons of flltl eervtn1 tor tt>e t ry Boy1' Club. float; Cub Pack 107 when their car plOWed Into Ult Narcoticr-Burglary . Jobs For many Yl&l'I before th• in· ly 160 or t.b• {oo card~ ........ -... . thle year,'' MIUtr eald. and Glrl Scout..e of Coeta Mela, rear of a bM.vtly laden dump truck ~ oorporaUon ot th• Cit,. of Colt.a JeKUe membera weh admitted m,. PET PARADE marching unlt11; Coeta Meaa'a Ex· In Huntlnston Beach ,.aterd&y 1i1.. Vaichn wu the only law to the buse <>rans-Coaet eou.p ... a.., plorer Unit 83, fioaL Sc -• __,,_ .... ~ auditorium ..... _. wlLal XacCartar T\lellda.7, l&aJ' It -• II Openlnr ft1tJv1Ue11 at 10 a.m. morning>. Du f J t• ... orce.-t voi ... ..._ on .... --r-· M a &turday ..... the pet parade won I OTHEA ~J\"ER8 Hanttngton Beacfl police a.Id e or ury 111 1ny Many u-Ile worked around UM \&rmed a "eerreut·•t..&rma.'' Wednl9d&J,•hae 1 - lly V11nyan and Jenck TI111ni<t1om I Other winner. -Orange County ~land Stanford Richard• ot WU· cl~k ~ bla conatltuenta ln Dramatically pill~ the t.eet.b Thureday, laue I -ft • of 18211 PlaetnUa "'ve. Or1'1™!d In ShertfC'11, pol!M! group: El Rodeo mtnrton, died tn Boas Ho9J1ltal at hie community. It wu not un-trom oppo.IUon led by Mn. Bow· l"riday, lune I -" 11 '49er attire, the ooy R nd gtrl pull· I Riding Club C>f Oronge County. 4 :30 a.m. yeaterday. lcheduled to eom• under cloee and Roblneon an4 Ule two Hor-(Ci•• n 11 .. ...,.. 1) ~ ~!.:;., ~ t~ ll&turd&7, Jae ' -" • ed a wagon c11rrying a del!<'rt wc11tern irroup; &d<tlr Scampi of Rlcharda faJll'd •to niatn con· ICMlUny ot U\e Oran11 County ft~'::o~ ~~~~~hs:c°~ bud· Cl"OUp bae net ..cc:eeded la pl· =· ~ ~ =;: : turtle among nat11r1tl aurrnundlni:ir., Stln Gabriel, Junior WHlem group 11CIOW1neu after the accident. HI• Grand ·Jury In tt. "crime com· ed youns BorT&t.b the ltiffftl lllll• Fetrell t4amed· _.__.._ _____________________ _ Tbey are"'°9 a nd d1tu1;hter of ~Ir. anr1 special trophy for the largl"11t body wu orde"'d removed to Ball& mJ.aalon" type probe tombnow en tenee la the eaa, &1l'1nS llJrt ont , and MD.. R.lck Thul\l!rom. Thnl' uniformed g roup: Compton High Mortuary Costll Meaa. the Ma.nt.s bursl&ry cue1 and the wu f111«Y tJlK' of pet In the parade Srhool, bane!; Jo Ann Burdick'• Ml11.1 Shelley Janee, lt, 410 Nar· 8parke-Horvath nan:oUc1 C&lff (O..U.... .. Plile '>· • from l~~ Druck'• Davy Crockett ' mlljor"tln from AnRh1ilm. cluua Ave .• corona del Mar ....... which occurred recenUy tn th• Club Manager duchund to Kay Longadon'11 f\u'ade hor11e. L. D. Wardl1i, San knocked unconaclou. by tile Lm• Harbor area. I f I M t ekunk.. '-Gabriel; Spanl!h ailvtr, E. EArl pact. She ai.o t• under treatment Accordlns lo eome eourcee .... I orm1 ee Vl-tll ~nrona «kLM~r. AIJ.tQ..__I:akel!ldt; Antblan. Don In Hoa.g Hoapltal .ti.re ihe wu cord8 of the Sparke-H~th cue WU crowned flati fry queen by Bran11tetter, ncmo: TpDlf!Tr '"ta• In 'Tltr concnt1~noon t1)de,. _,. to be-w~-..Det. f .. __ ·1 Wayne A. rernn. 'rice-preeldent J 1ck BUleJ of Queen for a Day din. MarlC'ne McConaha, Santa and ittlll ~coniclom. SKt. v. L. McManlgal 11&ld he .,,... 0 vutrlltl f d_,.....al manaaer of 'the Wilton Pollet' qld Junes E. Porter. 32, 1ubpenaed Friday. The record& Hotel. Lone l!leacb.. flu ·reallMCf JUllWA&D roa THE QUEEN -Vivian Allen, 20, 9f 815 Jlarieold Ave . ., receives bu. !l'Olll her buabud. Roa.t A.Den. 21, after beins crowDed Colla Me1a l'Wa l'ry ticket queen &aturday. Mn.. Allen IOkl 732 Ucbta to the umaal flab !ty with ~ of the Boota and Saddle Club. The ct.y wu happy in more waya than one for ViTtan.. Her habud. a corpora.I ln U. Army, wu d.18ch~ July 2 after 18'1i montha la Au.tria. TIM pair wen llW'ried Jan. 31, 1953. a1«Pboto \ 17361 Huntington Beach Blvd .. Wl\f were not IUbpenMd b7 10.10 a.m. Plan 1en Die that ~-~Oft ~-a.~t: ~-:· attempting to make 11. left tum Don Thomas Sparke. Lonr of the .-.boa-Dmy u • .., .. ec .,. off Co&11t Highway onto f'\ewland Beach: Mr. and Mrt. Archie Hor· An lnlonnal rn"UnS betwMD Jilly l~. St. with hl1 heavy truck when vath. Newport and Edward Bruce city council. memben ot the park. 1'1rrell le nationally known u the colllalon occurred. Richards' Robinson. Corona del Mar, wen beach and reer9llon commilllion a former uecuUve of Ula HUtaa vehlclP reportedly rammed lnto the aJJ arre1ttd In DecemMr on heroin and the cit)' manapr wtll be held Hotel CorpoNt.lon. He Mt"'ftd t.be rear of the truck which wu load-chllr&'H· Sp11rke had a prlor re-toni(tlt at"7:IO o'clock ln the man· R11ton orpniaUon at UM B&Jt- t4 ..-1th rotary mud. cord of u•lnit drop, police aald, &r'f!r'• office unlea a crowd forcu more. Da,wn. Ohio; -Tile Tow'n tt to larser quattera. Houae, Loe Anpkl; ArrowbMd Bprtnp Hotel. 8an Bernardino; ICHO FIOM· OSER CASE A Loe .Anplee nrwll)l&pft' ..,. ana the Bllt.on Hot.el ta Ill Puo. roneoualy pubu.bed a atory y-Tnaa B I 'E • t Sh • k t.erda7 that a cound1 meeunr on re~ lau been acU•• In cit'fk urg ary ng1neer err1c :-h:~:=~r :u~ ::t~ ~~ !:.1:!r:-:1' n::t:.ei:; G I 5-t L., Se I . lns will not be beJd WJUI JWM lS, ~ ConvenUon Bur.u ud of UM e s year-o-I e I ence re6lJlar council mffUns. Xlu UnJftl'M Papant· He la • At tontcht'a ....ioa. CO\lllcll and member of u.. RotarJ ' Club and SANTA 'ANA (OCNS) -J'or m&kinr rood on hla ncapt. B• plaaMR wlll ro onr the park de· tile J:xecutJ"8 Club. eng1nttrtnr the wanton attack on later 1Urrendered. partment budpl and Qty l::ll&'IM· ------------ lhe Lido 111le )lome ot Altera.Ct Co. Jude• Shea laat week Matmced er Bert Webb wtW pl"Nelll tour Prfllldrnl Alex Oatr, a 38-year-Allred lo <.'OhffCUUVI Urfnl In prt• &l~male plaaa on UM Of Ult traU· So11•c ·a.m•er old La Canada peat control expert .db on robbery, adw and bu.r1lary. er J>arlt with attendant eeUmat.ed :::!d;~:n~e~.tD a nve-ye&r·tO-!~~=~~=:: lt.raslanclU.1' park,"'"". OUee~to .. Cr11~i••. lre1b Supulor Court Judge Jobn Shea • pea11ed 11entenc• on Llncoln A. run JO~ yeara and Judse Sha L I W .I Sbi>rrtck. The admitted cha.rce wu baa rtc0mmended he be lmpriaon.4 N wport SI llon OCI Ila OWi flrat derree bur11ary. KJdnaplnr. for Ute. "He'll IMl'ftlr 8ff the out-•• " n-a.......... ot .. _.....__ ·----~ robl)..ry and auault with a deadly •Ide of prl.IOI\ walla aca1n II I -_,,_. ~----........ we111 •n count• agaid.at the hualcy have anyt.blnr to •Y Qo\lt lt," Tbe u.a. Poet.al ~t to-clowe ,,... cnclred or ......, Sherru:k were dt.ml-.d. the judge l&ld. day notlfted R. h)'De na.,w. l'ltday trona abocll .,..,. ,_ ol . P8'l'C'HIA'l'UO CO&' VICIOUS C'IUllE Newport Bee.ch P~. that jet planee app&l'lftUJ auNiaS U.. And added. apeaktnc to UM ., ot Jww JO Ballloa blad ~ 80flic llarrkr. TM ftnt ._. eune J udge Shea ncommenlM<l J19Y· tnimbllns 8ben1cll: "You were• Oftlee will become a lltaU. ot *«tit an.r 11 a.m., tbe eeooed, chtatrtc treatment be &1ft11 coo· ~puce and a.ctuaJJy eq\&aU7 Newport llee.cb j\llt u B&llto& Po9t w1Ucla eaemed SfHler ta ~ alde,...Uon by prtaon aulhorttift In ruU!J· It wu one of th• mOlt omo. dW ...... u. "9dr.. L019 ta U. Newport ar-. wu an. Sberrtck'a oue. , '9idoua crtm .. tn county·blator)'." Blltlboa. Balboa laland wUl coeUmae I p.a. 8bemck told probatloft oMce.n ltierrtclt edmttt.d teWas A.11-t.e ll&Ye fte own polbDU1I. 'ftqer a.porunc a ahatt.ered wtn4oW he cued the Oeer borne al "5 Via red lbat Oeer u.11.1a117 bad 140.000 Mid: wu a a.>at ~ oe Xarinu'1 Udo Nord. and dlapammed t.be ln b.la ~on. He ai.o laid M T1lJe otn...i ...._ psa"¢ II ta IOle, H ..... ~ ~ a la.70ut. William F. Allred, 11, of ,_.,. Allnd PO for apeuemonq u.. ._.., •"Wta. OClllftnu ea ..,.._ ...._ alllaUtnd at tdl Le er-c.nta flltend the o.-to MCOmpllab u.. o.. m--. ..... ..._ w· tt ..-. DA -., .,,,..... 1JO TMtta .A-. Olber bome, beld Mr. and Mn. Oetr at lbtmck "'euecl'' a ...... .. rH•¢nll WU, .. tlle ..... ....... .... ""°"*' ~ IAe .. ,. runpotnt and took a wr1lt watdl. w'lllctl Allred atoa. fOUP .-.. .., .,._, · .._ 'h*)e. wt w. o.. Btp. rtnt. IUJ )a evnne-J and NO a .n caUbre ,...._WM_. Ill Wltll .. a1i1 tr1 a '.ma. et wq _...,.. &. .,dthlf, 'IM la traftler'I' diecb. Total losli job. it wu .,....t-.. Jlrapwt._.,,_ome., .. u. a. a..,,..._ ,.... UtlO. ~ t. a~~ ...... .,. .. .__.... ll)t ...-DI>. Al9old 1fMpll. .... • Allred att.n~ '° w Mn. 8IMntcll maPl*i out ......ai ~ .. tit et ,., I •I Ir ••"Ill _. If 11UW et Jf""PCft __. Jihd. Owr ae a ahJtld to 1.cape Newport burC1&rWll la Loe ~-eo.mt7, -.-.r ....... ll)t ..-.... teal o.t., NpCP1ed a WW. end! a.ch ~U~ otneeni.. 'Re uot ot· With MICIOIDplJcee pWl1tic tlle J* .... ~ ..s ,..... ._.. la a larp CI0"1lpt.e4. II dMa& Oenl'.._'hallla-.lllllM •••.• no ..... _ -,..... .... -. , C°' I _, --· I .. llJPDIOlflC IOtJJfD DA••OE _ Amnar .-. damqe camed in Newport Beach rrtda7 u ..alt of two llOUDd·barrier ebocb caaaed by jet plalM9 wu that to espemiYe omeun eomapi49d pueUmr ID , 'Newport Hanoi' MecUcal Center at MM Via Oporto. Ben Dr. A.mold E. NucU a•mtne -tbe ~ ipltt ID the peel ou1lldl Im offtoe. Tbe tnqalltdft MM. lbcJw1ftc aTM of ~ breO. belonp to Dr • .._.. • T. l'w 1U .. U ftato ~ .. _r .... .. • J • .. • AT THE COTTON BALL -Emblematic of the affair, given by Junior EbelJ Club June 4 at Beachcomber• Club arc the wristlets and corsages of cotton bolls which members wore. Comparing theirs are Mmes. Sterling Paris a nd Freeman Fisher I l to r ) while husbands look on -Terry Boris Photo ' . WEARING ~ NYLON TULLE with buatle back and chaJlel train, Barbara Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. hrl Worley, 1172 Cochran Ave., Los Angeles, repeated vows in_St. Jamea Epi.ecopal Church of t)tat ci,tY. with William Alexander Doata, son of Mn. Raymond D. Doi ta Sr., 215 Gamet Ave. A reception tor 300 gueatt wu held at the btjde'a home. She ia a Sigma Kappa from University of Califomia at Santa Barbara. Her husband waa graduated from Orange Coast College. The couple will reside at 3406 Marcus Ave. -Bullock'& Portrait Birthday Party at St. Clairs Nlneteen youncau ra. attended th• eevent.h birthday party of lltUe Dennta SL ClaJr, •OD of Mr. and Mra. WWlam L. SL Cle.Ir, 879 Oak Bt., C~t.a Meea. A circus theme ,,.,... c:an1"4 out wtt.h p&int-1 clr- cua WIC'On.t and anlmala, a ca.kt ln th• form of a clrcua tent. let cream and• lift rrab boX tor UW P&.rt7 tavora. ed movtea· ot lbe afternoon'• pro- ceedlnp . Preaent were Eileen BJcktord, Lindy Catfe, Bob de Gro.... Oart Olugow, ChrlaUne Hammon, Cyn· thla Hart. J immy J ohnaton, H er- bie J ohnaon, Vonnie La Perle, Mayetta LMnlch, Donna Bchorle, C&rol Ann Thompaon. Marl• SI· pert, Johnny Men1tt, 8ba.ron Ml· coy, Diane Heath, Jlmmy J ohn10n., DollJ\l• and T\mmy SL CJe.lt and the celebrant. Qennta St. Clalr. Noel Hals Have Soll Kl'I. 0 . c. Mooa, "8ter ol M:ra. .t. eon waa bom to Marl.ne T. BL Clalr, and btr Clau(bttn Bil· ~ Mra. Noel Orbta Hall, lie. Jacl&St and~ &811ated wtUl co.ta MM&. on June 2 lll U . .a. the pu1:J'. Mr.&. CJ&lr tookeo&or-. Na.al B~t&I, Oorou. Officers ot the Women's Council of Our Lady o! Mount Carmel and St . John Vianney pariah were installed at a tea in the Pariah Howse. Frdm left to right are Mrs. John Glau, retiring president, handing gavel to MrJJ. J. W, Cammack, preai· NEWPORT HARBOR . MRS: WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 6,. 1955 LEGION AUXILIARY TAKES MANY DISTRICT AWARDS When the American ~Ion Auxiliary, Unit 291, holteaeed the 21•t Dletrtct arun1al meetlng recen\ly, the unit received many awards anct cltatlona. Mrs. Harry Schulls J r., distr ict past president, preaented a trophy to Ml"ll. Ralph Bon d.II, unit pN!.sldent. for'peateat percentage lncreue in membership. Special a warda went to Mr•. Robert Brlfp. ho•pital chahmliln, for moat out.ata.nding report ten t tn of work at Long Beach V. A. Hospital; honorary mention went to Mmes. Larry Ru!Jp, chairman of Junior acllvlUea; F. H. Joyner, publicity chalrman. tor Panama travaloille e.nd preaa book and to Mr9. Albert Leutwyler, !CJr Poppy Day program. Mra. Ralph Randel waa elected aecood dlltrlct vice prea.1· dent. Mn. Gilbert Opel waa In charge of the dinner. COMMITTEES NAMED FaffiiIY> Services G'roup Organized SANTA ANA, (0CN8 l -Com· m lt leea formed to aerve the newly. organlud Family Service Auocia- Uon of Orange County -re an· nounced today by the prellident, Mrs. Edward Hall of Santa Ana. The five committees, composed of prominent Orange County l'<'sl- denta lntereated ln the t10Clal wel- fare alma of the new orfranlzatlon, wer• n1&med aa follow•: Personnel -Mrs. J oeepb Kroll, Costa Mua, chairman; Mrs. Mil- dred Donahue. Laguna B~ch, and the Rev. T. Eugene Coffln, Garden Grove . Ftnance and budget -Mn . Cha.lien F . Landera, Newport Beach, w ith chairman Walter Knott, Buell& Pa.rk. Knott ll a new e.ddltlon to th,. boar4 of directors. Public relallons -Mra. Frank Baeaken., Orange, chairman; Mrs. Hilmer Lodge, PlacentJa. and Mr1. Lawrence Buchheim, San Juan Capfatrano -San Clemente. NbmlnaUng -Mre. T. K. Cow- en. Fullerton, chafrman: J oe Thompson, Anaheim. and Carl K Prar!man, Santa Ana. Executive -Mra. Edward Hall. Santa Ana, president: WIUle.m K . Friend, Santa Aoo, vlce-p ruldent; Mrs. E. H. Keniten . Anah elm, .11ec- retary; Mn. Pa.ul K. Doyle. Brea. La Habra, treaaurer; Mrs. Robert K. Walker, Newport 8 C1lch, m~m· ber. board of dlrectora. The organlu.llon will proceed wlth lta announced objecUve a.1 rapidly aa poaelble, Mr11. Hall Stat· ed. having "dedica ted llllel,f to tht well being of the family." Orange County'• Family Service Auaclatlon will provide profea- 11lonal family counMllng service. Its profelll!lonal wt arf will be •e- lected from tra in ed aoclaJ work- er11, skllled In dlarnoalng ·and ad· vising.with probterns and need.s of the client, Mr•. Hall explained, adding thGt volunteers w lll be re- cn.iltl'd to aasl11t with routine t asks. "Our objecllvf.>s lnclude develop- ml'nt of healthy. Individual and family living, the better ment of economic 11ml community condi· lions !or the family, 11upporl of public welfar e agencies a nd legl.s- lallon on behalf of eoclfll welfare, and training for aocl&l workei'll," Mra. Hall 11taled. New Chairmen f o"'r Monte Vista P-TA Presentation of new chairmen for the year and di8CU9· sion of summer activities for students occupied attention ot the Monte Vista P·TA of Coata Mesa at ita final meeting of the year. Mrs. Kenneth Wolff, president, introduced as her committee chalnnen: room-mother; Kenneth Lent~. llO· Mmes. David MaUlon. art: O. L. clal; Mmes. Ralph Muon and W. Miner, !lower11; Wlllie.m Fawell. H. Ha.rdy, co-chaJrmen; Mmee. H. h08 pltallty and B. W. WhJUnr. co-R. Hendrie an~ L. A. Becket', way1 chairman. E. Roillteln, legielallon and mean• co-chairmen and Mu. and ealety; W. J. WU.00 Jr., mar· Peter Tonnema. welfare. a.zlne; Lewia KJddH, mullc; F. w. Co1ta MCI.$& Chief of Police Art Scroggs, pubUclty and 'Lee Kieth, McKeiuie p vt ln detail the varl· co-chairman; Benjamln Smith, oue orpnlatlona having youth ' ,.. ...-n e llalllteaaaee e lmtalJ&Uom STAFFORD 6 ION "NICLB and DOC" &L&OTalOA.L OONTMOTUIUI ,.._. lAertJ I-Ital llt .,..,..._ AftDIM N-pert 8aeell LATEST HAIR STYLIN~ FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAI• SHOP &U.llO& 'IDA'ftl& m.DCL ... .,. ()pea'~ ...... - elta Gamma Hom·e Tour to ·Become Anniial Event TM Hom• Tour arrupd by tor lh• tM Mn..i at the r.ln· Onni• Oount.,y Dtlta O&mma Al· lllla bomt ot Kr. &114 Kn. O. a. vmue ,,... .o ~ It will llt'olulw. Put prfflCl•t.a ot U.e tiROJM--.n-umal ,-, ... r. tt ,,,..-~lti Oinirii& .uwnn.,.· poup ... ,. •• 0011 ~tlle-plUitle.at. Mn ...... IDMe. .. ,.,.. Cad C. lllo,r-. Proc:eedl ot th• Tbay.r, Wal\er i., ,,_,, z..on , tour wUl M .,_'44 '° U.. ~I~ Wlllluu. Bal MU 8m.ltlt.. ~ ..... OUlm& ICbool for bUnd bablH ln rtllCt J\eyno148~ earl 9-IUJ1fnn Lee A.aple&r ft&a lllU'Mry et-hool 6"' Ml• a.ryl Bl'OWft, put ...... tra1U younpttr• to take t.htl.r rnembtrahtp cbl.U'm&IL n.. ,.Uo placea ln public echoola laltr. wu tw..i with IUNta. ...-. Ileen at tbe Balboa lal&11d 1"ttr thern Mm ... ~ ~. IUiNt· front home ot th• JAwrenct K. &I'd· ltfflt, J . Jlt1""1\ ~ Gundruma wen Kin• Robert lko· and Jabil Oo&by. I field, Dewey Callahan, II. I:. Tl-------------- dent; Mmes. Harry Rogers, firat vice preeident; Arthur West, second vice president; John G<iuvian, treuurer; F.dward Kuaby, recording 1eeretary; and William O'Bryon, corresponding secretary. -Staff Photo Catholic Women Seat Officers Mra. Robert L. Kep.pen outlined "Ten Stepe for Survival" in connection with the Civil Defense program when ahe ad- dresaed members of the Catholic Women's Council at their installation tea held June 1 at Our Lady o! Mount Carmel Pariah Holl. I J.lra. John Glau. retiring prul-chairmen were named u follow•: dent. handed her gavel over to Mm ea. Fred Morton and Barner Mni. J. W. Cammack. who wm Poire r, altar; Theodore Rot>ln1, head a list of officers which In-11plrttual; Jo1eph 'Arnold, member· eludes M.mt-11. Harry Rogers and ship; Francl1 Fnnill1, welfare; Arthur West, vice presldent.9; John Robert Crowner, publicity; Wll- Gouvlan. treasurer, Edward Kwiby, llYl .Oroener confraternity; W. H. reoordlr.~ secretary a.nd William S&ucerman, library; Joaeph Gal· O'Bryo"l, corre~pondlng aecretary. I lant, Neighborhood Group; George Committee chairmen presented Ora.ham, telephone and Edward reporta for the year a.nd new Carpenter, decoratlona. '\ Newport P-TA Program Features Fifth .Grades Over two dou n "Davy Crock-dl~ectlon ot Miss Clara Spelman. etta" were on-st•&'• In the New-music lnatructor', and grade teach- port Elementary a udltorluoi..wAen en. four nfth grades presented their Secretary Mrs. Paul Rogl'rw and annual "va.duatlon" program. Mrs. W. Phelpe Ml'rlckal. treuur- In keepln&' with the theme er. gave reports and the latter pre- "Amerlcana,' • the coonekln cap aenled the propo11ed budget. wee.rent hit ln that number one Mrs. Brad bury announced tha t song claaatc, "Davey Crockett." the Harbor Council would meet Mn. Jaelf Bradbury prulded June e, 9:30 a. m. at St. Andrew'• and pledge ot alleg'lance waa led cbUl'('h, ent1 the Spring Concert by Cub Scout.a of Den 1, P ack 1015, w~uldl be J une 2 at the high ln char(• of Den Mother Mra. Pat I !IC 00 · • McCook. Milla Bernice Vestal, Mlsa Marcella Robinson 1 wecond principa l rave lhe ln.aplraUonal. gTade cJua won the attendance ' award. Mi.t~N or ceremonlea. Sandy Kindergarten mothers w e re Wallace, announced songs and hoateu ea for the afternoon, In· dances by etudenta garbed In poke-eluding Mmes. Jame• c. Wayde· booneta and square dance aklrta, lich and Gerl.ld Brame. aaslsted jeans and plaid ahirU, and authen· by Mmer P et e Fo11~. Owrn John· Uo Indian costumes. Tamborlne11 son. Donald Fuller. Robert Lovell and cutaneu kept the beat golDg. and Stirling Pana. &long with the autoharp played by Phyllaa Purvl•·Smlth. D. A. R. cerllflcatee and meda!JI. Hand weavers Meet bt~, Waltw Oolt. .Jamu Wrtpt aad J\uaeal Balley. . The Udo lale home ot Mr. and Mn. Woodrow a. ltrelrer wu optned tor the Clay. 111\jo)'in&' the tour of th1a hon\e, wilt ot Bou· quet Canyon atooe and decorated ln a rv Eutem mow, w'" Kmea. Harvty 8om•ra .. Robert Ballab\&ry, Peter Burroufb.I, Da'rid Ballanllne, Edpr HW and Qeorse Gut.hrtt. At the provincial home ot Kr, and Kn. William T. Bautr lll 114')' Sborea Delta O&m.ma boat .... met 1U•ta and ducrlbed It.ma of lntereet.. Mra ... Phllip lmlth, Nor- man TUrley, Warnn Hmdrtck9on, WUU&m O'Bryan and Earl Kind of Bay BhorH w'" Delta oammaa at the Baue.r homt. Ptnk c.andlea, a pale pink cloth and a centtrplect of plnk An.tro- crat roaee made a lo••ly •tUnl ~iostess to Bo&¥d Mra. Arthur Kemper, newly in- ltalled pruldtnt ot the Women'• hllow•hlp ot C.rona del Kar Collllllunlty Church. e.nt.ert&lntd her board m.inben at a morntnr oottee on Junt 10 at her home. 3028 O«an Blvd. Ntxt 1entral meeUn1 wtll bt held ln September and plan. for the year'• acUv1Uu were~. • Tiii: U&OAN YOU CAN Pl.Al' AT ONCE! u.. •• ...,.._ HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN ' The Wbole r.mu, Ou P1aJ I& WIUioa& Lepo•! Now I No Need .. Tak• LeelooM Come In aad ProYe It to yourself We aleo lDvtLe T~ to come lD u0 lry &IM D-u-moncl 8plDe& Orsao-Now AY&Uable . DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIA.~O & OROAN STORE Beadquartera for All Modela Ramm.ond Or(&All lU 1·5HO &%0 N 0. lllalD / 8&Dt.a AAa Ralpla W. n.htr, L. A.-~" youth IMder-"No mat.YI' Mw hard they try to pro'lkle Mledt1 1&ndtntandlnt. pollcem• an ...U pobcemen to Jll>W\Pt.n." 312 NO, ~l'CAMORE Santa Ana prde.nted by Mrs. A. E. Stockton. regent. were won by Patricia Rle· land, first. while Dorothy Bu1h mid Bonnie Jean Welch tied for second place. The contest, Initia- ted t his year, comprtaea the belt general knowledge of American hlatory by a student. Mn. Stock- ton alao bestowtd a history book Orange County Hlllld Weaver• GuJ ld w ill mee t Thurllday. June 9 at 1 p. m. al lhe Round Houae In Santiago P ark In Santa Ana. M . 8. Kamola of San Pedro will be gueat speaker. Handweavln&' on a commercial acale will be hla t.oplc. Anyone Interested 111 Invited to :::============....:..__ ___________ _ on the school library. CompeUtlon In the a n n u a I American Leg1on Eaeay contest brought two winner• to Newport Elementary out or three •elected trom the Newport Beacl\ 11chool dlstrlct.--Rlchard CM.hc&rt won first with his esaay on Georr e Washington. which he read td the a udience. Marina· Dorry took thlrd place. The mualcal program waa under iiro(T&m9 fol' the 1ummer month•. He also atreued the tact that co· opera tion of }>4lrfnta 111 needed lo make these plane succeed. Mr11. Crane, achoo! principal. suggested conllnuaUon oC school •tudiea. Mrs. L. A. Becker. wuys and , n1e11ns co-chalrman. reported on the rag drive aod ninimag .. aale, a profit of $210.55 being the re- eult. The Rea.·elles, acapella (iris' group, 113ng and Wlll Giiiette pl•y· ed ~ accordion aolo. The flag cerPmony and the Lord'e Prayer wei:;t led by Mrs. Da\lid Wllcox'a aec<>sld grade Dro_wnle Troop 25. attend. rto•etl by Wire Say It With Party Rental Item• "•o.s E. Cooat Uy .. Coro'l1G det Ito• Harbor 5071 -------~ je~ef,.'J By george _ Handmade Contemporary OrlgbialA U • 39th Pla<"e at Bf'lmont Pin Long Beach, Calif. Cloeed Monda,11 SPAGHETTI by ROSSI • with all the Gourmet Accompaniments WHEN YOU WANT GOOD ITALIAN DINNERS Go to ROSSI CAFE Cera• clel Mdr m5 E. OGMt Rwy. Bu. 1180 . !2! rcceift Ill interat dltck fOUt tima •year on ,ow F1tU Paid Urti6catc. ( iuued in mulripla of 1100). ~ accounr ams INTEWT • .. C\llrmt me of 3\1% 1 year. ~ 1n i11p ptt ..tt ! Eada acxount is insured co S l 0,000 bf 111 Apttt:y of !hf Unired Scatet Gowmmirpc. IAVINGI ACCOUNTI OPINID IY THI 1ont Of THI MONTH u ... ..aM'"' 111. ,,,,. ,,,. Mtll#T#IWI ..... ,... ..... e,_ .... ,..c.-... ..... .--- ' ' __ ... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA&E l MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 . Clothing Study l of Homemakers1 BE SURE --INSURE "Ith MAl"Hlt: l'ITANt.El' lo11Ur1&11C't' Oely n o941 Harhor UH HU t:. (',_J H"lllw~ CONna deJ lla.r Thf' M11y mttlln~ ••< th,. n•~la M ... HomonlaJ<4'r& wa. held 111 the I home ol Mr11. Jerry, ~lfts. ~===~~~=:::::::;:;=::=;;::::::::=::: Pirnie Rd .. Mrs. \\'iUlam 11:ldtala j gaw th,. cou11ty r.•pvrl and It 1na I ~ ~ 11u1111u1r<d that t h.-dub t'lltf'r two J&bk al'tllng11 at thr Orl n!le C-oun· 9 : t.y Fair, A uz. 10. Rt'j)1T.1u.•nt11th•u ol thf' dub at tht> C'Ollnty prof?r&m ' planning me.•tlng, Mrs. Jt>rry Tufta and J\tra. R. M. Updike, re- ported lhne will ~ three maJor proJ~la tor I.he oon1lng year. A liiit of ldru ror tour11, rltorn· on11ratlona and flhn11 will be avail· ablt' to ory11J1lia11ona or groupa lh l ht' county. l\lembenJ wtore.'a"1dc· ed to be on the· lookout !l'>r potcn· tl&I ll'adeni for new Homemaker11 groupa a.., a ny 111n11U gToup may 11tart 11 d ub, Announcement v.•11.11 made or the &ummrr omp at For- eat home from J unc-12 to 16. All their lives llwy'll "'-" ,.. ,. altU GRADUATION GIFTI AT THE APRON BOOTH -When Lido lale club women held their bu&ar (1 to ·r) Mrs. J ohn R. Davies Jr., in charge, and Mn. Irving Watcher, plant booth ch&irm.an, watch -4n· James A. Sawyer. boateaa chairman, triee on one .of. the aprona. -Staff Photo MRS. ROBERT KEPPEN, chairman of the "white elephant" booth at the bazaar ot Lido hle Woman'• Club, shoWI wane to (l to r) Mn. Paul Butler, Mrs. Dan Hun. aaker, Mn. Jerry Bell &nd M!'I. · 'l'heodore Elman. -Staff Photo Miu Marian Prt•nUH preeent~ the projtoct, "How to care tor c1othH, prr!Mllng, spottmg and n-- palrlng." A cha.rt wa s g1vt.n for clothe. Inventory a.nd wtrdrobe planning, and work 11heeta for a. purcllaae progl"am. The "dlah of the month"' wu a urroL mold with crea.med tuna Ln the centl'r. prcpa.red by Mra. Lee J onas and Mnr. Gary Frrdrikeen. Aflerwa.rd a cleaning tatabhahment wu MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM KABATH Wedding Party ~ ?..Y.~:~ w~?.~!! 1~~ •·~hank you" party to which Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kabath invited ft'tend.s recently. Over a hundred guests crowded the modest little home at West Bay Ave. to pay tribute to a couple which r11mt ht'rl' ""'""" }'t'itrs it~o lllld h1111 mane " hl'>st of friend~ In ail """ lk11 Of .hft' lln,. u1ble bore drlecl11ble buf- fl'l \"111011~. 1tn~tht>r heh1 thr ltttlt 1f.1dt> 1 nr1 g room wh1rh htltl top- perl the W1'1M1111t l'llkP 80 11 tht' we'1ding ~1e,it book. 'rht'1 I' wa,. al~o a 111IVf'r bu<'ket lopped with a WPd11tn~ bnll. whlrh later wu f11INI tn nrllr tht' bnm with ll 7 P'RO~f GJ:R~f..\Sl" :\fr,i_ K1th11Lh ill tht' former Jo- h11r.na !';cuerbt'TJC, « na1lv" of H11mburr. Germany, and 11he waa m11rried to Kabath In Brooklyn. 1'l Y. One ol the th1nga which ~fl"8. J<11bath w11ntl'I mo11t 111 a C'uckoo d°'*. IUld llome or the 111lver dol- lar11 llllvt ~rn t&rmllrked Cor Ila purcha.~e.,- The couplt hu a daughltr. Mr11. Kent Woodbury of Rivera. who wll h her hu11band llLtld son Glt>n, l '• yur11 old. wtore pruenl. Ft1tonds wh9 1tll8illted In aervlng w .. re Mmu. Wtlllam Je-umt, C'harle11 Holt, Wlllhun Oiiman e.nd FrPd GrelllCh. Mni. Roee Greely waa in Mvclcan waters on a Cl3h· ing trip and could not be prutont. !'IANl ' Gl'EST8 Among lhoee who Cami' ladtu with glf\JI were the Loula Vtrweya of Santa Ana. former Main Street- ers: the Gaylord Tohllla, Mtun. u nd Mmea. Al Ha.lka.ra, Puadena; Al Comeltua, Bob Stew&rt, Ja.rnu Karam. Homtr Srr.llh. Jamea Flanagan. Biil W llll1tm11, Jamu Hem.strett, Don John!IOn. Bob Shentn: MIUl Wollf, P ort Mutller. Farrel Spllllg, Jamr.oi and Ed Huml'11, Jer· ry Hunttr. Lnu Muller. Joe Phifer, Vnne H;nt. M. McWilUa.ma,: Mni. Ellubeth KrauH , Dotty John90n, Helen Johnson, Mtaeni. Tom Monck. Art and JIJob Mace, Bill Fair, Brrt Connell, Harry Haw- k!M, LeRoy Spa.ng, a.nd Ralph Edw11.rd11: Mr11. Emma Hancock, Mrs. Be\"erly Block, Mra. Francee Macto e.nd Mrt. F.rlr ne Atklnaon. PARKES • RIDLEY MORTUARY Fonaerf7 011.AQ:L CHAPEL UO BrOIM!way I-Ooeta M- ~rty 1-IW Md l-US4 LOCKERS SPU'LtL -Locker& (app. 125 lb.) ~ 17.75 yr. Wt: FF.ATl"RE l"t:U:l"TED PRDIE Md <'HOICY. Mt:A Tiil '18 • lntll 8&. :-0.T.W'PORT ftF.ACH llarMr •n• HARBORITES PARTICIEATE IN COUNTY . SKILLS CAMP. P-TA Carnival in Planning InJU&l plan.a for the third annual P-TA Carnival to be held In the Irvine Sites Arranged for Qualified Scouts ft.11 were ouUlned at a meeting week.nd camp accompuiled by held 1n the home ot Mrs. H. Dur, 11 leader&. Pete~ Canyon had 2• wood Youn&', cha.lnna.n of ways Newpor~ council stria; )(yford had 30 a.nd BUl Camp bad 22 rrom Ulla Md mea.na for the Horace Ensign area. Ludera who m&de the trip School P·'fA. toured. Entign P-TA, lolr& Joaeph carver, Md Mrs. Nonnan Wataon; from Newport Beach P-TA, Mmu. Jack Bra.dbury, Betty Reynolds and lftlVtn WaUM>n. POITAIU nNWMle ~ ... It .......... ,.... ....... -MA '9 -~•fiil.~) 1--••• .. tnialf' ..... r.u....,...... ... ........... ~ ....,.....,_.tu usu -i• • s ..... ..c....,.., "1. By MBS. W. B. TRITI' The third annual Camping Skills Camp of Or&nge County Girl Scouts waa held In Peter1 Canyon with only Girl Scout. above tile firth 1Tade and qualified by pr1!· vloua a ccompUshmenta In prlml· Uve oveml&'ht ca.rnplnJ allowed to a tttond. Call DAN'S TV, ably and effectively outdoor• with were Mmu. Hugh Godwin, WUlliun Newport 8-ch a.nd Horace En- minimum fa.clUllu. Thry were Spurgeon III, Joe Caaala. John -'&'Tl School P·TA groups wtll taught to load the two donkeya P otter, '" J . Sina-er, Pat Schlnd· •cam combine force1 and talt>nls with water and charcoal. Then lt r, Fred Hunt, Patrick Wataon, lo stage· the Carnival. New ldeu they put all t heir 11uppllles and bed-• are b!'lng planned In addition to 8en1ee • Keat.ala • la* 1 902 NMlt Mal ll'I l~ rolls on their ba clul and cllmbed Donald JmMn, Ja.ne Adam• Md the many old favorites. U......_ 8-2228 I •-~ .. _ Wayne Crowl • Alt di f H -·' J ...,.... - the hill to their ca.mp-sltu. -;;;;~;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~en~~n~g~w;;er~e~, ~r~o;m~~ora.~c;•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~ Seventy six girls from the New· r port Ha.rbor area attendtd the The at~d&nc. wu limited to 408 girla &nd 100 women eervlng u dlvialon.al directoni. unit lu dera and judgu . 'nle opportunity to have lhue adventuree in camping wu provided by My1ord lrvlne In Peters Canyon, where he hu set ulde two arrae with hl1la and treea Md equipped with piped wa- ter for u11e of Boy 8couta and Olr'l Scouta. nfUE PAR.TS In ordtor to give more .. elbow" room. the camp wu dlv1dtd Into lhrt>e group11. Tht.. werw known M Peten Canyon. Camp Myford and the Hiii Camp tor &1rla hav- ing the Jeut to the .snate.et ex- perience. Mlae Elita Lollley, execu- Uve dlrtctor of lAgu11a Be11ch Council, wae proru11lonal advlaor. • The tl"OOp camplnr chairmen of dlfftrent councllll am.need various acllvltleL At the Peters lllte, the progTam conalst.S of whittling, atrlnr buminr. water boUIJig, tra.ll aign.1 a.nd flapjack fllpplnr. Camp Myford pro-.1ded nnt a.Id. rel11y P.mea, tent pitching &11d luhlng •· conteel8. IN OONT'E8TS At Ole Hill Camp. the a.cUvltte& Included ''wide"' pmea Involving 11klll11 In judg'lng, uae of comp .... laying trails, trac'kJng a.nd m&ny othtr11. The Central Ora.nge Girl Scout• were tt1ponetble for the touma.menta In the three dlvl1lon1. SAVE SAFELY At Or•nge County's lHding Home lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM l'Pwport Beach Council 11uper· vlMd regtatration. "Scout.a Own."' a.nd church aervice1, ""1th the help or "lone troops" from Capistrano a.nd San Clemente. All .4.CCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 P'or tb.e Sunday 11ervlcee, there were Proi.tant and C&thollc chap- lain• from the Manne Corp1 BAM at El Toro. North Orange had cha rge of all fla.g ceremonlu an<i' camp ln11pect.ion for all unlt.3. Campfires were held each night a.nd dilscu111lon group• on Ule 11111>- Jecta of Re(1onal. Natlon11I and lnu m.atlonal llncampmenta we~ held. P'OR ROUND-UP , The c1rla of Hill Camp worked on qualtncaUona aet up for at- tendance at the nrat Sen.tor Girl Scout Round-op, which w1ll be held In Michigan in 1115'. They wtre f'llp@Cted to light a rtre a.nd keep It going In all kinda of wea- ther and cook their meala even 11 It raJned. They are tralnin.g for pack tr11>9 ao a.a to live comfort- ·\ .... All Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Earn From the I st LAGUN·A FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCLATION %U Oct.an AveDIM! Phone: BV 4-111'1 LAGUNA BEACH ~O';P .. ~~NEW.·. COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT ·aA~" l.11'7 H..,.,. .._ ~ .... n . I MIMlll NODAL OUOSIT INSUIANCI COIPOIAT10M I I • • It's all back in the atore and we've DO Place 'c> _.. IU SO OUT IT GOES! The prize piec.ea of our .entire stock u d»- played at the Home Sho~. plua numeroua floor umplll All marked-down to pricea ~think are eenaationall 23 Inch Brass Plaques . $1095 8o tlrlitbt a.nd ablny &llcl IMI popaJu. ·- Buy for y<11tr home Mel for gtfta . .. ·-·"- lava Bowl Seh , Thr!Of' an" thr nf'Wf'•I In trail dNloretorw and planlf'"'· A 'lll'Ond<'rful vallHI .. Large 3 Tier Wall ~helves R"&:nlar $1 ':.9:'1. ~ma;tl)' 11tylf'd of 11nlld mapll'. One of our most popular plttn. 5-Pc. Solid Maple Dinette Set P:xl'f'ptltmal ! ('hn11<•n for fhl' "how bttau .... of thl'lr fine wnrkman,.hlp and qu1tllt). S'h"I In. l'llff'D•lon tab- '"• OJ>"..n In Sh~K In. 2 ... 1 .. only! t'ta<'Uon.al pri<'f'd.. Maple Cedar Chest Rf>aul trul dl"'l('nf'd anit made by l..&M- f hi' mo"t famnu .. niurw In N'dar r h .. 11ta. Ha" 11l11rair" •J•a.N" and haAe. ~It· $94.60. Maple Dinette Side Chairs Al"·a3·11 a ~t ,..,11,.r al th .. lr rr1tu&ar prk •"-a t Chi" muc-h t Mluf'f'11 prlrf' lhf'.)"11 tto aflylnx .. Wide Selection Pictures An almnt'I l'lllllH iw-l""tlnn nf 11uhjf'f't1 In many 1111,,.. and fnimfl 1tyl""· l:\"f'ry on" a !Marlt'ln. . lox Spring & Mattress ff..,.e c-omfl'>rt and beauty bollt for ,. .. ,,. of ""1cf'. Ma .. tf'r h11llt lnnf'r «:on1trurtloa 11•1tll ~ plaid tlckln•· Thin •htf! only. A \'alllfl I~ . ~1595 ~10'5 19 9~ 99c to $]995 .. Remember, thefte are mostly one-of-a-kind pieca ... and they'I go aflytng · ... 11<> avoid diuppointment and be here early. ~,.,. Our ComplPte Line of Maple Furn.itare ,.Tlw Clionra o/ l'~•t,.ryem--T/ae S*'f'tiktt o/ Todor,. ARCADE ~l·APLE SHOP 1750 S. MAIN IN THI AICAOI -NIXT JO MAIS Kl J 4454 ' , • LOCAL FIRM CITES DANGER IN HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS WronCJ Location, Desicin Can Bl Greater Problem than Production 1l tMre la t conon\lc d&npr In b111h.liQ( housu at tht current re· 1w d·breakln1e r ate of 1.400,000 a yu r: the dRnfer 11 not ln'over· producUon but ln erec:Unc the wrone houte1 or puttln( them ln the wrong placer. So warn1 the Newport Balboa l:!aving1 and Loan Aaaoclation In Ila June quarterly newa letter, Bualneu and Real Eatale Tn-ndl. Nolln1r lhl1l hou•1n1' con.alruc- tlon 11 one ot the two main rorcn allmul11ting current bUJJineu (au· tumob1le productaon la the other), the q~rterly paya tribute to the modem home aa "much mon• than 11helttr: It la a way of life." KURAJ. U\'JNO "The dealre ;, famlJlu to have a honw ur their own, In a r•la LI vely 11ncrow1ll'd nelghborh<>o<i uwlly from th .. heart of the city." Ule Jl<'WS lt'lt1•r cuntlnuu . "I.II a pow· •Cul force for malatalnlnf the dtruand for new houa1ng." ··A new hou.e. prope1 ly du1gn- l'd , well built anf1 locatl'd In the 11ght environment, ahould be able Lo compete wllh uldllf houses avail· able for pun:huo &l aubatanUfilly lower price. just a11 tht! new model automobile tell• al a pr1ce tar above that a.akcd for a cur thet atlll hH almo11l u mllny mllea of aervlce In It." Const ruction mistake• ot Im· proper dealgn or wrong locatlun are detcrtbed u "more ee.stly ma.de when extremely liberal fl· h&nelng wrm.1 a re tea<llty avail· able." ~ 1Nn..UENCZ8 ilajor factors ln d.eterminln( the alrcnc:th-of )loualng de.mand. aecordln( to lh• pubUcaUon. ett lncomea. Income proapecta and '\ht terma and avallablllty of f inancing , rather th&n the rate ot family formaUon. Total tamlly formation, for tx· ample, wu only •llghtJy more than hall that of new houtlnJ 1tart1 In th• 1Ut available y~ of atatl•· tlca (through April, 19MI. But thue flgurea. according to the BurKU of CenaUI, may be "In sub- alantlal error" and Include fam1llea on farma. where there h.u betn a gndual decline u a ruull ot ml· grauon to urban areu. OemoUUon ot old, 11ubstandard homea, dl'prttiatlon or othera al a too rapid rat• through postponed repair or maintenance. and obl!O· le&eence of at1U other• are al110 listed u new houJ1lng all~ulante. The quarterly conclud!'a thlll "bulldera are more alert than ever betore lo provide the bes1t In tht' way nt deiilgn, locat1un. equipment and matertala." CONDl1'10NS 9oon Wllh regard LO bualneaa in gen· rraJ, the Newport Balboa Saving• and Lowi A.ssociallon publlc&tion look11 forward to continued food conditions In the lut halt ot 1955, with coMumer. bus1ne•s and stale and loe&J government 11pendlnr aupplylng the 1pa.rk. CEDAR CHEST PROTECTS WOOL Soon It will be Ume to •tore want.er woolena. A cedar cheat b t he moat likely and -.fut Item of furniture for thill purpolll'. Today, It la poutbl• to have a cedar che~ In your home wherever you want It 1r1oet. 'nle modem cedar chest. la altracUv"IY atyled in a manner that dOHn't Ht It ape.rt from the reat of your home fUml1hlng1. The cedar rhut abown above Is one of the most contl'mporary ced~r eh•·Sl!I. It ruemblea none or IC., predeces.'\Or~. New dulan features. hot h ln1lde and out. otter gTealer conven · lence, uid aater prolPct1on for blanket•. favorite ca.shmerea, 1ind olhu ~l&l wintertime lurni1hinc1 and apparel. The ba.se Is of coff!'e l&ble hel(ht e.nd 1a made of alternating alrips ot maple &11d walnut. The accordlon·hlnge doora are maple wood. ind glide on .. 11peclal du11t 8l'allng metal rail. P'or color contrut the cue trame la made ot cherry wood. CONCRETE Cotton Rugs - Satisfaction POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAVE e Ha\'e ... abnpUfy ~our ('Onc"te work with a load of predtlon-mllfd N'ml'Dt ••• pMpat'Pd to your onler ~ A l'A'''DI· • • • Withstand · Rugged· Tests Colll>n broadloom. new on mu1<t rug: mar kets In t ho past five yf 11r11. ~muitht ma.n)' qucsllon11 to the l '. S. OepartmPnl oC A1;;rfculturl'·1 Rt'narch Scn·1ct'. reJl(1~!_1lr.L'!!' PrentiBS, -flome-~r With t he A~rultur:al Extension St'rvlre. "How much wl'ar will ll lake?" ls "n. Important quellllon !Qr large hou~ehnlds, bu11y p!fi1'C1 or whl're· ever foot lraUfc 111 hea\-y. "How much dnea It shr1n k ?" ask thrisll <"On11iden n.( ~ft.11 .to·~'llll carpeting or a lllrge rug to cover ,an eXM'l ap&ce. "Wiii it faf1e ? .. uk otfwr11, with precise '11:olor arheml's in mind, Af'Tl' AL TEST Food Sense -Not I'1onscnse Heed Tht Storm Signals By heedln, 1tonn 1lrnal1 O'ne can avoid a delure of amall fry atub. born "No'al' which may rival a hurricane for 11paettinr mealtima at.. mo1phere. Knowlnr how to recoirnize the forerunnen of "table time • tonne'' la al~t a neceuity for parentll. Y ounpten and ap~ta e.ully are parf.ed_. fatt to ftmember when otherwiM htalthy children dawdle> over fdod. The beat food can fall to appeal I! emotiona are in a turmoil When meall are peaceful, 1tubbom feedin« problem• are not ao apt to oecur. The dinlnK room 1hould never turn into a court of appeal• With fathu forced to play judse and mot.her 11 on the Jury. Exdtl'ml'.nt of any kind-;-jl&rticularly an.cu, fen or other int.enM emotion>-'-hinden dlre.atlon. The overly hun(T')', oYerly tired Cliild doea not enjoy h11Jood. School a1te childrt!n, con1t&ntly on the 10, ahould have a few mi.nut.ea tttt or quitt before mealt. Chlldru with hearty appetita at mealti!DH and who eat a rood variety of foods, oftrn are ,enulnely h11DJ?1 by mid-mominir or alttr- noon. They need an ''extra meal"-• aandwicb of enriched bread and a glaaa CJf lllillt or aome fruit.-eatnl at .midmornin1r or after achoo! to 1upply required nutrienla and energy. New foods or new way1 o! aervintt well-likl'd foods ean help keep mtaltime int.ereat hl1th. To avoid an "I won't eat It" 1tonn, only one new food la ofrered al a time. Only small portlona of it a.re .erved t.be ilrat time. It should be ltept In mind that children lilte aimple. eolorful foods- food1 neither too 1trongly flavored Jfor highly apiced. Youn1t1ter1' attitudea follow the courae ad by mother and dad. Dad'a frown or .Jll·timed comment about a food can bring on a criai•, with mother'• )llan• going avound. Happy pan!nla keep famlly meal• a P.leaaant adventure-in quiet harbor.-by ateerinr clear of pouibla 1tormy weather." HOME : anti : GARDEN PAGE 4 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 NO CEILING ON CEILINGS Structural Memben on House Become Part of Modern Decor A good modem house la lik e a.n e.lhlete proud or h is mUJlclea. It g1\'ea a dded Ct'lling height to rooms. It makes them look wider or longer. acconJmg t o the dir<'cllon • JUNIPERS AND RAPHIOLEPIS RECOMMENDED FOR IORDERS Som.• nae k>w ~ atu"\&bt ror UM In conlalnna or &Joor walk·way1 of modern homM a.re •n..i Junlpen and lbe raplliolept. var11U-. • Proposed· Co~e Wo1I~ Authorize More I nspectioli Nura.rym•n r.commead u two or lhe beat low 1rowlnc Junlpen lb• ta.marill and the creeplnj ]Untper:-wtae If)~ Juniper ta.mart• Mldom (1'VU taller than 11 l.nchea wtth brtsbt CT••n rollar._ Aa lta name lmpllu th• creepin( Juniper la exactly tulled for low planllnJL and lbi:I junJ~r 11 avaJI· able tn mal\)' varieU.. Bar Harbor fMturu (Ta)' (l'ffn f0Ua11. Wauke1an'1 foliar• tuma f~m metalllO blU. to 1)'1J"pt1all b1ul' 1ll the fall. Andorra hu a allcht moundlJ\I tendency 111.•lth foll· ~· that UIO ('han(U from a fn\hery Jr&)' men to bronu. IAN'TA ANA, (()CNI) -Tb• ore.ii. Count)' Bo.rd ol au,.,... \'190f'9 Tuelday altemoon m~ lo draw Up a ftl'W code Wl\lch Wtll author1~ lb• county buUdl~ ln· .p«lor lo ln1pect b•tLnw • ...W• aunr and aJr conditlort1nr lmt.al· a.uon1 In new hOUHa. Ji'ine u a roundaUon phrnllns \lit pJnk lndl&' NW\bQLne (raphlola.p!a lnd1e& ro11e.&) provlllee #tllny ewr1nrn follace that tum1 f rom lll'hl bronae to llghl and then dark &l'ffn. Pink flower• and blue·bl1ck frwta add further cojor. ll fTOwa alowly lo three feel or 10 ana aprl'•ca aomewhat wldn In a rl'<:llnlnc manner. Young lndla hawthorn• will need 110 lu~ra <?N•red UI• ln..,ee· tor to wrtte an addlUon to tb• bulldlnr cod• and pr1Mnt It for 'adoption. By 1AC& KINO Bre.i.ktut la a meal most men devour. Panca.kea topped with egg1, lola of tout. Iota of coffee. Yea, men like breakfaal. Ever ll'rve a champape break· tut. Euy lo prepa.rt. For a long, long time the Drake Hotel In Chlcaco hu been a favor· Ile place for champaitne brnk· faata. Served In the macmtif ent Camellia Room, thi• bruncfl-111 eomelhlng you wtll not soon for· set. The almpllr.lty ot their menu maku It all the more memorable and 111 the more euy to 'prepare and serve at ho~ lazy Sunday mornln(. CHAMPAONE BKEAllP'AST 1 \' ln.41~!~1.l~:'fe~ ~:~~ clovu l cup a&uterne wine t eggs, well beaten 1 llJ>. bull aalt tllld pepper champagne prunln, until later life. Coall'a crlnuon (raphfolepla lndlca rubra), anol.ber haw· tbome variety, C!'OWa more compactly thin lhr Indl11 ,with light to fairly deep crlmaon flowert. UT VINES TO WORK Fl~wering Varities Can Be Beautiful. Functional When th•. warm .summer montha arrive ; and In m&ny p lace.a 11' ii 1tate they tllrt'ady have • there ta nothing 1<> rerre1hmg l.11 the e and a fevered brow aa the lovely color. of flowertnt vtnea and the I ahade they afford. 1 Vinea can be uled In all aorta of J?lanUnr devtcea, advtae nur.ery- D\en. So whll• you·re plannlnf for will not contribute toward found&- v~es to add color to ii. scene pkln Uon dama~ due to watennc-. etc. for them to add 11hatie and loll·r· Som11 excellent eelecUona for eating pattern• al10. Uee them to Callfomle. vine pla.ntlnc Include relieve the uUlll&rla.n look ot the atar jumlne and the Jiant 3 Bake the ham In the wine for ter;1ce1 and .board.9, aa windbreaks, Burmue huney1Uckle. The Star 0 mlnutea at 350 de~ea. While to carry on 'an architectural Une Jumlne (Tracheloaperum Jumln· the ham 11 baking. whip the egga ·of the bulldlnr: lo dim the aun'a old11) I.a a dainty·looJd~ vtne tc which you have added the bull, rays. with amaJI leavea and tiny star· aall and pepper. Then, ICramble llke blouom1. A '"tilter" v ine, Ill the egga In the top of & double GRC>W1NO ff.ABrl'S looa• buah itructure allow light broiler (they won•t dry out this The type of vinea a vaHable can to come through f'tllUIUn: ln a -y). Serve the orange, juice while be clu11if1ed In one way b~ their cloud·llke e.ttecl that I.a good for this la going on. Wht'n the ham Is habit of climbing. Some twlnt fl 1 h h ta f re.ady, thr egp are ready and It (morning glory. wisteria). othere 80 en ng ani poi • encu or la time for the champagn~! Tout gTUp w1th tendril• (clematl.a, corners. An addl'd feature of the The ShHl Met.al and He&Unr Contractora AllllD\ bad NqUMled the new ln1pecllo~a ln•~l'1r ' Ch4rlu Donohue qreed. He aahl for th• put M Y· eral year1 hla dt~l'nt baa , .. C'l'1ved complain~ that aJr con\tl· tlonlnr and h••~r we..-inadf'- quate, not prupe.Uy all«in~ a nd locat~. The pl"tM"nl hl"aUng codp J uo nut pru\'ldl' plVJ}l'r prolec:Uon. h4fclalmed, * • * Jl'tnproot V"'8)t * llod'erate Pit.. PM"" BGrbor If Prompt plebp .. ,.... .... bJ......,.. ..... mt••- for the meal! Try. gourd!!). cling, weave, acrarnble. Jumlne Is Ila lovely fragrance. CINNAMON TOAST IN.II or grow ""'1t h root·bea.rtnr CHARACl'ERJ8TJCS SI-. Ulr CAMELLIA ROOM stems. The g-lant Burmeae honeyauckJe Ill llartM. ..._ ...... 8 plecl'a of t out. cul In strips In s~ectmg a planUlig site for (lonlce ra hildebrantlana) 1a a tine ~~~·~6~0~J~B~o~·~·~-~~·~...,.~~~.t~·~= • b b aelec llon for espalll'rln<>. Ila blo.-, t sp. utter vines be 1oure lo provide adcqu1le .... I t11p powdl'red augar mixture root apace and good drainage. And aoma are tubular, opening a with 3 tap. cinnamon remember that food la aa Import'". creamy white and tunung yellow Blent1 the butter and vanilla and ant for & vine u any other t ype and then ~II orange during the 1pread on the tout. thtn aprlnkle or plant. Also. avoid crowdtni 1ummer mont lul. A very fragrant with the cinnamon and powdt'red your vmea. Vine. planted away vinl'. It 1rrow1 in a twinlnc-man- sugar, mixed. Put thr tout In a from their "fellows" and walla and nt'r with rope·ll)\e stems that add hot oven until the aupl' bto(lna to foundaliona will be htallhll'r be· line lntereat duril)g Uie winter melt, then 11erve. C&Ulle or a ir clrcule.llon, will bl' when the dark, rloMy·green lee.vu eaaier lo trim and keep neat and have fallen. EGOS BECHA!\ll:L Sliver lace vine (polyg~num a u- 4 allcea loHt bertll) feature• crln.kly -edred 4 poached egg1 • Lutly, add th~ egg yolk: Po1rr leav1'1 which when new are a bron· 3 tbsp. flour lh>a thick aauce over the poachod zy red. Sme.1.1 creamy-white flow· 4 tbsp. butter eggs on t oast, top with the grated en1 (TOW ln a maaa bloom from 11 t up con-omme cheeae. a.nd broil few mlnutea un· April to Octobes:. Brilliant colont 1 cup milk t1I cheeee melts. &re provided by the bougalnvlllea 1 egg yolk BRt·Ncn l':GGS A LA vine. It blooms In ahadea of pur· 11alt, peppt'r, nutmeg JACKSON pit. red, m91'ent&, aca.rlet and Ila '• lb. grated Swlsa chrese height of bloom cornea In July. An Re;jdy Mixr:d Concrr:fe It It's a good modem. its alruc- tural 2:a are ma.de ot att ractive mater! I put together In plt'B.81ng propo on11. and there I• no rea· 110n to cover them u p. Blend the flour nnd butter well Here·s a dellclou., brunch meal -· 1 1 wt ln The l'Olor tones and tt>xture of In th• top of a doubl b ii th ev~rgTetn vine. t s a t n g the wood beams and lank.a ~ e ro er. en or one that you can aerve with & climber. .. .. P add conl!Omme and milk. Stir con-minimum of l'ffort to tho1e afttr· Whatev<'r ypur 1elecl1on•. you'li of the beams. That's why celhnga have become M> important In modem design. They ,re particularly adaptable to ahowlng-beauty In atructure. The re.uon 11 that one of the moet r fflclt'nt wlly11 of frarnlnc a roor also gives & handl!Ome decorative pattern t o room ceilings, without any tanishlng maleri&I. It'~ thr wood plWlk·and·be&nl 11ystl'm of roof framing which, ac· cording to building Industry. re· por t.9, 111 rapidly 11preadlng In UM! throughout the country. At flr11t used largely In t he cu1tom-bullt, trend·aeltlng type of home. plank· and-bl' am ha,., now 'been taken up 11.11 t. ,1.andard con11lrUct\on method by many luge builders. Ol'F.N ('l!:lLlNG PROS S11rnmar1u d by hullders. here are 11ome, ot lhe •. adv~~~gea: . ' \ register coum \ walkeo O\'t r :.hesl' """nrm up rooms that otherwlae. 1tanlly until thfckt'ns then add the-party eg( eater•. fl d •'-.# would look cold &nd barren. aalt, pepper. nutmec •(to ta.ate). n u •c many po11111ble rolea of The system provides celling and 1 -can chicken brolh rummer flowering vlnea in your roof dt'Cking &JI m one. u.ving on 1 amall can evap. milk. or mllk garden o.nd yard very a..U.tactoey bridging. joist!, sheathing. latb 118 up. curry onea • that will challe:nge and re. ward your .,.udening,,talenl.JI. and plMter or dry·wall. 1 In two-courstarch to thickt'n 11tory houses. the ceiling serves aa 4 Engll1h Muffln11, allced, toasted the sub-flooring or even &3 tlnlah-4 poached eggs ed flooring for the upper alory.) The wood planking, usually 2.. Put the broth, milk and curry In thick, 111 a natura l Insulator, aJ-the lop of a double broiler and ler ~hough in 80me cllmalea added in· warm. When ready to ffn·e. thick· sulallon may be inJ1taUed. en th11 wilh about l tbep. ot com · atarch dlaaolved In a lltUc milk. SIZE FACl'OR Then, put a poached eg~ on a WELCH'S IEADY MIXID CO NC Rm • 1u c wcW w...; COSTA 111:8.A. U I-Mn Qal8c7 a B#y •.ta. e-tlqtoe Beat. Lu. Ml• Plank·and-heam give!I deep ov· allce of the muffin a.nd top with erhangs on .all 1lde11 6 l little co111. the aauce. Rich fare, but de-DMPl!:Rll.:8 -UPllOL8TEJUNO -SLIP 001Vll1l9 m&.klng a hou111 ''look twice Ila Jlghlful. slu." HERBS AND SPICES: It WALL PA.PER -CAKPETINO , It pc-rn1it11 ce1linjt hr..lghi,a a.nd ahs}H:R to be varied for archltec· lll'll.lly pleMing effttl11. It Ill 11ull- able for gable, 11hed and bulterny roor11. a.11 well a s fiat roofs. u111 1 tsp. ot mace to 1 ptn/~~ OOllP~. INTEJUO& DIWOllATDfO whlpplnir cream. you will lncreaae _ LAMP LIGHT SHOP the deli<'acy of the c~am and re· 1 HU It. Cou& BW7·• Corob.J deJ llOr .Jlarllor 1111 duce its ollllnc11s. It you a"' ju11t 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ whlpplnit crum, add ., t.lip. of r ginger to keep It from olhcrwlae var1·colored sumplcs . Norw ()f the•" cot ton broadloomll It mal<e1 a houSI' 'more solidly 11howl'd notlcrable ~a.r Croll\ thia h&rid110me both Inside &nd out. proeli<"Bl l est !l( a.rd UH, aaya The plank·ancl-beam system !_!l~i!' report in the ebruary J dur· sen ·u the trend to open pkmnlng, nal of Hom" F.con mll'tl. -IUJ a-large glaas a.reu arut Ult dual u~ chrck on durability new ll&lllplea of natural tinish matPrialll tor bOlh belnli': dull. I ROBERT FORB .ES Crom lhl' 12 rugs ' e abraded on 11trucl ure and decoration. a laboratory wtllr lt. lt'r until p ile ,.ERSA TllZ • was no hijthl'r than two-hun- dredth" of 11n inch. ll took about Y1t..:"!me l!n'IOUnt <!C.Lb~'" 0 we&r dc>wn the leut durable wov· 1•n &nd turtt'<l sa.mplu. However, the pile of l hl' mo11t durable wo,•en rug" wllh11tood about twice the rubbing that tutted ,..mplu could take. WA"HfNG TIUAL8 T hl' 11trlp11 laid In the cafeteria wert vacu11m-'Clt'1U1ed d&lly and ro- tated In poslllon. When removtd for WR!!hlng afln u ch l& days ot ull(', the 11trlp1 were alw•ys "con· 11lderably 11olled.'' AU ruga wuhed clc&n rendlly, th• ttport ahowa. J'lank-a.nd·beam roof rramtnK can be used with ordinary W ('°'1 it.udwa1ls or -m·a11onry Y.'lilTi'bul many archlt••cts and buiMrrs fa· vor post l!upporls w1lh "curlam w&lla." 11uc.h w~la merely d o11e in the 11tru~turl'. l!lnce the po111.8 rarry Ule vertical lo.~d {'It tht> ho1111•'. The principal advant11ge of post ·ftnd· beam m modt>rn design i11 gr~Rl freedom 1n placing IMJ:'<' glllM areas for outdoor·lnl!oor ll\·lng. Plank·ILlld·be•m la one ot lhe olde~t typfJ' of con~l rurl!nn and Ila re\'lvnl 111 due to n)o<lern wuod englnttrlng techniques. OUTDOOR WHATNOT A littlr nl<'ht hkl' th111 Rt't 1nttr th~ /~nt·e the d~pth or a bnard. mRkl'll ll r harminR d11<- play &heir ror pot t l'd plAnt" llnd J?&rden 11Culpture. tlower11 11nrl shrub~ IHI' part1!'ularly cnoont'erl by I\ renre bark· ~'TOunJ ot natural or 1 ataine1I wnorl io. MATrRESSES &ate -Rome• -TraUe,. I r"'l'U la r Sha pre Liberty 8·1SOS CO~TA ME~A MATfRt:~s CO. ti~ Ne.i'J)Orl Bh•d. MESA UPHOLSTERING 1Jpbol•&er1n1 a Drape,., UMI Nwpt.. Bh•d .• CMta M- Uberty IJ-Ulll ~UCHSIAS l,arrr Plant• In quart can" 1 ~~~" of Oood \'arietlH ............. ') 35t 3 'lno for l11Uder PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL OALL l:IAJlBOR U76i FOR f;STIMATE, WITHOUT CHAIWE lOI I!:. BALBOA BLH>. BAJ..llOA Greater Savings UMr.ty 8-2283 BAY RF.ADY MIX IS O. To obtain llrst~and ~xperlencP wil4__tluch ri.lg11. statt members of the Ht>m• • E<-onomica Ru t arch h. 1• L ' d B c ~.~=I~~: •lr!r: \~.:~".~!1:~~~t~t I e 1c11ar eeson ompany Rl.OOMtSO f1't,C'HSIA8 in. Hanittnr Buket1 .. .. .................... . ........................ . .. '2°::11 ................... -.............. -..................... _ ............ · 75¢ ed -alld laid thrrn to make • Landseana Dn&..n and. Construction I <la11nn c .... •tu . runner In Uont ot ·the .oafeteri&J r-N 5 & 10•· NURSERY 711 W. 17th St. coWlter at the AgTicullurlll Re-COROS'A DEL MAS PHO~E HARBOR lM j IM!arch Center al Bel!Avllle, Md .. In I 1U daya, t2,000 people lbY .~aah °ii~.;.;--;;;~~;;;~~~~~~~;;~~;;;;~~;;;;~;;;;:;;g 1-141%1 So. Ne"'l'Ort Bh·4. JAMI D. RAY ('OST A MmA TQSTIN -CIOMCI 'nandaJ"I RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAl-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO 30l.b SL. Newport 8-eJa Bart»or W3 '. '----- General C & Builder IOO eo..i Bl\'d. OOROSA DEL MAJI PHO~"E RAJlBOR '"' MAX W. POPE Inc. ,OE~"t:RAL CO~IRAC'TOR8 . "~e Arruge FlDanclng" !kn ·tn1 All ~ OOut1 .. • DSV&LOPMENT 40'1 Boa. Ave.. Newport BMcb ...... t (I" ~·pt. llh·d. •• LIWrtJ .. tllJl ARCHITECTS M11ftbers of America• IMtflute of Archltech J. Herbert Brownell Willi•m Blurock .Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent H•rvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Ri~herd Pleger ALUMINUM WALL TILE v No MOHy Down -F. H. A. Ternt1 · Installed In Your Kitchen or lath Tub Area 13 Wel1\7 i tt. Hip) vnA. •44so PRl('t; • Back of Rancie (t1oor t.n C4-lllnr 1 · t"l"LL . rJUc.T. •29so \v COASTLINE ~loor C ove_rin g Ml Oeat.er 8t. .. . . ' MORE LIGHT FOR MESA'S PARK FIELD Step1 neceaaa.ry to gettmg &ddlt,!s)nal Urhta lrutalled at Llona f ield, Costa M esa Park, were (1l81'111sed by the Costa Meaa Park 01Btrlct during a Monday noon meetinir. Pruidmt Arthur H. Mey· e,ra said plan• &nd s pecific•· tlona we.re being pre.pared and a contract 1hould be lt1t ln two 'weeke. Ha.rbor Boy•' Club M1<1f et bueball leaguea are already h oldlng nJgbt practice pmea on I.he Mesa diamond. Opening of the loop1 take place with a gTand parade 1U1d nlg:ht ex- hibition game J une 17. Thl! park board, in con junc- tion wlth Harbor Area Boys' Club, Ceel11 additional llght1 will be a a&fety fact or for the yout.hluJ horaehide performers. WHEN TAR CHAMPS GET TOGOHER THE TOPS Danny Gets Nod As FJC Award Given They admire each other's loot, natch. Here are Don Beatty, left, and T9<f· White. White, national prep mile <!hamp until Tom Sku.tka bettered the record Saturday dur- ing the New Jersey·Track and Field championships, holds his trophy for winning the State Meet mile in 4 :20. Skutka ran the distance Saturday in 4 :19.5. Beatty, CIF 1320 champ, holds a placard .containing medala won by himself, White a nd Jobn Henrotin in CIF contpetition. -Staff Photo FULLERTON, t,OCNS) -D&n· ny Schwetlulrt, the nation'• Ml'* cord-breaking mHor and two-mll- er, was accl&imed Fullerton Junior College· e "Moet Inspirational Alh· lete." Top Fullerton Athlete -Citizen Plaques .Set Up FULLERTON, COCNSi --One 11( Fulll'rton's truly great phy111cal t·tlucatlon inistructors ls l o be hon- t•rr<i within the nPxt few weeka at Fullt'rton High. In honor of the late Lloyu B . Mnrlln, t.he lnduuis• reJU\'t•mitcd varsity dub hull inlti- !ltt>d 1t prngram whert• th!' s1·hool'11 eelef ttd top athlete-e1ti~en fa to bi' awarded a "Lloyu B . Marlin 'l'ruphy". Marlin. fllthvr or Gene Martin, r urr,.ntly an instructor tor the i111:111r rullrg•'. J<t.Hted lenchlng l'lr1~i1.-s in HM 5 1n Fullerton. He 1!1<•11 July :I, 19~13 IOWA ROR~' Sports Cars Tune Up For First Hansen Dam Running Friday, he wu presented the honor, the annual Arthur L. Nunn Memor!Al Athletic a ward, th• highest award an a thlete c.an re· ceive in thl! college. Makinr the pre11ent aUon to Schwelkart wa.a I.he college direct or, Dr. Lynn • Sheller. Nt:NN MEMORIAL Pn.ctlcally ..U the t opntrht sport s cars on lh1-Paclrlc Coast, ranging from the 11wlCt little French Renaults to the potent and heavy Ferraris, Allards and Kur- tlll.'!es. will be .seen In action at the lirat running o! the Lo11 Angel('ll ron.d races, June 18·19, at the newly-ruhioned H a n e e n Dam track. The rar e Is pre11ented by the Los Angulea J unior Chamber of Commerce rn cooperation with the California Sports Car Club With the Lo11 Angeles Orphanage Guild 8.!J a cb·arltable ben('ficiary. Smf\ller than the usual airport rourse -it measures 1.31 mile11 - the concrete and black top surface circuit la located at the •lte ot the former Ba111lonf' housing pro- ject an the dowruitream aide nf Hansen D&nl. just north and weat ot Lockheed Afr Terminal. fled over 3000 cc. They are all The ward waa initiated ln 1949, 10-lappeta. toJ1owing tbe death ot Coach Sunday's slate includes f Ive Nunn, and put into operation the races -con.solaUon under 1500 cc. following year. Nunn c0&ched at 15 laps; consolallon over t:iOO cc Fullerton for Z7 yeani. and !500 cc, 15 laps: under J500 cc Famoua Cor bringing b.uketball main event, one hour time limit; championship• to Fullerton, Nunn women·• race, 10 laps: &nd ovt>r waa equally weU·known for h.la 1!500 cc main event. one and one-sincere devotion to duly, hla lead· halt hour .lime limit. 1 rr:1h1p with youth and for the high Race Chal.rman Joe Wet.s.-.man lde'ats he 11trove to teach hill stu· und Ray F rug report that entires dents In dlfCerent Mpects of life. are expected from all lhe top 8Tl'N1\'1NO EFFORT drivers In the WeJllern 1tatea and Sc.hwelkart, who la1t year a t- lhat Invitations have been extend-tended WhiJ.tier College, atunned ed lo 'leading eastern mldwestern the sports world two weeks ~o, pilots. Vlrtua.Jly every t1port11 car when he set two natlonal record.a c.lub In $outhrm CalifornlA will be In one evening. Competing In the repreaentcd at H&nsen Dam. state JC ch&mploMhlp track meet. the 11tandout run.ner won the mU. Weaver Is Best and two-mile ln record t ime. Nol only a.a lnaplraUon to ht. own te..m mate1, but t9 oppoet.ns ANAHEIM, (OCNS) -Roy runner11 8" well, Schwl!ikart a1ao . . v NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . P~&E 5 WEJZEL. HILL BISHOP, WAYNE COUGHTRY· ON ALL -COUNTY NINE Owens lnYldory 'FUu.ERTON, ((>CNS) -Jl'ol' the aec'ond ru&J&ht yt ar, Sonny Ov.·ton11 turntd In a c-llttertnc per-o Cor·maM<i In tht annulll tllfh achool de<'athlon hl'rf', H eld at the f'lld of lhe tt1tula'r triii'lt "c<MQn. l'Oach Orange Coast •ucs Tie with ~11apman Panthers-at 4 Each OR'ANGE. (0CNS) -Orange County baS('ball coaches bi.ve announced an All-County College ba~eball team. Select. ed from Chapman, Orange Coast. Santa Ana and Fullerton, the players represent the best college baseball talent in the county coll~ge ranks this year in the opinion of t he coaches. Orange Coe..st's $outnern Call· I won Lwo while lh'Opplng ooe in tht> tornia cha mpionship squad and stat" ptayurrs. wi.s pick•·d &S one Chapman's successful free lance 1 pitch1>r while Clyde North, Chap· team both pklced four playns on man's r•t<'h1ng work horse w&& the all-county roster a.a the coach· g iven t he nod as the olht>r chuc:ker. es picked I!-13-man team. Fuller· HIT STARS ton placed thre~ members of their 1955 squad whUe two players were seltl(;ted from Santa A.na·s team. Orange Coo.at'• pitching aensa- u on Wayne Coughtry, Who ama.s- al;d a 7-0 record In loop play and North. appearing m 16 o( Chap- man's 24 ball games, became the winnangest pitcher in the college hiatory as he won alx ga.rnea Lo not ch Lht> new record. Bolh pitch· Ing scnsntiona also were hitting 1tara tor their tearn1. Couptry J im B~h 9l'nt1.t hi• meln.taya lead Coast In born• run1 while 1 through a rugi:C'd Mlrit-s M ten North batted a hefty .308 for tho evenl1. Owena out·arnrN.t au oppo· aeason. alUon 111'\th hta rccord-w tUna-total Plclllnr !In 01o1.ttrel&r1 ror the oT 4900 pofnl•. mythlc-.1 team, oounty coat'hu Second to Owen.a. who l.t Just a •elecled Fullertpn'a Wlllle Q\4e· j11n1or, wu D•rrt11 R<lbc'rb, wtth µd. a, wbo hit .329 ln leacue play hl• tolal cif 4800, ln third spot ilnd ba. ~enUy llp$!4.& pro £On--· Dk-It-M oolter-1• WIU\ aaao. tra et; Dlck McCari.r, Ouapznan'a pointa. · pltc.her -ouUielder who hit .SOl ------------- while poatlnr a pltchlnr record and tying the achool ttcord for RJll 's. 01.hera were: RemJe Atvu u. another Chap· m.an pitctung_ ouU1elder wJto led the, learn at lhe p late y,.ilb a .35t mark as well u topping the pitch- ing p1-rcentage mark with a 4-1 season recorcl. tuU Hl'RJlJE8 Rowland Hlll, Coe.at fro.h who wu th e Coat.-Meaa team·1 lead- ing baae runner, atole the moet baaet1, e<:ored the most runs and wu on baae the most tor Orange Coast'• nl11J!. Jim Stef!.,n, S&nt& An&'a fina . 400 hltUng outfielder who le-d the team In four baggers aa we-11 .. dolng a top job on the mound. Ca tching 1electlon Ted SulUvan ot Fulle.rton had lhe lowut bat· ting average on the all-county Le.dbetter, wu moved to a Mcond bue Job. Ml.I Cine irlo\·e work M d .. 308 batting a\'eN&e mlldt bJ.m a ni ust tor a 11pot on t he county equad, Lloyd Foeter. Santa Ana'• freah· man third buem&11, n&Lltd d<>111'1\ the hot comer with a .355 bat.- mark and a throwing arm tha t hu the 1eouta jumping tor Joy. Ken Hulewoo<l, ttgular Chap- man third bu.•man, wu named to I.he utllity job by ''trtut' of hi1 all- .around play u.nd his ttmarkQble ability t o make almoat any play In the Infield with dt'rt>ptJve -· Hulewood, hilting only .297 • had a bad Ye&r at the plate for him following la.at eeaaon'a .41>~ a"eragt', but W1l.!! the holler (UY who held the P &nther team t o- r elher. team as he hit .278, but waa back Follter, Wetul, HIU a.nd CoUl'b· t1top without equal in the county I try were 1electcd to the flr1t tell.In n.nk.1. He won the aj)ot handa 1 In th~ rl"cent Alt-Jl:Utem Conter- down due to hi• fine play. ence plcka while North and Mo- Bob Wetzel, Orange Cooat 1hort-Ollrter were honored by t.he Chap- •top, headed the list of lnlleldera. man team u belnr choaen captain He led the Eastern Conference In and mo1t valuable player on the batting wtth a .426 avera.ge and Oranre nine. recently irlgned with th e Cl.nclnnaU Coacllea plck1ng the all-cowit)' Reda to play pro ball. college team were Wendell Ptck.• BISHOP ON FIRST ens, Orange CoH t COUere; Bill Cou t Finl BaaPm&n George Cook, Santa Ana J~; Bud Dawson. Bishop won the nod tor lhe ln1U&l Fullerton JC; &nd Don Perktna,. •ck poelUon u he. posted hi• •ec· Chapman College. ond 1tra1&'ht .340 mark Willie be· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lnr; UUrd in the league ln RBl'a. Fullerton'• ahortatop, ca ptain and most valuable player, Chuck Arthritis Conquered :KeurtU--scJatt~ Long Beacil -A tried and proven remedy. Only one office call re-ui~ for relief from those tortur- 1.ng patna. Arthr1U1, 2315 E. 7th St.. Long Beach 4., Houra Mon., Tuea., Thura. tit Fri. 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. -Adv. kPORTf,t"'.~' • 4f.., •. ... • , ,. , , 4 .. IOH:ll WA nnc LAN A TUllNJ;R •• ''THE SEA CHASE" _..__ Born In Jowa, ~1art111 was an rnl!~lanrtlng 11.thlrh'. He &ltt'nded An•I was g1'8llualt<l rrom Ghnell f't1ll1'1?e. · l}rsldcs hi~ 011tJ<t11ncllng frnt" un .tht' i;-r1cJ1rnn wht.re he '<'.;H r~d .. s a guard. he e?CcelJed In th<' t'l:t!l.~rnnm. rnmlng a Phi Beta l\np(la key , H1• 1·n111·h<'<I at S101tx ,City Cen- tr11I In fowa f or U ynr11, and was Some 200 entries. includlng such top names at Jack McAfee. BIU Pollack. Nacio Lozano, Biii P ick- ford, Cy Yedor, George BeaVia. and J ohnny von Neumann, will be Ileen In a ction. Ent ries c1011e T hura- day. Weaver, a two-year Jette.nn&n In .took pa.rt in croea country a t the MESA•& GOOD 8KA.TE8 _ Parading the r oller rink football. baseball and buketball, college. wu picked today by t he l!('ntor The quiet, unauuming ninneT with trophies captured during recent State Skate Meet vlll'lllty athletes 111 An&hclm'a be11t follows rn the lhlnlng t ootatepa ot in Pasadena a.re these pride's of the wheeling set. From P11W 'tU It p. Ill. "CHALLENGE THE WILD" ,, ,,.d tn h11vr srnt more f\lh- ' .t'll to Big Tt!n t&11ms. who let- 1 rNI, than nny other ··oar h In t ht' •'ounl ry. He 11rrlvrd in F'uller- tnn 1n 191~. a.u around a thlete. such former wiruien1 at Don John-left t o right, Claudia. and Lang Ladwig, Dayne Ladwig The announcement wu made by. son, Bob FergullOn, Charles Hollo- ......... ............. 8-ta AM Seven raeet1 are billed Cor J une 18. They are: production cars up to 1300 c.c., p~ucllon 1300 to I}" 8Jlll11mr1I hP:11I ce>11r h duties 11>0() c.c., productlon over 1500 c.c., ,, ~·ulh·rtn•1 .JC" H•· wa1< 9 11<0 <ll-1>00 · cr, modlf:ed under 11>00 cc, t n t 11thld1C'S, nver both the 1 m•xllflcd 1500 t o 3000 cc and modl- , Athletic Director Dick Glover who way. Vance Baldwin and Danny and Bob McCJelJand, and Noel Sheleny and Dennis Lehto. said that Weaver'• name wllJ be Rogera. _:-s:::~w~:f~P~b~o~t~o --------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~..!J!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!I llt:Ao C'O-\C'H ltt 11 ,.. hm1l nn1I J\tnt11r l'Olh•ge. t-:at'h Vf'1r, all vars1t y 1•naches. ,I h<' • .. 11uil'11t hody pres11lrnt and 'v1·r11 I Mlmlmst1atf1r11 will sell'ct 1 h1• srhool's m1111t nu111t andlnK ath- 1 "r Th1•v will Also t11ke lnt11 deep , ·11,.itll'r1tllon. the rnd1vldual's "'Cl- lt7'•·11~h1p. n:1 a1111 t•ff the c·-.n1pu1. Tu h"lp r•·rpetuate Lloyc1 Mar- t 1n's memory, " hug,. plaque will t 1•11111rn 11l thl' ~,·huol. The winner will rt•1•e1*" ll •11ma ll replica each · veiu. ThP. first honor1-d at hletl' 111 I ' be 11nnoun<ell J unr 16 at the 11n1tl 1t1•~Pmbly nf th1' yoRr Three From ~~naheim Win t oo'> Titles !'ANTA ANA. iOCN S1 -An11- hcin1·J< Miki• B .. 111·k. Barry R yan nnJ St~1·,. .\11uor1.• w m1 thr f'lln.'lf•l LeaguP 111dt\'hlual .:h11111plCHl.~tllps h"rt• F1 11111~. Rourk . who won in lh l' 111•1i:l('s, "'"' Ryttn a n<I ~tornR. wh•• wun in the doutllrl'. prov!'d thn src•hni; !11 .Ill' r1i;hl ~ they ,v, rr itll :'"avor•'•t lo \\'1n. R"u' k rtay1•11 Pne 11C lhc ext'it- 1111! 11 • .it• hl'S 1l( tht' y,._,r ll~ h" dr- f • t1•d C1i R1111m•y •lf S1\l\l<l Ana. 1'-6. CHl. S·6. In (hr 111•m1~r1nal nrntl'h Bour k UPf!>atrd Bill BnrlX'r of Santa Ana :.r,, 6·0. In the frnl\Ji< llll\tl'h, I ht' re w.i.sn'l 11 .. ~n·\l'~. bn•ak In the first aet until thf' 13th game when Bout k brvke Rannev's 81'1'\'ll.'e antl t hl'n held his ow~ .. l o wrn the first lll't 8·6. Bouck, Who WI\.'! ohnously hred from playing '6ne match duJ'ing ' the da~. rested In the 11econd set, which he loet e-o. The third a nd decldl~ eel w&a just like the fll"ll,t u Bouck broke R&nnev·a ffrvlce egaJn ln the 13th g-am~ and held hi• own to win It 8-8. Thi1 wu 'Boucli:a ffeond •IJ\g-ln champlon- llh!p ~ he 'Will have a cl\&nce ,next 'year to make It three at-ralgflt. Barr,y Ryan and Steve Morrl1 had It muc.11 ea.lier than Bouck u lhe7 won the doubt~ ch&mplon· 1blp very "-Stly. Ryan and l.lorrta d'ateated Santa Ana'• Metre and McBride in the tint.la 8·2, 8-3.,Ry- an &l\d Moma swept throurh lh• lhne NIWlda wtttiout loetns more than m pmu a match. Xra. KaUe Louohhelm, dlr. WO· men'1 actlvtUu for DemocraUc N11tlon11I Commlll<'r. In t a11r. - "As for pret11'llentta1 'Poa•lblllUea. we're \'e1y rich In t11lent. \'nu ml~ht nen say lousy with talent!" 11 12 1 engra ved on a permanent cup 1n ~ tho Colonl&t11' &porta trophy case. Roy wu tullback ln football, guard In buketball &nd played center field In bueball. · "Boom Boom," L.A. Main Street character, thrown out ot llaloon- "lt'• no use irulng. I couldn't col- lect a dime. I'm public doma.in." ••• If We Don't Keep This Promise I IN at 10 9 10 ~ 2a · .. ,. $4 11 12 ' 10 ~ i QJll at 5 9 ' I ' 1 6 s .. M-JO Cash and Carry ONLY ••• anti It's Tbat Sensational, One-onil-Only SANITONE DRY CLEANING • Mo,, Dirt Removed • No Dry Cleanln1 Ocfor T ake ad.-ainage of our lightning-f~sr cash-and-carry Hrvice. Yo u not only save time but yoa get o u r co mplett SaoitoqJ Service .•• che finest dry cleaciag io towo. • Spots G9Jt• • l etter Pren lo ah longer DMp.o".your garments before l O A. M. and they'JJ be ready at S P. M. the same day or you pa y oothing . , .... hen yo u need dry cleaaias ia a hurry use o ur lightning Servica. ... ; Uibtnhlg Senioe C-Ost1 NO more than our Regular Ouh·and·Carry Senice ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1782 Newport llvd. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-4014 - FOR .JUST A LITTLE MORE vou CAN ROCKET A\NAY I LOCAL DILIYDID NICI OP OLDSMOllU ttll" 1 ........... S2465°~.:;r~ ,_ prl .. .._... -cl.o1 .. ef -.I.I ..... I.My •t)'le. ""'-ol ""'-' 9"d -· ---Pr1--....., 1lleMfy "' ... ~ ........... 11ee ....._ .. .i.lppi119 --· I Oo ~head I Drive I~ yours•/' I A mighty 1ma.ll diJJereoce in dolJan m1lm a MIGHTY BIO difference in dri•ing the9e d1y1. Be<:auae now you can put yoanell ID command of 81Alting "Rocket" Engine rowrz ••• thrilJ to brilliant "ftying colot" be1uty and lmury ••• and it•1 euler thin you en r dreamed! Actu1lly a f1f!rY /"" dolla.n mon a month rbckei. you right out of the ordinary into an Old.I BefoN,... buy any car. 1top iol Get our ceaerou1 1ppuiul! Dri•e the .. Rodtet" ••. price the ''Rodtel" ••. you'U own ID Old.. today! 0 L.-c::> S M 0 El I L. E Ill YOUI NIAllST OLDSMOllLI DI ALll --------- MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 West Coast HkJhway NIWPORT llACH Phone Uberty 1·2261 .._.. 00 AHl•D ••• DllVI " YOVlllLfl THI •on••·· •••• , IN A "IOC&lf ·~··­ ' -,- .. I ... (}overnmenf f:xcepl PAGE 6-PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS. PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 ''God 9 ront us the serenity to occept tne things we canno t change : the couroqe to chonge the thing• we con ol'd the wi~dom to know the d ifference." (A. Anon.) EDITORI A L S New Grand Jury Gets Cracking Readers of the Newa·Presa isaue of June 2 were ncluBively informed, thank• to a county and state·wide scoop engineerf!d by thia paper and other members. of Orange County News Service, that the new county gr and jury will start functioning Tuesday aR a "crime commis· &ion .. or sorts. The county'e µre\'10us grand jury hung up an en· \'sable record of performance as a guardian or the public trust with all it.Al delving into various liquor license Irregularities. Our current grand j ury reportedly wLll see how the scales of justice balance out on certain Harbor area parcotics cases, burglaries and oth~r felonies in connec· tion with various court decisions. Our criminal courts of necessity are one of the pillars of American society, preserving the sanctity1 of private rights and providing penal rehabilitat!Sn of of· fenders where necessary. Newport Har bor, thanks to Newµort Beach Police Department and Costa Mesa Po\ice Department. has been blessed with singularly adroit. p:ianstaking criminal Investigation and apprehension. In some instances, we are informed by policemen involved, the court.~ have not "thrown t he book" a t culprlts as hard as mi~ht be de· sired. In some cases very light sentences have been pas· sed in view of the crimC'R for which full proof was for· nished by the investigaturs involved. Now this newspaper believt>R .the dignity of the courts is a solemn mfangible standard of Americarf jus- tice. one which. mUSL be held high. constantly. Yet, be~ause we believe in another rock of Justice, the county grand jury. we must wash the new jurors every success in probing the matters they will face this week and in the future . Al though appointed by the judi· ciary. the county grand Jury is our supreme investiga· t ive body. Its findings are arrived at by thorough. impar· tial and s ecret del)berataons by men and women of probity. We wish the new jurors well in what of nece8- sity will be a year of hard. voluntary work. School Comp etiti on Pa ys Off As the sc~bol year ends here in Newport Harbor we have additional cause to be proud of our youngsters who have· achieved consid;rable measure of auceas in competition for service. athletic and scholarship awards. Partkularly outstanding are the youngsters, scores of them. who received vanous high honors at Thursday night's twenty·fifth annual Newport Harbor Union High School student service award.a banquet. Those who tallied high scores in academic pursuits received financial aid from various groups and indi· viduals who like to ~ee merit awarded with cash which the students can use to !urthfr their education in col· leges. Those whose citizenship qualities. agricuttural, artistic, public speaking, dramatic. commercial, journal- COURTHOUSE BEAT By J ACK BOETINER One of the mn1t Rffabl" gi>n t11 thi11 col11mnt11t h&S nm acro1111 In a lcinit while 1a Oranit«' C"ounty ("'11rn· n"r and Public Arlm1nr1<trator Earl R uMell Abbey Of C'orona .1 .. 1 ~lllr A 11ph1nf'r of l11ll tBle1<. thr 66· y,.ar·old publlt' orflr111I ha• It warm . hllild<'IH p and frl,.nolly word for all who fmd their "'"Y mlo hll tiny office on the lhlT'1 Onnr of thf' cour thoulle !UlDl'll, In thl11 <'llpacity Ab~y procuaf'• thl' eHtBl f'll of 01'ang' County de· Cl'lll'!Prl pns11n!I who lf'11ve no rela~ Uvrs In r ahfornl11 quahfred to acl aJI 11rl1111n1iotr11lor. "Why 1 hltV~ An 11vnagf' of 711 est11t~s 111 f'l'"b8lf' mo~t of thl' 11n11> · A hbry •m11Prl. ''That'• my blgi:?r•t Job _G.,lt1ng blir;Rer. Ell· tat .. ~ rlllll?" from $1100 up to a h11lf milllnn, or morf'." Tht roronrr ~ major job In the w&k~ of •J~th'ir' boll1 1CrTl<e la fo preserve Ule ev1dPncl' for the di•· trlct attornl'y llild law ,.nforce· m"nl tlet111li1 .... ist ic. musical or athletic a.b1hties were rateci high rec<'IV· ed appropriate recognition. One lad. Charles Rice, who among other honors re· ceived a $750 per year c<1sh scholarship for fo ur years to a college of has choice -Baylor Unh•eraity -brought the audience to tears as the program ended. Charles, the Valedictorian of the Clai-s of 1955, ha~ marched to the front of the room t>e\'eral times for various certif1· calf's and awards att<'stmg to hai-successful terms here. When the banquet W ft.!'I ending. he s tood up, asked to be heard. In an emotion-rhoked ,·01ce. and with wet eyes surveying the hundreds in th: audience. young Rice said: "When 1 came here two years ago 1 had been told before Californians didn't like us Oklahomans. r just want t o say how much I appreciate the honors you all have paid me." He went on to say he would never forget the wo nderful treatment he had had, closed by saying. "Young people. you are lucky to be attending HarbQr High." Which brings us to the point of the talk. Only in America. Charles. could such ability be rewarded so hon· ·estly and without prejudice of one's previous residence, beliefs, creed or faith. Thank heaven our land ~· still open to rewards for youngsters of serious. conacientioua workmanlike habits, that those of sincerity can be rec· ognized for their true wortla. _D-DAY The pen or history recorded an event on June 6, 11 years ago, which has 'been written in indelible ink not only in the book of history itself. but also in the heart.a of all who "sat in".on that event. June 6, 1944. The world had been waiting, agon· -izlngly, for weeks for a message from London. The great invasion was surely soon to star:t. But when? What day, what hour? Then out of the gray morning mist.Al on the 6th o!.,June, the greatest armada ever aaAembled moved on Hitle.r~s "impregnable" fortress. The Allied strength marshalled for that th rust wu made up of nearly three million men. 15,900 aircraft and gliders, and more than a thou.sand boats tor· ferrying troops and equipment across the. Channel. Beaiaea these, of course,· wei:e hundred8 of war ve88ela, from s leek cruisers t o mjghty battleships. Every man. every pla{le, and ship, every weapon wu necessary for the job. The Nazis had no leas than M divisions poisaj fbr defense. Had they not been tricked into holding back a large part of their strength in the belief that there would be thrust.Al made at several pointa along the coast, instead of one massive 11mash, the suc- cess of the3invasion would have been in grave doubt. The magnificence of the victory which culmjnated in the Nazi surrender 11 months later ia still vivid in· memory, but the good that victory might have brought to the world hu been lost in the atmosphere of auspi- caon, intrigue. and hatred. The final victory will not be won with weapons. Farm~r McCabe Writes. • • I've allus thought a woman oughta ha\'e-a hand in helping run things, like· grubbin' out the fence cornera, milking the cows and sech. but ever year come Fly Time I'm sorta undecided. You see, the women get ao ua.e to ' doing small chorea that when Spring rolls around the'y get ovft' rambunkioue and want the menfolk to he p with Spring Housecleaning. I don•t reckon any man minds carrying out a few things. but gettin' you to move all that furniture around till they make up their minds jest where to put it can be a, back breakin' job ... so maybe it's bt-6t to jest. confine. em strictly to household chores after all. Farmer McCabe I all right• rf'!erved I A• coroner. a ;ob ht's held down tn able fRAAlon here 111n<'t 1932. A·bbty 11nrt hh rl'·e·pP1 so n Mii ff a re callffi on to h11ndle all count v dP11th1 whrrt thP doctor ri< unable to fif'tf'rmlne tbl' c11u~. l!Ull'l1lt11, h'om1r lt1r11 11nd thl'l11e cJtAthi< tti111 Ht:RE s1sn: t9<1fl 1-------------------------- Abht>y Will! burn 111 Colorl\do, but s11nta Ana hail, m 11.ybe, 6000; Ful· h1111 mRde h111 homt• In tht South· lerton. Zl\M• Whv thf're weren't occur whf'n a tltl<'tor l11n't pri>~l'nt !iCl '!'CPlt'IOl'S Ut:ATllS l11nd s1nl'e 19116 \\'hf'n he t int ar· o•~r 7~ l)(tll rn the entire county. A hb••\' 11 l11rt l'WlnK!I into ac1111n fl\'C'J tln th" OrAn)!P County sctne l bellf'''' rt was br ller In thost "''hen olr a th l~t'.)lrR unolt'r l!ll!'plC · I Abbey Rl't l'll Q~ mAnRj:f'r 11! lhl' day11, but I wouldn't wsn'\ lo go lnu11 c1 r1·u111stanf P11, \\ orking 1111 a lt>h•ph1111e l'ompany In Anllhe1m. back io •11m." tesm with A hb1•v nrl' Orp. (.'0111-Drm·e a hor~ o.n(i buirgy tn work. A.nd the chllnge around the nf'r!I W11ll~ Fox. Frank l11rn"'" "Who·n th" h, ... , y :1t11bll'~ \Hot courthOUlll' has betn particularly and Roirn Burnh11m , A11top11y nut ' Abbt'y ob11erved. "I thOURhl notlcablt to tht: public admlnlstrl'l· S urjtf'On R&ymnnd Rrllilllt And the t'nd or the wn111 wu n .. 11r. But 1 tor. He broke lnU> duty In lhe big S t r rttuy '.\Ir~ 1~l11dy1 Chelel'n. lo"k at 11 now, It'-nothing lo st'e 1 red brick butlrtlng 81 deputy coun· :"t'arrng 1he f'n•I "' his long <'8r· :1011 h"mf'11 11prnut up over n1i:ht. ty clnk In 1918 llfter 11pendlng Mr In p111lllc OfnC!' Abbey flnt111 Fr-snkly. I'm hl'wlldf'r('1I at the I &nme time u chltt clerk with the lhe Hnn a sh11.u or h1!! 11mr takt'n R"'<>"'th. telephone company ln Lo• Angelu . Up w1lh lllllt·p11bl11 t:tl'd public 1111· "B11rk around 1960 a.no1 ·7 we lOO f'Ol 'STY WORKERS tnlnlatrator Afl l\'lllPI', hnwevn. hsd e bout 2~00 peopl,. 111 An11htlm "We had cinly two Supt'rior Coll.J't JIEWPORT HARBOR !1Pp11rtmf'nt11 then," Abbey recall· ed. "I w1111 clerking under Judge Z. 8 . Wt11L when Lu Staback wa• reportmr . J . M . Black11tock w .. county clf'rk. Thoae were good "H . W . Dyer. my uncle, told about ll. He wu born here anr1 l 11,·ed with him Ill Anaheim. He got a R'UY to buy 40 acru out on Lin· coin for $40,000. Ju1t tht other <l11y an alloa:!!!Y waa telling mt> ai;out Hlllng 3 acre1 on Lincoln at High· way 311 for $4tl.OOO," Abbey clalm11 he hu no ho bby. but hi• promotion of lht Orange County "old timers club'' Ill ml1thty clo11e to a hobby. As prl'sldtnt of the oulflt-lncldentally, the only one It h1111 had In I~ yur"' l'X litl· encf'-Abbey 11 mapprns: pl11n11 for lhe gathering In lrvtne r11 rk the lal'l Suntlay In Jun" The ann111d :lfC1111· h1t ~ 11!11111 trrt more th11n :1000 rr1 ~· "' 'l'h") cam e from 11 II '""''' lhr "•'.<t <ll•J llmrr11 111" 1n,·1teol 1( lhl'y rver RE-WS daya. Only about 100 ln the m a!le tht>lr re11hle111·t> 111 t h13 • 111111· ' ' , ......... ' "· I •i.h. 1 .}, ""' ,, ,. ' The Most Unnecessat·y Su rplus READERS WRIT E June l , 1115:> tnar Mr. Mo~•: May I wttp on your ahoulller? My ads and tttoru have availed us nothing. and now wt mul!l &oon ... •ob. 11ob ... MOVE from Newport. unle.s.11 wt: can tlnd 80me· thing lo ~nl. ALAS! With te'ar· at•lntd t yu l now write •.. A Winter Rentu'1 Lament Wt love you, Dear Newport. But what can we do • • • • We must move away Now that summer'• In view. ,Wa've looked, but quite vainly P'or SOMEPLACE to atay, But 111.lm"1er hlfh ttntal1 Now drive ua wway, A family ot ttve Need• a wee bit or 1pac. •.• Thourh tlcltled we'd be To have moat ANY place. So, PLEASE, Lovely Nftport. Should y~ chance to hear or a place 1*1lhln rea.aon ••• By the month or the year It would pleue u1 no end It yeu'd juat let u.a know 'CauM, Rl:ALL Y, Df'ar Newport WE DO LOVJ: YOU S.0 I ! I ~ MRS. EILEEN RAPP 31112 Ch~nnel Place Newport Beach, ca.lit . Harbor U67·M May 2t, 1066 An Open I.Alter to Don Huddluton Don't (eel badly, you llava lot.e ot company. Naturally. anyone 9ffklnf a public office la the victim of many altack11. Howenr, ju1t t>ttauae 1 had the a udacity to file for 1l1c· COMNNSATIOH Of EMPl.OYHS sa.•• ..,. '40 1951 eUStNHS JAXH tlop lo the C08ta Mell& achoo! boaT\l, when no one tllt' would. I too have betn c11lltd meny nam .. 11. A radical, IUJ>f'r·p11triot, extreme rlght·wtngir and a com'murtl3t. Plu,s belnr crlllch:ed for attending achoo! ~ard meellnga, accW1td ot wl1hlng to oust Supt. Rea. thrnt· enad • by telephone and publicly 1l1ndued by two promlnenl cltl· Mna ot Uie community. Next. be· ca,11.n my educano11pJ back1"ro11nd lnc:ludea an accountlnr major, the f ON lpa wlll have ll J a.m a fttr S anborn'• JOb. · ll'1 all in a day'a work whtn a ptraon la attempting to uphold thl1 n ation'• tine tradition.. To· day, anyone who· darea to at.ate th• lnlth I.I ' Immediately labeled :.radical." Let:1 not kid ouraelvea about the present con!Jplracy un· dtr way In lhl1 country. It c&a an~ dJ4 bappf'n here and ,.111 con· unue until ~ople brlnf themaelvea to r1cornt.ze Ulla mena ce. Numer· oua rumon were eluted to t•k• the local •pot.lisht off the Neff· Sanborn atfaJr. ContUalnf the la· aue la • typical commie tactk. The vote returning the Incumbent.I to otflce proves beyond doubL th• 11neral pubhc ta rn ~tmtnt with t.ha board'• decl11on. Ptrhap1 people aqf"ftakenln1 at lon1 )UL and It I' not too late. hupa and pray thla 11 true. Jn ' meantime 10-ealltd "suptr·pllt· rtota" mu.at remain constantly on (\lard and ktl'p faith that right will win out In the end. Sincerely, MARY ALJCI: W1L80N PDCEllTAGE DlsmlUTION Of IUSINESS PROCEEDS INTDIST. llNT, DMDINDS' 16.2J Ill AIHID JOI IMNOYIMIHl AND 111'\ACIMINl ~PRESS Fomurly the Newport·Blllboa l'ewa-Ttmu and the :'IOewporl·Balboa Pnu county l'mploy a.nd all In the alUlH! bulldln1t that hou11ea tha ma.In C'outthouae now. "Evf'rybody knew h11 ft:llow A ~pendable Loc-•I lnl'tthJUna for Ol'er Forty \'eara work,.r. Changed nMW. The other Abb"Y· mtdium ,:.ollu td wr\h ty. T hry Ari' s11ppo>rd '" hcolrl ion t lectaon Im " t'111b •·h1..C tvery ye11r S•tml'h""• ~:ntl •·1111 1.ntl~ a lwa) s tintl~ him~· If 11 l 1.1 .. hr lt11 I l'f'rCf"nta~e Olatributlon of ButU.ne-te ProoeN• tDtered u Second·ClaH M11tttr at the r o,.toH1c" 1n Newport Bea ch 1 day a girl 1poke to me ovtr at rececJ1n11 JHrk h .. 11 f1 ght1ng "'' California undPr the Att ot MArch 3, 1870. • ' thr dn1g •tore 'Aren't you Mr. lh' ('rey, 11 puzzltd O\'l'r what • ' Abbey,' aha n1d1 I eald yu and he'll do with hlmstlf whl'n ht h MIMecl l:v11r~· ~onday and ThuDdAy at !li't'" port ·""°M'h, Calif. who are you. Told me sh• worked reaches -ndatory rellrtmtnl a l 11117 Uta !liE\\PORTT1 11AhR80~-~~RU11i-1H8rsG COM.PA..~\' I'" Mo.:aley·a department tDon Mor.· 70. "ep one ...... ...,r lf'y. tu co lltctor l. Jt uMd to be "Jt 'a lunda sot mt worrrf'd," he Qlla1lfted to Publh1h 'Le«&) Sotl«'ll and Ad\'trtlwmente of AU Klndi Ju•~ one bir happy flUT\Uy." oontldtd. "My hobby hu alway• BJ DecNe of Uae Su~rtor Court of O~e c~. ln ActJon :0.-o. A·tl'701 ): u . Abbf'y hu •een the county ~en work. That• whtrt I've found llf'lnh« Callfom1a Se",.P&fM'' PuWl•h«'A Allbda ttOll Mem bl'r Satlonal f"..dllortal A .. ocla tlon Mf'mtNor of Or&.na'" ('011.nty ~..... !Wn1N> BE:" REDntCK. P U BLJSKER WJLl..J.Ut A. MOSES, Editor OR'.\tO~D E. Ru l':-."TREE. Advtrt1smg Dlrf'ctor CHARLE~ A. ARMSTRO~G. Mtl'hanlral Surtrln~ndl'nt Sl'B.~Rll'TIOS RATt:~: S"upor1 Hrubor, ~._.,,.p,.....,, 'f\'k" "'"°klv In Oran~e C.'ount~. ~.oo ,,.., ,\t ar . $3.00 ~h m o•.; fl_,,J three mo.. OUtucJ,. of Oran1t1 C'ounly Ii.on SW'' ~ ra r mushroom "Tht countv had only th 1 11118 .. h " Id "Th my •n ioyml'nt Maybe I can team rte car• n . ' u . en to fish .. tht> b<>ard of •Uptrv1110n bought a Cad11lJ1C' 1n 11111! 1 ul't'<I to de<llver I .\bbt'y and hie Cana(lla n-bom tlf'C'tlCln aupphu to 711 prf'clnct.11 wlfe, Helrn h\'e at 408 Acacia 11ro11nd the count'' Took me a wef'k aell Jr and two lr&nd·childNJn IO In my M(ld .. I T 'f'orrl " i •I'll J r and two lf'T"&nd ch1ldrf'n ot Abbt'y llrt"' a rompariacm 1n T racy. I~ nd \'&l11e bf'lwttn now anJ 40 He'1 ac uve 1n th• Elk1 and L1ona 1 yrara •Ko. club• and In the Maaonic lodfe. "ftt:iu . st'('K ER" Earl ttu ... 11 Ab~y 11 truly a "We thought the guy hsd found IA.ndnurk m the rapldly ch&aS\Jll fl rnl I UC"ktr th"':'·" Abbi')' b@ga.n. 0~ Cowll)' pletUn, If th11 nation •~ 10 prt>'1t1e Jobi for our •ver·lncreaa1n1 poputa . tum. IL mu•l enc?urt.«'t tho~• who provrd• bu11nu1 v.·1th f11nd1 for lnvutment. Today. thera 11 a t l2,000 lnvu tmf'nt in blJlldlnJs, ~u1pment and toola bt'hlnd K eh job. In contru t to lh• •hllrJI n.. 111 oom~1\88Uon of employtta. recipient• ot lntel"ftt.,. rent and dh1denda had their all&re of bual· nu• proct'flda dru tlcally curt&iled '" the tut quanar·c•ntury. A• a ~•ult of dlvlM nd curla!tment. proceedl ret&ined 'by lilu.alNM de· dined only 11l1ht17 fTom lt.e Mlllc>T1e lev•l A• far u lnunedlate •ffecla on econom ic acUYlty are eon~m· •d. lher. I• little reuon for pretereaoe Mt-.-am.er a.nd In· vMtm•nt ,.,...di~. Peopl• mu.It llie empaoy.d to produc• both con.umu and uptta.J, "'-'t on~ manufactured. u pll&l Joodll ctMta the Med tcw ~ worur1 to ten• U..a About OM mtUlot1 peopt. •ntar tM labor market Mell ,.,._.._~ UU. a\lllt ~· lrf'wUDeat Ill ....... r :Jrom BRUSH COUNT RY JOURNAL R.\ HORACE PARKF.R t t ;J, :\ "'" -T1d11 rolu111n h,\ 1l11r111•f' rarkrr "Ill dl'al "ltll lhe llltlf'·kno\\'n hlalurklLI ful• hr ha• d"-.llC•"1 u1• In hi• maay &rlp!I Into the ti.di rounl ry In ,.. ..... n1 'f'IH""' ... SILAS GASKILL -From Rn old 111·111t. rourtcRy of San Diego H ist orical Society. I have been asked. "What kind of mf'n were these two Gaskill brothers of Campo': \\'hat kmrl of m<'n 1·an shoot up an organized bandit gang in less than 10 minutes? What kind of men a re they. when one of them sorely wounded with a bullet through his lung, and the oth<'r with a bullet in h.11 arm ront1nt11"11 111 fl~hl ?" i''"h""''"J: that tl11u l111ndrr1tth he111 .. All I r an 1111v 1>1 thut tht'\ ""'" typtl·al tront1~r m.-rrhant·,. 11nd T\\ 0 t;XTRA 8F.AR!4 l&w • abr!lrng c1Uzrn11. 1n fact lht\' 1 Lrkl' thl' pruv,.rhla l w111 .. r oft were the la"· In C'11111p11 I mtgl;t 11 "'"l •hit k's b111·k. Luman p1111I llltlf' h1·t•d nut 111'1 prnmtlll' nnly arld, thll'y !ltd h l'VI' 11om1" b11r k· 1 .. n111kr onf' mnrl' hunt On th1• grounrl (1n11l h11n1 h" ,.,.,.nlunllv toun•I hi~ ('R()io;St:U Pl.Al ="S 11<•111, b111 "" hP h111I .him 111 hr• \\'Ith lh!!1r tolk11 thrv had rt1ml' 111.:hlll 11" :-nw l\\O,t1th••r11 ne11rbv · · I Thi' ulw1<111~ h11pprnl'<I hi' llf Ptrm• over the plalnli l(I lhl' Nnrthw<'st "<'flr .. rntli•<I 11p wll h :11)2 bf'ars. fur dur•lng the l8~10'J1, Sl'rv111,1e a kind I he )11llNI OllP liPI"•'• th1tt day wHh ot · Cront11"r appren11eesh1p" WI' ll sh1•l fnim f'act1 ot th• u. .... tin t hur nf thr 0 1111k1ll b1nthC'I• bll1rrl11 nf htio rtrs,.)_ In Pt'teluma Lum11n Guiok1ll 11.1•1 I on .. "'"Ir 11u1u111n111 m·., toM th• come Into f'O"-~"'"""" 111 a. 1111 •'"' f11ll1°w111i: •to11·. "~nt hrng !'rtllt•I barrelled rifll', Th" rnnrh•>t i. a1 11unol \ l'X<'tl" 11r frrghttn !hi' G1111klll11. Petaluma Wf'rf' hPl111? hi>t kll'd h~· on .. 1l11 y S1h1, WU kllllng tlm .. a. huge itnuly b· '" "h" h1<cJ l<tl\· 1 hcwrni: Around a pear trr" whtn ed ovtr SllOO w111 t h 01 slut k Thf''Y I Wf'n~ In 111<k tum aomelhlnR. A offered " $.'\O 1rw11rol tor th" lw111 rr111pli> ••( drunks <'llmf' out l'lf th111 wt th exp1'n8e11 paid. L11n111n ho llr· 1111lt110n 1111<1 • n111nil'nC"•I 1<hn<•lrn1e 111 Ing of t.h111 prlnc•<•ly o!Cr1 tnnk un rad1 11th.-r A lrnlli>l k ll'kf'd up lh" the job With ht11 r hn•" h11r1 tll"tl· •111 t ll""' hy and I ,.k1pprrl 11ro11ntl nflf' and a mOn!lr"I r1n1t h,. "'"nl th" r••rn"r nf " hnu,.r. S1l1111 JU~l "a b'11r h11ntin' " t urn1>•I h111, h•l.k. k .. pt nn h01'1n11 . ,1 ""'lnl:, 'f111rn f11nJ,. .. I tlnn 'l w11 nl . The tPIUlts weir n1•1,.1 ~11tl,'~)· t" ll!'t' hflVlhln hPr11111<1> I tl'>n't lnJI', f!Vl'n to Llll)Ulll na~ktll I h" 1 t t I ,i: s n W/111 0 ht\'i> n JI" In , !In 11'«11 lllllt rnongH•l d"S: 1·111 1h'r t1n1I 1t>1 A _.11n,. ... ~. of thr bf'll l anti 111 a ft'\\ hollll' hatl him "'" nf'rt"I A~ l.un11rn l1H•k· \\'1> I ""k I h,. •I• tttl m1tn nul of I'd down lh,. bu111·I l•I ho~ thr• 1·· th<' "t" •'l 11nd f>l"l'l'"tl him •2111n,.t barrelled rlfk' hr ktll'\\ II• hr1tl t I h•· hl11• k.•n111 h llhr1p A r u npn an ttwf11I h•R hunk nf 11ntzly 111 1 .. 11· 11·Un1: 11,·. ~t••J'fll'rl 11 n<1 1 .. 1111· hr11 111gh1t• Thi' "b 111 111 ''"' •ffl\ll •·ti fr11m h1, s11<ltlJ.. 111111 k & rlir· wciJo:hf'd 1200 poun•h HP rt•, ;,.,.,J '""'''' tn lh,. 1l••Art n111n ll mn111h th .. sr>-0 ttWt1r'1 An <I i>lill ... nS<S an•J j 11n•I r•ul·· on Tht• klllrr rrollAf'tl th" f'lll'f'llllll L11m1rn a lw:<\'• v.1lh ~. &o. "• nn !11111 nl'l'llrTf'rl .. an ryr for h11:<1 n••1t•. olrnolrd 111111 I t .. ucr . \' l'f:Trl.Y.11~ tht' dud"" rn ~a n r'swnr1"1'" """' I 1'hr 1 :11 .. k1ll11 1·111111' In C11mpo in pay many an ""m" .. "'" ,,.,, 1" •·" 11'•\1' 1'11111po t1nd the cflunt ry th111 hllR" h•·ar If 11 "'"'' ''" f'Xh •hll 111 .. 11nlf known 11~ Mllqualay Va l· UlU:'\'T "Rt:AK" l:\Tt:Kt.'T 1,.,. wr1r IV't\h•,J b\' Tl'XIC'llnll a/\f'r Ar11"ln1: In s~n F1o1111 ,.,.,, 111th lbr ('f\U \\'.11 Thr G8l!IU1a bwU. {h" duel brllr h•' r .. 1111d t hH I I ht> thr. "!tor" A 11,j hli.1 k~m 1 lh ,hnp a jadf'd dudes' 1 nt,.1,.~l 111 th1~ h111:• I•\\' n1• mh~ h•t .. r. l.11m11n wa11 Iha hunk Clf tll'at1 111-111 "". '''"'' 1 • ,•.,1 • k• "I'"' Anti ~1111,. th .. blark· Al110 111 II ff'I•' 1111\' th•' "' .. , ..... •llllth !!'Rn lo b" what might h•• 1l•·.i·1 m .. o1 "' I>\ ''f;f:Rot I' t<Ol'TF. 11s • 11,.,1m11Uc11lly 11111•1 · In d•••ru•t· 1111,. 1.,111111111 .. t o ( lhl' t1m1-• Altnn h"' lTI"''' ,,, ~· t ttd 11t 1h14 wi .. t•• .. AM , .. '"'!I ~11,."."· t:Anipu •linkrnJ: r1<r1 •~' 1111' Wol ft 1"' I Hl\\:t"< I 11~ I""" thr r••l•I" 111. J,n\\·· 11 .. 11111 hu k 8 l'htn"ll tll •~II•• lo\," l'.,fll•oll 1 f•r Ill! 'hr •Ill· p111'1 hrm Ji !\ f•tr thr ll\"I M ol ,.,.. 11,,.,.,, 11 1 ,.1,.1• hrr.:h"""' n ih· "um!'d Th~ '"~l1"f1 "1htll1 1· <'If •lt •· bP11 .. 11 tl1••·.ni: ''""' J1111t1rr '" ro11tni; l'lf th .. h•·tl~· , 111 .. 11 .. 11.t·· !11 111ru 11( lhl' sta tf' Lutn An ffiJt\' h• Ith I hoUB} 1•tfl I c11•••. "" 111"~' lt••nt l.,11,8 An.::,.lrt• C'alltllrnl& 1:11zzl\· h"''' 1t11nt • 1 , 1 Rn I Sn H• lllA• 11111 1111•1 "n ~lln · .:,..,, 1 ' •· lii••t,Jt•t"' r•1UJlfl AhoUl 1111 llmt> A ftl'r hr h;id •h• 1\ :!''" I ~11rio. hi~ IC"~I 1n I f• f1,., "" •' I• 11h<111t 11 h11nol11•il ,,,, ''"' h 1i,,,,, I nf hill :l·Hrtrrrll• •I 1111• 11,. 1.1111 .. , l!lillt•'I h f lh" •I• 1r 111 t"lk p11llt1r11. ll"I 'I• !II'\\' orrd m ud, 1111•1 gn.r>.r>lp ........ , q , .. I •'""I 1.rn,·11111 nf nnrlh· • ,,, di ... ,, '·•·1 ,, ._,' r• , .. , ... , ,. t I lh t rrM"''n" I f l·t••rn r 1 ,,., \\ • J11•·r1t tu Jo.1,1n 11 " ~pukfl tit hlm ··n·· UH\ HhhUt •h•· •mb1t 111n 1 .. 11 "''"'' 111 t ''"''"'' 10 Ht11 r'•lllrk· "l.11t11Rn," "" •<11°1 I "111 l I ,,h I 1•11-= 1111111111 tnl"• 1h11 1 • rin ~" •l11 1t your l~wk, ~t111> II 11<\1 I hit\" '"'' • r 'I• 11rn11lit .,f lh" l'l'n.1Ah " (f'f'llnjo: yn11·r,. gnlni: I 1 11• I ' ' • '''" • r 1 CAMPO AND Mll..Qt:ATA \' \'ALU:\· -1'h1R \'1r w nf valley waa made in the 1~0'11. O:iurteiiy nf San Dleito W.torica.1 SdeietY, • • .. --. - ' • RESULTS OF AGENCY DOOR PRIZES Country Wuhbume, left, Singer Martha 'lilton, TV personality Dick Lane and Lou Reed look over ticket on door priz.ee at cere.moniea Sunday In grand opening of Lou Reed & Asaociatea Chrysler·Plym<Ultb a_gency. Claude Walker, 344 Evening Canyon Road took a spinning rod and spinning reel while Ruas Ellington, Tanana, received for second an electric skillet and L.A. Warren of 1520 Tustin Ave. won a blender for third prize.-Staff Photo FREEDOM LEAGUE CANUIDATE.S -Lined up before some 150 of 400 card-carry ing members of Freedom Taxpayers League during election in Orange Coast College auditorium Friday night are the office-seekers. Looking on from stage in background is retiring Preaident V. E. MacCarter. The candidates include newly-elected Presi- dent Jack Rees; Vice-President G. L. \\'.ilson ; Directors Glen Spencer, Ted Hopkins and Richard Whitmore. The unsuccessful candidates were William Fisher, Philip Wilder, Hugh Bolton, Kenneth Gunter, J ohn Kane and William L . St. Clair. -Staff Photo Reporter Gone Wllo Wrote of Wright's Talk I A Sant& A.A& n•w.-.,.per r.porter wbo ori(inally wrote a story a bout Sbuitt's N&rt'OUca 811-Clint I Wr11ht'1 "I en I ency" charcu ac&inst Supertor Court Ju41• John f 8hea wu d.lacovued today to be }11 Xu:loo. J Th• newspeper for wtllch Joe Btown, .the report er, worked, and which-at ttut pclllted noth.Pi1 on Ute fortheomlnr rrand jurf probe ot ju4lctal and law 'enforcement practtcea. admitted ll'rtday Brown had lt!t tor Mexico. HI• city editor claimed he wu on va.caUon but other edltortal worker1 u ld la. bad ltlt Ute tlrm'a employ. Don Hiilman, Oran,. public re· latlon1 man, told Oran1e County NeWI Service -which broke the atory on rrand jury probe due to- m«row-that Brown quit hll San· ta Ana job and hu ion. to work for h1m at San ,Blu, MaxJco. New1 of the lntere1t rrand Jur- or1 have In reporterw leaked out wbc rr&nd jury attaches Mid membem had "talked about'' caU· lnr two newsmen In to tell about their stor1.u and 90\Jrc~• of In· formation. The jury haa aubpenaed two pe~ and "lnvlted" at leut three others, including Superior Judr• 8be& and Sf t. WrlJ'hl. One other Superior Court judre. ll to be called, according t o Jl'oreman Bromley W. Hill of the Grand Jury who announced the Jury mHttn1. UCROWD Ooettllaed from Ft'9& Pap fancy weatem pair, E. D. Grover and Betty Hall, Arcadia: plain we.tern pair, Ray Horton and Dick Norway, Baldwin Park: plain western women, Marie Kamore. Azuz.a; plain west.em men, sw. i Webb, El Monte. Beat lndlan, Harry Duncan, COii· ta Mesa; junior cowrlrl, S.unny Welle, San Bemardlno; Junior cow- boy, Gary Waer; gypsy, Mary Hainen. San Fernando. Orange Cout College took eecond. New- port Harbor Hlrh School third tn band.lll dlvialon. VlSIT ?a:W HOME Sunday, McKenzie eaUmated ~.· 000 penion1 shuttled between 1Coa- ta Mesa Park and the White King Conten home at lr'Vtne Ave. and E. 17th SL Crowd.I concentrated around the pa.rk eta.r e were '° crowded, It took three police to get beauty contestants to the st.airway leading to the 1tae-e. Big prize !or the day, for which ITlilJly people waited throu1hout yesterday alt~noon, wu a trip to Hawaii,. won by Dolore1 May Py- ler of 389 Victor!& St., Coal& Mua. MACCARTER Several present In the audience ell:pressf'<I bell!'C the f'nllre elrc· DEATH NOTICE 4 Killed in Plane Crash c-tlnuecll front f1n\ Pare lion ahould be rnlt!tl .(Ulepl alter SANTA ANA, (OCNS) -Four MacCarter lgnot1•d a. "tnOtlon and kill d In t"'-h B'ca .... A or an t l LO ........ '"Yo AC aso -rson.. were e .... Cl"eJI -~ ex reme case o ~ond tl)at nominations or di· '"'"·'"' " ,,_ t set • Sk d hypertenaton. I n,gnt you don't r..ctor t>C closed. six persons haJ Boc'ly of Lorenzo Aca.ao, M, of of a op ret · yraJ er" jet aee my name on lhr ballol." '--h Garden Crove, h111 ~en 11enl to plane near Laguna Beach early THO •.. r: P:Lt:,,_ .. 0 tn·en nominated a t t e time. Mac· today. The craft, Oil a return rHght "' " •"' Carter agrt'i'd that was enough. Wilmington for lntennenl, Parkta· t th El T Marl &ae f Llated on lhe baJlot distributed but noticed :\!rs. Hubbt-11, llate<I on Rldlty Mortuary rcportet1 today. 0 e oro ne rom to rard·('arrylnir; membeni present tile ballot, had not been nominated. Acn.so waa found '14!ad Saturday Albequerque, ere.shed Into a hlll· a t the mreting. and elected to of· He nominated her, then a llowed morning bealde a g-reen pickup •Ide d tour i:i:i;,~":O~f Nlgud flee. were Jack Reu. pruldent.: thrM ITI'~ -nom1rt1lt1on11. "1 did lrur k In front or 172 Cttlt-P lace. Roa ne.ar .-.~-· 0 . L. Wilson, v1ce-pre1ldent: Mn . not recognize the motion." Mlle· Coroner Frank Hanson conduct· The plane cruhed at l2:30 thli 0 0 . Lt'cmlng. M'Crttlll')'; and di· Carter lnfonnf'd p1 ot,.st1ng crtc.s f'd an autopsy. He 11et cause ot morning and waa found burning rectors Glrn Spencer. Mrs. S. D. from the audll!n('r, denlh 83 a hrart condition. Mr11. lua than thirty !'"lnute. later by Hubbell, Ted Hopkins and RlcharoJ Arthur Hoocknpylo ot tho Cccilj squ':da or aberm • C1eputlti, Call· Whttmort'. Among a long list of Pince a.-ldrcss, r eported Uie man tornia J:lifbway Patrolmen and rn111plalnt11 madr !lgulnat the retlr· DEATH NOTICE down on her front yard at 8 :30 county fire trucka. All four aboud Ing president by opponents wu thf' p. m. Hanson 11ald It wu hard to 1 u e aaJd to have died ln.alanUy. fact lh•l Maccarter hart powH tell how long he had' been dead but At th . uncter tht-by-laws to cut 11pprox1· MRS. VIOLA B. XAXK exprellllNI lt wu since midnight • · mately 200 vot"s es prox:x !or 1111 Prll'ate funeral 11crvlce1 for Mrs that d1tte Cracker Bcirrel mt'mber11 not p1 Pflent. Viola B. Nakk. !17, ot 2124 Pre:sl· There ~H no elgna of foul play. . MarCartrr dtfen•h'<I h Im 11 e Ir dent W11y, Co:<Ll\ Me11a . will br Pollrc found t he body lying face By CAJIO EATON against an 1tl11<'k prtntt'•I and I h1'1'1 11t 11 a m . temorrow In .Park-1 up 0 11 the ground beside the pick· When. you dig "11to that eecond c·trculltl"d throu1:h tht Free<lom f'll·Rtdley Mortuary rhapd. Th,, up. A small bottle of pllla wu White envelope Wida the flrlt Homo ti act by lht Nl'wport-8111-Rrv. Richard H. Poss. p11~tor of roun1I In the area, ofCit'el'8 said. white envelope, do you •lgh over boa <..:lt1zl'n1 <..:omm1ttee. \\'htn he 1 the F'1111t Southrrn Baptist Church, Appnrmlly AcnllO ftlt an attack therein? Remembertn&' your hap-• I the romantic new1 contained u kNI It Hny mrJW> .. r• of lht com· w11ll off1c1ate. romln~ on, pullt'd off the road, py June ot a century l.&'O? W hen n11tree were pre~Pnt, approx1m11te· Mr,c. Ne.kk died y1>ster.l11y morn-turned off his Ignition and light., you and he or ahe pl&nned your ly 20 prr!l<>n• l!IO••I up. Ing after an exlPnded lllnr11s. A anti got out of lhe truck. prehat.oric cave and what to do Jtl'X-~O <.:1...ASHEs naU.v.-o t ...... ew-..\·erk City, 1!M Pt>rrlttl!oP.'ldlt'\' 111.ltd no relaffvee l'lSOUt~r'Wetr. thit white Runnlnl{ r la,,hcl! OC<'Urred ber, came to Callrom ia In 1943. Sh(' of lhr lll't'ellJl<'d wa.. round. envelope m earui a 11ft. and what'• twetn M11t'C'Drtl'r, l<rnnrth GuntPr. moved to Costa Mella from Laguna nicer than an order on the Crack· Mr11. Mtllor Knd Olht>r11 t.hroug hout Beerh in January this year. T p I $ I er Barrel at 128 Ag'ate Ave .. (the WO 0 es to en ferry street), tor the betrothed t he two·hnur meeting Al one Survivor!! mclude Mrs. :'\nkk'e couple. There they can select an time. llfarCarter H•ltl Guntrr. "You husband. All'xander M. Ne.kk; two Theft or two tl~hlng poles from original or a prtnt tor their fu· are out Qf Clrdrr. I sh11ll ha'·" lo daul{hlt'rl'. Mr!!. Kirk Floranre of his lorhcl C'Br pArkcd on Bay Ave. l ure hogan. And Sandy and Elea· lnstmrt tl11• srrge11nt·nl·arms to Pa.·1f1r Palisades and :\!rs. T. E. near llfain St. !';eturd:iy wu re-nor Entleld, operator1 of the escort you outsl.tc." Lnughter Ot•l'k••r ot Westchester, and one IJC,U"ted tn police by Robt!rt Camp-Cracker Barrel, will civ• expert 1reeted his threat. Jt W&3 not car-gran.l~on. Jnurnmt>nl willfollow In bt ll oC \\'hillier. and free advtce on the framing of rled out. Uuntt'r was hlltr nom1· I M e 1r 0 a e Abbry Cotumbarlum. POllC'o said the pol1>s were llp-11a.me. And Sandy will carry 1'atrd to orpo1tt the <lirector11 hstt•I F rtf'ntls may CllJI at the chapel, It lhrough on cwitom tramLnr. while on the ballot by MarCartl!r. j 14 a!I Hnnounc!'d. par enlly 1thd out from a •hghUy Elly will mat It. Nicely, too. At , < open Window. the Cracker BarTel. -Adv. I Inside tip: THI RIALLY MODIRN NOMI HAI AN ALL·ILECTRIC KITCHIN clwose tire "l.cclt "yqu lik ... I Gokt llOlllS ,., '55 I are featuring aJl.electric kitchem in color! See them y0uneU at H1111at1• Ma11tr NO. 2 north of Huntington Beach on Willow Lane, south of Westaiim.tu ·BlYd., and I • two milea west of ffiihwa139. Model Home1 Opell for inapectioQ starting June 1 I th n,ey're all-electric, IO they're I .u ... c17 for -11""'1 IOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA l •DHON COMPA.~y · . .. -"' . I NARCOTICS C..U... from f'1'9t Pap to ten yean at Soledad. Robin n, oha.rred with th• A me otrenw , 11· le(&l poueaaton of heroin. wu (IV\!n a 180-day IK'ntvice by J udi e ,Donald J. Dod(t with l~ day1 inapended for three yran on con• dllldn be not UM narcotlu. to-DAY aAJ>_ Spark• flrat made an Lnanlty' plra and thrn chanJed hla plea to &".lilly at Ulll&'al poM111ton of hero- in. H I• ulUmate &elltt'flce wu to daya at Camarillo and !Ive ·year1 probation. Mra. Horvath, accuned of being an addict to the unlawful u11e of narcotic•, a ml.ldemunor , wu aenteneed to 90 411Y• ln county jail and put on three year1 pro· baUon . She and Roblnaion were arreated a second Um• ln May, thil Um• by Coats Mua police. Roblnaon wu booked apln Cor posaualon of narcotic• after police safd they found hlm In posae .. lon of a nar- eouca kit containing a m edlclne botUe Ud, eyedropper and hypodtr· mlo needle. Kn. Horvath wu held on vio- lation of htr probatl,n. A technlca· llty ln the probation condition aet up by Judge How&rd Cameron, which did ftOl specify that 11he 11{"&.S not to asaoclate with narcotic UM'- u or anyone &MOC!ated with nar- cotJc., rele&Sl'd her from her pro- bation vtolaUon charge. Seal Elected President of Mesa Chamber 0 1.lbert Seal wu 1'hul'lld1y elect· --d Ceeta M~ hamber of Com• merce pruldvit by the chamber'• new board ot dlrectore. He repl1ce1 Don Huddle.ston. Ed Stroou, R. F. Oeddea and Andy Walker were elected unanl· moualy flrat vlce·prealdent, 1tc re· tary and treuurer, reapecttvely. H. H. Burnett captured the poat ot 1econd vlce-w e1ldrnt by a 7-fl vote ovrr C. J . .\)Ian. Seal wu elected from four noml· nated tor the pre1ldenUal poaL They "''er• Stroot., Burnett and Tom de Fore1t. Seal orl(lnally rec· ommended that the new board re· t.atn Huddleston u preasdent. but Huddleston said he waa unable to continue In the poet. Huddleston wu commended on bll accompllahmenta ln &'ivillf the Me• chamber a doubled member- sh1p end "the mo.st ha rmooloua NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA&! 1 MONDAY, JUNE 6,. 1955 year" In the orianla.tlon'• bl.a· tory. At Huddl .. 1ton'1 1u1:geat"'"· Sj>al 1:111J11d for a reKUJar M'Nlon of tht croup In Harb"r H OU!l' Thuniday to ta.ko up duu policy. pusslblt' cha.nil• IJ\ duu \jate, aniJ a 1ug· r ested women'• awullary to the cbambt'r. Other members of tlle ntw cham· brr boaotd ot dtrectora are l!T&nk 8 l1Mll, Elmer Dudek, WH Harrt· t0n. Loula Markel. Ben Nere.IOA. Paul l'\luen. ArtJ\ur Tutu .. VAUGHN RITES CoeUaaed rrom n,., ,.... uaual to tlnd Vaupn on duty all night a1 a policeman on the 'feaa and aervlng the court the follow· tnr day u lu ma rahall, conetable and balll!f. Sum vo,.. Include hll w I f e, Lou!H R. Vaul'hn and a 10n Don- ald L Vau&'hn both of the home addttel at 901 Vlctorta Ave. A second IOn, LL Pbllllp Va~hn. died Mven yure .,.o In an air force accident a( Roswell, New Mexico. Lt. Vau~hn lett twp chll· dren, Richard and Sandra . e ATOMIC NV~ MIJT\JAl. P'UND, 1- it ll•it-4 .. ,..._... ••a~hl· 2 1 , •• •ariety et _,.. ....... ,,. ,. adirieMe ......... .. from Atioale ~ ., ,. '•m ••,.. :a•a• Burdett Harrison CALIFORNIA INVESTORS 25'4 I Circle Drive Newport BHch -It r•ya to rPad the want ada. STILL IN COURTS R.obln11on'a 111cond • v Io I a t I on charge 11 atlll going throui;h the court11. Jn the Mantz St!l,000 burglary case. five youtta drew county jail 11entencu varying .from three to 10 month•. Jerry Hanlell, P lacentia, form- erly Newport, labeled by Judge Shea..ae the "ring leader" of Ole burflary nng, drew a 10-month sentence and five-year probatJon, Hl1 twin. 1i'tomu Han1en, P l•· centla. wa1 «iven a three • montb 1vitence and three-year prob.tlon by Judge Shea. Please Be Seated Charin Printz, Brea, received a 11.x-month county Jail 1entence will: three yura probation and Richard A. Duran, Fullerton, l"I!· celved a three-month Jail aentencr and three y ear probation. in one of out many fme chain. wt have tMin for the new brick, for the new home, for • new decoretin1 idH desiped for luxurioU1 WCet and priced for modest budam. whether your choke it urly amttican or contunponry, we can pl~~ you. Lloyd Alvin Phllllpa. Brea, <'On· vtcted by a jury of being guilty of rect!lvlng stolen goods In the Mantz bursla.ry, was given a aix- month 1u1pended Jail 1entence and t.hree-year probation period by J udge Kenneth Morrison. • end h &recn ICflllP•• of coune. L&1t fall Phillipa wa.a acquitted by a Superior Court Jury on charg· u ot receiving 1tolen cooda In an- other burg1-ry. The Hanaen1 and Prlna were char ced with the Mant1 burglary while Duran and Phillipa "•re link· ed by police with recelvtng the loot. • Ford leads all lowpriced cqr~ In V-1 power ... Of all the tow-priced V-8'1, only Ford's Y-block V-8 bu an extra-deep engine hlock to give you rnnootber, quieter. lon1ter-lutin1 "GO"! New Trigger-Torque power obey1 your com.ma.Me il\ltantly, reaauringly. in yHn-ahtad looks ... Only Ford hrin"" you • t.he yeu.-abe.d )1eauty of Thunderbird styling. The lo~ roof tibe, longer body line and natter rear deck all aa"j "fi.ne car." And int.erioni feiit ure new fabria1 appearin1 for the flrat time in any car.' In smoefther going ... No matter where you go, Ford'• advanood form of g411.Joint Front RUl- penaion tnn00ths your way. Sprinp h11ve been tilted to smooth out the bum!>fl from the front u well &11 up and down for a new Anglo-Poi8ed ride. In modem power assists ; ; : You can have your Ford u automatic u you want ... at a prioe you want t.o pay. Power can belp you 1h.ift. steer, atop .. '. ~ve windowa and aeat both up and down ••• J:t!!P"condition the air you breathe. In choice of models ... No other car ofrcra you eo many modela t.o cbooee from. And in lltatioa wa,on choice-whether you ~(er 2 dooni or 4 ... eeai. for I or 8-Ford bu a t..t-leller beauty t.o auit your need.. and In resale value . : . Ford hu traditionally returned a higher portion of ii. original COllt •t 19ale UW\ any otbar car in ita field. Why not pt the whole story at your Ford o.Jer'a. You'll never want t.o aettle for 1-than Ford. ' .'!.Ao R ll thenew more. . . ~n best U sel/,er / Sells more because it's worth THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FOBD Dr.Al.Ell 81NCI'! ntl -ION llA&ll'o"'E&'I IOLE) ,. 3100 W. Coast Highway Newpott hach Ubfrty 1-3471 GREAT rv. FOBO TllEA'IBE. KNBB (f) l'BlJUDAY, 9:80 p.a.-------- • I PAGE I. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOit NEWrPRE~ MONDAY, JUNE 6, "55 JConstfuding Without Pemilt . M.m.H ..... SANTA ANA tOCN81-8uper- lor C"oun Judce KMnl'lh £. Mor- ruon hu t'OnllnueJ the he•rtni on J,)hn ~ MulllAr.' IT. aceuffd of 1 man.sl&U£h~r al a Newport O..cb Ro~rt H. O&nMll. C.0.l& Mu& 1 "1-:: Wb1dl WU lnaikqua~ ~ It lr&thc. acc.uknl. LO June 17. Tb• painting conlr&<'lor, wu fined $2!!0 ahowl'd nothing lntt'Ulr1blr. Tht' I court hu foiin•I the aU~Uona by J udc-e Donald J . Dodi• May iterond pllUI "''U all!O lnadequat•. ag' Lnal th J , nlle to be true I\ I •..tor const~on of a 10 • 10 ft. he "onun~, lackln1 delall and a • u' • · Costs Contractor $150 ·Rne -u adclltlon to a bu.lldlnr wtlh-nveallnit an Inadequate ~l!lffr-WU reportf'll, MulllM llu ..._ out a bQiJdlnr pennlt. Inf dHlfn. declued a wull of JuvenU. cowt. A mh1dMmeanor, Jud&• Dod~e Vota• emphUt.l'd the fact that 411ld thla wa11 lha tlrat C'&M of It.I Daniel had from March 11 to Aprll ktnd. a v1oflt1on or thr C~t& Mua 7 to aubmlt a •t11factory plan uniform bulll11ng codt'. to t'oma wblch 1\-e fall~ to do. "Every r f· I before the court. He 1uepended fort wu mad(o. to help Danlcl," $1:'.>0 of the fine with a one year Vol& declared. "llnd the rtllnr of provl11lon t hat no more bulldlnr tbe compl&ln~ w&• the lut ruort.'' vlolatlons are committed by Dan-Judge Dodge told the defendant IC'I. the prln<"lpal con1lderat1on lft the CLASSIFIED DIRICTOIY A.llor~ey Galvin R. Ke~n41, re-e&M was Daniel had flliled to presenting •Daniel, told the court eubnllt the plan. It l.an't a matt .. r he had entered 11 pie& or fUillY ot pllyln( & •mall fff for & per- tor his cllC'nt la.at Monday, but mlt, he lllld. Without a plan. lhl.' APPUANCf'tS -BCM&lebold would like .Judge Dodge to hear judge •xpla lnt'd. It would be Im· Paru -0.e&ler -Sen1~ DanlC'l'1 e.xplan1tlnn or the ~tu&-poSl!lble for building Ln11~tor11 to UDO t:U~t"l'IUO lion before passing aenlt'ncl'. perform their jobs. to aee that MH na Udo -~ Utt Daniel admlllt'd It wu hi• building C.Of\ltructlon compllu wllh &UTOMOBILE DEALERS fault the building permit hadn't pla.n1 acceptable undC'r the uni· been tsaued. but n ld he had u-Conn bulldlnf code. ·' • • 11umed the South Cout Construc:- tlon Co. would take t'are of t~ permit wht>n he contracted the company to put In the footing for the wall add1Uon. LOOKING FORWARD TO HIGH SCHOOL A . J. Vol:z, Coal& Meaa bulldln&' official, Informed him he wu vlo· latlng the bulldlnr code March 18 after com1trucUon had begun, Daniel eal.d, but wu told the vle>- laUon would ~ overlookl'd If he tubmitted a eatlsfactory plan for State Engineer Rejects l _oard · Traffic Plan SANTA ANA, (OCNS1 -The atate highway engineer hu turned thumb& down on the county board of aupervlaor•' recommendation a lra.tflc Interchange at Huntington B•ch Blvd. be lncluded In Santa Ana Freeway plan.. t Horace .Emign School Grade 8 A. taugh~ by Mrs. Moaa- teller, appears above from left in this order : Top.row- Cbarlcne Carroll, Kent Hay, Elsie,-Silman, Jim· Walker. Linda Bowen, Pat Hanshaw, Charlotte McGann, Nick Jarrett, Melinaa Rork. Middle row-Erik Sjobeck, Mel· inda Peeler, Dana Cordrey, Tom Corkett, David Elford, John Bellinger, Larry Aahby, Mike Calhoun, Terry Rou. Lower row -Dick Tarnonaki, Bob Lieb, Ricky Arens, Roy Mather, Carol Hyden, Marilyn BOwler, Randy Hill, Denise McDonald, Tom.81-re: le!t Mra. Mouteller, right Nancy Prior. . J lh• wall. DanJe.l tuUfled he had the contracting company 11Ubm1t a wall plan and Vol& Informed him the plan wu unaat.l.ltactory. CITY !IALL HEEDS OF MESA MAY GET FRElWAY CHANGE CDM Woma.n·-files Mesa· School District to Repay Tb• coutnacUon company then dratted another plan. and When he received a bill for the plan from the firm he UMJmtd tTerythlnJ WU &11 r1pt. Danit! explained The paint oonttactor Kid another plan ha.I been ordem trom th• Weetem Drattin&' Company. The board hae urgenUy reque..st- ed the atate reconalder It.a pro- poal to make no tumoffa In the freeway at Hunlln(ton Beach Blvd., Bue~• Park. Highway E ngineer G. T. Mc.Coy Kid: "We ti.ve carel'uUy conalder- ed you.r lntercb&Jlfe recommeoda- tJon.. It hu been concluded 11er1owi danger would be • tnnlcted on Buena Perk by rea30n ot the rlfbt-of-way reque1ted. S:~!~oc!~it Mrs. $42,232 to State Aid Program Elizabeth J . JenMn of 212 Evening .Canyon Roed. Corona del Mor, The Co1ta Men Union School troller for aU achool district.a which Bulldlnl' Official Vola 11Ubmltted OorlltderaUon of three poNlble I would be to 1f1~l the city and the on May 26 fUed aull In auperior at. tor a Coal& Ml'1& City hall Costa Mesa UniontfS~h~ ~is~~t court here for eeparate mainlen· by city council may jar t he ala le 1 1n l wo dlUIOd cut 0 0 le C 1 0 eg 0 • &nee 1~a1nst her hu1'ba.nd, D. on aid ege an. range ou o e e. L J Lo • ~ I Id ng dt91alon of highway• lnlo action . • el\J!t n. • .u•(e ee we 1 r--..tln change ln frl't>"llY <la· shop operator. ---& · 2 N T h Among items li.ted In the com· l,,.at.lon Of Newport Blv•I. from ew eac ers munlty properly wu a 4().fl. District will ba'H to pay back to al.all! 1!2.232.U for the 195~:'.>e fl11eal yf'ar commencing July 30 under the provision• or tht Statt School Building Aid Program of 1949. Robert C. KJrkwood, State Con· troller, rele&11ed lhe11e figuree u part of the more than 16.&00.000 repayment achedule for the 332 atate-a.lded achoolJI coming under the provi1lon. have received flnal 1tate' echool apporUonmente under the promm during the precedlng ,_ar 'Old a letter t o the court, which be received from Da.nlel on Ma.rch 18. At the bottom of the letter, Volz Aid, D&nlel had included a wall plan ruemblin&' lh• letter tal<e the form oC deductions !rom by Ult' re.laUonahlp between tht 1tate achool apporUonmenta dur-dlstric:t's aaae&ffd nluatlon and Ing the followlng fl11eal year. Re· the amount th• dlatrtct must r&iM euJllng loues ln Kbool aupport by property ta.xe1 during the cur· are made up by the levy or ad· ~t year for principal and lnte~•t dlllonal property taxea in the re-on bonded lndebtedneu tncurttd paying d.l.ltrtct. prior to 1le nnt apport.lonment "We have re-exa.m1~ our trat- n c pf'l!dlcllon.. e,nd are convlnc~ the ulrtlnr and propoeed ttclllUee wilt provide completely a.dequata Hrvtce for the • two rout.a involved." toth St. to 8 . Maln St. In Santa crulaer. Widgeon, berthed •t Bal- An&. c ity Manager c eorge cor-Hi.red by Coast ooa Manna. Excl'I'• weldin g IUld Suparvleora and the oowtty Ju- aoclated Chamber. ot Commerce were aeektnr lht lnterchan&'e, claiming the at.ate'• plan would hamper traffic w&ntlftl' to ret on Huntington Beach Blvd .. by aend- ir." J• ' r out of th• -Y· f•Y hu notlfied the dlvl111on "it Machine Shop of Loi Angele11, and le lm-rallvt that the city know the home. Repayment.a for e&Ch parUclpat· under th• proaram, plua that part tnr echool dlatrlct are not bued wbJch wu lnc:urrt'd u a condition on tho l~n alze, but on the di•-to recelvinl{ addltlonlll apportion· trlct'• ability !o pay, u mea.ul'ed ment.a undt'r t"~ • · ,... Patricia Ellee.n Payne and Rob- loea.l highway plan1." ert E . Valetl havt bttn a ppolntffi The C('>Uplt ha. one chtld, 14 8JTES CONSIDERED lnatructora at Orange Cout Col-years old. Repyament eomputa tlona are made ea.ch yee.r by lhe State Con- Under conalderatlon aa po11lble Cott a Me11a City Hall altee are portton11 of Southern Cal.lfomla Blble College. Oranre County F¥rground.I and Santa Ana Army Air Bue land, the New11·Prt1111 teamed today. All th• 11ilee border cm N"wport Blvd t.f, ~" dt~· rnuncU early thl• year p&lff<J a reaolullon requutlng the .. o.al<' ct 1 v I 11 I on of hlghway11 to cla.n&e de111gnallon of lha b<file· vud from freeway to divided hlg way with limited croumgs and no aervlre niads . The r uolutlon was lnatl.itated by Corre~ who told the bocly ... \ 'ntll the freeway de11gna· tl<m 11 changel1. It c11n't be any· thin~ clae:· Highway 11poke11men lnd1r11t«'d· the resolutlnn wa11 unctl'r aturly. bul no acrn>n hal bten taken. The prrsent Nt wport Bh•d. roadway I• 100 feel w1l1e, lnclucl- lnl{ the old PE tracks. H t he 1tate carrlu through It• pl11n11 for a freeway wllh ac.C.l'llll roadll, Cof· fey 11ald a roadway or 190 feet would be r1>qulred. Thi• would affe<"l city hn II plan11 11houh1 onr of the 1ite11 under l!C'on11irtn11tlnn b4i purchaud by MeM Clly count'll. wot a..n ~PUT ('ITV Mu1m• 1iave batUed llJ:'t1ln11t the f rttw11y 11lnce Incorporation or the city. The rounty boerd of 11uper· Y1.aOrlL ~~ at.ate hl~hwn pl11.n11 In A frerwov aicrtement In .i94Q. F.ffe~l or th•· rrrc-wa y now lege by action of the board of truateu for the 1966-M 1c.hool yeu . MUia Payne will teach En· glish and joumallnn, replacing Dr. J ohn Neff who IJJ returning to Puadena City College after a year'• leave of ab111nce. Valett will aerve as coWU1elor a.nd ln· 11tructor In peychology. He will take on the a•lpmt>nt of Donald lfi dgman who hu been gniated ve of abaence to pur:11ue ad· nee graduate tralnlng. M1ae Payne le a graduate of Stanford University where she re- ct>lved the bachelor'• and mu· ter '1 dl.'grtts. In addltlon to her t ramlnic In journalism and E nglish. M1sa Pavne bu bet'n editor of a~\·er'-1 achool papen1 and wu a member of -the .editorial board of Stanfon1 Dally. She wae gradU· ated with great di.1linctlon from Stanford and ls a ml'mber of PhJ Beta Kappa, nallo~holutlc honor fraternity . Valelt completed hi• ba.chtlor'a degr~ al George Wlllhune _COiiege lln Chicago and the muter'• de· g ret al the Unlven ity of C hicago. S11bst'qurnt gra.d11ate training haa Ileen taken at Sacramento Sttte t:ollego and UCt:A. For the pa11t two ve&re VaJeH hu been em· plnyt-d by l.he Sarramtnlo County Schools !or clinlca 1 co1Jru1ellng a.nd In addition baa been teaching part- time~ at' s11?'r1ilmen o Sfafe College. Both IOJ1trurtor11 will report for duty next Sept. 1. ANDAU IN SICOND PLACI a asl•deM la .._. new white palnt job, the trtm aloop Andala '(twmtir11 ,..,.,.,ed u ''the bladl beauty") llbowed her, bMla to au but two ot blT St ritaltl 1a Ule unual o~ Ra« trom Loa A.n.pl• Harbor to Newport R~ ln aeuoa 'openJ.nr ce,.... monlH on May 28. Ownu-1klpper NHTC SWf CommodoA Walter rr,.na •ved hla time on· Gabe Olannlnl'1 Martt .AmeU• Lo ~ aecond overall In the event. -Becltoer Jlboto . - ; I DoRtlJJfJue All Chevrolet's compet~tors and most of the high-priced cars triecf itr ecently in official NASCA~* trials-an took" a licki~ • M Ht the chomp! The new Chev- rolet "Turbo-Fire VS" -the most modem VS on the road today. Here's what happencd- Daytona .. ach. NASCAR Ac- celeration Tests Over Measured Mile From Standing Start. Chevrolet cap- tured the 4 top positions in its class! 8 o f the first 11 1 And OD a tim~ basis Chevrolet beat every high-priced car, too-but one! But wa.it!-this i.s just the beginning! Daytona leach. NASCA R Straightaway Running. Open to can delivered in Florida for $2,SOO or less. Chevrolet ca ptured the first two places, 7 out of the fint 11 places! Daytona .. och. NASCAR 2-Way Straightaway Running Over Meas- ured Mile. Open to cars from 250 to 299 cu. in. displacement. (l)ev. rolet captured 3 o( the fi.rst S p~s! Columtllo, s: C. NASCAR 100- Mile Race on half-mile trade. Very tight turua. Chewolct finished fine! • FayeHevllle, N. C. NASCAR Late Model Event. Chevrolet again fi n- ished· tint. Because o f even tightet turns the driver chose to run the en- tire I SO laps in second &e&rl Yet DO ovcrbeatin& or pit 1topsl The~ facts you can't laugh off. Sales leader. Road leader. A crown- ing achievement of Chevrolet and Gcnuat Moton. Try a Chevrolet , •• and live in a land of goin1-away where you win all the ariumeotsl Soon, maybe? ..__ ....... c.._ ... Way, way ahead! /Sales leader for 19 straight yeanl MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 Weat Co•t tfitltway NEWPORT llACH ) • J ' • New and~ Dan1 NICIO~KTZ 2'Tl 'l>EllAJlE& ~ St-n ic'fl Pam HI& Newport Blvd. -Bar. 611 Baok of Ameorlca !\'T a 1'A H U \'la Udo -tlarb« 1611 BARBEg SHOPS UDO SHA\'lSO Ml'O In Rldwrll'• ~tore for Nf'• J U.i \'la Udo -l.larlMlr JIM BEAUTY PARWBS UOO MALON OF ftr.:ArTl HI& Spt. Blvd. -Har. 1611 BOOKS BOOK <JASF. 'Ull \'la Udo -Hanor '6H CAMERAS & Suppl.lee VINCF.NT LIDO DRUO~ "'' Via Udo -Ha.rtlor IOll • CARPIJ.'TS & DRAPEam DICK HACKl:R IUO \'I.a Udo-.llarhor &Ill CATERING IUC'HAJW'S UDO llARIO:T IUS \la Udo -Ha.rtlor llU CLoTHING -Mu'a Betall BID\\'ELL'8 8HOP roa au:.~ Mn Via Udo -llaltlor 11&1 OLOTBING-Womea'a BetaU LA U:V."J.: 600Vla~&llt UDO FA8BION8 U40 Via Oporto -Baner 1171 8HADDOCK'8 MU Via Udo -Ranor 1111 V•OABOSD HOD8.ll Imported Sporuwea.r MllVlaUdo-a.n.MN DRUG STORES VINCll:Nr8 UDO DaUGl!I .... , \'la Udo -............ ELEC'l'Bl<J OONTBAC'roB8 UDO ~LlllC'l'alll NH \'la Udo -H..-r '111 FLOWER8 &ICRAJW'S LIDO KAUET Coraagu-T&bla Af'T&l\Cementa Mii Va. LWo -llutlM SIU FOUNTAIN, GRILL VINCZNT'9 u:oo oaooe MllVlaUde-......_ .... FILUIE8 a ALBUllS Gt;RllAJlDT STUDIO& ..... , ... Udo -llMtlM .... FURNITURE DIC& llACKEa MJO \'la Udo -..,._ '"8 GIFT SHOP RICllARD'8 LIDO MAIUCJ:T HSI Via Udo -Barbor zaza INSURANCE AGENTS ' W. O. Bl'CK, JN('. MOO \'la Udo -11.arMr U..4 INTERIOR DEOOUTOBS RLASCRE FULIU:R80N A.l.D. • \'ta l:Jdtt -llubor-iit• DU 'K MAC'Kt:R IUO \'la Udo e ltarMr .SU DOS CRt:IGRTON A. I. D. Malac'a Import• aoo ~·ta Mal a -llartMr 11n MARKETS RIC'llAR • UDO MAa&T.T siu v u.. -KMMr %&21 PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS c;t:RHARDT HTt:UI0!-4 U16 \'la Udo -H.Mbcw UOI RE~L ESTATE Lm<> Rt:Al,T\' AMSOCIATES 1.1110 1'ale11 &r Hentl\111 lli<IO \'la IJd<> -Harbor "" • I'., A. l'Al.ME R IS C". :sass '1a lido -harbor l&tO \'{)(it:I. C'OMPAS V 1418 \'la l.ldo -Harbor ttH ftAV ASO Rt:AC'H Rr:A.LTT \'I• I.Id<> Rrhtae Oflkf' 111i Lat'ayt'U.e -Harbor H41 SA~GS 6' LOAN ASSOCIATIONS JllT.WPORT RA I.ROA MA nNOI A l..OAS AMMO('IATIO~ A Savi ng .. Jn11tltutlon Lon ~ Trrm llflmo Loa.na IM6 \ la Udo -ltattJor UOI §ERVICt; STATIONS LIDO RIC'lltlt:l.D HIS S eM-por\ Blvd-Bar. '"' SHOES -Mea'a BIO" P:U.'I'( MTOlli: roll la1'f 14tl \la UcM -....... 11&1 l'llEATRES LIDO nn:AntE Conl!ult thh1 papt'r for Pf'OITUll \'la Udo at Newport 91.,.; HartMJr II " rovs LIDO TOVLAJm 1441 VlalJde -...._*6 l'RA VEL AOENCID BARROK TllA \'1.:1. AGENCY Mii Ne11tpert ~ MM UPBOLSTEIUNO orca llACIUtR MIO Via Uclo -...,._._. WINDOW COVDINO THE SHADE 880P >iea ...... oaa ........ ' \ • • VJC'l'OBIOU8 lllDJ)IU -Once again the winnen in the Western Sprint Champion1hlp "rowing rega'tta .May 28 wu the stalwart crew from the U. S. Naval Academy. They received the Helma Perpetual Trophy. at the annual crew dinnf'rr held in Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Olympic Rowing Committee Chairman Tip Goes CULLS CHAMP SCULLS . (right) ia shown here making the award. The crew are Willi.I Rich, Dennie Sloan, Jerome Wataon, Robert Gnue, Ru.uel Hensley (accepting trophy), Leonard Anton, John Forbrick, Ataury Brown, and Kent Drummond. -Davis-Beckner Phot o ' Appoint New Commissioner for Leagues BANTA. ~NA, i OCNa) -Tha OMnf• a11d $urutet Leacuu wUI Uva a new coin~r of •lh• lellca, .tartina-wttb tht football NUOn tht. .tall. Appointment or ,tohn McD9nQ!.!1h, Ora.np County -lk:hoo~ phyilc1J educatJob cofliUlt- ant, wu made Thundot.y by _. ape- cial eu1nmlttff ot county ac.hool admir:\atr1.tora and alhleUc direct - on . I.I BUI Foote ot 8anLa. ~ R lah School la lht r.llrlng c.:immlu\oner of the two 1nrue1, • pNt lie Jl&I held •1nc• 1939. r oote ... y,. • hall acheduJe nf tl'achlng-<Joe• not laave hln•'enoua-h Um• to fulfill Iha ffm.andl~ duUe• of th• commll- anlner. McOon:xia-h, the new,c<1tn- mlaalonar. will 1tart •ppol.ntll'IJ aU official.I in lha 10~ rootbllll Tha naw comrnlMlonw I• & P'duate of 81antord 1Jn1V11f'lllty, wtiere he p.layed tackle under 11ny Thornhill The 1peciaJ commlt!M which m•d• tlt9 aeltteUGll ..... comp09ed of F"Ullerton H!g-h School Pnncipal Glenn Lew\1, O&rden Gro¥• HIP School Pr!nclp&l Don Jord&n, Or- 1·----------------------------ling-e Hlg-h School Athletic Dtrl!Ct- HARBOtt nr, Biil Jl'rant1. Brea-OUnd& High School Ath/i!Ue Director Dtek Tuc:ker, •nd Bre•-Ollnd• Principe.I. l"rank Hopkin•. HopklM hlm..-lf ta the new pruld11nt ol th• ClP' llOuthirrn •ectlo11. ·no~ · t" Former Orange 1-----....,..------1 Hi Lineman to NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11. PAGE I MoNoAv. J UNE 6, 1955 Play Pro Ball --------------------------1 SANTA ANA. IOCN8)-W•yne PRACTICE GALLOP BY MILERS SECONDS OFF RE~Y RECORD \\'h1le ju11t getting the reel of pa .~1ng " baton Thurld•y 11fleruno11. Se .... ·1>0rt Harh< r Hlgh's fnur-n111n, four·1r11le reliily l!UHll<'l ~·amf \\'o\hut II ro•w ll-l'{:und11 of br,;,;,klng Ille national pre11 p·~·,rd It CIF Comml111!ont'r Ken ~·11gsn.1 c:an arr-.nge it , Ille Tsr 11rp1.,.r11 will run t1.i;:a1n11t nlher Soulhlud high ll<'fa•nl relay t111.ma ln lhe I..o• An11;elo:11 Colu1eun1 J une 10. !'t"1lor Coach R.lllph Rce<t t1n1ed Nat1on1l Prep 1'Ule Champ TOd \\"hlte. C.:11-llforn111. State 132() Chi.mJi [)(ln Be1tt~·. Sun11el L.e.('gllP rro,..,.·Country Chii.1•\P Larry Caalro 11.nd Augle o~­ lrow,.k1 :n 18:~8. KPl't! ''rorl.JI Bellflower'a m11.rk or 18;~~. unfl!fu.:1ally "''°t during the S11nta Arut. Ea:ittr Rl'lRya. hu bf'1n br"k"n by nn r1111tern hlgh 1ehool. Thl• lo"·"rtd the unofr!cl/l.I r•·1'01·.J lo 18:!.li . .!I. Cl<><"kln~a nr the ln11\Vldt111t Tar runnl'ra Ttiurlday. Reed rt'JIOl lf'<1. '"" &:03 for 011trnv.·~k1, 4:29 for Beatty, 4;40 for C11~tro 11.nd 4:36 for While. TRIBE IN CIF FINALS Runyon Twirls Fullerton :--ro 7-3 Win Over Cavemen S<:hnakeriberg, fonner Onn11 High School llJld S&.nt& Ana Col· lege footb!UI lineman nO"lll' a ttend- ing Tulaa Unlvenlty, ha• ltpl!d lo play footbfl.11 wltll U\1 8117l Fra.nc•aco '49era lhl1 year. Schnaktnberg wUI report to U\e •411er'• rookie tralnlnl" camp July. 10, In prepara.tlon tor Ula openlllf pr1ct1ce gar::ea In Augult ud Ille N\l.llonal Football Lea,.u. pmea In the fa ll. The 220 lb. Unema11 will be ""' membered for .hl!I tine play In 1949 at Ora.11ge Hl(h 8el'lool when Orang-e defeated Sant& Ana High for the flr1t Um• Ui 2~ yun. 32-111. 8ehnakenbarr. who will bl! U\.e ftriit profeulonaJ football playar lo .-~uat• from Oranp Btg!l. Yi th1 aon of Mr. and Mr1. Amo. Sehnallenberi: of 53' llut ~­ YT' Crance. !(elMy at Conclave > Herc's John B. Kelly Jr., U, S. National champ an<l 1955 Pan-Am erican Game'~ champ. It's certain this boy iJUlis 110 s kull!i \l.'hen he sculls. He proved it re· cently here in Newport durin g the \Vestern Sprint Championships when he easily won the singles title. Kelly has anolhl'r clain1 to famt', tou. Hiit sister is Crace 1\1'.'lly, A cade my a\l.'R rd y,•i nning lovely. -Staff Photo FULLERTON, ~OCNSJ -F or the second year in a -------------~~---------1 row. Fullerton l·Ugh·s baseball t e am will play in the CIF Edmond J . Kt\af)', Balboa relli• dent and •g-e11t for the Prudential ln1urance Co., wtll atte11d the com - pany·, Pre1idenl'• Club bualneM conference, June 10-11. at the Ho- ter del Coronado. K1\ .. y will con- vene with more than 230 Jflidlnl' Prudential llfe unde""1t.era from Southern California t o dl11eu.. th• v•rloua u~ta or llfe ln1urance bu1tne11 end n1elhod~ of brtng1n1 added aervlce to loeal PrudenUal pollcyholdtr1. 1 finals.; A lso for thC' second year in a row, Fullert.on·a aensa· Complete Plans for 1Fourth Annual tional team ov"poweced a good San Diego H;gh team to r"a<:h the 11.!l·ll11pc>rtant champlor:-long hit.. loo. lArr-y Fl!lhel tripled Shrl"ne NortL South Game July 27 11h1p bracket. In \he eigh\h lnnlng-, While hill · ii• F nday !n An•heun. Coach J ohn t"'in broth''· Jerry, doubltd in Ille , .. CHARLIE BERRY HITS HIGH MARK IN ANNUAL PENTATHLON~ CONT-EST~ Jerry Webs19! Champ. Punter; Wllsdn, l!lllott-Tie with Toe Charlie &rr;y, powerful Sailor gridiron fullback, .et a new-Harbor-High· IChool ·record in the ·annual footbt.11 Pea· tath1on conducted by Coach -41 Irwin. Berry compiled f8 ~.: poinU, bni.(king Howard Mitchell'• vanity mark of 45. lr- wtn Mid HO youth• tQOk part In. Rod ZwietM'I mad.. tht longfft U.. annual pros:r&m· , ~ for dltt•n«i with a 1t1tra1ty Moth~r record th!a year Cam• h .. ve ol' fll yd1. Berry top~ the In B pWi:llq--fw dilUDc• wtille ~ lor M"-'llra.ey-wilh a v..,..,,. tht B &nd C Conversion m.uka or rating of I i.,, and na\1(&.ted the 10 tlrall'hl w11re Ued. Jtrry Web-o1*tacle eoorae ~cklnc • podt· •i.r. klckM ~ plcalr.ln to yu.. hid• In • low ot' 2••. H.:lya w•a not only lfllrpumilnc Randy Pty-hll'h fOr ktckoffa with a C mark ton'a 8 ma.rk ot 152 yU., but a1ao ot ~ y~. e•ceedlnc-Jkn-y'1 var.lty htc'h of COMPLETE Rf:;J"ORT M yda. Punlln1 -A : Berry, ~; Larry TWO nE llAJUU Karper. Ol; Oeol'JI! Schult!., 49: Zw!ebtrl, 46. B: J. Webater. 90; Ouy WU.On ·u.d tll.e B eot\Vfl'-Bob Johnaon and Be•lty, 47 : Glen alon ncord and John l:Ulolt the C. Buford, 48. C; Pe""z· 44 ; Yee, Pey- Ovenll wlnner-9 in aach dlvlaion were Berry. A; Norman-Howard, B, 11-1\d Herb YM. C . AU Wt're l lY• en mMlala. Irwtn announced. AND AGAIN Tribe Nabs All-Sports Competition ruu.ERTON, (OCNllJ-J'\aller- ton Unlol!. Hilb School won Ila fll!COlld a~t BIU\Mt i-cu. All· SporU plaqu•, Dlr.ctor ot Alb· l•UC• Joe Merlo rel&t..S l'riday. Tumlnl' oa the powwr In tM aprinctlrne, ruuerton cl~ w1lh a terrUlc nntah to wtn two maJot 1poru tlllM and ~ up the plaque. Hunting-ton Beach HIP won th• plaqu• the ttnllt lhrM yea.rs. Polnta an award.Old to all ~ teamll on ..U Le-vela of cornpaUUoa. The hl~r a \(II.ID tlnllhed In tin&! atandtnr. th.a more. potnte a team .,.rned. Th• achool MUI UMI mo.t pol.nta •l th• end of competition wina, and P'ullerton won. ton and Ron McCum. 41. Palla for dl1tance -A : Zwle• bel, St: Schu!ll, !l9; Berry, !l8: D1V11 Johnaon. 49. B: Ta&" Al"·ood, Car Cloutings Plague Po(ic,e _ llJevtra.I car clout111g' reportA war• inve.Ul'ated by poltee over the bu.y Memotjal Day weekend. Wllll•m MoWTer or 441 Irvine Ave. -.Id Illa car wa• brokt.n Into while parked In the rt'ar of hit 'home. ff• AJd a pair ot .un r\ua. .. and • hand axe -re taloten. Four bub ca~ wefit reported taken Sunday from the Alan Rob- •rlli car parked In tront Qf 12!1 Acat.e Av• .. pol!ce eald. Roberta U•ea in San Bernardino. Madell Dlttm•nn of 441 Santa Ana Ave. told offictra two hub cape wtre laken from her car •hlle parkt'd ln front of"her hom , ancl. ·v. L. Overley Qt Pon1on• 111ld a hub cap wu remowd from hl.1 car Sunday whll• parkfd 1t No. 7 Municipal Tr&ller Park lot. Theft of two hub cap• from her car Sunday waa made by Mr•. E. C. Crort of Rosem<!'ad. She aald tile car was parked ln f ront of 31 6 JI!. Ba.Ibo& Blvd. 111 Ill• time. 41: Neil Mth':1lf, •t : Marttn and U....tty, 44. C: Yee, 41; BM.Ice Nolt,. 4i; Mt Kinnl'y, 44 ; Kuhn. 41. Pua tar •1:cunc:1 ~A.: lkrr)'. t,; G.tnt lfubbard. ;I ; M6reua, ~. B~ Metcalf and Don '\\'a.Jdron. e: Art Btttcher, O!-i: Bob Jolln11t11\ and Don <-'ml. t "o. C : st~•rt roa- tl'r. I : Jerry Y.'hltatter~tr'rll 1111d McKlnnt>y, I). Convera.lona -A: John Grau•r Uld Jlm T'lllylor. f ; Bob VIUICftn-., Zwiebel, Jlck !lmtlh, Harper, Olc'c NaDon and Pt.I• lkhWM..,-. I. B: Gary Y.·11aon, 10: 8t_. S.q, II : Orel' Hujhei---llnd Bob 8mltl'I. ':'. C: J ol\o E!llo"tt. 10; BN ce Nott, II ; Yee, 8 : Lane, McManlc-•l ud Mc· Klnn1y. 7. OMtaci.. -Berry, 2t•.: B1U Lll.n1b, 24.11: Toni N\qu1tlt, Jlnl R.amffy ud Har-per, 2t.I ;' Hub- bard, 24.9. B : Rod Wit.on. 24.7; Metcal!•· 2t .9; H1?W•rd, 2!j,.4; i..n- natd L;.opu. 2:,.0. C; Yee. u .T; ROI\ El!gll' and Hammond. 28.41 Georfe, 26.~. Kickoff -A : 8chultt and R ... p11, 48 ; Z"·lebel, t7; Dmnl• Bow- en and DennL~. 4t. B: Glen Bu- ford. 4:'>: i....nnard Lope1:. •1. C: Hayea, 60 : Y~. 44 : EIUoU, 42: McManlpl, •o. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 Ana.helm and Fullerton e&eh won two varaitJ tltlea thlJi past aeuon. The lndl.,,• won the ..._ ball and tn.ck crowna, while Iha Colonl•ll uceUl!d bl tootb&ll -d tennla. Balboa Fun Zone Fullerton tt..t wlU\ Nnrport Harbor for th• mo.l UO.. In all (IUM1 -.i. . .Anahetm won n,,. Ullea th\• put -...on. while Hunt- Ins-ton Bach won two. 0"111'•· tN other ll':t.6\HI membl'r. failed 'Caln lo w1n a .11n1le 1port title. F!n.o.1 point 1tand\np: Fullerton 74; Newport H•rbOr &:I~: Ana- heim 14 ; Huntington Bt'ach •11 Banta Ana 37 and Ortna'• t4i,;. ~OHNSTONE'S Mesa Auto Wreckers l:erd Auto Park ud 4coce.N>rie9 2075 PlaceatJa Ave. U"°rty 8-701.I C09ta M~ OPIN SAT.• SUN. ALL WINTD P!11 n• for tht Fill/Uh annual th<!! Ht'ln111 Athlf'!!r Fou_n,J11Uon V11.l••n\tno'11 h11rd·hllting Jn1!u<n11 11l1tth. ·"· !lhrine :-.,:1,rth-Snuth footh11ll g11 n1e I n11.n1e <I the ~~ 11thlt!r" ror !he r1tr~11ted t.'nlH'h Ll'a C11&11ie'1 O<\'t'• Jerr-y J>Ullt'd oul before: t:hf. to bl' rl•}'td in the Lo11 Angl'lr11 S<.>lllh aqua•!. n•<'n 1-3. "·hl!e plarlng their top ii:ame, bul hi. incident wun·t 111 Here•• moner'• worth you mu•tn't mrsa I ••• Cnl111eum July 27. h111·e hf-en con1· 1 Tl<'k<'L~ for \he 11nnu~l ,1;1\!ne. ,:11.n1e nf the 11ta~nn . s11d &11 San Diego·~. The O/l.nmen'1 plolt<'rt. Af'l'Or<hnfil to C.lrnn L ...... hH:h ;,. pl11y"d to r1.1 1~<' h1n,1~ fflr 1't:1tf"F.f'T RALL top Clllcher. JO<! De.nl. whlle tak- P.-11rce. p,.,t~nllltt. or Al :\l11!11lkllh th .. 1..,a Ang1?le11 unit of thr Shnn-PlllyPd hcfore 11 \\'t'll·attendtng 1ng ln!J,Jd prac!iC'll!, •pllt h!a nn-CHRYSLER WINDSOR DELUXE V-8 Teniple. era' Hospttlll~ fnr ·c nrrlrd Chihl-r ro"'d in !..&. l'11.lm11. 1'1.rk. und'r a .r;er. He left the g1me In the fl,..t --~-----'--~--------·~------~,~·=·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~-~-~~~~--~~====;~=======~-=~---------~==========~==~====~====~------~-7 K er"e~., "'"ho h11\•f' been hl 1Pll11~l'f11T"rt11fl~ In S"u!hrrn r111lf"r-r(. {X'rfP<' II. o !"fl n O tlle"etr .N'"""bldt'IU!p. ·-..,...--:-- fir i'liarl!}' conle11t 11Jnr• It.a 10-1 n111 . /\rh·an~ .. 1n•lirr1ion~ ar" that I (1n11\ll. Thr finals "'ill he pl11ytd 1-------------- ct>f!llon. have been 1111med dlrPctnr 1 111111 yc11 r'11 1111.-nrlS'IC:!' "'Ill 11urpsM t~rid 11y 11ftrmoon, pnM1bly In 1.lon-D St L- a n•! 1111.•illlllnt dl""C:\or ttJpeCl!VCI)' \hl" 1111,000 !llllrk. t1•1)e1lv. ave epncnson by r otrnlllte Prarcr. I Jn the other a.-m1-fin11.l cont1>11t Ancih' ei"m'S MVP J • R ht'hl Y""trrrlay aflerooon. ~tontl'· Rf:!'\1 ~t:SIOR~ Lewis ece1"ves IJ.follo ·~cfe11t .. d :0.!11rk Kcpprl H ti:h Tu·entr·ff•·oi or the be"t 'J:rll•lll· 111 Alharnbrll. ~-2. ~luntebrlln tl!'· allnll' &cnfnrs from nortlH•rn Call-l llNAHF.t:\f, 10CNSI -Colonltt ·f'itcher Dav" Stt'phe1110n w1a n11.n1rd m<>11t v11.lu11.ble balleball pJ11r••r by the hlj!:h •r hool le11.m, 11.J:i;Vt!.IJng t? .!Lil UlnPUJ:IC..tl\:ltnl n1ad!' by Athletic Director Dick GlO\'t'r, ro.-n ... hi,..:h ~<'h00l8 h .. , ... n._ ... n Tennis Honors :~:('f-/ .. t ·uurnon ~rl)· n the"""- pirked to 1·tprl"~nt !hr Nnrlh by \ There ... '?Ii; f in~ 1,ilchlng on both p.GrU -"·r.itcn1 U\ t!JaJ llCl'\IH!\, PASAD~NA, -f!.lchllrd • .n. ·trllmir. rmi.·er hl llln,i:-n--om-•bnfh T h,.,· \\'Ill hf' h,.11.tled by Dick Ba:ir~. Ll'\o.·111 ,,f :"c .... ·pnrt Bt'\tc:h, a 11\urto-nt equ11tt,., ""Ith the ttl,..:r bf,111g irl'Tf.>r11. t hr ·~11\l'll\ runntng har k do•vtlop· st t he C111i r .. rnu1 lni;ll\Ul<' of The ('ll\'emtn bt'>lltc,I the ball 11/x ..-1 in th/It 11rt•l1on of the 11t11le. "Churk'" BuU,.r. co11c:h 11.t Alx· med11 h1i:h IOChOf'>l, and Tony Kn1r. n1,.nt.nr Ml Plttshur,i:h,hlJ.:h ,....110<.)I. •t"i the CO·COll.Cht'll Of lhe North equ11d. l.eadl11ir thfi South team ""ll\ be J ln1 BleWell. Manual Artll hlirh .,_.hool coech 1111\1 I Allron Y.'1dP. Centl'nnlal high 9"hool. Bltcv.·ett. Yeteran of th• Loil A ngrll'!!I City .h!Jl'h IChOO\ 1ylt('m, h61ulled the Nnrt.h t~am two yea.ra ag-o. Y•11d!', wh~ Centl'nnl11.I .qu11d "·on the BouClrl'rn . CJF Utle. 1'111.11 rosrhed that team alnce it v.•11.11 orga.niud two yeu-1 •go. M.000 CR0"1> To•t•hnnlt>io!:." h1'tt', r er"l\'rrl II frl'llh- 1n11-n atnll'llr 11 .... ·10 11 tl\!11 n1nnth folr hi!! r11rtlripa\Lon In inl"l<'fll- lt'J<'lllle 1rnnJ11. Sun nf Mr. 11nd :\!r.o. H!lwll.rd Jl_ Lr"'lll, 329 Viii Lido SQud. he .... 11a n1ul)ed tor lht' •"·ard by hill roarl;'I w a nrt llppro\'f'd by Athlelu: Dlre<'tor 1-f. Z. :\hJ!!"f'lm"n 11rH'I th,. &tudent body h<)ard 'Of dirt"ClOr11. C11ltech L& • menibfor of the Soutll.-rn ('11.Jlfornta lnlt'rcnlleglate Alhlr(te Confrn!n('f', More th11n half nf ill! undergraduu.lt'll, 111f n111- jor11 In rithrr 11-cirncr nr t'lljt'lnt"er- tnl;'. parUrlpate In lnlerco\Lt'g l11.te and lntni.mun.I aporla. Li-will 111 11. graduate of. Ne"'J!Orl Harbor Unlnn H!gh School. DID YOU KNOW ••• Mercury has a 3 .. year record for the highest re-safe value price Reid? • '" its s-,_ ••i.,..f!1 '' a"'-lo""'•r b d r rmilaJ ---· tin1,11, thret In lhe fil'llt tram<!'. Rr·s,·o:o; ROl'Tt:' C.-.rahl Ru11yon. lttl·hRndrd chu\·kcr, went the t'nllre nine ln- ning11 on the m ound for the \•ic:- tor11. The 11enlor <'la.. .. hurler f11n- Stcphen1an l'xcelled throughoul th• entire W.il<!ball aeason and wu lt"Rdlng hiller 1n the Sun&et Le•- gue play. At the 111.lT\e time, the bllJ!rhRll #qU&d haa aelected Third &t.11eman Alan-Stot.f u lhelr" c•p- ta\11 for neat 11e11110n. • n<"d r1~ht 11nd w11lkl'd ju1t rour. All four frffl p&1111t>!I were "'ith\11 11·.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-D--E-.--,--_::::::~·,: lhl' (lriit three lnnlng1, 81.r; blurt or the pn1a "·1111 • fin•·="• horn" by ·~ DJ..... COLLECTIONS hf'f\y 1econd bll<'ltm&Jl. Jim Gll- rhn~t. \\"!th 011e runner 011 b!Ull', G!l<'hrlllt .. mackl'd lhr b11U to rlght-<'cnttr for U\e 111111de·tht- puk honier. The oth•r power 1tugger ot lbe ct11.y ...... , t.he Caven1,n'• atar, 011.r- en John10n. l'he lhird bl!M'man- pll<'h .. r connM"I ed rnr three dou· ble8 !n fnur trlpa tn the phl.te. ftkA\'E .StlARt: Fullertfl n fil'Ot thf'Cr ah•r• of lh!' J2o;tJ_ Al .. ID ,.....,.. ACC"Ounr8 -. Sol-8 -Cla.lra• or any kind of deblll--)'l'"bltN' In Amf't1ca. ··:o.'u collectlon1 -So fe-e... \\"e lod•'llll<"e aJ:I cotta. CREDIT Bt:KEA u or ,,.l!fltern Ora11ge Coua11 fn'nTW"r11 CN'Cill ftu~u or Sr: ... pori nr.cll. L&&un.a ~ &lld Cott1-Mt aa. ZU4 Rh•enilde A"e., P.O. Box IM ·"iE\\'l'OHT Bt:ACH. CAUF. GLVtD LAMIN,a..Tro MEMBER S, GfYE. Cl.EAR $0.lt.N, AFFOQOING GQ£A.T SlRE.NGTH A.l \..OWE.Q. COST. COMDLE.TE. l!WILDtf'tG DlLIVE.RE.D TO JO& ?.rT~ FQOl"1 ~!I PER.SO.FT. OR COMPLET"ELV ERECTED, INCLUDING Sl.,1rt,l!i, FQOM t I • Pl.A. $IQ. F"E. fOA. COMMl.QC:O.l... fA.Rl"\.OR INDV~TA\AL. U\t. AIWWNI« I# .rq. CM.IF. • e-b v -• VAtUE in mpftal !etteiil BrUTl•t _. .btinc • , . biutht&kinic pwfonnuim ... soft, hmalom oomlflrt • -, daulinic .,.., lnt.eriOI' uid u..W cob> -tliiutiOfUI , .. and • h081 of eirdiaini drift ,...,..~ .. ....,ebl!d In any othtr earl A11d tMv ta" oll bt-VI"'" 01 o pm. lWa /w, /et..._....., WO"' 1111~A1 •-ftOblJ ('zp«:ti T1k• 1 look ' at th1t roeter' of ntr.-...W.. r--. OI tM riicht. 11\.,!"'" 11.U youn In a .C~ arid aowt.lrw ._ And, of coun111, Chryaltr. brlnp )'OU 8ftl'i-UC U. !Vi ftnM.. Eidu~ivt" Full-ti me Powrer S~nr. (iant Po_. Bm.., Po....,f1iw Ny-Automatic Orin ... AM a W...S .... Spi1ftrto Y-a tarlN ~ HU•er1 -d••• Y·• ........ wllJI rflll .. ,et _.,._..,. ..... You owe it to yoar.1111 and J'ODl hlldf9( '° ana -and drlva th~~ .,... ~ W--. I*-v• _, Ill fllSI GlllT flATUllS All ,,, •• , •• 1ou1ra111 01 Tll CllYSlll WiltSOI lllUll 1.11 ..,._ ..... _ .. , ....... --... d -... W'd -11\,o-• , , . o"" -ololl•noa -""°""" .. ,..... ... /11 -.,. ,....,.., COMI! TAKI! CHRYSLl!R'S "100-MILLION·DOLLAR RIDl!r9 ------------8QllP DllNW DlllY• IAP'llJI -----"-------- LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1200 W. COAST HWY <I NEWPORT BEACH LIBERTY 8-3486 ______ ..... ,.. -....... """" ...... , .r .. --·a-........ " ..... --------........ , • ~.- .. PASE 2 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOJt NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 ANOTHER · MESA BUSINESS New 'addJtion to ~e Harbor Blvd. and 19th street business section of Costa Mesa ls Wuemiller's. According to .Reine Waaemiller the store will feature workingmen'• and boya clothing of well known brand names. LOCAL FISHERMEN ANNOYED OYER POSSIBLE CODE CHANGE P....,... ot-A..embl1 bill 1 .. -.m~ct-pm.­ code 11ectlona relating to commercial tl.dlln( ii 1Urrtn1 eome ruentmenraround Newport Hatbor, aecordlnc to J. B. Mc· Nally. HI! Mid the bill wu lar1ely favored by back country people who dill n ot know too much aSIC>ul It. 'Fhe nt'W reC'llatlona ~t a 3000 ton a yev limit on yellow tall, a limit which he•. ne\'er bttn reached, McNall1 aaY.. There it1 no rellllrlcUon on UJ•dinff or maejlerel. the two moat ln1porlant commercial tlah. There ta a 2~.000 ton limit on anctiov1ea, another limit whlet) 1lu newr ~n BeC:hed. bul which Mc."lally declarea will now be reached u there la at preaent a rat ra ce by fishermen to make the UmlL The meuurt alao chanrea memberabJp of th. Marln• Ruearch Commfttee to five commercial f iahem1en, one apotta fleheman Md three lo be named by the C<">VttnOr at lar~. The ·former committees were mada.. up of five commercial flab.er· men, three membera from the 1tat• ti.ab and ,.ame commlaalon and one frqm Hopkl.na lnalltute. The committee dlrecta apend·. ln1 of UM tu money tl'om commercial ftabtn1 tonnare tor reeearch. BIG< MESA LEGAL BATTLE OVER PARTNERSHIP DUE \ SANTA ANA COCNS)-A com· and bu overruled the d.emurrer. pl&lnt tor apecltlc perfo~nce ln a move to dlaeolve partnerahlp in the Meaa Shopping Center~ Costa Meaa, appears de11tlnf'd to come to trial after many month• of leiaJ maneuverln1. Dona.Id and Velma Huddleston filed the complaint agalnllll W. T. J effloraon, 90: Walter Bur~ roughs, Huel S. Burrou,he, Jef- ferson Scoville and C. E. Mc- Connell. The plalntlffa claimed they en- tered Into an agreement with the defendants to dlssol\'e the part- nerahJp tn the ahopplng cent~r and divide the u.seta. They con- tend the detendanta later backed out on the aaaerted ag-reement. Judge Thompaon aald he wa~n­ able to find a 111.r case In all· fomla law, but did locate a a 1- lar one in New York. with equl· Uu ecmewhat the aame. The plamtiffs sought a halt mil- lion dollara In the event the agru- ment wun't performed by the de- pendanta. ' Allen Resigns from Sanitary District Boa rd Fred Allen, formu reporter for lhe News-Prc>u and now manag· Ing editor of the Garden Grove I -cl w.-11. N allO bout. non-lnJW')' aatety .... ... oear .... OW cord ot el1bt 1un. at Alamecla Post WeU.. who report.ed to th• Al..A.M&DA.. CALI..r. tFHTNCl Squadron May 12, entered the Leonard £. Wella, aviation macll· Navy In March ltd , and received lnlat.:a-mate-ONt~ U&N1--.. 1-~ult -'D1ffinl Al 1h_ Nav-1 of Mr. and Mra. B. L.· Wtlla ot TralntnJ Cent•r. San Dle10. 201 2lat St., Cotta Me1&. la aerv· He 11 mamed to t.he former ln1 In Air Tranaport Squadron 2. Mlaa Bobblle L. Phinnty o.f Cor- bued at the Naval At.r Station alcana. Tex. Before enterln( the here. • 11ervlce he waa l"t'aduated from .U a 8quad,n>n 11.ltn)ber, Ile la Johll Dew,ey Hi1h School In Loni part of th• Nl~·· apecJaUal team Beach, and wu employe11 by which opera.te-' th• famoua four Dou11u Alrcraft then. enaine MAR.I aeaplanea, lar1eat ------------- . operallnr alttralt of lt,t type In Calltomt& hu 1~ m uonal for-tha wotll!. The MARS holda a world'-' req>rd in carryln( 301 eata, accordlll( to the National P...n1.,a on a a1n11e n11ht and Aut~mobile Club. Gardea Hose T••, 1bdt of a 76-tt. l~I SV- den hoee wu ruort.ed •wada.Y momma· to police b7 Mra. Olar· lotte Thom-peon, T11 Acaeta -'"·· to police. lt wu tUlft tr-om laft' ya.rd. lh• Mid. Curnow ,,_.. GoM Mra. Ja~k Curnow ol~Oo.-n Blvd. told pofJce Ml.)' n u al· 1t1ator purM valued at PO .,.. taken mm her home tn tM put 10 day1. 8he aald the laoue bu been open to pro.peetiv. ltu)'eh. •13•• ..... $15.tl HI· Test Safety BOOT Neoprene Soles Dacron Stitched Bol-tan ·1moles ~ GUARA·NTEED AMERICA'S FINEST ENGINEER'S BOOT w ·asEMILLER'S WORlllllGMAll'I ITORI 1894! Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA Opea Frlday'a "l'U t p. m. We Otve Bhae • Oold Stampe A demurru to the complalnl wu lodged by the detendanta. It wL• upheld by Superior Court Judge Raymond Thompson. The Judge, however. now bu determln· ed the cue "criu for justice," ae- cordlng to Atty. M. S. Bernard New& Th~~ay ~~t submitted ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ his resignation as a member of r Vandalism Told in House Entry the Costa ME.aa Sa.nltary District board of dlrectol"ll. Mr. and Mni. Allen and their children pla.n to move from their residence at 461 E . 20th St .. Costa Mna, to Katella Park at end ot the month. Allen won a board seat and re- placed Wllllam H . Lord Jut Sep- tember. Aleo elected to the five- man board a\. that Ume werf' P re.11- ldent. Arthur H. Meyers and Paul Houae burglary at i~M Channel Norman. Place ta being lnvu~pted by New-Wblle Allen aerved, operation ot H• WATCHED HIS. NJW STUDEBAKER BEING MADE the sanitary d11lr1rt wu 1 iven port J>Ollce. J amu H . Mill• of 43 over to the City of Coat& J.lea• Balboa Covea, ownl'r of the prop· on a contraet baals. The district erty, told police the houH WU ha.a alllo changed attomeya from broken int"° P'rtday nl1hL Leroy Anderson to City A ttomey OfnceB nld entry wu p.ined Dona,ld Dungan, a nd englnffrl by puahtn1 away a board which' from Francia H. Bulot engtneer- conred a rear window. A mat-tng firm to City En(ineer Don tress tn the houae wu alaahed with Southworth. E. C. Dockstader, 83, 209 Sapphire Ave., sits in his new Studebaker. He baa been buy- ing them since 1913. so the company took him to the Loa Angeles branch of the auto factory, and let him see his new car being assembled. There be renewed a.n old friend- s hip with Paul C. Hoffman, Studebaker president, who eold him a car in 1915. Handinp Dockstader the k eys is Joe Nickertz, Newport Studebaker dealer. -Staff Photo a ruor blade, police aaid, a tele-The board hu not considered a phone broken and a receiver taken. repla.cemrnt for Allen u yet. Mey- A storage room wu al.o broken. era .aid. His realgnaUon goea in· lnto, police reported, and red pal.nt. to em.~ct July 1. Kind Lady to End Season for Players Presentations l n thl'1r choice ot Kmd LAdy (or dur tlon ot Mr, Anl?cl at the Ch11pel The1ttrf'. th@ !in11I play ot the St'lt:.<m, tht' NPwport Harbor Cornmunlly Play· ery \\'Ill pr~senl an unusual s1111pen- 11e dntma t•n J un" 21 ·2~• and July l -2 ~:.twl\1 •1 ('hto lu1uv, \1 h•t udJ!'l· l'•I 1.;1n.1 Ladv !ton1 11 ,.t .. r\• h\' Jlt1~h \\'nlpol;·, hn!< n~~ .. r'r1hl;tl 11~ the >!tag1' r1 mn~l int• I•'''"~ And dJVcl.llc {;roup o! 1.:hu1a..Lc1.-., con· t.rn.•ung tht' how1c-llr•lol an•I rllcnds -br"d -~i:11~hwnm;,11 \I 11 h 1 ll<' fn<>nJs ~In·! 11s11ue11\l"~ "' H1•m y Abbolt:-" rhnrmtni; w11ytarer ·nf q11e11tt on11hle list kg1 .. unt1 Anol who Mary's huusrkrrprr p1 r1lli-t11 111 "up to 11omelhini;." \'ETERA:\" ACTORS Jn lhe Players production Ger· tr·urie H om of Corona tlrl Mnr will play ~tary Hel'rl.s. ;\frs. Horn 1~ a \'('~ ~rtreH..9! l,ch J;..H!J!l' a.nil 1t Is always a lookcd-forwa nl to oct·a.sion when NW tnk1·• pan In a play. Long a resldl'nt 1n t his an·ri. she has dlvtderl htr I lm11 h•·· twl't'o the Newport and ~hinta Ana Playc>ra. Portrayals for which she w ill long be remembered Wl'r<' Queen Eliital>elh In Klni:s and Queena, Mrs. Bramson. th<' old lady. ln Night ~rust Fnll, mother tn Life With Father. and A bble In ~rse.n\c and Old Lac<'. Playtng opposite Mrs. Horn, In the part ot Henry Abbott, w111 be Edward Wright. one .;>f Orange County's bUl!iesl and must popular actors. Kind Lady wlll mark his fifth production thla aenson. With lhe Santa Ana Playera he has re- ceived hJgh prall!ll for his parts tn Sight Unse<'n, TI1e Trial of Mary Dugan, and The Hiuty H earl Moat recenUy he made a trem6ndou11 hit with audience Rnd revtewent allke In the title role In the Player1 central st&gini pro- t'IRST APPf:~RASC'E Rose, the housekl'e~r. will be p1Ayl'c1 by popular Mary (of Mary nnd ~111'11 r aft' 1 Davidllon. Thi• will be her !1ri;t appearance with th" play<>rs: in fai·t. Muy h1 rl'· turning to lhe toollighla tor lhe first t ime 11inre sh" nrrlvl'd here rnur 'lll1<1 a llBI! yeaTll aio from Scotland wht re ahe wa.s very act· 1ve n e ea re a<' v es. an Important nnrt amusing part. the players announced the return of Paul Caldwell. of Costa M t's& who provided many laugh.I ln the opening production of the seuon, Strange 8edfellow11. DEATH NOTICE !\IRS. f'L.OSSQ; Pf:RKl:X8 Funer&I 11ervlc@1 for Mra. Flos- sie Perkins. 48. of 2490 Newport 81\·d .. Cosla Meu, will be lleld ln Parkes-Rldley Mortuary Cllapel tomorrow.2 p.m. The Rev. Joseph W . McSbane. putor of the COllta Mesa Com m u n I t y Methodlllt Church wlU ofrtchtle. Mrs. Perkins entered Or~· County h ospital May 30 and dJ Thurllday after an extended l· nes.~. She was a natJve of n· lucky and came to California tn l!l:n and Costa M esa In 19:12. Survlvol'l! k e two aon.s. Le(' PPr· kins or SllJ\ta Barbara and S. Sgt. Forrest 0 . Perkins now ~rvlng In tho! t.:.S. Air F ore• ln Scotland: " daui;'hter Mra. Donna Schmidt of Red Lodge. MonL: two brothera, S&.nlUf'I Pennlngton of Colorado and Andy Pennington of Ellcon· dido: .Jive sisters In Ohio and In- <lla na nnd th·e grandchildren. Interment wi ll be In Mt'lro11e· Abbey Cemetery. NOW OPEN NEW LOCATION .. 1:-; HARBOR AREA THE lcleal law & Lawnmower SALES & SERVICE Wll sEaVIC& • WE SELL IA\Vl\'"M0\\'1!118 e 8AW8 e llL~"J;S P'lm Q..UtJ WMll Oa.ar9Dteed ~Prttt• 1570 Ntwport Blvd. -C-oeta M~ • Lt,'Mrty 8-7~12 • Where's the best place ·for your whole famity to save? Today, mf/110111 of Americans will tell you that the smartest place to put your savings is in an Insured Savings and (oan Association. This is true wbeth~ you're the family brcadwioner- or just a member of the piggy bank set. • You cu open an account in these Associa· tions for as little as SI to SS. Your savings earn tx~llmt rttums because these Associa- tions Invest most of their funds in sound, steady-paying home m_ortgagcs. And your money is &afe-protected by good management and substantial reserves. It is Insured up to SI0,000 by the FSLTC, an agency of the U.S. Government. What's mo~. you deal with friendly, experienced pcoplo of your own community. Why not open an acoount at an insured Savings and Loan Association todar? It's a good idea to get to know your nurby Ar sociation-not only because it's an important place, but because it's also a pleasant and profitablt place to do business. • NEWPORT B,ALBOA SAVINGS end LOAN ASSOCIATION 1366 Vie NEWPORT -P. A. Palrier, Lido BEACH Pre~ident Harbor 4200 CALIFORNIA ......... .,.-- !lember of the Savings and Loan Foundation, Inc., aponsor ot this advert.1.Mment in JlEADER'S DIGEST "Yes, but he has on OK Used Corl" -If you want to get into the swim (without going over your bead) your best bet is aq. OK Used Car. The cai with the red OK Tag is thoroughly inspected and reconditioned. It's a crowd-pleaser in performance a.nd appearance, and it's dcaler- warranled in writing. Solcl only by an Authorized Chevrolet Dealer MILLER CH~EvnR~Olt°LEi-IT~Cr;O~.~~~~r.amrr 1000 W. Coa1t Hi9hway Liberty 8-2261 Newport Becu;h LOOK AT THESE USED CAR BARGAINS '55 Ford Thunderbird, R-R-Fordomatlc, Pwr. Steerlnc. 4-way !!!eat, Chromt1 t:n1tlne Kit, Hard Top, lesa than J ,000 mJIM $3765 '54 Ford Country SquJ,., R·H, \\'. 8. W. Tiree, Fordomallc, l:'wr. 8~r- tn11r. Pwr. Rrakl'A, Tlntf'd Glu11, 12.000 IM'tual mlll'll $2395 '53 Mercury CJonverUble Ope .• R-R ·Mfrt'O• matte. W. 8. "" 'ntte, Conti· aea1.al Kit. Cl"Molll Color w1tll Bladl Top $1795 '51 Pontiac CJhJdtan Db. 4 • d6or 84-dan, R·H. Like anr In and out . $795 '51 DeSoto CU111tom <1ub Coupe, R-R Medla.nlc:a.tly Perff'ct $895 '51 Chevrolet 8tyll'Jlne, 4-door 8e>daft w1tll all Chevrolet ANMIM>r1f'11 $695 '50 Olds ~r ~.RR, 'W. 81 W 1 Tiree, lll'ew Sf'&t CcJv,.n $435 '52 Packard •~oor iw.ctan, R-H-OD, New Tire1t, New Motor $995 '49 Chevrolet fltttllnf' Dix. !-dr., R·H IHl Motor $415 '50 Ford ('u11tom Pb. V-8 P'ordor, 11.-H W. 8. W. Tlrf'<I, MW pUat $595 '52 Chevtolet '""U.-Dl.L.._l-dr,. ~R M,;('haalc:&lly perfM:t $845 MILLER CHEVROLET 1000 W. Coast HW¥-Newport leach Liberty 8-2261 ... A\\o'ARD "·1,,~t:RS -./'itudcuts of l·Jarbor High $chool, above, wer~ honored Thursday uig ht at annual banquet with many awards, as \\'ere many othcr11 not in pictur('. At left. Sidn£'y Davi1 lson. supcrintende-nt : Cha rles Rice. Valedictorian of Clam; of '55. "'ho ~·un four-year schQ!ar· ship among other honors; J anr OstrandC"r and Carol Doane, both of \11hom won At>S1stancc League scholar- 6 LIFEGUARD CANDIDATES TRAIN FOR SUMMER DUTIES Six ~U<'CC!<!<fUI hf•'J:;'\U\rd ('l\nlll\ht ll'll 1111.rll'•I lntt'll.'li\•t I r11\ning hist v.·etkl•nd fur !h .. 1r "unin1• r dnt1e~. 11r1·01·d1ng tn •lttea:uard Cn pte.1n JH ' k J.,nN•. Thu""' ""ho 11111<1·• ttw lP•lllll 11 r.-P .. t ~ C!nrk l'><>n C'rrw:k<>r, Knight Suto)', T..-rry ~lf'ii 1<h"1·y, HH'hllr<l J 111·0\&n 1111 .-,r S f'wf'Ol'l Hllrhnr 11 ntJ \\.111\t'r \\'d ... 1n "r H•·<llunll~. Th .. y con1petcd rt>c<'lllly with ·~"·•n11n1ni; and ruunini.:: tr11t!.~ un<lf'r thr Nllf>t•t v11<iun nf J on .. ~ 11n11 Uun Hurn~ an•! Bob ~loore n( the l1fri:;u11nl ~t'r•·1cr. S11lut·d11y 111111 Sunde.y \hr new ,i;:u11r(l.,oi ll•'!lrd 1.-c turt:!I 11nd <lrruonJ1lrnt1nn.'I for nnl'nt11Unn 1ntr. t h .. "''r\'J<e. Thi~ \\'t'l'kf'nd \hf'y \\'1ll pr11ct1r<" hfe!<ll\'111.i: \"<'hlll!JU•·~ ••n !hf' l>o·ar h n<'llr the S 11nla A na R lt:l'f. Granddad Saves Gary Gilman in Swimm ing Pool Probate on French Will Given Coun !')A:"-;TA ASA l ()('SSt IJRlo• .. r thr will o! Phil "-~. ~~r .. n1•1J, I< h" 1!u••/ Ill ;\'l'"'ptlrt BPR<'h ~I A}' :.!2. ""' unlr l'•'•I f••r f'l'"h"t" 1n S1111••11"r ('o,.,1! h··1r Fn •lily hy hr~ W!fo•, /, l:I . l•:r<·tll'h nf 21 I Ll\1'k· Ga1v (:11"1""· ~·,. WJt~ rP~c UI'<\ "f'lir ,..,., •. c 1.1 •• na <!Pl ~!11r, and fr••n1 .J"•!<..•o lllo• •!ru...-n1n.i: \\',•flnl'~· th•· Uan k .,f ,\1n• 11r11. •111 •· h•· Ill" )!l"•n.tfalh•·r. Fr.~nr!.11 P»r,.,>nn! 11 1,.! ri•:1I l'f'j•l'"rt1· "'f'l'f' t;1l •:o nn .,f Ill I Alot•·rHI l 'la~t. 11.~lr•t 1,, ""'""·~"' n/ S10,1){10 TIJr 1;!111\,,n ,,.11 :,,;,.,...,.,1t p•1]1.-e who d .. t'ra.• .. •1 !<-fl $1(\(1() tn h 1.1 d11u~h· 11 rr-l\<'d ,,nth",.,,.,,,, tluH he h:fl tr r , l1.1 ru1!11a Rn!<11n11 f'1,•nch "' h i!< .i::11n•l~'"' rll••lll~ntunly I•• HJJ·lf'tll'r>rl't •Ir) ,\1·11·. S.'o()(J in 11•~ nlPr'e. ..... ,, lhP !••lrrh•'""· Th .. youni.:·1'r:t•1o11:m r. \\'on<IRl'd of r..-..~ An· •Irr'" l!r11ndn1,,lhl't l•><'kl'•I nut l h;o l:"I"•. S5Nl In 1\rl~ur Ii ~1rn • r>f "·111.J 11•· 1., •h~· n•·rr 1!1<· ,.h1hll P'I ~Iron!" s ·on I•• thl' H,,,.,.,.,,. n io~,,11 i;, 11111!1 l.uthrr1t1• ('hn1rh i1nrl th•· 1;·' \\'lu n "h" "·'".,run,1hlt' tn rll>!le nlllin·'"I' nf !hi' rl<llllt' In h1~ .,...·1 fe h 1111 f l"l11 lll•• ll<ot!un1 <if lh• fll!ll · 11y· .. ~ ..... ·1n1ni1ni.: r< ... 1. "h" ,,1H"d Democratic Club to /' . ' High School Service Banquet Sees Many Students Honored , .. NEWPORT HARBOR NE\yS.?RESS -PAR T 11 .. MON('IA Y, JUNE 6, 1955 PAGE J Woman Injured in Two-car Accident · ships: .Sumi Shicaki. Crutcher Foundation seholanhip winner: Tod White, "Hi -Tar" of Year and ace trackmao, winner of lrophy in front or Andy Schul· berg. who won Junior Assistance l..eague scholarship as did Don Beatty at right. Dick Innerst, student body pre· sident, aecond from right. y,•on four-year scholarship to Pomona. -Staff Ph oto I A. Dellone of Lo• Ang"e!e11 and F r,·rt D.-llonl" of D11.lla11, Texu: aJ. ---------------· .010 one grand<:hlld. MK~. FllA.S CF.S Ot:l..1.()St: I Gra•·e11ide 11e r•'k•·11 .,...·11J be con· . ' DEATH NOTICE "Ir•. ~,ranee• Cooper Dellone, S4, ducte<1 "londay at l p.n1. at died Saturday at her r••h1ent·••. ~53 )1ou n1111n Vlei\' Ct>metery In Alta· \\'<"Ill 19th St .. Co11t.1t .\1 esa, 11f'i,·r d .. na, BitllZ 1'lor tt111ry, an extended lllne111. She had rf'· Chupt>t, director•. A l11n~ lli'<I ot a"·11 nl• \\'f re hand· ed uul' by l:lidnry D•v1rl110n, •uptr- lnttndi'nt. Tht )' !nrhuled pralw for a thlfte• who brou~hl lhe lt:•&'Ue ch11mplon- ahlpa to lht 11choo\ In C buk'"-l· l1r. and M r•. Ov.·pn Hudton, operator• o f a Lodge In Palm In•· ert. have clo11ed It for thf' IM'&AOn and ltft on a 11!1t·••;15ek trip. lt 1i1•\ll take Ulem lo \\'uhington, D. C. and through the Norlh.,...·e11t before they return J uly l~ to their home, eo3 N. Bay Front. £~6'8trr1 rop PilfloillL AV,4\ILA•LI All ORANH Cl'I, 11idf'd here for three mo11jhs, had lh·r!I ln California for 12 y~ar11. Sh,. .,..a,. born in On1ah>1., Neb. BALTZ MORTUARIES She IS SIH'.,.l\'f'd b)' l"'O dllUt;h· ter~. ,\Ir~. 1..or,.1111 O. L•Hlt·t or th" hon1e 1ddn'J!,f; Ind ~fr11. Ce.-~1111 D, \\'at:ibn of An.•11.!1111; 1"·0 .wn11, \\', COSTA J.tESA CHAPEL 1741 Superior Avenue Coata ~ft.'18, Calif. Phone Llbe'rty 8 :2121 launrlry service rleluxe .•. at bargain prices! . WHAT IS IT7 lndiv!due.lly wa.d1ed -""eArtng app•r~i· f!u ff dried by r1lte,.ed air-flat plecf's p1·0!1'1111/on11J!y Ironed. Your <'tnthea 11nd hnl'nll 11re d une lip ONE: uolt-no mix· ups. no un~IKhlly marka -r1.1nt.ort "·111 cr. gentle, rontrollr<1 $011p11. WH EN AVAILA BLE .. Ser••ice w ithin hour11 if uq:ent. hec11 u11e "'" do eVf'ry1h1n11: right hf're . HOW MUCH ... CH.APEL BY THE SEA 3520 E. C~.B!\'d. Corona dtl J.lar, ¢alif. Phon• Harbor C It WHER E ... 1$ a b argain b un dle too ,. only $2.85 for 23 lbs. casa pura 11 011 "'f"st l 'oaMl ":-:t:lt\'IC.'t: \\'ITHIS llOUH1:1 • -"'ll ES NEEDED'" llarlnen Mlle •r,\·. Hu·hfirl•I "l'"k""rn rn J'l"'llli~";\ 11 At lea•t one t'Omplatnt hall bet'n "nol l<f'lt>~~. ,,f1,~tl\'lls 1•nd 1nor1rr1· regi1lert'd ag!l!J11t th• "no'*'Je1;,,0' I ~n·•!' ni:. k 1t>ht1 .. h1 V1<;" Prc,.,,l~n~ oil rig RIC"hf\el!I Qi.I CurponH,.1n \\', J . t'r"""'" pru111111,.,t 1n "krrp hu erf!Cted north o r \\'ilson ~l nlf II no1J1e-111 " n11 nin11u11" in ,. l<'llt't l'l11C"enlla, a ccording to Co!l!R \<1 !lw ~!"~" rlty r l1<nn,.i11 • . h1n1 11/til .,..,,. 11tru~!.I: In the r•ar by th• 1-lohlf'r tAr. )!Ohler told off1t>er• !he trat rir 11opped .udde•· ly and h• <tld nr>t l111v1 ttln• I" ~ 2 Yo Pl• ANNUM CURRENT IAO.N IN GI All !=UNDS RE CEIVED ON OR BE ~ORE T\.lE lOth OF T\.lE MbNT ~ EARN !=ROM THE F IRST fhr hrr hu~b11 n1\ 1th•• Ol!l<\r t hf' r<"~•"ll<'. Your.~ C:n1y h•·r !I Ill l ll~l Rn•~n•l\1',I' s· i'n~IR ~'""ll Wl!h h•~ 1"'"'11lJI, ~lr. 11nr\ '-I r~. ll.;rhetl Meet Here Tomorrow \ lli~h"-•Y co~PLETE LAUNDERS and c~ A !'l'pn1·1 nn !h" n"1t·ly "r1:11ni;r;ed '================================'===============::!--.:===========================================:.. f'. < :lin111n. Patrick Booked on Burglary, Attack Counts '!'hr \'h '1111 !nl•! ~!o·-u P"l" r 1'11\· tir k fnrr 1bly en1 .. r • .,I th~ l":<l!\•·nr .. .,..heri1 11he "'Rll 1!eep1ng nn 11 cnu.-h 11 nd 1\tt>mpt•>d to 11t t11.rk hr1·. F.:n· t"rlnir h~· a rrnnt bedrr>om \\'tn•lo.,...·. P111 r1ck. all1•1:rl!I}' drAlli;!"'l the .,.,,,. t1m ln1n th,. h(>1!roon1 of t h~ r~FI· •~nt• a.nd d!1robe<I. nff. l t1r vlrlln1 fled to the resi.!"n•·r ,,f 1.• n<'1.i;hll<lt. Patrirk. 1i1•11s plcllrd up by S11n1a A·n,.. flf'lir" <trpRrlrn .. nt At ·•11'l F. 4 th Sot .. SantR An11 H e "·11• 11r· "Cc,unr1I· nf I 'luh11 n1 Or11ni:,. Cnun· I 11·" """ l!""•'n 1111~ .. ,.,,.Y 31 Co~!11 .'l·'•R !)1•m•.,.r11r ir ('luh n1<'<'fin1; at lh" flrl!P l,o•l'•<'r honlf'. ~78 M11r· ! l:''"l'•l" :-\t p_.,~c·n1 !1r~' Gt<'~'H-)'. "'"n1h<'r "f lh,. C)r11n~" r ,,,1nt}· l~1·nu .. r11tu f'o •nlTal 1·on1r>11t!rr .I 1:11 \'P l ]l'' !'"f"'I\ Nr!<t ""•.•i"n tlf (h" 1 luh will !)" 1"11V•rt"'I' 111 8 11 ni_ Ml !hf' u-...,.,.,. hnn1r All f 1,.n1<><'rHt ll of thP ll11r· /l.!1·.~. l h 1h.•· !l\.1•r k Lu\ .Jurd11n, 1ll l1•·ini:: 111 ;in c;.,J<f,,nrnd A•·e . until f C0111plellvn of !hf' J o rtl11n hon1e-i.w Cvr,,na H1µh!Rn(l.1. 1~ now " J1r,..n11rrt r .. a! r~tale :ui lrsn}an. 11!· ~urfn\>'<! \\'l\h lhf' off1re pf. Churf' ''"n H•>rn. tt'RllOI', "f 2~31 \\'. Co .. ~t Hii;:h.,.·e.y, r"veri!:~ tl,le p,11le ,,r rral-f'sf111.-in Tji,. f'nt1re h11rbnr 11rf'a. ·~1 1', And ~l r11. Huby J ordan 11rr pArl1r ul11rly intrre~t•·d In thl' dt•'r lopm<'nt of Corona H1;:-hlAnd•. b11t ~Ir,.. ,lnrt1an ha• h"rn ·"f''"n•hn,ll IHU~h [1111• !(• h.r••nlP f/Ul11llRr ... -.1 h 1111 tlHrll"r Rrea~ 11n•I all ph11 ~,,.~ of "al rMlll<' !<lllf'.~ SIGNS CELEBRITY WALL Lana 1\lrnf'f, l'..r•rn11'r L1•!n 1~1•. tr~h1t>nl ftf''lll•'!'I! \'1~ll nr In Ar fl· pul.-o, Mr,.,1rf'. 'l'A~ l<•'<'fll!.•· >r'.\'i!<•I I•' !<l~n h<'r Wi n\'" all>llJ: ~1 ..i, oJ olhf'r !111r rn11l1uoa\ <'••l• bi.tor• ~ .... r., ,,, the ,1 >11 nrr~rh1ni:­•'lll• thf' H<'trl F.I )l\rR !··1 11 1.-11 1·~:1a t<" 111 \\h1< h d1 •J1l11.•·• rr,orr f llmland 11ifPJ•lu1r• th11n Grauu11 n'$ Ch1nt•se Theatre.-Tra•·el -- • It's Logical YES. IT'S LOGICAL TO ASSUME YOU ·WILL FIND THE MOST COMPLET NEWS_ COVE .RAG~E of ALL Harbor Activities IN THE COLUMNS OF The NEWS paper ·~eceiving These Awards In t'1•h, ;\'!'"•·Pr'"' '""k ..,.,.,,111! 111•1'1' r"r l>+:"I Of'l\·t foto, dalllf'• O R \ll'l"f'kllH bl ann11RI l'SI'.·\ ll\\t1rol• 1·unl•·•I. In J',.h, .... t•·•·l'l\•'<l '!nil f11t ho-•I frunl 11:i~e. '""")Ill.,,. trmn C'SPA ronll'lll iand &>!Ml tf'<''1I Hnnnr11hl1• )t r n!l••TJ t1u·t11;1ll,1· a ~rolt fnr lt'rnrrM.I •·~•·••llf'ntt of ...,,,. l'Ont,.,.I. In ,\lar•·h. '.\Ir•. Harhr••'• •nrlrtr l'"i.:~• '""k fir•! for ho•!it "'nmrn'• d .. partm,.nl, \\'eek· llf'~: ..,..,. u nn1r n'• dr 1•nrl1n1•ol "'n1f·\\l.,.klil"'. ('11.llfomla A!l•nrlatlon of Pf'l'llA \\'""'"" rvnlr~I. In '.\t a,\, '.\tr ... Rarhtf' _t •lnk lir~C In hol h l h•'"' ralf'tntlf'!I from '.'111tlnna.I Yl'!df'tatlnn nf l'ff''• \\'nn1rn'' •nnu"l l":1r•I• ••ontr•I. In ~11~·. lhr l'uhll•h,.r'• """1""'"'·" ln4'k lfnnnrah1f' .Wf'ntlnn, annul!J 1'11t>ta &I~ Phi Malrl.l T111llr!I ""•rd ronll'•I, for \\'l'f'klf p11peno, ' .NEWPORT RE-WS ••• • HARBOR PRCSS SUBSCRIBE TODAY OSL\! !'»41t MOSTHLY CALL HARBOR 1616 -CIRCULATION DEPT~ ' ' • . • • ' .. " 1~ r--- .· ·~ .. I t - PAGE 4 ·PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY , JUNE 6, 1955 Armed Bandits ··Take $19 from Parked Couple LEGAL NOTICE CertJrtcate of Award :'\o. 27Dl27. 1.>efl'ndant11. The pl'ople of t he· S tlltt' u( C"ah· f()mtll •"nd i:r«Hn~,,-1..,: ~O\' F. WEBB. CHARLES EBY. A "lllvl'r'!I lane" bandit pair to· Vl!:SSEL . BUCKEYE," Cc>rtafat"ate day w1111 11c>u1:hl by police following cit A"•ard :-;0, 270127, Defrndanb. the ~f)Ort .early 'fuuday Dt'DYJS y 011 are Jm•rtt'•l "' app1•ar In an J &coba.in. ~. •.ludent -0C Laguna action bri11111ht il!rllln~t \'OU by tlle Bea<'h. wa11 hi>l(t up amt robbt'c1 . of above namc•d platulitf. 'in th" Su· $1 9 a t gunnr,tnt while J1ark<'d ,.,th periM C'C11trt nf the l'ltcl .. of C'ah· J oan P11fVP!t, 20, of 319 Martgolll fornta, Ill a.nd tor the countv (If AvP Orani;e. anJ to answer the ~nm. Tht'Y were surprlli<!d 1.1.'hile pat k· plaint thel'eln w1lh1n tt'n •lays ttfl"r e•I on lh,. sr..uth 111\le of Ocean the sM"\'ll'P .. 11 y•rn .,( tha!t ~um· Blvd bf'tween Poppy anc1 Poinset· moos. it served wtlh1n th<' County ttr1 A\'1•11 wh••n lW'> bandit 5\l~pN•t~ ur Orange. 11r w1th1n lh1rty <lays 1t 111t<ldl.'nlv appNir,.d. tht' firMI thrui1l· s .. rveu elst!wl11•r,., •u1.i Y"l1 111 <> nnll· tn~ a rrvnlvt•r throui.:h thl' opPn C1<-d lhal unle.<" \'1111 ·''' l•f'fl• .11 nnd w111ctow to Je«•bi:wn'1t m~ck, H,. tlr· u111<w1>1 as 1111 .. v.. '"4""''" thi' OHln•li'•I "M,.n.-y, mot1l'Y" ti) a vNy pl1>111t1(( r ·aJl lll k•• Jlld.:n><•nl tor 11•'1 \'('II~ Lon•'. thr vwum 1olc1 fl"· &ny 11<1m1•y 11r <111111ui.:vl! 1l,•111a11d· lar eo t •I tn thP ("mnpl1110l. ao. ;irlslOJ: J 111·1.11., n han<.,.d lllli wull••t Ln upun c:ontrM'l. or will upply lo th•• t h" hHritlal whc1 r~t r<'lll"•l Wllh his f'uurt for hny ¢t)ler rehd clt'mand· ll1'<'1111lph1 .... warn1ni.: thl' yl'lung ed Ill th<' ('r11t1pl11tn!. 1•1111pl•• 1 .. "st:iv !here" 1 (;1v<'n un•l<'r m y hon•l enrl Sl'i!l C1ff1 r ,.rs Bill Talbot und J uiitin ut lll" Sup<'11or C•1u1 l .,f the> C"nun· E p.<t«ln f•nrntl the wnllt·t lll'llr SMI· ty •Jf Orun1"" Ste.t•• (If C'11llf11m1a. Vl~W and Pt11nsettia Ave>~. r 11ll1·1' th1~ 15 dav c•f April. 19!'\5 bt>ltl'V!' th" pair rnn toward s .. n. B J . SMITll. \'IC\\', 1•111 .. rl'd a car and rlf"t. rlrnp· l"11u11ty c1 .. 1 k anti r1.-1 k Uf the pin~ lh<' w11llH on ttw strf•et Sup•·t'lltll f'u111 t of the Stair of P olk.-rPpnrt .. 1t .Jnrohi<l'n en.I C'11llforn1a. in and for the P 111 VPS \\'t'r" 111 th" front ll<'llt wh .. n I t 'nun Ly 11r 01 ang~. t he J:trl 1<t'l'l'lllJ1t•d. ll"PIOK the first By · 1< WAYNE! A. DR ACER. 1111spet"t ·approach th,.ir l''11' from Dl'puty. t hr IPfl r1·1H Suspr1•ts ri·por'trdly •W••t e ii' 8" In h .. 1.:hl , w. 1>;h 11t>o111l 1·15 or l ~O lhll and arc> bPllCVi'tl to be 11br1ut 19 11r 20 vears of Ill!" .Skallerud Aboard SOTIC'E APPEAHA.'.'\('r:· A do'frn1t1tnl a11p.,11rs ar an 11rtt(•n whrn h,. llll!'" WtrB. d •'flllll" 11r j:IVt'5 th•· pl.oln· l)(( wr1Lt1•n 1111llr t' t1( his 11pp1·ar· anN', or whi'n 110 111101'1\ry glvel! notire t1f npp,.iarnnc•e ft•r him." ~ Srt· IO 14. <' \ • r I USS Mid Answ1•rs 11r tlr-1111Ji-t <'ri> must be Navv's way In \\'rlllni:. and fllf"ll w1lh the f;EVE:'\TH F!.F:F:T I FHT='ICl Clerk. C CJI<' A Sk11ll.·rud. lt1>1 terman lhlrd :-;11. 1181 :-:1•w»·PreBs l'la:->< !'!';.'.'\, 1•11n r.f Mr. a nd Mis. :'> 9, !fl. :!:I, :IO 6 6, 1:1, '.?O, :17, \\'. H. Sl<(lll!'rtt<l 11f 22'.?l Bt>lbon 7 4. 19~,;, Bl\'d, c~11,.1a M•·~11 . 1-' serving -------------- aho111tl th" RllB<'k ntrcrnrt tanlet' .~OTIC't: OF TIC l'ST t:E'S SALE fr!';~ l\ll,tway wh11•h clepnrt"d ,-..;or· 13731 1 WANT AD will cost you only s2 and it will run 1n all 3 issues A Minimum ~d 15 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor News-Press Monday and Thursday t>dltlon~. Pin~ the Coastal ShopJWr, Wednt"8da~·9 ·--- DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor News-Presa is guaranteed. CarriC'r boys will deliver their papers be· fore 6 p.m. on Monday and Thursday. I! your pai)er is not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday and Tburaday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays DEADLINES for placing or canceJUnc adJr a re: For Monday Pubhcat1on° -Satucday Noon For Wednesday Put>llcalion -Tue8day 2 p.m, For Thursd.ay Publlcalion -Wednesday 1 p.m , lt-Bnildln1 ~n1('f!9 ~~~----~-~--~-For That SPECIAL ZS-..C\ltUAtlontt Wa.ntt"d --~--.. c n LORF:O C':lRt. want• hOUllt' Wl'lrk b.v lhe J1<y. F..xprrll'nrtt<I Ow11 tr&n3portatton. Kl 2·7429 :19p&l S0-Mlstt1J&nf'OU8 Clearance Sale PAI:"\T -\\' ALLPAPER DECOR ATING JO B CALL Wm. Baker Kl 5·3621 <'OUP l.E -U~DP!R\\toon J'(trtl'bte t-y'J)f''Wt1l- CHRYSLER Ms.rtna •nitfte, ·~ t11 l rt>•llwttun jrC'At, REFRlG l-:RATOR, 110 volt D. (' SEE JACK H ARPER a t Lid• SJllJll'U\l, e.nd of Jlat BlrNl. • Newpnrt 0.'ar l\. 2tlfl' 2302 Pallllldt'll Rd., S A. Hl•. Ask Us About ZOLOTONE. Llcenill'd In Harbor trea •8pe-Oh HL'SBA~D palnll'r. dulre pos1- t1on 1u1 C'arttakrn tn t'itCh for r"nl. But local l'\'ference11 Har. OH6-J . {>l)p61 -.WM. "PETE'' PANGLE TR.ACTOR '\\'rlRK, dt11d n1t, plow· CARPEMTRY Ing-A mowlng • I 'l -Liberty 8-17~-bl IH&2'. t-1p6+ MINOR REPAIR WORK GARDENING NO JOB TOO SMALL Mlllntenanc;e, ya rd C'le&nlng t.lld B. O. Anceraon llfht hauling. Ki mberly 3·3026 101" E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa da~ or Harbor 303• eve.nine-• .t: Harbor 2•60 83lCc .. week ends. ~8p72 -~--------.,,.---- l 4-Pel"80nala Alcoholica Anonymoua Write P. 0 . 8'lll :Sil Newport Beach, Calif. Phone Harbor 4195 l~hare Your Car RIDERS WANTED : :":orthrup - AnAhe1m-Day ~hill. lZ9 J 8th St .. ;\'.l.'wport Beal'h. 60c62 ~Beauty~Ai_d_s~~~~- Superfl uous Hair PermancnUy removed from lace arm1, lega. Eyebrow•· anc hair Une llhape<l-No more tweeting. ELLEN L. BRYANT R . .I!:. Udo'• Safon of Beauty liar. 2576 Uc 22-Lost and Found ~Ht'IP Wanted \VA NTED. Put Ume housekeeper Phone Ll 8·2084 after 5:30 p.m . &Oc62 Wsnt experienced white woman as houst'keepcr·cook. Al8i8~ moth· er, 2 11choo1 age chlldren. No heavy cleaning. I.Ive In. Refer• .. nr es r1•q H11 r. H 88. 60t!C \\':ANT .-xperi.-nrl'd cosmt•lt<: anct drui.r rtrrk. Gunderson Drug 117 Main St . Balboa. Har. flt!'\ 60t•62 GIRLS - IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD! And you'll agree when you hl'Br or the many job opportunttlt•s Cor q11allflt>d yr.tunr wumen In our businel!S toda}". l'r, Vnl\•crttatl U !'i t':'\DERWOOD C'h1<mp1on portablt typ\'Wl'llt'r .. 13~. UNDERWOOD portable typewrJt· er ... SZZ !'iO H' Bl'RCllCRAFT 71-t h.p. out· boarJ. Excrll. $250. Har. OSI\\'. 6~1 L. c. SM1TH ofn ('e typewrltl'r. S-l-MU1'.lcal, Radio. a TV . t 37 :101 R C ALLE!I: dd'n nuich $tl!i !'\O H At.fMONO ORGA~. 8plnet mod. • • • • 1 ~ , :ill~U> UM!(!, 0oo4 aaYiq on COrY-PLt .. "'S il11pli1:ator mad1lnc., lhl~. A l$o Hammond Chord Or· 1dt'monslr1tlOri -· , $8~. -i:nn F~sy to play. BIRCH DESK. Cloor Sllntple $42 !'iO 0Al'\Z·SCHM10 T, 620 No. Main, ~IUlll\ Ana.. . Williams Stationers • 31.30 v ia u Ju Haf. •!':188 120 Bass Accordion !'i9t·61 L "k S if' i e new. acr ice. DID You K Now Phone Liberty 8-2237 thtlt Ray F~ld11, t he Lido Drug I lep72 jeweler the pl.Isl 6 yrs .. has nl.'w -·'-------------- locatlun al 19th and Ph1centia ~ SPECIAL BUY! Vt8ta c~nt«r. 0. M. Comp. line ONE ONLY l..oweory Organo. L&tt'· 111:1t ad''t•r11se.t watt•h.-~ :'·gifts .t<l nw J••I. Sa"e SIOO. Convenient at popular prt~cs. UPEN Junt 1 LPTm$ at- l'lt. L.I berty 8·8Hi!I. O~c69h ~HA FER'S Mush·(\,, (Since 11107 l WE HAVE tln UVPrflow fl'()lll II h11: 421 -4:.?:i :-:. Syra more. Santa A na house In t•lwn. • ... h1·11vy th1ty l1vse. !'>O fl . $10. Chahi'" 1'\•(·k111i: c-halr, varn11<11.-1t. s:uio. H1t n1· m11<'k l :U11.li Folding pokl'r tal>lr $3!':1; M1:1roun r11i:. 11pp1·11x, !lx!:l $10. ull 111 i;1111.J \I·, .. x.: .. llt•nt condllton. Ha.t'. :tllfl, 6tP6a ANTIQUES -Old fllm1tu1•e , cul glass, ltt.mps, old pictures. clot:k.a l'IC, Dargutns galore. Big dla. rounts Lo Jeale~s. C harlie Davis, 11!05 E. Anahern1 St., Long Bc•at•h. tl50·1311. 29lk l'hone Klmb!'rly 2·0&72 MI!'\S HALL ORGAN. Uaed but f111e. Bloncl <'l\~t'. Our I~ prlt"e Sutl!'l l'onsona ta organ. TW•) monual. Almost like nl'W. lave $800 DANZ·SCHllf1DT, 1110 No. Ji(.Mn., Sant& Ana. t.:1'En HAMMOND Spinet oriran In fme l'ondlt lon. Bir aavln1a. Convenh•nl t~nn11 aC- LOST s 111.m,.ac l'at .female. Re· OPENINGS NOW FOR: Fresh wunl. F. B. Criss.man. I.tberty TELEPHONE OPERATORS H earing Aid SHA Fl!:H'a Music Co. IS!nce 1907l 421·423 N . Sycamore. 81.11ta A na Phone Kimberly 2·0672 8·4165. 6lc63 24-&hools, lnstru<'tion CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSlFICATIONS ~pply-Monday through Friday 514 ~., No. Maln St. 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. Room 211, Sa.nta Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22tfc BATTERIES We Give S&H Green Stampa Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Balboa Dlvd .. Balboa Harbor 515. 98ttc SPl!'\E:T PIANOS. Rent.al retuma like "'"'" ek. You will alwa~·l' fm<l wontlerfuul aavtngs ln th1~ c:tept. Many makes.. and mod<'l.s M1rrnr type Spinet m11hl'lj:lll1\' f1nt1<h S:.!K7. Another In n111r1 .. ftnillh 1395. . \ . 1 I I I I . ' I f•ilk Va • Jr1.'lt n,-.· ... mbrr Clo a \\'ht'rl'lts. ddautt has ne"n mulle ' ' Lines 1 Paper $1.00 STUD\' in spare time Cor contrnc· tor's f"xam111at1on unll.-r a grn· era! contnictur with 25 )ear11 experience. ·Classes Tue.s. 1.md Fri. rves. 7 :30 p.m. Attend tlrst se11i<1on free. B<'i;:>n Anytime STANDARD STATIONS Rl UBER SKI:-: DIVl:-;G suit. new DA:o;Z·SCHMIDT. 1120 No. J.18111. fM l 'i5 lh. man. Ten l ·lb. wr1i:h1sJ Santa Ana. tin~. 118.tety bell, f11ce plaH ---------~--- 11norkle Si~i. ~:i<I Haut f>r lvl". GRANO l'IANO, rXC"l'llPnt • <in1t w11rltl rruls\'. 10 the pa»menl oJ Lhr 1nd•·blt'dnes:1 Thi-Midway, <Jpl!t'Bllll!( with the lh'C"ured b,\'. and 10 thr p1•rf11r111an tc 7th FIN•t. h:!.jp ltlh't•l•"I 1111111(• 28.·. j,AJ the nivr1wnts t'<111tiwwo In th.Ill 0()0 md1•s uiif'I hllR , . ._,,,.(! (°'11p1'-1'rrt111n l1 t1st dt•('ll tlatt•tl AlljrllSl 17. t own. ~011th Afr11'11 ; ('.,l11mho. <'".''· 1!1;,;i, 111nt11• 1•X<'f'lll1•d nnJ dtllvi•rt'll Ion , HtJn~ Kllnl(; M11nll1< a nd S1tht<' b,v (..'A Yl"GA H OMF:S. l :'\C a C n ll· ~u.v Jn tit!' Ph1hpp1n"" and \'tlk'l· f11rni>l <'nrp11r11t u1n, 11.~ lrtt~t11r, Ln 1uka. J11pttr1. <"ORPORATION OF' AMERWA. 1\ Two wt>eks w1>rt1 s p1·nt 111 Yoko· C'ahfornin 1·111 pnr:11111n. a~ t n1str <>, sukn, allowini:-th!' M1llWl\y'11 !HOO for RA.'.'\K CIF A~lf:HIC'A :O:A· ('l"t'\\' 1ncmhl'l'll \'IM l~ !11 Tokyo. TIOJ\'.AL TfH'~T A:'\D ~A \'!'.'\GS Y11k11l111n111 1u11I K11tn11kura c1urin~ /\SSQC'lA Tl()J\'. a na tonal !Jank· t he 1 lh'rry hln,,..qol)'l R••ason. At tnl{ assorlatlflfl. bf'rwfwmf'y. whlrh J(,.11111k11111. <'II)' of sllrln<>s, tht'y trust dt'Cd Wllll rt•cnr.l••d nn August \'lL"'"·"d I ht• rnlt>rful prO<'PS!IHinl! 21 . J !153. 111 Book 2flfi11, l'ai:r :i:-.i •htnni: t.he Birthday nr Buddha Official Rec1m}.s ot 0l'ange County. f1.,n1val, Cahfornia. anl\ Thi' Midway Is scheiluled lo re· Wherea11. said benrf1r1atv ha.s turn Lo the t:.S. this summer tor appllrJ to an•t lltrecte;t "co.:-.:. •1v,.rh1rnt 0111! modemlzatlon at the TINENTAL AUXILIARY COM· :"av11l Sh1pvanl. Rr1>m~rtrm, Wa!!h. 1 PAN\', a Callfornin corµr)ratann. -• thf" subsl1lut1•d trusl<'e under snid Cabanas A•proved dC:'('tl nf ltusl. In w rftlllj!. lo f"XC· . . . r-. cut .. the trust by said trust derd ~A:'\TJ\ ANA tUC:"\S) Per· createJ. and fn make .!lllle p11r· m111•1nn. to eret"l rabana.s on eat"h suAnl tht>rt•Ln ; nml not1c1• of 11uch t rn al('r po rt In his park QO the Past breach ot the obhga t1ons of U1e >-I.JP of \\'hillier Blvd . ~9fl feel trW1tor and or the> bl'neflraary's ~1111th oc. f7th St .. wesl Of Costa election to causr to be !lt>lcl the · M•'M. wa1< i.:rante<l to G. P. Forte-property below dt'st•ribPll to st1tisfy vlllr M11y 31. Thr Oran~e County !<llfd obh)?'allons ha!! h!'rn rt'COl'<h'd Uoarl.l or Sup .. rv1sm·i1 11rted on h18 as Is provak<l for hv Jaw, and \'11r1nn1·,. n•qurst me1r" than Lhl'f'•• months h.tve -----r la nsrl.l since such r"cordalton LEGAL NOTICE :-:ow. th«>refore. noll<'I' u1 ht'r• by j\1ve.n. that 'ln t he 21st d11y 11f June, 1955, at the hour <If ('ll'\'<•n o'clock 10 thP forenoon. at th(' SOTIC F: 0 1· Tltl '~Tt:f:•s S;\l.f: South front door or lhi> 01•an!'(e -~i.t,_f>'1-l County Court Ho11s1• sltuaLNI in On Tht11 sd11.v .. J11nl' 2'.I, lll!\."> :it the Clly of Santa Ana, ('ountv nf 1 t 110 n'do1 k A. M. at the St111th Ornn1:c" State or California. \OX· fr<111l ••nlrnn1 (' lo th" Cmmiv Tl ~ENTAJ. AUXJLIARY COM· <"011r1h11uA1'. rn th•' <'•tv •if Rant~ PAXY. as 11UbRl1Lutl.'rl Lru.'llf><', 11n· Anl). Statt• nr r :cllful'r.;u, St>tttrllv cter and pursuant to the terms of Tit le ln1111r11111·c· t '"mp:in~'.I\!< !!'\IS· Aald trust di•eu will iwll Al public tel' t1ntl1>1• 111" l >••t·(I or T!lt~I i•X('('ll\. aurlion lo the hlghPSl butrler t or '"' h \• ui.·n\·f"" , .. \\' ·L•C> 1'lBll ""1 1\..dLL AT Tll\IE OF THF:J.J,i\ \\ ALKl-:R. hi:~hand an.I SALE J;>o; t.AWFt:L MO:'>EY O F w1(1-. l'•'l'"rdr•d lllay I 1!1:1:1 tn THF: C:'\ITED STATES! all the Rook 'l.1 !16 pag.. l i'\ • •( I Hf1r1al Interest con\'1•yr1t bv Mid trnst ft1•1•onh< Ill lh\• l'frll 1• I I lh•• fle· <lreit In Rnd to the fOllOwtng cJc» i-nnt,.r. •>I t1111ng .. 1 • .. 11111 '" Call· scnbed l'C"BI property s1tual1•1l 111 forn1:i.1 and b\' 1•'3l!<•n vf dt'faull tht! c ounty of Or1111g.~. Slate o ( In 111 .. f't"Yltl ... ~t or P"rforman('tr nt Catifornla , 11n1t morr partirnlarly obllg11th•J1~ J;l'l'Urt'd Lh•·rl'bV inC'lud· (lf·scrib<'d 11.~ coltow&, t •>-w ll lllK tht' breaeh or de!nufr. notice Lot ~53 or Trncl .'.'\o. li12. 111 of whtrh was r rconlt"d Februar\' the County oC orani:l'. Stal~ 2fi. 1!155 in Book 297~. p111te 122 ,;f oC t'altforni11• a!! per map 11111<1 0 Cflctal Records. will 111•11 at Lherrof n•curde•I tn Book i>O. J•11bhr 11utt1on Cor l'8~h. without pagt'S 32 It• 36, 1nclu11ive. of w11r1 clnly as to title. rvs~esswn. or M 1see1lnn~ou:1 Maps. r1>cotc1s incttmbrllOCCll, the lnlrre:<t convey· oC 8!1td CtJ\lnty l'd to 11atd Tru11tee by sa11l D~r(I Dated· Mtty 20. 1955. of Trust 111 pmprrty s1tuuate 111 C'ONTI.'.'\E;'l;TA'L AUXILIARY th1· ~·1tv ot Newport Bea ch. Cvun· C:OMl'A:'\Y, L.v 11f Orange, Stntr of California. U•'.•<"rlb"d as a .. Tru~t N•, 1 Lot 8 In Blot•k 30 or First ad· By A LFH.EO T. TWIGG lfillnn to Newport Heljthls 1111 A!111lslant Secretary. h CR·32i:l s nwn on a map recorded In ~o. !\Si Nev.·i ·Prcas 5 2J. JO. 6 6 '55 bnok 4. page 94 of llflscel· IAOC!'l)US Maps, l"l'C'Orda of Or· nni:e County. ror th" purpose of paying obllga· 11011:. 11ecured by 11atd Dt>ed of f ni,;t, 1n1'ludlng fees. chari.:e11. anu t xprnfl4!'ll of the Trustee. 11um11 t'X· pen1te1t uodl'r the t ern)H thereof. and $2767.27 In unpaid principal of Ute n1>te t1ecured l h.ereby. with In· tcrcst thereon at the rate of Six per ct>nl per annum. Pated May 25, 1955 St'curity Title Insurance C'ompany By LYDIA M.ERH,AB Assistant. Stcretary (Corpomle Sea.I) ~o. ~88 f!Jew11·PrH9 6/30, 8/8, 13, 196:> ts THJ;·srPERIOR conn OF my; STATt: Ot' ('ALffORSIA IN ASD f '"OK Tiff: ('01'ST\' Ot' ORA:\"C:F: IN-pt. ~ ~o. fl~U7 l c&toa brouabt In thf> Superior Coon of thf' c·ount)· of 0 1'M!Jfl, Ind Compl.dnt fllrd In t h,. Oftl('f' If the Cll'rl( of tbfl Supc'rlor «ourt' of -.Id County. JAMES D . ELLIS. am1 JAMES > ELLIS. doing bu111nus u EL- .IS ABA LO~E COMPA:"\Y, Pl"1n· lft. VS. ROY F. WEBB and C HARLES 'DY. 11nd the veuel ''Bt:CKEYE," ~OTICE. OF !';Al.E IS Bl.LK TO \l\'HO!lt IT :0.IA Y CO='fCERN: Notice ts her< by given, pursunnt Lo thP provision" of $pe•t ion 34 I 0. l '>f the California Civil Colle, Lhlll JOH'.'\ L. GREENE 11011 WAVE I. GREENE, whosr 111lctrt'!!..'I ts 211 St. And rew_, Rnad ::\'.f"wpon Ut'IH'h, Ca lifornia, !ntPnd In s1•1l to )t:Lr lUS C . MOF.RMA=" 8.0d JDA S. MOERMA;>o;, whose addre1111 ts 12891 6th Stre('t, GnT<len Grl'l\"e, California, all u( the p<>rsonal property J1e.st"ribed p •nrrally as follows: · All or the stock tn tr~de ~nd 11upplirs and all of the f1xlurr!'. • equipment an1l furniture • 1'X· r<>pt th<' f{J <J••i:~r (•h•1 Lrat' dod<I ''" .d .. •I Ill iin1I llbf'tll the rc:':11 ii laq111•r ,.1 .. rr kn11wn • as .I & \\' l.1•p1r.1~. ~1t11at"•I At lh,. 11.i.:i "'<A and rr1·m1~rs known "" ~r•1 1t1 \\ ~"t «out H1i:-hwa~. ~ ~ w p o rt 8<'111 h, l'allfomla. The p11rch86e prtr(' or t"on~1drr11· Hon tor •aid . ~le 1s to b•• pa id 11l the offlre (1( r ted A \\'1Jb1 ,r :Ht{\ F'"lrst \\'l'l!ltrn Bnnk RullLhn~. l'ourlh anti Marn ~t r~l'LJt, SMta Ana.. Cll hfMn111. lln June 16 1P'1:'1. at I 1 :00 "'dock A ~I Datrd : M11y :Z(l, J(i:,: \\'A\'E 1. GREE~E J OH :<: I.. GREF.;>o;F. l nlt'ndl'd \·t>ndm!o No. ~90 Newl!·P rt13 6 6 :,:, 4 Uoes 2 Papers • 1.50 4 J,inf'tl S Papen 2.00 ('oa11t&f Shopper (.'l&lllllflc-tJ Ad11 m111t run In t.he Mon4-y • or Thur!lday PubUcaUon )USL,rt:~ AD 18 ' UNES All (.'laa•llled Am mm•t be paid for C...h ln adva.ace of pobUcatloa. The publlsher11 will not be responsible f or more, tha.n one tnd rrec:t Insertion of an au, reserve the right to c'orrecUy claselCy any and all ads and to r l'je!ct &ny ad not conforming to ro.les and regulationa. NEWPORT HARBOR PUBLJSUL"'O 00. 2211 Balboa Bh·d., Newl'Ort Beach, California. Classified Index I Funeral NotlCflS 2 ('ard of Thanb 4 t'un.-ral Dlre<'t-On 10 OualnN• (iuJde l t Bulldlnr Mat4'rtala 12 Building ServlCH 14 Pen onala 15 Share \'our Cat 18 Tl'Ml•Mrtatlon l 'I R4Clflng 18 Beauty Alda 20 Health Aid• 22 l.011t and t·ound U :Sc•hool11. lrtAt rur lloa 2K :Sit uu lion. \\ antC'd 29 Hrlp \\"ant..-ct SO ~t1-c•t>llan~ou1t Sll·A :swap11 :10·8 Af>pltancl.'1' :II WantNI to Buy S2 t'"urnlture for Sale :1'.!·A Anlfq11e9 S!i Ooal11, SuppUew S4 Mu11lcal, Radio, TV Speeial N otlce9 M Oor•. Caw, .Pet• 38 Poultry S7 U veswek ~ Special Alulou:n-.ia& S9 Autoe Wanted .0 Autoe for Sa.le 40·A TtreA a Parta 41 Auto Senice '2 Trallen 411 Alrplanee >&7 Wanted ti) Rent <&ll Apta. ~ Hou.e. for Ren& <&ll~-ApCa. fo-r Rent >&88-Hou-for Rent >&8C-Tra.Uf.r S~ 49 Room• for Rent '9·A Rat Homes 49·8 Koom a Board 60 Rent, Mia<'. 53 St-0rea a Otnces 53-A Ba!Jlneu Kenta111 ~-& BualJINt1 Opportunttlew 65 Money to Loaa 56 Money Waat.ed 57 Real Eat.ate W-Uid flO lacome Property 61 Real Etltat.e Eitchaare 6? Real E•tate 12-Bullding Servioee Al Tyler School 1611 N o. Broadway. ganla Ana. Ph. KJmberly 2-4226 r•r Kl 7 ·3511 tfc China Painting 4J>Y and Evc!Olnc Clu ses Ordera Taken Now Phone Lrberty 8·56-t8 · 94tfc BONNIE BRAE Pre-school MUSIC arts .t craftii, morning• H as opening for , Stillion S11lesmen Ages 18 -•O Orange County 5·Day-40·Hour Week High !!tarting pay Excellent Benefil11 GooJ opportunity Cor Advancement A pply STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia and Coast H ii.:hwoy Corona d<>I Mar Chnpman an<I Spadra FUiierton 8 ·JO to 9 .30 a.m. Monday cit Thurtt<laya. ~c69 only. Transportation. 1515 Santa ATTENTION ALL BOYS - Ana Ave., LI 8·6215. Mc66 News·Pru11 t"arner route are now Real . an Estate School Santa Ana MEN • WOMEN prepare ln spare u~ for unllmlted opportunlliet1 In Real Estate. New c:'lassu weekly. Al Tyler 1nstrucUng. At· tend first evening free and _learn about this great field. Call '-: write now. ' Al Tyler School 1611 No. Broadway. Santa. Ana Kl 7·J51l·K1 5·3469-KE 8·2513 t fc open In 11ome neig'hborhoods - Balboa, Wbt Newport, Balboa Island. Newport Height~ and Corona de! Mar llnd Co.•ta Mesa. If you are 12·1!'> yl's. oltl, have a bicycle, Apply 10·12 a .m. or •HS p.m. only at Ctrculation Dept .. Newport H arbor News·Press, 2211 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beat h. Harbor 1616. 39Uc WA ~T 1?1rl or college student to hc:lp 10 small grocc:ry store. 4·10 p.01. 6 daya wk. 11.nd 8 a m.·4 p.m . Sund&)".~. THE DELL MARKET, Corner 10th A P lacentia, Costa Mesa. 56tcc Cor<>na <let Mar. Harbor 108H·W Prtv&te party, Har. 0:164·M • l'>!lpflt 111pn:1 30·~Apyllan_ces _____ _ BEAl:TlFUL maple mirror '"'"' upright piano 111 perfect ronlll· tlon. Terms $36 37 down a11t1 W h• M h• Sll 7!1 prr m(lnth nt a5 Ing aC tne SHAFF.H'S Music Co. (Slnl"c l!l07 l SERVICE •21-423 N. Syr11mol'e. Santa Ana l>year guarantee 'on jobs done Phcine Klmbt'rly 2·0672 ILlld on used washers 24881• '\\·ANTED ~O l 'SE:fl PIA:"{IS for I rea.r) Newport Bl., Co11ta Me.s&. . Llbe 8-4503 Llbert 1111r h1g rent11l d .. pt. HlJ:h"'"l .-1111h rty or y allownn.·c II\ t fhdl' for ()1 .:1111. 8·4327. 64tfc SptnC't p18110, or Qrant1 p1a1111 --------------1 OA:\Z·SC HMIDT, 520 Nu. MHlll. FRJGIDAIRE s ut omalie wa.~hlnl? S11nl& Ana. machine. u:<t'd ''erv lit ti(, $1 ;10 LI 8-6300 or LI B·2664. 60c62 82-.Furniture for Sale Good Used FURNITURE See Baldwin Piano ~ Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1318 Coast Blvd .. Corona de-l Ma.r I Thaden Interior BIJg. l H ar. 338:.! 66 t rr S~> f'E:R. Mt>. rent!! ;:1111d 111111·111" piano. All t(•rm t• nl 1111••""" 11 y•rn bu\'. Goud u~·"l. IH•l•'lwr pia· CHRO!llE <l1ne(tr stl 1 Large t1.1bk' n1Js $8tl. S 125, S t:li, $1 ~>0 anrl up &. 4 ch&trs 1 •• $29.!'iO EJ11y terms. OAXZ·SCHMIDT Big P1<1.11v itl"'". DL.:"\CAN l'HYl'E tl1 n1ng l'ct, 2 . St111la Ana. ~.20 .No. Mt1an. C'halrs. mahl'lgany $3 1.50 I S t 'I .'.'\BT 1-'n•rwh P rnvinc111l, miqdr WALNL'T bl'dro(1tll sf't, vanity, l ~ yr· nlct C-n.•t $AIJO., Il k<' n<''·'. J11rg,; m irror, i:h .. ~l & b .. 11 $49.[•0 ~l!l:'I. H\'att 1·287~. 6i 1•"'1 GOOD bed <lt \'an. SH !10 Special Buy S DRAWER CHEST. maple ftmah. BEA 1 • binndr Kimball Spuwt LADY WJTH CAR for NewpCJrl inew l Sl6 !'iO p111n11. Rrntal return. Save $1!>11 -------------:--. Heights and Costa llle!lll. Exc.-.l· (.'<•nv .. nH·nl .tcrm11 at f/1 !3-SltuaUoDA Wanted lent A\'on work. l'h. Kl 3·f13!ll. N · N Fu 'tu Mart R ' M • t 51pGJ ear u rm re SllAFEHS Mu1nc(;11.~R'"1e1110;1 oy s am enance 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Bch ~21 -42:1 !';, Sycamore>. Silntl\ Art·• I Newport Harbor R P 0 E. 1767 -··-M. l• h nu • •I-• W' •I • Houae cleaning-Floor 11i'ax.1n' WAN'r RETIRED !\IA~ Cor part Ph. liar. :1J!l:.! ~~ldH i J'hOne KlmbUly 2·06i2. I lngi~--1---'W_a~l~twwTna~sh~l-n~g~-~wrln_dro~w~rmiclfteYa~n~ln_r--1~-fff-H~~~¥~·a~r~k,.......a~llx.A-'°"'n~w-i«"1.0 l--------~~~~~~~~~~~;::;t;;::x:;t;:;:r;:;;,~r;:l;~i;:;;7,==r;:=::;;:;:::=;;;:.~-~---:.I • ~ ... """' uunu;:o. vpu-·w ·~·,. Cl h A S B lb II H LG LIU NC AN J'H y Ft;; maboga.ny v ttA ;" u ':'''-'U;:.. Mony lo ~no .. •• 1 Insured. Free EsJ.tmates 11 • t. 8 oa qr rR ar. 1 1 62 .. b Ct l 6 frvm. K 011bc. M~A(ln &. Ha111l111 M l'rts every Thursday 8 p,m. Via Oporto -CentraJ Ave. N<i!wpvrt Beach Albert H. lllatthews. Exalted Ruler PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 512 38th St., Newport Beu.h PHONE HARBOR 2404 FOR RENT trc Skill Saws, EJ,.c. Drilla, Poil11herl!, aU lYPe3 of Sandtra, 'Wbeelbar· rows, efc. BOYD'S HOWE. BE SAFE, aave apace. The motl~rn LI. berty d·1332. · ltfc 5251 btlw<>en 1 A :> :in Pm. 'hining l!cl. tnr · u 's' 1•2, Stuyvt'1<a nl. t:nble. Extra "P"' 1 ..... 61c (_' rurs ,) ..-I way "' 11afeguard your r ecol"ds. NFW · (' E • 1 h . h tal Story &: Cl11rk g-ran... !("'"' CALL KEyalone . 5·1~3 or KE Experienc'd gardener . . . 'Ill "11s l'I . IH•V•'r r11nrt1tlon $39~ .. Anlllhl'r 11pf'C"tAI :i-ou;1 WAl\'T real "~Utle .salt•sman or u:w1l $200 BeAut1f11I Slu·yve:innl. fine 11h11p". <'"IRANGE COUNTY LANDSCAPING broker fam1har wllh ff&rhor USEJ) HENDIX auto. \\·ashing nm. s·11~ Al K be $117' <t" --• and CLEAN UP-S art.8. Top commtiraton. 'C'htm-... 1111t ~,.,.,, .... 1-..$i.t>, ·' · · I"> ~g('nus ..!!!... • MTCROll'lO U Ntf SERVICE '. , ~nvi> on nurny nthrr~. 1712 Anahe.l.m·Ollve R d., Anaheim. L!berty 8-1659 Houston Realty HOTPOJ:'\T r\'ff'lg . t 1 IL 51·•0· DA:o;Z·S<'HMm1· Hlg P111no SMr• 6lc6Jh 30Lfc r109 Cr·nter SL. CoRta Mesa \\"AL:"l"f S<!\f(•L;ti y, niakc vr:.e~; I ~anla Ana. !')20 l'\Q. Main CARPENT ER Repair Work Doe1 Your Home Need Re.pairing or Remodellng? Call F ra.n.k, Wberty 8-69M All \'v"ork Guaranteed 74lfc COM:gLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service ~;t'GE!'\E 0 . SAt::'\DERS ~·OO !IJsl SlrN't, Nrwport Bcftch Herhor 29i6 or Har. H 16. trc ASPHALT TILE 1967 Ahi.o A\'", Llbrr1y 8·3 • .J.. Al Jl'O , Ll 8·6911. or Ll 8· i784 6llfr _ fl1tfc 1 _ w11y:<1 • p.ano•. BF.A tiTJFllL l!x t 2 rni.:. n••v('r 85-Dogs, Cat&, Pete YACHT SKIPPER FULLY QUALIFIED & l'Xpr rirn<'· 30-1\lisceUaneoutt c:-d. Llcensec1 MMlPr Stvam and ---------- Motor. Any tonnnrt•· •Any tl•'C"lln.I ORIGINALS Expniencnl 111 !ta ll. Lorn! 1 e· AFTER!'\OQ:o;, Cur ktall, tJ1rinl'r ferPnrr" !urn1shrd . .t. S. COLE. 11101, W. Bay Ave .. Balboa. ~9p;2 Jres1te11 & Cn<>rd1n11t,.s, Custom Dressmaking Ph. Harbor r1268·R. CRADt:ATE PRAC"Tl CAI. n11r11r, GlJN Fun SALE-l'ark'Pr ubl~ t"h lld ur artnlt rar•'. will 1•1,,11< drive trav1•l, la~ht "<'f"l'l'll\11111 d11ti..ei1. E1tn·llent 1 efrrenf"I'~ Ph Harbor ll!j·W 60p61 barrl'I. 16 ~ll· ~hot i;un. Exn •I· l<'nl <•11n•htltm. Cail I'"""· l111rbnr 20J· WK. 4 7ttc 11:\<'d, r heap. Phone Har 411'1:l·J 61c63 -------------u 1n : :--a;w full 111z,. ll<1lid mripl<' 11111 1· .. ~t ;'\f:\\' $1<fl r.r1 H11rh .. r 2·111~•·:0.f. ~il11'6 1 t;AFFERS A. ~ATTLER table lop r ange s:;r.a, G. E. refrlg. S4~. Dbl. msllrcl'!I &. box spring SI:'>. lre&r apt.I 312 Conti, B11tbna Is 601'62 Pomeranian Pups A l<C', •·ham pion at 11tud. 71:15 \\'1·llt1111nstPr Ave., WeJ11tm1n· s t••r. l'h. WestmiMte.r 2·2636. 60c6JH "NC\nt." "Xrro." "KJp," •dorabhr Ht'l11z k1tlrns need good homu. F ret•. (;a.JI H·l12, II p.m. 80pe2 - ,I I : I 26JO W. COAST HIGHWAY LINOLEUM Uberty 8-3f3S, Newport Bch 2Btfc I 1n11tall t h" above ch<'a per than WILL DO JRO:'>l:'\G tn my hume. P/IDDI.EBOARO 121, (Pet, B111lt IO ~IA!!~ (111 sk111 dl\'lng Xlnt C.'Pn d 1ti11n s:;r,. Ha rbc•r =:~q7.J . 611p62 REDWOOD pl\llo (uni .. <:h&.18t', 3 lo\'c 11e8L~. metal ta»J .. and 4 40-Au!!"' and Trucka . Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. JO years experience L lcent!ed .\ insured. SaUs!actlon guarantttd. Estimates tree. Call Johnnle, LI 8·2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfc General Contractor U CENSED New Work -Remodeling J . MlLTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122·R 58tfc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED co:-;TRAc:rOR 878 \V, 18th St , Co!'la Mr sa U ber! y 8·S628 PAINTING J:-..IERJOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED . Glenn J ohnston Ml • 311t st. Newport S.aCb Barbor 3178 22tfc mo11t. Alsn !!"II TllP &. Linoleum. 1'on-11n101n, 2~1 yeoar11 experience. Co~pllri• nn1t !lf'P BILL COKER J!Ar 482!1 or Long BPAl'h i·MJ iJ, 61c i 4h CEMENT & BUILDING All Kind~ FREE E STIMATES LJberty 8·6109 29tt House Plans , LIBERTY 8·62~1 lOtfc Painting M W. R OSS Freoe Est1m11tc•.11 --Fully ln1ur1>d JU Yuu Experience LI· 8·3321 • H11r. 3089·.M. Mip69h Elec. Tool Repair Sk1I Saws. Dr Ills, S&ndera QUICK SER\,CE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 458 :-;o. Newport Blvd. Npt. Bch. Wbert11 1·8383. >&4ttc Expr>rlrn~1'tl, x;., lot >tC1!1 ( '••n· g r,.s11 SI . \••~l it Ml'M L1 !l·fllOll 60p6:l Ot7 fBOARD MOTOR 211 hp. ~2;1, ALL ARo t·xo :-.-1F:C'l1A:\H" want~ r. E l'fC"l'lrh fl:ot.f plltt .. 111111• ,. SJO. stl'ady J11h. Whit.. 11·hahl•' 1., .. ,.~ l<''"l SIU 1:.1112 F;l\"'l BHI· Jfl\s 1·hi111rtr11r IH rn~r. Rrrl'rc>nr· b<>Cl Bl\'•I, BnlbflA H.1r. 1:1!t!'i·J. 1·e. L .1 Ut,tn11·, l!S4 \"11•t11rte 1 6Up62 Costa Me~a. 60p6:.! 1 · - .. -~--'CERAMIC ..lrclrtc kiln • f.2r1 HO:-\OR STt:DEXT. Sen111r High Frum•'· box "Pl' m11Llr".~!1. S'l.U Sr hnol girl, l!I quahf1e.d fnr sum. Taylor Tot. pntly Lh>11r. b11hy mer tutr>r aiHl' i.;ovt•m c11s H11i1 rar i:r11ts $8 s1•111or Ltf" R11.\'111g c\•rt1(1l·at•" C'lub cha ir and r r•\'"r . $fi experienced w1lh rh1itlren. Ref,. All In i.roncl r ond1t1nn. I 21l J8Lh n1•1t(•e1> \\·111 lave in. 'Wl•stmln· Sl .. Newr.orl Br aeh. 60l·62 e1Ler 2·1631. 60p6!'i COLORED W OMA:'\ wants hOlll!C .. work by thr uay t:x.p~rlt"nt'ell Own tran11port.At1on. ReferPnr('!'I, Phone. Kl J-92RJ. ft. '" Original Models COCKTAii~ nin:s!'ES. 8111[~. ~pt! dressH & forma ls. Stu& 11· 16 Som" XEW A LL pl'rf,,r l 1 •ntl " ,_ ~ lf'DRl..h nw tl1•rn SI.VI" China mink coat Sdl brl11w CML. Write Box A·89. th1$ II('\\'~· 60L(C C'h11 1rR. ALSU cll1111'1Jt1.I brt1.z1••t . 16 fl. olrl t•JWll skiff with trKfl· Rom 11Lrrn. Ph. Har. 2701. 6llfc NEW BUICKS F:XECUTIVE desk, walnut. 560 .. .'.'\1•w 110<1 \iylf -GMAC Tcnna posturC' chuir $2~1. nnly I yr. old. j 2116 Newport Blvd. New{>ort Bch. 2912 W. C"na!ll Htj\hway. Phf1n1• TERRY'S BUICK LI 8·50il cir Har, :ir>7i. :i6Lfc I SZ-A-Antlciu._e_s _____ _ l!IM SU:'-l VALLEY MERCURY.' all powl'r equipment. tcrme. Ca ll owner, Ll 8·36113 or L.l 1~22:1. 6etfr. ANTIQl'E <'hlM ruphnar<l, SliO 228 E. <'O~l&. M esll St . C1111t a j Me~a.. Ph. Lt 8·Ml83. 60c62 -------------- ST A TION . WAGON S~a_!!,_!i_!l!>P!I~ j ·~1 F'fJflO S<../t:IRE. R •H, Ovt1 • ----d11v,., ''"" owner, very clean TRADE Harbor 4076. 80c62 Beautiful 70·ft. aux. schooner . ·::.o FORD l'onv. By owneT. RA:H Fully found, go unywherr. Will ()"dr, g<ll•'' «finrt A l!!o S1nl(r r take equity In property or 1mai-1 p<1l'Lablc elecl aewtng machln• ltt boat. 1220 W.· Balboa Blvd.. 5:10. Ha rbor 8119·R. 117tr• NewporL Har. 3032, J9tCc 1 ------------- LICEXSEO, expertenct'd 11k1pf'H av&llable for private or charter boal1. Phc1ne Har. J 129-W alter e p. m. part tJme or rermanent. 41p6J Two storage cabinets, :io FT. C ABI:-o: c Rt;ISER. 111c(·p11 SUITABLE tm hncn, ator8ge 4. Ga.lley. h<'ad. ball u111k. Ship 1'.f.:RFFX'"T Rt ':'\NfNO ·:;1 f'I\ tnl•IJlh •tnW1n w11gon. $1<11\'. PRACTICAL NURSING or companion position desired by refined woman. [;»; COSTA MESA or beach area BHt nf r"fe.rtncu . Good d river and hAve g-oo<J ear. PHONE mornlnlJ or avcnlnr. I Klmberly ~·3~H. 111~3 wall. or garage 11tnrage. Sliding t1• llhl'lr". Fitll M \'"i"ll, 11.2~.o door11 rin lower halt. Twr> f·ft _Ph. H11r 1 1 i .'i·W. l\Oc!J:> A LS () HH I f'tymout h 11<!•l11 n. f lfp mf1li1r, n"V••r n~glPCl l'•I $!~'. Own~•. LI 11·31lll3 6flr"il wide. 2 n-'deep, 7·1L h igh $it!"" MERCt:RY outborml. tO h~11~ - Harbor 4J77. 60c62 prower, 111t. cla .. cundttinn 612 1 '52 Buick $1695 AMATEUR photo1npher desires to rent or share dark room for mont.ha nf July • Auguat. W r11r Boll Y -87, th1a pap.I'\ 69~1 38lh SL, :-;;ewpurt U~i(h. U lfi _ f'••n\"•l t H•1a•lma11tn Full p<>w,.r 2~. hp. Joholll}n, lMk. front "''n. I 2111; ;"o;"Wfl••rt Blvd , =-'cwp'>rt Bi h troll. l Y"ar old. Pn feet r ont1 I ri:nRY 'S BUICK UM. Ca.11 Har. •99t . t1~3 ~ I ~ I I ' ' I• .. I• 11 Check these Used Cars Buy trom ll local d talt r who w1ll bJ' here TOMORROW to back up what he .£TODAY I 1954 1948 19!';2 1952 1951 1951 1951 1950 1949 1951 1955 1954 ·· Opening Specials · CHRYSLER New Yo'rker Newport. Light Green. P ia -R & H. New wsw tires ... 2395 BillCK Super. 2 door sedan. Black . .295 NASH. 4 door sedan. Overdrive;-R It-H. 2-tone green . .. .......... . .. ... .. .. .9·15 NASH Country Club 2-Tone Brown.... 915 HUDSON Hornet 4-dr. Dark Green ........ 895 MERCURY Station Wagon ..... . ......... .1095 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4-dr. Sedan 1125 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-door Perfect .. 795 HUDSON 4 door ......................... _ ............ 395 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 door Sedao Light gray .. .. ........................ 1095 DESOTO Sportsman. Loaded. Red and black, 2-tone. _ .......... SA VE S $ S DESOTO Conv. Cpe. all the extras. Red & black .. . SAVE $ $ $ LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 West Coast Highway. Phone LTherty 8-3486 4~Autos a.nd Trucks AMERICAN CAR • Trade Ins on NEW FOREIGN Cars 19:-i I FORD Vt<"toria, R , H, O'c.Jr , As 111 • $69!'>. 1!1:\0 J.'OHD c.Jlx. 2 door, Ra'dio- Hratrr, tl('nn _ . -·· ... $4 95. l tl!'>O FORn C'u~. etntlon w11gon. H. H. < l'dr • . ...... $64[> l!);,o :'.'\A SH Stu lt'sman 11edan, R, H, O'.J1 . '""'rhauled . $49:'>. 1!!'111 :'I/ASH Stateiiman, 2 door. It, II, (J\1r. . . . ..... .. .. $395. 41-Autp Sen rlce ATTENTION Nash -Hudson .owners Rioh Hahn's Garage Authortzrd P11rts & Service al.so Goo<! Trans pMtauon Cars For Sale Auto Radio R~pair 409 E. 29th St. Newport Beach. Har. 4725. 3!ll!c BRAKE SPECIAL. 1~117 Al' lt'K Super sec1anelle-<luring J une rt .• o1m, 11 .. ati·r ·· $1115· Foreign auto brake l!ll i) PU:-.:TIAl' 8 S4'ftanette, R. H ,. 1111 r• a-.· . s8:> I job, b y expert J!l:,11 lffl ·111-:U1\IU:R Ch1unp1un mechanics H1•~8!. R . H. O'ilr .. wsw. Clea.n. $lB 95 & $~95. • up. Hausken Motors Inc. I H W(' frakture SML'DDEN senl•l!'e. 111:1:.i lfo1bur Blvd. I aus en otors nc. l'h1•no· I.I x-~111,-.1 LI 8-6381 1932 Harbor Blvd., Co~ta M <'!!ll. F.n~y Bani< o! AmPTICll T Nms LI 8·60~1!-Ll 8-6381 [}9c72h 60tf· ':J~• C'HEV. V·8 Bel-Air. Sport. 1 1••• I lu 1 \ll'RI g 11h1 ~ltuw pit·('(' IHO hp. kll. Radio. "P . G." I rn11t<. , I•· .111 .. t 3iOO 10•·1t.l ml. lll•i:•• "'~ \'tni: t n rash buyer! 1;•11; S11 <.:oa11L Bl\·d., Lllguna- l l Y11t t t-i71 I 61tfr 42-Tra.llen HOUSETRAJ.LER. 196Z Viking, 2 bdrm, full bath. With awning & Cabana. $2896. Space 7. 133 W . 16Lh St. C. M. Eves. only, 60r62 1950 ALL METAL Kari-ull camp· In!{ trallrr. 9'x 12' wh1·n open. Completely equipped $400. :ll l E. Balboa Blvd . Apt. A. 6lp63 :s.~ ~»~i~.dh~~r & !~r~!; 47-Wan~ to Bent :i1111 ;-.:,,wpvrt Blvr1.. :"'ewp•irt Bch Rentals Wanted TERRY'S BUICK 1 We ncf<I apta and hou11U in all Jjll' lll.T•SM()J:HLI-': 98 Xlnt. con· >1111 .. n. H.&H l\·11ta111a1lr. g110J Iott•" lh•;o1<nna bJ.• Hllr ::!'1~2 II.I{. 61<'63 11ecttona Cor both wtnter a.nd ycar'e leaae. Furn. or unfurn. It you have a vacancy, phone tOOay The Vogel Co. ,51 Bu·ick 4 dr. $995 s201 w. Cat. Hwy .• Newport B"h. Phone Libert y 8-3481 208 Marine, Batbon Island Phone Harbor 444 l{.1du1, 11,.:1•1•1· V••t y cl1•un ~111; ~''"'l'"' t Hlvt!, :-,;,.\\'p<1r1 Brh, TERRY'S BUICK 2667 E. <'mist Hy., Corona del Mdr !'hone Hnrbor 17 41 L1Jo Office, 3116 Via· Lido .Mul~HIS ;\II:-.:OH '!'l:l .-onvert1ble, H arbor 4.971 ~2Uc .. -- ~8-A.r~~·-~ ~09H ______ t_8-__ A ..... p_ts_. _a_H_ou_IH ____ _ -------------H:->Jl'HF:l' ()ff11•" 111 lawytrs :-tut··· t.l ·tllll'...' :'fll2 \\', ('<'ll~t NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11-PA&E l!I MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 · Cabanas Marinas ;~ _ Bu1inHt1 O~rtun~ti~~ >J.:l.H'ATESSl':X & ~"Tl'Ct't'\' 1111'1 • ""'' 8 two b .. 11r111 ll nm" Jt11.•&t• nl'xt 10 rornl'r or Hlth & Pl,. tenu.. C'o11n M 1>M , Exc1•Jh•11 ~pot fr1r hqnor ~tort', b1•,•t "' wme. Call L.l 8-3ti6:J or Ub~rt • 8·.622.3. ~()U, lllj!liwll\' :-.=(•\\pot t Ut'&I h. 61 p6:l i2-Rt'.a.I Eata~ 6?--Real Estate ,..;,_,_;;,;;~~..;.... ...... ~~~~~~;__~.;....;;:.;_;~;;;,.;;.;;....,.._.._.._ __ _ Lido Peninsula, East 3ist St., Npt. Bch. OFfERS- De ligbtful living. Apt.-Cabanas. Utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodations. Daily, w~kly,· monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, CaU linr. 2992. 34Uc 18-Apts. & Ho~~----t8B-Bou1H for Rent LIDO ISLE FOR LEASE T\.\'O BEAUTIFUL new Irvine 2 BOR~ts .• 2 bat.ha on a In ge tot. Terrace unfum. \'lew homt"a. Lo vely 1111nny pRtio. E verything 3 BORMS .• 2 baths and fllrnt.shcd e.x1•ept Uncn.t Arul tm l· ~ B&DRM$,. 2-twuhs. •hni;. $1!;110 for 3 m<mths. Call Harbr1r 1~7[> or Harbor H 48 Duncan Hardesty, Realtor EARt. w. STAKLEY, Realtor "J,ltln Specialist" L's" Our FrPe Parking Lot 2602 ?<: .. w rnrt Bh'<l., l'\pt. ll1·arh l'hono• lla1bor 4il~. 6k63 l rvlnt! TPrrace orctce Corona J el Mar. 33t!c Ql'ALlTY ~lagnolla St .. tC. M.I hlllml.'. L'nfurn .. 2 br .. thntng, tlen. :! HOIC\1!" 11n!urn .. ~aragt', l;\OVe. i\ \'&IL J 11r11· l!'l. S90. U llSI' - rPft1g. \\'a ter paid. 1 child o,k. A·lult11. Ll 8-5324. !l9p6t ;~.~ \\'. t!lth S I., . Co~ta MP!tll. - Ll 8-6f17J 01' L I IS-33·10, 4itfc YEARLY-2 bdm l. house "' gar. 13US COMPAXY with lon1t tern franchiae Ill f35l growing C"•I Mf'U. Submit Kil cx1·hAnt;n. P h 0 \-\'1\'ER, L.lberty 8·3663 or l>f 8·6223, ~ PO'ITERY SHO P !ully equlppr,. $750. Ll 8-~98. 51k61 NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALER -REFl!'\ANCE CO:'\ STR l.:C1I'l 0 N Cs ll for F ree Fast Commitmmts on Residences and Units only Don I. Huddlestor 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI 8-5541 LI 8-656:1 &XA-Apts. for Rent 1 yr. old Knotty pine walls. LOANS for Homes Beame1l r .. 111ngs. Partly furnish· :0.:0. !'> BF.AC-OX BAY -Summer l'•·ntlll. Spu<•1ou:i fu rn. upt.. 11IN•ps 4, 0\'1.'rlo"klng ba y. J une l Oth- St•pl. tilth .. $500. month. A LSU will take r.eservaUon t or wlnler. Har. 2471, courtesy Lo agenls. 43tfc Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Fronts + tl'fO -20 }'T. Loa.na Construction Loans , .. 1. Close to rocea.n and &hopping ,.,•nter, $85. mo .• Incl. elec. ant.1 watt>r. ?'\o pel~. Jnq. in rear 221 33rd., Newport B('h., Sat. or Snn. - 60ttc . St.:1-L\!ER RENTAL. Newpo~ Js· land Waterfront. pier & float. F'urn. 2 s tory house. 3 bdrm .. 2 baU1, J>QtlO, barb,, dbl. gar. 3909 Marcus. Har. 3508, 60c62 _48_C-__ T_ra_Ue_r_S>-p_ace ...... ..__ ___ • NO EXTRA CHARGE tor <'hll- SEE BOB SATTLER 2515 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona del Me.r Harbor 3888 Rep. POffilER MORTGAGE CO Metro Life Ina. Funda Kl. 3-5185 '8Uc Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, salary. $50. to $75-0. or more. 'One day service 1 -:-Rul Estate Exc~anp _ FOR SAr:F. OR TRAo'£ t'LK'\'.-~F.:W, J bJrrn. ell. Li:<' um~. ilbl i.ur. 11ttaC1hed. Latin· 1 y r rp, Lnt t OOlC I 70. room (o1 111mlt·r,·1nl hldl:, on Hwy. Ctonl· , . ., 1 7/!lkH'"ll~rnttma<m a"Ad' '!n !. Ocean View. ~6p61 11\\':-;f.H \\'1ll t111<e trade on •:s <'•1!'1tt't' lat. r anr h home. 3 .l.u:u.. i.l' • ...b.ilh!!.. hum.I. ,l!J.s .• I A 111•ar \\' w. <'8!'fH;t. frrl!'NI .t X l 18 IC:. pll l W t\Vl'I hJ(>klllj:: .. 1nprn, \\'tll t.1k,• 11n1111tPr f'lllt'• .. 1• v>11•11111 tut an part p11v11u•nt ~·• ll11lllt>I Prl\•e, \ f\ M Hur t ll~ft. W i>fl('T2 ~ llOR:.t. h111M & 3 rm 11}\l. Xlnt lo11 .111 11 lll Loni: B1•11«h. \ :ih1t• lll q~, lh•11 f111 snialJ pht«e 1n Hid· h•M. \\'h11l hll\'e y"u, H1t1 3606. 6tl(l62 TRADE BE:A t71Fl1Ll. y il<'l'tol'lllPd, amull 1lrlU<t1, hunw, 2 bP.JroomN, !tre- l•IBl'I•. F .. r lari;1•r hu'n1e In Co- 11,nn d"l ~lat·. Lillo, H11llioa. lfo1 bur ~719. l)lr63 Ut;Jl4Dl:-\G. business st11< It, !ix· l1tt"ll eutl ln••l~ fClr powrr tr-ol l•ll:o1tl1.,;,! plil~ 2 1Jdn11. h011H< 10 lllllltlllJ.:lo1n J 'Uri< :";nit• ur «X· •'hi11t~t·. Full 111·11·" $ t:l,[>OQ tor Uay ·F'runt tnrun1<', );ewpurt or R:illlnn ()\\'Oo•r, :woo F.. Fl11r1•ncf' .\\'l'. Huntrni.:tnn Park. LL'dlL•w ~-551~. 6lp63 fi2-R~al Estate CLIFF HAVEN other choice properties Harhor hland, Bay' Shor es, Bea. con Blly. qualified cUPntl! only. Harbor Investment Co. dren to permanent t1>nants. Ent.1 l!pl\C'C' \lal'ant, 30x611. su:-;~y ACRES. 114 P:. Wilaon, Costa Mua. KT ~· 59c6J THREE DEDHOOM, 1 blllh, 1200 Applleatton may be made in per-~· rt , fir•'plarl' tlrapc•!'!. lrteally son, by phone or by mall. land~, rped frnce<J -nll<'y, ctb\. Harbor 1600 (E ve.a. LI 8·6386) 27tfc 49-Room& to Rent CH A:\'.);EL l"HONT F l'R);. Apts. ROOM FOR RE!'T-Prlvate bath 1 8r. 2 b<lrtlms. W ill rent vi>ry & entranct. $40. mo. LI 8·5098. rea.•c•nahly to rt•ha.hle parties 59c61 \\,lltng-lo C>•rt' f11r rrop.-rly an ------------- ownern ehscnn• on Mantrrtt•r lt<•' :O.:ICF.: ROOM tor working man. l avail. ,\'Ml riv It t!P!'ln•rt Wr t l~ Pri\·ate t>ntrance. $7 wk. 1543 Al Deal'Cin r.eneral Deliwry, Orange Av!'., Costa Mesa. 61c.63 Avalon for 11pp'l, 61p63 ------------- Sl'MMER Hto;:O.:TAL. l Mnn. rurn. 53--Stores ~ Officee ruttni;:e Will slN'P 4. Comna t"'1 Mnr. Har. 415{1.J, 61c63 OHA !\'GE 1n1mmer rent al. furn . 1 hdm1. npt. new bl<li?. and new fu rn. Av;itlabl•· JM" 19-S!lO. 11t1I, & phone pd. Call KEllo~1' 8-tOSi. • 61 p63 E l"J OY BALBOA JSLA:"D & the- lirad1 lh-1:' summer for very ltt· lie rrn t. SmaJI compact apt. for 2. 111ze ot houi1e tra11<-r. only $1 20. mo. or SJOO. nnw t ill Sept. Brand New Store & Office Bldg. Available J uly 1st. Opposite Newport City Hall ELE VATOR PARKING JANITOR SERVICE Call Paul Herron, lea.aing agent The BE AlrMONT CO .. Har. 4299 63c60h 17th or yrly. Har. 2128-M. 61lfc ------------- HARBOR A.PTS. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 18911 Harbor Blvc.J., C'O!!la M1·sa LI 8-77:-i l -Upen F ridays ult 8 Closed Snlunlays-4 1 lfc LOANS TO B Ull..JJ. lMP RUVE BUY, MODERNIZE, Oil REFINANCE We Buy Truat Deed.a NEWPORT BALDOA SA VJNGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 8366 Via Udo. Ph. Har. 4200 !.fa WOULD like to buy l st and 2n<l Trust Deetls. Call Har. 2326 48tfc HA VE $10-$20,000 to Joan on good residential or income prop, sr; OSBORNE Realty Co. Harbor 492:l-J . IRl'S,J Full Price $15,4.50 TRt'~ff DEED $H~OO al 41;r; with monlhJ~· puymenlR $66.41. C11.:1h fr11111 t111,,t t11•1•d tf• s11l,• pt we. C'.tll ~tr. Call1111t lo shr•w this hVllll' E~L W. STANLE Y. REALTOR :!25 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 1776 61e63 PIER & SLIP 3 Bil , 2 BATHS. la rt;I.' pat!Jr). Pri· \'IH1· lwa1·h. I 'l.!rfr1·t lh r1111i:hout $30.500 Osborne Realty Co. 23:.!3 W . Cot1sl Hwy at Porl Orange l'honi> Harbor ~!123-J 61cll3 Vets , VOGEl VAlUES Corona del Mar Specials No. l -2 BR.I. le studio apt. Botjl furnial:ied. $156.00 .... JW"r-montb irteome. Firepla"Ce. HW floors. oce&n s:ide of Hwy. Owner moving eut. i13.750. No: 2-Very attractive-, 2 BR. home, lg. li\'lng room, ~---HW-floonr.-thermw floor fum., p&lio, qulet st reet, only $13.75-0 . No. 3-Rustic 3 BR.a., 1ir, bt.th• home, choice comer lot. Lg. living room with l"lld. brick fireplace, HW floors, mstr. BR. bu dresaiing rm. & con· necting bath. BR. opena to encloeed patio. rnA loan at $92.57 incl. taxes, lnsuhnce A intereet. No. 4-Lovely home with 3 BR.I. It ma.id's rm. Unob· struc.ted ocean view. Choke comer lot . Many outstanding features. W IW cpts.. custom drapes, partly furnished. Priced at $63,500. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 1141 6 1'TT CORONA DEL MAR New 3 bedroom, 1:1,& bath in Corona Highland.a. Panoramic view ot Coastline & hilla. Euy financing or will trade for vacant property. Open House Every Afternoon 448 Riveira Te~ a.1ao 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in Corona Highlands. Sha.kt roof. Fisher built with many extru. 1 yr. old. Price $29,500 NEAT little. 2 bedroom on Potnaettfa. li"enced, with nice yard & in ·excellent neighborhood. Can be pur- chased for LOW down. Full price $12,7~ - LAST commercial lot on Balboa Island. $1000 down will take il Full price $8500. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliar~ 3034 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar .,. bt Patt:iaon Hu.1443 135 Ft. OCEAN FRONTAGE For Builder or Investor R3 Zone Modern furpished apts. day, week or month Near bus, iitores &: bay. Reasonable rates. 104 E . Boy Ave., BALBOA Harbor 5344. 17lfc LIDO OFFICE SPACE -W ill sublet space suitable tor attor- neys, engineers, etc. Approx. l :ix30 In shopping area on Via Lido. Call Do n Cole afternoons 51-~.al Estate Wan~ only. Har. 4650· :l9t!c P Rl. PTY. t not realtor> has S6000 $565 down 4 un it Apartment on Jot 55' x 100' with adjolnJng . lots 40' x 100' and 102' x 135' on Ocean Front. SM.ALL OFFICE with parking. dn. (Qr in1·ome propert ,. !\ht,.t heat & light & private toilet in-have p11•r & float. S11bn11t I'. 0 . -------------~ ct11de<1, $!'>0 month. at 2604 New-Box 20!'>3, Jnglrwood 4, t '.Jir. Summer Rentals port Blvd., Npt. Beach. Harbor :w"1Ji 4718. 6l c63 ----------- l'U.:S IMPOlJNDS c s1-: YOt:f{ c .1 LOA!'\ un • y r. All as one parcel with 197 tt. fn>nia..t oo 2 .,...._ .,1,1, =~ tio11 111 , clt$i<'. i;arai;c. ft<rw · and 135 ft. Ocean frontage. "" \\'t1111lt·rt111 pat1 .. & lRund1 ~·· y.11d 1: • .,1wi:•· •h'1"1:< .. 1, All'c:Jt>od T e rms. Full Prfoe $61,000 \\'AG:-.IElt POL'\T-Walerfront & WANTED !'1111nll l\f-zon1• lot In hHI' fro·~hh· p.,1nt• 1 ~\~c;::~r:::e1ii3f~·J.week a.n~ 1~f~ 53·A-Buslnes• Rentals ~ho~":~evc:~~~~e ~~01 ~;11~~~~·:J1'.':. Z:ti;;·~,'1)1:;;::~ ~1'..~~~·~:1n1t1:~:,1111 NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY . AVAILABLE _ About 8000 aq. Bc1x Z-88, Lh1s pnp1•1. [•l'<'l:t l'h<>n•· Id !'l<!ll!•,: Gotr,. 1 BALBOA lS~A:-.:~. Bay Fr?nt-rt. Ught industry apace on lat & July 2h4 '; b~ov. -·/~\~rice o! 2 2n(I. floor. v. s. Highway 101 60--ln~~f!i_e _!'rOJ!!':~ B & 0 v· mont s. rms.. . A 8• every-end Bay F rontage. Will letu1e all -----ay Cean leW thing to make a delightful home · HOME d 6 U • I l"o pets, n11 small children. Har. ·~r any part &: re3modeVI .10 suit an nltS LAHGE d11ubl•· fw nl.1):1' Hl·lta Int • • V f 4 53 66 tenanL Vogel Co., U 6 1a Lido. I 7 i I . ll $39 • oo 2336· \ a t1•r pm. · c Harbor 41171. 26ttc GOOD JNCur.n;, s::s.urni, H9 llatn· ?f.I" c·'i 111"·r· 1 ),, •1:<. ··' ·A 11l1J11. orr H:orhnr i::l\'ol. <'.1.-1:1 ~ .... ! lfl I , al ::;anta J\hll VI?.-------------------------- COSTA MESA, 3 rm. a pt., furn. -------------M<'M. Stpi-lh LI &·1 1~0:! ~10p69 or 11nfurn .. Includes utilities. Call New Store for Rent ------------- HYatt 4-~3~7. 28ttc -F o.r a dependllbl1• Ub•d car, 1!111.' For Sale or Trade- Jim and Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Phone Hal'bor 180f, BEFORE YOU BUY • t l\tr)Ht ltlo .. I, t op st.rnpe. ~.~e~t~:: C'HRl~TJA V T Af\V ......... ·~ . -· .,. ____ ....,, .... tl .. "'-'l"._., .... ,"'"'~-"'-s.c'".. . -.oB==Rouses fm' Ren~ ::11:;1 60C'62 ri>om wHh kit. rnv1ll'J:I'.", or will be companion to elllt•rly lat!~·. 1200 sq:.ft. C0asCHighway, y1Jt1r"tO<'lll 1h>81Pr wh() will be lwre ~.d-. • • .,.,,.,.~,.,...~·"""m'rom--t-----v-,D ... ,.,_...-..C.npa .• ~~ ..;-.. \'\ lO OBCK tip what ll•'.1 ""'"'"·'~·;"1:-'\"tE\\ rnnt!.!i n 2 w,w... .... "'"'' ~ Newport Be~ch . A mp 1 e St"lls TODA y ! Check the ii'S::1f hun1e with <'Xtra room anli ~. and See These ,_ ,, 1. ~ - 1:1:.i ;\ll·:lll 't · fO :.: dr. Uvenlnve, LI 8·5682 evc-11. 6!k62 1.1.J11• ~ hlr :-.=rw paint, Pllone 1.1 '·ll'Sfll :-i9c61 48-A & H -·~__..P_t_~ ____ o_u_ses_. _____ _ ''48 Hudrorr4dr.$l95 Corona delJ.f ar R&H. 2 Alw n1h"I' tra11~pnrtnl11111 spt>r lsls BDRM. duplex. 11nr11rn. Firepl. ~arage. 1 block to ma rkt't". $TI>. 1110. yra1 ly. 21 lfi :O.:t•wp•)t l Blvd. :"rwpMt Bch TERRY'S BUICK 41-Auto Sen ·lce ------ Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 C'yls. .. ............... $48.88 8 Cyls. . ................. $58.88 l n1•l11tlrs both labor aml parts. x .. w rini:s, wrist ptn~. valve ~rind, flttlngi1 ot mam a nd rod h1•anng~. F:xpt>t't motor tunr up. !ll\-day or 4,001) m1l1' ,:::11arAntce. 1:"1.) MOXEY PO\\':"). REBUILT ENGINES -t.;P to l:'> MO~THS TO PAY- Bu1lt In our own factory b) sl<1lleil mac.ltinlet... Don't contt>nd w ith the middle m11n. Buy rl1rr5t. REBUILT and INSTALLED l'HORT BLOCK FORD .. .. ........................ 1129.50 CHEVROLET . .. ..... ._ ....... $149.50 PLYM • .t. DODGE ......... -....... $155 CHR\"S. A DE SOTO ............ $170 STUDEBAKER ............ -... 1170 OLDS .ti PONTIAC 8 ............ 1170 BL"JCK .................. ' .................... 1175 H UDSON -·-.......................... -$17:'> Loan Car Free Towing NEW CAR GUARA..'-'TEE Block must m eet our atandarda Plua ta.xu, 1t&akt't9 an<l oil Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open D111ly 8 to 7 State Bondi',! NEW LOCATION 310 East 3 rd St. SAXTA A~A Muriel M. •Pino\'C'r, Realtor :!604 Nr.wport Blvd., Newport Brh EMy Parking. Her. 4610, ~9('fi t HEASONABLY prt~eol, clPa.n 1 & 2 bdrm. !urn. aptio. Ft1I. pa.iJ. Launc1ry ro<1m. l'layground for chiltlr••n. Blue Top A pt.,., 403 ~rwport Blvd .. Xewport Bf'ach. Above t he Arches. 49trc Choice Summer Rentals on Balboa Isla nd & Lido fi;le Small & cozy or large 6: deluxe 175 to $300 month VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave.. Balboa IslanoJ Ph. Harbor •H or Harbor 21!i l Ru. Har. 1786-R or liar. 3M19-M • 64ttc RENTAL v, SPECIALISTS Cail Edna Craig Blanche Gates, Rltr. , 311 Marine Ave. Halboa Island, Ha.r. 1671 72tto Lido Bayfront Apt. BRA.ND ~EW 3 bdrm., 2 b11th Immaculately tum . 11pt. -IM- MEDIATE occupan<'y until <kt. 28th !nr S2,850. PIER and ffllp availa ble. Must ~ llhown by App 't, only. HARBOR l='IVESTME:\'T CO Phone Mu. 1600 (evu Har. 1210\ 4lt!c BRA:\-0 NEW 2 bdrm. unt'l.lrn. rlu- J'l"x, rrubag• dhtpoaal. guage. $75. month. CALL DAYS P 30-4.30 LI 8-0 98 llr l.l 8-7 1'12 IH1rr ~rm. & \\'k t nctl phon. Hilt . H I;, ~Otte Balboa I s land :1 bo11111 , 2 bath c'holre lornt ll'n S•IOll. .Jnh· --~500. 'Ang Corona Vie w del Mar Home- SLF:EPS 8-C"h•ll'tnlni:.• p<>rf Pr l - SHI(), .Tun" J!) ti> July rn -- S:iOO. J uly J!) lo A u g. 15. Osborne Realty Co. 232:l W. Coit~t Hwy al Pr.rt Or:rn1'1' Harbor 1!l23·J . 6Jr 63 ;l BDRM. & drn, Unfum. Ray & nrt"a.n \•1cw. Y r. JPa11e. 308 1'11r· n11 l1nn. (' D !\!. I\ I lf<' VACATIONERS \\'E HAVP. n \'arht.)I of new"''"· Iv furn. rl'nll\ls >l\':il.ll/lhl" •n NPwport & l~~t;\101>. ~:10, wk. cf.. up. lnrimrl' :l<l·l -:l::!n d St .. Xpl l'IHm1• Harbor 1226. 6t p74h LIDO ISLE 2 YE ARLY RE:\'TALS U:'o:FUR~. 1. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. Z. 4 bedrooms, 2 bn~h~. Choice location•. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 :-:ewp ort Blvd., Newport Bch. Harbor 1013 40Uc AV,\JLAl?LE tn SHORE CLTFFS. C.D.M. 2 br , mostly !11~1shed private h nmr. Till Sept. or Oet. Parkin~. ca rs In the tlas~1r1cu sc1·11on to· b.ilh •m J u1i hlc: ga iui; ... Liberty s ,.-7673. 55Uc day. 2712 ('llfC Dt 1w• tat1Jllr«nt v~cant lot av.,lable) l'h. owner, LI 8·2532 5~tores & oma. 53-Stores & Offic~ 23tfc ~------~~----~~-----!'\EW 3 BDRM. on '• acre, $7,9!:t0. 283 A vocafl<>, C·1:1ta Men . Ph. Kl 2-'..!8.:7. ~ft!c 2 Office Spaces & Store NEW BLDG. in Lido Shopping a rea. Both 6i0 art•tt feet. By least, S100 & St 15 mo. ALSO store. 61HI . fC'et1 $140 mo. 500 \"ia Malaga. 1'\ewport Beach. Har. 332i 5i c6tl 60·-lnromP_ Property 60-lncom11 Proper~L----. • 3 INVESTMENT Corona del Mar Furnished Cottages, on $18,950 TERMS i02 -704 -706 -708 IRIS Phone Harbor 1069 or Harbor 2649-J 4 Lots 5 ltfc !o 1 lllHI I ){)\\':\'. S~.000 FULL PHI<:E '• nn•• & 3 f!dMn lw1111· & tlbh• 1:111 26:!6 E ld1•11 Avl'. Costa ~rr.;a l'l.rrr10uth r •• :-1('12'1. 6tp6:l LIDO I SLE ::5 F'T LI >T, PRJ("E 1111·1 l\ ill fl Jul Al.l'CI 1 umrnrtnl)lp 2 bt.lrn1. hOm'" ltr+ p)ll(t•. lno I 1·11rpr\~ k dr:.i1w~. On t->t lo Slc lut. S20,~•00, term~. Ph11m• 10Wt11•r , Ha i b••r -1123 ~16p6ll 0 1 '1' Or' TO\\':-; ownl'r RB\ R "{;Pt 11((, r·· '"' c·•11 n•·r t111pl1·x • So, u! lti\\'ll:'. nno· 11n!11rnt:-hrd np.1rl- ll'"Ol has :: h• tlrornn~. 11n" !llr· n1shro! st11d1u np.1r1mrn1 ~ara~r ;\II 111 ~"'"' 1 unoJl\1 .. n. C.dl ~h:'!I K11hl~t,.,ll 1!>11. 2l'o:.? "\'" Har 082!l-R, :u :;:, C'<t:l.!ll lilvd .. c D.~I. H lfc C2 Lot, Costa Mesa ('(1)D!ER\1At. Int •,11x12r,, ('»Otl'r 11( C'u~f a Mc·~11, $f;U()(I-Of' Will ll'll•1• fpr h.,11 .. •, 11wromP pr .. p~rty rt<' Own1·r, J.l 8·11688. 11 Am.· :J pm. h t. or for 1 yr. !en~" or will -------------------~------­ Ol'F.:\'. t·:-.=TJt, t;f)t.0--183 Morn· 1ni;' <'11ny1•11 R•t, ('nrnntt High· lllllds --Ow111 r lt a\'lnit 5ta t11. ST:! PU(t, :ZO \ 1 . ;, , l•ian 1 ''mmll· mf·nt. P ull 'p11rc, Slb.:.oo. partly f11rm~h<'ol. eell-aa is-Hnrbor <i:09-R. Ml! re t.~Ft:R:O.:. 2 BDRM. HOME. W to W carp1•t. Beautiful yard. pat.lo. tlnplare. gar, $12:';. month. Or leas rent on leue. LI b-!'>7M a!ler 5. fl6 t!r SUMMER REN'rAL DRIYE BY & l!l'C 112 \'ta \\'az1Pr~ Lido Isle. 3 b lrm11.. 2 b11lh~ completely turn1~hr1:. A.v111lshlr June l C.·30-U ."•O. July $\lOll - Augut<l S72:1. Ri-dur twn for ell· tire e1'11!lnn. C'All H11rbor ~274 t>k69h 61-Real Estate Exc_1!_~_g_e __ 61-Real E5t:ate Exchang~ TRADING TODAY TRIPLEX 2 BRs. ea. 2 yrs. old, income $31 80 yrly. OWNER WILL TRAJ3E pis $9000 eQuity for a good , \'&cant lot. Sec THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Bea.ch LI 8·3481 E,·es. Ll 8-3580 ' G. H. I.A THROP, :l61~l E. CuaAt Hwy., I · .. r•1J11l t11•l :.1a1. Harbor :,1,12. 1 F:\·es. :i-.11.J J 60c62 Want a home in the Coves? I::'\FO RMATIO=" a.nd KEYS at :-.:o. II BslboA Coves. Hartx.r 2876· \\', 3 8r 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath H~ FHA Terma Priced at $8,900 to$9,800 Paved streets, 1 block to &hopping amt.er C~~~ MR. GATES, with DIKE & COLEpROVE Phone LI 8-7976, Can be seen anytime. eic63 Ocean with Blvd •• never Corona del -Mar ending view - TWO STORY. 2 bdnn. (have p~ns for 3rd bdrm. to be added at small cost), 2 ~ '.! baths, lge. !iv. rm., 11cparnte cltning room. large knotty pine den with built-in bar, lounge, 2 fireplaces, basement with 150.000 BTU furnace. EKpensively carpeted wall lo wall thru-out. Garbage disposal and dishwasher. House 6 yn. old . Large double garage with laun· ~lry, radio-controlled garage door. Lot W x 142', Well landscaped. Thie home must be seen to be ap- preciated. Localed at 3312 Ocean Plvd., Corona dcl Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER S h own by appointment Phone Owner, Harbor 3435 only 69c63 BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE Pri<.'e now reduced below replacement cost ... Beau .. tiful. almost new two4tory 3 bdrm., 3 bath Bay Front home. Bay view from all rooms. Fully car· pet~d. beautiful drapes, new pier & sl ip. Price in· d udes 20-ft. Century speedboat one year old. Artistic landscaping. NOW, bold your breath ! All this for $64,950. Better hurrry as this won't lut. • EARL w. ST AN LEY I Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beacb Har. 101I . . ~1 I . I I l ' l• ' I ' ' I .,I I 1 I ) .I " ., I I ' I I ' 'I PAGE 6 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONPAY, JUNE 6, 1q55 I a a..i r..&a&e .r..t ~ ~a. --------------- LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL f1lnl. new 3 bdvn. &-den home with gorgeoue eecluded patio. Thennador oven and range. Tbe lut word in architecture and charm. This is worth your attention at the price of $43,500. It just has everything. Lovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. & large den home. Choice location on wide street -to-street lot. Spacious dining room, brea kfast bar, charming patio. Range, refrlg. carpets & drapes included for only $32,500. Extra choice 40-ft. lot on Via Genoa, (widest St. on the laland). only $13.500 for quick aale. COSTA MESA pN 17TH STREET BUSINESS SECTION WE OFJj'ER a C-2 l08x300 ft. lot im]'roved with nice Quildings consisting of showroom with 2 addi- tional adjoining rooms with a two bedroom a part- ment (approx. 2100 sq. ft. in bldg.) with loads of · room to build addiiional income or another store on front. Ideal for doctor's suite, furniture shop or similar busine8'1. Plenty of parking. It's a good buy -let us show you. AND REMEMBER THIS - many other fine h omes are listed exclusively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 Eves. Har . 2191-M or LI 8-5297 LID01SLE BRAND NEW • bdrm .. 2 bath, Lge. Fireplace, Elec. Kit., Beaut. So. Patio. W to W Cpt. $10,000 Down. A SLEEPER · 3 bdrm.. 2 Bath, F. A. Heat. Lge. Living room, 50 ft. Lot -Well landscaped. SEE THIS! LOOK WHAT YOU GET FOR $22,500 Near Club H ouse -Ready to Move Into Now. 3 Bdrm .. Fireplace. F. A. H eat , Disposal. Two 3 Bdrm. BA YFRONTS under $50,000. See Us For Lido Lots & Rentals Busines s Opportunity Brokers Bay & Beach Realty-Lido Office 3112 Lafayrtte. Newport. Ha r. 3643. Har . 2999 Eves. TWO EXCLUSIVES Ocean Front Home 3 B. R., neat & clean, near Catholic ch,urch and schools. Large fenced yard for the kids. Reason- ably priced al $15,500. T erms. Might trade equity for what have you. Ocean Front Income . \ 62.-... l!'Atate ~-Rn.I Estate-ft-Real !'Atai. a-a.a !'Atate ------------------------------.,-------------- OPEN DAILY 1-5 1112 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA flRST TIME Of FER ED BAY FRONT PIER & SLIP 2 YEARS OLD 7 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS ' 3 CAR GARAGE FURNISl\IED BAY FRbNTAGE 40 FT. This is an ideal summer or year ~ound home for the executive with a large tamity $88,000. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Jim and Sally Newlin _ 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 Drive by 411 Redlands Newport Heights BILL'S BEST BUYS G. I. RESALE Located in finest area in Coata Meaa. 3 bedroom, VIEW HOME-3 bdrm• .. 1a.. bath double garage, paved alley. Nice flowers, 1hrube and home. Built In Thermador ra.nire lawn. Completely fenced rear y--..1. 41: oven. Hdwd. floors, shake roof. an1 l11 yre. old. U:IO aq. ft. Exter-Full price $10,500 -$2650 down. tor mahor 11ny and atucco. Price s21.160. DUPLEX One year old. Two bedroom• each aide. Next to schools, bus line and 11tore1. Full price $13,?50 T erms -With monthly pymt. $78.00. FOR SALE OR TRADE for 2-bed· room homP. A large home in NewJ>()rt beach. l block from ocean. l ,bedroom down 1talr11. EXECUTIVES ATTENTION 4 up8talr1. The upstalra rented tor s1200 ptu11 per year. Ownera. Do you need an exclusive addreu! We have two of health dema.ada a&le. Price the beat in Costa Mesa. Priced at $23,500 and 114000 or 116.600 rur:niahed. $29,500, These are new a.nd excellent teMM NICE HOME uptown C08t& Me1&. I\ yr1. old. 2 bedroom. Very good tocellon. Price 18000 WE HAVE a • bdrm. 2 bath home 8 month• old. 1:'>00 11q-ft. Thie 1• very· good, 112.960. Good term•. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1666 Newport Blvd. Co1ta Mt11a, Calif, LI 8-3792 available. FIRST TIME ON MARKET Large 3 bedroom h ome in top location. Hu dining room , fi~place, doubl~ garage and completely fenced. Priced at $11,500 with term•. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES,-REALTOR "you'll like our friendly aervice'' 393 E. 17th St., Co1ta Meaa Liberty 8-1139 Tip-Top Quality Buy l yr. old 3 bdm1. baUI 6 •. home with nearly new wall Lo wall ca~u.. rarb dlapoul. hwd , . nooni. ron:ed a.Ir heal, !1replacr. on a ~autltully tan!Ut'aped and walled yard ... The locaUon I• l.OpJ ton Irvine Avenu~\ a.nd the prlce I• R IGHT'! 116.~ wllh t t1tceltent J'.H .A. financln,. Hur- ry on thJ1 one. Charm -Personality and comfort were uppennotl In mlnd when thl1 modem 1tylt 3 bdrm .. 1.,.. bath home wu built It haa pputa..kt fenced paUp. naturaJ wood-bumlnr ti~plact, b&r kltchtn, forced air heat. p rb. dl1poeal . . . un9qU•led value at 111.900. 3 Good Values J bdrm., 60'slSO' lot, T yn. old. $6,300 • l bdrm., dbL pra,-e. t yra. old, M.7Ml J bdrm .. dbl. ~e. Nice lot. 21,i yra. $8,4:10 , ACT NOW. WILL SHOW ANYTIME Special Reduction! BACK. BAT. I bdrm .. hdwd. tin, fireplace ... pa.r•t. dbl, 1ara1e, nlceet nel(bborhood. Need.I paint -Our beat value $80 mo. F.H.A. terma Incl. l&l&H a.nd ln1urance. Hurry! Tull price only 110,7:'>0. Bay & Beach Realty 16H Newport Blvd. COlta M11a, Calif. Liberty l·llt1. Evta. L1 1·31~ 'I CORONA DEL MAR -SPECIALS 1. View of breakers . ocean & beach Th11 3 bdrm. h ome, 2 bnths. <'ltrfieted Yi'all to wall . Built o n rear of oct'an front lot . Rffiucf'd from $32,750 to S29.900. A STEAL-Mu~t See! 2. WILL--TAKE TRADE On this 3 bdrm. plUB den. 2 baths. 60-ft. lot, South of Hwy. Hwd . floors, fott~t>d a ir heat. fenced yd. Will take small home or vacant lot in part pay- ment. Full price $24.500. 3. CHINA COVE- Deluxe ocean view . quality buUt 4 bdrm. home. t baths. For you who can afford the finMt thl• is it. REDUCED for qulc.k aa.le from $42,tw>O to $37.500. Owner must move thia lmmediat•lJI 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room for another unit. Thia i1 a G. L Rfieale. run price $9950. $2500 down. 5. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both furnished -2 bdrm. hoUN, plua 1 bdrm. apt. Full price $17,d . South of n,.,,.. S300Q 4n. 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- View of ocean and jetty. 2 bdrm. plua a 1 bdrm.- A bargain at $31,500. '. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor tT (Office located next door to Cor ona del Mar Bank) Choice June Selections BAYSHORES Cbarmtnr a br .. knotty pine tn-BA YFRONT terlor, 2 paUoa. Open Houae LIDO 2 bed d d Sunday 1 :00-:J:OO or appt. rm. an en. Pier, float, own CLIFF HAVEN 2 br., lllnL view location $20,000. CORONA DEL MAR 70' lot-cbarmlnc 2 br. • 1ar. apt. &hake roof. palloe $22,:'>00. NEWPORT HEIGHTS View Jot, l•.000. Beach Lota-CHEAP LLOo Loll, homH, b1yfront. M-1 C·,J proptrllu, HJe or leaH. Claire Van Horn REA.LTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI 1-4277 NEWPORT BUYS I BR. near Lido M)lt. $10,:w>O beach . Beautifully carpeted and decorated by Sloane -$10,000 handlM NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 Bedroom & den, 1 year old and modem a.s tomorrow. Lovely carpets and draperi•. 2 b aths, full view. not a leasehold. I $22,750 $7,50() [)own, TRIPLEX BALBOA-An un_usual 4 year old building, well furnished & in top high-level rental area. $24,750 $10.000 Down. APARTMENT BUILDING 15 unit in 1st class condition and .unusually well furnished. Cr oes income potentiality ex. ceeds $17,000 yearly. This is a rare lnveet- ment opportunity a t $85.000 .. $24,500 handles. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Harbor 2552 Evea: Liberty 8-3186 25 years in the same location. ' UNITS nur bch. 6 bay Ur>.:l-00 ----------------------ON THE ISLAND IF YOU WANT lo live on Lido a.nd you l1kli 11<>melhlng JU8t a tittle nlctr than your neighbor, 1omtthmg with a lot of appeal and • t Ill a It of l he rom Corti!, let 1111 show you our listing on Va& DIJon. A truly fine 3 bedroom homr. Wl''re SURE you will like It ~ SEE WHAT WE FOUND 4 BR. l.s blk. to beach .~ .. 119.~00 BALBOA ISLAND EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACI'IVE 2 bdrm. home. -T k th L di d ff 111 Thu1 I• Multiple L1atmg No. 6868 PRICED at 127.500 PAUL C. JONES REALTOR Panelled living room and small dining room. car-OCEANFRONT' Income. Bu1lnm a e e an Or 0 your payrO • peted wall to wall, good kitchen, breakfa.st •pace bldr. ........ 133.000 Here is a 2 bdrm. hom e for you and a 1 bdrm. home and service porch. Ample cupboard& and atorage --for rental. Comp. furn. ready to move in. $26,500. 1pace. Oversized 2-car garage. Nice encloeed patio. Many more ll1t1ng1 Take low down paym<'nt & terms. Most convenient corner location. 2 blke. from Oty --$5000 down moves you ·an - Hau, Newport Beach . Only $12,000. Homer E. Shafer l o 3 bdrm .. 2 bath completely furn. home, Lovely Just Enjoy ·the Income ioe Mcr~::o~:a~~ the Pier patio. BBQ. Ideal s1>ot for year-round living. Harator uo. Eve. Har. 1137-M. $18.500 full price. f.rom this excellent property (no rent to pay). e0cai Wid(lweQ~llff'-i&-W-m:kin~n4-lh•ing out of t~n---f7W70 wpor -slvcl., Npt. Ht&cll i;ays sell nr trad<' "!,lY equity in this $31,5QO 4-unit Harbor 2313 T ---· • '.:: ·.__. ·aa di1trict, 100 tt. fri:ro>llmii-ococe•&1"11.--j-=:::::::~::=~·~======:.l-See this There are 3 units -a new duplex and a ~room LOTS IMMACULATE 2 Darm. Jiome~e11 tocJrted orreo!"- income located next lo best ocean beach. Sh~ pa id ----- Bayfront Sleeper ON BALBOA ISLAND ~31.500 and owes $18.900 1st T . D. Te rms lo s uit your pocket book. F'nr full details BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Ba lboa Bl\·d .. Newport Beach. Har. 5188 46c48 CQ_RONA DEL MAR_ lcteal home for large family in best section. Close to b<.'ach. 3 bdrms. & den. 1 & ·11 baths. Spacious living rnom. dining room. breakfast nook, patio, barbcque. large dbl. gar age. forced air heat. Has complete guest house make excellent maids quar· ters. Nicely l11ndscnped. 67x 11 8· foot lot .• $36,700 RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E . Coast Hwy. Corona cic>l Mar Harbor 2288 CHARMING -NEW A ITRACTIVE mo<lt>m 2 bedrm. home. CIAM to view. Huge llv· Ing rm. with bt'amell re1hng1 It (lrPplace. Brtskfaal bsr. 2 patios Cuut room & bath. Plu1 a won- derful 1 bdrm. v1tw apt. Both units tuml11htd. Only $39.500 .. $10.000 down. Mariners Isle Realty 3 18 Marint, Bslb<>a bland Harbor 4781 NEVER Before Offered ! O W:"Jo:R DESIRES quick n le on this choir!.' R<l tot First buyer With $~:')0() C'Allh tllkt'!I it. Lot lll· td .'.'\orth of Hlizhw&y, Corona del M11r with 11nuwu11lly met out- look. Stanley A. Smith bouae on 2 lot.a. 2 unit.a are furnished and rented on BOMB llTE. Well Newport, only ner lot with space to build in front. Comp. furn .. yearly buia, Owner'• home availablJ now. Three on• a.vaJlabte 12650. new slo\·e & refrig. Lovely patio. garages on alley. Preaent income can be 1ub9tan-I BUBINE88 LOTS. neu J>O•l or-Only $1 i .500. $3500 down. t' ll · eel ~IU\IV\ -""'l h dl , flee 17900 tor two. ia Y m creu · ~ "'" an e. DUPLEX tot. oranre Bt . near We have some real nice bayfront homee FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 t:Jth U M<>. a\'ailable for summer rent. " ACT TODAY ! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor -~· 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 LIDO-See this first! 3 BED RMS .. 2 BATHS -large 1unny South patio. · Includes carpeting and drai)es at $29,500. Thia is a fine large home, and you may move in immediately! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor LIDO SPECIALIST " Use our Free Parking Lot 2602 New.port Blvd.. Newport Beach . Harbor 4718 PENINSULA CHANNEL FRONT SMALL HOUSE 113,960. Lowut priced on the waterfront.. $3600 down. N.B.C. REALTY 32nd 41: Newport Boulevard Newport Beach Harbor H O:I Open House 10 a . m. to 8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. Coron~ghlands VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Harbor u• THREE MAGIC WORDS to Sel~ Your Property "Multiple ~isting Service" Phone your realtor / NEAR NORTH BAY FRONT. BALBOA ISLAND 3 Ded room & guest room . 3 baths. Inside-Outside patio. $30.000 REALTOR 264 7 E Cout Hwy Corona del M&r LEASEHOLD E STATE VIEW LOT -Cliff Haven N ew and very modern This 4 bdrm., 2 bath home never lived in. Indirect heating & lighting. Iota of glua, kitchen &: living rm. open onto patio. Fireplace of counie. Only $6000 handles. Full Price $22,500. A VERY LOW PRICE for lhi• lov.ely new ruldencr wllh 3 b'tl· room•. 2 baths. lgt. llvlnit rm. It playroom. One of lht nicut k1t- chen11 with &II a11h cablnet11. 11.11d dlnt nr rm • . . al.o gl1111ed in IUn porch, S~a vifw (rom ·111 wlndowa, 2000' In hou~ 6 tge. dble. l'ara('t. Room for 1wlm- mlnr pool or runt houM. VERT 0000 TERMS to qualified purchUtr. Wilt tal!t l<\me tr11de PHONE owner, LicenMd Builder. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors D 0 RI S BR A Y, Realtor Phone Har~or 20 Days & Evenings Nona Hyer Chet Salisbury 216 Marine Ave., Balboa la land CLIFF HAVEN Three bedroom . 1 bath. 1200 sq-ft .. fireplace. drapes. Ideally landscaped-fenced-alley, double garage. Next to St. Andrews Presbyterian Church . FULL PRICE, Sl 5.450 Trust Deed $9500 at 4 1 2 % with monthly payment• $66.47. Cash from trust deed to aale price. Call Mr. Gallant t o show th~ home EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Z~ ~inc A\'t .. Balboa Island H~rbor 17i 6 OVERLOOK.l~G Eut jetty tntr. to Newport Ha.rbor. ·Sacrlllct N ie, 13900. LEhlgh 9·2108. evu Liberty 8-6&40. :Jtc6J BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. BEAUTIFUL 31'xl2' Cabana 6 3:1' two bdrm. trailer, com- pletely tuml1hed. ·caqwted. w•- terfront lot. beach, boat dock B lb I I d available. Brick lanai, r.arport. a oa s an Full prl<'e 187~0. Lido Vlltage Harbor 5188 TnLller Pl\rk. 700 -31ttt St . We offer exclu1ively an unuali&lly deeirable 4 bdrm. Newport Bea.ch. Lot No. :18. LI 8·i!'>01. 6llfc 21ulti-bath home. Deligbtful 1Jvin1 room, larp din· POMONA--Oom't 1 1 ing room. Maximum .quare footage. C!OM t.o .. beacb. ' . ac~. arg-e 1v-1n1 rm .. fireplace. pauo. barber $26,000, euy t.erma. S.. thia T&lue Buy! cue: In park-like •ltln1t. f fruit tre11. t>trrlu. rrapu. complrtety Call Harbor 1775 Ev•. H~r ~g fenctd, chop lrrl11Uon. $99P3 or, Hutx>r trade wm. Fox. to=.& EARL W. STANLEY Realtor (;ltn A"" . Pomona. Ca.hf 1 ' Glen An ., Pomo"-. Ct.llf. 61p63 ~ M&riM Ave., Be.lboa lala.Dd -- HarboT '6211-JK. Mlle LET US LOCATE ' for you. Property anywhere. The Locator of Calif. M)7 J:. BaJboa Blvd., Balboa Barbor atoe. D9c61 Look ·at this I bdrm .. , bwd. floors. ftr.J>lace, dUpoMl. Wired for electric pve. P'enced, localed at 2114' P'alnray Dr , Costa Meaa.. 111,16-0. ft. Jlar. i.t'l.J. Httc 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach Open. House Daily 1 • 5 p. m. 615 Jasmine, Corona del Mar CHARMING provincial 3 bdnn., l 1 ~ hat h home. 26-ft. living r m. • fireplat·e. RamblC'll all ov<'r t h11 60 IT. LOT. Secluded guf•st huu11e rented unfurn., $70 per mon. French par krt ff'nc<'. lJon't m1t1R th111! Out of town owneT ,nytl ''Sell"! ~24 .MIO Euy term•. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lido Specialist" l,;se Our Free ParktnJ Lot 2602 New port Blvd. Harbor t711 • ... r • ·-• -.... r.tale 8%-11 .. 1 Z.lale ------~----~~---~~~~~ ~BALBOA ISLAND • Choicest~Ba)'front $uys BAY FRONT HOUSE 6 APT., No. Bay. Beautiful beach. $10,000 down, balance euy. Ll'ITLE ISLAND -60 ft. bay frontage, pier & _!loot. i bdnnt. $78,000. DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luxury home and income. SM,000. WATERFRONT -Furn. home and apt. t bdnn11. Fireplace. $10,000 down. Full price $29.500. C1,1TEsT low priced home on Island. Funi. Lovet~ patio. Good location. All for '21,000. ISLAND COTT AGE -Dble. garage, Firepl~. - $15,750. 4 BDRMS,, North Bay $24,950, 2% bathe. New furniture. TV. BBQ. mooring. Good family home. All for WATERFRONT-2 1uperior unitll. 3 'bdrm., fire· place DOWN112 bdrme. 2 bath1 UP. Bay view f rom ' ·upper deck. $4!),000, Submit down. CUNNING Cottage near South Bay. 3 bdrms .• 11 ~ batti., fireplace, la1ge Uving room, Excellent rental reco~. Good value at $26.500. ~ CORONA DEL MAR. EXCELLENT INCXJME ....;.... 4 fumlshed units; 1 bdrm. each. No vacancies in over a year. Rent is SM ea.ch. Groae yearly $3920.. All in {!rst class con. dition, $6000 takes'. Full piice.,.$22,500. · ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pathway to little Corona beach, $2:S,500. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Luah tropical patio and yard. $15,000 down ' ' p. a . palmer ' 8%-Beal Eetate incorporated • I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE 7 MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 \ developers of Lido Isle LIDO REAlTY Bayview Home Lovely corner home, ha11 4 bdnm. and 3 bath• and also Z fireplaces. U you desire a luger home ~q.me in and we will be happy to ah6w you why we think thl• la a terrific buy at $37,400. We.Jlave 4 new homes ju.st being ,completed. 2-are 4 bdrms. and 2 are ·3 bdrm•. A.II are carpcted,....baVe sliding glus doors to patios. Therm. oven and ranges, forced air therm. controlled furnacea and 2 or 3 baths. They nre in different locations and are diffl'rcnt styles. Before buying you should flee these. OPEN SAT. & SUN. NOON TO~. BEAUTIF'UL -NEW ' 125 Via Waziers and 123 Via Genoa We ha,·e many well-located Iota at thl11 time, • • also rcntalB by the year or for the 11ummer, ole p. a. palmer incorporated hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE · Rambling Rustic: Pictureoque Early Americurhrprden oettlnc-WI· u.<rual floor plan include. 4. bedrooma, 3 bath• and dlnlng room,-Jarge lot with ocean v.lew-le• than one block to excluaive beacb--$28,500. ASSOCIATES 3400_ Via Lido Harbor 4444 ( Acrou tiOmlUcUiil'llllrntl Spend the Summer <>pen Sunday rrom 1-5 p.m. on Lido Island 239 Poppy •Te., Corona del Mar · DriYe by or call Dave Olburn for an ·appointment to 1ee Why not? $10,000 down and you move OUTSTA. NDl .. 'G VIEW into a brand new Ingram-Collins Lido '" · · muterpiece.-This-well Jocated four bed·-. Open Sunday 1 · 5 . room, two bath modern home is built Drive by 243 Ocean View and ae• the lovely ... on a 40 foot street to street lot. Liberal terior of thill new 3 bedroom-2 bath home. Call me b d --~d 1 will show you the lovely interior and explain use of wormwood paneling com ine the attractive term.1,the buyet off en on the prict: with a massive floor to ceiling fireplace · ot $2!1,:iOO. Bill Fa"""o<th. provide an unusually attractive Jiving HAS YOUR F~MIL Y GROWN 7 U ao, then be 1ure to aee thia fine family home. Four good 1lzed bdrma., one dowasta..in and three up1Wrs. Living room 14 112 ~'. treme.ndoua f&mily room 20'x20', patio 12x27' -Electric kitchen, oak floon, shingle roof and shingle exterior-2400 .q. ft. In the house. It you are looking for a good 11l:r:e houllf' with a comfortable feeling be certain to cnll ua. Price $29,750. Location-Cliff Hsven- (not leuehold) p. a. palmer incorporated . ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coaat highway -liberty 8-~73 room . This beautiful home is carpeted thruout. The smart kitchen is equipped with built in Tbennador stove & oven. For appointment to see this out.Standing Lido home , contact us. ''· - SEE US for BEACON BAY SHORES properties. and BAY · , Corona del Mar THE GREAT ORANGE COAST Houston Values You CAN'T buy 63 ft. bulkheaded on Lido Soud for $65,000 cash , but you CAN acquire this fabuloua frontage by trading your acreage or business i n c o m e of comparable value. 0 w n e r will consider {UIY Southern California property and will trade up if need be. Call Har. 1775. E\'ea. Har. 5359 & Har. 1214-J. ' EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 225 A-farine A\'e., Balboa I11Iand. View of the Ocean 3 Bedrm. home In Newport Heigh~. located rica r shopping and yet in a good residential location. Thia has hardwood floors. lovely Tiagstorje fireplace, a.nd .-large living room \\'ith unobstntcted ocean view. The \.·alue ia here, al the price of $17,500. Pretty As a Picture ! Here·a a small but attractive little Newport Height. home that ia worth the price of $94~1). It baa 1 bed· room plua a den, hardwood flooni, Iota ot closet.a, garage wilh storage apace and a valuable lot with some view of the ocean. The house ia 1 years old, ii in beautiful condition and ready to move into with no fuaa. · Choice Location ! Excellent neighborhood in Newport Heights 2 blka. from High School, 2 bdrm. and den home with 2 baths, less than 1 year old. Beautifully finished with many quality feature11. Select grade oak floors, At· cadia 11liding glasa doors' opening to rear yard, au- per-11ize closet.II and clock controlled furnace, The price of $19,500 includes 100 yds. w/w carpeting. Elton Barnett1 Realtor . •166 N. Newport Blvd. (2 blocka from Hoag Hospital) Phone Liberty 8-2772 Day or Nig?t. Newport Beach Bay · & Beach Realty Rea If ors BALBOA Income -Close to Bay · 3 UniUJ Near Library • Lo w Down Paymen t Will Handle. 4 Bedroom Home, 2 Bedroom Apt. and 1 Bedroom Apt. Ne\\·ly Deco- rated • Nicely FUrni11hed. OcC'an Front Duplex -Near Catholic Church. Full price $16,500. Low Down Payment will Handle. BAY .& BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Blllboa Bl\•d., Balboa, Cal. Har. 1264 BALBOA ISLAND LI1TLE ISLAND -~ bcdrodms, 4 bath home. Separate dining room faci ng lovely patio, forced air beat, -every modem convenience for complete &. enjoyable living. · ' ONLY $9000 down. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auociatca Park at Marine, Balboa bland -Harbor 2462 CORONA DEL MAR COTTAGE 710 IRIS I Lot S0.118) · $4950 Cash Phone Harbor 1069 or Harbor 2649-J 5·1Uc CL'TE AXD ARTISTIC 2 bdrm. ho'.lme "·Ith l beJrn<>1n apart· ment nvt'r 2 car f:itr&J:e. Vie"' locatlon. rlose to Ahopp111~. Ideal homo with lneoma. $18.:.00.- term!J. Peninsula Home! JF YOU OBJBC."T 1'0 BEl!':O CLOSED IN . . . !f you want room to bre11Lhe. M"e thl•' bed· r<W>m. 2 lwlth home 1ltuated on 2 larl;'e Jtit11 • . . 7~:11128, on a cQrner and be1ul!fully land- 11·11Pf'd. \\'allrd for pr!1'a cy. See thl" Ideal l~rge ta.m\ly born.a . 132,:'>00. terma. View Home! :SE\VPORT HEIGHTS. Ten1t1e virw Of Hay and Ocean. 2 bed· room, 2 bath beauty. 1-~.A. heat, fl~pJacr. 2 c11.r garajO:e. Nle,.ly landacap .. d. See 1hl1 lovely home tor IZl.500 and low dow11 payment. ~NclltA~~~~~~Et;\~~e!' cloae lo t.ow11 and fun ~011e. 2 ~ bedroom cor11er home. Hea vy tumttura ll'lcluded. AltraeUva lltU.,. place for beach Uvlng 1;1r rental.a. 114,!oOO, I•.~ dov.-n.. Beach Home! OR YEAR AROUXD LIVINO- Cloae to N.H.Y.C., hi• 3 bed· room!l and 1'¥ bath1. Some furn· lture lncl\1ded. You "'ill find It lmpo53lble to get a better•value lln)""'·here. Call tadlly a nd .ee, 112,500, l ·l,000 down. Balboa Lots! BEST =--E\\'S IN THE PAPER TODAY. 3 sv.·ell Jt.3 IOU, 1lde SAVE $500 Big Lot Room to Build' 4 Units Coat $512.50 per Bldg. Si te. Walking di11}8nce to town. Best lot buy in Co~a Mesa. SAVE $1000 Very lovely 2 bdrm. 11tucco home on comer lot. Dbl. garage. Room tor Income unit facing side street. Reduced from $a:;o() to $7500. Will take $4500 to handle. Rent~ for $70 month. BUY SECURlTY $52.50x8 equala $4.20 j>er·mo. 8 1 bdrm. rentala, you will be proud to own. Almo.t new. 8 garages. Sep- arate laundry & ltorage rooma. Cement drive... Al· tractive appearance. Location, price ~A income. $12,000 doWn. HOLMWOOD DRIVE '-OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 413 Holmwood Dr. 3 bedrm. l Y.t bath home. Drive by thia lovely landacaped home then call. We will be happy to ahow. Priced at bargain price of $19,750 with good terma. ' toe SIERRA VISTA Back Bay new 2 bdrm., 2 bath A-den. All electric kitchen. Will be open Sat. Ii: Sun. 1 to 6, or we can 11how at your, convenience. Very meritorloUa home for juat $24,500. Terina. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 18.57 Newport Ave·, Coat.a Meaa Llberty 8·1632 Liberty 8-1400 Eve1. S4,lMXJ Down . . -by-Btde<. Cle!!e. -10---WwA-lJuy all.j---~-----­ thre. for $19,500. Balboa Realty Co. O'ppo11!t11 Bank of America Rou Creeley Al Comellu1 Ed Lee Jack Pll'lkham J OHphlne Webb 700 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 3277, N'EWPORT BEACH \.\'A?\'1' A "qoLL HOUSE?'' \VE ff.A VE IT . 1 bdrm. dble &"at· 11g:e on 11n1nll IQt, cLOMi to Lido Shorplng, ocean .. bay, only. S8.!i00. BALBOA 3 BEDR001'1S & DE:\'., l block from bay & ocea.n. Only l•.OOO down. See t l'lls. Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvil .. Balboa Harbor 211:.e. 2.'.'i97 and "600. Take One Good Look BY OWNER, lea\'ing July 1st NOT .ANOTHER l..UU: IT tof thi1 LO\V PRICE 118,&>0. . ·BEAUTIFUL Lloyd c. Howard MCUon, 1ut •Id• neu t.y. CUSTOM BtnLT. 3 Wnn., J bath& Raneh·t)·~ home, .-hake root LOVELY LAROE kllc.hen, Weit· ern Holly oveu 6 ru platu Mt U1 BRlCK. \V.AU... l!MIT ALIM .Ave.. Libert)' I-SIU. tlttc For Sale or Trade NE\\' 3 bdrm. adobe, 1 % ~th&, w/U!e, l![lllt lou• Uv. rm. w/tlre· pl.lei , saHty kitchen, attached able. s:•r. r1a1ttr &lid 1tu.cco thl"Oughout. '''ILL TAKE. Jots, houae. tr~l1r. or whi t ht."' you . Locattd 172 E. \\'11..ion, Costa Mt s11.. Owner-- LI 8-2932. alter 8 p I'!\.• or wk. enda,_"' Mp81 I .. 307 Fernando, Balboa Completely furn.lsbed Including clothes waaher and <irfer. Rea.dy to move into. Bay view from living room with fireplace. 3 bedrooms plua large rumpus room. 1 y, bath-. garage. $5,000 DoWn 1710 Plaza de! Norte Balboa Pen.insula Point 3 bedroom11, 1 ~ baths. Fireplace in large U\'ing room with dining area. Face1 quiet landsoe.ped City Park. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Jim and Sa1ly Newlin · 515 E. B&lboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 PROUD TO OWN IN CORONA DEL MAR Thl9 2 bdrm. & den, Hwd. fiOOra, 2 fireplace11. Fur· nace beat. Ideal neighborhood PLUS 2 bdrm. garage apt. to pay thoM ~-$23,~ OR thia lovely 2 bdrm. with panelled Uv. rm., full dining rm., fireplace, Hdw. !loon. Many fini'fea· turea. PLUS gue1t unit. Ju.t 3 doors oft 0c8&Jl Bl\'d. $28,:iOO.· BOTH are on Jaip ~ and ban tpadom rooma. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor DICK RODGE, Aaoclate 36~ E. Cout Hwy., Corona de.I Mar • $1500 down A GOOD 2 bdrm. atucco,-bome. ' Exclusive with us W, G. (Bill) Kempton* Joseph H. Grohman* Virginia Manson * Gene Vreeland * Tom Campbell * (Lido I.stand'• molJt experienced 11a lea personnel) Full price 112:.0, only 7 yr•. old. C1oae to Newport Blvd., 1tort1. mchool1 6 church, 150. month.1----------·------------ (nspec:tion Invited Dally 2-5 p.m. # fl2e A heo. Newport HetKtit1 - J BDR~f. Cu!onlal with dblt. car. All newly decorated in11ld1 and out. Vacant and ready lo move In. Real fir,.place. HdwC. flr1. porches and beautiful yarC - LO\\' price .I: EZ t .. rm1. Choice Corner Lot EXCELI.Ji:?<.'T C<!lltraU1 located for duple.a or 1tn11e 4-UUic, 13160 cuh. Eve. tnto. on theae LyUe LI &-2042. M 1 Superior 110 F'T. fronta~e. Good 2 bdnn. hou.P. }'Ina dtal tor shop and home. Only $1 0,MQ. Good terma. Income Opportunities 2 BDR!ol. home on rrar or la.rge 72:11330 lot. Xlnt. home, newly decorated. Can build additional units. Nesr ?\t'"'port Blvd. and a<:hools. 1:?500 do"<n· Full prlet 111,:.00. DUPLEX -S9800 l BOR?.f. ea.ch--<lbl, garage. Xlnt. comer, cloM 111. Low down. Good term1. Newport Bus. Bldg. Nies corner bld(:". clo .. to bay- WORTH WAITING FOR A lido Nord Bayf ront Home We have just listed exclusively one of the finest homes ever offered on Lido-Excellently located near the Eut-end. Designed by one of the leading architect. of the area. The 18x30 Uvtng rm. has 4.8 running feet ot glau window1 af(ordihg ~ panoramic view ot the harbor and hills. The d$n, dining rm. and ·master bedrm. have the same ~ew. The lovely kitchen baa a 1teparate break(a11t room and laundry room adjoiniD.g-ln addition to the master bcdrm., there are 2 other family bed.nm. an-d a maid's room-each having their own bath-mak- ing 4 bathrma. ln all. Room for expansion on this large lot without harm· Ing t.\Je well landacaped patio. There la a oew pier and 40·ft. slip. Thia home ill priced to aell at $125,000 and will be ah own by app't, only. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office Ha.s nice poNibllltlr s-lnoome-3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch., Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 1275 mo.-F'ull price l~,200- Tenn-, Eves. Har. 2191·1'-1. Har. 2998-R or Llberty 8-~297 Ev;Jnro. On above. fP;;otutii"";;--t=::::'.'.'.'.:'.'.'.'.::'.:'.".'.:'.:~~==============----~ LI 8·!1487. .Houston Re~lty & Associates 609 Center St. u a-e1111 Coata 1rtleaa LI 1·7784 No Fanc:y Slogans Ju.et HonetJt Value. Come in & let µs prove it! CORONA DEL MAR 30.t Marguerite Open Sat. • Sun. 1·6 CALL HARBOR 481 0 ror prcv!ew. OUTSTANDING TRIPLEX, 80. or ""'Y· Beaut. 2 br. with tJre- place, 2 lo'1ely 1 br. apta. With . Planning to Build on Your Lot? Take a look at our model homes at Newport and J.titchell, Tu11tin. Open Daily 9 to 6 Sundays 1 to 6 • See for youn elf how we can build a 1244 ~. ft. home, (orced-_a..ir heat, hdwd. floors, 2 ~r garage tor only $9,JOO, Let us direct you to our homes under construction and finished. Look Lhcm O\'et, compare, satisfy yourself. , We ba\'e custom home planning serWce, financing for State vets, FHA and Savings and Loan, as i. 1 stop facility. Nothing do\\·n. MARSHALL HOMES Kl 7.3293 -Kl 2·3569 (Eves. LI 8-4073) ~5c69~ view of ocean trom 1Un clack. ---------------------- Triple garage, extra launJry rm. CWTlpl. tumUhed. Solid yearly Inc. r«.ord a vailable. Can In· crease with 11Ummr.r ratea. FuU price l!l~.000. rood t1rrna, Muriel M. Pinover REALTOH. 28().f. Newport Blvd., Newport Bdt. Euy Parking Harbor 4110 CLIFF DRIVE BEST BUY SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. home. hdwd. floor1. Huge 11v\ng rm. Pillo A: •lew dtc'k; In Up top eondl· tlt1n. Ready to move Into. CO~f. PLETELY F URNISHED, excel· Jent appltancea. •liver an(! din· ne r .,. .. re. A at•a.l at ll9,IJ50, 4'1: lo&n. 'Ill.Ii !1 not a leuehold. Mariners Isle Realty Sl!l Marine. B&.lbo• llla11d Ha.rbor 4711 BACK BAY 11."E.AJU. Y NEW I bdnn. bom1, tenc.d 1d., Ille. lawn, Iola ol t.111. ln!Ar1or pa.IDtld 6 ..Upapered. dble. pr .• lari• kite.hen. 111.000. 203fll Orchid. &allt.a Ana HI.A. l.lblrt,,y l-29U.. Mpt7 ANNOUNCEMENT Roy Greenleaf & Gordon Se\'ert.8 arc pleased to an- nounce that )of_ F. Aufder-Hcide formerly ""'ith C. Galen Dennison of Costa ~1 csa,'1 is now al58ociated with GREENLE).F. SEVERTS REAL TY •·25 yean in the same location" 3112 Newport Blvd. Har~r 255~ ' A BIG STEAL! 11/2 Acres M : 1, Costa Mesa $6500 FULL PRICE Thi~ won't lut 2 day1, SO HURRY! Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1S56 Newport Blvd. Costa Meu. (acl'OM from Costa Mea Bank) Phone µ 8-G761. Ev-. &r. <366 • l,J 8-210& ' • . , .. -. Municipal J u1tge Howard Cam· l'Nln, S&nla An•. onlc-red a bl'nC'h wa lTIUlt IMued for thf' 111 rf'•l or 1 I \\'1l11am \\", o .. r,1 .. 1n. 23, 420. 1:. 'WOODSHEDDING' OR 'CROWS', THEY'RE-BARIEISMOPPING Crimes He1ri1r --01kCodh11-lap Aldtd by Laguna BHC'h malt .ongb1rda. IOC'aJ rnembl'11 • Due ·1n Court orgaruied lhl! Jl:t\\ p.1rt Arl'a Soctt ly f\•r lht prl'aer\'•lton ''' Barber11hop Quarll't Sing-in~ in Amrrl.:1' at a nwl'llng in Ntw· Bav Aw. flail><•«. l\'hi'n lhl' d<'- CendlUlt f&Jl ed 10 show up Tuesday rror trial on hlt·ll.!loJ-run banur • C'hllrgff .. I Oefeleln's ball olso was on1trt'd forfrftf'OI He la accuffd or fa.II· mg to halt h11 car afll'r tl aUl'~­ ('dly 1trul'k one owntd by Lee Nelson at Third and Spurgeon SU .. Santi\ Ana. He alao 1i1 charg· ed with gnibblng \'lv1an f:ilf'en W htlen, 3.J,8 F~n{'h Sl , j\'l &he descended hotel 11t&irs with an arm<ull or grncerlea. &lh oltcms.· aUeged to have occurr~I Hendenon Named College Sponsor > CLAREMONT -Tom Hender- port H\11 bqr IA<1i;e (Jr Elk!' Wedne11d11y nii;ht. Next al'll.5lon will t-e htld tht'rt •t 8 p.m. Junr 1:1. Som• ~ ml'n 1'tnf r1'9 •ltf'n~ t11 .. 01ganlwtWlla1 mt\('tin& Wbtc.h ho;ilC'd tlw Arl'adl8 qu11rlC'lll 11nd chortb . Many or the «>Unl)f ml'mbers of lhl' )(x·•I ch11pl H hll\'l' VO('ll liJ.<"d In fClur.ran 11\lrmony throuithout the nation and al'r 1nxlou1 to wtlmmf' any n"w men 111tt"reJ>lt-J . Hrr.-·" how thty b1 Pllk their m11!f1c down -• C'horus ~lnR- 1n~. qua1 tct singing, ,1lhN;. RO tor "woodshedding'• whlll' an- other group. fondly knows a" "C'row11", juMt tnla anu 11.atcna. Grul.rt er m.irnbil.r4111p w ill ~ au.llabl• unLJI the Jun~ 1!I •l'I · 111on here. HERE'S HOW rT IS Mesa Sanitary District Taxes Discussed by Arthur Meyers son, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hen-In derson, 430 Via Lido Nord, ~.,w-lht' fac«" of pos11lble protl'st11 In tJ1e l\nr1u{'d arl'a 1111 •oon a11 th«" a,;amsl a new annt"xathm to lhe propt!1ty ownt'r11 co on next yt'a r'a port Bffch, hu been named a Costa Meaa Sanuary ['lu1tr1At m1td• Sponsor tor 19~,'\6 by lh6 As-• ' ~s.~mf'nt rolls. \\'1lllam SNlll Orlmt'll, 24. of '1 18 Ool111'nmd f\ , • ., . w11.1 ech"'111lf'd to •l>f)f'A r II\ ~f'"' l'"rt J114Jtlrf' {'-OUTl at l 30 1' m. t(llt11y for 11rl'llmtnary hl'11 l11g un a l'l111rf>e Cit using & !1l'lllhlll" n 01<· ,.n,1 acidn-u l4 ol>o l•ln na l"<'ot1r11. Grtn1N1 JM>11ll'd $1000 b•ll follow111g h1" ren•nt arr .... 1 l'rt'l1mmarr hearmi; u11 th• C'harRr w11.a urli:tnslly llf't rnr Fri· day. then conttnut'd until today. Nl'W)Xlt t poh,·I' 11rre11\1·'1 Orlm· l's Ant'r • month's 1nvt11t1,at19n. l'nlh•r ,.,,,,1 h•• 11tlmll t1'll buytnx a •·OZ boll II' &I( uui;h ,~·nip f'\'HY 11ther dav. It 1•11ntaln• a 11m"ll rn- •1in,. conif'nl. Crlml':1 ha• a re<"oNt w11h lo<'ILI J>tilln• 011 n8rcotlo C<lUnlll. Tht 11uspl'ct all<'1tl'<lly purchasl'<I lhl' llll'dlcrnl' from :-.:ewport Har• bor, · Co11ta Mrsa and Santa Ana dru1111tores. ualnir flcllttoua namu and addruBU. aoclated Men Studentb board at Thursday night, Boar!I of Dire<'-The n .. w 11t1nitary annuatlon, tors Prt>sl!lent Arthur 11. J\ll'vc>rs Kl~ •--Led for •1c P omona Collegl'. Sponsor11 are a lt1111ued a atatmf'nt 10 lht! N;wH-which lnclucft'11 land outmldl' the U... ltVVll "" men who hf'lp and advise nf'w alu-lhe dllllrk t. ThP ennt'xstion runs $11nta An& and Tuatln Aves . from booked t'&rly yulerday momtnr by ,dents at the college. roughly from 21st St. north to 2hl St. 111 Mf'sa Drive, bordf'f• on loca l police tor po .. ualon ot alco- DINING IN NEW PATIO -Lido Isle CommUnity·Auo- elation members ahown ·above were part of 200 who at- tended annual luncheon bu.inea meeting of group re- oently. They had luncheon beneath translucent roofing of new room. Lush planting along walls of patio room em- phasizes garden aapect. -Gene Roa Photo group ot upperclass men and~ w-Pru:<, clarirylng tax b~nrfits or rtty limits of Costa Mi's& b1>tween Four Santa Ana tet"naan a 'A'tor• en e ttti llB Dr 1, e ~t A " .. -:p,· •111~WJ'IOl"Hll_"'_4t ,":'it hreeWj6RlOO>rrf-lt .:Jib!iiu~flirl'~r~arit rt;iip~11e~pa_~r~a~ti.lnii':fh:.::o:rl·rrnil'i'll'S-ul'lt""-nr--.t· .... .-ll-4,.. ot Newport Harbor High School Tustin Avn. ~l'wpurt 1JescJi'11 Upper Bay A.II· u rtlcer. Wd Oley wtop.,.cl the and a junior al Pamona. where he Mty('ra ptiinted out that l'very-nruUon rrom Costa Meea. Often boys at Coast HtghWll,J and Bay. la 'I'ajorlng in l'COnomlca. A mem-borly 10 Orangt County Sknltlllllon such annl':utlon to the .anltary aide Ave. They ll&Jd they tound 11 ber ot the varalty golf 1qttad, he Philrlct 6. which lncludell the Coll-district 1,, forerunner of anneu-boulu or beer I" ~ youtha' ear, Warner Precli~ts County's Basic Tax Rate to Remain 8ANTA A NA (0CN8) -Coun· ty Board ot Supervhtora C hatnnan Wlllta Warner predict• there'll be no lncre ... In the county'11 buJc tax rat.I' ot $1 .24 p.r •100 of aa-••Md valuation when the 1955· M budget I• adopted. Warner ll'ft one loop. holl', how- ever. 1l a building program I• adopted a •light hike mlr;ht be forthcoming. Non~ 11 antlclpatl'd. according to Waml'r. HOSPITAL ADDITIOK 'The 19115-56 propolll!d budget now includes an $850,000 addition to UM county gt>nl'ral hoapltaJ tor a nur1u building. The baalc $1.24 tax rate la upped by :I cenlll in un- incorporated 11reaa because or a road tu:. Warner eommented: "I don't cont•mpl&te any tax rate ll'lcreue (On.nJe County'• reportedly 11 tfle .econd lowut ln the 1tat.). Al I forMe the anticipated pin ln taxation or lncreued valuation. we should be able to stay within the figure of lut year. The only thing that would r aise It would be a building program." COMJ>ll.JNO BUDGET Warner •Id County A,udltor Le• Eckel now ia compiling the bud- get after elttenalve departml'ntal heartnr• by the board ot auper- vlaors. A preliminary budret 1111 expected to be printed· by July 20. J uly 10 11 the dndllne for t.he filing of a ll county department budgete. Miller Judged Sex Psychopath SANTA ANA ((>CNS) -Con- victed on two count. of child mol· esUnr. Fred H. Miller, 47, 2009 C~t Ave .. Newport Beach, Fri- day wu · judJt>d a aex paychopath l'J\d committed lo the Atucadero Slate Ho!fpllal tor a 90·d&y ob- servation period. Superior Court Judge John Shea commented: "I don't bellne you are a 11ex psychopath, but the psy- chlat.rl1ls eay you oove a pay- chop~thlc pcr110nality." Th• Judge made It clear that Miller wu to return to court tor aentencing on completion ot hi• hoapllal stay. Miller wu found guilty Ill Judge Shea'a court of molutlng two glrl1, 9 and 8 yeare. aftl!l' inviting them to hla apartment to help clean house. The nurses addition wu in the budget. but dropped two years a.go. A public hearing will be alated on the budget In late AuguaL The new budget must be adopted by ...._ ___________ _ Overall tax rates Included added aa.e1111menla f~r harbor, flood con- trol, l!<'hooh1, range from a low or $5.03 in Huntington Beach to a high of $7 .34 ln Buen" Park. Aug. 29, acoordlng to Warner. The tax rat~ will be Ml by Sept. 1 after the auperviaora meet u a Board of Equalization &11d public utility roll.a are offered. Mesa Police Seek Child Molester la also acUve In the bi..nd and or-ta Mella a rea, paya a prroxlm1ttely lion lo lhe oily llmlta. pollCl' aald. Mn. lraley Struck cheslra and haa l!erved aa clau 110 c('nls per $100 tor the 11ewer ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. social chairman. trtalml'nt plant and ocean outfall 111 Local Crosswalk line. ''Thia Is t rue," Meyers aald. ~ wer, aurrered by Eva DEA TH NOTICE "even tr the taxpayer11 don't have Jaunita Braley, 36, of 304 E . ------------...,;.• •ewera lo rl'ap the benefits of Broadway, Costa Mesa. Tuuday thoae taclllU~." whbt sh• wu atruck 1n a pedu-Rl:YWOOD 'GILL' B. OILLl':SPIE For an additional &-O·llOme centa. I tr1an crouwaJk at Coast Highway Funeral aervlcu ror Heywood Ml'yera reported, l.n bl'coming part and Rlverald• Ave. by a...car driven "GlU" OUlesple, 38. or 119 t 2nd SL of the .anltary d.i,,trlct. lho&t" tax-I by Maxwell John Doyle, a,, of are pendin&' at Baltz Mortuary, payers can receive eewere and gar- Anahelm. police reported. She <;oata Meaa Chapel. He dll'd •ud-bage and truh collection~ "I don't wu treated at Hoa&' Hoepllal. denJy Saturday artemoon ot a bl'lleve thl'M facts a re rnerally )leart attack In Sycamore Park. known," Meyera aa.id. Doyle told police h• •lopped tor W ith h " rt'd light and did not aee Mr.. Santa Ana Canyon Ro&d. t e annexation by the Braley whl'n he •tarted up on the Mr. Ollle11pl• llvl'd In thla area eanltary board, Meyers aald the 11 ror lha put six y·a-. He w•• a property ownera ln that area now green ght. She wu •truck by -~~ -h t h I II lh rl h machinery maintenance mechanic, ave e pr v ege of votlnr; on e g t tro.nt or hl1 pick up bo d If th t truck, ottlcer1 ea.id. employed by Cherry Rivet Corp.. n 8 ey wan Hweri. Oar- M Townsend co. 'or th£ pa•t lflree bage and tru'h collectlon1 be&1n rs. Braley told otttcer1 the t " • Light changed to green u 1b• wu •till Ill the crouwalk. Fontius with Fluor Charlu H. Fontlu1, 1tatt eng1n.- er. ortanlzaUon And control, or Fluor Corp., Ltd., Loe Angele1, a Newport Harbor ruldent, I• one ot more lhan 150 employee. who have joined the f irm ln recent month a. y,.::ar1. He wu bom In Wayne County, Ken. He wu a membe.r of the MJcro-MJc:fget Aasoc. Survivora are hla wlte, Mabl'I ot th• home addre1111; a 11<1n, Harry, ot th• U. S. armed forcea In Ger· many; hi• mother Mra. Margaret Sue Ollll'aple of Loa Angeles and two aiatera, Mra. Marguerit• Bak- e!' and Mrs. Gaynell Reiml'r, both of Cincinnati. Mesan In Pie lake Mr1. Jerry Tufts ot Cosla Mua will compete with · rive other wo-I men In a pie baking contest Fri-I day, June 3 u pa.rt of an agrl-' cultural dt'rnonstrallon staged by the Farm Burl'au Hall In Orange. The wom«"n will use olallle bl'r- rles In their plu as a demonstra- tion of the use of thl' locally Krown fn11l. Harold D. Leddy /" Announces the opening of offices for the general practice of law at 2912 W. ~-o_a~t Hy., .Newport Beach Liberty 8-6102 One block east of Newport Boulevard .. -,..,~"91111'1111!""'11!11"""'"°t'•' ~W"llQl'"'WWW-'1'fl9!':_"'"""''YI"',.,...' ___ ,..,, _ __, -·~~----··-···· ····-~·· ·~ ........... ..,.. • --...--• -.,---...... ·----. .. .._,.,,..ew-., ,--~...-~~··--..-~..-;,..._.-- COSTA MESA (OCNS) -Co11-- \~· k . 'J 1 Child's Fall Starts Chain. of I l& Me11a police today warned pa r- ent11 against a possible child mol- r11ter Ln tht area. Fathtr or an B A •d 1 1 d 8-year-old girl reported Friday al· um per CCI ents on I an I ~~~~n. :1~t\~~:la ~:~.made t~ A sl'M"!I of bumper accident. <'hlld tell trom the front sNt onto Reports show a man drove up wu set off Tui-.'!day on Marine th• a.ccl'lerator ot the car while and •topped bl'fore · homP or the Ave. n~ar Park Ave. when a 11maU lhe driver wu parking. I child. The little girl wu In thl' front yard. Phyylla Steen Murphy, 31. or "Come on get In the <eflJ'" thl' Place W·1nnen ·1n Lo11 Angeles, tolli police the car man allegedly Hid. "I'll IP~• you lurched back Into a pa_rked car eomt money.'' Pl d M t• when the child reU. The car be-The lltlll' girl ran in the howie ay ay ee lftCJ hind the ~urphy ('llr, registered lo I and told her mother. She H id ~t~ry Haskell Todd o! 602 P&rk there waa a boy about her age Ave., was pushed Into the car be -I 111tt1ng In back seat or the csr. hind It, registered to Barbara I About th~e weeks ago the itirl Jeannt of WhitUer. The Jeanne '"Mid the 11ame 11u11pect attempted car ln tum wu pushed tnto the to enuce her at the r;reuncb of Luther Edward Murrill ca.r perk-Llndbl'rgh Sc.hoot Place wrnner:o In lhe playdey meet on May 26 ~t 11 \'&nc• Park Wl're: Trail class I 12 and underl, .To Thomp~: n-a n C'la11s open cover l3l l.orralne Lee: Western pleaaure (open L<fl8), Su81ln Mua- f eld: Hor!!<"mlln~hlp I 12 and un- ed behind. Murrill lives at 22• Police •aid the man drove a Ruby Ave. t!M9-50 eedan with purpla top, tan bottom. _____ dul J o l'bo · Horsema ahl J <open -over IJI. Vi C'torla Phillipe: .Stock hor11e. open, Ron nie Rich- a rds: Novice (')ass. S..ury Eller- b rock: K«"yholr. Robin Erwin: QuAdrea.ngle open, Robrn Irwin; Poll'bl'ndlng (lll'nlor ), RAJph I rwin: Hub Ccip Theft by Fri-'-D h- T • w• RtWr aUCJ 1wr rl0 ltfteSsed Manne Pfr , and Mrs. Richard Stake ract' (senior \. Ralph J.rwtn; Orange race oprn. :Mar;v G&lltgher: Th«"fl of hub cap• from a ca.r owned by Dick Macker of 210 Via Mentone Saturday \• bl'mg lnvr s- llgated by police. The car wu Daniel Fritzler, Costa Me8ll, be- came pa.ren"ta ot a d9 ugh tu on May 27 at U. S. Naval Hospital, Corona. Western Pleasure (iienaor. l,.orralne U P. The Mesa Boots and Saddle Club h08ll'd a playday at the Irvine stablu. Thirty Boou a nd Saddle "'embl'rt1 Joined the 111\nual Mem- orial wl'ekend trip. parked In front of 700 Vi• Lido Landis Car Taken Nord when the theft occurrl'd. I Theft 6f Mr 'ltl:r.I mnc:lel 111Jto C' G. Martin or 704 Via Lido, from In front of her home waa Nord told police h,. l!AW thrte boys reported Friday \D p<lllce by Mr1. lake the hub11 from Macker'1 ra.r. I JoMph P. Lendl11, 268l C~alview. . HAVE YOU VISITED th•••• • FOREIGN CAR DEALERSHI~-.., ..... 't -. HARVEY MAYER MOTORS Orange County Distributors for JAGUAR • DOR ETTI HILLMAN • TRIUMPH • ARNOLT ·BRISTOL Complete 8ervloe Depu1mmt for All ForeJ.p Makee e TH ONLY Clayton Chassis DyMllNllMter Ill Oninte Cot1nty WE SPECIA.LIZE IN moo SPEED TUNING OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN CARS SERVICE DEPARTMENT OP.EN A.LL DAY SATURDAY SUNpAY SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT 2117 Huabor llYcl. (COl"Mf' of Victoria St.) t COSTA MESA Liberty 8-2256 8AL&81 t ·I P. a. ""'* .._,.. t ·I P• lft. 8-t. _. aaa. ' I . I l ~ ,,. ID tbe ~ • aew w.c.ry Moatclair bardtop r.oup. lhoWI ita ._ lillio....., ~ting .ap tba 28% grade. aeotlaer •how-I ka high po-et" • • NEW LOW IN SILHOUETTE NEW HIGH IN POWE.R The new Montclairs are the highest styled, highest powered ~ercurys ever built. Only 58'h inches high! 198 horsepower with dual exhausts! Enr notice what bappem when folks f(l't t~thrr io the good old American cuatom of talking can? Sooner or l,ttr-lbey get u ounrl to the n~ Mercury Montclair. And to a flock or1uprrlatiVf'! th~t baND't been heard in yun about any car. MHCV.V"S TOP OP ntl UNI Thh Is a dreun CM'I w~i.. ~~· hiEh-or 1boatd w. .., "-'A wbole foot-and•.balf wider t.b.o it i~ high. A hnvriouety long ~ilhowtt,. And you r.an choose from f~ur stunning models, TI1e branrl·~ four~oor Sedan, the hardtop Co11pe, the Con•ertible, or the Sun \lal.ley with tram· parent roof pend. And there'• honepower to apere-198 hol"9e· power in tbi.s M'W 5lln11-TOllQO& V.8 enpne. Pickup and' peMing power ii up u , much u 307o o•er lat 7""'• Mercury. OHlY MllCUltY OfVU YOU All TMISI AAN•n Dual-ftbaust auWidard on the Montclair. There'• baJJ.joiot front w.pemion, and a 4-barrl'l ''•cuum carburetor. Plua the widest choice of power featunit in ita 6dd. including Muhi·Luber. (P~h a button on tbe duh and 'fit.al ttttring and sua- pemioa pain" ... ·~ ~cated!) *"r"I THI nMI TO IUY Ri~hl now-we'.,e a good supply. of ~fontrlai". And right now-we 're tnding high. Come in for a look-1 trade-in figure on your old u r-and a demonstration of the MNc.ury Mo111C'la1r. You'll never go baclt ao any other kind of car! IT PAYS TO bwN A mERCURY FOR FUTUM STYLING, SUf>ER POWER O..'t .._ .... ~It t01..,1ai.. lolt, I d Solll• .. 'I "TOMllf Of fHI fOWM," ...... •-'"'· t• t. 9lllt. It.tie~ llMrt, a..-1 J ·JOHNSON & . SON, Lincoln 900 W. Coast Hlgteway NEWPORT IEACH ·IWlercury Liberty 8-5545 Acrou frolll lay. CIU ·-