HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-13 - Newport Balboa PressRechs Shot enant Hotel • In .. Local Realtor Recoveriftg from Shotgun Wounds Here By PHYLLIS .J. JACKSON Shot down by a sho!gun burst as he knocked at a ten- ant's door Saturday a ftt-rnnon, Rex Rechs, local realtor and owner nf the Ocean Front Hot('!, w as wounded in the right "idf' <1nd fnrt'a rm. HP wns rushed tn H oa~ Hospital where h 111 ronrl1t tt\I\ "'"" rrp11rt<'•f It""'! ~Rtrl ll<'l'hJO fl'llrl hf'r tw ,.,.11,.rl to th•~ m11rn111~. At nwrll'r 11n1I knn•krJl 1on lhl' tPn· :-:usr"' I !':1<111"\' 1-'t• h\.-n n 11•"' · nllnl's d(l('or. rlf'r :16 . ,. r"Jtt•ll'nl n f LhP ht•IPI C.I ...; IS 11.-\:0.U 1111,, .. 1 .. ,., A 1t1oh,•i, ,,...,. )l<10kNI hy " \\'hl.'n f"•l1 ... 11r11\<'•I. lht>)' 11111<1 l1w11I r nlirP r .. r ""~11111l with Ill· tJl• y f r,lfl Hr<'Wtlrr In '"111" ""! nf t ,.nt to r nmmrt m111·t1rr JI,. 111 10 \t b~ '""'" HI' ritll~rl nut "ll '.11 nnl l111111i:~ 1·o111nty Jllll. n»1'Pl'~1tr_I', I wrll l'omc• 1111!." wh~n ~I r• 11 .. r.,.I S• /1\4'flJtP I . 1111rn11i:•·r h<' hi>11rvt t•fflrl'r.< •l1,.1·11Mtnir thl'1r n ( th• hrot••I, 11h11ktnl(' wllh •'•11n-,,..,,l 11tt111 k nn lht> roonr, Pohr e 1111n1<I "' "''"· tnlt1 f"•hr p Bro"' r1••r "'"'1 ho> WlllkN1 nut of lhf' rM m '"""" dnwn \n th•' t1Pllk S11l 111.i~,. • h rli h ini: II 12-~11111!" J\hr1tg11n 11w mrnf.! Hn•I 111111 11 lrllfl' pn !hi> "t"' h nffic'•'rll nr•ll'rP•I turn tn d111r. c 1o1111trr !'hr ~Rrtl 11 wM" 11 11nl11 •• 1 Hf1r1•r11 1m1•t wht'll Rro,,.·d~r 1<r nl Io 1111 lf't111nt., by Rt•rh1t lld· • a111P nul with I he irun be ss1!1, \llltng th••m of 11 11ummrr 11·nl "Ttwr"'"' 1t1111ll'lh111g wrun11: w1lh , .. ,,~,. S1"""'"''"' on rhr bl'lltom nf lh1• i:un. It 14·on l w c>r k " l'ohC'e t hl' letll'r we1 e the woril1t, ":-: .. 1 """' h1• 11 pJIR!'f'nlly •lr<I no1t know undt'r-..t<>Orl .. Mr11. Schwll&H 111t1d h11w lo • 11( k the gun llJ:lltn. A c· BrnwrJrr 1!11! n<ot l'Jlt'llk In hl'r 111r1.hni: ln pnlH'I', h .. 1111.111 he ~hot t \l,J.:-1 ..-oK llt;i.I' lhr .. ui:h th1• c!nr.r f1" Jw wall ltr•'d \\'h Pn ftt•rhit r11nw to I hr hol1•I fl( b1·1111: b<1l hf'rt•1I h I Lh" hnl rl. lie ln thr n(lrrttwin. Mf"l'I. S•·hw.\J:t>r N<lrl h•• 4111 1 n•Jl know wh1 lhl'r he 111<1<1 h" wrnl UJ"'lllrr!'I !11 t11lk lo 1 had h1l 11nybody Bnow 11..r. •I hPll11I Mr. R r1 tis 1 1111 JO:J'T TO l't~I.>• tu A1 ow1lr r 11n•I k ntwk on th•• 1foor. I ~Ira. Schw11g-e r d~srr1~1I Brow- Th1•n lh,.rl' wa11 1111 f'X plol'rnn." dt'r ~one who ktpl to h11n11f"lf and J\11" Sr hw"i:•·I' :<11111. "11nd I h ... 11rd ha.'1 little tn say lo a.nyb<>dy. She M r. Rt'l'1111 11111 fur help. 11a.1.t he nevu w8nl"d snybody t o ,,,,. 11111tra ui;hl w11m11n ~ttld rlean hill room 8.lld the hotel man- R f'1·h1< tumbl1•d <lnwn thP st111111 ln l\l(tntf'lil lPfl h im slonf'. Browdtr, l hl' lanoltnJt li\'lt1"''. lu,·inic R a torntf'r pharmac111t matf', told blnnd,· ttAll ht'h1nd him. She 111t1d police he had been a wr1tf!r and ah .. ;u11heod t n him •nd eaMd hi• a printtr. He N.ld he boujl'ht th• '811 t o th,. b11lt11m landlnir. gun al a lO<l81 •tore a month ago. She tolff fl"•h"• R.<cll.LWld her 1111 According to a police check on hr l1ty "rumplt cl nn the )anrlrnic the "uspe<'t, he wu confinffl to t hlll Browdrr l'hOt him through the Palo Alto Veteran• HoepltaJ t he! 1"1011t'd door. Mrs. SchwaKer for three yean. MESA BURGLARY SUSPECT RECAPTURED AFTER ESCAPE !'A:-."TA A':'A .1t·~E 13 (0C':'St 'however, and ,r11cf!d ('Ul the rear -~lsrv1n R11Ml'll Ford. 21. n! 2:\R I h~pllaJ tloor. Ht> wa11 l'llld only R ollt'O l'I .. ( '011\;L MNIR, \\'II~ 1>11clc In a lOW('I a rounrl hill lntn. bl'hmd r11unl 1• jnll hll rs l11<l11)· after Pepull<>111 &alt! F ord apparently a ti11lol f'~1 "I" tr"m i11An11:~ County rat.It'd a riot hell hnc. Ht Wll!I 1111~r1tlll 1 ·1111 .. ,· nll!ht 111Jlv t lnthf'd wht'n srrl'Slt'<I tH l~e F o11 ol ".1l0 :q pr··hPn 1 ... 1 Wllht\UI ~lf\"Pt f'I l\'t' 111ltlrP~" llt>pUlll"S ... ud a ,1ru)!~I" '' 'h"llli" •h·jtlllll'" F!>lol !I fathrr lipped lh1·m off lo l'.llllr•I.•\ n1~ht at 1111>'..!l i-11\'l'r wh••n· lh" ~u:1rr1·t w11s lllolin,1r J •n,·.-. s11,.,.,. A• r1·:< ,\ f1•l1tl1\" t'~· Font and Ho<lsevelt G. \\'1lklru, ,.;., ,. , h rq,•· ""~ 11.t.i, .. 1 111 11•t11o .. 1 \' 22. 211'.'l l<nol•••• 1'1;11·,•. 1·.,,..111 MPJ!A, a nd 11 11i•'n1 n111t1'11 Hhl'/111\' tin tilt' h"''t' b.·rn j111kt>ol to fl\'I' RllPmpt· *•"'' <' l•' .. 1.' j <"I hurjtla ritll anol l\llc>mpto •I bur· T l',. ,-n11t hf11I fho.•r Ill\ c1 ~h· 1 11 ~:An<>JO in 1 h<' :-.: .. wrnrt H••Af'h 11rra. ht• ur"I" , 1 II'" ,,n.f :l••·n ~1111 • 1 Thry al.'Cn t1:1\·p ht>rn '111177,.•I In 111"11"•1 ll'ol"' ;\Ir.'< 1 ....... S\1111 i'-fnnn"rt1on Wllh Ollt••r '•illnty or- !-\u nU\ ArHt 1 ~1,11h·n~ !'ht• ~Hid 14h•• J ffO!'f'.S. no1l11 •ol I\ '11111' l11:ht .1•1\ 1ilurn1 1----------- )llTll~· '~1,1;.,. \l Ill II• ..... rot . !'I'll PARK ISSUE ~· l"hl I u •. J''1:4·•1h:r '••U f'l ''ll'"'' h '' ,, ,, .. v1; tr 1qh •• !'t1•'•'p•n.,; e 111I \\!11,t."I 1•1• \o1111k ln"rr1'1I Sh4' •• 1~ \t11·· 1rPl•l•'~nrH••it\.\•th It ·•1 11 ! \\' 1 ) ,,~ \" !<ho llllt•ho'ol ollllJ'f'llll' lht• b• I •h ••I 11• • F o 1°1l•o1 f't"l 111 h"r. ll l'•'lo f''IO,_ 111 ••111<•' h• r Wl'h lht' "'''t"•d ""''''" :'h•' '":u.frd o(f '"" h11'" 11• ~ 1 ohh1ni: ~ .. r.r s wnJOl 11n I !OIPIJ• Ht• •·p111111r0I lr,.e. 80 Permits Total \, Heavy Crowd at Council Meet Seen A l81'Rl' rrn"•I 1~ "'P"<'teu 1tt t onii;ht II ('ll\' f '"'"'II lllt'o>llOJ:' r1ty nHl<'111Js 1111111 l•nln\' In \'ll'W of the $400 000 on Mesa report the ('II\• pftrk ~{'8(h llnd 1 I r~~~n A' inn rn1nnU~,_1on s r"com· 1· .. ~:11 :0.11'·~ h111l0hn~-f' rmtll' tn· mend:rl11•n nn fulure 118<' of Mu· l :\llr. i.; 11pp1 • '(llll81Plv ~ 11111111111 I nw1pRI Trolltr l-'11.rk wlll hr pre- " ll" t •ul 1.\ t R k• II loll\ toll 1111 lll'W I 11rnl1l'ol ""' ..Jlt1 ~' h\' J 111(" 1111·1 I 0Hii:r1•\'P, .. , . , "''. r·!. !: ... !11111.\11• ... 11ff111111 A J A i.;t.ip• """' rep<"ll l bPIOjl; l'lr- \' •IZ ,..,,. hmt"'• lln• 1.,,1 ,,f A 11:1 ruhtlt•ol u101.n1I 1·1t.\" hrtll l"J>"tls h"ll•I' Slll'ltit\'l<l"n -r:-.., l 11</16 'II» r111 K l'l\fllnll~•IOllll'f" 11 f " 1f1\"lo!· The .<11hd11111wn Is 11 .. nl"ol ufr ···I hi• 8 nArrll\I' mRJc>rll ,. or 4-.'l '" M• Vl'r 1•1,1,t' 111111 '"' 111,11,11 Ht>Ai 11 UH'or nr 11111ktnJt th•' tr11 11,•r pRr k !'I · Ap i .. J.t An· An•I "'''"' !"t. T"· .,,.,.,. 1ntrr 11 puhlH· 1t·•·1••st11mal da~ ~ b111\.hn11: r "rmlts 11\'t•rl\jo;•'ol 1-\rt'h ~ill! .... l'ff1rial ~l'"k"lltnan $1'«10 !'nl"h. Vl'lz 1'11111. I" II!! ta:k1n1: -----T hi' r>11k r nmml"ton m~l 11t j lf'll.o t I\\ w .. la•I "'eek 10 SI Uol\' \'Ar· Amigos Vieios Meet 1011.• r1.1n~ 11.r,·ann .. 1 t!>r r uture ='t\\'f"'rl H111 l.nrs <un-lm·fng I" .. " (\( t hr t 1 IHlt'r rark )1111"1'1'1. g-r l'llfl or ("l\'lc lt111fe111. knl'wn (N \\'1:11 "'" 111su"' A ,.,,n trovrr,.1&! 11. 1!n-nnt!ling fl!>lit'y a-' WPll U h~· mllll l'r bl'lWN•n tra1l11r rAtl< rP .. \• tht' r\11b n11mt' !>( A m lgo8 \"1rJn~. I .tPnl" 11n1I 11tl'r1•hnn1s !>n lhP nn~ w ill r1'""' \\'<•<1n1 •·la,· nnon 111 I h11n.1 11n•I 11 -.·,)1'1f Pn•us ln,·111 itro.ir ]l:~WJ'('tt H11 rbor Y11 C'hl C'luh ~ .. ,._ on lhl' nlh• r a Jonir ffil't'lrnit \\·11.• r ral "Muc hsrh•l..• · \\ 111 t-P f'IP\"1111"•1 I pr.-.ht'IP•1 11t tonight'• rrgular t o r"i:ula r m••mbt'r~h1p rouncil "I'""''" HARBOD PRESS ... HAllOR WIATHD I l'mllf'r&htrM t~ paat •HI& ta th• Harbor .,... \\l'r?: HJrb ..... \\'111lnt'lldf~. J un,. ll tl4 &I Thun1<111_, .• JunP 9 8• !IT l'"nda \ Junr 1(1 fJ.a !IT ~at11N11\y, J unP I l f}6 68 ~un•lay, June 12 ~' 89 FIVE CENTS 48th YEAR -NUMBER 30 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, JUNE tS, 1955 -P-HONE HARBOR 1616 Monda). J une \:\ t\3 M Ra.ln1a.ll J un• 10 06 PRINCIPALS AT SCENt: -Mrs. Haul Schwager. left. manager of Ocean Front Hotel, watches u PoUce Capt. Harry Lace and ambulance attendants place Rex Rechs. shooting victim, on stretcher. Rechs. own- er of hotel, was shot by shotgun blast through door of a tenant, Sidney Fielden Browder, 36. above with . BOYS' CLUB PARADE TO NOTE SUMMER BASEBALL PROGRAM Opening of th• Newport H itrbor Boy1' C1ub hfgb echool aummer ba.sebaU program will gel under way P'rlday at e:so p.m . In Cosl& Mt>K& Puk. Rod Msc M1lhan. dirt>Ctor ot athl4'Ucll at the club. ll&ld a paratle w1lb 800 uniformed boy .. from the bs1<el>all lt'8.Jl111 would bP lhf' kirk-off .. vent. An elthlb1l1\ln game wlll rollow w1lh u ch or th4' eight A tPIUl19 plsylng two lnnln1tt1. S11pervt11or H elnr; Ksiser will be on hand. lt1acMWian 1rnfll. and Mayor" Dora Hiii of ?"t>wport Beach and Clai.rt ~~Ison of C'Osla ~resa will be inv1ttd M ~tall. FREE RIDE END SEEN IN MARCH 18 REPORT Red CToss Decision Reached Before CampaiCJn Completed · Population of Newport Is 18,539 50% Increase in 5-year Period Shows Big Growth Nt>wport RetH·h popula tion todfly 11tood Al 11U~39, M'· COrthng to 8 prrlimmary a.nnouncemPnt n( t he clty'11 special federal cenRus which ended Friday. The new figu~. up 1232 from the 17 .307 tally recorded by spttial fedenl ct>naua in No\'ember, 1953. was given the rity manager by B. K. Kun- thn. f<'rl,.ral tnu1111>r11t or . w hn di· 1 F:Arh nrw rH 1'1Pnt nt U1P city la r N 11'11 the count. It 111 11. 60 J""r w o rth b<'twffn H anl1 S7 In •tale 1•ent 1n('rf'llAt nver t he 12.120 J'l)J'U· ll\ll ~Uh\'Pnll~n11. A nf'W net In· IRllHn r•nunt n( lll:'IO. I rr"~'" or i62 porulAtlnn u tua.lly Th 18 ~:19 · hn11nar'' f11t\Jr" IA rountPtl •1nr l' lh• rurr Ha•rn e ' • !JI"" • 11.nnc-x111 rnn Arror<flng tn City M&.11- d)lllJ': I ·'~ "''th' lht> l"l'l't'nl 1·ount "lt"r ~111111,. \\"Ith tl'l'f'nt annt'll•· .,f l i.:t2•' 11pe1111l fr1ler11l t'rn11u11 Utont1 th,. !ltlll" h!UO paid the e1t:v •••Uni Jlhl l"nmp1IP1l for the <'Hy ll\ll bfon1>MUI nn a hula nf 11,187 goatee and mustache. Mr&. Schwager heard shot when Rechs knoc ked on door of Browder's room. she told police. The wounded man ft-II down stairs. collapsed on landing. He waa taken to Hoag Hospital and Brow- der wu booked on charge of assault with intent to commit murder. -Staf! Photo by Phyllis J . Jackson of <.;ni.t" M ~M. I JWr11nn11. ·in t'\\l"h r11y·,. l'n.sl', th~ ofClc•lll By C!>lllptt.tl.Jl!>n w ith Newrort fe<t~nl ct"n11u~ w ill ll1 l'0<1nl for 11rl· 1 °Rl'Al'h a:nd C'o10lll MP•a population, •ht1nn11I Ji\llle rl'\"<•nu.. allor11l1nn11 !'anlll Anti lr11d11 with 1111.000, Ana · that •rt l>ANd upon f>Opulali'>n. hf'lm hu 39,0~11 u nf Janua ry, C'11y m.lll'lftK~r )ohn J S111lon< pr~ F'11llt'rlon t.d 27,M8 In Octn~r. dieted tn<tay lhP t2:12 population t9M. Garden Grove -tmm a hl1th 1ncre11Ae wlll mnre thsn JMIY for 11~hool dl.atr1ct e11Umate -h1 48 • the l'l>lll of the <.'en8\la now con-000 and Orange 11.U l 2,t82 aa of Board to'-lftter~iew Applicants for School Basiness Manager Costa Men Union School Dla- lrlct ~ or trust-will Inter- view Jo11r appUCtUIU for po.tiltlon of dbtnct bwilneu m11.11a.irer Wed- n,.llClay night, 1t.art1nr at 7 .30 p.m. A total or 1e a[1phc at1on1 for fhe job have b~en 11<"r«ned to rlate State Leases Tidelands to duding 1982. PRIEST RESIGNATION ACCEPTED BY COUNCIL Current Bu111ne11a Man&l(f'r Har- r1110n Sn.nbom 11ubmlttt'd hlll rnlg- mettm~ la•l m rmth wh~n the Oil Dissatisfaction Over W orlc in City Clerk Office Said Reason natlon dunng a conlrOVer!lll\\. Douglas In • 11udrlt'n mett•nK r 11llrd Fr1· 1 lhey wanted the reairnatton," he b<>ar1I 8Jlnnunced ll would not g ive tiny n111r nln1t at Xcwport BeitC'h u lrl. "The tran.tltlon p.tlod tHl· tenure lo Theodore Neff. prln<1pal Th,. St11lt L11n1ls C'ommlq!'11>n I'll\' h11ll th1• cit\' •·11unc1I ''<llf'll lo I t w•en an el~cllve o trlee and a n ot E Vl'l'dt Rea SchO<ll. Later. San· this 11111n11ng 11pproo\'t>1I lhe h1~h ~.-~ .. pt 1°h,. rNtl~niH 1tor1 tof 1·rty 11.ppo11~tl\•e 'offlce la a lw•Y• a hard born wlthd rl'w hi11 rel!•gl'lallon and bid 111 ~ Oi 1a f11ctur 1>11111>11 nn .«lei k (" K rrw!\\ 1111nwdiately.1 ont." Pr1t.11t u ll1. "and the11e thlnir• tht1 bo11nl rehired him throµgh the 11hd111.: s1·11ll' ro_y&lly l:1-1Jo111 l hy f:\'i·i" , ooun• 11 menrhE>r \'ll\l'(I tll 11<.. hllpp<!n .. The city charter adn pted summer untll Ol new biunntllll man-Dou~Jas Oil Co. <'>Tl lht' .'120 11cre11 r~J'\ th .. r .. ,1gnRtwn t'llt" pl t:• r11trl by :-;,.wport. Be•<'h thl11 ytar made av;rr could be <'ho!len and trained. of 11.i~ and 1ubmergf'd l11.11tl at B•·nni ll "ho pa!IM!•I his vutl' j th .. city clerk an l flpoinUv• poet· 0rt}Zinlllly the w .,dnr!ldlly mel'l· Hu 1 r.trt n H rh I b n 1 · " "8 P11 .. !ll «fl v 1.Jer k .~1nC'I' .-leclPd I"''"· H fonnerly waa elKUve. lnic wu call4'<1 for open1n1t or Ida T he 1111 \'Xplors tton 11 nd extrst'-·. · on t he new 11r hool 111ruct11r1• al 1'111-If .. h 1 d in t!HI!, 11111'1 repur1t•r11 he nf(1·1 ~d Rt:SJO~AnON READ nn. unul'r I t ('I\.~•· l(T"ante rt'nl11t Ave. and \\'1Json St. But 0011>-"l.1.•, "'ill tw dont fri•m url0nd i h111 r.-lfti;~Htlon m1med1Alrly to tht' The counr ll convened at t ::IO conlractol"ll r,.que.sted mo1e Ume. d'::ll _. ti l <'ounnl ~ n •la\' mumini: wht'n they 1 •r'clorl< F riday momlnK &nd lmmr -' • 1111:" 11n11 opera ng 111 ea on . • Bid oj)\!nmg on Lhe 11chool 111 now land 7,,ntd for such purpnl<e"' by Wt'nt •nlu d 'li;ell ~'~"'"" llfrer_rnn-11t11t•~v-rlearrd thP council cbam- st'l for June 30, 11ccordlnr to Supt.. lhf! C1l'' •>f Huntingt11n A,.11, h Thui ""nm i.t 'T h .. ''"'" '"'r l h•ni: '" .,,,,. fnr 11. ~~·minute ae1111rtOT1 a t E''l'relt Rea. app111 ••;11ly rult'A out "" ><hurf' "1~-JUI)' ti., I t•lfer,.1! lht> I' ••itnat111n 11t , which f'ri~sl "''"" rrea.nt. Al JO ti\ 1-1.. 1 II 1 111 fl lh•· rt"'/Ut'l<I uf tlw • uunrtl th1a I thl' donrl! WPre o""'nl'd ... cJ thor NEWPORT CD ALERT SET WEDNESDA~ ... n. 1o1 we rigs A.~ 1 r1 nic w1 . , J 1 1 ,~ _,, be d11ne frnm I\ iute now 11urro und· morn1111r. I r .,,.. ... 1111 I r; lltTfll.lion nf lhfl city r,lPrk read. f'<l by tXt:<lllll( Oii Wl'llS. I t:A Kl.JER T JUH"Rl.t: Deputy <'fly Cink . Mra. DOUJ'· A t oUll "' 13 r1rm11 put ln their T~e rounc1r s 11pparent t11ss1tll11-lu n Hnlt am l dPputy city tNllUI• b1dJI June 8 for th.. off 11hore rac11on w11h l'rlt'><t In Thu1.,«l11y 11 ur~r. ~1r ... Louie K. Stely will t.&Jc11 acreaice w h1r h exll'n1l3 from que~llun1n11: of the hudl(t'I 1 .. 11111 m •er 1h" ""'"" lmmf'dlat,.Jy until Eighth St. H untington At111•h ti) not•<'~ 8tl\"••rt1s111;l we,. a pp11t:Ynfly furlhPr llJ'l""lntmenl by the city on .. ·hillf mil~ e&nerly end f<or a &.tor• ru1111n· uf Fruh•V 't< J<•'"~'"" 111 l'ltUnf'll thi1tanc~ or one rntl,. r1 .. m .11 .. 11• wh1t·h lht' ci!r <fork ·1t·nd .. r 1·d 11•~ l'rr~J.i: t111t1 reportt'r1 he Mllev•d Pn~~1blllty thsl Dnu11:l1is (J1I Co. re•11m 11t111n th<' roun<'1l 11cllon r am,. a.bout frnm SA?"TA A:\A IOc:'l:S) -Tht j "\\'e havi> Mt thrn112h th" !lec110!>n or thr l'lfluthPm Orsnire , ~·.ars." he 11l11l!•d, "th11t v.·e have Cnunty rhapt .. r Do11rtl or D1rt'r· bl>tn t Pntlt>rlnf( 1h11• 1 ""ntr s• 1; to r" nf thf' A mrrlrlln R••d C ro'ic \'11'1' U111t Sf) Jrin1t 11.• ll ~~­ to •h.o• onttnll» thf! tn1ns-porta t1nn lblt'. we "'·"n· hapl\\' lo f11m1~h n( p1111,.nt1< t11 lhl' Ornn~e Count\' 1111n11porta1m n to <111t.n1te County Hosp1tHI. J uly l 1!l~1~, from ttll Ho•p1lfll C"hni1 pRttf'nl.... for Wt' r hept• r 11rea w.1~ l •'llfhrc! bef"l'P h11v1• rPcogntz.,,1 th11 f'itlremPly di!· lho> nll\<'«nll' llr lh<' pr":"!'nl fUn<I frCUll prublcm O{ p&Uanll \\'ho rlllnf>.ll)..'11 wa!' kn11wn. It w11s 111111-h11\'1' nn t t>lat1,·e11 or fntn•I .. lo .,,J b,· r. C •Trdl Slr Iman. rhnp-t><k<> thPm In s utnmobll,.s. ind ~Pwport Beach'• civil dPftnse trr 1 ha11m11n f'r1d11v in Rn.'IW<'r 10 thn~ .. "lthnut r ars h'''"R orr lhe or..:aniu tlon 1s r<'11dy to p11rtklp11.te 11n t>xd11~"'" :-;ewll-Prt!lll rl'\·l'ht· 1>11 ~ Im~ 1n th, 10<111th halt .. r ·he W.-dnHday In the nation -wide h on Thur~day that ~erv1t'PH w oulll rnunt\· l\n<I lltlm1 •hJOll&nC',. f n 1r 'h" 11Lomlo comm11nd post "xerr l11e. bP , urlAllr•I. ThPir t!echnon r11m•• 'h11 .. 111Ct f111d 11 1n1po~"lbll' I • 1.'el "Alc•rt l!JM." Edg11r H ill. 111111111l!l.nt srtrr a r<'port by 11 11p"c1al motur \f'I •h,. hn:<pll d11 fnr sn " Am coor!lln11tor, 11a1<1 tn•l11y. 11PrvlC'I' romm lltP,. w1111 pr••:OPrtlP•I 'ltnll'" ··our city will bl' alerlt tf by wmtl-1 '""'" llilanrl llWllkJt .. t 1lu!I•~~-.He 111.U\I tie hR1I 11n lnkhnic "' his fa1lur" to pr,.11tnt tn the city u1 r~m<•l" Rufus \\' l'ulllftm exe-tc>unnl •hJ01Mll~!n11111n ~mr,. t he r<111nrlf lhf' ·re111>t11n1m of protm cuU\'r nff1l'Pr nf thr 111q-. r rntl't1na ft•llowlnit lh• 'ppPr P.11y fr11m th,. Hri1tr11 11( SUPf'r\'111111"1' rl• Slatl' Lanct. told Ute NtW1·Pre11a nr1dl'nt II) the IM•l f••w W•' .. kll "l g11 rd1ni.r the r~rf'nl urrt r bay an- lodlly. think lhl' roun11I •h•oulol ti>ll ·-.. hy (('ontln11Nt "" p .. ,. Ill t o th .. bu 1nl. Ste lrnun 11r111I •how-1 t:ARI. •· ST ARTS ~U11 and hKhl11." Hill vcplaJned, mi: thllt thP ;;.-1 '''"P h111l Jl:T"" n "<1ur ,·.,h1n1 .. 1 r •lrtvt'r~ hav• ha•I 11nd th• pohrr will mak .. l ht1r far l,..v .. n1I th" rh11pll'r'.• ab1lol.\' I to q 1.r-i 11.a l'H• ly Ill! 6 30 en•I 7 ralh; al 11Chool11 Anrl uv1l d,.fenM IQ hun•ll" ft a nd .. 1·11.1 ry 11!'1 nthPr 111 m. un "°"'" 111 rR~inn .. in oor ler off1r e. \\'p will OJ1PrHle a telephone !fl.'f\'1•,. rum ftnn• 1 r1t1~ w11, n11l 1 tn ht\V•• thtiir patwnu ther~ for r haln lo ar t1v11tP our alert po11t.a," 1h11r loo•1•11 1111\11 J un" 9 1 I their 1tppuln lll1t'nt~ ' Slt'dm11n 1lr· he Hie!. ,,.,. R»il r,.,,"~· fo: ,1 r1>!lpon!llbl· riar<'tl • A !I 1h .. )IJMI 1nrrea."W'd, the The nallon1tl a lt'rt calla for the IHi· i• to mc•n , t th•· Armrd f'"'n'· 1l11ni;r .. r 1,f ln:<rni: our \"lllunll'er y ellow 1 lltrm Al 9.07 a.m . HUU ,.; !Ind thrll f.tmth"" thP r hAll • 1lrl\'"IJ01. wbn art •r,.r111lly tr111n~ ~111d loC'11l c1v1I dl'fense unit• were 011111 ~.rfl'r•"I f•irm~h:n~ tnnspnr· 1n ftrH 111 l RS wt>ll 11• mntor "'"h· j i;r1ven th!' problem and a11kt'd to IAtinn 111 wwc~ whn 11,., 11n111:11~ '" Ant. JOI bP• 11me llJ'J'RIPnt wnrk nut thl'lr ar tlon s 11crordmg i:i t 111 l'hn1<·~ Rnd hn~pltlll!I In lhtl'I ·But. 0\"1•r 11r11I nbo''" th1~. we tn their pro x imity In the three itr<'n . s1wh llJOI. F:I T1•ro Man nr clln·: l('nntlnnNI on Paf" I!> "homb4"' whlrh will be dro pped ~t ... ~-.,1 .,nll ':'u'''I H••$fl tlAI An•l 12'4:1 pm. tn1 ~~ Lo• A11gtlu area. 1"11m r l'enrllr1un Ho11r1tlll, 11n<I to Ba S hed CO":'ELR.AD radio t.at1on1 840 nJP .. l 11th,.r R·· I rro•~ 1r11n~p.,rt"· y earc GS 11an n•""I~ Ill hl·~•·l·mnh1fr•, lllk· Rnd 124~ ar~ t'Xpec d t o ~ In D• h Ad •ft operation llllO. H iii 11a.lrl. in)! wor>tM • tn th!'lr pflll'U 1lf J<~· lftCJ y fl !f 1J(nm~·n\, f'lh . .- WOMAN NABBED IN-SHOPLIFTING RAP HELD ON DOPE POSSESSION P11111··· ar1> , hN k tnic 1oa11y int o Attendant Hit Oft 111 •• nivi<tt'f\' r)f "" t'mph· Ii-fl. din· 1 • Ma i.h y '~'It h ·nutbuar<I n~tor !nund Head by p Seek•r <1•lr1ft Plltl,v thl• m orning 1n l"pf>t'r A tale of beln( tut ove.r the head Uav b)' :'\ewport J)'lllt •' Jt \4.:U a by a h•rd ObJect by a m an who h111f n11le belt1w the llp~r ramp. aaked him for two road map• thry .'lllhl. Fritlsy evt'nln1t w11.11 told to polle9 orr1. i-rs said the boat contamf'd by William Crtlghlon. 4!1. aervlce I\ rr >'Sh water \:>Q1t c111Ung p<M. •talion attenda nt a l 17th SL and , ,,..,, r•1ll1.>Wll, an .. mply thermos c •• ut H l jlhWllY l latlon • .A C<WI<• ~ff'lll hoU111t'w1Ce. orig-<Ultgl'dly lllk1ng two p<'Unda of' crea.m <'htt•e and ytllow )•Ill• In ti 1111.r. 11 p1<11' nf !lark glaasu. anti a C'r~rghton 1a.ld the man aaJud In.ally &J'Tffll'<l on a 1hopll!unr ground round and one can of fruit •m111I unlab~lf!d bn11 S03p1n1111o 11.J gM c e n from ~!11.run·a Str · tor the two map•. W'hen C relgh- charse. wound up by bt'1ng booktd JUiee from Alpha ~la Market. art ll•M by the 11111~t cauMd of-, VJ<.'!' Tht>y 11.JJ the 1malf thrH-ton bf!nl o ver to get t.htm from Into Or1U1g11 County .1 all on a 211 I:. 17th St . w 1l hout payment. flee re to ti.II eve the pllt.1 ml,irhl be qlMrter ho~ow~r motor &lt.acl'I· und.r a coun~r. be ~Id t.N man charre of J"'lll''M1!>n !>f nucollr1. Sh• wu &rrutf!d a t 12 18 p. m. • nan>oUc. po1111fbly lilf'KH lh· < h· rd wu n l\l running when found hit him on the back' of the head The n11rcot1r1 rh'11rgt' "'"" m ad!' .Mn . Cu hn,.r wu w~11r1nr b·lue talnf'd. Th!' su11pP1 t <':l\.11nM thry I 11nrl wu rull or gu. A reml'nl &11· and knnck~!l him down. ~nd1nK J rtl"rmm1111rn M rnnttnt.t Jtana a.nd a r l11"1 •hirt. tm·u tlga-wtre for rll~t f11Jrfl<l•t 11 <":i"r WM aleo ln th• bo&t, they Crel;;hlon M.hl th• ..-1.lant ot plll1 found 1n her J'f'l!Jlt'!Mllon. ling offl<'t'r• •1Ud. ;'l;otinnir & Police toolt UI• p1ll1 to the 131d. daah~d to a car on tl'I• hi(hwa)' Ml"8. J <1anne FraJw1~ 1'tU1hnf'r buln In hl"r p11.11ta J>c><'k!'l upon Sheriff• cnme laboratory fo r rlf!-Poh~ .aid U'lt7 ~ t.N ••· and took oft at hip ~ Rt 22. Cl! 314 Montr \'1~ts i': Coots urws l a th~. rn:1.-,. 1111111nn for I t<'rmlnatlnn of Mnten1~. A f'P 1y 11'1"11 a.o bHt t hey could •t that tO'lk the ro•p• Wl lh him but took M..-. w a.t htl•I tor poh<'~ by ~kin,.:. r-•\11 " '"J'<•rtt 1I ltndtnjt j theoft hnl 1 "'u J'll <'l'd on ~n. time for 11 poaalble body bur 1.to trt n ot.h1n1 elee from the 1ta llon, the &,..aal OUlcw Dou1lu Tlt111 for I two j)&Clt&JU or Phil.ad~ eubner by TllUI. WWMit t.o GDd ~. a&~ ..a4. • HUSBAND REASSURES WIFE Mn. Marvin Heiae Bullis, 43, 1630 Santa Ana A\'e., Costa ~Jesa. abO\'C rl'cc1vea com- fort from her hu1band following accident yesterday in which thP BuJlts car rammed into power pole on Coa.at Highway at Orange Ave. Bullis. 45. told nfficer R. F. Jel~ ensky, left. he turneCl otf highway to avoid 11triktng a car coming on highway from Or&Di• but 1Mte&d UDAebed LQto P*· Mn. Bullll ret'IHd med.l.caJ aid. IU1a' ~ • -1 L , ' .. 'St. Jam es Women to Welcome Rector ~ 1 • t~ as 1100 a t Park Show Cafe • 11 ~· c•t a •~nu i-t l u hlon •hO•· I 11n, h,_•na I~ I f' ~ hf ld at 11 I ll 1 1' m Thu11'tla\ in the f'uk Av.nu• c '"'"· M•rlnf a n I Park. Bafbotl l •llln·I 'SING FOR YOUR COFFEE!' canti Mrs . Hrucl' Mac- Donald Rl the urn. tu .Mrs. John l'h11l1ps, far ll'fl. But ft'• not coffel.', nor supper, but !1 c!tnnt·r <lnnce which th~ grour of Peninsula women if\ pla nning as they m <'•'l at th<' home of ~l rs. r:olda J osl"'ph. who is 111 OVERSEAS GROUP Service Women Meet Sunday Th" \\'•·m~n·s CJ\t'rs .. 11" S<•l'\'lu•I nn lntl'r11f\llnnnl f''"l:n•m 111111 1' charge of reservations. The affair will be held at New- port Harbor Yacht Club on June 17 and is a benefit for the Peninsula Point Association. Left to right are Mmes. Phillips, Emory Moore, Joseph, MacDonald, Bernard Davit and Robert Stabler. -Staff Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor I ;> ~11gue Urirn1o:e 1;,.11111 \ t '1111. "tll I •ltr""\•"' '"" ·" d 1111•1• 1-• 1•1°11ni.: nu.•••t un ~11h hl\ hp,. 1~•. a' 3 •tr •tUJ.: r t • .. ,,, I• u h1t1t1~ I'' u • I ~lrM. Jt.u1ws l' ... ,.i--i~ .. .!". J,j;1J.: 111• J11rh•l'•·l uH ",,,...,IH···I ••ti· T u11lin ,\ \'e, !"until Anll TJ11.• ••I\ .. 1 111 11,, I Jtt11·d .'i •. <11. 11.•. !lie - PART I -NEWPc3);HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1955 ran Ml lh•· l&u111• uf HS J ···~o hn' \ltlt" ,,, lfl•• 111 ... t '•>:ttri:t1 .. 1\1•1f ... t111 PAGE2 .. nwellltK Wiii 1'11rk llh• CHllt11l• lt••ll I \\••l,S I 1• 11 li··1~i.1p ·~ "·1·• 11.--------------------------------- "' lh .. 11r-• )• ar 111r lh.i unit \\I.I• 11 ! I •II•' .j ... 11 ... J 1 ., •• llllKS 1..l lhiil r~t •"',I 1t"' t1i1tlauu111 < h.i1 I•·' th 1 ., •• ,. u11.1 \\ '" ti•· ru "'' ,,, ..: u11.t.1· A pttl J'•~d !, •U •• , '•·hlt.l 1t1t• h> l"~1t·1·~l·. E l<'• t 1"11 •if 11ff1, er11. ritr• 111114 <•f >UlltllMI l • , .. 1 l ~ o: ,,ft,,,....... "" I 1·h:1•t n1• '' rrt11f t•r-J-1#-ffi-f'-+ff u( u,, ·'~· 11 , 1 r ti ., :n .1nn11al n1t••·•I · :.t 1 ,,,. l n fu be h··ltl a t \hftl. .. 1nl t ""'1 I• f••d 11· ·1 ... r., ,,.., .• h t1u• ,,, '''h••r u:~1•t1tl J.:t,\t•1n111t•nt ,,.,. • l:!U\.tiU tit tl t' LA «AKU'' I ~UH '-"' lht ""I or \\••I I \\';11 l I, 1111.ltt•h·~ II· ,. I l· l.,1 lof11, J inf' 2!'i . 1!14 \\Ill • • 11ri•11••n l1tll .. n .. t !ti" \'o·ll'r·an~ 1\ f· 1 •. ,•111 •t. .. hn~•fl•'1S "'~'•:\IHrl 1 1un1~t 1ut 1•1tl \ujun1u1v ~Pl\'H'" T r.t • \\oil.I+< a ,1, 1t h•Hir 11 l ~al1onal ,\1l\11q\' t '11111.11 llt,1 .11 '''"' h ull "' ,11, n , 1 i •r 1 .\'111. h ··n 1hlr,; the J .. , r<I 1111111 tu t'ft1U I\ ,,h,, l ,,., ..,,,\,•I ,,•r\ Jn U1Rn~ '' J~:t tJn• :,,-1\lif· "'•' .. "1th th· '''"~·I ,,,1., ... 111 i••U .,n•I v.011•·n tn llh• v ... t,•rnn'iC ... •1 111 uU11r\" ·"'f~•fl , t J, ,1 1 "',,t,tl• 1tl•1 1;.:.h• .t lfat·' •1Jlltt\• ,:!• \t JI J1 1•Z1l \\d i t., \\••lflli~"f I J°L•• \\1 1;-oil . '"' .1l,11 '' ''l•"'tUt1•1t qfJ Th•· •;,o:fhHll 1111• n:ttl1111 f .. IJll\I , 11 .. ~lllh•nlll .\l1lll1111· 1-:.~1·111 ... I u . .: \\ "11 \'. u 1 ,, d ...:• •t, 1 .t·n1 ••f J• 1hu f~· I 1t •n, , ( tl.1 \\• 1• t I ll1Pt! h\-\\UU • n \\h11 Ii \111 '{rtll'. ""I\• I .1/, rt .. \Ff 1, II•• \,-.;<' .\lt" I: 1•.o/ • h olk"''""· 1. 1 111· 1 J\Ht' \,\II \ ~1h.1\l111\ \!H \ .111•1 ,,. ..... 1 .. p lL,11111.d t. 11 I\ ht• Jt·,11h·d mn1 •· 111 11.,r \\••Hott~ ,1n.i 11:u1.in. hl :i1111 \1.1 Lto1 .. I• r !111th• 1 In t1t•'Clf or)1an11.1l1un" Jn H•.!1 llu'"~ t..1nual1· n ''r ti .I' 'Ji•1tl..i\ltu1 tu 1t • • 1Hl"' un1'tl'.t 1n ,\ nnttnn 1l ~ •..:.uu· ,,,, .• tint.: )h .. , I t~k· 1 ~••H :or' t\• I 7~ntu•n ,1._url\IPtl '•• k• "r "'•'"th-.! l'f'lllt t hrit 1•111111pl,•1l 11v"r"'A~ "'I· \lit• \\hn1 t h" \'nlt1.J :O:t111r11 "1th 11 •· \.,,, 1'1 ,u, Ht ·•t t ·1 .~1 l't Fr .1111 .. d 11 '"I: \\ 111 lol \\ 11 I hf'n u11 .. 1n'"'"'' t tn lh•· ~"I""' ·l 1 F p l \\nll•t rnnlhrl 11 • l'nit•"I ~tlll"• r Offi aSal COa ;\', r• • 111n1111n,.. I hP 1 aloi.· • f \\ tt1H• ,,., '-Pr\·1 (!' lfl \\ ;ll, lloikt••t : I •l••MH ,, tJJ t ,. H I«\\ l; ... , fi rlt '" u '' 11hh n ~ •h\ '""•"n •4 }t "''•tt:it .,, .,-Qi11n,1 •1··1 ~Ltt Ji, f111 1~ 11 q, i1h.! lll<'lloLcr ul lhe \\ U:O:L, ffu11 .. 1o11•1" ~h·· h•·11ol• d \h" ''",ti ol"l'•'I 'lth•f I 1-:,l•tt1 :'\;uutM•• HhK•'IS .~\t111 11•' tt f',1!'-tof•,n • ('r• ... t ii ·'~· ••'tilt d Ill \ • 1,,1;1 • M~ t)I .. l·llh \\I I Ii 1 n·nto·d "·" \\Al· th•· l 11 •L 1•! 11,,. Riverside Guests \\'Ollh"ll 2' ,,uhlttt \ •t•f' 1• • Rrc·t•.1tn1i:ini;r \li.1 \'lo1~1· l;11nd Ill'· ,\11,. .\1\1 .. 11 ~It.II 1b ,t111 ,f 1 II it· l \\cf'll l l1o """•I'll "hV 1111 I"' "'"of fl in.;~· .tr:•I :llr• l\.tl'lh II '· • • 0\itt leill. .. "' 1n huth "·''"·the ~~ .. n~· n • r H l\~t ' IP \'(f'ft' lun• h•·nn ~llt ,t~ nC \\'olltl \\ar JJ "'''".&d.UuULl.•n.U>Ja.i:.ut .l1.,.. ;l\.•t.:i:IP l'n•" .1t l1· 1\146 •l \!l~ f11s\ J11''L 1"' P,r\\t'O· I lie•• 1·11•u1trv t o;tr lion In 1\\l.rnl1• ~)I\ ___ _ __ _ Th·· \\ \ 11.H • : ; •'I).. I h"~I' youn~rr \\nm en 11•1l • .nl.\ • "m1.1d..-- ~hlJ1 8!1'1 O'tf'n•tl\' 1mrr'f'lr" .,,,rt t'l,.. frnan1·111I ""~·l'l"n' •' pr •l'l<lr•I n t1nie nf 1.eol' l l•1· n ,. t• :u•C 11111·1• I he op port untl ,. I •r l<l'I VI,." 1 .. romn111ntt\'. 1nn1 ... 11 n<1 111\ll• n. ;an,I Ha mmers Da ughter ~l.•1 n• • 1 f t 1 ;\I" ( i ifotl ., tJq I!-. 11' ! ' ~, ....... 111· n1•11n1•••t th1• t111'1\ t r il •:nuJ.;h11·r . I 1·1o· fl "' t ·,,, 1.11 :-.,.1\,tl H ·~1•11 .. 1 H orace Ensign St11dents Slate Graduation Dn11ce "Chl'try p1rk An•I 111 pl·• hi·~' 111 .. : 1 "/I • ''''"·' 11.I h1.J, n 111th whltt'" \\Ill b" lheme • ! lht' •lilt •· ;o1rot 11n I \1 1t11 .. ltl11s"'1111•. Th•• 11°111 party for the J:r11•luatrnj;?' '111~" • f 1111 11 (' 11' •n•lt'll\nrt~i: lo rnfike lhe t!le H orR C'P F.n,.lgn f;,·h1o1>I "" .. , ... 1111:,: "" 11:nt1q~dlablt> orw ru Thur1d11)· , Id•• th••r<' ".ti 11.. •lo"r f nZ•'ll Jn,·lt 11t1ons t a11y1ng '111 thl' 1\11•11IRt1'(' )'r:Z•' 1t•f1 f':.hmenu. rn· t helf'le hlll'e be1 n ~rnl to the ~68 ter111tnrnt<nl. m ilt\ i.lusl co19ill:•'!I ira<l~atl'S. The 11fffllr w tll he hl'l•I ' a m! b11u11mnH'rr~ for o>l'Prycm1• in the a uditorium of the Nl'\\ p11rt 1 :'>11811 ~lsry Be1 ry, echool coun~~l­ Jffach School from 8 lo 10 JI) fl m. , r. 1~ th!' '""'her ol.tn\e chn11111l'n and mu.~lc \\"tU ~ 1upplll!'d b) t ht nn•I hu !111.: tilt> I" TA dam" ('Olll· Horac.-e En,•lfm S('honl IOWlnR blllld. mntee 1,. )I r .. John l'rmblt·. wllh "Ptrk'• Jl'rk~." 11ll"1~t11n"' hy Mml'it. Jo:oeph 1 ·sr· \.\'Ith the rulJance of ~trs. Rex l'l'r, lth'hl\t•I Ll11enth.1I, Albert Brandl, tea cher• and P·TA mrm· ·A rnutruni:. C'hr•tPr J::, kerts, Rob- ber• ara worktnr to transform the trl Zlt'glH. Jae k Brl\tlbury, Altlf'n audltonum into a 1arden of Chtrry DN>sburlt' 11n1I :0.11'1 Berry. ' LIDO ISLE MEN'S CLUB TO HOLD FIRST DINNER L1Jo l!.le )lcn'1 c..'fub "111 hvlJ 1111 C1r~l mcellng w ... 1n.:sJay 111 \IH• nt>w ly rl'lllotll'h«l duhhuuse with dinner 1n b" ... n ·ed 11l ~ t• 111. l'romolcos of lh<' K'"UJI are F:rw ry Horn~ .. n. Vui( 1•nt H,.,11y 11 1111 Walter \;erhardl. The killer lA well kno\\n for ht' 1·ulln1u y Bhlllly anol will bC' <'h"r for lhl' .:1·,.11111g. A111111.i:; tho:.c \\ l1u •"I><• l tu b<t pr('l\<:nt nr ,. <:1 111g C'.1•1· walihh r. t ;, • .,rK•' 11 .. 11x 111. Jlu~h Hutson. H••wani Lf'wts. Hulph Thndo\lliky, :-.le<l llrll, H11nk Lunnl'~-. Burton Rombur~H. a11tt F.d Sn11th, ·"""·!wrs 1>( lhc Lido 1 ... 10 \\'omeon'" {'lull are w onil1'n11g rf Lh1• 1111•n will cn b s umco <•f I heir M•·as or c nme llp 1.-ilh s .. n, .. ,.ler1h111: n.:w ont.e. BOARD MEETS Heads Ne\v Con1n1ittee Na111ed by J11nior Ebell -s..ic.t1"11 11{ 11n new 11.111•1..or 101.t i:t"<)ri.;e ~11111h, \111\ll 811'1 rneanP anH•i\HPC'll\l'Ol u ( c•u1un\\\"" •tH•U·f1f\pt1\"4L"fll:ltn·•·. t ,1·i1rJ:t• 1;u1r Jr.I 111.,11 t•ir 1h1• c::11ni111g ilulo ~ .. 1r f•cnn\' r;r l. \'11r11~ ll•rl•"•'" Jr . l\t•fl• I ••l><•ll11nl lltn·~ \\h• n l••tll I l«!'>"nal '"I~. 1~·~:<1· '1rrhnJr, nlll· 1 r ,1·11 1 .. n, .. 1 .J11n111r Eh·•ll L'lut> n.• t 1.1• se· ''' n. J 1o•n.il I C'.nrk ~"nth .1 ,u ... ~' c:tl t hP hll1no or t h e 1•1f"!'I 1 '"i · 1 it, n tat t • .ta• .ttu•n l'•ln· 1 dl'nl, .\lrs. F1t'enmn Fuiher. I Hl•I ~ 1111 .. r. 1'11·1 1 l •<'t•'ll"'· ~=·1wnrrt ;\I t!'. ;.,; .. llwn 11,,111moo<f \\'rlll ~··· h.fl). L•tt•l141•l, lli,11.111 ll oyl, I l t h I I , "" rlN•1··1< lt<•>:t-r l.lann.1 f.,r I. 1n· 1 •.• t• 41 r f' "' \\' Ut \'tq.or •)I A lwo \Pao Jlf'rln<I l!ll\rllng J un" I. l• •na• .. m11I tPlat1on .• , .I \\. ll1·m· ~hllrt-;,g <111t1e10 w ith :O.lrll ,Jnhn "1''' · '1'11"11'°1111' t<nol ""''1,,1. .. n, I • 1\ i: It ,\11 • Pnrt .. a.~ •ll'nn uf rhsir· ..lllllAI :'>ll'l< h~hrr llJUIOlHlll'" I he 'Ulll· I'~· tt • i ha.11n~n ftir ltt\' c·1,1111r4;, • .u?• 'l''1r They 111cl11.1.. :0.111 "' J.111 .. ~ ''hft•. r t'•ll.'l'l:Hlr,n • \tdl l\tt "l H· 1·1111 ~ ""'rt• J.;t·~-··n 11n tli• 1 ("· '• 1 I .~u11H1H11 c •Ult n r;, t' hial1l '" F1.i.~11 .. n ai1J lhl\ ann.uwu:emenl •1<•11 .1 .. 1.n ~l 1t'ar1.•r. 1.JU•n ,(th•· r•.:il• 11111 l h" 111'\t """11\' • •11·1 T.1lll,.1 , J.:d\\tfl ~ln~lf'I, r11rolur oC ,!1•1!'r.t" \\'tll hi' h•H lJ1' I I tn 1-1. M•ttlun,, s1.·11tni: l'1111~. p1rltd· llaltr8. I r ,..r1:t11 .. 1 n H••h<'rl \\ hllr 111r111 • I Thr I• ~11enattu11 • f ~I 11e I A I·• l•h f• H«ll\' 1J,11nb1 f!e~·n .. ld~ :-.1.,nioe (1 in lh•• club .. " a.""' ~tpl· l l•lllool I< lo lltl C'lln1nl •nil), .\l)I• 11 I'd !Jf J«ttllrll,Kr lnll'"f ~l W,18 lt,t ' Miiier. rommunlly wrlf11re. A1 • s111;i .... 111 •'II•• nt nf th!' Ur 1nr.:•· l·uun·, thur :-=t'tb. mo ral antl llplrltual 1I1· ,J11n1111· lif'1wfll t!•rn•" '" 11<' held \·a.lut's . Rubert Fralll')'. hlstori1rn: I 1r1 7 In ~·1111rrl••n 1'11 .. ,., •• 1,. w ill PHONE Kl 2-0652 ~~!;~J. Your F\ln 'M1Jl bl l'Olbpll'tfl.' prolN"lf'd from aJI aummtr haaard• In our ad,.nlllkally ronlrollf'd cnhl atnrace ''aulh on our preml••·• • • • "11 hln "••Y rc>at"b wbf'n fllll .... In ! Frl'I' l\ondPlt r trkur Stnlt'41 SANTA ANA FUR co. OPf'll Frtdn l::vrnmgs l:ntil 9 ~OR ~forth Rro11dway ~anta Ana • Auxiliar~' Hears About I'""'"'"'~" 1:r11•t>I' """ ""·''' 111 \'•·rn• Mel',., 1, 11 ""mmf'ntal• Yukon, Me1norial Fund •'••nlinutnR lhl• J:•!l ·1ot11 in.: j "" 111,~ltll """" f.t1•h1on• f('lr &11 HAO C'ONTRAM OOl'h 1"n• fH•lll 1.1•1" J'tul\lonl, 0&7 T!Jt> \\'om11n'a-: A uxilrnry n f·$t. Jame11 F:piHcopal C'hurr h 111ct on Wcunesda~-. June ' 111 the Parish Hou~. L unt henn was served by members of ~t. Margattt'11 Guild of Costa Mesa. and a basket or daisies. carnation11, and Queen Anne'1 Lace centettd the table. ffl 111:i.; Gf><ld l&mantan Hoa.,1'0~1. I.om«', l.11 Krn1. llral lhop. r11111 '~ned tt 8 d<>on a M 11 yura Ell~•nr 1. ~h r1h n'I' M4 ~-­ ltv.-r 1h1 Ou'•<·•-.an \\'o mlln·,. Au x· l'\ort11n • 1lt11 ry l'l&;n4' 1 "' rnnt rnfl "11 h I h,. - h"~l'll ll l l'Plllnl: ur II"' .-noln\\ nll'nl ll f11n•t 1•( $ZO 11oo1 111 1 et urn fn1 11 frl'" ..... t fnr nrrrly rslltnl~ 1.111-1 ,.,.,,r !hi' t>n11rrt f'f nu1n•i:•r• (f'lt ttt. ann ... l Mllet1\ ba.&aar llA4 th"Y 1"'11"1 no \nnii;,.r 1naln ta1n th• bndr,. lunc.-heon on \\',.dnnday, fr,.,. b"d t> .. r11u•,. 1•f 111r re110f'd r0111t July 20. In 1dd1tton lo boolh1 1n "r"rnltt>n "'' nn the 11dv1ce of whlr h lo'ill contain cooked f ooda, I H1sh11p Bin\• lhf' ""'"") rrnm t h,. "white elephant1", a nd hand-m ade' nw111nnal f11n1I "l\ll wllh•lrn\\ n, 11n•I arllrlu . en Old C\lrloally Shop I• th,. h"sr11 111 1u,. rrheHd "' 1 hf' ~1ng planntd. w1th old al Iver. ··onl ra('l. 1' ~ Th• Rrv. a nd Mn. J .,hn P.Tilt, w1111 lht 1r dou~htu •nd !hrtf' ton•. arr1vl! htTl' Tuuday. Jun,. H . f!'<'m Norwood, MaM. Thi' Auxtlt· a ry 111 plannf'd " 11prdal rofff'r afltr lht rlf\''n o'clock 11trVlcf' ('In July 3, follow 1ng Mr. Parkt 's first. Sunday u 1 ector of SI Jamf's. Mrll. Jf'rry Hall w-., naml'd r halr- man Of Lhf' ('Of{ l'P :m~~'IOS u :TTY.R Ot special tnttrl'•t w,.a a lf'ttf'r trom thf' R""· Rlr har" T. l.Jlml><'rt of St. S1tphen·1 Mbston. F'o11 Yu· kon, Alok11, who 11' bl>lnit tran1· fl'tTed to St. Malth,.w'n Church In Fairbanks. ln addition to lhl' rtg- ular pai·1•h life hf' w ill h&vt.' a m lnl>1lry \\1th 11tudl!'ntll al !hi!' Uni· ''eruny of A Iuka. •trvk tmtn from two atr-.-b-rr. ali'd many Eskimo lll1 d Indtun people. Mr. Ll\mbl'rt dtacrlbed Ult. win- ter tn Ala.ska u being normal, - IUTlple 11now. let , tog, a nd ahort houMI. AlUlough thtre 11re many poor nylng <l1ya, he ofttn vlsll11 hl1 partahlon'ni In ouulattona by pJAn~. BAZAAa PLA."118 Ftn..t plan• .,.. belnr m ade f or r o to • tu.nd tor buildln~ a thera- ~uuc pool. Tho1e attendl.n( the bot.rd meet- lnir were MmH. Flahtr. Smith, Jamu Whit•. Robert White, John :'>IC'Carty, Gurr, FullJr, Parta, Tom Woodward, Reynold•. Robert L . f.'ra lley, Herbert., KeJJey, DtAn. Corton, Wiiiiam Culltn, F orre.l Alllndl!'r, Don Hayton, Flntter and Lamv. rhtna 11nd la('e arllclu ottered for Th,. pr4'11tnl flrnd. with ,. mwl,.u1 nfl'. Tir kl'!s fnr tht> party may bf' I"' $22,:100. , .. "'"""~"'' h~ "11 Ad· oht11lnl'd from Mra. Orrin w. 1 nsnr.1·, omn1111~ "' wtuch Mrll \\'right Jr. R obl•on 13 a mc>mbC!r. and lnl'l11<1,.11 Mr1. ~orgl' Robison of Wflt· a rrpre11,.n111tlvr fl"m\ n ch 1•(1n1('1. wood Vlllaft 1poke at th@ meeting <'Rl 1nn tn thl' <11m·r•I' Th" mnn•'\' on the Wom an 'a Auxiliary Memor· 1~ ""W h"int: u ... ,1 R• fininr1111 h"lr 1el fund. She traced lt1 hl"lory I'" lh,. I'll k nr lllJ11rerl. back 10 188e whrn a rroup of Sun - day 1chool chlldr•n In St S'11ur11 A r nurt .. 0 1111 11rl\'l'r h 11 ""'" Pa riah In Loa Angf'l4'll ra1•t th,.1r dr1v•·r. fK>tnlll oul the :o\11tl(lna l birthday pennJu to makt posatble I Automoblll' Cl11b. 181 MORTGJ\GE llJr\NS - ON HOMIE8, 8UllNE•I ANO INOUe TltlAL P'ltOPl:RTll:e WE AIEl'ltl:81ENT P'AIYATI'# ANO INSTITUTIONAL C LICNTe ( •ORROWIER• ANO L IE""Ol:llH J ,.ADM COAeT TO COA8T WE MAKI: NO l'IER•ONAL eOLICITATION9 TRUST DCCD9 BPUOHT A NO 901.0 WM. 8. HOLT MORTQAQIE BANKING •tNCI: 1930 1'09 N. 8U8H 8Tlfl:l:T e ANTA ANA. CALIF'OR .. IA ICIMaCRLY 3·7118 - All their livei 11t,y'U 1lui11lt yot1 /or '""GRADUATION OIFTI POITMLI TYPIWlllll ..... ii.. -v. ,_ ........... ) -w1u. "_..,.. ...... t.J ( .......... typl.cl· n...,... .. -.;. .,µIWj ,. .. a full.-bJ'-"., ..... I 1att1., .__, 184 ' 1 I I •tJ -In • Sahli·C.ffta ,.....W.l 902 N9f'ttt Mein IO 2-2361 Santo Ano DAY &·NIGHT JETGLAS GLASS-LINF~ WATER HEATERS . 10;; Down JOE BECHTOLD Watt r ffl'ater SalH Sen·IC"e R.ep&lrw PlumbinCJ 1037 W. Balboa llvd. Kewport leach Harbor 5330 When he's really old enough to Leok f•r \h• •••I of Lo"i LUo shave ... this Gas ·water heater will still'be going strong! Wanl 11 \ol ;tlt"r healrr 1h11 i.ill Jtli,·n )tars and )ears of rarrlrrl' •rn ir,.? Th,.n 1h ..... r11n 11utc•m1tic Gu ,.·11er huter 1h11 11rrir,. th" "1>ri6td Lon11 l.1lt cal. Thi~ H'11l.is )uUr iu•unnct ol 11 lnp·q1111lity appli~ncr-1ine th1t1 's huilt In lo•I. ~ Ila• ".11.-r hrolrn i.hid1 bear the Lonll Lile ::>eel !Ire> m:iole (lf l'Of'per - M hra'' frfugr •lf'rl linrd with Fl•••. ,\nol rr111rml•er.1hi1 •ral ;,. to be found only on Gu "'tier hute,-,. Sre yvur nei~hborhood plumber for drtail!. H1•• "' 14'•• 1p,ii111ce1 '""tlf 1 If rou'vt •'1dtd-ot ere pt1nntn1 to 1dd -•ut h wondu1ul n•w tOrtlll'en • lenr f'\ 11 a n 1utom1t1c c.1oth1a .,,.,.,..,end d•\h w 1 1P'let. tt ,,,•mt>er -th•Y 11--.e oientt of a u•<• Plot ••t•r. lh•V ',.,v. t OU b•O•r If ~Ot.1r •uto­ ""'•f1 c,,, 4lt«r hC•t«t II th• rl&hl ~1/! fO' I Ou' "•t d \, .i. SOUTHIRN COUNTtrS OAI COM .. ANY Only GAS 8 gives you such modern automatic appliances -:===============::::::======::::::==========:;;===:;:~=====~/ Norge-Tappan-O'KHfe & Merritt-Wedgewood Ga1~an9•1 JGke' s Appliances SAW UIERTY 8-1641 -SERVICE 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART I · PAGE J . ORANGE COAST YMCA .GROUP OFF TO PARIS J UDY .·LF:EPER, RIGHT. points out to Gwen King the 44-lb. luggagl' limit on air lines is going to melln · cari>ful sell·Ct1on of clolhl·s. Samii Schmidt and Ruth Uurlley lc·n'1 thr·ir aclnre for the packing confC'rence T he g1rh;, all ~~wp11rl Harbor L'nion High SC'hool studen~ f'Xl't·pt c;wt·n who hvC's in Seal Bl'al'h. were preparing to lea\'l' for E urope as delegates to th<' Y~tCA Ccntl'nnial \\'11rld Conference 111 Pa n s. -Staff Photo STUDY PROJECT Federated Juniors in Final Session SHARON SHERRILL A~D J OAN KIMES of Nrw- port Beach. young adult dC'll·gatl·s to the Y~tCA Ccn· lC'nr11a l Worh.I Conferenl'c 111 Pan~. F1·a m•t-are pre- sented thC'1r credentials by 1)111«-C'ox. gC'n<'t·al Sl'<'l'C'· tary of thf' Orange C••a::.t Y~tCA prlur to thc•tr d<·· partun• J unr S fo r a 1<:un11•t.'!trl ll>U r and World "Y" Concla\·r. -Stuff Ph11l1l were g1n~n hi' ZHrt1le and P114111ta, 1 • - 1nternat1011111· r111umb111 1N•onttui.: Birthday Fete stars. anrl Htll lit11 11111111. wtw pr ... st•nt••d l!l'flH'S f1 t11n pnpular pht,\'!<. fo1· San·ta At1 an 'l'hP pre111dr-11t of t'<t<'ll l'lllll """ 1<.'<k1•tl tu to•ll of h• r 1.:h1h II h,.,1 A IJ, ,11111!11lly "Pl~ 11\lo•tl h1t'lh1h1y pu1d a nd unpu lJ 11r11grnms fr • 111 turwl .. ·1111 h1•r101111..: ~Ir., ll1ld.t lllllt yeur 1-:1·· ri n nf Sanltt Anti, \\'n~ h .. ld <:1c .. ltntu1l11 1t•r111tH show1•1! !•~> ~la\' 2~ at tht' \\'>II• rtr .. 111 hona· 11! p1·~,ent Moll H11rul1l r'1•l .. 1 •<, ~t r'. J .u11 .. s Eolwanl~. X1·11 p111 t Young People to Attend Centennial Conference I hf' ntt'cls "' J'llrtu·ular 1rro11p& e>f \ 11u11g Jlt'UJ•ll' 111 dlfrl'N'nl rultur•11. ~l)ll•l' of lhci YMi.'A l'lllba hav" h'"''" rro•r11r1ni.: fnr U1• <'f'n tf'nnlal I hroU~h I hf' Ullt' ot ·~lally J'r-9• __ _ pan-<1 1tud\' boo'k8. F1\'~ .high 1whool and two colkge> age members of the 1--·--- Orange Coast YMCA µIan to attend the YMCA World C'cO• I Junior Ebelles tenn1al CC1nfereftce in Pans. France Aug. 12 · 23. Dl'part1llg I soon on YMCA sponsored Eu1·opean tours the high lll'hl>Ol at Conference and col\egi> 11~e grnupe will st'e the cont111e11t prior to thei r , , r.ll• n,lance 11t 11ne of "1lC W11Th1 •the C'111\f1•rer\e1• uf \",111111[ ~1'•11 and \\hen th,. all.Ja y 1ummer "-On - Y ~IC' A ""n(u <'11t"!'ll ht'ld Ill th!' Y (lunlf Wnrown Cwt'n 1-\111,1: or 1'1'11 I t1'1 c•nl't' of l hf' i.>rlLfl~C' Count V Fe.I- t I'-L' b B h • () 1· \ •t "'"''"" ,,f \\'•1111<"11'11 Club; waa ll!Hllr 11111· In vl'lb, r rM,, 1 ."l\\' I~ l•le 111ni.:1· 11,\~l "· .hmn ,.;:11nl'll 1111.t Sha nm Sh~rrill LA·., Jelegute to lht' Oldr1 Bo\·s hrl•f J 11nr t In Pullertnn, attf'n<1· of r-;,•\\ri•rt """'h ha'" b .. ,.11 111111 \.Ir~ 1·1•nfr1t-111" ~1 1 .. ~ 1'1111; tng r 1e1111 :-.'C'WJ•ort Harbor, Junior ! ,.,..,., l•"' ,.,. ull ou.d 11,•lf'j;dte~ tu '"II h" a1·~•Hllpttlll•"I by 1;,111 ~:bell l 'lu b \\ t r f' J\111v·1. F're,.man -F'rnhm. Jud~ ~l.'t'\'t'I sn•I K111h Fl~htr. prts11l\'nt: F"rre11l Allin· Picnic Finale for Pack 182 Oudl"Y '" \'••r< 1111 J• I ~t><1 1111<1 ·l~r !"1111thrrn t •1~lrtrt t'11rrt<11pond-I Sa11d1,. S1 h11;1oit pl :0-:t•\\ 1~•1 l B NH 11 lnl: aefrf'lRn·. (;t-or~" Smith !'OUn-I wh .. "'" h•• '"'""it th" tu111 1u11f I\• tf'l'rt"•<'nllUl\i' on waya a nd 1lb~f.'rving a 1 111 .. "Y" ('unff'1l'n1•' • 111,..111,., 1111 I T •'lll \\'f'0<1wa r1J, Or· Duk!' C••i.. ~en1 '"' 1.i•1retsn• uf 11n~1· l "uunlv ~ ... \\'ration trf'uurer Orann• 1'1111~1 Y~IC'A 1111111 .t 0 th111 .\I•.• \\1l(;<lwarcl \\llS reC"enlly e lec· A ru nu· in Costa ~lesa Park the r"nh•ren1, 111111 kl< tht' l(Hlth tr<I tCI ht>r n"" po~. I Thor' l.c\ 11111•1 nu<1n 11n.t rn-nrng, snn""'"' 1n· .. r thr \\ 11rl1I A lht<n• ,. n .. ,.1 .. 11s1 s for lhe confl'rtnce .lllnl' II. WdS f11111 \ 111u1i•mbl\" for uf Y~tC'A-. Tht• .-xr<• l1"l tittrn I· \\'i•r.• lllf'lllht'r.11 of lhe Fullerton I "1h !"<'11lll Pack l :? 11f :'\e\\ port anre 1s 10 OOI l'"r~ .. 1,, whu will l.1n1ur \\"1•111• n " l'lub Thoae a t· llr11:1n,. Awards 111111 b,en pre· I reprt>al'nt the rvunt1 l•'.!o p .. rth 11.•t· •••nt•·•I prl'\'IOll1>ly at 8 111e!'tmg in I rnJC m lht> \\'orlll Alhtin,., '''" 11111: f'Kl ll<'lJ'l l e.I tn wnrk11hopt lltlrl~•I' \'1t>w s, huol b\· Cutimas-Allee F'ux , illrf'r tnr vr li111, ·11"1 •Iii<• 11.•:01t1n• un wayis a nd t1·r l..<·1>t1 r \'1 .. rhng a1de1l b\• Mrlo \\'ork is p11111n111.: " b<'neftl dllllh'I llll'l.lll~ l'"'l>P l.llll, parliamentary I · , '""' and prt'.,s. "'' 1. 111J1111111nl L·u~m111st«r who un bt'h81f or tht' Tr1-Hl-Y ~lrlit 111 • l\lll lw 1•11l1111ustPr next Yf'llt. ra1~e nd1l1t!nn1tl (unci~ 1 ,.,.,.11,..11n· '" 1 .----.;:====;;::==:;;:~ Att ... r th•• up<'nin~ r r1 1•monr hy m l\kt> this .. xp .. 11en1·,. l"'"''lbh,' 111 I h•11 ti i: 11 til we1 e prl'~l'nt e1l to adrht h•n tn I he rent<'nn111I rPl~b1 II · !ll1 M W1lll11m \hnrltun, 1·oonlinl\· \l(ln, the purpo~,. 1,f the l'<mfl'rt'n11• t"r \llt'tlln~ 11 1111 J.li1'Y In llJ!J'rt'C'ltl· 111 thP prel'f·nlllllun or lhe C-hn •t11111 111111 f11r 1h .. 1r work 1i11r111g the rnessage, bllllolln1t p1·11l'e 1rnd 1111>1 y \'1•11r ( ·111sui.:e11 un!I certlfll'fltt's of 1tmonl{ the na11un11. 11 ntl u11•1·t1ni; 11111'••1111!1••11 \\••nt to tlen mulhPrl', ·'""''" Kl•llr1 l Uun(un. I len t ; Hnhnt Ultph1tn\. llen l , ~!Rx l'"I'" 111•11 3 l lw1~ht T1rr1ng, Dtn ~. Tt• hard J1•n··~. l •<'ll G 1111.1 ~or- T tU: ORO:\~ l'Oll CA.'l 1'1,,\ l ' AT O~Cf: ! the wondertuJ new HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN The Whole FamJJy Can r ta} I\ \\'IUIOU\ 1-llll! Orange L'1111nly J.'cd.·11<t11m {lf I or lhf' (')llb lll'W<4!ihed \\'ornan'11 Cl11h' J unior ~lnnl11'1 • uni:•· l'••<'I ·· \OUnty 81f\'ll><JI , of 1;111 d1•n 1:1 <1\I' 1'htl •t II •Ill l':.11••111. l ll'n !I "T hi' Or· pr.,St'nlr.t tho Rll!•nr!Rnl't" t1t11•hv .\1t~1 t ull111g th" tu1t11d,1~ 1 .. k,, 1h1r ht'ld 1t11 flr11t Orsnic,. l '11•1nty m eNtng 111 1-~1111.-rton with \ht' ~ ul- 1••• lon Juruur E lltll Ill! h11~\e!IM'I! Thi' morning adgt'n<lll 111"h1tle•I r t'g1.stra twn and < offe,. h<•Ut, fol· ll•>A'td hy wur kl!hOp8 cm prt'llS and parh&mt'ntar y p r o c e d u r "· T he prciM worki.hop had as 1111 .111wak· f.'r How&rrl Hall. J1'111mall~lll tead1· er al F 11llerl1111 Jtilllnr C'ollege w ho 011\lint"<I \,hill \\>tll n peC't ed Jn pre,.,. rPl,..ltA"S .\lr.s ('l1ffortl Holt. llU'l ~ c>1u s pn.,111 1·ha11 man. e1Cpl.unrlf t /OP · pre1111 11n•I public r,.l11t1n n11" r nnlest &1111 pub\IC'llllon to lhf' ,;,.,.1 .. n C:1 0 1·e J unour!' ~··-<l I ~Ir,, E1 • rett lld' MllJ'fl~"" w1lh a Th e J•t11 lla m!·nu;ry wt.rk:.h11p 1 1·r111nty 111Prtrn,1t will be h"ld nl ~h11\1 "' .. ( e111 111 i:,. hart a pbnl'I groi.p u! :.t1>1 O \\".1 t..a Hnbrit 11n Ott II 1:111'"'" i11J •\I' I !lumi; th• 111.;ny Frf'• l<. on "Kr!!p<1ns1t11l1ty fl( )lt>Hl· · 1 "'"n• I~ ••f , Q •t1>I. 1~11 · •I 1111 111111 her~h1p.' !llu ~tttrttn Bullts, 1111 'All c 1.f • t nhJdi. ii' •111 11h11h )Ir. Rlo•I :.1rs ··~o \"QU HB\'I' Bl"<n Apri<11nlt';l 8 a 1 orn1a E•h\·sn1~ htt'.-,,.11,.,t.,u. .\tr l.111'\" •undue t l'd a \\'t'beloa I I I' IU• ll~ 101 R11h· 1 l FBI C", Hilly \-, .. 1k,.1 an.I Hobby Arch1•1·. who I 1 "'•I\ "•I lhP1r \\'1•bl'lt111 1trrow11. E<1· 11" :-:'.,1 k o>I' tl'C,1\'111 , rir11t pnzt ,,.,,.. ll111j.! 111"1'1 l1rkf'lll 1n the I :... ·nut ·•J·R111111t 111111 I >on Aakhuss l'hatrma n" anti :.1 1s I. L \\ti-I ~Ir:.. l::\t•rt>t< 1io tl'tHh•r l•I U1· • l••"k 1/11• ""' "" I pl IZl' l1Bm11, nn "~louon~. \\'hy 11ntl E h.b.t Slated ani.: .. l 0C11L~l 1·· •t.·i; .. R•lult .. 1.mn;? Jin\\ x 1 1 ........ s in Fn .. nd1 1,u1·!<ll! \\ l'H' l>c·I 1\ "11th. r.1 .. nt 8 \\ a I •IS \\!'Ill lo Another speaker "8.8 E 1tward r111111l!. and 1111 l11·ll'd ~Ir,, 1-:.Jwa nb, I II ll :!. Hot.II\' \\'aJk"I wolf silver I Russell O( the Ora.nge County at F es ti va l /111,.lt'i-~. ~ltm. \\'dli;tm ll(•t lie H "'I..... h.o Ill Km.I< r. "' f\'ICe star ; I health department. who •poke to K Cho ,,,, ... ,. )\,1r;1•111" :0.:11 1l1•x t;au· l.:u 1 Y ffrit.c. Sf'l \'H <-sta c lien • · th b b l"'t r All I h f ''<•II u! 'I ,n... I'• I•~ ''"l1utl, 1 'll'lj.;hl T11 prng. h .... , 1:"1'1 1trrow. e mC'in t'rl! Oil Ill 11 ng 0 a arll8\.a l\'ln~ tn t I' stall' (J .. r ~ ~ fa '"' h I h C l u 11th J,,11, ~ .'Ir·., 1., .. 11,1 Ji,ne~. l\1,.11t I .:1ndl'R!< tJ1•111· iMdlo(t' ltPn p )"II Ol t>rapy pool, lhelr pruJPCt 8 lft\rnlR tire 11<\'lt l'tl lo o•Xhlll1\ " ~ " ·'~ • " fur· the )'t'IU In \ha 111,;t "All C:ulllot'nla E '\hlbl· ~111°•'~. T,•11; \"11 k1 '"· l-o11hu'~ Sun· ti. 1 '•'11111, \\',ilk•'•'. lw tir ~if\•er II(· ll .. I lh 'ft B h J' '''rs, Geur"e l'lt>wit rl, J•aut Al· r11\\. \\ nyne Jor1t'~ wvlf g-<1llJ a r· Orange County g rnup wlll re· cm 11. P ..... .i:unn e&l' · , . .._ " " relve money frorn s outhern Vis· ll\'&I of A.r\11, J uly 16 thtolll:'h bni.;'1t 1tnll ~Ira. Paul Van Oegrifl 1 '"" .l.Wn !I: John .McCallum. bPll.t 8 et 40 Officer A l • ''o-hoste.'111. • Mill"l'r a110": (Ji;len Moore. wolf j Elects !net tow11.rd building or lhe pool, Ul{Ulil · sil\'l'r f rrnw, S\r \'('ll Ca rlson. wolf along with the money ra.iaed local· CMh prizes t11llllln.i: S2000 will sol\'t•r ., ro" 1y. Tha fund r a.ll'rng pi·oJe<'l this bt nwardt'd oil p1tint1111:" und wut"r s Pl Corp veflr Wiii be 11. dance on Oct. 7 al colur!I in b<>lh l'1Jll:JCl'l'8ll\"e 11nd ummer ans Mrs Popl''s Uen 3 won t he pllck l11 e Sunny Hll!JI Recreation Crnter mridern <Jlt.lf'g<mu wtlhOUl re fin~ Rnll IJrnll 2 and 9 conducted La Petrie SB Inn of Orange Co un· rn Ful~rton. A HawarlM theme lion as to the subJt>Cl m11ltH GD Alumnae 111 .. rloalng reremony. t y , 163 of 8 el 40. elecled officers wtll ~ used with a name ba nd. Proaptcllve e1Chlbltor11 may ut>- a t the meeting-ot June 8 a l the I Mr•. \\'altar Petke, way• and t&Jn en try torma by writing to the h ome ()f Mni. Clifford J ones, Ana· mea.n1 cbalnna.n, called a meeting Fe11tlval ot A rta. l.aKtlnll Bea1 h, helm. a fter 11.·Chlne11e dinner. to work on pta.111 tor the d&nC'!!. CtAl!f. Fea tfval offrrlal11 l'rnpha.,1zc Mr~. J 1'111eph Ell111, Lo11 A.IKmltoa, I E ach club w ill have a rerre"enl11.· tha t no piun\Jngs should be sent 10 r etlnn11; le •hll.peau, p1e111detl. The tlve on lhts committee. Laguna Bur h. lni•oming IP'Ollp ot offl<"t'rll lnclud· The luncheon wu 11 buJfel ('f· SUbmlss1on11 will be Judged ul e11 ~t r11. Paul f>t;IC't or, SIU\lR Ana, t er.ed by Knot la Berry .1-· a r m. lhl' Br1.1g,1tl'r A rt Ser\'1C'e, Lue An· Ir rhapeau. Mrs. Robl'rl J. Brlg,1t11, M11.11c durrng lhe lunchPOn W&JI by gt•les. by II. jury C(inl\lllllng or f'r<>- f°Ol'Ul ~t~sa. le demi pel1t chapl'au lhe f'Ullerton Boy"'' Club orchta· ft'llMlr 1-·r,,.lenrk .\~1ght, d1rt-ct"r premou , ~!I'll. Ted A shma n, La lra. ot gallerru at l:.l.L.A; Jo~l'f'h H llbra. te demi peUl ch&ptau d~ux· . 1-\Jlton. <ii rector ot t hti PllJ'Rtl•·r & At the Cracker Barrel Alpha Gsmma Delta Alumnae o( Ol"llnge County h11.,·e 11l.11led their July lunc·heon 111 lhe-home of .\tr!I 1'ha1h•11 Grub .. 1, Hunllngt• n Be1<t'h , fty ('ARO t:ATON and 11 planned pot tui k in Anicui.t l~•fe tn lht raw umber depa.rt- Rt t he Boilbna hume of ~ll'll. Lihih nH•nl. nr h~f' Y••ll 1•h1:£.kt'rl your '"I ll nrl w ntrr. color \11bet1 l'"ely ~ Pht-llesplarP. Husbands w lll hP 1f lh••\· llrt' gPrtlfll! bPnl an<1 Jt1w, g\IP~ls Ill tht' l11ller B!f.t11. ~.rn•h· ""'' f:lf'Rnm f:nf•t'ld "'ho Plana for lht':te "''ents, a~lt-Tmn ·an•! npf'!a\, Thi' 1·rarkrr a~ for an Oetobt>r l• .. nd1t brur11 h 11.crrt>I :.t J2.lj Ajt>ll <> A,.,. llht <l.!l1l fa.sh1un sh .. w, '"'re lll\lUg\lrul· I• r 1 y g1 1, Balboa ISlllJ\11, will WAVES SPECIAL Complete $10.00 $750 Permanent • • New Location 357 N. Ne'Nport Blv. Crossruo,1~ \"illage Cent.or Bldg. opposite Hoag Memorial Hos1ll.t.al Liberty 8·2112 Giie,, ~ &aul'J S/,op :O-ul\': !II 0 !\if'f'd co r11ke ........ 11n1 Come In and Prove I It to Y ounelf We ah•o ln\•I~ y ou to come lD and try lhe oew Hammoad t>IDel Or-1.-1'-~ ..... ~-..-1 DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIANO & ORGAN STORE tll'IM!quarltr9 for All Modela Ha.mmond Orirana Kl t -s 1•0 6"!1) ~o. 3f aln Vine Enters Home \ 0lnu h•' r a way of 1t\ak1n1 \hr nuth ea a t horn• If lht y ftnd a w1~· of ente11n1 a h•'U••. and thfl ,1nr at t h• \\' H S1 f'r hom•, 112• 1-:u 1 O.•tan I-111n1 ta no ••<'•r tton. 1 ·onn nK 1n10 tloP 1w1n11 "lelm nHr the <'htmnf')', II h u ~rown a lmoal e round the rc"'m -/Je~ul'J t6/,i,,J 1/,. ~c•n• \ L "GLYDONS'' Nylon Pantie Girdle By Roma.nee of Caltfornla Uirbtweltrht. ftcan ... nea. liAr. eomloru.ltle. N 11 e • mHh wtt• ~ ...... ,,_, s-ef. I . M J h p 0 lua. Robert Trombly. preSldent Art MWltum. and Lor11er F°Pll' I· em!'. Ml. toMlp ll1110lll!. r· ot I.he F ullerton J unior E bell. w el· .l!t•n arUsl a nd 1nsln.trtor a t the ILnii:e. la leC'rt'l..atre ca1s11l(~re; Ml'3. corned the vroup 1nlh tha ra•pon• I ' c S ~ s D a I • " ~ ~., nt Ar\ cnlcr . chool. C11rpent.er. unset .,.,ach. ~a\ 11• gw rn by ~lra. ~nrg11 Rur. tllsl , .. , d when t1'!e irroup was t'nlerlaJned h1 Ip \'QU 1t>nAbrl1tate your p111leue. j al t he La H"bra HPlli!hlll home of Or of you rr too In)· to pBJnl your ~lrs. \\'ilham Grllfton ""n lhf'\. h~1·e gnbft nf pnnt.« and urrr.:in:· I~ I' or !«t it'. Rrasnna bit . C'11t : Mri!. FTiulu n, Orange, llrllrC'h· ,.1<'8 pre.srdent La.gun& Bca~ll t<t· The F'estlv11.l s All Cal1Com1a Jv111te . Mrs. Cumul\, l.}nmgr. la I port• were g ,'ven b1• Mrs lJ. hi Exhtblttun" wa.. a rra.ngt:d by a St H H 1\11•/ Sarod\' ha& that t1111ch 1n h1.11 • 11~\n111 !111m1ng His mm11'rns are Wash My Best Cotto11 Dresses a umonltr; Mrs. Watte, !At Ala· T aylor r!'corrlong s~cret&~\ .. o~f~ committee hearll'd by Pal Stewart. ev e Ope Offie m l\011, la concierge. \"ivlan' Woodw rt 1 • ' • ~ chill rm an, and v onard S cheu, Vrr-Ste\'• n Hore. tOll llahha A, ..... M em~ra ot lha poub1r a&Jon are M mu . Teti Ma11!.4!rl'On. Anaheim: C.:y f'elltherly, SMta A.Ila and.Cllf . f ord Joni'•, A nllhr1m. ar · reRaurer, &n glnta Woolf'>'· GerL11Jdl' Gardn!'r, 1~ hornt' from .\f1111ntatn Afr Fun·e Mn. John Ho lman hf'lltf or the Netter Worthington Dlxl H all Ha~P. Jilaho. on 1 .. a\·e 10 the end bu<1gel <'ommfltre. F'red Lang &nrl David Young. ' r>f June lie 1,. \'llHllng nl•I rnervls. During th• allernoon 11uclltlon.11 hoth al Hl\rh'1r Hi~tl anti C<i&,,t Cnlleg-e. Ile will tit> hl're 11nlll the 1w 1fZ1 1111• ~n I.II<' hi'" wormy • he11ln111' =-:nt lht> Jue ~loller Project of 8 el 40, tm Invitation· ILi irroup, le the combs.uni ot tut>-'At Pebble Beach Bliven-Reeves Wedding Set rnrl of J un .. kind. "lth"r Lrkf' tht' men's fur· m1<htng 1<t111 f'. where ynu walk up- st a 1111 an•I 111t1·e. you'll h" ftntted. <'um•' tn\•1 the CrRl'kf'r B11rrel anrt ~u r.11t \\'Ith 11. nir,. new lo11rh 1<1r thP l1recl w11ll~ of your home. -adv. erc\.Vot1l.11 In juvenile• and apon.or· a h1p of 11evtmd children at a ('&mp n ea.r ldyllwlld. USC Get Graduates DegreeS' Thelm a Paddock 1Mr.11. Fredric ) Hope of Corona del Mar wiu rt· cenr hou11e guest for five d&1·11 of Mr•. Cha.rlu \Valton or P~bhlt' Bea<'h. The locitl arl1~l ~pl'nl much of the lime p&1ntong at Car- mel, Pactrlc Gro\'e, Po111t Lobna and olher 11t'eniC" spol s. The WullPr U111·en11 o f Corona rlel ~tar han• l1111ut>d 111\•1ta tlon11 to the wed ct mg ut t hr;r tla11ghtf'r Ht>verly lo lite I<~,. G•'<lr~e !(,.,.,.,." Jr . 11011 <•f !Jr. l\lld ~Irr<. ~eor~•! Re<'l'l'S 'Or ChRfHnan t'oll,.ge, llr· LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS Local r•1denll were among Ute R t p SO•)() 11enlora ot the Cntvenilty ot e Urn tO asadena an~~~ ceremony Is slated for .July I I a l Christ Ch1u <'h bv th'-' s .. a ~ I\ here ~Ir Ret\"!'ll w11i l t'n r 11$ a11:-t~tllllt pW!tor for a 11t!cond 1111111- 1 1 fller t1'U1'tnit hi• 'VR<'&tftln °fmrn 111· \'lnity 111.hool DAN'S BARBER SHOP S outhern CaJ1fom1a honorM at formal commen••rment t1Cercl11u h eld Sl\lurJay a t Ah1n1n1 Mt<mo-r- 1111 Park on 111mJ'U• Pre111denl Fr~I I>. F lagg, Jr .. off1C"1at.i At the 72nd Allnual grad· Ullttl'n. Go\·l'fnor A ll11n Shh•rn of T txu gave the r<ommonrement a <1drta11 following t he <"Olortul ca p &n•I ~wn proct1111lon11 I nf 1tr11<1u- 1Lte1 anrl f11r111ty al'r<111io t h e oam pWI ~C gnl.du1ttr1 from U11.11 com · m 11nil\' a.n<1 th1t1r <1efl'TPU lncl11drd : Orr!lltf P. F l'rre11t , R1tlboa B. S. in eommn <'11: Rohert M. ::i11rnf'r. B. ~ In <"nmmf'r<'f': M11ry J . R11rntt. R. A : .111nel P. Hllrlnw, R ~ , IU\<1 J an 11t r:. R,.nj1m1in. R11lh011 R. ~ Jn er:t11r111fnn ['\•a.n E, Wa.lkPr, M. nf 8 . A ; J o11t1ph C. l rhl'l'f'r, M. S . In J"'lrnl· e11m engmeerin~. .r. E<1g11r T. Bul\.r 11. ~rhl'lnr of l11w1<. Law· ren<'e K Guntlru m Jr. a m u te r·, In fore1~ t t n ,ce: Paul R. Kemp Jr. B S. In <"ommercf'. dad wants to f11h In the mountains mother want. lo ~lax in luxury your local tra,·el Agen('y can a rranJ?e TWO \'Acation1 with ONE hAppy l'nding 1111 1l,.t111l~ ll rl't nj?ffi o •ln~llll II• 1"'111\" l'<lm t ra \ t>I s••n ll'f' ~H2 •1 t .. (11~t tf\1,\. ( nrnn" ft,.I '''" Iii! rhnr I'! lll \f 1111 111 Tl·r'lt'P To• l<r• .. ..:.;;;;;===:.._. ................................. . M r a nd ~1rs. Ray G. Kc'llogg, 11 22 Ea11t 0l'tlln F ront. are return· Ing lo their Pa.sadcina llome aflPr unral month• 1n Balboa. Presents A SERIES-OF BAI.ROA THEATRE Rf.0(, B/\l.ROA O~n Tut11day lhm Saturda_,. FASHION SHOW LUNCHEONS ON THE THIRD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH Gay Togs Lorne La Reine STARTING JUNE 16th Ellgene's Udo Fashions .Marilyn 's Brat Shop Frances Norton t.nnrhr on l l JO p m ORCHIDS AND COSMETICS TO LUCKY LADIES FASHION MODELS & CO~IMENTARY from \ Vern& Milll'r'a School of Cha.rm and Fashion Modeling Well Known Chef Henry Jonu' PtKk Avenue Cafe Fa5h ion Luncheon $1.25 ruhlon Show 1.00 p m . e .. at Home? ?'tfRM.t cl I Af AlfE ,S-t/RE TllEY smv tlKE' ,VEH/,, •.• / cfEAltJ THEM ro 4?J/ SAA/lrONE ~ ORY Ct.EANER )~, ~ OUR ''COTION CLINIC " MAKES COTTON DRESSES LOOK AND FEEL LIKE NEW! Don't let "home-" :i~h i n14" take the life out of w111r preu;; cotton Jn·s'L''. let us clean them perfect I) tdtlt our n~9.· dry clcanin~ ~ccrct cic<lu~ively for cottons. Back comes their ni'p "lik e-n ew" body and textur e. Colors and patterns rescor.:J. Never a w ilted look. All dire re- moved. Spots our ... e\·en per.spira· tio o gone. And perfectly pressed every time. You 'll be amazed..at how our s~cial service for cotro~ dresses "-'Orks miracles you could oeve.r do ac home. Try ir today! ./. I ~ I I ( LIDO CLEANERS Uberty 8-4014 1782 Newport Blvd. Coda M11a ,. Key kl Pllntina Ptan I MO •u 11ttl MJSSM !·1111 !'fl•lMtf SICU 1 CISllS !lllnl II 4.nu1 JMct (1C111111n11Sl ' unu.111111 flltlll UU.1 '·lll 11£ 1.CtMTtl l0Yllll.WillM1.$1111 l·tlllll.IUllt• WITH -APPROACH Of SUMMER, THOUGHTS SHIFT TO PATIOS Plan Garden and Outside Llvln9 Area to Contribute Charm to Home HOME : ·and : GAR.DEN PAGE 4 · PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JUNE I l , 1955 CONTAINER ROSES AVAILABLE NOW AT HARBOR NURSERIES AlUIOuKh n10.-l roua are planted during the "b11rc root"' ioca.aun • January to Aprll • J::&rcten~r• ('6.11 alill plant their fa\·orite roaie varletlt•. And ho,,.· !Ji thl1 1h·cornph5hrd ~ -by p!1nt1ng l'Ollea from cuntalntra. l0t:al nurteryn1l!n ad\"\ee. Jn al'lect!ng a planting 11ltt' for ~·ou r roae1 kl!ep In nil nct that they prefer a 1unny a rea freie rron1 11rung .... ·ind and a eoll that 11 high In content or 1ut rogen, pho8phonc 11cld and potuti. the e&M"ntlal pl.ant food.a. The .oil 11hould 11.l.o be well ~!rai ned. To 1et the ro&e plant Into Ui1 llOll, ren10\'I lhl! planl, root b&ll and all, from the conta iner and place In a bola 1omtwh6t lar1er lhM the ball. You may nHd lo p\11! • mound of .oll Tod.ay'1 pAUo I• any pla.ct w herl '°"'e and cutl~n m•el and mln- ll'le. The modern \del 11 that ga.r· dena aha!l contribuu charm t o tbt h omt . and be lntlmete!y 1aocl1t1td v•1lh t'¥eryd1y ll•·lnJ . 'Mif'y wlll r,. enjoyed mo1t when n,.&r lo lhl r f'nt<'r nf ,....r\AJ a cll\'Hy, rallier than hidden ~hind Wll!J8 or h"d«••· whert e.ach .... ·nl f'nhance the Mau· 111 the bottom of !he hole 10 that the top of tht ront ball Ui e t Ev,.ry home can and 1hou\d h1v1 a P'Uo. A paved arw cJl)l!le to the dnnr II Pff!lrablt. whirre you can lakl 1 -1Jn bath. 1'1ower1 like llUf\ bai.n. loo. Th~ who prefer 1h&d1 r an ho!1t a 11rd4in umbr•ll•. A pAtlo without no .... 1rs l rl'>Und It ""1U n1vrr Mem complete. and amonl' tl'l•m atiould be fr11 rant t low1r1. Mt»t frarrant of a.II ill tJIP .-.. et tobacC'o, nlcollana af- f lnla. '1"1111 ta thie old fuhloned Ju nd, which ia tar m11r1 trarni.nt lhari th• lmprov1d var11tl1., u \1 1110 oft1n the cau . The IUuatratlon 1ho,.·1 a patio plantlnll" whtch can be madie 1&Sil)' even by UHi lnuPtr1VlCed. trom th« atiella ut annual finwl'J"9. All 111ubject1 e..re ea..ily 1ro•·11 from All)ed .own dlt*IUy whlrt they 1r1 to irrow. Tha plantlnr !JI arr v.·ith law fTOW1nt pl.a.nlll In . the for.JTOlll'ld. &.&liar-°""" betWul. Thi teolor tchem• ta bll..cl upon hu· n1rrny by eontrut. with oornp\1• n1ent1ry <'olo" pl.a.cad '°f't'tl\er, IY of Lt• ntlghbor•. ground lf'\'f'l. •'ill Jn 1011 11nugly around lhl! root ball IUld wattr Annual no .. ·l'rl 1ro.,.,•n fronl _,eda blnaaom rrorn l!ftrly 11umml!r lo eUrntnate e.!r poc-ktta. \\·ater your nt.,.,•ly planted roses untll froal tome•. If lhf' faded "''•11 a.nd ftrtlllu ,,;I th a balrlnced ftrlill~r about once & n n .... ·1r1 a r1 kept picked orr. a nd month throur hout the l!:rD"''1ng 1e&11on. Slnt'f: your tontalntr· re11aonablt ti~ la Llkr n nr tht g rown roiw1 .... -111 i. blooming Wh•n you nbllln lhen1 a\ your plant1. \\'Ith l hf'm c-lln h• pl1nled nur11<ir;·rn1.t1 '11, you niuat fertlliz;I! to ke~p then\ bloomlni;. both buJba and ~rann lal11, fn Jl"l\"f' lnc:ldentally, If you·rie pla.nlinr t ref' rOlll!• bl! ~url! 10 pro· • ront1nuou11 di,.pl1y of bloom \•Jde 11upport 10 th11t 1tronll' .,,·l n'111 d11 not brl!11k !hie r11.ne1. from th• tlrn• tlle .-round th&\l"I 11nd pul Uie at..ke on thl! llO\lth •1de to &\'old su.nbum or the out IU\Ul th• a.utumn frHu-up. ma.Jn 1tern. Clh11bl!r1. nf courM', will nted RUpporL Annua l11 never out grow \hMr [----------------------------plat!! no rn aller how arnaU the 1r•1. Tiiey are alway1 in •ca.II!, m1kln1[ both hou1e and ,11"round1 llf'f;tn larger than lhf'V '""oulrl. "''erf' I larger Anti l.ll)f'r pl11n t1 a•t out. llQ(>n to ti.-come over-grown fnt tltl'lf k>c.allona. Remernbtr thal annu1I flowrr• nre-d aunlhlnf'. A\'nld plantlng a 11•nl1n whf're th• top• and root& of trf'f•. hedge•. or •hrubtM!r-y aha.d• the floW1P1 •, and r:ornJ!f'l• wllh them tor nourlahml!nt and molatura tn th• 110ll_ A locall.otl on the north 11idie of the houll! 111 not IJkf'ly tu be fa1·or- 11.bl• for the' prd,.n lllu1>trat..d un· le• It I• plar •rt M!ow thl! hne to which the ehA.d•)W or \hi! mof f'X - tenda ln mid1urnrnf'r 11t 10 a..m . The \oc:aUon ahould alllQ bt tr"• of 1had11 tn!e• and ol her hulldlng• tor a l leut alx houni a di!)'· Gi.EAN UP! SUMMER'S HERE! Winter's Accumulation of Junk HERE'S HOW. • • MAKE A CHAISE LOHGUI A whttl-harrow th 1 I 1 •I head Krew1. Att.ach the b1ck loni::ue for the lawn is eeay to re1t 10 1h .. !rama with tlrong mova int.o 1un or 1ha11•. bult hina:e•. The frame i• mad1 of I '4 \\'itb the back "T1"1I in hori· hy t'i-inch !urnbe.r (tini~h.d t ont•l po~ition. t11read Ii/HI· 1-1 /16 by li'n). Mark ot! the inch m1nil1 J'1lPI Uuoua;h the h•nillf'I •nd b1ek N•t 11n two otn-.1-on-• lnom, weav1nir 1t 80-inth leng-th1. Bf'fot• 1aw· t.o form a me1h. lnll' out th1 •h•J>ll'I, bor1 &/16· Thi whttla 1ra 2 inchf'I inch ropa bolu . 1p.Cf'd l\"enlJ, thkk, Jhaped -.rith a uw or a OOut ' inehff apart. li the. The d011111l 11lie i• ae- The iend fram" rn1111ben ar1 c1;11"11d in Jl\ace with Kre'll'I. 30 l11<"hf'1 z,,nir, 011f' pieca bein1 PIM!• w11h1n on each 11de ripl>*d t.o mike the end' of tbe of the whtti., a nd bore & 1mall t>.c'k r e1t. Tha le,.. are of 2 bola lhrou.-h the end• of th• hy 15-inch lumblr, •h•l)f'd u axle tnr cotter pin., 1hown. .A fo1m rubber or othrr A1sfrnbl1 th' le'' and fram1, ••l•rproof 111d t om11l•tr• lh• u1!n,11" clue .and No. 10 roand' cb1ke longue. DRESS UP THE CLOTHESLINE -~--........... ., .. JAMEi Hy .1,\.C·k KISG ('In 1 •l\('w~r 1\!,!1'111,~ 111k"• flf \1 nn1 Wllh M lon 1hc11, StHn pep· ptr 11\re1 t.nd qua rl1r1 1f 1omato Bru1h Wl\h a Utllf ot the m annatll' a nO broll V\'11r hot l'O&ll until n!i;-1- Jy bro .. •n•d. MHKIM.I" k l:llAll!" 11, lb•. Lar111 1hrlmp. cJ11111\I ~, cup oll\l't 01\ No Needless lulk Left In Packa99s of Frozen Foods t•roMll fooOa art o'Onct n\ra\"'I food.I. with lnedlblt pa rt• laraely or alto11lh1r r1nu1 \•llfl ho•n• ,,•vn · oml•t• point out " I 11arlll' ('(Oil•. choppt d I.. <'U P par&l•y tt1p. 11.lt and rtrJ•fr A lO·DIU'lCt pack11111 ot o•On1n1rr-1 • t tb1p. tarraion \"in"J•r cla.I tro11n ••111Ullowa1 , lilr f'll · !tla rln•tl! the 1hnmp f"r t • 8 amplf', It eq111J lo •O oun.iu u! lh• 1 houri thl'n erMl11l" <•n •k"'"'fr"t I veaet ... ble in frr1h rorrn. It lalte1 , .and broil rot a bout ii minute• or 28 011ntf'• of rrelh IH'U•1e.!1 1prou1.t I until lh•y ert p1n k an,1 t•O<lflt In n11\l'h 11 10-ounre rruzrn P••·k· CllAttf'OAI, HKOll,t:u ("ltll'KP:!l. i ''e. a nd :I& n11t1<'I'• nr 111orr or 1 2-lh. broll•r, e ll\ 111 half 1 bah}' lln11 be•ll• nr !'•"' 10 n111k• ,1 l'Up m•r11;:11i lnt Iha f<qU \\'a!rnt '''" 12·0Un•'" lr1111•n -I t~. piiprlkll P•l'!I•&•· I I lb!p, 1)11~1,.y Sim ilar cv111 poi 11•"1'" 11 p1•ly lo J !tp. l'lllt (roz;i!r1 and fl"<!lh fl•!\. T11 rl}n11l I tgp. li"'PPl'r vnr·1.,111nd p11r k •G ~• 1•1 tri>z.rn fl\. Prtp11re " pll~l<' ..-1t11 lhl' n111r· l~t11, l"k~11 !hf fl\l1!lw1njl Anhn nllJ Thi! l'Urre11I r.1111;:e In outdoor gartne •11<1 lltl! n1h"r lr11:1r,h••nts I ot f1 ,•11h t1•h: hall hut. 2 J"'lln•t~ cook11111;: f'qu1pmf'nt 1• the Amtn-i nd bru~h thf' bon• 1ul' or th•· 1·1o<1 11ntl nR<hlor k 3 J'Oun•I'· n,11111•1· cs.11 a1111pt1on or thP JR pantlllll '"Ill-t h•rken wit h 1h1~ p1<~\P , Al1'o 1!uff 1et, 4 poUn•I.•. ro.! J"'••·h. ~ pnu1hl•, l bs.chi." Ir you h11,·erL1 11rrn on,, It !ltlrne i•f the pR!t .. un<ler thr 11kLn F'rozrn p<\•tllry 11\l'U 1• ... ,,r\h 11 ml'r,!y a 1rnall 11z;ed. brtl!<'rl "I \hi' <'hl~·k en Anti pli"'e lhr h11h'f'~ J1lure lhll!l ilil WO'll(h l, !IV to •1~·11.k I 1ypt' barbecue. Jt"1 a nlcl! g111l1tl!t \ nn lh• Krill. bon~ ~l<lr •luwn ttn11 01'11! pountl o)f fl'":t••n 1·h11·k,.11 br .. 11- \ut I d v nut b<t\Je1'1' II <'Olnparra f(rlll tor 11boul t:t ml11ut1•a. or un-t.1'11 f"llUalR I \' poun<lll 111 fl"f'~!1 ( • Laundrrlq: Fur CINlllal and atone• rtio• llarMr II '" 111t•kup .,."',_ '"'llh l h" ntw Skot ch Grlll. I 111 nL<'ely brow r:e,t Bru1<h thXklu '''"'!. \\'Ith ,1u,·k1, !hr conip11 r8u1·,. ""$111r11 1~1~" 'nil! l:;k<ltl·h Grit! 11 -~h••ll to ~uy sldt w1\11 11 llltll! n1or,. <>f l hf' llSl•· rtrur•• t.re ~ pvund~ ,1nd ~'I 111-Ma.rin•, flalbo• lll.UMI .and l'hf'ap to u1e. l l 11 the eu1e•t 11 nd turn \h' chlckfn, 1<klt1 •h It• i~n1n,1>1. 1n1l w•lh t ul'k•·l'J. i• l"'\Jn•h• ...... ii,~ii'll'o·o'•"•· ;,";,'ii'';,"ii'•'•·ail"o'ii"ii·'iiii~iiool bllrh~cue l h11va evr.r s~•n to 1<tarl lhr to•I•. 111111 ~1·0111111111~ to brvll an;I !:.? f">Un<h . · 1 • firf' in . ant! In the f'V"nl y011 arf' "1\1 don ... • 11:01ng un & p1l'nh·. you "'rr~ th• HA1tl\t:('1"t:U l'l'AHl:nll\~ ;•hRri nnl ln the firepol and fl1 e :? lb~-.spHr"t'l'lh~ the <'t.i0 ker up "'h<'tl you re11rh th" ''"'on !l,.,l!r•I "•Ith "IO\•e11 r 1rn1c ,i:r ... unih. I rl·~I'•• 11:~rl1r The Skott h Grill i~ J~l"ft'!."l tor h"Y l•'•t ~M!t a fannly f!t f<>ur. 11nd lf you '•re r ut 1h~ rlt>~ ln " pol. ··n\·er •••llh · DRA.Pr:Kl.t:s -t.:1'110~..STERl!l.:G -SLIP CO\""ERa \\'ALI. l 'APP.:ll -CA.Hf't:Tl:\:0 Cl)Ml'LJ:Tf.: l.:\:Tr.KIOK DECOKATP.'00 LAMP LIGHT SHOP en11·rt11l111ng 11 cn•l'·rt you can <'OOk ""llt'r llnd 11•\•l 11!1 ,.f th" nlh"r 111-!,_.:i 1:. c;....,.t It\\·)· •• Corona ll•I Mar llarbar S!n your •Pl'<'Uz:rn1 f!n It. ' i::r .. dicn!~ H11n.1: l<> 11 boil. h•Wl'r .:~=======~==================~ One d•~h I had 11:r<"il ,.Uc•·•'"' thr hl'Rt 1uH1 ~unn1rr f•'r ul ...,ut ~/!, \l"it h !!; min111,., -u11t1I n t •11111 ~ d1•1\f !<'lllSll -K f:H,\1\ llr!llf>\"f' !o II flll"l 11n1! '""'l 2 lh.• l11rn b "hnuld,r 1·ut 111!" 2 N't ll! pr~r-otf' !hi" ~~1wr· lnr h 111bf'.s ,.,\Kfft:('I r: l'IA l 'C t: I l ("Ill' illl\•,. "'' I cup rtrl "''Ille rln1·" r;:11 rt1r. tlnrty rhr>ppttl 1 '• t"r· "'"'x11no I t~r. ~Rlt '-l11ke..• J1a Ul'I! with aU l hf' lllxl\"t inx rrd1rnt11 11.nd nlirinlil.1"'-lhe n•"•t for 2~ hnur'· preferably 48 h(lur~. GARDENER'S C~ECK LIST I. A .,..,IJ f~t!Jlir .... I ll"fl ,.... q11lr,, I-.,.·attr. t. 1'""" I""'' HArhor nu,....ry- mo·n a.... .,.,.,.,. fl'at11rln,11" ~n­ talorr 1ro1' n ... had,. 1.-.. Thr"*' <'An 1,.. 11-an•p\&ntf'd /nlc. )"'"'' prdl'n """'· 3. A r•·kJll.er •PtaY projl"r&m I• n1'(!',.••ry 1<1 prutttt ....,..., frnnl 111Udf'"' and In-·\ P""I~. 4. :\1o ... 1. """""\'-<'lln ti. <'onlroi- l•'d "·'· rh•·n1lral "......., kl\1- ,..,,.. •·l"•·n In lh,. l1n• o. D. • RAY Ro•I• -lloml!tl -Tl'alJe" lrl'f'l[Ul•r Mba prs l.lbl'rly ~-I MJ!I COM.TA MP:SA i'fATl'Rf:S.S CO. 2 1~0 x .. "·port fth·d. MESA UPHOLSTERING Upl1<;1l1t.flrln1 a Orapel'J' ZMU Nwpt. Bl•d .. Coat. ll.,... Llbr:rt}' 1!>-4"181 MAX W. POPE Inc. fit:Xf'.RAf, CO!l.'TR.4.C'TORS "\\'e Arrange F\nancln~ .. · • • t;IA.ST Kl 't"t"l.T.11. 1..-t• "' lh\•ly c·o10,... In run~. . "'"' OOf'fU .F. Rl.tTI.t:rt. f\lnomlnr . In <'an• 5 & 101 NURSERY ARCHITECTS M•1111Jen of ArnerlcaR IM"-of Architects J. Herbert Brownell William Blurock Phil,;,er J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Harvoy Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Richard Pleger 151 Special• '"' "\\"1''k r.n1r' M •~r:.:.•~·'.~ t11Uowtnr w.11h nttdr,·1 rob you of the uM or your p;r.l1ll You can acrff!n off lhe c~othe9'1ne with a almple ~·tt 1t- tr1l'li~·· 1altlte t1nc1 a t .. c:h l'fld of lhe Un111,"'nil11 lll!ll~ RCrTl!n r .. n ht hull! of wr&ttni ~d Cfdar to m•lt'h the ya rd f~cf'. Clunh· 1ng 1·011•~ or othl!r ,..tnM along thl! llrtt'.tn "'Ill mllkl! thl'm f'\'t!n m!Jfl" "ff,.l'th·e IO tlle hO.!ltt,,.. dorln't havl' to fed unc<1mfort- 11blf' Rb<•Ut a .,.,...,., In full v!to""· lnt•pen,.\\',., lhtM ...-rrl'n r11n he rn<ldll (tr.c'"or1Uvt 1nour h W •lld charm 11nd Lnterc1l to th" lanrl.•caplnlt". ' Rf'1ult1 com1 from con~ta.nt practice '. An Id regulRrly In thu1 papr:r will produce ro!'eulll for you. General Contractor 600 Co-.\ Bh·d, & Builde r Ready Mixed Concrele Hoa9 Cake lake Due ~ R 0-B-E-R T -f 0 R.8 ES Build9r · PlfOSE HA..RBOR !lltlll .A cake b•J!!. tor th• Hg~& HOJJ~ pltal butldinr fund u.-111 be ~l•g•d S aturday, Junf' 18 fron1 10 •. m. to e :.SO p. m. at Ri~ha"rd·1 Merkel. The ~r~ .. ,Ill a ll b• flon11te>d b." ~::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::::;:~jl the h0Jplt1l •tarr 11n11 proc,.l'd' ; lrnn1 th,. ~~ll! ... 111 11.0 \n the hnlld-] 1nr fun<1. A e.Xf' .,.,·alk for e"•ryonr vn\I be 't111ed i t J l • m .. 1 .Od 6 p.m. -Call Harbor 1811 to plal't your Ad on lhla pase. CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR IT THI IA.SY • WAY AND SAVE e •• -~4 I , fta•e UI almplUy 1flfV ,....~~ Worlll .,.,. a. kiU ttf p19'11I• ...... t'Nnf'Gt ••• p~ 1e 7-.D~r .i a •rl•J"· Ulterty 8·2283 BAY ltl:M>I' MIX IXC. • • • 711 W. 17th St. c·o~TA ~A Village Drapery & Interiors IOA r..tA E JOJ-INS~1AK 111 ytar8 D•co1·ator ~.1un~"l"1 349 N. Newport Blvd . '" c;ou Ro~d• Village Store . Ma.pie AcceMorie• Indoor Shutten Optn I da.•·1 t :IO • C.:IO Cl~ 8uada.y• Llhl!rtJ it-aU:4 }l/1!1'"J>Ort 8-<'h RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAt-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL· UO ~h St., Netrpbrt Beacb Barbor WS COllO~' .4. Of:L MA ft STAFFORD 6 SON '":"ELS an(t nvi..; · r.LECTltlCAI. C41 . ..-1·1c,\ l"'TOllS l'hono l.l~rty 8-1 i ,111 110 Rl'l'a..-lde A'f'llUO 1\"l!1'rport l\l'acli the. Richard Beeson Company Landscape DHhin and Construction t"OKOXA l>t:I. '.\tAH. 1'110:'1<'1: 11 ·\KllOH l."111 REMLEY & 'DAVIS PAINTllilG CONTRACTORS RF.SIDE1''TlAI~ -INDl"STRIAL C.u.L HA.RHOR Ol,,2 ··uk t:STIMATt:. \\1THOl'T CllARf;E 101 I:. BALBOA RL\"O. fli\l.ffUA /I£ llf IDW[R CO!.T ~KAGE BUILDINGS GLU[O LAMINAT[O MEMBERS.. G l\IE CLEAR SPAN-_ A.FFOQ OING GQE.AT STt:IENGTH AT \.OWE.Q. COST. COMPLETE ~ILOI NG DE.Ll"IERtD TO JO& SIT E FROM $1!.lPER.SO.FT. OR COMPLETELY lRE.CTE.C, INCLUDING ~LAC>, fQOt-1 II '!!I: PER. ~. FT4 FOR COMM!..RCIAL, -I F"A.M OR INO\J$'T h'IAI.. \.&, In ~1•11" ''' llu• C"•·1nrnl ~luorlllt•· 0 ,. ,\ r1· .'lotJdni: t :\·<'r.\' '"·'""lhh• •~rrurl tn :-;.u .. r.· th11 :--·r, .. 1 .. or l)nr 1;r.,,dn1 (';•nununll~·· •·or ("on1·rr1 .. -{"Rll l "•. WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE /'/""''' "' (J "t1 /IJ 11 f/orrrJ .. ·, .. .,, l .ri "''" r '"' /~ .. ,,,,.,,."'"'' .,.,, /••"/' rl• · • "'""''"' I K•.•··ln·1•.11k .... ,,,.~ l.111"1,..r ( "• l\ .. ll··t :o1 .. 1 •.• """ l\.•lto·r l'd1·••" . . NELION E. 'SCREEN DOORS •PLYWOOD •SHELVING •FENCING •DOORS II·• f•I I"'" 'I•· ., .,. .i. • • I .,. O ur It•• J..... 11 ..... ~ OPEN "'AT . .\I.I. U;\\' ..... '· "fll . ''"'" J ~j f"ommf'rclal \\-11v Cfl!'T,\ o\Jt:~A I.I ".e •• ;fJ:!! \llllfl('\" k ""''" ~!·45 I Ll t4!1>1t 11,,·1•r Rn:ul '°'llEI lUMBER&i. 11 untlo1:1un ll<•h. · , 1 .... ~. 8-_.l/Ut laundry serrire deluxe ... at bargain prires! WHAT 15 IT ? l ri.t 11·1•t11~tl\• "lt~h"d "''11 1111,.: n ppur"I rlt!f f olrrr 1! h<· :1H"r••·! "''· 11 1' t'I"''" p1••f"''"'""ll1· H"nr•! Yri•.r • l•,111"~ nn I l111~n~ 111 ' ,J.,ne 11 p (1 :-;"F.: 11nlt r" n I>, 111"· "" un"gl,!I.\' m11rk• ll'tll:• .. '' w11\~r. l(<'nlll.' 11.111 n.l\l"t 11•1~1 • WHEN AVAILABLE ... i;;.,r,.1r.-w1lhln hfl Hr• tf u1r.•n' t1~ I ... .,, .• !lo f'\'Prythlnt r11ht h•·i~ HOW MUCH ... It 11 a bargain bun dle too • • WHERE casa _27_27 to MAIN It.?(~ 2·2339 only $2.85 for 21 lb1 . pura 1 IO<t \\"e8t Cou.t . ~ JfljithM·ay ••_o;;r:R.\ I< f; \\ ITlll!I. 11(1 1 K' -\\Ill ' ''I Ill ti ' CO»PLETF. IA L"SDER.~ and (.;J ,f:.4.:\"t;R~ M a rinf'r• Mil,. f'\o" eM•j,ort n.e.cb .· PAIR GETS TOP HONORS AT COURT The two top honors at Monday night's Boy Scout Court of Honor went to Whitney Bainrs, center . troop 182, and Tom Hoop.right, Poet 5. Both boys rccdvc(l Life Awarch1 'And nine me ri~ badges each. Scoutmaster Kenny Dutro of Troop 182 makes the prcsenlat ion to Bai nes while Hoo p stands by. -Staff Photo t'RO~I 01.D TO N t;w -Congratulations ar<' extendC'd. Don Huddl<'ston, rl'tiring presr- d<'nt uf Costa M<'sa Chamber' of Commerce, shakes hands wit h new PreRident Gilbert SC'al. Look in~ on, from Jpft tn right, are n<'w nffirers Ed Stroot f'r .. first vice-prefli - dent ;. R. F. Gr<lnes. serrPlary ; Andrew WalkPr, treas1irC'r . and H. H. Rurn<'tt. Pternnrl ''icP-rres1dcnt. The new chamber of.ficers took office In Costa Mesa recently. -Staff Phnto ----------------------· ----- High School Recreational Program to Start June 20 Notary Permit Given SACRA~lr:'.l:'TO IC:"Sl -The t<'rr,.tary ot 11l&ll''s nfClce 11nnounc- "" l"8Unnr" nf ll n .. llllJ' pllbllc ct•mm1!<!'lllln lo Dn111 J . \\'alkPr, 1020 \\'. RAlhrnt, :0-:rWpHr l Drach. SYMMETRY OF AMERICAN CAR, FOREIGN MAKES DISCUSSED Dt>velopment of the mod..rn symmctri.:al design of Aml'n • l'an automobllea wu dl'ICµAs ed at O~a.ngl' Cout Colll'Ct T\Ju- de.y morning tor th• benefit of 1tuMnt1 ot Ll'O Bushma.n·• art cl~. Buehman directed th• dist•usslon whtr h waa part1t't- pa ttod In by George Grupt, Tht•o Ru b1n1 Jr and Ja<'k Hau11ken, reprttt>nting the Chr\'r(Jlet, '>"tinl Mn•\ Austin-Healy car. reapedtvely. Studl'nt quut1ona dev<'lt>pt'<I compa.riaon btlweecn Ame!:)- "-ca.n deal,-na and-thollt' ot tore1gn ca~. but ;tforta tO&>miiu• Anur le&D at ock cara with .sPf'('lal built S1!UlOO·S25.000 Jtall&n cara broug ht fMl talk f rom the Harbor auto mf'n Amerlcan car maker. do not build the European t)·pe of apor~ cu be- cau1e the A mtrlelln ·cl river ts largely tnteruted In a family c11.r, It wu explained. 'Tht're will 11.lways be a limited marKet for sport.a cua tor th•>se who hke-thrm and C6.n afford thl'm. the auto men declared. n ie bulk of buatneH In thUI country Wlll eonti.nue to be In cu s that will carry lht tolka !nd t h .. nelghbort1, t hey behtve. SO BIG AND FRIENDLY Young Britishers Enthuse over Unit~ States Visit "We've come IO far and not 1 eald. A aecond \1alt t.o the me- fallen oft the eoge of the nation I tropol11 wo.n them over yet," 11 the description Jane 1 Visiting C&lltomla wu a "muat" Stapleton ot Flnch'a.mpa,tead, lllng .. ! before they lFavel to Vancouver, and Jo1111 Brewitt ot Cofk. Ire-B. C. to l>fJgln work for two years lanrl ha\·e tnr the alz.e of the Unll· &~It hospital there. On their ti-Ip ed States. The young occupalion-11<'ro!!s the nation, they wtre tm- nl therllf":V g r11rluat"s spent the rn·nse<i by the friendly rteepllon pa.st Wl'!'k In N<'wport Harbor a.s the~· hart from Americ&n. "We gueata ot l\lrs. Mildrl'd W right at wt're pL'!Sed from one friend to 550 Hazel Drive. I another,". they aa1d. Thl'y hav,. bet-n In the United lTSTO;\I DIFFEREl'ff;Es Stat ea for the pa.al four month11 taking f\Jrther tnlining 11t hoa- pitsls In l'\ew J,.rsey and Cnn- nectlcut uncjrr 11.uspict11 of the P h1lad1>lph1e. l'chool of Occupa.· tional T h1'r11py, WO:\' Jff \'l!iil'r "\Ve hke Amerkll better t han we thought we would," the young girls s11i1I. "Our onlv lmpreal'lon ot A mrrt!'a h<'fOre Wl' <'Ame over wa11 the movlf'I•" Al first yj~lt to N'l'W York City, II All l!l'Pml'd loo h11rrlerl anf'I gll!tl'l'lnl". ;11,.,· Six Real Estate Licenses Granted SACRAMENTO, CCNS)-D. D. \Vat11nn, tilate re111 e11tate commi.s· sioner, 11nno11ncl''1 l!!-wanre of 11ix real estllle 1111!e11man llcl'naea In Ntwport Be11.ch and Blllboa bla.nd. The Ucen1ea were l111ued to the The young Britishe rs wtre pa.r- ticula.rly etruck by the different manner In whiC'h new11t'a.st .. n1 d;1- lt\'Pr their new11 In America com- pa.rt>d to Britain, "ln England, ntw~r11sttr11 m uet read th e nll'W3 un.-n·.otlonally." they explained. ''hut ht>re the new1 t1 pretiented In a murh morp dramatic man- n<'r " They 11.lso think America la maktnit much more ado over the ml\rttHI plans of PnncP~~ Mllr· 1:ar~1 lhlln Are Rrit111hen1. Hoosiers to Convene Fnrmer indlana resldenta wiU gather At Blxhy Park In Long Bt11.ch Sunday June 26 tor the 11.11- nu&l atate picnic. There w1U be a bMket dinner aCnoon and the pro- J:T&m w1U lnclude band muelc and Dorothy CuUt a.nd her atudent1. followinJ. of Newport Bea.ch: Bay It With Ma.rgant C. Fleher. 2603 New- port Blvd.; Kyrk L. J ordan. 2731 W. Cout H lg>hway; Alfred W. Kut.h. :1305 Balboa Blvd.; Wanda Moore, 32(\1 Cout Highway; and Gertrucle M . ''olkart, 22H W. by Wiro • Coa.at Highway. Party Rental Item• The o ther llcenae went to Kerb· f'rt M Vanderburg. 2011 Marine 1 U IJJ E. CO<Mt Hy., CorO>lll del Mar Av ... , Bnlboa bland. Harbor 5071 i:;11 mmr r rrtrr nt lnn11 l 11r t!V1tie1 f ,.r :'1:.-.... -p •. rt 1-lni-l•nr l 'm.,n Hli;;h l'<'hnul t11-1r1··1 wrll ,1n11 J 11nP 2n 111111 r 1mt11111" tt11•1t1~h J\llg 26. It 111 11nn••11111 .-.\ hv \'p"' J\llPll, rt'· <'l ••at 1111i:t1 tllr••t l"t • AMERl"CA GOES FOR 111 ="•"!'''' l'nik c .. ,,1..1. :'>f111A p>11 k, \"11111 h ('o•flt"r 111 C"r•1na <tel MAr, Hnrprt Rni'I i\l •intr \'1sl11. Ele· rnrnt 111 v ,.1·h••<1l" the pro~ram wtll lnl'hl<ll' \'•ollo•\'hnll. sn rth11ll. r roqurt, "h11ffl• l1u1i1.! hll'-k• th.111 nn1t quiet 11n11• 111111""' ~111 h 11,. 1 h>'r k<'f1'. Al r nrh o f thr .r 1 o'HtPI'~ thrrr \\111 he hM"ll"lllrl.• n11°I l<lnrv t"lllnl( Al t •'J.:111n r p•·r·,,iJ.,. 1111u.c7 v1ts .:-...uu.:o f'1 1 nnn1 I lrnn11lrni: thrirr r~ntC.rll \\di hi' J 1rn1 :'\1mnn Ill """1'••1'1 l'.01k <"'<llol\n :O.l lil"r All•l P.nb \\'11,;hl 11 1 <' .. •In :0.!1''-A PHrk Vir1v ~11111.l'll RI Y•111111 ('o nt"r l'1111ltnl' 1:" In•~ n1 II 1rr• r nn I . l'Prry 14 ... 4 #1 ·' ~~ ~, ... ll... \'•-41\ -011Ul .. I· t11t1111 • 11 I !lo•ll\' r :rnh,tlll Will h iO•IJ• th< h •I'd 1•111p Wi•l'k llf 1l1t•~t> I ,..Pl•, 'II I lh, .. o ff11~t1t(ll( \\Ill l'!'tlH ( R t n ;u 1111• 1· "'II , •n' 1111. 11111!1 ~· :•1 \t n•ttl\' tht111111 h F"rl· .1 " I \~ '111< 'h "'' l1+•1'I t11•11I (tUl1• t , .. ~ I h ' • ~~I I '' II l ti ' I p l I n" ~n lhtnh, h A UL 1:!, ,\I •t•dH\ \ht"lll'li VI 11101~. ~\\'Hll· llollll/ !1(1 .. •ll\'llll( Hll•I ljl\'llli.: Ir'· ~"II'" will b" ~lvPn ,,·Jt h Al lrwln In • h"r.:!'. !lll'ClllT S lil('llF.Hf'l ,t :ll Alll•1 RI l)le hlr;?h ~rh1•1·l. II :in ,.11 111 lo 2 .:HI p.m .. Mont111y through Frulrl\'. A rt W on<1 Rml F.mll ~rrmr w ill h" In rhArge nf b11~kt'tb111l, ~"fl h1t 11 ~h11frlrbnl\nl. vrillr\•hA..11, lrnnl111 tor l'K'i;;lnnrrs, pi\ddle. ti>n· 111111. I l'"'lll"I. 1 Arnm 11 111111 •'hN"k"I'~ ~l ldi:••t "I'' Lr11i:-ur hRqPbAll w ill h1• p1'1.n <l 111 11\f' lllj:h Hh!•lll. C'1lll· t11 M•~a J'lfi k lf!lol Youth ('Pnll'r. \'flllllllPPr hrlp will br llf'f'l'E'r1 11l- P<k Vern All"tl 11tnt1•11. 1\1'111 a ny on" lnlMP!<tl'd ln hl'lp1111: with thl11 rprrP11t 1nn111 proirr11m 1111 1111kt'd to r 111I lhP Hlirh ~rh1•ol hll•h1P!ll-nf. f tn• 1.ltw• :\ l'-1121. CDM Woman lniured in Two-car Crash ~f 1tlt r 1· 1fr~ ,,·,•rt-r,,.,•·1'\C'.'1t l'-\ J,,,, ,, H~1h·11 ,,f :ii11tl .A i""·" A,~t­ \\'1•.ln•·• l;1 "11• n 111·, '" m "hlrh xht• \\'H,!l H I' ........ r l!•it "H~ 1n\'l,l\'C•t 1•1 1111 A•·· 1"1·: \111 h An• tti. • 1 11r 111 14<'!l<>lll-A All" nrof ?n I A vr 11111·.,r .... 1 1 • ~ 1'A 1 ~ '"'r" Ah '1rn r ·1.1 l 1 1• • • 1 • • 4'.:'I Jl,11;1111 A \I• ltl'•I ,),,,,., r I 1 r·,,i.,, !'lo-.i) ,\1 81'111 I ,,,. l'•'lun •A ~ , ... ~, •"n··"' ~n:,f f\•> I; ! ri1' • •1. • •\ n wt1,_n h~ • 111 t '+ O I t•\11 t·,1 l I •• 11' l,..t • t'l \\ n-. , t r1'd\' in 111 .. t~l · 1 .,., •,. ·1. THE 11 ROCKET 11 ••• and hovv it goes fo-:-yo_u ! ., All arro~~ tire 48 &ta It's ... it'~ "HI\'' ... 11· .. \rn"I' -I .1i:hr , •• it'11 Old.•m&1ill'! You ~c th<'m nv•1--.·11/i,,r11 ••• thr~' •tanrl out arr_v11 ·hf"l't>! In far t, Olil!i.mol1ilr is m:il..ing more car~ thnt 11re thrilling m ore Jl('oplc tli11n t'\'Cf hcfor~! For o nlv Ol1l1< has 'the d111<li of ''11~-.inir cnlnr" 11tylin1? ••• only Olrt .. hu tlic flaeh of hrilliant "H(l('k<'l-Eni:iuc pnwer with ll~·rlr11 -Matic S uper Drive "! ·n1<'~0 11rc thr J,jl! r<'a&one Ol1l•mohilr if' 'oinJ? O\'l'r ~o hiJ? this ~ r11r wit Ii ncry- hn.lv! '\o'" 's tl1r ric.hr rimr for ,.Ol, to <lri\'l' 11 "Hoc·kpt'' . ' - Olrlrn1nhilt•! 51·e m for a i:rnNN•~ 11ppr:1i~iil '. R Pmt·mbrr. tlwrr.'p 11 "Rocl..t'l" f,,, c\Cry p<>fkf"t ! 0(),. ...... 1., .,1,. ,.,, LOCAL DILIVHID P .. CI OP OlDSMOllll "II" 2-0oor $Men la s 2465°0 ltott Oflld '°'of •• -. ..... ,..o. YIN' ttriu d•n--dt "'"°" ctrtol<• of fllltlfMlel _.4 bH, •'r'•· opttol'tnf •a.,tp,...,,-f Ql'l'cl 0¢(""0''"' ,,i(_.1 ""0Y •Cllf"Y ..... htf., la •tft....,_t t:<'.,_.'"'-...._11,"t b~a1io1t• e;f t"'°0Ptf'I l"O'D•• OL..C> S IVI 0 a I L-E MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 West Coast Highway NEWPORT IEACH Phone liberty ~-2261 DON'T MISS OlDSMOlfU'I l "'t HOUI "ll•ICTACUUI" t IATll ltD~V. JUl.T t • NIC·TV Two Mesans to I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -·PART I • PAGE 5 MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1955 Serve Orange County Group 548,000 Damages Sought by Pair SANTA ANA, 10C:SS1 -More ly 811'1 r-M'klt•sisly a n<I rau~eJ It tn rip Into thl'lr ''"h1dt•1t ''" :-.:t'wport HlvJ. n<'llr t.ht' AJ-. hea overyau . B"th pl111nu tr~ "~"~·' ~trlo\la ln· )lll')'. SA!l:TA A~A !OCNSl-Forma-thlU\ $40,000 dama1u \\;e,.. I OU(ht I tton ot th" '''hH...,t 1 • ,\ • McCollum DauC)hter ln euperlor court hert Thuraday ter or thf' Mu1<'11IR1' Py1trophy 1 Auoc.tallon of Amen.:a. lnc~ wu In connect \o.n with a Ntwport t ann<>unrc-tl lnat "'""k. BMoh colll1\on lnvolvlnr two mo- 1 T om Brown or !'lnnta Ana. waa torc)•clu and a n a\ltomobll• Ma.1 Mr. and M re. Lloy,t McC'ollum llf l MI 1 Oranite Aw , C'•'14't& MeM annrnin<'ed lht' birth !If a Jlrl 1n at. JOHph R~plt&l on May 10. )"'"''"'' r11 Nt1.: .. n1. W1ll111m H. 28. \·otaw, SMta An11.. w11s nameJ Bri.llrins the ault. 11r. ·Burton K. S~lth1' DallC)htet' vii'•' pl·es1•l <'nl. I •1111111'1 L. Smith R obtnaon a nd Carl Eclwaro Cdurrlde. Mr. a.nd Mre. Biii.•· Smith, SM 7!'i2 w. l Pth Sl , Costa M?s&. 20, through Roblnaon. Namt •· .• tr•uur('r, nnd Mr1t J une Alfx· ft'nda nt II" C'h11rlr • \\'. Ly1m1. W. 8l'mar11 St . C'osla MMa. &J'9 andi•r, S11.nta Anll, MC'rtlary ThP plalntlffa of Chino claim pa,..nta ot a 1rlrl horn June I kl Ot ht'r nlt'mbtr.-10 aerveo on t.ht _L;;;y;;;on;;;;;;1;;;o;;;pe;;;;;;ra;;;;;;tl';;;d;;;;;;h;;;l;;;1;;;c;;;a;;;r;;;;;;n;;;e1;;;1;;;1r;;;e;;;n;;;t;;;·;;;;;;H;;;oic;;;;;;;;;h;;;;oe;;p;;l;;;l&I;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=. ex~ul1\•e <'Om1nltt~ lnrlude Mrft. • Donald L. Sm4lh. Co1l11. Mena. The formation ot the chapter la the re1111lt oC a «a111p11l~n last l.>t- Cl'rnbfJr epo1111rirl'U by · the firemen of Orlll\jl;e County In ('OOper11Uon with firemen t hrou~houl the na- tion. Fund.a ra.laed-In the rampa1p will bl' 11aed tor resea rch. Dr. Alvord Trial Reset Here; LA Charges Filed Jury trial on a mlad4rne&nor buatne1111 and proteaalon11 code vlo- ta.Uon cha rg" loosed agll.lnst Dr. ·R. E velyn Alvord, !\O, ot 2221 Pa- cl!lo Ave., Co11ta M u a . hu been ahlltf'd to 10 a .m. J uly 28 In N ew- port Jwitlce ('OUrt. Thll trl&I WU orig1nally 11et for June 7. Charp1 hllve •Ince been broua-ht airalnat Dr. Alvord a.nd Loa An· g'ele• chiropractor Norman W . Schmitt. ri~. in Loe Anrelee. Should Dr. Alvord be held on a felony charge In Loe Angele11_ di.a· mlaaa.I of the'1nlsdeame&n0r eh&fS• hue 11 forHeen. It la &Merted Dr. Alvord ran hlboratory teeta In Coeta MM& for Schmitt, orlg1n&lly ch&rg't!d with ulllng t.n unlawtul machlnt to treat chrortlr dlaea.111'1 and practlctns without a llctnM. Lenker Son Born A boy wu born t o Mr. and Mn. Robert Lenker, 803 Femlea.f An. June 1 In Hoag hoapltal. g~org• Bandmede Contt-mporary OrtgtnU. 211 • S9th PIJM'e at Bf'lmon• Pier Long Beach, Calif. Cloetd ~onday1 Thanks EVERYONE! For Makin9 the 10th Annual FISH FRY Such • Hu9e Succeu • D We Are Indeed 6reteful ! • Coda Mesa Lions Club HI' DAD AN ELEClllC RAZOR e Reqaluqtoa e Romon e fforeleo e Sabeam Store Houn : 9 •· m. to I 0 p. m. ( Sunclaya: 11 •· "'· to 7:30 p. ~.I We rt1trn the ri_ght t~ li mit. ~~ ........ ~750 PRIC:ES EFTECTl\'E Thru Father'a Day. 1-19th ROISOI LIGHTERS .e«J ... $6.95 Stedcn cUL'lli'D BOX CllOOOLATF.a--OonMlll CHOC. COY. CHERRIES SATINWoop RANDLE-nit VA.LtJr. NAT. BRISTLE HAIR .BRUSH MEN'I OR LADIU lllZE-lk \'ALU'E CANVAS WORK GLOVES s3•s CUTON OF 60-T8-c. He sc BOOK ~I.CHES ,. ...... _.. ... ,_,_."-'-._.~ .. ---~-· . KE.:PSJT-Oiaranteed u t \'aloe 98C VACUUM BOTTLE ........ ··w ....,. ILECTRIC HAIR CLIPPER Rar~..r Ac:llllOP'I Rar~ C.mb pf• -but('' A~t. ~'ft",,!'r~ ..... S6 95 RAY4-VAO LLUlPROOF-Re .. l&e FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES TliBUUK A.U.:HINlJM-&lhtwr Orip-L.a \'ahte FISH LANDING NET .. RINO&D UD, TllAT-LOal-&.ee Val .. METAL TACKLE BOXES l<XYl'CB PLAID DIC8IOH-wt• luuldl-... U1 METAL PICNIC BASKET PrNI Trouaen .. Y.ar C1o&beeU.~ Value s100 llc 7'/C TROUSER CREASERS l pair MEN'S BUUTIFLl. NEW l!l'n'ILS-IWc. 51.00 Value .. .MEN'S PLASTIC WALLETS BOX OF '4M).-Stron1er Tl- SCO TTl ES' FACIAL TISSUE ... llOIL-Extn "'°"' .. CutW lk>• CUTRITE WAX PAPER 1-0UNOE Kll'O 1nzr. n..An-~. l.M .J King's Men Shave Lotion 79c 19c 19c s100 sCH01c°K iN:JiCToR.ii'An.Jis t;CJC 0 " M• Otfw--Oelsat..-ReT. 'rh <'am RAPID SHAVE CREAM ~y POM.'l.AR n.AVOll&-.... la KOOL-AID ....................... . 2ror$119 3rerl()c. LEATHER WALLm We m&dP • v..,,. '''""' nu) • v.i .... te s2•s S7.SO flllNCI ALlllT PIPE TOBACCO 7CJC J (jovernmenf ...JlaJ Cxcepl PAGE 6 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NtWS · ~~ESS MONDAY. JUNE 13, 1955 area should do aa Laguna haa done. a11 FUilerton haa done, a nd as other a rt'as have done ...:.... fom1 their own Red Cross Chapter, and forget a bout county dictatea, or county seat administra tion or fund extractions. . . . We will gi\'e $100 h~rewilb-u the (jnt-cont.nbution -~t-...,t-0-11'-.a--.s a cha pter or the -Red Cross to SN'\'l' this com - On Flag Day With Flag Day being obser \'ed nationally t o- morrow. J une 14. the Newport H arbor Sea Scout Base will be well identified with this hand· aome 9x17-ft. flag. . . . ll is to the younger gen· eration that the United Statea of Amenca will always look for preserva- tion of t,h e ideals and heritage of this Republic'• Founding Fathers and their flag makers. • • • Wherever the American Stars and Stripe• have fiown they have heralded the American way or life, the dignity of the Individual aa well as the freedom of what started out to be rebellious Colonies. • • • 'NEW FLAG FOR SEA SCOUTS To make Flag Day come alive to all peraona 'in this country its citizens are requested to display Old Glory prominently and correctly where- ever 11he may fl y. In ad\'a nce of F1ag Day. June 14, directors of the Freedom Club of Santa Ana. Inc .. Tuesday presrnt ed a 9x 17 -ft. flag to Sea Scouta of Orange County. The presentation· waa made by Mn. Glen Gardner, flag chairman of Freedom Club. S hown above at the first flag-rais ing are Sea Scout Ernest Minney, Port Captain Charles Wigg, Scout Charles Marke l. W. H. Spurgeon ill, Commodore of Sea Scouts: W. H. Spur- geon Jr .. vice-president and council member of Orange Empire Area Boy Scout s and Mrs. Gardner. The present Sea Scout flag was fin;t flown ,over Attu during World War II. -Staff Photo • • • God grMt us the serenity to a cce pt the things we cMnot change: the c;urage to change the things we can and t he wisdom to know the difference ." IA. Anon.) E D-1 T 0 R I A L S - Let's Own Detern1ine 0 r Red Cross Destiny Thrrr were man~· r<'s1d<'nt11 of thr Nt'wport Ha rbor area grr atly shnckPd by the st.wy Lhat the Red Cross would d1srontinue 115 jlmbulancc motor cor ps service 11lmost immediately. • This 11erd re hns 1'~·1·11 one care(.ujjy nurtw:ed And ably ndminrsterrrl and t('111!t•d b~· wom<'n of the New- port Harb11r ;in·a . They h:we ~lven of thei r timt' and ef· forts an.I ht•arts. far bi-yond that nf any othr r portion of t h<' county. Yr~. ttw womt•n of thr N<'wport Ha rbor at<'a Re<i Cro:;s Corr11 hi!"" g1\·en of tht'ir time ancl ef- ort fa r beynncl that'' hll'h could be expi'cted of t hem. T he womc·n han• ti'ndC'd lh<' needs nf disabled. ne<-cly. and i-irk of rraC't 1ra II~· l hf' rnt 1 re cnastlini' and ~11 nt a Ana. \.;irclrn r:rnw. ;rnd II gnmlly port ion of t he inland arC'as. In add1t 1nn to lh:it . thf' people ilf the Nf'w- port Harbor lll'('fl h1we rrm·idccl II gonrll~· portion nf t he monty that haR finlrnl'rrl I hr rnt Ir<' Rl'rl Crn!IR oper11t1on in OrirngP County. It woulct sr<'m tn UR th:.i l thr time 111 now 11t h:.ind for the formation of 11 Nrwpnrt Reach nr Nrwport Har- L- P'ormerly the Ntv.1'0rt -B111bnA New11-T1mea and the :'o>ewport ·BAiboa P re.u ~~~~~~~~~~~ A Depodable Lo('aJ lnstltut.lon for OTH Forty VNn tntered u Second-Clw MAttu a t the POfltofflce In N rwport Beach, California unl1tr the Act ot March 3. 1879. QtallftH .. hbllsll .,,.,.., Notkw-9 and Ad,·•rtl-tonte of AU llhtd• By DMr'M of ... 8wpel1or Colll't of Orure C~. la Al't1011 So. A -tl70t" KtatlM!r Calllol'llla ~•-p&{W'r Publlehtn Ae1todatloe Ml'IDbflr Nat10ftaJ F.dltortaJ AMOdatton Member of Ol'Ufe County New. ~n1C'• BEN REDDICK, Pt"BLISHER W1LUAM A. MOSE S, E ditor OJltMON~ !;. l\Ot'NTftEE. Ad\'trl11ing DlrtctClr C'RAJU.l:a A. AR."STROl"G, ~iechanrcal Supenntt ndent 8~1PT10~ RAnS: !liewport Harbor '.\"" 1-rr""· T" lrf' \\·,...kl'I I• Or&na"e ColJJI~'. H .00 pt'r ~ ,.ar: l~.00 'h mo•.. Jl ~'\J thrf'f' mlllL Ootald. ot Orur• CoWlty 17.oo IW'' Har bor area Rt>d Crose Chapter, that would have Its own administration. its own executives and determine iUI own destiny. Apparently, the dissolution of the motor corps facilities is as much aa anything. a retaliatory ~lap at the women of the Newport Harbor area, who had become greatly t ired orthe slack efforts ot other groupt. T he women of thia area had furnished many drivers to ma n the s tation wagons of the Red CrOl!la adminis- tering thr aid to needy persons. We certainly can aee no i:;cnse to the statement of the county head of the Red Cross That. lh<'ir facilities must be at standby and de- mand of the military. We personally ha \'f seen dozens. yes scores or am- bulanc<>s. rc1t t ing away on the military bases in thia county. \\'e src no reason why the citizenry of this com- munity, or t his county, should provide Red Cro111 motor corps sen ·ice to the military when the military ie rot- ting out hundreds of vehicles. Thr militllry is 8ble to provide its own service and the Rrrl Cross could well provide the. civilian service that 1t h11s bern providing. We wigh to make it cl<'llr that the wnmr n nf the Red Croes in Newport Beach did not of their own \'Olition di88olv~ their motor corps facility, and the women of the Red Cross havf' not abandoned I heir Grev Ladv 11en •ice -the 11erdce of the hf'llrt, llnd hand 1U1d. mind. that they can be8t 11dminister. • We feel it. would be quite proper for the Newport Harbor area women of the Rrd Cross to dC'mand from t he Orange County Chllpter of the Rrd Cross 1n ~an ta Ana. restitution of the $17,000 raised in this community. for administration In this community. a s the women of the Red Cross iv this community see fit to adm1n ist rr. Thl11 i• just like many of the other county unit s th11t ex- tract from this Area \'Ml 11uma of money -just like the Community Ch~t which is administered in the County of Orange by a highly paid, underworked, head Yt'ho a1- 11umea for an of the Santa Ana Chapter all the out.Aide Community Cheat contribu{ions and expects' this area to contribute more to county needs. It is another way of l'!aying, "The neec:U of the Santa Ana Ches t." 'lt is the same thing that existed in the YMCA when the Orange County YMG_A extracted from the Newport Harbnr Communit y Chest, ill-gotten gains for sen·ices not rendered this area. Thia same thing ia true nf most of the ag-encies that hound this community for donations. contn butions or gifts. to \'ariowi fund raising 1cheme11 for one form or another of physical, m'ental, or fancied ailments. We nenr aeoe any reeult. nor any re- t urn. nor any h<-n«>f1ts. to t his community. 4• Again we say. it 1& time that the Nev.-port Harbor munity. We b<'lie,·e there are many ot)ler c it izens who woul d ~ladly match that amount for th<' continuation of a Red Cros11 program to aerve the people of the com- munity l\R our Newport Harbor area Red Crose has been serving it in the past. We will be far better off giving again. o r giving more. or giving twice to continue the motor corps aer- ,·ices of the Red Cros11 rather tha n to ha\'P the bureau· crats of t he County of Orange establish an ambulance service manned with 20 or 30 or more paid· driv#rs who will abuse the rights, the principles and operations of the county when all thoae services can be provided by these wonderful volunteel"'ll of this community with a slight help of your contribution of money. City Clerk Steps Down Charlie Priest has resigned a.s cit y clerk of New- port Beach. Hia resignation wu tendered the city coun- cil · afte r an unprecedented locked door, armed guard ae88ion in council chambel"'ll Friday morning. The· city clerk said that his reBignation was tendered at the re - quest of the council. His reuona given wtre varied and covered the conduct of hia office over a· long period of time. C. K. Priest hu served the City of Newport Beach for a number of years. He firet was a clerk in the police d'!partment and then wa.a dignified with the job as ser- geant of police. Apparently Charlie Priest was a good police sergeant. According to the· former head of that department, he organized the records and filing system of the department, giving them the firat orderly run of detail. information. Charlie Priest began aa a good city clerk . and it might be fair to him to say that he was the best city clerk this city haa ever _had. But Charlie Priest, accord- ing to his own statement to reporters Friday, had a failing juat like all human beinga. He forgot that his job waa to carry out the instructions prescribed by law and aasigned to him. Charlie Priest by his own state- ments chose to conduct his office in a manner of what he thought waa the best for the city council, not to con- duct a job in the best posaible way that a cit y clerk'a job could be conducted. Charlie Priest's first ha.sale with previous city, coun- cils began when it was discovered that he, as tax asses- aor, was not assessing taxes due the City of N.ewport Bea.ch. He told reportef's at that time that he didn't asaeaa the t.axea because he thought the people in ques- tion were paying enough taxea. Charlie Prie.t withheld from the city council offi. cial document.a tn.n.amitted to them through h~ office by the County of Orange. He aaid that he withheld one document from the city council because he thought the board of aupervisors would restin'd its action. In the second matter Charlie Priest said he withheld official document& becauae he was waiting for an opinion from the attorney general. We do not know where a clerk would get the idea that he should seek an opin'°n from the attorney general. That ordinarily would be proper only, and 11uch an opinion delivered only. to the city attorney of a city. The city attorney, or dinarily, would not request an opinion from the attorney general unlea he wu directed to do ao by the city col,Ulcil whom he aervea. Chtrlie Prieat will probably be miased around the city hall1 It ia a ahame that conflicting ideas of duties, ot peraonalitiet and of aim. of individual• ahould cause the elimination from public aervice of a man who h!ld capabilitlea that could have made him the ~•t city clerk in the County of Orange. We commend the city councjl of Newport Beach for it. action. We ~lieve it ia time that the governing body of the city govern the city in the manner pre- scribed by law and )ndicated by the reaident. and tax· payera of the community. A Rank Injustice (Ed'a Note: The following ia an editorial recently print ed in the Fullerton Daily New1-Tribune). Here ia a story of bureaucratic red ta~. govern- ment gobbledygook. and just plain old nonaente: A Fullerton firm had laid off a full-time worker who also held a part-time evening job with another company. The individual concerned then applied for unemploy- ment compen11ation for 1011 o! hia full-time job. He waa granted unemployment benefits, properly enough. since hia income from JHlrt-time employment wu not adequate -but guPM what? • The money to pay hi11 unemployment compensation la ~ing talten in pa.rt from the re&Prve llc~ount of the employer who i11 i;tiJJ gi\'ing the man r aft-time t'mploy- me nt and harl not hing whatever to do with his full- time Job or the layoff which led to his claim for ben<'fits ~ An inquiry lo t he State Department of Employment in Sa cramento brought the injured employer this reply: "Tha~i~ thl' w;iy the law read1 and there 111 nothing we can do about it." T his doesn't quite end the story though. , There's a topper. The matter wu ctllled to the attention of proper authorit ies for remedial action in the legisla- ture -but gue• what? The august (or should ... uy June n lawmakera were ao buay in Sacramento with ao many more lmport· ant matters (auch u the preservation ot poker parlon at Gardena) that they couldn't get around to correctihg t hia defect in the law which place. an inequitable and unjUBt penalty upon an Innocent party. Now the only recourw left 'lo the employer i•; (1 ) •ither seek relief in the court. at conalderable expenae: (2) or diacharge the part-time work.er to" ..cape beinr penalized by higher unemployment compenatJon taxe. for an inat.&6c. of unemployment that la not hil fault and thereto,.. la not properly eharpd aplut th• .....-ve fund maintained t or hia buainees. That' a the •d of the ltor)'. >. rood ane, lm't it T :J.rom BRUSH COUNTRY -JO URN AL :~RA('); l'AJUU~R ~ t;.t. ~oil' -Thi• t'<1ltunn b)' Hor•t'f' t•ark1•r •·UI deal wt~ th4' llttl""k"°''" hlatorh'al far!• hf' hu drN111rd u11 In bt. lllM1 t rln8 tntn thfl b&C'k rountrt In """""' l l'•n.) TOP OF GRADE -For Engine 721 it was an euy downgracll'.! coas t into Fallbrook. Note tem_porary track laid on count y road. -Photos from Whitmeyt-r Collect io n of Railroad P hotographs. The story of the "train t hat came out of the canyon" ie one of those yarns that c1 rculalt' up and down the brush country. The New Year of 1916 had hardly been ushered in by the Fallbrook townsfolk before it began to rain. Early in the mont h of J anuary the 'weathergod" tried a few experi· menu1l ;chvw1•n1 JU~l for llll\f". On n\'l!r :rn y .. ars u .. a l¥o suggtaled J IUI. H l he 1a111 rt'11lly b<•g1m <"<om· thnt "<)lllt' ph1lant h r.1plM might Ing down In allrn•!lt ••loudbu1 Ill pm-' t'uMt a mPdl\I for I ht' penplt of porl11>ru1 It l'unlinu ed t o fl\ll wllh· 1 l-'11llbruok who h11<1 put up w ith out ab11lemen1 011 the 1:.ith a nd .11uch oibominsble ra1lroa•I nrvk .. Hlli1 a nd then 'thP nimors h"RRn fv • au ma ny years coming m over lh" brush c·oun11y Tnwa r<I~ thP letter part ot th• telf'graph. month the rains began tn alow up The nld •Hlubf' Oak Gro\' .. Buller-\\'Ith lhf' two r,ivers "'hl<"h 1sol8ll'd tteld • lftJee Statw n w &>. about J.'Allhrnuk the Temec-ula a nd _li11n ready lo w&11h away One of lht' ~11n L11111 lky .. un running At flood w ooclen f1ame fi rruc-tur .. s 11.I Oak j 1 .. , .. 1 l11t• rt'l!1<lents w er,. a m6u>(I Gr OVP Wiii! lll't'n nlt'l nly rui.hm~ 11n to fin•I t hat IX ;14 1nrht''" 11( ra in Its '"»Y th1u lh<' Te1111,11h• (',111-hit•l r .. 11 .. 11 cl1111ni;: J 1111ua ry. 1u 111 • y<•n And linHll~· uut lP i.N1 Tl1" 11 ~. 11w 1i .. ,. tw twrt'n Jan H anll San t.ulll Hey H1\'>'I tlra111111,1: th" Ill. 8•Julh 11Hh' of l'alnmar Mou11t 1111 On :;;,•pt l. !!'IHI a n••w ro111 ,. wa.• on a l,.111fll' iamp111:" :\losl , 1nl" ~'11llhr••>k f1t•m \lt'!'lll11111i11 oC lhf' Jn.l.llUJl \'tlh1g11 at l'nla .,..1111 j thn>UJ.:h th•• S1wl.A ~h.r11;1;r1!" thrt'1<ll'ncd 111111 ttw wat .. rs w <'rt' ltar11 h" 11'11mp Pl'ntll•tnn1 .,..,._ llc-k 1ng J;rt>,.1hly Al lht' basP nf lhl' '1111 l• •I, wh11 h "'nulrl rtl'llt'rt th,. nl<I fA muuA Pl\IA <'1tmpan1le """"" uht ('11nynn l'(IU(• nnr e llll•I RAIS ('OSTl.""l'f:O I fnr s ll But atlll ll rained naghl and In t hr O\"An tlme the "Jo~l!l llbronk d ay . nyf'r' be1oran .. yelng • ••>ay In jtl'I Ju11t •~ thl' old·llm,.r11 pr'NJ1rt. 011t ''' t111 .. •h•f>p t"AflV•'n. Th,.,• "th• tl\'~rll """ ,.,..,..,k~ 1•f South· Wt'ft' two • IM1t ,.,. F.1tlwr lf'A\'" tl111 rrn C\1hfo1111a t urn 111'"'.t" •Jow n ··11111rm• nt 1n t he 'anyron !\nil j1111k Whf'n the rllllll\ rP11ll.V \UO\I' ·• ll th• If' or ••J!O Up !hr j;:llldl'' illl \\"htn th!' 1·.i f11n 11 :-;.,11\1!1'111 thr ~·nrfhr•••k F.nl*'lf'Tl~t" f'<11tnr R11llrnl\d hull' 11:-11r1• k ... 1111 .. 11~11 h&d •fl r,,,.,.,,.>11,.lv 1111~grJ<t,.<1 lhl' T1•111• • 11111 Cany1111 in 11\IC'.l,"' II h I t;l'(('1\l't: l 'LA:'\ ~ Ch1n<'I"' lnbr•r. •"•nil•• ling 1·.,)1 .. 11 In ri, l 1!'16 the· l':nto fl''I."' n1<·11- w 1th !':11n Ll\!·1:11 thty \\f'rt' Wllrll•'t l IH•lll' llrnl lhl' lnn•m•ltl\"t' flnW11 In by lh<' t•ld11mcr-. tn Rl'l lhe lrll• k~ lh• 1 <1n\'t1n '' ~hun\ini: r111l11 Arnun•l Up 111>\l\f' thl' rl\'t'r h<>CJ. Ill prqt11Al1rin l"r """ltf'lnjt llf' th" 'T h"ni Bo~tnn f"llt"1 11 ftlf• -tllh '!IA•lt' 11111 nn \11\r• h ;IO 1!117 "" born 011 mul,,•" ~n .. n•ol ''"'' .. 1.1 ttn•I th" · F'i<llhr<>t•k rln!1' 11111 In rt"1<(Pl1! .. , •h<oWl'll t'm \'o'h"I" II(' !hr I Jlll\IOn hl.irh wotrr n111rk "'II< rm lh" ~l·I" Ap1•••••1ith· hv '"''" 1''17 lh" of thf' r11nyun, hut th<'Y plllol no 111d1 .. 111t ,jP•·•d• .. I In !rt r11v111 .. ,.,,n a tt1•ntlrtn ·· l1At'lt11• w11h "kn11w ·hnw h11I "'I l''nr ll'lm,. :10 ''*'Ill'" I h• ri •t•I• 111~ i.:••tl in.: 1 hi• "fllllpnwnl r•11I \\ II ()( rKllbr .. nk hlld h"•'M hA'liillJ.: lht'll ll:t•'lfl All I !':"0'1 ,.( J'llHAd• l>M \\ h" fn~ll:hl flllnl !ho• J."i1 tlh1<•1•k !'Ill· \\I'll' t11n l\• 111"\"t'rll i;nl It\; l"I" l1n11 wh11'hWllll•l•\\llll1th"T "111t · Th•\' hl'i:un \\'<•t k nn M•11 h I ~. rull\ l '1tnynn up lhr "nld 11l•1l1nn t !•li AiHI .... nq•l•·I• •I nn Mii\' 11, 1tr11dl'" 11ntl lh"n 1ntn town \\'h"n \\'1th ftollr lll••n , (nlJr h,.,,. .. ~ ""' nrwJl thnt th•• trR• k,. li• I\\•"' 11 lhP 1 nt•'' 111, """ '.l•l1t11 ,.,,,, "' l'lltil" 1"'811hl'(ltol\ Rtntl"n 111 !Ill' • .Ul\'"11 llw\ ""''"'"' '''"' llMI 1nn11 .. r "'l'"I' a nd I >r••&nll11lr ",.,,. h• ini:: w11..,h• •I Ill• 111 .. v,.r f;:JtM1 I•, I 11r " 11 p• r M1l t hl!' f't11l••r "' lh .. F11llbr•"•k 1 ,.~, i::n1'1r l\ntl n"Jt"llll\l"'1 -.O r--r F.r.t~rpr•~·' •hur ll••I v-·tth .:t•·• c••nl t •lr''" \\'hsH 11r kle •I hu11 ,.,.,n 11.-•t•· \\..tc T h,. •'•1111r111wnl tr•IU•l•·•t '\'" thr ftH"l thn\ I hrr,. v. ., ... ¥-iO •·nt ,, .. p.1 .... ,..n.:,•,. • ••U• h• --t ''",. ··ucin'" , f tr11m 1111)l111r.i ti• wn In th" •an\"" th•• 71•1, 1,.., .. ;-.;,. 72t ""'lllhlllK 11v••r at th•• Fl\llhr""k ,.11111 .. n II•· •l,.11-11111 '""' r .. 11 r r• '"•'•·n •··r ''""'· l'l\"~ly C'l\llPtl •I th,. '"Fl11lhr •u1k flv. 11111• h••'( 1 Ar """ l.J\nk, '" ''"" flnl so s t:t;u To \\orrn\· ..,..hp ~!tnl 8. ....... n••r••J not \\ 111 t \' 11h .. ut lh" f'qt11prrwnl n11w l1•1tr l•"I llJ> Ill !hp (l\ll~'llll hi FAllhl'•·k " hf' wrotf' I 1 wa.•n't R"llllo: 11r. \" wherf' ThPrl hi' •llKi:;r.~t•'.f IO pl 1nt that th• y y11r.k n ... train "" lh· F'•llbrnok hill Jll~t Irk" ti•" I'" •I $Urfn1~1i( l••"n'l"lk """ •l"n" fnr i <111 '"lh " 7r. r1 111rr r11hl•· '''''l!h· 111,.: ':'fl , .. ,,,,. :Ht.I on•• h1tv1 :..r wlll1 2o l•q1" ,,f odil."" ''" • t1tl"' 1n '' Tht" \\It." K. 11 t••t•I f t1r \lit• ltth •·At 0 11,- \,.,I 1"111 llt:" ht Ill; hi• rMll\' hft•"l t1\it o( " • c, f1 i-un\·••n ""ti ""'''"'' r 1r ft\•, 8. rn1lt i-;., t1n" 1111?~ .. ,,,,. "lh· •••·• 1-·1111. lilu· k F l\,., l1n .. 11v n,..,,.. the l'T•llh "FAl.l .. BROOK Fl.l't:R" ~Train iR bf-ing h11.ulcrt un- cerem oniously baclt over the "station gradr" and out of depths of Temecula Canynn Farmer McCabe Writes ... Tht>re'11 quite 8 To n o hetw<•f'n lnrl URt ry and Lshor over G.A.W. 1Gu11.ra.ntrf'rt Annu11 I Wag1>). Well, th~ mol'e I rt'&d about it the bf-tt.«>r r ltkP 1t Jl ow ~nme PVf'f, mo111t anybody'll agr~ t hat Wf' J<'Rt ran 't hi\n• r;.A. W. without G.A.P . (Guaranteed Annual Prof1t 1 • , • nn mnre'n you can have an apple without thf' Mr~ Farmer McCabe l a.II 11,._ ·~ \ • h"r' 1'a11l .J.,hn•nn f'nnn11 T~"' 14 t G d t Junk I.Inda J; ll K .. mrrr Con· 0 ra ua e ~111nr.-Ann Kl'mpt<'n Patrtrln Ann I Larr" Soml'"' &nd T<'m ThMldld· u n -l"roin th• M\•enlh 1rade. the NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS~RESS -PART I · PA&E 7. ....ONDA '(. JUNE I J, 1955 Ktnne.iy. Joy'c .. An n K111u ... ~t1!p·1a·n fi•nt Cla .. l'hen Oourtu K1mbll', Susan Ehu· .. bf'l h King. Mar\' l.111•1nr1n Kt'<'h, f s J I Richa rd Kornwe1bel Jtrry Dlxnn rom t I mes gn<tuatea will be Kn11ht S.Ck. Pamea Lerner, Olt'k Sl&hlu and Gary Borman' O&ll Sall1bury and Btll Wakeman wUI (Tad1.1&l • from MS(t. John c. H..,ward. USMC. Grieuer Gets MA Ma.rin• recruit• tor Orana• county. I Robert Grl~r Jr~ N..,.n Kum•r St•Phf'n Allan Land~v I • t""'ul•" f'harlntt,. Lf'f' M11n · Linda SlXtH n younptera will be ln the eighth i-rade. The 1tudtnt addre ... ''The Value Tb• reuruon ~11 be held In ~ 8nl'h, reN1vt'<1 a Muter ol .t.r'9 AJ\6•lu, on AUJ. a_, t . and T. and df'cree JuM • at the llUl .... lA'", Jamo Euitl"n" lA''"''-'· I the ltrat Jr&duatl~ clue at St. t Rob<'rt Ant honv l.lf'b. Harbus , Jam._ Epl1copa.I Day School Ann Lllil!'nthal. Arthtt r Alan Lln'1· 1 Thuraday momln(. They repre- l!'k,. 0 (,lnsll! F.. t.1ndlf')', \\'111111.m 11ent atudenta from th• 11Jcth, of Chrlallan Edue&Uon" wtU be d•· the bea4ql&&l'tera wUI be lb• BUl· 1 ment"ement ••u~laM et a.nm-& Uverf'd by KnlJhl Beclt. A mu-more Hotel. Or.duate lcbool 1a111 to the 1tudent body 111rtll be AU fonner memben of th• di· • H t.1rr1nrr>tt .loh"l1h Warun Ltr· eev .. nth and elJhtb S'r&d• u the '11111 . SUMO Ahx LMfOl!'r. Judith 84'\'enth and elJhth cradH wtll be 1-i.c~ 1;.cnll. J'lona111:"" A.._t;mrt;-r be dlacontJJIUed MXl yur. - Jiven by th• Rev. Ralph B. Pe&ff I rt.Ion and a ttacher unit., be Uley who will allo pru ent lb• dlplomu. avtaUon, mecllt'al, panadlute. raid· Suvlcu wUI be bald 1n UI c.h&pe.I er. M other are ur19d to 11"'-thf'ir -io.ao a. m. -- -name and addre• to M 8Jt. Ka,)•· SAVI IARLY G"n• P t.un•I, .Ism~~ Tlm,,thy ThoH 1raduatin( from t he alxth M!\nC Jtrry A M•nrt. Rt>y ~rt-(rad• wtlJ .be Chulee lkll. Ch&rlu I t nrk Mal hl!'I' Ill. Hf'lf'n Alln Mal· t Gore, Martin Lockney, J hn Mac-Finl Marines to Meet in LA ward IO that Col ~ e&a C'Olll&ct them by direct mail wttll all detailed Information. can Kl 1-'3'3 or rom• lnto th• laata An& Po1t Otttce. room IOT, t.lle M&rln• recrultilla otttc.. 1 thl!'w•. Bonnie J""n MrCay, Mau-1 key, Jon Martin, Mark udd•r. rt"n 1'u,•an Mrrt>y, Df'nlae Marl" 1 Mr Donald. rhar1t~ Bryan Mc-Don·, l!'r, Joan Mule Walp. 1.Jnda JtlaJne TO HE~D 'ROADS' GROUP New officers of lhe Roads to Romance Association were elected nnd installed at thr Mission Inn in Rivf'rt1ide weekf'nd of June 4-5. The association is a • outhcm Califor- n ia Historical and travel boos ter organizat ion. John A. Ford, 6Upcrvisor of Los An- geles County hu retired aa prf'sident t o b~ replacf'd by Leroy Linnard of Pasadena and· Balboa Island. Ford remains with the organization as a vice-president and director. Pictured left to right abo,·e are, Linnard, president: Davic.J Olmstead, Newport Beach. secretary; John Buchanan of Riverside and Balboa. dire<.'tor : Ford: Howard Irwin of Fullerton. vice-preaident and director: and Dean C. Howell of Escondido, director. ~ta.ft Photo 269 Students to Graduate from Horace Ensign June 16 I.I\ "'11ldu11tlon ex"t'lst s to be Oot'sb11rg Jr . Bruce Harrah Doug- htld June HI a l 4 p,m . at Hor11t'e 1 lu 11. Mary Lu Downing. T imothy ,En111gn 1<chool. 269 pupllio will rt'· I Lee LJr Ii.kt-I, David R. Drury. Vlr· rtlve d1plomu. ThP Rrart11at1on i;tnlll Lynn Dunlavy, R1)!i!I 00110 prnrram wlll tnrlude th!' inw•ca-Eckert. Oa\1d Al11n Elford, Rlly tton anrt ~nl'dlrtlnn b¥ th" R"v 1 J. Ellebourtt, Bsrbl\ra L, F:lllott. Jamea Stewart anrt muslr b\' the t'arnl' OIRnn~ Elliott. Richard H11mvma1r11 sn1I th" l!C-h11ol band. C'han~lnr Elliott, Peter Andrew Orplomas v. ill 11.-Jlruented by f"'lrth Diana Shreve Fisher, Ger· s11 pt Rn\' o Anolnsrn 10 t ht' fol-ald L.•e F1tzxer11ld, Samira L J11wmg p~pll.11: F'ltrr. Rose LA't Sharon Fletchl'r, · I Wtlluim Chr5tt>r Ji' Io r y, Kay Anthony Van Liew A tbert.aon, f'rampton, Carol Jean Fnncl<<'. J11n1· Lfc Allen. Martin Glen An· •Margartt Atlde Fruehan, ~atr~ di·r~on. Patrlr1a 1-Anrtrewa. Ann Fruehling Horst Harro 1-~uchs \'"v" Jf'Knlne Arm1tronK Dann\• ' M l< ha Pl A rthofn L&wren<"t L.. J .,fCrty K <•nn•th Gaynor, J•an Groh•. Allen F. Oul'nther. Larry E111;ene Hagen. Tom E . Halltll, Jean !::lien Hamilton. Donald Bia.keel,.,. Hampton, Patrlrlc Ro1111 Han5haw, Ru1sell E. Han!on. Thomu F.rl~d Har•. Lawr"nce W. H1rpo>r, JamH Mlt'hael Har- rold. Raymond Kent Harvey .Ir . John ElllOl l Ha.sl<tll, Gordon An· lhnny Hat'hrrlt.'y. Gtorgt Fr,.dl'rtc-k Hausl'r. Ktnl :'-1cvan Haworth, Jani.a Msrle Haye1t. Stp<>hRnie Heck, Karl'n 1Aul11e llPffnl'r, \\'11ham Ch11rlts Hem11t rt •·t James A.· .Heondf'rson H. Lynn Heonderson, Benj1mln J. Hlckmsn, Rc•bf'rt RAndolph Hall, Sam11tl A. Hill Jr., Gtorge Grtnt Hoair Ill. Hobert Warner Hort- man, Do11glu KPllh Hon,., Orant B1m~on HumbPak, Y.'lll lam Gl'llnt H nyum, Su11an Anrtrea Huttman, Sttphen K1nnur Huirhe1'. Ro~~ Mary K11thlt>!'n Hun11AkH. Julie Ann Hutrht'11on, Carol,. Ann Hy- -V1rgtn1u 1--'lgh l l«-tt. Ca rol l.. J uqtuth, :\h·holas Hardin JarrNl, !<'rank Harns<1n Jtn11en. Ronald Lve J essee. U:>tl Ann J ohneon, Ro- Aahb~'. 1,,,1111 Ai 110 j,, A tw•Kwl Gt.'or· 1 Sutlit'rlant1 Gaz~ay, David Gi>urg~ l(t' \\'hlln•·y Bain .. • Ju1hth \'anan G~bAOn, c.regory C. Gjlberl, C1tr} ~11 k,.r. BrucP H .. hl'rt Hnllin~· r. \\ 1lh1rn1 l.al .. s. Howaril ltllym11nil M11llnr liun,.11• Judith Ann Harth. j G1l8trar , ~111111 Olivia Godines. l'at· M•<rl.'llrt'I ~h .. n•n Hii r!h, HClbl'r1. r1r111 N. <.11Jdlhwaltc, Donald Lee Jo'loyJ H"&lllh><mr Ji . J>,,n11a Curd""; Jc...hn tl•nry Curdon, M1<r· C'lnirc Bdllnl("r. Juhn Wayne liot.-v1n \\ entlell Gray, Betty Ann lln ~ .. r . \\'11l1nrn H .. nrv Bender. --------------------------- Jn·n· L"<' 13,.nto. J ames P. Bob· bt'tr l)f>lo•• t'll Vtq,pnh• Rodman, \\'111t r r C" Rn1rf'. Rtt"hard Relith I 8 11111 k . l.rn.Ja Lt'!' Bnwi>n. Marilyn' M 1HI" Bowler. t:."11rc1l!' Ann Boyer, I J "r I< W lnnln!(hlllll BrRdbury. BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A liESA CHAPEL 1741 Superior A venue C09ta Meaa. Calif . Phone Llberty 8·2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3:120 E . Cout Blvd. Corona dtl Mar, Callt. Phone Harbor U Thnm11 ~ RlrhRr<I llrll'kn•·r. Rhel ta I 1,.,.. Rir.wn, M nl'i;t>nP Ann Bun· "'---~-----------------------' • n,.11 \.1lh•'rtn J1ov Burn.1. l 'atrlcl& ('1H1ol Ru~h. Rl ephl'n Worslry But· lrrw<1rth. < 'ra1.: '"A•lw&l&tlrr J r Mu 1·11rl l!;tn•rv C'11lhnun. 01'nnl'I r .. ul l'ar·I• n. · 1<1111.1ltl Le~ Car I, Krnnl'th D. c·a11 f'h&rlrn.. C'a rroll. T'll11nne Car· roll, <:rRr" Annr ('11r1n. Ca rolyn l.t•f Cltl!r\', T Pl I\' <: A. r111rk<'. A Ian Kay f'I, n1t .. n .. n, Jnhn Rogrr C'nck. D• 11111~ M <"•k<'r n.1nna Lt·e f'on•lry. \\'11vnr \!11th"'" Connf'll, t ·,,n•k t' A c • •t h111 n .. na Churl'h ('.1r1lrf'y, Thum.is c 'lytlc Cork ell. \\'tlhnm J •hn&on C'"1k• II. Tommy C.""" <""It Ir J r11 y H11•.;t• r r ox. flrtMn 1.-rnt Cr1111o (m ol fllr h&HI J ('rl"flr ld. n 111nl' Jr1111 Cur IP\'. Lor· r111nr J..an C11lhhu t, Strpha;.11r l~c D11h· LuF:llyn llnvl~. T1'm D11vl11. F.1lll \\'1ll1am Da\, HQ~rt Arthur fl!I\' \\'t>n•ly :'-lay' l'··~tnbPr(:', Syl· v1;i fl111n" l 11a l. Darlr1·n D1ghtman. Aldtn L. JUNE JUNE MOTOR 12 POINT OVERHAUL SP.EC I AL! $ 75 PontJae I Part.I Md tabor REG. PRICE $122.72 BIG SAYINGS ON ALL MAKES nu:E ESTIMATES nll:t: C'O~l:!'i;llOS CRl:C'K I . lnataJI Snr Rln(1 t . lm•tall l'\•w Pt1ton Pl1111 S. ln11tall Sf'W Rod .~n111 •· Complrte \'afre Grind II. F.•pand Platou II. Olau fto•t C,.Undu W&lla '7. Rlda'e ~am CyL W&llt 14. Alljtll Connection Roda 9. Minor Tune -up 10. R<'pla<'e Ip. Polata J I. Rl'plar,. Manifold Guket1 l!. RepJM,p. Head and r-Guktta 12 MONTHS TO PAY G~UINE FACTORY PARTS WORK GUARANTEED (Oranre Cowaty'• Oldttt Pontiac Dealer) 2nd & Sycamore Santa AINI ti\. Drnn!~ S Mc-Dn11gaU,_ Gl!'orge W&ll&e1 Cheryl Lynn White Pill· Alben Mrrarland, Charlotte F: I Arkell W&rner Jr., John \\·ayna Mt-Gann, Diana Chrl8tlnt Ml!'lzer, 1 wauon. Cheryl Lynn White. Pa t· Barba ra Joan Merrill. ncla Ann Wilcox. Alan Wallsrf' M"•~lngo. Paul Gary Parktneon Wilder, Wtl- H,,war•I Mllrh,.11, R1chai;d Ja\' llam Olla W inton. Jamu Dlbb- Moore. Ann Marti' Muller, Donna ll!'e Wtnt•rbotham, Merle Ann Junne Mun11on. Jarnu Thomu1 Ya.mer. Donald Jeue Yarnell. Murphy, \\'1lh1m If Muuy. l nei Terry Anthony Zwle~l. SANTA A.NA (OCNll-For Ula tlrat Ume. the Fint Martne Dlvl•· JollMoll I•• GOH Ion AaaoclaUon w!U hold Ila an· nuaJ reunion on the wMt ooaat, It v.•u announced today ln a lttter from th• F'lrtt Marine Dlvl•lon Auot'latlon cener&l chairman. Col Rob•r t G. Ballance, USMC. to Tb.rt ot 1111 bl&ek and red bl· c)'Ck trom ftolw Joluwon. t11 Goldenrod A,,.., wu reportecS to pollC* 8aturd&,y. 111• wheel wu t&>ten tl'oJT\ HeUotro.,-Ave. n•r the Mach. !':a pl I'll. Gary A . N t I ~on. JI mm y p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;-. Roger ?'\euteld, J1m,.11 A. Nlemlct', Barbara Roat> 1'\ott, Jo&nnah Lynne Oqulat, J ohn >.turry Owen1. Rtt'har.:l Ray Palm, El•1e Mart_. At Or1n99 County'• LMciin9 Home LefMilftt l~itutfon Fallacr's Favorite Pa tter~m. Sharon Let' Pattison. Onuglu Brue" Purt't, Dean Alvm Pl'&lt . • CONnNUINCI TO PAY Barb&r:t Ann Pec-k. M"llnda I &-clrr. C'harlu Leon11rd Pelletier. 1 Thomas R. Ptlt'rm1n, Mary Anna I Pl'lly. Donna J une Phtbua, Nancy IA'e Prior, Rhnirtr H Pugh. Jo~­ eph W111lam Putnam. Kalhlct'n Ann Raub. Jan1u Douglas Red· dick. J oan l. Reed, Peter Thomu Reed. Rlchard J:dward Reltateck, Charlu Arthur Rt mley Jr .. W11y-1 ne L. Rlce. Theoadora Lynne Robb. R.o11anne Roger1. Kathryn Brydon Romberger Jr., Melinda. Lea Rork, 11.,.. colon lty PHOENIX Margaret Diane Roae. Terry Dawn Rosa, Jacquellne Valerie Rumsf'y, Robin Gay Ry· Jett. Laurence Anthony Scherer, Mary J . Shel'lty. Sharon · ~ 1 Shields. Elsie Jane Silman, Sha · s}®' .. PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 on Lou!.• Slncer. Erik J. Sjobeck, I Comella S. Smith, Dennla Cralg FATHER'S DAY Smith, J effrey Heydn Smith, Davtd C. Sprlncer. Sandra Spur· geon, LI.nee D. Stanger, Reece Stauffer, Judith Anne StevenlKln, Franc1111 Sue Stew&rt. Micheal Mt'· Gill Stewart, Peter Jay Stoddard. Ronald Ouatave Stomp. Sydney I Kathleen Swaney. Peter. Mlrhul Taru, Richard Tarnow1ke. Jonph Jeremiah Tay- lor. AntolnPtte J oan Thompson, Denni• Ogdl'n Thompson, Sharl Strother Toblu . ~lwood DeWitt Todd Jr., Karen Ann Tollt taen. T~rrence Alan Trimble, Ma.rilyn Elaine 1'yrrell. Caroline Terry Vil· lllfrana. Erto Eugene von Ehren· ht>rg. Fredric J ohn Wagner, Jamea J W1lliam Walker .. Patricia C. Walk· JUNE 19th FREE PARKING AT REAR DOOR For Dad on His Day ••• " IO·DAY HOMI TRIAL , ~flYPU SQt:ARE SHAPE COOKS 2<Yf, MORE than a r~od pan. Simply ttt the dW aod yov 1n CONTROUED HEAT for puft'Ct ~na i nd frying rnuln. WattMnlf'd tle-nt Ins )'Ou immtrM tntirr pen in w11u up 10 Ill• control ,...i for_,. 111'11hl.,. Now only Sl9.9). ()pfon Frtdaye •w Nlne p. •· All Accou~te O,,....d On or Before The I 0th of the Month Eun From the I st LAGUNA einert's WE GIVE sa u GRF.E~ STAM.PS FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION !22 Ooe&a Awaae PIM>ne1 RV f.1171 r > '~ MIXMASTU JUNIOR ~ DEPARnR:ST STORE 111• Newpon Blvd.. C:O.ta Keaa • l.AGUNA BEACH BEST ELECTRIC Af'f'LIANC•S MAPK . Hat the BIG, SMOOTH SINGLE HeaCI that Shaves Faster, Closer Cleaner Comple~ly differftlt from all other elecuic 1baven. Becawe of Sunbeam's exclu1ive paten~ principle, with the big smooth sin&le bead, you can shave with an ea.sier, circular, mu.sag .. like motion. And yet always ahave against the grain which gives you faster, clo~r. woother shaves .. Shaves beards tough ., wire, yet will not irritate the tendettst skin. That's why more men hue switched to Model W ShaveJ.'aster than any other model dectric shaver-men "''itb all ty~s of beardJ, men of all ages and occupations-men who have never before uJed an electric shaver, and m~n "'·ho have u ied all lesding makn. Anilabl~ in • choice of four beauriful aift c&Jet. MllMlml S YEAR Fall SERVICI GUARANTll ON SHAVIMA:iTIR'S POWERFUL REAL MOTOI ~ Guuantu SunbH '" S,.a .. mu ter la the Onrt al'la••• wltl'I a lt[A~ mo1or which ,, .. • PO*ulul b""'" type, H llU •Oun<I, If>. b•t etmat"'•· end ••tlut 1•1 lOrtl latt1n1. Nyton cran• 1h1ft drive m 1cheru1m. 81c.1u1• of the\1 •nd other 1up1rtor 1n11n11ttn1 t11tur1t l f\d wor .. m 1n\h1Q Swnb .. m off•rt th11 ...... ,., .. , ..... 1 ... f!VC Y(All r11tc ....... 1vora,.1 .. . Th•o Su111> .. m flV( YEAR 1uare11t .. 1n<1u<1u f r .. Stt••c.e on aM mt ct1an1eol end eltt tr1<t l pa'1t ol I~ Sna .. mu l" 1nclud1n1 the motor. 111n,ludn all perU a nd labor with lh• tactPl1on ol lh• Co"'b e l\d Cutter. th• Cord, or dt ma1• U UHd bt'mlt UH , • dfiiibilm COffllMASTll & PllCOUTOI EXCLt;SI 9'£ lARGEll IOWl·flT I EATERS for higher. hgh1tr. lintMtl'turt'd nktt. pucrir1. tic. Only 1ht famous l(Snd1rd·s11t Sunbeam Mu1mutft II"" All tht time end I.hot·'-'' 1ng 1dnnl'lgf't of an tltemc food mi1ttt , If 11'• a junior·me m1nr )'Ou .. ant. tht Sun'-m M1amu1tr Junlor " tht bnt juniot m1au madt. SUNftEAM COFfEfMASTEa " tht linttt of ell ••P 10 make ~rfKI cofftt h<-ouw 1u corrr<t • "" ••m~,. arvrt1 •ltorov• •aicauon and 1u1om111ully con1rolled brt• 1n~ time ruult io coffM 1hu'1 1u1om1dull~ 1ood t~rr llmt. f'or thet• .. ho with an au1nma11c PcrcuUitor, tht SUNBEAM i1 cht Ii°'" end mo11 1-u11f11I made. SEE THEM AT YOUR .SUNBEAM DEALER 0 ,. PAGE I· PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY. JUNE 13, 1955 SCOUT TROOP 81 TO PRESENT FLAG DRILL AT ELKS LODGE F'lajt DRy se-rvire11 will be condpct<'d b~· the Newport H llrbor Elka In their lodge Tftursd11y evening with mPmbet"M or Roy Scout and Cub ~Couts frnm Troop SI. nf Balboa Island Community Church ass1sling. ThP ~t>uta under t he direction o f Scoutmaster Matt Waide· lieh Rtanding in rear n n rig-ht, will preRcnl R nag drill. Tht> F~lkR portion or t hp R<'rvit'e will bf' direct('d hy 1-:xnllerl Ruler Al Mntthrws nt rear on lr ft. -Starr Photo DARBS' TE VEGA DEPARTS 'Collins Case HARBOR ON MAIDEN CRUISE To Be Ruled FREE RIDES Cunllnurd from t 'lrr.t Par;e &It' ll11hn~ In 111\'f't rNJ\lf'hlS l hl\I """''' t.1 ui. C1 om our mihl1trv 11.1m1· h"'~ h.,,.,.u..._,. t 1( our c·umm;llllf'nls 111 the C'OUnty p11l1<'nts." on Tomorrow The ~p.-.•·1al n1utcw .. r-1 \'u•·p 1·r1n1· m1ttee r1·cummrn1lrtl the fnllnwmi: on MarC'h II( Str1tm11n stat1•d. l·Thal lht• ~r.11UH·1n Orani:t> C'rount v rhl!J'l• 1· I "ltnr1111,h, O!I i.1p· Idly llS J"l~'lhh', 1'1•1 \.It t In lh• ~· permissive t1r..i111 wh1C'h hae arttt· ally becomf' " I axl s1•rv1l·e. Hll•I not I.he ser\'11 e 1111.: tnnlly p lennl'd FIRE LADDIE EXAMS SLATED F~11m1n.ll 1t•l\A l••r pht•'l'll on Nl'\\f•"rt u .... .t. Fis .. llt>p111t- men1 tllt:ib1ht \' 11~1 "111 bt> IC '" n Ill the •II\ h111l Hllt\111): 111 14 " m . J11h· :1, I•\ Ht,. l't\ 11 SonHt' R .. 111.1 .\!llhRl hn~ 11111M h~ fllt••I n • t l:\t,.r th1rn !COUNCIL· CALLS QUICK SESSION OVER NOTICE Priest on Griddle with Hot ' Questions Over No Buclget Ad DEATH NOTICE 1-"unr ral •· I\ i.•.-11 f,,r )Ir.. A \•le I l''"" f-'1,, •1rr 41' of !\IS O.mard l'I ' ... I • "· ... ..111 "" hf'ld TU~ • ' • " "' 1'1<rke1-Rldl•1 M"l \llltl \' Ch.q•rl \Hth the Rt\1• 11 l'"'I "' of the F'lr9t tlq •\1,.1 1·11111. h ,,, ,·,.,,1,. Me .... of· '"lit! II .: ~tr' F1,., ho•r 1hf'd l"rtc:!Ay l't l•rr h••lll" 11n .. r "" n :ltrlded Ill· A p111.11ni.1 m11..,t h .. Amt'rl· l'tlfl <'1tlz..m11.. b\'I\\""" 2J and 3 1 )'<'118 u( "~'" ha'" l11~h tt•htll11 t'tll11·al 111n nr eq11"·111. I ntN< !'h .. "11 • n11th·r or Farro, o .. 1 l · f bl h · h S 11 an<l h••I fl\'l'•l In C"oat11 J.foa ot:rause l'ruµcr ega nol1cc o a pu 1c earing o n l e I 1.,, ... , .... ,.n nwnlh11t ::ur\'h·nr• a,.. next cit y ftst·al bud~l't-first 8et for Junt> lO-wtis not pub-"', 1111.n .. n.t 111"" t.•rr F: o< th• lil:1h('d, I'll\' ('l)IJl\~i l tn It l'!pt'{'lftl met'ting Thursdav afternoon h"1Ur "'""•'•• 1111<1h~r111nth•r. Mr•. • r nt. :!fl 4n \int 111 rt• l11d ,.,,.., .. n 1n b11th ""''" on•I rhy:-1,·ul qu11h(1t·11111ons t'(llllll In th•,." rf'qllln-<1 fur od111tNoin•1 to th~ J rmy. I · · f I ? Ill h • A h I M1l1lt1•.t 1: .. 1.t.•11 "t1•• urn\'.-11 Sat· rcsc11H.led tts mutto n o ~ ay _,a c a ng t e t!l'gi;1on. n o t <'r 11111,H. riwu ~1 rirnl. Minn. to at- 1 moli.on t;t'I Jullt' <!i as Jatt> of lhl· public hcann~ 11•11.t 1 II·· ~""''' .. ~ un tht• hu<li;<'l 1 'tty t>Xpt'tlll<'. II<' 111ldt'rl, "In my 1111 •·111 <'11 \\Ill h~ 111 llarbt•r I St1ll 11 th1Ht n111t1t1n '"'"" 11p pn•v· 1•p1111pn 1h .. r>' ·~ m• 1~._"11 ,....sron~t· Rrat M!'n11•11111 1•n1k CP111ttery. t'd, ~lllln{; Jun.• '!U as .1n "lniorm· billt\' 1•11 the ,•terk tu notify thf' Sultu'y w lll bt' $316 M $J1'2 11er m1111th, 72 houri< a W<'t'k l!'I dB\'i; \'111'\it J.)rt llt'\'t'O h,..IJ. tl11ys, ~nd the 111t11lt r..t11••1111•111 Byi.lt m Wiii 1tpply al, rnfvt mllll\'t' publa. bu.lgt't ''"ll', 11 l111w1••'<•r tn rwrmHI. <'f· 1 p • G h D ht'Hrllllf \\ ht'n Uh· \\llllh 11 ~·l!lit\ln ftClt'llt {•1't'r1tllltrl n f tht' ('lf'rk'11 t•f· air e ecirees wrll 111k.. up prflt1t1111ary llltil<'U&· II<'<' hr "••Uhl nutlly th f'N unc1l." ~tt•n. \\'ht>n l'ri<'M fnuncl thr pubhrat 10,;I A nu1111t I hr :121 •l•i; tl'!'11 pr!'ffnl· Ju.~I Wll\· th,• h-L ol a.J\'erltl<•'lllt'Ol nf n11llt',. 1.01t prtnl!'tl h,• a d\'ll•<'ll <'d "t rr1·1 r;I l"'ll•l111<t1nro: ""''r•••t'• lfO to tht Oranl?to C'mtnty H u;.p1t'll was uut puhh•hul 111 ~la) alluw.' th .. 1·tl)' niarnui.:t•r rrn.I ell~ attor-1 Ill. '.'·•l'.1"'."'11. l1L:l•tt1tl' •l'. T~<'hno· for trt•11tr.1ent 11ntl I!' r1•liilt>d ltt th<'1 ini: antJ'!k 11111,. lur pubh,· nntll'<' rtt•y 8tod1l11nl. "Pu J u n1ltor,.1i;n11 I""' "'.'' I"•' •tilr.nl'tl In t h1u 1,., n1w1H1t"n nf 11th1·r "~··nl'lt'>' wP \\11.'1 ,1 <jl•<'Sl11111 "hh h put ~·11, frum )our rrmark~ that lhr efftt·1-N Mdimr 1•11 "' 1 11r>1111t !lrl M iu , 1 •• 11•rn• nil thut tit••,.,. u~··""'"" bt' ('l<'ik l'. K. 1•1 1,.~1 ••n th•· ,·11unC'1I f'nl Ol'<'rlltion uf ynur offl•'t' .-11118 ,. .H I' in ""~1ntt11ni:. and Arthur m111l t' fully awAre 11f th1:o1 >1tua11nn ~qdJlt> ut Fri••··~"' :<<'1•-""" tor )'•Ill to nollf\' tht' c•nun,11 '" 1..: .M11ln J1 :-.;,.,.,,.,rt 1Ha1·h. an d b k d l I I ot 1 · J · . ~I s tn ""'' t r11 al ,.,.~tnf'f'rtnr; a n e 11~ I' o mme• 1" e' ,.. 4t.1'TIO:Sl ~4I Ot:1.1':. rn.•st rt"J'hl'•I "Th11l ~ .... rn-.1 · • v1•lo p pl111111 In nil"f'l th.-1r pn'>b!f'm ('u111.1lm11u s .. n I\' ~111. K11y 11,.k· Stod1h111I "(),.,., st f11ll••w )ullr JOl~T t'ROc:R-'lU 1•ol 1, tht'I• a ny nu:-"n "h\' thu. d••rul \' 111 t• for you 1n )°"llr 11h· :l·ThRt this i•hapltr l'olll\' lht• '"''" 'lul p11hllllh1 n"' l'1ty Allo•r· l l'<-1111·~ · l'n•'"l. "T hat:< l'Urn·.·1.· J'llf'St•nt fll "l:r.;m 1111111 Jn111• Jll. II•\ "'" r l.yron l•K\'I" r1•1•ll· ti .. I .\Id\ Kii\ • I h\t'S the ··I· rk Ill•"" 1~~~1 li•nd 1,( pl•''••nt 1,,., al ,,.,111 , .1 .. 11 1 ~llll\\' wt y 11 • 111 tr••· 1 lr111. thp <11un1 ii 11< lt'j!Klly rr:-pu11s1 hlt• ancl w nrk wllh othf'r oii.:llnl1~linn~ I• I " If,. r<'f•·rr•·d t u t'h.ttl"r :-;,., .• l•1r th.-n11111·P n11t hP1111: p11hll1<h· Rll'1 ilf.:l'nc l•'X In tho' 1h•v1•h1p111r nt tuin I IC!.! whto It "'IRll'"' tn J•llr I t lhll ,.,, ~ .. rn ..... t "<'•·rt111nh nn t .. ~r a , ... .,r.tinlllP•I Jfllllt 'tr'lln•r·•• Ill· lhl' , Hy • 1111nt ti · ~hHll 1lt•t1·r11111w ~'"d•litr•t "\\'l'r1• -""" Hw•orr th"t l ion '""i:ram. , th,. l11n .. 11or t/1,. ho1"1tni.: 111 " pub· \\'1thm1t p11hl1,11t1on <1( nottf" th 0 7 , h1• llPBl'lnl( lht•fl'"" 11111' b1uli;M I lllldf.:l'l 1•n11lot hi' ..... IAl•·'<i lllf'J:l\I~ 1•J-'or t•Xpcdie rwy. we fu.rlhl'r re•· 11n<I ithnlt 1'8111fl' oJ I• be p1 1hlt1tl\l'd n P nrJ01 • "~nt nPl'MIOilnl~·" j ('nmn1rnd, thnl thl' """"" nf lh1s j R N1 l'r11,.io ho11r1t 111 1h111 nrntter n"111'" lh··r"••f nut h•M thrrn IO 111''"~ l'R.IT.ST 1 ·~H·t:RTAIN h I I t It .. R 1 • pr111r rrr 1<1~1rl hPur111 i;: h\' 111 11•111>1 f"f•ll••wini.: lhll'I 111~1 ""'°"'" 111 .. ,.. rPJ'(H' ,., u 1~ ot 11Pr •'• l rnsl' . · ~ h n (. lh Ont' 1n'<f•rth111 Ill tllr t1flt•'hd Of'WI" 1·01111111 rr~1·1111lt>•I thr JunP .,,, p11h ,. 11p trr11 111 r11 ni.:P . ountv wt .. • • • · · • lhl' l'l'rommf'n•ltoltnn that ~llC'h nf flli prr. C n11ndln111n J. ll l'\11dd11rtt 1111· h"•Hrni;:-olall', k• rp1ni.: II l•1r .,,. tht'l!e bo11.rd11 t llkP hkc Rrl111n on ask .. rt OavL~ to reart l hl' 1't'C'llnn f11rn111I d•'• 11~N111n 11( th•• htHIJl•'I thu1 n111ltPr lllhl r'f'fer 11 j•l111l motor I pert "t whll"h WA• quot ed. 11n1t <'l'I Rhlt~hrd J unt 27 ll.•'the 01f. !<l'rvtl'I' pnhn· ln I hP Orartjtl' I 'n un-t 'nttnrilman MKC'Kay f<IU<I the fl.-1111 r11hl1t"' hPllnllR. t\' C'ounr 1I nf C:om11111nllv Ai:;-l'lll'lt'l! nlllll"r nf legal nOltl"e 1<ho11l1I n•mf' f'lly l\!Rlllll:<'I' J uhn ~1\llo1ll1 rP· t~r ll~llll<tllnrr in prop,.; cn<>r<ltnl\· ttt th" t'lty co1111rll frnm the C'tty portP<1 thMl ''"1'"'8 or lhl' bu•li;:rt 1111n •nit aetlon ..i .. rk. lJa\'l8 "1.ld, "It 11 ll l'Nll'td· llrt1 nnw a\'ruhlhh.• fnr pubhr d111- . Urlil or 11rlmtnt11tr11ll\'e m att1·r." tr1butwn. Stat11•t1r ll ptr~l'ntl'd tn 1111' wt'I· l'R.lf:l'iT q1·1zzt:o f11re dtv1J01nn nf the Or"RnRI' (•11110· S.uol Sl1>dtl11rcl : "How a bout it, t,\' ... ouncll or Commu1111~· Ai:rnrl• 11 t:harh y ?" --DEBT---. 11hOWf'd that a pproxm1atPly 3!10 l'nl'st rtJ>llt'd: "I ,·11 n'l without p11t1ents ha.I bt>t'n takf'n tut.he ho". I the ro1tnC'll 11ul111mt y to pubh11h I.he pita! bf'twePn J uly 1. t!l:i4 to ~lay nollu:" I. 19!")!>. A total o f 2:11\0 pwk up s1 .... tdarol: "Wert' y ou aw are, A ('()Ounta -Now. -Clalm• of rdll11 hlld bl'rn made to i;:-!'t t ht' Chari. y. thut ll t:•\uld ha\'•' afftl"t· -7 kl.Del of de.b~re a. p11t1t>nt<1 an<I motor ~"' Vlt'e h11d t'(f tht' budget! tl1tl'k of nro""r "-riea.. "-So coUecUou -Ne COLLECTIONS I d b 30 000 l ,,_ r· "' fff.'' \\'e adY&DN all eo.ta. tr ave P n out . rm es. ,,,.P pubhl' nottCPI P nl'sl rephe•1 he did Rc'd Cr"!!~ S11 1tl. Or tht' :trio patients not know the nottct h ad not been CREDIT BUREAU of hauled. 110me :!32 wt>r" rln\·en by pubUsh.•d until Friday mnm ini: \\'eatem On.nae Cout1 Newport Harbor motor corps SPr· S to<ldsrd: "Do you fetl youha.ve fomM!rly Cndlt 8unaa of VIC'<'. no ""rl1cular relipon1<1b1lltv'.'" Newport Bfoacb. Latrana Beada •-' aod Coeta MH&. A hh\,I• ''""'''t ti\ ~1Ht \ ''"'"' '"" 111 "'" Yrll .. \\1t1< 111ultn Sat• llr•lll\' \\ hrl~ f'1'1 krol lll""I Ll l•I Th"~ Irr• f•ulu•r rt'l'•ll t r•t e A f'llMIC ut.Vt Ulf'lllDr'r MllTll"L Pttl•ll>. ·-· •• d ... ;ff"~ .. r....,.. ·--ffr40..H' ... ; ............ ,.., l'O.,. ...... ,...,... ....... ;..;'""' ,_.. ... ,,_M.-.~ en .. NOS .---•DM• 2-Sinc-e tren11p••rtnt1on 110 nerl'll· A lost opportunity I» l hl' KJ't'lll· Pm•st: "l w1111 our of l hu city." 20, RlvenlcleAn_,P.O.BoxaN He wu a ltt>ntltng thf' mun1l'lp11I !'\EWPORT BEA.Cl&. CAJ.IF. Burd.-tt HarTison CALIFORNIA INVESTORS 25"4 I Circle Drive UIH<rty 8 ·1:wll Newport BHch All t1H1r n1ni.; 1<11ppl1t·8 Wt•rl' Mllll h"tni: lot11.1 .. 11 1t1to tlw holrt; 11pe1·tt1· 1111.!ll "''''' 1•111wdlng the 1111111.ll il<>t'k 1111ol ''" hul\ril (.':1p: nnol ;\I r~ ()111i>r l •.11 1 \. •·t •· f~•ii'IU).. '''' T\' ttnd n(•\\'8 If• I I" I I •~ 1111•1 f•I \1111-: hn,_l tn h• t\\ • n 2· nnol :rnu friends t C1t.fHCt'I I. :-l('t.~t: 1\ \\11~ '' •·-•lottlll "'''"'' \\hirh ti •• , 11 ,., ,, ... 1 ,., .. , !•·d H.A1Jin~""· t. .r • I , II( ·" I t;, .. • 111u1•.tn1 u1 \\ .l\ .. r llo ~ u11·11r \\•rt• d\1111ratr·f \\llh f n1\• • Tiu• lh1f f~ uu I llh•1r 17 • , ,. •·111, J!'4 \\"'' '' "' und Ta- i. tt•r h• 1 t , 11 1••1 '< "' tl•1\\1·1s a nJ o\1• I \~ t'I.., ttt 1 i l"C f t,,I I S I II ., ' f Jh \\I of f •I\ '" ,tf" I 1! H .,,,,,, '" I ..... h"' 1 ..... , . ,,, .. _ ~ 1 t I\ r. r 1,-.1 •,, ~ tt \'. 1•'l :1 I t ' .,, .. J •1t• la I ~·' ~ I : II \1t1: ti~ t \\ • I ' 1 ' ~ ti tl,1 I f ~ • ' ' f I, I • • \I 11.r \ I''. : I\ TL· l~,.. t I I. l•I I • ' 1 ...... 1 • ',, ::1 \\ I. 11\ d .t H I··· I I r t 'o1,t •u I '.;, i•.tl U1. lht ToD ~r;;:·e to Re C~as;sified 0111< r "';' ,t,. mcl11ol!'o! ;\Jr :n!·I ~Ira. l '.\otl l-'v1~1 of Ut'v.•1 I\' Holl~. ~tr. llt1tf ~!rs. Jal'I.< Uempg<·y. ;\Ir.,. ~:lll{f'ma I ;row, W1JH~111 C1 awfl•nt o f L<mi; B••a• h. 1rn1t Mt!! Kt'<'t1•· l..\~T TO l.t :.\ \'I: :\!18. Kt'•·ne K11.11111srn.1 11w11 ht'I'. \\1111 h nd tt1•l1·.t .\Ir• ll.lfr in 111.111\ ~a \·s ,hu tnJ:: 1 .... ..-n 111unt h,_ '' ,1:-.. 11 .... i to I<'&\"<' tl1t• 1 r 1fl .tl l11" • 111 J 11.:i:.-l-:\'llnk, \'1311Jni.; llw l111•sl ti..i11 h .i u111 M1111u t.:uunt \', ""''' he w1111lol 1111,. nl I 1;, p 111. '""""I nw . Th•· <'1111111~1·>1 "'• 1" t 11<•11 hen> Jn I 1t•1·1•ml.>l•r c.n c ru1,.p1r.11•y to bnbl', , """'J'lrtH ,. ,,, t''Hl•nu· ~·~lOtl th1•rt . ''I i:•.•nol tl.•'lt 1111 «r11•• t1111n with ti 11ri ":• r.. ·~· ' I r ii liqu• .,. IH·r·n.;op I totl f • ~ ;, l 1f t..t' t •f111• r\\nnfl Of I~·"' 11a J 1;11 I: ".\II . .c•li111 t' · ::-1. .. huo! h· 1•11 1 ti<· ,\ ~11r1·ri11r H•lll l jlll\' lnuui.tht mi.: l "lt'plrunr me..._..,,ir,•io. t h" l1111t "' tt !111 , . .,.,1 u• q1•1t! ti '. 11lin "11 I . 1 , t• I• , 1 '·• .t , nt nu•• hlal \\t '' • hhf'••l•·~,l~ h· t u( 'Hon \t)~....... ~·•ttd llJ• k. ltt·t ll•M ', • I fl th. !'• I lltl nnil \ 1-.u ••ll•t l •1tl :--.utt ... nuh1"'i••• lh 1 I <~alJ.:•"" F'.t 1Ja•u~ • t1!1•t ttu .. 1l:!tJI ~••• ' lit)\•• tl• t1f11dht pA1!the t ,.,,,I .-t•• 111·· <'•''' tt . ,, ...... !,,i c ' '7 PH t• I u lul·n•U' fnr \\ rt •• t,w .:un;:J'' ink a:.d l !t• lu -. · f! utttllf • '1• tit• t·la1nJPt1 • ,, \\ <o · 111( Ian, .. .,.. :-.ht• ht•utd tl1•'l lh• '' , .. ut 1hl1· l11 1u.1~•' R hren~t I• 1t•1•h••11" •1111 11npni:. :"ow i.hl' 1.q•11l11 111 .. n 1111111 .<ft• r )I, mnole -.. ""n !· ,., i· \\httl hitpp• t1«'tl tu 1l tit.· J '·'1111 ul •, •·~ti 1! 11 \\'1 •111 ""l \\Ith th•• h11 . .t Th•• !"1111111~·' I• .rold\· »•II rrlll'll Th« I •:ti I!' '""'" lJ h .. 11,1• Ill l 11\111~ lh1· • 7 .1111 Hild '11 11, .. 1 It R tlav·:itl \\ h•·r,• thPll' d1rldn•n ~I.I\' • •Ill II•• Ill ,o1 1 .. 111o \ I•" Tho•\' ~n1d 1t lld T1• \' t~J.!•t ,,.1 U hP 111 I'').: ul+u I 'nd1 t \\' 11d "''"' lo t.:• ' 111:-& rnnn•·v 1•11:--... , n;.:t'r :••wi \'Je1• bt'l\\ 1•1•n J low,.. ha, I< 1( I h1• J11 ,.,, • , .. 1-.i 1111\ • hla1~­ l11l 11 ,,,,,1 T .1h1l1 \11' "'""' 11111 ... 1 'I'll ,.;, 1•11· I l '11tl1 1\\'l•"I \\'119 ---------tt •,t• 'h" 1t11Jf1•J t1n1 1.·1·11r1•nl! lo pli-11~• I\\ 1111 ht<•!, 11 '""!II•• ).I And lh1'I L lu ol U"• 11 1 "111111111• I ' .!-I 11 n:i J I otlntl 1 ll•on111t1h1 10 1u1d·At1g-11sl 1., 1 l~1t ··--···--·--· ltll'rHI~ tt"n 1•1111ntng hm11t "·' ' "' . I., hts:1·: 1.1'\•' 111 ~.I,, 1d I I ' \ I ~I \\ 1 I ~ i. "''" 1:•1 1·11 .. 1' tih tlh PRIEST OUT 1'111 ,,,,,,...,,.~ nl1111t t •1Ut1 nd" I 11 \V8~ ~t Hn t t)n:t i,. 1111• l'U•11 l\\P11J 111• 'l~lrl I·" "':" p n :nL f• 1 1nrt11· .~n .. · ''" th, lic1.1r h ir•l \\h•n. Att1r t,.= I• tl1·· •'•t•n'--• the Ill•'•\ I\"' ll•JL I I\' •h, (',ll ni-1'~ "~-~ :11::.t ''" \\.11'l1•1l t ·~urn '1 .. tnf••' u • f hid •' 1-:,·nn~ C:nnt lnul'cl ft;•lll • tr~t l'111t•• I I' ' v "• ·h• .j tu "'" ~ • "1 ''" 11n11hlr" .. ' ~ 1<1 1 ;-., ~.l> , , , ...... n I !.dJ it u1 :· he tulJ "~ .. "I•, tnn·r.i1. \\' nrtrrnoon. 1 t 1 Iii ' .. ,,. •'r . tl•µort.1 r~ thb n111rn11·c • h•' ttt"'•' Jn• ..... J;, 11 ... tt~•··· I I ~ ' ('n II 11 h u 1 , ':"'• .,.,, ll 1,, 1 .. 1, M m•t• o1 It :.: m I. 1 I ,r1~ I •1111• r •lt·lrlC't i•" Pl•·\ ••Lit rnnn :i nd n_a· I I ,. "' .\ , ...... Pl e.t:J.J u I.I l t ' l:• ... ••l •• t-'\ .• i .•. tO•I ht~ ... ft re· ,;...i, .. ~ --n t -..... f •1TIJ1 il r •r ,. 1• h I :uu I .... • • I • • .. . ···""· ' I ,, : II 1·' I I " , "· • &8A-Apts. for Rent Jl';\Ol~:K IH::"TAI. 1 bdrm. turn. ~"r 11=1• 111 • \\'ill itl•'PIJ 4. Corona Ml ~l11r liar 4 t:iO·J . 64r68 BE SURE -INSURE """ ~Al'Rct: i-T.\:\-1.F.l' ln•u.r•n"" Onh· rhon e llaroor ·io• SSU t:. <".1ut Hlchway Cnrona df'I Mar WATER RT.ATP:ft8 14lt1. 1U¥rCt ••4 U'AIU Jog rfl:u~f(ofJ 'Hid 10 'U ClN~ DOWM ""••• H••ll>er UM 1 , .... 1. · :~rH t~••'lt!u ... : ~•n•n):. ,,,. \ "', u 11•11!'r I h\' A :c;upPr· " r • 1 • 1: \ 11( • •'fbJ'" ,, .\ to ht 11 •· • I , 11'·1 rh• (r, Th•·\' h~d 11. "l\fll. \IC F \11.1 Ht: ' •• t •1tl.· ' .1 h i\"' 'l ... ,. f.& :1 u • 1!111" I, I,., I " Ill.I l • l rt:ll :il1•n1.. With II 11 t v 1 ... hm11n nn11 ('h11rlo" Dl'· MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT ' ' . I -L. : /' •. : .. I. PATROL I!· YOU SAVI 10% Ftnf'd 'HI 10 I'-m. Prl•gle• .... ......, ....... ...... £M I j i I I CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL I Kl I J..=I =2=· 70=27=--.ll sary for ma.ny p11l11•nt..s t hat must est ot loaaea.-M11ry Baker Eddy C'lerk C'Onventlon in Chlt'Lgo a l . ' ' ''''"'''"' • ""· ... a a.,-· ChevroletS special hill-flatteners! 162n.e VB 180ne VB See that fine fat mountain yonder? You can iron it out, fiat aa a flounder ••• and easy ae whistling! JW1t point one of CheVTolet 'a apeclRI hill- ftattenen at it (either the 1 fi2-h. p. :·Turb6-Fire VS" or the 180-li".p: "Super Turbo-Fi.ie" •) •• , and pull the trigger ! Darr-r-r-r-o-o-0-0-00M! Milter, you got _you a ftal.mountainl .•• At leut it feeu fiat. 1-'or thf>8e Chevrolet V8'1r1 gobble up the toughest grRdes you can ladle out.. And holler for more. They love to climb, becaWJe that's just about the onJy time the throttle ever comes near the floorho1ud. • And that's " pity. For here nre enginet1 th11t sing u sweetJy a.s a dynamo ... built lo pour out a torrent of pure. vibratinnJPM powt'r. Hig-bore V8's with the shortest stroke in the indu11trv. cle- aigned to gulp huge breaths of fresh air 11nd t.rana- mut.e it. into blazing accelcrotion. So m<.lt!t. of the time they loRf. Ev<>n Ht the speed limit they jt111t dre1tm along. light nnct er1.11y M a r.ephyr. purring out an effortleall fraction of their at rcngth. An engineer instantly undent.Ands why theee V8's are ao hyper~fficient ... how frirl ion is helti eo low they nood jwit four quart.II of oil in11t.c11d o( the ueual five or more .•• how big val\'et let t.b.m ''breathe" deeply for muimum pow<•r. But you don't have to be an engiNof>f' to know that t.heiie are the sweetest running Vif1 you ever piloted. Juat come in. 11lip hehind the wheel. 1md point thP n08e at the nearet1t hill. T~ V8'11 can do their own W.kir.r . . . nnd nobody atg\Wl9 with them! "'>r<"'""" .......... - MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 Wett Coast Highway NEWPORT IEACH ' \ ,_ !PEARSON NABS GREENS TlnE A month-lonr conteat to de- cide Ole :-\t'wJ>Qrl e .. arh Lawn Bowh ng Club a ainRlt'.-champ· lon ru ulted 1n \\.&lttr Pear- aon copping lhe honou tor l 9M. Thi' ronteet t'nded Wed· " ne~av ..ttemoon. Pei rson batll~d It o u t aga.1nst Club Presld,nt Lloyd Stt'f\'ta 1n the Jw&.l ma.ten. J .l!t.s WU niil..&nd....lu.ck... {Or l t en!l.i !fut Pearson rallied In t he fin~I ~'ll'dl'"' to WJll'I the ntlllt•h a nd t hr rn>wn. A total or 26 club m'm~ra pe.rll•·rpBlt'd 111 th;o l'hmlna- twn contl'llt tor lhe 11ngle1 t 1tle. BIG BLOW CARLISLE· CATCHES LOTS OF FISH Buddy's Hit Triumphs for Legion Mine Behinrl lhree·hlt plt('hing of Can· Green and Paul Lorentzen, :-; .. ,~·rort~nine retOTTied ta "'rnnln~ we~" rn \hi' Orang' l"n11nty A mer1can Leg ion Junior llMehall U-ague Saturd11.y with a 12-2 '1ctor-y ovl'r Ora ng,. The lo- 1·111 1Mhf'r8 sla mmt'd out H bue }<nocJui. Jay S. Carlisle, o f Newport. and H o nolulu, r ecently snagged a 151-lb . tuna aboard Tac ke Waldron 'R Kuma In K ona, H awaii. I t w o uld takf! a lo t o f tins t o pik up that m u ch tuna. but Mns. Carlisle, at the right. holds the wo rld'R r ecord fo r tuna caught in Ko na last year -254 lbs! In the middle. beside the fis h . 1R Capt. Waldron . -Staff Pho to .. EC Runners Impressive in Coliseum SAST A ANA. tOC:"SI ictatf' chamrwn 1 ntrk t cicm 1111d A gr11ndftl'm home run by Bu1ltly Thomp~on of :->ewp.111. in the (nurth 1nn1ni; fur "'"h"'I the ''w\nr 11 "llh b 4-0 l";1d Th•· Harhor L"· g1on nan ... ati•h·d two n1n1 .-~t·t1nn~ d11>1t1·r ... of r .. ur t.1llrf'll 1!111111g thfl fr:t \'. II 1trlllnJ:l"n B.-rH h. ,., st" l11lt' '""~'••· l""'''·r hdtl I\ !•-~ IP1t<I over I ~·1111• 1.,•n Ill ,.,,. ~1•vt•nlh $dtur1lav Whl'n lh" ""'f (loll rn. II-Ob Tnlbl'fl "~ F Ull•·r ton . unlPh,.hP•I ll lrtf'lt' Wllh lh .. IMi.;ll bull(tnl: T hi' final !u••ti' fa\·11rt"I Flllll'rton 1:\-!l ;\lak •' J .. wt'll. Kt"n Ent r~ht &n•I Kent £>1·mhroke •fol lhr Fullerton Danny S1 h" r1kn1 l of r ull• 11 •·' JC hurhn1> Prmbrnk,. h"'''t'rl"<I "1th bh;z .. 11 tlw1r \•h)' 1" 1111pr• -.1,t nnt on 1n lh" r1rth tn kN•p Fulltr· llhu\I an"' 111 lht !'l'AAl' 111.,,. 111 Inn In thl' tiall gan11•. It m1trkl'<l lhf' first hd\' for the mlaml tl'am 11s !ht• '-"• Ani::• It· .. , • •II,.• 11111 Flf•t ·~· 1\ "" lllt•·•I rnmpltl1nn of th,. ('Ir FIH 11\j.: IHlt lhll\\ JOI•· 1 "rt1Jh t 1! 1"il rla yo!f~ \\ h1c h !nuntl lhf" ln•la&na th,. lhr•'•' ~:A..•t .. tn l'••nl"1' n•" 11,~lnit 0111 an the' r1n11ls lo Monlf'· .. t.1ntl11ut,. •h~f'hl\• d 1-11111111111 hf I bt•llo 1ll•s1rl' th T .. mmr F16llrr, H;111.i .. n ~ i'rtdl 1 G d Gruv1•1 "nrl J1m-li1\'er ••f lhu p,.,,~t ~·anla Ana r e< ar tn r11n twn-thn•f' tn \h" 10111•1 m"t"r ".'"''"~ LPgH•n nm•• 18-3. Ml-ry . . I \ 111• cnl "a..~ the w1nn1ng hurll'r zirr rnkrn1: thlld •ir , 11•lt. ll1I o .en\ 'man l'Wlll\l'rl lh1t>e bmglf'.11 f'B('h. Sd1w•·11<111 t. •111t1••nal J<' r,., . .,,J HARBOR NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I · PAGE I . MONDAY, JUNE 13, I 955 ,o~ SAILOR RELAY TRY FOR RECORD FAILS ., BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Edit o r STEPHENSON.-'JHREE-INDIA~S­ NAB SPOTS ON ALL-CIF NINE !-'our Sunsl't Lta('UI! bu< bRll players t11ml'J SJ>•'lll on t h .. Cir, Centr81 Croup. All·Sl~r teams. Dt'1011 Jot1n•on, 190-lb. 1unior fr om San Dlt"go High, waa bbbed µlaytr o! lht' yur by the Ht'l11111 Alhlt'llc F oundllllon'1 Board ut B11Mba.ll. l''roll" tilt' Sunset Leacue, thr« of th .. pl11yet'!' <'h11~en were from CIP f1nah1<l )o'ullerton. Third S11C'kl'r <..\Jrl P1•11mngtt1n, a JUmor . m11t1t' lhE" !!rat team . The In.t1an bst1ny n( Gt'rald Run- yon and J rrry F'u•hel waa n8med 1111mf'd on th~ ~('('und Bltinit :'l:twport Harbor H igh'• bid tor the n"11nn11I p1t'p mark )n thr four -m1lr 1 rla\· fa1leJ dnnnit thC' lh.c.al .e.aru.u: AAI..! U &cluntc.L In lh' Los Allgfltll Collatwn nt- 1l1w n1~hl The local lt.'&lh.tr·lu.ngs J'IAC't'd .llt't'1'nll Ill tht' HJ't'l'llll t'\'t'!ll Lt. Gro!MllllOrtl • !'lurking of 18 f j i Whethf'r Croa#mont Wiil re· ('.,i,•e 1 rl'1lll fur a o t'W r .. , .. w,I Ill QUHllnn11tllt· Rt'f'l(llt11 lndk8t .. llll t-Utt'rn high 11rti11<1I rt'IHy '"""' 1111,~· h11 \'t' bf'llt'rt'J 1 hll,t Jut Sat· 1111IAy Runmng for the S•n I •1ego tN1m wt-re John Kel"llhaw. J ack Curntr, J im t':n.wvh1 a nJ R"'"' Ht•jo.~r" lll\kllllt lht Salll'r bttl WI',.. T N' Wlut~ ~tm~t~ l-.ar-1'~ ~·u\rn and AUKI• tl•lr\>w41kf, White ran lhf' a..nchor mne In 4 24 :I Hla bflil tllllt at lhl' t!Usl llt\•'I' lh1a ..... 8<.Jfl Wtu Ill !hi' Statt M~l >4°hrn fil hmk .. lhl' n111111nal Jll'"I' rtl'•H"I with an c-rt,wt 1•f 4 20. Th,. fol· loWlnl{ f.b\111-.ltw, T1•m $k11l ka 1•f ;'\;('W Jl'rl\<\V lowtr•\l thf' mar k II> 4 111 :'> Bayshores Tops 011,·e Sttpht>nson. A.nahtt1m·,. iolugg.nJ! p111 ht'r -nulf1tldn. m &dt' th,. r1r1t tt'a m outrleld. sport111g a n2 l111tting awr al(f' Pennington had a .4 14 m ark. On the IM'<"Onl1 at rini;:, 1"1i1ht l had a. .394 a \ltrage and R unyon won 10 l\nd l<•Sl a prur. Speedboat i~~~~-~! t~~~. In R the Wl't'kl)' Au11trallan alnJIN a l egatta at th~ :'>t'w('Ort rt.-.11rh La\\n Bowlin& TEAR JERKER FOR TRIBE Club itrf'.-ns lllBl Wl'tk. • F1ri<l t\\O plf\1 u Wf'nt to O<in Fullerton Drops elf Go Long ·Beach ;~;;~:..~l;~~:;~,~r:~~~7:::~~~ LO:'\O RP.A CH 10C:"S1 -The td thrrd plar,. "~lh 10 potnl• b T II t 'M t b II ~·~~~ ,:lt: l~,l~~:o~~.r'~::~~a ~;.~I Li ----y a y 0 on e e 0 ~~~~11~~~!1~1: 0!~:;:n:~lh!~n~~::. ~~:r)~~~. T:1~. a t 2111 FULLERTON . tOC1'S1 -F or blank wall, Then ln tht 14th. with talnrnt nt. O\•f'r JOH or the nri1J«n'11 C'oll1n .. Av1' &.nil lhl'tt of thr,. .. hot- lh,. 11reond 1tr1t11tht year. Fullerton I UH' bllg~ bulJ?1ng 11g11m. Ennght top notch apntlt>o•l drrverto. ="11"Y lie• ot·wh1l\k.r~-wu rf'pM1f'd tn rtn· High loll! !hi' CO~ d19mond champ· hit 8 111 F rl'eman In th11 bllt'k, "!ingnwn," anti t'"llllt Gua nl Air· 1nnshlp by nne run F riday a!ter-rorrrng hnml' the gsmt>-wtnning Ma re1<<•11e demC1n8lnilionii will 1"'" rr•·Pnlly lly l.c>uia H. JBn•-,11~m 111 ~lontt>h• lk•. lhl' Jndianll 1 r1nd rhsmpH•n-cin•'hln~ run. 111·0,•1<lt' 1111-<~lll 11r llon in Kn un-~ .. n. Pollo· .. AAl•I t'l1lry w1111 i;:11nl't1 ht1ttlf••I lhP 1, tilth li•mlebelln High l'\l'OR\' ~Tl'f''t' u ... 11111 s n1l 011lHl 1rn11tng ,.hn\\ hy mi.k1nll 1w11 h11ll'i! 1n A 11\'r""n T he r<'~fl\I& w ill l(l't un.IO'l"'"Y lo l\•'l 1111 •'I'll to1 lhf' 111·rr"n In• k. 01lt'n• 11 trlllill~" lhl.'n llU('l'Umbf'd I It Wll.!! • 8lory-h1-ok f1nt11h tor at 12 30 r m 11nd Wiii ron~1"t 11( 6·:'1 l.H~l Yt'llr 11'1 tht' rtnal11, the j tht> Orler11, but trul~· c111P C1f lh"r nlnt' r11t'•'ll "' l\\" ht>Kll! ea«h l11d11u 1M lt•:4t \o l.uyula . 3-2. n111st memorable m.,m,.nl!< Th,.y p . k 1 ... • , ~'ult l l k thf' I •ad With a Cl\\ er . r 11r t'' .. 111 "''"' '' • nKlllt'~ "1 "n "" t 1<1n1 llrt.lt>d lhll lfi'allton wit h 11 :?8-3 will tlrl\'e thl' 1'pl1nt1•r·111z··tl boats !11ur·r11n nuthu r~t in lht> third I •• c .. 1.J an•l gaxe \h .. 1r 11choul 11A -l\l 111wNl" "' ••r , 11 mph I !rttllll' .\111nft>b.•llu llcOrl'd On('I' rn I llr~t ('IF d111monJ l 1111m111n111lhlp I .., I r f h ft · ''P<'<lll f'Bt111P11 of t hf'u. l~rnoon thr lh•r•l '""l 1tr111l l'r In ,tht' I lh )o'ur lhe Indian•. 11 w11.11 lll11<'lly "111 ln.:llhll' 8 11,.1,.111\l'll &th>n ot I'll & hon1• r bv J..r1y \\ ayt Into I a lt'tlr·Jt'rker Th_.,. •1ulh1l th• 1 ( . .. t ltft · · · " ro1rmf'n t11rt11 s .,,. an 1111< t'I -Oll<'rs, 12·. but nul-(•1rort'd lho•m w&lt'r tlemuhtwn lt>1<lll fr11111 tht"I t:SL> Ot" ltOA.D 111...0. T h lll 'A-,\11 ~he ori.· prlrn11ry alllrhil.ituu.-hue .. 1 ('oron ... to. us- Th,. lnJ1an11 t&lhl'.J1>n('e ag11m In itf'm w hic-h St'nt lhtm down t o dt'· 1ni: the \"1n1~uh, 11•11! 11 ('oalll lh!' SIX'h 1<ml thM WM all {Cir fl'&l. Coa.1J hl'h('OJ>ll'r \\ 111 1•n,11 I !llr- thf"m Al that 11m ... 1t looked to be mnrl' th11n f'nOUjth. But two er-1 F +ball 0 rorll 1n the r"teru1 mnlh proved 00 pens tn ~ their • ""ntual d1,wn!all. I• M•d S Th(' IH'flf'i'tl·ur Olll'ra a('ortd 1n I • ummer thr<'<> 11mf's in th' n1nlh, dn\•mg t hi' lndrans· starttr. C':t1 lllJ1 R un· yon flll01 the m11unfl. \\'Ith l he bai<e11 lo11drd, Kl'n E nright. who hadn't wor ket.l 1n a g1tme for three WI'< kll. Wll!I l'•'nl IOlt) the fray. D11rlnR '1 ht' r.,.xt four Innings. tht' tettm11 h11tlrfl h,a1111 111gllln11l a Prep football mit~· not oren 1n Se"'J>Ort Harbor unlll th,. ~&1lor• takf' on F:xctl111or ht'r e s .. pl. 23. but tn tht' Southl&nd. high l'ICht1()1 rootba II atarla July 27 Th11t '1 rJat' n( lh" fourth annual ShrrnP foot ball gllll'" rn the Loa An1ele1 Coliseum •ta relt('llt' l•Jl<'rat wnl' Sponaorf'd by l he l.oa Angf'll'• Spt't<i Bont A-"llortallon m cnn· Junction wllh the Aml'rt,·an Pnwer bollt ANIOClllll(Jn, thl' fl'J:lllta C'OOIOll'l1l<lr8tl'I lht' Mnm•·er!litr\" n! \hf! 1~42 battle nr lht' ("•rill ~"" The ~l'tH'ial puhlw Ill 1n\•1t .. 11 to join m lhl' trtblllt I Tracie Ins '145 'Ii ... """' Nodan It AH ... c·h .. \ Oh. '?-.Ir RI.ti '495 f\4oa11tlf11I ••ondlllon ·~1 t'nrd II c·n ('lh K&tf '795 t'urctomatt.-tt.-autlf11I Rlarlc RI. II '495 Cotton Goff ev1·nl. f.tv.•r 1:rHlil1111i; i<r1·•1n1J, t-r ... 1 I k Fil t1 U b t' I Gly,.r 1rnJ F ra:t11•r 1< 11huwin~ In .,, rv ..>~ Ff'aturt>•I plnyPn will be Dick B Mll, rnlnl lh•• g-re&tl'at high AChool performer 1n tht' wnrld laat llt'Uon. He lt'ads the Nor t h aquad In an a llempt lo amuh the th1'H-g-Ame -wnrnrng atrtak or th• South. ~~f i~ 'i·:;:~::::::t~:;:\:::;~~;::~: 1 PANTHER COACH TAGS TARS ~~~~:~ '"~''"'~·" hr .. t•'•Y by " JC1 A~OTBAt1 DARK ~ffOR(!I: Lhe I0.000 mr~r riu•r W illi rqu&J ly ~f'wporl Harbor's Sallor toot-llOn. "\Ve are ahort on ex~r-~~\11~~~~ha~~~·::;~un":hf•n~~t~~ ball tellm h~ bun tabbed -the 1,n<"e," the Orange coa ch confided, Cover Snatch Told I met .. r1< hrfotf' Ftl<ltty. Giy. r uin Sun&el Lf'Ul;"lle a d~rk horae-f'levf'n "but the dt(l"nar look.11 very toug h Tht'!l of a car "'"i'r f1 om hll A<ln 1l1<111nn 1,. 8 11ne-•lu1t .. r rrr pf•r••on .tonatlnn Th" >ontlrt' rtu- crt'd1 or lh<' tvent will 1ru lo :->rwv rehd T1r k,.111 wlll ~ on &!ill' Mt I the tntr&n<'e to t)le M11nne 11111-\ dlum cm l he <la 1· of lhe 111• •'l' · Vollc.swagen Mym1t H&ne~n. young l 'n1nr-1 •a.I • l ntemlltlonal •tar. wlll be queen or lht rtl[alla a.nd the El Toro ~..band will IW! on hand to ad<I the ('olor ot mtllta.ry mualc. WAR SURPLUS SPECIAL! Dealer '.!118 :'if'>4J>0rt Rhct. S t :WPORT Bt;A('ll Mlon•: Karbor a t h I l . 1 33 "' 3 h l l·ome next fall. 1':11'11e F:nton. ('Ir-l'ln<t our runnlni: 11t1ac k 18 round-parkf'J l llr In f1 nnt of 12~ Tur-" , 1,, :i rv 1-n • .~ • in pu11 111g 1 h h 1 I Lh,. wrnnl"r C'rHt,.r of I.AA(' l1t •l nnge H1J!h l'tttl ~'fllll' . a.nl ASSIB· 1n,; into 1hspe well ·' QllllllY" A\'P "'"" n J'llll"• 111 po· t1m .. only l[111 .... rn1l1< .. rr the NCAA lant :'\:Of'I 5 "'' .. nPy hll\'f' pmn~ The Psnther111 are a long way Lie" J une ~ by J tun• 3 Thnmpaon, r .. , ord C'11r1 .. r·,. ''"'" \1 89 3:? 4 .,-;, lhrll <lf'signallon upon th,. !oral f r om champ1on.ah1p contenllr>n., T omn1y ... 111 z .. •r frn11'ht1l th1nl in i;nddrni. Eaton ff'f'ls. But he hu a aohd JO ff S S T O ~ E • S th .. r• "P"• t ht .. t un .. "' :13 :n ~ Thf' p81r or "" nt"r" :ire cert111n nurl,.ua In h1111<1 on with eight M W Anllhf'llll Wiii .... lhl' team lo but Vllr811Y lellf'rmf'n t t'turning 11nrJ esa Auto reclcen SINGLES CHAMP GETS CUP Anfll ht•J F:ll:-lf"I n (' .. nft-r .. ni "1 aoa1n. llut tht•\' UIP f'e new('Onlt'r l ..... Auto r•art• t " h 1 .. a g OO\Jly i roup up from Ill.St year's • 1 "' "neAn \\' 11 "'""1"'1 b l •l ·''~ <:11nll'n Grov.-r<huut.1 h<> might v ao11 A<'<'"",..'""' 1.111~ 11 ~tl't>\'t~. ll'fl. pr,1111lrnl or NewpMt Ha rb<ir Lawn Bil"' hnR Angrll'll ~·r 111a,· WR• C'hurk Kirb'"11m1gh. Bnrl :-;""l"'ll iohould rflnk 8 squat! I 20;:; PIM'e ntla A\'f', o ( ~I t ~An Ant•11111 \\h11 11m,h•"I as loop •lr•rk hor ~l" Orange tangll'• with lht S1t1lor11 1 l.lber ly 8-'JUIS Co.la MP• 1·1uh, prt>~l'nls lh' ori:a.nliat1on'.11 cup 10 \\'a llf'r J'ur11on, 11,.-.11 ainirlrs rha rnp1on Cor 19M. Stt"'U tangltd with Puraon In lh• rln1tl~ -Sta(( Photo JI~• .. no1 111 th .. 81i~ rn I :,2 I. 1111 k I Enton will .. rnploy 8 balancMl • .:.on~t~h~e~loc~1t~l~g;11;<t;l~ro~n;:'\:";":'·;· ;';O;. ;;:;;;:;·~:;;;:;;:;;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ F'1>rrl<tcr ,.( I h .. l 111wr11rt '' of T PX· hne. !!Ingle wlni;-11.llack nt xt ae•-1 u l'nflrl'd the win In l ~I \l. THE SPORTS WATCH 8~· BIU, PHILLIPS ----takl'n t'Rl'l h\' tnun, unbf'J1ev1tbly 11round tlw 2110 lh m111k 11n•I J in t·u.•tn<lv •lf hntrll M\':il Cflltrnr- l'• Ale In nl a l'•·r ""' ny Iii) l'n whlli• nra. T he Gr1l1lrn RNir t•rew volun-r (;r,.r n m:t,\' not h" ~n1111. l 'hrllips leri><I ln tn('l\JllP the JndhtnM' n g -' IR .Ji>hnately not itrel'n. ~"" Wh>tl irmg with ll!I nwn haggajlt to help • I ml'an ? ·I'm ouL Rut C':rern in C'n~ta ~lr1111 1111t1 l t'll you, wh,.11 they jP;l'l their "'" In the Ncw1<-l'r"11i< 11H1re Ill wo ral enemy worklni: ror, 'em, 1<omrl h1ng I'll'·· 11i;a111. I <'II.fl !Ill thtioe Jnd1an11 11111~1 tw gnnd. E\'rn •l•1wn 11 t my 1yp,.w1 1t•r And boltlly l ,r thPy don·t h•I" thP rlui<t. Maybe typ<> rif,thl out An hie Mor1re 11< a Ha\· l.11111:•·nh1·1111. whn h1111 hPen in- The way w orld r ecor ds g o down the hatc h these d ays, C'lnrh 11 1:1110~1 Rnh11 rn .. on. Rriou1 .. io. nt~.1 tr• 111trn•I 1h•• :<h~ll rhi.mrlon- it ·s hardlv w o rth w hile s etting one. Newpo rt H arbor 's T od 1 l htnk 1 1 •n run !1t .. IH than ioh1ps 1•ri11r '" lRn<hnsi lh" 19M J Gr •'•'n Olymri.· 1 nlll• l•'r ~""'l'"rl H11r- W hite certainly fouoo that out. T he 1ro n-lung!'Cl m iler Ret 1;,.1 lh11! !'t1tnf1tn l 0 ri.w. RPrHll bor, -11 \\'lln• "' ~t11nford In 11n- 8 national prep m ark of 4 :20 in his specialty in the S t a te t h11t '"n 1!11 r1m .. hini: i.p11rt rt thr uthl'r r-•:pr1•" '"''"h M eet one S aturday. But he ha rdly h ad time to rnjoy being 1"'111111 •lllr .. rni n \\'hll h l:ll\'' th .. ni Th• rr .. n•" .. ~had·· ... · "' doubt • ll i111rpn~" M• 11nt1 to th,. 1111~1 ly t1h<o1Jl ~Ull""-" ..,( lhe SPll·purt... J.n. t he champ f'nr along romts Tom lengmg lb' Ugh1'll.QJL\'\". ,.,h-.mp{m111J1~-n1 Nan· tn la-·t "'"n'h;~ ,,.,.i1ur . .;l •:• t T1•urnlLm<nt &l lr- ::ikul ka to l<>Ur thl' "''I'll '" '4 ·UI ~ • v.·ho 1.a .:tlalkn~mJr LI•:(' h.-iu·~--:"t'Wfl'>I l Ii 11 b• r \\'fllll'rn ~r11nt "'"'" L:u.i:.! l',.\lr.try Club Fr1d11y. In lh<' :o;l'w Jn~,.~· Trr1rk 1tnrl Wl'll:ht •h .. mr f1 0111 1:!'!-lh• l'h11n,p11in•'11r•~ \\1•11 lh" T111> ... Aftrr11 I R "J••nr'<1•1tn1n1tlo bt' •• • lrl rhampionshrf'.~ lhr nrxt ·Al· M"'•ri• hi,,.., h1m...,lf up'" l!'!l 11~<1 ""h"lll frn1rnn"I h11• kin~ fro111 tie ,.n h:1 11ol :'\ •l Bnhb,• Jnn• ~-~hf' 11r01a ,·.t1 nt1 T • .,.lrflnonlyloyrhllm n11tr,.1nl• =""• \'al·f,.z. ih .. :-;., 1 11111\•151!\' '"'~ • •!llrl•t••t lln 1111 -l?'n l("r t .. ;'''"' tu11 Hnh Jo1nt •. tn t>"lnR "~'l·<hamr · 1 hall<'n1ZPr 1 .. ,. ltn1 k\' ;\\11 r.1Hn• .• b .... 1.•n 1hh1I ..... , • p1 .. ,.1tl•"ll ,,, t •. 'l'''"•nnng Har- 11 .... -1bo•t1l th11t • An f"ll·•·h11111p 1 1own But ti"• !I 1h1< ', n•1'11• Anh-:"uw th" kn•" k>tl>o •ll' •llnP l r••m hnr F:X• h'nJ:I' r ·111h An~"lo\·ay, 11om,. An•I !ht kul • JllAl gTfltlu1111nJ? frnm '" to a bl•ul with ~l ~r1 111n .. • Ynu S L11,(11nl "'" t• f't • •t>rll 11,,. r"•l h11 k\' Ink• lamhllsl• r \\'ILL get a hr.,:'1 l'~hnol' rlrt'tulll'r ynu' r lr<:, An ht" h••8 l'l lln1I "h1te In lh" 111l••r1•0tll1•Jo11>1t,. ,..., 11( H•>hh\' J nnf'S go!( ('lut\11. !"r,.11k1nl[ or chiunp11. big butloly rl'•luo ' hit• k t n 111,. I ::1-lb ""IS.: ht 1 rnwini: < h11n1p11in~h•r" S11ll11 •l·•Y 81 'Th,.,. r11n l h,. rn1nP ' Hlly.11 Boh J om 1•rttn or ('orotl!I Mua pohrt' 1tntl r1irht (llJor•n Thl'n ht rA n hlow S~·rar\ll't' :-I y Tht•lr thrP ... \,.Kr 1.JonP• . \\'h11"11 t'lll'f do vnu hit thl' d"1»1rtn1r nt Ion,:: ego t11hbt'd Bobo b11r 1< 11p to n•n-n.t•I iin.t 1.,,,,. 11 •·l•t r11··1ng 11hell An<I 11w1'''Pll W"rP h111l w1th7 · Ol 1<<>n I 11 m 11 n hand I e A r•·h I e M <IO rt w hark at M a r< : 11 nu 11 nns t r1 I. I r;;,;:;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;;;:;;:;;:;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;=.:;:;;:;;..._ "ht'n lh<' p111r rnll111<' n\111 -nnit June ;-.;""" I m " mnn that l!•'ri< olnng 22 A~ ynu know . ~nho 111 the n1111-\\'Ith Lhl' "l?"l"I h1R "'"'' f'llw•ws 111"'"'1J:'hl hn.e11 anrl Arrh1,. la !ht h<-11111 ji?OOrl lllllt> m11n" thPor,\' · J lrg ht·hrA\'Y king. And to my w11y ,.,.,.n r1t1n· 1• 0•11 in nw rllld\I It(• of th1nklnJr the Vl'ry rarl 'that thla f'nr u11~plr. whtn ~ffn ,;, .. m,.d A('Mlfl IA ht1n~ hl'ld 11ho ... ·a how n-r11t hl up 1n fr11nr (I( m" 1n lht '11t•11lo11• lhp whole fight Ja,in• J'IC:· \'C>l'lll :\l t'l'll l'P 11n•l ivoo! ()ls.on\\"~ tur<' 111 lhl'Jlf> day11. A r1n(h <Wt r :'ll ·~'r<' I \\l'nt rr r hl Thi' mttldl<'w•1(hl cha mp 1~ rh11l-I 111n111t Wllh hllll A !l"r a lt. J1111 h1l.t! Dirmif KNoW, S.. your Mercury c. • 1 ' . DON'T FORGET DAD FATHER'S DAY JUNE 19th SPORT SHIRTS of priced We have do1ens them specially SLACKS at 2.99 Linen with self belt from Gabardine or Sharkskin blends All Wool Flannels from DENIM PEGGERS \\ fflTI; -UL.\( K -( HAR< OA l. TA.S -)f,(IZt. -81.l •: 3.99 5.95 9.95 12.95 4.50 FLANNEL suns 39.95 Charcoal Grey -Charcoal Brown I.It.HT Rt.1'J: -Ribot: -1.1<.HT t.t<U .;:\ A f..W.00 \'A 1.1 t: FANCY SHORTS AX l.Sf:Xrt:.s~•n: A.SO .Ott '"'' <Otn f'OR DAO OR t •ATHt;R·l.'.\-1 • .-\\\ THE MAN 1.50 1IJ1 Newport llvd. Costa Mesa Balboa Fun Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTER RIOf: ARlffSU The Standard Man showed me how to save onJ epair bills Tbe carburetor in your rar or liirht truck ''brMthtti m" 8.Jr whit h cames 8JX'f ks of C"l\Tbon and ium that at.u·k to C8rburetor walla. Tht"!!e dePQlli l.ll choke oft au to lM ellJi.ne-cause 1 out of 3 rePftJT biUs. "Detttsen~ Art.ion" Chevron Guolinel atop c:arbuntor dpP09i'8 wilh the very first t.ankfuJ! End rough ldlin1, •tallln1. boMt poweT, •••• IH ... "Ort.eqrent-Action" rst.mN lhe carburetor in your rar or lt11ht truck to f1ctory-dran ronditirm ... and k~PI ll l lt'lln u hilt' you dri~.YoWll in both Chevron Supreme and Cbevroa Guoline. '" 1.1.,..ttt .. 111 '"' s"""'' 011 c •• ,...., tf C.""""9 ,,_."'· .. n CLAYTON THOMPSON JM'! W. Balboa Bh·d. Harbor lS.5 SW Ci E'"(t;;···2 00 A ~a\ ln&11 of 76":, t 'or rnl'fo,ln1 patloe, rabln•. bfiltJln,; plAllt •hl'(f., e«"rffn doo n and "lndo\4 a. SHAVEMASIER , -• , •s••rrod -· 5 YEAR 10 DAY ol'°-a ... ,, rtc•on FIE£ HOME Yovr old •lectrf SERV1CE •her,, ( •r, ,..,,Ord. GUAlANlEE TRIAL L '••• ol lftoke orahope I I j -Al· Forgit 'Hardware 2205 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport leach Open Sundays Phon.. Harbor 118 .. i.:. -- PAGE 2 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY , JUNE 13, 1955 _J PREPARE FOR HIGH SCHOOL 1-lcmbers of 1.fr. Lister's eighth grade claSJJ at Everett' Rea Sc hool appear abo\'e from )('ft in t his ordf'r: Top ro.,~r: 1§\onnyl Leroyce Dame!!, Sandra Chamber- lin, J im Gallacher, Pat Zinn, Phillip 1'1ackey, Edna Hamilton, Ro nnie \Voodside, Connie Chi1'1holm , Bill Wolff ; ~end r O\ll, Greg \Vilson, Gary DurU1 , J udy Oa.,·enpr.rt, (Chip) C11n rl~ \\'illl'y, E mily B.llrnside, Bill J.lart.in, Carolyn Hughes, Leonard Post. J..lary f::het-ley: third ro"'· Fred Amburgey, \\'ayne Rogen;, Deana Bailey, Charlene King, Charles Reed, June Lew- is: lower row. Air. Lister, Kenneth \Vallace, J oan &lar- tine&, 01'1.vid [)e.,·ine, Carla Donica, Grorge McDonald, J oan Reich, Alike Lynch. MORE HIGH SCHOOL HOPEFULS 1'fembeni of 1'1rs. 'founghueband'a eighth grade clasa at E'·C'rett Rea School appear above f rom left in thia order ; first row, Donna Sho~,,.Llnda Andera, Judy __ Najya_.__A-nru!_l&.sl\?etter, \'ie}Jic.. &m,i:::c.11-on.__Ernic. Simm!, Carol Roberts, Doug }.filler, J..t ary Han!lcn . se- cond row, Jerry Dotson, Louise ~ompton, Ha rold Za· mora. Ova Lee Young, Tom Blakely, Carol Lathom, Loren Vinson, Loretta E isman. David Shaw; third row, Lloyd Fortune. Geneva 1.filey, Charles Taylor, Penny Speth, Dennis O'Hair, Rut~ AnE j'.'q).lng,_ Qen~ -l.eeper, Beverly RCH(i,-S aron Haiser ; lower row, Mn;. Younghusband, Gary Robinson, Susan Brock. J ack Beattie, \Vayne \Vhitney, Nancy Harper, Joanne Eng· land, F.cl Felker. I 12 Stolen Cars HEMLINE'S NOW OPEN Object of Hunt Polle! fire looking t nd11.y for t"·o SET<'lfn far• 11101"" from th• Har- Robfrt F l•h or 510 M•ri11:o!d Avt. told police hl1 earl' vdth kty11 1n it wa~ •tolf'n from In front or FOR FATHER'S DAY GIFTS I 11 l ! l ' 11 i i I Buddy's Burgers 19942 NEWPORT BLVD. at Bristol HA M'iifi G"i'R's lie Rurgt-r Chlll Burgt-r Delu.x11 Butl{f'r ...... 25' ······ 23' ...... 23' 'flf>hL~ Chl'f'S(' 30' Buri::t-r ..... . llon1r madn Jr!' ('hlll .... -··· ~' ~~;i~~!I .......... 20t I I OPL~ DAIL\" 10 a.n1. TO l'l p.m. ,·'--- ! I WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING h11 home early Tu~sday mom\njl'. 1 IB u.1d Ult re wpre 400 companr , h"cks on the rrorit ,...,t or tht 'Rr prlnt•'1 ror Rribfrt ~h. 7\lar- lne El•~tr1cR I :\lf'chanlc. A cam .. rA • 111nd ~l""r!nir ba( Y"tre alao In the <-!tr, Fl~h M.ld. I G"ori;e T . Fn.nck or S11n G1britl l"ld pohce hl1 cRr Y.'AI •tOlfn from 710 E. Balboa Blvd. Harbor Sl SO 1n frr>nt or 4407 Selll<hOrlt Drh·e I BALBOA I J_un .. :I It ,..u unlocketl, he •aid. __ _ NEED A FOrf.ElGN CAR? ... HARVEY MA YER MOTORS a A FINE SELECTION of NEW AND USED CARS ALL CARS FULLY GUARANTEED 2137 Horbor COSTA MESA Blvd. (Corner of Victarla St. I Liberty 8-22 56 COUNTY AREA ONl..CINT TAX BILL PASSES UGISLATURI IA.CJUMENTO, (Clfl) -Tiie lqlalatur. on Ule final day ot Ult -ion approved .~d Miit to Ult pvtmor a bill "to rnnlt eountl11 to 111¥1 a ont cent Mlea tu. rtl\IJ ,,.....,., eunt 1• Ult .... mbly, wt!.tch voted •.)-St to concur In aenal.a am.n4mant1. Clarlr. 1... Jlra41ey, ... Jott, auUior ol Ule MU, urpd a.ffp- Uon of am11uimtftl.a made to th• bUI In Ulf, upptr h.OUM, and adopuon of Ult m...uH. Bradlt y told 1Mmbtl'9 ot th• lowtr ~ tM bill •a• ' n.Maaarr to •tabllah ...i .. t u wtlformlly UI .uburMn u .. 1 n•&r wh.Lth clt!M art l•v)'ln1 aalM l&U1 of th1\r own. H• M Lcl It wu ~nnla1lve, not ma11d1tory. \\'1llia m A. Munnell. Monl•btllo. oppoMd th1 m...urt. Munnrll calltd th1 bill "Ju1t a11 oth1r tu lnCrt&AI bill," and arruecl tha t It would not brtn1 unlfonnlty na"u county lln•• unle&1 all countte1 lmpoled 1uc:l'I a tu . Th• Ollfl·t•nt aale1 ta• would ht coll1ctltd by 11'1• 1t•l• a lonr •lll'I th• atat1 M ifl ta.If IU\d l'Ubwnt...S to artu of coLi.cuon. Mesa Council Tables Pope I ~~~~!i.~~~~,,~~n.!!~ ... ~~~~'""~"' ,,. I 1J11l 4:1.101 !ol"lt \\'. Pope 111 b<llv1-1 pror •rty ""''ner.• re fu~1n~ thf' r1·•~ •Ion llOc't.,.·e••n. Orange lln'1 ~anta l11ri•l 11.nd tht clty dPC!dinJI' It dldn"\ Ana A\"1'11. •<;iu\h~rly of E :?2n(I• f'\lhPT. St. " . ..,. tRbl,:d !olon<.111 y b,1' i..;o.~ta In ()t hl'r bu1!n•~s.. the ro11nr!I: •• • •"!1\' t ';111nrH until 11 '1 J unt Authc>ni:td 01'!'n•n1t (>f \."1r11:1n111, 20 mf'Pllng. Gr>ln1t ~lrong 11lnrP Alhf'rt an<t C'trll r111 r~" rr(ln1 Or· 1-..... t•'•'· th•• •n1battle<t •Ub(h· an;:~ to $1nta An11. A\'f \·1~1nn b:i c:kf'rJI an1\ :?2nd St. nppon-,\.~crt ('Jty ~la.tl&!'fll' Uo•o.r;::~ 1"11111 have rl'fu~~d to lfl\'t •n >!'lfh \""1 r~y le> T"J'!O T\ "" a r~qur11t h ..,m I n .. •·!t1· <"llUnrll 11n OPf-n1ng tn J;:l'I lh~ Orani:~ County F "1r io ""DI\'~ off th• horok. b11J11nr1.• lw,.n.11 .. J\ <111r1n~ 1h~ ftt1r ,1 1 11r•~'"nt !ht' 11tu11!1on is 1! Aug. 9·14 an<1 rro,·idP fir' prot••'· an io1pasar . l'rnpf'rty D1"'nPrt on lion. Th• falr(?'Qund1 entert d M••• 22nd St. r•tun to a llO'A· their rea r l'ity llmita thi• month Jn th1 Bl · lot.• to face Pope'• backyar<1a and kPr St. Ann,xa Uon No. I . \'Ice \'tru. A propo.111 1 by PopP E mployl!'d Ed•!n C. Edirk to lh81 he wa1 \Odllln; to f lYe 30 ft. ln1pect the cl\y'.11 Searravt~ pumr- ror crc1 t1on ot a 1trHl either Inf unit Which the 8ea rravr1 CO. to thf' ind1vid11al ??nd 81. propPrty r eport• will COit •s~ to repa ir. LOCKERS SPECIAL -Lockers (app. 125 lb.) "'E t·t:ATL'Ht: l!ll'::Ll:LTIED PROO: and ('flOll"t:. MEATS 1'7.i6 yr. •II · IOtll !!it. ,;£"'PORT HACH Harbor Olli TIME •••• To Get Y1111r Lawnmawers & GarclH Tooh Sharpened THP: • Ideal Saw &. LaW11nmower SALES & SERVICE Oonmor knt1ht-'10N -' U.. 1tron1 fea turu of DW ...... tu· tlonal bud1•t prt>vt-1011 a. w · N- qulr1ment that •Wr}' QoYerw' ahall pr-nt a MlaMed ~L" L\fUK I Y,I .. !'.\ " . . ' . NOW IROWINO THRU IUNE lllT IOK)rf W41'JQI 1..4~4 TU&NU .. ''.THI SIA CHASI" n-_,. "'• ... Coltt ---"CHAWNGI THI WILD"· SHAWIEMASTIER °" ................................... . ..... OOTM i..-4 --.,_ <I.Mo<,•'--_..i ..... , __ , ...... _.. .. __ .. ..,,a_,i..·.--i.,-. .... ...._. $1,00 week No Carrying Char911 We Give S & H G r.eon Stamps \\'t: 1.n±:R\'ICY. • \\'F. 8 E1.J, 1.A\~;,;M O"'Y.Rl!L e !!IA"'8 e K:\'l\'£8 f1rtt QuaUty "'nrk Guara.n1"4 Rf'a!lun•ble Prlef'• ' tea W. Brown 1570 Newport. Bh·d. · Costa Mt-11a Liberty 8-7512 Jeweler 18Z3 Ntiwpor1 Al·e. Cost.a ~IMA MAKE ., MARK 1l 1WAINS WHISKEY vouR-cH·o1cE -! The greatest nanu? in bourbon-historic frworite of famous nu?n-Mw in a lighter, milder, lower-priced 86 Proof bottling as a companion to the world-reMwned 100 Proof Bottled in Bond! 811 PROOF Kentudry Str1iiht Bourbon Whiak•T Ctlebniad Old Crow-lighter, milder and lower-prittel. than the 100 Proof Bouled i.n Bo~ BOTTLED IN BOND 100 P"OOP' Kentucly StnllM Bowbon WhiMe1 n..-"""'"'""'""""""'.._ma.I>~ .. ....i "The Greatest Name in Bour/Jon" .. THE OLD CROW DISTILLERY COMPANY. FRANKFORT. KENTUCKt I ' -- • EVl•ITT A •IA 8CM08'- 0 ., • •• ·-.... c.. • .. , .. .... . DIPLOMAS DUE THEIR CLASi M<'mbC'ri-1 nf ~f iss ~forrow'i; C'ighth grade class at E\'erett Rea School ;q •pP111· abtJ\'1· from left in this order: t op row. Judy Henry, Tim TC'n E~·ck . J an1l11· Hc·ft~" Oh:kie Green, Bob Potter, J im Smith, Philip Mail- loux. Ela11w Tyson. R11bin Swinfor d; second row. Bill Wallace. Arlene J, .. hto. llanny Fc·nlcy. ~.farjic Trautwine, Joe West. Gene Cochran. Bob r Maiers. Linda \·odicka, Gary Clark; third row. J udy Schleiger, Frank Rivera. :-.tarian Reese. ~1ickey Wicncng!\. Penny Dollar. Wayne Mor- gan. Myrna Lloyd. Bill Peck : lowe r row. Miss Morrow. Joyce Ham- montret>, Gary Pickens. Betty Smith. Gary Graham. Pat Fife. THEY AWAIT GRADUATION .. • \l•·t~llJ~·rs of :\I ~ H1d1 anlx1ln'x C'ighth grade cla88 at Ev'erett Rea School ;1 l'p<'11 r nho\·1· m this order: t op row. Anna Reynold.a, Fred Stegmann. Vf'lma P11wC'll. Lc-e !"hor<'y. Ann Pinkley, Carl Cotton, Janet Delphino, L<'land ~t f'( •h' 1.:-:, Robin Wc1od : second row, Da,rid Reid, Rosalia Fisher, Al\'in Wilson. Barbara Rambo, Chad Maynard, Kay Miller, 'l'ommy Davis, Dorothy H aley, Gary Fellbaum; third row, Da,·id Huffman, Judy Raines, Dick Aide. J eanne England, Emil Conchola. Rowda Pirtle, Marcip Stewart. Elaine Bulwm. Don Griewe: lower row. Mr. Ric hardson, ·J anet Jordan, Barbara Ritschke, Betty Davia, Arva Mor- ris, R?Y Dalton. READY TO LEA YI REA SCHOOL Membera o! Mr. John Jay Lybarger·~ eighth grade clue at Everett Rea School appear above. !rom left, in this order1 top row, J oan Hib- don, Jim RuseeU, Carol Rogney, Crt"Que Wolverton.. Ernie Lopea, Er· ma Ga.tu. Jamee Park@. Clt>mentlne E i:;trada. Frf'd Barker : aecond row. Lewis ~hcCarter. Donna MR<';'l;evin. Rarbua Crowe, Jerry Wei· t_f, Cherie \'imng. Rog<'r Flore11, Janet Goddickaen, Allan Walker, .. Janlre.HoffmM : third row. T.1·111:t \\'ri~H. Tim J on .. , Lorraine Yorba. John Jone~. \'irgtnla M&rt.llH'?.. F:ugene St1lf'!1. Sharon Bi•dl, Daryle Bailey: lo"'· r ow, Mr. J ohn J .i y Lybar J?er. Bill Ghllt'lin. Judy K..lng, Carl Smith J'C'ltna T rujillo. ~flke Irwin. Lynette Kimmel, Bllly &lmel\. I MESA POLICE INAB PEEPING TOM SUSPECT I An alltmptN1 ruat lw IU\ al· tegf'<i Pttr•ne Tom rallt.I t<' fool Coata '-frn p.)llt'e yu trr· day. and a Mann" wu bn.,k· t'd an Orang" C!'unty Jatl on a charge or f11in~ a f11l~e n·· port. At 12·18 a.m \\' E Corbin M 2133 Orance A\'e. Costa MP~. Fepor\M te\'lng a m1m l()Ok In a w111tlow Al h111 h""'" Corbin flashr d 11 light cm him t.nrl thl' 011111 run 11way Hem· e\·er. ln\'l'llllgallnJ:" nffwrr s founl1 a ra r pn rk1>'1 on Mt>l'I Ill P lacr . 11ro11nrt lhl' ('"10 .. 1 At 12 ·3~ 11. m F.I 't'orn Ma· rrnl' JRrk A Rl1·kutl, 27, 11( 2.i:i P11lm AH' tlra111:<'. r hon"d th" pollre 11t1U 11111 an•I r,.rnr1....i hr .. • R1 l'lulf'n Tiu~ WAS lhf' 8 1111\ nn ~f l'rrrJI Piiio I' (lf(ll"l'TIO r1rki>t1 H1rk111rt ur Ill a ~er\'11'1' !1\1<\lnn Ill IPth f:t \\'hen tolol 1-.11 hin \\ 1111 ahll' tn tdrntrfv hrln. R11 ka 1 rt 11•1· m1lleJ lookinit into the hn11,.e W ln<IO\\', J'(llk~ 8.11.t H,. """ bonkNI Ill I II n1 , .. ,. ... , .. ", Johnston Now at Ft. Eustace Post 4 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11-PAGE l MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1955 SHADDOCK BURGLARY SUSPECT IN INNOCENT PLEA; JULY TRIAL. $AXTA AXA 10CNSI-lnd1t'&· t I nit hf' "011111 h381' hlJI df'fen•• on illf'it •I """'"h anll 11f'tz:urf'. \\'tl11a m K . 1'11rr1Ah F'rtJay l'l"1ded lnno<'mt on 1 hari,.11 o r hu rj..'11trv anrt p.tly lhl'ft Whf'n hi' WM &Tl"lllg'lle<I ti.- f.ll f' Supu\or Cl'urt J udi e J ohn S)ll'A, l'arrtah 11 ~ct~r4 ot mtacins t hi' citf,•n•f'a In M11r11hal1 0 . 8harl- ty 1upee1ed Parrtah employ an attornf'y to r lh• trial whtch wu aet for 9 3(l a m. July II P&rriah \a frf'• on 1&000 W I. lt• admitted a prior larceny eon- vlctlon. do\'k 'A \\110\l'n's Wl'&r ahop, 3412 !'iiOTJCll: or INTEN'DJ:O •AI.JC \'ii\ Ll•I<' :-\l'WJ'Or\ Reft<'h. April 2(1. Nolle• It hereby rtven: Thal H" """"'''"div took lf'V<'n -· .. 1.t-,L!:\\'lS A. FULLJNOJM and tr.11 ''J1l111'<J Rt Jg!! !rom t he at ore. BECKY F l'LLlNGlM. Vmdora, 1•111111111 111 t'XJ'<'<'IPl1 to clA•m whoMI addreu It 328 Mllrln• .Aw- :-;,." 1·•11 t ll<'I« h .. ft,·er Sgt. Wtl· nue, Balboa lal&11d. In the City of llt.m II Rh1P i>ntf'r<'d his vrhl<'le !'\ewporl Beat'h, County ot Onu1r•. 1 rnnk an , 111Jn1 ion ot the Jaw tor· Stale of Ca Urornla, lnVnd• t.o NII hl·ldu\~ 11tr JClll ~nr<"h. lo RIGHTER R. OOERKll and T hr rtrrrnolnnt \\U no t rerrf'· DORJS H O LMES. Ven!1Ne, whoM •rnt• ,1 tw 1u1nrn.,y tndll\'. C'nunllf'I 11ddrn• la J2101 11th 8t~f'l, 11' th• Hnh;o1 t .llll"l'h!I hM \'IOI: \qlhrtrawn ('tty or G11rrlf'n Grove. f'ounty "' (rnm 1 ht> r rit•r J 11t1i;:" Sh,.a stmng -Orang ... Eit1tt 11 of C'11llfnm la. th• ONE CENT- All County Cities Make Tax Survey rollow1n1t rl!'lt'rlhf'd per11<1nal r rop• .-rty, 10-wll: All all\C'k In I ra d•. ttatu~a, r q111pmf'nl a nd 1tood will Of & c•r- '"•n rest "urant b11a11t,.11•. kn!'W11 •• l !!lan<l Pa\ll'. a nd loot"'1 at 300 Ma11n .. A \'rnuf', Ra lb!\" liola nd. In th" City of ?'\l'''"'J'N't Rf'lll'h. Coun- ty of nran11I'. St"t" n! 1'allforn1a , 11nd t hAI a 11alr . tr•n•t"r a nd ••· "'l?'"ml'nt <'t th" u me Will he mal'I•. and thf' ron111drr.t1on th,.nfo l'9 will be palrt Al 10 00 o't'l~k a.m . SA':\TA A':\A IOC:"JS1 -T he on thl' 2!\lh 1111\' r.r Jun ... 19!'1~. at FORT E L'STIS, \'A P \'I Hi•n· p,e,·1111v.. b .. anl of lht' 01'11nge the u rrow d~p11rtmenl ot Bay 11.ld L. J ohnM•m, 8on f•I Ml' 1111•1 ('nunt\' l..elll:'ll" of Clllf'l! lnd1catl'd F,Jll{'l'OW ~. llll'., :l.'11!'1 £. Ooat t Mrs. Vktcr J o hni1ton Co:o111 .M t'~a. 't'lt11nuln~' night 11 11 t'ltlH in this H1i:hw11y 111 Cornns rtrl Mar. In 111 taking •)>f'c1al t ri1inmg 111 h 11 l cv11n1.'· will f'ntploy a one-cent the C'1ty nr Newport F\l'lll'h, Coun· Ew1tl~. \'it , in pr,.parRllf•n ror np· 111<IP11 t11x h~· P ct. 1 ty ot Ort.ngl', Stall' flf Calltom1a. era11on!I an lh,. Ar<'t11· 1h111 1<11111· Thi' wnv h"s b••••n c'lf'arf'd for DatP<I .lunf' 13, 19!\!'I ml'r. th,. 1uirn11nn b\' ll n<!w 11Altes tax l.F:WIS A. F ULLINOIM. Johmnon 1i< •• ht>tlulNI Ill p!1r-l1<'1· law fllllll!•'ll h~· thf' sl11t<' h•1:1sl11t11re HECKY J.' ••L'LLI!l:OIM, pate in PrOJt'<'t !'17:.!. a J<11nl A im~· .mo! 8\\0rllni.: {jo\'emnr Knlgh1'11 \'t'n.1111• technit·a t l t'T\'ICt'l! npPl'l!tlnn Tht' ~•_1tnlll l1T<' Uni\• ~Ix c111e;o--Sante Rl<:HTF:R R C.0ERK&, proje<l ti< dt'Sl.Rnt'<1 to l<lll'l'I" A11 1 Anr•. P r'11ni;f' :S•'WJ'Orl HN•<'h, LA fl\llU~ HOLMF:S ForC'P r .. tla r r onalru• 111,n f'r••J"' I• i:un11 lll'lh h, C'ni<t.c ~fP'<fl an<1 La \'t'ndo•f'll Arrnss.the oonh"rn 1•1°n11n1•n: Jl.1lua n11w ll11rn1 l'Rlei< t11x. It's 11 !'TATF. O F" t 'ALIF'OR~IA l 1-'Tl\'Sle John,.ton, 11n •·ni.:rrWl'r h;ilf, t'nl m Lii ll!1b1 1l, Orang" a no1 COi '':\TY OF' ORANC.P: )N . with Crom plill.\' K "' th,., :n••t h Jo:n. l' u1• 1 .\ 1:.1 On J unp t:I Ill~!\. before mf', l:lllPPT t 'on,.t111rt1n n u .. 11 .. 111111 r n-;lln\"I n .. ,. ~ .. al111<fgl' (If Hunt· thl' unrlf'I All?"'~··· " l'\otary P ublic lc>rt'tl lhP A1 Ill\' in I h loh 1 I!•'•• 1n1:'cm l!Pic• h • .11 l•·tl f111 a !1111 '" •n•I fnr ~Air! C1111nty a nd State, 'mrt <'umplt'lf'•I ha>.,. 11 ,11n111~ •cl .. 111 t• nf lht' '"'''' p111pnl'l'fi l&W and l'"r"''nRll\' IT'J'~Rrf'd LF.\VIS A. Fort On:l HI' wn1kl"l In="''"!"''' '' r ff,.,t nn lhrs c·n11111,·'.11 ta.i rtnl-F'l'Ll.l':\Cn\ Af:C'KY F Jl'Uv 81.'arh. bf'fr>re rnl,.rrn i:-t ht• A 1111\ lll r• \\hilt' nn sal,.• l!IX rs on in Ll:'\r.IM, RIC.HTF:R R. GOERKE Vufl,.rt•·,1 ror Ao:i hf.1m. hoth &rf' 11nrt PO RI!' HO l,.ME'f<; known to M A • h H l '•''<J•P• IP I In l'l•I• pt 111 .. onf'·r .. nt "1i' tn hi' the pf'ni<ma who" n1.m" n . ftlC Urt ,, J'rll\'l•Jnn 111 1·1on hng lll lhf' f'X .. t'U· j llllb•c rlhl'r! to thl' W1thln \natnl• M111 M11rt'o Am• h. :I:! of I.!\ l l\•· 1 ... 11 I m f'nt a nti 11rknn-.·lf'rl l{f'd that they X. BR\' Frnnl \\&~ 1nJlll"•I ~llllll · • Tl" •l;o ll' -.11pe1-.1sor" A1uu)f'1a-l'XN'lllf'l1 t h r aam,. dRy n•)!hl. r<•h•" 1t>p1111rd \\h"n .i •inn ""11i;:ht th•· ""It'll lh'< fl'fi:llllll· \l,'ttnesa my h•nd •nd otttcla l r ar tlrlv"n h,,. hrr h11!'t.11n•I c .. 111ol· """ t 'ndt'I' l h,. pruposert plan the '""I ···• wllh 11 r•·lrkl'•I ,,,, un 11• llU· •I.It<' \\n111rt h t.nrilf' llUC rollttl1008 ISt'all 1rnp,. A,.,. nt'1<r ~·11~1 A\'I• l'h" 1f Hit 111f' lr,·l,.d Ill on" rPnl MARIA N L. J OH NSO!\' Wll!I t 11'1\I 1'<1 h\' II rr" h 11'. f'h\''<l• 11111 \\ '""'' '" l 'p.t .. i;: 111 (t 11( the llntllh· S ol Ary Public In l.tld tor Otflc'Pn• s11 r•I AnJ• h ~l•lt"•I lw wR• 1110•1 oftwc of 11, .. U>11g11r nf C all· l'Rtl1 County a nd Sta t• Rl lf'nip1111g 10 11·1110\'I' 11 f11:fltrd '"'Ill" l'1l1 P11 mA •I'" & rPport to the My Cnmmiulon l'.:xplrn d ga1 t>ue rrnm R. pln,.lt•' x.•nl "'"'tr I Pxrr11l l\'1• hnt11d <•n the l1e\'elop· J uly 211. 111:111 w hl'n 1 h" rm •h n1·1 '"'' '"' · 111• o· cof 11111"11 111x lf'Ji:i•lation. ~o. ~Ill N .. w11·P re11a ti '13/M~ looking for a BARGAIN? P~RHAPS A USED CAR? Y the Want Ads NEW OR USED FURNIJURE 7 -/ the Want. Ads AN ATIRACTIVE RENTAL? / -/the Want Ads Whethu ~·ou want to hu~· or "·ant to Mii, the ClaMlfltd eolumna of t:tu. newspaJ>f'r otff.r the hfo"t opportunlt~· for ~sulfa ... A four llne ad "11J appear Monda~·. Wtdn~a~· and Thurtlday In onr 28,000 ooplee s200 for Only --.. -. • • • this VALUE I HARBOR PR SSS ........ ~ Call Harbor 1616 for Ad· Taker 11 ! ,. ,_ I l . PAGE '4 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 1:-a.11c11•a 8emc. :!._t-:S<'hool1t, lni.trudlon MONDAY, JUNE ll, 195S ---------------.Painting, Decorating BONNIE BRAE Tiny laby l11iured i11 Two-Car Cra1h Mlnor !Kcldtnt occurnd J une I e t 21r(1 I I. and Belboe 8 1Yd. ~­ r we.n o n drlvtn by JONph I.A· Roy Bury or 21111 Harbor Blvd . r oal& J.ft u , and Ptler P'terro or ~ante Ane , police •eid. Rtx Tay· lor, 3 mnnlh•. of Le c ,..ecn1te, rlollni In !hf' Bnry <'llr, wu 1ltrflt· l.\' ln)Urerf. •'111rro told ottl<'-II• wu l"tlitr Wf'flt on B&lbo& Blvd. When t.111 Ben y car ciro-d lhe huer..CllO!' to t1~u1t or him. Berry 1e1d he bad •l.Alrttd aero•• UH lnteraectlon wh•n h11 1aw the Fierro r 1r com· 11111 at 1111 exceHIVI 1pe~. LEGAL NOTICE c ounty or Ora.nr• ' By /11 WA.YNE A. DRACl:R. Dlputy. ~<>TICE APPEARANCE : ·A ddendanl eppearw In an a ction '¥\'hen he •n•· wuw . .stmur a. or 11vu the pla in· tlt t written notice or hJ• appur· anct, or when al\ a ttorney iclvu notice of appeuance for him ," (lee. lOU, C. C. P ,) A.nsw.ra or dtmurrf'n m11xt bt In wntlnr. and fll,.d with lh• Clerk. ?l:o. !1114 Newa-Pre.o Paper Hancinr I Pre-school 1178 W. J8lh St .. Costa Mua LI ll-t210. :'>iC'88 Uberty 1·8428 COMPLETE PAINTING Z3-Sltwatlon. \\'anted I WM. "PETE"-PANCLE- GEO. BURKHARDT Ml.'SIC ARTS A c'RAf'"TS Trana· LICENS!:D CONTRA<.:ru R I portatlon 1615 S1nla Ana A\·f', & P a'per Hanging Service £U0£~1l: 0 :<;At"NDtRS :">00 :S lat S1r~f't, :.:Pwport Bea1•h ll&rbM 20':6 or Har. '448. He FOR RENT .. Sklll Bawa, E l-c. Drlll•. PolLlhera, alt type. of S11ndera, Whetlbar- rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. TRACTOR WORK, 1!111 lnjt 1•low- tnr Ir mowlni: U~rly 8-~788 • Ll 8·2827. 81p64 ----~~--~~ ~ ~ HAND JRONJNG In my llOntfl 76c ~r hr. Drlnj( h.angtrA. 3~8 W"Sl Wilson, Cosla Meat\. 63p6ti GARDENING ~AREER and b•ttrr ·''1ursl'lr 111 11m' ~fs on, rnn1' In 11n•l tlllk t n u- \\' ,. ""' r ~: .... 11 xta111n1: .s1111 .. '"" l'a 111 va~·ll\lnn~ J'full Holl1lap, . - . Original Models _, • / Check these Used Cars l\m (Nnl " 11..-a l ''"""'r "'ho "'Ill N-hu• TOMORROW ~ J "' tuu k Uf\ \\ hott nt-tif"lia 1\)C'A T • 40--Aulotl and Trucb June Speci~ls h LEG~L NOTICE !\, 9, 14', 23, 30, /J 8, 1:1 20, 2i j /4, 10~5 2630 W. COAST HlCHWA Y N<mCE OF tRt'STl:f:'S !'Al.F. L~rty 8·3435. Nt1w porl Bch i~tfc Malnt t nance, yard cle&nlnit anti ltght haullnJ;. Klmberly 3-30211 llaya or H arbor 3034 evt'nlnga • wnk tnda. 08p72 ""'I l'•·n~l••n~ s~e 11~ ><t 11)30 E F 11 "l St11•1·t. CC'l('l{T A IL nHF:SSES ~111111. liJll' dr1>11 ... ·.c 8t formnli> !';ti.•• H -16. Sonw :-:1':\\'-ALL. pt tff'1 t runJ A LSD 4• Ifni; lit ruoolt•rn 11t~·lt1 t.:hltlt\ hunk l'Uli l. S~ll lH'luW n•~I. \\'r•ll" Rnx A-811, thi/I n1•w11· f'll 11• r, 60trr rn~·I CHRYSLER New Yorker 1'.awport, light ~n. PowC'r steering, radio. hratcr. White sidewall tirM. As nl'W al' possible , . . ·-····-$2,396. 1 fl53 OE SOTO F1r<'Clom t-, '4 dr. sedan. Be.lge. Loaded with nll l\CCCSSOrJ<'S . • $1 ,895. 1952 HILLMAN MINX convertible coupe, A clean t'ar in tip top shape $695. 19''\:? OE ~OTO 6, 4 dr. S(>(1an, 2 tone gt"f'y. 84-autl- ful blue upholstrry. R&H. only • . $1,245. 1951 CHRYSLER Windsor, light g rey, 4 dr. sedan. Bought new by owner, atilt looks new .... $1 ,H:S. IS THI: 1'1'PEIUOR OOURT Ot' ~o. f'7' THE ~TATF. ot• C'ALIFOll~,A On Thur.Jay, J unf' 23 lllrl:\ 11 l I S A."'iO P'OR THE C'OtlN'TY 11 :00 o'clock A. M at th4' South 01' ORASOE h'onl entrance tu lh., 1 '1•unty O.pt. ' Courlhnua ... In lhP Cll v of Santa l'\o. f614'J Ana , State or Ca llfo1 nta. S!'cunly A<'d oa brouabt a. tile 8UPf'rMr Title Jn1urance Company, u lrus- ('nurt or tJI.-('ounty of o,..,.., tt• undf'r thf' Dtf'd or Tm~t txuu1- &11d Complaint nlNI In lllfl OfftC'fl f'l1 b\• HF.R~fA ?> F.. WALKER and •f tlle Clf'rk et UM! 1'ufW'rior Court THELL.\. WALKER. hU8b11n11 a n•I of MJd County. "'''"· r~C'ordf'<I M1y I. 19!'13 tn JAJ.IE!ll D ELLl!i, and JAMES Bl\Ok 2496. pagt 179 of Ofl1r111I D. l!:LLJS, 11olnr bualne11 a1 l:L-Rl"('11rl111 in thl! ofrio'f' 11r th!' Rf'· LIS A.BA LONE COMPA?>Y, P laln· 1 cordf'r of Orange County, t ·a h· l1rt, fom 111. anrt by rrallCln of 1lf'fa111t \'II. In l hf' p;1)'mtnt nr r"•rfnrm11nr,. n( ~OY P' W PJBR IUl;1 ('HARLES oblif!11t1ona ael'lll'Pd lh,.rtby lnrluti· ·r:e~u"I "BUCKEYE," Ing the br,.arh or rll'f•11lt, nollre Cu tlflrat,. nt Av.·u'1 Nn. 27Dl27, nr whlrh was r"<'nrrtrt1 F"rbr1111fy n •ff'n'1ant,., 2~. lPM tn Book 211i4, r "ll"' 122 nf Tha Jlt opla 11r t h" St11te nf <.;a ll· H id Ottlc:lal flerorda. will ull a.t fomla H nd JTt<1Un1• l'I: 11ubhr auctinn tor caah. w1lho11t ftOY P' \l\'1!:88, C'HAftLE8 EBY, wa rra nty U to t11le. p('l111ellal01l, or vp;~~EL "BtrCKl!:YE," Certltteatti lnr11mhranc•1. thti tnttrtat t'onvf'Y· or Award No. 270127, Dettnd1nh . ert to 11111 T ruitt• by •aid DM rl Ynu are d1r,.rted tn 1 ppn r tn an of ~uet ln propf!'rty 11t11uatt In 1cllon brourht •ra1n1t you by the the City nt Newport Beach. ro11n- abovt neme'1 platnllff, In the Su· ty ot Oranir•. Sta tf' nf C'llltfnrnll. pt rior rm1rt n( the Stale "' Call· ducr1bood aa fornla, In and tor the Cnunl\· of Lot A 111 Block 30 of F'1rat a11: OrM J t , •nd \Q a nawer Ul• c11m-d1llon to N•wport Htl1ht11 •• p l11lnt thf'rf'ln within t•n day• alltr ahown on a niep r•cordt d In thf\ llf'rl'lre or. you nf lhl• 1um-book 4, page 94 of M111c•I· mon,., ff 111rv•t1 .. .,rntn tt1' County lantou• Mapa, r"cnr<t11 or Or. ot Ora na•. or within thirty de ya If ange Count.v, H r ved el-.whtre. and you are noU-for the purpotat' of paying obhg•- fl•l1 lhat unle1111 you JO<> ap~ar and tlona H rurl!d by ••Id DH c! or an11Wf'r a1 abcvfl uqulrtc!, tht T ruat, lncludlng tu•. ch1rirll. 11nd plalntfff will tak,. hjudpent for txptneu of the Tnlaltt . auma ex: any mon"Y nr d•m•iru demand· pendtd yndf'r the ttrm1 thereof. ed In t.he Complaint, Ill arl•lnc a.nd '27&7 .27 In un paid pnnr1p•I or upon contract, or w ill apply to th~ lhfl notf' aec11r"'d thtreby. with In· Court for a.ny olhtr rtllet d•ma.nd-terrat thtrt on at the n1te of Six ed In the complaint. pf'r <'"nt J't'r 1111n11rri Glve'n untln my hand and Mal Dated May 2~. 19~:"> ot the Suptrlor Cour t of lhe Coun· Stcunt y Tllla Jn311ranr ~ ty of Or3nJ:~. St11te Qf California, Ct>mpa.ny • t hla 1~ dey of April, l9M. By LYDIA MERHA B B. J . 8MTTH, A.aalatAnt Stcrtt11ry County <.:lerk and Clerk of lhl' ICorporwte Sta.I) 8upenlor Court of Ula State or l'fo. 688 C11llfornl11, In anc1 for UI\ New1-Prt&1 6/30, 8/&. 13. 19~~ DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of th• Newport lhrbor News-Pre.a is suaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver thelr papert1 be· fore 6 p.m. on Monday and Thunday. If your paper is not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your c&m.r •W brtnr your paper. - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ E very Monday and Thunday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays DEADUNICS tor placln1 or cancellin& ada a n1 : For Monda)' Publlc•tlon -Saturday Noon For Wadnuday P\n>ncallon -Tuelday 2 p.m . F or Thur1d11y Publlca llon -Wedneaday 1 p .m. 4 Unet1 1 Paper 11.00 4 Une• · 2 Papen USO 4 Llnett S Papen 2.00 Coutai SbopPf'r Claallll1~ Ad1 muat nan In the Monday or Thuraday Publlcattoa :KJNIMU>I AD JS & U..'li'U A.II <.:Lu•lfled Ad• mu•t be s-id for Cull ta M YH C. of pabllcatsoa. The publlaher1 will not bt rupons1bl• for more lhan one Ulcorrect lnttrtton of an 11d, r eserve the n cht to corrttUy cla&111ry a.ny a.nd all ada and lo rtJect any ad not confonntnr to ruln a.nd rerulallon1. NEWPORT H1RBOR PVBLl8~0 CO. U lt Ralboa Bh·d .. Nt1~port Bf'~ll, Calltonila. 8pedaJ NoUca y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Thursday a p.m. -Central Ave. Meelt every Via Oporto Newport Buch Albtrt H. Mallhl!WI, Exalted Ruler !_2-Bulldlng 8el'\'toee Painting la Paperhangin1 We do t he work ouraelvee. 30 you eq>artenca LlcwMd Ir ln.ured. Sau afactlon ,uarantftd. li:atlma tH tr". Call Jobllnle. LI 8-2687 le LI 8-5289 81tfc House Plans lOUc PAINTING Painting la Paper Hanrtns "The a..t Money Can Bu.y" Sympson & Nollar ' $12 38UI SL, Ne•oport Be&ch PHONIC HA.llaOA k<M 1%-BuDdial Se""- Elec. Tool . Repair 8k1l Saw1, Drlll8, Santltr1 t:.ll:lCK SERnCE LEWCO ELECTRlC CO. 4:16 No. Ntwport Blvd., Npt. Bell. Llberty 8·U 83. H tfc FRAMING Foundations C. lhtnn. Allrn, 0.n. l 'ontr. Liberty 8-7576 S!lt f~ CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB 'I'OO SM.A.LL H. 0 . Andtr9«1 lOH I:. BaJboa BlvJ, Balboa Ha.rt>or 2•~0 83ttc PAINTING L~OR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSUR.ED Glenn J ohnston tl01 • llst St. Jl:e~rt Beach Be.rbor 1178 22ttc CARPENTER Repair Work Doe. 'four Homa Nted Rep&1r1 nr or Rtmodeltnf T ' C&ll J'ranlc, Ubert1 1-et$4 .AJl "•k 0-..rutted T&Ut l Painting M \\-ROSS F1• e F:i1t1malf'H -F'11llv ln.c11p •I 30 Yur .. F.Xf)('rl~nrf' I.I .:1321 • Har 3U81l-~1 Oiip69h General Contractor. Lll'E:'\SF D N<'w Work -Remodeling J. MI LTON McKENZIE Harbnr 3 122-R 58tfc --------A ~PHALT Tll .F. UNOLEPM l 1nBta ll 111 .. "h"''" ch,.Ar••· lh11n mnat A IAo 111'11 T1lf' .t l.1n,,l•um. Son-11nlC'11n. 211 """rs ••rerl•nrro 1 ·on1par" 11 n•I M• BILL 1·nKP.:R H11r 48211 C'lr Long a ..... 11 ; .r,111:1. 6Ic74h -c EMENT &: BUILDING All Klnfl11 & FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-61 09 Remodeling 21Hf Gene ral Repairs BABY SITTER MIHlgf' J ohn11<m, :>Anti< An11, tru111 8 :10 am. tu SO;!.l---Ap_p_!J_!l~£~---- P1erce Apt., Apl 3·307 E Bay o 4 p 111 Monllay t hr1111.ih F ri.Say. Avt>., Har. 07'~-J 62Jl64 Houu R11palr1 Boat RI" pail • ASTOR'S REPAIR SERVICE Carptnlry A.ltt ratJona Har. l 729-J . .Rt mi•dtllnJ 62pi:ih YACHT SKlP f'ER. rx11trlrnc,.d, u n 11 m It e d • m11~lrr'1< llc,.n•r. pow1>r. RPff'rf'nr•s. \\'rite Bnx E·93, lhle P•J>f'r &2r64 Roy~s Maintenance HouH clunlnr_..Jo.loor wa.xlnr Wall WBtlh lng-wln.dow clea.nlnc Vtnetla n bllnd1. Uphol1tf'ry l naurtd. Frl'e Y.~t 1m11tn LI~rty il-1332. lttc Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING anrl CLEAN UP~ Liberty 8-1659 . aotre YACHT SKIPPER FULLY QUALJFll:D A U pf'rtf'nr· t d. Llctiued Ma11tt r Steam an;1 Molor. Any t onnagl' Any o<ean Exper1ene<td In u ll t.oc11I rP- rerencu t11rnl11hf'd, J 8 . COLE. 010~ W . Bay Ave., Balboe, ~9p72 ~-~~~-----~-~ Southern Counties Gas Company MACHINIST First Class Only Mill. f'njt'in1> /It 111rr'1't "1"'1'"'V~ !oink,.'"''" .,.1 11r• 1·n1"!'• quail· f1~<1. •Ill ""l l'lfll'I.\ \\·e n"f"1 r;nnr-"'""fl'· 11~1r F'RlC ll>Allt1': 11'f11i:tratur -Ktn- mm ,. 1l~lllXI' v. A>1hini: machln11. nrarly n"w Detroit Jl'wtl eto,·e C:n<11I 1 unu1U11n. All 3 r< ~ S220. 4004 Rt\'l'r A \'t , Nt'Wf'Ol l 8 1•h. H11rb<>r lil1·R. &2p64 Washing Machine C::£RVICC l·)'tar gu11r11nt~ on Juba done and on ueed wuhera 24881' I N'&r) Newµort R I, l'<'NllA Mu a. Liberty -4503 or Liberty 8-4327. 64t!c 31-Wantt"d to ~~Y __ ~--- \YANT Tn Rl'Y oticl'ol l11gh , 111111 ~nrl o'r 1h .\ l~n nll•"r 11•Prt turr Ptinn,. H~•hno ~:l!IZ . 112rM <tR J~r.11--;R f'"Nr.J='F:F:RJN<t c(). - 1 ~3i · 2'1 f.:1111 .. rinr A,... en.ct& 32-FurnltUTf' for SaJe M"JOll, ('111tf A2rfl4 --·---- \\'A :'\Tf:t • r8•n''"' f:~RVIC'ft A f'J,(lAT H11rl>nr Oiil. C-AR DRIVERS W A1'1TEO - .A rrly Ytllnw ('ah Co, :l l :li \\' CoB.11~ .Hwy. Nl'wpnrt BtaC'h &2,.&4 Good Used FURNITURE UPHOL IA a lher,.11• j1111l llke new, . 11mi<'h11.lr. $2860 \\'AlTRF.SS A C'OOKS I.Al-al 11nd WALNt.;T b~room att, Vllnlly, l out nr rown job1<. B11vvtrw E m-larJt" mirror, C'htel • b~t1 S49.00 plovmf'nt Ai:11nry, 21127 \\'.('nut Many low priced trnnsportlltion carw. only $2~. dn. • LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH OF.ALER 1200 West Coast Highway. Phone LJbe.rty 8-3488 Jo'(ltl ~A l.F: ~hl'rr m• 001111i: t\ t ·i-,.nn"I m!l<>rlni: 1 ur tn ~:! ft \ H••l11 rnmrl,.l ~lv "''r1h1111'1•rl. ~•11lh filly, R11lhn11 l11l11nt1 r'h lllld>HI t:\j'2 fllt'f\f\ I 11 · •p1111111l<••r 11 1111 l!lllrm,..111 P.n11rd1ni: ""'''"r ~11H nhl~ :io·.40· 11;,111 \1-rl•n · 6(1' oulb;'ll.!'1. 1'h"~I' 1"'1'"'" IN\\'•• \l,.ntnn,. t ,1d, !•IP ""*'ll"''11• A~roAA IA ~· f1nt1 \' 11nt1 r•~oluAll)' nl'w 1'2 h r l't'll l<\1112 n<Jthn,.r;1 motor 11111111 ,.,.II LI Ii iM1 l\4!"'111 1~1 7 F"T t·ABJ~ RC1AT jl:rAV 111Ar •o<> f'n11:lnf', "''" h1111 t11nk ~·1,.r. I •I• bil l«' p11111J• (;nr1t1 1N\tlil111n $7~0. LP:xlnJirlnn 6-4822. l\4rllll \\'ANTF:O ~o t.:sr.n PIANOS f•1r nu~ big ff'ntal dtpt. Rlght'ttl l'JV'h a llnwllnr " In tn1d,. for llr211n, • SJ1lntl plantl, or Granl1 piano. OA:"Z·SCHMinT. 520 ;-: ... M11.ln, !';anta An11. 40-Autoe and Truaka AMERICAN CAR Trade Ins "" NF.W FOREIGN r.uR l ~I ~"OR~ Vk U!l"ll, R, M, 0'<1", ,, ' io Sl\1" lP.'on F'OR I"' <111f. I 11nnr . Rllt11n Hrt1tl'r, d f'11n f4!',, lP~n R, IP'.;f\ H , F n R.r> ("111, •l•tlN\ WA!;'"' H. 0 '<1r, • SA4 • I" A SH Slllll'-man IM IUI fl n •rtr . <''·"rh11ul,.<1 . J4f•' l"'<O :"\A ~H i:;t11lf'.8m8n. I t1n•" R, H, O'd r. . . ...... . l :ll•'. ]1147 BtTIC-K ~up•r H d&nf'll• RJ\;1ln, hf'•l,.r . . S 111 111411 PONTIAC 9 ael1a nf'llf', R II F1111 rrk e . s~'I 19!'>0 STHDEBA~.::R l"h11111r1"11 R.f'pl. R. H, O'dr., w1w . C-1•1101 ..... .. .. ... • $4P:> Hausken Motors Inc . CLEAJlll NG Ir JRO NING by lhe day Experlenctd. 811lboa J11ll\nl1 pretf'rred. KJ 3·60Pfl. &3p611 HighWll~', Nf'wpni t B1>Krh 62.-64 MOOER:"J w11lnut llf'I. rhtet, btd, ____ _ _ _ lnn"r"P' Inc 1111d hnx •PrllU'. S.MAl.L r.STE\: upr11thl. cl>Pny \VANT .rirl nr r(llJtit~ 11tudent to Look!! ll kt new S~ .~ flnl1<h S200. 3ft7 P lr&tf' Ro111I -11132 Harbcv Blvd. JN<'LUDlNG bnr k w nrk, roofinir pl1u.1 n init. rl.,,. r ain I 1ng and r 11 pf'r hanJ;tn~ Rm11ll t>r large WELL. ED C ATEn rertnt011~ romplt lt Jnh11. j 1l~slr,.11 po11ltlnn "" trl\vtllnjr hl'lp In "m111l ICT''"'"r'' 11tnrf' 4·10 4 A PT S IZE ll( s· S ft J.J 11·810:1. 621"1\4 JI m. fl '111\ll wk. 1111;1 8 a.m.·t • -1111 ' to I I'hon11 Ll 11-~0l'l I I ,I ~-fl:t,i. I E11~y R1111k or Am~r1"" 1· .. 111,. 6t1tf NOT!ilNC; DOWN "'"' J 8 111,,11, ICt l rompamon. W r1t11 Rox F -114. l'"Y· F:11l . IJll'. Contrador. HRr. lhlll paprr. fl4 pf\6 3894-J 82trc F;X J'ERIENCED mnl1>I m11 n11jl'f'r In lhlA ll retl, "erklng rmplny. 14-Peni<>nals Alcoholics Anonymoua Write P . O. Boll a&l Ntwport Beach, c.Jlt. Pbone Harbor 47•~ EDITOR-Wrltrr -a vailable tor peraonaJ a.s11lj!nmenta, Har. 11091 menl . Local reftrtnrt11. J'. () Box 892, Balboa. 84 p68 STENOGRAPHER GOOD AT DlCTATlON. llxperl· 11hce In contractor'• office pre· !erred. Call Ll 8-J 159 for.; appt. 82c64 dayUmt. 82P8"B __ O_A_T--B-UIL--D--S----ER wanted, PERSONAL CONSULTANT Decoralor • .f'111nter -Scenic Art- ist I retlreJJ av&llable • act•\'eo or coun11~1 00 ) rs. op. Grrma.n tra1ne•I Workt"d for many famous Jl\'U· pit In U. S. Ir Europt>. Formerly v.-1u1 MGM Sludio. F. Roff, I.I 8-8~86. 64p7i 18-Be&ul~Ald_s~~~~ Superfluous Hair Perma.nf'nlly removed rrom tac• arma, 1e11. Eyabrowa and hair I.Ille ahaped-No mort tweu:lnf . IC'l.J..EN 1... BRY A.NT R. E. year round work. Good Wages M ESA Boat & Hdwe. 220 26t h St .. Npt. Bch. &3c6l! GIRLS - IT'S A GffiL'S WORLD! A.nd you 'll arree when you hear of the ma.ny Job opportunlUu for qu111lflt d young womtn In our business toduy. JI m ~11nd11y11 ~r11r Nu Furniture Mart THF: n F.1,JJ MARK ET, C'Ornf'r l lllh t\ Pl11r tnll8, f°<lllt" Mu "· !>6trc 9 NPwport Blwl. Npt Reh ----------Ph. Hnr 1'1:111:1 f\!lc STANDARD STATIONS HM n penlnir for St11tton Sl\lf'llml'n Airo 18 • 40 Orange <.:011n1.y 5-Day--40-Hour Week Hlirh atarllnc pay Excl'Jlf'nt S.nrtlt• G1JOd •1pportunlty ror Ad\'8ftCt'l1lf'nl Apply STANDARD STATIONS Oahlla anll CoRst Hi11hw11y Corona 11••1 ~f11 r Ch11pm«n lln•I ~pl\•lTR Fullnl<in 8 ·30 tu 11:30 1 m. Monday cl Thun da)s. ~.;.169 WANT re11I riot11te 118l1•sm11n ur1 brilker' --f&1mh11r with lla1 bor a rttt, Top cummlsllton. Houston Realty M9 C"rntH SI . Cos a M1•11a Ll 8-6911 or LI 8·iit14 6llfr rtr~TOM mlHIP :J-pr 1<l'r tlnnel Mod11i.111~kll rlol h 11rhnlslf'rln1t, $3."1(1 Fine 11.rry upllnl11t ered 7•1 ft 1~1w~nr1 11nr11, Sl2~. Huoor 2li2 84«66 ~-------------MAHOGANY B ED, dreuer, mir- ror. box "prlnir• Ir m allrf'aa l !IO, Alao tlf'ctrlc hHtf'r 11'1 -408 ' P"emll'11f, C.D.M. Harber 211•11-J . 82p64 ROCK ~fAPLE drop lrllf dining llltil• i 12"x6'l'' vpe11 1. v• 1 y gnod cor1tJ1tlun, S30 434 l)11hll8. Co- runA 11 .. 1 Mur ll:rirlmr 40 l!l·R 62164 H ~:I.I' 1 ·~ Ol'T' T1111 1\1111 h t u rn1- l tT..-f. r n••\\ h 11111• .\htuptt• 11.ft· } ••l..,1lU\' ~J·J• l>• d I s:-·' u •ht·~·""' i.\• lnr 'h• ... 1 S'' • •ht •t1w •hU••lt•• :-rt $i11 \\••II!• W• ••I I 1lil<' It r 11!111.(•• SJ~J. blo<llk"t!'I, llllhJ"• r l• I• lr1C' hl'Rll"r, d l .\II 111 gro11ol1011ol Jul \'1a :-.:1u., L1Ju 1~1.. 6~· •i i 2 ,\tATI"lll="G nii:~ & p!\tlli l liJ\l ~ 4: tixi , I'm ••' l111tkpo01J11rl $6.1, l';l<Jl'l'~:H 1,,, "' 111 noutured 1111-1\111 h· n '""'' I~·'' l11hl1• 11nt1 :.! vate )'a• hi Har 1182. 6 11'1\6 rliAir:.1 $1 0. llltl. tw ol 'Vlfh i;-o<od , ~ . -11 .. x ~111 ir•p• "" 11111lln'"J1 S:l~; TWO I EIU IANE.!'\T P"'illuns .r..! • :, llrnw"r tlw~I \\Ith 1t1lrrt1r !:i11, 2 youni;-wom~ll. Typl'Wnting I lq.,hl liho .. '"'" ;lot\'!'lll'"l l sr.v Another Special! HAMMONO gp1n1>t f•fJ:lln, t11 fin• rondltlnn~ All: 1!11\'tni ... rnn,·tn· lf'nl t nm11 11t SHAFER'S M11111r Co. (l'lnr ,. !Mil 421-423 N ~)Tllmorr, SAnl11 Anl\ I'hone KJmbrrlr 2·0812. Or~ire ("nun! y '11 111 rgl'~I 11elr<'lion Of f111e oriran11. __ I~ PER. MO. rtnllJ c ood prai;-Ure piano. All t•m1 ren t allowed It you buy. O<>od ueed p ractice plll· nt>• S811, S l2~. S l3i . Sl~O and up F:1u1y lPI ms DANZ·SCHMIDT Bi1t P ia.no aturt . S11ntl\ An11. !1211 :"o. Ma.In. Special Buy ! SMALLEST Stunrn Baldv.,n lllllde p111110. With full 8R kl')' bull.Ill In pl'rl••l l nmrll11on. T, rn\5 J49 112 •l·o.•11 & Sli 31 po:r 11111 at ' ~11 ,\ lo i-:H s Mu111c Co. 1 !';lnl'f' l !1()7) l:!l-1:! I ;>.;, Syel\mror••. S8nl6 Ana 1 •11 .. 111• KI inberly 2-0612 ll t\~l~IC l.'\0 ORCA:o-·. Spinet mod. :->t.,..h'I\' U.'11'•1. Good !111\'lng <>n lho• A l~u Hammnntl C'ht•rJ Or· ~An E11~\' t n ph1y IJA:\'Z·S\'l l~llDT, ~20 :0-:v M11ln, Sit.nla A1111. ('(),'\;>.; TRI 'MPET ·~·u . c.;uitar \\1th Jll• k llJ> di: omplll t••r s~.o. - • LllM t,\' 8·~i 1 :'\,. 621'64 ·~o Jo'ORn C"nnv. n v o" 11 .. 1 n,(i r 1 n·11~, .:n1HI r onoi A Ii<" l'iir1.:•' pnrt11hl,. f'lf'l'I, ~l·Wlt>jt lllA• h1r1o S:tn. H11 1bnr 8PP·l1 ~711" ------, 'M l 'H ~':V. ~JI"'' l P"· H11rvf'-J 1t11l1I i<fltO\O.' r·•· I J 0 hp. kll. RAdlo, ''f' I: lr11n1, Mr. J1111l 37011 ln.·111 11• H 11ge a&vlnir to r1111h bu)'" • 111'6 So. Coa11t Blvd : LAicun• HYatt 4·77'4. 11111 • TRll:Mf'H TR-2 S por1<a1. 11 :I I Loca.lly dr1\•t n -nc\ • r "", .i Mwat ull or lratl• f1,r (11 11111\ c11r. L I 8·i 6311 eva1. 62p6 I ':,:> MG T F . "1~00,'' w ire "hl'"l S .. 11 f'')Ulty fnr 12il'o, LI ll ii ;1. tl~pf~ I MG ·:.2 -New paint, apeclal phi> ttc top. Cutul <'•r In 01 .. n.:• County. H arbnr 30 12·J . 6.!1•1i1 'M AUSTl:'lo" He11Jy. Xlnt 1• .. nd tltm, 13.000 mil"•· ovf'rdrl\'• htr. 12.400. 938 0ol{WOO(!, l '••~ 111 Mf'lll\, -lllpll•l Lldo·a Salon of Btauly Har. 257t tflc !4-School. IDJltructlon ~. OPE.NI.NOS !'/OW F OR TELEPHONE OPERATORS A pply-Monday through F riday 5H 1, 1'o. Ma.In SI. 9 .UO to 4 00 p.111. k uom 211, Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22t.fc a b 111 t y 1-.111• nl111I, n:u t1nabl<' I Har. :n:1:;. &:l!-61 kn"'\ lcdi:» ot Eni.:h~h sno! prover jo(I lillllltar U~lllj•'. ""'"''"' 1., wurk ~I.JI :HTL Y t ·~EIJ ~111•11 11111•1. li"" tt:1 11 t1-.rn1 In u111·1.1tinn uf T• I•· I 11011111 tla\'t•lq• rt. 11,otl• h1ri.: ""· typcMClt"r IU'IU JH•~•f r¥&J1ng '"" ti<bh1 \\'ruu~ht 1run typ~. l!•~:i FOHUOMATIC f "nv1"rlll1lo H&H. Coron~o kit. WSW, Chlul t 11.h&ll8l ct: hl'fWo'nt, ExcrlJ. cl•l1d lit•>U11( &111t. Mt:ST SELL, 611il B .. icna11a, C.fJ.M. after I pm 120 Bass Accordion _ ' ••"1" Like new. Sacrifice. J115' aUN VA.LLEY MERCUkY &IJ pow.r equtpmant., terma. Cot II CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS A11ply Mr11. Quinn or Mr Arm· $2~0 value. Ont& fur $12~. H11r. 11lronir. Nf'wport H n hur Newa-2207. 62c64 J;lh one Llberty 8-2237 ownn, u 1-aettl (W LI l-&22:1 1>6lf· STUDY In 1part time tor rontr•c- tor'a f'X&mlnallon under a gtn· era.I contractor with 25 yeara expen,.nce r1use• Tu··~. and Fri. evu. i 30 p.m. Attent1 first M11slon trtt. B"irtn anytime Al Tyler School 1811 Xo. Brosllwav, Santa Ana Ph. Klmbtrly 2·422S or Kl 7·3~11 t tc W ANT coUer• boy for part tlmt htlp, Circula tion Qepl .. Jl:ewport Harbor Ntwa-Pnu. Mllat have car. Phont Mr. Parry, Har. l6l6. 10·12 •·m . 82pf4 WAJl:T woman ror (tner11.I hou~e­ work ftw 11. day11 per w eek. Phone Harbor 1988. 82c84 LAUNDRESS wa.nttd, capablt, by hour. Rt'fertnce1 required. Ca ll J unt 1' or aCttr. Har. 3488. 82c86 China Painting Day and !:Yrnlnr ClU(IH S Pru.~. 84p6CI ~lsccllaneo_u_s ___ _ YOUR valuablt 01lf'ntKI ruga rt· palreol Appra1s11I 11 n•I •~tlm1He. nu obll11:11tlon. 5 S CATTER S IZE P1-r111en rugs, very 11prd 11l S:! I rn1 h P t;SHMA:'\ S, 2i:l5 F. l'uut H wv. Coro1111 dl'I ~l 11r. Har . 1242. 112cS4 TOP SOil. f'REE tar hauling away. 434 DKhlla . Coron" <lei Mar. 62c64 ORIGINALS Ordtra Taken Now ecretary Phone Liberty 8-61148 9·1t re A f'TER.NOON. l'ockt all, dinner --------------8ubdlvtalon conatrurlion 36 hr, drtlll'f'M " Coordlnfltt• LO. Dl'="CAN PHYF JI: inahOl!'&ny 66p72 dlnlnj?' tel. Incl 82" buffrt, 6 LOVF:l.'f SJNGJ~E manusl tll'Ct- rha1r" $12~· ronll org11n. U k" nt>w ~ave NE\\' 6 E <h!lhw&11lwr. n~''"f S200 <"un\'<•nient Ltrm-at UMd . $200 SH A f'ER ·s ~hlslc Co. I R1n1 e I 90i) L"SED BE:-.:n 1x a1110 ... a~l11ng n1a- c hlnl' Just 1<.,rvh t il Si~. HOTT'OL-.;T rtfllir . 11 rt. $1~0 WAL:-.:L·T U llt'tJU \I, n1akl' 11rr~r 196i AlllOO Avf , l.Jbrrly 8·323:1 8 1ttc ORF.EN 3 pr. secttnna l ds v,n- porl. al~u 2 pc· rn~t ~t'rtlon11l 111\vrnpurl, In r•xrcllo·nl 1 omd. Hl'1111una bly prlr• <I 4:!0 Av111°11llO, t'ur11nl\ Jd M•r H1Hbor ()102. 421··12l :-.:. ::<y~an111l't', Santa An11 Ph.,ne Klml>t'll.v 2-116;2. s 1•1:--;1-:r l'IA:.:os H··n!RI '"turns lokr nrw !'Ir Y1111 w ill 11lw11y .. find wunJer r11ul '" v1ngs In th11 •l"Jll Msny n111kl'• sn•I 1110<!,.l•. M1rrror type ~p1n"l 1t1tl.h01tllny flni~h $2~7 , A nuthrr In ni:iplf' r1n1~h $:1·1~. OA;";Z·Sl'HMlll'f. !)20 ;";oJ ~fain, ~anti\ A1111 Real Estate School week.. Shorthand r t q u Ir . d Cualorn DreRsmaking Heavy dictation. Mullt h11ve car Ph. Hat hur ~·288·R ~rip69 S!:::.BOa_!!, Supp~!~ ___ _ Santa Ana 8ala.ry S240 mo. lo •larl • See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PLA NO CO. '" TRADE J AOlJAR fl• M.ark vn Mdan. Whl wlu1 r~·d lealhf'T, a ut<>mat ,,. tranam lMIOn. Perl.et c:ond., low mllr111!•· ortK!nal OWTIM'. Ha.rt>or r>t i2. 83ri'o :,4 J AOUAR XK120M modi!lf'•I r onv. Ilka new. pu•d•r bJu,., "hll• urlun t.op. never race1l low mllt'lllCf', or1(1n.al 0'1111'1\W, l:far 0472. 8Jr7~ XK 120M '!54 Jaguar RO A I 1STEH. "'ully tQ1upt. Many ~'(Lfll.*. l,IJW 111Ut~o. l 11 vi .. l.Jljo11, 1,1t10 111 ... Hlll'b<W 6870·11 U r i\\ I j FUKIJ l'OllVt rllble, Ca.ntan t11r· I ;,,,,y 1 rmrllllon Vot:ry reuonabl· :sav A pohma, Dalbo& 11. t2r6 1 MEN ct: WOMEN prepare ln •part lime for unllmlled opportunlllta In Real Eata tt. New cla:i.au WHkly. Al Tyler tnrtrucUng. Al· tend !lnt evening frt'e and l1>a m about thu rreat field. Call or I wnt .. now. THlil HALli: C<J. Oardtn Grove l.Ehlf h 9·2158 6:tc8' Fresh Hearing_ Aid BAT'tERlES B~ullf11I 70-rt &Wt. 1choonn . 1318 Coa~t Blvd., Corona drf Ma.r We <Jive S&H Green Stamp• Fully fu11nd. go 1tnywhl'1r. \\'Ill tTh11J .-n Interior Bldg 1 S.1>--Doar;a, C.~ Petri Al Tyler School 1811 No Bru1t•I"""· .Santa Ana. Kl T·l:H1·Kl 6·ll4ell-ICE 8·2:'11'1 1:r PROFESSIONAL Music Instruction ARl!l YOU INTERli:iTED ln play· Ing l'lualca l or populu or..,an, P lano, or A.rcordlon ; Rl'glstr11· Ilona be1n1r accl'pted during lht 1ummf'r mQJ'llh• b)• a well known proftulonal arltlt ll'llCher wtlh lhtal r lcal a nJ rwcorJtni back· ground Ch1lJrrn and adulla. Be· 11nntr1 a.nd advanced. Clua 1U1d prlva l11 lf'aeon• Al'Cord1nn Or- chutra , <::all LJ 8·36:">6 or v.·ntt ltoa C·Pl, Ulla MYo'lpapn . 62pf7 WANT rellable ma n for year round gentral work 11l Sport r11hlng la.nding Hai b<1r Si 62<'64 take t 4ully In prn11•·rt v or 11mal-Har. 3:\82 ~& tfc ___ _.;;...-..--:::?-------·-· Gunderson Drug Co. 1~r n11111. J220 w e1111ioa Blvd., Main .St. 11 t Balboa Blvd . Balboa. -.!'."..~.~·P1•1 I. lla1· :ion :illttc lfarhor ~1r1. 88tfc WANT WAlTRESS. <"OCklall, ell--lt-1--ln_LJ_F._WALT SAW on trallu . ' ptrlance. y1iun11:. d1w wo rk • Apply 31 H l'::.:RY'S ~flf'r fl pm. S!l2~ ~ .. , a l 2001 C'l&y St. Xtw · 2:\30 C11iut Hwy• Newport Hrh port HPi'l'hte Llbl"rly 3.;~i6. 82c84 113 Uc ~------~-~·--ATTENTION A.LL BOTS ....,.. ....••• -..... YARDAGE THE l"\ltWS -PRESS II now ta.kine Inventory Sale carr ier a ppllcatJon• for routu In on Deal(ller'i F abric• then ntlghborhooda;-•l Whol 11t1l p 1 Balboa, W ut ~ewport. Balboa MARG;lii ~\'E~~M. fl .. Newport He11hta, Corona dtl 19M ao. Coo.al Blvd La Be Mar and Oo1ta Mtaa. . run-&Ch If you are 12-n yn. old, and have 83 lfc a bicycle, apply at the Clrcula-OUN FOR SALE-Parker dbla. llnn Dtp t.. Nt'WpOrt Harbor barrtl. l& ga. al'lot run: Exce\- !'\~ws·Prus, 2211 Balbca B lvd . lrnt cPnd1llon. C11\I evM. Harbor ;-.;.-wport Bt•ch. belwf'tn 10·12 205-WJ>, '7t1c a m . or 4.5 p.m. only. tfr ~--------~-~~ .... R E AL i:STA Ti: BROK£R. Mual be e.xperianced and capable of ta.kins tull cllarge of •tll loca t· •d ;'l:t,rporl ott1ct Wrltt quall· fleatiorua Box D-92. t.hA.I paper ·~ A STllAL. nrw Wlnch11ler rlne moJt'I &1 ·22 ciUlbt.r pwnp wlt.h J5 '"ea var acopa ct: m oW1t In· ~lalltd. $90 4:1 n lut Price S69 9~. 2111~ W, Cnu t Hlgh\\3~ .'\twpMt BPl\('h 1,1 8 -8633 nr I •""-K&r. l828·J . ~c&tl 30 ..-r CABl :'\ t'ftl 'JSE:R. •h!r p• 4 GAlll'y, h"atl !Jail l811k Ship to ahor f'. F'l•ll .-m•f'1 1 $4 2:.0 Ph. Har 417:1-W 60t f3:, CHRYSLER M11 nne tni:tn~. 4 11 to 1 reduction gtar. REFRJG F.RA TOR. 11 0 volt D. C. SEE J ACK HARP ER •l L1J11 Shipyard., end of &h t Stru t. Newport Beach. 2tHtc <::HR18 CRAFT 28 fl Qabln crul1er new radio and 1n1 1nt . Ma n\' u lraa. Will t nule ti.r Corona del Mar property or T 1J Ph Hu. '$339·W. U tlc 81' IP£ No. 09114 tn u c1 llt nl con· dlUon.. BoAt conr 11&111 and trail· er. Owner luvlnK • Will takt' beat offer. H11r, 002 da>·•. Har 21ot R eva1. Ullc SAII. ·BOAT 7 8" MAST, boom •all, centnooa.rd. rudtler, excel· lant for btj!'1nner1 S~. 408 F~rn­ lMJ, C D.M. Har. 214$-J, U p84 IJ.ARLJN~ K l1'TllN8 FRf(_ll to l(d Special Buy h.,mu. 1,1t>er11 s.c.1:.9 . ..l t 2••H ~1-:A t• 1,1 .. n<Jt> l<i111bH ll Sr lht't --- J>l&r111 HPnll'll 1.-tt1rn :-;"'" Sl:'>!J I SlAJllP.:~fo: Kl'ITl!:N~ ·-Ptrf• •' c 'un,·eni··n·t l••rro1!' a l Ah uw l"•lnl•, Vl'r)' a!ffctlonal• SH AFF:HS Mu•1o· ('• 1S1nr,. l "!t7 • ll1>1J~t'·l11uktn, $111 440 ...-..111. ~:11·4:.!:l "" :-i\'llHlll•I •. s .10111 An" Halh>oa. Hl\rbor J212-'N. t2rll l l'h11ne Kln.\,r1ly :l·fltli.! 1:KA="l> l'iA. ·us J\111ny \•I, h•~'"' from 1<11111'tt' Ma..-un .t. H11.n1hn. Sluy\',.U nl. C'11hl,. l::xlra 'fl""" 1'.AWN llUXf:lt pupa Sl6 and''" ::-:o P"l>f''"" Pll. Llbarty 1·27:!..: II\), Story & C.:lark grand, g•lfld !9--Au«HI Wan~ 11.1n•l1l1•1n $:l!1."1 Anoth .. r "rPc1ol ----------------. WANT TO Bt:Y U,.11u• 1tul Sturveimnl. fin,. ah1111P, s:,8:1. Al1!t1 1totri:eou1 Kna.l>i! S9i:.. s11 , e ,,.1 r1o11 ny oth• r11 Good clean used C&MI. lJA!"Z·!KHMll•r RIK P lllnl) s t .. r• WILi.. PAY T IJ ... PRICK Wiii ,,, ~an:a Ana. 0:.!1) :-.:11 Main ~·gn 11111 \\'hy w urry abou t ao Alv. a}~ 11111 1 1l\n"• I! lo: ~ 1111 •JU ~ S• ~ o• f".A lt l,-I ,qi d tftt •.\I ~I• · 1-. 11'1 G£:.:ERAL Ji:l~•ll .t /ufl1•1 & l•t · ll11rh••r Blvd, { 1,~!tt ~! .. ~H 11:1" Ill ' J'lll) f'r lll hl•· 11 .,,,,,, l 1 I"'· 1 ..._ - or'1 r hlUllf l'r s·.11 I.I S 1111112 ~· .. , a •l~ptn !11bll' 11 .. 1 car, ... ~4P yn11r lflraJ llr aln whn Wiil be h• ,. -ICLECTRO:O.,C OR<;A:S lw•o rn11 1, 'flJ.\fOHKf1\V tu ha• k ur Wh AI 1- ual almtin likf' r•·" s ,., ~ Sl<••IJ ... 11~ T<1l •A Y • < ro•r k rh• 11 •• DANZ·SC:HMJu T,!.20 No Mam I I 1r11 In th• C'IA.t111C1ed MCUOll ~ Sant.a Ana. t it.lo dar. ,, \ ' ' II " .f_~Aut_!>! :ind Tru<'kf!_.__ 4_"'-__ A_:;p_ta._~_R_o_u_,... ______ 4.S-__ A..:p;..t __ ti._IJ_D_o_UaN ____ _ '!II JACt:AR COUp4' XK-120, r1 .. 11n radio, Wat utlo 1 Call Har 2938 ~lW•·•n 8 • rn & 2 p in Met~ 4-88-RoQICe for Ree\ LIDO ISLE AV4ll.ABl.E -A.bout 8000 eq. n.. ~h.t lad\Wtry .pace OD lat Ai 2nd. floor. U. S. HiCbwa.J 101 a.nd Bay Fronta,._ WW leue au or any put • remodel to .Wt t-.nL vo,.a eo.. aot V1a ucs.. Harbor '9Tl. MU.: 5.'>-Moaey to Lou Quick Cash Loans NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA•E 5 MONDAY, JUNE I J, 1955 ·~ rO:i:TIA~ Sllv"r Strf'llk, Rlrtl Ol"YN W VI I It"~. llpt1t Ilg ht $37!\ 1117 0 a.br11ln 81 . (.', M. Uber1y 84707. u ce1 41-Auto ~ni<lf' Motor Overhaul NO MONF.Y DOWN * with this ad * '6 Cy11. .. . ................. $48.88 8 Cyls. . ................ $58.88 ln!'lud"ll both Jabnr an.i parts. New rln1o:s. wr 114l plnl'I. valve ~Ind, fittings ot rnain anrt rod ti.artnas. E11pert mot~r tune up. 90-day or <1.000 mile guarantee. (="0 MO:'l:f:Y OOWX). REBUILT ENGINES -UP to l!I MONTH! TO PAY- liUllt In our uwn r11rt<1ry by skilled rna<'hln1.11J1. f>11n t co11trnd w 1tl1 th• m1tldl9 m11n . Auv t11rr•cl REBUILT and INS.TALLED .SHORT ~LOCK FORD . .. ... $12!1.~oO C'HB:VROLET .. . .. ..... $14!!.511 r1,YM " noncr. ..... -...... s 1ri!I CllRYS. & m; SOTO ,._ ....... SliO 6 Tt.:DF:BAK ER . .. ........ SliO 01..DS • l'OXTTAC 8 .......... $170 ,,l.lCk .. .. .. .... . -· $ 11:, H11D~ON .. $1i fl Lo11n C11r f'H~ Towans Jl:EW <'AR C':U.ARA!'\TEE Rln('I( m1t~l m"l't n11r 11111nrt11rt1s f'lu11 !Ill(""· i:11~kl'lll 1111'1 1111 flJll'n 1'111n<11t Y JO 11 m. to 2 I' n1 BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS ''I" n n 111Jv 8 In 7 NEW LOCATION 310 East 3r d St. l"ANTA A N/I BRAKE SPECIAL rl•111111{ .I llnl' L I D 0 I S L A N D R E N TA L.S SUMMER -By Week or Month YEARLY -Furnished or Unfurnished APARTMENTS-HOMES Inside and Bayfronts . With or Without Pier & Slip Call One of Us W. G. (Bill) Kempton* J oseph H. Grohman* Virginia Manson * Gene Vreeland * Tom Campbell * (Lido Island's most experienced Hies personnel) L·I D 0 REALTY ASl:iOClATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 C Across from Richard's Ma rket) Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, E ast 31st St., Npt. Bch. -OFFERS Dehghtful IJ\·in~. Apt.-Cabanai:;. Utilities pAlrl. with Yacht slip accomodat1ons. Dally, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt . nr reservat ion, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc 43-.(l_tll. &'.Bouse9 for Re~ -18A-Apta. for Rf'nt - Choice Summer Rentals on COSTA MESA, 3 nn. 11pt .. t um. 7 YEARLY llEJI,.,. ALS U:"J J'U'RN 1. 2 bedroom.. 2 bath-. 7 .• bedroom&, J bat.ha. Choice locationL on funiture, auto, salary. $60. to $700. or more. One day service EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor AppllcaUOJi may be mu. ill per- 3113 Newt"J)Ort Blvd., N\wport Bch. FOft LEASll ON IUPEJUOR ST. eon. by pbode or by mall. Harbor 10 13 •Otlc A lure cle&n cut bowie that o&J\ CALIF. ACCEPI'ANCE O!'I: BEDROOM HOUSE untum. on Newport Blvd. ne&r H oa1 Hospital, ~ mo. year round rental. l!:LTO~ BARNrrr. ftealtor I.I 8·2772. 42c4' BAY FRONT 2 bdrm., 2 bath home, 8 Beacon Bay. Furn. dlx. Avallabl• now ti) J una 27th. Caragt\ private !>ea.ch. Phone H ar . 2647-W . COurtHy agent.a. · 7 64c&e SUMMER RENTAL. Newport la· land Watertn>nt. pier It Ooat. Furn. 2 atory hou.ee, 3 bdnn.. 2 bath, J>8 tlO, barb., dbl. 1ar. 3909 ~lll.l'eu.1. Har. 3!>08. 43c4:> CliARMlNO S bdrm. BalOO. ls· la.nd hOUM. W eU tum., cood ~ds. garbage d lapou.I, gas.re. Av&JJable nnw UI July Hth. Ph. Hu. 2667·\V. Rauonable. Cou1"- Le1>y a}tmt.s. Mcet LICJO OFFICE SPACE -Will 1111blel space •uJtable for alt.or· ""YI", 1ing1.nM r11, etc. Approx. ll\x30 In ahoppin~ aru on Via Lido. CaJI Don Cole afternoon• nnly. Har. '650. 59!Jc SJ.tALL OFFICJ; with parklnr. h~at & light • private toilet ln - C'l11ded, S!\O rnoTith.. at 2604 New· port Blvd., Npt. Beach. Harbor '718. -8tc63 F'OR RENT-P'umla.hed office In U 80Cl&tlon with a lawyer; Tax expert or public accountant pre- t en-.d. 2912 W. COut H~hway. LI 8-3102. 84pee be uMd tor home and bu•in-. CORPORATION Larr• lot. Zoned M·l . Call ua 1881 Harbor Blvd., Co•ta Meaa at Liberty 8_.111. 82~ LI 1-17!11 _ Open ~· till a 5-! 87:'"'-'!J!f!Orlmlltae9~ Dl:LlCATUSl!:N A 11"90try atore and a two bedrm. bom• loca~d nflll to comer of 19th • Pia· cenUa Cotta Mea. Excellent llJ>Ot tor Uquor ltore, beer and wine. can LI 8-36e3 or Uberty 8~223. 60Uc BUI COMP.U."Y wtth lon1 term tranchlle In fut &TOwin~ Coat& Meat.. Submit ..U u chanres. Ph. OWNER, Liberty •·3"3 or LI 8-6223. 60Uc BF.ST BUY! LAdJ•• 1portawaa.r abop doiJlc Xlnt bualn-.• Bl&' aeuon ah~ - Mwit aac:rt.nce '6900. Write &x 331 La.run• Beach. 82ce!I Coastal Shell Service Station for Lease JU!T In time foT the aummer bonWI b~e ... 307 Cout Hwy. In thr Rea.rt ot lAl\ln& Buch. Cloaed Sa.tun:I.,_ 41Uc NO COMMISSION No Appraisal P'ee &ALJt8 -IU!lFINANCJD CON8'IRUCT10 N Ca.II for Frte Fut Commit.menu on RuldencH and Unite on))' Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI 8-M<i l U 8-6:1e2 LOANS for Homes a~ -t0 yr. Lou.I Construction Loans 111:11 BOB SA 'ITLl:R !51~ LUIT COAST BLVD. Corona daJ Mar Harbor alU Rep. POIRlER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Ute laa. hDd8 Kl. l -611& 48ttc WOULD lib '9 ~ 18' ud 2IMt Trust Deed& Call Har. 2'28 '8ttc 20.000 averaia monthly p.llo11------------- age. A real oppor tunity to be- come a 11Uccu11ful independent buain111e man. Minimum capital lnvealmf'nt $5~0. P'OR L'llP'OR.MA TlON ca.11 H. B. Grabau, LEhl1h 9-6830 all day Saturday • Sunday-alter 8 p. m. wMkdaya MceG HOME LOANS QUICK No R@d TaJ>f' Free Appralaal g1,ooo -$20,000 Call now- THREE MAGIC WORDS to Sell Y-our-Property "Multiple Listing Service" Phone your realtor ' Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach YOU WOULDN'T -* * - - -THINK MUCH of us if we didn't 'cut you in' on something like this. Wouldn't you like to bu.y a lovely 3 yr, old water- front home with your own private beach and plv and 1ltp prtvileg&-ffaturing beam ceilings, f ire- place, forted air hea~ modern kitchen with dl1pou1 Ir fan, ete. Furni1hed for only $26.JS()(), We have the key -call now THE VOGEL CO. Foreig n auto brake j ob . by expert mechanics $18.95 & Ujl . Sm&ll A cozy or larp & deluxe $75 to $300 month Balboa Island & Lido Isle or unfum .. Includes ulillUu . Call 58-A-Basineee Rellt&J. HYatt '4·13~7. 28l!c _ Osborne Realty Co.' _...,....a_20_1_w_. _eo_u_t_H_wy_ .• _N_pt_. &_h· __ Llbert __ Y_s_-MB_1_ • \\'I' fl'8l11re ~l'C•nE!'I: tlf'r\INI. Hausken Motors Inc. 10.12 lhrbfir Rl\'rl . C'o•lll Mr~I' I.I .11·:\0~•I I.I ,ll.ft:t.111 ~l'IC'i2h ATTE NTION Nash -Hudson owners Gioh Hahn's Garage J\11lht11IT.•11 1'111'1.~ & !'!'I VIC'C nl~11 1 ;11 ... 1 T 1.111-rou111111on VOGEL CO. 208 Manne Ave~ Ba.JIM.a Island Ph. H&rbor 444 or Harbor 2151 Rn . HAr. 178S·R or Har. 30~•9·M 64lfc :'\ F:\\' 1 hr. llpt IJ:. ll\·tni.: n 1nm, rlhlt. 1111 .. l!lnk, garh. dlepo311I, full t 111• 11hnwPr. ex. h~e. i:-ar111:f', c11>~e In lill'ln's t.:. 1ran11rort11t1on. \\"Ill I f'nt With llll)V() & r!'frlg. nr fully f111n. LI 8-~157. 62c-6t HARBOR APTS. Modern furnished apta. r.fo:AsO:SABLY prlrcl'I, clritn 1 A l hrlrm. furn. 11pts. Utll. palc1. LB.unrlry mom. Play~round f11r d ul<lren. Blue Top Art..•. 4ti3-• day, week or moiith NPwport Blvrl., Newport BeRrh. I N<'Rr bill!, 11torr11 A bay. Reason able Above the A rchel'. 49lfc ralr11. 10' E . Boy A ve., BALBOA RENTAL · v Harbor :1:1.u. 17Uc SPECIALISTS '48B-House1 for Rent Call Edna Crall' Blanche Gates, Rltr. l ',1111 f 'o1 Snlr 311 Manne Ave. XJCE 2 bdrm. 1111!11rn. hnuse a nd g11r. !l:<'wp•11't H11lghts. Availsble in July. Hd wd. flt·11 .. wall hl'atrra. Clo11e lo trRMporlatlon. Allult.a, No pets. Ownt'ni. 492 Orange Ave., Newpor t Bch. l.l 8-:)706. Auto Radio Repair !:!•Ibo• laland, Har: 1671 72ltc 409 E. 29th St.· 3~tfc t.:NFURN. 5 room11, 2 be<l1 ooms. Fireplace. Tile sink, pauo. Dbl. gnrni:-c-. S85 mo. yearly. Adullit. nu pets. 71 1 Iris, Corona c.lel Mar. Owner, ATiantic 1·:>983. 62c67 62c6• 1 ·, I-T Jtl 11.1 . 11• u~ .. lrl\ll"r. "IC'l.'pi< 1 a 1,..-. tli, ,., :,;, 111 ,.11 .• e, sauo 1-I 'H!'l cottag1· !or rent. s;:-,5 mo. 1 ,~11 ,,1 1, rm~. I 21S· .• llt h :Sl , :-,-pt. im I. utlht ics. 710 J ris, <"nrnna ON LIDO ISLE-Yearly rental, I bdrm., 2 bath homr. tum. or un· furn. ExrC'llent location. OwnPr , Harbor 021:)-J. 62lfc J:,,,, 11 1111 ~,1 ,.ft. 0:,:._61 11• I Mer. Har. 1069 ur 261!l·J af-AVAILABLE In SHORECLIFFS, Private homr. 2 br., fumt11hed, c>xccpt rU!PI. Kih·tr and linen. S2!\0 on lcRse. Harlxlr 3209-R . 47-~hnlf'll to Rrot ----------------Rentals 'Vanted \\ e n1••·tl ttJJl• ttnll 11uus~~ In all ""' 'IPllll tor l>t1lh Wllll• I Md y 1·11r i< lt•n,er Furn or 1111t11rn. It you nave a va l'ancy, phone tod11y The V ogeJ Co. :l:IUI \V V I.. H •\'~ .. N1•wp11rt Br.h Phun .. Liberty 8-:!•81 2'1ll M111111c. Ra llJua I •l•u 1d l'hom• Viarhr>r ~ 11 26fi-;" fl: COR~t H y. Cnrflnl\ del .\f.ir , 'lllH11! 1'111rtnr Ii~ I l.111v OH on•, 3-11 6 Via Llrto 11.11 to"' .t!:l7 J 321fc t11·1~:r q I \\llh 11111 .11,g hnve ''""' :ol ll1<I ""nl y1 . ruuni.I • • 11 \\' II hr olown wr. k!'n•lll l'111 un 111\ l 'h""'' 11111"11 .AX· 1111111-11•1 :1·!•711 I 63p6:i ('l)l'l'l.I. Wllh I < frr. ll<~!I \'\llllt to , .. 111 ~m.111 !111 n llOU!I!' u r Apt. In 1'u5t11 )t1 ~n l1•r .July lln<I Au"11M ,:l;o•1tr ''"rl'• H11r 1'17:\·R 62p64 Lido Bayfront Apt. BH.\Xll :'\~~\\' :1 h1lrm, 2 hllth 1111111:i1•ulfll••I• t111n, a p1. -l~t· ~n:nrA·n: "' 111piinc-~· 1111111 o~t :'.~th f11r n .11:.t\. lc·r 5. 63 lfc CUHONA DF:L MAR, S85. on k11bt' 0111 ly furn. 1 br. apt, g:irn.i;:e. .\I.Su Sl:!5 on 1 .... l:ie, oural'll\'l•ly fm n. 2 h!l nn. hou&u With ~er. P ... nt "" p11tlu. < 'ull )h's l\ulil- 11\1•<11, Hor. 21 52, 31 :15 E . 1 •uu~t Hwy., Curona Clel )la1. 6 lr66 :l HOO~I fUl'llisheJ. ullhllf'S pa11J. Or ra n !ronl, patio & garllgt'. Crn11ncJ flnot. l'p)11ni.l, Cnttr. I'll, \Tknn 3:!1-HH. f'EARL J. S~llTH. 6 lc66 .. S)!ALL H OUSE 111 Huntington Beach. P artly tum. $40. P' r 1llo. PEA RL J. !"MITH. Ph. Yl"k11n ~21·1M, llplanti, Calif. 64c66 -IXA-Apts. for Rent N'O. I\ BEACO:-.: BAY -Summf'r r.•nt.1L ~)'8C'llHIS furn. apt.. 8)\'t>pl -1, owrluukinj: bay. June l!llh- ~JlL 1~•1 11., S:iOO. month. ALSO will takf' rP11rr.·11uun fur wml>'r. Har. 24il, co11rt1•:iy to 11gf'nl!' 43trc Summer Rentals • Exclush·e Bay Fronts + 69l!c FCJH LEASE 1'\\'0 BEAUTIFUL new Irvine Tt:'rrace unfum. vlrw homee. 3 lWRMS .. 2 bulhll iuuJ 2 HEDRMS., 2 bathH. Cnll Hu.rbor 117.'.I or Harbor <IH8. E ARL W. STANLEY, Realtor I r\!lne 'f1·rrace O!Clco Corona dl-1 Mar. 33tfc SUMJ\tF:ti RE:-;TAL C.D.M. nice 2 bJrm. furn. hm1iie noor beach,, patio. Avnll11ble mo. ot August, $ 100. or would lr1111e tor 10 mo. frnm Sept. Al!IO a\!all. now 2 bl.lrm. un!um. duplex yrly. Har. 168~-R. 62c6<1. Bayfront O\\'NEn le11\'lng for Europe. will n>nt h1i1 ' bJrm., plu' maid's quart.-rs, J 19 bath, b11)·C1 unl hume J uly thru S1•p1. fl)r $:,l/100. Fmgt'r 111tp to 11.ccomodole 40 n . )'\1Chl. . VOGEL CO. -Lido Office :1116 \'Is l.ltlo, Newport Bea!'h Hl\r, 49i I or t 9i2. 62ttc other choice properties cORO:-.IA DEL MAR 2 bdrm. un- Harbor l~laml, Bny Shores, Brn-furn. house, r1•c.l11curaled, forrrd ~·on Ba y, qu11J1flell clients ouly. R•r hr11t. Sunelcrk. Adults only. Harbor Jn vestment Co. Ye11rly leas<·. llitr. HIU2·W. 62c64 H11rbor l 600 (Eves. LI 8-:1:1811) :I lih:DROOM h r: l M i7trc • ome, ~os a esa. SRtr mu, unf11m. \\'11! furnish If EXCELLENT LOCATION Opposite Balboa Bay Club. 1200 sq. rt. store for lease. LI 8-7673. ~t!c LOA.NI TO BUILD. DO'ROVE BUY, MODllRNIZJ:, OR REJ'INA.NCJ: We Buy Trust Deada NEWPORT BALBOA SA VINGI It LOA.N ABSOClATION 83M Via Udo. Ph. Har. dOO ~ 2 Office Spaces & Store NEW BL~ Lido Shopping area. Both 870 area feet. By leue,\s100 Ir $115 mo. ALSO store, 600 feet. $140 mo. 500 Via Malaga, Newport Beach. Har. 3327 57c69 BOAT & TACKLE RENTAL Six 28' steel hull cru.iaera 3 yrs, old 1how1 $28,000 gross & tackle rental lncome. Eatab. 9 years. Sea- son starting - good waterfront parking. Full price $25,500. -Term.1. A good money maker. TRAILER SALES & SERVICE -Estab. 1 yr. Gross profit of $13,000 could be increued. A good going business. Full price incl. inventory $13,000. RESTAURANT & BEER -Hwy. loc. well worth inspecting. Should get your money back thia awn· mer. Has a 2 rm. apt. A•king $6500. RESTAURANT -Showa grou $26,000, eeat.s 26 -newly decorated. Owner will sacrifice for $4!500. See the VOGEL CO. for these and others. 3201 W. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach. Liberty 8-348~ EXCHANGES 1. 1 acre HolJywood view lot. Aaking $20.000. For nice 2 br. home on Lido or Balboa llland. -r 2. Hollywood home-S29,000-2 br. & den-2 bath for commercial in area to $50,000 See Bob Goossen, Exchange Dept. . MARINER'S ISLE REALTY 318 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 4781 PH:R u11.J wlrlJ 11 \·111l11blt>. )lu''l be •hll\\'11 b\• 11pp't. 1111ly. 111\l<Hl\J{ 1:-\VF.STMF:~T C"O l 'hun• H11r. 1800 t W\'tll Hsr. l:.!10) UICC l ':S FUR~ISH.EO :\ r m. a pt R1•11· s .. 11able, L'i•~lit l\h•sa. Ph. H YRl t 4-olJjj, 6:?llc nerJe.1. Har. 0893-.1 63c6!S 62--Real Estate ~~~~~~~------------------------------------------- BRAl\'IJ /l:EW 2 bdrm. unJIJl'll, •1U· fllC!I{, 111 ll•re d ispo.t .. I. 11at a ge. S7!\, month 'C'ALL PAY~ 9 .:10-4 '30 LI 8·1198 u r LI 8-71~2 11flt1 r t1 p 111 . .'k wk. emta phnne Hl\r, H li. :\Otte liAl.BOA ISLAND, Bay F'rvnt - Srpl. I!\ to X111. 2-l for ~tlOO. :t ~drmi.., 2 balh11. ev11rylhmg lo make 11 ll<'hghtful home. No pet.a, no 1111\all c-hlhtrrn. Harbor 2336· W a rt.u 4 p m. 63c66 Y F;AR'S LEASE ·-Upper duplf'x. Ntceh· rurnlehtl1 Adulu . 1!120 J.tirama..r Dr .. liRlboa Pfl!IJuul• Hllrbor 2188-\\', 6:1c6~ SHORE CLIFFS \.:NFUR.N 3 br., 2 ti.th, irorgl!OIMI brand naw Oonneat.lcul tarm- hoWH!. UnUIUAI up11t.alr1 dan- bdrm. wllh f ir.pl. .l ~R11tl!11l ocean \!lf'll'. Pri. bf.ach. Le&l!e ~1th option lo buy f37~ month, to quJJlfled, rf'!lponl.lbl" ll'nAnl~. t'\.IHUNA DEL MAR-1 bedroom ~arn!:e 1111fur11. epl. with · slo\'e & rl'fng. V iew of harbor. Adulllt. No pet~. Har. Ml5!'l-J . 62<'6-I \'t:ARLY R£NTAl,, 2 bdrm. mud· rrn furn11•hC'd Ill'!. \.Brage. Autu. ""a 11 h I" r. Quh•l nelghborhoo1L 20.. ''t-42nd Sl., Newport Th'at:h. Shuwn by 11pp1. M1 l!. BurJit k, Har. 3131 exln. 9 or after t p.m. l.l 8·1607. 62c6<& lo"l"R~ISRED APTS. In hf'lll't of BAiboa. $25 wk. & ·llJ'. 1' .. klng VACATIONERS WE HA VE a VllJ'lrty of new nice· ly !urn. rentals avRllable In Newport A Ll\guna. S:lO. wk . & up. Jnqulre S0..-32ncJ St , !'\pl. Phum1 }iarbor 1226. 61p~~h SUMMER RENTAL ORI\' E BY A see 112 Via Wulera, Lii.io Ille. S bdm111 , 2 bathe. fOniph•I ely f urnlahc<l. A \',}liable Junc t:>-30-S2M>. July $6:10.- Au,;u~l Si2~. HNiuN111n tor «"n· l ire 11euon. L'all Harbor 4274 !\7c611h rt'llf'rvnUons now, .fll i E. Bal· -For a da.o.ndable used car. 1ee - b<>a Bh'l:l~ Balboa. Hu. 1729·J . y our local dr alt r who will be here 62c74 TOMORROW lo back up .,.hat he ------------•Ila TODAY! Chfck the u•ed F:XJOY BALBOA JSLA1'0 " 1 h8 CU'S IJ\ lh• clu 111tled ... ctlon 10-. beach thl1 aumm,rr for ''ery Ill· day. ti• l"f'n t. Small !'ompac:t apt.. for --------,----- 2. •LM of hou.te trailer, only 3 BDRM. It den. Unf11m. Bay A Sl2~. mo. or $300. now tlll Sept. OCflln vtrw. Yr. leue, 308 Ca r- 17lh or yrly. Har. 2128-M. 61 tfc nauon, c .o M. 61tJc Summer Rentals Ow"nrr lu1·101: lmmf'1I Po1r11r • \\' C::'\F:R POl:\'T \\".tt,.rfront & U'NFURN. 2 BDRM. HOME. W to \V carpel. 0r1111tlful )'8r<2, patio, fireplace. J.:ill $I~-. month. Or Its~ rtn~ on I•"""· I.I 8·57:10 &!tu ~ • _O&ttc 111011 J uly 1. H1r. 2'77ll·J nr• I • 1hcr4, R.1lr s:i:1 "l't'k •nd up I 12c7:) i>h, J:i&rbor 1217-J. t1tlc FIRST TJME OFFERED 310 Larkspur, Corona del Mar. One or the very choice properties. Owner's home, plus one 2 bdrm., two 1 bdrm. & a bachelor apt. All have garb. diap .• fans, 6 24-ft. garages plua storeroom & laundry rm. 80x118 ft. fenced lot, quiet street. 2 bl.k11 from the finest beach in all Calif. EZ terms. Shown by appt. E xclusive with -G. H. LATHROP 3636 Ea.at Coa.st Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 5H2 -Evet. 36H..J HELP! HELP! -WANTED -Waterfront Home with pier & slip, Bal. Isle. Bal- boa or Lido Isle. t o $50,000 Cash OSBORNE ·REALTY CO. 2323' W. Cout HWJ. N.wpoit Bea.lb (at Port Orange) LI 8-7~ Har .. 5166 n•. ' 2323 W. Coast Hiway at (Port Orange) Npt. Bcb. LI 8-7652 Har. 4923-J eve. 64trc HOME and 6 Units GOOD INCOME, $311,000. 449 Ham- ilton, ott Harbor Blvd.. Coet• Mee11. •I tlp7•h *So You . * Don't Want a Small Lot? How abQut thia level lot and a half -('6'x118') with over 1000 fl of houae on it? The lot ia eaaily worth $60001 What'a the houae worth? Has Canadian cedar exterior, redwood panelled in- terior, 2 INCH THICK wood floor, beamed ceiling. 61-ReaJ Estate Exchaal! Thia one ia BlJ'iLT! AND plenty of IJl'OUnd to makt BY OWNER-Will t&.k• trade oi\ thl1 one of tboee tcaree 3 bdrm. bomee. thl• corner lot, ranch home. a ONLY $13,500 -$3t500 WILL HANDLE bdrm.. i 1.. bath.. hdwd. nra.. R K E , F. A. heat, W .W. carpet, fenced R. L. ST IC L R, Realtor yd.. xtra. lg. paUo ovcrlooktnl DICK HODGE, "----la• ... canyon . Wiii take 1maller place ~ .... or vacant lot In par t paymenL 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 2776 :15( Hazel Drive, C.D.M. Har. ------------------------1089-W. 69c7J Builder Will Trade on thla lo\!ely new realdence Open House 10 •· m. lo a p m. 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands S or 4 bedrma.. 2 bathe, magnitl· cent kitchen & dlntnr rm. Play· roo~OOO ft. In hoUH plu• lge. d bl. f&rll4fe. Sea View. F. P . $29,300. C &11 be purchued on low down payment. Thl1 I• a large Int Not le&M. Phone bulld'r Harbor 8894-J , Mlle ATI'RACTIVlC naarly-~w a tHirm. home, cloae to Back Bay. Extra large lot, fireplace, coverfd patio, fl'nced, land11c:apcJ yard. Ll\'lng olc dlrung area ce.rpetl'd. $10,7M. Call LI 8.tU O. 82p8t SHORE CLIFFSt UNFUR.'ll. 3 br., 2 bath, gorgeoue brand new Connecticut farm· house. Un\Jllual upst.alra dtn- bdrm, w1lh ttrepl. olc beautiful oc:ellJ'\ view. Prt. beach: I.Au e W11.h option lo buy $37~ montA. to qualified, re1pon&ble tenant•. Owner leaving lmmed. Po1&"• eton J uly l. Har. 2770-J evc1. 62c7!1 3 NICE 2 bdrm, unlll!, separate, garages, fenced yda., 12700 yr ly. Income. Pr1ced 121,CtOO. Nice eut aide loc&tlon 19t • 196· 198 Del Mar, Com Mesa. Ple&11e do not dl•lurb tenant.. Ownl'r LI 8·11721 63c~& LAROE VIEW LOT In black ti.y. Lut one In reatrkled are&. Inq. 42~ Sierra Vista. Ll 8·8667. 82c64 NEW I BDRM. '!>n J~ acre, $7,1160. OPEN HOUSE Call for app't to see - 300 Holmwood Drive, Newport Heights 3 br. ocean view home, 1 bath, large living rm. wtth t inted view window. flagstone fireplace, tile ln kit- chen & bath h.w. flrs., furnace, large fenc@d ya.rd. Close to 1tore1 & tranapt>rtation. F .H.A. 4~':!% loan. Low down payment. Priced under replacement at $16,995. You owe it to yourself to •ee thi• home. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar, Har. 1741 cl 1477 CHOICE -PROPERTIES 1.-2 BDRM. hou~ pha bachelor apt. .. . $12.~ 2.-0CEAN FRONT 75' lot _ .................. 15,500 3.-0CEAN FRONT 3 bdrm. furn .... -.. .... .. l 5.500 4.-DUPLEX ~ bdrm. -2 bath each ......... 5.000 ctn. 5.-0CEAN FRONT 4 unit income .. 12.600 dn. 6.-E IGHT UNIT apt. bouae, yrly. rente,.. !57,500 7.-BA Y FRONT 4 bdrm .. 3 bath, pier. float 85,000 8.-BA Y FRONT -3 unit income, furn .. pier float, excell. \'iew & loca. Two 2 bd.nna. & one 3 bdrm. . .. .............. ""~ 70,000 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport &ach. Ha.r. 5188 OCEAN FRONT FOUR-UNrr INCOME; Widow haa $12,600 equity. Must aacrilice. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 150!5 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor IU88 283 Avocado, Costa Meaa. Ph.------------------------) Kl 2 - 2 '"· •mc LOVELY FURNISHED HOME Take One Good Look BY OWNER. leaving July itt }'(OT ANOTHJCR LIKE IT t~ thla LOW PRJCll fll,llOO. BIJAUTIJ"UL U oyd C. HOW'U'd aecUOll, eul •Id• near b&J . OU8TOM BtTILT, I bdrm., J bat.hi. Jtancll-type home, ~· root. LOVIU.T LAJ\Oll k.ltcben, Witt· •na Boll7 o..a Ir pa pl&tae •t In BRICK WALL. lttT A1-Ave .. ~11428', 11Uo a.nd $210 MONTHLY INCOME for ONLY SS.~ Down Move Into the furaiahed home and It.art livtnr. Let tht four rentall pay for your property. Call- THE . VOGEL CO. \ • r I . - .. . MONDAY, JUNE I], ••ss 'AGE 6 -PART 11 -NEWPORT-HARBOR NEWS.PRESSIU-a.J n.tat. a.-.., r..e... . ._..., ,...... ~J!CUtives Special lll:'Rrl a iorreou1 horn• for the younr uttuUv• look1n1 for Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES Tt>P VALUE and the FINEST LOCA TlON In Ult Harbor area JUST drive by .lfSO Klnp Road NEWPORT K!:JOtrrS (OPCN $12,:SOO will place you in tbia fine, modern, new 2 brm. home Ii one brm. apt. Dbl. gara,p. &auUful l&ndlcaping, glua wall to patio. Firtplace, W /W carpeting, diapoaal, extra large wardrobe•, forced &fr heat. Lovely, deluxe. Euy t.erma on balance. TOP .LOCATION BAYFRONT Immaculate 4 br. -two ltory home on large lot. Uncrowded atmoaphe.re with lovely patio, pier and fioat. Large living room, den, and eeparate dining room. Cub down, unturn, $30,000. $7,500 i.a all it ta.kee to move you into thi.e 2 bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home with 1 br. apt. Both furn· lahed. Patio and fence, garage. Wonderful location. Low monthly payment.. HERE'S A SWEETHEART. 2 br. Ir den with fire- place. Very nice private patio. Hu eeparate income unit with a 1ure $1,800 yearly. Better hurry to get thia one. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 444 v CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS HOUSE TtfURS. TKRU BUN DAY 1 TO 61 Mr. Tr.via wU ba lhnt to ahow you thru lbl1 well arra.ngtd 3 bt., 1 '\ bath modern with IU many money aavinr l11aturt1 like th• W lo W carpet. drapu, landeca~. ate. Bl: SMART -thie bdo~ you buy. ONJ..Y M.000 DOWN. Exceptional Opportunity to Buy on Bayebore Drive, Bayaborq OUT OF TOWN OWN&R 11y11 BELL. AT REDUCED PR.lCE- Allracllve 8 bdrm., or 2 bdrm a: den, l" bath home. Ideal lo cation tor the yachternan and euy accua to Ult Balboa Bay Club. Beller call now. we have the key. Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS c B. Ruaa, Wm. o. Schmidt, Auoc 312 Marin• Ave .• Balboe .laland Harbor 2CMJ No Fancy Slogans Just Honest Val~ee Come in & let ua prove it! CORONA DEL MAR !ICM .MarJUerll• Open S&t. A Sun. 1·5 CALL HARBOR •810 for preview. THE GREAT ORANGE COAST 2 Bdrm. Home I~ than two yt'are old. Rally 1 wonderful place, Overelaed dbl. pnft. CorMr lot, room for add1tional unit on aide etreet. Sacri.ffce for only $7500 8 Stucco plutered unit.a 1 bdrm. each. Splendid rental record. Walking distance to town. 8 garagea. Separate laundry room.e. AU rented now at $52.~ each. Owner paye water. Will prove beet inveatment opportunity. Juat $12.000 dn. Deairable home, location and price. We listed a 3 bdrm. 1 V2 baths on beautiful Holmwood Drive. The number la 03. Pleue call ua Ir.ft.er you drive by to eee the lovely interior. Selling price only $19,7~ witb tenne. Ac.-ou from Muket. It Drug St.ore on Weat 19th. 100' of C-1 ready for devetopment or bold for in· crease. Only $100 ft. today. Some t~rm•. Completed exactly for your lifetime enjoyment. 2 large bdnna. with Mr. and Mre. clothe. cl<>Nta. Den, 2 tile batba, hwd. flre. forced heat. Prettiest kitchen wit& cupboards plore. See t.bia wonderoua home located 1n l"fftrict.ed Bay Bay. Good terms and priced at $24,500 3 Bdrm. Fumiehed Rent.al. New home, new furniah· inge. $110 month. Hu wuber, ete. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SAi.ES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1M7 Newport Ave·, Costa Uea Liberty 8-1832 Liberty 8-1400 Eva . BILL'S BEST BUYS 1. View of breakers, ocean & beach Thia ~fbdrm. home, 2 bathii, carpeted wall to wall. O UTSTANDING TRfPLEX. ao. GOOD NEWS TRAVET C'.' F ST ot Hwy. Beaut. 2 br. with fire-~ A Built on rear of ocean front lot. Reduced from $32,1M to $29,900. A S~.Muet Sff! 2. WILL TAKE TRADE On thia 3 bd.rm. plua den, 2 baths. 60-ft. lot, South of Hwy. Hwd. flooni, forced air heat, fenced yd. Will take email home or vacant lot in part pay- ment. Full price S24,500. ' 3. CHINA COVE-- Deluxe ocun view -quality built 4 bdrm. home, 2 bat.ha. For you who can afford the ·finest lhi• ia it. REDUCED for quick ule from $42,500 to $37,500. Owner mu1t move tbia immediately! 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room for another unit, Thia i.e a G. I. Resale. Full price $995e. $2500 down. 5. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both furniahed -2 bdrm. houee, plua 1 bdnn. apt. Full price $17,900. South of Hwy. $3000 dn. 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- View of ocean and jetty. 2 bdrm. plua a 1 bdrm.- A bargain at $31,500. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office lo~ated next door to Corona de! Mar Bank) "REAL GONE"! If you can't see the value. Best Buy in Corona .. del Mar Attractive duplex, built 0 11 two full level lot.a priced today at $18,750-good-term•. Hardwood floors-flagstone fireplaceti. lot.a of cera.mic tile-service porch~parate double garage-separate guest bedroom- Walled in yard-7 yra. old-finest conat. We doubt if you could possibly dupli- cate this property under $23,000. LET US SHOW YOU A REAL BARGAIN! Duncan Hardesty, Realtor U..11e Our Free Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4718 3 lEFT MOVE IN TODAY S500 DOWN The belt 3 bedroom-2 bath tract home in town. Hardwood noon -Plutered walls -Full size d!n- tnr room -forced air heat -disposal -two car g'arage. YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR TIIE BEST DEAL IN TOWN. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson lSM Newport Blvd. Co1ta Meea (acrou from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone 14 8-6761. Evea. Har. 4366 • LI 8·2103 BALBOA ISLAND • • • Only $5000 down • • • $3,000 yearly income uaurtd Two unit.a nicely furn1-hed, fireplace, uc~llt'nt heat, prb, diapou.11, nice patio. O\lt..ta.nding "Value! WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aaociate. Park at Marine, Balboa laland -Harbor 2462 place. 2 lovely l br. apt.a. ~Ith view or ocean from aun •eek. Triple prage, extra laWldry rm. Comp!. f\lmlllhtd. Solid yearly me. record available. C&n In· creaee with 1urnm u rate•. Full price $35,000. good term-. Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 260( Newport Blvd .• Newport Bc.h. Easy Parldnr Harbor •810 BEST BAY SHOR.ES Beach houee, 2 bed;m. pl1111 po•· alble 2 B. R. over car. Knotty pine Int. 121~00. THREE Bedroom A den CORONA HlGHLANDS. Wide lot, vlaw, uklng $29500 TWO Bedroom CORON A. HlGH· LANDS. View $21300, HILUUDE View lot-NEWPORT HEIGHTS $4000 BACK BAY -Halt acre, ru.ttlc 2 B.R. 117~ BACK BAY, 1 acre Sl. to St. I· B. R. atucco, u kins $22~. OPEN 1-fOt:SE SAT. It IUN. 388 Granada BACK BAY. 4 B R A den. View. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-4271 COSTA MESA CUTE 2 bedroom home. Lovely k ltchl'n wrth sep. dlntnr room on a 80x130 ft. lot-<>nly 17.11~. 2 BEDROOM hou .. ,. with fireplace on 60xHO ft. loL Large attic workl!hnp Within w11lktng di•· lAnce nf 11toru and Catholic .11c-hool, $1 3.000. BALBOA 3 BF:OROOM HOUSE -Larre llv•nit mom, cloRe to bay. lt.000 (!Qwn Wlll h11nrll11. Balboa Peninsula LOVELY 4 bdnn .. 3 bath home 2 lfvlng rme . 2 frreplaou. Furn· tshtd. PermRnt'nt vlpw or ocean from .up11talrs living room. Good ttrma. Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 2658. 2597 and 41100. LIDO Gonrl ll1llnga are vtry rare on Lido h ie. but hf1e'1 one you a re sure to lll<t. The distinctive styling A different drcor make thl1 a hQme that 1tand1 out &a a 1111b1tant1a1 buy A a luting n lu1>, C&ll us for 11ppolntment to lff Multiple L111lln( No. MM a t $27500 PAUL C. JONES, REALTOR 2120 Ntwport Bl., Newport Bch. Harbor 23J3 33! ACRES 34 MlLES frorn OceanrNdt In ba&U· t lt\11 vallty a t foot of ML Psfo· mar. Vl'ry productive land, now leHt d. Can be 111bt1lvlded. Ex· eelltnl water 1y11tem. Clllff to ahoppln1 ctnler &11d PO . .\ con· venltnl to 11Chool1, HOUSE to 120.000 clear will ~ conalderrd u part p&ymtnl. Owner. 2300 Cll!f Drive. New· port Brach. LI 8-42M. 83<:e6 LOVELY LAGUNA BEACH C· 1 Rlc1fr on Blvd. with R-3 lot nn hA<"k fk e&n ,,lrw --Mu1l .. ~11!1cc: H\'1>tt •·H OS t2c~ .. We learned about thie property only yeeterday, thought we'd let you in on It today. Are you liatening ! Beat 2 bedroom home in town. Hard- wood tloore, F .A. heat.. dining room, fireplace, large garage and patio, nice lawn and ah.rube. CIOM to shopping. Full price $12,250, $2,500 down will handle. TOO MUCH CITY LIFE Like the wide open epacee ! Then consider thia "5 ro:om f urniehed home, pfue two renta.r unit.a, one 2 bednn. and one 1 bednn. on lot 122x3:50. Plenty of room for new home on front of lot & additional unit.. Full price $22,500, $7,500 dn. SWEET AND LOVELY Only $7,500 full price. One bdrm. Newpon. Ht.. Lot 80x100 and boUM ia only 6 yean old. Pay- ment. u low u $40. per month. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly eervice'• 393 E , i 7th &t.., Cocta Meea Llberty 8-1139 Enioy !;f appy Days (on Balboa Island) In your own home. Thie 3 bedroom, 3 bath Colonial la not only built for SHELTER but for COMFORT, HEALTH and HOsPITALITY -"Little :Ialand." $28,500. OR THIS ONE Home and Income PLUS-18 ft. SLOOP PLUS a Dinghy- .AU for $22,500. OR THIS SPECIAL 3 bedroom• $19,7~. ~ D 0 R I S B R A Y , Realtor Phone Harbor 20 Days & Evenings Nona Hyer Clarence Lake Chet SaUabury .. 216 Manne Ave., Balboa lal&nd BA YFRONT, Pier and Slip Beautiful eandy be&ch. 4 bdrma., completely fum- iehed. lncludee email eail boat on ~chutve Bay Ave. First time offe~ for aale. Aaklng $65,000. Write your own terms. RED HOT! Best Buy on Lido Isle New 2 bdrm. beautifully furnished. Fh~place, Snack bar. large patio, etc. Full price ~21.500 Low down payment handle.. Full Price $8500 $3250 DOWN -OCEAN FRONT only 2 blkll. away. 3 bdrin. partly furnished beach house on two 30 !t. Jou. Nuff said! ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. ~22e BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE Price now reduced belf>w replacement coat ... Beau- tiful, almo1t new two-story 3 bdrm .. 3 bath Bay Front home. Bay view from all rooma. Fully car- peted. beautiful dnpea, new pier Ii alip. Pric. in- clude• 20-ft. ~tury epeedboat one year old. Arti.ltic Jand.capinr. All t.hie for 564.~. Better hu.rrry u thie won't lut. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor · 3113 Newport Blvd., N.wport Beatb Har. 10U ' View Home! N~WPORT HICJGHTi Y.ou wtl Ilk• Ult. 2 bedroom home with a S\lt'I room and balh. Floor turnac.e, p&llo. large llvtnr room. You don't ttnd them ottcn 1n Ulla .,.a for '13.900 with lerma. Corona del Mar Duplex! MODCRN, CUTE AND ARTllTIC I b9droom home with a l b«d· room apt. over a 2 car pr&1e.. VI-location. clON t Q. ahoppinf:. Perfect for home wilh income. '18.6-00. Term1. Peninsula Duplex! BICA UTJruL a.nd tJtCeptlonally well built property. a bedroom• up a 2 bedroom lower apart- ment" ... both nicely fum lahed. Moet of d"P«• and carptt1nr new. Double pralt S27.~. payment• lnrludt lnt e~1l, t.aue and tn~rance. Peninsula Home ! 8PACIOU8, da.ndy ' bedroom. 2 bath home on Octan Boulevard. 2 bedroom up. 2 down. 13x24 fl. llV1n( room with fireplace. New u phalt tile entire lower floor. t •,. yea.ni old. Ideal tor •re• family. '23.500. ~ down. _ Beach Home ! Oil YICAR AROUND UVlNG. ClOMo. to N.H. Y. club. a bed· roonu a: 1 '!i batha. Some turnl- ture Included. You will nn'd it lmpoulble lo r•t a better value llllywhen. Hurry! n:a,6-00, UOOO down. !!~ e~Yv~v~ ~.~~e~ town. run sont. 2111 bedroom conrer home. Hea~ rum tturt ,,. fncluded. A tt ractlvt and cllte for beach home. IU,500. U&OO down Balboa Realty Co. Oppoellt Bank of Amutca Rou Greeley Al Comellu1 Ed L« Jack Pinkham Joeephlne W1bb TOO IC. Balbo& Blvd., Balboe Phone Harbor 3277. 2 on one lot 66x300 FRONT HOME hu 3 bedroom1. Other houae 2 bdrm. Good Inc. Price 1 19.250. Maple Street BEDROOMS i. Age ~ yean. loca- llon very cloae In. Pr. 18.000. Shady Drive 4 BEDROOMS, 1 ¥. bath. ~ mos old. Very nice. Ideal tor children Orange St. 3 BEDROOM, l '• bath. 8 mo. old. Birch cablnt lt In k ltc-hen. w/w carpet. 11,1150 down. 111,7~ full price. Newport Heights 3 BEDROOM:. l ~ bath, fireplace. built in Thermador alOVfl a.nd oven. Hardw(Wld noora. Mahog. ext erior 6 ca''blneta. Ocean vltw. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR ltee Newport Blvd. ea.ta .Maaa. Calif. LI 1-37112 A FIXER-UPPER $1,200 Down OPPORTUNJTY to fl.Jl up lh1-2 bedroom home plua a lar1• back porch. Loeattd on half acre of crou:nd cloat lo Newport Blvd. On Victoria SL ln good ffcllon . Hu lot of outbuilding. Quite a bit of work hH bt'tn done on the proper ty already. Payment. like rent. Full price 11 only- $6, 950 Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1156 Newport Btta., ea.ta Mesa (Acrou from Cotta Mua Bank) Phone Llberty 8-6781 ICvea. Har. 43118-Ll 1·2103 Channel Fronts $13,950. Vacation cottage. $18,500. Attractive sm. home. $19,250. Remodeled home. $22,500. Duplex furnished. $36,000. Lido Bayfront lot We are member• of mtr ltlplt Uat· Inc dl vl1fon, ll1tfn11 In all HC· lion.a of lhll area. N. 8. C. REAL TY 32nd 6 Newport Blvd. Hubor 5~38 or 1406 t2c8• Vets $565 down PLUS lMPOUND8 UBI! TOUR G.J. l.OAN on • yr. old. I bdrm .. dblt. praie. fenc· ed. Wonduful pallo a: lauadry. yard. Gvbep dlapoeal. .w fr.ltlly p&lnted. Near Upper a.car •1 U TI Pa.U•adee ftd., aanta Ana ""oae la t-•1. IOttc US00 DOWN -I MdnD. aaom.. Jldwd. ftan. eenmk! w.. a..... ...... di ... l. Dbl. p.np. F.need ya.rd. lllleelMftt netp· borhood. Coeta K--. 111.280 twJ prtce. u l ·J•f .... a .... ~ WORTH WAITING FOR A Lido Nord Bayt ront HOJlle We have just Jlated excluiiivtly one of tM tlfte.t homea ever offtN'd on Lido-Excellently located near the East-end. Deslgned by one ot th• leadinl arc.hjtect.e of the area. The 18x30 ll\·ing rm. hu 48 running f ttt of sl&M windowe affording a panoramic view ot the harbor and biUe. The den, dining rm. and muter bedrm. have the eame vit'w. The lovely kitchen has a aepara\e brea.k!ut room and laundry room adjoining-In ad~ltion to th• muter bedrm., there are 2 other famjlt bednu. and a maid'e room~ach huing tht ir own bath-mall· ing 4 bathnrui. in all. Room for expansion on this la.rge lot without harm: ing the well landscaJl'd patio. There is a n4!w pier and 40.ft. slip. Thia home la priced to at-II at $125,000 and will t>. ehown by app"t. only. The Vogel Co. Lido Office 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Sch .. "'Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eveii. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Llberty 8-5291 'C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" TH0'1AS "C'' THOMAS BAYSHORES CHARMING RANCH STYLE HOME offen 3 lge bedrooms, 2 tile batha. attractive liv. room with fire· place & beam ceiling. entry ball, din. room, prize winning kitchen, built arottnd a delightful patio, w t o w carpeting, custom t ailored drapes. matching wallpapers, cftoice cor. location -$38.250 BA YSHORE DRIVE -BRAND NEW 3 bedroom, 2 btlh home wi th VIEW of bay, large li v. room, fireplace. F. A. heat. mt-re. switches, built-in ther- mador stove. many attractive features & PRICED at only $29.7M with low down payment. ATT}\ACTIVE completely h.imished 3 bedroom. MODERN. inside planter. fireplace, dif\. area, an abundance vf black top parkm~. beautiful patio - J UST $1 9,500 COSTA MESA EXCEPTIONAL VALUE -Very nice 3 bedroom borne in choice eastside loeation, lovely yard, com- pletely fenced. excellent condition throughout. A BUY AT $10,500 "C" l H 0 M AS, Realtor 224 W. Coa.st Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-5527 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THO.MAS "C'' moMAS SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONALLY A'M'RACTIVE 2 bdrm. horn~~ Panelled living room and small dining room, car- peted wall to wall, good kitchen, breakfut iipace and service porch. Ample cupboards and storage space. Oversized 2-car garage. Nice enclosed patfo. Moat convenient corner loeation. 2 blks. from City Hall, New·port Beach. Only $12,000. Just Enioy the Income from this excellent property (no rent to pay). Located in choice rental district , 100 ft. from ocean. There are 3 unita -a new d~plex and a 5-room house on 2 lots. 2 units are furnished and rented on yearly baais. Owner·w home available now. Three garag~ on ·alley. Present income can be substan- tially increa11cd. $5000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 ACT TODAY !· ·--r• EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har bor 1013 P.lanning. to Build on Your Lot 7 Take a look at our m'odel homes at Newron and '1itchell. Tustm. Open Daily 9 to 6 Sundays 1 to 6 :::iee for yourself how we can build a 124-1 sq. ft. home, forced air hea t. hdwl fl oorfl, 2 car garage for only $9,100. Let us direct you l o our homes und"r conRtruction and finished. Look th«m o\·er, compare, 11atiefy your~lf. We have custom h ome pla nnin~ l\ervice, financing fo r Slate vets, FHA and Savings and Loan, as a l stop facility. Nothing down. MARSHALL HOMES Kl 7-3293 -Kl 2-3569 IEvee. LI 8-4073) 5&69h HOW TO MAKE MONEY HERE"S HOW! Buy these onlr remaining two R·3 lot.a on the Balboa Peninsula "Point" and build your own Income property. Idea). )l')r.Rtton for 91ummer. winter rent.ala. ffa,.,. plan11 for deluxe 6 unit.JI. Better eee theee tnday. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy , Npt. Bch. Uberty 1·3"1 l J • 1 · • I ~ L '" I ' - $4,lm Down 307 Fernando, Balboa Complet~y furniahed including elothn wuher and dryer. Ready to move into. Bay view from Uving room with fireplace. 3 bedrooms plua large rumpua l'OOm. 1 l,1 bat.ha, p.rap. · $5,lm Down 1710 Pla'Za del Norte Balboa Peninsula Point 3 bedrooms, l' :t bathe. Fireplace in large llvlnr room with dining area. Faces quiet_ lancbcaped City Park. ~ . OPEN DAILY 1 · 5 263 l Cre~tview Bay Shores Larp living room with fireplace. Full dining room, a bedrooms. 2-c&r garage, completely redecorated. Good Term.e. Price 518,~. 135 Ft. OCEAN f RONTAGE For Builder or Investor ~ R3 Zone 4 unit Apartment on lot 55' x 100' with adjoining Iota 40' x 100' and 102' x 135' ~n Ocean Front. All aa one parcel with 197 ft. frontage on 2 streets llnd 135 ft. Ocean frontage. Good Terms. Full Price .$51,000 -- FIRST TIME OFFERED , 1112 E. BALBOA BL VD., BALBOA BAY FRONT PIER & SLIP 2 YEARS OLD 7 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 3 CAR GARAGE FURNISHED BAY FRONTAGE 40 FT. This is an ideal summer or year round home for the executive with a large family $88,000. NEWPORT HARBOR REAL TY Jim and Sally Newlin 615 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 PIER & SLIP Plus 3 Luxurious Units 1-3 B. R. -13/4 Baths 2-2 B. R. Outata.nding view It location. Your chance to own a choice modem water f ront home with fine income to supplement - $73,500 -Excellent Term. - OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Q>ut Hwy. Newport Buch Balboa Island (at Port On.nge) Liberty 8· 7562 6~6 We offer excl~ively an unusually desirable 4 bdrm.·. multi-bath home. Delightful living room, large din· lng room. Maximum square footage. Close to beach. $26,000, easy terms. See this value Buy! C&ll Harbor 1775 Eves. Harbor 5~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m Marine Ave., Balboa I.aland p. a. palmer incorporated • _....c developers of Udo Isle LIDO ISLE Your dream home on LIDO ISLE'! Could be,--and what a beautiful dream! One of the moet exciting modern homea on Lido. Excellent. deaign with i bed· rooms, and 2 batha, on l ~~ Iota, siviAI 1ood '1&ed enclosed patio. Fully carpeted. ThermadOr oven an~d range, disposal, eliding gla.u doora to patio, uh cabinets, Formica countera. It'a a spacious home your family will love. Tbe price-$36,000, and excellent tenna. OPPORTUNITY-A fine home ln perfect condition. Owner hu written off colt of many atru, auch as new expensive wool carpeting, all furniture in· eluding new range, briclcwork, etc. 3 bed.nna., din· ing room, 2 baths, extra nice We work, dl.lhmuter, forced llir furnace, sl}ingle tile roof, ovenbe double garage and only $28,750., including furniture. We have some excellent lot v&luea now! 38 Y2 ft. bn Ithaca $10,750. M ft. on Wuien $10,000. 45 ft. on Mentone $13,000. fO ft. on Soud $14,000. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson ~o., sales management 3333 vill Udo, harbor 11500 -. I• BEAUTIFUL CAPISTRANO VALLEY 22 a.er .. overlookl,nc beautiful Capistrano Valley. Well water, 3 acret1 in avocadoe. Half finl.abed home. Complet. privacy ~et only 15 mllee from ooean and 11 to-Bult& AM. hl1 price. nnlTSM,500-with:.term "' 'nlla t1 the mOlt *utlful rural bomMtead we know of It the· land value ahould apprecl~te ~tly. Alk for Bill M ... nrer- EXCLUSfVE SHORECLIFFS '---2 bedroom 6 den (or a bedroom) 2 bat.ha, 2 med brick ttreplac ... Heavy ahake roof, view of moun- t&lna 6 ocean. Thil ii a beautiful home 1n a top location. (AU for Dave Osburn). r Elbow Room Thia attractive S bedroom Lido home 11 located on extra laJ'l'e comer Strada lot. Beautlf ul 1arden and patio. Excellent value. Ask for Hod$'kimon. ---Back Bay View Lot $6500 Real Good. . p. a. palmer incorporated ole han'son co., sales management 1700 "· cout highway -liberty ~rs COSTA MESA Feel Like Falling VOGEL VALUES HOUSTON VALUES in love acaln T Here 11 your chance! Charming family home ot 3 bdrm1.. 1 S,, ~lha. crl1p color 11cheme throughout. Mod· em designed for modem day liv- ing wtth g-raputaked fenced CORONA DEL MAR Rare Ooportuni+v NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 ._.ONDAY, JUNE 13, 195~. ---·-· r..ta .. BALBOA ISLAND Choicest Bayfront Buys BAY FRONT ROU8g It A:PT .• No. Bay. ~autitW beach. $10,000 down, b&lanre easy. DUPLEX • SOUTH II.A. Y .Fl\Orirr -Lwrury home and lncome. ses,ooo. '-C-OlIDNA DEL MAR ON HA.met., 2 br. view home. Private pathway to little Corona beach, $25,~. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Luah troploal patlo and yard. $15,000 down For intormation on above propertlee, phone John Macnab Har. 177~ or eves. Har. 6359. BALBOA ISLAND Choicest Bayfront Buys LlT1'Lll ISLAND -90 ft. bay frontage, pier • float. ' bdrm.1. $78,000. WATERFRONT -Furn. home and apt. t bdrma. Fireplace. $10,000 down. Full price $29.500. ISLAND COTI'AGE -Obie. rarage. Firtplace. $15,7M . '6 BDRMS., 2% bathl. New furniture. TV. BBQ. North Bay moorin1. Good family home. All for $2'6,9&0. WATERJ'RONT -2 1uperior unit.a. 3 bdrm., fire- place DOWN; 2 bdrm.I. 2 bathe UP. Bay view from upper deck. $'5,000. Submit down . . CORONA DEL MAR EXCEi.I.ENT JNCOME -4 furnished units: l bdnn. each. No vacancies in over a _ year. Rent 11 SM each. Groea yearly $3920. All in first clu.e con· dJtion, $6000 takes. Full price $22.500. . pntlo, f ireplace, bar kitchen, torcecl air heat. parquet floor1. garbage ill11posal, 2 car garage. Unequale11 value at the reduced price ot only $11.900. CHOICE LOCATION-Lovely., new 2 bra., 6 den 11,1 batha, jwrt l blk. to beach. Lg. living room, u8ed brk. fireplace. carpets cl drapes, mercury switches, dilp., fan, covered patio off kitchen. A good buy at 521,500. A RmAL NidJJ cloee-ln ~~­dn .. ..,.,., only t yr1. old, JOod eutalde oomer. A etul at $9,IOO with llllall down, and low month· ly payment.II. B For information on the above properties, call Mrs. Cute 3 r. $10,750 Maroon, Harbor 1776. • • • Fresh~s a_Daisy_ and only IUiOO down w1U buy thl1 appealing S bdnn. T year i. old home completely repainted A redecorated inside a.nd out wllll hdwd. rJoou . fll'f'pllee, rrape- t!ta ke (encell, beautifully land- -ped yard with aheller-1 lanai and patio and the molt beauU· fut ro1e1 you've ever Men com· blne to make thl1 the top buy In the most wanted location In Coet& MeM . • • FUU price ju.t 113,IW>O wtth • ·~ o . J. loan. • • • This Week's Leader I.magtne a yea'r old home wtth 3 la.rce bdrm•., 2 b&Uul, tarr.e living room with fireplace, hdwd. tloora covered with almOlt new heavy wall to wall carpetlng- and the most btaullfully land· ecaped w11lled back ya.rd. The lota llon la on lrvlne near the Back Bll)'. The prl('e la only DUPLEX SPECI!Jr-(2 bra. each unit-1 unit fur- nillhed}. Good location. Total price $13,500. with good financing. We alao have aeveral othen in thi1 price range. _ LARGE HOME & INCOME-3 bMJ., 2 baths Ir 1 br. apt., 1 V:: blks, to beach on lg. loL Furniahed apt. has income of $900 per year. Excel feature. thruout. picture windows look out on lg. enclosed patio. For the finest in living comfort see this at.S35,000. CORONA WGHLANOS CHOICE CORNER VIEW LOT-60'x120'. Survey report It prelimina.ry pl&n1 for home. Lota are about gon&-better hurry. NEWPORT HEIGHTS BF.ST BUY. Fine VIEW home priced at $16,995. Lg. picture window looking out over the harbor from comfortable living room. 3 bra., hw. flooni, flagstone f'ireplace. Maximum privacy. Cannot be replaced at this price. Call now. THE VOGEL CO: 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 1741 & 1477 $16.500 with an P'H.A. 4 1.V'/J -------------------- . . . Artistic Modern If you hke rral ru~ttc modem then this 1s tor you! 3 bdrm11 .. l11n;:e living rvom and dining rm. opening onto 2 eeparate tropical patios which become a part. ot your home thru large plate glue windows •. , 1600 1q. Lt.. ot Uv· 1ng area In the best area of f':ewport Height.a • , , J uel $1'.9~0 with a low dn. payment. • • • Invest Wisely Your lnveatment ln thl1 nu.rly new two bed.room each duplell of excellent con1t.ruclion In a top neighborhood "111 1how you an Income we challenge you to compare. Full price $16,600 with Jullt $~.000 down. • • • Bay & Beach Realty 1898 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Callf. Liberty 8·1181. Eve1. LI 8-3161 NEVER Befor~ffered ! OWNER DESIRES quick ale on thl1 choice R·2 lot. Flnt buyer with 16600 ruh t&ku It. Loeat· ed North ue Highway, Corona del M&r wlU1 unusua.»y nloe out- look. Stanley A. Smith REALTOR 284 T 11.. Oout BW7 Corona del Mar BEAUTIFUL 31 'xl.2' Cabana Bay & Beach Realty Realtors BALBOA 3 bdrm. beach cottage -Near library. Full price $10,500 furnilhed. $2,000 down. ~ ~ bloc.k to Bay, near Newport Harbor Yacht Club. 3 bdrm., l't2 batha, modem kitchen, dilhwuher, etc. Forced air heat, full price S17,7M. Low down pay· ment will handle. BALBOA PENINSULA Attractive liome on --i Y2 Toti. Titeplace, tun dlhlng room, modem kitchen, extra lari• pat.lo. Full price $18,960. BAY & BEACH REAL TY UM W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Cal. Har. 1264 CORONA DEL MAR 2 bedroom home near ahopplng. Hu dining L off living room, fireplace, tile in kitchen 6 bath, fenced yard. f% G.1. loan. $12,000 Two Iota on Haul Drive, aouth of boulevard. Only two available. $5,000 each. RAY REALTY CO. 3«-4 E. Cout Blvd·, Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 'WITH A·~ G. I. LO.AN SEE us f 0 AY mak•• w. an unu1ull.l bar1a1n. or BEAC N BAY and B H/W rtra., only :I yra old. On • - ae-n. ra.rbage d11p. veneuan SHORES propett1es. • bllnde. Property In ein:ellent con· · · dltlon. o n Cost.a Me1a st., low EARL W ST AN LEY Realtor down, ~7.M mo. on balance. • 1 M-1 1~0u~~~~~~!~ .. soo wllh a nJce 2 bdrm. home, on 11ewere, low down, Juat the thine tor a good home and 1hop. Nice 2 Br. $11,500 GOOD EASTSIDE LOCATION, lot 1-72x330. Room for more unit.a with dble. car., H/W flra. Jg. dlnlng rm., and bdrm1. Thi• ill really nice thruout. Only $2.000 down, easy pymt11. on bal. F or Ev\". lnto. on above Ph. Pelltte LI 8·:>487. Only $6,250 NICE 2 bd~m. home nr. marketa & schools. East side l<x:auon. SmaU dn. .tr 150. per. month. Dille. for calh. Inspection Invited 526 ALISO A \CE. NEWPORT HTS. A cholce home community near both hi and grade school•. a bdrm.a.. bdwd. floors, real fireplace. dbl 1ar. Fenced yard. J•,000 dn. Ir $82.~ per mo. Ita vacant and rud7. Open 2-11 Dally Nice R-4 Corner on Tutt.In, 11\llt&bl• tor bol.IN or• duplex. p ,1110. F or Eve. Int. or t.bon Ph. Lytle LI 1-JMJ. Houston Realtv Co. It ASSOCIA~ .&09 ·center St. LI 1-1911 SHARP EYES FOR A BUYT IMMA.cJ]LA Tm 2 br. -ll.oma !A, Beautlt\.11 Clltt llaYen. nrtplace. Small corner lot. Only f8,llOO with U.llOO down. Ideal for am. family. 3 U:--:ITS aparkllng clean. ~ blk. from ocean In Newport. $12,000 full price with l•.llOO down. Ten· anta make your payment.a. Sum· mu Income $3t0 month. Ertl· mated. REX RECHS -REALTOR 2307 w. Balboa BlYd., Har. tll~ Ha.rbor 28H·W. U cH BEACH-HOMES All under $2000 dn. Weal Newport 1 B. R. tum 18900 Near NHYC, 3 B. R. ····-···'10,500 Balboa. I B. R. ···-·---10,llOO Seuhore drfva, duplex _._$11,860 Bayview Realtors 2305 B&lbo& Blvd. Har. !371 2~ Marine Ave., Balboa Island. LIDO ·ISLE Sparkling llftd new 2 story, 3 bednn. llftd den home. 2 bathe, charming kitchen includea Weetern Holly 1tove and oven, copper hood and d.iahwuher. Large muter bdrm. has fireplace llnd one wall paneled in Amadon South Amer1can panelling. Mercury switches throughout. Carpeted, double gar. Finest of C?nstruction. Full price $33.~. tenn.e available. Lovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. & Jal-ge den home. Choice location on wide street-to-street lot. Spacioua dinlnc room, br;eakfaat bar, charming patio. Range, refrig, carpets & drapes included for only $32,500. Extra choice .W-ft. lot on Via Genoa, (widest St. on the laland), o,nly $13,500 for quick 1ale. AND REMEMBER TlllS - many other fine homes are lilted exclusively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE Ul.6 Via Lid<?, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M or LI 8-5297 LIDO ISLE Move right in t or ijle •ummer. 2 bedrooma • furn· ilhed • nice patio • fl.replace. Furnished $21,MO NEAR CLUB HOUSE 3 Bedroom.a • fireplace • decorated nicely. $22,ISOO On M FL Lot • 3 Bedrooma • spacious family bOUH. 2080 Sq. Ft. Garage stressed for 2 story. $29,9M See ua for Summer renta.11 Buainell8 Opportunity Broken BAY and BEACH REAL TY LIDO OFFICE 3112 Lafayette, Newport. Har. 3643. Eves. Har 2999 S-ACK BAY LIVING For $6,000-0own you can be enjoying a .W ft. ftl. tered swimming pool on one acre of ground. Hu a fine 3 bdrm.. home, plua separate iUeat hou.e, tie. M.ll'Dpus room and double car garage. Plenty of room for stables & horee. Only $5,000 down. Call for appt. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder --------------------.ta 35' two bdrm. trailer, com· Open House Daily 1 -5 p. m. Bay & Ocean View Dick Hilliard Pat Patti.Ion 30M E . Cout Rwy., Corona, del Mar, Har. 2«1 Sl,lm Down BUYS 3 bedrm. modern home with lar(e livl.ng rm., tlrepla~n· Del Mar in eo.ta Yea. Payments less than rent. CAIL Cox or Bradford at Harbor 1264. BAY and BEACH REALTY 1 t.50 W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa, C&lit. plettly tumlabed. carptted, wa· tertronl lot. beach, boat dock a vail Bricll l&n&l, earpcirt. swim· mtn.r pool. Full pr. $87~0. Lido VW~e Tral.Jer Park. 700 31st St. Newport Beac.h. Lot No. 38. LI i-7601. lllto BACK BAY NE.UlLY NEW I bcSrm.. home, fenced yd .. nJce laWTI, Iota of Ute, interior painted ll wallpapered. dble. pr .. Jarce kitchen, 111.~. 20351 O'rchtfl. Sant& A.na Hu. I.Jbert)' 8·1998. IHpeT 615 Jasmine, Corona del Mar CHARMING provincial 3 bdrm., 1 ~~ bath home. 26-ft. living rm. • fireplace. Rambles all over thi.a 60 FT. LOT. Secluded gue1t hou.:1e rented untum., $70 per mon. J'rach picket fence. Don't m.ial thial Out of town owner aya "Sell" I $2f,500 Euy tenn1. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor u .. Our Free Parkins Lot 2e02 Nft'POl't Bmt. Harbott' ns LAROE double front&(• JU·IU lot. 7 rm1., 2 balhl, ID,llOO. 29:>3 Clltt Dr. at Santa Ana An. LI MlH. oepee Look at this . I bdrm... bwd. fJooae, a,.,.._ d1lpoea1. Wll"td tor tlectlte · at.oft, Fenc~. located at 2Mt FalrwQ Dr., eo.t.a MeeL SU~. ~ Bar. 1&61..J. ltUc * 25 YEARS Cliff Haven on Kings Road 2000 .q. ft. bome on the cutt-overlooldng entire Harbor area wtth a view that can never be ob- ltnacted. Only $6000 dowtS. Greenleaf-Severts Realty 3ll.2 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 2!S52 Eve.a.: Liberty 8-3188 * ~ )'IU'I in tlM aam.e loc.aui I .. .. PAGE 8 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HAR!O~ NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JUf\IE ll, 1955 plan• d~Mtd by the cHy enr;tnt · C'lty M1011rtr John Sall()n pro· er for UH uf the ba)' tront pi-op· l 1)0aul the 1 <lllnlc.I <'Ql':~hltr IUl Urt' erty ••t thot L1 11 111'r l'"rk an.I tht C'llY l t vartou1 plan• ()tfel'f'd ()n tra.11· ,,,tr• ,.,... on, P.--"l'W e.r .. •r park for .. ,.,.1) Cour per1t1>n• ID the Unll· f'd Stat"• In \!I~~ a«"nrdl"« to Ole Pf'Ople do read thr Pre.a ada. ~ataon•I A11t1,nwb1lt Club To Narcotics Meet I: Sc-t. Earl Stoneb&ck ano Of11cer Al Epal.,ln or the Newport Beach police department attended a con· ference on narcotic• Thuraday ln 1 Sanh1. Barbart. Officera t rom over Southern <.;alltomla a ttended the metllng. LIDO sHoPs DIRECTORY APPLIANCES -Hou..ebold Paru -Dealer -Service r.mo r:LECTRIO s.au \'la Udo -Harbor ntt AUTOMOBILE DEALE.RS New IUld u11ed Car11 :SICKF.R'J7. ~Tl:D~ll l"aln Stn·toe Pana . 1416 s~wport Bh·d. -Hu. 610 BANKS Bank of Arnf'rlca !liT & 8A S444 \'la l.ldo -Hart»or 1416 BARBER SHOPS t.100 SHAVISO Ml:O la Bidwell'• Mtore for Men H!8 \"la Udo -Harbor HM BEAUTY PARLORS UOO !!'!A.LOS OF BEAUTY HI& Npt. Blvd. -Har. !5'71 BOOKS BOOK CAfo<t; HHI \'la Udo -Harbor ,..,. CAMERAS & Supplies \'ISCY.NT LIDO OKUOS H81 \'la Udo -: Harbor 1001 CARPJ.rr8 & DRAPERIES DICK MACKER SUO \'la Udo-Harbor 41!8 CATERING RICHARD'S LIOO MARKET SUS \'la Udo -Harbor 2828 Clothlng-Chlldttns & lnfut.. JERl'N 01" 1.mo Coming In Augu11t s~ S ewpnrt fth•d. CLOTHING -Men'• Retail BIDWl:bL'S SHOP t'OR Ml::S W3 \'la Ude -Harbor 0648 CLOTHING-Women's Retall I.A REJNt; 600 \'la Malai-Harbor UIO UDO FASHJO:SS M-'O Via Oporto -Harbor MU SHADDOCK'S REALLY COMPACT -Walter Earl, ex-Harborite of Monterey Park. demonstrates above how he intends to go around the world. Above, he sits on his motor- cycle with ita attached "smallest house trailer in the world." Creation and construction of the house trailer took two and a half months. Below. Earl shows inter- ior of the trailer. H e is sitting on the bunk, checking his kitchen equipment. The globe·trotter has handled motorcycles for 35 years. -Staff Photos and on tor tha lut 10 year•, la heading around the world on t. motoreycle. "I've r ot the coat down to $1.~ per day, c-aa and food." Earl lntonned the N-•· Preae ,...hlle l.n Newport Beach WtdneAday. You doubt that a m&n can Jive on that amount, lt~t alone eo apeed· ' lng around the world by motor- bike? Earl's uplanallon la quick: •·1 don't eat mut'.h and I eat aena- lbly." HOME ON \\'KEELS Lodg1ng? Nothlng to It. Earl hu coratructl'd the world'• 11malleat house tnuler. The box affair, top· ped by a pair ot 'Am .. 1i<'an tli&g replica.!!, bearing the prlntPd an· nouncement, "Around the World," and thP motto, "Peace on Eearth. GoodwlJI Toward Men," Is a llttlf bigger then lhe normal s idecar. And beUevr It or not. t.hl• con- tain.s ~ll Earl's bedding, kitchen and travellng needa! Earl Sl\ld be la ready to Mad for New York. From there he will ' !Ake the rig by boat to the Brit· !sh Iale.1. Europe la next. a nd "t.ny· place that' hu roada," Earl de- clare~. Upon hla return to North Amenca. Earl plan• to travel t.he entire U. $., C&Jlad& and Mexico, selllilg plcturt's of hla around tht tA·orld travels. WELL TR.A \'El.ED At a prl'vioua council meeting budget 11ej'&r11t .. ly. F"<1r brl'a k.town . ,, . .--•' "briftl' MW charm . • • aad space to Y°"' ~ Fireside Modern Notice We P"" Vf'r)' h&JPJ • ..,.-.c-e tlU• eto"' ... bffn .. &tc-tt'CI E•rluetn aw.lf'r In C'oeta M-fM tlll• bNutlful turaltwe. w.. .l"f'C,.,.t that a,.cie d.-not a.llow ue te ellow all "'" nne pt-of Utle f urnltul"f'. Our wtadO'lll'9 now havt' a CIOllll*'~ rorl'f'latf'd I ""· 1roup - "'" ln\1tAo your I•~ of nr....&c1e modf'm tcol"l"· f'f "'"" thf' n-t of maple a mod""' tuml· '"'"· UU \'la Udo -Harbor M'JT VAGABO:SD HOUSE Imported Sportawear HOME IS WHERE HE ROLLS Eart hu been getting In quite a bit of travel during the l1111t 10 years In this country. though not by motorcycle and bltay trailer. He worked M a cook at both Villa Marina end Balboa Bay Club dur· ing periodical loCal atopover11. Oh·e your IModroom tlaat dfforator toUC'll •1th nrw 1'1rftlde Modent. PoU.iw.ct bf-ue Mft'DI• kl&llllcht· u.e frlfed.ly warmU. of c-opSH"rtollfl blrcla bedllteeda. nJrllt tablM and ('~t. Low 1111~ make your b.-dN)()fll ltM'm larxtr, more lusurtou1. CJap.doull ebNta aAd burMU•, .ealed to flt todlly'1 avHsce lllM'd roma, provtde amadnr et.or-ace .,._. , F1ftllidie Modern ••. It'• Ille modt>rn funtlh1N! )'OU'u d.-d of -a& pri-wltaala JUI \'la Lido -Harbor 200' DRUG STORES VISCE:ST'f.4 LIDO DRUGS Hll \'la Udo -Harbor JOOI ELECTRIO CONTRACTORS I.I DO ELECT1UO Walter Earl Has World ;;f ~if.f~~Jf i::~~ a modfotlt ~'"'· Traveling Cut to Size \ ~~~ ;.:~~· " ~m ...... ,. ...... , 0,... Friday HU \'la Udo -Harbor Ull Fl..OWERS RICHAKo:s LIDO llAIUl.ET Corsagu-Table Arna.ngementa SUS \'la Lido -Harbor !SU 1f it ts -money ttmt kee]Js you Harborlte ot Monterey Pu~. 1nur1 Trailer-Port& Pl9ft trom u.Uafytng an tnherent de111rej the answer you u e ae.-klng. Recommendation Due to travel. maybe Walter Earl, ex· Earl, who ho.a workt'd locally otf A recommendation from the •••hMJ 'ttl FOUSTAlN, GRILL \'L'\'et::-."T's LIDO DBt'GS S481 \'la Udo -Harbor 1001 1',RAMES Ir: ALBUMS GERHARDT STL"DIOS 1418 \'la Lido -Harbor "" lmRNITURE DICK MACKER 1420 \'la Udo -Harbor USI GIFT SHOP RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET HSI Via Udo -Harbor !828 INSURANCE AGENTS W. O. BGC'K, ISC. HOO \'la I.Mo -Harbor '44' INTERIOR DECORATORS BLANCllE f'lLK!:RSON AJ.D. 1411 Via Lido -Harbor 6118 Dll'N. MACKER H 20 \'la Udo -Harbor Ula OOS CREIUllTON A. I. D. Ma1ac'a Import• &00 \'la &lala&t. -Harbor SSU MARKETS IUCHARD'S UOO MARKET HSS \'la Udo -Harbor !8%8 PHorOGBAPH STUDIOS OERHAllDT 8TUDI08 Hit \~la Udo -HArbcn -UGI BEAL &STATE LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES Udo S11lt11 .I: Renl&la UOO \'la Udo -Harbor "" P. A. PALMER l~O. ISll via Udo -bal'bor 11100 VOGEL COMPANY 14 It \'la Udo -Barbor '8'71 BA V AND BMCH REALTY \'la Udo Brld.,e OflJce llU Laf'ayf'tte -Harbnr 18'8 SAVINGS 6' LOAN ASSOCIATIONS NEWPORT BALBOA SA\'L"GI & LOA!li AS80CIATIOl\ii A Saving• In1UtuUon Lone 'Term Home Loua UM \'la Udo -Harbor Mot SERVICE 8Til'IONI LIDO IUCRFIELD uu Newpon Bh·d.-Har. un IBOES-H•'• BIDWELL'& STOii& roa KL"'f 1411 \'la Ude -11.arMt-OMI l'JIEATRES LIDQ TllEAftE Conault OWi paper tor procnm , .......... a& 1'.Jewpen 81"- Harbor llH ro1·s UDO T01'1A..''D MU \'la Udo -llMMr ltM TRAVEL ACENOIES ffAllBOll TllA \'EL AGCNC1' HI& Newport Bh""-llar· NH UPHOLSTERING Ill CK MACILE& sno \'la Udo -....,._ma Wl~DOW COVERING Tilt: ~H \llt: !'HOP :-.n1 10 Poet Otn-aar. 8M ' ..... put this amazing radio in your pocket $4995 UH~nftY ~~~POCKET RADIO WetM'• ,1,.1 TtHel•tot loJlo -No lvrty Twfle• e A. --tlcmal prodllrl and • ....itonal ofl'er! Wortd'1 anit truly perllO!W "dio ••• In yoar ~on for ooe dolml Weist. 12 ouncee, meuuree 3' a 3• a l !{'. Sllpa ia pocke\ or ~. aoilAblie with i.tt.. carryiq cue. .A.km;.t.lnfiJ clear tone, tbrob«h epMbr or tiny ..,Phone. ~t, .trtoally ..mc..r.-. ~ for~· time pllfonnaa.. Ebe.rt plutJo -. eboioe of lia attno- ""colon. S. ltl H-ltl Get Iii &..-.._,....... ..... ......,_ .,... .....,, .,.,. ,..,.. ...... .. c ltfftt ........ . TELEVISION -HI· FIDELITY SALES AND SERVICE Phone Liberty 8-MS7 1~ Harbor. Bh·d. COSTA MESA I 9:00 p. m. Newport Bt>ach Park. S.-aeh Md Recreation Commission conct'ming future use ot the Municipal Trail· er Park may be presented city council tlilil n"enlng. The com· m1sa1onen met Informally Mon· day night '9.1t.h councilmen r.nd the city manager to considtr ae:.:v~e:ral=-~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~---~~~~~-~"'!"!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r High time you disCovered the 4.~!.f!.!.!9.f!. in Dodge ! Next time you're driving around town, Juat notice the number of gleaminc new Dodge can you aee on the 1tttiet ! Then ask yoW'9ell: "Wbat ia it theee people h•ve round out about the new Dodce th•t'1 causing thia landalid• or popular favor?" Part of It, of COUJ'le, la the new Dodge 1tyllnt. You can see at a clance bow much blner and more luxurioua this <Sr i1-up to 9 inchfll longer than iu competitora. But the rea.11tory bebJnd the nab to Dodie II this: Ptoplll Mil dixm<aing tM dif!trr1ta ill U.. tea¥ Dodge car• or• ntgiruntd artd b1till! They di.cover it in the IOli<f. 1Ubft&ntlaJ fee) of the car-the way it handle. and ridee. They learn t~ appreciate ft in the deep-<iOWTI ro<>d· nea of every part and feature: Doon that don't n ttJe. Body joint. that doo'i ~u.k. Win doWI that work mioothly, There Is really no 1Ubstlt ute for the de~nd­ ability that ill built Into Dodce. Im't it tim• you dl8connd t.bil dlftereoce for younelt? NEW DODGE TtW °"II '"'• "lip fH Ille IATIOIAL O,UI IOL' TOUIAllm " tltftllllt ctll .. TY) Settr••r nnllll 1111 1l c..tilt rt1r ,,.., ... '" ttmt. O'BRIEN MOTORS. 1680 Newport llv~. COSTA MESA 'Liberty 8-72n