HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-16 - Newport Balboa Press• \ . .. . . , 'HARBOR . PRESS iiill&!!!!=illl!!!E!? '9th YEAR -NUKBER 31 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 PHONE HARBOR 1618 FIVE CENTS "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THi HARBOR HIGH c~ss OF 1955" Superintendent Sidney David.eon preMnta the 286 Charles Rice .who introduced commencement speaker graduates of Newport Harbor Un.ion High School to the board of trustees, parents and friend.a preparatory to handing out diploma.a. It wu the largest graduating claas yet to pus through the higb echool. Tbe Rev. Paul G. Neumann delivered the invocation. Welcome to parents and apect&tora wu given by Valedictorian Dr. Arthur F. CQrey, state executive &eeretary of the California Teachers .A9aociation. Richard Innenrt, etudent body president, gave the farewell !or the clua. Diplomc... were presented by echool board memben Ha.d Ring and Donald Dungan. -Staff Photo unzone Type Operation for ' Trailer Park -Bared 4-3 Vote Favors Moving Housing to Ocean Front CITY COUNCIL . SACKS PARK COMMISSIONERS All NHUHS S.1dor Pictures Inside Parts I and II 0. W. PAJCDr;Y } UPPER BAY WATER -SKI REACTION zoo aten. loat Opeiwton D• for s.;m. U H.wbor Maatn-R'-Crall e.nforced a O·mlle per hour 1paed limit In UpJk'r Bay thla wMkend, reactJon ia likely to be terrific from the approxlmwly 200 wa- ter 1kler• and boaler11 who will nock Into tbe HarbOr .A.ru. Local reaction i.a poaith•• enou1h that Newport Beach City Council, which ordered the 0-mph limit un· lU ~atlona governlnc uee or Upper Rty are driwn up, had bet· t.er work fut. · Dave !pleat, who ha.ndlu Mer· cury motorboall al ~10 W. Coa at Highway. told the Newa-Preaa to· day : "Alreedy when ramp rnana· 1 er1 tell water 1kler1 a bout lht 1peed limit, moat of them go away rtcht then. It"• a mighty populu 1port. There'll be a lot or warn· lnp and tJtktta thl1 weekend. The reaction would be terrific If coun· cu lrle1 t o close t:pper Bay al· torether." Splea added that 30 memben of the Newport-Balboa Club. all wa· ter akler1 A race.rs. would be pr,e- aent at 4 p.m.. Tuesday when counc:.llmen meet to determine op· eratlonal rules on the big body of water. "Afttr T\lt"sdey," Splu aaJct, "I'm •ure that reatrlctlon will be lifted " Bill Severance. South Cout Co .. expruaed belief council ahould en· courage water 1porU In the Har- bor &re&. '1'here'1 lot• or local bualneu In txlatence here bt'cau&e of water 1porta," Severance point- ed out. "A lot of m(lney 11 Involv- ed. r d like very m11cll...to 11ee speed boaUnr tJ\d water skiing handled a.a It l.1 In Loi\&' Beach Martne Stadium. They have certaln houn for boating and certain hou,.. for 1kll11g. Of coune ther'1 more room and a better lay-out there." Severance added, "Water akllnf le a rreat family aport and the type of thinJ •e u American.a try to enoo\lr&g•. The Upper Bay la u.. only Joea1 pllle. tOT waur 9JJOrU of lh1a type without roin. out lnt.o the oeun." Lyle A. Hoakin ot HoekJn and Bon, 2a2T W. Coaat Hlshway. l&ld I! the •peed ltm&t rem&lDI ln .,. feet tt wtu put .. m4 to all water (0 II I ........ 1) EDWIN BOYT BoartFails to Clear or . Blast Neff Mesa Trustees Release Promised 'Statement' A statement which in effect neither censuree nor acquit. Theodore Neff. Ru School princi pal denied t.enure Ma1 11 by the Costa Meaa Union School Diatrict board of truateea waa released today by them. It wu adopted lut night after an hour·long dlllCUlllll"n durlnii ,.11• trarher• and In grantln1 lenu,., ecutlve aulon of the board. we merely dt'rtde on lhe aultabll· lty M non-1ultablllty of a stnn Individual for retention In a 11>1- rlffc per110nne1 poaillon. Eada In· dlvldual C'llM ls t'onaldered on it.a o""" merit•. \\'e conaldlt" many fact or•: pf'rformanct on Ult job. the tf'Chnkal back~round of the Individual, hl1 pe1raonallty, hi• habits, hie LUO<'latlona, th• rK· ommendatlon1 of hla aupar1ora. and any and all otht'r factor• nl- evant In a &1vt'n Caal'. We do not art on me~ lrreepnnlib\e crtUdsrn of an Individual. We make 111 ef· tort to learn the full In each cue and act on thoM fact.a ln UI• !Molt lnterull of the entire Khoo!. dl•trlct. The 11tattment wu promlllf'd • ~roup or parents backing Neff June 1 when a delegation r~ueat· ed Nert bf' rleared of 11ubvtr11ve charge•. The completf' at.atement rollows: • "There haa betn a ci-rta ln amount of crlltclam recently lt vf'I· I'd at the School Board for It• al· leged 1llence aa to lb pnllry In selecting teacher• for tenure. To clear up Any quu tlon on the mat· ter. a tew f'lemental factou mU11t be remembertd. Jn the flnt plact', lhe board 11 not conalltuted prl· marlly u an 1nve11tlgaUng ,bpdy. Neither 111 llil function to operate •• a judge anti jury. Henc<'. _we do not make flndlnfa of gu11ty or 1Wt lf\lllty In any CAM, nor do we declare a per11on to be aubveralvt or non-11ubvtn11vr. In 1electmg "Jn the recent cue of Mr. Neff, the boa.rd decided not to rtnew h1a contract and to ~ny him t.enure. (Cot1Unuecl oe P .. e 6) NEFF, SANBORN JOBS . FILLED BY NEW MEN PufflnbarCJef, Cameron Named loarcl Trustees by Mesa ~I eo.ta x ... thaion llebool Dia• lehwan put It Wa way: "H• trtct Boud ot Tnaateea. meeUq Uiowed lack of ...aHatte th1nkln1 Ill a.cuU•• --*' lut napt, 111d an approeeh 1 don't thlnk ll1rM rep1acem•t.a tw T'lleodore auttabM la a ~ Sn1truc- 1lelf. R.a ldlool prtDdpel, and tor.'" a.am.-ltaabonl. 41at11ct buat-....._. ~ au'-'tt.ed his DMI manapr. They are Jolla P . ,.1,..uon u buatneu manarer htfin...,._, &2. and Merton K. alter annoaacemant of the board'• ea.a-Jr., ... of nu Rural ....... ~ Prwfdeftt c. ClllaJ\olm IAae. Oollt& Kua. Browa. Lat.ft', Ji• Withd,_ hla Boe.rd. member• unouncec1 ct. ,...qnatsoQ ... wu .• r • h 1 r • d ...._ not to stv• tenure t.o Nett Uarouc'b tM _..,. c. ''lN-Mk In" ftrtnc a COlltl'onraiaJ m"Uac at-the ..,.. 1lurnlee m--..r. \ended by ffveral hundred pel'90lla Kay 11. Th• action fo!Jow9d PutftnMrsv, ..,.. princpla.1 of more than a. ,..ar of wr&nl'llnc J\e& Sdlool. le currlcu.Jum eoordl· amonc Com Meaana ~prdlnf nator ot tile Indio IJchool.a. Re all..,ed lnter11ta ahoWJa by Natt bu 20,..... expertence u an ad· and Sanborn ln the Fellowlhlp of mlnllt.r.tor and teacher, Sllparin· ReconcUlatJon a.nd the American tendmt Everett Rea -.14 Putnn· Clvtl Uberllea Union, tabbed by t>arru would at.art work nHt m&A1 u liberal orrantuUon.a. wetk, ftYlnJ him two wNka to .Another bone of contaiUon wu work With Nett. alleged Putfl1t bellet1 attributed Comeron ll .atauatJeal anal)'lt to Nert. and budret.ary controller a t Nortlt &uon ••pruaed by majorilJ' Amertean A'1ation Compan.7. Ttl• ol boa-d meml>era tor their acuon Cott& Meaa ru&dent wW lltart WU that "It 1t for the food ot work wtth laaMra JulJ l, aooord- Ule d.latriet." Trwltee Bradley tnc to n-.. A wheels-within-wheels movement which rolled the city park, beach and re<;reation commission out of office Monday night 0in one tum and retained the Municipal Trailer Park in the next today is explained by information bared exclusively to the N.,w,,-Pre1111. t thing like Funzone operation at While most folks thought t he I lht' prt>~ent trailer park frontage. p&Tk comml111\nn de11ired a pubhc CrlllCJO !orr"-1w A "Conl'y Island" be11t"h wht>re the tnuler park now set up. City ~ney Rules Charter Section Makes Group 'Illegal' 0;:m~~~~:ague _NEWS-PRESS WINS NATIONAL FIRST Renews ~equest FOR 'BEST USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS' atAnJs, (ecurrlng report the com-Council declalon on contlnutJ\ce ml.tlslon had a ~!llbll' nt•w de-al to 1 or the tr&llt'r park m Its present 94-t ur an oprrallon like th.-Balboa ' status wa.s bM!'d on . the $33,000 run:tone t here rame to llgh~ to-1 ennu11J Income 1l e11 m11 the city. Cot.ncldence ot a city charter , pollelea and olher exlgent'les Mon· day night combined In clty coun· ell to se~ lhe city park, beach and r ecreation commlllslon dismissed (rom office. Council approved City Attorney Karl Lynn Davia' legal opinion that th!' nine-member com· m11131on was lllegallly coruitltuted Ill! the charter c11llll for 11even mem~rs. 10 Coined BANFF. ALBERTA, CANADA: -(SPEClAL) -One eat.pry wu ai.o awarded a OaU· dQy • Councilmen mdica~ed they will A t 11 . th k m Mlon· pr<wld,, a nt>w trailer park pla.n, c ua 'l~ e ..]Jar com t I one wh'~ will sl~bhc -1al.tb· era voted four to thrt'e to rK~m-lng be11rh !aclltt1e11 and A lx>tter mend dl~contmuanc .. M thP trailer It ii k t r 11 1 p111 k 111 1111 pruenl .llllll'. Two were rnl rr 1fl"11t 0 !>t!1 r1a •on lrom P ya • h ca 11n1 nanc 11 a!IJlrC 11. ab1ent. Jn l\nother motion l e com-1 th k 1 . th' d mll!Jll"n recommen<led tht> coundt , n " par. t·ommt1'8 on s •r consltl<'r N1tabllAhmc11t nf LrAilf'r I recommendaUon., pro11nstn~ 1k"8.11 .. th fro t \thA front t r111lrr park.'! fronting on per""a on e ocelln n e • r 1 h I 300 !~t u.8t and 000 !e'!t west or commc-rcia property, t e cound Balbool Pier, '•and or 1000 feet WA.I uked lo coM1dcr their In· wut or Nf"WJ>Ort Pier .... Tht'se come Aa an alternate for the pre- would be built and leA8ed to prt·, i1ent tra iler park. 'Y&tf' tn~resu. tht' motion rl'C'(lm. ('O~CESSIO~ DEAL mended. The public recreation art'& pro- posed In lt8 sU'll.d would be U8ed '"C'ONEV l!'Lo\'SU"T to provide auto and bost tr11Jler But, Ntwa -Pren lnforman~ parklnir. boat l11unchinft, food and cla.tm that four commh1111oners ac· 80ft drink and locker room con· t8&.lly dealred t.o utabllsh aome-ce1111lo1111. )(RS, !\t.\.F. HOIT ~ra~·or l:>'Ora -nm. nottnr the contretrmp11 of u~1<1ng the com- mlelJlon the night the council ovcr- rnle•l It b\' \'ntlng to continue MunlcipaJ Trl\llr r Pl\rk In opcr11· lion. lnld a ~tllndlng-room-<>nly aud1!'nce l ht:' l'nuncll had been un· (Cont11111f'd Oil Pace IS) Judge Frees Collin$ Pair Re6t1ralecl requmt for open pre· cound~ meeting.1 wu pruent~ city council Monday nigh~. again b)' theWoTIW\'W-Ct"Vfc LH)'Ut ."1'tila time Ult request received approval of CouneUrnan J. B. Stoddard. Hl.e motion U> have the council t 11.ke the matt.er under com1ldera- lltm and ~fer it to the city man· &g'er for • report ti.ck to the councll wu approved. Stoddard decl&M put hlatory lhowa pub- IJc lack ot confidenc• I.A council doinp. 2 HALf CO. SUBDIVISION Council .Names , Mae Hoit New SA~TA ANA IOCNSl-"l have J;Wen a lot of thought, done a l"l nf 11.halyzlng, on thl11 cue." Superior Court J urtge Walter Ev&nll Mill from his tt>mpora.ry "There Ill a great deal of bualne.1 which can be d1acu111ed In the open without embarrassing tJ\yone," h• u Jd. "I think con!ldence would M rutore<l imme.uur&bly In the cqunc.1," he declapd. addlq the public could force open p~mffl­ lnf• under slate lesfl1&Uon but that '"we ahould not ha•• to be f oroed In to I l." t1Pp11rtmf'nl 'fl\'<' bench Tuesday. A .. 1 couldn't 11ve with ~~C?~ Mesa --nnexatlon sclml'e ff r dTdn~t find lhe defend~ C 11nt1 not gullty-and It le llO order-to ounty Bwd l'<l ". . First step required ln &llMllinJ MAPS. GET PLANNERS _OKAY Acting Cieri Weimer Opposes Tentative Tract Maps on Drainage Count A p.tr °'" tentative l'Ubdlvlalon •ape, cOY"erlng 22• loll of Hale· enel'1 announced tOO-home tract, Wtre Monday nJ(ht approved by Co.ta MeA C'lty Pla.nnlnr Com· lftl.Mlon onr a rNOUndlnl' '"No!'" .,; CbairmtJ\ Walter Weimer. Wal'ftfl Mt'e8lng. BuJot eJ\11,neer, rep'"'nted th~ Ha.le ComJ'IUIY ot ~n· Oi;t>\"e ln preMnllng t.ent&- tin Tract Map.t 2432 and 13411 &Jone Olslt'r St. tJ\d f~lure to e.c- cept an Orange County recom· mendation ~ga.rolnr a fff"'lee road along Baker St. FLOOD C'O~'TROL Welmer'1 arrumenta were over • ridden by the other comm1Nl<>r1Pl"'I on bult of City Engineer Don Southworth'• recomme!Mllltlon that both tract mapa be approved. Mea- &in&' upl.a.lned th• Hale Compuiy Weimer oppoeed the propoeed tract map. due to an wiaolved would not d~elop thf' low &re& llln.1nac• condition tn nort.hem , a.Iona OMllf'r SL until fiOOd control portion of the oven.11 rubdJ\ill'lon IC011tlaaed e111 P..,. 6) & . City council n11.med Mrs. Mae L. \.\Ith lhose "'ords. former con· Orange Cout CoUere and tb• Hoit. deputy city clerk. to lhf' 1?Tt3sm1U1, spt'aktr or the state Murray-Sander• tract of approld- post or 11ct1ng city clerk 11t Mon· R1<11embly and district attorney of mately 70 acrea 80Ulh ot lb• day nlfht'a 11esa1on. In anothrr O ran,Re County, S11m L. Colline ca.mpu.1 tnto Coat.a K.. dtl' moUon Mni. Er11th Seely \\'U II('·, 11nrt hl11 law-partner •Ctn Sam E. limit.a takea place Mond&y. polntf'd 11cu ng city tre~url'r. I Collins, werr frt"ed or ch&rges they Both posts were held by C. K. h11'1 manipulated tha procurement HARBOR WISATHll Print who11e reatpatlon w1u ac· nf a liquor lken~e· Into grand cepted Ji'riday by council follo"'1nc 1 i heft. • Illa failure to 1upply the coum:1l f Jl'lll' fSDICTXENTS with certain county board ot aup· The falher-11on duo "''U lndlct- erv1sora re.oluUona conctmlni;: ed by the Oranit,. County Grand th41 Upper Bay and Harbor man· Jury last fall. They were cha:-r- agement. ed With conspiracy tJ\d grand Councllma.n ~ \\'Uder told the theft In l.bP 11ccond of two tndlct- eouncll he lbouJbl there w" rTi t'J\ll handed down apin11t them. merl( In llppolnUng City Mana.~er The true bill aa.1d the Collin.tel John SaHoni .. a.cUn.r clerk and llltplly took $7~ trom Buena treuuru pendJng permanent -Park t&vem owner Georp Under- ltttlon HI• ~ruUor1 found no wood "fot" procuring an on-1ale tupport. (Coat .. _. Oii ...... I ) 'l'elllperatlllw i-. PM* weell • Ute HNbor ar-"""9: .,....., Friday, June 10 .. _ .... ell 67 Satu.r1&)", June 11 -· 411 N Sunday, June 12 ... _ .. _ M 09 Monday, June 1S ···-·-611 56 TUeaday, June H .... _ U M • Wednuday, June l& _ 611 M Thurada~·. June 18 _ II 1'14 Rainfall June 13. tra.c:e R&tn:a11 J11ne a t.rac:.. of the highest tributes in American joum..u.m to tJt. fornJa paper, UM lllJIOll Conunoll-wMJth. ~ Newport Harbor Newa-Presa wu announced here today. Only otMr nnt p&ae. awar4 to Revelation that the -canforrua paper a won the covetea ~ ca11rol'llra aew•p&plf'-wu iu.. first place for the "Best Uae of Photogn.pha" wu mad~ at by t.h• Sant& Tna van.,-Neww °' Solvanr. Ttl• paper took lta prtM th• 70lh Annual Convention of the Donor or lb• plaque which w1U be for "Serne. to Alric:ulture." National 'l!:dltorlal A..oelatlon In preeenled tomorrow night I• l.be Ol.b Calif ._ wt totaJM uulon here. P'alrcblld Oraphle Equipment Com· er om Mera The Newport Hubor Nnu-puiy ot Syouett, N. Y. The con· 12 award& Li;' addlUon te the ftnt Preaa wu one or HOS entrlea In teat won by the Newa-Prea WM place wlnnlilJ• ot the N~ the annual eonte.ta of Nl:A. It ln compeUUon with dally u well Harbor New•Pre. lll4 UM a&nl& tallied OM Of two flnl place u weekly papera of Ute enUA na-Ynes Valley New .. "nley lMhl4ed awarda In the State ot Catlfomla. tion. Senond place In the aame OoetiaeM .. ,.... I • .N.lftONAL WJNNEB8 -Enmtntnr the thrff iuuett of Newport H..-bor N..,._ ~which won ftnt place award over 1406 daily and weekly new8J>&per entri• ta Nat.lonal JCdltortal Allodat1on'1 Bett.r Newapaper Conteau for 1955 are. from Wt. William A. Ko.ea, edit.«. Kra. Ben Reddick a.nd Reddick, pubU.ber. They will r. ceive award Jn Butt iomorrow. -&aU Photo '· .. PAGE 2. PART' -NEWPORT HARB()R NEWS-PRESS, REZONING THURSOA Y, JU NE 16, 1955 I PRELIMINARY HEARING SET JUNE 27 1 by 1no)"lnr P_opl''• 111bdlvtalon u r rut C'ampu1 Eatatu In Ole 800· i l'n~pn~r·I The ot hl'I l'Blll'• ,,.,If lnl H11ll'n flt 1ubdl\•l1lon &nd the 1a1d, 1ho....-a '"th" rnmrl,.tc• 1 •• mt S \' Hun1takH and A•soc-latu In area opt>n for 1ub4h·l.llon and t h• 9!1i·lot Hunny lnvC'l tdltftt I GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS h1ghu t valuallon ' ('ompany 8ub<t1vt1ion boum l<'d I>)' Meyer• declare1l the r,..commen-1 \Yl1110n. Pomon& &nd \'1rtorla ~Ill I c11l111ns llmply "tt anarrrred to Bolh were iranted for A alx· Pope what·1 unfair tor thO&t on ' mC'lnth pHiod. Paltrf'!lon 1111.t 1 22nd St. Nobody c:-an bullil 1 •'tb· I Wt'imer votf'd acalnat tht' Camru. M...... Plan_... Corisider Light dlvlsJon \'OU C'llJ'l't ~u .. The olhrr F:atat"• \18rt11nce . bt'Cllll"" O( m· I .... ...... • 'IJffimtl'Jlioners txprPU4'd btlh r trnt to 4'r\'\"t a 1800·tq. (l. a1irn I I R that If Pope (lldn't i.ubdl\'1J~ tht'rt' •ort Harbor Bh·d I Bus ness Distrld equest 1111'\lnf' !'Ille wuulJ. . I Mad• corr.ctlon1 In nrat drtt1 • F.nC'ourage<l Phllllp n Sulllv11n l'f lhe c11y·11 ~lllTI (lrdln&nrl' f11r Co 11 I ·1 t Prellrnlnary htartnt on rurin· r la.n or 111:18 Jl:twport Slvd nnd Geoq:" Evt>r9<)n by ln1lll'Mllng Charlu St rl1thl·(lf·Wt1Y tC'I 201'3 If the Pasadena <;:'hamber o r mm_erce Is at a . v gt an I 1ni: the arn bt'tWPen On n!lO A ve~ In Othl'r hll~nt'Sll, th• planners the rlty might izo ft long Wit h • W&llare Ave upon rect lpt of a j It w!ll t hrow road blork~ up on every h1gbwa~ l<'admg sou th j and :"\ewport Blvd. and l !lth an•t ~tond&)' nli:ht: .,..1 bit''" dudend lrnlt1ttr1u t ,.lrHt p1fltf'11t algnt'd by 111 property to Newport Beach i;tarting. say, t om orrow. I' or Pasadenans l~th Sts. from aubutbe.n restdent1· 1 Approved. ovt'r diu ppro\•tng o!f Anl\hl'lm Ave. If It wer11 pavrll ownl'r1. r au erM>n purchal<'d t!ie den rt~~ lo,·c our d l y , and-m o re or them -aro. moving down al to • light builntM dlatnct ha• y0t~ ot Atlhur H. Mu •,.., a pro-8ulllvaa and gveraon want lo sub· nou-e trom th• cit>" Leadtns th4' eVC'l'Y r1A y. And if the Rose City isn't careful, it'll be known 1 be<'n set fnr June 27 In N<'wpMl I posat conceml~ Ole controver• divide · a 830-tt. rrnntage Into' protnt waa MA. Fred Ul\dtman as Fa llen Petal in another t:ouplc of month s. J ~~atk~ co~rt byl Costa ~~11 CHy •Lal 22m1 St. Mu Pope 1ubdlvta-LhrM lndu1tril.l Iola and dedlcaLe ~ot 2072 We llac. Av•. Sh• pro· ann IC omm ••Ion. e prop· I Ion problem. Two mapa drawn up the deadend atrftt to the city teated (O(atlon of "another old NOTICE There will be an infonnal public hearlnt In the CCMlllCn Chambftff, City Hall, 4 p. rn. Tuesday June 2t st, on the FUTURE USE OF THE UPPER IA Y FOR SPEEDBOATS. M• Hoit, Adh•t City Clerk • • I>urin g ancient times (in California's that's 20 y ears jerty owne,.. notified. by E, L P1tteraon coverlnc the without c\1r~. l b lldln .. 1 th n 1 hborhood and agol ;i.;ewport became popula r with Pasadena reeidenta aa a The action followeo rettlpt •o ac~• Involved will be submit· Denied Frank o. Patter90JI a u 1 n a e f ~=======~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ resort a rea. Jt was JUSl as easy lo come dow n the "back wa y" I Aloncay. night of a petition re-! te. d to city councJJ Monday nlfbt bulldlns moving" permit from t"h,. rertateed a complaint a•aln•t un-. through Ora ng<' as it was to go across Los Angeles a nd out q.urstlng the ch&nge tror:i R·4 to to aid them In their atudy. One! Approvf'd temporary 11gn1 an<11t1nlahed houlff and dtbrla al~ad)' High Qualify Prin ting-Ph. Har. 1616 tn Santa Monica, the nea rest beach . Besides, 1t was m uch 1C·t, clrcul.ated by D. \\. McMll-ot the mapa ahowe P_"....:opt,:__rt.:...y_1o_u_re_•_l _e_•ta_te-:--ot_fic_e•_to_r_lh....:.e_H.:..:_a1_e·-=.Ln.:....:...lh....:.e..:a....:.re....:.a_. ___________________ ~-------=-.,,----::-- m r.r<' pleasant when on e got to Newport. So Ba lboa became I the wor<l in summ<'r \'acatio,n spots. Thi11 t rend ('Ontinues strongl'r t han e\·er before. But m o rC' und mnre of the t raffic bet ween San Gabriel Valley a nd Nr wport 1:-: t•IH' wny. People ('omc. pla ~· for a week or m onth, a nti st:1v. Thi rr· nn · t hree reasons wh \', in addition to the (lbvim u; · nne tha t t hiR pla<'e i11 so blast t'<l glnr ious : S mog, I a:.t <'r roncl11, and the <'Ontinuin~ h igh le\'el of development in Newpo rt M l'<'l n 'al aonal facalat ies. I Thl' <'Xpt>ncnce of one particular family , Jiving in a 11uburb 11f l'asaJ cna , 1llust rak s t he l:jtory q uit e nicely. These pc>op le bPramC' mrmlx>rs of the Ba lboa Bay Club, a nd t horoughly l'njoycd t hr sociaii ancl recrea t ional a ctivities 1 it pr vrnlf'd fM e\'l'ry m<'mber of the family. As a next :-;tq1 in th eir link wrth this community. they took a houire m :\<'wport for t he s ummer . In September . at vacat ion's t'nd. thl'Y wrre comp!et ely enamored of the area. Sad-eyed, they packed up and returned to Pasadena on what prove<l t o be 11ne of the s m oggiest days of t he year . T hey were so discouraged t hat t ht'Y turnrrt ri~h t a round, came back to N<'wport. Thoy pul t hl'ir children in school here and bought I a ho use. T he fat her. a professiona l m an , found tha t he could 1 ma ke quick trips to town via freeway whenever necessary. And now the family li\'t'S here permanently a nd accounts for I four of the l ,53D·plus persons making up the latest cens us e.st amate d cscrilx>d in Monday's News·Press. T h is is j ust one <'Xample of t he tre nd. We hear numorous ston <'s of this t yre at the Club. because so many of our I members a re in\'Ol\'cd in the m o,·cm ent. While m an y ARE from Pa!\adc na. t hey nlso cume from Holl ood, Beverly HillR. 1u1d any other pince in Los Angeles ~nty you care 1 to na me. Wt!'re proud of th<' fact tha t so large a segment ot t he new population has been int roduced t o t he area throu gh mem bership in t h(• Balboa Bay Club. These citizens are con- tributing a g rcnt cleat t o t he city's business. professional and cultural way of li fe, ri nd it's good to have them here. I THIS S UN DY : Father bas his day June 19 ("And why I not," R:l id one wife, "there's a National Prune W eek, isn't t here?") Numerous dads will be relieved of at least one duty -ca rving the Sunday roast-w hen mom and the kids treat I him t o dinner at the C lub ... THIS MONDAY : The BBC dining room is open seven days a week ... J UN E 25 and 26: I Valky Hunt Club tl'nnis players duel in the sun with BBC n<'tt<'rs. W on•l er h ow many or the visitors-t hey're from P asadC'nn, you k now-will decide t o stay? EXPERIMENTAL. IOAT LAUNCHED With I\ crark of th~ trlldltlonl\J champ&gnl' b<>ttlr , Mni. T. E. Thal of 1 l :?O Kinirs Road lnunchl'I tho fAmll.~ ·11 new all-mahor any fi ber 1t\11!'11 bMt. ~t WM !lP~l~l'd a.n•I 'built by Johnny Norek of :'>01 !lflth St. Th11l, hl'lll1 of Th&k() Flbergl&H In Lot An1ele1, aald tht boAt Y.'!IA built lo demonstrate the u11e of flbrrglu1. It I.I the first Ume the materltll ha11 b<'en ueetf to thll vttenl, lit 1a1c1. Cryatalln. mruuru 38 feeL -Staff Photo MAKE .. us PROVE IT "We ha\·1 allo'Wll muy automobile clrfven lllow t• M'l"t mooty Ulo Stat• Farm "'7• l llllt a1n m the opportwtlty to prove to you the mo8"1 ta\1ns-advantal"N of tbl unique 4Jffereat plaa plonee"'4 II~ State' Fann. State Fann Insuranc e Co. RLOOMl~GTOX, n.L W. L t.a..i1e 1 ~3 E. l':tb St., Coi.ta Mf'M u 8-1011 LIDO DRUGS HARBOR DRUGS BALBOA DRUGS "OM of tb• Udo tuaops" SSOl E. Cout Hy •• Corona del 11.ar 3481 Via Udo, Nf'\\yort Beach 718 E. Balboa Blvd.; Balt>o. Gl~E HIM A , SHAVEMASTEll CLOS EK CLEANE• SHAVES IS Lf:~S Tl'.\lE 5 Year FrH Service Guarantee JlEPEATINO BY POPCLAR DEMA..""f'D • I Parakeet and Cage ''ETS 000 FOOD TIDE 1,a,,: s1 ......... 28c Giant ~lu 68c • AJAX,.. .,, 2 , .. 1~ UE 17 WAX PAPER ..... U 5-ft. c JlEYNOLDI 22c FOIL di TOWELS 2 ... 29c ~ Charcoal Briquettes 10 LB8. 8CJc 4-0 HOUJL ALARM CLOCK aeg. $2.f.8 s1n Value I VINCENT'S ICE ,CREAM Hand pack pints 30t· Hand pack qts. 59r Single dip cones .Sc Double dip. cone JOr i Ga1. Ready Men's Briefs ly S.per Tex 8l1e1 II Ulna II Pair 1rr WIN A FORD THUNDER8lRD in .N_ew lpana'! l.A.Contest! RCA 45 "VICTROLA" DAD SAYS! IA.BC "BEER Pride Of Indiana !I Years Old 8tr&it'ht s3n . •11,100 IM PRIZES .,1 '\' /~ AutomaUc PboDoJrapb Complete "1th LlateD· en Dtl'Mt Mid (ileD Miller, Vol. I AlbumL =~:-.... .... . __ ']9'5 Now Is The Time To Enjoy Cooking Out Of Doors. BE WILL LOVE DC>DfG THE JOB WITH ONS 01' TB.ID rINZ Bll.illZJll BA. •. l .IOWL BRAZIER 19" Portable A: l'olcllnr For SU>r'"re Reg. cans 6 '" 97c I In the Liquor and Beverage Department Twin Drobny .£! Oaks Bo\Ued Vodka m l ond 7 Yean OJ~ 80 Proof 100 Proof s351 $267 SPECIALS for June 16, 17, 18 lll&SIB will ltring you closer to HIM . De41 wlll thf1tk ., '" 9"" 4 •Y he 11111 llNOI MIN TOILITalH . roa IUlf'I TOILST&IU U1'0 '1 JD~KT s500 OA.ITLZ gmz ColOCJne & Lotion CoLOG~llB s2so OLD. sPiCi'TArc $1.00 ------.... Old SplceCoiOgne ~&$1.75 1 Old Spice After Shave Lotion $1.00 & $1.75 OL1> sPiCElif $2.00 A!ur B!l&n Lotion -a moo\b llian ..-..-----OLD SPICiSET $2.00 OO LOONZ -AFTER BRAVE L01101' OLDS~ TRA YELER SET For T,..nlin« --l'alc -Sbave Lo\iO'O ----.,_,,, Old SpiCeliefUie set 515 f.'1tb Soap, Shaving Soap. Bbavins Lotion. Colom e. Talc. Portnble -Insulated CAPE COD Refrigerator s92s azo. s~.911 U TZ BA T H ROOM ~~~~;-'41t Pink, Blne l\nd White. Pack 79c I ~~-rtNa j I C'A•• 0, 6 HAU'·QAUON s or,, E ll rwa I l nnai . • ' • .... I RAUSA FINDS B'1LLET HOLE IN TIRE; ~HOT UNEXPLAINED SA..~TA ASA, 10CNS) -~r .. ld Rauaa, 2i30 NeWport Blvd., Newportt Beacl\, Is unable to expla.in a my1terloua buJlt't hole whtr h tlattf'ned .. ttre on hi.a C6l' Monday· nev Hell Ave. and Ha rbor Bh·d., Sherllf'• dt'pUUea Mld, . St'r.'tCtl 1tattvn attendant Rloh Ha.hn of 409 E. 29th ~t . S ewport Beach, found the alug hole when he st.art~ to fix the tire. He c11.lled dt•putlu. Dt>putlu aald the holi' waa made by • .:!;? or .32 cahbre bullet. The' 11lug waim't rou nd. Rau11a aald he knew ot no threats or peculiar carcumstancu a.nd w ... at a loss lo e.x- plaJn thr tncldr nt. . --In C' ht'• tall, ~lgha 168 pound.-. I era, • rt>d a.nd blut> pin 1lriP41 rord I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PASE J hu brown ha.Ir and brown 4'yU . ah1n and brown lot.fer ahoea, •hf THURSDAY, JUNE I b, 1955 He wa.s wurlng light blue tro11t · 1aid. --+rord lo . Arrswar Mlssl•t FWtennaa---Sought by Police -CHILDREN'S BAREFOOT S-ANDAt CITY'S LARGEST FLAG 7 Marking rlag Day, Tursday, Don Munson. re.l11ed whal he ~­ llen ·s t•• btc• the c1ty'l!I largc8t flag. 10 by 20 feet, at N~wport H flrbor f'o,.t 291 of the Aml.'rH·as1 Legfon. The !111g was flrst flown on a bl\ltll!llhlp on whlch aome member. of lhe local poet 11e1'\'t'd during t he last war. -Staff Photo Model Homes of Fairview Rancho Open to Preview This Week-end ThrH• 111.11d1•l.s of the homes in J ral'H a.re pa.rt ot the landscaping'. t he nrw Fa11 \'\ew Ranchos will be Two outdoor fioodltghtll and a . . , garden light attached lo • p~nter on c11,.play thus "'r ek-cnd, accord-box point to outalde living. Ing to nfrtctnl11 o r the Pioneer ----------- LArul n •. salr:. ag~nts. Th .. hqmcs l'll n h" • •·ar hru by clrlvin$l to Brla- t<•l l't 1tnd J.'11lr\!lt'W A \'f', Tt11·rr w all h" '..':! l'XtPrlor de· John LanCJ•nheim Is Fint Classman s1i:n .. f r>1111 whit h 1 .. <'h"''"''· Homes 1 A report pubha.hecl In the Ne,,.~- ar,, l'hillnt"I \I 1th two b(·(lroom.5 I Press that John Lan enhelm ad· nnd 11 ii· 11 ''" wllh th n.•.: bedrooms. K gr Th<")' a1 .. J, ~1~1w<1 t-. ~rlt for $12,: unlf.'d this year from Annapolla l!.'1"1 1111<1 f I Z !•:•'• Wllh no down w1u lm·orrct·l. H ay Uini:1•nhe1m, p1t1•111. 11+ t"n"" l••r Cl's, has at.lviioetl. Th•• 1:01111 R a r" t·••mplett ly l«n.J-j J ohn LangPrtheim ia a first class- lll'lll't' I, tn ·lu1lrn;; lawn,., annual man (his year. He Is curuntly on pl.1111 . ._ .shnih.• . .:rmmd c<>\'er and a European training l'rur~e and Ire.:.". n 1t ... 1cle Ar.-.1 as C'O\'"red by will return lo the :"'a val Academy Fpnnkl.-1.-. nl'xt fall. H P will grarluate In l'a t 1oi1 nnd rn11 .. 1d .. r uncr<'te lt>r -1956. I E~,~~~~~· ~~~~~e Mn vm Ruullll F ord, 21 , 2381 Rodt'O P lacr. Co11l1t Mesa., will fsce pre· ltmlnary hearing In Orangr-Santa Ana ~1unlcipal Courl at 10 a.m. June 21 on a felonlow• e~rapl' ~hari;t> A r<'llllt'd (J f rohti<·1 y ond l.lur· glory. Fon t es1·a 1w1! from an Or: ani;r (.;ounty H11~111tul mar-"<' Jurt'' 10. H~ w as apprd11•111kd :.!t hour!! later by Santa Ana police Judge Howard Cameron T uesday. He ls field in heu ur JJOOO b1ttl on Ute f'l!<'apc count. Ford nn1! Roos<'vt'll G. \\'tlktnll. :.!:!, r.f <;osto ~lesll have been lmkPrl l o a elnn$l or Orange County burglart"ll nnd a Garden GrO\'e arnwd robbt>ry. Fre11ch ' Hl.Aant ROUS 6tw 12' ...... Uc) ,-.::o-11.: .... ,~s~~~=iL COSTA KESA 1100 Newport Bh d. CORONA DEL MAK IOS Clout Hwy. ACORD'S LAG~A B.CACB 281 Broadway BA.LBOA ISLAND 200 M&rlDe A ve. NEW PORT BEACB 820 Coan B"'l'· See the New Deluxe Airfoam _LIDO ST.UDIO COUCH only s99sa Solid mahogany frame , finished in natu·ral, walnut or black ... 41 inch Foam Latex ·Seat Cllshion - Wedge Bolster_s ... Large ~election of . Attrac- tive Decorator Fabrics .. High style at Low Price. See them now at NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. 2620 West Coast HiCJhw~y Newport leach LI 1·1113 • Police today wt're looklnf ror Joseph Caruso, :!9 or D\l&rtt>, pos- sible amnt>J1la \'1Ct1m. who appar- enUy rentM a boat Sa turJRy afternoon at l\'orm'I! Landtng to go fishing. Officers said lhe man'a car wu found la.st night In lhe landang'11 parking lot with the keys In it. :\tary Carw10, wif P or the ml~­ lng man. l'ulled :'\ewpon polrce last ni~ht. She sa1•l her husband ld t their home e l 5 K. m. Sa1ttr · 1!1ty He r<>porlrdly arra\·e<I lw re a t 3 p. m. the same dH)'. A<·ror.J- lng to inron na taon. .ht• 1·t•nted /1 I 2·tt. dinghy paln11 .. 1 r ffi out11lda and grey Inside. Mrs. Can 1sp aa1d her husbi.nd has bet'n an tullnt'!I& victim in lht' past. She 11&id he is II reel. l t I ~ Comes in white, brown afld red Cushion Crepe Soles Leather Uppers • a terrific value at ·199 SIMI 5 to J ' N•xt to Safeway COST A MESA &At~ ew&Na,ereNIN6/ TIDE C All.PUl'°SI 5 9 3 . 69 ~~25~ ( -P~~:o ( giant size PARADE DETERGENT R!t~l~~TIN i.,.~ 63c 10 ~~g 73c S-111. bag • • • 39' '':Z;: 25< ~;: 49~.· W edccnd V aJucs at Safeway! ·SWISS CHEESE ~ 59c Y~iIN!a rmcu1! 23c Deli~iously different. bet· 39' ter. reed Devil'a food SquCJTel RIGULARL Y 45c CUR1SY llUlfAST SIAlS Choice of HOM)'·Nvt, Jelly, Iced Nvt. ··1~ plr9. of 2 Add 2 parta wotef'. for 3 qla. milk. LOCAL MILK AREA PnIC'ES C.ctll._ 6-en ICE CREAM Highest qva lity a nd p urest ingredients 11Md. U.S. CIOY'T INIHCTm 0..11 ...... cl>kll•fll whldl "-•• -USOA tifl4 ljNClfic•ti...• ffff whet.~•.,. ... , .wi ...... ,. leffwtty. Now yov con hove all the HM ond convenience of reody·to-fry froie" chlclcenl Manor HovM pr-'" ON- l Y Gowrnrnent Grode A chlchna. SPfCIAl PalCfl fVISCflATfD, CUT.UP » IOMIUIT....... 3ftc •1 Qvollty. ~ 7 - IOUm IONILlll. ~451 MILD C•f. •. 451 IONIUSS lllSKn 73c llt. USDA CHOICI .... 7" c111, ht .S riba. Aged ond !rimmed. DAINTEES ILA~':iwK •.65c , GROUND BEEF Smoked Porte 811tt1-l to 3-lb. o verage. FISH STICKS u~:;:35c CAPTAIN'S CHOICf . Breaded. Ready to fry. WHITING 1 v::;. 39c CAPTAIN'S CHOICE. frHh frozen. Orovlld ,....., c6oUy fnNl'I ...-.,, juicy chvnb of .. lectM beef un- der ...._ IMpeetieftl Pochcl '" clear Vlalii"8 lm-41....., '- pvr protect .. 11. HeW. ltt ..tv1M in -'il"81 3ftc ,.,. In ftnor. •. 7 MELROSE COOKIES GINGER, VANlllA, 2 lb. 4ftc OR lEMON SNAPS. "9 7. TMISMONTHt CHOCOLAH ALMOND. 2 :!.':. 4 7 c lll~llllllll~llllllllllllllll~lllllllillllllilllllllllllllll~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfflllllrul111rr ~~l LARGE NORTHERN ROY AL Juicy, rich, and Sweet. SPECIA~ AVOCADOS FUERTE. EXTRA LARGE. hcept•onolly low procedl CRISP; TOPS OFF; fRESHI 5' Vo1om1n·rich, moisture relo1nedl lb. CARROTS GREEN BEANS l<ENTUCKY WONDHS. Criap, frHh, ond tender! 2~.25' PEACHES Northern Robbin,, LEMONS lb.~25' 15( 1111. Lorge •ill'9; thin-akinned. 12, 1111. CUCUMBERS UC~ 5' long, grHn. firm·meoted. LETTUCE Crup, lorge heoda. JnLL PICKLES "g:ro~~~Ns!v~~N 'i·""i~ 59c SLICED BEETS fAN~~':,~llTY. '6::~ 1oc ENRICHED FLOUR ;~' .. ~=~;:," ~ 45c 1°b!!:; 99c FLEET Mix llTTD llSCUIT Mlx-u .. for . wofflea, dumplings, •hort coke, tool SALAD DRESSING ~~·~~"=" ZEE TISSUE TOfLR PAPD. Ti.. "powder-pu.ff" tiu ue in aoft colora or pure whitel Best Beer ,. ,........ 6 ,, .... 1n. 1._.... 1 ,.N,U IUIY """""· 3n. ..... 0,. ·~'' ~· 7-NKll II •••NO ..... 7- -All purpoae SWEDISH STAINtESS STEEl SERVING SET S4.00 volvel bquili'9 modern delign. Yovrs foy I label& 1 2 5 (De1ol11 on bottle) e Mayday Oil f·or 1olod1, frying. ond baking. "u•n55c ... .... Sl'ORE HOC-RS Daily t a.m. to 8 p.n>· ffrtday tll 9 p.m .) Sunda1 t a.m. &o t p.m. 17Z2 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OP PARK~O OH LABOE PAV.ED LOT • •, .. .. ~ ......... , .. • PASE 4 PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS THURSDAY. J UNE 16, 1955 · Pictures of. 286 Graduates of NHUHS in News-Press TOP HO\\' -Nanry Long. Ellis Mendenhall, Ann Gibson, Ruth !Judky: lower row. ·Grace McDermott, Marvellee Moody, Patricia Gre1gg, Cynelle Dysart. \ TOP RO\\' -Grl"gg B:n:ter. Oona Id Beaty. Felicia Beltran, Barbara Berry : lower row. Barbara Blair, J im Blue. Ken Bodenhuefer. Joan Boosey. TOP RO\\' -Noel :-;helcny. :-iamlra SPhm1 It. Sally ~lm-Hkr. Janet Shrout: lower row. Mary Sinclair, Gordon :Siple, J udy Sleeper . Clare Smith. TOP ROW -Deanna Hil'h nrrl!'lon, Din-id C11mer. Andrf':t ~chulber~. Mike Vaile; low- er row. Donald Sedan. Ed Shaffer. Carol Shaw. John Shawhan. TOP ROW -D1u-en Groth. U\rry B11il<.'y. ~1ary Ann I '"n .... ri1or1 !'at \\'~, d : l"•\\·r row, Mikt' Hanshaw. Mary Ba111•r ~!1k1• n oskr I. ~l arla1rfr ~t!"rnll. • TOI' HOW -George MoorC', Paul Moore. Marcia Morehead, Jack Musselman: lower row; Harold Musselman, Dick Reddick, Bob Meyers, ·Frank Navarro. An 11111"'rtant mil" 1t<>nf' in the only the bej?lnn lng of more Mr1ou1 11\'t'g or 286 :-\twp11r t Ha1bor •t~I)'. For f'Uh boy and rtrl. Llnmn High Sc·ho11l st•111or1J waa n1>W Ii young m&ll and woman. I' r"ll <'ht'd ye11tf'rti11y wh,.n the t"las11 "''"" a n lmf)(lrtant acb.lewment. waii 11r8du1Uetl. ll wa>1 a record Parl'n la and (r!tinda pve Ui. cl.ag for t.hr .iclu>oL u cttrl1u l'.!lllllllJbttr-en:n~ end .mc:m:wn tain v.-1<r'11 nurobel' bv 60. To<l11y Wll!hrs fnr a IJUCCetuJ1ul lite &!Mad. the.-N.ew11-P.r\'.Sll print!' lhl'lr Inda-Many t"nuld remember their own v1<11111I pit•tur"s m Part8 I and 11. i:nt<luarlon daya and UM teeltnf of i.·or some at wu the end of the 1103talgla whil'h alwaya Neme l9 edut'&tlon'll ltne. For lltlnlfl ll wu 1 han.g In the atr. TH E s p 0 RT s w A r·c H ~y BILL Pllil.LIPS M,.yi,.. lly th.. Ume thl1 goe8 done Lhe m ile II.II a pn-p tutu lnt11 print. Tod \Vhlte's future edu-1 than Loulio Zamperlnl or Max Tru• catannal stu111s wlll h8VI' a:111umed ex or Hob S1•aman ev(•r did, yoia ~nme bR~ls or order m the young can f1,.n.ire on gallopinf after re-· man's mind. But early thl1 week, cords nnly •o long. Thm you 1to• Toe\ had morf' problems than he tn get '?Y all the reat ot your lit-. t-vior faced In planning atrategy So Lhe Idea la to corne up wllll for running to victory In the mile. a wnalble mlllture-. eollep wit.la You eee. aa a fl'\IY who h~ pol-a good traclc team capable of stv- l~hf'd off the mile In 4 :20 while lng a guy a r-ood education. still In high s~hool, White fac<c"d l:.OTS OF RllMORS u tougher decl10ion than the aver- uge high school graduate. Where For a lime. n1mora had It Tod tlle non·ch11mp1on athlt'lt-merely would elthrr go t-0 USC or Oc· <!cc.ides. ''Sha II 1 go to work or to I cidental. Thie waa only natural '---lhJi~ollri;e wherl' the old man since ~ho1e campu11e1 contain Call· gradua tPd 7" Tod was swamped I !ornlA • two ~lit tru·k 9e1uada. with Rll tvpe of encouragement It's certain that Coach Don Burna frnm varl~us 10011rcea to a ttend I of Hubor High wu h~pln1t Ti~ this l't'ho11J und. that. would pick o~ SC. Th11t a becanM THIS IS SIMPLE~ It wu Buma atomplng rrounda. There w1<1< no traditional 1chool Other• mu1t have been boplnr TOP ROW -= Sally Pfiste r. Maria Pleger. Richard Pleger. Redmon Poague; lower row. Carolyn Ragan: Richard Rager, Ann Ralston, Fred Ray. TOP ROW -Ron Chase, Tom Childs, Tony Paleferi. Tom Pearson: lower row, Pat . Chrisfrnsen, Tonye Christ ensen, Cora Peters, Carol Pfister. 111 the tumlly to make this cholct' the nme way. 8 Pfore and after and Pas1t·r. either. Stroller W hite. the State Med cl....,,lc reeled ott Tod'8 dAd. 11tten11ed both the Uni· by While, Max Truex ot Warsaw, ver111ty of Washington and Oregon. Indiana. a fre11hman at Troyvtlle, Mrll. Whit.-went to U1e l'niversity wllJI carefully taking earl!' of Tod'• of Montana . .Aud Tod did manage equipment. Tod'• • :20 broke to makt' hi~ ta.,k simpher. He dt>-Truex'a national prep mark of rid<'d nnt to i:-o out-of-state, but 4:20.4. Aa you know, White'• re• to stick to the California lnslitu-cord @lood for all ot a week. Then Uona. Tom Shutka ot N'e'A'"'Jeney wbUr- St!ll. ('onfu11ion ra n rampant. As ed the oval In 4 :19.~. the cuse of whlcl'I college grew In· NO FOKF.810HT t"reit.~lpgly morP dirf1cult. Mrs. That dJdn'l dlml1h the collq'• While ~rote her mother. "Thia l!I l11tio urglnga bombarding Tod out the ye11r of the jCT'eat decision." thia way. however. Artct.-U. .)Vhite Sbt> ju11t wa.sn't kidding. When I was ln California and Shutka 'way tolked toher Monday, ahe aald Tod back eut . And the g~eral teellnc planned to wait a few more daya la that White hun't' enn berun be fore a final choice. to run. He'• juat a little fella ADDED l:DUCAnON who'• rot plenty ot p-owtnr up •"This wholf!' thing hu ~~n In· left to do. Wa.lt until thla boy teresttng and edut"atlon&I. was, get11 his fu ll lung-power. la the th" wf<y Mrs. White underslatf!'d concen11us Then watch out four-th<' sltURt11111. ~;l<pec1alh.• with · mlnu!e mile! <'l•·,·er rrll'n•l!I and n.e.i.1:hbors rtem· ally ~n't•lillJ: mPlllbPrs nr thf!' All I personally hope la that 'WhHP famli\' with. "\\'hat's b' Tod'11 finfti choice t uma out to be d,.111~? w ait.mg f11r the best or-w ithin r t'a.'IOnable driving diet.an~ frr•" of Newport Harbor. I'd ilJc1 to be \\'ell. n''"" !t'I' obvioui1 Tod llke!I on hand when Tod 11t11rta fractur- trsrk and wouh! hk~ to attend IL mg that four-minute barrier. Jual cnlJ,•ge wath a l:'O()d track team. eelfl&h that way. l gi.ie ... Eut 11 la<! hke this boy. modP11l But hm't It Pf!'CUltar that a dad as 10 his ab1llt1es and sudden name<1 Stroller wun't ta.r-.eelnr. famr, ·knows. therr's more to tl enough to tag hie young 'un ln lhBn just c1rdlnir a cinderpalh on iolmllar vein. You know, Runner 90me campus. Even if you have While! • 'Hight !n Mazatlan' Theme of BAC 1955 Ladies' Night Ry ~TF.LI. '~rns. K.\ \') ;\IARSllALL ";\ =-:aght In J\lttZJllan" was t he th"tnl' of th• annual ladies nl;:hl of thr B1tlb1111 Anghn.1: Club, 11taged 8t tl:e Am•'11ra11 LegHm Hall, J une i . Owr 200 mrmb••rs and friends wrrr on det"k Qnd .irot Into a 11outh- or ·lhe·borl\"r mnntl. Co<'ktall11, d1n-f ner ftnd d11nclng wrre enlt!l"laln- m••nt. The t hemr 1rnd tl••rnr nf the par· ty WI\!< h"TI""'"'' frHJll the art110llC, fun·lt•\'tni; M.·x1,11n P'"'l'I<'. Thf' banqu~t r11nm "'"" lin<'tl O\'erhr ad wath mulupll'·rulutrt! na1:11. c.·,\:-.;uu:1.1ti11T no:n lhe limit. Mt-mbera trlp~d the light fantutic to the rhythmical lltralns or South American mualc. The ~ala featurea of thla party were pl11nncd and put Into effect by Mrs .• leAn Van Dame, chairman, M10it1led by Mra. Rou Greeley, Mra. Hub Powera, Mn. P. Fred Johnaon, Mra. Betty Wat.on, Mra. Leonard Klng11baker, Mn. Anrua PottPr, Mra. Norman Carl-. Mra. c. E. DO•h and Mra. Robert H. Olander and many other1. Long. Beach State !':nft mellow r11 n111Pll(;ht !l!ckt r-Sta· rts Summer Nl "fl"n rNI Anll whttl rhttkcred I"'\'-t·.1h1"dnth~. L11r~f' ha•kPll! nf l rO· p1 .. 11l l ~U1l, f:pamsh r1t11• Rnli "trRW College Sess1·on ' ~"l TOP JlO\\ -~TargarC'l Cl11rk. 11at Clemence. Robt-rt Coane, Gail Colliers: lower row, Diane }:randalLDfanc Crane. Anette Crawford, Lynn Scliachnar, - TOP ROW Jnn NE'wkirk . Ronni<.' Nt'wli.1 .. Denise Nile!'. Sue Beu ; lower row, Bon- nie Nuwells. J .1 .... 0 Htrander, Dan Page, Lynn Bo<»iley. Junkrvs faVflrs C'•lmplPlt>d the de-: 1 r11rnt111rll. l nflll"tH'ini: the 11cen,, I Long Beach 'Stat~ College •um- W !'I r· U1e '0101 r111 Spa111r1h c·w•tume.'t mer JOr•slon 11 now open and w1ll W1J111 hy btlth thr wnm~n 11nd !hear 1 nm through July 29. A J>09t-1u- e:w<lrtll Sn a r• 1 i•'l'l repllra or an sion 81tmmer achoo! will run Aug. cnrhAnt1ni; !'\'• 11111.; s;unPwh,.rl' In I J • 12 tor two unit oourM and nl•I J\1 ,.,w·n wa~ gtv"n "' " lfind I Aug. J -19 for three unit coun1em <1( tr11nq111laly and fnrnflly t1p11 il. whlr h will be largely compoeed ot Thr d1•l1<'1n11s tJlnn"r. 11ervet1, .1no,, ec1ucat1on,cour11e11 leadln1 to teach- w11:< 11f !'.l l'xtrnn ,.,.n,,ty. A r roz , ing credent1111t1, ton l'111ln 1i'h1fken with rice! j 1,..~0 one wtil be allowed to reg- pit!<'" tip r•'>11atnn1·p w•'3 prepared lllter after \\'ednelKlay anct. a ff'e Cro111 " r Pdpr thnt Willi handl'd of S2 will be charged atter today, dowi through llw Y"krl' from <1n accor<11ng to J. We11ley Bratton. old M•'Xll'Hn family. H<>nMs lt'l tn dP11n n( the 1111mmer 1e .. lon. Thi' Fri•<! ·i;irr l'hnrn 1 proprietor or thP suninu•r seMlon enrolled 2&eT Hurl<'." H<·ll 1 wlin .wa" in chA rgc puplls Jut year and an appr•cl- of lh•· • u1a1 r.•· ti• pn.rlm,,nt. I Rl>IP inr reue 11 Indicated tor Ulla ~l nOC'AI. PftO<iRA:\f ye11.r. In addlUon to the ~Jar . Art<>t dannrr the mu,.lcal pm· .-o11rs,. offerlngw the college la eon· gram featun'd l'eplto Perez. whn I <1ucting a number of worui.op. 111\!l)t' two h\·ety nufn-be.r.t whlrh "41l that ~"n'Y colfege <'realt:. - !hr ('rowrt 1n tempo to 11ccep1 the On the •Kenda thllt aumm• wtD rhymNJ rhAll<'ngr thal the l!ky 111 l bf' a remerli11.I readln« clinic, J une 1 20 · Auir. 12 14 unlt.11; 1ummer Poll.Ce Arrest thfl'8tre work•hop. J une 20-July 29 < 2 unit• l: <"ooperatih eoun· 8"1nr tr11.lnlng. Jun,. 20 ·July 2t Mesa Juvenl.leS I '6 unlta1: aviation fduca.Uon work10hnp. Aug l -Allg'. JI (2 Sh 1 unill!; f&maly life educa tion work• Near CdM op .,.hop. J 11ne 21J·.luly 29 ,J unit.I); &fll',.,.h rorrer tlon w ork•l)op, J une ThP·f' 14 .,n·Rr"<tld Coatll Men 2n.J 11ly 20 r:i 11n1t11 .aummer or- t>oyi< ""'re pk k!'fl up Parly Tue~· d11y n111rn1ni:-hy :-; •. wr<.rt HP11rh pollr,. wltrn I hr'\' WN<' obaf'rn •rl runnml:' 11long Co8Jlt Hlghw11y IL M :<rl(ll('rll" Al'P I Hf11·,.r11 111ilfl th" )'Olltha told lhrm lh"r W• re ll:'llng to ae" 11 frtPntl In SRn J uan Capilll1 ano rhP11tr11. w1Jrk11hop, June 20-July 2!l 11 unit•; !11 vllw1ld ConMrvaUon I'• h<1<•I. J une io.A Ulf. II 1<i unit.I): w•1rk~hnp in ,.1Juc11llon flf mt,ntally r<'l111rt~·I. .lune 20-J uly 29 (3-& un1t111, art contertnce 11nd ftlm fe8Uv&I, fiaturday, J uly 9. A rt .. r <tll<'l"tlontnj:. they admlll"" Diver Mask Taken thl'y w,.,,. In the ft llf'v hPhln<1 th\' Mis.• :'of11frrt shnp whf'n pnlice pt1l· Theft (J( ,,.n a lum1n11m dl'Nt'a rnlcrl t hf!' 1111 .. y a f,.w m1nut<'11 be· ft1<'11 muk tmm tht' boat 811Yer fort Spray w11J1 rf'porte'1 flaturd~ lo flffl,.,.n ~111<1 whtn th"Y w,.nt poll• I' by rtol11n1l ThomJlflOT'I, I~ bv t he !!hop. th\'y hunt a 11tra nge 3Jrd St vaJUf''1 at 1711, th• muk not-'e. like a board 1napp1ng. Thr w1U1 l11.k11n by cut ting the b04le boy• wn e booked Qn lar k of p11r-Inoa(> from II. ThompllOn t~ld po- entaJ control undf'r the JuvenllP Ur e. He aalo1 thlevu 91\teNd t.he ,code ~nd 11ppllcallon for petition• brl11t while he wu ulMI' and took were f1IM with juvenlle •uthorl· the muk. The boat la owned by ti-. They wf're rf'lea11e<! to their R.flbert Monro tor whom ~p- pvtnta. ' 1._ wortlA • ·. -_.......,.___... ....... --. Too Late To . Classify COUNCIL SACKS NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I .. PA&E 5 THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 t3---Sltuattons Wan~ -lXA-Apts. for Rent OHU.DH from Fin& Pal" able to dlamlu the gTOUP llOOner Preu ot other wo1 k pre\•t'n ltd th.la. 1he K id, adding a new com· mlHlon would ~ named u 1oon u po.wlble. w1th them rtttntly tn lnmnnal Ill'•· sh.>n. He a nswu rll hi• own quu - llon. "Tht>)"re not In t1n "'r of th!' trallt'r park-thRL a whr you a l"e dl•solvlng them." the dt"fen114' "nt1 pT"OJl«"CUtlon tor his pt•r11:1"1I l\n1I \'l'rd1ct. Howe••r, th" J11,t1t1• rl'fllff•I to ~ad a tran• 11('1 ll't 1•f t h•' 1:111J1d jury Indict• n11•11t. 111:..1 o tft'led by Ule proatc\l• t1on · n.•.1111•.-I J!dn't want any• thing to lnnul"rol'<' me.~ -CLE ANING It JRONTNO by t he LARGE furn. 1 bdnn. apt. Rea.I day,., ~j>erlef\CM. Balboa Island fireplace, a uto. waaher & patio. MpH $12{. JI*' mo. to Sept.. l~th or Dh.iTKK"T CHOICE prettrred,-Kl 3~. $~6 yearly. nit • lwll mOJ1lh1 NUftSl!: or companion. Jl'UIJ undtr-1 1enl). Utll. pd. 213 Colton St., l'\ewporl Bea~h. Call Harbor 11tandlng of diets. By refined 1304-W. 66<'68 In thll vetn. aha fd'iaed the :->ewa-Preaa ahe lhourht the coun- ('11 would do well lo arree o n new L"OmmlHIOntrl <:hosen rrom lhe se\•en 1:ouncll tllstncta Another apukrr <1cclarf'd rumor arolmd town niportt'd conn k t be· twun the commlatton-and lh• city manyer He a.aked Council· man J . 8 . Stodda rd. "tho urller had traC'rcl the romml81!1on'1 hi•· tory, about It. ~l'tlC'lT nr r me th1np In tM ~8t lm<>ny I C'Ouldn't cnmprl'hend." JU.lj:<' l•:v111i. 11tat1'ol bl'fOrt' d!'llvrr- lnit hi,. w11h1·\ "In 11Nll<' l'llllf'I It 111 1w11 ,,,.MHbl.. 111 111'\l lnfr r- .. nn.•" mlf'lt'll'"" ma · be cOMld• tr••tl .. Thi>n h1 r.·t. 1 r.•11 to the pro- IN'llllon'11 "···· a nti AIUtl "tlOWl'\'t!r, fnffr<'nCI' •·nnnot b.-r 1ltd upon In• frrl'Ml'r l\ll r1>ill( ,.f j;\l llt " woman. Good driver. Mn. Hath· I -- away, LI 8-8613. 66p68 l'\EWPORT HEJGHTS. 2 bdr{l1. unrur,n. triplex. Auto. hea l. fan "\\"e are remlu In tlmln(," Stoddard a&Jd. ~Boats. Sup~ A ga1 b. dlsp .. garagt, . paid, yard maintalned . waler Yearly Mr.1. Louis C..enar. ctw\lm1an of thu ouatt'd commwton. rem1nllcd the m11yor ahe had lntormtd the council t.he cha rt.er called for sen•n commiaaloner1 IOOn after tht' document ·wa.a adopted. "l called and uktld when It l the commla· alon) would be reconatltuted and waa told It would be aC'tJng leeal· ly until It wa.s reconatltuted," ahe aaJd. Mr1. Hill admitted the call, saytn1 there wu a ae<:Uon In the charter allowing the commtulon to aerve until reconatltuted. She Mra. T . Dunca.n Strwart. Coro na del Mar. u.Jd, "It 10t1nila 111 thourh the loopholr to gtt rl<1 oc Ole park comm111slon was becau~t It wa• ·a nine • member, not a aevt'n·member r<>mnu 11111on." Sh<' a.ski'd If the commlu 1on could n!lt have u ked two membtora to drop out. She <'ommendt d tht' rommla· alon tor Its commuruty bettem1t'nl work. . rental. 2i 2 Bdwy., Coat.a. Mesa . 34 FT. GAR WOOD cabin cntlac.r, LI 8-2776. 66t!c twin 1cn•w, for trade tor re11I Uberty 8-7112 ea le or will eatate. Phont 66c68 62-ReaJ Eetate "\\'II hotll f11u1<I," t hr judp 8111 \,..j ~l1•rnly, "the \\'h•'le raM fall11 11pa1t · 17 FT. centerboard aailboet.. nylon FOUR J,.OT COR.!\'l!:R, two bed· room home. landacaped with Tlll' \'r1.111 1 of J 111li:r F.vans fol· 11"'''1! Ah1111•l 1111 hi.1ur ,,, m1pl\1111lon• t.t '" i;11nwnl b~ prn~f'<'Ulor .-."n \\'tlhumll u 11 .t <lf'f< n.'lt' counael l'l>1111~ .. _I' \ '111 r aalla A trailer. $7~. U 8·213~. tlowerw. na turala and family 66p68 orchard. House hu newly built large living room wtth fireplace, "'l'r8 ALL OVER, SAM!" -Defense Attorney Charles P. Carr wheels around to face former congressman Sam L . Collins who stands dumbfounded and amazed af- ter the verdict was given in thrir grand theft trial Tuesday. In the back~round, former Superior Court Jud ge F rank Dru mm grabs the hand of an immobile Sam E. Colline who was found innocent along with his father. -OCNS Photo 35-Dogaz Oat.a. Ptt. • attached patio. Property can be pleaded preu of other councU bu.sine ... built up wlth two rental units JUDGE FREES \\'11!111111" t1tl1'mpt n1 to 1ltt.a1l f'a,·h <•t lh,. 'l"j'~ he &llt'Jtr'\I U "11ht1wlni: • I hi' ( '"1lln11es v. tr<' not a('ltn,i: h• n1o111hl\· <·11r1 rhar11:ed Slt.MESE kllttna. Set tht. week-without 1po1Ung privacy, two Mr1. C1tnar'1 atatement. "l tnd Al 118 26th St., Newport bedrooma &nd•lari"e den • etud Beach. Har. 0162-R. 86c th.at can •lttp four. S3~.00G- loa.n c;ommlttment ot fl~.000 TWO Dachahunda. female pupe. plua available. Mila M ae y don't underatand why everythlng we ha~e done hu bffn llltgaJ." wu Joel ln crlea ot "Out ot order. quutlon ! A.nd the motion to re· lleve the commllalon from duly Ver· Coetlnol'd from Ftnt Pai-e 11n lti:al ti rmll th,.1 •• w1111 no proof general liquor llctnllfl for hla ell· of rr1m,., th11t the rmMrullon'1 tabllahmt'nt. 1 cu:<!" w11~ h1111l ~t• H'tly 1•n the In· Thi• wu the third 1 ound ot I !rrenr.·11 1111' ju 11:,. )1tl••r pointed leK&I trial tor th,. cluo. Thri firs t I "P a~ brln.: "ut ,,f tlrd<'r . HALE CO. son 11&ld. "The natural drainage Is g ranted. We feel that It Is un- from Custa ~tesa le to lht' north. w1s,· to take chances where t he Drainage along-Harbor Blvd. la ... 1u1·atlon or our children la con· ConLlnnf'd from Flnt Pa1e thl' C'Ou nty"s ·problem. l'Cmcd. problems In the area were 11ettled. Southworth added, "The 11ubd1-··rn thls case our unanimous de- black A t.a.n. KI ~-27!1~. H c88 . fO-Aotoe and Trucb , GOOD Clean '48 Packard deluxe Bedan. $290 cush. See at High- way Garage, 1740 Newport Blvd. Coeta Ml'a&. 16ce8 tree1, 420 Goldenrod. Corona de! Mar, Ha.rbor 2981-R 86 Bargain Hunter! p wu puHd unanlmou•ly. Councilman Lt'e W ilder aald. "l think lbla ma tter of lllegaJlty I.a a very un!ortunal• one ... evi- Large Lido Lot, 51 ft. a t f'Uterl y dently a legal error was made ... we've accepted every recommend•· lion of the park commtaslon In good faith ... there ahould be no reflection on the park convnta- end, Choice n eighborhood. $1:1,500 BLANCHE GA TES, Realto r cue ended UI arqulltal by Jury ··11·,. " h1t111bl .. thln,i:;· ~11.Jll L. whtn they wul' found not g11tlty Collin~ 1 .. 1t1 o~·~s t1orn &mldal e. ot taking $10 ()()().!.from Mrs. Ella joyful 1 l"l'\\"I 11f ron~atulatorL Louise Duplt lx Counselman for a "l'\'e hnd In ~pen1I $30,000 tor lhl• liquor license tor her TU11L1n bar. momtnt J11't tt1 pro\'e W I' w11r• The Colllnl!U were tried on the not gutlly "' 1<11\'lhlni: \\ hy did ot.htr matter. too. but the cas'·j th•·y •In thl• ll' 11~ In the fm1t. ended 1n 'a hung jury. plllrt' 7" · "Thla lnrludl'I land 11et a.,lde In vl!!lton dot's not divut waler In any 1'1111011 WM reached nJter C'Breful the overall 1<ubtUvisllln ror a com-w·o\'.'' inquiry and much deli~rallon. and munJty pl11y~r1111nd and rec~8lion .:Put the city eng ineer's reccom-nul merl'ly t o Insure domei<llC area. a 11chnol anll a Mrnmt>rclal mendatlon Into the minute.ii," \\'ei· 1 tranqu1llty in Costa Mesa. \\'e crr- aone." Mt'uing rvport .. 11. All the I mer ordered Secretary Sybil Lew-tainly welcome dlrtuences or opin· land tact>ll on c1~lt•r St. • is, .. 80 there won't be any blame Ion u long u such difference• 42-Tnllers 31 1 Marine Ave .. Balboe. Harber 1871 or 1872 b land 66 c68 aton. J udge Evan• -ualped to ll'le Tht' youni;• r t'olllns "' h~I\ h.i. Orange County ~nch trom Mono father's ~ll\trmrnt~. "We'll go County for the.tnaJ-~ave 1evtral bark Into buslnro," hl'I u td, •·u re&11on1 tor hi• Vl'rdlcl today. HI' soon l\S "'I' ct1n get together read the transcript or the earllt r t'nough m11n••y. l:lut this cue hu trial aubmltt.ed to him Monday by cOlt us an awr111 Int of money." A lettr r from t he o range C'oun· on the comml"lon." I ore openly and conatructlvr ly ex-•v Planning c ommission of whi<'h A T 2 32 Jll C!l8cd and bear no mu lice towarrt v . rtl•r 1tpproval of racl ~ . 1 h h I .• . Welmtr Is a member recommPnd-"-. • l 1'1!11' w " !\nest y u1sagree "tlh . ~·ulh"orth recommt>ndeo 8ppru\ • 1 u~ That Is thtlr right under the ed the tentative maps br rllsap-aJ or Tract 23H on cond1t1on all · · Proved 111nce thtre wliJI no appar-r h'-aJ B·'· S b pnnc1plu of our consUtutlonal re· egnllS r g ...., ong .... er l. e I bll \\' be'· •·-th t ent aolutlon to the drainll"C prob-·' •d . •d k S pu c. e ueve a""" a _ our " u < l(8l• to lhe city. Ba er l.. ·ommunlly la truly democratic and Jem. Dlupprovlll ot the m81f>~ was Southwcirth aud. would ha\'e fou r ~hat we should lh·e together In a pending by lht l'OUnty comml1111lon lane!! and parking. when lhl'Y w.ere withdrawn upnn aptr1t of cooperation t nd reapecl annexation of Halecrest to Costa for one another and au alrlve tor x-. BOARD FAILS the eolutlon of the dlverse prob· CO~OllSSIOSERS ('LASH !ems In education today. The board ContTn~d rrom Flnt Pare takes heart In tht fact that apathy Commillsl<>ner E. L. ratterl!On In t he public Is vanlahlng and cl&aht'd w1tti Welo1t'r wh1•n the Mr. N l·lf was not dlsml11sed and rniya that we ron all work to- commission rhalrman declarrt1 10-Willi not dc1:lared to be 1iiUbvHs1vc. gt'lhl'r w1Lh our sup~rlnlPndent In lullon or the 1lri11n11g<• problem The bonrtl 18 not <'quipped to make 'at111!ylng the.needs o! our bumper I along Harhor 8 1\'tl. Ill Clal<'r waa such tm<linJ:"s. He lwla neither been l Cl'Op of youth here In Costa Mesa." the l111hd1vultr's probll'm. Paller-con\·h tetl nor clear·t>d of 11urh I chR rJ:"t'll; In f11rt. lht> bo&rrl do!'~ UPPER BAY Diemer Burial in nut '"''I that such rh11 rgr,.. Wl're evl'r •hrt•t•teJ agalnll t Mr. ="eff pl'r· Continued from Flr1t Pare Vet's Plot Sef sonnlly. The rca110n for uur <le· skiing here. "I'd hate to aee that." 1 c1ston 111 "Imply that he h11." been .10(> Carver ot Carver C'raft 11l wr1 ghrd in the b11lan.·e l'n.J in 17~0 Xewport Bh·d .. Cost.a Mrsa. snme rei1Jl('{'l re.ch or us hnl! found obsen·oo 1l wu tno C'nrly to ct>me tum wanting. but only in regard to any decision about the Umlt:i- to h111 retf•ntton as a rwrmanent lion. "lf the Intent Is to hold It : 1•mployer. It Is our ronci>n!-lus that thrre. the council arllon Is Ul·a'1· Flrat comba.l casualty to be In- terred at Im~ of the !h•J?ll<>I·· In the vrteran11· plot at Harbor Rest C.melrry will be P vt. Jnhn Wil- liam Dll'mrr. on<' tim M ir 2000 1101- • dler11 )"ho lo5t lhP1r ll\"l'll nn a drlve In Kort'a. Fll&>m th'\t nlllrch only 500 returned. Diemer wu only J8 when k11lt'd. He wu b<il'Tl March 9, 1932 at Oorge11 Anron. Canal Zonr. l\nJ be· fore enl• rlni; thl' servlc£' wni1 a bus boy •t KM,tl'• Berry Jl\a.nn. He 1- Ult' son of Mr11. AidR L. Ztdllker, 140 Cabnllo St., Ct\ll la ~fraa. Rrma1r.11 11re t•xpectl'll tomorrow a l R11ltz Mt1rlunry, r o11tl\ Mi>11a Chnp .. I, wh .. re funeral e.rrnngr- • ment11 IH <' pcntling. • Onc:e allhoui;h ht' h11s many commend-\'lsed." Cat:vt>r noted. l 11blc 111111ht1es. In <'Prtllln rrspects he llllks the realistic t hinking 1rnd FIRST AWARD 1 prod!'n<'e wp feel Is requisite tor pf'rn11111t>nt retention. It Is r'gr<'t· • Continued from First Pap abl<' thnl any tearher be denied four 11econd plarea. three lhlrd.9 1 t 1·nlll'I". but in any r1u1e whl.'rt• an1I fl\'<! honorable menWnns. I there la any rea..aunable Joubl as There was a llltol of 114 prlzea I l o a person's aultablllty for per-l111t-ed In the conteat committee re- mancnt retention, we must resolve port rtleued lo the convenUon t hl' tluubt 111:ainl't the 1nd1\'lrluul. tllday. A total of 1406 entries waa \\'p woulr! ralhPr bt> tno ca11t111u,., tnllll'u represf'ntlng ~5 alates. The If nc1 1·i<!'a ry , than 11lhl'rWli>e tn 1•r1zr11 went to new11p1.1pers from 31 )!{'lee 1111n of lho~e lll whom h•nure r11rfr•r <>nt sl&ll'!I. • • • \Ve urge you t o enjoy the t err ific savings o ffered thru the MAPLE of the month CLUB "DIVIDEND No. 3 Available Thurs., Fri. and Sat. O\'er 800 pe rsons h a ve a \·ailed themselves of the s a \'ing o n Dh·idends N o. 1 and 2 ! Don 't miss these opportunities to buy ind ivid ual p ieces of M aple a t cost or below ! The re w ill be a new and d ifferent p iece offe~d ea ch m onth. Register to da y! Th<'re's no obligation to buy the Dividend o r any other merc handise. Join Today . . • Get Your Dividend at Great Savings~ ,1 I -..... ~. .J T1d11 Month'" OMMnd Reir. ,3.9:i Sugar Scoop WALL SHELF s100 (;onrl nnl~· Thul'Mtay, lli'rhl11~' and 8aturda1 Reme mber you do n ot ba\'e t o b uy each o r the 12 d ividends .Thia is a plan whereby lovers of M aple may club to~cth<'r t o purr nnse Maple at cost or below coat. Stop in and Reg ister for Dl\"idcnd N o. 3 T oday! . - ARCADE MAP·LE SHOP · 1750 So. Ma.la St. Santa Ana Kl S-445-1 19M MAYFLOWER Trailer, C'Clm · F OR SALE BY OWNER -R· The question of council motlvea 2 wa.a r alsed by F. T. Martin, l 704 ar W. Ocean Front. He Ufed why • the clly ma.nager and council call· ~ ed for the park comm!Hlon to met p!ele bl\lh, Lido Trailer Park, lot In Corona del Mar. ne Har. 3Z36. Nlte LI 8-7372 or see ll<'hool and 1toru, Ph. Llbert} Rene al Shavln g Mu . g 66cil 8 7624. •• ·Welcome Aboard mateyl I You' re . invited to Inspect the new 'Captain's Cabin' on tfte top-clec:ll at BIDWELL'S Lido Store 3428 Via Lido OPENING Friday, June 17th D"igned as • 1hip'1 interior, the Captain's Cabin is Bidwell's new top-ded shop devoted entirely to the yachtsmen and his ship! You'll find unique items ... and herd to find essentials ••• from gear to gifts .•. all salty! Featuring: Top Sider Deck Shoes . : • Foul Weather Gear Woolen yacht dolhing ... summer weight yacht dothing : .. yacht caps ... personalized ship's linen ••• personalized 1hip'i gleuware .•. and boots for tne snip's library. Featuring: An unique exhibition of marine paintings portraying the southland yechting scene by Rex Brandt, Phil Dike, and Joan Irving. Plus framed originals by the yachtsman's favorite cartoonist ... "Yip," Virgil Franklin Partch! Avail· able for purchase. BIDWELL'S SHOPS FOR MEN 3428 Via Udo and 218 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. • • I • • ' • - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS:PRESS , THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 PART ONE~ PAGE stx _, .. .. , . . . ur rJewpo~f fiartor AGAIN A .. WINNER • • • NOW ' • This time it's two NATIONAL "firsts" won in close competition by the News-Press Women's Editor, Mrs. Winifred Barbre, for ..• "Best ·"omen's Department" -weeklies . ' National Federation of Press Women .Annul H<mtJr AMWd in W ritm' Omlm ~· -~ ·1-~·" ... M'· 'u ~ N• ~ U..iNma, Mlly ll-JJ, 19JJ It was 9reat news for the News-Press women's department to be chosen tops· in California by the California Associa- tion of Press Women for "Best Women's Department" weekl)' and bi-weekly earl- ier this year. With this new honor from the National Federation of Press Women for the same awards the News-Press Women's Editor, Mrs. Winifred Barbre, brings topmost laurels to the Harbor area's most complete NEWS-paper. , "Best Women's Department"-bi-weeklies National Federation of Press Women CA.k~. ,,, ·,, t.t.,... ~~" -f-.1<1 44< ~ Ne111 ~ ~MllJ ll-J.J, 19JJ . _c2. R. ....) c /. (J c.-a · i ... MW ~'•• • .r ' • These top honors N AT I 0 NALLY were awarded for News-Press women's pages which are read twice a week by the Harbor area's most discerning citi- -zens and ci~ic leaders -Newport Harbor women. Newport Harbor:-women -·lhrough their consistent, unmatched readership of YOUR News-Press-are twice a week informed of your local women's activi- ties, many of which aff ed vitally the ·-entire Harbor area. To know what Newport Harbor wo- men are doin9 to better their commun- ity be sure to read each issue of YOUR ' News~ress. ~· MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE • .. HARBQg PRCSS . • CALL HARBOR 1616-SUBSCRIBE TODAY-ONLY SOC PER M.ONTH . -- • • , --- ' . • \ ' ··- HARBORITES tN HA WAil -Mrs. Ruth Lawrence, left, sister of Mrs. Mabel Wright, Balboa Ialand, wu on hand for greeting last week in Honolulu when Mrs. Wright arrived there by Pan American World Airways. Mrs. Lawrence is former Balboa laland resident. De~olay Club Makes Plans for July Picnic When DeMol&y Mothen1 . rneel June 22 at the home of Mrs. C. V. Tumtr, 2!17 Magnolia Ave., Co•ta Meea, arrana-ementa will be com- pleted for a. pot luck eupper on NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor July 27 to which DeMolaya. J ob---------------------------lee and their parenta will be ln- vlted. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE I THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 Plana for the affair were lnau- rura.ted when th• group met re-cenUy In Ana.helm at the Water -------------------------- Whttl. Mrs. Bemlce Huber and Mnt. Jamee McCandhl!h offered to C'ontact molhel"ll or new DeMol1roy lflttiatea. Mrs. Ha.dd R:.,c pre11tded and KfHled two new .nembera, 'Ml"I. George Niquette and Mrs. Theo· dore Elmlln. Mrs. W. S. Freel'Y won the door prize a.nd Mrs. Carl Thom1111 wu In charge of luncheon a rra ngcmenUI. Others pre11ent were Mmn. E. L. Sedelme1r. Earl Gust- key, J . R . Rager and Edward B. Fl1h. FRANCES KNEUBUHL BA Degree From Mills P'rancu Kneubuhl ot Bal· boa lllland wu graduated from M illi College, a t commencement ••erclaee ln th• Oakhrnd cRfnp11~ Gr•k Theat re. Dlplom11 recipi· anti r epretlflnted 22 atate• and .., Hawaii, and 10 foreign countrlu. l"nln cee. daurhter ot Mr. and Mre. S.njam1n F . Kneubuhl of 311 Sapphire Ave. received the bachelor ot uta degru ln p11y· cholO()'. Sh• plan• to tt'ach 11t Immaculate Hee.rt Colleg-e In H ollywood starting In the fall. AcUve In atuJPnt a ffairs al Mille. Franco t.·RS on the steer· FAMOUS ANTHROPOLOGIST WILL SPEAK AT LAGUNA LA.wt evmt ot lhe season for members or the Lag\ma Beach Art A~~oc1ation will be held at the Art Gallery on Saturday at 8 p.m. Dr. J. J. Markey, noted anthropologist, author, writer and world traveler, will gh·e an Uiustrated lectutt on "Early California Culture and Civilization" •• Dr. Markey, prn1<1en1 of the San LuiJI Rey H1atoric11l Society, haa just ~turned from a re5e&rch trip to Mrxlco. He t. well known on radio. television and also among ch-1 c grou))3 throughout the Southland u an authonty on th111 aubJeCl . Dr. Ma rkey ha11 been working with GeorgP Stromer: Laguna. sculptor. on re-conetruct1on wo:k from rerriatns found In thia area of pre-hl11torlc man. BUFFET SUPPER Bridal Couple Is Honored P-TA Duo tnr oommlttee of the World Af· ----------------taJn contel'9nce. &nd wu 11ctlve ,..,_,,... ____________________ ...;;,;;;;;;;~ ln UM Altar Guild a nd the New- man Club. , LMY• Hospital Olen C. Niel. Coat& M-. who bu bMD a paUent a t Anaheim lwlspttal. bu HCC>nred 1uttlclent- b' r.tumed bome. ......,. Beatal ..... ... , •• Coon llr .• C01'0M 4eJ •• , Barbor ~71 COi OM del Mar t Fine Furniture & Accessories Distinctive Decorating Service lalboa Island ( .( I He recth•ed the de(l"M of Mellelor of cMI •n1lnHrln1. 1 Bowman I• t.n oWC't!r 1n the I Navy'• C1\•tl Enrtn~rtnr eorp.. -Milggie Price Photo Mrs. R. S. ·castle Heads National League · Council MRS. 'STERLING PARIS, immediate put pl"Mident of J unior Ebell Club· and Mra. Ronald Birtcher, imme- diate put chalnnan of the youth program, present a $:w> cheek to Duke Cox, general secr etary of Orange County Y.M.C.A., which_ will make it poaaible for two or mo~ Orange Count y boya to attend Camp Osceola in-San Bernardino mount.aina for eight days. Scout Camp Is Next Week Over 300 Glr1 e.nd Brownle Scout.e have reg11tered for Day Camp to be held June 20-24 on Four out.et.&ndlnr Girl • Scout.e were dlo.en by the councJI to a t- tend eummer camp. Peru Buah and Sue Brown will ro to Re(1on- aJ Camp at Bia fear. Ann Glbaon and Diana Sanders will attend Coun1elor In Tralnfnr Ce.mp In Loe Al'lrelea. the bluff near Caatawaye Club, ------------- .DO YOU KNOW , - YOU CAN BUY ftjOmlnJ"to~blC'k Kunbeanl f\lila,·en Natloaally Adnrtlael Wateolilfoe l!IUl\lloa lle Lua'PI• Parkrr &11d 8h•afer PN9 FOR DAD AS LmLE AS et ~LORENZ J E WEL E RS 103 W. 4th St. I Named Chairman Wednesday at Hollywood Session Mrs. Richard S. Castle, 205 E . Bay Ave., waa elected chairman of the council of National Assistance League at the meet!ng held yesterday at the national headquarters in Hollywood. Mrs. Patrick James Kirby, council member from Mn. Sidney Bandera. camp c~r­ man. reported at the final board meeting of the Girl Scout Council. held June 1 a t the Girl Scout Houee with Mra. Ted Hambrook prealdlnr. HOUl"I at "Camp Pt.nhandl'' will be from 9 a.m. lo 3:30 p.m. with a campfire program for par- ente the lut day. Ovemlght.e will be arr1111ged tor older s1rla. Corl· teats. camp roundupa and special event• are planned for each day. Harlan Bowman Graduates in East H arlan Bowman, 224 Coral Ave., wu among approximately 680 1tudent.e recelvtnr de r re e • at !Unuele.er Polytechnic lMtltute'• 49lh commtncemtnl ln Troy. N. J. 8Al\'TA ANA Valdat.ecl Pukln1 Open Frtday1 'UI I p.-. aclivltie11 In Rec) Crou end the Assistance Ltagul', IMIY her uao- clates. F rom the early yee.l"I ot the the AsaU!te.nce League or Pll.8&· dena, was elected vice-chairman of the governing body of NallonaJ Auistance League. Mr1. Harvey Spears ot Fullerton waa re-elected recording Hcretary and Mrs. Con- nelly Dob..'!On, of the Pomona. Val- ley League. chMen corrraponding secretary. Mrs. Allred Wilcox of a-ta Bar'lllera will~ u tre .. - urer. Mrs. Thomu W. SimmoM, u prtsidcnt of the AMl1tan1"e Lea- gue or ~ulhern Cahfom111, la au- tomt1.ticaJly pn'sident of National AaeU!tance J.A.>ague. Newport Asalstanee League, when ance League Chapt4r• In Southern It wu an a uxiliary to the Santa 1 CallfomJa. and di11euS1lnr revl•lons Ana Assistance l.A'ague. then un-to the exl1t1nc by-lawe which wlU der the leaden1h1p of the tall' Mra. 1 1 aid In 1trengthenlnc the national J. L lnrtAe. Kn. c-tle baa bad ftnletm'e ~ UlJa ....... t.ln'Oll'e - a. continuous aervlce ~cord. She ganlzallon. serv;>d as prtslllent or the New-Shown In the annual report for port Aux1li><ry in 1943 and 1944 this put year the Newport Beach I dunng which lime she was all!o A.s,,1!1tance Le&.l'\le hu contributed the head of rf'crMllon on the na-$22,284.07 to welfare and 22.410 tlonal stllff ot the Red Cros11 at \'oluntel'r hours have been spent the Sft.!1\R Ana Army Air BRae. in v.ulou11 Ltllgue project.e. Reclpl· FA.LL SE~SION Plans were dlscus111'•i for the an-She also handlt>d puhllc1ty In the ents of don11tlon11 from the l.A'ague nual meeting o( the 22 All8letance As11istaace 1-eul;\le for four years· have been Hoag Memorial HOl!pl- Leagll!'S which will tAkc plac:e at I 1lunng the bullchn&: ot the small tal. Family Service Agency. 1chol· the Hollywood headquarter1 0£ the Thrtft Shop 11nd the new larger arsh1ps. Girl Scouta of America Founders Cha pter, The Assl~tance one. and Harbor area Boy1' Club. League of Southern Callfornla. on S ATIOSAL C'Ot'S CIL Wednesday, Oct. 26. I She has served conat.antly on the Chairmanship or the national board of directors ot the Le1gue, council ia a well desnve•I honor recently In the cap11clty ot N•· 1 for Mr.R. Ca.stll', w,ho hsa workt>d tlonal C-oun.-11 rtpresl'ntative and tirelessly and endle1111ly for many lhis put yl.'Qr a~ chairman of the years serving both her community 111ltlllne.l by-law11 commltte~. Thls I and country through her varied ha11 meant visiting all the Auist- Village D~apery ~ Interiors Maple Accessories Indoor Shutters Draperies 349 N. Newport Blvd. • 1n Cross Roads Village Store Open 6 days 9:80 -5:30 Clo8ed Sunday111 Liberty 8-84&1 .Sewport Bt-ach I Bay · & Beach Realty l,4!10 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa 3122 LAfayette, Newport Bch. 189~ Npt. Blvd., Cotta Meea s \ LECTONE ~,I W uh Old Colony Sdc<tOM systmt, you an be..,. of ptrfm color harmony btforc you dip your bNlb. Widl 40R colors, all available in Bar, ~mi·gloa1 and high glou finishes, you can ~ ~t of mcctins ~cry paint decorarint rcqu1rcmen1. A11 are ready mixed fcx im~iatt i&K. W11h cvt ry Scleetone color you get Fine Old Colony dependable q ualicy Together tMy mean longer 1~~;~bJ~~~ lasung bnury. Pa1nriog is so CU)' • when you use Fine Old Colony paints and Sclectonc sys<cm. Come in rodif.. wc·u be glad IO hdp J'OIL We Otve Crown St.ampa Open Frtcl&J Eve 'UI t p.m • HOUSEWARES ·MA it i i Alff SUGGESTIONS FOR FATHER'S DAY! • "''"'IU JfDEhl DV OSIT INSUlANCl COO OIATION .. ' - Jackets by White Stag Melton Cloth Slacks C . P. 0. Shirts Shirts by Cisco Top-Sider Yachting Suit Top-Siders Swim Tn1nb by Chco and Jantnn Y achtllHJ Caps u ..... Slacks ·OPIN SUNDAYS HIBACHI BROILER BRAZIER • 2930 W. Coast Hltllway 101 -Ne.,., leacli ' u 1-1722 . - ( I I 1. I ,... \ ~ ...... ... ) PAGE 2 ·PART1 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 Club .. p,.._t ,uarten. at ltll"i Har-New Scout Troop bor Blvd. unUl a perma ntnt home .. obl&lne4. A 11000 ftleCk WH Organizing Monday Changed dtpo-lted t.hl• week to lhe Olrla' Clu,b bulldln( tund. After thrtt movta In one year th• board and m.mbere ot the club are anxJou.1 to obtain .,.rmanent qu.rt.e ra. 8\.. And~w·a P r •ab y t t r I a n A chanp o.t IChtd\lJt l.n \.be houra of the Girl•' Club ot th• Karbor Area for the awnmtr eea· aon wu ded ded at a mtetln&' of the exect.IU\le board Monday nlfbt. The t'lub ~1ll be open from 1 :SO to t :!O lft the attemoon from Mon· day to J'rlda y. On Tuuday . a.nd Wednetday th~ houra will be T to 9 p.m. for c lrla over 12 yeani of a1e a.nd on Jl"rlda.y evenln c\. 7 to 9. tor rtrl• of all q e1. u IA the a.ttemoone. A refrtcerator will be lnatalled to keep eon drink•, Ice cream and candy. -t t paya to reac UI• want ad• Many a bl& deal hu l>etn nt&de Ulrourh a am.all cJa.ultted ad. Chur ch la to •ponaor a n ew Boy Seoul troop and a.ny boy In th .,_ btlwftn •a-•• ot 11 and lt Wt\O II tnterMlf'-11 la tnvUed to Joli\. Flrat mee:tnf wut be helrt Monday, June 20 at 7 p.m. ot u1·• llOCl•I lounce of the church. Adult leaden ar• or(&l\lalnr tllla wMk. MR. AND MRS. SAM MiLLER have·j~st revealed their marriage, ceremony was held in December at Yuma, Ariz. The restaurante1:1:r and his bride, the former Mrs. Bert White, were honored at a rfCe ption attended by 300 friends a nd hosted by Fred Krause, president of Vaux-Inc., and MrB. Krauae. -pon Bush ~~o , MRS. DONALD RAYMOND DICKEY -J. A. 'Hinojos Photo Dickey-Miller Rites Held at Chapel of. Roses Word i-u been received by tht board l.h&l the club may keep Ill SAVE SAFELY At Orange County's Leading Home Lending Institution · CONTINUING PER ANNUM Friends from many cities gathered in th~ Chapel of the Roses, Sierra Madre, for an afternoon c<>remony, performed by the R ev. Curtis Beech. which united Miss Carolyn Lee Miller and Donald Raymond Dicl<ey. The bride is the dau:?h· ter of Mrs. L. E, Hutcbinson of J une Lake and. Al Walter ?.Uller of Siert a Madrf', both ot I whom gave ht>r ln ke<'plng in the man. Also .standtni:-with th·· In 1 I•·· i rtotible ring nu~:· thf' bndPgroom grO(lm W<'re Cha r lt>" I lenrfll 1n .\I 111 the son of Mrll. Dirlcev. :'.lilJ \\'_~Jtrr Miller Jr. and Paul L'st'l· 36th St .• and the late Mr. l:linlon man. ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before "FLORE?li'TJXt: FLORAL" HOMPl:R-Thl11 )'OUtllhll eott:oa a11lt l• lnapJf'f'd by a non.I •kelth made ln Italy e.uhnlvet.1 for .Jantun: t•amed Jantun "l'haJM'·Makr ry" meae" It la a <'Otton with r u lu•ln • Crlnkrl1U1tl«' bM'k lnM'rta for fonn·ftt· tlnit nattf'ry Md hu IW'lf·IOf'klnl( b&c:k r.lppt>r. The bra la k•pt beautiful by u lju,.tablP bonln{ ..• aad It.a 1Snln1t I• opea for Jantr.f'n "Ar••,.nt11" bra pad". J>oublr 11tra11• tur k In for •wmlnc. Jn t"'o fl>mllll ne t"olor comblnatlona, lO·lt, •lt.96. ALOHA PARTY for George.Weedon was hostessed June 11 by Sandye Swanson at her home, 606 Begonia Ave. George and his parents are leaving Sunday for Hawaii, will to\.lr the Islands and return in lat e A ugust . Among the many young people coming for the hon voyage fun was this group which includes (I to r ) Cindy Burney, Fred Shannon, Wendy Gruwell, the ho•teaa, F r ank Beall and in foreground, George Wee'1on. P arents of t h e latter. Mr. and Mrs. George Weedon, were also .present as were 141-. and Mrs. H arry Bellin and Mr. and Mrs. Ha rold Swanson. -Dick Reddick Photo ANNUAL MEET ING Philharmonic C. Oick•'Y· l\'ORV TA FFETA Carol)·n wM charming in 11. t own or pale IYory anrt tulle. The molded bodice with short sleeves and otf-11houlder neckline wa11 de· tailed with pleated insert and or· namenled with Alencon lace. Simi· lar lace handed the chapel length 11kltt .,,,,\lh Ila many 1ayers ot n<'l llnd tulle. A crown of bean. held the 11hort vf'll a.net the prayer book wl)1ch th<> bride carrletl we.a cover· e11 with Eucharist 1111"' and llliea 9f the valley. 'Mothe111 aided In w1>kom1ng guests a t the. recept19n. h~lc1 11t lne Loren J enkin11 home In Sierra Madre, Mrs. H utchlneon wenrlng mauve lace a.nd organdy with pele pink 8C'C~ll~Or1U ¥d white ('Of· eage, and Mra. Dlck~y In pink lace. The new Mrs ntr kry attendee! Pa.aadene. City and Occ11.lental Col· l"gea, WM 8 mE"nibE'r of F!Jl~!an Club and the brlt1<!g-room WM edu· cated In Harbor sch0<>l11. The I 0th of the Month Earn From the I st LAGUNA FEDE RAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION %2% Ocf>an A venue Phone: HY '-ll7'1 e •• Ask Any Islander SOS MaJa • W , c · . L to H old N ovel on1en s 1v1c eagu e Fash ion Sale TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING Will I11duct O ffi cer s Mrs. V1t llry Knudson will be 1 r .. crratlon facilities; proc:urlng of e. Jn•Fsl 11pca ker al the 1nstall11tlon profos.qnnnl recreatlon director, a m celing u[ the Woman's Civic bicycle• path along Ba,vslde Dl'ive. l "'aJ:"Ut' J un•' 21 nt 1n n m al the w1.!Pn1ng of Coa!lt Highway, work V1llll !\larlnn. Mr!'. l\n1Hl-"on I!! on the Eal!ter Wl'<'k et•mm1ttee known !11r h• r b•·a11t1ft•·.•\l<•n \v<1rk itnrl Saf"lY Orl\'e. circulating pe· Wt tit I h•· l.w . All/:l'I< ,; I 'hamb1•r Of l1 Lions !ur str~rt lights, l'l'rvlD~ Comni•'I • ,. 11nd hPI' irtlt•rrsl 111 ' >1l Hoag Hospital. with t.he Ground b<>1111t1f11•al1nn probl1•11H <•f this Ob!'rl"l'Pr col'p8, on Rrd Crou an1i DI'•»• Community Chest <!rives, judging Thlft will b" the last meet inst Chri11tm&11 decoretiona. ·1111111 8<"plrmbtt nnd ·rt'pOrtft·\\·tH 'f'he Learue ho!tla a member!!hlp hr h"11rd hy th•· rt>lirlni; p~stcknt. 1n the ch;imbrr ot commerce and ~Ir~. T . D1111can Stl'w&rt. M:1y111 wo1 kt'd with the womrn's commit· n 11\ Hill Will hf' ln~llllhn~ 11!f1o•1 t. f Pf' or the Chl\mbcr on lhe Canll'n i<•' r1 in~ thi> r .. t1•1Wrn1t: T1111r. also offered opporlun1ly to :\I m•·•. F. S Alli11.J• r J r. l'•"'-I·, 1111 can1hdntcs for ctty ancl srhool do•nt. \\". A . Hrt I•. t.1:.l \'II r ~1· ::1· J l•!rtc• s tn ~JWllk. - d1·nt; J. T V1111 P) 111 s•·• <':1<1 'I•·· , p rl.'SJJent ~ (;, ''· Ht>ttf'• r. 1t•i ·11duo.. • l'•'Cl'\"lary . 0 c; 11"\\oll, , .. ,, ••• , Mother s1ng· ers llP"l1'H111: ·•'• • • t ,r\. Fu,111' J<:ir J:I, l 11·a~ure1. \\1ll1am K1ll1paU.l k,IH }d B h a u litnr: A. ~ nrn\\·n. hi,tr11111n. ' 0 rune Najor rr11Jt><'l fur ttw )'P:lr h:l!! 1 bePn the comr.umlv Youth <-.·n· ThP last appcafance or the 11ea· ter at Corontl dPI ~tar. l'rucr.-<1! son for the Motherslngers of Cos- trom the play, "the mndt f'ln· la Mci;a WU & program &t the mlngo.'' preserl t<'<l \w C•irnmunhy· F;"'t!'lh_ Fr:v Fie~ta. lJl rf"Cted by M rs. Pl&yer11. 1ngt'lh1•r with nwn"Y l..ew1.s K1tldc>r. the group mtng !'l!'V· f rom thf' Lt'a~11e'll pl-1) i:i •n;n11 1111 1 e~81 numhr~s 11.nrl tnrorell. ~frs. n rrl'Rt Mn nrnd. will be pijei<('ntcd \\alter E . l:offman Is accompan· to a Youth l 'titl••r repr• •entat1ve Isl a t the ml'f•Uni.; h.1· !\Ir:: Janws A farewell g<'t-togcther wu Ray, wnys•nnil n 'cllJh , h1111111an hrltl Friday morning at a brunch amt Mrs A l\'ln ~r"n• rr. p:irks in Community Methodist Church and l"<'C'rl'&Uon rhnir111an. •hnln( hall. Mrs. Kidder WIUI pre· Other actl\1Ues ind11ded Rid 11l'nted with a . dtrua tree 11!1 11.11 .,,hlt'h 11uch <'Wlc r roJet"tS M ac-rxpre!ll!lon of upprecl11t,1on by the qulsition of ln~plrntlcrn f\•lnt nnd group. whit'h will organl:r.e next other perrels o! hu1d tor p11rk and >"<'!Ir tor a !!ell.lion of 11tng1ng. JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILABLE If you are seekin9 Jewelry Items that are Scarce . Let ys know •.. We may Buy It For You e JJ:Wt:t.n\· BOl"<.iHT e ROBERTS JEWELERS 2zs1 1 Ma rine AH . -l\alboa hland -Harbor U'll DO YOU WISH TO BE A SINGER 7 Madame LiJlya Anderson \\"ho bu lntunallona.l e.x~riente u a \'Olce teacher ln both clUl!lcal and popular \'Olce development, \\"lll g h·e prl\rata lnttructJon to a lJmlted n1.mber of 1tudenta. ArnmoX!t •~t:E OS FRIDA \"II Call HYatt 4·668.~ for appointment ''Friends of the Philharmonic" veils. meet recently at the Balboa Bay Club t o plan the St-ptember bene· flt, a "~arly-new Fu.Won Show." 11nd llllle. to be held on Thursday, Sept. 29, place &nd time to be an· nounccd later by Mrs. Maxwell Sturges, ch&lnne.n. Dlslrlcl chalm1en anrt workl'rs meet each month for a breakfllst 11.11d general . exchans:~ of l~Pas for ral.lnng necusary funds to ron· tlnue the Orenge County T'hllhar· monic concerts. l'ewcomers to the 11-rca are in· vlled to contact local chairmen or Mrs. K11ren Margret& Bruning. executive dln•ctor, for information about the Philharmonic Society. \Vlll!am Dlrkey aerved u best Style Sh,ops to G et Degrees. Graduation t-.xerclees will ta.ke place a t the Ha.rbor House 'Friday al 8.30 p.m. when Mven Soulh CoMt t;tYle shops ~Ive ·their · degrees t-rom the "college of fa.a · I hton knowledge." Ceremonies \\111 be presided over by (1111hlon d1>an Coria Fickling or WomPn's W<'ar Oa.lly M d will Include 11ome of the newest de· signs rrom bathing 11uil• through dresses. Among thos<> prca~nt were: Dlplomu will bo gl\'en to Marl· Mmea. Bruning and Thrlma rad· lyn's of Costa Meea. Kim of Call· doC'k ~ Mra. Frederirl Hop<>. Mel· fomta on Balboa 111land, Kop .E wood Berry. Gertrude McCall .• Katz. Dapelo's. Hazel Cra,,•fon:I 11. Jark Corn. A. Dewey Callahan, Ewrrt's JewPlry. Sraweed'11 Inc .. H. H. Henl!h11.w, Wilham T. Bauer, anO L>orothy Parter. 1111 of L.agun11 L<'on Yale. Jefferson Scoville. ruid Beath. Ma.ny ot Orange County's B11rbara M1lltr. cif the Harbor leading modl'ls will be seen lnclud- area : Mmea. Edv:ard Mittleman. Ing several candidale• tor lhllt Louis J. Jacob!IOn a nd James H. year·• Miss l:nlverae contrst. Walraven, Fullerton: 0. F. Schultz, Music will be supplied by the Kale E . McCullah. anrl R. G. Ring· Royal, La.nLzi:111 during Lhe show Wald, Anal1elm: Mildred Alley. M d for dancing. seeclal entertain· >.ble M. Ida and Holmes Wehrly, ment a.nd door prize• wtll bt fea· Santa Alla : Gordon X. Richmond tured. a.nd Jamu E. Donegan, Ora.nge. ------------- RemodellnCJ Enlarging SHOE Sale With Thousands of lar«Jains! yoa ._ our wonderful ''aluea 01I th. b&r(aln table11 ! l'ou·u 11"'11 and ta\e by buylaf your aboe• now-durtni our aal~ ol11t1t nnd yo11r wa~· t hrv t~ ~at.n and workt n and look for our •t .9'7, S'Z.'77, fa,'77, f 4.ll ~ S6.n tAhle9. SPECIALS FOR Jt:NE 16 • 17 • 18 Don's Meats Fry en "Clrclt> K" Bacon ................. . 1.oln f:nd Pork Roast DINER'S ......... Jh. 69c lb.4~ 1b.59c CLUB HONORED AT "'(frog· Slwr " Grocery Department Dole J UJC$ Pineapple saw Jult"e · 2 G~apefruit . . No. 2 can for 25c 29c nr.. ran .31 ~ Royal PrlnMI Yams ......... . \!-an Camp'" Pork & Beans Tide . DICK'I Gr .. n Groceries Oi!nulne Italian Sweet Onions l.onr Grttn t'anr y Italian Squash L&rf" Faory Royal Apricots .................. . SpeclalililHJ in Quality Produce You Select • • • We Dellver French · Hl.AITH IOI.LS 6fw12' llet.6t.1Sc) Race Trade COffll CAKI 25'-. I"' v•> THE MARKET -SPOT--- 200 MARINE AVENUE BAUOA ISLAND - .._ . • . . • TOA ~T~IISTH ESS CLt.;R ~EA Tl;O nch· officl·rs :ii a dinnt>r session in Ncwpurt Harbor Yacht Club. Left lo right an· Mmt's. Arthur Michaeli, senior reprC'senta- tive; Leroy P. And<'rson. recordin& secretary; Leonard J .. ~JI{!'. DO?\O\.AN ALU.::'J soi.; fihVORTH -Ollcrman Photo Ruby Neuman Walks to ~L\~l tar by Candlelight Slam.ling before the n ower -dccked altar of Newport H arbor Lutheran Church, Miss Ruby J ean Neuman 'repeated lines of the double r ing service with DonoYan Allen South- worth in an eight c1'clork candlelight rite. T~e Rev. Robert B Grllnlund 1><'rformr1l th" <'('Jr- mnnv which untl rrt lh«-cl:111i;htr r nf ~ir. and Mrs. R<'lnholtl Nl'um11n, JSOG Ttulln Ave.., Cast..i Mesa. a11tl the 11on nf the Unr.o\'l'Jn l';n11th- worth1< or !S2i Rr dl11ndit A \'P. linen with whale Rr<'l'SMrl"ll one! whale or!'hld rm'l!age. wrkomed gu<'st.q at )let Tusun A\•('. homt'. ~I r~. Sriuthwn1 1h wns in the rt .. r.•1 \'IOJ; lln<'. Wl'A rinit l>lA.rk a ntl whltr taffrta with whlll' rirclnc! Ruby, who WA.~ gh'l'n In kreplns= hy hrr t'nthl'r wnrr whale nylr>n (<1r~l\i;e llnd white 8 f<"t'1'SOnl'l' ~tiller. 111:slnll10g offiCl'r : Hazel Risk, retiring prt-si- Jent: Nudin<' Hill, incomlllg president : Miss Charlolt1' S kinner. corrt>sponding secretary and Mrs. J . A: Pearce. junior: club rep resentative. -Staff Photo SEALARKING By GIN~\' (MRS. EDWARD LESfER) SMITH 1 Aho&nl 11lonr T.vrre· ~(hnol ~ 131oom" luncheon wu a greal euc· nut ! ... rl11\'l1ml! 111 hr1e In rull <'N~ll. Juat wnnrlrnng If the new ~wing with c.'lt\' <'•rns11111 nlr <'lltl\' Lado ~lrn's Club will h&\fe a "Hats t "rrw1ng to 11h&re our itlorious Mnl1 1 In Bloom" met-tin~? How about M •1 sen It Emery. or will you JU!ll meet to I New ohol1r11 Lou Mnd Al Jl'fc-1 · relax and ttll men's JQ1\e!I? ..• lcll hn\'e hnu~hl a new lhlbo11 Bay Katey Doane ill bal'k! front honw nrar th(' l·"nrwc Jls and :>;o names rleparlmcnl: Who 111 nre !h'lllrol for the s•mrn1rr ... the l!Clntllatlng blonde who, 11pon I thl" G111 dnrr r nn•I, nf l.t•" An· grlr11 &111\NI 1 .. l.1\' 111r a l\\n 1 month lhll\' on l.l•lu J Jr ... lhr John Rogt'rs a1c ri..p,•ttr•t nny <hi\ now to Lnkt" ur> 1c.,1•knlc al th,.1r P,n lbri& !lll!lln'rr hnJ"" . . F'11nn1e 1..·101111 15 • lh l.•mw :11.y 111n11le no\\ meeting a new mnlt at a rocktall p:irty. quite frankly asks "How 111u<'h money ha\·e \'Oii, Honey. and how large lo your boat?" Workshops Co11ducted I to Jotlll h•·r • hu~t"•nd A I. aft rr n lhJl•o• ""o k trap en tho• ""u:h vli.1t- 111~ f,10111\ l'.11:1 11• ar"I ,\I \\Ill i ~01 •n Hl••\'t-• (1 ''IU t t •' B \ ( ·1uh Lu th11r 11•\\ Ell11l.arrnk 11n U !u.. Hait"'' Co11nnl n! P·TA. w11h Trlf'JllllJ: A l:''Y h11la cant from Mr!I. Case Hoffman. prt>11l<llnR', I t1ntll,. Ah111nn•o11 ,\'"'l•'r•la,:.• rl'lal· ht'ld Its first work~h1tp of lbe <'I thnt 11hr 11n•I H1m111tl Jt"·e th1'1r 19fl:J-56 yt-ar on ~!omlay al St. 1 J lnn!tl11l11 v11<1l 1111 1:1111 h th:il th••\' A ntlrew's PresbytPrlan C hu r i: h nre SIM 1'11\ 11\'••r f11r 11nollwr w~o·k with 10 11t'hools rrprc~entN1 by .. (J!1n 11 and ,l11hn PomlP 11nnll,1· P ·TA chni1men. i:ot off fnr th• 1r t-:111 011eE<n 1<•1111· \\'orkshOflll, dlr•·1·led IJy rounrll mPr 11r:rr Jll•'f."11\J; ll'l'tr rh1lllrcn l'h11ir~en. wrre follnw1>rJ by a cof- th1 u11~h thl' ml'llfll"~. . Ll'rt with fre break and a !!hort buslnMs tht'tr fll'•' o hiltlt't·n 1111.f two nunrs! m<'etlng. T he budget for the co'm- lle11ul1ful ()Jl\'ln 1.~ always ralm Ing ye11r was Approved. Leo BUllh· n11d rotlrrt~rl 11 h;it 8 J:ll! .. 1nan, nrt Instructor l\l Coast Col- l Mnr!nn ond Burr )tnp!P home rnrl,v lrge nnnount'ed he would ronduct 1 fa om thl'1r 11111 lh<'I n J·ollnl bel'nuse art clas11rs for i;t~rtenl11 from u4 n( thr allnrs~ t>f )1111 rnn'l'I 1110lht'r. age11 of 8 to 19 lh1l'I summer. Con- ~lrs J<~ltl\ ~orman. who as an Hoag •luctlng the workshops were !>!mes. Hn~plllll I C:aM Hoffman, preatdent: WIUlam C<H'kf rt !'fllttlo' P.orgi:•·•! S:ll\'., ~'Brien. t'lnt vke p:e11idl'nt: Har~ Bob (';\I Ison. \\ alh.,·Lhlo \'II'. 1ey Pease, sc:eond 'il'e president, crl!w!! 1n b11t h lfonnl11lu C'la!!:illt· Richard Llllcnlhal. recording ffC· and the :>;orth Sri\ FA~ni l Yarhl retary; Harold Knipp. correspond R&ce ... thr n plun8 10 J< in hu• llt'cretary; P ortrr .s1nclnlr, treaa- nl lrllclt\'o· CohlJif· nnil "Fln,.h" at urer; Malcolm Reid, auditor; C. Chen \' c·m·e fnr IM"lh<°lr l11w Week Orby Anderson. hi11torlan; HaTOld .. Lurk\' prnplr Joannie Bryan 8?yvey. parli11mentar1a.n; Robert :\f\rl Rill I In 11,,,. who \\ 111 bt•C'orn e \\ allacr. blood bank and civil de· Mr. t1nd )lr• . n"xl J uly I, for fense: PorlPr Sinclair , bud~et Md pnrl.'nl.'I or hnlh hB\'P llt·W limtl!I ffnanrc: Jo .. C11sala. rlti7,en.!Ohlp : . the 1-: n ll:i•lh·n• f rull't•r l':bh Da\'ltl SwinCorrl, courtesy. Tlllr, a nol th•· 11r:\\aril 1'3\'rtlnl':. Also ~Imes. Hay Trautwein. motor l<llll"r Tnhunll plNlt\· of ~retie repre:1tnllltlVI': J 11drl Suth-trnn~pnatalal'ln f111 (-.11:1111111 crlanol. ~111.:h N'hriu l srr~·~l'I': Hob· anolhtr t•nc ,., tla1•~-·· tl<!ll$:hlful ••rt Zc1s.:l.-r. hosp11ahl). P F. brnnr hll J;'l\·rn h\' thr Oran~\' Cnun-BalnP~, JUvo•nile pr."1"4'1\on; M or- t\' l'halharnllinai· ~ .. •·lrt ,. nt thr ~an F 1tzwatrr. J1>in11lr•t1on: A. F.. rl , C'lllh prl'lll I r1 OVl'r 'bv rle\'Pr Kelley, ma11;a.zfnes, Plllblt•nlll, an<! 1<:~t'n Mnriirr;: Hrnnlng rublicstions: • Joi1erh McShane, n rnr \h& Ll•IO blr "HRl8 In menl.31 health: Cherl"!I Beecher, Newsette: Thomn11 Rlak<'l~r, par- Graduates in Theatre Arts John Mlch!U'I L.aynt. 22i Ora· ent and school education; Howard Mellor. pubhclty: John NE><f. read- ing. library, radio. TV a.nd music: H. H . Burnell, Tf'COrd book: 0 . 0 . Andel'!lon, student welfare: and Betty Reynold•. ways anrt mea.na. mond A\'e Wll.ll cn.n•lloh•tl' for grad-Leavenwo~.th Picnic uatlon from t hr Pn21adena P.lii.y- Mrs. Hill Heads Toastmistresses NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 -PAGE 3 !HURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 Newport Harbor Y acbt Club wu Mtting on June 8 for the imtallation dinner o! Ba.rbor T~ Cutt. BOme 50 members and gueata were present for the dinner and tn • duction .pf officers, conducted b.y Mn. Leonard Miller of Santa Ana, a fc,rmer prt'll~nt ot Daylight Toutmlltrua Club ~d put hlCh prieetea1 of Damucua White Shrln!!. Mre. R. Clyde J obn- :1on was In charre of the arranre- rnent11. Thi.' ln\•oc&tion wu given by Mrs. Ray TNutweln. Mr11. Leroy Ander80n waa toutmlat.tt .. of the ~vtmng. Toplcmlatrua, Mn. J . A. Pt>arce. Introduced eever11l guest.a rrom other club1 who 1poke ex- temporaneously. A mong them were g-ue•te from Ha rbor Toutmuteorw Club, Eulallll, Huntington Beach, 11nd Canillel,ghll.'ni Club. A pro- ~ram of orlgmuJ vrr11e wu g1\'C'n by ~I r~. Jt'well E. Wolf and the d o!>lllK p.-Brl by M n!. AlbPrt E. J 11tmsun .. \1111 Hazel R. Risk, re- ltt1ng preiud .. nl, prt'sld!'d. Offlcua Installed for Harbor Tosstml8tress were: Mra. Nadine Hall, president ; Mre.. Albert E. J ohnson. vh•e pruldent; Mrs. Le- roy Anderson, recording aecretary: l\\1:111 Cha.rloll.e Skinner, eot'T'e• ponding aecrelary: Mrs. Francia Clendenen, treaaurer: Ml"ll. Arthur M.lch&ell, .tub.repN81el\t&Uft; Mra. J . A.. Pearce, ali.m&t. nipreMnt· aUve. Visiting Kin at Haines Home The Robert B&ine1 home at 1771 Monrovia Ave., Coat& Meaa. hu been Jleadquartera the lut week or more for vartoua relt.· Uvu who have •topped to - them. Laat week Mr. and MrL Harold Wylie and 80n A lien ot' San Anselmo 1topped enroute to Phoe- nix. Ariz. Mr. Wylie Is a r-nt gruduate of the Presbyttruan Mm· lnary at San Anselmo and ls on his way to Carthage, Mo. to till rus firltt pastorate. Later v1sltol"ll were Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Sherman and aon1 TTacy and Charle• from Lundy'1 Lane, Pa., M111. Sherman l1 Mr. Hatnes• 11-t.er ar.d I• on her way to villt the Halnea Sr. tamlly fo EVl.J\lton. m. Junior Officer Duo Will Go to Fresno Mr1. Norman Wat.Ion of New- port Beach, prealdent o! the Southern 01.alrlct Federation ot' Women'• Club1, J unior Member- •hlp, lmmedlate put 1tat e ~ art chll!rman and put president ot the Orange County Juniors and Mrs. GaU Barnett of Buena Park, press and public ttlaUona chalr- nr an for the atate, parliamentarian for Soulhrrn DI.strict Junlora and lmmedlali) put prHldent of Or- ange County Juniors, will attend the executive board meeting ot the JunJor Memberahfp ot' the Cal- ifornia Federation of Women'• Clubs lo be held In Fl'eano Friday and Saturday. Mra, Eugene C. Nott, Arcadia, pre1ldt'llt, haa cha.en u her theme for the year. '\Brighten The Cor- ner \\'here You Are" In keep- ing with the theme ot Mrw. nieo- dore Cla.pman, pruldent ot the General Federation of Women'• Ctub11, "You Art the Ught. of the World" and the theme ot Miu Barb&ra Shaw, naUonal director ot J unlon1, "Let Your Light Shine." annual convenUon lo be held n ext aprtng will be aet. and a a-ilt ac- quainted evt'llt will be preaented by San Joaquln membe111. Mra. Wat.Ion, Mrs. C. J . Troo8t, Corona. prea1dent ot the Loe An· gelu Diltrlct Junior&, and Mr1. Nott wtI1 preaent "Eaat Cout HlchlJChll," a -report oc the t'ecent trip to th• naUonaJ COD\lt'llUOn held In PhJladelphia as well u a revie'IV'"bt' their vanoua •Ide tripe. The lhr~ member• were a.ccom- panled by Mn. Vernon Fr1elu, Red BIU!f, Immediate pa..~t atate pruident; Mra. Robt'rt Conklin, Temple ~It , and Mrs. Clinton Baxter o A pad!&. Follow1n&' the conventi Mra. Wat.on toured many ot the eutern elatu and wu j.he ~est of Congn•man Jamee B. Utt on a tour ot the capitol. went throueh the pie· ture.eque New England atatee and vatted mAllY point.a of lnterut ln Nr.v York. DA VY WITH A DIJl'FEBENOE -That's a Davy Crockett bat Mad.am Mayor Oora Hill is wearing. but with an added profe88ional touch. Headgear, ae11igncd by Mra. Hartlein for pioneering on Lido I,l<', was worn at the "Hat.a Abloom" parade of Lido Isle Women's Club. -Staff Photo Howard M. McDowell. vic.e chair· man; Mn. Fredrlkaen. eecreta.ry; Mra. Leland Jona.a. treaaurer. Civil deteMe I.I the a.tety pro- (T&Jn for all the county home de- partment• for lh,e comlnc year. Mr1. Fredrlkun gave a talk on clv1llan defenM preparednea, dla· playing her hallway 1torage com- partment.I u an e:umple ot home pre1tr\'al1on preparedness. which she planned to try out Wednesday when lhe national "duck and cover" &lert was m&de. A poUuck luncheon wu eerv-1 at n oon t o Mmea. Updike, Ja.ck HlrUer, M. Havice, Robert Eacret, Jerry Tufta, Emeat Poupart, Jon· u , McDowell. H. A. Barnett, 0 . R. Mlthoff, Stanley Badger, 115. P. Lafferty, Wllllam G. W"thenvu an4 Frec1rluen. CDM Divorce Asked Divorce wu rrq11"11tl'fl In l'11nt11 Ana Supt"rlnr Court J11nr ~ h \ Claudyne C'. T\1bh11 for J ohn F Cart.er, a minor \'l'lllU5 Ja('kle C'r1r - ler ()( Coron1t •Id ~tao georg e Handmade Con~mporary OrlJt"lnals ti • stlh Pl"ce at &lmont Pll'r Lone ~h. Calif. ClolN'd Monday• -Claul!led Ad.ta re read by folk• wtlo an really look.Ing lo buy. BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MES.A CH.APEL 17'1 ~ ... ._ COit.a M-. cant. Phone Uberty 8-2121 CH.APEL BY THE SEA a&ao &. Cout. .Blvd. Ob1<Gaa det Mar, ca!lt. Phone Harbor '2 The tlrat MNlon wUI lnclude a budget meetln&' Friday ev~ '9d by KN. o.a T .......... ~ nardlno, at.at • audJtor: and a chairmen'• meeting led by Kn. J . Dee Lopn, Red Blutf, tint vice preelde.n l and dt'l.ll cl cba1r- Shows Survival Equipment to Homemakers Inclement w•ther on J'riday ~;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:=;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;::;:;:::;;;:;;;:;:;:::;;:::;:;;;;::~ men. In ad~Uon to t.b8 routine buai- neu Saturday, lhe agenda will in- clude a report by Mra. Roy Doug- harty, Covina, .U.te JunJor ooor- dlnator, whJch Wtll lncluc!e the re-dJalrlcUnf ot It.ale a.nd the re- cent by·law chang• ot the 11pon- 10rlng organization. The date a.nd tocaUoa for the tranat.rred th• monthly luncheon meett.nc at the Homemal< .. Club from Coet& Meaa park to UM bom• ot Kn. a.ry Fl"edrlklen. 18& Ca· brt.Uo St. 'l!Vhere club otttcenr weni ln8t&lled by Mra. ChArlee A. Bar· nett, vice president of the Ora.nge County Home Centers rroupe. ln· 1 1WJed were Mn. R. M. Updike, l\ome dep&rt.menl chairman: Mra. 1 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS PARIS TRAINED FASHION DESIGNER Teachet drea11 deatgnlng. Learn for your Career or for own ~ Small grou1>9 or individual teaching. F or lnfomu.tion Call - Madam.e F~nyo 312'2 Broolut St., HY att 4-7203 8outb Laguna FREE VALIDATED PARKING A.T 6th and BROADWAY HE'I I WAKE UP " • • lJu~e wllh tl<'r~1l 11klrt In wnltz l.('~~1111:' re<-t>ptlnn n.<1 were the length anl1 long !'ICl'\'l'd bolrro brith' A !!l!lter. ~!rl'. Eciw1Hrl l.utz jacket over the tit!Ml strnpll''!I o; R• d •ntlo B1>arh: )!ni. Arthur bofllce. The Ahoulolrr lrngth .... 11 K"nni...tr ond ~tr11 Ru hard :St'U- wa_. held by a !are brim and th<' man. hOU!!t Crillr~r 11f TheAtre Arts Sun-Former and presE>nt rr!!ldenlit of ooy. June 12. Leavenworth, K ansas wall hold a i white orchid col"lll\lt<' 1 arrlert 011 11 A monir lh<' prl'-ruptlal e\·rnt.' whit. blblt' was wom lntrr with waio R hr1<1al i<hnwPr hrilll'""-~erl by ~Ir~ Rnnalcl \YpldPn anti M1.-<11 ~I rr­ her travt'llng ~It o! f"'Wdrr blur n il at the horn" nf ~Ir!<. Alberta linen. ~math. l\fAffi TR.JO Bnlh ynun"' i"''"P'' 11llPOdPtf MIA Marilyn Maxwell, mai,I of :-<~wpt•rt llarht•r 1111.:h Srhnnl a nll h onor. wore blue tullr. ball1•1 ana Or:in,l!'c C'wist l'nllr~o' ThP br-iolP· length. and carried a nnl!ll'gay of i;rr1<Jm "'"ll gradl.Ultell in ~111~· from whit.All ca.m~tlons. Brltll•iornalds, thP l'.S.A F'. AirC'raft Oh11rrn p·Tr11111- M!Me1 Lorrnlne I.Intl Mnrllyn lnir \\'Ing-at H11rh~rn Air Forre 11ll ke> IJ\ pink t ullr with off-!!ho11l-ant In tht' Alr F'nrr r SchUchenmc·yer. wr r." i.:11wnrd I H113,.., Trx1111. w 1 h 1 ;ink nf lh'lllt>n- '1cr bodlcu Md b"urrsnt skirt~ Tho• nl'w Lt 11n.i Mri>. So11th- They ra.rrled pink r nm11t!oll.'! on worth left Cor ~1Bslll!rhu~1·tl 3 1U1d turquol!ie nel henrt~. will he 11t tinm!' In .Medfnr•l Ha.IT)' Nrum11.n. brother of tht" hndr. lent bt'st msn n11! onJ !hr iuull wert" u~hrrt"'1 hy Rnbl'rt Grochow. Stanl~y Ap1r, f'rati; l'htniX and ;>;omrn.n C'oml.'1111. \Vard to Moderate Television Program Rlchard Schllchl'nmt>yl'r w 8 io The "L1JO!hl of Fsah · trh>\·1i;ton candle lighter. prngTnm on K:SXT. Channel 2. The chhrch ""l..'I d\'{'Otlltt"<\ with will be j;'l\'t"n by the C'hniotlan whit. gladioli 11nt1 ~h11i:t3 d!Uioltl', g, l<'nl'«' Church, Sunday, Jllnl" 26 ~1th white satin n bbnn• n~:uktng al 11 311 In \hi' morning. 1 the .. ,hlte carpctC'<I a1•lt'. \\ rdrtang "Jo\·" 18 lhe 11ubjttt of lh11 pro- m\Uic Md man-he" \\••re plnr-:01 by gram: The mo.lerator will hr ;\Ir MnL Robert ~rnnlun1l. ~nll \\ 1tt~~ I c~rgl' Ward of :-:~wport DPnCh I ~ 11a.ng Tht Loni 8 PTl\yer TI1e 1olol3t w111'-be Mr~ ;\lnry MOTltERS t:-; U S t: Paulno. and the organist. ~tr Wea- Mn. ~ruman. wurang light blut lry B Tourttlolll' Sir Cedrir Hardw1cke WR-" the rrunlon Sunday, June !!!\ at Bucl>y pnnc1pal itfl('&ker Bl 'T\n nty-S1xth Park, Long Bf'ach. l.Acated be· 1 Annunl CommencC'm!'nl cc-remon-tween First an<l Scrond SU on au of the famt>d theall't'·9Chool. Cherry Ave. at \\'e!ll Shelter. Ste· Some 82 actin~. d1rc>ctin1t, produr-tlons I to 6. Bring lunC'h Coffee lion nnd ttrhn1r11l t1ri.1gn majors llnd aeam w ill be furnished. Houra wtre ellgll)le for irmrh111l10n. j 10 a.m. to 3 pm. Your child's CC"'llrvC'Cld ro l"C'.-1 '(Oii' ch "1 IM1 Q •• ·bo~@ffoc•· f,~.,;1,....., • 401 c-.-4~ o,,_,1 c:··J"'lllt1'°I b,, 0 IO -31 O' j .. ~­ $ln11 j_,, 9· 12. 1 l.J Colon1 l•OWN. WHITE. UO. lflCf, MUUICOH>f KIDDll SANDALS I 1 lollu• 8l&l'9 11 lo I '3i3 LOCKERS SPECllAL -Locken (app. 125 lb.f ''·'~yr. WE f'EATl'RE SELE<TED PRUrE ud <'HOICE MEAT~ . W • IOU1 .L ~"1':\\"PORT REACH BartMlr '118 to n CIRCUS SANTA ANA Klmberl1 1-eetl Ullll 8. Ma.I• •creu ftofft *" BOOTE RY COSTA MF.SA UlMlrty 8-!1711 M-Cnter-1,tll • o,.._,. ...-.. ,.,,..,. .... •"4 ,,,.,..., IWTU !'\TORE OPES FRID.41' !'\IGRTS T U. t:~ ( , ., ee ING • • • On . . Father's Day June 19th It'1 h1I blJ cm•a-ye&I' day, eo lit D&d 8r100N But when you do wake hlm ... male• It brealdut in b.cs! Surprae him with h1I tanmt. dMb ••• 1molbtt him with affection .•• and lhoWer him with riftAI that MY '"nlanlca a million, 0-.i11· We'n rot a hundred-u 11!-on• dlttwmt stft 111 ... tar •'IVY Pop under UM Sunday momt.nc rNn , Incl~ t.b• beet o.4 lll tbe wori6-youn! And the IOOIMI' JOU abop. the 11taw Us• choice. ao don't 709 be eaUl!at nappmr. ~J.We&SOws CLOTMIERS 109 W . 4-. 8T. SANTA ANA• CM.ti'. Orange County's oldest & largest mens sfori . • . esfab/ishecl in 1888 , PAGE ... PA RT 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY. JUNE 16, 1 95~ TOP RO\\' -Tod White, Robert Waddell. Diane Waggoner, Gene Waggoner: lowE'r row, Tom Webster, Georgie West, Bill Wetz.ell, Martha Whelchel. ' TOP UOW -Richard Kopp, Mary l'ramer, Helen Kuhlm<>ycr. fklly L<'lkll<.': lower row, Charles Lamb, Linda Lan<.', Dennis Lehto, ~l<.'linda Leithold. TOP now -Robert R<.'N i, ('h:i rlC's Reich, Put Rvlmc1r, Chnrlt•s Ric:l': IOWC'I' row, LaNctta Richa rdson, William Ring, Pat R itchic. Durothy Robertson. TOP HO\\';-Honnie Gt>or~r. Jame::; Gcrspach. ~f(ltll(' (;h1st'1ti1, Pal I ;ihb• •ii::< l11wl'r row, Di:inc Gilson. !Sharon Clcnn. Richard I :nuld. F'ranCl'S C:nw:in. TOP ROW -J oa.nnf Aran"-.:\fargie Arey. ~raidine Ashby. Lucille Alkmson . lower row_. ~olx-rt Bailey, Carol Baldwm. Da\'id Balmer. Wtllta.m Ba.rt.letL I, • ~ ' TOP ROW -P atsy Grant, J im Grier. Linda Griffiths. Nancy Gri~ty : lowt>r Kay Hall, Bill Hamblet, Donna Hamilton, Ron Hamilton. TOP ROW -John Sw11in. H;1yr.\1,11 I Tayl or. Tobert Taylor. Glenn Thomas: low<.'r row. Taja Tohill, Charlene Purcell, Dt'\'oe Took)'. Carl Trcsnak. TOP Rfft1' ~ ~fary Fellb:ium, Ca ry Fil'!ds, Rirhard F1f<'. T~·d Fish; lower row. \Vil· ham Fr.c<.'ly, Pe~er Fro8t, Juhn Gaffey, Larry Gant. J ' t ' ll .L ' I. TOP HO\\'-:-~nndra 1 ... utw~l,r. L;a \'<'rne L<.'wi s. J im Link. Lyle Lionbargcr: lower row. Richart! Lou,·a·r. ~far\'in Lusk. Robert Martin, Bob McClusky. TOP ROW -Juct1 !'.oulc. Leroy Spllr.~. Manl.rn Stansbury. Oa\'id Steam~: low('r row. Ann Stewart. J udy Sl~wart .• .Frcd Stillmgs. Alice Stolarek. . , I 50 Power Squadron Boats Due at Island Rendezvous By MRS. (ISABEL) G. N. PEA!U: Entertainment chairmen are ~ Wflh A vaon u the de1tlnatlon,, ,.rt Orabfr and Oera.ld 8pu1l.L u many u ~ Ba.Ibo& Pown There wlll bf a dinner u!lore llat· Squadr{)n boa t•. both aall and urday ni«hL v.'1th daJ\cin&' Md power. a l'e ex~cted to join the mWllc and the p,,_a,ttoa el equadron'• annual predicted log trophln. rare and cruise. teavlnc hrre Sal· BOATS ON OllUUlll: urday morning. · Among the boat. alped "' tor Two Impor tant trophie• ue al tho crulH &re: crutaera. ~ ala.Ke. The George Andrew• .trop· dopn, Don GtlJu pJa; Ill eamp.r.. hy. ck>naled. b~· the late Mark Ouata ve Stomp: Pamela, Roy Healy, for auxtllarlu , I• a per· Dahl(ren: Calherlne 1B •. Jam• 1 petual, and hlJI bren won In 1963 Stoddard; Bu1t er, Curt l:>o9h1 N • and 19M by Jamea Farrell. with ly R, Robert Ru: Capri, rnd Illa 27·f'l. aloop, Stol1umwood. Chrl1ten10n; Mary A, J'ra.not. Ot· NEW TROPHY bian; Channel 11le 11, Hen.ry ~ Thia year t here I• a new t rophy Capri, Carroll Hudeon: Da·De·Bo. for pow .. r boalll. put up by Bal· Rll'ha rd Holdf'r; Bueler, R&ndaU boa Squadron. in memory of lhe MJller: Clarke D, Clara l!lv-r l11te t'on>mander IWbert L.. Boyd. Georgia Belle, Robert Grabers LaAI vear'• powl'r boat aw ard wu 8p&rklet1. ~raJd Spark•: ~ won bv W. H. Steink amp, &board Dara, Maurice Sapp and W... h1a r r1°1lnr. Viola Thal thl1 year'• worth, Worlhlng'ton i.-. rompelltlon t or lhl' new trophy SaJl boata entered tnclude1 R.-1 will be hot. 111 obv1oua from the Rogue, Albert Rylell; ~. fact that entnl'll Include Ueul. Norman Oewta; Roja, Ww.r4 Commandrr Jamr.s Edward• Jr. M..on ; T\.Jcana. lAonard ~ who Jut week won the Udo Yarht Irr; Tht11tle, Uncoln Clark; C1,.,,., Club'11 pr•.,hC'tf'd loJ( ra re In Clu l Frank ~wain; J ohanna, WlDJ&m u. with h111 cru111er .M1M Bee U ; Lynns: C'ult>w, P'idd(tn Tha,....t ~:11rh boat "1!1 have a mem~r Kelple, George Mtnnl'y; l lo1-wn· • nb:<..rver a tx>a.rd Check points will wood. Jamu Farrell. bl! Halb<•a 'EntrRnc:e Buoy, Aalboa ~11.'r, !\',.wporl Bf'll Nn. 2. W1llC1w Co\'f' Pit>r nn C11tRlln• ll!lant! anrt tht> r u lno nag pole u the flnteh msrk INC'Rt;Al'!ED INTEREST T he recent increased Int.treat In predicted log racing a mong 11<1uad· r·un hlPmbfrs they 11ttribut e to 1 heir Ad1·aored .Pllollng cour1ea. which tt'ach them 11bout All kinda of benrlng'll. current and tide cor· 1 l'Cllon lechnlq11e11, speed and di11t· onct probll!m& llnt! the finer mints o( de&d rr<:koning. Thirty· ..ii;ht membeni hill'e l!nrolled In lht' squadron's /11st 1rnmmt'r rour· 11e in A.!1·anced Piloting which be· ~an lut wl!ek at lht' Tar Pll a nd wh1rh wm be rnslruc:te<i hy \\'ar· 1 rn Pomt'ro1-. Thi~ \•l\luable rour1<e 1s opt'n to· ml'mber.11 aml to wo· mt·n who hu·r pa1<.~l'd P1lolrng. ~tost of t he 1 a<·e 0Ner\'l'r11 11re t!rawn from t he group of Advanc· l'il P aints. A n<'w course In Pilot· rng, prert>q1lllute to squadron mem· hrr11h1p. will bt-gin in September 11l lhe N<"wport Harbor Yar ht Cluh anl1 will be undl'r dirtttJon of Elmrr IA l.Annt . Commander Curlis Dosh aboard hl!! 27·ft. l'nJlst'r, 13URlPr will be fl\·tnlt' ht11 OommRmlcr s fllllt'. an!l hts b<>RI will be lhP flai:11h1 p of the rcn<1evou11 fl tel Rl Avalon this roming wel'kPn<l. It will br h••art· quarter11 for the commllll'P. Rt-n· il~Z\'Ollll rhRirman Ill OR\'ir! F'lrth. M~ Y REAL ESTkTE HITS $1 ,229,568 Rerurrl real rstatt s&IPS last mnnth in :'\Pwptlrl Harbnr totaled Sl.229,6~8. comp•red lo $ii <f 1 19 for Mey , 19:H, the :-;rwpo rt }f11rbor Board of Rt»llto rs 1<1111u11nt 1''1 today. IH'll<l munths •"nl PllUlte ar 1t1111 21aw 113 """' llstlng.11 11n<I i6 1<11h•s co mpa re<! to l H nr•w t111trnj{!I in May, 19!'.>4 and 411 1111le• OC Red Cross $11.000 Short Official. Says A breakdow n In t.M ftn.anet&l 1t11tue of the Red CrOM In Oranp County I• 1hown by ~ pro- Vlded in a recent lntarvtew with E. C. Stedman, chapter chatm\an. who ahow1 that the county chap- ter 111 about $11,000 ahort ot tnough t o operate It.a Pf'OIT'Ull In four jit'nl'Mll cateeor1u. :>lt!wport Harbor · Coeta w._ arN ha• donated $18.864.20, 70.a percent of Ila proax-d q11ot.&, 8K• ond higheat amount ~ by any branch In the county. Total ra1.-d 1n the campaign by other branabtle oul.3ide of Newport Harbor-Co.ta Mua and hnla A na wu Ill,• 342.04 while U;e wburb&n tot.al WIUI $7962 10. ·santa Ana Red Croll& drive r a I 1 11 d $4 1,457.28, whlr h wu 84.2 ,,.r cent ot lltt $49,200 quota. The 19~6 pror ram e&ll• for $3000 more for the national or- gun1z.a1ton. Thta i• not & percent.- age lncreue, but the aame per- centage or a larger quot&. Bl•lOtl 11ervtce lncre ... ot ltOOO II! 11hown by the regional ~ter to be based on a ctual expeneea of last year. pertly from lncnued population, •ome lncre ... 111 OOllt &nd mtscellaneoul! fa.cton. Jn J9M first aid and wa ter Nie· t y waa onJy a partial )'Mr pro· gram and it w .. hoped that with an llddltlonal $3000 to be able to cover aJI 12 montha. • The 1t neral tnc~ue o f 11000 wu to cover allpt lnc..-...a ln alartu. cam palp expen... and office experu1e1. To May 24, Stedman lltlow. t.hat the chapter had coUected $78,488 of a flropoM'd 196,6113. He expect. 'TIL NEW LAW tlonat1on11 lo br1ng W e to 18(),000 by the end of the year wbfoh la 5 Mph Speed on 132~ lea Ulan In 111114. Upper Bay Now 'Ban~ed Books' Comic to Court for All Craft Book review by William Haar- Pr ndllllo( dt>c11<i•in by rity coun· r ll tin ""' '"' 1 l 'r1wr Bay wat er i<kt "'"! ~I"""' h"•H re1:ulallnn11. Harbor Mi.ltl• 1 Hui<~ <'r111g h1u UP1•n 1n1>t111tl1••I '" rnforc .. II !') mph it)"'"" hm1l on all .1111rfarl' l'l ltfl c ·111· r 1111ni 11 ht>rt> ~lont11y l'ltght ari~tntt'll four coun rrlmen to ml'Pl Tu""'''"Y at 4 p m , with an rnlt'r1•8lP1I group v f !!peed· b4111t 11n•I w .. 1 .. 1 !lkl folk to detPr· mrnt• pn>(lf'r mPthnrl~ o( OJl"rftt1on of th,. \'RJ<I r"A"h""' nf l'pr<f'r Bay "'"'l.'f'~ Cuunl·rlml'n nRm•·d to lhP t:ppPr B1ty "Pl("d r1'1111m1ttre rnt'hule C A. lll~b1!', J B ::>tod•lard, Sanr!y MllcKsy and Grrn!rt BrnnE'tl. II. ni11 n11 'I'" I nrt11n11 nrr '" g1rv· em th" h1i;: h<><ty nf WRt• r I~ 1fr ... med 1111:••nl by "''.v f't111nr 11 A11 nn1• rr1un• 1lnrnn r1>porl••r!, 1<•11\H' 14()1) Jl"r""''~ 111<rd I 'pp"r B11y Wllll"rll Rnd b1·AchPll '""' WM"k<'nrl •lad, Orllnfe Cou t Coller• ltbra· rian: "Banned Bocllat" by A. L. Haight Tho 1ubjrct of controverataJ book• hu alway1 been one ot fu d · nation lo the cenera.1 reader u well u the librarian. For thoee • lnlerealed In thlt 1ubject-bere la th1-11<>11ght after · m aterl&I. As the w blle atatea the book deal11 with lnfonnaJ notM on eome book• bllllned for vanoua r-..ona at \'a nous tlml'tl and II\ •ar10W1 plarrs Many lnleru ttnr pti.ut. of the banning of book• a re cover· e<.I In lhl" work 1uch u Nu.t Ban· ne.f" Books. U hrary Cmeor1htp Comic Book•: Freedom of the Prl'.1111. anil Important Court De- ' i~lnn11 A lllbllo1tr1phlr Check Lull romplelf'll lhl11 11r hola rly 1ath· l"rlng uf h~nnf'd lte1ni1 Thr lime 11rnpP of the work la ll wide onr, run tnt work• betnr a ~mRll pA rt or the ov11r1 II 1ludy. F'ollowtng Are lll'Vl!ral typical Mlric>" reg~rdlng b11"nned booka. Thl11 11 in lhe 111'\'llon t llled "In• formal Notr 11," I.Andon. J aC'k 11878·1111 8 ) Th• Call of lhe Wl1d. 1903. lll29 ltaly1 A II <'heap edition• hllnn,.t!. Tur o· 11l11vi1t All work• banned u too ruhrr1I 1932 Ctrm11ny Var1oua An 111 d1m11w .. dt>Rlrnl( with I 'p· Pf'I' B11y wal,.1· l<JlC"<lhri',.ttnl( itntl l!klln1:. a11 .. 11trd '"""nliy by lh" 1''1111\I y lx•RJ d 11( llllpPrVil<fll 11, wr1111<1 hR "'' bv••n Pff,..l'l1 VP JunP l ~ But w rth ennP><R ll•<n o! IJpper Bay 10 J\'1•"·p111 t B<'it«h. ci11rnril mrml)f'r11 fN I the r•runt v 01 dinAnr" h11" nr. <"ff~•·t •rn th,.· "'''·" m•rnlrtpslly· ()"'fll'ri l)i,11\• t•f Wlll<'r h,.!fl W••rk" wrre c1111t In to the Na.a bnnflre~ Tu""•IR) !l 111.-.. 11nl( wrll bt' rn ro11nr1I 1·hAmi~I" Joint Toastmaster Session Conducted ~1111 .. r. H,..rv-y 11811hr1'roptc of C11n rrr. Hl:\4 Tropic nf Caprtcom, 1(138 19!'13 l'nlted l'l&IU -Ian F ranc111e<1 Cuatcim1 ba n upheld 'ln hoUl lltl .. 11 hy thr .. e JUdl• of l.1l1r1 Tn11s•m11.111rr11 hAtl u 11ur· ('nurt of ApJ>"l l• U "rank Obec4!rl• prt••· llll"•lA St"l't' Smtih pr,.•I· II}'" d,.nt ond 11 n.,,mh"r" nf ="'"""r>'lrt Jnnu, J&rnl'• 11921·1 F'rom Here llubor T•rll'lm11~t,.1~ Ch1b 111 th,. M Ettmlly, 111!'11 111~1 United T•ll'JOtlay n11:ht m""''"K '" HA rbnr St11tf'~ T hia book wu unofflclaJlv Hn11.11ll. """~'>r"r! In HolV<•k• and 8prtni· Th" l:UP~t• parll<'lpatrcJ rn th,. flf'ld. Ma11111rhu1r1111 a.ntl In Den· pr11;.rn111, "P' ak• 111 bPlng Vln<f' Vl!r. rol•irado. 1953 New Jeraey· l'lt ku')'. 1rntl Btll G<><»le J.1<ln J"'""Y Clly, Pollre "1111ggf'1led" "P"" ktr" w1>r.. H11rt11n Be< k l1r1b to d1'11 ler11 th111 lhty remove th• Ml'r·1~a1 y, J11,. M1trt1n and FA title from new1111tllnd11 anr! book Soul" 1 •w·~t t'valu&lor" w"rl' oull,.1.A MOl!t dea.ltr1 rnmplied, p,.,,. =-:•1ltni.:. Eltr.n Baml'tl and but Rft,..r II h11rt been JW>lnt9<1 out Ed 1,,.~111 l.l•to rv11 lu111nr11 wne hy a r1;prP11enlllllVI' of lhe Amari· J im l '•·nn· v. S11ndy S trlner. Chu<'k c11n Bt)()k P ubliatlera Council t hat Ary 11n•I I >iw e H11l!'111n. thl11 w u M ntrary to the New v. m ,. All,,n pre,.irlrd Snul" wa11 J l.'r1'C'Y rn111 t 11.,.rlJrton •of apr1nc. lDl 11lmHt"r 11..110 JJ1,b J'rr nn WI"' 111~1:\, lht' fi<1nk W iii ll«aln plu.e<t 1.ablf' lliplr• Otll~l••t The Lid<> 1 ''" llll" 1964 t;nlte<J RtatH . On club vot""1 tf) wntf' l•·tt'r& to all '1l111pprn\•ed Ital nf National Or· ~rvl<'f' < lubs. a11klnit m,..m ~r• to~canl7.allon of Df!Cent Uterat:mo.. Plltli<'lp11ll! in l'pPBk ln( tnUnlnfl, Thi' bt\ok makea for tuoiMUn .. "''"° offpred to lll'nd ~a.l<ent to rPading, and It ht(hl7 r11 'll'ld· • their mMUnra. ecL .. • } ' I TOP HOW -William Abramson, Linda Adair, Ann Allen, Sue Thomas: lower row, Marcia Allen, Gerald Andresen, J oyce Andrew, Bruce Twichell. TOP ROW -Mnry K ay Hehn, Peter Hend ~rson. Dl'nnis Fitzpatrick, Cl.'c-il Frahm: lowtr row, Ruth Henderson, Betty Hiatt, Sharon Gardner, J ackie Garrett. TOP ROW -·Charles McGavran, Ward McGee, Jack McGinnis, Carol ~tcQueeny; lower row, Bob Milum, Richard Mirkovich, Richard Mithoff, Virgi Mily. TOP ROW -L<'C ~loritz. Mary Simmons. !:>umiyc Shigaki. Paul Newman: IOWC'r rnw, Cereni Creeley, J im Samsel, Lorraine Schlick~nJ?eyer, Jerry Schultz. TOP ROW -Myrna Bouchey, Edwin 'Bra !fr:'" ·Helt'n Brau. Paul Brr1th~:11•I 1· wer row, Lauren~ Buck. Dirk Callahan. Robert Calli.a, Richard Campbell. .. ·Grover Group Issues Land $'ah _Charge a.nnna Uon by Or&np, the tact Genlen Grove'• boundarl.. a.re actually on file a.nd thoae from Ors.ng-e are not, prettnla Oranre from carrymr lhrourh wt~ 1t1 pr ... nt plan. untN.a corncted .o u not to overlap l.hoM now on file by Garden Grove. • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART '11 • PA$E I THURSOA Y, JUNE 16, 1955 In the cue of Anaheim's a.n- nl'X&t lon, which calla !or 700 acre.a. a large port1on ot 1t tn thf' SANTA ANA (QCNSJ -A .11ame tf'rntory now clalrnrd by "Blllllr of Giant.a" wu forecut Carden Grove'• nf'w bound&rtf'S, OCC GRADUATION RITES· TO NOTE RICHARD, BRAY CITJZEN-AWARDS v-.<lay, 1ts mtmt>tor s of the Gn1,lrn the problt'm may well bt'N mt' Graduation vcercl1u for Oranp l>r. Rytnk '"' a membf,r ot tM Grove "C'lly Commlltr·e" tiled n!'w more complicated. Coast Colle1te eophomorea wm be Clt1 Oouncn a.nd waa OommlMlOll- boundary hnea wllll the county to An1helm'a annexation boundary held tomon-ow al I p. m. with Dr. er of City Street.a, u well u p..- ward of! what It termed "a mon-llnea wr re tiled with the l'ounty Bernard L. R y1nk, dean of 1tu-ldent of the Rotary Club. He ll slrous land grab" by both Ana-boundary commlS1Jlon Tuuday. dents at the UnJverslty ot loutb-a mem~r oC Phi Bet.a Kappa. the helm and Orange. Holll•ever city committee apoltes· em California, u speaker. American PoltUcal Science >.aeo- Bou da I f t tJ I "Cit claUon and mtml'rou• na Uonal n res or ll po rn a )' men poln!~d out that Anaht'lm Dr. Hylnk '1 11ubject will IN ·-ni. ot Garden Grove" were tiled by boundt1ry llnt11. It consldertd .oftlerl Cha.lll'nge to Youth," At USC honore.ry &nd ~holasllc orcantaa- the committee wt& B. J . Smith. ottlcially T11eaday, Wt're actually ' since 19•9. Dr. Hy lnk wu former-Uon1. c-oun1 y clerk 11nd 11c•crt1tary of the I tlled before tht Anaheim City Iv director of public relallon1 and PROGRAM Ot'TLISlll county boundaries comml.Nlon at.. Council had apprtivrd them. I ~ulstant to the .prealdcnt at Red-Thi JnvocaUon and BehedJctlon 2 29 p. m. yestt-r(lay. Janda University He al110 eerved 1 ... •- I · 1 Mrvlcu wtl be (1ven by •. ., • .-•. SpnkPsmen tor tht> committee H b S d ror a period. u vl1ltlng educa tion ){. C. Cronic, p&lltor. Auembly of Sllld thl'y un•lt'r stood tht'lr llCllOn I am urger tan counaelor ot th• National ln1Utute God Church Costa Mua. MUllio nulll!leio a portion of a 900-11cre C'arl T Russell June 1 took out of Public Affairs. Wuhln(ton, D: for th• cer.~onJea v.111 be provi4-' annrxalion now under proceulng a Coftta MPsa city building pPrmlt IC. During W<>l'ld War 11 he WH ed by Ute collefe choir under tile by the City of Oranl(e. I for a hnmburger stand at 2236 commluioned a lecturer In both dlr.<:UO!l of Kenneth D. Boet.tcller. Althnu11 li Ule new Garden Gro\'I' Harbor 81\'d. f:.st1mate on con-I Army Air Force and the z:.:avy Announcement of a c holaatle city limits Inc lude only a '"1all I 11ltuctlon was 11t l at $30~6. Frnnk orientation prorram. aWarda wilt be made by Dr. Jam .. portion or the land propo~d for Blsat<ll v.·iu named l'<Jnll&ctor. I While a realCent of ftedll.nd1, w. Thornton Jr.. vlct-pruidenJ,. TOP ROW -Faye Cozad. Constance Rourke, Richard Carter, Lucille Pope: lower row, Gerald Cro88, J ohn Cooper, Robert L ee Smith, Tom Porter. Dr. Bull H . Petenon. preetdent ot Orange Cout Collere, w10 pre- llCnt the cla~1. Auoclatea in Art.I dl.'grttt 11nd certrncates .... m be ronterred by Harry LeBa.rd, prea.- ldt'nt of the board of trustees. Ou't..ltandlng Citizen aw&rd1 wlll be pr!'11~nt~ to O. W . "D!c)(" Richard of NPwport Bt'ach and to Edward Franklin Bray of Hunt- lnftton Beach. Thul' cltaUon1, 11lm1lur In many respects to honor• ary unlveralty deg-rets, 11treH par- ticipation or the honoree&. '"Outstanding C1t1zens" honored at formrr Orange Cout Coltec• ceremonies Wf're Willi• H. Warner 1 and Harry \.\'elch In 1951; John A. Murdy and Donald J . Dodce ln 19~2; Raymond M. Elllott and Sidney H. 0&\'ilhon In 11153: and Henry K•l~er &J'ld Robert ·ward- • low In 11154. Full text "' this year"• citation tor Richard arP: Q. \\'. "DICK " RICHARD By ttsolutlon of the Bo.rd of Truateu of lhP Orange Coa.t Col· lei:e Dlatrlct. you. 0 . 'W. "Dick" Richa rd. have bt'en acclaimed an outstanding citizen. It l.11 nl>t._ Y.'!lhout wtflclent cau11e that Lhl11 recogn!Uon come.a to you. The touch.atone of your lite hu bf't'n service. Whenever the warfare of the community 11 a t 1take, whenevrr the cauae1 of lt11 young people and future clU- zen• are at luue, whrnever benlrn prorreu I• the case at point. your ener1et1c efforts have been con· trtbuted to promoting Uae public good. No. It !....-not unexpected that this honor 11hould come to you. rt I• surprising only that you have found the time and the entrno to d .. ote to l.he acUriU. which you have 1upported. Civic a.ctlriUea with which you have been connected In clude m•m· ......Up -tM boar4 ~ 41&reeMln O. W. "DICll.. ltl<BAU of the Callfomta Safety ~ 11lon and the Newport Hart»or ChamMr of Commerce. Tour ac- tive aupport of youth acUYIU. 11 llluatrettd by pa.rUclpaUon u a member of the board of dlrectora or th6 Oranre COUnty CommlttM ot th• Boy Scout.a of Amenci.. and the Harbor uea Boya' Club. J'or your worlc In the Parent Teachan Aasoclallon. you were recentl7 given the award ot a Ufe )fem- ber11hlp. During the year jWlt past. you aerved •• Harbor Ollalr· · man tor Pruldcmt llllMnllower Safe Dr1vlnr Day a.nd you bec&Dl• one of lhe tound•ra of th• Orur• County Phllhermonlc Society ant! the flr1t .,preald,nt of the board of director• ot thl1 orf&11iul1on. \'OCATION nl:LD 111 the vocaUon field allo JOU hav~ a dlltlnfUllhed record ot achievement. Born and re&l'ed ln W1J1con11fn, you 1tarted u a t.acll· er ot accoununr and buaMiel a.d- mlnlatrallon Oahkoeh. W\90alulln. You moved to CAUtomta ln 1HI and workrd tor the Bat.-ay Storea for two yeai-1. la JtM 10\l took over the mana,r.ment ot an Independent grocery marll.t ln Newport Beach which you con- llaued unUl lHT. R.lch&rd'a Lido M&rket. th• fruit of lone planninr and reaf'arch, opened under your manarement In 11141. Thia 'ftTI· ture hu b«n marked b7 llteady growth and pubUo acceptance Te· 1u1Unr t1nall1 ln acclaim u Ute nation'• No. One Buper Market b7 Brand ~amea FoundaUon. We herewith beat.ow upon you the di•· U-Uoa of Oia&a~ au.en. Far East War Possible In 2 Months. Tregaskis Says TOP ROW -Geraldine Cullen. Carolyn Dalby, S\lndr~Davis, Bob Deal; lower row, Jerome DiCarlo, J anet Dillon, Carol Doane, Arloween Docter. TOP ROW -Jaml'fl Hargrove, Leah Rich ards, Judy Harris, Jane Stetson; lower row, William Ha.rt, Bruce Hartwig, Dick Hatch, Peggy Stranha gen. TOP ROl\' . .:.._ Roh<-rt Eastman. Joyce 'Eckels. Kenneth Edens' r. row, John Eggert. Jane Elliott, Jeanne El.la, Jup• Evenon.. . Mesa's Globe-trottl119 News Pair Anive Only to Depart By BILL PWLLIP8 The rtobe -trotting Trep.ak.1.1 f&Jl'llly ot Co1ta M l't1& bu come &nd gone. Richard, long-Ume war con•e1pondent for nallonal map. zlnes. and wife Walton, OCNS and Newa-Pre11ft Formo.11a cerrespon- dcml, arrlvPd In the Harbor Area by pl.ane Monday morning. They ju11t h&d time to wuh the travel dust from lhr1r hair In their Coat& Mt>s11 r uldence a t 218~ Si.ate SL bt"tore IN1vm~ by plane tor New York City Tul'llday morn- ing. Trl'g11skl:\ will confer with editors of Coll1er·11 Magazine re- • gardlnf a 11erles of from three to !Ive 11rUd e11 on the F'ormon and Far EMl l'ltua tron. ~r;F. HOT ACTION Cha ncu a1 1'. Tt'f'1ta.,kb wlll re- • tum homP, 11l l"Bftl long enough to WTite his Rr tlcl,.i; B!'yond that, plan• of lht' parr IHP Indefinite. Tht'y msy rr turn t<J the Formoaa area 11nce both "Xpr,.ssed opinion the currrn l "'colrl ' lrnpa11ae may su<ldenly !'llpl0<ll' tntu hot action. Tre1tukl11 rf'p11 rted. "The Com· munlt1l.I! are butlrltni: up their alr- fleld11. Th~y hnv" ftiJI ready In an arc on the ro:i~t opposite For- mosa. Tht>y Rre bull<llnlf jet run- ways. Some arr alrl'&dy on the (l,ld11. H"a too upeMwe a build- up ti> be a bluf!." The experienced war correspon- dent who wrote Guadale&n&l Dluy 11.Jd the R!'ds 11eemed to thlnk they can itrt F onnoaa with- out tl~htlng for IL But they want l.he off-ahore lala.nd1 to end th~ pruent block&l1e on Red pora. ''Ttloee ort-lhore Aalanda," Trepa· kla aa.ld, "are lmportant to the Red1, not to the U. S " HIGH MORALZ Morale among th; C h I n e 1 e Nallonallala 111 uncha nged. All the Tttrukls t.aU<ed to e.xpl'Mle(I every conJ'ld~ of l'dUraUlJ to the matnla.nd. "AppumU1." 'In- gukla aid. "they f .. I enapUon ot a war would 11..m. the U. I. In and we wm enabl• th.m to ft.- tum to the malnl1nd." Tregukla 84ded, ''In t w o months, the Red1 w1U have capa.c· lty to llt.art an uu.utt on Ute ott- ahore ltlanJa. It could braak loose a bout the end of .Auru1t." War corrupondenta In, th• P'cr- moaa arf'a are up In arm1 ovtr handUnr of new11 coverar• by th• l"allon&llJJla and the American military ml•lon under General ChME>. Correapondenla ln TaJpel wrote a IPlltr <Jf cnmpla1nt ant\ Tr"11:ukl1 Mnt alone an lnd1Y1dual protest. A.'1.,r;RICAN RLPOR'MNO ''The l'allonallala faU to undar· stand th,. Amerlr•n type ot eye· w It n es 1 reportlni;," Trl'&uki• 11aJd. '"Their theory la ~1 wtll tell you what happened after It hM happPn,.d. They mlll'le the Mmo ml11tllke •hf'n I wu at• tempting to cowr the oonruct on the mainland In 11148." Treguk1!1 polnt•d out th• bl(' lswe al 11take, IO far aa th• Nallonallsl.t are concerned, UI the ort-.11hore l1land1. "They want to ha.ng on to them. but they won't let the corrupondenta 10 to them." • ln reply to th• letlerl of com• plaint. Treraaklt 1 a Id, l h • National.lit Mlnl11ttr ot I.ntonna- llon wrote ba.ck the charree were untrue. "We hsve e.Uowed .-v~n tripe to the l11la.nd1 lhl• 7ear," th• minister 1tated. Th• Tregukl1 returned borne by a ml,11ture of commercla.J and mlllt.&ry tranaportatlon by wa7 of Ta1pt l to Clark Field n .. r M.anll" to Guam, Hawaii a.nd tha Hub<ir an!&. HORE GR~UATE8 -Carol Toncray, left and Jean Brirg11. a!Ao ref:eived NH l1iS rliplomaa at ccremonl~ )'..t.erda>i ' , .• ... NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 WITH SALLIE Newport Harbor, c.llt. Look what'• bappeaed to F.U.UI Be'• an rt1ht1 Be'• fo,,__ Im pipe. .-olda1 jmaet, .atppen ...t ~r -.&r for tbe oPea flame, p.ad1 IPOrta shirt, ebet'• W ud uurtme11t of 8pAoe blud'• ..... 8eeaie to me•tbM .......... way ........ tbl8 -rse of ....... , oa uytll.lq bat a ~Wlea stove swept over tbe..,.. yar* of ~ there mast have·beea aw.,. mu •.. )l.,..nt.e Shoppe • tbe place for outdoor eoolda1 eqalpmeat aad all the pocb ud ehatte.. to make oatdoon more fun • • • The 1866 sefeetloa of .,..a.q. • blger ud more varied thaa ever ••• Tbe patio tanttare la more ...u..J aad the tooa. of the tJ'ad• for play oa the beach, la ._ boat. or eaq la your OWll beck yard will pat a gtMm la uy Fa&ber'e eye tldlt oomblr Saaday ... New atore houn to contin-~~ .. all through aummer •.• o~n till eight o'clock enry iu1ht ezcept Sunday . . • Fa- ther WU behind all thla, be. JMve m. ..• Now he can shop too or brtnr mom, every nlght Cbodlloa ud 8crunbled l'epl Now there'• a J'a.. ther'• DaJ bnUfut to re- •emwl Obortw are a .................. cu be foad tn ov Dellc:a*-" ._ ••• A rude to order 8eladoa Am.Igoe ftavor t.o add to ..-chettt. taeoe or tun•he ••• Cbotboe come la ---ce CMia& ••• With aenmbled egp, -.e about oae illelt of the aauage to two •IP. take oat of the tM1111 Md ff1 very cdep • • . tbea pov off aD the .._ ........... ... Mid tbe beatea ap _egp ud ramble ••• WbDe Cbort· mmt be refrl~ they will keep for two or three lllOllths ••• Nb .._.. dy-made aDiced meat to ba" OD JaAlld • • , 0noe 7oa'•• Uled them ••• C cu Jet 7ov lmaciDa ..,.._Meat loaves! Niy type of beau! Stuffed beU pep- pen l Evea la a euchrieb l Cbol'boa oame lato the lime 'Ilda* lut week when a lady riiltaq from San Aatoaio · bdqht a dosea to take back wtUa ber becauae ahe coalcl- n't bQY 'em at home • • • Now l woader bow the ......... flee box I peas .• Th• Oscar Mayer Weiner Mobile will be here next Sat .. Urd&y for one hour from 2 :00 to 3:00 with little Oec.ar the world'• amalleat chef • . . Lit- U. Oscar gives out weiner whistles to the kids. Cake Bake Sale la ou.r froDt loM>y too, aut Sat- arday , , • Put 'OD by the eaployeee of tbe Hoeg He»- plW to ..U.. IDOMY to pQ lato the ~fad ••• U JOG're eake, or coolq mblded. walk t by our llMel')' coat.er aad bay troaa U.e D-c Hoepltal ldda la.-.s ... New wta1 IMl8decl toa lmow ••• _!loai Bospftal Balldlllf. F1IDd, Newport Be.ch where yoG Mad a1J dOMtioaa If you doa't wish to bay a eake ..• A first for the cookbooks! Durkee'• Ma('prine is the fint to become homogenised •.. What does thla homogen-· tation do for you! Durkee'• homogenised marprine will not ep&tter ln frying and It will apread euily even when refrigerator cold .•. It la al.eo hi&'hly di,.iJble and will blend euily and compl~ly with other ingr'Nienta ... W h a t ii bomopalaation ! Marprine con.Uta of milk. ncttabt. oUa and lecithln. compoeted of COUDU.. putt. dee even wn11ler than a pln- poblt. But nm thia m.tnuw med puUcle Ja 6>o tars-tor Jll'Oper blmdlnr ... Hamocen .. lat:icm bn&lm up eub ot th-. tlD7 ~ Into muy emaDer Wdta ••. Try ft! Th&t ol ma.rp.rtDe ain't the ume i-o morel It'1 ~I 1Uahard'1 • • • where 19-.....,.., ,.,. • ...s •.. • • , proJuce ... Fer Yev ll&IW ........ IUpe 1 ~ TOMATOES . ... ·····-··-·········-········· .... ..!aaU:, 1- .,.. fer 8Uoed ••• Criap, Loaf o,_ 3 13C CUCUMBERS ... . ·································· for Vble-............ ,,. .. ,. • 2· 25c CANTELOUPE ............ ·--···· .. ············-··· tor ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • • Now Open Eveninga till 8:00 p . m . MINU FOi A SUCCESSFUL ~ATHR'S DAY FIAST ••• Flnt, stir • • real lie 111a• 1et111ea ClllCI bwlt tr••• salad, smother9d witll his fnorlte roq•afort, ol • CNC1111 ...... Add a l*Y bllbW .. llcllanl's ~.'S. Cllolce Steak •d ,.,.o•d It wltll , fT••clt Fries. G'"9 ,..., Plcldes allCI OllY•. TllH ,_, Ms favorite Salad'• Slrtolll be•etat•· See If Fu11Ntr'1 Day clo••'t ... CMlt .. be,...., tool exc•pt Sundeya P.S. Slrtolll1 .. scarceafterlast WHb .-clal -so here_.. thrH pop..., faworltes mighty flH to Mn• • • • • • T·BONES CLUB ST'K PORT'HSE .. QoM. eD wee1c lotig, fM 4MMr1 lt1..C1' •"4 "",. MuMttu Whole or 8bMll bd HAMS SLICED BACON c'OFNE -·····-···················································poaM 95c Dart,... .. 5ae BUTTER ··-------···· .. ·----··-·-··,... 1-~, ...... "~ 23c RIPE OLIVES _·--···-·····-........ --~:.1 PiCILEs=······-······························ .. ··-·= 21c .... or-.. 21c CA TSUP ...... ·--w·-·-~ Y •'II find a Udo Shop lb. lb. , lb. lb • lb. • 98c Sunbeam 98c end Reml'ngton Shavers Mey be purches•d 98c in · Mezzanine Shoppe 59c • • • 63c • • • • • • 1'_t's Smart • • • • • • • • to Visit the Mezzanin• for •very occasion "Jrr-•.-"' t1'. Jrro4kr'' Blrdeeye • • • • • • • • • • • • • Complete Father's Dey Table for Shopping C onvenience De.lllM TBUUDA1' Pea _. ~ ..... APPLE CAKES 44c-ROQuiroaT 4~ ralDAY ...... DRESSING ............... ,- ..,... ~ l"lllM 3'te Wl8plill9 A-w CBEl:U ~ COFFEE CAKES-. 1.-SPREADS ···-·~·~;: ~r UTU11.DAY 0... l"UW ~ 25c ... a-ter EDAM s~ BEAR CLAWS '1 ,., CHEESE·-····-··-···!. 7- 0e.u.....,. 97c . !-!!~!~~E ........ ~ SMOiiiEs _ ........... ~ 4fc .......W• Da7 100 o.c.r Ka1er 45c CAKE -··--·---.. -·-···--Fll!'NKS ···-·--··-···~ FRENCH . FRIES •• .,,._ 1""4 w611' ~ •M tr-o1' fri«" ..... ,. GREEN PEAS COMPLETE· DINNERS • • • • to flt JOVI every n11d ! II .e of tM Udo Shope. IOaated a& the •tnDCle to Ullo w.,. . aPECW.a ro' rnNE u, n M4 1~ 1965 " ' I .~ ------- • ~ODYSSEY FIRST ON TIME IN TIDELANDS CWSIC NEWPORT HARBOR NEWs.PRESS -PART 111 ·PAGE I THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 MARINE NEWS FISHING CRAFT IN WRONG SPOT AT. 'CLEMENTE Prevalllng Westerly Disappears ---__...,. .a;;;.. __,.... ~Ing Fleet ReciCli IOlflWays i·r1cs..y June 17 BJ IAOQU&Uloi'J: U:CD'Ell Newport Harbor Yacht Club'• annual HunUnrtC)fl-'I'tdeland.a Race lut Saturday preHnted a picture that wm live lone in the me.mo· rlea of 1ptet&tor1 and parllclpanl.ll u a record·breaklnr fleet of 77 boats In four dlvlalona ptheored oft Balboa Pier on a aparkllng malched Oeel• u to which really the better boat lead• 1ame real beada·Up aalllng. la Saturday to June 11 RHODES PRO\'E8 POINT Thia year three ?lo'HYC Rhodea •kipper• aeem to htlve proved ihe1r point aa Gary Myera' f\uth led the 23-b<>at n eet acroaa the linlah line followed by Hook Beardlee'11 Sea Bee and Strat ICn· rlrht'a Witch. June afternoon tor one of the aea· While the rut of the fleet a&lled 1an·a moat popular day races. 1111 the way to the "OU-Island" off There were 3!> entnu In the Ocean Seal Beac:h, the ten Ludera·16a RaclnK divl11lon alone, nine In Ar-I ball.Jed It out over a shorter bltrary, 23 Jn the combined PC· counie from Balbqa Pier to H unt· Rhodea race, and 10 Ludera. lngton ~•ch Pier and return. Sunday JW\e 19 Konday June 20 Tue.tday J une 21 Wedneaday June 21 Thu~y J une 21 Tl DI TAILI ..._..._ ftll!t ... .a- 8:22 L ft\, S.& 2 :08 a."'· 7:33 p. "'· ••• 1 :07 p. "'· 9:17 a. m. 3.7 2:~ L m. 8:20 p. m. I .II 1:&9 p. m. 10 :08 a. m. u l :U Lm. 9 :08 p. "'· 7.1 2 :&1 p. m. 10:67 a. m. 4.0 4 :28 L m. 9:66 p.m. 7.0 3:"2 p. m. l l :U a. m. •.2 6:111 a. m. 10:411 p. m. 8.1 •:Ml p. m. 12:SS p.m." 4.3 1 :01 a.m. 11:3' p. m. u &:33 p. m. 1:23 p. m. '·' 1 :46 L m. ............. 1 :36 p. m. D AYLIGHT SAVING TIME ... ..: -0.T 1.8 -1.2 1.8 -u u -1.8 1.8 -l .7 1.9 -1.11 I 9 -1.0 2.0 Fl~lnr vu~la that ha\•@ ._.. J)'inl' \o Ill Pyramjd ~v., San Clem~nt• ~ ue_'IUnwl...bY I.be U. !~t Ouard to kl'l'p C'lt•ar thla ai-ea d1u1~ ectleduled fm nr opc:r- auon1. ln • recent bulletin on tiring thnl'll Coa11t 011al'lt Capt. C. C. Patten not.-• au<'h v~aeela hi\'!' ~•ueet.I unn~~· eary dtlay In training. Castle Rock. San Cl~mente lala.nd. 111 <'IO!H'ct on ac<'ount of flrtnr thl~ w;>rk thruugh Sun· day. from 8 a. m. to n11dmght lhroug-h Fr1tllly anti dunng daylight hours Saturday a nd Sunday. Pyr•mld Cove on Ult' laland, la cloaed thh• wePk through f'l'iday from 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. . -e -ATOllUCliiVU ... O.. MllT\JAL PVND, I~ 1t•-.i ..... topre..W. e _ __,.-4 1 •• .--. la e nriorty e f -pa•in perdripeti .. ,. •f'Clviijff ..... 1., froa Alo1alc S~leatt. Burdett Harrison CALIFORNIA INVESTORS 2541 Circle Drive Ubf>r1y•11 • .,~1 Newport BHch ~ (j) (f. •• WJSD AT ODDS Here a gain an NHYC 1klpper won Hewitt Daught!l'f out aa Dix Tovtll'• Zephyr llni•h· The Guy Hewltta are parent• -Your AdvnttllJI( Dollara .. ed ttrat with Keith Herbert of nuT FULi. LAST NEW' of a cirl bom J une 6 In Hoag Hoa· farther. do more. It'll more. wtMa LA YC BeCOnd and Ray Pearaon I QVARTEll MOON QUA.llTEJI MUON pttal. The Hew1lta U\•e at '38 you a dvertise In lhle peptr -ot 1'"HYC third. June 2t July 4 J une 13 June 19 Goldenrod .Ave. Phone Harbor 1618. The H untington • Tide landa din· -;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;_,-:-;:i91ij1ijiiijiii1i.iiiii. •• m;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nl'r which tollowed Saturday'• • I The only non-co·operatlve mtm· ber of the team waa the wind. Onc:e a gain the "p~valllnc'' West· eorly !oiled to materlall&e and t he neet sailed the discouraging couraf' of a reach both way• Instead o.f the more exclUng and c:ompetllive ht-at Md run common to a coast· wlq rac:f'. .Althourn from an un· fortunate direction, the Southl'rly brttze tried valhlntly to make "up ~ tor Ila indlscrell•in with a nlcr llteady pt'rlonnance . throughout thf.' afttrnoon. races wu t.lle occulon for prea· entatlon of not only the tropblea won that day but those !or which the oce1U1 racing boat.I 1trugrted '40 valiantly in the ruirred San Clemente Race a few werka •co. ln a ll, aome 60 awar\11 were pre· 11ented during the gala evening. "NOW HEAR THIS"! Odysuy, flln1s. an1l WeKtward. all or 1'HYC. t ook 11n early lrad IOAT OWNERS!! SMOOTH SAILING -Jn more ways than one, the sloop Ferne's Delight III slips smoothly through a racing aeuon. Her latest triumph, with Oren Wade Jr. at t he helm was a series winner c1f Newport High School Saili~g Club'a recent competition. -Beckner 4 with LA YC contenders Gelo tea, BagatPllf', and Jada In hot pur· I 11u1t. The reaching course both ways g1tve the dl\•lded r igs 11.mplr 1 chanC'r to u~t thrlr full 11prt'11d of salt, giving them a distinct advan· tag ... SMALL WORLD Picture in Press Un it es Old Friends SAIL COVERS Photo ' LADY ANG .LERS By STELL (Mn. Ray) MARSHALL When an exodua of Lady Anglers heads toward the Coronado Islands fishing groands you may expect most any- thing to happen. Being tired of wailing for the yellows to put in their appearance locally. a bunch of our meqibers and a few husbands chartered the boat, "Patience" and took off f rom the H A: M Dock a t San Dlero on June 7. To we an overworked phr~e. "You don't have ln bf' crazy lo be -----.... ------ Mon, wtlcrt a motor for fishing I Snioll, compoct, light- weight, fih right in the trvnlc of yovr cor. Jompoclcecf wilh big· 1110tor ft oturu .•. smooth ... ond Q UIET! Come on in ond tee !ht 5 Yi frocfoy. Then, /el'• go f11hing I Ivy now, UM ~r ti1M poy• rrttnf pion. South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport Blvd. J11/Jn111n 8H·HorH Outbo•rd Molori a. flsherma.n, but It doe• hrlp", ea· pc<'lally when getUng out of a. nice C'IN.n bed at l :30 a.m. to hutlly gulp a cup of at<'a.mlng java that only a. fl11hennan would down, a.nd lfin<Jlng on1"11 w11y ahoRrd a bo11t In the mlaty colt! of tht' early momlng darkneM. Have you ever t rif'd being a mole! Tn me thlit would be a l!Xely comparison, for only molu could poNlbly gTOPe their way around u dirt this crowd while trylnc to -Me their n.itdas , ...,. 1 don't know how the other• made out, but I tor one m1ased a guide, and dl11coverf'd It ju.~ at the mo- ment the 11k1pper c:alled out "Yel· lnw11 &rP bre6klr.g just off the atem " Oh, Y.·ell. sunshine and !rel'h air never ham1ed anyone. O! the 15 f:11h)n,I?' atldil'll!, 11 werl' pl11.y1ng their fish 11t the same lime. wh1C'h ln\•nl\'es many ungles ant1 tr1p11 around thP boRl. l"ot all of U!I w••re h:•·kv Pnou1:to lo • • from u ch hookup -you know lhr big on"s &]ways gt'l aw.1y H1~tnrv for our club may have hl'Pll m;rlto nn thli. trip. L~ Uly t M 1 s. Raymont1 F. 1 C&ll boated a l 'i·lb,, 4-nz. yellnw ctn 12-lb. tut lln!' F'rank Kt'C'ler wnn the jack· pl•l ar d nmgn11nlmo11.,l.v h11nd~•1 It 111 thP tirat crPw., whl.ch bug-eyed th" hn11 boy. A!I with all f~hennen It la a l!"Rnlbhng ln~unct which !urea hJm rl1 retum llnd being a natur31 1><1rn f'hlln"Opher C'OUld lhere b<' a bPtter rel\1>t1n for trying Rg&ln? Fishing to him 18 a test !or hu1 perl!Ona.l destiny. Y our Author he d TH A L C 0 F1berglua Dealer In ttie Harbor area. Bring ~·our f1ber. ~la.ss problems to oa. Pacific FiberCJlass !601 W. Coa11t H wy. Ph. LI 8·!47'! Aero~!! from All· American M:kt. THIS NEW 'PLA YBOr IS ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! An uquiali. •P"<I end pleesure bott you'll bt proud to ownl A alnglt bonded ftbtrgleu unit ..• 1ta1S end ell. Mede 10 ttkt rough trH lmf.'11t-lc11ttle11 trensom t-uolt for the mott p0-rful motors! SH tht ,.m,_, "Plevboy" todev. OTHH MODRS AVAILAILI !'t:E TRJ:M TOD . .\\. AT SOUTH COAST COMPANY Newport Bh·d. at Uni St. u ·u; RO~KJ~ • t'OS Jl10 W. C-t Hwr. s-~rt ~• WT.~T COAST f'Uwrra-Co. 119$ Neowpon Bltd. C..-f.a M,... ODVKSEl' HOSORS R. M. Stockton'• Cala~a was Mn. Charlu Kennedy of 1991 first to f lnl11h and Dick Stef'le'i. Newport Blvd., Coela. Meta hu Odyaaey took overall cnrrectf.'d dlacovued u·a a amall world. ln time honors In Ocean Racing. mld·Mav, when Mrs. Kenn~y Second and third on elep8ed tlmP be<:&JUe ·clerk·typlst ln A. J, Volz'• were Bob Taylor'• Wutward a nd Meaa city building department. the Howard Ahmanaon'e Slr1UJ1 while News·Prese publlAhed the redhead· c-orrected time honorw went lo 8111 ed employee'• picture. Ztnsmeyer·a Bacattlle for aeoon•I .A few da}'I later, Mrs. Kennedy and Pettr Grant's Nalu 11 or NliYC recel\·td a letter from Santa AnL !or third. Clua "A" wfnnf'r• Wf.'rf' rt WU algnect -by Viola Small, a Ody~y. Oeorce Sturgi1' Jada , friend Mrs. Kennedy worktd wllb and Slrlua. for n veral month.I In North Caro· Clau "B" honors went to Bag· Una eomt time ago. Mre. Small, atelle, Nalu 11 .and Don P.;dl1•r's t who now works ln a Sa.nta Ana Eacapadt' with Bob Allan'• Holl· library, bad aeen her picture 1n day, Bill Lyons' Johanna and Bill I the 1'ewa-Prea. Mt'ad'I! Lindy toppln(' the CJa1111 I Brlngtnr her trlend even cloeer "C" division. to Coata Mesa. Mrs. Kennedy r.· The Arbitrary Clu• honora In vealed. wu the tad tha.t Mrs. the nlne·boat nett were C'ollected Small'• huaband atUl\da Ora.nre b~ David Commons' Kelem ot Cout Collere. CBYC, Clyde ~Hler1 Sea Lark .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. nf WCYC. and Dick Lf'mer'1 Ro-~na of LIYC. 1 ~ A feature or this a nnual event .,,::;:' fil)fll which provldta much Int.vest Is I"".~ • Ule hot and hea vy competltlon I BOAT COVERS COCKPIT COVERS BOAT CANOPU:S CUSHIONS BUNK MATl'RESSES MARINE INTERIORS DECK MATl'RESSF3 REPAIRS J 1 nAR8 11.AJUNE CA.NV AS EXPERIENOE FREE ESTIMATF.8 PICK-UP & DELIVERY • Newport Canvas Co. HOT D W. Cout HJpwa1 l..oee&ed .. 8aU-Loft at S-prot Ludtar Llllf'rty s.nn H How Service wbMla -u UM PC aloope \ llOtnB COAft 00. a8d the ~ are toeMd t.o--:n~ a Newport Blvd. T-.,.. -Maw ft'lloww WA.Jn' gether to battle It ou,t boat for 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=.A~d~; ~M~=wt~U~M~~ad~y~o~u~ra~=i bo11l. The lfln lf • •landing argu-, ; ment between theae two cl011el1 MARJ~E l'PHOL8TERL~O MARINE CARIUlnORS Repeln -Se.lee -PuU U!Nrru a STROMBERG BOAT 00\~RS BALBOA CAN'\'il SHOP H••-m D• 1 )ht ii. HlW,Oll UACH Harold I. Johnson Propellar ~,... Cohanblaa -d .f'edera.I Aitf'llC'1 P1aoee Harbor HO 11111 Villa Way, N~r1 BeM-h It's today's most powerful produc:t ion outboard. the Mercury Mark .5S! Super· • , 'lrnOOlh power now. c....t~ comrlnt cn11ne ~ 1ilencin1. ~ new Dyna·Float Suil>(nsion for '- aupcr quicr opera. tJoo wltliour loss ot perfonn•ncc. • .. ,, -,..,,_ With Full :=;:._.- Jeweled Powu•1 '6'12.at D.AVE SPIES 2510 W. Coast Rlghway GEO. J. MEACHEM US9 W. Cout Highway Liberty 8-lMS FROM PORT ORANGE lnformati~n & R•Hrvation1 Liberty 8-5516 COMPLETE LINE OF WA11R SKIS AND ACCESSORIES CAT AUNA .AQUA GUDE WATER SKI RENTALS SAILING PRAMS . .. ................................................. ,._ .................. . fNlll '185" PRAMS SKIFFS t \1 ft.. ud 9 ft. •ftnl•bed ..................................................... ,_ .... _ ........ frCM9 '59" '59" A a JO rt. unnnlAhrd . .. ................... ¥ .................. -.............. ,,_ COMPUTE ~'E OF CATALINA PADDLE llOAAM 15!1 W. C.-t Rwy. ~n1 8-ISTI , ' LYLE A. .HOSKIN' -& SON TWO 8TOU8 TO 8&&\'"E \"Otl lJH "· 0.... ..,.. u~ .. .,.,. • • • • • • • • Electric Dod'1 a "'iohty 9itt.d MOal le1id" hovi1t9 &totto9'"9 ~ IM'1 • aapen _. baby waH1ir19, lricyeAe ba6o oncl"9. halplft9 wlltl. i.... WOflt ., • • wt.y dod c• 4M p1actJcalty CH1ythh1tl 0. fattier'• 0., ........ Ood how ,..vc.fl ... at'Precl ... hit ""'Y .......... ~ tMrttl h\111 o ¥GtY lpedol gift. Co... ................... mag , Sune~I l~e~e Uem6 f,.~m our tig ~locl WbA~Vf'r type of l(llt 7-D..t wnultl Ilk,. ._,, yoa'n ..,.. t. fll\d It In o.ur wonclerha07 o.m-. plrle faf'lf'rtton of Fatl!er'a De.1 l'ltta. priced kl ftt eYWJ' ,...._ book. I ~ . Shavers (Sunbeam-Shick) Power Sander -Skil Saw Tool Chests· Name Brand Tools Thermos Jugs -Kits Complete Portable Barbecue ~· Portable Ice Chests Plastic-Ware for His Boat Or if these suggestions . you will find scqres don't .ring a bell, more in our big stock. ·AL FORGIT HARDWARE 2205 lalboa llvd.--Newport leach Opell Sut1days-Harb0r 116 We Are Now Open Friday & Saturdays I a.m. 'ti 9 p.m. • ... r PAGE 2 • PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS QUICK CHANGE AB'EISTS -Typical of go ings-on 1n Harbor, area Boys' Club during-the week, is thie· scene above. When theae youngsters charged into the Boys' Club gym Tuesday night, they were just a bunc\ of kids. But when baseball attire for the summer Mid- LANGENHEIM LEAVES lO · LAND OAR EVENT Offers Harbor Area as Site for 1956 Olympic Row Trials Hay Langenheim left Newport Beach for Syracuse, N. Y. today in an effort. to bring the 1956 Olympic rowing trials _to the Harbor area. J us_t }ike a fella name of DS!vy Crockett, the N ewport. Harbor Chamber of Commeree executive sec- retary wa .. "loa rled tor bear," I i:r&du11 tlon fei;UvlUea at the Nav&l He departett Los Angele.s by .Amer!Cdll Airlines &t 8:25 &.m. tul wtll arrwe In Syracuse at 10 09 p. m. EST. He will return to New- port Monday. ''I'm pretty well heeled," La.n- genht>lm told the Newa-Prt'S.tl. "It'll be a real lt\Jll< to put It over, a.no! prrhAp!I thP mont'y Involved will hf' m111 c lhan we can t\.fford, but l'H Jt' l 111111 of suppurt !rom Newport B·•1rh 11nrl Or11ni:e Coun· ty flffw1:il~ 8n1·1 lhE' Southwut How ins:; As8c1..:11Ht>s." LOTS Oii' rAOT9 i;\cademy, w1l1 Join her husband ln . Syr&cuse tomorrow. Langen- helm'11 l!On, John. a first cla.ssm&n. 111 currl'nlly on a European train- ing crulSt>. ROOTS FOR NA\'Y Saturday, Langenheim v.111 be gueat durin&' the intercolle(1.ate rowing ch&ml)loosl)lps &t Syn.cu ... "Naturally, 1'11 be roottnc for Na- vy lo rnpture th&t just as they did the Wel!tem Sprint Champlon- sh1p In Newport M&y 28," Hay aald. La.ngwnhelm -.td tl'l&t tt any problems arise rega.rdln&' 11.lte (lf tho 19~6 Olympic rowtnr trlala Sunday, the committee would pro- bably decide on de.te of the trial•, bul del&y o! announcement of the slle unt.11 a meeUng In December. "There'll be plenty of oppoaJUoa again.st Ne\!o1>0rt Ha.rbor," IA.ngen· membrr of tile Olympw RowlnJ:" heim warned. "Nine clllea a.re comm1tlee. Land the trlol.8. th"Y 1 t'ompetlng !or the trl&la. It'll be a would be sponsore<I locally by lhe real task to put this acroea." chamber o! commerce. B t 't ...,_ Cr k tt' IAni:,.nhr·1ni a•ldP•I. "I'll have to gel a lnl 11( fad" ft nm the t:nlted Sl11l•" Oly111p1c H11wing committee before makmg 11ur bid." The bid for lht' l rl'Jl!I will lnC'lude cxpen~<' 1>( hnh.hng the tnRl;i anti a cnnln- bulion lo the 19:'\6 Olympics In Au111raha. Should Langenheim, a u w1 h .._vy oc: e • mua-Lllnitenhelm wtll 11l 11y at the !fo· ket, how can he fall? lei Syracuse, where the Olympic • Rowing committee will go Into -------------- M&,ion o.t 9 :30 a.m. Sunduy. Mrs. Langenheim, who 11er\red as chap- eron for five m ldAh lpm4!n 11nu th•·lr girl friend11 e l A1u1epqll~ d;trlng 'A' Slate for First Week in Mid get League Ha-rb<ir Bon•' Club A• baseball leag-ul' 11ummc:r S•'R!ll>11. co·i<ponsor- ed by ="cwp11rt HarMr l11~h 8 eh o o I rc<'r<'Rlll'll tJ;•partm,.nt. opens IMJ:Ut! ph1y 11t ('11sta l\l('.~R Park J\lnn<lay mi:hJ. Alhkttc DI· rector Rn1l ~1!11 M1lli11n ti( Bop ' Club N'mmd"tl plnyrr~ l'l he 1u1t- ed 11nd on t hr fir I< I 11 t t• Rl't onr- hal! h(lur llhf11 ,1 (If i<l 11rtmg ttnws 1ndlcstetl. Plnyo'fs 1n I hr l<~•p l!lnrt lh<' Wel'k of Aui:. 2:.: Here:s ll<'hrolule for nrxt wrt'k : Monday 6 :HJ, Hr.1v1·.•-\'11nkei:tt. I : l~. Cn1·,1Jn11l~·\\'t111e Sl'lx. Tue;dny-ti :in. n~,1 ~ox-D<'l\lg· •r11. 8 :l~l. lntllM io-Gll\Ol ... \\'t'dnr.111lay-8.1r-., Bra\·es-C11rdl· nal,,. Thursday -6 .30, C1anl!c. Rrd Sox: 8:1!!, Yankees-Ood$;<'rs. 1-'rtllay -6 30. lnt11nn~. \\'hill' Box; 8:15. D11dg<:rs-Bravr11. 'It Mercury en.. Cpe. MB., O'dr. f'ull pr, ''7 Fra,ler Mdall. R.tH '565 1145 'SI Ford IC.. Clb R.tR 1795 FordomaUe BMutllul Blac-Jl 'It PoatiM II ,495 ~lte RAH WHITE NAMED ON 1955 CIF TRACK SCi)UAD To<I White, Newport Har· bor H igh po811f'l!SOr or the fasle!t prep mile mark ever run In Cal)fqrnia, has been named & member of the All· Southern Calitom l& CIF track &nd field team tor 195~. 'the ... J(Jral dist&nce ace Is scheduled I•' meet with other honored athll'trs Saturday momlng to rt>n1ve t. framed scroll award in H elms Hall, Los AngPles. Charles Dumas. nalional In· tC"rlK'hol&sllc .record holder In tht• hi~h Jltmp. WM named l'IF ll'll~k Athlete ot the Yrar by Hrlms Athletic Founda- tion, Dumns l!et new CJF s .. uthi>rn S1.'ctl11n ind State Mt""t recort111 of 6 ft. 8'• ln. a11,1 6 ft. 9"it ln. re!lpectlvely. He broke the interachohutlc mark with 11 6 ft. iO In jump at the Fresno Relays. \\'h1te jnlnrrl Dumu In 11et- linj: the two nrw Stille Med Btand11rds In the high jump 1111.J mile. Tod' .. mile elocklng was • :20, which •tood u a nationl\.I mark until Tom Skulka ot New J elsev lower- t>d the record to •:i9.3 one week l&ter. .. THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 get Leagues were distributed, they suddenly became members of the Indians ball club. Fo llowing opening ceremoniea tomorrow night at Costa Mesa Park, the teama open loop play M onday. -Slaff Photo HARBOR , __ ,~~- BILL P~IPS, Sports Editor CUB PACK SLATES OWN SOAP BOX DERBY IN COSTA M~SA Cub Pa.ck 107 wlll hold Ila own Soap Box Derby ln Cot1ta Mesa. next Thurllday. Each den will be repre.t1ented by one •oap box &uto, with 1lx entnu In all, &ccord1ng to Cubmaater J ohn Hutton. Coet6 Mesa oftlcer11 under Polire Chief Art Mt Kenzla wlll block oft \'lcinlty of Plummer St., between Anaheim Sl. and Pomona Ave., where the race wlU take place. McKenzie, who ha.ndled the regular Soap Box Derby In Lo11 Angeles while a mr mber o! the metropoltt.a.n police department, re· port.I a good grade on Plummer St. "We slopped a police C'Qr on the gradt'," McKenzie report- ed, "and It rolled down, reaching a speed ot a bout 12 miles per hour." McKPnzle said lhe L.A. \•erslon wu held on Slau- aon St. where the home-bmlt aut<)S hlt epeeda of 40 miles per hour. Hutton aald the Pack m .. Unc would •tart at COllt.& M- Pe.rk, with the race taking place betwen 5:30 and 8 p.m. next Thursday. Present will be the Cubs. Den Chlels and Den Molhera o! Pack 107. McKeniJe will deUver a 11&!ety talk to · the contestants. WAS IT WIN OR LOSS? Newport's Protested Go Up to Legion Area Boss It will be up to the American Legion Junior Baseball Area Commissioner Clifford J onea of Anaheim to decide whether Newport Harbor's Legion nine defeated Orange 1-0 Sunday or lost by a 9-0 forfeit, the News-Presa learned to- day. The problem was forwarded to J ones during Tuesday's Oranre County League meeting. agreed It wu ln the Pacific Cout Coa.ch Rod ·:t.\JicMlllian of lhe pro rules. but not !.n the national New1>0rt Harboj team explained rule book. Sund!"y'11 .game !J:1!.a .'~ay: Going "I left the declalon up to the lnlo bottom of ... ,,.~ .,.H!t ... ~!WJng o! a •corelelll g1une, Pitcher P.11m Newkirk-beea-ma un11!:ttle'd when a.n Orange runner moved !l·om firllt to third on a.n oul(leld fly. With Ora.nge clean-up batter, Pur- cell, next up, M&c?-Ulllan walked out on the field to c&lm Newkirk. THROWS BALl.S Newkirk threw three 11traJght ball•. Shorts lo~ Denny 1-·1tzpat. rick ot Newport railed time and Denny 11uggested they put Purcell on bue. At thl• point. Coach Noel Sweeney ot Ora.nge came out and told Rod, "You'll have lo take yo11r pltcht-r out a<'C'ordin• lo the rules." Mac.Mlllla.n told Sween<'y he didn't lhlnk It wa• In the rule book U1at the pitcher had lo be removed when a coa.ch went on the field twice In an Inning. They lOJINSTONE'S Mesa Auto Wreckers t:11ed Auto Parta and Aoce1u•or1e. 2075 Placentta'Ave. Liberty I-'?Ola Ooeta Mesa Private PQlice • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 Speclal Local Appearance World's Match Game Champion r SY~VIA WENE THURSDAY JUNE 23rd 2:00 P.M. -. 6:00 P.M. Bowline F.xhlbltlo• a Inatrvctlon PubUc l•n1tt"d -r.... AdmJaeloa Cotton Goll Volkswagen Dealer J VAN'S BO · ttUI Xt> .. 'port Bh·d. I w L I N G ;:\"f:WPORT· BEACH ~--PhllltOf'IP-e •: .".ar,.bo_r_a __ _, 1 l iOS Superior, Cotta Meea BILL K.LOTL. lilt'• Uberty 8-329% OCC SWIM SIGN UP UNDERWAY MONDAY PARADE, GAME KICK OFF MIDGET BALL SEASON ON MESA T0~10RROW Reglatrati"n tor aummt'r 1wlrnming clMl!t'a et Or•nre Coa ~t l'.tJlll'j:l' atart11 Monday at 10 a m. (nr .Monda v, \\\•d· n<'11d11y w d F rtd.iy cla~11e• and Tuearlay tor Tuelklay, Thure· dav a nd S11tu1dav l'lU5<'S. I ml'f't 11t 10 "m and thf' Cardlna.ta 800 Boys on 46 D:amond Hin es j ~nd \\'hue S1'X at 11 16 • m. At ( n1tmt 14•1 Mar, th• Dniv•a e.nd ~giJ1tn1Uo11 tor all chu1su w1n tako> pl•c.i at the rnll<1gt1 puoL Cb.S:ieli will be offeri•d tnr nor\-sw1mmtt 1, begmn<'r~. lnterm!'dlat,. S\Vtmmen . ant1 ilftM<av111g 11roupl'l. A char11e of $1 pf•r student Is mad,; to hulp dt'fray pool mainte1111nce costs. Tak Part L 0 M a Ht11 nt.a t1111glt1 al 10 11.~. and-the -~ i oops pen on ay l l'llb!llMlnil llodg('rl at 11:13 Lm_. l'l• vofl• In I he C l'-'-1'•• at art The Har~r art>a's summ<'r Miliget baseb l'\11 program Au~ '~ 111 the n lf'ague Aug. 11 ~•nJ In lhll A le4jlU4l. AUf.. 2l. kick s off the 1955 season as 01.l members of 46 lo.:a l nin<'s - s tage their a nnua l parade nnJ exh1b1tion gam e at C usta ! o:C Sttmmer Senion Mesa P a rk t om orrow. The• tt>ams l\r(' u11ul'r sponi>orsh1p of Hasbur Ana tl••:.!i' Club anll :-;l'\\• Ill 6 JO I) I.I. 0'1 1 llll' .\ Cu1Jmals to Open on June 20 '):)ort Harbor 11.i;h Sl'hOUI t Cl'fL'a· f\n•I \\ hll<' 8 .. x 11l t I~ 1•,m. I 1'11•• t1rst rtnv c:it i:\11mmu g, .. umpire," Mi.t'Mllhan ltJIJ :-;<'W8· 1 litul dcµartnll"nt. I A p.11r <ii L' li•si;111• i;t11111•• 11r~ ,,,.11 will •tsrt 'J 1int• 20 at Oranie Pre~s. "He Ullin l tell 111<' tQ take Tel~vls1on pC'r~onallt~· Rt\~· !\111v-llho bd11•ttu i. ... 1 M.ind~\',lldh Ill ti\<' I c·(!nJt c .. 11 .. ~1·, II \\'113 11nno11.n<·•d Ne\':lrnk oat. so 1 oaln't. :o\o pro· pnlr w1JI Sf'rve 11.\1 ma..•ter flt cr1e-1 N1•wi>nrt ll11rh.ir tl1i.;h •ll111nn11d It .. '1n-i:t111h•nl!\ ml•)' not r eguter tut wa.s nnnuuncl'tl b~· Swrt•n•·Y monl4!ll. It wa~ Rnnounrt><I bv fl11d :•mt lhl! You h c.-nl•r hnll fo<'H Im• c•11-.111 ft(tt'r .lune 27. - and the urnprre 1mitl nothing auo11t Mor'.\tllhan. 11lhll't1c tl11ector or lit <"01\inll 111'1 ~11 1. At lhl' hll:h I c·,1111 .,.~ 111.-up<'n to 111l persona lhe g11mc bt>rn~ played und.~r pro· the Coy11' Club. I s.·hool. lh!' Fkon·~ 111111 \11rnk1·1·~ who h~\'I• cnmpll'IN.I high school teat al Uie tune " RAl.L\' AT t ·----.. r who 111 r 111 ~· .. ari> nr 11ge or ('.\l,L FROM Hl~t:S Tht' boys. n111i:tng In Rf!'<' from H I M d w· 1 \di:'I fll.•ll\lt•t1 .. n ,, l'(fl'l<'•I In First Ma..cM1llla.n knew 11bo11t 8 l<l I~. wMl rnlly Ill the Bo_vs' e Gft aynar lftS A;·r 11.,l1l,.ol puhlir junlnr <'Ollt>.ia the protest was when he recem:-d ('!11b 1n Costa M;:sa m un1fv1 m at BS in Architecture :·n11r"''" fr• ·m 8 n 111. to 12 n<>l'•n. a call Crom League t'omm111s1oner 6 I m. l'a.1t•nts a nti fn c11d.• will rhP ~ummer srllston 111 1ux wef'k• Ed Hines. Hint's not1t1et! '.\l11<'Mtl· "'al1•h lhe ll'llml!! pnretll!' from lht' Helen " '.\t evna.rtl of 124 \'111 ln) .. ni:t!i. 111nn111i; f1 0111 June"20 • r 11 t h j ti I ( I t I C1•noa rect>1vc<1. ht•1· '·11<'t1-lor 11( J 1 ..... li&n a \•a.Jld proleet h11rt been pre-out 1e c o t e n " d o I "' 1al u ' u ,. lrn sentt"d by SWl'E'ncv ond b11.rked bv pa rk al\ tht')' ure announn•d. 11larl· lll'lenre In 11rrhll<'•'l11rr <lt.'gn•c S11l· ~o lunlll••n ''" s are <'h1.ir1•d the u111p;rt'. Mal•M1lll11n asked fo.r inc; Ill ll :>0 rm. urclay with the grudua llni; rlus nr t.1r cullc-gt·' ,·ou1·s.,s &nd stulltnta a cha.nee to give his lli<le of thr 0trtri11l opentng of the seo11son 196~ at the l 'ni\·eiiul\' o! l\llc-hr· 111 <' nlhl\\l•ll '" rei:1st er tor up to I I k l h gan's 111 I h ('Ol1lllln11<'C 0 m<•nl. s1tuatlon. and H1nea ialrl it would w I tn· C' r at'e with ll Mt mes· ' ~evrn 111111~ 'f work. Other In· be reviewed Tuesday night. !!ag r11 from !\t>wrnrt Bearh '.\la.~·01 Earl Wuren. rhft•f·Ju11tll'I' ~r thP fo111111tlt•11 1s 11vall11blo by phonlnr M&eMlllian rcporlect lhoH "" Dora 11111, Cosla J\ll'sa J\la.\·nr l'nilt>d State" antl e'l!·gm·t•rnor of lhe collP~e ~11mmer lt'Ulon otflcea lending, the meeting Tuesday f elt \1alre N<·lson. n'nd Orange Cou;1t~· C,11!1fom 1a. gave the C'OmmenC'e· J(lmbei ly 6·11:11 or U1ttn1ton that since the protl'st had not Supl.'n·lsor Hemz l{alst'r. Th<'n ment adrtreM. 6·<1094 . . · been. a.nnottnl'E'l1 by the umpire, ;'l;ewporl Harbor Post 291 Am/lrl- that waJ! a logic&! rt'llllOn f<>r not <'ttn i.A'i;ion mnP, cn-spon.11or<"1 hy I upholding the protest. 1t Willi 11190 the Boys' rlub nnrl Thl'Orlore Rob- !elt l!Ome <'larlflcation or the IC'a-ins. wilt put on an Infield demun- WAR SURPLUS SPECIAL! gue rule was required to co\'er a 11lrallon. situation where the coach goes on NIGRT'!'I HIGHLIGHT the field to confer with players Highlight of the evening t'omes other than the pitcher. with an exhibition fray belween sw Ceii ti.EiNt.$ 2 OO The Legion rule reada: "Team the eight A league te1uns. The Coach will be a.Jlowed one trip per Red Soic tangle with the Braves innint; to coMult with hi• pitcher. In a two-inning opener followed A second time out ta for removal by two-stanza ellnts featuring A Ra\·lnir• of '15"~ of the pitcher." Yankees and Cardlnala, While Sox t'or l'nt'lo11ln.: patio,., "ablnll, twd!Jlnr plant •hf'<I,., ac.rttn doora and wlodowa.. Rt::LE PC'RPOSE and Dodgerll, and Indiana and The coaches f4!ll purpose of the Giants. rule could be dtf4!ated by relaying Umpire be.hind the plate, calling messages to the J>llcher through 'em u he st•ea 'em. wlll be Mes& other play4!rs on the field. Councilman Bruce Martln. Broth· Bucky Walters of Fuh4!rton er Councilman A. L. (Pink) Pink· made t.he move to hold oft decf-ley will handle play-by-play over s1on regarding t he protl'l!t and the pubtlc address 11yatem. forwa.rd it lo the area t'ommlll!llon-MaeMillian anno1tnced B &nd C tr tor final rullng. The game will player.< wllll be free to leave Ill 11pparen!ly remain on the books a~ the end of the Legion diamond a 1·0 win for Xewport until J111r h drill. - time as Jones validatea the prJJt OPEN MO~DA V test. "T The M1dgt't leagues star't reg11l- New1<lrk got out ot trouble In atlon play In llll dlvl11lons Mon- the 11th antl fimshed the game. day. At Costa Mesa Park. ba.se- Slngles by Dave Buckman, Cary ball games will start at 10 a.m. Green and Roy Daniels accounted Monday 11nd IA~t until completion for tho wlnmng tally In the ()ls-of a fray starling at 8:15 pm. puled fray in the 12th. Saturday, The C Br·aves and YankN•11 clash Newport defPated Orange 12-2 at 10 a..m .. the C Cardinals a.nrl with ·nuddy Thompson clouting a \\1hlte Soic &t 11 ·15 a,m., the D gandslam homer. Tlgt>rs and Red Sox at 5 p.m., on PRESENT STANDINGS the main field and the B lndlan11 With the second game "up In and White Sox on the grM~ In· the alr,'' the Harbor Legion 111ne rlelrl, the A Uraves o.nd Yankeeii the commlsslontr, then Newport would taJI Into a Lie wilb Santa Ana and Huntington tor aecond place on bu1a of current 11t1Lnd· in gs. NO .. llmH AT ANY PllCI J?r~ 'Veit SILVER KING BATTERY , 0 ll ANY CAR Guar antf'rd 36 Montha It's Fibreglue NATE READE has actually won five and dropper! one. F ullerton took over first place ln lh• county loop with a paJr of trtumpha over Huntington Be&ch against no losses. Saa ta Ana SWf'pt two from Garden Grove for & 4-2 mark, tying with Hunting- ton for third place. Newport Ha rbor play1 Garden Grove here Satun1ay, there Sun- day. 1877 HARBOR BLVD. COSTAM~A LI 8·6411 lf the proteet I.I! v11lldalr'1 by lrj; the low-price 3, PLYMOUTH • i s RRSllN SME. ·RAST IN SIZE. FIRSr II SIFEIY. FEATURES ! • The thrill of pride ~·011 f<-rl each time you drh·e your nPw l'h mouth hu 11ever11l sourc<-•. There·~ the ,leek 11mart11<-t'11 of i~ f nrward Look @lylinp;. The ea Fer pow1·r .,f thr thrift irst 6, or the mn!t po1>·r r ful sl11nd:m l \'. 8 i11 Plymouth'" fi<-1<1. And thrrr·~ thr p!'a•·P. of mind t!tnt M mN from lw 'l" ing thni you are protrc-lf"O h v mMI' Mfcty f•·a· turea than o ffrn•d L\• 811 \' n1hn lnw- prirr car. You 'II kn1;w '' h111 1'1!' mr;in whrn ynu nri1•r 8 hig llt'W 1'1) l\lOUth - how about torla y '! · I ·-----------------------------J I : I I I I I I I NO m -LML "BLIND$ TS," thonlcs to this unique swept-bock windshield de- sign thot gives you the greoted y/sj. bility in Plymouth's .~eld. BEST BUY NEW I "AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL CAR"- thol's whot the notion's foremost ortish' group,' the Society of lllustrotors, soy about tha 1955 Plymouth I , BIGGEST LONGEST ROOMIEST THE BIGGEST CAR OF ALL 3 is naturally the most comfortable inside; ond Plymouth gives you the smooth, steady ride onl y o big car con give. ---------~-------------------i------------------------------ SAFETY-RIM WH£ILS hove o apeclol rtJ- taining ridge lo help hold o lire stro1ght on the rim In coM of o blowout. An· other Plymouth uclusiv•l 1 I I I I I I I I I I I SURER, MORE PREOICTAllE STOPS co"'• from two hydrovloc bro~e cylindart In each Plymouth front wheel, where the other lwo low-price cors use only one. BETTER TAADE·fN, TOO . N~PO RT IEACH Phone Uberty W416, ) ,_ I • • rHuRsoA v. _Ju Ne , 6. , 9ss ~ewPORT HARBOR NEws.PREss. -PART 111 . PAGE 3 'I Ba 11 Clubs Divided illo 1air of loops SERVICE CLUB DIVOT DIGGERS TEE-Off TOMORROW AT IRVINE H.rbor Bn) a' Club 8 be.Nb9U l~ue opcua ~, anamooa ill M~ Elk!'; R11,. Ford. OpUm~ C'oela Mua Park. Tbe loop '8 O•·'I' Btad(ord. Rot.a.ry, 1~f'ed by Jl;av.'pol'l H~ Late for Entries-Welcome: to Individual Golf Honon Vie 1 71 Cor,lon WaTker, Bal6Ni Hl,rh SC'hool rtcrotlnn d•p&rt- Uona: Pnul Duolap, C.:ostA fit cl'la l~i\\;a,nla. Dick J ohnaon, Rotary; nu•nL Tee·off time schedules for 61 entrants in the first an- nual Newport Invitational Golf TQ.urnament at. Irvine Coast Country Club tomorrow were released today by Chairman Paul Butler. Highlight of the· one-day divot diggings will take place during the golf banquet in the clubhouse at 8 p.m. tomorrow nlghl. The tourney is 11rwn1ore;I by !'\t'wport Harbor Ex· lhe Or&nlfe Count.v C'rlpplf'<I C'hll· change Club. t.lren AllllOClatlon. ExC'h11nge Cluh ClAriy Elhnpworth, Colla Meu I.Jons. 1 :.!8 Br•b Pll'rsall. E'(change; Cecil Puwt•ll. Elk11, Mai k Soden, Rotary: GrorJte 1-;nerson, Elka. t.311 f'l\n !l/O('I. Exchange: Dick lltackt<r, llulbo11 Llon~; Tom de rorrl'~t. C<\~la M e1u1 1.iwanle; Al F'lsrht'r, l'•»HR M1•1111 Llon11. 1.42 Al Pl,.c:hrr. Balboa U orus; J erry llr11nl' 1-;",.hunge; Bob lAm· pert, Elk11. l)1 n n \\'r1jthl, Rotary. I 49 Mlt'k••V llPalh, Balboa U on1, \\'.,~ t"ullln..,. Coi!la Meaa Llont1 R1l>.n >t> H n\'llltt'r, Elka; Ja<;k Burh111n. Op11mu1t. I 56 Har11lrl \\'plt'h. ExC'hange; [)(tn Han'''""'· Rutary ; Bill To- buu1, Opt1m1,.1, 1'11111 Reuen, Co.ta Tom Herre1 nan w111 be m•lllt'r l\ll'ea Klwnm11 \\'hrle t ht• 11Chl'1l11lt' hu beofon rill· President l:Job Jones wlll top ort ed trom l pm. through 2.411 pm .. l]le tourney dny d1111ng tomtir· Buller 11nnounred that llllY senrk'e n>14' night'• dinner by tu1 ntng O\'C'r rlub nrt'mbtrs rn lht' Harbbr Art'a donation che<"k11 to n. 1~ ~penc-rr. who "u1h to play for lndrvldutt.I pn•111dent o( thr OCCC AS11oc111· trophtf'll are welc9me lo Pntt'r lht' Uon. toumev. "Latu entriPs," Buller sal•I, "will ha\'I• to wall tor thl'lr round• until artu 2 411 p m. to· morrow " of • <'erJ;monae11 tomorrow n~ht 2 03 l"hlrk H1j:bet'. Ba Ibo a 1 J udgl' Robert C1111lntr will ma~P Llon11: A r:. H11Jitht11, Cotta Mga t 'OR CHARIT\' I the team tr.lphy r•r ~t·nt11t1un ft . Klw11nl11; F:11rl Slanlt'y, Rotary; P f l'1tt Hoh·. Ellul roreed11 rom the tournP\' go to vine dub pro Art Rt•11x \\.Ill 1h~tn· .. R M -----------·---· 'l lh .John Uoyd, otary: ar· bute lnd1v1du1:11 "'"'t.l" S11n1twnl1·1 11h.ill Sh11~fl<1C'k, BAiboa Lrona: Bob Roub111n will serve as enll'r · 1 Rr111 e Mu1'\1n. Costa MeKA Lions; The 12 8 tf'"ma h11v• betn di· vldeJ Into two '"""1111'1. An1e11can 11nd Natlon•I. Al the end of th• eeuon. tht're will be playofl "-· tween the champs and runnera·up In u ch circuit. The American League I.a com~d of lht Alb- letlea, lndlan1, Rl'd Soa, Ttsen. White Sox and YankeN, In the Nat.Iona! Lc-aiue are tht Bravea. Cardln11l1. Cube. Dod1era, Olanta and Plntff. Roya ahould be tultf'd attd en t'leld at leut a half hour aJIMd of ga me Umu echedulfd. llate for n•xt week toUowa: Monday -15 p. m., Tt(tl'll·R«'I Sox. m11n t'ltkt; lndlan·Whllt loa. gnaa fltld. Tue1day -a p. m.. Braw•PI· r1lt•. main field; Cuba· Dodpn. .irau field. .. PUTTl?\G THt:IK Bt~ST cu ·n t"OR\\'ARD -A doz. en service club mt:'mbN's putl· their all into making tomorrow's first annual Newport Invitational Golf Tournament a huge success. The tourney is sponsored by the Newport Harbor Exchange Club wilh proceeds going to Orange County Crippled Children Associa· lion. Holding the greens flag is Bob J ones. Exchange president. Putters include Don Harwood, Mark Soden, Gordan Findley, Frank Lefe,·er, 0 . G. Suess, Bob ForbcR, Dick Ma cker , George Turner, Paul Butler, Frank Bissell and How_a,rd Marten. -Staff Photo Summer C Loops Play on Three Separate Fields l.1.1nment <'ha1rn11rn. S&nrlv Hem 11torr. Bt1lb<la LIOIUI . 2 li Gor11on F'lnJley, A merican IAglon : A I ( 'lemence. Balboa Llone: J1111 Multrop, BAiboa Llon8; Conly R1t111·hkC', J>:xchang't. Fl'LL l'\L.\Tt: ' T ee-otf times follow: 1 p.m .-Frank Lefever, Elks; 0 . O. Sues11, Optimist; Gl'orge Hoi· 1teln, Rotary; Paul Buller, Ex· change. 2:31 J11ck Towl, Elke: Roy Schook, Ex1·hange; J uan McMll· ll'n, Elk11: Cl'rry Ritchie. Rotary. Wednuday -15 p. m., Ath1ettee- Yankt'el, main field; Cardinal .. Glanta, rn-u field. t :30 p. m., lndlan•·Rtd Sox, main field. Thun1day -& p. m.. Bra- Gtant1, main field: Tt11r ... .Atla· l&lc1, arrua field. Friday -a p. m., ~ .... Yankeu, main field; Ptral.e9-0Ube. ~ tteld. Summl'r blUlebaJI C teams, co· TOUGH GO Teamsters Nine Next for Mesa 17 Pro Games to 'Hit TV Screens Local Sports Car Advocates 1ponsorerl by Harb<lr Boys' Club and Nl'wport Harbor High School recr enuon department, launch 8f'B· sons Monday at 10 R.m. on l.hrtt tllf!ercnt dla mon1ls. The loopt1 are '"''"<"t~l, 17 $!&me" -e.t tn.c Los An· Tune Up for L.A. Road R ~ 1 C•llila ~le11a Park. N1•wport Ha.r· ace j lxlr High School and Newp0rt HHrb<1r Youth C:entt!r. F"lr~l week'• achl'dult! for C tram11 pla\·lng at efl ht'r 1'ewport Hsrbor High or Co11la Me11:i Park !rtl•b !ollowe. J:t It'< P.311111 anr1 !'an F ram l~M R~· ~ALL\' Hl'!"H , .l!ll'rs b(>gmning w1lh R night t1111t· Ha1b<1r Ar t>& t1ports car enthu· h111l 1••1nh-st Augu~t 6 .. 111s1s \I •·re all tune•! up tooay for Ertrl J. H uoli;on. \'1t 1'-prf'!ll<I• nl In I runnrng ul the,. flr11t Lt\11 AnJite>lea «h!UJ:C' r f thl' ABC-TV \\'ei<l •·m road rau• ot lht> ll('W Hansen Dam I Dr\'I"""· l'll •d. ''Thill means prn lrar k thls wel'kt>nd Conduclt'd by It k 2 h i h foot ball fan~ wlll be flblP t o see the Cnhlomla Sport.I Car Club. loo a 1 1 nnrni; omr nm • I b Lo 11. Ram or '49Pr ~ame everv ll< hPd· I re rare• 11re 11porurored y s by F 1r11l Basema n Tiny Brf'wer o! uled we«k of thr seal<On. e·rthn on I Angeles Junior Chamber e,,f Com· t he Lo11 Ani:-PlPs ('011ll!Hs to knoC'k I lhP TV li\lrPen or from a s.-al ,tn n11•1l t' e ver lht> M1·M ~lrrrh11n111 8·6 at lhP 111ali1um." Lonil C'nlrres rnc-lwle John a nd Cn~ta Me~a P111 k Run•loy Jn lht>ir :llars:e f'11rlf'1. ra1·mg lht e\·~r· !1rllt R_1n Hnntln LN11:11e fray. M.irr· I Hadley Gets W"1n115 popula r A11rrlvark. w rth many wins _ -, to H11 rr1•dlt : Bob ant'! Ann Mol· •g"r F.d l.Ane ,exprei<llt•il hop<' lhP l PAC IFIC FLEET 1 FHT:o-"Cl -brook in their flbrtl(llll'IJ body M r 1ch11nt11' btJ' ptl"T'h. Bob BIR}'· \\'illlrun r. 1-fa•llP)', B\'llllton t•IPC'· Cro~lry Spel'l.111; llorvl'~· 11.11rl Bun· Joek. \Wl11lr1 hi' b111 k from ~lt>Jll\'e t11cl!ln thtrd rln•i<. l'~!'I:. ll'>n nt 11v MR\'Pr. fl>111 1111ng HRrvev br· M11nn" mHn»11v1>1;. 111 llnil' 111 l\\lil ,\Ir 1111.t l\lrs. F.n ·rette P. Hal'lley hrn<1 tho wh"••I nt lhut popular a jrllln_.l thr Hlll1llllJ:l<llt pH r k I ••C 811'.i Lltfr, ~nud, N"wpor t B"111·h. Rt'& foam gri.'<'n flprl'lll, Zlla 7.i1a; . I !(a, n•r.•1\·1•d hill win,:s 11:< Co111~11 t F". E. P111 krr th iving his Clllta Team~rr" ut . n uo,,..•vrlt Piny· Allr1c•w111an while lif'rvlni: w ith ApydPr $ppe·1al. KPsl Budos. Jn gm11nr1s th!'le Stnl'lay. ,\1r Arll1·S11bnrn rinf' Squadron 31 c1111e you don't knnw your H unJ;!lr· "\\'e uk••d tn bt' plllrl'tl In th•· ubttar<I the a llat"k Bll'•·r8fl r a1·11er Ian that latter mean11, Uttle Slink· toUJ:ht'l!t Mrmrcipul Rrutt b"ll Ai<-VSS Princeton 1n the F'Ar Eai;t. er. pioclaUon leacue." 1..a.ne rf'port.ed a fter th" COA!lt rrit crinll'Rl, "an<l Aun !'Tl< r. ". T ll Ar1dt'r1 lltrrnglh Ito l'ICPf'C'l"r1 ll\' lhr ~h rch•<nls !rum nuw ""· E·I TPVPB!.>•I fi:)[pt'f'IN1 tn JOlll lhP rlub tt.r!' OCC c·n1t·h1•r Tuny Ll•m· b11 rdn. C t 111' ( '111 n, Pn111rin11 r 11I· le)::'I' third bR .. t>mfln 11nd n111r...i.1. r, anti Butch Conpm 1n 1l111111nJ:tnn BParh H1i;?h ~rhto0I ~hnrt ~tup :0--e~·pnr l Hor hnr H1i.:h h111 l1 r B ill \\'etZl'l "P"""'' l'Hl lhr mnuml for t hr ~l,.11·han1 • Sundn ,. 111:111nl<l th!' C'h11 .. tt>r•. Th!' h:.rrl • hllllll,ll npposrtinn .fumr•"l nn hlm !nr f'lj:hl h1111 11n1f hvP 111n11 111 fn\lr 41 nn1P• R11y Rnml1rz • !HllP nn In n llrf In !hi' fifth, fllltl thr J.t<'rc·hnnt.• ba111l'rt hnrk w11 h f1w• hll11 fnr t hl'PP runs. Gory F011I. :0--11ritJ R1r1~Pw11y. C'h11rk Hnrgrr. nw11yn" A nrlPr.•1111 111111 f:, ld1<' Hrt1wn 11 11 a1nirled In n<r k up I hi' Li lhr• llTH f"RA 'ft: TIY. Mu 11 llrrl ll up 1n th.. er.:-hth Eftrl Huffm11n wnlk,.•I Ra1111rn for.i:ot h" \\ 11!1 11 pitt'hl'r, &nd lriplt>d. thr llterrh11nt,•' nnly extrA· but>r of tht ball i::-11mP F'nrtl ••ni:lt'<I 11'1 dtl\'I' R&mrr~ llC'mM Wllh lhl' dC'11•llN"k rn11nl• r Tummg point of th<' l1Jl •'<'tur· re~ In top or thr 10th A \n11'1er brUtiv t1trnllPr1. t hrn ,.,.,.,..,.1 from firllt on " slnJ:I" w hf'll " :llP11 hRnl outfrl'l•ll'r lhr•'W hPhrnil lhr rnn· nrr Th11t 11h"1 1,,.,, Ani:clP1< 0111 In front 6·~'· fllll fur th1• 11111 r11,ld Prror (If n111u•.-1un. I hi' :II o'lt h11111-. w oulrl hll\'t' \\'t•n hy r hH t 11r.,r1• 1n bottom of lhr t1•nlh All ll Wnl', lhP t11ll_v mean"t n111h1 n1: mnrl' than a 6-fl C'Onl1nu1•d l it'. \\'Al.K Os t: I S ' 8t't:'llU!lf' Jn boll<Hn O( the 10th. the Mt>1111 ntnr lf'lllfll·d I hi' b111o: .. A Wlllk 11<"\ll'cl 111 I ••I' Pti<h1•r (111 ( .. "'' in lht! cnuld·hll\'~·IWl'n w111n1ni.: run. But Ri'11w1'r'.• two-run hl11<1! In th<' 12lh llll'kNI lhl' l'•'lllt>lil 0111 o( re11C'h for lhl!' Inc-al 111111'11'1"11 R1tm1rn i;:ol 1H11rk wrlh lhP lnM. ,:wing up l'ix hit .. 11n;I th11>11 run~ In 7 ', lnn1n1tJ1 Hr''"-0 frn· rllhPrl out thr 12th 11!t1•r R rrwer·11 hlnw. Football lniury ·Suit in County SA~'TA A:o-'A tOC'XS• -Thr !!Santa Ana HM nl nf f:,111rat1nn a nti S11nt1t Ann l lls:h ~1·h1"10I 111~· 111t'l wr rr dc'ft'n1lAl1l8 IO•IA\' rn 11 $25.714 rnJur~· 111111 itr"" lllJ.? o\lll nl • !ootlil\ll l'J•l~•'tlr 1trrni;:111i;: t hf' actr"n on tx-hnlt ct nrnnr11 t.vnn Morg11n, 11. w1<1 1'nrm11n \\'. ~for· '"n or R nt11 Ann LOWllT DfLl\llllD l'llCI Of ANY CAI IN "" WO\llMI rme1 Ym t'u mpr., vov Cleft buy a 19$6 Pcw.f S.a ..... _ ' 2 dMt fn<' l'nlv SI 769" MleMfl nADl·IN POI YOU8 CKe CAU Ford DMJ.n "'""' ''ou "' ~ ctn....., a ·~ f'<lfd 'Tlwy'U tnM !ht Um11 to p111 you .,to-. Roger and Mary Smith wilt take turns drl\·rng their Renault. The far-nung popularity of Bporl!I cu racrng can be seen whtn you rea· h:r.~ Mary ill the mother n! four. Other ln ll'r('Sled t!nthus1aslt1 rn· elude Lt. Col. 11nd ~trs. Skip Sw1:1rtley. Gunnar Wtt.tson, Ja<'k HNJklns and Mr. and Mrs Ht!nry de 011\·rra.. A lthough prtmarlly 11 spo~ts evtnl. th1s is a benefit rac-e, with ell prort edJI going lo the Loa An· grles Orphanage. Sport.I car riu'- lrlg is one of the few amateur ll portn remaining In the Unltt'd Slates. Drlvt>rs anrl mechanic~ do· nale their c11n1, time 11nd effort, :ltnntlay Rrav1>t1· Y11nkeet1. 10 am ; Carr11nols-\\'hlle ~ox, 11 :15 a m, T•r<.'"'18.\' -C'llbl'I • T1gf'rt1. 10 a m: DndJiter11-Rer1 ~ox. 11 Ifft m. \\'ednt!stla\· l n1ll11nt1 -d lanta, 10 a.m. Yankt6-C11b11. 11.15 a.m l Th111st111y -Re<t Sox-G1anti1, 10 1 11 m : r ar'11nals·Bravu . 11 :16 a .m , F"r11lay Tigers • lnrll11ne. Ill 11 m : While Sox·Dodger.1, 11 : 16 a m I F'1r11t WPek'1 llC'hedule for CI lC'am11 pl11ylng on th!' Youth Cen-1 l('r bMCb11ll field at Corona de! M~: t and pay their own entry fees 11nd Mondav -Bravu·Gl11nll. 10 I other Incidental expeMl's tor the a . m., Cllb11 • Oodger11. 11 ·111 a .m. Wednesday -Cardln&Js • Indians. benefit of organized charity. Their 101 am : Glant.'l·Cub3, 11 :lli a .m. rewud: the fun of ra.clng and per· F'r1day-Indlan11-Dodgers. 10 a.m .; hap8 a small trophy. Cardlnale • Brave11, 11 :1:> a .m. Get a brand new FORD toclayl lOWll llOWN ANe MONTM\Y l'AYMINTll ll't ... ,. lo ftr-thot one You 1•1 moN for your old..,, I'll>''-(M )'OtlJ' """ f'onl. Mak• PllYtMni. ""Y' The plllinrlCf c 1111111s th• bnv WM I Ar Ill NI In II n ltllllllf'l'l'\'l~t'd f1')(ltb11ll lllrn mll'h 1'"' JI\ 1P53. l'\nrmAn '""''•t~ II\' ~·11r~1 .. 1 11 111'r· 11\ui.I\· in 11 I hq• 1n th• 1n1·11l1•nl \\ hh h e» • •11 r• d "" lhr \\'1llt1ril J u11111r lltith ~rh1•1J i;:1,111n<I'< THEODORE ROBINS Tr11C'hrr ,N11n1~ lln1th \' """ rh.US:l'•I \\Ith f .. 1l1ni: In llllf"'I I'll•" lh•' (1-.'h11ll jlf llllll • ' 3100 W. Coet~ \'Ol!R FORO OF.ALr:R "L~CT. 1HI -CON MAJIL'"'Ell'8 KILE) Nnpott. haCh Uberty 1-3471 2.311 Chauncey Drulck, Elka: &11> Hu1111f'll. Exthange: George T111 ner. Exc:hange : Van Hayea, Rnto~·. 1 :07 -C. J . Humphrlu. Costa Mesa Kl~anis: Vern Wal.llOn, Op· llml.at: Duncan McAlplnt'. Balboa Lions ; Bob Forbe3, Ext'lrange 2 •!• C'h•IP J o hn11on, Ernie Hart111.1n, \'rnn•nl Salmacla, J OP r.111•nn aml Crti..n Bey. all Or\'llle Schlueter. 1 ·oi<t1:1 I Km a n1111 Select Cate Tea1111 Selection of t~ ln H....- 11rea Boy'• Club 1Umm•r be.aket- b&JJ league will belin neat week. u w-.. announ~ today by Alb• 'lt>UC Director Rod )(aeMllll&n l :H -Yrank DIMt'll, Coata 1'11'88 Lions: We Earned The ·F-ord AS AN OUTSTANDING FORD DEALERSHIP IN 1954 F Finances -Sound M-Management -Efficient S-Spirit -Always Competitive F Facilities -Completely Modern We know that our many friends will be '1appy to know tfoiat we liaw won thi' award for outstanding achieverr • .,nt durfn9 1914. We Have Been in Business 34 Years-June 1st- In Celebratin9 This Anniversary W • Are Offering --'--------------.. BRAKE SPECIAL Offer ~ood to July 4th BRAKE (Fords Only) ADJUSTMENT • • • BRAKE RELINING . SPECIAL (lnrlucUnc Part• and Leborl • • • • $1.19 • • • $17.95 THEODORE ROBINS Established Since 192 f Our New Lo'catlOll 3100 W. Coast Hiway -M•lnen. Mlle Newport leach r ) PAGE 4 ·PART If I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRS:.:~S n-'LIQ ~f'-'.Y. Jttf\1 J: t6, 19SS READY FOR FASHION SHOW A di8play ot taahiona with a graduation motif will highlight another style show- dinner at the H arbor House Restaurant in Costa Mesa this Friday evening. The tastefully attired women 'at the left and right here are the Harbor House's own host- eases;Millie Stewart and Ruie Reynolds. They are admiring t he tapered slacks and matching blouse of white sharkskin with a gaily striped cotton jacket · modeled by Trudy Weaver. -Beclcfter Photo al Th6 Purk A \l'nur ('af11 A"d 11.8 bahv-hrother Thi' Hatr h. "Plnkv" Scott hll14 gone• all 011l lo make 0 1l evt>n mon• c07.y and r omfy than rver. THIEF MAKES SELF AT HOME Reama Smllh. 21. or 128 }'; :!lsl St. Ap, 2, llwllk<'nrd Fuday rui;hl in tunt to 1t••a1'" a u1an from b~r be\U1dc, £OsWl Mesa. pol.lee report..S. Tb~ burgfar !'lllt'r~l lh .. erarl- llU'Ol .lh.tuu~ a "111Jo\\ T l1.-n l'ltnl 1 .. 111,;1 t ... r ,.Jtt• wukl• up l•• land lhl' Lu1 ~t.u 1rnspl'<'l t<1l l1ng un ht•t lu•d The suspert l an uut the •lu111 1111 sho 1111 nt•ll on h<'r lighl The 1nf1tlt>nf 11t (·11n i:<J 11l ttp proximately 11 ·:ii) p m . 1 ,.. ports· sho"' MASS RITES Installation of County's Legionnaires All county A merican L<og1on poslJI and lh<'lr aux11ta11e11' of!lt'er11 will be IMtaJlrd Saturday at 7 30 p.m. m l\'ewport Harbur l'o,.t 291 &l lhe •ecorui 81111.ual CUunl\'-WldO ins tallation ceremorue>< This waa announced today by ofticers or thf' Orange County Council of AmcriC'llJl t,q;ion. Some '100 t o 800 l<'glonn11lrc11 and aux lllary nwmbt>rs from coun· ty posts a re expccte<I to 11t tem1 the ceremonil's. A w!'ll-rlr1llf'd r1· lual teanl' or 40 N 8 Socll't v or American Legion will petfor~ th" lnsatllaUon, ac!'ordlng ·lo 0 . B. "Lucky" Baldwin of Cardf'n (;rovr ritualistic chairman. La.st year's count v-wid e atraJ1 drf!w an overflow cr~wd to Legton Hall here as the large8t gathering of Leglonn&Jrea here pe.rltclpatf'd. Program wlll lnclurtl!I a cocktail rttept1on at 6·30 p.m. with 1n· sla llation · ot a11Xlhary member11 followlng. lnstaJlation of various legion pol!UI officers will follow. after which a free dance to mu~1<· of Spee Morgan and hl11 orchr11tra will ~ htlrt. All ,·eterans in the cou.ntv a rc lm,ltPd lo allt>nd thlo ctrt'mOntf'll. mem~rshlp ln lhe I.A'~on or othrr vetera.n groups not bt'lng " nerf'll· 111ry requirement. · MATHENY~s MEAND .ERINGS Tod ay saw the first ot a senea Twee,dle De Wins of gruml fashion i;l)ow luneheon1 ,. , WELCOME BACK TO BALBOA INN CAFE "Bill" Thomp11on, Bnlbo•\ market ort"ralor. 1·enter above. sh&kl.'11 hnnrt.s wit h Lt>o. l•'ft and F'elix. nght, us he wekome1 t hl'm b11r k to lhl'1r oltl h11unts Rt B:ilboa Inn Caft'. The P"f>Uhtr i-nter- tilirll'r" Rre in a succes.~!ul tengagcmenl at the oc1•an front rea· t.wrant. -Mai:;,.Je Pr1~·e Photo "Lighthouse at Laguna 11 P ROCR£SSJVE J AZZ CO~C'ERT IRVINE BOWL LAGUNA BEACH MONDAY JUNE 20th 8 30 p m. THE LIGHTHOUSE ALL-STARS HAMP HA WES TRlO RED MITCHELL SHELLEY MANN Ii BARNEY KBsSEL ALL 8f:AT8 R.EMER\'t:O JS.~.~Uo-fl.tO TICKETS: LAGt'NA Ml'81(' 00. )OI S. C-t Blvd .. lAcuaa ftH.tb • And aJJ Mutual TtC'kf!t Aceadff "Superb Food''. f'AJUUNO smvicz no11 oua oooa GRADUATION OF FASIUORS CLAs·s OF SUMMER 1955 Friday, June 17-:30 p.111. FUN-FOOD-FASHION RtOUC • By IOI MATHENY One might call th~ G-month. What with all the grins framing t he faces of graduates, grooms, brides and "dear old dads." Is It getting older that maket1 the graduate. 1ook younger each year? Or are they actually looking youl')ger ? at Ttu• 1'1.rk A \'f•n111 .. Then"ll be Jn his first dog Ahow rompl'll· more. and hlgi:er nnd belier , too. tlon, 4 12·month·old Twl'elile De. a pn11111se1 bui.1-man Srntl. Yorkshire puppy owned by Mr. 11nd Wh1'n vou have need ror a lum·h· .Mrs. K. S. Fiet lnghoff of 206 Srr- rnn par1°y, or meeting or cocktail I rano St .. tonk be11t of breed. The p1UI)' wllh 11 tlc·i:crec of rrlvary, llhOW WA8 held Sl Uplan<I and yt•t wllh un"xcellrrt •en·1ce and I spom1nrl'd by the Orange Empire rarlllt1e8 lt...__w11l pay you t o check dog club. ,..,-;JarboT · ~ -lou.s~. ~tb. { ll•t. ,..J .,./. fhrlfoa' le,, JI Johnny MAIJUJ1 wW be Um~ tnmorroW C'\'f' out a l his Harbor Hou"" whf'n he prPsf'nls Gradua- t ion or F'a11hlons Cl11ss of Sum· mn l!l!\5 Thl11 wlll be thf! fourth In th~ II. II. 8f'rlf'll of Fun, Food a nti F11~hlon mghh Thf'rl''ll lw pn:r.u. the veddy la teicl In 11tylcio. modt>leJ by lovely IRlll'Cll. t>nltrlnanmf'nl 11nd dancing t o Uie 1111111ir of Barney Lantz and 'H111 Ru~al l~'lnt:r.ert'I The fa11101111 llitrb<tr H OUM' CUI· •h1nr and potables will be avail· able lei ''"" amt all who 1ttlend t his gala 11(f:i1r oul on Harbor Bh"l F'rl'd Krause of \'aux. Balbn•. Inform" 1111 that Thi> Ph1ymates re· t11rn f11r 9 11l11~· h~· wha t he trrms "pop11la r 11•q111•11t .. !Jlrcr t from I.A~ V 1'j;llll lhl.~ \'l'rMalllP lfl'OUp or l'l'llellOllll.'lll \\'Ill i.p~Br Al lhr- lo«al nlKIJI t'ltlb nlghll.V to imllnlP th•' appef1t r• of l'O many Harhor llr!'lt f.,lks II ht1 lll'HlfJntl lfOOtl l'n· trrt11an11wn1 H•H"•' '"'" l rtt>rt \'1u"' &lint111~· m11rn111.: Un1nt·h 7 It i< ~('I \'f'•I f1 om 9 111 thr 11H>rmng 11n111 I in thr 8 ! lflt noon Tth.'n• :• 1 ;l a Int t1f Jnc.:Bl.!t who II !Psi 1fy lh:n It'• a whale of a br»akfo11l (111 8 1111nnow or a fee: I ~.a l ~a ", •h~,n t nil\'ltllit you. Furth"r 1·1., .ti 11rnl ro1mpsnS-On mn \' bl' r• (,., 1 •·•I l•> h\' l'll \'1111{ that Fo•h'I. Rn I l..No nrc r111 km 'o>m In Ilk .. i-nnhn•·~ ''"" n at Tht> RAlhna Inn (aft-. P1t'k 1rnd l<nte llrnt Ca 11 ly brom with prutP when t hey tr ll ) ou hnw 110 m11ny H11rbol'ltl'S grPl't thl' pop· ular pnlr of Frh'< nnJ l.eo upon their return to the 11hori-1 or th!' blue. blue l'11rlC1r at Hal Jim l.(aram hall n rriuig ed for oodles ot ra11y parking down at hl8 gourmrt'a headqu11rter11. No long er a buir-a·boo. parking 11 a cinch now whlle your powerful! aleed 1t11.n1l8 by during your en· joyment or l.he tint food1 al Kararn11 In Dall><>&. Park your cu l1 u.nd worriH for a co11ple oC pleuant houn1 whllf! you 1tnp In Gra.ndolfo'11 reatau rMI. on Balll<la Rlvd., for a tute of Italy. The a tmo1phete a.nd lbf' menu fluh by In a photo finish for flt!!I pl11C'c In pleuantrl('e at Grandolfo'•. On lhf' biw . on 11\e b•v. on Uie hl'1111t1ru11 bl\~' c hrt8tlUt'11 Hut OVtr81'CS aJI lbe fun a.nd f ood· ltnH'• for llW'AI rc-~lt1ent• •nd \111· tori< aJlkr l"p thrre In lhe TahlUan Room you II rub t lbow11 and aaron1t1 w1th m any cinema !avorltu a.~ well u lh•)Sl' fine follu who ll\'a a.nd work ht re all the year 'round. Tbf! Hut 111 a gala mMtlnr •pa for thoae In qul'11t ot food IJfd &TOS and VlC'W. \\'hat wllh all the con\'f'raallon a bout 1lr•ughl •I pr<'1no11nre<t ~lrllft l bt t r one dev.-lop~ a th1nt' for the foamy brrw. To qurnch 1aid fiery plpH one C'oulrt 'rllmb a board "ttle Plr11te anil f<>rfttAJI a.ny thrul ot doth from Ultn t. J11r k110n GOJlnt~', Th~ l'lrate'• maltre d' p1l11enn, po1nt1 out he'1 rtghl oft :--:ewport 011 28th ,.S t. Wllh Th .. PYrk A'"'nU!'. They ha\'f! ------~-----­ private roo11U1 ava.llable for a lmoal .a.le." a 1tory baaed on Rulh El· cto .. to our own ''P18'1ennan'• any occ&Atlon your little hrart may Ung'• Iii& A l Johnny 0,.ford'• Wha.rl." lhtnk of: Port lhcalre, in Corona del Mnr. \'Wa Marina BHt&urult II the H you 'like your Jll.1.% 11cr\'ed In you'll l!ee "The Sea ChMe" ,.and meeting place each week for Opll· lhe pro1;nMl\'t' ma.nner you·11 be "Challenge the Wild:' Tho Ralhm\ ml.lits. Lions, KJwanlan1 and Ro-glul to know a c:onrcrl under t he is showing "Johnny Dark" ""'~ la r lans. .stars m Jrnne Bowl down al LA· "The Lawll'Sll Breed." WAGNERS AT SEAFARE LODGE \'1 nnrl h('r hu~hand. Jerry Wapwr, \\111 start a summer engage- nwnt Fnday nt Seafare Lodge, Laguna Burh. VI pktyll lht or- gan he play11 the p11tn ... pr~sen11ni: \'1U"11 ty of mu.qlral 11tlec- t11ms. Unth ha\·e rrrnrol nt !'lnrne 21 months In ll'lt'\•1s1on plus tjl•ho n••!work sh••WS • oai.I to cousl. Couple hll\'I! JU~l flnlahed There's dancing each Saturday guna Brach Is on Lhe calent111r for I Dlt!Ja "'"l'r top to think thRI in the \l llA'• ·Aquarium Hoom nt xl Montla\' en. COt'RTt:S\' Is the fin•t ntle or where The Honeybees hold forth Thr Llj;hlhOUM A ll·Slars and '88fety afloat or on the hl~hwa \' '.' In the rhythm department. Adrian Baml'y 1'e1111cl a nd Hamp Hawes I Too. courtr11y ts cont11glo11s. HR\'t' 11 lhe gent at lhe org11n·p1ano bar T rio w111 hlghllghl offerings of fun! ln the e,·e. progres111\•e mu~1c on t he up-bt'aL ----- Dur ing Uus week lhe ba y11lde 1 Spt>akmg or Lai:irnA Bt·at·h re-.,...__..._....__..._._..._....__...__..._....__...__..._....__..._._..._....__.,, F II Off• re3taun.nt -bar "'1th tu factli-mcmb('r that l"r ufa n> IAd~f' and ' H E p I R A ' E e ow. 1cers ties for private affairs playl'<I host Kc·~ta11mnt offer muc-h from llWl ffi· • I A·1d w1·dow of to several "going away" parlirs mini;: pnnl lo brandy 1<ntrtr ra pl) tor llchool fnrully. A wrddlng r11· filled with the hq111t1 nr nerPsioily. • 8 C t bl V h ceptlon filled lhe \'Illa t h111 Pfler · IJnnrln~" enllng-, lookmsr nn<I 111µ· 28th St. at Newport h·d. New1)()rt Beach ons a e GUCJ n noon. ping ('Rrry thl'1r own with "11nyone Tnp BM•r !'t the Flro lde -Hui Dote" Hons! ·,.m \'our,.rlf A I l h 0 ug h r.smi lable Frank Tomorrow night the PaC'lnc for ltmnl:o" down pnllt Laf:'lnB' 1 Vaughn WM· n•>I a mt miler of t he Cn11...,t Anglers will meet for fl 1hn· J ue li11111an is on \'i1<'at10n from 1-----------OntnR"•' County l'rnt•e Officers AB- nrr·d8nce. The w11y Woorly Holt!rr th" ~''~" thr11trr. b11t Muson S1li>r eoduuon. lnc.. that organization an•I "MRc" MacG11l t ell ·ll t ht'1P'3 ha:o f1ll•·d ln with 1Jrn111·1111p per· rl II this w!'rk took up n 1·nllrcllon In always a good tiq1e at the \'Illa 1<1111nel lo IU'(' lhal yuu 11 enJUY I Gran 0 0 's hl'lp Mr11. Vaughn wllh nt'l'f'11SRry ~artna. By the way, d'ya 11t1ll "Th111 Jlllnnd Enrth" pill!! "l :c-· runt•ral •'xp•'n~<·l!. ha\'e your 11pedal calendar on hanJ rl1•v1lleit:• Ctalg Phoenix will lt'ar cfoimerly of Hen11 ·1 Ldl .. rl! wr re r1 n.ulnt1•d 11n11mg &illfijjiijt • a...Mw,o.¥··· DANCING EVERY NIGHT ell~ ll•daJ BARNEY LANTZ & his music 9 to l:SO LID. Open 7 Daya A Week New Menu Includes Italian Dellcacles May We Suggest From Our New Features \'EAL SCALLOP~I e LASAGNA e PIZZA Aooommodatloaa ayallabJe for PARTIES, BAN9UETS, or CLUI DINNERS • PHOSE l 'Ol:K RESJ:RVATIOll>8 NOW for their felllure dlnntrA? your 111 kct8 nt t he IJdu whrn you all • •»mty law t>nftl rr• 1111 nl 11i:Pn· You ~houlrt 11ee the "new lnok" walk 1n to ~re "Lcwe Me Or !..eave complete menu for the family , 1••, hy 1 "" R"-"nda11on 11 <'"'"' utl\'C ~lberty 8-5543 I bo.n tl RUJ:J:• ,,tir.: lht> <'"llr• 111 n. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Harbfr Blvd. at Wilson THE AR·CHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge or t:s 10 A. ~. THROf'OH % A. M. • :'\('\\port Jlh·d. 011 ('01U1t lll~hway S t:Wl'ORT llf:AOI • (\\'e ll t~ ("lollf'd on Thurl'tla~·,.\ Predenling FELIX & LEO Together Again Latin -American Rhythms DINE & DANCE NIGHTLY Except Tuesday "A Great Act -Fine Food" t 'SE Mt'SlCtPAL PARKl~G WT • L PIZZA e S PAGHt:Tfl e I. \·-..\1,:\ \ 8 0 )1£ ·MADE RA \'I OLI e ~n .. \th e ~t.:.\ l'llUll FOOD TU CU 511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 Announcing the Opening of the Summer. Season at LODGI AND USTAUllANT S HOWrl .. \f't; Ot' Tiff: CO.\""T H'i'all 4-650 • t"ahulouM Food by our :\°£'" ('hrf Geor9e Gortner i \' f'Ar-8 at Palm Sr!"inlits Racquet C'lub Dancing to )tu111ic hy Vi & Jerry Wagner Organ Ii Plano lluo Special Sunday Brunch From 11:00 &. m. Funrt~ we1 e for.• Rr<lect 111 f'hwf Ill J ohn l'psun of ~rwport .Hrarh I"" • llr•• tl•pttrtmrnl. Thr <lonnttnnl! lt\'o r:<J.:• ti J2 rt r 11ff11 "r lhf' ~t'\\'ll• Pr•·'~ l,,.arnr•l. , . ·t,•' '"'" Vaugh(!, ~ •. <lied Junt ;, m H 1;·1: H•ll'f'llAI After a hf'art ·c~1·------- ' • • "' ·--: ..:. • • ... " •• • • f ·' I , .. .J ~ ' l' • l '• :,.":to • ~ • • ,_ •.t. c,.~ , -~ • t , /I ";°~ ~ ~; l ) TOOD •GROG .·· •• ,,.,. '"··· ... A11 u~·•i 871 l ----------·· Now Open En:ry Day ID the Week OpeninCJ Friday June 17th at SUPPER CLUB BAJ.ROA THE PLAYMATES Return Engagement by Popular Request A HIGHLY ENTERTAINING VERSATILE GROUP Din-ct from I.a." \'r i;:u \ Complete Dinners Start . at $1 .95 \ Dancin g 9 p.m. 'til 2 a .m . t)~ RANCH BREAKFAST EVERY SUNDAY t :oo a.rn. -l :00 r.m. lnclut!H Juk e. Ha m or Sll1111a g ... E1t1t-. P<JllllC•"'· llr11t1tk"A 1111• H111111111 ~Jam all(I All the Corr~e You CILll IJrtnk . uni\ IOc j. OPEN HOUSE -Public preview of the Fairview Rancho homes wiU be held this week-end. The homes ., feature many a ttractive exterior deaigna and the out- door-indoo~ style ot California living. Probe 2 Yacht Burglary Cases Ed Reisen, pilot1ng Lucille tv NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I I· PA&! I look first place In the o~n d a» o ( lut wttkend'a p~dkled toe I THURSOA Y, JUNE 16, I 9SS · l'&.ce. followNS by W lll!On ll'nrla In Luclry Lady. Robt-rt Tiltobald came in third v.'ilh While Heron. Bur,..lary ot two yacht.a al 'l'he nov1~ clu. aaw Jim Ed· RichartliOn's \'aeht Anchor-ward• win the loot w ith h11 M IN •it• LI ~rng mvesllgaled by Btt ll. Wea Nance In Relax'n Newport S t>ach p<>bcC'. ba.rely ed.i:l'd out Ralph T an- $1111 Ring Loa Told to Police b\' Mr1 A rnnltl C'11lbc'rt.-on Clf Rud- .Irr Rtll\11 0. C. Cortn ot Lo.s AnJ'ele1 d011"51cy tn T-\YIJV1! tor iecond. U-or thdt ot a $1000 dta· aa1d h11 boat. En<'hanli'r, wu·-~-(;IWlf>PY __..... and ru11.1ed bird· Shf' M id the rlng waa In a d l"ff- 11tr 111 a 1>4'\ht'<)m of the home.. \'•riuus JW'('J'le h••1 arru s to th• h<>Wlt O\'l'r a 11rrt0\I ot th• lut ff'W W«'Pk•. •hi' ll&hf. Mr1. CUl- bertton 11111\1 th~ r lnf hu a l&f'I"• dle.mftnd 11' t.nr ttntff lVfth thrN aniall dlamonrts on l'at'll •ldt. tntered by hl tmg a c:anvaa <Jogging 'twl.xl lwo ,u1n lu11ty mond rlnr ln a pla tlnum aetlln&' c..i\· .. r. F our blllnln-ts. three )'a<'htlng competTlloriai made Ute ,,.. .. rtported to police la.t ~f'k yiH·hl .:aps. ~1x t1:a towels l'ao. pa.rlkuliu ly Ui;ht a.nd excit. wllh thp n•llTI<' of the ah1p lng. Awards were prHcmted Sat-r--------------------------on lh,·111 were taktn, he A IJ. unlay rwnlng by L IYC'11 Commo· \\'. Ii. Rirniuer ot RlverslJe dore M. A . AndeoM!On at the Oom- told p1•h1·e his Serenade was modore'11 Ball hl'IJ u.t Liiio Club· tnlt1rt>d t hruui;h an 11nloeked hOll:5f'. AmonK the gur1Jt11 a ttend· I slldlni: ~l11~s window. Four Lng were Commo<.1orei1 Tel.I C. Slen I wool 11hlrtM, one p1u r of 1hoee and six b11thtowt<ls were taken, .of ~ng Beach Y. C .. Eilg&r F'rlckl' " he sttll.l F IXlt l waa also con-of Coronttdo Y. C. 11.nd Command- 11un11•t.1 fnm1 the i.hlp's locker. er Curt Do~h or the Balboa Power Squaurv11. -Opening ~R.egatta DEATH NOTICE for ~IYC Due FREDERICK R. HOllSU:Y Balboa Island CHEF HENRY JONES DIMer Sllggestions occ STUDENTS . WIN 10 :;~;g~.~;.:~::;:;~ ~r:=:: c:~ Th!~ ~~~~e!~. ~~:.£~frJ:·;~~;:;~ SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS :~go~l:J~~1";i~·nn;~~~=c!:;~a~,d~~~~ MJnor lnjur!ee to two 3-year-old l Clnterboard era will be back in ~:~:.~lh~:::;~!n i~n~~~~t' 1~~~: Parle Avenue Special M01''DAY, IUNE !~ THBU 8AT1JKDA\', "·~ Utlt CRAB MEAT DELIGHT st so s1so I Gr.ill' S1·1\·ev f'l11wnix. He was a boy., p&&Hngen in a car Involved bu.amen again th.la wtekend at etery. Ba ltz Mortuary, Corona . member or ·Alpha Cam ma Sigma in an accident Sunday on Coast I weeki>nd at the O~nlng R~gal ta deJ Mar, handled funeral arrange- \ d h R n Cl b . of Lido Jsle Yacht Club a.fler sit· rnents. Ten st·h·•h1 r~h1p11 to (rpqhman I Ea rl Voorh.-ell. son of :\fr ond ano l e 5 1 e u 1' hl ( •r I Highway at Seaward Road, were I tlng It out at last. Saturday's Mr. Horsley died Monday Jn atud~nt ~ """will nturn to IJrnni.:1· 1 Mrll. Carl \'•iorh•'e~ ur Cel111a Ohio unr:a t"tl urr. 'au~ er 0 "rs. reported by police. They were power cruiser race. Hoag Hospital. He was born Ill <'1•a:.l ('rill"/:" '' e1 r 11nnmancrtl hv I w11n the d1 ama 11w11 nl fo;,,s;::; 1 ~lln~ S1:~urr, 12512 Jo.~t>ph~~ S~ I treated a t Hoag Ho11pltal and re-All lllllall boata regularly en;. ntan. o J une 15, 1895. Owner of t hl' schol11 1 •h1p , 111111111l1Pr tht.•' madP 0by the Nt>wporl H 1 bur &rt en ruvl'. wnn t e um 1 leued rolled 1n F leet• of yacht "clubs be-a. fumlture company Mr H o rlley • • SlhOhH11h1p of $25. Donna h(l.3 a . IOU"Ulg lo SCY A are Invited to I d f • . w rt'k. 1tcl'flr•Un,! to UP&n Mane V Ebell. "B · 1wc1age in lll'11demlc work Is Richard Ward Budd 34, of 4~8 " ' ret re our yea.re &go. He llved Howl's t•hr11rnrnn J o1tn Williams. nau~hter o( M r. . ' I ' race In ltie aerlt.1 over Saturday In bJ.s Clllf Haven home two yean • A .Crut<'ht r l·"t111111laU1•n $100 Rml t.lr11. John W !lhem11 or J3;9:! a commcruni art major , WA.' a I Flow er .St .. Costa Me-. told police and Sunday. He wu a resdlent ot Phoenl.Jt fo; 11l'hnlar11hlp for " t.·r1111nal stuc.l!'nl Soulh E<lwarda, we~tminster, won member or t he Alpha Gamma Sig-he wu waiting to make a left turn TROPHY Tl~l.E 10 year.s. He wa11 a m <'mber ot w!til awar1lrrt tn B11h D1rhl. m11jor the Huntington Benl'h Buslnrll~ me, und 1.1 ntl'mber or lhe Barnacle when h is car was struck ln t hP Trn;"hY w ill be &Wlll't.ied a t the Lhe Balboa Power Squadron. In -petrnl~um t"<'hnol<iS:Y· IJ1i'hl 111 and l'rofes11ional Women's Club a nti Log Staffs. rear by a C.llf Cloven ,by HQWart.I r Liuo C1ubhouae following the fin· Survivors Include. Hie 'Widow, t he Mn of lllr. 11n1l Mr11. R. Stuart • -Leslie Crouch J r. ot Capistrano isrt of the lai1t race 16 p. m. l on Mrs. Mary Hor11ley or t he home \ VEAL SCALOPPINI OIN"llWI Complete Dinnen "Rendezvous ol +he Mariner~" c Partc AvenM at Marine D k hl or MS G11lrlt'n1 ,,d Ave. Hr Bl'ach. The youngsters. F rederick I Sunuoy. 'The trad1t1ona.I soup 11ddre11&; one d1rnghter, Ba rbara arhu~ved bPltrr than a "B" 11ve-,. :a,m THE MESA First Run! and Richard Crouch, W!'re riding 11upp1'r will be Ill.died out to aklp· J ean Murray of Long-Beach a nd r age durlni; his first year, w11s a .'Y ...... ...,......,:9. ' N h T in Crouch's car. iw•~ 11nd l'rl'ws in the lanai room. one grandchild. _________________________ _. rnrmber or Alphtl C11mma Sigma, ·•• '27J-la OW t ru ues. --------------------------------------------------------t hP Pirate Pt>lroleum Corporation a nd parUcl[llltt'tl In icolf. JUCtlARf>'S AWARD The R ichard's ~larkct Sl'.!5 aw11rrt an hnmemnkini; was pre· Al'n~•'11 to (.;1•1"t1hhne Shafrr. She• l!I a home e<·onomtc:oi major and lhe daughter o r :\Ir. llntl M 111. RusSPll SIMf•·r of <10l Hnmllton St .. Costa M l'.'18. Her 1u•tl\·1tfe& 1nclud"d mem- b1 r~h1p In the "\1ture Teachers C'lnb and lhr Bowling Club. A $1(10 11rh11IR r11h1p from l hP ]l;ew porl Balboa Savings and Loan A,10oc1a11<m wa11 awan1Pd lo James Bf'Wl, 405 Soul h Ma in, Ora nge. B t>am 1., a married 11tudenl and sn a<"<"ounlin~ major. Ht> made hli;h•·r thAn ll "R" AVPrllj.l'l'. H I' Wll.~ II yell IP1111<-r and memtx>r or lhl' Bus!ne.tis Club. A Ni>wp<irt Balboa R1wl11g11 llnd Loan ~khoh1ri.hlp nf S75 wns a wa.rded to H1r hRrcl C'niz. eon ot Mr. and Mr!'. Llhrniln Cn1z. 016•192 81\nllRJ:O Bl\'d. Olive. Hit hl\rd is a b111J1lln,lf construr linn major. LOAN SCH Ol,ARS UIP John Kenne<ly. ll prc-teachinit atudent.. won another f 75 New1>0rt Balbo& Savin~ 1U1d Ln11n .-chola r· 11hip. K"Medy hu h1ghl'r thllll a "B'' 11verugc e<"hol11st1r 11.lly, was 11 member or Alpha Camn111 Sli;ma, a1111 com(l<'led In football. ba.<1kl't - b111I. lrack. r.-nnts anu wRs 11. mtm· ber of the choir. A mu~•<' ~chnl11~hlp or H:> mRde by the !'rwpnrt H.1rhor .. :bt'll Wiil! a w&rded I<> John Tn1rbl11od. 11nn or Mr. a nti ~fr11. Ran<.ly Trueblood, Dt catur, 111. NOW SHOWING THRU .JUNE 21ST 'OHS WA \'SF. LASA Tl 'RS t.:K In "THE SEA CHASE" ('lnPma MC'OJW' Watf'r <'•ilor -rlu•- "CHALLENGE THE WILD" BA LB ~.i A/1/,.1r~1 SCHOOL-END SPECIAL THlS n UDAY AND SATURDAY ONl.-V Children 10C 011 I~ l!krttll TOS \' ct RTlfl In Johnny Dartc . . Ro<·K ar·nsoN In The Lawless Breed -~ JUL MORROW • FA mi DOMER GUE REX RWON •11• tlllltl ruuu •vmu 10"'1S011 -PLUS- Second Big Feature M·G·M 111esents in COLOR and CINEMA SCOPE '~ed&J~" ~··-ANNE BAXTER STEVE f ORREST f lli..1(0 IN PARIS'! ,_SD HAil · 11M1a ITTlAC · ... a fMll HEY KIDS! Saturday Matinee 1 :45 CANYON PASSAGE Technicolor Carte>0ns-Comedy NOW. SHOWING TllRtt Tt TESOA \' • /I $ot Dot>! 0., 11 lho"""lT lal"""' •lk-._. .. ..,.., ·-.. tho ., °""'. 0111*4oo, .......... ., . ... _, TH\S \S 1H£ MOVIE THEY'RE ' i ALKING ASOU1 . t a dirne·a·dance -abOU \0 doll who was bOrn nd lM go places .·· 3 rough, tough guy whO go\ tter \here! ooR&" DA'""" ,. JAMES i (1'§1!~ ~U)ViMME d1£Mt:• LE in COlOll ond tn •Of"Cll'C foOU'CI' • Cac;:; M\1CHEll R~ntt·loro __ 1Ull __ 1 ...,_ ~~~,_.."'"'~~- TUNA CLIPPER SHIP 111 Cinemascope CARTOON PUP ON A PICNIC - L I D 0 71ta .. tu • took! Mercury ··gives you four big reasons for buying 4uring June - I L_. 1. 2. .i._.._ ~. ., ___ ...... _....,_ lWN AIOYE IS the newest Mercury or all-the sleek, low-silhouette ~lonlclair 4-door Sedan. Powerful 198-honiepower ...._ SUPER·'T'ORQUE V-8 engine; 4-b.arrel carburetor, du.al expauata, standard equipment. WE'RE OUT TO SET NEW REC.:''lDS ·· M ercury sales are breaking al! records. More and m o re people who .want big-car beauty and performance have joined t.he swing to t he future-styled, supPr-po11o•E-rcd nl'w .Mercury. We're ~oinl? ~II out to k~p the ball roll ing and maJ<e June the biggest Mies month in Mercury hi.qtory. ·w e mean busineea-and this month we're rrall11 dealing. HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES fo r your prE'!«'nt car. Bl'<.'1luse v.·e're 11elling ~l ercurys at a r('('ord-brra kinit pace, we ran offer you the top trade-in. And dur in& June, we're being extra i eneroua. , 3. 4. LOW PRICE TAO Mercury price11 start below 13 models in the low-price field.• And with our special June trade-in allowances, the price actually be- ~mes lower. ~mPmber: you gel all or •. h rcury'a "big car value" al this low price. ' •84n d " nmtP'1n114)'• o/ ffUJ""/orl,.,,.,.., f'Wffa"d h.•t M /ivfqr• '"'°'' prtit,.; •n,.." AfrrrMr-J ( .,,a,,,.. l ...fnM ."'i"'4d1' {Ml fUwllnUM}, EASY TERMS As part of this hia June deal, your Mercury dealer will handle oil Che n('('~ry arrange- ment.a to i et you the eaai111t pos.<1ible tenn1 to fit your budgoet. IT PAYS TO OWN A m ER cu RY _FOR FUTURE STYLING. SUPER POWER NO OTHER CAR OFFERS YOU BIGGER REASONS f OR BUYING IT • F.xclu.•i\'c !Ctyling ~h11r('<f hy M other - • Nf'w Sl'l'ER•TORQt"E V-R ''OIZ\nM on lvtrY m•"1PI 1188 and 198 hofW'P'lv. er)-baduld hy Merrun,"s N>mrd cf produch11 V-8 t nrmf'\\ ,,c1 .. ,.,.1r • '-ham>I \'aeuum C"arhurtt()r on e'"'Y mnOPI at .no vtra coist • Dual exhaurt& at no ulra CIOl!t oo all Montclains and Montmy1 • Ball-joint rront ... 1iee1 llW'Pl'~ion • Anti-!oulin1 bi1h-compreulon 1park pl up • Conmtenlly birbest re-ale value ln llAI tlifl'1 1erordin1 to aul./loritative rr'po1111 ; Ooo't .,.; .. !he bi9 ••'••hon ~ • ld Sv•llu• 1 "rO"H OF IHI !OWN," S..••1 • ...,;,.., 1-00 ,. •:Ot. ttettoe ltHJCT, Cll••••I l RCMll:M8 1[ .. ''T OAAT" WILL •ll ON Tt41l "I" Al.l. AU MMll: .. •• JOHNSO~ & SON~ LinC.oln • 900 W. Coast Highway L NEWPORT BEACH Mercury Uberty 1-5541 Acron from lay Chlb .. / ,• • , U niversalists / to See FilmS' Dw1D• th• 8unda.r ICbDol per--I04 trom-iCJ:30 -to n a.m .. oa J\mt 19 at th• Unlv~l"l&lat CommunltJ -.1'.e.llowAhlp. M1dea_ co_~ alm.oat two yeare of acUvltlea of the Jl'OUP wlU be lhown. At the worahlp aervlce, becin· -nine at 11 a.m .. the Rev. Frede- rick Rlnge Will preach on the sub- ject, "Now la the Acceptable Time." Fathers day will be recoc· nlsed, 1nd men ot the Fellowahlp art urged to be preeent. T he Ui\iveruUat Commun!~ F.ellowahlp meei. at the Ebell Club H1.1u11t', 615 Balboa Blvd., &nd wel· comes r~11,1ou1 llberala of the Hatbor Area lo lta 8und1y Mr- vlcu. Directory of HARBOR AREA CHURCHES ISL Aadre1n f'reebytertaa (,'lluacJl lllth St. le St. Andrewa Rd., acroq from High School Liberty 8-3773 Paator: Rev. J~es 8. Stewart Vommualty Methodl1l 00 W. 19th S t.. Costa M esa Liberty 8·4~62 Rev. Joaeph W. McShane 'llte Cllureh of Chrbl 1050' Church St., Co.la Mu a Liberty 8-5711 D. G. Hurat, Minister Cll~ Cllurcb By Tbe 8ee Community Kethodllt llaJ))oa Blvd. at HUI, Newport Harbor 11229 Kmuter : Rev. Roy Carllon IL 'oedalm Cburclt ltM Orance Ave., Cost& Mesa Liberty 8-1091 J'ather Thomae J. Nevin J1nt B&ptllt Church of Newport klboa Blvd., 19th le Court S t.II .. Newport llarbor 3663 Liberty 8-3072 Putor: Herbert G. J ohnaon • Newpen ~r Lutheraa Cburclt ~l Cutt Dr., N~wport Helchta Liberty 8-3&31 Rev. Robert Gronlund ~"" Of God 12nd St. le Elden Ave .. Coal& Mu& Liberty 8-37&1 Rever·end M . C. Cronic. Putor 8eventb-4ay AdvenU.t Newi><>rt Blvd. at Bol11& St., Newport Height• Elder Rtchai;-d Serna ~rty 8-1532 (;hurcll or U.. Nuuene lSM Anallelm, Coat& Mesa Putor : Rev. Clive Williama 1..Iberty 8-7161 Flnt (,'Jtanill ot <JltrlR. Sde9Un 3303 Via Lido. Newport Beach Ha rbor 2428 l 'nl\'rnialld CommunJty Fellow•hlp Ehell Clubhouse. 515 Balboa Blvd. Mlnlater: Rev. F. W. Rtnge t 'lr•t Soutbun BaptJ•t Churt'h 850 W Hamilton . Costa Mesa Liberty 8·2483 P11"1tor; Or. Richard H . Posa loruna del Mar ()ummunlty t:hurch Cungregatloll&l 811 Heliotrope Ave. Harbor 5237 Pastor: R('". Edwin C. Gomke t'l no\ Baptl•t (;,hurch Santa Antt Ave. at Magnolia Costa Mesa Rev. P G. Ntuma nn Churt:h of Our l.ady of ~It. C..'um!'I IH I w Ba lboa Blv11., Newport Harbor 0214 ' lo'other Stt>phen Kiley. Pastor Father Geoq ;e Parnassus A lll't. Pastor ('hrlsl I utht>ran Churr h of l 'owta ;\l l'llU t Ml~l!HUl'I Synod I '\. - • 1·osta. Mri .. 1 v-> P11~tor: Rev. L<Hhar Tm m•w St . .Janw11 EplJOCopal 3208 VIII Udo, Xewport B• at h Harbor 1230. Curatt': Rt-''-Ralph Pl'All~ St. .John \'iannr~· 31 5 Mulnt'. Balboa lslanJ Harbor 02 14 Father Stepht n Kiley, Pu tor Father Gror i:-e PamAs~u" Aa.,.t. Pastor <.~otra.I Blblfl (;hur<·h Orange AvP. at 23rd St. Coat.a MH&. Llberty 8-5303 A. A. Kadera. Paator B&lboe bland CornmunJty Mt'thodt"t 115 Agate Avt., Balb<>A lsl&nd Mlnl1ur: Rev. Donllld Sapp Olu11•ca. of S.Ustoua, fklHC4! "Scit'llce of Mind" ~ Bucll Art Gallery 107 Cutt Drlve-HYatt 4-728' R.,'. Irla 1:'Urk, Minlater I WELCOME TO NEWPORT HARBOR was ~xtended Tuesday night by Lyman Farwell. senior warden, St . J ames Episcbpal Church vestry. left, to the Rev. J ohn Parke, his wife and four children. Next to new rector is Mrs. Parke holding family dog. "Beagy." Others rear row, from ~eft, Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Jerry Hall, head of church AJlar Guild, and Mrs. Dan Patti- son. P arke children froro left, Richard, 12, Emily, 7, Robert, ~)md ,David, 11. Family arrived at Orange County Airpoi;t1in priva.te plane furnished by Alden U. Roach, pafis!_J'l'}.cmber. The Parkes flew here from Detroit:. -Staff 'Pffoto ~ ON MISSION WORK , Elsie Farris Speaks Sunday I . ~ 1>A1>0Y CA~ RX AMYnfl~Ga -- The tremendous faith of a child in h is father ! To the conscientiou' father it is fright- ening, indeed: And. to the consd entioua mother, equally frightening l1 her child's trust in her. It takes something more than love and good intentions to live up to the expecta- tions of our children. We need a strength and wisdom and ~endernen that do not come automatically w ith the responsibility of parenthood. God prpvides, and the Church instills in our lives, the spiritual gifts which our par- enthood requires. We were meant to cul- tivate these qualities, for with e very chal- lenge God off era us adequate reso urces. And pur children w ill grow as we grow in the Christian faith, for the mo st obvi•u• truth in the world is that a child wants to be like h is Mother and Dad. na: CHUICH FOi AU .• , ' AU FOil na: CHVICH Tho Church la lht 9 reo1011 lac. tor Oft oa11h lot tho butld1n9 ol <hat«l•r and '100d e>tuenohlp. h it o ltOr•hou•• of •Pn11\loJ vaJu W11hour o auonq Church. a•11h":~ d•tn~rocy not C1vthaaHcn can •i...tvhe T'h•r• ore tou, •1ound r•·Jaon1 why every J)erton ah-Ou.Id Ottf'nd ••rv·~• r~farty and aup. '"'" tho Chwrch They aro Ill for 1111. own oat• 12) f or htt cluldron ' aoko (3) for lho ooh oj hta <'ommunoy and nation (4 ro. •It• IOI• ol tho Chu~h ;t .. ul w>uch n•.-01 h'' moral and 1110 : lu1al IUPP<ft.I Plan to 00 to c&llurch rogulorlr ond rood rou 1b1e dod;i ' Book ci..pcor V1P1ot Sul\doy .. E•odu1 lO 1·11 Mond•r • Pro•ube J 1 .. 11 Tu•Ml•y , M1Hh•-.. u l·t I ~•dntsd 11 Corin1hi101 7 zo.u h,ursday. Galati•n • • l ·IO P1td1y .. £pht111n1 s JS·U Soturdap Colon ha1 J lt•25 PAGE 6 ·PART 11 1 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 Ill Cl1n:n Cbtm;h By the Sell In "':ll~m.!L7i!.!;n'-'t1!!!!.li~.!.!ln~_ur1....,;7ULL-:::'11.~d!...l-----------------------------------------I---~ Mull< El11.i,. F111T111 o! Long Be11ch.f country o! lhe world. She has I\ n11l,.rl 1'-0uthlaml l<JWBker. will visited missions o! various denom· part 11·1pate in the >1econiJ l<erv1ce lnationt1 an.t now spend.• murh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·e=~~~~n~r~L~B~~~~~.r~h~o=n~S~11~n~d~B)~~~J~11~n~e rhurr h ~up ~ong thr ~·••I REV. GEORGE .REEVES. JR. TO ASSIST LOCAL PASTOR -The Rev. George Heev1•s Jr. wtll i<<'r\'t' as R!l"t11tanl pa,,tnr for the sumnwr al Chn11t Churrh h~ the s .. a.. Thi" will be h111 11econd immnw r ln lh111 1•apac1ty wt11le on va1·at11>n tro111 ~·hot1!. He wlU receive ordlna Lron aa a mlnuiter or lht< <.:hrlallan Church this Sunday evening-. J une JI!. at the Lillie White Cha· pel in Burbank. He 111 thl• son or Dr. anil M rs. Cen1·ge R1·eve11 ot Orange'. Dr. RPeves Is pre111cknt of Chupmlln l'nlle>i;:e. The younger Mr. Reevt's 111 w••ll knuwn tn the Hllrbor are1;1. 11s h<' 111 a graduolc o! Ha rbor Union H ii?h SchOt•I. He attende<I Chapman College whet~ ~e maJon•d tn etlucatwn. l-1111 tir::L yNr o! Sl'mlnary study was completed 11t Yal" Dtv1nity Schu<>I. This past year he hl\11 been 11 student l\t th1• T'ariflc School n( Rehg-ion In BerkPh•y. ' HA.RBOR· LUTHERAN Vacation Bible School and Sunday· Services O&lly Vaca.lion Bible School wtll may pre·rej:tlll<'t' al the eh1trch of· brgln Mo11'111y for approximately f1C'e or Sun•lky 1i11ring th(' Sunday 150 young!!l•:rs el Nrwport Harbor School hour Attractive pm11 111e h"tnl{ l{l\'tm lo 1111 r rg1!<tt>rlng prior Luthna.n Churrh. to MondAy. • I Sched•il"'1 foT IWQ week,., thr nupttrntt> nervlrt'l! or Holv com- "chonl will m1•1•t Muntlav through munlon wtll hi' oh11ervrd ~t both F"rids y. ll 31J tt> 11 30 tt m until II .10 am! 11 ii 111 !';umlav \l'tlh the July I lnlltr1trt1on will ht' gn·en 11 0 '<•01 I{ ,,.,1 ;.hir io•·~·111i: 11.< a rn Btblt', m1~111ons nn1t rrafts with 1 ftr!!I (•um11111nwn 1111• lh" 11 11wm- the les111m ll<'llf'll eentering Rround 1 h<'r11 nt Ille con(11ma1 1on rla11s 1•on· lhe tPn ''omrnant1mt>.JllA and UH' 1 f1mwd lust S11nrlR\, Al j I' 111. thr llH'nlt' "Crnl's La\\' .. ('laSRt'i; will 1.11llll'r Lf'Af{ll" \'•Hing' r•·Ol'lc• R lw p11w1d•>ol !tor lht• ktndrrJ.?Rrli>n .. rga111:r.111t•11t \\di ''"'''l 11ndi'r di· 1fall grAdt'•I lhttllll:h thr llll h tf't'llttll of ·" l ·1~ l\111•111i.;, Jllll l-'h I irradl' with the l'httt't'lt btlB pro-wurkt•r. \'h.ltni; fr"f' t r11n!!p<1rte.Uon. Rl'Jl.1~1 r"~''m will ht'J;'ln :lt1111oh1\· lit o a Ill Ill 111 .. c·1111rd1 c·f pupils Conin1union at - - -_._I Paris h Picnic Due St. Andrew's A 1111w1I SI • .1,.,.,.h1111 P11ru;h pie- "'" ,_. .. 1111,.,1 Ct1r t111s &intln\' 1ol 0n i::unJRy ut bnth lhe 9 .30 and I O'Nlo•I !'ark. fullnwlni; tile '1,.(e 1.l :(l0 am. "Prvlr"" of wor!<h'lp. Ill mB!!~ Thi .. v.:at Iv 11utrni: ha" pru-:;;t. ,\:1ilrPw ~ l're.•b~·ter11.Ul Ch11rt•h, \'t•n a popul~r an:I rr.;uynbh· llff1<l r • lhP Sormmt'nt nf lhl' Lord II Sup-. fWr·\\'111 b,, nb~'l Vt'd a.nrt p1-om1~t'3"to bnni;:·out nn rvrn Tit ~ · lru"'1•r c1owd this \'l'Ar Th1·1·p wtll ? •• 11u·luary Choir will Ira<! l bf' beiot'bnll.' till'~"· i:aolw~ Rlld in tht' 11111 l~h y t•( mu1'1c and the prtu~ fnr all planning to Rtl<'11<1. Re\· .lnmPs !'. Stew>\rl will hring the C1H11111un1nn M••d1t11llon on th\> th!'mi> "Th" :"ew Covenant .. IAre Welcomed lat St. -A.II Chlln'h lll<'tnb< rJ arl' t'XP.'<'l· rd !11 hfl pt'('SPnt .1t the rt>lrbrat1on nr lht• AA•'l'AtJH•nt. fil'V .Jame .. 1'. Andrevv 'S !'t•'\\'111·1 "i11 l11k1• M mmumo'n tn .. hut-ln.11 cm Rund11y 11fterTl<'On at 19, at 11 a. m. Her apprarBJlce Co1u1t. -' (J:oinemlc spe11ker. her 111. spons<>red by thf' Woman's !';n-story or what U)e Chrisuan p1e!l- r1ety or Chri!~tla.n S••n·lce on he-, ~ai:e can do to meet racl1tl «nd hair ot mii<s1ons wnrk of lhe national tens1ona IK a thrllltns: one. rhurrh. Th<' Rev. Roy A. Carlson. Shp herat'I! ls rt>aponslble tcn edu· p11stor. ts in a ttendance at the ('Uttng 16 young people for mln- Wt"'k·lon~ ll"lll'illna of th!' Methl'I· 8lonary t<t'rvice.. !fiat Annual Co.nft'renc~ 1n Red· The Sanrtuery Choir will sing . land~. wh1rh con\lud<'!I with lhe "The House By the Side of the ' Mrv1c~R in Lhe Uni\'<'fSlty Chapel Road" by 1'~oss and Clark. under on Sun day. · the dlrectlon or Mn. A . .J. Rul l.IOT.1 Ml~" F1u·rl:1 l.q an allorn('y. Is Also, a woman's Chon111 wlll elng. dt ••pl,v 111terei>ll>•I In the cau:;e of "Ltfl Thine Eye11." by Mentlrlsohn. 1111~""'"11 and wnrld brnU1erhooJ. The CrttAA•it>r Youlh Chnlr will and has l111.vellt>d tn nearly ev ... ry i.on.R' for the MYVtCe at 9:30 a . m. Both morning wonhtp services wtll be conch1c.ted by tht' Rl'v Creative Power Gt>or~t> P..t't?VCll J r .. who Wiii aL'\tl preach tor lhr rarly l!ervlce. Mr Ret•ves ls tht• assistant mlmstet al the church during the summl'r Discussed in Sunday Sermon ";\h l.otd God: b<'holtl, thou hast made thr hcav"n and the earth by lhy grc1tl power and stretched out 11rm. and thPr(' Is nothing too hard fnr thee" This drrlnrat1on of cre- <ttive pnwrr Crom J r ren1iah 132:- 171 111 th<' Goltll'n Text o! the Les· son-Sermon tilled "I!! lhe t.:nl- \'t'rse, lndu1hn,R' Man. F..:volvrd by A tom Ir r'ot l'e '.'" Whit>h will br read 1n All Chnst111n Sctenc·c chur·c.ho'io Sunday. The pnwerles.'!nell!I or matrr!AI law11 to lnlerfr re w1 t.h m1rn's har- monious activity wait demonsltat- erl by J1•i1us when he walkM the wa\'t'R .i11cl <"Blmrtl the iitormy se11. .lohn's <;;n11r1•l 16: 1 !•-21 1 r.-1ate:t1 lhn: thr dlse1pll'R l'!aw "Jesu~ walk- ing "f\ th•' ~·A •••• an•I lh<'y'werr nr111ttl. Bui hC' sn1th unto them. It is l h1 not afra1tl. Then thry ~ 1ll- 111gly r•" uvr.t him tr1t11 the ship: .. rnd lmmNll11lcly the ship wns •H lht> l11nrl whllh<'r th•'Y w£•nt .. In "Sl'lenrr and H<'1tlth with Key lo the Rrripturt•11" Mnry "RRk•'r F.d<ly sa~·s. "To suppo:v> U111t Gr J 1 On'-titlll•'S 111Wl1 of inharmon' is I a mi~t ake. oh~«mcls htl\'c no 11Up· ptor( frmn nul111 e m· divine 111.w, h1•W!'\'~r 111UI h IS ~Rl<I lo tho !'Oil· trnry." "J1·su!I wulked on the wa\·t'.o;, f<'LI till' mull1tud1'. hrRl"d Ille !lll'k, •lntl ra1~tl tllr d• od in d1rrr1 •1pp1,•it1on \•) 111,tl<'rt al la.ws." 1 pp. 183.273 1 months. He 1:1 lh<' l!On of Dr. I George Re•'vc·11. rn-s1dent of Chap· man Collt>Jtt'. Oron_R't'. Catholic Vaeation School Due Monday , 1 ' Summer vacation 11chool for Catholic children attend.Ing pubhl' 11chools will commence J une 20 and t•ontlnu" for two wee~. Clfl'!ses are condu<'led l)y Stiiters of St. I Joseph Of On1nge who &taf! 'St. Joachim Srhool, with memhers nr the L<•gleln of Mery and Lhe C<m- fratcrmty for Christian Doctrine a.s."111t111g In lhe tran11port.atlon or. t•htlrlrPn to Md fMm da&11e11. llfrR. Wilham E. Brown who !ll'hedulPs tfflvers for lht> immmer prog-ram swtes lhat morr drivers ere n~ed and anyon1• 1ntl'rest1>cl in &.'ll!l11t1ng may t'nnta<•t h<'r Ill I Liberty 8· I 8!18, or by phcmtng Sl. Joat:nam rrrlut y at Llhl'rty 8-ltllll. I BAHA'I FAITH Prayer Discussion Study Friday 8 p. m. 144 Rochester St. Coste Mesa l.llwrl~· 8·3aJUI -IHIZl:i CHURCH OF RELIGrous SCIENCE J-.1rv .. !-t Hi;.,,.!'> tHt1~i1, 1. ~''t hnr Cl: ··~t'l(:v~ nf ~find ~l':'\ili\ \' Sl.l:\'l('l·:s 11 a .m. 1l11ninr t:hur<'h a.ml ~IV'Sl'r'.\' C:ur 11 a .01 . lit•\, Jrj, 1'11rt.. \I 111.;,.r On'Sun!la y. JllJle 12, the fOllf)w- ing people wrre w1•komPn Into niemb(orshlp of Sl. Andrew·11 Pr"ll· thrlr reque1<l. I I. \C1l :'\.\ lit .. \( It \HT 11.\1.U .I:\' II\ all .f-7'!11 1 :ttti ('lift Or. b)'lerlM Church: Mr. 811d Mni. J aC'K Badham, l\l r. and Mr11. Robert E . Botlh11m, Mr. a.nil Mnr.. Elton D. Baml'tl, Ml!\tl f rbar& A. Brlckt1y, Mr. a nti Mrs. arren E. CAims. Mr. and Mrs. obert D. Chllct8, Mr. a nd Mr s. Robert 0. Ernst, Mrs. Efrte L. Ernst, Mrs. Mlld!'f'd B. Glll)(ort a.nd , Qn Dun. Mr._ Ewing S. Hudson, Mr. and Mni. Claren<"e R. 1..ABIPr, j Mrs. Jute C. M&T"!!hRll, Mr. an1I Mni. WilUe A. Merrill, Mr. 11.nd 1 Mrs. BIU N. O'Brien. MIAA St1.11d1 Schmidt, Mni. R•rrY Sct1111>t>rt.. Mr. and Mrli. Maritn ('. Shttly, Mr. and ].{r&. MIChRl'I A \'tdlll, Mr. and Mrs.. An in A. \'oorhf't'!I Mr. and Mrs, Rnbert J \\'11llA1:r M i Rnd Mr11. Ktn~rry E \\'hilt'· nttk, llnd MIM M11tldin11 E. T'rt11r- Mn. 1111 or t ht Hart><•r 11rt 11. 1 COME TO OUR VACATIO N BIBLE SCHOOL! TWO BIG WEEKS MONDAY, Jl'.NE 20 to FRIDAY. JULY 1 9:30 --11 :30 A. M. BIBLE -CRAFTS -GAMES -PRIZES FREE BUS Reiri11t1>r now fur tn•11 p111 : I Newport Barbor Lutheran 25'01 Cliff Dri\'e Llberty 8-3631 ROBERT B. CRONI.,.UND, PASTOR or Church Newport Heights Liberty 8-i 239 '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=--~~~~~~~~_J This Church Feature . Sponsored by These Local Business Firms . THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of 0111t1r ct1on" ' 215 llarbae Ave., ·Balboa a.a.ad Harbor 0701 General Sheet Metal Works S~eet Mt>lal -Healing -\'entilatlng 405 80th Street, Harbor 221() HARTLEIN fl.OWERS For All OccllSIOnll 8408 E. Coast Hwy., COM. Harbor 5071 KOPPER KmLE Balboa Island Mann & Smith ·Shell Service Your Corona d<"I M:.r !1ralers 2801 &: 3600 E. Coast lli~hway Harbor 5368 ·-· .. -· & ........ Harbor 27 JO NEWPORT CLEANERS Ory Cleaning -Lauo11ry 1 •1e,.~1ng 106 Tustin Newport Beach MARGARET'S CAFE S pecl111ize In Sea F0011s -Orrtns to C:o 2614 Newport 81\•d. Harbor 22ts6 NEWPORT HARBOR BANK Corona del Mar ROSAN INC. Sf>acra.ft Dh'l&ion ~ t'oreigu MotQnt ·Vincent's Rexall Drug Stores Tht'('" lorat1oni-to Sen·~ Y•ll• S ewport &ach, Balboa, Corona del Mar Alice of Lido Beauty Salon H111r ,Styling for the lnrtiv1dual 408 S2nd (on thf' PO St.) Harbor 2844 RUSSELL W. BANGERT Heating, \'entllallng tit Sllcet Mets.I 411 Sht St. Harbor ...aA IADDSER & PONTING "B111tly 1 Plan• N"1·port Beach Harbor 251 HAL COLLIER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION Free P\ck up • deL -Wbflf!l Balance SSOL Ne1"port 81\·d. . Barbor llMO GEORGE M. GRAHAM Rug11 aruJ C&rpflta 122 Agate An., Balboa bland Harbor 3256 HOUSE AND GARDEN Complete Home F\.lrnlah.lnp l>rsperlt'JI -Rugs , 3017 W. Coast Hwy. Llberty 8-5618 MAC'S CAFE F11s t on nght toward Huntington Buch 6204 Coa.'lt llw~·. Harbor 2%52-R MARINE BEAUTY SHOP P1'rHUnill17.t'd Sl'rvtc·e In He.Jr StyllnJt 82i l\larine An., Balboa Island Harbor 151 · NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Compl!'le Home FurnJahlng• 2()20 \\'. C.oa~t H wy. Liberty 8-1113 MARKET SPOT 200 Marine An., Balboa Island I llarlH>r 1000 Reinert's Newport Dept. Store "Your Fa mily S_tore Since 191'" Ocean t"ront at 22nd. Barbor 185 SEASIDE MALT SHOP ZIOO W. Oct>an Barbor 911 Newport Beach R. WASEMILLER "Th.. \\'r,, ktngm11n'1 Stllre 1~94~2 llarl'H'Jr Rh·d., JOLLY ROGER Ralhoa b land BA YSHORE RICHFIELD 1-'1 • e Ptrk 11p tit Oellvu y 11th ~ Coiu.t Hwy. Liberty 8-91'1 Boyer's BGlboa Liftoaeum Co. L1n11lc.,1111 -T1t11 -<'l'<rJ'l"t -Fonnlra ?3<1 1 \\'. 8alhoa Bird. High. Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 First Southern ~a_ptist Daily Bihl~ School Ttie Vacation Bibi• School at the First Southern lJap Ual Churth. ~O Weat Hamilton St. C-Oall Meaa. 1tart1 Friday with reg11tr&· tlon and a parade at 2 p. m. All boy1 and g1r!AI between t he a~ee lof a and 16 and workers In the 1chool will be on hand to get the program 1t1Lrtt'd. I Unique thing about the Vaca· lion Bible School la that there la no tuition and no homework. The workera do all the 1tudylng and preparation. The Bible School providt1 children wtth supervised play. .The IChool will be held from 8:30 to 11 :30 uch weekday, Mon· day, Juna 20 through Ji"r!day. J uly i l. Boy1 and girls not enrolled In any Sunday School &re invited to at~nd th.la Bible achoo!. St. Andrew's Church Picnic The a.nnu&l church family picnic ot St. Andrew'1 Presbyterian wlU be held on Saturday, June 18, at 2 p.m., at the Orange Cit y Park, in Orange. The picnic 111 under the direction ot the YOMACS, the young married couples' club, and all church related famUlea an ln- i vtted to be preaent. Gamu and racea wUI be arranged for a.U agu With Roger Coker in charge. Each tamlly i. to bring ltll OY.'11 1upper and table aervlce. Cotfee I will be provided. There will be no June meeUq ot the YOMACS aJnce the croup 1 wtll concentrate lta etforta on prt- paraUona for the picnic. T. KIRK HIL~ of Lido Isle, chairman of the board of Kirkhill Rubber Company, was 1000th North American passenger t o fly the Scandinavian Airlines' polar route from Europe. Arriving at Los Angeles International Airport he is presented with a plaque by lovely Swedish film star Anita Ekberg. The memento of Greenland marble was inscribed in bronze with a record of the flight. Hill and his wife Mar- garet were returning from a trip which began May 16 and took them to the Britiah Isles, Germany and the Netherlands. 12 noon, Monday through Frtday wtlh 81.lJ\day optional. There wtll be four departrnenta for chUdren 4 year• ot age through Friday and Sunday op· Uonal. There wtll be four departmenll for c.hild~n 4 yean of age through eighth gnde. Subjecll w ill tnch1de wonh1p, Bible 1tudy, cratta. dramaUca and hymnology. There will lte recreaUon for young'- Pr onea. rtfreahmentl and on the final day, a picnic. Cloaln ro- FROM CAMEROONS • ot1p e to Baptist ISSIOnary Speak at Mesa Al t he 11 o·clock worship 11n· r orree. lea and punch w!JJ be 11erv· ' !' 1,( the l'nst Bapta~t Church ed. I ta Me.a. forel~n m1!'ls ion------------- ' ifS 10 the British Camnoone .. lfle 33 1· \• entl lllrs. Tred Holzfm mer St. J0achim Students Set for Graduation \\ II bl' !'f't'll k<'rl. First Baptist 00 From J une 20 to July 1 thtre w111 be vncauon Bible School a t F irst Baptist Church, l lllh St. and Wel!t Balboa, Blvrl,, 9::10 a. m. lo gram. o w c paren a are n· vl tf'd. will be Sunday, J uly 3 at 8 p. m, Anyone wt.ahlnc lnnl· portatlon may caU th• putor, the Rev. Herbert Johnaon. LI 8·30i2 or Har. 3:1:13. New 8' Pram ..... -····-···-···-··-·-···-··-·---· .. $I 00.00 8RADE PLANTa ffYDRA,,.OF.AflJ ..... .. ..-_. ........................ ·-·-·-··· .. toe ACA.,"THn! Ii: El.EPHA~'T EAR8 ..... ...... ............ . ...... _ llOc AtJ8TRA.f.IAN·llAWADAN a WOODWAJU>IA TIU!:E l''ER!liS ................................ .. ....... SS.00 up 4M E. Utt. lay Nur1ery CC'.SSTA Mr:U (at ar I.nine) • St. Joachim Ladies Guild Plans Dance freahm111ta will ba NrVed. Mn. Anthony Pai.terrt, ,.neral chair- man !or the dance will be au11t~ by .Mme&. Aubrey Elchom, ~orl'• NEWPORT HARBOR NEW~PRESS -PART 111·PAH7 THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 Plane are u~r way for • ""'4M-Paul~ William PalJMr and 'Edward era d~ and •ftniA&' of enter-Ban. .,.... • ... c•r1u tainment to ~ 1ponaored by St. ------------ Joachtin t..adlee GlliW. JUM a& in Maa Re)'lll&n.-Bewrly KWil '97· tht pariah baU. Cotton and de11lma chlalri•t -''The one approacla tor will be the accept-1 garb and mu· alcohoU.m moat favored by Pl>'' I sic to auJt tlle occulon will be chlatrlll I• memberah.lp In A.lcoho- ITAFFO•D 6 ION ':NCl...8 ana DOC" SLrX1'1'1Ut'.tL C'ONTaAOTOU , ...._ l.Jlllef'7 f.Hll 111· .,..,...._ A._ N...,.,. ..... ruml.shed by a local orchulr&. Re· Ilea A.nonymoua." . OWL PRICES ARE LOW PRICES! 2108 w .. , . Ocea11 Frollt Newport leach • Ph. Harbors D Pinking Shears Cat and flnlah teamA ID one operation. Now FREE! uo pece Mok .Free W'lte• J08 ba7 kit ot 00 OondeDled ICJltloa of •tt.00 J:aeydopedla of l!lporte -' 1 GILLmE ...., speed Raor and llades Plastic Soaker Hose io fl lone -perforated full length -Re(. 98c .................... . 67c --. Garden Hose -.JOI·-·.,. ......... s 2 98 50 ft. Quilty plutic-woa't mlldew. CJ'9Ck or kl.Dk. -Bf«. SS.98 CIAL SWING-OUT GRI .24'' Brazier e ITOD 'I'll& rDUC WITllOUT DIM'tmBINO TRI: FOOD! e OUNK MECllANll!lll LU.8E8 AND LOWEU 'I'll& Oan.L I e LAROE 9" RUBBER TDlJ:D WHEl:L91 I • ooou FOB 11 AT ONE TDIE t 12491 Value • • •• for. See Our Circular • SHAVIMASTll t2910 Ret11lngto11 "60" Delta• SHAVER t2910 SHICK hper-HOMcl Custom Shaver World'• naa...t, .... ._. u t.-t lllAM 12871 RONSON .,..... ... ,,.._...._ .......... 12210 " In conjunction wtth ~ Youth r •:?ram. at 7:30 p ..... Mr. and · l'.-117..nimers will &how mov- 1 , 1 •··turr~ and 11llde1 illu.str&tlng ' : l:l the Cameroon•. The or-' '"°'''' or bapt1am will be ob.serv· 1 1 The p\11tor'1 lnai rucllon Cl&s.s ,1 .II ntN•t at 6:30 p. m. end the Ta '"'"Ing Group• will meet at the 11:1010 hour. A cla..ss or 33 1t11(jent1 will re· cewe dlplomll11 and awardl of merit a t graduation u:ercl1e1 Fri· day at 7:30 p.m. In Bl. Joachim=::::::::::::::::::============:::::::::::::::::::=!.!....::~:=:=:=::=::=::=:~:=::=:=====~================================~ Monlfay. at 7:30 p. m .. there will b" " joint mHllng of &II members 11nd fr1l'nd1 of the church ter t he ~e who are ml!!slonary mtn'1ed. Thi11 will be a fellowahJp night In o. tl1·r to become better a cquainted with t h~ Holzlmmer1. M"nrtar. Junr 20. the Dally Va· r'\t1on B1blt> cru111e w111 begin. f:ach d!iy ll('hool w111 be ln &el· 1110 11. 9 to 11 a.m. and wm be In 1·li.ir1:" (I( Biil Acton, youth leader. Thi re will be atorlts, 11lnf lng. con- ''" s. hnndwork. gamrs. fun and surr11sr• Rdre~ment.a will bf' l<<'r\'<'(1 to thr rh1lrfren. Tht'me will bl' "S11lllng with Chrlat." On T11ead11y nignr. the Berean B!ble Clas11 will meet In the home r.r F:rwin Goodson ,212:1 \veatmln· 11tr r \\'rdntll<lay at 7:30 p. m. Prai11" a n I Rtt.11' St u<ty wtll be held m I h" chu1 r h. followed by Prayer r.11111p 11,.i.11ion~ Sat11nlay. Junr 2,, !ht' 511n1!oy !'lchonl 11nd Churr h plrnir will bl' ht ld el lrvlnr Psrk This i~ op<'n to all bring Junch1'5. School. The Rev. Michael Hanlon, principal of Mater Del High School. Santa An&, w\U make pre· ~enl&tlons and the J«v. Father Kent of Sierra Madre will addreu the gTaduatea. Thie mom lnr a 1peclal mus of lntenUon wu 1ald •l the •chool with t he enUre cla1. parenta and leachers In a ttenda nce. Breakraat followed, being aerved by the Mothen1 club. • Graduates receiving diploma.a st these exerclsrs lnclud~ Noel Al· btrtaon, Ttreaa Beach, JemM Cochran, Annette Dall&pe, Dusty Oam ell. Bllhe Jt'&n Doran, Danny Evans, Bonnie F'rRSer, Peggi..-Fra- 11er, Edwud J:o'redette, Carol Ann Gernert. Richard Gordon. Patrick Helm· holz. Catherine Hill. Gi!raldlne Kirby, Linda l.Anr&!ltrr. K11tht yn Lelerlt:r. . .bJ:J1.rJl'l1T<'l Mnrl1rl, Ken· neth Perry, Macedon!• Pimentel;' Chr1iot ine P e Ill f " 1 r 1, K11t i1e1 ine l'hillir11. Patrirk Roux. Bett~· Lou Ray. Larr,.• ~mit h. Potore~ Schon- e~. Rlchud Tnnt1. ~tanley Tuder Sle,·rn Tu<lnr. ~11:r.anne Wirt&. E J1t.h Orlsroll an<l Anne Vlxle. California-Made "Sport Wagon" Produced to ~II Under $1,000 Calltoml1 Is the proud paN'nt of a n-low·C'Olt motor car, lht "Sport Wagon." pl aced on lht marktt by Powell Manutacturlnl? CG.. CQmpton. to aell tor leu than Sl.000'. Thia jaunty, multl·purpow W· htc1e. ad•r11b1t '°' uae .. a commtttla pick· UP. •Port ot Utll• tty cu. haa 'h1d an ex~llent ~· ~ptJon 1lnr. Ill ant a pptar&11C9 late Jn HIM. 'Ill• Powell produe'l hM a 90 h.p. lt&nda.td popular modtl en· ftM and a 1lM-llned all·WWldtd atMl body bullt on a standard motor car chusla. It ... 1,ru 2700 Iba.. and has a \\7.tnch wb•I· baa. Priced at SM.17 ct.Uvwtd at th• tactOf)' In Comptoa, tht ~II Sport Waron hu ~n pert~ through tHtl O\'tr tht put two )"tars. ITVaDa. T IUU.T "Wt .. ., tM nNd t« a f'IOd looklnc. •turdy low-~ <'at that rould bt lt)'ltd to doublt for llrht.duty pfcll·up work u w•ll u for personal and aport trans·. ponatlonc u ld Raywud Powtll of th• rowell comp1ny. "We spent two years In deslf11, 1001. Ing a n() perftttlna the car. It 11 bull! llkt a battltthlp. ytt han. dies lll!htly. 1tetr1 eully •nd rldtS like A plu surt car. It IJ tuy to park. too But mMt tm. portant of all. tht Spart Waenn mtets the overwhtlmlng nttd for a truly ICM'-<'Oft Vthlcle for (tn· rr&l tra.niportatlon purpoatL DEU\'l:R'l' la , .. llartlor ~Now .. ,. 'Eeri .- Goochm 1-ton 1"6 Barbor Bk·d. O.ta ·-Llbtrty 8-'78SS • Number JtPtn in a Jtries : COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES -- ••• SURE, BUT LOCAL TOO! ' Her.e's anot~er way we serve Orange County. .. • • The men and women who work for our l»nk arc always will- ing to help in community aaivities. When funds arc needed for~ charitable and other important 'torl'ftnunity undertilings, you .WilffinCI officers and staff members of our bank among the first to volunteer their time, effort and nnancial experience. This ·is another way we serve Orange County. 1&uttk of .Atttf ritu NATIONAL £!~~1;./~~ ASSOCIATION 111141(1 "DllAL °''D'" 1111uu11ct CDlllOUJ10• IS IUILDINO CALIFORNIA ••• hanking that is building ~range County ANAHl\M llANCM IALM>A llANCH fULUlTON HANCH LAGUNA llACH llANCM uo ... c:....r......, tu I••..,._............ .__.. .. •114 ....... no c.... ....._., lewt' 0 . L ...,._, ,,._,, H. M. Helk .. , ,_.,. H. N. w..,..,, Mp. H. I. c-.4,Mp. LA HAHA HANCH NIWPOIT llAqt llANCH OlANOI llANCM '\ACINTIA llANCM '°° .... , c-.. ... _ J.644 vi. u. '°' ....,... oi-... ....... w .. , ..,. ,. ·- L H. i..r-, Mp. ..._.,A. WrteM, ... O. ,........, Jr...... L M. ,_..., Mtr· IAN CUMINTI llANat SANTA ANA llANCH TOHA llNDA HANCM IOI '-'II II C..111IM.... ---IOI~ 1¥'• ..._ "°2 ._...Mel• lffoMf LA. wi---... ... t. I. w,..._ 'i~ & "'fl· ,,_. J.-.., "'-'• ' ' • lrlck TllroWll iato ,~GE I . PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 v tt. bf!dl'(IC)m and ten a quarter-.tde the "°'1M at approxhnatety Mc... p It mcb lndentallon ln a door, IM'•· 1 l :.i~ p. m. wh.-n he hea.rd the aud· etftl --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c~1 ... ·1 a.•OOlll U&atlq otttc.ra r.porled. Thl'ff den nol.M. He told otftcera he A. f"128 duplt'lt will W' built at children uteep In the room MCap-thoUJbt one of the chlldru hid SS4 Victoria St. by RanMy It. and Joe Y mm lnlurH in Two C. Crasll --PRE-OPENING IANTA AN.A. 'OCNl)-.l:dwllreli he Y .. -II HU ......... A~ c..t. x-. M&ttered major ln· Judte !&ti Ttiur.aa1 attemooa W21en tu. plck·up trudc oOl.Dded Wf(lt a car at Newport Blyd. a.ad •· M&Jn St., r.rr Santa All&. The hl&'hway patrol AMI Yu.., a farmer, WM trauported to 8anta Ana Communll7 Ho.pit.al. Marine PFC Chui• R. Han.loa. 11. ot Cottonwood, Calif, W&I op-crattnc the other involvtd vebicl•. ~rdtnc to the patrol -Frank Osborne at llumiture Store Frank A. Osbome, tumJture and a ppliance man fOf' the put 21 ~an. i. now uaocklted with Mar- tin ~mJtu~ Co. ot l!Ml6 Hubor Blvd .. Coat& MeM. He will •pecl&I· tu In tntertor decorattnc advice b&Hd on hi• many yean or ez. penence. Ma.rtin'a offe1'8 a complete line el e&rty Americaa. coloolal, Fnneh provt.nctal and modern tumlture. Woman Gets Term for Drunk Driving IANTA ANA (OCNS) -Wlnl- Mtd Eatber Clemena, 36, l 13 15th It., Newport Bu.ch, wu aentenc- ·ed to jail for three month• and bid h.r driver'• Jlcen11e aullpl!nded for t.Mea ye..,.. alter plead1n1 .,.utty to drunk drlvtnc. e>raa,.-Santa Ana MunJd pal Coort Jud1e Howard Cameron puMd aentmce on the defend.ant. who wu arttet.d In the 400 block W. Ftr1t St., Tu9ttn, J une 9. ll allecedlY W&I h~~ third drunk· drtvln&' &rT'Ht ln the paat five ,....,.., DEA TH NOTICE IOUL It. J OllA."NA MlLLEJl Xra. Elena Johanna Miller. 78. aot Goldenrod A Ye., pulled on at Jw home Monday. She wu born 111 O.nnany, came to California 41 yean ago and to Corona del Kar 10,...,.. -.o. 8urvtvora Include a eon, C&rol "Bud" Miller, Corona del Kar; two daupten. Mra. Ruth MarkeU, ANNOUN£EMENT 20 BEAUTIFUL HOMES center of Coate Mesa'• best lf'esidential district -cloH to churches, schools, merkela -end trans- portation. OUR STREETS ARE ALL FINISHED THIS WEEK -10 we w'nt you to be the first to-come out end ·see theH. FINE CUSTOM IUILT HOMES ALL ELICTRIC "WESTINGHOUSE" KITCHEN FORCED All HEAT- 8nd air-condition for 11111UMr Fireplace in Every Home 6-bage Disposals Ceramic Tile DrainlJoclfch Hardwood Floors • Breakfast Bein the M 0 DERN home with every con- venience you will went -built by ex-· perienced ~lders. - WEST WIND MANOR Tatla at Walnut and (new) EstHr Stl. West Wind Builders, Inc. A Costa Mesa C~y Green. Oakllurst.. C h r I 1 t t a n Sclence MrvlCM wrre ta be held In t he Baits Mortuary Chapel, Corona del Mt.r, today at 2 p. m. with pr1nte lnterm1nL .. __________________ _ GiftS-tollMb~d#Z/.' ~iJliilv-.~ Sport Sh(rts Hickok Be1ta Braces ·and .lewelry and Swim Wear Maubagwear knit P.l's and underwear 8mnmen' u.ea tl'OU8era, jacket.a ud Bermuda shorts ,. Soppledrape Denbns (S colon) U.S. Keds & Topslden (many 8tyles) Weyenberg shoes Akom sweat shirts Day's Alacks a many others onN SUNDAYS 10 to 6 • Eequlre, Expudo ~ Argyle Socka • OaJet NeckUM • • CadllJ&c ,. llaDdllercblef1 • Bat.a, Capt). (even for Davy Croekett) We Give S&H GrHn Stamps OD the OcMD Fro.t at Hnd SL 0.. IH1ert Block from Newport P1er -NEWPORT IEACH You'll reat lletter •• • with a phone in your, lledroom And in m!l'Y other room you ..-a lot, ert.en- lion telephones save time and steps. Call our buaineu office today. Padflc Telepboae. ~ Tab Ille ... ,... @t •"" .. ,.,..ien 1tlte1t• t•lfl lea•,,..,. • 11ldrel • ,.., ••• Paintlnf ancl CfealMlp Daya AMod A brick Utl'OWll throu1b bed· ed Injury from nytns Jl&a. fllllcn out of bed. Ke f01md the Carolyn McBride, accordin. to a rom window in Coat.a Me• 8at· J0111pb ll. Deecllenea or 41'7 B«r-brick !Mlde the door wben M went Coal& Mna city bulldlas pe_mllt urd&y nil'bt mna.llbed aero. a 12· nud 8t. -.id he wu rMdlnC ln· to lnv .. llpte. talen out June e. M~e li~ing at tlle_Beach · More Enjoyable-"-. Deliclous Ba•· B • Quecl Meal• PAINTlas• OVl,ALLS Cal fot ....... ,.....,.. ..,.,. alls. th ovtatofldl .. ltrafld •ode espectolly for you. Mciiliiof~ ........ ....... ~. tv• cut to ... peaeer co ... fort, double stitched throughout ond bar tadied ot oll points of etnlln to It wtH ..,. 'f04J "'°'9 ........ ..mc..s..tt.. . Specializing in Young Tender CHICKENS Turkeys -Squab -Ducb Geese -Lamb .-... f Ham---Pork Cookec/ the Way YO Seasonec/ the Way Either Hot or Cold Any Size Ideal for , that Boat Trip, -Picnic or that Quick Dinner at Home . "loll'" poimen' •3•9 °"'°"' today. ..... , ....... · .... FREE DELIVERY -PHONE HARBOR. 656 w asemiller' s wort1.....-·1s... UH~ llal1Mr llmL The Balboa Market -.t .... 8t- Coe1a .. ... 301 Main St. (near tt.PavRion) lalboa -it pa19 ta r-4 tha wuit ada. "----------------------------------~------ Most ~®@J@C?U\l Trucks on any job with the most advanced truck features the industry has ever seen I ... ~ Only new Chevrolet._..... ·,ru~ks bring y~u the shortest stroke Vi's in a"% leading truck and today's moat advanced 1ixe1- plu1 all th••• truly modem features! •••••••••••• They're the marks of a modern truck, •••••••••••• and they out-date any make · without theml ... lrtnl"t with Wedt..stytl"t, en .ml,.fy MW tlevele,IMnt In tnlck tle1l9n. For the ftnt time lo any line of trucb, CbeY1olet brinp you rwo ~ lt)'lin1 treatmmta-ane for liJht· and medium.duty model1, another for heavy-duty )obi! Styli.al tkat'a matched, to m. model and t!M Jc*. The tetett I• celt •••fert efttl eefety. ,,.... ya eaa _.. oa 1M w 1llln ma illr9 .,_, wfllw .-t .... that,......*"-fadpl, IDd ............... ~ ..... New conceol-4 _Safety Ste,1. Cbn- rolet'a new Safety Stepa are out of tisht with th• doors doeed1ta7 clear of mow, ice « mud. New ,...._.. wt••Mel4. Por a wider, YirtuaUy ~ .WW of the roedl .................... ., . ...._., Widl .... Hi~ ftOlilatioo,, air 11....,.iD~-....lleowl '"91. n.t -air II •"'!J circ:Wal9d tbrouab dae cab, ,.., .. cf ......... ~.~-... Hl1h-Voltqe power-VI ~ 6. The new llneup of Chevrolet truck en· ginea includa the shortest atroke V8'1 ia a11y leadina trl.ick. and most ad· ftDCed aixes. AU have a modem 12- volt electriul system -do11bl1 the voltap for quicker, 1urer ltaltina and more eflkient lf>&lk plu1 fi.rina- Tub.leu tires 1tondord ... '11:-tort lftodela. Herc's greater protection apimt blowout.a. Ivery Pewer Helft« In the ltook. Power Bra/cu are standard equiP'f\Ctlt on 2·too models. an extra<Ott optioo oo OChen. Tbe new bandlin1 ea11 of Power Srurl111, another utra·cott option, a111 tu.mini efton up to 80~. • ,. ... There's new 11s-$1vin1 Overdrin, u an extra~Otll option on ~-too modell ••• and truelc Hydra·Matlo oo ~ .... ~ -and I-too jobs. The new Comeo Confer. Lons and low, with smooth, fleet linn. here'• the Custom pickup that may well create a oew clua of truck owncnl One ftoal word. When the time come1 to trade in 'SS modcla, the man without • really modem truck stands to take a good-sized 1011. Come In and ate us soon. Chevrolet Year oltw Year A.wico·1 bed eellin9 frvd I You get the mo1t mod_ern-trvcks money can buy in ... . ......... . Chevrolet's Ne_, 'Dlsk·Force Line ·. MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY _lOOO ,W• C1a1 Hl .. ••l , .vm>IT llACH ... • j . • • ~ NEWPQRT l;IARBOR NEWS-PRESS fA\\\~ • I ~· . " I I ~ • - \ SHIP AHOY -Coast Guard Seaman Richard Tre- sierru practices semaphore flag signall on the bridge of the C-SM:S2 while Seaman Richard A. Dalton below relays m..age from radio room. Men continually train for time of emergency when their know how pay1 off in quick action and efficiency. CANINE SEA LEGS -"Ace" ii the installation mas· cot and knoW11 hia way around u well u the regular _ci:ew. He.goes along on all caU.11 and themen.conaider him a valuable member in the organization. Seaman Benton.L. Bradshaw, shown with "Ace'', barks a few orders on board ship. & THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 PART FOUR, PAGE ONE . R};Al)Y FOR ACTION -The Newport Harbor Coast Guard installation, always· ready for any emergency in the Newport Harbor or the high seas, 11 aituated on the eaat ahore about a half mile ip from the jetty POWER :rLus -Below decks in the engine room are · two powerful engine.a which power· 00~3452 to ita destination. Seaman Harold Edgington 'keeps the en- gines running smoothly. Parts and acceuoriea are kept shipshape at all times. C.oast Guard · Ever on Alert By STUART CASE Smee } 790 when Alexander Hamilton lnaugunt.ted the flrat Rt'vt'· nue Cutter Service. the United Statu Cout Guud hu evolved Into one of the moat Important agencies of thia nation. Developed to protect life and property at •ea. the Cout Guard today hu the job of sParCh and rescue. bo&rdlng duty tor ufety vlolatlom1, and tht' overall protection and patrol of our coutal areu. During peacetime, they are under the direct 1urtsdlcUon olf lhe Treu· ury Department. ·Locally, N\'wport Hal'bor hu one or the finest Cout Guard In· stallalloru to u11l1t shore resldenu when the call for help arlse11. So tar this year they have an4Wered 119 ualatance call• from people- In distress. One of the biggest jobs h"ere 111 boarding 11)lp11 leaving the Har· bor to make sure uJel v precaut1on11 have ~n followed and reg111- tratlon certificate awards are In ordt'r. Thev have made ovt'r 866 f>oard ing rall.8 since Jan. 1, this year. Last year, during "o;>eratlon dragnet."' In which all ships were Inspected In the Harbor. over !'JOO boardlnp were made In 1•ne day. and 175 violations were recorded. <;out Guard otflclata have slated realdentA don't 11eem to rea lize the chances they take when on the high aea.s It t~ do not have the proper 1111fety equlpmrnt on board. For th11.t rea.aon, It hu become an ·1ricre&11ll:ig role of the CoMt Guard to make •ure all boat.a are up to regu111.tlom1 when they leave the ur.., ~on!lne11 of the harbor. Your Local Co8Jlt Guard 11t11tlon 111 atw11.v11 In readiness to lend 11 helping hand. Tht>y truly deserve the recognition for which tht'y are dedicated. entrance. Headquarters for operations is,located in the building to the right with the ship standing by to an· swer the call. of distress. NERVE CENTER -The navfgatfon room, whJcJI Induct. ......_. ........ opera- tions and chart tables i1 the nerve center of the ship's operations. Bo'1un'1 mate Cllnton Scovel, right, i1 in charge of operations at the installation. Chief Engineer- man Earl Brown, center, h.elps chart the course with Scovel. At left, Seaman Bill Whet.atone eends and receives latest radio mesaagea. AIR PROTECTION -A 20 mm antiaircraft gun is the ship's defense againat &ir attack. Chief Brown, left assists Chief ~ovel in training men to Oif6rate the run. Seaman Wbetston~ la in firing position with left to right rear, Searpan Bradahaw, Dale Chamberline, Treeierra.a, Dalton and Edgington looking on. DEADLY WEA.PON -Up forward on CG ~2. two eectiona of rocket launcher · platforms are set up in cue of attack. Left to rilht. Seaman Tresie'rru, Brad· ah.aw, and Edgington. aimulate loadirig rocltet launch- er for firing. An armed miaile weighs appro)dmately 40 pounds. Ship aiao carries aeveral depth ch&r&ea. THE LIGHTER SIDE -Alter a bard day the men take lt euy with aome recrea· tion or other activitiea. Gathered around the table in a favorite putime pla~carda are a few of th• boys ln th• tnatall&Uon '• main headquarten recrution room. The men are subject to 2'-hour-t'f.C&ll at all times. Nine men a.re now at&tlooed at the local inltall&tion.. \ (}overnmenl f:xcepl :l-roni PAGE 2 ·PART IV NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS . PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 ''God grant us the serenity to occept the thi ngs we cannot chonge: the couroge to ~honge the t hings we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." IA. Anon.) - EDITORIAL-S Ne\v County Sales Tax Due? ~.There is now another cert~inly in Orange County. It is -that the County ot Orange will soon adopt a 1 l><'r cl'nt sales tax. Death and general taxe .. have been the other two certainties ot long standing. Orange County will no doubt hurry to adopt a aalea tax ordinance in keeping with the recently passed leg· islati\'c bill making such a tax possible for the county. \\'h:ll the county will propose to do with t he monies that it colle.cts is not generally known. The new sales tax Jaw provides that the State of California can and will collect for cities and counties a 1 per cent 11ales tax in addition to the California Sales and l 'se tax of 3 per r<'nt. T his means that there will be a general 4 per cC'nl lc\'·y. If a city has a sales tax it will rreei,·e a remi~su•n of the amount of its tax. If a city has no le\·~-. or in count y areas. the sales tax will 1{o to the county go\'c-rn menl. What the County of Orange will do with any in· rreai:;ed t.ax revenue we rlo not know., But it is certain the county governmental agency will take advantage of the opportunity to levy the easy new tax with no ex· pense of collection. We are hard pressed to figurt what the County ot Orange has been doing v.i th a lot of its tax dollars anyway. For instance: the county has always contended that its only mission in life is to serve the unincorporated areas. It bu taken the money1 of the county, of which cities are a part and dispensed them for streets in county tenitory, with no regard or contribution to or for the cities. 'I'he facilities of the Sheriff's office are for the county unincorporated areas. The cities must provide their own policing although the entire county pays for the Sheriffs office. The same is true of the county fire department. I The dwindling domain of the county bureaucrats, brought about by the incorporation of Costa Mesa and Buena Park and the imminent incorporation of Dairy· land a.nd the formation of another attempt to incorpor- at& Garden Grove, ia. cause for consternation around the county offices in Santa Ana. Instead of trying t-0 admin· ister better and more effectively that which they have, the county officials are trying t o ta.J<e control of city functions. Thia is particularly true in the attempted aei.rure by the county of the management and control ot Newport Harbor. It is almost certain that the county will p&.111 a sales tax ordinance. When they do it will force a • per cent taJE in Santa Ana where preMDtly the dty ..-tax J. ~ ol l per cent. It will bring abOut a tax in Huntington Beach where none exists. And again the county will be looking for ways to usurp the prerogatives of cities. The County of Orange is in a position where it ehnuld be trying t o eliminate costs, not increase them m·er the entire county. The County o! Orange could well use the road funds It Teceives in state and federal subventions for the creation and maintenance ot roads that serve the entire county without regard to munJcipal boundaries. The County of P range can well be retrenching In lts activities and cutting taxes. The people of the County of Orange should see to it that economies are effected u eervicee rendered the people by the county are as- aumed by the cities. We r ealii.e that this Is contrary to all political prat- tices. Public employees are seldom eliminated when their jobs ceaae to exist. They are usually just shuttled to an· other dep~rtment to continue their loafing. The sa1e8 tax, when adopted will create a veritable pot of gold. News-Press First Nationally 'Best Use of Photographs' Newa-Preaa sta!fera today 1.n walking on air. We won not a first but THE FIRST PLACE A WARD for "Best Use of Photographs" in the annual National Editorial Association Better Newspaper Contests tor 1955, datlies and weeklies. To have achieved this pinnacle in competition with 14-06 entries from daily and weekly newspapers through· out the United States one knows the deep draught of victory· from honest. pai nstaking t oil the year around. In the contest division such as "Best Use of Phot o- graphs." each newspaper sends in three issues requested: To make sure of good contest entries each publication date must see outstanding use of good photogra phs. in our case twice a week. ·The News-Press la fortunate it is published in the dynamic. growing, busy Harbor area, a · district which is a news center of high degree. In years past the News. Presa has been honored by subscribers' l<ind words for photographs used, the assignments photographers went on at odd houra often at cost of their private lives. In the latter respect the News-Press is fortunate it has men and women who believe in following news and feature stories like true news hounds. However, staifera coufd not have won this high honor for the News-Presa without the publisher, Ben Reddick. He provided 11.mple photographic equipment and supplies plus intense desire the News-Press print only quality news and feature pictures. It· happens the issuett whic h won the first place award were fairly run-of -the·!lline ; they Jlad the desired standard of excellence. Photographs were taken by Phyllis J. Jackson who used imagination and sen,Ytivity in her choice of parade subj ects and their use. Those taken by Robert F. Willmes showed acute perception and artistic portrayal of the buffaloes coming to Newport Harbor Buffalo Ranch where they were greeted and blessed ~ lnclians in tribal regalia. A human interest picture was taken by Fred Allen, then a reporter-pho· tographer, now editor ot the Garden Grove News. Allen's shot won national honors for the News-Press when selected for national advertising by Eastman Kodak Co. And there are more. The publisher . who parlayed a press camera with round-the-clock work seven days a week into t he thriving Newport Harbor Publishing Co., still happens to be the odds-on favorite in local photo- graphy. He can drop a cost sheet and cover a fast· breaking news and picture story quicker than you can say, "I'll be right back." With fine photographs on hand rt>ady for the news· paper, Mrs. Winifred Barbre. womt>n's editor. recently took national and California first places for her "Best Women's Department." She has shown consistently good use a.nd placement of pictures in her pages while hand- ling the Harbor'1 social side and women's activities. AU this still d~n·t tell the story. Willmes, whose outstanding pictures with others played such a strong role in the News-Press award, also runs the darkroom where good photos are made better by intelligent print. lng and cropping. H e makes most of the Fairchild Scan- a-graver plastic cuts Crom the phot ographs. When he's through with them it's· up t o the composing and press room expert.a to aee the cuts are well mounted on the pre81 plates. FATHER'S DAY Father's Day can be synthetic. or it c~n be sinc('re. It can be an occasion for the family to go through the motions of honoring dad. or it can be a t ime when t hev realize his efforts on their behalf a111.l exprt'ss -their. genuine. appreciation for them. A gift for father is always appropriate for the oc- casion, but it's not indispensable. An <'XprC'ssion of af. feclion which comes from the heart is not dep<'ndent on eome outward symbol to express it. However. like any- one else. dad can enjoy a gift if it is not merely a substi· tute for appreciation and affedio!f. Father 's Day is a good time for young jx-ople lo realize that fathers are people, not monry-mak111g Jna· chines deaigned to satisfy every whim nm! desire of tcc-n- agers. A little effort to under::-tand th<' "uld man's'' point • of \'iew may disclose the fact that he really isn't such a bad guy after all. Our suggestion is that father be tre:ited as if he were a member of the family -not only on Father's Day, but all year round .• AFFAIRS OF STATE B~· H ENRY C. MuARTlll'R BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL B~· llORAc•: (•i\RKt:n ~t:11. Sole -Tb.la oolumn b~· Hor•C'(o l'•rk1•r "Ill dc•lll ""h th11 lllllc'-kn11w-n hl,turkal f11t•I• hi' "-• dro .. lit•'\I up In hi• lllllll)' trlp11 Into lhe ~k eountry lo n«..-o& ) 1•ur11. I Many Hnrbur nrea folks wc-re ,,bsi'n'11d "n 8u11dny. Juno 12. at one of the lar~<'st Corpus Chr1~t1 f 1!\y fit'e;\ai' ,., ,,,. hd d on t he l'aln lnd1tt11 n,•srn ·.11wn. \\\' t h11u~ht a s,·rws 11! ph11to.8 or lhl8 IOlf"lrSIUsg J':tl1 •··~ '• l'-t 1•1 t• I l•t•1 i.wn nlll:hl b<• Hf 1ot••1 t·,.1 \\tlh 1111 11 1~ """ 1•f llw fr\\ 111•t11n··"1 u11i:u1 11m .. 111: 1111' !\I •:oh.n lndrnn• ""' .,. ''" 1111.1 111• l•1·h1rn p1.i11.llv tl11t111i.: hnr k "'It 11 '"" \l'lt1>1 1111•1 Ir.I hnr: lh<' • 11h1I•' ' T t,.• "'' 11<·• tn11,:h1 tlwm Iv thl' .. 1r1r 1-·1 in r .. 11 •. " ~IASS -Holy Communion nl shnnr at base of furn· ous Pala Campanile with l\ni~hts of Columbus honor guard. -All Horace Pnrker Photo" Bl'.:Gl:'\~J~G -P rocPssional is lro with altar boys and li ttle g irls in wh itr. sprinkling flower petals. SA C'RAMF)i"\;TO IC:'\St -A prrijert11 t hllt "''"1l•t hnng in.t1rf'1 t sample t•f th" dll''"lltlsfartrnn ot r1•t11rni1 1 o (" 1 Ii f11rn1n bu~ln1>s11." J legh1la tnni :-nt h the r•p1·ratton of l Cnlhtr 1<1\1d 1n pl•'•• nnnii Ill" 1)111 thp Mat(• cJl\·1111on n( be11r h1>s 11nt1 "nut 111 hll\ 1111: t t ""• 1•. h ll'h fl•'"l"I" park11 wa" ,.,.,.n lly pno;~aJ!t' o•f i:-B r11n look 11l n• lh<'y drive l'ly thr I 11100. by Sl'n1ttor nanll•,Jrh Collll'r, ~rn1·r"" I ot Yr••ka, ll mf'lll'llr" whlr•h Jll'"· vtd!' fnr the rxpt"ntl1101e of 11nn,,. $32.llOO 1100 nf tltlf'lirnr1 "'' '""• ftllt', by the counties 11! Cahfm 1111\. The mon,.y rnni1l~t11 nf " I" 1 t1on of lhf' fund!! r<'lUmP11 to Cahforml\ by thr frdPral ~·wr1 nml'r\t, ttfll'r the C.-11ngn.o;.<i llrrh1r,. I t1.tetl\nrt oil lands M property of t ht' 11t:ite. 11nrl the fl:'deral gov(•mm,,nt rl:'l('l\.~•·J rund11 Impounded during the con· troversy. MO.SF.l ' lll\"1$101' Senator ("nlJIPr wo1 krr! 0111 I\ !!Cale !nr th,. rllvl11lon nf t h,. mnnf'y ~twef'n all rr1unt 11''4 or thr 1<talP, to be ustr! for county de\'f'h1pm•·nt or rl!c:reallon. rather lhan p111mng the functs through the 1<tale d1v1- s1on of b"achr11 and parks. Ntwlon B. Drurv, chlrf of t h11I dlv1~1on. nppos,.<t 0 tht" bill bt"forr So•n11lor J 1 nr, A r ,,be\·, nf :-.1 .. , .. 1. '" 1 1,. r "'"' P•I II••· 1>111 hr•·nu•" "1 lli nlc lhr 1 m.nt1•~ ,.,.n t!o a h,·•c,•r 11•>• •n t•'· n•at'''" th.•n <'"A n th•• !"'~•1e ,,,,., .. ,,," tir h""(•hi·'- 11.11d p.11 k• ' St'nn•c,r l'l<•n C1 11n:illy . .,f ~Rnta C-ruz C•Junt \·. how,,,.,.,., 1tr•r ls r•"f that thP 1"11ll1l'r lll)I Wll~ ''ha I l•·i;· t11h1tlnn," 111 thA t It \\O~ A •potk· ban-t>I' mP11 itn11> ( r all C''lllllt•r•. aml woul•I •lt'fll r n 1 h" M 11 c or a long·r<\nit" t<'rrrallonal d• vl'l••r· m<'nt. The Srna' ". hnwf'n•r, paM,•1 the measure. 21 lo JI, 11rrunn~ a bare majortly for !hf' 111..iislll ••. Th.it IL l~OIA~ fir~U,m:;\il•'.jC --('alJC, :i<'l'Ompan1l·d b\' on" of orplutnR for whc-m he rar<'fl. with ln<l1an nd1·;!'1 in b:ickgr11un.J. lead:• l'ru!'t ss11m throus h narrow d trt streets of P.1Ja Indian \"1JJ11gr. It will be interestipg to eee whether the county allo· cate~ the f~ds for building ot a monumental co~ty hospital wt11ch the populace voted down or to erect county offices, which the people voted down. Or to other- wise flaunt the wishes of the people o! the County of Orange. And if the pictures aren't what they should be he t~l1:' the editor who makes up many of the pages, de· c1ding where pictures should be used. The editor. also s: pho~ognpher. ia the guy who now is smiling from ear to ear -WWiam A. Mooes. , commlttrf', •lrrlnnn~ ll W'lUld wuck the dlvlsluns's five· year plan for developmrnl of the state P.ark syst.-m. · Ill dr<im('1I tn u111m111.. fa.Jun'. howf'Vl'r, 1s I\ l11rt•1,:un" 1 onrlu~1rtn. 8.S thl'•blll• lhl\1 J::ll Wllh lhP nlt'll· 8U~e pr<1Vllllni: (11r thl' "l'P'"PrlH· tiun. neNI 11 tw11-th!rd~ ""''' tu J.:el COURTHOUSE BEAT By JACK BOE'ITSER Thia oolumn!1t ,oi•ttnll to jt'O on j Ktntfe .• S&nta Ana ba~ owner. t eC'ord 'With th .. rr .. 111c-llon lht' 11l11t19 I CeorKe A \'U and tav('m t1a.~od11· !'1111 Jr&lnr rt It!' ta~t r urwll'llon In tlnn· moi;:ul Ray Art&m~. Non, hu t rl&l• r t'!<ult11111: fr('m the J,;t'and ""('n a dey bt'hinll bars a nd m11v JUpY liquor probe. Out ot 1;:, prr-nrv1•r. · aont lndlcll'J thrr .. have bern found _.uflly by intpt'rlor court jurfr11- ex-dl1trlct liquor bo,. H. E. Mac· A dama hu an appul on tile be· for• the a pprlate court. :t.tacKrn· zle and Avu are awattlnr arru· NEWPORT~ HARBOR RE-W.$6 PR:ESS Ponnrrly Ole Newport-Dalbo& Newa-nme1 and the Newport-Balboa Pre .. A ~ndable Loc:&I lnatltuUoe tor Onr Forty Years Ji:ntertd u Second·Cl&N )fatter a t the Poatottlce tn Newport S.cb. California under th• Act of March 3, 1879. Quall.nfd to Publ.l~ll LeJ1ll SoU<lN ud AdvertJ11ement. ot AD llJDdt 1'1 ~ ot the S aperiar Covn ot ~ Co. ln Action No. ~-tnot BEN REDDICK, PUBU SHER WILLI.A.M A. MOSES, Editor OR.\tO:"\"D E. ROUNTREE. AdwrU.lng Dlr-ector CHARLES A. ARM:STRO~O. Mechanlca.J Superintendent men u on 1u-rest ot judgment and mcftlon !or a ntw tr111I. A recent cfeclalon by the auprtme court In the Cahan cue may aid l lac· Kenzie and A va1. COl~T JffU~O The court haa ruled the oj>tllln· lng or evldtnce by eubtf'rfURe 1~ not adinl11Mble. The most d9.11111i:· Ing blows were sccr('l lope recr>r<i· Inge taken by co·consp1ra tor Mic· key Jone.. Whether t.hl1 con1Utut· H enou(h bull !or dluntu&I la a matter tor the court. to determine. Two liquor tri&la ~&Jn -the (T&nd theft cue .,.alnat former •••emblyman and con(l'Uml&n Sam L. CoUtn.a and hia Fullerton Attorney eon Sam E. Colli~d another arainat Ha.rry Le an and Cbarlu O.vtne. labor lead ra. Both cuu have been tried here and ended In hung jurfea. The Collln•H !)ave been found Innocent of a conaplracy charge ln conntc· tJon W1th the upcoming trfaJ which crew out ot an alleged liquor II· cenae lha.kedown of a Buena Park cate,m&n. They alao were judged Innocent, alonr w1lh Devine ant! Lehman. In the UMr~d (Tllnd theft.of Sl0,000 from • Tu1tln bar· 'IVOm&n. Completely ln the clear a.tier lndlctmenta a.re Charlu Buccholz. Mic~)' J onea, Glover Docklna and Al Tosau. LouJ1 TrapMI 11 In pr1· .t0n and probably nevt'r "111 be brought to arn.Ignment here. Pau1t". -Eldr~ and Taktkot11hl a~ on trl11I. WHO'S TO BL.UO: ~ It aJl bo!b down to th.la: the rnnd J1l'Y tranecnpt• JI.Ult didn't oonl&ln Uie klnd of evidence nee· eM&t)' tor oon'f1eUona. ~1 wv. f1lkd with wtak <'nnrlustons and not enough fa<':~. H \'Ou pin thP dl1Jtrk t attompy'a off1C'P tlown. It wm tell you 11n The blame !nr thu1 sttu&tlon fl\JJa on th• 11ttomtty .irmrn11'11 ot- tlce. dl11trll't 11ttom1>y 11nl1 the ,i:Tantl J11ry lt~ctr. One can nnty J;\!Pl'~ wh11t Sllf"'l'- lor Court J udire Rnbert Carrlncr told .Atty. Jame~ !'tfonrne aflrr the re~ent rape trial nt Rnbert Gf'orge Rule, 21, of COii!& Mrea. ThP judge, who had ~t)TTll' brt~k wnr.1 eitch&11gea with thP hu•ky &ttom· ey durtng the trt&I. C'allr•I Mon- roe tn for a lon1t hurltile ~hind cloae<t doot•. ,It w11.11n·t one or Mr. Monroe'1 better jobs or d .. trnd1ng In the WTlter'• u tlmAtir>n WATCHFl,. l.Ac.1 ·sA~ Seen most oftl'n a nwni: board ot .supervi90re 11rsio1on nn·lookrr.,- LAguna •Beach M1wor F rnnk WhAr· ton. Frank UllU&lly lli;:lltl' In II 1<p<tt In the atcond rnw ~l'l.t .. rn nys a word even v.•hen 11 ~k<'•I fur" ('nm- ment by one or the l'UJlf'fl'll•ori<. The mayor ha.sn't m1~~·tl mnn'· meeting• by the 1111p,.rv1 .. or• ainc·.- the fl rat of the ~re r l t la nece11nry tlepnrtmf'nt . At. tomt)'I involv"<t In t hr 1'11n~p1MH'Y t11al of Arthur r.1.rdr>n F.ltlrl'l1, }\erma.n Pause 11n<t Takeo Take· kosht u1r<1 up t 111ht d:iy~ In tlmr and many doll1113 c•t t11x r11.u~r~· money In fln11ll:v 11i:r•·1 tn..: on 1:? penionJt to hl'ar te•t 1mnn,·. It hor· dnf'd on t hr rt tl<:ulou~ Br t If J udge F rank W ot hK•I b 1uC'd IUl uJllmatum fnrl"lnft lht hagchn~ cowi&el1 to remain In the court· room un UI lht p&ll"I wu •lectt d. they'd 'u• r lc:k"d 't m In a hurry. U worked twice ln rte.Ill tnala. <.:olll••r. howrvpr, tr>h1 lht M'n· by the. 8!1llt'ml;ly. ator.<i th11t ~n Ill()() ,,·11111<1 dnubll! I -....Am r , h th • II< P rP n1·.. OW• \'fr lh:ot Ill" II e r;vlf'lnue rrnm 1 h" i;tlltP'!I hil· nJP11.1111re w11 ~ lnttv11lut•" 111111 t h·· i:~u o ara rer rtatlonal tnrlll~lr)I fert that a m11J11rlly of th!' lllBI!' gh the devt'lopmenl of prime l!!'na tr Wllnts to l<l'e t h" rountif'~ recreational areas In all ~ct1on11 adminls trr the ,...tumNf lldtl;rnd of the ata te. ralhu than In thf! fundll. rathrr lhlln th,. M1t '" •t.vi.1 areu aelect'd by ~achn and alon of bu.ch and k •-pa.rk!!. ee par s, "' a •• 1~t;, 01• t~,' ~ 1 \'' •' UllS \Jt\ .... 1nu We would UM thla money on of Btate governmenL I canopy, l\A~~t.l:S --Thes<' rc·1•rrs1·nt M1tlying c·hapch1 and ltr<' r;irriPd Rloft follow<'d by their congregati<ins. L1ttl(' Indian girl, foregrount1, t osRNI flower petal111. • • .Loan Firm to Note Re cord '.Growth Oil First Birthday •lnr• thr ln•tlt11t 1!'n w1111 fn11n !f4' 111 l!"t-i au IHH•'"' ch~ n .. ,.,1 Cvr ll l•l<.al ''"ur,·.-••! homl' f1n1tnnni: -""'' po1 t H11 lb< & Suv111i;a """' ••'I \".'! 11• 1<11\ 6"0!l lnVf'l!l•ff8 1n t1111>l • r the ~II lltlll1'8 an1l n'\'l'f!ll to "''JI:" 1nun1t 1ei.. 11a1n,..r ,.. ,,d ="•"I'll .u .. 11•1" :-.1v111~-anl r11 b11lt111.: 1tt•1 "''~hr.in•• of· Oth,•r •lttN\t11~ 11n1I th•1r "'"'•·Ii ~i.,,.11 , .. ,._, •• ,,11n .... 11ttnl·1t.!J \\tJI '"' tr1Ci•f\1ft,l~f,!~hHl1t t Uki'lt.tf~ \\h11 \\11l \.\•t1htH1t .. Jr,!\h-"~lh UCXl fo"'J l· I " I· l·r.• I•• ll n•·W hi) 11 .... ut <l 111 I .. lll•'ll•I\' i: I"" I h 1n bu•tllt'>' Ill dll y '" •. f.h ~a..r~ llnil Mllll'ft J A I . . Rt 1 I.. ~11111 !II· \'t'I ""•ltf'I ~jll<'f'I t"'•1l '' '11'" 11nd n '''" d "111 "'11"1'11111~ h .. "'"'" ""'"1 ·11· \\ 'l'•\\"tnl..i<'. 111111 RKlph M 11:.· •·'I" 1:111\11)1 ttn•I "1<1'•11 1•11 wl .. 11 IJ lr·11ll_1• ''f'•<'l 11111! 1(1•1\\'lh t" ko:y lli'<'k. Mey .. r a n•I ~Jllu't sic 11 •• \ .... ,,, ''l" n llt>llli<' lll lhl' putil'o• • ""'"· kll•I ...... l•w1k '"'""''"fl \n "''!• .. 1~.. mf'mbrrt Of tho> 1lrtj!'lnRI tlu' I ll•I ' Jun .. 17 1" uli•r·r 1'' 11111: "' 111,. """' ,,.. nt•I,. 111 thf' hlll· b<l111'f1 ••f tlllr•'l•'tlll T,.\\'1nkle hll" II • ' "' "' lh• 11 ••' uno1 \• 11 '" ""'' •11 l"·"' 1u1tl thr 11111l h11ll J<t.'l\'••J •;..mce 1939, 1ind ltl&iikt~' H11 ~,..,,, di• r , lcu r-... h:n 'fr4 r:t 111 ih•"'1t )•'hi ·· ~1lh'•' l!l~ ... o. h• .1rl11t111l1 •~ in ~· \\ pvrt ll~Rrh 1·1rm. r an•I !Ill " A 11<'~ 1::1 .. n l '1,.1h"1Jt l'.111 ,\ 1'1ht•I I 1-~ il"""""""I 1 111 w r 1 , trt ,1,,,, T:I· 1111. ·I. '"''lUlt\•' ""·111e~1°h-11i "' ~;\'t't)buJy 1ead11 Cll1~1ltf'l.l Ail!\ 1 \11111 ,,~1111111 •• ,., Sl!l l\1!1.111111. 11 ttlit 8'""11·"111n lllhl oiw lll 113 "1·1-H pnya t u reao Ole w11nt act& ~"\\ 111 , 1 ,,. ,,.,.,. ~ 1 11,111., 11 ,,1 , '" t•tr~ h.,,.,. 1i.,,•n ~tt11f m• 1111" ri. t~h ...... vau~"' 1u t•l'•U• '' 1n, '"" p1 r--~:-...;=-_.;:. __ .=::..-~;:;;;; _____ .:;:;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;~.;::;::;;. tu 11•1\1· 'I'"" i. 1 ~ J.r.1 June I \I.I. · 11 \\' :-.t,.,.!'>111°" •t,., ... nr t •h•r \\'\•· ... fultl ,,.Ltl( ri .. '*dw1'"' t~ h•'l'll !'li ",II """ hn t• • , ••Pl th• ul) .. d. v , J'' n 1111••"'' t d1 f>t 'l"I\ 1-'h~;t\ rt;. l'Ht1I. I~ ln\'r"t '' t11'1 t tlh· .tr h .~tin It• t1 •) ':,1 ., n "' n ·~,. I._" J\IJ d .. 1n•1tu ,nt ... \\ill h· 11 u1u·1~1 11•1 at ,I J..-'u ''~''ti ...... , rv•··I t• f1•·'"'h"'' t 1 .. »111 .1i .. w 11 11t1 .. 1ii;h th1• h111l<1111~ \\ t:,. Ii 1111-" h•" n 1·11llt••I bv ci• "1~11· j .. 1. l h·· m .. ,., lwllutt(ul . r111annal h111 lol1n1: on A tn• r11 a '1 rht"" h4 H \'tit y !4p1•i \k.I O•TH1'lP O I• 1 II " l'.tlrr ••r !'.11•1 on Jlllflllllfll • ,, ltl•• n1••U huu~,. ••for \\e n•,\\ .... 'I h1•h1Jt ' Ill! II ·' ,.,. j "' l'Xf'<'f 1- , 1 1 ,, "h1• h Ii~• p111vvn t l.c ""un.t-., "~· .. r •• 11 t1111l·tln1.· Rnd It' 1m- u,.i1ttl •I• :,:n I h1<\' q1u1<· " 11.11 ..,. DELIVERY GUARANTEED lJC'li\'C'ry of th<• .l'\ewport Harbor News-Pre511' is l{uarantc•cu. Carr11:r boys will deliver their papers tx>- forc ti p.m. <1n Monday anti Thursday. If your paper is nnl dd h·rretl by that hour please call H arbor 1616 and your carrier w1U bring your paper. TAKt:S TROt•n\· -Mrs. t.:r'h.ce Stcl•le, owner of 56-ft yawl Odyssey which has_.gamed so many ra.c:ing hon· ors with hC'r son, Dick, at th<' helm WAs prNW llt lo rr· cr1ve· the late1;t award in · Odys:;,·~"s c·f·ll~ l'tion, t lw Hunting ton-T1dc·lamls Perpetunl for o\·er-;111 w1nm:r m annual Newport Harbor Yacht Club e\·c·nt. Cnmmn- rlore tfarry )fann m;1dl' pres<'ntalinn during th(' tr••t•hy d111ner al NHYC laRt Saturday. -13l'cknlr l'hotn 11 u ·tP•I\ ,,, I Ill !'ttHC f n>1•111b~1 J(, \\lt•• ::...::;;;;:;;;;=============;:;;;;==;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;,;==== }J'' nt 11111r, 1111•11t 11.. of ... ~1·:1 11 h NE\VPORT HARBOR NE\VS-PRESS Every Monday and Thurllday COASTAL SHOPPER-\Vednesdays RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JO,R TOO LARGE OP. TOO ~.\fALL In 1·11111111 •. t 1,, l.11111'11n~ "Tit,. . •Ioli J ~/'•" ,. rw.J 111. rt.-. ~1,:11 ti I •l"Hlillll' hll\'t• lllollf.!hl ~,, ul· I t" t WO•\' ;11·d a f' ''°" ).:' (•t 111'2,\ IJ11+:>1n1I' i f \\'t Jk·hHUt ... \l\'11 " , ... ,, ... tllfi" ()lll 1Jq11d ~ft1\\C 1 l I"' 11(' ~\lt "II tHHllithl t ,. plln.t-•II 11. •\•I \' .\• pHt tn11 Ill, t'l\• 111·, 1111\ tu "'·''"'J.:~. hd n a nt.I •"'·"'· l'•'<>11· •1• 1"1 tllt• nt' lt hnit Jll'l'l1 6 ~· lfJl\111.: 1ttt•pta nt •• uf our "'l'" "·*'·· •l• 1~•'"1l tJ, l'·" tuu nt as '"t U :--1'\l 'I ' I S l'HEA:-IES ' 1"1,1• ft,1, I 11 11 I It ,ta(( •·i.1u1n· :rioi•·JI 111••, tl1'1 \\• flt t'\ h,t\'r :~~ ••tl\· 1•l•;.\~t1.., 1\'.' 1.111! !•HIPl \\'~th th~:!:! ,, ... , t •11 •· " \h 'h tu U1~ n ••\\' DEADLINES for pla ctng or canct'Uinc ads are: F'or Mon<l.ly Publlcat 1nn -Saturday !':oon For \\'rctn ... ,,tiny PutJ11cat1on -Tuesday 2 p.m. For Thursd11y Publlcalton -Wednuday l p.m. 4 f,.int'16 I Paper ~1.00 Llnefl 2 Papers 1.50 4 I.Ines 3 Papers 2.00 l 'oa11lal Shoppt"r Clu!!Lnt'd Ad11 mu•t run 1.n the Monday or Thul'Mlay PubUc-alloe l'USL\ll')I A.D I~ • USES 1111 11 •• .; 1.1 t J ,1 .. : Thi' publisher;! w ill not be rt-sponrJlble tor more than one Inco rrec t 1 tr''l'r\1011 of an 11d, re-serv<' the right to C'Orrectlv rlasslfy any and all J•,d• '"'" • "' t •· "if • rr• hu-111'111 In 8 ,1,, anl.l to rl'Ject any ad not C'011Corm111g to rule• and r«'gulallon1. ).,, k1J(.· ultt·ttti into th1• t!t uUulntr fu •1111 fut fl H• ~·· <"1•\lntv nn I th•~ th , t 1 • \\'(• h11\ •• ,,, inn• ti !'lt.\\'POflT llARKOR P t:KUS IUSO CO. 2211 ffalboe ffh1d ., Ne"·port lk'acb, Callfonala. Classified Index .. I f'unf'ral S ofll'ff '! ( a nl of Thank• 4 t'unr r•I Dlrf'<'ton 10 1\11..Jn""-" Uuldl" 11 lhdldlnit .Mat•rtala l'! Bulldlni: Sf'n1Cl'S " J'rnooruil• 13 l'\hare \'our Car 18 Tnut•portatloo 11 ltnotlnc I ll l\toa111,v AldA :!O llcaltb A.icJ• !t Lo'lt l\nd f'ou11d :!-t ~rhoo1•. ln .. tmr tinn :?II ~ltu.1llnn'I \\anted W lll'lp \\'ant,.•I SO ~11 .... t•ll&Dt'Ollll !10-A K"lll>!!> :rn-n A11pllunc•"' S6 Dop. ('at•, Pt'ta 34 l'nultrf 37 Lh·e~tock 311 f'ilprclal Announ«t"Hnt S9 Aut1>11 \\'anl#d 40 Autos fot ~ale 40-A Tlr"1t • Partl 41 Auto ~n·lt'e 4! Tra1J4!1'9 43 AlrplaMll 47 \\'&nlt'd tn R~nt '" Apia. a Hou-f nr Ben• ''8A-Apta. for Rf'nt 41U'--Ho11M'tl tor Ren• 48C-Trallf'r Spue 49 "-'for.._, O ·A ftMOt H- 49-R Koom a Board M f<f'nl. Mllll'. 11!1 "'tor~ • Ofnr#S ~~A Hu!llJl('fl' Rt'ntal!l :'II Ru"lnf'fl'I Oppor1unltll'!e M MnM,v t n 1.oan rO REIGH CAR? !11 \\'ant••d to J\ny !I! f"urnltorA for 's alt' !l'?·A Antlqur' lJ!1 &II"', !'>UfJflll .... "' 1'16 Mon .. y \\'antf'd t.7 Kf'al E1ra~ WaalH 60 Income l'rol>f'r1Y 81 Real t:.tate Excllanrw 8'? Rf'l\I r;,.tate !1.& M111•lr•I. Kadlo, T V S ... ~ _ .. MA VER MOTORS Spttlnl Notlc" Newport Harbor 12-Buildini Senrl«'f'9 ----COMPLETE PAlNTING a & Paper Hanging Service Painting, Decorating P aper Hanging GEO. BURl<HARDT LH'•:~~F.[1 I 't):-O:THAl"I \II< 8711 \\' ISCh ~l t '11•t11 M r•a l,ltwr ty li·btl:!'I PAINTING Piunuog & Paper Hangrng.· "The Best ~loney Can ,Buy" Sympson & Nollar :it2 38th S t . 1'rwport Bn('h rHWNE HAHROH :!10-t ASPHALT TlLl!: LlNOLE\.T~t 1n:.t1<ll the jb<w .. •·h•-.•f'<?r thr;n 1111"'' .A 1,. ........ 11 Til.-& l.mnl .. um .Non-11nlio111. l!~ ) P.1~.-l'XJWl 11•rw1• l'nmra1,, llnu ,., ... BILL (.'(ll<F;R liar. ~i.21' ••r 1 .. n~ Beat h 7·:\!•73 1111 i lh CE)IENT & BlIILDING All K imi>< FREE ESTIMAT£S Llberty 8-6109 Remodeling ;!9l! & General Repairs l!llCLl"DING-brtck wurk, rool1ng ph•~h'rlni;. t')Pl'. pR1nl1n~·. Blltl papl'r hung1ng S11111ll or lari;r compltt1 e Jobs. NOTHl:-IG 00\\'~ flnd :\6 moi; to pay. Esl. L1<•. C:.:onl1 actor HR r. 7 J. 6illt ' l .&-Pt>l'90nals Alcoboll<:a An~nymoua Write P. 0 . Box .381 Nf'wport Buen. cattt. Phone Harbor 479:1 ttc PERSO:'\AL r'O:"\~l'l.TA:"\T Decorator • P a1ntt·r • ~l'<'ntr 1\11· l1>l I rellr<'<li avn1l11bl1· • a"ll\'t' or .:oung, I. J O y1 a. 1 xp Gi•rm.111 \1 a1nt"I \\'orkNI l•1r n111 11y (111111.us 1'('11• plP In U. 5. It E 11ropl' Fnrn11:1 lv with MG.M Stu1!10. F Hulf I.I 8-8:'>86. 6 tp7i' ~Beauty~~~~~~~ Superfluous Hair Permanently remo,·ea Crom tace arm.a, lega. Eyebrowa a.nd hair . . .... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -P~lfr·1v • PA6E J THURSDAY, JUNE lb, 1955 \Ye need young men 18 and over to learn the gas bus iness. If you are GRADUATING from --HIGH-5CH0el: or;=J. e. and want a steady job; one where y ou can make your CAREER and better yourself as time goes on, come in and talk to us. We offer Good Starting Salaries, Paid Vacations, Paid Holidays, and Pensions See us at 1030 E . First Street, Santa Ana, • from 8 :30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS COMPANY 28-Sit ua tlom Want.f'd GARDENING C\ta Int Pn11.nr<'. y arrl clranlng an•1 lti.;ht haul1nJ: Klmtlt'rly 3-302:'1 da)'l'I or Harbor 3034 e\'1.'nln~s & werk 1•nds. :llip72 !illus.• H· [>61r11 Boal Repa.lra ASTOR'S RF.PA1R SER\"lCE J\ ll t'rat 1nn1 ltemndelln~ tl2pi5h Roy's Maintenance House cl1·11n111g-F1oor waxing \\'all WB!.h1nJ,:-Wt111ll'W Clt'Rnin&. \'t.>nt'ltan bllnJs. Uphol•ll'ry I nJ01trt'<I. 1-'r.-e Eat1matt'a LI l><'ny cl· l:J32. llfc Experienc'd gardener LANO'SCAPING and CLEAN UPS Lfberty S-1659 30trc !!;::-Help Wuted STANDARD STATIONS Ha.s optnlnc for Btatl~in SalH meft Agu 18 • 40 Orange County 5-Day-40-Hour W.d Hlirh atarl111g-pay E11celll'nt Bentftl• Good opportunity • Advanr,.manl Apply STANDARD STATIO?Q Dahlia anrl Cout RI"""" Corona del Mar Chapman and llJl6dM Fullertoa 8'30 to 9 :30 a.ra .. Monday 4 Thundaya. leatt STE;'\O • BOOK.KF:EPER: booll- ke«'p<"r, bookkeeplnc l'ft&C"'- operatur. try oook, ll~lt"JNllW ~f'W JOb• dally, Jll NE FARRAR rMPU>YMl!:HT al(Pnl'y 402 r, -32nd 8t. Newport Bea.ch. ~T Une ahaped-No more twecnn1. EL.U:N L. BRYANT R. E:. y .(\CHT SKIPPER EXP. WO~AN aa boUMkMper, cook. 2 lttn age dllldrvt, 110 heavy cltanlnr;, live In. IUftt- ""Cl'I nqulrr.d. Harbor fl22·J . L.ldo'a S&loo ot Bt'auty Har. 25iG F ·1.1.v (,/l.Al.IFIF.O A nrrrhmc- tfc rd UCt'll.~\·11 MAl'IPr S\t'am r01!1 -------------Motor . Any tnn.n•I'•· Any ocean. ~f ft-Lot!tt aad ll"oaad l!:a'penenc.d In a&JI. Local ,.._ W.A.NTSD -......... II .._ ---------r. '''"' ,.. (1 rnt~h"'' J . ~. roLr., wRllrf'11ll ror ""tt'"'"' A Sunday 1 .. 0 S T 8 18•·k . p111f 1l.l1'11.q1unol I 511112 \\'. B11~· Aw, Balb(l11. rvl'frin1:11. Ca ll Harbor 16!'14-R f<'niat~ tl11~ in •h•"' nto\\ n ElalhoR :,pp72 fur •rp·r. ~~7 \\'f'\111' l'!'llAI' ftt'IAollrd l 'hnr.t>1----1 ------------- l.lbt'rt y X·!lflfHl 1111 66 EXl'~:RT ~"' "' n .. .-"'llnUI v.·nrk Ill w ,\ITRF.SSE S OYf'r 21. rull or LOST Hh lt' 1'11tak•···t "l'1rtt1 111111 ... r , Kl•'h H A ... own ·6~~8· I rart time. Cut.away•. N-i>e>rt mrnt Ph L I 11-;:,;1' "'"' I ~arh. e&ceT Hn\'" on "LIUIP' B:1ll..-•11 l"lnn•I TUl'!lrl11\' morm ni: Ht'\\1tr•I I'll JU J.li\Hl.E i; rl 1,,,11·~ hHIJI' 1411· llarlJ(lr 3~311-M tlli·ll" 1111 .: ,.,,,,, .111. llnr11nr.11r•ll.I SO--Ml<WlellaoM>W1 2-1--&hools, lnstrur t Ion BONNIE BRAE Pre-school H11' " ii ""'I< ' 1' "· F r,p•l"m I DID YOU KNOW H " " t rnr·t P.• f•·renl'f's I.I lhflt Ray Fltld1 lh Lid D"-'• l'I ··~-11·...:-. • 0 ·--•• • • •11"" I Jl'W«!llr Ole put 6 yn .. hu n- \\ ~I I. Fl 1 ·1 • \ T~:1 1 r,.f:rwrl '"'I" IOC'&tlon a t lllth and PlaoanUa ! A F lflJ E S::!LECTION B. P. 0. E. 176i F:t·cr.:-:F: 0 . SA llNDERS C\n:S IC ART~ & I 'RA1',.S T ran• MW) 3 1st Sfrel't, ,Newport Buch Harbor 2976 o r Har. 4-446. He ''""" 1,.,, '"'" ,,,, travdin~I Vista Ct-ntl"r, C. M , Comp. line 1·111111 ,,,, n \\'t il•' B••x F ·!'l,[ naL adverllMd watchea • ,tft. tl11 ... l'·'i , 1 filpliG a t popular prlef'a. OPEN June 1 I Ph. Llbf'rty S·S.88. ~th -· .. o : NEV/ AND USE D CARS AL!~ c .•.r.s r-ua..r.. y GUARANTEED D:vd. CC ::-r.er cf Victoria St.> Liberty 8-2256 You are i n v i t e d OPEN HOU SE NEWP OR T BAl_60A SAVINGS r and Loaq Association : .J\ President Friday, June 11th To11r r ::-r·: '~ ~1 c~ -.. :-rc·"s ~r.-:ri··o; ·.·· .· ... ·:s <" .. ...,~ see our V~:.,._,,~ ...;,n•-··-r-·-·~ ,.._,.. .. _, ---c .. ,."' -"' .... \....--.,, '~-~·-.-•_:our •l ~c,.4:....... . ... • • •• • • .,~ ~ •••• t.·. se~ond ye~:-.:"l c:...; bC'cu•.1 .. l r.c'.·t l -:y:~-::--• ....,e--: ~o ;criers in New· port Be~-i, ''"'r-""-' c: •!--:i! nmot.:nt -~~nk c m!ni"'llu:-e:_ C"; r"ir t : · ...... :--. r--: ;.ew cc~'"'un• er oade-'1 il"Veslnert r' S°~-·::"' ... -. :.,, r: t"-::·:•/ .I matched double cie,...k c~ !::1e i:i:iy ;--; -~·-:.:-·.•: <" ·: --:>.:-)-,, . ., "l"P.-:-iol favors for young !Overs NEWPORT !AL80A SAVINGS ""d Lo"n Auoci11lioro -.-.. --..--,, l\frrts e very Thnr5day 8 pm. Via Oporto -C'entrnl Avf!. l'\.-wporl Bea ch A lhf'rl H. Matthews, ExaJlt'd R Ull'r !_2-Bulk~ng 84-n icH Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ours<.'lves. :io Y' R rs "Xf}f'nenC'e Lol'~n~rrl 8t ln!l.lrrc1. Satt~f:lct1on g1111ra.n~l'!'d. F.~t1matP, frf'I' Call Johltnol', LI 8-26 i & LI 8-52 9 8ltfc CARPENTRY MI NOR REPAIR WORK 1'0 JOB TOO SC\tALL H. 0. An<~ersfJn Jl\U fo':. H:ilbon lllVt1.. Calb1l11 Ho roor 2 150 '!:arc PAINTING r:»n:1HOR -EXTERIOR U C'E:"\St::O -1:-0:SURt::D Glenn Johnston FRAMING Foundations C. !';h,,rm, Alll"n, Gtn. Contr. Llberty 8-7576 63tfc H. H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMlUNG A Prompt Repair Service MalntAlned Phone: Barbor 4624 2801 Balboa Blvd.. Newport Bf'ach p.tp House Plans LIBERTY 8·6251 10tfc FOR RENT Skill S11wa, Ell'c. Drills, Polillher•. au IYtM"3 of Sandt'ra, lWheelbar- "!'w·'· etc. BOYD'S HOWE. ~01 • 31l't St. :'\ewport Brach 2630 \\'. COAST HIGHWAY H n1bor 3176 22tfc Llbt'rly 8·3435. Nl'wport Bch 28lfc CARPEN TE;R Repair \Vork DOI'• Your Home l'\ct>l1 Repllirlng c.r Remodch!IR 7 C'all !"rank, Llbrrty 8·6954 A II Wor k Gue rnnteeil H Uc .. A 's '' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THF. :"\f:\\' mMhlllP rrnr• ~!I m .. th· n•I ft, •1•nnlll,.,. p11rt • Ave rai:e 2 tll PI' ,,._.,ti• nllRf hl!nd Only Sl.00 131.n.111 I Pp81r• I Rn•! I I h111ll. Fr Pt> l 'I< k Up fln1I d•·ll\'4"1 ~· \\'nrk tl••nr lw HJ l"""'mt'nl !'~""" Llh•·rt1 1'•57111 nr Klml•-'tly 3·":?~4 PAINTING l 'Al'F.R HANGl~O H"'hl1>11llnl lit <'•1mmerc1al Work Ltrl'nM-11 C'ontr11ctor1t L~x1n,irtnn 6·1!H6 rollf'cl. H tmttngtun Brach 6(1pp60h Elec. Tool Repair Skit R11w11. D11ll•. Snnderm (,/l 'J<.:I{ StR\"JC..:E LEWCO ELECTRJC CO. 15!1 Xo. l\'ewpr1rt Bh•11., Npt. llch . Llbertv 8·b3&3. Ht!c Painting l\t \\'. ROSR F r.-e F:11l1m11tPs -Fully Insured 30 Y t111,. Expt"rienct' Ll 8-332t & H ar. 3089-M. Mp69h General Contractor LIC E!':SED New Work -Remodeling J. !tflLTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R 58tfc M. F. Rowland Paperhanging Uberty 8-2662 ~7 porU1t111n l:ll:> Santa Ana A \·r t:Xl 't.:1tn:~1'ELJ 1111rtt>l 111an11.i:er LI 8·6215. .'i lo 66 111 l'.1_. 1,.,.1 ~" kpi~ Pnlplny. ANTIQUES -Old fumlture, cut CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS n , • r L " d 1• l••r1•n• r• I' n glu.s. )ll,mp1, old plclure1, clodra ~"" l\!1:1, II di""' 61p66 f'lc. JJ11.rgain11 (&lore. Blr dia- -rnunta to dult'r1. Charlie Da•l•, M t\~ II.: \\'t 1.\1 \;'>: Will tlo l{Cll• rR\ H!Oli E. Anaheim 8t., Lons STUDY In Hran• \Im!' ror l'lln\IRI'• h••ll" \\•I k ,, ... , \I' rxtni;:. IAo"IO• B<'ll('b. fl:>0-139. 29tfo tor's PX8rnlnat1on 11n I• 1 a i::• n· o1 .. w l'I• 111 11,.: F 1 1 "'orkl'r!!, ,.ral con tractnr w ith '!:'> ,,,111~, """"· lt'l 1 :tnlh :-t, c o11t11 l'Xperlt'nce. Clll!lllcll T11,.~. r;n•I f.1• ,,1 I.I ll·:!tr'-'~ rrtr Fri. PY!'ll i 30 rm. Att1>nd ftrsl -------------- IM'!'l'IOn fr!'e B<>.:m eny11me I. I 1 r ~ ~ ~: Jt Al Tyler School ~ktpp• r 1\H1h1hl•· (,;r pnvnlr I'll 1611 No. Brf\Rrlwa,· ~nnta AnA •l1Atl• 1 h .,1 l 'h"n•· l-l 111hnr Ph. Klmb<'rly 2·4226 or Kl ~-3~11 I I:!!•\\ nr"r ti I "' l'ennRn•·nt 1 If,. or 1·.1r! ttm•• 61p66 China Painting Day and E1.·en1ng Clu se$ Ord\!r.s T11krn Now Phon e Llberty 8-5618 91l!C Real . '" Estate School Santa Ana 29-flPlr \\'antf'd G IRi.!'; - JT'S A GffiL'S WORLD! And \oll ll 11 i:re" wht n ynu hra r "' th" n '"'' J• h •·rrn1111nl\trs fnl' 'Jllllh l 1• 1 ymtnjt w nmt'n In u!l r hv••n• '~ tr)dllV OPE:"l:"r.~ • 'Cl\\' H •H Original Modela COCKTAIL DRESSES, aulU. epl1. rtrel!.11"!1 & fo rma ls. SI-U -1'. S tm1r N1'-:'\\'-ALL ~rfect cond. ALSO .,4 l•nitth rnod•m lltyle China mink coat. Sell bl'low cn11t. \\'rite Box A-18, lh1a n-•· pRpl'r, l()tl9 ORIGINALS AFTERNOON. C'ocktall, dinner drPiw>fl It Coordl.nat ea. Custom Dreumaldng Ph. Harbor ~268-R. &~t RIFLES -PISTOLS-Shot- guns. Big collection reduoed. Sa\'e dollars. LI 8-7669. ft6pe& MF.N 6 WO!.IE:-.' preoparo In 11pare lime tor iml1mllt'd ropror:iumuea In Rl!al Ei.tatl', :'\ew clll!lll~I "''ePkly. Al Tylrr lni<trurllng. Al· tend !lnot evanini:: frC'e llnrl lr arn atxmt this gretH f1t ld. L"all or wnlP n••IAo'. TELEPHO:'\E OPERATORS Fresh /l.1 1 ll'-M<on·l11,· 11v .. 11,'h Ftt•h•Y Hearing Aid Al Tyler Sch ool ~ 11111 :'\o Brt•11rlw"' .~11nta 1\ n .. Kl T·3~•11·Kl !'i·31fl9·K•: 8-r.1:1 t i• PROFESSIONAL Music Instruction r. H I I =--·· !lt.un ~\. 111111 I • 4 '"' I'm rt1M •Ill :i 11. ~ .. nl" A n11 JI AC"IFIC T l'.:LEPHO:'\E 2:ttrc \\ \'\'T \\'Alfl !r:O:~ Jo•r.• nt • I '. • H &: H\-. :!.'(Ctt f ·,,._.~, .~ , t I~' U1 • ,.,,, .. ktsul 1·x· ;\I' I'll' 11 F: :-: • ''·'', x,•w-1 .,~., •r7 ---------- BATTERIES We Give BftH G~em ftt.aznpe Gunderson Drug Co. Main Sl. lit Ralboa BIYcL, Balboa H arbor :.15. Htle 16 trt I •~: WAl.T S AW on tralJ•. $.'l:a1 !;,.,. at 2110 1 Clay SL Nl'W• IJ'l rt. H"IJ;ht.~. LI bt-rty 8· 7576. 63 tte \\'"I' t• •l • '•"' '-'\I• -.:i .1n it YARDAGE hi l<··r fo 111bcr "'1th lh rhttr .... , T r . ,,, .. n., .. , .. " Inventory Sale ARE YOU l:'\TF.l\E~TEO m plot \· H t J> lt on ~t'l~n,.r'll Fabric• Int c11111~1cal cu P'•I'''"" '''~"" OU~ on \.Ca Y 1t \\'hnlNu11 .. J>rire11. P 111n<1. or Arrorrh,.,n • P.1 ~1~111.. ~.ri•t lr Tl•t I'' '"'''111 ,\f•Ml MARGl.E \\'EBB I.I r-•;:11 1 "'I.! -"·771>1 llltfc 1!lr16Sn 1·nutBJvd ,A_,_....._-. tlnn11 l>--1111t M'f'"rt,.•I during t h• ., ., ~ 11 • 'l'•' \\' --.iw•-.__. ,.· • • .., •. n ,, ~, .... , I 63 u. rrumm i>r mnnth1 hy I\ "'"II knri\\n .,. -protu~lr.n.sl ar~1~t t•''" L· r "1th \\' \ · 1 IL\ l!Y :-r i ·r ~.H m••r nrnc1<. FltF:r. f:1\ ltA<a': fnr 1 • i.,. c.,.., t t• ... R \' • ~ • f1 r t 11•1n1 tw-1 •• u d . • thea trrC'lll 11n1I rf'tnrd.n~ ba1k· 1 11 11 R ,1.,,-.,, ~. ,,.,,, •X1••11t1r-tnclud1!1 o,...... 1trou n1l. Ch11tlrt>n Ant.I ao.h ltA. Br· "1 11 •'" th ' '-~ • t " "I "'"'r • h11rt1war" -Mu•t ~ irr.:-hn t"ttltJVPd by Jun,. 22 8e• at ginnen 11n1f erh·anrCll C'l11'11 •111 1 -------------l'l!I lh•mlll'm Rt., eo.ta Mua., private 1 .. 11. .. on• A·t· •llilt II t .~ "'11 ~-:•111 1:<; A I.I HI t\ s Ii " II $!)..AT 1 l IH" :, f,\\ :-1'1.I'';-: I• I• .\' I •kiMl' \•• •i r m vv <'hf'l lrt1 . C3ll I.I 8•3fi.,I\ or wn t" 1·11rr,. 1 1111 I•• .111 11• f r t ••t•" •in l~t :A~IJ nPw ~.,1o.-t -l-1r_a_1111_a_t_u_d_f'n-t Box C·9J, thla nPwspRp .. r. 6~p67 I Ii•·• .. , .. ·~ 1)1 ••• 1 ..... 1~ '""'" sr. !'all Har. 0~1 8-W GTJU.., 16 yr1. old. dHtr"ll lt'l\'tr· nna po111tlon !-teach aua.. \\ 111 llve m. Excellent ..... unmn. };;'(· pe\1encf'<1 a l rhtld rar!' pl• ""int pel'llOnallty. Ph.. Loni B"•' h 1-l&Oe. &6p61 l!11J/ a \\•" "''""f•·rt HHlht•ll llfl•r 11 1 m. top&t I• -..:. 'I •t 11 .. d ot• 1· l••nll •I• I 1'1 tr ""I ',,,.,ti\ \f• ,,. It )"'' rur 1'.! l t '' •" a nl hll'" " t. \ I•• 11 j·I. ,. tl • 1·,,~ .I• i.111 f" I' "' "J•irt ll 1111' I ~<:rw•·l """' ?111 Jl,.,1,..,. Hlv•I l =''""r• 1' tt ... h. t>-'"""n Jfl-121' a..m. cw •·6 p m . 'lllll7. llo J\ s·r;:A 1. r1•"' W lnchr11ter rtne 1111.1 .. 1 fll 22 I ll ltbl'r pump 'llriJ.la ,1 •, \\ '"'' ··r .. f'I! 4 mC1unl l.n- ·'' ~ll,.•I Shll ~l'I valul' Pr!~ $1)9 11~1 2&1 "1 \\' Cnu t lll~way, -""""P"r' l'!.>111 I\ U ~ "r e..-Hu. 1Ul..J. ..... • s I l 1 ,. PAGE 4 . PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~S ~3.-:-~<'_a~·-!'~•_?11lir~ 1 1n-A11to" ""'' Tnirl..~ THURSDAY, JUNE lb, 1955 TRADE--! AMER~C~N--CAR Broutitul ';(I.ft aux. M'hOOnl'r 1-·u1h· fl•U11tl go 1<nywhere. Will T d I U\I<~ rqu11y 1n I rop,.rty Cir anial-r~ e nS 1i r bC'lll. lZ2u w B&Jbua Bh·d., Nc\\flllrl, Hur 3U32 39t!c on NEW FOREIG ~ Cars Dale's Appliance Sale l"llltY~l.Elt .!\lollr.e l'n i,'1111', • 12 to J9f.! F ORD Vtrlurttt, R. H, O olr O'Keefe & Merritt deluxe range, griddle & shelf with grillevator broiler, Like new Tappan range, fully automatic. clock coo- trolletl o\'cn. ·--··~ .... $1 25 Sl50 1 11 1111 111°0 ~,. •r. As is SM•:, I HE!-ltlGl:HATUH. 110 volt D C. l9!1U FORD illx. z ,i, .. ,r. Ha 11o1 S hK JACI< llARPER al Lido Hrattr. rlC'lln $•I!'> ~hlp)lll •I. 111 l o! 3lst Strl'l't, 19!10 FORD L·11s 111111100 wuli!.'" !':t•WJ>ul l n t•arh. -~;_t~. ~~---0·ar;-S~9~ Philco refrig, "advanced desigiil' l${e model, tross top freezer, shelves in door . _ . J:o'rigidaire -Big dottble door, 20 cu. ft ... !-iPrvel, late model. 9 cu. ~· . s 1 !)() S250 Sl65 {"JtnlS rnAi;'T 26 It. ~abln c;rulser 19!\0 :"ASH Slalr,noan 11<'•11111 H new 111•l1n 1tr1<t .. ngin... Mahy H, ()'dr. <1v1•rhau1 ... 1 $ J!lr, .. ,.11 11 .... \\111 llj Jc Cur Curona dcl 19~0 }'J,\'.!\t Ot'Tll $;,,,1,.11 1;,~111 .\f11r p1•11w11y or T D. l 'h. f-l11r. <'ondlllon SI:!~· t.:ia\l· w 62Uc JOH Bl:l('IC Supt•r lil'\follt'I 11• ALSO H11ch1l. lwu l•'r . $111:1 :)S i i'~: :-.i ... :olt:.14 in '"''·..tl~nl cun·1 , . 1 I( Full line of mattresses & box springs at bargain pr1r <>s. l i<I Harbor BJ~·d. Costa MPsa •Ill•"" Jk•ll l •'OVl.'r 1181111 tln•l lrllll· i 1946 I 0;1;T1AC 8 sctfcinette. \: , 1•1 Owru 1· INll'lllK & Will t.ikl' F ull price i-,, I Sll-Ml'W't·llanf'oUA -----·--------\\'fo:N; F:\\'OOfJ rani:e. F'rig1da1r1", :! H111fyv. 11•11'1 dll11blf!' bC'l111. rnaplr t "rr"" ,1, ""lf t thl• 11 brown rip· 111'-n11: 10'( I I J r,v1• seat, Ul'l'k, kit• ho·n Ill• nq1I• nll K"<"I nrftrly 11••11· .11111. l!f·:?fl-~I 111 :J2il C'ol· lin~. U1tl I lo· I lu1 ho r ll1 b·J 6~cl)ll I rr I l~r '•'I" •I t\" Har 19~''' STl.DEBAKF.H l'ha1111 Hon I ,, .._ 41 •I t• , •'... • .. ~. • (• :!'lo ' H •\B' 62Ht· Re2al. R. H. 0 J r , w•w. l<'"n • 11 I ' $1U3 S2-Furnlture for ~'!-11 1-·r 1!11.\T 111;tnn1· fll:-' 111ah111: ••• k ·"' 1111·1sh1ri 13uu ... n n•m· Hausken Motors Inc. ~l''-'~"oJ :.I .. , I Ill); Wlh\'I &, (1 ollll BAY FURNITUR.E •,1111 .. 1 l '•tlll lllil,v 1e(1111:;l11 .. J l!l32 ltllrbor Ul w1 I "\\'ht'rC' -Pf'kf'll "It' h··l1I ltl Ba\ .. 11, 111.1 r;,.: , 11-1 .. 111 IJ111lt t1n1l•t 1 Phvnr l.l 8-~n.~1 I.I ll-6:! I New ST:" •• 1· 11 .. r ::"'''" !-;,1•:1 ::1:!1 En"y liunk M A111<1 h u T··•m~ T\I •hllus. ftw ZI' t u\'l't ~ l •u•! 11.~h\\ 1~ G.\i!): tiUtr. j $2:.:,0 ,:1111. .t i h.I\ ~,-, .o XC-:111 • ..:1(1 .-;-"~ ''" 4~.,;J.I TLCB 1ha1r:o.'1!ltr ''"""'' ~·11•1 i1 .. , l'•lloJ•lo\11\• ••\l'lhollll· \Ve 're cleaning h ouse SH :-.11 v11l11" •l H.I\ $..:7 :,,, , ti ,\1 ... l •.tnf• rth ,.,, h••T"< h-•• 1 Business Card LOL':"GER .hn11• .i ... ,." .. 11""" :;·~· 11 . , .11 •• , 11.: H1o11y 1.un.-.• d LOOK Special ~~~~ll~~s~&l~t~·:":l;,,~~r ll••ll ~"'''' ·""' LI b·":\•:!li all~·~.~~, a ~ what we found l S7:'1 r1u 1•alu1 :;t l!uy ~ l!t '" I DF:J.l'XF: Pm boi<se1I <"arl'1•. :; PC l'hr .. 1111· 1.r•..a1111 hill• k o1.1 • ~Ill: ;o;,\J.1-: :--hu1t• 111"'"'"!: ~ S.:l'IO J',.r l(}(J(l w1th_lh111 ud , ,.tt .. ~··B, :JC1x10.' 111111, l•fl •XI t'h1u1111111 .. •1t1n:,: Ill[' 111 :I~ ll J 1·1 IC.\ISF:R 4-.Ji S rin Exp1rr• JunP 2.th tahlf• •I '"11111 1'11bb11 l'dlt d1111~ Jt..,h "'"11 lot• h· .. v0·1h1111l1·1l. ·~fl 1'HftY:O:l4EH • •Ir ~11 I .!\!ail '"•PY 111HI Cfl,.ck to•lay I SR!J r,o valw• 11 L H1,1• g,~111u S u11h Bay. fl11lhrnt h.lnnd. Ph. '41 STl.OF: l'hnnlp 2 dr, IH\I F OX AU\'. i ll!l Jo: C'••nt1·r, Ana· T\.\'O l'IE('F. 1.11w111111 1,,.,l ·1fl\'olll ll;11h1.1• 1::i'.! fil<-1\6 ·:1A l.1\ SALLP. Cuupu 2<1 hr>1m. h'.f:.1•t"nl' (Hllli 6.'\c701 lll't o11t,.lnntltn1;11•pi;r1td••nullh}~ - ----- 1 1·11 ~lTC'>F. ('ornr11un<1 .. .-2 w 1tH1 1 c•J~t•r. . • I I' I ,. ~f>lllnllk• r llll'I "'1' 1.ir.~11 : '12 :.tEftCl"HY Club 1·p, JfU I lOOO $2:lf1 r,n vulu" a t Buy Sl6!• rio Br,,irdirt~ 111"'1"r .. ~1''.~··.'·1 "" •1,0 1 ·41 H L"IJSOX ,I dr. w . ElltflOSSF.r> husinr"s ,·.irtl~ .S:l!l9 I'(' h:EYAR~f llvlnf:" room .~l'J , h•1n t .!\ll\11111 6\J 1111lboa1J • ._12 CllRY!"LF.R 4 t.lr. l:.!11 3 Lrne H11t,. hl'r S111mp $1.00 1 2 IWt'l':'-IZr'd 80" bdWP1•n 111111', l'h•'ur. l llljlllrf" 11!6 Via .!\l•'nt un.l'. '32 f'ORl.> l°fll'. m l ,, f.lne Huhber SL11n11i w11 h lnr<>e club l'ltalr b•.IK'.Ull tuft., L11tv 1 ... 1,., Wt'<'kl'ruls. 6 lpt.16 I ,-ut u oo 1 118~ cutsl .. Th d R b. l:lonk Malrhf'll clos1• OUl l'OV!'r. Jtl FT UORY 11nt1 prlU'lh 11lly nt'W eo Ore 0 lnS I. \\' \\'HITE I 1259 50 valur a l Bliy Slii.OO I I:! hp. S•·a '''n" oulhounl m•>lor J.ltlt'rly 8·1011 , ~\'I'll, I.I 8-~.i:-.o 8 PC MAPLE wooJ Krm llv•ni: lllllfil sl'll. LI 8·i 86J. 6 lp66 Your F or d Dealer ti rm. )!Tl>s. fl•111nted snta & l'hft lri< --921 ____________ r_•r_cl c onst!ll• or 1mCa-dlv11n f'f11li 1 1~t, FT. CADIX HtJ;\T. gray mar-Since 1 GLADIOLAS, r hair. platform rorkr r, 2 ~'"P Ill•• cni::1ne. h1·e bait lank. Elec-"0!'\ THE MARl~ER'~ .!\llLF.' ('11•1, I f'Offee t11ble w malt'h111i.: Ill•' b1lr:<" pump. G11od condition. 3100 W, Coast Hwy. ...,.,,.,,, but> l11mp11. $;!,o L1-.:x1n~lun 6-48:!2. 61c66 $:!39 !•O valul' nt Bay $:!19 '"' I Llbt'rly 8-J li l CUT FLOWERS l:.!xl:'i AX.!\t1=--STER n.i~ m11!l1· Slip & Rowboat 50<' BUNCH /IUttern. I t950 OLDS 2 dt'lOr 1>t(J&n, R & H I -0 Slifl 50 vaJu,. at P.a\' $Ill !,fl S f R t I 0:'>!1 mnge AH pace Or en Custom 11rhol,terl11i:. Hur. l~olil< roata ~k.'111 i lp7jh 12xl:'I AV-.!\H~STl':R r-u~ 11111lt1·t Gllliti color far)!•' lr11r pntll'r n Alll"lll'ar1 l.A•i;wn 21.'i·l:ith St. Movie Proiectors FOR RE.'IT 8°MM 16-MM 3~1·MM HOBBY and MODEL A lRPLANE SU PPLIES ALSO Gl'lgt>r Counters for rt-nt. Mears Camera Shop 1182 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mt'8& Phone Llberty 8·7042. Pr U 30·8-AppUan~---­ W ashing Machine <;ERVICE 1-yur guari;nleil on joba done and 011 u11ed waishcni. 2488 ''-<,_,., H ..-port BL, Ooeta .W- Llberty 8-'003 or Llberty 8-4327. 64tfc J Jj9.~0 vaJu,· al Bay $!l!l.ri0 Mccllngs 2nd· 4th Wed. p.m '5£ JAGUAR coupe Xl<·120. l'h·trn J~:-;F:RSPRl:-0:(; rnottrr'<.'1 & 1•11'< J'Rtf radio, l>est ofr11. Call Ho1 :!~:l 1<pnng l!t'IS. T .1pe t tll:I' TW1n b('tW>'l'n b ll m. & 2 pm t}:kO:; ~IZP • TV • 17 f.'ORD n mv1•r11hlc, < '11ri1•in t11p I ss!l.:'>O va111; at , Bay $'.lit!•'• ~"t ~\lu!lt'al, U_;t~~o, & _ c.,,,<J l·t11tditwn. \'t·ry '"''"''"·~IJI~ S t.Ef.PMAS1ER innH~J11 i\l,•t·i l'li•lll<' Hsillor l lli·J fi,1cU1 tress &: box i.µnng ~··t~ 4M1 SP1 =--i::-r l'IA:-.10!" Rrnl ii 11•1u1n:. ct1ll. 10 ~·r 1:unra11lN! fll m 111' llk1• lh \\' ~ll'. You \\di t'1W.t\'li 1 rncdi·flrm r inse uUl l'l)\'a•r J!UI· find \\ 1\n11o I (11111 IS'1 \'lll):i tn lhb I St +·on wagon week lcrnll, I ol1•1•t .\I .n, .. nmkt'K Bihl mt><lcl~. a I $119 ~10 value atBay $6!lllll 1<1l ~1 1r1or llfw !-;prno't ni11hni.:11ny 6 PC B fo:OROOM frl'J). 1ocl111k~ fl loni.-h ~:!b_i. All••tll\'r in maple SPECIAL DEALS •Ir. <Ible. clres.wr, mirror. bk1·11;11• f1n1•h ~.1!1 1. ~;:!b'~· ~~~~·h~~;e1;::;:·:~r;~~~~ 1 °~~1~·;c~:;~.1tn, !'iZoJ !':u_;.Jtuin. Bon us on Trades ml'tlll trame. p Terms to suit s 199 ~.o va1u" .. 1 a av si.i!l ::io 1 See Baldwin iano Bav Furniture & Organ Display 4%-T .I:. !7t.h 8t., CcNlt& M... I WOODWORTH PI.A.NO co. ( be'tween -ru.t1n • rrvtnr 1 13J8 C04et Blvrt., Corona def Mar Frre Storefront Park in!! T1•rms !Thnden Interior Bid&. I Open Eves. till 8 p. m Har. 33&2 68 Uc Used Automatics lcRA:-;o PIA:"OS . .!\J any lO rhoos(' CUSTOM madP 3-pc. 1<cctrnnal Crnm J<nab-•. :.ta.~on & Hamlin. Sludt:ba kcr· s Conestoga L'I· tra-Vista Station wagon is I the best in the \\'est anu you'll be surpri <'d at lhr price. S39 50 t $99 50 Modaguka cloth upho.lstering. Stll\W,,nnt. t'ublt'. Extta spec· 0 iJ~. F'me gTl'Y upholstered i •y ml. ·~1my & L"h11 k grand. good N<'C'O U!;f'd cars dt'spr ratC'ly. • y • ft.~ Law!i<>n 110f11. $12!'1. HRrbor l••n htum $3f,;,, ;\nolh"r 11pec1al. I D.-llverPft Ina tailed, ru11ranteed. 21 •2· 61c66 B»11 •111r111 S1uy1·(':,nnt. finr sh.ipc, Will pa v tnp cash dollar or Tcrma Available s:, fl. Abo i:;ur i:eou, Knabe S97!1. h\gh<'st trade tn allo~bnce -G d U d !'11\'I' (•II 111110\' Olhf.'n<. I We St'rvice All Appliances 00 se l.M XZ·S<.:11 .\IJP;r Ht~ J>1ann Slnre any make, any mooel. Spedallzing in A utomatics FURNITURE s11nl .. Anu. ~20 :o\u. ~1.i1n. Auto. Washer Enter-prises I AlwBy11 lllO piano~. I Liberty 8-7808 (Near Golt Courlll') It 4 <:halr11 ) . $20~11 1 11:11 ~lmn:-11 l1kr 11f'w. $R\'•• $800. ~" tome 1n now. JOE NICKERTZ _ _, Check these Used Cars I' \ I I• , lo , al •!• o1I 1 \\I,, "1!1 I , h•re Tll~lt tfU~O\\' \\• I,.\. I< \.(' \\ l\lll Ill· ~ .. 11.,. TllPIU"' -~--------I .JO-.\uto<o1 and Truck!t -10-Auto~ and Tru<'ks ---------____ ,, -------------- These Cars Must Go - T-hat's why tney are priced so low ' 49 FORD ·· $ 199 :'\l'l'ils m!'t·ha111 c11I wnrk 50 PONTIAC 54 FORD ll & H -Fordt1m&tir ·5-1 MERCURY CONV. R & II -0 D. -Hi.000 m1kH 52 LINCOLN" Louk::. hkt· Ill w 599 199 2399 169!) ~4 MERC. \\'agon 2699 Full po\\rr -K & H .\11 rcomat1t• -111.000 m1h·s 5:1 CHRY. LER 1799 l'l \\. ,. :-ll'l't ll\g - 50 LI NCOL N 599 A r1·al buy -Hyd1 amat11· -11 ,\. H 51 PO!'\TTIAC 89!) I d111 1r -ft & 1-1 -Hytlr:1mat11· 51 BUICK 999 Ht\ ll·ra 1·c1upl· -R & II -Dym1flow 41 CH E V. S45 42 CH EV. 45 . \V e Are Overstockeu for our sma ll lot. I Tha t 's wh~· w~ d 11111':1 tn rut uu r pl'll'l'S wa~· d u wn AT JOHNSON & SON Ll;\;L'OL:'\ ~11-:rtC L'HY June Specials I'. .it Ld·: ~OTO I fir. :wu:rn, 1111· bltw, R & H . alit••. trans. Exl·cp. d ean car .. 1.995 Ht:;:? NA SH ·1 dr. Sl'dan. H:tdio, Heater, O'drive. :?·ltllll' g 1 et n. \"·ry ~l<'an. nnly S fJ5 1!1.i:? lllU.~lAN ~Hi'\X cnm·crt1blc coup1:. A <'lean \'.ir m 1111 t11p ~ha1w SG~5. 1!1~'.:! nr. SOTO 6. 4 cir. RC'1lan. ~ tone grr y. Bcauti· ful bh.1r uph11lsllr~·. 1~&11. 11111~· Sl.:?l;j. 11',i I ( 'H H Y~LF:I! \rincJs,1 r, hght grC'~'. •I dr. st•dan. B1111,.:li1 n 1·w hy 11\\ nr•r. still l1111ks n1'W S l.1'15. ~hn.\ l11w I 111·r·d 1 1·.11~1'11rt1i:1011 c·nr·:-. 1111ly S:!5. dn LOU REED <'It f:\'~l.l:t!-PL '010 1 "Tl J I l EA I.EH I '!111110 L1 h1'11 ~· .;3 1 ~fi .10--Autus anti Trul'li44 4 1-,\uto ~•'r\'icr --------~----------------------. G. M. C. Motor Overhaul . -. ~-Apu. ~ RoUAM LIDO ISLAND RENTALS SUMMER -By Week or Month YEARLY -Furnished or Unfurnished .. APARTMENTS -HOMES Inside and Bayfronts • With or Without Pier & Slip Call One of Us w. G. (Bill) Kempton * J oseph H. Grohman* Virginia Manson * Gene Vreeland * Tom Campbell * (Lido Island's most experienced aa.lea personnel) LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Across from R1clfard's Market) Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula~ East 31st St., Npt. Bch. · OfFERS Delightful Jiving. Apt.-Cabanas. Utilitiet1 paid. with Y ac.tlt slip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc '18-Apts. & Hot18e8 for Rent Choice, Summer Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Is le Small It: cozy or large It deluxe $7~ to $300 month VOGEL CO. 208 Marine A vc , Ba lboa lllland Ph. Harbor H4 or Har1><1r :llJ l Res. Har. I i 86-R or liar. 30Ml-.M 64tfc HF.Aso:-;ADLY prtcell, dun I " :.! b<lrm. furn. apts. l"l1l. pa1J. Uiunt1ry r11om. l'layi;rouml fur cll1ldr< n. Blue Top Apt.s .. •03 N1·wpurl Blvd. N .. wporl Beach. Abov<' the Arches. 49tfc :1 HOO.M turnishtu. lllll1l1N1 paid. -ISA-Apta. for Rent NO. :> BEACON BAY -Summ~1 r<'nl11l. Spartoua fum. •pl .. 11ll'!'f>1< -4 , overlooklnit bay. J une l~lh ::lt>pt. J:ith., $:'\00. month. ALSO will takr rr11Prvation fnr wlnt .. r. Har. 2471, cot1tlc11y 111 l\jtl'nll 4311< Summer Rentals " • Exclusive Bay Front.a + othr r choice prop<'rtirs ll11rbor J.~land, Bay Shorl'!I, Bra· cun Bay, •jlrohflt>tl ch1'nls 011ly. Harbor Investment Co. H arbor 11\Ult I ~:ve~. I.I 8·~:186 t :litfc 011•1!n frnnl, patio .& garaicr .. -------------Cr11und floor. t:phlnd. Calif. P h. \'l'kon 321-1:'>4. l'EA!t(L J. S.!\.flTH. 64c66 t:XFU!tN. fJ r1io111~. 2 bt'd1oomi1. f.'1reph1u•. Tlf(• s111k. patio. Ubl. ~ttrug•· $8~• mo. yci\r Ir. Atlull11, ,,., pets. 71 1 Jrt.'\ I ·11n •OO 111'1 Mur. Uwn .. 1 A Tlanl 1c l·MJ/,3. 62c67 URA.'\() XEW :Z bdm1. un'turn. d u· J•l•·x. ~RI hni;e J1l'{lOSJ !, j:lH8j!e, $7.i month. I' 1.L DA\'!-) 9-30...J 30 1.1 11· I ltt 1,r Ll 8-7182 Rllt•r :, p 111. ill wk ••nils ph11ne H ar. 4 117. :iota F llH:'\"ISH 1-:1> A PTS in hrllrt 11( BnlbtJa. $2.~ wk. & up. TRk1111; rt'llrrvn1 11111<1 nuw. 1117 F. 11&1· boll Blvd , Balb<l11. 1-lttr, 172!•-J 6!?, ';'' E:->JOY HALl30 A JSLAS l"l & tll" b.•ach th111 11t'.r11111wr fnr \'!'I y Ill· II~ r. nl Sm&ll < .,., p 11 l "I'' !111 2. "'z' or hr11111f' 1' "1 .. ,. $.l:t r "r W('Ck lll\r. ::1 21i ;\! Giiie Summer Rentals \\'AG XEH l'(Jl:'\"T -\\'ntl'rfP•nt & 11thr1 ic. H.tli' $';~, ...,.,.,.k •n•I "I' l"h I hirhor J:!l7 ·J 11·11• -!:!A LU<>,\ ISLA="fJ, H:.y Front -Sl'.!\l.\1Jo:lt nt-::"TAI. I h•ltm f•ll' S1•pt 15 ln :-;.,,. 21 f·ir '600. 1<nr11,1:r 11p1 \\'111 ~l•'•'JI 4 C"r"I 1 :1 h•'1lr11111., 2 baths. <'l'1r.vth1111; tfoof Mer. H1u •1:111.J. 6i11lll to 111,tke a dl'll~hlful hnrw•. Noi ---HARBOR APTS. J>•'l'. rt1 .'lmall t h1hlri•n. H11r1>11r 2:1a6-W 11fter 4 I' 111 !'ia.-66 2&'8 Newport Blvd .. Cntrta MPS& CHROME dinette Mt ~L&rJ.:I' lAblC' ELl-~1·THUNIC OltCAN two man-I Upp UPHOL.. Le th t h 1 I OAXZ·S\ 'H.!\ll UT,r.20 No. M111n, -------------a ere te nrml' n r. s 1 A 64tfc KENMORE autoniau c wuh1ng · j1at like 11,w, $26 rio I ' n11 " .i"_'·--------mal'hlne .\ C.E. t!l,hwa11her.-• 1 1 " WALNUT bedroom l!et vl!nlly 1 I LOVF:L~ Runr.:alnw UJW-l!f 1t piano Both In xlnt. cond1llon $6 ... I'&. • · ,; , 111 p••rfcrl condilu)n S34.7:> down Hubor O!lt6·R tJ6c68 large mirror. chest It bt•d S·lu .• 10 -· · I f.ll.1.1 , ... ,. monlh Ill STUDEBAKER DEALER 3636 Newport Bh·u. Newport Brach H t11 bor ro1 o ; TRIPLE ~HECKED USED TRUCKS ~O }.fONF:Y DOWN ' RENTAL v * with this ad * SPECIALISTS t:all Edna Crntg Blanche Gates, Rltr. G Cyls. . .... $·18. q Modern furnished 1111ts. · tluy, werk or month N~Ar h1111. 8ttlrr~ A: bay. H"R11nn11ble r1tl..-l<. l(l\. E. 8oy Ave., BALAIJA Harbor :,JH . l7tfe l:iHASO !'\1-:W 2 bdrm. unturn. n J'tl! , $1>~1 ll!O 11 l J IJI)/) Jiii \'I'll /'ht•,. t 'llft Iht\'1'11. Phlln11 H11r. •1'12-\\', 6111(0 LI KE NEW • blond drtll~er, bl'nrh SH,\ FF:H'S M11i;1« Co. I Smee I !!07) S2-Fum1ture fo~ Sale la rge mirror . $36 :>O 421 ·42.1 1'. Syr amrtre, Santa Ana , ., P01\"TlA\ 11 • l'hnn<' I< lmlwrlv 2·(16i2, j ..,. • MAH.OC. D11nr f\n P h\'(e <lln. table. 3 way, 4 way, 6 way floor ------· CHIEITAl:\" d"luxe 4 tlr ~Nl.111 I lllJt 11ph r hnlrlt, bitl dl\'lln. d ub lamps s3.7:1 In $!1 i~ \\'A:-TE:Ll r,11 l 'SED 1'1ASOS for hghl gr&y, fl.1tH. h rtlr.lll\fl' t I <'hair. m8h l'nd t&bl~ R11d10-4 APT. SlZE ao(u .... Ji lo Sl6 r.11r Ill~ l'f'nlnl drpt. HIJ!hl'l<t CR!lh Vl'ry clrrut, rncchnn1rally p111 ·I k1tf'hrn t11blt'. g 1111 ht'11tc-r, 2 hum-111!11\\ ann' 111 lr.tdP ror Orpui. feet. one owner. :W.uno rml•" I n tl,.t'. ph11,., 1111 x lnt. rond1t1on Near Nu F urniture Mart 1 ~p11wt prnn11 or Grano1 piano See aL 1:1 C8b11llo, L111o r•ork ''' at~ 1118, co M. ~o S11t11p1a~·" 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Bch DA:O-Z-~CH.!\1WT, ~20 :'\o. Main, rnll Hnr. ri~3l ·J . ·~·;,.I 65p67 j S.1nta An.1. ---------·----Ph. Har. :1392 6!1r67 -------------19:-l l CllE\'flOLl:.I BPI Arre 2 .tr FRIGIDAIRF:, 8 fl, like n•·\\'$1:,0. Another Spec·1al I drl\'•n «nly 4.flll-0 n111l'i. T111· Dining l11ble. 4 urh l'1i1<1r11 S;J:'I. OBL BF:D box !!pr mattns• $:\!• • quot,..., & b•'IJ.:f' l'rir<' ~lt1!l·1 f •I Lt\'. sm i<,.I, 1>4'tl '11,.11n. cn..,y chnir Chest. m11tchmg dreMer S40. :J5 HAM:\ICJ='U ~r1nel "ri;an. In rme quirk .!<ale. Har Z:J:.!7-\\' 1111 , 1 !• rurrc ... labl•'. 1l1•sk 2 en<l tahlu , rt. h111l c11rpf'l $~. blue '''<X•I rui: 11.mllll•>n, fltK ><11vi1 g11, ron.-11n .• 1 Pm. 5: .. 11i fin" r n•llllon .. . S 13~1 12xl!S $2~, Small tahl• ~. •lrapr,. u•nl tcrms nt 'Iii •:\If' ' T l'll'nlT • 1:1 ~Tl 1 w 1• \1-i:t-:Jt 1 .. T 1'1• k11r 'rot Fl•/!I• T 1•11·,,;1 I' 'ol 1.~11' '. T l'lt '"I I' ·; • .:111~\ T l'\'\l 'I : • .:. f 'l;TFH=--,\ Tiii.': 1\1, , Tn :-; I It 'Id I' •:o1 1,\11' t, T l'fl 'h:l"I' II\ l •ltA-;\1tlTI<' T JtA'.':S •·,11 1 ;J.J I' I T }-"(.,\ THE!J. 'd l 111l•CE l T l •l '\L ··.:I'll~\'.: I' '.:. Tll:i-·,: 8 C~·ls. . ........ : ..... S58. 8 l11t111ol.~ h •th J.thr•r Rt'll flH ll< :'\", '-'" t Jlh ... '', ,.,l pan...-v.d\'tt r1 II\ I 111·111~' •·I 1n111n 11n1I r»d 1,. ill Ill~:< I :\p••r L rnnt.ar l .,n•' 11p. !to-IAV or • ttun nut.' J,:trnr.q lt1r 1 XII .!\11\;q; Y p n \\"\ I RF:B l'fLT ENGINES i·1· tn I~ MO:\"TH~ T n l'AY - .:111 Manne Aw Halboa l~la.nrJ, Har. 1671 72lfc S MALi, IWL'.S E in lh1nt111i:1011 Ur11t h. f'Rt'tly furn S Ill. 1w r mo. PEA ll L J ~.!\11TH l'h. YI 'knn :12 1 1~1. l 'pland, l'dltf 6h66 1111 IL 1•1 • •I "'' n flit'"',. loy :-1<1ll• •I n .11 1111'1 · '· J • .. n I t ,.'nt• ntl with 2 H It unfu1" 111•1u·r tluf'lt :it: II r II•· 11 ,, 1:11\ 1l11•d l:foJl;oill 1'•11111 l l:!·· 3 YEAR ROUND RENTALS: Rl-:BL"ILT anti INSTALLED :? Furn 1 H n~ :.! hath, U.11 :! )'f'l:i-:11 \:\IE 17• \\ u I 'II •I I 1 I U<'f\ J•11m 111<lttng S OtJ ·:111 t,.\ll ' 1.1 \';IH:1:1'. 1•1·;-,!f. FOP.fl • . '' Sl:.?f•'iO 3 l.1•l•1 h it :1 H IL 2 h11th, !11111 48lS--Rou11e9 for Rent LIDO ISLE 2 YF.ARIAY Rio;:O..,.AI..S U!'F'l:R~. 1. 2 ht>rl room 11, 2 ba lh 1. 2. 4 b1>drn.,m~. 2 tlftlhs. l"h•n<e l1>c&llnn1. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3ll:l l'\t>wport Blvd .. Newport Reh. 18 Balboa C 1\'CI H 11rb11r 11 00\\" & 1111!!<' Har 20i2-J or Har '..!llj!i SHAl"f:/Ui :\lu~1r C'o <Siner 1!107 J •:;5 CHEV. V-8 Bel-Air. Spr 1 rt qu 6:iC'6i ,6~• 67 421·423 N. ~Y' a mnrr. Snnta Ana ' • DE:\10:-;sTHA'l'OK" $',o<i -------------Ph••111• Klmb..•rly :?·ll67:Z. OFF: Out!Ua.nll.n;: b1·a11t.llll ALL Rl::ASU:"ADLl-:-Ji.: l>uncan 0 3-B .,, S II Orani;f' l'•rnnt\·s l&rgrel l'clc<Clton han-•sl ••olcl, 1 O h11 11\tll ~:'\II ·' ''" Tll.f s ll I. I U \;-.;,... 't 1n~n:t.i i·r 4 ..... ~l l\l:1u ~:!.v unrurn t:?'.!:•. ::;t·•· 111• J.11,:1 t '"lt,I',•' l"I• it 11• it. 11'1.Y)I &·)If H>1;1-:' ....... . S l~1~1 BAY & BEACH R Palty t r 101 '•111.t• I I' 1•: : • lfw •0 1l l:Y:-: ,\< l •r: :-11)'() , .• '1i0 J l:i() \\' l~bt1a I:!f \•t.J , Uulbo& Hnrbor HJl3 40Uo Ph t h 11 l I ., oa ...... __ up_p __ es_____ .. v em& OJllln\' t mn); JOC ·me · or 11nr ori::tns. kit. n ao11". P r; t1.1n~, t>l• 62: buftet, 0 chairs. =--PW G. E h .t AHT l.ARSOX, 6!11; ~, .. ('qll•t h•·"I ..,,. ,,.~.,.,, ••' ,, ... I 1111tK1 :-:·ri ·1 t~;1 1,\1..i,.H ..... ~ ... Jl';ll Har l:.!114 ' IJ~r67 i-:1111 K 111. J J 11 l<u1 . 1'•11 <I.., Ul.I •!-= .I< l'iiS 1'1.t\l' fi ····:-.:··-.·.· ::~?. :-:1Tl•llJ Al"r. p11111ally fllrn l!!h•·tl. h l A d 16 FT. DORY. !111 1ng bost llllv $~ J·~:Jt .• :ll O. rrnl~ good nrnrllr e d1•hwa11 rr. nrn-r 11.~c . en ix b :-; Pt S ., r Bl\'d, l~ti:.'1m&. 11r 11 tt 4.7;11 Auto. w1111hing m ftrhtn". ju~l usinei>s Rt · ewpon "" nrri· plRntl All t••rm rf'nl &llnwet.l It ,, 6 1tfc ~l:tl<o • t>llof •hi!. t•' l:I /("/\ Al«I llJlf\U lrn<ht••I ~t\111!01 )raft Ill I •S'I:-> . . ~ 1~:. Hrvlc~I. llnl1'1oln1 rc'!rlJ.:, 11 !l 111 " for $fl9:->. l~lph J orilllu. !(Iii! .)oU hu1·. C:ond ll~Pd prar llro f'IR· __________ .,....-~lnul •ccrt:t&I .)', 11\Akt' ur!er. ~'•llTI•>na Ave. Lfl,.lll MPsa 6~P6 t I 111111 SIW, s 1:.ir1, S.13i, $1:i(J and 1;p 1:.\W 1 •l·:,\l,Fr. W.W. WOODS Lv~1n •'.tr Ft•'•' 'f41\\·1n,.; s~;\\' r-,\Jt \.l 'AJ :,\XTl-:1~ ~J<IH'1• ltf'(lll.io: j",1111 Ml (t. \\'Ill r1111Rh 111 ,91111 lo•nanl. <IJH'll llJ 11ff 0•1 • Hl\'tf. l"o':tl llon. l (l',1) $11, C'11.t'I Blvd L1q;t111a 111 h H Yntt 1·MVi. t r1t fr 1967 Alr~o Ave ' Liberty 8-:1233 FOil SALF. as t!l'l<IJ.:08tCtl lllltlt'r En.II\' _1;rn111. . 61 l.fc FN·t1on :fO~d. 30~l·A. & :Jt)!'i<!, f'I· DA;'\Z·S1.H:.11n .; RIF P11U10 store. 19t8 CHF:VROIJJ.-;T A1•1,1 ~rtlan -fll ri-1'1 I' 1''1 )'' /",t1 la ,\1111 R & JI. ~~Xi •ll .11ansp••rt:tl1un. 1i111 n l'i.nda~· an• Bl , k h llh( t1,1 • l •.i,r ,.,·.,n,l..rr ls f'l ll~ t i\)(•~·. ~ tMk•·I~ rtllof 1>11 llJ•• n :.-un1h1 ~· I U a. 1.1. t " :! p ht. First Furniture Class Buys TWO matchlnK Lawson lounge ~alra, cl<'&n, a ttractive prtnt C!OVtt!', .. .. • • '$2~ ta. SOF'A, ('lean eHp covtrl'd .. S2~. A lmost new Slmmonl! dbl. 11tulllo rouch C"oloni&I print S.,P !'>O Newport Furniture COMT'A!l;Y 2620 \\'. CCllut Hlghw&y ~~"llOrt Dt>llCh. LI 8·1113. 6!1c67 Mesa Woodcraft l"npalnl.-d It J uvl'nlle Furniture ti:~. N'Cllning-J'&llo cha Ira .. SJ 9:1 H1lw. l'Urv~ bsr k bar 1tool1 $6 (I,, lidw. C11r1. Ch11tr11 . , $13 ::.o , Mlnwa,x 11nd Deft flnll!hl'• Ordera t11kPn for 1hutters 2121 H&.rbor, C M. Llbuty 8-164~ 6 ROO~S rurnltuni complet~. All 1n g-ood condition. A II or pa.rt 327 PC1rpy. Ct1rnn• dtl Ma.r. Har. 24~4·\\' a.fter 6:30 p.m . 66pt> MAPLE dlnrtte eitlC'n•lon table • 4 rh11.lno Il l 1 ?'n. B11y F'ront. Balbo& • b lMrt Harbor 13:.?Cl-\\" Hc68 "'"t LAPSTllAJ<f: 1'1'mler \\ ilh ~l\l)IR Anll. ~.u 1'o. Main, • nr:1nl'. Cu!l•1m 11war1l T."H ::A• I H ,\ :1D10:-l>0 Rt;AX, ~ptnPt m C1d. f1,r 11t•t•ru1'<! st•11a).:•' t hkt).:• ~ 1-'liJ.:hll.i· ll'I'"'· Gonr1 1<11\'1ng on :•tlf .'~·ill ~~ hPf•I. !> ."· m .l11~l' I th ... Al11n H&mnt11nl1 C"hClrd Or· Sl7:i. $re Ill J~Jy'11 l'h1·ll ~··rv1c·« Tn11k h·, J.p1;11 1• 1-; 1 1 111,1n~·· (',, BELLES ENGINE ~'JOO \\'. C"oll~l lJW\'., X<'Wf1<1rl or call HYatt 4·711 18 Rr11·6i ll .SJ-Aut~ Sf>n·k~ REBUILDERS l~A-Apt!I. for Rent :l7, t!l.1.1 ltl •. 11l:'> \\ I "ll!<I lh1 ~, j.8n !-:Ill'\' lll pill\' '50 FORD (;onv. Dv own1•r. H&H, -------------<"HASSEL FHl >ST rum 111•t• O'tfr ' KOt>•I Mn•! Al'a S1n1.,. r • BRAKE SPECIAL I hl1>1 k lr1 l.1o1 .. >I• I'~ an I h•t~ ----- l'ewJ)<Jrl li•'n• h. fir•• ti6 I DA:"Z·~( 'H MIDT, ~20 No. Mam, ~Rnt1\ Anl\. 21 FT. Awt. si. • .,p ,.,lh Cray SPA 1------------- 11(•• n f •llll\ & 1 1 7 Stllll' Ulill·lt•! I lot 2 lo• it II ', )'ut '" & BK Q portable elect ~·wing m11t h;n•· I NE\\' LOCATION :i h• 11111 '"'"' r s 1:111111•• I•• S••pl SJn. Harbor 8!l!'·R ~7tlt I tllflll ~ J url' 310 East 3rd St. l.1:h, I ,,. dll\1 .. ,.,.. r h .•.• 16 •,x Srout enJ.:111t . rull l!llll 5'••11•1 120 B A d• S11lls, 2 bunk11, i:;illo y &Of! h• a.I a SS CC Or IOn ·54 AL'STI:" F!t•nh-. XlnL. l'otnt!I· Forci~n auto brake -21J' "'' 11r. Wil li h• • .!Ullful \II '·'.' ., :--\,:\lt\,\:\,\ r t •-h I ~l''l t111n, 13000 mil•" "'·rrdll\'1• · b b . t -------------'• 11"· '''"''• ... ' 111111•·, ••• • S ew :1talnh·s11 ~l~,.I 11ggm..r, JU'l painted compt. l••ly 3 W•'l'k~ a.,11 S3400 U 8·1687 6:.Uc Like n ew. Sacrifice. Phone Liberty 8·2237 hlr. $2-11)<1. P3!l 1> .,...,.,.,.,,,, '·~·, JO I y c~pe r :.1F:1~· •·r ~!>u n1 ... n )"l\JI~ ta )IP.58. 6 11.,,fi mechanics 12-Tr.LilrN 1. 11••· -'1··· 2 1o1·,. :.1\111 :--1 x ........ For Father's Day- ----------· p sl B• .. rt'h 6 "',16t: SJ .n5 & up. !fro! 11.1: \'\I' \TlfJ'\ 11(,\JI F:lt \\'c l•Btll1t' i-;1·11J1E:->•r\'I•<'. X•·a1Jy '"'" s:,,·,\j. f-l ar. 3 J2.\\'.'F l'lt:\" ~ln~I .. 111'1 (',,•:I\ .!\f•,n 195:1 F OHOOMA TIC r •nl'l'l l1l.ilt· C>6p:-21 H&H. l"oronart,, kit.\\;-.\\", tl••lt l'xh><U.•t & h('&•lt•r .t. t:x1 • ll ron I ll •irg EnM~ ~ll.!"T SEl.L tl'•G Give him a lobster trap'. Si>-Do~s. Cata, Peta Ht•~11n11\, c .D . .\f. sftl'r 2 p m Hausken Motors Inc. ~l•li6 ~""'I f:..i,I Nill<· lt w11.llon. \', ry ALSO ship mo.leis, a.nrhors, Ol'l. DARLI:"G KITTEN'S F'RE£ 10 i;-1!, I ___________ s 1,ss gl.... tloal.11. driftwood. , I -_ .i'i-\\'ant..-d to Rent H•3:! 11.111i. r J.h I, 1 ••ta :.1 •. ,,. -------• ----LI i;.:,11·11 1.l ._.t ... '11 ~,:i, 7:.!h ' 1111 t• Kil• h,.11 • n" I'""' n pr..f1 r. r• •I l 't1lll11·~ 11a11t. R"Bllt1naLI•• J,J 8·l!IJ I l!:,16i BOAT GEAR. nl'w • Mar nrw hn1111•1, l .Tbnty ll·l'.1•69. 6Sr6• l!lM SL-X \'ALLI-;\" ~IERCl"H\". COLE 'S ORT I all rnwer eQulpment. I• 1 111~ l \dl P S9-Aotos Want~d owner. LI b·3663 or LI ~-l.l2:!:l. Har. 1020 6~r66 '-'., A TTEi'\TJON Nash -~dson s105 L&!a~·ette. :"ltwpnr1 ,-\VA-NT TO B'''" r.i;·t. 1 Good clC;Ul used cars . JAGt:AR M M&rk \'II ~'·!an whl. owners 21 FT. CHRIS·C RAF'T kit. Hull \\"Jt,J, l'A Y TOP l 'Rlt:E \\'lll cun· wtlh rrd lelllh• r. 11u111n1ftlll I f1berg)uled. 116 hp. Gr"Y· f!IJlll tnn Why \\'1,rry About S•·l!· transmll!SIOn P«r(t'• \ t •11101.. f•IW Rioh Hahn 's Garage Sletp. 2. s. S. R&dio. u kln1C I lni: \'t11lr rnr" ~.,. 11s rn eage. orll{1nAJ owntr;..Hntbor 1.111t,•n1:r.1t'1 l'nrts & So>rvfrp .$2700. Ubtrty 8·10o42. 6:'1~7 EARi: 1;00DRt·:.1 :.tolore, 194~ ~H · 6:\ci6 111••> 1":our1 Tr11n•1"lrtst1on H11rh<>r B1v·1 , Cro'tA Mf'~8. 6~l(C ' ("us f".,r Sale A MARLIN C HAIR $27 M 1 -------------54 JAGt: XK120.!\t modlrlr.J d' R . tnlg• pum p 19 61\ Cttmrll.M 12 51) PRl\'ATE P ARTY \\'II.Illa to buy kc ntw, J"•W•l"r bJUI', Auto Ra 10 epall' C&r radio $12 :'\°E\Yl'ORT BOATI :,t or ':'l:i Cl1~vrnlt1 or Plymouth otlOl'I top, n!'\"tr r•<'"fl I 409 E 29th St SALES. :!62'; W. Coall Ht ~h· ""l11>n \\'tjr•'n rrrtl'r 6 cyhndl'r le&(t , on~lnaJ O'lrlter Har! • • V.&)'. LI 8·6271. 13:,.,57 <toll l:hubor J u2u tn•. 6.)ltc 6Jci.)1 ~t"porl Bc•c:.h, Uar. HZ~. :.,,uc ' Rentals Wanted '.Ve n1·e<1 11pta a.na hou11u lrl all 11cct.Jo1111 for boiU\ winter and )'ea r'11 le~. l''urn. ur unrurn. l.t you have a vacancy, phone today The Vogel Co. 3201 W. C11t. Hv.·y., Nrwp1trt Br.h. -------------U.\ \' \'IE\\' APT "n l.11J., J'rnin· 1't1lr =--•w .ft l\llra ttlvt• Jlllnt•flNI ll\'1111: room 2 l>drn.,. F ut v .. 11rlr Ir"~' l'h. H11r 27~1 or 11;11 st', 6~1 tr \'H;w Al'T ... riiruna •l••I Mllr l't'I'"' I hd1 m (Ill n ~ ur.mtr or ~··;,1f\' n ..... ,.11.1hfr n"!lr hl"11r h II ~ r :i:1 :.?il 11:,r•H Phone Ubcrty 8·:H81 208 Manne, Balboa laland Fvr a <ltp .. ni.Jahl•· us,.'1 c11r, ~"" Phone Ha.rbt>r 444 vrtur lnr111 d••a l• r v. h" v. tU be h,.rt 2667 E . f"flA.At H)•, Corona d~I \far T0.!\11llOViW t o 1>111 k up what ,,,. 1 I' cir " ll&rb'lr 17 11 "'ll• T<JlJAY ' !'h~t lc the u11,.,1 L id, ~Hlo "· 3416 Via l..Jd• • ,,., In Lhe 1.l&H!!Jed tt~lion tc.. H~tx.r 4!17 l ~2Uc: I llky. .. SUMM ER RENTAL ORlVJ.; HY &t ~'<' l 12 Via Wu lt ra, Lido Isle. 3 hilrm11., 2 batha. cnmplrt.,lv furnl,hed. Avllll&Ql• J un•· 1r,.:io -1o2:,1J. July $MO.- A11s.:11Rt $i2r., H1•1l11<'(1•111 tor en• l trt! llt'l\lfo)n, <"nil Harb11r 427(. 07c69h VACATIONERS \\'F: llAVF: II varlrtv nf llPW nfCI!• Iv t um. r~nlAlt!' &vR1htbl11 11'1 No•wr11n .l l.A1tu11". S:JO. wk. a. 11r Jn•1111M :lr11.:1:Znd St . ?'pt. l 'h•·n~ llorbtlr 12211 6lpHh :1 IH >H~I IV •lt·n l"nt111n J1Ay • "'"in ''l••w Yr I•"'"" 3Qfl f''lr· n·111 .. n. t'li M 8ltfc .1 HF/ •I« I( I~! (uml hl'•I home f 1r111•h• I 1•v•n ,., a111am1tlc \\:t•ll• r SI 10 "'"· OHA!'\C:~; f 'llA ~T J •Jt()l'F:RTIF.~ '' 7 ~rwport A"", t:u•la llthft J.1 h 8-lf\::2 6~ell7 -------------- Sl'.!\Hlf:ft Hf::o-;T,\Jh'I 1'11''"'" h••lll"" 2 bolrm•. I blk t•1 ;, .. ,., h & li11y I 1p•n C••r A u1._ 11~1 & H•·pt l.11q•" P<tlto 2111 3 Ith !-;t , Xev.-pt.rl ~· h. e•,, ll7 CHARMl:\''1 :J hllrm. B11lt1'1& I~· J:rn•I hr111.11" Wd l furn j(Ol••I h•·•IJI. J(A I h•w" •h~fl""lll Jo(llrll,I:~. A Vk!illhll' n••W Ill .July H ,, 1''1. lf•r 2'•67·\\', H"AIVtn&blt . <'oHr · IAl-y 'lfJ:t'nl~ ~He flft HA y F/{fJ:\'T 2 t1•trm . 2 1\11 I h 11<.me II ~"""" 111\y Jo"urn. •Ill( A v111t11 hl" 111w 111 J une 271h. r.R1 111;,_r /•rlV11l t' b"•<'h Ph••ntt HBr. ~~&7·\\'. < c.ur1e11)' •it"nt• f'ctf ' ' ,_ ~ ~r ,, .. '" .. ·- I , l . I l I ,I ~ ,! I " 11 I 1 l • 1 I I ,, .: II --• ....... --• '"88-RoUSM for Rent -·---~---~------~... FOR LEASE 7 room unrurnlahed ranch home, I be<irllU, 3 bathe. l'\IHl hOWM!, ON UDO ISLE-Yearly rvitAJ, 3 1 bdrm .. 2 bath home, rum. or •· rum. Excl'llen l k>catlon. Ownt>r, Harbor 02l~·J. 112tre F•~: .. ~~;.~ ~f ~;.· :.:: Bill's Best · Buys ' SW1mmln1e pool. gara11e, corral ,.. ot •· Of"~-and pe1lure ror 11.ddle honu, _~ ___ o_rH __ .. _. __ ._"'~---- ~king or delll'•leul'n. Phone LOOKING FOR A CHEAPIE H11rbor n 9:i ror app't. ll:'llfc Well, see us -We have a small 2 bdrm. on lot size Stralhmora r&11ch-One • three· q ua.rteni mllu aoutheut of San Juan C&pllllrano. R. A. Rowan & Co. UI 8. Sprln1 SL, LN .AJ:iaelu, TR 0131 l:>c71 .AVAU.AB.LE In SHORECUFFS, Private home, 2 br., furnished, except r1111;e, 1llver a111J linen. '260 on lf'ase Harbor 3209-rt. :59Uc SUMMER RENTALS. -Hou.se 1.leep1 t, Cottar• aleep1 2. J une 20 to Sept. 111. 721 '1 Poppy, CO· rona del Mar. Harbor 06311·M. 116tlc home nur the ocean. complete· Jy furn. WU! le&H SIOO fno. or $7110. for 1umrner. Adult. only. PAUL. C. J O!ll£S REALTY LJOO OFFICE SPACE -\\'111 1ubltt spnce autlabl<' tor attor· ne)•a. engtneers, elc. Approx . l r>x30 in shopping 11rt1• on Vla U do. C!lll Dun <;ole atternoon• only, Har. •65&. 69l!c FOR RENT-Furnished urr1ce 1n uaoctallon with a lttwy~r: Tttx f'Xpt'l'l or l"Ubltc-l'lc..-.mntunt prt'· !erred. 49!2 W. Coa,st Hlghwtt y, Ll 8·6102. 64µ66 SMALL OFFICF. with parking, heat a: light & private toilet In· eluded. $50 month. !It 2604 New- port Blvd .. N1>t. R..a<'h. Harbor 4718. 66tft• EXCELLENT LOCATION "Harbor 2313. ~8 Opposite Balboa Bay Club. FOR RE!llT, COSTA MESA -2 .1200 sq. ft. store for lease. bdrm. unturn. houef'. R.euon· LI 8-7673. 55tfc _ll_b_''-· _c_a_u_HY __ at_t_,_ .. _~_1_._eeu_c Av AlLABLE _ About 8000-li<!-. \ 'NFUR.~. 2 BDRM. HOME:. W lo W carpel. Bl!aUUful yard, pa t.lo, ftreplact. gur. $12~. month. Ur lus rtnt on luae. U 8-11750 11(ler II. Mttc ft. ltght industry space on l11l It 2nd. floor. IJ. S. Highway J 01 and Bay Frontage. \\'tJI leu e ull or any pa.rt &c remod<'I to :suit tenant. Vogel Co., 3416 Via Lido, Harbor •971 . 26tfc J B. R. t:NF. house, nearly new. ------------ la q ;e yard, m~ar 1choola ant1 - ll'l.n11p. See aftemoons at 872 Vfclurlu. Co11ta MPllll.. Avail. July h l. $8.'I, less on · ll'a11e. 1-'ronticr i8076 6.'}lfc FOR LEASE 'J'\\'O BEAUTIFUL new Irvina T c.>rrace unturn. view homea. 3 SDRMS .. 2 bath.a ana 2 UEDRMS .. 2 batha. t 'all Harbor l 715 or Harbor 4448. EARL \\', STANLEY, Rc&ltor lrvlne Terrace Ortlce Corona d1 I Mar. 33ttc LEASE FINE LOCATION In Cun.int! 11 .. 1 Mar. Completely ••qulppN'I for b11.king or delicatess,..n, Phone Ha r bor 4263 tor app'l. 6Slfc NEAR Ch1c ~nter 11nd Bay. M·l location. Nice I ·bdrm . h(>mf' . Large gnra){e, suitable tor 11hnp or hghl mtg. $100 per rno LI 8-3378 .mornlng.s or 1!\'r ntni:a 65c6i 54--Bosineu Opportnoltin Sl'MMER RE!liTAL. Newport b · BUS COMPA:'\Y with long term land \\'atr rfr.lnt, pier It float. franchise In fast growing Co11ta F'ur n. :.! 11lo1 v hnu~ .... 3 bdrm., 21 Mesa. Sub1111t all exchange11. P h. hath, p.1l10, barb .. dbl. gar. 3909 OWNER. Llbert.r 8-3663 or JJ ~larrus. Har. 3111)8 66clll! 8·6223. ~lfc 53-St.ores ll Offices Arcade ''Hot Spot" t;:'\t:S l:Al, OPPORT\..":':ITY - O'A'nt'r t cllnni;-BAiboa amuse- 111rnl Znnr. ~:'.! elf Clttt•ally oper· l\ted murluncs. Fully equtpl. $:10,()()() y1•ar gl'1'•!1~. Good leue. Ji·uu 1•rlel' 12r>.OOO. llALJ)OA RE.ALTY CO. i'OO F.:. BalbOll Hlvd., Balboa Hurbor 3:177 · 8:'.t-67 ------------- Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, salary. $50. to $750. or more. One day service Appltr &t1on may be m ade ln per· 19'.Jn, by phone or by mall CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 lf8rbur Blvt!., Costa MeM. LI 8-77:>1 -Open Friday• tlll 8 Clci11ed S<alUrJa)'S-41l!c NO COMMISSION · No Appraisal Fee SALf<~S -REFINANCE CO!l:STRUCTION Call for Free Fast Commitments on Rt'aldcncea and Unlta only Don I. Haddleston 173 E . 17th St. COSTA MESA U 8-5~ I LI 8·6:i62 WOULD llke to buy !St llll<I 2nd Truat Deede. CAii Har. 2326. 48t!c REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5-5 ¥.! % Loana quickly ma<1o ln th" »as ,Atta and CUl!t& M I'S&. Single 0 1 muluple unlll. New or olu. Be wlae and eave by re·lUl&llcini; your present loan. ltllllmwn 1·x· penac. No charge tor preUml· nary apprals&J. P hone Santa Ana Klmberly 3·6933 or write ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan Correspondent Occl<JentaJ W!o lnlurance Co. 50'x140' plUB another lot same size. all for price of one. F.P. SS,500 with tenna. Betttr Huri-y. $1450 DOWN Three bedroom, 1 1:: bath only 6 D'lo. old. Has gar- bage disposal & ex.haust fan. New eu"'bed It paved street, and on aewers. Full Price only $9,150 QUALITY HOME Choicest location in town. Two bedroom, HW. floors, dining room, forced &,1r heat, fireplace, patio and sewers hookedrup. $12,250 with only $2000 down THREE BEDROOM-2 BATH New, on lot 60xI02. Haa tongue & groove sub-floor- ing, forced air heat, exhaust fan, garbage disposal and on sewers. You'll love the living room & dining room opening out to patio. Full Price $13.700 with $3,700 down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REAL TOR "you'll like our friendly service"· 393 E . 17th ~l, Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 LIDO ISLE SPECIALS Cute ranch type borne, 2 bdrms. Completely furn- ished. Only 3 yrs. old. This is a buy, $21,500 · TAKE YOUR PICK Two brand new 2 bdrm. & den homes, single story. Street to street lots & every modern feature you would expect in a quality home' sucb aa these. You will be surprised at the price & terms. See them t oday. . New 3 bdrm. & den home 2 baths, charming kitchen·, built-in range & oven, copper hood plus dishwasher. Large master bdrm. has fireplace & one walJ panelled. Mercury switches thruout. Carpeted, dbl gar., finest of construction. Full price $33.500, term" available. AND REMEMBER THIS -- many other fine homes are Listed exclusively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bcb., Har. 4971 or Har. 4-972 Eves, Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998·R or Llberty 8-5297 2 Office Spaces & Store 933 South M u n Santa Ana -------------------.----- Nb:W BLDG. in Lido Shopping area. Both 670 area fret. By lease-. $100 & Sl 15 mo. ALSO storr. 600 fl'r t. S140 mn. !'i(llJ \'1a ~fnla~a. Newport Be~ch. Har. 3327 57c69 ------------------ Bu siness for saJe in Orange County I c;ron·ry and meat market doing good volume I•( b ttSl!lC'SS, ·• i\11 1th11· markrl 1n anot her cit y -almnst a g1 1wr:.I sll)re -near schools. ~ ;\lo• •r ! hi!' in La ~una . Good spot for mN·hanic. Fi+zmorris Realty Company ~h1lt1pk• L1sltng Rea ltors Business Broker :: I:;:-, I'.(' :•~·l tl1ghw:1y Corona dC'l Mar Ha rbor 2152 3ALBOA ISLAND -BUSINESS v·o G EL v AL u E . :l';!r·nc·w, aLtract1\'e :! story bldg. on Balboa lslanrt c· •t '" 1· 1o<':il1un. ~t11tablc for ywofessional or medu.:al I ol fn·1•s. b1·:1UI 1c1an. real estate offices. Shops are ti 1\\",)st.:ir"' with two complete & comfortable 2 B.R. ·•i•ls. upstairs. One fully furnished. Se\·eral shops 1111\\' lt·.1:-tng anu are av:u lable for summer. Prk<'d $57,500 with terms. THE VOGEL CO. 20X ~tarmc. Balboa Island H;:irbor 444 (i'!-lh·al t:stat<' 62-Real E.<ita~ -~----·~~~~------- PIER & SLIP Plus 3 Luxurious Units ------ 1 -3 B. R. -13/4 Baths 2-2 B. R. Outstanding view & location. Your chance to own a choice modem water froqt home with fine income to supplement - $73.500 -Excellent Terms Osborne 2323 W. Coa.t Hwy. Newport Beach Realty Co. (at Port Orange) LI 8-7562, Har. 5154 eves. 'COSTA MESA EXCEPTIONALLY nice 2 bedroom house. Only 2 yean old v.ith tub and •bower bath, large li\'ing room· with dining area. Kitchen with birch cabinets. Exhawit fan over 1tove and tile to ceiling. Laundry room. Completely fenced with lir.k chain. Oichondra lawn perfE'Ct condition front and rear. Lot area ap. proximately t200 eq. fl Doub!& garage.· $_12,000 Tef1I!8 if desired Call Mr. McVicker, PP . LOANS for f-fomes II.,. -20 yr, Lo&na I. Construction toans SEE BOB S A Tn.ER 2:il5 E AST COAST BLVD. Coruna <leJ Mar H&rbor 3888 Rep. P OJjU ER MORTGAGE CO. Metro U/• Ina. Funda KI. 3-51~ 4-8t!c LOANS TO BlJIW . IMPROV!: BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REFL~ANCE Wo Buy TN.st Deeda NEWPURT BALBOA S A VIN GS &c LOAN ASSOCIATION !1311& Via Lido. Pih Ha.r. '200 t!o GO-Income ProP!;rty HOME and 6 Units GOOD Jl'>COMF:, S:l6.0Qn 449 Ham· lltun. ott Harbor Blvtl., Co~l& M••M . 6lp7lh 61-Real Estate Exchange B\" O\\':'\ ~;R-\\'ill t111<11 t ra1tP on tht11 cor nu Jor. ·ranch homr. 3 bJrrn.. 1 1 ~ baths. h tlw d. firs .. F . A. h<'lll, w.w. 1:arpet, floncctl yd . x lra. lg. pat w ovrrlonktng 1·11nyon. \\'111 t11ko smaller place 1ir vat·unl lot In p:-.rl poyment :,~I Haul Drivt.>, C.D.M. Har. IC\ 9-W. ~9c;"2 TRADE EQUlTY $6,000-2 housei; on R· I lol In Cm.la Mesa for f'Qtlll)' house In Xewport Beach Ha r. 4."1J 1·H. GX6i -·------ Fisher Retirement-Specials l. TWO lJt 'PLF:XES, 4 11nH11, 2 h.r. e11<·h unit. plus 11replai:e11 in f!ll( h. Only ~ '1 yr11. <tl•I· A prop- erty you'tl br prnur! to own. Sch tn1·vme S3.541> ann. A provl'n n1nn1 y-m1lker? 1 Gor. Dl'l Mar). Prlre S27,ri<IO, Only $~OM dn. • Z. Dl"PLF.X 1 YR. Q LJ), PLl:S a nice 1 b r. home. 7 y11 oh1 'A'llh fl rrplare .\ IO\'ely pat1v. PLL'S t!nt"IOllcd BBcue M d Oen. PLl:S a lugo Int 61h225'. Pl.l '8 a womlf'r!ul g Brrten -a gardPn lover'• d rea m. Co11la Meu 1 'nre S l !l.60(), Only $11,CIOO Dn. WE k :-:o w IXCO~IE PROPERTIES! FISHER & CO. ~11113 N l'Wf'l'rt r iroor '429, Rivi.I , :-O:pt. Jll'h. 86<;6b 1\--- 1419 So. Coast Blvd., Laguna 1375 So. Coast Blvd., Laguna HY 4-4502 HY 4-25te I 11.lJER OF'FE RS brand ney,o 1plr x In exellent r ental Joc11 .n A 1 tucth·~ly pr1C'1·1J 11: ~I 500 1000 Haven l 'lace. ('hf( rl1tvcn. ~h. Har. U 02-W MHlc BAY & BEACH REALTY Realtors NEWPORT BEACH 1 Bedroom R ome --Room for expansion. Large P atio, View ot Ocean -Dbl. Garag<'. All this for S8,500 Pie r & Float -2 Bedroom & Den Home. Full Price -S22,500 Terms. BALBOA PENINSULA 2 &droom. Lge. Living Room, Fireplace. Attractive Kitchen. Nice Patio -Sl6,000. EXCLUSIVE -Close to Jetty -VIEW 2 Bedroom. Den, Large glassed-in Lanai. 11 ~ Baths, Sundeck with view of ocean and harbor entrance $5,000 Down BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa. Cal. Har. 1264 HELP! HELP! WANTED -Waterfront Home with pier & slip, Bal. Isle. Bal- boa or Lido Isle. to $50,000 Cash OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach (at P ort Orange) LI 8·7562. Har. 5154. e\'es. CORONA DEL MAR l. Lo\'cly landscaped 2 B.R. Modern. l blk. from Pacific Drive on cor. of Acacia & First. Sell or trade for Lido. This house will seU itself. 2. 1700 square foet nf new house in th<' Highlands. Ali' the extras of Wt!ll bu ill horn~. \'1ew of ocean & h1lli•. OPEN HOCSE every dny from 1 to 5 .J·l8 R1n~ra Terrace 3. 2 Bedrooms plu_s apt. on 45 ft. lot. Apt. is furnish· ed. plus additional play house and double garage. Must st•e to apprrc1atc. Summer Rentals at aU Price RangC's GORDON WALKER, Rea ltor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard. Pat Pattison, Geo. Raban, Bob Gervais 3034 E. Coast Hw~· .. -C01=ona del !tar: Har. 2443 Balboa Island We offer exclusi\'<'ly an unuaually delirab&e • bdrm. muJti-bath home. Delightful liVfug room, large din: ing room. Maximum square footage. Cloee to beach. $26,000, eaay tenn1. See th.ii vahJe Buy! EARL W. ST AN LEY, R~41tor - 225 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Call Harbor 1715 Ev•. Harbor~ - o-i-Rnl FAtate --~·---.. ------NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART IV · ,A91 I TtriURSDAY, J UNE 16, 1955 • Bayfront Buyers --.-,-------------- 82-twaJ ~tale U-8eal FAta&e ln our many years o( exper- ience we ha\'c ~n succe88· ful in locating a number of \'ery nice famili<'S into choice Bayfront ttomt-s. May we extend our cxper- JC'nces 10 your require- mt>nts? The following 'is a cro!'ls section ot' wcU screen- ed listings, and we also ha\'t: others. • Harbor Island 3 bdrm. p:u11 ll('tv1nt1 11uart l'r11 Pwr IU\t.l ~hp, SI ~ OO(I. • Bay Shores • b,11 m plu11 llf'fvanl~ quartl!rl P ier Md ~hp, $10i,500 • Lido Isle 2 b.lrm. plua d1•n. 2. bath, P1l'r 8t flo11t, $:tT.~OO. 3 bdrm , 3 bat~ turn l'tl'r llnll &lip, }!\ .~00. :l btlrn1 , 2 balh furn Ptl'r a nd islip. $63.~. • txlnn., 3 bath, new. $76,000 5 bd"lls.. plus 11ervant11 quutera, Pier and •llp, $87,600, _.__ 6 bdrm., • batll. plua 2 ~rm .. .2 bath apL tum., '89.~. • Balboa Peninsula 2 bdrm. plu11 lanai !Cutel. U3.~00. fi bdrm. PLU~ :iP._IU and floa t. $49,ooo. 5 btlr m plua. pin and aUp. $60,000. Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES HERE'S A SWEETHEART. 2 br. Ir den wltb tlre-- placc. \'cry nice private patJo. Hu aeparate income unit with a sure Sl.800 yea.rly. Better hurry to set th1s one. • TOP LOCATION BA YFRONT Immaculate 4 br . -two story home on large lot. Uncrowded atmoepbere with lovely patio, pier and float. Large liv1,ng room. den, and eepa.rate d.lnlnr room. Cash down, unfum , $30,000. $7,500 is all it tak~ to move you into thia 2 bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home with 1 br. apt. Both furn. ished. Patio and fence, garace. Wonderful location. Low monthly payments. $12.500 \\i ll place you ln thia fine. modern,· MW I f brm. home & one brm. apt: Dbl sance-8-utlfbl landscaping , glaas wall to patio. Fittplace, W/W carpeting, disposal, extra large wardrobee, t oned air heat. Lovely, deluxe. Euy term. on bal~ THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine, Balboa Island THREE MAGIC WORDS +o SeR J Your Property ---..... ..-~ ..... ! ~b2°~alh~~:,~~ "Multiple Listing Service" pier A: allp prav1llgel!, $29,750. Harbor Investm ent Phone your realtor ~C?mpany Ne~~rt ABl~d~ a~ 3~bs St. Newport Harbor -Board of Realtors Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1600 410 -32nd St., Newport Beacli Open House Sat. A Sun. .June 18 A 19 12·5 r m 1961 Irvine Av~ .• Costa Mesa 2 BEDROO~I & f>E~ HOl'SE Ct:STOM Bl "fLT PRO\'J~C:IAL Arnold A. Pim, Realtor 489 Coast Blvtl. No. Lllguns Br h Phone H Y11ll 4-6012 t'\'t'I!. 4-iO:lO 66{' LARGE comfortable com- pletely furnished home on WEST OCEAN FRONT. Owner will sacrifice. COME lN FOR DETAll.8 , J. M. Miller Co. 202~ \\'. Balboa Blvd , Npt. Rl'h "Near lhe Jl:<'wport Pier" Phone .Hurbor 4091. 66r68 Cliff Haven View Lot F'OR SALE or wll l tub<>rd1nate M·, lo rPlfabl o builder. ARRAS REALTY 10342 Card<'n GrO\'I! Bh·ol LEh1gh 9·21118. 66<'68 Vets $565 down l'>Lt;S IMPOUNDS USE YOlJR G.I, LOAN un 4 yr old, :i bd,.m,, ubl~. l::lrftJ:I', t rnc- rrl. Wont!t'rful rntln & lnundry, y11r·l. Carbni::e d1~poKBI. All fr••l'hly paint""· -"enr t "ppc-r B&t k Buy 2:l72 Pall11arll'!'I R•I., Sl\nla Anft f'hon .. Kl 6-21\03. 60lfl' ;\;E\\' 3 BOHM. on •1 ar re, $7,11;.o 21>3 A \'ornrto, ('Hiita .Mr.u. Ph Kl ::!-21122. 4itrr Bay & Ocean View LARG E 11oul>le frontage Rl ·R:l lot 7 rm11 . 2 bath11. i:w.:Alo. 2953 Cbt! nr. al Santa Ano A\·e Li 8-1192. Mlp611 S750 DOWN 1 BDRM hr,me. hdwd. !1001·11. frnr· t'll yard. Garb. dl11po11al (J,·er- 111ud gar&gl'. LolA of 1torage Le.rg-e Int. 20411 F'1urw11y l>rtve, CMts Ml'M. Hu, 3M I ·J :19trr BEAUTIFUL 3l'xl2' Cabana & ~· two bdrm. lrllller, com· pletely tum!ahed. c&rptted. wa- ttrfront lot. beach. boat dock avLIL Blick Laru!J, e&rport. llW1m· mine pool. f'u.ll pr. '87~0. Lido V1lla.ge TnU"t Park, 700 31at St. :'\ewporl Be&ch. Lot :-;a :tll U l ·i$01. tlUc_ CHOICE -PROPERTIES 1.-2 BDBK. how plum hebe'°"..,.._, Pl,800 2.-0CEAN FRONT 75' Jot, R-1 sone ··-lS,MO 3.-0CEAN FRONT 3 bdrm. furn. ----·-15,500 4.-DUPLEX 2 bdrm. -2 bath each. __ 5,000 dn. 5.--0CEAN FRONT 4 unit income ----12,&00 dn. 6.-EIGHT UNIT apt. house, yrly. renten 67,!500 7 . ....:BAY FRONT 4 bdrm., 3 bath, pier, float M,000 8.-BAY FRONT • 3 unit income, furn., pier float, exceJl. view & loca. Two 2 bdrm.a. & one 3 l¥!nn. _ ......................... -.... 70,000 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Baiboa Blvd., Newport Bea.ch. Har. Gl88 CLOSE TO EVERYTHING EXCEPTION"ALL Y A'ITRACl'IVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and small dining room, car- peted wall to wall, good kitchen, breakfast •pace and service porch. Ample cupboards and'. storage space. Ove-rsized 2-<:ar garage. Nice enclosed patio. Most convenient comer location. 2 bike.' from City ·HaU, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. Just Enjoy the Income from this excellent property (no ~nt to pay). Located In choire rental district, 100 fl from ocean. There are 3 tinits -a new duplex and a ~room h ouse on 2 lots. 2 unit.a are furnis hed ud rented on yearly basis. Owner's home available now. Three garages on alley. Present income can be 1ubet.an· Lially increased. $5000 wiJI handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1018 ACT TODAY! EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1011 OCEAN FRONT FOUR-UNIT INCOME Widow has $12,600 equity. Must aacrt!loe. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. _.t Harbor 5188 BALBOA ISLAND • • • Only $5000 down • • • $3,000 yearly income assured Two units nicely furrusbed, f ircp1ace, excellent beat. garb. dispou.la. nice patio. Outstanding Value! WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auociat.ea Park t Karine, Balboa lal&Dd -Ha.rboe 3MI • ' • ..• I " • PAGE 6 . PART IV...,. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS l '!.~'!'~•!,.!'~I• ______ _ THURSDAY. JUNE 16, 1955 BEFORE YOU BUY '" .... r.tat. ft-ltf;aJ tr...~~4! ----- . GOOD . LIVING starts . at IRVINE-TERRACE We cordially invite you to in spe\'t model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert When you in1pect them, you "'Ill note they !ncW<le every comfort and convenience for GOOD I.1\.1:'1/(;, ALL ot the planning and thought that resulted ill thil remarkable community will provide COOL) LIVING !or Irvine Terrace families for many ycn r1;. Permanent ree:trictiona guarantee y.ou "'ill al.,.,•;iys · be proud of your home here. To the home buyer who wishes to purchase in ' lhc $22.000 to SM.000 claae we aincerely r~omnu~nd the "Irvine F..tate. overlooking Nev•port Harbor. lrvtn1 Terrace Ui located on .Co&St Highway opposite tha new Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to nnyone wlio bolda a Leasehold Estate in lrYine Terrace. THE GREAT ORANGE COAST Back Bay View Home. Large living roo m with fire- place. Family room with fireplace. 3 bdrms .. 2 ba ths. Outstanding. !.love in for $5000 dov.·n. Corona del Mar corner Ranch style home \1<ith 3 bd.rma., 2 bath8, hwd. fl ooN>. snack bar. enclosc·d a patio. Juel $22.500 - terms. $1000 under priced 2 y r. old 2 bdrm. honle. 2 c<ir garage, on corner lot . Sacrifice for flnly S7500 v.·1th payment down to loan. 100 ft. frontage very desirabl e busincz,;~ lncution. New area on Wcat 19th St. Due for in1me<l1a le de- velopment. Bargain price of $10.500. Some lf'J"ffiR. Walking distance to town ~2 bloc.ks) a reall y nitc plant consisting of 8 unfurnished units, 8 garages. Laundry rooms, cement drives. NO\\' rrntcd at 111\\"· ~t rentaJ rates in area. Check this \1rith us if look- ing for income buy. Only $12,000 down; 64-000 .q. ft. C-2 improved with 3 houaefl rental in- come $215 montta, Property la llKlt330 Iota ot room for expansion. Close in value. $3 ).500. Will trade -Submit. ORANGE COAST PROPERTll::S INSURANC"'E -SALES -LOANS -BUILDEllS 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa hlesa Liberty 8-1632 . Liberty 8-1400 Eves. COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth ' Small home & JNCO~iE !3 units & room for mor('J Excellent close.in location. all Jargl' I bdrnl. un i\!i & FURNISHED. Sewer & curb in & 11:dcl. S.21.200. BuaincBS Opportunity -Buyer should ha\'C knov.'1- edge of building construction. read;ng bh1c prin t:;i & making take-offs. $1500 plus inv('ntory. M-1 industrial zone wit h 110' busine!ts foolaJ::"l'. narrower in rear. Includes small 2 br. home. Sl0.5(}(1. 3 Br. home , fireplace, lot 60xl38, neeJs some \\"Ork. ' Good location. $9750 v.•ith $2000 dov.·n . Loh Lots Lots &6xl75 -Residential -All utilities -Pa\•cd ~trcet $2450. Small office for rent on Newport Blvd. $50 per mi'> G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. ~tcCard lc0 1810 NeWPort Bl\'d., Costa ~lesa. THREE ACRE COUNTRY EST ATE Lt 8·1601 With beautiful ru11tic early American type hom1• (nearly new). Plenty of room for stables. pool and real country living -\\'ith possibilitiy of sub. dividing. At $3i,500 it's hard t o bc:it. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coaat Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8·3·18 1 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar with never ending view- TWO STORY, 2 bdrm. lhave plans for 3rd bdrm. to be added at small coet l, 21 :: bathe, lge. !iv. rm., Mparate. dining room, large knotty pine den l'.'ith built-in bu, lounge, 2 fireplaces, basf'.mcnt v.'ilh 150,000 BTU furnace. Expensh·cly carpeted wall to wall thru-out. Garbaie disposal and dishwashe r. HoUM G yn. old. Large double garage "A"ith laun· dry, radio-controlled garag~ door. Lot 50 x. 14:.!". Well lan<!Kaped. Thia home must be &een to be ap· preciated. Located at 3312 Ocean 81\'d., Corona del Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONAB~F. OFF·~~R Sh0own by appointment only P hone Owner, Jill •rbor ~35 1 5&:5S TR\' ~ Franc is J. Horvath' RF.A l.TnR Llberl)' 11·~101 -H11rbar I ti:$ X l.<:\\"POJ~'f !~I.AND 1>t:1•1.~·x :1 BI~ 011111 2 IJ. rl · U!\ll,; <'v11t0'1 \"i.· ... · ,,( "'~""· b11y. 111111 r~rk l•lt'11l1~' h-""•I•••! f"r bi' .. c11 und ln1:01tl<' f'r<•!J<'~tt1on. <_1P'"n H t•ll'<C l ·i'> p 111. tJHl!\". -tul .JSth S1re~t .1'11l't re•l11ct J rro1n S:!l.!100 to 121 .~.oo C0 8TA ~ff':SA 1:1u~1n··~J1 (lt!H·•· & huolU1ni.:~ V•'r'' 11lt•'-'•"· "n l'lae1:n1J11 A\"t• "I~" wn.1.J ll'(u k )11i:-.-qtupr11·•11\ !-;ev-"f" I l1f'll"l'I lll1\l 11·.~ 11••1·,• I<• flt 0\'l•lll" !1•"•1!~. \"ll••1 k l\Jlh •>!I "''' '··::111.1.ns yo11 t fl"• •II•. " H. R. h<l""" 11 n,1 '""t!"I:" "n JUI H·I l<•l with 'h.~l'I<'•· I<> •·!q"1n•I. $1!1.00i\ O nh· ~~.~~10 •l••wn - lnll11111-.., lu hf' t•·llnenr~,1 t"·~ "'Ith :S H H. /111'1 1~ "It :0-:<'-..•- P"'"l Houle\'10 .J l't1·.1I rr.r b11.<11· nl'lll' -r•·~lil•'r'I<'<' con1bl:1allon $ll.5-0f!, T~• 1u1i- I ll. R. hn111e -(urn1.•li"•I nn lari:.r. 1•11 . ['.1t10. hadJ1'• '"" G111;ii.:e $:.ii(\() :1 12() \\". B11 lh41i1 l~J1·d. Xt•w pcut ~216 X""'ll"' t Hl•'<I., Collta ~I r~& VALUE-PACKED Income Corona del Mar I units -2 fnll !ritll. ln<·•)n1e S2t15 11 nlr>nth. Only 6 yra. "ht. :-;.,w!)' <l<'l'<o!l<!••rl S'.!j/,!,O full ]l!"lre . $;,oh"' 11..,-..·n Call '"" 1o11p't to .«'<! l h •.< Jt~:AL l:\l "Y ! Cliff Hav en Fl."\"!-; Ol"l'l.EX ~h·11dy 1n<'Ot1l<' J"l'C'tJl".I uf $17t> niunth ~;1;_;,:1 111nnth l'"Y" Fil.\ 11v': luan, t :1x,·~. 1a.;111.1110·•· 111••\ l~<t .«'hOldl Full !H'H"e Sl!l,11111' Ba lboa Isla nd l·11n 11·i,: 1.(J"r "·ith .. p ... -, .. 11. 11 p1. ., .... r .1 .. ubll' '("t;•t:." r•luit j.!.ll1·~\ 1u1an ><n•I lwll1 1111 • li<I}' .. 11 !• ~r H"fl •i\' !••t· '_:1.'I 111111 A~k1ni; $\fl ;;o ~· .. t h1~ ""J Jto r~ 11ub· llUI t••t nl~ Muriel M. Pinover Hl-:A LTOP. 2tllM Newport S lv<I., N-port. Bch. ~'"~Y P11rkln1t Hurbor 4610 :ise~o A FIXER-UPPER $1 ,200 Down OPl'O!!TL":.:ITY !o llx up th1!1 2 OOllrU<Jm hun1" phi~ 11 J11r~e back pro11h. 1..n<lll••l on 1!111 r 11ert! o( i.:•••lulh! , 1.,,~. In -"•"l'l'"ll Ulvd. On \"1,·tvt"Hl ~\. 111 !:'""! ~l.'~·t1nn II 1.~ l"t «t nuthll!lllu1i.;. Quot~ ff hit or "'"I k; hn.~ bt"o·TI jloTil' h ll \i)~ prnr•r1·11· 11!!•·•1•1)' P11~·1 ru•111.~ ilk•• . 1 ~nt. l·ull p nr•' Ill' "nly- $6 ,950 Phil Sullivan & George Everson 18:,;; :O.:m1·pn1 l 1:1!1·.l., Cul!la ~l c.'la 'A • r(·~-~ f nlfll CO.'ll ll ~1 r~ll U11nk I J':: .. ne Liberty 8·6761 t~1T~ lt;or. ·l."l(l6-LI !1·21Ul Ocean Front ~ .. ,.11 .. ,.,. Gr C.,r 2 H. IL hr,rn"" ~ ; YIS ultl J)lol ;:1t1 . $1";,~,111 1 F ull p11r•,. $~>00fl 11••\\"ll Channel Front Mi\l"tf'!"S \"llHXF H 2 H H . hnn1r , ......... "" ,...,..,_,.,._,1,. """" .. w ... k '"""'1 "'r n/r"r n~ I·•"""~ $!7,,>•IO ,,. I• "Ith $.·.0011 f!n""n Bay Front 2 II>< "ld, 7 hd1 111~,. •! 11'•!1\.", l(l" \\.1t,,1:1 (mt. t.tlJ..••r ~lip. h•·R• !1 :i. •·•r i..arag•· :"IM•H '"!· !I f 111n .• f""lll•ln"! ,,., •~H]oli~·ll\f'r\ Il l !ht> !'11• .. (•f $88,U(l<• • Bayvie w Realtors ZJ"!;, Halbon Bh·d . !\°<'\\"!IOtt B1·~1 II ""'' ;\.171 6:.c6i Take On e Good Look • B\' O\\'NEll, lt·a ving July l !Jt XOT A:O.:O"l"HEH Lll{F, IT for lhl11 LO\\' !'HICE $18.!'JOO. BEAl'.TIFl"l. l.ln~,1 C' llO"-"Rnl H<;llon ... aat l i•lr nrnr h11y. Ct.:STO~l Bl"IL T. 3 bdrm .• '..! b11th~ Ranch -type hnn1I', "h11kt rcx,f LOVELY LARCF. kitrt\rn, \\·r,t· ern "Holl~· ovrn 4· giu Jll111 r11 l!l'\ ln BP.ICK \\";\J.L. 19117 A ll~o A\'t'. Ll ~CZ'1y 8·.123.'l ~llfC $2500 Down 1200 "q fl -3 11,11 in 2 h•t h hnn1• fl0xl20 Lol. 'l , 111 i-s.1·ngor 011 11JJ .. y . l'.o.1·r ,1 l!lr"<'I •nil curb~ All l11.ntl!lrRp1:ii: Ill Lnt'IUohn.r hu,:(' fl<1\h• v.o th >11•\lll f.: ~111~1!1 do>or & l"t~ uf ""b•i.: 11..,u..e"" !,·a· lure~. ~cl' 11t 1117J H.n."'m11ry • 1·111r " t·.:.~:11 !-1........ o ... ,; .. ,. 1..r 8·16!1~ 0 5tfc : I 62-Rf'R I ,.;.,t11lf" G'?.-ltt·nl .. :tot11lf' 16'2-R.-al E111tate -----· ------------------------------------~--· .. ----- ·C" THU~I AS "(..;"' Tl-IOr.fAS "C" TJiO~t AS "C'" THUM.AS COSTA MESA J·:X('1'~1">T IONA L \".J\LL'E -\lery nice 3 bedroom hon1e 111 choice eaSts1de location. lovely yard, com· pletely f<'nced, fX cel\ent <'Ondi tion throughout . A BU\" AT $10.500 CLIFF HAVEN HEllE'S AN O PPOl~TLNIT\' to buy a ).'.:OOd 3 bdrm. hon1c &t the 1 .. 0\V p;.ire o.{ St3.750 unfurnished or lcasf' "'il h opti'on t o purch1u:;e 11t $125.00 llCr month · furnished. --· DON'T ~fISS THIS ONE ~ BAYSHORES CH AR ~f!NG RANCH ST\'LE HO!i'E offers 3 lgc bedrooms. 2 t ile b!iths. att ractl\"e \iv. room with fire- place & beam ccilin~. entry ha\!, din. roon1. 'prize ""inn ing k itr·hen. built around a ilclightful patio," w to v.• <·arpcting , custo1n tai lored d r:i1X'!I, n1atching "'allp;:ipcrs, choice co r. location -$38,250 BA. \'SHORE: ORl\'E -BRAND NE\\' 3 bedroom, 2 bath home "·ith \'IE\\' of bay. large Ii\'. rOom, fireplace, F'. A. heat, mere. ""'itches. built·in ther-. mador stove, many attractive features & PRICED at only $29,i50 with low down· payment. ATTRACTIVE completely h.1rnlshcd 3 bedroom. ~fODERN . inside-plant er, fircp!:ice, din. area, an abundance of black t op parking, beautiful patio - --J UST $19,500 ''C'' THOMAS, Realtor 22-1 \V. Coast Highwuy, Newport Beach Llberty 8·5527 • • > "C'' THOMAS "C"' THOMAS "C" THO~lAS "C'' THOMAS LIDO ISLE 3 large bcdroon1s -2 bnth house with comfortable ]~\·ing rooin. It has lanai-forced air heat. Large south patio -all on 52" lot. Newport Heights Here's To p Value 3 b.lrm~ rull blolh, ti.lwd fl•"'"· fln"pl11•·11 • th<'rn10 ccintrollrtl i.:~11v11r furn&.;•-l<f'!)¥r&t" 2 0111r ptr•11:-~n th• ""Hri11:ht1"' most df'.1<l r•bl., n•lghborhMd. Vl.111 prlre $1 3.~.00 vd th 4'; C. L loan . . Betttr htlrl")' ou 1.h11 tJllof"'.: ... We're Real Proud or thll' l'X clullh•• nrll rly """' 3 bdrn1 . 2 bHlh Hu~!!I' "ln;h•rn .,..,l.h hd.,.·IJ, noo1~ .-.;i\'l'r,1d with bt-11ut H11I "'"•ll lo "'""ll r11.11!-l't1ni1 -fl'rrrd 111r h,.•t -JC•rb 1!1~po1'. al-large h\•1ngrooni "'·1th fll"<'• pl11 ce look1n1: 1>11! on 11 l<)\'<'l}" -..·11o1lPd µ.lou !Hl<I hl'rk yat1I F\111 pru· .. ju~t $16.:,.l'M) •with ~',-H . -A7 I f'TTl"l ~ ~ Artistic Modern If you Ukr 1"<'11 1 ~IOOt'n• th<'n th1.11 h1 for you: ;1 n.1r·n111. larf:P pl111r i,:l11a1 rncloM!d llv!ngroom and tllnln1p·(t(>n1 "llf"n!ng ontt• Z rf'P· 11r11tt t roplc-111 p;i!lo,. n111tlf' to ordrr for indoor-outtloor 11v1n1:. SI• 9:\0 -..·o!h • lo-..· do.,.·n 1•11y· m~nl. Want a 1/2 Acre Ranch? H"l'e it l• "-'i1h 11 reid C'ute :l h<!rm. ai:id 1)111J1 hunie ••"t ll 1 1~·1rm. 11n{! b•th J:U0'.111 h Ollllt' or r ... nt11.l unH. l'l<'n!y o r 1·00111 tor hOt11t•11. ehirkrna or what h11vt you. l\"11 close to the 811ck Bay and il"ll priced rlJ:ht 11ot S13.9:!0 ...-1th xlnt terma ..• St"e u.11 no-..• on lhi11 one! Bay & Beach Realty 1696 Ne'ol·porl Blvd. Col!t& t.tcaa . Calif. Liber ty 8·1H51. E vea. LI 8·31:.8 Owner Says "Sell" Only $6,000 Down 530 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven • S4,000 Down 307 ·Fernando, Balboa Completely furnished including clolhc11 wuher and dr\'t't. Rt'ai:l fu n~ve Into. Bav viPW ff'Om Uvins . . . . room ""tfh rireplace. 3 bc-droom11 plu11 IRrge rumpu• rOl.)111. t ' ~· bath!!, gttrKgt>. SS,000 Down 1710 Plaza de! Norte Balboa Peninsula Point 3 bed rooms. 1 ' ~ baths. Fireplace in large livin1 r oom with dining l\rc-a. 1' .. aces quiet landscaped City Park. OPEN DAILY 1 · 5 2631 Crestview Bay Shores L11rge li\'ing room with fi replace. Full dining room, . . 3 b!'drooma. 2-car garagc, completely redecorated. Good Terms. Price $18.~. 135 Ft. OCEAN ' FRONTAGE . ' For Builder or Investor R3 Zone 4 unit Apartment on lot 55' x 100' with adjoining Iola 40' x 100' and 102' x 135',on Ocean Front. AU as one parcel with 197 ft. frontage on 2 1treeta and 135 ft. Ocean frontage. Priced at only S32,500 Open hquse, Sat.-Sun. Good Te rms. Full Price $51,000 Completely Furnished Cuntcmporary moJcrn in every \\"ay tho here and thc1·c yuu'll find a lovely ant ique. It has 3 bdrms., conv. den, 2 baths. bCautiful floor cover ing thruout. Complete privacy in patio -spacious li\·ing room Y>ith large stone fi replace. Tl-I E DISCRIMINATING BUYER \VILL APPREClATE THIS $43,500 • $omc very nice lots Busine8s opportunity broker!> Bay · & Beach Realty -Lido Off ice 3112 Lafayette. Nc\\'llOrt Ha r. 3643 · 2999 t'\'CS, ••Just to the Right of Lido Bridge Entrance" BALBOA ISLAND ~AFE AT li0 :\1F..: PLATE~ Spend your summcr va- cation al home! Sec this very nice 2 bdrm. comp'I. furn . home near No. Bay and clo1:1e to village. You'll do as so many have done -CO~fE 1'~0R A \'ACA· TION -STAY A LIFETl~f E~ Sl9.000 wr.-11 F.ASY terms. Cliff Drive Special IN\"IT1': Tl-IE B.ELATIVES -You "·on"t be crov.·d- cd here "'hen thcy all come do"·n for a day at the beach~ Lg<'. i;pacious roonls. f ull dining rn1. view sundeck, big .rard1 2 lge. bdrm11. Price incls. l'lll furn . k ill·hcn"•arc, paintings, si lver-clec. appliances. many, many extras. S l9,950~ O\\'NER ANXIOUS. Corona del Mar rr;r;1 .. L IKE J.'ALLING IN LO\'E AGAIN ? Herc's your chancc. ('h11.rm. 2 bdrm. hon1e. F'.A. heat, lge. !gt'. t l(Jst•ts and lots of them, beaut. patio. wunderful bril'k frpl. ""ith hcatrota, fning rn1. lg-e dbl. garage. b('alll. pl11nt ings. $18,000 \\"ith good terms .• MARINER'S ISLE REALTY 318 ~-larin" 1\\"C., Balboa Island GARDEN CLUB PRIZE WINNER Harbor 4781 On bl·autiful big rornc·r kit 111 hl':i\"t'nly Cliff Ha\"~ ~:ncln!!C'd \\"1\ h grapcfitake rcne1'. 1"hc li\"in g room & dl•n both opt•n untn the largl' pnt1 u. The 3 s pa cious bJrms. a11d 2 bnths arc. ideally si luatcd in thii; v.:e!I planncd ('Uston1 budt hon1e. \'ou "ll love the la rge modern kitchen \\"i th all t he l'On\·enicnccs. \Ve \\"ill be-prr>ud to shov.• I his ll)veJ~t home. Price S35.500. Call the VOGEl·CO. 3201 \V. Coast Hv,.y., Npt .. Sch. Liberty 8-3481 * Need Room For The Kids7 * Try th is 3 bedr oom home on•one'of those le\'e) cor· nl'r loll>. Con1plf'lely redttoralc<l -Immediate oc- cupancy -Tnp neightnrhood -Con\'enient to e\"erything. Only $i4,500 -$2500 will handle R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 IJ. Coae~~c~~g~;~ :e~~~te Hu 2774 DO N'T F'AlL to lll'f! th\a chH.rm· !ng 3 bdrrn .. 2 bll.th hon1e. \'ou"ll lo\'e t hf' exl·ellenl fl oor·p\11n, lari;:e 111,.ture windo.,.·. \\" to \\" ca rpet. \\"ell arr1tngl'd klh·hen -..·ith lood11 ur t•upt)oar.J~. ~1 an_I' many ulht'r f1•11tunea th•t .... -ul ple111e thl' n1oat di!!<:nm1nt· Ing buytr . Sre thf1 home before you buy, t Mult1plf! Liiting No. 63001 OPEN HOUSE 706 Larkspur, Co rona dcl 11ar Friday, Saturday and Sunday HERE'S ll Z bclrtn. Wllh !1repl11ce. braml'd celt!ng. =""e11t & clran M 1. pin! f:nclrw1ed yRrd. J wn rr- tt<>ellr11tl'd! o-..·n~r ... ·anta llC"llon. S:.?.~00 <101<·0. Frank James Linwood Vick HEAL.TORS 312 lttarine Ave;, H11lbo11. I!land H11rbor 20-t Z COSTA MESA CUTE 2 ~droom homP, Lo\"ely ~it ehl'n .,..,\h l!t'p. dining rtll"!m on 1. 60111 30 rt. Jot ---0nly 17.PSO 2 AEDROOM hOlll!l' "'·Ith firPpl11rf' on 50xl10 ft. lvt. Laq:e 111llc 1---..·orknhnp. \\"1t h1n v:alk!ni; d1~· t11 nee of 11t(>!"••a 11 nd C athuhc ~chool. 113.000, BALBOA 3 BF.DROO~t HOUSE -l..a!"~" 11 vini: room, clo~e to b11y. l~.000 do"'" -..•Ill hlln(lll!. Balboa Peninsula' LO\~EI,..\" 4 lldnn'., 3 bath hon1~ 2 llvoni; rn1! .. 2 firep!lu:Ps. Furn· 1~hril. l'rrmllnl'nt \'I<:"" of octnn from up~t1u r~ !lv1n1; roon1 Gno<I t er111~. Coast-Properties :101 !-:. P.11lboa Hl\•d. Balbua H11rb"r 26:.s. 259j 11.ncl 4600. Builder Will Trade Open House . l" II 111, l•J 8 fl (ll 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands 3 or 4 l>l!clrm• .• Z batl\1!1. 111111:nHi· cent k1tchrn 6' d1n1ng rm . Pla)'· roorn-2000 f l. Jn hnu~,., p lu11 l(e. dhl. gar1111:r, SPA \0JPW, F. P. S29.~. C11n be purchaud on low <ln-..·n pu.yn1e11t. Th11 IA A large I'll. ~·1.11 !r11.,••. Phone biiihler H11rbor 3891-J !lilt re C·l Zone 2 BF.DRM. older hou&t, £a11t 18th ' SI.. Cu•L& "'"''"· C•ll 0"'"fltt. LJ S·e7e9. f\~~;sh 269 E. 13th St .. C01ta MPM. Part• Jy fum. 1rn~l wtta,l;f". g11 r•l!'.a. l.nt .'\exl2:'i--R--t 'tnrif" c11,h lll,:KKI Full pr ier. Cuurtr1y tn brokPr. r Cl~p97 1112 FIRST TIME OFFERED E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA BAY FRONT PIER & SLIP 2 YEARS OLD 7 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 3 CAR GARAGE FURNISHED BAY FRONTAGE 40 FT. This is an ideal summer or year round home for the executive with a large family $88,000 NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY J im and Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 CORONA DEL MAR Two lots on Ha1.cl Dri\"e, south of boulevard, Only tv.·o a\"ailable. _, S5.000 each . :! bedroom home near shopping. Has dining L of r living room. fireplcite. tile in kitchen & bath, fenced . ..-ar~. 4 '. G. I. loan. $12.000 RAY REALTY CO. ~144 E. Coast Bl\"d ·. Corona del ~far H~rbor 2288 Open House Daily 1 -5 p. m. 615 Jasmin~, Corona del Mar CllA R~llNG rrovi11ci;d 3 bdrm., }l~ ·bath born e. ::!6·ft. l1\·ing r111. · firt·placc. H.amble11 all over thia 60 f'T. I.OT , flc1.:l udccl ~uc11l house rentcd Unfum., $70 ]'ll'r mun. Fr·ench pickct fence. Don't miss thi•! Out of t own Q\\'ncr say!! '"Sell "! $24.500 Euy term•. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor Use Our Free Parking Lot 2602 Nt"'port Blvd. Harbor .4711 * 25 YEARS Cliff. Haven on Kings Road 2000 11q . ft . home on the Clifr-ove rlooking entire Httrbor 8irr•a "A'i th a view that Ca'fl never be ob- • istructt.-0. Only $6000 dO\\'n. Greenleaf -Severts Really 311 2 1'e\\'\>Vrt J:ll\"d., :-.;C\\'f~rt Beach Harbor 2552 J::\•es.: Liberty 8-3188 * 25 }'ea.r11 U\ t.he 11ame location . ' , I · I r- I I I ' ., BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor Balboa. lslan.d BEST BUYS 1'tnt time offered : Lovely and spacious 2 -8.R. home plu. extra euest room k bath. Large dining room .• H.W. floof"I. F.A. heat. Beaut. walled patio. A home -you'll love to own.-$27,500 . ..l'_emm, Waterfront Income. $29,WO. Attractive 3 B.R. home and 1 B.R. apt. Both uniUi furnished. Tenwi. Better look at thia ! LIDO ISLE $4850 down . A hqney, 3 B.R. 2 bath home. \V to W carpeta. Drapes. Lovely patio.· Tot.al price $31,500. -See lhla NOW BAY SHORES PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP describes this deluxe spa- cioWI home. 2 B.R. 2 baths. Fireplace, F.A.. heat, Beaut. liv. rm. and dining lanai open onto secluded 1unny patio. !.tust be seen to be appreciated, A real buy at $24,750. . 321 SIGNAL ROAD CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE 1 't111 5 SEE THIS TODAY. OWNER'S LOSS -YOUR GAIN Lovely large home', 4 B.R. 2 baths. Master B.R. 20x20 wi th marine view. An ideal family hQme. Patio. Children's playground. Fruit trees. Needa soine redecorating. The low price will surprise you. Hurry. ?.-lust sell ! CORONA DEL MAR Home and Income. Un usually charm. & spacious 2 B.R. and den home. 2 fireplaces, and a 2 B.R. apt. over 2 car garage. Extra parking epace. Badminton court. 45' loL See us about t his, but QUICK.· Full price $23,500 BLANCHE A .. GATES , Realtor MOIBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marin~ Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 VOGEL ·VALUES Check These <J.utstanding Buys NO. 1-Newport Heights N ice 2 BR. home plus lge. 2 car garage & 12'xl 4' work shop. H\V. f!ooni, fumacl', tile in kitchen & bath. breakf11:st area, scn·ice porch. brick patio, ~·aUed yard. $3000 will handle -aprox. S79 per mo. F ull ~rice only $13,375. See this. don't pay rent. No. 2-Cliff Haven Walk to 8Chonl & church. 3 BRe., family home. - 14"x20' JiYing room looks out on covered patio porch & fenct>d yard. Firepla ce. furnacr, H \V noo rs. tile in kitchen & bath. 4 r;. G.I. resale. Only Sl4,850. See thie today. No .. 1-Corona de! Mar 3 BR. hnme plus incorne on 43' lot. ocean Mide of H\11y. Fron t home is large and has HW. floors, fi re- place, f ull dining room. Rear apt. is furnished and ~ted at .$60 pE"r month. The price is low -only :$13.200. Good terms, THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast H .... ·y., Corona dl'I ~fo.r. Har. 1741 & 1477 VACATION COTT AGE • • ONLY $8000 O.NL Y A "Dilly" for the price 2 .bd nns. ·-..,.,i th fuJ(ba.th, Lcvl'I R·2 lot, ce1ncnt brick wall Good locatio n for shopping, Corona del ?.lar Room for addlliun11.l apt. that would have vie w of ocean. Move Fast On This One! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor -Drive into our free p::i rking lot - 2602 NeY.rport Al''d., Newport Beach. Harbor 4718 2 LE FT MOVE IN TODAY S500 DOWN The best 3 bed room-2 bath tract home in lov.•n. Hardwood floors -Plaate~d v.·alls -Full size din- ing room -forced ai r heat -dl s po>111.I -t\\'O car garage. YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR THE BEST DEAL IN TO\\'N. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. Coata A!eaa · (aero• from Coata ?.leaa Bank) Phone U 8-6761 . i'..."'Cfl. Har. 4366• -LI 8·2103 BEST .BUY .on LIDO ISLE Price now reduced below reph1ct>ment cost ... Beau- tlf'\ll, almost new t~·o-story 3 bd.rm., 3 bath Bay Front home. Bay \'i€''\\" from all rooms. Fully car- peted, beautiful drapee, new pi<';: & slip, Prite in· cludea 20-ft. Century t;peedboat one year old. ArtUtic 111.ndsc,aping. All thia for $64 .950. Better hurrry aa this won't last. EARL W. STANLEY,· Realtor ill.3 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Har. ~013 -:---- p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle Come and see this beautiful new home on the NORTH BA YFRONT . 106 Via Lido Nord Open 1 to 5 Sat. & Sun. Designer, bUilder and decorator have worked u a team to create a mastern.iece in thia striking home, Spaciousneq in a smaller home is the· key to· it. plan. Sliding gt~SB doors overlook your own pier and float and the bl ue bay beyond. Slate entrY. carpeted. dis hwasher, Therm. O\'Cn & range, dia- posaJ, 2 lo\'ely tiled baths. 2 good sized bed.rm.a. and a nice den. Its owner will enjoy gracious living, in a home up.to-date as tomorrow. Let it be you! $57,500 ACROSS FRO~f CLUB on SAN REMO. Fully furn- ished. \•ery attracti\·e 3 bdrm 2 bath home ready to move into. Jo'lagstone patio, shingle tile roof, full furnace. This is the best buy we know of in a leas expensive home. $26,900. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sa les management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 RANCH MODERN See the out.at&nding Bay A: OcNll view from W. 3 bdrm. 2 bath home. The term. are u attractlve u the view. Price $25,500. Call Bill Farnaworth. Lido Strada Home S bdnu. 2 baths. Excellent conditlon. 80' lot. Large Patio and beautiful gt.rd~. $32,500. ~lc: for Hodgldnaon. EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS 2 bedroom le den (or 3 bedroOm) 2 b&t.b.tl, 2 Ultd brick fireplace•. Heavy ahake r oot, view of moun . tainB & ocean. Thia iR a beautiful home In a top location. (Ask for Dave Osburn). p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty S-5573 Balboa Beach Home ii JUS'I' 3 DOOR to t he h<o11t Bay ~aeh. 4 b(o(ll'oom1. 2 bath~. Dandy for Jiu·,i:e family <'r wlll make "''Onderrut r"n!nl propt'r ty, Furnl,.hed 11~ p<'r Jrn·enlory, $16.MO. $6000 dov."11. ii CORONA DEL MAR BEST -VALUES Houston Values C~}>nial Beauty · NE\\'PORT HTS. 1. DUPLEX · 3 bdrm. nice Hv. rm. with nr9- p1ace. oak Ooor1, i:ab!e roof, dbl. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV· ,ACll ' THURSDAY, JUNE 1•, 1951 81":!"!! -a •oo1 - BALBOA ISLAND Choicest Bayfront Buys BAY FRONT HOUSE A APT.,·No. Bay. BoaatlM beach. $10,000 down, balance euy. • -- LITl'LJC ISLAND -00 fi. bar., trontap, pier A float. 4 bdrma. Superior conltrucUon. A sood lla:J1 DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -L..ury - and income. $65,000. WATERFRONT-Fum. 3 bdf,o. h-and 1 bdrm. apt. Fireplace. $10,000 down. Full price $28,GOO. ISLAND OO'M'AGE -Obie. cane• . .,,..... $15,7!!0. 4 BDRMS., 2% bat.ha. New furniture. TV. BBQ. North Bay mooring. Good family home. Sbowa •· cellent income. All for $24,0M. WATERFRONT -2 auperior unit.a . 3 bdrm.., 1~ baths, fireplace DOWN: 2 b<lrma. 2 b&tha UP.' BaJ view from upper deek. $45,000. Sub111it down. Cottage near South Bay. 3 bdrma., l ~'i bath&, fir. place.' large living room. Attractive patio. E:l:celleat rental record. Good value at $26,5QO.. • .. CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INCOME -t tumlohed Wilt.: 1 bdrm. each. No vacanciem ln over a year. Rent la $65 ea.Ch. Groae yearly $3920. All in tlrat clMI con- dition, $6000 takee .. Full price $22,SOO. .ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private patb..,-to little Corona beach, $2l5,500. LUXURIOUS 5 bedrw.m yt~ hQ...me. Luah b91'wl patio and yard. $15,000 down ~ --Peninsula Home! BF.AUTJF't:I~. S PACIOUS 4 bed· ,.onrn, 2 b11th!I home. 13 x '2~ llv· In g l"OOm with f!ag~tnnc fire· place. Or••lln \•!<'IV rrnn1 upstA lr r<)tlrn!I. -:-:,...,,: lllP rnli1r lov.·t'r fl oor_ $23.,'}()(), S5000 riO\lo'n. Two separate unit.a, 2 B.R. each. Corner lot. Some ocean view. One leased for year at $100 per month. $15,000 loan at $103 per mo. One unit being held vacant for rw:w owner. Priced at $22,500 which in- cludes new washer Ir: dryer. Low down payment ..... IU<od yd. v " .• m dy. SEE us f BEA. ·coN BAY d B •y 0.."?ler anxious, ltOOO wt 11 Or &D A will handle. Beach Hom e! •• OR YEAR AROl;\O Ll\'l~G. ! 2. JUST LISTED bt'drooma. 11# b11lh11. ClO!ll! to Rchool llnri :'\". H. Y. Clnb. ~orne furniture lnclutled. On" ot our better va1ue11, $12,.'JOO, SIOOO Bay Front Home! 0:-.'E, OF Tl-IF: VERY f'j,;W LE FT. .5 bedrnoinll. 3 bathll. Bn lboll. Penln,.ulll IOclltl(ln. v~ry good ('<Jndll\nn llO·l hPll pit'r rlghl•. $·1~.!)00. lerrn11. Peninsula Duplex! This modem 2 bedroom home, carpeted wall to wall. dble. garage, fenced yard, paved & covered patio. G.L resale & only $14,500. 3. OCEAN VIEW HOME Owner must .ell lm.mediatelY this quality built 4. , bedroom, 2 bath home. Fully fumlshed. Will con·· aider amall home in trade for part payment. Don't delay on thia one! Priced at $39,500, Shown by appointment. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. S!Tl.' A TF.l) 0:-.' I.A RC E com rr 1 .. 1. R, .. 1..,,·0<)d exle1·i(lt 11nd bf:nu· PRICE T, McCUISTION, Realtor • tiful pan<•l Interior. E11 ch unlt 3447 E. Cout Hwy.: Corona del Mar. Har. •T hn" :1 JJedrnnmll, 11nr1 2 bn.th!I ... ~ orr· I ed d t Co d I Id Bank) Fuml~hert, nice. laundry, 5 29.~:io \ ( Ice ocat next oor o rona e ar $~.500 dO\lo'JI. ' Extra Special Value! CUTE 21, brdroon1 b<'ach home on F'..1111t Bay A\•enut. Clo11e to 11hopplni; nnd tw,.,t Bil~' ~ach. Somt-furniture lnclurleiJ. On 11 ('l)rner 11n<t you 11.houl.1 11c•e 1t for 11·1 .~00, $~.'jOO dov.·n. Balboa Realty Co. Opr.o11lte Bnnk ot America Ho~s Grrelcy Al ComeHTl!I • Erl L(>e Jack Pinkham Jo~('phln•• \\"ebb ;oo E. Dalbo!\ Bh·d .. Ba!b<:la Phone llnrbor 32j7, NEWPORT A Bayfront House on 11/2 lots Designed t o take fu11 &dva.ntage of lta location on Balboa Peninsula. The aromatic 1tent of It.a choice wood panelling greet. you at the door and 1eta the key to a graclou11 home -a combination of llveableneq and openneu ao adva.ntageoua in entertaining. F.A. beatJng, 3400 aq, fl, 5 bedma., ' baths and powder room. 3 fireplaces, Formica kitchen. Triple garage. Sheltered rur garden. Pier and .e.. wall. Price $95,000 unfumiahed 'LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor 714 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa P)lone Harbor 80. handle bal. EZ. Disc. for more SHORES properties. cuh. dov.·n. A Cheapie Only l tl2:SO Nice 2 bd. rm. •!uece. 2 bUt1. 'tut of Npt. Blvd. Small down. M-1 Placentia 88 x ,75 Plenty w1ter now. 1ewer •v•tl· able. 29% dn. Bal. E Z. For eve Int, on a bove pb LyUe LI 11·2542. M-1 Superior Good 2 bdrm. hOUM an 110 tL frontage, beat M·l dlatnct. on 1ewere. room for nlc• lhop. Jr\lll price $10,MKI, tenn•. G. I. Resale $10,750 Hio. I ll4nll. '"' -... on 0.-U. N-8L. _,.n, ClU'M prlt. dllp. Venetian bllndti. low down. with only $57.~ mo. on balance. Harbor Blvd., C-2 A. large, nlc• 2 bdrm. hou11e and 2 bdrm. cottage on rear of clone-In fa•t gTOwlng Blvd., cen· l•r of activity. 121,000, wllh cood te nns. excellent for pro- fe1slonal otfice11. CALL HARBOR 1775 -or EVES Edith Ila.-. HYatt i-6222; John Macnab, Harbor 53S9. • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Illand. EARLY AMERIC.AN Balboa Island 300 AKrI'HYST OPEN SAT. A SUN. 1-8 DELIGHTFUL 3 bedroom, 2 bath home -Larp liv. rm., firepl&oe. diAill&' .rm. ~ .ldt.clM9. ..._ ... ....... y,J •• patio....,.. ......... + Plus + Ct.rrE APT. Liv. rm. bed.rm .• kltch. A: bath. Owner wlahes to eell _now Sensibly priced $31,500. Preview ahowing by tailing - OSBORNE REALTY CO. Exclusive Agenta Income near Theater 2323 w. Co ut Hwy. rat Port 0ruip1 FOUR tum·d. Unit., 1tona'1 throw Liberty 8-7562 or Harbor 4923--J, "1!111. from theater. Room for tVl'O i ----------------------more! 12~ x tt!J CORNER. LOT, P'Ull price, $21.200, Tenna. Thia 11 an u ceptlonal offer, owner nffds actlon1 Iror E ve. lnfo. on aboTe, ·Petitte. LI a-~4 87 Houston Realty Co. A ASSOCIATES ~ C.enter St, Coirta Mea MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN SAl~E ORT.RADE fnt 2 berlroom hOn1r . Lllrgn home In Nev.1>0rt i:teacb! Bloc-k from ~ch. Up· 111.alrs renttd for $1200 plu!I per ye11r. O....·n~rs henl!h demn.nd1 s81e. $1t .OOO or i16,~00 furn. .. -LI •.e&ll lJ l ·T1M -Immediate 0ccupancy COSTA MESA i\1c-e hnme : 2 bdrm, on ?.111.p!e. ne11r 191.h strt'el. Back ya.rd fenced. Prlca $8000. COSTA MESA \\'e h11ve a 4 bdrm .. l bath l'lome 8 mo. oht. l!IOO nq. ft. Thi!!. I• Ytr)' go-nd . $1~ 9:;0. Good ttrm~. "ART" ADAIR • REALTOR. 161111 '.\'e,,,•port Blv'I. Q:i!lta ~fe111. Callt. LI 8·379l Special 3 Sed room home, near civic cen· ter, choice location. \\'ell Un· proved lltC!lrin. Sncrlfice al $1().500 Half Million buy1 large tract, no.,..· retdy to aubdl\•lde. A!lk for tleta!lt. 1' R.2 Lots ' • • BAY SHORES • • . Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 . EXCLUSIVE LISTING • Corner Arbor Dr'. & Vista Dr. • Ba;' Sborea' O evuest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raised used brick fireplace, dishwasher, disposal. Charmingly deCorated. Cnuihed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, terms . AND • 2601 Bay Shore Drive ~ 3 bdrma., 2 bath.a, bay vi ew home -All electric houu. Built-In range & oven. Carpeted and dnp- ed. Ideal home for couple with visiting relations or friends. Full pri(:Jl $29,500 -Term.a. For preview ahowing, call Harbor 1600 - (E"ea. Liberty 8·5386) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach only two av11ilable In \\'eat New·1----------------------port cloM to oce11n ~ boulevard $26.50 each N. B. C. REAL TY J2nd 6: Ne"'-port Blvd. Newport Bea ch Harbor 11"36 or 14~ 8lc44 BACK BAY XEARl.Y N E\\' 3 bdrm. home. • tenced )'d .. nlca l1V17l, k>l1 of Ult . Interior p11lntl!'d • Wl\Upa perell, dble. gar., l1rc1 kltche.n, $11 .~. 2'0331 Orchid. Sant a Ana. Hts. U berty 8·29&5. li~p67 S:\l.ALL l bdrm. hou11e on '• acrf. 'l\1tl'I •ddltlonal •n1all bid(. '2.950, Euy t•rma. 2((8 S11.nta Ana Ave., Coata :\leaa. U 8·8688. 11 e..m. -• p.m. toc87 • Planning to Build -on Your Lot? Take a look at our model homes at Ne~rport and Mitchell, Tu.tin. Open Daily 9 lo 6 Sundti ya l to 6 See tor yourself how we can build a 124-" aq, ft. home, forct:d air heat, hdwd. fl oors, 2 car garage for only $9,100. J Let us direct you to our tfomea under construction and finished. Look tbrm.lp\•er, .dOrnpare, aatlafy yourseU. "I'"! · .l We have custom ho~~an\ipg aervlce, financing for State vete, FHA Sav'inga and Loan, aa a 1 1top faciUty. Nothing down. MARSHALL HOMES KI 7-3293 -Kl 2.JM9 (Eno, LI M-073) llClcl8I' REAL VALUES Harbor Blvd. Business Corner THIS 18 ON!!: ot th• beet tiu.in..ii location• In Co•ta Meaa 8!1:1'111 ne\. Corner lot. There It a two bdr. home on property which ow ner will move off. Jf you e.ra looklnr for a buatne.aa loca· Uon IN W•, It. "ally choll'e. 3 or • Bedroom• • Forced Air Hea.t • Muaive St.on. F ireplaces • Built in Range and Oven . , . actually every luxury feature and in Orange Cou.nty'a rtneft location. Big Estate Sized Lot.a liuit&ble tor pool ud patio! Drive out Flnt Sl.rfft In Santa Ana Tbru TmUn and Turn North at Red Hill Ave, George M. Holstein & Sons, Bullden Business Property Designed by Cliff May Pr 11 Lot 40x1CM> on Newport B\Td, with ----------------------good bu1lne1111 bulldlnc. h.,. liquor 1tor1, leued. for 1100 per 1no. Priced. to 1ell. Lel ue allow you this today. B. A. Nereson . RE ALTOR. 1982 Newport Blvd.. Coit.a Me .. Phone U 8·167'1 Eves. U 1-6487 NO RACE TOUT, But Here's A Tip! Hope no~y'a listening 'cauae t.hia t. HOT! A chance to make a klllin' ! A 1900 aq. ft. brand n.., Cape Cod home with 3 big bdrms., J 1h batha, forctd air heat, brick fireplace, big modem kitchen. Shake BEST BA YSHORES beach hotae. 2 e. R. plui po~lble z e. R. over roof and pl enty ot claes. It'• in Newport, too. garage. Knotty p!ne 1nt. $21 .~ The price of $16,500 With $5,775 down will be hard HIU..SJDE vtew lot NE\\'PORT to beat. CALL- HEIGHTS ........... ' ........... $•000 ~ Th VOGEL co M·l -1'> '"" w.,t •\do Co,-i.-_,,~·-". e • Mrsa •.. _ ............... -........... $~ 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Sch. Liberty 8~81 Chot"e Ll.1'0 ba.yfront home1 .nd lo!JI Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Coul Hw1. U M .271 c.2 Property AT COR..'fEJ\ of l•t.b and Pia· CtlDtie., W!lh J bed.rm. hOUM and IPTlall 9tor-. llUBMIT uchan.,e•. Call Uberty a-sen or L1 wns. &OUc BT OWNJ:R-t bdrm. 6 d• - 20t Kmp Pl&c.. non. t..onr ..... ICIO-&J,f, -.,.1 Lido Isle ... Bay Front Home COMPARE this NEWLY COMPLETED ' Deluxe Special ... Best Buy ... Bay Front · 371 Lido Soud 4 bdrma., 3 batm, 2 1to11e tirepl.ac(;.;Dre&m Kitch-. W /W carpeting. Other luzury featurea. . Y.ou ba the JUDGE -Eu.ptlonal V ALUJ: f72,llOI .. PAGE I • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE ., 6, ·1955 "' SKIPPERS WAINED TO KEEP HONOLULU START AREA CLEAR U.S. Cout Guard official• have designated an area approximately a mile wide, just .outh of middle and San Pedro breakwaters as ''controlled area" for the start of the Honolulu yacht races and warn all ak.Jppera to keep clear of it from 11 a.m.. POST. until 12:30 p.m., Monday, July 4. The Cout Guard estimate. that between 50 and 60 la.!Ie yachta will be maneLlveriog in thla oon- tl'Olled area-pT"eviou• to-the start and expeeta them to u.il in a line parallel to the breakwater, aouth- westward put Point Fermin. All spectator. or other craft are warned to keep thiB area clear for the r~og yacht.I., on the bul• ot compettll,·e CJt· I amlnatlona. 4 Hllbcaps Stole• l_tra W. l.. Taylor, Sa.n Demar· Jin<>, reporte-d to polt<"e here S.l· urday that four hubcaf'IJ ,·aluf'<I at $30 we~ taken from her car While parked 'In the '1300 block, .\~'ut Cknn Front. TIME •• • • • ! Io Get Yoa Law·nmowers & Garden Tooh SMrpened TKE . lcleal law & Lawnmower SALES & SERVICE "'E 8EB\'JC't: e Wt: f4F.LL LAWXMOWER~ e ~AWS e liSl\'t:P' n,,.t Quality \\'orti o uarantffd R_,nable l>rl""• 1570 Newport Blvd. • C011la Mesa • Liberty 8-7511 State Grants of S&ll per Year Passed A terminal datf' four yeara hence 11 In the meuu~. and 1f the experiment 111 not eucceuful, the provl&lon1 ot the mea.1mre wUI ~come void. HowevC'r, 1f the !!X· perlment work• out, the leg!ala - ture will uk for It.a continuance. L..-----------------------rtNAL R~T -Burial ceremoni~ for Con~ble Frank Vaughn taka place in the veteran'• plot at foot -of the flagpole in Harbor Rest Memorial Park Thun- day. The plot and the flagpole were dedicated Memor· BACRA.M.llNTO, (CNS) -A ~~~~.....:..~~~~~-=.:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-new pl&ntor .. 1.at.anca lnfinanc-Good News for Home Owners COMPLAINTS LODGED ON MESA TRACT WORK IANTA ANA (0CN8) -Two and that $11,547.02 I.a owed on the complalnla to foreclOH a mechan· lc'a Uen in connection with work uaertedly done In the con.t:rucUon ot a Ooata Meaa 1ubdlvi1lon were lodged In Superior. Court here Friday. They were filed by DI Carlo·De LeDn Conetrunton Co. and Lido Plumbing Oo. ot Coeta Mua. work. The Lido Plumblnr Co. ot Coat& MN& named Orove Park J:1tatee. Z. Wayne Griffin , and the ll.., Builderi-a.nd Equipment Co. u defendanta. Accordlnr to Ula plalnU(t, It •tered into an •cr-nent u 11Ub- contractor under th• defendant.. aa contractor to hancn. plumb~ ln1tallat101111 on 21 hou.e. bi&' hifber edu.caUon waa fiveti approval by the state Mnate on -the Jut d&y of the lefialatun when It approved AB lMll, by A•· Mmblyrm.n Sheridan Rerland, Ban Dleco county. Tbe plan pnwldea for the elate to five ecbolanhipa of SllOO per year to.r deeervtnr etudftlta, who could u-. the echol&rahtpa In pr:l- vate, aa weU u public collerea. llen&tor Jamu MacBr1df. of Ventura County, who pruented the meuure, aid that It would aave money for the atau, tn vt-Of the fact lb&t It ooata more than $1300 to edUcate a atudent each yeu tn a ltat. coUere, and that private coller• could do the Job for $71>0. The .choknhJpa woUld be fiven SAVE A IRAND NEW KIND of lmurance Contract Homeowner's Policy will • • • )'OU approi:Jmately %0% ln pttmluma be<'au11e UM! f'('()ftomift 1aAIM'd by eeat• biaJnr all th-beneflt• lllt-0 a •lnale contract are p.-d on to you. PROVIDE creater w nnnt.ncr btoc:auae II ellmlnatee tbe ma.vy pullclee and ... donemeata ordln&rtly ~)' to 1h·e )'~ auch comp~l41 atturlty. PROTECT DI Ct.rlo·De Leon Con1trucUon Co. 1eeka a total ot $11.~47.02 damages, plua .even per cent In· terut, lap.wt Attye Land Co .. Ben King, Fred Byen1. Grove El· tatu, Wayne Crittin. Mesa Build· era and Equipment Co. and Cl'Ove Park Aaaoclates. · Udo Plumblnr -U MOel.JO which It cl&lma 11 the amount due ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ your bome loveetment from I~ by fttt, Uclltnlnc, wlnd•tonn, ball. e11ploe&oa, riot, cl\•ll t OIJlll)otlun. alrcralt. tllllOke, n h.lrwa not 0"'11ed or operated by the lnau~ or Illa lt'll-tlt, thefl, "ater eacap.., rup· ture of •lf'am or bot "'ater beatl111 •Y•t6na, \'aAdaUam -d n1alkloua mlllOhlef, \'f'hk'" ownl!(I and operated by lhf' 1-lll'f'd or hlll t f'iuanta, fall of t,_, fllWllr object., free&la&'. aollapM'. IMMbllde. aad 11.a.u .. ~, ... on the work dona on th• defend· ants' tract of houae1. Newport Vari<ty YOU. a u4 10 8TO&.E Nature'• flr1t and IUt le..ona We OfYe Oro-Stempe '"'' plaintiff claima It entered Into an agreement to perfonn a con1trucllon job for the defendant• te&ch man to be kind, and even OeMa Froat N-.r rtu pride ahould 1&11cUon wll&t our n&· NEWPO&T BEACH turu need. -Mary Baker Eddy ~===~~=====~ INSURE Y•W' ~!Ilona •1llle oo your preml-( 40r,_ of the amount of In· auraace on your dw•lllnc) from &IL thf'-hazard• plua theft. It &IN &llo"• you a t lf'Ut StOOO protf'Ctloa tor )uur po-..alon• If danul1;.cl er dHtroyed by pt"rlla lnaurf'd &(&!nat while M)"''hf're In the "'orld. ;;;;::~~============::;;:;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, For Speclallzed Service on Your Automatic Walher PHONE Liberty 8-7808 Eaterprises DALLAS PALMERS IN HAWAII Mr Anil ~Its. 1Jallr11 l'al11w1. 40~ M St., are abown aboard 88 Lui ltn~ tx111n I ror \ .11 a lion to Hawaii. They left Loa Ari&elea Hl,\r bur Mny 27. 2 Harbor Men Serve on USS Oriskany '. 2019 Oranr• Ave .. and h~band ot the former Ml• OUdle Ralnwater nt 2012 Oranie Ave .. all of Costa Mesa. SAN FRA:>:CJSCO. I FHT~Cl-The 1hlp, a unit of the 7th Fleet. CLUfD LAMINATtD MEMBERS, GIVE CL£AR SPAN, AFFORDING GREAT STQENGTH AT LOWE.R Two Ne" port Ha rbor men nre left lt1 home port In M&r<"h on her 1t>1ving a bonrd the USS Oriskany. third tour of Far Eaal!'m duty Far Eas t 11ttark n!rcrntt carrier. end will vl11lt port.I In J apan, They are Ront•lfl S. J ohnson. elec· Hawaii and the Philippines before t nc1an'A n1t!.lt' fh em11n apprentice, returning In the fall Oriskany, l"SN. son or ~tr. an•I :'\fr11. Paul naml'd after a famous Revolution· Johnson of 4 111 •, Clubhouse A \'e .. ary War battle .. wu commlNloned Newport Bc.1rh and Charlh R. in 19~0. COST. COMPU.TE &UILOINO vnuTY Moble\' Jr . aq1Hlon boauwaln'11 DEllVEQED TO JO& SITf FQOM tl!I Pf.R.scin. OR COMPL[TlLY f.RfCT!O, IHO.UOINC; S~ FROM t I 9 P£.R. SQ. FT. fOR. COMM!.R.~ mate 'Uitrd rlu .. i.. i.:s~. 11eon ot Mr . and Mi's. n rnrl.-s R. Mobley. or Belts, Towels ·taken PMlM.OA IMOUHRW. WI.. ~w 111 •· ""- BE SURE -INSURE with MAl lKU't, i-TA.'lfl.EY lnliurln..,. Only Phone Harhor 2474 s315 r.. C"'a•'t m111wa1 Corona d!'I ~far. Old E11tabllshf'd ln1urance Agency All llnl'I! writtrn. BOWARD \V, GERRISH 1808 Ne" port Blvrt. Costa Mesa PHO~t: LlBERT\' 8-161% Call DAN'S TV 8en1ce • Rental9 • Salee Liberty 8-2228 ~IATTRESSES lloata .-Home• -Tra.Uen lrr'f'(Ul•r 1"bapr11 Llbert7 8-UOS COSTA Mt:SA MATIRESS CO. !I ~O S ewport Bh•d. WATF.tt HEATER!\ s .. Ln . SUVICE •ftd H PAlltS }011 P§~6lofJ Jl .. d 10 PH CIHT DOWM ,,_••• Horloef U)I P A.RD:8 -RIDLEY HORTU&BY r...--t.y Oii.AUEL CILU'IJL 111 ........,, I-O..ta .. _ LAertJ I-NII ... a.MN fi . wers "'.' lfm. ,, ' Thefl ot aeveral belt• and d l11h towels from 2191~ Onyx Ave. wu reported to police June 8 by Benita Wll11on. She u ld the h_o_u_ae_l~pen for rental•:_· __ .....'._~=~==~~=~~===~~~~~=~=~~~ HURRY ! HURRY ! SHOPPER Bargains ~ Galore! Ne.1~- on aD -e Home Appliances TV Sets -New & ~secl We are Loaded with 1955 Floor Models, Repossessions and Used 19 Television Sets All Fully Guaran· $ 95 teed. All Makes· and Sizes. Priced as low as Bring Ua a Customer & Receive a Valuable Gift NO DOWN PAYMENT, Easy Terms NO PAYMENT FOR 445 bA YS Di&oount to Senioe People GIANT TRADE. IN\ALLOWANCE WE SHALL NOT BE UNDERSOLD • RELIANCE HOME APPUANCE . SERVICE CO. "W~t lfO"' BAnp ht C'oflfidtJf<'f Ofld 81111 for L!'1'f .. Kl S-7100 2102 K. MAIN ST. SANTA A.NA JU 2·1651 . , . .. Aa Low Aa . $19.95 0..ud l:lectrte ...,.. At Low Aa $15.00 [J $32.50 Au~ Wuhen A• Low A• .... trl ........ .,.,...,. .... i.w ... SSt.91 9ulck Service roa Roller Shades Standard 8ha4e Clothe and CU.tom SpeclalUee • Drapery Jlardwan • Venetian IW.Dda CALL llAJUIOB IH THE SHADE SHOP '81 '1841 SL. Newport Baell .... i-. Poet omoe PAY FOR additional llvlnr u:penaee and rent If ftre or olhtt lni.ur'fld h&&ard fof"CM )'OU to move. INSURE INSURE your le1&1 llablUty tor bodily Injury or proJ>f'rtY dunaae due to Mld- dl'nts on your pttml-. or aecldt!nta eaueecl by you, your family or pe• from J>f'nM>Ral Kte aaywhl'l"f'. yoW' Pf'Ke of m11¥1 by pro,1dln( nwdlral paymeat• c-overacf' up to f!50. nrardlf'H of your llahWty, for lnJurleoe to r.-ta, aervuta or oUtera. YOU MAY PURCHASE =.~~;!::.~wi:.: you'll llf' C"h·r n r rf'(lll for tbe une~plr.d pertloe ef &II)' a.dJvtdll&I poUdee you may already o" n. SAVE MONEY &111J 11a,·e the flnanC'lal ID\'Htment In your horn.. with thl9 M W kind of 4-111-1 contracr~tbe laomeownera poUC'y.• CALL HARBOR 4775 . . ANDERSON and ANICH ., 23941 Bayside Drive Newport leach NVMlllR ,I STnl f/'4R•' Winner of 36 lntemational Awarda for distinctive beauty! And Studebaker'• ion,, !o• atreemlirw reduce weirht and wind-drag •.. increue performsnce ! NVMllR ~ llJONOMY flAR.' Winner of Mobilgu Economy Run Sweepelakee for eecond 11traight year, with record at fl/·4 actual milee per 1allon! And Studebsker WIM non-premium fuel! -IVMIJIR,1 f/IMUW.t:AR.' St11dttH.1t., Jil'lllt Oeld C11, 111 N.Y, °".c or 36 outaU~nd•nc lntenu1tion•I Awarda to Studcb•ktr for diatinc· tl\•e. far·ahcad atyhnc. Count on quality in a Studebaker! Tbeee can are pr00uctll of far-ahead engi· A;;«;;;n;;w;;~! Commander ii one of loweet price V-Be ••• Champion one of lowest price cars! 5t11de!Mk., flrat 111 1•• .. v'i111t Studebaku 'a Moh1l1u E con,,my Run Gr•nd S"·ttpot•ko Winntt •~nced l7.4 •ctu•lm1le1J>(rc•llon. IUYERS Of UstD CAISI 5•• -ltle .... "'_ .. Cerf I/Jet/ aH-11'··-W •I • .._ ___ •• , • W 1114 -flll·t.m PallCllS If CMS MIO THCU USED CARS • JOI .NIClllRTI, Local . Dealer 3636 Newpott llvcl. _f (At Eati'uce. io U.O) N~IT llACH Phofte Harbor 510 -, ... ., ~ . , . I - Page 4 Sec ) Ne wport Harbor News Press Thursday June l6. 1955 " Ana ... Known as a Frien•ly Established City. Near Beaches, Recreational Areas, Job Opportunities. • ultural Wt'alth rif thi:-1 l'nmmunity ancl to p1·m idt> )011:-f11r thou!'lancl~ nf rww rt'siden t ~ H .. autaful ~anta Ana known a~ a friendly. e:-1tal1li~h1·d l'it~ n•·ar J11li 1opp11rt11111l 11•:-l, major l'iti1·:-, aod n·<·n·atior11<tl aro·a~. \'ia the Santa Ana Fret'\\:t,\' and ot hl'r maJ1>r arterial hi~hway!'l, ~ant:i Ana I" 11111\' a ha lf-hour d ri\t' from tlnwntown l.n!'l Ang1•lt·!'l. I.on~ r:1•at'h. and 11thPr S1Jut hla11d 1·it il'!'l. It ·~ 11nly min ut<'!'l from Santa Ana to famnu:-> Ralhoa i1ud J .aJ(llna lu·at'ht<s : a n cl J)i,;m•yl:rnd. t h1· nt-w $1 n.1Hltl,OllO w111Hll-rla11d. Fr1 urHl1·d in IHli!I, :-\ar1ta Ana. in th<: heart of fal.11lous Oran1ott' C11unl\', '" r:.tJ11dly lwl'11piing 11nP o f ~11uth1·rn ('alif11rnia':-1 lll'st 1·rn1111mr• ally ·1,ala111·•·d 1·itiei\ "ith many ll•'W and t•:<luhlish1 d 1nd L1~tr11•-< opt·11 i11K plants Uwr,. t0 Heid tu tilt' hi,.;tnri<' a1otri· IS IU!'lt o~i<le thl1 di\' limits. ' ~­.. ~~, Santa Ana '!'\ t'!'llauli:>hed !'11.·hool!'l an: a mong tht' ti nl:'!'lt in ,Southt'rn c·atifornia. T he Glenn L. Martin Srhool i!'l one of two g radt> st'hools within a f t'w blocks of Fain·iew Ram•hn~. A new junior high Rehool is 1Jei n1ot runstrul'tt>d within walking <li:-;tanlt' and the \at holir Hii.t h ~1·h11ol is only four blocks away ·.: .. ·I •i ~· ·;~· ~ ·=~· 0:--7 ~ ~· 'J;" "i •• •;O ... i" ·~·t ·: f • ~ ,.. -..... --_ ... --.. _,. --........... • t t O o I ... -• • : • • o 4 • • • • .t ·. .. MORTGAGE INSURANCE PROTECTION INSURANCE i= J. 1· .. "- r. r- !;. .... f;rrclt F 11111'11/I' J.'11111·h11~ ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, ,,,.,,,,,. 11 111111·/!f''!I• 11111- 1111 "' ,,,.,,,, f'f/1•/I /lf.~111'11111'• 1111/if-y lt'ltll tlti ,,,. ,,,,,,,,, 1111iil ,,,,, 11111 f11fl !I'"'" T/11.~' 1111/11·11. J1/111·1tl 1J11 .. 1•f1lt ll'.11111.: 1·,1w/oo1. it1S/lrll//!'I /i/'11/;1 !'.~. J'l'll/'/lfl S I 1/llllf/}/ l/llJJ/I I/ /11 ft1f,'1 l'fl/.I ti/ 111111 f· !fllf/1 J>O fl llll 11f,.; fill' 11f /1 l/S/ 11111 !'111/ !fl Ill' 11'/to II /t1111// 1111'111 I I'< 11111111/1 /11 w11rk 1l111 In 1111 iu:wl'ltl tli.".11/11/1/11 '· .. ....:~~ ~·£. ::..1.!~ ..!.!·~~ .. ~ .!~ •• !-::.~·'+' ... i! •• !!.. .!·!. .:·:· •• ~:~ .~£ • .:.·~ ••• .. :1.::_, ~1: .!! . ..!.:. ~· Thi!'\ is a \'iew of thC' new $10.000.000 ~ll lll'I' !'\hopping, 1•1•nt1•1· tn ht• l'l't'1·t1•d lc!'IS tha n two miles f rnJll F air\'iPw Ra11t1h11!'l. \\'ith parkin1ot f11r thnu~alld!'l 11f l'ars. thi!'I om--:-;tnp !'lhoppi111ot t•1•ntl•r will indurlt' fine !'ltOl'l.'!'l of C'\·er y kind. .J ... ,., .. ~"' I ~ 1"o ,.,.. <o.s ....... VISIT FAllVIEW IANCHOS IN SANTA ANA TODAY I +---TO LONG 11.ACH weltmlnhter ~" ~tts garden 9rawe t,1 4 \. ~'" .. , t. "', .t '• ~ 17th street .. .. 0 It's an enjoyable short drin•, and Fain·i~ Ran~hoei is easy to find. FROM 1,os -\Nf;ELt:S llrivt> out the Santa Ana Frt•l'way to Harbor Blv1l.. t.urn ril(hl on Harbor to E1lin1tl'r St.; ll'(t 'vn E1hn1Cl'r hi Bm•lol St.; and ll'ft. o n Briiitol to l"ain:1f.w Ram·ho:< model ihoml'i< . ..... I j1 h t at . FRO~ H l'NTISGTON BEJ\c:tl i.ro nortlf on llunttngl{)n Bea4'h Blvd (lliKhway !Ill) to &Ilia Ave.; tur n r iicht on Boll'& to Bru•tol; n)Cht on Bri11tol to 11ruperty. FRO~ LO~(; Rt:At'H take 'ith St. (whil'h be<-ome11 Garden Grove Blvcl.l l-0 B·ristol: turn n itht 21·• melt'~ to l-'a irv1t'w Ranr h(I:<. P A C f I ct 0 c ( Art11t J •1Juo/11oll0ft ol lhe 9'eoler Me1ropo/1lo1t ~ N Areo FrH wor ,ott.¥1t os pto,-d Sonlo Anos rlrole9'C •lftportonc• oJ o ,...,de111ool cotr loco1to11 os /,,,,.,, el1obl11h.d I • • ~ .. ... ·' ~ • J J· ( .NifW$~iREs~ . ... ' mes l-. ~ -. :::-::"-' ,i jO" • ' 1.-,~ ' ~.~. --:; ._-,, ·~ J(<tJ/,; "-1 ' ~ ~~: -~~~ --·:t\~· ---.. -..;,3 . ,... ~ .. ~ .. C ~o'~ 't I~ .,, .. ~ ~1-•• :' . ,. .....~-~ ..,__ -~ ----_, ..... ~. ~ . ·RA-R116~~~to --0ffer quality FA~ . ' honles with COMPLETELY landscaped lots! IN DOD R · OUTDOOR living theme planned by noted Landscape Architects ! l'omplt'tl' landst·apin1ot "it h la" ns. t rl't's, shruhs. 11lants. a nd J,tround t•o,·er planned for hl'~tllt~· h~ n·gisten•d la ndst·a1~· an·bi· teds is tht> lalt'sl ad' a n<'t' in bomt•s ofTt•red for tht• firs t tinw in Southern California at Fair\'iew lfan<·hos. lm·akd a t Brist1ll :-it rt't'I and Fair\'il'W AHnue in ht>autiful. e:'tablb.ht·d Santa .\na. I h·!'li )(r1t·d ftor i11do11r-11t1td111•r la\ inK halann• 11,\' t:ricll.!t'l'!'l a11d Tr11ll1·1-. lancl,;l·ap1• 1trd1i- ll'l't!'l. wh11 t1•stl•cl t h1· s11il. h\•f111·1· !'l11lt·1.·tin).! ph111tin).!s for llanlim·!'l". adaptability to th·· Santa Ana dimatk rnncl iti1111s and n ·a!'lemalil1• minimum 11f l'<tl'l'. the la11cl!'l1·apin).! of Fair· \'i1•\\' ltanl•h11!'l honw,.; l1•a\ ,.,. not hi fl).! for 111·w honwow 111·r,; to do. f:,·t>l',\ I hinK i!'l pla11t1•tl and 1otr11\\ in1ot wltc'n t h1·,\· mm 1• in. ancl 1·ai·h hnnw 11w111·r n •· rei\'l'S at tilt' tinw of pllrl'ha!'le· an int1i\·i1hrnl pint plan sl1'1w- inl( all t l'l'l'>'. la\\ 11s. !'lhn1b,;. and ot ht>r pla111 ill).!" whid1 will bi• plan.•tl on hi,; l11t. i-:, 1•11 I h1• lawn :-lpri11kl1·r!'l art• in!'ltall1•cl. n ·atl,\' I 11 k"~P t 111· more than I . .''il\O squart' f1·1•t nf \'erclant . duralil1• front und n ·:ir lawn,; in pt>rfc·d 1·011ditie•ll '. D & E: are known as Boilders of Conventional ,homes of Quality . . . ~ I> & E. huild1·r~ of Fair\ ic·\\ Hand10~. ha\'t' l1uilt t h1111::aneb upon thou::and:: of honll•:< in Soul lwrn ( 'alif11rni11 ancl arc· 11at ion ally k llO\\ n as q1111lit ,\ huildt•r!'l -liuileh·rs w ho ll:'t' tinw-tP:<h'd 1·1111\ 1•11t:o11al • 1111· strut·tiem that make·:< for la!'ltin1ot plt'aSll\:_t' and 'alu1·. 'h In a ll & E ~ri1~ _v .. u '11 !incl a ll thl' f,·at 11n•!'l '.-;o •want for 1·1111\'l"lli.l'nt nwdt·;·n liviQ1!. l1ut n11n14.. olf t lw l'ostl;;-"frill!'\. 1otacl ~l'l!'l. ancl "window dn ·!'l!'l· i111t" tl!'lt'cl Ii.'· s11nw huilcl1•1·!'l to "ch·1·:'s up" tlwir h11u!'le':' of inft•rior quality. E--=ampll'!'l of D & E quaJity h11ilclin1t arl' fou11d in Fain·i"w Ha ndio!'l i 1l the ust• qf rt' a l oak ha rd wood floors on'r a di a1t- unal ~uh-floor rai:<t·el 18 i ndw:-i alio\·t· t lw 1trnund. C :-\o hard. t·cild ceml'r1'll' slahs '.I A not h1·r l'Xamplt' of quality is tlw ust' of 1tt•nuine lath ancl pla!'ltt>1' wall:' and n•ilin1ots. whi{'h an• nwn· clural1h• a'11d ).!i' t• aoltk.I r1•!'lal·· ,·ati11 .. Adl•quutt· ·,,·i l'I ni.: 1:-1w1·1•:-sa1·y f11r saf1., 1·lli1·11·111 u,;t· of tht· rmrny 1·l•·<·t ric·al appli:clll't'S in mod1·rr1 h11m1·"'· and Fairn1·\\ Hanl'h11s hP111":-•'"'1•1•d 111 all r<'!'llK'l't:< adc4u~1tl' wiring -.ta nda rds rl'l'cenlllklldl'd by till' :'\al runal g uilcl1•r:' Ai::-.co- -t·iati11n ! Tlit·n ·· ... a 11111 ampt•rc· un·uit with iir1·mt lin·akt·r liux-t h1· Jin• ·:-t 111!'\'t all at ion p11:-l:-il1k-i11 th1•:-1• honws .. a nd 2:?0-\ 11lt r11u)lh-1n 1:-prn- \'iclL·d for all l'lt>1·t'ril' l'<l11Kl·. cll'l't rk de1tlws dn·1•r. and an t•Xll'rt:-inn tu thc.• 0)lara~t for poWl'l' 111111~. or for f11tu r1• air l'OJHlitioninl(. NO DOWN PAYMENT TO 'ins Full Price from Slt.8.5.i llt•!'lpitP tlw1r qualit ,. 1•11n- :-itrt11·t inn. whil'h Pep1a'b I hat 1.if man.\· h11nw~ 1·n:-1tin1t t h1111!'lalld!'l of d11llar!'l moh•, F;i irdi;w R:c1tl'h11!'l h11nW!'l an• 111·11·1·1! a' l11w a:-$I :!.x:i."1-a11tl \'l'11·ran' 1 an 1111\ 11111• 11f t h1·"t' l11 ·aut if11l I hrt•,. · lwclro11111 l11r t w11 ln·tlr1111m and dc-11 l. t \\ o lea th r1111111 hunw!'l, \\ i I h an at t a1·l1t·d or dt'ltlt'lwrl I\\ 1H'ar l(:tr:tKt', f11r 1111 tin\\ 11 pa,\ 1111•111. l'X1·1•p1 11,;11al 1·111:-in)l l·11::ts and impounds! Tlw l11w m11nthly I'"' m1·11t." of :'(i:, 1:; m1·lud1• pri nl'i pal and i rlll'rl•sl. For The c:Z_"-. .J\ FAIRVIEW I . f)/."iT /\'('T/l'f: 1-.'XTf:RlflN." -/11 rr "' 1u11I """ 111 tit• :!J tl11•tiMl1t·• • ~lrrlctt ,,.,..,,.. from u·hirh II"" mn11 r l11H11« nl f nc rr ;, 1r Hnnr h111< ··:.---~' .tTTR tl'TIJ'f; TRi.tt -lnllit-id11n/1/11 ;,. n•1<11N•t/ for t>nrli 1·,.;,,.;,.,. ll•Mlt-,._ .. dillfinr fit-1' 1•J.ft•ri11r tll'l1iyrr,., nflrfll'lio,. r1-t/11 11ot/ trim. nnt/ #t1Hl1•rrt t/t'rtu-J11r r•ol .. r•. /i f.'('fJR ,tTIJ'f; 1·f:.4Tl'R_f: ... -AI Fnirril'u-Rnrtr ltua llu11rwl1tv f 1•nlll"'" inrl111/r hrirk plnnlr•r• in "'~"'" m1>f11·I•, llt>U'l'T ,,.,, 11h1•/1"f'/I , nnd rn/1r11<'4i 1,.;nt111u •h11((1·r•. r SEE F.\IH\'I EW H ,\~< 'HOS TOI>.\\''. -1;,. rir't t11 --.·l1·1·t , . .,~11~ 1111111•• a111l d 111in·'t •• ,ali1111 1n I 111.., 111·w li11111,. 1·11n~n;1111i1y \'i!'lil < 'alif'o1111a'!'l (;anlt-n I lm111·:-. at F01in 11•w Ha11d111:: 111 Santa Ana t11dli\'' RANCHOS Page 1. Sec 5 Thur sd~y. June 16. 1955 l ) .... c *" Page 2 . Sec 5 Newp<;irt Harbor News Press T!-iursday. JunE1 f 6. 1955 ~ ~ Page 3 Sec 5 Newpor t Harbor New s Press Thursda\ June 16. 1955 Each Home individually landscaped to blend with the neighborhood. Each street has different planting design. t3 ....... [[]] ' -- '--;' . , ___....pm • : • .r ~ >--~ : . ·' l ... ... , -, ' ~r ~ ")!:. , .. \~ r~~~ · .. ) .. ,, l>t'corat in• rf'd1rood plantt'r-di r·ida1 included in •omf' modt'/11. Somt' harf' bric-k outdoor p/anlt'r11, t oo.' You receive a detailed plan of the complete garden as it will be installed in .your home especially designed bythe noted firm of Bridgers & Troller , Landscape Architects \ I.and11caping plan~ for each of the 400 home11 in Fair\'iew Ranch'ls wHe individuall~· rle:<igned to obtain the g reatt·-<t' beauty and charm for each home. and indi\'idual pla n:< wt re lilcnrlt·d with artist it· skill into .. n1·i~hhorh11od .. dt-:<igni1 ~o that no t"·o street:< in the entire community look alike. In rarr~·in~ mil tht> .. indo·1r-11uld1111r Ii' i111t balance .. theme. the architects pro,·ided fi\'e cii:otinct area" for eal'h honw-lawn:-:. patio. pl:wt1·r. :<t'r\'it·1• ar"'a· and play a rea. F ront and rear la wn!\ of hardy. :<pcc·iath· :<1•le1 ll'd ~ra:-o:--. w1·r1• th·:-oi)Clh'd for full :1pnnkler. co,·erar e. wit:h sprinklt!r:'I in:1talled before hom1'owrwrs mow in. 9ut:'lide the :1pri nkler art>a ground co\'er was used to minimizl' watt•rin)( arul l'art· Tht> concrete Jlatio pr ovides a focal point for n·ar .rnnl dt•si)(n with color addt•d Ly -the altracti\'e planter liox with ~1·al fucing the patio. There':'\ a l(ard<'n light for night enjoy men( of the patio. and t Hc back area is also floodlit. Tht· :wn ice yard i!\ carefully localt'd for con\'t'llit•ncl' a11d :11·l'lu:<i(Jn, while· the plaj· are.a i!'I hig enoug h for pla.'· y11rd 1·quipmt•nt. f:al'h horiie silt• has bt>aritrg nnrngP tn•c:1 and :1ha<fe tree11 where liecessary-and a pa rkway tn•t>, tno! Redwood Fences with Gate enclose every rear yard .. I inc_luded in the low price ! Here':< a hird':i-eye \'iew of the mo:<t bt>autiful. m11s1 l'<>mplt>trly landscapt>d homes in all 5nulht•rn \alifornia- showing why they are so appropriately called "California's Garden Home's!" Imattine ypur family lidn~ in onl' of thest' deliKhtfully modt>rn •1uality home:< with l'\t'rythinK fOmpletrly land::raped M all you ha\'e to do i:-1 l·njny it '. ( 120 aquare foot ~ • J ·· .J.11."I l urn on I ht11 #S pri t1kln :."- (lllff fTHH'f' i11 .'" ~ concrete patio u·ith ornamental rf'du·ood plantt'r box and seat. garden light and rear floodlighting included at co .. plete land11N1pin11 iJtclude• ma1111 •pttioll11 wlttlnl, laard11 ahruba. vroutul cover alltd pla11t• lor co!or ! no extra co•t ! ·'-• Grou:n orange and •hade trua includt'd in complfte landscaping. Plot plan ahorc• all the ex,wnsit•e land~aping includt'd with your Fairt'ieu· Rancho• home! __., Hf'autiful redwood basket u·eave f encing included in Fairview Rancho•• fou: priu! ·~·· •\ ·--::::-:. t Orer 1..100 square I et>/ of t'f'frf'ty grun latr ns front and rf'ar-includf'd in complt>lf' landtJcapi ng plan! ----·- 'I .t ) l ~ f !) f'r<Jnt and rf'ar xprinklf'r 8JJ8lf'm i ncludt'd in thr lou· priC'I' uf Fairl'it'lC Ra11cho• /hontRs! .· tit :bphalt drh·euYJ-1111 ore p/annf'd for t'asy aat's~ and plf'asing appearance. Dttoratii·e built-in bookC"ase inrludt>d in some J'airrieu· Rancho• modf'ls at Thf'Jl'r e included in the price, too.' " no extra cost.' FAIRVIEW RANCHOS . homes have All the Features you want' You'll rin d a ll 1 tw f1·at 111'1':0-;111cl C'llll\ 1'111!'111'1':' ~-1111 \\<tlll f11r mocl1•n1 :-11lturl1an i111l1111r.1111ld1,.,r II\ in~ in Fain·i, w Ranl'ho-. hnn11·"· ind11cli111t ni:111~ 1 h:cl ~ 1111'cl h;cnll\' 1·xp1·<·1 to tind in h11u1t·:--at t h•·:-1· p11 ........ ,.11d1 ;i ... : ('OR.\l.ITE I' \~E l.l :\c : :1r1111111! 111l1-:c11d-:--l11•\\1•r :tn·a 111 ma,.tt•r loath. l'IO~EEH \\'.\TEI< HEATEI<-1111rnll11n l11·al•·r 1111 :;1•paralt' :-.1·n h'1 111•rd1 Thn··· .' 1•a r j.!11ara1111·1· l.11 1111dr~ tuli l'""' t•111.·111 I~· lol':111•1I KWIKSET inll•rior and t•'\lt•rior hard\1art· i11 hri~h1 hra:o;:o; tini.sh. with C'hronw balh 11xtur~~. L fi:i,111111 BTl. <awn·: Ht.:ATI~(; SYSTE~ -Dual \\aJI r11rllli1'1• ha:--J 11 ... ulat 1·d fh1t• to k1•t·p wall:< ('ll!1f l.Y::\.\HT !'\I.IHI~(; c;l..\SS UOORS 11p1•n 1111111 1'4•\'1-rt•d t·om't'd1· ti·rr:11·1· Frt•111·h doors on one mo<lPI H.\PPl~ESS Kl1THE~S with C'onnrTalilP tlinin~ n1>11k , lir1·akfa:<t liar. l111ffl'l ancl cl1•"k all in 1111t·: cloulile sink v. ith \\'a,.t1· J..:i111t l'uh1·rat11r and 1·ol11n•d c•·rami1· w<Jrk l<•J• anti :-;pfai;h: na1111·;tl ll'nod tim ... ht•cl kildwn "aliin .. 1.s v.;th ham- nkn•cl 1·11pp1·nz1 cl hardwari·: 1·11p1wri11·cl rangt> h•><>d with :"uT111h• 1·xhau"t fan: lfo•h -W hiz "c·mi-aut11mali1· lli:1h- wa;o;~wr -and inlaid lin11l1·um ftnorinf.{. .~