HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-11 - Newport Balboa Press. ' I HARBOR PR'l~SS ' . \ ........... Clrculatlon Today 1610 . Wild Ride -of SPee·cler 48th YEAR -NUMBER 39 -NEWPORT-BEACH, CALIJ'ORNIA. MONDAY, JULY~~ FIVE GENTS Coples lnjUres 3 I .,. Carol Doane. 18, Others Hurt in ~illtlple Crashes·= Three pereona are in serious conditio1t in Hoag Hospital today, victiru of a apeed euapect who left a wake of broken bodies, motorcycle.e and care from Corona del Mar eastward, police reported. Marine Harold W. Ridalls, 19, of Camp Pendleton, al- Jegl'dly •truck and Injured a mo· grand theft, auto. He ,wae treat· torcycle rider, Allon GllJ'dner of ed for minor abr111ion1 lo hi• left Long Beach below Corona df'I Mar a rm and forehea'd, contu1iora to last night and epeeded orr wllhoul Iii• 11CAlp. and abruion1 to hl1 •topping. He . racerl to: Poppy kneea. He w11.11 taken to Orange A ve.. &nd Coui Highway and County jail. •truck broadelde a <'Ir driven by AL80 JN.IURED George 'l'eska Jr., 2:i. ot Norwalk. G&rdner-wu riding with four Most aerlou11ly ; Injured In the other motor rldeni below Coron.a !;o 0;c~::e~~P;;~ :;_•:;1ur:::;:; del Mar when they aald Ridall• tn Tuka's car. She iuftered mul· driving-at extreme irpeed, forced them off the highway. tlple lsrerallons over h1>r entire Gardner wu atruck by the car • body and • ftllClUred pelvu1., Hos-and thrown from hl.t motorcycle -J>ll•t-1tHendan.. Mid Uwt morn-1nl.O a cwvert oil' Cou~ay. -·~ ing utent of po11&lble lntema.1 In· He •uttered a broken left ler and Juries are not yet determiner!, Her 111 in fair condition today in Hoag condition wu reported u fair. Hoapltal. Rl:C'l:ST ORADt.ATE After Gardner wa1 1truck, three An honor ltudent, Carol wu ot h is companJoru atopped to aa- graduated from 1'ewpor~ Harbor e1at him a.nd bia mQ.tor out of lh• !Inion Hlrh School thl• paat June. ditch. The other drfvrni aaid they Her father. Earl Doane, 111 a city purl\led R idall• a.nd hla 1peechng- employre In the 1trdt department. car u fast a1 95 mllea a.n hour Te11ka Tecelftd a 4-ln. laceration but fal~ to catch him. They to-the fo~d and l!etllp, conew.-came upon lhe MCOnd acci~nt at. •Ion. contu11lon of the kne1>s, a Poppy Ave. and Cout Blvd. min· amaU laceration on hi• .right 1lde ute1 &fter it occurred. a nd po&tlble rib fracture11. HI• rN LEllT TURN condition wa1 reported u aatls· Teska told Newport police he factory lhla mom Ing by the .hoe· wu going eut on Coast' Highway HONOK STUDENT INIURED -Neighbors and acbool ma tea o! Carol Doane, i8, of 416 Poppy Ave., flocked to her aid when ahe and Herbert George Tee· ka Jr .• 25, of Norwalk wt!re victun. of an automobile era.ah lea than halt a block from her home. An am- bulance attendant ia pictured working over Miu Doane while two neighbor men talk to Te.ka. The Teska car wa.s era.shed into by a stolen car piloted by Harold W. Ridalla, 19, M&rine from Camp Pendleton who auert ly had fled another accident near Laguna. · Mis. Doane, honor graduate of Newport Harbor Union High School in June is in Hoag Hospital with multiple lacerationa and contusions and internal injuries. Tea· ka ia tuffering from cut.a, bruises and concussion. Ri- dalta had two minor s~ratches on his arm. Al Gardner, a motorcyclist who was struck by 1-he car driven by Ridalls before it hit the Teska car, is in the hospital with a broken leg. -Staff Photo l(night Oks . Small Craft Hirbor Bill S~anley Measure Provides New Coast Port Projects By BE1lT BRINTN M.L Development of Callfom la'1 eo&1t .. a touri.t center I• -n In provlalon. of Auembly BIU tai, receDUy pulled aa-r~~ effort• of Auemblyma.n Ear l W . Stanley of Balboa laland and llfl'.led by Gov. Goodwin Kn!Jbt o••r lbt weeltend. The bill dulgnatea th• 1l&te l&nd cornmlJl1ton u lbe 1tale agen· cy with power to acquire. con· 1lnict, Improve and Opel'1lle amall craft harbors and f&clhlh~• con· nectad with them in accordance with county muter plsna "'1llch mu1t b4' approv~d by the leg1e· lalure. The1t muter plana mU1t be made In coll&boratlon and co· operation with aul.boril.jea of atf· tcled counue1 and cltle•. I operallnf harbon •. wat4il'Wa.,. Md fadllUu connected wtth Ulem, th• money to ro tnto a lmall C1'at'l Harbor Ravolvtnr J'und; to UM uacnnt.d ttdel&nda ad aubm•,.- ed. lande owned by the •late and under juriAKlictlon of tM comml•· lon tor harbor development and to coo~rate wil.b, &dvtM ud .-let local qenclu in de•eloptnr and op- erattnc emall· cl'1lft harbou on Ud• and 1ubmergtld Janda which han bffn CTAJlt4!d lo IUch &C"tftCIH . St:rs t ·p DEPAR'NENT p ita!. IUld attempting a left tum onto litered to Mildred T. Campbell ot R ldaJJa wa1 booked by Newport Poppy Ave. wben the 1peeding car :Beach pollre for felony drunk drlv-etruck him broadside.• that city. He said be c&m~ out of Ing, by' California Highway J>a· Ridall• admitted to police he a bar after drinking, aaw the car trol for hit &oi11d run and by LA· 1tole the car a few mlnute1 be·/J)atked with the key• In It and NECK AND NECK Ramona and MOTHER RISKS LIFE MAY CONDEMN LAND The landa coinmlaatQn la autbOT· li:ed to acqu1re by purchue or condemnaUon property De<iefaary for development or lmproftl!Mht Of 1mall CJ'atl M!'bera, to cUftlop and inatnt&tn •at.erway rout.. eJons Udal &nd b\la.Dd nutcUite watera of the at.le, to cooperate wlth ol.ber 1tate, county, city or fed· er&I acenclu lft operaUnJ h&rbol'9 or waterway1 and lo M l up rulea and regulation• for auch operstlon. Th• blll appropriated n o.ooo to aet up the MW department and operate It tor the nut nJn• mont.h1 alter which It will com• under the 11tate budget. When u y devtlopme.nt 11 contemplated un· der one of th e muter plan• ,~e propoMI will be 1ubm1tted td'the leg'lslatur. for Ila con1lderat1on and approprtaUon of money to cover . th• coet. Th• tan4I c:oinmlulon may ~nd t.hla mon.,, MO enter Into a-OT al"'""'enll with ctllu, oounUe1 or other poUttcal 1ubdlv· llllons for tne dtvelopment. np••r· allon and malntatn1nce ot th~ ha 1 • bor. Such lf'&IJN must prnvlde tor a plan ot developmt'nl or thf' h~ • · bor or recreation Area anti mHy provide for thi-dl'vf'lopm,.nr. ,,,,. tun& Beach police department for fore In Laguna Beach. It wa.s reg· (Ooattallfld oa ~ 'J) , Morni1c Star in Close· lace AS UNDERCOVER AGENT CABS WRECKED -At left is pictured t he completely destroyed sedan in which Carol Doane. 18. and Herbert Geo. Teska Jr., 25. were riding when they were hit broadeide by the car at right. Driver of the second car was Harold W. Ridalls, 19, Marine from Camp Pendleton, who was fleeing a pre,·ious accident in which a motor- cyclist Al Gardner of Long Beach suffered a broken leg. According to .-eports £f wit- nesses, Teska was croseing Coast Blvd. at Poppy A\·e. with the traffic signal when the reportedly stolen car driven by Ridalls crashed into the Teska car. Inset shows Carol Doane. -Sta!f Photo Huge Easter Il 'a a neck and Mell race bf>. tween U\e ketch Komi.na' 8l.ar of Lo. Anrma and the 11ehooner Ra· mona of S&n Fr&ncilco 11.1 the two ahl!>" cut down the mnu In the Tra.na-Pad !le Race to Honolulu. IAt.eat repol'll today from the race •how Ramona and Morning Star to be leA than 700 mllea from the laland. " Early yesterday, Dick Rheem'e ' Mommr Star wa.. reportrd about 14 miles behind the 109-fL Rllmo· I na. William Pomeroy Is !!kippering hi11 Ramona on s northerly cour11e compared to Morning Star which LI aa!Ung more dlreci. Conste.llaUon. 11 k Ip per e d by Fra.nk E. Hooylra1111. is tPported running third a bout 100 mllc11 be· hind t.he other lwo. Solvelg IV Is leedlng the Cl&M D boat.a about 1200 mllea out. She is the entry ot lhe Royal Sydnl'y ( Austra1la ) Yacht Club. Leg Broken Clark Tot as Struck Robert. 1"' year old aon of M r 1 ' and Mu .Robfort M . Clsrk. 8!19 O&k St .. Coat• Mesa. wu 11tn1ck by an automobile Saturday after- noon In front or 217 Eut 17th St., Coit.a Mesa, and h11 nirhl leg broken. police reported. He wu t&lcen to H0&g Ho11pllll where he 11 reported to be doing well. Acoordin1t to pollcl' report11 Mr11. Gtorge McNamara, Collins lsl&ncl, stated ahe was driving; In the I parking lot whm ahe fell a tiump W k D and Ciark to1d her 11he hBd run ee amage over his aon. Clark reportetl that the car came put him llR hi' wRs A • 0 leading hl11 !IOn by the hand. the Cf Ion Pens I boy waa struck In the head by the hnder lfnd fell down. after , which the car backed up ovt'r the SANTA A':\A, J ULY II (OCNS1 bay's leg. Woman 111 Exclusive Narcotic Underworld Santa Ana Story of The comml81lon 11 allO author· I.zed to collect feea and rentaJ1 for 1 Etl. note: Followlnr la the t>. irmnmg or Rn l'lrC'IU.i11\0t', Oranie County l':ews Ser\'\~ story of how a Santa Ana mother h\·ed two yrar11 in the wild n11rcotlt under· .,..orld to l!!! .. lst Oranp;e County of• fl<'l'r<• In 1Jrin1:ln1t many narcoUc viololor:o to )Ullllct' I n.,. PAT MICll,U :LS SA::>;TA ANA tOCNSI • Thia •~ the rantastk . 8.lmosl unbeltev· abl" 11tory 11! 11 nlghtn111 re two yean1 in 1..-nglh. ll waa lived by s S1111ta Ana mother• or two -an undercover nan·n:ir;i llll't'nt f(Jr Orllnj:'e County law l'nfnrn•n\rnt 111rencl,.e-whoee 11ct1vil 1es have bern herttofore kept 11 clo~ly guer<letl secret. Thl!'I Is the rir111l llmP hn wnrk will h:ivr bef'n told Although OC!'l;S has been ~1ven ptrm1u1on lo tl'll hrr 11tnry, the woman'a name mu1l nev'r be re· \'ealed. Even today-four month• alter thl' two yl!'&r ordul ot ter· ~ ror ended -her llf~ 111 In dan11er. LEAD!il TO ARRESTS Some 20 h!Lrdtne<S nan:otlcs peddlers and ad1.hcll 11re prl'!lent· ly serving lime In San Quentin. Tehpchap1 and Chino Slate prison• a11 a direct resull ot her work. (0Ntiauf'd on P-.re 1) I She "lingered the head11, hypu and blasters" or Orangl!' County. Anti the undtrworld of our com·1 m11nil1t'11 hes ptac<'d a price on her h4"11tl as a n·:-1111. Ir they could find 011l who she 1~. dr11th would be quick and violent -not only tor lhP former Rjitent. but alll-0, In all prnbahtllty, (<JI her hu11band 11nd ch1hir!'n. SIGNS S'fANLEl. BILL -Gov. Goodwin J . Knight, Heart-brraklng det11lla or a lrllglc ----------------------·----- F'.ii11ter Wl'Pk accident In Newport p •6 Beach will be l>rought out In an I ac1 IC S850.000·ph111 damaJtf' suit 11lated to open in Supe11or Court Depart· Anglers Win Big So e•·en tnday. more than twp y'ar1 atler thP nightmare began. thf' \'8ll8 nt woman operatl•e 111 sl111 In tla.n1ter. During thole two year!!. s he lll'ecl amld11t nucol1CJ1 users. was condemned by her neighbors 'who 1Ull do not k now her true role> u a n&rcotl"• ad· diet, h1111 been Ja il(!(!, hound~ by seated, shows copy of .AB W39 to Assemblyman Earl Stanley, its author, which he signed ovc>r the weekend. Bill provides for acquisition, construction and im· provcmcnt of small craft har bors. Knight prepared a $20,000 appropriation from bill. Spectator Killed at Drag Races on Airport Strip SUSPECT AT SCENE -Ot>jcctedly seated on curb of Cout Blvd. in Corona del Mar is Harold W. RidaUs, 19, Marine from Camp Pendleton, contemplates wild ride he took in a stolen car from Laguna Beach. The mvine forced a mptorcyclist off the road, broke his le~ passed a half dozen cara at a speed in excess of 90 milea per hour, nnd crashed into anoth~r cu driven by1Herbut G. Teska Jr. before stopping. The otficer in white helmet ia Doa Mun80n of the Newport Beach Police Depart.me.Ill. -Sta!! Photo "'~~~u~ ~~:~nl\~~: :,::~a::i·n, the lnterclub .'Alby' Tourney jud1tmenl 11galn11t Armour Oil Co. of. Ssn Diego and It• tank truck 1 The 10th annual Inlerclub 3141 dr1,•n, Ch&rl!'I ~· Bennett. Albacore Tournament held S•t· TF.f::SAOERS IULIZD urday and Sunday ended up with Two teen·•itera were killed and lhe 1even club1 !Ind their po1nt1 In another g-ravely hurl In a ·~· th• follow;ng order: C'ular cruh ln\•oh·tng Bmnett'• Pacific .\i:r 1er1, Newport Beach. truck and a car driven by John 127 J57; Lo. AnJel• Rod and Reel Ktlloir. 18, of Huntington 0..ch Club, ll0.;4; Ufht TackJe :.Carlin al Coll.It Hl1bway and Superior Club. Newport Harbor, t3.3t ; Bal· Ave. April 10, J9M. boa ~line Clut:, 7S.cMI; NewJ><lrl C. Putor. 23 lb•. 8 ox.; anrl the aecond la.ritrsl by Don Lnrke. 22 lb1 .. ll oz. High boat wu lJ11•cr1or. L.; A. Rod and R~I Club. 49.lS pqlnt.a; 1econd l\lgh. FeaUm, Light l'ackle Marlln Club, •9.93; lh1rd, Schoolboy, '6.66 ; fourth Adequate, U .84, both Pacific Anet-era. (CollUJtlMld OD ...... 'J) F'atally 11\Jured were Robert Harbor Yacht Club,, to.13; Tuna Matthew•. ie . .on of Mr. and Kra. Club, An.Ion. the bo9t dub. tl.H . HARIOR WEATHR lfollUI Mat th-•, OIU'den Grove and fq&'h an1Jer1 tor th• twn da71 Jackie Yarnell, J&. daughter or ware K. W. HeininScr, Paclttc An· JoeephY&mell, 11119 Redlanda S t., clera, 14.11; T. Yedor, L. A. Rod Coeta M..... &nd Reel Club, ll,U; Oordoft W• Diane Marrart DoolltUe. 111. YU, B&lbo& Ancunr Club, 18; RaT· dall&'hter of Mr. and Mn. J&me• ry Rosen, Padtlc Aftelent, 11.711; Doolittle, formerly ot Balboa, re-HenrJ Brent, Uctat Tackle Marlin portedly hu never NC'&!Md 111.D Club, 17.72; Bard Boliltetn, N-· con.1Ctouaaema from be&d lnjuri• port Barbor YacbtClubT\aft&Chab, 1he recel~ In thtof?Uh. • lT.19: SUI I>eLlunilr, ~o AJl· Jam• Doolltlht Jr., JS, al.lo WU f)U8, lll.8T. (OW I 11•1'1119 1). 'Ebe luSfll ti.a W ... t 1117 ' I ·. , ... .,.,....,,. ............... &lie llartlior .,_ •eNI ~ m,. Low '!'Ue9d&y, July II ........ 88 lie Wedn..t&J, JUly 8 --88 6' Th~. JuJy 7 --H at J'ridaJ, July 8 ..... -... te tt S&turd&y. July .... _._ .. 81 81md&7, July 10 -88 II ~.1\llirU-• .. (CoatJnutd oa Pace 7) ' Estrelita Sold Here for $7688 SANTA ANA. Jt:LY 11 IOCNS ) Sold June 28 by Conltabl!! F L. A 1pectator wu fatally Injured by Gluer for 17.S-OO the IChOOnl'r £1· a piece or Oy1n,g metal late y H · lrelll.8 11 lied up at Lido Penln•u· terday &ftemoon when a 11ptt<llng ula Shipyard a waltlnr repair•. The 90 foottr was bid In by Manuel de J, ·CUUUo or Loa Anrelu. Brou,-ht here from Au11tralla thr yacht 1'I\ tnlo financial trouble u ruult ot a comlMned ownerahfp, It le underatood. She wu partly owned 1ly a Mr. Wilmore of Aue• tralia and Ted W edder11pOOn of Newport ·Beac~ Mr. Wllmon died rec•Jltly a.ad lmpo99!MUty ot •tn.trtat.eninr out u.. uu. ud dil· fteu.lty ot ptUq 11141M1 tMN trom Australia 1'99Ult..s ln U.. MboolMr belnc pra.ctJe&UJ ab&nd•ect t.o Iler credllot9, wtth u.. ...... ~-.... ...,.w. ,, racer uploded on lht Orange County a irport dr8« 1trtp Deputy Coroner W&_;l!Y Fox Iden· llfled the drad m&n aa D~w Wll· llama, u . of 'leneea FIUIA, !':. Y. He wu pronounced dead on u · rlv&l at Ho-.,; Hoapltal. The body wu removed to Back•. Campbell &nd K.aulban Mor tuary In Ans· helm. Driver ot the dealh·deallng car WU ICU1fen• RyMm&n, 26, of Ful· lerton. He 1uffered minor lnjurie11 aed wu tak• lo W..tm.LMter .,,.....c_,, / Fox 1ald a hunk of metal ·rlppe<. through Williams' ~y·at lhe mid· die or the rhf'st H.. upl&Jntd "Th•rt'll be no inqueJ!l. Thl11 thln11 wouldn't harp .. n onr .. In a J()(JG }'eBfll •• W11llam11 wa11 v1l!ltln1t at A.n•· helm an<t all,.nd~ lh" rare With hll1 nephew, J ohn A. Uratton, J7 'fh;.y wer~ 1tanrtlng In front ot Gratton'• v,hlcle. A not her 1pec:t.a· tor, an unldentlflf'(! wom,n, UIMlr1 • erlly wu g~11F,etl hy •nother plf'"• or lhr .. xplo11tnr mf'tAI Ryvman ~·u quolHI u te1Jln1: Ole California Hll(hway Patrol hP ha.d iuat 1hlfted Into llfl<Ond 'nr whf'n the tral\Jlmlult>n tllplode'1 Th• vtcum wu •ta.nr11nc about llK yardl~ol .... ~MM.. ' I MRS. CARLTON M. MEARS JR. -nee MISS EL!_ZABETH MASJm~ -Bernie Alden Photo AFTERNOON RITES UNITE . MEARS -MASHBURN DUO Ceremony and Reception Held at Christ Church & B.A. degTt'e In mt>chanlcaJ en· ginPerlng. He l• preaenUy t>mploy· ed at Downty ln the engineering department of North Amertc&n Aviation. LION TAMERS met for luncheon June 30 at Balboa lfay Club anCl preeented pro. ceed8 of their May Day Brunch to Mn. D. W. Dud1e1'of the Carl Harvey S<:hool for bandicap}>ed children. In front Mrs. Dudley receives check from Mra. G. B. Lovejoy, club p!'e9ident. In rear are (I tor) Mmett. T. Hord Seeley, treuurer; Louia F. Gates, charter preeidertt; E. J. Sedinger, put president: Sidney Gaynor and Charle. R. Mower. -Staff Photo BE SUR£ -INSURE . wttll llAOBIOE ttTA.NLET &Mu.--OalJ n one Harbor tn• Ull I!. OoM& Hlpwa1 Coro-dd Hu PARKES • RIDLEY MORTUARY Formert7 GRAUEL CHAPEL 110 Broa.dw&J 1-Coeta M- LlberlJ. S.,SOJ • a.UJ4 PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JULY 11, 1955 Lovely Elii.abeth Ann Mashburn chose a color theme of ------------------------ pink for her w('dding to Carlton M. Mears Jr. Christ Church by the Sea was decorated with pink and white stocks, glad- iolus, and chrycahthcmums when four o:clock rites on July 3 11n1t .. 11 lh,. 1t1111ghter or Mr. anrt H&wall. For the trip the new Mrs. Mrs. l'hnrll'~ ~l1111hhurn ot H unt· Mura wore a beige linen ault wll.b lni:;ton Brach and the 11on oC Mr. blue ac:ces11<>rles and white cor· and Mr~. Carlton )fea1 s. 332 :'\orth sage. She wu JTaduated trom Newport Blvd. The Rev. R-Oy C&rl-Huntington Buch H l (h School and 11e>n and the Rev. George R~vet UCLA. Her husb'1td waa (T&du&t· Jr. orftclated a t the double rlng ed from Newport Harbor High itervlce. • · School and Unlveratty of Callfor· SEA LARKING Opening -. July 15th Ellzabelb wu !!l!COT'ted down &n nla at Berkeley where he received alale decorated wHh plnk and white atoclta and A tln bowa to met-t her b r idegroom a nd )Clve9 Into hla kerplng by her father. She wu irowned In white lllre a_nd tulle of over aalln. The fitted bodice had Change Plans E-Z Club a round neckline and 11hor t aleevea The E ·Z Club ot Corona del )(ar edged with wlc\e lace 11r11llop1. The Community congnptlonal Church flared 1klrt or tulle wu In lloor 11 &l\nouncing a change In !ta pie· length M d WM ert at a dropped nlc pl&l\a tor Tuesday, July 12. ·ln-'<11'11lsU1n~ A Juliet cap s catured alead of bdng held at O'NeUI w ith pearla confined tlle flngertlp Park lhe group will meet at the veil and the 11hower bouquet which chv ch a t 6.30 p.m. for a pot luck the bride carrie<l waa of white dinner. Bridge and canalta will be roaee and eteph11noll1. playrd afterward. ALL l.S P l.SK Skippers Mr. and Mn. Edward MB. Jamu Watson attendt'd hu Thlu have namt'd Mra. Ra.ymond 1hter as matron of honor and Bell. Mr. &11d Mrs. Ch&rlta Cave brldeamlllda wr re Ult Ml11Ma Sally anl1 Mrt1. Dtll Custer to the galley B!!.okua and Darole Sta.nley. The crew. t rio wore ldt>nlical pink cryst&I· line dreuu with matching head· bands and comet1 white earn•· Boston Guests llona ancl pink flowers. t L · H Roben E rlC'kson lent beat man I a an1gan ome aid and guests wf're u.~hered by Guest1 for the put 1cveral days Don&ld Knipp, F:dward Mulder, at the D&v1d La.n.lgan home, 879 Wllllam Skllu and WlllllUll R•b-Arbor 8L, Cost& Meaa, have -been bill. a brother and hi¥" wlte, the Char· Miss Joyce Au~n 11ang as pre-lu I..anlgana ot Boston, Mua. Judea "I Love Thre" and "A t The hoateu, who palnta undtt the DawnJnr··. wllh Mrs. L&V1rn1 Ja· profts:alonal name or Jean Lani· cobe playing the accompanlmr nta gan, wlli h ave ~ exhibit of her and wedding mJ1r<'he11. work a t the Fcatlval or Arta 1n The receiving h ne formed In Laguna In July and Auguat. Goodell Hall, It lnciuclt'd Mrs. MB11hburn. w1•ar111Jt ll waltz length jtOWn ot blur ln<'t' nnd lulle wtlh thrN"-q1111rll'r l<'nJCU\ 11leeve11, & blue aequint',I hat 11.nd velf and a C'Or'iAge of pink ros1>b11Ja; and Mrs. Mt'llrl!. whn wore aqua tn!rcta In wait& lrngth 11nd mAtt"h!!d her ro.ee- bw11 t"Ol't'llJre to hr r hat or pink ae- quin,. Mrs. l'on Chnstenson k<'pt the ![lll'J>t book. IS ti.AWAit LM\'tng J uly • b~· pl&lle. the r ouplP will 11pend five week• In • McConnell Family at Newport Vista Mr. and Mrt. Cormac I:. Mc· Connell, daughtera Nancy and Verna and son Butch. art' 1taylng 11t their !'lewport Vl11la home. 2016 Continental Ave.. tor the summer vacation period.· During the winter m onlba lbe McConnell!! divide time betwffll their home• here and In Hollywood. By GINNY (MBS. EDWARD LESTER) SMITll ABOARD TYPEE. CHERRY COVE: \\'hat a thrilling-eight to be along sldt' lhe Honolulu yacht.a as l h!!y sailed around the west end or Catalina last Mondav after· noon ... lioardrd Kathryn an'ct Rol!ft Cutentlyck's pal&tlal crul11er Gal· IA.nt Lady V at Cherry Cove to rrulse out to 11ea 14) wave & Jut ratt.well to tht' r&elng y&chtsmen. MORNl:'\G' STAR: F irst we came upon Dick Rheem'a grace· tul MornJng Star 11a1Ung for all she waa worth ... then waved to lltal 'ta.I &nd E11capade and cuui;ht a glimpse oC Larry Pringle on Queen Mab, another oC the lead yacht& .... A loha and coo·s !!peed ... with our best wtshes going to Biii Haas .on his 47 root yawl Typee with the 11ame name u our 26 t oot aloop. that lbty were lonesome for Hono- lulu eo, on a few• days noUC"A, they picked up their troplca.I garb and left last Thursday I July 71 v1a the atr lanea to epend the summer on the llllanda.. They wf II a rrive In pltnty or time to (T~t the Honolulu yacht~ upon thtlr arrival, and will 11pon· aor lbe Alll!lrallan entry. Solveli: IV •ownt'd and skippered by M. Halver90n and hla brother, Trygve Halvonien. w1th crew ine.mbers, Stanley Darling, Nick Alexander. and Trevor Oowland. The Halvor· 11en brother1 plan t.G cnli&e about the hlanda alter the finish of the Trana:Pacrnc J ae.ht race, tht>n u.JI the Solvelg JV back to Sydney. Australia. Quite a trip for a 36 fool cutter! The ~llcou do not expec( lo return to their Lido Jllle home unUI Sept. 1, are planning to n y to Hong ICong rrom Honolulu. They are 1t.&ylng at the be&utlful Hale.kulanl durtng their Islaad vi•· It, where they were two y ears ago during the 19!13 yacht r&ee feall\rl· tin . Their young aon Stefan I• ac· companylnf them. COC!OPIT SKUTrLEBUTT:. • • • • Spau/JingS JEWELERS Balboa Island Omega Watches Jewels by T rif ari , Fine Diamonds Jewelry and Watch Repairing Located in the C & C Center 307 Marine A ve. Harbor -t598 GALI.ANT LADY V ; Cruised ba.c:k to Cherry Cove with. 30 In· t.ereatlng g11e11t.a aboard to be en- t ertained by the CMtendycka with a ray cocktail pa.rty and a Fourth or July buffet aupper ... hJghllghted by a glamorous red, whlte and blue cake 0dcslgned by that ramous Rlcherd'a bakery ... entertainment ran supreme with .Miidred and Howard Moore and Bill Caraten'• music leading the 1inglng Cor "Cherry Cove", "Frankie Muller·, and the nrw '"Gallant Lady l'Ong all compoeet1 by clever Mild red Moore who, a long with Dutch Smith, did ''Hula Hanrls' ... &JllO a· board, Helen and Jack Kena.ton, Oeorcianna RJchar<1a of L& Joli.a. Ann Johnton of New York who a· long with Dutch Smith and their yacht ho11t Frank Muller had come over from the adjOlnlng Mojo for Ole Fourth ot July party on Gal· Mra. Frank Wllklnaon or Coron& -;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;:;::;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. Highlands la due hom• a.ny da y r l&nt Lady V ...... other11, Ruth and Hurfl WaJJ&ee Madcap) Adonell. Ma&elfl, Tommy Quinn. Dorothy and Ted Tttmla.n, Thelma &nd Paul Lerpu, Miidred and BUI Can- ten, Nom1& a nd Dul<e Woodward. Edie and Krn Kaufmann. SOLVEIO IV: Newport'• most widely travtled !a.m.lly, BIJI and Toby Wilcox ot Lido hie, decided • OO'rrONI • LINENS trorn •three weeke In .. Detroit where •he vl1lted her sl1ter, Mra. Cluk A. Tea ...... Verna and Bud Caward throwing a F ourth of July party at their Lido late waterfront for Marie and De&11 Banka. Rob- erta Jane &nd Willis Hunt, Belly and Frtd Butt.on, Bob Smith, Bet· ty Hall and their house guuta. former Lido Jalandera PhylU1 and 1 Dick Carroll;-who now reside ln 1 Sant& Barbara ..... Hank and Dor· othy (O'Hara) Lunney, Katy and Burton Romburger, Helen and Harry Kelao. and Marian and Burr Maple celebrating the Fourth at 1 the Balbotl Bay Club dJning and I danclng ..... B.B.C. houseg11~sll the 1 Guilford Dudleys from ?\Mhvllle I btlng royally entertained hy Ro- ma.na and Morrie Smith. A s-Group-~r. Stock SUMMER DRESSES FASHION APPAREL IMI l'f_,.,. ....... C,.... .._ 0. ... ~ ...... A. c..tl7 a.. . . . .. WINA FORD THUNDERBIRD in ~ lpana's LA.Contest! I/ I ana e ' • • ••• ' c.. ii-lit ,. £lltry Blank •• today! Lee~ s Pharmacy JOZ McirlH A••·• lalboa W..d ' I . IKamaaia11s ' Elk Ruleq Leaves for National Con.f ab Pl A 1 AIMrt ltlatU1ew•. tut•lt.rt rulfor an fl n ua of tho lonJ Elka t..od&e, and Mrs. IMatlh11w a, <,'o•ta Ml'u , 1 .. n Wf'd- B h P 1 nu1lay tor Phlla<klphta w bM• I eac arty llwy wlU attend the nahmw.J con· I ve11uon of Elk11. Att11rA'1u d they wlll i 11 to )IJlwaulct'e 10 Viall WiQi aummu In f\11l11wlni.:. Kam· relatl\•M. aalna Klub mrmbers madr plans ------------- ror tht'lr annual be&d\ pUly Whf'I\ •-------------... lhf'v mt t at the home or )trs .Roy K~ne, 1:m1 l!:aat Oc:f'an Blvd. Date of the attalr v.-111 not be set unlll 8l'Veral ot t.he rroup l"l'turn from var ations. S ummrr l'lothlng wu brou.i;hl fort-hlldren ot the club'• "adopt...t ramfly" 11nd II "peclaJ ~ft W&.s IW(I brt"yclu tr>r thl' older onl's lflven I b)' 8. friPnU. Guut or l hl' evening '4'&11 Misa Lou\~ Du t >Mte or Long BeM:h. 1 who came with M1.•s Lola )-0•011. I The Kamaainas 11re awaltln.: word from thr1r mf'm btr. M ri1. Q. I mtrr O&rr &nll her hu~band, who l s.lllled for Tahiti aomt' time ago Oil lh~r Tf' VPJ?ll , Thi' gTOUp had l'llt"orteJ the pll3.~f'nger e<:hooner out of Oil' harbor, relum ed to watch t.hf' drparture on TV, .and then went to U.nir Bl"ach where they held lhf'lr unnual rniti11tlon dinner at the Town Club. New member11 lneluded Mmea. Robert Smith, Donald Fuller, Ed· ward Krlly. lan~I Brrr h IUld LU· cllle Smith l"ot prrsent Wl'tt Mmes. W1Wru11 Whrtr. William Pre~lopaky a.nd Jack OBrien. •tra. \ Thomas Anclrr-"'ln wa. a gueet. Prr1:t'dln~ Mii ng of TrVega I the Oaru hod bt'<'n feted at an Aloha pa rty In lht' Kt>!'ne1 home. The program lnC'lurtc<1 a pot luck butft!"l In Rawallan molfr. music and dancing In the lllland thf'me and pruenlatlon of a ,runt book to the Darnt. THE OllGA."lllt YOtJ CAN PLAY AT oscm: HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Nowt No N_, t. Tak•'->• Come In e111d Prove It to Yowwlf We &1eo a..tc. 700 to oome la ud trJ lM DeW llammODd 8p&ms OrPD-~•w AnllA.Me DANZ· SCHMIDT BIO PLU~O a OBOA."lf llTOU: Next meeunir will M J uly. 20 with lllra. Donald Fullu, J&o~ Head.~n for A.JI 11~ Eut -Balboa Bl~ .• u hMt-. llammoa4 Orsa- Ill J..&UI . -For the flnemt In Commercial PrlnUn1 call Harbor 181&. Job Prlnunr Department. 6!0 No. Mala Home MeaM More with Carpet Oii the Floor UP TO 3 YRS.MTG PAY on WaD·to-Wan lnstallatiOft ~Qjj~ n1v1r before cost so little •.1295 . Sq. Yd. ........ ,,,~. 6'y ,...,..,.,,,,.,. c.,,., c.. "'• SCULPTURED WILTON A di$tinctivc threc-<Lmen\ional wool pile with an etched IC:TOll design creates a Munnma dccorauvc dfecL Hcary, lona·wcaring quality. OUR CLEANIN$ DEPARTMENT '-' equipped to dn thr f 1"r11t 11111 '•/ d r•1>ll111J o/ JI'"" Rug, Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Wall-to-WaJJ Carpet Clt-anrd In ~·our Home CALL Kl S-Hil!i TOOA \' Complete Line FLOOR COVERINGS · · Linoleum ·.': Ca rpet.a Oran(I• Co11,,tv'11 lArg C'/11 -'· Rubber Tile · · Asphalt Tile r loor Coven"" Bln re Formica Cork Til<'' ~~~·~·~CARPET WORKS 1622 So. Main, Santa Ana Kl S·1U~ Kl t·~li!I .I I MRS. GEORGE N. REEVES JR. -nee MISS BEVERLY ANN BLIVEN -Kayette Photo HOME IN CORONA DEL MAR . BRINGS NEWS OF HARBOR Wolfe-Wales Vows Said COUPLE NOW IN HA w Aii in C. M. Baptist Church Mn. Ethel Shirley has returned t~ her home at l!HO • KJnr• R.oad from a month Jpent in the Hawaiian hlaadl. While there ah~ visited the outer lalanda and wu regtatered on opening day at the new Prtnceu Kalul&nJ Hotel Ip Wal· kik1. During her 11tay In the Islands she wa. a gueat on aeveral occaalona In the home or Mr. and Mra. Robert R olllnabea d, former rel!iden~ of Balboa Jaland and of Mr. and Mn. Horue While, alJM> well known here. Now ruldlng at 308 Carnation Ave. after a Sa.n Fr1ncl11eo honey- m oon a.re Mr. and Mn. E. R. Wolfe, who were marTled In • m omlnl' ceremony re<'ently by the Rev. P . G. Neumann In Flr•t Bap- Uat ChUl"'ch or Costa Mea1t. · The bride la the former J oyCt' Walu, daughter c•f Mr. and Mra. H. K. Wa.lea of Ba.In, Wyo. and her &Tandfather, Frank Walea. •ave her In keeping t o the 90n of M.r. and Mra. Ralpb Wolfe ot Olympl&, Wuh. W1llTI: O&GANDY Joye. wore a .treet \e1lfth dreal et. whJt.e troated organdy wllh a white hat and veU and a atrtng ot peula, girt of the br1depoom. Sl'le earned a bouquet of sarnet ,,,.._ 8he wu attended by Mra. Walter J:roalt,y, whMe drua wu at toee wtt.h White dota. Her hat -whit• and her eonace .... al wtUt.e eania~ Gilla Return from norid& Vacation Walter ·Eroaky atood with lhP brlclegrocSm u best man Baskets of gladloll adorned the sanctuary and wedding mu!!lc In- cluded "Becauae", and the wed- ding marches. OOUPLE IU'.Cl:l\'ES ni.e reception wu beM at the home of the newly-weds. Both mothera were pl'Hent, al~ the bride'• crandmother, from Bkln. Wyo. Mrw. Walea wore tor the occ- asion • d.._ ot ,..11ow and white nylon With eoraac• ot white car- naUon11 a.nd Mra. Wolfe atcented her blue and white nylon with plnk ca.rnaUona. The bride wu gn.duated from Bul11 High School and Central Technical ln.lutute, Xanau City, Mo. Her huab&nd wu graduated from hl(b achoo! ln Sclluyter, Neb., aerved four yea.ra In the na vy and WU J?'duated trom Central Tech- nical fnaUtute. Smit.ha. 222 Haael Drive were Mr. and Mra. Eu~ene Field, Enc· la.r of Sierra Madre. Thia comlng wttk Mr. and.Mni. Robert Smllh Jr. will occupy their uncle'• home while their host.a are al Yoaemlte. ......... 06U ill ti.ck at her 6Mll ln Coeta -Meaa Poet Office anw-Meinl' ~ country u far u 111or1da a.nd trave111nr • tota1 ot At Gates Home 84-00 mU.a. In Alabama they vllH· ed M.r. Gill'• birthplace and ln Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lyon -~ they •• the tOW11 where and daughtera Penny and Suaa.n of Kn. Gill wu bom. It wu the Lot! .A.nplea were gueata thll tint ttM• llhe had bMll thwe elnce week of Mr. and Mra. Lou.la F. ltOt. Ga.ta, 422 Bel Vue Lane. Balboa. The HoUlnsheada are located ln Wa.ikJki where eti.r - lotle I• managing the new office ot a travel aervlce. Mr. Hol· Llnth<'•d la aHoclated with radio ataUon KOU, I• managing the breaJcfut broadcut each mornJnr trom the Moa.na Boe.! and hu recently et.arted the Sunday evenills "Conoerte b)' the Sea". AT LAGUNA Artist Trio Featured Art Gallery ·Show Thr~ of the Southland'• out-landaca.pes a.nd rt\UlM!e. He atud· at.a.ndlng a.rtlab ln oil and water· I led at the Olla Art Institute. He colon; wUI uhlblt at the Laguna bu t'xhlbitfll In major lihowa and Beach Art Gallery lhla month. All won aeveral award.I, are old exlublllnl' memben; of the Noel Quinn I.a one o1 the CNl· U80Clatlon and weU known for st.a.ndlng watercolorlata of Amer- their oulllta.ndlng work. I icL He wu born In Pawtucket. J . Barry Greene was born ln New R. J., atudled a t the Rhode York City and II a veteran lllland School of Design and waa of World Wa.r I. He atudled at tht' awarded a fellowah.lp for .~t National Academy of Oeall"l. gTRduate 11tudy In Pa.rill. went to Art St11dent11 League and Academ-Italy on another scholarmlp. Since lee Orande Chau.mlert and Colar· 1946 he ha.s devoted almoat hla 0831 In Paria, bu had Innumerable full ti.me to 1er1ou11 palntlnjt'. He OJ'le man ahowa from New York hll.8 received many top &wards to CallfomJa. He hu received throughout lhe United Stale• dur· many top awards Including the lng the put few year11. Pulitzer P rlu In 19111 and the -rbey t.u me Utey J>'oked a J19ee few tti. new po« office while I wu away. but llO far -have .at be«I not!tled." ahe eald. C · s· Gug11:enhelm FrlloW#hlp In 1929. amp m 1erras He aJ90 rPcelved th~, l600 prize I Centoz Daughter . Newton O. Nuh of 1969 Fed· for ~.I• painting The Laund-1 An Independence Day baby girl eral Ave:. Co•ta MMA, 11 u peeted reues a t the Laguna Beach Fes-1.,...u born l o Mr. and Mra. Manua home tJUa week from a trip to Uva I in I Ori2. Mr. G!'ffne wm allow I Centoz of Elden Ave., Coe ta ftirMkOl'tl Son Here IPU•blo, Colo .. to visit hie mother. portrta 1 1 1 t.a 11 fand landecapes u wtll Mesa, In St. J ofteph Hoepltal. She Upon bis return, Mr. and Mr•. a• s 1 e an!::·~ ii~!m~ ::o Nub and ~aughler Margaret plan John Edw'ard Hodder la a young-weighed 8 Iba., ~ oz. · 1 8 to le&ve on a Wttk or ten day er a rtist who bu been ma.king a Jf_,,.,..t Bll'd. Ooet.a Me-. n t. a In trm In th bl h S na.m• for hlm~lf for hJ1 '-autl!UI Ja.ph Ho.pit& 1h -'ftted ,.c --::m;;;;;;p;;::;;;;g=:::t=-::;· =:;e;;;;;;::;g;;;;;;;;;;;;:";;;rraa;;;;;::;. ;;;;;;:;;;;;;:~;:;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:::;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"";;;;;;;;;;;;.,, ... 'CIL U. Hoaseguesta of Castleman 8.mithl lloMl.T ~.-. who apeat ... ~ wtOI Ute .O..Ueman YOM Save 10~ -.,_ ,, ........ .. PRINGLIS LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS 3 'if 1t1UTES DA HI s IARIER SHOP RA.I.BOA THEATRE llU>G. BALBOA ()pea Tuellday thru Saturday Lustre-Wash e Shorecliff Lot One of Ulf' few ~­ ma In In 1t prlmf' t1111Jdln1t "It~ -en M o r It I n I' Canyon Rnad -'\1e"' of """an A Jrvtne Hill,.. $20,000 C'all K&rbor llOO. . . I j MONDAY, JULY It, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE l Dr. Reeves Performs Rites for Son & .. Beverly Bliven Young Wed in Pastor & Bride Christ Church •lled &t the recepUon. t.eld ID Goodell Hall. lJl tbe llll• were Mn. BllWJI, WN.11nr aqua 1&04I and pleated tul.lt wtlh white aeoee· llOrfN &118 wbJte pb&la.e'1opllla ~ ch.Id, and Mn. Re"" In t»el,e Dr. George N. ReevM, president of Chapman College, lace with powder blue acceuori .. PM'lflo tkhool ot R.ltftoe at Bukeley, '!be ~<MAP'-will '" u bom• la New Haftll. Conn. D~rothy Gray . officiated when hia 90D, the newly ordained Rev. George 'N. and coraare of cymbldlwna. Reeves Jr., wu married on July 1 in Chri.at Church by the '~ a&OW.N f 1 ~ I Sea to Miu Beverly Ann Bliven. The Rev. Roy Carlson, paa· eoco. broW1l linen for ber wit. tor of the church where the bridegroom is us!Jltant miniater with white trim to match her ac· for the aummer aided lJI the elchl 1 ceaaollolu and orchid coraa1• wu o'clock double ~lnr eervlce which [ re..,ectlwly In pink, ~ellow, lav· choaen by the new Mra. Reevea go-1ogether ·speClals T-.o ~ aids ia OM ~at l.00 eavinp ap to so• I d h d ht r M d ender and gl'ffl\. All "ore na1Tow for honeymoon wear. at a beach un te t e aul' er o r. an [ h adbandJI d ri d ! Mr•. Walter M. Bliven, 280t Ocean e ti anlO cart h(' lhboluqtr1ell1ko I niaort. She attended P~ena DI d C ,,..._1 M d tbe carna on• ma c e r roe •· city aehoola and waa gradu&ted v .. orocia """' •r. an 1 Carlto M ar J of Co•lll M 90n ot Dr. and Mra. Reevu ot . n • 1 r. en I from Unlvtralty of Callfomla al Of'9JI e wu but man for hi• frlt'nd. who Santa Barbara. She ta a member B g .I ... ~ l I whlta returned the courteay two d:\yl of Delta Gtlmma Mr Rrevea wu every wa1 c ..... m ng" n ~ 1 t b rvin · · · ChantJll lace and tulle u ahe • er Y se g ~ •ulat»nt pH-craduatt'd from Chapman CoUege. f Uo ./he lt.eDdant. d II hl· tor at lhe former • nuptl•I•. Ush· attended Yale Divinity Scl\ool and o w r a ,a, • e ·I rr• were Frank Thomas. Berkely; rut "vy l.n froc:ka Of rainbow huea. Richard Oalra, North Hollywood: Her gown WLt dUll"lrd with a Robert Lous:ee. Whittler: a.nd lat'e bodlct . hip length and llhort Harr Martin .slet>ved. with folded banda ot tulle~ y · Ill the oft-ahoulder portrait neck· U GHT CANOLEl!i llnr. The 1k1rl waa a two tiered I Slaten of the bride. Mra. J . R. froth of pleated nylon rufflee. wa.ltz Slmmon1 of South P~adena and ltnith 1n front and dipping to the Mra. R. E. Ru.l'e or Costa Mu• iloor n back. Her elbow length were c&ndlellghtera. vr ll wv. tn two tin• and Wll9 con· While -gladioli. lark11pur an11 tlnf'<I by a r rown or lace medal· elock were accented by thf' 1n r <>n Ilona and Med pearl•. She wore of woodwardla tor church dl'Cor a· long-ahet'r mltta ana ~rrled a lions. Mrs. Burt Willia ms . Wall or· bou~uet of white ra rnationa and ganlsl and M1·1J. l'Uchard TU11lsoTI" ateph1nott11 centered with a white 8&llg' "Beloved" I Rosbftch I and I orchid. • '.'Thine Alone" ( VIC'tor Herb••rt 1. l&AINBOW PAR.ADE Friends or the brlde'a family u· Mrn Nant'y Simank ot Alta - dena, wearing a llhort princess gown of blue cryataJllne and carry- ing blue delphinium, headed the attendantA aa aa maid ot honor. Brlde11malda were ~e Ml&Ha M&ry At the Cracker Barrel By CARO EA TON Pierce or Paaadena, "MarJor1e YOU'LL Cry Tomorrow 1 and tha !Wevu. IUlU o! the bndevoom; day &tter) If YOUR HOUSE IS Ca rol Heyllt'I or Santa Ana and "NOT A HOME So why let your- Carol Raue or Costa Mesa. niece aelC In for aJl lhaJ Jfrlef when It'• of lhe bride. They were gowned .o almple lo add juat lhe right ar · cent In a p1cturr, or aay, a new antl T exas Relatives Relatlvt'll or both •Idea of the Fred Younitblood family. 1983 Fed- eral Ave., Cof.ta Meaa.. are vlaiUng from Dallu, T eua, thli Jlteek. Guut.a are Mr. and ¥r1. A.C. H~­ well and ten wuk old Sherry Jo, Ml'8 . .ltd Huwell ·and Ml'8. Carrie Abel. 1WAVES SPECIAL Comple $10.00 .. 750 Permanent • New Location 357 N. t4•wport llv. Crossroads Village Center Bldg. opposite Hoag Memorial Hospital Liberty 8-2412 Gllen ~ /Jeaul'I Skop .,_,., ONy D I M C-D11d11• •12~ __, "'::....,,. ....... ..... .... .. , .. ....... ,. . - 0..-,0..,W-c.w er-0 __, ... a-.. Gt-.. ... ,., l .00 .......... ~ca.., ..... ,. ... ._ .-e,.er-M-.> ..... , .. ....... ............ .......,..., ..... -...... --c.....c..... ,;,. J. ~--t:i-.. V""' DRUGS r LIDO DBV09 MU VJa Ude llA.RBOR DRUO. UOl E. COMt llwJ,. ().D.IC. BALBOA DRUG& '711 z. ......... On Fishing Trip Mr. a.n'cs" Mra. Ralph A. Taylor. 2261 Pa.clflc A'Ve., Coata Meaa., left lut weekend on a two weelca trip to Sedan and Paola, Kan. Fl•h.lnr at the lake of the Oaarlca, p&rta ot Nebruka, Paltlmlle, Mo., and .Qoulder, Colo. lnleniaung original frame for that beloved old print you treu ure. J u11l hie yourM-lf to The Cracker Barrel at 128 Agate Ave., llhe ferry 11t 1, Balboa ll!land. where you mey ae· lect beach 11cenn. glowjng eucalyp· Ua nraylng in ~ .au.t..uoplcal breeu, sllk prtnll. Wllf'r color originals or what hav '1 you Sandy Enfield, ctuet proprlrtor 1 '1 and hla wlte. Elly, aub-chlef 1 ? 1 wlll be moat happy to help you In your choice, plus !ramlnR In a mCM1t~ h&ppy fashion. F:sUm•lle1t rheerful- ly and freely Klvn hy both. Al the p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:il(. Cracker Barrel. 128 Agate Ave. STOR( YOUR PRECIOUS FURS ·WITH A PROFESSIONAL FURRIER Phone Kl 2-0652 Fur Stor•g• SPECIAL a-. 01.ue -4 J'rif\4 Cold ·~· TCNr Ful"ll Mow ~ ..___~_.;. _s9_9 __ s y,.. -.. _,., Ptc-k • ., 8-dM! P~pt! Call IUm· lw'r~ l~t. Santa Ana FUR eo. 0,..,......,. ........... IOI N, .ltroedwa7 JU I ..... "'-... .., WIN d\'. ·s.y It Wltb Party Rental Items OOI B. COGaf Hy., CorOfta lkl Jlor Harbor 5071 BALBOA o,.. 10 DMC& SIRV. ,,_. lrOO p.a DAN'OllfO llflGID'LY Now Only $299~ Witt! qiic:Med toode Wot ""·91* YOU on TWO APPLIANCll IN ONll ............... .._ .............. ..... .......... .,.._ ..... ... .................. .,., .... ..... PHI ............ lt,... "•• Fillll! •"'·-11 1 MonrG1'GE lot\Ns REFRIGERATOR· ~ f REEZER COMBINATION * ........ DOOlt IMILV• * .,.. eotemOt• ........ roll.,, ..... ... ........ UT, ... •lC.111. 111 left wttlt -,_ ...... .... ............ w111 ..... ,_ ... ., .... _ .... ._. .___ ...... MJliolldraa.rp M llOtl'S~ WAXING e WASHING e . POLISHING STEAM CLEANING; • Special . Polilh & wlfll Wax this ad $12.SO . ., ..... ~ . 1'BW POLICY -Ol.&AlO.a OAM 0,. M Diiiy -.. 2:18 I•..,.. Aero. from Pclft ()nap 2244 W. Coast Hwy. Newport le•dt .. llC'llltCKNT ~ATC AMO .... TrTUTIOMAL ~IEN'Ta• l9GRRDWW-NfO LENDUteJ r1tOM COAaT TO COMT WC MIMtR NO ,,_8DIW. 80UDtTATtOMe ' WM. 8. IOtT ND91rT•AH 9ANIUNll ....., . .., .._ ....... MA&4" • · WNna--. M&.W.,.._. lt--.Y •'fU8 --... -....... ~-----.-..-. ...... * .... CIOl.OI ..... ~ •• this artd othat G·' Remgar1tors • ..w to•• a.-mMG with Revolving ShafvK TODAY f * IOOMY '9IUI'' DU .. nW.u., ·. ·- ( ' ·. . 7J -..,--/ .... L H. L.MowAln l'l PROPOSES THE ERfcr~-.oo_uN IT: MOTE~· AND .RESTAURANT (JN TN/$ Sff E IN TNE NEAi ~llTllRE PLANS MOTE L -H. L. Howirrd. rigbt, Lido Tsle restdent and reputed Texas million- aire. has announced p_lans to build a 100-unit Las Vegas type motel on Harbor Blvd., 'iao feet SGUth of Lampson Si .. Garden Grove, He is heijlihg erect sign with J ay Stowell . Long Beach contractor and Bob Watkins. Carden Grove real eirt.ate firm repreaentative. who handled 5-acre sale. Motel will feature large restaUrant, swi.m· ming pool and television in each unit. -OCNS Photo .,, . J . $617 ,295 City Home and G~ruen June BuUdlng GAIDINER'S CHICK UST l<r ~rf y M;lr o' Conrff It· '. PAGE 4 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR N~S..PRESS MONDAY, JULY 11, 1955 DANiSH SIMPLICITY mESSED Style Influence.a from around the world &ff the new fu h- aons 11.hown at the •ummer furniture nhlrket8: Shown &bo\'e Is t he 11Jmphclty or Danl1h atyltng. Thia grouping 1s on~ or the moal. verll&llle collection• or living, dining and bt"drOOm· furniture. .. Nol only are these units interchangeable from· room to room. but wiUun a room, and with each other. They brtnc an unwual and pleiua.nt architectural u pcct to our homea. For thl1 cu11tom look. bue pieces are lndlvtdual uni~, 11eparate from blblnels snd drawer cheats, l'rea tlng-a free 1calinc varl- tlon about the room. The ba11e .inll11 may 111.t!o be u.ed aa benchu or correi-ta bles. Note the eJCtra 11torace ap&ce In the three d,..wer.11 or the baa ... uniu . The' wood Is walnut, finlahed to hav~ a hand-rubbed alleen, which allow• the lull beauty o! o! the wood to lhow through- 'an lncreaalnf trend ln new ru""-lure 1tylea. Slldlnf drawera in the chesla are rever1ible-01.e llde le a walnut !lnlah, and the other 11id<' Is a ·dramatic bl1ck panelyt.e. New !&ahlon touchea are the louvred dN wer fronla on ca.ae plecea. 411d the tamboured cabin"! tor either televtalon or hHI. 1. Ya cu control U.. cllaat.e ln &ad IU'OUDd your bolM, to a l&f1'9 uteat, b)' proper plaaUap. Tour nllNer)'lftu wtU IN fta4 to &d'riM ,._. !>t i. Contamer (1'0wa 111u. u-Bullding permit.a ror Newport C&A i>. tlM\M a ; thlt ti.Int. Beech In June totallt-d Jfl7,2t!I, a. l"roper watnlnf 11 a moat aceordina to R. A .Glenn. chief 111\port&llt wk thla month. Allo• bulldlnc lnrpeclor. Thia 1s Qndu l the water to penetrate to t h• f\IU 1971.W for May ot thl• rear and extent ot t.M root 1y1tem. $712.7111 for June, 1964. 4. Ir It very cUttlcult l o kMp ahrubbery borden watered, mulch them with peat mdaa. The largeat item for the month wu Included In 30 pe1mlt1 ls1ued for alncte" hou1es which added up t o f6()e,980. Dwelling rep&ln coat- Inc lu a than $1'0oo totalled SU.- 000 tor 40 permit.ti and rl'palni or more than $1000. for 19 permit& ~. Arter watering your pnkll, di~ down a ,_ lnchu and you will -.~ It you ba n dOD4 a a'OOd Job. •~1.J-00. New Stores Slated One new commercial permit I WU luued ror $13.000 and thrff Harold A. CwmUlf!\&m T\M.s&y commercial r~palra $3.799. Ten j tool< out a CO.ta Meaa city build- i<lgn pormlll tolalled ~18. three Ing permit for corutnact.loa of cabanu •~.900. one garace $l600 Ulree at.oru at 1474·7'·71 Newport and three IWlmmlnJ pool• $11300. Blvd. Eatlmated coat of the 8lruc· ture wu M t at $11,lM. Don I'. $9080 Permit Taket1 Steven.1 wu named contractor. WILCH'I DADY MIXID CONClm 111 c 11 .... ,,., OOftAllDA u-.-~A~·_48 .............. La.Ml.9 D. RAY Permit for conatrucUon or a $9080 duplex and garal'e at 111 IC. ll•t St .. Coat& MUii, waa taken Wednuday from the )h aa city Gen•r•I Contractor I Builder ... · bulldln( dl'R&rlment by A.. Hatch. Don Harper wu D&JT1ed contractor . lo_ the aide where the door wlU clo111 on It. the door 1top or htnlta will b&ve to be reMt. TraJe-WinJ • • ' Swimming Pools Local company 1erv1D1 the Haf'h!r Ana. Poolll d e a I K a e d ud prfeed to flt your re- ~ PBQD•• ... .,. . REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTINa CONTIACTOU aDllDEN'l'IAL -DmtlllnlAL C&U. •••woa 11u roa ..,... • ._ wm m•z• H I &. RUMA 81.VD. auaoa A RC H ITIC-TS ............ -~lido Executive Plans 100-unit Modern Motel _ BRIGHTENERS gonium hortorum) aome typica l and popular varieties are Alaaka (white) and FTat Supreme (11hrtmp P I • pink. I Latly W&l'.lhlngton geran· e argon1ums. IUll'lll lpelargonlum dome11Ucum) produce llhowy flowers In white, pink, red, lavender and purple. Fu h • Add And for the unu1ual ln the ger-c Sias · anlum family there are 11e9era.l PRESTO ! Paner Door Is Easily Modernized blend with a wall lnslallatlon of I.be same kind of paneling. Or It ma.v 1erve u a decorative accent. The baked p!aatic nnlsh or the refurbished door wlll resl&t finger marka, dirt and wrar, and can be cleaned With a damp or aud11y cloth. ~ q~tA. Tenn. Can lie Arnnced Call Ulluty IM051 or LI l...ul 41• Co.ta JC-8L Coeta ,._ ..,... ........... Arc•lhcts J. Herl;erf BrowneH William Bluroek Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon 6eorg• Lind .. Announcement Of a million dol· • memb<-rs whoae foliage wll1 add Iar. JOO-unit motel and connecting 1 an lntl'resting note in your gar• resta urant to be built on ~ acru l Garden Color den. The J\'Y geranium grows In next to Disneyland was made a trailing m!lnner with Ivy-like today by H. L. Howard of llo:I lea\·e11, the Pt1Jpermint. Lemon. Via Lido Soud and Dallu . Finger Bowl. Nutmrg, Oakleaf and Howard llBid the tw~atory Dependable producera of bright R~ vanetles feature foliage that. atructure will fut ure a m mmlng colors for outdor livlnl' 11ltua\lon11 whm crushed, glve ott pleu lng p011i a.nil othrr Tecr,.atlon&l faclll· are the tuc~a and the pelargon-odol's cTorrespondinc to t h• 11r t "'~. It will be or modem duign. lum , otherwlll# x nown u the ger-nanl!'ll. heae fancy-le&C l'eran • nat1• of ~on:<trucUon 11 not yet 11et, aruum. You'll frnd that thla llhrnb umi< offer follai;:e tnte«•t In con· he :<111d. but he expect& to apply and t.hia perennlaJ n e euy to trutang colol"l! and tbe dW&rf var- for a bulldlnf permit very 800n. ma.lnta.ln and moit a&tiifyfng an lelle11 are good pol 11ubjecu. Hnwartl 111 ext-cutlve \'lce·preitl· tht'ir performance with a great Br•i:-hten your patio and terrace dent <•f the Temco Aircraft Corp. variety or colora available !or corners with fuch,111& and geranium 1n Oall ... s The plant 111 engagt!d brightening your terrace or patio. planu ngs -they 11 provtde a good I .. n 1 U s ~ I 11 color show• 11 on r .... u mg · · · avy Pane In 11electJng-!uch..8Jaa for plant· 1-_ -- 11ml ma.kin&" part.s for Lockheed at Ing make double •ure you get the · H11rbRnk During the "ummer. · f I § H Slated Mr nnol M111. Howard m11ke their proper Vllnety. or your area. n omes general. !uch:11as do beat ln the h1111w "" l.1110 Jsle. -------- WeddinCJ Cakes Eaten Year Later ~:at1r1i.: 1 a ke from lhe wer'ldanf.t i'l'1·1•ptrnn 1i:1 /\ no"el way to ob· 20t-1''" lhP !1t11l·year 1<nna\'ersary 120 f.tl"llmg lu be a wltlt>11pread cu11· tnin. The portion or Uac cake which I 11 .. wedding party does not eat l11 wr.q•p<'d and 11tclred In a horn' fr4'1•7.Pr A year lat1•r lhta I• on.• freezer p11c)<agr that need• nn d.1tc ttl~ the rake l!I taken '"'' and thawed llow dP•'" a y1·ar old rake taste'.' "l,ota bC'lll'r than al wns lhe r1r11t t ime "'" Alt' 1t," an Ohio woman r1•1•t:nliy t·~lrbrallng her annlver• Il l r tnld a rt•1wrte1 fog belt -every one or the 2000- odd v•rleUes ava1lnble can be counted on In thla are11.. But there are certain vsrlet:es t11at will per- form well In the wam1 interior locales ot the state, and lhe be· ginnhig Fuchsia v ower would do well to try these first and then braneh into the novelUes. Recommendt-d fuchsias for warm areu are lhe Callforn111, Cardinal, Dlaplay, Sunset. all 11inglea: and Creacendo, Hollydale, do u b I e 11. Hanging Basket selecllone In warmer areas art Red Spider or S11.n Fr&ncl11Co, recommend• nurs· erymen. For real gardening eue few planta beat the geranium. They do especially well In the coastal i<rea along the Pacific but they're aat· isfactory prrformer11 In the val- leys when protected from frost. They can be planted In a (Tell vartety o! s1tuallon11 -pOlted. In 1 For the fl nt'lll an Commerr rnl I beds, against fences. along drlve- Prtntin)r 1 nil Harbor 111111. Jnb WRy:c, an window boxe11. l'r1ntang 1'1'par1ment. In lhe rommon geranium lpelar- GLUED LAM INATtD ME.MBERS, GIVE C LEAR S~N, A.F-fOQ DING GAEAT STQENGTH Ai LOWER COST. COMPLETE ~UILDING VTl\.!TV Building permal.!l valued at $40.· 500 were taken out o! Co111a Mt>sa city building deparlm('nt Thursday by Harbor Estates !or five res!· dence11 The howu w ill be locat- ed at 66• Surf. 1964 and 19ii .Arnold Ave.~and 865 and 661 RoM St. Dike and Colgrove a re contrac· tora. MATIRES8E S Boat.a -Homea -Trailen Irregular Sbapee Uberty lHSOS COSTA MESA MATIRESS CO. U60 Newport Blvd. WATER HEATERS SAlU. SU YICI ••d U PAIU Joi! P~:}Jof J TUMS 10 ru CEHT OOWH Pho•• Herbor UJO MESA UPHOLSTERING Vpllobterbg a Orapel'J IS$U Nwpt.. Blvd~ Cotta 11- Ubuty IH781 -"' panel door t an eully be con· verted Into a !lush door , with a flat, even 1\Jrfa ce that preaenta a pleulng modem look and mak u tor iuy cleaning. Just apply a pla1llc·fl.nl.ited panelln&' over the enUr• old door 1urfa~. l"lrat, lo complete a 11<>lltt IM.M, build up the door pa.nd de- pre•lona with piece& ot lnlulatlng board to a level even with the rest of th• door. Thl'M piece• and the new panellnc may be aecured with adhealve and lhould be welchted. braced or clamped un- tU firmly aet. Matching molding may be uaed around the edgea of the door. The new pl11.11tlc·flnisht-d door surface may be chosen an a plain color. wood frnin . or marble pattern to CONCRETE Satisfa£tion POUR IT THE EASY .. WAY AND SAYE e Ha\'e ua ahnpllfy your concrete work with • load of pre<'islon-mlx~ eemeet ... prcp&n'd to ~·our ordf!r at a .. vtni. BAY Rt:.UH MlX l:\'C:. • • • 711 W. 17th St. COSTA .~A DELIVERED TO Jot> SITE FROM t t!l PER.SQ.FT. OR COMPLETELV ERECTED, INCLUO\NG ~LA.&, f QOM Gt 9 Pf.A . SC. "· FOA. COMM£RCl~L, · F•AM .OR !~TRW. "3l. ..,.an • llllalnteaaaee • ln1ta11adoa• , . AM'ttlHE« I# SO. CM.IF. R~SJDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCf AL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 30th St., Nnrport lkaell f - STAFFORD & ION "NJ:LS and DUC" ELECTRICAL COSTRACTOKS Phone U berty 8-lUt l it .U.enlde A•e1111e ~ewpon Bea ch ROBERT FORBES luilw PHOl'tt HA&AOR atot 407 Boa An. MAX W. POPE Inc. 9E~"l:llAL CO!l.~C'l'Oa8 "We Arrange F1n anda(' l •t oft Spt.. Bh41. at ll&aa lt the paneling le to be applied DRA..PERIES --. UPHOL8TE&L'!llG -SLIP COVERS WALL PAPER -CA&PETING COMPLETE INTEJUOR DECORATING LAMP LIGHT SHOP HU I:. Cout Hwy., Coro-del Mar Modern living demands more ice -and Richard Pleger , ____ , r···----• fl[( I I atCIP( I I ' ... llUT I Servel ~.~~ Ice-Maker Refrigerator I ,,.,., ..... c....~ diff9tent. , .. ,.,,. I ,_ ,.,., fllll·eolor booklet '""' 1011 1'11cl· I ,., lot cllllltd dltlln . •Pllefl,.... "'"""' I I .... llffMrt• 11tl"• ....,..., bll. __ _, ic.c11c1e• a.. w. ~ -...... ll9V' I ....... "-• ,..,,,.., •• or O.•••- gives you all you want automatically! .. __________ .. ~ot onh all lh" 11 ,. "'" '""''· hut all the mnJtm frarurr' )OU .,.ant. l'IO. ~r,~l. tht CA· n·(ngeratot. brm~· ~ou the aulomattc fN",.Makrr-~ilcnt Cu rrfriger1ti0fl- 1 111on141tc dl'(ro,1111~ and doun• of orl1n 111>-IO·lhr·min111r ll'aturf'•. IOUTMlH COUtmH IAI Cotl,ANY Mt•nt Ill·-IC;e- Clrdet '"'"°"' lr•YI· •II i-.tlcelly. J1111 ,...,,, '" tor one or a llanolul Po• loct ror 1ci d o.s .. ru , -....c111tlMN ..... ~! ltll·ltl .. u,u. food &lid•• to yot1 o" 11 t1". omootll, nylon rollo,. !. ... ._ ••• tvll)' ..,, .. , •• •Ille liac• tllelf'9odu ... tlwa,. Mty le re.ecll --, ... ,. ••• 't '''''"' f ·r..; ..... . &11!.-tC ..... l TIU. s ... to '' t1ta1 lrett •• W.th\11t6 ... , d11ly-'" IO'l'\el'Ull)' Othtt ,.,,,..1 -··-..... ·~ '""°"" ""'" c1e1,..11na ............... ,,_ "°"out ......... Ou•<~ ·coto $11011 l ultH K .. ~, '" • oor s,.,..,., Only ! GASI gives you a refrigerator d ifferen t from all others Norte-Tt1ppa11-O'Kfffe & M.m.,-WedC)ewood Gas Ra11991 Jake's Appliances SA'D UIEln 1·6'41-SDYICE 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA I FOR SaJtf•; DRIVING -Costa Mesa Police Chief Art M'cKenzie demonstrates how safety belt.a, recently installed in Meu patrol cars, hold the driver firmly to the seat. In foreground on seat is puaenger side safety belt. The nylon belts muat be attached whenever officers enter the Mesa vehicles. -Staff Photo Mew Teachers Get Okay of Local Boird Tbirty·three new· tMcben wtD 'dlma_ tD the Mrgort s-dl SS-· ent&ry School t>IJltrict t.tii. eom• '" nN'. lt .... ~ TlaM· day by the Khool board. I AV•!'&&'• M.Lary fOT u.. new te&eher• will be about _.O~ per J year. Averace M.111ry for all toch· en ln the <Uatrict wUl be SOU! per year. There wUl be 116 certtn· • cated peraonnel ln t,he dlttrtct, 111 ot which are lnatructore and four admlnl1traton and nun.. NEW TEAOH&IL8 New teachera for H&rbOr VMw School are flJ'llt srade; Mn. K&r- garet Fergut0n, MIN Nancy Sheet.a. Mra. Lovell Lehman; ... 1 cond CT•~. Mi• Nancy J&IM G&r- rlao~ Mn. Elaine Homu and M119 Alice Winn: third grade. Mlaa Dorothy Carl. Mr1. MaJ'Sie Rich· ardaon, Mra. Marcia Hu.; fourth rrade. Mra. PhyUlt Ortmmell. J.tn. Nlna Hixon; fifth (Tade, MIN II Janet Coomb.s.· At Corona del Mar tcbool new teacheni will be, klnderganen. Miu Shirley M.cKelvy: .econd (Tiide, Miu Norman Goodwin and Mn. Helene Kenney; third gn.de. Miss BPrnlt.& Hannon ; fourth I gT&de, Mil'lll Loia Smith and lltlh I gradr, Mrt, .Nancy Blair. At Newport School, new te&clien wU\ be .. lllndergarten, Mi.N Loulee ·Michael: 'tlrat grsde, Mr11. Berry Hildreth; eecond rnde, Ml11 Bar· Ibara Kirkwood; fifth grade, J ohn Cue and Miu Louise Foote. AT l:SSION SCHOOL Horace Enalgn'• new teacher& will be In the alxth ,-rade, Werner Carllon, ).lrs. Charlotte C&rpenter, J ohn Mount and M lN Han')'ette Fry; home econornlu, Mn. Gera.I· dine Barker; aeventh and eipth MONDAY, JULY 11, 1955 AND AWAY Parenta and children crowd aro\lnd two apecial buuee acrou the street from St. Jame. School u 106 young- stera prepare to depart for "1mmer camp at Big Bear AUG. 2l ENTRIES DEADLINE FOR DOLL IN MESA PARK SHOW All enlriea In a doll 1how at Coeta )(e .. Park will be made AuJ. 23 between 10 a.m. and noon .. part of the New· port Harbor Union High School Dlatrlct awn.mer recttallon procram. Flnt and aecond pruea will be awarded In 15 doU caterort,ea. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART r. PA<;r I THEY GO! Lake Wedneeday. They will return to Newport Harbor July 18. -Staff Photo 31 New Teachers Hired by Mesa School Trustees CODtracta for hiring of 31 new Othera are Mn. Kat.!lertne C. .~McKenzie Praises Department's New Safety Belb for Cop Can cnde, Jolin G. Granath Jr.; and So f'<IJ' thl1 year 68 people have I Mra. Virginia )(araton; wtrument· been killed ln car accldentt ill o... al m\lllc, Lew11 Kidder: vocal a.nge county. That. la 10 more than, mu.ale. David Olaon and Hbnnsn. In the flrat 11ht monlla of 19~4. Mn. Kath.ryn Baucennan.. When the numht-r gets to the l 00 mark drunk drh•ers convicted in Judge l>odge·• court will s o to Jall for 60 day1. ·' I Prh:ea will be gjven tor the tunnieat.. oldMt, larrut. amallut, pretllut fir!, handaomest boy, most unu,,uaJ, C\11.ellt baby, moet beauUtul forelgn, beat hfu\dmade, do~ from moat dlatant place, moirt U11u.Ual outfit, m~t dolla ·1n ahow ard beat puppet. Special prize& will be awarded for moat complete hlln4· JWM1e ward.rObe made l>Y a chUd. AU entrtu muat be made by the child who ent.era the wardrobe. First prize ln wardrobe cocnpatlUon i. ~ Voeu• doll; .econd, a brtde dreu : five third Prise• ot doll .ocU and •hoe. and four fourth pr1u-1 of doll ,1.-.. taachen received Coel& Mua Un-White, ~l'-Beach; Kr& LWian Ion School Dlttrlct Bo&rd of Trull· A. Beaumont.. Vial&; Kra. Jioute eea a pproval dw1n&' rerular au-Goff, 8an Bemardlno1 Viet.cw lln· aion Wednuday nlcht. Two new uah, South PUaden•: Donald A.. principal.a were included amonr Zdroy, Loa An&'elu; Mn. BernJce them. Salarlee ranged from $3600 Bush Turntr, Altadena; Mra. Bua lo S88M per yu.r, depending on Muse, tianta Ana; Roy 0 . Peebler, the ba.l!Ja ot experience and polli-Pomona: Del L. Penney, Felr Uon. Oak1; Mra. Dorothy Brinkerhoff, Princip&l.a are John P. PU!tln· Long Beach. b&rger of .2672 Cl.111> Meaa Place, Cann<'n Bova, Orange; Dale Coilla Me.a, who replacu Th~ Rugh Cok Santa Ana; :Mrm. LOI• dore Neff, depoeed Everett Rea I B. Robb11U1, Twlln; Theodore School Principal. Wiila.rd 0. Rene Smith, Lung Beac11; Mra. Audrey of Rivera waa bind aa new prln· ~kEwen, Santa Ana; Miu 8 e111110 clpaJ for the echool ac.heduled to JnhaD11rn, Compton; Rlchllrd Bo- .. An Item refarded by many u the comlng thlng 11\ ulUm&te auto ••fety in Lhl• high •pted age hu been In use by Coata Mua police up.nment toe tw'll.montha. That'• the .afety btlL Purchued at S 10 a Mt., UM 100 per cent n,loD belta wen wtalled ln ea.ch Mua patrol C&T. nrmly pinned to the noor at reazo of the front ~•L the belta mu.at be m~ ped about o/tlcera oocupytn&' the front 9eat• every time the7 alt How do Ule ortlceni feel about lhe btHs? · "Otficera aee enough accident lDjurie1 and deatha to recognize the sa.fety value," Mc· Kenzie repomd. A1 for the feel· Inf or being at.rapped 1n the can. a gUder type a.tety 111ap requtrea only a tuck at the buckle to re· move the belt. Police offlcen have lo leave a uto• extra fut at crucial momenta, McKenzie re· minded. clown In the car11. D k D • Police Chier Art McKtnsle ta r1n rtvers IOld on mertta of the aafety belt. .. Jt·a certaJnJy one ot tbe a.n.wve p • ~ Cell to our hip •peed moton," Art rom11e. <Udared. ''To dJm.JnUll UM rtaaa" toll ot death and LnJurt.e auttend b J d •e D d by the public ln tratnc accldenta. I J I ft 0 ge Kiely belta 1hould be ltock eqUlp- menl. In •.II vehlclea in the tuture." Dri'ffra who Uke to drink will do MeKen%le reported Loa Anrelea w.U to keep track or the calendar P olice Department baa the Mle-ty in Judp D. J. ·I>od&'e'1 Newport .. If tlne11 do not have any de· terenl errecl we will try letUng them 11lt around our jail for awhile," aid Judge Dodge Tut1· day. Accordinf to the judr;e the aec· on:t half or the year i• alway• worM for accidents lhaa the firat halt. For every one killed 1n an accident there 11 an average of 2~ per80na Injured, which would make 1700 Injured llO tar thla year, the Judp contend.I a.nd It worrle• him thal >M can't do aometbln&' about It. He looke -JIU oourt room and know11 that the 68 killed 10 tu thla year would juat about fill the Mat.a before him and the (hoet.a of thl>lle tull aeata keep needllns him to do 10methlng. for he know• that ahortly he Ill golng to have to ha.ng out the SRO alg'TI. B1rnham Leaves Coroner Office Macft LOIUI Beach from ll. He had reported the lOlll! be co~slructed at Placentia Ave. ,·et. Alhambra; Roy R. tttid, Lon~ ---. .. ~ to Newport Pollet. I and \.\ llJIOn SL-Until the new Be11.ch; Mui Mari,."lleritfl DWU\ell, BANTA. A.NA. (OCN8)-Deput7 Youths F1·nc1 and Tiie C01l6 Mee& bOya Who alded l!('hOOl Is r rady for ~CUj>OnCy. Lo,, Ange.Ju; Mrl'. Virginia Clap-in the recovery are John William Reese will be located at Main saddle, Laguna Beach, and Mr9. CormeT RoPr BUlUam &DDOW)C• R ..__ D I .__ White Jr., 17 and Robert Allthony School. Alice Tolma.n, SL-ita Ana. ed hie real(n&UOn. from the eon>-8....-n 0C I ~ W111~. 15 both ot 2051 !"ewport Loeal resident.a among the new With nine teachers f rom lut ner'a at.all Jwy l . Burnham -a Ave. llJld Donald Gary Seal!!, HI. l.1esa iJlatnict.ora Lnclude: Mn. ye a r 1ubmltlmg realpallon.a fonner mortician -plan• to en-Blx Coeta Meaa and Lone Beach 1916 Newpor t Blvd. The-y aald Margaret Anne Ooodm11.n of fl<le which were accept1'<! by the bOard large hi• d1Ci11\1'&. two minlnr; youtlul who found a doctor'• bag the bag was open and content3 Narc1aau11 Ave.; Mrs. Virginia Ov· Wednel!day night, 1t wiu Nlt1m11.l· cla1ma ln the Kem Valley. Be Mid at lrYIJae Ave. near Santa laabell alrewn on the ground. erlt'e11, 320 22nd Bl .. Co•ta Me•: ed by Bwuneu Mana1er Harrl11on he plau to 10 tnto't.be llliJUq pro-St. ln Coat.a Me.a July 4 a.rt.er-Blair Hamilton, 1~~ Tustin B&nbom t.hal approxlm11tely 18 teuion tull-IC&le. Th• c:la1mll an aoon l'&ff it to Coet& M•• pol.tee. Ave., Coata Mu.a: Oa.rlan L. We~ n.ew ln.atructora rem-1nf'd to M on tung-at& or.~ propert.tee. TM baa' wu atolan Sunday Hoff Cacie Taken ut, 369 JC. ~roadway, Coeta Meaa; hired for the M-11ehool dlatnct. Howner, h• alao bu hill .,.. • Alpt or Xon.S.y momln&' from Frank Hott ot 2201 U.rbor Blvd., Mrs. Janel L. Pattenon, 302 &. BubmltUnc r .. lgn&Uona -re poaalble uruW&m depo9lta. a. ll&i4 the unk»cked car ot I\. z . Chltten· notified Cost.a MM& police July 4 Ocean Jrront; Mn. ~ Sh&· l!luaan Carpenter. Gordon Scholle, Jie wtJ7 pcrchuad a ~ dea paril9d in the car port at ha attemoon of the(l ot a bird breed· 1 ver, J23 Apolena Way; Mra. Lor-K&ye Galloway. Joh.n Bull. Ela.In• counter. home, I Harbor bland. Chllten· lng cage from hh1 rear yard lhed. etlll Bablan, 1124 Arbor, Coat& Me· Mayo, Lovell l.Ahman, B<'Vtrly Bumh&m hu bffn wttJ\ the dell -.Jd tbe-~ cont&lned no HDCf placed a $1 0 value on the 11a. 1acnd Mia. M•J')'-Kay Tltua of Goode. Wand& w-1 end Haleen coroner'• office tor the put etpt narcotlca and not.hlng-wa.a mla11!ng raite. 111:1 t rl11 Ave. Ben-y. yean. He aaid he doea not pte.n -~~~~~~iiiim..iiiliiililm-.-;-;-;;;-• .;. ........ .._..:;;;;;;;;~ ...... ~~~ .. .;..;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;. .. ..;;~..:;;:;,...;;;..'W to move hit family from Santa Ana but will c0nunue hit home here wtule develoJ>ln&' hi. cla1ma. belt. In all traffic patrol c&n1. The Juattc:e Court. C.Utomta Hl1t1way Patrol ln~l· ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Get on the ed the btlta approximately alx months ago. Ma)Orily of traJflc fataUUu and IJIJunes. McKPnz1e aald, ue cau.1· ed by front aeal puaengera either I •triking their heads against the dlUlh board or be-Ing thrown through the wlndshle-ld. The aafe· ty btll would hold auto ~- 1er11 in lhelr aeat. reduclng very Mrloua Injuries lo minor hurt.t, SAYE SAFELY At Oran9• County's Leading Home Lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSl:JRED UP TO $I 0,000 I I All Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Eern F~om the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION !!! ~ /li.VftllM! PhOfM': HY 6-ll'T'T LAGUNA BEACH I Jump on the Summer Bandwagon Sell·A·Bration with our July Tuner11p Special 1941-1951 Ford 6 Cylinder EnCJine 1941-1953 Ford 8 Cylinder Engine 1952-1955 Ford Overhead b Cylinder Engine 1954-1955 Ford Overhead V-8 Engine Theodore Robins Yoe Ford Dealer 8htoe 19!1 Oil ..........,. Mlle 3100 W. Coast Hwy. _, Uberty l-J471 <'SANDWAGON in Now for the ~theye11r dwing our SUMMER IMDWA&OI SELL·A·IRATION ! TOP DOU.AR TRADl-IN I LONG, IAIY TmlMll PllOMPT DWV•Y I This b lrl II you hurrv, you can take full ad"antage of our INd<"nhlp trading position and save biK money on a beautiful nrw '55 Fntd. R1il. do It l'lOW/ While our Summer Bandwal(On Sell-a-bntion i~ In full rwintt. C:ome in tocby. Your prrst"nt C'ar will m•w•r be worth mnr,.• Wth our Gtra·hilUi trad&-in allnwanccs. rou11 1et the deal of a IJetlm,! And, of~. there·~ a long-term payment plan that m11lc"' iJP.~linst ...;1h 11.1 m0tl conv"1ient. If )'O\J wllfk fut, you11 !(ct the yrar·s /won huv' Come in today. See how really e&I}' it is to own • h1g-n'"., hranrl·rn"V, beautiful-new ·55 Ford! Brina your ~tie with you. We11 wnp-up the deal and the dmib ""' U.. dotlbl•I You get the car of rnur ~. the color o( your choice. the mode) of your choice • , • alJ ll A hig n ving. And you Olln ~,.t 'JlliClc dtliY• ..., Oil molt mode II. C~ I/CM f ord toda~ C••• ,. _, ftf w Stll-a-IH11fiH Deal THEO.ORE voua J"ORD D&ALl'.ll IHNCI: IHI -(OS MA&INEJl'S Mll.Z) !100 W. Coast Hlclhwav Newport leach Uberty 8·3471 -------GUAJ' TV, l'OBD ~ KBCA (f) muu:. 9;SO P.M. -------- \ 1· .... •'' PAGE 6 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR ~1r:W!'-PRESS MONDAY, JUtY 11. 1955 I 1 Mesi S1vi1p, School ... plows MlllflelemoMCI .. lo111 Offering Cost.a M-Unkla lcbool Dteo lricl hu bMn ftOUfted by UM OOUB· ty auditor that U.e oM ~ at Llftdbu1h lkbool have to Ille dlApoffd or. Trouble lt, ~ to Buperlntendent .:V.nll Rea. It coeta a beap ot moaey to llaul tbe U.IAp a way. WINNER OF OUTBOARD MOTOR .A ' YO HEAVE HO AND AWAY WE GO · Rfgb-i out of a Gilbef1 and Sullivan operetta ia UU. bit of nautical }\oraeplay depict- ing an "all hands and the cook" scene aboard the Lyman Fanrella' 84-foot echooner Seadrift of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Mra. Farwell {the cook ) mane the wheel aa Skipper Farwell and crewmen Jack Harper and Addison Gurley "uaume the at~ titude". Aa of the start all horseplay gave way to the c.arefully planned racing echedule with Seadrift ancI her crew of 16 competing gamely in the 1955 Trana- Pacitic Race to Honolulu. -Beckner Photo Mesa Enters \ Randall; Palmer. Thompson ~ater Business and Soderberg Graduated 1n Fund Loan WHITIIER -One ttsldent Of rroup, and WU named co'n11l1ttntly The City or Costa Meaa hl\S Balboa lllland and three Newport-I to the College'• Honor Roll. She gone Into the water bu1dneu -era ret elved bachelor of e1'ls de-11 sel'Tlng as a counMlor In a "t lea.st financJ-.lly. Mu11 city , children's camp In Fra.nce thl• council ealtblJahed a water de-1 rree• at the 52nd annu&J Writtier l'ummtr and will attend rrllduate partznent and moved 140.000 from Collere commencement exerc!Ms. acbooJ Jn•tbe fall. the general to the water depart-La Motte T. Cohu, pioneer In Charin C. Palmer. 113 28th ment tund on a loan ba1l1, J unt the deYelopme.nt of U. s. avia tion St .. Newport. 10n or Mr. and Mu. 20. · 1~ W. H. Palmer. Olive. majored In Clly Manager Georce Coffey re-and al pruent dlrtclOr or Genera I economle1 at Whltllu He 11 a Ann Thomas o! Huntington Bea<'h is looking for a "safe" spot on which lo use her new Evinrude outboard motor which she won r~ently in a Coca Cola contest. She is shown above al the r ight getting the feel of the steering handle o( her new motor. Others above, from the left are J. L. Carver, manager of Carvercraft on Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa ; Ernie Old.field. Huntington Beach. who also won a 71:.: h.p. Evin- rude and L. W. Hypes. Orange County manager of Coca Cola Bottling Co., Santa Ana. -Staff Photo que1te<1 Ole action. explalnlnc that 'Dynamic.a Corp.. wu the com· veteran and att~ rruuartan tht M.-1tropolltan Wa ter district mencement 1peuer u 215 atu-1 J unior College and Sant& Ana required a connection fee the MC· c1enll received bachelora or mu--J unior Colltge before entertn1 , ond Monday In July and ··we need ltrl degrees. • Whittier. some working capital." In mak-Mill Sally Ann Randall. daugh· .ICmtst o. Thomp10n. IOn of Mr. Ing the approving motion. Council-ter ot l-1r•. Leona Batchman, Bal-and Mrs. Eme11t Thomp10n. 1235 man Charles TeWlnkle obMrved. boa bland. rttelvt>d her deg~ I w. Balboa Blvd., Newport. major- '"Thls 1.1 one or the very lm por-with honora 1lr nlflca.nt of out-1 ed In hiat.ory a l Whittier. He wu Lant at.epa l&ken by Co.ala Mesa s tanding 1-cademlc a.chlevemtnt. 1 a collere yell tellder, vice preal- u a new city." She wu one of 10 honor gradu-1 dmt ol the Whittler chapter of Countians Get $7~,000 Monthly Social Security -Benefit Checks Start New Mesa Bank At the end ur l!l!i4. ov~r $750.-owf'rs receiving $78,023 per month. 000 per month wn11 belnl{ p11id t11 Twenty-three aged dt!pemlenl p11r· • M•d J I Or11nge County rPsldent8 In fNI· enl8 complete the lotnl I'" I • u y trill 11oc1111 bendlta, according lo figure~ JU8l relt&lled by J. H. Me an Requests Costa Mella Bank expect s to V.'ootton. llOC\al ~t'CUr\ty admlnl11o-S 1 luut'ch con11tn1ctirm on a modem la- t 111tlon dl:<trl<'t m11nager in Sant" t ic n~w b111ldln11: at the triangle An11 ()ypr 1!'1.0110 rrrllllnll Wl'rP Tr1·a1 on Charge ot H<orb<•r Blvd. and Newport AVI'. r"<'"l"lnlt" pnvmt>nU. 11rounu m1rt-J11ly, Ma.nRj!er Pa ul \\'t'utt11n 1Pporlt d that 8i50 rr· Roy E. Hanison of 1589 Rl'd· Cn•lghton tlll•I tht fl.'t>Ws·Pres.~. In other bu1lne111. tile council: .1 atea. She majored In hl11tory at t the California Studtnl Teachera ' JIEA.RL"'l.G ~ .JULY j Whittler >¥here •he was J>realdent j Auocia.Uon. eecretary ot Ule L&n- Continued hearing on Mna or the Athenian Social Society. a <:er Social Socl•ty and a member parking dlatrlct No. 2 until next member o! thr Modem D11nce jof Knlghll, honorary 11ervlce regular meeting In July. The croup, a nd of !hr Rally Commlt- cou.ncll decldf'd to a.ppolnt an ap· Approved two tentative maps tee. pr«ll'er to appraise value or lht coverlnR' 224 loll of Halecraft'a M11111 Jane Soderberg. d&Ufhler entire parking area . propo!M'd ore announced 800-ho.me tract. The 1 1 uc Mr. and Mr11. E. V. S.oderberg. Harbor Blvd. and 19lh St. and the action wu tal<en ·duplte Mayor 428 Wulmlnst•r Ave.. Newport parking ll r e a mlnu• frontage Neleon'a r.velallon that Bob Wll· Height.a. majored In llOCloloiry and •long 19th St. eon of lh• city plannlnK comml•· p•ychology. She ffrved u vi()( Free Gifts Now V•IU&ble h'et (lfta aror awalU111 1 new 1nv-.. lol"9 al Coet.a WNA ll&V· a..a and Lou AMocJ.aUQl'l, un N-port 81\ld., eo.ta ~---. il WU announet'4 t o d a y tty A"4r•w 1 Walker, Vlct·prnldent or Coal• I Mua'a onJy homt-owned aavtn&• 'and 1oaJI ln•tll utlon. Thtae a ttractive and uaerul free (!tu will Include a sma rt, ltather con~ed tranl alarm Cl<K'k with luminous dial for all ntw a.<.'counlll of 11000 or mort•. a.nrt I' handaome renulnt luther billfold In f'llher men'1 or ladlf'•' 11tylr:1 for 1('('ount1 of ~00 or more. The orter of thl1 fru (lfl dur- lnf the month ot July wu m adt in order to acquaint new lnYeaton with tht high ~tum• •nd many 1ervlcea or Cost& Mu a SaYinp and Loan A•aoclaUon, Walker added. I Int.neat la <'UIT•nl" being paid at lht rat• or 3 ~ percent ptr annum on all accoW\t., \VaJkrr polnttd out, and olbf'r apt!C'ial fu- ture• or C01t11 Me11& Savmga and Loan Include automatic lnauranc• of each •rrount t o $10.000, HM ot adding to or withdraw ing from lhe accounr. • himdy Savr-By· Mall plan. and friendly. helptul IK'rvlce. • While the frM gitla Wlll ~ of- fe~ to new accounll opened Wltll July 31, Walker pointed out that all account. opened by July 11 will earn from July 1. "T~n yMra -.O·" Rea told bMrd m ambe"' 'f'l\urwday nlahl, • ._ mambere June so. ·-,.. cowd mo.- one for 1100. Today lta coat 11000."' "Someone ml111t take them u a rtn." Tl"U•lM Bra dley khwan 1une1tt'd. "We'd proti.bly bettff COft\.act aome houaa buUdlnr outtlta, have thtm take a look and -what U.. bunr a 1ow11 are worth." ft• eald. "We can aJway1 offu lh•m tor a new city hall." Bcllwara nlfUed. Local Bartender Booked on Coant A Hurley Bell bartefrder and a 18-year-old Puadrna youth _,.. bookrd on July 3 by Ne~rt po- lice for v1olalion of the alcohol and ~verare act. Jilek LHley, :io. 718 P oinMlUa A\le .. the bartender. wu booked on ausplclon of ••lllnr to a minor ch.lid undt r tht bu1lntN end pro- feulonal C'odt. Ht> poaled l2M ball and 11 to appear IA Newport Ju1llce Court July J l. Richard Ku.ebaum, 18, WH Men ordtring beer by two N-· port BeaC'h pollre offlcera. They wd La•ley p "e the betr to th.• youth. REGISTER NOW FRIDAY, JULY 15th -7:30 P.M. - In coefti11etioll wttt. Grand 0,..1 .. 7k !IRA1'-· '9:f OP entrant. l@:-12 yean mmt regt.ter by Thunclay. July 14th Contest conducted by VERNA MlltER SCHOOL OF CHARM , .... f'd by ..._,_ a.... I(. 'lv ...... OaMa ... Ma1or Dora KW. Newpert .._. N-Broaptoa, F..adoe Oo-ordtaatel' 1809 Newport Ave. Costa Meta l tt r ol \\'orkt'r:. Wl'l e n•ci>lvmi:-land Place. Costa Mesa, m Santa Crelghtun Hald b1da on the new J"i11~:1!lll rn munlhl,v soc1.t1 lit'cur-An11 .!llun1c1pal Court pleadet.I in-st1u111110 Wt'I C now out and 11\ J>ll \nlt-nl" In a d1ht1on to thl' nocent J une 24 on 8 dru nk drh·mg should bt• deculed upon within a r.-i1. rfl wor kers I here were 6·10~ ftrcu11uiton IUld uked Cnr a JUry week or tf'n days. 'CnnstructJon 'lhr1 pr oplP 1rr r1ving $241.810 a tr11I. J udge Cameron slalt><I Harrt· should .start aboul July 15:· mul)th 1111 rlrpl'n1lt·nlJ1 of the n>tlred son's tnal for Dec. l . Creighton said. '"'I kl'rl' •·r Ill' tht survtvor!I of Costa Mtsa pohce arrested Har-The VIC'e-pres1dcmt and managtr ReJl'cled the controvenillll Maa •Ion h"d reverMd hla llpprovtni" prealdenl of the A Capella Choir, W. Pope 43-lllt subdlvl•lon be· vote or the tract fronting Baker publicity chairman tor the AH O· twttn Orange and Santa Ana St. Original city planning com~ elated Women Student.I. eoe1a.I Aves. ot! 22nd St. for t he second mlHlon vote had found only Chair-chll1nnan of the Ionian Social So· time m four month•. This Ume man Wa lter Weimer op)>Ollng the clety a.nd wu a member or Soee- the vote w~ 3·2. Mayor ClaJre map11 on RTOund11 or dralnace co1, Junior SponllOl'I and Senior Nelson and Counc1lmtn A. L. P ink· problems and' lark nf width of CoUJ1Sl'lor1. honorary clua Mrvtce ley and Bruce M 11.l'tln M,.v1n11:. jBak~ieiriS~t.iiilliiiii~•••lli~lfTiOiuip~a~ ............... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ··l':o," Commented Pinkley. "I -- - hke Pope. Dul I'm g-etllng 80 I late the name of Pope. Thia 1 hu,,. who had rlied n110n. Beca\18c the allegation rt.led del!crlbtd the new structure! u \\'hen """ b1 .-ak down Lhe figure a.a a high misdemeanor, the case havmg "lots of glass:· The g-round nt 6464. nrr•mllng to Wootton. was shifted from Newpor t Ju.slice n onr will cover 7200 sq. ft. and "<' 1tnd thn e 1111 ~ 2229 chllc1rtn Court to MunJc1pal Court In Santa tht meuanmc J500 s. fl. "It will 1 r1 •·1\'mg $8i,506 per m onth. 2490 Ana. 11Jsn haw• a drlve-1n window 11.11d a w1v"" anti tll'~ntlt>nt hushonds r,.. Harrison a lh•i;edly wss convicted n1i:ht dcpo111tory." Creighton lllllfl. """'1111: SIS 2~!1 r•·r m nnth a nl! or drunk driving In Ssn Olt>go Th<•re 111 no fur ther df'Vt'lopmenl Ii:!<! "!ti""'' <111ol ol••1wn1lrn1 "'!"· four yea rs ago. in pendln1; nirr,Kf'r Of Co1<ta Mt>"3 Buttums Building New S250.000 Store Addition B11nk with the ·UnltNI Stat rs N11- Ut'lnRI Bank nr ~nn Dlf'l:O, Cre1i;:h- ton rrportPd A nnounr iiment of ttw OWl.K"r \\'Al! l."111'1"1 Ill April by Ch.i l'lrs To·\\"tnkll', r.trnlrman nf 1 1 h,. :it r11H bo n k hn11 rd of di rectors. It w9~ 1•xper led In bt' compll'INI Jn 1tpp1 ux1mately !10 d11y~ .., 1 Th" new Mt>:111 b11 nk b11ilr11ng I;. 8fh<'l1ut.•r1 fnr OCt'Upllnry by lallf'r p11rt Of the yrar. problem hu bothered m" no end. Something should bt' done. l jllllt don'l know whether lo vote yes or no. \Vllh 20 more mlnutu or speechu by both 11ldu. I'd ro off by myt!elr and buy a root beer." Gave first reading to a.n ordln- M CP annexmg an L-ahaped 11trlp of l11.11d running to S11nt& Ana R1vtr and cutting off Newport Beach from further expan11lon northwest o< city dump. The land twlong11 to L. Adrian McCain. No prote11l111 were receiv,.d a1t11 in10l the RAnexation. ftESltW AliRt.:l':MEST !=ounty Growth Causes Firm Expansion into Stilt·type Modern Structure Th,• ptwnumcnw g row1h of lhe ~nurr OrRn,KP County 11rra h>t~ been rcflr1 l,.•I '" thi> i::n•wth ,,f Buffumi.' S,1nt.1 A11a I•• p111 tmt'nt :O:tori•. 1t ''"" 11'\'•':1 ... •I 1 .. 11,,· hy Hi.ny B11fr11111 In· 11h•nl • I th. r•rm, Wh • ll hr lllll'llllnl l'tl plHh~ ft1r " m11rr t h11n 1111Urt,.1 ·m1lht111 •lullRr a tlJltinn 111 thr •tnr" An ex1 ... tmg entrance from the will 1ndu11 .. a st riated effcr t, !Orm· IAr 1 .. '•i-tur"tJ concrPte. A "6 111- Don't 1>,. 8 11\ l~l'I< l hP Club Renewed the city's a~rf'ement f with the Coela MPS& Sanitary 0111· trict. Commented Mayor Nel,..,n · "The agrr,.ment ha.oi already pro\'- " rl$:ht ·Of·way lh1e(. en <>Ul our hope• t o h!Lve between ="1at1onel Automobile I S!i000 and $10,000 durlnit th" Cl!lClll n{l"rat1on of this contra<'t " Tr·· new l \l'•HIH•r· "'"l·I) I'" ~~4'\UrP Wiii h. ln1·11l .. '1 1111 I ho• nnrth,..1at Kr"a •If th!' l'l•'Sl'nt ~Jt•· 1111,t Wiii bf' tll'l'lt);ll•••I lot (ll'Jlllll ll11 11n1nlenuptNI fl"' rnr) (lnw f rom I h" l'x110l 1n1?" ~ltWI' 1 ,, 111~ n••w hu1ld1ng 111111.s ·· srgnalurt' maJe of pl8l'l1c p111 k1n:.: 1u••a w ill bt-1111,.<1 m cun- J1in1 ti.111 with a d1'8ml<t1L nnatlng 11t,111111,... ~· t 11g111nsl a b.1ck- 1:r11u111I "' 11 .. lol11Lone And t rop1r11I 1•lnntc1I &1 ca". f111 rout I nwr l 10 I h1• n• ll' 1i<ld1l 1<1t1. F1•r adtlecl cust111111•J rOll\'l'lltl'm'c, Hll • 11 \'lltor w1U "''r\'11 e thP p.Hk· 1111: a r•'I\• (r t'lm th•• n"" ... ·mni:: ,.,,.~;l< \\'rlt<Jll ~Clk••l >IJIJ t\'!<t•t'llll l S 1 h.1v.• lletn t•omm1ss1on .. ct t•• exPrute lntt'l(rl\Uon of thr Lw11 ln11loJ1n11::1 , lh" "lotal d('algn" of lhe project 1 .. the •1r111i;:n or \\',.lt,.11 Ret·k••t, 1nd11rli n~ flxt11n•s. h~hlm.i;. inter· Jo' A.I A . ond A~11111·111t••J<, lldll· lnr •l··r111 Ancl O\'C'l'Rll clt'SIJin t<'C'lll fllr lhe on.i:-1naJ 1<t or(' whtr'h 1 1;r .. 11no1 will hr hrokt:'ll 1n the "'"" erected In 1!\:10 111 11 rn111 nf I '"''Y nPn r fnturf', Burrum 11l111ei1 mnre th11n SI n11lhon. --------- rn:!"IO~t:R ROO-'l i-Folr lh• llllt'lil in l:omnirn•1el Pnn11ng , >1 ll Ha l'bor Jl\16, Jnb We Now Have Facilities No Jaguar Do retti tor Down Payment Triumph Hillman as low as $1445.00 Harvey M ·ayer Motors l Corner Victoria & Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 2137 Harbor Blvd. Liberty 8-2256 The f1111t level of lilt nl'w 11dd1. Pnntrng Di>p11rlnien1 l~n w lll be RlVtn O\'Prto exMu101ve ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l.>riolirnPr Rooms to. be drvote<l to the dl11pl11y 11.nd 11ale of America·e I fint11l fa..~hlOIUI. A large. gla.'111· l'overecl a ptrture. nanktd by l\Jl •longated planter box. ....-u1 admit nutursl light l.nto lht H lon. Color-I lul sun l!<'rttns will bt URtd to 11hAdt the \\'lndow. Bridal. fur, mil· I hnf'ry Md hn1<ene 111llons will rom- pl!'te tht11 fln<>r. Tht 11tcnnd le,·rl w1U bt ret11trvtd ror nteuary "X· I J>llJIJ!IOn or l#rVICI' farltlt1~ llUt'h a., Cur 11tM11ge. <lt'livPry and tf'· I 1t>rve 1tO<'ka. The new 1tnacture. wh1C'h will bt I t1o•d to Buttum11· u1at inr building. will have a gruu area or 2~.000 1q. !t., and will be ot 0.t elab a nd rttnforoe<i concl"C!te C'OnlltroctJon. u~ of atilt ·type conatrucUon. Burtum dlllC'loaC'd. will permit "clou-ln" rtwtrrd p11r klng for pa. t rons. with ea.wy llCN!M to •ton <'ntranc·u and t xJl.3. Ext<'rior dnlgn of the bulldlnit 11nd 11lummattd. will be pinned •e.w&y Lrom Ul• lac&cH. ltJuntlry service tlelux1 .•• •I IMrgtJin prices! WHAT IS IT?· · lndn'1dually 10.·aaht'd-·ur111g appat ti fluff dried by flltertd air-Clat pltcta profusrnnally Ironed. Your clothtt anJ hnt'na are, done up ONE unit-no mix· 11p11. no u11111ghlly niarka -naln110ft w11ter, g enUe conlrolltd toap1. WHEN AVAILABLE . • • Service within houra It urgent, btt'suse we do everything rtcht ht r•. HOW MUCH •.. It is • bu91in bundle too only $2.15 for 23 lbs. WHERE. 1100 West Coast Hlgh•'ll)' pura casa . il!riMn Mlle "~ER\'ICJ; \\1 ntnii ROtJll!t -\\'llL~ !\~ED". COMPLETE LAUNDERS and CLE.UIEB8 It S His Business ... .IO!WPORT ~ BARBOR RE-W$,1RRE-SS 2211 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1tl6 Yes ••• It's tlis IHKIMH to dellv• ,_.. Newport Harbor News-Pren to yMr door Monday, Wednesday ••d Friday. lt~s his business to do • toOd lob too. .. . yow paper"""' ..... JOll pr~. •d • C)oocl coedftloll. His iobclepe11•..-... service he re11clen Ith c.istomen. If y• .. not a req•ICll' ..._ scriber, fill CMlt ,.. s u b s c r i p tioll below and we wlll start ._ livery cit oece. :~-------~------···········---~~-~--------i j Circulation Dept. I j Newport Harbor News • Preu I : 2211 Balboa Blvd., Nf"WJ)Ort a.-, ' ~: Circulation Dept. l I hereby wish to 1ubeonbe t o the New- port Harbor New1-Preaa, and agree .0 pay the Carrier monthly. (Home delivered only 50c a moolb). ·······-···························-·····---- Slrttt Clll' .................. ·-·-···-·· ........ ---··--- . . • • I ' ·--·-------·----------·--------- STANLEY COMMENDED BY LA 90ARD FOR HARBORS llLL Mi berry Gets Interlocutory Divorce Decree ANGLE IS NEWPO~T HARllOA NEW~ESS-PART I · PA&E 1 MONDAY, JULY II, 1955 . Loa AnllJ'lf'f County 1upuvisor1 recently commended Aa- 1emblymlln Earl W. Stanley of Balboa b land, for hl1 worll a.all fo1e.\leht 111 1tcuru1r pauage of an amendmen t to public rC!M>urcea code maklnc poaaible de\'clopmant of more smaU craft h1u bot$ 11nd waterway• In Southern Calltomla. Tia .upn\.tMlora p&Med a rc:aolutlon which noled that u ... 1,111 will 1:1ve a lremendou1 !mp..tus to the 1111aU r1 afl 1'11rt>nr proitrftm thtou1tllout Ula elate.. t.hat. lh• b1l1._r4tj>(t1~nt· e l th•• 1t11ull11 or long study end palnstakln1t lnvut1gat1on bv A&l't'mblym&n Stunlt'y i nd thertrore the 1uper vl110ra te· aoh•t"<'I "Th11t the Board of Suprrvl:sors ot the County of Lot Ant;('lf'o f"Xp11•1>11e.a to the llonorable Eat 1 \\' Stanlty sin· 1'•·r<> Ulllnks fur his aid ana &aaurtance and congralulat1on.a tor • JOb well done." o..n ........ ,,,.. ..... J'orty.W boat.a tooll part lll tM ... ILL Cl.,, tourney wtUI Uu-.. m.aa to a boat. .... " C1oMet f\ab ww• taken at tbe I&-0.111•• ,,.. "'91 ..... SANTA ANA. J \JLY -tOC:'\Sl niU• banll and many of u..m ·-waUo11 ud maiat.alnuce _, t.be Wealthy Oilman J ohn Maberry taken &l'Otrld U\• 90-mll-b&nk and cJty, couaty or oOloar poUtk&l wb- loday wu awardtd an lnttrlc>Cu· f=om tbett to Coronado bland, AC· 4Jril6ca tor a c..m not to ace.d lory Jlvor1ce dRrH from h1a wtfe, '.>rdlnr to Lee Jona.a. eec~tary td tO ,...,.._ lucll ~ent.a may lo~. May ~llbc-rry, forrner moot!. ot t Balboa Anrllnl' Club. a.ca-. of protide tor t.be loC&I ..-ency to Corona 1ltl Mar, on f rounda of the dl1ta11ca 90m• of the boat.a (ftllt ~or wblea.a, ,.._ nu•ntal crutllf. , went Into Ban Dleso llatunf•y MrvlnS t.be r1pt Of lh• land. COln• S11permr (\111rt Jiulg,. J(l'nntlh ntcht an<l 'IOme llla,..CS at Ban et. "''-'-t.o .,,...,.. . _. coaoM• F:. MorT1son g-rantt'i.1 the decr .. e I mente laland Iona or aubleut1: . l'he Jud~e a li10 a pprove-.! a pr.~r>· A party t r d tn•trucUtm1 •·ere l&LP LIQUIDATING erty 1rltltmrnt whl<'h jt'ave '"" "'1ven Frl<1ev nl&'hl by tlae 'l'una If th• approprtatlce for Ula 0 de- wlfe a hou11e and (\Ital home at 1,.1ub, Aval,•11, hoet dub ,nd an· veJopment ,.qulrM P-Jm•lt to 20~ OC't'Bn nrtve, Corona Ml ?-1,.r, other put~an awarda ••ere given the •tale, then t.M i.... or .,,..... a 191111 C1dlll11r. j~welry, all bank l\l the 1a ,. lace Au"lday nlrht. mant muat pn>Yid• tor wch Jl&Y• at:C'ounta an11 all alock11. b<Jnda arHI :<:aturday n h a dlnn~r wu ,tvan menu plua any &ddlUon&l am. ount.a I oil lea:sea In her name. I the anclert a the Avalon country Whloll may be nqulred by the app-~111t1 11he anno11nrf'<I. •;Bo)'. I nee<! Eas.&-r Y/eek Law Miu Jllah .. rry nttmllltrl nrr hu.s· riub. roprtatlon either by a rreed upon a h11u1t tonti;ht " TV band hod r.•ven her $200.00-0 worth • rent&! payment.a or by paymet.a "Hr ~11111r11 h!I{," the 1?lrl rtc8llic. Tr·ial Set Over or proper1 1 r.urlng their three·y~ I from the rtvtt1uea to be derlv-4 "an'1 pul hi~ arm 11round mt. "I marrlug~. ln the 11etllemenl Ma· HUGE EASTER from the harbor aa-.a. Harbor d• 1 knflw j11st wh1•rl> t c.-nn get you berry got Laguna Stach pro~crt~· 1 , velopment1, e:acept In the cue of ont'," he 1111Hl. "The couplt drove Until Oct. 19 a 1953 C.dlllac, bonus. bank •c. Co.u-41 frem t1rR l'al'f amalt rerus• harbort, are tiq>eeted lo SI Hnton. while th!' h118band counlll, accounts receivable and oil lnJured to be, Mlt ~W4&Uftc. OM money w11 !('hP•I thr.nµJ:h f1tlt1 J:ll!llses A pre-trial h t a r 1 n g ht ld stocks which wtre In hlt1 nime. · Invested to be s radually "turned r1 .. rn the d1lll anl'e CIC th<' tollowml( b t 8 1 C' M b 1 The DoollttJu aN aaJdnc l&OO.· to the rnolvtn&' tund from which 1 ar 1111 the su.;pect pawr<l 11111 wife. e ore UJX'r or ourt J udge I ~ " erry <'h&rR'I'• "'Verni we<'ks 000 t or Ol&ne and 128.600 for Jam· It may be r .. appropri&t..d for "IL .. f 1 1 h F ranklin Wtst in Santa Ana, saw agu Utlll hi• wife moved Stf> ll(J() t"e. Hollta W. Matthewa, ............. rther d~topmenll. ma .. e me •'' a wr11 ," e 1<ald 1• worth of Curnl.~hlngs l Ill of the ._.. '" ••• "l w ntrd htr to quit ri11:ht then.'' Har1'y Bre1nter3 at.Ill aga1ruit the \orona df'I Mar hom1> \\llhoi.t hi• Matlhtw1, Nancy Hou1ton• and The ""~~ 11torp1 d al an Or· City of Ntwport Bt ach EMt<'r knowledgf' Mrti Mnb.·rr;· ~i.rd ror Mary AMe EwlnJ lffk $100,000. anrr t;ron· 111 ~tan ton. The s lls· Wetk control ordloonce contlnutd 1 dl\·orct' lut ytar bul diffkulliea :-lancy and Mary AM are at.ten iwct dl~ppeareil Into an Orani:e 10 O..t. 19_ n ,e court &ski'd both were pntchftl up. of the d~ed•nl Robert Matthm. DEATH NOTICE J ORN W. C-'IUWU. grOVI'. He rf"turnM a momf'nt I DAUGHTJl;R'S DEATH • ' IAltr with a halt 11ozen mRriJUana sldee' attorneys lo try a nd work Joseph Yarnell LI -kins $1&0.· RtADS Al.L ABOl'T IT-Mrs. Noah Roberts of New-Clgar .. ll~ll. oul a stipulated $\llll"menl of racta Out of Town Can 500 for the death of hla daushler. H i h llOW TO ~MOKE I ln11ofar as they rould •1"'et In or· John Kellogo ot Huntlnston John Wealey Carroll. 30. died July 3 at Oranse County Ho•p- lt.al. Re rHlded at 121S Eut Bal· boa Blvd. for Hven yeara. He wa• born In Ball Bernardlno aJld waa a aaJuman. He la survived by hla parent•. J.lr, and Mr•. Ceorp Car· roll or t"e home addreaa: two brothf'rw, William and Georse, abo of the home: Private Htvlcea wel'9 held July 1 at 2 p.m . at the Monteclto Memorial Park Cemt · t1ry, Loma Unda. port e fl: t.,a reads n~ws oli pping telling about appoint· .. 1 wu tlli;htenrtl to death .. th(' der to shorten tht trial time. Bump af. Corner Beach, hlll 1ued for i 111,ooo. at1e11:· ment of her brother, Edward Tait of Washington. 0 . R"lrl recalls. · SJ:t. Wrlt:ht had AC'tual trial date hod btcn set In",, •.•• , ... 1~··· ·v '" hh """ ; .. 1-,, C., as 6f>e<!ial assistant. to Presidenf, Eisenhower July ta11,t:h l me how to hold a marl-1 Cor July 13. Brew11ter. 11.n owner Cori drlvm by Ne&le R. Zul·1rma Armour Oil and Bennett are de· 1. Tait ha.a paid several visits to the Harbor area. _ 'Ju11na <'IJ:"Rl-f'tte nnd how to 11mnke ot Balboa lal3nd propl'rty, an10ni; or F:I Toro a nd s 8nar l,t;:> Abair '1 ' .. , , 1 1!11 of the acllona. Yar· Staff Photo I on" 1<0 1l woulr!n't afftC'l me -1 other charges, claims the t'llY or-1 of Santa Ana bumpt'd Rt Via Lido oeU added the name1 or J ohn l<tl· j1111t In r1111e I had to .• But I was dlnance !11 dl11crlmlnatory and u n· nnll Newrort Rlvd. Satur1111,., po· log. Flavel Kellor t.nd Amy Dawe -~-------------------------l afr&lrl I'd forget how and renlly c.-on11t1tutJonaJ. The on.lrnance r!'· llC'P said. Zuidema lll\hl h~ wa.."I l<ellog lo hJa complaJnt. Loca I lnhalt-:" Dt'11crlblllg th1> peculiar j quires • $10 llcen.qe foe be paid 11lopped b•·hlntl another ra r nnd Selection of a Jury wu e:o;pected Woman 's Brother New tcrlt!lp or a m11rljuana cigarette. and landlords and tenants lljtree lo was 11tn1rk In th .. rear bv \hi' to get under way thla afternoon. the gltl ht'ld hf'r hll1l<l11 cupprd reasonal>le search where crowded Ab&lr Cllr. Mlt1s Abair said she Judge Raymond Tbompaon utd S . I A . c ound 11n lmllj?tnP.ry "!II Ir k .. conditions may txlst. I could not lllop In time. he'd heard of no Htllemenl. Pec1a ss1stant to 'Ike' "Your mouth Ill almost covered. _ , nnd nobo<ly can rt'ally llt'f' what . Mr1. Noah Robert.l! or 280!1 Broa I St. ,:->ewport Height!!, you're \lQfni:. As long u they see I• a ~ry proutl woman tnes" dayl!. f ·or Edward T. Tait bl'· thl' cljl'erctte ent1 llJ?ht up, thty came ll~CIRI u ,,1 .. 1ant to PrP11lt1ent E1vnhower July l , and lthln k you're smoklnf:'." The wom· Inn t11d nnt lnhe!t , but he-Id thP Mra. Roberts I~ hl11 111ster, the forrnf"r ~ar11 Tall or lnd1ana, P&. lunuk& bucll~· Ill hu mouth and-! "\\'•knew of lhe llppotntml'rTrlll'\'tl'lfT wt"l!S befnrl'," Mr11 thr n pU!<hl'ii It out quickly In 8 1 Roberta confldtd, "but .of co11rie we c.-ould say nothing about ~wrrt, thlrk rlo11d. "Marlju11na IL " · wont arfe<t ynu tf you do It that Htr brother, Mra. Robtrt:. 11.dd<'d. la known In the Harbor way." 11he llll)'a with confidence art11, havtng paid &everal vtstl.ll here. He was last here, she today. l!&l•l, tor the Security Exch11ngf' Comm l11&10n last January. The major tn anlt·&lrcra fl. Active In Young Republican work aftPr Roberta vl11lted at 'fall's Wllllhlngton, o.c;. home last J uly. Tall JUCCeeded Charles F. Wl!lls J r. who recently rr· al(1l1d lhe special 111111tant post. A gr111l11ale from Pittsburgh In 1~1. Tait auvtd In tho Army C •, yN1rs and came out a major In antl·alrnaft. Active In YounR Rt'publlcan wor kafler the war, Tait aervtd on lhl' Pruld<'Tll s campaign train In Sepltmbt'r and Oct!lbt'r of 1952. "Edward was ambltlou1 from the time he could talk,'' Mn. Robert:i reMlltc:ted. •·1 rP11wmrbn him l!aying anything a person wanted could be obtalnr<I 1! you worked hard enough. He W1lll t.!waya at Ole head of his cl11.1111 In high 1chool and ln Jaw achool." ' A \'OIO~ S)IO~G But that night. ll WH a dltCer· ent srory. !'!ht> wu frl1thleneJ and 11n~11re. "I dldnl know what might happen It I f'l'ally Inhaled. And I w11~ Mire I would, btcnu8e I Wllll IO Dl'rV"ll!I." Fl'lghtened or J>O"ibt. COJUeQUt'JlClll th!' plrl 118)'1 ~hi' announc!'d "I want to bla!!t Lhrse hy myaelr. I 1lon;t Uke people a round when 1 blast." Our. 20th Birthday JULY 1, 1955 Dear Friends: July is the Birthday Month of Laguna Federal, and this month merh our 20th year of Mrvice to the Southland. MR8. M.AftOABET WD.JUN80N Mrw. Margaret Caroline Wilkin· -oriwa-a.t ey-an-rorrgr•pted 80ll. n , dA-4 Jut7 t at a..,. Count)' Hoeplt.aJ ~ a ....., w..... 8IM bad ,......... et - ftedlud. "'"· fOI' 11 ,...,.... .. wu born ln Cle'ftlud. m. " ...- !L~ by hu hlMllluMt, &. - "ulUD.ton Of U\e bome addnml lhrM eona, R099 AUea, Ru4J WQDe. and Larry O..; U.O .... lnother, Mni. OpaJ .Jani• of IM A~i.. and one brot.btt, l\Mut W. II.harp ot Japu. Bemc .. wlll be MN J\lly 1J a& 1:10 p.m. at the Aeftllth-daJ .A.._ wntltl Church. Nnrport RelP'- wtth Elder 0 . D. llpaWcltas and Et.du Mart1n oo-ottlcJaUq. ,...... WUklneon WM IM4tr of tM .J>al'- cu Society ot the cllW'dL lAt.erment wlll be • ruruwa O.m.tery wttl\ Balta MortU&l'f, eo.ta ,._ Cl\apel, 1n ~ " arT&nl'fmenta. ELIZA8STll IUD.I.DEN Mr•. EllaabeUI I . 8beldla. ft. of 427 La Perla Plac., eo.ta 111-. dJed Thuraday tn Ho.&' W..Onal Hoeplt.&l after a u-t UlneM. De wu a native ot Iowa aad -• c. California In 11131. De !lad U... In Coat.a Mu& for t.be put hP9 yea re. Mra. Shelden WU • fonlMr ... Jdeot ot Alhambra .. d eo.u.&. She wu a member of t.M ~ al Church oc Alhambra. Bunt.tac are thrff 90na. Cl\..ter of eo.t.& Me .. : A .E. 8held.n of ~--II-.. lco and Tbomu M. Bhtldoll'ot Olen• dora; two d&u&'hl•ra. Mn. ll. J. Shield• of Kanau and Mn. Iii. J. Miiier of Glendora; a llatw, Mr.. L. JI'. Bowman ot K&naa; al.80 11 anndchlldren and one ~t &'l'&lld ch lid. lnterm•nt wUl be m..S. la·~• Dorado, Kan. 'Ille Pa~IUdlef Mortuary of Coet.a ,... 19 la cll&rge of arranrm.ma ; DOPE AGEN Co11UaaM rtona nm P .. e police who wf"re unaw11re ot her acth·ltirs and knew her only by h<'r 1tlC • built reputation as a '"htad" ~·here I worked." A "head." a c.-· cording to underworld parlance, la a user or mar1j11a.nB. "I was auppoMd to meet a ped· llrr. gain hi.I conCidence and eee If he'd 11upply me.'' 1'he wom&n Is Rtlracth·e. The flrat part of thP ·1:<.,1gnmPnt wa.'I not hare! lo do AlrnOllt too obligingly to b11 ~1\1, the 111111pect Immediately drove the woman back to Santa Ana. When he let hl'r out ot the rar, he Rn· nounc:ed "t.Mt will be $10 tor five allck1." 'Ille ftrl )Mlld Ula man and he ~n. promlelntr hM that ·he would furnish more IC ahe .ahould w&nt them. r Next ln11ta1lment will appear In Wertneaday'1 Newll·Preaa1. WILD RIDE In July, 1935, our total assets were $4,735. The current figures on th i s page are evidence of C>Yr tremend9us growth in two decade5. We take special p r i d e in our Statement of Condition which shows more than $2,000,000 in re- serves and surplus -a double safeguard to your funds invested with us. This sup: plemenh tM $I 0,000 inwrance of av counts. However, our true growth is refle~ted in the happiness and well-being of thou· wnc:ls of Southland families who have al- lowed us to help them to security, peace of mind a nd home ownership. To them we say "Thank You" for giving us ti 20th Birthday of which we can be proud. c u R R E N T STATEMENT OF CONDITION JUNE JO. 1955 The woma n a ptrt and nttrl!r· t h·c blonde who look• much ltlle an a''tt'"i• c:oe<i ll\•ed hrr life ,,f 1hame and dtgredallon without re· com~n,..l'. ORATll" KER\'JCI; Co11Unued from nrtt Pap drnvr off. "I left mv husband homP \\Ith the ch1lilre~." ehe 11a1d, "but he t!H1n't 11tay. \\'e were going to be 1 f<'llowNI by Sgt. \\'rli:ht and a car· Ina I or flfflC't'l'l! Jll~l In ca1<e J "I ""''' r t rcf'I\ l'tl " ihmt ." llh" •h•!n't l(l't t hlnR" ore tc ood tPld th:!! rrporlt'r. "11nd l dldn'I .,1111 t .. Thi' h11111J.w1I r:ac~•I g lhl' w&n t to bo paid. l did ll a.a my rhtldrcn 1n the r a rl' nr relative~ rontrlhutl~n to our 11rca. I did It 11n11 joint d Sgt. \\'right In a 11 uad He admitted ~nlng betw~n 60 and 80 n11lt 11 pr r hn11r. /:<••ve nt! motorlstl' In 11ddH1on to the mo- t m cycle rid•·rs i1a 11I thPV w11 nt'll5· f"1 lht' &crlllenu anti th,. racing car &nfl rllllm11tr•I his !lpft'd al al>out 9!'> rnllrs prr hour. for my t·h1Jdren l wouldn't w&nt l'llr. q Carol Do11ne JU!<L rrcrntly wa~ honort'tl Ill Hnrbor High Schoo\'11 11nnu11l 11ervlrt sw11rds banquet with 11n A11s1~tanc·r Lcai;:i1e 11rhl)I· arshlp. Sh!' wa!I prc1<hlrnt ot Tri Slpi111, J!1r1'11 alhler1r nssociatlon. 11poru editor M the Galleon, treu· urer or t hP honor 11ocll'ly and e mrmbl'r or the sl urlent council. thf"m irrnwtng 11p In ll community "I Wl\S tht binoculars m11n" h where nnrcolk!< 11re.~1111y to Obtain. tol•I O\;o.;~. "I kept an t''e 0;1 th: l lo,·e my child ren 1 g-uy·s c11r whtlc \\'right 0dron•." It 1111 brg:rn, 11he toM OCN~. Fl s when a law or<IC'rr rrlt'nrl 1uggf'11t ·I R. T CO~TA<.'1' f'<I thnt Sgt. Clint \\'right of the The 1ml'p1>ct wa." to pirk thr wn· Oranite County aherll('11 offlt•e w84 111an up a rtl'r hr r rl11y·11 work. On In ne~ ot an undtrCll\'Cr 11gent. rhmhmg-into the car. lhc a.i:-•·nl Wright heade county n11rcolic11 '~....;:=;;:;:::=;;:;;::=;;:;;:;;.....;;;.;::;:.:;:=::;=;;:::;:::;:;.:;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;. 1quad11. "I didn't know what I rould do." t he •!lent 11ald, "Hut J tnf'l Sitl \Vrigoht. Ht lntervltwed me 11everal ttmr• an•I then told me 1 might be able l!l help him 011 " T h11t wa." when the wom&n WM lnformctl t here would hf' nn pny for hrr work, hut the 11hcrlff'11 otnC'e would take cu e of her t'IJ"l'M ea. THT. l'lt :T 1·p The womlln 10111. "I got I\ joh In a rale whtre l could ml'et loll' Too. Late to Be Classlflecl ~'i\ltuatlons Wante4 --------. ---WORKlNO MOTHERS' Child c.-&rr In my hnnu.• 1t11y t1nw11. Nrwport Height• &rt11. Ll 8· 76i4, 76c78 SfTIIATION \\'A!lo"'I'E:O t~1rt, ti. wnn11< wllrk In Onctor'11 or. fief' In H11rbora ar1>a. Call 1,1 1-310~. 76p78 ~B-AeJ>Uancee 8ER\'E'L ~ir11tPr11tM. G!'O<t ron- . dltlon. $2:1 LI 8·2042. 76rT7 48-A-Apt8. tor ~nt l BDR~f. furn uprcr a pt. Summrr or yrly. Ru!IOnnhlf" :"'ror brach. Corona de! ~tAr. Har. 3328 £'·"~ a c;s Room to Breathe! ON LIDO. The l~ut lot t~ft --;300 aq. ft. on wtdt 1treeL Plenty of room for LAROE home " 11wlmnun1 pnnl, with 11paC'e left ovn Hne •rprovtd bull<ltng pl.111to. \\'111 11ell • not 1111 C'Uh req. Oo\•'n !"'l)'mt nt Or will tr11'1r for homr on Udo Broltt•r1 and prlnr1 ~1ls c.-all .w.n~r Al 1\1\.)' hour, Harbor •l; •· · if\:81 GET-UM BODY SCRATCHES AND NICKS BEFORE RUST DOES I IXPIRT, ICONOMICAL WORK ON M/no' BotlY liepaitS ontl "11ilf 'fiuU-flp! 1 1 iult Bi• fu1htr i1 ri1~1: 1'\ow it rbt 1lm~ ,.,..,, and rr1'9•nl hodv 1cra1chtt and .,,. ~to n1<k•! I rt l'S ,., 1hrm hofnrt HI ) T Joo ' lo'• much mort «Onflm1ol 10 KlrP \Our car 6nHh '" ~ooJ •II·~ than II ,. ,o n ra11 h afttr 'll'in1t1'1 tlu•h and road ta!u havt d(lnt rhttr da m•••·°'"' e Hod• bpuu do''"· tll\cirnt, 1r>1»quala1y -orlr.. " h oaomu:al. 100! A.Ir. "' lot an trum11el No ' nhti,.uoa. or <011ru. o_,,. OoQ;r,• . .:__ COMPLETE AUTOM VE CENTEB I.!~ Cornn !nd lo Sycamon S..ta Aaa ID i.U75 - j ' During the entire month of July we invite you to drop in and say Hello. There's a gift waiting for you -OUR BIRTHDAY, but the gift is for YOU! In the Laguna Federal tradition of friendli· ness, there's no need for you to open 111 new account to secure a valuable gif t. Just drop in! We will be happy to tell you about our personalized operation Md the progress of our San Cle!Tlente office .which will open later this summer. Sincerely, Andrew S. Hall 0 I v I D E N D R A T E 3112% Per A.a- TWO OFAC!S TO SOYI t'IANGE COUNTY LAGUNA IEACH -$AN CLEMENTE ASSETS Firtt Mortgage loans -------- lo•111 •" 1,..,, ••• , lul bt••-ri..ci,.•"' "- ;" l•tu•• 8Hcli a•d •lc;,.ay. -· $20, 169,255.41 Loans on Savings Accounts ___________ 99,980.96 T .... ,..,.,., le•"• fer tlae ••".,."'••u tA -.i.ar•lioU•"" Properties Sold on Contrect __________ !5,~ 1.26 Real E~ete Owned and in Judgment 2,089.92 Investments end S.curities 445,000.00 C-.i1ti"' ef &ev•,,,...-t ,k"41 eiM .F~ ... 1 t1-L..-..... St .... C..h on Hand and in Banh ---------· 3,010,298.64 Wor•i•t upil•I .,. h•"'· clepo1lt~ Ito I>•...._ Office Building and Equipment, encl par~i"9 Lot, Less O.precietion ____________ _.48,321.91 0.feM'ed CharCJel and Other Assets ____ _...____ 5,976.92 TOTAL ASSETS $23,986,156.06 LIABILITIES Savings Accounts ___________ $19,067,967.40 n;. It "'-.... ou"t 1 ....... , witt. .. ..., -· ..... UOO lndivl.lv•I•, lrutl .. t •"' c.,,...eti- loans in Process -------------2,786,022.20 Other Liebilities 103,925.87 '<;) Specific Reserves 8,633.63 General Reserves ________ I ,678, 197.52 Surplus ___________ 34 I ,409.44 General Reserves end Surplus ________ 2,019,606.96 TOTAL LIABILITIES $23,986, 156.06 ACi'UNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION ANDREW S. HALL, Preside.+ U2 Ocean Ave. Phone HY 4-1177 , ART I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JULY I 1,.1955 Fullerton Go Lost to Mesa !ANAHEIM GRI~ SHIFT TO OCC TIGERS TUMBLED FOR FIRST lOOP DEFEAT LIDO sHoPs Coa,ta Meaa Juruo,.. sot oft t o a loatng etart IA Oraniie County Youth 8Heball League Thureday. Coach WtmdelJ Piekent' nfne ab- .orbed a 111·2 detea\ by l'Ullerton. An&helm H~h 8cbool hu 11Wllched alte of It.a Ocf... 21 tootb&ll ram• with Santa Monica from lu born. ttdd Two-hlt twittins ti)' J lin CurtlJI Mart.in to.H • ~Jiltter at the to Ora.nee Cout Collere. ~ ot tM Red BOlJ b&aded th• Colt& A.~U~ .. Uw Tank ... Ucll9d to betnr locat~d tn tmmfdlat• ...._ Parit 8 American Leape tbenl llty a uue S-4 abutout. Baell .u-ea ot the nrw 000 J11d· aa.mn,. Ttpra U..lr ftrM ckfM.l to bllcll llq'-b7 LMY7 AM'1 _. CLASSIPllD ·DlllCTOIY Iron. Newport Harbc>r uid Of• the IU90n Thurllday 5-0. Tbe and Ricky Webb accounted for Uw .tPPLIANCE8 -Boa1elloll liunttngton Be a eh h I ~h Tl1ttt• ttm.&in.e<l atop at.andlnr• f\ret and wtnninl' t.a1.1J tor the J"a.rta _ 0...l•t _ .. me• Tbev rtldn't ha~ much chance. Mike ·Jt'Wttt hurlt>d a on~hltter tor f'yllertnn. I TOP TlllO achool elevena gel f1r1t cbol~ wltb a 5-1 record. Yank•. UDO El.l:CrlUO ,./ of Sunset ~ague football Sln&lH by Mike Patrick, Mike a .cREDUU NH \'la t.w. -~ f Lt>admg the loop !Liter fi rst w~1t·1 pl&y are Oarden Grove. Buena Park and Anaheim. Carden GrO\'t bluted out a win over Hunt· l lngton Beach earlier ln the week. rray1 achrduled In the Bue: Clemence and Don Brewer ln thr 8 Amertccn 1tpdtn19 throusfl atadlum. . rourlb accounted for tour Red Sox Thured&y: Ticera 6·1: WhJte Sox Only le'•mr on the Sailor run1. Tom Olllman of the Tiff,.. •·l ; Red Sox 3·3: Yank-2·3·1: !il&le de!lnltely. lft for the hurled a .four-hitter. Athlellc11 1·3·1; lndlana 1·6. cullrge atacllum la the-big SOX TllJlEATEN· Schedule tor American and Na· Anaheim defeated O.-.nge 7.3 'f)lu~Jl\y. Tim Ankeri<on'a homer g111n., with Fulll'rton Oct. 7. 1'he White Sox rnovt'\l Int<> a tlonal B te&ma during wttk: Mon· Coac:h Al lnwin aald lhe lo-threa tening H cOnd to the Tljent day -Ttger•·lndlan. .Alhlellcs· BANKS cal loop op;;ner Wal' Mhedul· W1th a 1\)-8 triumph over Ole In· Red SOJt ~ p.m. Tuu8ay -P1· Bulk of AlllUtca NT a 8A 1 wtth two aboard In the •eventh. ed for OCC In expe~talion of dlftns. Sc-aaunnl rf'l'Ord tor lhr Sox ratea-Glanta. Bravea-Dodre,.. 11 "'' \'la Udo -ll&rtlol' 1111 gave Buena Park & handy II~ win. over L& Habra. La Habra basb .... I • ~o~~~e crolll'd ror the tr•J1· beeume 4-1. \\'hill' Sox plt chert p.m. WeJnuday -Tl,g't'ta,Alh· Orange 20·8 Wednesday. l · FN-d Jl.lcSw11.ln e nJ L11rry lAwrenN> Jetica, WhJte 8ox·Yanltee1 6 p.m. BARBER SHOPS ~uvt' up only cm .. hit to the In· Cuba·Dodg•ra 8:30 p.m. Thuraday UDO 811AvrNO MUG RALLY FAILS H II' o • t t 1llun:i. Brian ~w11 wu leadln' -Bravr.-Cardlnau, lndJau-Red la BWtrl!&!'• StoN f~ 11 .. I DellJUll' a l1111t frame rally ,Lal[· a s u1n e Sox hiller with two for two. Sox ~ p.m. Jl"rlday -Plratee· U2I \'la LWe -~ .... IJ{Una Beitch was unable lo cfttch up Al Von Hortma.rt and Lance Cuba. Tlgr,..·Whlle Sox 6 p.m. ,:~~hw~~l~~1;gtun B<'ach. The Oil· Tops Cage Loop w· L. fed • s ~~.~1: .. tJTt Standlni:ll: Anserican Le1<gue •• inners IS ID ummer Uta NpL 91vd. -liar. JIM I Garden Grove l·O: Huntington With Orttnge Cout CollPge BOOKS Beach. Lllguna Beach !I nd Fuller-coaeh Stu Inman bucketing 10 ton l ·l : Coiota M"sa 0-1. Na tional point.a WeJ nesday nti:ht. Hall's s • c • I t H• p I ~~l&Ct: -llaftN 6tM ~aj!U' •. An8hl'im 11nd Buena DrlVI' In won It:< fifth straight vie· w1m arn1va a I 00 Park .t·O. 1-1 Habra l·l: Santa tory tn lakr unlflsputect Cln.t plare CAMERAS a Supplee Ana 0-0: Oran11f' 0-2. a top C1udl'n Grove Adult l.eague VTNOt:NT UDO DRUGS cagf' standing,.. I Winner .. of July J swim earn· Swim Width ror Dlatance: Row· NCI \'la U4o -Ha11M»r ... '~~ c d Ca tu D1vrr's Supply q_ulntel. With lval Ill Newport Harbor Union rna Coo~. <'arol Landis, Sherry C~DDJ·~ .. ona•gJD ~·j Gr $ p re Bob Yardli-y of Newport Beach Hlf!h School pool wrre today an· Go<ldlck_aon. Jrma G<>~ner. Cindy n..n.-.:.ao • ..,._.. st·onng :! f'<llnts t•n 12 fit'M goals nounc.-<1 by Vrrn Allrn. high ~hool Minney. Lealle Meadow._ DIC'K MACUR I 10fh L ._O G •n•J lmi,. frH" lhrow.1, <.le!~U?d d1att'lrt ll"Jlllmer recreatlon dl1ect· MM \'la l ldo u...-r Ult .n1 ft 0 Advanced be1tlnnC"r11 •·,One Wid· • -~ Drlvm~ RJngf' fivt> 65-~ tnr nm-or. They wrre: th Fr<'e: D11n1 Harri•. Kathl•en CATERING ·~--~~~ I fr..1. A h • ner-up. dpot .Rnn Wlnteibur~. lllsl Advanced beglnnen1 One Courtnry, Shella McCall. Jrma I um ftG elm sr&11 .. n s OC'( <'Ot1rt acf'. talhed 16 Width Fr · Diana Hut •him1on GosvCllfler, Roberta Jt>wel. Onf' ..... _."..,·-I points for lhP losera. l tt, c · .N t H 00 • J I ]I: 111 k N11ncy Cambi• llnll Mary Aller Wldlh Back: Irma Gos\'ener. Sue .iiiii-..~f!·~·"". 1 A..~AHElM IOC!'JSI -Brhlnd cwpoi ar r 11 m !'W r l''mc. Kathl~n ~lltr. Connie AUen. Pricilla Brew. 2!> Yd. F rPr: the etrecuve and 1mpress1ve one· pot led lO point~, Denny F llzpal· Mos.man. C h r I at I n e Phoenix, Kath~ Hom . Sharon Arthofrr. hit pitching or Kt"nn~' Enright. rick ~ for .Rt>b" Sport In~ Goods Brt'nda Naples. One Width Bal-Rita )eanfton. Mary Lou Grietll•r Fullerton·,. Legion Ba.•rball t eam in I, 611•4~ \!;In over C&rdt'n Gro~e. loon , Kathleen Loeser. Diana and Ann J ori;rnaon. Lida Furdom. rolled to lhf'ir tenth straight win StAi'.dillJ:i<. art~r.. thr~ fra:": Hutchln~n. Judy Oevme and 831loon Rarl': Irma Gosvener. Friday. Hlllt 11 !'l·O. Di"er 11 Supply 4 l , p I KI b Ch 1 .. 1 R b J I P I Ill B 2' 1 Driving Rani:e 3•2; Bob's 2•3; I ame a n g • u r y. r ... , ne o erta rwr . r c a rew. a RIC'ltARO'!J LIDO M.uun:r ICSS \'la Udo -Harbor USI ' Clothln~·Chltdttns & .. , .... .U:Kl'S OF UDO . ComtnK In Autru•t ICM ~ .. wport Bh·d. OLOTHING -Meo'• Retail BIDWT.Ll.'8 SHOP •'OR MEN l'lllYf.'<1 111 La Palma Park,' Cef'rge Ourtonll 1•4. Carden Grove Conllnt>r, Mary Allee Fox. Nancy Yd. Sidr: Sharon Arlhorer, Kathy ~....;.-,-:----::1111illlii~.....:;.-.--.;.;..:-.,,..... _______ ...;.;;._..-_~.;£oa('h Glenn rnut kYl ~Y11ltea. . .!un· 1.£liuw .()..3.--_· _ Gamble and Connie J.toaaman. On~ Horn, Rita Jonaon. 2!> Yd Blick : lor Amt>rlcan LA'~lon team defeat· Ch Bick : Cfirliffile--coroiner, athy Horn. Ann J or1o:en1en. IUI \·1a Udo -Harbor OMl=::::;... ___ -f SUMMEK SASEBALL FAMILY AFFAIR Here are Mrs. Stacy Morgan .. ~tidget League scorekeeper. and <laughter Bonnie. able assistant, in action. Mrs. Morgan's husbnnd coaches the Dodgers in Corona del Mar Youth Center League. Son Mack hurls for the Dodgers. -Staff Photo THE SPORTS By BILL PfflLLIRS WATCH -Rival Oilen Edged Out by I'd Anaheim In I'&.")' fallhlon, 12·2. Nancy Camble, Pamela Kingsbury Sharon Arthofer and ChrlaUne The Ca n t,. nt>w hold a thrt>e game New Service Station and Kathleen Loexer. bul~e un IW<'Ond place Newport • Boya Ute 1111vlng •• 50 Free: Ray Harbor. • j Union Oil Company Fritlay G0<1wtn. Chip Fitzwater. 50 Back: Enrl1thl f11.11n\'d i1lx Rnd wnlked look out a se1·vlcf st11tlon bu1ltl· I Rity Godwin. Chip Filr.water. Dnn eight. AnRhelm's run!! we-tP un· '"lC pt>rmit from Collta Me.!18 build· Brewer. 00 Breaat:: Randy Peller, came<J. Both came-m the 11xth inic dtpallment . Valuation of the I Chip Fitzwater, Ray Godwin. inning. station WftJI llPt at '24.000. P11cl· Be~lnners -· Penny Dive: Sher· AJ Story wu a surp~1se atarter 1 fie Sled Building wu namf'd con· ry Goddlc:kson. 19 prnnlu ; Row· for Anaheim. After giving up tractor for the station whkh will I ena Coors and Mary Ann Ralch· elghl runs In the lle<'ond. Outtield· be locnted at 398 E. 17th Sl. ford. 8 each ; J<nrl'n Brubllker, O. er Weavtr came ln to toll on the mound. Mesa, HI C Slate Camte for nmainder ot the week ln Newport Harbor Hll"h School and Coata Mua Park Clua C buebatl: Tueaday .. Cardlnai.. ~ (},.;;, e:. .. ~ ... --···"'--... -..-.... -... --.. ... Gannon. S'A'lmmt'ra: ~O Yd. Frett : Donna Albright. JuJy Hutchinson. Sally Albright. 2~ Yd. Side: Julie Hutch· lnllOn, Sally Albrlcht, Diane Leater. 2~ Yd. Back: Sally AlbrlChl. DI· ane Leiter and Donna AlbrlKht. Pamela Evans and Jerry Kutchin· 90n. Boy1 lnterrlled.late: Paul Fill· ler, J ohnny Connor, Alan Jonea. N rt N• Cuba 10 a.m. Yanketa·DodgM11 . e111po 1ne 1?:16 a.m. WednMday -WhJte Too often this co\Ultry's athletic heroes are considered ~ Sox-Indiana 10 a.m. Bravea·Red big muscular gent.a without much upstains a.side from more! N Harbor' J A· Sox 11 :1!> a.m. Thureday -Ttgen. . "wport.. • uruor Gtanta JO a.m. Dodgera-Cuba ll:-muscles. So it's a re&l pleasure to fmd an ex-world heavy. menran Lrgl11n niM. 8p<ln!!Ore<I by l!'i a.m. Friday •. 1'iger&·Bravu 10 wcirrht champ coming along and making n>al good sense the local puMt "1"1 ThC'Oltore Rob· I a .rn. Giant.Yankee• 11 :1& a.m. ~ . . . . . . I 1n:1. edirl'd HunllnJ:ton Bear h 8-71 when he starts talking about j uvenile dehnquency. This 1.8 a In ~ ssturdav a.rt.ernoon lhrlller I d plr ·· i;ame win or a twin bill g1we 11ec· P' n g ca r 1 • o (tflct whi-rt the big m1111<'ular genlJI 11 r an. i nd try lo he ll good f'X&m· Ill f'osla :\I• ~I\ Pat-k . Thr f1nt p;fo~ th• nn~!::i eo~i;er~l~ can do fl(lme ru gO<'I · StralJthl talk like that f rom a uni! placl' .:-Orwport a ~-4 TP<'ord rtnUng Department. Thia mUKular J:<'nt hapJl1>ns to C'hamiwm fll{hl<'r i:ives a pretty In Orange l'ounly Legion loop -----------------------------------'--------------------- be J erll('y Jot• \\ lllr<itt. who be; i:;ood 1.'X&mple. I'd 11&y .\Vht're c1or11 • i-nmpetll1on. Undl'fPAlt>d Fullrrtnn rame champ del!p•tc pl••nt~· ,, tlilll l\h<Jve the punch·drunks, IJ(I hRd top iopot clnch'd wilh 10 rough going and all•'I he ~c-&~t' pnpulnr fnr dt>plctton bv !'11•1\o and P.lrnlghL trlw11ph11. ••. old •• Arc~ie Ml 1 ~· ~.1 t t TV romir ll ? This Walcott. he ~larl· Hunllnitton Staci\ pllf'd up a prue ring, 38 111 mij;fll\ ."nr "" Ni off as a bad boy from the thret>·run lead In the third frttm' you know. And Jp~~~y ~1~ sA or~-\\ rnni; 111dl' of the tracks am1 with 1,r !';'\turdny·1 flr11t game before ula for nea nnir re• '~" "' me 1~ "kin tbP wronit e-0lnr. It you can Ne~orl scorec1. Sterlmg. Johnl!On can kid•. WhAtever 1 "" rAl'P, f Jlldg«" bv •nm, r11r1nl incidents 11nd Ynung dt'nted lhe dish mainly liberal 1w00dshed s pphCllllons 0 wtilc·h II~\ ... IAkf'n place In lhi• free I on walk11 a nrl errors. The !1r;t .trap 0 I. 1•011ntry of oura. Sailor tallie" rnm" acroio1< In thr MAGK' 1-'0RMt'LA THI: HARD ";A'f j fifth on 11ini:IM by Dave Buckman StiouJd you be puul•d by wha.t But 11trap 011. generou~ly applied and Rt>y Daniel•. magical formula thl11 ~trap 011 lub-by Wnlrol t's rtad. slr&l~hlen'd him Nl'wpnrt olmriNI 11allM the fray n cant m11y be that changu ram· 1 out. Then came I.he long. hard. 1 away m Uie ,11xth on !our runs. bunctlous y1rnngstl'rs Into mndelll !IOml't lmrs hopl'lcioa httll~ tn top of I Sudtly Tho111p!Kln, Jim J¥wklrk. ot deporuiwnt pr\'pllrfl «ir a the hPnp in hu1 rhor;rif prnfeS&lon. Bob Allen and Blt<'kman C110flt1'd &hock, you 111.'nsltl\•e JlllrPnt11 Strap Wal~<>tt aaya trust !n God, pray· tho plate. Df'nny Fllzpatrirk s dd· oil is got b.v the brt11k "T'fllil'alron rr, prr!!if'Vf'rt1nce and 1m1iinon nre rd what a ppt>llrt><I to bf' •b1<0h1te of a IC"11:her .~trap at th• tt11t bf rr1<p•'n1t1hle rnr him makin1: lhe 1 c:llnchH with ll h<>ml" run In t.hl' thin~ nanlt'ly. Junior. 'irrarte. That pretty writ irum1 up 11ev,.11lh to make It 7-3. I Tutiry1ng bt'ror,. a ~•nat11 la-I what~~ takes. ror sure. I Huntington nRrrowe-d lhl' gllp bor 9ubcommmee in Wa11hlngton 1 A1't does any blltemeu romllln I with a pair or 11core11 in th,. rlghth. D. c. which 18 con11ldClrln11; the de-In this man for the thlnl?e which 7-6. But blow11 by T'hompaon and llnqueni-y prrobl rm. Wslcott. weigh· f m11y h•n hurt him llUI' lo bPing I Daniels adllt'd a Harbor run In the tng In at 21'4 lbs. said: "We n"ed a X~gro ~ 11."ot fudging from Wal· <'lghlh. Nrwport n~ded It when m<Jr<> ol l·flll!hroned fa thers anct mo-colt'• 11n11wer when he was asked 1J .. udy Young "mlls he<1 11c1ru<5 two theri. 1 bC"hl'\'I' bad childn!n should , tr rAl'i&I or relif;lou1 d111r rlmlnat1on nin11 In the t op of the ninth for be punleh•t1 11nd not t'oddled. lt 11 ca used youth to go wroog. , H un• 1n~tc>n. the parent,. who fall In tht>1r duty I "Dl11i-rlmlnat1on pla.yll " part.• Newkirk Md Paul Lorent.Mn to their ch1ldt'f'n who rate 11cvett , bul It llPprnda nn tho lnclividual. ~I , , •I p1l• h 11;: 1h1t11•s. punlshmrnl." IH you have pPr111'vernnc". faHh In ------ Gnd 11nd ambition. vou Nin hf> suc· SHOW REl'J'E<T ct>esful no mattrr ·\\•hat mmonty \\'all'ntt acldl'd l n a report.er . •·All gn•up you bfolong tn" I l'(>t\n •11 par,.nts llhnw r,.11pei·t ror r 11111 me In mind or annth"r Ult>tr b<ws Mrt girl!<, lhl're w1ll be I rlriu ttnd pPnelratlng rt'mark by nn JlrOblem (If JUYP11111' lfrllnquency. 8Jl0lhl'r o ( Jer$PY J oe'll Ilk. That P llN'nl:! iro tn i<llloonll \ll'K' prof an-wu 1 hl'n Hea\'Yweijfht Champion I ity, llnt! lhl' kldio In'" r"ll~tt for or thr World, JClf' Louis. wh'n hr t hem. They develop a don l care ~alrl In a -wnr·tlme 11pN'<'h · "Wr attitude. ran t lo~r. bei-au11,. God 11 on our "That alrMp c.il play• a most Im· s1ri?" port.ant part. It's a psrent·s duty 1------------- to teach a rhild 11rlf·rM1pect, a.nd I CdM Stand1·ngs there ia no qulckt'r way lo clo It . I rl\IMd my 1)\\-0 11ht children that way. Tht'Y all ltve by thf' Golden Leader• In Corona del :>.tar Youth R ule. an1I thf'y·\·e m·v~r bt'en in C'entrr C Bt111eball ~ague throuith trouble. Part"nlC! should 11ta rt trl\l'h· Fridsy wert" th~ undeteat'd Jn~ clllldren to ret1pC"ct others . And Brav~1. Tht1 Bravu have tolled parenla 8hn11ld show n!llpect for up ~Ix etralght t rlwnpha. t hPlr rhlldren.'' Challenging club ta tha Cubll Cont'ludt'd Jer:tey Ja.: "I'm jl18t with a 5·1 record. Tralllng ln or· a thr111tlan laymftn. a lw'h Pvu In der ar• the lndlant 3·2: Dodgen <'hurch. T t ry I<> live u l'lun u 2_.: Glanla l ·:'i and Cardinala ~r,. Cubs Edge White Sox as Nines Battle for Mesa C Finl Spot Racking up their alxlh .crtpt YankeM Tlwrada.y. ~ triumph In Co11t.A J.ff'~ Puk Clu1 twtrUng by Pete Toedter kept Ule C Summrr Bul'ball League, th• Yank baltt"n at l>fly. Cuba •dgPd the Whitt Soll ~ ln other pm... Ole R-s lcs Friday. It Willi a raglng bet~le for !>Ht U.. lJ1dJaN JM 'lbur9day . ff ~/ / GET ANEW "ROCKET" OLDSMOBILI! for•• low•• top 1pot. Stevea Ver flaock &Ad Harold C: A )lomer bv Ronnie 'fl."eet Mnt Crim Joined f~ t.o burl the win. th• Cub1 &Ms.d In lha l l'C'Ond ,..-tlh Jt WU th~ Otbtt (, Bra991 0 f'rt.- a nve ruD ra.ll)'. Tht" \\'hit• Sox day aa Johnny Lettln~D a11d lhnat.Med •1Ut a two run llW'P <>rut Ha.Ira llHe'-1 ~ MUtout ...................... bl the flna.l f rame. Cati Man-ln tandtm. ~llaa and John Naylor ban~ ~· Ollle H : Dodnr11 lf"und dullea for the wtnnenr. •·l; t. 8cnt Md <1'aat.a .. 1:i ; I The n'blle Sox <'Amt' W1thln Card1JI •·2: y ..... and ,,.. brealhJn~ dlltanc. ot the Cubll en 2-3; .... ·~ Red mo. 1-6 with a 9'-0 blaNUna' of UM Ladlau M . Cit MILLll CHMOLIT ~ ~DEAL I • I • TlU coll. far flt1Wt! Fllf TOU can't iml~M the thriU that"• '.JOW'S with 1 "Rl>f'krc" at your Mmmaod! Slip behind the wheel ju.I onre- you'U know hen,'1 tometllln~ diffn-rnt-1'fGlly dilr~tl And you'll be emu~ '' bow eay it i1 to own 1 "Roi-lirt'' Old•mnhilf'· thl'@t day•, too! Drop Ui "'°" -rrt "'" lnw pr1tt ; •• our s~ •ppra»al oa 10IUI prNttit r.ar! OLDSIVIOB I LE • ------------------Vlll'T'"' "llOCUI ltOOM" ••• AT 'IOUI woeu IU&a"ll -------fOICOOl __ RI.,... .. _ COfWOltf ••• .., • All-COIDITIOllD .,oc11r• OltS•o11u1 ... • ,_ 0 • _,. 41'--•--llW MILLER. CHEVROLET • 1000 West Coast Hlfiaway NIWPOIT llACH -------------_,_ ..... ·-••lftlMllT lb~ ..... IUI HU-•11..-r'•IA~ .. MYN•lllC-nr - ; . CU>'l'HlNG-\\'omea'a RetaD LA Rt:ISI: 600 \'la Halac-R&rbor '61t UDO FAMHIONS S•.&O \'&a Oporto -Kanor MTl 8HADDOC'K'8 ~IVlal..liCk-...._Mn VAGABOND BOUSI: Imported Sportswear NM \'&a Udt -BartlM llH DRUG STORES VINCt:NT'8 UDO DaUOS Ner'TIA Uio -Bart.or-liQ ELEC'l'Bro CONTRACTORS uno t:u:cnuo IUC Vl& Uclo-B.nw '"" ~WEBS a1011Aao'S UDO llA&&ET Corwagea-Tabte Arnns•mtnll NU \'la Ude -~ MU FOUNTAIN, GRILL VTNOENT'8 uno oauoi. "et Via Uclo -HaRor IOGI. num • ALBUllS OEJUIAJlDT 8TUDI041 Nll Via Uclo -Buber Mii ll'URNrl'1JRE DICk MACUa auo Via Udo -II.nor u11 'GIFI' SHOP RJCllAIU>'8 LIDO W4Ur:r MU Via Udo -Banor Ula INSVRANCE AGENTS W. O. BUClt, JlliC. MOO \"la Udo -Ba.rtMw U.• INTERIOR DEOOBATORS 81.A.'OCIU:. f -ULIU:R80S A.l.D. Ult \'la Udo -~r UM Dl<:1' MACKER IUO \o'la Udo -Harbor 4111 DON CRl':IGRTON A. L D. Kala.fa Import• 600 Via JI.Maia -Hanor 1117 llAJUlET8 IUCBAR.D'" uno MAR&:t:T IUI Via Udo -Rarttor ZllU PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS GERHARDT STUDIOS UJt \'la Udo -ll&rtlor Cfft KEAL ESTATE UDO KY.ALTY AM80CIATU J.Jd<> Ralu .tr Renlala S-400 Via Udo -Hart.or MU P. A. rAJ.MJCR J)iC, SllSS via Udo -llaullor IHI VOGt:I, ('OMPA..,,, Hit na Udo -e.n.r ft'71 RA\' ASO RACH UAL1T \'la Udn Rrtd~e OUI~ 1112 ,,..·ay,.tte -RU't>M MU SAVINGS II LOAN ASSOCIATIONS NF.Wl'ORT BALBOA 8AVISOa It IAli\S .•A!iS.'roCIAT101"' A 8RV1nf:11 ln11Utullon Long 'fl'rnl ·Mome Lo1U11 • 1386 \ la Udo -ll&rf>or UOI St:RVICt: STATIONS I.JOO fCH'IWlf:l.O UIS ~""port B.lvd.-Rar. '311 §HOES-Men'a amwl':IA.'1'1 !-ITORJ: FOii IOCN U%8 \'la Lido -Harbor tMa SHOE.~. WOMEN Rl U .'"' (If' <'A UP'()llSfA IUO \la l.Jd~llA Ol66' ntEATRF..S UDO Ttrt:~ TRT. C'..nni«ilt lhill f'llprr for J>rorraia \'la Udn "' Sewport .lhrd. H&rbor 2114 rovs UOO TO\'LA~"D 1'4% \'la l.ldo -Hartlor ltM IRA Vt:I. ACE.NCIES HARBOK TRA \'P'.I, AODfCt' Ulll :-.t"pon Bh·4.-ffu. llU CPHOL."TERISG DICK MAC'KT.R U W \'la IJdo -Harbcw utl \\1ATCH RF.PAIR '1:-.( t.'\'rl'I "ATnt Kl:PAJa r.roo llR 1 • '"' ... , \la U do WINDOW fX>VERINO THY. l"HAllt: MHOP Nbt •• .r .. , ornu ... IN • • .. . • ONE MORE -MAKES l 9 - Ann Hawley. 16, of 4-61 Abbie Way, Costa Mesa, ~da another trophy to her collec- tion cuUed by racing M-hydroplanes. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawley: Ann recently nabbed third place in the M-hydro competition at Lake Ca chuma as part. of Santa Barbara's Semana Nautica ce~bration. -Staff Photo HARIOR \)O~ NEWPOR-T HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I MONDAY, JULY 11, 1955 MESA BOWLING CLASSIC SET FOR VAN'S ALLEYS JULY 30 Sil• of Bout.hem California '• 1econd l&l'J'Ut bowb11r clu- 11c Will be Van'• BowUnr In Coeta Me.ia July 30 lhrourh U1t wttltend of Aur . U . 'llMlt'1 when tht Coiita M•H Third An· nual Slnrlu wlU be In pro,-reu. Approxlmat•ly tOO entrtu art u pect«d f rom San P'rwl· claco to 8al1 Dltco. Prl.M monty 111 u.f•mattd at more than SMOG w ith U~ ,-uaranteed. The 11154 Clau lc •prize llat J>Ald $4218 with only 636 entrlu. Bowlen from the Ht.rbor arev. are nc:eJc:d t.o Cill t he 48 apot1 on the re,-ular and women'• Harbor squada. ABC and WIJJC nile1 w1U apply and only ABC Md wmc sanctioned bowler. will be ellg1blt. Handlcape wlll be 2/3 rrom 200. wllh UIO Jlllnlmum ave- ragt for men end 140 for women. Bo~!ua may enter twice and cash once. Enlr1n wilt close wher each llQUld h&a it1 rull rompUment of 24. En try tees 1re $12 for aix gamea 1rrou 12 Janc:1. Guaranteed handica p pnu.11 are: $:500. $300 itnd 1200. Cu1rantec:d ecratch prize. are $300. $200 and $1 00, plus many olht>MJ. · BESTED? Lakers Lick Bombers in lflly DueJl \ Name Moats Saint Coach- Bruce Knipp wae be1ted In a terrific acorlng duel by Gene Bry- ant Thuraday nlrht In Harbor Boy'1 Club B Bukelbalt Lu,-ue. but •tlll came out on top. For one nard1no re<'elved ('r1•dll tor the thing. Knipp t opped Joor bucket- sq11e11kcr 8'1utout triumph. Loser eers by ten point& after tour for the' Braves was Steven Shedd. games. Fpr Mlolher.' hl1 Lake" l GRIDIRON SEPT 16 ;~::tJ~1!:';~ wb~ ;--M~~:n~::i of 2:19 01't'hld Ave He Rid a cu appartntly r&ml'led tnto It • • Dedication of the new 7500 -.t football ltadium at Or• ange Cout College will be heJd Sept. lS when the Pint.ea meet Eut Contra Cout Oolter-1n a twillgbt tituie-:--Thie. will mark firet time ainee tbt college o~ned it. doors eeven a ....... -Jill.._ -au.a"" OCC .., klM --~ • DIBT-- COLUCTIONS yea.rs ago that an team bu been able to play a gamt-• "-l'ie&. "Ne ~~~~N• at home. Prior to thla, "home" um hou;lnr aho~era. r•lroom1. tee." We .,..,..,. all _... footbalJ ramee were echeduled at drualnr room1, and concHalon CUDIT Bua&AU •f the h ip acool fltldl either at New-bootha. W•t.n Onulc'• 0...tJ l'°rt Harbor or Huntington Buch. VlDl:O, &\'J:N r.,...rl1 O..,.t --. el lllaborate dedication cuemonlN Ji. commodloua pl'Ul9 boll bu N'...,,.n a..c.. '--...,. and colortul half-time acllvttlea bffn conatnJcted hlrh &top the a.II Qgeea 111 .... are now belnr; planned aa a auit-eut r im of the 1tadlum. Thb 11 IM ....,..... A..._ P.O. Bu• able lnaugur&I. Thia lncludu band equipped with' complete J&ctlitl .. iiiNil:i"i'iPOii&iTii8&4iiiOB.iii()ALD'iiiiii. i mualc, atunta by IOn( leaden and for bro&dCUllnS and teleYUllnl ll'.I• rootln& 1e<:llon, and a 11.aJf. 1 OOAtuta time pagunL Con1tructlon of Ule 1tadlum wu C'Ol 'STY'8 n!'.~8T completed thla apnng and lhl' turf Completion of the 1t.adlu.m Jive. 11 well under way. 'l'otal coet wu Or&nl'e County It.a flneat football 1278, t 18. gridiron. The facility was deafened ------------- wllh ttle ptaymc Held ten fut be-y.-......a. c---. ~•_...._ tow f lllat1ng ground level and· Mal• lliill'WTII wntwr ~ actually 1tart1nc below 1round lev- el. With no running track between the aldellnes and the front row of ~•ll. 1pectatora. are provided With 1n excellent v1ew of the playing field. Concrel• blH cher1 rim the east and we.t perimeter. of the .stadium. Both end1 are open. A modun tl•ldhouae hu bffn erecttd at IOUUI end ot the 1t&dl- 8chedule of Corona deJ Mar Youth Center C Bueba.11 Lu.,rue gamu for remainder of the week ; Wedneaclay • -lndlan•-Dodg'era 10 1.m. C.rdlnala-Bravl!I 11 :15 a.m. Friday -Jndlan.·Oianta 10 a.m. Dod1era-Cardlnala 11 :11~ Lm. Company Co11ll11'7 Fish 'n Chips Jumbo Fried Shrimp To Go 1.DQRT(// ,. ~ //'···' •I # • • 8TART8 WED. "The Prodigal" ('o6w EDllVND P URDOM I -pl-' 1'U~key ........... the Richard Beeson Company Landscape DesN,11 a11d Construction OOltoNA Dt:L ~ ·-Giants Lash A White Sox with 14 Runs WEBSTER TOPS MIDGET LOOP c Cl-IUCKERS Apparently out lo 1arner honor.11 a.11 the r\o. I rhucker In Harbor Boyl' Club Sum- mt'r l?ueball leaguea 11 John Webster of 3024 <Xean Blvd. Jn hla tut three ,outlnp ln Corona det Mar Youth Center au. C competition, Webl!ter hu toaatd lhl"te con.te<:uUve •hutouta and a plllr of no-blt- ter1 !or the C\lba. Jn Friday·• other contest, Oave downed BryM1t'1 Bombere 72-60 to Oilman of l:iZO E. Ocean Front knock them out of Mcond place l<MIH<t ~ Whit• So.a 10 an a.) But Bryant'• 2t marker. rack - victory over the CUbs. Thia de-e(i up for l he Bomber• wu hrgh 1plte a two run homt run blaat ta lly mark tor the nlghL Knipp ott the bat of Kenny Swan.on, traUtd With 28. DID YOU KNOW ••• KIDDJE8 DAY EVERY WEDNESDAY It NOOS 'TIL e P.H. FIEE IALLOONS BALBOA FUN ZONE All Rides 6 ' CUb patcher. NO TROUBLE Slaglnr blggut Inning of Har- bor Boy11' Club Summer BasebaU ffuon, the Costa Mua P&.rk Cius A OIMta glganl1cally llCOred 12 runs In lhe f1r11t frame Thursday lo WU the While Sox H-4. The White Sox were able to coller t jual three hits off the 1Jant.1 of Sleve Slmonf!On and Pat Het.mhol• wtull' Giant batten rapped out 13 blnglu . Hit 1tara for th• Glant.11 were Jotln HuKhU. three for tbl'('e. Slevt' Slmol\IOn, two for two, llnd Tim Trn Eyck. two for lhl"te. The tri- umph gave the Glanll a 4-2 ff*•· l"rlday, youna-w-.i.r re- corded 4lll 1-0 no-bJur °"" the Dod&"en. Only tour men rnclled bue, all on wallul. ln l\1a previous two ~·· a- gainst the Cardinali and th• Jndll.llll, Web1t~ racked em up 7-0. OTHER TILTH The undefeated Tomadoea had In Thu1"9day's battle11, Tom Oam-no trouble 1taytn'r atop le&gUe ble ot 26:12 Vista Drive waa cred-1tandlnp . They were credited with lted with an lL-7 win of the Yank-their fourth •lraJcht triumph ~e• over the Wh ile 80:11. Jackie when the Panthera forfeited. Kimble of 17H Miramar moved Paad by Bob Martin'• 20 pol.nta, from bebtnd the: plate onto the the Hornet. e<!ged Ula Hawka ST- mound to hurl nice: relld ball lor 3• to ll.ide Into MCOad 1pot. Jim lh• loeera. MutAS.r wu Jllp tor UI• wtnlcas Plate power f\Jrnillhed by Dobb7 Hawlu with 16. Chacon of 208 Vi& Palarmo ra.• KNIPP L&AD8 . lh• Red So• a 13-3 triumph over Knipp led owrall acorlnr with Mercury has a 3-year record for the highest re-sale value in its price field? Ule lndla.na. Chacon bomertd twice. M polntl. Bryant follow~ with once ror a (J'&11d3la..nuner, \he 7t. Then came MIJte VaJle, 60: other with one •boar<!. Mulder, ~: Jolut Henrotln, 67; SH your Mercury dealer lot deta ils I 0081 l'f'COrd . A Lea lt\le 1ta.ndlng1 through Thurl<l•y gamu: Braves and Red Sox, 4-1: Gla.nta and Cardfnal11 4-2; Yankee& 2-3; White Sox 2-4: lndlan. 1-4 ; Dodier• 1-S. In P'riday'1 first f.,.y on the Youth Center diamond, fifth Inning homen by Carle- ton Kowm of 121 Sapphire and Chrla McLachlln 0( 210 Agate pt>rmitted the Bravu to ed11e the Giants 514. Jim Giraud blasted a round trip· per for Ule Glanll In the fourth. Schedule through remainder of Wtt'k : Monday -Yank~•·Red l Box 6:30 p.m. G1anu-Bravl'a 8:1:1. Tuuday -CardUUl.lt-Whlte Sox 6:30 pm. Dodgera-lndJaru 8:11S. __________ _,, __ Thuraday -Jndlan1-Glantt1 8 :30 J> m. Cardlnal.11-Dod1:er1 8:1~. Fri· s~UEAKER day -Bnvea-Yankec:a 6 :30 p.m. _,..,._ _____ _ High School C Loop Standings Th• Oiantl we,... in tint place, the C&rd• In MCOnd place: In New- port Ht.rbor High School Clua C League aummer b&M.bell atand- lng1 of games throufh Friday. Th• 1tM1dmra: White SOx-Red Sox 8:l:i. S11tur- day -Giant.II-Dodgers 10 a.m. 01ant1 ~1: Cardmw •-1: Tlr- and Red Sox 3-3: Dodger. 2-1; Jn· Hi C G•iants era and Yan1cee1 3-2; Cuba, Bravea dl11n11 2·4: WhJte ~· l-~. Richard's Back Edge Past iit!~::g th:i~~::k~~~.::~:; • L L d I have been turned 1n by Steve C.rl-1 n ea •ue ea IOn, Randy Marx. Kenny Swanaon ea B 1-0 11.nd Sandy Eutman. Joey Gallant. Of Summer Play raves Richard Oliphant. Jack Kimball and Robble Ol&ndf'r did tine work 1 aa recelvrrs. Rlchard'1 M.t.rktl quintet ot Newport Harbor High School c l Good h1ltini came Ott the Newport Harbot' jumped back a-League Glante edged put the macea yielded by Tt>ddy White- top lltAndinR'• In Anaheim Sum-Bravo 1-0 Friday to go lntcr t11'11t 1 neck, Tim Brown, Mike Pel\•· mer Buketb&ll l.A!ague Friday In r tace In the 11ummer bMeball loop. I Bruce Woods. Neil Savler1. Eug- Cyprna. GolnR' 11.htad In final min· The pitching dut'I R'ave the Ol&nte tne Opp1teck, Sttvtn Fletcher and utr ot play. Richard'• <!owned the a rc:corJ of five wine agaln1t one 1 Bobby Chacon. Cf'll lcll of G11rden Grovt 37-28. I lollA. Tht' C'11rdin11.ls r!'m11lned In ~::;::;::;;:;:;::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;::;, P11.ut Lorent.z•m topped f't'wport ~ec-onrl Rpol with a 4-t. ml\Tk. • 0 ff NS T 0 NE' S IK'Orlnlf W1th 12 roinlll, follnwf'd • l'htl Monroe Of 3t2 Nrate Road • by 0&\'e Tamura with 9 and Po~ broke-up th~ light fn1y with a Mesa Auto Wreckers with i . tut inning clutch l'lnR'lt. The Allh1on'11 M11rket of An&ht'lm huell wn·e IO&ded at the lime with m nvt'1 lntn a tie for l'l'<"ond plac-e. two out. A 11trong l!f'cond half flnleh down-OA.1'11: CRl:O~ ed Canat'11 OnginaJ" of Santa An.& J ohn McC&Jhtm of 41:1 San Ber-1 Bfl-26. Clltf Rogen or An11.tle1m led t.allyin( 'Ill.1th n ine markers. t 'aed Auto Pana Ud Acceuol1et1 2075 ~ntia Ave. Ubert7 8-'7011 Coeta M- Huntington Beach Ree. over- powered F\11lerton'11 Eut.11ld• Club 4~·34. ~ttltlJe .i.&ndlng1: Rlch&rd1 8-1: Ea11t1idfl Club and Alll11<>n'11' 4-2: Hunun.-ton Beach Rec. 3-3; Carat'a M d Guden Grove 1-6. Ride Showboat to 1.acJuna on the Beautiful Padflc Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL_ and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL SICUliTY PATIOL .. Twice Daily -ll:SO L m. and 7:00 p.m. AduJb $1.25 -ChUdren 6.5 cents -.. ... Q&r)" Green. O ; Don Plc:n:t, 41. 8tllld1np: Tomadoe1 4-0: Hor- net.a 3-1 ; Bomber, and 1Akc:r1 2-2: Panthera 1:3: Hawka O-•. DRINK THE CHOICE OF DANIEL WEBSTER! The greatest name in bourbon -historic favorite of famous men-now in a lighter, l.cwer- p riced 86 Proof bottling as a companion to the world-renowned 100 Proof Bottled in Bond! NOW-TWO GREAT BOTTLI NGS! 80TTLKD I N aOND 100 ~ .. 001" K.,..tucky Strail}tl B0ctrboft Whialcey a• ~ROOP' Kentf.ICk-, Stral}tl Bourbon Whitby ,......_.owe-... • , ... u, •• u .. , .•••••. .................. ,_ .......... Aak tor Old Crow at your favorite taftm OLDCROI ---"-''-.._.. .... (MC Ol D eaow OISTlllUY co .. DIYISIO" Of UTIOllAl DISllUUS P'ROOUCTS COI P' .. 'JIAllllFOIT, n. • IU.,EH ROl 'ND TH E BAY Treat yourself to a 1>At0 . V11.CA-rtofl l • a ~ LE~ Take Drl~e-away Dellvery of · a New 1 955 ..... . OLDSMOBILE SAVE up to $18800 Y Mil heart aet on 1 aew "Rodt~" Old1mob1lc! '«'di. iwn'• 1 wond,...{uJ wn rn l~ one .•. and ,.njo~ •,_!;ir. F:11f, !OO~ ~t -u• lallny, i nd ll'(l!C't ~-0«r .>.> OliJamolilJe. Thm u•e th~ ftti.bt charp:ee by ptck.ing up your ca.r •t tM fectot"J an La-nir. MW-b.iren. Rnrket bome •11:ai11 °" 1 m,.mnub~ mottorin1 ncatioci! Drop i11 fr.-et1mpltt• drtail., tod17 • Ill YOUI N I AllST O LDSMOl'IL I DIA Lll ' -.till.ER CHEVROLET 1000 W. Coast Hwy., Newport leac• UMrtr a.w 1 ' .. - ... ·- • (}overnmenl f:xcepf PAGE 2 ~PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, JULY 11, 1955 ''God 9ront us the '8renity to eccept the tht"91 W. c.nnot change: ta. coura~ .to chon91 the thrn9s we con end the wildom to know the diff•renc•." fA. A~.) EDITORIALS County Political Future Orange Countl&na ahould aerioualy be conalderinr their political plight in the next .-ion of the'Califor- n.ia State Legislature. LeRoy Lyona of Fullerton bu re- aigned his office in the Legislature. Lost to the people of the 7~ Aasembly District and to all of Orange Coun- ty are hia fight and seniority. Earl W. Stanley hu indicated that he will not re- run for his post es Assemblyman for the 74th DiBtricl. Stanley haa resigned a couple of his important committee chairmanships so that a new man can become wise in the ways of parliamenblry procedures. This IC'a\'es Orange County with only it. State Sen· ator, John Murdy. on the scene with experience &nd 11en1ority. When Aul'mbly candidates are chosen by Republi· cans Rnd Democrats to run for these positions they should be men young enough to stick on the jo b for a long pcriDd of yea r~. Our canaidatel5 in the next elect ion should be chot1en not for their immediate representation but with an eye to an extended future. R<>membcr that committee appointment. -the place where real accomplishments a re made -are earn- ed UJ>On the baai. of Renioritiy and WhO YOU know. able tract ot land located on Newport Blvd., within two blocb of the beach it Newport ahould lie vacant and cluttered when properly 1urfa.oed it could be made available and protlt.able to the city. We commend to the study ot the Newport Beach engineering department and t o the city council the cru- tion of a municipal parking lot on the property at 28th St. and Newport Blvd. that formerly was the location of the City Water Department and yards. Thi.a preaently vacant, non-tax creating land could be put to uae aa a parking lot with the installation of all day meters. Soon the meters would generate suffi. cient funda to retire their cost and realiz.e additional monies for the purchase of additional off.street park· ing Iota in the cong~ted areas of the com,plunity. Many areas of beach. otherwiJ!e inaccesaable and little used couJd be made available by the proper inst.al· lation of reasonably •ized parking lots on the Ocean Front. We commend to the city council a study of the ad· vantages gained for the city and all of its residents by the creation of the parking lot on the Ocean Front be· tween McFadden Place and 23rd St. in Newport BeMlh. It wu loaded all day long Saturday and Sunday and during the laat eeason the me~ni retired \he total cost of the lot. All funds now realized are just pure profit The Bible -Teacher Of IJreedom -----ta.x tree gold ~ that i.e. -the pra:ii8 81i0u1d be· n-· JUST COMMENT Free Press and Fair Trial A fair trial, im•olvlng the age-Old struggle of the individual againat all-powerful goverruneht, ls the moet basic. the most essential of all human righta. From the dawn of civiliution, mankind bu looked to it a11 the first line of defense against oppression und!'r any form of government. Before other powers of kinga &nO ~ants were ques~ion~, the right Of the._fO~ to do justiCJ? l>elween them and their subject11 was demand- ed and sometimes accepted, In modem times. eyen dictatorahipa of the man on horeeback or of a collectivized people have at least pre- tended to keep their hands off the courts to that they could appear to hand down judgment.a according to the law and evidence. And ehould American newspapers do.leaa today! Their freedom of the pTet!s, gained in the la.st cen- tury or ao as the democratic concept evolved, ia not an abeo\ute. It la much more like a tlOCial tool to be Wied wiaely and responsibly f~r the public g~ And n~•­ papeni employ It t o their peril when they interpoee themselves between the people and their courts and un- dertake to try caaea in print before, or as, the evidence is presented to the jury. -Toledo (Ohio) Blade. More Visitor Parking Needed Newport Harbor wa.s host to thousands of relaxing Americans over the recent week end. Warm sunshine, cool breezes &nd good swimming bade our visitors linger longer and relax on the beaches of this community. One dismal note howe\'er was evident in t~ lack of places t o park the thousands of cars that carried our visitors here. It seems ehamefu1 to us that a size- WASHINGTON REPORT Ry 1·our Con~J'ffsmaa IAJU'..8 B. U'l'l' I w~ vwr Yl.,ltlni: the Sl'nlllt N cenUy, anrt It 11pJWn111 I hat ttle Bricker Amrnrtmtnt will c!'lme out or CommlllH 11ntl h,. • n th,. Stnate floor 80meUme \\'llhin lhr nrJtt wer k Cir II(>. L11~t yeo.r st f111ll'rl of pUN':t-bv one vot•. A h m·thlrda m1jflrll)' ot 1111 mem- b1>r11 11 requlr<'•I fnr r• .. l\stt . 1 have ex11mlni-rt lhl' rt'lum" nn 8ev· er"I qut~tl,.rw11rr11 whir h h1we ~n 1ent out by L°llhf, m 1a Mrm- bt'rs of Congrua. and It 111 lnt.-1 • e11tlnr to note that nf'arly 1>1(hty p,.r rent or the retum11 favored thr p&..•Mll(e ot lh1" Amendment. I alnctrely hope th11l It wtll be In such fcmn Ul•t It ~111 not be npJl(l11td by the Ex,cuuve Depart- ment. The BrlC'ker Amt>ndmrnt la vf.'r)' 11hort in context but vrry power· tul In irub11t11nc,. Tt rnnll\ln11 thrl'e ~hort 11ectlon11 whirh 11rt' All <nllnws l l A prodlltnn of a treat~· whl<'h confllct8 wtth thf' C'n011tlt11tlnn ah&JI not be nt 11ny force or t-ff Prt. 21 A treaty •ha.II become ert· Ktlve ., Internal I.aw In the Unit· ed StatN only through lt1'11let1on whk h would be ftlld tn the ab- 11enre nf trtaty. 3J conrru. ~ ¥,... power to rerulat.e an uecuun and other arrument.a wtth any foreign powt'r or lnt ematJonal or1anlza· lion All mich &JTMmenll shall be aubjtocl to the 1JmltaUon1 lm- J>O~Pt:l on t~atl.a by this e rtkle. ft I• 10meUme1 arJUed that the Unttt<f Stat.ff haa been making treaUu for over l~ yrars. "° why 11 It now necuaary to &ml'nd the Con1t1tuUon. The IJl.!'l''l'r la 'that now for .the first tlme In our hi•· tory there Is a rielng tlrte o! lnter- na1tonall11m which threatens the natlont.1 10verelgnty ot Ule Unit· tl't ~t11 tu. R n<1 treaty-making pow"r 111 the veklcle being used to dotroy It. "xt'ST DEClDE" One of the leaden or thl1 Inter- Formerly the Newport·Balbo& New1·T\me1 and the Newport-Balboa Pru1 ,,. A Df'ptedable ~ haUtatio• for Onr Forty Yean bte~ u Second.ClaN Matter a t the P01tott1ce In Newport Beach. CaHComJa under the Act of Mar~h "· 1879. PUU&hed E\·f'ry 111""4Ay. Wednf'Mlay and Frtda.,T at ~f'"'POrt ~ QalU., by lht1 ~T.Wl'ORT HARBOR Pf'11U8111NG OOJIPAlO' TtltphODe Harbor 1111 QmaUW. '° l"ubll•" 1A!P1 NoUcta MMI '""'rtteemeaa "' AD 1DDc11 BJ DeerM of Ute 8upertor ,Coan of Or&al'• Co. IA Adtu Ne. A·ll Tts Mf'lllber CaJllora1a N-.~r Publlalle,. AaedaU. Mmibt'r SaUonal l'..dlto'1al -ibeocl.aUoe Mt'mbfJr of OnutKe C'ounty New• Seniee R1!:~ IU!:DDICK. PUBLISHER WILLIAM A. MOSES, EdJtor ORMOND E. ft.Otnn"fta, Ad...u.tq ~or CR.AIU.ES A. ARJ(9'l'RONG, K.ch&aieu l'ap.ltili.ldat .. tended. In thia manner business would directly benefit. ViBitora wouJd be betttt eenred and the home owner could eoon gain great benefit by a lesser taX rate up<>n 1 his property. Golden Anniversary Cleanup I t '1 lea than aix weeb now before Newport Beach entel'S what m ost cmes would l>egin to celebrate aa their "Golden Years"·. Where there ia a progressi\'.e city it us- ually begins to brighten up it.a present and revivify it.a past the year before it.a Golden Anniversary and con- tinues through the year succeeding. · Residents of the City of Newport Beach could well afford to recollect upon the achievement.a of those peo- ple who loved and labored for the creation of this trea- sure trove of lovliness. Who could well assess out neighborhoods and extend .~very effort poaaible to paint up, clean up and plant up with flowers and gTeenery t o compliment ~ur corn· munity, _) We hasten to recall the effort that w-. put forth in 1932 for the beautification of Southern California dur- ing the staging of the Olympic Games. We have come a long way since then. Much bu been done along Balboa Blvd. and N ewport Blvd. and hu improved a portion of its way. Were we all to .et uJde a few minute. each day to concentrate upon continued improvement the difference we couJd make in the City of Newport Beach would be amuing. And were we all to concentrate upon the ne- cessity of ridding our community of its gTeatest ugly blight, the Pacific Electric Railway, we are 'sure that the sheer power of the poeitive thought would. accomplish that too. nat1on11I movt'ment wa1 l!!lupreme Court Ju11tlce Owen• Roberts who 1ald "We must decide whrther we are to 11tand on the 1llly 11hlbboletll of natlonel aovcrl'lll:1't>'. We muet yield our nl\tlonal 1overelrnty to some higher powrr··rall It .what you wtll·-alld thi1 <'1111-lt-what-you will could be a 11up,.r Government ot Ule World lnve1t•d Willi power to rnake 1uch economic adju1t- ments a1 a rr nteeuary to put the p~ple or all the member coun- lrlu on an equaJ level." The Ultimate ~nd ot th11 would be 10 completely de.11troy th,. Con- 11lltut1on &Jld the Biii of Right.a. We havt alw'8y1 con1ldered the United pt1te.11 to be • Govern- ment of limited power, and a.JI powera not 11pecl!lcally dt-lepted to the Ft'denal Goftmment were t'ellt'l'\'Cd for the 11tveral 11ta te8 and to the peopho. Unlltr treaty-mak- ing power we would h11ve 11 Gov- ernmrnt or unlimited power11, a.ntl tht Frdrr11I C'lnvrmm,.nt by trc:i).y could ma.ke IA~'ll. which are nl>w prohibited by lhl' Con1tltut1on, n gulrit lng the> d<>niuttc llfl' ot pl'ople In th.e 11vel'LI •latu. Thu11. the Fedt'ral Government could lht-n do by Indirection that which It 111 now prohibited trom doing dlrertly. c~a. UU~ .. New Orltan11 ver11U1 UnJted Slates," derided ln 1838. expounded the Je!tersonlan view of thhl clause In the Con1Utut1on In the tolloWinl' words, "Conrreii• cannot by leg11latlon enlarce th• Federal jur111dlcllon nor can It be enlargt-t1 11ndt-r the treaty.making sio-r." Tha t <lecl1lon conUnued to be the 11upreme law of the land untH 1920, when the CU6 of "X luourt V11. Hollsnd" held that Feder11l jurlsdletlon could be en- larged by use of the treaty power. In this <'he, thf' Unlttd Stetee tn· tered l.nto a mtrratory blrd trMt)' with Ca.na.da pro h I b I t I n g the 11h00Ung of ttrtaln mlgT&tory blrd11. Undl'r the IAw or MlllOUrl it wu legal l-0 hunt and 1hoot these ducks. 11n<f under the P'ed· er&l Constllut1on Congreaa would be denll'd the tight to make any Ip 11t'fectlni:; the Internal llLW ot the State of MU!llOUrl. But the <'ourt held that the tre11ly ~tween the United Statu and Can•da wu 11Jpertor Jo the ConatJtuUon and that the State of Ml1aour\ had not.hlnr to aay about the matter. TWO DOCl'lll'N'!:8 Th• etfect of thl• dtcl1lon wu to eatabU.h two remarkable doc· trtne1: the flr1l that the treaty power I• unlimited and capable o( overrldl.nr the Conetltullon and the Bill of Rlghta: and eecond. that Federal power of jurisdict- ion, by Ile own voluntary act. We note the Orange County Board of Superviaom ha.a refused a request o! Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. to u.se the official county seal on the cover of ill new telephone directOry. Unfortunately "'e can't e\·en · put the seal of approval on the firm'• loca.l operational efficiency. When will those ~Hal phones ~ her~? -Fanner McCabe Writes .. e Well the Battle of the Catalogs is over at Mont· gomery and Wards. The old man tha.,!. F.D.R. honored by having him carried around i1 steppin down. A young Hose Smeller name of Barr is takin over. He sez he ex- pects the Catalog Business to be belt~r than ever ...• Fact.a i.a he's 10 sold on this country's sound economy ' that he's agonna open up thl't'e or four new Montgomery and \Yard atorea. ·well, that's progress for you. (all rlg'hlJI reaerve<l l AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C. MacARTHUR 8ACR.AJ.fmNTO. (CNS1 -The r.cent "Atfalrw ot State" dealt wllh UI• u tablh1hmenl ot "die- count houM1". whlrh re,ter ex· clu11vely to r;overnment employ· eea. and pointed out that 1uch government employt'u u patron· lu the8" e11t111>l111hmt'nt •HI'. In el!flC't. clrcumvt-ntlni:-r,. .. pon,.I· b 11 1tI"11 thry have to the comm· n1ty The tf'n<f.enrv n( 1"11'11 S<"rvl('f' In C111lfom ts, \\'htc·h m11n.v rtflple think ehould he 11bnll11hed com- pletely, althoul!;h they do not hs\'e. nervP enoufh to com" out flat- footed a.nd HY "°· ts tn create a 8p~<'i81 ltl'OllP or rotldlt'd pl'ople which 11 willing lo drr1ve 1111 Ul<!' benefit• It r an from th" t11xpayer and 11ccert 1111 tew rl'~J!Millbllltlcs aa poll.!!lblr. The ch-II 11trv1Ct-emplQyee. nQ mAtter whelhPr he Is rtty. rnunty, 11t11te or (Nleral, Is rerhspll the moAl "talcen care of" JndlvtduaJ ext.tent. • OANrr 00 RROKE The elate or other government untl can't co broke. 110 he l• u.. 1u~d of s regul11r paycheck. State employeell get 1111 thf' legal h0Ud&y1 off. lncludlni: 8Uf'h f&n· taaUc day1 u Ort. 12. when Co'umbu1 Is honored The11e hr.ll- day1 amount to nl'llrlV two W!'t'kll dur1nl' lht' ~ar. iutt1e from tht' regulu thrcf' WC'tk v11rallon en- joyed at tull pay, which meku aomt' flv& Wl!'f'i<ll. or more thRn 1·12lh of thr tot11l worklng time ort. Then there 11 the !Ive-day wet-k a prlviltge wnn by iitete t'mploy- "" •Incl' the ln11ugi1rat1on of civil Hrvlcc. Alldt t rom thl11 time off. there LI )2 day1 a yeiu lllc k lrave. whlrh cah pile up to 1ever11l month~. State employees hR vr-a rl'l I re- ment •yetem or whk h thl'.'re 1s no equal. anrt this h11s b,.en llbrr- aliud by the ll\l'l ll'itlstur,. to the ntent th11t lh11 11tatC!' employ· eee can go lflto the federal •Y•tem for even more Mneflt11 And In the past few years, the ll"Jtialature ngularly h&ll lncrea&f'd lhP pay of the 1tale employeu by :i ~rce11.t evr-ry tlmC" It mffts APIAIAI. IUTEI' In a.ddltlon to thl1. ln1urance rompanlr11 vie "1th rarh <Hher to 11ell g-roup medical and hoapltal Insurance to the emplnyeo, at ratea whlrh the ordltlary taxp11yf'r cannot enjoy. And In the face ot •II th .. e benefit.. It 11 pnually conceded that Ulf" ertlclency of the •late worker I• about l\-0 percent, It thnl much, of the Individual who work• In private lnduatry. ln ()thtr word.II. If the authority were avail· 11ble, an a dmlnlstraUon coul<l cut off about half the elate worktora &nd etlll c et the aame work done It the emplo)>etll were operallnc at 100 percent emclency, which. ot course. they never will be u a group, tor dO(J1nc It In gonm· ment employment I• a prevalent puUme. Thu., the taxpayer can well look askance wtien the lltate em· pt.yH lflarta patronlclnf the "dl11- C()Unt houae". ,.,,lch 11 dutinfd neither to wupport the rommunlty, nor to contrltn.ite &nythlng" to the reeponalblllly of community hvinit. CHARM'\' C'Qm'AIU"°S Il Y.'ill be Interesting to note. come tl!e nut Unltf'd Crueadf' drlVl', how much department atorea \l.'1lh comparable 1tock1 ron- trlbute, '" eplnrt the eomrtbutlon ot the dl1count hO\llM, It any. It would al.lo be lnterullnit to com- pa.re the s<fverUst.n~ "Pa<'e, tclt· vision tlmt-, 11nd radln time of corrip11nbll' d~partmPnt 11toru with the11,. 11<1-c11lled "dl8count hOU~Pll" \l\'ht'ther nM llke11 lhf' f11 lr tf'1\i1e praC'l lrPll art nr n()t, and trw who bellne In competition do. the rer· ul1r department 1toru are irup- po•l'd to keep wlt.hln the law. But th" dlecount houH ~ No. A rtlcle Sllll of the ConaUtutlon 11tatu. "Thill ConltituUon and all the law1 nf the United Statu whl('h «hall be made In pur1uanre lhert'or and all treatl• eht.11 be lhe 1uprt'me law ot the land, any- thing In the C()u Utut.fon or laws or any state to th• contrary not- wlthstandlni " ~OT POLITICAL At th• tlme th• ConalltuUon wu written. hlten&Uonal treat- iu ,..,.,. not of a poUUcaJ nature They toudled OD.I)' wch matten u bound&l1-. u..t,..Uon, and fl1hlng rlpta. and the fnmere of the Con1UluUOQ did not lm~n• a truty that could 11&e'1nc1 our national 80ftrwlpty, Infringe· up· on the 11«'ht• of the American cltlun1, uid .trike down and du· troy our lnWBal J.awe. Thomu Jetfe.T"IOn la bi.I not. on the de- batu at th• Ume the Con1Ut\I~ Ion wu '"1tten aid that there making a treaty \I.1th another RIJhl•··whlrh were d~stgnf'ti to bu11~" Treetlu make tntematlonal nation, coul<f be lncreaaed without protect our bAslc Amr11r11n rii;ht:oi law and ai.o they make domeltlc IJ.mi1 in 1plte ot the Con1Ututlon. and freedom11 -mnelv b1· IJa:oimg la w. Under our Con1tltutton tnat- The •ffect of this. If cal'Tled to such law upon an rxl~t 1ng trr11 \' 1 ies ~me the 111preme law of It.a logtcal conclusion. mf'aM lha.t The quullon wo11l11 b,., "I~ thl!I the land: tht y are tndefd 1Uprt mt1, under A rticles 55 ahd M nt the ut leg-al undl'r llOm" trf'11ty .... a nd more eupreme than ordina ry law•. United NaUons Charter dealing the quutlon reallv 11ho11ht be, tor Con,.n.ulonal law1 i.re tn-lld with the entire range of humah "la lhl• l'llw le.:al und"r the Con· It they do not conform to the Con· activity In lh• civil. pollllcal. IOC· •tltutjon of lhe Un1tN1 States?" slltullnfl, whenu trutv 111w1 can la!, economic. and ruJturaJ field•. ntOMAI' .n :fTERSOS m'errlt1e the Con1tltuua'n." But one the Federal GovemmC!'nt II now Thome11 Jerter110n N ld In Inter-year latu when, ht appeared before on. ot unlimited powen, the Con· preUDr Article Six relating to the !enate Judiciary Commlttl'e 1UtuUon and Bill of Rlghll not-treaty·ma .. nc power1 ot the Fed· OC>n11ldering th\ 8rlcker Amrnd· wlthetudlng. eral Government. "It m1111t h•ve l ment, ht oppo1ed Ila p&111are. and ln view of the !act that there n1eant to u cept out. a.U thote I am d.lltW'bed OftJ' bill chanr• 11 no eirpUclt limitation u reprd1 ri(ht• ~•erved to the Stath: t or of arutude. It It ,,.,.. wronr and tnat,y-maklnc power In the Con-1urely t.ht Ptetldent and the Sen-danrerou.e a few 7ear1 &&'O· It ~Uon. It l!I high Ume that an llte t annot do by treat)' what the atio14ld t>. wronc and cSanrerou.e a.mendnic:nt. be added to It t o kHp whole Oovemment baa lntenSJcted today, and I lhall do all ln m7 thll powe.r with.in due bound& For from dolnc In any w•Y·" The de· power t4 u~e Ute ,,_.. of th• a.ample. without the 'Brtclc er A· etalon In the Mll90Ur1 Duck Cue legt1latton In Ute I.ate dd to mendmmt the Cong-re•• of Ult nt~ directly In the race of Ulat epeed it• ,._,.. a. u,. BOIWI ot WU 10mt1 concern onr the ~r UD1i.d Stat. could pu1 a law Interpretation by Thom.. Jetter-Repnt9etaU,... I lba11 alao .,... ot treaty maklnr. but they eoa1d atrect.1n1 Ule lite, Ube.rty and eon. lta lm....,te ~ ., IM ,.. oot coacetn that It would nwr M property of any tndtTidul In ~ A few ,...n aro Secretary of ~ ean1td to Dt CltftlM .. that UDJ.ted 8tata wfthout pqtnc MY It.at• John f'ottl?' Du.11• .aid: ~ .,...,.. of...._ la .._ with which we 6" now confronted. attentJon to lhe pro~elona ot th• •-n.. treety·makln( powtt 11 •11 to maJ1a ll a JU' eC _. c.IU• 0.. °' the tlnt l\qlnme Court j OoDl&ltUU.. &Ad tM llW fill .-raord1ut7 pot'• U&bi. to ·-..... .. .. .. BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL 97 BOllACI: P AJUlEB (114. Not.e -ftle CIOI-lllJ7 a.,_ l'ari&•.r wUI ..., wt-. IM IHU.llaowa W.torkal r.eta M Ma .......... lit We..., Srtfe '8t• tM Mell eoatl')' hi .-t ,_.., · ORIGINAL -Living.croaa. carved nearly a century' ago, lay1 prostrate in rotting trunk of a once la.rg• plne tree. marking the grave of Charley the Chlnk. and Greek George in .Holcomb Vall<·y. .• Death to the dwellers of the brush country can be \'IO· lent or beautiful. One of the simple and si11cere traditions o! my brush country Indian fricnd11 is a beautiful ritu:11. When it js known that the ''Great Ad\'enture" is in the offing, the brush telegraph goes into action and frk nds llnd relativc11 «•ther rrom 1!11r tll flffer moral Grt" k c; ... ,r~·· 111.-.1 h11<1 1lre11m11 aupport lo th" "Adventurer.' ="ol of 1 d11mln~ tu thr~nny t1lt.11 of only dn the ft1nu'.t• and nhfttVetr CruC'e With A flOke h~'°Y' wttJ\ itath~ but also the t'nemlu. One C1>ltf<lrnta plA < "r J:•tJd. Eyl'ln,.; the by onf' the so~allt'd "enemies" or rich cl&tm nr Ule lttlJe Oriental tht' dylng·t>ne t-nter. h" rroci-edtd tl'I "Jump" It. ~·c1111m "!:!t'nor Jose, lhi• 11 Felipe · • Jumrln~· In IL mlnlnf cal1lp 11 "~'1-ttm ~led you havi-w1or11C' lh11n murder. In the 111w come," comu 'Ult tow voice !rum lawlua C.ltfornla frontier e&cll lh1 1lrk ont'. m1m la hiw unto hlm11r-ll. with a 8T0Lr:N MARE r~w rough rodes of f'thlr11. Neigh· "R.emt'mber J o1t'. the little bay bnrlnic mtner11 no doubt full or mare you accused me nf 11teaJln~ "red f'ye" dt-cldt"t s dut'I ~twttn """ 20 yu r1 ago ! And slnce Charity the Chink snd Cre,.k I ha t time we hllve !ought many GM~e WM the wav to ltf'ttle t ht tlmu over thl11 lnriden t 11nd l Al· d11lm jumrlng dl!fertmt'H be· Wll..VA denied 11teallflg the mar.-." tweon th!' twn, "Yu F11llpe, l rr memMr It well Rtnulh 110m" ~ant plnu °" • and wr havt alway.11 bfotn enemlu. ltttl• mesa a bov11 HnlMmb Val· Mid the 1lck one with an effort fr y the lwn pr1nrlr11I• we,.. "iknor JOH. l dl•I •leal thftt brou,rht tair,.th,.r. A irold plKe W tie mare And eold ht-r lo A ran-w1111 t.,111',.rl amt ('"hArley the C'lllflk r her down In the San Diego Coun-ra1Jed th• "!1111" an" for chnlrt- try. WlU you forstve me7". ot wC'apon• 1tl('('ttd 'lmlvea. "1 forclve you,' aald the aick Or.,_k 0.-oru 11et the di.lllnce at on1 With a 1m1le. five pact·•· ni,. wu pona wt-r• ca~ Both nf thl' m,.n 11mlll' hepplly fully hnnf'rt and •harpefled ,bJ the and 11hakf' hands ln a 11lenl •hnw srtttetor•. nf frtf'nd1h1p The rl•naelrnru of .At a 11:1ven •lirn&J the m•n ~pn both men 1re dun. Ule living h&JO rtrrlln11r i-arh other th"" daeheft In b,.en forii\'el\ b~· lhe dylni:. anrt and f'ntbrncf'd ""ch othtr. dr1v1nir lht d)'lni::-can emlHltk on th .. th,. wlrlc,.'1 knlvu lnlo th11 bot1v "i:real 11.Jvenlurt knnw1n1r hi' "' the nppon,.nt. A ,,uthly 111 .. nr.e lr11vf'1 no 1ll·!eelln1; 1n Lhe wnrl!I r eni11 nv.-r the onlook rt11 •• H1rv of the 11\'lng. w11r hed t.hl• v1nlent an11 tntl'I "\';\ \".~ CO.S l>IOM" •<'l'nr. 'M111 flnr11 rnrnunlr-r wu A~ Frhp" 11t:irt11 In ll'ave, his O\'"t almn11 bllfnre tt 10fArtel1 w1th hc"Arl ><tnl:lllli wllh .happ1ne1111, he both "'"n f1lhn11: dl'lld. • h,.11r11 hi~ "'"" frh·nd rail BOftl)', A •'11•1low irr11v1 wft• <IUlf at U11 .. V11 va cnn 0101 " bllH 11r nnr nr th" h1111r• ptn"'"· a nd One of Lh c violent <leath.s oc.· the twn ,.n,.mlea In llf" W<'rf' leld f'tltt'tl In Hof1·111nl1 \'11llt:'y "''rrw· "Ide b1• ""'" it• t11 .. nrt• In df'ath. tltTIJ:' In J ul)' 11161. Th" l11r111 .. and An.I w1' h 11 h-trhrt a h1111r .. cro111 g'rAV" or !he combatnnts 111 m1rk· w1111 rut ,.,1 ,, th,. 111n,. trr,., r<1 1>1· a "ll\'ln,e rrn1l11." A '1t1·1ni:; 'I'll •~t. r.,.;,a;.\"rt rrn11il" 111 11 crnsi< cut tnl•• a. lrl'I' [)rnke h11!1 hl'IU'<I tho etory of with lhe i:ravP !Ot 11 .. he""· UIC· l h•· "tr"" !'If lh" ll\1nl( rrM"" for h11nd I kn11w of thrc•f' 1 f them. f>nf' "'""Y \ • .r,, 1)111 ~· ·1rr h 111 he Is In the Lll~una C1n1·1111 "n" H• on "'1111ld h,. t'nullfn't fln'1 It In July, 11n onl< sn Lt••l \•'I•·\ nr ~t \\'r11 n-l l!'l'I 1'111 Ir•" WAii rl'll111rnvrr.-t1 f'r!I Hnt !'lpnns;s 11nd lh,. third 111 11nol .. 1nre lhCtl t111w th11U••.n•l11 ut t hf' on" in llnlr11111b VAii•')'. o ver 111rl••11JO hltv" vi.llrd IL Ther" u th,. rllljtl' ri .. m H11: Ar11r J,:111·· In I .. u• '"' , ' II P "'" tv-lni: H<'rl' Ulc 611n 8C'm11rl1lno Mount •In,. f1o1 Ii· n• 11 I "'" bt'l'n u;pu1tc1 al /11111lln flrakr rhrnntdt-r of All: :h• 1111•,. t r 1111' 1'111" ~ar \'ellry hl~lnrv a n•I tnleo1 tl11n •· 11.1 .... • • f11111 vfl\rl 111:0 tell• •he atury In 1861 whrn Jtnhl th•• blR r n<· "urc •lnlbt<I ti) th• •·u bonmln,; In H olt'Clmb \'nllt'I' 1 .. 1u1-r• • f •lt.!lt'lt.\" 1nt1 tuprl11d Ultr,. ... ,, a C"hin1ma11 and " ,.,,., A nl'w 1 rt••M wa • rut on 11n• or .. ek Charin\• th .. r»unk (RI I 111 .. 111111.,rl'll It•·"•""" l llllk"d fMm betni:-11l1v Ilk,. mo•t ('If 111• 11• rh .. I• h' 11nt-Tl1111 k"' I' c 111!\•11 cnuntrymrn waii an •.ci:reu1ve ltt • th•· •I• 1~ l•11t f• .\' t.ckc l hf' tune tie fellow well liked by thl' hurla,.r 111 nh"'I\" 111 .. '"11:111"1 """~•lit whit,. mlnt're. Ch&rll'y h1t1 lo• Rlf'tf 111 1~111 • •1 ti 1 i.1 1• 1·111r 1111nk a 11ch httle plac<'r d a1m 11n11 Jl-O('lll ''' lh,. f11r. 1 11111n111. I\, whl~h tlrtam~ o! r1>tum111~ ""'"'" a , .. .,111-1 ~1111 111ark11 th"' .:r•Y" .. r C-11111 '"Y t hy m11n ran thrvoirh hill 1i .... c1 ;th•· 1 ·1.1nk 11nt1 lit1•••k 1 ;.•1111:,.. SECENTLY -Carved crou , for r•11n1111mpticm nf the "turiatu••, 1how11 how Ure original m:1rkNi th~ grnve. Pbotoe~Puw ' r , . I I j Ford, Wilkins Draw Priun in Robbery Case TODAY'S N.Y. STOCK REPORT AND COMMENT NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE l MONDAY, JULY 11 , 1,55 IOYS SUIPllSED AT DRINK VENDOR llEAK-IN AmMn tub for hOfP'tat. whldl &1Jowa an lnvalld pat.Jent lo be MU1ed wttll· out_ belns lowered lnto th• ooe· venUonal tub. The \\'lard lan.lfd bath 11 plact'd on top ot the oon· vt.nUonal t ub a11d a1low9 the •~ •and boepltal e,llenelanta to_,... a pa Uent ln au ch a JDUIAft' llaat be '8 not lnjund trom betnc n.iM4 and lowarwl l.nlo_ a rcW&t ~­ tub. Th~ tub ai.o preveat. bl.ell •train on the part Of the att...S· anti who take can of Ole patlllftt. SANTA. ANA tOCNSI Marvin I Ruu ell fi'ord, ii. a11d RooNWll SANTA ANA. Jul,y 11, <OCN811 comrnentl rl'gudlng atepi><d up Gsm"T Wilkins. 21 . bo.l h o( CO.al.& Ntw York noon camment. Stock cobalt pol enllal In the final h111f .M~ Fndav WV"• sellltnt td to Markel, M. T. Swift; ~an. Witter l"atlonal Dlatlllf'rt appon1 tn 0 p1 1110~ (Of lhf' ll'flll prl'.crlbt'd by and Company. The market hu en-;have complett'CI a brter •dJUlltmPnl Two boy• wer. surpn-d Fnday nlcht by Paw Bum· .&.!de, m~ Of Ui., ~anne Joclc at 227 20th St., while they were appuently trytn1 to break into ,a aoft drtnk macblne I law tor armed robbery. 1 tered • tapering oft period with 11nd c1>nt1nueis amonit thr l11njll'r A bulglary ch&rge agaln•l the lhr 1't'crntly, widely &)'Mlt lng I•· term attraclln IS1111e1 <'Urrenlly duo wu on.lllr«d dlamlued In (ur· •\11:11 lePa active anJ UlUe changed, avallabl" at rt"duceJ prlcu . thenrn<'o> ot Ju•Uce. F ord alllO ~·aa Munwh1ll', mterut ha.t rotated to \\nlle the preunt phue of actl· NEWPORT LION ROARS AT WAIKIKI Norman C. Mairlen, a member of Newport Harbor Lions Club. recently made an hon· orary member of the Waikiki Den. President Tom Ol iver. left. presents t he "Cala- bash Cousin Card." which makes it official. The lei worn l>y Maiden was presented in true Hawaiian manner by a Jovety youngi&dy. 8ent. ... nced to p1 ll!On for term by I "'-Ctnlly la1nr1&rd or deprt ueJ la· 1 v1ty '' Ina lnterl'llllng than prl'· hiw tor violating a previous pro· l!'Uf'll In t.h.e alrcrllfta, ateda and I ~1oue wer !;s nf wltlt gyr1Hlnn1, batlon order. Superior c ourt t •pcc1alt1u. !eel t=. · .eaaening ut acth•ily Id a J udg" Franklin We9l orJe~ the 1 Ba.~ aupplled leaduahlp to the I N nstrucllve pallf'rn which will 11l· 8e1H~n.:es to run conaecutlvely. aircraft.a on reporll or a planned f low the ma1 k<'t to &•IJUlll In a n Tl:I' Judgt icave Ford an addt'd $100 mlllion plant tor prottuctlon orderly manner. tt rm·procrlbed by-law M>ntence j of mh~•lea. Thia re11ponse 11 most , DOW .IO~ES I l'.M. A\ E.:tt.-\1a;,'i Burn1lde told polite h.e aaw the pllir climb a ladder and attempt to cet Into the ma- chlnr. He aald he ch&Hd them off. He alllO rtported the lou or a key to a ,._.t room a.nd supply room on lhe premlaea. to run roncurrenlly on an ucapel conatroclive In thal It la the first 30 Jnduatrl11ls . 4tl2 43 up 1.2C'> chargl'. lime In ttcent monlha of correc-120 ~lhoaJs l ~S 99 up 1.:\4 In four lll'ctiona. each ·71,. fMl The detendanl11 adm1tlecl rob-lion that a tuvorable new1 Item 1~ Jnilll.ltriala 64 9l ur I~ wide a.nd 16 feel long which 11111 bing TM E. Wick" of Carden hu ruulted ln good dl'mand 1 p m. vQlumt·. 1,390.001 ''II. be Joined torelher at the aJte ot C1ovr on J une 1 tal;tni; $220 cuh which can be au11ta1ned. \,380.000 on Friday. the 1natallallon by the uae of 1taln· DI i;un point. They Wf,l'f) apprP· AIRCftAFr RALL\' IAX'AL !<TO('K Ll!'IT lt'N •leel bOlll a nd neoprene , ... h1·nded bv ichi>1iff11 r1Pput1r11 11hort· Con•lderinr extent of the pre-Bank of Amt>rlt'H 39 1,.42 kela. The 90ctlon1 a re fabricated I~· &rtl'r. th,• •ti<'lrnp. ~putle.11 viou11 decline. feel that the g roup's B~kman l nstr11mtnt11 2\ '• by the proceue• quite •lmllar to flu11hl'd the dun niit of a field nl'ar terhnlcal ~ltlon ahould allow for Callfornta Bank ~61 ,·69 ': the onea uaed In fabricating W la- the Ford honcl'. a worthwhtll' rally. ln addition to Duml'y I Walt I . H-47 1~ al'd boat.I. Altematln( laye ... of Ftirrt latur •' ....... d ft om rounly Bn1>lr.g, leel that Oouitlu. Unlled Fir-at We111em Bank 63-63•. s:la.sll 1·loth and a materla.l called h<•i<rilal dad onl yin A rowel llftd Aircraft and North America n •NI Glau par 2 .,..31, wo,·en roving, which 11 also glLN, wnic ca11tu1r.t the nexl nl1thl by In a position to move ._head. l Hall Scott Motors . • ..... ~ are layl'd OV\'r" fo1m coated with Santi\ An• police. I The hlllt'I" hu been outatandlng lnttr1la le F.ng 10"4 -11 a whllt pl111ttr material. Thi• 111r·· Th•· ratr WRll hoked lt\ 111 leul during the correctlouary phue and Market Buket 22~.·24 '• (&cl' eventually bt-comu thf' ln1lcle 11 halt dozr n <>thtr Orange County appeara capable of aupplymg Ind· Mayfair Markrt11 9•, -10 of thr 11w1mmlng pool,. after !he buri::lanes. one uf whlrh wu hst· erahlp on 9 bl"'l'akout throug'h ILi Minute Maul . 13'.· 14 '• '!"l&M Is 11al 11r11tl'd with liquid pltu· ed 1n the mlormation filed •1taln11t prevloua high. In addition t o a Sec. ht N at"!. Bank .. ~2',·66 tic. \\"hen the lay-up hu bl'en l'Om· thrm: The ChRrm•n Sporting lf'adlng poatllon In the aircraft Thrifty Drug ....... 9~·10'1 pll'ted, the mold 111 placPct ln the Goo.ls Store, 10662 Gardrn Grove fltld, oullltandln( long"er term pro«· Trttawttt 8 O\'t'n and cured llO that all of the Blvd. pecla txlat In atomic ener(Y. elec-Van Camp Su Food . 7 • •• s~. materials bt'Come one pltte. Arter tronlc1 1rnd ml11lle flt.Ida. U.S l\'al'l. Bank, S.D. 21 •, -22 the 8erl1on 111 rure<I. 1l ta removtd A framed letter dated JUM •• ltM, fl-om Rear Adm.Ir&! A. 0 . M\&Jnm.a. Chief of the BureMI of Shi~. United StatM Nny, Wuh· lll&'ton. D.C.. comm&n4f.nl Wlmard for ltl producuon of 300 beata tor lhe Nary dur1~·June ot 1166 w one of th• proud u hlbltl otnctai. 1how vlaltorw to the plant. Adm1J'al Mumma •la ted In t.he lettert "I mtpt add that lt l1 perlo~ lllce t.hl1 whkh help to lnaure tor our country an effective n.aUonal delenae." BE'ITER POS ITION With the addltlon of th• new buOdlng and curlnc oven to Wla· anl faclllllu , the company'• offl· claJ1 •tated they would be ln a mvch •l>f'tter poaltlon to undertake the fabrication of a con1lderable number ot ltrm1 thty tonnerl_y were unable to makl' t>Kauee of the lar k of ruring •race. Nerotla- tlone now &rl' underway for .ome of theae pro<lur ts, H1111flaire Mid. I Mesa Soldier at Fort Lewis E1m1nga thl11 year wlll be sub-Wizard ·Boat 2·2•, fr<>m thr rnolrl a nd holt.s are drlll· 1tantlally ahead of flacal 1954 with Another nrw ind11.11try for Or· "" 6 1nrhl"11 apart 110 that tht' join· J,l'O"'JO H . KRAl18S $9 J)l'r soore attainable estimate. ange County. the fabrication of lnit pN><'f'M ra.n bl' compll'ted by Reaervl' Ofrlct'r Ludw1S H . While the recent divergence of llW1mmlng poola frOll) Clbuglu a ml the company lnstalltng the pO\tl Kraun, 32. 9413 Oak St , C011t.a Me· the lndustriall a nd Mllll bu been plUll<', hu betn •tarted In the MAX\' JSSTAl.l.ED I aa. die'1 yeatf'rday a!tt'r .wlmmlnc FORT l,EWIS, WASH Pvt . ._ cauae for aome cono~m. note a Harbor atta by Wizard BoalJ!. OffkiaJ,, or the Cintl~r .. na C(I. In Nnv1>0rt 8f'1u·h. He aufftred a Herbert 1-•• :'\orcro&,. 17• 800 of j continued lively lnte. rest In the Inc. of 2076 Harbor Blvd. In Co11ta slaterl that more than 3()() ot Utt hr a rt at111rk at home. He wu Her~n E. No11:.ross. 2Qii3 Fedci~aJ mora .specul&Uve ratla and thoae. Me.all. poola hav• been-.JnaL&lled-1n. uu~ I rushed to Sanlll Ana Community A VP . C1t~l11 Ml.'sa . rl'r tntly ar· with outside Interest. ln t hue re· Harold Hauflalre. Wlz.ard"s prts· past y<'llr and that the C"Olll to hospital tarl}T ra_,l nrfllt and dted r1vt>rl ot Fnrt 1..#wis. \\"ash .. and porl11 t-;ew York Central and ldent. announced thl' signing of a homt owners runa \(i to 1 ~ p<"r lhPre l'hnrtlv afttr adm11111lon. Re b now a mPmber of the 2nd In· F\ortheq Pacific .are good ex· 1 contract between hu1 firm anrl Cm· cent le11.~ t han tholle inrurrNt 111 1 d\,.t.1 of a romnuy thrombo1Jl1. fanll Y D1v1i<lon. I amplu .~r roeda with 1peclal rac-derella Pools. Inc-, a aub11idary of the convl'nllonal pools or conrrrte He 111 11un•h·ed by his w1fe, Elle- Valuable rombat f'Xpt'n~.nce , ob-1 tors th11t could allow for turther l Paddock of Call torn la, for the con-and other matt>rhtlll. 11mae anrl llRughter, '1'am6Te&, 11, tamed in Kort>a by Lhe lnduin· 1 gain. New York Central reportrd 1 •tructlon of a minimum of 90() of t•ncltr the terms or the contract both or lh1' home addreu. h111t•I"' div1:s1on is Ulthztrl in t he 1lx month• ruultl Jut week. lndl· the 16 x J-0 fl. oblong poola. ·The signed hy Wl:uml BQ&lll a.net lhl' Dr. KrallNI hlld practlcl'd op• VIJ?OrOU!I tr~lntnK nf the unit . eating lln annual rate or 18 per Paddock Co. u generally con.shier-Cmtlertlla ro \\'Izard "'di be th~ tometrv fnr about a year 111 thl• Pr1va ll' :o;orc10.~i<, an ammuru-h n ti 1 d ttl 1 ed t '-~ th 1 1 1 I · It tt0n bearer tn Heavy Mortar Com-_I enl'iU, larrer revenuff and lower supply company In the t:nited lh w l . t lh u ll I Funeral 11rrv1cel' will be tn Bur-pany oi.. t.be divi.lion'a 9lh aei\· . e <'II I'm pa1 t o e n ec mamw-.ice .. ,.-. Btal.ff.. ---Stattt, +ttt11'fhn" •etetf!ff ... --lluk en.~ at. 1...J>~m In ml'nt, entered the Army In Janu-STRONOD ISSl'ES • 6 RG ... PRODt·1 ·L'R ... I ta I th f Eckerm11n Jo'uncral parlor. Dividends of Firm to Pass 1 Million Mark a ar.... re ec nr mprove • e cJ· o ..., I' argut 11w mm ng poo exrhisive auppller or tht pool~ 10 commun y. an· \1165. ...,., ,.. ...... .-ow n 1 n n y .. 1u o pro· Strann.r Invades ·' Stronger Individual 111uu In· Wizard Boalll. lnr . 1cco1dlng to cJuctlon. \\'17.ard Boelll.. Inc .. h&JC Dr. Kra11.111 wa11 a rP11uve oft1c:er ':I-elude Hawallan Oil on talk ot mer· Hauna1re, Is the West Co11st·11 1ilJ -Pxpanded from a emKll 1hop al with the COtlta Mf'lla fnrce for the led t Snat h House Dama-.1 ger poulblllllee With a m&Jor eat plullr boat Clrm anl'I one or the 16th St. and Newport Ave. Jn cn11-pa.'lt 111x mohths. He wu a cUve ln room 0 c ~ chemical company. Have com· largelll prod11c1>rs of outbonnl ta 'Me1111 to lhl' pnlnl where It nnw civic nrganlzatlon11 ftn"d WU leader Money from Purse L. W. blt'y of Garden Grove, mented on the fa vorable esrnlnga model boats. fabricated of flt)er-11upplle11 300 oealerli In the Wr"l· of a Boy Scout troop, which pl~ working Ln a lot ow-ned by C. L. I pro11pl'cl11 of thla company 90 that glu and pla.allc, In the worlll. The l'rn arl'll of the l"nltl'd Stalf'11 1nrl lo a ttend the 8fn•lru . Smith of Orange at 127 Yla Fir-fttl any minor weaknuaea will company hu bet>n proc'.liJcing •P· approxlmat tly 80 dnltra on th' Al-Cil "~T OEHl.t:RIUXO More than one million dollara will be puld to Long Beach relll· dents d11nng the Ctnit ten day11 of July by the Long Bl'arh Federal Saving• 11nd Loan A11aoc1a Uon, It was dl11clo1ed today by T. A. Greg· u ry. Association pre~lclent. A show"r S&turdey co11t Edrth Stanton of 507 Marguerite Ave. $18. Shi' told pohce Shi' hett rd a noJ3e in ht"r bedrn<1m while ·111iowenng She :ui1d 11h!' lonkd 1n to stt a str8nge man, JO to J~ years old. The vlcthn 11ald when 11he check- e11 her purse which wa.s when> Shi' le<t 11, 11111• fo11ml the m1>ney ml~i.mg 11 .. 111 her b1llC111'1 Sht< 1le· ··T hia represents payments of , sen bed the 1111 anger Rs ~ fe••I, '8 s<"mH1nnu11I dlv111en<l e11rnlngll to 1 incht>s tall. &bout 170 pounds 1n i<ha" hnlrlPra fnr the l'lx mnnths 1 wr11:ht or nlP1hum build And wllh perlocl ent11ng J une 30. 1955.'" c ·1I'· 1111ndv hair. Sh!' 11alrt he WIUI wear- The payml'nt. la1gt11t in the or brown pan111 rn:i:e, Ji'rid1y morning rt ported provide further buy1.ng opportunl· proxlmatt'ly 2000 boats per ycsr. Ea.st .. m portion or the nation from ma l1clow. mlachld there. 1'ewport ties. Despite prevlou1 gal111, the he Addf'd. Il wu formed In June, a newly opened plant In St. Joaeph, 131'ACh police 1111ld pa int had been h111ue 11 available at a ru.onable 1947. Ml<'h. With the new plant th~ llplashed ovv-the wall•. n oora and ralto to estimat e 19M earning-a To enable Wlr.ud to build the company f1Xpecll to do an annual rom lce bnxu of lllructure at t hat and longer term gT'OWth poten· poola for the Cinderella Co .• Hauf· buaineaa In exceaa of a mtWon dol· addreaa. Report• ahow thla la third Ual. lalre atated. a new ateel bu!ldlnr Iara In boall alone. time 1lmllar d&mag"e hu been Gillette hu reconred to wit.bin ll beln~ conalructed at the rear of "The awimming pooll could eaal· done. a traction or It.a hlg-b and belnc a the company·• pruent planL The ly double our bualneaa." Kaunatre split candidate, ta ln favorable new building la 100 re<>t wide by fttated. Auruat 01'hll'rkln1 ot Elmw ood, Neb., rather of Min Martha Oeh· lerkJng, auperlhlendent of n\ll'eff at Hoec Hoeptt&l, dted ThundaJ a t bl1 home. M1aa Oehlerkms n- t.o N ebruka rrlday \0 attend the runera.L · Drill Theft Told techn ical condlllon to re11pond lo 120 feel long antt adjoining ll will Jn 11ddltlon to the new paol1 and T Child Ii...__ !lt1ch a development. Prevtoua be a curing ovl'n beht'ved to be the thP b<>111s. W1z.iud 111110 manufAr· atum ITTWll A dnll 11ntl othrr 1tema wt'1"e rl'ported mlAsln gfrQm 11 g11 age by D. Gerrard H oyt at 2~7S Crl'!ft· vil'W Drive Friday. H oyt told 110· lice the items had dlSAppeared dur· mg the past Wt.l'k. atrenirth In Olln Mathieson waa largut, tor the htat cunng of r•'" Lures quail wettrlng storage tanka explained by the announceml'nt lnrorced plastic. In lhl' world It ror th" C'alltom1a Fl11h and Game regarding purcha#t' or Brown I will meaim1e 20 fPrl In width. 9 Comml11J11on and cons er vat 1 on r aper Co. lnttimatlonal 1llver and teet high and 11>0 feet fn length. agenrll.'8 In Ar·fzona. Ntvada. Ida ho Howe Sound are well supportl'd The 11wl11:1mlng poola now being and other ~latte. Included In the with the latter a ided by newlJl)aper fabricated for Cinderella an madr Wlurd production line 1.1 a bath· Kathf'rlne Tatum, • •,, San Ber· nardlno, wu treated July 1 for a dQg bite on her ro•terlor, police reported. A •mall boXf'I' OW11ed by M'. O. Hartman. 4811 Seu hore Drive, w u quarantined. 1 l(Ory ~aid. 111111; ; checkl'd sport,. shirt llnd tan A:<l;()('iation·,. hi:1tory was basf'd on j;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii._riiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiirr-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thl' rate nt 31., J'lt'r cent per 11n· ~m. I Mrs. Jay Bohle in Bid for City Clerk Position F oundl'rl In 1934 the Long I I Buch F·.,deral Savlngll i1< loc11tPd 11t 328 Amtrfra nA n . and 111 now nne or lhl' largest alnicle-ort1ce fl'dersl J1avmgs a nd loan I MOCt· a 1111n11 in thl' west. In 1tddlllon to Grrgory. other MfirM"11 ue: Roy Wolrcr11. El~<'I ! IJ. R'l~rt•. S. I . Bacon snd Leo11 I Frazer. vicr·presldl'nt11: J .E. Greg· ory. 11r•-retary; 11.nrt Cathtrlne R1U1111er. !ll!sistant 111"crttary. Toastmasters Talk Medicine "l hav,. always bt'!'n lntere11t"d In g1>vernment". s11ld M rs. Jay Bohll. ~21 r l'rnlnf A''", cand1· datl' Cor the appointive posiuon of Newport Bl'ach city clerk. Shi' re· t"umed lut Octobe"r f rom Austra· lla where ahe "watched beet gov· •mment." la combination or Eng- llah and Amerlc&n formB I and would now "like to work with good &"Ovemment". M.-.. Bohl~. who i. the daughter 1 Socia llstd medicine wu dlscullll· or Mr1. Arthur IRULh} Grbba of ed pro and r on by the ~ldo Tout· Balboa ).alllnd and nlf.'ce or Mra. m&l'ter11 Club Tue11day night el Frederick 1Thelma1 Hope of Co-Harbor Hou11e. The 11 ttendlng rona dtl Mar. wu gl'ftduated from membenth1r wu dlvidl'd mto two Bevtrly Hlllll High School a nd group11 wllh president Vernon All· from the New Y<>rk Inalltutr nf ••n Ill! moderator. A hot debate en· Finance. sued With each man pruenung ~h .. wu 00 the noor ot lhe Lee h111 point tor and against the aub- An~I"" Stock Exchange for 7 t~t\11~nd !In oppnrt11nlly for 8 r~­ year11 11l the o<ld ll't post for Wll· !lam R. St11lt11 .t Co. then went Thi' Toaslmasltrs Club ~ivrs tn New York whrrt' 11he WAS In the membl'rs a chance to exrre.ss \lll'Wtt c-ommodlty dPpartml'nt of Dl'lln nn all llUbjecl1 so lhty may llpeak Witter C'o .. mrmber r1nv n( the '" front Of irroup!I with """ as11ur· New York SlClC'k Exrheng". ll nC!' ann P°'""· Tomnnow at .1 p ourln1t the '\\"9r Mrll. Bohlil WllA m. Ll•ln Tna11t.ma11ll'r1< 11n'1 New• su r\llllllr of the 8th Army Pro-port H1.rbor To11stn1aste1."ll will pe • hnld a Jllint mrl'tlng st l'ewp01l cu~mf'nl St'<"tion, '\ r kah&ma Com-Harbor Yar ht Club Mtmbtni are mand, then bt'CIUTlt' prognun dtrff· rt b . t or l\f Rpeci&l Sr rv1ce11, 8th Anny in\'tlt tn n nic lr11"11'"---- E~tneus. a JJ"l!ll10'-11ht held for two ynn. Artl'r the war 11he 11penl lhrtt )'l'UI tn Australia and flttendtd Announces New Sydnty 1Jnh·tr11ily where ahe 1t11-Mesa died pollttcal 11c\encP, econom ic Building h111tory, lnternatlnnal law and gen· eraJ government. F rtd fl. FinC'h of ~10 Center SL. sin,·f' returning to th\11 c·ountry C'o11t1L Ml'M. Thur11d11y took out 11 ahe hu workrd for Reynold• Mu a l'lty building pennll for Mn· Eleclnc, whtch loAned htr to the structlon of a '44.074 !!lore and Atomic Energy Commission 11t office building a t 18.">7-~ll-61-65 Mtrcury. NPv. for duration or the Harbor Blvd. Finch announced he t .. all. She wu wHh tht' vlllitors' hot:u tQ itt con1truct1on under· bureau a nd made all arrangtrnellt$ way by July 15. tnr 'Yllrillnit groupll of Con greo,.,... Tht atn1cture will ~ located m .. n. m1ht11ry nfClce" a nd cl\'lllan on land currently occupied by Mtl· peraonntl. Irr Chtvroltt Company Used Car --------------'Lot Al the comer or Harbor Bh1d. j 1md Centn Sl. 1'flln11grr T11g At · I wood ot the used car lot ll&ld the --------------lot 'Ai li rPlocat.e on CO&l!l High· .IORX T , 1.\"MA."' I way In vicinity of Marinu'1 Mlle DEATH NOTICE J ohn Tht'Odore Lyman. 46, d•td within a monlh. J uly e while skin 111\'lng off thP F inch'• nPw MeN buildlnr wlll coal!t i t SM Clem•nlt. He !"fflded have 11x 20 x 30 ft. Otftcee up· a t 5211 Weiit Third SL, Loa Anir· al.IJn and apace fOf' tW'I) •tone on .. 1 ... •nd wu &*>Claled with the the ~nd n oor. Motor Tr&n.1\t Company. He Is -------------- ~urvlved by bl• wife, Fta.ncea. of p •LIM 9.-L-- the borne addreu. Service• were OlfterOJ .anT ,.._ held July 11 at 2 pm. ln the ULUe Mn. JJ. M.. Pamero7 ot S10 Church Of the n owen., l'onet 8\Mna Vlttc told polloe Jun• 23 Law"' •i lh lntennrnt ln Forwt a t -rt. lkltf pal.nted W1lltA and Lllwn Mf'm or lal Park. Th• ReY. ~ WU ta>iu trom In hunt o1 Ja1nN Hanll'y ofnclfted. Baits her 'l\ome. 81\t -f&ld Ult! bumber M"nuar\· nf Coron a dd Mar wa1 SH wa11 OI\ the boW and &ft ft tn ("hnri:;. nr arrant l'mentl. 1 burned Into the bow1pr1t. • WANT ADS want to buy I sell, rent or trade? ' CALL< t ,. ' Harbor 161 ASK FOR ClASSlilED AD TAKER ' ,,_ .. • PAGE 4 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JULY 11, 1955 . . BACK F~OM THE OF.AD -Old rugby teammates, William Spurgeon In. left, of Newport Be.acb, and Dr. r.. E. D. Lewis of Malaya. right. had a reunion last w<'ck at Spurgeon's New1>0rt Harbor home. Dr. Lewis, captured by the Japanese during World Wa r II, was !)resumed dC'ad by his many friends. The pair discuss ocal points of interest over. a copy of the NewJ><>rt Harbor News-Press. -Staff Photo MALAY EDUCATOR GUEST -OF WILllAM SPURGEONS Tells with Teaching Methods Used Mixed Races by English ,, ...alt!. t ay to prop.11:11nl1lu J.I lllV• I! 11~ bv u Vin(!: th«' cap1t.alu1u a ac 1 .• '11 t111• tht'm H e Mid thty '"' 11"'1o11•e Chlneu uwn· ed tin rnmt'il. 1111i:er than thOfle an .... ,, tn1111eo... C.:hlne.111 and Eu1opean ~p11ldi1g Ope11 \,welry Store on Balboa Island This 1a Dr. LewlJI'• th •l tr 1p tu Mr. and Mn. N. j 0t.n Spauld· U • l t.tl Slttlt••, Bdn& " •P<" 1nK ha va JUlned the local U.t ot d .. 11.1 111 lt\'Ol'r&ph_y he waa "''1 merchant• with tht opening vr t'nt11 .. 1v 1111h11111llar with tht coun· :>pauldlngs J ('Weltn. 307 Marin .. try. He 1• here for a l'IX·wffk lour Ave: o( Ill• nallon lo icathU rnater1al Locnt.-it In tht rt'Cl'illlv fanlshf'd tor thf" ll\irt of " r;f'r1ee or four j (' It C Cenlt•r tllr ntw Jewf'l ry Junior h1~h lol~·h•••J level geoitraphy' 11lory wilt orler a "v11nd OJ>C!n· oookii wh11·h ht' hn.s 11ulhored He I •ng" on Friday. J uly 10. 1~ HIN.<1 th .. autho1 along with Pro· According to Spaulding "' line fc~1'fir Du1.ltcy Stamp. profenor ot of Omf'ga walchl'll. jewtl• by Tri· 11c11gr11phy 111 Unlv .. uity or Lon· rari and fine dlamon l.111 will be 11011, nt 1.1 8t!t'IPll ut f011r 1t'nlor h'fh featured '" lhe n .. w atore. A nu· ~dwnl li·vf'J bookll. live of Ohio, Spsul<llng'1 fm1t job \\'ATf;R WAV~ ~• was dellvt>rlng paper1 for the Mar· ·I 1•am1 to Ame1 tl'a wlth no pa«'· Ion StRr then owntd by thl' !alt rmwelvl'it no\llln.\I," tw 11a1d. Or. former President War• c.o C. Hard· l~wl~ • .\lmllt-<I. "One thing a11111ze8 ing. The Sp11uldangs have movett lo me. however You Vt'Ople here hl\'e the Harbor area from Wllmlnir· )I() 11111ny w11y" to ~··t water t rom ton wher" Spaulding was In the • tap. In n11 .. ountry, you Just watch and Jt>welry bualneu for ! :) tu111 ,, f,,u,.H . Hf"n• you may push a lml lun, pull ~•mlethlnJ: or at"p on ~on1rth1ni:Jall lo gd waltr" 01 Le\\ 1$ wa:. 111:.u 1111prt!BlleJ by lhe llCll\'lllt'' uf tht• A111encan women .. Joang inan·:i work"' In 1111ny buillnf'~~"" 11n1I profl'.ssions. He ..aid womrn an America going uut tugcLhtr 11nr111lly In groupa I• strangl' tn mo~l or u1e rut of the world. Years. Ht le a Rotarian a nd u · 0pecls to be offlc1ally enrolled an the local club 800n. Other amh- aliorui Include membership In the F. • A.M Spray Gun Taken Theft of ll pa1nl spray (Ull from hla preml1e11 waa reported lo police Tu,aday by George PerlJn ot 500 W» Balboa Blvd. Ke Mltl the loa• occurred lut w~a Save 10 ~ on wood preservative ••• ask the Standard Min R• PHl'l.l.11' J . JACKl"OS j"ullural confhcl betwrtn thr Ma· Th~ught bv m11nv or hi~ t rlrn1l11 Inv an•I Ch1nc.-s" '1lle Japanru. I 'f'f) """ 1!"1Jl1 ""''"" ln!I -rlfT!t'OTt' "b~rln' ttnm-ntCUJ>1tlTMr pTA v-e<t t- t hr Jupant'"f' 1l11rlng Worli1 War one eullore &galnst th~ nlh1•r," ht' JT. nr. G F: n l.twll!, a1111l .. t11nt dlr· l'Xpllllned, "and <!rove 8 \\'C't1gc l'<'lor .-.r t'i11tC':ttlnn In Malay11. wa" between •thl'm. On the wh1•lt> th,. thf" hnu~e gi1t·~I rt'rrnllv or Wll· (ffllng bttwt>C'n the two racr~ 16 llAm ~r11rgtnn Ill. 436 Snug Hai· good now!" IYlr Run<I. LA."'G l ' AUE 01\'l~IO~ ~purf(f'nn, whn playrfl on Lew111' Lewis said 11bout ont lh1ri1 o ( r11,,:hy team while 11ll1•111hn1t tlw lhl' education Is given In t:ngll11h Lon•l11n Sdaool ur F;rnnn1nir11 aml anti lht' baJance In Malay&n and l'nlltlt·sl St•IPnce a l the University Chinese He said written Mnlay· nr Luncll'ln, w1111 not awa re hltc 11n 111 Arabi!' serlpt. Indians 1n the f11enfl w&A 11llvc 11nlll nolaflrd of federation eommunlrilll" In Tllm· h111 vl111l. J .J . Allen nf Redl&nds 11. b.e 8111d. Lewi~ IR cnnvenoant w1u1 alao a mtmber of the tum. wit~ both wr1ltl'n and 11pokrn l.r¥.111 ha1 •ltvnt'd hl11 life lo Malaya n. r1l11• r1l1ton ~rrv1ce In Malaya. 11erv· The educator bellevrs !he big· 1111( 18 YPllr~. All p11rl or hh1 wnrk ge11l talking point Aml'ri(·a hllA In "" n~:<1111nnt J1trctor or rch1c&llon. trying 'lo rombat rnmmunl~m ts h" 1.~ prlnrlp11I nt 11 11chnol Wht're Its democratic way of life, not 1!11 rnnrl' lh11n 2000 Mnlay. Chinese matl'rlal hl"nefils and h1,1rh 111and· 11nd ln•luin bny11 11e enrnlletl. ant or living. "Th«' Ea11t cannot Rt:lTF.R REHA \'F.D ho!>(! tn match lhf' Amerlr&n "Th1•v 11rf' much bt>ller behaved 11t1ndard11," Lewl11 11a1d ... as It 11 By buyins and takinr delivery durinr June.July, or August you can 1et a 103 diacount on Standatd Wood Pre&ervative. And you aave a aeeond way, becawte Standard Wood Preservative adds extra years of lite to fence posit!, mud.sills, hop polea and.other-wood that COIDEll in cont.ad with the ground. n protecta wood qainst rot, U?nnilc!I, carpenter anta and powder post beetles. Rain or snJw will noL wash it oul Can be applied by brushing. eoa.k.ing or aprayin1. Order now ••• take delivery bef0tt lhe end 0t Ausuat •.• and •Ve 103. CLAYTON THOMPSON 1802 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor IM th11n F:ngll1'h aml Ame11r11n 1>oy11.'' not blf'1111ed wit hlhe va11t tl'rri· p;;.;;;;.. ____ ....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.. _____ _:=;_-;;;;;;-:;;-:...==..-.=;;;;;;;;;;;;;. h" ~ 11<1, "lhry have 11 <1lfferl'nl tnrlu or natural ril'htl!. The attitude toward educ&tlon. ll ta American 1tandard of life ls based 9Q111:ht aft«'r by lhf" nall\'t'!I." on eronomil' po."<.Sei<11ion.'' The 1•1h1t at111 AA1ol thl'rl' are ft'W To 11se propl\ganda basC'd on pl11rN1 In thr w .. rlll where the ~rl>· mntf'rlal poi111e11-91on .. only make•. 11:re•8 or <'<iura tlon hall mulrhed tho!!{' Je1111 fortunate en\•111ui1 nr that In Slnicaporr. He eahl 30 '<onwthlng they ('f\n nr\'l'r hBVI', lari:e primary and 11111 ucondnry he :<11ld. "W e try to combat com· 11chonla wtre rcrf'ntly flnl~hed. mun1sm," Lewis ·explalnr•I. "by , "Enj!'lnn.J thinks lhr brsl way pointing out that Britain anil I to 1•nmbnl rommumam 111 by etl • Aml'rlca have a hfj:'her kind •>( llv· urat ion." he explaanf'd, "ll 111 \he In£' en<1 tre~_dom... o! _apeech thllll _ only lhani;: which will have any cnmmunl!lllr counlrlcs do. nc>l lhal Pffl>l'l. If ynu provide Cfluca uon tht'y h1wr 11 higher 11landRr1I of for the rount1 y, thry ft l'I you arr living.'' He ~alu the natl vi's. h1w· dning-Mnmrthlnrt for Lhrm. The Ing lived unt1rr JapanC'se tnlalitar· Britis h 1•oliry In Malay&.'' Lewi& Ian rule, know !hr 1mpnrl11nce ot 881•1. "111 tn gTanl 11elJ·1>rovemmcnl Wh!'n thry rt1n. BUI Wt> mut1t hllvr frf'edom ab<'>ve lhnl nf standard of ed111•ot1on fir!<!." living. H!' l'Rt•I thr e.luralaonal (WO· RED PROPAGA:SDA JtrBm ls ~en·1ng to rhn11rullr th~ The communisl.8 In turn, h' BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAl'F.L 1741 SupC'nor Avenue . Coal& Mcaa, C'allf. I'h<1ne U bt'rty R-2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3~20 E . Cout Blvd. c 'orona del Mu, Call!. Phone Harbor 42 YOU NEEDN'T HAVE A CARLOAD TO SHIP IT RAILROAD BY PACIFIC ELECTRIC and our Pickup -Delivery system provides RAILROAD SERVICE TO YOUR DOOR INCLUDING PIGGY·BACK PACIFIC ELECTRIC LINES W. Gordon, Local Agent !.\00 RAltw>a Rh·d. -Pbo~: Harbor • ' SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! McCarthy's 100 % WARRANTY 1420 SO. MAIN-SAMTA ANA Open Evenln~1 'TU 9 All Day Sundays Bank Ternw • '54 .FORD C'u11tn1f i-door. Ortr. Tube-If-•" ti rl'tl. Cu111 om IM'&t t10v· ""'· Only 15,000 mllM. $1675 '55 BUICK l'Pf'<'lal Rh·lna Hard top. Full IM>"'l'r. ? tone Polar "bJtfl our turquol~. \\SW tlrt'll. Tlntl'd rt .... Cu•tom lntf'rtor. Save $500 '53 CADILLAC ez De\'111.. C'OUPf', u.ooo mur,.. f'.!!'. Roya.I Mut.r tlN'A. Pown •~r. FallY. eqnlpJlf'd. %·to11.e Mldn&Jbb blut1 o\'l'r R.r.:. Blnf'. 4 $3195 '55 BUICK ~UPf'r ronTertlblf'-Pnwf'r "IH'r. Pow .. r braJcr•, 4-"'•'' JHlWflr wat. Tlntf'd rlM •. wswu ...... Save $1000 '55 MERCURY !ll011tdalre hardtop COUJM'· ?·to11e black ov!lr Ivory. Power a&ftr. Pown brllkee. C:U.t. %·tonf' Int. 8pe<-Jal wire wh. WSW t lfff. Ukl' eew, 1 local owner. Save $1000 '54 OLDS. Super RoUd&y 88. Arrtll' "'lllt.e over Cbf'rnk""' l'f'd. MatclllnJ tnt.ertor. Po"'" atttr. Full)• ~uJpped. >. $2775 LOOK SAYE PLENTY LOOK Do" .. '51 Olds. 98-4 cir. Full Equip ......................... $290. '50 Mere. Cust. 4 cir. R&H .............................. $250. 'SJ c1.av. 2 cir. R&H. Cnt . .S.C ............. $350. . I .,-... . 'SJ Olds. Stlper Holiday 88, Pow ...... -.... $690. 'SJ Ford CORY.,..., RlrH -·~ ............... '490. '53 Chev.·convMtlble, lllrH ........................ SJ90. '51 Ford Victoria, ll&H, O'Dr ... _ ..... -.... $275. '51 Ford Cnt. 2·•· lllrH, Mio. Dr. -$195. ,, DELIVERY GUARANTEED , Delivery of the Newport. Harbor Newa~Pree. ia guaranteed. CarTier boya will deliver their papen .,._ foi;e 6 p.m. on Mond'ly, Wedneeday and Friday. If your paper ia not delivered by· that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified laMS effective My 1st, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ Every Monday, W.fclHsclay •cl Friday COASTAL SHO~ER -Wednesdays C.'outal Sbop!M'r Ada rua la lhe W~ N-~ ' . ~· .. _ -& LI•H 1 lntiertlOD $1.00 add'l bee .16 .. 4 Unes. 2 luertlou 1.50 add'l bee .ta ea. 4 UnH :J Insertion• 2.00 add'l lbaee .ZS ea. -I Unf'f! -I lnsertiom 2.30. add'l lllMle .ZS -. 8UuatJoo \\ antrd Ada wW n-«"h·e H7• d&Koaa~ c.aai la advaace ~· The publlahers will not be rupon.alble tor more than one tnco1Tect lnaerllon of 11n ad. reaerve the right lo correctly claaalfy any and all &dAI and to r'Ject any &d not conformtnc to rulN and rerula tlona. DEtvDLlNES fo_r pl&dng or cancl!llllnc &c» ue: For Monday PubUcatlon -Friday 6 p.m. J"ur Wedneaday P11bllca llona -Tuellday 1 p.m. For Friday Publication -Thuraday 1 p.m. Nt:WPORT HARBOR PUBUSllISO 00. !!l l Balboa Bh·d., Newport Beacll, CallfonalL 8peclal Notice. Jl{ewport-Harbor B. P. 0 , E. 1767 Bion Rice, Inc., Meet. ever)' Tburlday 8 p.m. Vla Opurto -Cl'nl ru Ave. Newport Beach Albert H. Matthewe, Exalted Ruler FOR RENT ~neral Contracton Balboa-Pa~ Springe Plans and Flnanclne Harbor 404-W 7~llc House Plans 10lfc WANTED Full ti.me men or women R.-1 Eltate •!eeme 25 to eo. WW auiat you to pt 1.icenM, and train you in Real l!'Atate u1eL Kwit be financially able to em.t for I montha or a yar without maklq a aale. Experienced penonnel are al.to wanted. Ku.t be worken. We have the most modern office lD the area. Come in for penonal interview. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602-Newport. Blvd. China Painting 0.., and l:nnln1 0... Ordera Ta.llftl Now Pbone Liberty 1-1841 Mlle Z8--81taaUou Wuted Universal Bldg. Mainten&.ftee Wala It window CleanJnc Floore. Janitor Service. Phone Harbor 018. 67p80h Roy's Maintenance Hou.ae cJffJ\tna-nocrr waxin1 Wall wa.al\J.ng-wtndow cteanlnc Venetian bllnda. Upbolatery Dm!rtd. Pr-er~ Llti.rty A·13SZ. 1t1c Newport S.Cb 74c78 GIRL for part Um,e motMrw ~ er. Call LI S·to3t, Tllcn A'ITENTION ALL BOYi - THE Nl!WS·PRESS le now t.aklnl' ca.n"in appllca llona for rout• la lheae nel&hborhooda:- Balbo&., Weet Newport, Balboa Ia., Newport Helchta, Corona lkl Mar &nd Costa Mea&. U you are 12·H yn. old, and bav• a Wlcycta. appty •t the arc:Wa. tlon Dl'pt.. Newport Hart>or New1-Prua, 2211 Balboa Bl•d .. Newport Bl'ach, belwttn 10·12 a. m. or •-~ p. m. only n cl'pl Saturday•. Uc WANTE D: Otrl for p&rl lime. hOUJll'WOrk. u 8·32l :S. 76c78 s k111 s aws, Elec:. or1111. Pollahera.. General Contractor cLEANlNG • moNINo by the aU type.ii of S&nder11, Wheelbar· LICENSED day. Experienced. Salb<>& laland WOMAN lo a id mother u1 houat'· hold duUu • care or three eh•I· dtt11, 10, 12 • 1 ~ yra. old. ,,,., day week. Kwit be ca~ble ot at um .. uaumlnr tull reapona- lblllty. Salary 1210 month plua car • upeneea. Har. 2387-RK. row•. etc. W R od . preferred. KIT ·e-OM. 76p77 BOYD'S HDWE. New ork -em elinc 2630 W. COAST HIGHWAY J. MILTON McKENZIE Wberty s -a•3:s. Newport Bch 28lfc Harbor 3122-R Mtfc Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAf>ING CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK 1110 J OB TOO SMALL H. O. Anderaon 10 14 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa H11rbor 24~0 83ttc Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 yean uperlence Licensed A: ln1ured. Sallsfacllon cuaranteed. E stlmatu free. Call J ohnnJe. LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfc ASPHALT T1J..,E LINOLEUM lnst&ll the above chrnper than m~t. A lt<0 s<'ll Talc & Llllol,um. Non-unlom. 20 year11 '.itperiencc. Con1pare and see PAINTING M. W. ROSS and CLEAN UPS Llbe~y 8-1659 30llc BSKPR .COOK. 28. DriYe. L.lve In. Newport Area. Bruneau, 360 !:. 218t St .. Coft& Meaa. 74p78 Ll 8-3321 • LI 8·7823 280 Avocado, Coa!a MeN 70p83h EXP!:R!ENCED whltt girl de•lru -------------child ca.re. Will Un in. Call CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 JA.cbon '1·2730. 74p78 HOUSEWORK by tha day, own tra.naport&tlon. c Colored J. Good reterencu . KI 3·11283 74p76 2tt1 'BABY SJTTlNQ, anytlm" of day -------------or nlrhl. we-k endll Included. ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tile )ffgra 018lrlbutors Wholf'sAl1• prlru lo ContraC'tnrs • Tiie Setler• LI 8-7493 68tfc All acu. 916 W, 18th St~ Costa Mua. Ube.rt)' A·:)"8. 70p77 Bookkeeping Service A'IT!:l\110N! Conlraclora, Slorekttpere BJLL COKER Har. 4828 or t;ong Buch 7-0073. 61c74h 14-PenN>Dal9 · Net'<! 11omeone to relieve you or thott monthly booklft!eplng wor· J•N? Ask about our reuonablf' rat... Har. 4G88-J 70c82 Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BUR~HARDT LICENSED CONTRACTOR 878 W. 18th St .. Cot1ta Mesa Llbuty 8·8628 Elec. Tool Repair SkU SRWll, Dnll11, Sanden QUJC,K SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 464S l"o. Nt'wport Blvd .. !'\pt. Bch. Liberty 8·8383. uttc COMPLETE PAINTING Ii: Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0 . SAt·:·mERS 600 3Jel Street, Nrwport Beach R.a.rbor 2976 or Har. 4H6. tfc PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston IS()J • 3Jat St. Newport Beach Hubor 317fl 22ttc CARPENTER Repair Work Doe. Your Home Need Rep&lnn1 or Remodelin« r Call Frank, Liberty MtM A.11 Work Ouar&ntffd 74llc RESULTS GET RESULTS! The News·Pru11 publllhc.11 mon Clualfied Adi than any other DnvlPl!.per In the area. Thia le4'd~rahlp wu a ltalnl'd t>ecau.ae Newe-Prcsa Clu 11ltled Ad.I 1~t iaulUlt Call Harbor 1816, u y: "I want to pl&<'e a Cl8*.!llfle{I Ad.'' and 11tart advcrtlsinl' ruulta comlnl' your W&y. . ' -J'or a d~le uNd C.&L lff your local deal• Wbo will be blr'e TOMORROW to bade up what IM ..U. TODA YI Cbecll UM ued can hi t.be dullned aecUOD to- dq. Alcobollc:a A.oonymoua Write P. 0 . Bos Ill Newport Beacb. C&llf. Phone Barbor 47116 l 6-Tran8portat1on 18-Beauty Aids Superfluous Hair Permanently removed from face arrN1, lep. Eyt browa and hair Une 8'\aped-No more tweu!nJ . EU.EN l-BRYANT R. It. Udo'• Salon ot Beauty Ru. 267e \la Z2-Lo9t and FoUBd LOST. French Poodle. Dark gny. blur cnllar Nl'wpnrt Reh. II(· ,.n~e # l :1!12. NRmed "Sunday". Rl'ward. Har 1988·J or Ll 8· f,M6. 75c77 LOST In 8111bn&. Lon1tPnf8 latliell gol<1 wrist wRt ch, blllck band. Llb<'rAI rrw11 rd. &16 E B11lboll Blvd , B11lona 76p78 U-SchoolM, lnsb.Jction CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY In ej>&re time tor eontrac· tor's rxamlnalion untler a gen· eral contn1ctor with 26 year11 experience. \laH H Tu1>11. anit Fri. eves. 7:30 p.m. Alt,nft tlrel .lll!S!'<lon free. ~gin 11nyllme Al Tyler School 1611 No. Broadway, Sanl• Ana Ph. Klmberly 2_.226 or Kl 7·3611 Uc Real Estate School in Santa Ana- MEN A: WOMEN prepare In ~ time for unUmlled opportunltl• ln Rea.I ltstate. New ~ weekly. Al Tyler lllltrUcUnc. At.. tend nnt numc h'.-and IMnl about th1a rrut tleld. Call or wrtte now. Al Tvler School ltll No. Broadway, Sant.a Aa. ID 7·3511-KJ ~D .. toll tt• , WOMAN W&nla hOU8ework by dl'y Liiiian Mt yer, Kimberly ~- 2939. 74p76 EXP. 18 yr. old while g1rl will a1· &Isl with clllldren. live ln. Ref. Phone PAM.dena. S YrtlmOre 2· 31M or 8Ycam(lre 11·4330 colltct. Dee Britton ,1818 Laurel. So. P uadtna. 76p77 GARDENING MaJntenance •nd yard clean-up. Kimberly 3·302:S d&ys or Harbor 303• evening• Ir week end11. 76p80 GARDENING Tour yard maintained by month or day. Cltan up Ir plAntlng by experienced ,ardener. LI 8·7079, 7:Sp77 LICENSED experlenct'd •kipper avaJlable part time or yu.rly. Har. ll2t·W. 76p78 ~Hele ":_an_~~---- s ALESuov. full time. Mu1t haVe knowledge of M!w1ng. Ace 30 to to. BNIP .. STITCH , 209 Marine, Balboa Ialand. HAr. 5233. H tfc BOOKKEEPER. male, ruu time. Oooi1 po911lbllltlu tor advance- ment. F'or appointment c&ll LI· berty 8·3.416. 74c78 WOM'P:N wuted. 13.0J) per hour. euy 11pare Ume Tel. Contact lady Your own phone. Call KJ 3·2'48 tor ln~rvtew. 74p76 Om.LS YOU will have an opportunity to advance In our tarm. becaUM ot our pr-Men l ex.• parulon program. Th• 1Jtart.lnc Ml&ry 11 rood and you will ttcelv~ frequent lncrea.ea, too. Jobll now tor: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - !UC ~ No.· Matn Stl"Ml l'lm. 211 -Banta Ana • t :OO to 4 :00 P.M. PAcrnc ,TELEPHONE 7St1c 7~80 POSITION open (or youns man to ualet ln clrcul&tlon dept. Pt>r• manenl. tull time employmtnt. Not a aummer job. Do not apply Ir not permanent. See Mr. Parry, NEWPORT HAR· S OR NJC\V8·PRE811, 22J1 Bal· boa Blvd.. NpL ~ach. Harbnr l 616 Tl'llrc: ! '! RETIRED ! ! Tired of Lo&11nc! W&nt lo enl.Alr a ntw flfld? Refardlt.ae or •C'e If healthy • acU'N you can 1tart a new 11ell· lnJ career. Protua1onal back· «round preferred. car nert1<1a ry. Writl' Boll N -3, thl1 nnnpaper. 7~77 BRAIDP:D rug•. ,...hand made, all wool. 8xJO. 1200. Small 1lze1, will make to ordw. Ll 9;0332. 74c76 SURF BOARD-Bea.uUfully lam· ln&tei1 bll.Jaa alld redwood. ju11t refinl11hed, cott $~.00. Sacrifice tnr U 0.00. See a t Duke'• Bay Shore Boat Renta.Ia. • JOO I!. Coa•t Hltflwa7. ""°"• Harbor 0879. 74p7• BABY BUJfY, Teeter babe, •r .C:AI, baN!of'tt. Wring'tr type wuher. 10 g'aUg'e allot SUJI, ftoll· a-way bed, rN.e011able. Kl II· J~90. T2p77 li'or lhoee who want Ule beet Konkel's Interiors Upholmtery, drapwt-, -~ bedapreada. Nrw phont Liberty 8-71171 431 E. 17th 9t , ORIGINALS AJ'TER.NOON. Coclc:t&JI, dllllnw dre1111ee • Coordinat.. Custom Dre.amakin1 Pb. Harbor 6211·R TlpM Envelope Special R lrh quality #t~ white replu envelnpf'll, prlnl1•d with corner return. $3.95 per 1000 With thh1 act Explru J uly 22nd. Mall copy anft che~k tbday. FOX adv 709 E. Centt'r, An•· helm. Tk78 18" DE WALT ~AW on tf9ll!'r, $300. S!'e at No I , Ralboa C-. ISlfe Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIU We Olve S•H Green Stampe ·Gunderson Drug Co. Mahl St. at Ba.Ibo& BIYd .. Balboa Harbor 616. N Ue YARDAGE Inventory Sale on 0 ... 1,ner'• f'&brlc11 at Wholt'NI" Pr1r N . .MAROJrr. WEBB lt~ Bo. COUl Blvd. lA&'U~ Beat'l II tte IC.AST Splnnel "''a.llhlnr maebift,. b.lfh ch11lr, b11by buny. Almn~! new. LJberty 8-64'0 nmlnr• • -lcmd. 'fkT• ,, ,__ l J Apricots \\ e 1pedalln tn trl't r1pentd Roy&I aprw ots tor home can· nlng. 26 lb lug and 6 lb. bu· kct.a. Hillside Orchard Btt wten 22nd i nd 23rd on Tustin Avt. Coala Mtn. 70ttc: GLADIOLAS, CUT FLOWERS 50~ BUNCH 1765 Orange Ave. Coate. Me&&. H p75h ANTIQUES -/Old furniture, cut 1tlu1. 18.mpll, old r lcturu. clocka l'lc. B&TJ&1na ca.Jore. Big dl1- <0ounLI to dealert. Charlie Davl1, 1805 !:. An11htlm St., Long Beach. 8~·1311. 211ttc B EOROO!lit H t, d1n1n1e rm. table It: olhtr p ll'l"l'!I H Ar 0!1118·\\'. 7 lc76 YOUR DOLLAR I Buys More New FURNITURE at BAY Double 1l1e r ollaway W , lnntr· 1prtng rnattrua. 149.M VaJut • it Bay $35 50 Bunk bed11. Sah•m hwd • cnmpl. l11ddf'l', lrlJarll rt1•l. 2 lnnl'rspr. matt .. & 2 sprlni:~ '129.50 Val11~ • .. A l Bay S79Jl0 e Dr. dbll'. drt'IJM>r, S11lem ftnuoh, metaJ pulls. $87.50 Value flt ijuy SH M Bookcalll' headboard, S1tlt m frnl~h. 27.50 Value at Bay Sl9ll~• t Dr. df'isk. SR lem ttnt~h. tMtnl pllllll. $43.~ Value al Buy S'.l!l 9:, 6 Pr. Maple wood Blm L.R. gro up, g-raretully malrh•llj! Mfa. plat· fom1 rocker. club £hair. 2 l'lt'll t'ntl and cofre<: tabll'. 011rabl•· l Wt'f'(I •'OVt'r. $3 19!\0 Value at 811~ S l!l8 f,(I Swivel bMlt' platform rulkl't 1·w t !pt r onst r F or "" "' &. , 11111- tort $59 ~.o v ruu., . . st Bay S39 u;. v v Check these Used Cars Buy from a local du.ltr wbo will be here TOMORROW to back up what be Ml.la TODAY! ~Auto. Uld Trudca ; THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! I 1953 CHEVROLET 4 door Bel Aire, light blue. R & H. power glide transmission, power steering. Excellent condition. ·°'-··--· ---· $1545 1952 NASH 4 door ~a.n. 2 tone green. over· drive. Shows \'cry good care $ 995 1946 FORD Station Wagon . Runs good, looks 1951 well. S 195 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe, deluxe model. light green. R & H. All new nylon tube- l<'sR tires. Only $ 895 LOU' REED CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH DEALER I WO W. Coast Highway Phone Llberty 8-3486 74c76 r· 48-Apta. ~ Houses for ~nt ~Apt"'. ~~2uM& for R.-nt NEWPORT 'HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanas. Utilities w1th Yacht slip accomodations. Daily, weekly. monthly, yt'arly. For appt. or z-etervation, Call Har. :?992. paid. J ltfc 43-Afl.8. & !fo~ for Rent : ~-Apt~. !~~'!t.:'!.'---· ROOMS. COTTAGES, APTS. BALBOA ISLAND DAY OR WEEK MOTE L APTS. THF. BLL:E TOP M OTEL. •03 T11kt11i; n•1<,.tvat1t111~ ilny \\r 1•k. 111 Newporl Bh'd ., JUal abovi:> T hi' month 3:? I i\lnr1nt' A\'•'. 11 .q Arche1. i 4tfc !'.>1>8!• 7lp10 FOR LEASE Jl:l'w unrumu<hPll 1 btl! ni d11pl~>.. VACATIONERS S65 month. ~ONDAY, JULY 11, 1955 VOGEL ·v ALUES Corona del Mar Dupjcx. 2 BR each, 1 unit f\Jmish<.'J. Clnst' 111. One apt. \'acant for new pwnl'r. Alarvelous opportunity. Total Price $13.500 -easy tem1~. China Cove Plans are bring completed for a lovt'ly 3 RR. 2 ba th home in this area. Fine view of buy & Harbor area. Incorporate your ideas with t h(}SO of nur o f th<' Harbor areas finest builders. See us for parUculara. Cliff Haven Triplex. Exct>llent income propt'rty 111 C'hOtl·e rt•ntal art'a -fireplaces. disposals. mun~· nddttionnl foa- ture~. $252.50 income ~r mo .. Total pric<' ~21 .900. THE ·voGEL CO. CAMERA, Ar(Ua 76 tla:.h & caRe, I l.'i. nearborn hf'llll'r. 26.0-00 BTU. Sl!I. 2007 8 C11rMPy. S11n- t11 Ana. 76<'77 C ASH REC lSTEH. CAS HF.AT· ER. aewlng machlnf', lu•n mow · t r, tnclnerator, d e:. All (/)()(.f 2 P1· Mo'1<'rn sett pure 1nn1n 31--!\lllSlral, Radio, TV 1-W-AutOfll for Sale rubber ruah1on w ith zlppPr. S• •' --I ll in thl11 top g-rade newest c<ivt>r t RPl:-0:1-:1' Pl\ :\0. l3tl\ul1ful cuf' & 1 1939 DODGE coupe. '47 m o tor .. Ice·pink --)011.'!l bt'l,l?l' tur· Cont' Little us<llJ ~.n·e O\'E'r $1()0 F.xr ellPnt running condition. $7~. l'\~w wa"t"rfrunl turn1.•hl'<I 2 I .. ,1. room duplex. p1tr and 1l111tt $125 m onth Call or ,.,.,. \\'F. H A VE a 1·1t11Ny d nl'\\" 111 • · ly turn 111 •111!1 .l\.lll1h .. · 1. !\:\'\\purl ,r,, L.t\.1111.1 ~::11 \\ \, t.. lip 111111111 •• :1111-·;;?11.t SI :-. p1 l'honr H111 bu1 I :!'.:•i tit 1'71 '• :!titii I::. Coast.Hwy .. Corona del Ma r. Har. 17-1 I Har. H77 BAi':Rt1A i:.t,,11 .. 1 .~ '.! 11.11111 .-~~-\-Bl1Mln,·:.;'i_8'>~t_a_L~-62-Rul ~~~fl _ qumse. on _tllll!. An•lther bt<r)!'am :'thr· C'all H11r. 0518-J. Hp76 $259.50 Va lUC' at Bay $1i!l :111 111r l\f'" ~flint'! 1111\v S::!!l!I ;\\1111.v -r11ndlt1on. R.e1.11on11bll' LlhtrLy fl. 711119 . ':'6tfC' GET T HIS RELAX-OPF:Olt" ntht r \lnn•h 1 ru l h ll\'1! 19~2 MORRIS Minor conv. 27,000 QU•'"" size t i fl I mn{'rspr I Ii\ :\'Z·.S< '11;\I11 >T .\fu111c l '• m1IE'!<. Good cond S!\.46 21 ·fl. J.fANLf:Y J'opcom mAc-h1nr. Ilk•· n""°· Vl'I .\" re1111<>nable ~:i9 E. 16th SI . L'o11ta Mtl!ll II II m. to 7 pm. 7:,p77 mHtl. & box l'pr ~('I rxtra f irm .~:?11 ;\'11 \f,un .St. S11n11< Ana . GrePn Dolphin 11loop. 23.'i l.; Hel· 10 vr. gua r11n t1•1•. F ull or 1w111 Alwa '' 11111 r 1nn,,-1: lotrope, C.D . .M. Llberty 8-7910. 111Z•. I 74p76 $139 ~.o Value l\l Ha\' S8t• :,n ~TF:l:\\\"AY Cf'lA!"fl. COr$:l'Oll!\ In • ('\'('I y \\'II)" rarlC•r 111'11?. Th111 11954 SUN VALLEY MERCU RY. -OPEN E \'ES. TIL 8 -wo nde rful ln8lrllmt'nl al a big 1111 power equipment. term11. CRll APPLIANCE SPE CIALS! BAY .. FURNITURE 11a1·ln~. ~lany Olhf'r Crtt11 d11. Mu·• owner, LI 8·3663 or LI 8·6223. lion & H11mlln, KIJflhr. Stnn' & Mttc t"hrk. "ti'. f'rl<'1'1' $496 ancl 0 up, I ------~-------'42~ E. 17th St C"m;ta Ml'11tl !1AN7.·Srt1 \flf'T P illnn 41-Auto &rvlCfl REFRH-:El'ATO RS J3PtWtE'n T ustin .fr lrvinr :'1211 :\'ti ;\l l\1n, ~nnt<a Ana, ~ • · · v~., ' "' ' . ., TERMS -1 -5 M 0 h I f:.N"V~I" C'U ft •. .''"" clri•n ~:in •o FREE STOREFRO:'\T PARKJ.W;l lliO plinn1t. i; .. 1,111po t 7 f"ll. (I (;d 1·1 n. s l!I ~I) I -I r~ • -otor ver au ~·h~tltl j ..r L/ll{' morlt>I Si!l M I KARPF.:\ bf.ti 1laven 01 l S1~> \VOW ! Read This! NO MONEY DOWN ""·ailnj?huuote II d ~1ct I P9 50 P I .. • 1 ., d 1., f L 1 t11blr to p range S25. Phone H11r \\'r rPpalr tPl<vlsion recPl\"t•rsl RANG ES """'"'•' " r. • i. Al" mm 0~89 J -3 -~ * •th th• d * S249.:50 --• • l ,, 1tnl1 r.1<hu8. Y1Ju pay 10 l1ny11 la· . WI IS a w ALKF:R tor Inva lid with "Xlra ,1er wh1·n sat1:.f1 .. 11. No parts in. 6 ey1-~AB 88 I 3,. 1 $?•/ ''l i11alk d not needed ... -·""2 • 'rO.!!l'""IY " · l: '"'" •· "' attachmenu, $4f<, two 4 b111 n r1 .,. l 0nl\Pt.~ .. 1 rlP• I th'lllltl' 2 11vrn-l'llOW " with OVPn.! $20 " n o.' l..llr):est r.xrluSl\e RC A V1c:1 .. 1 8 Cyls. -·-·-·---·-··$58.88 :!!I. $!•f1 ~.o I \""nit \' ""1t" h . $6 H I fklllrr In ar1>:i. l'art!I & Lahur lnr ludu both. labor and part11 " " c air • :.i ,.,, .. uaranl.-{'(I ror 3 full m onth:o \\".-..1mi;h1111"" '''"lt 1» · IA'lt•· l2l7·J flll!f< 2oiH f: l'11881 Hl•·hwsy, CMunR ~ew rings. v.'Tlat pln11. valvt m,,.1 .. 1 ~fi9 rio __ ___ " grind. flttl11g-1 o f m ain and fOc! 'I 11 I< ~l··ri 111 I.I Top l U\'t•r I De.I Mu . H Ar. 6191. LEWIS \\" bellrings. Expert motor tune up. s 11 :io S2-A-Antique8 T ARTF.R. 0 11-n<•r 7 llfi 90·<Ja y or 4,000 mile fU&ranlee. \\ ""l"rn Holl\• llpt 1112,. 21 "'. ,.x. -t ':\0 MONEY DOW~), LO\'ELY antique d1 op lt'af tablt . 1,0\'El.V l'll~GLE manu11I tlt>r · Im n111• i :H t>-0 REBUILT ENGINES F:.t .. ,. :-;1.111 Pt\' "nsllri prih•ct brautlful walnut h<H 1a1•k , 2 trnnlc: m i:-.1n In perfen r nnrh· s:,!l ~.o Mont1•rey tYJ)C' chs1rs. Har 16/<I& t111n Sl\ve $100. Convenient -UP to HS MONTHS TO PAY- H• 11.i111 1111., "_._1,,., C:•••d , 111111 aft• r 6 p.m. nr week t>ntl!I.. ;r., ii ttn11s a t -I Built 111 our own factory by akllled S'•:) :.o m 111I "1ll $2!100 $0 !10 SHA li'li:R'S i\f11slc Co. 1 Slnre l90il machlnlstl. Don't contend 'IVlth <'H!:'llF.SF: 11nurr boltlt'11. P t1rcl'laln. 421•423 :!'\. s .wamorl'. Santa Ana i the middle man. Buy direct. t •l•'l tfl•I I). \t.H 1111 1 •· h• rii It o m l..t lt• clock:t. commot.le11, caJ1tPr 11.-t Phone Klmhi'rl:v 2·0672. ~ I REBUILT and INSTALLED back ti1sues :\'at1ona! G~og-ra ph· i · SHORT BLOCK , .. I n1 ... I•• ~llll. F:VM)"thmi.: g\lll.r · /ltll •"o·d 11•11 .usr 1I hoc1k1< "; rurn H11u~e j $~ P~:R MO. rents good praclk e I FORD ···--···-···-·····-··-······· 1129.50 n: J o1da.n, 2272 Newport Blv~. p1,ino. L<'l th" k 1llr!1"1 l~arn. All-CHEVROLET -···-·-···-·-··· 1149.!50 < n11ta ME'11tt. 7flp.8 ply tt1m rrn~ ''" p11rchas('. <;01111 PLYM. & D ODGE ···-···-··-·-$165 i: l'ltl 1nr:=: ll•I\\ ,. HoU~PWArl''< P •ll:' S • wr1•1l Biid C1l~la M""'' I.I h 8 .:H :lll ~3-Boats, Supplletl USN1 piano~ $ill, $89, 1126, $1 7 CHRYS. "' DE SOTO -·---1170 rte:. Lowc11t tcrm11. ST UDEBAKER ·············-··· $1 70 JO·F'T. SPORTFlSHER, n ew ~n­ g-ln... new lfU tank.I, 3~ wall DA~Z·l'WliM lllT. OLDS A: PONTIAC 9 -·-·--1170 020 No. Main, Santa An a. BUICK ·~·-·-··-··········-·--1170 Wasninq Machine mitrine ra<l10. Equ1ppt'd fnr llVP A lway• l OO pianos. HUDSON -··--··-··--· .. -··-··· 1175 hall It rlet>p 11ee. trolling. S} 200 ; '1 i" Con!#Jle T eltn!lilln . . . S4~ ·•f:f<\"ICF Terms or $3800 C&l!h. Ll 8-10~2 21" RCA Vlclo r 1.'0M <J\1' with I ·\ ·1' i.:111 r 111'"" on jobs d ont 75c77 I full remote control, ri-duc"d Sl21 anll 111 u~e•I WR!lhl'rll 211!8'• TRADE R<"A Vl<'tnr H 11:h Flcll'hly 'r,.ar 1 Ni'wport Kl., L'oatll Mesa. phnno. Mnhng. fu ll doors, l.~b1·rty -4503 Or Liberty m lurt!d • • ... SIOO 1'·-t :~:n. &Ufc ~ullful 70-fL a ux. AChooner. F. M. T»l>I,. r11111,,~. nnh · $29 9S _ Fully tound, go 11nyWhere. W ill TV Rtnlals A: S~rv1ce ~", 1· FT 1111 Jo.ht •uh u ro fr<'"7.· t11k,. equity In property or 11mal·I 'I $::'n C1111 t rnn•llllnn. Wit l~r boa t. 1220 w. Balboa Bl\"d., Tarter Television Co. i: 'l•·I • « :-..111 1t•1 '"'"h• ""~" ?"rwport. H ar. 3032. 39tfc l T\\'O LOCATlO!'IS '''" u I f1i1n t .,.nt1 ni $),,!\ . I t I I . --., I J 22 F"T. CABJN cnlli<rr. pl\"l\"OOd. 290-l F. r 1111'<l Hv., Corc:.na ut'l Mar '. .• , , ' •nn Ar . , , '"'·· nr · -"\ I I -· ~1 eq111ppr d for ""''1•11 & t1•h1n1; & 2. I h r• :i1lway. 1.ngima BrA<;h >-, lt1,11 t otrt Y ' • 1 1 \' , _ _ _ _ _ <"hr~~IE'r Crown 11:; 11.,1N"P"\'"' i ' h H11r .'it!ll 11r d all ~.!\.'16 ,\1 t ,;\!' jt,1111;,. 1;.,,.11 r 11ntl 01 I m111or. $17'1(1 LI 8·6HO. :121 7:!tfc S.'•• ~111 : ,,1,,11, 1w . L!itltiori I~· F ullert<>n, l';pl. Bl'h. 7~1·76 1111,1 llll r :!fl!•U·R ':°~l'77 ---URG A:-;. F.IP<'lronlc! "l0Ml'•t but In r1r nr Ll "l'lF.RS :<plnnl\kl'r nn•' Pl<l'l'lll'nl c•1n<11t11l11. Twn man· T \I .Lf: l"P J!r1-< 1 nni:r. ii1-.01t rf\n· .11·1c•11. s:rn. H111 :w110.J . 11101 m sail. 7 hp Marlin. Bo11r•I· ""' ... Flnr fM ch11rrh or hrtmr. Ing-l11dd('r for 30-•n tt. bo111t Y1111 1·11n Alt''' $1'0(1 on this pur· t'hrap. lnq. week ·Pnd11. JM \'111 !'1111.•r. i\tPnl ont'. l.!rlo Isl•'. or CRr11t · l\A!'Z·~<"ll;\llnT, HE~ ntc; In t<' ,11 .. .i.-:. Xlnt. 1·on-view 6·R6!\5 Wt'E'k ct11ys. Hlpk2 :120 :>:n M:iin. ~:i nt a A nn o111111n $!•'• 271\1 Srnv1cw Ave.. I ---------- 1 • ,1,,na ,1,.1 ;\litr Hllr 2!\72.J 16 F OOT Sn1pP ~a1lhc1at. read~· tr• !\,')._Ot)j:il, CalN, Prti. il'lc7fl 1uul. Beaullful r onrl1t1on <.und ~---------------~-- OA<'t1 ~11 1 ·~n flllPJlll'~. :'\ol rPg· ll'trH•l'I. blll j:••tllf hrN•!l. l~fh. lj. Loan Car l'ree Towtnc NEW CAR GUARANTEE Blork muet mtet our 11tandard1 Plus taxu . .izaskell a nd oil Open Sunday 10 a .m. t o 2 p.rn. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily 8 to 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rion Ha hn's Garage Authorized P nr ts 4 Service also Goorl Tra.n11portatlon Cara For Sile Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. li!'i11 i5c:77 1 :'l:c..,.11orl Beach. H11r. 4725. 35ttc THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W Cnast Hwy .. !'\wpl Llberty 8·!!481 BALBOA lSLAND Un turn. yrl_v. rent 111. 2 story home m choice lorutlon. l°IOF•• t11 bay. 3 bdnns .. 3 bath:! r 111s tlen .to lanai. $18!1 Jl<'I' mo. W. W. SANP'ORD. rcaltor 111 '" 1"'" 1111 11 111"1 ,. lh' "'°' 1' l'l":\t1 ·8LCH'I( ):1tl81te blJj!. m ~ 01-' T llll: L'lllJlt'EST J,OTS lrft unl it Si·J;;l:! 1~' ,,. ~',~: "'1\:;'•:IJI•· fll-:SIRAHLF: lorn. l'\pl. Brh un LIJ,1. 40 fl <m C:\'1101\ ,\till tt. ""1111'' wit h ~~r,110 f1 .. n1 enl1 allgnm<•nt R -:1 nn L1t1n Sim•I. C111l Mno. ':hp:"~ 11 •·-' h l\\11\ l"''I h n1:iotfi', all 1neel t:Jtth Ahr~ns. l lnr UltH C"r \.\'rile \\ .tt•·1110111 I 11•" '"'"' '·' Ht•11s,,nttble ri•nr t lt1 \"u\ S11n H,•1110 7:lr !l7 Hill \' I l>•lllll •t l't.1th, .wl'\'1111111 I.lit IC-lilU~ 'i6t 7~ ------- c1tr., S· I' •llmui: 1111 :i 1.ir i:·tr-4 LllT l"t)lt;-.-~:H . h11irw h1~ 2 \>fort· Iii(!' ,,,11 ,1,,i.i,. ,,11~ 1 ,,11 , r H Ill U •:AS F:: ~mall r11f~ t1•11ng 1·111)<. l:!,~I •lo 11 11;~:11 t.. H. St·pt. It•" 1111,.r '''"'" Sl1t l\\'t1 hv :\1111 l111ll111t•11~. gnnd location . 12xl3 i>nt i-v ,~ t11x·111 11111111. nf'W• 11ppt. Cou1 l•"Y l" hrnk•'t'1' 1-1111 • 1•l1•;tf ,,,,. i;111it1 c•uok &. pastry ly lrnllL l"LOt•ly Inn :-.•11p1•rl ){Kl'• bur 11;..~ '7</ptl~ 11ol'lc \\ 1111> Box K · IHI lh111 ""11·' 1mt1 l 11niil1 11r1 t111r1I. 2 _ tit•\\ 'l"'P"r , H ri6 t1rr•pl:u•t" lit F .A.' hl'AL f.°l'nrl'1I. 4t A:t.~1.r·1al1'1i Park • Marine. HAr WATFIO "l(()~T ::-.; I' I r 3 -1·1·1111erl)I 11111 11<· hlllll up wllh 7 ltfr holr111 & i11•n -h t lh~. :-; .. l1t1• "" ~·;u month. ~..07 E BaJbOa. Ba l· " t· J t $ •• t · va. v. $'l~• oon l ,n,tn ('nmm1tt· 21fi2 ' , • . :, • , . ..,.. c11· : 111 n 1 I •l-:s1{ ~f'ArE With phon~ l!l'l"\'1\"t'. :\ ri-ntnl!< wit h1111t r<1••nl111r:r nn- • .... , .~ H'~ n; .. 11~· I n \I!-~fl"' t• I.I l'hnn<' 1rnswrrln.r Sl'f\'lt"e al· llll'~l s 1:1 C)0(1. Ownl'r, :.(. Vrr· SHORE CLIFFS Unfurn. htllllf'. Ai 11d.il.Jl1• Sipl. I. fl,1tb :1.i~1'.·I: ,, n\".t dnblr . J. B.-tltlt')', H nihPr 3 .... rnlll .. " bHlhll. \'• --r 1 1 ti I 111· ... ,• 1:10 i;111t11•111·11<1, Cnronl\ "" • ~ 1..U>c. ~ • ' t :;t;o6. '7.'ic 7i J lid M1tr, ll1u ~!lhl ·lt 72dl~ J250 mo. Ph. LI 8·l'l~73. 711•76 ~ ... Alt B \I.It(),\ ~"(J\"J·:s 1:1 .111d1 - ------ Choice Summer Rentals on nr w i i irn1 , f'l°n h111111• tar•·· New Store Bldg. ~•nDJ.:R1' 3 ,,. • .,r,,1•111. i '-bi\th, 111..1•" \\ \\' •·Irr• l. d1~1·•~11l · 14 0 1<1J ft I '. ~·r ""' Ba lboa Island & Lido Isle A \"llllal '4' f •I " mll11n ••• ,, • , f .. r '"'"'· ;i.~. yr~. 15x!'>.c f L park· OPF:X 1''111: I ~SI .,.:t 'Tl().'/ Small &: cozy or ta rite at dl!'luxe 31\tf1 !'l :'\"t·\• Ji• 1 t J•l.•n•I · "'"'l'l'IOI: ai t•a SAT ,(. sl · ~ A .. 'Tt:H:'\"0 ( IX . '75 lo 1300 month 2 IJDR~I 111111 11~1~1· 411•1 31'1h Ill); 11p.11e. :\la ior art .. ry. ln U tlo r.n1 F"'\111,.rtnn /\\',.. Xpt. H it'. VOGEL CO. St , :'\,•\\f'•rl #'7:!J "I BLANCHE GATES i4tfc Realtor st·~ntF;K HF .... TAI. ,,,.,.. ~ $7,950. :in ~!nrrn,. A\'e . R11lbol\ l11land 208 Marine Ave .• BaJboa bla11.1 Pb. Harbor •o or Harbor 'll:>l R.e1. Har. 1786·R or Har. 30Ml·:'tl 64lfc hlk t" 01 1•n11 ~f;d 111 I' W••1 k 1·1~! U•:tt II.' I " :11111,l :-;.,"I'"' t Bh·J • .:-;,.,,,,.,,t II• 11 h llu1 11:!!• llnihtlr 1671 6XlfC' l'\1•w :I b<lrin. 11111! flllllr11 !!l<:l i " '7•1 ----Avv~J•lo, t.· .. ~ta M· 11a. 1•11 .. 1w DO COME Dulra ble 11ummrr rt'ntal,; stlll av11llahle. By wttk, month (lr eeason. COAST PROPERTIES 301 E. Balbol\ Blv,f .. Bllfh1.11 Har. 2658. 2697 & '4600 7J lf1· RENTAL r SPECIALISTS C&IJ &dna CraJc Blanche Gates, Rltr. SllORE CLH I·!' I r 1\"oll•· :.! h 11111 r11rn hnnw $:?:.!r. f'"f II 1onl h. \"t )\ Ir&:<!' (Jr \<'Ill ~·II. ~:.!'• ''~''' 1111· furn. <.:nll \ l\\"lll'r 1 lnr. :l~o!).ft. M1tfr BE/\L'TlF11Ll.Y f11r11.:.? h•llm .l'X· 11"1\ h<> I. l >t ~11n 11 .. nl h••11•" 1<11111- mrr r»nt.il 11111· :!:\17·i\I ur H nr 21>1 7 l'at. 11nd ~cm. i t <"'76 ----Sl "MMl::R. JU:NTAL: Lll>O IHl-f: :t bd1n1 . 2 ht1lh hnmr. A\·,111 A 111:-w•l tu Srpl I:, A ft• 1· St pt l:i ,WDl l_v. H1J1\1111 fl'.!l",.J 3tl Me.r1ne A vt ~lboa llland, Har. 1671 12ttc t:~l-'l"H;\' :.! Kl>fl:'<I. llCJ.\11-:. \\"I" \\" f;"lllf'• l. f1,•.111ltl11I 0\At.J, f•:tlln f u ~pJ,,, .~ ~ 11 ~ 1 :!'"• 11 nnt h Lt:• •h n w ~h 1,1, 1' ,,.. & h:-l'h I.ft~• rl \ "-... ,;,·,u .,H, r :l 711 ""':! ,').J.-Rusiot'fls Opporturuti~ LEASE FIXf: LC'l<.'ATICJ:-l 1n C'oron11 fiel :ll.11•, C'1m1r l• 1rly N1111ppc>1I tur b11k111i; 11r clt-h1·11t1•11S••t1, J'h•llll' 11.11 h11r t'.?6:1 tor 11pn't. 6;1tCc -------·-----FORCED TO SELL Thriving huuscl'lell.Olng busincM. Op1)t)rtunlly to ma.ke good mon· "Y fur rlghl party. Make ofttr ,,, B1•x H·9e. th~ paper. 71tfc Service Station ), pt11111•• 11 .. r w :1 lm·Pnlnry only. $27:10 7!.tfc BALBOA ISL.AND RE:->T,\L Chumln~ hous!', 2 h<lrms . arnil now to JuJr 14th. Well furn1ioht:•l Garb11110 •11.•po!<AI F trrpl Rl'R· 90nable. H ar. 2567 ·VI'. 6!1t ft· s l'M ~t F.H I! 1-::-. rA 1. -1-"11111 h~t;-;. :·:"'=-)fonr~· to l.oan :<l<'t'f'" I •111 .lllh &-~·!'I I 111 t•, --------- "''""Ill''' , ....... \·1111111' -;:1•. LOANS for Homes Poppv C11r•Jlla d..J ~I.tr. ll.11 :i'1o _ 20 yr, lA&lla REF'JNF.D itenllcma n will sh11 r,. 00;1: •• " Gfit(, nice turn. 11pt 1n fine !01 .. t 11 11 F\Ht 1.1-:,\s l•: nr f,fd1•.sh•Jp~. $70 m11 1$:1!1 '"' T\\U l!l·:,\l"l l l"l"l. 111-w Ir\ II•' 600•, ClubhllUXI' C"r Sh .. 11 llJ'• T t•f ni···· 11nft1· :i \'I ·W 1um1•' 11ta1r!I. Mr. n c•nn•" 1'ft11· 5 11111 3 Bl •l!,\l~ :.! I .di , an J v.-eekday11, 1111 tJ&y W1·<'k·e lld1' 2 HEl •H~\:-'' :.! 1111\h> 'il\J•i7 <':ill Har hr I' l'7 i., ttr ll'l1h•1r ~111' F-l,-n-=---.-. -,-, A_H_A_(_; F:-.-/\_PT ___ A_\_"'1_11._a Iii~ EA rt[, \\' ~T \ ;\" 1.1-: y . It• II It or ln1r ... T ttt :i ,1• 1 •(11,~ fnr July. AflH Sl'pl l. ti~· mo Ct1tt1t1:t d • I ~l·•r. :i:ltfr H&rbor 4159-J. i 4r if\ ;11 1~1n ,.;,.,, 1.;i1 s,.·n1 Construction Loans SEE BOB SA T'TLER 2;.i:; EAST COAST DLYD. 1-..,.ma tlPI Mar Hul>Or 3888 Ht fl. l'OIHll-:t ~ MORTC AGE CO ~ll'lro Life Ina. F'und1 Kl. 3·518:.i '8tlo NO COMMISSION Llb<·r ly 8· 7807. 7:.!trr H A \'F. YO\" uut;,711"·n _v1111r .. 111nll hl\1111'? \\"11Ulil you llk11 II Ill~ Hnr k nnv r,.nr h h"ll~•'. :I h•·tl· room~. 2 hAt h~ w11 h " 1?lnr11n11• v11·w~ M1wht 11 •1.t" r.,, v1o1 11 ~ ir ten rull Hai b. :.i:,o A: ,,,;,v., v•Hll' numbl•r, 7 1• 711 South Laguna lot 60'111120'. oct an 1trte of H lghwa\'. zone R·l $2,0flO <Jnwn. f\nl•· hv owTier. Harbor 697·J. dally llll•·r l pm. ':':.!1 ~• Commrc'I bayfront APPROX. i :\ f l., tn• 111111•• n111 1111· way11. boll\ 11h••I'. mnon ni;s. I-\· c.-Ut'nt Ncwpurt JOl"11tlrm. S6~.ooo -flJll prlr " W 111e ownr r, r.' 0 . n .,x 1117 lt 1I· boa, Coll!. LIDO ISLE :i.'> ~. 1.0 -r. rnw~: $Ire-,,,,, A l.~11 l'"t11l11r l thll' 2 b-lrtlf h•111 •, f1rl'plar,, lnr l. <'Al pr1., ,,_ •lr••P•'"· (In ~l 111 ::il lnl. $111.~·CNI. l •'r1111• f'Jlqnl' nwnl'r, lll\rhnr 41 2:1. 7flp';O C-1 Property AT l'"c JR:'\ ~;n nr J!lt h a nd Pl:t· 1••nt1 c, w1• h 2 bl'•lm). hriu"r 11 1111 ""'II II 1-t11rr ATTRACTIVE nr~nn vu•w I hdrn1 apt .. p11rt 11\lly furn ~\P t :> hl1• f1•1 couple 57:'l mo. y1 Iv s,.,. • vr~ & wl'rk 'ntls !1~1:1 w tfith ~t . l"'n~(11 M•'!'ll. ll11rn IPfl !'I! •'I'·' ot W. 16th Sl.J 71•76 h111,,.•. \"rl\" I•·"'' I >~n·1·, t' ,, • •r1.1 If Id 111 I r,.;n Appraisal F<'e ~ALl·:s -Rl-:Fl:'\"A:'l:CE ("< 1:-."STfll TTlllN t'11ll for Fr•·c • SI "II.\! IT l'/(I h11n1;t'.~. r11 11 LllJt'rlv 8·8t1!'1 l'tfllfc _ j(llC>\t \\ f j•I \.I• lo. 'h ,t• I ll• F'a:,;t Commitm<:'nts •·n Ht~• 1·n1 r·~ anrl t'm lll only 49--Ro11111" for f(t•nt C-1 Zone 1•11 11.c·o R ru ft frl'f.•Ur. l!l!\O 111 .. .i. I &· lfl!'10 l<rlv1n11tnr rl'fr\g R"t h 1n )ton•I rondll Ion. L lht'rly R-~t ntt i 3r75 1m1IM. S1111nles.q slC'.'1 l r lizi;:Jnc Ar how 111111>\<l, C'nppf'r hl'"lt tom & nibbrr t1rl'd tlnllv Officer. bf'· an~ tran11rPrrP•I :\111.:ol !<»II I'll Long Bf'aCh 34·101'1 ifip7i' Summer Rentals I 1111n' •· :cio "'" 1•1" i-.:.t1i•~}. :-" TOY l't·~lii.r1"'. l't'k"n.~I'~ s:i:. Mur · 42-Traill'rH • Exclusiv Bav Fronts -----r,h~· •• 1:: fo.:.•'rnl1·af, ~11r11na rl••I -e . T\\"O 111•·111• r111 \\•11'·1w ii •n H 11 A-, '1.1 " ,,, 1 I v.•'•' ,..h .,, •. r s ·.,1 1 f f If I fl1h ; .. ., \1 "~fl f\'i Don I. Huddleston J i3 P.. 1 71 h ~t. 2 !U-:[lRM ol l••r h"ll~". Y.11sl ll!lh ~, I • '"IH ,\ft•!ll '· ()\JI f1\.\f'n•1r. f,f 8-lli•l:• A~< 71!>1 \\"A ~TEf' hnh\' run : •11v h«1I 1llv11n11 It M11rb :l:l!l2 i:~c77 1or Sale Near-f' u Furniture Mart \~OOD \;SEO "'llR!':lTURf.; I dr. ~h,.11t •. .... $127:i :, 1lr. 1'h1•11l SI Tt ,'\O :1 J r rh,..•t S!I ir> \\"alnm ,, I, b<'•I. 1lr1'1'1lt'r W I\ h l~" 11111 ror & <'ht•'L $181'>0 1 "h1 n111t• dtn••ttt lAble nnct 2 • 111111 ~ $!.M .:10 ~e1'1>11cl :<•·I• ••f .tanani;:-r1•o m I hAtl ll Sll j ,•, I'll 1 :1•011 1:111 r11ni.;r11 $27 .50 lo SJ!l.00 ~<,I (I :\"•·\\"p11rt Blvd . llllrh :'!:!!12 :\'pl lllh 7~·:7 Ff1H /:A !.F: dl\venport a. l"hlllr. -tO' CABlX typ .. t1 .. hin.1t bOllt 1;\I(' .\!t r llllr 'l'il:I. iRr 78 + tlleM"I enll ~mt:.blr C11r t ha1trr -I ~·; p AN·AMERICAN f:I other choice 1>rO))Crties p11rt1e11 $:0,!100_ Kim. 2.:11:11 i :u <l.O 39-Auto" WanlPd p t T Harbo r hlaml. B11y S hor<'!!, Rf'll· ---------_ -----------I aramOUn -erry con Bay, qu11hf1,t1 rhrnt" tit ly z GOOD bun'. 25 fl 1.\0 h p. & f'HIVATE PARTY w1tnt11 to h1t\" !\!I -.f:l' r an AmPr 2 hdrrn _ I Harbor 111\'l'Stment Cn. .)~i.;torfl~ & OHi!-1''4 (', 11.: ·I •I I ~J.11 7•·J 7' • L'OSTA ;\fl-:SA I .I 1l-~•~11 1 LI 8·65G2 \\Pl t.11 Ilk(' 11.1 t>uy J.'<t an•I :Ind T: 11•1 IJ1 cd& Call Har. 2326 48lfc lR rt. 26•, hp_ boatJS. l>o!h ft·J 'Mor"!\~ Chr v. l'ly ni. or F or•I A HCY I Harbor J600 (F.vt 11 Lt 8·~1:!1'fi 1 ·-----------------------· bt>rJtla1tu 1I, f11st & gnn1t to •n•lc· '"'lll ion \\•tr:nn l'lt'l"r ll Qhnlll'r '!'>!'> If.' T S PECIAL .,-f Ll l>ll (Jl-°l· It ~; ~.!',\< f.; \. II twn Hea.iy to ~· A l~·· rthP1· ="'" r11w11 a.:11.t·· t 'nol•r s2rn111 •.;,2_27· ;\;::~;e TAnrt1•m blllh _,,, ,11l•l"t "t>11·· •111 .• 11. t' ,..,.1 Quick Cash Loans gla~11 1·lnlh r('111n t'I• A••r .. irt <:nu Jfu1 h<1r 1020 "'"""· 72r 771 BAv \'!F.\V APT."" L1t111 1'·•11111· n·' •'lll<:111" t • '" '''I' ' :\fArm•· ;\f11t,,1,. J 11hu :\'c.r• k 2'-Clll ;\!A:'\Y MURE _ F.asy Tnma 11ula. :-;""'a. attrn• '•\" i••n• II• 1 I .,·"' n ''" 1·1 o1 .: '" ' • 11 \ 11 011 furn1tur<'. a uto. ~alary. I b -... L • .1., • tdJ J •11n ' l1• sd t•·nt111•r .. -,, t ~--o r r m•JrC Thi' Rhine tl-111n Pl'lln I li111 . 40--AutoR and Trurks p 0 T ·1 s 1 1vln1: r(l<•nl.:? drm~ f,1r ~·· .• 1h ronlv lh 1 tfi:,n ··'•II• I ··"' . " . t.i • l • 293i. iM re ort range r;u er a re IPlll!r Ph, H ar. 27.'il or H111 .. n _ 0 d • -2200 w. ("0 11111 H•ichwlly r.;,,,~ d -ne ay service S:\'fP£ ="'"· Ml:l l In f')(l't'\lt'lll ("lltl· l'hnn(' Llb1•rty 8·1'120 ------Mo ern Store Al'f•IH'llll11n mA.Y be mlltlP Jn r~r· ~111!"1' fJt""l :'TA:-;I 1:-1; h 11m l', n• ~r 1:1 k Hn\ ·1 IH·r1rn·•mll 2 ti ,.,, .. n•·ltl II' ·11·~1· A> rll'hh • rttr- 1 •.• , 1 1-, ., ·''' t Sl 6 ·,,., 1-,1A f11.tH ft II f, .ti ·11, 7 It 7f\ r~=-~~~~1~1~-·~~~~-·---­ HO ME and 6 Units '·' H If 1 J '.< "! 1.\! I' $'11lfH•ll 119 llarn· 1,111n. r•t( Htwrl.l'•r Uh··I, C-r·~t" M·~• 7~r~~h HO·A--<'ommn1·ial. lndu,;t rial d1t1on H<!Rt rowr s11tl!! 1tnd t1;11l· 1 $1295. N1•11·f1<1rl Beach i2c8 4h NO. 5 Bf:ACO:-> HA\' Sunu1t••r ll••ll, hy phun•• ror h_v mn1l 61". Owuer INtvlng k ,..111 t;tkr • re11tal.Sp1tcloU1<f11r11 np' .. •l'"I'" Ft1H r:,.::->T ~;.; 111•r "'" 1 .ukcni.: ('ALIF. ACCEPTANL"'E be11t offl'r. Har. :i02 tl:lvs, H a r. N F h R I l!l;it MAYFLO WER. -compJcti-4, ovcrlnokln~ hAy. J11~:r· 1r1t ~. f"l1111tH ''"'''I '"" 111 ,. 11'1 l l()\\'\;T'•\\"'.\"' 1•1,<:'l'A :\ti-·:-:A 23l, .. R 6 \'4 11. . 6'ltrC' ew renc enau t 1 tlnlh. 6 Bollvar St. In bPlllltlful Si•rt. lt•th . $'o(l() 01 .. 11111 nhl .. ll••lllilll<• II ,,, t.I'• ~ ,. CORPORATION "' ~ ~ -I ···~ r1Px \7<\ Wl'h r n.,rt 111--l.tcfo P ark. :'\1r t l'IClln Int furl ALSO will l.tk1 r,., 11·nt11111 f •t 1•1t 111111111 . •lolh to! 111111•1 1 1:11 I 11"1'1 11 i fl~,, Hlv'1 . (",.•IA ~!1>.,11 ~ t 1,11,f' s:.:~· 7-.,, sr:.fl<• dn·wn. HAfll'O 40. F'11M. Hntll<'. auto 1••· ' 1ah11na.. ('a.qh <1r t~rmll. 70tft' w ln tl!r. H.1r. 21i1, l "llr l• •\ loo 1111111111 :!'1711 tol•ll 11 11.77:.1 111 .. ·n F111l11~·s 1111 11 lot. •l()C'. rnntc & r~frlK. $16· 4 <tnor IU'tlun. r)n n-ulr~ r"r i:nllnn ------R~·ntti. 1:<•( t •1, .. \•tt s:,•ur ht)f'-4Jlfc '/. , .• , Jll'1,f1r,, I •f ltt r $•Hl MO, nno ~ A h' R F L JJ7 ·,.,,, "''\"'' I -n.''ln·:". 13R0t l "'-<~ra~s("l HI' ...... ~a.,~·~n l'aymc nt11-$38 f>l'r mo. 4i-Wantt'd to 8'>nt I SUM~IF.R llf::\'TALS ,\,,r., ' or ease--,-,-:-. I L;\ ll '. t:l.ll'l u Vh: I ..... "' ,.. ' . ~, _," .v 1 .. :--II •'-' • • 1:1t1-:,. \;l.F ,\F S/o.\"l.l<l:-1 Hr.A .- 7!'1t77 Ronk nr Am r rlra f1ni1n1·111g Rentals Wanted R,.llPve at 01 n"1'· x""l'"11 ,ST11H1-: 14 ,.,,:,, l< .. t r .. , ,,, .. f... n1·v . ~1011r.n NJ7.E. 01-t TY 1.._,. ·111:: ·:.~., .. ,, 1~""'· 111 .f'""ITI f11rntshm.,:-1t. 011.1 chairs S-l-MuP1icaJ.. Radio, T \' ,\ lnhl,. ... C11ll HY '4·11167 mnm · --------------. fif"At h ~~:Pv:lv lf,,rnrat1•1l t wn1t :c1"n1il h ... 1ut \· ~h f ft ti ''"-' d • REFl .. ~ANt.~ :°'• J. J •l lf,t :.! ,·,~ ... , •• ._ I.It•. We 11etd a pt.a and hOU!'t.11 tn a.JI Z l>l'rlrm ~n1,1C•'I< ='''"r h .• ~ & I XLNT LOCATION \\c Huy TruM lJred,. II .l"'' eec uon. for both winter and IW'tan s~.o & SI.lo 11. • kly !"All • ~t.\<'~·111: 1 B \Lll\1,\ :-;,\\'l:'o<CS • Yt&r'a lean. FUm. or unfurn. owntr. 1.l™'rt \• 11-141\il 71trrl p n w:--:·ru \\;\' '""'"\I· 1 If •·' r \ , ,,.,, As~:,1c-JATlll:'o/ I I\ •I "~E: F l 'l...L of fumtturE'-ln· • 1t1.t1nir draSJ4!1. c-iatom Frl'nC'h Jlr<>Vlll('llll. OVtrllt utf td .. 111111 · IJ""~-H11rhor 16 7. ':'4p76 T ARLE TOf' r&nil" Siii e1t11d1n r1111ch. 1 10, dtw tnrort • ch1tlr J'.:~1. blnnd,. r•'""" A 11tPf! tAbl.- $'.:Cl kltr hr n tllbl• Si. H11rbor :1:1M . w. 1er -----A .'\'"TIQI 'E 11111Jlo1i-. ' roatu d ble ~11· S6!1. Mall(lg . dJ"f'aMr with m irror $:111. HAnd m •o!«' p int • Krt. C"h11tr 110.~. W lllnut .,r,..911· H • m irror Si:l. &aut)'l'el!t dble. 11H1tt. • box 1p r. S!l5. M l\ho g. "nrl tnble I:'> ·'0. 'fourh cb111r S2 \ ·1:11drena ilroodtn -in.ct 13.~. ~-w poiro 11ticJ< S5. 103 Via S an R~rn<' Ll•lo l sll' . !\"pt. ';'6, JlO\ Ul.f: OAk dt•k. See Il l l ~O\t \\° R11 lh<-n Bl\·1! .H11rb ~188 76.·77 wA !\J"EP M 1·sr.o Pt A :'ms Mr , Ha sken Motor I c Our ln)t rt•nls l l11'pl. }hJthl'itl I'll.Oh u $ n I u yo~i::,~:e t~:-;anry. B~lboa Furn. Apts. :!!•!"!-\\' '•"I I J .. r,6 \·,,. Lrdo rh. Ha r 42001.10 ~·--=-~~a!_~:~~tl_t~-~;~~~~~~~-- allowanre In tra.le for Org11n, 1932 HRrbnr Blvtf , Co~ta Mua Splntt pl11no. or Crsnt1 p11u10 The Vogel Co. DAY -w r.F.K :-.t0="TH "'."'' ::~~~~~f'·"-~-~~ftrM ._, __ I --OWNER Will Trade OA~·SCH..\lIDT, !120 Xo :'tf1un. S anta Ana 1'1ano .a. bl'ncb. GEORGE STECK upright Gn1nd Sl~. Llb 8-1213 i6c':'8 SM.ALLESl' STUDIO Pt11no with full 88 ktyboa rd ln flnt con· dltlon. Terma. $~:1.3!5 down and Slll.17 ~r mo. al SHAFER'S Mul'lc Co. t Slnce 190i l •21-423 N. Syt't.more, Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 2 ·0972. KAM.MO:-."!> Orp.n. Sllf hUy u11~. Ono<! b lC 11avlng-. Another won- <IPrful buy, Hammond Cllor<I Or· gl\n Lllllt user!. Tht Orgnn "'"t'Q"Ont r sn play OA:"'Z·S1'liMIDT Pu1110 Co. :'120 ="o ;\fotn, S11nta A na Lt 8·~61 u 8·!1:181 '~!' STl'Dl-:BAKER C'onv. ~tw t"Jl. 2 nrw Ur~ .Clf'All a.JI Uiru. Afktng f4:)(). 6'\P Ii:. Balboa 131\•d. 8'1lboa. R ar. !!I !l!! 7Ap78 ·:.o M.r;. T .D. A·l N nd1llon t hn1· out. radio & tonn1>1t11 CO\'l'r. 118 ti EdlCC"'OOd Lru!t', G1trtli-n Grow.!' L Ehlgh 9·.':1589. i :IC"ii ----------1941 H t;uso:-; s upn 11 r<'upe ·18 l'ni;lne. SM t o 11pprrc11tte 1 1:1'• Phone Lltierty 8-3481 1 blnrk t n OH•nn & p1~1 • "11' I:!'-', ..... , ., .. :' ,,. ,1. 1 , 1-.. 1" m 1 · y ·"' I ~ "1.• .. 1 3201W.Clt.Hwv.,Newport Bcb l M town '• bl"t k lo bay l l "~TlllW!'or nf( ,. 111 , .:•'·' .')i-:-!~~a!!:'!:a~'.:~~!!~"~~-1 ' 208 Marie Balboa lsla.nd 91"' ER lt>n" Btv t Harht r 1 ... 2S4 J \\\:\It t•~\ ~· Ill :! hotrrn h11 1 .. • ,,: "! ri l• ,. "•, ti•,,. • n • I ' ' " ' ' ' · ·· ., 1 , I h11~11 • .. , • , " .. . ,7 I 1 . f 1 • Phone Rs.rbor 444 7::1 "'" Hnlll'•A .I H• ii·,, v ll t· ... ,, .. ; · • ' t•" · '1' 1 ' ' • 1 r I I r IP• ., t .1 I• I lot 2"6-C \l • \\ I I n un I• r J 111 '''''' I I , " • E. ou t H y., Coron_• del Aofn CO."L'ORTABl.L·. OE·i\,..I' ,,1 ..... ., ':'' .. :: , 1 --1 t· .. ' •· · "'' Phone H11rbor 1,41 .... -• ·'"' •·• I •10 1'\ 1'-t'•11 •1• .f, T1 t 1 1 Lido Of!1«. 31HI Via U do furnli1h~rt S11mmf'r r:it" '"" "l<-'I l 1 \'(-)l'f~-l 'l~U-l'_E_ICTY~. ',1 ' It '' f ~. H 00 •P-l SZU .'t511 \\, Occnn F 1nn t, llarbur .)3·A-Ru:,iOI'""' R~·nlal!I !"' · ••• ar r • c ~17-:\r ~p77 ---------~-· \\ M I •\"r t h•· •11•·1t~~1 "~>' I • WA:'\7ED· Srr.llll house up· to s:,o \\"111 ,.lgn le11.9~. b~· 111n11le t m· plo~11'rt woma.n with 2 klt~rrtl r&ta. l do not drink, havt pa r· ties o r com pa.ny. f''Urn. o r pully rum. \\"111 furn. own davrnpo rt . rhalr, mj?'I!, C"11rta1n11 • rlrapr~ b!-<'ause of ca ts If 11eru1111ry. -AVAll.1\lll.,_: -Ab· 111 /\111111 ''I ·. 1r I' I" 1''" l,< 11 ! •wh SUMMER R t I f t.. 11,:ht :n•ILI '1y s) l '' "'· let & , "', n II , )'-' ·• 11 \\ •· ----------- en a s 2n,1 fl•1°1r. 1· s 1111.hw!I) llJI '" t \,.. l I I •• JI ., .... t & ,,, Ip nnc1 n ny Fr11n ·nb"· \\"jll , .. ,,:..c i.11 I ' 'tfJ],•ll 'l I rt•· t :11• 1 •• 1# D"luxe flttn aN a. ronm.s Day, week or month Ideal location -a f r>w 11,.p11 t o r verylhlnfo?. I~ E . Bay B11lbon H11r. ~344 !71rr , nr 11.ny part k r• rtm•lrl t v 11u1t 1, , 1·.o1 r 111,w f") .n:11rn•••Ll•11t t~nont. ,.,.,::n l Cr,, 3116 Vl11 r.1dr) I • I hlwnlo• ,, H arbor 4£1:1. 21lt1 c JAMES \.ICK. RC'alt ••~ LEA SE I ' I TltAUE :'-iO\\', -( ·, ,IJ• 1•l !'-0lltII I,11 I J;, 111 Ll ' .. -~ fl tit_.. I I II . ' I-• 11 •I• I'' 1,,1 , •f• ,, f 'J A 1, hf\ h• rn L t. 8·1928. i5c77 I !\J <!. LA TE '!l:t. l'\1xo o man1tohl, ' n• w r onJlt111n Mllu1te 19 000 I Sl2P~. 920 W. 20th SI.. Coet11 Mu a. Llb, 8·3/'>07. 1(;ci1 \\'111 take whatnn a vail. J\~w· port 8-ch, Cost.A Mua or ntu- b0y area.. Han own cs.r. Op&1 Chalme.ni, Gen. Dtl., Cotta Mu a 7fp FURN. APT. Cltan. Sll'tps:, 1 i;m· fort llbly D11y. wPek or mnnth Ruann11blt. 30~ 32nil St . ="r t Bar. !11'11. 75pi7 F'l:"F. LO<.:A TJO:-.: In ( ·orc1M ,,, l ~t •• r f'nll'pl••rl\· ''l"·l'I"'' fr bnk 1ni: nr 11 ... 1ir11•,.••r n l'hnn" Ha rbor •Zll:i fnr &pfl°L ft:IHe \\,\~··r t11 hu\' fr1,m.,11\,\'n"'r. ,;, •. J ,.,,~t•1t~1.•,\\ , .. ,,1. r< "f' "hrtt • .1,. :: ld 1111 ti"" .. "11•1 •1( "''"'·• .... u. 1'1 tlJ \". I ,, ... II lh.. u HJ M• .1 Al'""' $12 Oll(J. 0 0 11. 0·4, l .ht• pa~r \\"111" '"'"" 111 th~ 1111••111• I ,.,., '111n 11, 'i6p7fl I W•Y· • . -.. ' • - PAGE 6 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I MONDAY, JULY 11, 1955 "C" TH0~1AS "0" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THO~AS • G"-~•' F.l!ltat ,. r-8#•1 FJ1t.atf1 62--twal !'Ata111 --~-----------· -------·--·--------=~---- BAY AND BEACH REALTY-REALTORS BALBOA PENINSULA BALBOA ISLAND-LITTLE EXCLUSIVE ...-Finl Time Qffered. • ., ISLAND .. Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES IT'S BA YFRONT TIME -~ LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Open Daily 1 to 313 LIDO IJWNER MUST SELL 5 Until SOUD Sold 3 B. ft, Den, 1:t1 Baths, Full Dining Room. Prov'in- l"lal decor. Owner has moved and v.·i ll Aell furniahed for .$25,000 -Tt>rm&. lncop:ie High~ Bank Balance Low'! Ov.·ner or thia Un.usual Ellerbrot'k built 4 B. R .. 3 bath home on Little laland will Bt'll on term1 to auit qualified buyers budget. HERE·s A SUMMER SPECIAL. 2 bdrin~JiomM••.--o== patio & garage. Nlei!ly furni11hed. Knotty Pine In· MAKE OFFER ' (;harming "3 bdrm. 3 bath home completely F'URN- ISHF.D. New w t o w carpeting, custom drapl'r!C'S. tile bath!!, .lovely patio be<1utifully planted & con- \'C'nient built-in barbcque. Can be bought fun1ished (l r unfumishe-d. Pier & float for 40 ft. boat. EXCELLEf\..,. TER~fS -------·· I BAYSHORES 5 Open Daily 1 to 2471 Bayshore Driv e l!:XCl~USIVE -3 B. R. -1 '~ BRths (;h(n)se yo ur own colors. Thia new home nearly fin- il'l hed. Ruilt in stove & oven. Used brick fireplacE'. :$5,f)O() dov.·n -Full price SJS.500 -• BALBOA-~AY AVE.-EXCLUSIVE 2 B. R. home with attractive apartment over garage. Nit•e!y fu rnished. Full price $25.000 -$5,000 down. BALBOA COVES-EXCLUSIVE Baths. Nice sandy beach. f'irm price-$34 ,000 LIDO ISLE Open House Daily 1 to 4 p.m. -112 JadE' NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 B. R., 21:: Bathe on large lot. Forcerl air 1-leat. Flagstone Fireplace,iBeautiful Wood Paneling. Used Brick. Shake Roof, Pegged Hardwood Floors. Low down payment will handle. Full priee $26,500. CORONA DEL MAR-EXCLUSIVE Beautiful 3 B . R. & Den home on Ocean 81\'d. with permanent unlimited view. Thia is a truly fine home. Hardwood floora, Fireplace, ·Lota of Tile. Dining room. nicely landscaped yard. Double garage with extra par king space. Ownen moving inlAnd. terior. All for $17.000. Low caah down. $4000. 6~ intef"t'11t on balance. Immaculate 4 br. -two story home on large lot. Uncrowded atmosphere wit h lovely patio, pier and float. Large living room. den, and separate dtntn.r room. Caah down, unfum , $30,000 . HERE'S A SWEE:I'HEART. 2 br. 6 den with nre- place. V'ery nice private patio. Hu eep1.rate lncome unit with 1. autt $1,800 ye.rl1. Better huny to pt t hifl one. LOADED -Well located B&Jboa laland 2 bdrm. home. Near ly nt'w, with Iota of wardrobe A clo.t apace. We. think it'11 loaded for good ~ar round living. Dbl. garage., forced air hE'at, lovely patio, ~xtra dining apace in kitchen -Nt:\V attraclivf' 3 bdrm. home ,·Ith ,·1ew of b;1y. Lge. !iv. room, din. room, firrpla('C', 2 baths, built-• in thrrmador sto\'e, m{'rC. switches, nic(' patio, shak(': .. -l'"urn . 2 B. R. homt' on 45' lot. $22.500 -Terms . Shown by appoinunent onl y to qualified buyerA. PLUS complete l bdrm. guest apt. -all p\eaaingly plannt'd for a minimum of howiekeeping. Ca.n be ahown at your convenience. day or night. Top fi'n~cing, Full price $28,500. roof and PRICED at ONLY $29,750 with LO\V -' down payment. .-' Corona Highlands Lo~·rly 3 bdrm. home y,•it h circular rloor plan, rear liv. rm. o,·erlooking patio. hdwd. floorS. firrplace, many attraclive featurrs. This hon1e c11n be bought with v~ry good t('rms -ASKING PRICE: $22,500. Cliff Haven Nice 3 bdrm. on 60 ft. lot, hdv.·d. fl oors. f11'l'placc, lots of cupbo111·d & closet space, rdv.·q. f('nt'ing, car· peling & drupe~ ircluded. 4 ', 10~1 11 & mvnthly pymnt8. of $63.00 -Total price $16.:JOO. ''C'' THOMAS, Realtor 224 W.-Coast l lig hway, N('wport, Beai.:h Liberty 8·55:.!7 •1C" THOMAS "C" THO~fAS "C" THO~tA S "C'' THO~tAS Lido Nord Bayf rant Here is 50' of the finest land on Lido. A\1ail,.,ble with a 4 yr. old 4. BR., 4. bath home. The h \•ing room 1s 1Rx30, a den: full dining room v.·ith the 8ccnnd f1rl•pla ce. large brC'akfasl room, bar or butlc·r8 pa n· try ofi t he m1Xlern kitchen. New pie r & shp :ind l)f. ft'red f1)r JUS! 11nJ0r rl'placrmf'nt cost s t $125,000. Bayfront-Lido An l'X i.:C')lt1011:il hun1C' in °l'\'l'ry v.·;_iy -Th is 3 B.B .. & Dt•n hon1e has three baths, a lo\·cly co\·er1:d patio, a new pi('r & fing-er slip and many other fratures ' fvund only in a home thnt v.•a1; quality built JUst 11:.: ycuri; ago. Priced tu sell at $6·l,750. Just Listed 3 B. R., '.! bath hon1c con1plctely fur111!'.ht'd. Dish- v.·atihl'r, d1!ilpt1.,ial & l<J\"ely slumpi;tonc l'LJ rner f1re- plat'C! 11 re a fC'V.' of lhC' attraC't ivt-fcatur.·s 1n th is ·z yr. old hun1 r . \V('ll [(•C'ated near the tlubhvusc and 1mmrdiate poss('i;s1 on may be ;irranged. $28.5!10 - A Lido \'alue. Lido Lots 52'.Lot for JllSl $12.U()(I - 50' Corner !SL t(I :-:1 .. $1fJ.';jO - Tv.·n 35' I..01.., l'td £' by !'1d('. $19,000.lakcs tht'm both, THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3·116 \'1a l~iJo, [';1it , Beh .. Har. ·IUll or 1-lar. ·1972 £,·e's. Har. 21fli-~1. Har. 2flH8-R or l.lbl•rty 8-52Hl OPEN HOUSE Magnificent Back Bay View An "Out of This \Vorld" Ranch H ouse" THIS Jh'arl~· tl('\\' hon1c has c\'('ryth111g. !Shrike ro(if - rcd.,.,·ood -3 bt'<.lr<1un1 ~. 2 baths. Rf'an1ed 1'£'1l1ng:<, Built-in ra n~•' & <>\·en. G r: Jlj;o!J.,.,·asher. \\'1\ndrr f ul closl'ts . .:5 l1d1ni{ glas!> •lol11·s 11• pnt1n. 1:ar:igl' h:is R\l!O!llAtic •'IC'<'lric eye !(I (!JfC'll. - All This and \VHAT A VIE\\'!!'. Price S:.!ti.5l"io ~ J.l av trad~' for l'lma!ler h,.,n1e. OPEX l!Oi.;::-1-.: Thurs .. Fri.. Sat. nnd Sun. '.!.""175 ,Tust111, :.! bl r>c:ks f•ff ~f<'sa l)n\·e, REX RECHS. REALTOR Harbor 5156 • !'.:X CLL'Sf\.'E LISTING BALBOA ISLAND l4c76 ,.ALE bu1ll -Early Enghah architecturt'!. A fine fa.mily home, ('Ontaining e\•ery modem con\·cnien(·e. Three bedrooms plus lg('. rt'Cn>ation room wtth fi re- place & IK'f'&rate rntrance. (.'harming patJo -double car garage. • • ,• Rea.so~able Terma • • • We Jn,11\e \'our Inspection J 18 Apo~na WM. W . SANFORD , Realto r An~ Associalca Paak al Mar ine, B:ilboll Island -F-l :irbor 2<162 Bay & Beach Realty 1450 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -·MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS ---.-.·- CLIFF HAVEN OPF:N HOUSE .S<1t. & Sun. ll11h.• hy ' 11121 Cliff Dnvt< any !ot"•' 1111,1 "" th111 ru~v.-3 bdrm., 2 hiillh 1~"<1"'0o;"I B u~l!c hon1• de- .•Jcne•I ltntl built fur the mo11t d1.~1·,.rn111i:: bll.''"r THE:>: r.f:r 1·s !<l h1\\" \"OU thl' ~pa- 1·1,,11,q J1vu1i.: 1'!-.Jlll -11.rge Jl,·1- r 111~ 1111•! !he p11 non11n lc view l!HUI !h•• l(H•!!")' (Jb~t·n•11to.-y. $16.:,nn• Swee ping View "( -'""'IH•1\ Ha1b•"' Hild the bl u~ ]'II• Ill" f1t)lll ltH~ n••llrl)' Ill';\\' ~l • .. lt•1n :l Ii .nil . 2 bath h••nle or 1111tn}" .~1 rH ;<, 1n~·I d1-t1washer. l•tnt\-111 iflla:<> Hild o\"~n. inerc. s1,1'•h"~ \\all to wall •·arpel~. pr1''!11•• .,:(i." 0 1· "'"l'k~hop 111 .-1111 11 (,,.,.,.Ii:"'"!::"., ... l"n· 111 .. '•l •d l••t' f""'I wanl,.,\ l.ni'O· 11 .. n • 1:1 1,~.o() rull I"""· • Acre Ranch i'l<'I "~ n•t os l ·•l"K kPn· !A l'~" a •U•l<•ITI ~ tl•lr1n. ;on.t o!· 11 1!•111.1• "l\h "'1111 '" w s ll ""J 1u•11 n.-1" •·pl ''-' , r .. r LO'I\ 111r n ... ,1 H· ,.,,, ... 1 rr.1111 J \!!,O!)ll \o Sit\ kn11 t<'r 1jt11!'k s111 ... Thia '~ " ~1''"f1' r· 1h1tt "111 1<~11 llu! FA~·i'r' Bay & Beach ·Realty Jli'.•li -"•'"l'~·rl Bl"<I. 1 · .. ~i:i ~1 .. ~a. l·11 1.ir. OCEAN FRONT HOME 6~10 OCEAN FRONT 4 bdrm. 2 bath lge. living rm. with fireplace. Also kt.mily rm. with bar, etc. This beautiful home i11 of brick construction & can easily be converted to duplex. Excel!ent view from all rooms. Large gla88ed in patio with Bar'-B·que. Completely furn. including W. W_ carpeting, 2 TVs .. washer, drier & freezer. 2 car garage. OWner anxiou11. $32.500. Sub- mit low down Payment. E.Z. Terms_. INVESTORS ATTENTION "\\le have listed exclusively a modern business . & apt. bldg. Best location. i\-1 conatruction Custom built furnishings in cluded. Full Price S39,500. Ternt11 if desired. J. M. MILLER co. 2025 Balboa Blvd .. Npt. Bch. Har. 4.091 75c77 CORONA DEL MAR E~CELLENT JNC'OME -4 furnished units: 1 bdrm. each. No vacancies in over ll year. Rent i11 $65 each. Gros11 S2i60. Clean property. $6000 takes. Reduced to $19,9~. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Pri\'ate pathv.•ay to little Corona beach, $25,500. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Lush tropicaJ patio and yard. $15,000 down Bay Shores $5,IXXJ Down BF:I'TER CALL u1 now 6 milk' an appointment to 1ee thl• ador· abl e ranch house. Heavy ahake roar. lArg:e ranchy r1repl1ce. Plcture1que patio, fully ent:"loa· ed, Forced a ir heating 1y1tem. ()()uble garace, etc. I EXCLUSIVE LlSTl!\'C' Marigold, C.D.M. INCOME LOVEI~\-2 berlroon1 • den hornt plu1 very attr&Cli\'e rental In· come unit. 12x2t L.R. PlUll df'n le. f'Mtra ll.R. Mod .. rn fireplace. \\" to \\/ cltrpi:t. Vrnet1snR. Encl yard beautlrully hr.nda.caped. Rental unit >A rurn!~he<l. Top r1nsnl·1ng on thl1 o ut1tand1ng prnpertr I EXCL USIVE LJSTJNG1 Heliotrope, C.D.M. $1500 DOWN ARE l'OU A "dO·ll·your•f'lf"? Nee<l11 p•lnt • r1x 1n·. Good ne1s-h· borhood. Zoned R -2. 2 B.R. dbl. ~arotge. Full ~ile lot. M•k' ua an after. 1F:XCLUSJVE LJSTJNGl JAMES -VICK · REALTORS Rua9 Rayle & Tr•vl• 'A•90eialee THE VOGEL CO. 208 ?i.!arine. Balboa Island Corona · del Mar Bargains 1. G. L RESALE . Attractive Modem 2 bedroom home. Doubli garage, paved & covered patio, fenced yard. PLUS wall to waJI carpeting throughouL Garb. diepoaal, shower over tub with tub enclosure. PricE'd at $14,M>O. Call for a.ppt. to 8ee. 2. RANCH TYPE 3 bdrm, home. Shake roof. Comer lot. 2 bath.I. Dn.pe11 and carpeting -included -and only $28,500. Low down payment will handle. Call fo r an appointment to •ee. 3. OCEAN VIEW From this 3 bdrm. home. 11:: baths. Large lot com- pletely fenced. Beautifully landscaped. Paved patio. Drapes included . ..All the work hu bttn done.. Ju•t move in 11nd enjoy it. Truly a bargain 1t $22,500. We have the key. 4. SHORE CLI FFS We have best buyA, aee u11. 5. VACANT LOTS? Yea we do, let UA 1how you what we have - CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 34.47 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar. Har. (7 !Office located next dooi-to Corona del Mar Bank) l.I $1-J 161 f:,·,.~. LI 8-:11 008 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES properties. 312 ~111r\nr. Balboa 4 111.nrl ------------------------ Costa Mesa r: 1 n~::-:,\1.~: Har. 1775 -E\'ea. Edith ~faroon, HYatt 4-6222 John ?o.facnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor 225 ~farine Ave .. Balboa Island 75c7i ~,,.,. l\il 11 1 .. 1. a hdrn1 , htlv.·d fh~ •!hi i;11 r .. 1-•, l••W nov.·n· an1t Sli.~ f"t 11,n, 1------------------------ Z hohn1. I •Id $1fo f"l!I 1.o ·r .-..... 1<10' ••n ~:11.~1 2:11 ,1 st I :.'·''"' ~~()') l'i nll·n &. $2~ Jl('r n''"'th 1"11 ,\Ir,. ~·1.·hba1·k , 1.l l'!-~•I O l !•1 >'1·· • LI 1'<1'.•!llJ \\'1th rn ,\~CJ S HORV'ATl-1 , Rt\r. ~~1 .; :\", ll"JM•ll 111\·rt , Cn~tA ~1 f'AH 7°1p76 ------- Ol'EN HO L"Sl-.:S l't\ll.Y r n.~1 ~n T'~L (""'fl"r \\",.lnul & R.a~·111opd H·•tv.""" ~11 ntf\ fl.1111 &.· T11~11n ,\p •ft \:n, <1f l!'lh ~! New & Beautiful l'H~: ;::.;1''.\\"f'.:O:T & fllu~L 11ttr111·t1v' COSTA MESA CO~f?o.1ERClAL PROPERTY 17th Stre.et. 62 ft. frontage, 300 ft. deep. 2 well con- l!tructed bldgs. on slab, 3.556 sq. ft., all utilitie11. ample parking in rear. ~tultiple 6012. $35,500 CORONA DEL MAR Short 1 .. block from Ocean. 67 1::xl18 ft. Jot. 3 bdrms. & den. 1 :1.i baths, Dining r6om. breakfast nook, large living room, forced air heat, dbl. garage, co,·ered BBQ. ratio. en<'losed play area. Guest house nr m11ids qNI, , $36,700 • RAY REAL TY CO. 3'1 44 E. Coast Hv.·y. CoronR del ?o.far Harbor 2288 .1 111(, '1 '"•1!1 11 .. n1 r~ 1n town-1----------------------- • Hll'tL :It• ~l;11 k" rr , FA. h('l<l . Ill• (11 111 .. K. A-Ii \\"1dr·"'"~n \\"•~!i:h t.111lt In ,.,.,,II .\: r11 111: .. ~=~· ! ~:. kLoi(' J,,., F H .A . t"rrn~ ,.,,11 11,.11ro11 ni;•''I. !1•11-r,1· on th"~i' (lnl~ H f,.,.. J"ll lo r hno"" frnm A t• 11 h'I\" 111 .Jl~o .~11., ,l ,\1"1"\ f1l!r \:XAX r>n !"'R ~:~ll::ES Houston Realty Co. ~n1• 1-.. n•rr JO:\, cn~l ll ~'""" J.I 11-!i!\!1 LI 8-i7!!~ Vets ' Tradin' T,oday? Balboa Island 3 bdrm .. 2 balh home plus apt. lnc:11tcd on fine cflr- nt'r near BRy & stores. Fo' Corona del Mar. Shore Cliffs or ~asadena to $35,000 OSBORNE REALTY CO. $565 down 2323 \\'. Coast Hv.•y. .. (at Port Orange) r1,us I!tU>oU!'>."DS Ntwport Bt'ach LI 8-7562. Har. 5154 e'·es. L"SE YOUR G.J. LOA:>: on ~ yr.-------------~---------­ old, :1 bdrm .. (I ble. it•r•ge. frnc· ~t. \\'ondf'tful palln ol: laundry. yotrd G11rb&,re <11spo~I. AU rre•hly painte•I. ~f'at t:ppr.r Baek Bsj 2~72 P•ll1111dea Rt!, 8s.nta Ana Phone Kt ll-Z69:J. 60trc :>:IC E :i bdrn1. Mmi!, 1 yr. old. w lo vr carpf'tlng. f<'nCf'd y!lrd Goo<! ~nnr11uon. I 1 O.?IOO. Good terni.•.l._Own .. r. BPrtha VlnlW.ln. 226 Cnt11111e l'l11cf'. C011ta ~1 .. s111. 76p8~ • LIDO ISLE COSTA MESA SPECIAL -Corner lot <Jll lloud ~ Acre• M·I, t ti.::.00 Street 10 Str, .. 1. 112.soo. !ll Ft. lot Street to Slreet ,..., end or th• l~land, IHI.~. :-.'ICE l Rrlrm•. -I ballu: 40 n , I.at. t;~ brtck flr,.place. Mtoo Doll'TI, 4:',o Acre1 M-1. 14~ Jl"'r '°°"' U>OK wha t you can have tor or.1-) 111.900 wtUi 12800 Dbwn. I bdrma., I ~ baUa, 1'rep1ac., Garb. dllp,, Mert"ury ~tch'•· Eric~ p1llo with f -c1r r•r. O• I lot 15.&' a 2()t', Harbor 2042 i 4c7S Full Price $7,200. I. $2,000 On. Bal. $60 Mo. Thre' bdrm. tum .. 2 block• rmni beach. "Fix m' up" cotL11ge on 2. !Wo 30" loll!. F'u1'1111hed dup1"• an Pen1n~u!a p<lint; one I hdrm .. on~ 2 bdrm. apt. F'ull price sis.:.oi:y-s!looo dov.•n. Threa rum. huuat• on two 3()' loUI 111 Corona d~l ~!ar. 1200 mo. yr. roun•1 inromf'. Only I i l ,ir.o M11 k .. o!fft 11n tr rmA. Bay F i·vnl. E11lbna l1!11nd, two bdrm. funu~hf'd home <>Tl comer IOI. S!i l.~00. '• c11~h 8111. 11 30 mo 3. CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE DAJL.Y 1 to:; · 4.48 Ri\'iera, Corona Highland11 3 Bedrooms, ~ ·11 baths, r orct'd air heat, Hwd. flool"A, Jots of tile and many other features, Outata.nding \'iew of Ocean and hillA. Will consider a trade. HOr..tE WITH INCOME 618 AIARIGOLD 2 Bedroom home on 45 ft. lot plus 1 Bedroom apt. Fully Furnished. Priced 11.t only $16,500. Low down payment. CORONA HIGHLANDS ? Bedroom, l r: baths, hv.·d. fl oors, forced air heal\ nev.·ly pa in ted & pa pered. Lovely patio and a per- manent Ocean v1ev.'. Open House Dai!l)-520 De AnzA . GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder ' Art C . Kistler , Co. 21101 Nr""Jl(lrt .Blvd .. :<;pt. u~ach Har. 1'1226 i/lr 77 ~Geo. Rahan . Bob Ger\'ais. J~at J>atti11on • Oil'.k Hilliard 3024 E. Coa11t Hwy .. Corona del ~fa r. Har. 5033 It 5032 COH.0 :\"A HIGHLANDS 4 St11r Sl'~:c1A1 .• RUA l!c. n111.gn1f1rf'lll \"!Pll', 2 bdr m., Z bath. llf'p•rate dinl n~ r"m . Hdwd. f\r~ .. • .. o •q fl. b•~f'rnent -c·1U m11ke a g<>Od ru1np1u n•()n\, f 27,SQo • I ,, L i no -:1 b<1rml. & -rumpu1 rm .. dllle. lot. R'•ut1tully l•nd8Capetl l~J,tt, S~uth pa."9. S3!1.000. NE\\"l'OrtT Dl:PLEX Good Income Go<1'1 lncomt ... 11 4.7~0 126.!IOO LE~IO N HEIGHTS -New ~ brl· tn1. 2 bath plua ramlly rm. l~O 11q. n... IJ•. ll)l. · Beauty. 120.0:.0. Claire Van Horn ~A LTCJR 273 1 "" O'l1u1! Hwy. LI !i-t"l71 $18,500 Bargain Owner hea,·ing State l.OCATIO'.", 48.l Morn1ni; Can- yon Road, Corona Highland•. Thia prlcf' include• "'"" cu ranca. retr1cera1or, w1&hln1 ma- chine, w to ..., carpet• A drapea. PMr • II bf'low' Tf'producUon CC>lot, Loan comm itment 112,000. ~'I.- SPECULATION? Not Here 4.5-p!u11 Acres wned for man ufactun ng. 2 Hiway frnntages • SplPndid location for l11rge cir &e \'eral 11maller plant11. S·l500 per acre make th1111 outstand- ing buy. $25.000 Down to handlf'. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES ' INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Liberty 8-1632 ' Ave, Co11ta Me.Ra. l~lberty 8·1400 Eves. 1------------------~ MAKW HIS PENTHOUSE ONE YOUR IN THE SKY BY OWNER BAY & BEACH REAL TY -Lido Office !:°,,:,::;,!":.:;:;" -M ·~ Co1on1. H1.th!11n11" J bdnn., 2 O. H, t.ATHROP . HS6 E . ())ut Thia home a.ctually a.fford11 the mo,;t out.lltanding view in the. entire harbor area. And today you ca.n buy it f or leu than actual cost. l..et us 11hnw you thi• large 3 bedroom 3 bath near new t1ome and you'll agree that it can.not be duplicated for the ukinr price of $45,000, THE VOGEL CO. U<U&ye,,.e,, ... po . ar . .,.,.,. . ve.. &r. ·-· IC W•)', ........ 4t . tV!I, h11 th l~m,hr>UA ... Ph H11r b<'.lr j8-J 3t l2 • ·' " N rt H ~·3 E H ~ H h u ~ 6 2 '880 16Uc 7•-·· -~--------------------------------...:.:,:.;: __ ~ I •K" ' . . .. 3201 W. Coaat Highway Li berty 8·3481 • • ' I I I l J ,., p. a. palm~r incorporated ~~~~~~~-~.~-~~_&_b_~~~~~~~-~---b-~-~~~~~-1N~~HHARBORN~~PR~S-PAnll-PAGE7 MONDAY, JULY II, 1955 $4,(KX) Down 307 Fernando, Balboa I Completely furnished. Ready to move into. Bny \'iew from living room with fireplace. 3 bedrooms plus . large rumpus room. 11 ~ baths, garage. OPEN DAILY l ·5 2631 Crestview Bay Shores Large lh"ing room wit h fireplace. Full dining room , 3 bedrooms. 2-car garage. completely rPdecorated. Good Terma. Price $18,500. f IRST TIME OFFERED 1112 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA BAY FRONT PIER & SLIP 2 YEARS OLD 7 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 3 CAR GARAGE F URNISHE D BAY FRONTAGE 40 FT. -developers of Udo Isle Beautiful Lido Residence Artistically landscaped on very choice site, 92 feet on Ct'ntro Strada, 60 feet on Dijon, and 4~ feet on Cordo\'a Strada. Enough room for pool if desired. Larg.e 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with lovely lanai for in- door-outdoor living. This home ia aet apart by its charm, even in this section of lovely homes. $32.500 full price with t erms. New, Different and Dramatic Modern in every detail, with many built-in features. In t he manner of a French Traditional home with New Orleans wr ought iron and louvered gates to planted off-street entry. Nylon-viscose wall to wall deep carpeting. Sliding glass doors to patio. 3 bdrms. 2 baths. 2-car garage plus small car, boat or shop area 10f:l4. A fine home you should see without de·J Jay. $34.000. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor i5oo Priced for Quick Sale We offer this cute 3 bed room 2 bath home in BAY· SHORES. The owner has been transft rrt"d and must sell .immediately. If you are a bargain huntet be sure to see this one. Price $18,750. Ask for Bill Farnsworth. Scarce Item Shore Cliff Lot -Large and Level. Ocean View. $15.300. Call Dave Osburn · Lido Bargain 3 bedroom, P I bath home on a 40 toot lot. The mast er bedroom has a separate dressing room with bath. Carpeting and drapes included in the price o! $31 .~00. T his home is arnilable for trade on Flint· ridge, La C{lllada, or Pasadena proper ty. Ask tfor Kincaid. Newport Heights 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with dovble garage. This home bas a complete 1 bedroom apartment in the rear. suitable for ~ged parents or guests. Full price is $15,5<10. ~k for Hodgkinson ' p. a. palmer incorporated ~ ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 Peninsula Home! THIS ATTRACTIVE 6 bedroom. 2 bath h ome h$!! eye appeal. pu111a a ppeal Mid heart appeaJ ... l•foal tor large family,. Mod· em too, 'A11 h Ocr1rn view from 11r.st;dr.s bedrooms. Sl!J,600, - $~.000 tlown. Bill's Best Buys Houston ·Values WE SCOOPED ANOTHER ONE II Choice- Harbor Blvd. Largl', well buil t 2 bdrm., home a nd 2 txlrm. cottage on ren - Excellent for profu aton&I ot· BALBOA ISLAND HERE 11' IS -Bay view. 2 unit., 4 bedrm. home, l ·bdrm. apt., home Ir apt. have view of bay. Shel· tered patio. Qu&lity con1truction. Apt. ·furnished. Home put.ly furnished. New In 1948. In be&uti.tul condition, $10.000 down. Owner · will cu ry balance for qu&litied buyer. CHOICEST BA YFRONT BUYS BAY FRONT HOUSE Ir APT., No. Bay. Beautiful beach. $10,000 down, balance easy. BA YFRONT, LJTrLE ISLAND -60 tt. bay front· age, pier A float. • bdmu. Superior conatruction. A good buy! DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luxury home and income. $M,OOO. WATERFRONT -2 auperior unit.a. 3 bdrm., 1 ~ balha, fireplace DOWN; 2 bdnna. 2 bath• UP. Bay view from upper deck. $4:5,000. Submit down. ISLAND COTl'AGE -Dble. garage. Fireplace. Reduced for quick aale ! 4 BDRMS., 234 batha. New furniture. North Bay mooring. Shows excellent income. $24,950. Cott.age near South Bay. 3 bdrm.a,, 11,-2 bat.hi, f1n. place. lary living room. Attractive patio. TWO UNITS nr. 89. Bay ~.2bdnn. hOUM "6 1 bdrm. apt. Beamed cetllng•. A little paint will do wonden. ~ down -$22,MO. DEsIR.ABLE •· bdrm.. mulU-bath home. Qom to beach, $2~,000. SEE US for BEACON BAT and BA YBHOREI p&<Jp9tlil. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 177~ -Eves. F.dith Maroon HYatt ..em J ohn Macnab, H&rbor ~9. 22:5 Marine Ave., Balboa laland 'no1T Balboa Home This is an ideal summer or year round home 1 with Guest Qt'rs.! The last home like. this sold in less than one week. Exceptionally large 3 bedroom with service porch and double garage. L iving room, Dining room & Hall Carpeted, clo<'k controlled t hermo-beat, exhaust fan a nd loaded with extra closet.a and 1'aneling. Full price only $12,950 with excellent financing. f ices. Owner deinand11 quir k ac· ---------------------tfon. A11kln~ $21,000. Submit for the executive with a large fa mily $88,000 ExcE LLEx T LOCATION. m-Ar Bay and Orl'an. 2 bt"(!room hqme NEED MORE ROOM with a delached gu~t r oom with your dOYo'll a nd terms. Lo~ely 3 Bdrm. NEWPORT HARBOR REAL TY J im and Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 CORONA DEL· .MAR THIPLEX. Finest so of Hwy. lociition. Fully furn. for t0p summ<>r and yC':trly rents. Asking $~5.000. EZ t('rms -Income carries. 2 for 1 Pair of rlnplrxe11. (.l units) :? full Jots. $295 per mo. income. N<.'wly decorated. S27,500 full price. $5000 down. BALBOA ISLAND OL'T~TANnJNG art. double garage and guest room •in rl'ar of lot. Room to bmld in front. Owner says Sell ~ MURIEL M. PINOVER, Realtor 2604 Nrwport Bl\'d .. -Newp ort Beach f.~asy Parking Harbor 4610 A Pair of Winners Duplex -2 B.R. ea .. fireplac-f.'s. HDWD fl rs .. good heat. Dbl. gar. All in gootl <'On<lition ao<l in handy loc-at1on. BC'low rep'! cost (11 $16,500. 2 units -: bdrm. & tl r n homC', Hnwo firs .. 2 fire- places. 1 ~. rr>0ms, 11lus 2 BR. ll}'t . on r dbl. pir .. on II{. Int. Couldn't dup'I for $26.500 -Pric<'d at only S23.500. . R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast H~..y .. Corona del ~far Hnr. 2774 bath. Both fllrn111hl'r1. Car-.geJt, too. l t <'OFt ~ nothing to 11ee It •.• caU lo<lay, $17,MO, term11. Bay Front Duplex! BALBOA LOCA'MO:'\ 2 J:>drms In e11ch unit. 1-u rnlshe<t. 3 car jttu·a~!' F'lrl'plar es, 1u n1lrrks & f'l!'r. !'llcrd:< I\ Ill t le !ntln,' marbe. but lnok at the prlre, $3i ,:IOO. tenns. We h a,·e a Cull acre, with three homes on rear of On Costa Men St . built by South lot. Room for a nice home on front. Income at pre-c.:oa,:t w<th 8 4'• G. I. loan. Low down and s:.7.:54 on balance. sent is $240 mo. This property is close in with all This Is an excellent buy for units hooked up to sewers. F. P. ~22,500 willl SlO,i~o. ·• , $7,500 down. D I 1 b "d up ex, r. ea. sa e WORTHWHILE w AITING FOR ___ Cloae-ln. only six years old, on ,New 3 & 4 Bedroom homes with 2 Baths. Possession SepL 15th. All improvement.a are in & paid. Choice of colors if you act now. Starting at $9,375 with $375 Down. 11ewer1.<. neat corner lot on alJey , tlble. gar. Only $9800, Owner needs 11ct1on. worth aeelnc thl.8 one For e\'e. ln!or. on above, LI. 8·11487 Corona del Mar Dupfex! \\'E n o :-.;·T H A VP: 'Er.r O\'ER W. A. TOBIAS Steady Income thP1e unle:cs 1tiey're goo.I Thl11 and ASSOCIATES, RE ALTOR (Jne Is motlern nml r 11tr , 2 UPd· room home \\Ith llt'f'IH8lr l b<'d· "you'lJ like OUr f riendly Service'' '"°"' a pt. ov<"r a 2 car gnrage. 393 E. 17th ~t., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 f "l!'se t o 11hopping. PerfPr t fl)r _______________ __,,-....._ ___ _ 11omc with Income. $18,1500. lt'rn1•. Bay Avenue Home! ~AS1' BAY AVE::->l'E ..• rlotJe lo town. Attractive lttlle plare with 2 •, h·•'1rMms e nll heavy f11mlt\lre lnl'lll'll"r1 J.1,.ul bPach home ••. only $ u.~oo. H .1500 •lov:n. Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Bank or Amerlr& Rou C retley M-1 Lot ~ Duplex on rear -room to build in front. In strate· gic Ne\\'POrt location near t he bay. We believe this to be a real. value at $14,500. With goo~ terms. THE VOGEL CO. ' 3201 W. Co&Bt Highway Liberty 8-3481 Al C<•m t llus • E1l v e --- Jack l'inkhem Josephlnl' Wr bb 700 F.. RnlbOR. Rlvd .. Balboa T'hnn .. Hnrbor J :?ii. Lots Bullrllng sites ar" scarre, prices go1ni:; up. F:ILl!tem ovnwr aa.ya "3f"rtftt'c lot nt:'a r orean tor '21:>0 ; b111<lnes11 lot 30lh SI $4,· 0011. ocNm "'°"L lot, Jut one a va lla ble. $8.000. Channel Front Vara11 .. n hnrne on the w atcrfrC1nl. SI ;i,9:,0. )1•\\'c>~t prtC"rd one now S:l :.00 rlown. Oltt••r ~ n \«Hlable 11t hlJ: h~r pm r11. Sea u11 for m ul- t1pll' llsllni;a. N.B.C. Realty 32nll anrl ?'\t\\"J>Orl Boulevard Newport Reach Har. H O!\ 452 East Broadway PRICE $15,000. Prospective buyers of a 3 bdrm. home i;bould ee. this one. Perfect condition t h roughout. Large liv- ing rm . Fireplace. 1 bath with stall ahower, 2 car garnge. Call Liberty 8-2664 (Eves. Llberty 8-7056> EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach , 74ci 6 OCEAN FRONT Very nice 3 bedroom, 11 4 bath home on a large lot. ·Lovf.'ly view. good neighborhood. Comfortable place for the family -either year round or for summer. Room for add'l units. Truly the best buy on the ocean (ront at the present time. F ull Price $21,800 M·I Lfi:A~P:n F ACTORY 0 :-l J'l,ACENTJA :-: .. a r 20th St. 631.; x 21l0 to 20' alley with 2~00' l't,.cl bid~. Only SI!\ 000 total r rlcc. Hu llJ>«U· la th·e fll turl'. M-1 81$ x H 5 on Placentia ·Ave., al 20th. /\. ":"cw Hot Spot. $12.1500 2!1'r fluwn Hurry. • Fur evP. Info. L I 8·Z:rt2, Lytle. Houston Realty Co. & ASSOCIATES :'100 Cenlrr SL Co~t.a Me&a LI 8·61111 LI 8-7784 CUFF HAVEN Three bedroom. 2 bath. bwd nra., lare-e dbl garage. Elect Ther· mal.lor kitchen. Room for swim- m ing )tool. View ot ocean and bllJa. $29.1500, terma. Balboa Peninsula Four bedroom, 8 bath, 2 nrtplac•. Cooc1 f arnlly home. Only $215,· !IOO fum lshed... WE ALSO have excelle:nt buy1 In b • a c h cottage.•. permanent homM 6 Income property. Coast Properties 801 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 28151. 2~97 and •e'oo. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Bl\'d., Newport Beach Har. 2313 Bay -Sandy Beach -Permanent View 45' Water Frontage P 1l'r. flotH &r boat plt11 beach LIDO ISLAND 915 W. Bay A\·e. cotta .. ". $\!l '\00, T erms, 75c76 This l.'NL'SL'ALLY ATTRACTI\'E he-me is an out· s1anrling buy. Thrre a re 3 brlrms. and plenty of baths. Nice !ir ing room , lge. dining"h'n, BBQ and nn 1tdditional dr n. WC'slern H1lll~· l~itchf.'n . Large plantro patio. You will likl" the i:'ltrrcsting dC'cnra· tiona. Out of town owner 111\va .. ~ II, A~k ingS32.500. OPEN DAILY l -5 P.M. BALBOA ~A Y PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd .. 1\ewpurt Benc-h. Har. 51S8 SJ,200 Down $65 per month 1 2 acre and 2 bdrm. home. -Drive by 300 \'irtoria lhl'n c,all {o SN'. $6,850 Full Price Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Ev.erson 1S56 Newport Bird. Costa Mesa • (across from Costa Mesa Bnnk) Phone Ll S-6i61. I::n s .. Har. -1366. Ll -:!103 Costa Mesa l ·R R. & rlhl<' garllge. S73!\0 2-R P. ~ic~ Int. $1;9:)0 3 B. H. Like Ol'W • .•... $9~00 $1000 ['l\\"X . Homer E. Shafer REALTOR l<.le :'-fr f'addrn Place Al ::->e\\l'M l P lt>r H,ar IH) Ev!'. Har. l l3i·M LIDO ISLE HOME TO BE AUCTIONED!' I GARQEN CLUB PRIZE WINNER See this beautiful 3 bedroom and den Cliff Haven corner home for yourself. Will be open for your in· i;~ction from 1 :30 • 4 :30, Sund11 y, JuJy 10 tb only. The address is: - 621 Cliff Drive Don't forget to bring your checkbook. Wht'n .you &ee 1t, you'll want to buy it THE VOGEL CO. By rourt tird'r Una • bdrm . 2 3201 W. Coast H111th•·ay Liberty 8-3481 b11th lunl~· home on 68 !L !Cit ---------------------With w to w c&rpetmr "'·1U M eut u onr<I on prem.i."ts. Jul'' 18 10 11 m. Pnr lnfcorm11tlnn <Ir a1>- p1 !nlm,nt 1,, .~,.e c11ll Hnr !'IZ12· "~ Np;~ ~! 1~~ 11•·11 y .. 11 r ul.l 3 h!lrm. hnu,.,.. t.1~ lhru·oUt. llltHJs.-npl"'I. FHA l"nt.~ I.<'\•• pll) ment• JPSoSJ. 2(li3 X a ttonaJ, (""1<ta ){ f'IUI ":6p78 Lido 45 ft. lot nn Menton<'. 113,000. Hu bor 022l. ikil Corona del Mar Home of unusual charm on bE'aut.Uul Marguerite Ave. Sunny patio can be enJ•i"yed from Livinc room, Ju tchen and bedroom. H~d. n ocri, beam ~Ilinp. ri~plllt'e, 'W"lt b \Oll ID aatin·finiah ttdwood p&DV· ling, 2 fumRC8, dble. ,,~. A qulltJ bomt! hnmediate ~oa.. ~ .. at - ST AN SMITH, Rea~or 26(7 E . Cout Rwy .. Coron.a dd Mar. Har. S22 7Sc77 Be>Autlful 3 bedroom home wlt.b 2 bath11. FlreplaC'e. Dlahwuher, Ga rb&&• Dlspoaal, wired for Electric Ra.net., l.Andteaptd. Ap- prox. 2 1~ year1 old. Locat ed on Pta.uo Lid<>. Th11 111 a top quality home. See t.bla. COSTA MESA. 4 n..drv>0m11. 2 belhll. Juat 8 monlhA nld. l ~ eq. fL n1ro com er loL r ..111 pnce 1 12.11~0. Good terma. COSTA MESA J8000 buya a ntce 2 bedTQOm home, tl\At 111 Ju•t 2 bfoc ltl from the prnrt'"'" All Am,r1l'&J\ ahopplnr t#nt H Tiii• I~ a f nod home, ~ .ur. t~ -tht•. terTl'lt can t>. &IT&ll I ..i - LOW PRICED LIDO LOT We have exclusively listed a Via Cordova lot and we believe that It is Lido Island's most reasonable lot at the full price of $8,000. · 9 We invite you to visit us to discuss our 11Lido Realty Exclusi\fe Li.stings" Lots & homes center & Bay Front. We have them. Every price range. Our well experienced Lido staff as- sures you of a sound purchase. LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES W. G. (Bill) Keropton * Joeeph H. Grohman* Virginia M&.nBon * Gene Vreeland • (Lido Island'• most experienced aale1 penonnel) 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Across from Ricb&rd'• ll&rket) 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 sq. tt., forced air beat, hardwood noon, nr.. place. Real pluter. Large picture windows, natural hardwood cabinet.I. Phone for app't. to eee ov model hr• MARSHALL HOMES 20 Years Building in Orange County Klmberly 7 -3293 Liberty MOTi TOC881l BALBOA ISLAND · A SUMMER Bargain Sharply reduced -4 bedrooma, 2 bath1, Lup yard. Dbl. garage. Completely furnilhed - $26.500 -: OPEN HOUSE -JULY 9 • 10 -11 to 4 " 128 Opal 2 bedroom Jmoclrout - furnished -choice location -with room to build - '17,950.' D 0 RI S BR A Y, Realtor Phone .Harbor 20 --Days & Evenings Nona. Hyer Clarence Lake Chet Sallabury 21& Manne Ave., Balboa laland T ra~~n' Today? LIDO Exchange tine waterfront home with pier .tr 1Up, 3 bedrooms, 3 batha. Value '55,000 for smaller home to $30,000. To 8M 1t' BUbm.it, call the- ,,OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. <at Port Ora.np) Newport Beech LI 8-7~2, Har. 51.M ev•. .. PAGE 8 -PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JULY 11 , 1955 I !Swartz Testifies in Pause,.- ( ) kt'' t11<"t<'T11 111 the (Tilnd jurv'• 1 •c1dru11 (!!tahr'a t.far1cl'tL T!I• r,1111 ni.ng an 1nJ1ctmt'nt again•l nlf·•alr h1'Pn~ '"'"" nw, ... ,1 t<> t h-- thr dtf••nd•nu :.'l 1:1 lt\l'Atl"n "lthuut a 1·h1111jle 1n I NB POLICEMAN REPORTS ' THEFT OF 3 PISTOLS Takekoshi Conspiricy Trial Tht p n'8tl'Utll\n a rcusf'J the cl•'· thP "l'rhr11t11•n ~"••ti. ""' rtl•r.' ff'nJ anla l\I un<l.,rha.nd dt'ahng• 111 of thl' Nf''>'f'llf l llr 1,:llh l1 rtic1t1on t r11nllfttr1ng a Japa ntst·· A mf'rfl an P 1111 rl<'l, """' " p10,.11•11111111 •·IC· f'A:->TA A="A 10C:'\1'1 --One JrN typetl the ll'lter but th11l he,11quetr tu· .. n11t to the Harbor BlvJ nui< ot the t1ci.. whn·h Ire! tn the ln· hJd ~•gn .. J 11 • Public hur ini;: of the prop<>at"d Three -old PL~tols were l&k· 1 tlu tmt'nt CJ! A1 t1111r Gordon E ld· Tht' lf'lttr to the Sanla An11 en from lhe 1;un colll'dron of ,,. I. Ii• 111.nn l'.lll•t' r1nol Takeo Ta· Rua r,1 c•r F:quahu11011 t'r111ml'd M e ' Public Hearing on Short Cut Freeway Slated routl' CJ f a :1hun rut freeway W ilham H. Trust''· 1:?4 1\18· k k h S t S t link1n1 Orang .. County to P omona , I ,. 01\ I (Ill " ('lln •pll lll'Y lo ob· th.-('1111111 ,. bn•r d nf fllJ'!'I \'llollrd I ar10 s mar e via th• Brra C'anso-n, will be lUI Ave., re.w.en·e police o!b.cer 111t1uct JU~lt<'t' i.:h&ri!•' w11s ~t'fUt1'<1 ...-t In motl<'n 11 l'ounty w 1rl" ~\rt'tl h<1W m tb t Santa Ami CHY tlall. "'1lh t he New1>0rl Bu<"H !'fl· taom tht w 11n.ei.. i<trrn~ \\ ,•dnts· number s~·sttm. ·Brt>111u of C'ot1ta I "'"·ln~rtay, It hM1t l>..,.n announ-It« dt>paftm.,nt.. &e<'ord1ng to 1ll11v bv Arla•• s" a1 u. <.;o1<ta r.~a l\lt'i<><'• rapii.l i.:row lh. lht aup.>r· a fltl<t report rlltd by Trustv. l <'II v r ltrk • t .. th b n•.J by the ~rH tr P 11•111Jrin of H igh· · · ,,sors t,.,. .. ., t num .. rrng ir1111 H • w;1 v14 Saturdt1y. I An O\'t"ll nl'I In t hP J::llllld )Uf'\' the )ftpll oC '"" 1·u,.t;,1 M l'lll\ Wlllt•r air The no>w rr .. l'W8V roltte "'h"n He aald a vdndow In hil\ Jml1ct111tnt rl'turtwll 11,::aan.111 1hr 1•0111f'l11n1o•s. A l'•.influ11ni: 111t111Lt1<1n Fashions buJlt will gn atly •·X)Wdale travel g11rage wu brvk"Cn bt>lw<•rn drrn1d1tnt~ 1·h11 1 i:l'<I th111 El<lt>rd l t'\'<Pl<'l'•"I. aN·ortltni; to Swartz' 11 0111 lhi: :-; .. w pu n Harbor area tu June 1!> and July 8 whlle ht hn•I· fol"$?'t'<i tlwa ru' 111:n1H11rt to h•ll• r whk h wu J1ll<'•I April 30, 1nl11nd r1l1""· .lo~rorn N!'wport thl' wu on hill vacation. Th!' g un•. 11 l~ttf'r. 1 Hl!i;1, 1 ttu\e w ill be 11v111lablr by travers· two .3~ callbtr antique pis· Ht: i-w s t:n u~:TTt.ll I ThP raty rh'1 k'.11 ltuer , wn ttt•n In 1ni: 111lontl ovf'r l ht' !'11•11·por1 F ret· tol.s 11.nd ont' 22 calibe r J!<'tnf· 1'wnl't7. lll\~.,11 t,f \\',,1111,.,~!I&\' F:I· r aitl<lllAr rer"1"11''!' t•• J ohn N11k· \\!IV 111 tlw Srt11 l1t Ana Freew11y antique plsto~ were t.akt'n um• s liquor l<lu1<' on Harbor Blvd , .wd th• tu" on tr1 rh" Hr .. a Canyon· from a woodtn box. I .. xplarn1• I th11t It lht' t1111:1n11l 1111111· l't•nl11m1 F111•11•11,· 11•1111 Chaprnan •1r" 111 thr prO•'t'<l!I o r b<'lng tQUtp· llPnni: "·'" loll••W•'•'· lh" ;>;oknno \\'"""'' """r the Or1tnge county '!'rusty aalu 18 prslol11 and I l"'tl ' .1d1ln~s \\O\aid b·1 Zlill If th<' n.·w 11 .. ,1111111. 16 rifles &re 1n the collectton J ttt:.\l. Ot:AL. sy11tt'111 w .. 1" utt'•I !'\ak11n0•11 i<•I· \\'lw11 c11111plrtell lhl' proposell Anil h<"r••s th<' d<'O.l Milli.'r Chi'\'· 1lrt>l!.• w .. ulol be 211!1 fll'W r'rt> .. 118V \\'tll 1un rnln11d from BARGAIN rolrt "'II h.-r111J Sf'\'t'll r;>nl'4 I'• I <>l'l-:nT A('T l"TRIC'Kt:~ th•• ~Jilli.I ,\Ill\ ).'111 Wiiy Wht>rel n11lt', u alh •'llHIOnlt•I' 11f "· tt"') 111111•~ 'J'h ~ ., ·• " <' 11\'<'t l .t< t \\as .. 1 r11 k••fl r.. .. m 1J11,.1ul :-111•1'1 •• 1l,.•t 1n~·I to tPrm· rt"r mo nth. The cars \l'IJI be rt· tht' ln•hl'lm .. nt b"fCll t' 1 hr 11191 m.1t•' p111nll1 I '" 1'1111•nt1a A\'I'. M p 1• flll'll""•t aft•r ll'l'l'hn" ttppt ·'XI· ti k esa 0 Ice ' ~ "' v ,.tl\.Ui.' Sl'I"'" W('t' a """ Ho•Wl'l'PI Fu I• rt• fl. • 1,l Hf th" < llY of Bl CA• \"Pl\1 Whit h.-1·1·r {'1111'\l'S flr"I l"nder Hun ntz. !he ll't was Ont• tJf lht' lid 11 " n tl.e • H ' •If I 'lilt .. nua a.nd I ni11tely 30.1)00 rmh·s. or ;>Vt>t y 11·cor ding to r•"fr""'-' Counol'I ~111x •\ hnk 1" )'t • f'" n l tu r unn1·et tn lhc st'l·UJ'. i\11JI, 1 t "h"' r1olt'I furn· •~1 Hah1a an.J 1h .. n1·r t11 \\'hltlll'r. Patrol Cars I'"""" C\'l'r)thmg ft''Jlltrt»I by the l'h1 111ut•· ""1111 t11 rnlnAt .. inland autos. from j:,i..ulanl' 10 w.1sh J•'"~ " 1 h • Jllfll 1111 • "11 h thl' P 11mnna Mc-Kf'nz1t rr1>dll'll'd "\\' p'JI p1 ob· DEATH NOTICE nn • !'.111 lk1 msrdllH• 1-r f'rW&y. 11bl~· bt' ):Pt tmi: " replnr • nwnl fnr (, I I I th 0 P D I IUA :\l.\E KASACi\' • ll \' 11" """ lflll WI rn lllllj(f' rove ea 0111! or two l'llf!I t'Vt'IY !llX months" (', llllt\' 11 II J ,. lht' ,.i1h)<'l'l of Mr" Illa M8P K11n8"\', !17 llll'tl I •·ot·K l 'Ans "· I \\ • .fn• '"" 1 's rrnblr« lwurrni:. a c· J uly 8 HI h<'r rr111 .fr n«•'. 2:11 ~:ut '"' 11111-: l 1o l-:dwr111 I T T ilford. C:<Jsta Mesa Pulicr Chit'( Art \\'ht•n thr lht•'" "flt•·•t patrf\t 20th St., CMta Mt .. 11. 1'1tf' wu11 of1•t 1" r h1;.ol11' ,,. •'"~Ill··•·• c lne 1 Mc Kenzie anti ·m .. m~rs t Ui t·11ris go 11110 11ervkt', McKt.'nZIP bo1 n in lllmms 11nd h111l ll\'l'•I 1n I ln1 putt11111 1u111!11\ll Ctf the pro-1 . 0 •j s11111 1111t> n( lht• rur1,.nl l1lac·k-an.t t'111<tn M esa ft•r 18 \'l'llr ~ Shr 111 ''''"'" 111·11· 11t•1·11111· \\11llld be a city counnl b•·lle\'e they've comf 11\•hit~ pslttll sutos will be trade<! ,,11n •1ved by 11 daui:h 0 \1•r, MrM F:r· 1·nn111·1 t1 .. n with ~'lllrf'ntln which up• with an a ulo b1u~11in that·,. I ror "'JU1µ11wnt roi· 1<nolhl'r caly de· nrn Sm1\h, <•!t he homr 811<11'4'"'~ • u I p1··~·11 t IK bHol ly ~rrvl'd by high-hard to bea t. A rr:rnl(l'fl\Pnts h11vt' pu rtmcnl. The dl'pllrt nw nt'"' 1'1 c11m· s1st l'r, !\Ir~ .A llrt l"t1r haril,.1•n o r 1 ""•·''"· been c•ompleletJ wh1·rpby · Mlllt•r rolllt l'd vel11rlt' will b" turnrd ovt'r Yuba C'lly ; H brotht't. ;\lyrun J\111;:, Chevrolel of lhl' Hnrbt11 area w lll to tht> !Ire 1lrpertnw11l for URI' by of Gle11dt1k St•rvtces will bf' hl'h.I MR. by MARIO formerly of Pasadera GRAND OPENING Saturday, July 16th One Month "Get Acquainted Offer" $25.00 Deluxe Permanent . $15.00 " . . . for Shear Delight come to Smart Set ... " 22 New OCC. Instructors turnlsh I.he Mua polrcl' df•)'111rt-fo"rrc Prrvf'nt1on Offrrl'r HRlph Ll'r, r Tut'tlday 11t :l p.m . rn B11ltz Mor- ment with thrr<' r111rol c11ri1 o n 11 "Thill n11•Rns thl' Mei1e .1.-part· t1111r~'. Costll Mrsa C'hapel wllh rental basis. menL w tll ha\'e f•111r car 11." Mc· tbe RC?v £w1ng Hudson of St. An· "OnP new car may be ready to-Kenzie aaitl, · rnclll(,llng lhP lhrt'e I drew·a Prtsbylw l11n Church offl· Corona del Mar 3407 E. Coast Hwy. . ._. ~1104 l(OAU l'UOl'OSALS Two extensions of Freeways rn Orangl' County that will improve access to the N•·wport Hnrbor area and inland cities are due for airin~ in the ~anla Ana City H all July 13. The heavy. tfottcd line on t he map pictured above shows the Bres Canyon-r omona cut off from the Santa Ana Free· way ut Chapman Ave. This r oute. if extend~ seaw1trd. would connrct with MacArthur Blvd .. '\'ia Main St. in Santa Ana. This r oute would also make acces& to Pln- c· .. 1111a. Hru1 :iml La Ha bra much simpler for Harbor :an·:1 p•·r!,nts Elementary Schools to Espouse Better School Safety Program I 5!!,,.,!~~ew J.~~•m· bu~ h,,,,. bet'n 11ppumtt'd tu po- ,.111on11 at Orani;:e < 'na-.t C"ollege 11ur 1!15.,.:.r,, th .. lsri: .. s t number tu )0 111 lhl' rarulfv 1'111('('! the yt'ar 11hv 1nM1lutl1'n W8l' fn11ndt'd In 111411 He>H.hnir VP thl' student per- i.onn"I "' r v11 •'~ \I 111 b,• 011• Don· 111•1 I': l'l'hfkl', l" .. ~ .. ntly a «lin- wal II•\'< 11ul•1g1~l wrth th,• ner11rt- mt'11l 11f Hru llh !nr thr Slalr of l•IHhn. fllher < 111111h,•lm" 11dJ1l1ons Hre Strph<'n l~t!IH', former 11c:hool l'".Yd111l111:1i<t In 'lnrl.'mnnt with an lit A. f1 111n C"lur .. mnnt Graduate S1·h11ol: 01, J 11ne Mat.~nn, p11ychol- 01:1i.t an I cu11nst•lnr frnm F.a1<l Cont rrt C'C111ta J unrnr ('ollei;e. and Rubl'r l P.. \':il••ll, rnrm"r c:oun- ><l'h•r Al S11l'rame>nto Stnll' Col· :-;,.w IPl'hnoloey 1n11trut'lor11 w all bt• W ilham Poore U\ petrul· 1n lc11111 t•, hnoloi:r . formerly a t H1u1tmi:tu11 U('och High School; IC. nnrth t; llnrn~ bu 1 l d 1 n•g tr111l1 it. ll J11urn1 ),nan rarpenter fror l<t'Vl'n )'f'A rs, ll"''ln J . KOJ.!l\n, rlrl'trnn1r-1 an I m 1th«'m at1r11. for· lll<'r M\1IAr t r1 h11tr111n Wllh thr l'.S \ t F• 11 r unol A nthu11\' J Sulh•, 'h• <'l nwtnl, 14 yra ri; 11 11hc-"l mrl· E nlnq;rnwnt ••f t hP "h11 .. 1 l'l1f• • l!'\''io l':\mpa11n1 for Sllfet v of 1·h1l-I· •:ii :JCHll n•} man l•·n he h1w1111: l:llhl'n';I lhl' h ill In the nrw firlll of x -ay tech· whaeh pr0\·1d• ll 1 .. r dn\'lni: m-nol11i;1". in•t 1111 tm >1 will lw Mrs. !II rm t1on Jn ha~h "' hnola whu h h:ill l'i.ulan,.. H •t1t ••nol llf1 "· C'rt?nl\yiPve llo'l'n '"' ~1uri-••s,ru1. ll1 l'ord1ng 111 ~1.<1 tin, ~t1• H"1t I~ fl TP$:1lllered l y pr<>i.;r.11n 1• ,.., • n "' t• "ult 11r 111 i;11111.-: or An 11 •, ,,.r1ttr11 hy A•· 11rmhl~111An F.111 \\' ~I •Ilk\' nnil Jl'll~~tt h.\' t!i1• .,,·,n1 l11 \,!1!ilsttun-· Jt •~All" for !'-t'• 1 Ld ••rt J'ha,."1'4 nn ln.str11111un 111 "'ll• IV Ill 1 l .. 1111·nt111y llC'h••l•I~. rnth··· 1h1n II h•&n l! pri· murily dt \ol•·d 111 H\'t 1d.1th'f' nf hn1.nr•l1< "" ~t n•rt~ 1rn I hl)!'hw11y~. 111< ii l<r h11ol RUlh<1nt1• ~ x-1.11· ,,., h1111 rnn """ l'Xf11'rlenre ----:11 Chi! 'r"n ~ ll•"f'•t-•I in Lo~ Ang· 1111~ 1~ 11. '••111111111111111 of Stnn- New Officers Added to Mesa Police Force A pr<>onl rn• nt of (II,• r.1·" n rf1· t'PtJli lo t 0>-t:l f\t~ .. ;-t p1t)t\ (' (11rf't- 1llld Uf'lf• t 111t1c n !• •r th1, ,. 11.i.1111fl11· Ill rHtrol r'\rlt WA.I' anllOlll11'1'ol J lll1" :in h\' r'<'lll ,. c'h10(. ,, r 1 ~t k • n· 711' Th· ar .... m t n.rnrs Hnof pt•ll· flthlr l•!llill 1.f YthHl••ll ""II' llll•• !'ffr<"t .1111v 1 •an 11'r th•• t!l',·,.~r. 11,. r1tl hll•IE'"l HJ'prm•• t1 ;\l•ln•tll\' nh;ht b\' ~!•»~• r 1• y r n11nr1I Th,. llP\\' r11t111lm1•n Il l• \;lrn n 1-: \\'nlk!'r. 3ri, 2:J!•ij Or· 1111~" t\\r ; ~:Inn O. l..0\'1'111 :1 1, 67f• 1·~n1rr St IA'l'h<' J llRlll"•n. 2r. 2••:.?t I ~-H.1rvtt'w. :::Onntn Anll H,.1~) I.•, Ba\ll'll Glrlnn. :12. 21fl F:1111·1rw l 'l;1••'. Hnrl 1·11r l !I ;'\i>I· ..,n, :in. "' 21.'~ R11r11 J LRnt• Crego_ Turns Up Safe in Wilmington R..tlf'vNI missing w h. n h e Cnilr•l tn rel\l rn Mnn1l;iy na)(hl &ftl'r hP ~n1IP•I l•l U1~ A ni:rl"" lflu 11' r lo .,,,, I h•• ~tan nf ttw T r.1n•p:trrf11' \'a1 ht R.'1• t', F'IO,\'ol C'1.-i:;o 173 flrl ~IA! .<:[ • < 'oior a Mo•sa. rPtllrn"•I In r hr II arbor T uPiotla ,., Tiii' t• ~. ('"a!<' <;11111.t ".111 rilrrl•' • t" !'('lit• h for tht' m11n 1n h1~ :?l·ft l')(lOJl, B• ''"riv Ann. 11 h,.n hr d11l nut rrturn Hr Wiii' fuun•I lht!' 111o1rnrni:; M (r n ll mnt1n :is: nl \\"1Jmwi:-t11n. fl,• t"l•I Rulhnnt r.-~ hf' h•lol 11 h.<1•1 1 rml' f111<1aniz mnonni: 1 or 1 h•• Ill!! 111 rn \\'1lmrni::tcin an•I "h••n hi' •h•I hP 1flll11<1 tJlP dt•('k ti lo phnn• !llll .. r nrdr r ;o.;111 hnvm~ trnn.•rur 111- 1111n, hi' wa..' 11nebl1' to nn11rv )11,. fom1l.\' n! h111 whPrPllhf'UI:< . Crri:-n iM a famlhRr f11<1J1 c 11\ ;>;o•wpmt Hnrbor, M.llrnr;r 1·1·trv d11 \" wtlh ·h!1t ri•d corkPr <In)(. R111icJy .. DEATH NOTICE :'lfRS. A~S A \\ t;Bt:n / '''"" M1 i< ~!111 tln 11·11 .. '"' rnrrly l'rn 111•1r11•t"1 111 t h" l.11ngll'v P n(· I t•·r 1·111111', l'nt1•rr,11y or f'nhf • 111·11111 I "Tur.•:nr:i: ~T.u-·•· l1h~•11·:il .. 1u1 .1llr111 ~111rr add1l 1onll "'•' !'tunn K. lnn1.10. forrnrr h11;.k,,fhAll r t•ll•h 111 f;11n•n Ana c '11llf',i:t•. Mn1t Huth .. ~ Me~on, pr!'· n 1111•h· r tll)'ll•\'l'll 11( ;\Jrnlv-Ath!'r· I'"" l!a·h ~ h""' 11nr1 1'11n11ho11 lltth s. 11 .. , I. lllt\\l<lf Two n• 11· 1n,1 n 11 t "r~ h11 , . ., ~"" 11dJPtf in h1 ,Jh i. .. m,. rrn1111m1ri< antl mu<<' \Ir• ;\!inn 11 •IJ'Pr H ut rh· rn•on fnr .. 1·1 n '" 1r-i nn rni<lr11c- : .. r "' ll1111toni•lnn R1 ·•• h H1i:h f;, hnul h •• h. "'I A•lth•rl t11 thl' h11n1" ,.. •u,n1 ..... ,1rr·i.tr tmrnt ""' I• n)! w 'h ;\ta-.~ l!ulh i-;111mb. ;\!I'll li:lun h l.1111 J,,.,..n 11 hn1111· r«nnnm111t r"r A 1 mo11r f.t ('n " hnm" 11c-rv1ce th•·., .. , , .. r '"" !'• lll tlr GA• rn. nn·I 11 '""I • hr nu•I for f'ar tfJ<" 1-·,., d 1'111 l•u l' I Th•• rkw 111&hl• m•tn 1rt l)r11 Arr .l.11111•!< !' 1-'1t11:1•r11l.t. l'!llf\loyrd for l h•' 1111,t '"'" \'f';lr14 HI thP Hnrllr(' 1-'n•ll(n ~. 11 .... 1, 1111.t Howarl! A 1-:.11· 1n1-r1u .. 1nr nt thi> C•"llll'J?" n< f;1111 ~tn1 ,..,·11 n1I l'nlnmnr Cnllt'lft, t''l;f:f,1"'11 AUUITIOS1' .. A•ld111nn• 111 t hf' 1-:n l:'ll11h o1r rmrt- nwnt tn1·1wlr Rnh!'rt R. F'orr~t. r,11r111n fl f;,·nn nnol P11tr1ri11 f'nynl' ..-orr•l hn• 11n MA. from I th" l 'nlw nll\' 11r Chi •i:'O nnd he11 Uf'l'll nn 1n•t 1 ncfnr Al \\'R..,hlnlftrin ~l11t1> l'• llti:<'. !-itolt w:i~ a pro- fr11.-111nnl I'll tnr "II I h(' !"1•w York r fl\lf 'f t ht a ppolntml'nll ~ l'IPw. l 1nc IJ 11 rt>pl11• 'ment ft>r CMrJ:"r ~t1'I r1>r-1I". "ho1 1''1 rnt ly r rturn. 11 t n 1 ... ,. Ani.:rlr!I t" for•' tnt11 p riv1H1• t-11•1n1'1<1<. All t hn>'f' 1111mrit 11re mrm hrr• o( thP r.•..rn · .. C•'f'l'~. Mrli• n7.t1 1 rr .. rtr1!. f>''unrml l'Pr\'ll't'll fnr llfr9, Anni\ l'l111:e 11n1l h .1~ H1111::ht drRmfl 11t th!' llf1 J\, nzio• "A~ !!• heolult•1I Thall!'· R \\'t•hrr. 67. nf l!l61 Chu rrh ~I. l 'nllrJo?e 1 f thP l'n1 1f1r, :'\!'W ;\fl'J(::. d A\' I•'" nr1•r w 1l h ~ltll••r C'ht'\'I ott>t t ·r,~1 11 ;\f P•a. will he hr lct tn 8\' Al rrn H 12hlsn1l.11 l'111\'Pr>1ty en'1 Tart rt',;:111 •tlll>. I\ l».t•l'·1t1·,ll I'll lh•• t hl • r j :10 r 11\ an lh• l'.1• kr'•·R•·ll• \• J 11111nr 1•11llt'i:"f'. ~IJM Pa.n1e l~r!­ pelr, I I or• 1\tl llt 1nn or thr!lr ,.,_ ;\f.,rtui.ry Ch11prl Th .. RP\', C-ha;. llQfl <l Wllh i:reat 01~:.nrtion from h lC"lrl' w1•11I I R" < t hr ~'''•• r<•ll• f' Ira F. H M u .-:!I 0((1,.111tt' ~ln.nfnnl l "n""'r~11 ,· th111 ytar I four ro:rt>I ('l\nt In All MMI. W rt.cor r[\"~"·t llWl'I\' S lit· Shr 1~ a T'ht B!'l8 KAppa 1\11'1 Wll5 In tiu.t.-:rt 11li\Ah~11 m11de by the ur.!11'· n lj?"ht •t h"r hnme Aft<'r 11n ••n th,. Nhtor111l 1t11rf or the Stan- ('OUn• 11. :'ll r K<'nt lt' 1, ... 1 """ ""r IU\d f'X lf'ndf'd tllnt11-• St'e Wll!I 8 n11tf\•p !••r·I natly. f we r 111 N'lmtn t'tetm Ole nln• offl· "' Lf>wt"'illf', Ohio. 11nd ram" to BU!l!nua e1lur11llon 1t 11rr addt· I Cen! &r<1 fnur r11r11 0t1j!'ln111ly ~ C'al•!o rnia In 1 !13~. S hi' h11d h\'t'd 11on1 &re F'r11nce11 M. Lawrence, tn the c.,mmunlty ff'r lhP put tnl'tMJ(lor 11t !'an F'rMrl~ro Stlllf'. 1 11\r•e _v!'ar11. Prev1out1ly sh• , .... ,..,. C"om r to n and l T~A .. ""d R11.mon f'd \n G lt'nd&le. Wa.-ham. ll'rOCtl"'' merrh11ndl11lng. DEATH NOTICE Mr11. \\'l'bn wu • mmiber ot Howard D. C'IArf1 ha. bN•n em- ----.-----------'• lh !' E\•llJlg't'Uca.1 Churc:t1 In Gf>rm11n rl11yo>1 IUI 1111 llrl 1n.,tn1ctor. ClllJlp I Cltv. lC>v.-11. I l~ th• 11ecrttary of thr Callfomta R'AU\' H F.I.ASE\' Survh 'tlr• are lllfWn d11uirbtera. Wetr r ("ol11r Rnrlt tv 11nc1 rc>-ordl- Gr1vr11i.tt IU'n '1Cl'll ""'rt1 M id Mmes. Ray GoodMill IUld Gwa N lr-nl\tor nf r'lrl for 11rr<inr111rv ll<"hOOlll Jul~' l 1 f11r 13111>~· J n,, ph r.l'Qri:te r nbt'rJo?. both ot CoJ1t11 Met111 : ~n In R11rbs.nk. . Delilli'\' who <111'<1 .l11lv 6 111 ~l • l'lnu1. R ov Mallo\•. Evn'(t t p,r. J0trr h I IMp1tnl H<' t8 s1tr\•11·"'1 t lnj!'tr. P:irJ H&nner. all of Jow11 by hi• 1111. nt~ ~I r 1111.1 ;\Ira. Jl'rRn· and \\'11l1llm LAng of :"\pbr11s1<11 . c1.1 f'l• l:inrr of f'11n Cll'ml'nf P 11.nd cin!' ,,..n, A lfrt'd E W!>bl'r of low.11. co ... ta ~lf'M Rtt"" Wf'r .. htld today 11.1'111 • llrothPr. Cl'lllrlNI RM t' nr -.-&I :l p m. 111 Hnly :;:, r 111thre C't>lnC· A r kansu. All!O 28 1'randch1ldtl'n t"n 1:.,,•7 ~!"' '•1111 ,. "r "'r··· ~ nr'l•l 1~ J:fl'l\t p11nolrh11ilr•"'. d<'l t ! 11 111._. 1h 1~r 11f llr r•ni;r· "• ·1· •1~ Hnl 1n1rrr-mrnt \\111 hf' mt'~t¥. ··"n•iuctt'd in Ge9lan C ity, lowL Parrish 'Caps Gone Th!'ft o f two ,huh t11r:1 from hi• 1954 11.uto wo rtported t~ police Junt 2!'1 hv Ch11rlP• O. Parrlah. ::?lfl Orrhl1t 0 Avr The rap11 we~ 11\k"n whale hi• c11r wu tn trontj ot tu. home. day," McKeru:lt reported. "Two on the lt u e ba11111," claung. Priv11te Interment, TILT-TOP IELT HIVE TAILE SAW Courtney & Lester 1596 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone LI 8-1197 PHONE TODAYI Special Operaton ,.,. 0.. o.tyt I PORTABLE SAW MITllS-llPS-CIOSS CUTS ~--------------------· : ::. !:'~.~MAI THIS COUPON I I I I I I I I I I -tt.e ce•p .... 7 IN-0Nf ()o.li.fc,.,, .. K SEm W~ f .. •"'' 139 U I wlll ,.., at 00 W""' -•II tt.. M l p•ice k '"oel a --nc._.. ........ -0 ...,._......_. ocoo . ~------------------------------------------------~lit-----. --------------,, ~ .. I