HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-13 - Newport Balboa PressI 12 · MiHion New Mesa Subdivision Honer and Spiegel Seek to Annex 200-acre Plot • i <IS!h Y~R -?'>.'tJ~IBER 110 ,r 1. I I I I I A n(>W subd ivision tei total 11b.-1Ul $12 million in value r was filcJ ~londay 11.fternnon v.·ith Dun i)ungan. Ccitita ~l cs:1 cit.v attcir11ey, by -Allison Honer Co .. uf !'anta A na and Ho1·t·n Spi<'g<'l Consltructjon Co .. I.or> Ani.;o'.'lf's. fur lltllll'Xilti.,11 to ---· Co~ta '.\lrs11 l"''"r th" ••llt•·r ,.f t l1" l'Jijt 11nol for r Tht• ~•Ill .. c1···~ Jr,.~ lwtw~•·n M:1r· "t"f" hull,!,ni.:~ 111"11~ H,,rb1,r Hh.t. bor Bl1··J. lln•I .... <lt\'I•""' /I I'"·· u11 -I T)I,. "l'l'li· .. 11••11 !"I .1nr1 .. XHlt"!t 1111'•11111•·1\' l•tlj••lr"Ut: \/1" 'IU!!il\" ho.• 11<',-ll fll<•'I \\llh lh<' <""linty S~n<lc r~ ;1J-ao•r ,. ttll• l ..:·tll< ho ln I UI U hull.,•!.11 \-o ,,""'ll~.'11'1' "'hu h Ill •'K· I~ ll"ll1•\li••l•·ly S••utll "' 1ir,,n>:"'l'••l1•.J \., 1 .. t '.\1""'•".\ H "n•r .'<aBt Cua,<t c'.,ll•g" T!l•· "''"");•· 111•.«l!I•· "~l'•'•t.'1 1h"-l 1! \\Ill luk" .. bout 21!1l Id'{ iel n11i.: both lla rboir llr\d '"'" '""11th11 to );• t tru· "!Ill• .~!ltlvn j'a1r\',.•w I •'"lllpld1 d ufhl th" f'lan,. l hr .. u>:n Jlroru !. wh11 ti .. L1::!1t !ht> land ltw 1•ln111u1i: ,•.,n1n11.•s1nn l•nd <'lly frr•m •:, .. rrir ("111•r•11 ••lid ]•I""' <'"lJl•ll Wll•n "''rk \\"111 1<\a1\ u11- l'•ll f,., 112z ~u11:I•· hn1t10·,. 11nd ~:! "'"d'"''·lr 1.,0u-1 ru.11"n itnt "Ill", n1ul\1rl" nrut~. n1ftk 1n:.: 11 t r111l .. r hf' ~"'" '" '" ,,.._ 1111n•Ut-rl by t h .. 8~11 hvl!•:: un11 ... Tlwr will 111! h" L .... An ~• 1,., !""'· ltir~ir·l:l••h"'•nl h(lnl<~ 11·1tti,. \'""i l'l.A~~ 1:t:·1· Sf>IJ bath~ ru1•l \\"Ill ~··!! /nr uh•>U! l'lllrt.~ f,., th•· l-l nrr>1y San,lirr1' Sl l ,(l{lll ,. "11. 1•lat \\"••tl' t•·n111tn'<·l.1· 11rr'r"'°"'I by 1"11H01"4ill\\'A l" 111 .. ('o,~ta '.\h·~g ph1nn1n:: 1n1nrnis. 11.\ltlll.U \\'. RJIJAl.I~"' All •I••• L~ 1n the nrw ~11 t,Jtt11·1-11.1 .. n '.\l••n.l~.1· 1 ·~hl. A~ anrH'l'llt\lnn tnn "'111 b•• ou !•·•·t l'>"ld•· ""''·ert 11 .. r th•' ~.i '" r'<'" w ill not !>re ·t"•m· 11JQ.ft w •d~ thrnu~hw~y bilt\.l't'"rl ['lo't•d 11nt1I :; .. pt. 1 fir»•! "f"llrl\\"fll Doane Better H11rb"t 111;.[ F 1<•r•·1r"· In r,.yit o! lrru111<>! h" nrn!" !Hllil !h"n. \\'h••n ::::,;··;,::' ;';:..:~.:··.~,~::·;::::~,:: ;::~:::,"::'·;;.;: ''" .,,,,,. ... '" ··-1 as Ridalls WATER SKIERS' AREA Arraigned EXPANDED IN NEW LAW. Upper Bay Ordinance Amended So Riders Get More Space 'Board' 'DOPE' BUYER TELLS UNDERCOVER ACTIVITY Sheriff's Woman Narcotics Agent Relates How Suspicion Fell on Her !J I K t1 i: I C••IU.I\' ~<>r•1••· ~·!•"• •n "'1 1·ron11'\' 111n1h,.t'~ •·~- P"'l"n• "" "" ro '"",. ;11.."''1 r .. 1 •1'"•·1·1! nn1 - t lw ,.,,,., 1ff " I'!"'''' '1•111' :-'!111' n. ~ct t'lir1• \\'1 11:~·1 •• r 1h•• l lt nr;;o·· !'••Hl'I ' Sh,.Tll : 1' • ~'lrf' 11 nd lh" \\'•>n1.~11 ~ hll~l ••n! h••I f••IL"""d thr ·"'''i"' 1111.i th•' n.:• nt \" 1h1• 1-I "''" It t.·1 ! b•·rn h•'T 1 1r~t 1 .. 11 ·'' nn i:n·I• 1- ,\nl ~~fir""\!.•' T<'\"t • " tk• I' ..,h.-•·r· •, ,,.f,,,. It h 1 I 1't"\'• ,\ "'""'"' _.,,., •• 111P•1 '·'" 1'1•1 on t"· r ... 1.11. r •1 h" ~·•!·I th.· ,1·"nu1n City Council s·tudies Ne·w Annexation hf'r ·!1• k• · <"11\' 1· .. u-• I ~t "n•! ,,. r· i:~t 1(1,.k t'll\.'<T Al:llt:l'-T 11:-.. 1 ~:·1,, .1.J···111.n l!•·l11 ;1l 1'•"t '"T:-•'" JU"'t r r 11ldnt ri.k "·"" 1,1 · •••' •' H "I'·· H ot.;hlo1"•!· 11•!"11' .. hr l•'·AI:• T'"t'\' h• I I "'. '"""":• \\f' , .... Arn•., .• : "I !» ...... tt·''"(! .. nho'WO"i!l !Plh•"T'I•' r1i •. ,,., "! ir 1'·11 ;,,1 !'•"k.~l" r~l,.h )::111 \\ h~n ~· r'" ·n·· •'l·•• ",, ti! ni: 111' :••, • ·1· A'l "'"II rn~l flf \\"llh ~11·1 ~·· ~U•l 'h>''fl \\"•·11' t: 11111· ... ,, .• ,, .• •·!l II \\"Pllld !nll •'l"~"Thr1·h~l lnr•'<hh " !">1·,:~.I!':• ll.,,11•1 !h~til•n .J.• tt'<l·~.Jn,li·,l. Ul••l11:ti 1J1e ~::1k"' 1111.: .. 1:i1,, 11 ... • •11;.. I •rl11il"l1" in h"' t111 n•I• l..'o"lt .11•-, I"' !•1, ll.1:t•"r H1,.:h·+ !"1>t\<' thr<'•' m••t"h~ 1.it<>t ~h··· !a n 1~ .,,1 .. 1:1 • ,.,,~ .,1,u·h hH1·~ hf-"n !fr·11 "ff'r"'" rrr r>r \,.,! !ht• 1111 •>· 1 l<'•t'IOf't"rl t'' \\11,\rr 1: l-lrllott f'f 1wn 11\•n 11<'1\t !'lrl!"ll:"'ll ••vi !hr j'lll•l hl9 S•lllh ("ni<~\ t"'r>n"tr11ctlr>n c:-on!1A"•lu1n or " f\'1'1'"1:.1 ,,f '.\I ,,1· L·ninrs ny nf X""J"fltl l!P!llf'ti !Ir" 43 ju1.n11. ,,...~,;~h h~d be<"n lllctirtl :n 11 11 l\f'rr11. Th<' ,1,.,-,.i.,rn1l'nt rnnta!!"• Or11 ni:~ ~n''" 1!\n h(lll.•"' 1n rhrf'<' unit ~ Tht tt11rtl Jjr !It<' ""d of th11.t two m onth,.. unit t" ~U1't """" 1n thl' d<'vf'lnpnit n: t he 1«1lun: .. ,•r a i;:.-n1 ,.·hn ,..IU\ll'd 'tilt:<' 11n11!h vf C"r1>11a d.-1 ~la t nn r.,11~t lllJ:h\\•11y, ThP SpP<"llnlri '.\111 lno \\'fl!I JHH ~ll"•! l•,1· 1hr!'t! of1°;:1rolnr1 ·~ lll0Jl"•·1·ycl" h11.ld~·!I \\"hn r1<m" llf'· "" ll1e ~ .. c .. n.J ll<TPh'nt mL1111\•' !rtl•'r 11t l 'or111· A•·t'. en<! l "•1>.st ll ii;hw~.1·. .. • ) HAR BOD News· Press ~P~ess NE\''PORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, \V E:DNESOA Y. JULY 13, 1.955 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CE?'>.'TS Circulation Today 5620 Coples FROST, L~IS IN COAST' SNIPE Y{IN T orn Frost. Ne"''JJOtt. return- "<! hi,1ne l11toe l-1!1n;t1<y nii;:ht 11(- t<"r a 1·ktonou~ !rip to S1t1•llll· l1lo for the 19:1:1 P11 rific Co•sl Snipe Chlln1pl,.n>1hlps 1-~roat. with 11i1•k /~wu•. Li.In J~ll'. "'" tn·w. h«/ hu1 near~llt <'On\· 1..=t1t"r hy 4t~/ po1t1tJ1 1n th" we··k,·nll 111·rie8 \'h11rlr9 ~1 ,•rr1l1. uf AhitllllO.! Hay. !118\ \t'"r'8 '!111111p:un. ph1<·.-..I .o.e<'•1nd in th" 11eri~11 an<I l 'lurk 1<:!111'(" (If lllllh<H< l11l11u1I, l lif~l Nat1nntll l"ll!l!llp, Wa$ !111r.I. George Bares J Big New Mesa Subdivision ---. , -' •• . ' ~ ·- - 1·1· f lti t'l·:xc ·t:s -Ort!e1·s \\'ere promptly eXC'l"UI C'd by city crC'1•·s yestl'rdav m ornin~ ""'hf'n they built. a f$1H't.' .ulorig: thC' rt•;i r 11! the city ,,..·ater dC'partn1rnt pro- 1krty on the \\"C'Slerly sid~ of Ne"'l'ort Bl,·d. at !?8th ~t. 1'hc cr,·v.·s are pii.:tured a bove as the fcncini; s ta rt. NI. The city ai turnl'y rcquC'stcd cit..y council order t he fence to Rlup unuutho.rized use of the city prcipcrty for City-County Road Committee Set Up '. J l ~· ,.,.,,n,.11' rtt<>\·•·•I n1~ht I" )""' on I\ r1!v-ro•111t\' ,.,,. 'p .. ra!"" h I i: ll \\" 111· .-.. 1111111l l"', II Ii••·"" J"' 1:1'<11' W•.tll•I !),. I" ~ll!•\1· rn .. 1,,111 t 1i:r11·~~· "" 1 •t i· "t r1•,b· i.n1.• 1,•f•I<' tl;o•y l·n•h a lAr 'UU•C l'l'•P.'•• '''"'' 1"h,. h•Lll1• LI .• !'"'1111 .. ,,.. 11-hirh "11 •. ,. h ~ ..... , "· "•· h ',: tn i"l•··I "n ''n" n'ir•tt••·i 1,, ih~ '""nty _,·.,1 •·r•""~n1 ~ ,.,., ~:111:'""' n .. ,. I> 1 ·f "·1·r I l"h •\l:"flLl <! ,j .. , ··•·1 rnt Mhra·h· h""' I <of •:ni11• i In ~·:_,,:1,j r~ .. ! '~1 11 .~·t· 1!ni.-uf u,,. 1:1nnp ~l"t"ol lnrn•·l!!lW News ... Press Wins Bid , .. --• , ." .. • • ' . . • -il!I J1t:i•·a1c purpos._•s by both !he Pal•ific F~lcctric Rail- way and the \\'ard Hnrringt .. n Lumber Co. Accordini.; to the C'ity attornf'y. th(' lun1bt.or firm ""ls loading and ~to ring lumbrr on thf' propt:·rty and using-it for in- gress and egress to thf' lumber yard it iH opera.tin~ on th.e railway company rig ht-of-.,.,·ny. -Staff Photo Easter Crash Tale Unfolds Before Jury H I' ••\ 11·1/o• 11 1l'"J:"'I 111 )t, r '"•IL!• plRrn', ,h~!{:llll: f•J,,111,,.,.~ "·••:.nit T 1 •~I• ol•l 11 1I~ •·f "" !-~••'••• \\"~•"k "th<' hurt\· uu.J•i-tt.if! ., • .,,,1, •• 11.,. •r;o<h •' ;-: ... ,.I'·•· H,.. .. '1 \\'hirh (h;• ••It"'"' ~L•,>:Rr <l>l•!·I~· t 1.,1 1. ,1• '!""'·' •l ! ''' 11• .• ' 'l I lnJtlf'~·I "n hi·•"•lll tl"'l""l"f ·t,.·••"t''' l '''~'.t •·!11•1• l:t•I '''r '''~"" un- 11 ·~i:· ·t t .. r '"' 11>~ 11 IOI 1\11•1 ~·I. !•.1,1111\: to• 1 .. 1•· ~" '·~~! """ ,.,,,,_ "t"ll'' "t;11 i""" ·1 .. , 111 u,.-. ln .r.·.: " "·"" "'. ,. n S·ir·• '"·' '·.,.,,I 1.,.. '""''' 1,f !1, i.1,h lial!•o:• r~l •n I 1' '''""'' · .i t • r' '.•J.,, "''•·t ll"t.I j,.,11 ,., ,\,.;·"'·I:•, ~~I·''""•'''""'' 1 , li•t•n 1<> ~1,,, "I"''': ,,f,.,.,1 !" •!.o1• on H , t, .• '" • , 11 11.• (~·.,. '" '" pl"• I•••· !!'"· r ]I'll h"! ''" !J"ll11: "! 11 t'••tl ""' , '''' ,)ti • IT,. It ,,, ll•"lf'rl1· Hilla ''I"'""~'" lt!J,l>'ll·( .,,,,\ ,, ,.. IO I "1' I• r•·l l '•ll <1<'!11'1\ I v· q, t •1•v •f· 1n•·· l.,r,.·1 11· h•·r lf,,,y.1.,,,l 1'1' ' t1,,,. · (' lH"1.'.'•"lll t•" ~· '.: .. t '"'' n ·· """ "" rn rr,. I In l'll!"!<l"t ,.,,,ltl ,.,,., .. ,,.11 ,·j;, 0 01.I/•·• 111• ... t<••I ••l ~"l\tn•lt 'f'1 P• k<·h '\\~~ I, ,·,n,1 ' "I I · •·· 'I"' I 11 • .1 •· • ·~ '•'~ lt1 v1.u1u•· 1aor~ •·I ~11'1'" ....... • "·· • ,, .11 !" !'"' l•·· rr1·~~r• I•• "~ll"t ll·· l«•I'• I~··,•!"• •t1 ,,. ,,· ' , • ll 1• •·•\ -~! t ,l11·•!1<)" ~·l'Tl•"l'I••• f''l••i;,·,;: !1•,'" •I'''" ,\l , •r~r.i:-.. '"· .r 11· .IAll 1 1~1 ~·-1 .. 1 I•, I 1,,. ~. , ,., , 1• , : 1•,;!> H"•l · n lt'l .. f• 1 : .rl\• Jn• ~L•, • n ! .1 • If" /.,d,, J •·~'<'I 1,,~ '•·II' •'i"M I o( .. nlUlll"<I 11n l'M ... ,, Th~ '"ctr~! '''llt t. (,,,/•·I •!M;> ''·' <Jf •"'l l\a y ~ •I.••~·• Rl(!\lt.~' · ru1 .~1.: \, p1 JI , ",,..,.J 'n U;" •'11.111 Ill :"'•.'I ·• ·,,:r· ~m•nc '!-•/'! ;;; r ., • r-. · i .... 1 ... "" "" A ! ... •n•l H •I II "/"' JI 1'.• ., I, ·' , HARBOR W~ATHER 1rrn1..,t•lur•-• '" •h~ Ht1rl~·• "'"• " ·-' l fl•h ,,. . ....; .. ,,,. t i\ d" ""n1ettilni;: l nr the &r1'11. !n ll!llrbnr H•rhl11n;b hA" )i,.,.n 111'- """hif'h 'h" 1!1·1'•1 -hlld m1..i~ 1111~ ,·rlo1)f'd f rr>n1 l"'rt1nn .. r>f th" lr· o f •f11111'", 5:-he hftd r uT<'hiu-PJ •~n .. R111 nf'h \llllo h ,,.,.,., .• ""l!'I tn m1>rP !h•n !\O 1'l1rk.• of thl' n!llt· ~l,.\lotr , '.\l ·~·l nf th<' h•>I!""' 11nrl r n\\o' llnot ~ll<1 """" nll•\I' """ h111· .rfl'T"'Tt•f'• h~, . ., l'<•"n ""1•1 tn fnrn1- of bulk q u11.11nur1. :t.toney f~r thr •rr r.-11,lt•nt• l•i ;-.:""'f'l'Tt li<'!ll()\. 1·r TO HER OLD TRICKS -F1 eet Comn1od9re Richard Rhccm's Morning· Star , above. l {)(lii~· lt>adA the Tran!l-Pat-ific Yacht Raef'. being ll'8s than 150 miles from Diamond tlcad and th re~cning to break her own elapsed time rt>cord: ..:_Beckner P,oto Tri" :-,;~\\'l"'t1 11111\>llt :-,·,.w,·l'r•.•11 .\lnnd•Y n1•hl ""! "'"at·ol .. '1 tri .. rontrR('l r.n 11~ bl'l !or pnr"'nc th .. CHy of J\."'ewj'><lrt fl"R rh 1 .. v11l !ll•·J. 1•trli111ng in • motion ••t"r'"'I 11n- 11n1mo1111ly hy city counctL. Th• ,.on- ' lt•C"l I• for the CIHTtnl tt•c•I )'tilt :o r.,.,,,, t . -. 11 .. "'"I .t lp"'-n h~u~"" !'Ir ti1r-.• .. lf 1n "'anfl r •ll1 for nouc,._. belna: pnntt'I ... ,,. ... 1 Ar.<:111 ... v 1 ,,, .i:t.· i n .. : .• ,,,, 1t tht "1t1hh8hl'f1 ltl"•I r ounty ~Ir• r01rr.1 ... 1nt·~n"'"·.111 t"•I ~·· 1 I r•te apt by the county bo•rd of l11!R 1~ •:,.1>1", i.ri.h ~" ,.,!, • •uperviaof9. I third Ml•rr••li' ' ,_ •' '' II~ ~· " II ~ ' T 1• •IR' ! '"' !• '. " " \\,.J:,•-1.1< ... J .ly '" " ... ... " " " " " .. • ' • ·' PART 1 _ NEWPORT H~lieoR NEws-PREss Newport Mesa . WEDNESDA Y, JULY tl, 1955 I PAGE 2 Get S78,185 GOINGS ON At THE BALBOA BAY CLUB and $76,132 for 'in lieu' Tax 84CflA.1'rEYI'O, <CNS) -State Controll .. r Robert C. Kirkwood to- day announct'd a pporUonment or $73,9~9.874 In 11uton1nbllf' l!cenlle 9d 177,422.1519 In "'In lleu" tllxea dunng' t he .111• n10l'llhl period t'nd· tnc ?oeay 31. Oed11cuon1 c.f ovt'r Jl million fur 1.upport or th111 de· 13y DAN BAYLESS r~fl .. ln 11e1f' 111.,c• to C11 1J rornt11. JMU'tmant of motor Vf'hicl<11 and cill!!I MJ.•I COUlltl•'•· UC the 136,989,P.1; di•tributed h• rilll'I, ·"'""'JIQrl Ht-11th r._.c,."·<'d a7S,ll!~ :ind Cnat:i ?\lt'!lll IN Tltio: S\Vl~t ·: r•cople "'·~o snw Capt. \\'inston·s seals s plash s t l he Club !asl Sunday are still laughing at their n')Uabatu:s. \Ve JikC'd tht· n1odcst fellow "A'ho dlJ a flJ)('tta culnr Austr1ll1an t·ra"A'\ across the pool, then patted himself on the b:a('k v.·ith his fll pprno as he en1erged . , . S purred on. no d11 ubt, by s uch d isplays of tank talent. scotes of t een.agers <i.nd moth~rll are pcrfeC'ling thf'i r s ¥t·i mmin g Neill through t he freC' H.C'd Crl's11 lessons offered by George Sha w's stafL The straight course i!!. giYf.!t for a ccrtifi catt', and a watcrt'd· dov.·n \'('f'Sion o ff('f('d ror moms w.ho \\·ant to guard their ... <'hilllrCn at unsupen·isC'd beaches but don't want to ewim t h1 · t n xin~ ·100 yard~ rcquirt'J for the diploma ... Excellent d1v1ng cxhibitions y.:cre gi,·cn o\·cr the Fourth by J im Far- quhar. cx·l.:niv{'rsity of Cu lifo rnia g reat. and Carlotta Rio.s. one of r-.lrx icn'H t op &pringboard acc1:1, wh0 if!. now in t raining r-----or .thc.-l!l5ti 0 4.:in!Jlc--.lla.mc:s ln~n.t..a.lly. Jim Ui µilotin • his cluldrcn. J l"n)' and Joan, to top tiV.'in1minf! honor::i. Both ,,·on trophif's at the !'.':RC meet just ht"ld, :ind ha\·c quite a 1'jlf{'ad of :..;ih·11n1.-:1rC' a l horn!' earned in o the r ('Oll lests. A Ilk~ amou11t .... ,, ,..pporth;1n<'d to CC1unt1r1. ot which O.-.nge coun· !)' 1!;"01 17~.=-20. Kirk"''ood .1111 1d lhe •lute coll!'<:'!· l nlt>ft'~I on thn"e hli;:hway b..>nd 1s11ues v.·\'re taken out of lhl' fund bo:J\lre apportlonm\'nt. The controller reportl'd the d!I• trthutlon "'"U nearly 17 m1l\lon ov/r that tor th• aame period Uut • VISITOR FINDS $99 IN REST ROOM l r<!ne t'.uken•:t'tn Cact1.Y.Je or Anahalm 11. a h1.ppy ,,,.oma.n lod&)' v•ho ga\·• 1l,,.r gu •rdlan •nrel •n .. xtna pat on !ht: ht'&•I. Her pur11e cunt11lnln1t '99 and per 11 o IJ 11 J Jd~JH!!lc•l!On p!t.JM'r• ...... , f..1t1nd by l'a uhn., COOP'!'f fl f R!Yf'n ide In th" re~troorn or :'\t'"'j)Ort l'l<'r, ~l lN Cuopt'r IUl'T\!'(I U1e l>rOp- PAPER . NAPKINS 80 Count ON Tl-t r~ COURTS: Quitc a Rt ory bC'h in<l ~I ii Richter, RBC's fll'\\' ll·n11iR pro . I-l e n1a1le a t hrilling-ci;capc fro m Coin· n1unisl-tlon1ina!Cd C'i.i'chos lo\·akia tiC\'•'ll yt>arl! :ti;::o. Slippl'd u nder the lr1Jn Curtain in Aus,tria. thC'll \\'C·nt to Brus8('JS ~ \\•h e re hf' v.·ali s o sut'('(·~sful in tl"Jtthing that he "·a:;. gratled LIDO DRUGS HABBOR DRUGS BALBOA DRUGS s t~t:C l .\l ,S • .. ,\" by !he B..,Ji;:ia n I.awn Te nnis F1 ·dL•rati<111. 1\!C'I, n Kradu- fl lC' of Charlc-K t:11i\·c·rs1ty in l"'rague, al:-:.o tnught in ~(•Uth ,\frica bcfort:! eomini:.: to this country . RBC ph1.y.,r:; ha\'l' b<.'('n k!'.'Cping him bus~· 1'1/ll"f' he IO•)k up duti1,s hC're la.o.;t "'C-ck. ?.!any pnomis ing kids in thC' groUJ•. he says. L l·'.T ':-i l)A~CJ·:: l li~h s<·h<>0I boys a nd girls ha\·c a g rcnt t hin).; 111 their "Ll,•na.m "H op" !tt~ld e,·,·r.v F'riday nil{ht ~t lht' S[Xlrtll Club. Thcy l\\'irl to juke box musi(·· ('!JjCJy refres h· ~ Tnent~. c\·••n try <iu l thf'i r,.lC\\' fly rod!! by,., st ing in t he pool just o utside'. :O:at urJay n1i:h ts tht' :;runt· ~ruup has another f ine 1u·th·1t v in the 'l'e,•n U :incl'. It 's Jr('s,;i1·r. un.t iil :1rls \\'i th t he fabuloUs ~a lH rtlay ni,l!ht bufft'l in (!1(' 1\l:ii n Dining-J{oon1 . ad journing-f,.r d:in .. ·1ng-at thC' ~f •\1rts Club. 1\1 ,•m bC'rs ' young· ~ 1'l"r" a rl' \\·1•!1 t•!ll•• at bo.th. '§ Pt-~B.SONA l.JTil-:S: .Bd ".<\rehii.:'· c:an.Jner, propri('tor of ~ ''Duffy's Tavcrn," u; back from hii;; l'a ribb..·nn r .. ·t r'Cat and is 1t J::"U;·st al the Club "A'hile sc-a nnin;;:-l l 11Jl~-,,\·0•1d prospect!-! ... Art l..inklettcr. hoi>t for-th£' h ighly l'('i!:1 rdC'd "l·lnusl'pnrty" ~ a nd "l"'ooplc arc F'unny" T\'·radio sl1"1'·~. h:t,; at hC'thLlrd a 1>iesta here for himself. hi'I "'if1.• ;ind fl\'t• 1,f t he l1ltle I.inks ':. , .. "\\'orld's must f11mouM Ol'\\':'"i'.1 • .,h •t'," J.P\\'r!l Thon1:1~. in v.•h1lc r1~sti11 i.: here and \'1;;it1ng l':1ul ~1 :1nt7., 11·ho i;; ro>,q1rp1· 1l1ble for thu:-i.' ;.:rC'al n1 r ::;l·cnc!I. in 'fhon1:t s' "C111\·1·an1a" nh1)1\' •.. lf you thoug ht \\'aJly t-lolntcs and his o rl'IH·:'tra v.·as \Jn an Lri!!h n;iusicnl kit'k the ntht'r c1·1·n1n ,;. it \\':'IS bt·ca usc-:;;,·:in :P.Icany, the 'lrLo.;h n 1u1·1e s la r. \\';1;; ,1.:ue;;ti11g-he re a fter 1\·incl·1 ing-up h is tlu rt.! llully\\·ooJ ,fLln1 . ~!,·an:; is JU:-.t :ibout as good ~ a golf\'r as he is an al:tor •• lihnot.s in l hc luv.,. ;o·:;, and has copped cups 111 many ln1portant tourneys ou holh i;ide:-o f t he v.·ntf'r ... J oan \\'int·hc ll. l.Qs 1\ngell's Tin1•·~ s<1ci<'lY ("ol· u mnis l. i!I. h a1·k from her "'·hirlv.·ind t rip around t he w o rld. ~ and 1,.: h•·adrillartt·r1 ng Rt the Club y,•hile co\·cring t h C' Balboa 15<'f'I'• f••r h· r r••lumn, JUDGE DODGE GIVES VIEWS ON MESA BUYING HIS LAND City Hall Site Can Be Had on $50,000 , Payment but 'Nobody's Jingled' Coin ~ ' J ,, :. " 1 r.a! i J I' •d1,t' .,r t • 1~1 " 111· ·• )1 1• ~ ... r'• ~.r h1!··1 "'~ tn •1'"·••1"<; 1 •:•. r ,. $:n r,.,u r r A Jll•r\ ,• 101•, ~·I\ I\'•! f•r \ <r! •i'• !'·,''I \I ••,\ 1'fllk. fl\"•f fl i" I ·I •' '. ,. •. ··~• t l !h<' !'i'V ... r ,. '"'·' '.\!"•" 1~, •1 ... ¥, •"··! 1n r 011• 1-: .. ~1··r: 1~·· .. ,. • · ~ "''Y tl<'ll ,.,,_., .t 1.1 •· t, ','", r•\11,.·nt C11···r ~~1·, .. ·,11 ~ 1·~ r ' l'"r· :ri ll t"!'C r r"1•••n I• '~·· 'n~l·f'1"' I lh" r-,·,."·•-f'rr•l' I"• II ,,,,. •··~··~ !n· \\'"t\( • ·fl' 't1IU\U \'' ",ll,1.1.1.l•' \~k"1 1 •• • 1"·11r11·•n \n t•,•1· ""'ll•••·r •:""'rtA •'"f/.1·.• t<"••llt )Ill•!• r t•,1n ,,., . ...,,,.11,,.nc\1'. 11 • t f.11t '"'" I ·~,. ;,,,.,.,,. :r11. t \\',,~ hf-•l l, ~· ·'1 f I ., •I\ l'"ll\,.f, Ji.ndi: .. 1.•~1~! !" f..1.1 ""'!•I ~ r1 1rr. "hUl n l'!> •ii ~ n~1··t1 11 111· 111tot11•\" ~·r' • J'fo,h:•· 1"11,. :'till•.•hlr Th" l''',l"fl 1· "''11 .,,.111•r''l t ·1 , .. ,.,,. 111•1J·l! I i II•"'' 1" t ,. \ l'"11 .•. •'1 \\~re l 'I ,, 1 /JUlr'\' 1 .... 11 ! l.'H'" 1hr,... n1'"'" ~" n • tn s: .n :\"•"\<· r 't ,1 11~11~ .. rou1 i -'l 111.t: II . .f. llOUt .t: (',,!f, I 1• '""'lo> /\!<~• ! J• I~" If J' 1'· "' 11! ! b" '' ,1!1• I(" ~ • -~~I tl1" 1 ,r.~. l\h!j:" ••l'•l"•I '· lrt-1 k•!' 1<..,,• 1'1" !'".•! ri~·,·rt r·•n-f J,>rr1! 1.1· 1'1•· r1\1' h n":~ ~1.'.n 1:u: ".,..,,. t f.I' rr(l'••t'' ,,, . .,,. "~''1 ,,,.. ht:'•!'1•: 1 ... ,, .. 11• ,. it· 1 ~1.o,. .. :-;,·!·"n 11 ~1, t \\'" !>'111·" n'ln·t>· r t houohl on 11.,ll I 1..... ""ll.J ld l'f .,.,,. !l'>•kr r "r .... :.\~ra!'"'"' ••)nh•(\A'' b" 111l" • : ,. puhfl,. hnll·1· 111c r1;,. ·""'~" , "r"'••r ' t.'('11,.~ Th .. ! '"l' ,,.,.. ,, . .,~ '""1'' Iii··""' Silver L"n ns l•>tJ fir<' ~ .. H:!lj: .. n II!•',\(,"'' l·•d" I I I e T ll" :l{ltl r •I 11.n:.~,. "11th.: 1~1 ... T k f H " ""11~i. s 1 .... : , f. 1 '" 1 '"· ..... 1 a en rom ome I ":..o r.r· . " •• n:". :-t I 1~ur..:1i1\·. r ,,:-; 1,,, '•·i ,.1 1111n ... 11•;.\ .. ll ~\lll,f~ l'Ultt: 11\l ti''"' ll11vrn l '"n··· 11:1<1 !•'lll••\'d l (.'":("" ht • "~l''"~•"·l '"'"' r thr .. 1 'l''I 1< ··:th .. r 1 n· !\• :ind ! lvr r ptl~e ,,. ; ... ,.,,n.,n:. ll'R ll>kLn~ "·'" l"f •l \•··I '•• ;~!Ir<' .loin.-::11 J'rl'"" <·n ;,, "'"'. 1 ... , ... -1·1 t n,. '""·n tor ~· rn • l'•·•···r • f 1!1 \'i , 1•;11· n')"''""I "t ~li•,t~'" 1 r "' !• .\ ,..,.,.., l\;r·,,.,._ •' ,1 •·:.'t\' wn' '• 1 1., 1 (' p\n\ , n 1 •·h i-;: i~·~,.,. 11 1'11'1'~1 N1t 1· 111 • • I• ·"I fl 1•i:i k ~~·· I f i;,1 '" '•' I •" " l • ~ r ! • ' • .J. II •· ~~~.:·:!; 1• 1 :· ":~ i:i'\~\.~ r·'~.~;;.1\::. Din9hy The~ Told I '"'"""I "' 1)1.' ·1r1•·t1 ·~ 1111 .•ft .11n1-,· rro n1 '.1111 , .. r •,, '" ~· •.., n c. i I 11" 1· 1·1 ''' 111 I th<.' h it··"·~· f"· :-;,.,.....,,.t'l ·~ll. ·1-.._1,., ~)I •!""J ll' l•1)'<"l1'1 rol In l.,.,hC'",. !1 1,.n1l>; b>' l,,•r· a ,,,..,,,.., ... "!"': !ar " r111· 111111 1<'• •'11 to .. ,.,n r r :11;1 rn~,.1 A\'\', County Being Divided into Tracts for '60 U.S. Census tJI ''""'"' .. t l)Bn11• C»Wnt y Into 1 re.rt• ct lhll rounly. l t A"ta '" rr"'J'At•t1••'1 for the 1~ Dll'!l ll'ln tr110 1n11ll\ trac\1 mak""' f · 1, r-.l , •flnt.I u. l)f;JZJX IUJ<JJrd In !uturt• li,:ur" r .>mp11M!W>n t'Ul('f, D•rr.h '"i •<~lnrJ, At I.he Lu11e cr1 l t1<• "'ur.\~· r i.ar.r ns: rnl"n111~•1on 111 .. 1\lt.o r,.ll.'lu" 1hl.• •'ll\·:•lon Work ·..,!\'\~ -C-lth ll•ri r S..~h in l'.h•rs;t. 1\1'·1 ""l 11-.. n un,1 .. rtaktn lo.ally 1n.f th\' r•r.•·1, b11rc111 !"!'! "l•I' !ti ""'" <111l ~l>>n ~ ~11 ,,. t-1~ an I '.l!c.ot,. Gnmf1 Slli1 "On,. o r 01f' l.ldo !"hn1•,.~ \'ii& l..i,lo, 1"1'"·port BP.SCI& 3301 t~. Cout fly , ('orona dt>I ~fa r i lG t: . .Jt:ilho:i )\!\'ti ., l\ulhoa J."or \\'~! .. Thur..., 1-'ri., .S:tt. .luly 1:t, 11. 1;., 11; SARAN WRAP Rtg. 3~c 29C SCOTT Paper Towels 2 /"' 29c ~ ZEE -----7 Wax Paper ~--' . • , , -.~ 12~ FT. ROLLS 2 '"' 35c SCOTT Toilet Tissue ~--~=--=·_?Sc ~ R!OULAR 29e -DTVID!D PAPER PLATES PKO. R'i-St.49 -2 Qt. Si" 9 9 c PLASTIC WATER BOTTLE • KLEENEX 4 "'· s1 oo 400's r 11r.tt1t\' \l'OOn SALAD BOWLS 4 ,, s1oo PAiiAifeiT & CAGE R11CJ. $6.50 Sp.ciol ----·----·------·----,----- REG. 37c -100 COUNT ENVELOPES 2Sc I DOG 6~"'4sc FOOD \\ llOllt.' FORKS & SPOONS 2 "" 15c BOOK MATCHES BOX 12C or ~a Similac 0•~• s3oo x ... 3.11 • ~:~;;;-;239 Hose I SPORT CAPS CllARf"OAL BRiQUETJES 10 "" 89c Hl·LO Charcoal Cooker ' t. .... LAUNDRY CART s319 REG. $4.49 l.AOlf:.-; NYLON BRIEFS 3 .... 5100 BEACH TOWELS As.,..'I, Stri1w·!1 Itri::. ~'.?.!IK s219 ,\,.s'l .. !'i:tt>S & Coloni IJ \\"l " f "ICO<'kl.IT CAPS •. Rri:. ~'l.!IR \/.,,.a:.~® , COLOR PICTURES- '" 3·D $2.00 ReclininCJ CHAIR ft,.i:ulur a'.9,1~ $695 PICNIC JUG I GALLGN $249 < REG. $398 - POOLS WADING REG. S2.9' $"29 VALUE #, REG. S9 9' 5695 ' VALUE . trti 4o Pl!CE p\·nt:x c·o 1.tJHt:1• MIXING BOWL SET Valuf'J ...... f.S,!5<1 AUTOMATIC 51249 2: llJCK -POP.UP Toaster ~'ttf~ • ••• SatisfyinCJ pepper • up: coffee and our kinCJ size bur9er hit lhe spot! 69c ,,.,_.,.,." knA<'k fur '"l&''k• ..• try U• fnr '"'"" r"1&ll~· 1,.m1•1lnl' 1••1•1,.·l>h•....-,..., Beach Umbrella 7 ft. 6 ft. diam. 11.95 diam. 9.95 Lilly's GrHn 91o .. Tum. Re9. 6 for 59c · 6 for 49c r Coffee Mu9 & Cereal RtoCJ. lOc Sale 7c Bowl ~ GIANT 68C LARGE 28c PUREX( 43c Gallon ·~'Cheer Large 28c Vague ~:t~~::~~ 39c ------------------BATHING EPSOM SALTS ~ L b1. VINCENT' Hand Pack r( ... ...-v ICE CREAM . ., ~ '" 30c Q•• 59c llllll'i '' "''19: Styl• ..111 3 o,J Tuh $],95 1 .1 Gal. Holiday Bfy \e 5&<: ABC BEER Early 1'im r,. STRAIGHT f ifth s499 J\~}· , , ,, ... t Bu\•rh· n 5 Yerin1 Old it'.I!) P rn'n! '""' s3a9 --- c;rf)\"(' s:enrl ao PrOr.r 4 Year' Olrl 6 CANS FOR 87c I 1-. 'I"' I . I Foftb s2a1 f-....., ·m~ . RIPPLt GIN ..::::-:. • •• •• f' I fl!' 'flw, /t;.)•f' I • N't":.l' •~11~~! t-r AM-'< Ult('<I M'\1n1b"I"' • t C'on1· m•r•"' ct l"lrlU' t C-r-u:it~· n.11<1 ll t~ t'Jtp.'flt' I I • f11., 1:1tat• !ht' •• Ul«I r •Uni t-r•·•1.,... <.!~ i·"•I Ir.I nlll!ll• n ~r.i tic-1'~ f!1l11•f"t"":h !•n.111.• 11r-.. '"f'·l h· ~ , r < ••l\11\L'I•" "~t'h ,, "• 1·· ,..... r..t " •llunt.1··"ide .. 111 i 0('J'l'f11~ '•:, .... All prlom ph11 Pedeni.t Ta~_,.,,,her1 •Ptillc1blf'. Wt lltHf't1 Limit Rtgh \ l!iii'iiiiili!i!!ii!!i!!lll:i!!!!i!ii!i!liill!iiiiiiliiililiii!iiiilliliiii ~·~0!1ii!~-~·W1:;;:::;:::;o::;!l!!!!iilii!i0~-iililii!!!!l!!l!!il!i!!E•i!!!!lili-iill•!i!l- $267 • ' . - .. ,, ' ' ' I L J --Cutter Answers WEDNESDAY , JULY I/. 1955 . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS -PART I · PAGE l ., ~ i -f.- " 'I L r " ' Calls / iv.'' r~~· "~ 11:1r1J"r·,. 1· ~ for Aid ' ,.,JI. l""k :-;,"!~"l 1•11:1-"I l :n:int rut:rr "Ut •I I~'' •\l•T.· I••' ,. ,). !1<1\h , .11• \\•r•· '''"·••1•11••1hy1·n- i; tn• I " : "" :<ti •t:tl' ":' 1 i; I \" J u(~ ~ ":h~ ~"-i i .1, .. ..,,..,,n.; .1 .• n , :-h11r F un "l :' "' 1·1,r 11 r•\• • n•,111•1\" i:u 1 ,. I'"'" h • 1 , '·''' ., .. ,1 I •r ;a;•I ~ Ul,1•·" <>.<olll l!•_,t•\ o·I tt.•• ll.t1 1l .. r. ~!·•· ''"·' J.<k•n 111 1 .. w "'"\•I•!~ •"f ~h"1" \\1\~1 •·Iii)' I' r "l"lBlu· j .,.,,.,•I !:•'<-''. llh• •1•! llo• t,,j,j <'\I\· l"I" l'·l"''L'\ hi~ •lll;llh' f,1lk<I "'"l" h.-11 ;1~ "'"t··r "·•1· .~ .. "" <h'"l'I"''! Ith• !),..,k Hild i;o·u~ht /ll<l. on Jui.· I u ... ,utt·•· 1 .... -d l" Loan" l 'u'11t "·•l• I ~ "'t•W• nn~ " 1!i>l ••"·~ ,,,II (1 ,,111 I'. ll •1 k11 ·~­ l1"k•1~ti.-l·l llll'•!.,,l !\\~~'·II •!'lu• ~· r • :,., 1.,1 .. 11 u .. ••·1~••\• +\!y .•. ,,.1 h1., ••lil:lllo' \)\I\\' Ill' 1)11 lh" ~.-.11.­ !h1• I Utl•·r ',," (uU!HI tn111 1'•1'.11•~ T t1" ""l:'"'" h "I "" 11·1~· f111l• <! "'"I t,;,·,•ri,:111 w .•• ,,,__., .1 1•• r•··•I -MO'l'HING BUT SERVICE t_)JI '.'ii): -f>".ir tl1e fift h t1n1e, !ht• rt:Ri1.ll•ncc vf \\'1lhan1 IC l h•til'ig-nu a t 1'.!S 3G!h St. \\'!18 f'\obbl·rf'd h \" a 1•a r l·l'a!<llll1C: in to it. T hl' 11 1.'l'i .J~·nt D('("Ul'l't'tl :-'<1turd;1y, Dri\'l'l'i'I or the \\\'fl ca r~ \\"l·r1' ~li \:111 Mayard :-.1ann. 11f ~;i n :-.l arinv :111d ~l:r r,·in l)urJtcy Pratt of H un lingl"ll l~1·a 1·h. l\>ht·c l':.t id l'n1Ll'i. t~r \\'ilS f<lrt·•·d in tr-. t hf' h oUl'if' by the ot hf'r 1'a r. !"lt ann ~a id ht" \\'as n1a k111:: a \.·ft turn onto 36th ~l. i\t"'it hC'r dri\'C'I' Iii!\\' the ot !a·r, t!H'\' t nlrl 11ffu•1 r,;, -~\:1 ff l'holo Take• Kin9 Salmon )11• Hl.tn,ht' 1 \>1111 1111111·~. ll!·u -1" "'"· 1::1 •.J•t1 ,;.,,,,, l'IJ•\!• f1~H111i: uh••,•T'•I V1•1n1,..r J1111" :!.'1,I ,.~ 1~H\ it :!~':·ll• k!!.}: .~.llnL"n while u~Hlj! ~p•nn1n~ l·" l<lo· ut.d 1:1-llo \,•st l•n" :'h" """ h'"'""d '11' f•>r :12 Jll>M!IU'.'f IH'fflr't' b"i;i1ni: t ilt' Th1·1't• \\';is h igh ,•Ins;,; s"r\'ltt' r1 nd1•r1 .I \hf' tn•·nib,'!"S o f :-'1·1111t 1-:x1 ·liir,·r Pc>>'\ ti Tn;;; !·1 \· 111<1'n1111·: 11·hf'11 1h1·.\' 11·1'1"•' bn•;1kL1 .. 1 ;.:u1·,;t.~ ,,f I'. ,\_ 11.dn1,.r ;ind h1,; ac.,;11- 1·i at c,; nf thr :-.;,.11·1 ·1'.l rt l~al b••:i :-':•\·1•1;::s ::1111 \.<1:111 ,\,;;011- ri,1ti1n1. J 'ii:\11r1 ~l abn\'•· is \l:11·hl l l.1i,:~!1ll:1 1 ~.·r h•·l l!I: sn;·i:ll!<l~. 1 ')1t• llh'ITIIJ<'l".'>I of t he l-:.'1'.piOl'l'n! f>ost arP 1d:1n11111:;: 11 11111ion\\"l d P 111111· th1,; sun1n11'r in a ~oldrn i.'!1<·1·1,1h•l slal t••n \\";1_c•111 that \\'Jl! t>a rr\· lhc nit',;saJ,:"<' 11 f !'\!'\\'f!!IT1 l-J1·:1ch :11id ii:; (;o1.\i•n ,\nni\·~·rsary. -Slaff l'hul!• ~~~~~~~~-' AGAIN? Home Struck by Cars for Fifih Time , 1: .. 1\n1 I• !''•"ii"\\ ···1r "'''! ~1 •~•-I" •,. \\,ar ',\.I! l: •\"JI. J.:•,1'1 l • t • Ull.:.: ''" '! 1!1" till'tlll111!1\ '..'" i .\ t""''" •"\'n• •1 '''" \\"1111Anl It I! ,.~ ;1n 1t I:.!'" ·,,;·h •·n th··' f· 11:,.1 •I l;·1ll•· " l:h I IS t :1kit11( II !I••' 11,' ' ~·f. ':t}' ~· ! l'i.111 ! 01· ;d lJ,• t r• .· > ,t.. 'I' "' • "'' 'l""l•I •··· t: ,,,,, .... n;x,·.•1 11 1·1>1.1,,,:.i. .. ·r 1!·,. •ll !J•r !"r 11<.-11ip 11· lo Tl••• )I "1 >ll"f' I , 11 "'I" 1 't"I 1,.., · ,1 Ir \' •'I! •·I• •;o( I "" 1.1 ... •\• •·k ... : 111: ,,., I! •f-l O:• r .. r I~ .l ·,. ~ .n 1· . .i·11 :--· nn1...• H.d':11 1 10.;,..,.,.,,,l!):l.L•~"'·"n·t ,.h•·f'. • ti..r ,,,,,, lun.111 •· • t 111• , •• , lh" t 11 ... : l •ln~ In ,\111\11•'.lll I >'li·•1nl>•r11 t"•lth' ~:.' i'1·•· T l•r n• ,. ~···re 1•Thn11 '•1 1:11·1 n1o" t• J••rt th•·y ,.,. ,,11 '" '1 I \'•'''"$!. I-l ilt «'l lH!l fl\,• '"~r'' ""l~h1rw.1y t"11 l!•H rllr11;l h•1r . l>"·'I". n·"·"· "" thr h"ur. !hr •l110111 F11·l.1_•· -------------- 1n•I ~ d ll r•l .. ,·. 1f1•1 I>\' ""'' ,.( 1 TI••>lll•I: f r"'n•I • 'll!h • 11~1<'1111'1~ 11 llu NEWPORTER AIDS "''··• I" ~ft' t h .. nr~· s!tw k Th u~.·----------- ''II· ,. · h·· T l'h ' ., 1'1 " •It' '1 .. 11l" ,Jr"' I'•'' I I ! I•• ' 111;,\. Iv '·'' u ~ ' I : ' •II !I '.II !;;-•I\ W •• "Ht 1\0\ "' ,, l!lt•·• ,, - to! 1 •11 ti ' I',. I 11' ". "l·i'·•I• tl1• 11•1·01\C• 1 •ll~ frr1•11 n lq,·1·. _,,.., • OJ• <"!ll ll ~ 11111" wt:\• h ~111 1.1-l\I I !l:P•u.h ~u. th", .• ··n r i.·~ " • 1'1.1• '·"" •.i!~ •l lo l'••fl 1,~ b•~l In• hi.!"" n1an1• 1u111,.nall~· ,.,,. '"'l'"d f,ranol,, l'f 11·ouwn'11 11•,.11 r ~)1\#0 ,;f l h .. ~ln1· .. ~[lf't'lQ!\lPH \\"i\l !» ~""II'• ro M"llh •l.'•"I to ll!lltc/1 1k.1:• J.,!\i r•n•l 1"""~ Th,. 11!oro· ... 11.11'" hi••• 11 '""1'1"\e l111e n! 11"'! !~"' n·. Girl's Report of 3 Suspects Ends 1n Arrest ,\1o htr. BH'' l .\1 •"" ..... (Jf ~·"I !\1 .•i 1n•• an•\ !\l 11v1n L>10.1lr.v 1•r,,1l. ) '..'>. ll·u tn11 .. l<•n I'••'" h "''f" 111- 1· .. h·· 1. ·''".l'"'l H•,t<h P"I"" I<'· , .... ,.,, ~·11·1111· ,.rt .. 1"1 ·1' rt ''""1 :: '" t,j [ ·1 h•· "' "ll r~"-" I l 'rnu·~ ,, · ~Htlc I" >lun•h •11 tfw <••tllt•r ""II «n•l "on·!""• 1 "JJ>,; ''" l~1H1>•.t 111 \'•l l'.,)11 f' '' l"'I \•'•l nc1 lllJU!'tf'• •·X•" pl 1'1 :l<r p1111rh-olr11nk h•!ll' ... •'•·l,,.h l'.ol1•ol•"llll.11• '"'"l"I ,\-.;\l!El.\l 1•ll"."\":S1 ln ~h••\\"t l!•'"""'·~n1·,f1t1 .. (ln"~ "1 !he 1n•,, .•• ,1uon uf _.iwch •·-•f..-• •'""'"'°' Mesa Pair, Son Ask S79,589 in Injury Action ;<::ASTA A X A •C~t·::-;~, -\ c ... ~·11 !\h·•11 ,, "1·1<' nu,1 •1 .... T ~- U.orp• •nd M•nch.-,.lef' ,,.., .. ,1.,., .. '1 ·. ·' ~···•11 hi< •. 1·r·-· · .• 1 •·I ,_,I• 1 ·t! "' l!·•·•I 1ul.l • t I•< 1n lh" :".•n I 1.<n•I .. •• :,1 1•.< .\ :>.'.··11 1•.ol 1:0 "' t1 i;irl ,11>1"•! 1>111> .. 1r ;q•1or•·li. "' 1'! .. ~···l ·••l• \\Lll•.1111 Jl.,>\l<I I I "·,.. l~ • t 1:111 ;,, ;.;."n" ,Ii,. > 1 !'11r~• I\, 1<: olll•I ,!.II'·•'.• ,\t'll\111 ''""• • n. 1'• 11 •: !" '" I ""I', \\•I• I"! t!•'·i P1 1111~ llT •"t ;\•th" 1• ''· t "' • ~ t"· .. 1"!" ! 1•-a•,.1-• n "'''~''" o!\ th"•,.,,. I·!" I<'"'\\~·• )"'"f-otl.I h<>Y ""''' r>1_,,nr11t ~ 111 " ·. ,,., • ;-;• S~9 C.l>o'.•fi!l !.,., ..... \ 11'""~''·' 'l 'l.l\l'lll:r 1 \I: 1111" #Of! ht'r•· J."l"l•l~r n::"1r~1 M11 .. th••r i ~-!• ~ J u h1h .\11 ·1 ~I· 1-;,nn· · 17 (,"r1<t.~ )!•\~Ft 1• :•!11• !·.l1•11•"'l~T11' •1 hi!!«"" ~1·; .\Ir. 11 11\ )!I ~ Tl"·''-<>• I " 1•"•' ,•.,;\.• °''''' /:.,. • • · i I ~n·1 """F t,\·"\ I: L··•·, • •·:•,\I'" 1 ·11 ', 1· '" 11•·1, '• ''"'l"•lfl !"1, 1"•111.! '"" ... ~r··n·!1n l1 •ni•·'i1''•'''"''i.'.ll•'t"!i1• •J:'"n~t l 'h,..t. r ,.. \\'11!1 tit~ 1n ft, t It !!1•'•'•"1 ,, T•'IHIHllll\;: ,.,,,, .. Alvord Pl._ Du2 Ja!y 21 on . Amended 6 Counts I J•r. ~:, ... 11., ,\l1urd, :?Z'.!1 l"'ao·1n,.1 ,, ,.,. . '· .. ~'" ~1· '.I , .... .i '011 nal• n l<'ol • "n1 rl~ 11\ • t>"'::!'"~ • \ •~nr111" to( \"I' la! "11 • ( !II•· 1·.o11·-1 "rn1., '"'' L, .ol , .,,\,• '" .J11.1 ... T' 1 [I< 'C • t ""' ! \!< " ~\ llto" !'. ':: Sh" II.~ ""··I\ un' !_}111\· :.'I ,.. '• n '" ,,, ,.,.1. t· n ,.i,.,, 'rh· ~·\ • .,,,.,, ,·I .+r::·· h"r "1\h I ,, I' ol .1:1-• ~ 111• ! '.!•·""'I )\~t­ l111 :--•l.•1. )1 1 ,,,,.i )11• ~:n r 1- ' ,. I ' " I ·I, 1 , I ' , 'I I; I 1· 1 'I'll· " lh•· 11 11·11• I :-:nv l"r ,., ,• ('H!1TICl'l«•n \Yll!l n ··~:!' '.<•'I ,,, , ... 1 I . ' ... 1 ... 1 ;:.-.i,f••l" •\ "' II . 1!lth11.nd l"•1""n11?;1-.1•• .. •a .\1 .. ,, •• r i..•1 ···r·.r''', ·,,,.1 ·"'" """ M~sa Bank Permit [)ff. J:!. l !•:.1. h-'l;, «•l'n \., '"' t"·i•·l•d \,••1'1h ''" <' ·, ~; ·' 1: .• · .... J ; 1· :, ••h· The r1a1nhff~ • I 01n1 \I 111.1.11• dro\'e hu c r f,1rrl• •I)' nn·1 1"·1:· Ut>:"'1t1r r1tiL•1 n i.: 1l 1 .. plnn ~·· u1•" )! 1r.o '' •l ' I!• I • • '• tl • "" <' '1 ·II • 11· :1·1~\\.•"11ni: f l n "' \1.111· 1.ty 101.1 .. ,,1.; 1i·: ,,,,. r:• '" '"" '! " I I' \ l'I ~ 'i•·'· I • 111 ,., r 1.• "' t h" 111: .. , •··· '''"-''II •1·· • '' .-r· I 1'· I ,1 " '. t.h .. rr11r nf g >t •I u " •-· n "f" 1- ate<l by ~I r~. l .0 \\1~. ~-I""'! i .. w· ,...,.,. hrr pl'l,.~· n,:Pr. 1: .. 111 "'"'r"· I· '" 11 ... I. II ·•·, "·'' ·•• t '"' 1 1<' nt 1'-'' ,, 11 ,. ,\\· ~" •.• th•· !·1 ,, I ,,,i, 'I' ·<1\1.• I";<• I ""t "• \I • I I •• \\.• ""''' ! ' l·"·"'-" .,. N'Cl'l\" .. <I lfl'n""9 lr\l'ffP~ ,•n·t. ,,:1! " ..... , '"·"' ·~1· 1 I 111 I' .. ,.~ ~ I"·'\..' ,\ ,, .t. l1·l>' 111. Vogel and Ford Sue Kindells Shop Sale • IR "AN'TA A'XA 10<':>.'.,"1 ="'"" J"'•rt Ht>1•rh lt• •I 1"·1·•'" 1•1 -..1 l,n11 T. \"•'>1~l ""'I 1:1;.-· \ ~ .. I-' ' ' t od1'y """~111 '" ' •II•"· a ,!' :~·,n tlrok1>r'1 fr•• \'ti" \.,t,1'•'-I Ill ''fl· "r1t••lll'lfl l'illll :•n n·~·•t• fl~f••· "'""' I<'! ·'··II a I' ... ,,n.t ,f. I 11.H ct'r111n1e~ ~h"1" Th' 1 la1n\1f!~ ··l.11nl tl,,,~ • n- l"r"d Into n,n 1i.. !'• • "'' n· '' ,1•1 \\ l- !11111 ,\I. K •ni !•ll "!I J • .,,·)"· )1 K 1nhll 1<1 ~.1: •·r \•h •• 1.,., •. 1•·1·· .,,,. ft.1 ~;:1 F: ,. ·~· lln:!11•n1 f1'r' 11 $•1:':11'\••/I <'•11•,·l• i:<!,•"· .\<'•'••nhni;: t n lh" 1·l•Hhl1ff~. l11>' ,...p,#0 !O h.~\"f' • "'' 1ll•ll'<' An ·~ In',.,, • lq" ! •• Ui I •· " " ,.,. I l 1 " I " ~··• .1~ 1111 I 11!1'" 1111•! '"" .'\ • ol hull•'• Jri:I• '" , .. ,,,.i ... n.i " :1:.: "•\"" ''" " :.:~ l"~h-1•·11• r- , -I "1'"111M' .~ 1<n•t n ,'<\ ·"''"· ,,,,,., Tit<' ~U•J •. , 1 ~ ", ....... , !'I"'·• [I'•! llTHI '''" '"'\'' f,, >ni: h• I•! l!I ''' ""t.;•' '"""'" 111 11'1'-"ll •. F -11k1!• n P 'a!•.,11•. ~,,<1 Anot>.,111 "" ,.,,1 'l .~ ... , '· Owner Reports Patrons Like New Lampert Location i '1 II, -I • ',\ '/1 I' '' ·l 1 n·, til' I\• '" I ;. •I ;-\ • ~ . ..: ' ; ~ ' · ", • 1:, I !"'"'·! <'11 !• 1 "1 .• I'·'''''"~ I~· 1• •1 "''\\' 1 ''" I , .,1 "•ll I nil •1' ·, 1 h• ,, !-1,1 i• •'1·\l ~"I I" " "·I , 1 •I ~· I ,•, I<"_, It·/'"' , I, !h· "''l •I'~- .. 1 "•·•''••· r 111>1 .. n u~h111 1~ •1 "'"'1" 11•11··11·' 1 '·· I:. I• j< ~I Ii I •IL<: 11.~ K1r . ..ieU 1'"'1'•''''· 1·•r " ;;o1 .. 1•1· 1••· ., 1 , \f,~:1 ·:,c •l\lll ~,.,. 'II" I,. " ""'· 1\n "''"h an 1:" "·'~ ,.r, .. n,_,,J f·• • I'""'' "f p·· r·'1 " on 1'.<I.<., ~ •t. P 11•1.:" 1",•1:n l1 . l •r-r ~; 1''•1, w .·1 .. In th" ;>11.rl1•1' "''~". '" !·I n1o: !, lh#0.1•1 •• ,IJ!t f~-. ni .. plRlnt1!1s ~1 .. 1111 lh•·\ !1 ''' en. u,~o.11t•l' '", ·ll•, t on 111" o!•·-•I Bike Theft Told T ho'!\ 1>' h1~ \l ,, I•• Fi l«I f, •h. V\<1 L1 1n 1 'h:l> 11· u•" "•~ ' hi 1 .!! :-,_,. 1l ~ \:, :' 11 l •• ,\11 1 1: ,·i I·· • • ., I I> ol 1 •• I :i< I I\" 'Ill\ •"In• • '1• I!'" ,.· 11.• I" ~·•· i" Ill It·• ll.111 ' "• 1 H,• l.~t·• II •• ,, n• "' '~ )·~ 1• ·'ll• • "\ ~I ' ' 1: 1 I•· ,, .. ,., -•fll\•1'1'• •I ''"I·•' !lllr!•lf l"tllool'I Jlll h !'• f).--.oJ IJT,l!ll:•' ..,:. ... "4--&:..-l<-o1--"4-1+><--•-"o··l tt ~, .. ,..,.., ·lr •' '"'·' •u-y ~··tu .. •J •l"l'"l 1 r\lt>lll~ nnol '•<'h•I •~ lh~I th~ \\'••Tk h~ I~ 11 bl.' •• !·· "·lh 1)··· .•' .1.,11:. "''"lillt.• "r ~' t'<l' rf f",1 ~t .. ll·ltly £Tn\\·1n~ rl•"nl• I• . rnlir,. :o:a•11rdA~· "'" ll ·"h'' <".·1 ~r .. n '"~~"r 11·e J/ir·1• ~11t'('11111il'1 tft ,.... of :lt\!i \"111 1'1tl~rn1<'. •I' ,.,..:1111.: ti nn1 ~ r ... k"I~ Cafe Owner Hall, Bartender, Plead Not G~ilty to Liquor Rap F rill., ,.. I' I t"'!. • "f'• ~ • : Fr ill· • "' • •( "h ,, h '~ 1• ., ' '1 ~ A .p1~\ Z~ I.it!•' 1 ~1 :-,_,.,l•rtl:•' ill'f \\l\, •I )"fl JI 11.'\hl \t ,1;.11. l'a!l •' l•r. 11 h., \l ~l·»l \'. \! 11" 1'11bn11,, \\•!'I' .I' •'o·.\ _I \ I !<I '!\\'l.;:' :'' t " .'.t ~l' .l \\< "~' Kt)P<lo•lt r. ~, '"" :- ~I •rt '' 111 \' • 11:, r '" '" ,, '-'.. • ,. 1 f . I 1' 1" I ( ' '. •· ,,_ 'I '. ' ' • '1' " t ""'' 11,., ••• , ' . ( ALMOND TWIST COFFEE CAKE .... ,.., J I< M./ Van de Kamp's ~ l••ll ll t •COfl ll ~•O'I • ~ rusT" ,n:s., , 1700 '.\"e"·p.•tl l\hd. C~H(l'.\"A DEL )IAR 90~ Co.11-,t 11113'. AC'Oitll'~ l..Alll''.\"A Bt:.A(ll 0'!/I,\ Rroad1"1t,- I' \l.lltl,\ ISL\!\-U ~IMI ~111rln.. A1·e. !\t ,\\1'4JH.r H•:AC"H it:ll <-~1 ..... ,. S('!'\"f'd hut ru\\s by P . 1\, J':t]n11·r , ]•l"t'Sld<'l•I f>f t h\' ;1~- ~------------------ ( ·' Pllffi ffflCTIYf THUR~ .. fP.I .. SAr .. JUtr I~. IS. 16, 19SS, Ar SAFEWAY SIOQll tM TiltS U(l. ll~ru Sunddy in Stortt Ol>tft SunddV) II,~ .. I ' l ,gM 10 I""" •010,.ocl. ND"'"'' ... <lo"lo .. loolo1 I<>• coUo"'d on !oot>lllo olom• \' ' ' /. ~ I ) .,, " cni<ll •n ,! S'l'fLl (,ffUM.. - u · BU¥ a !Ilg ••• for a.ming! SEA TRADER CHUNK TUNA •::;19' SPAM LUNCH MEAT 12:33' PINEAPPLE ~~~1 20 ' 1':25' ~29' SALAD DRESSING ~ 39' FRESH CORN GOLDEN CROSS. Sweat, lo•g.a aors. Pl""'P· mol~y k"rnal•1 ORANGES v:.:~~I~' aich;,, 1,1;'°.,..;" c,1.,rc.i O.lic;...,,1r rafr••"'"lll ' ··"'1 rH"""07N~E~Y~D-E\'Y~S~~~1~~=~~~~~~~,~-1b-.~,-2~• CHERRIES llNGI. lb . 2 9 · PEPPERS CAllfO~••,n A 19 WONOf' lb. ' CELERY '~i~:~sE.D pks. 19• ., Duch••' b•and. ''lort-whip,._d. ~ {Pint jctf, 2Sc..) MO,EY·S-'VIN{o I.OW LUNCH BOX SPREAD ::. 37• SYRUP ""' ~-son DRINKS ~=~ BEST BEER ,, .. 2n. ..... ,. 7 - 6 11 .... ·-· 35• 79' Sold 011ly '" J,,e.,\l!d So!e .... oy1. BRIQUETS ·~;: 89• ':t: 1.69 Cl 1Roho• brand S-'Ft:"W ,.\:Y PRICES? PEANUT BUTTER ~ .. 39' CANTERBURY TEA '".: 39' CHICKEN ":: "'!:; 1.39 BLACK TEA -· '".: 42' CHARCOAL '!: SJ< "'!: 89' Hordwood, 81u. '10 ..... 21l-lh.. 1.6S. J , fREf RECIPES "l-1ow 10 Cook Spo•e· ''b' .. GET YOU R CO~Y iODAY AT SAffWAY MEAT SfCllON. MEDIUM SIZE! 3-J lb. Avera ge lb. lean, meaty, •e"d''. lrom u1l1utl!d Ecn•ern gr0,n.fed po•~' bo~ .. d. b•oi-ed, b•od~d or bo•b .. <ved• SHARPLY REDUCED PRICE RATH'S DAINTEE Smoked, bo .... 1.,, pork but1t. FRESH RABBITS lOCAl. Yo,.n-.i f•ye•>. CORNED BEEF SLICED BEEF LIVER a ...... 1 ... b ... ~ ... W•th m+ld cure Nv!'1l1ovs. e CO,,Or'n •COI ICE MILK BAND BOX QUALITY J!,c•>, •O"•'r•ng, yet low on colo.,e1I Chocolote, Vondla , S•rowbe•ty hoff 35' 90110,, carton C«!lfMt :BAKERY Speci£1l SOUTHERN SPICE CAKE DESSERT SHELLS ,;"17' plc9. MELROSE SNAPS 2 ~;~ 49' Glni•'· Vonollo , Lamon . SODA CRACKERS.~~7. FRESH EGGS ~:;-' Cr90m O' , ... c...,. p;,.... -f°"' c." b.r . '.!".;25' ·--:.:, s1~ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE~21c To-....., .. .,_,.,.,_ NM.NI pedl, -••cl 1d. ENRICHED FLOUR ·~ 8~ K~ "-ft. C2 ........ Uc:; 5..._ -f'k.I lb. 69c ROUND STEAK uso·.~~~c1~'"' '· 6~ 59c GCR'""o'l "u" 0N° poDok 01 B, ... E..,;E,"·F"';~I~:~::; ~~.~::~I lb. f,t>th g•ound I.o m ""'"'"'d 1,.0., b.,ef ,. 49' BREADED SHRIMP. (op10,.,·, Cho•ce Cop1aon'1 Cho•«· 10~•·49c pkg. lb 45'. OCEAN PERCH FILLET '·'"·35' ..... BLENDED JUICE :::~.;::,;• 3 6~r. 2nc GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ""' 7 hl·•lr Slllllllllll C/1111/S COOllllS •UY 2 -0ST ti; SALE! LEMONADE ":: 18• 3 ::~ 29' ' CONCORD GRAPE JUICE 2 601. 29' ORANGE JUICE '~.:: 27• ""' I ~TORE ROCM n nlh' * a.nJ. ht 8 P·"'· t t.-rl<ln• Ill !f J>.n1.1 Sunda,-ff a.m. to II p.m. 1722 Newpo~ Blvd., Costa Mesa l'J.F.XTI' OF 111\ltlil~f; OS l.AUVt: l!.\ \'l.:D LOT . - YOUTH CENTER DIAMOND ACTION • I HARBOR Yankees Tie for Second I F~~~~}~ ~:~~~~ ~1'8" \)O~ 1111\ 1! 18 In llm1 jt ll1\$p1t11I ru1 11 1 .-11,.. k 11p an,t "11111.1 'I'"'"'"""' vii· , 11,, (111111 hi!! (ll<'ll•ll>, 11 ... ~l'\\3· I 1'11·11• \I nic 1nlor1111•1J l1xlt1y. Xe1•·pon H11rb<>r H:gh ~. h• ,,, 1 --------------- ! IA'll)l:lll' Yankees pullt\t into 11 II<' I ror St~·nrH1 rh11 t' ~fon1\ay "'I\ h II 9·1 t riunir•h m •r 111 .. <'11 rd1nr11~ BILL PHILLI P~. Sports Editor Th<" wm L1t·c1 th<' 1wl1 wrn11 w11h ------------------------------ 1 a •·2 11111rk 1 PAGE '4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR ESS .ltm my <'llm•ll l<1:<st11 thl' Yank I WEDNESDAY. JULY 13 , 1955 \\t11 t111t h•~ht1i;h1 ••r th(' gu111e , 1 rro\'l'rl to be a <1ouble p111y t'al , f'rt>11t11n ''' lhe Y 11 nkc<'• rua1ll• a I CRUCl'AL A GAME AT ~~~~:':~~! ~~~ .. ::":':" "~:~ ~·:) ~:::~1 C111npb<'ll Ill 11nublt• a runner j MESA PARK TONIGHT l ~:~~:~~;.~;~~··r~r.:!~:;;;1 Ga!lanL of 4W Snug Harbor Rott•! , Wl'nl bal-happy, dn•·ing In six First 1·rucial of Ha rbor Roys' A BllRPball L<>11$?U<' takrs r11n8 bctwl'~rt them. This \\'M 111,..11• pla~'l' a~ 8 : 15 p.m . tonight un Costa Mes11 Park diam ond. 1 ,. Lo off·8t>t a home r un b la.sL by ~kheduh:d is a dash betwet'n the deadlock<.'d first place nines ~Jgt'r DRi-nn~s Hond!I 0' 3l2 St. An · I • • ult'\\'a 0 1\u , I the Red .sox and Bra\'('S. Ron 11ttt Petetra was winning Tlw Rt'J ~11x l1'mporarily sun?ed inttl a h11Jf.game lead moun1l11m11n. League atandlng11 -1 Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 F"1 1 !:1\' tJ\' tJl:1!'01mi;: tl-t' H"'I ~ox ry l.Awr4'm··· sp.iu kl'J rtcJ g,1x Lhrough Mon•lay Giant.a 11·1: Car- l:! • 3 llttt 111, Elrnws 110'(1 it up pl.itt' l'"'""r lll!lllll~t ow l\ooli;l'i:< dlnala &1111 Yankeel! f ·2: Ttg~. :i,_.u11 ~nt111 !,1\ "1th :111 11 · :l Ruy ll.tlton lw1rl1•d a twn·hlltl'r t'ubs. l'lravea, J'teJ Sox 11nr1 Llod-, 1 .. w111n~ "' l l.1• \\'h·a.· :-.. x Out:-t.;n """ nh•llrt•I l'll.httnthlll M J;Prtl 3-3: Indians 2·•: \\'hJte Sox e'.\IR CIF Tltll'l .t~' lit• 11 •Y h "'"''"' ""' d• li\'t'rt"ll l·!I l.;;;====o-:-.:;;;;:====-== .... 1'11pl•"• hyJ111 k Cti;1pplt> >1nrl J !'t'-I•\ T,.111 z,.,ld:i \\'1th tht> bfll:' r--=:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;.,;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;,_.;;, ____ :.__~ ... -=--....... -.. 1111!);111~ 1<nd n11h•11I\' mil. Zn.Ida rl'· From lr ft to n~ht arroxs the d1:10111nd you x1·c th<' b;;ill larrqwl, R:i ttr•r f'C'tc FlahC'rty 11f thl· Cor rina <lrl ~far Cla11s C 8r;:n·1·s1 Pitrht•r ~lal'k Morgan of the Dndi:;rrs1 Bra\'• s base> runn<'r ChriN Andrrson off sec9nc.l basr. :rnd U11dgcr Second Sacker Wayne Gault.-Staff Photo Local Legion Juniors Wind· · 111\"•J to t<'llrP th.-"'"" "II one nm. p ,, k \\'11tv 111 tlr""' 1h111 one In on ,, h~ r<t hit ~ rn11n•l"r. , \\"11ynt' \\'h1uwy ~p11rkl't1 tJ11• 1 ~111\'••q trtlllllfl/) !•\'l'T th1• \\'hllo' R•\X 1!1• I rq1t.•1I With t h1' llll\k~ ,11111mwd Rlld 1<tnl•• homt. l.0~111~ hurlu K lloh•• :'\11•n11r 1rnrt Tlrn J un<'q pit• h1•d a lwn-hlll!'r h11t "'"H' w 11rl. Pl'le Stoddard an•! \.ary P1rken1.1 a llc>Wl'd four hits. SANT(4 ANA TENT & AWNING BIG A \'IJ) AHCll EHS -Left, Joe Fru.·s from L(Ji, AngC'les. sl.Jtt-frc·1"it~·li.: a111t state targ-cl champion. who expects lOJ ;1 t knd both target aml fiL'id national lournumcnt ::i. H11.!l1l. )u\'Pl» .Jo I Mn;. Frankl ~kCubbins of Sant <i A n;1. I f(•r m11rksm:u1l'ihip captun·d n•ct'nt st:.•I<'. Jn ·inC' 11 .u k i-.h11c•ts . FEM WINS ARCHERY GO AT IRVINE PARK S tandard Shad11 Clotla &11d Cuat.ont Spt'Cl&ltlr a •· Drapery H11rdW&f'9 • Ventll&n Bllnda C."U· KARM>R II' THE SHADE SHOP Ut S'!nrl l't .. Se\1port IYaelil l'IMaldf' th" ro-t otn"' l~.1y n11m 1r. Z ('hth ketl lWO ft 1\111· P~ \\'11y11e \'nung a p.11r 11nd t:l••n \\'yn•·g.•r the f1nnl • o111r1,._ Yo11ng from fl11ntlni:t11n !It'll• h pltr h•• t rnr l 'CLA rrn1oh brfure Joining th1: ~terrhants. GLVE D LAM INATtD ME.MBE RS, GIVE. <A£AR SPA.N, A FFORDING GQEAT STQE.NGTH A.T LdwE.Q cosr. COMDLE.TE evtLOtNG vTl~•TV DEllVEQE.D TO J~ S ITE. FROM 'IC!! PE.R.SO.FT. OR COMPLETELY ERECTED, IHO.VOl~G 3LAe,, FQOH $till PEA. s.Q. FT. FOR. COMMERCIAL., f t.QM OR I NOV!. TRIAL U!IE.. A AWWHI« ,,, JO. CM.IF. Up in Second t ·natilt to OVl'rlake the ch&m· Wt: HA \·t : Tiit; A~S\\'EfC New French Renault '''"' IC1•\ulutlunan of ull IC0•:1r l .ni:l11,. A;11 u~. 4 door "'"lan~'o mil•·' 1wr i:u llnn. t r11I"'' at 60 111.p.h.-1111~ nw11t~ ~:itUOI m ... tt1rnk of r\'nwrlJ·a tlnnnrlni: -h11m•·1llsl1• 11,.Jl\f·n . ( 'omplrl•• l'11rf.I <\ ="'"" lc•1· A\ KJl11hl1•. ' Hausken Motors, Inc. ( 't•"'ltU ,,,.._,,. 111:1'! llru-hur l\h d. 1<1·11~1 ult :m; Austin )lorri-. t:n).:li!»h For1l A 11-.t in ll1·a l1·y e S .\l.ES e 3";.4tNIJTfS lustre-Wash UNDER NEW M~AGEMENT \\'AXl~(i • \\'ASHIMi e POl.IS lllX<i STt~A~I CILAXl~O \ Special owith Polish & Wax this ad $12.50 up lnclud"" l.'hrnm11 ~EW POLICY CLEANF,.R C~RS Opea 9-o D&itv 9-1 :30 8 11Ahn Arr088 .from Port OranKt>. · \ 2244 W. Coast Hwy. Newport I.each GOOU Ill "lll.l!\CO (;111•'1 1 hucktng by Brlun Luca s "" I a lrtplt' b\' Charlll' Tavlor &<'· 1 "lmt•,•t for the tn1han~· 6-2 v1 P- l•J1 ,. H\'l'r lhl' Yanktl'!I Ftlday. Saturdfty the C1unt., beal the Card- 1n;1J.. ~1-2 J olin HUjo!h"'!I IO!lll!'d a thr• r·hlllrr for tht' win Otck GrN·n slr.J:ll'r1 hnrne twu G11111t run- "''" 111 th" f\r"t tnomP ttnrl •1·or1•.t nn an • 11"1 :-it1•\'" :o;1mnns<0n btt•h· Nl 01Jl a slnglr nnd lnplt In lWn al bats. 1.r a,:ue stan1hn1?!! tht uui:h Sat- 111 day !I J:Rnll'!.: l:Sr.1v. q and Rttl ~"x !'i-1 , Clanu :1-2; C"an1tnals 4 ·3: Yank"" .. an.t lnoJ1.1n11 2·4. Whit<' ~ox 2-!J. Dotli:rr~ I ·6. · Reds Edge Out Midget Blues The H1;1rb11r 01·ani:e Co11ntv M1•I· j\t>l U 'll).'.U(' n ... 1~ 11nr1 Blur!!. bl'n kP np(.'11 thl' ~l'Axfln 11,:ain~t l'A(•h nthrr :\t .. nd.1~· with the RPtl~ t'dg1nf l'IL•t tt;f' B h11 ;i r,.4 d"~pltto knO<"\<• 111)! out only two hlta. Traihnl' j 4·2, th• R <"I" 1Jrorrd thr'W'e run• '" l 1•l "' 1111• l<('\'1 n1 h w11h1111l b~nl'· rit or a h1111:le. J, 11 \' M.rnn ~'•"""'-'"I :H rnsii Oa k B11t1P1w111 Lh anti K1·nl HO<lg· ~, n r11r th1• Hhh,. 1n the i;o·1·<1rut r111n11 t•• ~··nil thf' \'1~1uni: club ·"·"". T hi• lfr.t11 ~ul bill k Into t he p •OI•· \\Ith a 1"'11 111 l111• (1flh Thi' w 11111111,,; ll 1" ''•ult• I frum "" "r· r .. 1. f .. 111 \\ tlk· 11n I a hulk 1:,.n· ("lark \\•ht lhr 1lti<t:inr1• 1 .. 1 th• 11 .11,ph l'hnrlt•, T11\lu r an I BHb~ :0.:11 n11o •h•I 1111' Him I hlh Mill~ Roomy, •••• Comfortable and llO low prtcf'd for auch ftae lmport"4 qualle, ,Rattan Basket Chair I with Wroul'bt ln>a Le.- Onr of the most popular chaJrH thll' 8eSIMln! ~mart, J:OOd looking, liJtht in wrh~ht. A moclr m <'.UuaJ th.al ~Ot"S indoors and out ••• pt>rfect in living room, dt n. lanai or patio. Frf't' Dcll\'t>ry -Open Frida~· &. Monday to 9 p.m. Santa Ana Tent & Awning tm6 So. )lain St. • ant.a Ana havin9 a After S Years We Have Moved to a New 1807 Newport Location Avenue Costa Mesa 't:~T TO. Ttlt: ~~-\\' RH,.\ T ~HOI ' To Celebrate We Are Offerin9 Two SPECIALS GOOD FRI. & SAT. ONLY Complete Spinnin9 Rod,, Reel and Line- Reqular S 14. 95 Value Gum Rubber 1st Quality- Reqular $5.00 Value Ftn:t: UOOR l 'Hlzt:."". Slmpl,\ l<f'l.:i"'tn - Swim UKA\\I~<; SATl "RUA \', 3 l'.)I., .J ul~ I fit It BOB'S Sportin9 Goods 1807 Newport Avenue Costa Mesa • CITY LIBRARY ACQUIRES MANY FICTION VOLUMES !NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART ·1 • PAGE 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY ll, 19S5 New bOOq added to the New- port Buch Public Library ?'eCentJy T.1J,,.11: MO)''· Dint. ()f thll Sooth· nn 1'1.ei.LI<~: MuruaJU. Tho T&I<' uf GenJi; ~orri.s, .Mc1'eAgue. Op- lnclu<le r1ct1on: p.;nlwun, C1owna and ~·r1mln&li I Echitrd, The Unbf>bevin1r Wife ; Poe, T a.II'• of Edpr Alilln Poe. Kr,•pf'l!I. To•ll ll On T he Drum!>, ltoeoJer, 1111' Man ,,, the ltenola· 1 Markll~', The F our Fates: T nry qnr l': T!lylnr, L.1·t:mbr<lO the Flo 011r1en Ventur<>, \'1eortcl, The L&st 'n me. T l'hb.•I, The C'nnqul'n-r \'.,lt.ure. 11\e u .-st Known Work i- T rmptatlnn: Vining, The Vlrgi.nia r \'o)l:ilrl'; Walev. TrAnslatlon:. EXilPll, l~irnwsl\r. n ie Queen'!I From The ('h1n~·. \\'hltl', Thi' Kn1i;ht; C.ulell, ~lonty T .. Burn; 511.i:a of Andy Bum..tt. ('E1nipl>t•ll, Hy Sun 1111!1 CaJ]dll'h~ht. I :-J.,w Myslo rt''" 1uc-: Bl'll, B <>ne1< C'<1Jlilt1&nt, O klahnnlf\ Run: Di•nnl.!, In t he Barrow : Dt'wt•y. Tlw M•'llh Aunlie M itm(': FIPt•·hcr, The !':!'Oh· ~·t ••" t~. Fl,.mrn;.:. l.l\'e And IA"t w .. mnn: J.'Mt'Ntt•r, The G<>o<I Sh•·P· 1111., 1t:u1d,.1rh. ~;run G1 vw Th,• 1.1. hn<l; Jttmr~n. Tht> Hlcrtl,n Rt1·rr. lit<~. ni•i !'11. ni .. :'l!l'n \\·1th Thrr" t.•i<•mla, The Twllti:hter~: Mtll<'r, •Ev .. ~: llh<>t1•'. D1•oth nn The l.11v."ll , Arni To H.t>m t•mber; R uark, S nmt-Tt-enrh . Dl&honourNI Boni'.•; Wl'nl· thrng 11( Value, Shute. The l:in~ak· wnrlla. r o1:<11n In T h r l't'n. Brown. ini:; \\'ave. Slandhh. F:~t·:ire F rnn1 I The \\',.r< h I:< n 1·nc1 G11nln•·1 Tho• 1•1mhC'o: Tutton. ~\&.mmll: \'f\n der l'"~" of Th,· Sun Bnther'i. 1>111ry 1• .. ,t. Flammi:;11 Jo',.;1llwr. \\'htt!', E!!p1'<'l:ll11· !1r young 1wnplc '"": Thi' Th"rn Tr,.. 1 ~.1U, 13hi• k \\'ii ham 11n1l ~··tnn, ='on·fit'llu n 1.Joukil are Adamson.: The> :'ll 1stltl<~· nnd Sword. K, l'p .. rs of Tho· t.1i:hts. Armstrun~ :->nn·fll'ttnn si>1 ll<>n hl\.q in nwn- Qu.•:.tatll\ll n oyq Al'k , 1 'ho>rnu · An t:•I ho sl!h F11x Tu,. T rn l'Olll· Jn\ •ll\llon ltl l'h,,.~,. rlRU"t'n, Jn-ll\IU\lfr>knl/C: Thi' ;\IU/il,.r K··~· le• I:..• I F a1 t 11nol J.'tolklorc. l'tlblo>l)(h, Lifr; Htjthrl. :'llsn'11 l n Mr.riul'rablr \\ .ruung lll \\ ,11! lHn•..-\, 1.Jq;mi, i :'ltin•I, :lll'rl• 11, ~v :'118n I~ An •~· l'a:•t• I~. llull, I lr,11· In tkrnmt• A , lfln•I f'oll• r, T h,• FullhM '.\ft>n Lh•t t'lllz.<•n l'f Tho· L'nnert Statf'S: Jar-Bv. <ih.•rn Y1.>u ~lu"t 1-tdax, J1>s...,1, ·\'•>Ur h<>lll< F•1rJ. Dr>iugnll F or Tiu , \\'av :'Ill._~ J u nc;,i, Snn,.: o f L 11·111i.; Fco~olykt• LJ1-.,1rah l·• llu111r ' T ho• ~un. ~hrD<•nr11ol, Onion• 111 J ~un.-o t ~faa::nzin•·. Jlnmr<i F'or \\'t'l!I 1111' St"\\ • rn L11·1ni: \\'rnham. ,\ nt lq11r11 A ,\la1 rlwam·. \\ ht•11 Th<' Eal lh t<i Z. \\\"'""· Ofr Tn Th<.' Rli:;ht PHOPOSt :n t 'l'l't:n RAY URU)(i E -Herc's wha t C'C'nl1•r spnn would be 60 feet abo\'e mean low water 011.1k• 1i. :'It ill• r. Your f'•·rsonnl Jn-I Start In <·hoo11ting Y "ur llollll'('h«l<l I hiJ.!h lmdJ!l' o\'l'r Cpper Bay would look like. according or 511 : feel nbovc exllitin~ level of highway bridge. At I !<Ur•11" •· Guldr. ~f><upM!<llnt. S"· 1 Tr<'A!mr<'s. 11'< t••1l Tul1·~: ~l•lrphy H t:'<"l f'<'!< n{ Y •UP , h1l,lnm : Rurn•l". Your tn rr•11m1 pr<'pll rNI for Jn ·1ne Co. by KnappC'n En gin-l!'ft a bo\'l' is long'-plann$id, muJti-stori"d hold propOlll'd j All ='·" ,, 11,,: ::-:ai:;iuh, E!nT' ·s Dr:; •. To•l'n·AI:•, ;.: How 10 Sul"'tH' Till'm ('f'rttl~ (.'o. 11 f :'\!'w York and San Francisco. Strurture for prt-~<·nt Rll.e of Castaways Club. Under pass for ! ''"Y tu11·11. The <~old<'11 h lanll: an r'ntU', Adt1l•''<C"c11t l':<y1ll11h1i:y 11nd IR t hrr•P·:-.p1111 bnrlgC' with ('C'fll<'r span bowstring truss 1 ith Sl. iR at loWer left. Anth•1loi.:-y tof l,,;ttln • A nwriran I l<'vt•lnr"n"nl f'utt:o. Bn~ht C"'hll-1 l"o1lkl11n• in L1t1•rnlll!'I'. f'h1lllp.s, ofr,.n. Fl.-.•, II. \\'hy J 11hnn.1· C':in't :mo ft•t·t l11n1! Tw11 sid" spf)ns are ea"h 100 f C'el long. I Qinaba n llnd Shebn; Pluth. The R~ntl -And \\'hat You Ci\n no ----------------------------------f11·<'0rl\t1V1• Arts <Jf Sw,.,le11, Spo<k , A broul ll j C . s h I o· . . G .• , Is b t B t A IlllhV'll First Y<'nr. Spvsk1, The l'n1trrl ~l tlt• lt. Amf'l"l\'l\n Hl'ri· ounty c 00 1str1cts et NB POLICE ARREST u -een eau y [JI~\' nf lnh,,ntAnrl' In A 0 ll Forty-ta~t'. fil'OJ:lln, PnlillC'l'I nr A;no•r lt"I\ I P.11:ht Stl\ o'•. T anner, H1st<>ry and An A111 oh1o~raphy nf Th\! l!.S.A ; Sl,0639705 ··n Stat~ Allotment FIVE LAGUNA KIDS Contest Slated Trcn~tlll'll of \\c~tminst .. r Abb«y. Down('~ .. I.Ju.,:,, t ur Udl'l\.!k'. Aml'r· " Ti-Jnorr. T h ,. C:0 rat Ph1loiwphen•; 11 an r•"i:" 111 Tiii' s rronc1 \\'o rl't FOR HAVING BEER I \\',iui:h. \\'h•'r•• Thr C'Jork1 ~trikfo' \\'ar: 1r;1n 1 C:am• 1 The Amn,. SAf'KA:llE:"TO, 1('~!'1 Ruy. t1<•rulll'l\l bo>OIA.,d the lol&I d1<· E ~tmpvin, l'll81'" ollrf'<"o•r n ( •·•IU· i I'• n" .. t In H'hnol!I t;! lhP !'Ital,. tn c Hr111 t•.,J 1)' uhn<llln< I' I "l'P''r· $.I!" fll>f• •Ill() f .. r t h•' ~ . ..,.,. t 1 .. 11rn .. 11t 't Sl.Otrt 711·, 1 .. "'h•-ol (If th<' !Iran r 0 nllnly r1 nal Ill'· d1 .. 0r "" 111 f lt .rni.;r t•o1ml\'. "u11.•111nit•nt S'rlti 7;,7 went lo l'h" JI I'' f'\l"lllllt n 1• l'l•lil'nllo 1·lu111•ntar\' llth•x.!. Sl:?:.?.!'il!I tu 1111 11tlul11h n' lt1r ~ 1 u \I. th 1lu1 rni: h1i:h '"'ht.;.ls, tsr.rl $71-~·'>3 tu J lllllul 11i .. SPoon1t hi.ir n( lhe "'ht••I yillr (0Jl1'Cf''<. 11""' , 11 Im,.:. i.nd a !111:'1 1111 .. 1-1 -------------- 11 ... nt .. r 11111.r.. 11 .. • II'• <I •up bv M , H f • Ul~lllr'l!I durinir the )I Or • OftSeft 5 ome Ire .s""f'"'(I" "'" 1 '11•• r1rrni 1tpror· Causes $2075 Loss ' 1'\1•111'. \\ hc-1'11 r. Ttw \\'ralth \\'1lh· •'au :"h·n rG;fl • l111l•c1', Thl' T\, ... 17-yc'[lr·C·l·I '''"" nnl by Brat Shop Ill Y .. u. W rlg11t. Thi! :"l:atura.I 1-'nlk'< ftl 0 H .. 1w" d ;tfll HN!nt"k ,' 1w .. 1:-1.\f••1r-11l•l pr!•. 1111 r •• n 11••11'<' Th· Lnn.f "' T hP ,('ruok,,·1 Trt·I'. I '"111 •I H• II h. "' 11' liu •I•• ·I H1 .. J:rnph1r~ 1nduc1e· R8rT\'ll\ore, t C';1f11 R1111p>n ';\round ThP l' SA ,. l 'n.011.,. 111 11.• :i1•1 • nt 1, n bt•alll\' F 1.JTI\ 11r1;ll• I 1 ·" "• 11 I ~1"n1t1rlt>.,, 11, '"'· l'nnl" l'h~hp: 1n 1 1100 !'111u1.:~ Sui :1rl Magaztn" Ju.. "h· II 11('11•1,, ,,IJ.4 I\'• I l"l•nh-'l lin.llt ol l (J ~Ull·lt'< n j;ll I• H tsnt'"' k . lloui:lts .. ".l ll t>.1nk.• ..... k ""'''"m c •• n J'l'llo• I ...... I ry. \\'ti· "'"' 11( tht• n, \M l•)•n.: lu h1 · 1:1 11 p;.rt 1 ( ti .• g1un·I npe111n,i: furrl Sll' ... h1n. "r.ol Sh:ioluw ~h·I· '"n. A m•i11 'ln :o:;r1l'n1•r an•I l n\'"ll· 1 I\ ,,. • I 0 .in n.. follr ,,, ,, • l<Jl'1n"·(ofl ('o h:Ur .llhJll u( The llr;ll 1.1h•1ri:• I l.onl <'h••,tt•rftt>l.f Rr.d 111111 • hat ,.:t I \\ '' h P1 """"'."'!'\'• 1· un kl .sn,,p lfl Co:sta .\h·~a. 5, hcduled JI 1."' \\*ur l•t A 11..-n. Tl {· ~eihtary S['c«1flh):• <1 1n!o rn\u tlun. Fnr-. , t h:; ~;·~:,:~'!''11~~:.',~·, •II)' lo I.I t•I . ll.l!I J.'r.<l;Jy t"\"t'fllllt: fur i<ll hour ~111i:1 r, ll1dlfl~ ~· l'h1latl, I pill It nn;.,t ·ll, J',h 1fl" 1;·111.1~ r1.·~1ni;, ,t.titrni; :.t -; :;<1 J' r.i. th" 111 to r lltht r· B no;w I. !' Llfl' ot !<'ITT?r-F rhlm:ni Aryon,. t':ui • rt: """ fu •I'~ lh• ,. dr 1111.. 11 ill I t'lrl ~ . l:?·~-~"\r·n"' J:"'lll!I ffi'l!!t br rrr ,.,!'r· 11o•l .l11hnso11. t ;o.si<, B• P11tn1···n ric, :'ll<'f'all'~ 1 '11mplt'\o• B<>f•k on l •fl· u r 11.111 lo<fU• r :lS!ll'O. .... 1:1 1't:l\llll\O, lhj.;hcr Th.lll Th» !'iky, Baza::U><, :\laLl•lhhl'n, :\t1<Tilll'rll '" ll\'..I;. 11111, 11 .. y .1 lnlllt•"i t" '"' nut ),I(, r than llll!I Thllr«fay 1 J 1 1 J '.\ 1 '.\ F !'i Fire 1n an uno.;-rup1cJ but furn· pull•.,. h·· ~Ito!.' 1 ht• 1'td~v•o•w :1" ••t<hni;: tn J..ll'tty J '.•Jl"l' o r the :'l't'' ~· ~:~")' •~> •·i;;•.,f · • hin B~I ~u~111'' ::..';. ·~am 0 111~l • 1 "P'\. '" ishcd hou~e at 2 H 8 Sar.ta M8 lllllt"r f1co111 lfi• o nr l""k' I .\!1 ~.t lltnre • yl • g<', e Lt" 8ncl A . .<1 o•l : au 'll, II :unting l>r DOBBIN LEAVING A vr. a t l .31 a. m. JuJ.v 1 1 ,11,,.,f , v1•nturet1 of J oaquin ~turletR.. The H<'pnn• r CdM St bl in r .. 1111 II( th• Ill 1d11d1 \\,1.i J llrl>-:cs pll'kt'tl lo llf'it'('l t he pnze t :1!t11 llN', C alZ.ll', Shoi·t Slur · .\11.s1·0 ll.1n"in1i<; Ht•l hrum. J\bonrll a es <la.maJle c.>1<tima t.>d al $207[) by 1 <'P"'"' "" tu n \\', IJ. Huvp• 1. t\ 1111.i11i; \'oun;; UhJUll;,11 u1 c ~Iii\'· te11: ('nrrulht•r:<. t.1nrnln'l'I Other A Fl.vin•· !'11111 •, ( 'la1 k. A II Tlw coun°.v firt.'men, The how,c Ill ow11-• • · ,. ' 111• ~.1 1,1 It" \\1o11ld J•ll\' f11r t h•· .. r,. I •ma 11111 111 ="•·v.1•1111 !1<'111 h •t l)Jl I' l I t t' u l .,. ('I t r Jntn I R _ _. "nr~·. mar•, ""11 I o•ll o 11e ..,,._, 111 r.uro•r..-. "Ii o, M . t N ed by lch....-u M(111!11'0 of L 11ln ·'A ·1n I 1 'l111r n 'f ... 1 r r• "t Ovln 0 ew u 111:<;:" • ' • ·' ·'' Mm " '-on u \\'1.1rlJ: Duncan, A T,.XL Book (){ ~11.'\,·I'; Da1·1.~. l'wo l\lmulo•s Till g lraJl,;r Pa.ck. A pJ'l11 .\I IPlll< for J'C•I it.Ion~ \hi.ti and fM h 1on ro-or dlnutor ."IJ.tn l'h)'l'!11·s: H8w Lhomc, C:la.~SIC Mys. ~l1Jn1ght ; U"u;:l11.s, An AlmanA.C of Fou r Lrucks answ .. red th!' a.larm wcro• f1l1·d on lh<' fl,oir and I lll'u•1g-hlvn. t<'rv n.nrl DclPctlvc Sh<:>nNt: Ger-L1bfo'rly: Elhnll. Clni<1'1C Stc're t11 of Spot from Here ~:~:7n~r ~;e 6!:7i:-!ll ~:~:)~11~~;; ~hi'." ,, ... r .. rPlf·I'~"" ,,.. l hl'lr Inr lUtll'll In thu first thrl't! m11.;,: Hawthorne, CIU!!lc Mystery ~la11:1c: Hnffmnn. New11 of thr I J•IHNll~ awariJs ~Ill bo; a party 1l11•s11. n.n•t Uclecllve Storh•s: l\todem W urld: A HIMnry or th\' World In ~A :-\TA A:"'A 10C;"1;S1 T h<' offlCf'rs . I sporuwrar by D11r<'n•' a m t & "wlm Frt•nt·h; Hawthorne. l'lass1c Mys-::-:cw~papN Styli•: L.111,1~. So<'ls l I Oraace Counl.)I Pl~ eommi... c II Ord .. I SUit. C.,nteotl&nl.tl Wil l lie JUdged ' tery IUld De tecUve S tone&: Medi· I r ohC'it'S In \hi' Mllkini;r: Morton. I ldon lVedne!Odav H n ctlnn,.t1 a r1r1· Uw 'ad oc July h'olrl Uie present OllftC en rro pot~e. rharm, b<'A.uly a.n'1 phy· lPrrlUlettn: H ick ey. A Gu1<1,. to R ir<I A Strnni;:er In Spain: l'ost . F:llq11· 1n.i: iotllhl,. 11n•l trl\tntn;: 1:,r11lln•' (nr location on the blufrs Rb<Jl•e H3\'-Tate Book Aud1•t ""'" a)'J'o ft' an .•. in 8w1-.. Rllllt' .111 \\'11lrhini:. llunl, Th•' l'1:tr.lt1 Slory 'll• l!llS.'• !l 1'u11111n s .. o '"'·'· rn lh" nn11h .. a I FlolP n f \\'1nl,.rshuri: .:title D11ve· to ma.)\P way l!lr lht< .t• ll :1:< In tli<'~·"' Tia• \'1 rna .\ltl· of l»,u,:lu;o ~ta1 Arthur Eth11 • 11n•I r 11ltt1• ~ ~h•111m, S.111· Av• . l:lfl41 .... t ' l'•t n ( :" .. whnpo• 1 So \'<IOU i;.;t U••n • r I I \'Ill• To•n :H ,. f, r ~. ll"'•' "' ( '"'" tn. ~·tnlll ,\na ,\[aur<lll<llnt Shnrt Stone< O( llh• HI~ A Inn•• Ar .. 11nol Th" \\"o•r hl rrnd St Rnuth•'ll"lt flf Ranta \nn He.rrt:1 saM th1:r w ill m llkt' a IPlll· -t'11v :'lllrn""'' r J••hn l-11 1h11<1 on l!I r110tl11rt111~ 1111' •11h·l•••n l''>ntl':<t Tr11;,..ry an•I t'<>nll'•lY ul 1~11< .. \\'htdto-n Ou•an L1fr in t he l lld JJ"n"J T. H A.11 ... or ,. tf1na tft.•l µo1a.ry hlUVf: l•• t,;1.~h r ,A\t .... J~ ,,, . .!II \\01 ... u, ... ,,. '., t ft J:1 l U'f !r,. --r t' Ht•' !'hnp ~trtup.,~,.lnt. ~Ur L "eau nnct Olh··r !-\htpda)~. ~\11r !>lablrs w~ t he nr1 Hlanl lo·r 1lween H~~r Biv ~nJ th• Santti \,l\" tll 111 r ~ f . II •• , ~.,.1 L llar· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ th,• "l'•"'l\'l•1n '4 h.,h 1~ .... frtltd f••r An:t R 1ve-rWttl thin ut•\•• tra th•1r v 1 T .,t•'" h 11(" •u c·,,1.,1.l ,,J A 1<.7 b\' 3r,7117-fl. Jlftl"I I I"' !1111! n••\\' !IK"a.ll1'" thl' n u·ldl· Ir ,\111,;11~1 :'11•11 :-.• 1l• l'.11k 11111..: Ill• I' ' Our buttons are popp·n· w·ath pr·1de' Yes ··t•s In.tu I• .t "' 1111 ,,.. A l""'~"\l·ll F·•ur arr<'!I w oulol I>-' 11-. •I in th1· 1 al• n l•u \o' 11 In \ht'"'"""' "'"''"11 I • 1 r1dn..; t 11.}: l•x•>•·fl !1't"•' h1sn. J{•·n~Mtl R)fr:rnltur•• h11~1n•-..:" A l••U"l••I ,·,\• l !•r lh· .tt.l1• 1 ... 1 St \'~h t . t1.1J... ·' .,.,, l1f1rn l\n4t Olnx1n1un1 • f -\fl h •r!!'-1·~ ,, ... ,.,.1 hi-• u 1 l.l au 11 t·r '.' I· ·~· ~ t. n 111!1 8\UrllJ:" I 1111 • •ll\bfrfj r n lhP rr"Ml~•''< "' any I ill,\ \\ h•, ,. UH ••II•·· 1 I :1 ... 11 \ - 1~h\: :-.• 't 1« "4 1uu • \w n,11\t'•I Lv •lnt' t tnl• hu · .t nn A. f•• l• • ,,;,.~. l1.1.~1 • Grand Opening Friday and Saturday July 15 and 16 BALLARD'S Sportswear and Misses Apparel 1829 Newport Ave.-Costa Mesa • We Will Feature Dresses by Lantz of California Jonathan Logan Lilli e Diamond Betty Barclay Sportswear Swim s~~s by Knit Suits by I and many others Wondamere ·Sw-eate" Darlene S~eaters C at alin a Sweaters Catalina . Caltex Kimberly • ' ' The New Brat Shop twice as Big You are cordially invited to our Grand Opening · FRIDAY AND . SATURDAY JULY 15TH AND 16TH FREE GIFTS! GREAT BUYS! < Free orc hids to t he f irst I 00 women! * Fashion Show 2 p .m. Saturday ~~ -"' * Free gifts for Kiddies! * Sub-teen Contest 7.:30 p.m. Friday! FRl.·SAT. SPECIALS The BRAT StiOP Features: . ... ~t.!111 1.irl'• T1>1t1:lr .f1t1 l.t·t• \\llh nip. l'"f'lln ll11t•tJ fl1H\. ~·~.!Ht 'lttl ht•r Ui.11i:h1t·r Ur•''""''"• ~.t.U:, t u S.l'! 9.·,. hr1tl\•·n -.1,,.... ~n'•''J ~l.!111 I .111·1 "" \\ i.l•·r prn11f 111111111·'· '1111\11 111 ••\tr:' l1tri:•· ,., •. ,. UX1• '111·• 1,tl t•11r•·h., ..... : '"P"' 1tll•I t•:uuir' • , , ,1,,. : 011h ti \f.Jo . l'tclt t: ~! ~·x· 'J rhlial,, hro"•'l1 ,.,, .. ._ ~ 1f\ 1"!. nnu illlh ~).!IH 'L!H ·1 •. ,. "hir1 ..... I ·""''""' ltrK.ntl, ~11•·111 I tu '<. O',l<" 11111' llanl" unol t n h H 11 h \\ ftll'rpruuf lnn•·"tirini: \l 11llr1•.;, S:?lt.>ot l'ull '.'-111• l'la 1 """· ''IU\oh :,·· p tf m•n r. llri;:. ~I ~.!I;, n"". . ,t I II.XII Tahl1• qr :-un :-1111~. ('rt·qwr .. , :-hn-t,, \ &1111•" •n ~l.J9 nnu. ~it. T ahlP "' ( u\rrsll ... tlutr hrr 1.lrl" :-11n ,.,,j,, \ alur~ 111 ~'.!A9, Sl.H llo~ ,. ~ to I'.! :-1111 lo-, hulrtl nllH' Of'nlm, tll'jt. Carter underwear, Billy-Th e-Kid jea ns , Don Rancho $1.911 """. ~-"' n,,~...,· :-hlr1", I t n II, ~f'l'r•'1Jl'kf'r, Rrnadl'lnth. R"!r· • I .9l4 nnn. 11111' shirts, Nitey N ite sleepers, ~. Youn9land dreues, Na ncy Ann Story Book Dolls, His Nibs shirts -PJ 's, Catalina swim wear. 1809 Newport Ave. u 8-6482 AT Forgit's ••• 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. New_port leach-Harbor 116 NATIONALLY KNOWN AND ADVERTISED PRODUCTS FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD NEED! "Everything a Hardware Store shoul? carry • • • and a lot more!11 Open 8 a.m. 'tfl 9 p.m. Sundays 'til 6 p.m. PROTECT YOUR BAf upholstery d eanet l V" oz. pkg. (malles 1gaf)25c -~~ you need ... rABSPRAY, BM. BRUSH! s459 MOST PRIZIO Renews r • ..kJ color OOUtf of op. hoht<'ry, drA~ries, a r cop & i~ c1\.)f. \.lO\ . .U .l'n•no. rup. nc.. * 14llClfltlrCtlln * let I ,., lilt .,. • · W.'f stiffll tam. Ii PfNT $ l .25 QT. $3.49 5 Nur•ry Colon & Transparent Enamel Forgit Hardwar• '.?20:. \\. nalboa IU\ll * Sii. nttr .... mfst9I( FORGIT Guaranf eed ! HARDWARE dry and readt to wa lk on in one hour -or your monty back 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. IYWYn DIAM ND GlOSS I linoleum Flnish LADIES You are urged to inspect our complete line of Plastics I • DIAMOND HARD ... ,.o,.,Jw...,# .. ,.. ....... •iiffr • DIAMO~ .. l"'T _,.i..., .... ..., ... , .... lutdt•11t + H., eff•ct ... .. , "•I WOH•, e ud.tr"M• .... , ... ~ ... -" ... ,. • c1 .. , ,,.,,,,., .... n... ~ ............. __ , WAX NO MORE MY lAOY a n ite m for every kitchen need. we bwe lynolyte Otart\ond Glo~1 60 ""'""'''" "o"' _,09•1 \1 Forgit Hardware '!II, \\. H.1llt1•1l Ill\ 11. 6 llMIS ll4I WIAI ~ OIDINAIY PlolHT • 1104 WlfO"'lt.. SJ'YlfD C0\00 .......... ----...... -,, ..... --"'""' ~!1:.-...... -so-c;." ~··· '"' ·---- .. ,..,. of lo"9 1.,i;,.9 b.outr 1>.01 w1tt.1to•dt weotMr. ..-oh t•r• O"d tflte --TOlll9~••t )ind of weor Ol'td teat. 'O'IJO ''"uh .. Otld ,.,,,,Oftt o•d ot•ol1-r•111tetftl# ;t di••• to o ~orcl, l•1.,..ov1. ear...,-e.i11oM f111uh i• l•tl 4 h-.1 .._.... .. ,_...,., ....... le ....... ....,. ._, ~ ,., w-1•9 Pffh l• Wh•lt C,.,..l,.•o ~-.. d lo .... 11•• 1 J ... ! ' ! (}ouernmenl Gxcepf NEWPORT H"'RBOR NEWS -PRESS WEDNESD"' Y, JULY I l . 1955 "God 9raM • ~ ...... Mty to eGCept the th ings w• cannot change; the courage fo change t he t hing~ we can a nd the wisdom to know the d ifference," (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS Our Pinball Machine Game Joke Is One on the Council Com.. now dtJ oomoil'• tack ..WiNM>n it. police department caMOt oatch culprit• gambling on Clyde Denlinger'• eo pinb&ll ma.chine. which, after all, it'• 1ugge.ted, abould probably be licensed more heavily. One councilman Monday night 11uggested there waa a vut 1pread between the $33 average pinball machine licen.e fee and the 1U11~tM average $4000 ~r machine annual income. Not much percentage fO!' the city, It wa11 Indicated.. Tho.e ol 1111 wll o have...aeen the police department'11 flu: work in many tough cuea theae past years can hardly swallow the contention Newport's finest are not Up to thit; job. When our detectives can crack a case euch u the burglary of the Paul Mantz home on Balboa 11'· land -&ft.er nearly three years of investigation -it doe. not follow local police can't catch pinball gamb· Mn, be they adulta or minors ae hM been alleged. True, you don't •end a un iformed policeman into rambling territory if you want to catch miscreants de- t ying the law. That would be a.a silly as·having a uni. formed officer mingling with a dope ring t o nab peddlers ot marijuana. Let'11 face it . friends. we are aeeing council in one meeting ask for a city manager and poli ce department inve•tigation and report on the pinball gambling and in th• next diacuaaing how ~o license the machine• t o pro· duce more revenue for the city. We preaume all council m.embera, like 'most p<'lliti- eian•. are against sin. We are sure our ~fayor. a lei.ding church woman in the Harbor, is definitely ag11inst gamb- •ling u much aa liquor. What we cannot understand is why the.council ia apparently sidetitepping the detection ot pinball gambling -a situation two council members recently admitted publicly they knew existed here. Time to Look at Record Now. at the close of 1he state 11.nd federa l law· making sessions. is a good tirne to rt•\•ie\\' the reeor.J!I of next year'.1 potE-ntial candidates for re-€'1ec tion, to sun1 up how they ha,·e stood thr(1ughout the se11i<1oni;. Ho\\' ha Ve th<'ir de" d I! con1part'd with thl'ir promises~ Have thc·y \"oted appropriation after a11propria ti!Jll without regard to \.\'he re th(' funds \.\'f're coming from ? -\.\'ere they to ugh enough to stand up for traditional American ideal11, to ho!rl the Cod-gi,·en right!l of the in- dividual su11r<'me , to reRist s elf-seeking pressure groups? Now is the time to take measure of our elected rl'p- resentati\"es Htl our votc:s .... ·ill be cal!t intell?~ently at next year's elections. tit City Pushes P. E. Lumber .Storage Deal ihto Open A ppar~ntly the ci ty of Newport Beach at last is due to fight t he blight of Pacific Electric Rail.,.,·ay in do'.'.!ntown Newport .. '.f)i~ city attor_ney !.lond~~ nig ht brought up the inteleat1ng note that the ut1h ty ha.s been using eity-own~il property adjoin ing the P. E. r~g~t­ of-.,..,•ay 11s a lun1bcr 8'or11ge cC'nter to show great act1\'1ty by its line. 11ie attorney 1J:1 the council the city s h0uld not 11.110\.\· the P. lo:. to make this "build-up" against the city, C'specially when the city is in proces11 against it \~rith"the Califor nia Public Utilities Commission. He did not as k the eo:inci! to collect past rent for the privilege of stack· 1ng and storing the lumber the~. WASHINGTON Bl.IZZA;RDI Jn Was hington l hi& eummer when it's hot-and the year a round, .,.,•hen it's not-there's a \"eritable bl izza rd raging. It is a blizzard of paper--corre11pondence. re>- ports, copies in duplicate and triplicate, m imeographed forms. ~lore than 750,000 rull -time gove rnment workers are creat ing and handling at least 25,000,000,000 picce11 of paper a y~a r. ' Reporting on this to Congress, the Comtnission on Organizatibn of the Ex.ecutiye Branch of the Govern- ment. headed by former President Herbert Hoove r. says that thil'I pa~rwork 11tnrm c08UI --u11 taxpaye~ 11.bout .$4,000.00!lJ>OO a year-an estimated S100 a year in taxe11 to the a\'e"t1ge American family of four. The Hoo"er commission's economv program. if adopted, would cut an estimat(.-d .$225.000,000 \.\'Orth of that red tape immediately. Jrom 1 Public Records i11 State Being Closed to Scrutiny 1f:,I :-.:v\<': In l":hl of ,.,.,,.111 "d!1<1na l rnlh'blu l<'1;1tr•l•11i: 1·l··~­ l"d M{'ll~IUll~ ,.,. plll11i,• 1'1110 !Ill ~ !h" f<11/1•"'H11: ,.,,·,,uni "! .luuuu~tun1; a 11tihr-n ·c,,nls 111 lh•· Mii\.-h'\"••I 111 1110.•t !1rn"l,1· I SACRA ~I t::-.;TO. ~t r1Kt•· i""n 1n11!1r•· on ):<!\'<>• nono'lll· a j .1Mh111u1J1ll'1+llu11 >II 1t 1·ort~·1·I ,It~· P· 1"" tup·nt .. r f1.i. 1111,1 ~•m • ••. 1,,.,1,. ,.1 •1111111111 ........ r 11~\\ •"MUJ:h1 HI J'lllo"h"·~•·<I h\' !"""1'1•• 1n 1'1•"'"'"11 ,,r 1.•11! ··~1 '1•' '"l""L' 1•11 11n·.~11.:n11 .. u~ ,., ll•f''I•"•"• !"lll<l<• .-1111•lo11·1,.·11" l <'t+i•'lll•"!I! .•l•·lll nl I I •"•"I•!<!• I 1 l"•l h•· 1n .. 111t..-r "r t.~n..i 1rtnn· ~L·>..·•·•I 1°·•·1•nt ll" .. n 11~ ~Ut•···Y "' 1 1•11·"'''" ,,1 z,,,, . .,1 1.' publ1•· I•"•""!•!• 11•1•'•' t"'""''""•"l<\ ••'>'l•\li>l l••n '"'"'''·· 11101.,.r ft!o•i; •••l\ .. ·h nJ.<lo• .l~•lh "" '""'l•h•I l "'"!Hll "I 1~•11 11•~ 11 !11! )'·Ilk~ - fn "" '""fl•I• 11\ud Thr (""nuu\\!, ~ l''"l'"'t~· ~l"l""l"'I~ ,,,, "!,1n,J ""· ... q1111.·d . •·'11•"1'""''"'1•"•• ,.1 .. 111:i: ~··lh"~ !lhlll·•t'd Ill \li.• ~Ut\••r 111· \,. ~111~ 1" !!h• •ll11•• ''" ui ... t ··., r•·n··1 al 1111• •'1l"111! 1··· "~ l .. \\'!I,<[ I .,1 ,•11 !'•"• d ,\~ l• I•· """'I• ·!··1111111 ,\••1•,,111111):" l.1 UH> I• )'"II_ ~"II"' nf !hr ""' uod ; <'"!l~lr1•"1 •"•! {P IJr t·l··~"d !" IH1hl1·· \"lo'\\" llU'll!'l•'•I i;;,.,.,~l'I!\" ••{ ~,,.,,. {;'"'•'<ll''f \\"~1·r~n ~ l'"I""'·· "'"''"•1 f"'t 10 Y""'s 11l h1~ r··•111··~1 , 11n1uu11 ,., .. ••OJ·,j~ !rnn1 111<' ;!•••'•'ll"t '• ••Tfl<'•"' th-h\!·r~· r•·r"r'b "I "''I" .. 1 rl"1· .. l\'- rr11 111fct p1~1 .. l-7 111/1r•r111u1<·1• "'"I J;lfl lllll. ,..,·,,1•l11 fr .. rn th•· , . .,n1H•l· lrn1 nf !!•'~· ! '' J'" I !111,•rol "l 111"1"! \•!,Lo I••• t'h1·~,.·:1 I •W 1111•1!!111 1 ''"•lll1•oi1 ••f :1n1 I'<'!-. II flll~H• 1u1 I• •!••'ll•lhl\• 111 r••1-•rl~ ,.,.,•i.frnl 1r1•·••1" i'1'h!«rn11 ll 1i;t11\"o1)' 1•:ol1nl ,,,., ri.r;•nt fl'[l.ltt~. Jl1"'1'!1i'1nn• I !lr<rnTTt:t;- 1·,,·rr•rtn" 111 ''' •'111rl••) 111,.111 - 1·~ .... ,,1~ \\>th 1.r.·r·n·.-1 .. ,.,,,_ pl".l""I "· r1u1d'•1"0'•'M u1wn11d"1111•·nt !ll~Urllrl"" ht'lh•f/O"IKl'l<'>i 1'U.! o!i~­ Mh11il.I" l!l,.ll!M"r" IJo''11•rl1 I tl H'~. :,1111 .. '""Ill .... 11.... ~ .... , ,., ~"' , •• ,,.,. llU"t~ of ftlt"t·1wy ~•'ll••!'1'l "11•1 T">t'pa t tnwnl r1f ···hh'h\,.•n S!Hr•• '"'""! "( •·<1t11.t1r.11l h'tl ·-llOlllltl l"•'<"t•!•I'. 1"•"""1"<1-" ••I 11'11• h•·I;. l<'fPn!11 ,.f 11><111"!•1•1!'! !MXl'"I • o ~. r<'llr<'m .. 111 bv11 1'1 ,,.,.,,,.d• or in-F"rlln<"hu•r rax b<,111.,1 11 11 ,., •• 1"".'ll);\11'''"" :)f 11!11''.~• "[ II)'· Cfll•I~. pl1t',.n\,. f')r '"11r!11ni: ,.,.,'<1•·n1 ild 11. m1n111,.~ ••f \he d1r~.-tur· .. ,.11,1111,.1 ll1·1"•rl,n1•'n( "' u1,.11t11l h•·· n1e.·t in._:~ t s:i.·11~ • .,.-,!-"·"'' h110t"TI•'• an •J 111<'•!- Dtpartrn•·u! ~·t 1·01n···rti·in~ -· H"lll n fJ,\rf·I"' nf l'llt!•·nts ' i'*'''"''"ll"L ><tl•! i111n1oto: '"''Vrol.• I !ndt/,:11•111 1t•'< l•l1•nl ,.,,.,un1~.•1<•n l)"p11rlnH·nt .,{ l"t'!"ran~ l\!IM1!"9 r.-rt1r•1.~ .,., • """' 1:1 <'"Jlflf'o'tl"n -f 1nanr1111 reront11 nf hnruc lo11oe ""''" 11 rbHT'Mt1on 11rroe~rJ1ni;s . H!• 10 V<'l<'n1ns. l"•l'I.• 1 ~q1111•··! •'f 1n11.-1,IL111I ,.,,i. ! '"!'lll'l11"•11t ''' Su•"'"l W• 1rn1·,. 1•l•>y1·1'" publ1,· llN'llit"n"•' 1111'1 111!npHo•n A,.:• II•'"" "'hli h t'• pul"!f'tl It••·· l:"S" r1•l'"''l" 1ni.; "" ,.,nf1ol••n (11•I 1 .. 111r•ll1 1n~lu·l- D•·1"•rln1tnl <ol rul1l1<' IH•Kl!h-fl'<I lhr t"<T••a lu111 <'u111nl1""'''n, Ul'lrh1<111.1· r••fl<•rl>l ,.( 1·11 ~··11 "r 1·nn1-I ,,1nt•· 11111 ""'l ""l'"lllll•l n. •l•·1•11 rt. nlun1<>,.bl" d>••·ll>'r • / nlrn! "' 11n11nl·<'. bo111rd or i;t11t.l S !illt! 1,..,.,-h,•1 ~ ,.,., ll'•"fll• nl •V• h~• '•"r • ••nltn•~,.10nt'r.•, ln•1 lh<i 3l""' 1111 ,.,.~,,t·.J~ J 11t11t··· Iii'•" nlar~hHI. WASHINGTON REP-ORT I\~· \'our Con..:N·s~nutn .l . .\Mt:s R. t;TT A fl!.'ll·l"l"'ll b1tllh· '" .~ll~p•n~ up 1n ('f•n1;rr.~" lh1" ".,,,.k \\"J\1 l•• JI 1n1,.:h! llf'I'""' fl• h,. 11 llh"Kl 11r·~n­ nu•11\. ll '"' n:i11 .. n11l in ~<'O!ll" !n ,.:•nHni.-111 .. Snnke H11•f'r <'r ua~1n. rel1tll"llllh1p n f lo l h<' l.."'1\t1r"nb1 ... '"' fl.11·- To aay local police are different from other cities· otficen, who you'll read about daily in crackdowns on sin and vice, ia to aay our Newport officers could not track a herd of buffalo through 10 feet of snow. Frankly. we don't agree. We believe Newport police ue; capable o( declaring after due inve11tig11.tion that Denlinger'11 60 pinball machines either do or do not pay off to would· be gamblers. Additional proof the railway ls merely pretending to ha\'e great act ivity at its ancient terminal here was offer<'CI by the attorney \\·ho s aid he was informed reli- ably that t'\'c•n truckH carrying lumber had unloaded lhei r deh\·er ies c1n city-ownf'd property. And. get thi11. niuch of the lumber .,.,•as being transshipped to Garden Grove! --------------------------------\th•H IT rnulol 11((1•ct th<' cn1n11l!'X· intt a1icl t"<>n1ru\ ur the Sl'nale Mn<1 Ill 11 hr:id-"n .;l11~h t~·1"""'TI !lllbl1c ll TI<I pr11·111" fl''""'t 1 nt~rt'~1~ Thr Sn10k,. 111•er1'J:~·1 te11 nuu1 .. n hrr<' fi·et of fin"• lll\<1 tn .. l:olu11,. hlK. Th•• ·~ II"""' '111lf' J><'t ("••l\t in \'••11.11111• llJI th .. flo"· of lhor 1·,,1. 1.1r11bui 11t T/l" lJ,,/i.,.~ 111 119 n11111 .. 11 li~te f.-t'\ Tl1e ~nuke lll\'er· """' /111.11 ro n1illll•n ll<'n• f,.et or ~tor111.'" .... ..,,.,., • .,,r~ ""llll" nl pt•'~~nl 1 he b:1l>1nr•· .,f !h•· I "•1lun1t11a l!l\"o•r un~1n hM~ "nly 1u nuJhon "'"'" r-t h'*"'"K n~•rly 100 muu .. ,. _,., r•· f•·"t r.r u11•"nl1••tl"•! rln1.-In "111• r ""!•I.• tho: Sn"k" 1~ ~2 p• r <'•Ill • ""' ,,,11,.,j 1111 l•.,J1rii: t••l il1 11 fl""" '1"1111" T 11" r•·~I fo f thi• illt.•111 llO l~~" !hlln Ill pt·t l"•'lll c;un tr .. llrol. However, with city council accepting lirense fees on the machine. and outwardly •aying gambling cannot be proved against the machine oper~to r11, you c11.n hardly expect policemen to undertake un-sa.nct ioned s leuthing. They'll wait until they are given orders on gambling, "'e daresay : then they will be qui te capable -of proving or disproving the gambling contentions. I..ct's not kid our· selvea -detection \11 .available WHEN the council de- mands it. NO COMMENT 83'' WALTER CHAMBLIN JR. Wuhtnrton -lf you are lnter- •sted \11 11'.etllng your taxe1 reduc- ed u <"I If you think the govern- ment in Wuh\ng:ton 1hould M openi.ted a• .. rric!ent!y and e<.>on- nmteally 11.• p11s11lble then you ahtmld l•arn-a ll vou c1111 about lhe 1·eeommend•tlont nf lht' HOQ\"t'r r.omml~•ion on OrJ:An1:t11 tlon i,f the 1':xe<'UtlYe Brxn<'h of th~ (i"'"frn- tn•nl. This Comm111ston. htsded by "fo r· tner Prf1ldent Hftbert Hon\·er. hMI made 1n exh~U1tl v' ~tu'1y nf th<!! federal gov~mm.,nt to rt~tl"r­ mln• how 1l ahou l'1 h<'111 ~ nr11:11n- lsed •nd Opt'rlli<'rt. l 'P Ttl Ccl!\'~O KF:!"S What h•pp~n~ t o th,. rc1·01111ncn- <"latlon" l• !11.r1:.,lr "I' to Cr•n1:rrs~. But alre1dy pol1t1cRI oppo,.!\!<•n 1~ developltfg, prlnr11,1 Uy rroiu lh'l~r who are rlevoteil 1n lhe phlhuaphy ot u111\m ltl'd ft<"l,.r•l •p<'rvt1ni: H <'re I• h'!W yr>ur p<>rkt!l'l<•"k I" •ftrc tf'd: Th• Hoover Commo~."<<.'I\ 8«)"-" that &dopllo11 of 1111 :16"2 t-1·onon1y proposal• wouhl 111 ve th<' "'"'"tn- ment many b1lllomi a r <l•'ll11r~ enouch to !»lane .. !he bu•ll[<'! 11 11rl reduce tt.xe1. Ne"l·port·Balboa :-.:r.,.,·port-BalOOa A. ~ Local ln1UtuUo• for Over Forl7 \"Mn Qr«M..,.. • ,,..... ...... )io..._. ... Advtrtt-1111ta •f A.ll &J.Qdl 8J' DMlrM elf ... l .. 1t1or C.... af O'rMJ• Oo. la A.cUO• l'li·o. A -tllot ._._ Qt.I' I N--.,.pv PNM ... ,. AwNt'- ---Ji..._. Editol'W A--.Uomi ....._.,, 0raq-a eo .. 17 :s_. ~ UK R&DD1CI(, PUBWHER wn..t.J.A.M A.. MO&ES. Editor ORM"OffD E. ROVNTREI:, Ad,·ertllllnr Director CRARLS& A. A.RM.ITRONG, Mtthanu::al 8upttrlntandent Now there's a ho.,..,·dy do! F'rantic. secreti,·e man· 1pu\ation11 by the' ut1hty concerned are now exposed, mani pulations which ..... ·nuld ('nha nce the P. E.'s "public service value" in its protestationM n f !he line"11 .,.,•o rth t1l 1ls pr(-Ment terniinal site. \Ve ore h ~PJl.V to report t"ity co11111'1l ordered a fence put around the city proper}y to stv1• this sort of non- sense. Po!<Sibly the council really means bu~incss this tin1e. Jt \~r<Hlld appear its city attnrnf•y docs not y.·ant t o go into hearings before the r•uc i;horn of hii; ar_goun1 entf( by sueh P. E. Vtctics. Grass Roots Opinion BEAVER FALLS. PA., NE\\'S-TRIBliNE:: "Gas is vital lo the general 'A'CIJ-bt·ing and Y.'C "'ant at a ll t imes a.n asi>ured and ample 11upply, IU a fair price. We want no fo~ed<'ral regulation ... that \.\'ill hamper th(' d1'\'Cl<)pnu·nt of atld1tional gas supplie~ and its lransm1SJ;Jun tn our local !nduslria.I and householder usC'rK." Sacramento Sidelight IN.ar Sor : The "'•l1 Tr•J1·~1 .•1· 1~ •·~»r who •h11lt 1Ju1I.! t!i.• H.:1 1~ 1'11n1·•·n !>11111 ""'' fl' ...-~r rl.1nt ll••lt• 1·11n.1 .. r1 ]" t•rl 1h~ ~nllkt' l\11·· r. 11 riul nf whi;•h '"'"'"" thf' houn•hor·y 1.><1>- "'"""' lh•· ~1~1 ..... ''' J<l1th" 11nrl Or··· 1;,,n Th•' •'11n\•'ll '' t"" lh•·U~IUJ•I f••"! ,\,.~/""' !h11 M lh" •:r~f"t C&n· ,.,,n Th" ,,,.,.,. 1s " 111hu111r . .-.. f th' !'uln111 h111 1l11••'r "'"I 11!< ''""h 11• 11 p:HI or rh•· f'•lo1mt1fM n"·"r n""'" wlu• h ~t1•·t· h·.• 1n1n r .. 11r Farmer McCabe • .\ l'_l'l<t >l'ttlA TU.IS1'1 Writes ... The pol<lt at iNUfl Iii !ht' cue primarily Ill Lhe n irht 0( a bu111ne1M1· nian to ""t hil OW"J\ pnc<'~. 11nd aell hi1 l[ood• for lht pnct hr lhlnk1 proper. Undrr the pr1cr- f\x1nJ 111"'· tonacltd hy lh" le'111· 1 ... ture, thi1 !'1,-ht lR 1Ak<'n from milk dl11t n bulor1. nf which S11re- w11r. lhrnu![h 111. s11t>111rl1 11ry t<:1m· pa ny. 1. .. 1ctrnl'. 1..-''"" •ttttt')" ""Jl'or ye•r•. HCrec y in 10,·trn· odrwhelmlnJly On ti"h•lr nf th" :"•"''f'OTI H11r- bor Girl St o1.1I• J "''1 11h to ""I""_.._.. 1pprer1a Uon fnr y•,ur cov"t"I:" P! o ur Tf'Cf'nl r.11ty C11mp •rt11"1lirx I·-------------------------------- For Y'll rll. 1h•• •lore h1" ,,f!erf"<i to M'll milk &l 2 c~nl• • quart bf'· law tl'.f' pn .;p hafJ b,· lhl' •t•1e. rl•lm1n1: 1hf puhl1r 11·,~111.1 tlll\'f hf'l'n .~..,,-,,1 11;1111""·" ••' 1·•11•r•. v.1lh\>11l ir•1n•1 '" Th• n1ll1': rro- mt-nl h111 prevenlrd thr 1111bllc t 111.Abll1h"11 ttult lod a y . r• ... h! from lr.11mtni:: ho""· th!! pr1rr o f pn('e C"Ontrol benef!t11. only onr milk-ill ll<'l. !'\"'"'· •• lhe rPeult of i::rnup _ the ti•ndl"UI o f l•ric" milk th" p.r<'•t,r'IM l 11\\"f'S\l i;RI~~" 1•trm1t- 1 .... 1 b.1· th<' roun. the B11r<•"" lit lolllk Corl,trol h" bo-•n rrvr11l<'d ... flound.,r 1ni:-throuirh 1·11gur •Pf'C- ul1111011. 11n f011nd,.d e1timate. ""d r "'''°rln"'-..ur \0.-llh 1'r"~· ...-l•t"l"""•- ""tl U<;;n 111 Ille e<lmir .. 111Uon of d"lnbu1 ... r1 "'ho control t h~ n111 · J<:lrHy of .C.h~omia d11l.t1b.Ul1on. The m oi l d~ag1n1 ef!rcl of thf' 111\f 11 '" t h" ron1111mln« pnbht ...::.blch mu~t ~urte1 to t...neto\ ~ • few irillll d1atr1butora.~ t " • ll I• only l••Jlh the co<•p"rK!l••l'I °' the PTe ..-that .,,. •re 11 ble t '> acquaint the community w 1lh th~ many worthwhJ\f' activ1Ueii <'flh· nec:l<"I wit h the G!rl Sr,.,ut m 'lVO'· m enl. and for th11.t ""9'!0" doubl}· •ppr-.clat1 vr Ar•ln many lh1.111i.11. f:l lt.11.befh S•un<"let1 O.J (Jvnp Dlr ~l,.(lr Ar·1.,,rtl1n~ to tlu· f•itJ" f!<; t h''. •1ld-11ni. af""f;! IVJUflN d~nr in g t:\·t·r ..... ·h\·rt·!I. thf' n11<ldli· a.t; .. 'l -1111~ 11or1t gr1.t 1n' 11.l l the h1•ndl1n•·s y.·1t h i.l r1k,·;;; 1111•1 r<t •r•·•·!I, ;ind lhf' yr1u n 11- un l': !If{· all ••U\ 111 i{••allt\" {'••Ill•:\~ ,i11 t ll•ot l<•..:I Rarea. And 11t'll w1me f<il k:; !Ill.\; that ~h··r· ~111 "t n'1,th1nK j!riing on , . . 1 "i;1,r·rt l htt t .,..,·h111"1. .,.,.,..,n_:.: \.\'l!h 1h•·m ll'l the)' n~ ~n nkl faii:hL"ll"'I rt111 nd r.f 1"1111 hur ;\lltl ~l "l~l'fl.-. • 111< r l(lltl r e__....01 \ ) I . . ' ,_ ................. , .. , ~· AIM. c.-....._.. .. Oot obu 6, 19'' TO WHOM rr MAY .COtlCDJC : M t 8.nta Ana. Cal1101·,ua a l• •b1olu.t •l1 n•CHHl'1 tor • Ne l'OOtlO• Oeteotlv• to u. .. •Und• .... ••al' Operator• or Aeont•~ ln th• pertoreanoe ot hl• d.u.t7 ot lnveetlget1nc1 911prehen4l fll aJl4 pro1eou.t1na narootlo• v~or ... AROMATIC LOOSE ON PET Bl Don'l shool ! 1l mli;ht bt• a n innorecl hllle pd Thill Is If ydu .saw 1l on lialboa 111\anJ an•! 1t ~ a :.mall 1>kunk Mni. Hoberl \:oye ,,f 11811 01-"<I A \"t>. lll!.I p;ihr .. )"t'1Jtt'r· oluy ht'r p( l i.k1111k. r) wt•eks old. )'tot out of Its cagl'. Will 1t what? Oh no, JW!t like a rui.e. CLOSE CALL Sampson Takes Four Shots at Night Prowler NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE 1 WEDNESDAY, JU LY 13, 1955 1 MESA PLANNERS CONTINUE Sc!~!~~ .. ~rmu~A~!~~LP.~~ .. M.1New Costa Mesa Episcopal r~~·~F!E~r~~t1~7£Fp~~r~ ~E:u~2~:L~:;~~r~~~:·!~Church -Plans Approved •'omm1ulon. hu be.in under con· during the two evening1. With thf' r lat rlaiu for a new £pl!!('{lreJ "' :>:twp.wt APll<'h I• becornln• s111eratlon or that body for the f1hn~ of a MW 111b<llvlsJon 11l11ng ~hurrh betw;-rn :?1' and :!!!It St a. :'°'"''"" 11n•I lh1" 111• ti.lte1·rtt the f'ast two e\'enlng1. The city coun-Harbor M •I 1-'alrvlew A\'ell. Mom· Jn Orange A \"e . were 11rr1ovr.1 nf'w rhu11·h "ot1ld atrvr an ra• r 1l uked for a repor t on the plan 1lay wh11·h t.howtJ lt'l<'atlon of l'·Z by 1lw C'1.11ta :\tl'i>ll planr11ng c•llll· srnelnl nrt'd by Aug. 1 Btl'a ahm~ Harbor Rh·d, It WDS n11i1s1on :\1o n•l11y ntith\ &fl••r a pub· A11:14'rt 1111<1 C'h1111,.,. Ogdtn and Tlll!lng a realistic \•lt>W or Ult! 'Jllc>Stt .. nl'd \\'htlhrr It woulcl lit' llr hearinl:' 11nc1 IJOml' fh1'CUM•lttn of :\lr1n ·1n \\'1lro:\. Hll ll\'lng-In th• plan U10 commission fltst deter· nN't"sa:iry to rontimw I\ C·:! &r<'ll r1 •>P•'81'.I parking spao·e 20(\0 blol'k i•n n 1 n.ng11 Avr , QUN· 111tne1I there 13 no lll}·to.Jate map north 11( th« cull('!:<' wlurh w1111 Georg,. Dl'Houllmc, who •pp<'Ar· 11,lnf'il thl' pnrkln)!' C'Ondltlon•. alal• o! the city ll111I spent several h ours shnwn on till' t ·otrt•y plan. H ow ftll !'>I f"r the i·hurrh organl:tllttnn, ini:: Owy ftotll•'" <l1111t wuultl l"Mllll, IMl night g oing ovPr the city m11p, wo111en \\'111 ~,, to tihnp In theB(' 1 ,1,ld 7!\ J::piii.:opn.l!nn fR mlllles hR.t I.tut tlw rnmmt .. 111011 JH'll\'iolt1I thal 40·n.r rc block at a time, m1tppl11g lays 11f ,uuto lrfln~p.irt11tlcon w11s •lr.,.ady ""''n c ont1trll'J In the &!'I'll thr 1•urkl11~ hll 11lrnll hr pa\'l'<I. in the 1111b1ll\'l!lion streets ·whirh bR:<ls of t he 1h11c11~11mn. I and that he brlle\·ru there Wl're f'r.>\'lfthln '' ns a lao 111a1to tor " thrv knew he<I been estnbflsh•'<l nt:l'OltT I:" !\10:'\Tll 111or~ lhat would bt> ~lad to join, 'l r<'l't •t t h" r1>11r or th11 C'hllN'h since the rlty WL'I incorporalf'!I. Ju~t hnw many llltl'tingii thr I ;flven an ori.>0rtuntty. He mrnllon-lot 11n1I tor •<'t lt1i. kg on the prop-llOt·:-;1~<; <TT l "f" commission will Iii' able to aand· i pJ that St. Jam~s Eplsrop11l rhun•h H t y. It le • 4•na•ro u.• Lid ••orot oot1v1tJ , r~u.lrlng • · l'J'••t d.eal ot 1nt ol111•noe, J-.41• .. nt and lo•• ~t 001&11t17 af\4 OOMIM\itJ. • _,._ Yerr tev people pq1eeaa the ne oea1a17 q ~ltt1cat 1 on1 Members Of th1• <'ommisslnn de· 11•1ch into th<' rt>11111lnlng rlays bt· 11 F Samp1111n or 160• Nt-wpo1t cl11ret1 It \\'n1~J bt lmp<l~~lblr 10 fnr,. Aug. 1 wu un1leC'\tlt'<I t&..t c Ii A I Oh··· IMt n:ght fi1 1 .. 1 four 1<hl)tll !lt't nut blnl'kll of land for any night and nll't'tln~s ot two or three . OUftl.Y pprova •t a p1 u\1 I• r 1:i hti< 11rn<'hme l!hnr pnrt k11l11 r Ul!1• until lhty ll1•ter· mrmbt'rll at 11 time lll't'm,.<1 In or.!f'r t o engage ln th11 vork boo•~• ao•• 111'1 oowaJ"da, •~me are f(>•alp•, eoea laok. 1ctell1g•no• and Jl.l4 ge111ent , and aoc• evon thou.ab lt la •••uaed tnot tt~•1 1ove t he oountr y ·~ ootMhAn"7 ln vhlob th•7 r e114e, &J'9 apathetla to t ne danger • tlulM-t~ l..belr hoMa. Tba latter gro.1p 1.a tnt •Let . 1 .. 1 \ ·n~t 6 ;11 .. _..11 1'"11<'•' dl'pnrl ml'nt m1n<>•I h1lw muc-h the bJfW'ks 111 t 83 schedlllea Of thr full bo<ly d1c1 F R 1• rl'pllltP•I l-ampsnn l'ahl he WIU r ut lip l>y f'Xllltlng l!Ubdlnslnn!I not fll tngelhrr. The rnmmlMIOn reeway OU 1ng mr" 1111 lht' !\11"1-" n11s.~P•l ll'llh 11P<'<'1<1t11ry C'onnrrlinl:' strert11. Jt-termined it wnulcl nnt hi' ross lble • .\: ar·l'lf>:\lll' 1·rty 11 4n fl Ill. Snml' n! lhl' rrnp'lSl."<1 mrl1111tr1al h h " Vo d at Meet • h ~ J h nre11.• t .. AY fo11n•I \\Are aln•a•h_· rut to make 11 full rrport Y 1 "" en ICe r<'J'<il'.~ " • "'· • :rn p.-on "·11 " ·' "~ ~ uf the month, bu t P'lre<"l.11 to rl'J'Ort •1c.;1J liu:ueu:ll.! 1.luub u\•r ~e. JJp b\• eKltlmg hol.!~ung project;!. proi;-re~ Ill tluit tlm<". I 1 .. ,,, ,. 1111 I olt• p 111··1 !11:. lol. Ill' R•llh nli;!'llll the C'Or: n1111~1nn \<as l1111k• I .. 111 "'" I ·.,h•~·: 1 \\ 11111 .. ,, i~s1stl'•l lw A \\".Tutti•· 1tn•I F1·:rnk I Jll I' iw ""''""'"'' lla!k11;1; lh~nui:h 1'110!IC1l fr ;m the C'nsta :lfrl'A C'ham· EASTER CRASH tl· r 1 .. : brr of Commrn e nncl :\llln•1ity Jobi\ Do It t~. who a.re a l ao t h• r1r e t t o or1t1olt• tnetr IO••l'fla9n\ or t he Lr fallow men when one or t nelr loved on•• beoo• dd.1ato4 t o th• u.aa of n.aroot le J.rwra , or beco~ .. •1ot1• t o ooe of the 11a.117 ot her 4an~era preaent l n o\U' preeon\ 4_, eoolet1 •. S.1· '1'5"n dr,~:-o··I touk hill '.!:! niG"h Gllho•rt S1•rtl. 11lqo frr1m th•• :ti. I :.t••I 1:n.1 \l1dk<•d .uuun.r tu 'nam ll\ r. ;Onk r11rt In lh(' oh!'l"\IS-C '11ntlnuf'll from t"lr11t l'itJ:P SA!':TA ANA 1()("NS1 Jl'l.'I' 13-Ceneral a ppro\'&l of the M11w ·s ll"'P-'""•·\ l'in.•t..t Ftr\\\;\\. \,,, ... \'l>h rJ It\ 1 11 y 1111111 l~l'I',., pt "fWrl ~· "" r •: .... uu I th ,u 11• r t•( , ;111111w1' ,. ••'I' rel "lrl"-' Ill 11 (Jnlll puhlll' hl".ff· 111i: 11t lhe S11nl11 Anll !"lly !lull • Lido Isle 1a one who baa g1 u o • &re•t .\~81 ot her poreonal ti•• t o tlght th• na rcotlo• men.no• •• an IU'ldar- oo•er operator. She ha• been 1net.r1.11te1~tal ln th& a rrot or .. 1\1 naroot1oa peddling r tnga 1n th1• ~aunty. Sh• ne1tb•~ aak.a nor rec•1••• an, publ1o 0011111~ndat1 on or th~ tor bar work •.. Tb• on17 thin~ ahe doaa ••k for 11 un4er1t an4lng on t he 1part ot thou peofJlt .,,.no &how or h••• lea.rnod that •h• 1• 1n on t tle lna lde .,,.or£1nlll ot "ho· 1.«rk of th•• ~hup yiud. Iii• tul.f ~1,,11-; lt1n·J~ l-t. c .. ,.lll Mo ~a .11111 H11b•·1t ill\•~l u~ulin~ offu·i·i" he ,Ju«k••d Jt \\ti.• thr i•r«nli>'e 11r· Tut'I<' II .\lalt(1.w , 16, of Ji11111111~t"11 ~w·r th" f•·w e 1111.i ,.11w a ~11uni; lh:it ,.,,.1111nn <•f in•lustr tal sties lkadt 1\'PI •' f.1tall\· inJur•"I An· 11rnn ,.tandini:; ul t h,• "n"p 110111-"""'"' .i .. 1,. 1,.i .,11 111" suptily .,( ,• tho•r-1d1 l, Oiu.nr :\la~.lrl't !Joolll· R1111n1nl:' tliro11ghll1<·i;.1t .. ,S:unr· \\..1t••r """ hti .i .. ,1ail'•l 11,.,l thl.':11 •. 1: •• fu11110tly "! H11lh"fl r.1 .. •11- 3,m )'C'lll'd l•,r the llllSJll'l'l lo Slll)' lll•hl<tn.d ?OJW~ Ill tlll' Slllllh•lll j'""" ~•il lll •'ll ~··""" h•·.i·I illjlllhS •\hrr" he \1 :1:. Jnsl•11<l, lilt· /lt1!1p1 • I p111t "' ('11-•t11 !of,.sn are 11li1•:11I_\' ·11"1 h.l-~ 1 "1"•·r ro•i;ulr.· •I ' '11'' "'11". tu.fay :II"'" 1!1An :?01) p1·1 ~111• 1111, nd··.t lh" lil'ltrini: 1 Iii•'! b\' t ho•' Slit I" TJ1\'IS111n nl Hl1'hWA)"0 l! r,, ub\Hlll publh ~"llllllll'Jl; r•·.:111 11111.: th• Pl''P"""I 1 .. 1111ni; i-.\Jt1H1 110 d11\\ n -a fh •tfru111""' -2 hath• -lilt1· 111-W, 4ft fl, lul -\\ 1• IH·ll,.\I' lhl- tu h•• un•· o f tuda\ ·, tn··,·r nt · , . .,., ,..,~ ·n : th.t naroot101 t~1tr10 1n \h1• Oou.ntf• r1111 r .. r 111 .. f• nr .. 8111n"""fl 1111t.i h11111l11·11p1wd liy water sh .. 1 tai;•· nr•"· l'I'"''' •1111'11 (1 '1111 llt'lll ly 1111 I ..... 11111ni11 .. ,. .. 1 .. ni; th1• 11rr ... •1. r1 "11t• f1.,m Br1·11 anti L.a llAbra to t'rnni.:• n.n1l ~.1r.t.< Ana. \'Ulre•I i;r11••1 .II "l'J'IO\',l l Askin9 $29,950.00 Laat •h• ••• 'Arre1t ed' by th• un4•J-- ho' fll'l'cl four l!h<Jt.~-\\"ht•n t1f<' man 11111! th11t r 101•i:ll'Cf mains a1" no t I Arm11ur 011 1·11. l•f fi:1n Ul•'lt•) r"lll'h"" t he fl'llrt', Samp!!nn blOp·' l,1ri;(' ··nriu~h tu u:tral't fun.re 11 ... _ lltld itS .!1 i\CI t'h.11 , .. ~ ,, 1~ .. nn1·tl ('all Ha rbor •lgned on a Mar<>otlo• •oba.rge1 to throw t uap1o1on 'by the narooUo• peiddlera, 4ta.l•r• and uura, otr or ner. "iihen th•J r oun4 th•t ·~e he4 h••~ ·~~•d, tr.er 1~me41•t•lJ plaoed •Ort oont14eno• t n h•r t han •~• 1'1114 h*' before.· fWd fll 111$: f,.l feor n( hilling i.UlllC'· \'Clllpm.cnl. I' a re tlf'f• nc1111ltl! ln n11 tho• pr<•l't'1'<1· •nr p11i.in;; 111• Tho• All!'J?"Nf p rri\\ l· 1 ~01.IU Hl..o<'KS 1ngs. •r rl.1111ht>i •"l m·<'r the frnc·" anti 11 was noted 81 lal!t ni!"ht 's l'.i.rt>nts ••f lh< n nohttl1• i.:u 1, Jl~aJ'p<'arrt1. • 11\el'ttng that l he rematnmJ:" p.trl Jar krr Ynrn_t'll. R••h<'rt ~~11 .. th"W --------------1 .. f th•• 11lol 11rnw air l.;1lle I:; une «tll I J,,hn "' llo~. I~. t!f l YJ'l't'M . -~~ ... ·~ R.es-irw • Malnwnanf'e • a..w-.ue. STAFFORD 6 ION ln t n• • date4 District 6 to In( thr b!'-"t imh 1 llltn k., .,f ntrl'· •frl\• r • t the •ltRth r11r. Ill<' f\i<k1ng IJ!" t hr 1·lty hn~ l" olh r fn:· ln-11!.i •l«t,:• '" "~ELS a nti L>UC-' El..ECTIUL \L l 'O:'\TKAt"rOR8 l'b one LJberty fJ.146t tho rto•1~e4 publlolS1 to t be etfeot tllAt ehe nad be•n ..,r••'t& tor.• llaraot1o1 ·v101.at1on. lo\b of iu .. 1J\o14ent• ar• , .. u .. onen H ploJed bJ •~o'l•• A19n'• to •~abl1•b tb•1r u.a4eroo••r oper-acore w1t~ th• blC tUle l\AJ'Oot1o• 094.4101'9 , end ar• not ....,.. ..,. ""'4era,OOll·bJ tbe pl'leral pi.bU•. , Take Over Big j Trunk Sewer I Llu~tnnl i,1tr.,_ This '" .. en !'•I t y an Th<' Jiii y. Clyd<' Hnnwr \\\11tt•rs 18-in \<Illrr main e.,tf'n•lml' a lnn;r S«nta Arie. Jllr., t:.•th••r J'rldh11m, l·";1lr\'I• w A\,. .\t the :<an.e 111ne c-.. ~t.1 :II• " 1111.:h \\ Hyatt Yor- 111,.mb1 rs (1( th .. ("Jlllllll-"fl"n \\ .. !":-bH. Lrr.•f,, i::ll'allHr J. st .. mr . .'.':t!W· I ' • . . (, .... , . 110 Rh·eralde A \·1mue :-.ewport ~ f S=l:auon Llist11Cl =-:o. 6 i.. .i.Lout II) take O\"Cr the-tng t nink ,,,." ,.r ~ 11.·h14h LOnn.:U..il l.hu ulJ iumy &1r Tbtt lt~P-1• .,..UWft i.o.-..~laln ~o ,cu, tn• rauo~ for tb• 1 Arreat1 aD4 pot1lbl1 ad.var•• publ1o1ty. ~ In oonclua1on, t woul4 llk• to au.g~•t to 1ou t be rta&er, that 1r you. b••• ohll~r1n, or 70~ ha•t r alatl•t• or l'l'lenAa WbO u-.. oh114nn Vbo are ll'QV1ng uo ln t hlt gtne,..tlon, that ln•t•-4 ot bttnc orlttoal or • oase \\:th thr rl1~r111~nl 11ant3 <•n I j the :':inla ,\11a ll11t'r, nrrnnJtnK tn A JI :\l ey .. rs .. r the cltlltr1l't h'1.11 J rJ11,, 111.,,k h \aluo•I nt ~:Mr 0(1(1 aot1•ltJ1 that rou p•u•• • f9W ainutea ton1Rht before 1ou. to Co b• and ott•r t ha na. to 701_. Oo4 that 7ow-00•1Nt1.it 7 6a.t a p•reon llk• h9r. Pl•••• l••P thi• 1nto1'9at1on a vell gua..rcled aeorat, • lnol h.::< a Cft~ir·tty of 24,000,000 gall•ms a .tsy. llllo•rol1, . ~. . ·~ Ol~\, li\Yeiiator In obarg• Haroot101 Detail :-: .. g .. 11at1nn~ fnr th!, trana!er ha\'e h• en 1'°"ing on ror •l·veral 1't•ari• 11ntrl l.l!il Friday whtn lhr 1 ,::in1l11t inn hoar.t srgnt'J thn <11'<''1!1 md r<>t urn rd th rm to the go \•errr• f nv•nt f .. r rompl1•11on or tho trll.J\11· \ rrr. lll"l'1Jrtl1ng (IJ M l'yel'll I This trunk &ewer llJ now handl· I ! 1 Ing 11.fl of the Bewng,. from the I ..i j northwest corner or Coala Meaa l through an 18 Inch die.meter line 1 lion;: r 8111 1"·'" A\e Thi.' ;.n111!At-y bt>31•1 fl'C'l!I 1111!1 lrllnsf1•r Wiii f!l'll\"(' nrnny o! tt!I probll"ms In lnkln,ir l\t •' uf lit'\\ ni;e from the 11uh<llv1. • • •1011s thal nre now 111111rr \\'llr In j the \'I• 1111ty or the cnlle~t' . I Al prrs .. n l fl1:o tr1t l =-:o. 6 ls put· CO'.\OU:~UATIO:'li -H t:au of Orange 'ounty anlt·narcot 1rs. :0:).!l. L'lsnl \\right of :Ing a!.>n1;t 11 th1rc1 of n m1ll11m the she riff's o ffice, wrote t his IC'tt<'r t o the undercOYl'r . agC'nl whosl• Bl Unties arc gell•ms a ctsy through the hne to · II I d d Th · • thl' dtsro11al plants wh"I e thr <lu<-pa.rtia y r C\'C'a c t o a~·. c \'ahanl w o m a n who is pr-aiscd for hc.'r p:Jrl 1n r o unding imt has & •lls)"O.~at Niparllv nr up m o rt' than a score o f narcotics a ddict s ancJ peddle rs ll\·cs Ill Sanl;t Ana. 1•. 1111thon gallon11 ll da), "o Mcy-1 DOPE BUYER 1 1-~rs behc\·el' the city i~ protc-t•te<1 ll'lf .. ;!1•1: ~1~~~i~u~7.~ ;.',~\l1e;;~~l~th MORNING STAR !o r a n11mbrr nr yr:iNt_. ___ _ Ill\' hush:inof and 11" under ,,;111 -('oatlnurd tram ,,r11, r a ce • M to Ch • Vi>tlli.nr P." l'he l;flld • \\"hl'n \\"I' Cnnlln11rd frf•m ··•rat 1"8~(' I eyers airman cnmb11t l'1I in 11ny \\.<)". • amr out o! l)Ur d1·1w'WR~', our frr•i'l l'i.inlnn<1 11 .. 11.r )t'l'lf'rday Sa •tat" G "Som(' of the pe1"1lPl ll aml hl'ad11 h"""ll•' 1111rnt .. •r W• llld i,, ....... I I· t \l I H I I n1 ion roup .. 1 · I Cir•· noun. • rir n 111; , t11 r an. t ic -kn"w wh~r.-I llvrrl. ~he r 11·alls. t"H-<t to 01l11•r ('Rn• th1011i;ho11t th!' 0111,.r 1,, l•'r!I \\•I" "• lllng lhc ! A rt MPyrrs, chalrmR.n of thr "Snml'\illlt'~ th"Y <'Ollll' ~:y th" C"nunl\'. Th" pula·•• \\"trnteJ 1rp11t11I hrnl'fit or :;1t mile J'<'r hnur \\·in,li<, Cnill:t )IP~a S11nil11r~· n1~t11<'t and hlluse l o (ll'ln·rr the 11tlck11. H:n·· un \I.here wc wne anti \I.hat w r thr lw~t t hrv ha<I f'i'"Htrt1 110 fn.r or !':r1nltntlnn Dl11trilt :-\•> 6. will 1111( odd l'-'Okini; 1h111111,•111 '"'m"1WPr•• tluin~ · ThP furm<'r a~"lll l h · 1 lll'r\'o NI the n•w cha!rmrrn of the In ft J.'tf (' t o your home Is not c"nllul"l\'e .. '" 1.sl\!ll narcnttcs add1rt:< momtor pr•· 1 Hllmnnn, 11)9.ft. rwh .. onl'r ow-ned SanitRt1nn comnuttee of t he Al!80· n<-lghburhc>n<I public r1•latlnM . lt lie•• call11 a r.<I lt plRl~d the w oman b ,,. 11 ., r ,. L' crato>ll Chamber of Comm<'rco of w11.•n t Inn~ lwtnrc .. th•• nl'1ghbnr11 111 111i;h e.stl'Pm \I llli 111, 111 '1!111 ,.;"."· l\.tll nlinut ~1;1 nulc·s hrhinl! Ornni:" County. • I v I 1All1 .-nnlf'rtlV ti ~1•n rJfln-I be.:aml' 111111r1rlou,, One n11:ht. JI wnll &\\'f11Jl\· r"ttl:h 011 w1 """ ,1 1 <.:t 1 ,-11 ThP 11ppo1ntmr nt was. mad!' by cl • · ·' nr" ni: •. 1r nn• ,., "wing In nr· w hE"n :ohe rxperlt a nn1 <'<11 lcot f'"d· t rm.. w.. 1<-.-1 P •h 1~·mi; t hw11~h lf'r \\ ,.1 t' 1 '<>n!<t' ll.itinn. :-;.,\"Ir\ C•el Lee \\"1nt('rtnn. nt'w rre11lr1tnt o{ dll'r. thr door hrll rOTIJr. The llll.~· Or11ni:e on nur way tu a dr V•'· n the i:-roup I .\hr, :'\11111 ~.111i: Rll'I ~=•rnpn.fe. 1 btUll'I hid ln-11 11ptcl11llr·r r<>pare,1 mn\1e \\"ht•n thr Ur •• nge f'••lu" Lea•hnj!' lhl' fl, rt n:i J.!'r handl- closrt. rnmr-up l'l"hmrl us, etvpp ... 1 11q < np wa.• 11 1rn1nll l ·111~11 C bo at. COl'l'l !\10 \'£ I:'\ I Thf':V l'hnnk us both ilnwn nnil Sr 1..:1 wm I (••crrcll "rnnrr rn 19.53 .. I g n tlif' s huck nf n \" !lfl' hPlil 11~ '"' Rfm. ,· 11 hBlt··' 11 whu h "'''" '' pu1 trtl f\•111 m11'•' he· Whf'n I &n.9wrn-d l ht rloor ' 11he while Lhl ,\' ra,flor<1 Santa A nn fnr l hin I ·'" rn1ni.: :'ta1 1<h1•h a1•rears llllUI ·A <'"llJ>l•• nf s .. n·n Anll r· .... cht·(k '"II!! I' \\:JC l'l\lt •(!hi' hkrh• ... Ml R ·~---.. , ... r.1 f .. r1he llC'e otrr<'e•• "'rr nn ,~,. 11tf'r 11 · hara.~'m"nt thrr J:llt' t'\Pry llU~·I J/I~ •'"l!rl•'·ll• rnl11l11 '"'" Th e off1rer• \\'l'r,. lnw••11i:111 nc a l'E'<'l"of '··11' ' ' -''"n I• r l ---- complaint lhn.t 11 "tP11 p11r1y"--111·..;R \:'\n t•oLLll\\ t:n I -----~~11~~~a;~,::~~ ;~~;: ltt kint: plRf'I" m~:n~~;~ <1nt~~1-'~~:~h;,·;,.t' :~~~: CAGNEY DEALS .. \\'f" l<JJl'W thrn .. !!hi' rn•nJJ• tn. I h .. I~ t'mpl .. \"(' I ,rn 8 nt1rlh·• n'.n:. ( nnlf1111rd frnm Fl nit race dk}'. "I hat our l\l'IJ.;hh"l l' w .... 1.1 fn.rtnn '. · fl 11.t 1:.y ~,,.• "'r \\Ill' 11 • n"I ".:• •" 1 ,, 1-11 .11 I• ,. ~ wt! h t he never be thr i<a n1' 11.;111n From now I• ni: ""' 1•:1,., I a 'I'' ll•" • •r nn l '" 1r•'1.t 11nol l.•11 kn 111 t \'pe nf Im· on · "'"' wt1' the tr11~h nn thr thrn r.1111~ l ri 11 .::iur lli:ht \\"t111" • r rov""m"nt• bln<"k " Th,. wn:1111n• 111an11i;NI t u Wt.> Fl "J'l'•·.J n.t th<' Iii: ht I tnld mv I l I.T m \Tt: r1.A~q l!Pnd l ht pollr,. nw11y. hut l'hr kn••w "li<'f'r thnt I .r t"·t t h,. pnhr Pn111n T,11 n,1: rn.n#:P J'l;111·11ni; t>y the Cai;:· thtv were 111111. :in1I wnultl f"n-w .. ul.J J:".,, 11:< h Ii• kl'! J llFI RI' nry l 1nl1wr~ tn1 l11d1·~ }N\.~ln~ of ttnue to bf", mQUlllltl1·,. nbm1t h"r "'" lltarl<'d "I'· th" I'"""" r11r t·1mA, ,,,.,..P"· ry t .. <r•I" fin.is:-llnl'J'irnJ tnr 11ct ion! 11 n•I t h1• j?Mi ni; ,., n 11 t 11"1 Ill' h.-.hin.t 11~ and i In •hrt1 h•i< h: hr l•" .It i"ll n( n fl1•"hr1d nrl'l l'hopplnl:' J111me. "I lllll(r I en !';i:1. \\"ri.;ht lie l!ll"tl 111 .. R t a·k..r fnr 1'!"111r r•••nlrr tn ll<'rl'•• thr hMr•1tnl, pl1tnl about tt ," t<h!" M1 l.t. 'hut hf.' tnl.t thr•'lti;h th,• bi:-h: w1• h.1.1 )11 .. 1 : r111plo • ', • 111\\I l'\l nt111tl . '("toll'nl.!1 m <> U1er!' w1111 nothlni.: wr l"'11ld ~tupp.-.t AL My ~•~t"r Wa!< 1l.1blit>r· rn th,. 111i>n.. dn atx>ut It "'·' r nuldn"t l1•t lhf' i:11~· ... 1. hut I 1h"l11: \l'il 1 .. r \\h•. I In ti• lltil'l\ll n.1r l h;:'"riii'll·e 11ru?r S'anta A1111 pnli<"<' 111 •'11 \\hilt \\ •-" 1~ h~il t:n.prrn,. l If I \<C'I•· 1\ "'l' , lnnrl \\Ill hr nnnr•'ll'ol \o t i"WJ'•Ht ji!<'lng on f•'r a l h"11~11n•l r1 1~11n • l'.t prnbf\l>i\" h1<1·,, ''"'" I h• 11.111.,. I g,.,,, h 11,.lq•ut 11U1n11l!'I ye &I· Anrl llC't1111ll~._ C'l111: }'• 11111' 1 ••Ill lhinj:: t' 11n\li• d~· I t "t •11i;ht wn~ r1• 1 I~· lonk• •I lnl<1 t h" 111at i. T hr lt w u bi't11•r tr tl'i.• l'trn.t• lln ! ..:nlxr.1 Ill' \\t!h n.~1 .u·;, ~ j ... 111. 1· l11n•f ln\ .. t11•.I i• c11rrenuv Pl"•Mler., l\C'lll.<lly th1111.,:h.t th" I"~• I Thi• !;;11.1''-n"·:.: , ' 1 .. olt«e was I i-111 ru~111 1e.1 hy Xe" rn1 l'~ on,.-f ,O"t Wll !I (Ill -lhl"'\" ""nllftfn t h<' 1'11•· nr:lv n ,_'1,11'1 J l\rl pf th!' 'l'ft•'r •h{I(' at:tl:' lll'nt''--l <1r·n f''-l,.ndlng p l<"IC\UI nt n•f' ~ I 1.n.J• r '"hi• h tt-... ~ w i: , "UJ'lt' arounr1 the r1ty \"11r1fs 11nd on out ~O~T~~u:'!" ' 'Iii ' ,, .,. • ., 44#""' '619 NOW SHOWING ~1-G·M's "The Ptoodigal" and Color !'ltarrlnir LANA TUR SER EDM\"Sl> Pl"RDOM "Kiss Me The Y.••m11n· "-""' 11hr 11$:Tl'"•I ,., l \""I chrmi: !'rr twn ~ran• 1111 11n tn ~nntt • ..1~A~n~a~n~1~\~r~r·:__ ____ _J~~~~!!!~~~~~~~~!!! Jrt the !'11nt A. Ar.II ••Ir • I , t hink -!• '""lt'r 'h' r.t - 11h• WB!I a n11r, "' , 'I 11 1. t ,\r, 1 1 "\'., '<t ·~-·, !:> ··111 w .• 1 n1•1'•'nr tn that'• whl"n 11 tnrli-!Irr nr ,,.rr· r 1-'!1 111 " .• =""w;·f'i "'"' t>t-i:-an. To the unkn••\\ •ni: :0:1\r.tn ------- A na pf'h1·r. lhr \\•'llllln \I <II a n tr· SllFr:~:E :"ORT H. H••llywood cnuce l!lll~prrt. t'\'"" t hnuch ~h·• a rtr1 •· ·•t.tv <111 nc t<' re111lv a rPn't w111 wnrk1ni: J't"rhap~ m <'rf' "•1111111-j bumrs 11r.d ,irrtnd~. I'm Juit nerv- lr than thes 10 1111ru\'t'r t 1'111 ~.n 011s: BALBOA Open 10 a.m. DINNER SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DA...'iCDm S IGHTLY RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO I..A.RGE OR TOO SJLALL 230 30th St, Newport Beach .. •l"t"-1 1! it "'•Ult! ho• po.,~1l>fe I·• i-e~ p•11 t li• "' h. \V.trro•n E. llHwland, BALTZ MORTUARIES t.1i;h st·hu••I e11th,.11l1• s t•• "', 11 a .Newport Bt'l\rh. H1rh&r(f J . t:ha tc1. ru:ht·of·"ll)' fur an exlenslf•n !•f 1 1-'ullcrton. l.-r1111C'1s Lur hm. 1-'I Ila· the rl\llw;iy trArlt Into the Blr l •:t!<P, bro; Ju~r-ph \' J nhnxon. ~&nt11 l ur el p1 c:ienl Ii. s_ops :!UUlh I.If An·•~ Jani l l'n•1mwt, Santa 1\na. Faln·1<'W 1\\'e. J11~L 11.rroN< the a1·,.· 1Roy L t:aby. L.t Habre. Ch11rlt1 ni1e from the proposrtJ h1~h schr.ril A. Srhm1dt. AnnhPrni, a n•I :\ln1. COST A :\tESA CHAPEL 1741 Supt>rwr A\·enue Costa :\ll'!m, Calif. f'hone Wbt'rty &<.!l~l CH A P El. 13 T '1'lIB B!!A. 3!):!0 E Cout Blvd. l!llc. Marjorle ~. Er hrto. J.'ullerlun. Corona dE"l Mar, C&llt, Phono Jlarbor "2 ' SHOE OUTLET Open Friday Eve. 'til 9 411 W. FOURTH ST., SANTA ~NA Klmber!y 7-3863 1700 PAIRS WOMEN'S SHOES MUST BE SOLD Thursday, Friday, Saturday $ 00 SIZES 3 TO * Red Cross * Cobbies · * Town & Country * Naturalizers * Penalio * British Brevitt * Air Step * Risque * Sandlers of Boston * Rice-O'Neil * Trim-Tred * Walk-Over * Hill & Dale • $ 00 s 00 11 -WIDTHS * Foot Flairs AAAAA TO C * Natural Bridge * Red Cross * Barefoot Ori9inals· * Rhythm Step * Tweedies * Lit. Stride * Natural Poise * Paramount * Confenis * Westport * Delmanenes * Valley * * * * * * * * * * * * * Carmelenes Amano Mademoiselle Customcraft Johansen Palizzio Ferne raft Sobel Troylings D·Antonio Kimel Marquise Martinique I 1· • * De Liso Debs . and man.y otflers Heel Hel.CJhts * Hlrh * Allu8lon * ('11han * \fllltary All Styles and Colors * \\ ,.d1rn * t lah * Hrt'\ It $ ... 00 30 or 90 Day $ 00 $ 00 -- * 12.95 to 20.00 Values * Charge Accounts You Pay No Interest or CarryincJ Char9e at Kai's ,J i J PAGE 8 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-P~ESS WE D'IE~Q;.. Y, JULY 13, 1955 ~nternational YRU Regatta Due Saturday Th•r•I l nf .. ma!lnn~l rt1:1mr1 n- h1p RLJ:'\lta .. r thP YH'"111 R1" 1·1~· ITS THINGS SUCH AS THIS Mrs. Eldred in WHICH MAKE LIFE WORTHWHILE Attempt' to Save It ,. ltt•I fill• n th tl a JU•I.; ........ l\n ltlllnt'•hdlt" bl"O•·ftt I H mestead s1·1e 1·t1111t' fr,.111 r•n•• "' hi• clrl'1•1on!t hut J ud,:., 0 J . D"<t!!" 11milt'd 0 11.1rr 11y tl S hi' \\;\.~ 1nlt1 ,,, t•ll't' 'f"IM .. h•y. ~A="TA A '!'A ·~l'I -Mr!' ·" "1u11n11 , '' '"'' , ul 1.f 1 t11· 'vu rt huU'l' a.nlf "t"rf'\·J to 11lk to a r• I'"' lt•r 11 •1111 i; t h• r1· nn •n 3 >» i;11nw'lt • I J""I p.1111 th,, l11i.• ,.f 11 ,. hu~band s ':!11tl !Inc .. sht" "'1111 ~h" u d ol1•1I "\\·,. \ t' !hi\• ,1 tt 111 liqu"r htlls bhAU"<' my husbur.J \\t·nt 1•11 t l>t' \111gon Rftr r Uw JUll!;.<' t'11krd '" htm · \.•'llo'\"lf'\"f' eldr .. d W I fr nt A 11 hur c;,,, 1l"n F.Mr .. ,J f11r11w1 ~ant• Ana rl'1tl f'lfla!I' ,,.,.,..._,n nu\\' J ••llll: 11mt> 111 Chm<• fllP•I ~uit 1n ~UI""""' ('11111 l h"'" .\fun,tay tu Jto'I a h•'nw~1ra1J sba nd••n m .. n t ~r r • l111 p w 111!1• II \\as rukf'<1 In t h• •hl\t '\ t\ Ut ll\t• I~ fll I f htl h lll\t', 1 't1lt1 r :--,, I "-·1\nh·~ ,..,~l ,.,. lut' .,( ·1 ... l ••·I '"'' ""I n•nll'lll" Ill $Ill.I.. P . .\.IUU;s · RIDl..F.l' MURTtli\.R\' Fo~rty tift.At'EL CttAPr.L l IU "'.,_., ... , -C'Otlta ...... IJbo-rt-, M·llU3 aod 1·3U6 Newport Vari' ty 1 ·n11on or !"•llllh• 'n ('.olt1tol r11 ' \\I 'I 1;., 11t·•i."d th1!1 Sulu1d"y R·~.1 Su11· d.I\· \\1th h1•a J11u:i1!t•1s al ::-\1 \\jlllll ""'h"r Ya,·ht t 'luh. l'la.,i.ca \\.II ------------------------------\"()t"K ~ 1.nJ I 0 ~T(ltcf: \\" 1;11,.. t 'rn\\ n Nt .. 111,. o.-.. "n t 'ronl =--.-ar. l'lt"r indt1t!P 1111\" d1ts< Ill \\ 1t1d1 r: I•,. r lll"ttt h"n1~ n1 .. •'t\1"''" 1111-I t111ph1 .. :. '''111 h·· nwnri1f-d l1r:.1, l'• 1 • .. nd Rntl third pla•·t-bn1ot11 in 111c-1 o11 Whld1 t hi'! I' are 81 l··a~t ~" ho111s f.nt1•rnJ. l-:nl I\' II'•·~ wt 11 b•• S2 ((>1 lxm r ;tnd i<k1ppt>r 11nJ S. I 1n 1 1•111·h 1 '''" 111.-111h1 1'. l..irnnthllll-!' c-rnnl' 111•1 rnnor will be a \'/ulablc u..l th< vat ht duh \\ h, rt• th1·t •' will t.- lo/hd:•'' "llPJIL•· ! S~turdll\ • \'1•11· int.: U.•·n· wtll lw a , ... ku11t 1\11111 , .u. ·\\, t hv u tlu.n••t J n· I ii.Oh 1• t.11•"\J..ta't \\Ill -.1..,u h • ~t·1\·,1l l•f I tH 1•:""' ~llfl "j' \* U P l tUU):. Skipp. ti< \\tit no• 1 l ,,l I :w !• 111. s .. 1111•1\IY "tlh tlw \\atm11J:. gun 1 .. r 111•• 111.,l d:t•.~ .11 I .10 I' 111 "" :'111i.ltt\' thr• ',\ tl 0 ' n ~un t r ll •· I lr>l I .If .. w d l I"' d ltl '1!1 !I 111 '4'0NE TO DOGS' ' e,, 11 11111> 111>tn H•' ul.•n took rut<' ht1•b11n1I <IP<'""'"' h.•r11*'.•l<-11J ••n I 1( th• 1·11111\·111 111111n11 I~ 1r1 1rt1n•11 l 1•11•1h·tl\' 111 :!~O:l P1>:n~et1ia An• :'lot.\\ l'OltT Rt:.u ·u F. h N I ''·""'Ill",, .. l)lfllOf'cl It IN or .. ~-!l'l\1111\ Anli. ''" ~)rl. t:l. 1!1:·~. Art"' IS erma n ew (It'll""' •• ,.,. ll 'htlol 11 .. l\'lt' IRllll'•I I !h1tl, .•h1· 1111 .. 7.-.•. !hr dt>f.-nd1111t• '" ..-\\""'"lhv 1•1111111 (11 1111, nh1111t .l><11w11 ant 1'.~thf'r Otu-k in anti ,,__·------------~.:---, d t in 111il••:< "'il 11( ~t'lllll1• "I ltrtntflrtf R• 11•' a nd l.tbb\' \\'11tL• thr.-nt,.nt>•I oun mas er 111 h1t1•I• "r Rlll0nlal~ thl'n .. U11\'Pn· 'rtmtni.I Jlrt11<<'<'llll<ln of ht>r ht18· . Costa Mesa pntt i""""'·I l ~~~~J~~ll'~~ .. 11 .. m,.~lt'R•I \\'l'tl' nut In . ' Thf' 1'11un11rr •Ryll t hi' lhr.,ats ,,,;r_,. ,,111i. •rn:rn 1i .. -Mesa La r.d Cosh r ...... J 111.m l·• a hdn•l·•n the h""" .. ,\ ""\''I'"' 1 .•.,.1.1 Th•\' •h1J nvt "' l un 1b ... 1r • MESA · UPHOLSTERING f 'phol•t•n•ir a Oral>f'" U.W ·'"P'· ~hd~ Co•t. ...... Ubrrty 1-0111 ' I' II•' I f lOlllt I'''' •• l ... i:tl '" ' lll'fh' Rise with Talk Ir···· Will 11 ....... rchn>: to .\lr11. £Jr.-el ,,,i, ... ,• .. 1:< 1-tt•cl 1l.1\-.·111••1t 1°! :!ll• ~he ""k~ t hr .. ,urt' h• Jt'l'l•rt'l r----~--------------.-.,.- 1-: :::·i·i M. I' ·-tu·'""··· \\'I• l'IH• of Subdivision tlw •han•l11nt11•·nt \'Old ----- '.'·i.t It ~lflll It. 8\\ "' '" ''h Ill ht• I I ltt111 ~"'I• t • :.1. "• pn1m 11' ·1~•.-r •"-ti" ,_. 11 Yi#~ t-. 11 .. 1 lu1< luu..!a. un , , If I · \ · I · I I \\ l1hnm A t"nrrtr~ "t>f ~!I t-. t~ t• 1,j• tH'"\C 1t ,1r11yt t.u; '': a11 ··~).:t• l q t!1~\'d11p "a,.. t!uulu1'1tl lh .'I , ... ,,,111 :\f ....... 8• Tt pt>rtM lht•fl Trsde-Wind MOTOR OFFICERS GET NEW BONNETS 1<tth•r da:-.~t'S "·" t••lt•W 11t tin · '111m11tl' 11lll'l\"!\I;.. Th.-rn:.:i ::-\A y . I Ht: 1uh•s \\lll Applv ''' thP rue·•~ tn<I rn•I• <I• may lw 11111•1" 1mmr11· Ill II 1111r~ ""I'' 1 .. lhy k~ .... r·l 1 '"h II ra n hapf'C'll "' u ~UIMli\ltJ .. r I Cordes Tools Taken 11 tl.t-IH 111" :\t.,.. • •l"l: "' I • •· r.1 ti . 1·. -•a 111• • t 1ol1111n ni.; «•Ill· u! 11 ln<•I bt1x :=:un•la\· fr<'m hi~ h• '" I 1111 .. ,, n ~\ .. n .t.I\· 111.;ht b\· H")!"' I -:;::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=~ I .\! II r 1 1 1• •l wtth I" eJ marnt>ol \\'111""" \I h11 1 ••fllM••I to 01\'lllJ.:•' • Swimming Pools · Grinning like a toupll' nf kals w1lh a new l 11y . Motpr Offic-r r H Htt·hanl HC'tnC'CkC'. left and Ted Curry, n~hl. gl.'11t rend\' to start out on duty with tht'tr nc•w r1·gulation cr:i::h helmelt!. The new h!'lmNR an· \he first in Oran~e l'11unl~-. !'art~ of Los An~cles force, Oakland nnd :-;an F ram·1st'•l f11tTC!'l arl' using· t he hl lmC'l;;. ~1:1dl' 11f plasl1c anti lined with foam rubbC'r and l1·:ttlwr. tlwy arc d t'sign<·d tn with:>tand 20Ull pounds Clf pressure. The m•>t11r tyclc r>ffiel'rs nrc fonJly callt•d "l'gg ht'ads" by tlktr frllow of- ficers. -Staff Photo 1 •I•"!,\• ft!U''\'•1ni: 'ach 1a• •' Beauchamp Top Cut :\la Ju 1nu~ d 1111:11..1• tu l/J<' fob1 tr tnr> or a <ar i .. ~1st1•rt• I 1°1 ll ••lll't l B1•a11c·'1amp nf illJ !Jay Sn11th Bay l11 11i.;hl t t 1, 11,l\·1 .. 1p111) ha' lln·•I H•l•l th1• f"rat1 •n 1•( h 1, 11'"1'""'"' 1 .. 1 .. I I • \\lltkt"I lh !hf' ll:u h<'r arra fu r:!'\ A ftt'r hi> •lllll .. cl IHl\111): llf'I Company Comin'7 \ 1·.11 • "•' 11 .. ~ h \'1'!1 tn l'ns1.1 :\le~., :H I PllJ:" ( .. r t.1~ Mlb<h\'fSl•in. \\".ti· I l(fr lh•• lr1~1 t•\•'n y1•:1111. «•n t nld th•· 1 n111miM111n 11. nrnn! f i1h 'n Chip$ J l;i\ t'fll"'I t ll .Id!' lu• Ol'\\'Sl\'flf!hy lt"k" I h1111 tf h•• h ,1cl h"lllcl nh,11tt Jumbo •n.,i.: 11( lit£> ~Wt•rdfi>h 11hrou1 :.1x a ,, ... ,. Hlh•ll n~1"n ):l•tnr 111 1h11t ' \'('(to~ 111;11 ••11 II,.., t hnl' JI,. hr •H)."111 .11,.1nrl. \'h1" 1~:11n 11w11•·!1 a Int I f • d Sh ' lhi• 111'• •'la111l.11 I'll!• h Ill Ill lh(' :tblllltni.: on \\"ut!lon'll n <'rl'lll:I' The ' rte . rtmp fn11l uf :'l:r•\~'l'••l'l l'tc·r and M1l1I 1111111 h.1ol lwl'n 1ry111K t•) ..... 11 th" To Go il<'ltks orr It In the puhhr. j 1u t Cur S:!001J, \\'al.4\0n M id, but I Surf Fish "I'\'(' w111 k1•d around animals aft Pr t he 1ub<ll\'iio1on rum11r go\ ~Ullt' ll bt:, ln<o,'' 1)1.wrnpnrt Wldt>tl / arnunlf lhP prl<·e \l';>O! UJl IO $100(), rt'C1•1 ring t11 his horki:wund for the \\'11t!on arranged for a pnvale :110 ,,..,..n t"ront Fry ,. I I 1...ocal compan~· IW"n·lnJt tht1 Harbor ANla.. Pool~ d ,. " I ~ n ,. d and prit•t-d to flt your rt'· quirf'mc>ntM. Temui ('an two Arl'IU11tl'd ('all Ubl'r1y 11·711,\2 or LI 11-~.f~~ .. ~ .. C'o,.ta M""1\ 1>1'1. TODAY'S N v -srocK 'occ R-----t--1 r~~~:~5E:;.~:Wi#:;:r~~::~ . • . eques s !llll~hecl whllt> 11ten<ltng Ill lht' .JriVPWE!}'. ---- REPORT AND COMMENT ~s 1 •974•751 ''""" h111111l<'r J"h H r w:i" wirh a h<'111·rniz with t hi' romm1~1<1on'111ub-1 n .. ar x""P'•r1 'ri..r • 'rrwPllng rat nl\·nl on" sea.•nn, a.~ d1v1~1<111 <·•1mm11l•'P ______________ _. -~:"""'='=:""'"-~==--:.~~~--~~- ,.,,,.,. M.- sA:>:TA A NA. J1'1.Y 1·, •<X"ss 1 T l..-, r111· ~" rn r has bl'('" q1111r 1 As New Budget ti N ew Y ork =-:oon Com111c11t p . ..,,,, ... r,,,. •11•1 '"l11n11• l<':J\'el! 11r.11 1'- \V1tter A Co. Ill 11,: !u 1 .. "''11'"1. ''"''" 1"1~1\· Orir.~,. c·,.,,.t J Ulll•ir Colkgt> The markel npl'nl'O un a ~tt·n lv/ '""" f, I I' '1'1 t..king 111 •1' \•"•I' l h,.l r" l fih .. J 11'4 1!1'1:\-:'>6 bll'IJ.!c·t j tono Wllh a numhrr <•I ~..t .. ·t1·d l.it\I 11 l '' d 1~ \In "'" 1,1 \\• Ii<· \\Jlll lht \ •U11l:1 >Ull'nnt1nclt-nt 0(1 w ue11 1<Uppl\·ing I ht• 111111 • "11· ""' ".f 1 ·S •··~ -" i· h ~·~ l hi' '1' 1" ' t I .• • t 1hni: fur .HI , :<(1<•11ilt111re •tru,.liv~ anl~dl on n•h..uu '-,. 11\lu 1 t-·I·· 'l" \ 11"" '· t ''~ h·n 1'• 1111'1 .. • 1 ~'· 1·, 11~, l ., ' 1• 2 l'rtl uJH. ra' tun~. Ol'W high l(r01111.J. ~t J •·nr.:I h I I• ,\ • ' " t~y l .u-!lurn n. I I l• J;. 111 <!•~' l 11 t I •r 11 11l .. 1llJ.!' .<6!.'i:! (or 1 va!ls )&.rJ?'t'ly Within tti·lll"l\IUI ;,.i:-;'., \.,llll!>lco\\n, Olli! H.t l1tl ,Ill" l'""l >1<1\l•o-1 ,cll0l l-l l ll.:!1 I 1r lOlll·l 11ue• or thf• el1'r lr1<:tl 1•1p111•1111•n t 1 1111.c '''' 11111tv ~· l\i•• •. T fl, t••lll l hlulgd 111utn1, 111,.tl, 011 n nd 1l•tlr•11111 110\\".lll'E"" 11'.:\I., A\t :lt.\4,1..., rr 1url•~ 1111 1·\l•lldi\111•,:. and rt?• .rroups. 10 Jndu~t1 utls . ·h i:.!'.:!7 r.1r 11711 !I-• r\1 • t ,!.,. n1 11ttn1, tn ~1 ~•7 1,7:»t.I Yo11ngatown S heet wn11 the rt-a· j :to P.;111s . 151-;,';-11ff 11 I" Tl•" I• ~.: • '1'1 111"1•· than l ht' t11re in the ,.t.-l'I ~ .. c·t1un 1111.r "'J 15 1·11hl••'" 1'1 e•'i "'' 1111.: l'• •r· ,;, '"' ~· 1 though wrtl"IO!ll J)1·nc·ril ,., An' I p 111 f 11tqnlt' l .:r ... 1•111 \ • l•.\11•·1 • '''' "I" /\tliun •I th•• ~perwl nC\\!1 1eppl'11n1 "'I 11!-h• ur t 41;11,111111 Ptt 1'11r ... t11.1 ... 11, • d 11111, ti·· , .. 1111n;.. Y""' M1su1111n,::-t..-aelcr1'111p. O\l.111i. tu 1111· I.II(' \1. :-;··r()('K l .l-.r \11/1 "" lth,:lt..r I'' '""":-' '" •·"'"" 11( 1•er1111n1y 11\"1'r 11wrgcr proi11i~· 111 tbl! 11 I• 1t ••" M 11 11° ,,. l"i"' h• '" , With 1s .. thl•·h· n1 St••l'I. t hi' !!I'll•· llllt .\.'\U ·'"" 'till• cl Ill 1' •• 1 If 1•. tr·rs11n, ... 1. l has lni:i::•··i l u•lund c!11ri11i:; 111 .. 11•111k 1 f '"'"""" •• -1.! i.i; .. p11-.•!. ·•I."\\, 111 11 11nt11111;1t. l,;;JutJp :it ntl\'nn•t•. Htfl,·1\1ni,: t1 1•11 I 1·, \ o ln ... t tHlllf-lll ~' 1' ... tL •f· r '• •"·•' ... ,_ an •fUc11I-.. lt·\·~· ••f 8U1tll''UObJI(\ r no"l J\U fJpU 1 \ 01Utl1tl\\;l 1:,nak :., .• ,., 11.,01 ti' , •••• ,, fjl lJ~t 1,p 1n1J • I \ , , PJ+ut tt-•l •nrn\ng~ Arc 1n a ~hnt p P 1...,,!HV 1\ n1t\ .• _!.,, •• ••\h ~l.1it upltt•Htf t 11 l \\,·~t ,~rn flu nk ::::·. ;,i T,i,-c 11111 •t -~·•rt \'.di 111u1k th\' In ad•hllon. r nmpnny " I"''' w;11 1 :t.c:-11 • • Ir 1. 1 ti 2'•·• •: t l.<.'lt ~'P:t'1~1ot1 ptnl:rarn '' J..• ! •I 11 10~ If •'I ~· ,ri ~11.tu1.. ~. u J TI1P 1 •J •r ,.uh,1;1n11:tlhi.J.J,•11in"'"' 11 'ht 11••1 · "l·"i.:11· "In~ '" ••11 '·Ii.I 1 ... 11..-1·.,n-1 lnl, ,.h t l11w 1·11rrr·ntl\· 1111111 •1,: ;1· \1 ""'1 l::o k· t t ' t•• -• • • 1 "·' .• , Ille• h11 l1l· a ftLl t• nrrr•l>drl\Ut•IV '~.! J•I \1 1\ 11• \1 . .akf•l'I :• I; ""-1••h••\OJIJ•l•l· ,ha1<' On 11w1 h11'-I~ 11 ... ' • , \I, •, \I • I I • '• \\Ill 111 h; ! lhe H Uit nc lh• UH1tt• ,,.;,~·"···'''"I• I ! :i· l ,~ I J Jt.1r k •• f: I ""'',.. u t J•tl U( lh•• li!IOUp 00 1hl" tu&M"'li t•l .._•I n, 1 \' 111 lll: ti •• rt_•- l l:itl1r;tJ t.tt~tur"C Vt •l h It 10• t._:• r ••It 1'1 • "'~'·'-· \ 1 .. •' ti • •111! l'phl :l•ioloel r•·I• n·· I . I ,. 'I. \ I ' • I•!"• .. r "" I '; I r JI.II· nal nh·1~~r J l 'n" "''' •• ·,, t \' .... "".:ti 1:11.l<. ~r· _1 the 1<pr.-111I l"•t\\"'' 1\t li!t"" \\ •111 1: 1: I" 11 11., f 1 J• c 1, 11' htd•'J Steel nnJ Youni.: 'u\\11 I·~ •I I· ' • • l h ....... lilJ J 11 \• d \\ t* PnCl'•I e un~iolt-r.1 1 •• 1 ll · • ~· 1.J• y Ad •t '1 1 1 Youni:;stn\\ n" lfli;),: 1: I' r .. 1111-I eenaQers m1 ""' . J• \ ~ • d 1 11r ~ t JflJ \IJi... Jl.i, ', 1111 l "tl•• "'•\'ti\ ~·,qr~ r1 • i , , \• '. I r '1• tin ldit;J! llllce Allt>J:h• II\' I. 111111, •• n d • ,. Hethlt•hl'lll ~,.'I ni.· 111 ... • ... ,. . Grog Possession well 1111 r1•nrlr·.J 111 11•C'u~n11111n "I I · tne a111ii1111n11a1 ~111111n~ l'"""r n11o1 1·1\• t .. •·n·:1~.· .... ,. 1 1· • l•.t Woman Cart thlll n!I 111 1·rlf'1at•"I \\t tl••111f11 ~11.ir v 1n "'"''l"'ll .1 •,, 1· 111 1 il!'cllnr In t h.-lute !'II.I'~. 11•1·•111'"1 ~'"" t.>1· 111 1"'"'"·11 ll • • •' 11 .. 1 Suspect Booked Qui ckly Hit C1nd Run •amlnKs \\1ll 1n1r1•0"-'· n•r'i+ll~. T•·v ,,,.h J•t.I a•:-."111 1 •· l \'• Ot ht•r 1nd.1tle'ol I.•;·,"'""' I \ .I• I··· l "•ll Cl l .I I 1'11• w ere (;>111111 •.t oil1ltll~ ll1t• •It h Ill• • fl \\t'l 17 ' !I· II on 1ntthn~ tth·h1tlt· t 'h1.\,.ih1r. l<l"'l'h t1,,1 1. Vtt•• :11•• •, t ~1· 11• ,. \!.1 Autohle.l't1f"M l°uln.<·11 .... l.·n f1,•111· I\· ~'''l ·t ·111 1 leum l\n•I H11•1io <'fJrJ1. J,1 , \\ "'" 1• 11k. II' uf '"'" l:iu\\ 1 :-.. , YI fCTJlt.11 1'11'110 \ t \It • .\ r 1 \:i I" ll•I .l :~.Jl\• 1;:1;,·· 1 .''.: '1 ' ~:: 1 ', 1·;1:: : It• ;\ 1 I f ~ I\ f ' f \ \' It• nt •• h1• l mprO\'<'lll"nl 111 ti" latl••i I 1 hkelv tn 8llt.11 t 1u ll't• 'l tel 11th• 1 I" • '' · • 1 .\r th•lf I! • ' '.r\ I r. 1 , I t H 1• In th" i:m11p •tnnni; "' 11 h l'l •I•" I" ' '· ••' 11 '" 1 If ' 1• and ~tol nrt1 \ lll t• Ill J11l,\lt1n tel J!J•t ' •f )'•lf •• . " rt'f"O\"rr frt•IH t1 1•lt J tu'll t \\.\· .,,•. "°'1 1111! lt·• l"'; \nJ:. (011~ lt n I'• •ti1·I• ~I\ •t 1••1 t \ •• t. , ... t .,, I .. H1to n~"~ h .:h ,.: rou• f ''" t; "'·d '• l· n 1 ·' I ' ' ' '~ ume rrf1,.,~·1n~ r r i, ·~ tt ,: "' p1·l11 11 ,,._ "•l!i' 1 l• t l •t It 1 ••• nt~ I• '' ,,, I '' ' l :1fl ' f . . . '1 I \ ,. 1 . l I t t f ' t•I ... C' \t I t L.1 it I ll .. • • rt.: in , .. tf"•Hl ;-. • 1-. ' h • 11 rnrnin,,: .. 1~·pt • ,,. ,p~ ',, ,., l • f •p .• f ·?1• ..... S4 IP\'('I lh i• It'-• :.I'' ti. cor>\1h S:t• ''°' ... \'' • 'I I I, 111 I I uon \\tll he.• ci'·"n \•• 1p1 ui' ••':t"'· •: '.\' Ill .• ,.,t tln1.t,•n•I ,..,,,,, ~ IH•01k1 11t 111to 1.. 1u1 !)" new hli;h ~ 1 .. 111•·1 · '" ,.,, I I •""I: 111 !";' •\• II• It C r \t ! ; I \ f urthrr tmf•l ro\ • i~· 111 Colorado River .Water for Mesa Area Believed Set SA:-o;TA ;\:"A Jl'l.Y I"'. t(W:-0:~1 I •'' • I -C·•lnr1ol1• lt1n •r \\ •I • r }'I• h:ih\\' 1-'' I\' l ' w lll b(' 11v,t1l.1hl1• I· r ""' I 1 II \ ·' ,• •I r1 I I AreA "i'rl lH"t' 't • ! t" · • 1· ..... u1 1, n~ • 4 • t\\"O t1r rtir··· H q•h .. HP•1r ·~· .. ; ;ll rlt• l"'lt· 11 . \\ 11 r I • ~·11e·t .1· 1·\, •· n r8 n"' 1-. 11111,· \t..-, ; .II \\ •" 1 I • llt~1 rh l ..:•'' t J.:1 .' ,., f'I\ " f• rd· r .\. l'f o I"• \f\\ f I I ' f I 1\ ,, I '•. .. ' II' ti ' .. I. ' I• I • 1 t ', ... ... it ': ... .. . .,. I • :· hn• r 1 1 • • n I ---------------. 1:1'11·1 J 1 \1 , '. lllt , .... 1•1 '1' • • :-• • i 'I .\ .. I 1 .. ' ·1i.: l•• I ,1, 111 ! J •, I t Jt I ft ti (\ \ .;. l ... \ ~ I :·' "' \\ I·,· ; • nm\ .\Im\\. 'a:mwm 11'-.Hlriti ='•\Ji'l t • t '11..,lu,\Jt·.•<t 1'1111.\I. 1.11111:1\ 11-1.·.1·? Carl DAN7S TV 1 1 Rr n ·trr -ftl'nlal• • !'inl1•• Liberty 8-2228 ,;11i \'i•ll I' ,,,.·111 1" ti• \\\Tl.I\ Ill \l't.tt:-;\1\TTtn ..... -..t;-, n1·~t\\ l • " I I• 1\ •l l'" ll\bl' S".l' H" Cf ••4 UtA U 1\111•1• -lloml'~ -Tralleni ~~\\1.: '\" !·::, ·','~ ~1~ . .' ~'~':, e ;:·et·~ .. ; (j Ol' .. d.,_IJ., ,,",f",fi. ~ 1. ol/ ·~~~,";~'1~: ~~;::;• hn,. "• '~ '! ..... , .. t • ' .n·' I • (/'· ,-" -"" 111'>11 ll•e.I ii'\l fl".:\•<1 •-.1 I"' \n 1· lf•v< : •n GE"' OOWN C'O:!-T \~lt.:"\;\l\TTRt: ..... oo. h•·.u, .~ I ••. 11'n, n I \\n I ' " ""'(""'• H•·tl'o· \))0 Z1."t0 ;\ft\\(lOr'l n h tl. rr.._,., :-1• q , •• , n ,,.) \fiH h'l~ I b r• n e'. l 1'.• i. .. .-11 l>A .. 1 hlj(h\l'a}'I ,.....--------------. .-.-;.-;.-;.-;,.-__________ _,,_L r 1An• BE SUR E-INSU RE J O ll~STO~r.·s A i.rn H•1 1'·· 11··~~\\!1 b<•ml ulth Mesa Auto Wreckers hA<" "1 l't ''"I", •,• • 11.nc•1 th•n nn '.\1 \l'Rlt. l°'TA'.'\,.J.:\' }'l!h<A ft•, 1: , 1 11t. ,: 1 ll\I fri•I ln•urnnc·f' Onh· 1 'r d ,\ulo l'ar"" •ll.4t ot :-0: • \\ f"' l A \"· T hi' \\'tt:• r l'h""" 111.rhor '.!01~4 Anti .\C'C'P•""1'"' w ill ,..,,116 ''" ~·1 .111.:,. 1 .111111 n 1 s:11.; 1:. 'oa.•t Hli:h"•Y '?O~.; Placentia An'. C•1 nna d_. ..... U~rl•' 1!-iOIS l.o..ta l l,. .. Jn'Olln•b n. !Ill~·· ~-., .~t l '•·11· J(• • r ... ........ , South<'rn l ".1lt(111 ntn H1hll' l'• lit'!=" a nd 111rr<'11ntlln1? 1111 ••· TI\1J rr11· ion h111' hPfn U•'r"11d 1ng nn Wl'llS and ln1·1t l ~urrh,.11 "r wlll• r. lit'· r flrdtni; t•' Allen. Thr t'nst n( hook · In, tip l I lht' f1 f't1t'r flnt' \Lill t>f' a bout Sl 7 011\1 I ('Hhrr lint' c-nn~trurt1on ft\118 will be up \O Coal& Mu•. Allen j Our 20th Birthday JUU 1, 1955 Dear Friends: July is the Birthday Month of Laguna Federal, and this month marks our 20th year of service to 'the Southland . In July, 1935, our total assets were $4,735. The cu;rent figures on th i s page are evidence of our tremendous growth in two decades. We take special p r i d e in our Statement of C<>ndition which shows more than $2,000,000 in re- serves and surplus -a double safegU1'rd to your funds invested with us. This sup- plements the $I 0 ,000 insurans:e of ac- counts. Howe ver, our true growth rs reflected in the happiness and well-being of thou- ~nds of Southland families who have al- lowed us to help them to security, peace of mind and home ownership. To them we wy "Than~ You" for giving us a 20th Birtliday of which we can be proud. During the entire month of July we invite you to drop in and say HeNo . There's a gift waiting for you -OUR_ BIRTHDAY, but the gift is for YOU! In the Laguna Federal traditio n of friendli- ness, there's no need for you to open a new account to secure a valuable gift. J ust drop in! We wiil be happy to tell you about our personalized oper.,tion and the progress of our San Cle mente office which will open later this sum~r . Sincerely. Andrew S. Hall c u R R E N T D I v I D E N D TWO OfflCES TO SOVE ORANGE COUNTY LAGUNA llACH -SAN Q.EMEHTE STATEMENT OF CONDITION .. JUNE 30, 1955 ASSETS l o••• Oft lmpro••d a .. t (,1.1-...-ip•lly i...- ut L•9un• •••dt .. ,,d •1ci,,a y. loans on Savings Accounts • $20, I 69,2Ss.:..s 99,980.96 Properties Sold on Contract S,23 I .2'6 Real Estate Owned and in Judgment ________ ..... 2,089.91 Investme nts c1nd Securities ------------ Cash on Hand and in B.snh Wod_.:.q c.•p1h l o" h•"cl de po\•ted ;,. b,,,.,, O ffice Building and E~uipment, c1nd parking Lot, Less Depreciation <MS,000.00 3,010,298.64 248,322.91 DefeITed Ch~rqes and Other Asseh 5,976.92 _______ $23.986.1 56.06 TOT AL ASSETS _ ··----· LIABIL I TIES Savings Accounts ---·------·-··-----$19,067,967.40 l~it j, fh• •movri f ;,,.,..ttetf .-i-f .. UI b,. ""'O'• o • .,._ S800 iru:liv1du•ft, tnnf••• •ncf corpo,•••01'1 Loans in Process _·----- Other l iabilities .... __ _ 2,786.012.20 ---~-.I 03,925.87 8,633 .63 Specific Rese'rves General Reserves -·· -----.. 1,678,197.52 Surplus --------------Hl .409.« Gener.sl Reservt>s and Surplus 2.019.606.96 ________ $23,986, I 56.06 TOT AL LIABILITIES LAGUNA FEDERA:L. SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOC·IATION t ANDREW S. HALL. President .. m Ocean Ave. Phone HY 4-1 ln I ... J . '- Conchita Parlor Will Install /-at Open Meet ~ Mrs. Will Rudolph Head N. Peterson D. Officers Mrs. Rudol.rh t Naomi) Pet<>rson, rcc<'ntly back from St ockMn whcr<' shf' altendC'd C:rn nd Parlor of Natwe Daugh- ters of the Golden Wrsl and ,·1i;1tN I n'laliYe:-.1. is planninJ:! the :>pt>n insta llation for Conrhit a Pa rlor lo be held July '.! at Ameon,·un Lfoi:-1on !11111, C'c111ta .Me'llll '.\lrll P i•tt>r.-un. whn rf'J<1d.-11 ttl M,,.... 1\81(>->l';lllut\, cl{>put~ fttan..I 17i \\'11~t W lll;on ~n;;t'i\ '.\tr1111. -;Rs. tel IHll.l'll t'P:Tf:R."'OS prt>ioid1•nl 11n1I tnl'mhl"r o f gllnlll Ana P11rlnr Z3:1. 111 f'X(lt'f'lt>•I t n hr 1 1n~· a lhn1< o(f11· .. r Tho~e to bt> l!l'BI· •• f\ st'l•(lnd 1o1•·n<.'1&1111n l'altforn11111. I'd Ill( 111.i .. 11 .. r nwllh"r wa11 hnn1 an Juh11n. !'an l'l<'I:" C<Htnty a nil l'ttme to ""Br l"1111 lltt'J:n, ht'r fHther In S11n- lll Hmm ~lw hf'rl'elf was bom In 1·,i.111 .\1"'" l•I ''•'lllll agu w h11r• :-;TAH.T OF T HI-: :-':-;O\\'BIHL> ral'C TUt'Slhy lur Balboa ls l:ind \'tl('h l Club. now be- gmnin~ IL~ 3~rc.I Sl'tlSllflal race J<rogr::i m. r.rnnd t his ~rnup in t h<' IC'a1l : Left to right, J!andv Hill. t ·ommodor.: .\ltkt· l~aurr., Bill T\\ 1st l'dt.' C:d b I w111n C'r nf 1 h~ racrl and IJa ,.t,-1 lar~hba1 ~··r. G\•rw J :a urn 1s s t:. rtt r. ~It s. Baum •H:l::. as racC' st.'t rrta ry. Skippers an· fr11m 1 to ll:S y<'ars of agP. -~taff Ph• to ~t:\\' ROAKO ~(rn1'"· l'l'lf'nmn, prl'l'tdt>nl. A n· :'1 ... k1y u11 County was ra1~~-5ht' 1 .. 11 l•·l'I .. ~1 .. 11• bn,kf'r WINNING Dll'-:GHY in the first week's race results for Balboa h;land Yacht Club t!I No. 145. sh own skip· pered by Ma ry Lou Lloyd . The BIYC has a wel'kly pro- gram of sailing. swimming and diYing. -Staff Photo Balboa .Island Yacht Club in Opening Week Young Corinthians Start Summer Schedule Balboa Island Yacht Club sta rted its summer season on J uly 5 and the program is now w<'ll umler wa y. 1nitial ses- aion was on July l with Commodore Mike Ba um, Arcadin, conducting th«.' evening session at the open air cltf b hou:-;c n,.ar the r t'rry RmM1ng . 8011lh I; ~O p.m In lhl' opPn 111r rluhhou~t>. RA\' F'rnnt TuP~day, July 12. July 21). A u.: !I. 01h"r o fficUll aerving this year AUJ<. 23. All y oung penplP 11gPs f •re l..l'lrf')· S•11111p, PaAe<lrnA., \'ll.,. to 16 a r,. lnnled. MR8. WINIF'RED BARBRE. Society Editor I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-~RESS -PART 11 • PAGE I WEbNESDAY, JULY 13, 1955 .CORONA DEL MAR WOMEN I PLAN 2 BENEFIT EVENTS '.\I•., tin){ 1,.., n1Jy Bl tht> homt' uf '.\Ir,,. 0 H ,:'\lt'rP•hth. ru,"\ruht '' (•f th ... '' 3) ~ dlltl "" anb c·•~11unitlt>e t1( l ht' \'.'onH1n"' Ft'lh"''"' •P uf C'111 .. ra •l.-1 :.I.tr C-011111.uml\: Chunh 1>lann.-.1 t"" funJ 1 .ui.ini: •·\ .i.t~ fu r I h•' • hurc·h ye:.r l.l.tlP of l-'11•llly, U1 l :.! "Cl-' lid lor t1 Halloween d l rtl (J .. rtx. lh·• .-n • \.l!WllJ: • v1·nl "1th h u:;bar,.Js 1m·11ed. Th.-"11r111g b.1u .. r, 1n wh1l·h llll 11wn1h1•rs n( th, Fcllowsl.1p J11rn • .,, to l>o· hi l•l 11n F nd"Y· May I. !1116. ll W:l• ;."UJ:!(t!'>tt'd lhlll ~tlk ho~·· pl 1J.111 l••J!" l\tld hox. "· 1·11 t"n" srn1I l'·•r• r b'lgs b .. ~.tn-<1 8n•I l hl\l J.1m, J••lly, 1•11 kl•1< an.I !'lull b. • .rnC•'" r .. r th•• b117J111r. l'rtl'•tll at th •· 11l«nnlnK sri:~:1111 w··r< '.\l111•s Arthur l<.111- J"-r. Fr.i.i. l\;ir i.;~. 1·. K . C'lnl'• M J. !'h:.1.?~<111, Sy.Jnl'r Bl,11 k· h• 11rd. J uhn M• a<l11r •• l11mr~ \\'. Barrdl. Gri!<IS (;rnbl", 0 . II H~l'<I, 1: .. ~·nwnl\ llell, '.\11.•j ''" Huth .:'\1:1xwell a n•! M 11t t11· Llt<•y, Ull.l lht' ht1Nt1 ~~. cnmmc><lnM': 1J1c-k Rn<lfrlnlln, Bal· \\ t:t :K 'S Wt~St:R~ AT MESA PARK t>o>a t ~lt•nd. re11r rt1mm1•lt1r t : Lo· Rc-<.'ause of the> hultd&y thl.'rl' ht " l\rnn,..1\-, La Canll•lll. 111.'f'rt•· were no 1131hn11: racea !Ml we<'k. tan ·. .1ult11 who llltl Wtlh lht' In patlcllt'bOardmg winnf!nt were p~am are CC'lle &um. aalllf\6 ~ '-'oyd. W..ndy Bia.Ir. .Jim .,_.,....; M:r.. ...,,,..,_ WWI--. Rr1t1gman , :lfary l..011 Lloyd. f!t'tly t11\·1ng: Mrs . Rnnaltt Barlow. •"im-Jf'an Gurnther, 8 111 T w111l. Jna nna mrn11: EllC'h Wttk there &rt' volun· Jp\•ne. an•I J t1hn Ht>mngton. '""r hrlpotr °' a mung par,.nu Mothers Plan Picnic for Jobi es & DeMolay Thr a•l•1lt at1\•1M1ry cnmm1tt~ 111-'" iowlmmlni:" winnt>rs wert rlll•lt'll J n"'l'h Uerk. r l'llX Ha.np R u tilP Ll<•yrl. \"ickl :--;C"·berry. J am \\· ... 1n1·~tU.\·. J ul\ 27 l'i !lat .. i..-l w b .. n th• lJo•'.\1 .. 1'4\' ;\1 .. th· ... l'h1l1 Lacy Gt1est Is Ho11ored at Bru11cl1 ,\ ,1.:11111r• .. r frwn.ts i:11ther"d at I h•' h"••I" .. , .:'\IJ ' J(nhp1 l H. Olan- 'h..I\ rtlth ~t ,\ndtPY.fM r taC"P fur Ill "1 I ' le 1111.r1•·1J l11 i: r <'"\ "11ss, 1111111• 1 ~I·" "I n( \\"u~h111i;t1in. P 1 • I,,.,., .,u:{t ••! '.\1rs. M 1lll I ~•,. ,,( ~''" 1•111 t J!,·1~hts. I '1, .• n' \\ •• , ,.. ~1 rn , .• s. 0 \\" 1l•l•k1 1:, llll•I<, (·Jart'nt'P llod<I ~' t n .u1 • ·H1 "" '\:01 rn&n \Vatson. H,.1,..,1 :'11 u1111 1·1 irf.'1111• '.\lr C11l- I•. h .1. 1 11 ,. r1 "' """'"" Mf oav11 ,John T II 11 I lltll 11• • • \ .n• "n l'1rk11p \l1l•1 I.I'\' th" h"•lf'!.-'.\lri> Olan· tl •·J 1tl I ·t •. h •U1tft .... ~t 1"-11\ ~tP- tlrP ,_, y I u-st \ l<.'I' rn.>•Ult'nt: Oon- •11·1 '.\1'.n~.·~. lil'•·u1vl \•t<•,. prl'11ld1•nt . H11lt.,rl \\"1l:<11n third n c:-t' prl'lll· 1len1: J ilek W 1l:oon. mllr11h11l : nan 1'1 .. c ,. «lll~hl<' Sf'nt tn••I. \\"lllJA m J 11 k'.t'Pfl'. 1tl'ldl' :«•ntin• I l hn•l•I ;tahan1 r• ... •·nrf.-hn~ s,}.·r···.uy. Ln·,\ r•"nre H rri;:t'1nn f1nan1·u~I ...... •«'· tAn· John .l1trl>h•• 11 l1··nq111.1 'l'tti'*-"111 bd ~11111!:> I 'h1·~l1•r ,\ l'nllA nl, H elrn C11lhn1< I •111w111 rate :\!rs \\'alt"r !'loll1tr \\Ill bf' rnstalled 1111 l'ttlll preslllPnt ric~I<' l't.A~SISc ; '.\lemhPr11 or thP h"Hrtl nll'l I l11lv 6 for a r l<'nk htnl'hP•111 111 Cnstll Me~fl T'&rk an<I cnmplrtrrl pl11n11 rror the annu&I f'\'l'nt. M 111 !':Ari Pattr rson w1111 n 11 m f'•I 1•h11ir· man Of the refre~hml'nt c-nmmittef': 'rntl will bf.' 111<,..llll'tl hY Mmrs. John F:ltn&n. M u1orie RrlC'k,.y. .lnhn :\IAknmllOn. G n. Dullf'r. W llllllm \lrlrhPr 11nrt Lucia :-;M,.nto V.F.W. Women on Convention Hear Reports \\ 11 \' F \\'. Aux 1httrv. Ct1tu1thne \I•• 111,11 • 1 Rl'fo111 pan1<il hy l'M ~o 3!'136 ml'et.lng J uly 8 In 1..-r 1 .. 1r , h~I h • r:. 1< .. u .. 11 Bn1t·" _'A'mencan Legiun Hall. <:o:H& Me· t~;ul 11n I ( )r l 11nd h<'r l\~ ~a. heard reporl.£ on 1he rt"'f'nl qti.111 .:'\II• '.'.',1111111.n r Ca1l:<on. sr .. tP c-nr11mrmrnt In i::1wrorn~n1" plani. :u 11,1\•· th•· 1.1ltPr p11rt or hv rhr,.,. rlo>ll'J:RlP~ G o v P nor .l11lv '"' !"r l'unl '.\lann . for th.-linai<ht WIL' >-Jlf•Rktr at on•• ..,.~. t111.111h • r .\to.! r ... r s1on Thu~~ rtlp<lrt111K \.\"t•rc.-~t r~ ~It • lil .. noht an.I ~11~. f'llrbon ~!av Thhklant!, M ri. E l\l'I f\111:· 11" 1 ... 111 ,. 1 •1w111d t11 llw f.im1lv ,_, 1j lln•I ~lri<. K l'nndh Hi o wn rl"1n1o111 \\llh t11 .. 1h"'" 1111<1 i.1i<ters ~Its. Relph ~l•••r{" .,r :1:12 Meg- i:n1h. 1111c 111 i,:t<•·l tht>tr part'nt11. n<1hll A ve . ('0,.111 Mt'lllt W<Jl! ,.,. lht' It,.,. 1uirl "11 ~ F'rPtl \.\'ahl.-rs. <'•·rt,•<J 118 8 n1·w Jrnklha ry 1111•111· ''" 1t11•1r g t1ld1•n Wl'<l•hng date In bt•r. t.ran1if~rrn1< from BPrktlt'\' Alil:llM Also pn·HPnt w~ one gut'fll 111 \ POINT ASSN. ELECTS FRI. AT CITY HALL pro:.p .. cl,lv.. m••mber. M rio F:llt'n Ml'~nrt of Cnsla Mr1u•. fo,.m,.rly of Duluth. M ann. The-nPXl mtc-llng Mii be In thl' LA"gton H Rll F'rl•l11 y. J u ly 16. i Rt ti rm . State Controller and Family Here Kirk· I tlnw med I 11w.,· r1jnrkir1 ./hr·bo.r 1i1111'1 1naldC1f.On1t !Jin t:p •o your rurvtt in ~t.id.-nform·a of'"' Prr-luclf' '\\'hat :in ucitini:. 1prin11·lil..f' fl'rlini: ! 'o ur li1111re'& hi!!h a111I lu1mf.,0111I' in -'lai1lenform'• cu·itinJ.! new Pre-lmle•. And now i~ the &e11~on for rn1·h an c~uberanl lih ! Pre-lutle's 1·urve•I 1•t1rilour-band r;iv.-1 fla11e r in1t M!parotion, aen&fllional support . ln ~er-frefth white embroidered broadcloth. A. 8 , c <.'UP•· .. 2.00 ... "' .......... a nJ RnndJ.I HA1ln\\ Hrt•ti:m.Jn l'arol \\'1111 ... r.,~1rJ:t' (o r thP sun111t<'r l:•'l·l"I:' t h• r uf met t<l th• h ''"" .. 1 '.\11~ <" \" \\t;'t;K1.\· S( 1n:o1 l .t: H•rn~ .. r. H1ll Lloy1l. Lin.Ill r r .. !<tun, Turr1t·r. '..!:'17 :0.1 .. ~11 .. lt.1 A\••. (·,...,rn ,, "·II I un~ a l J ob II [l;1u .. bh•M1 l\nJ Llc'.\tvl..y \\"MOkl\' a f'llV1l1n art' 1tJI fnllO"«•· I a.nu °' ~.,.,J lr. '.\tr~ ~1 "1 Jl,1•11 H m;: l'l"''·l..r I J~.t)1.,,,, I '• 1un~11ht P·•if'H Av· ,_ • .._ .&l1••J\ \\Ill h••l 1 JI"' :tf1fUIKl 11 ... ..irni.: l-1 .. 1.\ 111 7 311 p11 an :"\••\\J••tt II• 1ol1 1·11y II.tit, ,,, '••l•SU1).: ltt .\11 Utt." t_;l,JIU.:'\, f I• •I I• Ill X~w nflH •I'<\\ ill lw "'""I nnol 1Am1lv "' s ll'!'al1len111 :ti•• \"lt~•'l·ntn).: "Ith 1 h1ncf1' nn l'ry~L•I A \, "htl•• 11 ...... 1.1te 1011- ! 1 I ,' 1.1'"' h11"'1n• .... 111 I ""' An..:· •I•< Tlh) '1'··11l t hi' h ·hdny wt"1'k· • n·I tn ~ttn 111••.L;u WE CilVE ,/;:';N. GREEn STAffiPS \l••n11.:,. Ill "Ill Jll\•J.llf'h<•l\rd I Fur •:t\·1111:. Hr.·.ht" Uuytl. \\"endy Youn~ , ... , ... Ill\.! th•·1r '""' nt• a•k .... e!I r .• n .. I... I h1 ,,_ I 11 .. t rl\•," I 1,, r 111 l"n"" 1,1r•I Bn·I HI ur. ~t.l11·h:oh 1-l··nunl{. < lin~trn~ It \\Ill t,.• 111 1· •·'a '.\le...u l'a1 k ,11,.11 hr ,.,.1,,,1 1., thr. fll• ill• 111,.1 \d1t• h """ 1,., .. :::.•i f 1t .d "i' Hilt,;~ •1HU)1\' rft•·~ .~:.\ltl\,.JtmJtt~t'S.JPH.nn•:.,rnnf'•Anrt "·~th J(f11l•'"' ht ... ~(•I rn1 (11l111"·, .. r1 ih··1r ••\\'I t.1 .... ,.,,,. l~·I ... I ti t.r-.., ..... ,1.·t\l-4. tr111n •: T 1tP•IA\·, 111 1\01. aw1m m1nK 1Cnmmn.lill' t.aum ,,,, ........ h1tl< >-lll•r"r ut :oil\ 0 • <o1k•·,1 .. fl····1tli.t(·.,k··-"1llbo·pl1l· .... lti tl11' r•·\ I! n•t lt11• ,,,,. • An1t ~.11\·1nsr ""ntP,.l. ,.. r u Li ... t .• ~ ... H ll 11•n 1' • 1 ,,.. I In r11w1n ... l11•h1e Lt11yd. W cnrl.v rlock. 111 ,,,.111. ! h)· 1111• 1111•1 I tt • \\. !ro·••lf•\ 111 8 m rnwin~ Rhur • .J rnt P.ri<ll?'mnn. S tP\'P ~t11mp. 'Ill•• rn1nrn1t11•P ~n 1h:i1i.;P tn· ~It -1• ,. l'•uu• r .. nd \la• lt1it 11 1,. l.i•l 1,,. ,1111111.: ~u.h r:. 1·11:trl••ltt•St11nJ'. '.\1 11•hall \\·ra1<ht. 1h1.l•l< ~l n11•• \\ 1-'11·..t~. H B,,1,1111 ,. Hllhi·i 11 ,11,1 \t i.• .1,11 • un.J 1,. 1, I" .t•lt\• 1-rt·!•H· 7 ;11 rm .. mr<'Un~ an 'l.;•li'll Kenn•··ly. I.Arr\ Stumr. 11n.i f:Rrl <:11 •k•I T l .. ·• 1 ..... 1-:1111t•n ,, .. r rn ~O'J\"1111: t•I·· hrr1•t1·~ 11 ltlt• l·au.: I~ ,, ... ,.11 .. :1;11r i. • ..i nr"'n 111r 'l'll•hfllU!" ... l'l nr t he Jnhn H<'rringlnn. ftnd H1t7.lt-U. Thn· \\• r .. nanti'•l l'\'<'ll.11~ , .. "·''"" :\1.!-.I r t,11 •1111 lo\' I<• ii I· 1-,\I . I',. , •• ,. 11! ffrn t:Ay Fr••nt w11n !I.•· t•ni:". n b••"< •·I ,111t1 .. nHr1· 1!11111,.r 111 :>:•11p .. rl ll11rli1>1 ri .. n .. "' h ... t ale 1. ll" follow•. Coast College t<) ExpUllCl 1'1"""11 """ r.1 111... .:.·.:::· '"I' 1.1 1·:1111 1t1.1 ,\/.,. ,.1.111n.-o1 1 =-:111w•111• F 11 «rtl f'••h Eln11111 l•Y ''"11 . n .. t 1 "" "'""'" n•tJ11n Guslkt:"Y. 1-·n·1·iy, I lazl.:-11, .I Tatum, T 11r• <' 111111.\11•·1 11·1•111li•·r~ and Harbeson Party v ocatio11al N ltrse Course -Rl-"J:_. ,_·ur_""_r _a"_" _,·_u_c_: .. _n•!_""-11 _,.._, •• ,_,~_"_ .... _,_ ... _ ••• _" 1 ---, 1n Ensenada Jn,.lflle'li<>n In """8'111nRI nua~·1Al,11 rhlllnf.. lhP 11•! r1\" 11"tnlh~ ll wa11 a return trip lo En,1•nA•l 1 In.: w ill bf.' Pxpan•l"d Il l Orllnit<' ro( t hf' l'• '" n 111ont h~ tr.11nmi: r,.r. ~-r:.,h :\I r~. A nne HArhe11nn . 211'1 ('<•1'."ll c-.. ll••c,. :n lhP !all of J"~·~· '"'' 111 h 1'1' II• 1• ,. "1111n"1A11nn f",11~! (), ""n F rnnt, Anti hl"r rlr1PC1 hA• 11• • n 1 1 "d 1•1 ~"" ann mi"lte ... ,.t "'' rk. bUl llft~r ft h•·· llll'-f' t•( thP 8< Ill•· II•,. I r hn~-1 1 1 ... Ill lo•ll l.lll• •. "' th• V•h 1lJ• n-1 J"'I "'' n ( 11111' "htrh ll.lW thr ,:'\1 1 "<· r 11.1 I~ f• r n ,,, .. n11T ... ~ I' l• I. h"•'n n I 11•11 •P 1n • Ill I\ .t..; ""I h··r rril .. IC'.cn bt'arh ,...~rt r.rrnw f rnm 11 1rn• .. n•"I hv f 11 r:i.-1 II l'•t'I·, ( h· !•i'•· 1n1" "·'' ,.,1,. -~·d :i.:"ml t•n,· haml~t to a rn•-.t• r-n to"''" ~ n , I I• •11ttlnl I • 1 A., ,. I\ t...,• t \" 'uu 11 t' ~ •••) r.1PPt in,:: ThP~ Wll~ (1not I\ r11m1lv J!3lhPr· T\\. rh~··. ! r '"' 11 1• n~I •·11 \•I .. , .. n,tJ 11111• ni;. •.• I nt lh· tn a.:()\•f'rtt-11 F•urth At ~t r.-. HRrh•1• nu1~•' r•'~·t 'I 1n ttn•• u~ ~~• f11t-, 1· • r•••n·' .\• 1t• 11••',n..., ,.,,,..~ hnmt. jl'U«'•l11 tw1nr.r '.\Ir. 1111·! II•' \•fH". '"II h. ,.,. .• , J .,, 11 .. 1 '.\1·,lfll1 J, ... ,, <\••.I t\• .,.,·1··- )tr ~ H~rbr-rt ,.. HarbP~>n "" ! ':\ll r•r p •, ~"· n .. , I ... "'Hf ll t-l H\ t ... th·· •. ,,,, n.tl \ .. I .1 "l11n "'"' J"rr."'' lln·I ;ta\·11 •·( ~An I\ t 111•··. 1• 111,.11' :-'• J' I ~ .. n ! \\,II • ~ l't ... II :-.: .,. l I 11• Ill• n B~rh•rtl. "·h•1 ,it •V• I Ill f:n41..•nR•l1\, , ., • t ;1• i r u, I• ... 111 ,, • I• \••n .. f, •• , t t11,· Pl•·t1• \.\ l t11\ R '•·11~ lln I !\Ir An•I ~lrl' J 11\h • \\' lll\IO•·· Ill 11'1·· lT'ltn • _ f" r • rt· •"I• r ·111111 1• n1 I 111•.l• It• ~ d•·11 Ml I In """ stn•t dauJ,rht,.r lt·hh •• "f ,,,.: '''" .. t,0 • f >.t I'"• \\1•h <n tllL•· , •• '•llt\ • , '°" ·"''.rd A ref':"• ~m11ll f"\.•.,h1 .. f .. r ,, ,. • '' •· ~ 1 • 11 rn th• , "'· 1 a.; .. 111\ I Tl,. 1 •1 111i.:•· 1 • .1 • 1 I• .:r 1111 111· fi r'' t n •\ c;tv.• thr ftrf'Y:ork ch8,. TI1 , \\ill Rll \\ ,,,,n·• 0 ".• h 1!.t •. , J1a ~ .... , •t\11 ... -c Ul n ,t ·n ...... , 1• '1• ,. pli.v f~ .. m R11!ho>11 r1«r. llP" r> ·1~·n,1t•tlt•1r• ... r1• 1•111t '11111 !IP\• I· f'!ll• Ill I .. -111-. ] I• - ''h•tl•'•'l\•" ... f·r :--t11 .. :n~ Jtr l'•\t•r"'J't'·lllt, .. P''•h•1•..:' Ht•) 1tttlnt1•''' Young Exhibit Artists Oils i::·.,rt1n.r lllt<l ,.,,1H In 8 w :itPr f'('.11r llrt rlAI'" ;p.,f\•"rt-<J l'I\ lhf' Zt-n111 C ltth "r :-;.wpn11 llarh<r, a ~r t1:r ,,, \•'u"' :-·11·f,.n1 .. lP ,..,, h~ f'd nu\ tn~·' '"1~ !I\~ n111nt h~ "J!°" •n •I 1~ "'"'. ••x'· N' lnJ: a· 111'11' SAtl• In flAlt'>-'• 11ri' •t!hl'f 1411 ••lfl'' •l • u-.. 1'11f' < J,\lltl rnc:-lurlt•• Jt>An l·l11111U1 J o.I\· F •• -1. SUJt\ "':•>-!. B:lrh11n 1 F',.rrrv a n.t !'u~"11 1·1 : ... At•' l If' 1 J3 t·n1f'r an-:n1<''"" ... T'l·laa l'a•ltl v k. 1 !\lrl' Fr• •In 1 11 'I"' thn· hllve pamtf' I •· 1i1 hlr ;,.n l· KRJ'#• a n•I J'(lrtnut ll Morch DallC)hter ' :\lr . a.n 1 :\tr11 \'m<.'~nt '.\tnr f'h U2 ~ll.rt !~th ~t. ('('l#lll ~tf'&a. a r<' parent• or a ,-tr l born June 111 In Hoa~ Hnflp1 t lll Porter DallCJhter Mr. and Mno. J a m u Porter. 121 t3rd 8 1. are pa.rtnt. or -.n 8·1b .• JO i,-<'1... 'Jnrl born June 28 ln Or- an,-e County H !19p\taL Son for Mahoneys Mr. a n.I ~lre J ohn Mah"nt~". 217 &atnce St . CO'tA J.tna. ar1! pa r- rnu , ! A srin bom J ulv :. In S11ntA A na l'·'rnm11r.1t y .Jin11p1tal. The buy ..F1&hl'<l 6 ~b .... l l OL ,, n n .. t.•1!. in n t •fun l • th1• • J 1 ''HI ft untn..: .\n A.t.J•·l 1n, .. 1,.i\•' tit th"' 11•t1-11n•l•'r ~''P''''•h1n pc 1 ' 1•'1 In ho.., .. J"l'l1~ 11( \'fti,.,t11?1 1I f)\JJ ... Jn~ hit~ J tH1• h,,,n th•· ln••••,1.t.••l r •·n11~·1.t1t n TL••·"'" t'U•·t ··~t 11 l 1n p:•pat1ns;:-to ... : h\' l••l·-'l h· p"~tt .. !'Lq J ~ru: •Of•r VfH Al1nn.1l t lll*"•nJ,: :--hould 4 h t ' h I'< ti,~~ n f•1\0•1tl·• t I•''"""''" t. nt r H'f tlif" ~I !l,.. • lf1\fJU'r1J81cl\ ,,. A',rr t\ r1to:.q \\ ll 1 •~111\• ~-·tt• l 11 }'.•,, ... n fo.','• t '-:1 1~,.. .. At• , • .,,. • 1: "•1Hl\' .11 t '' 11• h,,., ·nn 't ,,~, t f .. t rtf\.1 ... 1tu'.• a tn ··1 ·h,--r ~ :\ ... nl,. t. 1-Zl. Petti-Cont Special! $39s ' Rayon Taffeta-Ribbon Trim Nets Taffeta Nylon Nylon Net over Open Friday Nylon Red, Paper Taffeta Navy, Lt. Blue, Pink Credit Plan You Can't AFFORD to Miss Our Mid-Summer Clearance Sale! Friday & Satu~day Only July 1 5 & July 16 Dresses $8.88 O:\'.l.Y i;m l.Ef'T! Pat Prr nw. F:lain•• T1•rn, t:mil. .1nd\i1• Mort:ttn, (il'11rgb~ Kny 1~1111 man~· otlwr f11111c•11" 11am1'"· B!ousses $3.88 O:\'.L\' H U :f'T ! \'alt11•' tn 111.!);, Blouses $2.88 OSLY Lt:lT! \"nlu<'' tn ;,.no Be EARLY & Take CASl "AI. FASlllOSS . 1883 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa OPF:S YRlnA \' -9::\0 tn 9 P.M. ~ATl 'RHA \ -!f:JO to il :SO at J.lberty 8-1566 I Briggs Daughter :11 1 1111.J ~1 1~ Jay H11i;?p1 .. r Sh•1re 1 ·11!1 r 111\·1• :irin· 11111, d 1:1!1 , tli·· Ol"f:'° M·~UA \'S )II lo f1 h1rth .. r n i.:11 I Rt St .r .. •<·ph lt 11~· p1t11J J 111\· Z Th" n«w J\•ldlll•tll to1 lhP fllm.ly Wl'IJ:hf'd 6 lh~, I I 11)'. 0. Ole 0c't'An Yront "' Und 8t. Greetham Daughter NEWPORT B~H One Shnrl BIO<'k from ~f'wport f...,r Thr Ch111li·s fl G11.,·th11 mi-M 26:!7 ll ~;us\B Anu AV•' C ·"tH ~[••.·•ta, Hft1 f'rtJt~ntil 1~( ft )!Ir I h• t 1 J11lv 2 tn H •At: 111 •1•11«1 _A-Cordia f !J.nvila lion TO VISIT OUR NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SHOE STORE Now Located 3RD at the Southwest AND BROADWAY Santa Ana f'Olt ll6 l't:\tc~ AT zr;, \\t .... T .. ()l"J?Tlf ... ,. . FEATURING TOP NAME BRAND Fint Time Naturalizen Valley • • Barefoot Originals • Joyce . e Daniel . • Colella • Accent e Artcraft Green Sl ip pers Corner SHOES of • Matching Bag' • Little Yankee Childrens Shoes Open Friday Ni9hta 'til 9 Validated Parkin g ' Southwest Conter 3rd and lroadway -Santa Ana .. , -P:&.GE 2 ~ PART 11 -NEV/f0.qT ! '· n"'C'"' '.~, · ·~ WEDNE SDAY, JUL Y I J, 1955 ··rr JJO!·:~~·T Sl-"'.l·:.'11 Tl·f,\T 1.0:-.·c; .. is th(' re:H:tion uf :1lr. and .'llrs. CrO\'t'.'r C. 11ailey, ('osta .'ll C"sa. \\'hC'n they lc><1k bark\\':ltd nt \hC' fi0 \'('al'R \hf' 0 \' h:l\"C bl"{'ll n1nrr ied . 'fht• Yl':lr!'i to go •t /n•r ,;ecrn I !~ hal'c trrntcd l hl·ni \\'l•ll. f111· l ht·y :ire f ull o f j)('p nnd this \\'Ct'k n re ~fl:-5S u :-;1\'!·:1::-:1·: l'l i :'\'i'J·:~T,\:\''I'~ l\'11\ tlllld"I 11:1 -ll\·ing in l h<'i r trailf'r \\'hil!' lookinb c,\·cJr Otd ~l ('xien. 11"11ian fash11 .11,; ;it th,· ('i1p1str;1no1 l~v:i1·hc"Hl ht'r's l'lub •".-t<;:,taff Photo Frid ay, J uly l.J nt 1:!.:;n I' rn. ~!1!'1> Orang.~ C011111~·. \ · c;1ori11 \"ohc of l.aguna l:l':l l'h, 1,.: flll'\Urt'd ut li·ft in a Grover B a1" leys l1·n -tin1er nnd A nn 1\olan1,; r.f l'••l'l>lla del .'lln r ,;h1111:: h""'' 'a lluring a satoin;,; t':lll be . ~l l!<:i NcY.'l"'l'l l l,1rb11r. I ~ J o:1n ~!PrnonR. /\IHI !?•>1111;1 ~<·hurr o f !",111 l:l ~\na :'I ~ Ob ~ · G' ld ~!!~R (';i]if11rllii1. \\·il! al~'' b<' 1110d ('Ji ll ,(! <.:•1:--tlllll•':< f1•r t h•• serve 0 en l11<1u tq hf' hC'ld al t h1• l~1•:11·hl'ombrr:-; ,1n J ul,1· :!:!. :O:p1"- cial f'ntl'rta 1nml'r1t a11d ni.·nus arc· h, 111~ p r11\'l1h d. - TrnvBor;,Phol" _____ wedding Date ..,... ....... =-.,..,.,~~ --,-..., .\!:J:l\'l:\1; 1:.: ]it l::\ULl.Ll. ab .. ;i1 d t h1· .'ll.1\:<(111 !ux- trr:: 1·11 •'!' f ,ii!'lL"'•, ['!'• ! r~;l l')\<'I', ,.f ;,-.:, ll'('<!l'l J~o•;11·h. 11·:1~ Jn .. ~in.~ f r11.1: It ><'' 1i:<il ing 1nany .1( t hf' places of in- t •:· :,J;,. Ji ! : •J • ·~ 11::< fll'.~! 1·1,.:1t I•• i·i.111·:1 11 ;:'Ii ,l'(',1 n; ;i ·-''· 1;. 11 I 1 \' 011 1111\i l .1 11\y :~11 v•h"n hr 11·ill 1\·ll~r·n 1 .. t h•· u~:unl.111·l ••ti 1h•• l .u1l1n1·. \\"hilf' iu t he i~lnnd,; h•· 11 1!] 1 1-=11 11·1th hi.~ 1·1.u .. 111 l'. \\', J.c1nn1011 , a 11·ell 1.:1:01 11·11 \I •!:P]!1l p :!r,·!1 :\•' I. .Be 11gocl1ea-Burdick Rites i11 Las Veg as _, E1r1~1J111n; : .• 1 .• " '''"'"!hr ")Ir. 11· I '.ll t~" Ill th~ l·ixi;:,.1u~ 1nd '.II!~. 11,.,:;.1,•' 1.; •• ,. ·~ l\inna J~l )11\r. '.Il l!, M11r.i.. :. ,.,ho Tt'BlliCcl /1•111:~. ~'••! ,'<.l/ll:t 1\l:/I 1\\'(' jLll'! ~I:.'<'~ ~:.'>J ~f. 11'>•1• il 11 111'~' lll\lf' .1 •. 1 , T'·· .\~•:.~~ • n1rnn1~ nr~ •l!k b"::·" ~u1t 1'1'1\ "!.1te hnt, o\!1 H'1!'.I[:• .\lill!t1•'\\'J Pr!";:or-<\'l•.'"fl'····~~"l Ll'~nr·ll'lll ll"flr•!1.'I 1,. ., ·,\! "' •· •r: •I t • l.1y. •1'"''~" ;• •'; , · • •':·· J.1 ° I 1n F 11l· Jnlr !/-. !n ' ', 111111>! 1. •, ~ Ht tlle 1 ,P1-l<·11, t)rl•'I'•' t !·~• · in J.;l!".i:;~ County Lull~ L"l.11r '!'I ,,..,.,11'1'1 11·~ r~--n~~. "~,.~ .. ~!'" 1~ r.•~: rrr~1.:,..,: "~ r .. ~. Ltlo ,., i.;n• :~.-1 1 1. \'l'tl'rnn.~ •'r ~-.. r.-1i::;n \\'.i r~ sr:inol1 ng t .. r.11 1> n,. cr,,:.~J,•!H l\('>in,.:·r.~ A11:0:1l111ry •1:1,1 r:1~· rr~~1- tJt11r \\'('rl" )11 i:,•ns&lH·~. )>l1;rnh· l~r: "~ .\vonel l'n!t :!••4. \'F \\' lne 1r•r"'< ·.,r r~r 11;~ C'1[y llf x .. ,1·· A nx1t.:ir~· f"'Tt l:•n<!:, r,·,t ~l ro_ \'t"nn R:ir· Th,.""<!•! ~c \l~S follnl\'r" !-~· 11 llf'k ~,., rrt;i ry :..i r ll,e 1·1ty a \\,ire· ml·l:lii:l\t ~1111·cr &t t h e llntr L R 11·l- h••11~~ .:11·1•,,':~. t\'hll alsn C')"': ~!et. er11. 1'he , ' upt" ft!urnt•I !o lhrlr r11,lJ,1 ~·~11c:i Z'.llF. :'>~~ for ~:·-1 r<'"i'",.'·'" •l ::1• 11 th:11 "'""" R.'1 1 l'fli <'h!r..: r :~· r1r, .11!1 hi! a: h.;.rr.11 ta lh"lr ttHln~· .\:T•:i!1n~ t'1 <' .-~·:j'll! wrre ~Ir rr.rn\• Couple Feted by Son s, T hen Leaves fo r Mex ic o . • .'llr. ;i nd ~!rs. Grn''l'r C. Railey. IGG E.:~t 1Slh S t., Costa .'l l<'sa, \\'l'I'•' n1arr il'J tiO yf'2rs ago Lhii; month in J3;loomfidd, "-lu. but ha\·e bel'n in Califo rni;1 f ur the past 30 yC'ars . i;o they I r ·I a'l if t!11·y h:'l.d g rO\\'ll up \1•ith the country. ~ 111r'1r1i:: w•·-~r u11~1 no pnr1lrul11r I , , ~l'O•' 111 l":.'1 I ti•• llnil• y~ 1l»r11t- l ll•':• !1 1d (llH!\d U1rir );'1nl "hf'TI \!I"!' \I Y• .•: • 1llo"" 1 ~·"Y 11'<>!11- 1 '" 1•\tl\" lt•'al•P 11.r ,.,,.,,.t KJH! ""i,.1" :">••\\'l"<+'I I(, fl <'h. Th,.y h:il"t'. l .J 1~1 1!111r 1 ~•··•H t:nn1r "inrc !"''\ J-l igl1 ~c ll t)Ol c11 \.l ncnlio11 F olk \J•• nn·I '.I!•., fi11ln• :: l »'H'\<l~"'I :, .~ l\1••;PI\\ •Y l'• In .\l ••.•IO n1~ 1 .. :\-ll11.; 11 .• ll'"nth 'r J ul\' " ,,. ,. • •t" 1\·i,, n !h" luch !"" I .. • t•. ,. , n t ,. "ol p rr 1 !'"· I•' 1:~ f '(<I I, • I" n~l"I\ J .. ,. .. r h l ill1·hl<"'! n•' "· y:'n •!'~I '"'' fJ•H-Jll' 1•111 ''" •·11 \'IO"'l t•·•U <\11nn1: t>'~ 1nnn1!1 ,,r A11 t:u~t. CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING 1:r.:.1nn•:1.1...:1.-111:1'.\ 1 u l.'i•.i ltt :l-'I ~· 11'<111.'. ti New Furniture ,\);1<I•• I n O rd•'T ('urnr1PI•• l\n~ nf f'11hrh'" ,\ 1 .... 11lh<'r• Antiq ues Restored C USTOM WOODWORK BRENEMAN'S 660 W. 17th St. llltlg. :'1>1•. '.?'! C-f'~l• ''"~• -l.lt>trlJ' 8·6011 110:-;T co 1·r·1.t:~ T J1e lhn!<' son~ Hild l h•·ir wl\'es. , .. 1.1 ~I~,.,-, ;-•>1111•1 ,.i, P" 11n!I f11r ·1····~1 1 . 1,·r1:•1rnrb•n, ~,,rr~ .. ~n·I •'11\k , !l<t;:h ~J"ll"r 1~ rh.t1nn~n "' II•·· •••,1111n1\l"" ''" A1rnn::"mrn\1< 1•,.,, .... 1~ "·111 J:" r .. r•11rt .. 1•" " fohn •l11r pl"J~c!nr f•'f 111" rh1uv!1 You Save 1ocr0 on .1our Prescriptions .. PRINGLES Pr"•<'rl1•tl,,n• 1111 ... 1 'tll 1n 11.rll. Free Film! \\ Hh ,.,.,.h ruU nr hill< k •nd uhlf,., ,.Ir!'• I '~:. fi'!ll, 6 111, l'.?!I, 116 h•r1 "'l!h ''" 1 .. r •I•·' .. 1,•1•lll~ un<I prlnlini;, 111· .. ut ii h" .•·•·ll 11 rull "' 11 ... ~an•" ,.J/.I! FKt~t~. ~IR•l"r ,Jt,,. l'rlnt• nl -'" l:\lr" c·111•n:" '!I llOt·n ~l':lt\'lt 1-: JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILABLE If you are s ee~ing Jewelr y Items that are Scarce l •t us know · .. ,'We may Buy It For You • .lt:\I t:l.111' llOl'f;llT e ROBERTS -IEWELERS 2:'.?S ~, Muiae A•·~. -ll&lbG• l•l1'n11 -llarhor '.?!121 ,, • F.4.~I OUS FIN1\LE t o f'ach night's presentation of J>agC'a nt of the ~1ast<'rs ~·hi<·h highlights th(' 1.aguna &ru'h F'esti\';l \ of Arts i:i t he lil'1ni: r{'producllon of LC'OnarJo <la \'i nt·i';i. m ast('rpiC'<'1', "The l.ast Supper". li C'rC' it l'l't'l'l\'('~ finishin~ touchc11 fron1 p rod trccr t-lov•n rd Cr~1h:in1. 'I'hc Ff'stival OJ'Cll!I ~nt urd ay, J uly 16 and ro nlinuf's through r\UJ!. 1·1. 1FESTIVAL OF ARTS OPENS 'THIS COMING SATURDAY Presentati on Ex panded to of Pageant Weeks Four J~il'ing art un<lt'r the s tn1'll is thl' nightly h i~hlight of th(' 20th annual Ff'Sli\'a\ of r\rt!;. J uly 16 thr<High Aug. 11, at the srnsidc nrt colgnf ('lfl.ii.guna Bt'ach. ·" ~l a:ncrpicccslof paintini::: and i;culpture are broui;:ht to life \I 1tl1 t he rn,•n, \\ullll'll 111i l hll''" l.h<'ir O\Oo'n d~1J ~htru1 i;nllrry. Thr·•11,1;hout the :JO ,J11 1,. 11 nJ n11·bL• ~r lh•· ~···.•l l\·;i! nf ;\1!~ 11r,. ~·,,.,, for Jo.II" "lt rln11,•r11 rot ,.,hilt ~ 111HI <'h1l<\n·n. Th!~ ~~11son·,. 1 ·11~«11111 ot th<' .,rr.·rs "'"'" !11~•1 "' "h\11\;: 111 l rnn,,l•·rp1••""·• TI•'\\' t•• llHI i.1..;1ul l l'tt!~l'ftnl:-Jn athhtlo n !" •lH h lll<'••l'lt"' II~ "Th~ /.11.•! St1ri'"r ·.,.:.1•111k,. ". "Hlu" Bi•)"' and Tf1,. IH111h·•~ 1·1·n11~ o!« ~I Li· \\!II 1 ... 11 1•1k~ liy (011ui.:;11i11, l '•'i-!·'" <;n1·11, l::>"r"l!l'I , Zululli;" and !lln· f!•;'l "Cf"" flf F',..•!l\'1'l f'f Art~ !!>'••'. •·IB, J'l•'~«nlr\I '"Iii.· lull·/<f'n\l'<'t"ol i::r;,lln<lJ< h'"C'"l•e It •lllt11ra! c·11rn1-~~==~=-------- 1>n1•l•"'r th•·n!r·~ f'f Jr\'ITI •' fl•)\\], !~ vnl 11·ilh lnllHl!·• Js of 11rth t11 .11n11••n11ll~· 11 r1 1.~,nl•·,1 11~ a .ir .. 111111. _ ~'u l;,\uJ!, 1·111ftS111tn. 1Jh"t••,:t11ph· '" :<P".•.ln•_lto \\'lthu"l r .;un•· 11ur-I I ''1$ B!l•I ,.l'l.lll!l!;t~ ;'h~]'l:l)'ll>j,; !h<-!t Thn·o: .hr~· n·nt rrn~rnn1~. ~ ··a I' ••·Pl\v,• nu1r•1t. A ~J't'•:,1\ 1cn\u1" "11 ~'H "11~11·e nli.;l.l '. "r", J'I" lo•:·! •~ the ··Au l ';ol1f"1·ni;1 r>111krr" hi' 11 .. '.\·:.1 d 1.:111h11111, "Ith 1~n•tl "1th $'.!(I0<•1nrr!7"i<l''""l:t"Jllll."'1 l'n>tl•'r, 110·t!ni:-Ill! 11~:-<o('!nl f' ]'f'>• p11 lnl1nl(~ t>y 1111 1~1~ frl'rn "11 '''"' '~'""r 11n<\ 111·\ du,•1•• j.·,., 1''"l ('i1 1\fom 111, <'l);h\11 s"1uon !tu."" l'olter i.• f··a-A n1lnl!lt11re t h~.1t n• nlf. r., l'"""l ft.! nsrr:uur >tn1 J ~•·••!'! \Oo'r<-11fl•·tTil'•1n 11nct r•·~n\ni: 11erh•!lll- i.·1-Ordh·Hllitl r.1u,;c :ind < t·01.1J .,.,..,., l)y !'Ill Jl"l~"'9 D11rl un'I I v~· t>•u·k~!"!llld I., t/11,.,t,,,J 111• li••11 \\1l~"'!. :-.;,.,lh\', <'h!l•h"I\ t1 c1Jl1 ,\lien ll 1lJh~. ;\~t •ni.: K~ Jl.hil\"·Uj> kL!!<kl gart1 I\ Lhl l>lll;h hl1:h 'I h""l t•urtv ft('nta l ltC"m11 ,.,.,, J.;, l·,;,,., l/•1. ('""""" 1h/ .1f<l• llar lJur 5Ui l SAVE SAFELY At Oranqe County's l eadin9 Home lendin9 \n5tit ution --- CONTINUING TO PAY PER. ANNUM . ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP 1'0 $10,000 AU Accounts o ·pened On or Before The I 0th of the Mo nth Earn From the Is+ LAGUNA FEDER AL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOC IATION ?'!'! ()<'ran A•·f'nn" l'h"n•'I II\' •-1177 LAGUNA BEACH Prlnl>n~ r.A\l llnth<>r !(ill\, J, lo WIN A FORD THUNDERBIRD Bi rthday ~ vH~·: .\Ir.•. \\'rl!st1•r ·r11uo\hy. )ln1 l.t<•n l·'t·11:u1«10 , .... ,\1 r~. or B11 lt11•'1. illl'I th<! )ln.•I ~. ------in New lpana's LA.Contest! ~· -.,,,,,.,. • . • Ask Any Islander ~·~~ -~... ,ruu ~i .~. ~~ . -~ ...... ,. ~ IN PRIZES .. -,~~1-.. . f))tO"'OCWNmtS . . ...... \J ftl ......... ~~~:o~rEntry Blank he re loday•~Jpana ~ Vincent's Ltd" 34111 \'In Lido, Nrwport ll,.111•1! ll11rh<'T :;:111\ E i.;·~t. llwy , t 'I rt.I " Ba lf~·r• 71r, E ll~Jh<>c Blvd., DHlho11 TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING srEC l :\l~"" FU I{ .••.•. ,. I t -15 . 16 Don's Meats Shoultl,.r PO!tK CHOPS l 'r•'"h l-'f(l'l.,.1; CHICKENS ~ ... 59c , .. 69c p'oRK SAUSAGE '" 69c .. Dl.NER'S CLUB HONORED AT Grocery Department TIDE "'""' 69c... 2sc i<loNEY BEANs , , .. ,. ...... 1 sc "'"'' ·· 25c TOMATO JUICE rn ., .... . TOMATOES -,,, .... 27c 1sc r' , ., , ..... 29c ( ~.;: ~;t? ~J.·\\. G-FRUIT JUICE ~I "'· ··~".29:: ' '<~ W-" Ill "1 •'Ill> LIQUID APPLE f),,h• ,JI ll I, PINEAPPLE. l':1rt•Hll"n f;\·,\1•111/ \Tl II 2 25 MILK '"" ...... , .. , c M'YNSE. ,,,. 63c .... 25c WESSON OIL ,,,. 67~,. 33c DICK'S 4-layer Chocolat• BUTTERCRIAM SPONGE CAKE v _. 89:. Green Groceries ALMOND TWIST COFFIE CAKE . ,.,, ,,, .. .27~. j CARROTS _ ......... 25c ,,1.1: GRAPES ___ 2 .: .. 25c ------ Corona del Mor Fine Furniture & Accessories Distinctive Decorating Service Balboa Island DO YOU WISH TO BE A SINGER 7 ]lfada.rne Lillya A!Jderson \\110 hu lntamatlon11.I u pt'r!enre u a •·o!ce t"'chtot In holh clu.lc11J llfld popular •·01c11 de\•t lopml!nt, l\'tll s-t•·e pnv1te tn1U"ucllon to r. l\mltffl nu mbl!r of 1\udent1. Al.DIT IO:'l>S YRl:f: OS f'RI DA \'8 Call lfYatt -1·6686 for app<>lntmenl '' (Jro;· Shop " Specializinq in Quality Produce You Select ••• We Deliver THE MARKET SPOT--- 200 MARINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND ' j 1 ' . . I \! I. li' 1 .. 1. H \::ii • I. r • 1' l.1 · •\\ .... \ 1 .1. i-.1111\\s l11s \ 1rl" l .1111.'' I .I r·1 ti ttr ,.., i!. ! ·I I}' .tti-. h1· fi:ts l\1 ti y 11u11_:sl• r:! bu11t ''l'\h111 th1· J'l"'I l\\ot \1 }ft, I b• \I 1.1· "I I t• ,..J ::. I• f \\1 lt d by :1 !'.I 1d tlt•ll111· 11' •I I. \•.i.111• .11111· !; 1'1'.11 1.. 1..; j' .. -.,,. •" i-.1.1 1 I !)\· U11\ ·11-: II Ill~ .1 l:!·\'1111 .\LL t;L f'~t"f HIC -L arry Lanscl(lWn<'. ll.'ft, Anahrlm oil worker, tells his pretty 1i: .. 11o1,. ·'.111..:ln· 1. \'1r ky Lynn.~. thr srale model cruisers he builds as hobby an• 1••1w,•11• I hy do 1·1rw m 11t o r::. 1'h1,l an.• 1!.-m1111strated hrre in Newport Bay. Ya<·hls. , •!lll nllt•d b\' I 1 .• hinl! hill' in to rl'l'I hr·ltl by I )jr k La n~downe. L:i rry's fa I ht•r, :'\ l "'!'"rt I: ;wh. also ha\'<' Un\' boat l11~hts JUst hkl· l'l'j:!Ular size cruisers. Dick L ansd11w m • ts :'\ews.Pre~s «11m pos1to r-typr sett1•r . -Sta f ( Photo l\JEW i'')PT t-' ·\QP'") ~·~'.VS ">":SS WEONES.DA Y, JULY 13, f'A~T 11 . PAGE l 1955 LEGAL NOTICE 1nrr1••"I ><'!II 11 .. .f"· !I' I ~··;r 111 thl"' ( ·,., tUI o•,. t r .. • .11 .. \ 1• \\ J II t 1 • nn1'Fl~T I ' \\ 11.1.'n::-: \'\' ,. ,,,u,, ilJl F,plrt·~ t ~ , ,.. ,,, r 1 t; it·~~ '\ ,, 1 :-,: ,, \ " I 1 • ,,.' ... I ; ,.,, 2 .. ~-: ~ ~\ 1 ,1.,~ ll1•,11lt1lh h l11n : Ill I llt•n rlni: :\'01'11 t 0 1' l 'I Ill.If ·llt: \l:"O '\:11tu • l"' h~·r, h\• ,_:.1\,~u t ii1\t t h~· l'l.1111\1111; I '••ll11lll~»••:t 11( lit" ( '11 ,. I •I :'\• \\I '"I t llo'l1d1 "111 li"I I ,, pul ;. 111· t ' ~1 fl..: 11n ft •' 1t•p!1 ttl11f\ ut LFlt• •Y ,\ l!I 1'11 ~l I".\ Y f.,r fr· •111 •ll\1 I •If-: I'\ \•• I "iimi"· T hi• t • • 11 I • 1-, 1 111 11 /•.11 t d , t Ima I llPll""'I 'U~ tt J ~t,1' l.!. U~pf 11"•) tlf t1f L~l.i t•f fr.,, t un tu:!t) uttH HI I -~"'I• l .. 11' J• •ti J "\,, l. '"CU•• n1•i')1 \\r~I- \ 1 I\· "'" h .. ut 11,t I ·t l '· , ,, •·I t I h• ~oU' t1\\, Sl• t l~ •1~ OH nJ I ,,,· 1.: ' ' " ··~· ti • \I \I I: 1·11 .. 1 " ,.,,, f1:.• ·1 • ;!11 ... T•,t•I 1·~ Tl. lh ' I ! l \\ t•~r I o .. • q \, ..... I • II\\"• .... • .. I\' l•l\I' I ' •• I ) 1• I. Ht ' •• 1 .:-·••11''\\f ,,.,· .. .:•1•• •·1 1 1.:. '1'1 1 :>,., ,_,; ~I \I 1: .• l', I ~:";" "\"• .I \1 i .t" ~~_'I:' t.'1' •fl l 'l\ I 1 \\I! i ... tJ , .... LEGAL NOTICE ti ti .. lw•·r ,,, q no r m ln th• I f•llt1l1l•t•f l h\:o\1'W('Or~ "' I ti I 'ti y 11-.11. .. Wh11'h t Im• I• I I' I .. 1111\' ftll•I all r"r11<'n• 'l'•'•• 1, I 11 "111 1•••.11 111111 b~ hf'ard I h<'I """ II \\' Y 1'11/'l·.IJ:'\', S Krt11ary ""\\l'<•rl 1;,.11, h 1·11~· J 'l11nnmi:-1 '111111111''"'" :'\',, t; :-.: .. w, l'1 r~1 7 1:1 :'!!') \ s rh111ro nf l'••ril••ll 9Hll'.11 (a) I ll1•t1rln r.: 'OTlt t: OI l'I Ill.I(' lit: \111:\'0 :'\1•1 l•'l' I~ ht It'll\' j:l\'o 11 thlll t h•. 1'1 11111111>; 1 '1•11 1111,.~1"11 11f Ille <'It 1l~·pnrt n .. ·11 ft \\ 111 h11l.t ;. ruh- ,H. ht 1 r fll: '1fl I t•t• 11 (;pfl,·n f I• Hl of :\IH 1rn I ~!Its :--: .1 1 't.A :-:1·y r .. r l\ \~ta1urh\.1 .. • a lu pt11n t A '"'11• ''' I d\\ 1·11 It): 111ut fur lJldl\ tth•nl f,w ti\' \1<,., 'l 1 l•t• r, '• r· , I 1111 It l 1 .. till t J .tr ·' l th•\\ , .inl 11nu1~ • ', ..:,i,• t.1!1. v ,f\\, Br ..: •.!nil un1l t•' ... , ~ . t "1 I ti =·-.\ t' f ' :.·~ 1 I 'I k I • 2 ,, •• .. H• • t <·I' \f tt n t I••· 1"1. { ~ •• ~ ~·· ' It t<: •• t. I I ,,. I \I •• ~· .... •' ,. '' 11• r C;I\ ~n 111111 \\ tll hf! I I ,I ;I\ J 'I,"~.~. I' 111 111 I h" fd lit• '6:1•\\f'CU'l ,,, \\1111 h ltn1~ _,.,,, ,, ,. '·"' , I!.,,. I I fi' j ~ • '1 ., " ... 1 BOAT BUILDER GUIDES MODEL BY f ISH POLE · I c ! Jy '''" ,,, \Lt',.. . i'• \\I 11 ' .. I"'"'''""" 'h1• h t',1J 1I M . B h S fh··t :--,,11d 1111 h ,.,tllfl.L; ,,,., ,, ., •• aln eac and h••ld ••fl t h•· :!l't dT\I 1<r .I 1h I'•,-, ' • '• 1 n lit·· ""'"' "' "1111 I' 111 1'1 11.. \ ,. ' ' ' I I 1.1'1; s. t'11'1;;:y G• u 11 · l"11nl'll•l111111h1·rsoflli•·:'\•\\l"•ll """I" 1"•11 •1•1· 1ves p ems ll1,11h C'1ty H a ll, 111 \\hh•lt 11111• 1'1111111"1: 1 ', •II 1n and pli\1•1• 1t11y nnd :di '1' tG••ii"-;\'11. ~··"~ J11, .... ';' 1·~ ;, , Shiftln~ '(tf lhP !land 1f1,,1\\'•••k 1111 "'''' '''l•"l n'1t) ''l'l'' ti w J 1 .. 11,-.11 J JI.I· n ° 1 h t c·I I t h r 11 tth'J1111n I \ rt r 11u1t •' '"· '!;u; · 1 & l'-hl\flt~ of <'t'fil'hlng l l lM ' a 1 "" " 1 1~ ""'" " " 1111 II•)( l telTI !llw....._ h f'l<lr •r n w k'\11 H.\\' \". !'Ol'l::LI:\'. St'll•t.11'. I ll •. 1rn11: lllll(' ·'"'" fl.'' II Hiil a nl••ll"I boat • ..... ' ~ c n • '" U('';-. :o-laff \\rllt•r • .• wi•ll lhf'\' .i.,n'l makl' 1tny l'l r~llll'TI W Jiuh••'. N..wi-1l L:'uu.l! 1·11v j 'OTIC I. OI l 'I HI II Ill \lll '\'(I T iit• •l••k h111k1n;.." • tl1111 r·rt11M'r 001 1• ·JllSl 8 1 h fun A ~rn~· Jr":llskn w :ill.r w ith lh<'I l'h•nnini: '"•1111m•.•t;'" -~·-1·'!'•t1h\" -·"" 111 .. 1 lhfl 111r1,11 .1.rn· ~k1mm1•0! Mrt'<ll'~ lhr1 '™ ""' are l' 1111<' irfrnt1t11·.ot111n 111 fla\'i. I\ z 1111.1: 'l:tt :! -.-.,,;i.1·1.~~ 7 1·: "' 1•111• '.; ,. • r. .,.. .. , "' 11 ... c·11 y ".r11s 111 "'"'"l'"1r 1:111· """'lo: I \\'hl'n u*'k,.•1 1( l h11P Rlt! any Jo111<lo·n1 nt !'unta 1\nn 111~ :-., 111 .. 1 ' r :>. ''I 1 1 I·• I " I I• l.1 1~11h- ·•hu·:1 :!O 111•'• ... 1n h••UI !'• \t:t ii rnodt•I h41at 1 lut' in r '.\.ISlPnt e, h,. nn h "'ld• tl• ,, tt,l,h•, t J t<\ k• 1 l ..... f "• r111i1 1 t • 1 • ... 1 1 • , • J, 1IH·'t uf f •·•·: ,. \\• t •· ~· 1!, hrt;: 'n t!." l•tf h' '-l.1\l•d IH· h.t1ln \ ht•tt?•i u( a ny . .-. 111b "1l h a tJ1t,\\tt "•~·· uu I lli•· I lt•• .. 1ri11!.: tU .... ft• \" 1 , 1 a\ 1n- \\,dt 1111 I: J' IP• t • \' 11' t\' "" h ll h o> lh1111chl lh• y \\'1>11hl "" a pit lure 11( a 11 Jndt1111 1111 at \\,th I 'OTH t-: 0 1 J'I Ill.II Ill \1:1,1. " -,; I \ •.i 11 (1,.nl \lrfl 1.,,,,, 1.-. 1•\\"I• •I .. \1 •· li1l 11I ,.:nod l•1r l••IUlJ.;,·1"'\. A •1·unt4 th .... \\utJ_.f 1 :-;\·•tht ~ t •.\ut•1 it °\;11tl•1 J" h•l•t. l1\1• ,r l, \t•1 •'I lu t\t•~1'n • ~.I• 1.1. ·:·1, I 1l.' • •1; 11!1 ;di th· I• 1111··~ !1'.u11d 1111 t • .tl .. r b .1h d11111· 111 ':1..11 t tl1 l.ttl ()I':\:' 1'11 1\11 t. u. • ·': • r • · l •' r • 11 l•tl• J··I• tHJ.: 1-. hi 11 Hny k in J nl ,,., .. h l.n,: l•·d pht 'llJC \i\:01'lt' \\·1•h tit• J• :trtt 11 J.: 4 ·, 1, r "'\11111 , : 1 •. t ·,. \' • \J • •'• t ''" Uurt -W>.W. IL J1.l11 l!• \\ •••• II·· liJ.tlt,•h1111M ll' l•ll~h\,-<I, c•r•·11Kll~· b~· t!.!_:· llllf' or R '"'''"''" • n l' fl I ="•\\I •I ' 1:. 1111 w111 I 1 '1 ••• I.I ., I .• -111 h •• ,,.J· II • k I 1111 n·· ill\' II f'IU1·n1 -fT.iown-\\'lJlif'I V.1lh lb.: I'• 1111:1 I . I ··'l• •n.: •·'1 II·· It' I 1' ., • I I • '..'I ::-1•.tt I l,t Firemen 9 Harbo r Fight Fires -----------------------------------'·:ir. 11'.ld h• " tr"' I ,.f It• /n r .. alhn~ hui m"·lt'l builrllng t.•lt n of ~l 1k1· L• i:l ,1 •'11t•11' 1'1l1': I P.\I;\!-; 1 ·11 ,\. 1.;\l:I. c .\ 1 • • :\, l•t' ll•1i:h1s !1•'•1111• :-.. 1 ' •Ill l •uk ,., .. ,.111 nri· lJ,. topo!Y> M the 111t~l~I .1 t \\'ll•h11l' :-:,)11 I Ful11' • "\t/1.1.l I: r .1 1-. I'• 1 ''I'"' • n1 .. 11 .... 1l· I,,. 1: • \" :'\•\\· COUNTY'S i \SSESSED VALUE $560,2 5 l ,680 I'll•' d 1111 1 ,, , k., \\ '"' I tt"' •I' 1• ~ ft fH t f , I I J ; I l1l. ' , t J.-1 * ' 1 f• , .J I! •• '.f • l_;, ••Is tf/1• dt iH f i ' l• •, f 1'110· 111 I It I 1, \1 I~ 1•1 ll1, k '; 111· ,. I ·1·1i ' I I. • I 111 lo\\ I\ u1' ,·.Jn It\\, ... tt1l1 'n .irl1\11l IP .J : It tf 1m1•t•1· ",, ... I 1 11111 lt J. I u ... 11.11~ 111 !L1 ""'" nJ t 1t1 \\,&r. Hl II JI » d" ·:·. ll 1141 ,, , t ,, I \\ I\ I '"I \\ I~ 11. .,, ... 1 :-1, ' ( ' f 'f'' t I t •, " I :• '" J• ' ' .... t " t ,., 111' ...... '" • ,., •• Jio/h>1nJ• tJ t" tho 111 u \Vllich ,.ud n u dtt ntll_t:t'. ' .. •• II It! 'Ir.~ t I t r. J .,• , 11 1'u .1' t .\ t • ! l / 7 n ' I •• 111, \., i-~ ', •• r• "'". I t1 11 ii 1 1• It IP t, 11 ,,,,I I iJ "' .. ,, ·'' :! I 1111• 1'1· 0 1\ •i'"! ,. , I \ J II -,,, .,, \'t '" . , 1 \\. f'l . t t !I It I \• . •I • •'f. " \l '· J,t, 11.1' ,. II ' \ \ , .. , \• fU'l1 I t 1: d1" 1~. J" ·I t' : I f t.• r I \\. , 'I I•• 11 . 0 INCREASES···l'O :' \ ~' I',\ \' \ '" .... I'°" I Ir ' II ,, ' I ... _1 1:1 • I 1 ,. ' . ~. '" "I \' ''' \It' I,! • • l••·• :.'1 I ., ... 'I ,, ... ' " ' .. ·11.J • •' 11 t 1•11 ti!· I : I I tw 1'1 'I ON DISPLAY I. \, _, tu cent '• 1 •• II t \ ' 11 I! · .... ·,• I . .· I \'I I• I\ 11 I II . ... : .1 ''- I ' .. ,,, , I\ 111• i.. •oil • I I' ·' 111 \ J 11!1 .. '•' I' I II• • 11 11,1· I ' I ft J • I ,. ..... -' ,. I "If ., • I r " .\ ..... ..!. • I .. ,' t • 'I .1 .... ,., .. '"' 1 .... n .. d '''' '._, ''I 11 .... , 1\'P'""'· h•iUS1• ?f• h.1d tuult . H ,.. \\'t•nt lo btu"'ll \\':.tllt l \\llh Uh· til•·11'1:1' •· •1 t Tt1• 1.1 ,,, •• 11 J :--1 •· •·! ll•t\ I J:. •• t1•1 '"'JJ• "'1 ~' ·'J1 •l 0 th•· lt1t1 l11t• \,a1•t \\hPJt' th~ g t1l lt'W l1nnc1fG1nJJ!t.'S't•JhMn1 • tfts.:;hl utol .ui.t 1.,.., t H 1l•1U111lu.,.i-. ~ "tt t.r, ,. f +• 1l 1•r )!l\'l'n I•"·' i.;1•l' 11~ 11\• >II l.111• /•hlll• fur ll '1':1111' .sri If. 1z.,,_., H;.1,tntl !I l!J·,i; • "" 11 I•· 11 I< 1111 l· I'' 11.111 _:, 11 ... 1 1.!I•• ""' > I I• I• 111111; \\Ill ••e i.,, · .,,,, ,,. ,. ,, 1,1, 1 .. 111111 IHI.IL th" h11u,,. 011 a J ' ·In. IWRl!.'.l:"o-h•,,il in (.°,•lt11n \\llh \l t' u att tf:.. :'\°i1th•' J~ li1•t1 I \' 1•.i.1 ·1 •t ..._1\•tl • 1 .. ,. lti· ''' .I .tv 1!•~~. : •'.'l ,,,.., 11 .. ''.11t•·•I '" ,.,., ll \\•L't 1 .. 1111•11 1,. 11 1111 rlu"r J"l"l", E.R. nll ll. lh.1t '·"' plll•H lw.11 JJ1.i; \\I 111• 11 11 .. It 1 ol '• • 1• 1 in t he I 1n 1 : ... ,, ? u..; ii J ,.... IJh • rluuJHlJ.:, hard\\tJhd tloor;W -lwht I 11 th1· ::1~t 11.1\" 11! J,JJV Ji• .. ,: •• •"It I ii 'h 1t11l 1 " I ti •• :\; \\J~rl I I· • 1 -1 . : 1 _,,.,. 11, IH •'\'t·1y1111nt:' 1h l\L ;.hr1111<1 ha\'<' ~··n•·I Admits Burglary ti 111 .. ""'ir t 1 "" 1 11 111 ·111 11. 1:. 11 It 1 ·1•,· 11 di ... \\ha• h 11me l I ll II h . 1 , 1•1, Ii 1 h 1t11,I""' ••f th" ;-.;,.,,, ... :t j Hl I JI 1• • 111 \" 111.•I 111 I' 1•01111 '• • I• 1.11 "I Ii I 11 • J lf 1~ I I I t1r I:," h I II\' l htll. l•l \\Ill• h 111111• 1111•·1 • I• I 11 '" •'l'I' 11 1111d lw hr11rrt l ,. I J ·-j I: jl \., •'•! ,,, 1n1u I l lJ ~1/.,. UIJ4;1' \\"t1nt intnl ~1\;\"T.\ A:"oto .\ 1 t,.·"~1 -r ' 1 •• '•' ·i·· u • "1'11 ·' 4• .t "'1~ )•' llOJ,!'('l'j lu '' th\! u.d1111t lt·1t :41'( un•l dt J ••-: tnlf .. • u1J , .. 1:.: 1 I· ,. """''I t•1 1111111 1h11. "'" 1111Jv 1.-11qnn f.,r '-r111tl !I t" 11i) 111•1 ~ I'"""'" lht'""" -Kl.II\" .,r tho· h!JIH\! .. r ;\II ,, ll11 1111•l 1 I • I•! • . ·,111.1i. .. 11('<1r1I H 1\\0 y 1 ·111·~:1.1 -.;, !'1•r11·tary ,, .. 1 , " 11 · .. I 1 • ' 11 . , l"llllllJ! "'II " l !I lt•a: n how to build j · . 111 • 11 • • 111u~ hPI " .11 , .. , -I 11111 tl1-ln·~1 1-~. ' -Hh11wr. 1'1'·~'~1'"1t lk'lt h . .l11h11 I •1tu-, tlw1<•11n ~·1·w1'"l t 1~,·nrh 1 ·11 ,. 1: I., I I. ' • ; fi1,,. ·'•; ·1~ flrl ' .., 1 "-. """ ... ~. I I t .-11 I' k If' '" 1111, -1 • ti( lllotlll)o;l"ll Ii i t I'\ y y cnrF.Ll:'\ St' ll'ltlr\' Pl:or111fl1"' 1•nm1t11 ....... ,. '"I• '·I . 11 1111 1 llr 'iO'f KIO 1'Tl"t 'F " . . . . · " ' J uly 't "'"" "'1 llll'llll.,J I " 1'11"'" h 1r -'°"\\ptlrt H1•111'h 1·11,· :'\•t. ~ N1•\\tl·l'11••• 7 1:1 ~1~ 1 '' • • 1 t• 11'' • ;\f.-J, I l1111ldin~ II! nul k1•I stuff." l hu ll'1111 p11 1ff111J•·d liy 1.11,, l •t•l· l 'l.innlnK l 'tmlllll"!lt•in 1:1 " '·'• "'' r l.1111 •' 1.1,1 t..1111~d"""" l111<11•l•d. "Al11111:.L 1111 fin rcqU<'l'lt'•l tho l 'h111o1 ~•lltl.'111·.-1 :-;,. 3 ."\,•WJl·l'rtsll 7113 !'!~ \arl!Uw .. hit•• " " • • I • 1 • lo I '""'" "' 11t'1t1l111:1111 llw \'Unu11s 111111t.•I clubs H.-ha;I a prw r \:l)ll\'ll·l111n anti I tftoa rln1t 1 • " ' • d ·•• 1 I • '"' • " l.,id 1111t " I ur.· lll<'ll l>t'l ween 311 11.nd 611. a n d • WMn 'l e/lg1ble for prulmlhi11.. \ l\rlunre :;: :u l XOTH t; Ot' t•t ULlt' ttt:AtUS U I r1u11 \\.l .. """ ul lht' lllUlll '""'"""' U1ere art! very few und!'r 18." A l l I tlrartni:: N oll<'e h• hf'~hy itt\'('n lhnl lh• L 1 • ,t ·.• '·" ,· "'• I 1 • '11111·1 '"' I• I I ht• p11 '''Ill 11me he h /,, 11'1111:' &ll DEATH NOTICE '-"OTH 1: 0 1 l'I 111.H · lit-: \ltl~fi l'la1111111i: i" 11 1111~ 11111 11f t hr City ' .. •' \1 t l..t ,. I.. 'I ' , , .... I• •' '1.·.11-111 I n••1J:hh11r h<oy l1t11ld e :-;,,,• "' 11• 1.t ,. ;.:n• ·1 'I •l t ill' r ;-.;,.,_,'at'" 1•' "II 1 .. l•I ,, puh· ,, ... at l'l.11 ti r l. t Ii I ..... .,:1 f I I t11• t"tt}' I' .. ' tt I' I ' t •• ;tppllt 1lJ• fl or A l t ho• 1'""•1 nl t1mr , Lan~d''""'' )JH-.. )I \ilt.I. ,J \.:\1. II \l;t.l.t•r •'!.'I.• ·'I •I J ••h \\ill I" 11 1 Jllll1· :-l'l-.'\1 /I. II f 'l.\ICl\:O. I• r a \1trl• l-1utt1..t.t ,,.,,,.,., f1.r ~tt"' \I tul I• er.rs.:. till IJ,~ llf)h• ~ft1n u( ' ::111 1 .. l"lh t « ~11 'HH"• -· ""' 1 .\I '. t ... .... ,.,It . ,, ... '" ii ' t \'' I.~ f ,•1 I •I, f I' 111 1• ... I ' ,••If ' . , .. i it· 11 t.u I 11 t I u t I 11 $ 1"11 ·1 I , fl '"' 11·1, \' • ,.,, 1s ", 1 h ,... ,.,. n "''~1·, h lhud• J ·1 fl' t uJl 1411 ,,. Hly (u1npl1•1t I Jl •~ tr.aitc ~~ ,...,,,.,. .,..,_ .. , Jn.ft\ t-lu"I t.J.lwu a.i.:. 111 • .1 ~ w u111<1 ho• 1n n 1 • nl bu •l. " l1t ll .: 1RI1 ful ,. j;l•h I tn J•l 1•, f"I" f, t I lt•r •·~Ill .tit~ lt Will J.1k1· ti 11 • r11 111 on onu 8 1J1I 1111• -h .. I! ,, H~ ffi \till 1 lt·tp H Al an t.l ... \Ha ·•l· d • '''' ••( ,.!;.u 11HN tu•ttt \\ JJI b,.. I~ 11 .. I ·Ill l•illi••I 8 011 w all \\t'll:h 'II >'It :111 puun ls. If, 11111 ,111,v hhs 111>1 •'Y" on h1~ ti I] I • J ' .. '" \ l• \ \ '"" ••'I 1 1 ••J•'i l IL 18 1111 11lli1tt1111<s 111· '·· '.r \ • ·. ',\ ~ I ' .Jan\_• l hu,....1: !J i ,, :,~~•tu•,., 11,l.'\.\Ll1 \\ • .1-\,l!l·::-t fir st \ottt· •U 1 ,. tf\\•'• u ... ,,, a h111rd1n..-:- :-:l, C .. ·l ~1. J, "'" t. t . 1 ut ~ =::!II l•\ 1··1 l'" An i1Jl1-.. 1:•••( I• l''Ht ''"'"''l._f1 tO tHa pr TI,TJ, ..... ~ 111 1-.._1i\-.. .. J.,jJ1y ult lu 11 '''tr.,: ~.111,..• •' I.~ '1 .\lur l 11111 y • tf'd Tt • I;. ' ., 1. •ul\" I •11l1linc-1 ·~ " .,,. :.<-5 Jn'" < ·1 I ' 1. • .I It' ,. ., = :t. f. "'-"' I L·· ' \\ ,IJ I ?th I 'ti. h1 ,,,u 111,, '" 1n F .1111 •• H•n e , .\11-If l'J!1 I' • •t I ~l· nran,ct) t ·j qht." JI ... 11 11 :t• , • \\1 • ~"' 111• • "'"" .A 11ut1\•·,, 1 ,, 1\3, JI, J.1d Jl;o•/ 111 '"' Ill t r11a ·1•• y, .u"' :-:h.1 r 1t1\"• t t•• t .\J, •-.t 111 J'' d JI >I\ " . ,,,,, I I :-:.lil \"1\'fll S lrll hJ 11 (11 It \o11f\"" 1It1 he:l 11f i-; 1111 11 ,\rHt If ,I•'• I', ', 1 r I ~ th.11" l-•• 11 ~ II •'11.: ~·tf· 1--" I I •• I· l{ I.! II 11 'I l t of I\ I,. 10 t ' J ... ~ I 1 .. • A 'II• I\' I I 1 I t I t ,\ ·'"'I I ,f ,J' ~ f , I : I , t \° •I ... Ht .,~,,, l··&..;.'J •1f lt1° HJ:, " ••• Fl I I \' '\ i ~ -.1 tu Tf f• I' • r I,,, I,,. I P1 •I 1-: J! i , , ('' ,, ' .. ,, 7 lo k '•, l "I I I J !•1 >.1 ,\I •I' HT~t ''"11'<·t U I I 1. ,,, \\ 1 l Jt.dtN .a HJ\· t I'• 1 f1 t A'' 1" I I 10 \I 'I I• I J ,•I . ' ' J, II II I•/ I 1. tllrt'1 .. 11 ., 111•1 ht 11tln11 t "'f ,.,. ~n,1•n I •• , • 11 ... II Il l 119 ' I .Ill I\' l{I!\!\, I II Ill l llf' I I 11 f ·"' t '\\ 1-W II l ,, l .•• n-I· ' , 1t1I• r. 1 ..... tr ••• t J .... u.t ..... •'.I! =" • . I... I i ! ' , \' r 11 ft' I r ;.: I. 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Rivera :'\~''I •J..1 l I" 11 " F'· ll-t Hl>.r1l\ Jr '..'' n '' .: -·n I! 1" • ,. ! • rm I I 'I •• k h•\ I'· 11 • \ \I. 1· i .. , t • f...' t h I I 11 1 I"•\ ,., \ $137 From I , Tool Burglary Garaqe Tol d I ~ 1 1' ..: JI .1 .. I 11, 'I•·, 11 I ri 1·1 II \ I ' \ •I ,. . . ~· I' ' . )--="· \" 11 I .... t ' \ 1 I' \'. il I I 1 _ ' I \• '· I • ' 1, '. t I r '"" \\ JI : ""' \ • I ... I' I. • ,, I· i .. Sauis be_rry B:JiidiiiCJ 1. 1. '. \ .. ... I' I. ~ I' I ~· \ , .. I. I· .. i1 d •. .,, .... f fj• t ·-~ '''I i It I .. 01!1•' J11 j, •t1 '"' i. .• : ' 1 • t·. " l • ~I ..: • If' J \" I I.! 11 .it I • 'I ·1 I • .... u 7• I 't '•• a t11t .Jt,,, if 1 \ I t .i J I .; •II I 'I I' • 111 't f.·· ~ t '•I •,....,,, ''I I• I .. I I ',, • I •II ., ... , . I -I ' '. ,, . " ' . ' .. ·. ', ... • I • t\I . ' 11 \l:ll\\'11111 Ill I h ' .. \\ .. 2 Marines Held 1n Mesa Attack .. :lnu.;r. R1-.1•1ndo l!,..r1t 11, tt· :',\:'\/',\ A:'\,\. rlJ!':'\S, _ Tw" i;:rnn loh1l•!1111. ~I\• ll·t ld 1-.. 1 'r1•JI• ~1tO HH'8 \\tlP I• Id I" 8 11al\ol l 1 Sllj"'ll• I l:t•lltl \I, .. 1\ •in lhl•f' tt•ltt•· ... •"( att.ttk- LEGAL NOTICE 1 .. 17\••U·ttld 1f11,I~\\~ l ._,ut •.4fl\ .Jll \ I r.•., t 1-"A ~1 ··:--1 Ct .1<1 11 If \T t . 01 Ill "'l'l '' I 1( ·rn 101 ... I 11: ,, ' \ '" If• I 11 th• El T1 .. 1n ht ~ \\lP Tl 1111 ,, ,, i:•, 1 l'F•. 1: .... , G L I k .111 Ill I ('pl "'lt11\' u .•• ~ ' .. ' l··r.t· t\ .\1. It' r •1 • ry n• ! 1,·,1 , • • •t • • \ , t.Ju u ..... '-'rt. 11lv \\3S at· 1 "11~ .... ~ft.; "' •• I'• ~. \, •. \ J • I \ h k• I fly II .~ i"-U:-l'it l ' n•.,tr Tu~· ,'\.:,...\\I,,.' I :i ;t t· ( -• ,, 1 1. ,,,, r11.d .\;t"'l ••tl Hh t. ~h·· p,,. ti<.·'•,~· 4 • "'1 '' \ J,. '· '· • ,. 1 , •. , .. • • ··' • ·r·i .. , "·' .. 1 ,1,. h-•·I h" !1 1 LA•a: l •l-!A 1·1 I!\' '·,1, 1·:·11.1! " ' ··1 , , t 1 .. 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I• .11 ·'"•l If, f11 •I 1·11 J-1,1nk ,\1.,11 , <•f F:ltu1" \\tll rv~1d.r1•" al• ,,~ 1 r ! ', 1 f • • ti 1 '-11 •''•I '" -11101 ... 11,•d .July ~'..' 1'' \ \f \f; I• rlf.'' \J \ ·~· I , 1 p, ,., , i 11 , f 1• l11 1:,, 1 .dr '"\ I •l"l\'t', l "nsLt ;\1 , ~:t :!\H f-: J •• '\ '· J • t' I , ,\" ': ,. ''11 fht• \\.tY fl"111 l h1• \'t1!';1H ,\{\,•-('1!'-1 t .'1'"'' I il!I• .,, I I', I. 'I ,1 1 • 1 '' 11111•'-:< t11 ll1l· lll!hi•r 11i,111111r \\1111»' 11 •""I 1\ 11•, ! i\" , , ii' .1• ., ,. i,t'.• I .. t•I•' H'\ "·"""1. t h•· ,._11 l n~~~1 hd It,,• :-.ll~f"t'll-t nf .f lly. U• .• :. •'''• /1•11 1k 1·d '"' R l•ll•I\' d•111I r nd r uad I I•,\ ~I \l: .11•11:":~.\l \'I; •1· • t .\ • l 11 h'"' I \·• . ST.\TE ,11·'1'\l.lrt •l:'-:1\ 11 .. ,. 1,. , ,. ,,n J ( ., ,. ... i"' r lt1 :<UhllotL 1n :<pill'• 1 •111 ..• .,.TY ,.1. 1 I/! 1 ; • ., . : .. ,, 111 rt ::i ·h~ '" 1 11n ll 1~ 111t h \' ,,, ,It •\I• • '., ~ ' ' i.: u.... ... J,c• ~11 ... 11•·1 ls hd• r ~·'l Jlllll .tn t'+'"',!1, I· ,. 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I 'th \ ~' r I ti•• •• I II• trlllt: '11 111I.111 1'1 111.tC • I' t •• i I\'• 1 'f,:t' t )11l . , .. .. 1-C L I II I' 111» f 'lly ~ •:I ,, I, " 'I k p11I • "I 1 rittt'"n • r ~I 1\1 ·1 f) «r tit!' • • 'r r ..... Ii:\ J ·.i. I •!l ,. , "' fl" lf)("1<Jt• n <.t '• 'n<.h• I j(ll•HI!''• n n" rr n· J ·• • •f v11rt..,11• tr11a U h-'• I "lh lh ll N""i">rt ll"M)) :.1•y LJ1;,):1•t.( I • 1 ~1 11 •nt.. A n•l 111 .r ('•rt1 .. i:.r" Wi• II t.llo."" al: eet!y •l'f•r •""r1 ! •r 11rn1l11r f11ta In Tf· \j' n Ti trRf t\ Tr11M l ~ t1J &. 17111. ·,,1, ... 111 t .. ni.v turthf'f' l':\'•'1 t·1 • •1•1 1i1111l•. J1r1111rig v I'"• 111•1 I •Ii 'I .. :i I•~'''"' 11( J 11lv I 4•',!\, t . t t •• t,, Ir t r i\ ,, I I' rt 1,, lf11t 1tU\1 11 • J1 ur '"fl 11f Ht• t• h f 1'V l f•tl? ,• I I fl : ; p ,1 P' , l \j t ,, h '•' f'; ., J Ji'""' .... I~ I\ I I ' \' fj I • '1 ' •, f ft•\', t; l •11' t' t J,1• > ••Rt•J .. ,, 11 \ ''lfr.:·;.,, 1tta rv . . . ' . .· t I . 11 : • t I 'I' -1 •• •,•, I , . ,,AGE -4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS/PRESS WEDNESDAY. JULY 13. 1955 I - - 1 WANT AO will cost you . s2so only and it will r un 1n all 4 1uues A Minimum ad 1s 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 Sc•wport llarlmr ~t>ws-Prt>ss :\londay, Wf'dDl'S(lay and t'ricln~· f'ditions, Plus the Coa. .. ta l Sho1111rr. Wf'dnt>Stla~·s DELIVERY GUARANTEED V<'h\'C·ry of the Nl \\'port H;tl-btir News-Pt !':.-s 1s guarantred. Carrier boyR 1\·111 tleltn ·r lht·ir 11:q 11•r s b<'- fore 6 p.m . on ~fomhy. W 1>d111 !.day and F'nduy. If your pa pC'r 1s nut dC'liwrcd by that hr.ur ph·:t~<' call Ha rbor 1616 a nd yuur earner ~·111 bnn~ ynur p.IJJt'r. Classified --~~----~~~----~ ···--·-~----~E\\"PORT HARBOR Xf':\\"S-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday CO ASTA J, ~HOPi'l1:R -\\'t•tlm•sda.~·s ('1111,.tal :-O.h11f'fll'r Ail" r1111 In 1111· \\ 1'<ln1·"h1~· :\rw 11-l'rr '" I '?-1l11l11linl! ~·n k1•" CO~ll'LETE PAINTING & Paper iI::rni?ing Service f;t'C';F:~F. v. $A U:-\0£RS :WO ~hi S.t r~~t. N~wport Burh H o 1 bor :!976 or H ar, 4H6. t tc House Plans lOUC H. H.HOLB RdOK DEPENDABLE PLUJ.ffiING A Pro mpt R'plllr S'rvrc:-t MaTntnlnfd Phone: H11rbor 4624 2801 Bhlboa Blvd., :'l:ewpurt Bea ch pAp PAINTING M. W. ROSS Ll 8·3:J2 I • l.t 8· 7823 ?!l--IMfl WantNI -----u~-i~-c1:s;1-----,-::-~IIBTiitt---.1)-.. -.. -_S.O:fl:-:-App~ianc·rs_ ____ 33-RoatH. Surpll1•" I ;-;;.:;-;;:0;;r;:;-;.;:~;,~ -:; 1-Bldg. Maintenance i i: l·'t I'[ Lortt.: ~"' Washino Machine 1:111, ntw 1-:n.• , ,.,h, .1:. ".:1 ·\\'111la & "111.Juw \k><nlng I F loor . Janitor Scn •11·,. \\.1--il ... , ••n 1 r K tl•\\ (,••ht .. <::F:RVICC' m .inn1• 11hh1• f"riu.pr· I '' r 1 ,.,. P hone H1111.K1r •a1'11 67p!\llh H··~· 111Jl<'s~ "' 11i;t> I! hN1lthr & 1· ~ <"ltr g1111ru1a .. ., vn 1oba dnn .. l 111 '1V<' you r'\n "' u t n 111>w 11ell-1 an<.1 un usea wll8hera 2~88 '• I Ullo: '•H "• .. 1'10 ft '<!l"llhl b:11 I<· ( r1•ar I N~W[l<lrt 81 . l'UJJta MN<a ha1t & thlJ' ••·1 1111ll111i.: S •~·~· T"r111:1 or SJl'ollll , 1.•h 1.1 I'· 711.1:.: jtHHtn•I p1<•l.-11 "'1 ,.,.,. 1rnce....-t<1~·. l .. lbcrty 8~·1503 or Liberty 1 . TRADE R , M \\'rill' Uux. !'\·:I, lhl~ n1·w~pap .. r. 0 !3''-lf oy s aintenanc e ;;.,;, "-· ~•. 6·t c House cleanl!l" F l or "a n .. 1 ·i · L•i• --Bt'tlu11ru1 ~0-(t au i. schoonn • 0 -0 · Jt• i; I l'O:\TltA('T(JHS U·I hn•n"" \\urk · ·'' ,. urn>:ht sub 'Z••rH frt'l'Z:· J:.'ull.\' tn1111J , "O lin.vwh.-r1 \\'111 Wall washin~ \\'\Otl"w <'lenmng •r 1•11 Gnt 1 ,. 111 t!l" I 0 \'cnllurn bhnils UpholMl',.'" 1n.i: ~Upt nnltndent S Jnll(J p1·r ' -' ' ' nn• 11'n. • · take t•qully In pn•l'f'rl ,. or 11111111. ., n lllnlh Apply in n•·r;inn It am.I ':'11'1' & ~.oltl<r 1••ni:•'. All\•' lu b(IUt J'.!:!U \\' B~lbo11 lll\d., 1iru1urt'd Fu. .. E .. tunatea 1· 1 b 1 •1·• fl lo 6 pm Thnr• , ~·n Sat ~Un "''" 1111' ur rwr l'Cln ll" • • "· S c"·porl. H 11r !10:1:! l\!lt tl' E~Pt>e;~Yy;.·:~~2:,., lte 1:111 w1111::~ ~11n~.:1n-i 1 M.1tn s1. S11nt11 7~,;"!l ::i";~I~~ ·;1"1111.111 l lt11 77t>~[1c~~:---\\-.-A-~-.. -n-:-11_T_1_1_1_n_:_x-_r __ _ 11lst Wllh l·hil•lrl'n, ll\'c 111. H1•f , •• • 1 , , --1 AA I.ROA II.\\' J•,,•r "r .•lip f11r P hon,. -t'n~lld"nl\, sv-m~~ .. _.. 1 ·\' .. 1 ·".s. ','1111J:" Gnutl "1'1111• Ohl ;i::. tt. A.lluur......._ ,.1, ... ,, ''"""''" N " •" '"' 30--~L~.<'llaD<'OU~ , 1\ Iii \ J1 l hA H l 11 I 318:ior S Y1·11mn1f'!J-l330 cnll"1'I ----------·-• • ,1 "' 1 >I"\ ~-, 1·0111ml , "I'"'"· "rlt•• 1:.,,. 1<-7 Del' Bntll•n .1818 La mo I. ~" HA llY Bu.1o:y Tl't lt'r baix', •·or 1'111'1 11111 :.ij(l(l.ft j :,, 77 lh1A f'l''I"'' 771•71' Pasao.lnra. i5pii' w.1 ', ba:-.•11 1 It "1 in1:• r t yp..-T \I II F 1 l\J -E \\.t•h•t'. tHj;lllll!"•h •I ~un H••ll·I •lllo:~ ~!;,1"'~~31/"1~:60i:~ run· \\'A:\Tf:P 16 tu I" fl l.ynuu1 h · Xperienc'd gar:denef li·w.iy t>c-J. 1,,1~11u ibk K l :i·, ' ' . •• •• lan.ll'r 1en1111 '· 1•r Y"•hl to•nol.r LANDSCAPING 1MJ11 • i1pii • ,, . • 1116 \'m l.1.Jo :>:0111 ="1•t 13••111 h and CLEAN UPS l'EH\'El.. r1•fri~Pralor Goe'<! ('lln-771' .... Fnr lho.~" whu want the bc-"l ol1t1•1n. $:.~. LI 8·2042: i61 i 7 Li berty 8"1659 Konkel's Interiors 30ttc S 1-~lusfral. Radio, T V ---,-------------------~ ~l'l~ET l'I \ '\u ll··:i.u t 1!11I 1·a~e .. t,•th" l.1tll·· u:"'"'' :..; ''" ,,,.,.r S.hlt1 rl\ \1 1• \• 11 11 l'=ll i;l\ln ~tlr· 1 .. r t ' 1" 1'1••tl\ t 1 "'' $~'1'~ Mitnv u: h· r ''OH I• t tul '1''""' l'\'\Z ~1 '11 \111'1' ~lwu.-(\, ~~'' :-;,. :II 1111 1'1 • X11nta A n&. Alw"'"' 11111 pu11111~· l'1u11,1 & fl•IHI 1:Fullt;I•-: STEC'K 111111-:ht 1;1 ll I $1;.11 l.lh 8·121!1 71k78 !'\l'l-:l'IAL RllY ! ll~:.\l "Tl Fl' I, l•l·•t1dt< ~plnl't piano. l"u111"11~ 11111k" H1'nt11l rtlurn. L1kr 1\0'\\ ~rl\ I' $:::!I l',.'1\'!"nl"nt l•r111~11 Sii .\1-'f:I~ S \I 1. h I 1 • S1111-,. 1907 I I 'll l:::l :'\ :-:~ 11111•1" :-<-tnt s Ana !1} Uflt• l~llUlh•I \ ~·t\tf';: 1:!1." l',\l'l\AHl'·JW l.I. TY. Table nto•o!· J ... 1111· s;111 .,,, l-'1 •x ll. .. 1101 ,I', 1-:h•• I rlc t 'o !\'.!'..! M.1r111,. A vr , llAlh;la !ala.Ml 77l'78 2 O A vocauo. Coina Mt'Nll S 70p8J h EC., StPnll. Bk kpr fast & ur- L'ph .. 1~1<'1 \', 1h1lpo'llt'•. ;o.hpl'OV<'IS, tw.f~pr .... 11~. ~. \\' J'h·~:i·· Lfttt ,,, "--:••-;·; Used Automatics S39.50 to S99.50 SAl'FH'l(.'1':. 13' b111;t 6 hp. 11111t•1r 17 hu 01ilr1 . & 111·\~' lrnJl•·r \l'rth wtnrh 1.1r,. I"""' rn·rs & "'"~ $.t3o 1:.1:: !'\ 1ltlk1•r. s11nt11 A1111 ~HITOHlll.A t"•l\&l•le 1211• \;uo't fHt fUI •' --------------curalf' 1<ht>rth11n.t & typmg lh· Frt>~ CARPENTRY MINOR REP AlR WORK !'\0 J O B TOO S~IAl..L II V Am!.,rson J1J li 1: 1:.t1!111n Bl\'<!. l<11ibC18 !hr hour. •flly nr wr.-k t.J "i-'.!1 '-3 H()L'f'~:I\ ~;~:1·~:H. l'l•llk. Ll\'1:-In l lrfn>. Frl'rlt'h, u~e :m B runt•11 11 3GO-F:. :11:.l. L'••i.ta :'.lt·~a i7p~!J 4:11 1-:. 17th SI , t!1t'-l« :0-1"'•' i I p•IJ h f\1•l1\'rT1••l lnstnllNI, gi1arantc>ed. T~rms AVRlhlbll' ORIGINALS Ha rbor 21!>0 EiJ t!c H o11.'!l' k<·1·1,.•r '"•lllt' l""•k1ni; ll\'f' AF1"F:n:-;oo:-:. ~ ... l<t1111. .1111: •'r 1lr 1•s~cs & <'um .!1na 1 "" We St'rvice All Appliances f:iprcializing in Automatics Auto. Washer Entr rprisca CE~I ENT & BULLDING 10 or JIU\, or ft.ty v.•urk\.'r. f ;1H1d t ('-!•·rtn• , ..... l~I ::-l!lt; ... ,. 47c7!J Custom lJrl'S!'making l'h H.irhor ~:?6'> It ~Ip zi; 18 1'\.,y, pnrt Bl\·d .. C'o!!ta Mesa J.lb~rty 8-1808 \!\'.car Golf Cuuri<t'I tfpp All h:inils PHEE F:~Tl~IATES Liberty 8-61 0~) • )i.11nr•~a~·~?n~~~r1c?.:111-1111. Envelope Special 31-Wantoo to Bur Kln1tw1 Iv :i-:11•:!!'1 •Ll\'11 nr H a1 li11r ll1i:h IJllBhty ::ti·\ "'hl\f' rrKUlar -~---------:.!Ott ASPHALT TILE Al11mtn11m W Aii 1'11• \11>;1" llt:<lnhu!nr" \\'h .. t.·~ 111• f'rl""' In (' in:1 "I •IS & Tile ~t'tl<•r" LT S-7·Hl3 6 tfc "A's" ;it1;i 1 t'\'>•nin~" & \\r-.-k eon.r... <'nv• I<!"''"· J'lllll• If \\1l h l'"rncr \\'J\NTF:I": 2 rlny >wtf d h·1.1ns..-cl -· 80 rrturn. huhy f11 ri11tt1 re. Harb. !1:1!1:! • '"I' 7~c77 $3.95 per 1000 t:A RllENl:\G Your )Kr•J 111111n1a1n•'d by 111t11ll~ \\'th th1" 11 I. Ex1·1r .. 11 J uly 2:!nl1. or«lav t ·1 ... 1n u p & plant in~ "' ~I 111 .. ,,.,. n., l 1 ""' k !01'1n . l'XP• l'll'n CI' I i; 1r<lt nl.'r. LI 8· j",i•l F l IX 1111\', i ll!/ F. C:rnt .. r, .A llll• 7;•Jli7 h f•llO. 7:lr7 Llt:E~SF.LJ l'XP<'rlrnutl .-.k1ppr1 nv11llnbll' pnrt time or y<'nrl'y 32-Furniture for Sale Nr ar-Nu Furniture Mart l~OOP ll~f:I) F UR:-o;ITlmE • <Ir. I h••11t . . $ 12.7~ ~. olr. d1r11t .. ............. ..$1 ~.!IO Sll~ Ba.ho & i.;1,•r1rtc Co. I :l~l :0.tnnnt• Ave, l111ltx>a lilland 3.&--Mu~dcal, Radio, T ,. J111rbo r 7.~1 77c78 WA:'\TEO 30 l'SEO PlA:-\OS (n r ORGAN SPECIALS our big rental 1l<'pl. l llJ;'h<"11t r>11<h nJlownnt-. In t r&ffP for ur~RI,. llAMMO:"<ll Splru•t nrgnna. "1<• Splnrl purno. o r Grnml piomo n{'w lllg Rll\'ln~11. f'A:'\Z-!':Cll~fll'T. I ~:!O :"o M1on, Santa A na 1 1..0\'F:LY s1n1:ll" manual t1l4'("l ronlc nr11an in I" rfl'C'l ron11lt1on-Sa\•• $4011. Cnnv .. nlent term1 a t -, SMAl.Lf:ST R·n ·n10 1'1Ann W1lh full 88 kryt>ourt In !mo• ron· • d1t1nn. 'l=l'rm11, S l ~.:l~ tlt1"·n rrntl $16.17 ri•r m o. a t SHAF'ER'S Mu~lrCo. !Slnc·C' 1007) 421·U 3 N. Syramor<'. S<1nl& A na l'he>ne Klmberly 2-06:2. S llA FEH'S Mu11lr C-o. i S lnee 19071 ~!:1 ·•23 N. ~y1·R.m<>rt1. S11..nt& Alta I 'hnn41 I< I m lwrl v :!·11672. $~ l't-:1{ MO. rt'nl11 ~linrt practtr• p1r10n u'~ lh\k1•1tlli>11 lnm. Ap· r ty tem1 rrnl nn p11rrhnl1f'. C".<>nd HA~IMO="ll O rgan. Shghlly u""'' I useJ r 1wws $7!1. $!19, $12~, $187 Goc•rt hi~ 1111\•1ni; A noth"r won· ~tr. Lo"f'•t tl'rm.1 dertut h uy. Hammonrt Chlfl-11 Or· l'lA:\Z-SCH~tUlT, Kan. J.lltll' Ust>rl. T he Organ :120 No. M11in, Rnnta A na. cvr1yone rnn play. Alway• lll!l p l1\001. DA:-;Z·SC'll.Mll IT P iano Co, 520 N o. Muln, SAllll\ Ana 17" C't>nSllle T r le vl1<lt>n .... .i I.in~ t lnM>rfion ~1.011 adJ't. tint's .2.; ea. VENETIAN BLIND 4 f,~m..,. 2 ln-"4'rlion'i l..iO alfd'I. lirH"'I .2.) f'&. LAUNDRY H11r. 11 2!1· \\', i'Opi8 H1 ' p ;.; \\',\J.T ~A\¥ nr1 t rnil••r. $300. Sec at !':o. l , Rnlbon t'm·1•>1. 6:ltfr :1 1lr. rh1>,.l _ $9 7:, \\'11'l11ul ~<'I. be•I, drel'!ser w ith ST F:f:"\\'A Y GRA="O Cnr1tro11" In 2 1" RC A Villhr rnnanle with full rt' mole ront m l, r«'dUl'f'<I $In Rt· I'. V1ct"r ll11:h l-"101• Ill v ph•lno. Mahng. full d01nr;, \\'OHKJNC MOT HF.HS! -Chrltf 11:1•. mirror & l'h~:1t . $111 !'Ill every ·w &}'. P arlor s1z., T his f 'hrome d1n .. ttc table a n<t 2 wond~rt111 m111rument at a big 4 t..inNt ;~ ln~..r1 ion-. :!.1111 ndd'I. tin~ .2.) C'&. I 4 Llnt•s I ln:-...r1ions 2 . ."10 atltl'I. lint'" .2.> t'a. Tll ~: x r-:w n1 •<-hmc pronM• m l'th· 1 od I'.• , .. ,,nahlf' pn•e~ A verage C'llr<' In mv htimC' llav t1111r~ I ~. Wp<Jrl Jl,.1ghlll areU:. 1.1 i6i~. 76li~ Fresh H earing Aid BA T'TE~I F.S \\'e Gw e S&H Green Stamp• 1 hnir:« $24 ~.o :11wini:. M anv uthrr l:ramls. ~f,.. li,.,.,., .. 1 "''ts ot J1nm~ rnom l'!<m & Hamhn. Knall,.. s1,,rv 6: rNlu•·eo:t i 1nn fill uallon \\ tUtl••d A •h 11111 ,.,...,.h C' 1.; ',, dl,.ruunt. C'a~h In a il\ .inr1• unh'. - The p uhHsh<'l'l! "111 n11t l:>e r.·~r<1nstlol1• t••r ni .. 1 c lltan "',. ln<'f•r!'"<: lnserl 1nn of an nd, r"q1 n ·r I h r 11t:hl "" , . .,rr .. lf '·'' d.1~H(\' Hfl\' 1\0'1 all arts IUld tt> r "J• n 11nr 11'1 not ··nnf11rm111~ tn rul.·s 1111·1 1 l'1:1.l.tt1onio J.<1!-:A I •U ="J-;s lor rtac1ng or can"el!lllg ails art. .!"pr Monola)I P uLhcallon -F rlday ~ pm. FM \\'i-iln• scl11y P 11bllrnllons -T 1u•s1lay I r Ill Fo r 1:'11.ta~· P 11hlll'at1<1n -Thu1~ohy 1 pin. ~t:\\ l'OHT llAftl\Oll l 'l 'IU.1:-.111:'\<; ('0 . ~t 11 Hnlhoa Ill\ ti., ~1·\q111rt lk•nrh, ('1lllfo1rnla. Classified Index I 1-·11n!'f.1l :'\uth'<'" ~ l Anl ur "'I ht\uk- 4 I 11n.,r11I 111r .. f'1 11r• 111 B11,int'"' c.ul•J•• I I r:ull•llni: ~l:it1•rlal• I'! ll11lhll111: ~•·n 1,.,.,. 11 1•,.r•1111nl• 1;, S har•· \ 11Ur f'"r 1r; 'Tr:111'1'"r1111 1 .. n I; f:u11I JH&:' I • ll•'o1•1I \ \ ltl' ·:u 11 ... 11111 .\1,1, '! ! I ""' a nti I 11un•l '!I '• h•••''"'· I n"'"I rut t Inn '!X '<ll11n1 iun• \\11111 .. ,1 ·~:· 11 .. 111 \\ 11111 .. 11 :'iH ''''' t•llrtf)t'tUl-4 :\41· \ !">\\tip• !\II· I\ • \)'Jilt.if\<'•"' 31 \\a n l "11 1 .. 1111' ~·! .. u m i1 t1r•· for :-.al .. 3'!·.\ A11l11111"' 33 n otU•, '"l')lllo•• 34 :'1{11,i..~1. 1111111•1, 1' ,. a ... On1t•. c ill•, l'o·I• 31; ''""""' :n 1.l\1•,11 .. ·k :111 :-1" dal \nn••11n1·t'ntl'nt !(:1 .\Ill"" \\anlf'<I ll) AHi"' fur :-.al .. lll·A T lri·" '" rart1 II ,\11111 ·"•·n It I' I'! 1'rall1•r• 1:J /\lrpla"'·~ 11 \\ 111111·11 111 l<••nt 1 1'4 .\pl,. & """"'' f11r n .. nt ll4· \ f'h. fur H .. n t u~.n .,, ...... t•flt fur J!••nt 111., 'fnuh•r ~""",. J!) H,.,,,,,,._ for "''nl 1•1. \ ""'' """'"' 1 1!1-n """"' ,; Jl11nnl ,\U H1·n1 • .'.\11 .. r. ;,:i ,_l11r1·~ A 0111 .. 1·• ."ill·\ 111"1""'" 111·111111• ;, I l\11,lr11·'• PJ•fl"rl 11111111 • ~ ..... ''""''' tu J onn ',H \1110• \ V•nul' 1J ·,! l:•·a l l .,l:•t•· \\ ,•nt•·tl filt '"' onu• l'r-urwrt ·' Ro-\ ( um nwri·h•I. l11111l11•tri11l lli l ll<'UI t.,1111•·• t .t f'IUtnl:" 6'i Hf':1l t:~tl\11' I 2-ll11ili1ins.r S.•nk,... ~~------------~--~-------------~------ N Pwport Harbor R. I', 0. E. 17fi7 Mrcts e\ rry Thur• !1 \ c; r m. VII' Opo rto -C'• 1,l 1 'l l A \'C. )l:~wpo:l l:lr'\1'h A lbert H. ~l nlth w~. f:,·1lt>'•I R11l1 r 12-Hnildini: ~n h ·-. Elec. Tool Repair Ski! S.l\\ • I 11 oll • X n •lrrs c.,.>l 'lt"K S l-:l :\'11 ~; LEWCO r:LECTRIC CO. 4:-,6 No. l"r\\ pnrt nh·ll . :\l'L 1\1 h Uberty 8· ::b,i. 4 I tr PAL"\lTING t::'lTER.IOR -F:XTJ.:IHOR LlCE :\SED -l:\St:ln:n Glenn Johnston &01 -31st St :-..1.wpun llt>a ch H nrbor 3176 :!~tfC' FOR RENT 8kill Sawit, !:Ire. Dn lls, POIL'llf'r~. all tyre11 ot Sandrr~. \Yh,.t'lb:u - rows, el C'. BOYD'S HDvYE. 2630 \\', COAST KlGH\\'A Y Liberty 8-313!5, Newport Bch 2Sttc Painting & Paperhanging We do t he 111·ork ou.rscln's. :;o :i·Ni rw •ll'J>f'rlezm t l . N",~ a. lnaur~d. Sn r 111fact lfln 1!'\U1rat1tttd. E~llm11 tu fro . Call Johnnie, U 8-'.:?687 & Lt 8-5:?~9 ~ltfc ------------- CARPENTER Repair Work 00t•• Ycur Home l"l'<'ti rt~palring or Remodtling ~ Coll f'rnnk, Ll ~r\y 8·69~14 All \\ urk Gunrn.nll't •I i~Vc ' BION RICE, INC. l.f"nr ral C'ont r:lt'tM·s Hrilb1•:t &: Pnl:n ~prin~s Plani; -F inant•ing llu Ii· r ·H'I· \\' THEY'RE LOOKlNG FOR YOUR AD wlwn you a1h'rrt I!'•' In the Cl:i~i-1f1('rl C, lumn!' of t hi.' :'\ <'W~ · Pri ·~!; • f"h••11i<111 d;o u ( l • • l f •·\'•·T"v itn ,. turn t" ". •.1' I'·. ·~ I 'i l~'-1 !1~ I .-..1,. '' •· 1·· ! lh•.r n,.. I • T1 •. '' u • ~·' -,v (\r ..... '. ~ T ~ " i • ~ l\) ?~. <' A t.• ·r ··· or f r \ "' 1('1h \:, l t i .. ' t 11m t<> lh~ r'n'~''11•1t•Jon JhR' ' !\'t•rt '"' • p,,., r ",."nl• Gener~ ContFac-tor !'lf':ws · PRF.~~ Cla1'Si fi<'d A1t11 l.lC"E:\Sf'O N ''"' Work -RC'mode1ing J, MILTON McKENZIE H-.rbor 3122-R f>8Uc ~---------------------- Phone Harbor 1616 Most Real EBtale Classific.-d Ads 2 lap" ll'Sl•l<·nt:al bl1ml Only $1.00 !Jlonds n•pa111"l 11n I 1cllullt. 1-~1,.,. J1J1k up find d1·ll v~ry \\'ork 11• nt' hy app1.>lntmcnt I 'I "11" I.II» rt v 8-~ 701 or J{ln1h1•tl,\' 3-'-~7 1. ppt!c U-P4'r!'onal~ A lcobo!J<;e Anonymoua W rll• P. 0. Box 381 l'\r wp ort Beach, Calif. Phone Harbor 479~ Uc 1 6--TranNporta_·_t_io_n~----~­ ~Bfo&uty.~A~idtl~---~------- Superfluous Hair Pcrmanr ntly rrmovcd from !ace arm11, lri;1. E yebrows 1ul<! hair llne ithnpf'd-Nn more tweez:lna;. ELLEN l.. BRYANT R. E. Udo's Salon of ~auty Har. 2~~6 lie 22-1..ost and Found ------Ln s r F r• n1 h l'•oo•llt' Dark itrny hhl•' • 1 Jl·ir :\'"\\'fl••rt H• '1 '" · 'n• .. :-13'1:! :: 111 . I ··s 11nJr1\ J(. \I 11.1. ll.1 r J ~1bb·J or LI 8· SITUATJON \\'ANT ED -Girl 17, \l l\OIM w ork In IJuctnr 's of· f ire In llarbora a ri·a. Ctlll I.I 8·311)~. 76p7 8 A-fA N It W OMA N w ill Jo i;en..ra: I hOU!IC'\l OI k. floor WllXlllf(', win· dow cl•'llninic. Fas t wurkers. while. l!l l 1-;. 20th s t.: Costa Mt'sa. LI 8·26w.l. Pllll ~'!~!!-~~Ml~tNl __ ~~~-- SALJ.:SLA f lY, full lime. 'Must hil\'e knowl,.•li..e n( s.•win~ Al:" 31) tn 40. S:-\IP & STITCH, 2(1!) ~111 rlnt, BnllH'llL lslanrl. • II \ r !J'.!:13. i ltfr CIR LS YOU will hnve 11.n 011J)(Jrtu1111y In n>l\·nr11 ,. In our trrrn. bt'rlllll'lt' 11! our prr.st'nl ex- pnn'i. n pru~1 an1 The !'lh1t1ni: 1<al.iry I' l:'••J nnJ )nu w ill rl'fl'li e frc-')Ut nl !111 M"81'r:o, l •>O. J 11h11 nnw fur TELEPHONE OPERATORS ApµI)' -- ~1 1 1., :\'u. Mn1n Stre"t Hm 211 -l'nntA An& 9 OH tu ~ Ob r M. Gunderson Drug Co. Morn St. n t Balboa Blvd .. Balbna llarbor 515. 98lfc YARDAGE Inventory Sale cm Dl'sl,!;ller·~ F abn• s al \\"hol,.,alP P rircs. MARGIE \\'l<:Ba l 9M S tl. Coa.st Bl\'<l. Lai:-unn Be:H'h 6~ He r-:.\SY Sr1nn, l wa ... h ini: mar hin·· h11:h <'11:1lr to:11n· l111i:cy Alm11~t 11t·w Lll"'rly 8·6110 t>v«'nini:s k Wl'Pktnol, 76C'i I (If IQ..,. EM80SSE O b Ullllll'bS car•ls $3.99 3 Linc Rubbrr At1<mp II oo • L lt1" H11hh1 r Stariir With cut $:! nn '1\1' 1 r11ts) Bu"k M ill •~ r~ •·hair" $:? 7~, ('11 .1 Clark, rtr P r lrrio $4!!~ anol. UJ' CooJ gu" ningrs $27.!10 tn $:J!l 00 I OA~Z-.!>CHMIOT P f11no F. M. ·r .. hlo r11•h1111. onlv Si!! !1:'> TV H.-ntl\111 A. g;.rvH e . , l 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 28111 l'\~wport Blv d., Npl . B .. h. 100 p len<>ll Tarter Television Co. H11rb. :,:1111 1:,1.77 1 _____ ·---------TWO LOCAT IO;'l;:S 29().4 E. l;.;11,.,l U y., Corona 1kl ~111or Ir 2i•t Brr•ll1lway, l.a,1:110.1 11 ... ,, It l'h. Har. :>101 u r H\'att I ·.:.1 u Hllt !':,, u :. du,·rnf)()rt & rha1r I WOW! Read ,This! b•••lr rn11n turnl~hm~s. 0 ,\.1 rha1rs 1 & tabll'io. Call HY. 4-1~67 mom -I Hip•. 7!1pi7 -------nOl'Bl.E Mk dPsk Sr. 9t 1!105 \.\'. BaibM Blvd .H arb :i188. 76,·77 \\'1\L:-IUT .J11ung lablo 60x4!1'', '1 h·ri.! & f1\r <-ha.lr11. Go.Kl conrt1- t.on. $18 :::101 M arrn11 Ave., Npt 1 H.•ach. l:\l•ar Clly H nlll. i 7p \\'A I.lo( ~:1~ f.,r lnvahJ with f'Xt ra a ll Rl"hll.L l\IS, •lo ve a with v11n1ty with I :.!li·J $~ r1, t W•l • burner oven • $20 It 190. cha Ir $6. H :11 b"r 6. t!c \\'e repair teh Vll'llon ref'••lv1•r' and r 11t11r11. You pay 10 dRys IR· l<'r. Whl'n 11:1t1.,fwrt. No parts In· l!l11Jlrd not nr"dPd. U R C A:\'.. E ler trnnl<'' l'.•l'•l l111l 1n Laq:esl Exrlu~'"" RCA Vlrtor I ex<-,.llcnt crindlt Ion . T\\ o m111 d1?ti.ler In Rr.•1<. P arts 4c Labor ual~. F'lna fnr 1•h11n•h 11r h""''. g u11ra nl11'1I for 3 foll m o11Lhs., Yuu can !!ll\'c $Rt•O un lhls I 111. 2(104 E Coll~l H 1,:hw3y. Ctno1111 rha..~f'. f>t'I Mar HAr. !H!!I. LEWI!' \\' f'A="7.·!'rinn1Yr. TARTF:R, Ownl'r. ';Hfr !'l:?O X o ~1:11n. Sftnta Ann v v· Check these Used Cars Buy from !l IOCAI dealer who Wiii be hl're TOMORROW lo ba.ck up whnt he aells T OOA Y! L \\' \\'HITF: Llb .. ny 8·1011, ev""· Ll 32-A-Antiqu~ 8-ri1:-.Q 40-Aut.o. a.nd Truckti 40--Aut.M a.ad TruC'k~ ------pptfc LO\'F:l. Y l'IJ\t1que cir op !ell! llibl,, --------------b<'au11r111 w alnul hot ra<k, 2 Apricots M .. nt. rey type chrurs. Har. 161'6 ult .. r 6 p.m . or wc-rk entl..... ibri7 Private Sale \\'11 1:prr111hz11 In tr"c rlp<'nctJ Knyal .. pra ul!I tor h•1m .. 1 an· mni:. z;, lb 1111: nnc1 :; lb. bas· k\'I:< A nt ique & Modrrn NOT Today's Special! NOT This Week's Special! BUT H•11 "d 0 h d e.>l wPen Hn!<!nl & En~h"h Santa PACIFIC TELEPHONB I SI e re ar Ana. Or · n hnu.'e July ·111 a. 17. The Buy of the Year! __ _ 7Jtf• Ot•ttw·en :?..!n•I and Z:Jrd crn -ru,.un 12 n«ol\ · 9 rm. l,'1~T 1n llnlh• n v ini:"nrll ln•tir• WA:\'T~;p I A\'e, ("1 •la :O.!t••n. 70lll C'IJ~IF: hruws<? aroUn•I. l(fl 3\l'8}' '52 Cadillac I. :.i \\'I I l wati'h, hf,.rk hnn.f Girl for p8! l t1mr -----wrth "'" g lass, china , furnitu1r Lthi•i·al 1, Wi•n l 11111 F:. Hiithr·a h11u~c>W1•rk. I.I tl·:lZ1;., i fkill ANTJ<~t.:ES -0111 !uro1lure, C'Ul & brh'·l\•hrac. 72<'78 62 CONVF:HTIBLE -Kadio. H<'alcr. H yd rnmat1c. t'lectric windnws. pow1•r Hll'crin~. el1>ctron1c cyr, whil<' si1kwalls. clc. Nt·t'dR M mf" r<'r hromm.-= anti uphol!;tcry work You m nAt ~C'C' to b<'lievfll. . --I ~l.1s:;, lo mp:r, otd p111 1,1 .. clocks -------_n_1\_1 __ 11_"n1"1\ ":l)p~ \\'OM A;\; In lll•l ITIOlht·t In hnlll'f'• d i'. P.rHJ;"aln~ 1:11l•1r<', B1j! dis-t 'H !NJ-;SE snuft btltlkio, l'!trc•·IAtn, Lc1:-:1' "" u .. n ... ,, p, nin~11h\ r ••u,1. pur Ill r·r···· n1·t1 .. n JO>lln J:hl~ ... ~ lit"": 111.• .. H,....,·aril. l''\ll ll11r. 4:1'.:ll 'WlllnJ:'" or Har. 322;1 u.n:- h nl.J •h111•'• 8' r ,11c-"' lhr•·" • 1111· r1111nt11 tu d<'l\.ltrl!. l'h .. rlle Oa.\'1!1, j 11111 k'f. r n111m11d1•s , t .ll't"r s1•t. 1:1 . n, Ill. t'..! ·~ I '~ ) '"· IJl•I. F 1\'I' 1"105 E An.1hclm SL, Loni; b:\•'k 1111mrs :-..atwrml l;<•t1graph· olay \\1· .. k. M u"t he r apabl>' 11( H .. :11 h. r,;,o.J.l!l 2!ltfl 11 s .11.-e.J h1w k11 & t11m lltou~.- "' 1111\M "''111"\ln~ (\Ill r .. l'pnns-of J onl1tn, 2272 xe~1'"" HlvJ. Sl945. i ipilS 1t>1I<'\ ~.1f11v $~10 month plt1s <.:A~I El~A . ,\11.'U'I 7•, Cll\~h .tr C':l~" ""~la Mi!'!I\. ifip7~ car " 1•Xpt'O/lf'~. H ar. 2:t6i·ltl( I $1[• l'f'AI hnrn h"lllc-r. 2!'>.ll(JO 2..S-Sd1nol~. ln!'>t Mlr tion CONTRACTORS ALL CT.ASSIFJCATJONS ~Tl'llY In iip;ir.-time tor control'· 7:or'IO HJ'I" 11!"• '2110i S (;11m!lt'~·. !'-Rn· ll\ .An,1. '7~1c77 t·nsrTI• '" 111••·11 r .. r yo\sni.: mnn tri _ ,. ... ,et 1n '11r11 lat 11111 d .. p! l'r r-CA~I( REG1s·n :1t. l :As HEAT· m11n• nt. full tlnlf• l'"1pl .. ymrnt ! 1-:1!, i.cwr11~ 111111 hm•'. lnwn mow· :\r t n "11111'11• r JHb f\11 not apply f'r, 1nnm•ra1 .. r 1 •1 All gn<.rl I( n · I p• n1 ·mrnl (Hnol111nn. H•·a...Onahlr. LJbt•rl\' s .. r ~Ir l'»rr". :--;F:WrORT HAH-1 a.;r.•i!I 7:\t !~· 1 .. r !I o.r11 ;r 'lt1 .. n 11n I• r " it<'n· ROI~ ~1-·ws.1•n1-:~s. 2211 Hal· j- C'l Al i-untr3•l r \\l'h :.!:\ Y•Ar" 0.1:i Bl\'11, ;\'pl. Beach. H n1 lior MANLEY f '11pn>111 n1111!11nr l1k1 ''t1•..r11·n1 " l 'laii,,s T u•·ll. 11n•l lli16 i~tfc n••W. \'oiy r'"'""lllllil•• ·1 ~19 I·: F 11 •'\" c 7 .311 p nt. A ll•'O•I !Ira! -l l;th St .. C••,la ~J1>,a. !I 11 111. l• P•'"·'l"ll fl ~<'. Jki.;tn anyt ime A1"ff::'\TIUN A LI, HOY~ -I i pm, Al Tyler School THE :\EV.'.'--PIU$S !!I now ta.king _____ -::11·~' ca rn11r 11 ri111icnt1onll rur roul<'s in Mesa Woodcraft ]1;11 ="" Hm 1 ""II''. S11nt11 Ana th1>s e n~•~hborllo.•J/I _ I Ph K ln1hrrl\· 2-4'.!'.!6 or l<l 7-3~11 I Balboa. \\'i :<l :-;,,wpurt, Balbo& l 'npa.nl• iJ & J•·'' ilr f'11J1dl'lrf' l.1;~~ l•"lin1ri: I".• 1h,\1rs ~3!•'l He tc. :"\1·wport llui:hts. t:A>tun.l Jtl Real . in Estate School Santa Ana MEN Ir WOMF.::"l pr<'pare tn 11pare l 1mr f .. r unl1mltl'd c•pportun1t1<'s In l'tr 11I E!ltate. )'; evr cltlll.'IPS wr!"kh'. Al Tyl'r ln,;trucUnjt. A t - tn I tlr~t t venlnJ;" fr<>,. anrt !cam &bout this gnat fll'IJ. Call or wr.I" now. Al Tyler School 1A11 ~n Hrn11lw:iy. ~11nta A Ill\ Kl 7.:1·,11-Kr l'>·3 169·KI': 8-2~>1.1 1rr China Painting Day and Evening Cl&1.HI Or<l<'rs Tt1 kt'n Now Phnne J.Tb<'r1 y 8-MtS -------------- :0-1 or an I ,-,.,·ta :0-1•'~:\. H ~1111 ir,. 12·1 I ~rit. •·1·1. and IJ.<vc R h h )' II'. n/'f'l.1· Ill the ('1n·11ta-• ~~'.~.~-i.: .~~,.: 2':i' i"'~~:\Oa 1-1;~~~1~~ N""'l"•rt BNloh, l"t\\'"<'n 10·1'2 1 ·1=--~: 11~:.\111111 \l'.1 •:-; ~ ... !•\ 4 flH l 'I:\~ C llF!'T S\ ":'.I Mlnwax nn•I l h•!t 1 1011~1 .. !t l\l•lf'f!' l<dl "n f••T ,\),ll lll'I~ . 21:!1 H .1rh•1r, C' ~l Lllwrly &-\6!:1 • m . 11r • ·:'! p m . 11nly r xcepl I •A y 11 ••• 1 ~ :.?11 rn l•"Y' h1• Y• 1 .. Satunl.1) c Uc lon:h m g •w),f , 1•1 111111n l!••:\«.,n· !'-Tl-::\0 . hk'kJ 1 , p.iyrnll dork RI 1". 11:?1 \\' r:.1y A \'f' Hntl" r t ~~\ ~f 77n7' Hk k)'r 1 llf h "I rr:1tn r. r•1!r ·" • ---__ 1· h<'lfl. H o111<• k• •'J'IC'r-tO<•k. arc11un1 • ('111-:\'I:< 11.f:T -4 d r •lt·lu"e 4!', one· Bnt Nial hu11'f<'r .,._ 1 on"l h"lf. u\\ 1,1 r s l'•I 11\ fl 1'• l•••t\ Cr:ifl Jl';\'F.: l·':\HHAH J.:\11' .i\l:F;:\"l \'' 111.d '•I:' I th I l l\ ~1 .. ~· .. d. ('011 ••t'..?J • .:l:.:nd, ="• l\f'llrl trod • \\llh 1'"''""'-' T1all"1 hrllh l 1ol'f"•1<1lo1 C'i'y 11.o.lo TT1 7ll klnl I.I x >•~•J ;71 71• -~I:\ 'l \\'A:\"ff'P \1· 'h m1lhr.i: & lltll':-1-:Hu l.L> 111n • .-h.ni.;:-l '.1tn: f•1t• ttt'"P " "'mh'' "'i'"''' n1 • Lt tl·6.l~::! ;;, 7{• P.F:<\!1\' Tn \\~AH :O:..if. .,,, ,,..,.<!\ wnnt.-d :O.ti..,• h 1\'u 3 ~"!I. t XI' A~e ~n \•• ;," c "1'R.tH ,. (or nit· '"'n" 1r1• n: 1 )!:!'.' :'\•".I" rt 1\ ,., Costa )t. ~1• ":';t. 7b 10..,:--t .a ... • ta 1 1 ,1 .. & n t..-"".. .... TI.,~ "' • k ".I\ 1111 IGltl-J fur 11. ~i;·, 1: ~: l:.!ti~Prat••r ~1'1 l'r>t Ho lh• :-'!"'" .\ R1•11tt.Jr $.1(1 A r.t,•1>lt: I!· JI T r •l•·•k k chl\Jr $1" 1•111;" t .. rr:\ • •l 'a l'm "' lnrJ?c CLEANING .. rno:n:\c b .v lJle c $()v A '" 1ral I . n' I· R I L' ASH lER. 11:!11 r, kvme lYPllll: Ar· ' · ' "c "''' r da y •:xrerlence<L Ba.Ibo& h land rural• dri ":i•lllhle lluly !Lilt' 10 $10 C'.-ranuc J<lln. 1 ;· l""n>ly r .. r pr9/erre4.. JU J~. •:ir7i ~. G<>od •·or~ cond.toont. op--..1rt' ~h•c• tl•"'•r 11\mp• r~.,.1..,. port unity ((ir 11 !\ 1U1r e>menl ! ftr 29~3 Cl~ff Dl"l\'f' I.I fi.•H!!2... BABY 6 fTTINO. anytime 0( day or nli;ht , werk ~nda lncludtd- All n~l'.t. 91!\ W, 18th St., C'n~ta M t M . Ll~rty 8·!\Pfi8. 75pi7 Service ~TROOTS H ARl>\\'ARE. 1 th A 77p Xt!\\j'Ort 81\'d . Co11t& Mt'lla ~~~~~~~-~--·1_c;_v 30-B--Aeenan~~~~~~ WA!\"TEO Part llm• •C<'rcta.ry COU>SPOT ,..tr1r . with d,.frOl\ler. THEODORE ROBINS J::xo•rll• ot l'\ew C'M\'31'. ra..llo. your Ford Deaf er Since 1921 bA<t tR.11k, r1iohlng lha•r. ti• r-"ON THE MARINERS' MILE .. tn •· h1ht•· rump. rn<-k 1:11io 110 \,1lt h.1tll•1y char,c:l'r. Ll tl·7!1Zf1 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY i71 l11l ~'!::-~~o-"'!!·-~~ipp~~~----1 1·11n1s r'HAF T 26' hndi.:~ tlvr k. I LIBERTY 8-3471 H ~1' nil F'11'>Prgla!l1t l>t•nt kit A ll -----·-----------------------f1 h··q:ln~!I d•'I k & hull. iO·ln. l w11 m . 2 fll•tRl11111 <-hR.n .bm.j THIS WEEK'S !lp4•>'•1 (lf 4'1 milr1 hr ~llf P f•ir I tilt> family. Sl:\rl a t...$1 10. l.l II· E\:1111 i7<':9 SPECIALS! 2:1 FT SLOOI'. All ma.hug. Sral~ i.. X If\\ •l\lll'. 1<Ulhilfln l mol•or It tra1l1 r l'r lC'? f.117"1. liar. 1!21H I 77r 70 I'll' or Ll'Jll•:.R:-i splnnuk••'r llJ1•l ~1111111 1< .. 11 i hp ~tarlln l\11anl· 111.; 1.1d>1< r for ,';11-111 rr hont 1 ·h· :11• 11111 WN'k •nils It"' \ 1a \f,nt ·n" l.1lu l ~I·, nr 1 ·rt.~l· \ 11•w 6·"t.55 wr!'k days ';()p'!2 Iii FOO T Rnlpe !lllilbn11t. r"arlv to •1111. ll•·au:1!uJ c1.11ol1tlnn Guo•l ~1111~. R11unle11~ 1<IP,.I ni:1:1n;: It h•ow ~l11.-l•I. <"<•1'1"''" b••ttom &. ruhhr r 1 tr"<I tl•tlly Off1l""r be· I In~ twnst"rrC' l MtL,l 8"11 ... h I.hill:' Hi Ill h :l I · 1111 1 7111'78 :! 1;uo11 bu\·~. 21 ft 1 :.1>-h r & I 16 f t :!II', hr. ho8t•, b<1th ti· 1!1~3 Cl U-~VROLET 4 door Bel .AJA. ~ht hMM. H & H. power glldo transmil!eioo, power 11lr't'n ng. Exccll('nl condition. ___ _ -$14.25 19f12 NA~H 4 door eede..n, 2 \one gre.n. Olf9· drive. Shows very ~ood care . S 0'16 19!)2 CAUILLAC. 4 d()(lr, 2 tone ~·A. .,.y fine cRr -U7Q9 1!>51 CHRYSLF.R New Yorker, ' doos. llf!den. L1~ht J;reen . l1 \96 lflf>l DODGE 4 door 1cdan1 light green Ttp top !1h;1pc .. $ 795 LOU REED CH RY!'LER -PLYMOt:TII DEALJ.o:R 1 :.!()() W. Coast Highway Phone Lfbcrt v 8-348& hrr1:l11~sr•l fltl'l A 1:1in<t C'•1mh· S9--AutM W8Jlll'd I ~Aof.ntl and TMldla t11111 rtN1ol'' t11 i:-11 A IM f ihl'r· -------------------~----~-·------1lla11~ r lr'I h re~ln f'\t', A••mjr Monn" ~f, I ·~ .l1>hn :-\nr rk, :!Rr>r. Th,. llhtn• 1 l.1•ln l'!'nn I H11r I l'Hl\'A T~: f'J\ltTY "anta t o huy '4A STiil1EllAKF.Jl r.onv. K"w ·~,, 11r '!•f• C'h•\ l 'l"rn nr ~ 1•1•1 h p. 2 "'"'"" llrr·• ,("l('an all Uln1 111 Rt111n WKll n f r,.!, r f1 r~ lln•I• r A ,ionic S4 ">0 flll!t r. Ba.Jboa Jllwt w :;; i'Mtc s:-; 11 'f: !'o :,93• m u;;ll~nt con· I :-; .. l'"""r t.:li•l" 1·n l1•r $2• "'' H111l~.11 lll\r. 21112 'tll17A l'l\ll Ji11rbor 1n20 "''r• 721 ii d1tlrin. Boal wv.-r 11&!11 and t1'11· -------------- !"T. Ownn l"11~n.: fr Wiii tAke l S.S.-DoJtA, Cat&. Prt4 ""llt of!~r. Har. 502 d11y1. Hu.1 ---------------------f :?Jl)G R tvtl. 62tfC' I DACH f:H t ·:-;n Pllfll•lf'J :\rit r i-i:· I btt>rert. but i: ind brtr•I LI It 11- H ARCO •o. FuL Radio. n\ll() pl· 110:,4, ;:,ri7 Jot. ele<:. nnJ(• lit rt'fr1 t $16.· - 000 Ste At HarKh't &aeon 1TOY l'l'dll(rr11 l',.k,.n•11e 1:1:,. M ur. •,n Mr.. T n A I c1•n'1111."n thr<• uut. rarliu A 1 .. n nr11 u co v"r. 11.11vo' F. ,~,...,..,,.,,, 1..1111 .. , r.1Ht1~n Gr•1•~ l.f:h11:h 1l-'.:1k!l 't:">r ·~ 11141 lfl"l •!'IO;'>: ~·1v~r II l'O\lpe. 411 t n1;int ~ ... to •111•r•r-11\te S 12' Pa int in g, Decorating Pape,r Ha.nginc GEO. BURKHARDT Bookkeeping 1"t!e New._Ptl'• rubll,hu WV· A'T'Tf::\IJOX: Call Ll 11·7819. 77c79 1 r::oixs cond1Uon. 2 dblt. bed.11o1.'llh -•J!T1n'1' It m a t~-. Cu Stn\·~ LlCE:'\Sf:() ru l nlate aalr.rman 120 39th ~t. N4!Wf!Ort Btarh f.Alldlnr . 1301 C,,..t Hwy , :'\R I l>hY, 712 f"~_ml~at, Coron" 11 .. 1 -· -~ ~l11r. 1!11r :1 o1 1 '71\• 7' ' LICE.'jS.F;O C01'"TR.ACTOR 87t! W, 18th St , Cooa Mt• •Liberty 8·8623 t r.111 llm<'I a• m11n'· rrlll t •:&lt l'IA~•lf11'(1 Ail• M e ll Nhrr IOC'nl H ARBOR 1616 I Contrarton . Storektt~rl :\t't>d eomtane to ~U•ve you of thou monthly bookJcffplrtl' wor- r1H ~ A• •bout our reaaonablt ratu. Har. •&M-J 70c82 or brok"r "ho 11 !a.mlha.r with I i ip the ~a and not alnt.ld lo work. BAY ... BF:ACH REALTY 1 3112 La.tayrlt ... ~'wport ff&. 3643 7ici't WASH ER. W hlrlJl'IOI elt>etrlr Aplrnd1d con1llttnn. <"h'•P· 2:17{1 \\'Ulo Lant, Coat.a Mfh.. 77p h l l-• t Ill CAB!:\" ty-pe ftahinr txi.t o~w dlelll'I ~ng ~1;f111ble f fJr s:h11rtn pa.rtll'I. $1\500. Kim. 2.34:14 ' ' t 7:W-An -------------ParaJtct>ta -Cheap! (Jf'A l.J~S .ft :\111 ,.\fAC~~ •24 Ra n H"rnl\r'11n11. :-1•' II'• r.ltw-r1y 11-:19611. 7'7r71l ----ft; l.ATF: ·~.~ =-: x1., m antt ., ,. ,,,, 1 • r \t1h •ll'" l fl '• .1 1~"·· t'•'" \', :Ztilh St. C'1• '" t.f ,.,,, I.lb ll-:i:,117 7"1• 77 J t --·-·-~!'.JJ.f~. ~ RoOAU !~"...~!'t _ ~~-:-_A_J!.t~:. ~ ~O_!I~ !'!~ ~t'-".!. ..f9-Room11 for ~at 55-Mooel to Lou • 57-R~ E8tatf' Wa __ n• ... ~-- G. M. C . TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ·~ GMC ~ T. PICKUP 'llO CJD:VROLET 'ti T. PANEL '61 CHEV. ·~ T. PICKUP '62 P.'"l'. ~ T. PlCKUP '62 CHEVROLET \> T. PAN"EL '63 GMC ~ T . PICKUP HYDRA· M A TlC TRAN8, '112 CHEVROLET l T. PANEL '&! DODGE 1 T. DCAl.8 'Il l FORD 2 T. lZ' BODY, 2 , SPE~O. 8 :2:1 Tl'R.F.S Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS DeligbUul living, Apt.~banu. Utilitiea paid. with Yacht slip accornodaliona. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt~ or re8Crvation, Call Har. 2992. 34lfc 48-A-Apts. for Rent '02 CHEVROLET 2 T. 178" 2 SPEED, 8·2ll TIRES Rentals Want-ed BALBOA ISLAND • We nud •Pl• and bousea tn a.II eecUon.1 !or bOlh winter and I MOTEL APTS. 'U DODGE 2 T . YD. DUMP. 8 :25 T ffiES, % SPEED '62 GMC 10 V\"REEU'!R DUMP, t:OO~. ,. year'a leu~. Furn. or unfurn. Tak1ryi: re11ervallon1 day. week, or U you bav• a vacancy, month, 324 Manne Av•. Hu·. phone tod~y ri<l85. 7lp84 Balboa Furn. Apts. DAY -WE1':K -MO;>..'TH HC'&rl The Vogel Co. S201 W. Cat. Hwy .. ' Newport Bcb. ROoM w1lh pnV11le bath A •n· LOANS f H SELL YOUR PROPERTY! ! tr&l\c~. S~O mo. Lib. 11·~098 ·• ; or omes We btlleve the qulck••t way to ___________ 1_11c_._11 G~ -IO rr. Lo&M N il YOW' property la through TWO room• tt.>r working men. Hot Q tr t" l our ··open H.>UN Sy1um". "'' a. cold water. prtvat• ahower. ons UC ton Oans wm be rla.cs to ~t • help ,:so ptr month. Toe ~le, SEil BOB 84'M"l..lm you .. tablillh a corNCt aelltng ~orona del Mar. T4p78 lell l!A.ST CO.AST BLVD. prla.. Call now tor lntonn.aUon, -------------1Corona del Mu Harbor 3881 no obllp Uon. ROOM tor ''o.rldng aian..Jlol and Rep. PODUJ:R M-ORTGAG!l co. JAMES.-VICK, ltea.ltora cold water In room. Pvt. en· Meuo Ute lna. Fund• Kl. 3·tll~ Harbor 20(2. 76c88R trance $8 per week. 123-28th St '81Jo Newport. ppllc NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee U DO OF°FICE: SPACE -Will SALES -REFlNANCE aublel 11pace IUJt.able tor attor· CO!'\STRUCTION neya, eng1nters. t tc. ApproK. Call ror Free t0x3o In ahopplllg ana on Via Fast Commitm<!nts U do. Call Don Col• a!ternoona . only~ Har. te:>O. ~91Jc on Ru1Jencea and Unlu only M9dern Store Don I. Huddleston FOR RE:>:T, $715 ~r mo. Parking I 173 E. 17th St. fadltt1 i--l!, torced air heat. 1wt· COSTA lli!ESA j~'?!:!~M:~~! .. ~~j~. tllon, otr Hurbor Blvd., Co11tl\ M c&R. 7t>p88h F or Sale Sacr ifice! ="'\'WJ)Clrl Bra<"h Trlplex a.nd OU· pll•X, 51<1,000 -Jt9.~00, Term•. By owner. Call Ll~r1y 8·1409. il Uc ahlc. msuu.nce, real Mtate, ... ,u • • 8·"""•t LI 8 ~"2 8 " MO ..... ~ ·6Sv 60·A--Commerc1•1 Industrial etr. lnqulre 408 E . Balboa lilvd. -----------------~-·--·- Hubor 20il) 69tlc REAL ~TATE LOANS DOW NTO\\':-.: COSTA MESA We have ovu 30 unit. to chooae from, p4ckuJl9. panele. 1 t&kt1 and dumpe. Our prlcea an<\ tenn11 c-.n not be heat. \\'e ca rry our own contract•, Pbone Liberty s-:Hlll 208 MAr1ne, Balboa lal•nd Phone Harbor 444 of town. •., bl()(l.k to bay. l F L blOc'k to ocr11n & plt'r, or ease- Interest Rate 5-!'W::o/o I <"·2. ~ox t711 \nth good ln· Loan• quickly rnado In lhti Bay romti $:.1:?,i:m: $7:iOO •lown W.W. WOODS OM<' DEALER 1115·19 E . '°' St. Santa Ana Open Sun4-y a.m. Truck beadquarttt9 for Orange Co. 77c78 196• SUN VALLEY J.fERCURY, 2667 E . Coast Hy., Corona del Mu Phone Harbor 1741 Lido Otflce, 841G Via Udo Harbor 4911 32tfc MlODLE ACED lady wana 1maJJ cottage close In Newport :-:~ pell, c:an pay to S46, mo .. yrly. Good rer. Har. 2313. 77c a ll power equlpmm t. tenn1. Call 4S-Apt& & BoUM1l for Rent owner, LJ l-3&e3 or LI 1 -3223. ----=-----------ll6t!c 1948 OLDSt.IOBJLE 98 tour dr. aPdan, radio. huter. ltydrom11tlc. }Clnt. condition. Price 1390 - F'OR. REN'T 0::-i LIDO 3 BDRJ.lS., 2 batM. Comer lot. t'n· tuml11hM. Ytarly leue $176 ~·r month. Harbor 2498. 7ic79 & BDIL'<lS .. 2 bath.a. fUrniahf'fl For 41-Aut.o Service Motor Overhaul Augult or on a yMrly leue. BACHELOR APT. Near Llflo.- S76.00 per mo. on leMe. 917 F.. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 11:.w.J STUltE H 'x36', auJL tor profes· 1::1 88 111onlll, beauty •hop, real eetate, -CO_M_F_OR_T_AB_LE_B_E_AC_H_APT_S., XLNT. LOCATION tumls}1('Cf. Summrr a te S85 wk. 3~14 W. Ocean Front, H11rhor .SI';'-~{. 72p77 SUMMER Rentals O.•luxe furn. apt. A room• Day, week or month Ideal location -a few -1.ep1 to everything. tO• !:. Bay, &lboa. Har. 63H l7l!c FUR;'\". APT. Clean. Sleep1 r> com· fortably. Day, week or monlh. Reuonabl•. 305 Und 8t., :'\flt Har. 3879. 7:'lp77 1 BDRM. turn. upper apt. summer or yrly. Reuonable. Near bf'ach. Corona <!el.Mar. Har. 3326 E \'M. 76c78 DOWNTOWN Coeta MHL Harbor :?OOe-w. 118tfc 2 STORC:S or offices. One 28x30, one J2x26. Low ?"ent. Suitable for retail bWllMM or office. f>07 E . BalboL J . ~nt.ley. Har. 3Me. 75c77 OFFICl!l FOR RE1'"T C1\'1<' Center LocaUnn, 2t'xU'. C~L\RLES E. HART, Realtor 3t20 W. Palboa Blvd., NpL Bch. 77c9' 63·A-Buslne58 Rentals LEASE FfNE LOCATION Jn Corona :!el d Co S <! c;.::, 10!1 x9~', C'1>m1·r. $60.000. Area an •ta t.fen. ingle or Jli,500 dnwn. muJUple unlta. New or old. Be wt• and ... by re·tln&nclng C RF:F:NLF.AF SEVERTS Rt:AL- your pre11C11t loan. Minimum U · 7:Y. rNC'. 3112 Newl)Ort lJlvlf • peiae. No charge for preltml· l'\t>wport. Har. 2:>~2. Eves. Llb nary apprailal. Phone Santa 8•3186 Ana Kimberly 3-693:1 or WTite ARTHUR A. MAY 61 -Rf'a.I F.t11tatf' Exch~ge Mortgage Loan Correspondent Occidental Llt• In.wrance Co. 933 South Maln Banta A.na . pp WOUt.D like t.o buy l•t a.nd :.Ind TM.Lit Deed~ Call Ha r. 2326 •8tlc 57-Real Est.ate Wanted WANT to buy from. owner: Good 2 bdrm. home H !!l of ("nsta Mesa. Around $12,000. Writ~ Box 0-4. thl1 paper. i6p78 OWNER Will Trade Equi ty Jn 3 Inti with 12 rental units tor 111ngle residence~. clear nr not. Units ran ht-dlvldt'd A tratlNI •"11arul<'ly. Tra1!e for nwney. marble•. or chalk! TRADE NOW, -Collect Suntmer Rentals! J. BE1'Tl.EY. !'!07 E. Balboa, Ba.lbo1.. Hl\rb. 31i06. 7:'lc77 NO MONEY DOWN ' BDRMS., furnished tor August. 1eoo per month. OCEAN FRONT a tt.racUve new '.! Mar, Complttely equipped tor-------------~-----------­* with this ad * 6 Cyls. . ................. _.MS.88 8 Cyls. . ................... -S58.88 Inc hi1lt ii both IRbOr end J>l\J'll. X•·W rtn.,.... W!l~t rum1. vahre i;:rln!l, Clttlngs ut mRln anti rod b<>arlni;~. F:llprrt rnolnr tune up, rm •• t11y fJr ~ ()()() nulr g\l&rantee. (N O !'>10 :->EY DOW~l. RERU!t;T ENGINES -.n• to 16 MONTHS 'IO PAY- Bu1lt In our own fartory by l!~IJled mat'htnl•lll. Don't contt>nd with th1' mt•l!ll(' 11rn11 Buy d11 ect. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORO . .. ........... $129.50 Clll::\'ftC>l.F.T . I ...... _ ... JHli.~ l'LDl. & OOOOE:. ···--·· .. -Sl~ C llH\'S. & fJfo~ SOTO ... ___ S170 STt"l •l:B.\1'J·:H ............. S170 Ol.llS & J 'O~'l'lAC 6 -····-J l iO 01 "ICK ...... -··-·-....... -... -$17~ HUD.SON ·---fJTa Lonn c·11r Frl'e T owing .~I·:\\' <.:AH G C:AHA:\'TEE t;J ... k nrn~t n11••·t our standards I' illll l>l.>t••fl, gaskl"ll and 011 Op1·n ~1111•l>1y HJ am. tu 2 p.m. BELLES--ENGINE o,.. 11 1~~.~~l~D~~eSBondeu I N E\V LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. :-;,\:'\: l'A ,\:-.-i\ ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners WIC ALSO have 2 bdrm a pla. IU\d Water front.,, BAY & REACH REALTY U DO JSLI-.: 3112 Lalayette, Newport, Ha. 36•3 Ha. 2999 E\'e11. Mnn. unfum. apt. Lovely oc••an view. tor lease yrly. PAUL C. JOl\"'BS, Real Estate, H11r. 231.l. 77r BACHELOR Apt., new, attr&ell\'4>, $10 \ncluc.hng Ulll. C•>rona d• I ""''RN • ..... h d j Mar. Har. 3~94 ell.er 5. i iC'79 r u . " uvnn. Oll&e 11.11 tum . 3 bdrm. apt. H 17 W. Balboa BALBOA ISL.A.ND. Loolung Cor a Blv•J., ~ewport Beach. 77p78 be11utituny !um . l txlm1. apt'! I Avail. now, garb. dlep. Yrly $!10. ROOMS. COTTAGES. APTS. I H11rbor 24'12. 77..:79 DAY OR WEEK ATTRACTIVE ocean ''tew 1 bdrm. THE BLUV. TOP MOTEL. 403 Newport Blvd., juat above The Arches. T4tfc BALBOA ISLAND a.pt .. p&rUally tum. Suitable for t'Ouple, S7~ mo. yrly. We11t 111<10 of Coel& Ml'llL Call 9 to :>, Hnr. M. 77ci9 48-B-llo~ for Rent Unf\lm. ytl)'. rental. 2 1tory 'VACATIONERS home In choice lOC'atJon. c)o.1e tol WE HAVE 1 t t . n1 bay, 3 bdrm11., a bath• plu1 den a var e Y 0 new · ce· It lanlJ 1185 per mo Jy turn. rent.all av&Ullble 1n · ' N.wport A ucuna. '30. wk.. 6 W, W. SA.NroRD, naltor up. Jnqulr• 304·32nd at.. Npt. It As~Latf'S P h H 26 ·-Park A: Marine. HAr. 2'162 1>ne arbor 12 · 1 .pfJtJh .741fc HALl30 A Rayahorea -2 b<lnn. -Cb--.------0---tal--nlodPm furn. bou3e. By wt•t>lc 01ce Summer ~n s on until Sept. 16. AIJIO avallablt Ba.lboa lilland & Lido h1le wtnter. 2612 Crutvlew Dm·p Small tft cozy or 1&rie A: dtluu 76pi8 S7:> to $300 month SHORECLJFFS -Waterfront. 1 VOGEL CO. I Alory. 4 bdnn., ' bath, eervanll 208 Marlne An~ Balboa Ial&nd qtn. Sep. tl1n1ng rm. a ear gar· Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor 215t ~ge. A.va1lable Aug. I. Alter Res, Har. l 786-R or Har. 30:,0-llt Sl'pt. lJ wintt'r INl.se. Sllown by flHt apnt. Courtesy to bt-okeni. Har· -------------c bur H 85. i6p81 DO COME Dc,lrnbltJ 11\lnlllll'r rentRls still av111lablt. By week, month or COAST PROPERTIES WA TERFRO.!'\T, Ne~rport. furn. 3 txlrtn. & d('n. 2 batrui. Ko linens or dl-;hu. Sl65 mo. on yrs. lt'a . ._-, A\'atlable St'pt. l. Harb. 35-W·R. i Gt!c Rioh H ahn's Garage Aulhut izcJ Par~ & Senlc• 301 E . lialbt1a Bh·d, Balb<•a al/lo G•JOO Tra.nsportalJon Har. 2668. 2697 & i 600 i I t!c NEAR BALBOA COVE S. Brand nl'w 2 bdrm . turn. home, fire· pln<'4', \\'. W carpet, <lispoiooJ. A \'&llahl• for aumD1er 4091-, 38U1 St., Newport bla nd. Cara F~r 61\le • RENT AL v' Auto Radio Repair SPECIALISTS 2 HUR~t furn. hOUN -.t09 38th 409 E. 29th St. 1'\rwport Bt 11ch. H11r. 472~. 35t1c SPECIAL Ut;RJNG JULY Foreign auto valve grind by expert mechanics 4 •'\' l.. ub vaJve engine $22 50, 11\hor rlu1 paru. i CYl-tint bead f't'lgtn• S28 110, labor plua parta. 6 CYL.. ob valve .nf1n•. Sl6 bO, IRl>or plua p11..rt1. Call Edna Cra.l& Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Manne Avt. liaJboa lalanJ, Har. 1671 7Zttc BALBOA I SLA."'l> RE:>:TAL - SL .. Xewport. i 2p84 SHOllE: CLIFFS prlvato 2 b<trm. turn. honi. S22~ per monLh. yrly. lcl\11e Or will 5•·11, S29.!l!'IO. un· tum . Call Owner, H11r, 3209·R. 5!1l!r Charming houae. 2 bdrms . •'·;ul. StnOtER RE;>.."TAL. LIDO JSL.K n1>w to July Hth. Well turnliohed. 3 b<lrm .. 2 bath home. A\'all. ~arbRg• ctl~posa.I. FlrepL H l'l\· 1 AUJtUSt to So:>pt. ]!',, Aft.er S('pl. •onable. lia r 2S6t"·W. 6!1l!c la yearly. Harbor 02Hi·J. 76c78 4K-A-Aptfl. for Rent ll:'\1-T R-:\ 2 BDRM. HOME. w to ----------W carp• t. Brl'ut1tul yard, plU lo, RBFl="ED t:rntl1·ma11 will 11hare fireplace. ~ar SIW month. nice furn apt. In tine IO<'"tlon L &::P. d,.n with firepl!lce .. b&t h nr. Lido shops. S70 mo. 1 s.·1;-, l'I\ l Liberty 8·6i50 A.Her 6. H ct.2 6()0l~ t'Jubh.oUJ!e. C'or. Short up· 11ta1r1. Mr. (')ennr· RHl'r 5 pm. ~·e<-kd11y ... au day wri>k·enol.:1. 7611ii Summer Rentals SlTl'>fMEtt RE:-.:TAL--Furn. homi> 11leepa • for July1&: Sept. 1 lo i :-i 11lllo ~,nl('r rescrvl\tlon11. i21 ', I'urpy. Oorona dC'I M3r. Hnr. 06:1~-M 66Uc \"l)LKSW AGO~. S2 60 • Exclusive Bay Fronts FOR LEASE TWO BEA\JTU.'UL new lrvlne 111.l>or rtua pert•. .l. We Feature SUDDEN Service! other choice pJ'.'Opertirs Harbor Island, Bay Shores. Bea· H k I con Bay, qull.llrted ctil'nla only. aus en Motors Inc, Harbor Investment Co. 1932 Hartlor Blvd .. eo.ta Me11& Harbor HIOO (Evu . J.t 8·53861 LI 8-60!\1-LI 11-~81 HcU 27trc *PAN-AMERICAN* Paramount-Terry '~6 -~6' 1-....,__ I bdrra. - A BUY. '116-18' Terry-IOPllClAL • ~l-27' Mobil+-hnd.m-k~ MA.KT MOU -EUf Terme P ort Ora..nie Trailer S.kw 2200 W. Cout Hlgh•·ay • Ptloae UbertJ 1-H 20 l"fewpon S...C!i 72c84h 19~ J.CA\'n.QW&R. Compl!'tr b.\l h. t Bollvu 8 t 111. bt>11ut1f\1l L ido f'ark. ~1r• cl• an lot t '' cabAnL CMh ~ t•nn1_ i!\U BAY VIEW APT. on Lido Penln· ~ula. ;o.;ew It attral'll\'e panelled U\1nlt room. 2 bUnna. For yearly IM.tll!l P'1. HM . 27!H or R11 r BO 11:1lfc NO. II BEACON BAT -Swnmer rent.al. Spaclou.e fum. 1pt .. aleepa •. O\'erlookln& be.y. Jun• l llth- ~epL l~lh., S~. month. A I.SO .. 111 tll.k" reaervaUon for ""·lntw. Har. 2.4'7\. counu y to aC911tL 43t!C \"ou are mo1t llk•IY to nnd a buyer tllro114rh the newapapu Whlctl peopl• rud for cluslfted •d,·N'tl•1nr - The New ... Pre11 HaMx>r Jett Terrace unfurn. view bomea. 3 HDRMS .. J b&lha &I.Id 2 BEDRMS .. 2 batha. Call HubOr 177:> or Harbor H •8. EARL W. STANLEY, Re&.ltor Irvin• Tern.co Ortke Corona del J.tar. 33Uc UNlf'URX. 3 bdnn. vC4'1lll V1•W home, Yrly. IMM. •60 Blura DMve, Curooa Hlihlaml i:.cii 4 'l"I'RA CTIVE untum. · 2 bedroom houae. Elnclo.Rd PaUo, garqt> $110 t.ncl~ uut.. Corona dt!l Mar. H u . 3 .. 94 a.ft.er II. 77c79 CORONA DEL MAR: Nloel)' turn. 2 bedroom. $1211 mo. oa t.ue. AJull& Rd~ rieq. ll&r'bor '"61 aftw II : IO. it' o7 II y m4RL T R.llM'J' Al.A: 2 bed! oom. ,....,.. mochna f\&rn. lahtd apt-. "utoma.Uo wut.er, 20. 't '2nd. Newport. A.LSO 1 be<lnn. unturnl.aMd ~. t.hJ'ff doota from cut.er~ dJ«rtct. fJlt Goldenrod, Conlll• dfll(Mar, Phone for a ppt. to abow Liberty l-1ll07 o. call at 201 Sant& Ana 4Ye.., Nlll. 8Mch. 77p711 baking or dtllcateuf'n. Phone Harbor 426:1 tor a pp't. ll~tlc P \'Ml·BLOCK garagu bldg. In DE SIRABLE loca. Npt. Bch "ILh S2~00 f ront end al1gnmt nt mach., twin post hoist•. tl.11 ateel nl'W ben1•hra. Rea.itonabl• rent. Lib. 8-6~(}\. 76c78 i.u;sK SPACE with phone eervlce. S:IO month. {;{l7 E . Balboa, Bal· be.I(\. Phone answering 11t rv1ce aJ. "° ava.llable.. J . Bentley, Harbor 36<le. TtkTT New Store Bldg. tor le~. 3.5 ynr., 16ic~ tt. park· ahopplng areL Ing apace.. Major art.uy. Ill Udo BLANCHE GATES R ealtor 311 Marine Aw .• Balboa lal.Mld Barbor 11171 tattc SHOP SPACE and power t.oola for le&H. Cen· t rli.I loc:11l1on. l:.°"<c~puonal oppor- t un11 y, for ca lllnel A woo<! work· Ing buslneu. 1111.rb<>r 39'ir>. 77c78 LEASE FD>E LOCATIO:S 1Jl Corona del Mar. Completely equipped> for ba king or dellcatl.'1111,.n. Phone Ha r bor 4263 tor 11pp'L 66ttc F ORCED TO SELL Thnv1ng houseclean111g b1111ln<'M. Opportul\lty to ma.ke good mon- "Y tor ni;lll party. l\IBke ofCer tu Box H -P6. thi.., paper. 7Jttc Service Station 8 pumps ln\'('ntory only. 127~. Harbc>r 1633, Wtlc Acll\'t' ASSOCIATE or nol '• lntere1<t open ln new c-ompMy lNVEST:>IBNT F\;LLY S ECURED ThlJI Ill abl!ohttely non-compeUUw , s11J "111 1111\/UJ r1~d tnvesuga· lion. l'nn~'l•t\.111 are vi:ry exper- ienced In 6 11 phases ot lhi.!I bUlt· neM. Thf'l'e Is no limit to eKpa.11· slol'I. l•rJ;,unz.ntion L'I crunplf'ltc with tUl 1wcesi1ary (1U"IUl1c1 A ('•11111111•• nL l'<•rso11 "4.'lcctetl must bo r1t11y t o l!'t't aJon~ "1th. Ex· 111•rlrn1-e not I • qu1reil. Thia op- portunity open lo either man or """man. Salary 1( e d 1vti. This 111 a vrry Int• 1\l1tm~. ~nJOY3blt vo- 01llull S3~100 to S~1000 reqwred, yuu w1U retain n i:ht to control cap1l.i.I. Thi., may wry wl'IJ be tho ln.~t at.I you e\•er ne<'d ans· wer. No cuno111ty ll('•'krra pleR.c~. Writ• .a.,x J'.,., for pf'r.tiona.1 ap- pololmenL i7c79 55--!!~~:_~-~~~~---~-­ Quick Cash Loans on furniture. auto. salary. $~. to S750. or more. One day service Apphcallon may be ma1lll In per· ion, by phon• or by m11 11. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 18WI Ha rbor Blvtl., Costa Mesa W 8· 7t"!H -Open FMdl\)'1 Ull t Clo~ Saturday._ O tte LO.A.NS TO Sta.W.1. DCPROVJ: 8 UY, MOOER.NJ.2,E, ~ IUlnN ANCZ We Buy Trust ~ 0 11VPORT BALBOA SAvpifCM 6 LOAN A8SOCI.A110 N .... "'-Udl), ~ .... -Ull -Cl....USed Ad8 an na4 by-fODta Who ..... "aUJ ioot191f to b1r7. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Beer and Restaurant shows S,1500 mo Good steady clientele -Hwy. location. LC"asc 0£ SJ75 mo. incl. 5 rm. apt. with ocean view. As king $6500 for fixtures & equipment. T railer Sales & Service -a money maker with in· creasing potential. $150 mo. lease in good location. Asking $13.000. Drive-In Restaurant -attractively designed & equipped. Shows $55,000 gross. Lease S150 mo. Owner says to sacrifice Tor $8750. For these and others t!ce-- THE VOGEL CO. 3201 We«t Coast Highway, Newport Beach Libert)' 8-MSl -Evea Llberty 8-~ ASSOCIATE ACTIVE OR NOT young National Corporatoion with terrific success background bas o~n ing for one individual capable of inn~stln~ ~tn.ooo cash. Retiring partner responsible for this opportunity. lf acti\'e, starting salary will bc $5200 pc•r year plus regular t.l ffident.ls. Party select('d should eas· ily nE>t ovcr $25,000 first year. Must furnis h good charactC'r & credit refr rcnees & be easy to get alo~ with. F or personal 1ttten ·1ew, write Box Q·6, care this newRpaper. ln('lude phone number & brief rcRume. All replies strictly confidrntial. 77c79 6Z-Rea.I Estate 62-Real E8tat.e BALBOA ISLAND • ••• ONLY ~5000 DOWN • • I " I • • Two bdrm. house, large living room. fireplace and sunny patio. Compl<'tely private 1 bdrm. apt. over 2 car garage. Excellent location. both unit~ complctl'ly furnis hed. Full Price , 22,500 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Associates P ark at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 62-Rn l E!itate ----2 OF TIIB CHOICEST LOTS left on Lltlo. 40 ft un Gl'nCIR &. ~11 tt. R-:1 on Ltrlo Sou1I Call )tr-. t'AJ1th AhreM, Hnr. Ot!t l or \\'rill' l 16 \·la Stu1 Remo. 73rR7 4 L(JT COR:-.: ER hom.-ho!! 2 b<>cl· rm11 . J 2x2<& cl!'n. 16x3 l 1.. R. 12icl3' entrv & 10x30 IRnai. n«"W· Jy built 1-~lnrly ltrn•IAC'llperl .:11r· <ltn1 and (l\lTlll\· <1rrh11r•I 2 f1r <'pl acc• .l FA: ht>at. Fen<'cd f'r.·pl'rty ('Rn be built up with 3 rentAlll without 11ru1hng pn· Y'lt \' S3~1 0110 U>on <0mm1tt· mf'nt $1~• 000 Ov.'Tler, M v~r· t rH'I'. 4 20 Gflltl.-nt <>d. Coronl\ del Mar. HM. 208J·R t"l c84 ~fC'lDER.'lll 3 b(lltfOl'm l "' bl\lll, H80 11q. rt l i., yr. old. OPEN F OR INSPt::CT10~ SAT. A st·~. AJo"TER.....,00:-J 601 Fullerton Av• .• Xpt. Hlll 7•ttc -$7,950. New I bdrm , b-..·d floon. 2'3 Avocado, ~ta MN1a.1 Ph .n~ G2-Rf'al t:l>tat.- ------~~----~ South Laguna lot 60'lll20', ocean •Ide of Highway, Zllnl' ~-t S2.000 <town. !-;ale by ownrr. Hl\rllor 697 ·J th11ly att rr I J' 111. i:!p'l<I Commrc'I bayfront AT'PROX. 7~ fl . Includes m.irine ways, 00ai shr..p, montinJi'I. E'<· relh•nt Ne!wPort locgtlon. S65 000 -full prll"I' Write OY.'lltt, I'. 0 . Box t l7, Biii· boll., Chlit. ..,, 72p8-t ; LIDO ISLE 35 FT. LOT, PJUCE . $10.500 ALSO comfort.abh1 l bdrm. hom ... fireplace. lnrl. carpel.I A dr:il>f's Oii St. to St. lot. 120.!\00, tennl'. Phone 0,_,,'11~. Harbot 4\23. 711p79 C-1 Property Llberty 8-7807. i2llc .t.T CORN~ ot. 19Ut Mld p~ ~ clu)Nn. 2 ai.dn:na. Meh. J'lnpl&ce. Dbl ..,...,... Good location, eut side COtfta K-. 117 .000. LI 8-T21l LIDO, 12' Vla o.noa. MW • bdrm. C«llJ&, WI UI 2 bednn. hoUH a.nd small 9UJN . , SUBXIT .-..i..., Oll1 Liberty 8-l&tl aouo C-1 Zone 2 baU! borne,, Electric •love A: 2 8l:DIUf.. old• IMluM., r.tt 11th ~ !&rs-. kit. a.artnoe. Owner I t., Con& JrUa. o.n owntt, u ll&r, ISM. '\ 'fTc7t M 798. 16c'flh ~--------------------------------------~r-----------=------------------~----------~ . , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAM I WEDNESDAY, JULY ll, 1955 Balboa Island -VOGEL VALUES ,A I'll BE LOVING YOU-ALWAYS- That i• what BEACH HOMES are u yin1t to Lota Of people. Be aure, come in. and inveeti~te our wide eelection. Chooee the atta that • B8t,. AJI T M r Around. Average pricl"B range $15,7:>0. $17,000. $17,950. ~18.7:>0. $23.000. $27,500. $28,500. ,39,000. $53,500. We <'an usually arrange tenna to suit. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Manne Ave., Balboa laland NEXT TO THE Poet Ofti~ LIDO ISLE NEWPORT BEACH INCOME 3 BDRMS. 2 bath.a. aa tt. lot. ,.._. HERE IS one ot the be1t paytnr Uy home. H.x26 Uvtng room wtt.b u tra large patio, 2080 ~ ,_, $29,&00 , • p1ec:ea ot lncome property here. lt• on BAiboa Bh·d. and all fr«"~hly dtl"orattd. Rf'a11y f or u,, anmmer bu.lneea. •~lnfle Apt.I. 6-Double Apt.. 2-Single Rooma 9 <iarl\ge Spare• RERE 18 ANOTHER I BDRJI.. 2 bath Prov1nr111..I ty~ on coma, quiet 1tttet-ilu ct1i9poea.1. d18b· wuher, Cll.TJ'9la A dl"ar---• of lh• nlolr ~ too 11t9 .!Oler. ,,, LET US SHOW THl8 TO YOU S94,500 w1th term. IUBT l..ISTED 00 ft. oona• lot. --uent 1trMt. ALSO -On Udo Lale we ha ve a.n a pt. hol1se "Ith - 4-Rln~lt Apl.11 l Un11blo Apt. w1th F .P . CH.AR.MINO 2 bdrm. boGM fllle4 w1Ui rare ~alhlUtl-rt'adJ ftW the rtght family to occupy - oveniiud patio wondtrf'Ul fw chlldr!'n and aduJt entertatnt.nr- nlcely fllrnl1h~. On 411 too( )Ci\ SMl :'IOO ONL T •Z2.151\0. BAY & BEACH -Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport. Har. 3643-Hu. 2999 ~ CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INCOME -t tumtahed wllt.a; 1 bdrm. each . No vacanciea in over a year. Rent ia S65 ea.ch. Groaa S2760. Clean propert7. $6000 t.aluw. Reduced to $19,950. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Prl\'&te p&thwa.7 to little Corona beach, $25,500. LUXURIOUS ~ bedroom ~ew home. Luah troploal patio and yard. $15.000 down SEF. US for BEACON BAY and BAYS HORES propertlea. Har. 17'15 -Eves. EdJth Maroon, HYatt .._6222 John Macnab, Harbor M:591 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Mnrine A\'c., Balboa laland 75c7' BALBOA ISLAND SF:E WHAT WE FOUND! 2 bdrm. DOLL HOUSE Cl)mp'J furn. Beaut. )'lalio. strp to Ilny. YOU'LL LO\'P. JT! $22.500. G()(ld TC'nns. CORONA DEL MAR •WANT A BARGAIN ? Lovely 2 bdrm. CU~TOM blt.. hnme. Lgc. Ii\'. rm .. huge frpl. ,.,_ A. heat, dining room. closC'tR g~lore. br:rnt. puliri. O\\'NF:R BEfNG TRANSFERRl'.;b -ANXJOL'S. ~I ,1)00. Xlnt. terms if desir<'d. -' ~ 4 NELDA GIBSON, 306 Manne Ave., Balboa lslanu. Realtor llarbf•r 502 Open House-Sun., July 17th-1-5 only 2216 Pacific Drive, Corona del Mar MAKE THIS ONE YOUR PF:NTHOU~F. TN THE ~KY -- This home actually affords the most out11tanding ,;ew in the entire Harbor area. and today you can buy 1t fu r lt'SS than actual cost. l.l"t us show you t hi~ Jur~c 3 bdrm nC"ar new hnnw and you'll ag-rce thnt it <·11nn11t be duplicatPd for t he as kmg prirc of .. t ~·1~,000. THE VOGEL CO. 32111 We11t Coa11t Hwy., Npt. Heh. JJ 8-3181 NEWPORT HTS.-COST A MESA BRAND l't"EW 1,..bdnns. 2 bath home. W to W ca,.. pet. Thie home hllB everything. l mmMUnte. P~ s1C1n. $12.600 Terms. -Can be Ret:n anytune. 336 Ramona Place or call Llb4.t1y 8-7976. WHERE A LOT BUY.S A LOT ~ccms ltke only yeeterday ~~~ a little woul1bbuy a lot, but we Just can't hardly get them Y t·lrti-rdaya no more. We have a couple of lolR hl<irlcn 11way at todays prlcet. better ~ thc-rn. mf~ht be j wit what you want. But don't wa.i t for T r1mnrrow , To- morrow, NO lot.Ii at any prlcio R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodge, A&liO{;lale 3822 E. ~Hwy .. Corona deJ Mar. -· , I •. r · ' , I ' n-a.s f'Ata~ C-Real !'At.at. 'A6E, -,ART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PREss Houston Values ------~-~----WEONESDA Y, JULY 13, 1955 , Full Price S9.100 "We're Moving Back Bay Area C-Bal FAtat. _ 12 RMI FAW9 -------·------------- BEITER ACT FAST O~ THIS BARGA1N -· . . ' - ' ........... BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND FIRST OFFERING -CHARMING 2 B. R. home with pMt room and bath. Lp. living room and din- ing room. Hwd. nn. Beautiful patio and BBQ. We have the key. $27,500. BAY VIEW BEAUTY -A comfortable yr. round home a atone'• throw from our beet beaeb. PLUS an apt. with lovely view ot the Bay. Comparatively new const. ~ht will not Jut! See it now! $42,500. -. BEACH COTTAGE -A lot ot tu.n tor a little money.St~. LIDO ISLAND LllX> U>T BARGAIN -almost 2 lota, 51! on Yella. Eut end ot Island. A buy at $15.500. WE ALSO have a. beautiful at.reet to street lot, a atone'• throw from Lido Clubhouee. SHORECLIFFS PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP! Outstanding 4 B.R., 3 bath home with privilege of buying a.n adjoining large .Sfl'f lot at a reuonable price. One of the few left. Let'• diecuea it H2,500. ASK TO SEE OUR COLONIAL "SHOW PLACE" buUt on 2 loll, beautifully la.ndacaped and tailored for gra.cioua living. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor .. MEMBERS OF llULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 .. C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS BAYSHORES Open Daily 1 to 5 2471 Bayshore Drive MOVE right into thht aparkling brand new 3 bdrm. 2 bath b orne on BA YSHORE DRIVE with excellent unobstructed view of bay. PRICED at $29. 750 with LOW down payment. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUN. 1-5 2580 Crestview Dr., Bayshores DISTINCTIVE RANCH STYLE home. paneled liv. r oom, entry ball, raised hearth, prize winning kit· chen, 3 lge. bedrooms, 2 tile baths, beautiful patio, w to w carpeting and parquet floors. cuatom drap· eriu, lge. cor. lot -$38,250. CORONA HIGHLANDS ~ UNUSUALLY nice 3 bdtrn. h<lllle with circular floor plan, rear liv. room, venetian blinds, hdwd. floors, fireplace, lovely patio, fenced -Excellent financing with 5 '" loan payable $8•l.50 per mo. ONI_: Y $22.500. CLIFF HAVEN 3 bedroom. 60 ft. Jot. w to w carpeting, drapes. hwd. floors, fireplace, rdwd. fence, immaculate condition, 4"c loan, good terms. ASKING PRICE $16.500 and Worth it ~ "C" T H 0 M AS , Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Lfl><>rty 8-5527 "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS ·•c·· THOMAS "C'' THOMAS v Corona del Mar Bargains 1. $1500 DOWN Prime location l blk. from ocean front. Large 2 bedrm. garage apartment, PLUS Bachelor apt. Both fully furn. Room for home on front of lot. 2. BALBOA BAY SHORES Four bednn. 2 bath home. Lge. living room, fire- place, BBQ & paved patio. 100 yards to private beach. Exclusive n!sldential area. $29,500 (inn. $10,000 down. 3. HILL & OCEAN VIEW 3 bedrm. new, corner, 2 baths, Ranch home. Beau· tiful. Exctuaive with \Ill. $28,MO. Low down. 4. REDWOOD BEACH HOME Cute, eound, clean, 2 bednn., Lge. living room, kit-' cben 6 dininr ..,.. open ooto paved patio. $)3,250 tumt.hed. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Rwy., C.Orona. deJ Mar. Har. 41 '•· ( otfiee loe&ted nat door U. C.Orona del Mar Bank) NEWPORT HEIGHTS New)f decoraMd J bdrm. home -apacloua lot -:- dt»e. carace -ra.rbap dispoea1 -220 wirinr - fenoed yard -finpl -$70 mo. paya int., prino!· pal, tu• on 4 ~ 1.t. T.D. ot $8700. Moft m now 1wttb UOOO down. THE VOGEL CO. COOD I b.r. home wllh dble. l\lr. ~f'W~crl. c:r:.:r.~o~.1 tr~p:'~ to lrv1·ne Terrace" .chool1. Room to build another • unit. Some C\lrn. Included. 4 t"o loan. A real vaJue. Ownn anx-; ;~a: .. ;:,~ ~·:urse I WELL Bulll 2 B. R. home only 13 yr1. old, AU larre ma., hw~., nr.. dble. gu. Nlcf'ly la.nd11c. • fenced. A•klng $12,000, See this. make o!ler. Eve. lnt. on llbove PETITI'E, LI 8·:1487 M-1 Site ON Placentia Ave. A beautltuJ cor. 190x200 to 20' alley. Al.lo 811'!471\ for $12.a-OO, Only 29'3 dn. llnd bat EZ. Eve. Int. Oil above LYTLE, LI 8· 21142. Houston Realty Co. A ASSOCIATES 1109 ~nter St. Co1ta Mua LI 8·8911 LI 8·7784 LIDO ISLAND BNutlful 3 bedroom home with 2 bat.h11. Fireplace, Dl1hwaaher, Garbage Dlspoeal, wired tor Ele<'lrlc Range, L&ndsca~d. Ap- prox. 2"7 year11 old. Located on Plauo Lido. Thi• I• a top quality More and more Harbor area families are inspecting these eJGquisite bomea -noting-their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more families who prefer a home in a re- stricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive in today and .ree for yourt1elf the many out- 1tanding feature. of thi1 remarkable comm.unity. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. · exquisitely furnished . by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace i8 located on Cout Highway opposite the new Irvine C.Out. C.Ountry Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we.;efer you to anyone who holds a. Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon J!ay, Bay Shores a.nd Clift Haven home. See this. ---------------------- COSTA MESA 4 Jkdroom1. 2 1>6th•, juat 8 monlha old. 1000 1q. ft. nice comer lot. Bf LL'S BEST BUYS Full price $12,9~0. Sood term.. OWNER SAYS SELL-- COSTA MESA Large 3 Bd. Rm. home on very nice atreet with a.JI improvement.I in&: pd. Carpeted L. R., D.R .. Ii H&ll. Fireplace &: loads of cloeeta ·&: paneling. Full price $12,950 with termA. $8000 buy1 a nice 2 bedroom horne, that 11 JWit 2 bloclul from the propoeed A.II American ahoppln&' center. Thl8 11 • rood home. lBe eure t.o He thll, lel"nll ean be UNDER CONSTRUCTION- &l'Tanged. Three 6 Four Bedroom homes. Garbage diapoaal.A, WI: NEED usnNos exhaust fan•. uh cabineta, two baths, large double "ART" ADAIR garages oa aome. F. P. $9375 to $10.695 -$375 REALTOR down Ir up. 1663 Newport Blvd. Coil& Meu, Ca11f. U 8-3792 REAL VALUES OWNER transferred. M~t 1ell lhl1 lovtly 3 bdrm. home. H&rd· 3 BEDROOMS -$10,750 Top location on Magnolia between Tustin Ii Irvine. IMMACULATE INSIDE & OUT. Obie. garage; Paved alley; Spa.ciou1 closets; Parquet floors; Sewe.ra. ' • wood floon1, tlle kitchen and A 2 BDRM CUTIE bath. fireplace. Beautiful land· • · •caped yard, renc:ed. Thi• Is truly Near markets, bus and school. Good terma can be a buy. Let u" 11how you thl11 to-arranged with $1750 down. day. M ake otrl'r. 3 BEDROOM home with Ulra lot 1.... tha.n 1 block to Newport Blv!J. Completely fencecs wtlh redwood fencing. Thl1 muat be teen t.o be appre<"laled. Full price $9:100. Euy tenn1. A T'TENTION ! We have cuh buyer tor 2 bed· room home Plea.se, pleu e, call u1 tr you have on". B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport Bl wl Co•la MeB& LI 8-1612 ~\"tll. LI 8·•120 INCLUDING OIL RIGH',t'S- ONE NEWLY turnl11hed llnd five unt11ml11hed will.I In HunUngton Beach. Ppty. 108x122 Go<>d Inc, FOR THE MECHANIC Auto lune·up ahop 111 Co&11tal city. Work for two m~n. Price o~n. Fitzmorris Rl'ty. Co. ReRltor~ Mul11pl1 Laattn1t Bu~1nu1 Broker 3136 £, Coa11t Hlrhway . Hu 2162 Coron1~ df'I Mar. $10,000 Full Price BEAt:TlFUL i&rage apt In CO· rona del !\tllr. Cornrr lot, 1lz.f' 30x 118. R·2 r.one. JWom for 2nd W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll Uke our friendly .ervioe" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 VOGEL VALUES NEWPORT HEIGHTS Very nice, clean, 2 bedroom home -HW floors, furnace heat, tile in k.itch. & bath, large living room, nice breakfast area, service porch, walled yard, dbl garage, 12'xl4' utility buildiog. Only $13.375 - easy tenna. COSTA MESA A real home -3 nice bedrooms, HW floors, 1unny dining area looks out on covered patio with BBQ, Tile in kitch. & bath, furnace. Nice cyclone-fenced corner lot near Country Club. Be sure & see thi• ~ only $13,000. 4r;. G. l. Loan, /"' BALBOA Lovely 4. bedroom home in choice residential area. Very expensive W /W carpeting & custom drapes throughout. Lg. kitch. with disp., dishwasher & space for auto. laundry & deep freeze. FA furnace. 2 sundecks. Locker rooms. Drying yard. One of the nicest homes in the a.rea. Low, low price of $29.~ -good t erms. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 1741. Har. 1477 unit. ---------------------- Contact Russ 'Patch KI 7-4400 or Harbor 4383 eves. & weekends 1 -With Arch Balcom & Associates 801 W. lilh St . Santa Ana $18,500 Bargain Owner Leaving State LOCA TlON. 483 Mornlnc C&n· )'Oft Road. Corona Rlghland1. Bay -Sandy Beach -Permanent View 915 V(. Bay Ave. This UNUSUALLY A'M'RACTIVE home is an out- standlng buy. There are 3 bdrms. and plenty of' baths. Nice living room, lge. dining-den, BBQ and an additional den. Western Holly Kitchen. Large planted patio. You will like the interesting c.'iecora- tions. Out of t own owner says sell. Asking$32,500. OPEN OAJLY 1·5 P .M. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 5188 Thi• price lncludu new g-u ---------------------- r&11ge. 1'efrlpra1or, wut)lnr ma- chine, w tn w ciarpel• It dra~1. Price la below rePT'Qductlon cost. Lo&n comm1Lment $12,000. 6'1. 20 yn. Ellcellf'nl ocea.n view. ExclUlll~ wtlh 0 . B. LATHROP. M86 E. OOUt lllftrway, Harb. HO, ene. oeao T6c77 NICI: I bdnll. home. l -yr. okJ, w to if" c.,,,.uitr, fenced yard. Oood eot1dltlon, 110,000. Oood twma. <>wnw, B.rtha Vin.on. ue Oott•c• Pia~ eoeta Me• TlpM PRJCl:D ro U1LL CORONA DEL MAR C·l LOT on comer. bldg. haa 2 ofricea, heart of C.Orona del Mar. priced to sell at $17.~. ----- SO. OF HWY .• R-2 lot only $4500. 3 B. R., BATH and % available on )'•f Jeue, im· mediate oocupancy. Small 2 B. R . home, ex~t coadtt.IQft, 8 yeara young, full price 112.000. G. I. Loan~ ~ TWO NEW MODmRN Trtpa.n.. RAY REALTY co 1900 Hat•• Pl~. Hpt. 8-ch. • t --~-l~J~·-~ __ H_wy_., __ N_~ __ &_~--~t_1_~ __ 1 ____ ._u_M_m_. _____ n_c_r_• __ ~~ &~~-.c.o~~~~~~ • • ___ ,.......,._ 1 YR. OLP large S bdrm. 1 •, bath Ru1tlc Sh&l<e root ranch houte on buu1ifully land9Ca~. wide lol In tX<'lua1v.-llN'& Mllny uc- lru Including built-In rllnge A oven go with lhl1 plctUl'«'.sque home 11l only $19,~ We hate lht ki'y' A Horse , A Boy A1''Q HIS DOG ... Around '~ acre, rompll'tely tenc~-corral. kc,nnels. Pl.US large rnOdem 2 bdrm &: df'n home with all lhe trtmrnlnge lnrl. wall to WllU Cllr· pelfng. mM.11111ve flreplare. fort·etl al,r-heal. a.1p. pallo -a telll Rancho for only $18,800! Hurry on thl1 Ont' Two Fireplaces IN THlS BRANO NEW 2 bdrm. and den, 2 bath home with bullt- ln kitchen. hdwd. tloor1. touch· plate drcult1 a large cWllom buHt home cloae In and PRICED RIGHT at $18,:100 wtlh excellent tenn•. $2,800 Down WlLL BUY Ulla nearly new, J bdrm .. \ 1~ bath modem home wtlh ffreplace. forced air hut. guo. d1s1x111al. bar kitchen. dbl. gar. on ~:l'x203' lot-a rt!al oa.r-gatn at ju.Rt $11,900. $2,000 Down S BDRM .. hdwd. noor1. dbl. rar .. choice neighborhood on Eutalde. Let U1 1how ;rou thru t.hl1 buy! Bay & Beach Realty 18H Newport Blvd ... Coeta MN&, C&llt. Liberty 8-lHll ICVN. LI 8-11&8 BACK BAY l b.r .. I b&lb. lllnt. Joe. 111.000. LIDO l b.r. A rumpu.e room, dbl. lot, well lllndtd, Ire. So. patJo 34.000. Waterfront, a b.r., ! b&tb Asktng . . . ~.600. I B . R. • den, S b .. lNI piu.e Ip&· LOCATED ON KINGS ROAD CLIFF HA \'EN Lovely 3 bdrm. or 2 bdrm. and den. l ~4 bJltha. wan to wall carpets & drap<>s. Lsnd1'1('SJ~ and fellced • additional area for swimming pool. Thie t. truly a top quality home in every detail. WE HA VE JUST HAD AN APPRAlSAL ON THIS HOME BY THE ORlGINAt.. BUILDER AND IT · JS PRICED BELO.W ACTUAL REPt...ACEMENT COST. OWNER SAYS SELL. D\11 now t~ full details. Bayshores -$5,000 Down ADORABLE RANCH HOUSE (Near the BaJboa Bay Club) ll 'a not very often that you get an opportlmity ~ buy a cozy little 2 bdrin. home like thia one in Bea11· tiful Baysho re&. Shake roof, large raieed hearth tu. place. lovely enclosed patio. Double ~e, *. Nt price ia only 22,500. Call tor appointment. TRY AND COMPARE THIS OHS Df CORONA DEL MAR ' We have ju.t listed an exoepUOD&lly a6ot I bdr-. home on lovely Ore.hid Ave. (The bdnna. a.re lvp). It also bu a fittplace and Iota of tile tn ldteben and bathroom. There Ml a double ga.rage on a paved ~ ley and en&losed yard. Our exc1U8ive llat1ng price ol only $12,500 with a good 5% loan and paym•ta of only $87.50 per month m&ke9 thia truly an ou~ ing buy .... MARGUERITE A VE., OORONA DEL liUR Owner leaving town. Ju.st li.ted thia modern lnoome unit.. (only 5 yrs. eld). Walking clt.tanoe to lt.G1'M and tran&portation. BE SURE TO SEE THlS l Full price $13,MO wfth t.enna to .U fMll (~ Llating). Harbor 2042-Harbor 204.2--Harbor 2042 frank · James-Linwood Vick REALTOR& C. B. Rusa - R. W. Rayle -Chu. Traftl A.uociate. 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Ha.rbor 20U clou. cu. •pt. oo 40' lot. WW ---------------------- carpet, buUt In kitchen. Good paUo. A bargllln at '39,&00. LEMON HEIGHTS New 2 b.r .. 2 balh, plua family room, 2 fireplaces, bar. large lot.-beauty . ... 20,760. CORONA DEL MAR a b.r. A rumpu1 room, hilleide, v1ew . 27.1500. Claire Van Horn RJCALTOR 2731 W . Caa.t ffwy. LI t4277 Cliff Haven FlRST 'J'lME OFFERED -Don't Jual drive by 401 Pirate Road. You can't eee lhe 3 good-e1ze bdrms.. fenced gardPn, or the 4'( G.I. loAn from the 11treet! Full prl<'e $I :l,MO. Corona del Mar Ali lNVIT ATIUN lo see lhe fl11Cll TRIPLEX. So. of Hwy. 30~ Mar- 6'Jerite hu a aound prke and • eol1d Income to e&rT)' It. Compare Balboa EXPECT TO B!: ENVU!:O wllh a 112' lot, a 00Flower-Show'" patio llnd the most pleullnl 3 bdrm, 2 bath home on the Penln11ula. Asking $29,llOO. Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 28~ Newport Blvd., Npt. Beach Euy Parklnr Harbor 4610 NEAR CITY HALL W WATER FRONTAGE . Pltr. noat A boat, PIUl! beach COll~e 119.~. term1. WATER.FRONT, pl"r and float 1 br. Like new, but location. 118.600, terma. Homer E. Shafer . REALTOR IQe MrF"adrtcn Plac-e al Nf'wport Pier Har. 14(1 • Eve. Hu , I 137-M Costa Mesa BEA 1.FfIFUL 3 bedroom hoLn . 11urrounded by new homf'a. not (&r ttom ' btaineu diBtrlct 1rnrt bua. l.Arge lot. only $ 11.000. Gd. flnancln(. Drive by 228 Cottage Plac., then 9ff Ull Multiple U11 Unr N. B. C. REAL TY 3~nd A NeWpOrt Blvd., Npt. Brh Harbor U OIS CUFF HA \'EN VIEW LOT 8-utltuJ Panoramic •lew of th• Harbor. Lot 1-tor •ale. CHARL.l';S E. KART. Realtor auo w. Bal'>o& BlVd .• Jlfpt. B~eh TTcn Lido 4il ft. lot CIG W.'°61, 113,QOO. Harbor 0221. i3t78 --a...tJed .Ada.,.. r-.d .., tolk• ~Who .,.. rMl.17 lookin1 t.o buy. Many a blc dea.I h&11 been made t.bro\af b • ama1i o~ ad. 1. BALBOA ISLAND'S BEST BAY FRONT VALUES ON THE SOUTH BAY Gracious large home on 2 lots with view from every window, 4 B.R. 3 bath plus maids qrtn. Hup den. 2 firepl., pie r & slip, ~30,000 down. MODERN furnished duplex -2 B.R. each. Excel- lent investment. $36.000 fuU price. CUTE furniahed 2 B . R. cottage with aJJ modern convenlencea and patJo. ~ to buUcl an "-t. $31.500. ON EAST BAY Spacious 4 B.R. 2 bath h ome with 60' of beach, pier & float. To qualified buyer $25,000 down. LARGE 3 B.R. home with very attractive apt., pa- tio with BBQ. pier and float. Offered at $68,500. ON NORTH BAY Modem 2 B. R. home plus smart apt. with view. Both furnished. S39.500. LARGE 2 s tory furn. ~ B.R. home -cJoee to Vil- lage. Offered at $47,500. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. Her. 4781 CORONA DEt MAR OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1to 5 448 Riviera, Corona Highland• 3 Bedrooms. 1 11 baths, Forced air heat, Hwd. noors, lots of t ile and many other featurea. Out&t&ndl.ng view of Ocean and hills. Will consider a trade. CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 Bedroom, 11:: baths. hwd. floor•, forced air heat, newly painted & papered. Lovely patio and a JW"r- mancnt Ocean \'tew. •Open House Daily. -520 De Anill. RENTALS NEEDED ' GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder · Geo. Raban · Bob GervaiR -Pat Pattison -.Dick HilHard 3024 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar. Har. 5033 & r>031 Tradin' Today? Balboa Island 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home plus apt., loca.ted on tine cor- ner near Bay & stor es. For Corona del .Mar, Shore Cliffs or P8sadcna to $3p.OOO OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coallt Hwy. Newport Beach (at Por:.~ LJ 8-i562, Har. ~~ -BEACH LOT R,2 &one, large beach Jot. 1 ~ block to surf. Buy today, -enjoy forever. $2500. Submit aome terma. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALF'..$ -LOANS -BUILDERM 1857 Newport A\'t ., Costa. M('ofla Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. - - ' . "' ' ( ' ,. ' C-Real !'Alt.ate 6?-Real F..titate ------- $4,0CKJ Down ---307 Fernando, Balboa C-Ompletely furnished. Ready t o move into. Bay view f rom living room with fireplace. 3 bedroom. plua large rumpu1 room. 1 1 batha, garage. OPEN DAILY 1 · 5 2631 Crestview Bay Shores Large living room with fireplace. Full dining room, 3 bedrooms. 2--ca r garage, complet ely redecorated. Good Terms. ~ricti $18,500. FIRST TIME OFFERED 1112 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA BAY FRONT PIER & SLIP 2 YEARS OLD 7 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 3 CAR GARAGE F URNISHED BAY FRONTAGE 40 FT. This is an ideal summer or year r ound home for the executive with a large family $88,000. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Jlm'and Sally Newlin ~15 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 Lido Nord Bayfront Here is 50' of the finest land on Lido. Availnb1e with A. 1 yr . old 4. BR., 4 bath home. The li ving room ia 18x30, a den, full dining room with the second fireplace. large breakfast room. bar or butlers pan· try off the modern kitchen. New pier & slip and of. fered for just under replacement coat at Sl25,000. Bayfront-Lido An ext!'pt ional home in every l''ay -Thi11 3 B.R. & Dt>n home ha11 three baths. a lovely co\'cred patio, a ncv.• pier & finger alip and many olh<.'r f£'at ures fvund t•nly in a home thal y,·ns qualit y built just l 1 '.! yrars si.:o. P ric£'d to sell at ~G'l ,750. Just Listed 3 B. R., 2 b11th home romp\ctcly fumi11hed. Dish- washer, d1 t;posa1 & \o\·ely slumpstone corner fire· place are a f£'¥.' of the attractive featurl'S in this 2 yr. old hon1c. \\'rll lncntC'd near the clubhouse nnO immt"<liate posRC'ssio n mny be arranged. S28,500 - A 1.ido \'rdue. Lido Lots 52' {..ot for Just $12.000 - 50· Corner f\t. to St., S.15.750 7 T"·o 35' Lots side by side. $19,000 t ak('s them bot h. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 \lia Lido. Npt. &·h., Har. 1971 or Har. 4972 Eves. Har. 2 1flt -~f. Har. 2998-R or LJ~rty 8-5297 OCEAN FRONT HOME 6510 OCEr\N F'RON'T 4 bdrm. 2 bnth lge. living r m. \\'ith firc>plnce. Also f a.mily rm. v.·it h bar. "tc. This brautifu l home is of brick construction & can easil y be converted t o duplex. Excellent ,·ic"'' from all rooms. Large glassc-d in patio \••ith Bar-B-quc. Completely furn. including \\'. 'fl< ca""'ti "'"'\'s.,·washer,.drier & frttzcr . 2 rar ~arai;:;e. Ov>'ner anxious. $32,500. Sub- mit lo"'' do~-n Po.ymcnt. E.Z. Tt'rms. INVESTORS ATTENTION We haYe listed exclusi,·ely I\ modem business & apt. bldg. Best location. A-1 construction Cu11tom bui lt f urnishings included. Full Price $39.500. Terms if dt>sired. 112--11ea1 r'!~!'""'-~~~-·a,~~-"R=•='~l'lota::::::~1o'-----~a=-::.:;11eo1=::..:Eo::::::'"='":.....-~-~ ~ p. a. palmer incorporated I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II • PAGE 1 WEDNESDAY, J UL Y ll, 1955 1 ~-.,.--------------- D-ltea.I IP'At&&e 6"-Rea.1 tAtate ~evelopers of Udo Isle Your dream home on LIDO ISLE? Could be -and what a beautiful dream ! One of the most exoi ling modem homes on Lido. Excellent de- sign with 4 bdrms. and 2 baths. on 1 ?~ lots. gi\'iilg a good sized e!1cloaed patio. Fully carpeted, Ther- mador ovPn and range, disposal, aliding glass door1 to patio, ash cabinets, Formica counters. It'a a epa- cioua home your family will IO\'C. The price -~36.500 and excellent t erms. Immediate possession 1 or 2 years !ease ALL ON LIDO ISLE l . 3 bdrm. 2 bath, fin e home, carpeting & draperie.8 $200 a mo. unfurn. 2, Bayfront 3bedrm. 2 bath api., carpeting & dra· periea, stove & refrig., S250 a mo. unfurn. 3. l be..drm. f urn._'-pt. U.25 I\ mo. 4. 2 bed.rm. furn. &.pt. $150 a mo. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales manag ement 3333 vta lido, harbor 1500 .,,_ -Shore C liff Lot One of the few remain1ng level. vie~· lots in thi11 ex· elusive di11t rict. $1~.300. Let Da\'e Osburn show l'OU. Newport Heights View Home Pract ically new 3 Bedroom. 2 bath home. Dri\'e by 213 Ocean View Ave. Then call Bill Farns"'·orth and let him explain the attr<tclive tcrma that can be ar- ranged on the price or $25,500. Shorecliff Ocean View Home Thia is an outstandingly beautiful Early American Home. The rooms are unusuall y large and decorated to perfection. Completely landscp.ped and room left for a pool. 3 bedrooms and 2 bath!. Aak tor Kincaid when cBlllng, please. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co'., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 Bargain -Ba rgain Open House Daily-1-4 P.M. Peninsula Home 4 Bed rooms! 112 J ade BALBOA ISLAND -LITTLE ISLAND Income High! Baok Balance Low! . . . BALBQA_ISl.AhlD__ HERE IT ts -Ba~· \'iev.·. 2 unit11, 4 b<-d rm. home, l bdrm. apt .. home & apl. ha\·e vit•1v r-.f bri y. ~hcl­ tcred patio. Qualit y ronslr uction. Apt, fur11ii1hed. Home prt rtly furnished. NC''ol.' In t!l4S. 111 twautiful condition. $10,000 do'ol.'n. Q,,·n..:r ~·ill <'nrry balllnce for qualifi<"d buyer. Cl-IOICEST BA YFRONT Blr\"S RA Y FRONT HOUSE & A PT., No .. Bny. Benutiful bc:i.r h. $10,000 down, balancC' easy. DA YFRONT, LI1TI~E JSI~AND -GO ft. bay front - age, pif'r & noat. 4 bdrms. Su1X'rior construction. A good buy! DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luxury home and income. $6.5,000. WATERFRONT -2''11upcrior l!nits. 3 bdrm .. 111 baths, fireplace DOWN ; 2 bdrmit , 2 baths UP. Bay view f rom upper deck. $45,000. Subn1it do~'Tl . ISLAND COTTAGE -Dble. garage. Fireplace. Re-duced Cor quick aale! 4 BDR~IS., 2·11 baths. New· Curnilutt'. North Bay moori ng. Sho'ol.'8 excellent inrome . .$24,950. Cottage near South Bay. 3 bdrms., 1 1 ~ bath,.,, flre- place, large Jh•ing room. Attractive patio. T\YO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm. houee A t bdr m. apt . BC'amed ceilings. A little p11 int will do wonders. $5000 do'ND -.$22.500. DESTRABLE { bdrm. multi-bath home. Cloee to . beach , S26.000. Unrtoubtedly lh11 ~t buy Ln a ho1ne tn f'<JB!ll ~f,~ll. D1tt'r"'nt -Attracth·e .....: 3 bedroon•s - hardv .. ood floor -larg• Uvlng room -f!M!pWe -two cu garai;e. On Eutaltle of To11·n fl~llr lnltfle. compare th.a hou5" for 1·alue w!Ul M Y olhl'r horve In tO"'n. Good term•. l l'a •l<"O u.rpeted. F'u!I price -$12,1500. Owner of this uuuaual Ellerbroek built { B. R., 3 bath home on Llttle Island will sell on tenn•. t o 1uit qualified buyet1 budget_ !l:>OC'1'0R'S HOME . cut ln price to $30,WO for quick actlon. fo bdrm9 , 2 balha. On 2 lge. corner Ioli . N1c~Jy land.llCaped, w&lle.1 y .. rd. badmlnlon court. B(•aul\ful tllrp~11ng and dra~1 Included. T<!'rm,s. -SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propertlel.. Close in-3 Bdrm. -H ~re'11 • n!r1• three bedroom home lh•t LS unly one )'t'ILT Ohl. At - l r&<'l !ve lln~ -Has attached t wo l'U r gani.ge. Hardwood n oo111 -li keable 11"1"1ace -carpeted living room. H11.ck )'a.rd com- p!,.tely fenced. Nlcely IMdKaped wHh sprinkling 11yetcr11. Look In- to thla .. , Lt'• alright for only $12,1'100 Watch for our First in America Home nearing completion Phil Sullivan & George Everson 18.~8 Newport W v d., Colla MeA& (A c-from Calta MM& Bail.k) Muma Liberty 11-1171!11 r.w11. Har. 43H -LI 8-210:1 CLIFF HAVEN Thre• bfodroom, 2 hllth. hwd n r1 .. U.rJ!:e dbl. gar111:e. Elll!cl Th•r- m111.dor kltchtn. Room tor svr!m- mlng pool. Vle<.'I" of ocea.n &nd hlll•. J:?S.~. l<!'mll. Balboa Peninsula Fo11r ~droom. S b1th, 2 tlrfpl11re1. Good f llln11y ham•. Onl)' $2:!,· 1'100 fum\~h~,t. \\'E ,\f.SO l111ve ""r"r!cnt b U}'S In BALBOA PENINSULA EXCLUSIVE -Finrt Time Offered. New England Cottage Completely Furnished 3 B. R. & Den, 2 baths, Forced Air Heat. $25,000 -Terms. Bay Ave. Income 8 Units -Completely Furnished. $5000 will handle. also 2 iUnits -Bay Ave. $6500 Down. Completely book· ed for summer nntals_ "--..... BALBOA Ocean Front Home &: Income neAr Catholic Church -2 B. R. Home, fireplace, patio -Plua -Two 2 . B. R, Apartment.a completely nnted for 11ummer. CORONA DEL MAR OP EN HOUSE -VIEW ' ' ' SAT. & SUN. 1 to 4 P..M. 3104 Ocean Blvd. Owners moving Inland. Beautiful 3 B. R. and Den home. See thla one! Your Hotrtesa -H. Baum. Newport Heights-Exclusive 3 B. R. Home on St. James Rd. G, I. LoJUl. low monthl y payment.. Priced to aell quJckly at $1 4,500. ·Newport Island HO~IE ,AND INCOME. 2 B. R. house, with 1 B. R. A pt. ~ ne\·er vacant). Both neat aa a pin. $16,500. -Good financing. BAY and BEACH REAL TY 1450 \VJ Balboa Blvd., Balboa Calif. Har. 1264 b • 11, ( h r"OtlRJ:<!'~. p<!rtn !lllent 1------------------------ homf'.1 a. Income property. Coast Properties :101 !:. Balbo& Blvd .• Ba\txi.. Jlarbor 21!1:!8, _2:!97 and •&oo. OPEN HOUSES Dai ly 10·5 :30 p.m. Cntn<!'r '\'alnut .I: Raymond Bch\'t en ~11nta. A n111. 6: Tustin /\r••ll :->o. of 19th St. New & Beautiful 1'HE ;->}.;\\'l~$T k mo~t 11 ttrACU1•e OPEN HOUSE 4 78 E. 21st St., Costa Mesa Sat. and Sun. llfternoons. Shown anytime by appointment. RAMBLING RANCH style 2 bdrm_ and Den hon1e 2 yni. old "'ith fireplace, 2 bath1, dbl gar .. service rm., picture windows and large patio. on 60'x150' lot near Back Bay: Pi-iced a t $21,000 with terms. Owner is anxio us. See lt. I w. A. TOBIAS a nd ASSOCLA.TES, REALTOil l n R., :! bctlh home~ in to .. ·n· "you'll li ke our friendly aervice" ~f\"-1. nri .. el:Rke rt .. F.A. h•11t. 393 E. 17t h Sit., Costa Me'sa Uberty 8~1139 flr•'rL. t 1!a K . & B. \\'1rle-ov~nl-----------------------­ \\·,.~1 i;h. built In o'·en & rM~•- i::..:cl F:. F.ldi! luc. F .Ji.A . t~tm 8 e11.n ~ 11rr11ng~o1 I1urry pn_11i~~~ Only " fo:11· !<!'!t 10 choo~ from. A t PPI.[ buy et $1:1,000. Hou ston Realty Co. Yl9 Ci!nter St. C{l~I & ~li!llll l..I S-1191 1 J.t 8-7184 Room to Breathe! · ON LIDO. The largest lot le!t -;Joo ~q. rL on .,1t1e 11lrteL Plenty Of rooTI\ r;,r LARGE home A iwirnmlnr pool, 11o1th 1p1ce left 01·tr Ha .,.. t pprovf'd buUd1n r pl.ans. 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 sq. ft., forced air heal, hardwood f1oon , fire· place. Real plaster. L&.rge piCture willdow1, natural hardwood cabinet.a. Phone for app't. to eee our model homea- MARSHALi:. HOMES Bay Front Duplex! BALBOA LOCATION. 2 b<!'droom• eac:h unit. F\1ml"hf'd. ! car g111.r- agt. ~"Jreplacea. · •undoc.k~ 11.nd plll!r. N~ a UtUe f!Aln'~but lh• la1t _ot thf' Bay front• near the EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor HAr . 1775 -Eves. F..dith 1tnroon HY8tt 4·8222 J ohn 1'1acnab, Harbor 5359. 2~ ~larine A\•e., Balboa Island T5cTT price. $31.~00. terme. ------------ Balboa Income and Stores! CONCRETE BLOCK. PLASTER- ED, 2 STORY BLDG. Downtown loc11\1on. 4 realdenl111.J lnoome unitt 11.nd t wo bu~lllf!l.\I rl!lnt11.la rro11nd floor. Pe t klqlt'. area. Only S Y'"ani old. J'n llt'nl inC'<lme J 280 month C...n btl tne~. $23,:)00, lll!rm•. Beach Home! JUST 4 DOORS FRO:o.i THE OCEAN. Dandy 2 bdroom home. Fum t1hed. O.raa-e. t.oo. Be 1ure and H• thlt one at •1t ,&00. Only •~ooo dO\l'n. Balboa Cottage! ON EAST DAY AVENUE . Cloe11 to town, On.:-bedrvon1 plWI g-la. .. ~rd-ln front porch. Sleer~ elx. Idea.I ho•al'h h(lme. Sr•l<:'nd!d con- dition. J 1 2.~100. ~:;ooo do,,.·n. · Balboa R-3 Lots! 3 ot them. ftlde hy 1<hl<!', Close to trw.'11 on 8 11.ll>Oll. Blvd. $1 9,!l()O tor all th~e. . Balboa Realty Co. Op1>0~11" Ba.nk of Al11~r!Oll RM9 Grttl<!y Al Comrl!us £.:1 Lee J 11.rk Plnk h!Un • JOll~phln" \\'<!bb 700 t'.. Balboa Blvd., Balboa litune Hlltb<lr 3277 , full Price $7,200. $2,000 On. Bal. $60 Mo. Thr~ bdrm. rum .. 2 bloclu from beach, "F!x me up" rotlRge 011 l\1·0 30' loUr. f'11 rn l~hecl durlrx on Penln~u\a po!nl; onll! l bdnn. ore 2 bdrm. a pt. F'uU price $18.~00-J!'iOOO dbwn. Thr~ furn. houiic• on two 30' ' lot1 In C<1r,1na d~I ~!&r. 1200 mo. )'r. roun11 Lncom<!'. Only J l t .7~0. :..lftk & off'r on lrrm.. Bay Fro11t. Balhoa lalii.nd. 1 ..... -0 lxlrrn. rurrtll!htd hnrn" "'" cornrr lot. $3 1.~00. ·~ c11-,h. Bjll. $1 30 mo. LOW PRICED LIDO LOT We have exclusiv ely li sted a Via Cord0va lot a nd we believe that it is Lido · Island's most r easonable lo t at · the full price of $8,000. We invite you to visit us to discuss our "Lido Realty Exclusive L istings" Lota & homes center & Ba.y F ront. W.e have them. Every price range. Our well experienced Lido staff as· sul'es you of a sound purchase. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES -- \V. G. (Dilll Kcmptoo * Virginia t fnn son * J06E'ph H. Grohman * Gen~ Vret>J11.nd * (Lido I11land'11 most expericnc<'d i;alC'fl personnel ) 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 !Al·rosfl from Rlt'h1t rd'f1 !l.1arkel) Attention! Do You \Vant One of The Show .Places in Cliff Haven at.Below ' Re prod uction Cost? 1. Custom bui,1 t 3 lgc. bdrmH. & ~ baths. 2. R u~tic Lh·ing Room & Den openin g on beaUtl· ful ki ng lliZI' patio. 3. O\·cr S2t10fl in profC'S!linnal la nthicaping. 4. Its a bl'autif ul quality hr•mc nn a pri.te corner, ~. 'T'hiH iR not a profit ~cc:kini; r(·Ktt.I~. but a legita- forced !'!rile, THE VOGEL CO. 32()1 \\'ci;t Coaet ll igl1 \~·ay, Nc'ol.•port Bcach Liberty S·3'1Sl f_:\'('S. I.I 8-1·121 -LI 8-161:8 Art C. Kistler, Co. 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth• 2901 Ne1to'PQM. Blvd., Npt. Beach Har. 62211 76c71 Vets $565 down PLUS IMPOUNDS USI: TOUR O.J. LOAN on • rr. old.. I bdrm., dblt . prage, fll!nc- ed. \11/ond.crful palln Ir 111.undry. 7 UNITS -nil furn\11hed &· nn flf'\\'t'r. Close-in Joe.a~ lion -One acre with room k:i r m'lrf· 11nit11. Monthly in come $380. Price $23,750. 3 Br. home (9 yrs.) n aJo?:11tone f irrploce, garap, lot 60xl38. f>rice $9750 ••ith ~2f)fl(l do\\'n. Rc11tldential Jot 66x 175 ....... -·-.... ·-·-.. ·-·-.. ·---·-$21~ yalll. Garb•i::• dlfpO!al. A U G N WELLS R I n""" ,~.,··· , . . . ea tor I\~111.r Upper 8111.ck Ba1 R R 'I C II 2372 Pallaade, Rd., &nt• Ana oy · " C d re (' \\'Ui •<!U ~ not &11 cuh r'f!q, J. M. MILLER CO. hllown "'""'u!°'eon nll ""',•• t~ ' om e on .. o. roken an 20~ B11.lboa _s_1_"_a_ .. __ 1'_-,_.,_._e_'_"_· __ H_•_'_·~·-00_1 ___ r_5c_H [~"-""_"_""' __ ~_u O\lo'T\<!'t at 20 Years Building In Otl.nge County • Klmberty 1.3~93 Liberty 8·4073 --------_~ ' _ aziy hour, ~la rbor 42;4-16cll1 Tradin' Today? LIDO El:change tine waterfront home "'-ith pltt A ali p,- J bedrooma, 3 bath•. \'aJue $55.000·for smaller home to $30,000. To 9ff ...\ aubmit..call lhe- OSBORNE REALTY CO. ' 2323 \\', Cout llW)'. (at.Port Orangt') Newport Bt>ach LI 8-1002. Ha r. 5154 t'\'t"S. -• L IDO ISLE HO!.f.E TO BE A UCTIONEO I I By court order this 4 bdrm., 2 bAth lovely horn• on 72 ft. lot ..,..th w to "' ~rpetmr 11"\ll bf: a ucUontd on premi..1. J uly l 11 10 a.m, For lnfomiaUon A 111.p- p<)ln!m fnt to -call Ru . 0232- v.·, 76p78 Mun .. u year old I bdnn. ~ ui. U\ru-out. l&ndlcal*l nu. U.nn-. lAw J)aym-.ta. '9000. 207! X•tl!lll&I. CM.a Me!IL • l tp78 • ' 70CS3H Corona del Ma r H ome ot unusual charm on beautiful M&rguerilt A\•e. Sunny patio can be enjoyed from tiving room. kitchen and bedroom. Hwd. fl oore, beam ctillnp. ·Fireplace, "'ith ..-.-all lD satin-finiah redwood p.nel· lin1. 2 fumace1, dble. pnge. A quality bomel lmmed.11te ~ion. $14,850. Keya at - ST AN SMITH, Realtor .. 2647 E. Cout Hwy ,, Corona del M&r Har. 822 Tl!c77 Phone Kl 6-2elll. &Ollc 1810 Newport Bl\•d., C<»it.1 ti.fe~a-Ll 8-1601 5 Ac re Ranch ON BA.KER STHEE'T CALL tor d•tt.lle. I l\av1 Ult kty&. DAN JAC011811:N, LI M.Jll . ~~ci~ BY OWNER Oo~ "'Ct''•e t. -I bd"", 2 i.Ui f~ Ph.. Ha.rbor 1\.J TS tie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trade 150' on Newport Blvd. -drJwn town Cost.a !I.fen. Will trade, will &&11ume. Thi11 property it"clcar. Want Income or commercial. Suhmi t. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BL~LDERll l M i' NewPort Ave ., Cotita ~feea Liberty a.11132 Liberty 8-1~ S... WITH SALLIE Newport Harbor I July 14, 1955 Out there are thirty-n,·e little pip~ of Bill .•• Soon the Honolulu race wlU be over with nothing but a ships log for' a memory • . . Of the fifty·three -.,n. tranl8, our Bill Lorf'nz wi~h hiA knowled~e of sea.-farln~ foods, took tht-helm of 8tocklng thirty-fin of the galley8 ..• Avocados, Peaches, Bll!l- anas, t omatoes and cantaloup carefully segregated in thre<' stages ... ripe, medium-ripe and green ••. To be eaten ac- cordin gly ... Hamfi a.nd prime ribs roast ('(i, Chickf'ns fried· by our Delicatc~~cn , then ~-~ frozen to be stowcrl awaY. in deep freezC's aboa rd ,.;hip to .br thawed as ncrdcd ... r'ws <ind breakfast rolls, baked in our Bakery, then frozen ... Cus- tom cut to order, steaks, chopa and roosts. carefully freezer-wrapped then frozen •·or th<N' "ithout fl'ffZ· ers, ml'ab and f'ies Wl're C'&J"f'fulJ~· pa.-kf'CJ in dry ire to lut three or four da~·s •.• aftf'r thf' dr~· irf' m l'lt-' :it'IN\.l<lie f'd • • • hea\'e ho with f he can OJ)t>Df'r • • . j ~~~ 1350 loa\'C'S of Ols('n's spe-' ""'"'"'·"' cial bN.'ad wer<' ord('red . . · l This particular loaf is g11aran- te<'d t o la~t for months and mon ths ... !\lctl·O-Milk ... which is frc·sh milk r ight ' from the cow to lh<' can ... also comes in 50-50, <'ream ~Ill a111l whipping crf'a m ... Ca n-1 nc•d Butt <'r ..• ( ':tsc!\ of <'Xt ra larg<' 1·,g~'\, •. lone tak('s th(' l'bn· of twn I ... So \'<'ry ft <'!-h I 1• II ~·011 1111r Bill watl'lli'd thhs<' hr1~-; hk<' a ha wk .. Tho• P~~H had t u IX' Jllsl th:it fn·sh t o la:;;t for 16 da~ s wit h1111t n •fr· ~1·ral11m ... Uoat.; fr11111 ~c·altlc·. ~an rr :mi•l!o><'h r1r1el ~lod.ton ... ,.lw on I.\ t \\ o II nnol11l11 1·11- t ri1•" :mil t lw onl~ orw from Aust ra lin ... pJ11, :1 ""'nrt· of our l111·11Jifr, w1•r1• mo"t t>nthui.ini.fic• m .-r 1111r Bill's f'ffidt'll<',\' ... "·Tlw pr1•i.i· df'nt or t hf• n1•" )1c·Cormkl\ line"' \\ 1111 o\\ .,, I h1· "Arid" wrot.,. nw u Id fr r and than k1·1l 1111· I or tlw hdp I had ~inn hi .. C'ook ... It W IL." a nirc· l1·ttPr, f'\l'll if lw cfol rnll nw Frt'tl," 'nit! Rill. ' ~~~ Do \'Oll wonch•r now t h.it n part ~f Hill is oul \ h1·1 t' •.. prn<'l1cnlly lo Honolulu hy now .. Thirl~·.f1w bt1ats .. some with nR man~· n:-1 It) fll O· pie lo rcc·d frnm 16 '":.!\\days ..• !"un· ... soml' <•f them will come back wit hnut n•plc•msh· mg their foiod RUpply ... ~\lrC' Bill can do 1t ,. \\·1th thr n1d of our Df'lk:1tc•sscn .... our B11kcrv ... our Butcht•r:-. ... our c:i·,·rrns or frreu•rs. wrn p· I ping a.nd y1arldng fnrilil1rs ... OOhiJld the RC('l)('R •• Hard to IM>lif'\ t• ••• shout 1 a.. .. much food n>IM'hf'" ~()(·· ~~~ r il\I 1IPStina t inn~ nut our had< tloor, \ ia tlr-lh Pr,\' trur k a111l f~I offic-1' •.• BA our front door ... Of C'oUNf' thl' n><·ipil'nt .. don't ha\ f' half thC' fnn ~ 011 and I do ... W1•M 'ini;: In M tl nut thr aJ~I~ ... "'hf'rt> thrr4''1' now room t<> \\'f'Bn SR ($1nM' n•modt'llin11t ) •.. And now that thf' F~ (food mo,·lnR ) 15 o \·f'r with ... we <'an all •~r d0\\'8 &o ~ n1tnlll1'ftod shoppinit without hannir; t.o a" k wh~N' tttlngs are . . . Of c-ou~ we 11haJI t1tlll take oDI' t Im., • . . looklni: for Mlnlf't hln11t nrw Md dltfn- NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1955 ~" lfl'• f•ri·11111m1 LAMB SHOULDER . "B roil .. ,. Rr.11111 • 'f'r"rtrr (''11111• •· lhfs weeks ad at a tlaKe • • • • Wrd-ye vt-of --~ p&rM from tlUa weeb apecJahl. "--• SauNce, Er:p Mid Cot· fee Oak ... tor ... , brealdut._ For lunC'Mo!i Wfl ha\f'I .-,.,.... BUl'd Ryt1 8'"4, Salam.I, S&r- cU.-eod 0Ut'H. SHQU(OER CHOPS •• 59c For a dlnaer blo(taoer: ""-II "-PPlf'I uid ("ottar:e ~ SaJad-Mlxf'd 0 N'ol'n l'(alad "1th C'1tl'Umhf'r11 and Girard• FN'flch Dr81'lnC•· Ant~·: Lamb 8holllMr RoNt, ChJck~n J'IMi, JlrolWd l.amb C'bop1, Pork ll ~IVI,., l.amb 8 11'W and • Bariw<'U... lilf'O't' "1th Ono.·n Pf'a., t 'rf'"h l'lum· mPr Kqu.,.h, Clr...-n .Rf'an1 or M lxNI \'f'(f'tabl...._ <'lnnamnn Roll1 and Pot.ato Rolla "111 mak~ It ,·omplf'tf'. "h:co111m1w11/ --Dr/1Nr111' .,.,~ ,.,.,,, f111'i/1 , .. S\\lfl'M l'n•mlum J.iu11b NECK STEW . ·········--···--·-··~-10c "/J. lu~o11.• 111fh r;,,, 11 ('11rlr111 /o.'•1•1~" IS\\ lft 'M l'rr·111l11m SLICED BACON • Q 1111 I.. 11111/ f '' "' f11r "''" /•11111 , '" '''" • :O-\\llf', t•r,.rn111m llro•\\11 ·,\ !'\f'ne SAUSAGE t'or Dt•Hf'rt.a: Danleh Apple Cakf', OJH'n Tot, Cht'rry Plf', ToUll'd Almond IAyl'r f'akf', RH Rallpt>Pn1"'° and your cholN" et IO n.von of re. Ore-. ,- leaphio( Outdoor I ~llJ(ioua Drama Tbe Cir'f'Mt WorkS Tbutf'r ('""t of o,.,., tno · O..pm11.n Cotl4'irr. Onuiite Jilly U -16-17-?t _1 l.ll•h,• •, I 'roo71'!1 GREEN PEAS •.. 10 oz. 2 '"' ~ 6 oz. 2 tor 29c 1.lhh,\ ~ F r1110•11 ORANGE JUICE Uhlw'~ tec•1I 2 49, RASPBERRIES tn 07, r .. r l.fhh.• ·, lt••1;1Jl,1r ( ut 2 29t GREEN BEANS11101. , .. , l .lhh.• ... I r•·ll• h ( 111 2 29' GREEN BEANS,n n7. , .. , • f.lhll~ · .. '1""'' 2 29 ' VEGETABLES 111 .... ,.,. l.lhl1\ .. 2 29' FRENCH FRIES ,,.~, 1 .• .. PINEAPPLE CU'CUMBERS .. ·-~--- You'll find a Lido Shop • • . Special for kids 12 or nclerl FREE BASEBAll TICKO I INSIDE J QUAKER PUFF£D WHEAT2/29~ I QUAKER PUFFED RICE 2/35¢ L .. 11.1...._.. ____ .. , ..... ·-· ··- lb.12c 4 for 10c 2 1bo.1Sc H ben• at ·~ . . · f'nt. l..-uuM "'" .... "'''"find iElllmllllll~~&millllll~ R1r h11nfa ..• olle of thrl Lido :'1'np~ at the f'nt rn nee to Lido l sic, ~ewp()rt Harbor . : . , "'f'ECL\LS F<* .ll.'L\' u . 15 Ud10 l6, 19;)S / SERVE GOLDEN RICH DAIRY PRODUCTS FROM RICHARD'S FOR HALE AND HEARTY SUMMER APPETITES RJf'la&rd'• f11ature-only pro,·ea top quality Ol'lllll• Couaty 0.Sr)' l'roduct11. Todda prt~ "1nol111 111Uk, t"l'tllYn, \'Otta«• dlHM!, "'" rrt'Ull and thf'I tn1•h .. •\ local flllll'b f'lll• ob- lalnabl11. \'nu'll al&o , .. t the m09t for your 11boppln1 "t..11 you 114.'lf'<"t from the "orfd11 tl~t ch-a hvaya ft"etul?d In our 0..UC!&tffllf'ft ••• ti')' a ftf'W vartl'ty f'M'b ttm. yoe •bop. .. .£dd {1o'OOll' "*" ptH'W l!>tltf~ Darigold 93 900re AA BUTTER I~. 59c "Fru" Do-Uy from local ra110M•" Richard's Grade AA Extra FrNh 1-A_RGE EGGS_d_os.·4_9_c "Cre111>1y good-4111 the thn1>" Todd§ FrNih Daily COT'G CtlEESE ___ P•· 2_5_1 "Drwk Todd.A milk /M lh ttltlt ·• Todds Farm Ftt&h ffomo,feabed MILK ~~~~~~--,~----~~--------.... ------------- "f:11t 11/rt1ty Of C'ht• \r frOn1 llMr nrllratn111>t1'' WIS<'onsin·A~ed :\'ipp~·-tW kin CHEDDAR "30 1/rlinoM~ Jlr11 "r" fnr rl• •IJ• rt" Todds E.rtra Rkh S hl'rhf>t or ICE CREAM Taiot•••l from our 11trarn tahll'll yet ~ Try an:v >nf' nt lhr f<•at ur•·d mf'nu11 and dllN'O\lf'F a "hnf,. a f'w ".-,y of """Y ll\'lnr •.• Ptll•bury CISSAMON 21 C ROLLS ····-·· ........... II ~" tubf' Marti' Ell~lb 'lftc SARDINES .......... , ''· oa. 1.1- c;o11rmrt'1 °"Uir;ht C'OC'ktall Ttme :-.TT f<()('K~A)fRA,,._TU \'l:f.S OA R\' ovsTER4t ROLLS n~ Jar 35c F~ from aew ~rvlc.. Connt-GGc BOCKWURST ..... !h~10- c n•umbo• Br-a11d JTALJA.'i 1 '' SALAMI ·-·--·--·-·----... Jb. lb. 1 2 ral. TKt;RSDAY Oanl•h APPLE CAKI l'olatn l>I S~T,R ROLLS ..-h 42' 6 14' . ~ f'RIDA1' OJ>f'n Tnr CHERRY PIE 1'11mml'rt Im,. fan•rite RYE BREAD SATl"ROAY ~h52' . ... , 23' Alm ond T opJW"<l·8Ulll'rhnrn 3 25' COFFEE CAK.E _ ,,.,, ~h87' Tua..lrd .'\lmtonlt LAYER CAKE fff'ln1t Hot Dor: nr Hambur1r r ~,.~·I' RELISH U nd8f'y •~r" f'ltt.,.d--Kl'r . .s.;.. 29c RIPE OLIVES S o. I 1·an r.trard'• Rrcutar ot "1"-"'l· 2~,. Fl"f'11d1 21c DRESSING ti ,,, \"an camp-1w-,.. 21<'--r ORK a-23c BEANS . ..... .. S o. %11 l'an . • • to fit your every need ! • .. .I I ..