HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-18 - Newport Balboa Press·staghound =-·n Second NHYC Entry Hangs Up Her History-Making T ri~ph! Staghound. Newport Harbor Yacht C...,ub entry in the Honolulu race. slipped acro"s the finish line ye:s terday to win fin;t place in the big race for the second time in two years. Ira P. Fulmor, sta ff commodore of the yacht club. was jubilant as his small kl·tch 8Uf>f~ · tchsmen by f'omlnit oot of r"whPrP to \'lrfory ffl~Plft t1m" the-k.-1•-h hlUI e\'cr B"Cause of r.td10 trouble 11hf' hall i<R1led. 'I .. 48th YEAR -NUMBER 42 ! I . ........... Clrculatlon 'toclay .-562• PHONE HARBOR 1&18 -c ...... • • 11n West Newp~rt HARIOR WU. THER SANTA AN A J ULY 18 cOCNS ) --Orange County wt a ther ro~cut Newport Beach Some variable Cog and low cloud• but mOl!tl)" aun· Kadane &· Son Reported Ready to Do More Testing br Pn unrtpt)t l<'tf fnr thn-e 1111y~ 1.t:1s t•o t< W IS s t:K St1t1thn11nd .1 .. reatr'1 11rhoo11r 1 Wh• n llw ketrh l'&m•· into ny. Hl&h temperaturt about 7~. There ia a new flurry of activity in the Wect. Newport w4tel: ea. A .. Ctu noon wlnds nr!! • . K d d. So . · '--n ---1 .... 1:1 . mllea·per-hour. On•·mlle vis· mtf1eJd. a ane an n, extenatve Op«'r&tOl'e on tu., ~-& -----rn.n .. ..,._-...:.. · . property on the bluff. are. rumored ready to go.bac.k on their, Cnn8tt>llM 111n IJy MIX hour!<. He1 H"nnlulu f.'ran k Hnoyk1tt111. 11k1p- elapu1t lin11' fur tht' long ra•·e w 1111 f)<'r uC th<' Constt lh<tlf•n was 0 11 the J2 l1ay11. 23 hnu18, 9 m1nutt'l'I 11n1I I(•< k with 11n al nitul of ll'll! w111t· 7 fft't)nrl~. Her corrt•cted tlnw \\"18 111~ t11 cnngrolulatP F'ulm11r. Hnoy· 8 d11y,., 21 hnur11, 7 mlnute11 11nd 6.[) k111111 hod been rertain "' virtory af'contl11. IL i14 now bl'hcved impo•· 11nt1I Slai:houn'1 shpprrt in t1l •1ble rnr any of thP yachts 11till a.l 11naC• h 1t from hirn. aea to <"hall«>nge the time or th!!' D11·k RhPcm·s Morning Star, 96- boal• now in. rt. }'3<"hl, was_Jht• f111>t boat to P'ulmor ~portl'd that Staghound finish thi; ·rong ru• c. st"lt1ng 11 nt'w came through the race M'ilhou t course rucord of 9 day11, 15 hour11, trouble or any kind. ShP l ravc>llt'd !'> mtnutt's and 10 11 .. conds. 2378 mill'll, avel'\lglng 180 mllrs a CleM A boats f1n1shel1111 thu1 or· day with a ,.peed ot 7.6~ l(n11t11, (('ontlnuffi no l'aKe 71 Claude G. Putnain Sr .. Dies at HOag; Rites -Wednesday OVERAl.L WINNER -Staff Commodore Ira P. Fulmor of Newport Harbor Yacht Club in his 39-ft. ketch Slaghound, made yachting history yesterday when his •leek craft took overall honors twice in succeMion. Staghound aaved her t ime by 6 hours and 2 minutes over the s chooner Con.steJJation. Elapaed time for Staghound, the 1953 Trane-Pacific Yacht Race winner, waa 12 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes and 7 aecon<h, A futtve w .. ek end in th,. N<"w-• MveloP<'r or B1tlboa lsland and giving her corrected time of 8 days, 21 hours, 7 minutes and ~ seconds. ~:~ £~:~:~£?I ~~~!=~~~f;~; I ~~~~~d.';:~~~~;;~~ ::~~~:~i i COUNCIL SU Pf RV I SOR t1~l11 and ap1nn<"r or 11n 1RIM1, H11 bur Yacht Club. I • _ Cl11U1le G. Putnnm Sr. "PUT ", Sur\ ivor11 are the ""1dow, Haz;t>I, lr111rl1y 11 nd 11ffl'rtlon11 tt'ly :1&id, wall Oi;ll Colllni., or the family place MEET SLATED TONIGHT th" rnlllng r11rl1 of the n111n who In 'Lillo f"111 k: 1wn daughter!!, Mr11. c11•1ilp.<1 the> NewJl<)rt Harbor T n·11· 1 nornlhy O<'ll Swam1on of King'!!· 11url' t.hp, thP "Road!< to Romanti"'" burir: .Mr11. Marjorie Annr Harmon m.tp or Soulh<'rn CaJ~rom.la anll I ot ;\br1po1111 ; find a Mn. Cl8Ud(' G. a t hl' "T'1ratl'I!' DPn" of Newport f'ulnBm J r. of Glendale; and seven Upper .._. Devel pment Plans H arbor Yacht Club. gr-.ndt hlldrrn. ..,,, 1 8 &NIO& COIOIOOOU Funeral &ITIU\,(emenu haYe been of r-..&u Will .. DL-~ .... Claude G. Put.nun 8 r., waa ua. completed at l!'Ot'Mt La""11 whl're --• J , ~ ~nlor atatr commodore of New· 11c>n'1t'1·s w11l be held ln lhl' U llle M,.mbera of city council tonight velopment. Thi• iealon port Hu bor Y11cht Club. Ke w1111 1 Chur<"h or Ole F lowera, Wednesday are t o alt down with t he county held. one of the mo!lt ac;Uve In tu found· 111t l p.m. board oC auperv180ni In the board The councU-aupervUc>r Ing. He .wrvtd the club a l Ill helm Sl':GQTIATED Pl'RCllASE room. Santa Ana. to hear lhl' wu to have met Jilly 12 but In- in 1!121. 11 wllll Cklude Putnam who 1'e· board's plana for development or 1um c1ent membera collld attend Claude l'utn&m Sr. wu born In 1tot111tNI the purchase of the pre-Lipper Bay. '° tonight'• -Ion at 7:301 Drtroit on Sept. 13, 1884. He Bp<•nt M'nl NewpMl Harbor Yacht Club The joint 11ession wlll see llUJX'r· o'clock wu called. m111'h of hla childhood on thl' eost -1 rroiwrty in 1920. ThP orir&nlu.-visors "br1eClng" the council So far u the public Ja concern· t'rn coa111lllne of the Unttetf Stntt>11 lion ,,, thnl time had b<'l'n houi11ed memheri on the county's develop· ed, -.nolher laue, actual control w ith h\11 grandfat her who WIV! 111 a n•nt.:d re.~idf'nl'P next \n CrPe· j ment plans as outlined In the R. of the Harbor haa not yet been m11~tt·r of a Ba lling ship. I i•·y·a l'a\'1hon In Balboa. Thr club-1,.. P l\lteraon report and amend· decided by the council &nd the I The \\'t'1l beckonl'd to Putnam I house to be h11d been a .skntlng ment11. Jn recent 9elll!lon with the board, both oC which have AOme- ln 1906 and he ca me lo Loll An· 11r.k bul when purchased wM be· Irvlnl' Co , council membere what conmcllng clalm1 on admln- icel<'11 Th" fnm1ly moved lo Glen· ing u~.·t1 All a CO\'Pr In which to hl!Ard' reprettntatlvu or the flnn j lltrallon of the waterway• lnvol- chilr In !ulO wh<"re lh!'y still m111n-build boets by Tom Broadway. The del!Crlbe plana it had for t he v1111t vtd. t111n 11 home 11nd where t he Cl11ud11 prop<>1 ly was pu!'('hl~sed from !Jr. rearhet of Upper Bay &nd adja-COl\TLIC"JTSG OX HA.RR-OR WALTER KELLO'IT G. 1·11tnirn1 J r. family ll\'e11. I Alb• rt So1lanrt for Ji :IOO and $i :IO cent 11hore11. Thia confllct or lntereatJI be· l'Kll~IOh:!li ISLA:-;o w1111 r iud down EARU"ER MEY.T SF.T came more apparent ln recent M II tt G t Firllt 11cq11slnt11nce with lhe ThP "T'm1t1•11' DPn" of Ntwpnrt Some months ago the council mont>i. when the county eougilt to e 0 e s Nr\\•port H11rbor arra was m11rtc by Hnrb<tr Yarht Club 111 a crt'11tlon I w11.11 to meet jointly with the t1u-b)o('k annex ation or Upper Bay j Putnam brfore the f1r~t World 11( l 'laud•· C:. PutMm Sr. T he pie· pervl11or11 concerning the 0"1 1 to Newport Beach, thereby giving \\'nr when he will! cnlled hPre n11 n I t111 r~ 11.•rr1•a.te n memorablt' 111~ht County oOck property to whtrh the clt y a t remendoua a.mount of Pl f commcr('llll lllustratnr ti) rt!"ll (t In 191!1 When th<• entire mrmb<•r· lhe <'il.)7 hH retuaed to qultclnlm 8Creage reaching lnlAnd eU t Of aque rom promotion plecee for W . S. ColhnA, (('ontlnul"d on Pare '1 ) lt11 partlll.l title until the 11upervl-1 Co11ta M<'s&. The latter city wu son1 "earmark" funds of the dock lntere11ted alllO In annexlnJ a por - tron t&ge aale for Upper Bay di'· I lion of Upper Bay. Builder Group County Juvenile Court Advisory Walter t.1 euott. hNd or South C •11 M I N t Th d Coast Con1tructloJ\ Co.. will be , omm1 ee ee S ex urs ay I honored by the State Builders Jtx. •· chance today tor hl11 contnbut1on1 ThP Or11nge County JuvemlP The organization meet• three t ,_ b lld' 1 ,. t hi ' II o t.,e u mg nuus ry w ch Court A1fv1sor.v CCJmm.ttee wl times a y4!'ar. Jt wu called Into mePl in thP courthouse 11t Sllnla have benetll.ed the gcntra.I public. being by Jud~e Morrjson at tlr11t I Ann Thursday at 10 e m., at WI\~ • l George Tatlock. manager of announced toduy by Co!lta Mes& or the year to a111!11t In juvenile I Pollce Ch let A rt MC'Kenzle, prP-court ma tters and to ·work with Pioneer Builders Supply, who la I t1ldPnl or the g roup. Judge Ken-the court on the problem of help-111tate director or l hl' Orange Cou.n-1 neth Morrteon. Superior Court Ing young11tl'r~. Ly Builder. Alltoclatlon, will pn!- ' ju•litP presiding over juvenile "1 thlnk It la one of the moat, 11ent the &ward a t a 11pec1al meet- court. requested the 111111slon. enlightened 11tep11 In juvenile pm· ing ht ld at the ll!!l'Oeiatlon otrlce. I ··w e will diecusl'I matter per-cedure that's come up In the IA.at tslnlng to juvenllrs and JUvemll' dec11de," McKenzie eald rPCt'ntly J Mellott rf'ceived the pl11que tor I rnurt procedure." McKenzl!! 111Ud . "It pre&t'nt s A ch1'"ce Jor thl' 111) .. 1 out11tll1ldlng Mirvlce tn the bulldinr "All pohce ch iefs In the county msn to «ome Into contnrt wlth Industry.. He ttnt-d ""' at&te pre.i- &re mrmbers of the commlttrr. prnr Pdural aspert!I of crime pre· dent of ~he builder!! rxchang,. In I lllon,ir with l'duc11tor11. mf'mbforl! nf venllon work. 11.ntl allow~ sf; f11ceU! the PTA a nd others with juvenile and phaslos of Uw Juvcnlh.• problem .19:>1 M d u president of the ('Oun- 1 DISNEYLAND 'PREVIEW BECOMES"'"'" ,, .. ., 11NVITATION TO FRUSTRA TIONLAND , Pressing Mobs Held at· Bay by ~~ek ~.re .. n't runnlnJ unUI 8:00 o'· We were hurled along 1hop and TV Cameras and Commercialism concm lon -load~ "M11ln Street," by the laat·movln( ,truah of hum- ! anity and aUddenly found ourselvM 'J'f'lmpuatu'" c .. ~ p .. t week :a former •'deep hole" for furthe r testing. The ume company tbe Harbor •rf'• "'el'f': I is reportedly toying with t he idea of •inking vertical hol• Hl1b Low around the perimeter of the City drill deeper. Tuuday. J uly 12 I>& 61 or Newport Beach bulge lnl•nd or Considerable queatlon 1UU •• Wednead11y, July 1:1 88 :18 the hl1i:hwey. Any or all opl'ra-lslll about the operaUona ot tbe Thuraday. July 14 71 82 lions in the rlt>ld <'oul'1 well lllctate Ctty or Newport Beach well No. Friday. J uly 111 69 61 the futuJ'4' of tha t u ra of the City 7 drilled by the Monterey Otl Co. Saturd11y. July 18 70 :19 of !\ewport Beach. Laat week In thl' hydro fr&t"llnl' Sund&)'. July 17 . 71 80 ll'1l• more than a lhouaand b&n'ela .Monday. J uly 18 68 :19 Rea110n tor th~ new flurry, a nd or produ<"t from the other dty plan Of Kad1ne to go back on Jta well11 waa pU1'1r:-' Into No. 7. h~ pre-vhm1ly a bandont d def'p teat mg to open the 1antt pore& and hok i11 the surceu of the deep hole bring production. Great hope• had of Seguro 011 Co. west or Santa bffn htld for No. T by both the city River a nd inland ot Atlanta SL llJld the Montert'y ottlcl&la. It Seguro hu probed a hitherto un-there h1 not an Immediate Im· explort"d 1111nd and come In with provement In the well It la plan• Local Demos Plan Picnic, Convention a thousand barrel well. ned to go Into the hole and makP f010 DEPTH new perlonitlona Into the known 11&11d 1lructure. The Seguuro well came in at It Kadane and Sona ext.end their 6010 !eel m a hot!' aunk by the drilling on the perimeter of thtt De111ocrata or Orange will hold Ben Owen1 Dr1Ulng Co. The 11&me <"ity and ahould hit lhe ame •t ruc- thelr t lrat county·wlde Democratic , opeTllor,. •~ now deepeninr turP with production that hu convention -picnic Sunday. J uly other wells In the area, hoplng to been unrovered by the Segura u - 24 In Orange City pa rk l to 5 Pm. bit the llllm e productive ll&ndl! ploratlon It la likely t hat realdenl8 Picnic II aponaort<I by the Council elMwhere in t he rteld. of the City of Newport Bead! ot Democratic Cluba of Orange 1 Brown Drllllnr c o. aunk a bole could claim dralnace or their prn- County a.nd the Democratic Cen· to 6C>Oe feet tor IKAd1ne and Sona perty and enda nl'er Ole oll ordl· tral commlllff. practically on t h11 eaat bank of the nance an4 charter prohibition a- S!)f'clal guu ta will be Democrat-S an t a Ana R I v e r jullt in-salnllt oil production. le lu.dera throughout Ca lifornia In -land of the City LI m It 1 or At one lime, Monterey and K•- dudlnf Jl;llaabeth Snyder, chair-Newport Bea.ch. Kada.ne at the dane and Sona had talked of joint man of the State ~ntral Commit-Um e 1treaHd the po(nt that oper-venturtng t iq>loratlon In lhf' lnlanrl tee; Paul ZUfrln. Califon\!& mem-aUon on th• ~ well waa au.-Wu t Nawport a Na under leaH tMw of the Na tional t>emocr&t.lc l"Jldtd 1111d not abaadoll*l. lt I.a dit&1a to pt"Oteet U.. Ott)' 04l'1ew• Oommltt .. ; Richard Oran 1, recent eirpected that they now wtU ro Ill port BeMh oil rwohlblUoa ordl- Democratlc candidate for l'OVer· and conUnue lHlJnl' and prob&bl,y nanee. nor; Adm. Ra.1 Mcintyre. vlce- ~;:;:e~~:~cltlh:n~al~~~~e °:~ WILD DRIVERS ADD Iott, ch.airman of California Demo- cratic Council for the 28th Con- (l'tulon&I 01111 rlct. I Cr~:~;on •;,:~;;nl :~"th:eCal~~~ I TO TRAFFIC DANGERS· nl& Democratic Council. All Demo- crats In Orange County are tn";ted to attend. ll 111 ex perted to b" lhe I l&rgut gath,.rlng of Oemocr111.J1 In Orange County, Accomln{ to 1'1t County Central Commlllef'. Each family 11 to br1nr; Its own lunch. Coffee Wiil be aerved t:.y 2 Youths Escape Police in Fast SpeedinCJ Through Newport Area the commltlM. Pinball Machine Rifled for $50 Local ~lice wPre engaged tn two wild and d1U1gerou11 11pttd chase11 ye11terday morning and llll!l night In which one motor111t wu flnolly 11pprehendet1 and the driver llnd pal!Sengl'r flf the morning Theft or $60 ln nlc'kel11 rrom the chu f' a b8nt1oned thrlr c•r a.nd ea- coin box of a pinball machine In capt'd on fnot Turn1'r'11 Drug Btore At Coa~t I Th" first ch&!!\' ocrurred wh~n Highway and Tualin Ave. waa re-Motor Off!C't'r Don Muni!On chll.l!Cd ported lo police yeeterday. I & car with two teen-agl'r11 Crom Indu11tna1 way lhrou~h trofflc at Ott lcen aald the theft occur red llpeeds or 70 to 7:1 mlt,.11 per hour. between 5 and I p.m. while lhf 1 with red li ght and 111,...n. •tore WU open. Tht boll WU pried WILO OR.J\'!:R open. .Munaon 11ald the c11r turned oft Newport Fl"l'eway onto Co a a t Hlghw11y. a~d up the hlK'tway to Balboa Blvd. where It made a •Ud· den turn on the wrong aide or a lr11.m r l1ktnd. Jt continued on Bal- boa Blvd. at 76 mllee per hour, rm11J1ed the double line a t 30th 8 t., torcPd one car up on the aidewalk to avoid a he&d·on colllalon., b&r- r"llet1 thf' coml'l' at 23rd St . and lmmedlat.rly turned •Jain on New- port Blvd . forctnr 1:9rs to Ute CUl b Th~ wild rar almo.t collided w1lh other cara a t Z3n:I St. and ( C-U111"ld 09 Pac• 1) Dy PAT MJCHAEL.lil 1 t rom the pla('e, That made J etting Ill the entrance to "Adventure- 1•11n't wr1tt' a rl'\·tew on to Olanc>yland ea11y We lf'ft 8 1 lllnd " Before we knew what wu D1!!ntoyland. We didn't ftl to rP-, 3 00 p n1. and had . na,:lJ •ll"rl happening, we had loat reporter • ''lew anything. through the entranee traJflc ln a !\tcL.ertio.re and hla family and I Wt u t out bra\·ely yel!ltrdll\' br11k 3Z mlnutea. I gimullaneou•ly di.covered ouneh•- There \Hre a number or people ;n ll'ST THE Bf:GfSNfSG ts ln a leqthy -.nd lntt nnlnable GOVERNOR CONGRATULATES EXPLORERS BEl.O\'EO CO~IMODORE -'Clnude G. Putnam Sr .. IK'nior sta ff commodorf' of Newport Harbor Yacht Club and internationally known a rtist, Is dead. He appears abo\'e at his drawm ~ bo:mi in cabana at Lido Trailer Park wht're he S))('nt most of his recent years. -Staff Photo our party-OC:"S forelgn eorru -1 At 3'48 we had read ted lht main llne. u pondent W11lton Tt<eru kia, -.n It· irate and ahown OW' puaee. The ' At tlm •• Uloupt t.M JIM wu lntrlllll '11.Tlter named Henry Mc-m&ln rate wu 90rt-of a hqe tun-for one of the four 90n, drink l..emo~ and the two Michaela off-nel that compreued a ahurtll" atande that clUllerld around Ad· sprlnf , ttplete Wit h aaucer·lhaped pack of humanity 36,000 •tronc ln-vm turel&nd. Howenr, atter we Pye.. to wh&t had been termed "a apac-had Mch cvJped -.n oran,. cruah. Mel.Amore picked ua all up at lou• 65 a.crea of wonderland." an Ice cream cone. purch&Md a "Michaela' M-.nor"-a hoval we call By 4 :10 we reached the railroad straw hat to ltMp Ute blUlftJ aun home In Oarde.n Oro\Ce. Carden 1taUon-Ju.t trud4• the p te. The orr our per.,vtns browa and down· Grove, tortun.ately, 11 only a 1hort aaucer-•ha ped eyee of the young· 1 td an.olhu orance cruah. we found dlatanre from Dt.sneyland and Ml-1ter1 dlmmrd aomt'll'hat when the the liM atlU wend.Ina' lt'a tort11oua 1 chaela' manor la only four block.I fua.rd on Uae t.ra1a platform M'4 (-Olellu 1 I • ,.... 1 ) ' "' .. "It will be a meaaage good u gold acroN our country t o have you boys rep~nt ua." aaid Gov. Goodwin J . Knight when· he· and Mrs. Knight met the scoutA of Explorer Pon 17 who will take a 10.000-mile tour acros" the L'nited State11 thcs summer. Pic- tured receiving the greetings of Gov. and Mrs Knight are Lyn Barton, advisor of the Explorer POiit. 14\ to right, Doug Reddick, J ohn Vale, Gov. and Mr11. Knight, John Van Dyke, Doug Unruh, Kent Harvey, Barton and Randy Pei>ler Bcl'jind the group ill the new "colden" station wagon which hu been presented to the boy" for their trip by P. A. Palmer, Emory HanlOh, 0 . W. "Dick" Richa rd. Walter B. Mellott and Cart Mlller. --StaU Photo ' ; SOUTHWARD HO! -It's a Mexican cruise for the George C. Mitchclls of Newport Harbor Yacht Club abOard their &launch 58-foot motor-sailer Beagle. The Mitchells and their crew left Thursday without any set itinerary or schedule. They plan to cruise leisurely down the coast of Baja California, stopping in where- SEALARKING By GINNY (MRS. EDWARD LF.STER) SMITH ..BEVi:RLY HlLS: ~oan Win-1111ster. Mu. Gra.c.e Mt'ILger: were chell flt'w to India ; Lynn Spt>nct'r Dllrothv i O'Hara> a nd H~nk r,un-' winged to Germany; Jimmy Copp ' ney. PankPy and Allan Cnsfll, did Turkey so for !'-change of pare 1 Helen •nd l-l$.rry Kelso. Jl'an Bpd Sea-Larking dashed lo BPvt'r Franrls Dawson, C'huleen 11h<1 ly Hiila v ia 11ea and land rrnm Hury Gat<'!I and K&ty snd Bur- CalaUna's I sthmus and via the ton R.omburger. home port of Newport Beach. CQRONA HIGHLANDS: Pop· HOLLYWOOD-BOWL: Sympho· ular Mr11. Frank Wilkinson or Co- nies under the s tars were more ron.a H lghland5 hllll jm1t a rrlve<1 wonderful than ever wilh Beeth· home trom u. three wetk. sojourn oven, Brah.ms •!1d Chopin under In Dttrolt where ahe visited her t he tanU1llz111,: baton oC guest 11Jster, Mrs. Clark A. T ea. conductor George Soll! ... wllh COCKPIT S K U T TLEBUTT: Cla11tllo A rrau as feRt ured , pianist the Hal Roar h J n . And the John . · · lhP new T"fll'<'ll•m pO<JI which Mr:>;abhll aboard their f'l<'gant new i<k1rt:o1 lhe ~hril n~rtainly &dr1s lo ' Stella Palori11 at thP Balb<'ta Bav th!' b•auty nf thr "urrounding11 ... Club ... lh4' Dran \Vhltes hnm.e an•! th.-night w as rxut 1r ... box-·rnr 8 fr w r1A ~AhnArr1 thrir Bet· h"rl""I w it h <'1111~1Y i Fox 1 and ~Pal at the.L lboa Yacht Club t.wll••w Sh,,nnan1 Lury and Homer lAklng on aupplle.11 to anotbe 'l't1hrrmnn. ~\'1n 11n<J Cl1arle11 Ball>· I two wr i>ks rnil~,. to f'R;allnR .. ~ •''" :1 an I \' tlh .. lrn1na H:tt rPll anr1 1 Sallv and Court Platt "boatgue~t· h•·r 111nl h•''' :\1 1~. Charles Wm,.rtch ing': aboard the Llrnoda with A· Ir H<1\1•t11n. Tr xns . . nntl l'n· dnnPll M1111.,1e at Chl'rry Cove .•. J'll 1•d thr 1·vr111 ng tn th,. f11ll~i<t Kilt~· F.vans. Boyd Dsvlll, thr flay with Ill\' h•111t••lis Vlr.1:1nia 1 Mn;. Oa•las. anrl J si·k :'\Pwtnn~ nf Co· 1-1 • • 1\'1 · Rnbmsnn whn 111 always rnna dt'I M11r <lining 11t Cat&liM Pl•' h• Hr of lht' ball whert'·e\'er ('riuntry Club ... <Katy Evanl' 111 Fh<' i:iws. more bcautlf11I than evi>r with 11 1\H'l,1\RO A FOl'RPOSTF:R; n<'w htnntl ,·nir1• Kal<'Y D<>sn" st tnstl'IHI nf wr1t1n 1; thl~ <'nlurnn H· ('ntnnl\ rlr l ~1'1r'!' H urll'\'·Brll ... hnR rrl the Typre I 11m "ho<•l1ng ll Hollywood lel,\'huon pr~durl'r Jnc 11111 Whl!f' t n!'!t'nnqrol a lCl(l ll (1111r I f'"l'l<'r h<'O 11lmnRI 1111 h 111 H!' lhr ------------- Typee ... whil,. In comp1ttr ele- ganr,. wi th brPakfast an hrrl .. looking nut nn >1rrri> 11n<I 11l·rpq nf t roplca I roll1tgr In plarf' "' !'hip Rn<"k 11.mi the ~"II ... with mnn- key11 11n11 lrwf'blrrl11 in rl11r e nr ll"al11 11nd C'1tt:lltn11 rn<...·!'! ... 11t thP IOvPl.v Be\'nly H11l1t !'lllllte of Mrl!. H11rrv Rnbln,.nn whf'rr J am "housrgut~t I nit.'' CTTY TE!':NIS: After a fast iram<' of t<'nnt11 at the Robln~nn e11tatt'. Jntl'Sl" glllhererl 11round the r oot ror lunr he-nn, wtth lh!' top fc of conn·r11s11on bellt'\'t' It or I n nt. NF:\\1'0RT. P 1an11 'Mr!'! Ralph • 1·ou1<1n• rhntlt'ol about NEWPORT ISLAND PLANS FESTIVAL The Newport Il'-land F rst1rnl will be ht'lrl Saturday by N ew- port Island Inc., rompo~rd n( all prnpe1 ty owner11 in the n u . rurpo~e nf the fe~li\'al, nrcordmg lo I'relltdrnt Jarn•'s E<lwarlls. i~ to raise fund,, !11r playgruunrl lmprovl'menl~. "Onn'l cook your tlir.nrr," l'ay thr frstlrnl spon~rl'. "bnng your fo mily end fneon<1s SaturdAy and help m11ke the f<'l'1t i\•nl a 11ucceJ<~:· holl!'!l'guest5 shn w a" Pxpertan1t ------------- that night Ill h er Bl'\'('lly Hill.; Island Aux1·1.·ary hnmr ... Mr. an I Mrs. Roh<'rl 1.11 ,-ell nf F:lrntrn. '.\'. Y. who h1wr ~l'P11 Maying al thP Balb1111 Bay I Has Fund Party' l l11b and look ang for 8<'hool11 In ever it looks inviting and continuing on their way to La Paz and up the gulf whenever the spirit moves them. Their "crew" consists of son Tommy (on deck) and qis young friend Tony CliC!ord shown here load- ing a few last minute groceries. -Beckner Photo s. NEWPO RT HARBOR ,. O.ci e l'I MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Society Editor PAGE 2 PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JULY 18, 19.55 Btgelnw at the Isthmus ... hear that the· n•·W Lldu F ood anrl Wane So<·iely t'<>mp<H!ed oC Lido Isle I males I~ so popular Lhal they will ha vtl to 11m1t It tn r-.o m ,.mbers I .•. next nfCnl r at Li<lo Clubhnu8e Wl'dnesd11.'·· J uly 20 At Peven. your ~b j)B * indudes a swimming pool and clubhouse for residents of th e new Hal.ecrest In beautiful COSTA MESA Harbor Boulevard & Baker Avr:. S.1-1 Aceftt1-W•1Ut I lM T11-pll---Kllllllefly 5-ltn THE ORGAN YOU CAN Pl.Al' AT ONC~! the wonderfal neW HAMMOND . CHORD ORGAN The Whole FamU:r Claa Pla1 It WIUaoa& a-! Now! No Need tA> Take LeMC>n& Come In and Prove . It to Yourself We also ln\'lte you to come ln and try the new Hammond Splnet 0FC--lliow Available· DANZ-SCHMIDT RIG PlAXO .t ORGA.."J STORE H eadquarters fol' All Model• Hammond Oreana Kl 2·111'0 11!0 Jlio. MaJn SlUlta Ana which to enter t~elr childrl'n when I A Cund ra1.s.in1t desert can&Sla -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. thl'y move to J'l\ewport thl11 !Bil.' puly wu held lut Thursday at r Hertx>rt Antlrewll t old of his re-I p ni in 1 he hntnl' nt Mrs James • rent vlitlt tll thP Bay Club. anrl Erlwards, 3900 Channel Plact'. by <'hllrmlng Lou I Mr11. Viclor l Flem-1 the \'.:oman's Auxiliary of New-~ wifo Of the Iott> fsm oU8 di· port lslf.nd Inc. Mrs. W. D. Kirk- rector. chatted of her lnteru tlng palrfrk wnn the donr prize. Mri1. put y11chtlng life. A. B. C"ubbage recr lverl the mllk LIDO 181.,.E: Pat and \'lnr.e gla.'tll bnwl. A t otal of 59 guests H ealy, that popular Lido l!!le twt-Wf're rrt'sent. I 1toane. ho~ted a gay <'ocktall party last Thuniday night for E ilPen and• JUDY ABRAMSON, 17, Yub& Arthur Strnrk of Bel Air whn arP City high 11entor .-"The key to vacallonlng for the month of July Democra<"y ts our faith In the dlg- on the Island ... greeting them. nlty and the wor th or each hum&n- 11.nrl their hou.l!e gut'st, Arthur's Ure." ~he P:ut .Avenue . r I Bal/,oa .Jj/~;,J Fashion ~ts luncheon Thursday, July 21st 12:30 p.m. VERNA MILLER SCHOOL OF CHARM AND FASHION MODELING l':llpnf''• "rat 8llop Ma.rtlyn'fl d ay Tna-s " ~h<'omtw-"' Fn1nrt'll Sorton Lorn,.'• LA Rf'llN' .lohn11nn IP1''t-ler1 Well Known Chef Henry Jones' Perk Avenue Cafe Fash ion Luncheon $1 .25 .. WINA FORD THUNPERBIRD in New lpana's LA.6;ntest! .t ... I Come in-pt your Entry Blank here today! Lee's Pharmacy 302 Marine Ave., lalboa Island • Sa•h• l·n1nn ' "Sot·lal problc-m• T S WEIGERT-"Thouchtf\11 clt1· l J L R o \· 'nosF:XBERG. l'l11tor I stTPERlOR JUOOE wn..t.1A11t ',.rnnot h<' 11111\ r,l hy ~11r1t•ndl'rln& zenah1p Is the-be•l salute each llW I ighl lO lhU\k." • ot U8 CAn make to the nas.'' I --- - AMONG THE PROMINENT' .paJ:iSengers 'who sailed to Hawaii aboard Matson Lineil luxury lliier SS Lur- ·1ine from Los Angeles Harbor on July 13th are Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. q:>rkett, her daughter, Nancy and sons, William and Tom, 304 Buena Vista Blvd., Balboa. GERTRuDE LAWRENCE BOOK INTERESTS WOMEN "~rtrude Lawrence u Mrs. A" by Richard Sloddard Aldrich hu created a grNt deal of Interest. psrtlcularly among women. William Ha.a.r1tad1 Orange Cout Colleg-e Ii· bra.ria.n, revlewa the book. Recently a nationally populll.r televlalon program eulo- ctzed the great Engllah &tare 1tar Gertrude Lawrence. A• part of the program hi-r hu11band waa Introduced. He I.I! Rirh· ard StoddJrd Aldrich -the author ot thill work. W ith the passing of M iss I..awrenr' in September, 19:\2, the world of theatre lost one of ltB great.al cogs. ?.l1Uiona tllld thrllled to her performancrs In "J>rl\'ate Llve11", "Tonight at 8:30", "Swian &nd God", "Lady In the Dark", "Pygmalion", and "The King and I". Those wonderlng what 11he l.\"OS like in private life need only read thll! book and l h•·y wlll have the answer. Mr. Aldrich, a new Englander, and the cockney-born M ill!! Lawrence were m1ln1ed In 11140, and throu!Ul 12. event.Lu! years enjoyed t, happy life togl'lher. Tlie' a uthor relates the many famous personalities that M iss Lawrl'nce knew and worked w ith -.people lil<e Ge<>rge Bernard Shaw. Nut>I Coward, Charle• L&ughton . Helen Haye11, Laurt'nce Olh•1er, Bt'Atrlce Lillie, Maurice Evana, Qlld l!O many more. This book Is the Intimate portrayal of one of th,. mo~t faaclna.ling 11tara in lhe theatrical !lnneml'nt, and 1s h1gtily recommended from tht atandpolnt of readt'r lntert'St. LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is BARBER ,SHOP BALBOA THEATRE 81.00. BALBOA Open TuMday tlaru Saturday I THE PRICE TAGS TELL THE STOR'Yl Danhh -C•ta111porary Love Seat ale ----- Price s9p Dostoia ofBarsaSn Bu)' lu•t Llkl' t!Mo Abo''" Watch for Big AnnouaeemflD& in the CoaM&l Shopper ant week. Newport Furniture Co. 2620 W. Coast Hiway Newport leacll Tr.-.... famlly ••• MICHIGAN VACATIONI· Take factory delivery of your new Oldsmo-bile ••• help ·pay your way on what you save I SAYE UP TO '18800 Nn nttd to8tretrb that aninfll a~t to t'njny your varation tbia y«'ar! You can bdr r ay your ~1y ,.;th "b11 you · u ve by liking deliorery of a "Rndi:et" Engine OldlllDobile at Laminf. MidJ- g1n! ~lop In for detaila! Pick your f1 vnrilC' Olwmobile-tbe.n pack up the f~mily for th" mlMlt excicin,. moet ecooomiral v1r11ion you n« b1JI Sii TOUR NIARIST OLDSMOllLI DIALll MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W. <.·out Highway Newport ~ Liberty 8-%261 YET LOWEST PRICED Early ·American MAPLE FURNITURE ..•• dn'lw~ere When the meals are hot • delicious-and the kitchen is COOL and comfortable-it's a good sign the r I COOK.ING was done -0n an '-ELECTRIC range louthem Califorf'la Edison Company Thia time of year, coolneee ii oneofthe beat featuree of an all-electric kitchen. See your ckakr GootJ Snllie1, SflUl!tt Dtlllinf. c 0"'110#1 1"1lll'1Wltl 1NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE J .MONDAY, JULY 18, 1955 Zonta Earhart Award Winners ,,,uJ J.a,uJboll -coriffSf or r£'sidc11ts of --~~~~-!'""<IW.1&1.J"-L!;.llll.llaU!.llW~llJ.UWU:d__l2"'-r-wl-~~~·~n:-~~~~--~~~---t~ 'Zonia lnl<'t nal h>n11l, ac.-orJh1g lo ae MW wnru rrceh •ed by M1 11. l!atl St&n· I llalecrest -· SER\'ll'\G AT CORONA DEL MAR Yout h Ct'nter arc Mrs. Alvin C. Spencer and Mrs. T. Duncan Stcwurt of the Woman's Civic League, providing coffee and food for workers who were puttmg the former Scout J amboree headq uarters into shape as a youth and community center. Work parties are going on during t he summer and it is expected thE' building will be reaayoy fall. At present tt;ie Zonta -11ponsored youth a rt clas1:1es art.' 01.ty groups meeting ther.e: 'Garbo' Story . tn Review William Haari.tad. Orange Coast College l1brnrlan. ht'rt' pre11enl11 a review of "Garbe/· by J ohn Buln· briflJ:t'. T hi' rollege library 111 open Mondav through F riday, days and evenin):.I!. to 11d11lts. T h111 111 the bloraphy of one of tht' 1:1 t>a t ectrPAIOCll aml perl!Onal· iltl'll or t h111 C:POLlll')' Crttll Lo- \'lSa GuMaf•11on. the "Swedish Sphinx", belier known u Grtta G1trbo. P1ob11bly nn other person In the h111t ory o f Hollywood has been J011rnallstlc-ally treated In 11u<'h a mannt·r as hu Carbo. W ithout doubt the moat famoua aaylng al· lr1buted to her 111 lht' oft-quoted "l \\ant to be 11lone." Recently Gubo told a friend that 11he never made the ltatemenl. but rather said. "I wnnl t o be ltl alont." The ml'n 1n GRrbn'11 life pl11y a prominent p11rt In the book: how l!he met Maunlr; Stiller, the man who gave her thf' name "Garbo"; John ClllJert. w ith whom l!hl' made the Immortal film, "Fle11h. and the Devil'"; and the other men Garbo knew, Leopold Stokow!!kl. CAye· lord Ha u11er. and Baron R~lh11chlld HEADING UP mE BAY in first race of the season• are these skippers of Balboa Is land Yacht Club. At left is Eleanor Smith 265, jus' ahead Jim ·Rollins, junior division, in No. 281. Boat in ia unidentified. -Staff Photo youn3 Snowbird and cr~w in Nu right fort'ground ll'.I' vt U.-11con liay. who rt1presents ct1st11cl 9 on l hl' lnlern11t1ona1 I apf't'l•I Arnt-ha Earhart scholar- J 11h1p co111millet-. Shf' la a me,in~r of Newport Harbor Zonta Club. I ThP tw<' $1200 g""ra nt11 are madt- for l(radu11te atully In the neld of I llt'l"<>n11utw11I en1tlnttrlnf(. One <'llml' I•> Zonia from thi' Link Fo11n1lat1on e 8ta b11 a h e d two ytm s ago b~· E olw lna A. Link, ph1nrtr av1at1lln rnthus1u t. for advan •. ,.,, trasnsn.11: a nd rducRtlon In ll"n•nH111lr11, Mr11 Te1rhman will U5t' her .i:nmt to 11tu1ly toward her doc· tor'l! rlei;ir,. .. at Cahforni& l n11tlt11te of Tr<'hnology. The other grant goe3 ti> Mtss Doria Domenlghetll, 11 rtllzen of Swllzerland whose fitmlly llVl'l! in Italy. 11h11 will \W•rk toward a master'• dtgree a t llnl~r11lty of Wuhing:ton. In 10!'13 the! p ant WMI to Miss Chrl. st1• an Churches Oneonta Park HO!ltl Aftft of Cairo, Egypt, who r"cttvt>d hn mastrr'11 d('l(ree from • D A R B . d T'~rth1P t'nlvPrslty &nJ In 19~1 ll 0 A I C f : . . oar WPnt 10 MlllS Caterina S11ppll or b lt11ly. who 11tud lerl at U nlvf'rsity or Pen nn ua on a 'Is Enterta1"ned I ~1 1011t'80ltt . .M11111 Af1rt ill now with l the ilf'patlm('nts or deslj!"n Al Uni- Th d f · · I I C h . Thi' home an•J patio or Mi. nn<I VC'r1<1ty or C'al~o and m a Cairo I ousan &· o v1s1tors w l throng Orange ounty w en Mni. R J \\'ii:;-, 1604 s outh i:ny :11rn1ane f11 ctory. Chapman College serves as host to the 67th annual conven-F111n1. wa~ N" nP "' a summer Thi.. '"'holar,;h1p program la lion of the Chris tian Churches of Southern California, be-bonnl mPet1ni: anol p1rn1c to.ray ~11P~lrt('d by mt>mber11 or 310 Zon· 1 wh,.n uff1cen1 olf l)1won1a Park ta Club8 m 13 couritrlt'B. ginning Wednesc;tay a nd extending through Sunday, J uly 24. Chapt;;,r, Vaught"•~ of the Ame• 1• Attendance of aU seMlons of the I Ll'Xlngton, Ky : tht' Re\'. Au rt ho i·an Ri•\ olution. 11111t11rC"d do\\ n fh·e-day e\•tnl Is ex~cled to l'X· 1 tit> C111•Lrn. Manila. P. J : Or War· fiorn Pa~4.Jena llr.•I l'Ut roun<hng ceed 7000 persons, m&ny of them ren Crafton, betroit, Mich : the cities. from other counuea, It wa.s jointly RP\', Charlcll 'St:~e1 ns. San D1r j!o: Mr!! \\'ig-, \\'ho 1~ the rhaptes "ported by Richard W. Slark-&nt1 :'tlr~ Mu• Yoho Ward. Dr. re~cnl. l'Xl .. r.•il'<I IO\'otatinn" to lhP bum, CoachellA Valley. COn\'enL1on G<'OQletpl1\'er T8ylor, Or. Roy L follnwmg offtteis: :'tlmC'l\· \\'sllsani pn!llldtnt and Or. George N. Rtt-, Thorp 11nrl Merk Rutherford, all of r. Row~t' a nil Pa"iil c narnu t1. ves, Orange, Cha pmAn lttarl. ln1hanapolla Ind. l..nll AngPIP!<, :'tf·nNi .I Frf'<lnsc-k As convention-goer• a re plan· R"por~ on 1 hurl'h·SJY•n~nri-d ar-H'llOPl<. 111''"" C 1 ... c;, .1n•I. 1-: O nin,r excurslona lo Orange, County LlvlUea of ca1dlna.l importance vn ll Sla.lcr and Cha1les H. Sheldon. recreational an!aa, in!ormatton on be p1f'lll'Oll!d at the 1:onvent1on and Pasa rlPn'l: :.lt't '1111 t \' H111 hlionn, Slln local vacation spota 13 being pro-m.1ny groups w1Lh1n th•• c-hu r«'h Manno, \\' .l11mrs PPRll', h nnwllon vlde<l In advance, Bleckbum sai<1. will hold 11peclal sul!1orui through-Fernald 1rnd 1\rth11r l>hrllk<>rn San These include nea.rby Newport-out tht five-day Jlf'rind. r.ohnr': II Stnnl")' BPnt. Si• rr11 Balboa Harbor, Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach and Anaheim' Tht final prt'11entat1nn of "Tht' M11olr<'. ::1.l< 1::111 <:1l•nn :111" newly-leted Dlaneyhlnd. • GreHt Wo1·ld Theatre", a clal'.•sc Grori:-e <-:tlths l< .. n P ?nrt Lc1111 l\111-Am~urch leaden1, featured rellg""loua drama with a c~t of 100, ler. South l'n1111 u apeal<en on the convention ro-111 8Chedule>d for Friday nsght. one Oneont • p ,. 1 '. "~ ~nrt Pt , whtrh . p of the-oull!l11nt1lng outdoor r\'enl.!1 wal' "'J!liOt7<'d .I" ~.1 1!11 ~. 1~ uni' grDam, !~1e. o! th1> convention. or the 010,.1 n···,1 .. 1·h11J1lPr11 111 tht r • ..,,. ey B Montgomuy ot 1 • Other outdoor features will !Ji-wol1< of tht.' n.A ;: On,.. or ltft most At the • Lido Isle S.'\,()fMl.00 down -S lk'dr .. om" -:t bath• -llkr nrw. '3 ft . 1ot-Wt1 hf'llt>no tbl• lo hf' on r of today'• fff;lST RU\'8. See It! Asking $29,950.00 Call llutM»r HOO. Salet AIMii -WtlMt a l• ,,..,..__IOMe,., .... ,, WAVES SPECIAL Complete s10.oo s7so Permanent • New Locatioft 357 N. 'Newport llv. Cr<>Nrol<ia 't'tna1• ./' Center Bldg. oppoeite Hoag Memortal H oepit&l Llbert.f 8-2411 Gft""; B.aul'I Slop · llU are part and pa.reel of the Oarbo •tory . The author h1111 wrtttrn the In lln rru:11glni: manner Cracker lcsrel By CARO EATOS which Is l'quo1 to the splendld E verything tor the artist. Mpirlng maler111I that 111 lo be found con· or oUlerwi~. Al The Cracker Bar· cem1ng t ht' hfe of Garbo. Exten· rel, 128 Agate Ave .. tthe renv 11lv(' r el't'arr h by the a uthor was at.I. Balboa 1111and. Everything. nrrr111Jan· In <'Olit'<l the nl'f!dd that 11!1, except the fruatratlon and lnformnt1nn fnr tht book fall.rue th.at <'ome with a "C"ropl>f'r" d ude a WHlern bar becue Satur-re<'cnt endea\'O ll 11•111 t;een the foll· dlly night a nd communion' at rvlce lcrlng nt a laq:t• ratfi.en~hlp claM In t he colleire i tadlum, cloalng rite fn cooperalion with the &rlult. efll1· on Sunday evening'. l caUon department of the Soulh Startlnc In 1888 a nd ft>r many PIL.!Mldena School tli11trtct 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ytara thtreaflt>r. the Cbri:sthtn r Churchu or Southern California heir! 11nnua1 convr ntlons at Nor- walk on the northwt:st bonl!'r of Orange County. F or th<' pai<t tO Y'ara the convcnl1on11 were htld m Lone Beach. CLARENCE JAMES COBERLY JR . general managt'r of the Kobe Company. with his wife and small son Peter Wt'rt.' amon~ other Ha rborit<'S who left for Ha- waii July 13 aboard the f;S L ur line. The Coberleys re- io;ide at 110 Via Lido Nord. M11ny fmt phntoi;:ra phll enliven \jg""h! So If you're an up1r1ng •r1· an already fllsu nRting \\'Ork. Th,.l!e lat and "come-off" v.1th 11 gooche. h h ha ve 11 t xpertly framed at Sandy P OlOJn'llfl 11 11how " high rlc-i;:rt'e 1md EUy Enf1eld'11 unique Cracker ot lll'le<'ll"HY on the part or the Barrel. And ir It wu ltM thllll &11thnr. succe88ful. jWll wrap tonighl'a gar- A nolht'r featurt or Lhl' work 111 bage 1n it, and then hie yourulf thr a rrrnchx, which h~ts all or to The Crac-ker Ba rrel anrl huy Garbo's film!', both Eurorean and I one or more of tht1r mM y origin· Amerir11n, thl'ir c-1111111• production s is , sllk prints or prlnta. But rl'al· <'tf'rhlll 11nrl thl' place llnd date of 'Y· 1r 11'8 umber you're after. or a r• f'mlrre or f'Al'h. bru,,h. or water color paper. or oll A hl .. hlv rf'rommrndr.. bo k supplleii, t ry The C racktr Barrtl. Say It With Party Rental Items 3•0.t E. C:C1'1 • .i 11!1., !''lruua del /ltlor Harbor 5071 Art Shows I nrr. fAn1011/t flnrAI 11rt 11tt, IS hAV· 1111:' ll On•• m11 n ~hnw 111 l ht> A'rl- l1tt11 C11tld or Amrncu, ( 'Arffi('I. ,.. , •• o · Aclv frnm the sta ndpoint oC Jt,ener11I In-~-::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;· ;:::=;;:::;:;::;::;::=:;:=;;;;;:::;;;:=;~ trrt>~I , Upcomi11g July l I hrt1ui:h :i 1. Rn~· Kr1st••r of \\'t'•l!•1·11, Trx11:«, nnf' nf nur P"Jlhi&r rxh1b1tinJ: m11m- Rr O!'Wf;l,r • .JAf .K 1'0 :-.' h•'l.'I Ill l('ll\'OIC' for lln C'Xt r nt1td De V ean Shows Art Collection Thr re WaM a r11pn11ty a11d1r11re F:111·111wan t rap th11t Wrt•k. He hall nn S11tuidav ~""""'lo: '" i-:°'""' I 111st romplN,.d 11 lari;:" mural fnr 'A Bu11111u11man Cnllert~." 11n E liot O'A11r11. ?'\A .. And t he i<hnw-1 lhP Ptnple~ Chur'l'h of Ch1rs i;n Pxh1b1l111n ot more1 lhlUl 100 orl· Ingot h111 nrw film• <•n w111rrc .. 1111 'rhr followini: E'Xhthilionio mav c-inal rlrew1n1:11 boui;hl by R oss R. lt><'hmqur. T hci<t> f1lm"I w1'I e 1>t>1111-sn11 .. ,.,.t 111 ts•'s n( lhf' vu'sntt}:. DeVean .lor11l 11rt pAtrnn. now on ftt\tl and lnttrr,.tmi:: not !'nlv frnm 1 J.'••r 1rn1a:,.11r,. ""'"'· the Orani:e \•1rw Ill the Munl<'lr11I Art G&J- tht 11tandposnt of the artist but County Fair Exhibit. Aui: p lt>ry In Bamsdllll Park, Loa Ang- llll thP.V 11h01A'l'r! llt'\'l'tnl l11c8I J'f'n. 1 thrriuJO:h t 1 Blanks ma\' tie .,,. lea, clo1Jt11 July 2<1. Hours are 2 1 pie, Tommy Mnrtv An•I h1• rlrum' c-1trf't1 h'' \\"rllmJ! Ern"M H ;-.;011110 to !I Pm '11111.v . &I! Wl'll 11• Mari:-11ret Sh<'J"Jlll"'I Sttpf'rmten•lent of Arts And ("raft!< Dr\'elln, pr1'l!tOl'nt of 11 small p,asnllnj?' ll wst;orrc•lor m the film 2n:1p1 :->l'Wf'Orl l:!lvcl., Co.•ta l\IPSA. mllnuf:lt tursng And proce1111tnl( con· 'Rhythm m Paint... The Anllll·il (',difoi nia Stl!le Ct'I n. h1111 rnlll'l'lf'd the drawlnj?'ll Thtre nre m11ny lnt1•1t·~L1n~ "'"' F'll1r 1-:,h1b11 \\Ith m11n\· ca:<h for th .. pa1<L dnun years both ll8 I man llho•.-s 1h111ni: J uly. or r oursi· I pnzt>,. fnr 1111.. \\Rlf'i col•.•rs ror A hol)hy 1111<1 "con11trU("ltve meAn11 the! R!'n01r F:xh1l111 Al I ht> IA io An· I pa~l••I'< 111~11 print!! Sert I to l I of supporllllJ! ('Onttmpornry Art· !rl'lf'll r 1111nl \' ~111"'11111 Ill th•• 11111,.1 Writ" r.r .. nl f)uq:in~. Exhibit Sii· l!ltl!, l'h1dly I hO!le re111rl1ng In thl• 1 aut"lend1n,;. ll Hf"\""' un ,Jul\ 11 fh t VI'"' of Art. ~tnte FAar nrl'll, ' 11nrl cont1w1c11 1.ll.1uujo.h A.uJ.; • .:.:1 .u l~r .. im.i~. s.11 1,.111,,1110, Thf' O·;' ean C'ollecllon., Ont> of r e>ally gre11t nrt v\'•'nl. i \, .-, · . the WP1<t 8 mo11 t Important col· ' • \ (' Im\' I.' I 1verl O<Ol He .. r Rn lerllonll or Ol1gtrml ctnilwln ~ ... Nicolai F M'hin \\ hnm 1111m<· 1·1111-""<h1h1t b\ thr s1,11th BR\' l '<1mm11n-'"-h bl I g ' 111<1 ! h t · • 1 .,.·mg ft nwn pu le v for the first Pr """ n t " s.trt'll l'•l hv1ni.: I 'I'' Art ,\1-1.~rw1at11111, r•r•'n to Cats-tlmr. Jn It are re ·,.l'!ll'ntrd some a rtist•. 111 h1wsni: f\\n on1• 011111 furn1R nr\1•ls t n hP hrl•l Ill M11nnr· of thA m' t Ill t fl h , th h • . · ,. 0 11 us r1 n1111 name11 In " 01111 111 mo11t . l\llp nt t he f 1nr IAnil l';dn~ \ '''"'' A UK 11 lhm11i:h 1 · 1 A rt11 C11llrry, R11lhfla 1'111 k. ::-fin ~··rt ~. M11nv .p11rf'h.11•c> r11zc• ;:'" "'"f>';llry "~· t1 mon~ thrm I T>IP$:"0, J 111\',3 thr"llJ:h :1 1 nn•I nn-, A'"'" bl' J:'l\'<';, in n1111 ~nil w11i'r~ Arli:-i:y I a<'(~nl.d ugprnt' erman.I f'tha At th LA 1 II A C' • "x11nc rr A rr, aul Carlm1111. 1 r " ·" 11 rt rnter t'nlo•r11. F"r drta tl.s anrl bl.mk,. "Alvador n1111 MRX p; at o k 1 111, I lhrOllJ:h :l . I wrHt• MI~ f'nwrll. H M Mnrtn" KoknitC'hkl\ n ic-o Ll'h,.;.~" J. II II Miit t,lf11 mrmhl'r J\"rll Wftlkrr \\'11r-A\·p :o.1rrnh1111n n BPrch rRllf H 'v ' ".n ·I -------· _ ·· · · rn. rnn· a m um f'onr, W lllil\m S trli::. Ht'nrv rle Tnulollllt-Lllutrec anrl How11rrl \V11r~hllw, Ride Show.boat to Laguna on the Beautiful Pacific Twice Daily -J 1 :SO a.m. and 7 :00 p.m. Adults Sl.25 -Children 6.'l cents '-' Boa_. Lening Evl'ry 20 Mlnut.-s Ba~· &: Ocean Rides ..• Showboat &nd Bfolle or Balboa from Funzone Dock, nut to f'I'• n· L&nding, Balboa. An Ria .. ., AClllH• c&--<'111ra,..., S.'\c f I Thi" gallrry ill atop th" hill In Rllrn11t111ll PArk, Vt rm<'nt •nt1 H ol- 1~-...·ood Blvd11. Bay Qt1ttn, Motor 8aUer, i-,.,.. Hourl7 on Otten RldN.. • C ... ..,, ,.,.., with e ,..... ill yew kitcltH And in every other room.you UM! a lot, elltension tele- phont'e 11ave time and stepe. C'.alJ our bu11in~ offi<'e to- d&y. Paciftc Telephone. Toh lite HIY . • • @t: -~ ....... ,.., ,.,,. ........ ,.., ~. "" . .,. "'' L•untlry service tleluxJ ~ ._. at l»rgain prices! WHAT IS IT? lndlv1dU&Jt1 wu blld-weartn&' a ppe.rel n utt dried by fUterad a.Jr-flat piece. prof""on&ll1 lroned. Tour cloth• and llnuw a.re dona up ON!: unit-no mix· upa, no unalpUy mark.I -ralMon. water, &'•U• controlled eo.p& WHEN AVAILABLE • • • Berrice Wltbln lloun It IU'Jtnl. bec&UH we do •"rythl.ns rtrbt be:re. HOW MUCH ••• It is a bargain bundle too WHERE ca a a • • only $2.15 fot 23 lbs. Pipra "'U:.&VICS 1''1'1'11IN BOUU -WllLV ND:bl:rr OOllPLJ.'TE IAUNDERI Md CLE&NDI You Save 1ocr0 nn ~our Prescriptions al PRINGLES BALBOA 10 DINNIR SDYID "'°"' 1:00 , ... DANCING NIGHTLY rrl'1w rlptl11n" flllNI 'Ill IO p.m . KIDDIES DAY EVERY WEDNESDAY n NOON 'T1L I E.M. Free Film! With t>ar h roll nf blar k and whit,., ~,,_,.,. 127. 620, 618, l!O. I 16 lf'ft with "" for df'\'l'loplnl' and prlnttni. WI'\ "111 l'h'r ''"II • t(lll or t hP 11o11mr 11lu F·n t;t:. FREE BALLOONS All Rides 6' :\fa,trr ~lr.P l'rint- at :-.'n t:,1rn ('hars:f' :?~ not 'K r't:rtnn: . ·~ turnpike • • burdalee '1 ue proud 10 introduce twnpilie to orain~e count)'. thi1 dutinctively 1tyled early american furniture f uturu quality and craf t1fTlan1hip. mack from an appal.. chian birch. the finelt of f umiturt woods. with iu natural beauty of cxcitinc mineral colorationa and pronounced l"'8.in merll- inga: turnpike it l(a.ined, &.cq...ed and hand-rubbed to a .. fin finilh tNt ~ pow mott beautiful throush Htc yean. aerially numbend. factoty rqilc~ hi-. plaM., ... ura each ~ of a ...._, regileer«d pra11tH. Cfrin to our ltOft •Y •• .... ..d ..... b.auriful 1Wnpik• chins toOm .ct 1 bed· l'OOftl ..,...,.... .. ow ~ ~ S k H 0... s...p. of .,..... BALBOA FUN ZONE • RIMS ROUND THE MT CAKE BAKING CONTEST ANNOUNCED FOR f AIR Home ant/Garden I Local Women Prepare Favorite PAGE '4 ·PART 1-NEWPORT ~OR ~EWS.PRESS MONDAY, JULY 18, 1955 ~OltTC'""'accompllshed calcc b&ker in Orange County will be the proud poascssor of a new automatic gas range after _____ _,1..,hu.e ........ 19..,5..,.5~0nng(' County Fair, it was announced today by GOUNt~f---Hll-1118 PERMITS SOAR TO $12,131,976 HiGH Virgil Paxton, chairman of the F:i,fr citrus committee. -rtft-r:mJr~~111 -t>.i the gran1 I er.11 and half bo11e:s of Valerlt'lll or· SANTA ANA, {OCNS) Orabge County prl:r.r fo1 111<' Valf'ncta <..:11ke Re-I anges. Second plac.-prlzH will be gatht, spon1101rll jointly by lhll Va-1 sla.ndard ~c·trlc julrt•rs 11nd h air ltncll• or1111gc grower11 of Orange boxe11 of orangt':s. Third plaC'PS will ro11nty. tlw ~t1Ulht•r n CnunU!'.11 Cu11 ! be full boxes of fruit. while (Ol•rlh f '11 anti lhf' fair. u o highlight of placea will be hair boxes of or· V11l1•n1 la CJr11ngl' IJtay a.ngea. F.ach c;ontei!llll\LWlll rect'tVt' building permit valuation llO&rcd to $12,830,976 on 1737 permits i88ued during J une by the county building department, it was disclosed July 4. f"ou1 typ .. 11 of rake11, all Utlllz· & hand Juicer ' · Ing tre11h orango product~. will t 'l.SAL t'O.STt:ST qualify contc1tanlll for the two-<l11y The fo.ur w1n11t-r11 will h .. dig· contest. which 111Urta Thurad&)'. 1ble to l'Om~te In th•· bake-o(( at Aug I\ Conlt•tanla. who net'\1 not I l a m. Fm!ay, A uj?. I:! when mAk" a1lvan<'' a pplication. mu.st I lhi'y wll! t'lllx 11ml bJke LJ1• tr pnzr> bring their t llkfll, togelht>r Wllh <'UkeJi al the fair Eo.d1 \\Il l 11t•lcll l)'!l"<I r .. 1·1pe11 hn 11t11nolo.rcl ca nts. one ot four 111nl(es fur her um· to; the Agrirultural f:\h1b1ta B111lt1· j tei.l rakt', anti lhc g1 .. n1I wann .. r 1ng ut th1' 1atrgro14n1l11 nm lat.-r will r.t·r1ve lhe n111J;•• of ht'r l'hotl'<' than I 11 11 in on lhe 1Jay of JUllg· Winning t •k111 Y. tll be t11splar<'d Ing. C'11ke11 "'111 const1tult' artm111-lhrou)?houl tht> n•n1111ndu of the The department said valuation was up 25 per c.'ent over May's total a.nd 57 per cent over June, 1954. Total valuation on 9026 perm.its tor the year now has climbed to $73,452,144. as against $39,396,- 099.26 last year at this same period. During June, 1068 dwelling permits were is- sued, good for total valuation of $11.027,293. WE'RE GROWING! ~mn for lhl' bakers I fair Ulher!I 1111<y be cl111111('1I 1n1- T\'J•t:~ Ot ' ('A K t: me.llately a!tt'r Jl1dging on Thur:.· Ju<11<"ln1<" w ill lic j:ln Ill HI 311 a 111. 1la~· or w11l be <111natt••I to Or11ni;:1• f<Jr lh~ four <'111.~ .. ffl rnU1ln". wh1rh I C1.1unly tnitllUtton!'I ll11 <>ui:h t:O· lnl'llldt foyt'r r11keli I 'll\Jl tcr lypcl; opera lion O( lht• I 1iangr ~ 't>lmly an~"' fnQll, •·h1 tton or l!flongc: loaf. Health llPp11rtmrnt 1h1>cl or uµ11h.lc 1lown c11kt•.s,: and• Tl'rr rcmt~t-r~ opHt l « 1111y 0 1 • •·nff• C' • 11kr11. All mu111 ronta1n angt' e'nunty rest•l<'nl. man 111 wo· fre.•h 1111an11:e11 In ll•llf11' form i 01811, excrpt p•nfe~<11nnal b11ki-n1 or County Deed Recordings Up 65.9. Per Cent for June Winner" In l'arh 1 lus will re· 1 home c-cnnom1s1s Ther1> Is no Agl' Ct'IV" rlr.luxe ele<-trlc orange JUie· limit 01'l·11 rrronl\OJ;! In Ortlng&-Co· univ (111 the month ot J une were 11p '111.1:1 p~r l'rnl rrom the May I 1g11r1• lhtl' .VM1 , Th!'y w ere ~6.0 pt•r "''nl htl:'hl•r than foe June n( ln~t y•·a1. •H'<'Orcllng lo lhll Title lnM111·an<'<' 1ln11 Trn111 Company . Ry JACK JUXO jn th(' lemon JUICt'. eJ:r; yolk ... anrl whipping cri!am ~hill in t he 11·r tlnx for 1;1b0Ut 3!1 mrnutPs until thr F'ur 1 hi' 1mme mnnlh. trust deed I m1xiurc bcg1rui l<> <1rm. • I Whllr lh•s m1Y.l11rc I" ··11111111i:. Hang·ing Baskets hl'rit the cream cheelie m an elt>1'· tnc mixer unul tl ts fluff''. then A • f Atl.t the Jello ITIIX!llrl' llr:ii lll'Jrl' I ppropr1ate or al)nut 5 minutes. lhl'n (olrl 1n I hr heatrn tgg whites Sh d d s F l.:\"l:O:mx<: TOlTllt:~ a e an u n Bulll'r a nnd m oltl, 11pt 1nklc w1 th the eraekt'r crumbs. anti pour the One of lh1• most graceful an_d Jello mixtur e Into llw rnulot Tnp 1 •'Yl•·apre1tltng plonllng devices Ill with more l'nlmbs. anll place In the hllnt:tn~ l>llsket. SoCtly falling lhe refrigerator tor nn hour rlow.·rs m rnany colors -bright When you are readv to r\' 1 and pnstcl~ "111 add to the tt· the des.~ert. remon~ It from11f 111; lr.irlt\" nes~ IJf 11ny i:arden scene: mold h•at •.. ru .. d Hani:111g b>"kcts an• espec1all) ' ~ u1e m or uran y. pour t d O\·tr the mixture and Ignite. Si•JYe t>rfe<'liH• If\ lnlh llJU~~!!. un er a r· flaming. I C you omit th" liquor. bor, nn•l <1lhe1 oulllO<>r hving a· serve as It <"omrs rrom lhl' rdrl . r<'Ri., 11ay nurl!erymrn. TusllOck trittor. t:! bf'llflower f Camp11nula c:arpatlca.) U mt1 • ('hOC'olat# Pl" Tnrnnllit 111 a mln1uture Campanula Ceatur· lil'11. George S. Patton J r., Old z tMp. Um~ }ulrr 1n1: lllllr-shaprd blooms in white Rlood and Cuts. wu quilt a guy. 11 cup eu ar •>r lavPn<1rr·blu«. (;ampanula por• c o1orru1. br&ce. brlllla.nt. lovffi a.nd s eg yol:.. tensrhlnginno, nnolhtr bellflower hntcc1. And, with a.II of these ra-i JIS:kagn U mr .Ji•llo m1nilllure, bcara violet blue 1>Pll11 tell!. am! more. a .gounnel. g ~•u: whit.ell on tleep gn~en tufted m&tll. The Dunng lhe e"rly day• 0( World 2 <'UPll a-rat4'd chocolatr c'ooklr C1tmp!lnlllB8 prefer shade a.a does \\'ur Jl. 1 wu ordered lo F t. Ben· cnunba the tulx!rou11 begonlA rxceJ1l In n1ng. C.11 , ·and a.aslgned to Patton's 't c up whlpptna-c-reiun coa11tal 111t ul\lionA. Dla110lve the Jello accordln• t u The 8eJ;"onltl ts anoUltr fine ht'1<d<~11nrlPr11. It wa.11 llOme place! the directions en th bo Ad .. d t ~lertlon !or hanclng baaketa a.nd t::rtw1cnt, ta.st movln(, loaded with . · e x. 0 I 18 avnllable m manv blos8Qm uprlt and -runntnc the allow thJa tbe hme juice, augu ant.I t>gg forms a nd ro1ori1. There. are many lht•rt' was Patton, ptarl-h&ndlt>d yolks And beat until blendeJ. Put I trailing ,·11r1tues of fuchslu es pec· pi.rol~. 11bbon11 anti stars galore I mixture ln rtfr1gerator for 1tbout tsll\• Rllilsble for basket planting. Bec·awit ''' h 11 tnlere•t In food. 30 minutes, or until It began:c lo Fo; sunny tocallona where you tu· 111.1ole ct·r loin that th .. ffi t'!<lles, I set. Removt . add egg whllell ontl I plun to h:ini; ba!'lkelll of nower.s n1 r1 .. 1s 11nJ enhsletl mtn's, wrre beat In an r lPrtrlc mlxn 11ntll trv lvv 1:1:1anium 'tpelargonium ,. 111 run and 11crved g<>od foe><.! fluffy. Pt;ltntu~n 1 \\hl•h grows to two or .,,.,.., 111111~ui.I (Clu<I prcpltf't'\f With Bulttr & pre pan, :iprrnkle \\ 11 h th1 ,.,. frt't 111 length Wtlh brl..:hl .\111 ) L<llun!I Tht> samf' hr-Iii true t'~mbl!, lhr? w hlpplng cream nn•J I:' "'"n 1, uv•,. five-lobed Jtk,. l\·y . ,. 111,. , luh~ rh1ll In refngeratnr until rt>stiy to Ill\ llllW<'I ~ Uri' white. pink. 10,.e, S\\ • .\~K )tt:s~ 11trrve '••11 .1n•I 1 ... vt·n\l~r Other gooJ :-;e· 1 fl• vi t" 1•r s club "a..'< manag,•d h) " • .1platn who In dnhan ltfe uwn,.ol .1 fnnwd t'allng icpol In :-.('w Y•ct k Th .. rood was prrpared un1lcr 11111 supcrnown anil thll chefa wt?re 1t11l ~hcfs, nol GI-created one1. Bank SiCJn Variance A \0ar1:ince wu11 1tr:Jnt,.,I th<' <'Mia ~l,.11& bank for a t rrnw1rnry s1jtn bv the• t'lt \' counrll Julv ~ Rrf~rt> t hf' ,:o t c was t11k- tn E . L. Pall .. rllOn 11( th1 .. pll!n· nrni; N>m m1,.,.1on h111m1 rd Uf' t o remark-· a.nd nu.rLga.ge. reco.rdlngs were up IJ.12 per cent from llfll,v anrl up IO 41 pe-r cent OVF! J un!' ot laet year. A total valut of i r1:"1.Z97.:'>61 In mortgages &nd trust deeds wr re filed In Junr, the rPpnrl 11uld. This compares with $64.696.213 tor May and $19.64:1.19:'> for June of J9M . Therl' were 3722 lleeds Ctled In June. 3860 tru11t dreds and mortgAge11 filed. one foreclo!>urc of truBt dt>eds and morlg&gu 111· ed and 452 F Ji.A. loan• f1JeJ. , ,.,I Something .. fo r lhl' birds · 1~ tl11s haven for your f11&thert•J f nends. tucked tnlo the gabll' tnd of house or garage A small p.·rch ruru beneath p1· Ke<1n·holei1 bored into \\ e11tem rcrJ ctdar or Douglu f ir btvrl iuthng~ l,;nder the w indow 1J1 a s1mply-des1gned. planter con- slsllnl<' only of a board uracNI agamst the bu1ld1ng. llulcs In the board accommodate ptt .. frrred 1uze pol11 which may bl' cnsily llfte<I out for transplant· · mg or to ehang~ I he window box nowrr srhcmr .. , .. l!, rrs l:AIY -Tb1a attncU"n nurMry above, wu decorat.d with a aelf-&dbuive toy print plu tlc fabric. latut adjunct to the do-lt-youraell tttnd. Left: Paper backln1 la pulltd away from plullc fabric: thtn almply appUtd to wall. chut and chair. PLASTIC FABRIC FOR WALLS \\'l'ltome homl'. &by! Your lovely nursPry la wa1tln1t for you, lha nk• t.o youz mo.lher'a h&frl.llwo,k In decoratlnr; with a ae1C-adhe11lve plutic fabric in a colorful n!'w toy print . Thia new product waterproofa the walls behind the b11thlnettP. To keep everything g11y. the ch..-st and k:11chen stool are decorated In pink crnd white wtnpes to match a 11c&Uoptd border that extend• 11round the lhrte pAlnUd wall.!!. Do-lt-youraelf,r11 give first co.n· 111derAl1on to the self-adhesive plutle product beet.UM It appllee eully to pl1t11ler. wood or metAl without removln~ va rnl•h or paint. No tool&, water or pute ere nteded. It ca.n be llfttd and replaced to remove \\Tlnklu and air bubbll'a. The plutlc pro-• duct is avatlable in 3!) vibrant colors and ftt11h prlnta. HERE'S HOW ••• MAKI A PICNIC TAILl Of 2-IY-4'1 U.un.r only 2-by 4-hicb lum- ber and common home hand tools, the craftsman can eaa.ilJ make a 1t.urd1 table a nd bt'.ncb 1~t. The small bencbea M&t tv.i> ptuons each. F1nt. make the lte frames. The top member aervu as a ruidt f or mu kinr; olT the •nRlta for the other pieeee. •'u~n the frame ~t.ber with 12-penny galva nized naila or •itb "·inch carri~e bolta, • ~ inc ha lonr . Then lay the 11 top piecea, 1 apaced " inch apart, on a flat (loor. Set tlw lq frama. UJ>-~ide doWll on tbe 2 b.y •'.a. a nd toe-nail lhem to each top board. / SIN VllWS I r-.M-; f~l, BEllCH • -~-""'"·· ~J MESA UPHOLSTERING Upltol1t.erla& .t Drapery U!'JU Nwpt. Bh·d., Coata Mesa Tbtn toe-nail tht Nftt.er crOM pl«• rn place, a nd ro.-uil 0.. d1qonal• to Ole ---pi«• and to the lq frame. Set the table 11prirbt.. a nd faawn the top board• to the CTOea mem~u with 20·ptnllJ apika. Round all 1ba111 edl'" wi~ a plane or raap. Tbe bencba are 11DaU dupli- cata ef the tablt . The beada of the spika in the bench• should be recnaecl. Preaerntin~truttcl or d• cay-reaiatant lumber 11 beet for this proj~t. Tbe table and benchea may be 1tained or painted. \\'ATER KllATERS s ... us. SU VICl •• , urAIU Joe r{!:f.6Jo/J Jn lit•· t>a rly Jeya of lhe armored ror1 "· Liil' Mf1t•ers club a bound<'<I w11h •1IJ:1anw u 1v3tr"y 11ffl1'er11 1 0111pil'lt' w!lh bo11U1 11nd 11pur11. "They put up the s111 n 1\11.J then Th41~· wanlt•I to bll J u1l1111·tl\'t' lhry cam!' lo U'J for 11 vari:u1 t'11 ... l•·•·IJ"n~ l•IT sunny areu er. trail· '"" llUltatH\, loLus bel lhelotti and r.·anothu~ Lotll:< h1•0.r11 s1lvery- 1:r:f\· II'"""' 11nt1 :.WCl't·pl"B·hke flnwrr3 11r 11<·nrlet fo1hni.; to or- nniif' A va 11:illun of thl' brrlht· lut11, at rocutuneus, 1s dark crlm· ~·m ~putted blark. Ceanolhu~ or w1l.J lll:ir 1~ avatlsbh.• In low grow- In): vnrirttrs JUSl r1ghl for bn ... kt•I!!, I tw AIMIO~ll$ 11r Point Re~'•'ll Rnd hnr11.ont3ll~ or C3m1el cr .. <'1wr -I Liberty IJ-4'J81 I =::======~ TUMS 10 Pl~ CENl DOWN Phooe HatlMr UM a nd th•·Y were l'Vo•n tn t hP l'xtcnl ('oJ11nt"!lma11 <"'h11rl"• T .. \\"111l<lr r1f <'tl'nr1111; lht> 1t rmor!'cl flu·~l'I wns Rh!<ent. A ~ockto.11 l!l'n«'d In .. 11m11.11 ruppe1 Mesa Trailer Law i)ll ··nn I/II' IYflt" wllh lhr lung Powell Gets Permit ·r1 I d c ., • ulll The liollum wa.q 1111 off, th• . 11• n•• t•nt Y pns~1' usla •• PSR p 11 1 h 1 r Lt't•il R. P11wrll look out a lll\0 ll.11lo·r pArk 11rdlnoncr> was amend-~llOlll '""' ,., ... 11111. aRr 11111, & 1e1 lb 11 • h I II ti I h I th 111 •in~ 1wrm1t in lnsta :\ll'~n • ol :\l11ndoy n1i;ht hy lhe c1t v c-11un-r1n1t in 11111 " I"• 1s ... c• top J .,., · ""8.!I a1 ornc1 w11 t c .n1 ,\rn1111·1 1 . 11 0 1 1 :inr 1:.1rngP at esl1m111 .. t1 1·1111t OI nw 11f1plrr11tmcs aul! 10 m11ke It I I · h h ., 1 uno -• to eonstrlll l a 1e~tdr•nt1• 1 • 11 \<1 r• qu1r~ a ~'!~1 1Jrpu~1l on per- ~ insmn mctn in!<IJ:"n 11 S 14 6ot• Site of th•• homl' .,·di ht' f>'•l',.1bh• 10 bu1l1I c3bana1< without TOI' OH.\\\ t.tt 't.< ltt .T I ti:t E3lhrr Sl., r o,la l<k..:1 l'nn-11bta1111ni.c 11 \'1H1ance. Th•• ~n,.nd· The ~fut>l of tht> 1lnnk servrd trat tru \\al' lt"lr<I R" Lln\ol <"I mt'lll w,111 Jr1larrd Rn t'nl• rJ~Pnt'y tn 1t11~ ururpto> i;:le.o" \\II~ :r.tslously How111·I 11n.t plU.S<'d Corlhw1th. r,:11.11 lr.J lw1nr.: lrn•kr•I 111 a hui:e --·-'.!:·=========-= \\ •~'><l·l><•Un<I botok thRl WI\..'< hainl'fl t o 1h1• h11r. Tho• 11rmnr,.<1 ohr.orl \\All <Jilli P A 1lrtnk • WhNhl'r you had l11n<'h nr 1llnnrr In lhr111• rtub11 yu11 <'OllJ.l alw11ys "" oiuure-d lhnt the COC\11 would hfl rxcellent Am1 tllfff'rr nt \\.hfle thr1r l garnrr1>1I a rPw <le!'lurt r"clpe11 thnt wcrr 11c-r\'l'd tlmt' nn<1 Ai;-arn btta use of lhl'tr 1'1mrhc1ty, rrnnomy And dl11tlnt ll\'f' lllllt!' One J think you will llkf' 111 Hf:'LL-O'S w 1n :t:1.:-1 t"l..AMftt~E •·I OL pa.c'kl~f'" r rr am l'hM'"f' I pack&Jr Jl'lln :? f'lf( yolk" i tbllp. ll'mon jukr t rJ IC whlll'll, 111tlfny hf-llten I cup a-rat .. d 1tnU1am r rM'kera. navol"f'd with ~ 14 t•P d nnamoa I l'Up 'W'hlppln( t•rf'MD JAMES D. RAY General Contractor & Builder ~ <:uJMtt Bh·d. CORO.SA Dt:L MAK PHO:'.\"!: HARBOR •78.'f ROBERT FORBES Builder / l'HO~E HARBOR 3106 ORA.PERIES -l:PHOLSTi:KL~G -SUP OOVl';Ra WA.LL PAPER -CA.RPETING ('O~PLETF. IXTE RIOR D t:CORATING CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAYE e -• H,n·e u11 almpUfy ,\'our cont'rl'tv \\'(Irk "Ith a lo&d of prttlslon-mh:MI <"'ment ... prl'pa~d t o your o rder at 1' Ml\'lnr . Liberty 8-2283 BAY READ\' MIX I:"\<:. • • • MA'ITllE8SE8 &al• -Hom e11 -Traller1 lrrrgular Sha~ l.lbetty 11-ISOS COSTA ME8A MATJ'RESS CO. REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL 1 CAl.l. H.AJ(BO lt 07~~ t'OK F.STIMAT t:. WITHUl:T CIUJLGg IOI t:. HAl.BOA 81.\'0 . BAJ.BOA MAX W. POPE Inc. <:F.S•:~A I. COSTRACTOR" .. Rt :s mt::-.>TIAI. • ('OMME RCIAI. • o t:n :WPMEXT 711 W. 17th St. • or.. rum or tlnu1t1r \optJona.I) n---b Prepare tlle Jl'llu grcordlng lo 40i &I~ A\t>. Newport ~ LAMP UGHT SHOP :?U :J f:. Cout ll\\y., Corona del Mar u-rbor •'>.39 '"'O"T • .~ ... ·.J. a. .f ff ... ..I d t I ' b Ll ... -rt "••111 the dlrectiona on the bolt a nd aur .... u ~ " " ·'OS.,..~" 1t«t n ·'I''· "" · " .,t .,.. Y ..... ;:=~;::;:~~::::===:::::::::::::::::::=~~~========~~~~~====~-1 ;:::-------~~-------------. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO lAARGli OR TOO SMALL UO IOUt St.. Newport .._. Banor 1611 , / ~ tf 66" WWER COST B~ J ~ BUILOtNGS .,.,0 ·- CLVf.0 lAMINATt'..O Mf.M&ERS, GIVE CLCAR ~N , .t.FFOQ.D'NG GQE.t.T STIH.NGTH •T LOWER C~T. COMP\.!.TE &VtLOINO llTt\.ITV DlLIVEQf.D TO JO& SITE FAOM ti~ PER.!IQ.FT. OQ COMPl[TtLY E.Rf.CTE.O, IHCLUO\NG ~LA&, fQOt1 I I • PU~. $0. FT. fOA. COMMlRCt.ii.L. f~M.~ tNOU\T.A~ UK. ANY'#NI« IN .SO. IF. ARCHITECTS Metnben of American Institute of Architects J. Herperi Brownell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroelc- Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon Geor9e Lind Richard Pleqer • 11 ._ __________________________________________ ...,. ____ . '-------------------------------------------.----~ Ornamental Plaster Can Be Used Effectively. Cheaply Ona.meat&l ~. which baa TM televtaon fOOID t. •n11,1M1111111' U"IJ~ ~ mucb ort.be famed beauty 1ulted lo lh1I t.re&t.mel\t. llldl • ot 80ta4 public bulldillp -d UM· OOC"&llve addtUou will not aihct ..... w.tl .. -.-.-. ..... llMllaM. Ula artzuctunJ •t:r:tNtb "' t.M .... 1a •Uct to becoin •• ~ .... Wu" p1MUnc1 wa.11. u.. t n •· ot u.. ~tely prtc.cl d11Ck>Md home,,_ .. ~ ~ ~ atJ.Unc accordtn1 to the loutlutm I' 1r· n1a Plutenni 111.ututa. Two dn •lopcnent., t.bt lnYCt· IOll ot YiaJ1 naol•·~ ~or~­ War U and Ula rrowtn1 popWart\7 ot Indirect Ul1\tl.nl la UM home. an provtdibr tM lmpetua tor t.bla ... trend I.a wall dleonUon, lt reported. Vlllyl mol4-CAD llie made to pro- Ylde pluter cut.a ot &1Jnoft an)' abape and dMtp. They cea bt UMd lndel\nltely wbel"MA tM molda tormll'ly UMd bad to bt ...- worktcl llttr a doa4lll cut.a. J'tswin•, now.,.., mua. and tia.reUefe ol almo.t aay duip cut 1n plut.er can be lne«p0rated lll the iti=Ucture of th• replar pl.ut•red w.ll -d attractlftl.7 GARDENER'S CHECK UST I. Vou -ftll la U.-...,._ •pot• hi tlafl tlowtir border •1~ UM! toUowiq beddlac ....... ,.._.... -P''91''• dr9c-. -.a.a. anen, loele-u.a. ... ..,.. ..... t. ·~ talle..------... hlc!MIM '-eft' ,,_ ,..... -c. tapt ,....,.. a. l'Mr .. _,,_.. eaa .... , .. , .. llffedtft ~ .... .... roll&a ..u..w. &. Mally ·-.... '-ftU.. ~, ...... ......._, ..... tha ., r~r. Dick's Market Said U...te Stnctwe Dick'a Market at H 02 Newport Blvd., eo.ta K ua. hu been con· ci.mned u u wwate. atructurt, It wu announced today lly BuUd- tn1 OtfleJ&l A.J. Vol&. Condemn· auon notice wu Mrnd J\llle JO on owner Dick La'llfTeOce, Vol.a ea.Id. ''Th• bulldin1 wu lD an adnnc· ed lt&te ot dilapld&tJoa," Vola .,.. ported. "Condemn&Uoa WU f'eCOn)• m«nded ~rdlnl to an&lyllla ma.de by 1tructur&l enrtneen other lban myMlf." LM Winterton. San a.meat.a, newly elected preefdent, conducted IM July I Jli(ht mHUJic of t.be Aa9octat.ed Cbambww ol 0--•rtt of ~ Cowlty. WUU.. Warner, chairm&ll of tbe board ot IUper- vt.on, add,.._ the l"'UP Oil plana for a S.2,000,000 bood lalUe tor flood control, ta>tatJft.17 ..t tor o.c.mbtr « J~. LOUVER DOORS AID DECOR · A.Ir dn:ul&t• tr.b' npt throUKh th-dooN. Tbq are ponder'oea pine touftr dool"I conatructed w ith bortsmt&J 1lala, which can't be Men tbl'ou(b but whlcb permit air .to tlQJ[ tcem room t.o room. The doon mq remain eltut to pr__., privacy and a a.at. uncluttered appeannce. aotb• ea clOHt.a 1•t plen~ of need· ed n ntllatJon ,.,. "1th doott clOled, Th ... an .tock doon. &Ya.IJabla tMouP local band• ""' material dealen. f<r:ridy Mixr,d tont:rr:lr: WI LC Ht I HADY MIXED CONCllTI lM C .... W.r OOft& ...... u I-Mii ~·~·41 .............. IALMUI YOUR NEW HOME, _, WILL IT ~a--... -• 1 ~~ AS LONG AS YOU THINK? If SURE YOUR HOMf IS IUILT WrTH MATPIALS THAT Will OUTLAST THE MORT&A&f - Will MAKE IT WORTH THE MONEY YOU HA VE INVESTED IN IT IF YOU SUL ASK THE SALESMAN -"lS IT &ENUINI LATH AND ,LASTER?" -KNOCK ON THE WALL TO IE SUllEf GENUINE LATH AND PLASTER INSIST ON IT WHEN YOU IUllD OR IUY Southern California Plastering Institute , '· ' ( NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 5 MONDAY, JULY 18, 1955 WANDA CONWAY FLUNG FROM SA Girl Wins Preteen Title • "CAR IN COSTA MESA CRASH 1n Costa Mesa I Wanda J ean eon .... ,. 1', of 1771 Or~ ......... thrown t 11-'0m a car dnv~b-y R.lcbard E. Conw~ • .am. addrMa, w.bCll P ,. little redht>ad~ m1aa • · oUt th comer of l:ut CLASSIFIED DlllCTOIY took her tlnit step toward <>m· 1 ith St. and Oranc f' Ave .. Co1ta Mesa, Sunday. She waa treat-&PPLIANCES _ Ho~ In& Miiis L'nlVl'!lle In C'o,.ta ~Ina ~ &l. Hn•I Hoap.lW-J.ofo minor ~ruloaa 1nd tranafaHd to ru _ .,.lllfl' _ lr'Y1Cle Frlllay n lgllL She's Ue"lil.an&t. o ranr• county Hoa-pltlJ for X·r&y1 tor a poulbl• lar rr.ctvrw. ..l'DO F.l.t::CTkl<' Fnnandtz. AJ:P 11. ''' Santa Ana . rt \\ UlJam E. ltU na Udo _ tlubor "'' and ehe waa ci owned prelt'l'll quPl'n Thf' other car In th• accident waa d Yen by • In thl' hrllt t'Ontest ot it's klnd held Bra1n11rd of Klnrm•n. ArlL Neither driver wu held. AUTOMOBI~ DEALEBl"-------ln 9 range County. j ;;..;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ______________ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit1 New and llltlJ C'Ara Held In The Brat Shop, 1809 I Boa rd Hea r1· n g warded an a.lternaUve wl"lt of NICIU:K1"1. !STl'Ot:BAKEa NeW)'Ml Avf'., thl' bPauty show or : mandate. SU. t;en•tM Parta prttfen lovlu from u tar away , 8uperv1eon tomorrow alao wtll Mii Ne"'J>Ol't Bl'•d. -Rar.·IH a.a Puente aervf'(f lo dedica te the f D • I d a'll'·ard bldl on the conatrucllon of newly expanfled and rl'novatrd l or airy an a water workl Dial .No. 3 pipe· 11tore. Choeen as p rtncesaes In line and office bulldtnr tn Q&l'den Queen Fernandez'• oourt were c·1 L. •t s t Grove. A total of 6240 line&! fHl Call Mokalke, 10, Santa Ana, anlt I I y 1m1 s e ot 12·1nch welded atMI pipe, ce- Barbara Kirkpatrick, 12, ot 2~H ment motor Uned and coated, Fairview Drive COila Mesa. SA!':TA A NA JULY lS (OC'NSI W1U be la.ld. · Thi' Orange County Board or BANKS Bui& of Amerial ST A U UH \'la Udo -Harbor 1111 BARBER SHOPS LIDO 8~Vl'NO Mt:O .. BWweU a !Hore f or Mu . SUI \'la Ude -Harbor Ull J udgu who narrowed the final-Sup• rvl.snrll will hold a public l1t1 down from 30 to the llnal hl'aTlng Ill 3 P m. tomorrow on 2 1111 .. d 111· 2-car Costa Mesa Crmh 1 three In a Mrlea of breathlua e· t the proposal to carve a 11txth· JimlnaUonH, were Mrs. J ohn Brou-rhus city out o t approxlmatf'ly g'hlon, Mrs. Andrew Friedrich. 1 two and one-halt mtlts weat or Two pen10na tncurred lnjurlea BEAUTl' PARLORS LIDO S AJ.OS O•~ REAt'TT Ull Npt. Blvd. -Har. HTI \'Ot"J~Ci Dt:Al 'flt.:S -Here are winners in The Brat Shop's prrteen beauty contest, the first of it's kind e~r held in Orangr County. From lrft to right, Prin- cess Barbara' Kirkpatrick, 12, of 2544 Fairview Drive, Costa Mesa: Queen LeetriRnae Fernandez. 11, Santa Ana ; and Princess Gail Mokalke, 10, Santa Ana. Misa rernandez was credited with being prettif'st, with the most poise and personality from among 30 contest- ants. -Staff Photo DISCUSS t'RATERNAL DA\'S -Gov. Goodwin J . Knight and Mrs Kn1~ht. center, talked over daya at Stanford University Saturday when Knight was guest of honor at luncheon given by Alpha Delta Phi alumni group in Newport Harbor Yacht Club. From left, Mark Kerridge, Fullerton. &i Poweni. Balboa Island and Anahrim. lunch- eon chairman, the Knights and Bill Hubbard. Pasadena. -Staff Photo Youth Booked Mesa Police N~ 15 Speeclsten 1n as Cottle Hit Rush Oii Weekend Charred wHh uaault and• b&t-1 C01la .Meaa police had a busy tery of Alla.n Collie ot 81~ Orchid week end picking up 11peedera a nd Ave., a 1 T-y-r-old \l\l'blltler boy dr1vn1 In too much 'Of a hurry to atop for red light.a. wa.a arnaltd yeattrclay by N1>w-. Saturday the following were c1l· port police and reltued to hl11 ed: J ohn J. O'Malley, 1 ~89 Mir&· lat her. j mar Drfve, speeding a.nd no opeYa· Collie told pvh1·e tht' boy at ruck I lor·a llcenH; Jack Cole, San Ber· him while In front ot 32~ Poln· nardlno, apetdinr : ~rben 0 . De· aetlia Ave. When Cottle stopped Vries. Redlands, spPedlng: Milton to let out a' pt.Aaenger. CorUa.nd Oy11kant, Lc:>11 Angeles. 11peedlng, Mt )'t'ra of that addre111. Cottle Carlyle J . French, Santa Ana. aai!I t hP boy anfl his companion speeding: J uan Floret and Edwa.rd folhiwed his ur in thr1r rllr t rom V. Cano, both Downey, speedlng I Popi;y 'Ave. a nd Cout H ighway• Sunday arre11ta include.I Mylr11 "''ht'rl" thty had a >legedly 11houtl"d F. Regan, Alhambra, 11peedmg, dl11parac-tng remark' at Colllt, h11 Donald D . .,J>omeroy, Ga rden Grove I .. i re and Mf'yen. Eugene L. Danford, Sa.nla Monica . Cotlle ll&id he waa approa ched and James C. Henson. Santa Ana. by rnur young mrn and one of going lhrou~. a re<! stop light. lhl'm hit him ln lhe tac~ with Nor m1U1 C. Stolz. Pomona, speed· Jua t11t. • 1 lnr : Lc:>ula E. K'eller, Corona. apt'e<I· Final Plans Okay F inal pla.nl' f or the Halecrt'Sl aubdlvtslnn nn l l11rbor Blvd.' were pr,.11rnl1"'1 lo lhe C"ostA. Mesa city counl"1I on J uly 6 bv ("'lty En· glneer n on Routhwt\1 lh Mil ap- provt"tl. Thr pl anll cnll •or 188 lots in thf' mAjnr pint a nd 36 loll! tn lhl' 111n~llt•r 1•11•c·e t\f land which 111 1mmt>dlat.rly "n th" b<l•ulevard. ('0 :\"TI:\ n:-.-c; 01'R !'l"MMER WE • COTTO~S • LL"t:~S • DOTTED SWISS • \'011.t: I Non-calm Group I Gets Summer's 1 Program Going Ry JAC'QUt;LJSE BECIU'iEA The Non-calm Kroup at New· port Harbor Yacht Club hu Joel no time ln gettrng a bul!y aummer schedule under way. With ele<-t• Ion o! oftll"en last week. the r&c· Ing prol!'J'am wu • !ot'mulall'tl a.nd competition 111 aJrudy hot a.nd ~vy, Undrr the leadership of Dick Sweet. youth program director and Commodore Cralc Cadwalader the regular Tuuday MrlH . a.tt.er 4 race.. ahowa the comm~re ta the lMd with Walter Boice -4 and Pete Cleb third In the tint dlvlsmn. The "econd dlv111lon, which co1U1111t11 o! the younger a.nd l~s expenenc~ 1klppet11 hu Jim Wayne I ea fl I n g. Tom CateJI second. a.nil Ronnie Fink third. SKIPPERS RATTLE Skippers m the !int dlvl~lon are battling for the honor of rep- reSt>nllng the !l:HYC Non-calm ne<-l in the Cold "S" Cha.mplon- 11h1p sencs to ·be ht'ld nPxl month while lht' young,.r 1econd dlvlllon sk ippl'rs are pointing to the South· em California Yachting A111ocla- t1on's Junior Championship aerlea tor 11k1ppera, lliPS 6 to 12 year11, PARKES • RIDLEY MORTUA.81' Formerly GRAUEL OBArl:L 110 Brolldway -Ooeta llMa Uberty 8-HSS alMI 8-HU A Xew Group-~. llltock SUMM~R DRESSES Reduction11 up to , OFF FASHION APPAREL Thr ~·nut h "'hn """" honked by Ing: George C. Wallen, Lonir Beach. pnllrr ,aid Collie'• car drove 11peedmg: Peter I.. Hurtado, "' •ni: ~111~ thittra In Corona de! Or.nge, apeedin(. Mar and Clltle'a p&lll!tnger lookl"d I Int,, dir"youtha' car and aald, "You youlh admitted he followed Col· tourt11ll Jun driving throuirh." The tie'• car and ltruck him later. ?-HI Ne"'l>Ort Blvd., Coela Mtu OT! the way to the S. A. Country Club. 4 ACBE ·~CBEITIOI ABEA with ltOhmninl? pool,~ ccum- harail~ coum-:-pknk ara- dub house -Little League field \· ' gives a .tlh1D* to reridents of the new HALECREST Campus ,.. • .,...,.n -.. .,,.\._. .... , Clart'nct Ro11, Councilma n Char-Buf'na Park u reault of a traffic accident at Jee Te Winkle and Costa M esa 10.15 p m. rttently at Newport Mayor Claire !l:daon. ' TI1e .-11y d a1ming morf' than Blvd. and l!llh St . Coala Mna. 600 residents would be known a• M II ilh Miu Belly Page, co-owner ot Dairvland. eM J>O <'<' reported nt er pa.u- The Brat Shop, crov.-ned the prrtty • . enger du1rf'd lrt'&tment queen: Mlaa Verna Miller. of the j THmor~w l! ht'Arlng la for lht fl'ljured -l't' Wt!Ha Balley, St, Santa Ana charm 11Chool. conduct-purpose ot a llowing propt'rty t\Wn· 1809 Santa Ana Ave. and Mary ed lht' preteen conleal before a t>rs to \'Oki' thtlr , objectlona to MacMlchul, 36, San Clement•. crowdet1 atort', UllAted by Mn. b<-lng included 1n the projected Ballt~·. ridlnc-In & car drivtn by Otto Culberlerson. city. John Wtllard Aln ander, 22, of After the hea ring aupervl10r1 1834 W. 18th St .. atruck hia head Then can 11tl an f'lection dat•. on the wlnd8llrtld and IUfftl'ed a =-:ew bounrl11r1r11 may havt> tn bl' bloody nost, N'porl.a'ahow. The wo- establt~hed man Vlr llm wu rldlnir In an auto Barlow Reports Dingh.y Stolen ·· County Cl•• k B. J. Smith u l<1 1lrlven by Oaor Keur Stephen•. the election probably will be 11tat-I 64, or South Laruna. She 1truck ed late In St'plrmbtr. Tlme for her head, bit her tonrue and Theft of "11 8-fl. Balboa dinghy tiling ot l"Ouncll nominations and 11pralned hu neck, police a id. No. 8 ·100 and a saJI f rom the publishing or notlct 1 must bf' al- rear of 232 Apte Ave. wu re-lowefl after the supervt1ora ached- ported to police Sunday by Ronald ule lhe election. F. Barlow ot the aame addre111. D&.lrymen have banded t ogether PoUce said the name. l'foel Ber-In a 11trui:~lr to ward o!! a.nnex- low a ppeara tnalde lht tra.naom of •llnn 10 Bu~na Park anrt l'tymtf' the boaL Oftlcera eald a rope line I the lnvulon of 1ubdlvl1lona. Buena tying the boat to a nea.rby build-1 PR1 k ah dhl)' hll~ 'utc'd lo a.nnex Ing wu cut. Value of the lou v..-u about h11lf ot lht propol!ed city. eet at S400 by Barlaw. One of the leading dairymen of the area, Jake J. Wu tra, haa won De Muth Stubs Toe a round In hJa b1ttl' to bt11l tlown I But'na Park a11ntxat1on or 200 a cru of hi• land. Ht has been ... Stapp Teh Thefts Ray Stapp ot Loa Anrelea t old Newport pollce a portable radJo and beach towel were takm trom the beach In &Jboa Saturdaf. Private Police • Whlll' runnlnr; '1eer Balboa Yacht Ba.sin Thur.,.Jay, John .Ed· ward De Muth. 14. of 200 Topaz I Av&. atubbed the Jillie toe of t\111 left toot, police reported. He wu j treated by a phyalclan who 1lllc.h· I ed It together. -1 .IOHN STONE'S MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT -PATROL which will take place early In September. Mesa Auto Wrecken 1'M'd Auto Parta &ad "CCf'aAo 11tto 2075 Placentia Ave. Liberty 8-'7013 Coata MMe A111lstlnf Commodorr Cadwala-.----DI BT---- der In the dutlu of headlnc up lhil bu.ey and e~r (TOUp ot 1111· COLLECTIONS ora are Bill Coberly, Jr .. vtce- commodore: Pele Oleb, aecretary; Accoaaia -Net.ee -ca.a-of Judi Green. treuurer : and Jlm aay ldlMI of ~:rwMn .. Warmlncton u Bnowbtrd neet Amerl-. .. No eoUecU--Ne capl.a.ln. .,:-f-" We _..._ .al ~ JlF..ADl' FOil P'UG~ CREDIT auat:A(J of CALL COMMBCIAt SECURITY PATROL In addition to lhr abovt' m!'n-Western Ora.nre <Alwlty formerly Crt'dU Bureau of tloned tvenlll. the !'\HYC young · Sev. port Beach, Lac-una ~ accou.nllng of them1tlve1 In the tot Rh'f'nlde Ave .. P.O. Bos .. Kl 2-7027 1tera wlll undoubtedly gln a good I and Coata Meu. world famous Flight of the Snow· ~~'PORT 8.EACB. CALD". blrda July Jl. ---~========~-_. Now Onlv $299~ With quol1fttd t•ode Wo1 Sl".•s• YOU GIT TWO APPLIANCES REFRIGERATOR· FREEZER . COMBINATION IN ONE I • 1. TIUI HIO·DIGlll Flll{ll • ~ ·~ , ....... ...., ,,._..,. ,. -•"-'-,... .. ..... ..,. .. 42 ,... ..... ., ............. . 2. AUTOMA n< DlflOH llVIUA TOI SKTION ... w..... ,. ~ .... peott , • ......,_ .......... ...... * ADJUSTAIU DOOi IHILVIS * IUTTa CONOfTIONR * NIW COLOI tNTalOI s .. thit a"d other G·' Relrigeratort * NIW COil,_ LtOHTINO with Revolving $helvta TODAY! *ROOMY VIGRAILI DUwa nW.aa., ... BOOKS BOOK CASF. Mll \'la Udo -Harbor 6tM CAMERAS a SuppllN VlSCE!li"T LIDO DRUGS I.el \'la Udo -Harbor .... CARPL'TS ~ DRAPEIUE8 DICK HAC:K.J;K auo ,-1a • 14-Uu• ma - CATERlNO RICHARD'S UDO MAKm 1411 Via Udo -Harbor 1111 Clotblng-Chlldreu a lnfut. JF.IU'M OP' LIDO Coming In Au&'Wll 1406 N-pon Blvd. OLOTHINO -._ •• lletall BIDWELL'8 880P roa lllCJf UU \'la Udo -llartM»ir OMI CLarlllNG-Womm'a JleWI LA R El1'"E 100 \'la~...,.._ .. 11 LIDO FASHIONS .... \"la Oporto -Ban. 1111 HHADDOC1l 'S Ml I \'la Udo -llartlor ..,, VAGA801'"D ROCA& Imported 8pol'UWMf WI \'la Udo -ltu'bor ION DRUG STORES \'INCEST'S UDO oauoe I.el \'la Udo -Harbor IOOI ELECl'BIO OONTKAC'l'OILI UDO EU:Cl'RJO MH Via Lido -Buttor .,., ftA)WEB8 IUCILUlD'tl LIDO lllAIUln OorMc-Ta.blo Arn.nsementa 1&11 ''la Lldo -Banor 1111 roUN'IAIN,GIULL Vuromrrs UDO oauo~ ... l V\a Lido -Barbor IOOI FRAllF.8 & ALBUMS GnBAllDT 8T'1DIOS MJI Via Udo-Hanor uel FVBNJrURE , DICK llAC'U& .... Via Udo_,..._ .... GDT SHOP alCRAllD'l'I UDO MA.Un Mii Via Ude -llarMr 1111 INSURANCE AGENl'S W. 0. Bt'CK. INC. NOi \'la Udo -Rut>or "" INTERIOR DEOORATOR8 BL.UiCHE FUL&J:UON A.1.0. 1411 Via IJclo -8-tlw ... DICK MACUJl IUO \'la Udo -llMtl.r &Ill DON CREIOln'ON A. L D. MaJa«a Import• IOO Via lllalA&"a -Harbor lllf llARKETS t Ill f'llA Ro·~ LIDO llAll&E'I' IUS \'ta Udo -Jlart»or MIU PH01'.0GKAPll STUDIOS Gr:RHARDT 8Tt.'1llOR .... \'la Lido -Hubcw .... REAL ESTATE LIDO REALTY M~IATD Udo Sale.a A ~nlala UOO \"la Udo -Hart»or "" P . A. rALVEa lll'C. SSSS ,.la Udo -harbor 1509 \'O<iF.L f'OMPA.'-Y 1418 \"la Udo -Harbor Utt BA l' ASD BF.ACH R.r:ALD \"la Lltlo Rrldl'fl Offlre 111% l.aFayrtte -Hanor 1161 SA VINOS I.: l.,OAN ASSOCIATIONS N"EWPORT RA I.BOA ~A vrsa. a LOAS M~~()('IATIO?ll A Savlnj1'11 Jn.tllltullvn • Lc:>nit T!'rn1 Home r.llana UM \'la Udo -Harbor UOI I ~E.RVlCE STATIONS 1.mo 111<'1W1t:1.n a.1~ St'wport Rh·d.-llar, '"' I I I SllOt~S -Mf'.n'" Rllm •:1.1:~ ~TOKt: t"OR ~ SUIJ \'la IJdo ..._ Harbor OMI SllOt:S, WOMES Rl '1¥.'~ Of' ('Al.IFORSl.A l410 _\'la 1.ldo-lfA l)~ll!t rHEATRF.S LIDO TJO:A TR r: Con1>ult thl11 paper for procram \'la Udn al Nt ,..')>Ort Blvd. Harbor :Z I 14 ro\·s I.JOO TO\:l.ASO HU \la Udo -Harbor :ZN• rRA Vf:I. ACt:snt:~ H..\RROR TRA\'t.:r. A••P::SrT 14111, Se"' port Rh•d.-llar. a&H UPHOIJiTERl~G I DIA M A<·x r. K I IUO Via Udo -Harbo~ UH WATCH REPAIR \'ISCl:ST'~ \\AT( II JU.PAIR l.IDO URI 1,14 I.el Via Udo wiNoow COVERING ftD: SHADE "HOP ._. ...... om ........ -, l:xcepl ws +he 1erenity +o ac~t the things we cannot change; the courage to change the thi·ngr we can end the wisdom to know the difference." IA. Anon.) :Jrom BRUSH COUNTRY E D I T 0 R I-A L S ""'~l==JGURN~~ BJ --- HORACE PAUER Explorer Scouts Commended Here by Governor Knight (DI. N ... -ftla oot ... •,.-Bor1Mle hrk•r ...Ul dMI wttlt ttie Mttle-kM-lliat.neal fart. be llaa d~ed up I• till m!U\)' tltpe e.ta U.. 1JMk OOUDll'J' la rt'C"f'BI ,.,..,.,) • (First of two articles on Det\ert Magazine) Thia la the atory of a man anu a boy who with a prayer and know-how. parlayed a dream into an 1nsprlation. Thia la .the atory of the Deaert Magu.ine. "Now that • a fine repre.entation for our Golden State," said Governor Goodwin J. Knight when be u· amined the rolden atatlon wagon which will carry mem· hers of Explorers Poat 17, Newport Beach, on a 10,000 mile tour of their United State•. ll was all praise and amuement, both for the Governor and Mrs. Knight and for the membera of the po•t when they· met the chief executJve of the atate and hia lady attlie""Newport Har- bor Yacht Club Saturday. ot Light.I for a Golden Year". Not the bic commercial ' thing that died of it.I bulk, but rather a corinthian event at.aged by and with local talent and 1upport for all to en· joy. We could well stage a reunion of Snowbird.I coinci- dent with the flight of 1956. How many recall the name of the only girl who bu ever won the fUght ! How many skippera att 1till at band who have won it! Yea, we might even re<:reate the sailing Dr. Albert Soiland'a pi- rate• to Catalina, or the steamer "Newport" between our Harbor and San Pedro and San Diego· While many of the founders of the Newport Harbor Union High School are still around to speak for themaelvea we could tie in a After graduatiob from the llniv<?rstty of Southern Cali· fomia in 1912. Randall Henderson a native of Iowa. took a Job 1n Pnrkt'r A1 j~. to lt'~rn tif.. I · 11 b 1 d th n11>n dt•nom1n11tc•r or llf'J"""I tu a,. rr1n nfit Ullllnl'lll an . e m11An;.1:· 8f'r\ ilwrllrr11 llnd fll''•'l I ·IO\'l'rll, belated ailver jubilee thett with the City of Newpo ....... -+-...... ----~w..a n( 1 ° "h~a newsrillpl'~~-f'r and mn111 n( 11ll iof'l<'11ll!l1· 111111 llf('r- l serv ~-" r' •P11Pr('dl1 l'C'I Ip on ha arv rotrf'rtnf'Kli ""'rl' thr 1•1ou·t1n ll.' ubllllher and erli· cr1lt'r a or llw ni>w m11g1t~1.,.. 1 num.,.,r o ems . r11ert papers t 1 · 1 r Beach Golden Anniversary and gairt. greatly by the re. i-ft~o=cr~o"t~t~hl!le l(ld~a~t"""IY..fil!,Ca~ll'!.!X~l!:ro_!!~r..!on r. BIK-lll:lt-w.u...L•lep N'!!!!IOD ) f'A r, cle. • ' I anll evPn tht•!lith IMll" numlwr one Promiled for the boya ia a State Proclamation an~ lntroduction from the Governor ''to all whom thia bringa Greetings•-., letting aU know that 1he9e nine mem1>era of the Explorers carry forth acroaa the country the beat wiahea of not only the City of Newport Beach but the State of California u well. The enthusiaam with which thHe lucky youngatera are planning their trip ia an infecUous thinr. It hu in· fected the score of bueineaa men in the Harbor area who have aided greatly In making the trip poasible. There are few town.a where men would plunk cold hard caah down for _a car they hadn't seen and a trip that they didn't be~ve poaible, J°flat to carry forth the mesaage that the!~ city is entering into its "Golden Years". Be· fore the.e boys of Explorer Poat 17 reach the end of their journey they will have carried forth the message publicizing their towns attributes and the cit)niv111 have turned the comer of Sept. 1, approaching the home- stretch of ita golden anniveraary which will be Sept. l . 1956. acquaintance. Why should we do thia ! It Ml a ood chance for a lot or uanewly arrived citi.zerui to meet and really tally our present bounties with thoee who made the.e· joya p<>a· aible. We could better plan our future here if we all were fully cogniu.nt of the put. More Parking Space Needed ln the mllldle 1930'11 he hired an 1:a ml' •>Ut w1lh· 600 prep11lll 111b• ambitious and \alfntt.d .YQ~an 11rrlbf'ra thP 4 or ll·th1101111nd roam• hardly out of hie 'tet"ns from Comp·' Pit' t1>plt'1< at,. Op Th" rr11lrn-lhnn• ton J unior Colll'itl' by th' Mme "Y .. ?\'ow, 18 Y"81'M l11tf'1· "1th of J . Wll!M>n McKrnnrv Mr Ktnn>' ISJOu' numbrr on!' wr>rth a mtnl· wht'n his rhoi u on the C°'alrxl~~ mum or $!'>. lh'llt' two r11rtnr1•11 C'!hronlcle Wf're over. w<•uld climb I would hll\'f' "h""" in \•rlvrt" it Into hl1 0111 Jalopy an(! explore thl' I thry rould ha\'ll r .. 1111u1f a trnlh duert. Returning with talrll of nf lhlll pf'r rop.v. Tl\US lh1• hlJWI• hll lt1Vt'l8, Hendt'l'-On Wall Ont' of , lnJ? lnf11nt [lf'Sert }.b.~ulne WU the flrt1t rrclplenll! of McKt'nny·11 born, In <llffwull llru""· The young men will tour half the states of the Unit· ed States. their nation'• Capitol and capitol cities of at leut a half dozen atatea. They will probably talk to half a hundred tbouaand pereons about their town and a half million, conaervatively speaking will have eeen the mea- aages ca.nied forth on the golden vehicle. The trip thla aWiliii'er of lbe membe;'.. orEXplorera Poat 17 ia a good kick off for a "Golden Y eana" celebra- tion that ahould begin in September and last for two years. We do not proPo-e a honky t onk circus variety of promotion, but Newport Bea.ch, old and new and fu. ture, would benefit by the reliving of aome of the ex· renencee that made thia town poeaible. Our present and eominr genention would well be cogniunt of ,the fact.I of the building of the town. While there att atiU thoee alive who recall much of the hard work we ahould memorialize the effort.a of many, tt· live the deed.I of eome and dedicate ounelvea to perpetu- ate the aound bW.lding that bu been given to us u atew- ard1 of UU. fine.,.. around Newport Harbor. We propoee that we should recreate a "T9umament NO COMMENT By WALTER CHAMBLIN IR. W ASHINOTON-Tbe S-.te ha• I ment developed durtni and lmmedl· tuen a 1ub1lalltlal 11tep toward att'ly after World War 1l and curtallln&' c ovemme:nt compel!· many ot the Hoovt'r Coml1111lon lion with private bu1tnc11 In the recommendatlon1 1pply to lhl• Defenae Department.. j 11prclnc P"rlod. It adopted an amendment which Senator Mundt IR.-S.D.). however Sunday here in Newport Beach demonstrated to central Newport merchant.a again the need for addition-• al public parking lot.I in their immediate area. Merchant.a who remain open Saturday1 •nd Sun· days were impressed with the siu of the weekend crowd and its attendant traffic. So illlerule wu the traffic problem for police it ia highly doubtful they were able to place parking ticketa on can parked overtime. Thia, in turn, prevented local resident.a desiring to ahop in the busy Newport area from getting an~here near the stores they wiahed to visit. In recent weeka ~ city council baa had pleaa be· fore it to extend the municipal parking lot adjoining Newport Pier in an euterly direction but a suitable street entrance wa1 not agreed on by aome of thoee affected. During the 1ummer ruab the need for parking' ia much more evident. It would appear now ia the time for the council and city manager to come to 10me decision on relieving the parking and traffic conget1Uon which aJ. meta the Newport area during peak daya. It ia not fair to local residenta or merchllnta to be unable to get to- gether on buaineu when out-of-town beach goera' auto1 use up available 1paee. Many of our local residents work through the week in firms outaide the Harbor area. The weekend allows them time to ahop for the thinga they are unable to buy during the week. Their needs would be aided greatly when they shop in Newport could the city expand the parking apace. Ule Dlxon-Yatee prl•ate plant to connect wfth the TV A ay1tem. Althouftl tht' admlnlalratlon won In the Houae It will face another tt rr1ftc fight In t ht Senat• but the beat Information 11 that t he Admlnlatrallon will win In ttlat shamber Ill well. Ill axcu1 Of 20 percent lntereat on It.a loana to be aolvenl. WORK DUPLICATION AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENBY C. llacARTHl1K SACRAMENTO, ICNSJ -Al· ployment. which ruulted through ready, a rood le(1111attve battle for no fault of hie °"""· lhe 1967 aeaalon. and poaslbly l.he Actually, the halt u la ry pay· JI>~ apeclal 1eulon &lonr with ment hu denloped Into a myl.h. the bud1et conclave. 11 1h1plng \IP u the lncreaaea In unemployment In the field of unemployment In· lnturance have In no manner ktpt aurance and cuaranleed employ· up wll.h the aalary lncreaau In ment plane. lndu1try and ol.her private bUll· At the "Crockt'tt 1ugar retlntry. neaa which occurred during and a atrike haa been under way ror111ub1equent to World Wt.r J, IOtne lime. and part or l.he 1etUe· Under pruent unemployment m.mt htnrea on an arrMment for I lnwrance law. paymenta to unem- the comp&ny to provide ~ percent ployed wol1cera when th«'Y are ot the employee'• take-home pay . · for "u lone u 1I• 11 entitled to wholly enemployed, are leJIOmate unemployment lll.ftlrance benefit.a only when the worl(t'r 11 not earn· from the elate." In« money, tr he t'&rN money dunnr 1111 benefit period. ht' 11 TAKE HOME RA110 11uppo11td to report thl1, and the Maximum lnaurance bf'nl'flll state will pay unemploym4mt In· now amonut t.o na per week. IO •~nee benefit. to mike up hl11 actuaJJy, l.he 1tat1 would be pro-maximum wttkly benefit-that 11, Tldlnr aomewbere around a quar-It he gel.I 130 a wuk tnauranct', ter or a third of the takt'·home and earn. 110. Ult' atate pay1 tht pay. difference Of-U O. Row1Yer, the catch la that the at&te can't p.y unemployment In· auranc• benetlta uader thoM condl· Uona at the pre.ent tlmt. Addition· aJ leJlalatlQn would be needed to ma.ke the pl1n effeC'tlve. •and ac- cordl11r to reporta. both the CO/Tl· pany and the unlon1 Involved In Ule Cl'ockelt 1trlkt have aJ(Tted Und«r the propo.wd g'\laranteed wqe plan. however. the lndlca- Uona are that the atate would pay l.he maximum be.ndtt, and at the aarna llma the employH would be recel\'lnr 8.'J pen:C'nl of hi• tak· home pay from l.he company. NO NE"' IDEA lo promote the le(lalatlon at the The ldt'll I• not wholly new. u next waalnn ot the leil1lalurt'. the unemployment lnaurance fund enthu11l1111llc-rtport11. IH'l..l:SE Al>\'F.RTl"t:8 OOLt'MX 8\'(iGF.STF.D One nt thl' lllYRI atlvt'rtlHMI 11 "\.\'hy don'I WI' put thtllt dt'll'rt now a Sllltl' S1•1u1tor. Brn Huli•I'. roamln'1 or yours Int(\ a column" who M"nt hi• doll11r's In rt'ltlllarly. uked Ht'ndenion ont> Jay, Ra.ndsll Hl'ndrn~m r11.n lhr llnn-- Thl• wa11 all th•• t'nC'our14gemt"nl l)'pt' to ru1 l'XPl'nN11, whtlt Me· younit MCKf'nn .. y n~<lt'd Thi' Kennrv W1ll'kl'tl 1•1111 wro~ Ilk• the Monday morning C'Olumn. "Roam· provc-rblal "Trojan " In' Around.'' WH l)orn In the Ca ltx-1 Mar11hal South, a •I range man lco Chronlcll'. Almol!l from the 1n a atr11n~t' dt>&••rt land. with a (Jret ft wo a suC'cr11s .Tht desert lflranf{I' phllo"ophy who d1rd 90me reader• ln•ttad or '°bt'lnt palltc1 by lime afl"O, lived on Oho11t Mountain duert chatter were fucln1tt"tl by hti:h 11bovl' lola1on Valley With the l.lllu of lhl11 young newepsper· hie ..-He, 1'anya and hl11 ChlldN!n min cleaned from sandy wuhu. lhl1 man or my•tt'ry lived a llfe the duert palm•. and a myriad of Ill nur to thr early California In· placu he vl11ill!1:! literally In their dl&n u could be )hied. He wu th• own i,.ckyud magulne'1 first and moet popualr Hentler11on. always with an t"ye columnl1t. with hi• column "Di-•· for nt'w11pape1 a, pure.hued the ert Diary," Ht' re wu a man and Calpatna Ht rald. Hit young pro-family who u lated In a pl'lmltl•e tege McKl'nnty waa narnl'd editor. 11tatt', )'t'l eiullled In an aura or But tallhfully "Ro11mln' Around" lntc-llectuallty, The mar-tne'a a ppetred weekly on Mondays In ,..adl'l'lt all1'ou1Jlt my1tified WI'~ the CaleJ&lco ChronlC'le. By thl• enchanted b_v tllla 1trange man and tlmt the epnlrly. htlle, deurt hla WTltlnp. Tanya 8 oul.h, hi• column had lll'nt th" germ of an widow allll contrlbutea thought· Ide.a whlrllnit a1 oun(I In the brain provoking poetry regular!)' to DI'· of Rand11l HenrlPrKOn. •ert Magulne MAOAZl~P: IDEA HU.TON CONTIUBt'TE8 "Why n11t a magei1ne devottd John Hllwn now an lntematlon· to Amerac1f11 Ja ... t fronllt'r, tht' ally famou1 duert artlaf. and ,..rl· Southwestern dueri• ?" ter did hl1 flral wriUn1 chorea McKenn,.y had th~ ea~ern-nt tor the mairaz.ln•. Even now I en· youth and Hrnderaon a dream. Aft· Joy ..-dlnlt' the robuat and virllt! er nearly two ytlr-3 nnw Mc· wrltmaa of Hilt.on iJl back llllUl'I. Kennt"y',o column wa1 111111 111 Writer and photor;-rapher didn't fresh and prov()C'atlve "' the day reallz;, much for their work and It Wiii born. least or all lha two partnen. For St'lllnit the ''ralpat" Htrald for four yura thl' magulne con111111- S8000 th~ p111 ln••• "''n nr H .. n•l<'l.\Un antly ran In the rt'<l-McKt nny a snd MC'KPnnc~· w1111 startl'd In a youni man now Wlth a ramllv lnf11nt \'tnlllr& Pl'aPrt M•l?Ulnl' found llvinit on dream11 1p1nlu11llv G11lhtr1ng wr1t1>r11 and mAter111I u tlllfylng but materi111ly lackin~ the two pa1 tnPrit i1tartt l'I lo pul With rer;rl'IJI Iha parlnt'Mlhlr wa11 thl• t1rram 11110 r<"•hl v. Top wrtl· brn)(en blll both mrn w~rl' drelln· Ing, top photognphy wtth a com· ed to Oy to ~rtAltt height~ would Jive the department a frtt l•d a Ylgorou11 fight on the Sen· hand to curtail, aboll~h or tran•· ate t'loor to ellmlnate the amend· f•r any activity thst haa betn J ment t'nllrely. Mr. Mundt. dunnr ln1Uatei1 within the lut 2~ yeani. thr coune of the debate. In part Congrtllll 11 continuing It for another two yean. Both Republl· can• and Dtmoc:rata l.hlnk lhl• I• icood polllks. But SBA doea not help the bulk ot 1mall buline111 11Uch u retaller11. druc(i•ll and the like. lt actually aid• Ulat M(· ment o! bualnua which the local banker doea not think 11 a rood rl1k. If SBA were to be a aolveot a(t'ncy It would havt to ehatl't Mur i\ of 8BA'1 work 11 dupll· caUon of that which hu been done by Ule Commerce Department ror yean. Yet 88A 11 txpandlnl(. fl'or example. ln Mlnneapolla It hu 28 employee• comp.~ wllh 11x for commerce. Sooner or later. If 8BA la continued. aomeon4 Will pro~ (1v1nr It cabinet 1tatu1 and then there will be the unfor· lunate altuaUon of two Depart· menl• of commerce .•• one tor bl« and one for little bUtlnua. Maybe It ,would then ti. found neceasary to han a third department ••. ont fol' medium butlne111. Jt the 1e,111ature worka out the I for m1ny yean haa acted u a 11ub· ruaranteed employment plan In 111dy for aeuonally employed connection with the payment o! worker•. 1uch 811 cannery employ· unemployme.nt ln1unanct. that 11., eu. who derived unt'mrlo~'"'""t I flt prov1du th1t the employee benefll.JI whl'n lhtrt' w1.1 a1 tu1lly la entitled to rert lve mony from no work available. Some su.sonal hl1 employer and •l t he 1&me t'mployn1 attemplt'd a t time to lime cet unemployment ln1uranct 'have thla ch•nred, but for the the enUre Kheme amount.a to noth· moat part. tht'y 14'ert willing to lnr more than a aubaldy paid by forego the m«rll r1tlnt;8 they all the t'mploytn who contribute would have tt'Ct'lvfd. merely to to the fund to thoH lnduatriea aub11ldlu their wol'keu, a nd keep which have only 11ea10nal employ· lht'm 111 thr community, where mC"nt, and (Ind It neceuary to l1y they wo1tld b• on hnnd ror nf'Xl off 110me ot their "'·orken 1t 1ea,110n'1 work. 1 atatt'd 11mu. There arr le1tl8latnra who be-I ORIGINAL THEOR1' lleve uflemploymt'nt ln8ur1nce tt 1llpulated, however. t hat a ny "'Ill : "I now find-and let me u y acllv1ty Initiated prior to thst th11t the Democratic memben ea· period cannot be curtllllrd or abo· pee1ally wlll be lnteruted In thl• lh1hed until t ht' drpartml'nl hu -that not all tM confl.l1lon In Th• orl(lnaJ theory of enem· 1hould be retained for It• orl..:lnal ployment lneurancl' wu to Jive a purpose. ind other. who r .. t l It I worker about hair hl1 ware to 111hould bf' expanded. Hencr, t.he pro-I tide him ovu a period of enem· apectlve le(l•l•llvt battle. , nollnfd the Appropri1tlona Com· the government, In ttmi'1 of In· SCENE AT THE CAPITOL mltteu i:if both the Houstt' and \'adlng the field or private lndul'l.· St'nalt 80 rlay11 In adv11nr,. tr ry. ncc:urrt'd durlnJ': tht r1aya or nelthf'r rnmmlllee t111<rs art Inn thP New Deal 11.nd the Fair Deal; Sacramento Sidelight within thi.1 llmt' limit. th.. "•'· b.ut • irrest dot of It occurred SACRAMENTO ICNS 1-Aa a l Democratic candidate or having partment lhen hu & frf'r hirnd 10 brf"rl' lll:l3.'' re11ult of the "he~rln~· In which a r1nanclal 1nter,.11t In °a San 'Dfe go do wh11~vl'r It rlt,.~res . Thi' Srn11le howl'VC'I. by ll volt' I Rustirell S Mllnro, ,.181~ liquor ad· liquor llcenH. which under the SACRAMENTO Apparently, I Bureau of CrlminAI Jdl'nl1fll'Rl •<1n BIO rMPRO\ 1:~u::-1T nr •8 to 33, rtJN'l"•' the Mundt min111tra1ur "'ho lll<e11 not to be llquor cont.rot i ct would have bffn th• at.alt franc:hlM tu botttd, dl11clo11e th•l hi• lale11t arrest. f'X· Thi• amendment Is • b ljt llfl• prnro~AI. I C'allt'd lh< •tlltP "liquor CIMlr". I llleral. ~•ernor. Knlrl\t came to which •• huded b\' Miile Con-C'IU,ave O( t he lmpendlnll.' Arrf'~l on p rovemt'nt oVt'r the Ont' 11tlup!<'tl Wh11t wlll happen now will di'· T 1 r G Good··" hi d t lroller Robert C. t<lr:<wood, muns the tax ch"rr;t , \\O In La~ Vtit:tll, by the Hou11r wh' h w Id h ,, • c ""'"' "'· " ovemor ... n • e "'"· N . 1c nu 11v" penu upon lhr Ho11~e-Senalt' Con · ' Kniitht'" pollUc:al htnchmtn However thP 11.tornty r eneral'• huatnraa when ll 11ay1 It Intends ev., on Nov .. II, tPa2 hy thr r•qulrl'rl the ~partml'nt of !'Ir· frrl'nr,. C'ommlllt't' 1ppolntt'rl fo ' · ' ' to collect d4'1lnquent st&tt' Income Sht'rlff of C'l11rk county nn a frnllt' In nottry the t"'·o Appro· wnrk 0111 fllfft"rtnce~ bt'twf'en lht ::~,~t;~f~~;rtl~~a~~~~e ~:e':.eD~!; ~~~· ~e~~~hyw~::"~:~ w~~ taxu, and 11l10 whf'n It 11tarta In· Nf'w York wa rr•nt ar111lng oul o( prlatlont Commillt'"" befort 1l 1wo Hou•t'11 nn 1he bill ' b · veau1aunr what m1y be a fraud a n lndlctmPnt by tilt g-und Jury cnuld curuil or •boll"h hnv a<'ll· PRi'rATE \'~ Pt'Bl lC be 1Jt>ml' review or Munro'• riJht to t • lnve.tlptlon. a nd caullt'd an On• ot the 1ate11t calll'•. lnvol•· 1 of Sar11to1a county Jl:ew Tork. vtty 91 111 The Hnus ~. 111 " Th n l · · ' withhold dttlslon1 of hi• 11Hrltlc accuaUon to be fUefl aplnat the would have' thrown A r~ad '~,n~k h ~ .. r1< I m•Jnr, "nit•it"mtnt offlcer11 rrom the puJ>Jlc. preaent holder• of th• Ucenae. Inf whit official• ducnbt 8JI a Stecher Wall releasrd In Nh•dll, I 1111 a.,en P act n !hr Ho111e I .. ,... 1 A he&rin• officer heard th" cue .big.time it•niieter operi llon. rt· but record• of the clerk of Su•· In the way af any rl'commt"nd11· I Whl'rr lhf' admlnl11tr1tlnn won a "nen lquor In Ca.Jlfotnia wu " I I tlon11 m•de by the Hoovrr Cnm. c1 ,j Th rontrollt!(I by the 1latf' boird of .. and completely ab110lved Hervey llU led In the finding Of a tu I•· toga C'ounly dl11rlo11e that In 191\3, . rno119 ing '•C'tory. , " House II from any participation In th• Mfe bfllty or $11o.183. 78, lnclud101 tax. '" enter,.11 pltu nr gullty to the mlMlon lookln~ to lhf' f'llm1n..tl1in stret'lfiC'allv ·,.hm1n1tl'd Allthnrlty to qu11 ul1on. It wu no lf'cr,t when th 2 . -naltl and Int I 'If departmrntil competition with 1 lll•t' s8.I\ hllllnn ror tht blifldlno of a liquor hurlnit otttc:er handed of e llctt1M for 11 ,000. and al· ... ~ u nu · crlm"" of C'oMplniry. g11.mbTin1t priva te bu1tln•n 1 irt 11 1 " dnwn a dt'rl,..lon eo abJ10lved all tht olhf'r r rln<'i· The Franchl1t Tu Board laat and ownln.c a .camblln1 "~llbll.•b· • Mut h of the· tAm""U'•An w'th T11'h1 1 on" ~tum rlsnb •t TVA. ..AK• IT. Pl'BLIC' pal• In the cue. . Dec. l~. flied • lltn In the nu. ment In vlnlatl1>n of l'\"w Ynrll ., ..-Mv • 11 montv nnw can ~ uaed to ·"" "" · Thi I ti I I J "Doc" husl11eae In th• Defe1111" Drp11rt· h11lld th• '1ransml311fon !In t m Wh .. n Munro took oUlct, one ot • did not eel Wl'll with Ben· wh ~ nvo vu on• o11 .. ph lawa. -------------------------'--"'-Mtt. who pointed out quite hei.t-St&c:'her. ot 110 No. Ro11bury Drive, Ht wu Mnlence<I 1n Drr«'mbn. tlle flnrt -ll'll'louneementa waa t.o 1 e fd y that t.bll wu the only one of 1 •verl)• Hill~ 19~3 tn Jf'rve " yu r lrf th• i;ara· Entered u 8eeond-ctua Mattel' at the P01tot!lce UI Newport 8-c!I Call!omla under Ula Act of March a, 1879. ' the effKt that whlll' he tnt.ended ... 31 a .. (' I ...,.f' .... out .. !'m A lfnrnf11 l'H!ltll t,r.r:: COMrl.Af"T tor:a county Jail. ,,,,. J1tll aen· to make f'vtryttllng In eON'leeUon hi h th tt 1· f "'' c t' • ni """ S:l'n,.ra " " • Th,. F'ranrhl~ t•it bollr d com· tenc• wa1 au•J>"ndf'd. but hi' paid with the dep&J'tlMnt public, th• r h d 1 t H h t 1 .. ice a os f' c 11rae er u .. 11 put,.d Stichf'r'• inrome at moN a fin• ot 110.000 i nd -..•ent on pn>- atto"'ey ~erat had ruled that h• u the "atrnnreet ra11t or tht 31 " lh•n SI million a yr1tr, i nd when batlon for lwo yura. waa within 1111 ri(tlla ln withhold· llOTlt Qt'E8TIOSP:O il found the ll•btllt \' uk"d the St.achtr came to California In lnr U11 llear1n&' office,..· declalona Bul both Munro and B .. nnrtl. illstrl<.l i ttorn"y'a nrric·,. In Lo• An· 19~1 and tie flrat realdtd In Palm ~!!-.ha llad a chance to aet "1M"' queetlont'd st>'eral llmf'~ after thf' I ~el,.j Munl~ 10 fll r a <'om plaint i 8pnn111 What k><*ed. ID<>ft or '-· like five·mlnult hearlnJ. !ltnltd th11l "l?illnlll lh" m11n tnvolvf'd I ACTION OS n1.E , ' a fl1aco and a political fix, cauled the decision h•d anything to do In 1dd11lon, lhl' boi11d tllt>d a An action 11 on file by Ule fed· a lot mor• than llttln!f ot Ole eye-with polfUc1. Munro 1&ld ht never 11 .. n fllr the alh~gl'll llabJllty of eral r ovemment to Nvok" hi• browa on the put ol Wiil.i.am A.. had ta..lktcJ lo Governor Kzucht S110.183.lf6-acaln1t thl Earl Car· cltlunthlp on the r mund that hlll Ben~ett. deputy atlomf')' pneraJ. about Ole cue or about Hervey. 1 roU Theat.r. Bulldlnr: In Holl)'· naturalization wa1 procured by Bennett l&ld be llltetldi to uk Ul• a-aett •Id he knew of no polU· wood, which lhe board N1d la traud. Thie action wu filed Feb 2. teal lmpllcadona. Nellber ot Ule valued at U00.000. 19&3, and 11 ~ndln« ~fore J uditl' attorney J't!l•ral whet.be or not two ~n bad hMrd u cept what @tacl\er. &CCOf'dln« to oftlctala lknJamln ff&rnlll()ll of the u.a. 011-MUMO !\I.a the rt.pt k> w1u.bold t thll tntdrmauon. lllact he, Ben· they read ln tht new.papen. U,ey o the tloa.rd, wboaa tN• name la tr1ct Court an Loe Anreln . ~ • ~ ....._.. N.-. ... Al!tdtr I re .. ctt. A.I. nett. wbo .nJad t.M .... ap6n9t MJd, that there mlpl lie a pl&a t Gd.ale Ot.at&caer. '-a MUonally 8pttlt1cally, the franclllM tax BJ Deer... of tliil &~r <lout •f 0.-..,. 0.. .. AdlM N .. A·l11tl lbe lie.nae In •\MIUon. had not appotnt Rem)' a wpenor J\td~ knowll n.un. Re baa an IUTfft tlo&rd cll&r(ee tbat 8Ucher falll"d been appriMd ot U.. dec!taloa. and In 8-Dtep count)' w1le11 Ule record d&Ul\J '-ck to 1Ht. H1 lo ttle • at.au Income tax u tum bad no prniou. notice of U.. namp JUdc-M. P I• ope.n ,, .. t leptemher. teetifted oe JUIJ 11 • lt~l~ tor 1'01, aad therefore 11 U1blt aeMlon be~ vunro eaJled. and Munro'• atUtudt toward open knft.ll btfott t.bt Kd&uY• ..:=;; tor ti. un-t ot computed ta.u1 Uler-.fon, bad ao opportunity to public r.corda la well lmown. mitt... -.Vt Nf\l89d to lnt..l .,.. ,.WUM, wtllch c.,; U'l\la the cue. Wiien he wu deputy dlrtctoT' of quuUocui coooenun. IUa ......_ mouat up te .., .. Nm• In a 1bort ~UnCAL noua& the at.ate department of publk or tlleome oe t.bt SfOUnd tM aa• ,_w at ...... wo,-tla. JM conatateoU1 reru-4 to awve WO\lld t..41 lo aeertmluu Tiie 8taehtr ... '9 u lndlcatloe'I The political "''"' In quest.Ion rt.,. Ult prt• tM namH of aub-lllm. 'nl1a WU durtal u bl...tJ· Of .,.. ., u. Udap u.. tran· wu Cdp.r B. H~. of Sul Dt· caelr-.cton -111UIC lntonnat1ot1 °" 1at.1oa ot orpaiMd crime ~ ~-taa ..,.. .. ., aplnat in eco count,, • ._ a.a.died Oonnior prtndpl• contract M6dera.. But u out tie Untt.ed atat.. -~ U.. ...,_. taa •-tA I Knlpt'a campalJft tn that area. a rwtdt or Ui« fftt'YtJ Incident. lie lt:IJlY ~NT OaUfDnUa. 'ftte ~ ot 0.. Re""Y wu aC'<'ll l'>d by Rlthe NS m•y bf' for~l'd to ch11nge 1111 t une Ra-ord1 of U. r.df'nl Bureau ca.a w1U be wat.c~ W'llll taltl'89t Ori,... dur1n1 the campelfYI, Utt °" Ula nl)U .t Ule publle to !mow. ot Jn ... 1,.u. aad .t u.. et.at.. U.-tflftut tM 9iat.. ---.. RANDAl,l. HENDERSON -He parlayed s youn~ man'11 newspaper column and a dream into th<' Mt1on· ally famou11 Ot>s<'rt ¥sguinl'. -Hor8ce Parker Photn Farmer McCabe Writes ... ~omctime11 I get into the dangest Jackpot. withou1 even half trying. Now take the other day when me and the Woman went into town lo do our Saturday shopping, l reckon J wuz about a mile f'r two from the house wh<'n l happen<.'d to notice tha l my lilll<' gquirr<'l dog waa follcrlng IW I xtopped and let her m the car. Wt-II. wh<'n l g<lt to town she jumped C.ut and went right. 1ll1mg with us and wun't no bother stall till Rhe ROW a Woman wtar· lng a Squirrel Coat and thc>n. nr r.rann1N~. I couldn't do a thing with h"r nn Rccr;iunt of 11he k<-pt follerin~ th• woman. barking like marl tn l<'t f'\'erbr><ly know 11he'd treed a 1quirrel right m town It" " nglit funny thinit too ... you 11ee the coRt wtu~ t1yf'd Mink but 1l didn't fool ol• Trix any (all '1pta ·-0 ... I' END OJ' LINE -Motor· Officer Don Munson, above, aucceeded in •topping car driv- en by two youths yesterday in wild joy ride which ended at parJdng lot for car but Pl!oir eacaped in opposite directions along ocean front: -Staff Photo MACMILLIAN IANDAGID AS HEAD HITS SWINGING DOOR Rod Macvm1ai:i, ...U known B&dlor area Bo,.. Club &th· leUc dlrw:tor • .Ja wt&rill.S a. bandace on hi.I to~ tbMe ~ ''and not for decoraUon," Rod decl&rM. Lut week h• 'WU bl to t th• door under Ult stand at Coel& M-ball park open and th• 111"'1 who wu helpln1 iiy puawii Trom a>.ou~ ,wu too wcc...-r'DJ In hi.I eft'ortA. , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE 7 MONDAY, JULY I I, 1955 NARCOTIC ·woRLD GETS the .wl.nl'IJI&' door cat.chln1 Rod on Ute fonbead. ---------------#!..--.-.-C fy Jall to Tbat b&nd covera 10 1Ut ches the doctor took to clOM the w OftlClll ~ to 0Uft cut the eds• ol lh_• door ~· I Good ,.._ uu-_ -1'ut=tler n . -w 1'11-n~OS Clau B -Kawamw, W. ValU• tin•. Loe An&flc1a Yacht Club; ,... da, Gtoorc--\\'. S lurrt•. Loe An• ~lea Yacht Club; l k.)'larl. Dean Brown, Bill Slater, lant.a aa.-..... C&lif., Yacht Club ; QuMt. Dr. Howard F. Mll,-phy, Lail ~ Yacht. Club; OdY911t7, ~-C.~--·• Steel~ Dick 8t~ele, Newport Bar- bor Yacht Club; Marie Amelie, ~ e . AJUt , • \' &Obt Clubt Merilm;-DemU-Jor..- d an Ka -Granrs ·Bath Costs Nalu II Time in .. Race Driver Tells of E·aster Week Crash in Court St. F rancia Yacht Clubll; Nordlya. Walter S. JohMOD, CorlntaPan Yacht Club; Tiburon, Oallt.; Nam ll&nf, -i:;o a-Stithiiri, Iliff)' IU&+ ter, Loa Anrelu Yacht Club! Mal Tai, J ohn•on S. Grtttith, Newport Thia la the fourth of an uclu· versed on the booktnr blotter &nd Harbor Yacht Club; J'a.lr We&UMr, alve Oranre Oounty New;a Service Sft. Wrt1ht 11&w to It they were Fred J. Allen, San Dlero Ye cbt eertea on lb• undeKover llfe of appriMd of the information on the Club, end Dlablo, f'rank s. Wade, IA Oranre County mother who "narcotlca arrut." Alamitos Bay Yacht Club. Two poeed aa a narcoUc addict to aid That day, new1pape,.. carried othen art at aea but ca.nnot allertft'1 ottlcera In apprehendlnr t.b'e atory-and combined with the change the po11tt lona. They an U\11 "puahere." word that eprnd amonr the prl· Klra"'lln from SUtUe and the SANTA ANA J ULY 11 (OCNS) L8 eon, the rtl'l wu bat'k tn the f ood Ortent from Sftn Jl'rancleco. -Driver of a deaUl-deaJlnr truck Br· PAT N.JOllA.E .....,. In lb lddl f h t Yaap ,...,.,,cea of the addict• and Y""'dlera. wu o• the wttn ... 1tand In Sun. • m • 0 •r wo--•·-· Cla11 C flnlaheooi wtlh alUntr d '-J •• r d t t They now believed her to be a . SUppln1 on a IOaPY tea °' erlor Court her. toda y u an H60. work u an un ereover aren or tlme·a nd rorttcled lime Included: G b th f P te G t tb 0 C t .... ..ut• fflc fUll·fil'dced addict. Belnr ln jail rant, ro er o • r ran • ooo law 1ult .....,,win.,. out oC a e ranre oun Y .. ,e, u • o e, Watt'rwllch, E1lwln F . Fuld. Stoc.k· '-t f •'-~•ft. t •·-• tb h ...... h a act ually •ave her a blz.ure a ura own~r:,1,.. ppe.r o ..,, --• oop Ne..,..,. .. a ........ tanker truck-car • an....,me woman w 0 wu •· " t on, Callt.. YaC'ht Club, 12 daya, 11 • bo Y cht ~,,,.,. • ~· u • .. "... u d of romance. At leut to the NalU ll of Newport Har r a oraah proll'MMd into it.I aecond ere Y 'flnre.~.. narco ca a • hour11, 3!'> mlnult'I, 39 1econda, cor- Ciub, poulbly loet the cralt a week. diet.I and peddlen found heraelt ''headi." rected time 9 day1, 21 hOW'8, 42 da.nce to ttnleh better than 1econd Called to testify wu Charle1 In an almo1t Inexplica ble attuatlon. FALSE REPt:TATION \\'ORJl8 minutes, !>I l!C'Conda: Tuco ll, In the-Honolulu race. Bennett. He claimed coupe driver Not only wu ahe bel.leved to be. A.ahort Ume later, the g'lrl waa Thomas A. Short. St. Francli Joe wu taJdn&' a bath when he John Kellorr. 18, ot Huntln&ton by netr hbora and policemen, a na r-releued from Ja il. She waa never ll.cht Club, 12 :12:38:16, l O:l :3i :-IDE 1kJdded and went overboard. The '"-'·&&.-~Hllll.t--ttt~--l'tll+-lfi!'>~; .:.:A~r::-;elr= . .::Ar-:. T=-=.:.;:ir.:c?.-::o-=:rm::T.cr.~s..nii:='="---t WILD-I ad---4·.AfSftYLANft.,... ---l--Wll'=:-:A::==--l~l::;;:-;:::ilf=:;~--t11loop lo1t her 1l1T'WJ!f e , In -tum when the tragedy occurred 1he wu attemptlnr to enare were publl<c1y dlsmiaaed "In the Interest Francisco Ya<'hl Club; 12:l 4:32:?\. U lng the qulc.k come about to pick April 10, 11164, a t Cout Hl(bway rettlnr 1uaplclou1, A frultleu at-of ju1tlce." 1o:p:3:17; Klrnwan, c. o. Puchall, Contlnoed from Fin& Pap t -' n .lk•wll'flmF out 01 ~!~d .&nd Supertor..A.u._ _ J empt to ma~e_a _'.J>~1 ·• of b~~ The a rrtet record• and ca.se SeeH~ l?H&1 P.+-W~~:-f:-B~----t1 Newport Blvd. before It dashed OonUniaed rrom l'lt troin there on In had to run on TEENAGERS KILLl:D mar ijuana had ended w en New· ruel,lia~<furlng t he ttme-i"ht •telle. Wiiford Zlnsmyer, Lela An· ~---croaa DiJSo&BIVif -Orito MacAr. wa TOO LATE 1 a 1maller uil to n nlab th• 222&· Two teenar er• were kllled, an-port Qeach offlcera closed In on sheriff'• office wanted l o build up gell'!I Yru·ht ("lub, l:l:l8 :34::H . 11 :. thur Blvd. Munson sa.1d the car mile run in an elapeed time of 12 oUler rravely Injured and aeven the woman and a peddler -not the take crtmlnal record, were re· 23:28 ::H ; T)"l'N'. 8111 Haas, l..oa just mwed a 1mall boy crossing At 4:30. a uniformed Disneyland day1, one hour, 68 mtnutee and otbera hurt when their coupe waa knowing that 1he wu under tht turned to the g irl amid voluminous Angt'll.'ll, 12:23:3i :38, 9:23:118:6\l; MacArthur at Court St., t urned official ca.me along Ute line anJ 48'h HConds, or a corrected time nm.med broadalde by the big watchful -eye of narcollca chl.i, ·lhatlk.t: by the 1herlff'1 office. Solvtlg IV. Msgnua and Trygve into Court St. said "The Adventurfl&nd r ide will of nine daya, ( houn, ( mtnutea truck. Sr t. Clint Wright. Wright had bffn .pRC.O~OCrt:T\' Hah'oerMen, Royu l Sydney Yacht INTO MESA.~'S CAR be closed until a fter the televlalon and (3~ 1eeonda. Fatally tnjurddwereJukle Yar-waiting for t he girl to make the Now, her nelghbor11, who had Squadron. 13 :00:H:~!'>. 11:14:46:7: MuMon Mid the car turned In to Thi. placed her HCOnd by 615 n•ll, 1~, of Co.Ila MeM and Robert purchase 10 he cuuld clOff In and only previously suepect ed narrot-Eleulhera. Earl Schenck Jr .. Sea• ' s ,_ program." This fellow wore a rib-Urban Beh. ch.alrm.n of the ,...~ ll I t i II t •-d th t a parking lot oft Court t., s,,.m-minutes to the Clua A. vvruJte a-Matthews, 16, whott par•nt• now a rreat the peddler. Cl, pt ac ca Y a. rac ... e e agen ttlr llnd Corinthian Yacht Club. med Into the back of a car regts-bqn on hi• blouse tha t aald Iron-yachting committee of the New-Uon. The accident happened Frl-live ln Garden Grove. Diane Doo-GOES TO J AIL from cordiality. She wu a "nar· 13:2:44:33,. 9 :22:8:33. tered to J amee A. Kemper or 2136 lcally, "hoet." port Harbor Chamber ot Com-day att~rnoon. When Joe wu pick-little, 111, formerly ot Balboa wu Something had t o be done to cotlra addlet--•he evf n went l o Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. and re· Dlreclly in back or Lana Turner, ~=~~e~. ~~~~! :~~t: :!~t ln;;;;:. ed up he wu 1t01 clutchln&' hl• knocked unconactous and remain1 divert the eVfr·lncreuing l llllplc-jail.'' Life became a lmol!t \lnbu.r- bounded Into another JJQrked car her h11t1band Lex Barker we made atlon bulletins w ilh full details on bar of IOI.Pl tha t way, with little chance for Ion.a amoor the "heada, hype1 and able. But unbearable u It wa11, the rertatered to Carl J. Mohlman of our way ou~ of "Adventureland" t he 1955 Flight of lhe Snowbird•. -recovery accordtnr to a brain blutera" of Orange County. And girl continued her valu'<t work for 8anta Ana. toward the pla•u A mal!ll of hum H d aurr eon. s_. w r·lght kn-w It had to be another year, living amldlt the -· -which \\111 be held In Newport Har IOWftlaft --•-~ d d Police n ld two teen·ai:-e boys anlty wu litandlng immobile as a bor on July 31, a re now obtainsble. .... .... ,.. Parent.I of the chUdrtn are 1eek-done •wHtly. There wu only one hate or her former frten •· An broke from the speed-car and ran. human t'ha ln of stern-t>yed offl-The Dean'• U.t o.t atudenll r.t lng •he dama gea 1p lnst Bennett way , It a ppeared., t hat the woman ev4!n though she no longer had )iunson 18.id he yelled at th em to t'lals gradually backe<! them Int~ -:;::;:>· :::J..t't!e ~l~~.at ii!~:;::>r\~:~~ Rennelaer Polytechnic. In1Utu ; '. and the comintny for Whom ht could be put In the good gracu Crlends. she now _had the complet,. atop or hr wou.lrJ ehool. but he ~ t~g.ht pa<:k w ith the a1~ o! a rope. Club, Lido hie Yprht Club. J. A.. Troy, N. Y., which J ecognlzu t ·1· worka, Armour Oil <?>· oC San of the narcotic• underworld. P ut faith and C'onMttr nce or &rfa pedd· l &Hl he waa une.ble to shoot be-\\ c re bemg cor. rs.led for thl' be.~c· Beek':i Office, Mc.Nally 11.11d Val-dent.a for exceptional merit ln Diego. her In jall. · h!n . They atarttd her on an 1maz- ca11sl' or the large Sunday 1)(-ach fit o.f the televialon 0 prograrn, er,I-l-ly Boa t • -ndliig•, th-new Har· l!Cholsstlc . work during the aecond Bennet t t u tlfled today hl1 en-The preparations fC1l' the jaHinr lng IOclaJ whirl amklat their n lg)lL-crnwtl. I f d • ..,,, d ~ '-"' 0 ~ half 1 ~ oU ••• lnclu .. -· gin-was • .. olng at top capacity, mare world of horror. n °1w e -rny aomc;\.la~n · ... ,.r 'fas·ler's Of"iAe or th• N·w· o .. u u • .c e('e y.,.. ""0 v "' of the young mother of two rnll-J>ohee u ld the "Tllr i• -p<>sslbl)' ff ri "" " 11 ' ~ ~ the name of H arlan Bowman, 224 1800 to 2000 rpmi when the ac--· But as vd de u her circle of land·unaure 0 . sp ng por t Harbor Chamlx>r or Com-dren were almo11t aa thorough u 1 ~wned by Sterry Buick Co. of THJS 18 HOSP ITAUT\'! merct>. All Snowbird Skippers are Coral Ave. He received hie bache· c.ldent occurred. He eetlma tfd hi• lh 1 1 g that w t Into build-acqnalnta.ncu among the narcol Cl! Anaheim. Officers are making a tor ot civil eng1neerlnr degre. In 1peed at t O to •!'> milu per hour. e P ann .n en .. addicts grew. It wu conalsnlly h k r ... 1 th After our photog rsup wa.s made urged to fill out and return their Ing up the "rt>putaUon 1he now 1 1 h M t ! th h l c ec or owner...,, p on e ca r June. He said he wu one gear ihor t or h d "h d .. S t Wrl ht· l dim n 1 Ing. 0 11 o oae 11 emf which hu apparently changed by the trlevlston caml'ra \we got Pntry blanks Immediately ln order hi• top •peed. . a aa a ea . g . g me eventuall y wound up In jalJ-all hand• lll'vtral times In t he put in because Joan Bennet wu stand-to al!~l!!t the Committee In Ila pre-NO AR.M SIGNAL the girl at her home and prov1dcd of them still wondering where they few Wefks, making traclng dlffl-Ing directly behind us t, We stayed paratory work. PUTNAM DI ES The truck operator told the her with a marijuana clgarelle. illpped up. how l he poll<"e got lhf I compressed like a pat'k of 111rc'hne1 A bea11t1ru1 new llcslgn ot tro· The children were placed In the h t th b hi d cu l. court be M W no arm elvnal made evidence l a t pu em e n I ... d h t 11 38 on a Norwegian steamrr. phy has been 1..-lected by the Com-ConUn-.. -m --Pa-.,.. care of relatives. b n u1e eecon c a.ae a : P· ...,.., uu "'.... •-by the Kellorr boy. Bennett o ld ara. m .. Motor Officers Don. B1,1.rdll8.ll One blist ering hour later. we millee for the 19:\5 awatds to the •hip of N HYC, their tamillq and he waa traveUnr from San Diego Then the girl waa ta.ken to t he ------------- a nd Richard Heinecke were led on heard a lout.I.speaker blare the un-first ten lo finlsh, the youngest friend• p Ulered tn ~ume for to Loni' Buch. He didn't eee the Orange County jllll. & wild chaa4l at 9!S mllff per h?IJr ardent but jovfal voice ol Art girl. the youngest ho~. the nldest the famoua Pir ate Crulff. The left-turning Kello(( vt hlcle until J uel like any marijuana suspect. SJ AGHOUN D by a csr drlvt>n by J oseph Earl Llnkletter. skipper. the fir.st girl to finish and cruise waa three da)'I of adven-It wu ln hla lane, according to the girl wa.11 fingerprinted. mugged Mager of Loa Angeles. He was .. Frontler·land i. now open." the first "V" and "Mc" boats to ture on the hlgh aeu and at Cat.a. the w1lnell. and booked. A complete arrest re· booked for drunk driving, hit and We could hear hor se•' h oots and flnillh. Una. The 1turdy llhlpe of the cnilM He eatJ mated the •peed of tht cord was made out. run e.·d epeedlng. a lot of lndran yell• and pretty Among lhe l9~:1 trophy donon were outfitted with vartou. davtcea Kellog&" ooupe at 20 to 21! mllea The sergeant a nd fellow nar· ConUnued from F1n t Par e der on corrfcted time: Local of ficers picked up Mager·a soon, we were all ·but picked up a re the ~ewport Harbor Yacht to practice the piracy of members' per-hour. colics officer• counted on the ja.ll ear at the Archu from an a.II· Club, Balboa Yncht Club, Lldo Isle fund.I. grapevine to carry the wonl or and carried by the crowd that y h Cl b B Ibo B Cl b Constellation: Morning Ster; B&runa, Jamfll Mk ha.el, 'st. Fran· els Yacht Club, Sa.n Fra nc•; No- vla Del Mu, J ohn P. Scrippe, San county broadcast The" sa id he al" l 11 • a a ay u • WALll8 PLANK the f lrl'1 "arre.at'' to the men'• ~ preu ed against ua u they surged s h c t Co • Lid J> M--Brush fl d rove through the red llghl.3 at O\ll oas mpany, o en-Putnam bad proml.le<S n-n-eeJ •-re cells. ""iverald• Av•c, 17 et. •Rd n-yslde lhrOUfh the etoc.kade Into Adven· imrula Yacht ~nchorsge, P .A. Pal· .... ft.,.ft t "' ~ 0 r. -· .,.. tureland. We made lhe 1teamahlp 1 N B Ibo 8 ... camera men accom..,.....,,uol "a Drive. He failed to heed red light.II -mer, nc., ewport a • avings cnJI~ a "plank walkln• scene". ~but It ealled oft &Joni' It.I river • --I .. A d -• a nd slrerta of the moton'ycle11, po· and ....... n AsllOC atlon,,... n eraon When the other Ut membera ot Jfce Mid. crulae before we could &"et aboard. Newport Harbor Bank, Lido lal• the party retuMd, Putnaf'n wallled At 17th St. and Coas t HJgtiway, Fruatrated, wa tourht and el-Proper lle!!, I nc., Ea1·t W. Stanley, the plank. He demonatrated hb Offtcera Jerome Nor th a.nd Philip bowed our way 't>ack toward "Fan-J. A. Beek. Lldo l nsunince Agcn· youlhtul Mlling experiencea by Hall jolne.J the chue In a police tuyland." A huge crowd funneled C'Y Inc .• 141d. lhe Newport Harbor haul.Inf' him.&elf h ck aboard hand car. At B&yAtde Drive lnte~C'tlnn. us acosa the dra wbridge and 11pilled Chamber or Commerce. over band on a ta!rall rope. Thia police w d Magn 's t11.r atrurk 1t us out Into the center o! "sleeping Incident llvea on the wal11 of the car driven by Billy Lee Reed ot bea uty' a cu lie... The r ide& were Hamilton Tells TL-&.. yacht.. club. •' Bellrlower, careened towa.rd three golng full but-at least two ot nwrr llltch-hlker• on the 11houlder ot the them were. The olhera hadn't been Grand thffl or '"a car motor, val- h lghwey, 11klddl'd back a.crOl!ll the completed yet, or coul<Jn'l get t heir ued at s2:;0, was repor ted to roAd and prOCf'eded up the htll on engines <lpt'raUng or wr re Just Costa Mell& pollct> recently by Coast H ighway. "waiting the word." The lines in l:;ay M. Hamilton, 19, 131 Albert BurdMll said he continued to front of the two rides were long Ji'lace. Hamilton said he lett the ~~~~ c~~" ~be~~:'tg n~~~e u:a/~: ~~e~~~~u~~~d1:·~~~t~f waiting ~o~~ a;o~:on:'hl~i~!~:r~.St. and 1hout to Mager t o etop. The officer CLOSED OR BROKE~ 11ald Ma,;er 11Wung hill car toward We had navigated to "Tomor-Loe I p • C ll"d him twice . .-auslng Burdsall to l rowla.nd " by 7 :46 p.m. The "20.· a air 0 I • brake his motorcycl(' each time. OoO Leagues Under the Sea" ex-C11n1 driven by Harlow Thorne Alter the ll('<:ond time Burd111ll's hlbll was closed. the rocket ship to Richa rdson, 23, of 319 Irvine Ave. mutor WM slmolrt 11truck by the j the moon had developed lunar a nd Clare Ca.mllle Young, 52. of car. \.h e of!ictr said he shot out trouble, the space 1U1.llon X·l had 312 Sapphire Ave. collided yeater· the left r'f'llr tire oC the apeedlng a lengthy 11.ne In front of It. day at Onyx a.nd Park Aves .. po· Nr. "We've got to tal<e the children lice said, Ml1111 Ynu.n~ !'Gld she was Ma11-r stopped his car thPn, got on at least one ride," my wife In· stopped !or ell her rars when Rk h- out and came toward Burdsall. formed me u !!he mopped tears 1 ardson'11 car struck her auto In Mager·11 car rolled back down Crom the eyes or our yo11ngster11. th!' N'ln'. a cross I.hf C'of.st Highway itrnde The line Into the space elation ---.. ~. ~---------­ and fln•llY stopped at right Rnl(IPs mo,·ed faal. By 7 :59, we had man· gon ·• Tht'y had to be u11ed by to traffic. He wa.' quickly put un-aged -to reach the Buck·Rog ers· elgh~ o'C'lo1'k. \\'e r nn. d~r arrest by HelnN·ke. North a nd type ft>llow who heped you enter. O:\'f: t;oon WORD Hllll and wu rxpe('ted tq bP Ar-A's we reeched him, he put out T he <tinner wu fine. The l<lds n .lgntd In N,.wport Just1~r Court hl11 a rm a nd 5atd "May we give were d111appointcd. l hope a Lo4 eometlme today. you the privilege of allowing you Angeles newspaper writer makes it I to be the f1 r11l on our next fl1ghl." lo work. l f we. hall that much A d D h He wu so nice about It w e didn'.t trouble getting on a ride -and ft rews aug ter C\'en l'e&Jue lhat We werti going knowing his determination for get· Mr. and Mrs. J ack Andrews, to have to wait 110me more. ting the facts-we're wondering · 2690 Orange A\•e .. Costa Me11a, are I \\'hlle waiting, I happened to It he managef! to fin<! a place on parents of a girl born July 3 st look at the tickets we had been somelhlng e ncl t11 still battling the Hoag Hoi<pltal given to dinner at "The Rad \Va· cr'owd11 to get off. • Approximately $20 In dama1e WU ruult Of a bl'U8.b fire at u u 8&1ita .A.QA Ave., Coat.a Meaa, at t :3T a.m. Friday. J'lre Preven tlon Ofncer Ralph Lee aald C. C. Covey wu burning with a permit when 11park1 Jumped hl1 fence Into the bruah. The damage occurred to the fence, One truck and 13 men re- sponded. D iego; Celebe.11, J . H . Hedden, San- J AJ.L IJ'RIGHTENt NO Francisco: Eit<:&J)Qde, J arnu Camp, "I felt aWfully alone," the rtrl Shafter, Calli.; Diamond Head, told OCNS u the r ecalled the Maxwell H. Wyman. Seattle Yac:.hl night she wu booked. "Frankly, Club; Ramona. WllUa.m A. P ome- I wu 11cared. l llldn't know If may-, roy, St. Francl1 Yacht Club; Queen be a girl friend or two of the Ar· Mub. Phyllis B. Brun1on and Rob· reated "heads" wun't •haring • 1 ert L. Pringle, Catalina lsl&nd cell with me." t Yachl Club; Sea Drift, Lyml.n H. The night ln the jail waa long . Farwell, Newport H arbor Yacht ln the morning, repo1 tfre con· Club. Too Late to Be Claaalflecl 28-Sttutlou Want.NI FULL ceg. bk.kpr .. &.. a.cct. Call arter 6 p.m. Harbor . 2542. 79p8t SS-Boats, Suppllf'!I SNlPE Sall Boat. Complete with buoy 11.11d t ra.Her. LI 8· 70.2 from 9 to 6 p m. 79c81 33' CA BL'll CrulMr, ntw crown. Com. or 1port. llu n114'<1. Bait t&11k. Full equipment. $1700. 129 Rochu ter, Costa MeaL LI 8· 6:101. T&c81 !!_5-Dogs, ~ta, Pete __ _ BOttR PUP, fluhy fawn fem&lt', AKC re,ia., 3 mo'1., cropped. 1holll. :143 Santa Ana Aft., New- port Ht.a., EVENINGS (except Wed.) '19e81 48-A-AJ!f:a· tor Rent FURN. One bdrm. apt. Nea.r Rich· llrd'1 11hoppln1 center. Summer $3:1 week or HO mo. p ly. H11 r. 2344-J after 6 p .m . JO( 14th St. 79C'8l featuring following nationally known designers the Our· New Establishment at 3419 Newport Boulevard in Newport Beach KNIGHTS TALK TO LOCAL FOLK There were many acquaintances renewed over the week end when Gov. Goodwin J, KnJght and Mrs. Knight were viaitor9 in the Barbor area. Pictured above·at the New- port Harbor Yacht Club are left to rlaht, St.aft Comaiodore Walter K. Lewt1, GoY. Knight, Staff Commodore Shirley E. Me.ene, Mn. Knfrbt aha.ting ha.nds with 0 . W. "Dick" Richard and ~odore Harry Mum. -8t&tt Photo. ., .. ~ *DON LOPER * DOROTHY O'HARA * PEGGY HUNT * DON MIGUEL *MISS CANE * FAZZI * HELEN OF CALIF. * PAT PREMO * ALEX COLEMAN *BENJAMIN * SIR JAMES * ROSE MARIE REID *COLE . * DE WEESE 341 t Newport lo .. 1wahl ~To the TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY JULY 19th and 20th > Celebrate, following • We are Offering SPECIALS! Linen Sheath Dresses . • . $10 95 White -Navy and Black . . . . . Cotton Dresses • • Values to $22.95 ... -., $12.95 liclo Fashions • • • acron fnMn Ylnceftt's Udo DftMJI • • • PhOM Harbor 3671 ,, ---_ .... ..-. I l>A·G~ I .. PART I -NEWPbRT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, JULY 18 , 1955 .Phyllis Jacksoq . Story on BalbOan Wins OCNS Award Phyllla J . Ja~. reporter-I wu honored al the weekend meet· photographer and wire editor for Inc ot Oranre County Newa Serv· Ule Newport Harbor New .. P~,aa. Ice edit.ore when they c.hoM one of her 1tort~ u top contr1but1011 to OCNS tor June. Mesa Has 162 --CC1t- Accidents ia Year_ J.tlaa Jackaon·a story. dealing In two parta with the Inside ta.le ot Mr1. l>Mothy IJ'acer's-•-ccount • Leuls COIW'ady Wiii le New loarcl Head Loula Connidy of w .. tmtnater wu elKlf'd by the Bo.ard of Trua· 1...-. ot Oran(e Coa.•t Colle(• to terve u .,r .. aldent for the l M&·IM.I year. C'onrady haa ~ a member of the <-ollr&I' board ••nc-e 1947 when the coller• dltlrlct wu rorm· ed. He wH-tileet~ by the people for a new lh!'ff·)'•ar tl'rm th.la lu t May 1. Wau.,r M. l..onJlnoor ot New• It'll WU-elected to •rYe Jn th~ put year, COila Meaa po-~clu..l.~ ,. _, Uce departmenCll\vuut&rea 282 d lh Y-O y_--J1A41._Mwa~-~ aut~ ~P&U~'*-A . an o er ran..!!_ · Service member•. The two·parl McKenzle reported. Of thiia total. 1tory followed revelatlon.e by Mra. 210 accident• were duaitted aa Tager or Balboa when she appear· ~.uu~..i...~_an on!x. ·. eor.Hlol:f~-um:K-m_un.r c.ommtn The nmalntn1r G% tntttc aoc:I· In Loe Ang.clea .lt toJd ln.. de.t.&U d.enta lnvolved peraon&L.l.nj)lrit&.. r-v-mom -methoda used tp 0 Rlcht·of-way ''lolatlona caused 2a taln model• and release tbel\-pie· ~r cent or the accidents. McKen· turea. ducrlbed aa lewd, In a liuge aie rtreently aent two member• of operation which netted the ayndl· the Mesa force to attend Callfor-catt>'• ov.'llera ·considerable thou· nla Highway Patrol· claaau cover· sanda In caeh. Ing auch violation•. DEAN HARTIN & .... MESA GIRL TAKEN TO HOAG Wanda Jean Conway, 14, of 1755 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, is picked up by attend· anta following a traffic accident at the intersection of 17th St. and Orange Ave. at 8:20 a.m. Saturday morning. TaRetrnrtr~ss Cunw minor injuries. The accident occurred betw~n autos driven by William Edwin 1----.&.1.rainar.d_Qf Kingman, Ariz:. and Ri chard Earl Conw.a)' :=Staff .Photo ____ _ TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT Foreign Oil· . Imports Jump 15% Over '54 IANTA ANA, JULY 18 !OCNS1 an ofhelllng C'leme.nt towards pro- -New York Noon Comment fit taking. WASHINGTON. D.C (Spe<'lal) Imports of foreign oil into the U.S. averaged l ,126,000 barrels daily during April, May and June -an increase of JM .000 barrels dally or 16 per cent higher than the same f}()riod M 1904. Dean Witter &-Co. \\.Ith the m&t. llow J onH I'. M. A\·l'~I"• .10 Jndustrfals 460.00 ore 0.23 ket In a co-rrectlona.I phase whh"h :.'O Rails 108.66 oCf 0.01 dOM not u yet a p!>far rompleteJ, 10 Vtllllles 6~.34 up 0.111 the tendency Is towards a. rlr!Cl lo 1 P.M. \'ulume: 1,280.000 VI!. lower pr1cea u pror.t taking lll 1,200,0IJU on Friday. g encounterf!<I. A dflzen -t>r so 1,0<'.\1, STOCK U S T BID 11:· Aio;K These figures are contained In Ule July issue ot "The Supply and Demanct Outlook" relt'Ued here lodHy by the ln<lependenl Petro· leum As!loc·iauon of America. apeclalltlea a.re firm to better re· apondln( to vartou11 factora. Chryller advanced through 911 In the early trading. but h11.s 11tnc<> Mltled back allghUy. The <'llrrrnt area· 11 one oC logical 11upply. Whereu continue to ma.lntllln a con.tt.ructlve poeltlon regarding thla luue. feel that tor the mo· ment wottld prefer awaiting 1iome eor111olldatlon or correction prior to new purchuea. GOOD POTENTIAL 1 AA• a · major beneflcla.ry of Im· proved world trade relallon11. Roy· aJ Dutch advanced to wilhln a fraction of Ill high. Growth pO· t entlal la excellent 11.nd being 1.va.tlable 1.t t. reasonable ratlo to conaerv1.ttvely reported eamlnp which are eallmated a t $JI). r,.r ah&re thh1 yrar. the luue appears among the more attractive. Several or the electmnlca Is· aue1 appear to be l'merg1ng from 'a period of con11olldatlon. A• the lead"· wilh tha broadest lntl'r· ut.a, Radio Corps.. 111 consldere<i lbe prime choice for Investment accounta.. Columbia Broslf<'a.~ting System "A" offers excellent (TOwth In the broa~kMUng field. Being available at roughly 11 Ume1 e11Umated ·oo earn1ng11. lhP tine long term p0tenllaJ would ap· pear to command little In the wnr of a. premium. With lncreaalng recognition being-rtven lhe growing domotlc m1.11ufacturlng nperatlona or In· tema.tlonal Tel<'phone. Pe rtlcularly ln the mJUt.ary fl,ld. the stock. 111 among the more conservatlvl'!IY. a ppra.1.eed· with eamlngs itt a ratf' of $3 per 11hare. 1'11:LD OE!\"ERot·s l3ahk of· .A.mc.nca -·-3!11 ,..u BcC'kman Instrument 21 '• ('ahforn1a Bank . 67·6(i1~· Ulsney t Walt 1 •• .• 69-60 Flr11t Well\ern Bank 031 .-'-. Glasspar .. . ... ...... .. . .... 2~·3 1, Hall Scott Motora ....... 4~,.0 1~ Interstate Engineering _ 101,.111, Market Buket Com, •.. 22~,·247. Me ytair Marketa •. . 9 '•·I I) Mnute Maid ... 16 ~ Sec. l11t >Jat'I. Bank •... !'\:J 1 .• ·Tl7 Tbttfty Dtug ....... _ , ... 91 ;.101; Treesw .. et 7 •, • ·, Ve..n Ca.mp Sea Food······-i 1 •• 1 ~. U.S. Nat'!. Bank, S.D: •. • 21·22 \\rlzarrl Boat • . 2·2 '-» Car Clouters Hit Visitors Over Weekend Several report• of car clo11Ung over the week end were made to l'>ewport police. TOTAi, JMl'ORTK Total oil in1ports for July, AU· gust and $t>Pl<'mber are t•xpecled to a verage J.10S.O(IO barrels pt'r da y, based on importing conp11nie11' schrdult>s reportec:f t o the Texaa Railroad Commis1non. Crude Import.JI durmg lhi• period are scheduled at a r ecord no.ooo hurrel~ per day-up 40 000 barrels rrnm lhe 11rcond quarter !Uld a p· proxlmRl<'IY 120,000 ban·el11 per day higher than the 19:14 averA!\•· whll~product Import.a will llhow a seasonal reduction. Market tor domeatlc crude oil 11 exprrted to averag-e 6.~60,000 b11.rrels clally clurlng .July, Augullt and Septembn. Tht11 Is 166,000 barrels per day bt'low actual pro· ductlon tn seron!'I quarter, but 210,· 000 ba.rrel11 daily above the 1964. yearly &vt'rago acordmg to the If'AA·outlook. The lncrl'ase of l M ,000 borrela dally In oil lmporl.9 during the second quarter establishes a ratio of import" lo U.S. crude produc· tion Ill 16.7 per cent vs. 14..9 per cent tor the 1111me periorl last year. KEEP TO RATIO Jon Hermllfl Schlobobm of Stu· 1110 City llllhl h!A car wu parkNI In the 200 block on Poppy Ave. Police salrl the right wind wing and th.en the glove compartment The conttnncd incr:easc In for· of the ca.r were pried open. Thir· I elgn oil lmport.8 prompted lhe Cab· ly·eight dollars were taken from inet Committee on Energy Sup- three wallet• owned by Robert pllea and Resources Policy earlier Larson or Taruna. Robert Arna thla year to rerommend to the of Norlh Hollywood and Michael Presldfnt of the U.S. th&t Import.a Balaban of Studio City. pollct not rxceed their 19M ratio to do· Id mellll<' product ion. sa · I "Reduced U.S. <"rude production Lt. R~y H umphrey of Santa Ana plus lnrreaaed refinery runs dur· told police h1a car wu. broken In· Ing June-resulted in Improved to In the same manner whlle park-rr ude 11tork position." the publics· ed on Seaview Ave. between Pop-ticm continued A sharp 11eaaona.I PY and Poln.11ettla Avea. Twenty I 1ncrc-a!!e in rf'flne<,'I product stocks dollars were taken from. three 1 waa noletl. placing them al about wallets in the glove compsrtmrnt. the paml'! IC\'CI a.s 8 -year 8g-0, but H umphrey said. 146.000.000 barrels a bo\'e 1953. Theft ot hill wallet Crom his un-As for the dPmand O\ll!M k , <'On- lo!'ked car parked In the JOO blork un11e<I high le,·el ot jnd11str1al ac· on Poppy Ave. was reporlt'<I by tlv1ty JndlcateR 01! demands may Ch8rle11 CrOl'k<'tl or Los Angelell. be higher tb11n previously expected. Allen T. Cla1111 of Trmple City Total domestic and export rlema.nd The ofttcers wue Sgt. Rorer E. Neth IUld Offi<..~r Wllllam M. Sav· age. McKenZJe it.Id they would paaa on their tra.lnlng to other membere of the Meaa force. Transient Driven Collide on Highway Minor accident occurred la.It night on Coaat mchway near range st. oetw Kenneth Oouclu Mt.nn of i.o. Anrele.1 and Carol Lealle McGhee of-.boftt'~A,.polloe aald Mann "!'&a apparenUy attempt· lng a Jett tum Into a aervice •!.&· lion, otttcera aald, when atruck by McGhee·a car. Both drivera agreed that Mann had drtven bJa car over the double line when making the tum, police &aid. DEATH NOTICE CUR.T AUGUST 80IDllDT P'uner&I eervicee for Curt AU· guet Schmidt , 48. of 912 E . Ocean Front, will be held Wedneaday, 2 p.m. at Pt.rkea~Ridley Mortuary Chapel. Co.ta Meaa. The Rev. Char- le• F. Ht.nd will officiate. Mr. Schmidt died. yeatud&)' a.t Ora.nge County Hoaplt&J after an extended illneaa. He wu a native of Germany t.nd came to the United !tat.ea in 1921 and became a citizen ot thla country. He came to Balboa In lHe and wu in bualneaa u Curt'a Dellcat· e .. en a.nd Reataurant at 10& Ma.in St. until Jut. September. He w u !orme.rJ,y in bualnOH at. 812 C4!n· ter St.. now known u Balboa Blvd. Mr. Schmidt wu a charter member of the local Mooae Lodge. ·survivors are hll wtfe, Mr1. 1:1· a.tne M. Schmidt of the borne ad· ·dr-; four aona, Curt A.. .Jr. llOd PauJ H. IM!rving In the United State1 Navy overHU, Robert T. of the home addrua and a f<111ter ion, Charlee B. McOoneU ot the home addreaa; a da ughter, All~ M. of the home addreaa. Interment will be Harbor Re9t Mt'morlal Park Ce.metery. tor the third quarter la now an· tlclpated at about :S per cent above the same perlod Jut yea.r. Thia· in· creaae In demand averaced t .2 per cent for the 1econd qua.rter. Ouollne consumption durtnc the second ~ter continued at 7 to 8 per cent a bove Jut year. eomewhat hlcher than prevtoualy anlk:lpt.t.ed by the IP AA Supply and Demand committee, the ouUook polnted out. tolJ poh<'I' hi' BC'llrNl off It CHr -=========================;;;;; clouter Sunday In Munlclpal Yield a vailable from th.-$1.20 n t.e la rel&tlvely generous 11.t 4 per ·cent. Split potenUfll 18 reflect· ed In 1uch luuea u Gillette Com- Jl&llY and Libby Owen11. Ford Gl&1111, with the )Alter AlllO a.ld"d by lta excellent six mnnth11 11lAtl'· ment. A\lrgheny Ludlum 111 llllll under lht Influence of Its reC'ent report while thf' retath·l'ly laggarrl 1tock1 •uch &A Wheeling Sll'l'I 11nd Jonet1 Laughlin. Seeger Rl'frlgt'rll· tor 1.11d Whirlpool 11clju11ter1 to new1 of thr mtrger. while a ~lml· Jar Interest 111 evid"n~ In Mun· alngwear. Tra1ltr P ark while fhe th1rf WHS apparent!)· gotng through a pair or pants on the seat o! the t ar Police n td the winrl winic was , Dance to The Music of Welk Over the balance of the do~' 1ook for further lrregulsrity w11 h 1pecialtlee continuing to provlr1e lftt II Burglar Gets $262 in Loot Burglary of lhe boat &-st 11. ow'ned by R.a.lph Pettet of North Hollywood And moored 11t 1'1lp i'\o. 5 at Gray Goo!ltl w1111 rt>ported to P911ce July 10 ~ Petll'l. Officera' said the t11ca!)4' ha tr h to the boat Wlll l'brt:l'rl t·n g11ln entry. Mlsaln g were binoc11h1rs. a com · palll 11nd a hand tntck. ell vll'luecl a-i-S2e2.9:>. forced open to gain entry. Driver Fails to S.e Light, Strikes Car Minor s cc1denl occured July 10 at remlMf AvP. llnd Const Hlgh- WllV btotw~n ra111 driven bv Walt- er · Richa rd Hnase of Alhambro and Frankie Wood11 of Com·ord. l'\ew Jerlli>y, police 1ald. Halll!e Mltl he was 11toppecl It the s11(1lal when struck an the rear bv the Wood11 c-ar. Wood!! said he ri111ltl not Sl'(' the 11lgn11l and could nol "top In time. • We Now Have Facilities tc~ No Down · Payment Jaguar Triumph Doretti Hillman low $1445.00 ~ as as Harvey Mayer Motors Coner Victwla & Harbor llYd., Cos .. ~ 2137 Haw •vd. Uberty 1-225' I Lawrence a nd Hi' "Champagne Musi c" Orchestrc.. Alice Lon Myron Floren Larry Hooper Rocky 1 Rockwell Dick Vale Jerry Bur~s * * TUllDA Y, JULY 26th. RINDUVOUI BALLROOM PrOCMdl for Se&ra.rtq. II..,. Tmlple Tickets cnalable at llclwsd's tut.ht, Crawford's Dnlg .$ten, Fha:DWria Reatty, Mcnkey Realty, a.cl.at 1 ... c1en ................... D••c• JULY 26TH DEATH NOTICE "You're Too Yoan9" IDA MAY .IOH N80N Service. tor Idt. May Johneon . 72, of Maraetlku, Ill., who died yeaterday at Hoag R oaplW, were held todt.y at 10:30 a.m. ln Parku- RldJey Mortuar-; Chapel with the , Rev. Clive WUliam1 offtcfattng. He ~ LI putor or tht Church Of the \'t.t.\1laton Tfdanloolnr -plu- 11 ermt n and final rite1 will be held a t her home town. ..8.b.c. and .her Jiu.ab&nd, ll:noa, we~ vlattlng her aieter. Mra. Linda Tay· lor, 2611 Newport Blvd., Coata Kea, when ahe bad a heart 1.t· tack five daya aco. Mra. Johnson le&\'U In addition t.o her huaband and ai1ter. he.T dllu.rhter, Mra. Herbert Mann, who w-u vlalUnc here alao from Mu· aelllu with her hUBband; her aon, Wltla Johnson of Kentucky: her alatera, Mrs. Nettle Ra.fley. Ken· lucky and Mra. Gertie Lane, Illi· not., .nd H cnndchildren. HARRIET YERREl.L WINS OCNS AWARD -Mi~ _!_h llis J. Ja.ci<aon. News-Press staffer ibove, wae chosen top contributor to Orange County News Service during June by OCNS edit.ors who eeJectea her two-part 11ude photo series published recently in the News-Press as an outstand- ing scoop a.nd well-written story. Stop Sign Petition A petition. tor a 11top llign t.t the comer of Albert Place and Eldon Ave .. wu presented to the Coeta Mu a city council on July 6. It curled 47 11lgnl'lturea and was backed by B. L. John!IOn, who told o! the number of accldent.B that have happened on the comer. The council refered the petition to Chle! Art McKenzie for t.eUon at the next meeting. Came From Beneall1 Sea" Mra. Harriet Mary Ferrell, 71. of 4.26 M.artrold Ave. died Friday at Hoag HoapltaJ. She waa born In Chlcaro, Ill. and h&d lived In t.h.1.a .comm.unit¥ I.or tour y~. She 1a 1urv1ved by three daugh: Pennlt for Jeanes tera, Mra. Alvin-C. Spencer, Cor· one del Ka.r; M.ra. P. J. Morr!· •Y· Hinad&le. ru ; and Mn. E. E. Smith, Lombard, W. two aona. Robert K. 'Ferre.I.I of Venice 1.11d George B. ot Tampa. Fla.; three 1i.tera, Mmea. H. F. Knowle1, Chico: Marian Heyward. and An· nabeUe KeWngton, Oakland. Chrlatlan Science aervlcea w~ held today at 11 a.m. at Baltz Mortuary, Coront. de.I Mt.r Chapel, John CecU C9llln1 of!lclatlng. In- terment at Evergreen Cemetery. R!Yeralde, waa private. Bullrllng permit for a re1idence and attached gt.rage a t 1963 Maple Ave., Coat& Meaa, wu l1111u· ed to John A. Jeanes by the Me!lll building department J une 24. Esti- mated co11l of the home la $12,176. Call DAN'S TV a.me. • Reatala • Salee Liberty 8-2228 ·Windows with the Best View From our tellers' w.indows, we see, each week. the people who are going places, financially. They are the systematic savers who make every pa, day a stepping stone to the thing• they want most out of life. · Get in line for a succeasful future. Open a sav.. ings account here •.• see ua every pay da,y. BALTZ MORTUARIES, COST A MESA BANK COSTA MESA CHAPEL 17'1 Superior Avenue Cotta Meaa, C&llt. Phone Liberty 8·212l. CH.APEL BY THE SEA ~20 E. Cout Blvd. "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" Corona del Mar, Calif. 1M1 Newport Rh-cl. Phone Ba.rbo.r 4.2 MEWIU F-fOIUL 01,0Slf IN$1JllJ.INCI COl,OltATION Never a great:er Oldsmobile a~~·"?J~/ Ynu'"" 1;01 f'Vf'rf re .. on in 1he wnrld for wa"1in1 · thi. Old·mohil~ ! E1•rrybody do.;1! !ft the moot pnpulu Old.mnbile of all time -with more alamoar. more powtr, more luxury ..• more ~·eryt#UAf than enr before! And now ypo••e aot the belt reuon in the '!'Orld for ariually ownln1 It I Beeau!H! tbil flHhin1 "Rorlr.et" Enaine car i1 priced ri1;ht for you -ri11ht "°"'! Jn h rt, yoa•d ne•er helievr a o r 10 bi1t rould rn1t on little! St9p Jn - drlv~ it youuelf! Get· our grneroo• appuiaal , •• Jet oul of the ordinary inro en OUl1! LOCAL elUYllH ,.,Cl ou.,., .......... 1 ...... le4- ' ....... "llOCKllT" •NGIN• 5 2465°0 OL.DSM·OBll-E ~ .................... .,, •. ,_,..1cie .....,._ ....... -' ......... lloeof.,.1y ........... ..,.i.,. -... __ ..__ .... P,.k .. _, .. ..,. .. ....., "' ...... "! ... _...,., .... Vlll1' '"' "IOCKIT IOOll• •• , ar YOUI wo111.1 D1ALa'11 -MILLER CHEVROLET CO. _1000 W• C...t H ... way NIWPORT IEACH Phone Uberty 1·2261 -•o •••••.•. DllYl_IT Y08ll1Lr1 '"' •o••··· •••• , IN A "IOCIUI ·~ .. __. •' II ' .. i I I' J. ,. ~ ,, 111 I ,1 ~ ' I, I I ' ' ,, 'f 'l 1' • I HARBOR AREA YOUTH . CONFIDENT HE CAN BREAK SKINDIVE RECORD IAYI ·IAFiLY I Layton Hemsley Beneath Ocean lhf N-J•rMY cout. "I w•nt Ott a akltr and atayed down elpt houn. Didn't bother me a11y. But It wu wint.r and th• water rot a little rold." LONG &4.NGt Actually. Remaley u. lookina A handaome young man with an aqualunc hu come . establish a new world'• record. Be ia Layton Hemaley, 23, from Bridgeton. -N~J:11Phe "ttCOrd-M-hu-hte-eyee one ie that of staying underwatjr longer than anybody elae. "lr more guy• try to b eak world Florida holdln_( any kind of rPcorda. I ng"Ure It wlU help Ule record.'1 cord With hi• aqutJunf. Dolnf 80 w111 stve him tl\e tam• and publlci· ty;"11e tol'IRa, -ynn-i~h-.m-p;av.-u..-...o---- way to hi• Muter'• Ucen.ee tn div-Leedinv Hom. Lending lnJ. H la Idol 11 I:. R. Croea, a maa-t ter dlv•r, who Ml 'f\&9t ~ t.ope ~ _JftltitJdion ~klndl\'lng llJ>!lrl," Hem•ley told Wllen ·i..yton had a month'• I.eave from the Muchant Martnu, In hl1 field ao tar u Hemale.)' la concerned. CONTINUING I the New1·Pr!'l1&. The Idea of trying for an aqu. · 11ung record N mt to Hemaley 1 About four montha Ago. He decided hi' wnuld havt' bt'tler clrcum- stancu for such a try tn the w11r111er Pacific water•, M he land- ed a job in the Newp0rt Harbor Yacht Club icallt>y llAS ~IANAGER "And row l'\•e got a manager." confided Layton. "He'a Fttnchy LlaNI. H•' st11rted to work at the Yacht Club about the same time. A real clean-cut type. he aort of took me under hlt1 wing." Hemsll'y icot the ocean diving he made a dive ln I.he Atlantic off Jn readlnr up on aqua.lune dlv- lnr and In hJa pet90n&I experi- ence•. Hem1ley hu determined that the two thlnra he will have to overcome to break that 241 ·hour mark art exbau1tlon and hung"r. "You can't eat or drink unde .... water:· 14yton pointed out. So ri(ht. now. under Frenchy'a coachlnc. Hemaley apenda two houri • day alter Yacht Club du- llH hardening hlmaelf up In the -ter Hta equ1pmf'nt conai•ta of a ntofoam wet ault, which c:overa the whole body for warmth. and the aqualung TAKES FO&TUNI: TO PAY PER. ANNUM "It coat me a fortunf'." i..yton ALL ACCOUNTS urge while serving 3 ~2 YelJ'.1 ~n __ Lha M .,rchllll l Ma.rlruta. A4 !Qr aa revealed. •"Something like 1400. fore ~·ll !::ke• t~:O~~~e..,1"'°·v"'"e*-u.a...,~D UP TO $10~000 YOUNG, BUT STILL ATHLETICS Repreaenting the American League Athletics in Har- bor Boys' Club B summer baseball ranks are these Harbor area youngsters. From left to right, top row: Billy Tuz:. Charles Peyton. Allan Uoff. Dennis Brooks. and Hal Knighten. Bottom: Bill Blame. John Martin, Mike Witte. Fred Rich. Glen Miller and Gary dtfrin. Coach Sm Gothard kneels in front -SWf Photo • ran drtl'rmlne ~t tht prl'aenL ". A ll tlle nver 24 houra under- \ljater I! lhe 1tqu1tlung rl'cord. "I've rud a II lh1· bouk11 on the aubject I ean Sl'l hold of." Hemaley re- porteJ. "I don't recall the ruY'• name who hold• lhl' record, but he llve1 in Florida. &nd I can't 1ee LA \"TON HEM8U:Y Oowa la Ull4I Dep~ hlt ball. Steve Slmonaon With two for two and Dick Green, two tor three led the Olanta. written th,. aqu&lunr company people uklnr for 1ponaorahlp, 111- cludlnl' the loan of extra tank.I and equlpmtnt. I think I've rot a Sood talklnc p0int. Becauae even It J fall -which I won't! -they'll pt the publicity." The reaaon tor Hemaley'a calm confidence la bued ori thet elfbt hour dive back eut. "I ff'lt I could r o on Indefinitely underwa· ter," wyton aa.ld, "but I wun•t nnanc1a1Jy aet at the lime." All Account. Openecl On or Before The I 0th of the Month Earn From the I st FEDERAL SAVINGS HARBOR ~o~ JUNIOR NINE KNOCKS OYER LAGUNA 4-1 Gan• Green pitched •nd htlpl'd bat Harbor Boya' Club J un1or1 to • 4· I Orange Coun· t \' vague t r1umph over La· guna Buch here Thursday. The victory gave the loc&l J unior mnt' a 2·1 record In loop play. Green fanned nine rival slleker11. Thi' Dod1er1 defeated the Ca.rd· malt 8-41 Thurlday. Herb Overaen trip led wt th the aack1 aaturated for the Dodrera. Harold C&ldwell I and Earl Lewi.I did the majOt' clubbing' tor the Carda. Gary Clark and Tom Zodda did the triumphant chucking'. Hemaley hun·t yet decided on date and aite of llf1 dive for fame and fortune. The date probably d•· I panda on reply from the aqualunr com.,.ny. "I'll leave •Ile ot the diva up to P'renchy;• wyron add· ed. "l don't know Ulla c:oul too & LOAN ASSOCIATION Ill 0-.& ..... ft-: llY &-un LAGUNA BEACH MA&A8, 81.ATE I Standlnp through P'T1day: Bravu. Red Solt 7-2; Olanta e-s: C&Tdlnala ~•: lndlan1 4-4: Yank· -2~: White Sox. Dodren 2-7. weu:· BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I MONDAY, J ULY 18, 1955 l'TS .A FACT; HORSE I T~ADERS NEVER VARY I SANTA ANA IOCNS) -"Horse traders never change." I Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Morrison observed Thurs- ~orre Mabee unloadt'd a aecond Inning t riple for two runi.. I h4'n luhed out a double later In the game. That wu tnough for the win, but. Green doubled In Ul11 lh.lrd to clinch thing•. Scoring on the blow were Carl Bergeron and ctiar- lea Vandervort. Today the Mldl'et Lu.pa Reda took on Lacuna at eo.- llla M.-Park at 1 :ao p.m ... <>Oler Oran.. County Mldifet and Junior gamu lhla week·: Tuellday. Junlora va. Garden Orove here. Wednesday, Bluea u Hunting-ton BeAch. Thur11· day, J unior• v11. Anaheim here. day afternoon. And then he commented on the testimony of ------------- Kentucky Derby winner Swaps' owner Rex Ellsworth : "And TWO TIE l don't know whether I can believe Mr. Ellsworth· or not." I Murruion made the ob•nvatlon11 hon!e for $1000 to make ur for B Red befOrf' taking a complaint for a ft>l'<lmg btll OWNI him by Hart· raves. qu1t>t title involving • famous m1um Pauley nf S1.nta BarbArA , Europl'an stallion under aubmu1-At the time thP Allllhon wu Mid s R i sion. Horseman U. H. Pia van of I to Plavan the :'\ew York Jockey ox ema1•n Huntington Br ach l!"eks t he alud Club hlld faJle<l to g rant him rl'· .. ANOTHER \' ANK SCOltE Nope, it isn't Mickey Mantle or Yogi Berra. but another hard-hitting Yan· kee from Harbor Boys' Club B summer baseball American League. This Yank is Eugene LaPerlc. From ttw background. teammates of varying size urge him across the platter. -Staff Photo Reynolds Biffs Out Clutch Card Win: Giants in First book <'1'rl1fiC'a le to go along with glstrallon. HI~ va lue as a n11d, the horu T11j Akbar which he therefore. W B!I l«lmtwhAt limlltd. At · L purrhue<.l from Ellsworth In the I Pallll'y t1ai.!. h•' p11ld th!' l'QUlll· op eague. 11rrin~ or 19!\3. 1 vent of S HIO.nn11 A mt>rlran t1olls1 r1 - FEEOINn Rll.I, (or Taj Akblll' Which fin111h('d lit'• The owner of California's eond In thr Epimrn Dl'rby and !'Ired The Br11.v~s and Rtd So1t rPma.ln· rh&mplon thn1e·year·old sold the' rn1111y slllk!'s wmnPrR. During the ell In " lie fvr lop 11pol In Har· war Taj Akb1H wu ~11b~d M bor Boys' Club A Midget 8&3eball milllary l<1ot hy the army and 11tandln1t11 through Frlday'11 K"ame11. l ran11ft-rrf'd to t hi' U. S . P11uley Each r lub 11howed • record of kf•f'pmg thl' i<t 11d book i-1 rtificate. IK'Ven win•. two 11etbark11. Torrid Tigers Capture Win No. 1 in Loop A fpw years ago, PsulPy, • ThP Bravea bumped the Yank· Hur.ganan. Wk!! ahle to buy the eel! 10·1 t'rutay while the Red horse ai.ram, Thia tlmt he pAld Sox dr!'pp1'11 the White Sox 8·1 $3100 for lht' llntmal. HP bollrdl'd The C 11i.nt1. prevlo111ly knolled 1t out to Elli1worth'io PomonA S IA· ~or lhl' 11'11~1' lead. lost • 7-~ bll".' Then. fart>d w.lth U'll' mount· 1 nty lo the lnd111nll Thuraday mg blll an;I Ellsworth'll t1t'· P!'tl' Stl'!drlnrd and Gary Pl<'kPn!' Continuing to tear up the Har· ma.nds for paymt'nl11. PaulP\' go vt rontlniie•I thrlr lllerllng hurling bor Boy11' Club B American S um-Ell11worth th" nk11y tn ""II T11j for the Brave.., With • on,.·hHtn m!'r B&St'ball Lt-ague, the Torrid Akbor for S 1000 to Pia van I w hit" \Vllyne Whitney !'mllkl'd a rtnublt' 11nrl 111n11le to knOC'k In I Ttger11 captured thl"lr aevirnlh v1c· tory of the lle&!IOn, 1!-7. over thP HIOH HOPF.S 1 thrl'r 8rt1ve run11. Alrnnllt "" goo<! Through Thursday gamea in Nr wport Harbor H igh School Clas• C aummer baaeball league. I \\'h1te ~ox .. ~1 1t1a\· Thi' triumph Ptavan'11 111tornl'y Clark Ha11-mounrl work Nlmf' from th" Rl"I t he Dodger11 l'Cored four m11rkrrs left t he Tlgerl! wllh a 7•2 .seasonal gent's conlen<lt'd Plavan houicht Sox duu nf Rny Da ltnn and Pt't" In the eecond k the hon" with the hon.. thAt F°PAthl'tlltnn Thi'\' t""'"''' 11 lwo· the Gl11nt11 remalnell In first place w1lh a 10·0 ahutout vh:lory ovr r lhr T11ottrt1. Steve Carll!On to,.l!NI a one·hltter for the victors. Slnndlng11 lh1 oui;h Thursday. C 1ant11 6·1, YRnkel's, Cardinals :i-2. Bra vc-s 4-3. T1gerio, Red Sox 3-4; Dndg er!I. C11~. 3·0: White Sox. I nd1an~ 2·~ mitr , ' hlllt'r Thi' 81'cnn!1 pl&Cf' Red So1t f!'ll someday the 11tnlllon would be ac· tlO•• WILO back a bit. dropping a :>·2 fray corded reg istr11tion privilrge11 by I to the Jndlan11 Thursday J im Cur· I the Jockey club. In .!act, acr•inhng Jl'rr\' LRwr .. rwl' WPnl hng w1trl ti• pitched well ror th~ Sox al· lo the attorney. Pllwan p11ir1 murh w ith th" m""" fnr th' R"rl Soll owing only two hit., against' the I more than the hnr!M! WM worth bRnrtlnic nul 11 11lni;le. double aml th I b I di In that btllef. I r1 plP 11nd t1r1v1n11 11rrn11" five run11 rte g v~n up Y n an toSll!'r to ruin !hi' WhHP Snx. Alan In Tul's<l11y'• contut11. lhl' Yank· John Shedaker J llhn Covautt. But a doubll' by I Pia van. allt\C'lll~h hf' didn't f:!'I H11 1rr1 trlpli"I 11n1I 11<'nrl''1 thl' e"ll 1l11wnf'd tht Dodgers 10·6 Ken W11ll11ce with the cushions the Atud book a t thf' lime nf ~"'"· 11111" \\'hll P 811x t11lly while th" c 11rdt1 thumped thl' Cub~ covtred knockPrl In thrt e Trlb11I t hnui;-ht it would hi' t1PhvP1Pd In Tt ibRl 1>•tchet' Brian l~uras lln•I 7-1 Brian Campbrll or the Yank:< Bashes Homer t11llit'll. l hlm l1t ll'r. Jfat'i;enPS 1t rg11.-t1 PPl"r R11hbllt \\'l'rP pll<'hlng 11nd d1111blrd in twn r11nll .• Jimmy Rey· PERt-r;CT nA \" Ell:oiwo1 lh w11., namP•I a11 a flt'· bat11 n;: hl'l'Ot'io '11ica ln!t\ the Gi ants nl'llt1:1 nf 118 31i1t St. knorkl'd In J ohn Sherlaker or 329 {'oinsellla Tf'rry Cl1111gow uf 229 Agett fl'nt1a nt 111 lh" .'lu1l blJl IAtPr 1111k,.rl HAhb•tl J!"I twn fnr two. Lur A• the C"11 Fd1nH I wmnlna tRllll's with . h11d A nerfeN day 11t thl' phue to bt' Ith t "A<'ll h h a 1u 11nJ~\H tn home1" in lhr 1 .. ~1 bai.hr•I a home run for t~.-lndlan11, F"1 lday ~hlle t hr Plr11le8 madt' the no ml:~' :~w;~,.···~n;;~" O~ ,~; two fur I tn 1•t Hnd th"" to~11rd six· Schedule tor thla wtek: Mon· day-8:1:> p.m.. Yankeu-Glanta. I Tueaday~:SO p.m .. Bravea-Card· Ina la: 8 : 111 Indians • White Sox. Wednud•y-8:1:> p.m.. Yankeu- Dodger1. Thun day -8:30 p.m., 8ravt1·lndlaru1; 8:15, Red Sox·Ca.r· dlnal1. Frida y·8 :SO p.m.. Yankee• White Sox; 8 :15. Dod1era-0\1U1ta. S atu.rday-10 a.m.. Tank-"-41 Sox. Youth Center C's The Corona del Mar Youth ~nter C i.e.,._ Brav. del .. t.ad I t..he Cardln•l• 41·2 Wedneeday, but oullltandlng play of the fray ca me from a Card. Chip Greening of 228 Vla Lorca anarred a lonr tly In left field and turned It Into a double play wllh • perfttt throw I to second bal't'. Mack Morpn of the Dodgf'r~ hurll'd • 3·1 victory over lhe lndtalna. I DID YOU KNOW ••• Mercu,.Y sales are breaking records- ma kl ng trade-ins higher than eYer? ENJOY HENRY CLAYS FAVORED WHISKEY! The greatest M me in bourbon-historic favorite of fa mous men-now in a lighter, lower. priced 86 Proof bottling as a 'companion t.o the world-renowned 100 Proof Bottled in Bond! 1nntn~ Thi' Cub11 wrrl' l1•ndm i.; I but thP Bra\'l"ll won the ,::11mi: 9·11 Cubl! WAik the plank 9-8. Gllll!f?OW, :ila nrt Thur:-tlay Ellsworth 11 .. n11."I 4·1 Al the, tlml', In All. :oilll nmslln C••rnna Jcl Mar \·outh Centtr who htlped pitch the Buca to vie· he even told Phi·:An hr wnuld i;:rt ,.,.,,..,...,,. •tttl> th11h In thl' big c-oml'· !'Ulllmt'r ·b11~ebal1 T hm"-!ay The tory, slammt':I out a trlpll', doubll' th!' N'rllhcatl' from-behind framt-. l:llmP wall r•·rlny of one l'<'l1i>l111ll'd and 11in1t!e. Cub'• Bill Scott con In· Elli<wnrth and 1•11111, 1 •liJn·t J:(j'n,.;, ~·:1th 1• \ htH ....... , .tn DP ..,.,ft, I v.•alhnu; t1w lf.tUd {'•lf t1f11 r;t,e an•t r .. n h r 11 • hn ~rt IA lf>I' ,.,., nn J•ni; to ,,·"nkt Thi' Cµh11 got lhe rtere11l T hull'· I ':•r .luh· !\ l>and y onn•·ll Of 201 bull!d fielding pl&y of the dAy with think the hor& I'\'• 1 wo111rl tie rt'· l111y Rlico. th111 llml' from the Dntl· Emt>t al.I "Ai< wmnrnl! ptlcht'r II le11pln1t ima g of Rnnnle Hugh!!'& p st,.ret1. AcconJini; t•1 HA!!:l!«'n"~ icer11 6·2 F:d he G11llant 1t1pleil l T o .. !.l\, gru11·,o \\('t" srhffi11\ei1 long drive to lefl He <1a1meJ 11 Iii ru!'tom11rv tnr whtll' !hi' ba i;tl! were Jllnll11'•1 All l hetwe"ll the B1anos and Cub~ end Thurad11y the Br11vu batttred the CC'r!tftc&t !' 10 llcrompAni th~ thl' t 'llrdmal!' a n I G1ant11. Srht'd· the t:ar!llnai. 13-4. Top 11lugger1 horsl'. ·• ulf' thrnu!!h n"llt :\londay Wed· for the winners were Ga ry Coueh. Atty. 8 111 W!'nke. rl'pr l'~en\ln~ nt-:1rlay-111 am .. Do.!gl'l'll·B1 a vu. with two doublu and a lllngle. the detendantll. 1111.,1 Plll\·r1n 11 I~•. Cuh~ • Indians. Frld11 v -ind O.nny Kt'rr. 1'' • .. _ ' · S"'ANDINOS bought the horse with t he know · BE SU RE -INSURE "1111 ~IAt Hll"t, io.TA..,Lt:\' lnl'Ul'9nf'f' Oah Phone H arbor U74o s~u f'~ l~t Hlpwa7 <.0orona drl Mar NOW-TWO GREAT BOTTLI NGSt Mesa C Dodgers Pull Tiger's Tail " " "): l u.,.,·(Archnol•. 1 t 15. " ledge that the certificate wun'l 1 Brave,.. -lnll1anl! ~lonolav-10 am Standlnra lh.roll(h Friday: Am· I :=::::-.::::::::::-:-==-~~~~~~~==============-I Gt11nt11-n nd1Zerio er1can Learu-Tlren 7-2; Red ; 80TTLllD IN •OHD 100 .... 001" •• pttl001' Sparked by • home 1un w1thl Sox 5·4; Yan.keee •·3·1; White two on by Pttcher Don Ou1ndge. Sox and lndian1 3·5; At.hleUca 2-5 the CNt11 Mt u Park c Le11i:ue 26 Albacore Arrive -t. National Learu-.l)odpn 1-0: Jowl'red lh11 boom on the Tl~l'r' Bravu 4·2·l : Piratu 41·3·1; Cub1, I H ·2 Monday. W 11 d " P••11r11<ln 1 l'onnte H had 26 alblleore abclllrd Giant.I 2·4 ; Cardinal• J-t. t'lomerl'd in lhl' f1rsl for the Ttg· when 11he entered :'l.'ewport Harbor Schedule for wtek: Mond11y- er•. but th" bllg'll wt're empt~ at Thumay afternoon. accordlnr to 5 p.m., Dode.r•·Carda: Indian•· t he t fmt . The Cardinal• b~ Ot><lrge MacNamara.. AUlJetka, 8:30, Bravaa -Giant.I. the Yankee• 13-8. TUtltday -5 p.m .. Cubt·Glanta; Thi' While Sox came from bf'· Sachs like Gone Cardinal• -Plrat•: Ola nta-Cod· hind Wedneeday with twn run11 1n c•n, 8 :30. Athlet.lca • White So& the f1n&I Inning to defut the TbeJt of a bicycle from lbe pn. 8:30, At.bletlc--Whl~ SOX. Indian• 5-4. Pete Toedtfr wu I Udo ThNll't' area wu reported Thurltday~ p.m.. lndlan•Yank· credited ""1th the win over Indilln to pollce Wednesday by Joltn -· Bravea·Cube. rrtcSAy -5 p .m . Rudy Vot. The Red So1t cruatted Sa<'h• of •87 E lllth St . CCH!ta Dodgera • Plrate11. Whllfl Sox-Red 111• Bravu 12·1. ' MeM. · Sox. • • • l nataJtatt.m II AFFORD 6 SON· 110 "NEJ.S Hd OUC" El.£<-'TRl<.:AL CUNTKA(,'TURS Pll-Ullerty 1·1'61 Rlven lde Anaue S-port ._. Dinner Su99estion1 • FINE FRESH Fish Fry SEA FOOD 21 1 t Oct.-Front -Newper1 f>kr - :tZl,t. ~ K.,.,tuclcy Strei.ht Bourbon W hitby Kentucky ~u.;iht Bourbon Whlel., ............ .u ........ s499 ......... ,... ..... .. _P...t .... 4/J Qt Atk foir Old Crow at your faYOrite tnem OLDCROI --- (H( OU uow OllTllLUY co .. DIYISIO•' OI UTIOUl DISTlllU I ,.ooucn co.,,, flllll,OU. "· .. l ,. PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS MONDAY, JULY 18, 1955 PADDLING THEIR OWM .CANOES ..... That's only one of the s ubjects taught by Jane Baker. in charge of the N ew port Harbor H igh School r ecr ea· t1on department and American Red Cross boating camp off Coast Highway thi~ Rummt>r . Coming bow to bow, and ve r y neatly. too, are, left canoe: Do nna Cock, bowman: Roger Barron , passen~er, and Dabney Watso n, stemman. Rig-h t canoe: Richa rd Barron , bow- man, Cynthia Kirc hen, front passenger ; Paul Hastie. rear passenger, and J oan Bu.sh, stNnman. -Staff Photo HAVE NO •'EAR, J ANE IS NEAR -T im Brown, left, and Terry W ells are becom· ing proficient on the Junio r Red Cross p addleboards under tutelage of J ane Baker at the Coast Highway boating camp. T rained in swimming, all type o f small 'c rafts and first aJd, Mills Baker h andles summer classes containing kids from aix to 60. -Staff Photo Major Davis Joins Dons as Co-Coach !II ~.Jnr n on Oa\'1!'11. who coarhtd tht> Fl\ mg Bull11 at El Toro lllartne Ba;,r t11 .. 1 nm111ondlng po91tlon 1n \\'t~l C <oAlll "''n '1<e foothall, will join J ohn Wnr11 u rn·COll<'.h of the Santi\ Anl\ t.:ollei;" ll<•n.!i. rrepnr· Ing for his new dutlr!'ll In rh11rgc o! th•• b11d111. DR\'t!'ll haio hf'cn nl· tcndmit FnrrBt ~\'Mht'\'Sk1 J! < la11- M'll in A<l\'ltncrd Th1·ury "' Fout- bl\11 et lht' t•n1 \•1·1lltly0nf low.t thl11 11ummer. \\'rntni: tn rrtl'ntll•. l 8\'l!'ll ·- TORNADOES WHIRL OFF WITH SIX STRAIGHT IN I CASABA Whlrhng through Harbor Boya' Club Summl'r Ba.~krtbell B U.Ogue In unbeatable fuhion, the TornadOt'll brPU<'d ore w1Lh their •lxlh Btra1ght triumph Thur11dlly night. 4~·:16 O\'er the Bombera. Gary GrePn pacf'd the Tornador!'ll etl;ll'k with l7 points. The Hawks defeated the ranthera 62-~0 and the H"m' ts stung the L&kers ~l-43. H1gh pomt cager for the night wu J im Muldtr of the Hawla w1lh 29 mo.rkcra. Trailing were Bruce K111pp or th• Lekers and J ohn HenroUn ot the Hornet• with 24 earl!. Krupp's 136 in &Ix gamrs lope .corers of th~ llelU!<>n. Still In Ule ta.lly race with Knipp ere Mulc1tr, 109; Gtn~ Bryant, 104 ; Henrolln, 98; Green. i8. M1kt' V111le, 74. Bob \\'hll,1', il; Don Pierce, 62; Rich Pa.l&{errl, 62, e.nl1 Bob M11r- tln, 61. Strutdlngs: Tornadoes 6-0: Homt't:s 4-2; Lllkt'rs, Bomb~ f'ra 3·3; Panthers, Hawks l·.~. commcntrel thllt E\'ll~hr,·:>\lt "un-JANE FOR THE JOB dPr11t11nt111 thP prob!• m a f the col- l PF:<' ronrh nnil I think much or his ldl'Ull! 11nd pl!)'rhology can be uud 11n 1111y levrl ot teBl'hlng and <'MC'hlniz", · D11n11 md1rs lt>d th&l a great de11l of E\'9.Shl'\'1<k t'.t1 11pt11l n( winning and te«hntriu' .ti ran 111• imps rtcd to tht' Uons llP plans •trl ••ff<'nM and d efen11r bD1<t•d "n n 11011nrl and 1olld pnnciplP of fo11thnll, \l'llh empha· 11i11 nn fun<lomrnllll11 D.1,·ii1 nrldf'd · Baker Lass Teaches All Kinds of Harbor Boating . J ane Baker, 22, of 2053 Monrovia St .. C osta Mesa, bas the perfect Harbor area summer job. Sh e t eaches all forms o f boating, from paddleboard through the m ot orized type, in the Newport. H arbor High School rec r eation-American "Tru". mnl• nsl 1• 1111portant bul not tht' all lmpnrtsnt \\'e hnpe lt> mttMP pl11y1ng for thf' Don1t l)oth fun aMI tmpnrtnnl ThP pl:wers mu~t h:l\'r t nnr111rn1'f' 1n 11; .. m. Red Cross summer camp located on Co a st H ighw ay between "' l\'<'ll 1110 wrll a-. 1 h•• 1·t1nrh and 1 Bolbna Club snd th,. St'R Scnut tn trio per:ion.11, m ngini: from rhlld· 11y11ttm If wr 1·1rn tmp'lrl thri<l' Ba..~. ren nr 6 to ladtl'!I m tll"rr 40'!!. ff'l\turr11_ I ~m ~'Ir" .we 11hall ha\'e I One two-wttk •eASlon hu ended. You nttd ha\'c no fear that this •n l'njo).ibl• "' ::ison carabl<' ynunit lMI)' 1:-n'l wt'll Pl\\ 1~ ltk•·•I santR Anl\ "hrn h<: 1hr 11rcond 1s b"irinntni: but 1 _, ., ,· h j b A d l · I . r ... ne.. or l'r o . gra ua e rrt1rt'1I fr•>m th,. l1111 rlnf' Corp:.. t~..re i-!11111 t1m,. fM !-1tmm1·r \'llM·, from Lnng Buch State CollPI<•'. henr r 11.-1 rr: .. 1 A ~lilt by t hr 1Jr,n:1 , 11nn11•t:1 or lorl\I youngslt'rs to rtg• Jone wu on thf' l!Wlmmlng tellm wh~n A~111,..tnnt l Olll'h E'1<hr E11-l!lt"r for lhl' thu d !'amp 1un1·111111 Anti llJ"'J"'"lre'1 In \\'Birr bAllct ton , relurn•·ol '" Or nni:" ll1i:h 1111 .111.ne was Ill t h.-Mme Slnr:ol l.ll•t .,hows. She ha.e trainril tn bl' a h 1>&d rooch I mimml'r when 11he taught boa Ling life guard lnstruC"tnr enl1 h!l.., l&k· La Palma Park Site of New Anaheim Gridiron Stadium A.'\AHElM COCNS)-The City or Anllhtim lntl'nda to 11tart con- e tmrtlon of 11 new tootbell 1l&dlum "1th riooo plus permantnt eeata on the snuthr11~t comer ot La P al· n11' P&rk ~tnd111m. according to an 11nno111nremr nt mada Friday by rtt\· Adm(n11<trator Kt'lth Mur· <IOI k Th" nP"" ittadnun, a lonr·nt't'dMi approximately 100 feel """t ot the Lemon SL curb line. Total rort ot the. program will amovnt to about $13~.ooo. Initial coat of the project. a bout S30,000. ha.s been budgeted tor out or gen· era.I funds ot the City or An11helm. RemaJninK cost rt>presenl.J! the 1t11dium twit, being paid for by a long ra.nge contract with the stadium builder. J't• Jl'rt In th«' fT'OWln& r1ly' M • Anll.ht'1m 1~ rlumlnatlon nf 1t two-D K• ;\t'ilr J1t11 I\' hy a cltlun't1 <'nm-1 G•Y•Y•y, lftCJ n'l1tlt'e In cooperation with tht> rark 11 nd Recreauon DepArtmrnt of Fur Trappen Pinn, lnrlude mov1ng thf' rll't frnrr In the ri«ht rornt>r field art'A nC I hr ~I rark to within 80 fN>t 11! Lemon SL, turfing of thr 1'1111 81'1flball dlllJTlond, rl'·llght· lnj: or t he footbllll aN.11, Md tho conl'tnJC'tlon of & pre11 box. Tht football ftt'ld In Ila new JO<'a tlon will t11ke tha playen off the bueball Infield and sin them a compl<'t<'ly t urfed ana from Joal J'Oll t 0 f'Oal po1t. West J;O&I ro1t will it.and at the edge o! 1kinntd area of the b&Mball Infield J~t behind 1econd ba.et -a1Ua east r oal poet •lluated ' Calirorr.1a Cur buyers and trap. prn are happily llng1nr "Th• Bal- l.Ad ot Davy Crockett" the.te da.y1, \\'Ith good reaeon. the Department of F\.,h find Game reported. Aa the l&lt of th11 now familiar tur caps mounts. fur buyer! a.re watching their lm·entorlu of low- er quality furs drop corre1pond- lnrl1. F ormerly thue run wen hardly l!&leable, a.nd trap~ra oft~n didn'l bother to •kin ot.t their catchq ln thl• cat~ory. Rabbit , l'l'Y tox, coyote, and l'n f1rllt 11111,. n .. rmg the winter, .Jane tanghl 11w1mrnt11~ to the l"1lnll\ Ann :.11 n- ta.lly R<'lerrlrd rhil'1rt'n. 1""lll 1mm- mer Jane nUf'n1lr'1 I.hr C'11 tallna. NaUona.I Aqunllc ramp where she got a n addrd l111se o! ell rh••S"ll ot boating, first 11.ld 11.nJ l\whnmlng . Appuently thl11 thing or hitting the water Is In the Bakrr r11mily blood. Ht r brot.ht'r ""11!'11 <"oxswaln tor Orange Cou t Collei:t'1t el'"ht- oar 1hell thl11 yenr, thP on" t hat beat USC. A}ld you k nnw "hnt hllJ'IPt'nll lo ~·lnnlf\K rox1<waln"': Lynx Play Phoenix BCE.VA PARK. COCNSl-Thi' But'na Park Lynx w1U play & !t\'e g'IUll• aenN thl• Wffk with the Phoenix Ra.mblera. F inl game will be played tomorrow night r1t 8:30 p.m. on the Buen& Park diamond. raccoon pelt&. which Wt'rt a drug on th• tur market for 11evtra.I yu.ra, ana movtn1 now, according to Geor1'9 Seymour, 11upervl11or o! department hunter1 and trappers. He &dd!'d that the boom pro- bably wiU not ren ect In hJghtr pr1ce1 to the trapper for t1e\'eral eeuon1. while pruent lnvr_ntoriu are belnK moved. However. It will enable him lo profitably akin and ult the tYPe pelts which have been Vtteremely alow lately. JUNIOR NEEDS HUNT ~ TUTORS \: p to <lllte list or Callfo1 • ma's 4221 HunH•I' Sat et\' In· 1111 ut·tors will hi' 81~1°1l11ble i<horlly frc•m hr1 1111e l\gr nL,, f'l~h nnrl <..:11m<' warflen&, and ofnr<•s nr tht> Dt>partmrnt or F l11h &nu Gam.,. L1crn•e agl'nt11 will b(• t1bl" tfl dm•l°I youth11 \\ hu w1.sh lo be ct>rlif1ed undl'r the prugram. and bt> eligible t" 11btaln a hun t111g hcl'nse. lJuring J une 45 nl'W In· 11.ructors W<'n· ce1 t 1fled by the /'\ 1l11>r.al R1rlt> Asaoctau11n, llnrl !14 7 junwr huntera were i:r.• Juatf'fl from clRll!<t'S. A I<•· tal of !'>~!'>U Junior huult'J s have been graduated lhl<i yeonr. Th_. law rt>qut r1·11 ths t rwr· !<Ons und,r t6 who hs\'f' not been pr ,•\luusly ltcensed obt sin 11 cerlificale <if ct.mp1't,.nre l:i hondhng flrt'nrm11 l>f'fore a hunting license can be g-ranl· ~d. GRID GO North, South Shririe Teams . in Hot Preps North and South football tu.rn.• lhat wlll compete ln the Fourth annual Shrlnt' contf'st In the Loa Angeles. Coliseum July 27 have been In intensive tr&lnlng. North player.i ha\'e been doing their WOl'k fll \\'hillier Collt'ge a nd Coachu C'hut k Buller a.nd Tony Knap are pkased with the .Sr,·elopmenl or lhelr chargr!. Both teams wlU em· pl<1y the T formation In the com· mg batUe. ALL Wl1''XJSO Dick Bau, the m11n who hun't plnyed on a lolllne-football ltsm ruid who la counted on by the North to 11core many points In the lntrrsectlonal gamr, h.., bttn l!l'n· Mtlonal In the praC'tlce l!l'.1111ion11'. Ba.s11' 11blllty to 11volt! runn"ri" In a broken flelrl ha.s been the delight ot hl8 cooche11. South plAyers, coached by Jim Blewett a nd A&ron Wadt, h1tve been going through the workouts a'.t PepJ)t'rdlne cOllPgf". Coachea ot both ll'ams ordtred both mornln• and &!trrnl)(ln pr11C'tlce 'for the flrl!t part 'or the wtek Md will w1nd up with single 81>1illlon11. RC"XNL~G FRAT Northern coaches e re coununr heanlv on a running game. V.nlle 811.c..., 11 u pecttd to apl'8J'head the atlsck the North h&A a crtw Of bar kf1eid 11ta.lwaru who can tN r opf'n the gamf' 11t a ny time. John H&11gartner Md Lee GroN- cup, qu11rlrrbllrk11 f'lr the South, Hre rxp,.rt,.'1 to dn ron11lder11ble throwing In the gaml'. Jn J1011l rnn- le11Ue the forwartl J1Al!s h1u betn Lhe powrr of the South 1qu1111. A 11pertnculAr PBR't'IUlt, headed by Pat Groom. will )'lrtrede the game. It will 11t11rt at 7:4:'1 p.m. Del Mar Turf Club Prepares for 16th Meet DEL MAR -An neroge ot S25.000 a dl\y In pur11P11 will be rf1str1bulf'd to hoMtemf'n, In addl· I i<•n tn 11l.3.ke!'. In lhe t'llrly 11tagt11 o( the 16th l!ummer mettlnf!' of the Del Mar Tur! Club, oJ)t'nlng July 27. Condition book11 listing the ty~1 of l'M.'CA to be carded for tbe f1rat 10 day. of the romtng mPl'tlnc were bell!.( mad!' avall11ble to hor11emt'n thl11 wttk by Reclnr Secretary J ohn R. M.&luvtua. Min· lmum purt1u ot 12300, 11Ca.lln1 up to dally .!eature.e of l :x>oo han been Mt 1n the book. Del Mar will di1trlbut.e U .UO,· 000 or more In purses and ltalr• durlng the 4May eeulon, a Jucra- th·e allotment ftrured lo a ttract the finest thorou1hbreda In the hletory ot the turl·IUrf CO\ll'lle. Opening d&y fHt11re will be the $5000 Inaugural Handicap, tor older tuUea and m~ a t .UC fur- longs. Thi• event wu won lut. year by O. I. Mart!Jl'a· Allbha.I Lynn lllld It la proti&ble thl1 5- year-old daUJhler ot A.Ubh&l .wt.II I.Classy Cubs Meet Defeat by Dodgers Coat.a Meaa Pa.rk'a Cl&a C Cuba flnal.ly met da.taat. at tM bat.a of the da untlea• Dod era & te e •tra!&bl rttl.Oritt Th\U'»&y. Fill• pitch!~ by Da.n Gulhrld&e and Jon. McOollater iout.rlcl.ed th.a-Cuba to a final frame five-run outbreak &tt.er the Dodfer• piled up an eight run marrtn, Larry KJlt11 hit & tWO·l'.\Jll hO- meJ' for the 00<11er1 with Jerry Hatch and John Markel contrlbul· inf timely blowa. Eldon Brlgp Jlparked the Cub'• laat-ditch rally with a round tripper. WIN SO. '1 Tueaday lhe Cuba copped thl'lr .. venlh 1tr&t1hl over the Car· dinala 8-6. John ?-:aylor and Carl Maracellaa tossed th!' Cub win !liaylor "appl'd a gl'anlblam homer In the at\•tn-run aecond atanza.. A buu loaded hnmtr b\' Bob <>Pin gave the G18ntir a 10~2 vh·· tory over lhe Tlgeni Thursday Or&JJt Nairn and Johnny Lefhng· well hurled the triumph. Jn Tuu· day'• other game, thl' Dodgers downed the Yankees 9·4. J on Mc· Coll11ter to1111ed the win despllt' Je111e P'lor•u' two-TUTI homtt fer tht1- '(&nkJ In the (lrat Inning. COMISO SLATE St.andtn11 through Thur!lday: Cuba 7-1 ; Wh1te Sox, Giants 5·t-l ; Dodgers 8·2: Clln:ts •·!: Bravu, Tigers, Yanke, Red Sox 2·~; Ind· lana 0·7. Thie mornlnir. gamea we~ scht· dul"11 bl'lWePn lhf' lntl lllns &n<I Car- dino Ii< Rml lhP Red ~nx ant.I White Snx Ill Costa Mesa Psrl;. Srh1"111IP for rPm:.md•·r ur thr \\'l't.'k . Tue.11- driy -10 "m , Dodgt1 11 • lndl 11ns; 11 : I~ • m , Braves· While Sox W1·1lntl'<llly -10 a.m . C':u·•llnals· Rrd !'l')x: 11 ti'> ('\.lbs.Clant11 ThursrlR\' Ill 11 m \'nnl;t>,•<-T1· 1tcr11. F'rtdn y l 0 a rn . Brave~- Yankt't•s, 11 15, l'a1J1nals-\\'h1te Sox. Mnndny 10 a m . ('11hs·T1· gers. 11 .11'>, [)(jfli •·r11·1lP1I S11x. be th.: choice for a rl'pcat tnumrh F1r8t 11takl's on the ag,.nda of 11 llddcd money Clltturt!' liJ be de· cld~d ttl 0 1'1 Mar thl!I summrr IA Ill bf' the $t0 000 add!'t..I Oreon .. 1rle Handicap. Thi11 e\',.nt, tak ... ., In t 9M by J . ROl!8 Clark's Spr 1111; Count , 1& for 3·year-old11 al BIX turlonga. Other st1.1-krs to be preaent.ed during lhe rln1l ten dAys ot lhe met>Ung include th .. Sl0,000 a dded £&e:ondldo Claiming Handicap, <or 3-year·old11 and upward at a mllc and a 1lxteenth on August 3. &nd the t enth running of the U 0.000 addt'rl Bing Crocihy Rtrndlrap. for agetl 1prlnltn1 Ill 11x Curlonis AU&'IJBI. 8. lndlu. and Ramon P\tl'ntu, Ca]I. WedH1clay'1 Scrap tornla 111·1ltuwel1'~t champion of Wednud&y nlc'bt'a televlaion Loe An(elea. Conat&nee det•ated f11ht la achedul•d betwMn Hector Kid Oav1lu tn ha Jateat et.&rt. The Conat&nCt', Tri.nldad, BritWI WHt I bout la for 10 round&. I INVESTMENT PROFITS Match Tiilar 1Ht-1tSS Clal"ll ¥· Wtlle. dr1"r of car la fatal e.ccldent -''I ka.w l'a WTOns. 1 wu puatna on t.M wronr Aida and rotna too rut. Thla la my bad 4-.J," For The Pa ... YMr ,., The ,. .. Six v ... Hu~"'" of 11t1t"k1 pirkf'd by Sh.raon, Hammill in J<I~ l aa UNCOIUICNI YAlUlS IN 'COMMON STOCIS made 1·11 pit11l j!R10• 11( $.)IK.00 <'ompared to a ;.:,.nt>ral nulrLt't ~ai11•0( U05.00, for r :irh $1000 in,•r •1tcf. \torrover, din· tlrn<l8 amountrtl to $54.50 per $1000 in vetted. • Send for our Buyen ol 1tocu oa Sheanc.. Hammill'• 6nt lilt of MCNlllOI VAlUIS in 1949 who .~ to the n ew liat e•cb year aince then made npital gaina of f 3,562.00, eompettd to'• gmenl marlter 1ain•of81,8)t.OO for each •1000 in•eated. Di.W-da for thil period amou.ated to ~00 on t.be oftpa.al '1000 illveat.d. 1955 Portfolio For Profits 7tb Aaa1aal Edlllo. Th,. UNCOMMON VAlUIS IN COMMOll STO<IS li1trd in 1hi1 bookltt llrf' c-hoten h~ ShtartiOn, l lammilf1 Reaeel'C'h l1e1;artmrnl H iu11r1> with apecial charactmatiC9 t h1t ~buul1I tn•hlf' tht'm to,ootrun other quality atod.1 durinj? tlir l'11m111~ ~ •·ar. In our opinion. they ba\e r,r .. llrnt prn•l't·c·t. f11r c·apital ~ain~. To get your frrr 1·np~ uf u11r 7th .\ru111aJ "Portfolio f<>r Profita"- thn .. inj? our 19~5 1d rction o( UNCOIUIOll VllUIS- ,.r11r J>r11artmrnt N or call at our oftke. • •• _,urffi liv '-1and1rd ct Pom'1 90 StocS l.oda. SHEARSON, HAMMILL & CO. fo~tA1"2 .Marth.rt Nao York Stock &dton• end otlwr L«itling Stock and Commodity Ext:ltanr Offict! ii} Prinapal CUW. I.A JOLL~-7863 IVANHOE AVENUE Telephon~: Gleocourt "-4264 ORGANIZATION • EXPERIENCE • RESEARCH • IMAGINATION '• J 8rin6 your olJ tnlclr in toJoy/ It'• worth a mint of money when you trade it for a new FORD F.100 pichpl THEODO.RE ROBINS YOU. POii.i> 0J;ALER SINCE IHI -(ON MA.Rn\"1:&8 MJl..E) 3100 W. Coast Hlthway-Newpott leCICll -Uberty 1-3471 TV et lh ..... De•, M111 •Penl ftMtN' ICICA (4), Thvrttley, t:JO p. "'· .J I 1 · r \, LAPD FOR~ERY DETAIL MAN '·REPORTS FINDING BOAT HERE , Chutu \\\ lah. or the Lo~ Angelt1 Pohce Ct parlmtnt ft>rgf'ry detail. found fllm11<'ll ruluced to the IO&l. lllld found drpartmrnl an Nf'wport Bearh \\'1.!dnu day. He rtpo1 led ttndang or • H -ft. all gH•en gl .. ~s ll' " lO Nt" port police. Wl'lsh said lhP boat w 1111 1t•ln lt In thl' l"pp~r B11~ aru ,tnwsuiratln~ ort1ccr.s at!d1rt lh4' c•r.1 r1 ""'* In b.ld .shure. had lhr•'P \'l\r-Tll!lht'd ~eAta. an anl hor 1t11d 11 t!O('ktnl( l1ttltler 'Councn · Refers P-art lss~1e fa Commt$Sion I I l ' The newly rorme11 C\lttz••ns Com· prt"sl'ntrd tn ynur Honol"flblt> mltteP for P arks 11 mt Plni.:rournl:1 i::o;~·. · I g1tvt' a detn1lf'J r1:q11t·:i1 lt• rity In vl<•w of the exc .. rdani:h· Lan · . ANTON S l 'TTOKA t•uunt:il at 1111 last 1«~su111 "" how 'J:led leg111 hark~i ound ooih 1111 1l wishes Munu·pal Tra1le• fl••k rega rd lo lht" rlous Jel'dll and 1 Anton Suttora and propo11cd re<-1·en11nnal m11t ter~ 111 an ta to thia partku'a.t propert v 1 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I • PAGE l MONDAY. JULY II, 1955 ' .#' Andrews Returns from N1vy Duty t~ Home in Co1t1 Mesi Jae.It W . Andrf'wa la ttlumln&' fr om m ilitary aervlce to «&labllah h.la h·llf'lle In Coata MeN. Retum- 1 tn( from their preaent San Fran· ' claco addl't'aa with him a.re tu. wlft Pat and daughter• Krla and 811'11. wall and Aluk&. • Andrf'wa wlU ba amoc!1oal.S wttl\ hla brother. ft~rt O. A.ndre,... at 1881 Newport Blvd., ao.ta Me· n. Mra. Andrew• la t.tt. termer Ml.Ill Patrlda McCall ot ca.ta A 1p-ad~te of Ne•i>Ort Harbor Union High School. Jo"ullerton Jun· H.ENRT J, VAUX, U. 0. for · lor Coll f'ge, Orange Cout Colleg-e •t prof. -"One tourUl ot all and Ute USC college of dtintlatry, lumber produced Ill the 'United Andrew• IC',..ed wJ th the Navl · 8tate1 LI cul within 100 111ll• or He 1111w duty In Korea. Japar1-;-lf._;"ft.eddlni, C&IJ?omla." FOR KENT VACATION TRAILER BJ WN>k or Moatll hand}e<l The teller a~kf'd lhP 11nd also In regard to the lease 111l· D p t• Rl..;;!S ~UE '(dUCK 11r1<1ll'r park project b" ~ubm111rd uauon u 11 might bf' anterpretrd Ue romo IOn s; ~ ft to lht' new park comm1S11lon rnr mNer the new Charter. we earnr!lt· . Oiscussin~ imprOY<'ment of Co st a ~Jesa's v olunteer fire de partment with addit io n o f nu<1y. a request t o which council Iv rf(!u~st that any precipitous ac· IO Navy CWO 8-ooa Trailer Parll. IU £. tttll -eo.ta MND BUl !ik\•eu Eat•rprt... 181'1 Huber Bh'd.. Doeta ,._ t h. is new ~2100 rc stuC' truc k a rc, left to righ l. Leo P e trocchi; Claude P c r kins in cab : ~-agreed. The letter followir lion be delayed. I . f" C The Citizens Commtllre for We 11urgeat that In aJW final ac· s 1stant tre h1c f Cordon Alm ond, a n d Lowell O'Ca ra. Fire Prevention Office r Ralph Parks aod Playgrounds r ect"ntly lion to ntablli<h 8 T raih•r P .• k Anton Suttora. formrr Newport SAVEi SAVEi SAVE! SAVE! 8AVZ1 Lee ~eports l h<' t n 1ek ~ill be ready for use w ith in 60 days. Wo rkmen are currently in-fonned by lnterl'•M tl c1t1zl'n11 on a portion of this propc>rty the Beach res1rlrnt. has bern rrcom- s talllng ncN•Rs a ry cabin<'ts for carrv. ing res ::ue. first aid and salvage equi·pment. C o sta throughout the City, hrrt>by re· servlcu of e qu1lllf1ed 1'1 alle~ mended by lht selN·llon board of •cCarthy's quests and pet1t1ons r ou tha t tn Ip k ·hi h M es.a Lions C lub ga\"<' $1000. the> fire d c partment $600 and the C ity o f C osta Mesa re-rPgar<t to the future 'u11P or thP b:rthrar~ll;ect " ould bC' secured I r romouons and approved by thl' m ainder o f m on ry forlpurcha~ of the truck . -Staff Photo Trailer Park property you will! • · Secretery of the Navy for promo-• carPfully conAider the. que11tton of In regard to the development of ' lion la chit'( warrant orrlccr. He 111 100 % WARRANTY alloc1ttlon of thr area brtwe,.11 Channtl Park as a 11m11ll ball dia-currrntly ll\·lng in Bethe11d11. Md., I ~-... r---=----------..:r-:~~~=~~~~~ trai)l'r u11r and Commumty J>ark monrt we rl'q11t'st that au llt'C· with hi11 wlfl' rrn<I thrt'f' chllrlrtn, r llM'-&lld....i.n .datam'WUJl~ Whal por· l'Mll ry llttpl' lo SeC'Ul' anrl deve-I Mariann!', Nanc-y 11.nd Novella. t1on nf lhl' watl'r front aren sh11ll 1 lop thli1 prnrrty -bj:°'ftulfioriztr li)'1 " s 11 l\'f1{1tttllT~~ N ewport I Useil-Cars ---=--. O•t th• BHt IHal lft'"nht('ounly: 'S3 OLDS •. '54 MERC. be retained for the pubh(' uSI' 1t11 thl' Council at their earliest con· Harbnr L'nion High Srhnol. Ht> I~ a Community f'leyeround. you Vl'nil'nce. • 1 a ~1..l1mtn o! \\'c.rld \\'¥.r ll ll.lld lhe I wilJ 11pply the propPr l•'"l of pub· I Jn 1"1!'.l(Hl'<l tn the at"qulsilion of Kuro•an War. Sullnr11 parllrlp11ted] lie nerd and use or thl11 a1en rath· Blnc·k A3~ aml Block c I Rocky in thr battles or Rni·Nnnrnr. S11I·' er than l he improprr )'Hrd.•tiC'k or Pu1nt and Burk Gullyl we arr In· pan-Tlmen and the Ml\rl11nn1111 1 stn<'tly f111Rnc1al J:111n to thr City I fo1·lfled th11t 11t pre11<•nt the City's Group and lwo J1rn " with thl' 1 •In ronrh1t·t111g a commerc111 I enll.'r ph11111 t<lr lll·qul:11l1on ot th.-sr Fourth Marine Ol\·1111on. I pr'"' I. plt'('l'll an• in lhf' henrl1< of lhl' I Ht· wa11 11war<l1•<I the Rronze 1 W e IP!ipectfully 1 .. 111 ~·n11r RI · <:itv Altornl'y, awaiting h11< ruling I !"ta 1 M,.dal for 11rn•u•e with the dom 1f ,.,., ... j11su r· •Ii ... 1 ... a" to lht1r t .. gellty \Ve rl'J:&n.l !hr ' Fourth Mn1 ire~ H" was mr d•"ll Nuper HoUday 88 C'OUPf'. t•ull ~M'f'f, 0r1Klnal 1°. 8. Roya.r "'hit" ald .. wall tlrH. Muntf'l'f'Y Hard top. R.tR. 0\'f'fdrl\•I'. ('hrrokrf' Red onr l'olar "'hltf'. Match· lnit t IOllf' lf'athr r lntrrlor. tention to thf' fact that parks sel·, m11tter <of lht'll" 11cqu11\itl•1ns es , personnt"I 01 fire.· 1tn•I 11Jm1mstra- nn a ~11 11 th · f•n.,nr1al b:is ~ If mnllt uri;:ently nl.'re,.sery lo t h" llVl' n1 f1c-"r nr th<' F'1rr.t Marme PeriohltlJ:' ~r·uarr wnr con!!iderr<I wplfftre hf thP Caty, and lhtrPtore A1rc1 art Wan):;. Flrd Marine aolt·ly on a linen1'1 al bM lll 11 on high priority for your consill••r· Fore<'. 111 Kore1t 1n 1!1~3 a nti 111~1. would mnl't 1111surr<llv h" -nol hini: Al aon. end we rt spl'Clfully rt'm1nrl but !19 y40ar grount1 Ira~•·!! fr.r or-.vuur Honorable Body that delay DOWll $690 Down $690 'SS BUICK far" bualdani.:;~ Jropc-rdh:r s this plan, I \\'e r"'l"""l th1<l whlllt'VPr 1111111 • \\'e thPre(ore ~lll lon the Co11n· of u,,r of lhii1 Hrta thl' Coun('il • 11 to request an 1mml'd1ate re· sh111i f1nlllly <lelermane upon. thl' p-0rt from the City Allorn,.y an water frnnt area of th" pre~Pnt this ma ltl'r. 1 Tratl!'r Park .sh111i be ret111111'<I as -------------- 1 a Community P11rk. f ,; D H W" rl'qUl'!<l t hat lhl' entire mat· Ire epartment as COUNTY RECE~VES DEt=ENSE TRAILERS Orang-r Cuunt.v ci vil u cfcnse autho r ities t~ke charge of two radiological defense 1 RAIJC:F I u nits as i.i:.:;-n <'d to this c ounty by the state. Left to right are BMlce Ault, Los A n" :ls. r aJ1o l11gica l healt h sp eciaList for the State Radio Safet y Service; Spur - ::<:1111 :-;pa rhs. d l.'puty d 1n•ctor of Ora n ge ·c .:iunly ci\•il defens e ; Kenne th V. P owers, Full<'rl 11n, rw1uilog1~t and d1redo r of r adio m o nito ring uniL~; R. 1. CCuba) M orris, t1i-:s1~tan t Orange Co unty c1nl d efC'nse d ir e ct or , and Phillip Gill. training super viso r fc•r tlw .'t:it1· Had1c1 Sa fet y ti<'rYiCC'S. The m en displa y Geige r countcrs, radio units and t ·h •IMl'•'s c:1 1nl:ltnl'd Ill the RADEF u nits. -CCN S Photo .. WILLIAMS AT PHONE SCHOOL 'Caward Mimed 1 Chief Pilot for Western I A rrmntment of H. w .. I Burl I C11wnrol 38, of ri29 Via Lido Soud. 1111 :1yslr m r h1ef p1lol Cor Western A 1r Ltncs Wl\11 announced tod8y b\' StR.nley R. Shatto. the company's v1~1' pre111dtnt-opt'ra t tons. 1 C'awn r<I. a . J 7-yenr veteran or I th<'• a1rhnl' lnJ ustry who JOtnrd WeRtern In 111:18, will have j uris· d1rt1on over all capta11111. f1rsl of· fic:-er11 and fhthl en1t1neer11 on the aemor 11lrllne·11 11ystrm ln 12 11t11lea and Canada.. He will mstnt.&ln o!flcu at Wu- tern·s Loi< Angeles lnternattonal Airport hr11<1quartera. reporting directly lo E. N . Whitney. d1rec· tor of fll!(ht operal1on11. I C'awnnl, whu a llPnded Beverly H1Us H1i:h Sl'hbol e nd thf' t:n1· I ven11t}· or Southern Cohforma. Joined Western as a co-pllol at Burb11nk. Ourtnt World WR.r U . he wa11 a n ln11tructor a t Wt•~tem's Salt Lake City pilot tratmng .l!C'hoOI 1;1n1I 11erved 81 a !lying ca p- ln1n for the Air 1'ran11porl Com- F11t11re T1•lrph .. 1w l.111••1111111 t 'hll• I< \\'illla m:< t 7S El'thrr ~t mand,a C11nn(llan·AIMka.n dlvialon ~I 1 h I He bec11me a check pilot for t 'ClSlll • l':»•, , 1•1111•11.,l n•t•'" ·~ 11ll1 1ty al pie.u ni:; " ~0-l b. 1·1 ni<~· t \.\'e~trrn 111 1 9~0. and Jeter was 11rm lntn pn:<1t1nn on I"'''' wllll•· w111 l11ni.; alurt Ill T'nrifl<' T\'I<'· n11med 1111pt'rantenrlenl of fhi:ht phone plnnl \r 111111ni: :« )lpul 111 AnAhP1111. Afh•r b"tni:-hni:<t!'d I 1r11.lnlng end rl'~on11l chle! pilot. mto plnc:e. the rro~l'·11rm ts :<1•1·urt"I b~· boll.~ And ~rrew:<. 7-=================-1 Pickup Stripped the Richard Beeson · Company All~~i1~~~g~~c~";~c~~~c~"~·~ Landscape Design and Construction 1680 supPrtor st.. co11ta Mua. wu reportt d to police ~y Elof C'ORO:SA OF.I. !\'!AR l'HO:SF. H..\.RBOR 168 Andrritnn. Santa A.nil. over the Jul\' 4 wel'kl'fld. Valuation of ltr.;,1 taken wu ll't at $43.80. Thr half ton pickup wu jllclced up, ter or the p1anmni. a nct 1111..-of the 36 Calls on Me preaent Traal"r Perk 111 Pa be aub-1 5G m ittl'd to the new Park Commas-Coata Mr1111. fire department an· nton for detailed study, The Perk swerl'J , 30 city and Mix coun ly Cl)mm1~s1on 111 establl11hPd for tht> I t'Xprrs.~ purp()Be n( aM111ttng tht call11 during June, It was announ- Coun<:1l 111 j ual euch mattera u 1 ced today by Fire Prevention Of· th111 and In view of the 1mportancf' fleer Ralph Lee. Involved· was ot this decision to the whole City. property vlllued at $4000. Total and the fact. 'that the only pre11ent· 10111 ru ulllng from the blazos ·a · ly e:dsting expreaslon of opinion ITllJunted to $160. from a Parle Commlll&lon la ad· Durtnc tbe m onth, 61 t.n.pect· 'ffrM to an exclualve Trallu Park Iona wer11 made, 18 5burnlnc per· uee, It would appear Ulat a more mlt.. _ ... 1&M&ed and 32 fire tn· caref\JI and well tho~ht out plan ve11llgatlona conducted. Three fire should be prepared by t.hl11 P ark drllla wue ataged tn 11Chool•. The Commission than a ny heretofore volunten-firemen held one drill Lions Club Presents S198 Check - to Youth Service Association A check tor $190.20 Tuesrlay night was prl!!ll'nted to t.he Youth Service Asll0Clat1on by !'l'wpor t Harbor and Costa Mesa U ona Cluh. Welt Mllll'r, pre11ldl'nt of the L10M , made the presentation m Amen· CILll Leg1un Hall to L. A. Becker. Youth Service Al!Mlc1at1on finance chairman. Alpha &ta refunded thl' money to the I.Ions Club on the Flsh Fry hams and bacon stand. Youth Service Ael!Ociatlon sponsora 11x Harbor area scouting umts. CUb. T roop and Explorer units 63 and 666. with Seoul Homie located at Orange County Airport. (Opposite Port Orang~ on Mariner's Mlle) OUR NEW POLICY CLEANEST CARS IN THE HARBOR AREA -Save With This Acl- Save $2.00 on Wax Job or Save 2Sc on Regular Car Wash Steam Cleanintt SundayA I :SO p.m. report. ahow. and a Ure, whnl. hubcap and e6pt lritr nut• were taken. Car \\'u.in11t -Poll"h Open Daily 'Tll 5:00 p.m. 2244 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 8-4112 Hf' 111 now propt'1 ly end llC· rnunl111g offtc<r Ill the Na\'141 ~If'· rt1c-al Rl'l'e11n:h lniotllute 111 Brthl'l'· • da. H all mother ~11:<. :llarv Sul· tMa. r"llllfr io al 26N N~wpnrt Bh·d Sh<' til nnw v1~1ung hrr son al h111 Bl'lhr11de home Fire Truck, Car in High.way Crash Whtie ratini;: whn 1ecl 1t~ht11 and siren to a i:ra.1111 frrr in Up11er Bay. one nf !l:rwr<•rt Brath's f1 rr trucks WM .:1tn1ck by a <'Br at Cn1u•t H igh- way anJ Manne Avr .. July 4. Driver of lhe fire wagon wu Blake J ohn Paisley of 480 Santa Ana Ave. The car · wu drlven by Nell Mary Taber of A tadena. Rae Ska~ga of Arca dia, r iding-tn the Tabl'r ('ar, was 11haken up, po· lice said, but dad not go to the hoeplla l. PILlsley stopped his truck lo 'atd the women and r1d led anolhC'r fire wagon to the Uppr r Bay fir~. The rear comrr of t he truck wa11 htl anJ shghlly <111m1111"eol, lhP !irr department a111d. Lora Woodrich Hurt in Hi9hway Cra5h Two peraons were mjurf'd tn a traffic accident a t Manne 1\lld Co11sl Hlg'hwny 84. 4 :H p.m. Fri- day, N1•wport Beach police r<'port- ed. Inju red were Raym ond Doug- las, 34. of San ntego, anrl Vlr& Mae Woodrich. 33, of 900 Arbilr NWlal Rlvll'ra Ha.rd top. t"ull po""'· % tonti Polar "hltfl O\'f'r turquolw. \\'SW """"· nntt'd ,, ...... C'wltom lnl•rlor. SaYe $500. I '54 OLDS. Super Holiday U . ArC'do "·blt11 onr ('llf'rokH> ffCI. MatchJng-lat.-rtor. Power .teer. Fu.Uy equipped. $277S Convertible Sale! lk!low are -of UM Orea ... t ..,.. we'Ve ever en...at '54 Cad. 62 c•., loaclecl w. Jltl9, • $1171. 'SS l•lcll S.,... Con .. Power, S...e _ $1000 '54 Ford Crestllae C•w., R&H $1775 'SJ Ford CNltflM COIW .. A .... Dia.-$1175 '53 Chev. lel ~Ir COllY., R&H -·"---$1475 '51 luick Super C•v., Dynaflow-$1075 '51 Ford Cust. COllY., R&H ... ---·---· $875 50 MORE GREAT BUYS t.o save YOll Molteyl 1 St .. Co"t" MesR.. 1 She wa.s drtvlng one ()( the au\.08 invoh •ed, Mary Lucille Doug- las lhe other. Oouila11 w11a a p11~­l senger in the l'K'COnd l'ar. Both ln- 1420 SO. MAIN-SANTA ANA Open E \·enings 'TU 9 All Day 8\0ldafl Bank Terma 1 jured perMlns were token tn Ho11.g Hospital for 11 eatment. Rt:l'ORT OF CONDITJO:S Of THE MARINERS BANK LOCATt:o AT SEWPORT BEACH , CAJ.fFORSlA .\'\ Of' THt: C'L01't: Ot' Rl l'll St:!ili. 0:-i TKE SOth DAY OF lli!\'T., 196& f'11bll,hrd In arror1farir" with a r ail mad" by• the Suprrtnt~ndrnt of Bank• <'OM:wl:RCIAL Ca11h. balance11 w11h othPr b11nk11, lnclu!11ng rc!ervP bal- ance. and c1111h ll rms 111 paol'rl!• of collection $ 391,843.64 697,222 60 334.994.116 l." S Covet nn.ent vbl1g11t1rin~. rl1r,....l """ fully guaranterd Loons and •hllcounts 11nr l111les $6:! 69 overdra/1111 . I F"11m1lure. f1xture11 and 1'qu1pment .. Other Ms<>t~ TranNlt Tot11I Al<~C'IA l l.IARO,ITlt~l'I Commerr 1al rlt'posil• tlr111nnr1 1 lnrltvidua.ls, partnenihl p~. corr~ 1 Othrr cll'mand df'po~1\!I 11·t•rl1r1o•rl rrnd offlrers' check1<, I etc 1 • Sa\'ings <lepn:o1l~ t.:. S <..:o,·r 1 nmcnl and pt1st11I 11Rn11J:s d!'po11tts . Othi>r hab1ht 1r11 1·nr11rne•I <1111rm1nt Tn\ nl L111h1ht 1r~ 11"<1'1 1111hnrd111n led obligstlnn• l'hl)Wn h1>lnw 1 CAl'ITA I. A('('OI :'\Tf' 1 Capital p11.1d 1n b. Commnn l't<•~k Jn 1111<1 11h1<re11 Pa r 120 llfl 5urpluio l'nrhv1de<I prof1111 nl't < ·onlangPnt F unrl I TotaJ C:1tpll Ill A('l'Ollnl!I Tot.al L1ab1llllt1 and t'ap1tal Arro11nt11 Stale o< C11hrorn1n, County ot Ora nge. u 1s::n1.10 10.00 $1,!102.647 31l I 193,397 19 M 327.80 J 1,106.18 7.169.72 s 1.261.989 89 11~.000 00 M.000 00 10,6:17.41 249,6~7 H 1.~0:r,641.30 !ilA\'ISO~ 103,714 01 138.'22 12 242 136 18 207,136 I~ 201.1a6 n 21'>.000.llO 10 .0001)11 ~.000.00 2U.13e lil 686,06T.ea 697.222 60 473,416.18 T&,671.10 10.00 1.'H'-f8UI 1.18U9f.tt l't0,317.IJG 207,UUI Jl.106.18 T,189.?t 1.-.H8.0I 200.000.00 6!I (JOO 00 10,647.41 1 76,867.'1 l.TH ,TftAI 181 MoRTGf\GE 1:o"NS --1 • F:rtgar R. Hill, Pre111d,.nt 1 \'1re Pret11denl 1 G W . R1rh11r<lson. C:ruh1u tSrcretaryl WC ltCl"tfCSCHT PRIVATC ANO .... TITUTIONA&.. C&..ll:NTa Ce04ll•D¥n"9 ANO &..C .. OCIH> ,.ROM COA9T TI> COA9T WM. U. HOLT MC>tfTGAGI: eANKIMCI 9tt«:C t•:ta ,..,. ... 9'19" 9TllKCT •ANTA ...... CAILW~ KIM•C~Y 3·7 11 8 . _..,,-o.,ot ... ~• ,.,. LO• ... a,,, ...... ,. .... c~•co . ..,.... ·~· .. ,.... of The ~anner11 D11nk. bP1ng <IJtly awom . e11.ch for hlmee.lf, 1ay1 he l\U a peraona l ltnowMdge Cl( the m•\· • ttra cont11.lne<1 111 the fOl'"JC"lllg 1 epnrt of condition and achedulea per t111nlng thPrelo and that •Vtr)' al- legation. iita tf'mrnt matter 11nd thmg therein contained la true lo the bMt ~ hi• knowleda>t and btrtl"f Severally 1ubscr11.l!'rt &nr1 •worn to hdorf' mP by both deponMt&. thla ll lh day of July lll:'I~ ----.- KM W, Towler l'toairf Publte In and for WI• C<>wn\y of Oran1t'. Stal• ot CaJ.HornlL Mr OornrnMMon expirM Octobef 31. 11168 EDGAR R HILL Preaidllnt t \'Ice Pre11ll1f'nt ' 0 . W . RJCHAROR()N Cuhlt'r (lk<'rPLAry I Corr.ct -AllMl : n1r,.rtor1 other th11.n the officer• •IJT1ln1 lh• ref'Orl JO HN T. BOYD, JR SA>ILJY F. MACK.A Y 0 . W. RJCHARD .. ' ' .. I MONDAY, JULY 18~· 1955, DELIVERY GUARANTEED .. Delivery or the Newport Harbor Newa·Prtu ia g uaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond1y, Wedneaday and Friday. If your paper 1s not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. e MASSAGE lN TOUR ROME , Ladlu Oaly. Servin( the Har· bor Are&. For app'L pleue caU H&rllor '02t2. 7kl0 WOMAN to aid mother ln b~ hold dutlea A C'are of lll!"H chll· d~n. 10, 12 A I ~ yn.' old. rive day week M1111t be ~pable of at limH a .. umlnc tull ropo.na- lblllly. Sa la ry 1210 monUa plua car A r~neeL Har. 2U7·R.X. 7kl0 LOIT -all brown 1 .. tber kMn« HOU8EKlllCPER. White, Uve ln. and Health book. Pb. Hyatt t -2 Competent It reliable. Compi.te 11• ~ 7~ charre or s cblldrt'tl '°" WOC'll· n. Mt, named. Rickey. C'batk\lllt_ «ilor t,all!a ...aruLia. Ult...t.&me. 1-U Iata.. lhwport Hetctlta. LI 8-7HO. 7&c:79 tale. Sala.r)' o~n. Apply 11• VI" ~-lottntt. 1'tcll- I ~~----=~~==~~~--~-----------1~2&~S~ch~~~~IM~~~!!...,__:: NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRF.SS · LAROE Nalional 'Concem !au op- enln1 (or Mleaman or eal..wom· &n ID H&cbo~ ~; 1. -rr.mtn1 Procram Every Monday, W ednesclay and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Coutal S hoppn Ad• run In the Wl'doHday New..,_ 4 LioMi 1 lnsertioa $1.00 add'I. Unee .%5 ea. 4 Llnet1 2 lnKertJons 1.50 add'L Unes .25 ea. -t Lin~ 3 losutlons· 2.00 add'I. llnes .~ ea. .. Line!'! .. ln8#rtiOD8 2 . .>0 add'L line. .%5 ea. SlluaUon Want I'd Ad• "'Ill rttf'h e U 0 0 db~·uu11t. CaAh in aclvaatt oaJ)'. MISl~ffM AD IS • l.ISt:s All Cl11ultll"d Ad• mu•I bf' paid f1•r C'ub In ad\'&n<'f' of publk atloa. The f1Ublishe1.s wtll nnt bt' rf'11pon111ble ror mote than one Incorrect ln11trt1on t>f tUl arl. rf'!Wrye the right to correctly l'IM11lfy any and all ads a nll ln Tt'J•'rl an~· ad not <'onro1 ming lo rules 11nd rt'guiatlon1. l 'eADLl~t!1'\ tor l'IRrmg or canrellmg ad11 arr· For Mon•h•~· Publication'-f'r1day 6 pm. CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSMCATIONS 1rTUDY ln llJl&N Ume tor eontr&C· tor'• examlnatJoe undu • ren· eral contractor wttll 2& Je&n experienoe. 0.U-'J"uH. and l'ri. e..._ T:SO p.m. Attend ftnt Mllion fl"ff. Be(in anytime Al Tvler School 1811 No. Broad,..ay, Sanla Ana Pb. Klmberly 2·028 or KI 7·~11 Uc Real Estate School in Santa Ana %.. 1-.d.I turn1ahed tn. s. Unlimited opportunity Contact Mr. Norpn, 9 a.m. Lo • p.m .. c;o R.-Ve Hoeptt.altatJoa Plan. 224 OU. Bktf., Santa Ana. or call Kimberly T·llM for appt.. Tldl LADY wlahlnc work a1 maid a&L A Sun. It other part Ume ""°"' u needed In local hotel. Xl•nl poulblllllea tor 1tudy work . Balboa Inn Hottl. NO phone call.t. 79c80 WANT 0000 CARPENTER to trade 1pare time Af'rvlct'& ln ex· chAng .. for 7 er. Hotpolnt r.trtr. a.nd 4 burner Wed.-ewood 1lovt. Har. 1048·M. Call twe. 7k8l STEN~ bk.-ilpr~ pa)'?'Oll Cluk. ALAMITOS IA Y MARltlA· ACCESSIBLE TO HARBOR MARINER For WednrS1lay P ubllrauons -T uesday I pm. For F riday P ubllc11l1on -Thursday 1 p.m. M.EN It WOMEN prtpan ln epare Um• for unllmUed .oppo.rtunlUu In Ru.I £Mate. Nrtr claue1 wMkly. AJ Tyler ·1n1trucUng. At- tend nrat evenlnc free and lea.m about Ulla ,rut field. Call or write now: Bl<'kpr. mach. operator, -i'e help. Koult'ktcper·rook, account• ant. boat builder • c:olllt. belp. JUNE FARRAR ltMP. AOENCY 402 '-, ·32nd. Nf'W]>Ort (oppo1Ue City Hall) There'll soon be another place to go for yachtsme11 out fo r a cruise from Newport Harbor. Picturectlibo\'c is an artist's conception superimpoKcd on an aerial photograph of the Alamitos Bay Marina. The multi million dollar de\'elopmcnt is now underway al cast€.'rly limits of l hC' City or Long Beach adjacent to t he Orange County boundary. Moorages will be provided in the impressive development. Presently dredge's are working in the mouth of the inlet ard construction crews arc building bridges prt>paratory t o t.he r ealignment of highways around the devclopm<'nt. The Ocean Blvd., brid~e for- merly (•onnecting the City or S<'al Beach with Long Rf'ach peninsula has been removed to permlt-t hr entry into Alamito~ Bny nf ocean-going pleasure C'ra ft. -Photo by Pacific Air Industries St:\\'l'ORT HARROR Pt'BUSHl~O C'O . i i I I Bltlboa Bh·d., ~I'\\ port 81'-&t'h, C'allfonila. Classified Index I f't1nf'r11I S oth•H i Card of 'l'h1rnkM 4 f'unr rul lllrf'('lor~ 111 Bwolnr"" (;uldr 11 Bulldlnit M1tl<'rlul" I '! llulldlni; ~nl""" 11 l't'rimnnl' lla Poultry ll'J u v ... tock 38 Spl't'laJ Announ~ent !l9 Aut°" Wanted to A.uw. for Sale tO-A. Ttr ... ~ t>art• 41 Auto 1'ervlc-e n TraU ...... tS Alrpl.-n WantNI to ~at 48 Aph . .t Hou-for Rent t8-A. Apt11. for Rf'nl Al Tyler School 1'11 No. Broadway, Santa Ana Kl T·S6ll·Kl 11"3•89·Klt 1·~13 Uc China Painting Day and l:Vm1n1 0..... Ot'dera Taken How Pbone Liberty 8-6641 94Uc 77t79 MAN W A NTl:D wtth mllllJ\c • tumilure UNmbly uper1rnc,.. LI ""'3S2. 77c79 CASHIER. office, .ome lyptnc. Ac· cunte dependable lady ace to 46. Good work.lnc condlUona. op· portunlty for advancement. STROOTS HARDWARE, J8th A Newport Blvd,, C~ta Meaa. 77c711 l.l ~hnr•• \·our f1'r 16 Trun.,p11 rtatlun I i Hoofl111: IR &-nut\ Aid" 20 llt•i•ll i1 Al tis 18·8 HouaH for Rent '3-C TraU«'r tlpatt HOUSEK:J:EPER, cook. Uve In. WANTED-Part Ume 8eCttC..ry. Ortve. French. aae 28. ·Bruneau. Call U 8·7i19. • 77c79 - 2'! 1 .. .-1 nnl.I Found 2 I ~rturn, ... ln"1 rurl1on 211 ~11 uat Ion, \\ nnlf'd ;!9 Ho•l11 \\ .. ntl'd lilt ;\IJ.,1'i•llan,.ou" 30-.'( S\\ 11.po. :so-n Ap11lhln""" lll \\ anlr•d In Ku\ S'.! f'urnllur .. fur ·sa1r ll'!--A Anllt1ur' llll Kost.,, ~1111pll"" l :14 ;\lu~lt'al. R11dlu, T \ M DUK"'· """'· ...... 8pecial SotiCt:tJ ·------- Newport HarbOr B. P. 0. E. 1767 Mct'ts every Thursday 8 pm. Via Oporto -£entral Ave Newport Beach Albert H. Mall.hev.-.. Exalted Ruler 12-Building St-n·icps CEMENT & BUILDING 1\ II K inds FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 House Plans LIUl':RTY 8·6:.!5] 2Dlf lOtfc 49 Room11 for fttont ·19-A R,eat RomN U1-B Room .t ao.rct ~ Re,nt, Mill<'. !IS Stortt .t Otn()" !13-A Buatneu RMlt&la l\t Btut.nn• Opportualtles :\6 Mon•y to Loan ~ MODf')' \\'ant.f'd !l'J Rea.I Eetatf' Waated 60 lnt'omf' Proptrty 60·A C'ommuclal, Jnudueh1&1 61 R-.1 t:•tate E11chan'e H Rt'&I t:1tate 12--BulldJng Servlce9 COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service F:t;CEXE 0 . SAUNDERS :'100 Jlsl Street, Newport Beach Harbor 2976 or Har. 4446. tfc H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service M.&lnta1oed Phone: Hubor •e2t 2801 Balboa Blvd., NeWJ,>Qrl Beach .. ~ Elec. Tool Repair Skll Saws. Drill~. Sa nden QUICK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 380·!!. 211t, Coat& Me... 77pl9 ' Houae keeper .ome cookinc llv' in or out. or day worker. Good r.fnenc.a. KI 3-49e6. 77c79 GARDENING M.alntenance and yard c:)ean-up. Kimberly S-·S026-.day1 or Harbor 3034 eventnca It week end•. 76p80 SKIPPER -E11perienced. Part or full Ume. Sober, reliable, age 31. u 8-11&'2. 78p80 SPORTFISHING •kipper avail· able u CUlde. coach and skipper. P rlvate boats only. By appoint· ment for l day or more. Marlin fishing a 1pecla lty. LI 8·H 28. 78p80 GARDENING ALSO YARD CLEAN UP and PLA1''TlNC. By Week or Month. Liberty 8-7679. 711p80 RESIDENTIAL, palntlng done quickly • well Reuonabie hour· ly ra te. L. Peut'. 2132 tJnlon Ave., Coela Mua. LI 8-Hll alt· er II p.m . 78p80 EXP. Practical Nurae a valle.ble. 1:'>6 :-o. Xewport Blvd, !'pl. Bcb. Rd. Ha.rbor 1870 i9c81 Liberty 8·8383. Olfc CLEANING It IRONING b)t lht' day. Experienced. Balboa bland preferred. Kl 3·80H. • 78p80 UCENSED real Ml&t e lalMma.n or brokt'r wbo ia familiar wllh the a.ru and not atraJd to work. BAY • BJDACH REALTY 3112 Lafayette, Newport Ha. S41t3 77c79 AUTO BODY MAN NeW)JOrt Ha.rbor area'• largeat Body worn LI 8-3303. Call Ll 8-2416 after hours. 78c80 ----------------------~ For tho11c ._,ho want the but Konkel's Interiors Uphol1tery, drai,er!u. bed1pruda. New phonr Liberty 8·7973 '31 E. 17th E11t1malr• SI . <.:o~ta Jlle~a 7lp81h MURPHY KITCHEN Comb. l!Love, 1lnk, rrfr!p;. " atur· age. Make.11 compltte kJtch4"n of &ny 1pace 28 In. hy 48 In. N~w cond. Coal $!)30. P rice S32:;. H ar. 3475. 70c8 1 MA GIC CHEF CP C'l()('k-conlrOllt't1 at ove, Cold1pot refng.. Bra.-to fl re acrt'cn. aU xlnt. C'OndtUon. ah10 broadloom nr~ It pBd.o. Har. !)()()e, 79p81 ~~ NEWPORT YOUNG SET SHOP AT NEW BALLARD STORE BtON RICE, INC. Genernl Contractors Balboa & P~lm Springs Plans -Firtancing H arbor 4111-\\. PAINTING M. w. R6ss Bookkeeping A TTltNTION ! ORIGINALS Service AFI"ER.NOON, cocktail, dlnnrr dreNH • Coordinate•. Newport Beach residents go shoppin~ in B011lan.J's new Costa ~feR:i drei::s shop at l < 92 Nl•wport Bl\'d .. during grand opening Friday. F rom ld t to nght art Melinda &·c:hl old. 103i W. Balboa Blvd . Pat Nlllla r. LETS PLAY IALL. IOYS 406 3 th St.: Eli7.abeth (Tiny) Snowden. 221 Avocado: and showing the dress they ar€.' admiring iR ManagC'r Shirley Ha rbison. Owner J ohn E. Ballard has two stores in AnahC'im. -Staff Photo 1 Mesa Stamp Machine ., .... Ordinance Slated LEGAL NOTICE 1:itrc PAINTING l!'\"TERIOH -EXTERIOR LICE.XSED -1:-:SURED Glenn Johnston :-;1111.11 \• nol.in>! "'·" 11111•. ,.,,. to lhen•1n. uuly 111mmissioned 11nd :,01 ·31st St. :'\cwport Bt'ach l>t' tax• I 111 <" •'ll ~I··"·' 1r !lot' n1<11-SV.·orn-r••r.so1.ully app..•u.r()d LF:· Harbor 3176 22tfc 1111111 •' "1 t• f'••.t h\ lhl' 1•1t\ • ""n' al L A :\IJ IJ. PRA T1' known to me to 1 t.• p.1•s<•d A I I hi' 11111.;i:t'sUn1t or b'r I hi' p<•rson whosc name L~ sub-FOR RENT 1 'tf\' \1 0111:1,• t 1;.01i.;0• c-.. rr,•y at l!Cl'il>ed 10 lh<' w1th1n ln11trum1·nt, Skill Saw!!, Eire. Drills, Poll.llher1, lh•· J11lv ·, • • 111 .. ti 11 •"'Ill~ a 1 hat I:<' llOll ll lknowledi;ru lo me 1 ha l he , 1 $Ill l'•'r ,,.,1r tor 11te ni:hl in ••XN Ult>tl the l!cmr. all type3 of Sandtrs, Whtelbar- pla1 ,. I 11 .. llllH ht11!'• and I 01: 11 )'Pftl Jn wllnrss whert'of. I ha\'\> hert'- 1111 1·a1 h 111111 h1nc 1s to b~ 1n••o1·1 unti• 1tf'l my IHind Rnd aHixrd my lh•tl•t•ol Ill lh•· ll\'\\ hllltlll•· Whh h I orr11111I i<r11I th" <1A\' Anti \'1'9r II\ , \\'1(1 lJ, un "1""1 lllil'nt tn 1h'" "'<· th1<1 l.·!'rl1f1r3lt flr~l <1bo\'t wnl· I 11>1111_ 111 • "" r<>olP 1 1· .. 11•··· 111~ 111~0 1111thorlze1I tn r n I .. KCJBF:H1' F \\'I LLMF.:S 1•11lli·• l $:111 111 nrt vanr r frnrn 11111~ \l I . y l""mnth'.'-111n fi:xp11 ··~ 11 t'!<.~llm,111 •, ,., lhr /.i1r i;rnunol~ :\°u\'embl'r 16 l~:J!) ll hts 111111 1111 r 1 .. 1n\o•r ...,.1r11 tR>.f'll No !'l'•S .1\cws·l'r•'"" 1h11111i.: th• 11 ~h,.n 11tA\' M the -1 ~. 2:i. 8 I. s. 19:,:i rows, etc. BOYD'S HOWE ... 2630 W. C OAST HlCHW A Y Llberty 8-313~. Newport Bch 28Ut Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 yrars cxperlcnre Licensed le maured. LI 8·3321 • LI 8-7823 280 A v0<:1do. Costa lt1e11a . 70p83h CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL Ii. O. Anderton 10 H E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 2460 83Uc CARPENTER Repair Work Dou Your Home N'ea Re~nns or Remod-.!LnC T Call Frank, Uberty I-DIM All Work Guaranteed 74Uo ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tiie Mfgn . Oiatr1butor11 Wholl'Mll' pr1ces to Conlntrtor11 It T ile 8ettf'l'I LI 8-7493 68tfc 1 i::1 n11nol~ • jl ''----------------- :\O'TH'f: OF ISTt;:\TIOS City Truck Crash TO l't:l.I. Sat18facllt>n guarantef'd. 'Estimates frre. Ce II J ohnnie, Ll 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfc _l4--__ P_e_no_na1a _____ _ J 1 :.9~1; 1-: .\I \ • ,11 h ••l t\l:l \\', Bs y Av!'. I . 11 ;'\;1)(11" 1o; hrr rby "", n p11r111111nt G I C 111 • J•f•ll• ,. J uly 4 R CH)' tt!li<h I'" lhf' IH'u\'l~in11J< or SP! 1111118 3H O I en era ontractor 1r11t \\ k11•11 l1o•d •111\.\·n light 11''1" an1I :lH ll I."~ lhr 1 ·1\·11 i-•wlr nf lht' LICEXS F:O ~""' • 11~ 11 tu~ r•·,tdC'n<" bt't\u•rn Sta tr nf 1 altro~ma 1 hl:ll f:t •G AR N . \V k R od I' ~-' _·_·" "m A .\IA:-;:'\ Y1ndnr .. r rnR Holly cw or -<'m e mg Alcoholics Anonymous Wnta P. o. Bos 311 N 'WJ>0?1 Bea.cb, Calif. Pbooo Btrbor 471& -------------jLa nl<ta MN•&, 1•atif11rn11.1. tn-J. MILTON .McKENZIE LEGAL NOTICE tr 11~ tn """ tn m •Y r. BALL Harbor 0693-J 58tfc J~Tn.nsportatlon ,. •lf'r. of 1914 N . \'t r.lugo ~Ue£'l, I • -------------l c 1e,,1111.-Cehfomu1. all thAl «·r-• • • 18--Beauty Ak1a · c t~RTfft ~·ATt: ot· Rt·i'~t:~!' 1 tain pm1ona1 prvprrty cons1s l111g Painting, Decorating ------- 1 ..-rc TITtnrs l"IRM ~ .. \..,U; gen<'rnlly tJf nil stol'k '" tra<llo Paper Bangin S rfl H . Tht' untll'r111gneil dONI herPby flxlur~. rqutpm.-nl and gootl w11i ' upe uous ai.r 1•ert.fy that he ~ conduclmi a or a ccrl8Jn rel8ll ga..collnt' r1lhng GEO. BURKHA.RDT PennanenUy nmovod .Lrom tac. whole.!18lt1 dlstributlvn bu.slnu!I l\l 1 ~talion busmen known 11.11 EDGAR LlC!:NSED CONTRACTOR anna, lop. E)'ebrowa and balr l'.O. Box 476, BalblJI\ Island. ();alt· A. MANX dba ED MAJl>N'S 8T8 w. 18th St .. Co8tll Meaa llJle lbapt:d-No more tweulns. rornia. unll1•r th' flrt1tiotis firm SH F:LL SERVICE lricatl'J 11t 2801 Llbt'rty 8-S62a l:LLJ:N L. BRYANT R. E. name or HARBOR DISTRlBU· E Coast Hlway, In the City of Lldo'1 81.lOll ot Beauty Bar. 2&7• TORS anJ I.hat srua firm la com-Corona del !ll:ar. Calltomla. and Please U. Contracton . Storekeeper• Nffd eomeone to rtlleve you ot lhoae monlbly booklceeplnr wt>r· r lM ! Ask about our reuonable rata . Har. 4881-J 70c82 Universal Bldg. Maintenance Wall.I It window Cleantnc Floor1. JanlU>r Service. Phone Harbor 0 18. •7p80b Roy's Maintenance HOUM cleutq-J'loor wuiq Wall wubinc-wtndow cleanlD1 Venetian bllnd1. Upbollter7 ln•ured. Free Esltmate1 Liberty 1-1332. lt.tc Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 OJRl.8 YOU 30ttc w11J have an oppottun1ly to adv&nce ln our nnn . ~cause ot our p ruent tX·. p1U11ton pro,ram. Tht starting 1alllry IA Rood and you will recelvt' frequent lncre&Mll, t oo. Jobll now for . TELEPHONE OPERA1~RS -Apply - 6li% No. M&i.n Slr•t Rm. 211 -Sant• Ana 9:00 lo 4:00 P.M PAClF1C TELEPHONE 73llc po11rd of the rollowmi; pe~ns. that thr purchue price lhtteof whoSP nnmc11 in full and plactll of will be paid at 10 o'clock a.m. on CALL ON US · S b d v ATTENTION M.L B OYS - reiiidenq• sn u roltows. to-v.•it : the 27th day of J uly, 196~. at When we can help you wtt.h your Om8 0 Y Wants THE N'EWS·PRES8 11 now taklnl' LELAND o. PRA rr THOMAS • ELLISON ESCROW8 advertillnf problemi. A trained earner appllcaUoru for routu In ~76·20th Str~t Iii I Alla.nttc Ave .. In the City of rourtt'oua trptela.li•l ""1U gladly lb&t uaed tumlture. br1c·a·brac. ll'lue nelchborboodo:- Costa Mua, Ollllf. Long Beach, Cou11ty of L.A .. State help you prepere effeolln advtt· etc., now ta.kin( up ll'p&ce ill your Balboa. WHt Newport. Balboa BPb Lomhr rt ownl'r. of Bob's Sporting Co.xl11, C'o11ta Mua. \\)lnt'M my hand thl• 13th day of Calttomla. • Ualng. 1 ,..,..,., II., Ne"J)ort Hel(ht•. Corona dt'I ~hnw~ n11n ~l lllrr or 220 Walnut St .. CNta M~A. his ('omplt'lf' nf Juh-. l!l~:i. Dated J uly 11. 1965 I 0 al.m " .. -t...... d Mar and Coll& Mua. Custom Dreasmal<ing Ph. Harbor 6288·R TJpU Fresh Hearing Aid BA.TI'ERIES We 0 1 .... BAB Green ataiQpe Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Balboa Bl•d.. Balboa Harbor 61a. HU• YARDAGE Inventory Sale o n Dul('Der'I Fa.bric. at Wholesale Prtc•. M.A.RGU!l WEBB 195e So. Cout Blvd. lAcuna Beacll .. u. ANTIQUES -Old f\ll'D1ture, cut Jiau, amp1, old plcturM, docU etc. B&r1al.nl pl.or.. Btc & .. count.a lo du.Jena. Charlie Do."1•, 1806 E. Anahet.m at., 1...on6 Beach. 850-139. 29tte TWIN SET We&UD,Jh.owlo a.utn Laun1tnmat wu h. Ir <lryer, Il k,. new $ 186. Sl11 year 1lze cr1b Ar mattr~s. $1!). Hsr. :'18&4. 78<-M FOR SALE J YOC a.pprond DI•· lhermy. I yr. guiu'IUlt~. $2fl:.. fllll Long Beach 3·tl0313. 78p80 COKE MACHINES, 4 MUJ1 cup drink m1u·hlnu wllh ch&njtera. R Hogarlh. 18109 E . R~ll. Wl'llttier Phon41 OX 1·'863 78p80 CHE\'l'tOJ.J-:T 4 dr. <leluxe '49, one owner SiMO 16 ft . Kl'l.ICUI Cr.ft, mahoit. C'ab. OB 1tl•1U1ed,• coq· trol1 with Tunu T"""'· i.>Oi xlnt. I.I ll-i8.'12 77r711 -------- SO-B-AJ!P~~~~-~ Washing Machine SERV1CE 1-yea.r cua.r&ntff on Jobi done and on UMd wuhere. 2us 14 Cre&r) Newport DI., Co.ta Mua.. Llberty 8-4503 or Liberty ... 8-4327. 64Uc STATE OF'C-ALIFOR~A lrrV'•D NN ur to,..v •• uwlOIJllda • J1n4aM-wfthan9CllaN--lf you areU·H yn .okl.andbav' 11111plny 11C basrball !'QU1pment dunne offlc1al nrw .otot' OJ'('mng r.vv....n A. MA • Vfttdor -nz:t.11ln( counaJ and belp )'OU I'll 1 -·-..-<'Ol.NTY OF ORA.'lC E l11i. THOllA~-El~UHON oue.tand\nf ruulti , Pre• Clulifled. J\.llt pbone Har· a bicycle. a pply al tho Ctrcula-FOR SALE ('llll111f"1t rf'f. wll h F'ndar. The 11por11"~ good11 location wu mewed from 1·102 ......... o th ~ .. bo 111• • ''I Uon n....pt N•wport Harbor -"" ,,, -n 18 1 ... tu da y of July, A[). nn AU..de A~ NEWS.PRESS r •1: Wut to place I.JOI .. ~ new unit $41l Cll ll Kl 1'1-2742 If J"l>r1 Hlvrt, to 1807 Nrwpcrt A\'t . a month All" l-"n,bl'rt hn1t l !l!'I~•. brfol'f' ml', ROBERT F.l 1..., Bew ... c.llf. a esu.tfMd Ad, .. Uld a CCNIUoUI Newa·Pre1a\ 2211 Balboa Blvd . _ ,.._ b h 'I WILL~IES " NnlA'""' Public In and •--.... 1-eta.ified Adi ad·taktt wU1 ...._ ---an N....-port Bffeh, ~n 10-12 WESTISOH()t.:Sf; l.Aundmme 1 1n ""'n in u~1nv"' on t t,. f'llll ft>r fl\'" )'r•r~ l't11ff Pht>10 ·~ ....,......... "'~ ..... •-r ,_ ~ --,r-------------------~~---------------~-~-M_1~<l-C~o-1~1n~t:y~1U1=d~S:t:•:l:~~~=:~:l:~~=No ~~~~~ ~RlM6 ~~·~ a.m.«•~~m. ~~,.~~ ~Mn~1t~l7\~.~r t7M ~------..-.---------r------------------_;.----------~----------:~:::::=::=... __________ ;u:c!-_______ .:~ ______ ....;_7:~::::: . ~ ~2-Fnrnltnre for Sale 33-Boab, Sopplil'I' I DiNINGROO~t--------~ I :;:;-r-;;Q~n··1sHER. new en- 7 P r.'. aolld walnut. t ncludee 6 i:tnl', ntw gaa tanks, 3!\ watt v' v' Check these Used Cars uphol.st,.rrtl at<!•• chnirs. 1 arm m arln1• rad1n. Equipped tnr live Buy trom a local deaJer who "11J be here l'OMORROW to back up what he sells TODAY! <h111 r. htq;e , xl tabll'. Jn tint bait 6. dl'ep 8•:n trolhni;: $•1!!f!O con•Ht ion $rJ 110 per mo. Terms or 13800 ,,._,h, LI 8· iOb:! • MA TT RESS & BOX SPRING ;rw7_i , 4_0-__ A_u_tOA_._an_d_T_ru_c_k11 ____ 4_0-_Au__..;to1;..___an~d-Tru __ cka __ _ Full elu . just rebuilt. \'try clea.n 23 i:r. SLOOP. All m11ho1:. Srats $29.9~. Tnms lf you wleh. 8. X lnl. Mula, 1'1Utbn.\r'1 m ot»r .~ SEALEY MATTRESS & BOX 1ra1ltr. Pri!"e ss-:-:.. Hu . 6~1(1 JULY SPECIALS! ;7c·7\J Full or twin 111u . Fumoua En· rhanted Ntghh . Brand new. RPg. $59.50 for s hort time only s:m ll:'> I Hl53 CHE\'ROLET 4 door Bel Aire. light blue, S ACJ.'lFICE. 1:1· 1w&l."'iih'P.7ii11L"'· R & H . power o-lide transmtssion. n7'1We!" 41-Apta. ~ BouiH for R~nt -IR-~rt•. !._Hou.et for Rent Cabanas Marinas Lido Penins ul a, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanas. Utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodationa. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 · PAGE ~ MONDAY, JULY 18, 1955 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Beer and Restaurant ahow1 $4500 mo. Good steady clientele -Hwy. location. Lease of $175 mo. incl. ~ rm. a pt. with ocean view. Aaking $6500 for fixtures Ii equipment. 17 hrs unlv1. & nt-w trailt-r w 1lh " t"-1"-=-~~~~~--.~~-'l'o!!'M'mr:~~~~~~~~+--"-.~l!~ir~1=-~L~H~t'~P~t·~~~~.~.n~,-P~rs.;;.;.;&~-'-'11~a~a~~ . ..-~~~~-o~~~--1;;:i....-~Hf'nt-cOndinon. $1425 BED CHAIR J:l~O. Hit:? ;o.: J3al<c>r. S1tnt<1 Ana Deily, weelcly. mont hly, y~arly: ------l---=R'Mle~l!etlhlH!~w1e--_. -money maker For appt. or reservation , Call Har. 2992. 34tfc creasing potential. Sl:SO mo. tease in good location. I • .. l J ..Ji!.11 tho thlnir JM lht. d.eIL&..1.aL that unexpec-Lcd gur11t. Nt·w - rl'g. price $69.60 -Nt1w onlv U 9.50 -Easv t erm11. · SPEED QUEEN moNER FUU cabfne(. 1wo lleAt control.a. motor awttch, heat •witch. Knee It finger lip prt'!lllUre control, off It. on wamlng light. Brand nt·w. Reg. S178.9!5, your11 for SI 19.95. Savt 119,00. l,;on,R' Ume trrms SPEED QUEEN CLOTHES DRYER Automal1c, sla1nle1u1 tup. hi, mNt , low heAt t·onlrol Fln•ir i.i-unpk. N1•w. Hav.-it b<-fore lht rs.ins ronH•. Rei:. $219.95. Nuw only Sl&!l P[1. MARTIN'S FURNITURE ·co. 18M Harbor Blvd .. Coi<ta M•'fl\ LT 8-!'il:ll 7!k80 Ne~tureMarr­ • GOOD USED FURN'lTVRE •I rtr. l'hNll . ~1z7;, :1 dr. •·he.•t $f• r. -----'-1'1' CLAS8f'AH 1,100. fu1 w.ird S~I'• 1 in,1; .\!('1'\'\lry 5[;, JO lip .. I with ~"ll' ecmtl'OI. ml'lt~l rart. T\·cN('P t ruflr r, .extrn. lr»n~urrl I • support A wtn•'h J\11 n"w H•:>:>. Mu.1t sell quickly M11\'1ng mu nf Art'K, 1'1111 H11r, ::i2'1 1111" fi p 111. I ---:-:-1"1 1 12 FT. O\tTBOAHO Keli11111 Ct·11ft j with spr11y rail.<. l 'sC'cl r~"' 11111• s I Als•1 Enn1·udl' Fl<"<'llldlloi i '" t,p 11111tnr a nd ""llv ll:ir 111 11\ ~I e\1·111111.;s. 71•· "I SNO\\'l::llfllJ s.11: h••:ll c """l ~ ... 1 I fll'\\" •h•t.:k, ll1'\\' l l•it•I t;1mr,J-~:~!t;1, KF:v\Jtun~ :,.;12 J h 11r I.A tt1h, 1 l 1952 NASH 4 door seJan. 2 tone green . over- drivr . 8!1ows \'ery good care S 995 1 !1~2 CADILLAC. 4 door. ~ tollC' ~y. ~ trul~ fi ne car $2795 19!)1 CH RYSLER !'\~w Yo rker. 4 door, sedan. J ,1g-ht gr!'l'n $1195 l!l5 I DOl>GE ·l <in«r ~· dan. light green T ip to p i;hapc· $ 795 LOU REED CHRY!'LF:R · Pl.YMOL:TH DEALER I :.!00 \\'. Curi!-it Highway Phone Lfberly '8-3486 '18-A11ts. &; Houites for Rf'nt l -&X·B-Hot18etf for Rent ~ Fh R RE:"TT ON J~no t. 3 BORMS .. 2 b1Uh11, Corntr lot. l 'n-VACA TJONERS fum1she'1. Y~arly leut $1 70. pPr \\'E HAVE a val'lrtv or new nice· month. ly furn. rN1la ls · 1w111Table 1n 3 BORMS. 2 lnllh11. furmshrd. F \lr A11gu~t or un ll ye11rly le>UI~. BACH ELOH A f"r. !" t'nr Lido N•'WJ"'rl & l..ai:unl\ $30. wk. &, up I 11q1n:" 30<t·32nd St . ~pt I 'hnnl.' Hubor 12:!6. 77p!l<lh BA Y FRO;\'T. :! b<lrm furn home qu1~1 l!<'<'luded praYatt' bear b - S7ti.OO prr mo. on leslle. Httr. :J 127-\\' Coron~ 11el .Mar I 71ki!I • BDRJ\'1S .. t umlsht>d for Alll{llsl. _ $600 pPr month. SHClH F.l 'J .I FFS \\'11tcrtn111t .. l 1'1'11.\' 1 h.!1 :11 ' 'I h.11 h. lil'l'\'llfll:! A aklng ..$13,000. Drive-In Re.ataurant -attract1\'rly dt'signt'd & equipped. Showa $55..000 groaa. Lease $l:50 mo_ Owner ea.ya to ucri!ice for $8750. For these and othen eee-- 11 THE VOGEL CO. 3201 West Cout H ighway. Newport Beach Llberty 8-3481 -Eves 1.-Iberty ·s.3580 ASSOCIATE ACTIVE OR NOT, yowig National Corporation 7!1.i-1 111-Aulo« ror Sall' WE ALSO ha1·<· '1 brtr111 apt" and 11tr~. ~. r t1m111g nn, :i cur gar· with terrific succeaa background has opening for Water front.~. Ri:P Avnil11hle ,\11g. 1. Aftrr one individual capable of investing $10,000 cash. 54 Volkswagen ------------------ 1 3-1-:\l usirnl, Ha.tlio'.-T ,_. --1 \\'A:"\T.1-:t> :'II) t·~i,:u P IA:\US f .. r <illr l>ig-r1•1llal ol• l'L f-llJ:hf'<;I '""Ii SEI •AS . 1 ~,1l.!i!!'...lu:iui;ua:>u...:.t _'!)JQ\YllJH'C lq 1 rndc ,(c.v-· ..{:lf'r'fm:-+-111 t "r .,1 P."a 111 i (11 I f'Ond --4;fli-~~A<l, or-GrllJld pUl.!W.. fJA:'\Z.·SCHMll >T, ··,20 :'\11 .\1:ltn, Snn tK Ana S~IA LLl-~ST STL'L•IO 1'111110 w1l lo ~F:llA :'\1-:'M'I•: /1111 88 kevhnenl in r1•1;1• 11111· Un .. rl1t1nn. Te~rn5. Sl» ·1~1 1town a n•I RA.tin 11n'1 hl'al<'r ~16.li p• r mo at ll\\'l1t't' $1 1,1:'1. $ l!l."), , h ·BAY & BEACH R F:A LTY S1·11 I:'! w1nt~r 1t-11s ... Shown by R I f · Motor Over aul U DO IS LE brok~rs. Har-etiring partner r esponsib e or this opportunity. NO MONEY DOWN 3112 La.layette. l\'cwpnrt. Ha. 3643 'o'6p81 If act ive, startjng salary Will be $5200 p<'r year Ha. 2999 E1·e11 plus regular dividends. Party selected should eu-~with-this ad *-+-----==='====+.Jt::.l....l!.~.:J.U:.l.::lUi.li-l.JlLQ!OOLlll:,t't!.:,_·. J:!.!111.!!.:_0. i___:__....:. i~et-oiver-fffl~~'&l-\le&F,.-------1 sl.-1'p!< 2, 8 ftl'r Oct. I -S:'l[l. 'J " 6 ~ ·-.... _;..._~iB...88 DO COME _t:'u~oi~~;~, ~lt>l'E.3 •._alte_r H1st furnish gooa character It credit· referenOM 8 Cvls ~58 88 Desirable 1111nimn rentals ~I ill 8 <'pl 111 S~5 per mo. for 2. · · ··········-·-··--" · 721 1 ~ P oppy, C'orl'lna del MA r & be easy to get along with. For """"""na.l int.ervtew, In Ill I S .. -th I h .. t a vailable. B.v WC'ek, m onth ur r---' '' ,,.. II nr l!.nu pat a. H11r 06:n·M 66tfc Q :>.'• w rln~s. wrist pins. valve l!l'a~on. I write Box -6, care this newspaper. Include phone r.:1 in<!, fittini:-s nt m11in and ro d COAST PROPERTIES UNFURNISHED 3 brdroom homl'. number &. brief resume. All repliN strictly IJf'anngs. Expert mntor Won up. 301 E . Ralh111t Blv<l .. BHll.Jon Brant! n~w · Nl.'wport Vista. confidential 17c79 PfHlay ot 1.000 mllr guarantee. Ha.r. 2658. 2:197 & 4600 7 llfr T1•:i1 t • ;mmrd1At" occupanry • Chrome dlrWtte table an'1 2 c ha.m< S2 1.M ~rveral 8"ts of 11rn\nJ? room t"l111lr11 • $2.75 Pa. (;no'1 f!'.lll'. r1.1nge11 S:.!7,50 to S3fl.OO SllAFE!t'S M11~1d'11 1S1111·e 1(illi1 121-•t:.13 N. SWAmor". SAnta A n11 Nrt. Rrh. Phone Kl rnllf'~ly 2-06i2. 2.11 \9 :'\ t•wport Blvd .. Harb. 63!1:.! COTTON GOFF \'OLKSWAGEN DEALER LOANS for Homes (:"fl 1.tOl\'EY DOW:"). --------------' 111~0 i-h"f11'1n): rC'nl•·r. tr&nti'f!Or· REBUILT ENGINES t1111 .. n -Yr11r rro11nd -$8:1 p<'r _5_S_·A __ B_U8ln~_e. __ Re~n_tala ___ _ -rP to lti MONTH S TO PAY-BALBOA ISLAND J'1unlh. 1•1 b-i023 78lfc LE A SE '"""" SJ.'vt.\10 :._.S i<prrnJl:ll for rlhlt-hc•d. t:ranc! H otel mattrem<. SpJPnd1rJ n•nol111nn, $35. ll8r 7~.1 71;1·Kt1 ?\F:\\' F'rt~da11·,. dryer S200 11nrl trli" I 'f11m1t11re Int:! 11tove. re· rr1i: h·lrm "' t,•lln111i:: tnble nnJ 1h1111~ 8111 \\' Ray Rnllll'la HRr :lll!l 1 . 78p80 Dl ':'\C.\X l'HYfo'F; o!r"p J,.t1 f ol1n· ing tnhlr N>ats I::? 4 ~lr111i;ht c h.;1r~ & :.i """ d1a11~ Al.~() flr.-:1kf1rint & small huf!"t ltl<" nrw 1120 K ing;i Ro1HI, LI 8· t;t1116 ""' I: "nllll only. 78rSO JlY ()\\"X~:H. l!)ti'l 8 ru. fl lJO'lllXC S•r1· .. 1 r«fnl'. ltkl' new i1srt. S11f,IL> :'ol.\lltlC l,.h m !11't 'Twin f><••l<M· buJ.s.. Js;:. ul'<:sscr. ll1;:h lt11n ·111 dr!'•,.tn.i: tAlllr 111111 •hair Plat•• claM tors $1:'>0. H··~111t 1f11J rn 1.111'•' c .,1,m1al llrm V11r "l'I'! '" /11'1'. llsuhor :!ir1i Rfl ••r ti :10 p 111 ib('l\0 O 1'1.1-:Vr: & M f:RRIT'T' range, J.'r 1i;11la1 r1' & 11111hog. tlfnfng rm. ~"' I .r 11.111flP 78r80 ~2-A-:~ntitf~f_::;_· ______ _ L A \I I'~ -"l"•lh"' 111y J.tr~ -rnm- " iuJ• ~ ,1n:l 1~11~• ·int up,i··~. 1· •d 1·••t·1h!, w1~h1ttJ; nhtt·hu••· 1 j ' I lj I ~ ti ' I ll •ol '~l: •W .lf1Hl1,\'.; ~ '"i:! ;-.:, \\'p11r1 H1\'(1 , ('11~t11 ~t· ~.,, 7!1J•1'1 TRA DE II· .1111(111 711.(t 1111x s1•hoonrr Fer.I\ 1•11nd i.•111n~·wli.t 1 \\'111 I if(" "'1111"•' ta J'l"J'• 11\' <1!' Sllllll· loot h ,I 1::::11 \\' !;1ili•m L:lnt., :-;,."l'••tl H 11 ::o:ii a11r1 c f'lll;l:'l 1·1:,\I· T :'•~ h·1ol,.;l' 1J.., k. WOW! Read This ! 2116 Newport 111\·d . ."pt T!'l1>phon1• ll.11 bur b Tk 11d 1 7,,1 bn \''" rrpa1r tf'l••v1111un rrc·1'11'f'l'>l and 1-.1<lH1s. Ynu JH•y l\J ilil\'i> 111-1 l!l!'il CHHY~l.f'.R :'\rw Yorker de tl.'r. wh~n ~·•l1s(11·d =--:o pn1 l!! rn· lt1Xf• l.o• ii • ·ar £:(<""11' nt rn11- 1<tallrd not n N•JeiL rl1l1nn. P'>\l'"r st rPrlng, w:•w. Lllrl( .. ~l F:xil11.~tl'e r!C'A \'111111 Own•t Llb•llY ~-~661 . ihpl>IJ rlt'al1•r 1n a r•a. l'lltt!< & Lat."r l gu111at1l•'"" fur 3 full m»tHh!' STl.f'F.LSAKF:lt <'h;rn11'111n r. a! :!!•111 Jo-: C'Olll'l Hir.:hw11y. ('111 .. 111t rll'An, n""' rlllti h. gor,,l llrri<f~'ill r 1rj Mier H,\r :illll. Lgwrs \\'. Llb1•11 .1· ll-~~·8:! 7hp;11 TARTl·:H , 011n~r. 7Hf.- ____ ---• ' 1051 SL'N \'Al.LEY l\IF:nCUHY. S l'J:'\Jo.:T l'l.\NU. Bt•1t11L1Cu l •·as!' & I 111! pow"r eq11 1pnwnt, t••rms. C'11!1 tone. l.1ttlc 11!!.-J. ~ l\'e Olt'r $l••tc OWIH'r , LI 8-3ti63 M LI 8·6z:?:t. on this. Anolhrr bari:a.in. ~l1r-66tfc r<or t 1•pc Spanrl onll' Si!l~1 . .\hny eithrr \\-11nde1-f11l IJ:1111 flANZ-S('_ll.\ll[JT ?-ll;s ... ('" !\21> Nt1. Main St , 8antu Ana. Alw11y11 1011 ptanl'lh' HA~!~!(.):'\[) Ur1:an. !:iltghtly 11s1>oJ. Gnnii big 11a,'ing Anothrr wnn- 11;.11u1 buy. Hammon<! C'horct (Jr. gan. Litt le tt i;cd. The Oq;:an everyone can play. DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano Co .. ti20 1\o. Main. SB.nlll Ana TRl0 .\ff'ET. Brass Conn. Pan-Am· e1 Ir an. \..'sett :! wc•cks, ctll!l $2011, !<M rlfir r ~11!5. 31 7 Alvaracln P l , Bal1'<>11. Hur tll!'O·\\', -7!\ph'I 1<r<l11n. rad1n, heatl'r h.wl1 or.l8l1i: Xlnl. <'c)n•lll 1on. l'c te $3!1~ - Hat lmr :! l!lk 7;1 79 '53 CH EVROLET .ST ,fflO:'\ \\'AG0;\'. );('\\' tirr11 a mi rnint. ~I Ii.'\, 215 Kines P l111 c, Xcwrnrt Ht11. I.I 11-2111! illrl\O _-:...._ -- HILLMAN 19:11. C'h'an, Excellt>nt concllllon, 32,()00 mlles. Orig, owner. R 8c H . Bnrgaln SMO. H ar. 2884 -R b1•f11re 6 p.m. i9t·&l !-~ORD \'-R 6 0 1•ni:in1•d tub11lar ~por I:'! ""1 rhn•sil'!. Exr .. lh•nt STr:l'.'\\"A y GHANLI. Gvrgro11~ an ' .. nd:t Ion. :\I'll' rubher an•! pa1 t.• <"•t•r y way. l'arlor 8•<tl.' Tl111< l'\C' l '\110, l'lmn~ S.111 J111rn ""l'i~· wnn•lerfuJ m st n11-,cnl a l 11 lu,; t!'lln~ !lJ aft .. r 6 flO Pm. i!lp81 ~u\U'I'! ~lanv nthi·r l!1an.Js. ~t.t-I "":i & Hamlin. h:n11h<>, 1'1M\• & 41-Auto St-n irP I 'I.irk, "11· l'rw"s $1!1:> l\n•I 11p I 1,\::\Z ~1·11:.tll •T 1'1111111 ;:-.;., .\l.1 1:1 S rtnl.t A nrl. f'PEC'IAL Bl'\'~ HE\ I 'Tl I-l 'I. hh n"" SJ•ll•f'I t Hlll" 1',;lfl1Jllll n ,,I\• !:1•11• d 1···11111 l1 nn~ n ~!IA r'r:P. s .\ft111r 1 , . ..:.,, .. 1•11.~' l:..1 ·1~3 X. S\ '1u1n11 • X·1 n'.J .\tlJl !'1"•n•· h'.l111hr 1 " :.!-r11;7 • SPECIAL DL'JU!'/C .JPLY F oreign auto valve grind b y expert mechanics ftu1lt In our own ractorv bv skillrd l'nf111•n yrly. rental 2 s1 o ry A HO MF: not 11 hou,:c.>. M onth or marh1111:;ts. n on'l co 0 nl•;nd w1lh homr m •hot •e Joratlnn rlns!' '" FINE LOCATION 1n Corona de! ' 1 . • -A U" •l!'ll\'. $6:'1<1. W to W carpet· thr m1<1dlr man. Buv dirr<'t. ba J b • 1 ... th 1 d ,. M11t, ComplPtely equipped for . y. urmll .. , ua I'-r \IS "n 21 ' T\' •> h t'l! l 111 REBUILT and INSTALLED .t: lnn11I. $181\ per m•i. I ~~~Q . r~~in. f~r~. l~~"~h•~k ~;or~ 1 bakln« or dellcateuen. Phone SH ORT BLOCK W W SANFORD ll Harbor 4263 tor app't. llllttc . . • . rt'a or l.'lub Owner. Har. 37·11. 79c:81 ------------- F0RD .......................... -....... $t29.50 & A~~orratt'~ I Professional CHEVROLET ...................... SH9.50 Park 8t Mt<rlne. HAr. 21 112 YRLY RF::"l:TAL. 2 bdrm. furn. 1•r,'D{. & DODG E ................... $155 7 11fr I homt-1:-l)lk ln C•'ISla Ml'~ll or Business Men CHRYS. & DE: SOTO ....... __ S170 --------------1 lh1~1nl''~ ch-111rt<'t. AdulL<i .or with ~Tl 'DL'BAl<"'R $ 70 RENTAL .I 1 1 mtt rested In of(lce •pace ln new -r. .... · .. .............. l f tN•n BS::I' no plt~ .r 8-5768. 01 n" & PO""""IAC 6 $170 propose<! building. 17th St. Near . "' ·'. ............ SP ECI ALISTS 79c81 BUICK ...................................... $175 Thrifty k Alpha Btta M¥k1>t11. HL'O!"ON ........ -....................... $175 Call Edn!l Craig Nr;AR BAt-.ROA CO\'ES. Brand Call Har. 0269. "'7'8tfc Loan Car F ree T owing Blanche Gates, Rltr . new 2 bdrm., f11rn. homP, rtre· SEW CAR GUAR.A:-ITEE plar l'. \\' \\'. l"ar pet, disposal. lllock must mel!t our standard• 311 Marine Ave. J\\'allable for summer 4'19'2 Plus t u e11, g:ukets and oil lialboa Island, Har. 1671 72ttc 38th St . :'\cwport l llland. Oprn Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 2 TIDRM, fu1 n. hu11111.' --•09 38th BELLES ENGINE 43-A-Apts. lor Rent St. X•·wpnrl i2pA4 REBUILDERS Summer Rentals SHORE cud prl\'ale 2 bdrm. 0 0p1•n Daily 8 to ·7 Slate B on ded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3r d St . SAl'.'TA ANA ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners I Rioh Hahn's Garage Authoriz:·c.>d Parts & Service also Good T ran/;portation Cars F o r Sale Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. Nl."wport Beach, Har. <17:.!5. 3tittc 4'l-7Want.-d t.o R(>ot ----Rentals Wanted We need apts ~d hOUllCIJ In all •ectiona for bolh winter and year 's lease. Furn. or un.tum. lt you have a vacancy, phone today furn. h(lm" $2~5 pt•r mnnlh, yrly. • ExClusive Bay Fronts Ira~<'-Or will ~rll. i 21l.950. un· + rurn Call O"'nt'r, Har. 3209-R. 59tf-c other choice properties Barbor Ial&Jld, Bay Shores. Bea-UNFURN. 2 BDRM. HOME. w to con Bay, qua.lilied client.a only. W carpel. Beautiful yard. patio, Harbor lnveatment Co. fireplace. gar. $125. month L ge. den wllh fireplace It bath B&rbor 11100 (Evea. LI ~638e) Liberty 8·5750 aft.er 6. H c82 27t!C BAY VIEW APT. on Lido Penln· 11ula. Nf'w 8t. nttract1ve pantllrd living room. 2 bdrms. F or yearly ltaSl'. Ph. Har. 27til or H ar 80 6.jtk F'OR LEASE TWO BEAUTIFUL new Irvine Tf'rrare unrum. view homes. 3 Hnfl~IS 2 b"ths nntJ 2 BF.ORMS .. 2 baths. • • Call H 11 rbM 177!'.i or Harbor •448 NO. !'>BEACON HAY -Summer J,;ARL \\'. ~TA!"\~F.:Y. Rr3ltor tC'ntal. Sparious fttrn. apl., 11leep11 lrYJnl' T <'rrnre Office 4, overlonkln~ bny J une lllth Co1 u1:a <.Id !'>lar. 3Jt!c Sept. l :'lth .. S!\00 mo nth. ATIRAC TIVE unfurn. 2 ll1•d1111om AL~O will t:1kr _:eservalion f"r hnu~r f:n, l"i-.·•t f\ttan !?:Ill II~<' V.•101l·r. Har. 24 .1. courti·sy tu SI 10 m• lud111,e utll .. Cor ona df'I agrnts. ~3lf<'l _!la..'.::_~~· 3194 ~1 <~~7c70 Balboa Furn. Apts. '2 ['l[lfl..\I ll11l'SE u 11(1t111 $1)11, DA y _WEEK _ MONTH H r1trl Newly drt•oralr<l. Ll'ase. Hllrbor or town. •; blork tn hll~'. hlock lrt ocran & Pl"r 917 F.. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1729-J 73r88 nf,~3-~t 78cf\11 49-Roorn~ for IWnt LARGE <'l!'sn 1n11m. Private t>n· a4-Bu8ineu O~rtunJUes ASSOCIATE Active or not '1' 1ntere11t open In new company. INVESTMENT FULt.Y SECURED Th111 11 abaolutely non-competittn , and wlll ata.nd rl(\d lnvestlp- Uon. Prinl"lpala a.re very exper- ienced In all phuu ot thUI ~­ neu. There I• no llmlt to apan- 1lon. Orcanls&tlon la -.plete with all neceuary f acllltiea • equipment. PeMIOn 11elected mu.st be euy to get along with. Ex· peri<>nce not requlred. Thia op- portWltty open to either m-or' woman. Salary If ecUve. Thia 11 a very lnt>'resting. enjoyable vcr ca.lion, SJ500 to $5000 requlred1 you wrtt retain r1g1\t to-control cap1t.al. Thia may nry well be lht> last 11cl you ever need an11- wer. Nn rurlm11ty 1!t!Pke1"8 pleaae. \.\/rite Box P·~ for per11onal ap· p<,tntmtnl. 77c79 LEA S E !"INF: LOCATION In Corona del M(lr. Compl<'lt>ly equipptd for bllk111.1: or dellcateuen. Phone Harbor '426~ for app'\. ·65ttc F ORCED TO SELL J.;,, ,.1, '' ."\•" 1 ;tfl\1,t '-', rndan, h 11t 1.--.nk ft .. 1nn!.;' 1•ha1r .... •)lfc-. ORGAN SPECI ALS • ('YI. uh \'aho l:i hor !'ill!< 11:11 t • The Vogel Co. ~::?:'!'ill 3:101 W. Cst. H wy .. Newport Bcb. BALBOA ISLAND I 1r11nr P & bnth. Single or tlouble '~ hlnrll to 1ore11n & h11y 122 S MART :'\E:W modern apt Rle,ps 4:!nil St • Nt'wpnrl B"at h. 79r81 Thriving h ousecleanln&' bulllne•. Opportunity to ma.ke good m o n· ry for rl~ht party. M11ke offer tn Box H-96, thi3 paper. 7lt tc-1111 h k• j•'I: •I' "" k )!>IS, }H) \ •II h It•"\' < h11r~l'I I.I ~-711211. 771 !lll 111\ :'ol:'\ll)Nf) SpinN c•1 11,1n~. llkt• i ('\' L fl.II 111·a•! 0•'\\' R1~ Sf&\'IOJ:S 1nlu1r pltl.\4 [111r t ·~ !1 1·'1 ·ii I 11111-'·"""'kt ,\II LO\E:LY ><t11J(l1• msn11nl ••l1•1·tu1 !1 fi t'YL. <1h Y11l1'" j1h0 ,,,,' "" •,• • 1< ,\· t.ull :u.u1 i•l.;.•u 1n 11••1(,•t t , >1:•o'11 o ~;1\1 lahur J1ltl!4 J•H tl!" In •I• l••l •t10..n 1hhtt h••l .., <.~'4h 1 t 'rirt\'r•r.irr.l 1• !l"( lh I \'f>Ll,S\\' M;t 1:\", • '''"' 11( I . 11111 .. hr :'11f1 ,, r ~11,\Fl·'.lt'S :'\l•l•t• ('11 .~.,, ... 1!•1171 Ill• 1,.·111!1 :-;, Ill ,,( J ICl I.I 1'· 421·1.!.1 :-; ;,:11 .<!1 1011· :'(~111 11 \• I l;1l1o•t J•l11~ J ti '' I I• 1 :\ IJ )' l11J!:-;:-;t •S ••Ulh••.1lol \11111 :o;J'l'.'~:T l 'tllll11. ti 11iunt1c,.ild Il l!· $2k ~o. $:'' !'iO Phone Liberty 8-3481 208 Marine, Balboa uland Phone HarP<>r 444 ::!66'i E. Coast Hy .. Corona del Mar Phone Hstrhor 1 i 41 I L1Jo O!!icl', 3416 Via L ido H. rbor 4971 32trc \\ A ST 11nf1t4-n :1 h.Sr111 hous,• - 1 ·11~11 .\I"~" nr \ 11 1nity ('all lJurhtir ~,iJ!)r, 7>cp80 4 2 rar gnr11gr :!12 A gate. ---- ·Availa ble now. $110. 11 week . .>3--Storf'l'4 &: Offie4'~ iR1 79 ·---------- ------------ -LIDO OF'FlC:E SPACE -W iii ISLAND I 11ubll't :;pace sunal>l1• for attO_!'- nry:;, enE:11lC'cri<. etc. Approx. BALBOA MOTEL APTS. l~1x'lU ln .-;huppini:: srl'& on \1111 l.!do, t'.ill r, .. n C11lc afternoons Takin" rrs••rvauons lilly. WePk, <lr ,,111)'. R Ar .• 16.-,0. Mllfe rnl\Tlth 32~ .M11nne '''"' H 3r __ NO COMMISSION ' No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFI!llANCll CO:"<STRUCTlON Call for Free I<:ast Commitments 61' -JO yr. 1.-.. Co nstrueti on Loan1 80 BOB BA TI'LER 2!5'16 EA.ST CO.UST BLVD. Coroaa de! Mai;,. Barbor sm ~. POIIUll:R llORTOAQll CO. Metro l.J!e IM. Flanda Kl. 1-61• '8tf9 WA.NB TQ B_t.rn..I>. DIPROVJl'-----'lal SW, KODERNJZE, OR RD'IN.ANO: We Buy~ o-t. NmWPORT BALBOA BA VIKOI &. LOAl'<l ASSOCIATION UM Via Udo. Ph. Bar. '200 tit °** INVESTOR *1::r Youns f amily man haa dire nP.rd for 17000. Will pay back at rate of' '200 mo. wtt.b lnterut. wOTk- ed out to lllldt .nd boal.9. Will ctve aU new turnltun. 19~~ Pack.ard 400. 41: t r.ilh lnteTC!ll In Nat'I Corp. u K curlty for loan. Can tum.lab .AAA-1 c ._ut a.nd c:banu:ter rderenc ... Reply Box S-8. care t.hla paper. 79r80 SELL YOUR PROPERTY! We betieve the qu1eketrt W1ly t o 1ell your property I• t.h.rouR h our .. Open HOll.8(' Sy11tem". W t' will be glad to ln"J)ect • h('lp you e11t.abU11h a correct Hlllng- price. Call now f"'f' tntonnatlon, no obligation. J AMES -VICK, Realtora Harbor 2042. '76c88H WAN T t-o buy frem own~r: G<W't'1 2 bdrm. homl." e&Jlt 11ide ot <::oat.a Mua. Around 512,000. Wt1t• Box 0-4. Uilll paper. Tsp7& 1;6-lnooftl4'l Pl'Opflrty_...._ __ HOME and 6 Units GOOD INCOME, $36,000. Ull Ham- ilton. oft Harbor Blvd., Co.tt& Mesa. r.Jp88h t 1 u:t1:.I ~Jlttl. Y1.>tzth:. ~ti t th•"'f' .. f t-JIU f11t t l'h J•t l1•1 1 1~r.: '" I• -- i.;11~~·"! h ·at 1q•h11l<t1•r1ol ~·.ii' I•" 1hl" )"Ill i"•t 111 l1<l1li"l1••11 '""'''~ Sl•'•'tllll( $1iH'. l flOti n,1,•rl ·" \\h l'•· 11• " .. ~·1111 Unx T·I• Hausken Motors Inc, .a_~-~r-~-=-~-!1°0_8!8 __ _ ~1085. 71 pl!l I Modern Store SUMMER Rentals 1'(11<. llr::'\T. 17:; , ... ,. mo. Pttrk1ng on R csl.-lenre11 and Unit• only Don I. Huddleston \\'ILi, SEU, or l rnde hotei ~ & fuml11h1ng11 for r11..•h or eqwt.y In a homf . Jl\3 M c:F11rlrlen Pl., Nl'Vo'f'OTt Rrar h. H11,r., 3016. 78ceo :.1 ,\I t ll.llhdr ltiC16·\\, 71'•!111 lfii" 11•'\\~f'•'I>••· 7!•)•/o<I I!•::< H1'rllnr 11.1,·.i . 1·11~1a ~ft>-a :'\I·· \H l!A Y & O\F.AX 3 ~uoms 1.c ,.,.~11r,1 L I 1'·6:1'1 77•·'1 :->I, •·r• ~ A1·i.1l11hlf' nrn' ~.'\11 "k • ::0C1.1ith & r;o:, 1:n\• A \o> fl.dho:. c. \HI:'.\: <'fl I ·~li-~P. i:1 ... 1" I T'' in .... 1 w~ h1•a.J ttnd J )lfl II•·\ t•n f <Hit1 • tl.ad1 (1 • 'ti .. tll• 1 r .. ·'' 1 , 111 • ·1'111' 1~8~• P11rk ;i.11)\(I ~~ 1'1-:H ~11 t 'eol1< i:nod fll"'' l11 •'I - p111n11 l.1•1 th1• kr•l·111s lo•111n 1\1'· 12-Tra.ilf'N . J1h· lr"'t lu n ·nt on J1att1 lrn~• c :••••·I 1 _._ _______ ------------· ll>o••d r1nn1i'4 ~7~. $''' ~1'..::l, ~t'i\7 . • TJ,-lu>te ftU n a1 • .\* riu :1,~ Da~-. wet·k vr Jllllnlh liJea l location a f• w stq1, 111 l'\'t'r~ thin).!. \.,I F 1!;1 I' 11.ilh"" Har .. 'i::11 lilf< fnt d.t Jt ''". (1w( ''" au· hf•al, ~u1t· 11t.I" 111~un1111 •, t":il e11t :otr . ~ffli< ,.,, l1111111c" •P lk 1-:, lsnUu•a f:h·d I l.11 "'" :!11j1t I 6!itr.: For Lease- \ 1 • ( • ' I ' ,\I"'•' I.I h1·t : \ Ii· 711 :! 1'11 '"''''"l t .. rn ~ : PAN-AMERICAN:: I 78,·80 I IA :'\l'.-S1'H~l 11 •T, Paramount-· Terry Fl'lt" Al'T l-1"•'1'" :t 1<lso tu1n h11u~'. \\'••t'k • 11 nu•nt h 1 PA!Cu n· 11 hl;• "'Ill 1 .. n•1· HAr :ll64-J. 7,_,.80 BAC'Hf:LO R Apt. n"11· :1 lll'R! 111'•' S 7(1 rnl'lulirnlit 11t ii < '111111111 <I• I :01 a.r. HR 1·. '.:1!11 :d i 1 ~. ~7. 7!1 STllHI·: 11 x::11·. ~\Ill. for profP"• s11.n11I, hl'l\11\~· shop, t-1'8l cst11tl'. l '~::-:1 :1·1:-; l'AIL BO AT .& Tra1l"r :-; .. :l ll\4 lnilnr made ~ail nn•I mMny t'X !ra.~. $1('10 .• I R 0wcrns. 2;,~ K··nn~hre" Av•· 1 t.-ons,: l·~"u1•h !l.i()f\P i~p~fl rte· <'r r.1 'l'F:Rl'I 11p1nn11llrr RIVI "'"rm !<"II. i hp Ma.rtrn Ho nri1· mi: l.uloil'r f11r :l0-•11 !I hnat < ·11 ... 11r Inf! "'"<'k·l'nd11. JM \"!11 :'o!C'nlnnr. Lado l11J;o, l'lr \n l".•l· \'1rw 6·R6S~ w eC'k <tny~. 70p8Z lR FOOT ~nape :1allhoftl, rrftil\' t o .•ail. Bea11L1ft1l rnncllllo'ln Co'IO•I 1A1l11, St.alnlt'lll l'llrrl n<j:.'.i:tnii & h o'IW shield, C(lpprr bclltl'lnt lie l'llbber tired J11th· nmcl'r bt'· •nit transft'rrect. ~!Wit l'f'll . l'h. I. ... -ing ~each !U·IOH 19,Sl J GOOD buys. 25 ft. i ;,(l hp. & 16 f t. 26 14, h r. ht>Rt~. hcith fi· bt>rglaued. fut t\ f:•ivtl r1.1nd1· lion . Ready t o frO. Also (1hi•r· glau rloth re11ln t t t. Al'fC')r MA.rlne Motol'l!I. John ='lorek, 28M Thi' R.hlM (Lido Pmn.) Har. 293i. 7:.tt., •O' CABIN t~ f tah.i.ng b•.)et. GMC <!Intl m g Suitable for d111 rt er p11rtl~. f :IM)Cl. Kim. 2·3 1~~ 7~ll'80 CLINKER b111lt (tlni:hy. i..(t. l«ni:" ni:.i;r<! fl'lr l'll!lhl'u1 rit S111 t11 Me f, r <'h1l1! $:!:'> C'11ll lfar. T l't.~; n ~"'r'" .. :;:1' :\'u ~tr\1n, ~.,ntA ,\1 •• AIWa\' .. !Oii r1an11~ 17" 1''1r~•~lr Trh·1·1~1 .. n I :,r. i·.· P.t!: J\n1f'"r 2 hdnn A lll'Y ~1 ·1 :.:; 11'' Tnn Sl'EC'JJ\I, 2100 RI" i\ \'Ir l<•r < on~nlr with full r~mcilO.: u 1nlrul, r l'dll1f'd $121 TH'·\ \ I• I "r I! 1i:h F11!• ht\' , ph1•no. ~tuhni:. full II• nr~. r• d111••·d f 1110 F .\I T1<ble r1<111.,,. "nly ~:!U.!I:) T\' Rrntal.! & !"l'T\'h'P ;.~ :!I' )l11halr T.1ntfl'111 h.1th Port Orang<' Tr;n lt'r 811 \rs :!:!1>(1 \\'. (' .. R.-t H 1i;h11·H v f 'hnn!' Llb,.rly 11·4·1211 X1•wpnrt Btn.rh ;21·8~h I t'O.\I ::;ummrr rrntal m t e 2 bdrni. I 1•1rn ht•ll~" 11111 J\111; ••r l11ni:l'r. AL~() Drlux :! hdrm ttnfurn 1!11plex ~1'11· llnr Jli!'.l·H. i1'1•80 Choice Summer Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Is le Small & cozy or l&rfite 4' deluxe $7~ te $300 month VOGEL CO. Tarter Television Co. I :!3' TRAILBLAZER., Awmni;. rr fr 'I T\\'O LOC-ATIO:'\S apt lllC'IY<', ""l•IH nte IJdrn. 1; ..... 1 291)4 E . L'oallt H v., \ ·orona drl Mar $.'-!l,-,, H11rb<>r ~fnh1l!' Hum•~. I.At & :!7•1 Bri•ailw~y. L.:11:1rnf\ H1'.>ll'h 1~. 1 :-1~~ P.!ll"f'rlnr. c. )t. AFTr:R f'h. H11r. Mfl l ''r HY11tl 4·~··.J6 1111m. ";SpSO OR~A ;'o;. h:lel'trt1n1c: \;sNI hut i-n excellent comht1on. Two man· usls. Frne fnr ch11rrh or hnm" Y Ull C-1 n 1'111\'e $/i!l(l on l hlR r11r• Ch Me DAXZ·Sc-FL\l IDT. 620 No. Z.faln. ~11nta AnA 3.>-D.ogs, Cats. Pets -~ ------~-Para.ket-ts -Cheap'. OPAl.l;\'S & NOR)IALS •::~ ~an HNn11r<llno. );rt llr11 Llbf<r1y 8·:1Pf\!), ;7r 79 ----' -r'll"'IHEH.\f1\" r11rr11·~ h~· ~II'(' ,,, S :l'lr1"1 Al<!' Cl(•J r ··d 11nl1 Jlll'lrll· 1 n~d l'l::;l Arh"r SI ;'n•!R M··~A l.ll'"rl\' 1<-li'.:1\7 7$11·(o0 WE HE LP YOU· WRITE ADS THAT C:'ET RESULTS! \\ e h>we ii,! \\•riltr$ \ti ht'lp Cl.l\ss1f11•d 11,h-.•rt!.•1•1 s \\• It) thf 'I /.V1.t fur best rl's\Jltl!. Thts ~"" 1r<> la eb~nlut••ly frp;o Ju~t c-all H 1trh"r Jt;lti. &.<v .. , want loo 1 l:H"' ,1 ( 'l,11<Sll ll'J A •! a:-111 you will 1'11• < oinnct l•·.J \l'!Lh 11 cull!'· I ~n;.a11 and '":np<'' r n t Aol·lllk1•r wh., wlll .!l.•1 "1 .""'! Ill I''" ri r!:l" ll:-1.J pl11r1n,_ ~·rnr 11 l n .. •s t 11!fr, :l\·t•ly. News.Press Classified Ads HARBOR 1616 f:J1lDI. )i,.11,c !urn nr unrurn. A bet .smnll turn ~J'l. P.oth yrly l nq. al 116 · :11 st Sl.. ;-.: ewporl J;Nuh. L.&.!Tlllfrt ~-1 ~13 !lflrr 6 p n 78p O ROOMS, COTT AGES. APTS. DAY OR WEEK THF: Bl..t'E TOT' MOTEL. 4(13 ;'o;ewf"lrl Bh·d .. Just a bove The Arrhtll. ••ttc BALBOA l~LA~'JP. J,r,nk1nit 1111 11 b1•111111r11l1~· 111rn 1 h·hn >ett~ A\'Rll. 11""" i.;iirh '"""' Yrl\· s,1111 H 1rh•1r 2 11 :: ;;, ~II ATTRAl'TI\'F: '" '"11 11 \1• II h·!o11\ 11 ri1 1·11rl 1~llv f111n ~11111111 .. r ·1 '''•11J•I" $~:"> II\" y t ly \\'r•t ~"1" 1.t \*;•ctta ~1•;--i\ t ',tll t• i11 ,., Jf rr. 80. 71-J'kP ' t \\'ATERF'RONT. Newport. tum 3 XLNT. LOCATION fl( 1\\ :'\T(t\\';'<; l '11.01 a ~f.-~R 11111 hnr I Z!•~1i;.\\ f\J\tf(' !>FFll 'I•; 1"•1H H~::'\T ,. '11 c ,,,,t, 1 IAu :11'ou ~l '24 <1,' pf'1 n.unth <'II,\ Ill .I·:!' F II \llT.-r."l'llnr :: 1 ~11 ,,. n 1111> .. 11 Bl"'" • :-: pt fl• 11 77t ~!t C-2 BL DG. bl1tm . & dPn 2 b11th~. ;\'o hnl'nll •4 or rh~he11 l lf\;, mo nn yr11. lt'RI"' Ava1!Bbl• Sept I. H ull. 3~~(1-R RM;.;. plu11 kitchen & belh an<! l rm in•I fir :"ewly c1"crtr11IMI 111u1lfl prr•Cif C'1·1hng! $i~ mo. 427 3ls~ hehtnt1 P . O. Kewport. Har i6t!!" -I PARTLY fu m 2 bedrnr1m hnm•· :10:1l M 28rt4 J , l<. 78pl!l renc .. rt ysrrl plllln, flrl'pl. l~r den Bu K1tc:hrn. IdNll (r·r -C11.1MH1ed Ad11 are read by folk• 1 hllllren p<'t~ w"h·nllJ" \'Plll'ly whn 11re rl'ally looking to buy. hiAM. $100 mo. H1r OiP2·R M&ny a h1~ d .. 11 1 h11.11 ~n ma.de i8r80 throu~h ri. 11m11ll c:la 1151.fled 11d . 173 E. 17th St. 6Z-Keal E. .. t.ate COSTA MF.SA MOUERN J bf>arootf'I, l" '*' LI 8-~541 LI 8-11562 H BO 11q ft l '• yr. '11<1. Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, salary. $50. to $750. or more. One day service Apphr11l11•n m11 y be m 11•l,. In per· ~on. hv f'lhOJl'! nr h~· n\811 CALW. ACCEPT\'\NCE CORPORATION P!:iR Ila 1 hut nlvth, <'l'l~I A Mc~a· U g.77;,i -Oprn F rnlays tall 8 Clri•rd S11turda y11-41 l!c \\'UL:LlJ la ke '\.o buy !st ll.ll<l 2nd Tru8t Del'dlL Call Har. 2326 •8Uc OPEN FOR JNS PP:CTION SAT & ST':<:. AFl~:RNOON. 601 r ullnlon Avt, Npt. Ht.a. 74tfc !l:EWl"ltP.1' HAY front.Aire -f ()O fl •·n h11y. r111rllal!y 1rnprovl'<1 \\II h indllx11 1111 bl<I~~. \.\'Ill lf'llA• nr 11• II Wn t" !'vtr !'>1ni:"r, 2110 So. Brvrt 1.Y llrt\'" n "''"rly 1-1111, ifl•·~I South Laguna lot 6fl'x 121)', oC'rl\n •1dr r,f ll1i;l1w11v. v.nn" R-1 S ~ '"•h l11v ,, ~;d"" hv nwnrr, llitrh-1r 11!•7 ·.I •flu l.1· :illrr 1 r t1 72pR• GZ-~al F.Mt.a~ 62-~al F.f'tate ------------------------~---- Open House-Sun., July 17th-1-5 only 2215 Pacific Drive, Corona del Mar MAKE THIS o:-.;F: YOl 'H PENTHOU~'5E IN THE SKY Thi!-\ home actually affords t hr moHt <•Ut f't;rntfrn~ \'leW In the entire Harbor area. -and tnrl11 r yr.u t'f\n buy it for leRft than actual co11t. Lrt 1111 11hnw yriu th111 large 3 bdrm near new homr anti v11u'll a~rt>" that ft cannot be duplicatP<i for the A11k1ng pnc·" nf M~.000 THE VOGEL CO. 3201 West Cout Hwy., Npt. Reh. Lf ~-3481 ,AGE 6 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Gt-Real FAtat. MONDAY, JULY 18, 1955 Lido Nord Bayf ront Here ia 50' of the finest land on Lido. Av&ilnble with & 4 yr. old 4 BR., 4 bath home. The living room . . Houston Values ~. 62-RMJ FAtat~ 62.-RHI f:°'t&t~ 6'!-RHI l"..ati't.-----------------.. ---------~ ------------------------ BILL'S BEST BUYS t-=~-==-===--=-=..._~.-1~• - J ..... fireplace, large breakfast room, bar or butlers pan· try oft the modern kitchen. New pier & slip and o(. fered for just under replacement coat at $125,000. Bayfront-Lido Near Golf Course WELL Built 2 B. R. home only 3 yra. old. All lar&'e nna., hwd. tlra. dble. &'&r. Nicely landac. la renced. Aikin&' •12.000. 8ee this, make orrer. Three It: Four Bedroom homes. Garba(e diapoaala, exha~t fans, u h cabinet.a. two bat hs, large double garagea on 1ome. F. P. $9375 to $10.695 -$375 down Ir up. Bayshores -$5,000 Down ADORABLE RANCH HOUSE An exceptional home in every way -Thia 3 B.R. & Den home has three baths, a lovely covered patio, a new pier & finger slip and many other featurea found only in a home that wu quality built just · Eve. Inc. on a bove PETlTIE. l..1 8-:H87. 3 BEDROOMS -$10,750 Top location on Magnolia between Tustin It Irvine_ IMMACULATE INSIDE It OUT. Obie. garage; Paved alley: Spaciout cloaeta: Parquet floors: AND HlS 000 ..• Around '1 acu, completely fenced-corra.I. kennel•, PLUS larr• mooem 2 bdrm. It den home with an lhe trimmlnp Incl. wall to waJI C'ar· pet111r, ma11lve fireplace, fon:ed air htat , atp. patio -a real Rancho tor only 09.800! Hurry on thla one! t Near the Balboa Bay Club) 11:.: yeartt ago. Priced to seU at $64,750. Just Listed . 3 B. R., 2 bath home completely furnished. Dish· washer, disposal & lovely alumpstone corner fire· place are a few of the attractive feature. in this 2 yr. old home. Well located near the clubhouae and Immediate possession may be arranged. $28,500 - A Lido Value. Lido Lots 52• Lo[ for JUS :SO' Corner St. to St., $15,750 - Two 35' Lota side by aide. $19,000 takes them both. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch., Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Liberty 8-5297 Upper Bay Area CALL FOR APP'T. TO SEE 484 -21st STREET LOVELY 3 bedroom, 2 bath with. a wonderful roomy yard, well land- scaped and planted. • . DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specialist" Use Our Free Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 4718 ... OCEAN FRONT HOME 6510 OCEAN F'RONT 4 bdrm. 2 bath lge. living rm. with fireplace. Also family rm. with bar. etc. This beautiful home is of brick construction & can easily be converted to duplex. Excellent view from all r ooms. Large glasi;ed in patio with Bar-B-que. Completely furn. including W. W. carpeting. 2 TVs .. washer. drier & freezer. 2 car garage. Owner anxious. $32,500. S_ub· mil low <!own Payment. E .Z. Terms. DELUXE APT~ HOTEL .8 . 1 bdrm. plus 2 sturlios, gross income $17,000 to $18.000 yearly large net plus owners apartment. 251 r down. EZ term11. Best location, d ose to beach 11.nci shopA. J. M. MILLER co. 2025 Balboa Bl\'d., Npt. Bch. Har. 4091 Balboa . lslana -VOGEL VALUES I'll BE LOVING YOU-ALWAYS- That 1s what BEACH HOMES are saying to Lots or people. Be sure. come in . and m\•estigate our wi!)e selection. Chou!le th<' are:i that is Best. All Year Around. Average pr1ccs range $15.750. Sl'i.000. $17,950. • $18.750. $23.000. S27.500. $28,500. $39.500. 553,500 .. We can usually arrange trrms to suit. THE VOGEL CO. • 208 Manne Ave .. Balboa Island Harbor 444 NEXT TO THE Post Office CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INCOME -· 4 furnished uruta:· l bdrm. each. No \'acancies in O\'t'r a year. Rent ia $65 each. Gross $2760. Clean property. $6000 takea. Reduced to St9.950. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pathway to little Corona beach, S25,500. M-1 Site ON Pl1.centl1. Ave. A beauUl ul cor. 190x290 to 20' a lley. Al-o Hx.476 ror 117.600, Only 29....,, dn. I.I'd b&I. EZ. Eve. Int. on abov~ LYTI..E. l..1 8· 2M2. Houston Realty Co. la ASSOCIATES 609 Ct'nter St. Co•t& Men Ll 8·8911 LI 1·77M Sewers. A 2 BDRM. CUTIE Near markets, bus and school. Good tenna can be arranged with $1750 down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR. ''you'll like our friendly aervice" 393 E. 17th St., Coeta Meaa Llberty 8-1139 Two Fireplaces lN THIS BRAND NEW 2 bdrm. and den. 2 bath home with built· In kitchen, hdwrt, floora, tOU<'h· plate circuit•-• larre t"uttom built home cloae In a.nd PR1CED RIGHT a t $18.600 with excellent termt- $2,800 · Down Wll.L BUY thta nurly new, 3 bdrm., 111 bath modern homt with fireplace, torcf'd air heat. r•• o. dll1poaal, bar kltchtn, dbl. It's not very often that you get an opportunity tn buy a cozy httle 2 bdrm. home like thi1 one in Beau· tiful Bayshores. ShaJ<e roof. large raised hearth tire- plact', lovely enclosed patio. Double gara~e. eto. hll price ill only 22.500. Call for appointment . TRY AND COMPARE THIS ONE IN CORONA DEL MAR We have just listed an ex ceptionally nJoe I bdrm. home on lovely Orchid Ave. (The bdnna. are large). It alao has a fireplace and Iota or tile In kitchen and bitthl"oom. There is a double 'garage on a pavtd al· Tey 1u'id errctostd yard. Our exchnrive Hiiling prlc• of -ttotrfSLAND B~ulltul 3 bedroom home with 2 bath•. Fireplace, Dl1hw1.1ht"r, Garbage Dl11po11al. wired tor Electric Ran&'t, Land1c1.ptd, Ap· prox. 2 '11 yHTd old. Located on Plano Lido. Thia 11 a top quality home. See thla. VOGEL VALUES ga.r. on l'l&'x203' lot--a. rH.I ottr- J_•ln at juat ~,900. $2,000 Down 3 BDRM .. hdwd. floore. dbl, &'•r .. c~olce neighborhood on Eutalde. ~t u1 ahow you thru thla buy' --on!)' Sl.2.500 with a g,ooci~C.. loan and payment• of only $87.50 per month makes thia truly an outatand.. ing buy .... COSTA MESA NEWPORT HEIGHTS Very nice, clean, 2 bedroom home -H W floora, furnace heat, tile in kitch. It: bath, large living room, nice breakfut area, aervice porch, walled yard, dbl. garage, 12'xH' utility building. Only $13,375 - Bay & Beach Realty J8H Newport Blvd. Co•ta Meaa. Cam . Liberty 8-1181 Evu. U 1·3168 MARGUERITE A VE., CORONA DEL MAR Owner leaving town. Ju.st listed thia modern inrome unit. (only 5 yrs. oldl. Walking distance to at.orea and transportation. BE SURE TO SEE THIS! Full pricH13,500 with term• to aell fut (Exclusive Listing). ' Brdroom1, 2 be.th•. ju•t I monlha old. J~ 11q. ft. nice comer lot. Full price $12.960. Good Lerma. euy tef"!11•· COSTA MESA BACK BAY Harbor 2042-Harbor 2042-Harbor 2042 COSTA MESA SIOOO buya a nice 2 bedroom hflme, that 11 just 2 blO<'u from lha propo1ed A ll American 1hopplng center. Thi• 11 a &'ood home. Be 11ure lo af't thl1. term• can be a rranged. WE NE~D USTlNGSi... II ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1666 Newport Blvd. Co1ta Men. Calif. LI 8-3792 $10,000 Full Price BEAUTJFt;I.. 1aragt apt. jn Co· rona del Mar. <.:ornrr lot, 1lu 30xll8. R·2 zont. Room tor 2nd unit. Contact Russ Patch KI 7-4406 or • real .jiome -3 nice bedroom a, HW floors, 1unny dining area looks out Of'\ covered patio with BBQ. Tile in kitcb. It: bath, furnace. Nice cyclone-fenced corner lot near Country Club. Be 1ure It tee thia - only $13,000. 4 'ih G. I. Loan. BALB-OA Lovely 4 bedroom home in choice reaidential area. Very e.xpenslve W/W carpeting & custom drapes a b.r .. 2 bath, xlnt. loc. 18.~. LIDO { 3 b r. la rumpua room. dbl. lot, well Ian~. IJ•· So, patio 3&;000. Waterfro.n l, 3 b.r.1 } bath Aaklng . . 58.~oo. 3 B. R. la dtn. I bath.I plua apa· cioua gar. apt. on 4'0' lot. WW carpet. built In kitchen. Good patio. A barraln at S39.~. LEMON HEIGHTS ' New 2 b.r .. 2 bath. plu• family room. 2 flreplacta. bar, large lot-buuty 20,730. . throughout. Lg. kitch . with disp., diahwaaher It: space for auto. laundry & deep freeze. FA furnace. 2 aundecka. Locker rooma. Drying yard. One of the nice.st homea in the area. Low, low price of $29,500 -good terms. , CORONA DEL MAR THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 17'1. Har. 1477 3 b.r. It rumpu1 room, h1ll1idt , view . 27.~00 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Coaat Hwy. l..1 8·•277 Hubor 4383 evea. & weekends With Arch --Balcom & Associates NEWPORT BEACH INCOME LIDO ISLE o DORMS, 2 batha. 66 ft. loL Fam· lly homl'. Hx.25 living room "'Ith Cliff Raven 801 w. 17th St . Santa Ana Costa Mesa BEAUTIFl'I.. 3 bedroom houal', aurro11nllell by nl'w homu , not far rrom b11Alne1111 district and bus. Large lot. only Sl 1,000. Gt!. flnanr ing . Drlvl' by 226 Cottage Place. lhtn au ua. M111t tple Lhling N: B. C. REAL TY HERE JS on• of lhe but paylnr pleeea or Income properly here. It• on Balboa Blvd, -and all freahly decorattd. Rea.dy for lhe aummer bu1lnu1. 4-Stngle A pll! ~Double Apll. 2-Sln&le Room11 9 -Garage Spacu LET US SHOW THIS TO YOU S9•,llOO with ttrrT\I utra lu ge ~t~ 2080 iq. ltl'l. 1 FIRST TIME OFFERED -Don't 1 ' I JU.t dnve by 401 Pirate Road. --= You can't aee the 3 good-111.1' HERE IS ANOTliER 3 BDRM.. bdrms_, Ctnrt d gardt!", or the 2 bath Provincial tYpl' on oom er, 4' 1 0 I loan !mm tht' 31rrrt' quiet alreet -hu dl•pcaal. dt.h· Full price Sl5.600. wuhtr. carpet. la drapea-ont or t hl' nicer homu-not too bl& t ither S33.600 JUST U STED 60 rt. corner lot. on l'Xcellent atreet. Corona del Mar AN INVl1ATION to ltt lhf' r1nl'lt TRIPLEX. So. or Hwy. 30• Mar- guerite hu a aound prtre and a aolld Income lo carry It. Compare Balboa 32nd & Nrwporl Blvd., Npt. Bch. ALSO -On Lido Isle Wt have an CHARMING 2 bdrm. houae rlllf'd with rare poaalblltlle1-ready tor the right family to occupy - overalztd p11.t10 wonderful tor children anti adult entertalnln1- nlcfly tum111hed. On 45 foot lol, EXPECT T O BE E NVIEU with 1. 62' lot, a "fi"lower·Shuw" patio and the moat plu1111nt 3 bdrm. 2 bath home on the Pflnln1ula Aikin( $29.500. Ha.rbor H OS TRADE 160' on Nrw port Blvd .. dO\lo'ntown Coi1ta Meu. Wiii tradt, will ••· aumt. This property la dear. W•nl tnrnme or commtrclal. Submit ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1&:>7 Newport, C011ta Me~a LI 8-1632 Eve. LI 8·6803 NICE 3 bdrm. hnml', t yr old, w to w c•rpellng, fenced yud. <:00tl C<tn•hllon, S 10,1100. Good term.i Owntr, Bertha Vinsun. 226 ·nttaitt Plare. Costa Meu. 76p84 PRJCED TO SELL TWO l'EW MODERN Trlplexu. 1900 Haven PJac·e, Npt. liearh. I.I 11-4322. 77r79 LIDO ISLE 3~ rr. l..OT. PRICE s 10.SOO ALSO c<imfortable 2 bdrm. home, f1rtplact. Incl. ~arpet11 .. drapu. On St. to St. lot. S20,SOO. term• . P hone ownrr, H11rbor 4123. 78p79 C01'STRUCTION YOt:R HOME or ruldtnttl.l in· rnme bu1ld1ng ahould not co!l over S6 pf'r 1q. ti. Financing to 100 ,..,_ Har. 3371 78c80 ' LOT COR:'\ER, home hu 2 ~­ nn11 , 12x2' 114'n. 18x31 L. R. 12xl3 entry .. l0x30 lanal, new- ly built. Flnf'ly l11.nd1caped Kar· ;lens and ra.mlly orch.,rd 2 t1rf'placn la F .A. heat. Fenced. Property un bl' bullt up with 3 rentai. without 1po1llnl' prt· vacy. 135,000. Uo&.n e<>mm1tt· mtnt •18 ~ .Owner. M. V\'r-- tr~e11 420 Goldenrod, Corona. dl'I Mar Har. ~98l·R i2c84 apt. houae with '-Single ApU. 1-Do\Jble Apt. with Y P. $59.500 ONl..Y $22.300. BAY & BEACH -Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport. Har. 3643-Har. 2~ Evea. CORONA DEL MAR C-1 LOT on corner, bl<tg. hae 2 offices, heart of Corona del Mar, priced to sell at $17,500. SO,, OF HWY .. R-2 lot only $4500. 3 B. R., BATli and :i~ available on year lease. im- mediate occupancy. Small 2 B. R. home, excellent condition. 8 years young, full price $12,000. G. I. Loan. RAY REALTY co. 3444 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 Gold Nugget CORONA DEL MAR. 2 bdrm. & den. plus guest cottage. Soutl'P of Highway, $14.250. ~·acant. We have the key. OSBORNE 2323 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach REALTY CO. (at Port Orange) LI 8· 7562, Har. 5154 eves. NEWPORT HTS.-COST A MESA Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 280• Newport Blvd • Npt. Beet•h Euy Parkin( Harbor 4610 NEAR CITY HALL 3 UNITS. 2 loll. Income U83 mo 2 block• to ocu n. and can bu111! one more unit '16.:100. t"' ms 45' WATER FRONTAOE. Pier. float la boal, Plua beach cott~e SH.~. term•. WATERFRO~T, pier and n oat. 1 br. Uke new, but location. 118.500, term•. Homer E. Shafer REAi.. TOR toe McFa.llden Place at Nt'WJl()rl PIH Har. 14-0 Eve. Har. 1137-M BEACH LOT R·2 zone, largt buch lot. •1 block to 111rf. Buy today, -enjoy for- ever. $2500. Submit aome terma. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 Newport, CoAta Mf'Aa l..1 1-1832 Eve. LJ 8·8803 C-1 Property AT OORNER ot 19th and Piii· cenlla., with J bednn. houae and sma ll atore. l!!UBMIT n chancu, Ca ll Llberty 1·1:191 60tfc SHOR.IC CUFP-8. Excellent ocean view wlUI all d.el&ill for & fine home. Priced to 1111, R.anch type • rm1 , 2 bat ha. 1. real 1urprl•" '. ' l . 2. Frank James-Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B. Russ -R. W. Rayle - Chas. Travi1 Associates 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 BALBOA ISLAND'S BEST BAY FRONT VALUES ON THE SOUTH BAY Gradous large home on 2 lots with view from every window, 4 B.R. 3 bath plus ma1d11 qrtrs. Huge den, 2 firepl., pier & slip, $30.000 down. ~ODERN furnished duplex -2 B.R. each. Excel· lent investment. $36.000 full price. CUTE furnished 2 B. R. cottage with aJJ modern convenienct's and patio. Room to build m front. $31 .500. ON EAST BAY Spacious 4 B.R. 2 bath home with 60' of beach, pier &. fl oat. Tu qualified buyer S25,000 down. LARGE 3 B.R. home with very attractive apt., pa- tio with BBQ. p1t'r and float. Offcren at $68,500. ON NORTH BAY Modern 2 B. R. home plus i-mart apt. with view Both furnished. SJ~.500. LARGE 2 story furn. 4 B.R. home - close to Vil· Inge, Offered at $·11,500. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marin(' Ave .. Ba lboa Island. Har. 4781 CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOU. ·E DA ILY 1 to 5 .JI Riviera. Corona H1ghlan<ls 3 Bedrooms. 1 • 1 baths. Forced air heat, Hwd. flooni, lot.s of tilt and many other features. Outst.andm~ new of Ocean <1nd hills. Will comuder a trade. CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 Bedruom, 11.: bal hs. hwd. floors. fo rcC'd air heal, nr wly painted & parwred, Lovely patio and a p<'r· manent 0<'ran nC'w. Op<.'n H oul"" Datly. -520 IJt" Ania. REN1'AL.~ NEEDE::U GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder (;('II llaban . B1)b <:1•1'\":llS. Pat rutt1snn . Vick Hilliard 3024 E. Coa1't Hwy .. Corwrn dt•l !\far. Har. 5033 & 5032 ISLAND • • • • • • 'I'wo bdrm. house. la1 gr ll\'l ng r11om. f1rf placr anri siunny pal111. Completely ('rt\'ale 1 t>rlrm . apt m·rr 2 <'<Ir ~;iragr. Excellent location. bot h unit~ Mmplrtel~· f11rntRhcr1. F ull Price S22.500 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And As!iociatcs Park at Manne. Balbc.a Island -H:irb<>r 2'162 NEWPORT HEIGHTS SEE US for BEACON BAY an~ BA YSH ORES propertiea. Har. 1775 -E\'es. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-6222 Commrc'I bayfront J ohn Macnab, Harbor 53.59. BRAND NEW 4 bdrma. 2 bath home. W to W car- pet. Thia home baa everything. Immediate Po1&e11· 0 . H. LATHROP, 38311 Ii:. Cout Hlrhway . Har. llU2 avN M80. 78c80 .N<-wlv (Jecorat<'d 3 b<l rm. h1m11· -""pac1tiu11 lr1t - dble. ·~arage -~arbnJ:!e diflp'1fl1t l ·-:nn w1 r111~ - fenced yard -f1r•·pl -.. j(J fn•1 payi; int .. p1 ind· pal. taxes on 4'• lst. T fl 11f ~"iflil. M11vc 1n nhw \\'Ith ~2000 d<1Wll. EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Manne An .. Balboa Island 75c80 APPROX. i 6 ft., lncludea rnarlne way•. boat ahnp. moonnr;1. Ex· ct lltnt Nl'wport loca uon. S&,000 -ruu prict . Write owner. r. 0 . Box tl 7. BaJ· boa, C'&llf. ap84 ) aion. S12,800 Term1. -Can bt aeen anytime. 336 Ramona Place or oall Liberty 8-71n&. ' 77c79 2 OF' THI: CHOICEST LOTS lfJ!t on Udo. 40 ft. on Genoa la 60 ft. R.J on Udo Soud. Cl.II Mr• Edith A.hnna, Har. 0191 or wnte 111'1 Via l a.n Remo., 73~7 THt VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hw~ , N pt . Rrh I • ' ... r • ft-Real Estate 62-Rut Estate 'C" THOM.AS "C" THOM.AS "C'~ THOMAS "C" 1110!4.AS BAYSHORES Open Daily 1 2471 Bayshore to 5 Drive 6Z-Rea1 Eatate p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle BALBOA ISLAND . . " Your dream homeoti LIDO ISLE? Shore Cliff Lot HERE IT IS -Bay view. 2 unit•. 4 bedrm. home, 1 bdrm. apt., home It apt. have view of bay. Shel- MOVE right into this sparkling brand new 3 bdrm. Could be -and what a beautiful dream·! One of t he One of the few remainini level, view lot.I In thl1 ex· t~ patio. Quality construl'tion. Apt. furn111tied. 2~~~meonBAYSHORE DR~wi~~~~~ mo~e~it~gm~unhom~ooL~o.~~~td~e~-~~-~c~lu~·~~~e~d~~~trl~c~l~-~1~~-----------4-~~~~~rl~~~~~~rl~~~~~~~---~ unobsfructea view of bay. PRICED at $29:.;.. • ..;....750.;.,;..,,;wi.-.t_h;___.__~s1-gn-w~,ith 4. l:Xfnn.e. ana 2 baths, on l ~~ Iota, giving Let Dave Osburn show you. tonditlon. $10.000 down. Own('r will carry balancf' for' qualified buyer. LOW down payment. a good ai:zed enclo.ed patio. Fully carpeted. Tbel"- i~ mador oven ali<f range, diapoul, alidtng glaN doors Newport Heights View Home Pr,cY.caUy new 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home. D.rivA..hy 243 Ocean View Ave. Then call Bill FarnawQrth and let hlm ei~r< th~ attractive terms that can be ar· ranged on the price of $25,500. to patio, uh cabinets. Formica counters. It'• a spa-CHOICEST BA YFRONT BUYS oft~N HOUSE ~ATURDAY & SUN 1 5 -cloua home...~ !amily will love. re ~ -• -The price -$36,500 and excell•nt term•. . AY FR()N!f-HOUS:S lt-!\PT., ~o. Bey~utilul beach. $10,000 down, balance eu~---. 2580 Crestview Dr., Bayshores DISTJNCI'IVE RANCH STYLE home, paneled liv. room, entry hall, raised hearth, prize winning ~it· chen, 3 lge. bedrooms, 2 tile baths, beautiful patio, w to w carpeting and parquet noons, custom drap- eriea, lge. cor. lot -$38.250. CORONA HIGHLANDS UNUSUALLY nice 3 bdrm. home with circular floor plan, rear liv. room, venetian blinds, hdwd. Ooors, fireplace, lovely patio, fenced -Excellent wancing with 5"~ loa.o payable $84.60 -J*r mo. ONLY $2_2,500. ' CLIFF HAVEN 3 bedroom, 60 ft. lot, w to w carpeting, drapes, hwd. noons, fireplace. rdwd. fence. immaculate condition, .fC'l'o loan, good terms. ASKING PRICE $16,500 and Worth It ! "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 °C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Corona del Mar Bargains 1. $1500 DOWN Prime location 1 blk. from ocean front. Large 2 bedrm. garage apartment. PLUS Bachelor a pt. Both fully f urn. Room for home on front of lot. 2. BALBOA BAY SHORES Four bedrm. 2 bath home. Lge. living room, fire· place, BBQ & paved patio. 100 yards to prh•ate beach. Exclusive reaidentJal area. $29,500 !lrm. $ J 0,000 down. 3. HILL & OCEAN VIEW 3 bcdrm. new. corner , 2 bath~. Ranch home. Beau- _taful. Exclus1\•,e with us. S28.500. Low down. · • 4. REDWOOD BEACH HOME Cute. sound. clean. 2 bedrm., Lge. living rOOll\. kit- chen & dining area open onto paved patio. SlJ.250 furnished. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy.. Corona del Mar. Har. 47 !Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Attention! Do You Want One of The Show Places in Cliff Haven at Below Reproduction Cost? 1. Custom built 3 lge. bdrm&. It 2 baths. 2. Rustic Living Room & OC'n opening on beauU· ful king t1iZ<' patio, 3. Over $2500 in pro fessional landsC'aping. 4. Its a br11utiful quality home on a prize comer. :5. This is not a profit seeking resale. but a legita· forced 1!81<'. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 West Coast Highway. Newport Beach Liberty 8-34FU En•s. LI 8-1421 -LI 8·1646 BALBOA ISLAND Immediate possession 1 or 2 years lease ALL ON LIDO ISLE 1. 3 bdrm. 2 bath. fine home, carpeting~ draPerie. $200 a mo. unfurn. ' 2. Bayfront 3bedrm. 2 bath apt.. carpeting Ir dra· perie8, stove & refrig., $250 a mo. unfum. 3. 1 bcdrm. furn. apt. $125 a mo. 1. 2 bedrm. f~11pt. $150 a mo. Shorecliff Ocean View Home Thia ia an ouut&odingl'y beautiful Early American Home. The room• are unusually large and decorated to perfection. Completely landscaped and room left tor a pool. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. A.ek for Kincaid when calling, plea.ae. BA YFRONT, LI'M'LE ISLAND -60 ft. bay front· age, pier & float. 4 bdrms. Superior construction. A good buy! DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luxury home and income. $6:5.000. WATERFRONT -2 auperior unlu. 3 bdrm., l ~ baths, fireplace DOWN: 2 bdrms. 2 bathe UP. Bay view fr,om upper de.ck. $45,000. Submit down. ISLAND COTl'AGE -Dble. garage. Fireplace. Reduced tor quick sale! 4 BDRMS., 2-'11 baths. New furniture. North Bay p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management -~a lido, harl>or 1~ p. a. palmer incorporated ole h·anson co., sales management- -1'100-w. l:ourhtg'bway -tiei'ty-s:SS'T3 i---1"ll't66!rinf;-"Shows uee!AeftHneeme.-$24-,~1..------~-~ Bargain -Bargain Undoubtedly t.he beJ!l buy In a home In f'ofita Mesa. Different --Attractive -3 bedroome - ~udwood n oor -large llYlnr room -fireplace -two car garage On ~1st1!1dt of Town nrar'lrvtne. C<1mpare this houee fl)r va.lu~ with 11ny othfor home In town. Oood terma. It'• alllO carpeted. Full price -$12.600. Close in-3 Bdrm. Here·11 a nl~ .. l hrt'e bedroom home that 1s cmly cnt' year old. At- t rac-tlvl' llnu -H1111 attached two Nr garage, Hiu·dwO<Xi tloor11 -llk.-itble flreplal'e -carpeted ttvtng-rO<lln Back yard com- pl .. tely ftncell. Nicely landacaped with sprinkling t.ystl'm. Look In· to Ul111 ••• tt"11 alright for only $12.~00 Watch for our First in America Home nearing completion Phil Sullivan & George Everson JSM Newport Blvd .. Coel& Mua (Ac:roH from Coata Meaa Bank) Phone LJ'berty 8-8781 Evcl'!. Har. 4:166 -LI 8·2103 Open House Daily-1-4 P.M. 112 Jade BALBOA ISLAND -LITTLE ISLAND Income High! Bank B&lan~ Low! Owner ot this unusual Ellerbroek built 4 B. R., 3 bath home on Little ltland will aell on term.a to auit qualified buyen budget. BALBOA PENINSULA EXCLUS~ -Fim Time Offered. New England Cottage Completely Furnished 3 B. R. & Oen, 2 baths, Forced Air Heat. $25,000 -Terms. Bay Ave. Income 3 Units -Completely Furniahed. $5000 will handle. ,also 2 Units -Bay Ave. $6500 'nown. Completely book· ed for summer rentala. BALBOA Ocean Front Home le Income near Catholic Church -2 B. R. Home, fireplace, patio -Plwi -Two 2 B. R. Apartmenta completely rented for aummer. CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE -VIEW ! ! SAT. le SUN. 1 to• P.M. 3104 Ocean Blvd. Peninsula Home 4 Bedrooms! DOCTOR"S R OM'E. CUl In price to $30,600 for quick acUon. 4 bdrme . 2 batha. On 2 lge. comer Iota. Nicely landkaped. wa lled yard, badminton court. Bnutltul cupeUng a nd dnipea Included. Terms. Bay Front Duplex! BALBOA LOCATION. 2 Mdroom1 each unit. F'Uml.&hed. 3 car gar. age. Fireplaces. l'Undeck1 and pll'r. Netds a llttle flxln' but the la1t of lht Bay front.a near I.he prl~. 137,000, term1. Balboa Income and Stores! CONCRETE BLOCK. PLASTER· ED, 2 STORY BLDG. Downtown loca tion. • retldenllaJ incom• unit.a and two buelne.. rentai. v ound floor. Parking areL Only 6 yfars old. Present rnrome $280 month C\ln be lncreued. S23,~00. tcrmll. Beach Home! J UST ' DOOIU!I FROM THI: OCEAN. Dandy 2 bl1room home. Jruml•hed. Garage. too. S. •ure and 11ee thla one a l $1t,~. Onl;y $t000 down. Cottage uea r South Bay. 3 bdrma .. 1 1 ':! baths, n,... place, large living room. Attractive patio. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay - 2 bdrm. houae 4' t bdrm. apt. Beamed ceilings. A little paint will do worrdera. $5000 down -$22.500. DESIRABLE 4 bdrm. multi-1>allr home. Ooee to beach, $26,000. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propert!es. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt U222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Three Huge Moving vans • • • ... PULLED in ABREAST of the 75 feet of North Bayfront (Lido Isle) early Monday morning of thia week. SEVERAL specially trained uniformed movers ef. flcently and carefully packaged and removed 10 rooms of priceless poaeeesiefle. By late afternoon the caravan waa on ita way north. THE ELDERLY METICULOUS LADY rem.alned . only long enough to aay goodbye and to give ua the key to the lovely home which ahe painstakingly had bwlt for herself in 1952. Balboa Cottage! . . . • CLIFF HAVEN Owneni moving inland. &autiful 3 B. R. and Den · • , home. See thia one! Your H0j5teaa -H. Baum. oN EAST BAY AVENUr.. cioi e This Exceptional Home and Income w to.wn. ane bodJ'OOm p1ua ,1a .. 1Can Now Be Inspected for the FffiS'P TIME led·ln tront rorch. Slcer11 l lX. Ideal b,.ach hon·"· Splf'ndld con· dlllon. $12,500. $:i000 down. Three bN1room. 2 b:lth. hwd nra . luge '1hl. l:B rBJ:I'. F.lect TheT·· mst1nr kllrhtn. Rnnm for l!Wlm· ming pM I \'l<'w nf ocean and hill•. $29 :'>00. term ... Balboa Peninsula Fnur brdr11om. 3 bath, 2 tlrtplaru CO<K1 family home. Only $2~.· 1100 fuml&hf't1. WE ALSO hll\ID U C't>llt'nl buy~ In b each cotta~,.~ pc>rmftnent Newport Heights-Exclusive 3 B. R. Home on St. Jame. Rd. G. I. Loan, low monlhly payments. Priced to sell quickly at $14,500. Newport Island HOME AND INCOME. 2 B. R. house, with 1 B. R. Apt. (never \"acant ). Both neat u a pin. $16,500. -Good financing. BAY and BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., BaJboa Calif. Har. 1264 homu A 1nrr>me property. ------ Coast Properties 301 E . Bal~" Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 26:'>8, 2r.i97 and '4600. OPEN HOUSES Daily 10-5 :30 p.m. Corner Walnut A JUymond Bc-twn•n ~Rnta Ana &: TuJ1tln Ar1•a :-\n nr 19th St. -New & Beautiful TliE Jl'E\VEST cl moel a ttrftctlve 3 BR . 2 bftth homes In town· Hwrl !Ir!< . 11hftke rl . F A heat, flr<'p l . lilt K. Ir B. W ide-oven OPEN HOUSE 4 78 E . 21st St., Costa Mesa Sat. and Sun. afternoons. Shown anytime by appointment. RAMBLING RANCH style 2 bdrm. and Den home 2 yrs. old "lith fireplace, 2 baths, dbl. gar., aervlce rm., picture windows and lar~e patio, on 60'x150' lot near Back Bay. Priced at $21,000 with terms. Owner ia anxiowi. See iL W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service"' '893 E. 17th it., Costa Me11a Liberty 8-1139 W1·iotgh built In oven A rani:e. ------ F:l'rl E. ,.hie IO<" F.H.A. term• can bl! ur31\1te11. Hurry on thc-~r. Only " few ldt to ,.hooee from. A rl'al lluy 11t $1:'>.:>00 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lo t-. Balboa R-3 Lots! ll of them. 11ldt by 11lde. Close tn t own on Balbotl Blvd. U9,500 for all three. • I (Exclusive Listing) Price -$100,000. LIDO REALTY Balboa Realfy Co. 3400 Oppotlite Bank of Amerl('g • ASSOCIATES Lido Harbor 4444 Via RON Greelty (across from Richard's Market entrance) Al Comellu11 Ed ~· ----------------------J&<:k Plnkhllm Jo1ephlne Wtbb 700 F.. Balboa Blvd , Dalbo& P hone Harbor 3277. Vets $565 down PLUS JMPOtJNPS US!l YOUR OJ. LOAN on 4 yr. olt1. 3 bdrm., dble. prage. ft>nc• ed. Wondt'rful paUo It laundry, yard. Garbage dl11poaal. All freahly paJnttd. Nor Upper Back Bay 2372,Pallaadu Rd., Santa Ana Phone Kl 6·2693. &Otte Lake Arrowhead NEW HOl"SE -Fum1shed. 11lct~ 10 Re1twooc1 11lc11ng. lge. hvini: rm. with hralalllll'r In fireplace. BAY FRONT-OPEN Balboa Isle's Best ' HOUSE Buy 522 So. Bay Front <Corner ot Topu) F. P. $31 ,500, Excellent Terma $1 ,000 Dn.--F.P. $6,950. Partly furnished Beach House, West Newport. Two blocks from ocean front, ._ FOUR FURNISHED UNITS; only $16,750. $5000 dn. I house off B11y Front, 2 blocks from Fun Zone. ART C. KISTLER co. kitchen. bedroom &. baU1. Hea ,•y 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Brarh. Har. 5226 beam• in celling lhruout. La.rge ---------------------- T8c80 ONLY COMPLETE VIEW FEE LOT BACK BAY Fee !-i1mpl<' lots arc ecart'c. Wr ha,·e.. a beauty. 12!5 ft. on Bay by 165 ft. deep. Priced right at $1 5,000, SEE WHAT WE FOt..fND! 2 bdrm. DOLL HOUSE comp'I furn. Beaut. patio. step t o Bay. YOU'LL LOVE IT! $22.500. Good Terms. · Houston Realty Co. $11,100 1undeck. l"ratall'!I 2 BR. alcove It bath. 2 rar gar , lndry room .tt atonige rm. Wall heater• In f'\'rr~· rm llou11.-fully lm111lalt'd. All Yt'Ar rtl'l"tlllllbll'. !cw mlnutt~ walking distance from lakt--i,., mile W. of \•llla~e on Lake Edge Road. Lot l'\o. 63 $22 MO Sorf'nl'On. AT 6·12116 or SY 4·~324 711p&O Call Mrs Ebeling -Llbcrty 8-6373 I CORONA DEL MAR WA~ A BARGAIN ? Lon-ly 2 bdnn. CUSTOM bit. home. Lge. Ii\'. rm .. huge frpl. F. A. heat. dining room. closeta galore. beaut. patio. OWNER BEING TRANSFERRED -ANXIOUS. $18.000. Xlnt. terma if de11ired. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marint A ,.e .. Balboa I!!land. Harbor 502 Real Cool LIDO WATERFRO:'\T pirr & slip. 3 bdn:ns., 3 baths. Clean as a pin. 1mmed1nte on-upuncy. $55,000. Sell or tradE' OSBORNE 2323 W, Coai:t Hw\". Newport Bl'nch . REALTY CO. l 111t Port Orange) LI · i562. Har. 5154 eve&. :>09 Center SL Cost a Moa LI 8-6911 Ll 8·7i8-I ----Room to Breathe! ON LIDO. The largest Int ll'!l -i300 aq. fL on wtdt 1trt'tl. Plenty of room for LARGE home It swlmmlnr pool, with apa ce left over. Have approved bulldinf plane. WUI 1tll • not a.II cuh req. Down payment. Or will trade for home on Udo Broker• and princlpala call owntr at any hour, Harbt>r 4Z7 t. 76<:81 $7,950. New 3 bdrm., hwd. noor1. 283 Avocado, Co~I.& Mcaa. Phon~ Llbnty 8·780i . 12ttc F'l.'R:'\ISHEO duplex. 2 bf'drms. l'arh. F"1rrplace. Dbl. g11r11re. Ooo<l locatmn. eut aide Costa M t "'-. $17 000. LI 8·7281 72p84 LIDO, 123 \"la Genoa. new I bdrm. 2 bflth horn.-. l!:lt'ctric: atOTe 6 nnn, large lot. SacrUI~. Owner H&r. 6284. lf7c711 I 1l30 1q. tt., forced air heat, hlU"dwood tl<?Ors, fire· place. Real pluter. Large picture windows, natural hardwood cabinets. Phone for app'L t o see our model home&- MARSHALL HOMES 20 Years Building in Orange County . Klmberly 7 .3293 Liberty 8-4073 70C83H Corona del Mar Home of unuaual charm on beautiful Marguerite Ave. Sunny patio can be enjoyed from tlving room, kitchen and bedroom. Hwd. floors, beam cellinga. Fireplace. with wa.11 In aati.D·fl.hiab redwood panel· ling. 2 furnaces, dble. gar&19. A quality home I Immediate poueaalon. $H,MO. Keya at - ST AN SMITH, Realtor 2647 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Bar. 882 78c80 CLIFF HA VF.I': \'lEW LOT Beautiful Panl')rumll' vltw n( the Harbor. Lol ltllll!' for l'llt BALBOA C"O\"ES 120' on the wa tt'rfrnnl 'A Ith 11ta· wall • ..Lov,.Jy'" mO<l!'m homt w1lh large llv1ng ronm. tan .. 1 dining room, m n d ,. r n k1tchtn wllh l)ulltln range. flr!!place, patio with barbeque. lantl11c•r"d a.n'1 fenced. Price $39 oOO I CHARLES E. HART. Realtor 3420 W. Balboa 8 1\·d., :"pt. Beach 77cH 5 Acre Ranch 0:-l BAKER STREET CAU. tor det&.1111, l have the Jc,.ya. DAN JACOBSEN, Ll 8-8:117 ;ar79 BY OWNER Corona H11hJanda -I bdrm.. 1 bllt.h fa.rmhouM. Ph. Harbor 78-J T8tlo OCEAN FRONT Two adjoinliig lots 'i5 ft. frontage on Penln1mh1.. $15.500. 30x9!5 ft. oC'can front lot. cllJ~ in $7 ,9!'>0 Well locatc<l r rnmsula lot, 35x80, $ 10,500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. BaJboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Harh<'>r !'il~~ WHERE A LOT BUYS A LOT Seems like only yesterday t hat a little wnul<I buy a lot. but we just can't hardly gPt them Yf'i>tl'nlays no more. We have a couple rif lot11 hirld,.n away at tooays prices. better see them, might bf' JU!t what you want. But don't wait !or Tomorrow, To· morrow, NO Iota at any price. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodge, A11soc:iate 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar: Har. 277-l PAGE 8 • I PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDA"?, JUL y 18, I 9~5 CAR STRADDLES L.A. Girt l~i~r'd In Local Accident I I ii P.E. TRACKAGE Polk t wt re puuled Thur•· day b)' an abandoned car straddling" the Paclftc Ji:lectrlc trllck• at 31 st Sl. and Ba.I boa Blvd. No regutratlon wu found on t hl' car. 1 ., Offkere believed the e11r trle<t t o go over the track• stead or s olng a roun d to a thro11i;h street to get onto Bal-. boa Blvd. Btt11u11e t he car wu <111 th•• P. E right-of-way, pdva1e prope1'ty, IJOllCe could .J.l.IJ L Jll.U \'.e.Jl-£4 CJ.ilc. .Eke.L.ck..._ authorities were nolltlt d. ; \VHERE'S FEARLESS? Minor lnjune~ wert' pufJer f1l 1 ren~ently by John F'ayt Clement:s. I 12. ot Loa Angele11 wht'n the rar In which aht' wu nd1ng strurk two parked cars al Coast Hiit·h· way and Tualln Ave. She did not n~ hoapltali:iallon, but received tlrat ald. Angele.. driver of the rar. told poltCI lh•-mua.t han fallen n .leep. She ... Id lihe waa going wu t on Coallt Highway when she atrurk k parked car reg111ert<1 fo W1I· Ham 11111 McCormack of 1 Hl Stadtion -\Vay, Sant.--;;:nll, and then hit another parked car . rex · lsttred to Virginia Cole Newcomb or La Canada. Mesa Chief in Hub Cap Thieves Search for New Take 9 in Wave N~,ht Side Girl Over Weekend (.) l Hub cap ant.tcher1 were at work C:.:o~l• !'>le-t<a Police Chief Art on July 3 &nd t , according' to Jlld.;c.>nzi" rs faced with one of hla several reports turned Into police!. MAKE I lv1•ght"sl ' ... ~ei;, Thing:1 are so bad, Harry Bea.rdo ot Loa Angelea Heading up the s umm er activities for N ew port H arbor Yat'h t C lu b's you nger sail · h" s lh1nl..1ng 11f putung out a call said one hub cap wu takl!n from PLANS FOR SUMMER fur· I• ea.des:i Fos.ctick. hla car while parked acro111 the ing aet are t hese officers of the NHYC N on-Calms· F rom left : CommC>dore C'ra1g .\l• I<··nzi·· 1s seeking a g irl who street trom 400 E. Balboa Blvd. Cadwallader ; V ice-Commodore Bill Co ber ly: Secretary P e te Geib: Fl~t Captain Is u rapablr.> and dependable in Sunuay nlirht. Jim W armin on . T reasurer Jud i G reen was apparently bus . CQunting thl' club'i; tll!tJm>r~Tl~fnelf'Mi'ii. JO~~r-:ltra:--V~iniOii=·'Elilif':=olF'l~"'V~:-.-;~;:=.~:i!~~~-;;;~~:;;;;i~~-~i?-§-:=:-~i;.,;%:.~;;.;;~;::.:.:::::=~-~=--=::-~-::.:.:.-::_~~~=====--=:....===:..=:===:j wm Eth.Pl 1se ,-=er-illlc1ent di•· Yella aald ahe lo•t one hub cap m on ey whe n this g r o up got oge I l paicher and clerk-typlgl in the Sunday while parked in the New---------------------------------- Mesa polic·e department on lhe port Harbor Yacht Club lot and dny1111l1•. :-."ow Art needs a girl two hub capa Sunday night while with 81mllar quallflcallona tor the her car w .. ill front ot her rl!al- court. Once again Rupp"s pleas . Castle Faces were denied. bringing the cue up I Lincoln Clark Wini Air Force Promotion ntghls1dc. dence. ~n~•Y'• new ext'Cutlon date 11e l· 60-clay Sentence F EAF BASE, TOKYO Srl·nntl "AND so I SA ID JU DG:S-" Tweedle De. 4·1·::-m onth-old Y orkshire puppy recounts his ad\·enture in his fir st clog s ho w whe r e t h e diminut ive youngste r took best of b reC'd. H e is owned b y Mr. a nd Mrs K. S. F ic t inghoff of 2106 Serr ano St. and was raised by Mrs. Fietinghoff. -SW f Phot o Olher chanl(e11 hkve already laktn place in !he depart ment with promotion of two patrolmen to ~r.>rgeanl posts. The nt>w aergeanta are L. 0 . (Dean) Pollom and Merel N. Coe. Thi• gtvea the M- Corce f ive eergeant1, tour unltorm- l!d and one working lnveatlptlona, and 11 patrolmen. McKl!nzie re- port'... Four hub capa were taken from the car of John R. Winurbottom ot Alhambra wh ile It wu parked ln front ot 717 J'er!)le&.f Ave. be- twffn 12 :30 and 8 a.m. Monday. Mn . C. L. Jonea of 734 Poppy An . Mid two hub capa were ta.k· en from her car parked ill front between 9 :30 p .m. Sun'day and I a.m.. Monday, Rupp wu judged ·bjf t he jury to D k bav• been 1.ga11y aane when he on run Driving clubbed the irirl to death. The jury retu:med a tlrlt degrff murder ve.rdict ot (Wlty and made no re- commendation on the sentence. P LEADED INNOCENT On Aug. ~/ 19~2. Rupp pleaded lnnooent and innocent by reaaon of Inanity, HU attorney we.a Nick D. Meyer, public defender. Come L&bor [lay Orvin \'eme Cutle ot Long Beach !11 going to jail for 6-0 daya. BOTH UP A TREE llocal Youth Meyer arsued to the end that he ~·t permitted t-0 enter t eJ1t'· rnony to ahoW Rupp wun't aane. Fullerton .Man Kills Big /Booked in Hit-MORRISON SENTENCES RUPP Blac-k leatL-with Hand -Axe ~~~~~.~~ .. 2~!h !~~~~~i~~t~~ !'~ .. ~~, ... =~=~·· · Caatle already had t hree at .. ikea on him when he faced J Udl{e O. J . Dodge rerenlly and when he ca.me up w1lh \he fourth charge of drunken dr1vlng he hadn'l a chance. J uat to make certain tha t Caatle will appe.ar aUer the yacht· lng eea.aon-he f'IU'tl& hi11 living u member of a crew-J udge Dodge gave him 1lx monthJI with four montha auepended If he turns up Lteutrnant Ltnroln Chtrk. of ~ •• ...,.. port Beech we11 l'romo1ed to first lteutt>mmt arcnrch ng tn an M · nnunc-emenl by l"llr F:11>t A 1r Forces BRiii'. Lt. l"lnrk l'nterl'<I lh,. U. S. Air l<~orcf" In 1962 a.nd ,...._ Ct.'lvcd 1\111 t-ommiaalon alter !'om- pleting Otf1cf'r11 C'a.ndldate Scho<'I In Ot>ceml>Pr llll'IJ, Lt. Clark wai< a&signcd to the l''sr Eut A Ir Forces 6004th A!r lnt~lllgenre St>rvlct Squadron after arrlvlnR in FEAF Jut Septembrr. He wu joined by · h 111 wife, Maril):Tt and son Lml'uln Michael, 81X month~. The Clark's 11re llV1ng In the Tok· yo area. l!l.Lol) time. Jr the police havf' to look him Uj)lie w1Tr'ne lnji1 all Winter. JVLLERTON (OCNSI -Wllh boa s1ntt' ht buill his r11bin an tl)al hnv waio booked Julv JO b\· police J d K th' E :;--1 h co~~ ~d d • ":,t e.xecuUon da..te !Oil' impl"Ovement of Costa ftlha MlJy a hand axe for a weapon, C'arl wild .-u1intry 111 .i :i~b. bul nc,.,.,. !o~ h1l and r un property rlamage u ge enne · orr aon aa H Y u I'• orl'Uon tor Sept. ·~ have been approved by To add to hM t roublN Cu ll.- Morgan like Gone Theft or hl'r son'io blkP from near thP family home 111 208 VI• M"ntone W8ll r<'port'd to rollce by Mr11: RQbt-rt Mnq::an • ~enlc.>nced convicted slayer Wllli&m 24 196' He l'Ot another atay on Oran Oo t Bo d t s wu alao charged with drl1Ang r. Burna, 3115 W. Brookdale, F ul· expc·rte•I tn have In 1,111:,;ll' w11 h rerk1rs.; dnvini:: and violat 1pn nr ~· 1 8 11 R l d th 1 • · ge ua Y &r o uper· lft'ton dealt a death blow to a WO· a br.>ftr with only an axe 1r1r pro· pr11b11l1nn after h•· <'rR><hi><J h\s rar ranc 11 1 1 Y) upp 0 ea n an appeal to th~ U.S. Supreme Vi.on. Involved la 19432. · without a license. J udge Dodge It!. b&aetc bear that attacked him trctiun intl'l a 1enrr nt 1:?6 :l IM St aml the stllte gu dtllmber. Court. Hla appeal wae tumed A total ot St5700 In county-a id· sentenced him to llt'rve llht month11 lut week while he WllJ! VIH'Blionln~ Tf;l~Mf\J.t:o L .\ Tl-:r: • rlrc.ve ••ff. Thi• f, lll''" wall on the Judge Morrison. Wedneaday or-down. to-<:lttea money was marked tor on that count also. but l!USPf"nded In t llle Cariboo 11eetion of Bt1ti11h Alon!' al the <fcsnla t,. r·Rhtn site fl'"pertv <•f ~II~ Maud1111! K dered Rupp to die Sept. 16· The Judge Morrlaon then WU calJ.ad -~ 18th ·St. and 'Nntrn Ave. m-~l u long aa he etaye llWftY from Columbia. whm the ~p111e-t!ni;:l1111: in• id··n: Har lman 1111111 •· ~u Hl . n111rdr.>rer of Ruby,_Ann P ayne, 115, on to la:iue the d.eath warrant •· teraectlon. .Anothr.>r 12732 111 for behind au to ster.>rlng wheels. Nazarene Visitors occurred. Bums re,.alltd he was . •If Yorba Linda won four etaya ot gaJn. He did-t or F eb. 24, 19515. Improvement of Fairview Ave. bl'· "l! you so much u drive aero.we Spottillt the animal lumbering Pol11·c pu k••d 1iJ 1 111•• Y•lllth Pntl ' exec11l11>n from other Morrison Thia wu aet u ldt when a w rit ot tw~n a point "30 te•t nor th ot the etr•et, vou are golnw to jllll,"' The HPv. 11r.<I Mrs Orv1lll' N<'&MI and fa mily (rnm Onl&1io have been v&ral wmn11 her ,. rE.'C'Pfllly. Th<"Y &re of thf' Naz11renr dr n11m rnaUon. I d hj hll hed On l ee nol par.rculnrly fnghlcn.-.:1 al llh· ., I ~~ • ~ ~ _,. .. owar m w e perc a. r b di . 11 ·t hi..; 1"•111111.1n111nl' nt :?-nol SL and death "entrnc1~11. review waa Jodg tn the aupreme W ilson St. to Newport Blvd. j · limb re~rl~ a t~ephone line~ time ut d sonar t1rn1 i 1ng" lrll U<Nn ~•int Hv .i~·•:•·nlv sd· . ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~----------------l-he~_u_d_g_e_i_n_fu_~_c_d_C_a_~_I_~ · it was all O\"l'r a nrl he br~an lhtnlt· • Bl.t OGEONF.D TOT -•. hla cabin, BUMlll threw an ln9Ulator 1 f h 1 h ~h 1 mlltE.'.J 1,. pril11'l' ti " t11t 111111 r11n Arron:Jmg to tri al tt atlmony at It to c r 1t away ng o w Rt roul• a v,· Rppcnc<. 1 • 8 a.• · Burn• ia the falh<'r or :i.1a1 v10 1.-Jrnr~i· itit ": ""'11 hi• "as <ti 1"1111?' Rupp blw1geoned the pretty baby You and the West prof it when Standard changes a· dollar &\it the bMr didn't -re. I Ace) BurnB, for mtr waler polo n·~klr11sly. \\ 1lncsite11 lHll•I several ~Iller wllh a. hammer and then STABTti UP '.nll:IC 11lar at Fullerton Union High <'luld"':n w erP P1."'Y'"!: d oll" by on sl\ot her to death with a .22 caJ-When the l.11.11ulator hit lhe Anl-s lhe ><lll_ew11.lk "hrn Lhr 1tcrlrlPllL iMr platol whe.n llhe tried to flee chool and now a heutenAnl 10, nc·curr.,,1 •. • mal on the 11011e, the bear .tarted the u s. Navy. · Rupp waa 18· lhe.n. Ruby Ann up the tree alter Bum11. One ot il I T h,. y1o11t h •I• n1• ti nwn .. 1.~111r of w 1ts lt>nd lng the children of Rupp'a lon.c cl&w. ripped hUr alacks and • a sm1p bis<!<' kn1f1• (nun\! i11 thr i ancher-employer. •cratched ht. ler be'fore Bums Son for Howarths t'l\r'. H c sa;rl 1l was his r11t ht•1 '... Thr.> slayer now ia in SIUI Quen- hrouirht hla hand axe down acroa11 Mr. 9.;11d Mrs. 5r.u.lt H·~·.<rth ... Three olhu· l•w:i l. 1>11y;;1 11 1111<1_ l~ tan d.ea th r2w< hj s av,muee o(. et· llte ailfhi&l'a 1kuU; ovl'r"1ts~rlg'ht 1592 Santa J\n8 A'"", ("11s1 a M··~a yt'lir~ tild. 11d1n1: with n'l111 i-af•1 I (•e pe apparently eb. ut ott forever. ey•. The one mighty blo"'' killed ere parrnts (}( 8 b<1y bm n July th,. knif•• lwl•mi::r ol tn llr,. 17·\'rar · Hrre'l! the rundown on how Rupp the a.nlmlll Instantly. 4 ftt Hoag Ho~p1t al. r lei. Polu··· ~;11d h•· trnrl II r.i1:11u"1 has thull f.ar 11.volded the i aa Cham· Although the t>eer·s pelt wu too dnw·r'1< h.-rn~P 111 hi:< pn1'1>r1<.111on bl'r· He was convicted by a jury bulky t o pack out of Canll'Cla"11 p H p Thr lao1 h•i.• 11 1,., .. ., d wHh lor11.1l1n Judge Morrl.aon'a court Nov. 19. back country. Bum11 hall an Im-ayne Ome ermit 1,,111, ,, ~.nr., 11,.1, 1111,, r 1!1.'i~ fnr 1!152. Hi! 11utomaUc appeal wu de· preulve trophy of hla expenem·" D. Payne t•><ik uut a 1 ·o~L• ~ki'.i h"•ll>! rnvoh·•'" 111 (1 111 huri::l:o 1t•!t. nirtl. F lr8t datr with death wu aet He brought home one of the claws cily bu1hhng ptom111 Jul\· ~. 1111 wrt11ni:; fu1 11• I 11·111 11111l• , hN·ks 11n11 for Nov. 20. 19~3. fl'OC'I\ the a.nimal"a paw. cnn11t{\11·t1 on of a ~:lfl l U "i "lll•lo·n<',. l>('N.'dtni:; Appl1111t111n f.,r pct1t1<1n Rl"PP \\"OS A STA1' Duma ~ailed he had ltlllffi at 1968 Panwna Avr. J11r k <"<m· w:u• 111 ... 1 l•n h1111 w11h JUVrnlle Rupp won a 11tay throuirh the man1 beara and mooar in the r11rl· 111~ w:u1 nrm1rrl ro11trnr1<ir. n 11th•111tl•'-~ Nanlh U.S. District Cot1rt of Ap. Like .. taking a vacation" every·t1me you drlvel -----, ......... thtM .,. •• fuhlrts """' -----. J9I bU Cllryiler'a "HO:Millioft-Dofllr Ride" F""'"tllM "-' St..rht1, 80 much eupenor to the p11rt-lime ~r u nits found in other cnno. aive.11 you unequl\ll<'d ml\nl'u,·r.>r- 11hilitv. PR~ of h"rtdling &od full- time fl'Cl of the roAd ! Fully-eutemetle PewerFMte tnnsmlulon, t he 11m•>olbet1t nnd mo.t poWl'rful of 111J no-dutrh drivt'll , tA!'11m@ 'Wlth C'hrnll'r'11 Jrt'llt v-a en1nne~ to p~ov1de 1wift, 11.ilent u ·c-clt>mtion. New dash panel llhift oonm1l l Werkt'1 rnest powerlul .tJ pe V-1 •nalnes. Fm·f\)wcr and :-:1•11 lirr-, wi1.h hon«•~w,.ni up tn :Ill(), HPre·~ nn 1mnu·"~· r••1U•r\ 11tr ti( pnwt'r for f'\'erv d n vrni.: rrr•'d from lilt'ht nini.: tr:illir l(Pt.1w11v• to q111,·k, AAfe plll!l!ing on the etnughlaway! £1tre-lar11, H tra-safe '•••r 9rakft,,.;t h n douhk.»w1dt h pN!11l for f'a.aier and Mfer brnkmg with l!ither foot, brinlo? you tn B"·ift, l'Ure atope in Je..,~ time ''"d with barely a toe·· worth of effort!' 11·,." h.-t ..• l'w•rv milr.> you drive in a new Chn .. 1,,r i.• lik<' '"l" kmic n VIH"Btion! .. Chry11ler'1 "11~1 ~l1ll 1•1n.f>11llM Hide"' power fe11turee 1•11.1!',lc-ynu Lo drive rl.'!11scd -anivc refre6hed! "'"' ··~·"'I pie, C'hry~lrr's Pown S~rin11 ia 1"1 •• / :1~11 l'uw1·r Stt'Cn n1t -with a fuU-tim~ /•'•' •>/ th" n'ilr/ at oJI 11)X'Nl11. And C hry81era , \' . .,; 1•n1:1nr•1< !!"'ti ) 11u the greet.est N fety I n N·r "' powi;r •J ll lhe road t.odu y. · Thr com hi nation of C hrvMlcr'11 ot.hf.r .. 100- :\·11ll1"n-Dollar Hide" fo11.turee h"• earned for Chrv~lt>r 11 bmnd new title-"tbe world'a CRsic8t bandliog car." lli<C"o,·er the bi1t dilferen~ in bi1t can toda y. \'our Chn-itler Dea.lu will glndly arranre a "100-~hllion-Oollu Ride" for you. S.. or cl\IJ him today about the 1955 Chryaler! AMHICA'S MOST SMUTl Y DtfRRIJfT CM I' 1200 W. Coast HICJhway NEWPORT BEAC,H Phone Uberty S.3416 • I t '• ~ _________ ...... _. ................. M9,....,...... .. l'MI ........... llA ... --------· " Lib yo. and yom family, Standard Oil Company _o( Calitonaia baa to ban money co.mi.lli in to k~. ioin1. And like yoa, we muat diTide every dollar of thia income into quite a few piecee to keep the b ills paid. Our budpting i• naturally on a large scale, but the i.ult la about tile eame: moat of the money Standard takes in goee right back into circulation. And when a eum like tt,229,000,000 'lour total in- oome laat year) goea into circulation, ite benefits tire broed and deep. PNctieelly eYeryone in the Weet • ,. ~ ; ~"' . . M, r1~· 181 trom eY'ery dollar w.114 . • ' for •• ,.., aervioee and 1ooda. or thi1 • ~ 1471,500,000 the lari-t item waa for °" : payroll, v•cationa, 1ickn-pay- • · ~ menta, other employee benefit&. Molt of the reet went to buy 1&1ppliea. from paper cliPt to aieel, bou(ht locally when po1aible. Standard wu • cua- 1omer of Uiouaaoda d . Weetem tirm1. aha.red, directJy or indirect.ly. in Standard's trood year. We thank you fo r your patronage thnt made it poMib e:A.nd we'd !Ike you G, know th11t a i:;iz11h-le--~ p iece of change from each of o u r dollari; i:oes fo r things that improve service to you : research facilities for development of bet ter pr oduc ts at low cost; new· plants to ma ke them more availa ble; widespread ex· p loration for new petr ole um fields to help keep America's oil beirel full. T o do these joha. now and for th• future, here'• how ~e changed a Standard dollan . . • JllL . ·• ZI to wor kln.-ca p;Lal a nd l • d e b t. Thia S20 millK>n incnc-Wl«f ) rnventorie1 of p rQd urts for futu re aa~ a nd included payments on dl'bl. 81 for taxe• wH divided am11n11 the U. 8. govP.rnmont, atatt"<. coun· tie1 anJ c1t1ea Standa rd'• Ins bill came to SIOl ,500.000 ... enough to build plenty of schools, bridlt'es, park cqu1nment, etc. Standard nL.o col· I l<'rted product and 1111.lr.>a taxl"s for federal, 1tate and C;ity government. ... ~·' . STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plans •ll••d to serve you better