HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-13 - Newport Harbor News Press'
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' .
Now there are three filed for openinp on Newport Beacb City Council. Council.
men Gerald Bennett, left, and Lee Wilder both took out papen t or ~ection a8
Councilman Jay Stoddard watched the ieauance by City Clerk Ma.rcy Schrauder,
right. Mn. Clarence tlria) Higbie baa already taken out aomtnation papers
t or the council. -Staff Phot o
,, .. PlllDE• I ., •• ti.-
elaiktNI. -~ -• ..., ot their blWnc dw.lllq .-..rV
,_iwday befors tM7" ..,. r.-
cued by n•i&bbon with a laddw.
Anothu penon .caped ft"osn a
~t&ln wlndow.
Ftttmen eiiLlmated llflOO dam.•
are waa ca.u..Md lo tbe ho:nil of
Mr•. Adele Klrlcpalrlck 1513 W.
Bay Ave., one of tbe vk:t.tm. ot
the near tracedy. TMy ll&id U»9
nre •t..rted ln u:i .. mtfll.l1a. cio.et.
or lhll ho1n" about 7;f 6 L rn. Th•
-. .
------------------------------------------Jname11 a nd a.ruoke trapped mOlll
oJ the ocrupant.I ot the dwelllnl
Me$a 's Building
Official Blasted
\Jft thti 11~uoLI floor.
/.t r~ K 1rkpatdck and her moth·
er, 1.tr'JI. Adele \Va.liter , herded
M r11. K1rkp11itnck 'a th ree cblldren.
Juan, Biiiy and Pat. out ot tha
up11laire bftdroo~ onto the roof
of the home. M-t\iM, allOthU"
'occupant of Lhe h~, capt. Pet·
er Grow, eleeplng In a downat&lr•
bedroom, e.-caped by dlv1n1 out
h14 window
Flre•nen jtave Mra. K..lr11p.trlck
and M ra. V•alkirr OXYI Gn by I.Aha·
!ator &Iler I.bey swallowed loo
much 11111c;ike. Nelghbof'a plaeed a
lMldcr a1ain.1t I.ha buikllnl" lo
' .
1118TOIUC OOCAlllON-Newport Beoch Boy Soout.t,
ot.erving Scout Day at city hall, dropped ln on cit y
council thia mornlng, discovered olficWa bWly going
over pla.na for Pacific Electric remoV&l from city-•
a. project long in coming. From left around t.&ble,
Councilman Sandy MacKay, C,"ity Atty. Kari Davia,
Councilman J. B. Stoddard, ~f ayo r lltll, Councilmen
Lee \Vilder , C...1an:·nce H 1gb1e, Stanlt·y l{1dJC'rhoff and
Gerald &nnett. City Bngineer Bert \\'ebb is in ro~
ground. -Slaff 1-'huto
Council to Hear Letter
from Contractor l onight
~ ~ blut at the Costa Mesa building de-
part.n:w!( ii expected ton.igtit during a .specia l meeting o!
the cit)"~ wllm Ctty llan&ger Georg't Coffe-y reada;i a
acalcilnc ~ bom diagruatJed pa int contractor Robert
Da.nit'la dem&nd.lQc "the clty abide ·by a n a~rc>Jment
rnMi• a t U.. neen.c .. ty oounctJ umuoh u Vol.& •lal <'111enl wN
JD...unc'' ,_~· .., ,... •"tor.' ~ ~ tM etty rnanapr,
tNUldinl'. M ~ Fil:'/ cqu!'ll. and .) otb•r ... 11.11--~ te dtmM'I A.tftn M. l -.Umed the matt.er w.J "1.·
Plnkley, ~ letltr WM aenl Lo Ued."
Coff•Y b4.lt carbon cop1M were
~~ t.o ea.ch councilman.. D•nl<el.a U.id the tlrat tour o r
"f.f Coffey or 110me oU!er coun-
cllm•n doel not lntroduc e the lel-
1 .. r t.on!Chl, l will,'' A id P ink!<'y
'"TW.11 matt.er h .. pt to be n:t·
T'ha bula ot Da niela' two·v-.11:c
lett<er Ui that B1.1lld!n1 lnapee~or
A . J . Voll. "contrary to al•temenla
made In th• council meetlllr J•n.
16 I.hat Daniel•' wall 'did not n-1
to tM. tlll(lnffred·. 'took It upon
himself to call ltl two enrlrleer•
!or Wblch lh• Clly of CO.ta Mesa.
will no doubt ha•• to p&y'' and
that tlMy pr.pared a report with
nln• new dem&ndll tor Daniela to
tulftll. • DUJel. -laid lie understood ' if
b• nmovMI the Jlaaa partition be·
twe.n th• two ato,--hla &lid an
adjotnlnl" paint 1tnre-and obtain·
ed a!ftdavltl aa to the oonal.r\lc·
Uon and stablllt7 nt th• wall,
Vol• would accept lh11 bulldlnr .
Tbia. Dan.le.I.a M ki, he did. "ln-
the. rune demantl1 of the. eni;1ntt1.
Ing firm or Reag.n and Tebaull.
htred by Vol:c, dea.lt wtU\ tbe 1LrUL-
1ure of t he wall °"Ttll.a waa aetUed
a t Ui .. council meetlll.I'."' he aa.Jd.
Two ot the de.mand11 wncerned
011.!nt ator•re. belonging to I.lie
p.a lnt .!!lore next door, fl&ld Dan·
1e!a. "Thia bualneu waa ln•pecte-J
by the fil"e d'pa.rtme.nt •nd hu •
city Hc<enae. I t I.a not our jurh1dlc-
t1on t o correct," he adde<J.
"I feel 1ure the city hu more
Import.ant mat~r1 t o CQ.1\llder than
to alt through &llother two or
three-hour Ur&de on a qul!.lltlon in
many mlndll already Htlled," de-
clal'e(j Danlela.
"SlftCe 1Cr. VOli "hu iiOt 1tood
behind hi.a •tatem entl m11de before
the cllJ council. I have no ... ur-
ance that anoth er llll or correc-
tlon. will not foUow the one Juat
reee\vl'd," the painUng contractor
{C09UJt~ O• P11p !)
Upper Bay · Water
Study Undertaken
Line Extensioa
by Council
Cruel Ho;;f rJ -· -p • E. REMOVAL PLAN
Treatment Barecl! PRESENTED · COUNCIL
~ By EUZAB~Tll STONE, OON8 Wtltu
ORANGE, FEB. 13. -tOCNS) -Witneaaed cues of
mal treatment of patients by Orange County Geoeral lloo-YOUT-H J;fONc;>RS EMANCIPATOR,
pltal jl<l'O()nnel were diaclooed !od&y lo the <>_range Dally DQWNS LINCOLN ~ PENNY N~1 and Oranie County New. Service. ' , F ~tte"r1 fr{lm patl1Mtt1 them"'v-t.o o~ c.ouity Gen•ral Hoqlt.I ::...... A K LIMela ........ a.. .. bem. ~ or
Oty Attorney Instructed
to Draft New Agreement ... -... ~ IM&el fl&7, it .,._ eb.el'T.t wtUI u t ron1 \111.'•r hun1Llt• 1111d trom 1or phy11e&l then•PY lr<e•lnll'-nL
employe1t.11 "' the hOIO~lt•I tall uJ Althou1b tNa wom&11 llOffll! -..kt tn:'Lidl7 r.llU '7 ~ ~ ai"'d I %.
b 'I ' It
h h -·~ 'Iba youopter whll• atttnlHDI' Udo Tb•tn wt.th h1' ............ •c ><in. y "' 11 11. "' uc ll•·e yeara prev~U&ly had •<&>-flll'9d • .--By BEN REDDICK ti.een In dlro~ I Of'f",Sll l! to trl'&l-atroke which parti&JJJ pan.lysed "111.& cboiM & rnommt durfnl" U.. DeW-1 Mow1Jll" l&lldm&rkll
n1ent onte1,.,1 hy u1 e "'""lu:a l 1lalf. her right aide. IJhe bad bMn able of Ua.eoln Land to mUow a P'N\7. Yup, 'twu a Uncoln head, N ewport tseach City Council toni ght w ill consider a
" r 11 1 t bl th l "' ,... ..., Th• )"OW\Clltft" la lM .on ot Mr. and Mn. Ps.ul Bank•, · on" " '" '1 eri anie "' to tad • quiet .,_., w ... par...... ---· · tentative offer o( P ILCiJic Eleetric R11.dway to remove its ph~1lclll1l1 un lhi! 11tarr o( 0,.. re»toratlon ot ~ rllU•c.1.em. p;vpiieb:Ws fl( -amul.l!I"" ONCeT'7 an ll&Jbolo Bl'll'd.. 1n N tWpO.rt
hl::lfip1ta.!, but rnw.t teeJ U1a t a 0n amvaJ. at tbe bospua1 ab& Beach. depot and facilities f rom t he be&rt o( Newport. The-.com·
l•~·k or u1Jt1un1.1t1 1111\"t: control wu greeted wiUI a &lv.-ltour de-1----------------------------l pany's proposal ii;i the culmination of more than a decH d'e
pernuts llU• h 1/un~• to h3 pp..-n. l•y beror• ~~JD a bed. MESANS ASK NEWPORT of effort to bring about Huch a removal. The proposal A11 11 l1nal 1~11ull. 11flr-r going all.hough ~ tor hel'
lhroullh hoHpll•l channel&, pleu 11.dmltt.&nce j:l.ad been ~ p~ will be a ceco pted tonight &nQ I.lie qu•re t1 Lle L~, al! or the con11>llllY
lur.ve bttn n1ade tu thf! county vtou111y by her phyalctan. city allo mey will <\r•ft a ne·~ pruperty hetv.•e.-n Balbo1t lflvd ,
board uf ,.upet•·i . ..or• rr.r actiun tu Eighteen hour• arttr mt•rln&' •1rrt0ement lo Implement l l. 1tn tl N~\\'po.>rl Blvd .. •nd between
curTtwt U1e 11tuation. tbe h1t•pital, the went OOm• with BLVD STATUS CHANGE The company proposu to relo-30th St. an1I Mr F•dden Place. ~l 'l't:K\"1-"'0ltS SI.LENT the upertenc• of belnl' rat.n.lned • c1Le lt1 taciliUea 3 mllee weaterly l"At11nated r o.t or hew t rack
No reply ht1ll ~n receJved cruelly wlU\ bm-.y straP9 blndinl" of the pn-M!nl downtown location conatruM.1on for yard purpoitu a
f rom Uie 11uprrvillor1. her 'paralyzed adl ao that al.I In an 800-tL strip of ripit -or-way $i4.892; tl'•m track Y•rd pav!na:
·r odioy a former grand j uryman. clrcul11Uon wu cut otf. 8h• wu Ian A.II flL.1. they pf'l'M:ntly own betwe.n Mth would ht' $03,480; concrete k reen
Uvlng 111 t h11 beach 11..a, pre.e.nt-m &nha.ndJtd ar1d aworn at by a P -ollt+;t fo RenlOYe Md Sl•t Sta. In t he con1mun!c11 -w•ll running alolll' 10ut11er1Y Ids•
t<J to lhe Orance..iDallJI Ne.wa .ud ..l1IJ,l.:M. and L .nur.aill.g:. (:lfdari.J,.. . ~..:.. _._:· ... ,,-•.• ·--_ ~ __ .. __ • • ,,_ .. _ ••• _ ___ tlOJ1. (O)ro. ..l.M ~ pruented fl! t,he_ft,dUty u.:J&Q~ !tood. ~
orange County NeW11 Servtce a n ·THROWN AT KO "'9WWllV -om ·1us1ness A by City Attcim ey Kirl Oav!1 l.1 Ing $2627 . •la tlon platfonn
authent lcaled 11.ory or an ac · She wu thl""Qwn at the bed In -7 reG an orrer nt thfl com pany to vac:al@ $6878 . or an e1llm•ted tol•I ooat
qu11lntanc@, an f'lderly w om11n, auch a manner that her paraly&ed ll3 r lrtit-of-way ~twe-en 1'-lc Fad-o r r<'l()(·•tlon 1117.237. I t ·.1 ~
who wu aent by he.r phy11c lan (OoaU.ued ltD Pac-I) O:l•la Meaa. plan to carry lM A rnone tho. prlllleTlt: City d'n Plac<e and Prospect St. Th<e &un1ed It would bf' ntteMary for
t LC"b t t or chance ln the at.ab.Iii M:&n&l"er a.or.-e Cottey: Matt company al-.:i propo81!.1 to ln.1t111J th~ rlty tu JHovlde thl11 ampWlt 'a t
ot Newport Blvd. from tre.wa,. LA.Borde., OptirDimt Club; Wlllla.m & complete mnd,rn y11rd for Lht once. if It d•slrq to •nt.er·tnto the
to h ll'hway •lr'aiPt up to ttie L. Kim•. Oh.n ... eo..t. Cotiel'•; handllng of local rrelrht between long range lmprol'ltml'f'lt.
hll"hway cornmlM&on at Bacn.· Lem Miller, Newport B•rbor Un· Slat a nd Mlh Sta. Thll would Tha railway company h&a t«'ld·
inent.o It n-...ry, It developed Ion HJp School ; Councilman lfFIUde • new depot, pa.vtng of ere<! a tentallvl! offer to Mil ott
at a hll"hw&y committee me•t· Bruce l&artln; Ev•relt· A . Rea, Ult yard, UgtiUng, and <'rectlon Ila property. betwHn Mc:F&ddea.
I.RC" l'rida7 noon at Hubor Bouea. Colt.a x ... Eltmenlary Schooll; ot a fen«! to llhleld the property Plaee and 30th St. a.nd between
Spar ked by J(&yo.r Cla1r. Nfll· J. C. Bumphrt ... Klwanl• Club; for the benefit of property ownera Balbo9 Blvd. •nd Newport Blvd.
eon rittprll!Ml:ltaUYNI "'iii num•roua R. Crawtord, Downtown Butn-. on the Ocean Front on Seaahor' tor $366.072. Thl1 la more thQ
)(-civic ll'OUPll decll..r-ed t.bem· ~·a ~laUon : Don SouU!· Drive. tv.•lre the amount nt eva.luatioit
aelyq for a c.hanl"e Ill the ~ worth, city ensfneer: 8&m Craw-SUBDl \'ISION' DEAi. placed on the property by appraJa-
1-'----~ « • •-f'ltl ..,...,r"'~""-""',_., • ......,.._te1 liM"
t.lon tomorrow tor annexation ot from the pruent main line at th•
r ~le hwww H~ Bhd. flft'd, Dmmt;OWn-B'fflU!tiiffii n"i The -compe.ny -otferii ;; --.un-enr 1IThll "llY"UIT·~ny-ror"putjibiiie
to MacArthur Bl't'd.. Which would AuoclaU•n: R. F. Gedde9, cham· divide tor retlde.ntial purpoAe :ill or condemnation procedure whkh
&hunt th• bea.ch tnr.tnc from Col-tM.r or commerce; Don Dwican, of Lta property, pre&enUy 'll'ight-1.1 now uncteno.••y.
ColUlt Hlrhway to a juncture with Barbot-Hl1"hl&11da and MV•ral the lrvlne-Ligun.a-Newport 30 • ln.
hundred aor. o! In1ne Co. land.a line nl'ar 17th SL Exte.ruilon ot a
lo th• City ol N.wport Beach to· 16-tn . line trom tha t point toward
day led th• ctt7 council lo under-Har bor Hll"hl&nda and to • junc-
tak• a atudy tow.rd the extenaton lure or 19th SL a nd Irvine Ave.
ot watm-lln• &Nund the Upper wlll make city water available to
Bay. Tlle oounctl during-I'-1tudy the Harbor Rlghlanda area pru-
-ton Ulla momln,: h ... rd Coun-vldlfll' Ule MJnex.alion to the City
dlrn• J . B . Stoddard and Gerald ()f Newport Bea.ch .cam ...
Bctnnett Teport on a Jolnt meeUns Planti tor tbe u t enlllon ot the
tn.-wttb th• Irvin• Oo. maln.B to the aeoond propoeed an·
A.8 a r..ult ot th• m.etlnl" &11d _..«•lion at 23rd S t.. &nd ll'Ttne
• tba M&ill ot Ult report aod Ave. were alao 1tudiecl. T he lrvlrwi
•.....iuatJoa (II/. dt.7 Wat«' q9lern Co. hu ofte.rold lo .&hare In th•
tadUti• "7 ~ ..Ta111• Mont.-;:o!!l of t.be mainline ext1tn1lon w!l1
l'Om«7 UI• ctt;y Will e&U tor bld9 run mort t h1111 JMl.000.
News-Press Gas Fee Expose
sees PUC Hearing Feb. 17
Th• California PubUc UUJIU .. at.anding Dlail1t<en11tPd Community
Oommi11lon ba1 .et th• opening Serv\c<e" tor publl.Vilng th!& 11!tua -
publlc bearing In tbe matt.er ot lion which prev&lled unfler ,.. war-
tb• application ot SouUl•m Call· time P UC ruling. O ra ng"' County
torn.la OM CO.. and Sout11am N ew • Service n'°'v' mffii• Jl\90
OounU• Ou co. for authtlrtty t o printed Ole expoa• •ton e11 which
ftM p.nd piece 1n erfec,t. ln a c-g11ve wld<eaprud counry publ!rlty
cordance with Gener•! Ordar IMI, to tht> 1"•• company's lactlCll.
"'1.Md tariff ~eeta coverlnr U'le Thereaftt>r t he utility went IJrforc
nai.. &lid AplaUona re.l•llnr tn the P UC. reque•t1ng 11 (lownw11.rd
... maJ.n and ..... HrYice extot.n-revtalon of such ronnecllon ra1e. -. ;i:; Comtni11~ner Ray H:. Unterein-n. Marini" and rat. • and Jtumla.r MMl<ey W. lld·
,,_.. cau.d by Ute N~ ..r-wardal will pf'e81.d<e •t the hu rlfll'
W H....,Pn.' -CRIWlml . wbtcla will blf! H id f'rlday, Jl"tiob,
...,_tl7 fll °'-,.. rlrnl'• "~lack-17. •~ 10:00 L m . ln the C.0-..U.
jiadt .. ol eov.ty ltuild«f'r"for N5 lllon Court.room. lllli-nw BuUdlnr.
,.. 1:bM cha.re• to "all-etect.r1c" 14S 8 . spnn.-S t., Lo. ~lea. M•• ........_ -A.t.-UU. WM -4-plw. w at
TIM If..,..~ hb. C recel* Nb.equent b.,-\nga. a1J interest-
• OJ' I * l'f.....,.. Pu..-• 9d. ~ ma7 appeu ud be: -~ .............
SA•"E AT HOME -Although otill brulMd UJd black
and bh:e from her terrifying 18 hoW'S of tre&tmeot
at Orange County General Hospital, Mn. S. feel.I
;;.;relaxed and ·.afe now that abe ia away from the
county instftution. By telling her story, Kn. S.
hopeti to •ve other county resident& from ni&lbat·
Dlllll. and &buee at. t.b9 ~ ot ho9pit&J atalf .em--
ployee., who llO mistreated her that 11be received
dMp -infectioa OD a~ lq.-OCNS Pbolo
ta Mi!• and N-iiort ~b di-city attnmey. and Tom Del'w-of-way llnd bare sand, bet"·e.:n The company alao e1Um11ted It
rec;,_i;,:toN;o_rona ~ '::t b•i~--~------------32nd and MUI SI.JI. l t la propoeo~ v.•ould coal $hi,770 net attar aal-thl! CHy of N.....-port Stach ac-(0o•U.Ufl4 oa f'ac'• 11 hoped tor help from Ne.port
Be&cb •• he beU-.d N"'J'Oft. ..
vitally lnter•ted ill the mo•• ..
Colt& Me• &nd aJllO JM bad J11t•-
_. h•rd ot any oppolllUoa lo UM
plan !rom U\11 Beach area...
Tb• cODUDJlt.M Tot.ad to Uk
the lt&te hi1"hwa7 depUt.ln.nt
tor a "llOUrc• .aod <*Una.Uoa ..
trattlc count. Wblch 111.nbera be-
11.•-...d WOlll4 "" &11 -.nlll'ely dif-hrent plctun of tratnc ntlldl
fMn a .tn.l.&'ht ... trame OOUDl
-4 ~ou.14 faYOr UM eo.ta x-
lld• ot th• plctan.
Plan• wer• a.llO mack tor ba,._
iaa-Meh ~ l'epiWWWtad
at U.. mtlflUns adopt a raol11--
tion taYOriJ\i" ~ cMrlp La de-
~ ot Newport BIYd troru
ir-"7 &lid de•eloptn•t ot Kac-
A.rthur Bl-..d.
f911esple So. ....
A 110n waa 1-rn hb. 0 bl.
llO&I' Hotpll&l to w.... &lid Mn.
fb.ytlond O llie.pl., 2114 Puent. A••., C-0.ta M--.
i-..p....t-... ~ ....... ~. e.r..--.1
Bl .......
~1. hb. T M 49
WedMw.lay, reb. 8 .... 11 CT
'lbw.day, l'ab. t . fl tf
Jl'rtday, r.b. lO -········ eo .o
8atttnt.y, rett. 11 -·-t& •1
Sunda y, Feb. 12 -··· !J:l t~
Mor>day, F •b. lJ --M 49
STUDY P. E. Pl.A.NS -There were important studies made by the Newport
Beach City Couc.U. thil moruiog when pl&na for relocation of Pacitlc Elect.ria fa-
cillUea ~ preeented by City Altomey Karl Davie. An analyaia ot costa, d1'tting'
ot &n agreement. to accompliah the relocation, and plan1 for ullliQtion of
propertif.9 to be acquired for street improvements, were all dillcuaaed by council·
.w pc:ior t.o theil mM*ina Mf. for lollighL From Wt around table, Karl nan.,
Jay Stoddard., Mayor Dora HiU, Gerald Bennett . John Sallon , Clarence Higbie and
Stan)ey JUdderboL -SU.U Photo
' l
P-A"R. t · ~ I -~T HAAiOA. NEWs.mSS . MONDAY, FBAUAIY ll, 1916 .
LJilmsr Firm · klll IHl,W i1
l~omes,--tt11 -Jttt1 1 11ry .. c.,_ ............. df:t ........ CM,_..Ud.._!111 otP.~~~~ ........ ~.....-wj •IP'ss := .... Of':.. a:.~ ,.... .. "~ __. . ......,..
. :!°·i:~~o1w:.~..:::..=.::: MHA. 11··1L·111•a
ww. tie.)'fl'oet ~ 'n1i1. )I. IM-111.W 1.11' _ -~lb! J.ara• .... x Gl ... .Igc c on 1 ..__.... ..... tJW~olliaU&I')' In tM ftna's eiuw. Jdnt..I ._ that M Md ~lorJ. w-dJ' i.-_ Ml4 up Oil OC'M ... rq
~ rs Po r t s d ...,•!Ttblll& ot the tMldlrlC almmt a y-.r, .. tn
polnY to oc.Unu.d a c ll•ll)' UCbt ot a.tr. Vols' lilt• 1 am DOI.
1st ..,. a .oJutJoa,• MM! DaaW&
HOSPITAL Coed':~0,.
.. "1 ,....._., tM ,_UOP .C U..
0 • ·-........... etty touncll .. to wbet.IMT u. fffif npt _..,, Mt Llllll'1*1 pan ud Cit o.ta M-wUJ ab&ch .., IV ~a l1it ... t.ed k9e Wee-·-t m.a.d.1 at tbs J.ut"dl7
Uoa. • 7 ~~ ..... tins" or n.uwir 1Ml •ow that. ..._ Iii Mt's ac. borne. ..,... menl7 • p...u.Jnary ....._
--Jlll:J'*Su la trMUnc w. .... ... ..
" '
Tl\s. MtabllllhlMnt b one of f------,-------l t.na17 lm\IMIN ~. A Beauty
M1!5AN ·UNHURT Saka ........ ut.ra care. and •pe-
clal att.ntion ano lll• •l.4ad&l'd.
lfarlo &ad hi• .talt ot well-
tnlhfld ptiople aff!n!. to aocei'ltu-
•le U.. unhurried home Ilka at·
m<»ph-. not tt!Und In th• more
oommen::tal t;ni. of <>p&n.Uon.
perma.nent wavu.
Tbt m0111t up-~te ....... a
and «JUlpmttnt •re UNd ... ~
tum1*htnr1 and ~tiOOI' an .. .
ed to inall• you re.; at _..
Lot"ated at 3407 E. OOU\,, ~·
w•y •t Marlrold 111 eon. Ml
M•r Ph. H•rbor 610f. fOI ""'1 or
evenlnc •ppolnt.mml&. Try ti.em
once and you tuu 'llflll ~e
fectkm wtlh l*lldlba Ud --rtUk7 cortd tbt 11111.alldtnC .... ~'7· aa.. i.. 1IMll'9 laOI~ putm•t•s .. a.tt-pt.t lo ~
t.b&a '*°"' .._ 1"lllt. to UM ~ h .tnc:t lttt.er ot Ute ~." Jl4Pl.. ,, u.. .truct.ur. .. ~ -
btMr CUe9 ~t fO UMo '"'. md rm s-ttr w.U COUlDC«l It IA
tenttoc ot ~ Colili'l.7 News althouJ'b I aWI •Ult ~ klok st lbll s.ntc. tncludt a •Ulel who 1A.M ~eerlq rtopon.-a.t•1 s•t tM
lutllllMt' di1Ytiop9d ~ bed _,... bUUllinc ?pPl'OYtd,,. enk.isy ch-
Qn bi& blM:k. ft? WM plr&IJMd and eiu.4.
Canyon Cl:ash
Near Bridge .
They iw:-em to create a ttr•!
name acqualnt ... nceah(p with all
Ult.Ir patrona and thla attitude
helpa to IOIVe the 11•rtlcular prob-
()ne ot thf'1r rrgular 'uatomer1.
\\'e re~:ommend them t.o our atyle
un&Wi to ctlaqs Mii po9Uoa ~ "f'm sun Lh•N .,.. hu.ildbtp
bed. . ltet ... 11.-1 ln O.t. II(.-wtlkb
Ro9plt.a.1 sl&ff ~bet's whffMd u• 1._ IOWld. •· he added.
A olmple --...J 1111 -.11 marked a _,_ In the blOtory of Coat& Meoa-•
tbl ~JJf-ii.trapatiWi Water DUtiict watat Unea to the new Mesa municipal
water departmmt. ''DCMl.C the tint customen Lo be 11erved. .will be Hale'•
Campiaa ir.t&U. tr&ct &Dd the guided mi.Mile bue at the old Santa Ana Alr Bue.
Oftici&ll tunllng on the utility &re (I to r) Qty Manager George Coffey, City
Oerk Arlie Swart&. Mayor Oaire Nelaon.,&nd City Enfineer Don Southworth. -
Stalt Photo
A Colt.a Me... man wu lnvol·
\'lld in • lhrH-veh..tcl• acclcknl of
two tn.1cX.. &11.d a ear on H.lshway
101 near Trabueo Crfl'k brldt"·
Laguna. rt'g1on. Friday, ruulllng
In m•jOr lujur1ta tv on, peraon
&nd l<'uet hurt. t o anulht't.
lem• ot their •tyllng of eath ennaciow reader• In Uilll ttumnua
lnd1vldu11I P"lron. Th .. y •pt-C"lllh;r;e r•"'law u Jhe n.e11.uty Salon ot
~~a.Ir. atytlng, 11hapJn.r, to!orl~, ,~ur r h()i<'<' Adv
hl.m. out to a r..ar yud ot th• AIUtoufh Lhs D&nlela qu..tJon
~ ILlld. ln f\.111 vi-ot many may tum out to be tb.e mOlll UY•
hmplia.J. patient., he wu pia.e.d cm ly put ot tool1"hl"1 ooUDcil m..C.·
his .t.om.ch with hi. b&n back ins ln Lhe N_.port Hqht.a Ir·
dpoMd t.o ... ,. of tbs 9lUI for rt,..uon ottlce ot Ctty Clerlr Artie
•uch a l.n&Ui of tllD• that b• 8wart1J, th1 pr1m•ry objlci of U<•
d...-.&op.d nr-t ud aec:ond d<tSTM p.lhertns wlll be to lhru.h .,.....,.
bW'tMI Oft hi8 !Ml and l~a.
Dr.&D IN CllA.JJt
la uiotJMr lnat.ance. Ll thou.rh
nu plly.acian l'l&.d preacrtbed eorn-
pl•t.9 b.s nit. a "tfom&1I with a
hea.rt cc;in.dtt.lon WM ton::ed to tit
•reel U:i a wbN.1 t h&lr tor a lone
pv1od ot time W1Lhout a ttenuon. an. ,.... tOUDd dMd tn lb• whMl
to work ln a won1an'1 ......,.d 1.n~
ll'I• peUenta w•r• •ub)Kttld to th•
lndlsnHy or ~Ing bathed and,pu·
aonally treated. by lhe ma.le al ·
On two oce&atona Qn<'e fnr a
two-week ~r100. Lhr utht r • lllll-
wMk. P40r1od, • ptUent r~elve..! no
balhll Of' Mlllluy ca re
pr..umln&ry ~for u..-eo..
ta x .. cttJ b&U. PSaM ._. In·
tTOdueed a t t.b• ~ CIOUnd.l
m..U111 r .b. t.
Plnk.ley -14 he &AUdpt.Wd .oO
:ha.il.s• 1n lb• CM.Kward ·~°'
Jf Lb• •tructur• -~ ror
utUHy-but ther. ma y bl eome di.-
eu.ploon ol the Interior plan In an
,tfoct to tut '1own M eoei...
Often pa.ralytlc and pa.lated p&·
tlflllt. ar• t on::ed to fe«l !hem· ad ,.• LlllloUSh they cannot ret
f ood to tbelr moul.hl bec•UM ot
lhelr attUcUon.
Both um,.11 m•rr ota •PP"H~ on T
nu •k1n and. he w.c.1.rn .. nyblu wn. oday's N. y.
Anothrr letter 1t•l•• ... My h la--
Mnd wu an out-p.tlent or tbt. St k R rt
Ora.nre County Gen1ral Hoaplt&.l. QC epo
Kia time of IUTlval for lrM tment '--------------wu usu.all)' about 1:4& a.m. He r· NJ:\\' TORK NOON OOMKENT
Compiled by 8 . C. Garslde, Oe&n
Wlttar Co., B&llta. Ana -Tiie ma.t·
k.al U1 drtttiq' a10ftl' In t yptc:&ily
Clan:nce Eld~ 8mllh, !ti An&helm, wu unhurt when hl•
ce.r wt"nt oft Ntwport Blvd. 7~ f!'llt aouth ot 211th St a t 3.1~
a.m Sund•Y but the damag., to hta C&T -.nd pr1\'&le property
w~ cooaldtrable.
Smith told police he.fell uleep at lbe wheel and dld nut
know ~·hal h•PP'nt>d unUI he wu awUened by a eudden y.11
Polit' M i.I h !1 car left tht tl!•hway a.nd went up on Lha
ald,.w•lk ill front ot ~ Nev.•port Blvd., •lrtk!n• a t Hy pe.rk·
1ng mtt.r knocklna; It otf It. bu.Ii, tori do"''tl 11. 12-foot ..,ctfOn
or pil'.lr.tt ftnc<', d.11m•sed front or a bulldlnc at 2833 Ne"Ypotl
Blvd, a.nd hit a .falMi tau.de ot a alrue lUT!l a t 1901 NewporL
AU atructur"• wt"re ext"nad.vely da.ma.sed, -.ccordJnr to pollce.
Ja.n1ea Mc<:.Ohlbrlt k. 21. or
when he ~·•• hurled from I.he air
in ~·hlch he wu rld1nr . T•ken
to Ho11.g Ho.mpllaJ. ort1c1a.l1 there
.. Id he suffer..:1 trom a na.ttured
upper 11.r 111. fractured rlba and
ru u HI pl<' • bra..~1ona.
01.h'n ll\VOtved Wtre H ugh B.
Spr~f'l"' Jr . 28, ut 1842 l'a.rk
Av". C011t11. M l'u., drtvtnr a 2·toa
trut k, Al,1and1r P. Slam•. 30.
C&rl•ba.d. opera tor ot a Mm.J·trtll·
,.r trur k , ll.lld I.he d river ot Lhe
auto. T J. Maler. :l2, Pon1ona,
wno h•d minor hurta.
The ear alAo tort' out • t utua be-d. Coatlriued ,,_ P'lr9t Par-e
Ottlcera Wd Smith'• a.uto ju11t m!Med elrlk!ng a utility vag• eredtta, to ramove r..tl.t frofT•
pole. B&Jd Smith, toUowtns the wret"k : "\\lhllt a way to the r11ht-of·way lUld r'move the
(Tho1npeon11 Neogk>bln )
c... •• 1 .. ,
' '
~I·•• l•t.010-.0 & ll••• ~•I>•!••« C."<••"••..-pl•• ite"'''" ~ •• ,.,.,, l I 11 •lftl
lottl••I< '•••Ot Con.:o•"•'• hon !'•"O•• &• .. <o•olo!. C.•P<• a Cobo t l"l..c..,o••k
~.,,,.,., t-1. v;•o...lo I l ; "'''"''" •·• •It•"''" O' 0..1•••, .... 11, • .,, "od ....... i. ...
"''do, felk M o4, C..•. ''"'"'"'"'''· 1-'tol; 1• l••'""' ll"
•·n.M!n fr..-.11 f nlll .Ii: \"rgeta.ble Julr ......
\\'bole srs.111 floun. breada .Ii: ('()Okll"'1-
Dtabetl<'--AIUJr1lc and ~uda,( f<>Utl•.
A 1.tt. trom th• wif• of a
paUdt Wbo dlfld at lb• holpllaJ
ID Juri. ot JlllU _,.., '')(y hua-
band .,..... pan.I~ on Lit.• f!Tltlre
lert aide ...00 wa.a unable to feed
hlm.elt auc::e -fully. 1 wu dulled
t.ti• prlv11e(e ot fMdlns htzn •ven
lhe day befor• be dMd. lhoUl"h h•
WU Yery hunfTY."
wu -n by a doctor from four to
1ia hour• U.1re&tter. notw 1lh1tand-
1nc U'le fact that hi. rondltlon
wu -.ria!Wy •nr•vated by tnta
eatrtme w&lltft&' ~rlod
~ many ot ha Vlllll he
wu uk9d lo 1 .. ,., and rc!lu m
&t'\u the luncla p.-lod .acMd. a l-
lbou,-h •• ha•l be.-i. watunc 1tnct1.
wok• "P •• depoL Oth'r ra!I IU!d factllty re·
qw.t (&al'Uoa awaltlns M•L TM '1wv1'1 would co.t an additional
atr ot, W\Cart&lnty i. NllM\.ald Inf----------------------------110,aoo.
'\\'e Stock OnJy The •1nN t it Most .ReApttted Producta'
A rn.J• ordefty WU ~lllfld:
early morning "
The Wrltfr of ~ l•U.r ia a
fT&du&l.e, ,..,i.tered nun..
u. ..... llwld a.1Lbou1tr. preMlll"•
LI not h•...,.. lndtcatil'I' I.hat llq-
\ll.d.aUon i. pnm.nly cauuonary.
a.tect.I•• bu)'tn1 la .,.\dent tn t.ha
oil an4 1p.Kl&Jly atoclu:_, ~kally -------------·IOU. Aadet90f'I Pnll::hard, uw.1 0 11. -------------·I Tu.u PM:lnc u d Ohio Oil om-Unued e11pectalkln of m1r1ar n .. w a
la a suppcrtint tact.or for lndlvld-
ual atoclu. Newport Harbor
B. P. 0. E.
Meetai ..... ry n~ 1 p.za.
V'-Oporto -Oentn..I An..
N.....-port BMch
Albert B. Matthewa. DI.alt.a RWet
ts-81taatioma Wuated
WIDOW w1lh 2 thlldC' .. W\.9hn to
ahano her home. ~r• tor thJJ.
dr,n. CO.ta. Me1a. U A-&07:0.
flelld.ed lnt..rut .. 1"'1d11nt In
lh11 aln:r&tta which have been in
the proc-ot &dju.tlns to Lhe
prot il.• lnvNtl(•Uon due t o beS"ln
lal'r In the wtoek. Boeing a.nd Unit-
~! ~lr~r•ft h&ve ahown Deller re·
11aC.:...c• In ~t ~ona a.nd
·~=~!!~!!._~Direeto~~~n'?. ___ , , ... ~=H"!:!.m~.W~~~ .... ~-----l"l•y be Up«i..1 t.t ~ .cale· -=: ::=i: :!-d<1wn buy1n1. United Aircraft 11
Colonial Mortuary
1901 Bola& -Juat SouUl or W•t·
mlUtAr Memort.al P&rk.
.U ~ County IuUtu tkm
a..t:q tamlll• of aD fallhfi
'hlephoDe {Toll Fr.I)
Zl:bl.th 11211
lfo OM ... r tllrDfld awa.7 McauM
o1. tack or f'lllMil.
WOMA N COOK tor 1m&.ll cl.fe.
Ca.II !'fenln(1 KI 2·1412. 70cT1
unong Lhe lea.t vulnerable with
re~d to re-ne1otlatlot1 . FOT the
Ulfle belnr Boe!n1 hu the new•
SO--YkcNh9%Ga behin<J lt ud 11 In ~Uon to ~=~~~~~~-----· l dracount better •mlns• '°" 111>1.
MAN'l..1::T POPCORN MACHJNJC. Amonr aptod -.!Uea Loewi, Gair
CHl:AP. Call Harbor 728. 70cTI '-1\d Gillette C.O. a.re holdlnr rel•·
1--------------IUvely well. T obe.cro1 a rl aubject
to--Aatoe for SMe to qWet dettN!v• bu)'ln( u well
-------------·II.I aelecled uUllty and food I.Mu•.
ltM MERCUR y al&Uon Wacoz'I. l>QLl'nCAL P'BONT
Beautiful C!OndiUoa -r u TI '1 Pending de.-e:lopmen~ · o;; th"
equ.lpJ*I. Prtctd for quick Ml• poULle•l front w• tnl the market
Call O•ner Har . "86&·R. 70p71 will eonllnue ti.a adjwtment ph._.e
~l~O!::~B"!!!~hl!!!'~·~1-0alde!!'!~!..----I -------------lrupondlns to lnlerprelaUOn. ot
4.8-A-AE!-:: for Beat the neWI. ln~1v1du.a1 tuuea may ----'~--'-'=~---· l al.ta be expected to reapond to
NEWPORT BEACH new 2 bdrm. corporate newa In IU!tlel patlon. RErAIR ANYTHING
llLl>C:. 'R.IC AL-Ml:CHA NlCA L
BOAT 6 rt1l'l.H. lll::ril'flSHINO.
Barbor OlllJ.J, JllPla. Op70
dupla:, tu.II bath. g..,..,..e 011
YH.I' l-.. 126-4«1lb SL TOcT2 Dow..,,_ An!~ .SO lnduatrlala ....... 487.17 oft .411
lU~~!~ .... ~!f.!llel~nt~..c~ .. !...---1-'8-_B-B __ o _____ ro_•_Kui __ t ___ ,~ ~~~~~::~: .. :~:-06.~!~~i~
.;.. :::;:;;:!C BALBOA. Hawaiian modem 1 bed· I p.m. Volw. IM.000
Pa.lnt.iDg II Paperha.Dsin& room It: bunk room. fum., m•-Amertcan 8melt1nr 411'4
We do the wort ounelvta. hosany kttehen 6 bar, dlapoaa.J, Am1n1can Telephone 1!12%
walled troplca.J pauo. C.ll ExL ~ -=---~--... 871111
IO 7aft ap911.awie 10, FAirfax 8-M30. -1tki2 C'fiijjl.er ._ ... .'~ ...... ·-. 72 "
tJomed 6 lnMJnd. DuPont ..... _ .. -.... 2HI"
8aUafact.km ruannteed. rtrRN. on1 bedroom ru•t h<>UM. Oe'lere.l Electr1e . '6:1'='
JClltlinatu trM. Call Jotumt., 300Y, P'emle&I, Corona dal Mu, General Moton1 ............... '3
LI s-.2G87 6 LI 8-.6289 8lttc 1 --'-"'-·-~_._Hu __ ._,_0-0_1-_w_. __ '_°'_'_2 I N.Y. Ce.nLr&.1 ···---···-·-·-···· •0'4
M&7 Co ............ --·-·-·········· ..... l olilo
PAINTING 1180!!!=:!._!!!!!!~..!f'l!ro~oerb!!!!L--i"mt.Ry 011 ......... _ ................ "
I -a.tew&.T ·-····-.. ---·--01 %
Dft'DJOJll _ DTICRJ:Oll BUllNES8 .. IHCOJdl property, 8lacl&ir OU ·······-· .. ···-···· .......... 07%
.£.UK) XA.JUlOI PAIKTINO lltla It Pl¢la.. By ownef.-.lo. CtJ. &d1-............. _ ......... 50%
LtCllN8llD _ INIU!a!D LI MITM after ll p.m. or w.U-ltandard OU ot Calli. ............ 90
Glenn Johnston ..... '""" ... .....,,, '··········-·-·-··-'······ 03
. l-------------ITranamtr1c& ....... __ ................. aa
111 • Ult M. • Newport Beach II 88'1 z.tat. ValOD OU ot C&Ut. -·-·-·· ... -... •BO
.• ~ &lft ttttc u... lt•l .................................... 12
J'OR . a..u.&--o.u. ~ TWo 11 :;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;= General Contractor ::=m .:;:-.:u; ,:;. ";'~ =..,_. ,·_·--"--~-' .. _"1 M & M Mo•ors. N.,.. Worlt-1\m>odallnc ,-&I ' J . MILTON McKENZIE LOT -DA.NA PODn' -OcMa , . ~.~-•-w ·~, -n.w. Lot .,., • qtdck ..... •• k & .. ti
A&rnUll' -uou 0a11 Bar. nw, ....iqa. 10c11 tW&I "' .. ORMVYe
• 8erWas' °""' .,.. wtth u.. n.n. TM7" .... diamond ....,.m•t
.. la. d1amonda. lllftr"WV'9 and &ad Wtd&I r1.bp In ..., pnee
wat.cll• Ula Wlleoa. J~rJ' at ,..,.. n., &190 b&" ._uttlul
108 NaSn. Balboa. 1'MI .. a llton oomun. ~ Pd "*"411•q
u.t .. ncop~ to be a Jeedar' ta ,....t_ttn.s or nimounttac dla.·
In lt'a tlUI. , mcmda and othN" -1ua.Me at.•
Ia their mochrn f~t.a .... In up to data mowttlnp. pa.r&n·
t.abliahment la • ~plet• stock tHd to pl-Ula mo.rt m.ertm-
of u.UM&lly lrnown bTl.d'da. You lnaUfts l:llayu'.
will ftnd dWplayed f or ,.our oon-Ir you -.riatl tht7 can arnutp
..nl-.Ct .ome ot U.. ttM9l pl..-cndll fM 10fol Mally.
ot ~ 1n I.II• .ouUlll.nd.
Wllatner your nMda. a watch. Oo ill "°°" to lhl.-eourteoua
friendly at.ore. We ano Nr• you
will be pleued. Thal I.I •hJ' .....
& C:a•ac
u a.3311 • JIM'S
llooaT• llalflon
" Daol Plpm . ..
l'llNTY OF TIES £8TIM• TED OO<!T HARBOR HIALTH FOODI T otal .. tlmated ca.it for Lhe en-p t d F W• Ure project to the Ctty of Newport e erson an arrar inners "'·" " -·"'· c"' •ll'"'' 1 Davl.t atre&Mld In h.1.1 memo th•t a.JI
a.~s No. Nl.!\ll·port atvd.-(OppoalLe ltoar Ko.pit.-')
·''"wport &.ch. C alli. -Ph"""°' 1 . .1 .... rty 1"'"4t'
of Frank Carlton Perpetual :::·u.','::..~~'::,::::,~:;,-:,:,',:':::j
P"r•nk Cult.on perpetua.l trophy plate &"Ding to Robert Philbrick dellv•red. to him by ra.l.lway otfl-
..,.. won by a ltllm con11taunr of and R. B . Fehren. Sevl.!nth place
...... .. ~ ... 04 .... 111•• s-. .... ,.,,.,.i,1, a u..-•ll•"' i-..c1.11-
Harold Peter.on and Chet r.rr.11r, went lo John Curci a.nd Vtme Wauon.
ovar lhe weekend at Irvine Coaat Tha lut three t"ama placlng
Cot1.ntry Club. The ml!!n had • Included, tn UlL& order, Ktn Har-
J8-hole tolal of 287 tor 8 1turday· bert a.nd Sam H award, BruOI!
sund•y play Weed and JOt! Buahard and hr!
8~nd place with a acore of
288 wu won by J al\n Rob!naon
and Oeorre 8taffon1. while lblrd
plac• wa1 taken wllh • 288 .core
alao by Willia Hunt and Jt. C.
Rhode•. A .. IUdden .dM.th" play-
oft brok e I.he
tbJrd apola.
Ue for lflCOf'ld a.nd
'Mia -me ail1111Uon oetu!'l'ed
for fourth. filth. aixth. H venth
u d •lshl.h J>'&Cea when • tlve·
way tla rMUlted. Te.m wtn.nlnf
tor tourlh place t11tlUded Don
Harwood a.ad D&vtd Wortma.n.
with ·nfth g-oln1 to Brute Mar·
•ton and \\/alter Rfl<'.vea lll\d Blxth
Grandy a.n d Norman G•mble.
Pistol T1lreat Ends
In ArTest for Him
SA1"'TA ANA. FEB. IJ (OC1'i'Sl
-A JO-year-old Wa.tmlnater bar·
tender held a .4~ t a.I. nivolver
t..rrel apln.tt the ba.c k ot hla
whl'lll • ehalr . ridden moUl'er . In •
law'a head for nearly two houra
yeaterday afternoon before Sher-
ltra depuu.,. talked him out of
the ahootinr .
Jaekaon Clifford ~ of
1311!2 ICdward.I SL IUrr,ndef'i!d
hJsuRlr after depuU~ armect wltll
tear a-11..1 and heavy a.rma aur·
rounded hl11 pla ee.
--------------1 Hunter waa Jailed on an u -M.sa Man Annted 11e.ult -with • 111. • deadly "''eapon
eharre. for Drunk DriYlftCJ 8&11 wu 1et a t 110,000 by Hun-
Unrton Be•eh Jwrllce Court
William H. Ale:ri:andt"r . 43, 3M Jud&• Cella Youns . Sh• ordllred
JI:. l~lh St. waa 1.rre1ted by CX..l.I tha.t u.nde.r no clrewn.ta.ncN wu
Meaa. police at 2:20 •· m. Sunday the; ba.l.lbolldsman to pt tbe bond
and eharsed \!(Ith drunk driving . red\lced.
Offteeni aa Id A lu:and,r'a auto I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I
wu weal'lng rrom one 11d .. ot ll'le
road to the other ~tore they
h11.lted t he vehlela In the JSOO
bJodc o/ Newpol't Bh'd.
A woma.n wtth Ale:ri:andrr. whn
gav-e her n•me •• Emm11. Jane
Alf'xander. 47, w11.a bookeJ on a
drunk charge .
U~ • Drape.ry
U60 NwpL lllvd., OOllt.& ._
UMn7 M111
The Low Price is iust • • #he FIRST way you save!
Here's the Man of Tomorrow
Of cour10 you know him . i'lo's the youngster
who deliv or1 you your newspaper. And he 's tho
one who'• •tudying hard today preparing for
hi1 role of tomorrow's businessman. The work
he do.,, tho account. ho keep•, the salosmen·
ship he learn• are all louons in hi1 book of
success. Keep your eye on him and watch
how he grows and develop• until he reachos
his 90•1 of independence a nd success.
'-" •' • brMliitt. or rl.q, tor )'OUl'M1t
or aa a (tt\ JOU wW tlnd Ju.tt
.-Mt )'O'.I Wf'NI hoptnr tG nnd
11.... at pr1c:.. JOU can afford
woukl Uk• to
Hwbcw 1616' 2211 Balboa Blvd. U 8-61f4 (Ae:rc:.r from 81.f C!Ub) 1101W.~8"7,Nowporl l _________________ L!:::::=======================:::iJ
" , ____________ ,..;;,_ ___ ...., ______ pul ,....s.traUon aad .all: toe.a.i..
Ho111e • ~rdi. en,~.;-7;?.:~ \f'll.i -•• P' •• ..._ L
-llllilr' _, • . • ~i::''°:'~F • a • -• • a:-.. ~~~·~· ......... ~,, ~ .,..'!4"_ ,,.._ ~ • _. :...... • ~ a ..., • a..._. ~• :•:•:•:.;:::I ~~~. &allMt................ .. .. ,....... ' 'Ard p _..,, "'iiosw• ... ,.W .. _.. ... ......., •:Aq ft UftA'. .ASA '(OCl9J'i -.. Iii ttie __, ,......,. fll .... =·'€"i?·~ !::7 ;:z :~f:;F::: ~;,:;:;: :::;:r !:3 ;:.£2=:. '°:_ ~ :;:: .;.-~-;-:-= ,.._t o.am • ._ CIOWllO -m•p»t .; -• ' ~CJ,,, .. ..,. tM dt>' aM a W r -· mut '*lt.&lQ u.. -1w his labon'°'7. -..,, Bi;'dl •n ... lie 11U ........ .,._.. .. ..--........ ' ! .... f;-Mll ""-M I •· a. at 1wt 10 tun. fflf
,.._.19 hWe tc • ~ Oii pon ..... tw ta.. ._ ..a. .... -· Mt ... ~ .. ..,_,a ) . • .._. U.U. IO I I I Me ad .t
.. _..... -~ v --mtneu.. ....... to .....
'Salisf action
EXCll.i.JIOll CLEIUl -Martin Ande...on, left,
Swediah food market employee, holdo prue.winnlng
Name Briada promotion book of Richard'• Lido
Market. u Die.II: Richard explaina ide&B which
Andeawou will take back to his native land to u&e
in eelf...ervice at.ores there. -St.&ff Photo
~M:::t! U:..,~ wu.:0,;..:1!:..=-~.~=:-,,,'.:.t:mr:.:.:53 ,.,• !.,t .. ..,..,9-7 .. nw ,,.. couaty ·_.., wW ...
wtn remabt. hi U,. oW oout17, l*'I ,....~ 11'1 -' •w !'! J lte .....,_. ~ •• Citi' · ' ' t eaeb comm.tu.. an. ~
'u-1.1.oua V . . f <'. .Ll.d :,• ,...;.: .. ~~;ot;1 --Jiii I
l'IVM:U ,enJon 0 .WW =\--:.::.::..~~ ...... -,.. .. to -~=-~ ctr' AU.onMJ' Dom n....-..... ,,.... Jnepla.r .....
, ... ~ .... m '",.~• ... ·' I ·'::.-4
Approved ·for Class Racing ::~:::5-:.1:..... ~ lecome Teac~er con:~:-co.
. ~tattn at Davt.-BNwn eon-A ..., mdt.e4 states dtiulD I i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,;.,,;;,,;;;,,,,,,,,~
r · ., ..
' . ' •
T:"le n-~ tloerrtu and
re11n veralon of the farnou.. Bal·
boa. Snowbl.rd c..tbo&t which wu
dt-veloped a.nd lntrod~ here by
tn"' w_ D. S<:bock Co. hU now
be•n otnci&lly approved for clUll
fact.or due t o u.. J.arce notatk>D tebdlrd porUClfta oL tbe tnct ~ aow .. "enct'nc oru.p OOUl 0o1. I·
compt.rtment built Into the ~ be made tnlo Wlfta tor )sue. 6 ~ rormarty t.Um up by tramu. lila)'Or' atw. Nellloo ~ Ulat ~ QMpltle fflllkS,m,ce In th1I
1trins 11ni, and floor sraUnp: the OOW1cil "'lbould be "'1d4ld by cowllr7 ADM m. wu ao "*P ~-ot m-.tnlenancs, lllncs pl»-:>llr les-1 authortty tn tbs matter oJd. t. Kuy Qu&d&lups Davila..
Uc laminate 11 a non-deterlora.t-a.od not: pl&ced tn the position °'-Boni ID ,_.,..t~ capital ot
Jiii matsrla.I lmpuvtou. to rot l':...'': ..... ~:.:ond:::~JU>"I::'.:::_··------· 1 :·~-~~,.._~":·. Maibo, Muy vt a 1
-INCOME? .. .... ~,._.. -'* ...... wtUt. lo.d of pnoWoa-abed
-t ... ,"' ...... to
y...u srder at a •irlaJ'.
•• ahon, "'1th r loe. X.bbet
at b...._k 1'-ioeb dotp and "4.·
l=b wldt to recdva % -lncb
panel ot hardwood plywood, or
lnaer1 !Mlne! aad ft•\en Yitb
tln4hll'll' n.alla. A t rama ma7
b. futened with clt1e, u
abowl:i, a rmind I.ha open f~
Sand rvund t'l1Xl••d corntni,
&11d t.n1ah aa dW ritd.
r•< Ing.
A n1r;eUng of U1e Snow bird
l'l&M Rac1nr Aaaoc1alion wll•
hl'ld r•t·ently at Newport Harbor
Ya1,.ht Club &.nd attended by dele-
~;otr~ from th• vartou.t yel·ht
, ''lb~ Jn the bay ar .. a Commo-
J .. re J . A . Beek, praident ot
the &MOCl&Uon. c.Jl-..i upon Ed
\\ .. rnun.:Wn. cb&irn11il1 uf lhe de-
velnpn1ent C()mmlltdoe, for a re-
p...trt cin the new boa.t.
Findrnga of t!\a c001n11tte" Jn-
,1!.utell lhe n1olded veraion or the
tiu(l w11.1 ldenuca.l in weight.
.. nn!nur" 11.nd dlmena!on• t..o tho..,
.. ,.1lil phu1kecl. woodt.n hulls and
th::.t a.U c h&ng-h due tu the new
... t!dla o,£. conatruclloo were !or
th•· better •nd In no w•y s.rft.eled
Lhe bulc ....Ulng-qus.lJUea or the
twat. Slnt't! the new craft u&e•
the m&m• •pa.ra a.n<I lltlil• &.1 be-
rure, there wu no dlaCUMlOn o1
th~ae f eature..
l'he principal advantage• or
th.., laminated plMUC llJU1 n~r
J:lu hull are the lnt'T'l!a.sed aaff'ly
s.nd marine 1rowth. and cWOr broostLt. t.o th9 Ullltsd St.ates by
may be lmprep a.ted Into th• ma-Good Pru her p&r«lU W'htJ1 9be wu Juat
ten•! ltMJt thus eltmlna.ttn1 the n"1ng 30 da,ys old.. i-t .... k, alter
ne.:eulty tor pa.inUng ; tbs one-JMl'tl of wa.lt1Jll', aba beeune a
p1 .. ce bull w ith int•&'l'ilY m olded tu.U0 ftedl""1 eltbell-"'Now I ca n
~enterboud tr un k ma.kea a N for wot.e," .tle -.14. "It Ill .unethlng
11tron& and leak-proof unit: and. ecessary I have alway• wanted to do ..
!mall)', tn. •lmpllclty ot moldsd M.a.ry WM ~uated l'rom OCC
oon.ct.ructKJn bri.nl' th& tata.J cc.et In lto:I, Ill naw tall.IJJC •peeial
or the boat lower than the w ood-H Ith Pl t •• '"""" mod•!. ea y an •ubj.ob "''·~ ,_,.,...,,, '" Lon&' Beach Stale In the rail
A OCt:J"TEll Bdore comtnc to Ca.illornla •h"
~'lth the above f11.cU In 1nlnd. The ..-nee o( any d t!nnltlon o! a ttended Bouthwe•tern In W1L111
a nd a fa voral»e report from tbe prunl.nl" t.a the word "strwi~"· h.a.c.hle, Tau, &lid t~ Bible In-
ilevtloprne.nt and meaauring com-P rwung:-mual bit done COl'T'f:CUy or aUW\4 ln 8UpMnCO. Te.u.a. At mitt~•. thoe 11~ta 11on voted to I ~u ..__, the latter m.tltuUon aha wu In t ... , ..,., tu rrom 11. 1tren~acc1pt th11 new boat lUld 1.pprov-1ng: pr1Xllli!dur8 a.n4 r..lher & hlp!y •UeM&ncs for thrff ye&r•, wllh
ed lt tor cl&u nu.·1ng on an equ.aJ delft.rucUve acl. all ot her WOTlr. In B~lah. Ht r
footing with the 11tvere.I hundred Pnlntnc .lboWd bit doo9 a t leut -.rUtt .cbooll.ng-wu 111. J ulee-
woo<len hulla now In exLltence. bUl'Co OoJo... w here U. alt.ended once & yea.r a.nd it haa been found _..,_,
Amon1 those present at the that. w. wtnt.sr u.m. t. beat [or = c:;;;t;' ma: ~the Sed·
meetinc were ~ne Baul r&pre-It tJlowa a minimum Ume betwoen ~
MnUng the Ba.lboa l1land Yt.eht pruninc and th• begUullD&' ot nlt"IJ A.a.d &bOU.l >Mr planl tot ths
L"lul>; Dlck sweet a.a rfl}re.enta,. IJT'O"fth. Diet.ck orteo rNUlll ftltun. Mar:r .-lei sb9 wanll W
live ot. U do I.ale Y&cbt Club; when ttlMll &l'e }'t\lnSd tQQ early, ~ dtmelltarJ' school In th•
honor....-y commodore Jim Wet>-Januuy and rebru.&ry an ~,.. UDlt.sd. at&i... pretsrably .Bpa.n-
ater of NHYC, pion eer Snowbird &Uy ac1"Ml1 upon by rno.t. prden--•k<P"""r and on•lna.tor or the atudct.tL She be-.,~ "' 1Jll' expert. u bellt. for p runing. clu•; and m&lly other• lnteretted To dedd9 what p&lU l:>f your U..... • can ondsrwtaDc1 tbeir
1n Lhe f\lrt.herance of the ......... ~ e. •Y.. &IMS all.a t..i. ·~1 l"llM bua.hes to cut out, you ilbauld --
popula.r lltU. ...SlboaL ~ tbl.t mcwt. tOM ~I ~~::;::;::;""::;~p0. ::;::;::;::;::;:::::;~ 1 ------------· lprt>dUC• pod now-t011t tour to I;
Mrs. Grosz Hurt :::;:~~ =' :u: BE SURE. INSURE
• '" Cou ty C ash cl N..,_,.,.,... A oane UW bu .... ft r tint.bed produdnC t.bould be cut XA.tJUCll ftAllLl:Y
to the _,,_ When ._ ... 1 ...... ........_ IWIW9 o.17 Mn. O&lll el Oron. 19. of 1&09 •·--r·--r ·--...., _..., 1414
A ba.Jone Ave., iruftered minor In· ducln.I' caDe.. cut wilbiQ. %. Inch *6 II. 0..-lllch&J'
wt: DN"Ett •IEUCTl:D
WrTH 8 ClltVICX '
.... .._., ...: --MILIC<T•~-4-e
t.lberty 8-2281
IM. I . llll BAY BLU>Y
~r.•A.lff;I NG 711 W. 17th St.
1'09 N,9U$Hfn(F1 • ~1-.11.-. LJJ.". •UMULY Wl 11
•l•s• w h e e l
~ &re IJ(bt·
...... t~
.r~.:L ... -
Uf'llUy d e • 1.--.ed .. __
*•••l•r •tee&.
..... lo l l-la. ----_.,-
Kllnberty S.1181
lllO 8. ll&la SL. S&ata An&
~ .. W1lltUer-......,___._ _. Adult Classes
Still Open at
Coast College Jurle• on Jan. 18 when Mr car at the bU4. To make a n>M bUlrb 0..... ... lilM'
Adu!ta m ay 1Ull' re~llter for ., collided with a truck at Ki&:h· ipread, cut back to out.Ide bud8 I ~;;;;;;;~;i:;;~;::;:::::;:::~ LIDO sHoPs
nllmber or new t•la11!tf'1 which v.•11.y 39 and 1".~wman S t. near or lateral bra.nch8; t o make It I;
at.arled at Orange Coa1t COllece \\'eatmln11tl'r, according to h.l(h· rnor9 u~l, cut b&cit to Uudde Rr::.dy Mixr:d
Con ere le
~ 111:"*' B. Utt (R., 28th Dlrtrlct), ot S&nla Ana.
a fOl"DMZ' Bo)' Scout, 1-.ti.own u he -.. pruented a Boy
llcotll. pm.. ta celebrat10n D( the 4&th birthday or Scouting, b y
CU)> Scout Tbomu CW't!a. Tommy, q ed 10, h1 a realdent of
lhi11 wffk ,'tt waa dlaclo11ed today. way patrol report•. The Injure:! budll.
C\AM11et1 a re 1t.art1.11g In coUege woman v.·u tti ken to Hoa( Hu.-ot course, u.c." lype or ro.e
che.milllt}". the b11-1ic courae in pHaL ttqUll"fl9 aomewtat dltferenl prun,
p rlnclple.a or chcm11try wlth .1pe· Driver of the fia.t bed truck w .. In( me~ Hybrid teu r upotld
¢!al emphuia on chemical caJcula-Myron w. Ta.I t,~. 6831 E , Slater, belll to ~ to moderate Pl'Ul!J.ni"
Uona: pr lnclple• of cConomica; J funUn~n Beacb. offlcen •ald. wtth m;eept1onl dependlns Oil ths
juvenile ilellnquency and control. Tait wu eutbound on N.wma.n Y&rlety. P1ortbu.DdM nesd Ju.at
Introductory psychology and pnn· and the Balboa llll&nd wom1L11 wu enoup th111.n111C: out &lid cuttin1
clplM of llOClology. dr!vlnc north on wchway 39 when back to eneour-.ge the mu • tlaw-
All l>f Ult e bove a r. reiU\11r the cr911h occurred. ertng-wood. ctirnben th.al bklozll. ce~!eg,. rour-dealgned to m eet Hoag Hoaplt&I authoriUn y .... In Sprtnc: Ol'lly .twuid bs pruD.ee1
low er dlvtalon requirem ents. The lerct..y reported the victim ww alter ~; ~ th&t flower
la boratory ehem l•try cl.1..'!0a wUl released a.fter Ille Wll.I treatsd for for & J.onj'er period ~ tlme can be
meet on Monday. Tuea<lay, and icratcileM caused by flying c la.u, prun.d now, the ~ brancheB cut
'Oiunday evenlng1 through J une multipl"' brulaea 1L11d .rnx:k. b<aclr. to lltubll al.~ to UU"es bud.I
&.. Economic• will mset Wsdnea· 1--------------and moK ol. the 1arlgth l'f'OWUl of
day evenln1• a.nd wtll cover th.fl n1ain •t~ Jen.. S L&ads.rd rOSM
_df\velopment and. • cha.racterilllcll Mesa Jaycees lhoW4 ~ ~ ml'.!" with OD1.J of our economic eoclety, lhe pro-on• t.o thrM bud8 ol. the pUt ..,
ducUon and con11umpl1on of weillth aon lsft on t.hs moderately vigor.
and Income. v • 1 0 e and price, to Sponsor Mrs. OUll va.rleUe•, more en th& Tlror-and th• di11trtbutlon ot Income. oil.I growen.
P•ycholO(Y l A will a.I.so meet Important pruntnc demon.Rn-w I L c H • s W~nuday "'venln&"a. It w ill em: A • c I I Uona and ~UoM are bebl&
phulze tlle appllc•tlon or psycho-mer1ca on es &1Ve.D DOW •t your local nuraery. I"' &DY MIXED
iv(1cal principles to 10C!al, per-Chsck with hlIQ. tor -pen. advice &llt.
-.mal and •oc•tlonal problem• of Mr11. Costa l i M& Homem&k•r on pnmln&'. CONC•""'
Uv1n g . Sociology I will meet Tues· t.nt erlng t he 18Lh annU&l Mni . .AJn, "515
d•Y evenlng1 tron1 7·10. Jt 11 a 1rlca cont eet wUI have a cbaocs t.o 111 () ctal WllJ'
1eneral intrlxluction to wcloloCY vie ror more th&n $2tl,000 in prizell. band, at tbs world.-famou. ~ 008'r& KUA. U a.aes
Wllh ~mphasla on 110<;lal 11tructure, 11.ccordlng t.o Dick Hau.er, Collll. AJr.C"U. Am'--dor Hold, 9ite of q..a.cy A 11WJ ._..
group relations. IOCla\ 1n11UtuUon11, Mesa. Junior Chamber or Commen::& thfl State t'lnili. Mra. Calltonata B-u.c--8dl.
.~~.~.~"~_!'!!nclaoo Bay...,_ a.ad la ill W AAb-
tqt.on. D. C., with ht. parent.a; liii""t'&llieT belii1 ilalloned at
~ Peta.cm. "I am l'Jad l o u.illt tha Sco\ltlne movement
In any way J can." .aid COngreama.n 1Jt l, "~auae l f~I It
.. dollll' a ma.rveloWI job for our youth and doing It In the true
~ ... aplrtt." ~
llOClal dl.90r1anl:r.allon and llOCltJ pre•ldent. H11.uaer stated the Coat.a. and thne other Stats wtnnen will Les. 1--1111 ·'' e~. J..1.eaa. .Junior . cu.in~--ot-.Cam-l ''~K;el;;,;•~·~·~-;;;~;;;:'°~ma=~u~':;;•:;u;...,,..._==:::~!::':::":=:::
-'uvenlle delinquency and con· merce will aponaor the ent.ln Har-Ii
trol I• .• cJ&Sll cle11!gned to m eet bor arefl .
the need1 of 111.w enfo rcen1ent 'The Coata M esa J unior Chamber
peMIOn ncl. It wHl meet Wednee-of Commerce h11..11 arnmged for
dllY• fron' 12-3 P-m .. w!Ul anotll-nun1f'roua merchand lae award• for
fir •ectlon. covering-lhe 11ame ma-conte11tanta in lhe contest to .elect
terlal. from 6 -9 p. n1. Instructor Mr11. Costa Men.. Theae will be In
wHI be Sgt. Ruse Campbell of addition to the J 25,000 in priMll
t he OrtU1ge County Sheriff"• Of-to be given a t the Oh•t.lon, St&te
nee. and Natlon11.I Jevet...
l!:nrol!mcot !I! po111\ble Jn all Dlvt!llon v.·lnneni, the commJtteit
41-acre Fullerton Shopping
Ce1ter to Cost Sll Million cl;.a!M's;: ~y reporting Lo the adult rcp<"111s, wtU recelv11 automaUc
education office in the Admlnl•· Whirlpool l h clothes d ryer .. well
prlae are J . C. Penney Co .. W . T . tr11Uoil. Buildin g. u a thref!-d•y alay. with her hlUI· J'ULLERTON (OCNS) -Con-
•t.rucl&OD ot the tint unit of • i-0-
acre. fl0,000.000 aboppln.I" center
.t. OJ"ans.thorpe A'tt. iand Spadra
Road t. expected to s tart w ithin .. ...,,_
Grant, F . w. WoolwOTOi. Lon1·11 r==================""=""="""'""=;;; I
0tnc1.i. ot M&yfatr Develop-
ment Co. r.;ji(,rted plant for the
34,000-911 f L Mayfair Market are
Jn the handll of contractoMI. While
bldll a re being received. plan. al8a
wUl go lo the city bul141n& de·
_plrt.ment for &pproT&l.
The market. whldl otttclall hope
will be open by Jun.e, •t. k>eated
os. the 1tOUlheut oorMr ot ~ ln~
Drur , dreu and jewelry chain I I
stores, a large dMve-tn f'Mtaurant
and poulbly a bank.
ter1e.et1on. Th• building permit le
upected t.o be for 1600.000.
Other unite in t he huge enter-
FORBES .. ..,
PllONI: llAAJIOR 1111
General Contractor & Build er ... o-.,..,..
ooioNA oi:i. .... ~
"We A.rrange F1nanclng"
'°7 Bolsa Ave.
Ju.& oU .NpL IUl·d. at 15tb
Newport Beocll
Liberty S.!%81
Rug & Carpet Cleaning
Upholstery Cleaned
la Our Plant
or la Your a._
Peniall 1119 Cie.tnci Woiks
HA. 4128-3420 Yla Uda hK. HA. 5426
Build Your
w. Hcrte'
For 1;he
llOO W. c-Hlgln•ay -Newparl lwll
Uberty 8-1411
APPUA.NOD -Bo• elaold
P&rU -Dealer -8fll"Ttca lJDO o:u:aDKl MU V1a Ud9 -a..... ,,.,.,
N-and 1-.d C&n
Nlo:&E&'ft STUDD•m ..... _ ......
ltl6 Nswport Ill.._ -Bar. &10
Bu.k of A-a NT a IM.
...... Via U6a -llarhr 1611
LlbO lllA VINO 11110 b ........... ,. ...
Mii Via I.Ma -......,. UN
UDO B.&LON or m:A.11'1'T
SUI lfpt. ~ -Bar. ll'N
llOOll o.uo:
Mlt Via UM -........ &6H
0AMJ!R48 II 8appliea
Nil Vial.Mo-........
• MIO Vta Udo -~ml
UIS Vla U6e -........ 1111
INSUUNCE AGEN'l'S w. o. s uca. L"'i C-,
Ult Vla U4o -llArbor ""
141' vt.. Udo -...... 6111
DIO& llACltl:IL
DON C!KEIOll'J'ON A. L D. .._. ........
MO Via lllalap -....,.._ 1111
Mii V ... Ulla -lluMr IUI
P. A. p&r VS:• INO.
1111 • lido -..,..., 1609
N1I Via Ullo -Barllo!' .-rt
a.t.T AND DA.CB u.uJl"I' OABPBl'8 II D&&PDl1!8 Via Udo Brillc's omo.
DIO& llAOKK• llll a.FaJ9U. -......... Ma
... wt...J '1 Ba tlaa au---·UDO· 8UJJl'!l'·•*MO<Y*TD-
ISUO 8'1'0111E8
'VINCIKNrB LIDO D&tJGa Mii.Via ...... _......_. ....
alcW•Ut"I UDO ••an
~Tohlo ....._ ..
Mii Viau..-.........
Nil Via Uh -_.......,
Mii ll1a &....--............
1Jdo Ba.I• " a.ttall MIO Via UAo -~ MM
AS800lA1'IONS .
UDOTBW•m °'""""-=""a-" V..U-.• ..... _ ....
LIDO TCnLUID MG '\Ila Uls -_....., ...
l'ILA VEL .&OENOD:8 waaww 'l'&a:n :L AAm JUI N_,.... ...._.._. llH
Dia& ••QIU HJO vi. u.. -....._an
w A'l'Oll JU:PAJB VINm r a .w.&re11 m£a
UDO D&IJOfl ........ .,...
DIS llBAJ>& 8HOP ._. .. .._or,._ 11ar ...
C&r~ot Vitamin•
CuTot.a ............. ... .,_....,. ....
IN BUST . WORK SESSION are -Junior Jl:bell
members, p.lhered at the home ot Mn. Charlee
W-I~ 0.-. Blvd. u they p;..~ deco-
rationa for their faahion-Mow-ca.rd. bMIDCh to be
beJd tomorrow at Balboa Bay Cub. In foreground
are KN. E. H. Kelly a.nd Mn. G. W. GWT Jr.: a.round
tbe t&bl8 are (1 to r) llm.eL Dean Gorton, Kenneth
L. -.n, Rlcharil Hodge, Ray Donald. Wood-
ward, and Robert Wallace. -Staff Photo
No N eM ..
Ti.Ile Ll!Mo ..
HARBOR Philharmonic Sets
Concert Next Week
Com•ln and~
It to Yours.it
PRE-BALL PARTY -Among those gathered at the home of Mn. Alyne Fields,
2962 Bayahore Dr1 \'e, ccl('ktinl party chairn1an for the Philharmonic b&.11, held at
Balboa. Bay Club, wa8 thia group which includes Mrs. Samuel Coombs of Puadeha
and her sister-in -law, ~1ra. Ralph E. Qu inn. !>t.·ated : standing ll to r), Mr. Coombee
and the Arnold Naegelis. -Terry Bor11:1 Photo
Frienda or the Philharmonic met at fja\boa Bay Club
Feb. 8 fo r their ntontbly brea.kfut m~·('t and heard 1t an-
nounced that the n e xt Philharmonic ('onct·rt "'ill ~ ht·lil 11.t
Orange Coaat College Auditorium J<'cb :!.:1.
\\'e aJao la¥1i.o , .... Lo -La
a.ad '-"1 U.. -Hr mu••
SpU.et Ore-·""'"" Avalfable
Repurt on lho: Valentine Ball
'H11 rd1n J11, o1 r·orn 11-11•1 1 "II 1~ .. ~
lllU l'lA ..... O .t. tlKt.A:ol RiTURI:
11"..J"u.art.-,.,. 1 .. 1 AH Mockla
Hammun\J t•ri:..n•
"'llJ!I Klven by l..1r11. A lfrl!d P•yn<' wrll ,, ,., ,.,,,.1., 'I~·-• \It· •• Kl '!-."ii 111
of Erne raid li&y , a del1111l• repor t I Gunn 11,~
10 b<e given laler on lh• amount )..f R•\•I .. •
cleared. Frieda Bl!Unfante, the
Huller an<\ .J
' '
........ ,,,,..,. ,,_
AN UMBRELLA F1.JLL of gifts, a huge birthday cake and a lot of happy women
were the ingredients for a s urprise birthday party given for Mra. James
Holiday at the Ba.lboa Bay Club by Mr11 . John Earl. J<~rom left are. Mmet1.
Margaret Trider White, Crace Botsford, Jack Corn, Hugh S. Rawlings. John Wil -
aon, John Earl, Allen Loefncr, Arnold Naegeli, Ralph Ta'ldowsky, Jack Curry, Ed,
J . Ea.rt, Henry Schaefer Jr., John Abell, L. G. Nelson and Eloise Carrell. -Terry
Boria Photo I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
S.,-.n1a~ EndlCh , yOWI& .opra.no, will &ppt:il.1' In lhe Com-
munity Confert HMM on Thu,...;tay 11venillg a t the Laguna
8-ch H igh School a udtlor1um, 8 16 p.m.
Ml•• Endlch hu appeanid tor lhree aea..orui at the Berk-
ah!r e featlval •• a solol •t with the Hollloo Symphony Qn:~a
tra. Charlc11 Munchl.s dh'flctlnr. She waa chcwen to create the
IM>dlng role 1n ChabM•r'• opena. lxHfll, "An lllCOfnp&etc lr.du-
c•Uon"'. She .~ aang t.he UUe role In a revtval ot Mout1.'e
'"Za.idt ". anti the i>art of M~i.ande In DebwNiy'e "PeUeM and '
Mel!Ml!.de". dlrectt"(l by Bon. Gol.d.ovU:y. Thia le MlN Endlch"a
H()()nd nallon-w1tJ. concert tour.
Admlaa.lon lo the concert i. by Community Conc:ert
memben1h1p ca rd only. For hou--guut a.dmttt.&nce c&J.I ~
cally Mr.. Gertrude ML-Call, or M1'. W. E. Parke ln ~
New President Heads
Beth el Mothers Club
When Job'a Daughter• Mothe1'9 1•. the pla.ce to be announced at
CJ\1b met at the home of Mr•. Kr-a later da \11.
conductor, •P'-'ke ot lhe Syrnphony
for Youlh J11.n. 28 when Orange
Cout Colle&• audltonurn ,. .••
crowded to over-n owtng-In I.he
mom ln11 •nd !he .._nemoon con-
cert a t J<'ullerton w-.. equa lly well
VarlOIUI a res chaJnnen g-avt
their re1X>rt...; .\lr11. C. R. C&rlyle,
Newport H el~ha. on the Chlld-
rrn'11 C lolhtng-Ba..z11.1.r lo be held
thla 1prtnr: Mr11. Mo reland Leith·
old, Newport·Ba.lboa. Penl.naula.,
11nnouncl!d L'I htr new co-chair·
man Mr•. \\'Wla.m R. M.cOx>k ,
Mr._ Holm~ Wf!hrly ot Sana
Ana reported on lh11 F ourth D1fl.-
lr lcl P -T A helptnr to 1u pport th t
Syn1phonlu tor Youth and Mr•.
Wdl.rly'1 tea· for Lhe benen t of
I.he Phllhannonlo to bl! held
March 19.
Waya a.nd mea.na committee.
through Mra. Gertn.i!e McCall,
re~ed plana for the Tffll Dance
to be held In t he nea r f uture.
Other • preeent from the Har-
bor area "''re Mme.. Karen Al .
Bruning, Frieda Belinlanle, H. H.
Henahaw, J Ol!eph H. Gauthier,
William V. K emn\t.Mr, Willi am
Worth T aylor, Ocorge Mcl..11.ugh-
lln. Douglu R.oeach. J. M.. t F'ran )
n e It Cn.ln, •36 Via M.arlna., Oo«t.a -------------------------
tit1!41l, Feb. I! .. Ml"9. Rarold Becbe NORMAN'S GARDEN -mod tho d"llN or p~ld•"1. • SHOP
aucceedtnc M n . Rex Albright
wbo.e term wu Interrupted due
to line otncer pl"Omotlone In lhe
bethel. M:r1. Pa.ul Coopel-a.ecept«'I
At th.la Ume ot year prdener•
are often perplexed .u to what
need1 to be don• to their pWlt.
them. They have a complete
•lock of plant., tt"eM, ahrubll,
beddlnc planta, aa wall u lawn
aoeed and pn.1.en eeed. They (lve the office ot vice prMldent to and .tln1N to aw&k9ll and lJUUJ'(I.
aerve for the remainder ot the lhelr beauty and health. Thia I• !JP«l&l atte:n.Uon to the eelectton
term . th• aeuon tor planting lawna, a.nd ca.re or holiH pla.nta and In-
Committee report& were matle t~ and many Of the 11.nnuala t.erior decoraUon and ma..ny 1de111
on a.rT&ngemf!flta for t he "'VI.Jen-and ehruba. It la ai.o the time to help you incorporate them Jn -
Une Tea" held l!"eb. 12, 2 to 4 p ,m. to your decoraUng-11eherne. No Roy Adani.Mtn, president o f the Centinelle. Valley True-1 thelll! children have l'Ofl'-to thc
tees and Adminiet.raton Oub will be the guest llJ>e&ker at J1.mee P. Grffley achool for ' 11pecl1I ln.tlnictlon. hul due to
K aJd ol yeu to do the owr-&11 pla&-at I.he home ot Mn . .Joe Inc • ma.tter what your iieeda you can 11• VI~ PalUmo. Mra. C. 0 . Jacoba nln1 on any land11C&ping ldf!M . the Newport Harbor Union H igh School Pa.rent-T each e r AB· o ver-crowding tney are bf'~ng re-
&<><:l&tion meeting Tuesday at 7 :30 p .m. in the school audi· t urr.ed to thLI area.
reported thc Stanley tund-ra.ialng Norman'e at 282~ E. Cout HJgh· be eu,.. that they have It for
projcct • succea11. wllh nrmt prtze way In Corona de! Ma.r, Ph. Ha.r-you. Remember the bare root
for targut a.mount of ea.le. r olng-bor ei90 la lhe place to take your ~ Ma.aon 111 drawing-to a clo•.
to Mri. Cooper and HC"Ond prize problcma Thia nrm often a corn-In th.la bu•inue review we re·
tor1wn. His loptc: wtll be ··F.duc•·
. tlon le Pn~ll' Our Children
i tor Buatneu", 1 The CenU-lla Valley Club ta
... comp<>Md of echool board mem-~ bl!r1 a.nd ad.llllnlatnlots of the
f "i1U.1ey. In addition, AdamllOI\ !11 a
j tnm.ee of the H'awthorne School
t dl1t.Tlct. put prul.dent ot the
~ I.Jon• Club, and prefJJde.nt of the
~ Centi.nella Valley Realtor• Auo-
j elation.·
I I ;
i • ' !
' < • ~
I ~ " • ' • ' " ~
i ' ! i I
f >.
111 ~ -eo.u. ·-..... . ..-,, ......
M hi! wu ln the real e.tate
bu.in-, he became lnterealed In
the problem of school tu:ea and
took cour-In 11ehool finance lo
leern about the whole el\uaUon.
Three. honocacy . life .m~
ahlpe will be awarded to pe.-.on1
In the com1nunlly out.atandlng In
youth work a nd pa11t preeldenta
will be honored. ·
A report on the Governor'•
Conference on EducaUun. ht'ld
la.t fall in Sacnunrnlo, wlll be
given by Kingery W/1lleneck or
I.he science department. \Vhlte-
neck, Mr1. Harold Boyvl'y, flr•t
vtce-pre11ident of Fourlh Otstric l
P-TA. and Mr1. C•JOe Hoffman.
Women to Meet
M Alb" hl prehenalve nuraery aervlce. They to n . "' · oominend thl.e ttrm and c:on....,.alu-I can aul1t you ln your planning-, ... Other routine buatneu Pana 1 ti t •--d _.. late Joe Ellie and .. ,_ able u -were dh1cw111e<I after which refre.h-ee ee on ° your p .... a, an ... ow • .,.
mente were ecryed. M.re. A lbrlcht /iy~o;;";;;;;;";;~;;;;;;;;t;;o_,p.l;;~;;l;;;;;;~;;;;;;d;;;;;;•;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;fo;;•;;;;;;ol;;•;;lon;;;;;;lo;;;;;;;;o;;n;;;;;;lh;;;;;;•l0•;;;;;;a;:b;:U:lloy;:. ;;;;;;;;A;;d;;•,.
1 The monthly meetlnr of the Al-Waa 'h~f!'&I cJ\alm'l&ii TM t1'1el!'ft1t.= -
aoclatlon of UnfV11ria.llat Women Ing.
of the Harbor area W\11 be held at H.~~U:~t.c;::. ~:::: ~:
the home uf Mf'I. !I:. F . Chriaten-Nlckell. Kincaid, Mtlton Steller,
eon. 41• Bel Vue Lane, BAU>oa. 11.t Cooper. W. L. Millcr, Crain, A. L.
I :30 p.m ., Feb. 1&. Robe110n, Willia Sanger, Jacobe.
Following-the d~ert luncheon Albright, Beebe, J ack H11.rrla. Joe-pllUUI will be made for a luncheon d to be h~ltl In March for the !!late Pph Thom••. Dcan Smith, an
boArd of the Unl11rre1.l111t Women, Ch&rlt11 Ary Jr.
who meet lour lime• a year w 1 __ Th_•_•_••_<_m_M_U_•_•_w_11_1_1>o_M_•_re1>_11 furtt.er U1e growth of liberal
The Poodle
premldl'nl of Harbor Courocll women. may contac t M111. A. J . Taylor or
P -TA. were rrpre11entativM at the Anyone nffdlng tran8portatlon M111. Leon Rudd.
confe rence. ~-'-----''---'-----------------A t the board meeting to be held
ln March Mr1. Robert Harbl.on.
girlll" advleer, will expleln I.he
n-counMling progTam to be 0lnaugunr.ted at lhe high &Choo!.
Tbrre new advifHlra will be added
to lhe faculty, one for curriculum
and one each for eocilll and vtK:a-
Uonal guidance.
Mental hn.llh chairmen from
the Newport and Coata ~1eaa
area.. di1tCumltd problema o f child-
ren who ar11 not able to kerp up
in ~gula.r clu1room ln11truction
recently In Coeta Mesa. Formerly
A--tm -N•t.e9 -a.I-. ot
N.J' ~ at 4!!11...,,...._n 1-
Americ!&. "Ne eollectto.. -N •
r-" We ... Mtfle ..U cc.ta.
oa&Drr llVR&AU •' w..-. Oraac• 0-.Q'
fonDel'IJ °"""' ..,_.. ., N e#pen 8-ab, Lac-. BeM9 -"""' -IM ........... A-.P.o.a...IM
.NEwPQU a&&.CB. <a.LU'.
Now tbal winter 111 here the
tl111e bu arri.-ed to bri(hll!tl and
protect your home with 11. nf!w
coat of p&lnL Bummer heat and
ratna fade and di.mace the n -
t.erior of your home and lhe· In·
terklr le subjected to arUflc1al
hf!at and em<dle l'rom your atovf!.
r-;ew paint will protect lhrM sur-
fa.cee and a new rolor IM:hf!me w !ll
IP'lprove the look& ot your home
and make It ecem new again.
WhlUtM:k'11 Houae of eofOr at
MOT Newport Blvd., Ph. Harbor
2938 can eupply. JOUr neede with
11 huge 11tock of intrriur and ex-
terior ptl.lnt.., ataJna, varnlahe.
•nd enlllJleJa. They are now fee.·
turing a complete line o1 DeYOe
and Kemtone i>Alnt and lhey alllO
carry a trcmendoue 11.0c.k. of W&ll
paper and art 1upplie11.
If you are one of the m11ny
who enjoy ''do It youreelf"' pro-
Jecta go In to ff!! t hem eoon
and let lhe:m h!!:lp you with \de&a
or If you pffil'r thry .. -111 rl!C•)m ·
men<I a rellablr painter or papcr-
h11n i;:e r IQ you.
~1 &ny pro(e.'l.'llQnal p11l n te111 11.nd
lntrrior decoratol'9 deal with thla
nrm bec•u.te their merchandlee
la lop qUallty. Prlcea a.re right
and their lll!tvit::i! i. prompt and
courleoua. Thl!tltt a.re the reAeOn11
we wlah to ~commend them to
you ln our b!Ulln ... reYlew. The
H OUN ot Color ha.e b9en cho•n
Contat HffodQUU"len for th a
Better HomM and Garden
Uona.I Con.t.Nt. '--.Aht-.
008T A. 1rO:&A. CHAPEL
17'1 Superior A..._u.
eo.ta Me-. caw.
.PllcG.e L.lbetrt7 .. lW
CHA.PEL BT TD 8!:4 a&• E. Cout Blvd.
Corona del Kar, Cal.it.
PlloD. BartJor 4l
Toy Dog
Smell White
Will Crawl
Into Someones Heart
4 P.M. Valentines Day
MIO vta Udo, Newport llNcb Har. OMS
I I :
when it rains ... : it drie~
.._ .. ~I I
: I
I ,,_-
t h e modern way ... with an
electric clothes dryer!
&de the JWftch. Clot1-oome
out soft and llully •••
thow.igh1y dried by clean.
even cltdric beat It's
the best..:.00 eui•""'fllollthod ,.. .........
Sn 11-rUdrlarl
ef'Jll.,,,_ d.aJ.
• c'SooJ ,.,..,...,.,_.~eo......._
We Are Headquarters
fo r
2205 W. lalboa llY·dd~. -1!1Nele•wp111olftrt l••di
tt.bor 116
MONDAY, FBltUARY IJ, '"' ' .
......... J\W ..... _,.....
IOUtla ..... 1&117 ...... Md ...
l*&m OUhrt. Mn. 1.-ftJ'el ...
ft~p .............. .
Kr9. OM'l a.-. a.ad llra. ,.._
Lindbergh P-TA
Slates Talk on
Civil Defense .~ bl• 1&1": Mr.. ~ ...
-Bullock's Portrait
RUSSIA'S ROYAL REGALIA -or & reuonable !ac&imile thereof, ~ belng a.a-'\
ttembled by Nighting!Llee of Hoag lioapit&I Auxilia.ry a. stage propertiee !or their
Edna Steam8 Dayton rf"VW:w of "A.nuta.aia.," Feb. 23, 10 a. m.. in the Lido Theatre.
Left to right around the gilded Lli.rone are Mm.ea. Walter H. Seibert, treaJlurer of
the tumor boa.rd ; On •al Stewart, tick et chairman ; George Coffey, tint vice
president and D. H. Crum Jr. ·-Staff Photo
G;$c;~t Nightingales
At Camp Baker After
Donner Pass Honeymoon CA LENDAR
OF EVENTS It was in an e1ghl o'clock ceremony on Jarf. 3 1 in St
Andrew'• Pre•bytenan Church that Barbar& N&ncy Lingle,
lovely P omona College junior, recited vows with Stephen ("JI URCH :~~~!. GUILD
Neil Barnard in the presence of mcmbeni o f the fa.mil1cs ; Ju p. ni. OJM ct1111 i:h
News --------1
Ne.11.t TUuJay. ~'eb. 14. lhe
1:1rl S«>u.ta o r 'rroop 49 w tll a.ct
._. B11e 811ter1 Ln tuwoleu!ng •
V1tlentlne party fur the ae..:un<I
Krade ¥iri. tn Brownie Troop fi~,
The older r lr\1 plan lo teach.
UleLr Uttle Slslfr-' 11. g11me. a
..,ng 1tncl a dj_l\CI . 11.tter which
refre.lhn\enta will be •frve<.1.
Will Set Scene
of Old Russia
Tea from aa.mova.rs, 1,>iro&hklea (Ru1111lan cooklea l an
balalaika mWliC all wilJ be Prosed in the lobby of the Lido
Theatre whm the Nigbting&le chaptec-of. Hoag Ho•pital
A uxilla.ry preM,DtJJ & s pring re of plays and bookB and a few cloee friendl!I. "M Ll':<1JON Au x
l~io:ain Hall ,.,e Rev. Jarne. 8. Slf'Wart or-•!tar a.nd g!vf'n In keeplfll' by he r
fl <•l.ated a t the ceremony which broUler. Wn•ld R. Linl'le IJI She I Ff'h. 1"
united Ole daughter of Mr•. Don.1.l<I .,..,.a g owne.J in ro.e-p&t ternll<l lace !.!DO !SLF. Cart! l.u nc h~on
6 p. m HOLf,.l:k SKATl:'lo!U
For ~""\'otr.t&.l v•eek11 p•~t Ulf by l':dna Stearna Dayton, Ftb. 23,
g lrl• ot Troou 49 have been tak· 10 a. m . Proc::-1& will benetlt
1n~ ak11 ltnK 1~""""1' 11.t tlh' ll&r· ltO&&: Hoa.pita! lumor board.
cs&rl. all &.Ml!'m bled by the decor·
atiorw con:u:nlttee.
It Ungle and th• lat .. l1r Unrle and tulle over aaUn. The moldf!<! 10 " 111 • clt.ibh•,u•e
and th• IOI!. ot Mr. 1.nd Mra. Nell bodice had long 1Jeeve. and a 1cal· Jlt EHELL Urunl'h
t.oor Rt:i!ler Rink 1n Culltll Me&1:1 FKOM B VSSIA Door prt-hav• been Rlected
and ...i.uns Mr•. Jo. E. Pretn·
Lncer, w•y• and mean• cllalrma.n,
ln. pi..no1nC th• event are }tra..
Arthur J . Gruwell. prMldent, ln
ah&rf• of relreahment. and Mra..
Hal Dl:ke,. dec«&Uona cb.alrman.
Membe~ at t.be boa rd will M11l1 t
and •eb ot the W Nl&"htinplt•
w\U bake tbel.r &bar. ot cookie..
\\' Barnard of Glendale. loped neckllJ\1 a.catterN w1th ...... brl•lge l I • ru S.lboft
ft&OTll!:R Al08 qui~ and -1 pa.aria and the r1iH C1IM C H!'RCll 11 1 ll
fuhlun •
Ba y l."lub
l!ir r ran•
$1tlly Bro,..-n. i .. ader of thl1 LrUQp,
le8rned th!• ,..·eek that 17 1lrLf
ha•·e now aycu:•(ully cornplel.tMl
their teat requirtm~nl.I tor the
rnll,.r 1<kallng badge. Ba1bara wu u corted to the aklrt a.wept to • chapel t.raln. Her worklllly 11) 11 "1·
bridal veil b. .... rroni a la.ce ca p HIGH ~f'HO<J I. I' TA 1 30
raahloned lrorn her 1nlant"• bonnet P· n1. 1n1<\Hur1urn B1.'11;e1 will ti<! proe.nw.1 a t
lhe next 01rl scout Court or
A"·ud1 to th• follow-Ing iflrla
who h1t\'e qualltled. Alice Ball~
!!n... l.J ur.nf' But l 1 r. liarban.
iirown, Bart>ara A.rt!•. Ca.IL Mun-
ro. Mary Myera, Le1l1a 0.rtly.
Sherry 0 1tr11.ndtr. J llan Sallabury,
Suaa.n Son1er11, Sharon ,Tork, Ba.r-
bll.ra Towle., llarb.il.ra \\'a.de, T oni
lif'll. Phyllia Ha ckford. Dor\n.da
HllrVey, 11.nd Kathie &:hw1.ii:er.
tent from Br~l• by a l'Ouain al t 'rh. l!i
her birth. Sh.e carried an orchid Vl':'T'S llOSl'ITAt. J'·'''Y nM n,
and alephan<Jtl.I on a "'"'hlte bible. Arn,.r1r a n 1 .... glon /111 11
JOJIK J. KHODU, A.ri.on&
eo11~. who will addrma
0 rans• county R..publlc1.n
Women Thunday a t their Un-
coin Day luncheon In Ba.lboe.
Bay Club .•
Miu Phyllla Blrr!gel of Santa
Ro.!11.. a elu<Jent a l UCLA, .,..._,
m.a.Jd Qf honor. Sh• w ... r owneot
In deep and pa.le plnk IR re with.
a r-resljQriea tn palti pink 1.nd car.
rLl'd harmon1.ung Oowtra.
llo~rt Campbell of Glendora
W&l!I be•l man.
G ue.ala ottered fetlc:lla tlon• al
the church. A.tterward tbe couple
let't on a honeymoon at Sant.a Ua.•··
b&ra and to Donner r .... for 1kl-
ln.&'. The bride 1.a 11. ak1 1.11d yacht
e.lub memi>.r. Her bu.band. who w.. grMSuated tro1n Cl&r1mont
Men"• Coll1ge, wu pruldenl ot thil!
Ski Club a nd mem~r of Stage
Club, la. presently atalloned at
Cam p Baker. The couple returned
from Uleir honeymoon Feb. 10, an•
Mlw Uvlnc near lhe Colllen Gate
On• ol the t1neA and mo.t For your , 1ating pll"&Wre he
popular place.a al which to enjoy .ure to try the houae ~clala,
yourMlt IA UUa uea !II Woody'• tempUnc p er f ~ct l y prepared
at 20e !I. J:I. Camino Real In Ban atealta 1.nd -food aa ri. dinner
Cle.mente, or Merchant'• lunch. F or your
de-rt. 21~ Karn~,."~
l 'ROC:rt~:~~flll~ 2
Uttlf' r l••~h••U~•·
ALl'HA. !"Ht -'l11
Ca.nvon tto•ol
I 2 30
' p m
\,.·v.·11 Lunrh+"On Par k A Ye . u" CAMI' F"IR.E l.ell.df'ra --~:30
a. m l 11t. Ua pll~t Church. Co.ta
C H.ED IT W O Mk:N -7 J O '-n1
Park Ave. 1:art
SOROP'rl Ml.ST -8 a. m. HO·
wa.n1"1 c11fe.
OltS -8 p m.
.... b. ,.
l'Kl:.88 \'181T
Brownle Troop I. untler the
lea<..lerst\Jp of Mra. David L. Cun·
n1ng he1n, La l.oclklni forward to
11. plant tour or th• Newport
Harbor r-;ew ... P l"e .. lln Feb. 17.
The glrl1 hope to reach the
New1-Pruas Jn Umn to aee lha
prraae1 roll tor the Frldey edL-
p. m. 40!1 39th St.
PRJSCILl.A Ser11"ite Guild
lCi a. 1n l'L!gTlm Ji1lll. New Hobbs Son
boa Bay Club. 0 Jocal. JO a. n1 ..
countr. 12 p m .
A 90n w.. born Jan.. 31 In
H oar HospHaJ le> Mr. and M.ra.
Grover Hllbba, :i&t!O 11:\don A v• .•
Coet.& Mel&. B&P .... ' 6 45 p. m. N HYC.
BARBER SHOP 'llLI• cl.le and cocktail Joun~ muaira.l pleall\lre hear Craer• at
ta recocnlsed throughllUt Olli a rea th.e piano bar. At the bar . u1t
narr.e your tavor!tt clrink. In BALBOA TRltATIUl BLDU aa headquarter• tor good food and thla en tire ltf!Ctlt>n no othf'r ('II-BALBOA tun. Tb• man.ager, Woody Fem11-Ra.rt.or 4S71 ....__ ....._.. __ thn 8a ,.. ta bllahment •UrpMeea th.la 1pot ..,.,._. .. -.._ ta Y
worth employ1 b&rl1ndert of more I-'"""""""""""~"""~""""""""::~~===::~~::"' ............ ~ lb.an ordinary ability which tn-tor tun and rtervlce. We ~con1------
aure1 tha chotCMt of your r•vortt'" m • n d W ood y ' • to all our
dr&Dka made jull. the way you readen tor a thorou.1 hly f'njoy•
Wt:• tbera. Tbe mo.t modem a ble ewnln( out. Remember tr
equipment haa bMrl provided and
evvytblflJ La. kept acrupuloualy you like plu.aa.nt wrr<NndLnga
ci.n. try Woody'a.-Adv.
Spedal Combination -Chopped Steak -951
CJlalekm MGM -Complete from .....
o,_ u.Qy 11:11...., -I,.._ tw 1.-ch •-=•:• p.aiL for DtaMr ()pea 11 !¥ ... -9 p. "" ( ED MOHDATB)
-n .. &"W'"#O""ft .. llLVD.. OOllTA llDA
(Juat 1 Woclc aoulh ol S&nta Au Country Club)
~ ....... L .... &LOnap
let WNG
family and friends
dose to you
typical low rates
from Newport leach
N•w York City $2.00
Clfivtland 1.90
Oallu . . . • • 1.50
S...ttl• . . . • • 1.35
Shtiol ...... 11111, .. lndadl~• w. klr J
1111.+es ... ,. i p.rw. -awi.,. Md ... ~ ~
Jnloy • '-'lly .........
r.Ntlh• .... ,.,., .......
@ Pacific Telephone
"Anaata.111.", lhe d rama.tic llory
o( the "t:Ta.Dd duchu.m who e.-caped
from lhe col'Dmu.ru.tl.t &n~ wan<ar-
ed t.h.f'QU.J'h Europe, wtU be lhe
upenlnc play review. To add ~
to the lobby aettlnc, aut.baiuc
H.UAllla.o coa.tumea are beUi.c pro-
vld~ and 'A-1ll be worn by o.ll"lt·
lniale mtomber.. The OW!'!er p lan.a
tu a ppear ln a. eo..a.::k ooatum.,
addtnc backcround mu~c on hla
Bubeeq~t dal• of rev1_.a al
the Udt> Theater a r1 March :12
ll1ld A pril 2&.
Parking Tickets Velidated, All
Senta Ana Parking Lots
SaW $14.oo-R19. $92,50
tt.re'1 you~ once In a llfetlrne opponvltlty to bl.ly a
wond•rful Smith·Corono partabl• ol o rffuced price.
And ,..member, at Tl•rnon't, you g•t o full ~r'1 urt-
rconditlonal gu'arani.. with 1.vary ty~wrlhH'. fv•ty
n•w mod!ln• I• mmpl•tely In•~ by ovr ~rt
.. rvlc» cl•portm•nt to ln1ure agolntt fodOry d•fKf•
~nd to m M t our 1trlct •pKlflcatlon1,
T 1m11 To Suit Your lluclget
n. lJad.Wp ...,_t -T.ach-Mn.. J....-, xn. o.tnadlo a.
.. 4-od.aUoo wW ~ ""Team· -~-1~.n.t--=-• and~---
at \Mir mMIJn& ... 11 1.t 7:SO)~~~~~~iiiliiiiill .t. lM '.:hoot at Urd &Ad Oi·an~ I]
11' ca.ta .....
A p""ioualy 8Chedul611 panel
di»cl.liMloa WU cane.led to en&Dl•
the P~T4 to ~t a STOUP ot
colored .Ude-wtth .-ound record·
~ lllWltn.Ung the p&rt the
echool &rut pa.rcit. w1U t&k4 lll
UM ot u e.me~y.
lt'.trMrt. Ward, • munber ot
th• Civ11 De.fe.n.1e commttte11 of
Co.ta Msa wUl be on h&nd to
annn:r qu1111Uona dlr ecUy re.lated
to 9ehool. problem•.
A U!e rnemberah!p pin wW be
awarded and new otttc:era w111 be
eleet.d. for the comlnl' year. All
pa.at prealde.nt.m of Ole Ltndber&h
P -TA have been Invited to al·
A .tOCi&l hour \\"ill be held a f-
ter the meeUng.
Master Point
Play Friday
The Balboa l)upllcate Brl<lg-e
C'l ub held a Maa t er P oln l \
ga1ne on Fnd11y l'>"~n111g 11t. Uie I
l':bf'l! Club llousf', 13alh<•• Blvd
"''lh. play starting at"; 30 o'l l~k
Xorth-llO\.IUl "''Ulnf'rs tn Ule re-
cr.nt evenUlg came we.re. Mr11
A mold GI.Iller and Lt. Thornu
Hotmu . while high lll'U rera eul·
wr11t were ll rs. L:race f'"'reen11n
and 't\"ll\lam Dugan
Runr:u:·r•·ur nnrt h·~Outh "'""r,.
M.ra. F"rl.nk Ret'"d and Mn. Pe1:1Y
Joh1i.&0n. MlM Lenhe ,.-,,,,, ler anJ
Mr11. R uy Str .. u Runnl'r·1·up
eaJll ·\\'l!at ,...l're M ill..~ Margar,.l
\Ytlt and Mrs. Charle• Jeslf'r
Mr1. M..a:itine Burgan j_lld Race
Wlnn•r1 or mMtf'r polnt11 !n
Sund.1.y IL!IA!moon ga1ue. we~
Mr1. A. G Doeat.11r1 and J.li a
J.Uldr•d Lytlf', F rank f'o1 rJ 11.nrl
ftov bf'rt Lu1k, Harvey H.11gland
and C. f.: 1'11'.lr tf'ruon, Mnr Roma
IAbtr and Percy Cr•wlf'}"
In lf!<'Ond 1~ltlun.-. wer~ i.1 11111
lAal!e. !'"owler a.nd Mr1. Vincent
Sh.ea. M.-.. M1t rg•rel Holmea Mnd
Lt. H olrnu. Mrs. Carl &oaon
and Ml"s. Pauline Sayr1, Mr. and
Kr& Elllllc Tbyr e.vn..
North...auth wlnnera In Ole
Monday IL!te.moon 11.me were
Mn.. C. E. I.rvin and Mr•. L. H.
Waabbrook tytn&:" •1th Mra. Carl
Powell and Mn. E . J . V.'lckman:
wb.J.le high acorv-a e.aat-wea.t
were Mra. Kary Cleland and Ar-
Harbor Rest
Memorial Park
line or
'" \'lorled
col om
'°' gulden OI"
arui.lvern.rl ..
birthday• .•..
Weddif\11 • • • •
tor ''Mother"
mona talbot
2760 E. C-Out H "'l'.
Coron.a de! Mar
Harbor MOO
~~reu-L~ .... lg
F~ge's potenkltoa pulime . 1 lor yovr golden hows
;.. golden ~shions ...
-• -....... -.. -lo'"" el ""' • :!J ... ~ ................. paf ~
11 '" "'" f a .... , b t -0 • •
LIDO DBUOS -Mn Via Udo, Newport -
HAJlllOB DBU08 -lllOI E. Ooool 1hr7. 0 4 K
·~od 9rant us the .!~renity lo •,ccopt the thin9s ..... connot chon.CJO: ~ • ..,,..,_lo~~.~ l'!li!'l.~ ...
'Wi~dom to ~now the aj Fference." (A:. "'nor.:) !" •
=if~~~~:;lf)iiiilV r~ -.....--. --~-.---:-"
_, _____ .
EDITORIAJ,& Califon>la Newapaptn)
Proposed P~E. Removal May
Be Effected in Short Time
Printed on the front page of thia L9Sue of the New-
port Harbor News-PreSB ia the proposal of the Pacific
Electric Railway for lll!I re1noval from the downtown
Newport area and relocation on its rigbt of way in the
wetrterJy portion of Newport Beach.
Althou,h the figures are astronomical compared
to those that have been con11idered in times past, the
railway company and the city of Newport Beach both
point out that everything j., tentative and estimated.
CO&t.s !or creation of a facility in W est Newport
Beach e11timated by the utility are high. ll is possible
that the City of Ne~rt Beach could "shave" th~se
co.ta by the use of sub surface material from the ci t y
di.apoaal ya.rd. Contract figu re!i rl."'ndered upo; the call
of bida might change things greatly.
However. there ia one ph!U'e of the problem that is
a grea.t concee.a ion on the part of the co1npany. It is
apparentJy willing that the city ta ke poss£'t1Sl on of the
land now needed in down town Newpo rt a.nJ make
recompense t o th£' co nipany upon a basis to be deter-
mined by the tourt on adjudication of the suit f!Jr con·
demnation now penJiug.
One a.gree.ment 1hat could no doubt be reached
between the City (1f Newpo rt Beac:h and the Pacific
Electric Co., wuu.l d be fu r payment tu tht' cump1:1.ny or
what.ever amount n1ay be awardtd by the cou.rt over a
period of five or ten years. Thus whatever is reason-
ably assessed as value would be cr ea ted by new taxes
generated by proper use· of the ttrca.
It ia certain that values wilt never be less in the
area. The company ai.gni fies its willingneag to compro-
The decision for the fut ure is now in t he hands of
the city.
What more "Golden Tribute" could be made toward
lhia city's progress in this its "Golden Year'' tha.n to
accompllab this vut clean-up project.
We differ considerably with the time. achP,dule pr('-
pared by City Attorney Karl Davis who contend.a that
the better portion of a year will be conaumed in bring·
ing about the completion of the project. Likf all attor·
neys, Mr. Davia figures all pt'ojecla to run consecutively
and oouume endless daY"·
It ia our belief, and one shared by i.ome council
memben:, that Mr. Davia is right in only one and one
ha!! portions ot his time schedule, vi%, 30 daya for city
a pproval and one half of his 60-day apportionment for
company approval of final draft.
With those approvals the proposal of the railway
and city jointly can be filed with the Interstate Com·
merce Commission. No hearing will be necessary aa
no service is being eliminated. At the same time this
same application can be filed with the Public Utilities
ConuniMlon of the State of California. Their approval
will be tendered with great glee. And ln the interim
bida could have been called lol' the creation o.f the
depot yarda. I
In tact we believe that this is the fjitting kick-oft
tor a. "Golden Year." A many day celebration could
be pla.nned with the "Cinco de Mayo" wetk end u the
time. \JYe believe that those MeJican and State aad
National officials who will be here to enjoy the start
of the Newport lo Enaenada International Yacht Race
would wek:ome a great civic function . In fact, we are
sure that It properly approached,· Mr. Dick Richard
could be lmpoeed upon to eet forth a grea.t town picnic;
that all the auto dealers and garage.i would provide
their wreckers to help tear up the rails and that much
joy COUJ'06e teen &Ddn:inai saveaby-1emng·tne cliliina --
take part in a great "Spike pulling and separation of
the rails."
Let's put the measure in high gear and work to-
gether for the la% benefit of every taxpayer of the City
of Newport Bea.ch.
We have no proposal to ~ake as to widening of
which lltreeta or set baclr: of buildings. The removal of
the Pacific Electric was at one time at hand; it wa.a
delayed beca.Use of petty bickering and political chin-
Formiarly the N......,Ort·Ba.Jboa Nll'W1l 11mea
and the Newport-Balboa. Pr-. -------------A Del>l!l"dmbh ~ &aaUi:oUQ Jor Over P'•r'7 Yean
llntl.'red u Second-C\11.u Mattel" •t the J'olitot!lce In Nl.'wport Beaeh.
CalUornia under the Act ot March 3. 1819.
hbUabed "'..,17 Monda,J, W~7 ~7 by the
nu a... Bh'd .. NEWP011T BEACH, CALIF. l'hone Harbor 11111
Qne"GNI .. PuMlllll LepJ Not~ Mid AdverU..,_nle of All &lqe
B7 ~of Ule 8ttptrier Court of Onare <.'Cl. In AtUoa No. A -!llft
Mfllllber caHton.la Nnt11IJl'lpt"r PubUlhen A•-.la.Uo.
JI~ NaUoiaal Edlt41rlal A~lloo
llember .C Orance CouAl7 Ne~.. ~,..,.
ORMOND J!:. RQUNTREE, Advtiili.eln&' Oitt('tor
CHA.RLE8 A. A.RMS'IRONQ, Mech~ Superintendent
'"""1>1 ot --·· N..W... wu done. "nllft Is 00 rqom for pol-DOW. ,
Competent pluMra lhould be ..,,....i to ..,,...
our town, 1tudy !be problem ot tntflc o¢ land -
In the ""'" to be -....i by tho Poclllc Electric-and
-der to ~ City "ot Newport lloocb u.,tr lmputlal,
unbioood otuity U!CI '}liopooiol --upoo{ ......S oql-
.,..rtng and land ... -
We will ... .upport the .fudie. eo .eeared and _._
mlttod by any oueb plannlnr or ~ coualtant.
We hope that a.U wW l>e ao bound.
School Districts Merger
Proposal Grows Ridiculous
The more one atucll.ee the propoeed merger ot the
C06ta Mesa Union School District and Newport Be&eh Ele~entar}-School District aa propoeed by Costa Mesa
School Superintendent Everett Rea the more pronounc-
ed becomes his ignorance of the project he prop<>eed.
t~or instance, both school difstrict.e at this time are
taxing at their legal limit. Costa Meaa leviea a net
general purpose tax rate of $0.8926; Newport Beach,
SQ.8982. The tot.al elemw.tary achoo! tax in Col'lta Meaa
iii $1.605~: and i.n Newport Bea.ch it ia $1 .1895.
In addition to this, Costa Mesa get.e from the State
of California 74.75 pe r cent of its income and from the
federal government 1.24 per cent. Newport Beach geta
no federa.I and 40.19 per cent !rom the state. Thia
means that Newport Beach pays 59.81 per cent of it.a
cost of Elementary School dUrtrict COBt while Coat.a
Mesa pays 24 .Cll per cent it.eelt. (These figures are
from ta.hie five of the P'inancta.l Report or Orange
County Schoola.)
The actual dolla.r amount.I are more start.ling.
Costa Mesa ln the budget year 1954·19'56 received
$10,917.32 federal aid ; $658,625.V3 at.ate a.id and. Pl'O-
vided only $211,295.95 o( ita own.
Newport Beach received $311,387.28 from the State.
(Not in a.id but at the minimum of allowable $120 per
daily attendance per pupil.) a.nd provided $461,809.49
it.self. -
Both di.8tricl8 have !Mir tax rate at the maximum
aU owed by law, (0 .00). A.a a destitutet district Cost&
Mesa gell!I $679.000 in aid ; Newport Beach get.8 nothing
As a unified district the tax would still be at a ma.xi·
mum and the $0.90 tax rate would raise no more money,
yet $679,000 would be immediately needed to make up
the deficit inherited from the lack .of aid from the
state for the Mesa. In addition., sal.ariea for lrleaa
achoo ! teachers are approximately $600 per teacher
lower and tbere are 118 teachers. The district would
be called upon to pay off the destitute district lollllB a.d·
vanced to COllta Meu in the put.
True there would be bonding capacity available.
Bul Newport Beach already ha.a a bonded debt oC
nearly $1 ,9M,OOO and CoBta Meu. baa &lm09t tl,000,·
000. Newport Beach bonds were to build new echoola
which ea.ta Mesa received _tundl ft'om the lta.te to
If unification, as proposed by Mr. Ever-ett Rea,
were carried to the High School level thinp would be
even mor~ complicated.
The high 1Chool ill levying the m•rimwn la%. It
geta no ~titute district windta.Ua. Therefore the uni·
tied district tax would 1till be at I.he aame level u the
aepan.te tu.ea are now. High achool uJariea in the
Newport Harl>or Union High School Diatrict average
a.bout $700 per teacher higher than Newport Bea.c'b Ele-
~ __., Wuhlngtoa -·.&
-IQnletot.A>ltb!>llY--and their ~=;: lact<>n clodarallon" oo'ICht tho eye ot many
edlton - -u llgnltlcont In world politlcoo. ' Middle Ea&L Al~ Kr., ~
baa reptned eome • ot U. ,.....
C9.l •tr.fifth ln the ~ ....
""Mka, be .till t\nde It ... ..,.
to 1m•ra:• trom th!# CQPlw ao•
Wltb • .tronr policy .,..........nt. to
•Ualy ht. crttlctt al ~~
Tlrlll a.a ~ N-1: ."'la
twr 'W....._ ~·
Pr 'f•t ~ Md Prtcne If'"'•• Sdl9. oi. .ome loa.c·need·
..,, pl&la ~ alaout ~
.-i-tta IBl&mClu 'r.oord,. Ila
•theta'n .... lnhwnan.eo.--. ltll
nil &lin. ot world ~'l'*L 'lt
would bs tllU«H')'. • Uri• declanUoe lll:.lZVft.D MANEVVD
...,.., 'to hOpe tit.al lft-'tAak tor· The a.uamento Bet: ...,_._
etp pouo-. poUUC&l and eoono-~nt Dwight o . El•nhowc-la·,....
mlc, the Sovt.t ruJen woo.Id r• jectlni-Ru.la'• propoeal tot •
~t • concem tor the Mcht.11 ot ~0-year trlend.ab.lp pe.c:t Mtw--.
other people. Which they do not the UnlteJ Sl•te• and UM' 8o'ria.U
9lMJw towardll the .m~ a.nd wo-did not reJtoet pMCe. He rejtlcted
men lhey already rule . .Any rTet a maneuver. It waa a. "1&fl.UV.r
n&Uon that may be persuaded by timed to make the vlalt of ~t
wbatner thn&t, promt.e or en-lgb P rlme Mlnltter Anthony ~
Uoement to embrace Communl11l j~t • Utt!., 1nort1 dlft1c:ult. It WU
will w.e tt.a tndependuace and Ila de11!gned to en*ble &;iviet For.Jen
peopl~ Will torfett their nfhU MJnister V. M . Moff>to.. to ..,Y
IUld Ubertles.' All In all al) adm1r-fr()Jll h!• dove role h11 could not
-----· 1able reA'l&tement or Wtltf'rn prln--how anyone could r.ject a
clple.---&nd timely, too, &ft.er the trler1<J.t\Jp t.reaty. W d'}at'e pola.td
d11fi1llon or I.he 'Geneva 1p1r 1t• ()(1 a te.rrtble brink. held then
and the i,.tt be.Ing-lhnrwn out by by either 111de_. But tt ~th91' w-t
the Kren11!n to unl!Ull~tln g na-or E&tl e .. f'ir t11kl'J1 IU ey111 olt
SCENE AT THE CAPITOL -------------------------·I t1on1 ot Aal1 1.nd I.he ~lld<.Ht uftr g round 1n1 .. •orld a. w1
aplNlt the pl"llOMZlt office ot cl•-~!." , • \tnQ ... Jl r"1.1 lt1 o .. lo~t " 8.ACRA.MENTO (CNS) -Tb11
atbjeet. ot too much W&ter an.d
....bat to !lo about It peral.!lted -.a
Ui. number one concern on .ev-
va.l fronla &l'OWld the Capitol
!alt -k..
ii def~. Which handled mOllt BRmRR STl'FFJl:X Tht> S&n FrlHJClltlv Chronicle;
or th• coonlln.atinl' work d uring FuJJerton Uaily New11-Tribunr . 1 ' .. fh~ r1,,,•lur11t1"" l•f \••uhlngton
A complet• report on Decem-
bt.r tlooda, oompUed. and rel......ed
by the at.at• d•p&rtment ot pub-
Uc worka. decla.red tba1 about
100,000 ~uani mllM of Calllor·
nla.. or about &0 per cenl ot the
11.ale'• .,._, were h.ll by atonna
which produced record-breakl.nt
now1 both 1n and out of •t.rea.m .....
I.he December fioodl, b\Jt •lated "A 11lil fer11ni.: of t he Bnti"h 11.t· /llul no,,..-gvnt H•tft \tu· 111-..hlYea or
the aK:ency ahould be altered to Ulude to,.•11.r<l Conunu.n1~t• hu weatern ltinnk:n d ~ uplr1l1on.t tor
put mon emphUUI on dea.llnl' been appar .. nt Jatdy anil Jl 1..11 a. pea cl.'. frl.'l.'110111 a11.1 tn1n,11.n 11Cbl•. wtlh natunJ dla#tera, u well a. cood 11gn tor th .. !t1aenhuv.•er-llJI pro1n1ae of • h'lpinc h&.r1!l
d111&11ler9 r esulting trom poaalbll Eden d~U!1<IUO. ~n \l.'11.11h1ni;:ton for 1.ll r•• ··~ lllltt )'"'•1 n tor ln-
bomblnl' att.a.c.U At tlmell •!rno~t tndulcent tow ... rd deperu:len""· llr v.·hu rlf'ed econ-
Sl!lCR.ET GOVERNMENT: T'be th• threat p0eed by tne ~d •. ornu; a11111lll&nt·t. or who teel tn.
1ubject ot tlno:>d..t •plUecl oYer In· Brita.in llA• 11.pp•rently le11...-ned • nef'ld of mJ!1 t•ry l)r<>L""llon poe-
to the rMlm11 of covernmtnt •e-1-.11 t r«nl the fn1Jlr•t1un In 11ea11<et< a 111111·••1 •ty 1u1t1 l•<:k ot
cr-cy ,.,be.ft ~ teOaral bureau Geneva vid the aha.rp att•1;k1 on ulterior purpollE: u·u,t. h•Vf! bM.11
ot reclamation ln Sa.cramento Bn taln by Soviet laadera nn t.hcir provl.'11 by event• 11111 gTee.n ta
ba.rr~ the prMI trom a meet· tolU' ot lndL.t.. Ma ybe the~ will memory. We i re, ne .. erUW.l&ea,
inc with San Joaquin Valley be J""" •enttm.nt In Brll&ln tor \mpeJ l~ to .uggeel th11t th• .. ery
D.ELlJO& DAJttlA.01: la.ndownen on lb• tmporta.nt gt .. lng Red China r.oognltlon 1.nd euul of lhls hj~tnn( documwt. the
~ to pu.bllo &lid private quetiUon ot whether .x.ceM w•ter a place In tlle United N•tlon•" pr1nclpl<!' th11t 1J lum1n•te• It 11.nd
property du:rifta'. t..b• deluge wu behind Vri&nt Dam on San Joa-Tbe sa.n oteco Un.ion : "'J'be endow• It with 1ta g:re•t,.111t c•p•·
Mtim&te4 M '300,000,000 -not qU!n Rlvlr poMd a Cood threat trwitra.Uon ln Geoev& .n!l U\e c:Jty ror con rerr!ng -UP'()n at!
to mantl01. awcb lnt&n.ibl.9 d&ai· l.D event ol another •lorm.. The •b.arp anU·BrtUab atllloCU by ad1!ng worlrl, Ilea llmo1t hidden
.,... whkh can DeYe\" be .. umat. ta.ru1oW11era emeried t.rom the Bulca.ln a.nd K.nuhchey In lndi• In it.I t.x.t. Almo.t1t like an after-
e!l.. Loq ot ute dU• to the tlooda meetin&' and M)fllewhat aheeplah· and Bunn• haw et.Wied «t1pon-lllou,-hl. • ixi.t.acrlpt. Ule ta.t
wu ti.ud a.t M, bul e•en aa the ly Informed the pre. the bureau •lble Englt.h lecderi lo r<!'s lgn cla.ae Of the flnal aenlence of
report wu tuued, bod.it111 of 111\u-had agl"eed to 9elld 0.00 .econd lhem.elve• to mo"' •tern dealinge the ulU1nate pan.graph read.ii:
Inc' per.ora were •Ull being dl,., teet ot water down lbe Frlant--wtlh the ~munlata. Tht<re !JI 'W• Mall eagerly ll'&llP t.ny ltm·
covered. Kem Cana.I !lurtnc the month ot. ~ Ul.a.t t.bere will be leu ot ulne oppo::irt~n!ty to tre..e m.nktnd
Th1I dr-a Mr"-ot reeom· February, to be an.Uable t.o far-t.ha old Brit.lab t&l.k of reeognia· ot t.he pMll or fe&r and !nsecu.rl\y
mend.atlon• trom t.he aU.te dlv1-mera u tree lrrlgaUon water. lfl&' Red China ~ more rep rd-Whlr h now obacuru wbat can and
.ion. of -tl.'r reM>Uf'ilff, calllnc Clyde H. Spencer, the bur-u'• lnr firm poUctu to meet the 11hould b<1 • glor10U• tuture.' FN.r'
for federal &Ad etata ai::Uon to 11-.d man In the Sacr-.mento new Soviet d.JplomaUc offeutve. an.d inaecurlty. we autmiit, rnu•t
preve.nt ~ ot auCh 419-area. contltmed the action, l t Tha 'la"pltCJ' &Ad. the Brltt.n be ez.IHd Lt thh planW i. to n1-
uter. The d!Ti.eion urgtld C~eral never wu u:pla.lned why the .t.rea 00 th• mlMltori. •tem ,,._ J•ln Ila Mrtnlty, Jl IU hthab·
approprtaUona to upedlt.e coo-preaa reprtJ1entaUve or a lar1e reoent trttlcl.wna, &n P arll-....it ltaota e.re to nnd tAne 11.n'1 b c•rt
atructton or completion ot • ~ lf'OUP ot people who live on t..be ot atr .A.ntbooy'1 poU.Ci• Mdr to work their war' lill UWtr daa·
lea of dame. lar1e and unall, on weal llolde ot the San Joaquin from t.h• srowilll!' unn.t tn u., tiny.'" ,
r1van throurhout northern and Valley, whoee IJve• and proptrty --------------'--------'---central Calltornla.. could be end&llge.red by a flood,
Abo rt1eommended by at.ate en-wu denltd llle rtirht o r report-
it-r• wu tedaraJ pM't..lclpatlon lng the. tacta Jeadinar up to the
tn conltnlctlcn ~ th• FM.t.her conclu&lona. ,
Rlnr Project. Uld conCT-.lonal A'M'ORNEY OltNERA.L RUL-
au!.hor'iaaUon or more flood con~ JNG : Secretary o r State Fr&nk
trol and Wlllflr C011Mrn.tlon. P~ M.. J ordan ha. authority to re-
Jectl Uuvu,ghout the at&t•. ruae dlaclo.ure of torme.r Gov-
~IGRr'l!I REUNO emor Earl W&rTetl'I prtn.t• pa·
Qoy, OOOdW1n J, Knlpt tol(! a pen. Attorney General EdmWld
p~M cxinlerence h• "ti&. a feel· G. Brown ruled. Warren turned
lnl'' that CalltomJe. water lnter· ove.r thl ~r1 lo J ordan at
ei1t.e w1ll (et tosetlr.• on torrna· requeat of th• l&tt.er, with agTee-
Uon of a n..,,. atatll dep&rt.ment ment that the pa~ra wen not
ot W9.le.r reaourc., cQnllidered by to be made publlc unUI ten ye&n
niany to be th• key to 11tUn1 after ~It. 'l"be aveement wu
moni a.cllon on the .t&te'1 ....a.:, rn.a.111 in October, 1903.
ter p~. The covernor NJd EQUALIZATION DECUllON:
that altholJ.P b• bu not placed The elate board ot equalU&Uon
the subject on special call ot I.he will not appeal • recent decialon
Jeir!.tlatun nut month, the poa-of lha Tu.l.&n cou.nty 1uperlor
.-iblllty ot 9'J'Hm-1t amonc tac· court tn.valldaUJ\I" a boa.rd or!lllf
tlorw. which have d•fe&ted the of lut AU(Ull dlrectll'lg that
pro~ In lhti put, la cood. county to lncreue 1ta tu ......
Knlcbt ea.Id t.M flood.a have apur· menu. The •late •upreme court
rid de.ire for a.ct!Qn on st.a.ta could not decld• an appeal before
water probtema more than th• th• board meeta q.in next July
ln!lullM:I of any mu coul!l do. to conalder problem& ot Inter·
Tb• p..-nor conf9"'9d w1th lhl COU11ty equ&Uatioll, the baud
News Exposes Hospital's
Maltreatment of Patients
(Ed. Note: Reproduced herewith ia an pbject iv,.
editorial which today ia being published by Orange
Daily News, a.n affiliate of .thia newapaper through the
Orange County News Service. Thia editorial and the
story which appears on the front page of thia newapapcr
a.od other paper11 of the OCNS i9 worthy ot your Dl<*t
careful considen.tion and atudy. We com.mend tt to rou-'
--Ben Reddick) .
When first report.a or conditions st Or&nge County
General Hospital were brought to the attention of the
Orange Daily New& and Orange County Newa Service,
swr membera found them hard to believe.
Some storiea pointed to eonditioDll similar to th06e
reported. in concentration camps of World War II.
auembly Interim committee ealcL
which a att11ro•Unl" to draw up mentary School. a .uLt&b.le .... ter d•partment bill.. STATE PAY RAISE: Gov.
· -Who would .. benefit -if-the -t!Cbool districts were-XAil'b.L.....M.a.~ .reUU ~t, llefon_~ ott on ~a
However, as signed letters came in, a.a additional ma-
terial was gathered, the situation at the hoepitaJ became
_112J11e1Aipg t.l:!~t f<>uld I!~t .~jgp.I?!!":!:.. -
· . In hl1 1pecl.al ca.II ot the lf!ICl--pollUc&I •peec.Junaking tour ln merged? Not the tax payer. Not the students. Prin· lature nut mont.b... th• IDUt, announcet1 be wlU 10
cipally it would be a means of raising wages for teachers rLOOD DISASTER LEOI~LA-&!Olli" wtth the •tat.e penonnel
· · b k to lb ·~:----QI boarde reoommeod&Uon that all down the line and then commg ac e c1~111 TIOI'(: A.MmlblJlm&D. enn •U.te clvU Hr'Vlc• employee. be
to vote another super tax and bond i.s.eues a.d infinitum ~::!•· !:C:ted.~ ~~;~ rrantld another tin per cant
for lhe maintenance of school.II. men rrorn flood !li.alte.r anaa, pay tncr .....
Everett Rea School and Horace Ensign IChools were an!l that thq ban aat"Md to 8LIC1: PINO s I c K N.E • 8
meet IA S&cramcto J'eb. 16 to THRJ:A T: SWI another upect not built (or, and we are told not particularly adaptable. c1U1cuaa their common problem. of recent fioods wa.e ca11e.i to
lo junior high school status. There!ore. the claim that Jwt what will oome out of UM attenUon by state Public Health
~J1ey might relieve congestion at the high JK:hool 11 meeUnl' I• not known, but tbe DU-ector Malcolm H. M11rrill,
' r«iuut.# for flood &Id. It 18 cen· who Ila.Id a ~Ible outbrea..k ot without foundation. The high echool bu a Mc per eraUr conceded. wru not be amalL 11eepm,. 11ckn-. tn the San Joa·
'$100 assefl.Sed valuation super tax. n(!W on th~ boolm D18ASTJCR AOZNCY PRO-quln and Baeramento 'Ril•Y' next
for expansion of it.a facilities. If the district.a we8 POSED: A ata.t. dl8ut4r raUet •wnmer COUid reeult troni. t.hle apncy to replace lb. nate ot· wlnter'1 bMTJ' n.tn.. Mlll'TlU Mid merged would thi.s continue and then would Newport nee of ct.U ., ..... .,.... ~ vut ~umben ot poocla ktt et&JMI.
Beach and Coat.a. Mesa be called upon to vote another ed. by Sen&tcr Oeor&• Jillll8r, ot 1n1 by u.. raJ.na .... potenU&l
super tax (or administration of a joint element&ry~ Contra eo.ta COWtty. XW.r • b~ pi..oe. tor mtwqQt\oel. clared tu tloOd ~ t.broq"h canien of the m-. high school district! If so, who.would benefit! out tM .tat• durtnc the put NONFARM ICKfLOTKENT
A.a we figvre from the reporta of the County Super.. month and a baJl emphUl.led tJP: Th• atate depe.rt.ent ol lD·
· th ~ for a st&.t4 qll'ICY to plan duatrlal relaUone reported. Call· lntendent of Schools there 111 no way llt auch a merger and oool'diu.te ronrnm-t oper· fomia nonfum 1mploylben.t dur-
could help but fu1ther complicate school admini.&trative auone to pruerve ill• a.nd prop-m1 t9M an,..,.ed hl&"ber than
problems, and what's more important, raiAe taxes in erty ln Umea or natural dl-...ter. any year lD tha st.a.ta'• bJ•tory.
• He called upon Gov . .KJ;lcbt t.o Tba work toroe tot&lad 4,018,000 both Newport Beach a.nd Costa.I Mesa. Include poqlble creation 'bt auch w..re and -.iary worken. four
The cur e propoaed ·by "Dr." Rea could well prove an acency 1n hla •JM!Cial call of per cuit abon J9M. It wu tM
fatal to the p•a tient in the person of the taxpoyera oC lhe ieplalure. The Contra Colt.a nr"lt y-.r the a,,..,.. topped fO\.lr legtaJ.ator .id be had nothing mUUoa. the entire Newport Harbor area.
lf Newport Beach were to undertake the super
fin ance burden propoeed for Costa Meaa what guarantee
is there that in the near future there would not be &n·
other b&ilment to be provided! .
And Mr. Rea, if your propolal wu made in good
fa.ith, in.at.ca.d of juat a propapnda meuure to cover
lhe inadequaclea ot your own adminlatn.tion. why did
you not go to the Oty Council ot ea.ta Me... and uy,
"When are you going to aubm.it to the votera the prop-
oaiilon of a merger of eo.ta. MeM with Newport Bea.ch
u you promiMid when you were eMcted t"
Or Mr. -. lo,..... ollp ........ i
Farmer McCabe Writes ...
Been bearing a Jot about bow hard It l8 fer a ma.n
over 40 to find work. Seerwl that Dl09t employers •Y
they are too old at 40. But I dunno .•. lt 'peen to
me that th1a country would be in a devil of· a f:i:z: with·
out the Baruch'•, Greene'•, Rockefeller'• and • whole
boat or othen • • • nooe of wWcb i. under 66 yeara
of age.
Fi.rmtt McCobo ... _,w_
' '
Indicationa point to an attemPt by membera of the
boepital'• &dminiat.rative staff to keep these fact.. from
the public without making any attempt to correct the
Viaitora to the hospital, be they county supervi10rs.
civic groupa or individuals, are conducted on guided
tours, in the company of Ro"nald Powell, hoepital admin·
Wtra.tor or others from t.M ad.m.iniatrative ottlce.
Offlclal visitors a.t no time have been pennlt.ted to
talk to patient. without aome member of the hos:piW
ataff bein& preRD.t to bear the converalion.
Some eectiooa of the holpital an never abown to
vfaftora. The nMOD i. 111.mple. Condftlona in tboee areu
show hoepital adm.ini.tration a.t Jta wont. .
Employees refer to Bnlklinc 20 u "Orange County
Hooptt&I Skid Rood."
Emot1ooa of fear and diquR. were abown to Orange
Daily N .... reporten. Some penona Int.er viewed Wert"·
afraid to talk. Former empioyeee freely adm.tt that they
quit their jobs becauae they oould no longer at.and con-
ditiono at the hoopit&I. ·
Pi.a for correction have been made through ha.
pita.1 channel•. They have COile unanawerecl
' ,. Investigation ot the.e deplorable cood.it:lona Mi uz-..
l"'tly neoded. The grand jury ii the lnveatigotive body
of the county. But reoommend&tiou foUowin&' tbla tn~
v.tigatioD mwit be follmred to reetore proper cue to
The Oranre Dally New. otrera to tum Oftl' to the
grand jury upon ita r<queot the lnfonn&tlon It bu c•-
t.hered. Many ot the ln4lvidu.ale intervk-wed bave Mid
they will be glsd to appeer betore tbe lrazid Jur7.
Tbeee iodividuaJa are penonal.ly a~ of other ...
d1ti91» dciler to ~ nported t.odtl.1•
._ ___ .. __.. ___ ~_._ .. ~·· ..... --..... ... _ .... ,,. , ........... .....,. __ ._.< ...... •--· --.. _ .... '" -.·<· -~.. . .. -'~-· .. "'
r DEAQV NEWPORT HAQ()R ~ -PART II ". PAGE I Pepe Leack Salon ~ .~IW~!!ll.,;t_L\_~-'-.MON!MY~ IJ, 1954 _,......_.,..,.__..~ CAGE FETE : i -. '. '\ I ' ' ' '. . ' .... .._ ._,.., 9d\O'O .... TAMURAJPARKS TARS =.::..::~=;:: ;1
~·°'' :-= .. :·::.t.., 0.. tmw.o....-... • .,
£ ................
L0ts OF A.ODON A.T ENSIGN -BuMtbal1 i.t big time at Horace Enaign with the
varsity :ttop Orange County Elementary School cage loop. Above, cute Nancy M"&.D·
gan, head cheer leader, lead.I tbe crowd in a cheer . Her ll8.8istants are Judy Collina.
Val Lowen and O.vit Pope. Below, Jim Fredricaon (9) ca.ate a big shadow aa he
acores a bubt. ~taf! PhotOfs
Ensign Cage
Teams Enter
HI Tourney
Monarchs, Orange, Argos, San
Berdoo Among Casaba Victors
' Oll'ler baaket lMLU ecorea. a11.-I tack eg•ln1t the SaJnt11 by -.cortn1
fMlmbled by Oranr e County N ew• 22 po:rlnta. Center J im Gllleapie
8e I II.bow that M&llr Del re-~parked San Be rdoo·1 7th win In rv t e, • EC play wlth 21 point.a. Cen ter
corded ltl 8th •lr&.i(ht ParochlLI B<>b Hund~n ta!Ued a like number
Lea.(1HI 'Victory over SL Joha Vlan· to ('Ive the Don• game high 11eore.
n1y D7 30 ln San~ An• T hur.O.y ; 1--------------
ln the 8unHt J..e&cue Frida)', Or·
"'1\I'• defeated Santa An. 541-39
and Ge.rden Grove b!uled Hunt·
ln&"ton Beach ~2-3•; and 11'1. lhe
Ea.at.em Coofermce , once-beaten
8a.o Benurdino.took care or CbaJ'·
_fey 87-62. In a non-league J C
rame Loyola Frosh racked up
Banta An&'• Do1111 71·M.
Mat.r Del'• MonucM a.ni un-
d•fea.ted ln leque play and lead
.eoond place Mary Sl&r (Jf' the S-.
flan Pedro, by a tull pme. Torrid
Tom riiueroe. led the Pa.nther at·
8th Graden Lose
53-34 to Fremont
Harbor Boy•' Club 8th £Tade
quintet t ell the 1t!ng of defeat
~3-34 t rom F remont Junior HJ1h
School'1 8th grarle t eam at Ana·
helm F eb. 11. It WU the 14th
e tratght triumph for the Ccilonl11t
Juniora .1tnce dropping their lone
lo" ot the year to Horace En·
1i1tn Dec: 1.
Rivenlde Downs
Newport Rollen
N ewport Beach lawn Wwleni
dropped a 3-2 Hr!et1 of n1a tche.
to the R lver11!de Lewn liowlln(
Club on Ule rival gr8"n.t T huni-
day. Among the 22 Newportere
t ravel!n( lei Riverside with their
w1ve11 were: John La.mar, N lchcila.a
Bretlner. Taylor Can-, Ed Muraet,
Alber t Kl;Jopt, Walter, P ea.rztOn, Ro-
land &Hey, J oe Stamp. J.4-Pet-
titt.. C. K . Ciolle and \Vlllla.m \Vil·
Tue8day, 2 1 IO<'al player11 took
part In the weekly Au~tralian
Singles tournament on the New-
port Mun lcip&I Bowling Gre-en.1.
Ed Wlloolt won flr11t pl1ce with I~
point•. In the play ~ff, a.tter four
layers Ut!d tor 1econd place wlth
13 polnUI, Bill Bnna won 11econd
and Lew PetUtt third over Al
0 Jt.iancl and J041 Sta mp.
ILepUn •
Lr Coach Norm Stillwell'• Hor·
aee Enalgn v1u-.ity defeata Wut-
mln.tter 111 tbe Newport ~ach
Jt.1nlor hi(h g:ym t omorrow after-
noon. the Ensiicn b1U1k etball team
wlll be cht.m)J1 ona of the Or&nl!:e
(~unly Elem.,ntary St hool Lea·
cue Game t1rne is echt'duled f<Jt
2:30 p. 1n. wilb. 11. Ughtwelght
gan1e !" fnllow
V.'edn<'.'l<.l1<_v, Cveeh Stlllwell en·
Third etni.lghl win In Ea.llt,,rn tera bvlh h19 A and H quintet•
Ccn1eren<"e second r(lufld cozn pet-11n tbe Huntington Bea<'h case
. tourn'y which 10•t!l Involve HI Or·
uuon "''I ll 0.. ubJeCth·e ot C'oac:h ange Cciunty tle•nt>ntary ..choola.
Stu lnmKn'• Ora.nge Cout College 1 I.Ast yeitr, the ~:n111gns were eltm·
Plralt"A v.•hen the r!Ulh young !Jue-a Jni.ted ln U1e f lral round by UH!
Up orr i..:u lruit Chaffey !n thr '-le-1 eventual t"urney charnpa. Buena
l'ark ll'l the A brac ket, Anaheu·n
aa <IU"/'"" !!:Yin a t II pin. lon1 .. r-1 ln lhe a ctitesory.
row nlJi:hL Lll!t Thur!dlly. En!1gT1'!1 Vl!ll'!ltY
.,.ri•l11 y n11!:ht th .. ra the r 1r11te l"nd B aqua<4 capture.:! loop vic·
qulnl.,t i;:·a1nL·d •We.et revenge tor tur1e11 over Alan1edu . The A'•
t wu pr.-Vt<.)UJI dt•, .. 11.U! at haulla .,{I won 27-17 IU1d the B'• ~l-19 . Cen·
thf: l"rUly F'\Jllo'rlon Hornf:tll th!.~ ter 0<'nny Po11t led v•r,.lty 11eor -
lle&Jl(Jn hy doifeatlng them 77·M, inf for !ht-En1lgn crew with 12
overcurn lng k 39·30 ha.lttlme de-wtuLe Steve La.11:erlof Wu red
r un T h!I' 1r1111nph •n1ly t h .. 11•0<" hot for tht' B'•. potting UI polnUI
ond tune In OCC cage hlat ory thl! on 8 baaketJ1.
McJ1anH•n have thu111pet1 the y,.1. Tally 11hMot11 : Va.rally -Blll
low J1<cket11, gitv .. the Buc11 a 0-3 ~tcCarlhy 2. Babe ~1emlec 9,
loop rf:\:or<:I a nd an 1m pr1P:ae1ve 17-BllJ Champion 4 and Pnat 12
g rnark orr the lM!.uon. Lightweight.. J:l1U TwUlt 7,
Tci1n Markham 2, Steve Henl'(ltln
JO, Don BrtckneU 2. La•erl.ot HI.
Wayne Gou1v11.1'1 2 and J ohn
HugheJI 2.
AClt.1<1.lly, lhe A(gt'eMlve loral
cu.v11 f'laln>t un!euh t~lr ftttark
until th,-. fin&l 10 mlnute:• of play
when Ui.·y outscored the choked
up inVM l!l'TS 27-12 During that f·--------------
nurry. the Buc.1· big Billa, Jnloea
a.rid Wl't:r:el. cont rollei.l thtt 00¥.rtla,
Dave BLdn!ck 11J1d NeLI S toner
wers tol!Ud off the court for !lg-ht·
tnr In the Ill.It live mlnute.1, IUld
Don Mln""n toult'd oot after pli.y·
a 11pra!ned
Tarbabes in
7th Triumph
Com1nr from behind to deadlock
Newport H11.rbor'• Denny fl'\tz· the ga if'le at halftime and Lheo xo
patric k paced the P irste llCOrin( 011 f nr th.-.lr 7th v1clory cif Lhe
11.ttack . garnering high honor• w ith Sunart i...-ai.:1u• ""~s<Jn aii:•ln1t a
19 digit•. In what ws11 lhf' b..-11\ alngl .. ,...tbi<<k. C'"11~h Jln1 Miller's
OCCi. cage 11hov.·1ng ot the aeaaon. Newport H11rbor High School 'J'oLr.
S::oAhg rundown: Bob Chapman babes took care of Fullerton W-44
9, W etzel 12, E:r: VIU'I Hom 7. Bid-on the rival noor Fr1iJay aitemoan
!'lick 13. F LUp;ttrick 19, Ml~n ii, At the eurl of th .. f!r11t quarter,
Jedcly Young 2, Inloes 6. the Tarbabt-a tralled the PapocllHl•
-----116-IO, but c11n1e ch>Ll'glng back to
de.:i.f'llock thfl hatlle at 22-•JI by
tntermlulon. After 1L111umtng a 38-
32 mllrg!ri •t end of the third per·
lod, µie locaJ lightweights w're o n
thelr way.
Indian Juniors
Defeat Tar JVs
Fuller ton'• Junior v11.r1Jlty crum-
bled Newp!lrt Hllrbor H !f h
Schoo\'11 JV dream11 tor fir11t
place In the Sun~t Leaiue by
rorr.pfng over Coa.ch J ule.a Gage'•
quintet ~9"43 In Sitllor gym Frt·
<!ay night The victory gave the
lndla.n• a 7·2 mark ag&1n1t 11
~3 record ror the loci.I cagen1.
All Ule Newporter11 were able
to 11alvage wall Ji:!<rn e h igh 11cor,.
h :ir:or11, Bob Villa~rana gamen:-d
lh011e, hllt!ng for 17 points f rom
hie pivot po1L
The Tar junlor11 kept pace with
the tnvailer1 In the flr11t canlo,
deadlocking them 11t 10-all. By
haJfUme, however, the l.nd\an.1
~ ahead 29·24 and Dlltte(! t:n. ..
to high gear in the eecond h.itlf.
Local aeon:-rundown:
Don Ba bb11 9, J erry Kemp.-r 2,
V!!lagrana. 17, Slan Schonee 2.
Bob Allen 8, Genii! Hubba.rd :::..
~DER •
iard • Newport Blvd.
Bob White paced the N ewport
att11.ck, dunking 14 point.II. Other
Tarb&bo •corer•: John HenroUn
10. lSud Thon1v-on 8. Jltn M11ider
8, Rich Tamow11ke ~. Dick ~toralq
4, Jl1n Schone& 2, Bob Hendershot
THIRl'I A lllW
c 11ark/e ...?~I I I I I
\ \~~~-
-Bryan Lucu WU lope for Har-
bor Witb 10. Jerry Queener 1.nd
Tom Hubef ecored 8 each, Je"f
Hehn and Steve Robin.on I each,
Tom 9a.lldo•LI and Bob 'I"'llveddell
2 each. STAFFORD & ION
Anahelm'e height wn decldln1
fllct or .. the toe controlled bQlb
beckbot.rd1 and r1ddled BBC'• d.-
fen11e with Jump 8bot.a.
'OB N8 TON E'8
Mesa A-Wrecken
UMld A. ... ...... ... "' ..... ..... :IO'l5 _ ...... _
Ubef't7 8-'1111 CMta ..._
. "NELR and DOC"
ELl:Cl'lllCA.L OONTRACl'Oll8
~ LIMriJ' t-.!1'11
111 Blveralde "'"-Newport. -
the Richard Beeson Company
Landscape D•igll a11d C-tnlc:tloll
T hey're •••rt / The7
tkll•I The new '56 Su-
HorHs ttyled in Holiday
Bronze and Spny White.
Come in and "' them..
Nine grear aew mod.ell _, '° 50 bpi
Solltli Coast Co.
Newport. Btvd. •at 23nt St.
'' I\ HC>fr Sf 'I.
1)1 PJ ... 11.
TO WJttOVfR tBIBf · -~-
With the dribbllng, oet obot potUng lllUCO of Capt, Dave
Tamura polAUnc the woy , ,tho Newport H&tl>or Hlgb School
SoJJorw ruohed rl(bt bo<I< into thick of the Sunoet Leag~e
cage race with a. pellmeU 62-55 puling of the Fullerton In-
dians in t J lor gym Friday nlght.
Coach J ule• Gae• Just bopu And the b&ckbo&n:! clearln.i de·
th&l the racehone t)'JM (Jf' ball mtMUtratecl by jWJt at>out every
the Tara uncorkel.2 .,.a.st the Tar cacer who cot lnto the fray
Tribe c&rrlee them rl1ht throuch wu a Ut lnc or beaut y. It wu the
remainder of tha 1ehedulti lnt.> outlllde aet aho~ ot Forwa r d
the CIF pl.ayoft1. Tomorrow af-GeofTe Mabee and T amura that
ternoon, cagy 0.1~ will ftnd out ripped th e tndtan defen1e11.
If the Gobii are actuallJ Jteriowl George copped h1gh aeon w !Lh
about copplng-that al\UIYe crown 19 points, ckMltly followed by
when the IOCL! varsity tra't'ela to Dave with 17.
Garden G r o v t:. ,,p otf t im e
agaln..lt the Ar co• ts 111&tld tor
3 p. m.
The Fullerton effort, lleCOnd
triumph of the clreu!t aea.aon tor
the Tare civor the heir apparenl.JI
to the Utle, wu: the best balanced
outlnj" Newport Harbor bu en·
JOYt<d lhl• year. Tamura, w ho wu
on the verge of belng benched
on the bu!a of f l rat round per·
!onni.ncu . Mowed lhe etrect of
1'1111 r~ent unsn!mous elec:Uoo &11
tean1 captain by 11pe.rkln& the
SailUr• with &J1 amuln(IY verA·
t ile pertormllnc".
Pels Pulverize
Bruins in &th
Grade Cage Go
V.'1\h Bob :.;orrta and Dennis
Carpent~r outacciring the cippo.1l·
l1tu1 lhen1so:IV<!I. the Pelllcatla pul·
ve1·1.r.e.:i tlle undefeated BnHn•
80·40 to tak" und111puted top svcit
l11 Hartxor B•Jy11.' C!ob 6th grade
lnlt•n1ural bllaketti..ll I e 1.1 u"
ln other rame11. the Coupr5
c-u tftd the Whlrlw!nd1 44·31 , tllf!
\Vl!tlcal.! whiffed put the H ot·
1hot~ 60-12, •nd lhe Nannie. nLp·
pfl<l the Tara 29-23. Tally •heel.II .
Pl:LLICA."'1 l'Ec&.s
PeHLcana: Norrta 30, Carpenter
to, Dick f'etut and Tom Olllma.n,
l .'l ~h. Brutna: Tom Bryan 1e.
Steve Harper 14, Da.ve Rouo 8
and Kent A.nderaon 2.
Cougars; J Lm Vermllyn 22. Den·
nla Perrin 10, Tony Ma.l!urn llfld
Woody Brook•, 4 each , Rewk
\'.'arrum 2. wn1rlwind11 : Terry M <:·
\','ethy 2•. Tom Woodrkh ::i. Mike
Palr1c k 2.
\o,'lldtle.tl!: B rian Wwll 24, Jed
Hou•tcin 18, Oene PalaJ'erri It ,
Gary Schone• 10, Gary Magner
and Chuck K•bl.11. 2 each. Hot-
~hot~· Ed Hiatt e. Rlchatd Keael
t , Terry lieatUe 2.
Nann!e11: Jim Curtis a nd
old Caldwell. 10 e•ch, Lyn G11vin
9. Mike McCarty 12. Roy Bennett
7, Rodger Wat110n •·
Stanrlln1 1: Pe!llcan11 O·O, W!ld·
cat1 1.ncl Bruin.JI 4·1. N&nn!e11 and
Wh!rlwlnda 2·3, Holflhota, Coug-
11.r11 and Tars I ·~. Game• nPllt
Tueeday : C<.>ugara v11. ll ol.Jlhots,
Whlrlw1nd1 vs. P rllican11, \'illd-
cal.JI v1. Tari. Bruln1 v11. :-.'annlea.
A dll&deye n ve bucket barrage
by Mabee jumped the Tara lntci
a 20·12 flr•t quarter lead. But the
lndia.na 11lanu11ed on ~ braku
..nd took over 27·2li a t halttlme.
T11.n1ura tee med up with Paul
Lorentzt!fl tu eurge the loca l.ii
back In front 4.3-33 going Into the
t1n11l canto. Tar tally aheet :
Mabee 19. Tom Houston 4.
T111nura 17 , O•ry Green t . ICll!l1~
Pope 10 and Lore-.nlznl 8.
····•·················· •
• •
• •
• • • • • •
Stam'ng in
1'K1y1r ti tke Ttwt"
Wedne•doys 9:30 P.M .
Channel 11 • KTTV
A PrtJtntation by
''('...., ........ , .... "'
-.. ·.i .......... i .. ~-·~"" "'''"' '"' 1JlJI.: . ...................... .
Private Police 1
'1b• ac"•' ... 1~ nrm ot
today la one that meet. th• ~
mana. ot OOAM:rvau~ people ol
thl11 &dvanc;int da)' and age.
wh•re aJl are Mek lnr lnvut-
me11t1 that not only ani lnc~
lng In vLlue but where a..penna.n·
ent \l'Jcon1e la uauN!'d. Thl1 firm
IO<:ated Jn N l!.'Wporl Beach at 3112
Newport Blvd. tor the J)IUll 2{>
ye<1 r1. haa IM!en v .. ry cl06ely lde.n·
tlfl.,,I with thl• a.-ea m growth
and expiuulon, otterlni:" both the
bu}ing &n.J <:>ellln&" public th!•
hlghe1t type llf'rv1ce. At p~11ent
Greenle•1 and Severt.II ha.a Ulltecl
t1'At ooukl• ,..,.._._.attMetM-·
lo M yone lntendlnr lo purch&M..
Th!JI 1..'<Jmmunlly haa lee.m ed lb&t
their word la Lbelr bond u they
never ll.1t Pl'QJl"rty above !t. t rue
valuee. The people come lo them
with CQnfidence tor advice w hen
they WI.ah a medium u.rourh
which theoy can .J!•poae o f or buy
property u they holve 1-.D. de-
cldt!dly fair at &II tlmea. ~'e
wiah to reeommend !hi.I fir m to
<.lUr reKller11 lo Ull1 bulfin~ re-
Vlew. Mr. Severt.ti ta the Real
E.iitat .. rnan tht<re IUld M r. O reen·
on hls book11 town and 1ndu11tnal lear ia an rxcellent bullde.r of
prupo:rlle• and beach propertlM our area. Adv.
' We hllve. ~rvlclng the Hllrbor I over your pre.,.nt coverage a nd
11n·"· an up-and+t"on11ng young re.-ommen•I any change• that ~
Uus1ne1111 lh11t urfet~ 11 truly ose-n""""""'Y !tom the standpoint of
tu! .tlt"rV1ce to 1<nyr,ne wh., I'll h"r I fully p1ot.,...lln1;: what )'OU h ave
•·w na Jt,al P rop,.rty or 1n>'ur~ hfl\'' ...,.,,,k~tlhard \,,own. It 111 poM!ble
•·f the Ill)rn1 .. 1 rl"k" ,,r "'~'Y d1ty 1h .. 1 the 1na<.l r11n.:e you now~
I \In;: Uf(t<nn,i:: 111 .. ir µ11 tr"l1~ ,.v, ia lnKd.-quate tu cuv .. r the r1.1lnf
1 '"'Y '"'"'e1vabl.-11.ln•l <•! 1n1111ta.n• ,. , \'t1ll1,.!1<'n . <.1r )"Ur property. \\'hy
J ,, t.•t 1!•,rl <;n .. 1 .. 11 JtrHI ··•p1+t:itJI~ rn'l ~IH•t•k th!,.-\•>llh • VI.sit to
1>"~1~ 0111 .:ornp11 ny l"J•t<'!le/1\.o \ht<l l' u f/tt·"' ·~ :ti1!9 !\'ewport
111! lns1iran<·e Corllf>l•l!U·~ 1n
UIV,1 ,,r ,.. , .. 11 to Wei Jay and
Milt ttenfro 11.t H.u-bor _JJ!lt. TfX
n .. .ea l.,.1,.y 1''"r c•1111«•H •'•"r. !hey ott .. r 24·
( The rnion or till• l1riu kh•<W 11'P>r 1w1·vi..-\\'e h1i;hly recom·
n.•.,r11nr .. in Kll HA int•'"\'' ni .. "t! lh"t" 1" <'l ne and all for i ll,.,,.~< II.JIU l'Q!ll)J l•K 1"11115, ih«I
v.111 ht• rnur .. thlin w1!1ui;: 1,. K",1tny lns11r11t1!'" prnble111..-Adv.
brings up-to·tht:>-m1nu/,• stock and commodity
pr,ces to Oraitge Cov11ry
Come in 11nd irurpe<•t the new inveatment eervicea E. F •
H utton & Com 1;iany ha11 br o ught to Santa Ana.
Included ia the finrt elLoetri~ quotation board in thia area
/1aJ1hu1g quotat10011 d1N:Ct from New York a.rld other
leading financial renters.
~t to k now "t he man from E. F. Hutton" and In h im
e1pl1.1n other Mpects of our complete 1nveatment eervic:e.
.YIMIEli NfW TOlll nocoi; IX(HAl'f(if ANO A~l llAOING
C'o'1'1/>I"'~ bro•,.ratp fJnrl ..,,,., . .,.,.,.l<V /ac1/1h~
119 M, MAIM Sf., IANTA AMA -
alMl l &lT 7·SISJ w
Packinq the blgqest
In Chevrolet truck
h 'istory !
New Chevrolet Task•Force Trucks for '56!
A thorf-mok• VI for _.;.,.., nMMlefl ........ ,,....,.94, hltJh9t
compreulell 6 111 Mor'9 ~ fer t'9ht -.... .. MMI tough
jobs • • • .. .... ,.. ...-...,., ..,,.. :JOU ..... , •v-r rn&lel
You rtl pf en tr of "'bones,. to haul rour loads fn new Chevrolet Tuk·
Force trucQ. P"'er'• been boo9led ri1ht acrou the board i n modern
ehorwtroke VB'• and elftclent va1ve-in·head 6'a I
Come on In IOOD and let UI ahow JOU tbeM lre&l #"13·t•r•
M W Chevrolet truc.b for '&61
AnythlnCJ ••-I• •n old·feehloned truck I
P'aet flaota About N9w
·ae Taak-P'oroe Trvotta
A VI for tv.ry Model" • More Pow-""
ful Sia.•• • M ~ Drhre for
Every S.rietf • New n-s.;.M 5,_
thro-M.1h TronSlllit.!oftf • Hlgh-lev.f
Venfl'lotion • Conc.ctled Sat.ty St.pt •
T,,,be'eu TlrM, ltandord °" All Moct.tt
• freth, ~ Wort $tyfiftv.
•v1 ~ ""' l.C.F. -..u. -~
to.t oprlmt bl all mlwrl. ~"°""' "'
O.f'fl c:ou ... I WU. ,..... oJ ""'14#1.L
1000 W ••t Cbcnt Hk)llwcry NEWPORT IEACH
• :1<'.1 -
MONDAY, FEIRUARY 1 l, 1956 ' •• " '
~~=!~-~!~:!!!!!~!~ .. ~:•~'~r•!'~--=: ~U~!P~tt~eq<!!!;~'~W.!'!.;;.....;::;:;;~
Custom Building
A 'M"lt.AanTil PRJcma ----y~ ii ... ~~
Lleotntlld -ln.uttd
2NO Banta A-Ave.., cmt.a Mqa
Supertluoua Hair
hnl'l&MllU,· rwc"fed tram taot •rma. ._,,, llJ'•bl'N• uf Mh-
tln• abpeO-Ko ml7f't t ........
ICLJ,.IC"i I-llftT A.HT ft. .. Udo., a.Joft ol .... , Bar, .,. .,.
c '' ' ' '' ' -
Sl-M'.ualcal. -T V
-~ ..... ~~-............... --.. .. ~~
Painting, Decorating
Paper H;uigin:
LIC..."ZH81:D «,lNTRAt ~1~ •R
171 W. llUI Bt .. Co.ta ,I_
Wberl7 1 ·8fl21
Floor Covering
Wall Tile
10 Y"an u~r1ence
Llcen.1ed, Contr.cta.r, &atl•!acllon
OuarantMd W 1-0T:\2
Permanent Waver $6.50
a nd Up
Haircut& $1 .00
S HAMPOO and WAVE i i.l:IO
M.ACHINl8T8. 8ff Gene Hald at
Y•rd Office. Bttuth Cout Co.-
Nf!'Wport Blvd. at 23rd St., N.B.
Cleo J1'1k"''• s.auty Shop. Turret Lethe Operators 19M Church St u l.UD9
70tt c 8W!NO SHIFT, CL.A.88 J... O.tt-
-------------l inl", 10::-pay. Cl.A-VAL 00,-
112p1'r.o U--Loat ud Found 1701 Pi.att.nlla, Newport Beach.
60<73 -----------1 --------~-
Repair Work
Dou ?our Homa Nc&<i Rep.aJ.nng
or ftemod!!llng ?
Call Fr&11k. Liber:.y 8-f9M
AU Work Cuatat1l1f'd 7(tfe
BklU lawa, IClec. DMll•. Po!l•h•rl ,
aU type. <Jt 81..lldf'r•, WhNlbkl'•
row•. etc.
LO.ST a•rk r hrrry 11nt11J111· t ablr
trom g•rag111 s t eoo ro1n~elli:J
REWARD tor return Any one
h•Vlnf lnlonn•tlon p!,.;1~ call
liar. JOlO·J . D&<.-71
'U-8chool11, lnatruct1on
China Pa inting
Day •nd 1!:ventn1 Claa1u
Order• Taken Now
Phon• Llberty 1-:i.&tl
23-Sltuatlona \\.'anted
FOrt •malt prt!claion dleL APPL T
Qr 1n1tll reawne lO
\\'eat cm Rt.ue.rch Labe.
YIJ·A 8 . McClay St., S. A.
.Art"r 7 p n1 caJi KI l!l-l2JJ 69c71
----------c;.:.:.:. ___ !1' $A'.\'T A A~A -· Ttrnp<i..,.ry
-----HA!'lO Y MA~ ma!nten11 nr" • r l•• ,.n.,:nt •ervice acen•) An
COMPLETE PAINTING I rtp•lr Qr what• Har 4~• W a,;:t-n•Y •Pf'Clal!ztnr ln Tt-mpor-1
'630 \V COA!T H IG H \VA Y
Ubl'rty S-343~, N.wpo;ort Ben 211tc
4 ~Uc •ry Qffltf }obll. S o fee to apph-
lc Pa~r l-lang ing &!rv1ce -------------, anl lJnly on• v1a1t to <JUr ut ·
ltUG!:NI':: U ~.A L·:••DEH..S I GARDENING tit " 1~ ,, .. ,uaary Call tor rl'·
~ 31111 Slr~t. Nr.,.·porl Beat-h ()0[) JOB:!! A CLl':AS t·i· llA•l(Tlment Con1• In -ft!'gi.ter
Harbor 1918 Uc
Sympson & Nollar
Bl'<lt !:aper~nc..:I \\'o rknurrt
liar. 2'41)4 or .'.1317
H. O. Alll!•rton
1014 C. Ba.Jboa Blvd'., 8&.lboa
Harbor 2..-.0 i;jtJc
HOL'R. DAY OR \\'!'.:EK
W l ·t08-0 or lJ S-4.."144
\\ • ti11d lh111 )vb•
414 SpU1 g'eonBh.J1 ,B A. $8.r'l'O
6211 ;:i l WoM~:C\' dlcn..,., buolckeepcra •
Experienced Gardener M ~~~'.~ Toot .._ d1e m•k•re.
l.ANUSCAPlNG n1ar n1n1•t•, Lab t.chruc1•n A
LJberty 8-IMQ
LIBERTY 8-6139
4 02~-32nd. St..
I ACTOll• from
Nawporl Bch
City Halli
lbptr1enc ld ptTtllantnt m old
Precision Casllnga Inc.
lfl~O S uptrlo r. 1...• ).t Ll 8·~0!
FULL UNI: 01" NORGE a.net
KELVINATOR relr"l&;eratorl.
Larrut t rade-in allowance111 <1(
•1\1 19~ modeJ ~!ricer.Lon.
WIC STILL HA VI: a few auto-
matk waaher1 of the Ii~
M.t"Mt.I. You ca.n ha.,. lhe.e at
eo.t whll• they lul.
lnlroductory offer. Kelvln.t.tor
w~hf'r a nd drier, '154J model•
Save $100 The pair tor J~ii O~
pool wuher ,.. ru Oryer onJy
!.&lie. f9" lor bolh l)ltlC••·
Ha rbor Blvd
CO.la l>tr.M
RefrlliJ:c!&tor 191).~ rhll<'O Deluxe
larKt-f1unlly 111." H.,po.,,c11Sed
h.11a 111.1·1.:• colored vegetable crU-
•!:::'11' !'!'
Samples and Demonstrators
TllRD ROOMS ot bf'auUtul n-
f'unl.tture tor $1t3. Com• lo
look a.round.
HUB 000 W . Cerller, .Anaheim
&li:r77 -----
Rent a 8pLn•t piano to bUy. aU
t•nn r•nt allowed PracUOI
plano low u $0 P9t' mo. DANZ-
l'l&no A Orr&11 StQrt :).)0 N v.
Main SL S&llt.a Ana.
FOLOL~O BEU Wllh En11;lari<ler BEA t.rrlF'UL P;l-CCTRONlC 01 -
foa n1 m•ltrua full t .... ·1n ali.. ii:•n perlect ell" almoal "~"'·
Uke ne"'' ilO l:h,.rry h•I 1-.rd D ANZ . SCHMIDT-PHlLLJP;:;
dble. W1th cun\J>•rtrnenl.11 $25 Great Sall' 520 No. Main St.
Pa1nl.-' Ch.ea! i4, •ma ll br&M SaziL& Ana.
tamr-l:I. Ha.rbor 11~~1.. 69llc 1--------------F'OR THE Rt.:MPU8 R.OOM !
GREEN L()Vll 8EA T, open1 ln\o A."'-l'ICO l':LECTRJC PLAYER
bed H&r . !l29·R 89..:i I l'lANO In l>f!rft-ct playtns ccndl-
llon. Lota uf tolll \nchld«l -
Convenient terrr..• a\-SS.-Bo&ta, S~Uee 8HAFERS •Since lt07 l
BOAT, tlatU• type. u cellcnt eon-421·42! ·" S}< •more. 811nt• An.a
d!Uon, r ood 1a1la •. S MlUna l---""-'-"_•_•_•rn_,,._,_1>_._2_·_08_7_• __
l'"r. sn.,1v .. ln u1e d(Jor • a.11 WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROhfAT l.r9 !•#OM ·4~. LI 8·8207 69cTl HAJ.1)10?\'D r•RGA~S all model&.
nn• t llt hth u~,.'1 Ilk• new.
J)A!'.'Z -~··H!-llDT-PHlLLlP!J
Haminon<l H~•dqu•rten for Or·
"nl~ Colin'\ ~20 J"o :O.Cl..ln SL
:-lanl& A t ...
r.>.tru. ~yr r 11a1a.nteoe--no1h1n¥ $319.95 Ng. price WITI-1 OLD WA SHER $2~995 1 S 'I' I I t' l<.i pay o ...... ri 1t cr1K11t o .K. by a 1 1n q n1 rue 1on1
Bank lat Jl•Ym~nt o r $3ll flue WESTINGHOUSE RANCE Model BHS MY STAR 00AT or r~ttl e i3~
L>\ 4."I day1. lla.l. due Ill $167 St ~'199 95 Reg Pn'ce WITH OLD RAN·GE •270 9" per hou.r tor one penon <1r $!) -• • ••• --· >I' • u I f<Jr two lJ S-11207 69cS I
Bee .•nt Hn1 elJayor Evt.al lt4l 1'IAYTAG RANGE M -·' J 600-2 · h M d
\\' ( h•pman Uran&• I · ..,...e wit ' UlUl.e mln e r. SLIP F OR RENT on Pw1n•ul1 l-sp1,.,_ r • Call Coll ... ·t KE li-."1817. $209.95 Reg. Price, WlTI-1 OLD RANGE . . $159.95
= pnvatc dock . Cil..li · ~· IA...:•1 1,. vtly lOR41 and Har 2~ l"•6<' SJ~; T"r-n11 Other wof\-
CA.S STOVE 4 burner 2 u v,.11• ~fA YTAG IRONER, M odel 90P'-P • twlttc der!ul 1J.11 r~111n• in r111nta.l re·
Price J.lll. A t.: !ichr.">edcr $224.95 Reg. Price ·-· ··-··-.. ·-·-··· SALE PIUCE $169.95 1CHR'(J5LER CR.O\\'N 2·1 reduc-tumi , l r••1 ,. •"I,.,, t1rgan•. eu:. 19~ Fed &I A Co ta M .tA I Uoo, Onlln water led 32 v 5,.,.,.1•1 ",., .. 1 ... •\:-•lcn~ "' er vr · • r \VESTERN HOLi Y RANGE with roliuiere -coo 69' 71 ~ l l'heJ'ller, Fl(loher ra dio dlrlll<'l llhLpplnic l •AS.l -SCH~f .•. DT •
-------------$344.50 Reg. Price. \VITH OLD RANGE ·---····-$2i9.95 tln.d•r. Dyer Dtnk \V he, 1 tr PHILUl'S Hie: P1anu a. 0r,a.n
O'KEEF'E • MERRITT ranc•. ·~ Ha.r. 23:.1 6i t.!c Stor• 0:10 S ~lain .S•nta An.a. model. Lamp a. i;lock with t1ven WEST~ HOLLY RANGE, Coppertone ----__ _
tlmer. Chrome rnll br<1J\.er, and $279.~ Reg. Price WITH OLD RANCE ...... $219.M TRADE HAMMONO ?>.·uv•-ch<Jr<I ln tin•
that htt up to p. Ulled on• . rondltlon B11 Sa vina• Ttrma.
monlli. SJ41i180 cM1h, or p.ay $8 PACKARD BELL TV, 21 ST·l B!:..A..UTIFUL TO' Siii M dowri •nd i 21 fll ptir m.o.
per mo. t t tl W. Ch•pman, $209.95 R~g. Price WITH TRADE-IN .. .. $169.95 •UL achooni r. ¥0 a t crane .. KE S-681 7 tl anywhert. Ea~L tor charter I S HAFERS !Since 1907 )
O'K"te A M•rrttt l'M ranee 190:.
deluxe toldlng ·top model haa all
chrom• griddle on top, It.mp A
clock with oven timer, chrom•
f till broiler UQd only J monui..
S.lnr tra.aaferrcd.Eut. take ovu
n1y contrart w\th t h• Bank A
pay of f !he bal. of i L.S7 69. Only
PHILCO TV, 4136 x Blonde Want •mailer boat or pro~rty 4 2 1 .~23 N Sycamore. S•nt. Ar.a
$239.95 Reg. Price WITH TltADE·lN ··-__ $199.9~ ;::o .. w.3Ba1032bM Blvd · New0po6rt I Ph<1ne Klnlbt'rly 3·06T2
r r ' ~ Or•n11e L:ounty 1 Ort;al'I Hdqlr t . HALLICRAFTERS 15" TV .... .SA.LE PRICE $39.~ Attn w TER -
: A FRONT O \\!~Ef\~ DICA G .,, J -ta"o \' ~ OLYMPIC 16" CONSOLE, blonde .... SALE PRICE $39.50 N-10 drum a· :11 18" tloa t tdock1 " ..... • tbr•·•-rp.
or u.e u ~t w1lh outbo•rd. Jn fin~ condition. Sav• i~p:i ott SIL~~~~t~ ~~.~~ ~~ ~0~. ~~-~~~ICE $19.50 c:'::.le~r -:!0p';111~!u ·~h:~ ne;H !~~Rsc<17;tn~:r~~;!-
U ctraed and Jnaured
Do •houhlers or feet ache 1
I• Rl:l..A XA TION needed!
Swedish Massage F F ood pay ~7 82 ~r month. No cuh ree l"rew """°"· "' ''""' '"" •N any-21" TABLE MODEL RAYTHEON __ SAl,E PRICE $99.50 Ume D1y or E•·e. al 144 1 W . I :3:':::::11~uol::::~cal:=,~ll&d=~lo:'.!., ~T:_:V:_ __ 1
01 1 -·• r ,1 1 (•h•pman. Oranze.. 17" PHU.co CONSOLE .... ·-·-·--... S ALE PRICE $119.50
·-~ 9·137S. 70<~2 421·423 ·" Syca"1or~. S11-11ta Ana
H OFFMAN, 17" BLONDE CONSOLE; SALE FRICE $79.50 1-----------P hone Klmbe rly 2·0672
Piano r rep ace Wuvu rorn '" ng •• o n Call Collect KE ll·Dll17. up. 1128 \V. a.111ooa Blvt1 .. N1·w·1-------------1 10;' ZENITH CONSOLE, Blonde -... -S ALE PRICE $39.50 N r) Job loo b!S"-N O Job too amall.
T. HORD SULE!' ln your home.
1307 I:. Balboa BITd. W.r. 0294.·R
IF' fr CAN BE BUILT <1r rtp&lrad,
1.JctnHd &11d ln.t.W'er:t
LI !·2023
Plu..q C&ll Hari>9 r •79D porr Cvm1 A r et It 10p?2
o r Harbor 70. D9p72
Ya.rd Ma.intena-nce
Three years n~r1enc. SALE
thla loeallty, Jo'arl vry rl<11!t! out I>: a11.n1ple~ a l c __ .u __ u __ ._->_7_,_. ______ .. _t_tc tOft\ (;1ft Henta, & b1u1kel9.
R • M • TUl'll<'1ay (Inly 9 a m -6 30 p m -o=-c-cc-cC--,-,,------~-"-i oy s a1ntenance 700·fi ('llrna!l(ln , PnL1·y on 4lh
-!:)t, Cornn• (!el Mar . 70c LET US CARE tor your pla.nt., HOUM cleanln1-'1oor "'aa1n1
12 IT. AMASA tJpr1ght rre u.er
M 1node\. Ret11.ll S43~\.\'lll .ell
$227 c 11.•h.
COAST Ele<:trtc
WESTINGHOUSE 4 BURNER RANGE , ___ .......... $59.50
HOTPOINT ELECl'RIC RANGE ------··-----·----------$29.50
Bfc .. vtn,. Al«l Knabe Maaon
6 Hantll~y1 otheni. Prac·
Uc• pl.an09 .. low ... II:).
Bii' Pt.&no St<1N1 020 N o. Ma.Ln
Kno .... •J ton Electronics
fClear Beam -HJ C11ln l
L"iSTAl...LED complete to y<Jur Ml.
$9 .95
Quality work only
KJ 2·7&80. t91!C
81tAUTJf"UL Rlond" Ml.-ror !\"fl"
upr111;h1 p111no 1n pt"rfr, t ,.,.n<li·
t1on. Term~ J:Z:i 1tn. • i io .JMtf
rno. 0 l h " r flfl e r~mude led
11111.noJo lri n1ahug 11.n) 1t!l•I m1ple .,_
SHAF"ERS !81nCf JQ07!
ELJo:1..."TlllC (JRILL "-!n. chuck, 312 :'><e.,.,·port Blvd., Ll ln•lda and OUl•lde EJlP"rl!'nCed W&lJ w&a.t\Ulg-wtndow cltan101
pla.n t peraonnl'I lo aerve you. Ven•tlan bllnd1. Uphol•teno
LI 8·520.".>. 1
121 ·423 r..· ~rr11no1 ... ~.n ... Ana
J9ttc r hone Klmbl'rly 2·0871 --8-11~1 SERVEL REE1l1GERATOR ...... ·-·--···--·--·····-·-··-·· $29.95
l Bondad and rell•b!!'. A variety In.sured. F'ree !:ltlmate1
Black "-Decker $:!~. Bench
1r1nt1fr. heavy duty h h.p. $30
ot 1iarvlce• depend.Ing on your Ubt!rty &-1332. n...._ -------------Skill '"w Bl..ck. "-°"cker 9 111. 82..--Furnlture for Sale
blade. Extra blade 6 c&U. beet "-'--'-"""""'-"-"'-'-""'°"--RJCKAJU)'IJ nDIU!T !!HOP.
Harbor J828. 116<:77 "FIX-IT"
Mech.anlcal and Elactrical
Custom Cabinet Work Maintenance Service
built 170 . .A.llJO tape recorder,
Bell A Howell, 3 1pM;d $12:.-
LI 8·i 729. 6&:70
No job loo big or loo •mall Harbor 3664 or D693
Jl't>r Immediate tpptlllnl call llD tfc ADULT lNVALID \\'AWCER In
C. Ev.r.tt Sml.th 1--------------good condltlon i 3o Also inel&)
EXPICRIJ:NCED GIRL DICSIR.ICS wheel c hair. LI 8-4230. 119c7 J
Find What You Wont
At The Price You Want
NEW Har. OIU-W--1 to T p. m.-WORK 1n ln.l\lran(4 oftlC•. Typ-
6Tc79 tnr, abortlland, bt111n1, und•r·
OA.RDIU'aNQ b1' tu month or wr1Uns, bookk .. plnl'. Ha •!OaR. 8 FT. Dll:W CA.TESSEN caae St ~ BUNK BEDS. All hardwood Com-
ON'E t rt. rtfrlgerauir ........... s:io plete w /2 lnnertprlng mattrea3e•
contnct bJ apciec.a l"ardftl· I~,.,-==---------"-''-'° tr. Bar. 1111.J. Up'l'O MATURE WOMAN d•atr. baby
ONIC larre eonunt.rc. rt"!rlg ..... $7D 2 •prlng"a. ladder, guanl r11.B.
1 8(;.AL.J:S, $~ .l CONDOl...A 12:. Maple tlni&h.
Sm•ll Jobs Wanted
Carpentr:y_. P aintin9
Good work-~nabl•
LibertJ a..Moa ......
Uoeued LI S.3121
no A.l'OC&do. CO.ta Meaa
.. 11.
' Liberty 11-4109 ....
•ltun1 by hour or day. Liberty
8--6619. 6Sc70
-. $1 29.60 VALUE AT BAY $79.W C&ll owner LI 1-112.23 mornlnp or
alter 6 p. m. or LI S-~766 after TWIN SIZE INNERSPRING niat-
fl :JO A w.Uendll 9tfc woman. BABY 8ITI'EI\, rn•lun
-Oooa refer•ncN . Har'. o7•~·J. --~--~------
EXPERIENCED •kipper, Ucenaed, Come In A 11'<1 the completl' new
Refrrtncefl. Pnwer <1r ••LI. llne ot Graphic pallfrna; Bear
O~rattd o.,."I\ t!a.t\Ln1 chart.er Br&11d Ev•r Match yarn•. Mor·
boat. P"'9ently employed, ve•· e\1'1 new dre• patterne, novelty
eel to be sold. Call 8 p. m. yarn• 6 •traw1 Including lh.1
to 8 p. m. Har. 4116. 89p7l popular knit lacey aklrt.8.
Howard Steam Cabinet
Whirlpool bil.thL
Call LI l-7t73 tor appolnlmtnl
BABY •ltllnl' n11ht.a, eleantn1
Saturda,.-. S<>4 \ii lArtc.pur Av ..
corona del Mar. See attar ll
p. m . 70pT2
Sit N' Knit
313 IC. Balboa Blvd .• Balbo11.
.ANTIQUE ohve wood caplaln•
duk, open tlt• Dax , Fr&11kl!n
•tov• braaa tender. AlllO 4 J>Olll·
er alngle mahog. bed Re.u. H11.r.
33:)1, 68p70
treaa w/malchln&' bQA 1prl.n.('-
lmporltd Belrtan dt.m&Ak. cover.
Gue.r&.htffld conatructlon.
S89.~0 VALUE AT BAY 1t.t i 65 W
Se.lem ti"l1h, Center guide. Dove
tau drw•.
$119.W VALUE AT DAY $44 .00
3 PC. SECTIONAL. 90r4 curved
center. Luxurlou11 wide 11rn1, J
•ttractlve covera.
i 268.60 VALUE AT BAY •198.:.0
WOOD A.RM GROUP. lnclud ..
aora, platform roc:ker, club c:h1tr,
2 1tepend, 1 eorfe. table, 2 tabl•
lam ii-.
i Jt9.60 VALUE AT BAY $219.M
36 .. GAS RANGE. 4 burner, dh·ld·
SERVEL REFRIGERATOR --------------------------·-· $I9.95
¥?™ORE AUTOMATIC WASHER -··---·--------------$19.50
\HOR AUTO MA TIC WASHER ---------------······----· . ~) 4.50
40-A u"'8 and Truck•
1885 Harbor Blvd. Co1ta Mesa Mo. pmts. low aa
H oliday cpe. Radio, Heater, Hydra, Power Steering, B-3437 Brake. 69c71
----------------1'54 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN . $41
USED APPLIANCE BUYS Be.autiful Savoy model ~ Fully equipped.
'51 MERCURY CLUB COUPE .. $30 EASY SPINDRYER & WASHER -------·--·-··---------$49.50
KENMORE WASHER, Wringer type ·-·-·--·--.--·····$25.00 ftad io, H e a tf'r, Overdrivl!. Tulone fi oiah. lmmaculnte.
!IBNM-ORE WA;;HER""·'-·"""" ---$35.00 '48 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON -$1·7
Wringer type with pump R11djo, Heater. Tutone finish.
THOR WRINGER WASHER, perfect condition ______ $3950 1,53 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE ...
DEX1.J:R AUTOMATIC WASHER ---·--------------------$74.50
Installed Club coupe. Radio, Heater. Tulone finish.
WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT ··-------·---·-·--·--·$79.50 • 50
Installed CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN ............. ..
BENDIX GYROM4 TIC, Installed ·-·····---·····-··-··-····· $59.50
Radio, Heater. Tula ne finiah.
GAFFERS & SATI'LER GAS RANGE ..................... $59.50
White Table Top
ROPER GAS RANGE ... --------·····-----------------------·$59.50 CADILLAC VILLAGE
(white table lop with oven control)
GIBSON 6 Cubic tt. REFRIG ... ----------·$64.50
COLDSPOT 6 cubic ft. REFRIG. --··--·-----$59.50
806 E. l 11l St .
SERVEL, fi cu. ft., left hand door -·--------$79.50 4~Aut™" ror Sale
SERVEL 51h cubic ft. REFRIG. ··--·-·--·-···-···--·-·····-·$69.50 •r,3 NASH s:atellme.n . MH. o·o.
Kl 7-3875
A lroboUca .Anol:lymoua
wrn. •· o. a. 111
N..wport Beacll. CaJIL.
LI C IC N 8 I: D, EXPi:JU!:NCa'.1
8"1J'PER. a,vall. Har. 1129-W,
SALA.O MASTER. roll-a-way bed,
youth bed, blnoculars, l'ltc. hedge
cll~pers. !!lee. Remlnston rasor.
chrome kUci'!f.n t able. W ll·'i21!1 I'd t<Jp. Automatic oven heal con• Like nl'W. On11:inal owner. 1700.
lrol. Chrome handl!'a QVf!ll Uroll-KNQX HARDWARE CQ. Ctlll B!ll ..\nr1eno.on HTatt 42:>.1~. Hausken-W atson
Pboa• Barbor 47'i6 ...
N.Y.C. $80'
CHJOA.00 $69
•Round T'r1p Only
J"re• umou..tn.a to Airport
Boa Lunch•, P'rff Ticket Dellve17
DALLAS -------... -~Jtl~~~ ---·=·=
CA.00 -"' All h.n. -Ph• Tu l2i W. 0..... Bml., L. B.
)DI l~G -NB'Y. 6-4636
.......... UTS;!nl XIU... ~~ •4 1 6:31rt
FINE C.'OOK • homt.m.11ker o f
many ye•rs. widow , non·amoker
6 drinkar, happy dlspoaltlon ,
want~ houeekeeplnl' po&IUO"I for
1enUt.ma11... RefU't!DCM. Harbor
~10. 70r72
611c70 er and c11tch pana, • ~9cTl ~139~0 VALl.E AT BA\' $8588 420 East 4th St. Santa Ana. Kl 2-2336 -cccc-c'7C=cc-~------------
}'REE 1NSTR\;(.."rl0=--
All OfW !llater\11.1., ..... 11.111.
Bay Furniture
%9 U W M.ARY FANNIN. 119~ 8. C•L Bl, ::::c..::el:::1P:...;~.~aa:::lod::::_ _____ I IA.run• Bch. HYa1t 4.-7888. top<J
'\\'here f•tltl!'ll ftre ht•ld 11t Bay·•
4.27 II:. tilh l!t .. Co11ta ,\1«111
between TuaUn •ncl Irvine
Free Storefront Park ing Tl!'rm• Beacon Personnel rnozr:"' ABALONE s n:AKS
100% M'i'flt..,yer rwtaiDed D.)c • 76<: a lb. YROZEN
·-~ ~'1 ~,~";~1:!~1 =t, ~ lb. bo~~~~ OPEN EVE'S. 'TIL 8
613-llat ~ 6d troa. ..,ucuit .............
KOUI~~ km Sit 00 J)f!r hr
to ala.rt. F"UIJ Of' part tlnM, your
area. Call OYJISJ ...,I. ffc71
OPPOR1VNITT for pod all
all &rOWld ~ tq -rll
at Bay Clul> ... UtJ &aloft. I
fta1ar)' a. Jl9:rr..t.ar-1..1 •-l&OI
tk7l •
-rtVI!: ROOMS or lo1• .. 1y nl'"' fur-llDJ ITAL.IAN mot.." ,._r, nJlur• .,Ith full ~17At r111ge .le
wlndahleld A IP&"' w.. lt:!l· PHILCO refrll'. DP.' moo. 1.hnell t
ccllc.nl condlUoa $17~ LI~ 7 pl_,.. llvuttl( room group, 2
tlo:TO C01npltl• bedroorn llfll~ Onl y
--------------I $Mill. Small down payment .,.·Lt h
CUT FLO"'ER aervlee for home. lt>t week& to p•y
ofOca, or boat. \\'eekl7 W·wMlt-H(JB, 600 W. Oenlcr. Anah,.lm
ly. w .. deMred. Drptorimeed
penann.i to MTW.I y'OIL Bonded
•ltd ttllab&e. RJchanf• '1onl:t
ilhop-Harbor 2m. ecn OOLO TWEED 0 \'F.R."ITL'Fl'T.O
CHA ID i 1:io LI 11-71 IS 119,.70
1----------------------------IFOR SALE 191'A C\u1tom Mercury with hft!l'l;om•tlc, 26.000 mu ..
by original owner. Dank f inance.
M OR.Rl8. .A.1J8Tl.N
S2-Fnrnitu.re for SaJe SZ-Fnmlture for Sale
BED SPRING and ~lATTRESSES, complete $10.00
WASITTNG MACHINES ......... -.... -... -$I2.50 up
These and a lhoueand other household bargains.
Everything for the liousc -F'umishinp, Toya, Ra.d.lol,
Oolhing and Shoes for the enLire family.
ReCent additions oC several disabled veteran per90~
nel-\1rh0 have completely rt!furbiahed. rejuvenated
and placed in top condition everywhere Jn our .t.ort!I
-make us say
•02 E. 4th, SANTA ANA
Open Fricky and Saturday unW 9 p. m.
Har. 1401-R 6tttc
1-----MODEL A Ford e.nglna 6 ohul•
6QU1pped with WLl:u1f1-ld !lat·
head A cam $1 00-'llO Cad an-
(1ne complete with hydro A
ruper cha.r&"er l•&O MAX Mot.on
2101 Cout 11 lway, Newport
Dea.ch. LI 8-3381 llk:T4
New C&r 8•._ A .. me.
C1-n U-1 Can • .A..ll Ma.kta, Jm.
ported and Dc:im•aUe.
2201 10. MJJN ST., Ul'TA. ANA
Jc: G-1111
l0!2 H..A.RBOR BLVD.
LI 1-60'51 '48 YLEJ:'I'MASTER 2 dr. Ch•v-
rolet dean. 61 lic~121 l --------------
4tll:I BL. N~ S-Ch. ltpTO 'l!IJ CROIL.&'1' Mrper •t&U<Jn
wqon s121 -11• Ramona
4S F ORD 2 dr. Mdan... Good tran&-Wt.J, c.o.ta llMa. L1 8-1132.
portat.loa Cu 1715. LI 8-7796. 61c70
11p101 -----~----
'.'."'.''.:'7-:::;::-,==co--oc--c---'--lll:.1 CADILLAC convwtlble ~-'"AU.WEATHER .. Tniclt CUIQpy, c•lltAl c<9dluon. Black with
for ~ ton Plck·Up With W w111le top, J\4ld ~ 1Dt.tl1or
hox-$80-tak• lt-U a-8072 . -· Har. M06 or Kar. 411!
Mp71 alter fl p. l'n. #cTI
\ .
... --~--_____ __..._ .--·-··-.-.•. ... ----·--... r ·,..-·_ ...... _,_ ............. . ·-·---------.~ .. --.....
.._.e •••
Lido Peoiu.Bult., East 31st Sl, Npt. Bch.
DeDpttul a.toi. Apt.;c.'bonu. Utilltieo pold. • ·--. -. 'l'odlt ollp --·
ror appt. or reetl'Ya!Jon. Call Har. 291n, Mlle
I palo:l devt:i' tpr a
1-Slllld&y drlv" tn v1y
.2200 W. Coast Riway.
N~port Beach Ll 8-4420
'50-26' Ki~ tieauty $19~::.
• '\
Con1tru.9!9n loll.A• .....,. Refinenc:ing
Fr•• Preliminary Appr~i1•l1
•' -Cot1twp09deatl terr
Ult add CMualty Insurance Company -------°' TMnssrss • -_ ..
Banke-rt Nat.ioDat Life lu~ce C.Omp&Jly
Mortgage Company
Approved FHA Mortgagee
1600 Welt Coaat Highway -LJ 8-7791
Newport Beach, California
!!111!::::!•~~!.!-~!!:•!!!·~·!!!!•!:..· -I ~~ .... '!o ... "!1" ..
WANTED f'ROM prOptl't)' oww, ad. 'oo-U., w ON ...... and . ,__ --~, .. er. 0n -w oft termi" _...Ohlt,.i\'ltj:6(f--._
MARTIN, Liberty 1-lTTt or · u ...,.,, ...,., Good Money Maker
WILL B1:Jr from owne.r, on 8&lboa EIGHT tJNlT OOMa tront. .&All•
Wand.. On• OT two bed.roQm apt. story tum. .,,ta. But nntal
Ovl'r dbl. ..,-qe, ..nth 1pa.ce loca.UOn tn Balboa &nd a Wet
to buUd lA tronl. Boa B ·t, New>-buy at '31,GOO, terma.
PrMI. &Sue
60-A-Commerdal. ledaotrlal
Modern Triplex 11irpec1auy equlped bffuty or
birch K" ... Y wtUI .-,,... IMther,
automatic l~on. l 'lJ
painfully t.&k• $2&0 or ? for
m,. equlty. H&rbor :S1•2·J
·~-2tll~' 8h;ul.Q Ukf' n"w $11i :,
"63.f:l' Hen•lee 1 HH. '3400 lMA -AptA. ror Bea&
io"'OR LEASE approx. 1000 .tq. tL
of M·l bWldlnr on Superl()I'
Ave. ld"al f or JUllllll mfg. or
enslnffrlns:. Attract111e otrlc•
ii: 2 1..-cer roorua;. approx. 2~ :ii:
ON1ll BLOCK to beet 1-thlng-
beadles, baT or O«&D. iach unit
bu llrin&' room, dloetU, Wei.I
kltchena, bednn.. praca, too.
Compll'tely rum. Only izo,ooo.
Evn. Ral"bor 2&37·M Grant w. Musick
.Your Hudi on Deeler
SAL!';.'> and SERVICE
253 N.LoaAngelee KE 5-7Z78
'~"6·311' ,..,11.Vf'l.,ze 2 on"~ uhl
049·311 t.:urtis \\ 11~ht Ti.JNciu
"11 O!:I'.
P ar11 mount -Ken.-mi II
Tr 1.ve!eze·Tt.'11y
l:,O LllOA JSLA!'fD. Charmine I
l1drn1. •pl., furn. MW mo. incl.
u\ll!LLea. UNTU.. June I~. G&ll'A
1(,.111!)' _!__i•r 11171. 6&:7U f
f'i!AN'NEL front \'EARL\'
l ~li::NTAL Be•Ul\fUI view of
"· A l.50 SOON tu be availabl111 on
Anah,lm S::.tt• t"h•nn,J • B&lbea COVl'• 2
"LIDO ISL£, 3 bt!(3rooms. 2'.i
bath home. on &MU•I baala.
Slip for iO ft. boat. UM of 1J
ft. V1k1ng n.1nabout powl'r boat,
2 rar gar , ~aut1fully furnlah·
,.d, o,.hruti., $700 per month.
lnqul-"9 at il Balboa Covea.
Newport.'' l6Uc
Supertor Ave .. lndu1tr1L1 hide .
4a Jnd.ivldua.l otticae. 6000 .q. ft.
Ample ott-1trl'd. p..-klnc. Call
Lr &-M31. 70C72
,. -· -11.11111 a11t i so unfurn Do<'k 1966 .;H.,..,.RQl.&7 V-8 •l,.tlun TRAILER, le.r•e :etunJy hon1I' "' 11l1d1l~ ~\~, :16th St , Newport. 112--Real Estat.
E:"JO'l' tiv!Nf~ l)n *the ocean Exchange or Sale
WlgOn -Radio, heater, JIOW"r \Jullt p,., tt't'l f(ir lhflJ!: t flp Wiiii
p;'l1dr, wh.lte •Ide wall tire• H 111 I hu i;r 1,,;i1j :.; l<' 5" 10 5 L ~O .,1 ___ ~Sp70 ~88. . 7tX:72 t r11'1e Ll 3---•7?1' t1Jllr7nt 11'>4 W lo;8'J' o.c-n l"ront , N..,-:
49-lioom& for Be.Pt
-l1Prt u~"11•'h One bdm! turn
'!13 2 DOOR CU•tom line i.·.,r<I
l1k•· new. Bn1All 1;11.1111 l'")"'~i.1
ro·«...,r..nable monUi.ly 11i.vn1rnk.
.,t t nu'lfl for .. qu11y 111 nlll
1·;,t&-tfl . Har. 609t 61!JJ'i0
~ I J.,tJa·" l•xa1•11> !"\'"' 1•! ~··1111g,.
1-~\I~ l.J ~ --: ·~-.• -11-.. ;1
-17-\\'a ntl"d to R4-nt
·~,1 t't-IRYS LEl't 4 J1 tl•·l11\•
r<j ll!pmenL Can b.r linuu;t!c.L Rentn ls Wanted I•~·., Union K._,, 11111u .. 11 •V•U~• !\\",. 11r..,I ipL!i 11riJ hriu.11r" u.
:.. ,, 11111u1 • c ...... t 1t 1i;~1 ... 1}
I I ~I •I"· ; ..
~l'\"~}On• r,,, t.••lt• "1n' rr 1r ,1
,.,,, ~ 1 .. ,1..•• r .. ,,i .,, ""''""
)••" ~!ODE:!. A t-(Jl{!1 ,,,up.'! JI )t>l1 11 .. 1,, , \',., 1111. ~
.'\, "' rcbul.lt n1utu1 1 ,..,. l '~ .. 1 .\ tube• new 1,n1}.···~ ••!• \\ 111 The Vogel Co.
• 1 fur 1-200 ti"' l j'.J, \1 JJld \\ ' el ;11< ~ :-;e"'l'"' 1 i;, 1,
Phone f.I1.rrty 8 -3 481
4H-r\-n.rt. 11 Parts
New !Lfld Ui;cd
Re ca pping._Service
Brake Service
~"ront End Alignment
F'lru \one Bu'1gtl Plan
\',,ur, for the ARklnit
801 -809 w. lMt St
tlA !'>:TA A~A
Kl 3-83153
Motor Overhaul
NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad *
( 6 Cy!.. ----· _$48.88 PY la. . S58 .88
lncl ea both labor and plll'tl.
N rtn1•. wr\11t ptna. valve
(rtnd, ltUns• of main and r od
bu.rlnc . E:ii:pert motor t une up.
90-day or •.000 mllfl guarantee.
-UP to l~ MON:TH8 TO PAY-
Bullt ln our own factory by •kllll!d
maeh!ru.ta. Don't contenc1 wttll
tl'le middle man. Buy direct.
roRD •t'N.~
ClillVBOLrl' -1149.~
PLYX. 6 DODGE .... $1~
CHRYB. 6 DE SOTO --$170
BTUDJl:BAKl:R •110
BUICK $115
HUDSON -$175
Loan oar rrea Towtnc
Bloclt muet m•t our 1tandard.I
P l\19 taxu, cuket.a and oil
Open SWM1&y 10 a.m. to 2 p.m .
Opul Da1ly 7 to 7 Bt&te BonMd
310 East 3r d St.
211~ .\1:1r lne Kn!f)(la l11!an1!
f'hune ll11d><>T' 4t~
2M7 .I,; ("oa<1t Hy <·on1na ,1,.J :.111r
PhQIH"' H1<10.1r IT•!
LHlu Ot/11" .1~ 16 \'111, L!1t"
ll••l"'r ,9;1
171)2 J\'.~"l'"r\ !ll\o!, ('AAtN
Lll!erty 8 ·6697
un 'h•ulrt•'I .,,. •1Ct!Jln ror '""'i lJ
nt thrM ~1nunl'nl }"fl\' rrn .. 1
Hsr. 507 ~ ~~11
l\Al\'Tf:f) T•Jltf::-;T \'• .. r• 1!·11 1•
h)' -z , .. 11.1t ........ 11 2 r .. 1, ,.,, 1 .. '-~··
on Rtilh<.-. f .. 1 .. nd. r ... u &ll•·• 3
p nr H11r 5•>',I\ ti /!• ;11 --
llUl'SE fur n1u11'h (>t lul_I", tut.11 ul
1<1'1•11 :"<-llr ''·•Y "' ho•11rh not
O\'l'I $200 Ll A·'l8Z9 11ft,.r 5 or I v.·eek ,n,t ..
t&-Apt&. & l.IOU!te8 I
I C~ce \V111~er Jl.entals on.
Balboa l sland & Lalo Isle
Sn1all 4 COlY r;r larr e .l deJu.<e
$7~ to $300 mnnlh
2GB !>larlne Av~, S.1Jbo•11 J11Jllnd
l'h llnrbor 444 i•!" 1111.r buf 10 1:'>
R~~ H11r. 3629·H «r H!!l r l Z-19-R
6itfc --------$~0 MO.
W•nlt!d yo11ng
aa.me lnq. !1(}4
port Bt.llch .
mO<\rrn ho1111l'..
nia n t r. 11harl'.
3211(! St. _Npw-
DORIS BRAY . Realtor
216 Ma1lnt!, Balboa l•U..ud
Har. 20 or 54 62l'75h
BALBOA !SI.AND. lar~I' turn
:l bednn. .k aun fl'\t f'h upprr
duplell UARAGE: :-.·,.." yanl.
Good hee.L \\'\nt,r 5100. yrly.
$1Ml mo. lnrlu<hni,: ut11ltie1.
Ha.r. ~8-\\' 63tft::
SEE lJS for yl!erly and
M!&M;lnlll tt•nt11 l11
306 Marine A.v<'. H11.rbor 002
CORONA DEL MAR. Ne!!.rly n._.w
2 bf'.dnn. unrurn. llanch .aty!e
duplex , fl repl-, F .A . ,,11et1l. 1-1 "•'1
fll'!I., lWp. patio. 1111.r 1684-H
rum.. &. unrumi.eht!<.I.
2908 E . Cou:t tllgh..,,·ay, Ctll'>f
Harl>or M&O. 6Sr70
11)1! & .:s r $60 mo 1ncl11Je11
"11nH111.un ut1I \\'111ter 1..-nt .. 1
I'~' 1!1v.,111IJr, (J~erlJi.1IJ 6-12\H
rront K1tchrnett .. 11pt1 • m i•. COSTA MESA 2 br vacn.nt on
v.otll pr1\'ht~ b .. t11 ,\1 .. 1,1 lk r1hoo' :ir x ~04.· lol. l<-4 :wne. t wo ~··11·1•·•· TV -:l3otl \\c O .. 'ebJI 1 2 ear :e1·1,,•r&tr a·1.1·11.i;e". If• f[l<,t
frvnl I/art.or 11091. I •Jley :eh.le 1u11J l'l'lir, roo1u rur ·-~ .... ----11 * * <lupll'X \\'tJ! <'Xr h11J1ge ror re,.J·
llA\' VIE:\\' 2 Wr111, llpt . \·ery
r!ICj'I)' furn TV, rub!Mr ILi!! f ir•
lg" w11rJnJbff, p;Ood heat 1 li, blk
1 .. ~· ri.>01 .. 1u1e to t'Ji<'~u .. n1 b<.I•
1\1111 r r l illll yt!arly '1 12:'.1 -11lfl
\\ Jl,1\' A\'e llll.I' ~86 60\fc
50-l{enl., .\l.t.ow:0·~· -----· ~;;:~J:lr• •nu uue rn~)
t,.·1iul1ful "J.ll<• •vu.o ,.tri~e n~"I
Lulu Th.-1t1·1 >1U1l •t.>le /or a t
l••rrt~) "" I" I' A 11.ir OJ'..'!
lllt"r !. )IJ JI In ';0.. 7,!
LIDO ARMS APTS . · SS--S to,.._&__o:.c11"'1"""=---i
& Mnrina
\\ •11 to wan carpettnr • dr11.pe11. • IDEA I~ f.'OR PROFES-1: ti: R.etnr.. deluxe 1tove•.1 SIGNAL or BUSlNESS USE.
1'.Kch Apt hu pr1vat~ 1r1.rai"t. . 1',.nttnl~ h11ve tint ca ll to r •llJIB. Located lll -
11nr hMlf blk. to bua1ne1111 C'"nter. +Harbor Investment Co. Bldg.
3108-12-16 It 20 Via Oporto 30th & Newport Blvd.
Ott!i:e H .. r. 1002
.. rt .. r ~ p. rn. Lt 6·:ll71 Har. 1600 tl
bl th:
l"l)R0NA nP:L P.1 AR unfum :!
1 .. •,11onrn & 11 fll g e •pnrtn1,.nl
:.;.,,..·Jy LJe.,•.,raleJ. l.aun.lry cu1.
& i;ll t •g" 1nt::IU'1l'•! 58"1 pl'r rno,
11 1 .. 11 .. 1• Ownl'r ~far 17 tf
.'\'t-.AHl.Y :-;1·~\\
"'•Ii.\'"''"\ •1upl~• A11!" ... a.~11
•"I 11..-.0~ \V U o e11n ~ PHii\, Up•
~l><lr • )far l:l:"'!-~! ;..·,. /'•·\~
fltl• ;o
liALBOA ULVL1. <:urner b1.u1!n"9
11ulte tor inedlCa l, dent.al or 111.r1y
pro1e .. 1onil Ullt! }.lo•Jern, htlll·
1ng, parklni Ov."Tltr 1412 No.
FJO\•ttr, S A KI 2·09ti2. tfc
urtrl'f' 1n n"w bu.Uthng, near
l~du A mpl, pllrk!ng F or In ·
fo rmati on. ca.II ,.lr1. F'ay
H..,-, J2&f 68tfc
llA\' \"if:y,• •Pl ;.:;;-.1p1 .. 1tf\' /UJll 53-A-BustneM 11Pntai.
l "lrl\n. ~ h"'lr,111~ !'or'1nll •l"I :.111r ;..~;;~~£;,;;-;t~~--r~~
M ~t 1 '1~UV1':1t, li~•Hor. _ I vffttt 11.t 1888 f'la.cent1a, 5100
Jf,.11J<Jr 1"1" ;;i., ,o l I
~Al.i:HJA. l"LAND yl'.ll rly, Ill·
lA <'liVe LI""" '111gle llJJl. WtU
furn 1-l""l"'",.'hl" .. n1pl. llQboor
n10. tncludJng utll Ue11. l nqulre
1<t prop.-rty aflt!r 6 p. m. weflk
Jay11 or l.ll.)" Unll! $at. II:. Sun.
ur call Ll 8-:i7611 after 6:30 or
wl'ekend.11. 67tl •<lldl i :,;, u\11 Jlll ,\t!11.nt\r
I 0~6:. "' \\'nt.. l IZ~ Lllr8111 [--------------
fl'1cj I
:-fE\\ l'UkT HE!l;HT8, IJCl!ll.11 vlt>w
rurn llllljl'lo• lljll ytly ro·ntJ!.\ ~u BEER & RESTAU RANT
1110 utJ! J1al!J LI !1-16:li tiVcil 1 __ _ HIGH :-;ET .ahow• g-rOllll over $100
BACllEl..Ott Al ~/' un Penins ula po•r de.y. P rice of $3700 tni:lude!*l
Private enln111<'l'. $~0 month ~ bedrm. hOU.114!. Rent $200 per
Hill h"f 07JJ.J 70pi2 1nonth lJwner n1111t •t!ll
UNF"URN '2 bdrm. 11pt. Be.:v \'lt'\O'
shor~ wrolk '" Lulu ~hoppuig
11rea, P"l<I t>IJ1ct' & City Hall
3201 \\" Coa.at H lgh\O'RY Npt. Bch.
Libert/ 8-3 41!1
$l W 1nu ll1r 6r.:J 7utl•· SACRIFIC1':
48-H--H ou~ for ~nt
.. ;~ l-1 1:.'\ l'•llJ"\1,I-~ Lltt!pl11co•
:! lil'dnn•. ('all ~ILIMI KuhlBtl'Jl -
lia·b<•r 4 ~117-B. 6l!c70
CALBO A 5~1) 111v yrly. unrurn.
coU11ge ll\·lnK 1 n1 dining rn1 ,
kl!C'l1l'ntlte, 2 b<lrn111 .. h11l 1ho"··
l'r. Ga. & "'a ler p<I_ IOI! Acl11.n1.'!.
Balbutl.. !l&l', 19J4-.M.. 11.k]Q
CtfAR~'.l NG Early An1erlc11n
Styl, hornt be,.utlfully t11rn
11.va1latllr F<'h 16 Re•pon.'!l hlr
aJtil.t.i< 5l ~U per rnonth to Junt·
l :'>lh. 2110 O<"e><n Hlvd H11.r
6276. 6\lpil
loc11t1un . b<-Rl "t~k. ~t rnark-
u p, he1<l pnr.-. but ltrtns. l{l'a l-
ly dl'1t l!ng h~re. on thlJI mlllll .!11'11
hubby llhOp.
(>l'tA'.\'GE COAST
16.'.'i7 Nt \O"porl, Co1ta Ml'l!I<
LI 8-1632 F.\·l'nlng!*l LJ 8-1..00
f-1#. 'T'6 . n!?'ir"Tl-10U9A{q'l7
lJOLLAR::i ln Loc11I bu.!l!neSll.
~:)(petlf'nreJ In 11port1 ng good11,
111111'11\•· •'ll/':lll•'<'r1og &r automo-
l"'" r11•l<I !Jl'.i•re to bl' 11cllvt.
\\'rite <l•·ta !I.• Oox I 3 Care or
thl.'! P"l"'t' 70c72 ------
NEWPO RT 13ic~A C H 3 b~drm.
urifurn hous•' "' 1:o 1ag('-21:i 5.">--Monez to Loan
31Jth St. ALS<l f11rn '""bin t2A.
BAy: "Ion: l '~T'k , low rl'nt
Cl !no~
2 tJ.ath unl'\u·n. !·ou.~e ~:.rel:"
4 l11und ry ro11m (l'•rh '1l11p1111nl.
encl. yartl. $1 :.l.:. llt'I' "'"-y 1
No A ppraisaJ F ee
C&.11 for~
Fast Commitmenta
,1,·11ce lll'IU' ""''11.n vr b.a), .. nJ
•S.!!lUllt' ~'~ ~~if \\"e.!!t llern.i.rd
U\O'Uf!r w ill l>ti on pruperty
S11t. i to !; 69pil -
0}' ownt!r , colorful gtv an t1 L~n11lq 3 bednn. Vid J<'ll.
Uu1lt·•n TV ln vu~t.a.na1n1; dnfl·
""OO<l n)<:k f!r'tpl. \\'\\' LtirP''l, 2
nm&tlf' Ull! Ur. balM$. UUl&Hle
ahwr .. blt-ln t!ltc. r&11g l', JWl·
"'U.tll'r. \Vonny cheatnut, bl<l.ck
walnut. uli.Jt pan!!hng featurl'l:I
hlghhght~ of rvon11. $29.~00
Har. •tl72 61p74
Trop1c11 I ~tlling l!Hloor · uutaoor
l1VinK". lMr&"e laruu 'I J3Wnn11
J b.ath11. aleo Include.• l Be<.!rm
rentaJ uni\ $Ji.ii&!. See )Ol.lr
local broker ur tve•. F'1unllcr
7 -2~. 70C8:.!H
2 ljf{ f!r"id , n1<'t S!J,()o'°
3 OH. t1repl., l .... hl'&l . S 16.~00
3 BR. new, Corona Hlghl'd11 $2!1,:w>o
4 BR. OCNl.n front -JMJ.000
DUPLEX. 2 BR. eat::h .. $21.=-00
C: II. LATHROP, 3636 E. C.t. Hwy
C OM, Jlar. !>•42. EVM. 1)680. 68e70
i'URN. 3 bdrn1. hou.v. el<'!'Ct. kit-
._hen, rolor~ bHth. inJJu!ated,
n lcf'. r roun.U $9996. F 1:1'..A. lnl!n
$7200-2133 F'l'deral, Cosl• M.-,.a
Llbt!rty 8--179{.. 61'1c70
100 ·1. Financing
O N l.NCO ME UNITS bU!lt on your
lot. Call Ull ror detail• then Jet
Ult •how /OU .on1e under con-
DAN A. JACOBSEN, ~al E 11l11.te
Har.,. !'Al91. W 8--6317, Kl 2 ·:?187
$SWO -W 8· 7•38. 68tfc
p1tyn1e11l.a 1113 mo. Terms to 11u1t.
SEE at 872 Victoria, Co11ta ~{l'U
(•r e a!l EXmont 1·280i. 61t!c
$4200 00\VN, live In onfl 2 bdrm.
home al $3 per mo. Rent on
olht r, pa.ya loan. Or rent both
for $1 90 per month. leave• $92
prun t -By owner, W 8· 7632.
room· home, 1.~ ~ ~'
•Caped & '"renced. FHA loan.
Freedom homl! area. Olli
Llbf'.rty 8-6223 momlnga or
after ll "P· m. 18tfc
Busin ess Property
In center Co11ta. Mell& with eJCccl
horn c. 011.·ner will 11acrificl' .!IL
$17 ,ti()O !.lue In 1.ln!'l!l!I.
DAN A. J~(X)BSEN, Rell.I Eiitall'
Hur. M91, LI 8-631 7, K'J 2-21~7
leii.11• Qwlll'.'" l-111r 47. tt
_'8_A __ Ap_o_la.~-'-0_r_Re __ •_l ____ I T_"_'O_B_l!:DRM. h<t111' unlum , fires
on ReslJ!!nce1 and Unla only
Don I. Huddleston
$388 month protlt or $12.000
down Je11vu $1 94. pront. F".l!.A.
Joan. By owntr, W 8·7632. 65tfc
Before You Buy
A. U.lm> CAR, let our nliable
~•nb p;'lW !t a
(l ) 10 pt. macL WpKUon
(t) Road Tait
JI), Wltttm report of oondltlon.
U-1 Cu Impectlon Service
LI t-l8U. ffW t i:on11entl'.nt loe•·
UC.:W ha Clren«• Count,y.
ONE SINGLE 11pt. yet1rly. OnP
1 bdrm. .A; one :l bdrnt. to
JUDI' 15. No pell! 3706 Ctu111nPl
Place Har. 121;.J 6~1trc
BACHE.LOR ano:l one A: two bdrm
apt.a. 8!K,rt term ~ yearly.
ALSO, ,Udo Hornell and lle.y Front
Homee anc1 apartmt!nta.
S400 Vla Udo. HarbQr 4•t•
plat::,, bar kll<'ho'n 3 p11t10~.
blll"k .)'Rrd fenr"tt (.'h llU arc,.111
ed, p<'ll! uk Sl?'I nH• Y"llll\"
~t.aM'. ll1r /)4 00 11f1'·r Ill " nl li3 E. 17th SL ' 68tr.· _ COSTA MESA
. 3 Nlrm , 2 LI !1-5541 Ll 8-6~2 BALBOA l::i!.ANlJ
bath houSI', unf11tn yl ly Av•tl-
•bll' M11 y l~t Harb.•r 4~23 ur
2306-R ev._... 68~·~0 LOANS fo r Homes
SHORE CLIFF. unf1.1rn. ,\(()!It un·
u•ua1 opportunity ti) ,,,.ue tvr Const ruction Loans
?ll" nr .\\"O year1, 2 l!".h'OOnl SEE BOD RA TTLER
llnt1 r1en , be" II t I f u I Nl'w 2510 EAST C0AS1" BLVD.
En(land type t11 rm }ulu•e. Coro111t llf'I ~t"r Jlerbor 3881!
1702 & 1802 ~laven Piil<'",
New}>Ort Ht11. near Elementary &
l1i~h St'hool. LI 8-!\63=-. ti7p7~
NEAi{ MARBOR A: 19th,
to e.lley. LO\V PRICE.
!·!,. rlxot 3361.
Brand New
TWO BEDRM., 1 blk from oe .. an
ii:: Cout Hwy. Extra larp;'e IOI
Only ••.. :_. ___ ,, ......... _ .. ___ $12.MJO
Subruit down.
Costa Mesa
NICE 2 UR, den horn• 011 Eut
•ldl'. Total prt~e j.l J111t $11,Qil/1
with 11900 down fmaybe lets1
t::xlra 111.rgl! yllrd.
BOB RlUl..:E\\' A,.,
E ve,. llarhor l2J6·J
Bal bo a Bay
Prope rties
l~~ \\' Ba.lboa Blvd. !!arbor ~1~11
J ust Listed!
• Shak<> rout'
• 3 lhl r111 I'~ llatn'
• It. Y.'. F h:x1r•'
• Bullt-ln 0vl'n'
e Ulloed brlf'k r·1replarf''
• 6 mo, vlt1:
• GIU'b8ie J!~pou ! ·
• AH Fane«!'
• Land8CllpeJ'
• F'lne l!:ut.1ldt !0C11t1on
• ~·or~""-1 air h"at!
• Si:~ ll now~
'4200 Down '
$16 500 F"V LL l'RlCE
Bay & Beac h Rlty Inc
J69'6 Newpnrt Boulev11rd
Coata Me11a, Ca hfornia
Wberty 8-1161 J':\'f'I . LI 8·3010
!'/EARLY NE\\', beauWul!y dt·
fllgnl'l"i /ln(I cxecllteJ. See thl11
t ine 1)8.yrrvnt home with Ulrl"t
larg<1 bedroom,., and 2h be.th11.
The dining roon1 uni.I kite.hen
combine RllractJvely lo o verlook
the tropi<:!l.I patio. t.lvtnl{ roon1
ha11 a fireplace and overlook~
Lhe north patio w~th full BAY
VIEW. Sandy beach for bathflnl,
pl!.ved patio for v1ewcr11. Ult!
tlnf:llt uC eUp. for yacht•men,
and beat of 1111. a pr1ce or only
• ,t6=-.ooo
Which Include• the very r1neet of
c.trJl"'llng lllld draflt!.!I,
Newport Blvd, at 30th
lfMbor 1600, Elle•. Hill". •344-J
Golden Rul e Valu e
Ir you ure look ing for a clee.n
C'ut 2 b<:'droom home on a nice
improved 11treet SEE US IM·
MEDIA T1'~LY. •lardwood floor•
-· Gnr!l.gl! -T'hermoat11.l -
Dr11.pe11 II.lid i:arpet·~BnckyRrd
co1nplt•lelY !cncf'1I-Excepllon·
ally w1ill 1(1.lldllcaped. Stnv.·berry
lawn. Here h1 n.n ldellJ ho1ne
• Will con~h1l'r $1500 down. Own·
er hu just n1ovrd out lllld mual
eelJ ln1medie.tely. F'ull prii:e.
Phil Sullivan
& Geo. T. Eve rson
18511 r-;cv.·porl Blvd., CO.Illa .Mei<a
tAfrOllll from Coata J.teaa Bank)
Ph. Ll 8·6761, Evc9. 1-la.r. 4366
Llbt!rty 8-2103
Sat.. It SuntlRy -12 to:. p.m.
21 1 1\atln°.A\•e.
BEAUTJF1.TL new home. 2 bdrm.,
2 baths. large aunde>:.k. Unexcel-
J~<J l'ie\O'. Nnt many like thll.
Can be 11een by app:>lnln1~nt.
May We Help?
LiClo l.:otl
~-~ -au.ooo u "°" watt.
YOU can help ua help you. U we may know your
need.a u to .me, Price. &ocaUon and any other in·
formation you may be able to give, we can then
at.art the machinery. It woa't take long. We pride
ountelvee on our ability to '"tit the ahoe."
"Sen-ice and ha.rd work" ia our motto, and to
e.ati&fy our clienta in the beat and mo.t honest way
pouible ii our aim.
Try us! You woa't be .arry and we will have
g&.ined another friend.
KI LLION, re el estete
3341 Newport Blvd. Htrbor 5505
_ 2016 E. Ocean Blvd. OPEN HOUSE
Sat. & Sun., Feb. 11 , 12
SPEClAL because this Provincial, custom buJ!l
home only 7 months old ie to be sold thi.s month-
owner lea ving tbe ares . 3 b<lrma .. 11l baths, ::!l '
l\•grm. cptd, beam ceiling, fin:pl. R1n.:h paneled bar
kit<:ben, Wei:ltcm Holly bwJtstJl~. Large µalio plus
Hun deck. Just a block to 1~tty . l'r1eed to SE LL
al $23,500 '. 4 1 ~ F'HA monthly payments only $1Ut\
Less than N'nt ~
HAR 46 10 2694 Newport Blvd., Newpvrt Beach
This 3 bed.rm. home has I & 1 ., bathM, f1rcplact:'.
breakfast bar, dining area & patio Property is
fenced and landscaped. Owner's lea\"ing fo r Japnn
and muat sell. Priced at only $13,500
Ca ll Stan Le Lievre
EARL W. STANLEY , Rea ltor
J 5lh & lrvwe LI 8-266~ Evei;: LI /'I. 7056
Se e Me.Ta Ne lson
like nt!W 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fire·
~lact, hd"'o:l, n oon . block !rom
ocean, R -2. excellent flnanclng
L'nderpriced. Ei.clualve U.tlng
REAL llOMEY :l bed.rm., nreplace
newly de<:oraled. lnalde plant.er1
t.>e11t location. $.3000 wiU handle.
$1•,000 f.p. Exl'lU.!l!ve Uaunr .
AT'TRACT!VE duplex, choice loca-
t 1on. l & 2 bedrm.11. Underprict'd.
2908 E. Cout Hwy
Corona del Mat", Har. MWJO,
B/ B
Corona del Mar
High Above the Herbor
With a. permanent W1obetructed
vlt>w. R!!Ally an unU11ual home
\O'\th everythlng you could aak
for . Ju.t over a year old. 2 bed·
Special Values
Hom e & Rental
CORN1':R LOT 70.121 t"]Oll' • 1n..
Good 2 bllrn1., \\' W 1a r[ll'tl'<'I
Plwi a I bdrm. rl'ntal furn ,.
fine I.lea! tor only $13,VOO, tt!rms.
Best Area ,
Costa Mesa
EXCL'T. 3 BDRM .• I'\ beth11, dbl.
1r•r .. rtrepl., .-arb. t1l"P, Beaut.
paUo a.nJ fruit tree•. Hu 4 "'~
loa.n. J<~ull price only $ l~.800-
worth more!
Only $7000
flJCer·upper. on a 6<hll06 lot.-
Thl• I• a barr11!n! Good Urma.
3 BDRM., 1 1~ I>&., •tucco. 1 year
old, with new dbl. I"""· Plu• big
do-ll-youn.elt 1hop, rear. Paved
1l. Sewer, curbe. p-.id. CIOH-ln,
Only $12.300.
R-t Lot -E. Side ··-···-··--$3UIO
R-1 Lot -60.102 ...... -··-$3360
R-2 f..Qt -Cloae In ............ $3560
;:m;!,~o;::::, ~~~ 'lncome·-lnvestment -
reer p11.tloe. doublfl range. tire--DUPLEX-2 B.R. ea . over 1 roo
pl11Ct!, largfl kltchen With M'pB· aq. ft. Only 8 mo. old. Near
rate BBQ, aervlce porch, F . A. ac.hoola. lraNlp, &. 9hopplng.
heat. extra clOIJf!t 1pa.ce. $49,600. Lee. nn1. Loa of Ult. A bar-
l t'11 clee.r, •o we'll work out lh1 la.Jn at $111,M\O.
Bay & Beach Rlty Inc
Corona de.I Mar Office
3ti30 E. Cout Highway-Har. Ml83
Balboa Duplex
F URNISHED -l two bedrm. and
l one be<lnn., 2 car p rac .. zJnt.
rent .. ! area. '6000 doWn will
ALSO TWO GOOD OCl:.AN rnor.-r LOTS $9000 EACH.
Coast Properties
301 E. BL!boa Bl•d. Bal~
Harbor 26M ,..., .... ...,.
Best Beach Buy
A atep t.o the ocean. 2 '*Inn.
home w ith dbl. prap, com-
pletely fl.ll'Dlabed. lncludln?:" TV
11et. Ollly $10.000 wltb ft'OIUtml
t erma.
Business & Rehtals
burger Kand on Ba.Lb. laland
water tmt. N_,-ferry. Paddle
Boe.rda II:. 3 f"f'.ntai.. Oro.Md
.S12,000 In l!lummer operaUon.
110,000 Dn. l !
Mesa.Harbor Realty
.t; A880CIATES
~ Center SL, Coat& Meaa
LI 8-fitl .t; LI 8--7784
LYTLI: -Eva. Ph. LI 8-2:H2
Pi:llllE-.:.a. Pb. Ll l-Cri8T
l!EY1LOUR-Eve. Ph. Ha. 2~98W
Jt.umoft .AJUIA; Newport Auto
Worb, lJO lndullrlal Way, CM.
6 Born.Lb Fonolp;'ll Mtr. Car Ber.
116 Indualrial Way, C.M.
LJTrLlli ISLAND 2 b<'t1rm. very
nlf:r\y rurn. •pl. \Varm ol 1n1nny
a vail ti! June 20th $1 00 mv.
Har. 11Tt-J or 118 Abahmr
H ea\'Y <1Nke root, tur;h bcllml'd In POlHlFk MORTG Al..:E co.1--------------
celltng•. :l fi~placefl. Huge M~:~o Lite J~a. Fund• Kl 3·0181) BAY FRONT DUPLEX
UVJ1l&l1"9 bdnn. 1tudy w It h
llWNplnp; ocean v\fwl. Ownt!f
will Jeu. to 11:Uable family at
•8ttc Nl'11r centl'r ot B11lboB.
-------------· I By-Ownl!r-$!!\,000. Tl!rm,_ \Vrite
"ART" ADAIR, Rltr . Newport.Mesa Rlty.
!'\JI • r • a oo hlrbway 16 tn
norUw!lrn Bui otaro Co. near
Palomlw KL U% &cru all 1n
cul~ 1-.-!. Adjotn. a
abopplD.r cent.. ~ to nnch-
• of prcnibet l*'P.. wtt.b
dtrua • a90Cado l't'O'tW. IA.nd
laya nJcaly tor eubdlYl.llon. w ...
ter .,..e..n wtw»U,. own.d. JM.·
000, dilu •• home Mn wtll be
t::on.tdend .. pu-t. owaer noo
CUtt on-. fip74
609 &. :rrrH ST.
HKtlC' ,.,_ Newport s-ch
LAROE t111e Bedrm. apt_ 1to\•e
4 rtfrig. fur11. 1-:;0 1110. t.oo
Santa A n11. A\'t!. Newport Ht.JI.
LI l-S318 69t te
CORONA DltL MAR unfum i
bdrm . oomer tlup"-X 1pl.. car.,
•J>&"ol4! patio. Har. •.S7t-R.
$2M pe.r munth. H .. r ~ CASH 17tfo • • •
2 BEDRM. unrum bOUM! with
J3uno1romat 1113'~ X. Balb\M
Blvd.. Bali-\Yater paid.
YM.I'y LaLw avall. Alli' . .50:'12
I've&. ii: wec.kend. 119p7 l
\\"M . B. HOLT
SL~CE 1930.
1609 N. 8 U9fl SANTA ANA
KJXBERLY 3-71 18
Box E. 98 th.I• p&pl'.f. Wp72
2 -SO f\, iot. on So. Bay Front.
$.Jl.bOO each. Call T. D. Roiera.
Har. 1M6-W , or RTan l~.
16116 Newporl U!\•d ., Colla Ml'M 1799 N"ewport Blvd. ,Cotta Ml'.A
Ll 8-3792 or LI 8stl688 LI s-6M18 ' E:\o-. U l-14.41
C'OHO~A D£L MAR. 119 Poln·
ittltla Ave. l...lu"te-llVlng ronm,
f1r•pl .• 2 bednn., lge. kltchl'n •
dining &TN. Se"lce porch. Obi,
gar•,l'l'. Cell M1-Kohlltedt -
Harhar t807·R . 68c'7G --
Large ~ldenUaJ comer. lm-
provf'd with L 1haped ho~
8pe.ce for pool &00 four addi-
tional ~. OWNt:R -•.20
Goldftlf"Od. BartJor 2HlsR. 18c70
By Owner
For -i.. NEW 'I1UPLEX. ldMI
location $20.600 S.. t() appre--
d&le. 072 Ph.aber. Har. 2990-J. -
..JI -............ ·a •NI-.
. Milrion Dollar
View -
~JCR...ro.BE-1.0a'r. ,....•nent
&-4 Corner Tl' x 100' ··-----------------12850 v~oc-.ur.~~ ni.
• R .. ·:';~-~·-•·Y~r.-_,,.,-_._. ---.-~--~$31M) ~~ ~,.: =..
1D-lleol lloUle ·a •..i-
lll)lA>lATE P088E8SION
A -Uy ......... S betltoom llld doa home. Tbe
HtMe 1'1J0.-18-SXTILA u.B.GS ~
nlce .t!Wnr ...., 11t.r ldtcben. dlopoeel, ... -
ball. 2 tull tile latho, forced air beet. .., atra
nlce polio--. dill...,., radio ·-. .A-.
WJO oq. !\. Shown by appobt""""t.
-• --'-' Amog-·'8&;004k--- -
.. 8/8
N..ty -S B..R.. 2 lath home plua mlld'O
qu.rten. Uauoually Jco. L. R. l!ludy beacll .,ooe
For appt>b>_tment w -call Mn. Fa:/•
•• C.2 <1!5 JI.'. 1~' ········-··---·--·--------·-······$4:>00 II)' room, tp. U., room wltll plc.·
C-2 oo' x l!Kr ··--~----····---~ ... ~ Liu• wlndow&.. Z tl~ "f to • • · ~if..~-...,~".' "."."'.'.'.~'. ____________ -· -=:::::-...... _ ... 4''200" ___ , .,~ C:•:11,.'i'~'~'!;!'!:;\ee'~· ... "', .. -+-··----,_-N...,E'"W.,"'"'P"Q""'"R""f-~ B£1<CH ---~·······--4-·-,,;.-HONEY FO'R~--A_._,_,..,.;;ea~: = ~~~~~=-~~=-~
~-~ ::"~ !"y ······················'·······--··········-··}.'~ .. , •• .... ooo. 1 BLOCK !'ROM OCEAN LITTl:E MONEY! ! I E<cellent financing w qualllied bu-.
· · e ay --··-·------------------·-·····---···-...,,14\/ ,., Nearly new. 2-bedroom home, with an attraetive 1Z88 THAN 1 TEARS OLD.-Shown by appointment only. ~-
$bS? S 2 Bedrooms--kitchen, dlapoeal and Iota of tile. sep. dining '~. J bal.b•, brick p&Uo.
Mu1t Be A Catch To It. There la. But A Good One. CLIFF HAVEN room. Thia la a real cheerful home and worth ttoo~~~·~a=~~l~
You have to buy 2 of them. In other worda 2 good the price of $l3,500
2-BR. houae, well located oo Eastaide comer lot . 1 Bl:DfJOOM, lge. ltv~ room-hdwd. floor•, 11eu acbooLI &nd
Separated by 2 CM' garage and fence. On sewer and church, 4<;: IO&n with monthly
draJnage ok. efne for your home a.nd one to rent. pa)'n1viu ot $7f>-PRICED AT
Only $13,7~ with $3000 down. Jla,ooo.
Friday • ~aturd11y & Sunday 1 t11 5
415 Holly Lane t.Between Tustin & lr\'1ne!
F /A Heat, Fireplace. Fenced. Modern ranch style.
Spacious three bNlroom and den, hardwood fl oors,
wall lo wall carpet in L. R .. dining roopl & den.
Large llt"rvlce porch •tl)Qining, completely built-in
)citchen makes this a huul>f•w1fe's ctrean1 , L.et us
show you thf' many • •tht-r fuie featurt-11 not n1€'11-
t1oned in tht8 11d. fo', )' $23.500 with only $500() dn.
W. A. TOBIAS , Realtor
··y.,u'll llk1· .. ur frio:-nctly serv1( j·"'
400 E . lith St., (.'.CJlilll. M(.'tia Liberty 8-1139
COST A MESA The Sest Town on Earth ..
A \'t."ry c.:o mfortable h•lmc with 2 t'xtra lar~t· bl-J-
room.s, choice comer location, wi th mounl.a1n Vtt"W,
l'Ll"S two 111c1• rt>ll tal:i ""'ith EM:·11arat...-.-ulran(.:· .. &
garages. partly furnished. $28.750
""'1th reasonable t ennR.
TRIPLJ-:X: 2 Hr. ea ch side -garages -Ldry.
room -front unit has fireplace. goud location
$20,500 with $3000 down.
f)UPl~EX : 2 Rr. each side. ea.ch with service porth
& garage, extra storage roon1 !or ~mHll gut·ttt
huu::irl nght 111 lr'.iwn $13,750 with $~7f,0 tlowr1,
! .. OT 98' x 250' with room for R un it:; $fl<JOO
\Veil established RetJtaurant Bustll('SI!
A-1 L.ocat1on -Call for details.
G. N. WELLS , Realtor
1810 Newpo rt Blvrl., C0t>ta Mesa LI 8-1601
EXrJtJ~l .JCNT l..OCA TION wt th
hne bathing beach .... 1.n Oldet
hun1e with ni.odernlud balha lllld
i.:uniplet .. ly modemlud ki tchen,
l•r.e:e Jh· room, ~ bdrrna., partly
f urnu1hed $211.~ -Lo-..· down
p11yrn .. n1.
Corona del Mar
1111.\I ~: ,.n,1 J :->1. 'UME Altr1tC·
u~~ f1t '1 L h .. tyle Z b<frt" J,.,,ne,
l"·gt:"•I ti 1 .... 11 flvvr•. ur~akf....,\
IHot di" r>NUI dhlh"''lillhf"! ' .. ~.
.. r1o11 r•~t u• J•!.!'S lu•·~I)' Z Wrrn
1 ·:;c",,'"' THOM.A's"~
H~: \ 1.T1JH.
"' ! A~l'IJ''IAl'ES
•; • -' I ~•It 11 ..... J,
·1· T!lr•\li\S '1 ·-Tli O,_tAS
~\'an l~ th!,. -..·ell d•1111rn .. d 2 uni\
.. 11,1 ~l'""t <i/lllrlnH·nt
~"l"I! 2 t...,,Jrvom lower
1 ... 1~~ I ,, .. ,11•Hin1 urr,., I 1·1.1·:-;
A 3 ,.,,,,111 aril1 t11t h p11.rt1111l\"
I ru1 n1•l1 •·d i;u,.,.t HfJ1ut111f'JH
i.i.-111 1"' M•ln1 11noJ ll11J "-"llh
~11,.111 111111•-t111"nt ror :hr vu1H·
1ng t11o1111 I~ ANIJ 11n 1n1·on1~
Ullo\ 1'1 I'"" ti\.-1111!11
rJol!·l Wii i[ \"0 !Oil/>(
Ocean Front Home
Tw•1 b .. dro""'• 1lhw111Lalr1 t.lrt.·
1.lllllllt' du11n1to1 I llfl<I h11h
I.JU.:•· lo\·ong r•>t..JUI w ith fir.-·
pllh.. ,\l1<l•I • '"'-'""' flt hath
WP ferl th1R is one of the bt>st buyti on l.irlo. 3
bedrm., 1·11 buths, anti 0 1ily 3 1 ~ yearM ult! 1 ·1,\1·r•·d
patio and eundcck over garage. Show11
by appointment. $2i,500
For a very comfortable 3 bedrm. furnishl'd bornf'
on one o f the largest Jots, do see this: Extra
large patio, room for swim ming pool. $2·l,500.
Immediate possession.
HOME PLUS INCOME. Near ocean and bay on
one of oiceet Balboa Peninsula streets, 04plex in
excellent condition. One half is rented until J une.
ao you can move in the other half and Ix> here 1n
lime to reap summer rentals. 3 bednns., 2 b11.thM
each & completely furnished at $29,500. Low down.
3416 Via Lido, Npl. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972
Eves: LI 8-5297 -LI 8-3040 -Har. 5142
If so, we have ju~t that. Thill beautiful rambling
home contains 4 beclrms., 3 baths. dining roon1.
double fireplace, spacious Living room and in addi-
tion there is a large den or family room. It iM wired
for e lectric range, has electric dishwasher. drapes
and w;w carpeting. Beautifully landscaped and
11prinkler system. Master light switch es, and oodle1:1
of other LtcllUI found only i~,,.custom built homes.
There is ample space provided in patio for swim-
ming pool. Property is situated on corner lot in
one o! the best parts of Cliff Havl'n.
Shown by appointment only.
Call Stan Le Lievre
15th & Irvine LI 8-2664 Eves: L I 8-i056
1 lot 53 x 180 -··-·····-·-···········-···-············--····$ 8.500
1 lot 65 x 300 . ·-·-········-·················----······· ... $10,500
Two lots, 75 x 80 ························--··--········· ~4250 es. ' •
300 • 135 ......... -................... ··-· ·······-... $15,6-00
Can be made into 6 R-2 Iota.
W. E. FISHER & Assoc iates
S02t E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032
1;.q.i,: .. \'h<ll•" 1.-.. .. 11 .. 11
I~• I)\ ''"' i•l~IV" w•lh
Charles E. Hart, Realtor
34211 \\ Ulllbo• ;-.;,.""'l'V"l &h
Come In a nd Let Us
Show These Good Buys
:\"1-:\\"J'(iHT B~:JG l!T!;
:1-/IH ~ <l"n. l1111(r i{·:l lul (~'""'°It.
1.ltll IHl\ht JlllQ!h•·I urH( n .. 111
Hn1ti; ll {J~]'lt >il $1 3V()O t .. 1111•.
llA 1.-UC),,
Orr1<nfr<'1I! 2-BR h•1n1P 1>iu1< :?
2 l.(!l rur unit.., Ole•• innH11<· &nd
b,.~t Jnc·11 flnn
!...l l l{i ISi.i'.: 3 UH rt.unu•h"d I ~.
h11l h11 .l)r" ol..J
$2000 DQ\\"N
1~0A1~:n E SHAFE:H Rllr
106 .\lcF•lkle11 l 'I.
ot. lhl' Ne .. ·porl 1•1e1
H1t rb<H l HI Eve11 H 1tr ·1138 \\"
H11rbol" 2~2\)-~\
Bay Shores
2:!>72 Circle Dnve
t}11en IJ>"IY I ·~ Jll
Nu1~· l'HH • .:1-:11 Tu Sf.:l.L
J h•ln11., I .1. hal h. f1 pl . F A
"'' ' 1111 el1 I"•' U •".1 "'f''ll 111118
p1i\i10 l;Ud~ ill l:IJJQ ll\"l!rfU:te
,..11 ~,.i·. 1,.c1u•nJ111 · ~lor •. ge
~<.·:AL.'1 .,;,{
34 11 NC"-..p11t l.1; •• 1. :->pt llrh
Jl~rl.1<.>I" 402
View Lot
t..IN'I. \" A ~ ~:",\' J.!•;r·T ;\"Ill 11 L~ll ... ,..
h"!" :.',.,.JO 1·a .. h !0.1· '•·'·'"' ~ale
t•fl:'./ ,, .1At:1,. ... , .• _., J{,.,I l-:$(111"
L I 1 •.. to'. h i 2-:.?lfil ------------
1/2 ·Acre $500 Dn.
Dd.IVE HY 26:W h:idt'll. Co11.11
~It•• H you wiu1t 111,. ideal epot
to retire and ire hantly w ith
to.nl•. then f'11 ll 111, v.·e heve the
(JAN A JA(!OBSEN, Relll E-:tale
u r,,.,p1, LI .!!-6317, KI 2-21S7
THREE BDRM . 1'-batht. Mhtl 4fl
lol, K1ng1 l'J11ce. S23.000 New·
' port H U1 By APPOL'i"TMEf\J.
• O..•ner Liberty 8-4DT3. C c73
$2000. Down
2 YEAR OLD ...•........ 3 BEDROOM
Thia Us not a tract home, and i.a located i.n & good
neighborhood on a b&njo at. Living room hu
firepl.a.« and parquet floors. A n.ic.e kitchen a.nd
aep. dining area. !:>e'tachod gar. Full price $12,:KIO
Balboa -1~ "G " Street, 2 and den -a stone's
throw from the beach, lhe a.aking price, $26,500
BACK BAY AREA -468 Esther St., Owner leav-
ing and anxious for sale, 3 bdrm., 2 bat.ha. $21 .500
3320 \V r:o a8t Hwy. Liberty 8-7773
'"Al tht! Arthl'll"
WE KNOV..' IT':-; TOUGl-1 ... to find a real honte
r1n l.Jalboa l11land undf'r $25.000 -Btrr \YE HAVE
ONE 3 bdrm. -lge. lv rm. -fireplace -2 car
gsr. Exc("l]ent locat1on. All this for only $22.51.Xl
\\'II.I. 'YOU BE TllF: LUCK'{ BU\'ER?
Better Hurry.
JN\lE.5T· \YI SE I .. Y -2 units in highest ttntal
district will t:arn a .11ubstsntial dividend. Or, live
in one and let one pay the way,
FREE Rr-:NT -INCOME -for buyer -3 Unit.a,
comp. [urn. Close to beach£'s a.nd village. ONLY
$17,500 and only $3000 down.
306 ~1anne Ave., Balboa 1!1.land Har. ~2 or 4623 .
BEAlITIFUL home on Lido Nord corner. Perma-
nent view of Bay. near best beach for s .... imming.
3 bedrms., 2 baths. hobby room a.nd den. Charming
king size master be<lrm. with alcove & conn~ting
bath, large sun deck, atlracli\'e dining room, mod-
ern kitchen -buil t-i n dishwasher, disposal. copper
hood, ceramic tile and numeroiu. other features.
home partially furnished. Only 2 Y2 years old.
WE ALSO have sever al Bay Front lot.II on L ido Nord.
EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor
3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach H ar, 1013
* NEWPORT HEIGHTS * Rustic rRnch style home on excluaive Aldean Plaee.
Studio living & dining roomB with antique fireplace
and wall of gla&1. Unique tiled· kitchen. built-in
range and oven, 3 large bedrooms, l !14, baths, bwd.
floors are carpeted.
-'Sacrifice lil $24 ,500 •
WitH $8500 down or submit
Greenleaf-Sev erts Realty, Inc.
Ha r. 2552 3112 Newport Blvd.
Eves: LI 8-3186. lJ 8-5405, Har. 3921-W, KE 8-5885
Mrs . Calabash Wherever You Are
If you see THIS house. Jimmy will KNOW where
you are. "{ou'U be living in it, enjoying the
breathtaking view of beach, coa.sUine and country-
side. New, 3 BR and den , 2~~ baths, 2 fireplaces,
intercom system, built-in elect. range a.nd oven,
WW carpel lhru-out. All beautifully decorated.
It's a steal. you can a-F-0-0-R-D it.
R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor
R. B. HODGE, Associate
3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2774
5 acres plus, cboice Back &y, ll"vcl.
:l323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port. Orange)
Newport Beach LI 8-7562 Har. 5154 eves
• • •
-lt )'OU at'fl aw&ke when you
aee It. Owner a.aya It'• 7 Y9'r•
o.ld. One apt. has 2 bedronm• A
2 ba~ one baa 2 bedroom. It
l bath, two apLI. have one bed·
room. 4 1 bath each. n L c e I y
tumlahed, $28,600. reuonable
cuh down or owner wlll take
g<>oa 11t \ru1t deed at doWn
peyrnenl. W ill park 3 ee,...
• • •
OUT <..:ONSllJ~~KING tl:t h,1c11U"n
lt't """l•rlh lhe HIUrl~Y "'l'luhl
)'uUr h&L ". ii ~ ti IJ<·U~ll •'CJt!tlO:"
furnudu.•11. <>ne l>l<.><'I< lnuu I!
..-;u1et 1·l111nncl. th1t:c bJ...,·k,. /1·01111
1.htl be&• n, ont: l>tu< .. k u.. 1. public
playground a ti•I <1n ly 11 11h<11l
.,.. • .._!k to thu "'""''pt1rt IWa~l1 Pl• r
P r iced Ill l!liif> $ l 77:!> u ...... n
$20 monlh!y ror :l yet.11t.
• • •
PUT ON.,,,...,.,.. ~'f5'Y~J~ rl5is~S~ ~u;,~·.t
t .. -g\.lOlln .... ~ •·•lu .. A '/. t11•1lr'""",
hon1e wllb • 'l car 1ear"'J.:•'. 111.Jtr•,.1
I• nlt~ly f11 mh1h I. Lut I• 6"1
by 12~ on a corn.-. jlle••I r"o•~t-<1
One house from Bay Bathing Bea.ch
Neat 2 B. R. furn. beach cottage •
Low down payment wiU ha.ndle.
Ocea.n.front bUAinetsB buildJog, plua two apartmen.ta,
all lea.eed.. Full price $35,()()()..._$10,000 will handle.
Balboa Peninsula -r eady for occupancy. 2 B. R.
home near jetty. Fi.replace, carpe'-8 & curtainl
included. Full price $15,850-Low down payment.
1450 W. Balboa Rlvd., &IOOa 1-iarbor 1264
"l'ut1· & t:xpand11b1,.·· rnndr'rn s n1nll hi•tllt'
li1'111g r1n & d1111ng ar•·ll.. l 'u ll n11t.n knc·h· 11
bdrni & br1th Ju,,.•11. :! bd r1n. & 1 IJ,1\h u1 •
paVl·d ll·rrat:l', south uf hi):h.,.,•ay \'!-'.!~ Y
1'ER~l S 1111 tlu· J•l"IL"L" uf $1!1.UOll !Urtl
LU \lo'
~ •• .,.,.,.r humc '"l"CUl•L•d ti n10 1 111 t!r1.-. "' :u,..,ivc
J1st1 1.:t . colunl,d v.1th ~hak • n"•I , l•·t1• I l•;itui
t1pr1 nkler eyelt·n1 ~ i-1 11npl"tl'l~ !;111·!~1·;1 1,,·d 1 ... w
r "t $25~50fl llll)U!1,, ~l·•\l ;l.. d!.uP.,11<~ l!H!.l!•·
11ite se81'11u11 1111 th·· l11w dov.·n 01 ~:i 1111d 1·1 a
"-.... qu1i.IJl 1t••I puri.:lll1b4·1·.
Priced at $LO.U0<1. Submit do"''ll BAY FRONT
Very euy payn n l11 ..• yea.
It la In Ntwpurt \tei_ghi... CI0}•'-'--'4u1tlity home of '1 Wrrng., 2 baths, n111.1d:. 1111 A.· b 1 I h w echoola and eve 111 -
• • •
Seven Islands Realty
& Investment Co.
!l-03-32nd St., Newport J~11ch, c;11llf
Har. 1'1868, afltr :'Ip m. ~l11r. !>667
B/ B
S~IART noy,,• m0<1Pm Fr,.nr h IYP"
horne nt rf'1tl dllitlncllon. V uly
LOVE'l~Y 3 Mt1room. 1 hath l'lnm"
Choice lo•.,H1on-l...ow On p111
ment. A1k1n,e; S24.9()().
SPACI OUS 4 bedroor111, 2 bn.th'
Be11ut lful large patio wHh BllQ
Helll"\"t' u1 lhl'rt'11 no COUp..'•l-up
!ttUng here, S3~.71)Q,
Newport Isle
PT!vate pier A-flo&t . 2 bedrm11
flreplacf'. car-pf't_., .t. dra['f"n~
-Oru11l, gurolen thr11 ·01Jt 11mnn(lt.
r!nt11l eontl1llon. A •leel iot -
Bay & Beach Rlty Inc ·
3112 Lafay,.tte, Newport llar. 3643
Be A Landlord
For $2000 Down
2 bl.TJ1!1" O\dt!r-RomH on lot 1 itr
x 130' -Thell<!!! homell 1J.re ln
good condition a 11 they n••ec:I LM
redecorating. Ons vacen1 ----0111"
rente{!, l3eautif11l c"'rner -All
new curblll and pav!"\! etrf'el."
Only $15,500 F. P.
(."AL.I~ 0\VNER LI 8-6761.
Corona Highlands
Panoramic Ocean View
BRAND new Home and lncomf'
dclWle contL In ru•Uc modern.
&>e Ule&e 2 beaut. 2 BR-
home.1 fully carJM'lt'd. have
elect. oven• • grlll11. St<Jnl!'
lo celling rlreplecea. lncome
$3:W per mo. I'". P . l 34500.
.Morning Canyon Road. Harbor
37 42-J . &6r7tl
8-utlruJ bily view. Buy now
while 11.v•i111.ble. T erma. $17M tln.
18.".>7 Newpor t.. C:O.t& M-•
LI 8·1632 Evmlna-1 L1 8-1400
23 Rental1
Top Income
Y.'11 ch,•llm,e;e con1p1trl100n ot price.
!ni;ome A term• call ownf!r 1r-
ter 4 ·30 ltar. 3344. eS<-80
I 80 ft. Parcel
Nf'11r Back Bay or will ldl S -
80 x 130 Joli $3260 ..._ Har. 3381
f-'1ne large room.ti. l<xrl'llt•nl 111l'r , 1!1>11.t & ~ !1·.1n
sandy beach. Fur iq1p.:1i ntmf'nl t<1 111111u·1·1
Call Lou Boynton
Har. 3297 or 1-lal"'. 1775. F~ve11 t-la r 2"17!1
Edith Maroon, l:...,_1c·1-1 HYatt •1-6222
EARL W. Si ANLEY , Realtor
Bayside Dr1v1· and l"(iaMt H1~hw3y
Vogel Values
Shorecliffs-Ocean & Hill View
Rambling !-"arm Hou!'C' 3 J{l{S. l 11 baths -Ii.;
rumpus rm. a ll;o ma1d"g qt NI J>1c tur·r ""'111Jo.,.,·s. n;1t
finished wocx:I, peg noors. lg used br1i.:k fireplace.
..., 2800 sq. ft. Exclusive arc-a -$52.!"M
Corona Hi9hlands-Paroramic Ocean View
Charming home -26' living rm. 2 BRe, I '11 baths,
16" dil11ng rm. -altractive thruoul. •10" unfinished
play rm. Z200 s;q. ft. A real buy al S28,500.
Modern Duplex-Same as 2 Separate Homes
?OR.Bible $5000 yearly income. Nearly new. 2 BRs
each on lg. Corona Highlands lot.. One unit has
w;w carpets, drapes & firepls. Price $32.500
2667 E. Cat. Hwy. Har. 1741 Har. 0157
Your Corona de! Mar Estate
Full Price, $27,500!
Three fu ll size level Iota, Five bedrooms, 2 1,~ baths,
I Approximately 3000 sq. ft.) Two fireplaces--0ak
fl oors, large family size kitchen and ·a full si.ze
dining room.
If you are tired of livi ng in craclcer boxee, give
yourself and the kids a real King Siu family home.
Seldom has any multiple listing caused ao much
f'Xcitement -Why not phone for an &ppointment
21 17 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Beach
Phone. Harbor 24, Evening• Liberty 8-6400
Four units on 2 full eir.ed lot.I.
Completely furniabed.
Beautiful patio with BBQ and ev erything neoMl&rY
for outdoor living at it. t>.t.
Garagea galore
ONLY $10,000 DOWN
Run., don't wallc to the ne&n»t pboDI
tor a.n appointment.
Park Ave. at At&rlne, Balboa lal&.nd Harbor 2482
... _._ -···---····-4--•-.... ____ -· -
0 • Jf l!lll II •
-.Costa Mesa
* * *. * . *
Less Than Rent
G!!!!:::!•[:!!Ml!!.!'l!!*!!t'!•-~· ---~:! .. !.'!Ml!!_!-='!!"_;...· __ a!!!:::!•!!Ml!!.! .... ~*!!_ ___ •!!:::!•!!n!!!'JD!!!!I !!•'-. __ _:. , .. eWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART II • '""'
M0NDAY,"F£111UAAY ll,. 19511 p, a. p'l-1 m-e _r .. t n,c_1> r P,O-~.a f ~ t · ~ ---
c1eve1op4"-s of-Uclo-lsle-Ha Via Trime .
-l;idp North Bayfront -Shoreeliff · -S.. • • ...i ...,. 2 1*tnl!-i-o w111n t..,.a *
' -
~ .. -.. -.. ,,,.,., ~ ------UDO ISLE
1 Yea.r old 3 bed.rm. home n.icefYI&ndaC&Jied ana -
fenced. Thermoetatlcally controlled beat.
... ----,... ___ _._,e< ·-!!l"'iJe~-~~..mQ ---
On' over 80 feet of tJie very beet Nortb Boy. Strik· _ mq».-la ,..llol ..i·•-:t~•~· ~·~·::;·r:*:'~·~~_!beat,. ~ llnplaco, ~GI:"_~ .. ~~ . •. --.... ~IP~"!O" ... ~..i,r 8'1.-1k·..Y-A _. .. ,n. ... oot--~-·-·t1~-~,,_,.,a C'lt.' l'allllfWil"" ·-_; ~Oii&S!f ft:"lOtit~~----.
ting, view, 1-cb. pier and boat •lip. planting and · ~-tri'ind. ..mi,.,_ If tlzlll - -,_"' • * * * · Income Property
Eight realdentla1 wiita tumlahed. only $9500 down
· witb monthly income of $600
It's A Bargain
Good eut Costa Meu locat1on. C!09e Lo sch~la
a.nd tr&naport&Uon, 2 room house out11ide bar-b-q
nag•tone patlo. Lot is worth $5000. $6950 ruU price.
1 3lf.: a.cm C.2, close to Coeta Meu City Center.
J700 Newport Blvd.
l'hone Llberty 8-5.597
Costa Meu.
Evcnlng Lfberty 8-74.57
We can build for you a two-bedroom or 3 bedrm.
Approx. $4.90 per 1q. ft. 1oor., F'lnancing
on approved lot.a
Hom e-$4595
Altacbed 10 x 20 garages ---·-··· J29~
We are building on Wa.J lace. Bay, AvDcado and
18th Slli. S tarting '!hortly on 20th S t.
Call or Phone for InformatJon ..
of Garden Grove , Inc .
1104.1 Weatmi.i:u1ter Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9--0633
SO. BAY 4 B. R., 3 b11.th plus 1 B. R. apt. __ .. ~9.roc'l
NO. BAY 3 B. R. 2 bath pl us 2 B. R . apt ...... _$73,:$00
LIDO NORD 5 B. R. -2 B. R. apt. . ... . ........ $89.500
LIDO NORD ~ B. R. -Pier Ii slip .. .. $59.500
UTILE ISLAND, TTopical actting, 4 &inns ptua
1 BR. rent.al ..... _ $34,950
NR. NO. BAY 1: B. ll.. ---·-····-·············· .. ····· ..... $22.500
N E.AR NO. BAY 3 B. R. ........... ... $25,000
INCOME UNITS : ... $25,750 to .$3.S.000 inclusive.
Check with u11 on these and othera.
Har. 1775 -E ve!'!. Edith 11aroon J-IYatl 4-6222
J ohn Macnab Harbor 5359
EARL W. STANLEY , Rea ltor
225 !t!artne A vc., Balboa Illand
10.000 '<I· rt.
bwld1ngs. On
black topped.
Coal& Meaa .
in main building plue 3 smaller
approx. 1 L:.: acres all fenct.'d and
Located in the heart of booming
Price $75,000 with $25,000 down. or will
reliable concern at $650 per mo.
lease to
3201 W. Coast Hwy .. Newport Be&eb LI 8-3481
3 leased 1tores, 2 apt.a. above on Ocean FronL
Gorgeoua view of the Blue Pacific from your favor·
---.JUI rocking ch&ir.
ReUre tor llte, fiah, aw1m a.nd go boating right
at your own front door.
No mnog, no woniea. and with income,
wbo could ulr. for more!
307 llarine A VI., Balboa Ialand Hu. 2900
2 bedroom &: den (or becjoom) gorgeou1 Uving
room facing Bay, 2 gleaming baths pl us bathers
•bower. Fine pier and slip will accommod ate 40 ft.
boaL Sandy beach. W. J . SLOAN carpets and
dn.pea inclu.ded. A fabulou1 home In perfect con·
dJtJon, 2~ yn. old. See thia first. you will love it.
Price $64,~
2323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port Orange)
Newport Beach L1 8-7~2 Har. 0154 eve!'!
Neat to No. &y on a tO fL lot. Large rooms, a
fireplace, garage and ovenized brick patio. This
one you can fix up to •Wt younelf.
Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa l•land Harbor 2462
home •n> the very flncot pouible. 3 bedrm. and . ho bodnu., -wtlll a 11tz11o. ~ =-u.bzc '
maid'•, 31): bat.ha. 'lb.ia home ta perfect tor aome-roam with & ....,, a maa•• dm, a WOiliU'• ldtchM, 101 Via Ra...-
one who dcelres the n.icesL It'• erclwlive with ua ~ and • tmU ~Prict '8f,sM). Th• 'n b&ft a big" older home wtth 15 or 8 lNdlwww.,
& We hove the key. $17~.ooo --.__ , ' Clil4M11 ~ • bt.tbo OD • M tt. """'"' lot, only. r-... ID
Brand New
Lovely home on Via Orvleto. 3 nice bedmu. and
2 baths. Sliding 1la• to patio. Built.in Thermaw
door oven and range. Separate dining area. Over-
ai2e double garare. Built by Visecher and now-
tine cl--at only Al.llllO ; >blot One -T!too lot oloao lo wortla P2,7li0
!!at 'l'fllln· ~ .,-b-"" -.ort BALBOA NEWPORT JW"51& '~-'i. -b......,_ "°" or •tlro " Bo'.rt.at-. 4IO'l' a -la tine lot. Prtood lo23° W. Bay Ave.
being landacaped by Bee&on. $33,000
1 year old MODERN, wa.11-lo·wa.II carpeting, t1lidlng
glau door to patio "from liv. rm., 3 btdnn., 2 ba~,
near Jdeal awimmlng beach. Designed by Hal Lacy.
&Om '8e,ooo . "PW ' can r~ Da.-Ollnllm.
. • Fim;1y Home
., Thia doriinr little bome of S bodrmo. 1 % botha ..,
• C5 tt. lot with plenty -rooln bu • 2 ....
-~ tlle roof, completely fumlohed and onl1
a few !ll.ept1 to the best awlmmlng beocl> ""U.O Boy.
' Priood at $25,noO with rood tonno.
Before you buy, you owe it to younelt to eee
thia home at only $26,500
Very ...n '-i..l.Uio lsmDo-•'""•r at• bodrm..
and don. Klldn• --...... clllh-
and ....... Pltoo-d '38,9CIO ·-~
und ~ Coll Bill ran-onb. HARBOR HIGHLANDS-OPEN DAILY
p. a. pa lmer , incorporated
ole hanson co., 5ales mana9ement
3333 via lido, harbor 1600
p. e. palmer, incorporated
ole he nson c.o ., sales menegement
1700 w. cout highway -liberty ~73
I ~11<1 ~ h~•l!Qt.ua h->nu•a art' not
t ,., r1~ ll,fUI In Coslbu• t'e-
j)t'~!•!1y i n .. OCt'dJ1 l runt, b:l\
""" hav" two !or )'OUr 1nepl'C·
One h&s ~ tH'dtOOm• and 3..,
l)aUls ru~e!y f~!i;htld and re·
fnW~lt'J A ve.ry a ttractive
h•1nu• and wouli1 W ldr&l f or
vv Best Buys Corona del Mar
I. SHOP.ECLIFFS. J usl listed -ex.cluaive with ua.
Th111 immacu.l att! 2 bed.rm. and den home Oil Morning
Canyon Road \li'ith po.nornmic view of ~ean. hills
a nd canyon. FA heat. 111..rge flagstone p&tio, carpet.I
11.nd dn.pr-e included and only $31 .Ml BETTER
llLRRY un Lb w one -it \li'on't lut.
Cliff Haven
• MOllt wanttd lou.t:lon
• 3 btdr"oornll
• VMd. brick flrtipl&.ce
• Ovtr.l&ed llVlfli room
h<ri;:~ ran11ly Th11 prlta ia
s.:.'l.uou with ttrn1a. 2 Dl'l>LEX, 1 bMrm. t>ac h. one unit furn. complete,
corner lot & onlj• $17.~. l.ow down payment
will handle.
• Sheltered la.na! and pat111
• l:Uoaullfully land.caped ynr I
The lllh<'r cne !s a l~o 111 DaltiOa,
ha' i l>edroo•n•, 1 11 b&tM a.nd
pilz lly tumbhed liu t'nclo-Pd
till't'ptne pvrch, &!Lll-!lcJ ln deck
11nd 2 car iarage. lovely large
li\·1ng roun1 wtth tlrtpl11c11 ..
' ro.imy horn• for your famUy.
l l~.750.
A t111.n •IY 3 bedroom on Ana de
Stret't clllN to the bay. Ha•
b I! I! fl ill ll"&ctlvely r,.111odele<J
wilh &. l11rge k ltcht.n 11.n.d cl<n·
rtA j!;ll.lore, " l11.rg11 llvlng roon1
with Mreplaoe bet\t \"6 you
V>"Ould be •urpr1-i what you
l Art a et for $17 ~00 and terms
11 .. re 1a ~nthi'r i b~lr•.o0n1 horn11
"'Il l< 2 t)Altlll 'JU Anao!e Slr"'t
U11t "''Ill 11Jeep a b->11l Ill 11evvle
11n,i v.111 n11<ke a i:"'Jt.l 1tllrnn1cr
or )'<'llr around no111r ll II\ but
" •te11 tu lhe Q,.y lill•I 111u11t uf
Ill• f urn! tu r r 1.~ 1n,·luJ <·J
$ 16 .• <JIJ, 160UU ,J<.)\l,'!I
~l ~ IJt'\.111 .om !wrne vn Uc lvu,.
Lanr ,~ 1UU 11.1·1;ulable tur
f l!! 000 Thi! r(l()n'18 RTI! 1p11.clOU-'
&1"1 the IH""'} l111nllUr c !''-"'"
.,.·1th t he J• 111 ./\J";k to 11ce it
tud ... y •«111o:•,t tu n1e11llvn 1t
~•II h'· 1,.,ui;l1t fvr SJ!Jtl() lluwn.
Ba lboa Realty Co.
Oppv111 te llii.nk u r A rr1t•110.:.1
Rou G1-eelt'}" •;.1 Lee
Al l 'nrne!1113 J "11t'phlne \Vel>li
7(1lJ ~~ 1J,,lb<111. IJJy(j. li11!t.iu11
I 'hune l-l1u t~or 3:?77
Owner Says Sell
711 Hl!:LI OT RUPC:. CUM
sEE T llJS 1111m11t Ul<1\e 'I. beclrm.
hon1!', f!ag~tone f1rt'pl., .,.. w. car·
pel, 1unny bright ldtchtn, lot.e
or ui., A.Ild cupbl)11ru1. ropptr
plumOing. Wtr~I 221)V. r.nclot1ed
paUo:i, dble. pr. on 1Jl17,
Call Harbor 2042 Now
3. DUPLEX : 2 B. R. each, corner loL Both h.ave
fireplaces, hwd. flr1. & separate dinette.
A good buy at $22,500
4. FlRST TIME OFF ERED. lmma.culate 2 BR. home
plus rumpU!I room, hwd. flni., iarb. disposal. A
bargain at .$13.500 -$3000 down will handle.
E:x.c:Juaive with us. This abould eell quickly.
f'R1 C E T. McCUISTION, Rca.ltor
3•147 E. Coast 1-l\li'Y· Corona del Mar Har. 47
(O ffice located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, COM)
J u.st as yo u can't learn m.cdicine, law or any other
profe11sion by merely hanging out a sign.
l .el one of the 300 members of the Board handle
your t ra.DM.Ction fo r yt>u • , •
W e 're going to 1ell A Million Dollaro
worth of real e1lato ooc h month of 1956!
Multiple Listing Service
Newport Harbor Board of Realtors
401 N. Newport. Blvd . Newport Beach
• 4?1. G.l.-$78 mo tnrl 111 ... ·11 • r·uu.. PRICE $17,000
e A CT NO W !
Ra11cho Linda
• ~ &cH compleUly fenced
• H.orN COITILI and dog kenntb
• Modlnl. le•· 2 bdrm. A den homt
• \V/W carpe~ throU&"hout
• Lga. rtqaton. !Lrepla~e
• ,All electric k ltchtn
• XI.NT. Baell Bay Area
• $16,800 wtlh only $~000 down
Near Disneyland
• 60 unJta
• l 7r. old
• All two bedroom•
• TV and phone outlt la
e O&rbqe dU.poaa.U
• .ExeeUent rentaJ reoord
e Or0111 S00.400
• Price $460.000
• Wiii dlv!Je llnd e•chanre 1qu1ty
tor Udo Bayfront &r1<Vor Ca tUe
Bay & Beach Rlty Inc:
187~ lJarbor Boulev1.rd
Coal.A Me&a, C&lllornla
LI 8-77J t. Evee. LI S-31~8
Fri-Sat-Sun·Mon. afternoons . ,
U.il~ Crutvlew Dr.,
2 b .r. PLUS l"ar, unit -knotty
Pln• Int. 1oadt ot roorn tor tam•
07 I.lid 1"1Jula.
C"Yt'HERS In Exch.1.11ve Bayahor~
and Surnmer Rtnlal.
' OPEN HOUSE--Sal. " Sun.
22M TulUn -Good t.tnn•
1 b.r. 2 bath, lovely
location -ONLY $21,000
Choice VllCW lot ···---1-lMO
-----------------------Comer VIEW lot ·--·-·-· .. moo
If You 108x100, hil"h.IY rut.rtcted, $3000
l b.r ., den, room tor pool, fam.tly
~-· -------..---···---Jle,960 -oPEN HOUSE . . -If You
A re Young at Heart
Wont Q uo lity , Orig inol ity
Wu1t the BEST -
UDO PARK TRAlU:R -28' w/
Bat.-Sunday-l ·G
3t.l H&Mtl Drive or
3t.O Poppy. C.D.M:.
BEAUTIFUL VU:W home ot 1.
bedroom.I, l '!l b&U..., "'w-IJltln&
dilitance lo bathlnc bee.ch. Thia
home and outat.&ndin&" JocaUOn
coUld nltt be dupllceted for th•
Mkl.n1 price ol. $32,&00.
XI.NT. T.e:RK.8 -SEE TH18
Frank James
Linwood Vick
31 2 ?>tarlne A v~, Balboa 1'1.llnd
Harbor :1042
One of Newports Fin est
l UJ::l>H(lO:>t lh•.;lE L unicr lwl,
i,.. bloc.k to bf!oieh. Large llVing
roan\, hu dining area. Very oon·
\•e:ilenl k !t chPfl "-llh <Ible. Rink
A: di.poeal. Large pt.tlo area
w!l.h out11J1le 11howrr. IJome ii
3:., yr11 oltl.
$13.:w>O f p EXCl'lltnt lt rm•
"ART " ADAIR, Rltr. , ... Ne\o."])()rt llh'U . Coala fott9&
LI 8-3792 or Ll 8-~
Evu . LI 8-SMe
Kl:"'GS ROAU, luxury 2 bedrm. Un·
e.xeell~ ocean. bay view. Abun·
ctanl Uvl:111: ran be your•. All bNt
fealuree. 2 bath•. i--orced air
'*'t. ~l.repla.o.. PaUo dehu.a.-.
t.hell enjoy Call/. UTiq" al U.a .....
1~7 Ne,.;port.. C:O.ta Me!!a
LI 1-11.11 E'rlnln&• Ll 1--lt(Ml
in location
in conatzuqlon
in fliiozicing
Como -thla • bodrm., a both home
on the Little Ialand.
112 Jade Ave.
OPEN 1·5
Feb, t tbru Feb. 12, 11166
216 Marine Ave., Balboa l8land Har. 20 or M
new cab&n.a., 1 b.r . .._ ___ $39M
Claire Van Horn
2731 W . Gout H wy, w 8-0 77
Free Rent
Nearly new 3 bed.rm. bome Hdw.
floora. forced &Jr h ... t, dining
TOOm. AU tree !rom lncom11
from two WULll on ,._,. of baU
acn. Walk to downloW"l!I ea.ta
)ltA.. $21.000 Q<>od t.enna.
Newport-Mesa Rlty.
-----------------------1799 Ntwport BIYd... Colt.a MN&
Ai'TRACTT\'E 3 bednn. home in Cliff Haven 14-50
"q. ft. Patio, fenced )•ard, double garage. An
exceptional buy at $15, 750 wi~h only $2500 down.
Move right in.
3201 W. Coa.st Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8·3481
A 'I'11tACTfVE 1 story home. livable &nd conven·
tent. Three bedrma., 2 bat.tu, ma.id'111 room and bath.
Ca.rpeta, dn.pe1 and appliance. included.
T. D. P.Q(:F:RR. Harbor 158.'>-W Or Rya.n 16029
LI l-M08 Z-.. LI l-144.3
liqht Monufacturing
8MAl:L 81-IOP • 3 lot., corner
311t A: Villa Way, Newport Bch.
Will •pllt. Priced J1.&"bt wit.b
rood tuma. ---
$MOO wtll b.a.ndle. Hou.e aad
la.re• ,.,....... rented Mparately.
Good tneome, Dar Post OUlce..
N.B.C. Realty
32rn'I A Newport 81'1(1. Ha.r. tfDe
br~d new furn. boma. Tl.le be.th
A ktt..cben. Jl'lreptace. ~~ %
block to sw-t. Renl lM OU..
new tum. hom• on . Jot to ~J
yMJr ~. Owner anxious.
No tln1Y1C41 proble1N or eharraa.
IU.IOO ID-Z tl'ftl'\8,
OR.AJlf"<Jll COA!'T
1887 l'fewport. Co.ta Mtu
Ll 8-16.12 ~mini--U 8-1400
1964 PNcllla Lone
3 bednu., 2 b11.lh. fireplace. Tbeee homH are the
moet for $18,500. A choice of 2 floor plans.
417 East 20th SL
Modern Ranch .11tyle -3 bedrme., 11 4 bat.ha on r.
72 x 330 rt. lot. The exterior i.11 wide ced::i.r pla.nke.
The interior h!ls terrific wood p&n(·ling. 3 car gar-
age. Hugt: car port.4'-fteal country e1tate $27,500
• • •
48t E. 21at St.
3 bed.rm&., 1% batha, dining room. break.fu t room,
fireplace, dilpoaal, sprinkler e)'11tem, etc. Buyer
can have immediate poeaeaaion. Owner bu ju.1t
reduced price to $19,9~
221 Walnut
4 bednna., large kitchen, ·beautiful patio, double
garage. $13,250 ii a very low price with good terma.
A CREAGE: 198 feet on Monrovia. by 630 ft. deep.
"Now R-4, may be able to tone M·l . A 1teal
· at $13,900 ca.ah.
Next to 276 ~U.. Vacant lot 15-0l<l.2:1 only ${7~
View lot t:S x 125 -s11,roo
Beach lot R-2 25 x 95 $i2~
Har. 4718 2602 Newport B lvd., Ncwp::irt Beach
This would have been a new home but it wu
occupied for one month, then the occupant.a left
the wa.11 to wall carpeting and drapes. Three bed·
rooms, the muter ie king siz.ed with lot.I of clOM UI
and drcMing area, aleo sliding doon to a huge
view deck ...
. With 214 bat.ha -l,A.rge garage and laundry
room. Wonderful kJtchen, built in stove -oven -
dishwasher and diepoaal Thia fine Udo home bullt
on & street to street lot is an excellent buy
at $31,750
We have keys -come in tllld d.Jacua terma.
Lido Realty Associates-
3400 Via Lido
Large 2 bedr.oom home. Fireplace, patio, ganre.
Nicely furnished. Formica bar kitchen.
Full price $20,000 -good terma.
Brand New · 6 Units
Just completed -4 2-bedroom a.nd 2 l ·bedroom.
unfurnished. apartment.a in one ot the best rental
a.rea.s. Income should be ln eu.e119 of $525 per mo.
Full price $52,~ with excellm.t term..
Har. «4
208 K&rine Ave., Balboa I.i.i'.li'1
Next door to the Poot Office
Efte Hor, 1229-R H "· '2t&-R
Lovely modern rUlcls otyle Oil • fQll ..... Two
TTpodDllo boclrooma (H tt. wudrobe la -l;
llv!nr. dining. oil --u 1 lu'P -.
clllhwuher. ~ -.. ... BBQ. ..,., -...__
corner flroplOce, r.t. turnoco. ._ ._ co'llap,
1 • .,. botlu, bup piDI!: tlJo atoll -· Porta-
l"-morbel palhnon, '"' cupo1 tbnM>Gt. a TY.
ouu.t.. pbono'jocb, clocontar Dmcb -•
~ .,...-double -OalJ 1 -old. Priced rlsbt at $28,.600 and ....._ mlllrt fbl-.
. -Two o4jolnlac ..,... ........
Finl Newport Harbor 1:1tudent. to receive a free copy
of the Coruit.itution of the United Stateti are Jun
Cb.alk, mayor of tbe Everett Rea Schoo! student
council, and Nanci Maxwell, eecret.ary. The con·
•titutiona a.re being di.at.ributed lo eeveDth a.nd eighth
grade atudcnlll in Newport. and Coat& Mes.a Schools
Trophy t« M vtne the hl1hut nJo at parent& and Boy 61'0\lt
membf!r11 w .. won by Troop :) i'i!!b. e at Ole Court of A ... ril•
hll!Ld a t Newport Harbor Union H l11 School. 0 . W. RJcha.nl
11 .nown prPlf!ntlnr the trophy lo Bob Thom••. 1.M11tant a«MJt-
m ... ter of Troop 6. -Starr Photo
Marines Start
!-Year Program
on Enlistments
Lt.. Col. Davtd H. SlmmonA,
otncer ln cha.rl"•. M..artne Corpt
Jtecnlltlq' t« Southern ca.ur ...
Bia lllld A.J1ain&.. announced t.odA7
that a llm!tM numbaT or two-
,.._ ~t. .,.. qMn betq"
KOlptAd. by I.lie Martne Corp&.
Th• beW profT&rTl I.I dllliped
tor thoM lndlvldU&J,I with OD1 de-
~l or thole dalring to ~
Ol&ly two year1 ot act.iv• duty.
to euu.t lA the Martne cori-
~ The llld.lridual upon h i•
..u.tn!:•nt t. thll!ll Immediately
..-.ned to acu.... duty tor the
two ,_r tour ot duty.
It .... \rnph.Mlud by colonel
AlmmoNI that only pert0n1 ~
t"'tlllfl the a,g-u of IT and 26 who
ba...e bMn clutltled by th"' Se-
~ ~ M being iellg1ble
tor lnducUon ire 1oreptable •~
lhl• t1••u-year pro1ram-
Thme per.OM wllo deall'f' ad·
d!tlnn11.I lnfonnation re1•rdLn1
the two-Y"&r rewrvll! tmll~tment
pros:ram now offered by lhll! Ma·
rine Corpa may contact M Set.
John Hayward or 8,rSgt Dd
l.Achman. Marine COrpe Reen.tit·
era for Orang!! County, locatll!d
In Room 207 or the Pott Otnce
bulldlne San.ta Ana or ea.II K.lm·
bll!rly 2-13-4-3.
Orv11U Blahop. 37. or 1~32 Banta
Ana A'f'll! .• Co.1.1. Meta, w ... ar-
rnted •t h1' homll! Thured•y and
booked Lnlo °""'11e CoUD.ty Ja.11
on ch.eek cl'la.rTa e t 8·1ll p. m .•
Mll!ft pollce rtpOrtecl .
COl:t.a MN& h.u • number or
i.d dl«ka laued by lhll! •u.pect..
PoUc. Qi.let. Att McKenzie .aid.
all for amall amounta. Newport
BNch ha.I lwo or Bt11hop·1 cl'lecll.,
for 11 3 and $ti. wh\111! other1 he.vf:
been itlllled In Sanl11.;_An., reporU -· KIRKPATRICK'S T Y
Uni.... you h•...., had 1pecla.I
tral.nlnJ" and ha•• bacllf!d Oil•
up With much actual e.xperlll!nce
JOU u. .... no trualn-. even l&.klng
off the back of your t11!11vialon
.. t. You can do permanent <!&.m-
ap to the •t and poaalbly to
)'OW'MH' Ju.t by touchlnc the.
'"'Oftl' lh1ap. Bhlet It ls •lwa,.
• pod rule lo can the man who
know&. th• man to call tor u..
put Red.lo and T.ifl'rillk>n repain
ill K1rkp•lr1cll• 't.V. a t f7M E..
Oout HICh'W&y. Oonlna del Kar.
To pt tile utJDo« pt:tr.111&11~
from .J'OU!' ~uii-z-t ._.,. p&rl
mlMlt be adJm t<!'d p,,.rrfC'tly. A
call lo thll r1rm will bnnx a
quaH!lll!d 11ervlce man t o your
home. Thi! partJI th11y u""' are of
the hlghl!Nlt quality and the
11o·orkman11hlp It •11ar11.nlflll!<'I. They
U.:i do repair work on all typeil
r1f radloa, either car or home llll!ll.
No matter what trouble you
ma.y be bavlng with your tell!·
v\.Gon Ml or radio Klrkpetriclu
TV Se~ice will aervice It to your
•UlltacUon. That I• why we with
\o ncommll11d thll!Jn •11 the Ra.dto
and Tdel1alon R.epalr Campe.ny
ot our choice Ln. I.hi.I area.-Ad¥.
... -... ··-··-· .. ·---.. ··-· .. -... , ... -_ ... _,.,,..,,_ ··----· ... ··--......... ___ .... __ .. •'--• ...
by the Elb Club, through Robert Welborn (MCOOd
from left), member of the youth a.ctivillea committee
ot the loal Elb lodge. Othera in picture, (I to r)
are J . P. Pufftnba.rger, principe.l of Rea School:
Leslie Ferguaou, in chuge ot guldance and coun&el·
ing a.t the iu:hool, and Supt . Everett Rea.-St.a!t photo
w..um C&m&t. ...w be pktm'"-
ed ln ~film at I.be Newport
Hieb 9cbool A\adi\ortllm Oil Mon·
lk:r .-...d.l:l&. r~ :ao. Jlob.
ert~~ • ..Wap-
pea.r IA ~ UDoCkr 0.. ~
ot mllMS' WU-.. narntor.
ni. mm lnclltde9 Calp;ry. the
..-..,l aad eatUt eent.w ot Al-
ben.a; EmDoo.toa.; Vk:toN. •1th
ILi ~l ho~ &114 thci119 &nd
lov.ly fV'dena and Vu.count,
o.ne ot lbt W orld'• lll09t beau Utul
ctll-. M.J'. man pbot.o.,-.p*led
Bant't'. Toho t.nd Jaspu M•tlon&l
N011<:m: OP' INTSN'D&D
'Cll&TTEL •otrroAGE
That HllRBSRT C. BRA W and
DORINW T. 81U.W, huab&nd and
wlt .. Kortpcw, Wbo.e addr-ii
t ia Mortll N.wport Blvd., in th.
City et N~rt Beil..ch. County ot
~ lltal1 at. c.utem.I•, tn -
t-m te mortc"_,.. to ALICE 8 .
PA.RD!I. a m&n1«1 woman, K ort·
"-Wh09I mddl"al 111 t 7lt Ml.ta·
11'1&1' D11ff, 111 lhe City ot New•
port 8-ch. County ot Oranr-.
Rt.ate at. Calltomta..
---------------------------! f'arU . the "lnaldt P aaae.1•" •(1'1·
All nxture. and 1quJpment of a
cert.a.In bamn-known u KAR,,.
MIN' 8TOR.I: and locat.«1 at m
North N.-port BlTd., tn lhe Oty
.,, :N'~ a-ct.., County or Or-
ana-e, State of Ca.litomta, &nd that
vi .x.aited mo~, or lh• aame
...W be dett,...ecl uld the COMldet-
lUon tl'ierefor pe.Jd at lO·QO o'clock
t rn. on the 20th 4.1.y or Februa ry,
Ul!it, at UMi ..crow dll!partn111nt or
the M.A.RINER.8 BANK at 2112
West Cout Hlchway , ln the Cny
't Newport a-en. County ot Or-
~. St.ate ot Ca lifornia,
No doubt mr.mbera or 8&100.. Yacht Club h.l.d tu.ard .uxiut
hom1n1 p .. e(;f\S. Dul not until ltie;A 1 ••!Id p11eon• made a
h00\111 a l the Club ""'"re the tull lmpU.c&Uon. unde-r.tOOd.
You M-e. when the Corona del M.ar aablll!e wer• donll! away
with. the ptcieoea who called that home l\.ad lo hualle up a.n-
ot.her ~. Arter c.rerully cOMJdertnc llvlns: et1ndiUoru,
nel1hborbood, oentra..I Harbor a rll!e Joc&Uoo and 1uch, I.he blnl.I
epp&l'Ultly dtt~Lo ctve tllt HTC Lhe buatn-.
That \.hey did, and now lhlna• ~ Utera.lly a n111111. On UI•
txiai... on Ul,. bo&l cat1vaaM"1 and. (entra..lly, a.II 0¥11!r UM! club.
YHterday Ille BYC t.oolr. It& problem to the poUce. Thay ,...
qu.Mt.ed • humane otncer to I'"' the bll'da Ole bird.
''"' lo Prince Rupert, KJ Umet.
f\4!W city In the wlldtrneu and
th• •ptetaclli&.r' COlwnbl• Leefleid
Hl&'hWlly w1lh !Lt ~ow.c.apped
peak• and. cern-IDl1 mount.&l.n , ... _
Dated February T, 19M
DORINE T . 8 }1A W , Mortc•cor
A.LICE 8-PA.R.18, Mortell&"
J--------------JNo. M7 N-a-P~ 2/13/~
NOTICE OP' INTENDED 8ALI: J-------------
That AWCE I!. P ARIS, Vendor.
whOM -.ddr'INll ta lTlt M l"1!l&r
Drive. ln the City of Ni!!wpott
8-ch. County ot Oran.i•. Sa.ta or
C a lttornla. ln!Andt t o Hil to
OERTD"IOA.TI: OF Bll81Nl:8S nouu... Ftrm ,._
1--------------,...,-------------IT. SHAW, V~, whc»e ~ ill 41& North N~ Blvd., In
Tb. ~ed do hll!reby cer-
tify th.at thll!y are conducunc •
rent.&l Mid H rVIClng-of chemlca./
loUe ~ but:tn.ea. at 232a N i!!wport
Shod .. N.-port 8-ch. Cal.irornl&.
~er I.be t1cUUOua nnn namt of
and that a1d firm La compoMd. of
11am• 1n tu.II ll!ld pl&cea or rtllt-
denc. an u toll ow.. t o-.wtl:
DEATH NOTICE _,....,. "" .. """', 0o11aro ..
-------------·l tartlloll!r, do mor.., •ll morw, w~
A.°"S-r: H. G RIUOS
Anne H . Grlfl'(I. :W, ot 2llt
PacU1c Drive. Corona dd Mar.
died Feb. 10 •t her home a.ttu
an o:tenMd lllneu . l'lhll! wu born
In Kn&'land. had lived tn Ulla
1tale for II yer 1 1. t!¥e Yll!•l'I 111
thl1 city . She wa..s a cu,., ln Ult
Corona dll!.I •Mar Community
ChurC'h. Congr•pllona.I, whirr•
1h• a ided Jn •UpervU.lnc W'tldd\11.(
you a.dVll!rt1-e ln !Jli. paper -
Phoo• Harbor 1111.
t.ht City ot N.wport. Beach. Coun-
t)' .oL Omace.. St.a.a oJ. C&lltDnlla,
the follow\n&' d-=.rtbed ptrWOn&1
property. Lo·wlt:
/'/ DO.NALi> JC.. Bl:JTB
P~dent. PrGtu.km&I
Invuuo.nt and B..aUdlne """'°"'lion !•/ KENNltTH W. KOLL
Ot lhl• Vlll day ot February.
A. D. )(IM, betore me. WlLl.JAM'
1.&ry P ..ab 11 c 111 and ror th•
&a.Id Ooullty and State. rialding
lher111A. duly C\)fTlmlallk>ned and
sworn, p • r •on a I I y appea rf'd
DONALD K. BUTTS. Prnldenl,
Prorualoaal I n .,. • • t m 1 n l and
Bulldlnc OorporaUon. and K l!:N·
Nl:CTH W. KOLL, known lo me
to bl the Jl"f'IOn.I whot111 name.
are 1uhecribed to thll! wHhln ln-
1trumeot, and acknowledged to
me that lbll!y executed the aamt.
In wft.ne.M whereof, I Mve
here-unto H t my h&Jld and erf1xed
with tll•M ble
benefits to you1
•Frequent oche::lu.lel-yo•n lhiv-
-1i. ia. .... promptly.
• \l•luabM hour-.. eve. da,..., a~
0~ A•cd.
• Carcf\JI bandlia& -wulb«-
proo( eomp•rtmentl.
• Stupnmll ID .im.o.t aaywbut
In tM U.5..A.
• ~u, 1ow r11a..
,., ........ ,.., .... -·-· .... ,t:• •d Padt•a• lxpreMi
S'IOO "'· C-t Hwy rrti. Areb...•J I
Se•·pnrt Bea.eh -Ulaut.y A-310'!
At Oran9e County's
/ Institution
le•din9 Home Lendin9
Ah Accounts Opened
On or Before
The I Oth of the Month
Earn From the I st
IZ'I Ottan A,·enue
Pbone: Hl' l-1111
8hll! 11 11urv1ved hy her hu•-
ba.nd. tu.yn1(1nd B Crt~f• or 111•
horn!! 11.dJr.,.., two d&U(blll!ra,
Mn. M.a.rJOM• Humber or Lyn-
wood and Mrt. RuU1 Mlller or
Hll!nnoaa Beach: her p&refltl. Mr.
and Mr• WlllllllTl Hawthorne of
Corona •lel J.t ar. a brother. Noel.
of Sacr1n1l'nlo alao four cr--nd-
cllll<lr~n For 1956 : the longest, lowest, most pow erful Lincoln ever
M,.morl•l llll!rvlcu Wll!re con-
ducted today a l Corona de! Mu
Chu~h wllh the Rev. EdW1n
Gomkll!, peator, otnclaunr . P1.rll-
fll.-Rldl,-y Mortuary of Coeta w:-
ln ch•re• or arran,.8'1lent.I.
lnununent will be at nir.1-
Cemetery, Ollcope<1 Fll.11&, M...-..
Thief Stea Is
Game Receipts
A thlet who may h•ve been
watch!.uc hll!r wh~ Uie put th.e
money away. broke tnto • C&I"
bel~ ~ to Virfiala R&VIR·
.cron.. 171:ii2 Huntington Beach
Blvd., betw~ 8 :30 and (1:30 p.m .
Frtdey and took 51 80 tn cuh.
Thi! woman told Col.ta Mll!a&
poll('e lhll! money wa.a Tll!'Cll!ipU of
tl('keu eold ror a basketball pme
played •t Orang-e Coan Colleg11
between Or•nge eo .. t Colle1e
&nd Fullerton Hom eU.
Shi! A id the hid the monll!y ln
hf:r car about 3 :30 and went back
into Ulll! um to ••lch the rame.
While 1hll! wa1 ron• th• th.Jet
pried OJ"'n Ole wlndW'I~ of tl!e
car &nd look the e&ab.
Auto-Power Pole-
Crash Hurts Two
Two per&on• rl!Cf!i¥11!d mln.or tn-
Jurl~• when Ulll! ca r they ... ere In
•tnic~ a parked car In rronl ot
2320 Ntwport Blvd. a t l :20 a .m .
Never before a Lincoln so long ... and so longed-for
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1Thu"'1ay. Injured wll!re Jill Loi•
Hull. 23, ot 1819 Placentia A V'll!.,
Coeta. M-. drlver or the a uto,
and ~ngll!r Moure Nlcollck. 23,
fJ1t the 1&&1n1 addi-en.
Tbb 1-. -"' all Llneolm " total newne-. In nery di.einctin Hoe it 11.}'I:
-thtaldns JeniUL a... i. aood Wt.
that.apeab with quiet aut.hcl'ity.
Un coin Perfonname I Here'• roedability
you've never dared imqine. Uniqae a-u-
Joint 11u11petWon, married to Lincoln'•
IC&Dl 6 feet of. Jownem. l«,b JOU .......
footed and aafe lo the obarpMt d ......,
•lellll -.N..,..n-
lnVUU.pUne otncer• •Id th•
HUil t.'&J' W•• tra.velinc we•l on
N'e11Jl)Ort BJvd. Whtn a parked
-...tllcle. OWhed by Charlet Marvin
Jaclt9.l11. 30. of 2&20 Newport
Bl?d: WM at.ruck. The impact
knocked U.. JecUon. machla. In·
\o a pcrwv pole 1& feet •-Y. l"t-
portAI llhoolr. Bour. a.ut.09 "''1"1 ~ -"'-
this ;. the one and only completely ..,.
ftne car ol the Yfl#. Then ii a fJWb. new-
._ ""'" ••• "' bauty."' poonor, "' por-
fonnanee ••• that ha woo instant acdaim
from the. who instinctively reoop.i• the
finest. ...
Uncoln 8-tyl !ta -b the clan
line ••• tbe uncluttered sweep ot Linooln '•
Lincoln p....,. J A mirbty, new 28&.
honepower engine • _ • tamed with the
incomi-nbly IDlooth Turbo-Drive tran&-
miaaion ••• ~vef'I more uable pow't!I'
than ever. Lilze tbroua:h traffic with
intn>dible qility .•• lap around bigb-
way alow..pokea _ •. ftcat up the &teepetl
mountain grade and ;rou11 know al lut
bow a fi.oe car CUI at.ep.
America'• molorina tn.nd-ha"
ta.bn Lincoln to their heart.I _ .. io b'u.17
tnar'TI!loUI numben. Are Wo"K. perhaps,
denyinc youreelf an experience that abould
be ....,_ ... the ad•m-cl IJnoolaT
NEWPORT IEACH Ub11 ly '"5545 Ac...,,_.., cw.
, I
, ,