HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-22 - Newport Harbor News Press,
"' ... -... _ .. _,
Helip0t Asks
to Newport
Hellpot Corp, Monday II.ft.er--
noon received oft}' council ap-
prova..I qt Its Intention to aanu
t•% &cru of lafld lytnr south·
w .. t o( lb.e Clly CorporaUOQ
Yard ud t&etnr Newport ami.
A reeoluUon w" adopted WU-
The Iola.I w .. divtded Ln the bud-
irrt a niona: •Ix department. U
Adminl.slratkmt -l lf.,121 ; p&t"k
departrnenl. l«,aM; Ure (U&J"d
Hrvlce, lf...5,4!12!; NCreaUon. 120.-
100; beach clMnUI.(, l l!il,068: reft
rooms, 11 0.000. Every depa.rlmf'nt
~ bMcb clie&ninl" a.nd r..st
rooma &howl a eubltl.r\Ua.I inc~
o:ver tbe ltlM-66 IJuds'et wtdd:r.
tota.Ued IU8,fi3.
The eeUm&ted income for the
flec:al ye&r Le placed at 11:11 ,000
Lcavlnl' > prop<»ed deficit ot ~·
Income lncludee • 17000 holdiNl!o.
I cent tax, 1•9,000; plet concm-
lkwi•. UIOO; Balboa Ba.y Club,
SM,000: rat roonui, 11000; Or·
up Oowlty Uteruarda. 113,200:
·--• ..j ~ ....
ir; ... 1 .. :~-~....,.-~Siiiil: .__ --··---'liH
Coeta. Meaa'a new master zoning phi.n , 11 hown to the
public for the first time l&Bt night, UH::ludes 1500 a.ere• of
bad!y-needed M-1 industrial zc.irung to "attract pl11.nltl of the
calibre of the Ford M otor Co., Southern l'ahfurn1A Ed1aon
Co., and R obertshaw.F'uJton Control.11 Cn"
Sv ~Unau:u1tii; ""'II.II thfl plllu the metr wa• 11.,t "irte e nnugh
received In lhr rnef'tlng In thr l' !le1t.•·v t•·tH·K.~ wll1t'h u,.,.. !h" roarl
Everett Ree. &hool, I.he planninJI' he,,..:,., .,., 11.,, .,1,,,. r 1,.,1 ,~h f<)()n;
cominlaston h .. decided Lo .1;01 to • ., inJt •rHUIHI
&head with It.. t1r1t public hUr· Th•· 111a11.\.f'r pl•n ... 111 be nn
ing on th• plan un M.a.reb 12. ,11.sp!><v In 111 .. ,11 ~ h•ll ror tn.
l'wo m•ps were 1hov.•n tu th" n•"t : .. .,. "''"k'" fur ••r11\111y or
public In_.. well·pl1U1ned pre~nla·l p<-r..on" '"h•• ,,..,.r .. un•b\., tu a t·
Uuu he.11.ded by P\annlnl!i; Chair· tru•I th•· 111•·1·\l"i.; F urthr • , h"""''"'
rnan Walter Welmer, ...i.ted by a re RUil po.oisolol ,. ""''I \\'r'"" r
Commlll!loner• t:. L. Pattenion. F ranque 1a.1<I it ""'ii.a pu•~•bl.c-ror
head ot t.b1 AlbdiV1110Q L"OJnmll· lhe 11-..t.._r pi.IJ1 w boo: IM.lopled ud
tea or the cornmlY lotl,, and Bar· n1ed.n lei;al in JU •I•}• "Bul
ney Francque. cha.lrman of tlif' 1pr111.k1ng tor \he j1l111.nn1ng com·
1.onin1 conun!tt...... Alao preaent rn111o111on. 60 d1y11 wuulJ t>., n1ur1
..-&11 Robert W!IM)n of the ILnnvt· te&.!!lblc.'· hr adcled.
&lion commltlee. lie W<'nt on lv ~xpl•tn th'! 1.
Conma de! K&r elate UMI cJ tJ
pe.rk,, ll&.000. • tut.In(_ pl"OCMdln1• and au~
'"" tlie mayor and city clerk t.o
•lgn the instrument 1--------------
P a tlenon explalned a map 1nJU1ter pl&n w.11.11 rf!<llll1e<I 'by et .. t ..
ahowlnr location!'! a.nd widths or law . ..w. are 1n 1. d1ffrrent po·
hlrhw1.y• and 11tr .. et.a on tho ffii'-'· 1luon th11.n 1noal "'"""' , 1T 1 ...... h•
tar pl&n and Francque ehowail a 8&.ld. "We've lnh~r1ted. whit the
NO JIA.DE ABOVT rl'-George Mabee (32) Ainks one for
-liMll-Lanm ... n (:14). left;-.--Ji;ddle Pope (34 ), right, look
6y Bill rw1,...
°"· -
Staff Pboto
lars pear Cage
Champs-in League
Oilers final fQe Friday
After -Romp· Over Anaheim
The Newport Harbor Union H igh School Sailors of
Coach JuM=. Gage apparently wrapped up the Sunset League
buketbalf bunting here la.at night when they romped to
an ovenvbelmtng 82-..S triumph over the Anaheim Co lo nists.
Loop reoonla Mow t.lle Tan are will have lo loae t o the 0111"1"9.
wrnaUt in • delldloclr. for top OVER OONl"10£N(;E !
.-. With the Fullerton Indian&, Overconfidence by hi• c t>fl.rl(e• \11
all Gage fear&. He keep• rcmem·
llclth ~ el(ht win•, three berinr the loci.I Jou to s.uita Ana
dlfeata. But th• Sailors d.tetted whf'n Newport blew an 8·polnt
7\lllarloa lD .both clrcu.ll rou ~ marrln In the final minute• of
Uii clu• tble R&alOO, tl()-68 on the play and df'OPped &n ovfftlme en-
IDd.l.an court and 62·63 ln the N•w· iraccnent M-&O Feb. 3.
Ha rbor 21-38
Club Cleans
Po wer Poles
Nrwport l111rbor'• new 20·30
Club ~ot lntn !hf' 11.p\rlt of Clean·
Up w .. ,.k. Frh. 20·27. la.st night
whl'n rlutJ n1en1ber•, ualng • half·
dozen lrur kR. toured the commun·
lty 1tnd y11nked otf unauthol'Ued
posler• frv111 po,,.,·er po.lea and
Po,.t~r~ IH1thorh:l'd by the pollce
drpartn1f'nl, ,,.,.,.re al!OW'e<! to re-
port Harbor IJTil· Since then the Sallon havr gone BolJ '.\lill"r project rhalrnian,
All Cac7 O.ce'e guy• have to undf'ff'ated, whipping i'~Jlerlon . ~airl 111.,. 1111"" "·"" nn<' ,.r lhC' club'a
dO 18 whlp lowly HunUn'"On Beach Ga,{ien Grove, 0 1·1nge 11.nd Ano-.,. ;ierv1cf'11 lnr w. Uetler·11o11peo.rlng
bere li'rlday n.l!'ht to weci.r the helm In that order. i.."(lrniniuiily
8'mMl cac_• crown. Fullerton I• Lll•t night, the Tara led all tht• The 1111 r!Jnt 20·30, 11pon11orerl by
not axpected to h&Ye any t.ro\.lble way. jumping Into an 18-9 flr•t he U. 1:,111" ~11·30. w 1111 organized "rE equally lowly Garden Grove quarler margln, building lt up to •U!il b<• n:e C'tl! lr;tniu ta11t yeflr.
rrtday nl(hl but, ln order for tJlfl 28-14 at tuLlftlme and 43·28 g olnr Ct will II•' gl'" ... ·n 1111 ch•rtr r Aprll
Tribe to oop the U~. lb.e Tan (Cootln\N!d •• P•re '11 ;, !'lull 1•~•·11.ld<'nl 1! Dirk Krull.
lUllpot, & dlvt.lon OC Beclunal!.
l n•l.nlmenta, owned by Dr. Arn· DEADLINE NEARS
old o. Beckman. uoo 1a1a ,...,,. •-rv"\r-""WN dent, wW •tart coni(ructlon next 1"';J'R:-'U'JV' V ERS
n1onth, accordlnir to O.weon TM.· rcm1.. qecl&l .. i.t.ant to o....a
M-.narer Don Duncan. who ~
ftenllld lb.e nrm al the adjourned
council mMUng. The "Dew H.u..
pot pMl!l d.eslp. .... ~ r~en~ ,..,,.... & ~et..-.
ture """60~ a.i 9'9"-1£
By ,.,,...,., t• &ll•.,~'t '°" ... .....,. IAd wpt« ........
menb ..m Ille fed*••... ~
otnd.&le noted. n. uw plant
will employ ~• 1000 .,._.
eo.ta x-City 11anq ..
<Jtoorc9 OotleT wVIMd dOI'
VWM?'11 t.o.t.y th&t. Kal'cb. !l
.. tbol Mec!Hne tor ~lnl'
clty ~ tor p«a.
'"l'bw9 wlR Ille .. u ~ an.. tbQ, cWa,. 11111 ..a-..u
~-....... , ..... lmpC.-...C• 'ftle;
..... ---... .ct o< lbe ~ ...-pmod tw 1961 ·-
Co•ta M_.., dr&irl&("e prob-
lems were dl.e\!Med by U.. city
counctl Monda,y night on thr•
tronlat dur1ng Ille thr.. • hoW'
Council CUidld&te Robert Men·
nea 11tored clty father• tor al·
legedly allowlnc & .ubdlv1.llon to
.01ne In and "chs.nr"' the n•tural
drlllnaa:e of land c re a t I n r a
drain11.l{e problem" which h .. co•t
blm 11000.
Menae•. OWJlf'r or vacant pro-
perty a t 1f66 Pomona Ave .. s&Jd
It 'llo'Ould c<»t him that much to
f!U tn the land with extra dir t
to cou.nteract water dninln&" ott
lb.• nelghborifll' Dike and COi·
(J'QVe •ubdlviaion on A.m old Ave.
Me nae• a111led City A ttomey
Don Dunrn If the tract had been
apprOved 'by lhe ctty to Whlclf
Dunran replied it had.
Said Menne•: "Is It not unlaw·
ful to chl\nge the natural drain·
11ge of the land '!"'
"TM p1dW_, .. -.Jd Mei.on, "'W
wbet.her .,. ~ keep U.. IUb-
divt.lona o'it uoW ... ha.-IJ"O"
per dra1n&C• w l•t UM 1111bdi¥1·
•loiw la to broadc the tu baM
to ralM . .umcs.rit money t.o ~
for the~ ...
StJd M9D11A8: "I a ppt·edate the
development ... llnP"'OYeznenta
the .ubd.i'rilllone han brOu.itll bul
not at the u;penM of 11000.
Hennes warnfid he lnt~ded to nu the Jot which would block
the dr&Loace dltch and make It
1~1-to ~ A.rnOld A•._ aub-
N8*1n promi..t the clty wqu.Id
do tomelhlAc about the ditcb. ))e..
fore It became a problem for I.be
.ubdlri8'on rutdents.
In another action, ,,..'11brT&y
Sude"' OcrTp. &Cf'M to pay IMOO
to the city for Upell.loff of a
dl"'lllnage ditch throug-h the Har-
old Se&"eJ'lllrom property wtt.b. i.
certaln condiUon att&ched.
'I'hLI .., .. that a 200-acre tract
Mesa. Voters QI.WU. colored Iruip of p~ county ha.. .kl up. Nuw we are aoaln&. embarking on a ••ll.,._,.e progr•nf'. ..
oaty oppoeltl.on that developed Coela. llleu.'s nlll.lll ~r wu•nr
Approve. li-w-. -
·wu_.,::_:_-___ A_utb_or __ ..,,,,, __ '_·_= __ ""_'.:.._P_ ... _._ ... _~med· ~ -tnM111<te candid.ala, Wbo prate.led that the ell'llt lllnd U•" tl11.M\n1•11t 1"rc.~ r"r
~ Width or 17th BL on ({;entla lff'il ;,n 1· .. •• ~ 1
§"~.::ffeE EfWAYllGHT PlfA
)11.eyen. ~ dt the 11-
&UllWy dMtrilt. '111& ~ cou.t abotrred "° YOl9e fo!', a al.7 ooundl Micreday 1 s ad pa&irolmen U4 • humane o ru~··
qalUL Tbe~ w.n appl"OK1mate17 eo.t.a V.. oocaaeil'• pie& tor aid and puc-.. ol. a t ruck. all nut
.--ble 1l'Otan la tlt• a.r. la flchUnc' .tate ~,. pi.-to eJtOMd .. .,.: ...._ to .,split" the X-with a ditd:I Oraated a penn.ll tor Roland
m1l'Ol11'ed. "'-'~" •---d1 ·"·•-Ila.le ol t:lM biottm, edv•~•t. or ....... -.,,.-... ,.,... ... y, aow • • v__,_,. to bu.I.Id a l ·fl. overh&nr
tor bMtl Uld b4slnnlfll' ot in.t&Ua.-rided N-iiort Bll'd. Tbe ~ which wtll dear the weter by •
Uon Gt the ..,.... truck line, Mey· cU requMl Miiled tba ptopr»ed t.Mt at Ide Balboa tront.age;
e?'11 eeUmated, wW t&V from three frMW&Y be-dlvert«l to.~ Granted Ullloo OU Co. Its pro-
tq four fl\Ofltha. TM bul&Jlatlon Blvd. rather than have a no-ac~ poeed 124\., dock exterudon, ad·
wUl .-nrioe •pP"OJd.me.tely aoo .. e&ot" d!Yldlns the bwY' ¥,.. Ja-1. to Be1boa l8l&nd terry, pro-
..._ located bltt...,. Newport oammuallJ. 1l'\de4 ._.. mMtie U. 8. Corpe crl
Blvd. and -ru.ta A.._ and 2le1. Newpol't'• eowxr'1 10dleetad ~ appnmal;
st. and x.. Drtn. ltOGle meuw"'9 vi ec•w.t "1th Adopted. • reeohltsan •Wnc up
''Thl8 iii UcMt. the tut, or tb9 t.belr net,bbor9, decided to llbady tlle April 10 .acu.. with prop>:
conuguou. e.reu that 18 MtUed to the probiem l.Dd UJ' to mr.k• pub-•t1cm. Ntalnlnc tor U.. pullUo an
be •ewered la UM d6stricl," Me1_. Uo their flndinp nat . Xonda.J' ll64L deep ~ .tit» W:wwrr.
announcl4 n&pt when a ~Uoo ~ be lhe ~ lllM o< Alnerie&n J.e..
Mey ... Mid tht! .anltuy d.l.elrt.cl ~ stoa Hall and ltth at. ...a tba
bt;lard M>uld meet ~·>" to can· Councilmen c. A. Hltbl• end propoeed '200 dty oouncU. P'l:t
vu.~ raeulta ot the election. Rer· 8tan:lf'y R1ddarbot pw twr Kale:
llll\r l'l!"nlan of t.1-bo&rd, he ea.id, vkW•. tb• l&tter ap"MIUl&' bl sen-R.ef'en.d propoeed SP"J'lllc' vi
will be ~ 1. "We will po.. enJ. wtth the )leje. stand, the for-pol#Cm oak bl Bue.It Gulley to U.
lllbly 1tart proceedlnJ• few Kie ol mer dmirlnl' to b.e&l' riew• ol. dtJ m&nalW for dee"Mla M t.o
lb• bondr at tliat time.," lbe ch&b'-tiueln'"'1Jlen &Uected. pl&n;
nan II.kl. Heanl tt.,. t.M dtJ ~
Blaze GiJlS---
Laguna C11fe
ID ot.ber action, Ule ccundl: that the ...... a.ctnc Oo. ..
Grut.ed Oritttth Co. contr&ct to JOln.I' ~ wtta. tM pwpwd
maa JDWl;id.P9l tr-aile1' puk ta-..,wt P••~ CODlllden4
J>l'011'em91.U on Ila low bld of 172-by UM dtJ' Md aUDl;T tor tbe
161..ff; carrier"• r1nl'!Fll to We.t: N.-port
The council had no 11.n1JWer for
lhia but Mayor CLalre N e I a o n
proml.~d ·11.on1e action ln • couple of lJ:» Ronn Speir!• Co. to the 1A.pDa Btach·.i Kon& But wu ·
fl (O.tbloecl -.... '1) tot&ll1 dMtroyed ln • apect.a.culU' of montha.
---------------'---'----------''--bl._. which broka out at approzl·
'~~~..-;;::;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;~~ ( -. •• Street Improvement Meet
Tonight in Harper School
mat.e1Y 11 :•G p. m. ,...urday wllb tt..,... Mtlmatecl ln. eac-vi
F,lremea and votunt.e.-1 b&tUJnr u.. w-. had to r et poUc. to •
tour traffic approxlm&tely -
block a.round tile Cout Hl(h"Na,T
k>o•'lqp Gt I.M-
Thal'• the way Newport M.uinapark will appear when finiabed and its trailer
.ttea rilled, uy Pave Doane. left. Mn. Dick Shaw center and Oty Manager John
Bailon. The two artist.a created the water color rendering of what is planned to
be UM most. luzurio111 trailer par.\. in the world when remodeling bl completed · on
tllot liq ...,, flooGL AL l8IA &--
Pro~-owners ll'ttnit bet•-tor ~ Htln'r 011 w1b11p1oted
l~th and 181.h BU. and N-i>art •treels hN been esUmeted at
Blvd. and Irvine Ave. in Coelt& abollt 110 per f'roont toot. Tboee
Meaa will attend the O>sla Mesa 1tvln1 on •lrfft. air-.dy paved
Ct.amber of Commerct!'• street with curbs would p&J' about
lmprovrmf'nt mreUng et 7 :30 l !.60 per front fooL Thia would
p. m. tontghl In H•rper School. be e pplled to Ule owrall dnin·
Petit ions will be circu lated dur-qe vr.~. &cCOrdl.ng lo R. F.
Ing the meeting for the form&· (f'et•~ CJed6ee. m .. ber of tM
lion nr Costa Meu.'• flr•t •lr..t oomnallt...
'r.I• lmpf"Oftmf!nt dl•trlcts
would repave 1treoel8 whereYer
nec.MAry. rorrect dralna.(1 a nd
put In curbe and l(\lltera.
The chamber'1 1tre-et Improve-
ment commltl.f!f!, headed by Jim
nr o . hOJlf"ll thl• will be the nnt
of many~ inJCh dl•lr1cte formed Within the community. Other member• of the commit-
tee •r"' Willard Jordan and Paul Hugh Plumb. Or&n1te County Nl9kn.
tax UMSSor and a atatf member (Nm hl1 office ,,.,.Ill di.te\1811 taa ---..:.....,,_ ______ _
problem• which mlcht ...... be-HARIOR WIA 1HB
e.euae of th1 •tniet lmp~l ·------------
proJram .•
Mayor Claire Nelit0n,, otlMr r.9,...__ ...... ~ i. ui.
councilmen, Plannlnc c~ ...,._ -_,
Cbalrm&11 Walter Welm•. &Dd
property OWll.... from oth• Me•
Uom of th• city aJ.o ha11'• ~
ln"1led to attend.
Thfl mHUJ\c p.la.ce le located
In the l'f!OIT'Plik:al ~-of
the lnlllal lmpro'll'f!mf!!lt dl9trlcl.
App...:Dete N'k*lceel &aw
Ttlur-.day, Feb. ti _ &I
Jl'TI~. Feb. 17 --&T
Saturday, Feb. II -6t
Bunday, Feob. 19 -II
Monday, F eb. 2<l __ 11
ns-1&7, Feb 21 ··-N
Wt'*w'«,J, r• U -6T
•• .. .. ..
31 .. ..
N . Oout. BlTd. Capt. rr"MIL Ld-.
,_. Gt I.be ~ B.aclt. ""
1lepUtnMDt -.id thl8 --_,.,.. .i.-.an tlN Jqdruata --.
on oppo9llti 9!d4i of the l'l.irflway
from I.he rutaw'UU &Ad U-bad
to be laid acroa the etrML
Kont Hut ownen l'l&adell &ad
Rme Raymonde reported no -
Md bNrl la the "9la.urant 1"c&QM
It bad bftn doMd ~rd&)'.
1A""9&9 Mid u.. ~ -
broupt unMr . conlrol &tter 16
city firemen ud Yohmteere bat,..
tied the blaa tor f.5 minute.. CO.·
•lructlon ~ oa lhe ~
poeed n.ew JAsuna Inn, *1jacfl:llt to
the reet.aurant'• cocktail klun1'9,
.,,, .. protected from danpr, 1.&w-
1--.Jd. '
'Jbe ftN WU ~ dl9ooftr.
ed tty Bill Gwinn ot. J::m.enld BaJ,
radio and t..wn.kJft perfonner,
Who ....... drl"'1\i' ._. WllA IWe
family wtlcn he. •w the bl&M..
SteffwDll Girt
Mr. and Mn. Donald 8lerf•·
-· 413 HoDf Lan.. are pare11t. ot • clrl baby born Yet.. 1 l •t
Hoac Bosplla&
otricer Wllllam F. Ta.Jbot, lart. wa. awarded u. MWtaiy Ord9r
ot the l"Urplie He.art Peace Oftlcer't. Mlldal for "°"'* nctrl11't!Ci
in line ot du(y while appnhend.IJlC' & erlmblal ta • b1us\V7
on Udo lal. laA April JA. Pat M'f"•+, adjutant., ~ Belt
Ch.&pttt No. Z&l, Jrulla.ry °"1et" •of °'9 Purph BMl'l, rlsht.
pinned medal on him befnn city QOUncil Monday .n.rnoon.
Award wu atJD91l by orpntaaUon'e n&UOna.I eon:unandrrr, All-
dl'"l!W 1. H'aly. Purple Heart ''patch" wu demil!Md &nd lnaup-
rat.ed In t.b.l8 t'OW\t.r}' by Oinenl Oeorre Wll.libll!C\On durtqo
I.hr R~•·olutlonary Wu Jt I• neuon·1 oldest mlllta.ry decorallon
-at&tf PhoW
' PAGE 2 ·!~~~.~:'."'NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-1'!\ESS Mesa11o ... W~AY, FEBRUARY 22, 1956 ...
---~ •
' t. Wtli lM •UtomoWli. 'T'liell9t aJ-1
price tau Mm •t •l •t.J&. ..W .... , 4.' Suffen
";:' .... u llMllaWd nowd.• .... ,.,_.,..
·oonu'-3:0-~-~ -~~ Cir·, 'll,UO Vl, ft I 1 Il.IJ aw 1a10 ... -"*· . • " ...C wW. .. MN .. _. .. ~ lfrt' Mrf0Wl1 I BALQOA-BAY CLUB-~ .... ViE• _ ... ~~...::, ~~
-. DAM BA.l'LES8 '1 U.. UOIU an; ~ .__,, ~ Mftet ,,_ ....., • car . __::1. _ _ . _# ~ -~,...__., g' I ..... ~ ...... ,.,. .. let~!-1'U& KWlll, ... _,.... .a m '(t& U4t .... ud
.,. --la ..,..... .......... Jlt)l 8tn.lctlon; A....,. 0..-. ,_,... ..nlchd Wllll a mO'fiCr -Mklti,
HoUyWood __ -i.. _ 11a .. 'tlJi!cr ...... -~«; e:~ :::r.;..~...,::r-~"'i:'.:.tt ~i' <;.S;s;"' .. ---" _ .. _. ·-: o.iflg.tn.... ::'to -o...-1 a.tr I ,....._ Ku-pu.lli1cu.,. iod "*""' cuat-t.: 1-111 Via Ttil&. .... t.ltc• to Hoac
work1ng1 \lDtU a te.m of them arrived. at e Balboa. 81.y u.. -iran. .ad BOit (JtrOttM; .,.. llMpftal '°" "'-'--L ot at1DOI'
Club t o make prepuationa tor a preea party intended to Aa ddtt:or two ~ tor 1WftS mi ..-sta. ud HelU x.&.r, W1a. . ·
ex:plolt the picture, "Around the World in 80 Day1." Now and old •Uk• an pl&nMd lot the ftlh ~'· , Dd.,... ol U.. Cl&I' wu DoMJd
"We can report that ~re jU11t.u good u they're cracked pl& occUlon bl eo.t.a ..,. tibo, 'f , OM11en. ~ lt, ~ Toro
up to be. J&rtl WWI. ..a "preo1'.S. rMm W • .d. -. ~-11.&rUL & ... not_ JM\d.
bqw .a.u to .....,,.. ...._ ~•--ce .. rn..
"Around tho World" t. 9t btc p1cture lD Hollywood .,.. JOath aottvtUts .. ..,. n. .A-t .AabU.JUIOs llrt'OI o,.. .A sraDd tot.LI ot f.S2,1s1.ua •e·, . " , •
wrlteiJ• terma, or t.h09e of anyone e19e. The prod.a.<*" • .._ 1t De,....,.._ u.w-,... wd tq, Kewport ~ ~. ldel.-w puaed over th9 Ban -"T---~--•~--."°"·--.---'·.;'-':.:·--------------~-'-.,...
Mkbatl Todd, .• young clg~ dynamo cut in ~ Will ... -..... ~ -ll .... _ ... .,. _,, .,.,, ,.,. __ OUl&nd Bay Brid<• .. T f' t'gh ·· ·Qua' . • lity" r ·n,'nt1ng' . Pho" ne H rho is'· '1·6' ' m old of Cecil B. De1dille. P reviously known for h1a Ne" )NrclWleo! tor ti.. llah 4lilMr &lad L. ...,.,,,U. ~ .--v&oti 18 ~t.-at Hew. IO. ttoo. aacordinl" lo Lhe n : -' a _ ' f ! !
:York etage productions, T odd invaded Hollywood not long .,uu. 1.he ,boldll' an oppcstuaiq ed. a.t '°' a:. 2ttb Bt.. HaUoNJ'"A.utomobOe ~ub. • • _.
;ago and started o ff with a little t.hlng called "Oklahoma!"
: This property just happened to be the most .aught-~
:Prize in filmdoin. Every atudio wanted to make it, for It
'WU aure to be a box-ottice 11maab. But the ownen of the
p \ece, Mr. Roprs and Mr. Hammenteln, were reluctaut to
h aye "Oklahoma!" ma.de lnto a mo\•ie. They felt it ealleri.
t or special treat ment -something big in t he way of tecb-
;nica! pro-entatlon . No, th&nb, they would ju1t •It on t he
:znus1ca.l until that big technique came a.long.
Mr. Todd arrived on t he scene with a b ig, big screen
:'J>rocesll' known aa Todd-AO. Me.eani. Rogers and Ha.:nmer-1
•lein looked, were lmpreSlled, and •igned. The 1&tiaf)'Uig
result.a arc now on exhibition.
But how, !.fr. Todd wondered. could he posaibly top him
f int effo rt ? "Around the World" occurred to him -a
:Cramet ic travelogue that would take the viewer to m::.ny
:etra.nge and f!l.lleinating-place.. A big star in every r ole.
Color and mu.sic. And so production began in lievenll parU
ot the world s.imult.a.nroualy. One scene in "world" called
for a OOat, thl· ··ss 1-lt>nnetla," an old skie-win der, to be
destroyW by fire. A n1lruature wa.s bwlt and !Limed on
a aound st.age. But to big·lhlnking Mr. Todd the whole
thing looked puny. So he bought the old "Serena" formerly
owned by the Scripptl Jnatitule, outfitted her at Orange
County Dock lo look like t he "Henrietta" and started re-
f llmlng the sequence.
The alert press agen ta figured that lhis would be a
fine thlng for the newspaper 11.nd maguine writer-. to 11ee,
and or cour-.e, everyone likes to t..a.ke a t rip to "Balboa."
But where to hold t he preSB pa rty -it had to be spt'<'i.a.l
for tha1 very special picture. Todd and bi.a agents con·
ta.cted Victor McLaglen, one or the stars of "\-\'orld," and
aaked him if he would help them. lndet.'<i he would, he
aa.id. Not only that , be would serve as ho.st and ar range
to h old. the party aboard a boat at hlil club. the BBC
Later the writers could go out on the ocean a.nd watch the
Conference. were held wit h our corpe de chef and
dallcious food prepared. Staff members served it a board
t he ''Canim" a t our marina tn writers from t.he pre88 as.acr
ciation, Look. I.Ate Md other p ublications. Several Blan
!ro_m the picture _-.yere the~_and.lh~.PlrtY wu a bi&" ,oi.w<ceu.
Ail a result. t he world i11 eur-e t o hea r a Jot about
.,Around t he \\"or ld 1n 80 Days." Yes, sir , Hollywood prt>U
agents arc reaUy C'ffect.ive -espectally when they have
soml'On<' like \'ictor McLaglen on their aidol
.A mlld. fllln7' er( IM:UTl.t7 oecurncl lut WMll -~ tM w.-
... 8llt ol r4 Jaoq11M, rtPt. 211 Clptal A-, 8Uddem.l,y
~ 9poa.ftiq" smoke. 1f18 wit• pulled ptq-, called ftr"'lmeft.
.-w ot wtiom ill aboWn eMcktftl" •t Wldch wu cooied on wttb r..,,. bo. oublde bmae. -8taU Photo
City Offldals. Oii Op1ralon
Appoint 2 Clem • Commlll 1•
.A.Jr and wat. pohtk:e. dlt· ft.,-IODw, 0....,. L Jtn.7ta9,
ftcattle8 plqUtq' tbrt 11\mu...,.toa-IUld Doll llmllll.: all ~ .... --BMdl; UM, llCCOl"lt1nC" to It ~ at t1M1 ........ ..._ A.ntban7 a~. aounty pothatkm ......i o1 th• ...,._., oU a -pe.W
~. 81m1W' to tboM .. u.. ...... ptpe ua. teJdllc ... .,
K•t.nJ' OU Co. -Kadu.• cU tb1U ...-.OU wat. u.4 -. "'
opnt ... ~---tn w .. u... .... ......... .... -1
N..-port Beael\ wen UlnllMd c-puliN m.-. crt tlliil .....
otat ~ at • m•Uac" at wbk:ti tbq ba.,. u • W pro..._
Hnfltlngton &!ach attend~ by of petl'Clewn pumJ>tns, Wt u..r.
about 100 oU OJ*"lltor• and dty U atill eonfiaeraW. wat.r and
a.nd county olllci..i.. •IUdc• be1nl" d~pd into na.-
Tb• meeting-wl!ls called Wider lural land depttal!orui w~ It
dlrec-Uon or the pollution conunlt· und•rroet chemlcaJ ~ "1llcla
t HO Of Western Oil and Ou IJ-deYelop 11\llphur odora. \
.ocl&UOn. Hubert Pen-y ol F'lal• 8 1d1ow .aid bl hu i..i. wWii:-
lert.on w.. dl&Jrman. Two com• 1...-• llmllar cond!UDIWI 1D w .. t
mltteM wn-e 1pPOlnted to "'1tlrk Nnrport S...C.b wtlicll ha" been
directly on 1etUnr the oU and ~ble for unplea-.rit odon
water poo1-wJi.lch are"c1U8'1q \.11'1· w h..lch hal'e been w..Ct6d Into N11w-
plnaM1~ odor• a11d poUuU.r w1 -port. lkach proper wheD the Wind
t~r IUppt!.u cleared up. On the 01 rlrht. Bidlaw 1•)'1 t.Mre" an
rounty romn1ltlrtr1 ,,.,. G'"'"rlt'" b<'ot~·~n ri ind IG acre. ot the•
Tlnalty. J r . T,rry an•1 T . Thnn111io 1 •urnp"' '""I lh"t th,y m1111t bf!
and un lh• l'lly ~umlll•• "'' ... 1~111ed u p tw..•u..e of Uie amrlla.
Week Specials
Feb. 23"·24-25
Thun •• Fri .·Sat. "'o-ol U.. U4o &Mpa'"
M61 Via Udo, Newport 8-h !301 E. C-t Hy, Co....,. dd Illar NaUoul Cleu Up Week Stam Feb. ZO. Help Your Community by 011oontac ~
100% rur. ftrl.Ue, Y1" J" • 111'" 29c
Paint Brushes .. ,. -.....
flt.eel S prtq 6Dc Leaf Rc*es ..., ......... 7-
_ ..... ...., a...111 Oc:
.Disll. Cloths ......... ___ ,-
~-a..... 4ts C.pet SweeDen ·-· _.,.,. Slllr'CIJ" Metal. M -R.tos. 1.N
hows your
Lele •tart cleuup week by clean.Ing out your medJcJae mblaet. Rid of yoor out-dat.M
pre.artption.I. Make sun you h.a\•e salticle,at &Dd proper medic&I IMlppllea. Rid
of pol.om, JMace out of chUd~n'8 tta.ch. FREE ... Come ill ud pick up a coua&erdo&e
chart •t our drug dept., this chart Ki''eti ~ u to O\'erdoeee and ie poiltoos
. , . att&cbes to tnakle of mediclne cablneL
a.KAI.I !00'1
Atplri11 Tableh .... .,, .
····" '% .......... I
lilma Rex Powder
&uall !MO'•
Saccharin Tabs K-t.r. 1.08 .. ,. ..
~ -I os, bottk
Cod Uver Oii ......
AnakJeslc Balm "'•· ,., 5gc
........ ~
Sterilized Corton
N.f.caU .... -u •I"·
Antihistamine R .. ,. i lk
R .. _tJJI -Adult.a 2:4'" 59
Glycerin Suppositories -· ,.. c
n.u....tJ :'olaaolhrlcln
Nasal Spray R•r .....
tc~i:all I pl.
Klenzo Antiseptic Kf' ... 11" 5gc
lnl'roductury offer!
Olri. "-de Zipper
Hand lacJ .. ,. '"'·-·········· WIUI Mal$1q ..,
Orllv'°' Sla~n M.a..lle up lor ~II b&lr QGe
Creme Set ..... , ..... 01-
DlM!o1tb11.Mld • SoUed Bolln
Face Powden
Cara s...e NatW'&I O:ltl 1 so
Permanents .... F ......... ...,
R.t-cular. l l'nllf':. RUJM"r 11-11.d 11111 .. r1r1 ...
"'PAYLESS ' ' .
ad.tu.table -P'laUJ
..... w.a..d -11 ...,,,~t
Mi.J-C:llw•&.a.. _ .....
NewSheer Velvet
Lipstick 040
By Dorothy Gray • LoJ1C t.atU.1~ y.,. o ...... i.
Wa'/. Paper .. lt
"""' Paper. Towels
Por.o.pp..r .a s~ Steel 23c
Kl-Kl119 ,..;...,.. a-... .... _ ...........
I Oh; Toweh ll:f. ----·· _ lt
•. ,. ----..,..,--.1.
_..-y--~-_. .... , ......... a.I
:••••1.~ ... .a-,pt"9Ml'f,.;..._ PO fO ... ' _.deli..._ •• ,,v ,,.. ........ ~
...... Hatlor 3003
We Fwt-24 H-
o.nlapillll SeMC• Oii
11ac1i & Mite Film.
•nooa .,...
2 f ull-si.ze
lipsticks •
Hew She« V1lvet Lipstk k 111ys br•lliant 111 day, r1vishi n1
111 n+tht ..... Ith OM 1pp1lc1toC1n. New St1y-All Dey formula
11lps OVl!r liP5 like ~one,1 ••Ivel ..• eonlalns dt t P·down
mo"••t•nin1 1n1red11nb to a u1 rd lips agamst 1 dry. puc"ery
frMI. Scoop up two !1bulo1H Siieer Vtlvel lop$!rtks lod1y-
b the priot otOrie! lntroduc1 yourself to 11111>n1 rourld-
the-dock 1t1mour ! In 6 delicious sh1d11.
AllO 1¥1ila bll In Llnolin-1icil Super-St•r lJpstlc.k.
1:1iq 8wtnl KoV91H111t-ln plak, ~Wll19 a 111111-~-59--
NYLON DUST MOPS ..... LU 2 ' .
Complete Line of Liquors 8i W~es
SHADY Kentuck1 Siver Host GROVE !Qle Kentucky
BLDD IYUU 6iJ OLll J'IJ'TJI loo noor • raoor
ltROOF l'lJ'TI[
5211 s3" r1
Fllable, U.•twdstr.t-60 reet.
8-0al. Heavy 1a11a-e (alvanlilof'd mMal 198
Garbage Cans .... '·" ........ .
Larae HomMte.d l>Hl&"n-MetM 7gc
Waste Baslcm .. ,. 1.11.. ..... -
Deep No........ 229
MlrinlJ lowh .... '·"···········-··· l'olka dot I: Tulip ckilllp-P'our SI-
Rubber Ooi&t4d Mete.I 91c
Dislt DralMn -· '·"· ......... . II" 11 U !J" ll f."-~ C!Qlo,.
II" .a 60' -JWJoir. l$e ......... ·-·····-----ltc
18" ll w -':J. De. ... _ .... , .... _ ......... -.... , lfc
:Cffi.. 5c c= .. 10C
Hmtd Pacllecf
Plnh »
Ci>ucrts Ste --i Galon. • • • •
_ J
A -U. lot~ club wu ~ at tbe ~.-.Jtnun ..... (Jf Qiota -; Gordoa White. .,
Harllor H-Thunday noon by a croup of clqb Newpul't Bo&ch ; wl Rocl'Llppold, R.H. Pacheo, Bo!>
nwn~ f:rqm St.nta Ana. Prominent among the Tbwwd and ll. A.. Hanrood. C.O.ta Kela.. -Slaff
...,. _._. Caboft, left to right)' an Bob Karg Pboto
~~...'!.!~ ro .. ~-ll»~JMtud le~~~~
"" --'" -.. .. -lilb...:.. lo a. 'T-· OlJ' ...... Qwp eo.e-M , ' lllll ..... .._ ... , .. l.Wa.tn' • .. ., .. _...u.a;_.........,......... -• • •. -~ .. -=....:-~=--;;;;;;;;rz1 r -do a.&."TA. Alf.&.-JQC8)~ ............................... ~btm. ... ·.:.:;.&mt:.-:;:-..:-~.t.~ ... ;~·,.._ n. 'hDmrt •~ IMltdd.. ant.._!' .n• t • a ._,.. tb9 u.. qmndtr ...... la ..... .,...._ Ma dftm .... .. ......... "'" "' ,... 11\f _,. ~ '° AIM. .,, ----.&a ..,.. .. ..,.. .... ,..,,. ... ~~-.,.u .-.... -10 ...llQB1.llMQL.QI «*' --~ water """1!Hr -.... -: ~ .. MCA &ell Clifh7 · brllC ~ .-er ..W ..._. ot tMtr ..._
• ·-' __ ~ lta -!-~ --'DM.._.,. ..._.·._.~
SLANDD?' .... ,,__.. ~--f.+.---UWT 1-Ooncre.t. Pipe Co. of ~ TM dWt.rlit tMiatq a ' --. Ana."'"""'°'""'_ ........... -----calamar Sues hi, .. ,,,., Facts ,. .. ,....,, ,._.,. --.... °'"" .... --.. and CONl~ nae ~ u.UU_. tor ..:kit~..,..~-
, U l'fM'. ot tl\e A-nny , John wattt wUl 1M taken froal U.. Uon UWI to build ap W•• ~e.n. wuc&Uon&l eounalor al CQUn\f .-..r outf&U plult-.t tM Oaly crops . pe~ to 1111 u,esa Concern N.-port. ll&r1Klr unton blgh uppe.r end ol the vaaa:r Uonc' tbe srown ln tha dilltrlct wUl ... ~ l'I• ecibool, W\D putid~le llr. a da}' &nla An.a River bank. approY.cl by tha oountJ' ...atb
ot ~ al P'ort Ord ln A.pproxlm•tely 2600 ac,_ ot ~L
f D , NCll"thml c.Jltonda. IJ• will be I 11~ .... ~~will~~bo~-~~n~ ... ~~"1~U..~~·~· Ir~~::;=;=;~;;:;;:;;;:~, or am~ Oawa to tM tort oa U.. mominl"[· , oC\~ 1, Ntumlq tlli• M1D11 I 0 RN 8 T 0 N l:i 1 a
• -· Trapp Son Arrlw• MeM A-Wreclnn
8.ANTA ANA. (OCNI) TIM "PU'l"* ot UU. trip t. to Th• Edw1.rd Trapp.. 161% U ....... ...,...
ct&l.mlnc a:.. 41< test. J' ••• .,,.. ,..U-t bllorme.U. ot1 the 211t St., Co.ta Mn&, are p&rUlt. ... • rt.
Hopldia Kt1. Co. Of co.ta Ke-A,rm7 ftw.rn Propam lo hi&'h of a boy baby born hb. 11 at IO?IS Ph 1h A<re.
~ Ii. ttUe, eatamar OD. .u.oi.. eaa•"flon thrcJQPout th• Haq Ha.pit.LI. 1..niwt7 1-"U 0..-.._
ot An&MU:a pNt.ef'day, m.d Nit aiu. "nl9)' (o uat. wtll be more -;~~7,~~;;;;~;::~~;;;;ili==~;;;:;;:;:;;;:;:;,;:;,;:~
la aapertor Oowt MN. ----~~-~ ~ en-w• r
,,,, ,1a1nUtt '""""""-. ,. .... , '""-~ "'' ~ BE SURE -INSURE -Mas~A
MRS AMERICA CONTEST ~t r=-~r~~~.:' ~b.-;-::·; .,:..!: t~-rii.'::;· =~ IU.UKICE~.&.-a.n UPHOLSTlllH
• pla.lnUrt UIM!rta a doud·bM bMlt. me· Who will become • part or ~ Olll7 Uob •• tr a D _ ,
• J)la'*1 M ttli UUe by tile ~ IJll9 ,..... NM"e c:orps. n._ ~ lf,'ff, - -•
The race ror the tJUe o( Mra.1111 JI:. W!Uon Bt., M,... W~)' UAl&wtul artlQIU of the defendant. ISU r:. Cout lfta'tl'"'1 1161Nwp&. ........ 0-. ...
eo.ta Me.a In thll 18th annuaJ O'Brien ol 312 Marlf'>ld Av., and c.Jam•r conten~ 1t now I• Coro-de.I. llar u.ert7 M'fll M~. Amertc.. oonteat bu a.ttrM:t· Kn. e.tt)' leu Wh"Wr ot llA preotl&<k!d trebl •Ulnc ii. P~ Hood11nt1 at W ...
Saal.A A...n.a AvL rtJ &lid uk11 I per cent oa A. Qrh••-ln rut aunuit a t 2:J 44
ed mO'l"e th1.11 12 1lomem 11.ken11 and · Mra. Coat& M:eu will bf> wlect.ed 8001000 plWI $10,000 deprttlallon 11:. et.ut Highway .,,.., Ulie vli·t1n1 WATER llEAT£.&8 Newrt Yarlery
entr-le• w..rie •tll! cvnilng in, a.ccon.J-hi a local elimination cootellt on of value A tot.&.t ot $132 a day at 3':0.0 p. m . Jf.11. 31 ot a hu•..:!·' iAllS lilVICI ••* l lrAJI S ··r---
lng t o P~•ldent IJ \c k H1W11er of Mareh 22, 6 "30 p. "'· •t tlle J."'rlday rrom 1-~eb. 16 until the Cl&.ff la lu.m wh.o r-lpped a roll tace lvw.-1 I J n I /)I YOU• 6 ... 1• noam
lhl!I C•lflllL lll eea J un ior t:ha.nibo·r Af\<'moon Club or Co••tu. M e11a. determined at 7 ~r eent Inter-and d1spenaer from a rf',tn:•.,111 OeP(/L_:>UKBl,flChNGlold We 01-0...... ........
The w 1ru1er will then &v nn to vie e1t l.\I. .aught •lav by C•lanu.r .... -all 11.nct d!1111.1>peUed, ""1;u1 .. hn11: A ----__ ,._ -of Commert:e. Thl're are only two ,._ • w ith cont.eiet&llt.a fron1 1:vnu11wil-F\.Lrthern1ore. th" pla.inU!f .eek.I lo police. The atolen !tema v.·ere' T"llMS. II I'll CINf OOWM
"''e<:k11 rema1n111ii; bt-fur., the tle11od· t1ea thrvuichout th~ 11111.\1· lc.r the 1•11:~~"'~'~' ~"~~:·~·~,~··~·-:_ ____ ~v~o.1~"~'~'-•~<~1:37'._'.'00:. _______ J==,;"~-:;~"~""'~-;,:-;;,,,==!'.J==~N~EWPOaT;,;;;;;~~-;;·~m~==!
line tor 111.1bn11tt1n1: w.ppllca uons. title or Mni. Cal1!om1.1.. 111f' l~th -
1i1., .yoneoni •tliit.e tllat 11.rnong the annu..I Jtlr1. A.meru:a vtill be .te·
entrf,.8 they h""" r"celve-d u e tect.;od from thie •tale wmnera In
Ula-e troni 1't n• i::•·e~tt Bni.ce .,r j the n•tivn.a.I conteat ,.pon,,..,roid by
&61 Hurl St ,, J.l r11. l.Aicill• Drew ol. the Ament.11.n G&& A•,.. ... 1 .. t1"n
The ne.xt J.tnt. Anll·ncll will win
& t.ot&1 ot more; ULA.II $I~ 000 ln
prtzea, tncludin.( a. e-01n,ilateq
equipped "New Jl"ntedom Gu Klt-
i;h.-n."' .. new itCJ&.n, ii. t:uropean
tour 11.nd a two-week va• 11.tlon ro.-
be~J:t and hier tu&ab&nd 11 1 Elllnor
Vlli.a.g•. r\orim_ •Ile or U.. na -
UonsJ fina»..
Chambers Group
Past Presidents
to Dine Feb. 28
Ughllni" pul pre~lllenll. th~ astiv-
claled Ctuunb4'ra ol Co1nmerce of
Orang-e County will 1tace 11. dln·
ner nlettlng In thl!. Oran ~e Am&ri-
ean Le~on H11ll, 11.t 7 p. m. Feb.
Applleatloa. bl.a.nk.IJ 11.r11 •till
11.v11ll•ble at thie A ll Amer-lean
Markets or Corona d<:I Mllr IUld
Miu-inera M lle, Rlchanf• U do
Mllrkl'!t, Stroot.'1 TeW!nkJe, U. 8.
N11.llonal B&nk, Co.t.a. Me.a Cham-
ber vi Commerce. and al.I pa
company otrlCN.
HART FILES FOR COUNCIL POST o .. ~1~:~;iveann~:r:~ry Je~ll)I~ n.. ccml.Al9l, 0'*1 to any m..-..
Ch11rlr-s HJ1.rt .... ~ll knuwn Newport Bff.t.:11 RAlll.11..or, above, fil,.d Tapp, <"h•lrm&n ot the Loi An· rled woman over 21 , pla.<·~ Jll.&Jor
h•" ,.,i :-,.,.,1 .. , ,1. , .... nui..ati.;;n pa.pa.rs w.at .city Cl8Cit .M.a.r ... y gelea Ba..n.k of A.marlctl boac<1 .of emphaaLll on contMt.u1t"1 homie-
!Wh1 o,uo!> r 111,.1 "~"k /'r1 .. r to dea.<H1na. He will oppo11., ln· d1reetor1, will be gue•t ·~11.k,er. ma.lelnf Jk1tla. ~gb plfl'llOnal
cun11>t-nt 1"<H1n1·1ltt"•n i;t·no.:d Ben.netL -BWt Photo Bc.hedule-d to receive apeoclal re-gl"OOm.l.q and P9t'900&!1ty ..,.. con-
·-------------------------IOOCftiUOO. al'@ f:.&.!lt prt1iChtnts T. tddeit"M, the C<mtftlt l.I by rw -an.
B. Talbert. ot H untington Be111;h.. l•-b&-tb_1_•_•_-_u_<_7~.zt-'"'_· ---·I
Ralpb Mchdden of Placentia. O.Orr• K&lloi&"' ot Yorba Un.Ja,
C. G. HOl.llton of LoA Anl('elee.
B~· NANCI OAMPBELL P'kl:yd McCra.cken or San Diego,
1 H. Clay K elloC"&"' at Garden Grove, -~~--------..,,,_----T"-------·]Howard CrooSe ot Pl.MIMU' s~
UJa FT&Alll1i:I. ot C<llilU )(-. and
St.antey. Ridderllof ot N""'·port .. ~ ..
Lost ClllCI Foud
ArthUT Klepplqer. 802 A eada
A•._, tokl police Ml bleyd., val'*9
a c 13(), ,...,.. .tolen. a bout f ai.m .
r9CenUy from th• blUff a.bov• th•
Main beach. An oft-duty poftce-
m.n, OU1eet" RotMlrt Broakle, found
Frifl .lv n1}:hl at the Orange High Scbool gym, the Tan
1ho"'"' I r •W a really g~e of bulred>all i8 played. The
-atands were wild with excitement 8JI the rally for point.a ------------.1Lh• bike at T:SO p.m. th• aame
progressed. Under lhe ehcerleading o f Alan Rypinski, Pat Th• H eut i"'Und dancti 11 all
K elter. Carlton Dawson, Kayla Hurst and Donn Waldron, aet to lfO oexl J'rid&.y rui,:hL
~t. a bandoned tn buah• near
Da.hli• A ve. and Se&vt-Road.
There will be. two tabWOU9 ban.S. thl' r•·11;.,· y.·l'K rnnK out acro11• __ _. "'vlo -~o-, Ph il --•nd th h d ..., "" ~·1· • •••,.,. pl&yl.,K, 11.nd many irue.t at&r1. ~ i.:}·" And 1t t 1 l' en or Ute o...,1 ... K..;.., Sid Mendenhall and Jill
Wladow Olali9
Auto oi-
PWo G1-
8 hower Doon
Model Glass Co.
ev"""':.; Th.. i ron·bo•rd lhowed Debbi• Colom··' 0 "n H d • Among theM i. IOll( aty t -.nd th11t H111 tocir wllll the w inner. ~·· e Y en er writ.O!r Johnny M.en:::er end the
111111 mr11.nll thal Harbor wHI bill 110n Ind Peer! HoJlJ1..nd, Tom N I· one and only Muran• Wblting.
In ll ne for rlrlll. place 11.nd c I.I-,. quette and Judy Coleman. Dlck Aleo fr atured will be Johan HaK-
cgmpetlUon. All that I• lt>ft t o and Bevl'rly Ovrrby, Tom Mureh en and Darlene Robina. The Uck -
do la beat Anaheim and Hunt-and Kathy Keel, Charlle Berry, et.e arie a $1 donation. So If you ua.-.-• ~sJJ
lngtorr Stach Ta.ccoa Haye&, Terry Ragan. Ru· want • fun fill.S flvening of .-. • 1 _..
Frida y nlgh.t J ohan H11.Jen had dy Martines, Chuck '1 oapp. R ich dancinK. gu~t 1t&r1 a.nd p!'\l:'i'll, IM6 8u}M!irtor Avt111ue
• few o r her t rlenrt. over to Taylor and Diana Ho!fn111n and be 11ur., and JO to the Heart Ooata •-
Jll;len lo her new HI Ft 11et. ~Jo=h:•:_:~:_:d_D::;:1~:_:•·:_ _____ _::":_:::'":':_:0~~::::":_:'~1_::°':•:_:R:~:::•:~:::•:•~:_~::::::::::::::::::=====~ I
Thoae l\ancln&' and Uetening to
the fab11lou11 mulllc we re Mary
K eith snd J im R iller. Bud W w l-
alon and N1tncl Carnpbrll, Dick
H eMler 1.nd Chlcloi Greenlee, and
Bob H umel and Johan.
Al the m.tl• -bolue at o.hlla
· ~I waa qW•t and the Ui"t\l.9 were
dim. Then Jobn McKlnlq walkad
throU&b J.he door and e;tief)'oae
yelled ".urprlae!'' It ..,... hi.I l8tb
blrtlt&ly, 'J'M wrpr1" ~ g"'IT-
en by IM.an. J oye wu • ~
1'11 ·~ wtlll decorAUona and -I>fafte'r--1"W ~ llJMICW' _,..,_ ~1--
boyMftbw'ry punch. I.Ater lb&L
eventns the pa.rty prolfl'Ned lo
J ohD'• bo11M 0 whera. they ill.went
a,¥lmmlnJ. Tho1e attending wrre
Georp Pitt and Barbara Jaquith,
Jlm Knlth.t. and Sue Soden, Jim
Unk and :S.v J aquith,, Mlk• B&rt-
Ntt and Lona. UOyd., l:'9' Dave#
/7 J a FRIDAY & SATURDAY ':Iran pening FEBRU!~ 24-25 . '
1,150 NIWPOl,T ILVD., COSTA .MESA -UllRTY 8-9'081
• Op• Dair & SmclaYs ~ 6:00 A.M. '° 12:00 ... lte •
5 wondeiful'. ways lo
brtng'em running to BREA/lP.AsT!
Ivery <lay yow foMlly gets op -t, ..t -· --
turn on th. bteolhnt MOQicl And yo. ca. ..,. • °" willrl both
90M Oftd tftriff. n... fiwe tasty, MOUriAti:lg ~ .... ON
lop-Jo.orilea Mt taete -~. cOftWnience, 'tOf-.t)' a-t
~ ; ••• willl 'al ..._ ~ f.atured
_,. Sole'*"' llQIW, Clf Jqw, low ptjces I
H--' F,ar.~.oaui;l-"'1,,11& till ... .... ----..... ,. U..AA fas .... ss•
Bea"'• S-IJ,,.J.-tl·C"'.rl CsAR
...... 7
CMfhli Cllies
TW. Sads
Citslp Del-
' Olllto Solit TwteS11ce
···-? 2 2
--29' ......... -23"
""""11' I tftc -•IV
I,._,.. 51
lrll• Ill = 2-. 2Sc
C..P I .=, ":: tk
"'.:: tJc
",; tk
.. ...... _.
./r•'e .. ~
a S' , ":.:"
.. 79'
HN G:sf• •·""'1 U..
P•clb llllx
/Ya§J-..aBr..-nrlf"" f/' It.ii .. '1
...... -J9'
, .... s, ... ~ ----27' nm ,,
8 ~ 29'
.. 10'
.. 19'
.. 12'
-.........--1..•t'et ..,._ __.. ••••::r ........-=---
.Roast ..,.:.c:::..,... .. 7~
Sliced B1e11 .~~. ..35·
S n o [J ,, SAFEWAY
--li&D.l4 :a, ~a11&a10-..-a••-.a. I l 1 P1>;lft z? 1 7 7
----·-·-. --------... -,._ ----•
• .
..-.-,., ........ ..
-. ·--
G~ EVENT -Approximately 200 memben> and
JU.ta 1pent a delightfuJ evening of dining and
daaetng-In the beaut1fuUy decorated Balboa Y11.cht
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO: guetta laat week include the
D. T. Smlleya, 4li Fernleaf. The 8mileyll are pictured
oul81de the Round.bouae, twirlhird.9 the way up 9200-
foot .Ba.ldy mountain, wh,re they pauaed in their
flight down the mount.a.in-aide to com.bf.De a little re-
laxation with auntanning. Both are enlhusiutic
fa..n11 of lhe Wekory board 11port. They Wett guests
at the mou.otain ~ until the laat of the week.
Sun Valley Photo
Science Church Lecture
by Mary We~lington Gale
... u.. ~ of tnatll •l
.fOfQ, • -Jllllle 1*tll lkbq·· u. ..... ,.. ..... trw UimJt.a..
'.t.toa wm ... Ule top\o ot a public
l.atun to .. deU.......S beN ... .,.
,Jf. ~ Ku7 WeW:qtan OUi ot ,a.,,....._
A m.mber Of The Chr!.stlan
8ottnc. Bo&rd of 1Act.1.1re11hl p .
Kn. O&le ...W speak under the
~ ot. l'\nt Church of Chrl1t,
ea.o.til't, ln the churc h edifice.
!SOI Via L.ido.)a t I p. m. lier
.ubject wUJ be "Chrla\lan &:t-
-: Th• 'I't11.nsform"'tnr • Po1,1·er
ol 'I"nlth." Tbe Jectur.o: h~ fret:.,
an(I loc9.I mem lM!ra h&ve invited
the pU'tlllc to attend.
Mrs. Gale !11 a n11 th·e of Bel·
monl. MIU!&. BM re~ivrd hll!r ed·
ucallon at Smith College and lhc-
Unlve!'lly of ('"hlca10. Sha be-
came M riOIUllJ lntcn!lttd In
Tri-Hl-Y Ctub or Orange ~A accept 11 pro-
gram tool rrom their vice president Caryl Carter.
Meeting to plan tbeiJ' &eJlU!llter program are (I to r)
Ana Reynolds, preaideot; Sally Eyeman, historian ;
O ub laat Feb. 11 when they attended. the annual Offi-
cen' Ba.U , first ot the year's many social event. at
whlch the 1956 ala.ff officiate.e. -Beckner Photo
'Cool a nd C ollect ed '
Spri ng Fas hio n Sh ow Nt:WPOR T HARBOR
The St. J aaehlm Mothers· Club ot Colt& Me.& h .. .\nnouncf!d
"Cool IL!ld L!ollecltd 1'1uh.ion.1'' u Lhe lht:.1n• (or lhe1r C••nur1r 1.1\flua l
~ring fuhlon •how.
Meeting recently at Lhe Coat& M-homa of lh• geo~no.l c.h&lr-
mM, 1'\r.i t.oul.~ l>la.rkel. committee members &MUiled her tn pla.IU
tur th~ Aprtl ev{'nt to be ht'ld at the Goel& Mua Yrtdu.y Atlt'rnooo
MR.S. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's &litor
Lido W om e n Will Hear
Dr. Russe ll Caldwell
Ru11c:ll L . Caldw"ll will nurMry cart to be pr-Ov\ded dur·
Ing lt'e tun<"ht:un rne .. !lng, 11"111·
ber1 m11y crmtll::· Ylra. J ani~
Beattie at 1-fQrbor 1319
Club llouae. Dale and tima w1U
be a.nnounced tater.
Mr•. J ohn Lo'A'e (Ruby Keeler)
will ~ commf'nlJllur rcr Lile Ilia·
play ot exc!Un&" 1pr'lllj;" creaUona
furnish~ tor tbe occl.8.lon by
MarUyn'! and Ellgene'•, Costa
M..a ahopa..
Member• ot"\..o_ M othue' Club
wtll ec:t ,.. model.I with Mr•. Dcm-
&ld M.e.cDonell ln charge.
Othlll' oomm.Htee head.I Include
Mme.. Rich.I.rd Macker, deoora-
Uon•: P eter Woods, r.treahment.t;
Petrick ll~aley. table11 ; John Seel-
••. tallte11: Lyle Van de Walker and
Edwtn Floater, t!Ckf'la; Victor
b<· 1pe11.ker uf lhr .1.,,y b<•fort a.
JuoCh.l.'(ln rn~t!l1ng ul the Lido
l•le W00>1•l1 "• (0luh ,,., Tuesday:
ll"ebruary 28lh at tht Li.Ju Club·
tu:11.1.ff Hl1 1oph; "'111 lk.-.. Earl.Y
Am 11rican H 111t •>r)'
The can1 1ect!on ot the LlWC The rarden .ecUon wUl hu.r
wOf bold 11. lunchwn-card--p._n.y Howard Clapp "Pf!t.k on "J'low1r
J.ta.rch l:l •l 10 a. ni. al U\• AJTanl'emenU" a t l.be Lido Club-
•rLcan clvlU:uUun and 1natlt11-den. ar.
l:krry and ll.ic-h.ard Torrence. pub-
A Unt111 table cloth a nd napkln1.
brOU&"hl fiUlu lu:la.ud l..y lhe ReY.
Thom.Ml J . N•vtn, St. Joa.chinl p&.1-
tor, WU! b9 (!Vtlll to l'll&hllg ht the
attair, ai.o copper planter• and a
cooking f'S.Jll't!. 1ickeU wtll be
¥V ILllabJe •l a later d ale.
DR. J . PAUL Lll:ONARO, pres.
8 .F. State College, on TV tu.ch-
Ln&' e•perlment -"\\'Hh the
a1'iort&Je of collere teacher•. tele-
vlldon may ena ble U!J t(l continue
to teach. all 1tudenL1 w ith com·
pet~t faculty ...
. -
Dr. Cald..,:l'll u1 11 """' ,:H" Jlrn· clubhou11 ... Reservation s or can· houM March 7 a t 10;3-0 a.. m . I
r.-:.r of Aml'rl•·an h.~turv '"'jcell11.tlon11 mt111t be nl 11.de by ~ will~ ,at noon. For I
well u l'hll!rnilln nt th., depart-March 12 to either Mr1 Martin rlMlrvattona' membf!r• may call
ment of 1ru,·1·111 stud1r~ In A1n· 1 Lockney or lo Mr•. Ralph S. Hol· the chairman. M.r._ 1.nrtnr W&tcb-
tlota at the Unlvtrally of 8outh· '*;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;II ern California. Ir
The spMJ!er i. wall Versed In
hl11torlcal flelda "'1d the turreot
work! 91;ene and ha1 bef!n a he·
quent radio and telev\aLon panel
member. He l.1 a.n hono rary mem-
ber ·or the Aml!'rtca1t -PalC!stan
For tnforinaUon rerardln&" child
haJ the
new g irdle that
slims you
you walk!
Cbriatl&n $cit111Co!I ,.. a yowlg co!· 1,;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
I e_.!~~ ... I'.Jjor .to dev0Un1
Coming Events
for Eastern Star
Plan.t for two com1n1 e~n!JI
we,.. dl-aUMed by members of
H a rbor Star cl'la pter OES 11 t
lWI' rneetlnr ot F eb. l-4 . A rwn-
m.... ..1. wlll be held March
2 and 3 In • •tore building ln
tr.. VI.It& 1hopptn1 l"enler. UH h
st. and Placentia Ave., C™1ta
M-. Pla.nned a1.o 11 an Easter
SuDd&J' morning breakfu t rrorn
I a. m. lo 1 p. n1 to be held
In UI• din ing room of the ne .... ·
Muonic kmpl".
her full time to the prlctlce o f
Cbriltlan 8clt111ce healing In Ca r -
mel, ab1 waa active In the ad·
vertt.ins bwJlneaa In Chlc111to
&Ince 19G2 she h .. bcli!n an ¥U -
thortsed teacher of ChrW!Uan Sci·
$150 I
/ttm~J~ CREME SHAMPOO ,...._.,---..
l~ITtD II.Ml
'ANTl l OlltDt l l
.. N[W SLANr br SiH Slua .JU. JOU while 1•• w1Ik , ..
bee.Me tM knit'• on the blu.
11'1 the mott comlort1hl(, !rft'•1l1Un.c &inti<" n<"t !
Wi1h ""Y 1te:p yo.. 1ak<" ... h ~,;".~ •I th .. thi.,b ANO
dr. ... 1111 J'll'llt 1umm 1 .•• t.och 11 th1 """l ume tDel
NNEW SLANT'" ha. ., ...... "° bona, no cntirr ~nd
to Pl"'" y-. 11 .-ort1 i11 fipir • .,>e •i1lt1>111
Pat Bulb. member; P&m Pelerlon, elected represen-
tathe ; Beverly Smith, world service chairman and
M1a Shirley Eva.na, club advllior and Mi&I Cuter.
-Don Bu.eh Photo
Report Day for
League Juniors
Nominating of officen for the executive board for t h<'
year atarting in Marth will be held when t h•· A s.i,i 1.st1111 1 •
League of Nt!'n'pOrt Bea.ch, Junior Awc iliary, meets Feb. ~.'<.
at 1:30 p. m. in the League Service C<-nter. r..:xecut1\·r boa1·<1
memben and project chairman will at t his time 1•rl'.S«!·'.
U\etr annual written and CW"al 1'9--bor area. will ,.,. prci;t11[,..t t-.y I ··
peN to th• qlernberah.Lp. Mre. J u.nlor m'1nbr• ~ an cl Ln"" h1.
FOFT9l Near, cb.&irma.n, will pre-bantill on the "venlnJi:ll ol ,\h•Y ':.!.'•
.Ude. and 26 111 th.. :-.;,..,. part 11 ,,1 b· ''
Union ll1i;-h &l .. 11>! ., .. i.1 .. ,uu.
Thia wll! be the only ru1·. 111• • 14
event uuhUde the rrsu1.1· '
ance l.Aa.l(\1e pro)tC-13 I'
croup , .... u parllrlpate Ill uu~
Mn. WlllJ.am Rltter will "J)Ort
on lbe Pl'OJT99 ot lbc-advertJal.a.C'
oom.mltt.M a t work on ibe "Fol·
11• ot. 'M" pl'O(Tana. ThJ.. ,..,-Ute
comm!tu.4 I.II handlin&" all of thlltr r.dV'eTtilltl.I" by zn&n, and h .. •el apr 1ng a11<I ~uru111t1
Much l for the ~e. Thl1 I.I
l.beeecondyeart.heJunlorAuxiU· t: UQ:-.:Al.I• l<Ec.::-.;~:1 '' 1,.,,
a.ry bu prueritld thlll mualca l way ""llrrl ~l "'•kini:: In !. ,\
ahow of all loca.1 lalt111t under the "l'll!Lf.irn ia·~ hll;h\\1tV p1 .. i.;1 11)1 i· d1NCUon ot a New York d irector.
The "Foll!ea of '66" alN!aclY a.n· 111.n1ui1r1" It '~ 111•11 .. ,1 .\h• 11· "'·
Uclpa ted by reeldwt.i of Lhe Ha r-1 uv•·1 1 ~"' '"'' 1· 11 '
Tu~ a
Aay OCCMion become. a very a~ciwl
oeeaaion ••. wben you ttl~hrale
with noweri ... lhe gifl of deep
alfeetioll ••• ol 1hou1h1luln!i!ae. Lei
th•I aomeoae _de-lo you know you
u re hr MG ding eome. We 'U make •
a~c you «:an
clftUll Ot -•. or 9elld
PrNc:rtpUon ......_, ~·~!~11@ b•lkT wn,..._. pen~\1 of lat...ic ... k'• F'RONT •n4 llAR
fllJl•floili.eed, lit}!! Uld .. fl B• I di.pin
SmalL 1S1todn1a, lirrp. 0.}y I 500 We ~Uver anywhere .. the llartlor ~ P'ho9e your order to Harbor 28Z8
lll ·~-0-.. ---,___\
I '
...... _.._
W r Gl\·r ~ff G ~n SIAmp!I
Ulot New'"'" lloalevud la IH.Ut of Coota M-
Ne wport Bea ch 3419 Newport Bl vd . A.II -....i beoalituJ I Comf' ln or Call Harbor ZRZR
• •
-~-.... -. '' ·r 11·~·~·~-~~-~·~···~'!"l~,.,~~"''"'"""•""""''••••·w;o., ........ , . .., .. "'"-·'''""~..,...,. ___ ..,.,. ___ ,_., ___________ ..,,... _____ r, '···~' ------.. •·· • . ,
. F h. ~ ~t..i hu IJ"OUP bl a &-;Junior:BeruOr as ion .,..___"' ..... ._. ~
la ta* eounlrl• ud ta the thLlt.ed
Cai:ii Even! is Planr;ie~ :::=, ~.::!"' ~~~ = _ _... rt,· lndla; Bl.A•• lah1oda. J.p&ii';
--~ llta J'rida~Atlun.oon Oub Ju.niots were ~ ~. -~~o ~ ---:..~~ .... ~ .... J....., ............ 4"'11'1".'"-~~ • = -.. 111 t ?' I I ••• .._...,..~ e .eauor c1uo at -mont.ruy 1uncoeon m~g · -• ,
' Q J...ola P1an4i Wfl'.' ~ for th• Fdday at the clubhoUBe. ther guelt.a were Mil8 Jut.lor-iklUOJ' tubl(m aow, Cba.p-
•Blytbe, lnttructor ol Engliah and cre&tive writing, and five eaw: and Coltfuree, d8"rt card
f .... -'.... it:udent.a from Sant.a. Ana College. M.rt. Reuben PMV Feb. 22, I p.m. at U!.e club--..-... hO\lM. M rL Balley, jUnlOll' pnw.I· l:Jet, F A C ~t. ..,..td.td IUld r•va lbe pn.y•r and Mna. c.tl& dent, pruented a check tor $400
Mlti. lberm&n ~-•-:-ltaeh--Vl•i• ,led lb.• pled1e of allfll'lt.no.. to Kn. D&7, a fltl frorn U.. jun-
_. ch&lnnaa. A club blood ba.ak croup p!U k>n to the Mnior i-Jub.
AU llQ:NOllSD ~ wu outlined \ly Ml'I. A. L Pink-[ --------------
a..Ud at UM' b-.d tat.le with ley, wh6 &1-o Uk-4 for voluntMft
)(ra. o.,. __. •,J...C. JW\iot ot-tw lb• cunent Heart ll'Wut drtvL
tac.ni wtth Kn. WIU&r4 ll&Dey , An art.a and cratu uhibtt waa
Pf'-'dent, aad Kma Sdw$rd dl•played by Mra. Cl.aUde ZlrkJe.
i.wt11, JONpll ..,. ..... L)'le Van ON EDUCJATION-
<W w._er, ~ DuM.ouchel and lnlroduc-4 b7 Mre. P IMll ftob.
Mlu Blythe. Mr11. Charlet Rand frU, P"'1"¥D ch&lrman.•M!.a 8'7·
0. C. Pharmacista
Will Install
P1aJ\I tor the lnBt.&ll.etion din·
ner ot Oranc•· County Phann•-
cwUcal A.uocl-.UOn wer. made
REPUBLICAN WOMEN ot Ne•JIOrt Beach held their iDst•"•Uoo ot ott1cere ID
the S.y Club apa.rtment of Mn. Kenneth Albright a ~ a prelude to the county
group;• IJncoln Day0 lunchcon.' Here, (I t:i r> MT!4 . Viola Friedman, retiring vice
pruident, hand• the gavel to the nl"W pr('Sidt'nt, Mrs. Robert S. Barrie!!. Watching
are Mn. Dan Driskel, trea11urer and itn1. Lesli~ Ft"r1·,_.11, treuurer of Callfoniia
Federatio n of Republican Womcn'a Southern District, who w&s in11talling officer.
Alao lnata.lled were Mmee. Richard T eachout. vice pre1ldenl , Ma.rk Soden. &eere-
ta.ry and Lewia Gardiner , parliament..a.rian. -Slaff Photo
1 ---~------·~-~~----~--------·lwben. ).(fa. Oeor(e Gt'Mlnwell WM ~ to manben or the W e>+ HARBOR GROUP TO JOIN
CLOCK IS SYMBOL of tha St. Patrick's dinner dance which the Catholic Women's
Couilcil ha.a taken a11 their waye and mearui proj«t for the year . lt will be March
17 at Oock Country Club, South Whittier. I~ to R are Mme11. Donald Lewis,
co-ch&irma.n : Arthur West, chairman: Bert Esp1au. ticket& a.nd Jo hn l_.eahy.
do n aUo na. MrM. AJbert King will a.sai.lt with t1c kl"t i;. Othen aid.Ing· are Mmes.
F orreet Smlth; Arthur Reaume. door prii.ea and H.ubt:rt Cr owner, publicity.-S taff
District P-T A
Honors Trio
J ud ge Mo rriso n Talks
o n Delinquetft Parents
~rs. Jack Raub o f this city, child and public health
cha1nnan for the Fourth District P -T A wu honored with
a.n hono rary lite membenhip, preM>nted Feb. 16 at J . H .
.\1 cG a ugh Ln termed.iat.e School at Sea.I Beach. P.f rs. H . 0.
J!,,y1•ey, 11.l !IO or Newport Be.&('h.
d 111trict 11icp preeklent, mil.de lhfl
AlllO hnnorl\i1 were Mr1. Dougl ..
Jh1.mrnond 1.11 San Jua.n Caplalra110.
n>l'nllll hea.lth ch&lnn&n. Wbo re•
<"f!ived h flr awa.rd Imm M.ra, Wll·
llan1 Aalber•bf!rc. Co1ta de! Sur
r uuncll pr911tdent and Ml'I. Donald
A. FnL&ler of: O&rden Grove, to
""'hnm M r1. 0 . Ria.tell N orthcutt .
organiuUon director, made the
lereet would pay <iff bia: dlvldrnd..
J uda e Morrt..:in ur1ed P·TA
memb<tra to •ltflnd • dlstrlet spon-
110re.d juve nile protection work&hop
at JuvflnU. Hall ln S anta An11. a t
10 a.m. M arch !), lie 1\90 told of
effort& now beln_g-madfl to e11l11.b·
11.ii ln Orang• County a junnll•
ranch 1lmt!iar •.o lho&e oper11tN
by RJV<"r&!dfl •nd S•n Bemardlno
preRnt.atlon. Mri. JUy Finley p re11ded at th&
K.EEP 'EM B Ul"V meet!nl'. which opened w ith Cub
Speaker of the day w u Judr • soout den No. 6 of Seal Beach
Kennel.ti F.l. Morrt.oa of the Or.rise leadlnl' th• pledre ot a llegiance to
County Supwior Court, wbo dis-lh• nq and a weJcomfl by Marll
cu..ed delinQ\loel\l ~U. 1b4I lm· N. Dreulef. dlatrtct 1upertntendent
porL&.rlc• ol n lipon. of teamwork of s...J Beach 11ehool1, J . ti. Mc·
~ of kHl>lnC chUdren busy con· Gaugb . tor whom the hwl .chool
etrucUvely wu •tr.Md. 81 n Ce WM named, W&41 Introduced and
01'.'(lflCl b1 parent.. la On• of th• a .mJ.a.ed Jiff Chi ~ of Seal Beach
gnatwt-cauan of de~ M ·8t11 f1'1.<16' •titdtfttl: ~
urged that other lt.mille. In lhfl Major Georre Harem11.n, army
neighborhood take an lnterut In l'Ml'rve officer tor Or•nge County,
Any child nerlected by hi.a own 1poli;fl brleny on the nflw ruiervt
family and promt1ed •uch an in-program.
Brunch Planned
by Panhellenic
Open hou.e for the n•w dl1trlct
office ID Orang• County • Falt·
lf1"0Und1 will be h•ld Feb. 27 rrom
2 to 4,/' m.
F e t e fo r
Mrs. Kaa n
"'rs Lewi. Kaan, ~ Belle \.'uf! r
Lan". wiu honor ~ut rttenlly at
11. •urr ru1"' 11torl~ 11ti owe.r hOBt"''''""d I
by Mml"JI J11.mf!11 llarrl• an(f J a mu
l'rln!!low 11t thf! hOml' Qf ttll" fnr m-
~r. Hl!:I Waln ut f'l&l"'fl. C'o11l• <\{fllll. I
(lift•. pl .. re.! oti a table cent ~rf'd
With l\n ornllmenta! blUIJllnl'l and
1tmlu. wera bro•ight by : I
Mrnea. Andrew Lohmann, mother '1
of the honoreP;; F'rlrr !>m!th,
Claud<' Cook, William Corley, f'a111 I
Ctu•~hly, rtobert Sa.11key 1.nd the
hoalUHI. Othen were aent by
t he M n1ea. Eugen• Stanford, R. E
Blrtc:her a.11d Gen• McMNlflt'll, and
M i!~ 1)11 111111. ~t.a.nl•Y ·
Stephanie Koch
at Ranch School
8tflph•nle Kock, 14. daughter
ot thr ll::.i.io:ene R . Koc.Ni. 810
Klng-8 R'llld, who hll.8 Ileen a io:tu-
dl'nt nt l-lot11.ce En9litn !l1·hool.
haa j ~t be.en tran11terred to the
Quarter C1 r('ll' -V. D&r Ranch
School "t J.lAye r. Arl:r..
'i~r pa rent,. J r,1ve her over on '
th ~ we .. k('n•I 11.nd return...-\ M"n-
d11.y. Ar t111r 1n "l""·t~. 9hl' will i
hive ple nt y .,r nppnrt unity to 111-\
llO ln<!ill Jo:,. on r!(llni;: "' !hr noted
11ehoo1 -1
M r•. Robert L. Keppen and
M r•. R.lcM.r<I H l\Ua.rd a.ra to be
JOlnt chairmen of the annual
Newport Harbo r Panhellenlc
l1runch, a.c:oordlns to Mn. H. 0 .
Boyvey, Pllnl\ellanic prMident. The
brunch la .checlWed fOC" J(&rch 21.
at 11 a. m. at. the Friday .A.ft.r-
noon Clu~ In ao.t& X-.
A .. latJng wlUI lhe bnlnch an
J.1re. Ralph M.lchel•n. prov&m:
M ra. WUll&m Dana. food ; Mn .
A. K .. Sam5»t1n, Decoratlon.1; Mtl.
1:<11ar Whitmer. table pri&M;
Mn1. A rthur J . Aune, l•b\1 ar-
r11.ngemenl1; Mn. J ORJ)h RJ11a.
prli ea; Mrll. Cati Ven1trorn.
Th11 committ~ mem~r1 wen
announced Feb. 13 t.t • Panhf!.llen-
1c board me.ettng at the homl! of
~in1. \Valtl'.r Hat.ah, t ST a w..i-
n11t P L. COllta MNL Board lflMI·
t>fJra aurprl-1 M n . Hatch with
" 1:ake 11•low with (ll&lldles ln
honor of her btrthd..,-•"nl.,..._
Indoor & Outdoor
See the-Largeet anci Finest
Display of Fam.:>u.a Makers
Lighting Fixturea ~ Lamp11;
in the Southland • •
Spon.ote-d by lhe 111ullc dep&rtmf1t or Ula UNv.ndty
or California at S&.J1ta liar b&n., Ule annual A1l C&lltontla
High School Sy mphony Orchqtra bu nom1J'l&ted 11 N--
port Ha.rbor Union Hia-h School 1tude.nt.e to part.ldpata.
The urch~11tra. which wUI be h~ ln concut at the
Lubero Theatn 1n !::i1U1ta HarbLr& 8UDda.y •Ye.DJ..11.S ill eon-
ducted by Or R 11·h~u1J Lort, ctieuJui:tor of the Paa&dena Civic
O rch••11t r a and recognJ &l'd n1uatca.I authority. The progT&m
will 1t1<lude m u11c by C~1pla.nd, Hr1Lhrn.a, Mu11enet, a.n.d Gluck.
Tho.e fr'OnL U1e lu.::&l 1clu:>t;I who wUI attend llA 8u.san
nr .. v.•n. Hob Bell, L:a ry Peem. Sally CroelhW'&.lt. Morie-Ru
B•rkt""'· J erry Hand ::;u_,i KLln pe.rt Beverly Gibbon&, G&J.l
\\'h1tc. Thfl~ 1tud~11l.JI w~~ Rl.ect l'ld tor their outatandlAf
muale&l abiJUy, all ot them be!n 1 m•mbtn ot Ole NitWpOrt
H igh School be11d or orcheatrL Th.le nun1ber ot 1tudenta i9
llJI la1 r;e • r<'pr<'a.ntaU<>n .... rrom any hl(b 1ehool ln the
enllr11 1tatr
man'• ,.t.udlta.ry at her home In
Santa .&.na. Date f or th• &lfalr
la M&reb 10 and pl&ce w1U bl'
Ule ~eyland llotet All county
phartn&ctsu Ind thl'.lr J'lfl.!IU may
attend, should make l"l'MTV&l!Ol\1
w1th Hr. GrffnWe.11.
At NCA Confab
Mr&.. Marvin Du.ne and Mn1.
Ca.rl L.. Jacober •.re repr~..entwr
I.Awl• J.Ut t.hU.., vie• pre>1\i.l~nt
and lfl'l.D~rlll m ll.Jl&&'er ot H11.r!Jor
Rut Memorl11.l Pa.rk •L lh6 ('un·
ventlon of the Natlonnl C'l!me·
te.ry .Aaaoc.lallon . now !n 11c111n•1n
at th11 A.111 ~dor Hvte!, L ,1
-ni.t n•W Rlc.han1•• Florl8t ofh:ra
cut l'lowflr •rvlce bl -wMkJy,
,.,_ltlJ, or u d.elllred-Phone Har-
bor 2823 -Adv.
WB>HESOAY, FBltU~Y %2, 1'56
0 ... , 7 " ...• , .. ,_
\ •••• llJW9
·-Dll llJ •.
e MIY·T09 Wlf III•'
• 'JOUCll ••• . _,,, ............ ... --· ·--for~ New
OUllHE YGO! s49so
Terms to Suit Your ludcJet
,... 1il.
• The
Look ·-..
-loveli, .Import.ct
l in•n
The New High Wat.t Llrie
A Smart. Short, Matching
"Don Loper''
Panhellenlc 'friU D'llltt ~t
11 t Ole home ot Mra. MM'ton •-
(;ameron. Jr.. lMt ~nu.1.-n
Lane. \.."oeta M-. 'l1Ue wW M
a worli;ahop meellfll to complel•
11-rranirement. for t..be liu·unch.
HoalNM9 WID be Kmea. Camer-
on. Henry Waper. a.ors-T .
Hodpot, Waller BtnTOUlha. R H.
Stnuutt • .Aun.. -d E. IL St.root
M .. I• OW' own New Mod<rn Building ! 17 6 7 -• Newport Blvil.
~Harry M. Whetsel
1510 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa
Liberty 8-6781
OONVENU:llo'T nu::r PA.Jtlll.."lt ,,_ 'L-------------------"'
Costa Mesa
• o,_ ........,. &'\W.. .....
• •
-~····-··---·"·---.-... ~· _......,. •..• -~ ~~ J ·~· """"""" .............. -............ -........... .., .... ~-~..,"'-"""""-"""""'-=--==-"=::::'1""' .:-,.:::_,..,_,_:::. ·. ~
. .
~AY, FEIRUARY 22, 1'56 Business Angle~
Stressed by
,P-T. A Speak~r. .
U-£entinella Valley .Man .-~~·~--+
Ties Education to Sales
C&rrying out recommendation ot the Nation~.1 Citiaena
Commieaion for the Public School.a u presented at the
Preaident'• Conference on E.duca.tion, Roy Adam.eon, presi-
dent Ot Centlnella Valley Truateea _and adminiatratiora
club, urged better communicationa between school peraon-
nel ind parenlll when he addreued Hubor High School
P-TA Feb. 14. in the 11ebool auditorium.
Adam.on, who bec&me lnterMled due to 1adt ot commun lc&llon be-
ln l'ducaUon from a bualn-.a man'• twMin r roup. a.n4 la.ck ot IPlkr•
polnt Of view, •lreMed th• need to on a local bulm. Th• concluaion
111mov• lhe br1dr'• betwMn. p&TUt wu that edUe&Uon bu to bti .old.
and teacher ... Both are •trivll!I' for A noml.n.t.til\I: commlll.ee wa.
tl1e M m r coat. but there t. loo ~ecled, ~poHd of M.m'8. Rlch-
b1uch 1-.ek of eu1ruounicatlon be-ard Ullenlhal. Mane Newland,
tween them. Fac:U Uld etaU.tlca B&rbua Mac:NeUled&'e, Ronald Bar-
ATTENDING 'FASHION luncheon at Balboa Bay Club and waf.tbing model for
Lido F uhione a re (I to r ) Mmea. John Sc1&dder, Tom MacDougall and E van J ones.
-Tel'T'y Boru Photo
,. r • """' ctWUTtlrHllll Pit lilt ....
1lt l....ui U..lll
of the worth of ou.r .cboot. •~ low and Mn. !'.dwacd N-1&1\d. I c
convtnclnl' If they were only bet-amp
there la need for the runcUoninc The Lar kelt ... a l'lr1' chona
tar public!~. To m eet thi9 end MUSIC PJ«)G~ I Fire Leaders
ot rnore lay gmupe and more ade· under lhfl dirKllOn ot MU. Marie d
qual e publlc relallona.~ he Nld. HlebAcb. aaiig: •evera.l number• Cha1"ri:11an Name T&C()I)& Hay• w.. ~lolat and J • •
h ~~:r:i:::~n!nec:t .. ~:d~~ Frane• Oonover, a ccomp-.nl1t. I
noTl'd the aame crlllclarn• have All parenUi of elfhlh rrade •tu-Mnt. Paul H. Rodet, newly elected ch airman of the
been ma de or achOC)lt elnce the ~!;~:; :~~"~~":it!~ ~~ t Harbor Area Camp Fire ~adera A.aaocialio~, opened her I
time o r 1-lor,cr Mann in llUO ... It orientallotl meelllll' Ma rch 14., 7 .30 first meeting with the appointment of comm1ttee ch1urmen la to the lntereat of all buaJneN·
m11n to further l!ducat.!on .. proa·
pertly La 1•orrelaled with the l!du-
.::11Uon11.l !rv .. 1 o~ the country, and
the ~tter the "°u1:al1on. the n1ore
c1;111un1ar pun;hll.HM," he 11tated. ln
clo1frlg , he ai1voca ted tea.chine ln-
ltta.tlve a nd th1nklnr for oneaelt
u well 11.a tr~ing on t'wuta men-
t.a.la, an<! .. id, "Dun't writ• !lnla
to education. the tenae la. tuture.~
l.Jt"'t': A \\'A.HJ)~
pJTI., tn the aocltJ he.J I. Curriculum, (or tJi e coming Camp Fire year. Accepting were !.lru. J ohn
achoo! reruiatlona and opportunl-, . . , u~ tor tre.hmen will be e•plalnM Oliver , hoop1tallty; Mr-9. Walter Revtea. service project a nd
•nd dl..::usaed, 11.a they ar11 N!l•Led Mr11 Hr&dlf'y K. 8chw1.rz, Or11.nge Paul H FV..>det. Millard i.1<,,,,,.
10 uwi hl&IJ. .chOC)J act!vl!y pro-Cow1ty }o'.1:1!r {!"h<ve appointed t or Elllol Morna
rra.m. " a aoecond terlfi were Mn . Robert \\'ll~L IN8TA.l.I.
O n April HI, 2l. 30, and May 7, H-..ctun , Day C>1.r11p , •tr• li:nh~llt Y1ca-C'halrn1a.n , ,\Ira "1"n '" an-
Mra. S)'lvla Uv!n tr•lun Sutten, pt.r-A Laurin. publlclty il.1\d M ra RlllJ•ll nounC'ed LJ\I" C'Umpletlun ol thl" pltltw
ent educa uon lecturrr •nd tl!a <.:her V.•a ternu.n, peanut 1alt for the rn1t.a.ll•UOn •.hnnrr 1,, be
a.nd prom1.nent aulhonty on prob· t'lt~l..D AO\'ll'IOK held In Co.ta Meaa lhtrbur HouM>
Jem1 ot adolMCent.., will pre.ent ~II•• Owen Harper. rleld ad,·190r Matt'h {I Mra KuueJJ No1th<'utt nf
a MJ"IM ot lmportant and lnfonn&-to Region v , wu preM:nt trom Loa Garden Grovt, chairman or the
P1uiding at the n1eetl.f\C' wu Uve talka concerning lhe phy•lraJ Angiele• to 1e!l about the C'on.1ng Ca mp F'1re Council, hu been mak-
A UGUST NUPTIALS -Mr. and Mn. Vilan Couch, ~tr. J P .Sutherland, preaident and .emotional deveJopmenl ot the •nnual rl"glvnal c 0 n t •r e n c e ot ing pl&na tor the a/fa.Ir vdu~h v.·11L
2307 Bayaide Drive, have announced the engagement Thl'ee iiono~ry lite m .. mbl!rsh.IJ» a.doleae•nt. The tune an(l plKe Ca m p ~·ire ~raonneJ ot Southern Include the lnatallallon of hooard
In P-T A were a warcf'td to peraona wtll k a.nnoun.i:ed later. Cal.LJomll• and Adzona to be held n1.embera and off1cera of the Le.ad-
o ( their daughter Judith Ann to Eugene Virgil out..tandlns ln community aftalt'll Harbor hu a con1prdlen.lve tbl• year ~'eb. 24-20 at B1aker•-er1 A11110Cl&Uon1 In Ora.nge t:uunty.
fh.n1es. son of Mr. and Mrs. Juper Barnea of Oak· and work wt th young: peopla. The fU.ldarn:• lMUni' progn.m tor -ch neld. Expecting u, go from lhl• Specta l 1nv1tat10N1 for the lruital•
land. The bride-elect was graduated W t J une rrom reclp:len ta W•re Mn . 8 ut..her land, fl'd•. Aa rr-hmen, .tudvit. r • a.tea a re Mmea. Ai·thur !Java . !atlnn wit! go out to <"an1p Fire Mrs. Harry Hlllla.rd, P-T A auditor celve the foUowinl' t t111ta ; ,._."11------------Univeraity of California al Sant& Barbara where and .John .Jotmaon, biology lnatruc-a.chlevement i ar1thmeu c, re&dlnr
she was president or Chi Omega .• Her t iance wu tor. F or eacb· memberahlp Jl6 1.e and ll'amm&r), c a utom la marit al nd 41,., contributed to a naUontJ tund. mat ur1ty ..nd alpbra pro(D09t.lc ; graduated from U. C., Berkeley campua, a haa J_.t r .. t pr.aidenta of P -TA were .. aophomorea, dltferenUal aptl-
beell rele&led from service with the U. S. Army. The 'JNen reeog:n!Uon. three ot whom, t ud•, CalU'orn.la adTallCed ,_d.iq;
wedding will be held at St. Jam.ea Spiecop&l Church. w,._ l:drar H Ul, Mra. Albert .. Jllllion. Iowa educaueaa.i dev•
_ Wa•'--• studio Spark.a and Mn. Harold ~. ~ IC~ ~ CalJtOt'nla
Frazer and Von Sh ow
Next at Laguna Gallery
~z were pruent. aritbm.U.; ... ~ ooopwat!vt ______ :.._ _____________________ ! K111.1WJ'Whlt-9Ckotth•~ ~.A.meriou!Couad.IObtdu. It Lhe attendan(;e a t the G•l·j for f'e bruary·.~larth "''11! •'unt 111u~1
'('I J: Mpunwr• and J'llrt'nt.. of
C111np Fir,. Cirla and Rl ue Bird• I
M l'll MOC)r e "''a-11 ukl"'1 10 head I
, p!nn~ tnr ('11.n1p F'Lrl' Birthday
. ~k. ~1 1ueh 11 -18. I
* l ..... a sut•s .~ ... ..,..
"\\'rtte to r B NH'..ltUl"N"
%\&\\',Center Nl. K..E 6-&hl
A~. C.Uf .
C08T A MES A CliAPl'.:l.
1741 Supenor Avenuot
Co.tta Meu., Cal!t
Phon• Wberty ~-2121
3~20 &. Cout BIYd.
Corol'la del M.ar, Ce.lit.
Phone H arbor d
,L,."1ilrJ1//,,,,.1 111/fft'r 1i111 ltt"tl/
' ., ~ . ,~. . ., . ' . ... . ·.
Free Lecture Entitled
The Transforming Power of Truth -------By lll&ry W eUln!(loa Gale, C. 8. B. RESERVED I
of Sao f'ranclsco, CaJl1omla SEAT I
Membl!!'r or th~ Ho11.rtl uf 1...ectur~•h!p or
1'11• M•Jth"'r C hu rch. 'T'he 1o·1r11t Ctiur• h
vr Chn•l S<'ient111t, In lloatou. M 1uw1
February 24, Friday 8 p.m.
t;hurch Editlce, }o~!r11l Churcl1 or Chn•t,
&lfllllllt _
3303 Via Udo, Ne\\lJOrt Beach , Cll.J,
If lhia b tM 6n1
Chri.Mi.a.a &aence
lertuie rou b·~
aucndrd, we wiU
01w, 1 te.1t lor
you i11 the 1od1·
l.Oruna 11•t iJ 1(11
rnl11111.,. baion tk
1rc11ll'e. 1-,...,,. I
M"nl ,bu o:oapo11 I
!O U J' ~--. 1hed°"'. I ·. DA·-;;y-c_IT:"_ ~~,-;G-dapatm"ent ,. ... .-.-~ l!lb-a.e ~UOD-pij''3iiSj1c&l. alniiij.-al;~f 1ery-aHifrs k"ilep11 ofi 'iiici"ea111ng \1n the ·"Main (;9tteri," ,-~~ er-1 ~1 .r., 1-\.1 ~ LJ ~11 ~ ~ Oov.mor'e Conf.,_«i o1:1 edUG&-cantora&a t..t, ot ~t7, •• are (Olnl' to have to enlarlJe h1b1t.ii w1ll up"n formally V.'1\h thf' I
Uon, .ta.tins that 2000 att.md ~ IDfw p iMoa ill ptblr'<ld th• Maln Ollllarv. An overflow· [Monthly Tf'& bM110r,:h u' r1rvm 3 tod r-------""'---"'"'---"'-------------1
Whiting and Mercer
from mi.t.ne., tabor, P.JrA and to btilp tbe ~and W aT&.11-·~ 0 1pon•otf!d y ..,,e , u~ n"u 11n
clU..ne l{T'OUpa; an dtllept. boo-able to panrnta. P'uwaU wtahJ.na IZl.I' a.udlenca (Teatad Mr and Profe.1:1111nna.I Womrn 11 I !ub [:loth Jc ;}_)
curnd I.II wanu.i. to blip t. UM le ~ taet ~U an WTtd i.e.-.. Gerald ii. LowaU Saturday a rll11\11 will be preaent tor th~
• t leld ot tducat'°"-lUt ._.. Ill a to ocetact. Kn. lloti.t Hantaoa •W nizll' tor their Round The tea.. 1 at Rendezvous Friday
:-\1 n1£era Marpn.l Whltln& and J'*1.oy Mercer will ~Aline a
b .. u .. nt H•art l'und dance F riday uts!lt In the Rendezvou. B&Droom
ur1<!Pr th~ apoa~rWIJp ot the HJ-T and 'l"rl-Hl-Y clubil ot ~ C..'T>fl .~t YMCA, It ...,.. ~9d &.oda.y ~y Mn. R61ph ~'
g .. n,•raJ chalrrnan ot the cuJTent H-.rt J"u.nd for: UM Harbor ~
Jo. t. )r.ow WbeM "8 becfa. .... _. ~ x.cn--. World Trip to the Jl'ar Ea.at, In-Thi! l"Xhl b1'4 of lrv1nir MAllolr'• 1-------':_:.....::... ____ _:: _____ I_ B&nl<ok, B&ll, "" Ph!UpplnM "" •nd Rl~•m -ol• ond ""'h"'I op lltaw·n1111
and Japan. with unuaual.ly ~auU-D.' ""'rlght'a watercolor& ln tht , 1 .:;,, Byu Band Plays Here t\ll &Udaa and a very lntere11t1n1 Foyer G•Hery will end Sun(ta y
aaniuon, whktl they both took Both of theu exhibit.IL h11ve i--n •
tw'ne deUl'trin(. atlrac:Uni: much a ltentlvn an 11
Feb. 29, Occc Aud1'ton·um ""'Gall•"' will .. ..,..,, •••. "'~' ""' •• ·~· "'"""" ""·· 2t t a!' ~ hanittnr -or the. nl'W eTI1.! of M•noir'a br1111t1l'Ut Rio·
aa.bJ~ta 11:1 t1l.e Foyer Gallery. nam-ela hav,. been &Old
TWo ot L&Juaa'a mo.rt t&lentl!d The benen t danoa wtll llt&rt at
9 p 11). Friday and -.t untU 1 a.m.,
"'Ith mu&ic provided by two danc•
hAnd ~. The Rl tta of Or&nl'a cio..t
College and the Rhythm klnr1 of
Ntwport Harbor HiJh khool, the
announcement Mld. ID~
ac ta w!U fl!ature lh• popul&r ....-
TM Brlp.m Toms Vai ••*Y o.utwni&.
irtrw and comJX19er-alnger ll..-O:incert Baiw1, 41reeted"" Ralph ~·..,.. tM "'Qr' •1 ..
ceT, "1th Mia WhiUn&"• aocom-I.Aycock, t. .cMdul«i to ~ UC111. C>Terature .. b7 Pull er.too.
panilt. e. mwrlcal JM"oSn.n1 .W... D 1n Of-. '"111• man who hl..,_tocl mul6c,"
T!le dance ta OJ*' to the public, &Ill"• Cout OoUep Mdtt.ortu.m. a -~ tor A&l'n.tor It.Del baftd.
Mra. 'hndowaky Mid. and ~ Cluaical, .-ml-popular and march U.. "Pn.,..r and ~ Pulto-
Mn ..W ~ Jl to th• Heart Fund. mwric ill inclUOld bl the prosram num.•·•trom "Hanaat aa4 Gretal,"
DUAll Cox.. pnw&l MCretray ot th• ot. ~ bt.nd, wm.e MUNa1 tour aDd tha "Brlpton .BMC:ll llanih." ~ eo..t. Y, la in llbarp .ot Udl 7Uf tu. U.... to 9oatbm'a A. t'eatuft pc• ...... ii ... P...a ~u. -tbat ... -.nttm. ........ ...
bud "" Galea Batto.. .. ,,...._to
flt Br111Jam Y°'°'C' ~ I•
DlUll<*! oom)k*IUoD and L9 •~
tltMd "'Dtftl'fdcln fOr Bt.nd."
Prat9-0r t..,yoock, under wt.orri u... band bu Natiftd ..... llC•
cla1m, Ma had .. ..al.Ut. ~ Jll'Ofee--
a6onal uperMDoa. In edd!Uon to
appMrinc' wttJi. U.. Utab lym.
~1 OrchMtra and the C&nadlan
Air ,._ Band, h• bu putld-
pated IQ TUIOUll ero.dway . Pf'O--,,,. o....n.. CWnty procrani
wtJl fM held at Ule Onq-e Ooa.et
OoUecw r.udltortum ln OOllta x-.
IDlder th• ~P of the
Clnrl'cb ol ,_ cruut ot Latltt-
-da¥-..,..t.,, oa. • pulJMc .....,~ n--. will be no char(t.
arli.ta. Prtacllla Praur a.nd Ann
Voe an h&Ylnr joint one man
ebowa of thalr recent work . ni.-... w1ll comprlae .exam ple.
ot bolh conMrvaUve and contem·
porary modern olla and water·
colon. T!le M:embera Ex.hib!t
' Dance Honors
Berkeley Girl
Hoaol'tft& Kia. Ann Stee11 ot
=eJ:~ lhe M= ~~the~:
SIM!n of ' U do Lile co-hoaled a
dapOll p..... l7 Saturday a t Balboa
Bay Club. Mi.. Steen 11 hoUM
iu-t, ot her rranOmother, Mra.
Hanlet Steen. who hu tall:en a
Mu. Oil Balboe. laland.
P'NMnt at the party wer• t he
~ Steen, J ... i:iy Lund, Thel-
ma Huttman, .Janet Cuomt>.-. Mc·
Leod; MeNn. JUchard Todd. Ted
Beck, ~ Werden, Tffi Von
Hernert and o.n SIP.en.
a hospital bed raisea the patient's spirits
TAKE FIVE! pleads Johnny Mercer to Harbor Hi'• Rhythm Klnp (I to r) Daft
Vaughn, Steve Watcher, Greg Adams, Denny Henderaon. Woody Woodrich and
Marlon Davey (on couch ), u they practiae licks tor Friday nigbl'• Benefit Heart
Fund dance at the Rendecvous. Sponsored by Qrani'e Cout YMCA. the dance will
teatW'fl Mercer and llinger Margaret Whiting, teen talent trom Harbor Hlgh and
Huntington Beach, along with music by the Rhythm Kings and th• Ritts trom
OnL1li9 Cout College. -Gene R.-Pb ot<>.
Four n nali.t. wW comP41ttt 111
th• Harbor TolUllt.laiabwia Oub
•Pf!-4'Ch oont.t to b9 ..... J'.t».
2'7. T:SO p. Ill. •t HoqltaUl)'
H oUM. Balboa. .A ~u .. &nd alt __ .. ~ ,... u..
ITC ar-. ~Ott 11:1 :lilarcb will
be ~ llPM)l:er. will be
Mm-. Ra.7 Traut-tqln, rtaAlt
Cla~ Dtward Klrkoriala .ad
Ha.el R. RJak.
Mr-. Jaye D. )(cJ(a.teon "1ll be
toaatmia:trM& ot lh• even.Inc &nd
Corning unglued? Are you a cr9eking, sagging bundle
of n9f'Yes? Whet you 've got to do, honey, it ahi~ out
of high 71 · . ~dE. l .A X
with ~~~ARA THERMO-CYCLO-PAD. Good for the gu. too. You can ret all tllill -
' MORE -at -
Health Studio
contest ehatrman. A irroup ot ~ ftMilor 'ff'T. or "'II In Pl",_" fr r -appob~t tor
out.Ide jud(ff we" •elected for ra.ri: Dl:MON'~RA.TIOX-•No OllUO ..\TION·
t he C011leat. wtlh loca.I memben , .. NAU. Slry.el Ba.IN&
n111,,_. other po.tat Mre. Albert (aero. Utt! it..-i trom B&lboe •->
-lowers the nurse 's wort .ren ts for p€nn ies a da.v
A hn1p1tal hM i& "'818! hl(h
for r a r• of patient ... -nhout
•looping . kl'epe him
c:ornforta blt!! a l the tum ot
a crank.
CAN REST , .. everythinr
t or the 1lckroom trQ.m
commode to oxygM tenL
Klniberty 1-1111
Dinty Moore
Party for Club
Membera or the Breaker11 Club
were entertained Saturday even·
Ing a t l.he home ot Mr . • Mr11
RO¥ Strolz, 414 E. Ocean Front.
for a Dlnty MOC)re dinner.
3-bx 7-14 Sub Teen1
No Extra Charge
Oue1UI Included Meun. and
Mmee. Ray Farnaworth, A !berl
Behmldt, P ort Mille r. Harry Roth
and Lewt1'!nce S hl11lda.
A ahort bualnesa ni«llng """"I
call('>(! by the prMldent . f\frR.
Sch1nldt. al which lime Mr. and
Mn . George Carroll ,..nd Sally
Brown were admitted u new n1em-
Ybu Pick the Fabric I plain. print or •lripe) a nd
Style we measure tn fit . . you pick .. u p
shorts, a.k1rt, middy or pusher next day?
T he ne)lt meet.Ing will be heated
by M.r. a nd Mt9. Roth a t lhe
Strot.a home.
Top Drawer
Balboa Island
NEW CAR on your mind?
f I '\ \ \ ' 5:::..__..,,
....... .......c.. 11--.. ,....,,_
. c-,__ . '---0.-•• c...,. ..... ........ ~ ........
P.tllloyew diho...,, wftltoea••••-.•
9CMI •••
E . .Jolmaon. pf'Nldent. ln Tltad all [L,,======"':-"""'=-----.,,,,==,,.,========'[ Barbor e ree. women lnteTNted In
i!~ietreta ~uv1u.. to a.t-Everybody Reads The C L A S S I F I E D 2130 S. Mat. SL Santa Ana
•tall I Pllfl•I llfOlll 19'4•,•a•••••••• ..................... . •
• I
~~!"·~:;.. ~---•-,·-=-.u.;;--"7 :'.!!f-~-·:~ .. ~-~~· ... -.!'--~"'":-~!. .. !-, ....... 7 -· --·~·~---... -----------------· ---.------_,_____ .... ---
•• 14 ,.. .....,_ " t1>e ,.,... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I PA6E 1
di. ....... .,: ~'!'° .:;::"-~-~AY._~~y ll, 1954 1 ....... -___ .... , ..... -, ......... .
& ~~=-=-L_tt ~= f'~~'!1*..?:;:; ~~-~--... ~
, llllilllld ,,_t ""Ill U.S. X I ... eOlllll .. m EM 1
f0"1tel ~~·II Sdip !_ hff :~.::;.,..~ ~ ~-=---e:::-:...":° ... ~~&' a
·IU_l;_t, i!~.·~ ~~ ~r!,~ "':°=.:::.~ ~~~...:,:_ 'to'::,_•
A.JI. TM lion& .. O•••S• ~ : b•tllil-'-111 ..........
UlfTA ;&., (OC?f8) -,, •• ~ HN•1_,!"'!!~yw°"'to ........ t .~· ~. i .... , ,_ lla,_'t ... to ~ ..... ---,
pUUo diet--wt.II Uf\M for ~ ""' --..... • _, r''n .. iat d. We old tUa ............. s' ' -11. ;_, '
• ...,,,., of charpl aplNll Ml• Dl.trict AU. , Robert Kaee'-4 ...& ...... & Jolt fir ,... Nol It II ,...,..s tllilt (1111 f?9 ... p 'tr Co ti ... ,.. •5'
e-.t ~t7 queen att.ack• ,.._..tor .J11 eourt acUoo. a. ~.Ollii ... .._ 'lftet,AI Ga lest mUe & t...-. oftWo • W. ....... a... -• £.. J~ Jam• Walli.er, ~. Sant.& Kid th• two-week delay 1n .,.. ttl. ... ~ ·~-~ -ni..r.. ..._._. OU at~ ...... .._' ........... _,
....... , t :ao .... hb. 21. 0r-ralpDMllt ..,, made wtt.b u.. --~1.... ~t ll..i.. A. K. o.u. •1M -, -!MW -tio<! OOUt. 00fle1• lllve)ent Xre.. ~the ck.I ... would r. __ __._., ,_ ~ Wlth ~ .,.b,_..,,. p G •• z;' -¥ Dziiiii
DollM 8dl\ln" Bretl wM the al· ti. Nady lo arru-tor ,,_,_, =·~ ~ ~ ~ •;:..: = ~~ -=1~ :.-= :.:. .. 0 a...-a-'
..-'t'\cUm.. o1 u.. charti• lt tt ctioe.. 11a -t -.-o.... . _ _:_. __ -...__ • 000 --o.p.. P\lbUo Petender ruch&rd Mk! ti.'d Uk to U.. -_.._,..," ... ••w "'-• euw..... tllf.....r 8up4r10r O>urt merit. pNMDl:i_ w Ill'&"• : ~ ~ :-: ....,. • MW procw tw ~JI' • ...... C • ••• _..
.Juda• ltmMtll. E. MonVon Y•' Wf.lk.er, f&UlC' ol OM &Dd --mitt. fl/f __..... a-. a = Dun t.b• pound. ......... JlllM. ~ Olllilt
letday bis otfk:• will •rpe to p«:t1nc another, la tl'M on ll5000 kldlM to .a.4J' U.. _.. •• Oo U. &. lllMIUq ,_...., ~ OIDlrc'e ..,-.. ._. ..._ • tl.e
Mt Uide. UM IDt'ormatloa ap.lrat. ball. w. --.r wun'\ 1n u.. 9d '6.'i a.p1ut II -.ata tor tbe rtftl SSom u..a. ..., .,. c..d
tha dlifeade.ftt.. courtroom )'Mterday. ~ ~ and..,.,,.,.. OQDoo Dmn'9 ntlp&bWl'• JI .....
'lb.e Judi• contbl\Md 'A'alker'e GIRL: SCOUT HOUSE d1*' NU&ble ..wn&Ud t.b&t -.na-TM Tict.oc7 P•• U. "*"*--'
Vl8lfOB8 RONOK!:I) -It wu a memorable occula tor the Wm. J. Hallahan•
ot WubJ.Apn, D. C. when they visited Long Bea.en during their trip to the Weet
Cout for the .eNion of the C&lifornia Saving• and Loao League at Santa &rbua.
Mr. Hallahan le the newly appointed member of the Federal Home Loan Bank
Board, and wu presented a golt!en key to the Cit y ot Leng Beach during hil!I visit.
Pict\lttd left to right al city hall are T. A. r.reg11r y , p?-eaident of the L.ong Beach
Federal Saving• and Loan AA&ociation : Mrs. Hallahan, Wm: J . Hallahan, and city
counrllmzn D. P. "Pat" Ahern, who made the JH"t·sentation during the absence o!
arn.Jpm.at u11UI an.er th• rul, Inc-UU. year are ~ et a Oo&ca. 8t.u Inman • loop f'llllOC'd
""' ,. "'' mou~. DRAINAGE BREAK-I N .TOLD '"" °' ""' ""°"' twlco lut ot I ...._ -' -.
W&lli:e:r i.. c.barpd "1th attack, ,...ra rat.. In n ... ot ~ out-1 ;:============:; lnr apd ILldnsritn1 M.,... Brett. (0-~_. "--p__.. l ) The Olli &cout 80l.iM at loolt It i. quite~ that moni Ii
11, Gardeo Grove on two OC· lTOO W . B&lboe. Bl't'd wu c-i-.-dlvtdelld u.tment ma7
euiana. Be ..iao t• u~ or eoulll not ba allowed. to dn.1D Into ~ tnt.o ..,-ty 7..i.rday ~ COS'l9idwed. at dlriaead n1 .. un1
bW'Jlarlslnc t he llom• ot I.he ll!.• ditch unW I.he Wlun.y Ba.o-a.od ~t.aly Me tn eched.uled. tor next !Mbtb.
r;...uty quttn. den company Ui • retrnbw'Md tor cuh WU t<en from tile ot-A..'l400NDA NZ:\\'S
OONTUT WfN?fUl ,_ ah of ,.. nee, Mr.. Nna ~. 2117 EuuJn..,. -~ ·-···-"' for to••
----a--ra · e ..... ...... _
UMrty 1-1.MI
008T A Mr;SA NAftlLEM 00. • pro n. .... AC.NI&&• aza "'' Mlrarnar A ve., niported lO p<r • ..,. "'" ~...,, ..>U
?.fr•. 81'tt wu ,.ti.• Callfor-coet or dra.t.n.lnl' Uwo uea.. u.oe. ue u tlmated at approxJmateJy Zl!l>O :Se~ 11.tri,
$1.00 a ah&tt, "'1th around 110 I ~===========:;;~ rila 111 Lut year'• Mir.a Unlverae Q:luncllm-~ed. a motion llra. 'lbomu NJd the money ('Ont•t. The pretty •tudent C'hl lm • 'A'&Jker torc .. 11 her to tbal ua.. clrrelopen ot t.be ~00-W_.. nc&lpU! trom th• NJ., -----acre tract would be htld tup<Nl-ot cooldea by Otrl 8co1..1i.. Ute
the mayor f'tom the city. a &hare a reuonable ai<pectAtlon \,
ror I.he curr.it y-.r. l.n vi ..... ot
I yif'ld lo him 11t k.n lre 11<1fnt---oric• b '"
ME al I• for n1Lmbun.J.n1 ..,. Murray put few wee.kl.
ewport Beach Elementary 1 ~~-.. "~~S!~~ ! .. , f 5,7:.?:·.~.~~~::~~~f :;~~·21 :~: ~~::.~:o ~;o·~"' :. '·T_o_d_a_y_'_s_N--.-Y--. --·~=:~~~·=..~~::::a:
SchOols Shi.ft Boundar·1es r ee d"nUal IUHl hll•ln.,_9.11 &n1J t(JIJ r am&JI Car &.rid at!ackf'(I h ~r .. "'un.11. to l \lb4JV1de & ln..cl ot J..nd P"&l'I one O! lbe more lnlf'rertl.111
I "Uu.at·publk l.v1uno:a Yl.t lker hu derufd ttny for.::• 4.1.20 lt 1-70.10 feet. !yin& ~ s k R of U> .,
F'tlllleque rxph11n .. 1I tll•l ,,,_l In w. rei.&Uofte W!lh M.18. Br..lt. t .. HD llillh ~ eo.ta .W.ea& BlA.. toe eport -r;·~m;';';; .. ;"';";":;::::; ~ut··t rl ,. ""'t ,, oa Sula 4J1A. lnto two lolJt_ .... u 11~ w ._,_ • "<'&& • Ho ~rt_, tie bec:..me • rntnd
Cllaa.. Nnt Fal Accommodates New
1 Sttt St.-Sa-Ana Ave, lmtltoltion
br-1t .ource ot lll.Jl re\·enue "\'.'eve ot her1 &tier •h., po.. .. d f(Jr ad, The pMl.nnlnr corumiamlon 1&4it P'RJVAT!I WIRll C0).tME!'o"T I
never hid enoucti W-1 to att ract virU.t•n• pll'lllrM at I lle auto week had • .pht vote on tb• maL-
1 Id I , .... "' -• --. t d '"· '" u··'"'~ •-DIRECT FROM NEW YOH K T<J I •r&tt n ue t1t• auc1 &1 u1e r O•-. upboUterUlr ahop wherf' he w11rko. er I.I\ ........ -... e app ~-· .... -NEWPORT BIC.A.CH o .. ,1''1C.:~ 0~-,
Motur Co, EdlMln Co. or Rob<':l"'t-Sulltvan pr-ntt<t the i(rtiUI_. to I.ha I~ of lb• coww;lJ .ttb
Chanl .. tn lndlv\duaJ 1 ch o o I
bouna..ri• tor th• ecl:Klol lerm
next tall to accomrnodate the
new ICbool on S&nl& Ana A ve.
e.nd 16th Rt. ba.ve ~ &nll,QWl·
ced by the Newport Beacb ll:l.e -
rnant&ry Bchool DUitr1ct.
It wu or11ln.ally pl&l\lled that
the Horace E.naicn 8chool ...-ould
f'ventua Hy becom• a Sev111nth and
l'J&hth Grade B<:hool. Th1I year
tt w ill be a.dvluble to •tart
m&Jtlnc thl1 chlnr.-ov1r by ......,
1l(nln1' part Of Ule &1st.la Jn.de
to Ol'le ot I.he otbar ~ In
the dl1tr1ct.
ah&w-lrulton. Y>• hope we've ti.ken ror which tbe de!en•e ,,.111 1• ve a ~u-~ tor (Uld.&..Dce ln rutun SKEJJ't80N, WMVII 1' 6 (,,,'0 -
Corona del X..r -K1ndtr1ar-CU1I that On lhlll muter plan." , 10 lq\.1&1.b the chart:;el. The lirit matter• of lhla type. The tec:J:ui.JQ&l pGlllUOa ot th• nar-1
tan lhrouctt fourth cr ... Je ,-11.hJreu Ln I ,.,,A h ' ~ d ket kiolu hl&h•r but tradt•• &n•l c U<K"U In t • I u11tna1 1cre.-contenllon wa1 that befure !1hn1 ~ .. a problem lf'Un.ll tac.cl lln thoM Who ti.av& talled to butlrl
rrom th• aru preeently ,...rvN ace . .ome Inside the city and llOme the 1.Q.tonna tlon the .1 .. 1eni111.nt Wb.lch the comau. .. 1<1n wu WI.Ult
by th.e Corona del M 11.r S.:hool. out1\de ln SQne1 or tnnuence, a re h& .. ~·t bee 1 ''l ti b to llOl.ve wu w het.bar he &hould buyl.ng ru.t"N would Hem """11
Newport &cbool -Klnder&&.r· ....., 11 e1.., Y com mi ~ 1 &dvlhd to lt&'htan up on •lreri&Ul 400 ac re• of elr ba.af' property aUU a ma,Utrate and for that rea.on be nqtJired to put lo curt. u.d ten Lhrouch rtflh (Tll.Uf' r tulJren own .. d by \.he ft"<:frraJ govemn{.,nt, he WU d.nl-4 hla Legel &lld con, ruttar1 U demanded by law. The market'e r•ponae to 1ood
will e tten<I trom Lhe ftl'""'" a1ea1 7~ MJ,.... we~t o r IW.rbor Rut autuUon&l nshta lo a fair trW. HAZA.JU) 0 , •[MKO n...,. bU been suer• marked r•
u a t pre.aent e•r tpt th11.1 IT "1!\I Mcn•orl&l Park conv,.nlent I.() " 'A'&lker wun't ""rn1llll!d to canUy, tor U&mpk!, the copper ~ nee.,......, to relieve Th I• 1HI r -"I'd like lo put In curbs," Mtd aloe.kl advanced on the l&teat Ui~
•1 ~ 1 •pur track of the l'.E S P railroad crne .. examlne the prn..-€UUOll !JI .....,,1,1 &t tNi Newport 8chl)<)j 11) 1111.n1-' l'UAk. "bu.l ll ~--rs be h&A.rd-ceot per pound prtee 1nc r-, IJld
ternng 0 11 e erell t o aiinth~r the Vant art.ntlla t1&n &•1uth or thf' meterlal m<er• u ah""'"' by Uie oua.. Curbe w ould c..-t& a 4-,m .elected lndl'l'ldu&I 1-uu have re,
I h Bible CoUe1 e. and a larg!! Im.cl I pr,.llmlnary heil.r!ng tranacrlp<. ••d bl-k '"" drot•••• It '"· d·" ,_ t bl d llChO<J . At the pre1ent t:ni• t e1e north ot BUer A••e bf'twefn i<"alr-tbe publlc defPnd"r lllllO &&aert.t ,-,, •• :: .... ,:.p.._ ,;--· Id p':::_ 1pon ""'...., avora e evelopmenta. &re l"'O pauible 11re•~ "'h lr h ~ -.. ._..,_ ,,,... The ne(&Uve re.eirve poe:!Uo n of
may provtde a IOlut iun •n•! the vtew Road artd Ne"'l""t Bl\'d SO UX"ATJO!lo" Rltft"'N ride the proper 1treet l'rade•." member baaka Ut &cain Iara• and
!ln&J dl'CLa1on will ha\I,. t,1 lie 'i'h• "qud -publl<" ttlninr . F'urthennore, the df'ft'nM &I'-tt wu ti.e9.UM the cornmi.lon mon..y i.. u,11t. TU tortbcorntnl"
mldt' upnn t h• bul.11 "r .• c•1m-F'r&neqUti dt'flned •~ 11.'.hl"lf.>l•. J(YU. UMre ti-. ~l!n no ahowinJ .. ant..ed an en.Wu to tbl.e fOf t.re.uu.ry tln&ndn&' la March wtll
plete 11 naly!is or lhf' cnr"ll""'nt parlu, civic center•, R.Ild !e-drral, th.9 all!!(f'd attack• Ol«'ur rfll lll CUlW"ll ru.U..a.c-. Uley attended lhe require ete)M to -the mon<ry
d.&1.11. o.t Lllc:>e tw:o t1re1111 1n Liu: •ta~ &A_!_ co~ty-own,,f! proper~.l:. Qf'!Jll• C(JIJ.B.tJ' • anJ, tJJrrctor1. i:owi!lU ~\,P,&'_,H '"~)'. marke t and II IUCh ~•pa a re not
dl.mtrlct. Pl&n.1 are l•cluaf'a for two new wou.ld11't ~ In the iur111111 cl!vn ot aty Atty. DunpA Nt.d th• tor1.bcomln(, lu&i\.iiiilillj--'hlc6"U
One pol&1bllltJ w ill be lo u--perk.I, one l'Omewhere !n lhl' \'I -I.he loc&J ma ct1tr1.t... ordia&llce coQCernl.nC curbe ,c;,ted yt~ will re.ult. Ul77 llABBOR BL VD,
All llnee written.
1808 Newport Blvd., ea.ta .,_
PUO!lo't: Utlf.:tTl' P...113
It .. ,....,_. .Ptz• r f
r-..i 1o v-ear.
The 1\i.111 a nd tacllltle• ot lhe
<..'U'rona det ~ Mar S.:hool mNte--ll
\dt>a lly l\JJl.lld. u a lower 11'4e
•chool but net well d..arn-cl lo
handle Ir a d e • Klnder1arten
through 1IJIUL Ibuefore, It la
1<ntlclpated U\M. lt wlU In the
futu re h&Ddle ""'4•• Klnderpr·
t<"n throu1h fou.rtl\. W1lh nttll.
a nd 111tth era.cl• childtf'n ln that
area betnc ~ to th• ~
bor Vll':W Bcbool.
•l&n Lido i.'lle to th.. Harbor clnLty of Adalll.I St. end Ha rt.or Sullivan wanted a t .... •o . Wflt'k Jt "ma.J'" be enforced bUt U not BU8.!NU8 NEWll
View School tor gra.J,.1 -Kinder-Blvd., aCl'Oll t ron1 0Tanl"• c .. u t oocn~U~·~~~~'~'_':"'~~P~"~P~'~':•_'.''"~'~':"~~:..:·~· ... ~utrod~~·~· ~'4~~ .. ~~..r~o-.'.':'~~l:'.l~t.'.,'.__;c.::;rpot~:·~ .. ~-~~~~fo<'::~"'"°'~~ln~·~~'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'. (&rt,.n thrrnl(h f1fth. A n 11ll+'nu.te Colle&•· and the ~thrr on JO arrt• -
oour1e .... ould be to .,111:n chll-ot CoWlly fa ir J*'oprr\}'
dred !n Weit Newport fn.n1 1he f"tRr; STA TI0 ...... 1'
Santa A.n a River to 1111rn""' hf'T•
In th~ vlcLnl!y of F orth·th Street
to t he nrw 11chottl ttl ~ant& Ari&
Avenue end l~lh S\r<'e l
...... f.:\\' ~C•l0tll.
School No, !) --K!nC1,.ri;:1rttn
t hl'OUl!;:h tlflh ln the enllle N~w
port Hel(hll and Cliff ll:ivr n
u-..a will •tlend ttll1 .choal In
Fra ncque explained th11t fire
atallon• would lM locate•! ne11r
Santa Lubel Ave. •nd Newport
Blvd .. t"alrvtew Road near li•ker
A11e. a nd at t he eit1.!ltln1 location,
R.oche1ter BL and !'ewport.
Tl'eller p•rk1 "'f're givl'n no &on-
lng but were t;f'nerally curuilder ed
Lo be In a con1merru~l catecory.
Oth<"r rhanrea w111 b• mad• t o
teke m&.lllmum advantaca ot Ule
Jocetloo ot the n-.chool Lo
r...Juclnl' tran1portallon ne«a of
!he dlltrict. lJI one or t11ro ca.Ml.
howel'ar, It will be n-.ey to
1.-..n.eport chtlclnD. to a •ch o o I
other than the one clotieat to
them ¥&eorraptue&11y.
Teal&llvely approved 11ehool
boundarle• and rrad• ...isnmenta
for 19M·llil!i7 are u follow1:
a.ddltlon, 1lther .,..·911 1 :-; .. wp•orl, 1a \~· .. 111\f f .a!d th"' plannlnc com-
uplalnl!tl •bov,., or Harbor High-ml'-~'"" would. holt\ t...,·o he&rtng1
land• wilt e!30 be lnclurled lf l •rtfr which Iha plan "·ould ht! sul>-
We-t Newport I• auicn...:t ll•1n11llf'<\ to the city <'ounrll for •d-
School No. 0, Hazbor 'H!ghl•nd111 , jltl<inal he1nnga "nol adopt ion
will continue at the Harbor V\ew
School. If Lido Liilf' i! aMlgn..0
to Harbor View Sc·hool. Harbor
Highland!! will be lnr luded In the
School No. ~ are•.
"Rome or the pl'r90na "'e ars
mo~t conr,.i:.rit'd with," \\"elmer ron·
~lud~. "are ruatf'nll In th!! fringe
5tl'&JI, tn 11. t.0ne of influence, t.hey
o.re .tll rnut h concerned with Lhe
nia1\f.r plan u the act ual real!lent.I
•t (;n~t& M<·1111.."
Harbor Vlew School -Klnd-
errarten through •lxth i r • d e
chlldre,n from 8ho~ Clltf1. Cor·
ona K lrhland1. oorcm.. del M ar
north of the htcb-7 and Bay
8hOrfllt and Bay flbor'N Camp
wtU attt":nd lhil llCbool. fBlxlh
c rade children 'fr<mi Ba7 Bbore1
and· Ba.)' Shore Camp ....UI p to
Ul• H orace !:ndp lkbool.) l n
add.Won, the tlrtb and UUi (T•de
chlldran from all o( the pn.ent
Coruta dill Mar 8clM>dl di.trtct
w\U a ttend Sanor vi.w.
Hortlce En•lgn School -The
ch!ldnin In ths 11eventh and e11hth
gT&des from all of lhe dl11trk:t Pattf'r11on'11 hlghw!l}·I map, ""'hlch and the 11.xth c-rade chlldren fron1 I~ rro)rr Lcil into ~11rroundl ngcoun all ar~ t>x cept tho1r aulgne<I to Harbor VI-will attend I.he l)' ere,.~. shnwa Harbor 81\·d. and P'&lrvtew Drive with l OO·ft, rlchta, Horece Enst,-n School -some minor T&Ti&tloris In Kin-ot·w•y. They are p~UJ' eo tMt wide. dergarten bounda.rlea will almoat I--------------I
certainly be 11ece-ry.
Kaiser Claims Patients :
Re.fuse _ to Gtv~, T~$ljr_nony
c:~u tr llupllal Workers Gvlltlff1,
Sap•ntlor Flilch i. Probe To Date
Di• 1 rt or Hem ol palim.U' mal: valid crttlclam ot bo.pltal em-
b.~ ~ ..,U.-Count.; ployeea. Uiey re!'wle!I to teetUy to
h~· ~ '9 Will con-any fac t.. they cl111 imt'd to know.
tln'*f aa4 If l&ft7 l'ridaaoa iii fOund One witnea, Kal1er declared, wa1
to waJTUt ~ proo.sure am· det'tnttety • peycho Ct9 th• word ot
plO)'<Mll will ., br'OUCtat Woni her penK>nlli phyll~-
tha board of wpertllora for qu.-K&lll!r CUrtller eteted tbat be
Uonlnl' and poaelbk CG'llllnl, Su, ~lved two a.nonymoWI letter1
par'fi90C' Helns KalMr today told iyld an U10nymcru1 telephone call
~ N---PlJ'•· mak1n&' cba.rcea agalnet county
8o fu, K&JMr aa&d. .. bu Maa bo9pital .mployee1, but he did not
unable to nnd _, ON wlllbll' to .... MliCb. material wa.rnnW
t.&b th• wttn.19 M-4 ... ~ ~
to &111' crtUcialll al M1' ooutr ·~tal empl~ 0. U.. _c:ontra.?', K&leer aald,
Gav.ii namam ot. tllrM ,_.rMI JM bad !'llfflved five un10llctl!!d
wtta_... K&Wer' ..W. t.b&t ~ 1iltUn fftllJI h~tal am,ployeu
Batvrd&J'' M apmt 1DQ9t, ot. tbili dKll..rta,r charge. aa-aln#t. couat;J'
day m~·t.bem aDd ....,... JtimPtal officlal111 falae and prat11-
ml1Md \Ml u..,. aol -tr .... DO lJll' I.he ma.nagemt>nl end phy•I-
---------·----ct.an-ln charce.
DIATH l'IOTICI ........ ~
Restrooms Set
Fer Beach Area
'T'wo new re1troom11 for the beach
park at Corona dt>I ~l •r Wf're ap-
proye<I b'Y U:l•-~l<,._l?e•<;b. _~
reere-Uon comml1111lon meettnc
lu t night. The building• were pro-
po1ed hy B<"rt \\'t>l:tb, city engim!er.
Parl at thei r 11ppro,·al wu b&.eed
on &pproprtalion or t unda ror et
Le ... t 1t1t plana to be uH<I In parll-
lng the reatroom a rl'8a.
Uc11lg11 of the reatroom1 wu
(IUl!lltlone1I by Mr11. P. J . Burton.
who Clllllf'd the l·om1nlJM11ton'11 11.t-
tenlion to the fact tha.L W tlr1t
l"lew or the new building• will ~
Cron1 the top ol the l'llrr a nd ahe
thl!n d<"manded that tht: h11ild lng111
have 1\optng roots. ln111l.,,..d o! rlel
root1 cluttered up "'Ith ventllaUon
Marth! Girt II
lene Martin, 12, of lil24 ~lh St .
~ lilts&. J'e3terd&y bN'•me Or·
an,ge Counly'e elchlh polio vlrttm
for l9~. Hor c•1'fl \\'lit.~ &nflrmed
u non·par11lytlc polio J.fon<l•y. Ttte
Fl U In Or!l.nge <.:nunty Ho.pltal.
,.,_t CldWtlna Dlall• 0ctrc.i.
bom J"•b. 20 at Hoq Hosptt.al amt
med u.. ............ 1unlftd
bt '*' pe.nnt., Mr. and Mn. J.ck
Aron Oer~l, 111 Ca.rrlll Plac..
Qost& Men &nd a U.ler, Cynth"
Lee of the bcmi•; her rrandp&!'j
enW,. Kr. aa4 Mn. 1'red HAJ'dtfi
ot Oruc"e ... Kr. and Mn. JIOW't"
&rd O.rsel et Monrralk. Bir'l'teaa
wi!:ni coDducted at l :JO p.111. ~
at Perlt--RkUey Mortll&f"J' Chapel.
eo.ta M--. will!. the Rn. P . O.
N~ putor ot the P'\nt Ba~
ttat. ~ or Coat& ...... flf·
t1d&Uq, ·~ ... ......
uo 30llt81.,~-
SMALL --,_ ..._ -PvL IL.------------------...J
... Wa..t.a """"°" 4-DOOll MUTOf'-N--. lllOll• •lfu] ...... lmdtop of tbm. .U. No enter ~ fll eoGne. Bat ..... 9eportUlt. GO yQ.
a zq Lt cum 10 the roof • ._,.,.., p111...,. mjoJ hD ~. D yw ~ ...._ clil~ the r-.. from II act.-'-door Mrd&opa.
He~s _ why .so_many ·small car
owners are moving up to the Big M !
You gtt
far more car for your money.
Big-car •in. weight, and power. Big·
car luxury md pree tigB. Remember,
too, that Mercury's low •tarti.nB price,
low open.tin« cost and con.Utdltly
high reu.le .i.Jue nab Mercury the
top value in iu field,
Mercury has 11. look of di stinction all
ill own. 'You 11~ it in th e 11\eck. Toad·
hugging profile. In th e fre11b, youthful
lioee-In the 11part.ling new colont-
rich tolKl·tonell, radiant two-tooct1, and
Dn' flo-Tone color ttyllng.
You not only pt high bonc:powar in
TRI: BIG If, you get a car with the
reflexes of a champion athlete. Go,
atop, climb. pau-mE BIG If ~
instandy to your enry command. On
rolJlh roads and curves-THE BIG 111
adj!Jlll inMonlly for eue and comforL
There's a whole new family of safety
advances. At n o e2tra cost, y01J grt an
impact-ahM>rbing aafety 1teering whttl
and tripl&-strength door locks. And,
as optiona, there are seat beltt a.nd •
padded in1trument panel. .......... _.....," _ .... _,, .......... -......., -............ ...._., ...-.
Pricee at.art low for THE STC •-For
ex.ample, the ~utiful and powerful
Mercury Medali1t ia priced below many
_ models in the ''low-price 3. "• And you
have. wide choice or body ttyla and
color options in Mercury'• newest.,
lmn.t-priced Medal.lit _._
BUYS THIS BIG 195& ll~llY llEDAtiST
'J011NSON & SON, Meircury Lincoln·
7 •
900 W. Comt HICJhway NEWPORT IEACH Lla1tlr 111'5
Acrou from lay CW.
• j
• -'
-wBINESDA.Y,..fEIRUAAY 22, 1956
"" Colla Mea Fire Prevea.tion Officer Ralph Lee launch ed Main School students on
• the road towa.rd beoocntnc otnctaJ Junior Firemen 1n the acbool auditorium in
a recent clu&. Here Lee, left. shows the fine badge which e&n be ea.med by the
• student.. to candidates Noreene Klundt and J eff Upton. The t raining ·course
" given under the program te&cbea fire prevent ion and safety to the children. -
Stolt Photo
starts i•"'Cilf• .
"Cl.u•trp Wed," t.lm ---~ I.I
...... ~ "Y-,,__.-D<lll CIU
thf'oUJbout( the 'Harbor .,.__ It
... -~lut ... wttJI pollff9-M -\M
Boys' O ub by i'L-... rreem.an. w,
~. X ra. T. Duncan l!l t-.rt
. ~.'Gdf'f"W._....---
H a-rd Smith, Tommy TtM!dt rr ..
and GfirTY Fu.Melman Wll"9 win -
ner. In ·tb•t Ot"der an<& 1'9CfiMd
C&lh priRll.
ci.u.-up week ha. bffn mad•
ottt<:La.I by a proclam•UOn by
Mayor Dora HW end alJ bu4in••
and c!Tl.c· &TOUP9 In the efty .,..
taklnr ii-rt tn the drive. M,,..
J &.mt!ll t Betty J Reynold• i. J unior
Ebell Club "Build a Better Coni·
munlt7 .. cbalrm&A.
The club 11 dl1tr1butlng 30,900
eoplee of exhtinc Uttft' law•
lhroughout the Harbor are& and
~ written wn1ce S"(l'Upl uki.nl"
coope,..tion In & )'ftU· IU'OWl.d
clean-up camp&lp. Ya.cht clu~
have allo been uke.d to ltru.
...,,_it&U<Jn I.aw•, particula.rly In
boat cl-.-for younl' children.
F\Ulnr 1tation1 h•v• al• bt!<ln
UXttd to cooperate In collec:tlon ot
tn.ah motor\Jll.1 ordlnLrlly .-cat ter ~
~-,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1..iong hlghway1.
· Mesa Pair's
Assault Case
Eontinued '·
Th" ,-...,n,.r uf ,. tr11 rl··r "tll'PIY ro1npany al "1.!10 N......,port
SIY<.I. wM pamJulJy I 111 S\llUrcl11y pVt:fllllK Ylhlle h<'c w1111
), .. 11,1n,: w u rk1n•n 1., ... 1 \\ -~1 when lha \ru,k acc!denl.aJly
ti .. t k,.,J up ll.fld pinn,.d r,;rt, "' lh~ .... ona pr!•
Th., v1ctom, !:;!Ji•:-.;. J,.11 l 'c1rt•r ... 2, ~64~ lt,.dla.nW lJrr.-e.
The club aJao hu uked bumlb-
hou-to provide litter b&C'9 for
can and Boy Scout Troop 10 wtll
~v,. demonatrt1.1lone ·~ m&l'ket..
"howtng how car han~ra tor Utter
h11.g1 can ti.. marle from coal h&nl ·
Junior ("'ha.mbt>r · ot Comme~.
~A A NA., (0CN81 -W ith
" a?j'ury IWOrD In, the felony U ·
1191flt b1al of tl•e y.:.utli1 Y••t.er-dar ., .. continued tu JO a m
..,.. M to pannlt the f1nl.1h of
._.Uier trtat under YI AY Jn 811-
ptrlot" Court Dept. ...
.,.,.a~ 1'1'""11 X-nt.y1 111 H·•"I!:" li(}Olpllal btlt WM ...-!,..._d when
Ho bruk .. n bonea w .. r,. di~·• I r.~
1-'ort<"cr rrlljj.Jrtp(J I<• f'"I"<' \hll l hr ha.d Uk,.d U1/" drlvP.r,
Ed Murley. !:'!I ll="' l<•J•~ ~: S .. nta Ana, to 1nov .. !hi! truclc
but H "' .. nt II\ th<' ""r1'.ll.lo,' c!1f\'rUnn and pinnf'd tum t o the
,;11 ... k vt ... vud .\l••rJ .. y lr,.•d tll,_,.,. 11m .. 1 to d.••·nga!l.t: Ule
t 11.1• k tn•n1 reVerk 1;:.,...1, rlU;h time puAh1ng l 'orttr hanJc-r
YM!'A a.nil Roy 3(''1\Jta have
agreed t(l help clean up va.c&11t
Iota hlghWt1.y1 an.1 ti..whea In l.h9
l l&rbor &l"t:ll and P -T A l'")\J);tl
h1v,. Mint "°'"" to pa.r,.nt.t 1aU1ng
Ulem or hop.-1 for <'!t'an-up week
&lld 110me 11tnreao h••·ui r prornl•d
to menuwn the wl°'<'lc Jn thetr &d-
Club member-. wtll dl•pl&y ('}e..ti·
up 1uckl'rn on cer burn11•·r1 u 1
1uirt .,f 1h e r &n1p111 ll(n &-1h l a rnnvie
"1hort" haA been purchued by the
<·\ub wWch w1U be .ii.own a l loc::&l
lheatru durini" the WMIL
"A cl':Uled of -.iat.1!to11g Kubo-1 t
Nl 1:frowkaw, S11nte Ana 1< r •
.1"11.. r.. 8i.,montn1a. 18. ••t
11131 Newport Ave . c.· .. ,111 ~'"""·
ftra.ncl.t D. DUI. 20. or 2011 2 Rlll y-
.-.: CQata Me.111 . H U.!l.>.,.ll A
'lltll, 20, lrvlne; Gllry It Sl .. i.;111
tn h111 puin .. d J'>Olllt1on.
Tho: •le-t un uf the fnoak
hurta wh.:n he w..-Mally rele&Md
HUOlpit."'I by 11.mb\JlaJl1·e -----
~,.':'. ,;"~;. ::;,~ "'""" J 1 VOLZ COMMENDED Former Grand Jury
Foreman Named
t'he Juror1 aelec'll'd lo 11erve h1
J ude• Robert 0 1.·rdn,.r·,. <'(Jurt •re
M l from Newport HarboJr
Reserve · Calls
Boye fn:im 11 to 18 '<a year11
M IC"' may now enllat tn the
A rmy Reaerve and liVOl•! bo-1011:
eailld· Into the ..-my before they
ftnlah bi('h achoo!. aocoNllng to
Lt. Col. Carl J. Paul, U.S.A.R .•
101 '2 ~-Main St .. Santa AnL
Under the new naerve act .
to Post
Even'!tt RHH, Bnoia, tonnM'
roreman of th& On.n~ Count y
Gf'and Jury, wu on Monday con-
-At-i~ut One· ciiiiorTier "O("'CQ.li
.0ie Ulldlfii' dl')>&ft.fr\ehl tl&Ve "fll.-tlfilWMl..-.. '4AAl.r:m&a-ol t.M..:..u..
JI ecutlve commlttee of the Chap-P.teaa'• rlty bulldln( department .ued. to u. la the i.a..t .)"<"cllr bu d-ing' permlU of 1 valu l\Uon <"ex-m&n Coil<"cg-e Pr•ldent'1 ad"1801'J'
1a 1111\t;'lfl<"cd Wlth tht dut1 t'a per-ceedln&' one a nd one-half niUHon council.
formed by Building O rtic!&! A. J · dolJara. wa ti.ave had Ule oppor-The conrtnna UOn waa a pproved
Voli., who-&e actlori• have r~cently tunlt J to ~• many bulld.lnl" at a luncheon mttlln&' ln the eol-
corne under mc.h lnten.e fire that dapart.menta of varkiui mWllcl-lei"" dlnlnl' haJI Mon<1a)'. Arend•
t lley may become campaiirn 1 .. pall.Ue• claetly becal6H ot our tor th• neirt ruu .-ion or the
.ue• In the April r aca fo r three .ubd.lvtaion.a In <>ran ee eounty. ~ eowtctl la M.arch wwe
city councU "'ta. We niu.a\ un.hMltalillclY •Y ~t ~ up a t the t&lft• meeUnC.
Hale Co. Tells Council
Building Official Fine
Cart,.r Oamell. n!p~U•e I.he ..rnoe pertonnect by ,._,._ Vols t in a4dltioa to rt.... wan
Col.. Pllul llt.at.ed. Uie ~aervUit
mu•t Ulla a1x monllla nf active
tNty tralnln&" bf the t \me he la
JO yea.-. old a fter w hi•h he may
not be c &lled lnto the army u-
ffpt la -of nat)Ofl&I emer-
1ency. Hotn...er, he muat meet
'111"11.h bi. rwierva unit for regular
drtll and tra.lnlnr period. which
M ad n.ot lnterfere with h11 nor-
of the Ha.le Co. Butlde~. ~ and the people Ufllatlnc h im La eoommitt.Npien, CbArteit Volst, <>r-
ot • huge .ubd1vta1on In Coata Ul• llulldlnl" dapartmmt hu bMn &nit, put:il:lab~ ot. !JI• Orul.S"
Mua. aent a lett4r to Ma .. ·1 of oonatalt-lltly hi gh calibn'! ur1 De.Uy NeWll; Ed(er R-HW. N--
e 1 l y OOWlelbnen oommel).d1Jl6 attrayi Wltll • practic.d .,.. ea pan Beach. prMldeal Qf wanun
VolU. the Bu!ldln r ~ ot th• City of Bank and Carl ilkhroeder, Tice
Darnell wrote: ··we reallM that Colla Me-. M.r. Vola Mad hi. pf'99tdent o r th• nnc. NaUo~
newa reporn a re not a.lw11.y1 com-.... 1atanla have bffn courteoua. to Diak of Ora.nee.
pletely accurate: however, from ua and our emptoyff.11 at all Al.lo partJclpalln& ln thia DOOft
the reporta we have re.W. It a p-time..'" ae11&ion ware Dr. O.Or &a N".
---------------lpe11.r1 that Mr. Vols of the Colrta Da rnell added hl1 Jetter _. RHVM,~OrariAnret11dent ot. t.M u-HuL.-Taken Me .. BuHdln&" Departrnent It be-un10licl1.fd ·•. , . and wt!I probably coUece iU;.d·-,..-Worth Bernard ot.
mat ed~on or profe111ion.
WHillll'W' ua IDs heavily cr1Uclaed fO'r merely ccme u a ccmalt»rable •U.rprlM Newport Be&eh, Chapman'• "Yl.c~
Kn. WUllam H. H ill of 410 ,.n"onnlnc the duUea r equired. ol to Mr. Vola.M preeldenL
If1a A.,._ flotllled poUce Jan. 37 him by hll pcx!Uon. 1 ---------------'---------~----
ol t.btR. or t wo tars• d J11e bub-"l l Y not our desire. to entar Ja
ca.,. troni bar Ndan. The c ar OWi clttputa ln a.ny way. Bownv,
..,.. parked tn '"°"' ot the "Yl.o-, wa ~th th• cou.ncU to knoW" that
Um'• boll9e a.t lha tlma, 1ba Mld. M r. Vol& and ht. employ... 1n
Aatlf Ski•• 115 Feet on Top,
Newport -Mt11-·Among l11j1red
Two penoM _,.. lbjand tn
a. •pec:l acula.r crf.liil llunday on
Loe A uaa.. 1260 teet a.It of Tra-
bu~o Road, lncludinr one per.on
from Newport S.Cb. Calllonlia
Highwa y Pa trol nported.
lnjurP(\ were F'r•d L. Bobe•.
when , the ambUlanc• arrtnd.
B obet w u ptnn9d. underneath.
H ar-per had che•t. head and other
tnjurtet. Hla rlg'ht hatld WIU
amaahed. Hobe• Jett hand "'u
cn.11hed and he had pevement
burn• on chin and chut. Coeta Meaa Plannlnir COm m!•-
Aon l"llOel'.IUy approv~ an a ppllca-
Uon 0( norence Shatter, 2003
Ai"•"e!m 8 t. to wbdl"1d~ two
~ bl.to f our pe.rcele ~tWffll
A,naMlm A ve. &11d Meym-Place
bat taMed a variance applicallon
tho comm\Mlon rulffi. would be
a waate of the 1.a.x payers· money.
39. of 410 Bay•lde. and P aul Har----------------
-4' Mr.:-te .ubcll•kle-a parcel ot ?And ..ath ot J004 Meyer Place
Ullo twO lot.a Whal\ abe requeet.ed
a waiY9r ol fee.
Tba !Ota t..re •ubalt.ndard 1\se
With fl'Ontate of -49.88 feet. 4
~-llhort ot the m inimum r e-
ipirem.at or 60 feet.
Approvtd appUcaUon of Anton
J acob.a. 1802 Qrvige A\o'e., to
•\Jbdlvlde port.kin of lot Into tour
Iota on 18th SL betw een R..y-
mood and Tuatin..A venUM.
Approved tentative mapa of
•ubdiv,lalon of 22 Iott, ·between
V\o"llaon and A vooado we at of
Falrvlew Ro&d, and a 11ubdlvlaton
o( 66 Iola., between Santa laab<el
Ave. a.nd 23rd SL eu t of O r·
a.nge A ve. Tbey a.lao approved a
revlMd tract map of Roven and
Sr ltgel of a 669·lot aubd!"1alon
lyln~ betwl!<l'n H arbor Blvd. and
FaJrvlew Road north of \\llltwL
per, 3~. no t4drMll (1ven. 'Ibey
were t&keo. to Santa Ana Col?),~
munlty Hoeplt&l.
'I"tla ~t.rnl •ourht to determine
who w ... th• d river of the car.
Both l.Dju.red cl.aimed U:le c>Uier
wu drlvlng.
The veh.lcle '"' reslrtared to
ChArl"a Brennan, &01 E . &lboe.
BJ •1d.
According to the patrol, the
machine aklddl!'d 76 feet on a
curve. overturned and alddded a.n-
olher 100 feet on lt'a top and
1ld•. It n ipped o~r a.gain at
the ~nd of lt'a junket.
Ha ~r wu Jn the r ea.r 1111.!Ll
1 Plaue ni t&ld they would ha ve
•proftd the a ppllcatli>n .ince -4
..... dtdn't ma.Ice much cllffer-4'tc• but they aald by city Jaw
Ul•y could not wl.Jve the fee un I--;;:================:=======;;;;;;;~-• vanuca, r
'"lll&l'• up to t.he council." de-
e..,... OJmmla.sloner Samp90IL
Ia otMr action, plannara held
a Jl'IW'c h.,-tns 011 appUcauon
to mow a 56-year-old awellln(
rro.i. 611 Cellter BL to 1871)
~ .A.ft.. requett'"1 by
Mun.a KUnls Sr. They approved \a. 11rPPllcaUoa wheta no p rot1!9t.
..... nc:«nd. provided Munia a,r...s 'to movii Uie loc::aUon lo
.,,.. tMt from the north property
.. ~ of 17 to allow fm •
~ .U.y I.a tit• C-1 80lle.
o-.·'tt'r .. ·apprond penntt "'-Jal!_.,. "' ..... ~ .. --JiilaMin OD-to rnodlty
clllllp ot .. 119taUDn. on
Wt& Aft. n-.r 'l\lrlt.ln
::,..~ ':. APflO•e4 .ubdl'IUrl<*. a ppllca-
tkm.9 "JI Kari• B. ~r. 100 w .
~wu-.. te M&bd1Tl.de por tJon of
•1et. ato two part:d~ o n Yll!JKln
"9L at Newport. Blvd .• and ·R. J .
... ,.-LockWood. 100 W . WU--a.. to .ubd1ride port.lo.a of ~ MK ot a lot lhto two
........... • WilllaD. BL w•t of
~ ...... ~· Pi&rlMnl -......... r.,.4mwwwt. for curbl
_. plttan aitee U.. p~rUe1 .J!ir ~t lo th route of the ,.;.a Dlero Freew..y and "lmpro•t1
\_.ent. plannoe-d bt the 1111,. .ue
• ._~K" C\U"M and cuttt".r1.
0 '
"Yakilty-y ak, yak -I se• this dor you rot ln
thP \\'nnt ,\d! has 1rarned onr of your tricks al-
r"11J)' , ..
Uin de l<-nP5
..... 23. ,., 25
01 iiS.. .......
COQl(ll$ ••••
CAICI . • • • • • • •
25' ...
IOS 0... B lllFJ".
A.oo.IYS IAOUNA. ar.&ClB ... ..._
BA.J..80.A. 1111..6.ND .............
"' ~ IJW)',
-----_, -. ---· .. ' -
• •
' -1-
dreuH with e lovely look • for young fa shion-plates
Honey lane
7 to l t _
abeer nylon witlt em-
bodiee. Four. pointed
WbJte, pink or a.qua.
a. Kerry·leen sheer nylon over &
flora.I -prin t nylon taffeta alip.
Periwinkle or 1bocking pink. 8
to 14.
b. Honeylane flock-dotW nylon
with fr<mty wbite yoke. poay trim.
Yellow or aqua. 1 to 14.
spring fashions
part-flylon, -washable wits
a. A real .uJt all her 01"'TI with
luU and v1ry feminine c Lr c ! e
aklrL JU.yon and ny!on wtlh de-
tachable cot ton pique trtm.
N •vy. melon or turquolae. S-Gx.
permanently pleated
b. Y•aah and upect. th• pleat.a
to atay ln thta ll'OOI. n ymi and
Orion• cutle! Belted front., el ... -
tlc back for •nur t lL Plald1 and
.ollct., 3-6%. •DuPont Acryllc
Kerrybrooke spring topp_e~s
Adaur. the uqut..tte detaillnr .•.
Uw -inca and flattery of lhaM
28" and IO" coata . . wool and
cutunere hopeacklng , wool &nd
cuhmere auede, a ll wool fleece.
Bl.sea 8 to 20.
1695 to 2495
!'i pleee9 caa be worn
In 10 dlfferea.t ways!
Vetsatile Suit
Butt lnclad.I 2 p&IZ'8
ol tro~ra. .... .,.
a rdln•• and o~
"t&11cy pa.tt•m•• 1-
butto.a. •lnsl• breul·
.cl llnad pbrlrd1Da
COIL RevSN!bla "'9l,
-· lllotlil pMrdbMI. t h • o t h•r n ••t
dl<9c.U • ._ I to I.
boy' a Blltwela
• Pl"OpW t'lt tor
rnwtnc' f•\
•~2to7at _,.... . .,,.,_ ...... -.......
• aao-tor dn. or
0909' Re.yon Ac:ietat., JO<J' N7lon
•."I09'i Wool,, IO ,, Jta¥oa. ... , J
February Z2, l~
Newport Harbor QU ALI T.Y !
Cllloloe ud f""-8 ........ ~
l01lo prl.
AGING v....-.__, perlect1J ac<!d ta OGI' 9JMIO'
la.I klw ~Dre &l'htl" OMRr,
Mo"' ~'* ·o.vor i. aced
• " irn!&l.
('u.lum cut to JOUf .,.ednc-.tl-.
TrlntmM jWll tbe ~ yo. 1'-t IL
More l';t-.11.•~ More Rnaat! Better
l'"'""°r wraj!ped la 1nulUµM layfln
or rh-t 111uallt1 1.._u.r ""'r'al>· r:.ajoy
('ompll<tr. i,_u-r prot...cUon.
H.l•·hard•a ,,.....,_,,, rl\·., qul<"k •"-'"P
r,..,.,.tlaa: .... Unporta.at ln maiatal-'•1'
• lh., pr,rfeci rr"h m-1 na .. or.
Know )UUf C'UIJo al .. rtanno. Each
~llAl"e euaff!IUetftly .. ~Ulled for
_.., ~tr.4.o .e~Uolll.-
~n·..-. rtchl t• yoUI' -.r, ._ o•
~L \\'e do I.he wortt-you ecajoy t M
1.-a :
' '
r • --.---------
-. -. ,
-~"!"-.....-~:t,..,. .. "' -~···r7">-~,.......,..-.or-· .. -·Q.• ....... ·--7~
( ,.-J ~
Rldaard'I n...& -..... _......
SIDE •••
T'"f _,. ..... -U. L ~ 27C
SHORT RIBS --············----··--.!>.
nuck ~'*"' .,.... " 49c
HALIBUT ---·· ·····--·······---··-·--·
s'i:iciD"'BAco'N-_____ ..... 4t:
Nothlng ea.a eomp&re to tbe delkfooa •Uni of
Rldtaz<l'a --prep&n.d Rome rr-.r .._ ...
Y..n.joy the «iood mett-•-yoa.r-moatb fl'Mib meat
flavor and t.ender a«ed qaa.llt;y of the eh~
. FR!l'ER
RJb Bout. ! T -BoDrl
Su.ks? 4'1e a pound 1f you
buy yoW" bttf by the a&de th'-week ·end (Sneaky ·
bu.b) ••. Ab the coawe:a-
leace or bavhl~ your own
butcher 8hop right at your
flager UJ18! .•• The iby-
beefy price lnelud~ ageing,
cuttia.g, pre-sharp-freniag
and wrapping to nt your
fMnlly n~a ... Here la
beet m.Uag at ll'8 t.e~t.
hl08l fla.vorful betit . , .
Your ueurance! th.al Rkh-
anl'a, Rlchard's, Ri<-..hard's.,
repeatlng it.elf up the fort'-
qua.rter aod do"-n tbe hlnd·
q~r ... Sp<eiallr .de<t-
ed for !dze a.dd quality, pen
fed JZO day• or O\'er ...
y 00 Dow boy• Mid &frla.
•hat coee down the beef' !I
throat ln tao. 120 dayt. ..
mt1hty Important la mak·
ln11:: It a hit or a ..._ ., ...
tt ~oes down yonr th:,..,at
... So d06 the "~·
..ekrrcted" ... "l 'U take u.'9
one and that one," 8&)'8 our
buyer, looldn~ for a ~rff'('t
S6 . . . No whoW ff'Aoe
full of thick o r thlnA
f o r b.im . . . Al!k> COD·
~der our KpuiaJ ag-elJll1;
room wt.th the sUghtly
wanner temperat.u.N> . . .
We1J keep 'em ba.ng-lnK for
you .. ma u you want
• . . All ou.lieef wftgh from
40CM.50 pc it de, rnakJAg tae
• • meat. ... at BICllABD'll.
7 P. M
Do il y•
--~ J:'!D ~290 .. _.
Leave it to the sirb ~~en
.om.ethlng JI.."" .needed t b a t
can't be bouiM .. or borrowed
•.• Le .. e It t.o ~ Jlrlo .. .
They have what tt t.Qea .. .
'Cliive; loyalty, prellerverance
, •. And I don't mean just
any girl&, I m~ our New-
port Harbor Gi.r1a . . . ·
8oe that olp \If the side
of tlio roaif'I . ' . ·-.llO' FIN I': FOB THBOWINO
. OB BEACH" ... Tiier< .,,,
Zli -i. olpo pot~ !!'
otnteglc -spot. l"OllDd tow. and they are not put
tllf.lf'll to to deoorate the
landscape . . . Better eat
you gum wrappers. rather
t;h&a thJ'ow 'eGI OU l the C&I'
-· U!o ..,,. might "" watd.i.g , . , A huocl> of
-loool "''" .~ .... .,... llilllo lor -"""" .•. Tbo Dell, ~•-· . . Bow elMI
ooald tbo city .......... them
for theU UrelM9 effort ta
pattla& o•er Newport Har-
bor "'-a-o.p ~ . . . of
wllllclt we an la Ute middle
of llglot -••. Tbo Boy -----.,,, .-., tt ap b7 ~ •p _. mo•t b-a
.-. lilcto*•.ra ... by -...... .
_ ..... .,._, 5~ FRESH BtmER ........... _ _ .. ...
~.,....~ .. ·--·-------~~ -WHITE MEAT · TUNA .... y,.,. -~_, .. _.. .............. " 3 z3c: JELLO DESSERTS ...... --. ' , .. • .. ~ .
~1 t~ BREA.UAW
it1ii"BiJT DINNERS .
o. ...... -.. ,.,, 3 100 FISH STICKS ...... _ ·-.-•
ORANGE JUICE _ _._2..-35c
,.._..a H ,dM..... 2 w
SPINACH. _ -·------·--, ...
...:;-"'·~Jo~.'i~ n·R-GE BOLOGNA ~i::..~. :r=.~~;--4' ·• --
our local girt, told US, by big Poul. or BroU 111 Butter-lmporteod Thlt'k ~;~:a:~~ FINNAN HADDIE . __
blggoot boaeftt of all thio
comlns Friday night •t the
Renclfsvotia Ballroom .
Sponoom ..,.th• High Y and
Tri·Hlgh-Y of o...,,ge Y.M.-
C.A.. ilio Heut Fund dance
lo brin"'°" forth ouch great
talent U Johnny Men:er and
Kupnt Whiting . . . For
the aa ... cc.t: of $1.00, danc-lnf to the' mUlc of the New-
port High Rhythm Klngw ond
th• Orange Cout College
Rlf!• la thrown in !or the bo~
ping ... Better be there, they
want to eeU aoo tickets . . .
Ano&ller baDch of onr
1--i JI.to lonn the Nigh ..
laple Chapter ol tbo H-
H..ptal Aulllo>y . • . TlueaP the Nlgbtlagwloo.
the oery"-of ti.. Twnor -~ ... -., .. -
"""' ... -~ lo --OIM Wbo aeedl tbmn • , • To
..... the lleoellaJ"Y moo-la
to •ppori the T • m o r
e..rd, tbo •Nightlapleo .,,,
~U.1 ·a IM!rie9 of t.b.fte
n.J . Md 8illlclll ftltlleWI ta .. --Do,Jto. ...... Mctr .... •••• ... .............. "* 11 ..... "* Ille Uolo.Deator .•• Tbo--
.... P.IO fow Ille -
Richard'• l& 4 the Market
-tbe lJdt>.Sbopo ot tho entnDco lo Udo J.ole ..•
l"uey, Crtap, ....,....., lltah T y1"'
CELERY -· 10c .
Swtoel, ,fulq, Jlarab s-dlf'11Wl, Arir.ona
GRAPEFRUIT _ -•• ~"· ... 39c
llrdlvtdual. ~
ARTICHOKES ..... . _. 6 ... 19c
6 z4c .. -··-tor
APP[f 'PI E ....... ,_.49c
PMml_, 3 25C DANISH CAKE -----· ... . I
Watch for Your
Mag ic Keird
_ L Maco_W_..k -··--
8-.hl• mu. Olortetta PMftll or
Crackers Apricot Nectar , _,._ ,._
35' 2/21 '
W..toa Fl.V. Otlltllflr'• 8tnbleol
Appetben laby F1IOCls .... ..
'J:I' 3/23'
,... ....... rtllsba17 ()aka JIU
Maff)Cll'IH An<Jel Food ... II OlL
2/35' 39'
Oktrtetta T--.0 H ...,,..,_
8-Aspic w-oa
llY,, -·
2/39' 53'
Dez •. •
Des J>er1mJ;>9, ma.na.ger o!
all Richard'• meata, ia chuck
·fUl.1-of-real Jmow-bow when it
comm to p~g every cut
of meat. o queation too
large or too emf.D , . . juat
uk Dez:. .,.., TASTY SHORT RIIS
Fnlt CocktaA 2 pounda abort ribe
No.ltl YI cup hot water
22' Dip abort ribts in flour eeuon-
ed with Alt and pepper.
Brown in hot fat. Add water. .,... Cover • Cook ialow1y to125-t·
range or in a1ow oven ( • )
Food until tender, 1 ~ to 2 boura.
Serve with llt:Hmtng hot bom-N'o. l ... ing and Onion Gravy: 2125' 4 :E: .uced onion 2 terpoona hot f•t
3 tabieopoom enrichod flour -2 CUP9 mea stock
Clorox 2 teupooDo .f.!"' !laoorlnf
l -oroeol4nhlre _.. ..... 17' Salt ondpepper
OoM ~ Ill bot tat mtU ,,..,.
•l lt1r Ill flour. A.dd mMt at.odr
~· (or I bouUk& .a.., or J t..upoonll
m.t atnct. ~ ia I ..ape Dial Soap hot wat.r). Add nm.mm, inc--.... di•ta. 0ooar; OTW ..,... beat miUI
•mootll ud tJaldt, .tlrrtnS ..... 2133' KulUJ. ~: .w.. 10 m1D-
at.a KU. I '° I _.......
____ ...... -----
If Harbor Boy1' ClUr,t> &t.h
v•de buketballer1 cah 1et
pa 1 t Fullerton tomorrvw,
they wtll cop tt•e Orftn&"ll
County l.eague ctamp1on1h1p
undeteattd They ron1pN tu
their 7Lll atraigllL Wop W 1JI
27 · ll over Buena Pa.rk Wt
Buena Pa.rk .... Ii.a 1n tront
11 ·4 a t end or lhe t 1r1t quar-
ter. but U\e liJU"bor bo}'•
C'har1e-d ahead 13-11 a t 1n-
lerm11111on. G uinc 1ntci Lile
f1n•l canto. HBC led 18·11
J im CUr\11 wa..i hlrb •oor-
•r with a poln~. Brtan L..ew-
t.a colleei..d 7. Dave ROMO f
and Bob N"o!1'1. ~
Trac k and rt•ld pr~, lire 11 now
under way at Oran,iJ;e C<>ul <All-
lege w ith J.h• t 1r1l rompeuuon
ll'lleoduled tor M1.tth 8, at Ha.r-
bor CoUege, acoord1ng to Cua.eh
H u~ H&TJ>er
'"It"• a "tl.J.e early to know
too much about our pro"P'f!'Cl.A,·•
Hupcr uld, '"but 1 l.oehtve ._,,
Mil M v• enourh boya tor a
repr-ataU•• tum "
\\'ind1ng up hl·a .11,111 cage play a r{' t hese performers
of Coach Norn1 :-5tdlv.•C'l l. F'ron1 l{'ft, back row : Bob
Ca.ll1:i, \\'11.y ne Gouivan, John Hugh~.s. B1!1 Fruehling,
J im Cu rtis. '-1 1JJle J oe Lindstecl t, Jeff Gia.as, Steve
'I'AKES MUSCLE ! -The angle on this picture ahowa
the play of arm muscles that go into connecting for
a basket.. f'umishing the muscle is Charles Taylor,
high sco ring ~enter for Newport Harbor High Scb oors
Se&fleas. -Staff Photo
Henrotin, l\:e-nt Hodgaon, Don Bricknell. Kneeling :
Dick Butterworth, Tom Markha.m, Bill Twilt .---Sta!f
-\)0 -
BILL PHILLIPS, Sport.a F.d.itor
But HBC Five
Drops Casaba
Title to Foe
-A.ttttou(b hftert.ab-~d irot
Harbor Boy•· Club 1n cl'l&mplon·
ahlp tlnala or th• t int annual
fl'ull1rton In•lt.at.lona.l cage t.our-
nam61l Saturday, the H.a.rbor ar-
ea·• Dick. Butterworth ..,... n 11m-
ed the outai.ndtnJ" playu of th•
cl.l..u1c. ' Th• Ha.rboc Boy•' Club for -
W&J"d wu tabbed tor hi. a::ortng.
32 point& In lhree game.a, baclc-
!Joa.rd work, etfe<:UTen-In lM
full l."OUrt p re• and play m all:-
lnc. J ohn Hus:h•• w11.1 the tnd!Y1-
dual tup acorer tor KBC with
3( marken 1n thee. _r&mea.
l!ba.rp.hooUnc tram the free
TI\Te• hurdlera who rlirur• t.o
rtve them.el•• and olher Jun-
ior COUe1ea lo~ ot cu1n peUUon
are Dick H ume.a t.on. BUI }fani10n
and Bruce Knipp. Jlwnf>l!Wn l.1 a
"f'u.ltln boy and the -.in of ~
tol:TI!ec tra.c:k ooadl at TUaUn
High, Vincent HWll•lon. He ¥.&
ak1nuJ19d. Ua 120 k:lwa .. 1J'.e,
the 180 low• In 20 1 and bu a
be.It of 10.4 l.n ~ 100 yard 4uh.
Jfe-~ iLD -An-Oran.-. lAai\i,e
"""'"'= BfU Harri.on, Jluntiqt.on
Beach. wu o~ ot Coul'• bell
ba.c:k.neld J)41fforrnwe durtn1 thltl
'06 t ootba.U MUOQ. u..rn.oo W1U
1.1.o ta.ckle UMI hlP.,. t.he ~rt.ate
and the bro&d Jump. Bruce KnJpp,
Nl"lrpOrt &acli. hu a ti.t. ot
13.8 ta the lowe, anti 20.2 1n the
hlgti.. He .,.. ... All-Swaet Lee.tu•
1n lllo9 low• lMt. Yea!".
bl lhe m iddle dl.rt&ncee.. 8 o b
Sueu, former H untln61-on Bea.ch
!out.hem OL1ttt1t111a and CD'
cb.amploa ln lh• 880, 1-work·
tn1r out. In hlfb 9Chool Bob had
1 ma.rk ot 1.61 wblch· eWJ alalad.I
on m~y ot UI• noons book&.
Horace Enalgn va.niity &nd B bulr:etball team. went
to semif1nals of the Huntington &acb cage tournament
la.et week before 11\tccumbing to 1uperior foe•. throw Un. ca•• Full•rt.on the --------------11 crown. Both qu:intata blt for 11
field coai. 1a.ch, but Fullf'rton'1
C'h&rl•J M cCoy ll&llk 8 r r-el'lot.11
w~ HBC could cunnect onJy •
Co11ch Norm St!llwell'• Orange .A(alnAt HunUn (Wn:
County &lemMt.ary ~ Gham-9. <..."hampion 3, Po.t
pion varally llvt, lad by · Center Carthy f..
1.2, Mc•
Denny Poat and Forward Babe En•trn Hchtwei(ht llCOrinr:
Niemiec, were tln&lly felled u-Asain•t Ocean Vl~-St•v• Hen-
28 by pow1rtul HunUnaton Beach. rolln 2, Dick Buti..rwort.h oi,
'nle local B'• -re 'dropped by Steve Larerlot 12, John µup ..
Buena Park a;:.21. 8. Wayne Goulvan 2, Bill FTut h·
On . their ~ to. tM !Mlftll-Uni" 2.
t!nul.I, th1 A '• Ucked La Habra Af&ln•t Buena Pa.ck: Bulter.
worth 1. Henrotln 2, Tom Ma.rk-
ha.m 2, L.as:arlot :I, Huchea ei.
Fruehllng 8, Goul•an 1, J !m
Curtla 2.
42-36 While lhe a ·a battecld
Ocean View 31-2&. In Onil round
oullnx•. both W1•ir • aquad.I clob-
berl'd I...aruna Be11ch quintet.a.
Varsity tally aheet.t for Enslp:
A~aJn:;t I..a l·labra Niemiec 1.5,
BUI Cha.mplon 7. Pl»l 18, BUI
McCa rthy 2.
Wltl\ CJF Relays greJtmtnaHu Foreat Smith. Lido l•le. o\\·ner
Progress Rapid
Sailor Splashers on Smith's New
Open Meet Slate Divot Diggings
um-. •
The k>c.l lad• want out tn
tcont i-6 In lhe fl~t quarter.
ruu ... ton lied tt up 16-all at
ball'llN1. The Inlander• cu.ahed
u..d Jl-J8 at t.ti. lhrM qllartir
rnark an<i held a i-1 tally ad·
vant.aa"e In Lhe fadeout period foe
UI• -rict ory.
Hu1hea paced the H BC entry
With 12 polnl• In the nnale, foul-
lnr out with two mlnutea to play.
Bu tterworth 10Coce.;S II.
In the sftucday rnornln1r aeml-
flna.I.. the local• licked Santa
S.rbaca In a Uui.J.l•r 33-21, com-
ing-rrosn behind ln the conclud-
terd•y ftrtemoon, Coach Al Ir-lh• •Outhlnnd, •11 well "" l he ..:::;::' flD£1l
wln "h N~port HA r bo r High Clock country Club Jn .,.,'hllt1er. '""."i:-o
Hornets Beat Foe
F ULLERTON. (0Cl'fll) -l'u}.
lecton"a Hornet ba.Nb&ll Dlne opcm-
ed ti.a diamond le&Mln MondaJ wt th
a lll--0 victory over Pomona Col-
lee-e. The Hornet.a b09t USC Froeh
at 3 p.m. Friday at 4m.np Pack.
to the Shea.non. Hammill
''Private Wire"
KABC-6:30 P.M.
Daily Mon.. thru Frl
Market QuotaUon.
Financial New.
Bu.alneu Commentary
pr.e.nled by
,.,,,,.,,_, N•• )"..,j-.t .... L r-,o-' ~A,,.
f'r1•<>iwl S1«1t uJC-•.tilJ l:iri-•
laking pl•c• at Lil ~abra ye•-ot a chain ttf re11111uranla here In ct!Ei>
~chool 11pl•~h 11quad !.'I act tor t he reported thia ""eek lhal work on
tLna.11 11.l El Segun{fo plunge f"r l-hill Yorb.11 l~lni:la Count~y Club SOUTH COAST CO. 3331 Via Lido Har. 4650
d11y night. Ren1"ln ~er or the prep W1'11! prog-reY!ng "'ell ahe11d ot 23rd 4: Newport Blvd. Newport Beach
rwln1 •lat• toUowa: "eh•dule. 1 i,,,,....,.,...,...,,...,...,...,...,......,....,,...~===---
F eb. 29. California 11.rtd La "Al the prtM"nt p11 ca the elub ----
Habra •l t.. H11 br11 : MMn::h 7, ahould be ready ror family a.cu-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Whittler there: r.111rch If. Lyn-vtty by mld·sumnier. and It la • •
Wood find lon1 Be11ch P oly at alM> pCINlble Lhat al leut nine
Poly; Matth lO, CIF Jr'!Y1taUon"I hole• ot the gulf cour"M wUI be
pr.llmlnarte• •l Redland•: M~h rNdy toe play by lat• .ununw'',
21 . Ana.helm h•~; Man::h 23, Smith •lated.
CIF tnvttallonftl flnala. ~::l land•; Amon1r the attractlon11 I.hat a NI
r>l&eeh JS. Huntington Beach hire. planned. for the club tn "441Uon
April 11, Ji\Jller·ton lh•r•. A pr11 to the 18 hole champion 1"0 I f
JS. Sllnla. Ana herP:' A pr11 If, oourse la a plcture1qu11 bridle
Garden CT"U•I' there, April 2~. trail that will follow the ceneral
Sunaf't lA-,ru• prelim lnarle11 11.t cr>ntou r5 of the more than •oo
Anaheim. April 26, Sunio11l Lel!I-11cre• of Lhe Smith owned pro-
li:Uf' flnal11 a t Anaheim. J.lay 4. J><'rly. al! well 11.'I a 11lable wlth
• • • •
• • • • • •
• • •
• • • •
~ CJF pz-ellm•; t\t11y 8. CIF -em!-a large number or pure br9d
h•rrlf'r mttl.11 will in hrhl on rl nal:i : May lJ , CJF flnAl.!!. rtdln1 hoM1e1. a.c:cordlnl" to Smith.
\\' e<lnettda.y.s nut ~ell..!!On I ;;....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-..-"-"""":;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
~ Ha1Tiers Run
j During Fall
! Next Season
When Ule Sunioet Lf'a~e n<·
: cenl17 a doplPd A new 11rheOule,
; c:roaa country 11n<I \\'atrr polo •ea-
lltOM ...,.. N O\'Pd tnto rir!lt qu11r-
ler IPOl'U pc)11itlon on the clr(:ult
caledar. Ttlls n1e11n11 bolh "'Iii be-
~ tall 1purl!!'. •" in lhe CTF
It wu potnt9d. out lhal Jl"'\IH~r
'a clMey numen Uk• 0...-.dJ
eaJ Ud L&rr7 .A..rl'ouu Wou.14
llaY'9 been ID poe!IUoa lo oMc.lallJ'
CD" hani•r records ha4
put C:n>M country ftllL80n
SOM Mccl&: with Lba CIJ". "ni•
C'nn.~ldl'T!i{[On Wll.., g1\"en poQI·
hilily o! ~lf'vtslng nA<' or two I
~l•n~l'l League fO<Jtbalt g1tme11.,
but nothlnl" definite v.·u Jeelded I
upon. Ba.akelba.11 ol flcl•Ung came ·
up for dil<:wl11on. lkre11!ter. c11re
1..-oach•1 m•y be callrd on the
carpel !or not helping malnt.a.ln
order dW"inl" s:am••.
It was decided to have unJ-!onn~ toe chainmen and bollmen f
ln foolhB.U 80 th.al thf'y can be
1dcnllf!ed ea.slly from the fleld.
Dues Host Compton
Coach \\'enddl Pk:Jlen.' On.n1r•
ODut CoU.q11 bueba1I t_,. hoet.1
Compton Collep Oft UI• w .... ca.m-
PU9 d.l&lnoDd. •t.arUnr a t 3 :30 p.rn.
l'rlday an.moon. nie B uc1 i1rop-
ped an 8-f. ram• to Compton Ju! ..-.
When you .need
No man.r wt.ere
Y" are -nf9ht
or day---
we &nl .. clo8e as the Dfl&l"ellt phone!
Day Pbo•e • Nl&bt Phone
Uberty 8-1781 e II.arbor 6136
Newp0rt Auto Works
Aoio lleflolrtoc _. Towlq
e ~ Aato t'IU Guaco •
1.20 lndmtrW Way C.O.ta Me.a
• •
• • • • • ..
• • • •
• • • • • •
"'WY.1' t1'er" -. a 1luwt-cYt
HOO W. Cout B1t'J'. Liberty 8-MM
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • .................. ' ............ ..
ON A NIW '16
TWo JK!le vaulter• now getUnr
Uito cond.IU<MI are Mu: Up,PU.
Mont.tlello, &J'ld Stan Ropkln•
Cuts Hip Schoo• L.lppka h&.m I
..._ulted 11' t " and tloplt1n• hu
(Olla up 1%° 1"" TM.a lat Ur w on 1
ti nt tn bis lea¥ue flnals \.I.al 1
Thia lndl lUtnO\ll Wiii be au1·
mented 11o1.1:l week bJ boy• now
playtns: N..Uelball. Harper aaid
SEA ·HOl511
YOllC old outboard 11
•o rt b •0.,11 I Lei'•
u.lk "1r1de-10'" on a
•p•rklio1 oe ..• ,6
JohoJOG-N;BC 1rer.1
t110 df'il, l 10 }0 bp i
Sovth Coast Co.
Ne1''port 81,·d_ at Uni St.
HM'bor 2600
• h "' uo nson .......... ..
* Only Swift's PremiJJm Boef Sold He.re *
Specials for Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Feb. 23-24-25
swttr. Prem.lam :O°:~~~ I~ _ .... -.... -.. -.. -· lb. 63C -----------------------
8trift'1 Pttm.lum
T-Bone Steak -----··--lb.
Swtft"1 Premium
Porterhouse Steak __ .. 9SC
* LAMI SAU* '. Swtft.'1 'Pfto.mfum ~5~ Leg O' Lamb --·-----•
Loin _ .. _ 6~ 5-11 Loin __ _
• * FtlEEZER SPECIAU * Cut ud Wrapped
Y2 Beef --··--·--.... ____ .. 45c
Cut uu1 Wrapped
Hind Quarter __
,_ -Broccoli J 3 57c
U.O. fo'
"Quality """ ..... ---With • w
We A.re Ope. o.n1 -t:te a.m. t. I~ p.a. -a.-f S-...7
..... ----....=:-...:::~'::......._~ --· • ._ ~ _:_ · · · '"'··-.-. • -.~~· ·~·-·--~~~~· a::•=··=~'--.'_1• • ._. -1 ••-•-_ ... _ ~_._• "'-'"-' •• • • _ .. :::_•...,, ,~,,..,~...-.-_,.,.,.,.,.,..,,....,., -,.~~~-----~. ...... ~ -:._ --~ ---~ --·--4"'--·~------·· -------,, _____________ _
.,1,.4 .. ._. ~ ---...... ........... -· ... ----·-· .. ·--
nat retarnlnl' nudeua for the
'liaDOr itUften C!IONIUt• of Paul
· Lonnt:Mn at nnt ~. Roy Da.n -
lel al .&ee0nd, O.vt1 T amura a t
third, Georc• Mabee and Bud
Thompeon In th• outfield. Lor9nt -
sen "'-'&a Wl&ll.imoWJJy named All-
8 LmM1t Lo&f'\lfl ut1ll ty n1an lut
Gary Green appe&~ to be
Neeme'1 No. 1 tw1rler bcfOl'e the
lleuon at:arta. He lUl"IMd ln l<lm•
mlpty potent pttchlnc perform-
ance-durl.nc-1ummer baab&ll ll
Co.ta MeM. Bob White 1.t th•
favorite t o fUI qulc:k ·handed Flta-
p.alrlck'1 1hort..WJ> t pol for the
Sob p.meater•. You may ree•ll
l h&t Whlte had t o replace the
t>enehf!d fl~ltii: ln ttnal t ray of th,.
10eaa.on llUll Y•·llr . A ll WhJt., did '
lll'M rap out thre• fClr !our qairult
1 atb G d An1he 11n . ra ers l"IJJlng on• the pa.st ure pa trol
W1th Ma~ l.nd ThomplKln w l!J
E d R·vals probably be 11m Scl'lone.1. &b F'l.IP OF WRIST -That'• l'onn.rd GeOrge Mabee n I Allen, • m.1ghly Willing pertonnf'r
P'Ullerton defeated Harbor Boy•"
Club .A ti..allelti.ll tf.a n1 4~-3l tn
~· County t.e.111e rompet•·
Uon on Ule rival floor to-eb. 14..
for HBO with JO po1ut~
Private Police
h n d 'not Fullerton at thia instant at all t.Jn1 c.1. i. belnc de~nd<'d I w u!'R wrist 1pJ* agai . w· St k upon by Neem. for uUUty duty
Back ing him up for the victorious Tan in Newport In rea wtth lhe Tar.. I
Ha rbor High Schou l gym WU Guard Gary GreetL Among other rood lookln( pr011-ru nAA Hubor BoY9' Club 8th I' r a d l!l pecta ap~11.r to be Out/1.Plder Bill But ~1abe<!'11 Jump s hot rnquircd no &id. It . p.,... .... qUint11.t tnvadem Ji\ill.Prton for 11.1 IA.mb. Third 811.eker Larry Shrad -
throug h t hf' h""P -Sta!f Photo CJ'\.ICl&.I Oran&e County L •a g u • •r, Ftr1t Sack-tr r huC'k \'11.n..t .. .-vort
--------------· 1, .. e ....,..... tomorrow nlghL La..t 11.11d O\JUl.Plder Larry Y.'arla umont 1
At times like this, the buketball coach would like to pull stringa to make the
la.da leap h igher. Coach J im ~t i ller of Newport. Harbor 's Tarb&bee had no worry
here. Rich Palalerri ·leaped plenty high t o sink this shot . -SWt Photo
Sabers. Mules Stay Tied
Atop HBC 7th Grade Loop
K.t:AD\" TO 00
Thund-.y the local 1&41 •tac ed • N~m• la cerWnly re.dy tor the
lu t h.-11' ...Uy to an ap the 2~-came diamond p l"&Ctlce 1;1pener acalnmt
wt.a atrtl&k ot Balnt Anthony'• ot Lon&' 8u('h J1;1rdan htte M.a.tth 2
Lori&" BM.eh 36-32. He'• alr eady named hi.9 .t&Ttlng
8&Int .A.nthony'• led 20·13 at plt.eher. "P et• Helli:•. up from the
ha.lnime with HBC movlng w ithin Junior V&J'•lty. wtll dra.,.. the nod," 1·
ran,.. at 21-20 coin&" Into Ul• Neeme revealed.
WlliaLwmD' .&CftON -Even though Coach Stu Inroaii'1 Orange Coast Coll ege f.tnu. are jult ~even in Eastern Conference ·pla.y this eeaeon, fast action
II: all the bruh')'O'ing Buca supply. Here's a sample .. Center _Ez: Van . H~rn
......,.... in tor a Jay up. Ready for rebound work againet the foe 11 Dave B1dn1ck.
-OOC ~to
Denn\11 P.Prrln. r.oug11no. :Ill Stand·
C\lrrmit -•t an d 1 n r •: S&ben, fourth quarter. T om Hu~r WM Remainder or the T ar baaebiall I
The Sabers and Mu lea l"t'main~ hi Ch point m&n for th• Joca.l la.cu practiee aciledule ; lb~l.or there.
In ll d.Padlock for top 11pot ln the MulM r.-i,: J:lu.lli•, .ApM 4-2; With 10. OtMr 900rer.; JWT",Y Hehn Jilal'ch fl : RJver1tde hue, ~h 8 ;
2-7027 Harbor Bo71' Club 7Ui .:r•d• lnt r"-PanUL.n. Bulla, cat. s-s; 8p6der9 9, Brian Lucu 8, 8 tev1 Robl~ Lon&' Beach WU.IOft h.,.., M.arcb I mu~ b&ak~tb&ll lt 11ue followlni 11_.; ADU. .AatMoi-i -:.. 7 ahd Pet• F~ I. LS.; Oceanatde thlM' .. K&rch ia;
h uop p lay Monday, the ~!lberll 1Hc-I--------------------------------------I~"""""""'""""==-... -.. --·-···----lnf up Ul• Hu.kid 41 -lli and the ____ _
M~ ~out L41--ll ll1.wnpll --_ _ ... r------------1
over the ApeL Both flct.on h•ve
~-1 1111-rk~.
Ot her Montlay loop 1coree: Cat..&
39-32 ovrr the Anlll; Pantheni 00--
27 over the Antelo~s. 1-nd the
Bult. 70-38 over th• 8 pkler1.
Top acore,.. Included Gle:nn Gud·
ner of the Bull1, 30 point.I : Butch
Viney1rd ur the t:alll. 27 , BJ\l
Scott of the Sll.~rt. 2:1 : Ron P a.la-
ferrl, Pa.nther1, ZO . H al K.nl&'htt1n,
H u11klr1, J9 , Pa ul St1-m, A nte-
Jopea. 18: Jlin Patter.an, !!lpldert,
and Lel&:ti J otu'lo90n, Sa bet11, 16
Ca99 Lou
Harbor Boy11' Club A.A baaket·
ball t6&m lom l to Loni' Beac.h Soya·
C lub Monday night M -38. B 111
Lllm b W"a.11 high local llCOf'er with 11.
•re Glwing Away MONIYJ 'II• . \MG IT TO lllCHARD SI MAGIC j[ARD •• .a . . . IN THE MAIL SOo oa••D'I N Ill UDO M.UJc1t
Get a
run for your
111oney !
Onlya........,...,.. ............... ~ ...... -
........ .,_."'9 .,.utl•• It ta••• to br .. k the Plk•• P-k
nciwdl ....., try • IMfwe you bur _,, cm • !!!l pflee.
Almost everybody likes a real road ear. And nowadaYt you
no Ioncer have to pay a king's ransom to own one. They're
goina at Clwndet price&! For the new Chevrolet is one o( the
fnr truly er-t n:.d can being built t.odayt
It b to be to hold the stock car
record f« the Pikes Pak climb. It
bu to ban cannonball accelenr-
tioD (bonepow• now raflP8 up to
225 l) and.-i]ed-down stability on
tuma-plal lot.I of other built-in
q ualities tbat'm.ke for mere driv-
ing ple&Aure and lafety On the
. . road. Come on ia and try a rocord~
To Sorn Y 1111
24 HOUR SlltVlCI
FREE P f'!lllcana l l&-38 Whlrl""lnd11 : Oou-
wani. 99....f:I H otahotl: \\'ll<lr ata 84-
31 Tan, and Bruioa !iJ-23 Nannlea.
Bob Nania, P•lllcanl, 1U1d B r I an
Ll!wla, "wUdcall. tied for to p acor1
8t.,,,: Bniv"" Pi.a ;<'.• ~-1 : Re<
Sox. 4-2: C11 r<l!1 2-4 : White Soll.
Ol11.11 t.i 1-1'.l filh P e l l l c a n11 6-0:
\VUdcot1, H .. 1un~ !\-1: N11.nn l ea.
llUf!CMIU' ,.,._
llo nor1 with 38 each. T r 1 l!lnK wPrt Co 11 i:: 11 r ~. \\ l1•rl"'-·1nd.i!I 2-4, T1n1
Jtm V~ Cour11r11. 36. a nd H11t11huts 1-r.
CONGRm BLOCKS • Kl 2.0754
POJU..m.oca OOJ(PAKI' --tiff 8. JllaJ• SL, S-ta Aaa
nJm, -<:mmSa AlCD OONoarn: llloo&S
a.zorPOS(llNO 8TUl. _. 8UPPU&S
1000 West C-st tfltliway NEWPORT IEACH
• •
•llClllnLY C>PlaATID
mo-.,.,,._ -lfY. 4-lln
601 N.. -....
-HY.-i.11• •HY~ 2-llt6
coU?ftt\'l fll.ESl-\
, ....... ~;-.. .:
.......... ............ --~ ~'•gs:• 'I' -)
., )( ,, ,0111111 --« -
• -Al-American's Fa PORK LliiNS :E?r H•lf
Al-American's Eastern Corn-Fed Pork
Al-American's Fancy Best Center Cuts -
Al-Amer.fcan ·r~Top~ lOOo/o Pure, Freslt Pork
SAUSAGE 1-Lb. Cello ~
Roi --Al-American'~Famous Fresh, Lean .. . . -
All-American Fin+ Quality Eastem -1-1.b. Pk9o
SLICED BACON -.. __ ---...... __ -
c ..
Colored &
Scudder -F9I ·' ··---· 9uart ------- - ---------• Hu99ins-Y OUllCJ ~---·
• First-Quality
-All Grinds,
1-Lb. Can
C & H Pure Cane
Brown or
Powdered -
1-Lb. Ctns.
-_ •• ,,,_ ~1•'"''• . ~'"'"« ' " Priority ' , ~ Meadow Gold ~ ~~ Carnation •A
• Can -~Ctn. ~ Cans -~ . , ~~ ., ~ .·~ ~ -~ ~-~-~~ "#Jif.ji... ~Aifiif lt Jtl
,,0,; DETE;; 5 gc LIP T ON
FOIL 7:: 6CJc !~ • M~&VY nl lTY ?«;.." S3c ------
Tfft-Mm! Tll
\4-Lb. _ 39c
-'-'CIT O N
! i
II • I ~ "'" '
\ • t " l 1 •
' '
' I
. I
-----.-., ,, -# i oY\i'R~ .. I -· .. ~.
-16 B•gs. 21< HALIBUT STEAKS
TNI ...SMBT ---........
·LOBSTER We jult cen't get enuf
ol ...... luoclovs
be.uties to k'9p "" with the demand!
PIU.SIUllY'S CAKE MIX-17.0Z. PKG: ·39c
Quick-Cook Processed Whe•I
FISHER'S "ALA" ·-···-· ., 25 .. .._.... c ..... !, ..... ........... ,
14-0%. Pkg.
No. 21'.i
~~ .. Ju ........ 25c
~~~~~!~LE . 27C
1-Lb. Pkg.
SUNSHINE "HI-HO'S" -1-1.11. PKG. •
POST'S Uncle Ben's Converted
14-0L Pkg. 28-0z. Pkg.
HEllZ SALE! ·---------KETCHUP
The most f•mous 21 C c•tsup in th•
worldl Lge. Bot.
SOUP 3 ~~29c
CiaHl'Li'-SAUCE • 31c
PICKLES u .ox J•I ·1tc
HllNZ CUCUMlll 21c PICKLES 15-0L JAi
111v·Fooo 12-cnc
. : •
~ ' . llA BAGS
Tiii M<slr" nA
SOAP . 4 .., •.
,,,,.,, 9vo11ty
Re14n Y .,,ew c.,.,fro/ Ain.rlcon
' ""-.,,;,;;.--------~---, ..... c...,., ........... J
L ______ _ s C•llo
lo ... -------
--.._--:... -.J
-I· I I . I
I r 1 e 'lta re.1. •
I I Alex Combinotion OfMrl •
01.tLTEi> ~
99~ Choi .. eo4,
19c 10\'.i.OL
Pock.ge .. • .. .,.._.., ""'"" I 23· 45· I PYl'SESMEAT CHICKEN~ •
CORN BEEF HASH 23" ~.~ 40% llr.,, Fl•kes, 1 S.O.. .. 2Sc
' .. ~!:ls ! ' ?A~f.LES I FiaiisT 4.3c :
1 Ya.U. ,... 141. l"M:U•I
CHILI g~:,,1
. I .,.,.,,i.i ' I ,...,,_••cu•• U I Swperll 35 c · ;"11 .... 25' ... • ~~:.!~·~ Ste BOLOGNA ·i19" •
Holid•y Apple, Cherry 0< Blueberry
7-WINIT Y-. • ~ ..,_. 2ftc: PIE MIX :."...-= . . 7·
. •
' " -
I i....Y.,. • I BALLARD or PILLSBURY 2 2 .. • -~~ ~ c• -1 CAl(I ........ 19·. 1 BISCUITS · 0
. 7 • 7~ ,,
c ... ..J ..... 101 •
· 1 1 HORMEL'S OVEN-llROWNED. READY -TO-EA-i: s2n • 19.n ••
I · .. ·· -1 CANNED PICNIC . • ~ · ~ .. , I . I 4-Lbs. • '" --........ v"' .:1~
I _:· ... ;' : jAc.-cHEEsE 39~ "'" .,,m I CENTUR~~D $4"
~ CAKI ••• 25' I BOLOGNA • Mt-.., .. ti 6 WISCONSIN A61D, Nl,.,T 6·, 9 • ~AMftlCAJI .......00. t ~ '3" 19~. I Uindel<amp's ~ I CHEDDAR ....... ;.. SOUSE • VODKA i ....;.
I •••••ll'\:'0'''L.'"0"1 • I Lu11-s sL1c•• sANowi-cH 6-0z. 25c • : -· •w-•-C --M"" LAM 00 -WAlW . r i ----....... i LOAF .. OL ... p. 25 Pkg. • HAMM's . . s114
-• I • ' . I -... -..-'• ....... ........ T.~I
09ffr .,., 11 P'·•· -n,...._, M & s.t. 't" WI .....
tl51 .._.. .,_,,. .... d. (o...4ff '4f.I 114t COAST ...... AT AT~ .l'PFF•
DAft.Y t,OO A.M. TO 10 ,00 ~.M. Dil.T '111 UL 70 1-P.11.
' I
· 1 · -
l 1l
' , 1 ·
'. 11 'ij l 1!
j :1
, I ,.
I ' ' : ' . ' . ; . •• • • • •
I t l
\~ ~ ~ ·~ 1,.
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·' • 1· I~· 1, !r ,,
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! ! (I
ii . ~
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" ,,
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•' .
" " " :;
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-----'----· ' ---~U-J-•.lO •. ·"-'-"' ··-·····•*•••"•'""•~·----·-.... "-""-----~-~~~-' -.. _ .. ----. -----. .. ~-.. -----:· -~--~_,.
' .•.
y'iwernmenf _
ffii '9ronifj to accept tfii thinqs we cannot chong8: the courage to Change tM-th!Ags we-car, ond tiie
wicdol!! to know. the difference." (A. /\non.)
: • ---·--· ------~---__ :..:;..,.E..D.;:I..X .Q...JW...A L.-• .
_________ ... __
• ' •
Even Though All Is 'Fine'
Hospital Probe Continues
Since the curre.Qt O range County H oepital · probe
ha~ been going OQ we h ave noted editoriala in auc h
leading county new•papers u the Fullerton Daily Newfl·
T r ibune a.nd the Orange Daily News, joining the N ews·
Pf'CS8 i n uking for &n investigatio n .
Altho ugh Supe.rviBOr H einz Kaiser d enied to th<'
News-Press that any b rutalit y o r maltttatmrnl or
patic-n~ cxi11tcd, appar entl:y the d ocum ented lettt'rs l"'f'-
Cl'l\!e'd f ro m those c hargin g the h ospital ha\"e been suf·
ficiently fftctua.1 u to justify a grand j ury 1n\'et1t ig at10 11 .
One C osta. ~1l'sa v.·oman only last Friday t o ld her story
n f treatrneiit 11h e received. S hort1y after the expose
.,.,.a~ 1n1 blishe<l anothe r leading H arbor w oman (·ailed th.:·
Nr ws -Prc-88 to Ba y i<he ht1.d kx-C'n h ospitahze<l thC're tn
1U..l9. lh~ ~r the g r&nd jury made a fuJ LIM..·.al\! prubc
of t h•· lll1illtut1nn snd that !!hi.' w o uld never go ba ck f(J r
·r,,day th1• O ra11g:C' Oail y N e w s 1n a Page 1 t-<lit .. rial
!n k•·M t h•· !-IU!"·rv11-1 .. ri; t n tal'lk ftir gi\·1n g n <1 public n:c11)!-
n11Plfl l 1r h•!T1•f"M st•nt KaiS(.'-1' about the h (•!-iptta l tr\·at .
n1••11t ,i1J,·gr·J thP boar.I h11.11 g1\·Pn no cogntzanr•· .,.,·h:il ·
••\"•'r n1 ho ard 01(-t>lin~!i to th~ alle~ations Noc-al!~ fnr
Ka1:-c• 1 t ' "''l•11rt tri the board 118 "h ospital <'O mtn!ll"•'
h.;11~··r 1nl'nrm1'<.I tht~ Ney,·~-l 'reHS h e h as :sr~·nl hour-.
:tt th" h"l">/Jltal during hiM time as <"Ontfn1tt ... 'i'man and
that 11 nnvth111g Lil wr•.1nK" tht:re. "I'm to blame" \Ve
a1 1• t-:1.id t .. hf'ar the t·la rbor'M SU)lf"r\"usor 1s 80 pon1llv~·
all 1~ .,.,.,.It at Lhe C'<>unt y h •>llpttal. \.Ve h ope the grand
Jll r) v. ill find it"a all s w eetnesa a nd light at the 1nstitu-
! ton 1e ~ it w o uld be shameful fo r any ca.llousnet1a tu c rec1•
in t u a J•l<ite of m e r cy.
\V1th thf'se h ope1:1, h ow ever, w e are still of the opin-·
1f3 11 t t1 P ~rttnd jury probe ia justified., bbed on reports
... :t11r·h h.t\"f' been made to Orange Cou n ty N e w s Servic l'
11~·wspflj1t·rs from patieotJJ alleging mllltreatmen~.
Mumbling Council M.ee ts
No t Confined to Mesa
N1•\',"J'll1n Beach City Council, b y no w known fo r
11!'! harn1onv r a lhcr genera.Uy speak ing, will never be
1P111111o;•tf·d l "r its ind1\"icl ual artic ulation at public m eet -
111;:!1, tlu1.n k11 t u a coupl·· of fa.c t ora, one human. t he
u lh•·r •·l«('l runie.
As we 1uud befo re the council pure.hued its $200
pubhc addrt'88 system with individual microphones fo r
raf'h member a n d city officials. the new equipment
might over come n atural aco ustical barriers. The BYfi·
t f'1n is fltill ln be prn\"l'd by uae o f the council and
W e havr been a r<'gular member of the aud ie nc e
and can r ecall hardly o ne occa.aion when a. council m em·
her or city official maJe p r o per use of his n e w micro-
phone equipment. The conversational t one co ntinues,
with about 30 per cent o r the total talking being large ly
inaudible in all parts of the chamber.
W e h.11.ve comme nted o n this l ack o f audience con-
sidera.tion before witho ut much reeulte from our har-
m o n ious counc il.
W e nnticed the Costa Mesa. Cty Cou..'lcil also wu
11.ccused of m u mbling at this week's m eeting by a y oung·
ste r trying to learn h o w city government w o rks.
That made us r em ember that Newport council
ReBAi ona usu aHy draw a doz.en ao younpters from high
school, apparently listening to the procedure a.s a part
o f their home w ork. If they have the difficulty of
hearing properly aa m e mben of the working press
have in the put they are not learning much fo_r the
of iClvertlaing than a newspaper publiaher; not just
becaul!le it ia hit bread a.nd butter , but became fie c,Jn
~ clearly advertiaing'a vital role in our economy. It
is euential to maM production, and it ia the be&rt blood
of competition-both key fa.ctor1 in~tbe American in·
duatrial aystem.
But the advertising business serves the community
and the nation in more than a dollar &nd cents way.
It has rallied ill!I talents and techniques to the aupport
of worthy causea. ll recently sponaored a movement·
to get American families back into the.Ir placet1 of wor-
s:1i;:>. Jt c urrently is _preparing, in collaboration with
the U. S. lnfo rmallo n Agency , to aend a "People's
Capitali.11.m" exhibit through fo reign natio na to ahow
o ur neighbors how America'a peaceful economic revo-
lutio n has cr eated the highest standard of living for the
m ott people, while p reserving the freedo m and dignity
of the individual.
Georg e Washington
George Wa.ahingtu n w rui a man who lo ved life And
he ilveJ n to the full. J·le waa a Dl&ll of conaiderable
w ealth and could have afforded to ta.ke life eaay at
M o unt Vernun.
13u t to \Vaah1ngto'll the gre at issuea of hi.a d ay-
freedom or t.he colon1e11 nnd the establishment of a
lh:W Natio n -"-'f'"re of overtidinr importan ce. T o
a chie ve these end11 he wu willing no t only to riftk W..
pel""$<.1n».t fo rtune but bi.a life IUI w ell, and to endure the
JiarJ1:1h1J.lll anJ "uffe ring in the military itervice duri.ng
the seven lo og years of struggle.
After the wa.r when he wouJd have much preferred
t o retire to his etitate he again p u t uide penonaJ de-
1:1ires to aerve aa head of the Constitutio nal Convention
in Philadelphi&.. He la c redited with bavtng d one much
to save that convention from ending in tot&l deadlock.
So w e ho no r Wuhington oqi the 224lh a.nniverury
of hia b irth n ot o nly &.11 the tint President of the United
Stat.ea, but u o ne of the great.eel of our citiz.eol; wboee
love o f country and devotion to duty made b.lm the
out.vtandin&: .tigure oI t.h.e 18th cent.Ur)'..
Grand Jury Report for 1955
The New&-Press today preseota the report of tbe Qr.
ange County Grand Jury, u it affec:b the Newport Harbor
are a . The report will appear in aeri..alli.ed fo rm u a. public
service ln ea.ch M onda.y, Wtdneeday and Frida.y if!ltlu e, th&t
the peop le may know the jury'a "tindinga. The report fo llows ·
({;ontlnlil'd tl"Onl FM. 10 1-1
Ooaalal!Ho ... 4 M.anbol.I
Thl11 vftlc"' Hl"V't!• UH! mwilcl·
pal court-In th"' 11an1"' capacity
u the Sherttr aerve. the 8uper-
1ur Cou!"lJI All f-are turned
nv'f!r to the County Tre..unir
an<I t1. rr1·r1pt tek"'n thtrefor. We
find • ron~t11ble or deputy can
(I> Into 1"11..hf-r con•t&ble•• dllltrlcla
\" •· .. rry un the dullt!1 ot their
oftlrf .
No l'f'QUCll\.e Wl!l"I! MJldt of u•
for mo~ roon1 or Katt, eaoept
Huntlng\on Bea.ch D11trtct which
nf!f'\J11 '"''t•· r•.c.111 T lle1e '4"rr,., no
~u~.::~"~"" r h11.n1t"'• In pnx-l!<'lur1.
Th" con11 tithle i1 a n f)lecUve ot-
flct p11-.-111g $~.00 per •n(ltlth.
Th'f!re •• •· J depulle1 and 3 In
1he 0H1"" r•irce of Sent. An•
lllAtnct Con1labl"' end drputlu
11re r •u1 rnll,.,.g-t a nd wre lhetr
()Wn Cftr-
Re(lh..1!1 •re recommended wh,.,re
1;0unty l">t r• a r"' u&ed.
pbylltc.U propttU.oM ot our J uve-
nile Home. we fOUnd c:rvwde-d
c:ondltioia In both \he (\rJ .. &11d
boy•• •«UOl'UI, 9Ueh u •IMptn1
on noor•. and. other c:ondlUon•
which are In viola Uon With our
ordln~c:e1, under whlc:h -· u
clllaen•, mu1t comply under pen-
alty ot the law. Yet. our own
C'Oun ty l• not compl.y!ng. Dirty
llChool room1 &nd re•l Ni.om11
were beyond comprfhea 1lon. Wt.
recommend U\e H e&Jtb O.pa.rl-
ment be &\llhor1Mll to IMpecl
Juvenile Hell pertod~ally.
It '4·•• very obvlm..111 to thl•
C'Ommlttet> I.hit OT&11gr county
n-19 e.n entire new plant to
hoUH &nd take the proper care
ot juvenile11. \Ve were rec:elve-d
with open e&rft ""hen W'f! took tht1
n1attrr up with the Board ot Su-
pervt.or1 and the Juvenile Hall
Committee. m.ch mernb4r lndl·
cated they w.-e 4'-1ympe.thy
wtU\ aome definite plan fot' a
new D'f!t,.,ntlon Hom,.,.
: time they attend the seeaion1.
R""'=o1n111encl IOc per m ile In·
st••ad or the 7 'it,c b4 conaldered
tor ..prLvri.tt. Carll uaed.
Not only did th19 c:ommHL~
bul quite a t..., ot.bu m~ber•
ot the Grand Jury vlll iled tht
Twin P ines ,Ra.nch for boys 1n
Riverside County an4 we w"'r~
convinced lhat the u.m,.,. or bel·
ter, abould be done for Orange
county. We want to recommeno1
that at Jeul 20 a cre• b4! 11ppro·
prlated for thl• dl!'])llrtment w ith
elllt.able l(l'QUnd ror 11 farm 101
t he boy• to work. the n~cr.11M1 y
t>ulldln1:1. of cour•e, for a mOOe rn
plant, &lid a!ao a plac"' whe~ chll-
tl~n can be taken ca.re of w ho
haven't broken any law . but M-
cauae of aoma clrcum•l&.llc,.,1 not
or their own na.klnl", m•k• It
n-.ary to t.a.ka U\ern ln cbarre..
Thi• muat be itepa.rate trom the
on"'• whe have broken the law .
' • 1 •
l'rot.tlun l,.,parlmeai Ad for Advertisers •
Afl,.,r t srelul tnve1U1:alion &nd
\lue con~l\ler .. tlf:ln. thl• committee
reel• t hat the Mlmh1latra&.tve per-
_ B y procl&lil.aUon of Governor Good.win J . Knight, ......... 1 ahoul<l be tmprovKI upon.
a.nd his gubernatorial colleagues over the Nation, thi11 We recon1n1 end mot!' c&NJful In-
is Advertis ing Recognitio n Week. It i• one "w eek " ve11Ugatlon11 be m11 tle ot e11c h caae b'f!fore recommendinir pro·
that 11hould have universal intenet. batlon to th,., court&. Thl1 w1ll
No one iB more exquiBitely a.ware of the importance. neceult.lte mere O...puly Proba-_____________ 1uon Oftlr,.,ra.
l.avealle De~Uo. Horne
!.RE-WS • •
Every member of U\• 1960
Grand Jury 11 .. been rooK intar-
u~ed ln thU ph&ae of our oou.nt,r
gov,.,mm,.,nt •nd h .. r iven .-cmer-
011•ly of their Ume &nd thoul'hU
lo brtng about lmpro•ed condl·
t IQna ln t he d"'tentlon. of t.be
youth in trouble wlll'! the law.
Thi• ~port would be a lengthy
one. Indeed, It we were to i o in·
to detail •nd lry to cover each
1lep of un..a~.ractory operation
lnvolv,.,d. CrHtclse we mu•l. c:on-
atructlvely, of OOU l"M.
' t
Fonnerl7 the N.-wport.-Balboe. N"'w.·Time•
and ll'!e Newport-Balboa Preu
l:nt.ered u Second-0.. Matter at ll1• Poetotnce Ill N"'wport. Beacb, ~ c1ittornla under the Act ot •tarch 3, 1879.
~ f'wbUMed e"""J" 11--,., W"' rlk.y a.n4 Fridlt.J bJ UM!
11 ~ Bhd.. NEWPOBT BA.CR. OAUF. "PltolMI Ha.rbor 1111
lo ... bl ........ N~ ... A.dft~t. of All Ill~
Daor.ree ut t.a.. 8uperier eo.rt '16 o,.... Clo. r. A.ctloa Ntt. A·ll1t!
ln goeneraJ It mud be a id,
rr•nkly. Lh" adn1ini•lr•tion of the
Detenllo.n H..U t. ahort ol the
nHnln1um d"'11lreti ot lhla lnltitu-
lfon. Our tourll of lnapectlon
Cllll(ll.-1 a lac-k v( p.-opM" ers--
lr.atloa and oo ......,l'UJ btwrads---
llwber c.ntonla Newspapv hi'" .... A-'-Uoai Una ""'1ft'1!d ao 1..-.vsne.at
Mernblw .11(.CJ~ Edllillll'W A..oclaUom ro11Jd bfo, e:1peetN wltll ..., ~
MnnlM!r el Oraap 0-.,. Ne-Servke ,..., admlai.irat1Y"8 P"'rwo.ae1. ln '
O\u" cornmlltff h.. trl~ to
study lhl1 pha... of county rov·
ernment w llh an open mind, but
with the determination th"" t
llOlll•th!ng muet be done to trn·
prove on thia necee.1ary evil. \\le,
eeeh of \111. llJld tht! Grand Jury
u a •i.1hole, would Uke to lhlnk
that wa l\ave been 1nalrumental
In brtn.rtnr about the rM.ll&aUon
~ tbeee recomml!'.lldatlon1.
It wru be O'llr U\anu. and with
a aen.a or per10naJ pnde tn uch
or ua, to know that lhl• prosrern.
ii belnr ca.tTI~ throu&"b to con-
cl!Won. With th1a thought ln
rri.ind, wa bar.by orfer our c,..ntln-
ued help. tn whatever_ form, to
t~ llloomtnr ltM Grand Jury. order to att.rut a l'!l(lter caliber
f BEN REDDICK. PUBLISHER. tnd1wtdual, wa recommend a. hi1h-HERBERT L. JOHNSON """' ...... l WILLLUl A. MOSl:S, .Wt.or ec-pe.y *lhedule. Thl9 comrn.tttff
O RMOND &. ROUll.'"l"RU. AtlVMtlalttl" Director •lt"onj:ly n conun•nd• aa lmmed· j CHARLES A.. ARMSTRONG, Kech&niolll SUpertntendaat lat• cha.nc• to con-ect th\• llitu.a-
P---------------~~-~------------1 Uon. Tbe .. recomml!'Jld&Uona; &l"lll at1B8CalJ'Q'ION llA.'IU: only lntencled w deal ..tth the I N_,..-t ~ N._rn.. 'l'ri-W~ adn1lna1 ... uon of th• pr-Nent
Oru.s"-c:io-i1, ..... per ,_,. f&.M 9b_ --.; •t..M .,_ -laome.
oaw.ia. •f u-..p o...t, f1M per ,._ Upao our in...ucauc. ot ~
R. J:. lJUM
NrrITI: L. OPJ:"l.LI:
H.A..M.T J. J'OR.8rnt:Z
l (0..-... r"' :u1
TBAT Wg lflCllT BP: FR RE-
Editorial -Gircuit -RideE ,----
Sacramen to Sidelight
87 U1'"I!tJD PBClll
\Vith the c oatrovlU'BY etill r a ging In the U. S. 1Sen.a.te
over the :;2.>00 ca.mp&Jgn contribution m ade to Sen. Fn.nela
Case o f South Dakota, Califo rnia cditori> fo und it wo rt.by
oC con.sid1•r 1!.ble cofi:iment •
(1rov1il'f! ],••;,•u1 _y· ""Senlll' "'Ill t•l .•.;h (lttA. h o (' .. Jl(OMl UI . e&lll•
" 1 t h1.1 > c1u · Oil a ti.•w cl•n pa.Lp n con trlbullun .. h•\'<" uul Oii.iT
• r'<'••tim1 bill aa NJmlt or that a.lw•y• i;.. .. n t"on•1•l"'"d leSttJ·
$'.::;(;() 11lft to $en F"11 n1·1d C•.,. 111111" IJO•I their ,,.., .. pt.tnce ~al-l li\·S.D.1 lt •i; !ht' pnt l" !'l!.11.Cted by 14"11YJJ bo,.n the m•1k nf 1 aUCC9M-
1 [',.moc-rat~c R.-:i .Th.im&.1 Hen· lul 11,,htJan. Th<: l..i bby11t wbo
j n 1111:~ rut 1g1 eetn1 to limited onrf' t.....a..tetl lhat he waa t.b•
p ot>e or lht• Clilftt' 1nr111t>"t in-1 overruri"nt .. r Calolon11•, ccyi.-
& t':ld. or .-.-111•~11 1nv1·1L.Ji:11.l1\Jll ot t roll«I U\r C•llforr11a Le&:11\a~ure
ILbh.v1 ng h\ Uvt !J rnendft "n d throuih hla 1·11mp111;n contnbu•
f• · ••t !"'~ •l' ! r;~v Ri ll H•·n·l tlnna 1n r1.nd1\\ate.i; and through
n n;;s' c.l"a.n • l•·~Uon t;lll "''-''" 1.--1 Ul'f! i.:.-neroia 'f!ntfrta111merit he
purl<"l:I out of ro111m1tleo:: Ja.r;l year, Jlr<JVl<U'd tor lea:ialtllora Ill 8 &Cf"ao"
I but tht: 0.·inu•·utllt' pu h<'y con1• n1 •·nl" ··
mlllff. b()tllt«I 11 UfJ ~"'ll'tl' h••I v ... 1.-J.-. T u11e11 Herald ··Th"'re
"'r l.ynd"n J 1.o hn11un ( 0 '"" • h11~ 111~ ,.f ,-,oii1 "' n11tny anglt!I IV!d
ll' ll.f,.C.:<:•I \ C".ill 1l u11 f.,r ,. vvl~ C"VhnvlMlHJll.l> 1nvulved ln lobby•
f.ou "''oul..t 1•-.1u11·• 111! , .. 1uudnt.-.1 ini> sunie ot the 1el'lt ry who
1<11 t ••.:1..-i.~ 11•1.t •vr•un•ot•,._,, ~1n1o; up w.11 lobby1at. nffrr valu-
•·•.1:11•u.11:n1n,1; t•ir tt1t•ru lo rr1w1rt able W.Ml&t,.nce and 1nformat1oa
1111 • ·11t111: ... ·1 .. n,... I ,, .. w. e\ ! 111is-leglal•llun end n ... v• .a
, I u1.1cJ ,u u1 1111.uuu: ''Th,. Un11e-d lt<!jlllnill.tt: pl11r·' 1n l"i>""Latton,
,sc.tco. S o±»>1-k l• 1nv~ eertv1,;.1t bnt 11 t•'r\ll•n lv 1,. not 1n the
<vn.>td<'i ~l .•Jll \,, Lh,. 1111tler ••f 8 ~n1,.1 .,t .,f 111, putilic w hr n mon·
r"I-'' J\ •I 111 'l'IHPl 1•• t n1lut'n~ one "'" 1~"'"-~ 11, ~··• ure r11vora ble
"' ''" 1n~11,l,,·1~ UH ••I<..;~, II •Uni-I vule~ i'•r 11 lull l hlit !a c.f apec.la.l
I"'•:!• 1-••!•lOllJVl•,111 I ' 1•rn1l1~11t f\lllo!•• •I V;\1 1.1 \,, •ertalll lndu1-
• 1ru • I n1\•"'' :-.1111•"' 1 ~ol " '""""" t11 ~,.,. 1nd1\l·l>o.'l!a "'
• ·11!• • ~'" • II •' lie fu,.le
q, .. \</IHI• •P···lH•!I •·I 1.1mp•1i;nl "nlr1l.<i\t"n~ 1 .-,.1 ~11 r.,1.al1on• •'r• ,1,., ~... '"!->1'n f'aul UOUK·
11.nll pn·~11· E"r< UJI~ !l•·•·rt• l"ery 1.._, "! l1hUo!• 111•• j'Vl ~be L ~-
, .. ,11., .. 1 "1.1-1' ,, r.1,.,, th.-Sf!nate 111 1urh • l~'"1!l•1n It hli.l"\l-8 ACH A\IF;-.;l1• 10 ·!';~1 Sunie l<h.,u e 111 11,., 1 ·!ill·r~ i11o.,hf\1I•>. I 1 t 1 U1 1uh110 r·h<'iul\ vi II• • 1111b1ned l }' '"" '" &nl' ·"'0: .--•nor-que•t1011 .. h11.v~ "lh•en l•\rl)-.. tv f<•I lhr ludl,.\ t• '111 ""•'"''' "'"t Al·l~·<.:ltJ lnu .. un•c<.l I''"" 1,,,"t ho: der 1 f.,jJ 81.'1 '<' onv~~111•U l•t> or
who:th .. , tlu• "''•Vltl•·:o 11.1u! <!n·,,,th"r '" ti,, 1.• -~ 111 .i. 1 .. 11~ l 'h ' ' ''' I d "'"'"~ , • .i.tu nl Wtol 'Ii ! ,,, tht .. •£' IV l .~ ... v '" lJL an ..... dur 11111n1~n1,. .. 1 lh~ !1"!11"" ••tK 11 n!I A , , , · , " , h ., l •I ... , •·•• 11''''"'" ·•·'-' t io· ~.t •• i;iy ,,f Ori:iuiI:e.-·I i,.w1 fur •·011~ in • .,r,nf • ""n with t e ..
H.epubl1 0.•n 1·,,.,,.,1(• w.1e 1.-prl/"· 11~r11wi •tn 1,1,,1.11 11' th" "'\••II· u-in the C..inl\.nt; 1.,., ... u1enuaJ l "•tW"•l l"" hill Jh,. ~ .. nator .aid
Mnllnl( Mfl in• \•l•hle tr•·n<l to-
:ten who t"h ,.,~ .. , 1 .. rvr1 • 1 I ,11 , ·~· ~;.un , .. u•i.i..ui;n_. 11 •·.lh· 1 t.he that ui r.1~ l'lnl"n \hf! J ~MIO f lVll·
'4"ard thr .. l.i .1 .. v1 of tr•••.-u•rn." ,,. "'·'·'·'" .,,.,,,. 1,,._,,, , '· .'" 'p•<-, .. , •. ,,, .. ..,,. ••··-• '"
' M '' U ~e11awnitJ »r the rr .. s1 .... ••111111 l 1n•1 .... : •• .,n .''•• ··''• '''"'
In the (",.lll•otu1. Jh•llllca ! •>~L.-m th<! 1..,111,1,., "''lh•·ul •.:0 111 111,.; prr· 1,.,""l In contiii.uunn .. fron• or-S··n ~1 11.11,.t l:IUll! of soutn
Ne!lb .. r lh<' l!t!<th><'ratlc /IVr tJ\e lllll•lun Of A par\}' b<J.&JI ur I' UI ~U.llll.llllOll<J and jl('el,!ure t:rnup•' Dakota by " lobby•'ll fl.o r lhe ~U·
Republi.11.n ",uun.·1l1 · hd\''f! any rnltt"""· an<.1 .,.1tnoul .. 1,11.,.t,uli nie&IUI a.nythrnr . U•.-n the M1&1nt pe.nur u il l'•·11l p&11y of C1lltom1a
offlcJ•I ,.1 11n1fl< auc .. 1n th'f! pol1tl-hln111rlf lo all) f11 ,·uun "' .tt:t"llll •tl.nOUJ\Cl!'ment ltkewllN.' nee•l• the I• only • 1url1tre 1nd1c"tJon ut
ca.J picture. jt'l by their very ol f11ctlont1. 'very ,.,a.rnaat atudy• ioenhunl'Jd hJ what went un' l.e&rl•r• ot bQth
n11.111r1 an<t by r'f!....._.,t of ti'!<" fa.cl 1-'r .. rudc.nl E~nho ... ·er."
pvl1tic-.. 1 pit.r t"·"' 1n the Stor1.1.l• PHl\'IL'-4i!'..N tha t lew.<J.-r>o 1n bo)!h p11.rUee fl&l'll· POLITICAL G1.frn!i h•v• 1lv'f!n the m1pre&11vv lhey
c1pate in the &L"llvllie ... It 1 .. pr"'· Ther" LI nu qu ... uo11 Ii~ t•• Liii' Hollywood CltlU n-Newi "C'ani-•r<' ~•red nut of th.,Lr "'"l l• Qr
•Um"'d th•l 1111<ny voter• l"t the r11l1t nf a ny 1;roup vt Lwuio .. ••I• P••· n cOfltnb\J\•Jnl\ ••"n l ~UJ'· I the pr"'"" t>}' lh"' a"l~t 1'<11nn11t-
1mpree11!011 U1 .. 1r endor"H:rn,.ut• or R1pubUe&n1 Jr:.il.n1n1 \"~' Uu·~ Po•';ct to bl! ma.de. th" B'f!natc t,.,. 1:u1ng b'f!yond Ute moat Jlllplr-
have ...,n'" o!f1c1al signltte.nc,. In a r.l,ub, council. u r "'h.11 ... v .. r .,..,u1,1 1111.,.., u~ 0.,h.-v.-. lo lfH1•-flcla.l lftqt1Jn"'! regardLf\,i I h •
:-<O.\tl:O.'ATr:ll 11ame It rnl1£hl b-e cw.lled ·°'•lLh.-1 v .. llllll• nr grvuµa lnterellt"<l 111 Cit-""' inc1U,.,nL 1! th• ca.. 1n1""1·
Thlll tl11& I• not tru'f! In .onl" ii there any que$tlon ot >1111.:h " ui.-purlltlie QI'" GelNt or c•rl1<in cll'nt 11 only • 1urface lnd1cat1on rroup 1-tlnj a n endor11f111.,nt uf h ,,, wh11.t went on 11 l• 1ncurnbent lnatanc"'e ""aa pro,,.en by lhe t•cl 1 .. g1alat1un, Thi~ nf!w1papcr 1111
W t .LJe\l,l.enent-Govemor H.11.rold 1ny ca.ndld•ta. Th,.,,.,., r111hts •nJ .,l""'11.yi contended UUll prlv•le "P"" tha Senr.te ti> <111 l>l'low
J . "1'Vwtrr1 ....... nmnl?1ated for l.hel prtvU.egea I!> •lung !!_Ith th" p'.·1n · 1 •·0U1"1p.1tolp-OQll&.r~~· to •<:an· th" •urfa.«,"'
offlc• by tbe paopl'I! iend lllb~-cipl~lt•~~ rortl'! ln ti'!"' ('1.Ufu rni a d1cl.11le• for of!I ~ •houl4 be bU· San J'renclaco N'f!Wll" "Th,.y
qttnUy alectedl ln the face of • i cuu u on I rrd by law. \\",• have made Ull.t give u• lhe d11 t1no•t 11n pru111"n
Republ.ie&n Council l'ndorMment The only qtJ.e11\1vn. th,.t'f!lore. Ill 1•u11te.nU(IQ. wh"'n f1<cln&" the tu.t tha t Ullil wlU be n() ••-•w 1n~1n l{
ot hla opponent. J!nl Si!hnie.n. or whether or 11ut. If\ u11nr lh,. Ui•t 1nany l"11m pa.1i:n contr!bu-TV ahow. They w ill 1"0 lur Ill•
SaUna.9. L"'mocr11t1e or Repu blle1.n name. uonl! cun1e f rom ll<JUTf f!a lntf!reMI· f11..:LI. whal e"""r they a.re. Their
the .-roup In volved mak"'• It ap-II ed In the eucc,.,,.. or talluf'J or only prec<>no.lved cooetullon 11 NO'lll' a.nother teat. whlCh may IJ'f!ilr that I.he c11.ndld.ata l• endoft-Certain pro,.,..·•al.1' tor g:overnmen-tl'le nee.! ror the lnQulry.'" be a pa.rUa.I anawer tu lhe quea· r •l by the perty, when Lii e:tf«t. ,._ ..
Uo0n. ta Unpendt1ng . .,Ttu • w
u ~e 1ne party con1l1ta ot UM reglllter·
e.n o,--ment o ... t•l"' .-na....,r leJ YOlera. T1w'y. UI~ rlnal
Richa rd R1 ch11.rd11 uf l,t>M ".."""lee 11.nal lria, and the •I lo Call·
county by th" l"' 1l•>l"ratJe. Council forn~11., have lh"' Jrtit t nomlnat"'
recently wht!n 11 1nrl u1 • rtano ,. c-.odida t"'
Althou,i;h the rou1u •I .l(A\·~ R1e~h-
•td11 1t11 "n<lnr~u .. ·n1. •! dut '° F,llo'"TITl,f:D TO JlNOW
only a!L'f!r a bl!t.·r b•ltl'f! 1n which A dllcUMlon or thla type _,,,,
By H.f:NR Y C. MacAR'IllUK
SACRAMENTO. !CNS)-Att<or· former Congr,.un>•n S1tm Yorty •·!em,.,nlal to people converant
w .. dere1t'f!d for th• endor1!'n1,nt w ith the po\il!cw.l ay•tem in Ui.i. ney Gen,.,r11t Edr:1untl c; Krn.,..·n
v1..,l on..,, in Vlf!W of the forthcon1·
1 n~ national "'lecUon•.
(-0;o.ITHIH CTION~ PJl:U l'LI': ;-.;<1.\ll."'ATlt 111111" iiow,.,ver, there •re mllny •PP""'"'" ht-1·!•nl1nv11lly ""'T•ed
How,.,\•er. 110.i"r th•· 1111 O!'o t pr1-elector• In Calltornla who h1t•'t' c-r1n1 ..-n1u1i.: th<' n1111 L•·1 ,,f 'IUT"l-
rnary law •pply 1111: 111 1'Wlf<>rn11•. come hire from oth"'r •lat"" pM1 ~n •••nlribu1io•r1~ H,.. •••l<I re-
the people ol th•· 11l11.Lt". anol not "''hl<·h allll n11lnUu n !or1 n11 of ,.,.,111) ~t 11 pr··~M l11!1·1,11•w In
the Oemocra tJ.; ruir the Republi· .l(•"'e!"ll\f'nt 1>11llc11!y f'llff,.rrnt S11o ·t 11 n1•·•1f,, 111At ,,,. l1••ll<·~ lh"
can Counct11 non1!na.te c&nd1date1 rrorn thal in C111ifnrnL•, 11url the.<e j •lAI•· lri;1~l1il11r,. woll nd••J•l "~_n>n)l:·
fo r office . peoplr •re ent1tl'f!d lo know th,. e.r ··p,.r.ly uf ,.l,..:tlonll l>ow!I
Thill ayiteon wu lltk>pt .. d ~y prorf'durr1 hy .,..·hlrh r:: .. 11rornla V.'h••n it wa11 cnl!ed In h1a 11l-
Uie J>tople nr lh'f! •l•te b11.<.:k In work11. lf:n t1vn th•t l'"titlrl11n11 • 1<n'l run
1908 .. and h•11 functioned on , 1'h1111. both p111"tl'f!11 h11vl' a re• l'11mpl\!g-n1 without rnun••.1', ti,. J1Bld ~Y cunOoth bll..111• ever .!lpow1blht.y ln 111rorm elector• that he reri.llJ.tcl th11t_tast , bul pvt nt"d
since. At ll!JIUI L 1l h1.s made It the endor.li('1nent..-. uf any 1e11:n1f'nt out h!I •Im In •tr•ngtltJ11111g \hi'
poaa!ble fnr the pl!'()plc flf thP o r tht'1r parlle!I h,..,.,. n,J offu.:L•I luwM 11.ffectlng c1.mpaign11 is to
stale to i il<Jpt l'llndld11t~• of th'f!1r l b'f!11r lr•.I(" on l'lrr l1on reaull~ uu•k" 11.~ l'er111in !II onl' c&ll that
c"nt n bulf'd ""01p11.1,1:n lu1.d1 do
n11t cn.rrv ""1th th•·011 ~"nl "
olll'll~tJJ I' ul 1»1n1burl<!rn enl l.l)' 11n
t"lf:<'l+'<I Cl&Jldl'llll<!.
He ••y• a pol!Uoe.l commltlM
n1a y not r.celve contrlbullol'UI t>r
n1akr expe:ndlturee In axcea• of
SJ,000,000 during any car .. ndar
)"e&T. 1'hla C1I. courM a ppUe• to lh&
!llfl" natlona.l committee•. 'lblll pro-
v1eion In fedval Law can b<! clr-
curnvenl.ed nry 1lmply, merely by
the pr()('Mtl of brlllllklng up on•
btc con1mlttc:-e lnlo many •mall
C'!711lmlt~ e.ch •llJI the prlvl-
lr.ge of ependlng three mllllon tn
1.ny one year. There i.n•t that
mueh money tn poUUca. hO'W'"ettr. "° lt hll.ll not u yel b4lc()fTle ntte•-
Supix-e. ho'4·ever. a lJmlU.tlon
were pot Of\ In CeJltor"!!Ja, of a
By \"o ur Con gttl;Sntan .IAMJo;d B . lll ""f c;Ko "-·1sn Rl "GAHOO 1rna.ller •um, 1111d the a.mount .--------------------'----------! Tiu~ altualloii ha. been a 1:ruw· Umilfld lo a certain axpe.ndltur. by "a committee... Committee• ln bugal:w1'uto p<>liUclanll tor a J(JnjlJ;;
I Rpent t he largest portio n of my time le.a t w eek study· um". ind tt 11:row5 steadily &11 could be fanned In .U <II th•
b h I · 1 ,11 running 1tn ,.,IK !ton counttea, In any number, IM) In ing three m easures u nder con r.ideratio n Y t e ntenor tn.,. t"~ 11 f!ffec:t. lhe Umltatlo" would be
r h . h I ..__ c .1.1p111i,u1 H11·r;>.1"<' ~~ llml'·-•' oil. Contmittee, o w 1e <1.m a n1e;n1.11.:r . ,.., .... ~ .
So far. no "I!" 1••~ been llbl" Feel~ law aJ90 prov1df!a that The m oot far-reaching of these, a s far &a California , , ·-" ""''t'" n1 ,.,lec-t1n1111 o •ire.,..., P a r . nu ptrll()n. or&anl1t1tlon or cor·
is concerned. iB a bill t o force. tht' F ede r al (:overn ment to la"'· thai can't .be c1rcnmvent~1L, pnrsuon nu•)' c:ontrtbutf!, dlr«llY
rec:ognla.e t he wH t"'r Jaw nr the 1 I In the event th,.,,.e ii intent tin vr lnd!rectly. moN" th&11 l :i.000
Tk F .• 1 G()i• r .. n111i of th"' Alfl.&kan f1~herl,.,e. the part o r the candicl1tl,.,. •t\d on ·'ut·in, ony nne calwda.r -•r to "'""'eifrn 1l11,t et. n'f!. e._.er11 · •• .i,. 111 ! h e<l b lhe · t ·b t " ., ~ -ammenl own.!I 46 P"r cent "t Lhe "' ,. g 1 e:or;rr·•··~ Y each llie part of con ri 11 or· nny •·1tndld11te tor "'lediwe l@deni.l
11.nd In Callfornoa. Tht! pr<)hlen1 ii v th" f.,r.)'·" ;cht Ill.a.ell O{ the It lft nflt hkrly lhnt 11nyon•· offlct!. Thi• too. 11 • provUilon
one or llO-Cnl!"d "·lth,lrav111 18n<1a. n10•n A"l•I 1 re'f!I 111111 It !~ only 1 r v•·• '4"1lJ li t ea ;i-1 up ~u•·h 11 l11w. ea1ily clrcumv,.,ntrd It the dlllllite
that 11, lanc111 .,,.1;,ho.l, 8"''n by ftderal ;.ill" lhll.l the llamr cv·itn tl bt <!X-1 ~j101•t "' p.ut11hlt1l'li:: ""·'" •·11.mr•tt 11,:n 10 circumvent wer" prt!lll!nL
(, nd"fl to tile Tr rritnry rif Ala11!1n , ,111 ,,:,•1 <,.dlll at n;J. "t11 r h In t h~ ,. ,"I 'Ot•T (J('N'TRO' •g1!nc1re fr•r ~p,.r·,11" 11.!"'8 rorn .-... ... ..
the federul holdings. Lant flun11nP1 I 11.lten,'<·•I hl'flr I gilt 1 1 11,i• ..,,,r. ll 1 •·L<niner~t••_•n A•'tually. there 18 Jlttle if a.ny
sin.-" the rot n\PUB o·n•u·t rl•·clsion inc_.. In 11.ll par,ft of the T~·1rllP!"y, 11:oveo nnwnl tentleri ot .~ elt<• 1,.'1 t C"tllrol O'ller the individual or cor•
In \hr P~ILon Ollln '""se. Ule gov-"hi iJ I' .'l~ ~•I}"' "n<·lu111v11 rhttl rl1e ~• -rv11nt ... h•·C,.,s.~arl!y '4"• uld 111•.','.~ ptiralinn which m 11.y wt.eh lo buy
lllrn1nent hu canceled IL~ 11pplil'!l-:""'I''" ••f '''""k" "'' llll •·(lin pett'ul '11" Ian .. ,·•·•• lo th!' 1"h. thei >1 few votl!'.ll. About lb• on1T &n•·
Uona tor "'11.t"'r fnr w1 t~•l ra"·n l&n<t ... 11 '••' .nn:e ll1c1 "'"n af,1111•11 1111 the O)' l!ir.i n:-S0""rnml'nl into An ""'er iA the nomln11Uon t o office
urider lhe v1tnov ... 111a1r w11t l!'r ''• "· •11Y o!'ier 11n;a. I oll1.llK:h) , of lnd1Yldual• who 1«1 not ln the
l.af•· Th"' gnvernn1!!n: r lrull\.'!I lh11t l I havr 111_..0 lntrOO'luced 1,.1,,.1,.. ·1111~ i·f ''"'II'""· I~ not ll~ely to mark•!.
It doeti not h&ve !fl fl!" lhr11e 1tp-l ion t-:i 8u0.,.-lh'f! P4'Qple of Al1U1 k1t l'·•rrrn. ""-'" "1"tl' lhHn it 111 lik... Fortunatrly. Ca.Jllom la la ln &D.
pllc•Uon1 bec:a1111e the p,.,Jtou cue 1.-. ,.,lec:t th,.,ir o"'·n r ovtrnor. At 1: 1" h1t1•P··n lh~t l<'gl•lalorl', exrellrnt llltu.atloo tn UU. r.upect.,
"'1tablls hed \hilt th~ F"•l~ral Go••-pre11"n' lht' J!•1v.·1nnr of Al •Bkl. !1< infln1· ur ,. •n1 IHP .•l"['rndent ''" •!eaplt" the 11tlomey 1eneral.'.11 beo-
ernment 11 not. 0.1und by 11ta le l .• ppolnted by the PrealUent i·.01111•n1gn , ... titr.hu111.ns art! llk"IY j11er th11t the law 1 ebou1d be
wat'f!r la"'·· 1,1 \"O\"' in ,,,.,..~ thRt 1<tymle th" 11tr'f!nt;-lhrn!'d. •• lhere h .. been a
\\'ater i• the hffblOo<l of the Tt:SA IAU'ORT:o< l1· .. m1•11 l,;,:n •·olf.,c-t1<1nM •tri dlly 1ncrf!RJ1lnir trend ln th•
\\".,11t. a n•l Con;1.,.l<ll '4•111 f't\nlllder In L9t8, th•• Url •t"'I ~lat,.11 ltn-1 11, .. .,.,1 _ ln a M"ve1al I'"!="' 11nRly -1 .. ~111l11 tn1·e to 1 .. -..n em'pha.llla o:i
no legiallltion murt 1mp~1rtant to P"• led IJ.Ooo.ooo Pt>un•I• or tro;.-.·n "• '·' '"""".i "'lectlon,•1 .. "•11 p.uute ca.mp•lcn fund•. and tnc:rea.ae ti
our 1.rea lhllll lh'f! recairi!tlon fly 1111.11 . 1 ,11..i •'"I'·" r 'lted only 3 f"'I 'IU l Jll•mr r;f th" ln1port'Ult pr"-on food le gl11\allon. •
thf' ~~t<l,.r•I Onv~roment nr the l''"nt nr tilt! 111n1 •11rJ1ll'"'1 to !lo"
, !"'1·~1"""' n1 1kcl In ip:,.j_ '""
""""'' ""· '"''"""" "'"""'·0·~ Grass Roots Op1'n1'on 1)<lun.1~ or r,-.,, .. n t<ot11o. ,-.,111e• >nt -1
Th"' Comn1ltter nl11> hekl l'!ee.r-1.11:; 1'l po•r •·•·nt nf lh~t Ni tp1•ll'f!d ------------------------------
auprema~y of our "'"&t"'r 1 ....... .,
BOMHl:"/G R.A:'lo"Clr.8
Ing• 111•1 week on the blll conct>r<n-th1• Amrrl('an nH1.rl,f l T :11a 11~11
Ing th• wlthtlr•wal flr puhl\c 111.ndll :r,1 nur dnn•l'Jt"' f1•ll.:'rm"n nnty
fro111 public U•P f nr bombing rang-.... ! p ·1· r~n• of to 1r uwn 1111u \;el
.. and o th"'r project• by the De-1..11.11 T h11r11<!,.,. I Rflf•l~t olfl th"'
pa.rtm'f!nt of Deten11f! T h"' Commit· fl!)<.i ,,r thr It ••''~" 1n ruvn1 ••C ti!"
tM 1.4 lna\1tlng: thal tht var1ou11 re11 1•111I 11np.•rt 4u11.a bl ll which """'<""II n11e. joint facllllit'1. rather 1.-011,.1 p:·u.e,·t ('>\" \1111.1 lnU111<lt)'
th11n n111k1ng aepa rat"' withdrawal•. fr,.111 how '4"111l"f' l•1r,.11p1 r<onljl<'U\l!Jn
The blll urgee the Dep&rtment 11 n1I .,.·ould !("&tor"' to Congr!'111 the
of lnterk>r not to 11ulhoriu &ny po.,.•er to rt'.lf\ll.1t te our tor"'IKfl con1-
1uc h .,.,-Jthdrawal• "'""llhout the con-m"rl'e 'Ille Con•ttlutk>n glv"'• l.hll
-.:nt c.o f Cot1grees. po'4·er to CongreM •lone. llfld l
•hall oontlnue 1n ttrl• -Io n my
pa•t eftort11 to prtN'rve !hf re--
All J wnte Ulla. lhe Committee •ptt1t11lb1hly of <'onit r~llJI 1n<1 the
IR b'f!ginnln• !he oon111rl.,rat1nn of lntrr.-nty 1>t 011r Cnr1-Utullon 1n
ruy blll ff.H, 84~. '4"l1l•·h woult1 1111111 1111p<>rta nt fl'f!ld ol fo1ei(n
(r&Al lfl the TftlTll"n' ,,f Alulo.• lrarl-8.
BUF'FAJ.A). S. 0., TIMES-HERALD: "'The Lord
giveth llnd the J. .• n rd ta keth away co uld be para·
ph r a st.-,J to read 'the g over nment giveth and the gov-
ernnu:nt taketh a .. 1.-ay.' The main point o r difference.
h ow cv('r. ia that the Lord giveth out of t h e bounty of
His goodness. whi.le the government can only 'giveth'
baC'k part of \\•hat 'taket.h' away,"
BELLINGHAM, WAS H ., HERALD: '"Hietorically,
a liberal wu one wh'o N!9lated exc esalve ccntnl aov-
ernm en t a.nd encroachment of government o n the riabbl
of the people. Today'a 'libera..I' i. for u upen._ Ill
fed.era.I authority ."
~~----------·---· · -·-··· .-....... ~ •' -,• •r ... •• • •· 4 ----I '
High Quality Printing P4. H~r.16l6 J High . Quality Printing Ph. H~. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II -PA6E 7 1616 _ WEl'>NESD,A Y, FEl~~y 22, 1956 _ _
W°'lr: on N...-port 8-eb'• n-
poM. Gl'tlce. for Wlllch fTO\Uld wu
brokwa Tbunday by Mayor Dora
HUI, w... under way today and
the cc..trac:tor, J'ranlt J. O'Cori·
nor, prorniMd lhat PD4it..i:n ... ter
H . P. Thayer ca.n move h~ eqUJp-
111-at Into th• bulk1tnr In 90 day1.
Th• n-l>td.ldlns i. to tM ot
concnt.e bkxk conatructlon, 62 x
101 fMt Ln alu with a covered
loadin,-pLt.ttol"lll ln the ,._,._ Tb•
ent:n.nce will be et 1111 R1•ar•lde
SL O'C-onnor h&e 1.ar-.t W p&ve
.A.VOi\ St. u f1.r be.ell el the re•r
ot the n-bulldinr lo rt.,• mau
t.ruclt• -.cceu.
Th• new otnce will 11v• the
po.lm&eter about twice the Ooor
9P&Ce lie ha. at pre•ent llnd will
facilitate operaUon con•ldar•bly.
Tba bulldln&' I• centrally l<X:ale<l
for delivery and handler to the
bJ.abway mall tnicll• the.n the
pre.ent ottlce.
O'Connor, who llv~ at 1700
Klnp Ro.id, own, much of the
reel ot the -.dJolntnc pro~rty,
aome ot It lmproYed wtth a mot•!.
He expect. to remo" part of the
motel lo make room for p•rklng I
apace tor the poi1t ott1ce.
Hmbor Distrid
Pair' Face Drunk
Driving Charges
Two mot.oriala In LM N..-port
Harbor ar-were ~~ for
dn.inlc drtTinr durlnl' e•rly motn·
Ing houn Monday .
Booked by Coat.a MM& police
wu tzuek driver Joe P'etU Rivera.
33, of 1107 \V. Victoria St. Of.
f!cere aa!d Rivera failed to atop
at • red U,-ht at 17th and New-
port Blvd. a t :S L m.
Newport Beach pollc• 1.rre•ted
Geocl'e Robert Vance, ~2. ot nu
Cypr ... St., S&nta Ana u. 1 L rn.
alter they aatd th•y obll«-t'ed b1a
car we:avm,-from one l&ne to
&11other. Durlnr the ch ..... I.hey
••Id, tha •P"d of hi• car reached -1a--u .. _,.....Mw.... -----
Officer• rrom both de.putmenlll
•Id the moton.i. talled lo paa1
..:ibrlety Wt..
Post Goes to
Utt Assistant
WAIRlN'OTON, D.C. r.b. 1-
(0C'N!J -Bob Getu, Ad.mfnl·
•lr&Uve A.ulatant to ~
man Jamee B. Utt and ru ldent
of Banta Ana. won a two to on~
victory Jn h1a campairn for ele<:-
Uon lo the nm v1ce·prealdency
ot the eon......ionai Secrel&riea
Club rec111tly. The Preeldent,
'Who by club rulu had to be •
memht.r ot the o.mocn.uc pu-ty
UU. yur, w1ll be John t..nr who wU unoppoead.
DurlflC' llGD, Geier ...... MOOnd
.tc ... ~t ot UM dulll whlc.h
ta compoHd ot onr 1000 inem·
bfr• ot .talfa" of lknal.on and •
Repf'eMll.t&UYU ln Wuhlnpn.
He WU oppoMd by Bob Mlcboll,
.Adminl.tratl•e A•tlatant to C.On·
l'f'UllTl.1.11 Velde ot llllnoi., tor·
m•r Chalnnan of the Un-Amert·
can AcUTIU• Oommltt.e. The
campl.!p wb!ch luted but •
.....ir., M W po.ten, caznp&lp let·
t en .ao4 ~ penon&l calll
made OD behalf ol Ula C&Ad.ld&t-..
Durtnc UM thnMt yean he ha.II
been I.a w~ ln addiUon
to bokiias the atCODd Vlce-Pr-1-
dmCJ', <kt• wu Publicity Ch&U--
--. "-'-'*Ip <lilriMl'llUdl" 11nd
llldit.or ol. the c:JuW• WMkly bul-
l•Un. Durtnc 11116 IHI wae Cll.alr-
ln&ll ., U.. umU&I Vl.riel)' 8bow
and aim had a. Jeadlfts part ln one
ot UM Mlt& TIM ltlM ftl'akm
....... chutt.7 attalr and rmulted
In Ole MUD of "'000 betnJ" donat·
lld to tbli '1'eatm.e:nt of Nta.rded -New Store Owner
Nw1wd Fund Drive
Chal11111m1 Here
.. a. ..... wllo l'IOIDU7 pw-
chued Ule Barbor BMltb J'oodli
•tan at IOI N. Newport Bl't"d.
traa Kn. .lltwlllll' Pana, au
bt9I appot.at.d ff"'JIOl'l Barbor
.,_ cb&lrm-for th• National
A.rtllr1U. ...... Rb.ew:Qll.U-J'owi·
datioa f'lm4 drtft.
fte uUonal drl?I 1t&rUd r.b.
1 Md Shaw plaal to appoint a
commllt..i of local worllua u
qWold7 u P""""bla. H• ullld in·
~ S*'90Qa WUHac to•~
t:Mlr .aart. to conta.cl bUn at .... -..
aM.w, a torm•r ~
~ announced.,... pw.
to CIChr a riutnUOD MrTkte fol bi.
bll&lal .ton. Be opened ~
,_.. NC-.UJ'. -r. mJ.Woa. pM1p11 .uttar from
arthriU.," Shaw Nport.44 tod&J,
"JDOr9 penoA1 lh&D. wffK from
Uy otMr d ..... a.ltbou(ll arth-
r1U. .. DOt the ldlW that other' d' __ ..._ ..
J\mel no. lb• cunp&l,p,
..._ .W. wW p ' towanl lD·
~ tM llWll.Mr ol .,.u..a.
atu¢1Sq: dMum&Uoa d~ aod
t1··ee1·1 ~ &Dd ~t •
. ' ,, U :.... v -,_ G. ,, .-.---nuw~~t-ou--v~ · rewlf-,.;,--= ~ ~--. . . .
we ' hear everg
W. ~e 'Jrouin'J l 'J feapd and louni,
and we mudl conlinue lo 'Jrow in order
lo keep in dlride wifh lhe d!ea d'J <Jrotvlh
o/ newpo;l JI-arbor
• 1953-•
-1954·---• -
1955 • •
Average Number of
PaC)ff per week
• 20
• 36
• 60
64-page Press IN A NEW AND LARGER au1LD1Na
• "
•. peel to Outgrow
That Too!
.NE-WS ·pRess
. . '
2211 ...... llvd.
,,. -
Newport ··-H•bor 1616
---...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1--~~~~~~~~~~ ....... ~~~~~~~~ ..... ~ ....
"' ~Y. FEIRUAIY_.p. 1956
at.&ni., D, Stall&, 3701 Lllk11 St . furn1<,. 11::;.-. ~1 11nt s•·cr•·lllty
Qlf TIU. 1nau-llJ1em .. nu T rual l:o. of Lo., Ang•·I""'. ,,....,, ~"
llM.cted • Ylc.,.·pr-Nld.,nt .. r th .. 1·on1pan y. Tn,. \'t't••r,.11 ta!!·
inaa joined the nrni 111 l~:ev H~ has t,.,,.n 11 .-.. "'n n••r •.. ,,1rrnn• r
Ud ~Uy UI &Ip< ,.,.~r o>I th >' t·on!pttll)'"
U.. a.t tha i..o. Angel~• L'uunty .:Uurt huu,,..,
io b~ln><\J!L~ ••1
Planners Give Council
Funk Subdivision Plans
th11 not11.u un "un11.b!" In a i:ret '
Pl11nn tr9 1<a1d they "'"11•1 e ll~n·I
Dolltw) tJl the Mewpoct llarilor _,,__lo
armaa1w4;: Catt& boja •114 dttllta' ~ ...........
!Mo.I p.m.. oa M«idv, Wfllh>ooday alld ~· It,._
J>!F lo DOt -by \!la~ hour ~ coll Buboo:
W6 alld yOir ...._ wW bring your -· '
o...t lb ,,., A* raa •ta.. W b ....,'I. ..... _ _...= 00. 'u-1 1-rt!O>I JLill -· -, ..... Z-· llGO otld'L-.Jl5o&.
4U... a-. z.eo o&1'l-.Jl5-.
4U-·-z.w o&l'L_.J5_ ....... w-ted AU wlU l'eeefft U % .._t.. OMll .. ~ ...,..
lflNll(U)ll A.D la ' UNr::8
Every-Monday, W1clll11clay aad Friday
Dl:AI>UNES tor pl&ctn& or canceUtna Mia &r11:
ror Monday Publlcatlon -Friday G p.m.
i'OI' Wf!dne.day Pu.bli~tion. -Tu-111y 1 p.m.
For Friday PubllcaUon -'Iburadaly 1 p.m.
Hll Balboa Bl\•IL, NeM-port Beach, CallJ'unai..
.AJl cn.-ined Am mwit be ploid for Oull la ~....ee at pQlloMML
Tb• publlaheni wtU not be l'ellpon.lble for mor11 Uta.n on. lDconect
m.e.ruon of an ad. reaerv11 the right lo conectly claaelfy any and all
adll and to rejt ct any a.J not conforming to rolea lll\J re,eul&tlolYI,
~.:.;_ __ N_•_"'--------· I l!--BulldinK Ser ricee
Newport Harbor Small Jobs Wanted a P. 0 . E. C p . .
1767 arpentry · aintmg
Meet.I f!Yery Thursday 3 p.m. (ioo(I work.
VLa Oporto -l't11trat.l Ave LI~rt.y
LAUNDRY 1'lm N'llW m.achlil• proc:-smiUl-
od. PMMll&hl• prlcea. A ......
J tape rMldential b1IA4.
Only $1 .00
Bllnda np&lred and rebuilt.
n .. Pick up and de.llnry
Work dco• by appo1ntznent
Pbcne Libaty 8-(1701
or Klmblrly s.427t.. ppt.19
Painting 6 Paperlw>glng
We do the work o~
IO 7•n espene&°e
UOl"lwd .. u..u.r.d.
f'OR llQ'ONU,.TION • Nlllnl
ot'~ ti.a. ld.t fr'Oftl
RJcllarmrln'• ~Kilt ~
MODl:L m ...,.. Baauty Bat-
lary eh&rr•-
PRJ:STO t&Dlr. .. &OOemor1-.
Iii • "'-B.P. Elect. motcmi.
KI l--!310.
LOST f~ Slam-ca t, de-
d&.,.ld. Rew&l'Cl. Har. ..91.11.
&at1atactioll gua.nnteed. ~ ~
.:.timat.M "'"' Call Jolanle,.
LI 8-2687 a. LI 8-6289 s1ttc China Painting
WAYNE'S °"..,.. -"-om.r. ~ Now CONSTRUCTION CO. ,..,_ w .. ..,....., .. u. lJ' IT C.AN BE BUILT er repaired, ____ _:._::._ _____ ~
Uc...-d ar.d ln.1urlld.
LI 8-2023 LADIES
Do ahould•n1 or feet ach1 !
Ne.,.·porl Beach 158p80h lZI' US CARE for your plant..
Albert H. Mattnewa, Eialttd Ru.ler l .~----------'--1 inltde and 01.1tatde. Experienced
11 RXLAXA. TlON nl«'.led f
Colon1al Mortuary
7!i0 \ Roi~& -J u.•t South 1\f \\·eat-
m inster 1'!e111or1111 l'ark.
Repair Work
Doea Your Homa N..ci RapalttiaC
or RemodelUi&' 1
Call ll'r&lUl. Ube.rty H96C
AU Wor.11 Oo1Uanteed 7•tte
plant per.owiel to -.erve y ou.
Bonded and reUeblf!. A variety
ot .ervlceii depending on yo ur ......
Harbor 2828. ~T7
Swedish Massage
LD your home.
Pl-e&ll B&rbor 4796
g,. H&ti:ioc' 70, 'JSpM
JNTERIOR ..:__ EXTERIOR 0 0 0 J 0 88 .. CLJlAN UP.
rounc1l 1n a bo<Jy ta hl"ll' Funk An Orung f! County fll11t1ru1ton
& Paper Hanging Service
Bookkeepin9 & Typin9
FOR 8llAlL BUIUNU8 a.nd con·
tractor.. W• eet up book.I tallor-
ed to yvur tnd1Y:ldua1 need.I.
CHECK our ~bl• miclhly
rat.. H&r_. "81-J. T.,pMh
LlCEN8£0, µJ>~CJ:D
8KlPPER a vailable. Bar. llHW
~ 7•p71
COLLDJE GIRL wtthea p&rt time
m:iploymeat alter l p. m. dally
ltlrp. In Mlea 6 trained for
Meret&.rlal. lJ 8-7188. 74p71
M.ATUR.£ womM de11re1 poeltlon
aa ma.n&J'f!r ot Molt! or Hot.el-
expe.rtenced -re.terence11 Write
8oJC. Kb C/O thla paper. 1•p16
That you 'tl1ll be proud to tall
your trietua a bouL Nt!'tlr hl1h
W1l&'e& coupMd w1UI tha Ideal
_,ritin.r ccmdltiorull add up to
Jobi wt~.
Start your BMV job lll on1 of our 11mce. n-.r )"OW rw.n..
lubdi.tdu G. L. 11\Jnk, 27d E
llt.b BL. Co • l • we .... WU I
S'*t• pl( more or le11 11t thr
plannhl&' comn1lMion'1 r •qu .. at
'lllr!ltin tM city council mr t 1'fon· .... 1u 1oJ tv g"t "'""'' li:l" 11>!1•,. ft1 uri Ser\·l ng r11 n1llll"11 of 11JI falt ha
or thi. 'type, ZEn1th :i2J I
!-00 31.lt S tre.il, Newport Beach
Har bor 21t711 ' tfa
Glenn Johnston LI MOIO or Ll ... ~.
ll()t • J1.1 t st. Newport Beach 1----------'-2p.:_7_'.1TELEPHONE OPERATORS
Harbor 31'111 •9tJc
-...a ........
All n-malerlal, a v11.1.Jable.
MAJtY i<'ANNL"ll, 11V6 8 . C.L Bl.
Lago na Heh. HYatt t -7898 1t cM
GO L,.. C LLll:i:i 3 "·00<·1~ 6' II irons
con1pJ.,te wllh beg S3:;, Child's
r he11 t o! dra,.,·eni St, wooden
t •J)' , h e•t $~ .it lloU bUCCY $::>.
1120 MarruerHe. C 0 .M. 73ci t
REP"RIC $30. k.&11ge $1.5. Wuh ,
er 118, ChN l Sl I, deU Sl7,
Y.'•ler IKlf tener l,UI, 0 111st1.t 111.
l'l•t f<.o1n1 ''"kf'r I J .~. Van!ly
S17 , H"•l<'r 13 Be<l 17 1:h.
2478 ·""l<.JIUrl ! .\t 72c7<t.
,1.(11.<!e lo Order
,..:11t1n11lle• -E:>ampl."•
tl11 rbor :!&64 or M9S
Beoaua. th• commlu lon wu un -
able to a,crM on h 11 1pplLc11 t!<Jn
ti) dirid1 • parcel or 1 .. nd lying
IJ\t l ily talher• Vil Hi !Ui<' '""~ ...
TeltphonP. 1Toll ~·rt!!')
No one ever turT1e•\ 11wa y bec 11uee -------------·i or lack or cund.s.
-Apply-GARDENING and ••oo to"'°•· m. Painting, Decorating FOR RENT u 111 .. % H , Ma.la 8t.. Rm, 211 9xl2 ROSE CHIN!-:~E nltf ex·
betw..a lilh al'ld Co.ta t.l&aa S!.MI 1--------------l IZ--Bnlldln l( &r~·ice11 Paper Hanging Skill Bawa, Jtlec. DrUi.. Poliabera, •CLEAN-p JOBS SU.ta Ana cellent con<l1Uon, eltttr!c lawn
all type.ii ol Buden., Wheel.bar· WANTED PACD"IC TELEPHONE 111 .. war. Har. 9 7t p11
bl.to two lot., the matter ha.s l>ffn CEKTIYICATE OJI' Ht.,•l.\t . .-;..;
•-~ Into the council'a lap. C1':J.1ENT & BUILDING J,ct.ltloua Ftnn _,.,,.,, -, problom F"ludt r·~ca I• Uui.t All Kind' ... -THE UNDERsu;:-ri:;o ,,, , .•
G~--ENaB~lJ!~!;>T rvw1, •ler LIBERTY 8 6139 l-----------l;F:;cll:;;E:;;E,---;f<c:.,-cc:h•ull1•1o! •""•Y. Half BOYD'S HDWE. · llJU Beacon Personnel Juad ot dirt r111 ~1~ Santa Ana
8'JI W.
S t.., Ootita :ac.... H30 w. COAST HIGHWAY c • 100% emnloyer retained A1·~' Newport. H t.I. 7t c: uader .ubd.!vl111r1n law he 11 re· t<nvr, EST'"" TES h.llrc£u' c.erllty-th&l. Jito-111 ...uoww.... .l;'-1~ ~ ~·to pm. tn curbl'. -]'llturl !Ing II REAL f':S1"AT:•: l ,t),\;o.: Liberty 8-6io<J
and blac:ktop. wtOKER 1Ju1u nta,. Rt :t611:.: .\,.·v. 2'911
.1-~-~-~~w~-~bo~:~'~!='~~~62~-'-~~=1 ~ &sMl6. M_,on: Belt Mtfe 'HANDTJitnf. · 1tf&S~t.u:tiei -. ----.'genc_y_ -------= ·-c ··-------·
f<,IUGIDAIRE R tfrig , Ga ffe" 4
N!p&lr °" what? H&r. 4.MC4 W. NO FD collect..:! from appltc&nt SalUt-r ra.nge Mapl11 dlJletle, Floor Covering
Wall Tiie
Funk 1ald ne woull1 ~ glad tn ?Ort Blvd., Ne .... pvrt 1.W11ch , a ll· -------------
put In the curb• 1r th• d ty would tom 1.., under the n ctiUou,. 111111
p\ll In pnlper c urb JT&de• 90 ht nllil1e of RQYAL MOHTt:A1:1·;
*OUld crN l• no draln•;i;" '" '•b-COMPANY and lh11t 81111<1 l 1rrn l.'1
lem•. But under cHy -l11w 1!1 .. ~i:y co1n pu.t.ed of the rvllo•w1n.: per-
t• not r9ql11rt!d lo tel i r • c1 t 90n4, wh°'"' name11 In ft•ll 11nd
.ti.lie.. pla<"t• uf re11i.1 .. n,.,. &r~ a" rvJJ,,.,.,,.,
PAINTING ____________ _:. .. ".:.;0 '1.l-llat Newport Beach buffl'lt • dl'ak . Ml.:. lampL
Commlu lontr Barney P'rancqut t o-wit J l •. g1,.w1eki 10:\ Vu.t
•a.Id h• 1ympathi&ed with fl'unk Allt1 beB. :.:11cwport Be .. , h Call!.
-d other ama..11 •ubdtvtders. ·~e \l/IT...,.f:S ~ n1y h11n1J thi11 17th
.aubdJvt•lon law l•n'l working," h day or ~'ebru!lr )•, It~.;)
J d. "Jt .tioukl be chat1g~ IKI J L i:iTA\\'IL'K J
CW"t» Ind gutter1 ...,outd not bt' STATE; (1~· C Al.JFUll.'l,\ r~ulred. Jt la lh1 mOlt unpopular CO U:'l:TY (I ~' O H.A:'l:G E J!IUI
t.Mlll' w1'v1 done •Ince .,..,.·vf! .,.,en O! t h1.<1 171h <1ay ,.r F~hnuuy,
.Ic1ty.M A .O. l!l~. b••t .. r~ Ill .. , j ( Ill !'/ L
U'h• eornm.laaion thf!n MkC"J LEAHY, K :'>:or1o y /•ub li, in 8.nol
Thruull'h hini; exp.-rient.t 11.nd a
thorough Un(ltrall•nding Of 11dYer-
tl11ln;j w1 c:en put your 1<.·11n Ui lnto
word11 that i;:et 11ctl"n
Lt-t u11 ht!p you •ell.
10 )'I'll.Te e.xpertenc1
U c:tnaed Coot ractor, Sat11factlon
Guarantee.<!. U 8-.67:12
• 112p711
Syfllpson & Nollar
U ce:nMd U g. 3321
280 Avocado, C:C.ta )(._ ·seue
A Prompt
Repa.lr Service Maintained
Ptwo.: Harbor 41124
t8Ul Ba.Ibo& BIYd., Newport &>ach ...
U h• would a ppea r "'" " f h -or t .-i M ill C.'o 11111 ty 1on,1 Stute, u lt.--.Pentonalm ~ Pl&' ln lhe council in,.ellQg r"91ding lhl'rein, d11ly •·n1nn,.llM011·
t'i· pf'CltMt It they woul\I turn ffl 11.nd !'W(•rn. P•·r~.,n•lly "l'P""r"d b.I US lCAL lNSTRUMENTS -------------Alcoholica Anollymou.
Be11t F:x~rlenced Workmen
Har. 2404 or ~1'1 CARS & TRUCKS
appUcallon . T hia F'unk J. L. STAWTC:KI knrn .. ·n to 1ne G IC t t
rell!Ct&nlly ll£"rf!t'd to to be the pt"r&in 1<.·h,,lle nanie He • enera 00 raC Or Writ.II p , 0. Baa Ml
N.wport &&Cb, C&llt.
Experienced Gardener
Liberty 8-16159
""'' Roy's Maintenance
Wall wublllg-wtndc;rw c!Mntg,s
Ven.U&n blbld& Upbo~
tn.ured'.. rr.. i:.tim•t.
U.....,. 1-UU
Ml!C hanlcal &Jld l:lectrica.l
Maintenance Service.
Harbor 6664 Qr 01193 11ubac ribed to the w:thln 11111tru· WCENSED .__, .,. __ .. _ ., ..... .,.,..._ ~ comml111lon'• vote ·--......-, ...
a U• vote the mll tte r ~:~t. h;n~llf'~:~~:w~·~t:e!n~;. ';~ OR GET A TE~ANT New Work -Remodeling tto MASSAGE
,_. .... •_-__ •M1 __ '°_°'-'-'-'-~-"-'_w1_i_h I \VITNEss WHEREOF. t hav"" FIND YO.U A JOB J. MILTON McKENZIE
;t{ he.reun w eet my hiuttt and •.ffixed GP::'!' YOU A HELPER Harbor 6399-W Mlle 13-BMaty Alda· Howard Steam Cabinet -~,_ fwd in Trash my official 11eal the da y 1tn rl year Whlrlpool balha.
}!Yalt 4-4116. 74c76 liOJCHA.NIC with marine e.xpe.r1· __ _
enc. Ql1 . ~ mgille.11. EnJine.11, B~W.. ON TB:RMS
Inc. 2605 Newport Blvd. Har l:nl I rr. DEUCATESSlCN ca.e Sl:wl
73c76 ONlt 6 tL rer n.-eratcir --·· .. _ ... »o
-------------ONli: lafE• cornmerc. 1'fng .. _.J 76
NIZO lady .ollcltor. Experie~
pnternd. No ...u.tnr. Intorma.
Uon only. Sl .GO per hour. plua
bonua. K lmber ly :1-11.M 73c75
Nl!D>ED r.L onc.:-Ellperi11need
marine aleclrlcl&n, atUp or 7acltt
carpenten.. Aak tor O.e Ha.Id
ln ylU'd otnc•. Boutla Cout Co.
N"'J'Ort Blvd. at 33rd St. '1Jc7.,
Tool Makers
CO. -1701 Placentla, Nf!wport
~ach. '12c74o
l SCA.LU, 56!) 1 GON OOL.A. $~
c.11 own1r Ll a-e:na morntnr• or
!Utat ~ p. m. o r U li-~7 '6 after
~::SO • w eekend.I. tuo
M1JLTICOLOR l..acquen m!1111d lo
your CQlor .c:h1n1e wh!.la YQU
-.It. Spray gu.n• aYallable tor
appUcaUon. Harbor Palnl Cen•
tar 413 a2Ud. Newport Beach.
Bpeclall~11 !n ladlea and children.
altc hUy wed or1rrtnal1 and ~t
te.r pnnent..
STEADY job for handyman to THI: ALTER.A TION SHOP offers
learn trt.ller repaJr • Mrvlc•. ruannteed eewl"'I' at r.-.onabl1
Carpenter Qr auto mech.. exp. pric-9.
helpf\11 but no up. nece.uary. ID KINDl:LL'S PAnO
"''Illla It an oPportoalty tor 2Tll'll.Co'ut81vd.,Corona d81Mar steady ma.n wtlltnr to llU'll. 7:scM
Good ...._.«-to 11tart. Liberty 1-------------i n thl11 Certlllcai,, first 11 bove T heff New11-Pre"-• Clu•lrled Ad· Custom Cabinet Work Superfluous Hair Call LI 8·747J tor appointment ~ tor hypodermic written. Penn&ii.-3UJ' nmove.d trom t&ce 1
c84 'IJ' y • wu tound by Ln em· JOHN L. LEAHY Takers are ex)>l'rlll &Jld they ani at No jQb too big or loo 1m11.tl arma, 1ef'L .EyMtrowa all4 hair WANTICD--M.en .. Women-Who
It •-·• k I , 1 J t h F or imn1edl11te 11 pprallllll call .... __ .. ,_ cm a c y ...,_,, true aat My Commli..,lon P::11r•r,... yoo serv ce. u11 P Qne Une abape4--No mor1 tweealng. TH.ROUGH C I tan Ing, lr011lng are lnt.8ru:.....u In ,,,_,,., toml S I
8-2411-3 lo r.. 74ttc
... nu. he ... t;mptylng • Sep't. 20, 19~9 HARBOR 1616 c. Everett Sm ith ELLEN J... BRYANT a. E. Cook lng &, gen•ral. Alao ae.rv· extra caa Write to Jo .. Rtilt.ar, ave $149.95.
s J mt 2/22. 29, l/1. J4. 19~-'J 87e7' tta K.J 2-4~4 . 72p74 poU.., Xl.IUi. 74c79 combtnaUon. !·~-~-== ... ~-;::,.::P:-:':":':'=··="°"::"::':'':·:"::N:<:w:•:-1:·':~=·=====~=============~===H=u=·='='='~'=='~'°~'===~U~do~'o~S.~1m>~:"'==-="='7~=Bu==·='='~'='~:1n:r~·=Ow=n=t~==po=rt=ou=on:.:Col::::':""~~=M=&T~·=_,==-1'=t=A=n.=~s.--Ml~nn~"~·I KELVINATOR wuhw • drytr
' -r-•
I • .
"" ••• -
~-!· ..
-". I
REMEMBER ... SAVINGS received by It.. !0th
of the month ... EARN FROM the !st.
l'Ull Yalu. 1449.90
Purcb&M ....ab.er FOR U .. 9.96
And Sit dJ7•r tr. ONLY --· .. MO
Crcul&rl:T lial1.a for l lte.N )
BA VJ: iso oo noor .-niplti wuhtr1,
Jake's ADpliances
lNl Har\,M Blvd.
LI 1-MIH ~ Me11a
H e
O"JtZmJ'Jll 6 KmRRnT ranp. 'M
mocS.l. JAmp .Ii: dofllr: Wttb OTeD u.n..-. Clat'CGI& .... tnUer, and
that Utt up top. U&9d Clll.e
mr:.th. fl".IO cub. or 1*7 II
per mo. lf.,1 W. Cbapma.n,,
Orw:ap. IC& I-ell 7 u
O'Kelile A Jlenttt l'U J"UI&'• 1166
drahaZll told:IJ:lc'·lop model baa all
chrome piddle Oil top, lamp A
oloeJc wttla O'rea timer, chrorn• ,nu broUer. UNd Oft'7 a rnonu...
&.uc'~ J:ut, t&k• °"" my com.net w:tt.b Uwi B&nlt •
pay oa u.. blJ. ot •u1.ee. 0n17 pay S'J.12 per month. No cuh
n-s.ct.. Ky equity tr-M, ... &nJ,-
um. Da7 or l!Ye. at l tcl W. ""-"'-L Call OoUect D 1-6\17.
~ 1 ... PbUao Olla• Jars• faDll.t7 .... a.p-., d .. ..,.... ..,.,,,. Ttlf'et&W. m.
J*', ~ tn. tta. dool' A .U
to ,.,. ... if ONd:lt ox by
..... i.t paymmt of '8,A du.
In 61 u,.. Bal. du. .. •tf'f.k
... a.n)'Ume Da7 or &Ye. at 1"1
W. Oapma•, ana..-.
OIJl OaU.-1 IOI 1-MJT,
JilIMm PimCZ ~ dln1q Ml
Loft .-& A dW.r, ~L bed.
qqSJt.t h"""ON'd. dla1-kivnc•
.Upper cb&1r, maple Twtn bed
bdnn. nt. It. Mi.c. Ile.ma. Ra.r .
UST. Tfp1•
• 6 • Da.&.lllNR *-· mtnw. USED APPLIANCE BUYS
.£.\Ir: tooh btt1bttn2, trorn IM.IO -~n:R-lo-WASHD ~ ... ----· Wl.!50 TWD<--w..,.. ....._.,
BENDIX A1.11'0MATIC WASHER, bolt dow11 ___ ..... ...$39.50 boo,.; ....-.. on.11 -.,._.. ,._
~ -:.~ -.. -............. ~:.·····-··-·-··· .. -·-$36.00 • !i: =-~-_ ... _0r,-;e~
QuaU\7 ~ onJ7
Pick.._, · Trucks ..
W"-IYJ>& wlth pump Ll'fing Room Seto
-~~Alltpm, I!!'~ conditioE = 5391~~i-.~~~.m.• ~le Kl s-1uo. •9t!_e '!W5 n>RD V.!i_ % ~a ---~-~--~~-~ 0'--~ 8000-mlloo· uc.A'-r..n AUJ."VllATIC WASiiER• ............................ $ t .nu AS Nlct: A. 1..J.11,'B ... you would
• ln11ta1led find U.ywbWe.. lllo'Uh our 1oW
LAUNDRO" •T or79 ~ -overhead you'll be lUrprLMd how WE8'1'1NGROUSI!: ~ •• __ ................ .;o • ' mucti we can aave you. Pl.-
' .Jnstalled
BENDIX GYROMATJC, Iri1ta.lled ---·-··· --·· ___ ..
ROPER GAS RANGE .......... .
(white table top with oven control I
GIBSON 6 Cu bic rt. REFRJG
<X>LDSPOT 6 cubic ft . REFRIC .
take a look. It will P91 rou.
Open.Friday l:ve. Kl S-Ule
3rd at 8 pur1eon Banta An•
$64.!)(I 1-'IVE R'.)()KS or lovely new tur·
nlture wit.ta Cull 1l&e re.n111 •
PHlLCO reCrig". 0 pc:. 111<'ld. di.nett<·
1 p leee Uvlng-room croup. 2
complele bedroom .ela. Only
5::i90. Small down payn1enl w ith
106 week' t o p1y
SERVEL, ~ cu. ft., left hand door --··-···--··· ...... ___ .... $79.5fl
SERVEL 5 1~ cubic ft. REFRJC~ ··--· .. ·---S69.f>O
420 Eut 4th St. Santa Ana Kl 2·2336
Sewing Machine Bargains
I HUB, ~ W . Cenll'r, A.nahelln
TALL GABLE CoWllfty House
Knowlton Electtonic9
(Oeu Beam -HI Oatn)
'NSTALL.!:D complete to l°ur Ml.
$9.95 '
IAM.M Ui'ID Nov11--cllf1rd In tine
w ru!l\Jo)n 8 11 Savintr;•. Term•,
$61.~ down &nJ $:11 "l llf'r n10
"' SH Al"'ERS IStnr a 1901f
2 l-'4 :!3 N, Sycamure, Sant& Ana
P hone K ln1ber ly 2--0872
J ran£e County'• Organ Htlqtr1
~ a Spin et piano to buy, all
l<l!rm rent alltlWf'd Pr•eU~
piano low •• $3 per mn DANZ·
S C H ).1 l D T -Pt-ftl.LIPS Bl&
PUUlllo • Or ll"'D Slc..fo: .UC !\Cl.
,\\a1n Sl Santa Ana ------------
llEAGAN 3 {>('\av.-V1lln•·h•rp,
'51 CHEV I> IDo,
excellent . cond1Ucm
'51 DODGE V8 \'i Ion
'50 FORD VS 'f"
tubeleu tire&
Eztra nice.
WHITE desk model. Special
V1GORELL1. Re~Med ror ba.l&.nce du ..
4 Portable Electric.a. Ch oice
589.50 Nlt·e V&riety •Ulhenuc ant1qU"•·
colo~ &l&.'\11, b1'1lM, eopp··r.
pewter , Larn1·~. f11rnlt•l r<'. 11 ''"
1nrxpen1a1ve ~1rt 1lern• tu Ill<'
t111t'lll & n1 r~11t i<lr lhe t·ull,.c:,,r
In tine rontll!ion ~a v~ S5V:. urr 1420 So Me.Jn S..nta Ana
NEW HOME Open Arm. A bu y
WHITE Roury portablt•
All above are guarautet'd and So:·rviced frc(' f(,,. 5
Full value exchange for one year
:$9.67 mo
$68.66 1 KA'r HR Y:"-< A.-..;:-:
$3V.88 l 117! l-l 11.r bo.1r Hlv•I '
nl'"' 11r1<· .. Cr;nv 1.-n'"' 11! -
S H A li'fo:ltS •Hlnr r 1flt171
12.1 ·-I'.!~ :-· Sy\·1unu1~. S11.n!1t An11
l'llf1nc Klrnt,..rlv ~-·~,j2
Sant,. A n>< 1 --
;1,116r11HA!>l J.!0:"0 Ofto _;A N ::> "tl 1i: ..... ltl11. I _ _ <>Ile ~hi.;htl}' u,,.,oJ Jilo.t' nt-w.
J,J!L A."IT/1..,!l 'f.: l •t~:;K, './ an\11101 lJA.">Z ::,t'H~!!J )[' l'Jl !l .• L.J I'~
KJ 2-:US07
I • ha1r1 I lli"''' All for $:'l1 • H11111 r"'"l•I H~11,!<1 n11rl t•c3 flit (Ir·
Kl :>-J !.~ii it·.. llll!;" c .. 111.Ly :'.l:.!0 ;-.; .. .\1111n >:it '411 INTERNATION AL \w l. pickup
I ---------j _:.an~_:_11.n11 41i !JMC '-Ii t. p1ekup_
_ ---------·I '02 l.'HE\'ROl...!.-r t., t. pane.I
~3::-_B_o_•_t.._ ._s_u_vpl_l_e~ I ':'.II CllE\'RO U.--r h t.. pickup. --------Sl'INET I'IASO U.•vtl) '"n" a nCI S
• •• ,. _ 1, porl.811uua top.
Wheeler Appl;ance
TEL. Ki 7 -4401
& Sewing Machine Co. Sm a ll Boat Ba rgain s I' ··10 L ' =.11, ~T ' J "-" ·~ • 14 f'lywOOd rJt ... t ,,t,...r1ng •••lle~I ,
_ W'ln1l~ll!eld tr!Lller $2:')<1 1
32--rur.Jtlare ror 8&le 32-1 'unliW.re for S&R ---~~-~-~-~--~----... ·-·-
[llnk1lLtn i·J ... -..~ ,...,J,,,~ •I !i,.:l•y , 1
l)a,n,,n :..11.11 tnnk• tV\'er !\">\)
l;1t e rnal1onal 11 , 111,.. wHll r111.-CLOSEOUTS AT BAY i &ll• Only $7:.0
1 :.r o a 1•1yw1,.,.J, 11u..1 gU..-..-d
hull "''l lh t rll ll"r S ~7~
• "'" :ill J 'n11.11. •J '': wvn· ·~3 DOl>GE ~ I.. pickup.
.1.,,-1ut bari.;•l/111 1n ••'Ii Il l te· :'lJ CHEVR O LET ~ 1 plrkup.
turn.:o, lrade Ln ·~11 "1o;11 11a. ell 1·r,o CHEVRO L.E'T 'ltt. t k s.,.,.~n1t rnert"~Y K_r~1,·11 .. J in ':'I I >"Oftl) V-1' ' L n~t::_ UJI.
11hll•Pl"K n A ... Z . S• 11.\ll[IT -':':12 f'OHD ,,. l. pick up Ptl ll.l.1 1'~ tsll( l-'lfUl•o 4' 0 11!i11..U 1·!it UMC ' t Lclt H Sl<it• Qc::.!U :<;_ M•1n :; .. 11t11. An•. niaUe lrafle... p op, ]'Ur&-
WVEJ.Y ..tivrt k<'yb01t ••L IA•trr ':'I! FOR~ I l. dua.I. nat bed.
S p!n"t p11lno in llnl" l''>ndl!u)ll 't ll CHE ROL.£T l L ldl" Vill.
s 19::i Term• S2~ !luwn & $10 ·w OOIJGlt 2 t .. 2 •ptoe<I.
fJf't lllH ot ! Floor Samples-Manufacturers'
Clo1eout1-Show Pieces
Fabric I ~' Uurcht.:ni.ft, >ltt t-ri nir; "''httl S HAF'Elts t Sit"~ I !!•Jj !
·r.o (;HEVROL..E."T 2 L 14' rl&tbe(I,
2 1pel!'(l. 8 US lira
·50 GMC 2 t COE . Jt ' 1ta.ke,
<I apee.J, 8 .2~ Ure.l. 1 ~ h. p .&!1.>ll·Atw11ler J2J O 42 1 -~:!3 N Syrllnl•tt •· !-i1u1ta A na
IU' W1urd , ccrver O&l'll. buoyancy j Phone KJmber ly '1 ·06i:l:
Lanka. l.Jki: new $!:'JU ------BABY GK.AND JH•11•1 i ye1u·• , 12· f"hi'l11 Kit 0 U trull~r Hn•! nJd 'r ettn•.
TWIN Sl.ZJ!:--QUILTEO TOP inner•pring n1attrel;ll ~d bo..: -'f•H tllf l 10 h. p. mul•~r. Only $2~..0 \\'UOO\\'OttTH !"'JA N<> l'{J
aeu_. ~only. 8' f're.111. c::ov1·1. 01u 11 Sl 2:>
599 00 Value At Bay ''t $.',\I 00 10· Ct:nlry Vl k 111 ~ J\1:'13. I l k~ ""w.
30 .. ·-fit=N ·OOU€H •O H-l..SG&-M.at-c=tled l•bT'tc __,,.att-. "f'1'1111',~ f&"*ing t"p.-wll 1_; .. yar ao fo.-p.
rlou nra 11.nd headboanJ t Gray1na.r-in11 l'l7~o
2'310 ~:_ C<~~t. H wy,
t:c,r ..,na df'I ).1,r li ar 3382
~ ----· ~ . -1t.c16
589 :'JO y .. iue .. . ..... ,.... ·-Al l'!uy S:llt 110 1 Tll1'"'e 11.re all I:°' .,u 11~11 111 i.nt! 1 S~Dogs, Cats, Pets
• PC. M\JIJER.'l WROUGHT IRON LfVtNG ROOM GROUP ln.;olo·le11 Wurth •fflll~ :;;~;;:;u,te:-~D~~-;;~-,,-,d-,-,-,.-.-...
bed 0hv•"· c hair 1~111.nd ottom&ll, <I &l•ll end ta.blea. 1 rorr .. e h•bl<' BALBOA BOAT $ALE~ • male Ha.r 3628-ll. ;3,•;ri
'OJ G MC 2 t . COE , 179" WB.
:.I •peed, &:2~ llru.
'113 DODGE 3 t. dump,
g 00 Ure•.
2 &po!ed.
\Ve are ovel'lllock•:I on ulted truck•
and will mUe 110me real dee.l.1 to
· kfWl!t"oorrtOC-.:-'Sel! u. n"" ad
aave 1-0me re.a.I money.
GMC DEALER (While n1arbla1Md nevermar t.oJ)9) 2-J -.vay t&bl• lli ll1JA, Uar
$2611 M) Va!UP.
l.l l>l'M'y tl·l4:'i2 &10·111 E. •lh SL, Santa Ana
W C.......,t Hy._ N~wpurt tt~11.,:h '44}..... Opo:n S unde.1 A. M. , Auto. tor ~ 7 1L 76 ,_c.c.__-o.~~~-'--~~~~--11_.:""':::~'k:'...:H:'.'.dq~•~·-'~~:,:o~~'."'<~''....:C~"""~~IT~
7 PC. PROVINCJAL OINETT!: SET !8olld Blreh l. ~" round tlrop ------ --I
1 ... r lahl• w /2 II" lee.v-~ l'D&tc!IIl'it chalra. 1poon lei' dealg-i1. Sail ing Instruct io ns
1?39 :Ill VaJuo: -1 only .. ·-_At Bay 5101 00 M-Y b"'Ai't •. VAT t•t ll.<t l!<' S:! ~>U O'dn", new Ure•. ~H . A1
I Jltr •our tor 011e ~1 11<'.in 01 S:l l'55 CHEVROLET t TON condltJon ... king 119:1 See mgr. O U NC A N PHYFE DROP LEAF DlNrrTE TA.liil..E, l6x.:1& l!ll\endf!d !or lWQ LI 1!·112'01 6~•· "! Lido Anni-Apt, Atter O p. m .
w11!xtre.ll'J"lf'&.f -n1111log or whML --· P I CKUP HYDRA-Call 1..1. B-2171. 72c74 S89.~ Value -Al B•y so~oo 17 ,..,. CHA.llTEH U"l\1 tullyl MATIC ' TRANS .,1-------------
l!:qulp•ed A-lil·.,n:fl:'d for '..!~ I•"-"" H k W t
• PC. MAPLE BEDROOM BEi".__Include1 e drw. d C>uble drtlller -1U1.ngrr11 IWOWlt Y ra•lln <d [l I' RADIO . BE SURE TO aus en-a son
30llt 0 Cramed plat• mirror, bookca.e llea.d))().e.rd, nlt lal rram~ -,,. 'I >' ,. • '"''"' '>
•• 6·'.-,,r "'"11 e .. g ~"' .... SEE THIS TRUCK AS tOOI CQIJ me.ttreu -bo..: 1~r1ng. ., ;-ipi6
Al Bay 1199 ~ 300
1279·60 Ve..t ue -----... · ····-·-·· At B1t y 5un.oo SLlf' ~'OH H.F.!\"T on Pen1n.••1l11 IT IS SPOTLESS.
-----· -
You CM't A~ord 1-.--...,-.,-.----r-.-,-1,-.---.--...,'--... ----r-.-,-.--
Leap X ear '1T er Specials
.• ,.",_,;,. IOP""'I""'<!!!.. ......_ ....._ W '9.JW. --~cOli...i ~--._,,...--'.,_=;..,, 0
Lite blue, WSW Uno, ndlo A -· 'lu"*tfdl-·•·llllllo,n,
OUT THEY GO AT -. u11 """'...u. 0n1y -···---.--PRE
Lit. blue, an ex.cepUonal ftlu. --------PPIW•
Full Price Lite rr-en, RAH, A ..,..... .n-tnr. On17 ._a-
Wholesale Price
'40 Chryller, 2 dr. -··-·™ 11162 PLYMOUTH SEDAN
fO Chev, 2 dr. -···------S39 Ute green, new paint 6 Mll.t coven -......... -.---"29 ·u Cbe:v. 4 c1r. __ ... $69
'U Stude, 4 dr. ---·-$75
'48 Chev, t dr. -·----$14~
'47 Chryller, 2 dr, -··-·$85
'tl Buick Conv. ---·-----S99
'47 Stwle Clpb -·-··-·····~9
'49 Ford Conv. ··-·-·-······ $199
· UOO W. Cout HiPway LI S-:Hl!tl
·50 F ord Coov. ·--···-··---.. $299 '6-Aaioe ud Trucks 41-Auto Service
0 f'l.l1il! Cnun1y·~
MOil K4ol!e.ble Lie11.ltr
010 i . lit Slteet Klm~rJy 2-tt ll:!
31~ S. M..aln St. Sant .. Ana. I
17-4-' Newport 1:11vd Co.ta 1if r~11 1
'54 NASH
Rl.dio • Heater
Beautiful Condition Thru-out
'53 FORD
Good top. F'ordoma.tic.
Pn.ctica.lly new wbite
side w~U tires.
$1195 F.P.
The Volkawaqen DoaJer
N~rl 91.,.J. al 22nd.
H 1.rbor &.
7t e711
1941 BUlCK convertible Buy While Before You nylon wp Go<Jd cond\U•1n $1:'1-0
('&U beJore II Ii. rn or alter A l'Sl:'.U l'A R
7 p m. o:-v"•· LI lil·:S:.0 111 71•76 !llf'I h.n .. -s It•\ I> II "
I l > .... pt """ )1 111~1'"' \1"11 1&-48 f'LYt.IQ t 'Tii eouP'' S:.t~JO ,~,,!toll t 'l'c.11t
Good Uf'i:a & 1n ~,.._,,1 runn1ni: , ~vnJlt1r.n }far :'i-072-\'/ 72\1 1, •:l• \.\ rilt"-11 '"1"'11 ,,f '"u•l~t1un,
------l '.1\l.IJ.~QJ {l\'IA
41-Auto Servk~
Motor Overhaul
NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad *
6 Cylo. -· .$4 8.88
8 Cy!.. ·-···---·········~-BS
lnch1dea both l11bor &11d p11rt1..
N ew r1n&•, WTL!t p1n1. \'Klve
gTinjt. titting• or me.In &lid rod
bu.rl..D.~1. E.l.pert moto r tunr1 up.
90-d&y or 4,000 mUe l(U&r&11lee.
-UP to It. .MONTHS TO f'AY-
Bullt In our own !actor)' by akll !ed
~chlll!JJUI. Don't eontend witb
t.h• m!ddll man. Buy l!\rt'ct.
FORD --.. ---·------· 5119.!IO
-OH5VA.Qb&Ql: iua~
PLYK.. ls DODGE .. S I~
CHRYS. •DI: SOTO --1170
STUDli:BAK.ER -·-··----5170
BUICK 1170
RUD&ON -·--117:'1
LA>&D Car Free TO'll'ln(
Nl:W CAR QUA..R..Un'E&
Bloek mu.t rnMt our 1tand&rd.I
Plw t..ual, 1-..k•ll and oil
Open 8ui14l.1 l O LJ11. to 2 p .m.
Ope.II Dail)' 8 to 1 Stat.a Bonded
310 East 3rd St.
' L's1•d ('11 r lrtS l)('C'tJon :-:.en •it•.-
1..1 11-.SC.t :.O. (,,1 II 'ul<<-.!H.,'1l ~'-" ,..
t 11.n~ In ("IHIRt' <"n11ntv
llA/\ll•ll( AHFA ~'"'"'J""r-! A'''''
\\,.t11~ 1::•1 l11 111.i11111 1\av • ,\t
.Ir Jl,,,,.tr, I • I f i.t .\t •r L'•r:;.-r
!Jt\ lfh!H.•!tLJO I \\•y 1•,\I
p pll lll
4'.!-Tra.ht-n. -------------* PORT ORANGE *
1'RAll.l·~I{ S ALES
and ~Ul'l'l IES
:?200 W. CuatH
Ne .... ·porl De-ach
'~(J..-2fl' Kit h~11.l1I ~
H iv.·ay,
l_,J 8-4120
l llt~.~
!)t -26'-.' $h!L1<!~ l.lkt'. r\<'W $~J I,'.
'O:'l-12' H .. n ~I •••• I BR 5J t :1•l
':'>'!·JO' TT1t\'1·l.,_z.._ ~ m ua uld S3 1-i~
'4"·31.i' (..'url1a V.'rl;:llt Tllnd~•n
s l•llJ,•,
W~ nee<:l ,·lean llaf'•l lr a•le-ua .
p AN AMi:RlC.oN
Tra vtlel.<l'-Terry
•1-Wanted to Beat
Rental• Wanted
Wa n~ a pt.I. a nd hl)ll.I .. la .U
ltll!CUon• tOf' both win ter and
7ee.r'1 leaMt. fo'urn. o r Wll\.lru..
l! you h••• a vaee.ncy,
pllOlll! today
Tho Vogel Co,
3201 V.'. C.L JI"'')'., Ne ... ·port Jk.b.
Phon• U bt-rty 8·3481
208 Marilla, Balboa lale.nd
Phan• Harbor ttt.
2M7 I:. COUt H,y., Coro>11. del Mu
· Phone Harbor 17\ I
Ml" 'BURNER DIVIDED TO P G AB RANGE . Beil haula.l.ed Q\•en and on i.:r1\'1tt•· do,·k. Ca.11 liar 2~.">0
broU1r. R oberllhe.w oven heat eontrol. Chrome he.nlll~• <l lr!m ~6tr.: W.W. WOODS
JAGUAR. LS . A. Location only)
MORRlS, AUSTIN CALL Udo ONlee, 341& Via Udo
l!e.rbor 4971
1139.00 Va.tu• -2 only .... . -··· .. ,.__ Al Uay S88 00 ----
CtlH.Y S t..EH. CRO \VN 2-1 ro•<!U<'·
RENA.ULT. M,G Ll 1-•S61, 19Ml Newport Blvd.
o .. ,,.~
LOUNG&R CRA.lR -PLA.BTJC ARMS -Foolreal and he&dre11t-u on. Onan v.·ater cooled :1 2 v
It.I fJ'&nM. go•nel'ttc r. li'l11her ra.d1n d l•e• t.
610-19 ":. 4ih St,. Sant.a Ana
Open Hlln(lay A. M.
New Car a.Ju • S.Crvic• 7•cM
Clean u~ Car•. All Makel, Im· ------------RIOH HAHN'S lte
ported and Domeauc. Jll:'.O FORD FAIR.LA.NE C lub --A VT(9 ~JO REP A JR WANTE'D TO Rl!INT 2 bdrm. furn.
1102 Newport Blvd., Coet& X-
Ubart7 1-6697
111.IO Value -l only .................. -............ -.... -............... -. Al Bay $811.00 flncler Dy"r Oink W /l (! e I" r .
II HHr. 2:1~i 1 e~ir.: 2201 80. KAIN !IT .• BANTA AN.A. de.n, two tone inen. Jl'ordom11.u c, HYDR.A.MATIC SERVICE on che.nn'-1 or acea.n ror re.mlly
'f'rur.k Hdq11. tor Or•nie County
10 CU. rr. PHILCO RJCl'RlQERATOR -'Oli modt1l. l'\llly guaranl-.d. ----
'311.00 Ve.!u• -l only .............................. :_. At S..y $199.00
Kl -6·U&8 R • H . r 1'1V1C Oi !l4~w &e ws~, 40i &. !t'TH ST. • or ~. permuaui.t Jrlf'. rent.al.
1932 HARBOR BLVD. tuneup eb. 14 · O g-on a, Harbor 4.725 Newport Bee.ch Har. 0-014. Wfc
lD~l LJN(..'01.N S EDAN, Over·
U7 II. 11th I t. CQllta Meiia
Irvine I (Bet'll'-1 Tultln anCI
BED SPRING and JilATI'RESS&c;, complete $10.00
WASHING MACHINES ·····-······················$12.50 up
Th9e and a tbcnmand other houaehold bargains.
~g for the HoUM -Furniahings. Toys, Radios,
Ooth1n& and Shoett for the entin! family.
Reomt additioOll of several diubled veteran person·
ne&-who have comp1etely refurbi.&hed, rejuvenated
and: placed iD top condition everywhere in ou r store
make ua aay
'°2 E. 4th, SANT A ANA
Frid&7 and Saturday until 9 p.m.
~I•.... 1%-Fanallm'e for~ =:::::=:=::=:;::::...::=-~-1'""-~~ ~
Q£a MlfQa: 1 mont.be old SM KA.PL& dlnlit,-room •et. Provtn-
rwill llallMy bed A lnnenprlng ct..i atyki eomp. with 111ble p11ida.
f40. Dtftll. A cll.e.Jr fe.Jr con· 8 chair. • hutch . $19~. \'>P~t-•Ucm ,._ KJl.Chen t.ab\e • \nghouae I:lectric r11nge, perfPCt
da&ln $10.. Wick.-aet A ml8c. cond. Uke n"' $100. LI 8-62t4
pi.o.. 16---Ut Orchid C .D.M.
___________ 721'74
Bal1:lot' 8071. 74c7e
MHe Woodcraft
Unpalnt.d Is J uvenll• F'Umlt\Jre
THREE ROOMS nr bea ull!ul new
f\Jrn.ltun!I for $19:'1. C'on'e 1n
look a round. '
HUB M>O Y.'. Center, Anah~lm
I Oft. fl" DOUBLE DR.ll8BICR., Sl!:CTIONAL 2 piec e fo•r11 rubbl"r
bll:'c ... he-.dboa.rd, 2 S-dr. nlte like new. Small v1e11111 ele!ll'ltr.
.tanM. mod•m d•trn tnvt•lbl• le.mp. eNer C'he>1t a m1!K'
pulM Af.00. arUclu. Har. ~M . 7~c16
MODERN BUl"FET, rnete.l lip~ 1 ----~=-=r pWll an.oo. FREE FREE
I Lll Harb«, C.M.. LI 1-1640 Whll• Uley tut. L&ay 8u ... n•
-FOR--lr•-.U:--. c,,.~.-,-,-.. -"-~-d-d>-c-•cl-,.1 $!1 val. with Ule pul'\'.hiUfl or I to
Mown a.nd irolJ tweed. 1 coffee <>r more. Barge.in• ev.ry d•y.
tabk, Formica top . I •t•p end RPtriJ. Ill. ,..,-,.-e $12. waaher
taMea. l"ormlca IO JJ9. Bk.llnde, 1 16 , df!P: 510, chul $10. m•l· "* i.. than I) monlhl. t~ If". dbtlit.ll! Mt Sii. 8fi-d 52.
Hanar l.Ol·ft. 7 'c70 CAR.R'S FlJft.N. ft APPl.lANCICS
110 W . 4\h, S. A.
l upbl>Mw.d dl&.lr.. Drue.I
mabol'· _.,...,., Paddtd Madbo1.
wU1I mMcblnC' .pA&d. .t0I A m•
....... Jmad-7k7•
-To rent • ~ or t>u¥ a boUM.
lhll! .unpl-1. • ., to n11d a plac• ta
U•a. YI ~ Lb• we.al &de..
Good condn10•.
H11.r. 036-1 -M
72e74. COSTA MICSA C. D. M. Har. 0714-W 1Sp75 ---------------------------
1..l 8-0061 tt
111:'16 FORD Fa.irle.ne club .ede.n ~p-~8. ii: Boaaee for Belli 43-Apt.a. & BOGM.lla for Beat.
Fc.rdome.Uc, Racllo. heater wsw ---
BEA L'TIFUL 70' a u.1 1Che'>Oner, go , -~
i nyv.•here. E:xc,.i for ch11.r t••r _ lotOlJ El. A Fun t en~lnl! • eh11.11!1
\\'i.nt i n i .. ller bo>1l or p rnperty. equipped w1 th \\ln.ilf!el~ tle.t-
12211 \\'. Bii.ibo& 1$lvd .. Nt"''port, h~11d & e11.m $1~~ r.o Ca d en·
Harhor 3032 66lfc g1ne con1plel" with hydro 6
___ _ __ __ __ flUP"r chari er $4~0 MtlM Motor1
FOR S A.l.E. •>inCI dolly. v.·lll take 2101 Caul H lw lly, Newpor
up lo 20 rt, boe.l It hand wineh Be11.ch. LI 8-3381 119c1 ..
$;)(), LI 8·&244 72c74 ---
2ti H .I' t;VINRUDE ror ,..le --
4108 R l\'er. Newp<.irt . Har l!YlfiM
73e7!> ------=·-------
~~.!!!!i'"al, Radio, T !.__
Knowlton Electronics
e F;nest Thunderb ;rd
In U. S,
~peciel pa•nl, 111111ven111on. elc.,
elr .. eti· Abaolu1 ely f1111ltle~s
eon•lll.lnn tllrur)o1t N(!vrr rare<i
\\'ill 011ly 11ell to r1ua llfled pt'r•vn.
j HTY6~'.JI .
R "-H , F ontomaUc
Low Mllaa.ge.
J.lwy 39 J't P•clflc Cout Hwy
llunlington Beach TV REPAIR
R!!rvict eall.1! tl11 9 p.m. ~Th y lk a Dealer ------------
LI 8-~2of1 e o sw gen M k
!! Ne.wporl Ll lV<I. 111 221111 Grant w. usic
-------------HHr·tl'Or 8.
8T!:JN\\' A Y Gil.AND li ke new
Blg 1111vlng. Alao Kn.abe M11.~n
.t H•1nlln, many others. Prac·
I lte p1e.no11 u low a.!I 595.
D1Ji' P lano Slore :'120 No Me.in
74, 711
'51 C ADILl..AC eunverllblf', H u
bf'en In ator11111:e. f'rireJ for Im·
me<i!ate 11a le. $1~25. \\'ill 11.:-
cepl tcnn1 nr tr11.de -Good
t'nnd. H11.r 3359.v,• 72c74
Your Hudaon Dealer
253 N. Loll Ange lee KE 5--7278
Anahei1n 4.2Ue
FORD-'~. Cnunt ry Squlr• St.a.
urea. Se.lely equlpmenL $27:1
for my equity or w !ll la.k"
1me.ll car. LEX 8-4612 uk for
Donna., ane r 1 p. m. 74tfc
C ADULAC. coupe d• Ville 14&50.
H .. eryt.hlni ~ mtlea;
'M Mercury MonUirey Hard top
$17i0 Mercome.tlc, Huter pow-
f/r' bre.kee 19.&00 mllea. Pr1n.te
part.)' 4'8 Sant. Ana Ave.,
Newport Baa.ch after :'l p .. m.
1-tc 76
Hwy n at Pe.cine Cout Hwy
Huntlnrton S-Cb
Cabanas Marinas
Lido Peninsula, East 31Bt St., Npt. Bch.
DeLightlul living. ApL-Cab&nu.
UWJtieo po.id.
Y ubt Blip accomodationa.
Dally, weekly, monthly. yearly.
For appt. or reM?Vation, Call Har. 2992. Mtlc
48--A~ a Rouw for a.t
Choice Winter Rentalli on
Balboa. island & Udo hle
Small Is cozy or le.re-e A deluxe
17~ to saoo month
WI Mari.De A-ve., BaJ~ 1-te.nd
Ph. Ha.rbor 44.4 or Harbor 1016
Ree. Har. 3ezt.R or Har, l.Di-R •«to
2 bf!drm. untum. Ra.neb .C.]'19
duplex. tlrepl., F .A. hut, Hwd.
fir•., aep. patio. Har. l tlt·R.
1I02 6 l70I Haven Pi.c.. Two
bdnna, ...... &.p., ..... lldlloola.
U~ t... 0C: b7 IDOILtb.
C. 8be!m Alim.. LI ~
"'" BEAUTIFUL. Blnnde M!rrpr trr"I uprl~hl p111 "0 In per rP.r( r nn•1i-
t\nn Tt'r n111 S2r1 <l n & $1 0 pt'I'
mo O th~ r rlnl' rf'maj,.Jetj
p1i.r.r18 in m "'hnii:11 ny ...,,<1 mnl'I"' ,,_
Wag-. R..kff. The clee.11Mt •ood. 72c71
you·ve ever aeen: Bea.uUlul 1--------------1-------------1--------------
gle.c ier blue pe.1nt. good rubber, CALL EDNA CRAIG
2:J~ H11 t\P''' 1 1 1~11, lll'W palnl
j(lb !";A l'R l l-"f~'I-: l·IOU 703
N11 rcl1SUH. C'Ol"f\11. dc l lof11 r
A -I molo:ir . Clean Interior Ce.JI 46-A-nn. a Part. RENTAL SPECLlLIST
C. Ed SOUie, Har. 31H=l eves.
73ttc New a.nd U.ed
72r T4
---~~-----'52 CADILt .. AC CONVERT.
F OR SA.LE 1964. CU.tom MtrC'Ury
wltll M~ome.tle, M .ooo· mllea
by or lginal ow"~r. Ba..nll flne.nc11.
Har. ltOl·R 811ttc
BE A\;TlFtll. :<"p\nf't pl•nQ. blond. $ f b95 55 FORD T 11 R E S
ju11t llkt new ""'"'" $200. 3 rent-8-Hour
S llAFERH •Si n•·~ 1907\
121-12.1 :-.:-!-'\t'llnlOl't', S11n 1 .. An!I
f'hon,. Kl nJ~rl)' '..!·0672 R • H. Autn Tr•n~.
11.I 1P.t11rn.,, ""''(' $90 to $2.">0 MARK Country Sedan
perfeo.·l eond ft1on n~w gu11ra.n· R • H . Fordomatle Recap1pin9 ... Service
tee rree !!Pll\'l'ry.. Ma plf', Ll ~hl . $2 23 5 Complete
Walnut. F'rrn('h Pro\·inrtal. M111-•
hng"n.v Spinet e1uHJ 9llf!:ht !y DOWNING Brake Service
de.m1.11:e.I Jn .1!h1pp!n1 $'487. Good MARK AND p~Uce pie.nn1 trorn '39. $94. J"root Eod Alipmm.t
i1:ir., $1TS •"a Ult H al the FORD ROAD u:RVlCI:
Ore•l 42nd Annlver .. ry Sale. DOWNING DANZ ·SCHMIOT -PHILLIPS 1'1~ Budpt Pl&D.
the Bl,: 1-'iano 1.nd Org"&n Store Youn for tM Atildn.C
o:O No. Ma1n. Santa All&. 100 Hwy lt at Pacltle Cout Hwy H Q W A R D
SEii: Im· TA IQ:IQ
CORONA DEL KAR Ple.noa. HunU~ Bff.ch 72c71 FORD R Y A N
BEAlITl!"UL ELg)(:'J'RONtc Or-1-----------~ 801. 809 W. lit 8L roll CHOICE RSNTAJA..
gan ~rfect. ce.•e e.lmGll new S.A CRlFICE lf'~ CheYnllet V"-8 BANTA A.NA UA.BONA.L Is YEA.RLT.
DAN Z -SCHMIDT · pHILl.J_PB 8ta.Uon Wiii.i"" -R..dkJ. Me.I-;'; ffw7 • llt P'M!i(lc Cout Rwy lO &-&Ma J908 £.. eout Hwy. Har. MIO
41' 'Aplo.far-
"..,. IDmU. 70 ...... t. mui,
bdW'd nocn. .......... pr-ac: .. Yrt7, llO ... Bar. llU-.J.
GrMl a.ie. ~20 No, Waln Sl ~·er (llde. ""'tl1le 11de •• l:lunUngt.ofl 8-ctl Uttc ncT•
_..,,_ .. _ ·~ --~:_~1~··:~~~"~~'.':'.:·_·~"~ .. ~-----~':''~'~'.'....~~-~~-----.....:"~':":.:.;c...~---------....:-....:~-~--~---~--~-.... ------------'"'"
"'; ..
' -
~·~··~~·!·~-!!!~·~·~•l~--J 'A6E 2 ·PART111-NEWPORT HAUOl NfWS.PllESS ~"";...lltAA~ = WEDNESDAY. IUllUARY 22, lts6 = ......... "' ... ,.:::. ! ! ! , .. ~ .... t .,. ••• , .. a..
·-· r.ta&ie
Me-'l'a -Nelson ·B/ B
OOIWNA Dm. ~~.Aft' 0:'1" • 5 1.<,: "/fl ~)'9lr f'n1ndnr
I liir.: .... lif". lloMna.
Tim M0eT Dll'Olft.AllfT AD
-~ E4 .,.... OW'lmft liY• 8KU.. Corona del Mar ..... .,.. ....... tr-.~
llar. M fl..W er Har. 1130-R...J ,...,.
.tum. a pt. 6 sar. 1•rlJ. Aoto.
wuher • df'7ff 1662 Miramar
Drt" No. I. or Kaya".ont ~ 1127
OI' 111 N. C&em•U.u. AAfJ .. 1r1.
place, 1ara1e.
Harbor 5603.
2 bedn1111., tti e·
Ilk• n-. 190.
biadrm. turn. p:ra1• apl. On I J'Mri1 buia. no ,.u. Adulu
only. 516, 111 -311.h Sl., New-
port Beiach. Har. 1665 72p74
ATIN : Went to Rela x7
Thrtoe bednn. a pta. nn \;A't -'k·J
S HORT TERlf ~nab!., rent•
1la. No pel•. Har 121;.J
1104. wa-r u.:ean Jl"ffint. N--
port Be11.ch. Ona bdru1. h.u•n
a pt. A: 1ar. UO n10. 1ncluclc"
minimum ult!, Winter rtnt1L
Pb. Rlvt!raide. Overl1111d &·1204
Con,tr1Lcti.Rn....Lll.O n1 _ --1.{iJWiciag_
Freo ,Prolir.,inory Approi1el1
Corte!J~r.dt!nt11 for
Life and Ca::;u ~Jty lnauro.nce Company
of TenneMee
Bank.en Natio nLI Life lnaurance Company
Mori~a C'e Com?any
Uh Diw I I 1111.tb, ft,._
Place. bdwd. t.loon. "'*1c from
OCMn. Jl-f • ...,., ..... ~·
Udarpl1ced. Ead~ u.tiri1
., • "L&OH Rmoirr8 ~
20 tt.e.ulltul acna, I In t.Mrins
avoca.dot . .,..It.able tor tutldlvt.-
~on or loYdy counlr}' Ut.olte.
Owner wlU .ell lmprovad acre.-
•I" aepa.-.Utly at P600 per •t'~
or whole parccl at $3-000 per
•ere. Bett..r act tut:
C...'091' A M.E.84
tidwd. noor11, lar1e lot. bo!auu-
ruuy 1J d11Caped, near Ckllf Club
F'uU pnce 111 .MO.
Aprro\'Cd FHA M ortgagee tlO.\IE • INCOME
JI)()() Wf:Jt Co::'1t Highwa y -LJ 8-7791 A'M'RAL"'Tl\'E ,tuple•. chou.'e IVl'•-i
N c\V].>Orl Beach, California I Hon. 1 A 2 betlrn111. Undrrprlcect. ----I ----------M~'A NP.:1-~0N
53--.Sloroo & u riia-.-. 57-Rea.I FMtste Wuted 290!! £. Co••t llwy
lSA LBOA ~t, 1,; ~;,-~~:~;.: ;n:;:-;:,;-~:;t! -;;-;.~Ant. ;0~! , C•1n>n• del Mar, Har. Mel)
all!l" fo1 1uc..:lt11ol. de11li.d ur a r,y C11 lt tu now 1
l""r~.c "'tel u" • lo11i<l1·rt1, h"at-FRANK JA~IES, R .. altur
A Flaoa to Uve -
-A Pitel to Build
·mtt '"iii""Y"Will"lOCatJ jiicip;eitii&
!:ach bu • pl&ce to llve whllt
you ttuUd anolhr r un.lt to your
d.,.lfn. $12.600 tor either on•.
The II.rat LI bl.lilt on the Mclt of a
view lot. pi.9nty ot room up front
lor &1fln• houat. • 1 bedrm.. apt.
u~"'r a double l'ar&I"!, 1 l'..,...I!
OOne u • lnd biltdrm. N1ce l•rm•
on th!• one. S... ll, 'cau.e 1t'1
M>methlnr u;tra.
Tht! ..:cond la bu!ll Ou ll\e front
ot 11.11 R·I lul, plenty ut ro0m
111 I.hi! re11.r r0r a doublt! l'&nP
with apt. over or for cara,.oe and
~v-rale hc.u.e to your dealp.
Jn' the nuw.nllme, live rn a ~
l bedrm. plus bunk room, very
•ttractin · and Uvable aJtc'I It!
.excellt>nt condltloo. See It , buy
1l, IJ\d. &uUd Ill lel.eutt' ti..<:au.e
you won't Ure ()! thl• litUe ge111.
Deal With ReaJt orS
1n::. p3r!,1ng 01•'1\er 1112 N.i l Member Multiple U•tl11g s .. rv1~·" I
1-'1,,.,.·.,1·, ::; A Kl :t--OIK,i ti~ 3Cl •tann" A•'<', &lboa l4'1>nd
Har 20•2. nr fo~v~ -1..I 11·7 ~1.H
,.,._ s.. s "" >1,,,, Bay & Beach Rlty Inc
:.1trc FOR RENT Gl-tOt:NO fo~i,.OQR
nf'w 'tiult<l1nl!' n ... r I
HIU'. J096·W ur I-tar . 3660 tfr l 2tl l:\ i..:r,.ll ll'l .. W l•r I Coruna. del 1.tar Of fice
CORONA D!:I. MAR. unh;rn ' be<lroo111 I I. t 11 IC " a pllr!lll•'l\I
Nrwl y <le<"uratell 1.a un•.lry rn1 I
• 1ar•ft! lnclUdt!d 17:'> p .. r nl(I,
_'Vr. lt...e. Own•• Ht.I •; lf
r1 tf1c,.
Ll1lv '" Anitil~
! "' r1l 1> 11,. ll
H i<I \!~I
p11rkLHg ~'" In ·
<.'•II ,\t r" ~~ay
LIU() 01•\#'IC.:E Sl'ACI::
30--lar..01utJ Property -~----"'----
l~l !:'IJN ~~SJ-i a, INt:UME pr"l'"''Y·
Jillll • P!a1 entia Oy ""'fl"'
1':!lc.,H.,..,t 1>e11.:h 11ou11e A 1ent•_I :itl:J(l i;;, C<>Mt Highway-Ha.r :'.i::>(IJ ': hr /'LL'S !):c gar "rill 1 __
2 b r, 2 h1'th t>o-.t uty
;l I) r, 2 IJB\h, t .. 1111.11
i:!l ~0<1
121·7::;11 1 Corona l :l.!,!'.\l(J I del Mar's
1.1 11 :'.J;ti6 11 /tt• !Iv '" "' .... ,.~. BACl~ I3A Y i Most Outsta ndin g Buy
LIDO .ISLE :-;\.11'.t~l.1~+~~r1::·;:llt11;·,;,.,.,;'.i'.'~;>:;,r1 l'hdll. '7'P1 ft· 3 br i bath ON l.Y S:!llW";,(~ 7J:.! Hel1ol"'I'"
I I l ('ll'"'" !~1'11 Ot.• \'!1':\\' l .. •l lot llt>< + UNJ'Uf\N. l bd1·m. il pl 1i1o v v"w .,, .,.in t1•.i!iling N., fu,..1 l>•i it.J.+JNOUSTRIAL bld• .,.·11h ~ho"· . 1 •
I.. , . 1 "I (;.1rn.,1· \'I J.~"· lul JM.Qo.1, U l't:."i FOP. L"'Sf'E.L."Tlu N ahort wa "' to ._..do ahopr1ni.: •''lo: "'' • "'r "'" ic·• 1 1i,0 rn :.12 J1!1h /;lrt"I !"r,.·.-.1rl '><:.r.r. 00"
• C I• 11 111"' R>"AI ·1·y ,--lltllxtt.-0. highly r ... 1ru·t,,..f J.8000 ONLY$..........., .,..'N . $91'! m o
·-· r..&ate
"C"\ "ftlOK.U "C'' THOMAS
BA YBH'ORZS--'111eat locatkin on
Bayahora Ori'l'a wlth VIEW of
Bay, I 'bdnm., l l!ri. bat.ha, dtnlnc
room, rtre:ptace, hdWd. hoon, ltll·
cellW1t ta.mJly bomt &r year
'rvund UYlnt-f28.~Terma,
' ltt.-R~ t"A.m~ :::.c_.:.:::::::_;:;:='---· --.. -
. --
-llDit bu 2 bedroomo. tlreplace, tile -~ .. leundry ......... each ....it: '181! por
moeth income. #1 apt. eoon anllable to ~-
Thia ia ""Y d<oirable property. Priced
··~-FHA.I-. ·----···------SHORELINE, OCEAN A HILL VIEW. 2 bod·
rooDl.B, 1 ~ batha -a few •te1>9 to the beach. mo.11
furnished, wall-t o-wall carpel.A, fireplace, attncttve
patio. Call n ow to see. Prioed at $2•,7~
2667 E . C.t. Hwy . Har. 17{1 Har. 07~7
RANCH STYLE HOME -Only e 1--------------------------
mo'1. old and a beautiful houie
on a M n . lot I Ju•t off Irvine
Avenue). A.11 la.rre a u.r aeuvely
decorated room., 3 bedroom.a
l "'-With.I, brealdaat bAr It din'.
ln r area, hdwd. tloor1, J."_A. h~I.
built · ln Thl'.rtna..l'1r Tllll&"e and
oven, heavy ahake roof, w/w
carpt'tin1 6_ draia-l11clurlN -
CLIFF H.A VEN -F lnJt t!n1e of·
t•r"'d -Lovely J bdnn . 1 'ti.
tlalh horn... f!repl4C'e, hr1wd.
tloora, complet .. ry r"""e.:1. ch~lce
location -1%:2.000
C.'i.,J ~·l-' I 1Rr\·F: 1·11_~,.·1,.c.•""I I" r
""'-n ,.11[ \'11':\\', 1~e I•" t;:"' l1v·
lni;: r•-on1 "''11 h ri.,. 1 ', rr r!JI\.';: 1
\\'ln•l<"A'-'· fll llllly p><.Hil '"'l lh l if t"•
lli1'· '" 3 tJ•11'1Tlb \" tJ,.t h.• "'
I u W <""~tin g -' llfllj\O'a Ji ~lo ·
irii.: SJtl ,000.
Thia 3 bedrm. home has 1 & 1:.: bathe, firepla.ce.
breakfast bar . dinin&' a.rea & patio. f'roperty is
fenced and landBC.aped . 0 \1.·ner's leaving for Japan
and must M'IL Priced 11.t onl y $13,600
Call Stan Le-l~it>vre
EARL •W . STANLEY , R e a ltor
15lh & I n ·1n1· LI 8·7056
HOA1r.'. ANJ) IN C..\J,\t}-~ 1'"1' qu.di!\' J bdr 111
home and l bJrn1. rental u nJt_ (Jnly :.: ~ 1 ..... .,J.J
Hvy shake rq1,m_ Hdwd. f\00115, r1t •'J1l111. h-·11utt-
(ul k ll w 1lh 1Jr~·:t kf1ua 1:1rl'•t 1.1\\' 111 1111 1 ly h11 n1~
;;:· n:-~;r t~7S. ·11y ~~~.. -:1 •~ \ ~ .. • L.i•;o H a~:.~~-!:t~;·c ~i"::·~1 11/1~:.·~~"·\;;; ~;~,. n~-~rn'..~ Claire Van H I \\lhy P11.y Rent .. f I
FRON'?' Y1';AH.L Y ! If• SI, U0U fl1u t .. :tl "r 19'66 tf Orn 1
UUL 1,f tuwn owner M )'& ...,11 till.'> lfARBr1R lfJl.;HLA~I •~· AT1t~"
REALTQft ~ht j t.i RT.NTAL. Z bedrtn unfurn S7:i DF:~K ~l'A•'F. t!"• 111, t.•TI,. •·n•I I .. ·ii.\\E l 'ltfll·1':1tTY . .: J '-'' ii:!\ w l't'*"'l 11.,..y LJ ~-,:ti 7 1ninu«·u!1.te 2 b<'dr111 , norne,r t .. g . '1''" · lrrn · "-i.111 nnn1 .. 1'1
nio. yrly. ~let! Yl•w &nd L 11Joclt I b.,Mu11 rut ~i"tt'l•)IJ> .. rt1i•t! 11,.ar llll ll• {;uo.I LO<'aPona /'t u e.! 1trine f1rt'pla.t.•.. ww .-arpeL , I }'e&l"B olil, l i x24 liv r1~0111. re·
'HANN EL a nd roll1·1·t ~!')5 /)('r m o fro m r1·ntaJ u?ut
()."J~l' ~lf,1,7~0 "'-'tfh S~\.'"1c x 1 "111
Sulli.v an & G eo. T. Ever son to l.Jdo •hops l>ock '''811 Sc,. l-ttto Ir.rat•· ~·11 •;i r11~ :or at ,,.,nl Ch • H I 911,.,,y hr11tht lt !lf'h•·n 1"111 nf) '°"'~" tlOQr plan, .,.,_,,lht>r •lrlfl
Ltn&rtla, t>vea. ApL 2, t!i~-36<h '"'""' , c· 1· A JI , O'"I •I<·• I <•I-·"<I , .. , .... ,~-"'•. ..,,0_,I l•t'\J. "•rll&!o;'<i •11111~•.•dl, i.;r"I'" ".. " .. ~ -• .(1 1:' Tl) HL:ll.I • /\:. '"tn•·r ur :! arming ome I . ~·· 4 .......... u ~. ·-nr wrll• "Ownt!r" t ll'>·l&th St . ~:\fl 11 1,1 <2• 7t !'.lr !''._ 2 n .. ,....,na blt Lt'.X li·J'4 il I , pluinbing \\'ire•l 2:lOV. tnl"l<>"':l<I 11\•k•· !.eni-1111' 1111t11u 11tlr 1t·t1 •·,. 1856 Ne-.~,.P"rt Rl\d , t "ni;t;i ,\l"hll
\At•ros:; frun1 l'o1>t.a ~l•·.!ia Hank 1 "'-port tor appolrrtmen.l lo....... ! Mlldtf"<.1 StOnf)I, 21~~tll St., on Broadway p•t10, doublo: &•I'll&:~. etr Full r .... t .. r'r'I' ALI. f<•r Sli '17t> ... ,th 7 3<:7~ • Ground F l oor 1 1111nt1n gtu11 Bea•h 12.-1t 11,..,.e 111 only s 1~.Mr0. nu Ill •'1'": nnanc1ni;: Ph . L I 8-6761 . l-~vc·1' l iar "1 3f~ I.I
C--O-RO--N-A--0-EL--!LA--R--l-bdrm., 13 8£D RM. HOME wiUl flreplar<' & dllJl dy, bu t H URRY .
• or~r~1c ···· OR 0TOR ""S 6• D --1 ··-ia·->1 .. r1 1 1 furn.. Apt. yea..rly S7t> LncJU!I. i::...::J "' 1'..; --.... ..., w... oar•. llo!'f'VIC .. 1)Qrr. I 11..f\I t:xcltalVO! "'Ill\ u.: l:IA y l''RO NT -l!:llrt111'r'll lore·
uul. Call U a.203t or Hoa.r. •820 F o r Lease 1n -double r•no.IC" Hum.. h • • Hon ti ~lrnon1~. won•lerful
___________ 13 p7 ~ H a rbor Investment Co. Hldg. IN COSTA MESA =;axt~~oos:'! rtthi:i'~:!i~;~~; Co rona Highland s be11r h Bat buy Kt S29.~.oo
30th & New po rt Blvd . w, ht.Vt II ~o:ry to:<>•)ll tJ1+1 in a 1 buy on wide f\tP .. t, wtlh .....,,.tr, OUTSTANDlNG BUY LOTS * LOTS * LOTS
f.>JEH. & :-;J.lf'
FURNISf·I HIJ ilACHEl..OR APT. UUlltlt!a p&1d.,
Cllte A: 1.:Lttan H ar 1600 L1,.llt~ Ur"L~ Sh"!' in •n ""'-&")tttr11 A: curb~ \n H.n p11l'1 for 3 ~rm .. I '-'I bath.I, $21 ,~. VlEW-Vl_li:\\' M ft SV~ -eel lent )O(lo U u n Clean as a p in ui t.h11~ ('h1•1rr 2 bdrnt. and la nai
home. Exquisit e l lurbor v1,·w and 1·IP:in l'lHnrl y
beach. Slip fr-,r 40 fl. b .. al. 1'.lay C'"/l1'ld••r hnm•·,
..,., mo. ... N &relaaua, Cortlna ----
I "I Mu. CLli P lymouU\ 1-ll~fl ~A-Bu.in~-7:.k7~ ~nt·U. --···-..
CORON'A 'Dl:L MAil, alnilt! furn. NICE · M.Ol>i:.R.H ..... ~m .,,
•pC UUJ. pd.. f'6 fMrly. Apply otflce " ! ... f'la.ct ntl•. ""' -,......,,. 73p7ll =· lntludlng utll1Ue1.. Inquire , .. prop.rrty after !\ p. m wrek j
UNnJR.N. DUPLEX. 2 bdrm., tull .. ,. "' •oy um .. Bill 6 Sun
bath, c ar. Yt&n1 leaa111.. ll&·t6th " <all LI S-11766
/\l ulUple 1.1~1 *"Ii: j~ .... 11.,.
BllllTTll~.~A !mll<f'r -·-
3 1'.I:, E f'o•.~t Hwy <·oro11~ o1 .. 1 ;1.1~r
11 ... r, .. r ?1~·2 ---
180 ft . Pa rcel
Full Pr+ce J l 3.~00 130011 down .
Newport-Mesa Rlty.
li9'{f"'Ntwf50i'\ Bl"'c'I . Cort·a M,.u.
t [.J 8·:1:'>08 F:v,.11 H•r 0289·J
I c ;r~~a H ighlands
Mar, 1mall home on nlt e H.-2
lot Only Sl2,9:10.
Linwood V i ck
REALTORS St., NC"lll'port S.ch. 7k715 Wffktt.nda.
att .. r ti .J u or j
~ill 1 Nt!11 r Back B•y or wlll ~II J -1 Panoramic O cea n View
' f BRAN[) nt!\f>· HOnlt! a.n<I lncon\t!
312 1'la.Mllt! Av ... Balboa
Hai-. 2<H 2
liA.LBO.A. P&NIN&IJLA POINT-F'OR WCASE lhrt'~ R.;: I &<! • 130 lot.a $3260 e11. "" JJ6l 1.•1;n1r:1n1;
Near ~ 1 bdrm. tum a pt .. '" 1 llt!luae C<Jn11t 1n ruatw: modern lola !actnr A von JI: River .. hlt! l y-.-IJ' 110 tncJ. uwiu ... Harbor Dnve. Owner. liarbflr a G11.r tl"r ,.::XfT.L1~:-.ZT
122~. 7lc76 I}l s.1&•s . __ _22· •~I ('"'"n• tJ .. 1
bulldlntr ~n .. •o S..e Lhe~" 2 beaut 2 Wt.
nome. rully c11.r~t.-d, h11 ve
Pleet. oven• A gnll1. Stont!
1~ 8L, nu.r ThrUty Drug In u a.-a....r.Remt. c~,. .. _
ltJeal lucatlon for 1
"LIDO au:. • -~. ·~ 11n1Lll bu•1nea... "~" rurnuur"-',
'""' ...... -......i ...... TV rtpa.lr, t!tt ' "' light m*llU·
Bllp ·~ "' tt. ..... -or 1' ra.r::tunn1 '" .,. JAM i>~~
tt. V~ runabout power boat. Har . ,,., 73;;78
2 ~ ..... bN.tlW\1117 furnl&b· --... ...,, ... STOO ... month. M-Bwtlne. ~po~nllles -.. '1 Ball>o• Covea, ~ -------"---· 36tlc $ CAFE $
llllOllll curr. untum. MOllt UD• IDEAL r'OR COUPLE Vo • OH
UWAl opportunity to 1 .... '" "'"· loo: f<'ull pnce $:)~. No
MO M ·~ yMn , 2 bed~m blue •ky. Might corurider tt!rmF ... -bta Utl tuJ Now R USS BENNER, E"• H1 r. 161 1 -· -rum ....... Belboo B•y Properties S..YJ au. root, hJ&:b bumad
~-· 2 tln p&acea. H"lf' 1600 W. Balboao Blvd. Har ~!118
upot&ln bdmo. .... , w I th 72e'l'4
SWMplnl """"' ··-·· Owner
wlU -to rellab.lt family al 36-Mo•.v to Loan
Ht.r. ~ 1:216 ptr month.
87tfc I LOANS TO BUILD. lt.trROVF:..
UNll'Uflf'f. -2 Bod~m 44:.
Bopola. Con>~ do!
c htldrt!n OK. Bea
HT&tt t ·ltll 28M
t.asuna S..ch.
M•r. ...
Nido Way
REFINANCE w • Buy Tl'Ulll Dt!'f'dlll w NI: PORT BAWJOA SA VINCI:!
3386 Vta Udo Ph H•r . •200
"" H.-2 '"' "'"th
!>+ ri.: .. •loulile g•nix" .. n•I fur·
nL.U•e•l •r•rlment 11bnvt! 11 .. ,.1r·
a bJ,. l•oelll•lln F'.xrlu"'~ with
~1111.~ Kohl1t,.dr', Har bor -tflu'i'-R
i 4µ76 -.
Fi Ill :; i\ I~!!. BY OW N'l::R-t I><~-
!'00111 ho111e, I·:,. ha.U•~. lllnll·
ll!'l>Jl••d • reu(·.,.t ~·HA loM
Fr~edu111 bo1ne 11re1. t,;11.H
l..JO..rty ll-6223 n1orn1n1• .,
attt·r I'> p.m . 115Ltc
By owner. colorf\JJ i•Y an d
t:h<l.nn1ng J bedrm. aod dtn.
Bnllt-tn TV in oul.lta.nrtlna drift·
wood rock r1repl. WW Ollrptt, ' ml)1<11ic Uio flr. bllth•. Out1idt!
shwr , bit-In <:>!tt:. range, dish-
wuh.,r l/•/orn1y cheatnut. b!tck
,,.·aJnut, oak p11 neJlng ft!•tured
h1ghh1hlll "' room•. $29.~00
li1tr. ~il72 61p74
------~ --
to Cl"llJng f1rt!plact!• lnc(}me Wants
SJ~ per mo. ,.~. P S34Ml0 an(\
Ol'Ji'.!'; J.'OR INSPECTION, 4711
thl• wO!ll d t"lllll;nf'd
gueit ape.rlrnt!nL
2 u111t
Murnlng Ca.nyun R<>ad,
3742-J .
Balboa Duplex
~·L'll;>;ISHl'.:IJ -1 two be<'!rni. llnd
l unt! ~rm., 2 car iar1ce. :itlnt.
1 ent11.I 11orea. Sl'IOOO down ... ·111
Coast Properties
'JO I E. Balboa. Blvd. Balboa
H11.rhor 2668 21197 11ond t 6UO
2 bed.room
3 room &.nd bath partia.Jly
!urn!•hed g u e 1 t apa.rtn1t!nt.
{deal tur Mom and Dad with
lj'Ue.tt ap•rtrut'nl (or the vi.lilt·
inx fan11ly. AND a.n incvme
unit to pay Lhe bill.I.
Don't wait too Long,
O cean Front Home
rwo bedrooma downatalr•
u.nlno dor111ILory an<.!
Larg111 !iYlng room with
pl11.ec. ~fald'~ room &.
Omrllg" Chulr e !ex-at ion
Both l".X\:lu~h·e with
NEARL Y NEW 3 1x1rn1. h•)n•t!. C ha rles E. Hart, Re altor
(um. by d.ecorator. Nlrely l11nd-J~.20 \V. lialbQa
IH!1pe<I, 111rgt! Lot. conipletely
fenced S l3,~. ler111~ lo r11111 pon!l-
Newport Br h.
J 1>edr1111 .. 2 bath• lt!vel with ible pt!rlM•n. 20•9 N1llonal. CnMla ,_.,v,1y v1 .. w corona 111111 t.1ar. r.tt!,... • 7411'!7 Near Newport Pier
Only 119,l'>OO S3t.OO <tn . S l2~ n1i;i. I------3 U"'ITS F UR.:"'. Dblt!. oang< WILL 1 .... 1 bedrvom un£urnh1h· F c -" " ' or a ppt. all Fo1u v .. rnnder OPEN FTERNOO NS 1.J"e In one. lt!l lenants p11y for t4 J'loUM w11•r.s--•dull• only LOANS for Homes H111 •'.ttil ~Vf!I" :·i.11 72ei • A no pe~11 be aeen S.t . .ll I ti•" pr(lpcrty Best rPntal tl111-
8un-P't!b. 2tl and 28th-JO a.m . :i~:. 20 yr l:.0Rn! I --, --CilOICE CORONA DEL r.t-"'1< tncl. Only 'Hl.f!OO r1111 price. ·" - ' I · B Owner 1616 MARG UERIT~:. 3 b<'drn1J1, llrnaJL Uov.·n. ~1!:. p. m. Jl8 A1V11rau;.p~~ Constructidn Loans ,,,, ... 1~ y . 1 r II. hi'&\. r1repl . Ollk rlr!l . t;'!llh.
SEii: BOB SA'ITLb:R ~ .-.. .-!':,\' TRl!'LEX 11!,,11.I ,1L,r . furn. $1 7.0lNJ. t~rn111 or will H·l lot nellr bear h. only $4 2~0.
Y•••• LICASll. LOVELY Bay· l•><'ll.l l••n S.!l) .• 'l-00 St<' '" nrp1f'-!H<rrt late n1rnlrl •11r .._._ 2::.11) E AST COAST BLVlJ • allioN hOll'lt . 2 bat l'la. Patio Co~~a d•I M"• '""'' ~.;2 1•1u1n~r Hn1 21•'•0-J JO H LATHROJ' Jfli:'l F: f'.,ll.st NEWPORT H E IG HTS
""' u H•rhor :;t1r.a tlSrSO 11 1,·y, 11.1 1 :14~Z or 1!111 .'ill~<• • P'umt.l'led o::ornpl111tely. Refer-Rt!p. POIRIF.R MORTGAr.F. CiJ. _
1 l'' <'~ 7:\, ii> I :N ll'E 2 LH·.r 11{~1 . h11.rdwood !loor~.
•Mfll ,_,.,.INd. ,l;m P'r mo. M < "t •--F "I J "!'" ·-,-e ro ._. e ..,... un1l11 " -., ., ! DY O\V:--fl!;H
flrt'pl.t1( ... louble !{&rage, pn.lln. LI a.211G tor appointment. 8 r
'"" --'--'-~' INCOME UNITS M -1 Acr eage "1" ''''"' ,,,,..,
°"':o=-=-:7'--::-=:-:-:-c::--:::---:-:--1 CASH ,.1101 ! I 1,<)T :'Jl\x 127. not ll'l1..,,.l 1p!d S~2:10 CORONA DEL MAR . Two b«Jrm. • • • 1;,.;S'f U ~J.,.;,: 'J'A,.E.~ ltl,.aJ 1n(lu~!r11ol an<I rrttll•'r
._... untum .. tlreplace, ba r kit-l'OR TJtUST UEli:DS 1 x1 1~ lla\'en Plat e LI 11.~.ll:l'J
91Mn. paUo, ti.ck yard fence<:!. WM B. HOLT C. S HEIZ~f Al.l.J!:N
.•ar . n .. 11r !'1•"!11 ~1r!li; .so;~,()
prr Jcrr en11y l<'rm~.
Cbild a.cc.pc.9!1. pl!'lA olc $110 n10. WORTGAt:l.: BANh:ING ';'2rll • r'IA;\: A. JACQBSF::X. n1•1ol ~: .• 1111 •' I
,.....,. '-· Kar. !MOO attt!r S INCJ,; 19:W. I
l e IL& e8ttc l fl09 N. BUSH SANTA AN.A IH_ ~· :'ifl91. Ll ,8-6!l li, •Kl 2·2lllj l 106 ~l c Fmdden Pl
LIDQ R 3 At thr Nl'"'port Pa!'r
roll A&HT COTI' AGE -Nice
lw ..,.. w-'ttn& lady or eou-
Jk. ~ to Udo .ahopplnir cen-
KIMBERL\' 3-71 18
Rt-:AL ~'J A'I c. 1.lJ AN.".'i
-I F:•·t11 H11r 4438·\V . llsr. 2l'l29 -M.
I t :!O IL lot• un !:\O. H~y irr .. nl C liff Ha ven Ba rg a in I
1:1 1 ~~ t:ll<'fl Csll T [J t:u1.•'tll.I
H11 r l!'J.'~!'o-V> llT lt''l-,.n l·iitl:l9 Owi..-r rf'dll\•..,-1 Jlrlr r SJf1dO, WEST N EWP.ORT W. Kt y a t 31.5-Sfth !!l .• N'pt. lnlt·rt>~I 1-::.t" ;, '•' '•
73ci'b 1 Ula ns quick ly mftt\l" In lhr H11 rbur "'"'"""'"'"'"'"'"'"--:-:-:-c----c:-I Arl'I., l.aj,::Ul\{t NIH! c .. sta M•••:i I
a&Y a.HOil&&.. 2 bdnn. • .J•n I 81n~I,. nr n1ulti1't~ un it~ N• 1v
lbll.:I 111i:•on11ll lo 11r1L. :1 l'>t<1l'Otut1 2 Hf;SIPF;:":'CE LOT $42~,n
thtUl A uir. S-lbl• to ~n•w in or ol(I 1lt' wLll( 11n I Sfl •·· by ,,._
e.pt. 1115 ....., Awa.II. now. 1 nn•n<'llll( yu,1t l""lt>>ll 1011:-1 ,1
LI ......,._ 7lc.74 , Mln\m111n r:i.:p • ~~ 21! y .II' t"' "'
L. y I '> ',,.;,.
f> I! 111 h .. 11 • .1 '.,
f '1• hr\« J I 1 l •I
:, I ll " 4 I< ,J I • '
Ill• ,< I dhl
t :: , ,
b:•lll t"'"'" 1•nrn'"r In! "'1\h 2 Jt~::-;·rAl~C:. $14 .7.''10
''""'\ 10r l'"'1n111 11n.: pool F11n 11 H~:J\l /1.1~" Sllt.,.">OQ
111·1r•, $L ~•!lt.il $;,.,,111 .1,,,..,1 u.111 1 h. n•lt. COSTA MESA
r. ,..,·H~:s :.t t Z~l:".1':
I 911D'ROOll-"1JIJ furn.-New
6 modern. St0 per mo. yt!•rl}'
.A-a 1111~ -1oe tuY•raldt
.A.ft., H..a.-a-Bolln -tlMr.
tlOO. 73p7tl
lf deai~ ;"-;o r h111r:;e t or :1rr
llmln:i ry "l'I' ;r1~111 K • :::·69,L.1 ;,_•~ 1. ,i1~.1 .• I.I '-·Ii: I cw-port-esa ty.,s 1 .. 1~ 1""'''!·:~
<ir, 171J'f :-.,'r,,,·r-o11 l~l ···I t.:O •c!+t .\!•··I• <.:~1 A r .r. Mt!I .~~.
• Sam
* • • SIUOY LIVING <>n the oc"11n
tnnL Jate:ban.t.t• apu. A: r•"'-'·
wttaa prtni. MUI. Mal<t 6 ~•nt!
.......... TV -not W. Oc,...n
rrmL. 1i&rllcw' IOV 1. • • *
•I"' ..... '' •·"I •
t.lu1 t:,,L•~ l."~ '
U~•·l<lo:1d "I L•I •'
11<>.:1 S.1utl'> ~l111n
L "•'"I '""lcl•I
!J 1~\1t .1:1• I l_'u
s~.n~ """
Tl-lRIVINU BL:SIN&gs n"ttl. .. <ld·
di\!flna l c11pltal \\'11! pB )' 1<1p
lntt'reGl tor r11~h J111 n C"l1
Hur. t~:g 9 II '"· j .. ','\l) p Ill
72· 71
.. 11>·1
• ol!I 1.1 ;. 7 ·:
H11i>~IY ~11:1 r.v 2 bJr:,1 1' ti'
" 1 H 1., f, r. 1 • , u 1 I. 1. >.. •· It.,
11·111<• • t r·1-. • ~.\!\ <~l<I
I.I k '4 ,d I,
('OSTA J.i F.!i A
'" :1
:-; • .,.)\· d .. 1 .. 1~1.•,! 3 Ot~l1tll Iii.tu"
:· )1 ~ nhl 1 1:-flooi:. J.it11n .
1 10.:'lo(I ~~ r 1_,,,.,.. '''"'" \•'°\I
LI r..:.:. fl r:v1·~ LI 11·111.1
ll -2 Vif"'N Joi fill x 100 ft
On Scawarri, !'.11n1na
PRICED TO ~f<:l .t.
LI 8-4272
LAJt08 ~ wlUi p1;vate bath 51-Real E.'ftal.4!' W anted 1.•11""" PJ,.,.., '"11 ' .. 11 .. ,-1 A •tftnee· IS6 mOfllh.' 321 -1·rtal\'1f'W '•·l'.11:\ ;;11;.•, $1:'1111 l •IJWN, l\\'t! In r.ri,. :i hihnl
I .. 12 74 \\'JLL BUT f1om ""''""'·on H11.lboa hnnlt' •L P pt!r nu• Rrnt <)fl
~-----.,------,:-=---:--:-: ..,,..,.... ~ ....,..,vv c.. othl"r, P"'Y• ll)ll n 1,Jr r,.nt both 1ria. ~ch ar. P •-•·-... Ono 0, <·-o ~-m •pl I COMM 'C"RCIAL LOT t
1'Qoll: W ..,._..man. N and iT Ovet' d.bl. irar.,.t. 110'llh •p.trr NEAH 11.\Rl;Qll A \9rh, ~11, \f,J lnr l llMI T"'r mnl\f h 1•11''"" 1~2
12-1.i R-· ;>;.•wp•,rt Ulvd c"~ra :'>f,.~a
J I larl"'t 1111:'1
"'~'\\'\'nf{T HEACH
l'l,<1!;~: 1'(•
~liHJ"l'f1 :!
h.lrn1 ~< •kn t1nn1ti. h\'Hll: I n1
w1! h 1h111nx 11r"'8, flllll'.-'tnnP r1re-
pl•c.: " ph·t1ur .,.·lnduv.· ...,,·~•·
l•n1k111.: r•.dl•J (.'('fllllH<' 111,. in
t.111 h k<\•·lwn -'" ~"'''II''' ''""11
!'. I'. <I L\h\\'<t•h ~r Hl\Jjl h<'•I :!
l"nr i.;nr .t· ;_·"r 1~"'! l#•I!"
1,.ll<•'<L \'(lltl !.J 8·11!!8 ii 1M6
100 °/. F inancing
Qn 1nc.1m.. un1t11 hu•ll un )"fll l
lfll !'All ""' fur .-1,.1 ~1La
PA\: ,._ JA~ ·1,HSf;:'.'; HrAJ &o.1~1•
BAC K DAY Chflit"' r or !or Sll i::.11.
CLl~,F DRJVE VII':\\' Sl l .1'100
Z2i \V. Co/lat Hlway
Newport Bearh
Ll S·t.t.27
Special Val\Jes
Full Price $9000
\\'ITH ONLY $2000 DN. F ine 2
bdrm.. dhle. xar. cone . block
f111nce, on IM!Wl'r•, only S71 rio
Oil bal11nc• .
Home & Rental
ONLY 113,000, Cor. Jot W(W car·
pete<l. H.ental bnnp sea month.
G()(){I ef.llllllde Luy ! 2 bdrm. hnn1e
on rront. Se.i thl1.
Retirement Special
2 BEAlITlFUL llOUSES nn nn"
lot. Only 2 yr1. nil! In excl. F.
11lde neighborhood. J " I bdrm
h'lu-"·1th 111ep. dbl. garlll(C.
Nr. 22nd St Only l 1 4 .~00. lern1a
P alm Springs a.s part_ Cric(:.ci Lo sell no w .
S55.000 -Terms.
2323 W . Cout H"A·y. (at Port Orange I
N e w port Beach I~! 8-7f>62 1-lal' !:>154 ['\,'{'I>
~Y~l-!2R;_; ~?~,[
Arbor & Vi.ta '0r1Ye In illl y-
Sbore11-lhen itte UJ1 ror Ll,.taJ111
$1500 DOWN
!'.'EAR BEST OCEAN ""·lmnHng
new t wo bedl"OOm home . ~ .
extra large )1\'lng and d.lnlng
are11o . . outstanding kitchen
roo1n for ano\her hou~e
on the IATgt' lot bt'tter ""e
this today~ Tolal prll'r 111 ju11t
$7000--1/2 CASH
~sr ot Jot in C.D.M .. need11 11omt!
paint . 1 'i blocU from shop-
ping 1l1 ~tnrt Retrigt!rator, .alo•e.
Wllllhing-1niu;hlne, d!vlln & •·/1111r,
\11.hle, 2 be\lll anll dre1M1er1 Incl
Jlurry for lhi:s one.
N e wport Hei ghts
Open House
Daily l -5 p. m.
225 O cean \11ew
I B!i:T\\'EEN' Tl'$TJX lit
R!Vt:R$Jl.Jf.: O;o..; TH1': CLJFF 1
YOU .\I L'ST S~:E T HIS IJ<eAUtlf\11
New-View ho mt! of 3 bdrm11 .. :1
bltth111. f'RICli:D RIGHT AT
123,()()(1, AL TRYON w11t ahnv.
you 1hr11 '
$800 Down
0 \\':\'Ert SAYS SE L • .L th!~ 111111\ll
culate 3 btJrrn.. I !• year 0 1,1
hnn1e v.1th 1<1•All to v.•all ral"Jl"'l. 2· HQUSES-$8750 &!I elttlrlc k lll'hen. nicely /1<•111· $2500 ·Down Al~"U WUBLJll: C ARAGE -north IM'lped .. Unequallffi value at NEAf~LY NF:\\' 2 br. i lurcu hnme ell..!lt 11e..:Uon of Coat& Ah.•11 -lnt SI0,7'50 v.·lth • rlov.·n ler<a than
on w llle \V, aldt• lot . Lg. dbl, 6Qxl&O--good ln~ome property. the co.\ of! Ule cupet •monthl y Lo~ app-~ 131"·'. U you have paymen 11 e .. lh&ri r.-.nl. TiflS K•t .... work ahop. 4 l'1''-lot.ll. '" "" WTLl.. SELL TODAY :
An excL buy at SIO.WO 1!ifferenc11 In cuh uwner will • • •
R-:.~·,!.:: E~c:;~;· ~':::· ~7~' c<•ILk o'"'skeEy IN-$9000 I Top of the World'.
Sewer In S L S32l'JO c"1h. I . _ e PANORA MIC \"JEW rron1 ~ DUPLEX -2 br. ell Lg, roomll.,S,\IALL 2 UEDROOM HOUSE-llldell k:.? tPrT&C'".I! . "
[lh1p .. Ule k. i\. bath. Rental $1."10 1 Pitcellenl location. Ideal tor cou-0 3 1 bd ·
•1 •' "" I h I • I 2 "I k arg11 r m11. &, 2 bath!! pl'r n10. ., r luan. S l."l,."l~~· p e v.· o <on t ' rive v O\' • • Bit. Jn D!ebwuh r L.c1111 Ui11n yr okl. fron1 Rlcharr1'11 Markll'l t.e rm1 1r ' • r&ni'•· nv~n
,1,.111 re<l. • lnt .. rcurn. lo every room
• Wa ll lo wflll rarpet ing thrunul
Mesa-Harbor Realty , 8 INCOME UNIT • •m1~''°"' <1,.,,, ... """ wa11 ,,·1~· . • Rflrlto ~11.ragt! door opener
& ASSOCJATEf.; A 1'11-' I.JI'" A MONEY r.TAKEI{-e IT'R Ni:'-;\\" IT 'S T HE J."11'-;f<:ST T
~~)I! L°"nt~r !-'!, \011t11 r.Tel111 ll,.st r<'nt aJ location in Balboa-e lT'R P R J CF: fl HIG1fT AT
LI R-1191 l & LI 8·7~11• 'Pfl!f'r t)f ocean II.IHI hlly ll":im· $4~~
LYTLE Eve. i'h LI K·2tl42 rn 1111o: 11..11<1 ~hopping. -"I! com.
PETITTE F.ve. Ph. LI 8·1'>i8~ pletely rurnlshe<l. Bar&'•ln at
SEY ~t 01JR ~ E\'t!. Ph. HR. l\298-\\' I ,36,l'>Ofl. Tt!rn111.
P e rfection
\h)" 2 i,..<lrm .
roof h<•llrll /Jo
r111,...u 11~•·<1 IH·1f'\\ hPnrth. •lJ>"n
""""' , ,•1 1111~.~ hr><Ul oful fNhHl~tl<
1hr<111.;ll""I h .. n1c '1111!t h_\' 1.
n111~t l'r , 1·11r1.~11111n tin,. y,.11r
nl<I B"1t ill1f11!1y !111>rl.•, Rpr•1
$11 ,IM~\I o1nu·ri
"ART" ADAIR , Rltr .1
1 .. ,..., • npp!
1666 ,, .. ,'\\'f"•TI u t.-(t Cu.•111 Mrl<R
\Vt"et Balb(IA Blvd
H11rbor l'>lt\A
Bay Shores
1i'i11 CLrrle Drh·e
Oprn Dally -1-4.30
XU\\' l"RJC l!~D TO SELi.
3 bdrm. 1 '• bn!h, f qil., F'_ A.
l.i:h'.. aH e:l(" ll!trhrn. Spaclou.a
patio ~ built In BBQ. OYcnil~
"''·""' '" "
"''" ·RALPH P . MASKEY ---------I REALTOR
F:XT r-t A VAl.UF.: <1rnHnd ('Qrn•·r \ 341 1 Ne"'p<irt Blvd .. Npt. lich.
lo T'hrlrty Drug. Alphll ·Bel~ li•rbor t 02 z RH . 11ln1ni.: 111<)m .. 2 r a r li(ll r
11.i:•-. lo1un•lr}' !•'Orn "''1th hi>hby
<>r "'Prk 11hnp (OV'r lWO llq ft I
h••nf'h"~ ,\. r11bOntl~ TRlfl,,.
P•ll'll \'")IJ~
l~;,; -"''"''l>u,.I f"n~ta M"""'
T'roph;11.I Setting l.ndol'l1 -outdoor
l1Vln(. h1r~ t11n11 I 4 0.-<Jnn•
:t ht!.th11 , 11!110 inrlud,.11 I 11,..lrm
rf'Tltll l vn!I t 3•.11!'10 lit,.,. yn11r
l,.,.11! hn>k"r nr ,...,,.. ~-mn!Jrr
Deal w ith Realto rs
Bay & Beach R lty Inc
J 876 Harbor Boulevard
Collt• Me11a. Calll11n1ta
Liberty 8-771• -EYM. LJ 8-:tl~8
N ice 3oeml·Provrncl11l type 3 tMl r-"'
&: rlen hnmr La.rge lot. 2 bri.-lt
flrP p!ac••11, l ~ baths Hdwd flni
11h1Lke root. 1411() aq. ft. .:!bl . (llr.:
11trr 1111ed. Excel~nt IQ c a t Lo n
SlJ,J-00 wiu, 112.600 loan a t '90
ptr n10. EXCLUS!VI: W1Ui
ReaJtor 6 ~
/v1111 VI. Erhardt, Aa.oelate
:133..1 !Dut C.0.Ut H l.:Jnn.y
Corona d.,J Kar
Har, 2(22
' 7k73
VIEV.', H11rbor. Ocn.n, Isles, a r.ll
"·11 lk 1ni llletance lo market. .,
1r 11.n11. 80 fl rronta1e. Be11t
v•lu .. In t'cwpor\ H la. Muat ti...
,.,111 137~)() Cull Ut kf!ll It.
PROl'tr.Rn r:s
pr.,; :-,-.. .,.pt1rl r ""''" M""' ,.. ............. t. ~tl"ll.MY. to bull!'.! In frcant Bo• H 'l N .. w .. I lf\ llllP• 1.0\\. PR.It '~; t./Wf\l'f J r· .. 1111 Ry own .... I,/ 1'1-:(1 .. 2
111 JMa. I L. N.wporL pptJt PreN. ISB!l r Harl:J.•r J!tfll ti I Ahlf•' H~r "">ffl I.I 11·6.11~. Kl l·2lfl~ LI
8·11!.3Z F:v""11 nr~ LI 8 IHXl 7.z3.-,4 7Qc82tf I.I .'1·11:\2 Evt"n1n1 11 LI• l •1t1.i1
-···· ···--~·-· .......... -. -. -.-........ --..... . . ..... ........ ___ ..
..... _ ........... "'----~-
• .Doluxe lluildin9 end Bu1ino11
ft.Im otferiol Incl~ OM of the rine.l bu.iLdinp
&Dj n.laurant buUl-.. on BaJboa IJlland. The · ··---w:i a M 1 u-eq11tlpment:---'l'we ·bau~~t.a. --
Thim iii a going reata.urant bu11lneu with a 10 )'ear
e.t.&bllahed cllentele. If you waat a MONEY
MAKER with pride of ownet1hip, come 1n and let
wa tell you more.
ROME AND JNCOMF,. If you havt" St0,001 for the
down parmenl, WE have a wonderful buy. A beauti-
ful home with 4 bedroom&, 3 balk.a, lari:;c liv111i::
room, din. room, fireplace and an out.!aJde gut:l:ll
room &: bath. And for that income ti. Hpac1ous. l
bedroom apt over a full s1U? 2 c.ar ge.rag.-
FURNISHED HO~fE -.$6000 down takOM l h1~
epaciou1 home. l .arge liv rm . •Un room. din. rm .
2 bed.room.A, 1 bath, convenient. kitchen, 11a tto alld
garage. $19.500 firm.
INSIDE TIP 0 1-~f' -Owner 1x out of lhe 1·1ly
Imml"dlale poeaets11 1on A two ~rm. home onlv
<t yrK,_ old a.nd like nf'w. A BEST BUY at $13.5UIJ
W t:. have the keys 9(1 hurry to lief' th111 u1n~ .•
l\lEttf BERS OF ~fL1 LTlPl .Jo::: l.IS'flNC:
31 1 Manne Avt". Ra lbns l11land-Ph H11r 167! n1 lli'::!
New Two Bedroom Lido Home
\\'c r ;111 tell you abo ul thl.11 tw11 bath mndf·ru l.1d '1
home becau!lfl 1la nearly completed and yuu 1·a n
inspect it NOW.
Meatf'r bedroom has ita own dreasing room &: bath
Beamed ceilinga • Floor plantf'r • 1-'loor to
ceiling firepla.ce • Bar kitchen • Accou111 1r
ceiling dining area • all cleverly comb1 nr.d tn
produce Lido Laland '• most outstanding buy • • • • Only $24.:IOO
Exchatve -We h.ave the key.
lido Realty Associates
MOO Via Lldb
J. H. GROlililN
Harbor (444
SPACIOUS KODERN HOME-2 bedrm. and d<n -
rinplace -pol.lo, dbl gar. A REAL HOME !or
' .
a ••' r-... Cl ......... a,.,,..... ..... , 2 0
p. a.·palmer inco ·rpo ·rated
developers of Lido Isle ,_ .
. --·-·--budget--comciou~?--·-----~ • ~ ~ rittt., .id? RI---·~ --
IT WAKES SENSE -a designer ll going to go ~II out oo bia own home.' HAL LACY bu done
JUat that on thh1 3 bedrm. Lido tale amaller l'eli·
rtence. The combining of materiall!I is done with
thought and feeling. S liding glua door. lo ~t.io
from the l1v1ngroom with it.a field st.oal! fireplaceL
Out.atanding kitchen and ash cabinet.a a.nd ma.tchlnr
formlca. Tile in both b.athil, wall-to.wall carpeting
and double garage. Close t o perfect beach. See
this 800n, u it will .ell al only $26.~.
lido modern!
lNGRAM & COLLINS went 1.U out on thi.e 4 bedrm.
2 bath home. The livingrm. U. beautifully papered,
has a masaive bouquet canyun 11tOnl' fi replace and
sLiding glass doors to a lovely patio. The kitchl•n
1.6 a dream with built-in Thertna.dor oven & rang.:,
diepo6al, harUwd. cabint·lH a nd 1natch111g formica.
We could go on and on about this ho me, but you
should i.ee it. Priced at $37.500. Nvw has a
S19.000 Ivan pa yabl1· $1GO fll:r mu.
lido home for lease!
Grac1uua 3 tx·drm . 2 bath h1•ml· wnh lanai aud full
diningrm. Lo\·rly patio A\·a1labl~ 11n Y"ll t1'1 lettse
<il li:.>"75 per rnP 1114•1 ~i:ti:dener
-I~ ft 11trl"l'l · l o -s trt'('t , bo..·st l<1( i1 LI • •11 S 1 B,5<.M l -
S3.CXXJ do'ol.'ll , S 100 1>(·r n1unth
The llbo\'l• ar•· f'x<·lW11\·1·11 "·1th uR' ( ·orn t' \•,
HEAlJQ L'AftTl-~RS for lht:b(' and vtht·r ~uOll buy:-,
in lots 1.nd homrs.
p. a. palmer incorporated
ole hen5on c o. management
3333 via lido, harbor 1500
ono little inClien
eay Wo -ral sood '-· OD Dip ,_, I
bed rm. 1 % bath, 2 potlao, blc )'Vd, bis ~
big view, little price. $19,llCIO. Clllof CriolW<I
kn.otn · all ~ call him I
two little in"dian1
11ay lhia one bic eooqb for whole tribe -S bednu.
2 bathJa, den, rum.pua room. onr 2100 mq. ft. ID
boUM alone. WW u.19 for H1 .tfnp ltancb., .lz..
cadla or Pa.ad.ena property. Price $28.900. War-
rior Breer ia your eoout -call him I
three little indian1
say this one high in Uy. Lilce big cbJet, you can
see all from lhe living room. Small, cute color-
ful 3 bedrm. Kings Road home, low price S2LO:OO
Brave Farm worth aittin' by pbone I
four little indians
say lhis one perfect summer home -winter, too.
On &!boa lMland, 4 bedrma., den, big patio for
summer talk a.nd sun. No better buy on the Iel&nd,
aa ya Chief No.t'ealhers Kincaid !
five little ir.die1 15
»:..y tht-·y ~II agree -lhu; une 1s HOT '. B ig family
h(;mc u1 :::ihort-chffM. 'f hu1 one secret, owner Hay
no ta.IM. on tPlephone. not on open market -but
will sell -I bed.rm., dming rm. $4-5,000.
\'larrior Osburn know!
p. a. palmer incorporated
ole hanson co. management
1700 w. cout bJgb"o1.·1ty -libt-rty 8·5573
Our Best Values
~fE:H..E TifE Y A!(~ Ji.at a hup,
•k!p a.n.1 a Juni p ir> lhe B&lbo11
Iv' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar • • •
OF LIVING n.y rront a.n d 1p.oo<1 ,wimming 1. SHORECLIFFS.
.. ~h. JuHt listed -exclusive with u11.
4 BR. hon1~. frpl fl1n1 S!e :'J()<)
:i l:IR. hnmt, t rpl. r rnt\I S1 7.~1
3 BR. home rp. <"•tr• 1.:.1 , I L7.~olJO
2 BR. home, g\l".1t •rt 1 12.r.uo
DELUXE e CNl-r:;;, 2 D.Jrrn f•• h,
1'hi11 immaculate 'J bedrm. and den ho me o n Morning
Canyon J{o&d "·1th panoramic view of ocea.n, hills
and canyon. FA heat, iarge flagstone p&Uo, carpet.II
and dra pc.e included and only .$31 ,500. Bfo::TI'ER
HURR'\.,. o n this one -It won't lut.
on 2 tot., choll"e Loc 11 rAr Day 1 2.
S PJ-.:CIAL 13VY. 3 bedrm. home plus 1 ~ be.ths,
fireplace, Juuble garage, fenced yard. YES in
Corona dcl l\i ar and onl y $15,000. $4000 down wil l
handle. Shown by appointment. Should irell qu.ickly.
LOVELY 3 BDJU.t. hon10: 2 bdr111
apt. g\l"•l !"OOm, 3 c11 r p raii•1
ctiolce loc.. 132.~
TWO ROUllES Oii I Lot . Z ~lh>JI
rum. A ro:al a"le•l AL SUl,950
3. DUPl .. EX. Cioae-1n choice location. 1 bednn. eacli.
l u111t fumished and on lea.se at $75 per mo. Fur-
niture included r-rool unit a.va.ila.ble for buyer .
1''P $16,750 -$4000 down will h&ru.Ue.
In • tnUl'r llfl•I warit illl U1f•·
J)f'NIYe home under I~" It
the lnlller w ill t>qu&J thJ..i owner,
equJty yr.u W1 1J hA''" only S!lll
per month to pey. Intf'reat 11
only 4 ~ peT'l::l!fl.L Tu:~ t.11d
Lntere<1t 1nc ludM In Lhe m onlh.11
JNlytnent. Only 2 Y"An old.
• • •
A LtDO lSW!: ADDRJ!:.SS. And
ll '• the only •po~ on earth Uw. t
c&Ji ooaipet. 'N\1h 8-YM, lJ
bedroom., ea.di W1t• enough tor
twin bedroiom A"l.3, 2 blltla,
la'l!:" llv!ng room w !th r~plaee,
dlnlnl' room and la.n&J C"omblna-
• ..,-, 0 _s _
-·· -· &•l-IO.\·a·--
IB.R.-1-doa-l'>i~ Ion--
Id ,_ +H•t-ns' nacm.. Mloel:r' ~ thnout.
... TIO ... _
1--~--.. aplnl l"llnl.28.R. --.. ........ ed!p,
~ -"' Bay -Neu Lllnry. 4 B. R. 1 \> baUI-----.-· .-...sdeyor.
Jl'uru. -SUl,lleO --cm down payment.
Very attractive one atory 3 yr. old home. S B. R.,
2 bath pl\18 maid'• room A: bath.
Sandy Beach -$65,000
Newport Beach-Income
$1:000 DOWN
Duplex -6 y ni, old -nicely furn.
B. R ea ch -cl0&e to ocean & channrl
F'ull pnce -$13 950
Deal With Realtori
lt~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa !lar 1264
... ..... ~ ... ' -
COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth ..
GOOD : l...ocation on the F..a at side
BE'l"l ER : See thi11 one right away
BFSr: 3 Br. home, bwd. floors, double garag e.
fenced yard. $11 ,000 \1,rith terms.
HOME & INCOME: Llvt in a large attract ive 2 Br
ApL with firepla.ce & garbage diapo&&I -Then ruit
two 2-Br. apt.. for enough lo ma.ke the monthly
payment.a. Mnve in lQ!iay for only $3000 doy,•n &
full price only $20.500 ·
Ila the laat week we ca.n show this close-in duplex.
2 Br, each aide. serVtec porches. garages & S!Ylall
guest boiae. The price is right $13.750 with
$2750 down.
C l Buaine&1 Zone : 2 Br. hom e, Hwd. floors. ,i::ilr·
age, Lot 50 x 150. Ideal for 11maU buainC1111 location
$11 ,100 with lemut.
the ..-. boyer, Owner will finance.
up, l dQWTI, tum l\)nl. •·c..ndlLJ.Jn , '1 .
$28,600 DELl'XE COR...~ER DUPLEX. Two bedrmt1 ea<".b.,
f1 ref1!acc. beat location. Shown by appointment.
Priced at SUi.000. Terms can be arranged.
Uon. bn-allful b1u· a.nd over-G N WELLS R It """ , ,u .... ,... '"""°" wiu. • • , ea or ENTERTA..INMENT OONSCIOUS! -then att thie
3 bed.rm. home wa.b. larK:e NITE CLUB TYPE
PLAYROOM, It'• complete bar &n d decor are
captivatinr. And ot coune, a large beamed ceiling
livingroom with 11tone ftreplace. Juel the pla.ce for
h&ppy relaxed living.
A:"n 'rHER ArfnA f'T'tVF; IJ!'-
l"LEX, 3 l11tr-11u1 11.11d i l11tlh"'
"a.ch a pl frcl air htlll, fu111 \
cnrner l••I 129,:'>lhl
A REAt. VALL'E. J b·lrn1 h ,1n1,. I
IO."!Ul I ... blllhR chuh'•' Rt~•.
Sl7,:'X)(}, J>ftllU AJid .unrl,.r k . I
AN'OTHll:R G,,>00 VALCE. 2
bdr.n hon1I', nr jelly, frpl.
3447 E . Cos.at H\vy. Corona dcl Mar Har. 47
(Office located next door to Newport Barbor Ba.nk, CDM:)
atorage C"&.blnetll. U nderpr1c1Nl. 1810 Newport Blvd., 0.la M· 'la l.J 8·1601
al $2~ ,GOO, S6000 down. rar· 1---------------....._ -.ti ..,
menl& lt!llll than nnL "'• f'ur.
nl•h fr'HI c rylllr towel• to lhOH
who com• too late.
• • •
* * * * *
Roomy 2 bdrm. home, fireplace Ir: garage. Paved
patio, nicely turn1ahed. A ate.al for $20.00G-terma.
2 U'DIU oe Bolbo& IAl&nd --··-.... • .. --.. -., ... $29,:IOO
8 Unit.a in Corona del Mar ···-·····-···············-$62,:KM:I
2 Unite. OD wa.terfront, Balboa ltJ.a.nd ...... $42.500
L•rce paUo. StT,800
------------·-------------! 11e. It you a.re a~ Whaa you 2 story 3 bedrm. home with 1% b&tha. dbl. ~,
fully furniahed, cl<>Be to beat North Bayfront beach.
306 llarine Ave., B&lboa l•land Har. 502 or 4623
3 bednn.-3 bath-3 year okl quality built home.
3 car pnp at.re.ed and plumbed for apt,.
A m'ust eee at $29,500
Complet.ely farnlahed -3 bdrm., 2 bath eac h.
Excellent condition on choice corner. $29.500
Low down to qualified buyer.
3 bdrm. &. den, 2 bath -dining room -Bay view
on lovely 40' com er lot. Blk. from bathing beach.
3418 Vla Udo, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972
Eva. LI 8-5297 -LI 8-3040 -Har. 5142
SAT. A SUN. FEB. 25th &: 26th t io 5 P. M.
1943 MAPLE ST.
(1 blk. f rom corner of 19th & Harbor Blvd.,
Three b<irms., hardwood noors, carpeted, fireplace,
double garage and completely grapeatake fenced.
New loa.n on property of $8 ,000 at $70 mo.
Will aell for $2500 dn.
W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor
''you'll like our rriendly eervice"
400 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa Llberty 8· l 139
NL'R NHTC -Dandy ~ bdml
fl.IYltly home loll or ch1rrn
S2!1/100 I
Mnn11, well loe.at<'d nl'ar llbrfu y
and .11tor'11.. 119,?Ml
111.f(" petto-porch. A real \••Jue
•t $40.000 •
OU f'Ll!:X, rharminf. many n""
teatu~•. rllfl't be duphc"ted rro r
!'lorn,. 11nd Income. pier ril(h l~
SM ,000
Balboa Realty Co. I
Oppoatte Hank Qr Amenca
Roe~ r;r,. .. 1 .. y Ed L•'"
Al C'r>rnpJiu~ J Oll<!phlne WPllb
237 Rochester
Three bedrms., nice living room with fireplace, 2
yrs. old. Immaculate and ready for immediate
occupancy. Near shopping center in good neighbor·
hood. $12,500. $2000 dn, will handle.
Three bcdrm. beach home, a few steps from ocean.
1n C"Xccllent rent&! area, near pier and markets.
Complett'ly fum ished including TV. St2,500
with ea•y terms.
3320 W_ Co~st l·Iwy~ Lfbcrty 8· 7773 700 ..; B•llJ1.>11. Blvll .. Balboa
Phnn~ J-/~rbQr .1277 "At t he Arches" Eves Liberty 8·3378 ~l~-~~~~~~~~~-1 -------
Bl B
3 RF:DROl'MS 11, hllll'<"· 1"1·r !~·
I AS KlNf: $2:1.,000. UJ\\" JJtiV>;>.'
' ~~
_,\ \'l·~n·.-J\ESrRA!JI ... ~ l l•lMJ-'; '"'
I 11. f~lllol)' 4 tle<lrOIUlll~. 2 IJi<!ll~
M•ny ""lrn• l1t pallo f'IT 11 • ;:"I
~rou11 f'nt ,.rta1nin,r • •
Th,. Pr!~ SU .. ')()r1 I
I St:£ B~'l'~-~a"' .'::"~~:,,~la"""'° I
BEAUTIFUL patio· with BBQ and everything
nec-essary for outdoor living at its beet.
Garage11 galore.
Only $10.000 down.
Ll't I hIB one build t he equity for you.
Pa.rk Ave. at Marine, Balboa. I11land Harbor 2462
\\',(h lw:J j)atio.• li11n1at~Ut><I fnr
----1h~ t111•1l •••;o n\cJ h:<.-.. lh-•!> ••n lh" . "BUILD NOW .. $4.90 per sq. ft. LITILE ISLAND
3 bednn .. l ' ' bnlh•. runu•hed yea<-rnund hom•·
with So. B11y view n nd 11t·µartltf> 01n1n~ roon1 . forced
a.ir heat. Rl'~dy fol-immed1.:i.t1· occupancy. $26,5'00
DORIS BRAY , Realtor
21 6 Marine 4,ve .. S.lboa lshlnd Ha.r. 20 or 64
1· .. n a .. 1H.1. ~ 1, 1!ro:.11a. ,;,.,, '.!
buttu Tlil~ 1'1:.1•1•· llunle "f '•·i.11
1 \hi' tlnr•I In ph1n.nr•I »rchllrrt·
, "l'•I r .. n~t rut'll•ln wHh tnlln ~·
' f'>;ll'U , !:l•'lllllln;:--II \f' '"'~Ii i
I ,JI r~:ln8 I .,1 •lr1 per1~ f':I..,·
i;:uta~t J,jK;r l.l•-ler11 G I!: kil<:hrn l!:Xt,_.L.U liiJV ~: A GENT I
()foal \li'llh ReaJtoni I
Bay & Beach Rlty Inc
Square Foot
Square . Foot
of Garden Grove, Inc .
v •• l.tdn Bnd11 otfll' •1• 38 t J I I ft4 t WM1lm1nster-Blvd . Garden Grove
~Ju.t r1«'1t or Ule Ul'lo HM~" '
LF: 9.ooJJ
-IL OWner ... ,. It'• 7 yean
old. One &pL hu 2 ~room. A:
2 batha.. on. hu l Mdrooma. .I:
I bath, two apll, have one bed-
room .Ir l bath ea.ch, n Ice I y
rumlllhed, SUl,600 r euoMble
cuh down or CJWner will take
wood lat tNSt 4-d u down
payment. Will J>U'I: S cara.
• • •
poa.cduJ and quiet llvlnl" can be
yaun all Ula da.yA of your llle.
:i--one bedroom unlta, nlcely
furnished $13,MO. Owner h11.a
$7300 equ117. WUI RU OI' trade
in Nawport a...cb ana.
• • •
Even lt you ha.v. arthriU., when
you '¥' what •e can 9ell you
f&r $1(000 .tth onlJ" ''°°° doll'n.
A brand new 3 bedroom borne,
J ball'I• loaded w1!h tile, u la
&I~ the Jr:ltchen.. Ft"'pla.ce,
bullt·ln own aad atoire, l car
l(V8«'e. Slf"eet Improvement.
Arti all In Mid paid ror. Good
• • •
Seven l•land• Realty
& lnve•lment Co.
!>03+32nd St., N~rt Bch. Caill.
Hu. b868. after !I p. m. Har. ~7
rut are a on hlg'hWaY TS In
Aakin1 price $28,000
~ bedrm. home with 3 bat.ha. Exoellent construction
and nicely am.aged. Located near South Bayfl"Ollt.
Price $39,!K)() -tenrui to auil.
Back Bay view Jot, the fineet residential
aection. $17 ,500
208 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand
Next door to the Pomt Office
Har. «t Evea Har. 1229-'R Har. il68-R
Aren't We Lucky!
That We Can Offer You-
&O' lot -I.up Patkt
2 bdrmA. • cs.a
2 batNi -on Udo
40 rHt -$12',000
Bnt buy on Udo
Ona of Udo'• nn.t..
Lars• lot -Pat.lo
Near Udo Club A T..m. Court
t bdnna., 3 balhll, dlnlna" rm..
Breakfut Bar
Too ch.arm!'ftl' to dMCr1ba her.I
KILLION, real estate
SJ.41 H.-port ~MOO
norlhem 811.n DI.ego Co. near -------------------------
Pa.Jomu Mt. 33~ acre1 all In
('UltlnUon le&Hd. Adjotn. •
sbopplnl' oent .... CloM lo nncla·
t~ of pron ln~t people •ltl'I
cltrut .t. avocado srove1. Land
l~y" n1,.. .. 1y fnr •ubdlvtalon. Wa·
t,.r ·~·.i."'1 •h<>lly own~. $61,·
000, c lf'ar. A home ha-ra .tU M
eon•ldered aa part. Owftft' D00
ctlff Dr\Vtl'. etp7t
BT OWNER, ! br. lMWI•, Mwd.
r1oor1. ~·rb. dlap. R.edwuod fen<:·
f'd. t)f"9( F'""'l •ld11 k>c. Xlnt. eond.
UWAl t"rm.11 1nq. U3 I!. Bnload·
way, COl!ta. Me:.. 'fl,(-71'1
Looklnc for your money. worth ! Tbla. take • look at
thi.o 3 bdrm., 2 bath, ahab roof -Only 8 moo.
old. Blrcb kitchen, built in lltove 6: oven, carpeted ltT.
rm., 11pacioua patio 6: wn deck. Only $108 mo. PQD1t..
&t 4\1,%. F. P. $23.!j()O. e..t PmlnouJ& locatlou.
OPEN SAT. SUN., 2010 E. OCeon Blvd.
or call now
2604 N.wport Bl>d., NewPoOt 8-lb
. '~
I .
'! ZL;Q 9 I ·:......: ___ -.!•!:-~·~·!!ii!.!.!!!!'!!'!.:-:__;";..:~'-~ •. I
.··• -.
. -..
-. ---
' "We're MoYing
• • J to-Irvine Ten-ace" •
Dlfft ID today and -ror ~ the --• wtUi .......... ,.,, •••• ,.. --•• --. ...,,. .... ....,...._,~~---.-·-~-------~~~~ ·~--QU'/11.it:ITY
e J .,_, iai-p bellrma. I
1n------·······-----·---·• -~a' :· c fwtiaw -ot~.nmubWa-·o -., .. _
..... Wwd. ftoanf
• QualltJ' oomtzuctioll!
e 1 Wood llbtqlto root -J.c•. Ji:ttch, -PaUo!
• tee. lot ~ a.ek Blt.J' 6 pit COW'MI
• Only UNO dow1' I
$13.960 FULL PRICE!
• 8-m eel.liq -J bdrm. • den -t ~ bath!
• J ~. bullt·ln nu:ap. O'f'WI!
• 1\9 ~old -Obi. pr.-euatam buUl!
e N-.r lftcb A Jr. Hip .ebocll!
e Patio -U.-1 brick bNUtut bat ~
P'IJ'LL PRICE $17 ,9C50 !
• J bdrm., I bath -HdWd. noon!
• nr.plaol, -dlJl1nC room -pa.Uo~
• Dbl. p.r. -~. klleh. -Hrv. porch!
• Rdwd. fence -lnaulated-weathtt atrtppen ~
• rtne m..t~ k>e. -awnlnp, etc !
• PllU Pno. On.tJ llt.860!
• ~1.L '"' iOW payment. tncl. t.a:.ce•!
• Shake root -a bdrm. -1 '>i bath:
• H!fWd. nooni -butlt·ln oven:
• u ..ci brick tlrepl&ce -6 mo. old!
• O&rb. dkp. -&l.J f.nc.d -1.&na..cap.d:
• Ftne EuUld.e loc. -forced air heatt
U .200 DN.!
$18,500 FULL PRICE!
1896 Newport Boulevard
Co.ta Mesa, California
Llborty S.1161 Evea. Liberty 8·3010
* * • * *
~o .tew -panelled living •room, Jge. fi~
place, all picture windOWI, natural wood kitchen,
3 bedroom.II 2 bath•. Mu.t .et to appreciate,
thia rustic home.
Owner built quality home 2 bdrm. &. den, 2 bath.
14.x23 livinc room. dining room. FA beat, w;w
carpet&, 2 patio9, pier and I.lip. Tenn. can be ar-
r&llpd. $40,000 lull price.
Good Eut Co.ta Meu location. 2 room bouae.
Flaptone patio and Bar-B-Q. Newly decorated
inaide &nd out. $6960 tull price.
1M foot corner lot on Harbor Blvd -Center of
buainieu development. Terms.
1700 Newport Blvd.
Phono Liborty 8-5597
Coot& Meoa
Evening Lfberty 8-7457
SQ. ]!_A.Y ~ B. R,, 'path pluo 1 {I. R, apt ......... $59,;IOO
NO. BAY 3 8,R, 2 bath plus 2 B. R, apt ......... $73.500 -.
>,> BU[, from Bo. B&y, • BR., 3 bath, wood
paneled liv. rm., firepL ; 2 BR. over gar.
oouJd ..Uy be converted to 1 BR a pt.
Prteed rli'bt •t ............................................ $27 .500
LIDO NORD ~ B. R. -2 B. R. apt ..................... $89,500
LIDO NORD 3 B. R. -Pier 6 alip .•...........•..... $59,5()0
Ll"I'TLJ: ISLAND, Tropical .ettin1, 4. Bdrma. plu•
1 BR. rent&! ..•..•.•.................................... $3•.ew
NB, NO. BAY 2 B. R. ····------··························$22,500
NEAR NO. BAY 3 B. R. ........................................ $25,000
lNCX>Mlll, UNITS: ............ $25,750 to $38,000 incluaive.
c:::hlck with ua on theme and others.
Bar. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-622:?
Joba Macnab Harbor ~9
22IS Karine Ave., Ba.I boa Ia land
Near the Beach -Minutes to El Toro
Beeutiful Contemporary Rench Home
$ll,800 Full Price . . . . VETS NO DOWN
• n.isned by famed Cliff May
• 3 bednna. -2 baths
• Built around Patio area
• Firepl -Muter bedroom suite
• Built-in Range and Oven
... thi• furnished model home at Red hill and
bv1ne in wonderful Tustin, Sale.man at homes
daily 2:30 to 8.00. Call Lehigh 9-3523 for
1'formation evenings.
311 Onyx, Ba.lboa laland 11 a. m . to 5 p. m.
Friday, hb. 24 through Sunday, Feb. 26
.A Debt and cheerful 3 bed.rm. hoUM:. We ll fur-
.....S with fireplace aud paUo. New double gar-
• ltnmed for ,apartment. even a 12 rt. Glaaapar
..... wtUt .a.n e>n..ahoiie mooring. s:;ooo do•n,
Custom Built on Your Lot or on Our Selected Property
from Standard low Cost Plens or Custom DHi9n1
Just completed -t B. R.. 2 bath homm at
16th St, Near Tu8t.tn
19th St. &nd Orange
2tal St. near·"8anta An&
Under canst.ruction -2 B. R. Duple.xea . .:at
Victoria and Charle. ( 7 duplex.el)
Flower near Sa.nu A.na ,
A Fow of ThHo Are Still Available for Solo . Call for Appointment.
Soon to be Offered b Triplexes-2 b.r. each.
I Priced Below Older, Smaller Re-Sale Un its)
2129 Harbor, Costa · Mesa
THREE BEDRM., hardwood nrm.,
Ule kitchen and bat.tr.. thermo
conlroll6d h•t, •utomatlc wuh·
er. rerrtrer•tor, West.em-Holly
, ... ranc•. and carpeuna lnel~.
Lo"' down payment.
Executive Home
Call for Literature and information far )"OW' band~
ing project -without obligation..
Ju.t u Y9~ can't learn medicine:, law or any other
profession by merely hanging out a •ign.
Let one of the 300 memtier. of the Board handle
your t.r&naaction for you • • •
We 're 901n9 to ••II A Million Dollars
worth of reel estate .-ech month of I 95b!
u a.ns9
Corona del Mar
Ren ta a. blq -! Mdnn. horn•
Ju.t 15 )"8&l'9 old A n-ty redeco·
rated. lncludiJlC wall tD wall
carpet&. Jt bu a. fireplace.
BBQ and ~ and a..n!ce patio.
&.U tt:JT t.h• iow tull prtc• or
A Rare Item .
i. any nlce I bedrotlm In Corona
del Kar undw fl0,000; but here
It i.. and ll'a Cood YLlue at 119,·
• Mon and more Harbor ..,. f•mW. ..... m1P9"*tnr
tbme eaquiaite homes -notinc tbelr acmfart. ..-
..,....,.. and Cftltnl loc&tlon,
• More and more famtliea who prefer a home In a re-
-.ci quallty community are mO\'lnc Into tholr
lnJne Terrace lmmN.
Inspect the model homes,
built b M Co y acco rp.
exquisitely furnished
by Martin & Von Hemert
lrvine Ternce is located on Cout Highway oppotlit.
the new lrvtne C.OUt Country Oub. .
Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For lk~ommendation, we refer you to a.nyooe
who bolds a Leasehold Estate in lr\•ine Tt-rrace,
Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Clift Haven ----
Eeshide .Bu ild ing Site
On onto of be-Mt curbed & pnvcd ~tr1 .... t·t1 and <ill
sewer. 4 fo<Jt chain link ft>nc~ on (Jilt' 1:11dt· tt nLI
acrosB rea.r. Nice home.'! adJt_i1n1n ~. ·15 x 13>\
Only ~3 lM
3 Bedrooms - 2 Baths
wail lo wall ca.rpet. c.uslom dr!lp•·i9: ll1.~1·••.~;1\
Nicely de<:o rate4 ~ c lo~ in $2000 doV>'ll. :;;7:l 1;o•r
, month. F'ull pnct-$11 .500
PRICED TO SELL ' ~er Hurry. 2 good frame, 2 B. R_ housei;. well
IOcated on east.side corner lot and on sewer. 1-I ousel'i
are separated by 2 car garage and re nce, g1v1nj(
appeUanoe of eepa.rate properties. Ideal sitU;ot ivn
for _bopie and in~ome. Only $13,150 with~ rl,n
Sat, 6 Sun .. Feb. 25th & 26th from .. I to :> p. m.
1943 Maple St.
( 1 blk. f rom corner of 19th & Harbor Blvd.)
! Bdrm.a., hardwood noon , carpeted, fireplace.
double garage and completely grapetitalte fenced.
rww loan on property o! S8000 at $70 mo.
Will Mil for i 2000 down.
W, A, TOBIAS, Realtor
"you'll like our friendly .ervice"
400 E. 17th St., Coot.a Meoa Liberty S.11311
A friendly houM' with heavy shake roof• and a.
•triking exterior design. (The location i• be!autl·
ful ) 3 lge. bedrooms - 2 bathe, lge. kitchen.
cheerfUJ living room overlooking a patio. H.W,
flooni, FA heat-beautifully landscaped Ir fenced,
th~ works. lmport.a.ntly different, t hl:' property ia
priced for-a fast sal~ at $22.500
DON 'T CA.LL THE VOGEL en(\.. TWO 8E[JflM8. plw rueat hou•e.
hardwood noor•. tile Jt ltchen "'
bat.tr.. On full acre ot level land
covertld with bearlRI' fl'ult tree..
tlower1 and ahrubll. Double l'H·
ag-e with att ache-d work 1.hop.
Thia home I• ln perle<:t wndl·
'lion. cloae in. In !)Qt Ea.at aide
dl•trict . Call lhi• office tor de·
Multiple U.tinr Service
Newport Harbor Board of Realtors
~ -.nd -ean worll out the
tepna, not only a bedrma. a t. thl•
pr1ce, but an extra la.rce lot ! M .. ·•
ll 100) IMMI & NICI: VIEW, front
unt il you have driven by 2031 E . Balboa Bi{:d~ See
thie moat desirable location for youraelf and then
we will ehow yoo th~ inside of this epacious custom --.
bit. 3 bdrm. and den 2 bath home. You'll love the
bay view from the king size master bedroom.
-Askin~$28.500 with good term.a.
lil82 Newporl Blvd.. Co.Illa Mma
LJberty 8·1872 l!:v1111, LI 8-4120
Llberty 8-8613 Liberty 8-3727
Newport Heights
lk<aulllul 3 bdr1n. home Ju1t :i
year• old. Brick f l re p l•ce,
bre11k ta1t bar, dining &fell,
hd\O·d. tloo•·•. UMd brick on
front. Vf"ry. v•ry nice. Full
price •14,600 )'Ve h•ve the key··
AlllO In Newport Helghl11 lh\1. 7
year old 2 bdrm. home ror
"ART" ADAIR, Rltr.
ISM Newport Blvd .. C:o11~11 M1111 ..
LI 8-3792 0t· LI 8·1)688
2,'3 F URNISHED h<"'m i:, ~ter·
than ne'll·. red!'Mrat..,I, papered,
pa.nelln,g. \vv.· carpellng, ~ de·
lighltul eheerrul 3 'BU1 n1. llo111e.
Jullt I ye1.r old. Priced at I ll.·
1'15-0. term•.
18:17 Newport. ("l)llta Me.a
LI 8-1'32 1Cv11nina:11 LI '8-t•OO
23 Rentals
Top Income
Wf" t h•llt.nge c<u np11ri10t1 ot price.
in<"On'" • l.,rm~ (All '·"''""r Af ·
ter •-30 H1r, :i3t4. Nc:80
--~ ________ ,
401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach
and ti.ck yarda, 1 %. bath•. newly
decorUecl, n~place, douWe pr-
.... • • • It won•t be on thlll'
market Ion&".
Deal with Realtora
OUR EXCLUSIVE, exclusively for you Ba & Beach Rlty Inc
A perfect two bedroom l"Wltic h ome with ocean Y ,.... __ d 1 M -r · 80 . -...v•--e ar .... , Ice. view, foot lot. 15 x 20 livi11g room Mth u.ed 3~ JJ:. Oout Hlpway-Har. M63
brick fireplace,. built in book cue, hdwd. floors, -
thermo controlled heat. drapeti. wall to wall car-DOCTORS OR DENTISTS
pet~g, dining room and aunny kitchen with cabi-In S&Dta A.Ila: W• ~ve a la rge
nets galore. Disposal, fan over •tove, diahmaater, home which ean eu1.1y be ma11e. Into 3 or 4 otfieec. The owner
lot.a of tiled drainboard. Muter bedroom 12 x 16 wtll clv• ions .......
with Mr. and Mn. wardrobe• plwi dtteaing table.
Tile in bath, o\'ersi7..E' ga rage, fenced yard, Jand-
f). scaped. A steal at J21,000
3144 C. C.1:;i:;t 1.-;,.y. l~oro n a dcl Mar Har. 2288
(across from Bank in C.O,M.J
1023 W , Bay Ave.
OPEN DAILY 1 to 4 :30 p. m.
Thia ia a real cozy 2 bedroom home. with an extra
bunk room and bath adjoining the large 2 car
g-arage. Thi• is a 1ingle family home on a. big 45·
lot acrosa from lhl' beat swimming beech. An
incomt-unit can be added. Tile roof, firepla~ and
everything fo r comfort. We can a.rn.nge
terml!l to suit.
The t>Mt huy you ever .. w in a
Saw Shop-In ea.ta M--A
bu.11y place ttt..t can O. bought
al the rirbt price.
Multiple Lt•tlng -~tor
Buatne... Brok.-r
3136 £, Coaat Hwy, Corrin a deJ Mir
Harbor 21!12
V!KW of Back Bay wat•r-blllll.
unbeata.ble. We can deliver two
R·l rel.ld~Ual 1.llell at $8600
A •TOOO .nu. 114 down.
J807 Newport. C-t& M-
U l"-1832 t...Unc• LI 8-1400
. View Lot
Olle of tew, not a I-hold. Re·
J1.1<."'""1 1.(1 pZ.:IO tor QlJlCK C&All
DAN A.. .IAOOB88N, Rm.I lllotate
Ka.r. Mil. LI 1-6117, Kl l ·2117
3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8·3481
If so, we have just t hat. Thia beautiful rambUDg
home contains t bedrme., 3 ba.tha. dining room,
double fireplace, apa.ciowi living room and in addi-
tion there is a large den or family room. It is wired
for electric range, has electric di9hwuher, drapN
r..11d w/w. carpeting. Beautifully land9Caped aud
eprinkler system. Muter light IJW:itchea, and ood1tw
of other items found only ia cuatom built homee.
There is ample apace provided in patio for 8Wim-
ming pool. Property is •iluated on corner lot in
one of the best parts or Qiff Haven.
Shown by appointment only.
Call Stan Le J.jevre
15th &: Irvine LI 8-2664 Eves: LI 8-70Ge
A TTRACTJVE 1 atoly flome, livable and oonv•·
ieot. Three bedrms .. 2 batha. maid'• room and bath.
' fulJ price $22,500
DORIS BR Y R I 124,000 DOWN U:AVES YOU DUNCAN HARDESTY R I TitREE BEDRll. Rous£ IMOQ. Carpet.a, drapet, and applia.nce9'included. A ' ea tor ..... moolh ..-ofil " 112.000 ' ea tor .. ,.,.,.. ......... Tw""' "'ou!L
J:1I Karil.a Ave., B&lboa Ial&.nd Har, 20 or 6t = ~e11.v.-• 1194 pront. F".H.A. 2602 Newport Blvd .. Newport Bl'ach Har. 4718 su at 172 Viet.on.a. Co.ta lilMa T. D. ROGERS, Harbor 1585-W Or Ryan 19028 ~-~----~~~~------------.:..,:;:.::::.·.:;::T_•~~:::.:·~·-~W::;•:-~'"li>~.i!_ .. J-~u:' ___ ~--------...:_ __________ ~:._:"'~u~n'._"'""""°~n-•_>·_""_'_· __ •_•u_'..:._ ____________________ ~--
' I