HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-16 - Newport Harbor News Pressl
' I' , __
,.,,.. Irltbmen ant John McCarthy, 7 and hi. ~alt:r, .iitoUy, 9, children of Kr. and
M,._ Jaok McCarthy of 106 7th St., Newport Bel.ch, and they celebrate St.
P&triclr:'• Day tomorrow by buying noweni of th" Au.Id Sod in Richani't Karir:et
n ower Shop. J ohn bolds pot. wit h Shamroc ks v.'hile him ai.ater clut.cbe. a bouquet
ct Bell• ot lttland. -Staff Photo
PlminllHJ Commission
Upper lay 210-lot
Btrtbday pl"9M!llt for the Newpor:t Harbor New.-Pre81 In Ila 4~h year wu the
(i&at M PIP Hoe Newspaper Pree.a pic tured above .u members of a local Gi.rl
Scout troop watch it go into open.lion on the fint run' tht. week. Tbe 100-toa
mon.a-wu tnnllerrecl into ,l;he local plant from tbat of the O&kland Tribm:Mi.
It ls powered by a 75-honepower electric motor and i. capable ~ produciac
2'7,000 ""'*-Of "4 -f!OCh per J>our under -= produetioa.. ftio
oqul-t lo bowled Ill a 2!1CJO.fL oddltion l<> the bulldins ol the N ... • p,_
wbkh bu j1IOt been complel<d by the South Cout Oomlnlctioa Co.-swr Photo
:\'BONI: HARBOR · 1111&
·• ··t .
Boards Name 2 Members
to Study Costs Involved
aAN'TA AXA -IOCHll) -O-t.dlq It WU U..
prtndP'e not Ute na. ._ ... ..-ma. a.tlMr 0 . H~,
64, of JOU W . l ltb llt .. ca.ta 11-. W10il ,_, ..-.. --
t.--d to 0...,... Oouaty Jail ror ....io..c .. mpropw Wt
''" ""
Sup1nisor, 17 Worli1r1
Occupy Tempona 'f Office~
On March 21!1 .onu1 )() account-
la1 department P.NOIUl•t. n-.d-
ed "1 HeUpot Oon~"' J-
a yan, ... in •l up ~ •t 1-
~ t Ill"-, a.ta --., HO
ff•UWt.. ~ .:!u.i'.
eiaGft 0 -ta fM
equtpm•t. wan tom&e TVtOWI~ p&rtmmr. In tour bulldl.ap
the Pl.-lla .A-. ~ ln1
•l.p-by-.c.ep -. to .a n-p
ill N.wport -...::11.. TIW oompa-
ny ~~ .. e·ror
the SJ mUUoa f9dlltJ" wlltdl will
•ccornmodat. JOOO -ploy ..
whml k UI ln tull .production by
tM end. "' tlle )'.ar.
H.Upot '-U-..-tTTN IC. en-
Ur-9 8ou&kw. ~ opera-uoo. now loeatild iil· 'ioilth ........,_
d-.a aad .U1 ..,,'\A' eommunl• ·
u-. to die MW plaat. at New-_.._.. .
"-He.llpot n.cat. ttll tempo-
rary Cmt& ... _ t~ th.y
-w· M ooovpt«I lty &.elunan'•
A..rp • .Dh1iikill Which .t:fu. WMk
announc..t pluu to move f rom
Bouth Puadena t.o ~ Me..
TIM ftNl Arp untt,1 an ~
ultld to &IT!." Ut. 009l&•W-In
July, t~ eonipMUon ot ..
nrua bUJJcMri&' at u.. PleclaUa
.... 1oceu..... Addlu..J. AFp
~ w1ll i.k9 ....... UM
~ tour mlldlap u Hel-
tpot mo.. oa to 'N..._-BeM!h. A1S9 pi -Mr ol ........ m.cti.
UUc:al ~n-Mlf for utanaUl
control ~ tn Mra..tt and
~ ....... ~to COl'll-
plet• It. .IZIO'Je to Colla M-
oeat FebruarJ". ~ ftnll -;ao,.
-· 209 ~-· ••••
PllOl"OllD A.HNU.&'llON ..... -Abon map lndlcat.M 9Cop8 ol ·----
-W.C -"' Qty ol N.wport lleoeh, Ta-tie ud P!alllor CUIJ>O"·
Uou. [Memoed-llnld ...., M•W t.be land wbme o•ww haft not nqu.t..d.
• rstlolt to Now,_. . .._. W ii a 11 ., tor tile project to .be eot:nct llianr.
-Ill.., ..,. -It • 0
' ' : '
... ..
' ..
" ..
" •
: i
FRIDAY, MARCH •l61 1956
UHFURN', 2 or 3 bi1iUm, ...._
BaJboa.'bland, .s..rlboW9 "ttcmitJr.
WUJ J>9Y to 11110 mo. t..Ehtsh
t -28tl2. ltdM
, . •. . , .. ~SA tLAZE
Damage in a garage fi re whJcb broke out 1hortly a.ft.er 11 a."Dl. ysterday at 868
Magnolia St., Cost.a Mea.,. wae et1timated at $650 S~ .to the .ftnloture, 422:5
lo the contenl.9 . The home ill owned by T. H. Darling. Fire <PnwntJon ~loer
Ralph Lee today .ea.id the blue waft still "under inveetiption." -staff 'Photo
CMI Sundo.y
' \
• c
'"' ,,,. -'""
·~ ''" ..,., ... . .,, ...
Wew ·View 'Whew!
E'vtty look a tbriJL Art.isll! wi ll want to n11we 1n
w1lh you. A tu Jut>S s n hurry
Ra.Jboa I.e land
I I a rb",. :.?O~
713 Poppy, Corona ti~I fl.l r1r
foT1., Sat. -Sun . l '.? to 5 p. m
Hr&.Dd new li111ting 3 bedrml!I., rosy fireplol"f'. large
lot '& 1 ~. One & one•balf ba th.' Only $21 .500
oc euy 'tenna.
307 Marine, Bl.lboa Jii!:lud 'Har. 2950
SCHOil 11NITY •Ion. Thet"e 111 100 lar.g<' a r:•P
betwef!n. i.11114'.~.~~d v'a1u .. 1lona or
C:'unUnia.o.I ,,..111 ,,..,,., r. I' Lhe t wo dl~\ri('l~, h" t;.!llt!Vt'<l. If
I thr !'h.~!rlo·t.11 w1ut for 1< few yt'&l"I
!"r u the ko!ln:l h11d llflfm Hhle thla J:&JJ wUI <'lr1.~e ,.uff1c"'"lly !•• lltlt'rrr111i.,, !.fte ~floll wuuld ~j "° lhHt It w!ll not I><' an Ip~
hi,t;:ht'r t.:. the NtWJ><'r' H<!ach • 1n a un1r.c .. t>un , 111n pa1•n To
•>Ju,11111'\nal prugra111 thun l'uulJ l'1llk<' •«Jt•r~ tak~ :<!•l··~ 111 1t1111 11••>1 .. 1! wurth ""hLl<' 1 l,u•a wu1o1J.1 ~ tu<"•••&\,.,. .t<"h11.m
, llt>:'ol lllNU f'Al'A("ITl l v.'hu~h wou ld J-1<'"\p•HI <' UnLf1<"1.t1v n
11 .. lurlhf'r ~.,.,.·ffi lhaL "f"u turf' \ndef1nrtf'ty, l.Ju11~1111 dt:clar<'l1
hq1l•hn,; proognm !h,. t1n1fl"tl tlJ,.. j ··1r "" '"" k""Jl th" l"''•rle
\J<ot "''"'Id b<' 11 bJ., tu t.H,11d 11-(frnm rhwalng 81Clr,.· 11u1<' lh•••"<' j "·Ir '" S7 .S7~,&81l b<-tc>r,. be<•om-1 wit\ b<-a r,.·lt"r r_;han,.,. fqr uno -
1"1: f'l1Jl:ll~I" tn al.li te 111tl 111 ir ficat\on 111 thf' f!llur .. : hf' ,;;.oh!
I tll•-u111(1c<! dl.Oltnct \"n1-!o;I tu u-1 ~"'11 '" to0ndfd 1n4ebl""drl""• 01 ih,. xr:c·r:~~ r ALl.F.D
I ' .. ·I·'• I f°" •""•· th .. <11M n r t Dunc«n" t"'lk wi..; ruUow .. a by
.,,,,.,11 •tlll h•,.e a bond1n1 car11.-a re<:o»s dur1ng , .. 1uc h the d1l·
'11v v r '$5',0f4.889. fetf'rlt tx;11rrl• 111.lkr-J tho: eltuat1un
"t " lh" f'Xt enl lh•t the11• bond• uver,
""'"I•· 111..1th .. n r.li!'I to ~pl•oe •tate
t><11l'!'ni: 11 1<.J llOW llVlllol1•bl!" l o • Und•·t tlt• 1'11-tr law It I.II rl«:'!IA-
t ·,.~!u ,\1 """· l11.xe,, "-"Ou lcl he Jn-•a ry une of Lwu 11l.-p11 be laken,
cr~!tM!<'I tn the entire Ar e/I ., either "'1 1n1mMl1ate public h11ar-
Ur111!looy Sr II.wan. P• t•ident of Ing on f.-.:1.• ln hand ()r a heM.r-
th" t''lllfte M-bo!ird. 11.0mtttffl •ng arter a •ludy by the oum-
th"t Anderll"TI'• Ogur,.1 wtre cor-m itt-. 'rtli11 11tUd)". .,v,.n ll prti-
'""'· bin decla red It wnuld bf' llrn1ruu·y """· would c....,t at le•Jll ---:-::-::::-:--::-:::'.":::°'.:'."::----------------IP''·•~1bl,. lo arrl~ 11! rtirr~rl'nl S:'>OIJ ll LL'Ul'cl1 n1o; to C'nunty Supt LECbJ. 'NOTI~ l-oncluaior'll! or their effe-i~l 111 flv•.• Lln lon il!nununa. wliu aoc.d a.~
'-r5 LEGAL NOTICE ell•• or proj..i:tion He 11,.1,i hl' ltd<'r<elury to the curn n11ttee. H L" ---------------------------·lri.-11~•·"·! t he •ounty t"t>mmttt .... office 11tarr will blow to do Ul<J
shuu1.i gu 11.hearl and ml.lie a atu-O.rd w11rk and he .,,,.11.1 lo.th to
dy ol un1 flcll tu:rn .,.,d preaent ltll undertllke the ri<P"'nff and loll
f1guru a t • pubhc bea.rinc Which When it W&A 11" app111rent th.a.!
1n11~t t.e c•lL•d ,.. r•ult ot the ~ of th .. J Lllt rH'Lll WILii ar•lnet
twu b<Jftrtl,o h,,.vJng peUUoned for Ute propoaal.
C1t1 or N-,ett .......
S.tfl of o.m.nu.
."OTICI: TO ('(), ... 'TR.A• ·roK~
SE ALLD 1'R0 1-'0SAL8 •Ill be re.;t lveo! a t th" utt1w <Jf !hf" ('II\'
r·J,.rk City IU11, City or Newport 8-eh, 1·11.tftorn.1.a, u11t1! '1 !I) !' ;o.f
1.r1 tll~ !fth. rl•y o f Apl'll 19~ 11.t wl'llch Ume tnooy Wiii t;.-11ublJcly "f'""'"J
"'"I r<'a<I . tor p!l~nn•q wol1l u fOllo..-.:
lhP cuunty ~·unim ttltte aid. JI wa11 finally dlll'lded th•t the
1-"l'lr tht Re•urfac1n1 M
H11 y Avenue a nd BalbtHl
..J' 8ouHTa nt.
-b :-:v bkl ...-tll be re«ivl!ld 11111-It 111 made •"1 11 propoul form tllm -
\ Wlec! b)''°',. Ctty Eftatneer. Eaeh btd muat 11-e •«omp.nl.._1 hy 1cu h
a r1\flfYI or Cil.WtJf"r'• chf'clt , or •1.ddtr• bond) :-<lar1t ,,.yable to the
('1ty of Naw~rl l!.eaeh, for an amltWlt tq1i.aJ tu 11.1 le&11t t•• ~nt
•:,Jor:' of the amount hW. auth ru-ranly_l o bf' forft1lfd •houJd the
i't/''1•·r !(• whoin the c<>nlr11r t i. a wa rded rr.11 tn ~!'Jib the c-on tr11 cL
•' 111 11.cconiance wl!l'l the provlt lllNI nf Sectlafl"[" !'M'ti to 11a1 of Hie
Th11t lllolre 1~ a deeper 11\lffll -oommllt1te (Jf bu1H•l niember11 •net
(lo-rtncc lo unification than dollan1 two trom the cn1nm lttee would
... n<! ctnt.1<. wa11 lhe thmne ul be fnrmed In •n effort to "'11.ch
Schw1.11. at..ati:tnent• &nd the ne...J e.n agl"<!lemenl on co•t• of lhe
tflr .ChOOI.\ fur ni,.nl.a lly def"\.r.1f'nt unlfll.'&tlnl'!, 1nunedl&tf' and pro·
pup1LJ whtrh c:ou!cl tJ., fl1111.n.;;ed Jf'•'lO!'d It wa11 11tated that thf'
by • unlhPc! d111tnc t w•~ rnen· ~tlllf' pl('k11 up th.. lab for all
Uon,11 the ilU'lerenc... In munt'y •nil-
~l;.,r ~ lite Ctt:v Council or I.he City ot Newport Ret1.ch haa aA-
1 U!nffl tlle c meral pravaH1111 rate of wac• appllcable t o the work
be clone u rollo"-'•
fi tur•tcv•1nt elated 11 h<td oo .. n
the rornmlttte'1 experience that
un1t1c .. tkJn pmrram1 are not 1uc-
ce1113fuJ whl!"rf' both board!! Were
nbte to the unln •d <.\J.atr!ct from
pl'cvln11,. l11.-un1r. for ,t he tir1l
year. tiut l!M! atiru!'11 t1d d!rnln-
1~he1 10 per cent f!ll.r.h ' Tear
t .•
llourly Per Dl~m
not behind the rnovement 1.nd It
Wftll apparvit that ~uch w1..11 1101
th~ c..., .. 111 the prel!lf!.nt meet1 n1 .
tLI thf' new <li1trlct 1_, on Ii. ""''n I.out• Conrad>" o f tha Or·
""li:e Cua.,t College board, a
mf'n1b<ir of thr county •·01n mlttee
'" • ,.
W&«e Seate
Cemen t r!.nl.Mer
l..Aboreni. General or Con.lructivn .
A11phalt Ra>ler "'1d Ironer
-< P"lapnan ~ Watchman and/or Gu..nl •.. ... . ...
2 9Q
"' 2,.
2 00 ~ Appren!!c. Ena'tn .. r. lncludtnc l"lren111.n, Oller,
.., -o~r ·-··-·····-··········-·· 2 .2'1
Air Compre..or Operator 2.3'1
A•pha!t Plant Fireman 2.llCi
Ill 36
19 28
""' '"'"
Don Dungan. Co!lta N e11a clly
altorn"y 10t1d member of \hf'
N<!wport Harbor Union H t&"h
Sehool boftrli. brought the matter
to A head when he !lltaled that
Jt had !>Mn 11111 lete-.l uper1cnoe
that no m11rr1&e11 -.. ~I
whf'r" bnth p•tliea w&e not en-
thu11lMli•ll,Y for the union. Me
bel\l'Y td that lh~ i~ U\1. Wl'CS\f
tln1e le t ry an<! rot e<! 11 decl-
..-~ mat!" c hr.J rman.
llAR•Eee •Aca•o
""' A11phalt or C"••htnr Plant E nr ln"r .. _ 2.fll
't Corn:rete or A•phalt SprUdlf'll', Mtchanlcal
1 Tamptn1r or P'1l'll•hln1t Machine Operator
JI Concrete ·Mixer Ope.-.tor -P•,.lng Type and
t8.oo· ,. ..
21.44 Today's N. Y.
St~k Report
a MobUa Mbtf'r 2.91
······ .2.M
J Cnncrete Ml•er Operator -Skip Type
•I Jiea<ry Duty Repa.I~ ··-····-........... -..
• Motor 1"11.trol Open.tor, lnc.ludtn.,-_,-l¥i>e of
Power Blada ........... ··-··-······-·········· ... 2.112 22.59 Dotw..lenea Avence.
• Pump ()pin.tor .. ···-··············-··-·· 2_02 21>.18 30 fn(h.1&tr!a.l11 ··---··· 6Q7.09 ott .•J
• Roller ()pnator ,... 2.t'O 20.80 20 RaUJ . -····· 169 . .12 ott .Ci4
• T r9ctor Ope.-.tor-B ullda.er, Tampar, 8c.-.per. l:'i Utllltlea .. ··· 67.IU off .01
O'I" D!'ac Type Shovel or Boom Attachmc:n lt! 2.&8 :ti.44 I p.rn. \"olum" l,890,000
Tttnc htns X.chlne Operator .......... 2_76 22.08 Amerlca.n Telrphoof' .. ISCi;,
Unll'ffal Bqulp~l Open.tot-(Shovel. Drac-Ana conda -........ . .... 84.._
line Derrick, Derrick-Bare"•, Clam11hell or :'hry•lcr . 80~
C ntneJ 2.91 232!1 DuPont .. .... 132
Drhen nf Durnp T r11ck• o f,_. tharl 4 yartlt Gf'-nf'-ral El,.clr1c .. .. 64%
W•ter Lew.I ··.::: ... . . _ 2.30!! 18,44 ~ener~I Motol'll ·-6.. ~
Al'ly el&Mtflol.tton o.,lttt!d htn!ln. not •-than 2.00 16.00 '"' ' "Y 0· ·· ·
All bldl a re to be compan!<I on the bl.11!11 ot the City l!!l'!gineer·1 ~t.F'~~!~~~a·l-·· · .~74~
#lltlm"te or the qpanUtl@a of work to be' done. No. Amerlc..n A •·iaUon ···-_ 86
No bid •Ill be acoept~ from a ~Contnaotor who hM not befJTl 11-
f!llM!f In •ceor$ni:e with the pro,.lalon nf Chapter v. DIVllWn 1IJ of Montero!y Oil --· 8'6
Bual-.nd ~IOllll Code. SafeW11,Y bl---··········· . &S" so. c11.11r. ll:cti.on . n2% ·Plane mit,y • -· •ml tonna of. ~I. bond8. contr•ct. and pldftcaUon9 m..,. be obtained •t tM otnoe ot ·ttte ct4' s-,_r . City !Htmdflln:l 0 11 of C.Uf ................. vs
M Races Daily
9 OD ktur4aya
Spr:lt.J Tanner Coache. )f .
)9'\Ve frotn prlJ:ICiPft!
Hdtelll In L, A. and • Hollywood.
t'h(ltW Mii l lU .
.... Union Oii o1 Calif. eo
, N..-port na.ob, Ol.lttonlia. , ~~~::::~~~--~ ... ~~~~~~:;;;:;;;;~:::~::::::::::::~ ~ S,.Oial att.rltlori "!'-P'Ol!J»90\IW bklderli .. ualhd ·tb ttM! '"Pro-U.S. BtM l .. &9
rio-1 Requt""1oft\tll and COindtUGM" ~·to the ·blenk ronn <:Ff pro-,.,_.,_·tor 'f'll!l ..dlttoeUom .. to ·11tditlns ltc.
'nMt ctty at Newport ·a.ob •-•• lhe rlaht to reject u.y or
II bida. .
ctty of ·Hwwport ·J19m.ch. C.tttrwnle
•. eomtOUDml. Cl:ly Cletk
Datofd : 1llmntl 19, 1•:
11196 N ........... :Silt,•. -tM
The Mill
~ 111 .....
'l"r<nch anion -lloup, '1-.i a-Balod
(~c• of 1..,. •• t.rr ., ,,-.., 0.-:a.1
Steak or •Lomter l"'-911.eo ~ i.n1,
·Baftd .,,. &atloped Putatoto.
GorUc Bnad -aott.e.
,. Mat• II 0. ... II Ir J..ie.!
llnn,.: 5 p.i... to 11 p .m.---CIOIM!ol MoiNla)'
1.eDGI AMO .at:IT.u«A
80Wl"IA.OI: or ftlE <JOMT .... Ni!Jht
•DINNER SllRv:ED 5 ·p. m. 'til midnight
OOCKTA.ILS -" p. m . 'ti! 2 a . m .
12 Noon Saturday &: Sunday
Speci.1 Sundey Buffet
2 't il 9 p.m.
1-8oatll of Laguna --•-
co1111• ClllL
.DR . .ft.OB.mRT C. NEWMANN, U~A Pol. ~lencf' prot . ..:.."Only
~Im• •nd 11.~allc patleoce oo our
•ide can brlni peace to the N•r"
... ~ 11
2•'19!7 . 111
1:! l,.or rcstr\'lllions -lla rbor 2726 ltlt&t." • ···--" -=====,,---:----=:=--:o=:====-
' ' ._..,. -...-.: ,·
A• ,,.,.,. ··-JS l tta_rUdr Ori Ya
H&rhor 4115
!11',."'·po•rl n.e.d:I, Qal.lf,
If you own one of these cars. ••
It'll pay· y0u to trade now
for a new 1956 PLYMOUTH
l'ei'hS!Je Y"" il*""'t bought· a new model of
;rpv•,.,...at rDlike tJt. car be<auoe you...;.•been
disappointed at bow little·that citr ha• changed
this year. •Fact is, the ..i, 11!11119' ·~·iow
priae ..... tbio,... ia ~ toDd litlll
pay you to buy a new l 9G6 Plymaath NOW.
Your present ca r is at the peak af its trade-in
value today, and right now you 'll get a money·
savil\ll High Volume Deal at your Pl~
dealer's. See him today-you'll be gl8d,..,., did.
I ,.
;rwol.,,,.la ·-~ .... ~ P\r ti .,..,. ,_...._
~ ..... , ............ .
A•udJI Wiik o.lp. ,,_ * ...._. .. .,.., .. ,,... .....
'9 Plw alb'•
.......... ..pNe~! .A poir.t-
.... sibrd ,.....,.._~
~ ......... -9Aml "8'I'"
dnlr'Md! o.t.ion.l Oft all 29 _...
~..W...TrJk l
l'l------your dolllir wi\h ...................
tric wlnUhiekl wiJllM'&, s.t•-4Rlm
wbee!., twin-eytktder ff'09t _.._
tM4. Ute other ~ mn dl!llt'
ba...a Sea ... P.,,"EW ~ _.,, -
Pl VMO UTH ,_ .. ..,.,....,Ar .......... .. •• . · costs less =~====---.-
a· ..
'8 \
' .,
"• • •
• ,
" "
·" • •
I •
. '
. .
.. -. ..... ~ ..
• ' -. • • •
. .
.. -.. .. -·-~-
a.er. a better chance.: The JT<IUpA I $38.000.
wtll be ace. z to · 4, 6 and 6 Corp, ot
Thr C't~J)GI! -'·•· COopor
El Toro la. ~"°': .if1 the
Uld 1 lo 9. owner. •.
Bleau.I!. l.ut year'a atteoda.nce 1--------------
• fil~1r-wai-ONLY-.-1 --
ol ~ wu . about 200' hlJ!:h"r
than I.he lnltia1 year or the' hunt.
tbe ll)K>nsor• ~ planning on 11.t
leut 1000 kfddle1 to •haw up .
$36,000 Pennit
N-port Buch building depart·
mmt hu luued 11. building penn1t
to.-a dwe lllng at 140 Harbor I•·
lli:nd Road to coat. IUl "stim.ated
~~·"! .. , ·-.:-iii: .. :, Teoo·n~ ·.• i'~· .. ~,an l~I ~ 'WI ' al lwiro e Now Showin
ft.tundJlc' ........,. ... lilt ,._ )mjan, UMno9 bolM, ba"'-c tRY• CJ
• J'OUAd .. Oout ~ tltroup1'au elect ·~ J'H. 2. Tom Sh1•n-f'
and l.n.to Mako, _ . <Papa) ud P. s. J'oc' Brick, Mama R~ E"·ell N~tlh I
·Mn.. Joeeph ~. 1511 rint wu cookiq" mlnu\rone. ~ '"=.t..~~-~ "The Lieutenant ~"" ''"'"" -"'"""'"'· Mesa Egg Hunt Wore Skirts"
Writer of a cae·tlrn• column
tor thll n•w•paper, ··srlckdu9l'',
Glline• wu l.lvlllc up to hifl
name, the' ~• «ported to.-
they found hln1 In bed with Lhe
n1umpa. H I• c11.ts, tran1portecl
fron1 Cos ta Meq where tht1y
prov1rl "d 11. bl· or trl-annual, 1up·
ply or new gopher cato;"htlr• for
t/111 itrea , are ,tioh1g-fine.
to Dr1w 1•
E1ger lils
chlldren are up«ted lo rru1•:d
Jnl.Q eo.ta Meaa Park Eau.tel f
Sunda y, AprU l , tor the th•nl 1
annual J unior Chllmber o;f L:u111· 1
merce Ea11ter Ere Hunt.
According lo ro·ch11 1nnPn J,~.
( ulor b)' l loi•hu,,.
l'tO'\\"try Ho~ s
"Hi9h Society"
Starts Sunday
'J'\\'() l~I(; j)'.\'t>•
Offu· .. r~ 11 1 IJ1.i .. ,.:l· L'...111~.l Cb::.pll'f, U rJcr L<f IJl.\l11la y,
Wt'fl' 1111'11!l·d ~· tU !djy Ir! the llt'V.' ~l :!S!tl!lC ·rl·tnpl•·,
lt1rn1 ·r of l· .. 1-..t 1 1\t1 :-;l unJ ~t A nJrl·Y.')> J{u,...I. 'l'h1•y
ar.-i-.hv\l11 ali•1\1 Ii.ilk r uv.· 1.-ft t u 1'1i::ht. ll••nald
\\r1g hl. Jjru•u '."1 t hfllR, 1;l"•Jrg-e llouJ. l••·\\ayn••
K111sfath»r 1:.,lJ l:u 1n•·t!, r:u:.;en .. 1':Jman, 1\l;ir1 1 'l.-n·
d1·11t·n, !{11 ti.tl ll J.ll". !"-".~l·uii.i ruv.· fr1,:11 U.11 k T o111l
!\1qut·llt·. ••!in l !a:.lett Jl·rrv H t!hf"rl, Frank I ;1.1s-
i oW'!" !af1k e \\'.ivJlnnJ. T hird rvv.' f rurn ba1·k, 'f~·rry
l.lH.llas 1111J 'l'•••I l<'is h, the Ja tt~r S(•/1 o f i\l r. and :0.lrs.
i-_:. f~. 1''l ~h of ( "nsta ~!csa. ~·as prt"Sl'llll•tl v.·ith a !'laqut'
by E I~. AnJl·riiun. 11ast nu1~te r <"nuncilor . as out.stand.
int;; llll·mbt-r .. f the chapl(·r : T l·J f-lirth. J l•rry l..'.111s-
fathcr . 1'~rc1111 r ow, l~1(·'1ard l 'art1•r, JU!lll1 r 1·ou1K1l••f .
H:ob1·rt H.a_gf·!, nia.stf'.r cuuncllor '.fotn 'frtioll'!L ;utd
Earl liuslkt."\'. sc·nio r cou ncilor . i1cl~n J·l1Jrr l 'hu\•1
So is 1>1 r~. ··B nck ". Daughter
C:re!~hen ls In college, Kelly, the
batiy 11""' 1.« SeVt"ll ><n.i t..u""~ uf
the f1u111ly Th,·y w ill 11,. Sl';•ini;
'"~nK"' '"'""ty ai.:a1n in July
IH"'•tl~ llLl~M"I a 1np \\'~i;l l>•~t
HH.yletr and Rill ~uus. :.ruuu ,-.,n·
•1}' eirg• wrap~ ln tinfoil 1111.v~
th."'"' vn1cre\I
\""I "!'h" o;:i v!c u1·gan11.a11un hup"tl Ii>
l-"!•1111 .\l11 •AlJ .. n th<' Hos;;!~ h11vc" k id.Joe" E11,.ler fJIOlli•I"
"'"l l•o .\l••Utcn«:.V, •lu"•11 tu .\ldl· Wt!h pri ze~ IV' K r .... turc uf 1h"
1,., ('•IY 1.,r a Wt"<=k, 0,.,., t" Kf f111r, s~·he1lu~d to; l!llll•l a t l :1u l
A<1tJ1llln• !•or l O tlfty$ Al L'uern· p. rn.
···"'"" lh•·~· \'l~lletl a11 .,1(1 rnPn<I Therl! will t... !hr""' <llffer,.nt
! 1 ll••y !1;1.l ;l<>l ~een fu; ~5 ycani. I 11~,. i;ruup" fur th.. ~:a~ter r i:i;
"Left Hand
Of God"
"View From
Pompey's Head"
I 1 ll•'n "!' tf> Ma z11 ll11.n Knf\ <:ua•1R· 1 hunt !" (!\"'" I h'" ~n1J<tl""':...'':·o~":"~<~· -1"111111111111~11111111"':~'!"--...
Mrs. America :
Judges Named ,
for Harbor
J UdKt .• o r t h" lla r h<Jr Ar"''
~!rs. Arn,.r1r11. (·1•11l1'!I\ h"'''' h•'"'
annuu n~·,,•t by th•· r•1·~pon:«11 111 ..
Catcta 1>1 1'.~ll Jun••1r_ Ch111nb•·r 1>1
Conun .. ro:e.
Hhf>tl<h• f1eminK 1-" .«ho.,.•n In a "'·ene trom . the n'rotlon picture,
"Sl\ghtl)' Sr11.rl~t .'" l h11.l .. t"" 11t11r~ Arl,.ne Dahl aAd John P11.yne.
Stle1'\o•d \n 1·h·~•ff "'h•• will ~,. .•
rnme l>!r., Co11ta ~,,.~,. 11re H:iy
1..Jtnio:"nh,.1111. 11«:1"tl'l<1•_,. -11u•n11i;.-1·
of t he No>"'P••rl Harbor L'haru0.•1
or Con1m .. rce; G1lhtlrt s .... i. l"t'"·
1d"nl of t ne C•~lll .\11·>-a C 11 •• ,,,.
t>..r ot Co1nn1~r. ". Haz .. l u · .. ·,;i•~.
hor11e PCono1nh·~ t••a1·h· r st ;..·, . .,.,
port Hllrbor Unuu1 Hii;h ~·'""'I.
Marjla ttl Youn11 huabKJl•l, hni••<'
ttunom1c11 te1n·h,.r, E,·,·rclt l'.<'11
School, a nd H. ~~-Grl!fin, or tht';
co·•ponlKlrLng Sou ll:1e~n Countlet.
Cir..~ C<l .
The rt11t ure •t <1l11 111 thr !.lt"1111 Thea tre tnd11y ' Knig~ of Colum_b_u_s _G_e_t_W-el_k _
Accor11\ng tu junior c hambf'r
('<lmmttt"'" eha lrml'n Ofrk l-IOUJ!l'r'
11r1cl C . 11 ( R•~.11 D11.v!dJ1on , lht!
Ju,lge.~ w Jl pkk frurn five ru,~l· llll~ Ill 'l:Jll p: rn., llllan·h ~2.
In the Fr!<i•Y A rtcrnoun CJ11h
O.rchestra for April 2 Dance Mra. Cu11t11 P.l e11a will n·p 1,·~,·11l
t111 entire Harhur area ll•llll' !h•·
Newport B•"l.ch Jun!ur C.'ta1n\bc\
Lawrence Welk 11n<:t lti11 or~he11-811nta Ana, 11 general ticket or Commerce, oq ;:iu1Lied unly th1 "
tra wlU rurnl•h "C.11an1pi•1,-ne P.hi· cha1rm1J.n. y ear. w ill nut f ield 11. c>Ul<lio!HtC
The ,.t1salon San J uan Gel'll'ral or it11 ' own .
lly Ball. 11pon11orecl hy tht1 ~1 1&
•lon 81111 ,J u11 n Capl~tr11.no Cen·
"raJ A•en~·. ·11h n t' gr e e.
K nlgh!1 ur l.·u111n1hu."I, ,.,., unl1nic
to J ,.rry !lllll, "( Garden L:ru,•e
dance cM lrnuan.
As.•rn1bly, con1prl11,.11 4th [)fgre,.
111.,nitirrs from 1:1.U of Orange
Coun ty. i:ind procc<'.'rls from the
b11 ll "·l!l be u~ ror !he ''llrloua
eh11 rit1,.., ~ponsor,.d by the a8·
l'rellmin11.ry sclc~Uon ol the
fh•" loc11I Mr!I. Arnericll c11 n•h·
d11.te11 :.'! be1n,t h11ndll"d h)' hon1r
e(·onon1111t! ur
who ::1.~r .. •·t
"'i""'' h<!tr\•'~.
thfl g11.~ t·nn1p~ny
LnrlivitluK1 htou u~I'·
The "'l nr,.r her e ... ·i!l cnrnprt ..
Th11 8 11 1) "'ill be h1>ld 11 l the
R en,iezvou" U1<llroon1 In l:talboa ,
M ont.l ay April 2 f rom 9 "· n1.
until 1 a. m. P lerTe Ooubert ot
Dll. S. I. H AYAKA\VA, S. F .
"en111ntici at-"Jo~reedotn ot 11peech
1mplle11 the freedom to t..al k n on·
•en•fl 11.11 well u aense.'"
In the d111trlct contest In Ssnt11
Ana and th,. county winner will
.f'O on lo I he ,.tale bakeoff ln
i..o. A.ng"le•. --
<::?Cl...,_./ .:=
... ~-· --
we have the A-1 USED TRUCK to solYe it!
take a look at these nifty buys I
'54 Ford / • '53 Ford
~~ t o n 11lek-up ~l Ton P&nf"l
$1095 $995
'54 Ford "6" '52 Ford
~~ Ton I'. U. ·4 Spd. ~ Toa Pick-up
$995 $695
'56 Ford V-8 l/1 Ton Pidi-up
Thl!I t rurk ha." only 6,000 ach1al mile& on it. HM t:mJtom <'ah -tinted
~l!l."·"' -1-·ron t. & l"f'ar tum Indicators lt.nd hi ' jatlt Uke nf'"'· SA\rE
T 111K;s.;·;11i ON.;;• .Bit"
Our S5th )·ear of ..errlce la th.. commmtH)'
S.100 \\·. CoMt Hw.r. • a..d ·8-daya. • µhN'ty ~71
about the
STP.A'l'O-n YERS L I D 0 •~-'!lo:itre
Phone Ha. 2114
and on thousands
of front-pages!
NOW .•.
see lhem
in 201h
COLOft ~ D9 LUX• •
,,_,. o, WILLIAlf8[()0M · _.., ,,_ B.IAll.IRA llcl.LIN . _,,,.,RrerRT T. WE88
Wrot1111 by SIMON WINCfiBERG ""' fRAfrlCIS COCKR£U • • !I'll ....., ef Mil'I '*"r STUIOLl'tOllC IOIMD
S.Cand Feature
In a Cfmedy
Frett Sloow Satwday
For tlie Clll.... at I :45
Mesa-¥}J, • ._ ~1
of a vlco 0 rldd'on cit.yl -
-~ J"l/PC/ISCOPE ................
••i .-v-
\ I. ..,I ~
"The Naked ~c a '•
'I \J:'l'S :"\1--.. \.'I' I 1:1
.I .,fill \\ II' l •·
"'""'"" IL'.'" ,.,,j
"The Conqueror"
"Heartbreak Rld9e"
I .
. ' . '
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·l_.'i~l 1.~1·,.
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!lh• H• 11 t ·•I
\I 11" ~. "'<'
]\', ..... l,.·ll I!"
• 'wk lu' I.~ ,.,,
I 'luh f••C 1i.1.,1
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I I oil• I ,.,.,,, 1,
••1•t.~1 .. ,1.t,n1;
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Cr\1<1:11:1 .. \ \'
gr<'n. :!71•i
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\\·h<'re i l: I'
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'"' ; '
.: J
, '
1.i• P):(·llan~,.._J by 111111 triu. Mme?!.
.\) '!'i1fa11y, v.li., v.·1th their h u~-
11111~ d 1·1 u r1t'.J0111s f u r l~alboa Bay
tho· 1Ji,.u1 l· t h1·r1· '-''Ill bl· 11. So uth-
·r,.rrv lionf! !'hoto
t-l,u • .1. 11.-1 .-1 ,.,. ~tl• h 11
.,,.,,,,,,., 111 11· It .. ~ .• <'a~\,•rt
... \J 1'1' 11
'·. k 1,:,.,,,gh: t:l\llant 1 .... Jy rv
/,.,,,,,. 11"! Su11J•v night 11 rter "-''
• Liii "·,.lri • M ··~111111 1111>.•t'
1·,.,j :1 nd
·d th,·Jr'
\Oi I _\'V.'t•• J;;
1,, I l·I• •
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.I"..;· ··~ .. ". ''
I.• I I•\
' ,, '. ,,
., .. ltl!\11 Mrld lht' t"h,.n1• ·,,,,.
i.::o "IC ''" lu•11 <J fo r " "··lo '-'"'"
I 'lu\l'n l"111u ~ liuu Gou'' v.·111 ~n ,,., 1,,,., l··d,(,.r Si1t\Llll} ~l tht' CIOJJ·
.. ,1,.,,,,, '~"'"'h•·on1bi>r ~ Club
11,,.1 111111 r;,.,.,,;., H"~~ w ill ~"r-
11, llh· Alr11 1on ""'J!,1 "D.-1111tit>~
r•n 1),.. 11 .. 11~ H ro,.p1t1tl A u.11;1lo!ory
I·: 11111 !';t··~111, !)11yton r t v1tw n~t
T!nu·~,J.1 1 11t th" Lldn ThtHlr"
Jl.q•f•I 1,,1111<11"' \u thitl
1;.,, I\ HJ'I""' Blilboa Bay
.11 •I;·•'"''' t'.oLltor D11.n B11yleu
!111:,· r .\1158 the Lldo 1~1 ..
\ •· liT 1 ·11Jb'R Shanirock Shufllf'
' ,,.J,,, 1ught Il l lhe <:Jubhuu,.,.
l'l "1' A Rl."'0 A R OU.\;IJ
1·i ,i ·1~ F!N1;1-:n tni-8 1r; rurt11 tn
• '"' 1.,,,, • .\1 Hr• h 1·1 ror "Hing A round
l/•• ~~l''-·••»lh t ~ .. lnlllMI produtlioll
"~Pl• "' lh•· J.••I" J<!.• l '!.11<!r~ •"luh
.-111 \/\'El( A .-.;!J 111 '1' ""I I-,,,.
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Concert Men1 be r
·Drive Ending
1'11•• "l'"t11li,.t .'lllJ' •Ir I\'" !<11 LM ·
i;.uiu Ue11<..h C1'11.1n un11y Cl>tl•~rt~
"'t·I~ .'!nl 'J P1.~1· Hi'1·1>1<1inR l dli l-!r~
I;,.,! r lh[,• ,\I, t '!ill. :lH11 K in,.:~
I I• 'l!L I h" 11"1'1!••1
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11,., "n": 1ne1nb1'r~
,\lo I ·":1 at l.!1>1:rty
1 IL~ .. rti.-,. ... ,
"'' 11 ... "·''"'
c l1a1rn\1:11 !1111• h :.t J; I j,, !'
Ytu·ht l "!uli :lrl'l :1 rr ,11:~('d t ...
:<.1·axun's s;·r Jt :i \1!11•·h 1,,~ ., I. I •
nbht <1r1· !l.lin•·" J;,1,..Jl ']\•,
J->. Cllllun. third 11nd f.,1:: t ,.
gcnfr1t! 1·h111rn 1a n .\1. ·' \
----'----------------PAGE 4 PA RT I -NE\\!">Q"!i I :1~:1 :-~ I._.,·;:; P~ES~
FR IDA Y, MARC:r l IL. 1 ·~·
ALI.: CO UNCIL . ' C ..
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('>Hltl1rl;oJ, to
a1lo11t 1.••11°'
'!fl 11 1 I' 1• i" 11
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Plan B ~n e i·i t
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,I, .. .i ....... 1,. l!l••S•' Hl •·lhcr •·It It"~ i\"'9och1llon ,,f S nul h•·• 11 .... 111,,
"h•·11• ~!'"•'••Is '4\'Hila1J)1• l \Junty hPld rt ~ 1nuntnlv ''"''I'" ... ,
,, ,. ,,. Ip ., h
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_____________ .. __ _ ••
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• '1" rw the nn1 cou,..._ .,.,._ · te tM
bonMI ot lln. Ra~ ~
re1r Ute Main o.-oU~ ua· wlD co.
d~e lba dlnner at U.. . ...,. of ,
kn. ErDMt wan.a. tGr ~
and ~Jtee •
0"'1.m:& 111.A'IS ....
The nomln&tln• NMIUiltt. u •
nounced lb• f'OUowtnr iiiai. ol .
otticerw lo be l'Df1Sldand: Plulr· ·
I J ent. K'-9 L:oulM ~p.Mmt;· for
.v1c1•preaklf'nt, M.ni. JOhn llUaM;
' 1'1!COrdin& HC"rel&r7. "Mn. Job a
Ragan: rorrapondtnc aecntU')',
Mra. J ohn ll.'e1u1 and f9I' t.Na•
1 .urer0 M.i..a Catherine Bauu .
El&etlon of ofllcert will tAk•
place a l th f! AJ>rll ·.l·l meetJnc.
I N•xl ae1111on meellnr • ot the
r haptrr wtll be • model ll"Mt·
, inc tor pro«pet't1v• -mttn:beri ai-
1ne 1101nfl nf J.lr1. Baabe, • 224.
; lt ha<:11 . H1tlOO. with Mn:. C. ft.
' •_"_•_'_~-co-bu:"~·:-=-------
P·TA Training
.Course Open
Sttt!n<! In th~ r arent·Teadter
lnfui-t-.11011 l 'uu1 s. ~f'l1ff wtll be
•:c!..! .!il11r,:; :.-:i :1, \hi' Bvaril ROOlll
•! :-; ....... p .. 11 ll•u O.,r H ig h School,
I JU I l JO • "' • on\lnuing .. ve r.v
""n't"" lt'"'~'u'i.; fur four uiore ,, . ··I<~
.\I i~ !!,.,,,[,j l \1 •\"V• \ f!t1'1 vlt•,..
I ••···'·I· , I v,,,,,;11 !·1 •tnrt ..,..,
' • ' , . 'I ·" '"" r lt .. 1 l)()t' l'nur -
·I • I• 1• 1 t>r • ""' ~f' llll•I .. . '
11.• •1••18 ,,fro•1 t·o l
.... ',, J '"' ... 11~
I•• '·11 ~ 1"1
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.;r I') I :t \' Io·.
11 .•.•. !' ti I 11!'1-
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: .t '
'•·" ... <.'t • 1; ·\I i· ... ". .\'
' '
• • 1-tr
Kil•! I>
lt\IC l\llll ·\llt.\
Dem ocratic Club
ll .<1 \" r ~ 10 .... 1 l>\l h 4 Tu ~Jln
' .. ~111 , ......
I"'· \111" 11 !H1 h, ll:illl I ' .\I ,
I 1;1 11 l 'I\ 1Tt.U
<;>u ick Service
. FUlt
Roller Shades
R\111nd~rJ :ill.ad• Clul/11 and
t J1l"1· • .jpc ... Ja lU'a • Urapery
l111r..i ... ·a r• .. \'enclla11 WUl!M
t \1..L llAHRfltt. 881
4J ! ~1utl ~t .. .'l""l'<lrt S...r b
11.i ~111., th" '""' omi:.,
1..C5 !: I\ PO UND A DAY. • • F 0~ :~ D:"'.\'S v: 1' "' S:llerin2 Hun2er P1n2s Or loss Of Enern!
.. ·~ ..
' '
r.I •1.r'•· C<H '«•m•n• on l m1nc11 l1 in o rt 1.,1n cd
,, " \\ ,,h l\<,.•m1n T•: •u. r .._ ·m11la .t: 14 •nd
•Ir 1'.i t1•n>1n RcJ"""S l'l•n 1111 , can never
h,1 prn'
A I , ' •! n 1 !" ,,. ' JI...-,~ ,.,,.,,j t·• 'I ' '' •: • ~"''
' ' ...... ''"' 1· '• ' ,, "
) \'''""'''"')"<><no ,l,f .. ,,o '•lo ·o ~ ,,. ,b '" •oJ • "l•l<J • ii .1 ,n., • ' ~" .• .,, ,,.,. ".,•I
• Th• hun .. , '""""I lot1<>r, C.,b<o~•
M.,l.,lroll"lt"< . ., ,,.J"'" hunaot 11 ul•~
"'"'t<f'n• <O dU'f<'l!Oft•
• ..... -· d ..... ,.. Th• ...... plttt kn..
"''n 11..tuiona Phn " '" ,...If _k.,. of
""'"""" Tobi•" '''"""I' •I ~' TUE 1-:1 '\\MIN l l llUI'"!...,(, PtAN IS CUAlt;
11 .... ·n 1n 1n111~1 (•JI II l'OUND A
llll~· J'l•I !I OAY~Ul YUUlt; MO/\.TY
U.\( ~' lltY 11' ·<'". -~-·__..,,., M'""""" J<E SSAMIN TABLETS
J!' .,.., .J•I
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1.;. n
"·11 Ii
l''"~1°h·F1l .\1 1~.• F r"n' ,.,. H1u"n
'<•rl"~rnn••1ni: ,_<'fr,.lnrv .. n.1 .\I r~
Hli1n~/1,. :>o:11<un. 1 "'-"r•11n,.: ~,,,.r ...
[ ,., \
,.,.,u .i;:o to p n".""' •·""I'' h I'
(or th" Orllnj!•' ! '•11 11111· I ·1 !•r•:,-.J
Ch1/drf'n '.~ Sot:u!L~
,, ·' . '., ... I
.Hi •' Jltl].
'1 ln hb_I'
I ..
Anderson Girl
I hh .. 11 • ""
~! I! l 1' ,I );, Shovou1i.: 11liO,..• l11k"n "" ,, I qo
th rough thr Srand1n1t••uut , "'"
tlif.~. t :"1·n1Hn\. S"''ll1.e1ll01,J 1111•1 '• l'··llinic
1.>11 r II "r "
fn ,.nd.'< nt
i.:1rJ ~fitrch '"" 8 in [(,.ly. ;1.11 s F l ',1•.t I •lo\ ••. , '"' 11 ''·'1' :1o~p1L11l ,,,..,
!'llilr!•'~ Anllt'r:•.,n,
SI t · ... ~111 ,\11'~11
l filh
Jra V'° an • i11IO'l'l"l'llll~ o"hlllll•' •lll<I •
on her "XP•·rl,.nct11 A ,,\.,·.. · I
nfflt·l'r.r, tu hi' vo't•·•I •111 n· lhr
E le n1entary School Girls
jWill Spell in Contest
Ttl1•"1JthOut l he nntlon lf lrl.q It 1.~ "·"'l'l'<'l"•I rn11n1· sln<lrn·• · 11
pr""'' l"I' -~)•<'llr111. 1hu~ ii "'Tll o! 11!trn•I !'~ 1,, k<'\.~ "'" 111·;;1. '·"
1tuur Ktrl.'< "•II l•·pr,.~ent thi• 11.r'u l Flr111 p n r." f,., 1hr 1~·11,; 1:,.,,
, 111 It.~ Lon1t f>,.11rll l ndcp••nd,.nt 1 Ar"" 1·h11tnt•H1nsh1p J" 1u1 11 ,,, l ''"'~·'l't•l egrtun l llM Arta Spell-, pcn11e u lp fv1 the •\11111 "r n1· I ., ,
1111( U<'r S.turday Al Long lkach p.9renl to thr N aUnn11! "1 "" 11~
I Poly!•"<hnn l l1gh ~<hoot 1tlul1tnr Brr f>11.1 J~ 111 \\10 ~l11ni.;1"'l. I ,.
11111> 1n a r!t111ion ln H l"•lni.; 1 np ""' ,,
,\1ary Elltn E nl'le. "Oll iP•t11nt "'t"•'k .,f r1u1 '''''''"" •hnn··~ .,
I Rn,1-LoulH ,\lien. altematf'. eighth "'ghL~t'('ll\£ ~•·o onoJ 11n•t 11111 .1 11·.,,
i.;r11de 8ludl"nlio 11 t Evt"re:t Bell. ,.prllPr ~ "'Ill r.,....~l1•p $.~'I ;1n,J ~~·.
:-;,·huol. 1trl' •·h11mplona for l..'.o~l• 1 ~111·1ng" Bon•t,. re,.f>'i'llvrJv 111 "''
.\lf'llll "'Ith fl11hrl Elli~ a nd I."" .1111011 "<'h1uup1nn11h1p <rr lill',+I••
\\'e11tfall , ••·~nth g radl", 118 run-will h•· a""~rtlt<I '"'"h ~1·/1<.nl • 11.11"
nf'r11d1p p1"n • ompl"llng In tht .,. .. ., tifl1+I•
l·l oi-1re ~:n.'l 1gn ~rhool l.'I "end · T .. p prh:f! 1n 11ir n111u,l1H/ ,.,,11·
!t I Sll3an t ;ould at M1nlt11tant •nd Ir F~t 111 $3000 in ....... ~h plu" 11 1,,,1111 • PatneJa Thom•on 1111 11 !tf!rn•tf'.
Rarbli ra Kenntd1· flnliohtct thlr<I in ••f S!•IQ ror • \\'f't"kPnd t1 1p !•• ,-.;,,,
1m, 11ev•·nth ·~1i;hth 11:r110~• ·'"fl'tll· Yntk "Il l' 11 no! 111•1'11~11' T/1" H ,·,·J
down · I:'\'"'" Y .. rker \
Ladies .. for a good frim
·~ or Hair Shaping -
• Lido 13arber Shop
l;tt . S:!nd :>'I. -(O P \f '" l'n~t Cllll<•"I -'''"I""'' ll"'"' Ii
.. f 1: ...
" •;LI ,.,,.
II· .. '.
' "' ...
1; •• ~ ..
·' "
, .
.. · r" H•1 ..
' " I'
:0-..\ 11 ·
1.1tl:l .. \
\. . '
J 0 H rJ 5 0 N
Tll t:. l'RE8CRlPTION
I'll A RM AC\.
F'l)lt TJlF;
111\ll.ROI( AREA
Costa Mesa
'56 Big M Hall'd~op Coupe
with that Ieng,
low Mentdc:ir
S ilhouette
than mony so-co:~c:J !i:lw pr;cc:J cars
On ly 5 ~t4~9 0 0
;\ J 11 I '
Jq.ll'!'l.11 \\il ll
ME P.CO Mt. r:c
·r ,
• '
I \ ! "'''
rlADIO er
"' '. 111,
r 1r \ uur
Newport Bea.:h•
'" ,,
'"" \
i' r
' I,
. '
' I
,. .
• • ·-
J lJ!\Jl)lt \\U.\.l!·:'.'11 l'rt·.1:1idt!n ts uf 15 n1e111lt1•r ,1!11·~ .,f t h .. OtHn~c J
r r ,1tio.:1 ,.f .J :u1 ;••r \V urnen'!I l·l'-!b~ n1L·t 1u l ;a1d•1 (; 11.•f0 r1!1<1 rl'r,· ..
r 1;;t.i1 .i
('Iulo ,
\V, l 'H·k ,·~t tu di.,, u.":
\\'1lharn 1··1,:" 1 1 r •
•->fj;!l.ll•l:tl!•t!l. ~··
•11 ! nl tl:r· ;..·, ..
J\I v 1-\·.j .
' ' !,1 ' j h.
I <·I · t 1
hJlt l.:•g 1 • : ' !ht• mai n J !tar •·f S 1. J 11o1t!11:11 i·' •· . -: .. "
N!dwnNG.-\LES ~E'T 1'-IK PICTURE for Mtb o( their Edn11r Steam.' DaytoD ,.._
\"ll!'A" 1Jl"r-lt'-B. thl'Jr ltl•a& l luw pit.al beMfil project. For "Anut&li&" tabove I to r)
Mmes. It . J C:t•lnn•. J~ t-: P1T1niJl«er. \YiJliaD-i 0 . Payn"e and Hal Dike, 1atbered about
a RUS8iun l•'" •Lr ()n M11.r'Lh Z-2 therc "'ill be Alrican c<>1tumea &nd eetting for "Nylon
Safar i" '*t IU an~. 1., ' • "rh<"al re. Smglt-l1ckf'ts may be pµrc.bued at the doOC and
1tftcr t h· r•·\ . \\ h1t·n .,.,,It lnlluJc 1U best sellers, there will be preaenlation of·
-. • r ! J,, • d •
FRIDAY, MAR.CH 16, · 1956
d;S~ Coeds
Will Present
Fashion Sho\\'.
fte MWNl aprinC fubl<ln.I wil\
k modde<I la a fuhlon .now to
. t:lill p..-ited. ..,. e>rann 0out Col-
.... ~ 1larc:b Jl al 11 Lm.
Mot.her• or oollq:• cirle ha•e bHn
lnYlted to U. .vet which will be
held In tht coU~e a uditorium.
""l"thie to Attl~" ha! been .et
U th" Iheme of lhf' •ho""" l...atnt
•Pna.&" •nd 1ununer f.-Uon•. in-
cludlng be&cll. wear. Jl.iCblW.aT,
11.lita. ffrnl-torm&J1, and. cUU&I
we.r ""'!II be modeled by OCC
f'trla. Orxaa nnMllc will HTV• .,,._
a bM'llg-ro...ii durtnc the ewnt. ,
All IN'n:~ t.s be.Ins fumlah-
ed by Buttum9· Depa.1.~t Blore I
of Sanla Ana.. Kiel Nancy Duck-
horn. de.,..r tment ni.&n&1t:1r, •pc>r'U-1
wear, I• aclill&' u cOordtnalor. ,
Mr1 G. L . How•. dM.11 of woman, I
111 !&cully 11.dvt.nr fo r Oranp Cout
Colltgf'. 1..on!tta Bftinett. Hunt1nr-
1on & .. ·l).-and.•C1.ro1 Do.he, Co-
rona df'l Mar. 1tudenta, are co-
chairmen. Jane Elliott, er:.ta ~
la 1n c:M.1·1• ot pubu.a.1. ·Kat~ 1
SoliUiward. .JiQdw&y OtJ, II &M
A .~.S.~L .
Colleg-e .t:Udfttll, --..........
Inc lude: Mar.ha .U., JoJ'C19......, w-.w, Bonnie <Jeorr•, a,ua. T_..
wood ~ Barbara J.a-, ea.ta
M: ... : a.Jre Bmltb, ... ICli&m.
Judy H1n11, 'hnl Loplr uwt TMl-
ma Sutton, Newport a.di .
Dom••t i c;1
Card Party at I
Masonic Temple 1
I !. \!\UC;!{ 1 ·.-\( :l..i L 1·y \VIVES
LL!·:c :·1· .\'!' J',\R'l'Y SESS ION
~ I t r I, \\ >•·• < "J,,t, ~ ... , ~<""<J
IN aomi Cir1;le
J ~~~~~1,~,u~!eN~ ... ·port
~!rft A ll red f'f•htr. pr,.sldf'nt of
!11,. :\I r r rn&!dll Clt1b I WIVI'"' ot
~h•ll'-'"'" announce• 11 St f'11 t1·1ck i
''"' • .. , I I·"" !y ~alur..!11.y 111 1'
p '" '" ''lt """"'" Maaun1r Te:n1p1~.
L!'.U1 :-.: ~nJ :>t. ,\nd1 ""'" l 'U...:<e
'" ""'" l·•·rn H 11.1/,.,,-ll1t;h s .. 11.,.:,1 t . ~· •·•••·•
' '
:\'. ..... ' ........ '" u,..
II • :._. ... , •1 l•l <·11· ;• ,\ :\!1 ~
'' ., .. ''''I
Tl·· y "111 f,.•
will •..-" U11u1.-1· 11.rf111r .
'",.' l ~.~ d ovr 1u.d h•blt• pr1u 11
Will I'" . tJ f' 11fl.~ l or tvr ryvn" a l·
l •·n•hJ.p:
l 'r•• .... ,111 w ill '" '" \hf' Sratar -
1n;: l~··I~"-Bu1h.i111ic As"'" Jatlon
·1,,/" J ,,,., 111 upo-n tu th.-publ1t
a.nQ t • l1<·l• '""Y boo "b la111.·,1 11.t
th~ .J•• r
1247 South Moin
Sa nta Ano
Kl 2-6380 h. '•'' H1 ..
0 111 11; \~ t11•1" .,.,. h!t" Ji l'I t't" .,.. t'f'~ 1t);;low 111 !~~ .. li~h t "' · "' " ·' -1 1•·
1·.1ri,IJ1 . :1·, :i·L "....•a•l1·1-:-; tJf !'\t. J ua <·h un :-)1·hu1.1l 1···•;.• t I •!r
F u··;t J !u!y I ·, :.1:J1111111J11 ! rn n1 tht' 1{11·. 1'h (•l!Ht:l .J. ~··1 :·1 llnr vlo ! l.' •••·.
"' """~ ,\1 <'\ J,
1 oil Pill.'\ .. ' . ,_ .....
• • . :111.~~"" 11nd ...p-
t :no: .. , f ntr,,.
•.. ",p, 1.1 .\I 1·1•/1.--
,. 1' •·I r ,-:1 ··~h-
ll;trbor Llll/•erF<n r"ht1n:h ff'at11~.J
th•· \•1 111t u f t.1 r• John \'. Ne.ff.
~t u,.·i r n1onlhly n1"""ting. :\!11..rch
~. 11.t 1 JO I'· 1n 1n th.-hon1t uf
.\I r~. Han y OtrKh. 7Vt Orchid
A v~. :\II IO. ="••rt . IJr>•&l'l.-n t ol the
\\"u111.-n .,f the t"h1u1 h. !!".l plaint-d
the runclklD! of Lhe cir cle
:\!1~ \\"!Uiam c·w.nM!tt of C'usu•
.\1,-.... • yruid"U ..,..•er a l)ual.neaa 1
------------------------------n1 eet111~ ,,.•hcn1 1,,,.,,J ... "lll tor lhe I
I h" ···~ 'i
'I t \ ! 111 I.
' '
' " I·
Che A. l."1" ·' .\ 1
flubh\ ,\l<11 h1I
l "!.1' '. ~, l.
t' JU\., J ,. 1, ~), ~I
, I lu· J. J ' I,.• I ,\f
\ F' II. 0
.• \ r' 11 '<'·· I.' .
1·:, .• ,,1 ...
. 'I
" I,,• !'> t'l\h. l 't•,,
.t,• ~·Ide· C ", r. I•
"' . "I ,.
' ,.
~. ·'. 1, ...
:\I ~ "
"' .ll ,: .. ,
/,' ...
,, ,\ft
'· " .
() 1
' '
\\11'..l)NES DA Y
C ircle A.111 i g~1s
1;~1s h i u n Sho\v
• 1 ·'" ~·" 11 • ., • \\,,,,.i "'1ll >:,,,,. t h .. ,...,m-
' . ' ... '" ' li ,.., ... ,rv •·tt \II! ~l''"'t.: 11./\ll ~um-
•'· 111. H11·'~c· 11,n•! '"nll~la
1 gn1up werf' ,Jl~tw! . .,,..tl. Jo~ullow1n 1i:
•1•"•ot1un.11. l....i bf t.l r•. J . ~-· M.r:-
l"aulrr" of eo.l a tole.Ml . r9tru.h-
inrnt .. W<'re 111"1 v11d 11.11d a llOt:lal
h<•U!j ;. •• ~ h .. lr1 ,\
Pr•''"-•nt were" Mnro•1. T heodor•
H1nder11r:k•r. J.l tl v1n i:r1ck.9on .
~u1'14.tl ~oruu1, ~1trn<"tl. Neff. \\'i\-
ll1tn1 l..llrn~rl. 1•11u!lne Culver ,
J f'. M .-CJtt1l .. y 1<nd B•·r1;h.
At DAR Conference
The Fine11t Craftsm1.nahlp
.,,,.. J1H•HI • ]B.i<~' J>Jhn ', ." ''"11 \t 1 , • , " • r" r \ , 1 , ' .,, \. ·'
All,,nd!ng !h<I! DAR 8tata con-
fer-en•" \! Lhe S taller Ho tel in
Lo• A nl(\'le• .... ,, . ., Mrs. W illiam
H 1'l;1tt. :\lr.11 Cha!ltn Y L&Ji(kr1.
~I r~ Ho·l•n~r Dickey . and M r..
Ann .. 11 .. r b,_. ... 111
P lua F1Lbr1ct1 at Clofte-Oul
Prices Enables Ue to Give
Ybur Old Furniture Thllt
NEW LOOK at Astounding
Prices During the "off tea.son"
\, .. ~ \Ill t'
""' l•t •I Lt
" '•••H "r till' I T!n>oth~ •;:II•, ·r·,
11 .. r. 81-l<·r Tl'I C""" J[.,,,j •:.,.
r , ,jj• "l 11. , I\ !o , I·,, I,~
ll I "1!." \'. " l.tt~t•·• l'11ru•h1"" lt1<•1n11 "''ill
l"t•· r~ .. ,J, '" 't •hi•· ·~··•"Ora' Iona
: 1,·, '1· •; ... II.'•· <:urr Jr
Liberty 8-5518
" \\ , It I~"\
For •llrn•tu or iil'le or our rtecor ators ""'Ill call
with 6.Arn pl~.11 Ill your requul.
ENGAGE.:\fEJ~T of Sh~ Ann Hourigan to Gordon
L. I.rongft•\Jow , son of Mr. and h1rs. Ermine H. l.oni.:--
fr llow of ~nn D1Pgn Ls announced by hcr parcuti;, :-.I r.
nnd ~I r~ Jlar-z-y I.::. ll01l1r1ga11 , ·114 El ~lud l'na 1\l"l'.
The brid• -l·k·ct 1vntt groduatcJ froin 1'\r\\·purt 1-J:trb 1r
U nion l-!1;.;-li ~rhnoJl u nd nt!(•nJC'd Orang1:Cr1a>:I C4>lh·;.:-1'.
l-ler fi1111r·(• v•.tH i.;raduated from :'ian IJir KL> lilJ{h
!'.;c hool. :1 lt1·111l"d :-;un Uil·gn ~t ;1te ('ulJ,·g1-. I!> lltl\V 1•1
t he fie ld 1•! a·i11·rt i:-;i ng. Aft•'!" a J \l11 e 1\·r-d ,J111.i.: t!:1•
couple 1\·tl J l"<':<ldt· 111 ;\t lH·rl "ri. -l;(':-nu· ~hh·n l'li•'i '•
l 'HLS F.:'>.TS
Jeon Barde ou~ Ph.D.
P~ychot heropi~t
It s <'h n!i·a! a r rhr11tin n nnd \·;due in t h<'" tr('a.tm• trl
•)f jlh_\< 111 ·''";n.1\1~-disor d l·f!i -<l,en1unstrat in:;
u1d11«lit•t1 nf l•:>-1 •11111 c t ru11c(•, e.:ltD l1·psy. a b11,,r1:1.d
srnflory 1llus:o11. pu'<t-h ypnl•l ic an11h·s1:1 . pvSL·
hypruit.i~· i,iugi:•-.'l t1n11, 1111d age rcgrcs:;io n.
X p. 111 .. \londar. i\la rrh 19, t !).')()
Sanl1t ,\111' JliJt h -SC-hoo l Auditori111n
.):.!II \\"1•"'1 \\'alnut S t ., S,1111..J. ~\n:\
/', . .,.._,,,,IC"''° i•~ I'",. "I'",,;,.,_ Fl y)'"""' g,.i,,;.,,.,1 ,"
,,,. ... ~1 11 !'• 1 ~~1.•r ~--L;,.'1.k. Ut'pi11!"1~·nt of 1 '.•)"l"h~·I••.;,:.
l "·uvo.-..1•.1· •·I t 1r1·i,;,•11. "'JI l1.-"'ho,,.·11.
.\•h11! .... iu11 tlllt' 11011.a.r. .\II prOCN'tls lo
Tt.,.. tlr.1ni.:1· ('11unl:'· StK·M!I).· for Mt'nlaJ lft·a11h.
I ''·', I
St. Andr e \\~ Cub S cout
;\t1111 her
' -,,,, ~· I' 1~•
.\:. . ' .. , ..
'1, .. \o'.
• " I I! ... 1 ,,
" 1 • n J • r • ' -"\ • ·I lo
• H T ~· • < 'I ,1 tll'.I' I .IP .•
• ! I.. • ~· ""I • HI t 1\ I> ' J •
i.·11 . J loi< '" • ~.4 11 \unl! " • I
llll•·i:1.1\10•11 Wot I. /l.,y :0-l""trl I t t I'
IU. 1• fll, II l:t ol~" ~puJl~"t"t'•I 1•.\-
lh•· ""' l•
A " ll· ..... , ' ' ., ',·,\
' " ·''"' ] .. •Jl
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•1 "I I! '"
.. 1 ••
•1 <I ·-u
.\. • I. u.\. L t.Ll< '' " ' '. •''
,\ .\lulU '"'.
'•ti·! I"" 11<11 J , LIJ
'\\•I• l , :,J ,1 , ulli.IUluJ .. tu 1:.0. ,,., I J' .[,. I'' ,.,
'" '"
•. 1 j
I( Ii
'I · ·•l•
,,,, . ' 1!1· ' ' " " I ' I:' I flu o
1., ,(•• .' ',,
"' I· do ''I I' I
" .
' '
" " " . . .... ',,
.... .11
" '
I •. , I. I ' "
.1-· '" • . "
..11 " ",11 j
•• n :-II• l•I •I'
'·"I •' t ,, '
" ""' ' d• ,,\, ' "
' l•·" ,, J<• .... 1,1
I•' nn-1 d·"
. h .. I'
I. Llt.11 ,, ' ,. ,., ....
" •... 1,.., .. ..:..
II" '". .1n•I
.I I•!. l•!hl j
"'"·"'' ., .
1 ..... !ti
'' I 1,..,,..
i I a;.;
('~ ~~,/~
~'\)! Af~ ... ·~ ,.\J ,/!. ~·~ .;:;.c u r~Y
.q \'IM! ~:i '" Ai.'Y ~.1
The Low Pri ce r~ jus t
th e FIRST way you ~ave !
JOHN S O ;; " ' ; l
LINCOL ll '~,,. ~,.. ...... ,.
-1 •• ._, ...... w.\l
-'' I' ·r' !I 1 1 r•, ~ ·., 11
1 I ' • l , • l,· .•II!" """ <"lllla'°'\11
• '1.• \\, · h 111 l•«· .!.111:111··! t•y Allll'n Dof'Aburg &11d Mn . Jerry
I ·• : Ill•'' h;u1t.~ "111 "" !i!lv.-n u llran1f' a3 ft.>Od r hairmen. Mra. A.fl.ll
f ~ ·"·~ Hryn1an I• arrll11g:lng the rq hJon
:\:1, 1,,,,,11 I l•·t,.,,,.,.,rr • 111.n-dhu""" ...nJ :\I r•. Ralph W•taon and
•t•· ;;.,,-•. , •·''"''' '"'11:1.\1 111. l<01111 u v.·"n 11.r<I! UM:mbllnc l
'".: '"•-t 1·: :'>l r ~ 1 ·~.-11 rrt1.~"' Mr1 Hl'"ytnan ll'I ln d't•l"J"e I017 W. Coast R wy. (Mariner'• Mlle) Newport lk.:&ch
'• '""1 • "'11·11''. ,\[1 .. ~•~":'~·:··~:'.''~·~·~·~'·~~'.:·--------J,==========..,,========="-"-"'-"-"~-"'====,,,!
{ Jerfett bome J)ebtlopmtnt)
111 tt... ..,,....,.., unhlom.d be.uty whk1i
on!~ ~ n.mput -..ph....11 n.a oa .... )'Cl'JI"
H..uao.AT home wtU re~ durt.g the
r-n to come >""""' l~ ,...t t.lllr .
'°'°"'here rkt can you l .od tum .. kle<tl
K(ti"ll for lbe tranquil l!le )'Oll "'"•M b
yow.elf and,._ family. °' ~ . .u '-'Ir DMCla-1 ...
plntt t'ftlltt, ~ f<r all ...._ m.d.. o1 .u~~--do..8ul:Tm
H AL.It CoMPAlrT ncosnllrf 1M1 • ...,.
more i> in .. olved ill 1 full Iii• rhoa tliae
...,., ...... t1nr1.t la<"illtkil. f<r thot ,..JIOft,
you'll find in 11 .. 1..:alDT C..wrus EnATn
M r~,~e privale recrt•tion &rea, HaJe..
nr•C l'~rk--ron:rpl<l!te with clubhouM, Ut-
11 .. u..~,,.. 1 ...... i..µ p.rk. pkQlc crou..i..
•~nni< >1nd huxiboll cowb, •nd rwi1TV11ln1
po.·11-•ll for the e.•dualve plean"• ol
_,_.,. --.._ ..... -
I ... -... ......
. .. , ...
i.... ...,...._ i.... ... ...... ......
PAii rot ·
IODOD ----ftftpp .. ""-
~ t ...
IM l lA.UTIFVL CO~IA. Mi» 1-i••Mr ....... ,,,;1 l•I• ,,.,,._ Miu ........... w.i• .... L•-'•I·-u......, ... "'fll
...... _. .. _.,_ -
I ......... ... . -·-......... as
--=· --, .... ,IQ."· ·-
'B \
-. .. .... ..-
"God groot us the ,.ronity to occopt the thi"91 W. ceooot cMn.Je: tfl9 ~ to cho!199 tho "'i"9' wo con ond
wisdom to koow tho, cliff-·~ ~· "'-~
Editorial Circuit Rider
' I
Study Cify Council Choices
And Propositions in Advance
• Now • a pretty· good time for you to couider
wh&t candid.ta wil1 ~t your votm in the city council
eiectiola Aprtl 10. There'• DO need to put off eouidel°"
lnc till .1Jlectlon day queltiona whJch you can get &n·
swered to your •ti.fa.ctlon now, whether the quNtion
Is on the candidate or the propoeit1.on. involving ·the
public beach •trip at the city trail.er park or the pro-
poeed pay raiie to ~ per month for councilmen and
$300 for the mayor.
' An enlightened electorate i• vital not only lo
N~rt Bea.ch and Coata Meaa but to thi11 county,
at.ate and nation. Thal'• why we recommend you
11.udy the candidate. in the two Harbor cities and the
proPo-ttJem you will have to vote upon if you Jive in
Newport Beach . Next, 11tudy the June primary i•Ueti
a.nd candidate..
However, all this w ill be vain thought on your part
i f you forgel to vote on electi(1n day. So, make up
your mind in the weeka remaining and vote your own
choice April 10 and again in June.
Oout Not-' -Co. .ia<,tlto publlcab Two old
II-. -tlto -otnletun la Newport Beach,
wen tfw-Hslled to mUe way for the ..... bulldlDa·
-............ _, pluo --p-wtthla
tlto -two ,..,.. t1to N..,port llut>or N.,.._PrW
wtD ---of _..than double the ..,...
-proridtd, Lhd''lt ru-tJy owned by the jtub-
Ullldnc _,_.,. o0 2a'd Bt. ""-t1to offlceo will be
bwlt. Whoa· --.. -pleUd • -plete re-&rrUIPmmt of operatinc facilitiel will have been
accompliahed without Uandonin1 any pOrtion of •trues
turoo )lft¥iouly oceupied·by printlstc equipment.
Tbe. new pr.. • .till under trial l'Ullli and it will
,probl.bly be eo daya before all its many facilities can
be put to u.e.
Worklng on the new building with South Coast
Colllltruction Co. were Net.on M. "Doc" Stafford and
hia crewa who. have been Completing the com plicated
electrical m.tallallon to control t he 75 horsepower
motor that powers the pr'ea. Cement work in the
foundation and building waa done by IA.wrence Sprague
and hi.a Bay Ready Mix Co. with aome work being
done by Harbor Cement Work•. Piute.ring of the ~uUd
ing wu dooe by C. K. Yam~ Special met.a.I fabri-
cations were done by Smith Brothen with Gillman
doing the plumbing worlc.
~ .. ~
I~ -,rt~ "' HJI 8 1/:W 05 0 /;100Jt. for
t~ ~op~ "' th~ 1'1or1st i>el'Vht .nldr
~Iv humo,.. l"Ol:I llas 'vter e,rper1,,•1t;•1 d '
(A S)'lllpoolum ot Editorial Own-rr-•
Call!o(Dl& N ....... pttr11)
The rwerber&tiou of Prwident Eleenhower'a aDnOLl;:Dc&o--
mefit that be would _. re--election caueed a delQce ot '
editorial comment m Califoroi& newapapent lut ,,....
Ian Dl:eeo Tr1bune: .... .Pff-Uppm··n i. .. ~ ...... ·-~ lldenl ~h~f"I decUl\(lft &C• ..,, '1,..' UI •-,--
IU&lly contrcnt. tM Am..-tcan can. la sood feiUI cahJU)t run
VOlm"• wtth • VNUy ; b6i'iV bot.II Vice P'Ndden.t Rlchud M.
eholA,, They will bot clM:Joall.q NIX.an and Prieadeat OW!pt D. Ul~ i-rlY lb.at i. to ~ the. lllMnhower on t.be .am. UCkeL
..:our• ot ,:overnm.nt pollcle. &o• To do 111> ..,,..Id M to bWld •
I.ft• n•t tour yeara. l.n a4clltlon naor.:I conlradlcUoo laln Uie tk:j,(·
Lo the P'Nllid•nt &ftCI. vtee pr•i-et. To do .o W09kl be to _.
doflrH, voter. wUI el~t SJ u . B. U•• people lo 91.p a contract tor
Senat.onl, •l6 r epreamtaUvu, 30 ooa Ht ot princlplM IJl tM full
gove"'on and oountlu.1 1 late, knowle1Je events mll(ht foOJt an
!':O\Ully and municipal otf1c1ele. ll.nlirely dlff~r~nt ffl Of princl•
Wllny ot t11e.. politiea.J tortunfl• ple. on them."
..,..l:: be lntluanced by the trend C:A..NT LEAS OS IJl'M
or--event. at the tup Ur L11e 811.n Frllltcl.-o New•: "1iie ft~
Uc kf!UI." .. . pt1bhcan• know :h•r, whtltt h•
S.k<":rodl<":ld C1d lforntan : '.\ llh , Mr E19<':Tlhower) will al11.nd ror
th" Pre•lllent d<"rln1tf'lj • cand1-I re .. 1.-ction, they can not lea" ·un
•111.te tor r•<'letitu>n •nd no1h1ni: ru m ·ni .. L>enl°'-ra la know, ~
I\ ai~ht lh1tl l'uu!d htt l\ llli'1\h .. r b/h,lli•1 !h"'l U\ .. \' du r• .... n<J. fJ
•·ietoriou• nlarr h lo lh" pol!a , In-•<"• •iud-r!l l<'r lulu -l hf' l1>1t. ag-•ln t
""tar a.a lh• top of th.._ Uck-:t hi\" T tie <"•n•pai ~n z~ ~· 1 t Tl1e Bible . Book for the People .. cnnct1-ne<J lh .. _ ttepublir•n i ... d-,,., un .... nler ui.. b11 111 .. i~ ... 11,1.t-
1.i nitup 1• ~at11eruig Ila forceit H ) ly !h~n the Pr~,.1,1en1 ~n,~!I '""'" !·-----------------------------•CCurr1pl 1•h • nec.i•a&ry Pll!•O! of ,,f 1111~., ••)ob!ll•,n,, "Ill /\ul ta.r•
11.•ala\ll.f\(.e tvr Mr . Ele..I\llu.,.•er· W<'li 111 ~<l''"'"ll<"t
The <'hl~r &a8!gnn1.,nl 18 10 ~fl!l l ll Hv-1·r.,.u;-L1e1nocr11.t: AFFAIRS OF STATE I fi!('llplUre o•onlrol or OJngT<:•• II.lid -A11,,.th a n11 <>!lo'e ag .. JU >Ir<! ('Uffi-
fil "c" in th<o key poaltH>n11 nu·u 1nii: 1 .. rt'l)I llf!"" lhf'<f•"<'-IV~•. not
By HENRY C. Ma.e.ARTIJUR I who ar" fully •n ay nip .. lhy w•Lh "~'"ti g«v.,rnrl•enl h>1n •l•~u \Jo a.nd
Tar, Pirate Basketballers
Bring Honor to Community
!------------------------------lhe E!!>ellhower prog-ra.1n," ltei.;ula1111n". The11e lhln.';a. wo ------------------------------! SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -On the _heel& of an an-JSSf'l.RISO 1..1:...\0t:R liul1k, ~1·t1 far ni"r" 11npUrta.nt J p 1 than 1he r11 ..:t th"t \•l/l<'" have Grass Roots Opinion \ noun cement by the California Teacheni A880Ciat1 on that it · 3"n 0$,. Newa _ .. ,. .. ,.dent 1n .. ver \>6.-n ~t 1 .. ,, '-'""'ouied w ith
r:uwnhowcr htt3 1,.,-.,u •u lru•plra-KQO•oJ \une11, th .. v ""•kr t.t r. Eta·
ia as king school boards to fix maJ1:imum pay for teachers ~1unal leader for our .. wn n•uon ~ni .. ,w .. r,. d,., 1~i .. n ~'H"I riewe ln• · · · · h be a" "·ell aa an lndlvlQual or In-. ..
at lea.al twice tha~ of beg1nn1ng sala.r1ea. and l at Laxes n.,en ce In lhe world. Althou!Jh ill""'1
increued to meet the additional load where funds are not J hi. a1.&tement of w1u1 nrne-. tn t·~11tt:11; .... t'fllJC'\' Tb~ Harbor area tbie year hu been provided two
outatailding bultetball vanity• by Newport Harbor
Union High Sc hool a.nd Orange Cout College. The
high .Chool Tars were champs ot the Sunaet Leape--
and predicted at the •tart of the eeuon to taJr:e the
Lea.gue·l~Utel• not only thia year but the two folloWlns
-while the Pirate v&n1ity improved it. ahowing greatly
over lut year. OCC'• boopt:ten won 18 and I041t
nine gamea thi• aeuon compared with an 8-20 win ·lou
tally the previous seaaon.
"Socialiaed medicine YI 'juat. one of the 110Ciali.at pro·
grams that .-doea no~ work -and that never ha•
worked. The' United Sla\e. did well to turn down
90ci.alised medicine -thil Country la the healthie•t
Country in the world and free enterprise medicine ie rM~nalble for that hi.ppy 11tate of affairs,"
a.va!lable, the Ca llrorna1. 1 • ._._ I tl~ome • c"ndldale la not e.xart -The 1""-P• R .. gi.1 .. r: "P~eident
A ti h
ti•pe ()t rnt"rH rating t.Jth.ough th<! ly rulecllon, who are lh<"Y wt>i• E1..inhuwer • tloi.·1a1vn l(l Hek a payer11 ~1a on, ,. researc or-· . h 1deii. 11 ret·e.1v111•· 1nc1·.,,.~d alten-wltl argu<e lhe polnl w1t h con-ae~'<.>nd lPnn .,,:ill move foreign ganlz.allon come• wit .ome 1n-.. • '1 1 h Lio n " 1 vu:Uon, puhry op•·r1.u,.,,,, nrr "d..ad 1;:eo-lere•t1ng ac t.a reg•n Ing t t M •--s d d "Wh ti "
h _, . C 111 . Wllh pa y ral,.e• f .,r tea~hrr• on.-..a tan a.r : o wl ter •I " crur·l•lll' tmport11o11l tear er ... tua.t1on tn a orn1a. · lh -• •I b!lll"d o n t.ollege de11;1...._,., coll1ge be e "Ice preiildentlou nomlne<":. !ln1e, Orr1i.;111.l8 ftllllkly -.cknow.
TOPS THE X ..\TJON credll$ and cl"1'!lf:n tu•I 11l11.tu~. \1 : Mr, E:l1enhower. belng a f,.Jdy I le.J iit""-that ~lel'.IJl)n yf!a.r atta•'k•
'Thll achool year." MY• the 11 11omewhat enervating tu k no"' 1 11.Jka.tlve jX"t~n for a prr11dent.1 a.nJ ·do1iht u to wbeUl"r th•
a1111QC!at1on, "1&6~-M. 1;a11rorriu1 Jh&l 90me d11tr1ct11. a lthOU(l:h thru ha1 already upr~ h1maelt I P realdt"nt '""••Jl·l nin t rf'quenUy
tope the natio n In high pay for nuni~r• ni&y be rew, are g 1v1ni ..i .. a rJy a.nd at lenKth on thla sub-h•V"-cau""'1 H1dec-\3lon ln i'OrP l(TI
the J11rge&t J'\l.J.mb<':r o f tear hera. th"-11y~tem nr bs111ng ra 1.e• on ;e<::t EllrLy l&.11l-yur •l~ntcw• policy "'l'enl ly in Lh• face or
• • • •
' Coach Jul~ Gage of the Tani and Coach Stu
Inman have done a good job with their young charges,
all of whom deserve the praiae of their respective
achool dl11tricta' rootera.
ALLENDALE, S. C., CITIZEN: "The federal
goveriiment feed9 on itaelf. The more power it gets
the more rt gou after. At time. government agenciea
are guilty of U•ing the people'11 money to buy control
of the:m in .area. where the people can well do without
feden.l control."
Thl11 I• t rue, even l.houe h New ~h e n1ent,. or the 1nd1vidus!a In· 'onrer.,nc'" · . · n.. lngly new Cnmmun11t challengef!'"
York has a ahghtly h1g!1er av<i:r -1101.,...d went out o;if hl1 \wllV t n1a kf' t.1>n~ a .. .,•11 P~aa · TelCKf'll\!
11.ge •nnual 11alary. $~.150. thlln I The 11.1·U<.:le al!!O ""n1n1!!nt11. 11 ctea.r that if htVJ'."d run fvr ", . . re•c llnna (to Mr. E•~en-
C11l1 tornla 'a $~.000. ll 1a t rue be-1 "Men tJun 8huuhl al.••i be rn11.de th11 P 1·eal'1ency tor • 1....ennd tenn , I huwer'1 anno uncemPnt, reOl!<.:lf'<l
<.:lluite . Qf Lhe racl lh&.t t11e ,_,,,JllU' 11,.iar)' he "''Quid pr .. rer in,., the H•pub-t h.._ ln1n1en"4! ptipul"-r Hy a.11d th•
•'tn Ca!lrurr111 999 oul nf every pti.i!I 1<1 1 .. ach .. ra 18 ouly one of lican t1rk •·t ~ lh" 11•me u ll lov .. r • .. JI •11C<'"-"' of. J.l r. E 11wn-
l.OOO l'l1LUroon1 teacher~ l't'Ceive lht' wa_y~ or clln1pen:11i t1ng t"rh· wa,. 111 1~(")2, with Vee Pr,..••ll,.ni l llti"er In Lht" pre111den<'y . 1'ht"y
mol'l" lhlln $3,~00 >;Ctla.ry,' wlule . .;ni. all t•r "'hh:h mu•t De nnarH'I!(\, R 1~h•rd _M. Nlr.on ILi h i• r1•nnlng refle<'le•I th• f~f!1ing people_ h•vn
in New York. only 880 oul l'r 1 by the p1-r1ple. thr<HlKh taxe11 p11-!J , u1•te. Ht• re.ma ria wer• "'-! In-h•d _at.out Ike throughout hi•
• • • •
While we don't normally editorialize on 11port.9
activitiM in this inatance we believe th.e achievement. of
both aquada have brought honor and diatinction 'to
Newport Harbor.
To the Tan, a deep bow .for topping their LM.gue,
to the Pin.tea the Nme for &bowing vut improvement,
revenlng their previotia aeuoa's record. We'll be
lookin&' !orward to even greater hoop teama next yea.r.
ia hopeleuly in debt ll i. lot wone off than the national
government which is in the aame fix. The individual
ia aubject to lawa which can seize hi• property : the
government ju.st ca.Wea the debt limit a few more
billion• and pay,...m~ interest which accounll!I for
muc;h of your high tant of today."
e11e.ry 1,000 te1u~her8 l'!!('~•~e nioi'" I 11.erprPted by nearly all of the hnlll11.nt taret:!r, tlr11t 11a a ,.1111·
Lhlln 13.~0-0 a yea r a11.l1<ry . .. t'KI NO~ ~t:st:l<'ITS .:or re11pc ndf!n r. "';.ho attended lh• 1 t11ry n111.n then aa «h!f'f e.xeeuuv ..
"l'arenthelitRlly, tin 8 nll.Lllln -S111·h ut )i.,1. • on1pen11at 1on -the I pre,.,. conference. That feellnr c&.11 be aummed up
wille b11.819, !'i74 out ur everv l,0001,.,., . .:alle-d 'frun:e 1>ener1t,.· wtuch The l<'r'sno Be.i : "(Wa.lter) W1lh • •tnirta wont: Confldenee."
teacher• rtceive rnore t11an· 13.50U I are <.:ommon t0 prir.cut·11!ly every
a _ye11 r aa!!l r)'. 1..chvu! dt1tru!l 1nclu<I~• al<:-1\
••c ahtornia la alll(l at the lop •l(l l't w ith ;.iay, r"tlrel)l<-lll hene·
of the !111t tn numbEr1 of t~chera fll11, 11.nd job ""eur1ty undrr the
rf:CelVlntr $4 .~0() a Y"ftr or more.
600 out !1! "very 1.000 , with New
Ylltk 11 ,-Jos., ~et!Ollll, 6PO out or
every I ,000
t.eacher t e11ure '""" WASHINGTON REP.ORT
By l'our CoogttUID&ll .I~ B. 1JTr
News-Press Enters 49th Year NO COMMENT
"Salary 11 c hedu1 .," J\en,.rally
"peak!n!". cu\'l'T 11 1chool _}'e11r vt
Len monll\11 of ?O week,<lays -IOI~ lo""'---------------------,;. ______ _
11. ~~h<>OI y~ar Wllh 1 7~ t6 ~ Or U course y ou 1111 k now that len y Ja rapidly b«omlng a nil· \\'f.il.I. AHl)\"f: tPlll'hHl,I( day!<." C lhe ongr .... 11 palllleJ the Up~r nor luu11 Ln llllY propoul. "The n11.l.1un·W\t!e 11vt"r1tge !11 In 111·1v11 l~ l'T1lployn1.,nt, w ith lt• ,._t d Rt -8 II
260 GUL nf ~"ery L.OOI) teach~r11 in usual two week~ v11<·0.tion a.nd ""'ora 0 ver P roJ~et. ·, "8 1 The m()ll[t devaat&Ung argu·
with Huge, 64-page Rotary WAIHINGTON -'"blloUon
' a.monr Republlc&n11 over Kr."El .. Without fanfare the Newport Harbor New•·Pre. enltowu·1 announc.m.nt that h•
entered the .f9th year of continued publication th.iii will nm for re.19Ction hM now l(iTen way lo a mM• d&llMraf•
week a.nd ra.n the giant-newspaper prNe that hu been look at th• poUttc&J probl•m•
I •-~ailed ! th !i t ti contront1n1 ht. pan,. new Y wm" or e in me. At fll'llt bluati, Kr. 111.iten·
Many new9J)apen have been •tarted and paued out hoWW'a pe---.1 popula.rlty
plue Ute aclile•ement. ol hUI tint
of exi.tence in thi.9 community aince the Newport Har-uu-.. y..ra -9hou.ld ...,_" hUi
bot PubU.bing Co. ra.n it.I first naper dwing the fint ....i.9Ct1on. Som• "lfl" are lnh~r-
r-ftll DefeeUon -UI• tarm•n,
week ·of March in 1901. Many paper. have merged, u tn tHI; th• ettecu.-.... or
'---..&..-..1 wdoa !abor'• polltlcaJ orpnla· ·~ and couolid&ted into the publicationa DOW Uoi.; lh• •ffKl of th• ''JloMIUI"
be&rinc the name Newport Harbor New.t-Pre.. '--an u-. an ••Ibid
la tta. almc::.t unlll.ll1moUa W&llb-
'f'be ciant Hoe pre&1 which began operating thim lftC\Oll Judpn.nt that the Pn91·
'-~t ebo\lld Wln by a rnarpa weea. W the l&J'l'eat new•paper preu in Orange County •nn. vea.t.,. than J'KOf'ded tn
with one eJtception. It i• capable of producing a 64-1062.
END WAR page product at one time at a apeed of 27 ,000 per hour. TtM end 0( Kol'Mll npttns
Th ' ' t h---· t th o-"'--d .. '400 billion n&tlONll 11\CIOl'I\& e equ1pmen WU pure ......._. .rom e a&l&.D a $10 billion cut tn f~ •·
Tribune and installed here by Engineer Fred J . Fuller pendltur• _ tax: rech~UO.. -
of Balboa Island_ It' replaced a 16-page Hoe pr'eM that and proeperity with a atabltt.ed
formerly-put out the Inglewood Daily News. ~~i:-~;:' .:;:. ~~!::
In Ol'd~r to accommodate the giant new preu, a how•"• i.rwati,.. nconun.sa.. b"1~1 .... of 2l500 ..... ft. with an 'inaide root c1e&rano. tlona m the llOCtl.I -..uar. -~ ~waue -IOI')' ban .tripped U.. oppollltloe
will be. •lgned by the P reald<":nt ment ag&in11t the project. ;. that the $-t.~ a year Qr more pay sr.inie-rt\'e day1 or legal hnllday11, outcome could be. a atand-Qff _ br11.cket." k l 1 :l lO d befor e Ihle communication reach-In th• now pl!ndlng suit bf!tween
I a wor er pu" n · •}'I. or •·1 you . Of ' one thine l can &1111ure Arizono __ _. ,.._lltorn.Ja, tho F·"-eavtng the S<":nate •till under The Tllxpayer11 A11MWl11.tinn. Jn ~:'i .rnorR than the t~achf:r yet ....... ..._. __. ·' . · · • ., . y ou. t h.• Southern Callrornla Del-0-1 Go•·-mo-t h·-1-t,'-·-,d O.mocr•Uc con trol. it11 recen~ \"IJIJ" of !he T1t11 O!geat, unrler t e prnpoe1tlcn of the Cah •• '""" " -" ••-• · ·I t>g• llon made a ya.Jtarit tlrht to clalm ln< that' the ratification or In the Houae, a President'• pulnt.11 out t he way11 and means rornla T ea cher• A~J1-;Uon. the d.ifeat the me&l!Ure'. Two mon~
popularity can brine mora dti"ect varloull dilllf"iclll ha.lie of n-icreall-\1UCpa e ar expr~ted to d ·g the Colorado River Corupact by
It b I J.', h Y r11 e 1 '11.go we had enough votea to de· Coo-••• lo 1922 d td oot -··t re.u • -ut e"en n t e ing IP11cher 1111larh!t1 and ln th.111 deeper for \hill extr 11. ~~ d• • ... -,. ..... , Re bll Y · 1 feat it by " large a niajority the water1 0r lhe Colo r-a.do River pu can ma.rein wu • mere l bal·ka up the contention mad,. In It 111 .knoYo"Jl th&l tf:.acher• in IMlme af l lt flnlllly pBAlled. but there 1 1 aea.ts. Today t he coun~ •Landa 11 ret•en t "Affair• ot Slate" .lhat dit1lrl<'UI are 11uppo~ to at~nrl , w&e ..,verll.I AiKJlificant thin~• to he comparllns •ti.lea and th•
at 232 Democrat.. 203 Repuhli-111l1a ry tnc re1u1e11 are ma1-1e whether 11un1n1er '1-!:hr><,J during th11t Otl which cau-.I Rn a.l moit. compll!te ~::=aJ to ~~~=:nlml~:: -:.~:
cans. And In J9~ there 11.re add: the Individual teacher !a worth il d11.y11 , but, i!I the requlre1nent ao rever,..._I and 1 llhe.ll lillt 110me ed obe:ta.cle•. 8\J:ty-thrfl!. !ncum· or nol. th rl lh ! feet of water In th• l,.ower Baain t R I fly can a vance ano er step n I or Lhem Jll1rely for 111., purp<>Ae tor tile followl.ns purpoap:
ben •pub lean. won by a ma-"Rela tively llttl<1 uae h1111 been 1111!11ry, or M Lhey can. through or 11hoW1ng the Lhlngll th•l can
jor1ty of 1-th&!l I per cent -made." llllY• the a.rllcle, "of any m"rlt. become belte.r teacher11 ? eithe r -pa.a. or defeat an im""'r-l I l ,700.000 acr• f"t for the com~ with at Damocr11.t• ·------------------------------! r -UN of Jndl&.11• In~ Lower .ea... .A.lr9&.cly 12 "t•ran. Republlcanll Lant me ... ure. • l.n '
(COP!.p&hd wtlll. only 3 Demo-The gre&te•t tnnuinct. p<":rhap• 2) l .MO.OOO M:l'9 fMt to t&k•
en.ti!) bav• deeided not to Hek sac r·a m en t 0 s 1' de l 1'·g ht wa11 the deter mination <;>f th" c&r• ot Ula Muic.n Water· Ntlecllon. 'lllt.y ..,.. tired 0 , the ya White HOUM! Lha.l l h\11 meuure Tniaty:
should ba ena<'ted. The White
•tninle. Other veteran mernber11 ·-----------------------------·I l ) 700,000 acre feet for evap• an ..,.r.el.ng to run _ bul w'lth Hou11e Secretarle!< 11pent llevertil Ora.lion on L&ka M.Nd:
llttle enthu•l&llm. SACRAMENTO -\CNSJ -be ·tllken ea a demand for an wttk11 M llrlting "o le• 11.n1oung the 4 1 8,:'.1()0,000 acni ffft to ful·
With water the primary top k ot lmme<;llat<! development. progTam Republican M ember~. The day ot fill • 1t11 contract obligatlon11 to
eonve.rsa.thin a.round th" legl•la-of lhl• va.11t 11y11.tem. Rath<":r. l~ the deh•le the President d"voted Cnllforn!11 .. Ari.aona, &11d Neva rl11.:
lure the~ daya, It may be well preliminary report. "''hlch .... -111 n.. 1 great poi·unn ur 111" newll C()n-~ 1 11.n un<1.,lermined •mount for
to look a he.11d a lltUe bit 11nd followed with l rt~mplo>le reJXJrl 1 rer~nce_111 th" l"'P'--""111nce of thi" publl<' rlomain, t leh &11d wlldllfe.
eonsider the picture of future •l a later dale, ia conce!vf.'d e11 1•·K•11l•l1on •n<l ll th" 88"1e preM N11.\1on11.! PRrk Servi<:<':. Burt>&u <•f
need11 In lhi3 111.11te. a ma11te.r pi8n. Qr a,. 8 r•tte.rn ' conference ann nce<1 hi ~ wlllln11:-Land ~la.nagement, Forl'llt se.r-
There la more.
Part,r unity Ill .. 1111 1.,,·klntt
Many eon11ervatJve membere reel
lhey a r• being Jett In the 1·old -
Ulat a.dnllni.tr•Uon pollei"" n111y
bulld the Pre11ldenl'1 pf'raonal
popularity but Injure reelecUon
proepeclf •tor them,
The . Stllle Waler Rell!Hll'Cea into which h1g!cal and orderly i ne~11 lo run ror r~"le<'llun . Thi" "lcl':, ete.
Boa.rd , lo which w1111 J!'.iven the '1"vlllopment of '-We v.·ater r"-1':&used at 1;11 ~t fitly M;mh.,rH TI1l• 11mounl11 to 12.•00.000 acr e
Job or work ing out 11 ~lalewidf:. !IOurcP.~ nf the Rtate m11y be t11 ·1"'hU expecleid to -:-Un °" 'ere~; feet er.1:Jull-lve or t he unde\ernil n·
water p!11n by th• 11147 legi11la-led by pro~rt'&lli"e 11tage11. •.• ord or the A m!ntllltllf!On 10 fa ed cla lma of_ the Fed<":ral Gov-ami:i:. '.:' f:1! v~~ 1;et~"co:~d lure. ha.a don .. ju11t lhlll lln(I corne need3 may dev'l!lop. lnlo l•n• wllh th" Prl!slden'a re-ernmenl, which could WPJI r x· -
add to the problem. •nd hurl•-up with lhe prellmln11 ry to11t "U nd e r any cl rcumlttanee~ .. 1 qu~llt, ce~ anoth<":r million acre reel.
of 18 feet wu built by Waiter B. Mellott UJ.d hia South ot any na1 ~ -------------,OC'--------1~------I TIM ~tial e ••pa 11' at tblr.,.., aio.,_ up ... a MW.
ot pw •"U.. _., on tMt M-
•Y. tb.• Dwnoer&Ue Party lac• deftlllt.9 1aa.ftdkl&p9. A.._,t any
~W. up.ala, UI• R<tpu't"
beaall ahoa"3 ban &nQUl•r four
y.anr to llbl&in lhel.,9 ~ -
world pMC• &11d r-t.bJl.tilnr a
tance on partlcula.r "w<":lfare" flgur" ot between $1 2 anrl $13 1111y~ the board. "It 111 probable t"ORF.IGN AID Th\11 t otal figure exc"8J11 the
proframa will put many mem-billion a11 the eventual bill the thal the r eirpon•1billty tor lmple.~ Al thA llam e um ... COflV,•ll I• avera.g., fl ow below W •• F1rry,
bar• on th<! "lpot" With c<1naerv-•tate wUI have to pay lo &Mure mentatlon of much or t hf: Call-conlliderinit expenrllture11 of 11ev-The Federal Qo";,mmen t hf..f/ l'On -
atln coniUtutent" _ &11d help w•ler for •II pr •ctlca\ purpo-..11. fonti11. Wa~r Pl•n y,•iJ I Ii!! met eri1J bllllon 'l"ll"r" !n Forelsn tract.a to deliver 6.Je2.000 acra
J'onnerly the NnrpOrt-Baltio. New11-Tlm• ?"Ml ~.,.rty sy.,at.m tlu'oo.l(b
and th• Newport-Balboa Pr-. nbuUdt:it or the R..publlc Party.
---~;-6;;;;;;;;;-;:;;;;;-:;;;;;;;;;;;~r.;~;;;;;-r,;;;:~r,;;;;;----· 1 But -and Ull• laJ ""°"" .&. itt"s tzMe LoN.I IMUllmd,,. fw 0-r FertJ Y.... bUl -tM admlnietratl ha.• had
------------------------------l•JM"l•Ca ,,,..Oi & 1 & I I•) al I Ye
81t&Nd u thc:ond-0... )latter at th• Poet.Qttlc• In N.wport n..c.b.. br&neh controll_., by U... oppoel·
California under th& Act o( )(arch S, llTt . UOn p&l'tJ. l l'• h'u.tr&ttnir -
--~;;·~· ~~~;;;;-.;;;;;~-.;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;1i;;;;;;-.;;;;;----1 Um• ~. And UM outlook p td'' I •Tft'J' 11.,..Y, W..._..F _. F'rlllaJ' ar,. * today few a Rapubllun·controned
JllSWPO&T HAIUIOa PUBUJllllN"G 00111'.t.HY ~ la Mm Ulan & I0-60 bet.
•11 ..... 8ITd.. NJl:WPOaT BU.UH. qAur. ~ ......... lht OCU» nouaa a .. an lh• cold nsv-: Sen-
.,..,..:._,_... 1Ap1 N...._ ... Mtal.I ..... .&.a~ Me -an.. lN2 -'' JlepubU· 1t1' ~ .............. o-rt .. 0,.... 08 ... ..,.._ N .. A-ll'ftl caa1; •T DMloen.t&. An.r ttNM-
'T Rapubllo&M; '' o.mocr&1--ll ' r Qalll« ... N•w11 zr P11•r t n A d ... tDllNdlq Mone -wbo ..ttcMd.
......... Nau.-1 ......, .a l ' 111• In tW.. U 8-&t. ..t. ..,.. at
-----~·~-~ ... ~·C.:"'~~°'""~~P~~c~·~-~.,~~,.~-~'.,_'..,~~·-~:,_----l•tak• -lT~bllcan. 11 o.no-crst1c. Bbi: ~ -i. a.re
BEN R.llODICK,. PUBLllllDll la ti.. ••aoJMf•• lloU&h. '-"l'las T
WUA.IA}( A. MO.-. mdttor .. ,_bl& cont.-.. At' 5-Mt' two
01UIOND-&. ftOUM"TRC&, .A.cfrertt.tq Dtnet~ tt.publlcul .-t. an In Mt"klul CILtJ\}.E8 A. AIUQ'I'ftO~O. Meellaftloal 11u,.rtn~t jeopu'dy -•flrqr • n-could be. -----'---------'-------------I AD41 at ,.._a.. u... .. mu.
IUlllKlalPft01' &A2'D1 hope ot plekhl.s up mon u.an
N_,.rt Jlarhr N-rr-,. Tit·.....,. two o.ncicn.t:ie -ti.
.. ~ OM.lJ, ..... pet' ,._,; 11.M 11b. -.: flM ...... -. Wtllil local laal• l.f'd ~-
--0. ..... of 0.-p ~ f"• I'S yw abU-ol ina,ior' i..~ I.be
non. w1th the .o-ca.11.c! "JiberaJa' The preliminary California We-Jn la.rge mell!IUr" by genet:Alion11 Eeonomtc Ald 11~ well &II a bill!Ofl feet a.nnua.Jly to I.he State or
or liidependenU. 'tflr Plan envl•lon• 2ao· new ma· Yl!l unborn. For lhue ~ rN-aOn•. dollar Reclam•tlon Prlljttt to Ca.IJfomla . 300.000 acre fe<":l an·
Cunpalsn tundJi will be more Jor reS<1r1/Qlre In Ca.llfornia to p~sent e11tim&tea nf ·over -all l>e !Ina.need by the Export lm-iiually to the State Qf N~vada.
difficult to get. The .rteel• of 11.d\I approx:imat~ly &O mi\Hon CQrMltrur.llon co1'lt11 of lhf: work11 irrt Bank on the Nile River In •nd 2.800.000 1cre feet annU!l.Uy
the planned Bllr'l•l• in"<lfltlga !lon a cre-f.et of 11urface 11lorage c11p•-· in"tJlved "!rVf! little purp-o11e, t\ll'I-Egypt. Mlllly Memb.,rA tell t ba\ to the State of Arizona.
'"Y le th• pruf!nt 20 m ill ion. 1 er th11n to lndi<.:lll,. ln 11. v"ry of campa.lp cootMbutinna 11nd It we &re going to •penrl the11e A \'f:RAOI: f'LOW l!bbylng are a.lrll&dy being fell. BE'ITl'.a li'nLIZEJJ general way the m11gnllu<1e of blllh•n11 abrn.11d. we might JUI well
Anrl, In many ca.aee. opprmentll the t11.11k o r w11.trr r<":11ource d,._. "T'"nd 3 billion tor \h1'.! Col<Jr-.1<.> Thi• 111 equ11 I to the a111":reg • In llddiUon. Lhe ground water velnpm..-nl ultim1:1-tely lo f ll<.:f:. Cal· flow of lhe Rlvrr Into the l.OYo'er Will r.cetve even larrer 111Jm• t r c ttr t River l'rOJ'-'<:I regardl<":1111 of lta • ora1e reaource11 o ·" orn • itornla," trorn Lhe unlOM. wlluld be inori lnt elllgently and •11fe&11iblUty. Thi1 f1cl 11lone a c·
They are concernfld, tno, Uiat more e)ltflnt1lvely uLili~e.d under Probably lh<'l mo11l he•rtenln11: eounted tor forty or tltty vot1111.
IUtl• halp to them c11n coml' the propo11.fld pla.n. 1lattmenl in t11e report !11 th•!
t'rom a "fron t porch" type or "If fully Lni pH!mentfld," •Y" Ca.l!fornia ha.1 11uftlc!enl water
tele"l'lslon campaJsn pllnned b)' th" boa.rd, "Lha pl•n would fur-r'1!nurce11 ~or the foreReable fu·
th<! Prnident. And If Mr. Nfllon nish watl!r In Mlfflcif!nt qu&ntillea I \ure, providrd the f"t:llltte.111 for
-the Republicans moat l!ff~ti"e to permit the pr...,nUy Irrigated tU~tri butlon ar<! r:on#thlr..1.<':d and c~--•..-.-... -.• Id bo lot -•f 1 1 1 Lhe vround water re11ervolt'll are
Bl·PAll'fl8A.~ AUl'lON
Jt w... 11n a.mu.Ing: th!ntt to
11>ee th• DemocraUc l1'&d<1r1hlp u
well u t he Republican leader-
•hip In the: Hou" all tall lnlo
line for Lhe la11ue, Add Lo thl8 .... ,,_ ...... -.. ..,.. "' a,-r cu tura a.rp of about 7.300--11. • tl'I r 11 t t I Ule tJek.t. th• out.Jooll .,ould be 000 •<'fell lo •.x:-pand t o moT• ul zud 1 o e u e• ex en .
dull Indeed. Thi• la one rffll('ln than rv,ooo.ooo aere&. It would the f11ct th11l a North<':rn Cal1 tor-) ~ATI TR.AnoN NJ.:ARr n!a Mf!mber Jed lhe t is.ht Int•"· why --trd Yet~ retuM to pennlt ""' •ccmnp.utytns incre.-.e
take mer!OW1ly curre11t apttulatlOfl In urt>.n ud •uburban a ,._. from
that M,r. Nixon h ... be<':n droppood. th• pre"nt l,000,000 ac:re1 to
On tM encou"flnc •Ide to RI'-about .'1.400,000 acre•."
publJC&lla la Ll'urt.r own nw.Haa Uon l"urther, th• water r~...-...iN'N ~ or tbe up-bill fight ahead-bollrd I• -etUng 11.1 •lghla ror a or 'Iba need flltr orcanJ.uUon rl· 40 mltllon"·poput•·lloo in CaJtfor-
nJlnl' that of union labol".-of nla. 'W'tu cb I.II .oniewhat tf!rrify-
U.. ..,....t, tor Uitern&I un ity-'"-' In 11.Mlf to peopla wl'lo feel.
a.ad aWn all • .for r-1 polith::al thla •tale l• oveT-crowd-1 al lb<':
l.adanb.lp from I.ha PTe~t prellellt ttme,
hlm-U. And It 11 the latter-ll'l&t
c.a.n rnNn t he d1t tere<1!'.e bl!l-
.UN:-9a al'ld failure n•xl Novem · ..... --
Neri' OOU:01ATT.
The 1111)!'.g'••tinnA from the we•
t• r~ea board a r1 not to
-So 11\Ue h&8 bel'n known In ~r of the lt"i:l•l11Uon. J alao .wi· th~ put ronceming the acl ual Pf'".'.\ tha t a g-re•t deal or vote"
wat.._r re110 tor<'e•. that many peo-trading-on other important tr1fJMl-
pl11 h11.d dvuht• "'' h• U'le &blllty UN!ll Willi 11.ngaee<'t in.
r•f 1he •l•I"' lo 1u11ts.1n mnrl! W e mu!lt rr.member that !IO far
and mnre population nn .th1 btt~• llJI the water JtJl<':lf le coneemed
o( th• available wal<1r eupplle•-no other Membet11 butA. thcH
Th• r eport point.II out that I.he trom Southe.m C Allfomla •'er•
reau..-R.lvf:r project la the flr11t Involved. The rut of th• Mem-
nffd, 1.11d , that n atwtlld be oon-b(!ni were not ooncarnM u to
11tructe<t now. but on the mh~r who ahoul,d p t th• wat..-trorn
h11.nd. IJ"ll1 "11.11l work I ~ ''<'Pnly A I the CM<>ri1<10 RIVl!!t ..,.,, ~ only
rr .1·Hnn•l pAr'!" n( Uie ulUm•lr \.h ing th•1 h•d 1<1 juatlfy wa.a the
df!velopme.nt nee~. ! tack ot t eulbUll)' wb.lcll. -war·
Ballln o"er the put al)I year•
llO that tr the Sup~me Court
11upport• th<": cnnten Uon of th•
Ji"f!deral Go"emme.n.t t here w1U
not b<e one drop or water avail•
&bl" tor 11to,..ce behind any darn
In the Upper Baan and w• wtll
have a billion doll&T• worth l1f
eoneret• d•m• w:tthout u y water
behind tl'l~m. " a monuml!nt to
the folly o f the Mtb Con,-reaa.
It ha11 b<':<":n lnterutlng In th•
lut Wel!k to IUll<':n to many or
the Member• who l"Oted tor the
ProJ«t ex:plaln1ns Ui'.at It Is Qna
of the wor•t Y1)ltt they haVI
<":Yer m11(Je ID Cllfllt'"lla, bot what
<":I.we CO'llld th<":)' d1,-und&1' the rlr-
eu.m11t•ni-e-. Thr only cf.ln.ol&Uon
la that t.h la Bill ,., .. only autbl>t"
1.&n~ le&1al&tion and that tht Ar--
proprlaUon'11 OommJtl" will tak•
a aterner k>ok at ll before e<lfT>2
mlttln1 th• Fe..,e.r•l Tret1.•r y t.l
Utl• mu.IU·bUUon 4oll&r Khem•
" I
. ... . "
•nu \
"" '
• • •
l ~
' . I
' ;
I ' '
• I •
8WllDIEB8 GOING Mm OOJUN(l -Above. a
lfUfht. a! llWtmmeni prerare to b it the Rurt:ace of
lfU.walriek Memorial pool Wedneeday tn t he Sunst>l
,1-fut dual meet npener qain.et Anaheim hert',
> . .
~ ..... --~ .... -..... --·· ... ·--. .__.....:;
, "
Below, anothl.'r grouµ is in full flight afler -Starter
Jul(·H Gage f irt•s hi1:1 1,,run. Couch Al trwin's Sailor
aquamen trounced the Colon1!IU; 1n vaf'Bity, lighl·
weight and flr\•:eight divi1>l ons. Sta ff -Photos
IOBer '6M •w -
I Top pMSinic Quarterback Bllty
Wlllllier ' l:M'if ..... In 8
••111 School
MecH_,. Individual
·CJoacb Al Irwin'• Newport Harbor High School Sailor
11Wim team. euily defeated Anahei m splashers in slow
Plbiiijiatrk:k Memorial pool here Wednesday afternoon. The
meet wu tint of the dual seuon in the Sunset League.
~. Irwin ente~ hi• <:harrea
In tM CIF Tnvti.Uonal prt1llma at ........ Grel&et. Grel.eer looked good In
leaving hi• otfl<:la.I d!yislon to win
the B bnastroke. &Jld MUler, No_
7 C be.<:katro~ three weekll 11,ro
w .. ND. l mlin Wednesda y tiy
_ \'a!I •• currently offerl... ....
ll\"1. Co rkett tN J. Qv.•en"' IN~. ~ .. _.,,.for th"' OUer baMballt-.m,
33.~. l'.l(l bACk , lltllltr rx r. Cllugnan 'Coal'h Fran'1c M unarhu°Ms'h h.,._
~N I , Boice (N I, 33.7. l'telay. :-i.,.,,·.!V111J will fu rniA'h the Hun u.stori
pOl"t i Hallett, Brickner. Ruck. Beaeh nine wt th pltC'hl~ ~
Bu~111. 4119. Fin.11.I, NewptJrl 41. nece~~ary for the romlng su-t
Anaheim fl. League tflce
euc TRlllUl'E
Inman Terms
learn Grea1 • ill 'tesire,
Villi. a junior. Is out tor the 011-
~r niound curpt1 tor the f lrat time.
lie pl1;1yl'd lenn111 la.11 l --.on. ·Jn
h1.<1 r1r.1L hurllng ertort thl1 ..,a.
~nn'. Vail tossfd three •lnn!ng•
again.•t poy.·e~rul J...ong RMch Poly
'Intl allowed only one r un on on•
hit a.nd one walk .
Finds Boy's Bike
Nu:t )9cip 4PIUh cliul\ fo-r the
-r.rt1 wlU be ~ Karch JI ag-&Jn.et
Huntlnl'toft .... <:h.
..ooao u•••w:a capturing the I)() yd. evl"Jlt. Re· Coach Stu Inman t ermed !his
year'11 Oran ~·· l"""·~t Collc_1:e loaM-
A rffi-cclor,.,d 1>oy'11 bika w~
hr!'lught le Newport Beai.h police
"!1;1t1on b>· Shllrcn H e!UI, 3008 Bal·
boa Blvd.. re<:enlly, after aha
f••und it abandon...U nt!ar her
hnn1e. It WIUI rrg11tered lo a
Costa ?.feu. 11.d Jre1111.
Outa~ p•rforman c e .Wt.a: ketball 1q~,..1 .. ,. ~re<tl t....._.n, in
.,..an.t .. Colonial chu""ra Vaniny~Medley rela y. Newport t ern1.11 or •l~~i r,." nt \VetlnP.'lday
came h9I Jftfy Wbttaker who (Sohulberg. Am<1ld. Manti.. Kol-night'" Plrute ba><kr·t ball nv.·ards
broke tJMo laUor ecbool ~rd in Yialo), 2 :00.1. 6() yd. fr•, Reding-b&11<1u .. t
·-(=-·· ...... • -·t I t 7 \. ....,.. ................ .
IOON '•s 'W -_.. °« ............. ..._
..,..,.... .... :-~ ..... ~ -........... l'R9 7 7 ...... wttlli
.. of ... '2k.b ....... • .Cb.... to --Ud ........ .., ... .,.:..,; •. ....,, .... ~ .........
a penny, u.. ~ ...,. •ft --1d ~ ti.. C'Q-by rrom
c u rt11H~. ....,. --"-.. ,.....,.. hi•
"I WU UD~ t.y "'-I• ........... r~. ,...,..II ...Utlld ftu•·
CQITJ.1-led l'f41Well. "lt ~ ..U Md • lot lo Mm s bout
h&Yt. bff.n an anvtl that •tnadl ttns. bUt Mk1, "He'll h an
him . •Ma~ ... ~t I t ~ -t to ...,. t_,. l'h'a • boy
h•v• b~o a quarter or four-bit Wllio ... ~ .....,, "
pie<.:• It WU UI• tir• Um• J ...... Lt.. 'Nlo<Jl'KJ8
.. ver MW • ~ forfeited." kl ,...n:i to iw. .... -r'T
T-'.MK G'aOWD J&m• •;a l pla yf'd In ._1n1 to \he
Newell -.dded. "'C>M' ·C'rowd at Dona. Newell •• M <*.ided on
Cal ...... tame -~'lo U1o9e U.. all.JI tu11cm •ploy-:! .. ,. the
back In t h• mlctw..l. WHn l wu ra 11.a the only ~l bly way
co&.m1Q6 WldU9an •t.a.t•. -OaJ c<lllMd IM9t U... "It yeu'r-.
played a _,,._ ... t Izeana.. Wa ..-a-. ..... l W.. &a.nee.. a
were told }ftdhlft& pla)"'9n wouad 4 mtn. mU•. uu1 yoo a.1e a
form a cordon to pl ua off tM fi :IO mller, -d hr allowa yoq
!Joor after UM &"IUTI• If lnd&&na to 9lt lh• JIM:•, )'Ol.I h.&Y• a bet·
won. And th• -. ...,. .. ........._ tw ~ Of "9.tlq hlru In th•
If lndlana lo.t, •• had to ,.t 1.-t _QUU"lN :· ... pl&JJM.d N-•ll,
6tt tlte 'ftoor t~ ~ way -'~bk -. -Md ..... t ~
C"CUkl." to ta. n...· -111 bl.II .,,.._..
Th• Bffr co&dl aid h• llof... &ad -_,... uur •l&ht whll•
llev.O 11 wu ettu&lly •an '-· U.., _. •u..t.r on•."
creMn • ....,. U.t Mt tae .t-~ ._... 'W'tll .. ~n. «
, ....... ,1 •• .... .., .. .
y..u IM•I 1-r p..-riplloo ""
... r .. , .... ,.......,a Ila.ct•. ,.-""
...., ha~ .. n.. pM-i""•I 1okln
ANU u,~ ~ f ur 11rud,...·
.., p ...... ~ -.it..._ ,_,_
-q u1,1.1_,. -p&i••l.&klnc ..... .,
p<"nDll•. IJ'llr pr<Nl)j>\ • .. r • I• r
(t!l• I ............. '"' Y"U .... , .. r
-r-t ......_ "'-"'~••• •,..,.....I~• r~Wf from ...,.. aM
it»comfnrt . T11.I• I• ..-u f 1-.
-y K''"..t ,_ I•" bria1-
l•1 your p.-~ h> •·
tl<:la.I. ~ -••099 If u.. ....-.t-
The Iona ..,.. ....... II eooi. lt~:;;::;:;;;;:;~;=::.;;.::;;;~;:;::;;;.;!:~~~=-;;-;;-::--;::===iii:.::::.::: 1 mented oo WU UM T~ --r
end lnr <1verttm. · ..... •to 1llt.atlrlr4.
In that o~. dM .8ak ......
~llled trwn 11 po6aLt ~
only to ION 1"htm0,. i.....
dunk«! O.•, ~pw.-t}y .......i
~ .ner U.. 'ftMl .._..
.oullll«I. ftc ._d ~ ~
Sell.. lokl .._.II -.. ._.,.
had r on• otr ion,. before -.
ba..11 ... ahot.
N-.JI ~ tMllW AMlr;
C.._AMNATMOSS ... -l11e la11t f:ltiil TrMI.:-';;':..'".;: SZ..15
I•& •1fl,9'1111..._,_.""" .. " -$tell
MJ lmlSEIY ....... )'791 "'·
.· .. ,
.. ' . "
Ow LI' I
• .. ,
We .,;II he~e
the newes1
e nd mo•t
mo de rn
fo cilit iei
to •erv e you
o.r lot. it
wiffll NEW
We muf.t
sell° them
to make room
w ....
wffal::; .._
stock ol , ......
lM B lndliTldual aae4f•y With a ton (N), T rott (A 1, Grover (Al. "I've h11!1 n1 11 ny tt'ttm11 thut
4T.l ;-LZW.. _o!.9!!J'_ a&m ~ lQO breut._~anta (N)~~.!d_~), were. bf!ll .. r physir11lly. but QUne lr==-..:;;==========t W
on th9 7f?Ts~ftliii~ Jollnaon t N >. t :lt.8. 200 yd free,·~ lhl11 one fh ifeifre." Tfi:-Authorbed Come ;n ·
See Us Today
Our trade-ins ·
' ere •lw•y.1
.and ·~ \illa flto .... ...,... •Milla I N ), J ohl".'00 (N J, SlnunoM man said. 1 SAL~"
•t.rok• ..... 19ca1 Mctitwi9fishca. {A ), 2:17.7. 100. back, Sctlulberg Jnn111ri 1111l<t hll wa.. ntver llltis· ~ -SERVICE
rtn&l acora'ln ~ cttt.lon ..._ (N), Warder (A ), Hendet90n (N I. fled v.·ith hi,. t""""' but, l>el il'•··[ for
onrwhelmlnl'I:)' ln favor ot Ule 1:10.2. 100 trae. Redlnrton 1N1, lng \hill ii take.<1 a year to leal'h "SAMSON"
Von H.mert (N) Grover IA ) 59 l ll nt-W 11y11ten1 , ho• thoUii:hl the 8aUora u Jflwport rial*«! an · · · · · f h u tl.-t pl&cM. The vanity, defend-Dlrinl', M inner. 121.7 tN). Trott, res ma n ur quintet hilt! a g()(l(J
, .. circuit .<:hampa, won flll-lt, 120.! (A l. Loring. 112.4 (NJ. Jn-~ll11on. n11Jv111i.; froni ll mea~r"l
dlvld I edl s h lbe ('{" 8-20 rernnJ hv1t ''""""n lo l!.n the B'• l'alloPed a~ 7t-2 and W "' Im 'MY. c 1
1 .. ,, rgl 1• J8-tl n111rk 1 hi.. """·~on I th• C"a pulled a •hutout aplnat arner A J. anlg ~·" :4 .l. I tM rtvala 41.0. Re.lay, Newport (Kolvtalo. Von lnnilln po1nt•J nut the Plrat.e"
Hem,.,rt, Mi!ll, Corkett). l:'f.8.8. cam~ Willltn 2 niln. S... of d"· I
li'lnal, N"'wporl :'i9, Anaheim 19. te11 tlng J."" Anj:ele,. Harbor.
Pet. Sellulberl' l!Lf'T'f!d for the
Tafaity, 1WUnmlnc on the wtnnlng
madky re•y team and taking
t\nta ln th• '-**l"*'9 Ud llldl·
Tld\l&l m9dl•Y. All·AnHtrtcan prep
Doa Radincton captured the two
evmta h• .. --. UN llO and 100 .,_.,,_ ....................
It. .. ro.&,r ..-•a douMa wln-
nar tn U'I• B 00 mid 180 tree-
"'""' Vantty f'Neltylar BiU Milla pve
the cl"OW'd • ~ *" aulb' -... rtns lb& JOO tr.. c..uuoea be-
cau. ot ~ -'lnmillC a autn-
clent n..._. oL )apa tn • ..-it
aqua ...... be l ook no chanc. W9dn•.., aad ....m l&O )'Vdt.
in.lead ., u. ... ah-Id 4MltMo..
lrwln Ulo qpl&.uMd UM eftorta
et ~ Daua" lllU. and Rob
PClftftssn ••• ORA.NOi:, (OCIMI) -Orwtc•
Hip BelM>ol'a Panu.&r -...aiauer•
~ a ftdt 1nn1nc OM nib 1e&4
cl*MI to ..,._ TlllilllQ'
at\.W1M>On Oii Ula ......... di&-·
I~. It waa UM ~d I~
~ an 9Cl'a&I r\utllt.' QI. wtal
tor the 0.-ni-e dub.
Ponaa•11 JV's Will
bft.ANGE. 10CN8) -,,..,.. by
lhe UI,_ hU pltct!Ms <t6 "°""rt
'ntumm. Pomona'9 )_..,,. ._..it1
b&aebaU.n -ed past t.ha OHS
nln• 1-1 ""-tliy .,.."'"'*·
eventual stnl .. J C r han1J>M. Uu~
-:"'&J!Oll. "\\.t\ har! " 7 pu1n! IPM(l
at Lhat tun•• 11nol 10.~t t(l Harbnl' I
by one po1n l F inal •rnre Wl:l .~
~-.'i7. I
ltunan Jliiid M Mpt>• lltl tribute
The Convenient "Oe1 -
Around" Car wltl'I
Ma.ny Ne w Fratu1-.
Phone LI 8-3456
For Free
to equ1prne11! h~atl Lll.rry Ber-
reron. calling Lt1rry •·an aNi•I·
ant co.ch, rnother. frtlhPr ir.nd
wbat-have-you In th" team '" The
coach l«(n1ed Bill A br11.m110n "the
best 1Luden1 n111nn,1tr r I ever had."
B -Medley ~!11.y, Newport
{Whitaker, Pear<:e, Peter&on, J ohn-
wn), 2 :01. M tree, FQ8\,.,r IN\,
Buah (N), Brickner (N~. 26.8. 100
breast, Gt,.,Jser (NI. Dal111.11 (N ).
Gall• iA ,, 1 .14.3. 200 tree. A llen
(NJ. Rffd (NI. Hoffman IN I,
2:17.7. 100 back. Whitaker IN /,
.,...,. ... , IN J, ru-'"· "''·'· SE A L f S 100 free. Fomt•t (NJ , 8 . Von Jtt.
mert tNI. R John'lon (N), 59.e.
Dlrlnl', D@nJlnget. 109.1, (NI, 1--------------
M&ddan. 81.8 (N). lndlvtdual med· C!JIUCK T AYLOR. Stanford 81J80IC.IL ~
ley, Whlt&.ker (N ), Von Hll!mert l'rfd coa.ch -"&.i!ketball t1 be-5•5 ,.. ~ a.
fNI, ~rce <NJ. 47.1. Rt>l'Y, cmnlnJ "° popular Ul•t 1r they ., 'W9JTTWr ..r-.-
N~ t JohMOn, Fomter. Allen. rton't wal<:h out, r •«• ooa<:ht11 will Costa Me,.
Bric kner]. 1 :'7. Final, Newport I ;;";•;•_;•h~•;m;;ff;l~~~·~'~'"~"~·~'~P~'-;;;~~·~· ~:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;;;:;:::::;;::;;::::;~ 74.. Anal'lelm 2. ~
C-M~ relay (no A.nahahn
9'1try). Newport (O&ugtian. B11ok.
ftrteknw, Harvey1. 87.1. 1'10 ytl.
trH, ~(N J. Hallett (N), Brick -
ner IN), 21.1. BO ~t. Buck f.EVAU£Yf
-._ .,,... ...
'til '2' P. M.
tin's • Mm of TOM11W ,
Of -• .-im,w \;,,,. Ha'• fl.. youn,,.,.r w\19 delivers¥"" y..,r n.ea...,.,.r. ...,,.. he'1 th.
one whe'1 :'1""1mt ...,.. .......,. :po.perin9 for
·friis rdl. .of ... 1;e11ow'1 ._l:•.,...n. Th. werk
he .... the -ODU11N M 1 pc, ..... •li'"'"Bn·
1hlp tis lc•rns ••• •1t i.-in lhic beeit ·of
,.,. t a. "-Fl yo.,,. 11p •n \1111 •nd -•ch
htllir '-9,_ -4 .• ,.,,..,. .,,.,,n 11e ... die.
his , .. 1 of ~11~29101~.t..,. •Ml tve:'C9R. •
• . f •
. .
the Hl&UUT
our term1
alwap tire
Newport lleach
·1400 W , Coast Hwy.
Llt.erty 8-3466
-Por lM ftnewt Ir> Ctrmmerrl'I 1 Pl'1rtUnc <:ell Rarbnr 18'111, ';'l,,t,
Prtnlln1 Oepartm•nt.
' .,
. --. -. ----~ ---'~ -~ ... ,. __ ---.-J. ---""""·-.! ...... _
l .JT"l'J ., . I t;\\;~ I 1til.I .~. J1undr,.,,..Ls uf the m, have
It• •·n '' t • '' 1.1• t ! 1111·11.\,; wbu nll'~'t two o r
111 • i '•, , •l•'ll •· tho• KH Y l1t1l1· fc llo"''"·
they are meeting at the home of Mn. Fred E. Pooley,
Ad~ei;ifists Take· Offering ior
D)sa8~er and Famine Relief ·
' . Nation-wide Giving Ups
, ·Depleted Church Funds • • ··A -'"1 ottesloi for d'••• aod f&IDI .. relief wu
~ at the -mth-<lay --lilt dnlr<b llucl! 10,
.-rcllDg to~r D. B. Spa~. putor. 'l'bla is the tint
~~ oftttrioc tor tbim _pvpOle to be taken in Adven4
UR: cburoh• ·h\ .U years. th'e pallor •t&.ted. It will restore
1rcmtn'Uoul f\lnda aet utd• ror UU. pur'JIOIOe wbic.b. h&Va ahrwik nounced-tha.l aid Talued at 14,(18(1.-
082 waa dl.atribUted tu needy f&m..; Nflldl7 lrl tba put two yean. \Ue• dur\ng I~ by the A.dventlet a • .,,. 4am&ftdt ariaiq nom Mb1nJ dlautan Mtr-9 in North denom.ln&Uon onA.he Y.'eat COIUlt.
~ u •ell u overMu ttave The aid we.nt to 338.337 ~pie
dn.Yi.ed 'tM bud:(et. Jn 11plte ot. In CiL.lltom ia , Ari.zuna, Ne\'ada,
U.. avall&bWty of aurplu. food-Utah and the He.,..·11i hul 1-&landJI,
.lutta· trom the gfl'crnment fo r and eonalaled of h11od. clothlnc.
-.,,_. rt!ll.t, moH Ulan" $215-0.-'beddfhl' and houaehold f ood•. plua
000 hM been ape.nt by the church S:?JJ ,93! In actual ca5h , Total
In dlatrtbuUon of auch .a.Id a• well "'l'it&re 1ud itlven hy the chun:
u cloU!.1111' and bf!d.Olng ..ent re-I 1n 111~:'1 v.·&.11 SI I" r C<"lll t:ttMlt'r
090UJ to near by t lood a rea.a. I lltiln !n 11154. ,
WUT OOAS•AID t.argeat a!ni;:-lo> "' !f><r" r1~•Jecl
ni. wll'lfare department ot lhl', carriil<.l out t>y tho> • ht1r~'h wi.11 tl1•·
Conference , of J tr1huti11g 11001<' J CJ1• uoo P"Un<t~ of
Adventiat1 hu a n-ruo..t. ck>lhlni; ari d bf',\tt1ni.: to
Passion Sunday Services
a t Saint J an1es Episcopa l
DOrthe.ra C&llfenta. nooct ridtma.
"Ot.ber bll projltcta 1,e&udrad a.Id
fw Ute N6V11,jc, 1*ttW,, ...Utute
'-lWee ht Mule.Ji, ..-1 M~
iwrrieuie .,kUma.
ftTHINO lNca&A.8ED
AD6lhlr year~ad report ~leaa·
9d U P . W, lkhnepptt, IMCJ'elary·
t:reuqrer at the weate.rn hea.d-
quutai. ol U.. Advtonti..t church,
reveall a lt pe.r cai.t liieNUe W
Uthe ctven duriflg ~166 by Ad-
"IC'tilt.I 111 tha Pa..ctnc Union Cob·
tettnce. GJ.,lng of Sabbath .c:hool
offennp llW foreign mluton worlr.
al80 f'Q8C!, an1011 ntln&: to 11 .410,!TJ
In the t our we9tem atatN &Ad
EnrollmPnt In Lhe 238 St venth-
day Advent.lat achooll, ln~ludln1
e lementary hl&h achool. collece.
nuning school and med.In.I and
colleg .. a, ~ 7 par oent ln
l iM, 11.ccordlnf t o lkhnepper.
Christ Church
"A C'.•n• •·l'n That Lifts" wlll bfi
' •11•· ""'"!l"I ll .. ·111,• ><I f'hrl~r ("hur<'h
H)-' !11•' i'i••ll 11n ~"'1·111y "'"n11n1:
134 Acacia Ave. Left to rlgbt are Mrs. Poo ley, Mrs. At Sl Jan1ea· l!:pt9r,)p&I i 'ht1ro ·h 11t ! ! a'" ,.\ u,,. ! "" t \t ., ""''"s .. 1 1,, • .,t,)11 11o:r111uns un .;n•Al
!t oy Rickard and Mrs. Stewart Dunlap. Mre. I..ottie p._,~ion Sund11y a"r""'"" 11."" 11 \1 hL!11•' '' 11)1,!i't . ~.·,., 11,,.i; .. 1 l •• "" qnitl!'.•"~ on 1h._. lir .... r .r,.,.u, which
Ti•" l~•·I' l{"V A l ".111 .... ,n v. 11! •pf'llk
,,t b·•llo ·"''•'''-~.\I :i•I ~n.t !1 Il l"
!l<' '""t ".~ th11t th l ~ 1~ '·"I.' of a
' Llvinr 8llllt ,_,,.
. ~ la ...... ., 1'.t.t.
In Color·-Each ..,, Ir • , ....
a.t 1:11 .lt'etedL
wm .. '••MWU.
"Trial belore
Ou~....,. ..........
•• 11:11 ~
Lutlieran Ci.rdl
Ro.,,,rt ft. o .................
Nt:WP'oa'l!. JISJGm'n
J;1,.I • 1, 1 L 1• 11 o11 1 ... ~1·1t.L..,. '!'h .. lri..nJ.~ are all
' )i ·II
Dunker. not present, i.Y among those who help in a.m . ltuly Curnn1u1uu11 , 9 I~ 11 n, i ·,,, ''"" .J,,J ~Lu · ',.,. qi 11 •1_--, '"" .. n u1sµ1r111a111 fnr J1v111 g toJtty J
••J 11 , ,,. mom>"< P''''' ''"'" 1H .\!r~ \\ 1!111t111 1,.,,,., ~ """'" •Ii• T•""·~S~·~·:·~ ... ~,~-~'"".~"C'~"~~~-~~'.".···-~:~·~~~·~'.::=============== '11 1·,1l 1-r 1 1111 d dvn1•1nir1at1<,nt-1. Here h • S -•( p " ' " ' " " ~· '-' '-" "" " --------------·~==-l..:e:p:c:O:J:ec:l:.:-:::':~:::h:O:l:o::::::::::~===== !ly 11,.rv1~,. 11.nd Sunday 11choo! Al Kin~" H1u•tl & 30 p n1. Youn&: p.,oplf'1 Fellow-St J11ru .. ~· h11~ 8 11~.1 t•1 1l~ 1•;1r· I
E a s te 1-Program CJ n ... n~&r~:e~l~~o~· =~1~1~1:1:1~. 1. at ~~~:ta~lf!~~~~·J:~d ~~;!.~:~~~.~"·: ,~~: t'
h h 7 a.m. and S.n.lor Cno1r rehear1aJ <.l1rt·1:tur by thf '<'-\lr)'
al 7 30 pm. SI f.1 1u·g .. 1et·,. t;u11t1 or c-.,~lll
~t~sll. !11 h1>\"1 ng a rununat.:" ~u.J., I
f R 1 o o u ftc ew~ Mareh 12 the II I~ a m Prayer lll\1!; 111 April, pr,.ret·1~ uf \\!•I Ii
01• e 1b~1 ous , I Gutlrl. n1eei.. at II .I~ ._,n. folln"·~il "'tll i,:u tu Ille l1nl•l1ng run•\ uf
'-' r.y lioly Commun>0n a nd htalin11 lloe U•W ,,,,.,,1.,11. ti..-<:t,.,1,j, .,j !-.l service at IO:Jil. Al 'I p Ill. e_r,,. J A J uhn th., I •11•1ne Arl\'Hll• II h !1.u,.:
SC 1
. ei1 ce church a11 nnounceme1J u ~~e:z:i~9 ~11c~~r:h,~a~~~.~~n8n':~~-~~ l1~:1:i~~1:r~11~'~'1\ .. ;,; ,.'~'1~)~,::;11:~ .. !:'. ria&e a t the pari9h hall. MarC"h '23. nt'll}'. I.Ibo!> ty ,.. .;:,J!! 111111 tt~k tu
3:30 p.m., la Junkrr Choir re-11""" 11 J>l<·k~! "I'
O s11·cll J ackson to Show
Life of C hri st .Slides
FRID The 1tudy clMau In "The Book AY , MARCH lb, 195b or Acta" wHJ meet u usulll; T ut'.a-
1---------------------------------·luay al 8 p .m. In the hon1e of ~1r.
and Mr•. Arthu r Ar hty, 6 1~ 8th
St , Hun•l~g-ton Be•~h : \\'ed 11Nfl11y
Harbor Rest
Memorial Perk
tJn :.tar h
\\'I Ii I I< l
··11 111 'I 1• rn . the ('hurch nf B.cligioua Sc ience
.J 1 :.·~t<'r p1. •gran1 at the Art Callery
(),...,.,,I! J,1cks n, retiring curator of the
Mt. CanneL Rite
Mat11-0lewn-lnto.rmi111 L
OanSen~. Cf'1n¥to>ry
l.la.rbor at lil•lrr
Perkes-Ridley servoce is modor•tely prieeCI;
any family we heV..•ver Hrved will f•lfify . . ~
i !I J . l ~ ' 'I I '
" '' Ii.
t h•·
I •11
I• H • ' I
1·• r'
" "
" 1 ..
1 .. .. '"
" '
' .
I'''' •t,ont, '"lhc L1l1· uf L:hr1st in Art"
·" :11 1o~
11.,J, 1.,1· th· , ... sr ,.,~ re1o r11
Jlt:l'llt l~1.; C l 'HATUtt
~ llun lvr !l\•f! l,.,,,,,., JackAun ~rv
•, 1 • d , 1 \'l\.'e pre•ulent t or rnan)'
\tl<r~ llfl<I Wiii< lll!ln diTf'f""tOr or
• ri 111,. !\Ju••••.~ l'ag,.,.nt c.t th,.,_,,,.~' • ···•! '• •.~ <lf 11io• Fe>1l1v11l vr Art.11 on
.!JI <; l\n•! l"l'J He lt cnn:plcl'11i.:
n '' • l<lllh : ... 11.r Vf llH'lll( • .. I
I'"' ,<l\l.A •UllJ<.'rt • thr ghuut !hf' I•"'
~.o ~1 I •'.
Thi' Rf'v. Erne1t Sltenho!, field r v11.ng ell•t ror the Fr! .. nd8
of1 l~tl Mlulonary and R<'iltf SOCll'ly , • In('. w ill bf' Ula
11p<'a kJ"r fnr SunO..y .... rv1ct's a l t he H&rbOr Trinity 8 11pt1el
Chu rch. The "F rlend1 of I.waeL" i11 an undenonl.l nllt":ma! Young ,\1<'t ho.-11Ht.• or f'hrillt
nr1,p•nom tion , pn!ll(hlng the Goepel to U1e Jtw1 In tho>1r Church _by th<' 'i"" II!'" !lloio!y1 11~
hon1eland end lhroughuul the worhl. 1erv1ce" u htld "' utl\•·r Lhu rch~s
Mr S1tPl)hOt'a top!~ for t~e JI a . nl ff'r'.'l1:e w HI hr !..ut Sunday one group 1tttPnth·d
"God'• Program tor larael." At the 7 p. 1n srr"lr e ht! w ill t h' 8 &, m. 1'1 &~ at Our J_.11.Jy .. r
J:'~V• a rt'port on hia recent vilNt to the new atllte of l1rael ~1ount CILITllf'l CalhOll" l'hurrh.
Rnt! v.•ill 11how a colored rtlm. "lhtra v.· .. nt t,. the Ill I!. 111 11t:r-
Sun,l11y 11r-hool bf'ginll &t 9 4 .~ l . m "'It h c-1&"'3fll tor alt \"lrll'. Tht c11r!y group r• turn,.11 to their o"rn churrh r .. r A ~n11rk 11 g •·11. ,\!JdWtf'k Bible study &n<1 pr11 yer rnrr nng LI ._t 7 31'1 hreakflllll. thrn .... ~ .. t l" s .. 11•l11y
,rm. \\",•tlnea""-Y· c-hvlr J""'~lll•I Il l 7 p n1 S1t1 urrlay 1.• Srhoul
rollQVl'»d by Ote Youth Yfo.llow11h1p. .They told about th,.•r ,.,.,I tp
'·,,-, All metUnp are {held In the G"m Show hulJ<ttng nn M t. Ca rTnel whf'n th .. ~t \0 • ..-nlf't
~:i.!;..-r-; f hc !octur11 i11 .n~n ttl fFJ,. irob i)r11ncl County·~ Sunl11y e\'eniJ1g wtth 22 pr~.•l•nt 1
,,,,, 11 ;,t 1 1h11 .,..,Jl Jll ••t•nhly he l ·---------------------------------ll and Nell Purc,.ll lei1111ng . Ch1>rl1•n.-.
Praye r
D iscussion
tlalu•.J '""'l)Jr , \\.,lnl~t lr, Ill,
Deo ,.,.,s lo ,.,, 11•1., ol ~od o' H •
''01 '•" ••d ot "'••1o•O w '"'"9 •o. • l<oP•'•' "•~ lo••' ""'•d""""' .......... ' "'•· •••.
to>•<<l"q -·~ '"•'"'<I•• o• \t"•q "-•o'~'' •P' •q• ~, o < •\o oO o < •"'•"
•qo '" • ~~·'••I ~•• ""••••9 ••• •P'''' o! ll!o •" 5 00 1 1gu ,•I 90!1 "' :.:: .. ::~ ~:~-~~· .• :·~.'..':: •. rr·:·:: •• ~:
o• " 1 o• ••• "'••d•'•c• •• bot'"'
o! ~"'"''"""' 11&'1d ~••t • I• •Ill .lu• k'"'I ' f111"I ><Pf'l'llr!<n•" '" l.11-LIGHTED AT NIGHT Carroll g-11.ve th" lt~""1n
II , I·' • .,. n ~"'"' I••! ~"'11" 111rte "" lie II'< "X· "'"r•·h !O rn ~nih··r~ ""'"rn ;.1 w,,., "'""""9 ,0, P""' •"" •'•d•
to that feet. If you wish to confirm thi1 f•cf, . .
visit our large display rooms •nd lff for
yourself the complete end mo.dorately pric•d
selection of funeral merchandise.
PAR~~i~~~?LEY tft
ll1i&.l¥ 8·l43l u
'" 1 10 • • l.f.t!IOA 1\.4.........0 ·l.HIO tM
NlWl"Oll MACH • (Oa()NA llll ...
' !
. I • 'I h·• •l••11t I•• ''" 0·1l1ui: ''' 1<t111t ron lu.~ l1111•eJ11 Collllt College l"1<>l, Th" ~T••Up 081 ~· •' ••• ""'"''d • ••"i ""
:\! ~. ";,1., '<>I \•ll.''~1 I ,, : ,::' :·\:' !I 'ht~ "'"'Hi',. Lu th erans t o F ea tu r e ~::l'n::~~I~. &:lend ll n La~ler ~lll1 · 1 t__"_'_"_'_"_._'_i_11_:_,;._·'_:_:_~_"_'_'_'~_·_·'_'_._'_'_'_ ... __J ___ c-==============================
1" , ,,,, , ", """' Costa Mesa H E M l :1,1,1 ··-.,,~·. ~ ;1
1 .. 1·; ••• 1 ,. ·~\~ "','; uge aster ura , .. ,, .. ,,, ,, ,,,, ,, ,,.. , ... First Baptist
f o
A I'
.. 1 ~;··
l 'tn '
cial EYcnts
[oly \\'eek
. \1 •'.~/I
the 1t~1-
I'. G .
-"<'lllUJ\1111 111!1 h<\ve ;1 3 h o~ L{lplC
fnr !I\•· 11 " "' .,...,,n•h •I' ~rrv1ce.
I :-;, ll•!>l "•lll•' ltH h•»•' 'l"l1!>to• 11•l ll
l/t;' lot•l.JI lloU•\C by l11t· Ch,anc;.:
'\"'" ,, '' "" .. "' ........ ,t .. 1 '( 'tl"l!''
,-r.:. I' \\ •! h\ i\I :1 J O. A nl ~Ull<IH y llChOOI
!->• • ""~ ''"'"''""" "'111 •"I H11><•'"' z.,r 1111 ai.:ea.
'rhe Ii by 1 ft. l:uter mur._I
ealured by Newport. Harbor l..u-
theran Church tut ~ In , ILll
Re•urrecUon Day decorallorui, w ill
be er ected ~a.In Oita year on
the l!!11fenor of th• church, pro-
perty and rn&.1.11.ltln&nc• ch&lrman
Joaeph Carkla announced today.
.... , ,, ~I. .• • "·r '1\l •; ::u I' "' lh•• Tl'1t1n1n~ t ru:on
Framed In p&lm.9 and l\lumln-
.,_led at nl(llt, th colorful mural
atlJ"acled much attl!lltlOn I a• t
year and wu recenUy featured
on th• co.,.. of the naUonally
dLtlr1buted ·w1ni..ter1' Idea K,lt".
Church oftlcla.t. &J..0 annouaoed
that a. laat ye&r, tlu'• Kuter
at1rvlce1 wouli.1 b9 • held at U..
•·r r r
Ill\' I
u i lie
'I " '" , . .,,,
. 1· •.1 ,\ 'I 1 ~ an<I lh" 1'11-~i .. r '.'I l n><trvo>l 1•on Cl1t1a
,, .. ,..t, .• ,. 1.111 ,,,. ''"''"""w ill 111.-.e! ~t r H••v. :-:•·un1 ann'•
•' 11 '' '"' l'1I 1 :0-•111.i.1y .~f'r l11"n l")ll• Ht 7·JO p. n1 will
11 a "' Yr'•' ,\ 1• 111•!1t·r h..-'"J'lh' ~Ian \\"J10 1 ~1.•l H i.~ l;oul".
• 1•1 1·_, ~: ""' '""'' Th.-1 e >1 Ll l h" ,. b11 pl1.•1nal rile
! ,. • '' • 1 1,-, ,. IU:tole .11.,onJ: !,,., fl"t'lllni,: t<elVU'P.
•'•I '\,. "I l·olh'.! \\'t••ln,.~·111yat 7 .:10r 1n.1n the
~ 11r:1 ~·· ><n•! Uohl" l<IUd)' IHlUr. a t
I'•!''-' ''' ·•' • ,-, "' • t /\ :;:, I'-111 !hi! vRrii•ul! pr1ye_r
< 1111 '•~•I I 111 "I n i;t u•;p.~ >1-111 l'nllv•·n~. BIOLA Film • ::::', '·'"' ,, ' ··' .. .':'.:: Mat_t_e_r_C_a_h_n_o_t_1on Africa at
:::,";:'. • ,:,"1, '., S f f S Baptist -Church
1 ...... ''+··"·I 'I>,,, 11 a IS y' ays Sunda,. a t 1 p.m . "A:Pfca
,,,, ... ,11 ••1"' S d S Aw11.ke.a",a be&ut1ru1~ : ' l111 ~1Y ennon n1ot loil picture, will M ....... a.t
T o f)ed ic:llc
a t Cclfvl Church
I U1e Flnl Baptlat Church o6 W..-
Th•' 1,,1·1• olf n111l1'1l1<l lhlnr.1 port 8-ch, ltth a.nd W. Bll.llltola ~n.1 11.~ 1 ···11 ~l'Qllf'llrf'n Alt" l"'i ntl'~ Hlvd. Thia ~ fUm
"11! In ltw Lt.,..,.,,_~t"rrn"n un tA ken \n Belc1&n Ca.ico ..,d Tan·
I ")1atlt•r" 111 All l:hrl111>11n Srif':nce pny!k& by Dr. Loula T.' Tallldt.t
• 11111 ~h"" "n Sunday. of the Blhle tnatllute ol. Lot An•
~' J"hn 11•lr11unl~hCJ1, "Lovoi not (fltll, A.Jong w1th ahowlng m•
lhf' l\""l ltl, nc1lhl'r lhe thlnga that iion work Lt will ahow Lhe Cortp
on .-111 tpe \VOrld. If any man Rl•·rr. w itch doctor Cf"'monlee.
'"''' t h,. ~W-the ln\'o> o f the hlJ'JIO h11n1. l!'lt~h ant1. litlle people
F.1lh·' •.~ nnl in him · · · A nd .of thr tnreat and preaent what
'th•· "'nrld J>11s11tth 11.v.·11y, and the Or. Talbott and Dr. ~n Smith
l u~! u'""")1 hut h" \hAI <h>l!'t h teel la Africa '• hope.
1'1!•' U• I J''
,,f I <l< I.., "
C'l"J', I!. 1111 • , !
" ·'" ' ' "·" I
1111 """' ,,1,. '"
" " Joi , ' I . ,,. "
• 1.,.
' 'i. I I'''' li!p I
,,. _\'
Jq '·, t.
f .. r
"\l \111• 1<11! "' 1: •• 1 Abhl••th rot eve.r· p.,.alon Sunday will be ob11el"Ved
,,i 'I ,1 .. 1111 ".! 1:.17 • ,\l the liaptlal Chur<'h w1Lh Sun-
1" •h> 1 h<' wlll "' Gnd W" ·' ._ I "-I I' 9 .. .,: r.111•! 1111·n M\\'11_1· fr«ni rn attT"lal-:.ay IC'nOO ....,g nn ng Ill ·45 a.m.
I 11 WI'{' Joaieph Tr11-u u aupertnl..-.-11•" '""'' '''" "I' •ni.: !><n• )1 ,.,_1· R:t kf'r t:t111.v 11ff!m1a
'·n · J I,, tt•n . the 1ehooJ hu aJmoat doubl-~r .<. \ .11111 I 1 •-•~·!\,,·It · ·'" !h•" 111 · ~,.11.,,,.,. an!\ Heii.lth wl\ll
1:11 .-1 J'rv.-• .. 1, ,, !_. •~ ,,( 111,. 11, 1 1,,". 1,, lh" :-lt'l'IJ'h•r<'~" ""h<'n llhe ¥1 I" attends.ncf 1n the pa.t few
,.,1.i f,,,,1111 ~ '" , 1p ·1 ,, ·I "'''! ~. 'lt.·f••••ll .~nnlf'll hy un<ler-month•. Cla11Ae1 ._r, held tor chi!· I I • 1rl!n, yo11lh11 and adult•. • •• ··~ "'" '' '; '' ' '1 ;.. " RlR n•l111i.: lhAt th•'rl! I~ nu "-hltl•n1 The fourth In a •frlea of .er-
1 <I .. •ltO' "! "I I •I'" I' ''I 1·1· ·••111 ,. Ill ('\'ll. 11nd 111."!J b1· Kll in-
' '
I' 1 . n1on11 by thr putor, the Rev. Her-~T "'' I :..'1• "l '·"' 11111 ,.,, .. ', 111 .. Ill\ nfl••'lliln t .. r ,,.,..,1 R>'cort:-
1 '" bert G. John.ton, at the 11 o'clock
i+ l' !! I, d lo)' 1111 Ult••' l'tl ' I! •I I• O: •I n,.: 1q ,_-, ll'n<"•'. "'hlo•h t"\'f'lllll the , hour will he'. "Mea11lanlc Prophe-
1 r1'"'''"1'1 ' lrn1n•orl11I f111·\ U1u 1 rw•lh"r 'plea-~\e11 11.-id Their Fultlllmtnt." A
Newport He!a:ht, church, an nut-
door Mr"'ce on the church pro-
pt'rty nve.rlookln1 the harbor a t
7 11. m . and two Hrvicea ln the
church at i &lid ll:l:i a . m.
Spiritual p~partUon11 tor E11-.-
ter &re In evt<Mnc• u Wfll with
both Wed.n-.day 9T•n ln&: and Sun-
day 1nornlftl' Lenten 11-ervicea
Kheduled ~ Wflf'k • Sunrlay'a
Hrmon ltlpic In Pa•tor Robert
B. Gronlund'• spec\aJ P1u111lon ..er-
lea on 'Ttl• Cbriet" la "The Con-
querlnr Cbn.t". H• will preach
at both the t and 11 :1~ a. m .
""1cu. Subject of Wedne111lay'1
color.cl, um, 8'bl• fllm11, which
h.&.,e beml ahown each week at
the T:ao p. m. apecilll Lenten
Vaep.r, la 'Ttlal Before P!lllte"
All tum. P d aervtcea are open
to th• publlc.
W.L~le L L Cal.--
FIH"'-r 1" !It t:, H tl!
-.{11>11 -.r
1;111•· •lo•r !'~'"· "l'l'"lll., nor r11s-1uft v.·111 be 11ung by Mr1_ Louie
~1.1n l <"/ITI "Xi~t Ho "r nr 111 11-l ttr, ra.n1e• &nd Miu N1ncy C.:alll. The I" E. 7
v.·h•1" d"''"" ~tlnt:1 '""11 11 n<I •1~• Youth Choir. under the <11re<:Uon - l th SL
~ b ..
~ ·~ -..... '.
" ! ' ' I
s • ,.. \ ....
.. '·' ---.. • • r•. ' "' '" t ·' ,, ... ~ ... . .. <1('ft l'1~· lh" r11 1.~,. btlh•f• of pita· J! Mri. Jan1ca. wvHI aJ-llCI •ill&'. Coeta M.1!!9a
"'"'' 1•,.1n ,.,. f<'Rr 11n<l a.II UM! I:.:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;============::; ~1n:u1 d11j.r11 tes ot lhl' human
l "d" "' w. , ...... , .... ''I' ~ ....
•'• I •'
;; • w '0..'",., ltUI· J 'r :\:l7L
Tllo• ""~ rmrn l•i11h 143 ~)
,q ii"' 1: .. 1d.,n Text.. "J am the
l;•!'•I 1h111 1.~ my nAm ... 11nrl my
,;.I"'' "~11 1 nn\ kl''" !"another,
,,,.,•11, ~ 1111· 1•nu"'! l o l'raven
o,' ' •1j I
'-·~•"' • I ,_ •.oo .... ~~"" • 00 • ~ • ' .... ' ·• 1~. r.r
-" r ... . " ..
' -'
" ' ' .... . .... 'u-
'" • • I •o •
'•' . '" ... ...... , . . -~ ,1 ....... ,. .
008TA .maA. CHAPl:L
1741 hpwio!' A-.ue
Co.ta w-. c.aut..
Pllone LrMrty' t-2-Ul
-' 0out. BITd.. 0.-..... Mar. Ca.Ill.
P'lw:.a llapot' d ,,
. .................................................. . • • •
• • • • •
• •
G:t th at big car feel , get behin d the \vheel
Thrill lo bC"aut:,·, J>O\\'er . s.a fe perforn1ancr. too
\\'hen your (!rive: is done, you'll l'.'ant lo ord er one
....................... ~ ....... .
Own two
new Chevrolets for th e price of
.. _________ ........... ___ ·····----·
• •
. ' of th• en......_ ~aa,.-.,i
mod-tll n11 .. , • ,,_ Con.1111 ~
a Bel Air 4-Door 5edliA • • • bJ
1nswtrln1 • few ..... • a •
and 1upp!ytn1 thto bMt IMt h
lo a choru• of '"SM tN ~ •
your Chevrtllet" • • • et ..,...
Kiddie Corvettes
l t 3 prizts in aU!
H l'r<•.11 your chancre to win
l wn f'W>W Chevrolet.II! The
contPf;t clotlell April 14-and
thl' earliM' you en ter, the
mor.c chnnCt'!1; you ha~ to
,..,.in. SO, .~top in BOOn fer
your offtcial contest form.
-11 'o•on10•1•1-fftinu..-1u~110 OIOll-lf •rw lD• •ft.
lO II MMO .. TUTl1
"""11u 's fl'f1lt'i11-b'l 1 MwjM f/I
1\.1-M~hon Cen.l
, '
' -
., ""' • ' t ,..-_I ·' \ .. ' l 1~ '
' •
• H'a I I 0 I -
BILL PlllLLIPll. 8falto -I .
AllOAY, MARCH I .. 1956
-.. .~ .. ,.
• .. ·:
.... 8'als , STANGElAND l\PPEARS·~
~·~·,~·QC .. COACHING citoltf:~.:
---· -._ Ail . .. ... t ·-u.. ...___.,.,: .... -,. '""·' ... -511-· .... ... Ill .._. .............. 1JUl,m'l"'C7 I •• --~ __........ Ct.i11r, A ... ut Grid Post
.... to • ..... euMd ""· ,,.. • ....
lly BILL PlllLLln
1~~-'-~~~~~ ...... --~~~~~1
..;...,. ~ out b&t w1i.on ..
l_ bot OM rtN Dodi WU a home
Jim p: Stangeland. coodl at Dvw""'Y lliP
eqiated to be ...-Onngo ~. !Jo!llo!ll''• .....
--aad ••iat••t tooW -tar lo Al
ometal actlon on the hirinc will t&lle, plaoe durilllr-.
day nJ.cbt'• meeting of the )i[eq collece bl'"1r.rd of : .
Pet. H-llb. N&Ketll&ll ~la of the Pacitlc Clout Coll-
,_ C<fomk ...,., Wedn,..,. tUbed U.. imdld•t.ed
U9F DOM u llQ dlGk<I oYer UCLA. ~ tr. t.ti. ·MCA.4
ncioaU _,. pla,.otf.9 at Coo-a.Illa, Or-a. N-•11 made UM
pick u p..._ ~r at the ftNt ua-.J <>r-re OD&K
' CoUes• baalM.6.JJ awl.rd8 banquet.
How.,...., ti.. Bear mentor a.ddad, "'UCLA t. oee of UM
f-lfUIAt.b ISi Uh -Uoa I.hat ~ a Chu.ct ~ the .,__ ..
o.ty CJr!m bllried UM ftnt
iow r-tar Liiie 'rar t..,,...,
wtth Paul l.clnnt.a. and P • t •
~ fOUOWin& blm Ga the Nb--· AuChoritattT'9 • o u r c e 1 repor1
~ wiU maJla a parflCt eou. HIWJIOl't nma WR• -.cl comllU.lltion w\Ui \h9 Ptn.t1 irrtd
by Bad THmplllft. H1 wal-..3 an -tome duo ot H-.ct Coacb
I.he nnt ~ ~ ~ llll bl.n.r· lrwU. and Ll.n1 Ooada BlU Poon
1• b)' Bob White &nd. Larry War-to -.rt •n u""'in&" In OCC'• -.,_t. 111 th mth. Tbompeon llUtenl Oontenoce f'1diron ror·
*'1ed ·and eeored ~ a rap by W,...
Roy Dan.Jet Tl.8'11Ji1 POeT T
Wltb the pt1 wt StaA&el&nd to ~ .. .....,_
CO&c:.b h•re, Jim •M . ·
BA.8&El'BAU. FOUR80Mt.:. Forming a cl11.ssy group at Orange C.O..t CoUece
buli:etb&ll banquet Wednesday night wC'"re, from left, Coach Stu lnrn&n, Denny
F1llpatrick a.nd Bill Wetz.el of the Pirates. 11.nd gut>i;l 11peaker Coach Pete NewelJ
ot the California Beal'l'. F'itzpalrick hulds molit valuable player trophy, Wet.&el
mo.t improved played award. -!Staff Jjhotu
1'1'....U'• t-n..1.U'led ..-di to U.. PCC c.M.mpk>n
Bnllna UU. _.,. and la.t to lM Mo. l n.i.tillftallj nted
Do6a t. a ~ ecGA pnte which •W I.he S.an attempt to
at.aJ1 uar tato ,..,_t.
Denny Rtzpatrlck Cops
Top Pirate Cage Honors
Pirate P•ken
lashe~ by USC
Sparta• Nine •
Coach W111dlU P\ck.:.. OrUl.fl
Cout CoU•c• PLra.ll pok1n1 <1rop·
A bove. lrw1n"1 blll'kll\roke lu:fl ft;, hulht rg
~ptr"ll to a;tiov• oft In the "'"lll•·y r,.l11 y •;::•1n,.t Au11 hein1
~18 11tspatrlck Memorial p<>ol hl!l"p \\'et!n<'••.Ji>)' J!,.luw . Tar
tr.ulylar C..Clf. Koivl•le> atart..a rl1v .. r"r \l• . .i ll<p (If ra.:t w h""
ll&JTUnall Paul Ma.nt:t make• lou~h Th,. l•)ral IMd 11 "'""n Lhe
m..U.1 ni.y .. wall &a 1lJ Lhre .. d11'IJ<l•in.s rro''" the 1·.,1u-n1.slJI
1n tile mun.et Lupe Op<'nlng nH· .. t . St~rr l'huloK
Athletic Polley at Orange
Coast 'in No Way' Changed
On.n•• eo...t. College h1u1 "In
ltO way" ch&n1"9d Ila athletic: pol·
ky, Dr. BNill P1tereori, cnllf'ge
p~t. deoJand tn a dd re1aing
the nnit annual Plrat1 t)llj!lket·
M.U a wl.rde b&nquoet 'A'tdnuday -L H1 Indicated Ulla ataltmtnl
l..:d been mad1 nPCe-ry due to
thl tlCflnl football o:oachin11:
~ wben OCC atlempted lo
hfn ~ Van Hoor..belle aw1y
rr-i A.aalllUn ·&nd llna.Jly n1med
NiWpOrt H1.rbor'1 Al Irwin to
~ fta.J fto&.'O with the Bue
ptdli •IH!:Jr.I. .. -.on
Th• jl"eneral pubhc eonaen.ua
wu that Rru!llO. clue l!J ,.11111tner
bu,.1n<'lll• comm itment~. •l i•l not
)lave \he tlRll! tor racrulltng 1
u ld. '"\Ve bl!l1ev"' 1 \hletlca off•r
IEutem COntf'r..n~. m alu n11: U..
ch•nll"e nec'eM&r)·.
.. \Ve havl!' no rompunctlona
1bout trying to eell the boya In
our d latrict on the athlttic pro-
jl"rllrn Wf' off,.r h!'rt:· l 'tlf'tll(>M
n l<l. '"\V f'bf'lieve 11tlllet1ca otter
eduo:alio11.-\ nlue to tho.it
con1pete and tl\!'IM .,..ho w1l· v.... r~ .. 1 .... I! 11hnulrl h111w
.,.._, 111h l•l1c prUJram AMI
Bob \1.'eael. N .. wport Har-
bor·. proteuional ba ll player.
perturnied in th~ infield foa..,.
Sea ttle of thfl f'll('11'\c Cout
League Lu a v 1~tvry ov•r th1
UMC' TrOJan nine !h1a w .. k.
Up t;o.·ic ... V.'et.z. .. l f&Jlld to
Jt;et • hit. but h" ,., .... rnltldl•
'"•n on t wo doubl~ play• anrt
fla"•1,,,,,,jy h • n d j e ,1 Infield
ctuuic~• for three .....,.1a1.e and
three put uut1.
\Vetzel wa. 1111r lnflelde.r
p..:t a 10-4 diamond fray lo the a to~ a thlete In ta. lt'60'•, coiu:h· Other pru1n1nent
U8C Spart.&1111 on th• nval ~·I 14 n the PhOlnl~ ar.,.. wtlh the Or~a• Cout
tore Tu~ay, •ven Uwucti the Clare V•n Hoore~k•. cUJTenl Include RQy Vuiovl
SL: nln1 CQ!lec led but Ofll earnfl'd An .. heln1 1oa.•·h Va.a H uor~O.,ke. dalfl H1K,ver ~~~
I fab:ed •• 11\l(t. a M!.lr ·•ulflc1ent 8 1 ... M .. r. 11no, 71.
Denny f'tlllpatrlck, fro.h ace Up from Newport Harbor run~ h u E lar C f<Nt tlaH n1entur lllc t 11.. 11ev"r School 11.ud J on{ I ~b and
High School, WU na.med Orange Cou t College'• moo 1 t ree rn• u n vn· hu .1.,.,1Jle•• n11hta, hu uftrn Redl&11d~ K' c\lua1 ..... 'M°· ru1
, fercnc• champe Jumped out In ~onta<:t .. ,1 Stanael.uld b) phon., in Hll"h Schoo.,1 Coo ·~• •noa
v&.luable buketb&ll player thia BeUOn at Wedneeday l front ln th• flrat lnntnc when 1the mid<!le uf the fllKhl Lo ob-!\~~·,•¥'~ · ht' B •--• t"-'I ~-•· t Johnny t:.llrada clobbered • Spar·, A ppru ... 11J111.t .. Jy • ! ~" Dig a UC uaaae ~ a war .... uanque . 3 1 ... ta1n J un • a dv1<'" on grh.hru-n , Lan pitch 4• t . over u1e M&"ht ha ve been u11 er\'l the
Thi ()-10. ltO lb. 1z·Sa.llor pa.rd N1wport H-..rbor. th• mOJlt Im-center field ttonci &tt•r Bob Coop· probletn•, 10 h1~h)y due• he re-pu•t, but St .. n,t.:el•ILJ La expec ted
el""8 w1Ut Jtl polnU In 37 camu Pl.nk u.1d , ··ITew up In my ator1 llod. ("fft;UJT Pr.:Tt:k8(JS
lld Coa.ch atu lnrn&n"• Pt,..l• aoor-proved player trophy. ''Th!i boy:· m&11 walked and CHni R.&ini •ltt&"· 1 ir•rd ~L•11gelanll • •b1l1\). lo be th~ ~nly tfQ MMI• •
' ' I
by the 0 1'&nl!e C JUL CUlllt• or • 14. av•"'C"'" J'll.dinl" runny book•·· ~ Coach Ju ... O&f• ot thla ..... MM& Couri cllman Bruce Jila.rt!n Your <IL•h dentll ~n lh1 HCOnJ Dr lJanLI Peleraon la r r«!la..d t ruatee• Munday n11w.A
IOf\"a 8unM1t lAl&"ll• champion made Ul• mo.t ln.spLrallonal play · fra.m~ •U-r &"..:I th1 pa~ 1,nt ' with 1w111g lng Sl11 ng.,La11d 'a fin.al Reaaon tor th1a la'llti.11\ tan1• ..
Ta,. mack Ole tn>phy pr-nta· •r p~tatlon tor Ul-1 U01\41 Club,1 • O· L~, bow1v• •. -,... l ..I dec1a1un In ~utnu•i.: tu lh., 1.1<'.U lanJ cvn1"" f1u111 'Lil. o~unior
lion to hi. former et&.r. '"lt'a a caUlnc Don W1neon "an outat.&nd· .._, nivv ,. ... <lld. Th• Bue.a pL("k· «arnpu• by re<.ently annuuncing culleKe <11.at r1< l. whi~ n" a
ai.unet ~ to rna.Jii thl.a 1 hot .. f th U'd ed up a pair ln the fL!U!. lo atay !h•t pr.:11 .. nt Bue cinder n1entor 'ii' ns c c• or 1 aw · 1n Ua-.bl..IJ 1a.m•. Eitrada atrollld, H u~lon H1tr""i· had rnor·e ,.,.ork profita ble Al hl.,lu: rei:tullln1 n~i.1
P,_l&Uon," ,..,__ -e l&ld, .. alncf' OU!.1r •,,_.la.I Pirate c a r • •· 'l,W,tll'~" ,.,... ...-J1rry Wa)rt •ln1"lld and Tad thi n ti .. could handle 1n hift hft for the oulJllsnd1nf , ,, c~ Ulla boy iH-Yld b&ll for me and 1wa.rd.I went to D1v1 Bldnlck, fl""8t Coutta .niaahld a two-bl&"I.,.· aclence r l•afle• htre. •a J ch-ed him out m Ml y, m,any throw champl<>ri, and 1:8 Van ~ran1 offl!'r .... ,1 on !ht loc~Jril,{8 PM
Um... "Stu hun&11 t1ll.e m1 ti Hom, rebound IH.der. Wendell W1)'11e CoUC"h~y c•m• acrou li""""'--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;... __ ;;;;;;.;;;... __________ _:.-.;,.;.;..ii,
I'd produce mori boy• !Lil• O.nny. P\cken.., In pr.-•nlln&" the trophy tor t.b1 final Pirate &e«I In the
he"d hava an 1u !er time." to Bldnlck. trtad Illa beat to ~rua •l&"hlh on an lrror , Rowle.nd HUl"1
Cou . .a w-Coundhn&11 A. L. Bl<lnlck for hll occ b&Hba.JI walk. Coopman"• 11ngle and R&1n1"1
"),.1/1, J f\~H
\ " I B I 1 r. ., ···~o \a >l&Wln~ eacr1.0e. to lift n11<1. Only •ll"hl I P'tnk11y pl'Mntld BIU Wal.ML, &11· equ-.d. Pick obMrved, ~wtL)I h.11 atanau ww• played due to a ume , ---------------,other Plnll trdhman up trorn eye, h1 1hould be • IT-t hitter." Umlt M l OQ thl oonta.t..
for Co,.,,·h Wendell Pic ken•'
u rance Cua.t Culleg1 Pirate•
hut year an'! perrorn..:I aa a
regular t or the l.'llo.ae C Oc ·
Oen. Utah n111e in tn• l'lon-r
Leag"Ue !u t aumn1er. He w ..
11x-11«1 •upon craduatlon from
the Me .. eampua by Ctnc1n·
n.11.u. I LEC TR IC A L.LV~:;~
Darla Austin
Breaks Fem
Swim Marks
y,·11h Darla Auetln, 0r&n&""I
, C<JL'!il Colle1e fre1hml.ll co-Id, •t·
l!lng two new achool racor<k. thl
I Plr11.t .. n1erm•l.da ttunkld Ea.at U.
A.nrele• J C "6-14 ln lhl W.-
:arnpo• p!unct1 Tueeclay ni(ht.
1.Ja.rl1 uncorked a JI.• clocklns
l•n the 26 Jard b&ckatroke l.l'ld a
111.l'i errort ill th1 ta ya.rd br .... L
8h1 com111 lo the Bue babu from
Hunt1ncton Beach.
:-.'ext Olltl nt: for the 0C t1m
1win•mer1 will bl a returr1 •o el
Mt. SAC Thi local lu.ea out-
1p1u 11 e-i1 lne Mounty mlal• •3-23
u.rl1er 111 1• 1ea.on. Re 1 u /t a
l.l"a.lna t 'E&1t Los Anc•lu:
W1yt waa 1-<11nc Bue bltttr
wsf>i lwo hlta in three attempt.I I
Coopman and Jld<ly Younc eacb
coUecte.1 two for tour. J 1m N•w·
llLrk a nd Courhtry handled th•
lucal moun& work but -.iv1n Pl·
r•le muff1 provl!d too much.
Harbor Boy.' Oub quintet.a t.Lngle with San Diego
t<ama in finili of the Or&nge-S&n Diego County buketball Pickens Becomes
cbampiooahipo at S&n rneco Soya' Club tomotTOw. H&rbor II Casaba Prnnltet
area team member. will travel to the Border City by bwi • -r-
and 1tay 0Y1rnl(hl. 1l w .. an· lnr 1'\Jllerton 33·24 recently wh.111 af OC Cw feh
nounc:ld by Athletic Dtr1etor Rod 01a10 dQWned C.rlabld · 30·2~. -.,-
WuMHl1an. H.BC'i a ... C aquad of ll Wendell Picken•. Orang• Coa•t
-:'d 14·)'M.r•old.I Upa·otf •g1!nat Collese at h I et I c department
Nat!ona.J City at I Pm. tomor-head. Wldn..-day nicht prlldlcted
row. The loca.I lada be•t f'uller· Coach Stu lnman and h1• Pira te
ton 41-37 .Thur..:l1y while N•· 1 ca&e tt.am mtcht '"co all the way""
tlonal City got by Oc1&nalde. nu:t .. ...,
Si.mday mornlnc and a tour o r 38·33. n.
M.a.cKllll.an aa.Jd lhl youn,-.t11""8
would.riail lhl 8'IO .._turday al·
t1mOOC1. arrancernenll wQU!d be
mad• lb a ttend ehu~h a1rv!c ..
8&n Dt••o would bl conducted be· In other i8.ITIU at San DlflCV, At the nral &11nua.I OCC N..-
fo•• ... .,..._..,_ to• h·-•· 1 k1tblll 1warda b&nq'°'· Pick In· I , ... r-••w·~ , ~" Jl'u Jerton"a t · 10-year·olda IV
'n11 HBC D nve. conai.t1n1 ac111\8l Carla.bad: Jo'ullerton"• l:'>-rormed thoee attendlf\I" the event
of ll .I.lid 12·)1Mr·olda, will rac:• 10-yeara·olda We °" N•Uonal that llvnan ~Id • bl&" man <o npl•c• eophomoree Btll lnlo.1 I 8 an Dleao at noon kturd1.y. The City and L&cun•'• 17·11·yl!&..r-olda
loca.I la.di won the n .-ht by beat· tencl• with Nauona l Ctty. l.Tld Ea Va11 Hom . "'But If he
------------------------------11"•1.e him," P1c lt •Id, ""U11 Pl-
1""8lea mlSbt 10 a.IJ the way In
th1 l:ullrn Ooaf1rence." Bucs Splash
to ·Win Over
t11rnad In by the four maa rree-
1tyle Nlay t ... m. Th1y cri cked
four mlnut• lD thl final event of lnm&n wUI haYI "v"' ...a.urn-
Inc l-ft1nn1n from t1i1 quintet
Electrk-a.I CoatrM:tora
110 R.lveralde A vie. Uberty
--Af IM'f P9CI
S6 Moalh.9
It'" t1beri,:IMM 2$ yd. tree, Cynthia 8troth1r
(OCJ. Mary Or.,,•er tOC1, :w.a.r,
Freed ~LAI, 14.I , 23 yd. bacll.
AuaUn IOC!, Joy Newtaser tOCJ,
Jui Smit h <LAI, lt.f.. ti b,....t.
Alllltln (0C1. l"r.-d !LAI, Jo,.c.
Kf'y \W J, 16 .~. ~ tree, 8troth•r
10C1, Gr•ncer !OCJ, Ann Kh1mb
11..A ~. 32.1. Divina-. Darl1n1 Nol-
Unrham IOCJ, Ruth Sanch11 , .... , M.,,,, ""'·""' , N•"""· I Chaffey Jer. Au1\ln, Lyn o.Lotto l, 0 1.tl.
Rllay, OC t Newlna-er. Or~s•r. 0.-Here
the d1y to 1et 1 new .:hool el&n-
dard of 3:~7.t. Double ...,.\nny•
ror Onlnce Cout were Mu Bow-
man I 22 0 •nd 4'60 ~. Oeorc• LyoM
t indl..-\dua.I medley and brM.at
•lroke1. and RUQ M"urp/ly (00 and
I 00 freeatyle ! .
Thi Plrat• travel t o 81nta
Monlc1 for what prom.._ lo be 1
rou•h tell Mardi 31.
5h captor.:! fourth place In
t&nd1nca and oornplled Lhe
overall recorcl ever hung
·• BJJc nn, 18 w111.a, lil
_!!=~~~~~~~...,,.-, •
Lotto. Strolhflr), 1 :00.1. Scortnc tlr•U In ev1ry event,
Colonht Soutlip•w
ht to Go Dlltmce
ANAHEIM. (0CH11J-6outhpaw
Bob Scholr. becam1 U.. nret Colo-
nl1t p itcher to (0 Uwi n>Ull thJI
-.on when th1 )oeaJ hor.ehlder-8
~enlly <lropped a f.-2 batt\1 to
Whittier H!gb on thl rtva\ di&·
He gave up t!vl! hlta, alruck out
11.11 a nd Wlllked three. Two of thl
walka In the fourth lnnlnc ~
rilunte<t for WhltUer"• wll\nln&"
th!! bl!11t r oe.c hlnl" pouible. W1
feel no other junior or ""t.or
college orr"r• a better procnm
when we hive had trom 11 to
12 major aporll h.-e."
P1ter.:in added Lhat notblai" ta
the w1y of e.r.lT& lndu~1at11
were offered 1thlet1e at O~
Cout 0,11 .. ,..,.
I 0 H N 8 rQ N Ill' 8
Meso A-WNCl&en
I/ ... A.ti. ...... ..........
2075...._..t. ...
Liberty 9-1't11 C..._ .,._
th• Ot-an.-1 COUt Collec• ewtm·
min&" t-.m pow1red lo a potent Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 82: 13 tr1.llmph ov... ChaJf1y Col-
l•• ~y afternoon In U\1 WA.TEA BEA.TICU
Bue t.a.nk. IAW. Sla¥1CI -llP ... lll
Thi. wu th1 third atnlcht win
f<W thl P\1"1.t N who had beaten
El Camino &11d Mt. Ban Antonio
In Uteir lalt two meet.I. Out1tand·
Inc p.-fonnanc• of I.be d&y wu
}011 &J.to/J
ftlMI. lfl PH c.Hl DOW"' ~H-PM
Ill -IM., Newpwt -
~ ~_.ia-~-·, ..... .... -...--.....
Mercury Owners
r<J a:>!V
I '(lJne:t
'(:>n•'I• ....... .,. ~u
1\h h ~ --y.., -· ........... -M ....,,.,, .................... _ ....... _.,.....,. .... .,m.o
Deal of the Week
1•1'1 -· .IM bn•
·~ .anoe ... "'°'
' """
in trac1e on aDY; New '56 .Dodge..·~~~
* Wll1pp1,. W. ..,....,,._ • ._ * lock • .,,.. ,...ice. -.a · aJ'<~:~
.. yew M1rcwy1 'M ~ 'Csal \nl etll
~ y._. _. -_,,...the llewR ,..,.,..,.,, ttlmam
'--' ....,..,, ,..,, ...... , -'lOJMl"I
--, n.
I ••""-•"'1 el ,... 'H DMp _,. w1•
.. , .. 6.w..bl
C.... ..,.... • ..,...., c.........12..-., alMI 4-tlowW...I i.-...
-4 ....._ L9Mw .._ .... I......._ w ...... 1 C:...wrtW..I
y .......................... 1,.. fer,.., .... ..
.... 1 ...... 1
ts JI
I ni
•ll ,191'
lboJ ri.
rt~N •m od
.n. be
"N l'll8J
•<IT . " ...
I bat)I
1610 Newpert lhd. Costa Mesa 1-7272 .Ill•
• • /
• --
-· .. • .\
-4ilriiil. ~~--, ..... ~-=~--i=-~u~·~;~-~z~-~·~··t·:, rs
vnolr uon and jllllt .,_~~ ... ..._ ,... ~-~,tit tM Ml.. 5) • tllown upon a JMp .t ........... ear.. °"" .i 1 .,-~ ... t .crtbld ~Wt.d """* Car 9'lii "' t111f'-CJt7 .,. .. , .... , ............ lkln ,.,..,. .. ~.' .... ......
-wiA-i:.1:1'~~ .......... .. ....... ...... ~· -·-~ R-c ......, 8ook J ..... ~ ... "' .... 1,J..,. 0.... ucl .F,auJ -~ ....... *'* t" tllil I; .... ...,, tMii .... M. a1 It. Ot Oc'Mp ol ~ Ill ! '* alal ~Oii H-•ll, GoYeiiUruint Cod• ot UM aUt. al bie ' CDN Ui • OIM\ty, O'Mtw•': tbclte• COii· ()OU9ty; ~ ioilo,,l/!IO litidiir UM ftcitt. C&ll!ornta; and • N..-port H.uttar N-.Prw; ... "'4'b I ....._ ....... wo..1t*'ty ~ -.id ....,.., fl'OUUWb' .... a.. ftl1b 4m. Md .cyi. o WHEREAS, on Marello 12, 1161 ~oti...ntJdm&l&tlon.. .... atl•,...._ Qty~-. to .a ucW Sou.._,. I.._ •1 •
",II_. DiobJ OrtclMll" 1al UC there ...... tiled "1.UI Uiil Ob' Cleft: '*6flll itad ,.,..._and 'trculat.; • • ial ~ a...ll W ,.,eat tn .... ......,.,. l\nr, ·,.Jd CoOUl'MIJ 'to U .,...,. ·
.,_.. 150. •y.t. c .. ta M--. of. the City or N~rt. a..ch an ed1la U..:.qttT Of l(~ e..cJa.. ., ......... ~ llflM .._.. polllt ....._. .... md.tL euter-City BoundM)' •·.
Ol,Ufomfa, Oi'U.1• Couii.ty, ~ ·&~rovai ot ftld ~ ODun'f:f iM'a S""llNl4"G'Wllfiiilf'(6fliU .., .... WWW), .. 17 eonNr ill*~ one-quar1.er pnlnt being .. 1. '!Ill,
Mtn d...otftd a. of the flrtt <Sq 1 eoaifu.lil*la ... ,..-.,.t to a\it abitl 'Jib daii' •.-rdifr nm.' ,.., flMllir" ...... Mill ~ ( ~) et Biid: 61 ot u.i(I 1 rvinN ~Uon e>t lhe i
fit llvell, ttee. by lti• wit&-tbe provt.k>ful al •ld B«:Uoa ....,..., · · ~ .. ti": U -et ....... t•· .....,...._; tlleMe ront.lpulng of ,State Hlatwrar ~
dra,,..i M 1""" D&hl h'om floid 3&003 of·-.itt 0oven1ment" Cabe: 'l"he' abiWe Md for91oJnc ordl.n· lit ........ .,_, te wtt.: .,._..uy 11ert.._tei-l.v along the norlhel"ly n .. Jiil •
nnn. S&ld Jean DI.hi wlll nql •ft'OW,THE~,·B1Dft'KZ· lllet°""* lll'trOINel!'l't'W ... \I: ~*M : aid aty ~ry line through wRy ORA*-A; ....
M re.ponlll.bl• for an1 deb1;t. ob-8QLV&D b)' tM..<;:I~ ()!uncll of.· .•Ul'C .at~ 9M1°'0ouncat tt·ttia I ..,MWTT, ~ 1ta '"rioufi ~ l.:> •n ""lk a1Q11~ the ~
.QaUGIUI, M llablUUn lncurnd UM1 Qty o1 N~ &.&ch that' ~y o£!t~ JllilMb b.&ll•A •UC. ... fi"Mlb1 81Gafs, ~ ,...t In .atd 0boeWl....-Y line, •Id of 11ttlt l n,.orth_.ty 1• ftt
:mdar aid l1nn name on or 11.tter the . rollo~inl" decl&rllltOM a nd l7M' dA¥. of Feb~, .~ee, Uld #Of", 1IDL •blfl point Wf1C the 1~u11t ol of tnterMOUOn· wt• • ter
I thl.t ~·-no u-t>e mUe ud ~; _. ~ ~ alkl ~ dli ~ OOUJrort.Mf:N: NONI: lnteN9C'Uon Of. Uu1 JK)t1lh"'·e11te~1y line M. -td 8\ate~llbit tda LellA·
V.tt4 lhl• lSth d•y of JU.rc.b. IT 1S HEREBY DECLARED, Ute ~I 4!-Y.ot ~rch, ltN, by lh• 111 , 'NT COUNCll...NSN: 1"'8 at Me-. Dr4w an<t the ~1th· 43,A; t.ht!ftC!e .... ..._, .. 1-.Jd !~. that proceedlnr• nave bHn lnlUat-ro~mrlnl 'f'Ote, ~ W)J: · it'AC*AY ......_y Hne ot. T'\MUll A ...enu~: l"eflt er !In• to ...... WI be'-
,. JJCAN D AHL eel b)" the City of N~rt Bet.cit A.Ta, C0t11'fOtLlllll!f; , . , : tl'I~ ff!'!lef"l..lly 90u~ly e.\ong cinnfttg. ' .-,
lo aftlla UM 1111.kt t..nt617 tiere-BrH'Nrl'T, W1X.l>l:lt, ll'rOO-~y fJCHJlOUDSR •Ht f'\t)' ~nde.ry· llr1e tu an SllC'nO'N I : "*' --C•
tn&tt&r dwrlbed, which u td ter-DAJllD.. ftlQll.IE. ltJDDER· ~ ~ llJ1lk potn.t m .aid City Bl3'tlftdlu"y MllU bt paMWt a M.-...._ enc•
rltoey ill coniJsuoua t.o Uw praMnl HOF, HILL • DOllA O, HllL tl!l•, nld .ngie point lytng "North In lite Newport _.... Wtw•·
oaDDfAl'Klll N"O. nt bounda.rl~ o t eaid <'ily and which N,O&I: NON".£ ' ~ •• It' M" eut 110(1 dkltllnt •11 . .:S rr..-, • eza i $ ._ -ual
AN OllDIJllAWO& VllA.."f(H)(G u.ld l•rrllOQ' now i. !WnQ.bilt!d, ~: MACKAY , ?f'o. Jlcle ~Pt.t.. I/It,... rwt fl'Om the m~t ffltet"I\" cor· Cir'f"U lll l lOfl,, ~ ... ~
TW ZOMWO Or -0~ wUhln the meantn1 or the Anntx-A _. ; . ·lliw of Lot IS as ""°"""'·on ~ 1111 nd ,-1~ Ill tlle "dlllS 61'
'91"-0Wfl•D NOf'll!illll'Yo •IN auoil l)f Uninhabited Territory dEftY lfCmlt:ot'.JDEft ol!BfttM«JE Nb. .... ..,.of Tract N"o lflll l""t'<'."Ordf'•t l N-.,..ort ......... ~· !,..."E,~, c_·rrl' or N'rwl"OM Act of llil39; a.nd dt1Clare that thl\ l:it00~ c;;_i~rk --~ Walilthe, the Qty a..n.r hi. ~llaneotaa Map Book 37. Rh•l l 1>e tn "* ..... _. 4fect
0 .,.,. reaaona t qr ••kl annn:aUon •« AA 0 . n~...._. ot 1;11.e· City tit N""1!0f't ~ ..._.,. 47. 48. 411. f\tlCOr(ls .,r :tO d•ys 11tter dill!
The City Coundl or the City of th;i.t th& OV.'™'T or •aid t errttory MaYor p~ diii:t Wbm Py territory nld Orulge County. lh~rr !11Jrth I The above •ltd Os: ci I a DI"·
Newport Be&ch cio.,, ordaJn M deeln11 that It be aanexad t.o the. No. 'l.W Newa,f'Tw S/111/1)4!1 ii Gi1'111ftiii! to the Clly of ,.,._. arl,y and ftO'l'tl'l-terly aJrmi; l h" 111nano·e .... .., • lr:t:tzt W • a
rol!ow•: City ot Newport Beach and ll port ~I\, th• CH)" Council •hall, wealerly a ull ..outhw•·ftto •rl)' ,.,,., r.·~ulnr 111t' .. l1ng ur th• City Court·
lllO'nON I ~ Th•t Sttt:UOfl 9.LOI..% would be tu r the beat tnterefllfl or 0~ So, T71 by ortttnanu. &d<I the territory o r ~event crnth StrM't i.•hl hlnnl( 1.-11 or l h" f"lly rrt Neipport. Belll'h
vt ArtJ.r.le CX or the Mwik:.lpal thf'l Cl!y ot Nev.•port Beach a nd A~ ~)(N~ dt'~~· to t~ 11.dja.oet"lt rllatt1cl or <Shi· Mid <·1ty """'"lar•· h11 .. 1,," 1-•1n1 . l'l,.lf! ''" •h .. Z7tft rlay vr ll'ebruary.
C91le or t he City ut N'-<"'·port Beach its (itizen11 that u.Jd l'lty anne~ O~!I ~~'''-...... qk 1J , ~ (l trlcbl; and u! lnt,,1'>1<"•'LH)11 "''11 h !11,. """I t1 -I J!l:>ti 1u1o t """$ rinally pa-1 and
la her~by a mended ~ foUowa: taltl terrl(ory. ~ u~~ wREJtll:AB. 1 •·ert1:1 in lf'rrltor-y ea.aterly !In., of Tu11t111 Av«n•1« I '"'••l•!l'<I •'n 1!'11' 12th day or March.
That elty-owned lot• 1 1. 12, iii. NOTICE IS llEREBY c n 1EN A..Np~,.a.a.U Or THE _:)(1/NI· ref~ lo 0 "Seaquist A nnex"' thl!f"IL"' 100uU1~·,.,.t,.rlv 111"11"' ~ .. 1o1 ll<M li\' the rollCM'ln,: vot.-,
14. 1 ~ a.JW1 16 or U!O<'k 117, S'C· lh11t It I• propQ8ed t,y M id Cit.)' or (#~ '£:" ~ .tl>DIN'O hLI been •nnr.xe,\ tu u 1,, City uf MJUtht'll ~t,.r l•' l•nr. 11n•I 11 hn1L' "~1'1 l•• "I\
lion B , If-port u ... rh. 11.>1 11hown ~e,,.·purt.Beauh to 11.nnftX&1.ldhere· ~ -""~~THE Newport S8ch ; ,.011 City BuUJ\J11 11/ Iii•• I •,, p .. 01:! "' AYl'::-1 1'0,,nt1lme11 · Bennett ,
upon 11. n111.p rrrorder\ In Ml91.·el· 11111.rt"r deacrlbl'•! ter,.1tory '" 1111 1<! M'l'!'ll 1~ rloDf.-WHERCA~. th., ll'rritur •· re-onlcrs....:11 .. n "'"1!1+ lf11· • 1 '•' 1 '" \\'11<1•·1 ,..,l•.;:l•lllr<.I, HL(blt,
lllnrou~ M11.p Bofok ~. pag1i 27. r lly, whLLh 11-;;."I terrl!rory 11h11ll !n Tbe City Coun.cil ot lbe CHy"ot terred tu .._. '·Bei1.<tt1lllt A nn~x , !fl or l'""lh<• .. nth /';tr.,..\ H" "'r rl'"\!1 f(.,llh·1·11r,f Hilt
l /lt;M
, record.!! of On111~'1! Cuunty, C1tlifr.r. lhe~e p~Lnp hear the nan\,. Nl'wport Be.ch doff' Orda.tn" rul-Afl)CCtlftt la u..., ~·ourtl'I l llft trii·t 11\"'1.f"Y"ly 11toni.:-""I ~' ..i· ••• J,,,, ''' -"\r€.s. ('t•un1•flrnen: Notte
'nh1 anti 11..11 ahov.•n nn l lt•· b t11lrl<'t 'H ,.l1pot Aunl'..r."', T he ~pe.:tflc de· 1 ....... : NOW. ·rHER l';~'ORE, lh•• <'It )' Fttlttnth Str•-<·t 11n·1 111""" •11111 A H.SF:l"'l \Auncan..t ....,.y -'tetA.ftJORtE WINS SECOND SPEECH CONTEST Mllp 11 t111.('h,.d t n Ord1n1>no"e Nri. •c rtpl\on (If the lx.iundur1ea or \1 111 S~CT"IO N 1 Th.it Se<>Uona Cot.Inell ot tht C'Hy of Nt'*''fiort (''lly Boun"I~· 1,.1, 1 • 1111 tr•!•' AT'T"F.,£1" :!'.'fi~· jor1• SLov11.ll. d1ht, •ccept..a Llo11• Club tro~tty rrom, Jf'S8 tl:l:'l 11n<l tl'fen····l t,1 111 :<ecl!(>fl l tt rr1te>ry 10 prOf)(Js~<1111 be annex 92M.2f.' ot A rticle IX~ of ll'le Beach doo-1 ordain •• fv!l<lw 11; !9PCl.IO'l'l "'"llh t h·· ~"'''""ll ~l•·l l\ lot " M>!lr&"''")' S.·hroUCS.-r -k!j l'1 0';! 'l or allld Mu ll \<'lrlll eo.ie. •.!hi rod l& sttso·lt•<! h~r~r o nta rke'I MlinJcL "'"I Code of the City ot s~oN 1. 1,..,,, UIO! lerrit"'"' or Suptor"ll•r A v~1n1• ,,,..,.,.,-"'"''' \0 1\y r1 .. ,-~ Ml""! e, Colta Meu, conte.at chairman, rouowlng h~r ViC'lory 1n C" .. ,,,1 .. A .. , 1 , ~ ~" I • , ~~R ~ -' zone s pe•klng <'onteat fnr high school 1tuden!M Jt •hi' .... 10,. rri11r1,." r11rt therl'IJr h•· ""''they "'lt•i " tUt•. 'Y ri·~rtn•'• ;\'f'Wpurt 8 t'Acti bot, &11·1 the P n1e r•fe-rr"'1 lo •• ·g.-aqu111t l\nnf'll Wefttl'r•y a "n.: ""1'1 -··"'"'""1"' ·~·A. '-' "~ ........
' t I I Ill b I <bl 1 t " "J•'k ; ""' h··~IJy ,...ZQn"'1 fro111 It J u ... nut.de 11. Pll.f\ hen··if 1~ hertby amendM to ,. .. Ml u t ol-be 11.d<'IM to th• F'uu rl h 1·"111l d •·! ltnr' or Mur••r•ol' 11 ·, 1 ·• .,, "h• Y.&;"'M
•-JlJIOnll rvnea 11 1e ,,.· er 1g I' o en er .. ,,r11.111t e ~ --0 1., ~·t•RTl!F".ll ,,,·1·1i·1· 1" ll L~<>•·· I '" '''' :.:-:a-;i p \r•··t IO a R ·i 01~\r~·1 ' · ., ""'...-. lows ..nd that th~ f'"•.,1rtlt nl111t1ct m°"t ... ,.!'!,.rv !''.,1•· '1 1 '•~t
•dJ Im l'ooper ltoto Si':t.,,O N Z. 'n1at th,. l"1ty RY C:l \"E~ \)i,.t "11 :\IQnda y 11•'" "!ffetlon 82~ J 4 Sldf'Walks. Sid•· dnlfmltetl In g f'r1!on l{)Otl of (ht ""rt.in pl!!"'rl .,f 1""'1 ,.,.~"l"'1 1" ._..,..,,..f"r.-•• ll I A ~ ~ -----1ilh d ay ot April 19~. a l Thi" hour ' u. ·" l • I GTIME 0 0 D y F:.n1•1nrer or th .. ('o!V f>f N..-.... •p<!rt t 1 30 ........... a l ti. 1nata 1Le<1 to ,-rade.I, Clt arlt r "' thl' ("1•v "' !\/""'•f"J r1 N N IR A WA 1 f#11 ch !11 lt,.r,.by lnMru1·tet1 111 n•1 a · pm ' h'I !hr • 'riiino:ll t "ha ni-toc:a unn. w1(1t l\a a.nil o:roa.-.ect1<>n1 Bear h' shall inrlol{J., •ll lh•l ,,.,,. .
.,..r"ll nt th" C11y H11U f'f th,, ('If\ --• b C • Cot •!1rr• l~rl to ~-lt•ri,.: .. Utt· i.b<1,•.-0!11-1pprov.-.... '! tile Hy t:n11nNr."" t1on of the L"'H y 1nrlufl,.d ....,lhln
C I Se S .;r :"e"''Pf•rt Hrou h. J.300 \Ve&\ s -c-io ' I
•1 ..., OM't ege t to tage t rl!"t ~lap"° 1111 t n ~h""• thf' Kiii· ""·• ::-; .Th1tt 8el'l1W1 !il:i!5~-lhe fOllowlnr d-r lbe(I bo >1 1no1ar.Y •• 11141 , hfl ngf'!'I d,.3"ribt·fl tn SfM'Uon Newf>Orl 8 0 ll 1" v e r d, Newport 28 ot Art lo: le IX ~ of the Munlc1,....,l Une. to wit . Bea<'li.. C11IUorn1a, a h.-an111r w ill .--l hr~f. an•I. 11s ~.Ju 0!11t nct \.:ode or the Ctty uf Newpurt Bea<.:h, ~lnn ln1: al the lntror!M!<'tl On 1o!1U1~ f T M • I oe hlld '" wt11r h l\rllr111g eny P:,.r-b d th I , , enes ro111 op -a s ~t"p 11halL hllV,. t>t-n .~n a mended. 'lUI e aa rra la hereby amen!l· of the <'enter Jin~ nt CIRA·4 ~-A • ., • .,. th~ ~fl n1 ~ 1t1111l 1y nuotn ,., futl ~n ownmg ''*Y relll proper\)' I'd 10 rl'ad u frotlow1. s11d the ("enter l!lle or ORJl.~1 1 A , I
bl ~ · "·1thin I.he bQun.claMN\ nr thtt ter--, "r• '.1. Jringllnie on Bro~u ... ·ay·· will! lite opera "La B..>heme". an(! ~11-' rorcf' 1111!1 '"'""' 1111'1 h,. JI .,Mrl or rnory ~" prop<>8ed In lie llnne:oii<•I I ··s~t~I}. 9..,,0,_28. Slreet Ll&h l-U1ence ..,,terly •long "9.1d c.nl .. r I f!l 'niu~lt:ll.l i ho"'· to be pres .. nt -ere-d •ongs ur £11.s\t<t' by 8 rnlx•••! f'r<l1 nanre :Sn 6~:1 "' rile ("lty nr l•ere•n ~.:rl °""'J ... a..;ri 1n4y a ppe..i· ng '" eri"tound ll&:bt!n& syalem line or 8t111 1~ HIKhW•Y ORA-60·A I ~qm... ~ N•'"'""'rt 8"ach 1tn<l ~l'<'!l•fn 9102.Z with ornan1ental IJ(hl eta.nUa rda and akol'IC the r,.nl~r II"~ of l!lt<le ~ "J t hr. OMln~e Co11sl Culleg,. thOt:'f$. 1~ llJ'ld obJ,.~·t lo the propoacd annex·
D •lf t he Murti<"l ""'i f'Ul1e ,,1 the Cny 'hall be lnatalled 11nd. th~ des!...., H1r hwoy ORA ·~!J ·ll t u "" tnl.-r • I ~n!I Appll11<1 ArtR ep&rt -TM prorturunn 1~ pla nne:d 111.~ 1111 r-st111n a nd ah()Y.' , 11u11e vo'liy •u<:h 1 t d 1 •···
i•·ut ,\lsr<"h "l8, at ti :l.'J ln tht rJtln1.vagiun;a w•tti p&rUcipllHvn or Nt wrurt Beach l~ntory l!hould n"I be l!O illlnexrd aynu d ~nth oc~llonl': •hall be •P-•ectlon w!!h thr "11.lth·efW'lt'"•ly 1
"<;llel':e auditori um. by the Ml'rt"11 Gle..-Club, thr \\'OJll· l'lli:C'TION J : Thl R urdlo11 n<·r T l txw d r R prove Y e Hy ~nglneer:· prolonption or 111~ C'(!Urt "~"''-"
I I ,h 11 " P"blloh·' •• ''''' """• >e a e an u~i.:oing e•0• 1 S F;cT JON 3 T hat a new s..-.. ll•o • .. tw-· S!•t-a Ul -B ,.nd ·rtt fP"l\I' pe rturn1an~·,. ,,..1 I pre· en'" Glee Cluti, .the A C11pella ,. "" ,-.,. . .,. '"" l
"tt,on .;t tt~-~ ,,..s,.J uui
1 A.fl? regu-!Ion, 921S0.28(a ) entltlt d, "Und;;. 1;• .'; !l~:;rlb.-rl ·~;; lh~ o:"'ir! I ,;,nt \1pi~wal "''(Hl~!I rrnn1 "South Chv1 r, Mtxe<I Chor1.1 ~, Dance ~1tnll, in thr Newport H 11o rbor Newa· ar y pM!I~ fl.11• Rt vpt~u at a l("rount:I UUl!tt ., b d h ·
'll•'lft..:." ··Guy~ a nC Doll!!!'• and Dr111na .Df'p11 rtment. M o d r r n , Prf'11~. R newap!IP"r ,,( l!"""'"r.U meeting or the l.'ll)" Co t 1 t · es • e an t e aa.m11 decre" e11tatil1111h,.d tiy S11~nnr
,.. " _.. d •-,, ., Cl••·, ••d , ""m .,, ·•I ... ,r<'lil1tliun. 1>n nlf'(! 1111rt publlfthed ~ · . , u~ 1 0 111 h .. reby adopted •nd add~ to CtNrt nue J'fo. 21l43' of tht Mu -· ... 1.-rn't, IL 111 ..... ern &.ne,C' to ...,.. ~ ..., -• " ~e (;Hy. or l'e"'l"!rl Ht~h held Arllt'lf' rx i..;, of lhl' MuniclpalCOOe
'Biita"': "' Qr1un11t1c aklt by thf' ltOlo pwfornl ~nt. 11nd rlrt·utated !nth•• ('1ty nf N e""'-,nth..-12 dty ut .~la rch, l\/5~. lly lot the l.'1cy or ,..,.,.,port Beitl'.ch lo perlor CoOJrt !rt end t or l h,. l,;uun·
r. dep11.rlme11t; a .,;:ene rrom R r'spon11l ble ror th" produr linn 1 porl HeA<'h , 11111 !hr ~"",.'-Mh11IP ti..· the fullo"'·tni;: ,.0, .. , !fl wit : rt arl ... rOl low . ty or Or1111 1tt'. State Of CsilffOr'l'llll ,
11re James s. Fit:r.g~r11ld. Howllrd 1111 f ull trirrt' find ... ,f,., L Jv ct&)'" r.. \'ES, COU!'(CJJ.?tl~:.-.;; "S '" l I 0 n ;~~~· 211( i U then1:e northwe•t,.rly 11!•>t1J( ~11 ••1
Kay , and Eu.rtace ROJ .. , mu~1~·; •fter t11l11 f"ll'lllllJ(t BE~!'.:ETT' \\'JI l•t::R STOI >-• • · nCer-.Out.TleUterly prolonpUon 1,, 11
I ~· · · · · · g: r u u n d 'UUl!l!e.! I; U d t h Ho,,.·i1 ni Clapp, .11rt 11nd d··~ign , T he ~bo'"" •nd fry,. .. g"t"J;: f'lflh· OAHD ll!GBIL RllJDEH-1 , h n er~roun pv1nt of ntenot't"t1 nn v.·11 1!"
.., • • e •P .. 11., a nd utU!Ly· '""•t--· m-""•'"·•ly lln• •I ••<<I S'"'' ti •h t.urlan Scott. dr11omfl B,.v,·rly 1111 no:e "'"fl.~ ln!rodul:'e,f 11.t ll t"KU ' HOI-' RELL be l db h ., -· ... ..., ··~ "'"" .• ._. 'I:.,
Campbell, danrr. 1t11d Dr. J.,1,,.,1 l11r mef'U11g or the /.'tt y l!tiunl:'1I :'>IQES. c..Ousc 11.J.1>:N· ~ONE rfll:.i~~~ r:nd Y t~ee :;1~1f'ir"1 Com-w11.y ORA-ll0-11 111!'1 poinl bo·u1Jo:
W . Th0rnt4'n J r ., ge11er11.I C'~td111· of tl'I~ <.:1ty or .Nt.'W pt:Jrt He11 ch h~l•I AllSF.:-:'r COT :"\"L'I! M~·:-.; el fiT\, ayout ln lhe bvundary 1111.-t;f th .. 1 "•!.•
.t"'· th 2·11 d r F"•b 10'' j M···C K ,. · ~-~· · Ian.it lvl:'at kln •hall be .. pproved by <>t Newport '8@11r h , lhl'n<:e , .. n .. "ll e • 1 11.y u "ru"'Y· · · " A lhe j'lty F..:11g!n .. er "'
1<.nd ..... flnlllly pa1111~d ·11nt111d'lpl·,A.'rJ"EST ., !'lF.CiJO N i Thi tln ulnC" 1t:•ner1lly nort""°'"I"''' b!AtH NbTICE •'•l un t he 12th day ut J.!an h, 19~0. M ARGERY SC:HROULJJ.:H t •lt~Ji' be p~btahl'<l a t :ea .. ~r:~:en~~ along aalO C Hy Bnu n•l•ry hn"
Form,.r or.-11 n-frun1 r,.111<!r11•'" 11r f11mot111 .srl"llen 11tar. Impolllnc
ha.lt-tilrib<·rrr! b:nJ:'ll •ll 11\yh· t1nn1f' ""llh prtvete ..ataln; to -~·
hf'•C')\. a rfl ll"J/\r hN1t•"•nl~ :: f\M l h~ ~llnt'I qu•rll'!nl . complete
t"l·rl'fllln!t !••""I ( ''''"11r-' t t T '"ftfl•"" Kn<l r ll!\U ~i'f'll'tllh~ i;UM\
It"""'' 'J .,·io• ~ttrH~'" \\ ~1..-.1 '"' r•riv1«·\· Asking 18fi,00f)
r<.,,,m~()' l•• R'""'"'r"I
t·:X<lit ·:-01,'l: AtYF.'St'S
flh "+I. hy the frHlowlna .volt , to wtt Ctty C1e rk lhe :'>le"'"P'lrl H4 bo r..; n.. throuch lla v1nou• • uur•e11 tu 11
I •y•o Ci n •tlni~n B 1111,.tt !)ORA (J Hll.I. I ' r r ewa-.-1e1a, polnl of !nt~r•l't:l1un ""•11'1 u w l'h"'"" 11\,,u J.H)(lll . ._,_ " r~.,, •u ' --·· · ll ne,.·spa p f'r or e a.J ~ lllt4.." ... lilBil"'l:ll. Wiider. StodOsrd, Ht~bl~ Rid-Mayor o;;;... ____ .;-~';""'0' __ ':'"";"=1~':':1':":·.:.;"~'~';°'~w;.:u;l~•=•~ly:,_~'~'"~';..:'~r ..:H:I:•"~·~·-'~':..:=============================:: G ravea!.de aervlcee tor t h,. Jn· o:'\f'rhntr 'Hill p;xm .. tT "A" f ·------· ---
Fred Pre10ton h•.• been elected
V ice Pre11ldtin l of Lido l n.1urance
A gency , Inc. it Wll3 announced re,
cently by Ml111. A.1?11'& Blomqul•t.
agenl:'y preiiident. omee. ·or th• agen~·y are In tft·e · Nll'#pok. Bal-
boa S a v1ng11 and Loan A '"6-C La-
tio11 buildlnl".
Ml1111 Blomquist aald t he 1tatf
lncrellllt! \11 In line with the
agency'• p le.n or broadenJna ll.ll
11Crvl1.:e to lncl\1de all type11 nf
ln!'lur1tnl:'t t"OverAl(e.
Prl'Olton come~ lo
Beach trom Ro$enH!ad,
where h•
and Mr11. l're11ton And their 'two
l!IOns, Peter 11nd Bru<'•, have lived
for 11even Y"llr1. He 11erved on the
at atr or P11C'Uic Telephone and
Teleg-r&ph CompAny for 19. year•.
holding poeltlona Of romm,•t"Cl•I
mllllllger •nd .._le• ftl~rvllOr .
The P reatOldl llave bOuanl tl'lelr
home on &ldo 1"1t. '
Nr11. Loli 8ander10n. Agency
S ecretary for over two Yl'•r•. re·
cently recelftil her ncetla! U 11
ure \nlrlJ • 11nre un<lt~{jlt'r. Tl'llrd
mem tllr of the 1taft i• Mr1. Jean
....... ,..earn«! &l the ROTC e11c11n1p t NI>~::-;, ~·~oun,1lrnen !\•on~ Ot: . ..;c1111'1'10S o..-
ment at Fort Lew!a, W&llh . l1111t AliSF:NT f"1iun•·1111,,, ~\11,Jia y fft:J.ll'OT A~~P:X
111n1 mer. J A"fTI:ST l!eg1nn1ng 11 ~ ""blll rv1nt !u
fant d aUKhter of Mr. 11nd :.fi s. :O.iit rgery Srltroudt'r the hnvn<1ary t!nr ()f 11te Cuy
D11vl d Shafer "'·ere coi:u1u<'t"11 Clly C\,,rk "' Newp..Jtt Brsil:'h. 1111\d angle
T lturllday at 10 11. m. at 1-l srt>or DOHA o HILL r o1n1 he!ng !hi:' mo~t "'"""terly RP.~l M emorial P11.rk Urt•h·r lhe :\lllyor , . .,,-n,.r "f \lt11t r·••r l1tln pllrTI'!
d!rfftlon of P11rkee-RWL.-.•· /1.1.,tl· Nn. 11 ~1 Nl'v.'ft·rre~_. :~ 16 ~,;; ur IJtnd g r an!"'1 to rtie ('lly ot
uary, Cu•tll 1'1 esa w ith th!! lt•·V /\'e"""!l('l'I ~en rh tir .ir,.<t rt11 t"d
l.Ath&t' Tornnw of Chrlat Lul~t'r"n 1 J'lolO'l'ff 't~ 01·" I .f11n u111r·y 2:!. \fl!~. 11n'1 rtcnrtl"rl
ChuN:h, c r.etsi :>.lt llll, offiru•Lu1;: A ¥1'~ttU ot· CO:"l'Tltf'r·r 1n tiQnk 3Ju. 1'1111" 22 or ll•'t•1•.
Th~ bshy wa ~ burn ~1 a i ~It P1l r~1:.~nt to sl11tute nn<l t<J thn f<t t"Ord!'I ..,r Or11ng.-('ll'luo.y.
13 at Hns!: Ho~pit11l "~"1 dl .. <J RellQlut!on or t he 1,;11y (,;ounr il o( S tate ur C11Hfon1la. sn!i;I angle
M•reh 14, She Is aur viyl'd tiy i t!i~ CHy of NelWpOrt Beai•h. (.'1111 · p.>10! l'lllll1 he.ing In 11. Jin<' lying
her p.a.renta, Mr a n o:I M r11. 8 h11fer, rornl", !llref'Ung thla l'fotlC'l'. J11 /o> .. t 1tuul11e1U1tc1Jy <it 11 nd
tlT Ea11t Bay Ave , her c rllnrl-1 NOTJCI~ IS fl'!IREBY OIVE~. p11r11°Jlo·I to·, !hi' nnrthweat,rly
pa1'"flla Mr and Mr,. E:Kr\ llhllt•lte aeld (..'Hy Cooncil, In Of'l'll H11e nf U..t 169. Alock Z, qf
Watar or Collta Meaa and 1'lr. ·•e•lon, on tha 12th ttey u f M1trclt, Irvine'_. S ubdlvl11lon /1.a ahown
•net MN Bf'n Shafer ot Sllrtla llil!\6, puhHrly opened, eK11.rnlhed u pon s n111p rf'f'orderl in :0.111 ·
A.na. 11nd decl11n!d &II 1~aled propo~11 \11 ~cM11neou11 B11ok l . P11i;" J!S.
Visitor In Newport
Slricke11 Wlltit i'olio
ir bid!'! for pertorn1!11g the work RBf'<>rd~ or ~ll l<l Orftng<· ('oun-
11n•I .n1 p1vv•·n1enl rll!M!ribe1I In Re· ty: tlten(·e ,.outh ... ·eaterly 1<.long
11<.>h1LIOI\ Of !nt~nt1on Ntt .... 21, llllid j)llJ'Ailel line 11 •11111Jl n1•e ut
11lnptr•I on th<! 27th dny ttf De-699 00 fPet : thenre 11u11llt,...,,t.
Or-c .. 1nber, l fl~t., w/\u·h ll.r M1lul1on ol f'r!)' parallel tn t11r ~OU!hw~.~t -
angi; County polio toll f"r 1~ri6 Intention ls ·on tlle in thl• OH1<'e erly lin1• or 11alrl p11rrel gtr1nle•I
climbed to 10 lod&y "'"ilp t he •ii· nf the City GJ.erA of 811id c11y to !h" City '"'r Ntwport Ue•C'lt
41llon ot a 23-yoarrild 11t:hool t.nd ta ~by "'mored 10 ror tt •le· to 11 point of inter"11to:t10n w ith
teacher w1\o was ll Newport JCrlptlon of "'Id 'Work and an-the north .. emterly line or th ...
llk<'h v!lltor. provemen t and tor all p1<rUr uh11 '9 60 feet right Or wily deM:rlbf';J
T he ("Qu nty hPalth drp11r!n1ent relative tu t!ie proceed•nR~ unll1·r in rleed lo 'the State or Cfth·
111.ld Barbar11. K \rkwofld w a• ~aid R11110Jut1nn of Intentio n : 1tnrl fr1mi11 r!!Cor<led In Book 6113.
1trlc ken while v1a1 tin1 at 700 NOT1CE JS ALSO H E:H.EUY P'4rf' i .. 8. of o rr!<'C1tl Re.cont~
!outh Bay FronL Her condition GIVEN that the said City C1111nc.il nf 1111.!<l OrA.ng~ County: 1111.J,1
wu diagnosed Bf non-p1tralylir. therell!ter on lhe i:ltlt rl"Y i•f point "' !ntef"IK'Ction lying \n
The vl.,(tor. fro1n \VhiTtlrr. ts 1-larch. ltlOe, a.war<ll'd the rontn1rt tt1e boundary li11r or tit~ Clty
undergoing treatn1~nl in ltl:'r ro1· s11\d work nnd l111prov<"1n11nt lo j or Ntwport Be111.:h : r.ltf'nce
hon1e. lltt" 1.-,w.-sl r ~gulnr· re~pun~1lilo• lil•I-nQrlheaaterJy A.Ion& llflld norlh· ---------------! J \'r. ln "'"It; v.·e.,ter!y line a.nd along •aid _ LEGAL -'IOllCa. ~UU.Y-M ILl.J·:ft Ctty Bounda.ry llnt1 to &n In, CO~AL-rl."l"G co t6rMCtlon w ith t,he 90UU1WMI·
NOTl(;I'; or INTENl)f:I) ~Al.t:
11.or , Wb~ •l!dreM ~ a21 11'o ~la.r!
(old, tn thP City or Cnronll df'll
Mar, County at ~. BtAt' of
0t11tornl11. tn'ttihd# to Rell to
•l the pf'\Ctla 1111.,1('oj "I lhe·bld fl'.Jt'
9l!ld work lln•! 1111pru.-c1n rn1 nf
<11>d bldd•'r. "'"hl•'ft ~lll•I hi.I I~ "~
file .. 1 !hr • Jff"''' or 111o •ol 4."i!}'
C..'lrrk, 1nd lo whlrh rtfcr~11 r(' is
~ereby m ad, and the a ttent1t•n or
511 p("t11on11 lnti'rt:11tcd bt hl'relly
erly IJn.e oC th• &toremenUoned
pe.rei!I of l&.nd (r&nled to the
CJty of Ncn11'1?ort Beach ; tll•nce
northwealerly • I o n g a a I d I
southY.·-.terly llne and a.Ion«
.-id City bouMary Un• to the
point ot ~c;lnnlng.
No. l06 Newa-Pr,..
Dated thi_, 12th d ~y flf ~!A.rl:'lt. 3/14, ll. 23. lsa.6
E . 001.D, Vend~fl, whOl!e a4dre1111 19M. j -----,-----------
11 7881-21 .. t Stref't, In the City or MARGERY SCl lRUL"OE:R °'1111 ·~Ne. '115
W,aO'nln11tl'r. Cuunty ot Orange. City l.:lf'l"k nr thr. c11y of AX ORD!NA.NCF. f'HANO INO
8tatti of Cllllfornl11. ll'lt fo110"fl·lng Newport Be11r lt, t:;.Ufornisi TSll.l ilOWIWG OF (JJ'alTAJN
_P_'_'_'t_o_n_. ____________ 1de..cMbed Pe t ' o n al p roperty, No. 107 :>lt"'"-'·Pr'°~"' 3/16. 19. 19.~ '9CAJ-. P.J'Of"l:RTl' IN T9ll
to-wtc.. f'IT\' Of"' Xl':\.\.f'ORT ht: A.CH. I
Kefauftr Talk
Buena .. Patt
Set March 26' .
Tenne11"'8 lienator E!ttee Kerau-
\•er, rre11l1 from h!11 vll:'tory ln lhl'
.N ew Rllmpahlre prl,.ary. 11nnuunc·
ed today he' will al'JMlflr tn 'oni.'.ft!P
t:oun!y t<.•r • Ke!atlvf'r r11l ly on
March 26. The a'ppeaTance 'W111
be mtide 11t thf' Huen11 Terrac,.
School. Buen• Par·k. 7 .•:i p.m.
• 1n
Fr;e rr(reshm,nlll W11l 'be 1erv-
erl aftf'r Kefauver'• ta.Jk an(! the
•l'n11tur "''ii a ns"'''r q11e1t1ons a nd
All atock In l "'•le ll ntl Tn1~e •. ""'?'"-Uo? Su. 4_•6S . . The City Co11nctl nf lt>P t.:lty of
Nllme or • cerh11n h11s1 11,.11i. A Kl'>OLI TIO~ OF 1.'TIP"TUlS N""'r>ort U,.11ch rlDell ont1Un 111.~ fnl·
knvwn "" N E\\.1'(1HT LIG HT TO ,A~St:X A:"ll Ol'"l ~1 : l lo"'··~
PL.ANT SERVICE. sinJ l<Wlll te<I 1 'NOTlt't: Tllt~Kf;qt· !'lF:rTl()N I Thllt SP"llon 9!02.2
s t 282i weal Coa.~t H1gpw11y In \\"f-CE~All, ,thorrr ill 11it11st,.ct l r Arth·I,. rx nf t he .\{unir !plll
the City ·ot N"<'!Wport Betoch , (A)un· ou ~lde &nit COhUgufl11~ to tla• City Co<le or rite l:ity ot Newport Beach
ty ot Orahn, State or C11llfornla of 'Newport 8NC'h. 11 certain u n111-1J1 hl:'teby "'n1en.J,,d ..,. followi· I
an<t lhat,. 1111.le, tran ~er anrt 11s-' habited ltrrltory "'"111\in t h•· nlf'fln· Tlt~l 1-o\." 4 a nd .... f!lvrk 'H t
sll(Tlr"'Lflnl of tl'lt AAmt will bf', !nr of the An nt.~nt!oA of l "nin· rr11 c! 32.1. 111!1 1hown on the ot'Jj
n1ade. 11.nd lhr ~·1:>r111ldcr11.1 ~"11 1 ltrr•'· • hsihifr1I T erritory Ao·t flt t93P. ~1111r1 lrirl. M11p 11t taclled co Otdlna.nCti
fore will ~ pa.jd al JO;OU u'clrick 1 ~erritou·y twfnK n1<1re p11 rt1r ul11r);• N,._d\:l!t Mn<J reftiiT«! tn ln .SrcUorl
a. rn., on fhe 2Br"h 1!11y nf March.1 here1nafter <lel('rlbl'<I: 11nrt 9JU3.2 nf ~•trt MuNolp11I Code nd
lllrAi . •t thf' t10Grow ole psi rt1111·n1 \\"lll'~HEA1'. the o•'n"r nr ~lll•t 1 rn11de si p11rl tbfi re:or bf' lll'ld··~
or Thi! M"llr lnen 811nk at :;n 12 prvi>~11 y t.n" PXp tl'flfled 1t~<'lt 11.~ 'lrP hPr·eb.v. re-.:onf!d rr'om ll C ,1
~' .. ~t Coa11t Rlghway, in the l"<l}I ti .. Ht.1: •le,1r"u" 01f hav•nio: th•'"~'"" IJ•~lrH'I to a {_'-1-+I Dltlrll:'l.
of Nf''*''porl Be..::h, County ol Ur-111nne.<r:e<I ¥.:"llh llt~ Cily nf .'\' .. <1.•po.-t S E:C'T/l)N 3; Tha.t, the Cit,;
an1e:. State of C.IUom ia_.._ Re&<'h . ancl • F:ng1ne .. r of the CHy nf Nt'WpOr'
DATl:'D Ma'rch •. 19M/-! V.'lw.1\li:AS. \I ""'01d1t h" f"r thr Bf'11ch '" li<!.rf'h)" lnetn 1etad and;
DOUGLAS G06vAl.J. 11,._1 lnl"rr>.~!N fo»r Utt L'1l \' t)f N""''· 11rPr1 t'<t t" ctia nge The .. bove Dtil-!
Vendor rurt llr a r!'l 11n<I ll~ r111~rn-th11t · _r1tt :O.fa p l'IO u to •how tha m,..f \\"Al_.~ li (;Q).l• ~lll•I Nty ~:>nt~ """t t~rnt,,ry. 11n•J ong c;1tllt\gtt1 (leKr1bed ln,SectlQll 1
OORA IC OOLD port 8t11<'h ma on or 11.l••111 th.-h11•·• ~n-90 •m 4'nd<"d . tbe .am
Now You May Buy
A U·sed Car
~F lt'I R ••
•• is 'Gaarantee Of One FvR
flOOL-NOOF flttafte110N
AGADB'r ~AJOR ti!P~IR llL"l.S
JT:'S •OOD ~NY l'LAct IN THE \I. S. A. -100°/o
WARRANTY C:·ARS '.~~ 1 .J.r . ~~ c $~E .Tl'fESE BONDED
53 ~D V-8 COUNDY SEDAN 55 OLDS "98" HOUO•Y ~
R.dkl '":"-·l&f:zt9r ~-1 F&ttll Wlc -"'8"' 1'1"1 Tu-t'1"n~ · H -HvdMl-"""·r . ~fT. I: ftrk111. -"'8l\'
' '55 P<>RD V-1 .FORDOlt SEQAN 53 CADILLAC "'62"' 4-DR / SEDAM
·.let b~£..... ft ... ff~ F~tb: -W$W I{. n -HydTa. -'""'T. !'Ctr. -•,tzt -1\'8\\7
55 CHIVll~UT V-1 . 4•DR. SEDAN 53 OLDS SUPER "'88"' CONY. CPE.
R ·'A: -PWi;Me -'l'iat. ~ -ws'°"· R ·ff ~ ff'.'·dra -J"'\,·r . Rrk.. -WS\V • e ·'.: PLUS MANY; .. MANY OTHERS •
Ot•lll9blle -Chevrolet
Liberty 8·2258
talk \to'!\h lt\INltll 1 The Tennf',~-Df'mfl(""~l hN
Me:n 1chedUlffl tn~ a 1peech In
Orang" Count.J' la.it rn""th, but
hurnl'd bar k to WMhlnrtdtt tn-
•1-d lo •·Ql l' on lht na tur11.I ltllll No 14~
!>ill, S , ·"""''•-l'r,..,.,.
Vmdec I \\.ll,Elt F:A.s, the City "' :-.·rw. h<'rl'>O(, and -.Jd Dietr"k-t Map ati.JC
V~Oel! 20th ~•Y nf 11'11bru1ry 1~:-011 "'lh-•h•ll.r!l'nllin In tun '"fire and er-
1111 1 ,,-, '"'" (1rang .. Co>1:nty H"U" 1...-1 .... Qt. pe.rt or Ordlna.JK'e 1 ... w. C1221 ,....,._
j •h•ry Co1nmlNlon • ltio:aJ lk-11<:111• :-:., W of !Mi Ct{¥ or N-J'l)f"ll ,_ ___ ,J;..;fi_1c1_w ___ <...;._o.;...•.".t __ H_w_, ____________________________________________ .J Llb•rty •·2261 3 UI :>6
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'-. . Ill !1111 ............ 19,!!!4! " ..... ., ~ • •• ., NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.."RESS -p'ART 11 • PASE l n-"""'itm. .........
DE!.IYERY. GUARANTEED . FRIDAY, MARCH '· 16, 1956 MASSAGE ' ROOMS BEAlrl'l.i'UL · r!E\\' -Are. you tired Qt Qemmuting! Music-Lovers! Fl:RNJTlfRE ~1th 2 pc. tivlnr·
Rowaaid st.am Oabinef • .
DeH,•ery ot tile Newport Harbor Newa-~ I<' •! !u• ••• ' -~!!!!!~-roon1 nt In your ~!KNC. ot mod-
guaranteed. Carrier boys wll_I deliver their pe.ius be-......_, ...... tlleo • . ero rabrk:•. 2 .Xovaiuv .Cid tab-
can .... a.Tt f2 "' appolll.tment J4.IP-"'di1Ut1 ,_. 6: ta,_ an • I• •.nd t'oftM tabjtpr.: ~:ri.oct•m
fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y. \vedbCllday and ·Friday. U youf ,...,..
~ .run-roa YOU ,. table lan1p., ti p4':.• trf'tb.i(tlt trru1
paper i.11 not delivered by t'ftat hour paeue C&ll Barbor a t HURRY 'HURRY dint'tltl, modt'fl'I ·~n •l'l
1~16 and you; carrier will bring )'OW' piper. CLEAN UP JOBS "H~ve faith! ,. ........ -.Utlf\11 --wllh 8 dr•w"r drff*~ Larse.
''8tud&o ot J..!:Yiq ~A mlrrm', U rge ,,..,ico :~nc. • , Yard Maintenance , • lt•¥iC Ghct ranse. i&.1t far "only
'!'hr. ,,_,. ape.n-c. 'Cauae HARBOR HI-Fl ~96. Luw duiwn pa,Y~}-J04
Classlfied thY loc.i&l.)'. ,
HELIPOT TV SHOPPERS wffka lo pay. Tbb •·M nr or-
can u ... 3161 f.4.Ua f11.red 1t th• low.at Pf1;. ev.,r . .... Newport 81"1. Har. tf.11 ahown . , . GARDENING 'llU< lfUB MK> W. Ccintar, AJ:iah~m " -'
Haullnc -and odd jotMI. 8lLYER-FOX STOLi: LOOK AT THESE ·TERRIFIC BUYS • Ri:A..BONA.81..ll " moving to Orange Ceunty Pl:KP'E~ CONOJTlON. M esa , Woodc raft .,_ ... Shopper Adi• 1run In, lhe WedAMd&J N-~ Liberty 8-t&N. 81 piM. Temporary headquarter• In C.,.ta R-nable. Har. 1'31. u 24 lneh Moto"la table model with table .... $199.Dli 'Hemlock M'¢llon11l<· l'Umu '-· .
· Me.a are to b;i I.ii.k en y,•\thln the book~·1tk'8, Chf'JI\ 11. cti.blnwt.~
.. l.1ne11 1 Insertion SI.Oil add'L u-,25 ea, COMPLETE SET bath~ nx-21 inch Motorola. coruK>le. Repouestled ........ $1 79.95 4 IJnes 2 IDMrtktns L50 add'L lines .25 ea. WHITE W OMAN c1e1iru hm-month to •Cl'": •.• 11udlllll ~o:rtaln ture•. Call Hu. 1 ltl. ." .. Stu r ti y t'~''"'lr~ct !oR,· C\"l\l<'l'
4 Unetii 3 Insertions 2.00 add'I. Uam .%5 ea. y,•ork by how-$I .M. EJ:perlenced orttce •oO AhOp t11clL H!l'la uu UI 21 lncb Paclftc Mercury couole. 1954 model $ 99.95 ):U lil••d •lrllWO'rA $10 ..... ~. Book
4 Un~ 4 lmoert1on11 2,50 add'I. Unes .Z!i 8&.
l'ood refe rence-. Own tt..,..port-vor new pla.J1l I• curnph::t~d. OKJl!:NTA.L H VGS upertly '~ 21 inch Capit.&l, con.ole -----·--···-s 79.95 «ll.&1:11 " '" >o " V\ •T.95 • -____ ,. __
u11. Pt11ut11 ... 1.,.1r ... ~••=~ht'11.
liltuatloa \o\'a11ted AdA wlll "'°"'h '::!! l.'I~:, dlM:Otllll. Cub I• .dl"&AC. ulll7. a lion. A•~ ~" <'h•uffeur
p•lred. nllmatu furn. .. ~,
LI ll-82fl7 or LI 8-6172. -~u " Oriental mcatt•r ..... 19 inch Dumont con.10le, with F'M radio ···-·-$109.95 2121 H•rbnr. C . ?.1 t.l ~-16i .'>
&t lX IM UM AU l.'4 • LINES tratllon orlf1nll.l value. ..~ 2 17 inch Pa.cbr:P. Bell, table model $ 75 ------
CONGENIAL ha't'.:l-wor.klng roll-in 11.nllque cheat• P USH.MA.N'S A!\'Tl{,,/l'~; \"11 '1'.0HlAN BEi.JR.\!
NE\VPORT nARnon NEWS.P RESS ple for mott:l i,: .. ~rlenced 11111.ld ACCOUNTING 27~ g COIUlt Hla-hway. C.D.M. 11 inch Te&etone table model _ .. -----·---s 65 1'1·:"1' $2~. I •l>h•. b<d, foll:('t'llflll
'• malntt:nance. Rt:t~rencu. -l.>v' Ai;rini;.• & 111ners1\rt1111 11u1 l· M c8i WE HA VE MANY CYMfER MODELS -tr~M. 111l1.t'lJI,. \<JI> \·ht'lll, l•rlot" Paul ),fcGrud.,r, Boll 11«!4, lndln, including: Every Monday, Wednesday and FTiclay Ci.Hf. ..,.. TYPIST B n.l,F:RS flA \'BED, SE WINO STAND -TO CHOOSE FROM AS LOW AS s 29.95 t'h .. •t "' .Jnl'l"' 111. I Ull len,1:111 ·---·· .. ···· Corun .. 1. tn:1111boll.•. d ...... .... 11.11 1 .. 1 11. \',. tr.r11u1 roan-~. b JU .
COASTAL SHOPPER -\Vedn~days !.ADIES ACCOlJNTING CLEl~l\:S cablnn1, rad io, bookc:aae. Ca~ Su. u,.y ~'1un1, l flllUu11 l "lian•I
!J r -" ~ .. n!ort -Harbor l\~W. St eM W e Guarantee A ll of O u r TV S ets! liMr, 2 .. ti:! '""'•'/<, i.;\t-1).~ Do •houl!lera o r frt't a c bt' ! ----Dl~A fll.l:'\"t~S fur pl!lctni:: ur canct"lhng act. are: l.• RELAX.A T IU'.\' net'ded ~ Jt..'N IOJ{ ACCOUKTANTS
~!A KE A N APl'Ol '.\''1'1-lt:NT for STATl!-;T!CAL 'l'YPISTS t:XCEl.J..E/'.'T BUYS. Practically THRt:~; l~•.M.1:.1;.; 01( t) .. 11.llllf"I l\l'W
Payment -No Payment 1-'ur f!,J.,mlay />u11 h •·>tlJun -,..nday ~ p 1n, new Kenmore g11..11 range, "xtra F.uy Tenn• -No Down fu1 1111ur11 '"" s 111:., Cu1n., '" .. or \\ •• lll•"h(IBY 1-'uULH""(LOUll -'[,,,.,.day 1 JI m. Swedish Massage COST ANALY!j'I' !arii~ OY"n, &"!au door, <'IO<"k . for f!S Daya. l<,.lk 111 .. un l
t ·or t rt•!lly J•u bl1ctit a,n -Thurl!oJay l p Ir\. S!'.:N IOll AUl)ITO!l Colle· Sluu. A "t9Ctr1c roaat"r .,.. ll l'IJ !IW \\', • ·~nl"r .• -\nllhelu1 .. ~t-.\\"J·111tT If \111\lllt 1•1 '111.J,..l ll.,·11 C U. !n your hcill"l<!. '""ll "ut ct>n<I. $1~. Dearborn htr OPEN SUNDAY S AND EVERY E\'EN!NG UNTIL 9:30 --~? 11 l\1llbo" tsh ll., '.\'"'\-'Ort Heuch, ('all r.,rnla. l•le111>r r aJJ lla r!J<•r 4';11~ !>;'l'P '&l!ntat\.-,. "''Ill ••• J••L l ll:'d • '° ll11r 11762-R. 8t.c36 H~:Jl\\'(J{J I> l '1t I o·11a 1u hh·. $-Ill
"' U11rt>0r 7V 86t t A • pli llU .JLI ' I,,,"" )•lU!Ji::I• J IP Ille o!H''"" 1.11 All Cl"""lfl,.J Arl11 1111°'1 t .. · j..:O.Ld for C'u•h Ln n!J q .1n••t <1f puhllr all,.n. "' 8" Jft:A VY OU'rY BlM'k 4 LJ...;.11-RELIANCE . ~ 1 "l\"h '" ,,,,' " 1ulf\'"ti I ~ Iii" •'t .1 ... .. w f!.lltra blaCle Llk• -$;::'>_ Jt.,, The pu1,1u111~1~ "FIX-IT" .... 1 IJ fl\>l 1,,. ! ···~l-"H1 .• 11,J., rnr 1uu1" l11u11 uri.-!1 11 urtt"' t l ':tl1 fu rn1 a ~t till: I·~·· • 111 111•1 .. ...,.
!' ...... " )I 12" h~W Jllarlt"• ' ·" l!I 11 ,.1' r>.1~ I ll111erll"n .. 1 i.n II•!. n·.~· • •' 1htl 11;:!:! tu L'Uff<•rl !.)I Ll ... ~~l!y i;ny lilHi ... 1 ;\!••('lLiUll{'lll a n•t l·!l"c trp·11.I J l1·11t "' J•:fll j•I• ·~·1 II• Ut I
,. .. l -"· ,.,r.-en r1 1~,ri1 with gr1Jlll , 36" • :-.:. "l a .!• &n·l lu r .. ,. • t "'"J' "l !"L •••lllullllllll-: lu n il•<! hlhl 1••;,;uhLtl••ll" " ' "1 n t••ar" " :-.-1 1 i. ., I 1·u ~ 1·1 ' ~ Ill • I <.1 1'."l 'f II • a ..I. A 1111
·111 "' " ' ' ' U jM<I 1 ~ !'! .. " ... ~·M ~
1\'c"'!IVl-t 1 larbu t
l3. P . l J. J·:.
1'1 "1 •~ ever y 1"'?1urs,\1•) e I' fTI.
\'Ill U!ll•flO -''<•ll ll d ,\v.,.
N ~wporl l!,,.,., /1
.A ltH>rt II. :\lllllll.:"".~· ~:1<1dt•·U H.u!~r
4--Yuu .. ral DirQr t o .-s ------____ ,
C1Jl<1n1al ~l ortuary
-;-soi n .. 111 ..
n1111~t er r.1.·11 1oriu1 l'llrk.
An Uno ni;.., \'••llnf.1· l n ~t1tuuun
ScrvH18 f1u1Hlu·• ,,f ,,[J ralt l\11
Telt•j11J .. n, 1 T.,11 Fr~e1
ZJ•;111lh ; !:! I
r•"•r t11111" ! ,.w11y bccauae
or !u•·k of 11111.I•.
Small, J o bs W o n t e d
Carpentry -Paintin g
Gv<•oJ "",,, k
R epair \Vurk
Doe.-Yuur l h1111f! N• • •t t•.141aJr1ng
0 1. i-t<'UlU1.lt·hn,.:?
C11I! I' 1uuk; Ll tit-r:y 8 ·6'.l:'>·I
• l t fc
Painting, J)ecor a ting
Paper Tiang.1ng
l.JCENSEU c ur>:Tlti\1,;11 JH
878 \V. l .!llh :$t .. Co~tu fi.1··sa
L!b.irty ~b6:!~
General Contracto r
New \Vork -Remodeling
J. MlI:rc>N 11cKENZll·;
Harbor 639U-\V 58tfc
~J ,,nd:1y lh:u l'r ul1~ ' I AL!. \\'1 )l\K t;l .,\l:,\:'\"·r ~:EIJ
lluibor ~"C l t :1t.ll:i
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GARDE NI NG :•: :-·,'I. I , •• I• Ah h uo•l •
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1,1 .. 111.•t1• l!fr Har ~~ue-\\"
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HIJl'lt !IA\" • t: \\'1':1-:K
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CO.\l l'L~'TF: -:i),.~ e . \l!I t> :--t.I M l.L :.:~: ll A:ht t 1All.Jt r•
& l'ap(·r l-l ang1ng-~l"'rv111·
L L\j ~-~t; I! 1>AI :..:Ut.H.~
:-.uo :s1~1 Str.,,·t, :'\"•"""!"''! Jl,.,.,•fl
1-lar~r i!l7d Lio.: ---~ -------
DeJ)l'ndable an 1 l'orr1plt·!o'
l~A \\'N & GAltll!·:!': C,\ltt--:
1~00 \\I (•ubb"1 ~.1111,. An11.
Custom Cabin et Wor k I c au l.Jbert'' .,.'J1HJ
No j<1ll 1"" t11 ~ "r l•.KJ arn,..l . 76pll.8h
... , ..
~·~ •l•-•""·'" ··~ • '""' " .. -1~,.
L-!J '"''! "' II' !>.• , j' , .: 1' iJ 1.l .,,,
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l.n--.unuu~ \\'hit., ·"Ylun
F oun(t.v.Uun Llar-1n et1t
1i,,, 11111: •pec11tl t v.·~'l'k oftrr.
.tit .. y1 .. r111 .,r 1'!1U1 tM Ana
Kl 3--t O'J.ll
J.'urC •.111nE"v"'•"'r"e. 1'1l'Jls''m1a"it' h i 11 11 I __ G_A_R_D_E_N-ING o nd
lilld liulll 11 11 1111 )•HI '•t •"••ll ll!<; ___________ ,,,_ __ _
t-111 r. ~·14 : -& tu ~ C LEAN-UP JOBS v.,. ""I P·'' 4 ,n .. •11 a1tt .. 1~· t•><:1
811\r< tit.I 11 1•,..l ,,• >t !I "',. 11~•"l I ,, •f1 K --------------1 WANTED '"'" !'l){ll<"·1 ,.,,,,~ ,,,,,,,,..t II•,
PAINTING LIB E RTY 8-6 I 39 """" '""""' ·" "' ,,,..,,.
_____________ ·'-~'-'-'i · ·111 111v 11""1
H· 1.1
1 11
11 1
1 G11nde rson Drug Co.
-llll "•'P·W J.1ain SL. &L ~a.Ibo& B lviJ... Ba..!t>o•
PAPERHA NGING Roy's Ma intenance •·A "' "'""' ..... ·" '"' ,,, .. ,.,:_ ... , •. , :'.'' "' h• 11~", "'"'"'i.:__I •1 •it .. J,1,.,. l ·I• H o~ cL..,aning-FllXtr "'eK1ng , Sympso n & Nol lar ]..\.,1 ,.1 ,.,,!,'--"'!"•I IHl•l , ....... ,. .. \V•IJ Wllllh in11:,-""'lft d11w 1 lr•rung ~ I 11 1t B"a•h SJ·~I l~e'\ 1.;,1,1,,.,,, ... J \\.,ri.i .. e n Vcnellan bhn11a. Upho!~l ~ry _ \er)' 1 ,11~,,n•llle -liarbor ;::11.
Aid Hearing Fresh
BAlT£R i£S
I NE'v\' b.fA YTAG }{ANGI::. !{t.'~ :!I~.~~·-, N ""'
Used Y.rE.';.TINGJ-lOUSt-.: I.A l 'Nl )!-{()~! ~\ T
Use-d W E.'":;TINCHOUSE 1::1.r.:c··r1t J(' lt ANt:t:
Double Oven -Deep W t.'li
Used SEH.VEL J{EFRIGEll A1'0R 9 ' u. ft.
U8ED T!'.:LE\'IS H)'.\' R U 'i'S
SYLVANIA 21'' Coruiole w ith l-l alul1K ht
PHl LCO 24 " 1'.fah. Coneole, exc:E"llvn l con<l1d t111n
PHILC'O 1 21 ~" Table modt"'l -4
ll. C. A. 21" Walnut ConK~-He:il gi ll.Id
G. E . J 7" Blond Console
EMERSON 14 " ~tah . Console
P HILCO 121 _" !o.fah. Co nsolt·ttc
OLYMPIC Hlond UinRulc 16" 1,1,·1t h
'1 ·1~1.!15
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,, Llberty 6"·1332. " 1 -1 ! & ll'll.0 • ---------------"" 111. I'""" ,. •••tl1
Bookkeepi ng & Typ in g
:'\"ll h•·1t••v 1·lr'l11or1i.; u:f
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I.I I'! •ii'~ •ftrr ~ ~4<'116
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J ,lberty 8-3·137
Custa .\l,.sa
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DOL'Bl .F. llowl S tainlf'9S Ste(•\ 72 inch Sin k 1 _
~!!~:~:ZE H ~!l:'>l 1tar\'r •l"1 11 o·t1 1Bf!:N IJIX AU'fO!.fAT IC WASHl-:lt bult thil\'n ft 5 !~ ... \\ .. _.,,, HI rt t...aL Wllh .... ••
.1 .. 11 .. ,...n I!/! !lolr. S'lVI• u.r •I \\'ESTE!t N 1-IOLL'i' GAS ll ANL;1-:
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, t 111 • 1.1111,,., .. 1 1 ~" r h!h1 .• l'lat DIXIE (;AS l{AN(:I'.:;.
/•"'" ''"krr $3 l.J<.r1t:e 11 ll i,J "''1th ~1 ... 1,1,· "i;1t a;;~. Ha r :!47 1 (white t able t op. nvf'n c·••1 1trL+ll
t · OEXTEll AUTOMATIC W..\81-11'.:Il --·-·· _____ _
Install ed
' .~;JG.~tl
~ti 1,;,11
S LIP COVERS GAf'FERS & SATTLERS GAS RANG!':. u1·cn r"<.1t1trol $;)9.!'10
Si',.> & Rowb oat
Spac e 'for Re nt
Allh 1u ''" !~ ,., ,r1 ::15.\ -•lh SI ~.1 ('0l1ng:s :!nd · l l h '.\'ed. 8 p.n1
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11: 1·-r ~1" •t-:1· ~ !!;ttt.....-t~ l:t• •A 'r
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!!I !+ •tl. I •~h } 1 '160. LI 8-i:."IO',
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ti<'" [•!<J !l!, ..'. "'"' .~ nf ll>lll~. 'l'e1·n1 •
IL oi•'~""d. /\!.,. 1• 12' JllUtdlo
1,., It'•! $;:H ) l,q 42,1.1-/>!, !l~('!.<i
~:1,r.0 1 BENDIX CYROMATIC, Installed . ··-··· ---·· -··-.. -·-----.,.,, .. 1
A D MIRAI .. l)ELUXE ELEC. RANGE -~.1\\1.f)O S~-" ltii\\' H<1AT, 1 ~ 1i l;::.i11n•"'
I Ii. rbur 566• o r ~693
ROPER GAS RANGE ---·-···-........... ____ ........... $:-iD.50 , ('nil ''" W'•·d H.• ""tho.ii.i. H1<J I .'1 1!1'.!·.\I. l<i••bl\
l'ontro ll (white table · top with ol'en
},J i'!-2H23
2!1-t1f'1r ~~nw 1 6titrc 1.11\t~1.,· ••1.J• 11"11,.,,1 .••''· GI BSON 6 Cubic ft. REFRIC ...... ····----0 l~t:L ....... u~ l~t-:At-r 14 ft. "'ll h ll'IU I· SG l.::i 1 ,. 2 • I 1k .. n<·W ,!.;t •• A!,.., 'U' he•·(
"-'lfc ·------_, ____________ _ s 11•1i r.11 ... 1,1 <1111···· n1dl s•:1•l.'Al "l'. i-;1z ~: \\'A.SHlj:H Sl:.0, J_itJL 11fONTCOMJ'.:RY WARD G AS RANl;E -
~JHn111 ni.: \\h"••I $,,j '"'l',.TKI N"w HI• YillVt: •"e l jtrlnd"r !ver y CiCa.ll)
11 nn1111,. ,,1 ,:_,.n~. S 1•"1. 111111 ,ulll I ... 1 ti.l1u ,..,u.-h. good <'<•n<l. S.Ml , --
~h•''I'· l"'~"l ~·•ii~ $.fll)(), WO! '
~!.'<!II .~2 ... ,\lll••!h)'~t, J ~ .. lt~ t
J,.uuid Jl;u ', 11;~,\-,\l. • li.'1.-",
Expe rie nced G a rde.ner
Liberty 8-1659
11''TERIUlt -t:XTt:RIOR
Al.SU r.l ,\l~l'.\'E l"AI:.ITl NU
LJC1>::-.::.;1•;J1 -l:'\"S L'l1t:U
G lenn Johnst on
Ml! • :i!ML l->L
}hu bn i·
;>.;"u>I. pull
Ura ch
4!1l l c
Painting & l'apcrllanging
We do the ,~·urk 1nn~clvcs,
30 y ear• ""fl"l lcnce
Licen~ & 1nd•l1•'<I.
Sall~fl•l·Uun ~l.Jltl u"l<'•'1I.
EJ!Unu1te11 fr<'"· (;.1!1 J vhun1c,
LI 8-2687 & LI S·[l:!b!J bl t i t
llnt'9. '""k~ hllol
"'""·er 1•r,nn,.._L1un~. V.••1 k dun<'
by t 'un1 nu>unlerl B1u•kl1•1e
P hun H \'atl ~-6610 Collr• t.
~L• Ull-1
MINUH. H.E l't\IJ{ Y."01~1\
NU JOB Tl 1U 5:>1 II LL
H. U. An•:•·nwn
l-0 14 E. Bi:o lt;vi. Hh·<I.
l·larbt•r 2-l:OU ---------
For Results
U se
C lo uified
in t ho
AJcoholi~ A.nonymol.W
Write P. 0 . Jikla 581
Newport s.adi., Calif.
Phone Harbor 479:5
Su perfl UO US Hair
l'crtHIMU·nlLy reinove.J lro1n la c"
arn••. ltlgB. £yebruwA and hll.lr
lino Rh:•petl-Nu nH1rf! twcti.HI&
t;LLt.:N I~ BRYANT It.-.~.
l.1do"• $&Jon o! UeauLy Ha.r. '.!~76
s1~ (;:dir~l,.cn ro r
ll ll ~"!' -l:"l1"lln fflr
Tltat you wtU be proud to toe.11
your fri'l'nd1 11.lloul. New high
Wlllj"tll couplet! with t.he l•lll!ftl
wor'K1nj!" C(•nd1tlou add up to
job~ wll h 111·e•llgf!.
Stftrl your new JOb In one lJf .. ur
otl1ct·~ nc111 y uur hon1e.
TELEl'l·IONI-.:: OP~liATOJ t S
"r•rl.v -
f• If') t " •I lllJ ]' '11
N. :\1'"" SI , j(111. 211
PACI FIC Tl:'.L EPllONf'_:;
BcaCbn Personnel
100',i:i c1nployt·r retained
l !1"r" 11 1 JA ~fo
Sl-IA:>ll'!XJ lfr \\'A VE S1 !'>0
rt.l·:'l'l F/l{E 'S R~:A l.T\' SHt)T' :'\"O FEE Costa J.ltM 113_31111 7.0tf('
l!IJ:'I i·tivr•·h Strer t.
Lftu·rlv !I 111159
colll'l led from 11pp1irnnt
Ncwpo r L Heat h
You r Rela x-A-Cizor
1'0:'\"S ULTA:'\"T
I "'"l"n.~t ' ~1 t»n~. ll" "hlo ii:"! ion
BC1:V:'\"!~; \\'JLSO:'\" llY>ttl 1·tH64
"r HY"!l 4-6:l!H
I(! p91
:l4--.__~hool10, Insfnl('lion --China Painting
0•)" and f.:vrn!ng t.:lu~•
OnlO;'r'.11 T•krn Now
!'hone Llb<'!rty 8-M48
is-,fii\ituatton~ '''antf'd
ATT~::-;TIO:'\" \\'OltK I:'\"<: 1-H)Tli
~;ns. lrl me g lvt 10•·111r;r ('.t.re to
v•1ur rho1rlrr n during 1 hi' rla}'
\\"A'rrH F'.S~ &
Har. 72S. -
~hnrt j,nler ,-,.,,lt
\\'Of.I E:-.!; :.t ~nr offic·c pns1t1on.•
np"o, al~" •lunlt!.•111" I. n!hrr~
ME:'\"; ~;n~1nr~.,~-ll"thnu·"I "fr"''
,t f11rl•'l .I' J1 1;-.•t: F A l ~llAI<
f:?.I P C. Al;l'Y .. ~112 1 ,-:l~n,L Sl ,
''Nr"''i'"rl, "' 1·011~ St, rnln1 C1!_1'
l'A ~'E & f.I ARINJ.: h"lll ~-All
dtj•IS, [r.t:>IF:IJJ/\TELY, l!A y
'"'""' F:1np\nyn1.,nl i\j0<'1lt'.)'. 2'/ic"l~
\\', Con~t l\,ghway. I.I 8-~>\11 1~,
/'1 4r~ll
t:Xl'EH I ENC ~~l l l·11q1t'! lriy1n;:
hl'l l~r •nl1nl'd!,.tl'ly. l'aU fnr in-
l#.r l·ir\\'. llAr. 4328. 84.-h(
PART Tl~I ~: \\'A/Tilt:~~. \\0•1!-
neft<·t,.y. SKtunlll)' & SunrlA•·
.IS LA!\'l l PATIO lt~~STAl "RA;>.;"T,
3W M.1t11 ne Avt , l'o<Hl'•e J,.J,.n.i
j_l l'-6.-.0.'I, fl4<'M • A(:E'.\1' :'\"F:~:r•F:U to pr~"Pn! r•-
("L~:A:\l :'\"G. 1,..un•lrr.
\)""'" tr•n.•p<1rlKt1"n·
1·,.1e1.._t .... Al :r -t~I.
Hy •l11y
tt .. llablf'
conlr<1 ~p1ntu•l lo .1t mu:cu; r 11h-
IMlher . \\'rite 1i.:i.. \·.1s l f\111
, .. 1.1 nnt 1(111J' 111n1•• 111,111 st, ntoJor 2 drlver11. ~Lon"' <tnw1er , lJOTPOINT6 CU. F"T. REFRIG~RAT
r11 1,. ,,1,1 h•··I ~··~ s-::-i 111,.11.11 .. 1••1• """'" 'lilil.'"''• • 1:16 pilot~ -SERVEL 5'.:.: c ubic fl. REFJ?.JG ·-·--·---
l,Jt>lo·'! f1u1u S,! . ., Hnt,,1UP o l•l<.k~ liar. IU!fJ-.1 11ft"'r 1 p 111 or aft rr
s,:,r1 ;{)
---~li!l.:11) f'Hl \'.\1 !0: J·J.<Jt\T wilt t~k., "L' t"
]II 1! l1<1H! 1.lu I'"'
•~wt J ~lrtl\•l ./I l'!'ll.
nl••nlh, r-; .. ,,
l.l g._1i;i11.: 'I
ii~··I'>~ frnn1 $8. f.,y,.ly ~I I'\ C'h~rry
p·1rlo r 11,.l•. $27.·i, s••I "' r1tr'!'
llUlhe11t1c \'1rlhr1itn t·h11 11 11 S:J I,\.
n1Mrhl<· t"I' •1n,...,.r $7.-,, 1!rop
l"ar IMhL<'.• fl"••IU $".!~:'\II, l'l'\"l'!ILI
'vld IJtLo'n\111 l 'I"•"'-~. hlA•I.· ,,,
l•1V••\\' 'llUHl . Hl,J ,.:1:1.''"lll't
oll!'!oo<, 11111·-a-l;11t1, J'"'h' ••I•
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Sl• '" !"/,uli" P"i '• 11''1.• ~:
A n" II"~· !. !I 1r Vi1i11o .. k ,,.r,•1 1\•
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LI g.;\ 1:.~; ;q ·:,\ LS
~i (,1:H'A !.
I'! lo '·'
KA 1'J:;\· I )(),\:'\ J·:
Sp~• n1l 11.•·>< lt1 l:1,l1" • :i n•I < 1111<!1'•'1\1<
,.Jil;l•lL." l•l't d fll o ~·o • nl,j ,on •1 h• I
T"f i.:••flll"hl·
TH~; ,\LT ~'.H A1 1 <1.-..: ~ll•!l' offr r~
S FL. OF.LlC ATESSEN ca.a. $1.'".0
O :'\"E II rt. ""t.•trlgerator ----····· $r>O
o :..:~: 1'11·~r co1nmtn:. refrlg ___ $7~
1 S(",\L~.s. ss;-, I c:O NDOLA 12:1
<";di '"'""•'r LI 8 -62l3 morning~ or
u flrr .'> p nl. nr J.J 8-.'1766 11f\er
;, .'lll &. Wi<fkt'lld". ilfc
llo ·olt" 11••!1~ "" 11 11
f"•ln1, l 1n•'f\~ f,.,
~U l/1~ f,, llt'C•li1•.•
Sit N'
y urn!'I, llf.'•'dlr
JiR1nt1ng, rui.:
:n :I ~: 13,.\l/<111 111.-o.1 .. li11 1t.1""
420 Eut 4th St. Saata Ana
BED SPRlNG and MA ITRESSES, complete
BABY CJ{IBS and MAT'"fR E.SS Spec.
Kl 2-2336
$10.00 ,
S 12 .~0 up
Tl.~.\1 1 .1-:lt & Jt,\t'H0:-1 :ta \J -'5•1<1
1 HI lnotu.~I• 1111 \\"ay"'ll.:o9ltt f.lt.~.•
Complete S<'lection of good,
~ft.:NS SUITS ~fi.GO .'.!: up 1-1 1111 .. n-::-..t;.\\-
2.:-.u· t o \j,jc :i.'" 11v1 ~r ru 1 :-.: 1•! h'"'' .J:17'il ,.,,,1,
~'""I "•)11d11 ""'
lfr 11• II\"' \1iAi l Our F'urni ture Dcpl.
Complctrly re-furr1 ii;h yuur home at t he:-.(• 1011-, li11v
"BUY WHA'r THt; BOYS lt i:'.BIJll.IJ" I
402 I!.: 4th. SANTA A'SA
1 d< 1.. ,.-1111 '"' ,,
M"~;, ll•ull
~.!•I .'•1111 l'! II ,..1,..,,. :.!H 1:,
.... -,.~ i" +I l!•"!r-h
~IAl:l ~\1 \1 '"""" :..IHk" .,n,•1
Opl!n Friday and Saturday until !J I'· tn,
j("11'11"1t!l\<'t'tj I><'"" Ill).: Kl I l•ll'll<H!rtblt• -~fl_-:K-t\ppli1Uftt8 '" (• ""--"
r1t11 c·,. .. ~·v1 .. ~· i. !''''' •11 1"nt"
f.11 1·,,,.1 J .. 1f,.c,., 71Z N. HKl-
r<•rol llr , 1~"'"'1 Iv 11 11\~. 8.1pl:I:•
In l{J'.'JIJEJ.l.'S l'ATIO
2721 E Coast lilv<1., Curonll \lt·I f.\A 1
Fi{bt: 1:--.:-;·11\l 1~1111:'\"
(1l~t 1 t:f?S TA I\~; ....
All n<•.,.,· n1n1 r n ,1lq "'"11.11/ll'
\l,\H\-F 1\:'\"'.\"l.'1;, ll!•o S 1·~1 Ill
l..111.;u na H• n HYr•ll I 71'{111 7·1 •·~fi
Mo vie Proje ctors
~-(•I{ R~::'\"T
11<11!!..IY 11 nd f.l1 1f1T·:L
All{l 'LA:'\"~: s1 ·1 ·1·1~1~:s
.$pnng Clcaran<'e
2n•; OFF nn the fn !l n wlni:: :)[nn111
prr>J"' TorA &: i'!11u•l r1u1;,;11,~
\\-hll" lh•·r Lil-'\. ,\Hl:l'!; !JOO
"'"ti 1'f")"<·ti11·1l o;n1d•• ;\ufJ ,..·11 tt
J~-l..•. T!•1 .1••• ~"ll ~1 .. ,,.I,;;,,,
K-!\+\ 8r111n Kry.1t\•111,. c11nirru
M e o rs ColT\era .Shop
17fl'Z N r"·1-nrt (tlvrt. 1'0.<lA
l'hon,. Ll~rty 8-';o_.2
ltt:..-HIGF.RATOR delu"'!
1111,.lel h•rlt"f! .:rou-top freu.rr
,...par11te n1,.1tl ch iller, ~hrlve!I
In tho• oln<lr. IAl'J.:°'°' Vl'J.:°'°'lftbl" '<·ri~p,.r. t·l'e-1 2 1n•lni11~ :'\"CVI'.
h""-~ yf'11 r i::u"-r•n.lrr l:!.Al"-111"'!
,..,..,.,, I"-$1 ~• 69 or l!•ke o,·er
lhr p:1~·n1 .. r.l11 uf $8.01. No r 11.sh
""''"'"1. ~1 ~· equity frtt. g,, ..
1tnrt1111r, ~y u r .. ,·enln~-li~l
\\' l 'h11pn n Av,.. Jn Or&nj!"r
K~'.11'11:1: ~181-: ----------
!;1\l 'lllFlC E -Bl~c katone 11uto·
ILlll\!C ""'llAher. A-t l'Onditlon S 7~.
Al~"(I if()O<I table top Tapr-n
,._tQ •'tl $2~.-EvenlngA ~lar. Ml8W
82p84 -------
(j KF.~:FF. A-MERRIT lt"ft • r•nge
3Z-f'urnitur"' for Salf'
\\.ASl.fEf\ NORG&:: A1"itll tor l)'P" QlJA l_JTY :>IAIH.M-;, furnllur".'llf""
Now l~ your •·llanr ., lt> r;:ct ''""' ron1ht1on l •o •'ll"L R"Tl •·t. rl"·•or•t
or lh,. l)C.AI U•e•I 2 n>unth". ,·111unPt !"''" .. r "l'J".1 .1 ,.,. d '~
$13.1 4\il. i'ay $169 •"'"erk. N,.,,..J L"""'""I •h11u .•. :..il>ll"" fh•r
1111 oluwn, 111ey t hllvl' four hkr • l'>U6P-V.·. '<I<~!'!
thlll .. nr \\"hirlp.1ioL. ABC. Ren· I-----
Jill, &ll l>1v.• ll~ $96. S"e At Ct111p· BEIJS T\\'() "J" "I I" l!ln
,. h •4tL\.\'Cha .. ·• •,' n1an arr ou3.,, · P· herlA v.·1th .,.,.1,.., ~l''"'li:·~ I'< llvtl1
m1U1 _Avo•, In Oranx~-K Ello(;ji;" wr><J(I lnon lrg-_q l'nll 1n11JlJ "'·•
8·:..81,_ M11n th"'r"" rv~ni ng11. $Ill en:-h. 1111 , :i.~;,1 "l •~!i
IDJ.;AL FOR Kt:NTAI-<!, Slo\'"'
$4!1, Reffil" $30. Bolh 11ood cont!.
LI 8·3440 attr r f) p,111. 83c85
M111u,g, Uun1"n l 'h>'I,. f«lll
lraY"ft. J)rt<! $-i !o. 11111 IJ,.r .~1 1~
after 6 00 pen. 81p'I'>
!llf>:'I deltuce mnd<'l. lam p end SI-Wanted t.o Bny cL,,•·k w1 th ovrn tlm<'!r. ch r(>me I :::.:,,.;.:;:::::::..;::;_.:;·:;,c_ ____ .LARGE l't:llt'.ST A I.
I\n<n..,lton ·Electronics
FA.ST ~P.f?\'ICI·:. r,ID-ASOXAULE. ~P!"\H•' •1:1 11" Ill! 0 )1.ttl .
LI IS :i2liJI •
" ;.ll~~;,·tA I. \1t •y•
; 1'!'0J.:t 1 l 2o'I 1!1\)-;.~ Af_:(-~lHJ)IA:""'
h~ lrol\' n• S1!1 11111 1111<'P \'ulu,.•
up \q $10.'"1. Ten1u1 011 low aA $!'..
JIO'r rnpn\h "l-•
)-;1\AFJ.;l{S t ~ln<'~ 1!_H17 1
1 2 1 ·~2:1 :'\", R~-.·11.r.1nrl'., S11.1>t "
l 'hunr K/1nt,,.111 2-0672 ---1t rl•l•lle .._nr:I 11im1ner burnt!l911: HIGH.CST PRICES J'AJD F OR kHChen tllh!P S!:'>. 1nat< hl!llt" t...1.1
I.if\ UIJ tnp, chrome>gri.ll •d jual -ru,.hlt:rn rh1111~ $.Ii l'll•h. '2 ll'~hl•J?. 1111•:/\~ ~!'EC/A L'
11 nle br,.,llf!r. Thi! IJ.alance oWed J u N K Lyre lu1r k c:h11lrt1 ,;; Pll• 11 L.SED 11 1'1'1 '-111,.._IJ J.i 1,iart '1rjt&l"l
11< 1137 119 or talt:f! over my p.y-H .:ar. 300.f-\\'. "1·"·"' ID p!'··!r·l j>l11~·1ne: ~"f"lillun
rn..,hl A o)f S8 01 ,. mo. No_ c ... h 1 1(11.1" $:l1•J ~·onv,.1nrnt l•rm. at n..,.•l~d 1'1y equity fr.,e. See IRON A M:l':"TAl ... 8raM '1k lh , ~t;8T St~L1 ,l,tr>"""l'n11 ant1 tllt l ~llA l·~:RS •!iul•• llt<Ji 1
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w C1'!11pman 111 Oran~e Kll!:l · a.luml1111.m l k lb. C all L I 8-t'it92 t:llf! a .. t u:>l'<l ''/"' nu.nth ll:•nlt l 'hf>n" 1,Jrr.!1• 1 ly 'J..•lfi;';! 1o~it 8-~•111 7. 8:1pfJ 4 lnl" IK>'•k ~11 .. ir Hi.r ~ltfH ~'..r \i!Jr11ni.:~ 1.,.,nlyll 11r t .,11 H1l•1r"
) ,'l
FRIUAY , MAR~H !6, 1956 -----------~~4.islc"1~ l~~:!_y _ -! 2.::-:-~ u~~:-~_•_le-'-----
C us t Om Hi-Fi GMc
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\o'i~.i! Our Show Room
SL r. O ur Comp le te Line
! ~\JC ks. Bus s e s -Eng ines ,
• -, -. :«1'.? -LPG-Diesel
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VOVS\\.'ACf;N tJHlA (" 0 ,U pt:.
8r&11d nel. Con.Siler tn.de on
M or M C&d.. coup . Volk .. 'oll ill::"11
or ca.lb. NoUifng elllt;. Call liar.
11u. 8Jp.8A l • Patrick's ~Y Sale!
lJcht ·green, Ramo. b•ter, P owerflite w /S/W Tim -Only-..... -.................. _T ____ ., __ $2045
19113 CHRYSLER Wifldtor Club· Ope-.
Radio, Healer, Power Qeering
Light Green -Only ............................................... $1105
1954 BUICK SUPER Riv. Cpe.
Radi9, Heater,. Dynaflow, W ;s;w
J .. i~ht Blue ·············--··--···························--·-··-···------S2005 l
2 Tone, bJue
Low mileage
&. cream -Excellent conditiuu
Light green -Only .
Excellant lra.iu1por1.ation
S79fi I
2 Tone blue -Overdrive
. '
;:!oo \\'. l'ua.st llighway
• Low on Down Payment?
1\".!tlt f y,·11J )Ill! )ull i/ll(> a
Jl1llman or l)h,\\',
"If.Ill 'J'r1111npll "J'H 3
:-;7011 'I'h·· Ja~uar uf your «h1Jh t·
1·1.os1-;11 ~l'NDA 'Y S O!lt'O tills p.nL \\•tkd.L~::I
:!137 llarbur 1 l 'orncr \l1ct ur1a ~ ('•1Zila ~l •·,;:L
Terry's Buick Corner
5th A!\'D WALNUT
THRILL of the year 1s BUICK
BIGGEST trade-ins ever
Biggest Selling Buick i!l" History
Terry's Buick
1 81.NG.l';R. TlF. good. Car tn
·l oud 1·unclH1on. $60-0 l.I M·!\:l3.'.l I
· · 11tcM I
~ ~---.
SACJUl"JJ;Jr. •1116;, uti ... vr..,h·t \'-81
' S tatlun \\'agon -RaJ1u, 11e11.1,.r
power fl;Ude. w hit., shl., wi.U I
tlre11 I-tar . .'A~. 7 II It':
4-0-A-Tlreit & l'a rts
Ne~ and U8"d
Passeng er
a .Hour
Recapping Service
( '1•lil 1 ·li:ll·
nra l~t' s~r:u·t
1\:'l\I' ' I::n,\ .A.\J:·nn.('u~
Hfl;\J , :-<!"!•',I ·1.
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~le to r C verr1 lul
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I, J I 11' •t!'., " ,, ' lid ~ l I 1·,
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f'LY~I .\. I' 11.• :1 I
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B!:LLES E:'>J GL ':'
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:::.;uu \\'. L'11:i t 1 ll\\ .1y.
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•-I :!II', St11-<'t I ~ " <LJI.•
·:-.~ .. ~:.r H•n "" L 1.1: ~·11-.0
·~,fi ... : .. ··1 •.• ,.,.h····: 11 1 ·111.-. AT LOWEST PRICES -'~!J '\!) (."'!II-< J\\ ,-,~ t "f.<"lri<'l11
Rnn~ for Rl"nt
Ca banas· Marinas
.!!=~om". fl!r:...:Be::.,.::::'---
. · * * * t:NJ(J\' W\'J~.,; on t he oc~
front K1t..:h••nt!tt~ •rt11.. A rua.
wtth prlv•t<ll ba.h. lta uJ A .p.twne
'"'r''J\'"· TV ll30e W . oee..n
t-•1-..;n l, lt11rbor 80'.J.l. . Lido Peninsula, Eas t 31 st St., Npt. Bch. .• * * OFV;;RS -,
Apt.-Cabanas. lJtillt1cs paid.
with · r>S-°"toMS &: 01 .. 1~'"""=------------
'i'a ;ht ~lip iit'L'Oroodat ions. UL'() OFFICE SPACE
:\"tl \\ J.l;:A~l!'l;G •1rfic• sp&ce In
L'U111-n11.x!o1"111 1-:llerbroek J e.s!gn·
"''' Ullo bulldlnl(. No !Iner build;
•nK 110 f 1nt1r a •lth·eu.
Dally, \\'eekly; n1onthly,. ycal'ly.
For a ppt. or r1 'it:rvat~on. f ull Har. 299:!, LIDO REALTY, A.8Bociatea
l1UI ,,
•I· ) .. • '!
"" " . • 'I' L•: '·
IS· i:' S
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I.' I 1 1 .•.
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DORIS BRAY , Realtor • ~.,; .\I 1· 1· I,. ,, •, 'i'" I
H ,. .'•• , ' "l
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.-.-... I\ ''""
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... '"" ~
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1,1:.,.1,, ;1:,1"1 1,,n1L,1d.1 \1·u,
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'" .,,,. 11111 1 ", on .:•>1!''.'. 1111.•ln. ~·
'' \<Ill !1"." l,r"-~lll'·.~.• \\I ll~ !Ju,,
'11 l lh•~ pup•·r· 8:11,"·-,
:1">-'l•1t11•\ In l.uau ;,;-,..._~1 001•\• l o Loan \ -·------·--·-----. ---------------·-~--------
:-1•, .fi ' r, :!O·y('nr Financing
C o nstru c t ion Loans -Refinancing
Free Preliminary Appraisals
(. '11rrcspondcnt~ for
J.1f,. :ut•l l'a;.,11:11\y lnsurilncc Compa.ny
of 1"ennCMscc
\\.1· J!P~ l t I•·,., 11. I :1" l•··,t.~ .. T\\ <' l:t·.r •I: \l , •I·'· ·'""
l~a11~L i ~ X a!1on11 ! J_,ifc Insurance Company
1 :.!36 ~. ~l ain ~t.
Plymouth r to and
n 1 .. aguna Beach
No.,..,_ 90o So. Coast Bl vd.
:SanLri A 11:1
10--Autos f v r S11I~·
:1.1 ER.4 '1-~('JF.8
JAt:ll ARS
U~~l\."Z l'ORCHE
M1;, "Ir 11nd
1\rnP!"Je"u f'Hno g lvPn ll ,-no1pl~I"
,,,,.,·r·><n1r11I ln"P"•·11nn and ro11<1
1,.,, orrnno yu11 buy
(·/\L.111' nr-;1-:n <:An
l ~S/'l!:t-rlO:-.: !'l":RVH'~:.
Grant W. Music k
Your H 4d son Denier
SA l .. l!:S and SF:R \11CI•'.
253 N. Los Angeles l\l!:!J·7:t ;g
An11hel n1 4:.!t I<
111\:\' .;\~ll·:!:l l ',\;\
I ',11 "11 ,,u11' -lu•;. · :.o I (
'11.11 1 · , ' 'I~
Rentals \Vanted
II, " , l ~p .,.
.-•· , Ii :I~ J .. , j, , L II
The Vog el Co.
•• ·11 \ I.' • ! 1
1·.' ... ! !'
.C·' ... ,. ' ' '
I· . "
\\ I '.'iTI !• T•J ,,.," '"'
~ .11 r.
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Mor tgage Company
~fl111'<f('d Fl!A \lurt g ni;f'C
\\, ,.:t (:,.:1;..t l lig-h way -! .. I 8-7791
.-...:1•\\'f'vl"I \51·:11·h. l'alifor111u
" .. ::.,1.•
-" ' ' .. /\; I." llY
' ..... ·'·""' '
·r1 , : 1 1,·~· .. ; HuHL:hl & Sold
., ' . . ' \I "'·I
. ' ' . ,.
LOA~S for Homes
LUA ..... ~ Tll l;IJil.D. l~fPROVE,
l~l ·y . ~f(ILtE !\;-.;'lZJ::, O R
\\·r Huy TruAl Dttd"•
~~;\\'J-'f)/{T B,\460 A SAVIN"GS
3:!66 \'111 Lido Ph. Har. "200
CASH ...
~till 'IJ!l "~T IJEF:DS
\\";\\ U. 110 1..T
;\1 L1ltTt,;AC E BANK.t:"G
!-'1:--.-1..·E 11130. Constructio n Loans , !11•>~ :-.· lltl:-.11 S AN1.A
-. ·, ,· s \rr1.r:1: I
·, J \-l 1·•1\.l LL\',
,1\· lt <1t•r '""'
hl,\I HEP.l .. Y 3·71 18
1. , .. 1 ;.r•.i:r•:\•.I·: •,,I ll l::AJ_, l!:.!:i'fATE LOANS
I• " ! I , « f{ I :1 .'.i .,;, (
4 ~I fr 1
FlO:l .I\. >!'l'I " ' ~ ill•llY 11;; l rhlu•t n11l \\'11.1·. u 8-173!, l9.">0 B !'IL"K Sp.-.1,.1 l••·lu'• • • ' ' ' I-"' _. 1 ... 1 "" 2ND & I ST T.D. LOANS
l.0>111;1 qu!ck!y nlttl.le In the H11.rbor
AP•~. l.iq;urut. •n<l t;u,ta ).tea•.
S.i1gl•· <Jr m u ltiple unlla. New
..,. ,.iu He ""'llle-JUT<l eave by r .,.
!)111\11~ •ng )·u~Jr ptcaenL Loon.
.'l!rurnun1 tlllpenff. 20 yt!ar lenn
ir dr~ir~d. /\o ch•q,-::e for pr"·
l1m:n ary e ppra .u1 el. Kl 3-fi::i.i SC I I -Ll...."-
YO UJ~ c.~~
I " \ )f ,
\t. ( • .••
J ·~" :< ·''
• ' I>
. ' •,T• I").
:">;1'wpo1 t Auto \Vork~.
l ndu.~t ri .. ! \\'11.•·. I.I 8-7je1
8().-" 111~.~ lll 'I JS4 ~N -~on~\-r h11rrt
1nr , .-.n1·ert\bl,., po1.1·tr atC'rrlni:-
& l"'"'"r hr11kr• l 'ont111Pnt11I k il.
\\ :-;\\" HA ll 1-l"r li\14 f:,·e:ot ..
JI,., :\~R 114..-~
'·"~·o r 1ou•1111i: "''''"" '"""1•••11 I H"a \r1 "nd r 1 ~,.,.1 ~<'.1 ( , "•'I" Ii• I'
11nd tn1<n1· r)(lrlt.• •Jn~tn.1 1 111;,. I< l 11"1 I '1 '
riniah POTl'<'IRniz.-ol I',.,. f"' t ~ \~ I·, J '•.)
11Pr \'1' onJi: ,,.,--.,ro t l "nu~•11tl11' I•'"'
c(!n1tl!1!111 I nr"."'" ~'Ii•
$4 ~.\ l)ni;1n>1l .,w n• r
HY11!\ 4-;f\R\l
!''" .• ' I h. 11·
19~0 t'HHYRl .F:P. :'\."•'l•J>••rl 1•·"1
1:1 l".
~I >"IJlt U 1w11 <i•w1r •"t111ln1n, blst•k rnnd1t1<>n, •~•Ill H•<> :lf'l!• I
H•H 541;"1 H11.r ~414-M 82•"&4 ~"""
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l ..... ~ I ]J, ,., ··'
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" ' l\"Jj'Cll '1 ··-age i-··v• ''J
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Co. ' ,, Ali.'flil)I{ A. .\1AY
;\lurl~age LO&ll
• l•, un~tal l~ir,
•., .. Suutl'I ~1'1Ii
l.rwura..nc. (.;Q.
8&11t.e An•
00,-Hon«"Y \fanted -:---
EARN 10 %
UX YOl·H !ir'tJNE Y
Jo'ur n101" lnfor•\•llon ca.II,
J<Y.y11tont 3·3181
(,()!:A I ., •l'l"IJ • •H•IJll~hed flrn1 h11~ I
Sl.'11),1411.1 Ln l11ani:~ l "lunty t>u.,;1-
11""11 1""'" '"11t<11..:1 e N t~,1
S.WUO Lei SZfl.OCJU V.'1 11 di.count
"'' lhat l•'IY.,• 11·111 1nllke bo>ttrr
than l."l ' 111t ~1 ··~t un i r11·o:~t -
111..,nt · l;u,11,1 11 \~•"I <i l!lf<'U•Cd
\\'rile ll.ox l '· J ~" thlM n('>W~l''l'"I'.
Bay Shores
2!>72 Ctrt:lt Drt~t
Opto Dally -1-4 :30
l bdr1n .• 1 ~ Lath, frpl., Jo". A...
1.i:Jll, all .:1.,e. ·kltc!\t n . Sp•r ... u 1
i ••tlfl -built In l::IRQ. 01·1'lrll:W
i,.iragl". gti.eroti. i.LOrllge.
:r~ 11
Newport B lvd., Npt
Harl.ur 40:1
;~~·!-~~~,;·:·-~·:·!~"!~---1 4 Br. -2 Baths
r".1ll u. r uv. B1 ·1•H1n.i ~. no<"r:l h old t-.onH· . ,.. ! ~"HJI :;;.;: J,\\1!.S, l .•lll•o,r I UI j,,,,.1, 1''dl);. l•"' I I
~~.J.!. y uur h"n" <ir """a11t l••t~.
t!\l.u1r,.1 :>I" ·I I 111.~ s .. rvk•· ' 1!1 111 o.-ar ,J.u1•I l.11•. t•
Jl~ M"''"'' ,, .. ! ... ·,,.,,, 1.: .. nd .LJ-<11•1 Ui.!, ! !"><k '.u .~.1 11·• •I
lh•r. ~"IL . : I J .~ -..:::,.~I ,.,..,l.,, '·1111J•. ,.,.,. ... , ~ I 11,1,-. 1•11J•o \\ .,. " ... •!• tJ.1
~.':;~ll\:,~:: t:~'.!.:·111;;= ::'0~:: ,''.'.',,: ~j
','.J:.I l " \ • .. I!,., .. 1 ul ·I ';< \\ll:. ~.,,d lJ ,i.,,,I, 1
J i .. u•J 1i11r '' '", 1.-•1• ,.,., hj•l 1 ,~111
• ll • r • ' I
'·" ''
" . ' "I"' I • j
• 11 ' ':,.;···Ne wpo rt -Mesa Rlty.'
\\II.!. J".\1' !".\ ! '
'"'i<I .. :-..1 " ( ., d
•L !~·v JI\\, :i; 'II"'
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t.~ .. \• 11
l'r•" 1•111
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,, l'
:",• .'•>, ,\ • 41' I
I J • 'l.'>11,. I .• "
$650 C/>.SH
'.\'!:\\' :; L· ~I "" ),,'
J ' l \ 11 \ .. ' .+ ii I I
"'\\• I'".
'. ,.
N E'N FOUP. u:" r
" I
LOT 50 BY 127
\. t > I ' I
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" '•I', \ ",• :F '
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M-1 Zoning
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" \', \ \I'•!
11" ,,,,,,\ I I
11 ~ 1 I f,.
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62-Real E tate
,, .
62-«fal ::Eota=t.'-----i:ll!:::-::· ;.:llnl:::_:;;r:...=eo"-----l>IEWP,0.RT HJ>•ROR NEWS-l'RESS -PART I!-PAGES FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1956
~ BEDROOM HOMS •lt.ll J .NU.. ID!!::=_! .. !"!ll!!;l'lll~~·~·~--:_-• ~U~!::~ll<~Ml~!!_.! ..... ~~·~-------roorNI. ~ r"OOftl, larp UV--LID 0 ,ISLAND
·Comm ercial
I LlDO •
Th@ ow1i.e.r'1 n.-v.. f1,,;u1 .. d thtv ·
wntJ\•I h•ve t o ~~I! IM1' onr 1 1~1 HQME
ll1e 1oulh.,·mo,.t 1•·.ut11 u( ,\IU. I
.1 .. n B"•I h Ir • n., .. nlv ,. .. ,, ..
""'" •D l J'tllpt'l'IV ,,n \tit' tJo·•••I'\ r
'"'I" llllU\h u f 111" A 111u,,..11\t'11l 1 !'~nte1. A rouf' l·•l ll! "le ~·r.,nl 11 LIDO
1111 re .. i 'On !' ,q,11f••l V.hll• 1 l~'COME
""11.ly beuch, ,•1 I••·~ yU l h•· I 'II
•lo•nncl, ltll 1 .. ,-l '"' ).tl\11,.,n
1v .. ,1,.v11HI. 11.nrt "" f··~I ••n All"·
1'111,r. l \iur t ln••-<'•lv arr"~~
,,.,n1 l11<: '"'"'' l': .. p1 ..... l )'ht'lil
o V• 1h111:I bl!.~IU ~:~I I• bl<.• k
"""" :_;in U lt';.:« • lh..I ~ lllJUU"l!
\'••hi Cl11b.1 11o•·,\ I• 1 .-~ 111 th ..
;\11~.•i .. 11 liuy :.:i,, '" 11 ... ,, ,1.,u ... , , I.JOO
Near new three bedroom. two
bath. carpet: drape11 included.
Full P rice $31 .7~ E;µ;y terin.s.
South l~:1 yf.ro nl -Two unit.i;,
t hrt>c hfoc!niorn~. two b11th1> each.
Rl'al Ju;o1.u ry. every extra S65,000
(.'!c!!r .l)v.•11t·r will carry a large
loa n t<1 qu11.lif1cJ buyer.
inc room wit.a ....,. wt.doW,
ooqn vt.~· t car 1~• pd
Jial soo rt. lo th• berllch. Priced
et Sl!~. &µbm lt re-..oneble
ilOOA'n payment. J.lonthly paymt..•
approxilnataly 17~. • • •
\'l)U \\'ILL F I NO Jo'18HlNO, I MV.'lmn1lng. boe.tlng, rele.x•Uon
1uHI a clean .. ndy ~ch. Brand
"""'' dupl..,x. :.l tie<Jroo111.11 u p, 2
down. F ireplace , o vllr-11\r.ed gar·
Rt:"· 1\e.·k, a tley. A tc1·n r1c buy,
Pr1cetl 119,000-Pay1n enl.!1 l'ery
euy. • • •
• 8/8
Bay Ave. Duplex -Oppoaite public ber&ch. Unob-
1trucled permanent bay \'iew. Owner will accept
reasonable do\\'ll payment from qualified buyer.
' 2 B. R. home, t -B. R. garage apartment pill.I
bachelor unit. S5000 wiU handle.
•M'••lnt•f"c•t I" 1111 :-.1.l.dlk INCOME LOT
I -.ho I"'· /1., • t. 11 .. !<'
Only u 111: uf 11 ku1d -Exlra
!ar:,;t: r,11 St r~Ja cornt:r. Ide11.I
f 11r th1L·c :.mart npartmenti-J
iulll 11 !H, I• d , 111 I .1<lo. F'ull
l'HI:: t o:";I.\' S l'(11' ON t:ARTH
TIL''r CAN COM PF:"I'~,; \\'ITH
Jtt;A \"f;:-.'., ,\ dl'h)l:J.lful 3 hdnu.
lll•tllf' v.·1th :? t,11.th,., "' lu v.· "lll'-1
p .. :1ng &lld Jrape•. l...H.Jf:e pouo
""'I ~ l'&r _gu rui:f' 3 y .. u111 l•l•I.
l}nde1pr1rl'U 11t $Jl .~OO. trrnu11.1
New modern 3 8 . R .. den, 2 fireplaces, lge . kitchen,
Iola of tile, nice patio. O<·er-1d ud dbl. g~.
Ocean v iew, -$32.500 Owner will conaider trade
up or down, prefer income property -SubmiL
·!11.-11•,• I <'•Ill ~
!l.. !dl•\o'o! I,,
"" J' ltl $:.:: ·'
! ' '" l.:U· . ,J,.t .. 1~ ..
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• • • REA·LTY B·ALBOA PENIN SULA I ·11 .. <•\ ~!.\:-.;' FKll.\:T urr 1{-L -l.')~1 02.1
• f:F:-.;1; \'RE.:f:LA:'\0 $!~ ~00 Goo<I terntm. Ila, l tonl
•I ll:•~l:-.'lt\ ~I A:'\S••:'\ ?"1•! view ol C h ina . I • • • 1 , "uh·, !·'.xpl'! 1~·nc1: ,
..;t :l'l-'.HAI. CH Oll·~~ Pll·,l'f:~ ~<l
"' ,,.,. •'U•'h 11"ar :'\"""fl"r! H•·ll•'h
R:111:; Corona eel ~1a r l<·H 'Y l"I ~ill.,f>\l'<''ll ~~'Hiii 1'··1
"•I • "Ith 11 ur\ol l t 1 ~J 1l 11 l 'l .. nly
,.1 ""~"" nn<.l 1·lv~" I" '""'''r
\\;I ,,,i .. ,10!•·1 111;1,>o!,lllHttlVIL
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!;! l.'o;\'u.\L L 1 ':-.'lTS • Joee \<1 tr~y
.. nd I•'"'"" t.:ro MA in• uruc $16,IJ.Ol l
,,, $l~ '""' I"'!' 1·,.,, A.skin~
""·''~'" 1, .. 1111 ll'lll >~
'.'. ~ f"\ir:11$!: !r.-r lTy1ng l ""'''W
'" 1 lh"'c "l'lu1 • uuh· tuu Iii.tr
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Seven Isl a nds Realty
&. Investment Co.
)OJ:l.:1;n11 Sl. N~"'IXJ• L u~1i' Ct1 ll f
I! ,r .'>.'<ill!, artcr '~ p 1~1 11.-r i'.>tou7
PEll~f.ANENT OCEAN VlE \V -2 story home
3 B.R .. 2 bat h. ju.et completed, many extras.
Open daily I l O •l p. In. •
113 G Str£'ct
,Open Sat. & Sun 1 -4
2052 E. Ocean Bl vd.
JL':-:·r Ll~Tl:.:!J -3 13. ft. home. 1111·{' !iv. rm.
St·{·ludL·d pat io Y.'ith It!{ l,.J .
f~u!I price $1 ~,750 -'J'crma
NE\\I 3 B. Tl.-2 bath home-l'lu!lL' l<1 Jetty. Nice
pat 1u. Can Ix· h;uidleJ Y.'llh s nl a!J Juv.'n p11.y1nl!.nt.
1 150 \\I. Balboa RJ,·d .. Balboit l·la rbur 126-1
COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth
l i t.:S INr.:s~ ZONE: 60 x 300 with good 3-Br . older homf',
Hwd . n oot'i>. ser.'IC(' porch. gar. $12,500 Y,•1th terms.
('OllNt:Tl LOCATION clu1:1e·i11 , 2 fir. ol<ll'r honlf", large
kt1°1:hC'n. st·rvicl' porch , fi replace. '..! ('S r ga rage &
wurk shop. L.ot 80 x 155. l'rlCt_· $H250. T r>nns.
3 13.R. HO?-.!~. 1 1':! baths,
garagt'. .1\-l luc<1.tJon.
HY.·d. f loon;, fireplace,
Sl::!.750 y,•1th term:;.
Open House
" I j ;,,: l .'J !o J.'.~ J.I. l'!:\°(,. Sunday I ti1 ~1
i'l'fo.:\\'l'U RT Ht.:1r..:11·r ::-;: '.? 8 r. & la rgt~ J('n, Hwd. fl oors,
firc·ph1 ce, 2 car garage plus large work i:;ho p. NcedH
sonic painting & m u1or f ixing. $13,500
R. L.
. '
l . I. , J . ; , , I ; ' ·
'. ll.11 17
., ... ,, 11 ...... 1 ! .. uik, i;L,~t f
1 •• ll ,.
... ')
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! ' ' ; I I
STRI CK LE R, Rea lto r
-t 11 Irvin.; AVE"llUl'
f'l lAH:>IJ."t.: f{(<n< h 1<\~·111 /\n1nr
l h·:iv~· s hak.-11>0! v1•er !SIH1 "'!
I L UI lg°' J l&.!' }:lllK!)O'. H"iHI L"
!HI 111t.,11ur do'lll!l111g. l l:>ed• 111!1 . I
l ·• 11.-t h~. 1v to "' r 11.rrel"1J>:,
l •f<'fJl&.c.-. FA. l1f':at. wood anU
.~Uh~<> ell le1·i.a· C ALI. for Ill>·
\'IJ~:\V L01' -N. J">. Hlli. (NOT 11. h·lli>c holdJ 70 x 1<1 5
G. N. WELLS, Realtor
18 10 Newport Blvd., C11st.A ~l esa LI S.1601
• 1~qnt1111·nl tu !;e,•: Ell,·e.IJ••nt I CORONA
1., "" ~ $!1 .~·''° DEL MAR VOGEL VALUE
c·1.11 ·v llA\'I·::-.;' t'llu!•~ luc1at1un
"" h liU(I! l'I"' o• j,.":,.I;. 3 IJ.h Ill,
I , bll!h h01111'. l f•>.21 hi'. '"'""
"llh r!t•·plar<', h<l v.•d. floor~. Uin.
r•1•1t:1, .-ua1pl••t.-ly i;:r111pt'~la.ke
f,.n,·r•I n.,,,. y11rd, na·e!y lanot·
,., 11pC'11. !1Hrlirq ur , l'rtlCEU tit
$i~.~o•l<1 T 1•nn11..
SATlj RDAY & ~U N DA )' 10 R. n1. t o 5 p. m .
"1.1,' "'
~·· "" A Rar e It em! ,.
Very a ttract1 \'C la rge rustic --3 8 . R. plus lge.
rumpui; roon1. 2 firepl., birch cabinclK. Pegged
fl oru:.s. antique 11hult ers, sh!ike roof -$35,000
Excellent t ermll. i•• I • 1 :t!
1:1..\l .. l !I .• 1.1, !1 11111
!~Al~' :A I 'I,, t•• •, ,.,,.,
1'1do' I ·~t.1 \1,·"n
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Cha rles E. H a rt, Realtor
!I '.. I ! • ~
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\\ • 11 · lo"' , I '""' ,,r lu i , .. "'.
• • <'fl!I. L ll:<'. 1,,.,h '"· L •' ·••I. I •
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flr.,kl'!", :l•O l'<'llll•"t\11, l!.11ln I
'4".'i\.1, ~;"""· :l-4 7: "I
Investors •hllf• . 2 ' '"
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A !.Sl f \'El\\'< ll!iJ• !: '!
hot lh, ,.,, ........ ll•~hlri11d•
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"Ith o,l!\lll>:, ~''""· IJ,,, l"I!' /,,.
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l'r·I'\! I f· l'.H: "I•< 1'1• 1
'"'"·~I "1 "'"' .'' • I· ~· ·1;.r,. t ".j
: ,\!,, r J la 1. ~771
Me-Ta Nelson 1
T lll-; ,\!•l~T L'.\J '!ll!TA=--T Al.J
~· l.L !:l .. \l.> T~Jl•AY
' 1 ' , \ I • ~, I , ~. j \ J :
' •' ,•, . . ,..;,\ \ ,..; s~:J.L,
··' l•·~,.11,:: hi.th, f>re-
I· h<L1•·•L lloor s, block f11.r u
1:-:!. I ·J.," ,,.,,Ja.:<1.•"lit
'-' 111 j\ c· r ,I<! Ill ~
Ahl, 11<' .: h"l1n1, •a rr•'to~!
l..nc ttlerl on R~y-
,hon• Lrr lt1111 line )'1Jt1r 11.round "
fa•nlly lln1 ne h.-11 11111.ny nwe
tc11 \uc·e4, VJ.H:W or bay, l tied·
roo1n11, I ~ balh•, dUI. room,
f11·cplace. hdwrl. floon1, exterior
n"wly p11.inte<l, neir.r e11;ceuent
pl"ivale bea ch -ON L.f $23.!>00.
I. , >1 ",1, I 1 • j•I·" '" 2 blu.-k!! 224 \I'. C0&8t Hll'/ay LI 8-:>!>2i
''''"' 1:<1). k 1u1I L ,.,,n,.1der· ti·&<k'I Newport lieach
l·'I d1 !•h k ln I •>l'Htlll d•I Ma r. -
!>LI '•"'I t.dl J•rt•"· 1:xcLt 'SJ \'~: "C" THOMAS "C" TH01'.1AS
LI:-. ['J.\;(.,. I
""""'' """', • Lido Nord 1.111 ~.t:11\' n~ ... 1~'~::.'.~.~.1• • 1": ::.'~.~;,1_ '. Bay Fron~
2667 1'.:. Cst., H~y., Corona del Mar HA. 1741 HA ' 0757
RefrigeratC'd Air Conditioning
CONTEMPORAR)' 1'.fODERN -from $20,500
3-Bdrm. Ii Family Room or Conv. Den Homea
on 8 to 10,000 sq. ft. lolK with or ange trees.
Not hing Dowo Trade Y0ur Smaller Homa
M inim um cuh dll. pmt. $3360
Q\11a!i ficd Vet<"ran.11 purch11.11e a or wllh equity in 11ru.e.ller home,
Bern1ud11. \Vood~t•.te with • cuh down ptt.y ment may not
nu c.Ju ... ·n p;iy111enl; 30-yr. loan. be requlrt:d.
DlREl.'TIONS : Take Tustin Ave. tO 17th St .. tum ea.at
on 17th St., :;4 miles t o Prospect, then left on· Prospect
I mile to Fairhaven and models. KEllogg 8-7172. ' .\ I" ,I I·•· I•• _, .. J \••' I•• I o.\.+<:t, I' •I. 1 <:Ht· t;111[ ('l11lJ
. '
11!. l 1 I•,,,
Fisher & Co.
'" ...
i'!ewport ...
' .
' '
r.c~l ty
i..· ; I ' ) ~-l !·:
'' ~I"\,
• I i,
'I ''l
' t '.
lo 'I • $\<~
I I /'-., :::
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I ii I I ,, ~11 .• 1 .. , $1~'"'" ·l<•"'n, EX !.LUS IV I·~ l.J!;T r:-:c
I 11-'lr!<t l ilne orr~re<ll I Ul~:~Y~~~~~F~~~;,_~~~on REAL VALUES
ll• l\! I·; ,\ I:"<! '(J\!I·: t>n•' i<l•wy 111nd,.rn hn1nc. B··~l l 2::01~ Cn•!ltvi,·w Dr ive THREE BDRM
\lt'IL\I i'J\l.•:•1·1"-;,•ll•ll'"1"•"· N•>r!h LI.Jo Uc>""h loru!lon. ~1 2 br . l'LUS d orm. U\'t'r I!"''· y r., , '
, ,,11 I ,1· ~I"""'" 1·n·I rpll<'\·d I ll. It ., 'l bulh 4 yr"·•"ld. 41:> ll round or ~urrmer .. -kno\lY P•nt'1C HAlt Ml.NG llOME, hardwood
vuu ,.. o c l08tll, and c upboe.rd•. -' , \ ( · .. L n·.,_1·
\ll·:'I'\ :">l•'.L~i J:'\ Ltll, int. ;.i palio,11. S22 ,[J{IQI ~~~1,·1a. lflle kllr hen and bath.
BACK BAY Douhle a•r•ce. renced y&Z"d :-1 · ,,. , oJ.-t .\l.,r, 11,11 ~1:.1:>1. 1'·1r"•l ,\II 111n<!l'rn "onvenlcnce.,, lnrl I
elt'l gar11g1i di>0r 2 hr . den , ren11 ly <hn. rn1 .. lol 11. 1 'fhbri ho m .. I• ln peirtect Condi·
$67.r..OO, lerm•. of cln11e1 ~. v iew-rm. ror hor11e lio n . li:l!:c. location £¥t S ide.
Balboa beautiful patio 6. yard S26,9ri<l Ch• .. ner bull!--Don't look &nT
f11rLher. •ee UU. todey. Full •Harbor Inv. Co. 2 br., den. r11.nch~tyle. ~·Ide prtce Sll,760, term1 .
l·•,.u•·ll'"I ou11., Jll nn •:.no fl<><>!'
'· l Hlll'ltorr !<'h!ll l.~. hi"' k
",' l 'o oJ \•ll h lo o"' tlU•\h
' -.1t.
30Lh Ar Npt. Blvd.
ll>tr. 1600
I "'
lo·o•'ll•I TH•\ 1:11·1----
\11>'1 $1 ~"I"'
11 r · . .,. 1. ' ,,
•11·~·'"' ..... ,,
C oa st Properties
'" ]'
11 J~ I ·I 1:•·,olt"r
• .~· :0-1 ii<' Th, 111i•M>t1
,, ~·· .• 1,• I 1·~
l :...1i-...,, I'll I H.1 1t""'
Nice East Side
Location ,
:~ B.-d!'oom 'hon1e on wide lltrffl,
hwd. noof1, rtreplace, the.rmo
he•l double «•rage. 8POTLE8S
riiAUy to move Into. Jll!j.00 wHh
lu"'' Jo"'"ll p11.ym enl.
J /J1 j'. .'11. "• ' ' '"" "";·; Newport-Mesa Rlty.
1--"~: I.I\'!•;,; H••O:\I. f.~l'plK<<'
:..i:t' [';·,!2 .!.!:::..::;; "ucni. !Je.·!~ 1 '' ' •••• l'll'lfl 1,11 .. j(llJr>I.'.•
I ·I~~ 1'" l1'l'~'~l •'d ,,..,,,.,j
'" . '• l SJ•i ;.,.,
.f ••• 11 11. ot:, v .... •n•1
l.'t ~ ,.,, ... 1 .... ~
It<·••.. I .I
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] j!/!l /'>PWpOtl
I.I 8 ·~~08
Bh••l., Co11.la ).1e!UI
h.'ve•. LI 8-~44J
bat h:<. Lo1·ely
11 ... ~ ~uhl'tant lal
... p1. 1•11,e or
f11r n.
'.Xpo9Ure. A l..-•
Income from nl~
515,000 ln clut:t.11
llAUl":(JI< IN\'l!:S'I'ME:-..'T CO ,
:-;,..,,.Jl'Jr1 1:1.11•11 Ill 3'\th, H~r il\lltl
lul Stl ,000
'• 11l're. :'I 8 11cre. Ylf'w
a hd lot.a or lotB
SEASHORE d uplrx., x.lnt.
of ba)',
~: :>1 ont"bello
Claire Van Horn
27J I \\'. cou l Hwy. LI 8-i277
Business Corner
C-1 COKNER tih.102,
Sa nt a An•. SHl,000.
tr rm• or trade,
down I.Own
Sub1nlt -
DAN A JA(,'OBSEN. Re•I JUitate
Har. !Wl9l , Ll 8-4317, Kl 2-2187,
HYatl '4-llo69&
316 Ii:. !Xean Front, B•lbo111
• o r Call He.rbnr 3606 I .. ,
rF SO thl• three bdr. hom• la for
you. All ll ne<!<.111 la a JltUe paint.
111nd t he y1ard fixed up. Ha.rd·
v..·ood floon . tlle kit.chm e.nd
bath, lh,.nno conlroted )Mat.
A 111.0 lnchnled la the aul.om•Ua
w•aher. nd'rt(flr&tor, 'ff•t.ra
H olly ..... ranc-e. e.nd CU"P9Unc-
11ll11 !• • real •ahte for onl7
$10,76-0. low down pe.yment. Bet,.
ter ce.11 on t hi• loday.
1982 Newport Bvd., Comta K-.
Llberty 8-167:1 mve.. l.J 1-4120
Uberty 8-~13 Liberty 1-1727
3 I 5 Merine Ave.
Balboe lslend
Harbor 1560
' I
r •
. · ' ' f."DA Y, MARCH 16, 1956 , .• .......... . ..........
Tble offerins inclOO. OM ot the finelt t.Mlnp
and ~~ bualn....;. .. Balboo llland. Tho
-modofti.liqwpment. 1'wO beoutiflll ·~ta.
'nda lt a ~I reet.t.._ur_µt bumn-for a 10 y-.r
-bliohed cllonteJ.. It you W&Dt a KONJ:Y
HOK!!: AND INCOME -UhUOually ·attndlve 2
bedroom. home, like new, PLUS deluu 1 ~m
apartm..t. 'Full dbl. 1a.tage. Laundrv room and
outaide S\MM. 1-oom 6: bl.th. hlaAd• TOP BIJY
•at $30,000 with o.:c'!!llent t.e~.
INOOllE PROJ?UCER -4 bednn. hou.e, larp
Uvtns room, bv kit.chm, fireplace, f, a. heat. Plua
cbumlng 1 bedroom apt. Garage and out.aide J1Ml9l
"'°"'A 'h bath. Thia property U. CO><PLETl!:LY
tarnlahed down to the lut knife and forlr:. And for
a .t.&rler the buyer get. $1000 worth of swnmer
rental. alrf'&dy contracted for. A BF.m' BUY
at $S:li,OOO
311 Marine A ve., Balboa lala.nd-Ph. Har_ 1671 or 1872
Owner u.y1 .ell, 2 B. R .. 2 bath home with Vlgw.
pouibilities galore for enhanc,ng value of th111 prop-
erty, A "L>o It your&t'lr challe nge,'' $16,500
with excellent term.11.
A few s~p11 from Ocean Blvd., 3 B. R., b&th and a
half, carpt!ted, beautiful pat io, chn1ct!&l lnt:alion,
neat, charm1.ag and saleable, \l won't last.
Drop In our office &nd let WI ahow you with figures,
the 00.t income buy i.n town, live on property and
enjoy $350 a month income.
Modern t hree B. R., 2 bath home o n corner lot,
18 x 26 livi ng room over looking covered patio,
dispo&al, fan, aprinkler 11y1tem, carpetN!, forced
air heat. Only S~.000
3144 E . Coast i'lwy. Corona del Mar. Har. 22S8
~ acro 1u1 fro m B ank in C.O.M. I
-rarely found for sale
Th~ charm or
Ellrly Day• on Lido 1
la refltc::ttd In thla
lovely older hom4!.
Lot and on11·ha!f.
Trem 11.nd lawn.
Plentr of ba th1.
lnc:ompAnble buy at
KILLlbN, real estate
3Ml Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505
Exceptional Buy -For Sale!
The Doll House of Balboa
• Liquor Licen&e
• Fixture.
• Property
• Good Location
' You are ready to go into buaineM
i10,500 dQJm handle. •
"'We apeclalize in Buainen Opportunitie.."
ART ADAIR. Realtor
leeft Newport Blvd., Co11ta Me.a LJ 8-3792
• • 1 11-For Sale · • ••
. ' .
-LARGE' c.1 ·toR~ER
' W. 19th & Pomon•
Opposite Cost• Mei• City Hall Site
Ripe for Development
Sound inveltment fer long term capital gain
516 W. 19th St.
.. l"re.nch Prol'lnclal,. bldroont1,
2 batAa wlth rn#bl• puUman
1Lnk1. B u ilt-In electnc klt1:hen,
W ·W carpetLnf, Jara• pauo.
luvely Wl lf"Y-138,llOO.
i o~~r~" ~:~::to:;; ~~ t.·~~~~~·
A HOMlt OF Ol8Tl.NCTIV£ Pro·
v1n(!al charm. 3 ~mom• <:onv
den, J bath•. 1epar1 t1 d1n 1n1
rm .. d&nlah hdw. 110011. J..Qvely
pl1nt11•11 in lar11 paUo ~•uni
l tl'l,000.
Newport Isle
SOM-EH OW M08T PCOPt..r: !Mk·
Int tor a two unit a r1 Look1 n1
for th• rouu.,.lng
l)n1 unit hu 3 Mo:IF'OOrna, 2
b1lt1a,. tars• 11v1na: room, r•r
On1 unlt h.u l Dedr-oom.-la rfe
• 11 vtnr GPOm, 1ara11.
L.AROlt PATIO with bullt·ln BBQ
Pr!v1 te p11r and float. Don't t all
to ,.,. t.hJ.a.
"Oea.1 with Realto n "
Ba~ & Beach Rlty Inc
"Juat n rht or Uie Lido Ur1dg1"
HarDOr l&tl, 299V E ve1.
ALL LAROE ROOMS, real dln1nc
r m., 2 ruu b•tha, dbl. r•r .. patio,
beautifully la.ndKaped JarJC• lot
Nr. 1hopptn1 6 achool.t A re•I
buy •l 112.200. Drape. Jnc:lud~d
Only 12200 dn. HURRY ON
THlll ON"I:.
ONLY $1000 ON.
3 BDRM8., 4 \w~ LOAN, only l
yr. old., pymt. o/. 174 lnc:J ude• l&JI•. lnl, elc. A l ood home at
• prlc:• you can't b<eat for vah~
Sc:hool, lhopplnc A a !area yard
for th1 children. Com1 Ln 6. l•t
ua 1how YOl1 th4 R i: A L
2 Complel.1 Hom• on l•l'J'• lot .
()Q.17 :a yn. old. :s tM'. houait c::an
be renJ.1<1 f~ $i6. l br. a t
Ito. Ible. It. 8 ld1 Loe:. amonlf
attr aat've homea. 114,600 full
pnc:.. A rial ·lnY911lrnl':nl.
$3000 DOWN
XL.NT. E. 81da, 3 br., I\. bat h•.
hdwd. nra., tlr•plac:e. dbl. 11.r"
'It.% loan. Shown by a ppt,
Mesa-Harbor Realty
oppoait1 New U . 8. Bank
609 C.int1r 8t .. Comta Mn•
Ll 8·fil I 6. Ll 9.77g4
Bay View Lot
SPl!X:lAL. A real charming home, 4 bedrnu., 3
bath•, extra large liv. room, fireplace, pine panel.
't;,: blk. to So. Beach. Ooe of our BF.ST BUYS.
$21':500 asking.
SEE o i rR OF!o"'ER,1NG olJlhl~ine paneled weU
decor11.ted home. 2 bednn,., 2 baths, extra bed
closet. Paved patio and BBQ. Reduced to
$29,:>00 tenna.
00 RA,. f'RONT. A bea utiful homt!. or 4 bedrTM ..
3 ba t t.111, n1a 1J 's room and bath. Com~l(·tel y fur-
nu1hed. Priced a t $100,000.
f_,JTI"LE J!-;J.AND. A ru.&t ic and uaabl.e 3 bedrm.,
3 bath, in a aelect dultnct. S36,500
BA)' FRONT home a ni.1 in com e . One of the fe w
deluxe apt. un ita on !jdo. (,ge. !cit, t:!Xcellt-nt beach.
2 bednn. a partment available for owner. l,ong
leue.11 o ther units. Income a pproximately $7200
grou. Good TD•nd owner will accept 2 bednn.
h olnf a• part paym ent. Priced at $90.000.
CORONA DEi. MAR. l.eaaebold . 2 bedrm., con-
vertible den, 1·1·4 bath•. l.Jvmg room opens to pa uo.
Large •lid.Ing doors. Stove and dra~r1ea funustted.
$24,500. Low ca.ah down to quahf1ed buyer. w: have buyer& for good lutt ingfl.
f'ree e.limatea, excellent aerv1ct".
I.far. 1775 -Eves Edith Maroon
" .. J ohn Macnab
l..ou Boynton
HYat t
Ha rbor
225 M1.rine A ~·e .. 13a lboa J11\and
*** PltlCED WAY BELOW MARKET. Now fin u~hin g.
1 Quality 2 bdrm. dupl. 3 sold. 4 1eft. HU RRY
ta ke y our choice at t hi11 sensatio nal price.
$14 ,500 ready to m ove in
Starting sereval two bedrm. units.
$21 ,500 11ubmit on down
New 111lreet. curb«, walk to s tor e and 11c.hooh1.
Start y o ur rental RETIREMENT INCO ME NOW
with these modern. complete steady producers.
2129 Harbor Blvd. Ct>'Ata Mesa.
Quality Homes &: Multiple11-Built on your lot or ouf"8. .
Liberty 8-3493
$7000-1/2 CASH
FJX UP Uil1 2 bdrm , tum . hOU•ll
to 1u11 younelf '. One Dlnck tron1
center ut t:urona <tel ,.tar.
Two Modern Houses
NEWPQRT liEIG l-ITS. ,.love 1n
ont other rente<l 11nth i b<trn1~
Bul Duy •L J:n,()no toe bot h
T riplex-$3000 down
:-;~:v.·p1,f(T Hl.!:IG HT~ .... h un11
1111• t ,.,...,,.><'lolnA exee.l!. 1 !Yllil!
lu ~· !o i•. S2u :xJ{J
~ :'\I':\\' 2 h<!'d1-n: !u>rl1 ,.~, un lo1!
l~\lJ<~•WI All r"nlf'•I 0vl'r s ;:,ur1
ye11 rty Jnrom ...
Store Bldg.-Balboa :
,'A:-l:-."f'IT H/'l )(f'::l•J.At..:E IJ ""UH I
$2:1.000 u k lr>g price.
Golden-.!Yile Values
<."2 11.,...,ntown J.,•\ an,! 1;,1u•!
1frori1,. .t.!a1n llh·t1
S:i'i.">o r•n. l'r S l!i ;,xi
;-..· ....... (•11 ~ 11+;11
J"l~OO r I' "'11n J ~ooo Dn
l:Ar•l141 f ;8,S E-l~tll•l h hnm,.
only 'l .)'r• Hid r:ai.l ""'"'
oin.,v "'ll llong d1!'lta1u:r \•1 oJvwn·
!1,.,.,·n ,
(}nly 51:) llllO
Phil Sullivan & ' Geo. T. Everson
IU\j\ N,.wp11r1 Ulv•!, \'•~Ill a 1't"'~~
Ph. I.I 8·&7111 ~"~'" Her 436fl
LI 8.'.i!\JJ
Shake Roof
3 Bedrm . 2 ba!h hr>n1e nice Ea11t I
1!'1e Jr>l!a llo n . l:iulll·lfl r11nge 11n11
Q\'en. flrepla.:r. FA heat. Dbl'°
~11.rage on alley. Sf'w~r 111 and
Jlll ld for. $14.~00 S70 mo. ln·
elude~~'~"'· !ntereat, w1 Lh arri a!l
<!ll"'ll p11vrn~nl
Newport-Mesa Rlty.
17911 :-.lrwport Bl\'<l., C'o•la MeM
1.l 8 ·~.,08 E vr11. H11 r 02811 -J
. ' 5 LOTS
!':AST '-IAGNOLIA, al)xJJ:i C<11t11
Meaa. J420o each -
2.1 23 \\'. CQIJ!l H"'l"
. ~· Bdriri,_:1J/4 Bath! !
e R W. J'\oonl
• F'b t' Ml _/' ==~ \ • ...,...~·~rdit
• Dbt,,Cle.np!
e ~ EuWde Loe.I • Uo -reac:.-1 I
• .Lt"' Loan!.
• Awntnc"• -~d.c:ap.c1J
• Bl!JI: TKl9 NOW !
$4000 On.!
$2500 On!
• All Carpeted!
• 3 Bdnn. -Dbl, Gar. I
e t Yr. Old !
• U.ndac::aped -Treea !
• Olap. -E Ktr• Cablnela!
• •uo -22' x 28'!
• CIOHl• -B\ull ln Fea l.iru!
• Com plelely ll'f'ncl!'(I!
• l".H.A . Loan •
• Hurry -Y..'e Have Key!
$1 2,:\00
Rumpus Room! -
• \.\'Ith BAr 11.nrt >"1r,.pla1 ~·
• AllOO F'!repla~e In '.\l,.1n lloi.ae·'
• 3 Very l.11rgo: l\.lrn1•'
e H~•I t-l•I" ·I t"lwr-~
• Q11Allt v ('11n111nr • 11"n'
• V.'l>O<l :-1111nc:le f'J><,r -Lf:"'-K1lrh -• t...:~ J,,, "'•r llA •" U•V "\jc_,H Cuurat '
• Unly S3ltb<, •l'l"" n ·
$13,950 F'ull Price~
• Thl1 Im Nlc"I
• 2 Rilrm -r.11,., -n B Q '
• Clo.ein ~ 6Yra.1Jlt1'
• l"!r.._place~ L..r1t ~ Loli !
Ye11 !
P. S. IA'e \O\'(' lo !ihow these t>xcellent buys!
1696 Newport Boulevard
Costa Me.sa, Calif ornia ·
l~lberty ~-116 1 Eves Liberty 8-3010
"Reol E.tote is o Techn ical, Leqo l Com-
plex Busine•s that require• years of Ex.
perience in Title•, Deeds a nd Trust Deeds
and the like , • , ••
Li st y our property for aale With a
member o f this Board • , _ . we're
going lo sell $1 ,000,000 worth of
real estate each mont.p during 1956.
Newport Harbor Board of Realtors
Compare This One
4 bedrooms & den, 2 baths. FA beat. big living
room with lovely (ireplace, blt.-in kitchen, shake
roof, a br,a.nd new home with 2000 IQ. rt. or living
art>a for $24.750. Thi• i• hard to duplicate.
-------------------------lr.r.'rt. lot ln Newport Beach 19!!00.
111.1 r ... rt ()rtnge1 l';'e"·r ort 8 .. 1\('h
LJ 8· 7~<1 R11.r. L'>l ~1 t\'e~
REER AND CAFE $3500 full price ,buys a good
lcai:re and rixture11 on caie ahowing $100 per day
grnAA a nd includes a 3 room hoUAe. HOSPITALITY HOME
in Laguna Beach
J'uat · a few ste~ to HEAVENLY, GRACIOUS
beauty. Expansive, panoramic ocean A hilt. views.
Quiet street, nN r town. High ceiling living rm.
S2 z 18.8. Planter fireplace, hardwood pegged
floon. DtnJng aleove. Den, all tile bath. 2 bed-
room.a and 2nd all tile bath. Secluded palio. Payne
turnaceiil. Obie. garage. Dilltinctive individual
$40,ood value for $32,500. ExclUAive for YOU.
ExclUAive with
275 Ocean Ave .. Laguna Beach HYalt
lBet:wten Broadway Ir F o reat Avt>.)
116 Jade, Sat. & Sun. 11 -5
84p86 ,
Come Me the BEST BUY on the Llttle Jaland.
BMutitul view -unit heat, 9eparate dining room.
Furnished, $25,000 -Excellent term.1.
A.re mcarce. We have a choice one with pier It fioal
218 Marine Avt>., Balboa J1Jland Har. 20 or 64
1. Three bedroo m beach homt>, '·: bloc k to occ11.n ,
Only $12 .~.
Ml.NG POOL thl• 1ummer ! we 2. BA_LBOA DUPLEX. Room fo r one more unit.
hive a bM.uUful home In Tuatln Good.rentals and o n ly 11 few stepti to beech. Ask-
...-lth l'11¥'o bednna. and !Mn, 1J11e-t ing $14..500. Make offer.
hou• and IOY•IY aw\mmtnr pool,
Th• key I• har4!. 3.
Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. •-
Multiple U1t1nir. Realtor,
31!& I:. Cout Hlchway.
Corona d1l Mar,
Nl:W HOM&! 3 bttdnn•.. 2
batha? ll&OO or le• flown ~
_Kom1 plann ed by a woman. tU•
batha 6 Jlllc::hen, expo.Md bel.m
c:etlinp. llldtn1 l'llM dooT to
,,..uo, ln t•r -comm. •ylft41m
lMIT N-porl. co.ta M-
J_J 1-1132 -h•. LI 1-1400
R-2 "'vi"'° \tJt eel x 100 tt.
On Seaward, Corona
LI 8-072
WATERFRONT FURNISHED duplex, 82 ft. bulk-
head. Pier and float. double garage. $26,,,')00.
BAY FRONT pier and float. Two bedroom,
rumpWI room, completely furnished & only $55.000
3320 W. Coa11t Hwy.
A Re.t.rict.ed 1..ot Develo pment
LI 8· 7773
Sp«ulaton & Builden Welcome
80' r.identl.al lot.. Have eome apartment lot.A left,
Dup• corner lots. All imprO\'ementa in .
We h•ve ext lu!llVf' 1!11!lng.i qn :l :
View· Homes THE VOGEL CO. -
· LI 8-3481 3201-W. Co11.st Highway, Newport Beach
very ex•·lu!ll\'e hon'"" In Nev.·"1-------------------------
port Hf'i ghlll, •II With 2 ba th.~
firepl•ce•. double gara 1te 11nd
'""''" ..... , "'-000 ~d "" NEW HOME 3 Bedrooms, 11/2 Baths
CALL TO s r::E
"ART" ADAIR, Rltr.
1663 r.;,."•port B11•d .• C'o11,. M.l'aA
LI 8-Ji82 nr !.I 8'~>686 ------
HARAOH Hl .V ll llfll" 8 u11ln•1111
l0<;11 tion. n1ed1rml Cllnler, 11t or,.11,
11u\1> •j(""'Cy. r>r h••lO f or r er t11rn
v11lue 1nr re1111e 164 fl on liar-
b"r. 23(1 ft rlef'p or can in·
cr .. 11~,. rleplh to 38' ft , to 60
rt. eu~men~.
18~7 Nev.•pn1I. (.'o&lll ,.lea11
I.I 8-16:12 f;Vf'tl, LJ 8-141\(J
$1350 Cash. $67 monthly
Inquire 252 E. Palmer
Costa ?r.lesa LI 8·2657
'\'our Dream houae on choice LITTl~E ISLAND.
Can you believe it? Uhder $20,000
3('16 Marin~ Ave., Balboa Island Har, !W>2 or 4323
. .
. .
2 2
Ct. a• s · d;ll lilii
' _._,, ..
~ .
;. A bsr,i .D •Isa ,. -r.,.._.._ ... ·-·--" .... a .J Cl!Ww ·-''z ' ~ ..... --,r .... ....
A Uttte IR1"91iil
• 1 ........ l]; .. -~--c~--t ·--... 0. fNllt ol fl..-1 w.
• ~ ., ?..om .. lliadl • "'°" .... .,..,. ...... -...... --• •t lll,,lle •
Shore Clffs A ,. , , i__,.
1t ?ftc9 .. _.,. ~
ft 1 .....,__ -1 .0.
ft~ 1 [SWll
-ti Bu.uU!ul l1.I1d6captn&
ft Paneloed blte.rlOI"
tf TM bmt for l•l,llOO
'' -~.
' -
.. ,.
• ' . Lile~._. .• Via Qrulsls a .... ·, a I ... I
--....... ..iio. ........... , ••
..__.~nu nta....,u.. o.a r
--... lrpVtaatn __ ...,
11 ' I i t "1 l11ti-. Ill-~. . .. o..,_ ... _, ftll ....... llJ1!? .... -... ..... -......... -.............. .
J ...... wr-ao1 .... ~ D II '•·
Bol IMy.• --""7,,.,.. awo a to,... qr
to -t.111o .... ot oa1y Ml,l?IO
Udo Notth Bevfron+ OaoowllOr.tOttaoo_,.-~·iiq. --
. .._ mocleie J ts I ., lllMW11 .. ~ ftl .... .... -·-. .-.... -........... ---..... _,. -~. *" .. _
--··· ~\> -,.... -.. -lllr ---u...-. It'•_"_ "" utd .,. ..... tbe lr<y. JITS,000 V\
p. 11. p11fmer incorpor11ted
ole han1on co. menegem•nt
Nftport ..• wit . ,,. ..
ow-w-• .. ~ii, ;lloowpott8wbw ,_.. --
1 a-....., -·-··•·'°° 2. t ---___ .... li,509 . ' Udo hie Apartment..
I--htsttf, M'I ¥7 Is ' '$ sit -' wal'Jlt.
~ ............... _,....,_ ...
)llll ·-.. Ll&o, ,.. -t Miii lllll -!hi& ... it as,' .... "'-' ,, a ....... oM a ........... -.... lta""" prlnta patio
-llWllat .......... lllO 0. ..... ..... 'fto
p; IA ..... Iii..,, ... I j.W... ........ ....._ .... u.. __ ..,.. .......... Ill. .
Dal wtth ReaTtorw DE:al with Realtoni '------3333 Vla Lido, harbor 1500
P· •· fNlm.r inc1rp .,....,
111 h8Mlft ff, !Wi••;•lilf 1100 ... _ lllPh,.~ ..... ...,
Bayc!..8:,a~ ~.~~tty B~y,!,.B~~~ 0~:,alty j This Weeks Speci•l·· 1 ONLY ON,E OWNER
soa a. c..i: ftUnw"•y Har. Ne3 3.)30 E (::tiut l tirti"'·ay 11111 ~3 BAY l"ft.0 7'.l HCJMt~ Eli.('h1· ()nt• of the f1nc11t year 1'0W1d home. on L1'1'TLI:
.EXC11U.EN1' VALUES AND A L:oou SELt.X..-rI01'
2 bf-droom11,
•1ve 10o'~t11 ua • 1 1>cd1uunu1, I ISLAND. offr 1700 IQ. ft. plu. WI" UMltle .
! .\,. llll\11• ft \.,,•" r-x l.,r1or
Pen1nirula ~.t .. •n i•wr. prtv111.. Juuble garace.
~h. 1'tM bntt l.hrt"'ft I• tt11 ,
th" n1un1·y, 5•01~~' l~n1u. i ThN-e 111.rgt-.lUT)' bedrm•,, 2 b&tb.9, llvinl room aad dia·
A I" :R~:c.:.,~ ~!~~,I~;~;"''(; r
aAl.bOA l)()l!:A :-0 1-"ltU!\"T . , 1
1ng room adjoining cleillbtfU.I ptlkl, 1lieti tlNplaol,
f<>~ alr ?!eat -everytbl•• for y-.r rouad liYiDt; •
~hv~'n by appollllment. ..
8/ B
·--• f I J d L , 1, WM ............. ~ .....
.-... fl. .... _
.. ,.,,,
-'We'· ..., . . . . -...
: 1o • tarere· •
...... • .._. .... --,_, tbo -~ A p· S lllltm:tm Of di.la I ·g b'e ....... -.,. " .
............ ~-. 'e•P'" are .... a' 'tel -a·v•--.-.~·----· -.. wm'wr Md'-ewdl'iil1 loaH ..
... mi-"""•• wllo ..... Jaw la. Na ......,.... .. n., .wmunity lft ....tac i11t4. tMrir :rr.ta.'Jlc ,. ,_.
b111et tlie model no-.
~ lliy 1fKeO Corp.
. evprllitely
by lrlartln ,.
Von Hemert
Irflrlo T.n... i. lo"lted °" Cooat BIP""Y oppooito
Ibo ..,. ll"riao Cooat Couatry Oul>.
EARL W. STANlEY, Realtor
Phone Harbor «48 For Further lnfonn&lion * For RecommendatJon, we reft-r yo u to anyoo&
who hold• a l..ea.Mh old Eatate in lnine TerracC",
Be.aeon Bay, Bay Shores and Cli ft: Ha.ven
BILL'S BEST BUYS 1. so. or RWY .. 1 1.1 blka. to beftc.b .
2 ruJI kt.be, fireplace 'n n·erytbinr.
l\etluoH to '22.750.
t·e-.,civ. ··Hu llO• 1 A ,,.M.nl,.nU I
1' 1mll• vlua n 1lln-ter'• &fl\ I
r.,.,r &OJWl4 chttn1r·io-Cornpirl<'· I
ly tumte.hed. 1 ... und.ry a nd
utility ruom•. 1~.-.111.,,J.,led ~rl
nc-w fi:.un1l•llun ~u 19W AU
r .. ntfif nl!w 0.111!) u1•omc 1-•ri
(/(llJ, l1."rn1•
Fairly priOld at $M.OOO
• • "'t:•• . ,_ ,,_. ...
e 1 I 'ca• ... ICIUo«I ·-rvu.-........ .., -IMMEDIATE POSSESSION
2. DECOl\AYOJll'S HOME -Fireplace. beam<'d t('1l·
Sip, 2 bell:room•. lg. kitchen, patio. Garage prt-
pared for a.pt. over . Only ~14.950
3. 4~· COJtNER LOT under th.i8 l~room hQU&' ~''I'
dilling room, lg. roomH thruolJ\ 1-'enc~! yard.
I.mmed. poa.teBsion. Out or town ownt:r. Only $16.500
home, lg. lrlteti. wtth ffiniag a.rtt. New form1ca
dr.U.., Df'W w;w carpeting, new wa.ll heater. Every-
&.Aa.c "~u.t Mehl." liM.oellcrtt tenn8 & ONl.'\' St 4,::!50
O. 'OJlt()JlliA HI~. Unobl!tructed ocea n view
flom. ma.t or the rooms of thia 3 bedroom hotnt',
Erttry hall, Jg. kltch ., hardwood fl oo rs, firrplf1l·•.
Door from li ving room to sundeek (:. I. Joa n
monthly paym"t..a of only $80 incluJes taxes , (·le.
Total price $22,500
2667 E. Cat. HWy., Co rona de! Mar HA : Ii'11 HA Oi57 ------
ffl!:RVI A 1'11-'Pl:>: Jt111\ l !
ll•...,no lt> \Il e biiy 1~"" h -..! lr<:•!
n.k1n1•. all II<'~· u11 101h11.-. IJ'"lhJ
.. ,i a •!al-..! c·io r "'"'"~" 'l t J'rllu ..
~•ch horne ll1 p ·11t 111.! 11 ~,l)O().
Hl<:it~: ARE A FF\\' J.'ICO!t-llt:
L':>:!T8 CLOSE "11 ) ·n~E UA\'
UH tx.:E:AN l'SE FU H
llUM.1£: .... -rrH SV1't ~.: J:'\CO~t.I'.:
Ult t'Ot~ R l!:f\'.l "I, (!~L Y
• 1 1 :.! • .-p11r1t• u nit• i ""'' 1
l>•.,l 1vvtlllt, ,.,,, h "•th 3rjh •l 11t"
p•Uv~ •nil lib 'I.'· 1<.tr•U•IW•I .. n.i
"''ill litl! l vr 1111.~:;u.
121 2 be J r vv111 ~I""'""~ h ulll<'
"'ltll il dlllh.IY ba cll.,l••r 1n I""'
•U•J 2 .:•rqc •"" !U!IU~ht:d .. nu
un a t~ lii ll>U IL lut (,>1 S!7.:.vo
!lf H 4'rt~ a i;·~•I Vil•• ... ith :J
i-'o u.r unit.s ou two lot. -let th1t
tquity .f or you.
Only $10,000 down
ob• build the
Furnished l•'o bedrna•. Ir 0., iD lroo.t ho\Mle plu•
bachdot-apt. in ~ar. ODM in, near •torM aod
• Fl«"ret1 12 % on Ulv..tmeat.
Price, '18,llCIO, good ....... •
Largl' co rn{·r iCJ t -mo.t detiirable
• 1.lA \' .area. $8000.
1eetion of BACk
J;ark A \•c. at Marine, Ba.Ibo& Lil.and Harbor 2482
IUlU1l1 lHlll~ IO lld Qll(' •Int;!" L>/I
1!11y A ~.-nl.lt. llwcll rent.al ar~11 A
A ll , .. ,•ecor•tl:'J , 11.11n1•h~·! •ll•l RARE BAY FRONT STEAL! ! !
111 11:•......J co11U111v n •l $ll:IWO
.:"'-"I l~rm..,
ri:XTl'tA. 131-'t;CIAL \'MTH 1'8 ,
t.:•1:l11"1ve A ll11ntly l 'eriuiattl•
.. .. Tllll ... ..., --,..., ·-···---... .....................
ol tti. -..Ck .,. A,_ and Uitn r ,,... _,.. .,.. ,..,1 ~
wn• ut1 U1M M. a.-up lo llOOh
t ..... flT,M(). 7
r Ma.t.ar Mllroc-11· .. 20·
r' W..tk·~ oe4ar-lln.ld !flOMUI
" 8'10t 1n ...., .....
,' a..11Uflt.I ll'M lirMd Jl&lMI
I"~ pnp wtth W1c
r' 0.,...-p.lumW"f'--e\Mltom buUt ...........,,
,t lMtrokt Urht1n1 In llTtnc room
i r' r' r' ate., •le.., •le.
Marilyn Mon~o~I
NOT EXACTl..r, bul. u;... Mm4I
..-hM ..,. ... 1 ovutaadlnr
t .. t~. -~
• Baek .. y wttll VlfW
Nearly new, never occupied. 3 B. R. home "'Ith
W.W. caflX"ts in L. R. & hall. SI500 down pay ments
Less than rent. J.'ull price $9700
l..ooking for more t'lbow room ? Then let us i:lhCJ'4'
you thle limall ranchette. Two & drn, with· H. W.
noors and fireplace on 66 x 330 rt. lot. Zoned A.-t
whic h means you can stop boarding out that house.
Full price $12,500 With low duwn.
Tell ua wba~ you can do & we'll work out t~ res t.
2 good 2 B. R. houses on casts idc car. lot & (•fl sewe r.
ld<"al tor home & rental as houses face different
streets a.nd are separated with 2 car gt.nlge & re.nee.
$13,750. · $3000 down.
Are you looking for a location of your own "! Then
let us show you thi11 choice 97" commen::ial property
on W. 19th just a rr Harbor Blvd. One blk. r rom
new Coala Meu. City Hall. Two 2 bdrm. hom<'s
oa property now c&n euily be converted for bus1-
DM9.. nu. la .a du.l_that.j U11t can't be 1"8.scd up.
run Price $29:.00 with ~ ~ down.
w. A. TOBIAS, Realtor OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDA '{ 1 to 5 P. ~1 .
Large 5 lbeatoom home with 4 baths on a very
de:lirable M ft. corner lot. This home can be
fixed up &nd sold for $50,000. Our price
• p u1n1 ·· <IUplPll w~\h :"! b4'tirovuiK
up auol :.! ,, .. w n. ni. •·ly llll"IH~h..J ""i.l r l!'l'.~11tly r1Jt"<.:Or .. 1td. Unly
IS year11 ,.1.1, bulh renle tl """'
$,lb,J\J\J ter-11111.
On Balboa h1land. CHARlUNG 2 bdrm. home
rronting on betit SAND K.A.CH. HUGE living room
with delightrul VlEW, ),,., •LI ceilinp, breakfut
bar, fireplace, nLD> tlrath, PU.JI! lfftl.l't. VIEW
AfYf. & t.:Xtra GUEST rolMD 6: ktb. ParkJnl' for
3 cars. ALL C OMPLE'l'tL'l FURN. VERY
LOW PRICED, only $10,* down.
• Muter ~ wttfl dr~nc
taom, 16t~ l'Mft'l <d bu, "you'll lille our friendly 1ervice"
• r!,':'91~•;.!:'° ~-tbl• rnim ___ tOO __ E_. _1_1lh __ s_1._, _eo. __ ta_w_ ... _____ L_Ibe_rt_y_s_._11_3_9 __
(or quick aa.le $3 1,500
101 Via Ravenna
2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Ha r. 4718
Thrtt bedrm., 3 bath nearly new DIOdent •howplace,
Jncludea fine drapes &nd carpetll, patio and break·
fut bar. Brick fireplace..ud pknter. llu!.y e.ztru.
Ollly-8~ .
R""'7 -lille·tlllo. 3tor< wtth -rate 2 bedrm.
home iln •nar. Both C.1 t.one. 8cheduh!d income
Hu. 444
-...... Prico ?'000
Tm: imt_ CO. .
208 Karine Ave., Balboa Island
Next door to the Poat Office
Eve. Har. 1229-R Har. 4248-R
On "LIITLE BALBOA ISi.AND" -CUTE, am&ll Oppu~1te Uunk of A.ni~rt<·a
R.b>111 l ir1•f'l<'y &l l..t>•'
A"l C'ornellu. Jo11<'phlne \\'ebb
~IJQ ~: l ll•lll'>" Hlv<I , H!llllud
1·110.no: 11 .. r11..,r :>2i 7
Sunday 1 • 5
2M2 Vi$ Drive,
BE !!URE •nd ne thl• tdM l 3
bedrn1., ptue dirn. I \t Mllh nom ...
Ortiy 57600 down. l'"or pno ... how·
lng call Har boil 1(H.2, or 11nn!rlga
Liberty 8 -i20-I .
W• al.a h11.vt otheni lo ahow you.
$2MO down $83 mo.
4 bedrm .. 1 ~ baths.
WHY P A Y HENT w hen yot1 can
bay thlll I ye&r ()Id "1')' attr11 c-
ttve modern "°"'" ! id.1 nelf:h·
borhl>Od. lA.ll now for appoint·
ment to u e.
BEACH HOME. With firtpl&ce A lovely patio
$19,500 F\>rn. ·
LANDS. zSpaciou11 living room; beamed ceilinp..
used briclc fireplace, gleuning ha.dwood l1oon. Two
grand bdrms., heavy SHAKE ROOJ', beiautifuJJy
landacaped. A CHARMER only $23,600
J18 Y'•riDe. e.lhoa ...... ~1781
"STAR Bft!GHT -~ I lllOHT''
own th its lalaad 8-cty !
4·bl.irms., b&th. g~, tratlt l11N •
a l'ock and • rook'• dlirow' r.... the Bay.
P!UaL W1LL Pl EASI: ~ ONLY J7000 dn.
306 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Har. 502 or 4823
UI• oUMtr two llNloom. 6: bath
• lleom hw pool phi& tanul.7 or·
eb&nl Mid Y.,.uMe pe.tel!.
• A. 1"&ly lf.odent . """""' ...............
• Onl1 "'·""' OPEN HOUSE
kt. • .__ J t•.
1111 1\IM ..
Dl&I With Jltalton
Bay & 8eac:h Rlty Inc
1m R&rt1ior ltouhTard
ODlt9. .,_, Ql1lllbil'fllll
t.niwtJ •mf. .... LI 1-11191
t BDIUI., I 8"'.TH,' 41illle . ..,..._
K...-a..nu "-Jr. Ilic"
lk:bool. "'-""'" -wttb ....... &.I, ..... ,."4--., ...... .
°"IF fl&,.IOO, '2• .... ...
JTl.00 per -tit,, ..; flllO
DOWN te '"sff .... INJ'W.
CAN TOO ftJft> a "~ ~•
-ttm I bewl/, I ,_.. ...,_ -----........... ... ...._.._. .......... ...
• • •• • M: .,.,,. ...
--w,. ,.,....... ., --•·
------Rt \9 -.................. With ----------·-------------INEEDS PAlNT 11.nd •m•ll repalr8 -----------------------! :< UY 3 bedrm. home. hardwood r1 ..... AN .UN.USUAL B brl'k ""'~" •od '"'Y ' Y"· old. Tty i1900 to. 1%000 ito"·n
or c~i1 offer to Gt IOAn. Thh1
ahould ~JI ovtr the week-flld.
E•cellent lO<'atlon. TRULY A
LIDO NMt nett ... I• ta U. Clt.J"
., Ollila ....... ,net -N~Y FRONT
MUST Bl!! 90LD t.o metUe estate, Attractive 1
bedrm. home in Newport Heighta. Excellent loca-
tion. Hu lar&e double prage, lath ho~. patio
and fenclDI'. Needl 90me cleaning &nd fixing up.
A!+i"al9ed at $8000. Submit your offer.
~~{ON .BARNETT. R••ltor
'88 N. NewPQtt Blvd., Newport ·Beach ~8-2772 or LI 8-4214 ,.
ATTRACTIVE 1 story home, livable a.nd conven· ~
----..-~ Wl>Xf "'NPT. HTS,"7
i~ ....... a otm
and ~ .... e-., •mall
tot fts.o.1!1 lm'llcal*L J"un prteti,
HARBOR 2042 ;cnt. Three bednno .. 2 loatho, -·· .-ed bath. 111.-.
nlc C. ED JONES, Rltr. fra Jemes Carpeta, .... .,.. ....i ...,,... __ •~. __ _..., .... , ..
& Linwood Vh:t T. o . ROGERS, Horbor 1:;sr,.w 0r l\fan 16029 '"' ~ ~ ,._
REA.LTOR8 -----------------------1312 Marlntl Avt ., Balboa l.aland.l ------------------------1~ +ta ....... ~t. :I Woellll to ...,_ M'9L 1 ~
Brand new rmtic near Jetty. 3 bedrooms l ~ baths.
firepl.liee., liNilt·in kitchen, patio. $2219!>0.
' 2 Bedroom
Completely furnished in Maple. Near 11wimming
...... Qll!l' ~ ..... ol\I. '3:iOO down.
M.18 Via Udo. Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Ha.r. 4972
Eves Ll 8-3040 -Ha.r. 5142
'rWO CHOIUE lol•. N-port. H t... LJ_ &en9. I ~· W•ll
l oorn«. El<>o.h """· Wond"· BUILD NOW.• $4.90 pW sq. TT. "1th .....,,. RAJ•·
rul H'om" •1t t :<. Bolh prl<'oet'I ER8, GARDllJ'faa, f"11! Ulla.
htrh bu t no t'heiip Iot t 1er1 lrl 937 S=ire Foot LI---_ itAJ:95 and walcb llleNullilll ..iu. I'""" HlliChll. ..,..-~.,.,....,, 1..-1 tb&n .---.:r.. TtmUI
o RA NuE co•sT rRor•Rn<s 1155 Square·· Foot Hom-$5595 ~ ..,.... -=•w
lN7 :-; • ..._.,...,, r U>Jla Ml!M. 1•1 H.,..ort. 0.C. .._ u l ·llS:I l.'ve•. LI 8-t+eO OPEN SUNDA'.r ~··w •n Ll ..... -..... "'•noo 1-----
CU"FF RAVEN only Mt.000 -1
EZ Tt'tml. 6·2 l:IR a oll. Garb.
d68p. Sewir1, .er-le. ca.tJ ~v
1.1 8·M>l!'I 72p84
of $arclen 6'0Ye, tnc. =:: ::"·.::.:. •a;:"':i:
G LE ....... -......... " 9111-....,. ..... 11041 Westminster Blvd ., Garden rove · rvv.>.> Iii tt.elrek a 1-41.0 7k&
Now available for the moet diM:riminating buyer,
a bome that la cut.om built to •u.it a King. Located
on OoeaD BJ.yd. jutUng out into the blue ~ir.,
wtt.b. an ou.t..t&ndinc view of the Harbor, C&talin•
and Utt.le Corona. One of the ftne.t view home.
Uoac the Cout -three. bedroom.. plua very
&ttnotift 1-.t bOUR, 3 bl.th8, pl\18 1 bath in guest
bouM: .rully earpeted and draped and many other
11M f•t ..... THIS PROPERTY OPEN DAJLY ' .wtJns Thuroday ot :1729 Ocean Blvd.
W . E. FISHER & Asso.ciates
3024 E. Cout HY!)'., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032
S bdrm., 2 year okt home compktdy furnished •
includ.in.r TV, elecC llC'lrirtg ma.chin ... , nap, refrjc:.,
auto. wuh, new fumiture, only tmed 2 yean and.
in top concJftkm. Let m IGltow )"OU th,~! ·
$10,llM !lall. pric<. '84 mo. paymonl .
Balboa Coves Exclusive
2 bdrw;L A den quality home.· lta.23 livinc roOm.
clioios .-_FA_,_ W/W cpto., 2 ~ pitlf ,,
lllil>· T .... -l>o &ITUg'Od. NJ price $401000
1700 tkap:wt Bhd.
l.n..rty s.Ml7
For Lease
97 foot -pion utd .Upo.
<:lDIM. BIP••1. ..,...... ....
ll&rine"Typo lluoi,_. Long
No t ";Lone infonuljooj
-w. Clout llwy.
Pit w po; t Betrc'h
,. ,
All ~--· .$por:t • Gifts
-·~ Duri11t ... .\""
87 LIWNAllD I A.IKlllAMT M4i:te&11 t ropes ..... a duput
8e&drtt t ·rna7 not a ..... -UM canM·ham ~ Bay w tilcb
blC" nee to Ac•pulco In January oo.t l'anreLI PO (t,a ~).•
but lhe L,,_,,. ,..,.,,,ii. ud ~ ~ wu bat lrwp plff9
their party or 12 mad• uw ,... ol ,driftwood trom ·the Tn• M•·
turn trtp frvm. the *""°' ot r1& laluw». And UM bunclredai o(
Mu:ico a dre1.m or a · crui.t. ~ lM Nr&P99 &ad
The llO-fL Seadrift docked bl IKllrtbreros.
front of tl\11 Jl'arwell home at OUT TO l!lltA
1124 IC. B&lbo& Blvd. at 10 a.Jll.
Tuffday, ('Cnlpleunr a 40..-day
back-home voyaaa.
Th.e 70-tort craft llftd hitr er.., look~ lik• they had been away
from N ;;wpof'l Y.vbol' mUcll
longer th&n two montlUI, what
with the d Np &Urtl&l:u and lbe
lroplcal ltQUVenlra io.ded on I.be
· 0 11e or Lheae
na. &ee.drlft atarted th• raee
aoutli from a-Dl•ro Jan. 16.
On ., )!\.lftch U!•l ·d idn't pay off,
Farwell Mnt th• trim •leel·hull-
ed "'-1 ..wr&l hundnd mll$e
oft •hore In .a effort· lQ ptclt
up the lrad• wlndt. , ._'.
Cauatit In a calm ln.teM!,
Seadrift l&C"ired behind and
labed the race In lut plac. but
tenth over th.!! l!ne. To a.bow how
------~--------\lcio.e It ...... 1!¥ery boe.t In the
' •
neet waa over Ole tlnlah line
within 72 houri alter the fil'1t
boat nnlahed, Fllrwell pointed
~ SM.drift arriv-.1 In Acapul·
co, 143!1 1n!le• .outh uf San D!-
•So· on Je.n. 27. 81x <:111y11 later
tM adventurer• d eparted tor
HOllE AKE TIIE SAILORS -Greeting friends in back are Harvey Somt'rs, Bud Landers., 1 Lonnie
"" ,., ' . I -~ '-' + '.:P O~H FISH ER BU ILDING HERE
" f-1 .1 ·,,:,,,~' · .. ~µurtA-
" •~ J>, .. 1·, r " • 1••1•ri .. !"r
,t 1.. ) ' ·" ·' _,, 'll tv.-1n,
" .I t,~ I• I 1' ''" •J\'••r-
+ +. ' l' 1, ' ,, ,,. t ,,.., II
I .<.'.DAY, MA RC H 16, 1956
" ., ., IJ 1.
•, 11 " " fl 'l
1 .~ t lh 1 6
I.> ltl • Ii "~
• :: • "· '.! •)
/\ J 1 " '> IJ ·I
6 ''! I' "'
" x 'ii "' J" ,, n.
I<> .1 ~ !' '"
11 : "
li1un J1U11ea Edwards Jr.;
~t,,.,.,. t111., b•·.m numlna \f'<1
"llt1••"l "l'P''~illon for 1'"~1 ot
l!it lO.•ll l'o .... ·•·r Squll-dro11 con1·
1u1U11l~·r 11.nd la dul': to be
® ,
I I I t
'" !, :: ,.,
I .. \~,
q I '1; I I fl ,, .
11 hl I'"'-
I ~ \: r ni
• .'\ ~:\V
-0 6 ,.1,,,.. t"d nrxt Thuraday at the
><.!f-•1tdron'.'I dinner mef'llng lfl"
Nrwp•,rt t-l11rbQr Ya~ht Club.
11 .,, ,,...,ll • 1Mta.lled by f'hler
1·,.111rn 1<nd .. r W11!111.m C W olf-
111u11 .. r, U. S. Puwer Sq1111r1-
ron~. h<>Ollr jCUf'sl, who wlll
111•luct Th<: n .. w off1~e111. -
H .. 1·i..ner l 'h•i!••
A I'' I 1
~=--Builders Attend
Party l Taylor's I
'l',1 111 :->k:d1 il l uf N i·I \··c I ri ght),
\\t!h l l'" .''' 1,;1 .11111• or his f1:111cee. Al yce ~f1·LA'n-
n a.:J. • 11 1 1 !'•"II' r1ft h :it \ht' cnt.l of the fir!il
t 1•J\• l"I • 1• r· lli« lL11 1y :'ll:iri:h Perpe utal fu r J__.chn1an
1l1n}:h1• ,,., ~l"n i1 1 '" takl' the fi\'('·race scriC's by
u f1••n1f,qt.•','" tl11-. ,. ['' 1111...; 11t the concl u!>ion of th~
r a.:cA ·la:.t :'u1 .1:1y J,[I :'\t•\\·port 1--tarbor Yacht Club.
('o11n1r1<>ii(1I •' l l:i!'o•l·l l'(':lf1'Y o ffe rs congratulations
dur:ng-the prt.'il'n ta l1C1 n 111 the l'irale·s Den at NH YC.
1--l olding-011tn their ~ .. r .. nd and third spots in the
1 8·bo~t fif·vl 1~···re i't•l (• t;('i b of N HYC and Jim I.in-
d f'rman C\f 11.\'L'. -}~{'f'knC'r P hot o
H111ltl••rJ1 nr Orllnl'(e f"o11n ty •t·
1r n·1···1 1< p11rty 11.nd ope., h(l11.•P
<tl th1• 10h""'roo1n~ <J f th" Oranj!•'
t 'o un1v Bu1l•ler~ Appl1 a 11~ .. Sup-
p l)'. S>111la An11 , rro rn 6 to 10 p.n1 .
Mo n ,la y.
1 Own,.r Harry V. Taylor rxtendl':d
the !nvit11Uon t o Ole hurr"'t din·
ner, hl11 ron1pany·,S r1r11t. he ••.lri,
to .11how county buildrr.11 h1!1 ne .... ·
whQle,.11 lt' 11ppl111.nce rir.partment.
I Holpo1nt h u ! l t -In electrl<•
•lln Ke~. <•Ven~. tnp unl_~. d L•h ·
w11.~h•·n1, rrf n icer11,tnr~ 1u11l d•ll-
po.~a.b. an\\ R..ope'r' gu built-in
l oven11 1uir:'[ top hurner& 11re fe11 ·
tur .. 11.
An 18-lb. pink 11almon wu
hooked at Ah10 c:11.nyon. two
m ile11 off the cofl.•t of New-
port B eerh nicf'nlly.
1'ht1 ('At<'h by Bob Koenlit
or Anllhe1m_ n1atle hjfn one or
ll h11.lf do7.,.n fi11hern1en In
$outh!'rn ("•llforni11. who ,hllVI':
11n11.gged 11111m.,n th111 ,ve11.r.
"I c:a ugt1t him fh1hlng 400
f 'l''l't rlf'f'p." Koenig 1111.ld. "Thf
fl&h W&l!t\'l lRgfed."
l<oenl1:: "'rlghe<I 11no1 r,..ronl-
e.I t h e <:atch fn Coat11. M ella.
Th~ "utom obl!t lndu1try con-
1tUm e11 about 6~ per cenl or 11.\l
upflolatery leather produced in th11
United Staites, "'port. th• N aUon -
11! Automobile Clu b.
Sc hmid Withdr aws Name From M _& M Motors
• Marin• & Autamatlve
Asse mbly Dist rict Contest
H«nll h ··•r111l•l·"'''''"'l' ""'<l ~·t•ll•ll!' th11,t hl11 doctor "h1111 &rl ·
p n•tt\J•!1"ol 1A•11·J1"r \\ •l:f'•' :-..·11.,11 .i 'l.~··rl n":: tu •lrt>p 11..ll 11C't.h·1tl1"11 nol
of <;ur.lt·n l:l<•I"•· l•1 11•'!'•l1n1•·f1 •'''' "hlli>l1tl•·ly ne('('JO~llrV t o nl\" b11~t·
the"''"(<'!,.,,,, t1un ''' l~"pll t •:1. •ll n•·:.:s . In onl<'r 1 0..fn~e.!<lllll 11" r r<'Ur-
11 •s<•11 1ld.11n 11P1 •l~ 1n .. --;·, • ., J1 1·•> •I r»n•·t' ••f thl!'l ln!l"<·Uon."
f>f th" 11r,r:h '""l ,, .• : On•n~·· 1 --,..:-_;-;;_;;;:,. __ =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;
l,:•Hllll)', '
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(hobnmf"-t 'orlon ~ty ('o,
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Liberty K-75'!
2:trd ,\: :>:e\!!'jlOrt 81vrt.
lnterc-iotor & Ca~lllac
MariH Ei19illft
u 8-3311
• JIM 'S
Sour'• llluf tlen • Dual rtpeo
"'"'-,Factory R.tp~te u ~, ••
101 W. ~t H•ry .• Newport 1
ubore are the cre"N and guests of schooner S~·adr1ft \'1ncrnt. Bill lt-!cDowell and Mrs. Lyman J"arwell.
which arrived back in Newport Harbo r tl11s v•i·1·k Scat1.<t.I in frunt arc }.;art G. CorketL and Skipper
aft.e r two months in Mexican \'/lltl'rs. l.eft tu r1f.:hl J,yrnan J.'arwt·ll. _ ~taff Phol!)
Sardine l:atch
Drops Sharply in January
"ii h
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l'tlnu,• l fit.tbur 6~0
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ON A NIW "16
Y ow old wbwnl i..
woirch •-f! I L"'' ral k "tnd•U.'" ea •
sp1ckli a1 aew ''' Jobo10G. N i-sr-1
rnodela, J to JO bpf
South c-t Co •
NeM·port Blvd. &t Uni St.
Harbor 2600
• h " ' uo nson ... , .... ,
• The longest, lo11 ·est , 111ost po 11·erf11/ L incoln of all time
If thi s changes your former preferences .you're in good company!
We 'd like 10 malce a prediction about you.
Without reservation. we prophesy that you
will re\·ise your fine car slandar<h u~·ard
·after even a brief pcnonal mec:ling "''\th
Lincoln .for 1956.
The ' rca.\on for our confidence? Simply
this: the pleased people we've watched in our
showrooms -and the names we've been
writing on o ur waiting li~L~ -ever since this
completely new fine car made its debut.
We're certain that you -lit e these others
v.·ho really lcnow fine ca rs -v.·ill recng-n i~e
al once 1he dramatic \•hole newness of Lin-
coln dc~ign. In its lon.i:. clean ~cep of line .
Jn the breathtaking daring of its low silhou-
cttc:, a scant five feet high .
And we 'further forecast thi.~: when yo u
turn the lccy, your interest v.·ill tt'.1 111 to admi-
ration. For you will feel the swift obedient
lhrust of the new 1R.5-hp Lincoln engine
as it is served up 1.1.·ith silken ~1noothnc"-~ hy
Lincoln's inComparablc ·rurOO.Dri•·c trans.-'
missinri'. \'ou will know the geTitle firmnell
of Lincoln's ball·joinl suspension 1ystem. I
And a!I this. surrounded by the matcba
lu11.ury of Lincoln interio~ , •• encircled
by the protection of Lincoln uftty 1dvanc:el
, pan1~red by the automatic eue of_'
Lincoln power assists.
We su~cst you pJt our prediction to ti.
test thi~ very week -with a Lincoln aafec:y..
ffc11. ~leering wheel in your hands and a Jona
road before you. Why not malte it today?
. \
JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln I ·Mercu..y
900 W. Coast HiCJhway NEWfORT BEACH
Across from la1 Club
Ub•1ly Mse