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1956-03-26 - Newport Harbor News Press
' • ' ,. -'· . -"":'·--·~--· ~'C ··- ... ....,, •.• , .... ,...,,,., '<;> ... •• -• . LobAL flQltlST !s&iows ~IZE:w1NNING DISPLA y Mont Molllo, lift / ....,.. ¥&, Wolloce Hallllel:I and Mn. i.e. Bateman , the a...._ and noftl ~t ~ .Dllered at California lnt.matioll>J Flower &bow·wpe; lt 1~ ileccmi(~:l'loftro b)' Kottt dbp!Ayo took ..... out of 10 award.t la the fjnt·hPo-11-.,.·el 1.Ja~p &t Hollywood Park. -SW! ~bolo -I - • J , ·.BARBOR ., ...... ., NEWPORT 'BEA.CH, CALIJ'ORNL\, lllOIU>A ~ 211, 19114 PHONE HARBOR 1818 • . I ' -. • SPECIAL 1'.0. CANC£l.LAIIOl~t FoR CITY . ANNIVERSARY. sg-. . . ~ ,, , _ _... .. ap.c1al. akllu ..... a..11ons to ~ ~ oot.b anniyttMJ7 ot N..,art BMala, ~._ .._ ~ Q... tbl Po.II. OttlM Dtf81tmml. ~Director Vtn111 9coc· · Mdd · &ster Weei . sfJ\11 uo-•'N"d ~. . The canOfl .. tlou wUl read: "Newpon a..dl. c.llf. GOLDXN .AJOQYDUIART ltol-1'61." Tbe)t ... 1 be • tained by ...otac telf·&dd.ruaed env•iopq, Nqaelt.lnc can- cell&Uon bll applWd, lo pc»lmfM-tt• at }lf.-pc:rt BMcb and Corona lhl Ka.r. ICOl'&ina -.Id · th• ~llaUol\I ha" been authortRd from April t to OcL !1, 1111. . - . ' Ray )(aulct, 21. la In lliosr Cupentf:rw U nion. The ff!Crtt&rJ Hospital wttb a traCtur.a ~lar at the union hall l&Jd Manald bone and poulbl• tnetund pe.I· c.m• troll! leatt!• to B&nta AD& "ii! an.cl .pin., to.Uowtnc a ~ ln December. . betwMD .hi• car &ncl anothv ln Man1kl ai.o recel•ed •ft'I'• lae- lM Hu.nUqton BMch are&. Ki. en.Uon. ol the face In the ao- coadiUon Ill crUleat cldent. but ~ otherw ln~nd .ao ~ th ... la no ~al~ &d· were not h•id at the boeplW. TbeJ dte. for M&JWtl accordlq" t.o wen Dorothy R. Kuha, 11. Saa CHP omcu.. He had been •taJ· 0..brlel. drinr ot lb• othu ca.r: tnc at the LamJ*t u:Ofir, eoeta Charle. Blporine, 11: P•"4m&. MeM.. but 1'1'l tber. three WMkl L'u(~ P1&df.i.. 21, RoMrnead AC'O· He la a carpenter and ln-11-&.ad J ohn Wooct., 11, t!wi latter a Mr ot Oi:Mita Mua local 1463, -.uor rldlns With Manakl. Bank ·Achievement Award . . . Wlnnet'S ' flU111 Ha1'bur TOht rt-,,..,..,, .... ,,,.,..,,...,.,....,Tiiiliii: &Illa th. a,riCV.lture. i1hklin-Hlth l8cheol ...,.. •l'rllOUft-..&acraYM eup----a-.d.nl wtnaer11 ced. th'-w.ek &I wtn.nen Jft tl!i• In pneraJ f\elds: tt...t roun.t of the Bank' ol Am rl• Bob BmtµL Rlence and malhe-·i y • maUCI; Demlil H t ndcP90D, ,..,.. tla'• tt:)8 Achk?mlent A..,.U art:.; Yi?Tlni.I FUsll. llber&J art.; Pl"Ofnm.· Jaine. Balli. YocaUona.I •rlf. c.tlnc&le eward wlrlnan La 'Ille bt.Qk ·•\'Wllu&lly will name •peetl'k: neidl: ieo wtn.Qlh la Sout.bem Calif~ Bob Smlttl, matkmat.K-e: Bob nl& who wiU d1~ U2..100 ln Walkfor. laboratory ..::.l•nce: Drtn· cub 1w&rdl, th• hl(bell ew&f'dl ni" Hf!nd~rMN\. m11•r: .....,un.I or $1000 •M":h to (0 to eii'tit \Vooa-. •rt; M&rjor11 !'Ito.LI, l"lou\hland ltudmt& I Eh(ileh; Jenni• Lund, IOci•I i ln addition lo \he c11h •-"1• I J1Ciet1rc; Vlr(tnla f'aot"it. I.nip 875 llUCltnll ""Ill 'IUln (Oki ('Vl'.l• 1 l•niru•ir•. ft.Ache( Quiroa, bl.lllt· •rwl 1700 w1h recelv• cerunc•llfl n.a; Ottlly B&,-et. home ~o-' at 1thll91!ment. I ' . Noted by Police . " .. •·.· ,. 20.000 on Beaches flere; Fewer Number of A1Tests . Police brea.thed a. iirh of relief today a11 the fint week· end of Newport Beach'• Eute.r Week ended with no 1eriowl trouble other· than the usual llM'elJts for mtnorw ~. noi8y part.lea and trafrJC violatlona. Life guarda ta.id 20,000 perwona wtre on the beaches. M.an1 Uland hom• •tlll carried Pollcti ChJet John L. Upeon utd, tor rent 1.tp1 and a !ft!r· wer. "It bu been a very ml.Id Euler 11.chled but no bi( part!• were 'reek, • tar. But we u. keeplnr folrll'. aw finl'tra croued." Thin&• picked up S&turdty Keary tratnc mo'f'ed at a mall'• nlJhl, poUc.e reported.. p&ce on Bt.lboa lll&t\d J••t.f:rday About 0t1e out or 10 motomti &llemooa u ..-.catlonlns 1t.udenta were In a hurry wtlh the b&l&ac1 &l>d olher mot.iri•U visited the i.. Jutt c:rul•lns around, t.nJ't)o olt\· land. nu tntnc ftduced to-• ~n Nport.e4. n.. otl~ 1tept. modll"tfi atatua lut nlf'hl, pollc. tratnc movm. •• Wl!ll u ~· reported. but did not put U.1ir 191-nd ta'Jllilc Balboa Peninaula hid i-. of • control pl•n Into operation, f'iport· tntrte probl•m durlnt" th• day but -Ins It unpopular with laland t'Hi· moni at nl,1ht u younpter1 dent ... crowdtld In flh". & Wffil-l0t11 "du-Offlce1-. warned membera J)t ,.; cerama•· al lb• Rendesvou1 Ball· or<"he1tra pl&yins rrora l)\e lack room. of a <'•r tn the~• ot CU Ap;ikln& MODE&ATE SUB.F Aw., Balboa Llland. aC t :tO p.in. Lif~ ripor\ed onJy one tor creaUnr • di1lurbuloe and nrwt * c... on the beachea. They blocktnc ti-Uflc wtth e~r 1c.ten- 1av• nnt lllild to .. swimmer on er1. - U.ttle Oorom beach below OorOi!a IUVENILES B()()gEO del Mar. ft•J' Mid lh1 wrr wu Two tuftllJJe boya, u ud 11. rnod-a. wtU!. only two em.all rip-f'r'Om Tempe, A.rlL, were boo.le~ &1 Ud-. . • runaways at &:4S p.m, J'rlday, £iiiillilt.-W..ir. ~ ott tn • ..,.... ~"""' 'ftlktac •-t,_.'f>l mUd J!llHll•l""~ •Plllnl'. Ya.-WT Cout mp..,.. n..y were caUcmHll" "'lltlllllmta a.ud anf.-. tao• to ~· h&.11 tn. Santa. -~ . .to ..a.lllioa-.1,..,.. l (0..ttm t • Pqie J) RED ·r·aam• llOOAa" (To --) BANK FRIENDS FETE ROLAND WRIGHT ·: :;:: Thirty Y-. of -with Bull of Am.ic:a lpd ~ U mane,... of the N ... po(l.:. Beach branch ... tho octa•l<MI '°" -ploJw ot tho local lln"9ll to h ...... Jloluwi.:. Wrisht thlo -1:. A tpoclal .-iOa UOWld U.. cotfM pot w!tl) lllul and ~·· and all th• flx!nf• pnc<ded th• openlar of the bank for but-. Pictured frciii left around Manacer Wrlcbt are, \t"I Havena, Marsaret wuil.; MuUyn. Yletcber,; Howard Balmer, Mary Trapp, Mary Ja.cot.e. BUU• WIUi•m•, Ed.met Grtfttn. BU.r0· lsben, llarp.ret Mathm, Luetta Wml. Jamn G. Fowler, Betty-St&U-y, Sb..l.tilJ~ ,.._ Comer, Mar~ Wbit.e, Nancy Penfold. Kay Wood and Ruth P&UOn.-Sl&.tf PjM)t:6 ·: .. -~ • • • • ...... • • .. . ·------~- . •' ~ ----- . ----. -- • . ' • ' • • \ I • .. ., '• • . . I > ----·-·---··""""'·~ .. ---·---· .. .. , · ...... F O • I' I ' . ~,~~~· Wkat-~t .~ate6 "PAGi:ia:· PART l ' ' \ . . . "~~-~~t us the'serenify_to<occept the thing• we ~nnot chen~•· the ~to chon90 tho thin~ -con end th! •.•• :. .• .< • · !"ilc:lom. lo know tM d;ffer.nce. (A-"!'°",) • .. ,. ..... . ··;:)..'}" &1~.;l:1·. -~·~lo>:~·; EPITORIAtS : .it:..·. =:'.·ter Bel1aved Easter Week ~ I ._. A up of Youngsters-Noted ~. ••. l:omea now Easter Week in relativery calm, simple fOtyje:: And we are glad to see this kind of & visita-!~ost ol.voung Wa.nden: We have cheeked aro<md u d ~from ~ e&ri)I comment& tbi1 year's crowd eeem. t o ~.milder than of .previoua years. .. ~. · Of COUl'Sf;.:, therr arC' SO{De youngsters Who t1.1Jl· A:fpul of the taw for possession of intoxicants and olherti ~ arc picked up op petty Lh eft or traffic violation. ~ &nd large, ao far it -would appeai we have .. · vored \vith a relatively good group' ot teenagers, . "M;'". ith Uletr J>arcnts o r chaperones. , - ~:(, Jaland and Balboa have caught · the most .¥'.! ·.young vacationer~. Lillie Ba lboa Island hu • ' • it8d very few rentals and con'scquently, noise is Je.; there. But then' are considerable numbers of lo:dd mufCler1 booming away on Park and Marine Aves. nlgbt and day, posing a traffic control problem for ~'!!"~rt Beach Police Department officers. : ' •• ~ year, lt you can judge from crowds on the frl~eta and eidewalks, the boys outnumber the girbi, a 11tuation the fair sex visitors probably find pleuanL Merc.h&nt.11 polled loci.ate report that buaineea la SoOd with fewer numbr:r of youngeters than in previous years. Many uy they are glad to have the higher calibre youth now here compared t o disorderly type• ~ey have .een in great.er numbers previou.ely. ... It lhe crowd le conaiderably Jess than in yean put the reason CA{' 1n part ·to be attributed to prior yean' work in public relatiorui. Our city officiai. have •t· tempted to educate inland folk to the type ot &rM. we have .here and the way we feel about ht.w enforcement. Simlladf', ·Newport.· Beach it.self hu grown in perma- nent population tQ,._ the point where not 110 many rental.I are available eilh~ on the Island or 1Ji Balbo&. Thl1 is progrea for the city, pointing to o\U' year-round rrowth a.nd bodes well tor the tutuft. ltleo which, •• tblU, IDll.lt have exdted the pop\il&r li!ia~o or be -Id DOl have W.... tho fOql!U Demoanuc .'!\"""¢ 'llouw. to the •!MnOn- .-. o.rl., ifii.u,.., loot beatinf o! the h...U.p !or '"1pport.ta the ai531JrMODftlltion itrunte for deleptoo we attended a dJnner held tor him Jn Sant& A.a.a. Be .eemed. calm, un-l>ftipl••••in&' llOrt or penon. dreued like any ..American 1'0 In I "n••n cm a trip. We didn't 1niow then the man luld the pereooel ~ ot bbl e«1vlotlou which ....ict take him to victory aplnll -;umnMOta'• entrenched Democra~ machine . While thia ia not to be taken u 'any kind of, en- doniem~t fqr Senator Kefauver, u we aid, we are moved to admlratlon by the pluck he ah<>Wed In winning In MlnDMot&.. We con well lmqlne tllilo quality e&1'lht Adlai'• eye allo . • ' . Waste Not-Want Not 'l'hll la Notlcinal Wildlife Week. Tllo r.ct tb&t il nma <>011C111TeDUy 'f!ltll N&tlooal Saleomon'o Woot la purely coincidental, end bu noth· Ing to do with any otortoo you' 111ay have heonl about trw...itq -. 'l'bo ~ ot Wildllle Week ilo to focua pabUc .U.tloll an the cont.lna.inJ need tor COD· ~ tbo utlon'• wtklllfo.ancl the bulc eoU and water -m whlola &II wtldllfe lo dependent. Callfonil&u &ro O&plCl&lly • oympethetlc to ouch pmpo11t, kew our 'wlldUle, our srut mountaina, oarwl&llt1 .,_.. a41fOl'atl ari treuu.rw of tre- •adoal ftlue to WI and our million. of welcome viii· toiw. .u OW' nit iiatunl ........... ·-· .... i. low .....,.S. an -slftl 1" cberlah ... whethe~ II.ab or. pme:1 er water or ~ or pa or oil -lhlM • ..,.. the pa.hUc pcmeealou which we mu.t guard from ~ careleaoea u ,...lt-u the ,-.of deepollere. U •• wute not, n know we will wa.nf-not. Nor aoa111 . - •• J « ; f \ ' " r 'l'bo .. I I' ;'•""9'8 tloliblnlloDo 00 - •, llllt -.,,111e ,_!her RI"" Project, & -Wfd,rir • ' .:-I' ~putmoolt, 1'looc1 llellet &nd the · winter ' oqmp1ca &t - • ' • Squaw V&lley,.' Callfornla ~'" U'O clc•ly ~ ~ · h1ova at Sacra\nento. ' .. · · . I \) .. ~.. Hanford Sentihe1: ""WM, Tt.,.;-••'8" pnll'rVll \llLlU th.·i.tw· • .-:. • I lld La t,t)e »Pt of Ii.I lft&l J\Jld, ot Who 1et. wb&l ~· of 'tM we can .., ao l'euoQ for PftJr ~ Y decided. Tiie .,......_.. IOf\lina eomtrvcUM on ~ Lui.. poe1Uo11 ti O..t tbp uw ,_. W•ta&de Valley ranrww .,.. •t· talbd 11-11 •lD1 abclUt tM Wk l•rlhc trom the Jack of watw ter problem and now Jt 1-U... .. lhetr lround water eourcee to do .amet.hlns" tau. • . • .nqoµ.tlOA tor •rr-B&kerettlld ~: °'Oot'. rt mu.1t be puebed ln ordtr Kni&'hl'• lf'fort 1.o lqlpr'Oft tM J•t lhe l'~ther River: PTO-clWM:• of Callfoml& for ,.iu.c )tel un4erw•)'. or at th• v•ry mor. water tor C&UfomJ& ct.A M !Nit,, the Ban Lula ~ruon." appnclatld . , , wt It .. .,.. Alameda Ttmq lt:ar: 'Th• bll.ta~l1 whether ~ win•np- lqocl aew• from th• State C.pt· ~ So partnft'9 Ion tM ... ·i.ua. .taJ t.bati JM) MW t&x8ll U. utO.d Pl'ojet) with Qie· flidwal ..... . thW ,...., w -~--.d . .. t Lt wLM. "11.c• • ~ allfbUJ' mi~ ~mla19 .,. w. .att ha& atnerd7 ,. fin&ndlJ load llfl • & ttrrlttcl QM .,,f.41d ,I.ft tha etat. 1ooiltq' 1 lUi and ..,. e.bould ~ MU"Cb "· at «mt.NI '° t.bt " ... tot QM Waf9 &q cut O(lifti -1th-liff.'0 '- out mdan.sertn1 ~ a.n: , ld!'l'Plr:a nobLUI ICU, • If . the &Mll&J. 'ilqdaft tc1111~· r;---~ , tlnuu to rile &t IU pr991nt Ntl .WUlqw1 D&11J'.. Jounial: 'At we'll eventually be hard put to Jon1 last, under the en1r,.uc ud •t•)' on a pay-e.1-you-r o but•·· capable aba.lrnaJUhip or Pa u I • · Ltalle of Woodlud, the Board of ,INTil"GlBLt: BES.EYITS J:qu..11.HUon 1. m&JWi.r .. etraas '----------------------.1.•I The San P'l"l.nctaco New1: "No lffort to compl•l• th• ~UN.I· On• can 1veluat1 In dollar• and tkm pro(1'&111. AddlUon&.I .b e 1 p AFFAIRS OF STATE cent• what the 1~0 winier Olym· 'fill be nMdtd whtle the Job i.. plct ra.mc1 at Sq~w Valley wtU ,bllnl done. IArtal&ti•• .&.tl41ter mean lo cauromia. Nor can any-Po1t. however, appar.aUy do4aa't oa.• 4-tarmiu th• lntaJl&tb&e wut ti.. Job eompllted. la Ul9 beMflll • • • 'J'lwt1'1 OM ~ ruJM Of 'llOODOmr ... ie <ampt.. !-----------------------tor ~. 'Ibe pme. will tub iDI lo MIU ~J pow-.. • SACRAMENTO _ (CNS) _ From all indl Uo th ml\Uou of ~pie all ovtt th. M'• wh1ct!. ti.• ii cl•atl1 not •• ca na, e world •Wan uiat CallfOm!&. \,1Ued to havej bl ti ati-apUas plan to put ~.000 in t.be st.ate budget for the"'Purcbue i.nd of -.ulabtn.. in.VI .. and 6o-Jdll a Jtm AM· 'f'lta.117 .11_.. of land around preeent &nd pro1pecttve It.ate park site. a~ Kenery ~ boUll IOftle of Ut.e ,.ry prorram wtUdl .. cleerl7 la th f •-to bo ,_, ~" h . m1;11t marnlflcant wlnter .poru lb• but tnterwU ot ~ e 1C1De O reten'O~ cna........, "'ut. ave to WI.It for racll!Ues In lhe world." a1 a whole." at lieut a )'ff.r before it ia put iDto effect. MU"Y•villt Appeal • ~rat: San .. Rai...Z 1Mepe11dent Jour- Th• et.at. -.nat1 fl¥ncll 'com-ac. for ..t.tton from lh• bay 'SrM ''WI make tbtj very ordinary ob-nal: . . , In lht natunl "" mlttll hard J~-NJQmmt.I &Ad l&c:nmento county. It I• a MtY&Uon that the at.ate or Cali· 1aurce1 n1ld, It ..... lonr Miea on a propoea.I to mak• th• ~t wood.ad' country, and whm IA.ka toml& and the 18!!0 wLater Olym· "Mtabl11hed t.b&t TO per eet of milliaa &Y&llatllt I« mi...._ PW"' .. "7... 11 1tockld iwllh flll!., plc c:ommlttM are I Oln& to per th1 1t&t1'1 lnoom1 ftwn •hh1•W potN. and at \hf 1&m• time, ap-will ba • cholc1 recrNUon 9pot form " creat dttaervke by pro-oil J'O)'&JtlN t. ruerwd for at&te proY• uother fl.00.000 tor plaa~ tor tlaiUnr. c&rnplnf, plcnlc:t.nr vtdtnf et luat It million Qf 1tati park , ~WJUoa. ~t.. nlq parU N'l>Md U.. !r"ok &Ad .,.,tmmlnf. Wt money to put on th• lHO malnteanc. ·and operation. ftill alt.at. Un4.IQ Wormed th• finance WlntA:r Ol)'ll'lplc Gamu. Thi cold In our, optnion hM bNra uotbW TM prcipc.&l wu mU. by A,a. ~~tel that with UM pullil"e (f.ot • , , la lhat tht* wbo are n.ot<lY Ml\&Ad Gica! praaUoa. KCN' tembl.Jdl.M J'rucll UDdNy, Pi.. of Una, Jl:rlCea of ~d 1WTW11d• (O&ng to blnetlt 9'th•r itO not · · · It 11 un6er attack lft l&cn- Ml'. OC1UiDt7, Clbalrmaa Of tlle ... tna the reHl'YOU. lllcreuu. b1UeV9 their own •t•t.fti11nt.1 or mthto .. Wa MUST ,_ Gout Ul4I Mm"7 OllNlllU... oa cou •• '"' "Wa .,., paytnr from ll·POOO they WMt · U!ie pc lie• pow•r ol t.uk ot proTtdlftf riaorw .,...._ uoa. ptuuunr IAd publle wortu. ~ acr• now tor l&Dd . that oould th• rovemmcnt to tlJI:• from •Yins more prtwat.d)< • owned .A.IJ'Mdy, I.be rnOftly ~ lft &be u-baft been purehuld eom• yean peopl• the rnoniy that peopl• tll recNAUon arau Jr'Ofn belna for- tembl)' ,..,.... of tb1 llUdpt. llUt .,a tor •ioo." hll aid In pr•· DOl rt•• thim volunt.a,rtly." "' 1v1r Iott to publlo OM. Tiii Met tha lieUt.e ll:nue• coalftl.J.U. Mfttirlf arrumenll. "BecaiJM of •~accompll.lb Ud.I la our eent th• propoaal to tna it.at.a tbltl land tncra&M, .,., !Ml \.Al Napa !\edttv ~ "Mant It vi #'O"Ulu..,.. p~n\ 4JY1al.on of *4b• U4 pv1q l• Ula hal paid mora than a mU· tore trom ·[h, .autbtrn end o •Y• of ......rnn1 J6 per cent tu.rther •WlfJ. W aubmill&oa Of_ Uoa dollar1 mar• t.ba.n it ahoWd ~ at.ate ar. lndlcatlnl' heeltancy ot . I • tldelahd. oU roya.IU.. ta. detaUed plana for U.. ~ b&Yf. IOI park eitee." , to &'I> along With th1 r 0Ylrhor'1 t.bl 1t&t.e park prol"fam. Of the •ii• DAUITIO Came on a&IDVOI& Farmer McCabe • • Ir 1- t 'i I. 1 :i ' •I I/ ~ '! l , I I • i , ' tr . • R: .dy Mixld l'rJncr;_ fr ( • - I .. N. K. Dlft'll. T. P.A. ~ ... o.,ot. 1• .. ·~ It. ,,._ ID I.QM A IQ l-t60t. IANTA. .AX.(. CA.l.D'. • """'°" m a-... D.mso "" Q...a Mot.an fT" Mq OD.--... Ho. Alnericu A.n&Uoft -II H.T.~ -U~ lloat.,.,. OU ···-··--··-··--11" aar....,. 'ltoru --·--·-··· IM BlncJrJr OU ·······----·--&I 'Ai 8o. C&L lldUon ··-······-·-··-··-02 14 ltandard 00 ot c&lif. -···---·-lOS IJMdt 1m Padtlc: _ .. ___ N t1nloe OU ot. cant, --··-··· e U.I • ._ ---... &t "- CONCRETE POUi ff '. THl "WY • WAY AND -SA~. e Ban• 1 :llJ pm ............ _. ... el ,..11• ·-...... -···-'"''" .._ .............. .....,. l-220---1111 BAY "iiw 711 w. 17tli St.• OC..A ...... \' • ' .. --.. -- ~..,.H-•- WHAT ITDOIS FOil YOUa M NIW -HiirllcPwten _-., .. _ ....... .,...__.-.. .. · ·for -- ' • -PART. I -PAGE 3 Dlfhletlt ...... F.IEE ' f • F'Ol'.'llle -...... • • • ___ ,... '"'.<. .-. ..-.... • WARD I HARRINGJON \ WMllR CO. .· ,_ IN COOKING! Automatic Top Bum . .-r Temperature Control on New GAS Rang.e1I .. ... ......ac .......... . ....................... , ..... 1 ..... ... ..... -· t.IWk, "'*.:"'~ W*t .... &...,...,, ..-cw. ...... a ..... --.,..-- . . AL FORG-tT" .'HA ml5 W. BALBOA BLVD. ....... 111 .. ' • • • ~ r~•o# o' •, • • _, ' . . • . j -. ' ------/ ' -.;\ ---------:S-~ -•(AatbW'a name beaow) - We welcome the oppol""' tunity to help Mother tab ..,. of b~ loved oneo..Jll OIU" P!w1nicy are ipa»)' 11>.iaptoaaaillt." . • Before baby la. bom --··· aupply Mother ...uh lmpof'- W>f vit&mlna and niodl-cineo, that not oOly nop her ...U, but alao · help-to· make ¥Y•. uriV&l ,a botltbW one. We bin. llWIJ ~-&ids that -~· ll&by'1 • life a )JlOre comfortable one. A SILVER &J!lRVICl!l to be med for wedding """"!>" tlol1I ii admired at the 1;ervtce of dedication for ~p .Ball. Corona de! Kar Community Cllun:h. The een1ce wu rift of the !am.Dy and frienda o! Anne 'ff. Grigp. who wu W'9ddiaf director for <the chu~ Left , right are lllrio. Geo,... Davle!t, Kri. Fraocil Cos, the .-. Edwin Clotlll<e,. Robert G. Horo, Mrl; Arthur A. Kem!""", Mn. Georp ·Grupe, and Mrs. John W. Meador. -Staff l'hoto "' We realize how.'-imPof"- Wlt the baby ii that ~ ther holda eo tenderly, ~ pledge ouraelvs to com· pound every mediciDe u eare(ully u If each. baby wen our very own. ' ' •BAaflOll ....... NEWPORT HARB0R ·Girl ' sCo"t 'rtrt. lft the trOop are IWJnond on u.. tint mtettnc of ~ mMlltll.. nu.· DOUd 'la M&rda ..... Pabl· •tt.e Donald, Mered.Ith Dol1 ait.d Cart! WW.. Mn. Ray DorWd, JMder, ha. been helpln( the ctiU . -· YOUR PHYllmtA'N' CAN PHO~.;:;;;££,,.'' .. H4RBOR 5 h , . WHEN YOlT . A MEDICINE • mothers. UI wilh the reeponai· R.EC'NTLT &11 ,ot the Bl'owni. TROOP 17 Brown.It• bad ·Patsy bility of filling their pre- ' and Gtrla Bcout Troop• or tM Sturreon u their JuUet , i.ow. ltCl'iptions. · May we com.- harbor area plhered on th• Har-rtrl. Beeldu pra.ctlclnl' -p ror pound youn? Sditor bor High School athl.Uc fieid to th• Founsters Day pt'Op'am, thl.a • honor the toundtr of Girl• Soouta bwy troop bu been geltblg much We fJarry A o.inip1Me U.. PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBdR NEWS-PRESS -Jullet Lowe. Each of the troop& excerclM. The f'Dlitr ri.Dk at co.ta --~~,;-'M•11Ps had M>nK• and dancee to preMnt Mu. wu th• site ot a hll11!1oot -Jhn , ..._ ...._.. ·• I MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1956 for the uccuion. Nearly 700 Pris good. time. To Lhe dell1ht of the aW. ~...._ comblned to create a colortul and ftrl• their leader, Mn. N. C. lltur· Gu-...1---- lmpreaelvt ceremony. pen, proY-6 her eldli ,i.1lh the UU.--.UO 1kate1. Recently lhe (trla took a Dl'UCJI SA;t'JJllDAY NIGHT dinner dance at Balboa Bay Club fouod this founome LIDO ISLE CLUBWOMEN "~: .. M::O~''o!;*.~ ... ~:i:; :·:preaent. J.eft to right, tho Owen Cutere and Roy M:aypolel of the "LltUe SLATE LUNCHEQN,~DANCE :n•~::;·~~""::;;;.,'~~~ -.:.lllaJld.'' -Photo by Terry Boris .. er.me the senior Girl Baiuta ln ------------~------------.,.--------------. L&do hle wo"men'1 Club la holdins Jlt monthly l~cheon (fffn and whit.;" then th• Girl · ' ·. • · ' . i ' ~ cd .put'! tomorrow noon at th• clubhooM. MrL !CotJta Jn bristll pen and J . • .. ··• .., Eb 11 Cl b N Thomu t.etto will hotd a trtet tJu.ln-.uion after lunch.-Br<l'IOnlie rirU in their brown uni· • u·n1or .e u am es oon, whl<h I• In <hUJO o( M•L Lo• llamo .. follow"' by tonn•. F ... lll .. ~d '""""" of . , • . . • cud play. Mr•. Martin Lockney bu pl&nned aome 8J*:t..l.ly acoullnr enjoyed the colorfUl ud .. ~, ' nlc. table pri.&et. tmp~tve ceremonle11. Altar th• Cl b W f h Y lntn>ductlon l!•cfibln1 .:Couttnr t When the board met Karch 19 the April calendar wu U 0 man 0 e ear• &nDOUnlW. It will feature a dinner dance, the "Mey Bullet ~~= :::r~:r!e!e~~rth;,..~~~ Swine.'' April 28 at 7 p. m. at Ule clubhou-e. Special a,~ dance•. The prorram wu con-, taJnment t• pl&&lned by Mn. Robert Trembley, who I• ln eluded when a 'repre1tntaUve W od d W • Richard Holder: decontroti.1, Jia-1. charp flt spedll evtnU. "Julltt Lowe" (irl trom each Q War lllS Charlu Woodward and Kr .. Tom Mn. IrYlD.i Wat.Cher, ch&lrma,n ot lbe rarden Mellon, \roop pll.ced her donaUon In the ' Baume. Invited a.II LIWC membel'll to attend! the April t I meetlnr hur• box blrthd&y c~ke. Mrs. Tom Spring Conference 'tn, • n~ Next mee~nr wtll be Aprll 2t at the c lubhoule to hear tlle talk about lhad• plantt. BROWNJE.l TROOP &1 under I" at 10 a. m. ~ JDa'IDu....m"t· 1---.--... -----------,.----.----· llh.e dlrecUun u! Mrt. George ;..~ ,,. lnr at lb• J'r~._o8dlg,q\>"1or -S'chOO'nover 1pent Hveral weeks Choicd'tbr outatanding clubwoman o! Junior Ebell wu th• dear and hard pe hearlnc'. OF. cVJ¢ERS ELECTED prtparlni;: for their part ln the u S&ota Ana. Ther wW ro UU'our)I lo-' \:.,., Founder'• Day prorram. Th• annound!9:aJ -~e March 22 luncheon held at Newport .µ&r· tbe achoo! and ... where fundl troop donated the na1 of Brull, bor Yacht Clµb. Mn. Tom Woodw&rd WU Jiven the contributed tram Var.IOUI club ac-·Harbor V1"ew P-TA Sees made by their leader, for the honor, b~.:~ all-around club parti.ylP'itloa. It enta.DI Uritl• heve bttn --u.ed. A..ftar the event. Followlnr the compleUon «.!tool trip they 1lrlll usemblfl at of thl1 progn.m the rtrl• ·have aiaape~triptoSanDieroApril~IortheSouthern Villa Marina tor luncheon and. Ch"ld ' A n· I bttn bu.11y makLnl' Euler aur· Dt1trict Junior !:bell apnnc c,n-· ~~~ .. n_:u, 0M1u-::'~~· ~~ _!!oakp.. u .· . l ren S rt lSp ay prt.Q tor lhtir ram111 ... venUon. ton. Each ctUld attendln1 the ...,,_.. ...,.,..., ...... •r--riolJN'TT TREA8UllER hun( Mould have tlx err• tunted Tha llllllUaJ rununace Nia hu TROOP 64 Brownle. colleot-4 ~-. w --:.. .... ·.!.. 1, ,,, •••• ,,, or In by Friday to Mr1. Maurer or Men po9tponed to April 28, ac• AA _ d'-1 r hlld . d th~ 11 b lhllr donaliona by tach l'ltl cover-.,.... uuuw.,-a -M.rt. Diemer. .. a... ..pay o c re.n 1 aroun " wa • ~d. on tll le• Ill( a lari• Brownle heeri. wtlh Oraap County J'ederaUon or w... ~~I to th• chairman. ~· work a.ad tlectlon of offlceni wu under the 1upervUlon of Ml• ffllil!!U. Carol M»la wu , lhrtlr ....,,., Cl~-.~or Membership, Baby IPOOD• were pre.ea.tad to on the aaanda when Harbor View Alleen Martin, prtncl~. MI•• J••ll•t • -wo. -•I. M-. "·--Id ;:.;.r • • new moth1n, Mn. Jame• mtnlt,1 -------------1 y ...., •· •• ....no alld pre•.Cr-~ for ber local Elementary School P·TA met r ... Martin al.'° arranged (or trana· Br&me. uil•tant lead••. di•·--• _, o. s. T o*1.al and Ruttell Ramp-Wv.1 u · •· •'--.__,. r " 1 h h --~•b. E F ~ cen 1 .... u..., ac • ......, • ca eto11um. portal on ome by I<' ool but o( the &lrla ln lunilng lht ~ n. Eute:r WI ul• drivt f<LI' ton. aster . . or Mn. Robert Olander pre1tdln1. the children who participated In a.nd marchlni . Birthday• ot tht tbe ~Hal'bor arta has been taken Rellgnatiorui were a«tpled Th• pr-ntaJ,!En of color• and tht prorram. over by JUIPOI' .llbeU. The drive, from Mri. C. I!:. MeekA and Mr•. IBEW Awcil"' 1• pledJe ot 11Ji!ffan~ were led by Mr•. C trol ~nton'• third U J t tom• Helpertn Tran•ferrtnl' ary H ruan. lns tr~ch 10 to Apr , 1 • Mn. OWaTd Green'• Brownle grad• claaa prttenled recttallon1 hrld April 11, at 7:30 p. m. In Into the club from Whlttt•r wu JO, ii chat by Mn. Mary T!-oop I . The Rev. Edwin C. ot orl(lnel poem•. The t1r1t rr•de the .school'• ca(etortum. Jane Dellphlbf'.•' Her comJnlttee Mrt. Loren Wagner. Mri. ·J 0 h n An ori(tnaJ :EaA.r bOnnat con• Gomka gave the Invocation. cluaea dtmonatrated lnterpret!Ye Hoeteate• for lha meeting were pi.,c.d ~., tllllecUon• c 1n1 Fletrly wu accepted •• a new te•t ·Will hLrhllpt tha uxt meet· Un~ _cllrection of MI 1, rnU1lc under the direction o( Miu the t lr1t crack room mother•. member. , ---. --ID·-Uuyurhout the era.. Jta member• ln1 or thl WomMl.1 A-...-.-,. to Karie HetftrtA, art director, who Clara Ellen 8pelmen, autated by and ~mmltlff"• teatur.ci were aN-Mmet*"-~torl"• Qflljii lr., SROWB<>AT T1tlt0 the 'ifthrnaUon.al Brotharhood ot wu U!Utld by all th• tl!'achere, Mit& Lena May Wlllaey. ert and potilen, and commUJ\lca- ltewUns Par:I•. Donald Cl ark. Cotton Ball chalrman, Mr9. My· &l.ectn~ Worlren, Local Onion chUdr.n f.rom kinder11rtl!'n -A 1\ate ot PI'A otnctr• or tton•. Kldi&rd Hod&•. Robtrt Jone•. ron Miller. told of Lhe comlftC tluoup ntdi. g'T&dea demonatral· the 1968~7 1Chool year wu pre-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I CbiiiU W~ Robert Ete-attalr •lated for June ol al UMI 4oll wbJch wW IM-held lCarch t4 .art work and technlqu .. un· 11Mltd to \he member• by th8 ,... and Phlll!p Maurer. lllem· C.plftrano Beacbcombllll CI u b. !T~.,! ta. mW at ~· :;::. :i:' W 8'mulated clusroom condl-nomla&Unr cgmlttff, and t be bike a.Jong the ocean to N .wport Pier. 8tnns holden and' nepaln holden ..,,. betnr made trom web Balboa Bhd. a llial. 8t. •uppllee u u.Jt and oatmeal box· BaL8()A1 e•. pane, wallpaper and K<>tch PBDKDUl'TION tape. PIL\AKA.O!' FOURTH G RA D B Brownle •QuotaUos ~ Yldu Buro Troop 11 hM. Mr1. Norton tot " -(Uff..1&86) their leader "1lh Mn. Gunder90D Co•;rrlctlt llM (IWl ) l&klns over nut month. Thi.a ,., ___________ _. T. M. Hambrook; your Telephone Manaeer in Newport Buch • • • • • ····························~······ W. ot the Mnlor l:bell Qub Tb• dinner dance bu been de.ii'· ,.,-.-. om.an• • ~ foUOWIAg orn"" wen elact..:I : 1----.;:ia tttt.. r.:)1111~ Jl.u'c!i ~ u.tlld-u ·-cottcm Bia.om-•-+'" ~ 80l N. ...,... Jt.-~ uctkm -or-mobllu, cay-"MmtL PaUJ-R. Holm.., p ent: A."'": nomm.'lb!is tiommlttee wu IJOl.L" On the commlt\1111 with J:acb meinber 1118 mOdel ·be' modellnr. nnrer &nd bnah paint-John BtaUm&n, tint vlce-preat· ~led. lncludlnl' KrL Tom. Mn. K iller ara Mra. C. ll. BoUo-own Ulllque dulrn tor judrtns tnc. water color1, weavtnr. paper dent: JeMe Halnea, NCOnd \'tee-- Woodward. daal.rm&n: Dean Qor.. way, oo-ctalrm&n; In Charp o( and a prlu Will )M. awarded to ma.ch• and puppet ma.king were pr•ldent; Ly.ti Buttermore, re. ' ' ua, Oeorc• , ~ Jr.. Willi , c~; Mr•. Maurer and Mn. the winner. Atter the meeting tome of the tec.hnlquet demon-cording •ecretary: <>aear T•ylor, Callia, and Joli\! Barry. They will eotlM and '5ouehnuta will be 1trated whll• 170 parents moved correapondln1 .ecretary1 Henry· nport to ll;ia preeldent by April 2. w-rrens Da~-Mrved. about. obMrvinc the children at ,Uedel. leuuter: Leon William•. ~ PAATY -.,.......... work and enjoy1nr Mias Hl!'ffe r· hl.11torlan and \V. D. 'Newman. il:arcb ,1 >V dat. for UH annual An~. the birth or a be.by -J'or lh• flMIJt JP. C.ommetttlll ln't comment•. parliamentarian. l:uter •U. ... b\4f'~ to be hekt at Jlri.-~~-M:rch 4 In Hoar Hoa· Prt.nUnr call Harbor 1811. Job -A dl1pi.y of the chLldr~n·1 or\-Th• next recular meeUnr of 10 ~ rn: J, COfta. w .... Park. pttal. ar• Mr. and Mra. Jaaac Prt.nuns DepartlBanL gtnaJ art WOl'k ... arranged the Harbor vi-P·TA wtll tMI J\~Uairi . an to be ln by Warren. 717 w. HU'lllton at.. I.;::=::=::======::;; I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiij!iiiiiiiiiiii ~ ......... -;, COit& Me-. )(ra. Maur.r and Kn. Dlemer 1~--------~-1 1 Harbor Rest arii dl&b1Den tot th• avut. Th• t. .. I p k tood eommttt.ta lncludff Mme•, Gleason Son lwn memori• •r S4ward x.u,.,,. ,_n., Donald l'ul· c.teb1·at1nr Lh• birth of a baby llauM*-'a~t , Jer ~ ·~ Myron Millar, boJ Prb. 27 ln Ho&s Hoapltal Uantw, Oemeterr JJ.a Ool~, .• JICDnald Btrubu, &N Mr. and Mra. Clarence Gle•-llaner M Giller -John Lamar &ftd •J\UIMll fh.mp-i ;""";o:::•;_:;t2:0:...:;lu"::..:;bo~':...:;A~-.:;;,~Coota::;:;..~M~o:Y~ . .;.JJ------------c CONTIOL YOUR WEIGHT ... ~AP.Pl.;.RIDLEY -tiit)a1UARY R.ad\&ol 1&19\Y the WEl'-R.ITlll WAY Wey-RJte f1' a Couectnted Food_ -Not a Drug No .HUAl'•r Panu . No 1.-. ol l:naro """ ,.,, 'W• .. --.IAartJ' . ....,,, IJ ... tt i I a..,,. ERCURY ·.-_,, lit ·~ -a.ta .._ I :.1• • .,... r.-..1.uli uM&IO.. -- "Test C-MottK Frot11 Santa Ana to Harbar Ania" Allotlter'~tlo• ol th Harbor.,.... ...-1.111' ., Md -iq al ace ...... <111\lrated wtt.111 dla .,.. ., • ,,., • , ., te.t tta• ter ldl\"tU.. ,,.._ IMta A.aia tf tip ....... a.o. . ...._. atne. r • ~ H tft. ... ()nap la 0,... ..... BM t· 0 QJ ,_,..WW Mrff CJM• JleM, H~ ~ .,...~ .. a...te ... Sea. J"uu 0.,l•t.,..... wi.e. ee.riaoe •• h_.,..__.....,... e. ~ pa.Ir memc.. Ml('lll e&llll ,,._ Galltoiff 1a;•---·~ recielvM al Ulh fe.t center a.ad ~ I J Pl I .......,._ a...1tl-~· •te.4 et .,_ta A-. NN" .... ' ' ·l. ti ..,,..,.,. .,..,.1. R. E. B_endrtcb, D.C. i Watch The ChDd That Has Bad Fall• ,l'~l!'gllgrnc" In dtedl:lnl' claUdr111 follo" 1ng ,.,,.e"' talla fl U\e C9UM of mor" 1•h1ldrl!'n'11 dt.ordeni than any other one lhlng. u. 9re tut,d .. Git' +.;r· ''I~~ ......... * -~· OaWe ... _..... ..... ~ ............ fllm. ~,...,...tau ............................... ...... .. -* Ut. .. wst1tl' a ut. n....t. .t ..... su• .... lli'\hdfte 'J!•,'•pll•• .... "' ....... ,,. "' . ' -....., ...... .., .... a n\oN f'fndrnt Joi> lllavlnr thl• ._,....t ~ ~ r11(ht la thfl k>ra.llty. n.1-mo\·e Inc.....,. UM ........ ,,,,.., ..... lh·• and ""ork In the HattNir ""!" .. tm,.,..., 111a·ftt .. l1Mt ,_.,c <"MIW, • .,. "°9thil' tlMt lHtallatloa ... ,.,.., mea, WIU talt711117 ·~t&I ~,. ....... ~---ti ....... ns. ........ ..... laMlffl tlLle ~ ., ==• . t ..... ,,. .... Aaa I I ·r The I.ow Price is just the flRST way-you sovel Numtrous cue l\1M.Ol't.al ot pat- ll!'nts 1hO"' • hilh pefdln~ wbo tr11ce the on.et of thtl.r Jllpw lO.A f11.Jl. n1any Ul'ar bAclt U chUd• hood. If ')'OU th~ b&clii: rouna&f, you nl!Q'...(lnd &hat If 711\l.MLAOW ~uffer1ng ..,,-[th M>me bodil7 allmmt, to tlMi lllanet .,.., llr. I. &..J,,,..._ ,.._. Se FAr1ns· 19--te ......... -.r n ,d.~,:;:;~,;";.,..::;,..~------1 ~~ .,, _ .. ~-' -· . OPEN fllDAf NIGHTS 'TIL 9...P.M. Perkln9 Tickett Validated, All Senta An• Parking L~ •• • ' ASK US THJS WEEKI JO ... NS.O~ Ir .SON LINCOLN -'MERCURY .......... ~ lynu can trllct tM-biflbnlftl' lit tJteo lrO\Lble tu tht_ t hnt Q1 a tall or f'l!'..,..~.1 "'«k• or roon~ art., t ~t. . """P your •rinf' fret ftoonl nerve 1nt,rfrrl!'nl"4' 11.rul you W111 enjoy ;::nod health. S.. your CbJ.ropr&c· :<•t ~oon Fnr 11;ood He•llh llff your Chlro- fl' 11('tn1. H, E . Htndnck•. D. C. at the Itel ttate.r an u ,..._., O..·a-,., ...., ..,.,... ,..,._ m-I• dtar1e of &Ml ...,.. ...... &fw 11t ~;· Mft. Alta And•••, Ofdee 8Qrrv1Mr; l'iM ......-.... ~I &er.. m•• l\'~ver, 811'1~ ,........_, tkilllN I l-1 '"' ,....,..... -' tklft P'efftll&a: IUdtaNI Dlillv.r, fMl&I~ ~ ...... ,Md Leou.nl ~~. 'l'raanJ•J Po.-a. ,...,......._ I:. ........ UM leaU.C ~ rer lrt"!:plil« t«"'?i•1 -"'" ., " Melt ~ u.. cai.&. rf'(Wrd ... w·llltdl •no Ullt'd ta uatp eeW@ ,.. ...... ~ ....... a11mbfon for -"' -n·...._, If' d<tit11 I• lflhi ~. Wr • U.. tem. pftftlltl! --.tl!Mt ar.e \"trJ ,~ .,. Uth ........ .....,.t ,... ",.ild "ant to u-aM\11 lhl• fafWp,rd •t«p ... wW ...,_ wttll •la.tH .. &eleplaO."llttftM ..... ' 1 (.11111 H11bor 64!1 or t .51 4 For Ap- 1 rio1nt111l'T1t, iOU Camauon, Curona (.\croM from Bay ct1;1b\ dl!'I ).far. ................................. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • -• - , • • 11 f:. • " ., ti :I ,, ,, . ' , • Toastmistress Club to Learn Use of Props · The UM or prop. and diapla)'9 ln ~ makln1 Will ljjfJ di .. ~ ~ ~.JneetLnc of HatbOr ToutmutnM-0 I u b, held ~lo nl_Pt at H~~ty HOUM In B&l- ... ·~talllttreu Of t.be n. -. wUi be M.rt.. Ltro1 ~ .. 11114 lll'I. Buel R. R'* wUI ~ topl~lstttu. Mrw. Marpret MacJCaUU'&n will sf Te th.a tn'fOCaUqn -.nd ~-De- Witt Worc:uter will lead tht' pledse. Mn. Jay, D. McKalaon wtll act u lexlcoloctat and ah- meter; Mn. rh.nk CJendtnel\ wlll be evaluator; Mn. Dorothy Hu1ha will tlpeak fon parlia- mentary law: Mr1, Arthur Michallllf will be umer and award• ~ Uld•Krl. Dt.nlel Ro,.en --u..--11"'-W. to-~ prae:nt at the • "'"""I' to ctve her "lce-llln&lcn'* llPMCb. Mn. Vlr.(l.nta at.PMddl• wW be a 1peaker, u will Mt. Cblu'iott• Skinner and , , , lli't. Ra)' ~twain. Mr.. Ai- d ~ llllWiNG POtfl', retttns Hz ''C froaa llaz'r71a' .... are (1 tor) ~ '-rt m. JGUNn. preatde:nt. an - Mta.U.. a1t4~hdl Sandi. v.linda ~and Jim. Taylor. lt•tt-Mtp not only ;:c:.,.:.:;1 toX::ntcl:b JU~ W tJMlr tort:aw told. vllf.ted the mtcbJns Post. ate eooklee &ad dr&u puach. Jl")Cralll a\ u.. monthly meetlnc but +mOld to mule by the .Riff.I. "' : ot UM W•lqall Guild et the · ' · • ' C.t& v.. Community Chur 'tlAR-. ·BOR LTTTHERAN. ~ . UNIT :;=~~~~~u:::=;o;:a n \.) an -..lcom• to attend Tout· ~Jl.tn'og Pa~::"~oa~": •. "'~on~'~.ae:;i celolntllil"; :--:--~-~iJNTJDRESTE.D-IN M_ lSSIQNS "'°Sh,_owaus•A,. .. rtunr•t·O WU thia STOUp. (I to r), Cbarlea Pelletier, l(&ey Loll ~. UDd,a W~ Bobby Leib, Joyce Killion and Bob Drew. Th• dance WU-·· Ul4,pltnM4 Tbt ~ "'IVi riliiiil ~ wa111as.::., ~ .... fa'.'"" ...... --..... Local Women by the Girl'• Lague cabinet and fmhmen coUDcll undlr the dlrtotlcia of l./r1ll1 ~ \Ila WV ~ '"' the New G-m -"" llold U .,.. w-ot ""' ~ " P eue, prteident. .....11yDr.T.Po~11ll~WM....-teclb,Kn.Doll .... up Of tww ~ NIOrnt .!::::1'•1Mn. ~ =~ -H--1-G--H-. ---S--C--H--0--0--L---p--~, ... l-'A-----l~=·,r.::i:, ~urdl.to tho Newport Harllot ::~::1 ~~ ::,,,.':,; :-::£.?::~~:=:. -u -....... o1 Utt Wamm.. . U.., of w.-Clrd MMt.iap, bald Cllu'1-Bari, Realtor, Wand. • . ... t • ., --.. ... ..... ,_ ....... '_.. ;;;: -... -... <aodldat• '"' dty A.mim Lotb1ru auaro11 tM Kq & ~ otfa1q ... tu.a & • oouic!D b'Opl W•t Newport. pve HON' ORS PRESID. ENT' _;:..,_..,... ....... ::;;:: :.~i:..u:i.:,..'"::,.-:;,.': .,..,_. :·~.O.T~· ~ ... , . ...,., ...... . · . -' I . -• ' ,. :Z·"~--= ~ ........................ ta la• clu6tl''Kn. JOlla.V, lf.a, pnC• ' Now u..t tM Laland park tJ _ But~ 11 .-.,_._ xiii. _,,. .... · · \timt; Kn. H. A • ......._, Tica. ~ latut project ot' tbe A. Kui&jtia.li•ill .....--~ -ll!a. ~ l.UIMt Of Colt& pr1llMt; a.a., ·K. & ~ poup, tttmt. an belnc dlracted Melcher uid her ... i.~ ~ tea, Mn. Elmer Pall...., ........ ed n:l'rfltunenll to cu-.: a.a .M memben. -· . . ..... :. Yuma Vacation~~::~ . Mr. ant ~-4tthl*'!ildner • S03 S8Ua at.. Uiw ritu~~~ a trip to· T\UU U4 ~ Valley where they vaca~eCI;: tor & wee.k. ~·. \ tM ... rf'id ... : . HAMMOND · CHORD , OllGAN NeN ..... ,,...._ • • !: I • c-In and Pi!n• - lttoYwwlf ., ............. ,.. .. _ .. ... k'1 .-.. _. ens 1sst ..... Otpw New ~· r· PC : DANZ-SCHMIDT 1110 f'IANO • OllQA!I ft'OaS &I ........ Dean of Girls Describes enta" will .,_ u..-...,._ OI a 4ldll0atloa f)OlllmlttM: ~lad&& W'Ollt' .._ LI 1P -~ ot Git ~ wnta.rJ &Ad Kn.-JIL. a ludclm.· to c.W•'na th• alley• and atrMt e . -, ywk .. ~ "1 )(N. ne ...... , __,_,. -~ M dorf, trwunr. X..tblp an held _.. • lM" llWlij1. 110 No. llala s-ta Ma IW'IM ol tov '9ct\IJ'¥' '° M ~ : I D i..urt! Md Kn. Mane MU 11&1 1.. at ftla •,,...S.· u.;_ Wrd ftunday at T:IO p. in. -~lf~•~t;..;m~M~ .... ~~wt~ll..:;bo;.;h~.td~~a~t ~~~~~~~~~~Fi~ b7 K1'I. IJl't'i& U't'blpbln ..... • . • ...W.1 100 ·........ ud 4ufP-at tM Puhb MOUN. Ctrcl9 m..t· . New Counseling Program pan11t educalloll t.e&eh• and 111e· Borrman la ln e~ of nt• i... wm attend Th• free -wUI turv ot note. n. , 19/CtW-.. Will memlMnllip. and m • m OJ' t a I •· offerblc that ~ Will be Mnt tnr .,.. conduet.ed the aecond ' ~ :i.,,, , M held on Monday' April Jt, Cb&innan tor lb• epeckl DM4.s to me Wom.•'• ~ '9dilt· ~;:-4"1 at..,:e:i;ben m homee, at LATEST HAIR STYLIN«,:,' Mrs : Ju<bon Sutherland, retiring president of Newport 23, ao, and ¥&1 7, trom i :SO eom.mlttee le llUwdlodc.bY,,~~.,1-B,.. aUOa tor u.. Iadi& wom.11'• work. ·,~ m.. commltt~ · u an-. . h I p T . h • ·--~·tid to t ·JO at It. AadNW• Prw.b)"-4llta AD4 Mn. • ......_ Put.or 'Kohrt ~ JMt: , Harbor Union High. Sc oo arent -eac er A.ltM,l\;i.& n, tA~ etiun:h rurther det&tll tU&nua for the th&Altott•rtar. , ...,.., aounMCI by the p....ident. are 'wu honored at a luncheon a.nd executive ~ meeting will be ann~ced later. MIUIOH woaa :=ebUt.~ ~~ -:!":t )Cn. ==~bf : Mm ... ,:-s:~ M.~9 at the borne of Mn. W. B. Coleman. 1131 Dolphin Pt&na w1r• made for the U,. On~ 11, th• Worn• of tM William :CU.•tt. SIU l'airwQ Prifit;,..1n charl'9~:';~ ~r:Y': Terrace. An electric coffee-maker waa preeented to Mn. nual art ah.IMt tM April 21 aad. ~ al.o bet.nt Mn. 11&"7 Drtn." eo.ta M.._ ~ wen Jun• llcCauley: pubUClty, H.uel th• QA.A Naqu1t Ka.7 ., under Berch ouUlDe the plaM of the pl"tlMnted for lb• women• put Jt I• k ·, membllrahlp .....,_,.. ·, &uthttla.nd ln appreciaUon of her ,,,,__ p , . bo umc:•• by Mra. Har't'!J . ..tell t.ed, I• a panonat couuelor, lb• dlraeUoo. ol Kn. H ....... d. 1.u to• tJwi New awn. .. Mt ........ ln lb• l"amUy NI t dlllllar w traMport.e.Uon ~d taleph.Clle. John A ~ped uk• top ~ will bltbdlt ~tJ' prob-wwk. Kn. Berp le clW?m&D. G«doa; ad~ <lOl1UnittH, w.E. an orchid "'u contributed 'by lihtl. ma. • tor t.M, K.-.rport Harbor Lutheran· ~ be.ra; G. Bmtl:haNl Nd ~ Makobn a.... At tht nut P·TA mffUn( .. Daughter for -· """""' ..... -.,_ Lutheran Men ... o...tund:· ...,.,_, map BOTH BOARDS be held. April JO, at i:30 p. m.. April Cbr11tmu Cheer boxu are · ... , z.rieuon; bull.Un, Natt and PartJelp•Uns: were board ;:~msr:1:.=c :~ :ti::rbo:..;: Peter P.rahams ~.:.eel==:':-th.:a:: Work at Church t_YP_lot._o.m __ ... _. _____ _ member• ot Oae put two yeara. Uve collegea. w. Worth Bernard matari&k, medlcal tuppllea, eeri.t · 1'11.Me Included Mrnu. COieman, ot Chapman eou.,. will be mod-Mr. &Dd Ml'I. ltoNrt Peter to Htw Outnea to can for th• In prapan.Uon f~ •••t•.r Bruce's Son Born . IJoO sHoPs r .... Raid, A.. L. HafWard. Har-vat.or ud thertl wW be & pa:Dtl GnbMn of &ouUl o.&4 .,.. par-m&1alta1 &Md.I 1A lb• m!Mlon Mrvle.. io, mcnien-ot 1. ll • Kr ud Kn i..u. Bna~ IOT ry llUliard, Harold Knipp, I. E . di9Clllllon. A.llO .,,.U.:O!a' w0t be •ta of • dauctiW, Olriallae ft~ Blae•, .I~ .. lmpGNlbla to Men'• Clult of N.wport Jl&rW -Orcllid Aw., ~· p&l'fllle ~f • B rt11a. Thomaa P'rolt, l>tnnl• Derry No1•. exeh&q"tl lll~L· L.yd1a. J»oni. ~ 10 la. at.. pu.r~ th ... Uliap"" th• field. • -'°' bora March 11 lft Boq a-••~ Hos:land. ft.. T. Btenm, ~ Junior and Hnlor •lwllrlt.e .. rriAcia B011pltil and tlpplnc th• m.m~~ tbe Worn.ea'• MJaaton· LutMru CbWU 111-'· \&Dd ... U. lloifplt&.I ..-.-~ .. ca -Hot11ebold Porter, Ed Phi!., 15troller White, well u ~oll have bMn ln.vtt.d ..e&Jeie . at I IN., .t -. ....,. ~Uon ,...,. "411 s:•n· dlr9CUon of ehureb. trul.. · Patti -J>e&.ter -Bern.::. Karil Newland. Robert B&rbleon, to attend. Orandpanall .,.. Mr. and Mra. eroua ln ~rovldih( t.b• need.a of Q.aorp Burkbrdl ud ~ -UDO a.EOralO ., RolU. Wood. RoMrt Callla. Al·_ AWABD8 DINM'D Kenut.b !:&rl of Udo Lil._ Kra. Ula ~lee, Jiil!a· Ber,:h MJd. t.ba pewi lUl ~ e..n..ooo, llH VIA Udo -ll&rttor .. 7t1 Mrt Qsdan, .A.IYbl Oam«iee, T . Tban.kt: wer1 u:~ to U:I• ,.,._. Onhut ot Corcea 4-1 Loo1Jl1', 1-dtftd.\l&l raembws take thereby •TlllC eome $f.OO fw tJl.e • II THI &UTOllOBILE DEAI.ERS Du.cu •tawut. c. o .. Andenon., Coll& .Ml!ll& Liana Cfiu..: fer ,.. JIU and .Tt.m.•• m. Or&Um Br. u.. matart.als born• and MW lb.• church. GREATEST ntrr-tt MW MCI UNd can C. Kanden l>e..U, Barbara Mac· vtdlnc money tor the aaru»J ..._ al N.. Yortt. n.. &n alm fUll*'t.I. Worken, wbo will racetve e. NIOIU:&ft 8TVDE••u• N~ Ud IUdlard Lill.nthal. katb.n awud dinner ba"ld at 1.b9 p-1 · ,nadp&rata, Mn. No,... Tbe. Women of the Church of tre. dhuler truro th• daurcb af· IN THE WORLD ~Put.a ,OUaan takinc put .,.r• Mmea. BapUlll Church, Headlns: the dlao ftl -.rt ot Lm ......,_ and JiCn. tbe laet.I 1.utllaru Olnlrcb. le two tar Dat.ar, 1Deludad; CitGr'l1I ~ ••• Mii N.-,.rt: BmL -Bar. 110 Jt1ron N..af, B . H. B\lrnett, Ron· ner eommltte1 waa Mn. MalMtr. ll&lp ID. ~ QI. Jril1amL ,....,. !)ld. It. pu.tpoM le to ln· Bii.rkh&rdt, Jim. ltu.pblll, a 11 1 -• @ • • .,.. &14 lkrlow, lldward Mlrko't"ltch. uai.t.ad by Mm•. Mu Pope, lC'Mt. "'.9"J womu la the work Qamatt, e&r"l W..W, )lal JCl1ck-U44'1.QO Robert Bll.Ckmar, Vtrpt Smith. Antlt.ony Palaterrt. ElclA Ra 11. At ·p k o' Of -'°9&l ...,,....uem. and th• IOll, Bob K..,...., JamM ll.oC" ...... ., A-* NT • llA FOR HOME.'~ PERMANENTS DAN'S SAUEll SHOP .. . . . - CLASSIFIE.D. DlllECTOll'f FIJBNITUBJ: DIC& llACJlD . . . IUO Vla Udo -II.nor'~ GOT 1!110P BICJIA&0'8 LDJO 111,&ll&ft -.,... INSVBANOE AGEND ~ W. 0. JJUO:W.. IMO. uoo Via Ud9 -~'"' INTEBIOB DEOO&UoJiii . • .. 84'Ul!B SKOPS f!i:"~~=- DIL'K KAOllU ftObst Ziecter, T. BOl'd Seely. Robert Zlerl•r, Paul lmiom.n. .. &f U &!D cburotl e.t ~-~-the Wom• a_,., Jlm.my .Riopey, a...,-AD· l6U Via Lido -il&rtlH 1611 11---0.--;M ..... ,,_....,_Wt+l-H4 ""~ -~ ~ --............................... -·· Ml .. _.. ~ ,,,. -0 1"< -..... TAK! YOUI PAMILY llallQ", DMIA~ 8'!tnfOrd. Ra;p; iela and Hu•ton H&l'J*'. . _. Av... ll&v• J\Wt nt\U'IM!d local P'O'IP ~ orpnl.Md M Ula N.i.Dn. .Tinl ...,.._, .llm X,· nllT 10 DINI ' Trautw.an, ~ Ma)', Rax Mn. PM.M hU bean. e.ppolat44 , · W__.• Mllid••"1 lod•t7 ln cawe7, Bott a•.....,...rr, au1 Af W -»rudt. ArUnar Uodeke, 0eorp np,.....tanve "t:rom. l b.f ..._, ~ • lf'Mk• flahlq trip to Ula .IM11A&f1, lMf u4 rtOl'pntud aa Lam.,.n. Carl A.ltllelfw, DMA7 UDO PAVING 11110 ta-..ar.Montorll-. 1&11 Viii Ude -_...., UN XU.. p. a.tr, A.nderaon, K .. ra. ec:bool to 1erTt1 on Ulto &OCll aao ~ JU.-an4 Parkn DraM. tM w.o.T.C. la J&nut.1'7. llM. Arthol•r, BID oi.oe. Job s...i. VILLA MARINA ltobert llapu..ao &nd John Kim· nlvaraa.ry eommltte1 of th• Ot)' Th1y fOW'!ld JOOd ftahln(, Ui1 llf DrlJifA -Diek ico.hler, Put.or Granlund, (utnar!a '° ._..,.. hlaad) q&tJTI' PAKL0.88 ll&l1. 6f Newport ~ch. --HLnr a:tn. Jars•. TIM: W.M.J'. y kMftly ln~er..i.ed Harry B«(b. Al•ll )llllu, o.eu UDO ULO.N 01' BEAUTY OOU1f8u.LOU . Tba Ce»la M•• Motbal'91Apn la Ula tonitp mLlllon tk.lda. Once Bonatan&, L)'an. Hartw!pm.. MU Np4 lllff. -Bar. 11'71 l(n. 11.ubMon pve • talk on bav• been accepted u &D adult 1l.IAAI . D h l )O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ll """"• tba new eounMlln.s: proirram to edw:&Uon ei.u. under the _,,.... m.V\.UO& aug ter 11 _,.._..... p ta\o attec:t nut f&Jl tn the 'rialoD ot Or&n&• Ooul aoo.p. Kr. U4 · Kn. i...wn.o. Koll--::r' \119 ~ -Jlaltaor "" -..trtaJ aria t.-eb•r W1ll M lh• from 9 to 10:30 at l:'telNtt RM PRE-o•m•s • sappne. J1A1k eeboo1. Jobn MeOow•n, tn• 'I'M JT'OUP meet.I • .,.~ rrtd&1 lea. 112 IArkapur A.ff., lf"'70r\ Gc wcattonal "i!owweklr: AcUns: ·a. School. A baby alt tar ~ provided. Buch. are tM parent.I of a baby t ' VllfOSNT UDO D&UG8 . ..... u..&1 ............ w I 11 .. LIXJTUas ........ ... ............... ~ .. H-e... a A nr -Via ..... - -... rto)'d HIUT)'m&D. ldallea lnatNC· "How to L 1 • • wltll •..a. pit.al. ;.,J c;;:, tor, wtlo he.a complied a book ;r;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;====-=-=====;;;;;;;;==-;;;;;JI Cl.UPBft A DBA.PIZll8 :. '!:.,."-~wh~:I~.\; ~ BALTZ MORTUARIES SELLING EVENT ~v:1W"_..f"' sf'flft to au 1.Mchera. Y•t to be 008T.A IB8A. CBAJll& C&ll'm.. 81' ~ 84 OATtll'NO JIOWI ....... •tt•• • t 11l11 :1 1ll) WO .. "'"" -~ • I "";:.. ... ...::; ~ ~~::~ dredded . . You Are Cordi~lly' of Lovely o ...... • Invited to Attend the -~y-Week-.-servk-es ..... $t. ,,. ..... , Presbyterlail Cllwcll --~-"OUL.&JL -..M., ~_ll_- P.lLll--8llNJIAl'--Jf&W(]ll - ...,._ """ :!&-till..A 11• ... - a..,.-..,..~-ol Qtbl .. ~...,.1 ... a.1wnn IU.VNDY 'DIUlllll.l1" .............. o I_,.,..., '"Coaun.moa ll401tatloe -......... JI • J , .. 'l'lMt ~. la.me9 L lt.wut GOOD l!'lllD&Y JUJICll Mill ~a.. ........ -UJIN•,..-' Clo.Dltilcted ., tM ......... OouDc.U ., ~ UBTER 8VNDAY APUL i. ... .-.. .,,, ........ -·-·-......... ..,._ -"'Ir --.. Ntt TnM" "'1• ILt'f. 1 ... L • .....,._ ,. _...,s sst ii •liliit•t' -l :oe p.a. • • Lll>aV .. 1411 --- ·- F•1hion App•r•l 1767-• Newport Blvd. Cotta Mesa lton Soun •• , I :OI &.II\. to l:IO .... ~·u.na~ • ro~,QJUII. VDICSlilft LIDO •UGI ..an.Uille----- ,.,...,..~' -M•,•n etl»Q Mii Via ...... -..,.... .. MJI Via Udo -........ Ula BONITA; WILllON ~~-~--'----~~ MAUEl'S I '• l ' ;< • j I . . , • • ' ' I j 1 i --:·---r---~-~-· -... ---~···-----------· . .... ----• l . · • ··:.. . . • • T \ • • • .. • • l ,I ' !, EWS.fRESS Cij 20," • • . . ' .. • ................. ····-·'""'"'··~·:· ,,_ ........ ,yl(;+· .. ·~·~ • .. ..... .. . .... ' . • ---. . . . . .. • , Rldlnr the motor detail and checking parking metera for the benefit of the citi7.ena of Newport llel\ch are, left to right, offlcen Sam Amburgey, Dick Hienecke and Robert Upson. Give them a cheery wave when you . see them and Jet them know that we appreciate their devotion . to duty. .. __ - f ... , l' • :: } l .... Tliese are tlia meJt."'!iio will Rrovide.a place for you to P~rk. Ndt1;nly d.rtl~g E~ster Week, or Sat- urday, or -Sunday, or this summer. Their work leads to lasting benefit to you and everyone else who lives in or visits our community. The benefits grow greater year _by yeer. '· :These are the ·men who enforce the ordinances ' Wh'en you patronize your liome fown merclianf you ·benefit-yourself. His prices are as good or better then those anywhere alse. He'll be glad to see you and greet you as a neighbor. . . Now that the sales tax is the same every'!"here • '• -·----,.....--.... of our city in. relation to traffic and particularly during busy times, (n relation to pJ1rking. EYery centthat is deposited in our parking meters in the every citizen should remember that his sales tax contribution collected by the State returns .to his community in exact relation to his expenditures •• That money goes into the general fund of the City of Newport Beach. The more of your pur- cliases you meke at hom-the leu tax the city .. • .. ..... • , Cify-of Newport Beach is a continuing investment lor you. • ., · The money·spenf from parking meter revenues p;ovides off-street parking lots. It can in a short · tflne· furni;h the funds to buy additional parking 'aleas to. permit acceu to your ~ome town mer· ' chant fo,r you. T~at is j ,.;pprt9nt .. f'arking meter r.!,{enwe~, pr~eerly _spent, _wUl continue to -benefit everyone in Newport Beach. · • --. needs to levy to provide the services and facilities you desire. (When.you get a parking.ticket, pay a b11ck and reme_mber all the times you weren't caught • and Brother -SMILE!!---- lt's good business tc> buy at hom-nd what's more-we like you! What helps busi'neu, helps you, end ho'me business reduce• your taxes. -· O ,RGI . .· ____ .. _ THE FlNEST -MOST COMPLm. STORE TO BE . FOUND ANYWHERE ... ~- ' ~ardware. I ' .. ~ Paints -~ .. _, Wallp., . ~ ~ AllJliance$:-. -. • -JV--.-: .. :....n:Jf.:.;..": . ' ·~ ~-· ' ' 4 Good .F•ietill~laee ·ta -Shop OPEN SUNDAYS 6. HOLIDl YI . . . i ' .. • ' ,, .. .- • t L 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. • Harbor 116 .Newport . . • •• ' I • • '· -, " .. . . .,.. .. , -- " " • r _. --.:.. • • t •• • • l ' I . ' ' I .- --.. • -::;-:-tt. r •• • I • ' ' ~ I I J • • ' • ----.. ' - J . ---" . J n nh BE SURE • INSURE PIRATE--CREW I DUNKS-'[ltO:JAN fROSH SHELL Dlfiilt U•1ate• ....,_,.-~ T.. le , Net Go .... "":." .;:::--l!i-~•. ~ lulta Ana "91'-0... ... ~. . &:tor• a wrprU!nsty l&rSf CUM lilnd4lt-.0: NtwpOrt. ~i~:~~~~~~~~~s~ d 1ln1n Udo cti••nW';'--t--------...--l-----------~ .... ,,,,~-~&..;:..m-.:,.,~ ....... ~ ...... lo~op~..,.•!la'!i.. JOOO m oourw, · ~ ...-ea tu 8&llor CIOUl1a rn-p • I · P•ul Bopllolo" o,..., "''"' BJLL FR!JJJPS, Spoi:U Editor ..... . The . Tar .....,., • nwa e' • Collea• ·mlhman t:rew de· -..----.,---------------------lic:wt M. u. 'h.r J\Ullof' vaf'lllJ ,,.,., '"• Unlw•",'' •.•-NEWP.Q RT t!iARBOR NEW• DRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I M. ... _. """11" Bout.hem Calltoml& r o • ~ ....... , anllf _ £.., Dt.'li• bl -8-1.i '"'"""'' ........ ,. , .-.M9NOAY,.MARCH 26, 1956 1 ; -Doi.., ..,, ._. '"'' -.:;:~~:·~~r.6 ~. u.:: .-S~A'-'--1_-t-. -O'"'""R'"'· '-.~-. -0-~-A--S-O_·_U_A_D--. ---I J~~ ~ ~~= -;;:~ ~~ i.n t!M nnt. • jv.st t.hrM-t / u Jo.t f.J, t ·J: ttnt double .. Qu&rt.e1'9 ot It JenctJI ~d Mlk•· l(uw aad 1Dcll•1 Rult.U. of the Buca. ,,mlfll' an.noun· l<*t-••. ..1: MCOft4 doti.bie., c~ by Hay J..ana'enbelm, Gl"lly K.i.o and Lee Cri#ell k:ltt Newport Beach member of FACES OILERS HERE t-.a, l-4. '~ the Olympic l\owtnr Comml~ ' '• I 1\U\loil\ Vt.rt.lty -Cblp w(•Y ~~; ~. '~',; :;:, ~<;; ~;; . . •' ~-:'.:::: ~ 7.:.:..;·iz~1·~ tor th• SC J'ro1b. • I I ,.redlh .:-. .a.-d Ollwr~ won l-4._14: Wayne r--,..,. ----- -Laapnt.etm aaJd th• crowd FW 11-v .--.-........ an· WJiitney ~ J.O, t-2; ttnt dou-BUO -DU.ONO ACl'lON -Tb1a occurred• apinat the USC Tro;)M Froth Jn a and 'ttwi race . reminded him blu. Bob Ra1u and Dick Scbleu-. reoeut Pirpte:ntne VletOry. Th•t'• ~.Raine, Coach Wendell Picken•' nnt bUe-of tho ""' W-m ...... Schulberg for A Win ill CIF ~ '°'J.!.~u •·:;., ~,;~~:: P man, 1tepping: on, the -teway cu.hion for fmal out ot an inning. Ralne ecooped up a. c~ploublp hel4 her• •lx Jo.lt'\f!J, •l. •-• year1 ..,a.. '-'The only dltfer-grounder to ata:rt the· dnaMi.ted fielding play. --<XX: Photo · en~ wu µu-.. ahelll .r.ced Alter bringing home majority ot the loot trom the ' , . ' -Saturday compared to -11 -01 CIF Midwinter eWimfe8t at Redlandl tut Week, Coach Al 1\at'I cl •ecorcl? I a.qua equa.d goes after ita eecond Suuet. League dual meet Hip lcMol tracklter• kept their • r/. ' 1>4riecl noord &Uw T\&Udiay u • MERCHANT PATROL "'. a~d HARBO~BOAT · PATROL CAU SECURITY . COMll!tERCI#. l'ATROL • Kl 2·70'EI-Su'r"'IE! TRIBE NEXT FOR TA. ·, ·R ~~':'1nL\'.' th• th'ot .w .. tom Irwin'• eenatlon&l · Newport Harbor Hie~ S.llool Sailor o....,....i; (OCN~) -o""" Bu~s B AT THINCLADS lOMORROW FINAu::! • az:~ .. ~L!!=O:: i:o'~:..'~";:'~~·:u..e::· ,!:!:':.;;::~:;;~~~ .. th-= ~u~ t . , • · · At Redland1. the Tar. c~ptured Allen, 2nd, Reed. ~UL lOO back, nwK_,_ .... _;;; .. ;;;;;;;;;th;;;;;;o;;;O;;;H;;;;;;S;;;o;;;nl.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:; Ens.IF, ' A's the va.r•ll)' IJ)luh M-57 from Whlt&ker, ~. P'itswater. tth. RIVERSIDE . ' "'"'""' ........ h•vl•• '""' 100 f•tt. ....... 2od, J- powerfui f9Ur-man relay dlsqua Gtb. lndividua.1 medley, Whitaker, . the R1"chard Beeson Company C~;1VendeD Ph~ktn1' Oran1e ~ 10 . p wtn·mtlltored spla finlabed '(John.m, -Ulen, su.h, Foiter/, · Traveling Sailon Bolstered • WJndu ""' '" ... ~ ........ ~... •· '" '"'· ·-.. '"" a •• .,. I"· · eouc Oo1Hp •"''" ... "" by Win Trio _;... Leuz'm-. , _ . ,., ...,... • .., ""''""" ,., 8 .,, '''"'· 01v101. ,......., "h. Lailclscape Desl')n and Construction -th,_,..thh. diamond champa of ¥WW"I .,.... 111,i-ll, and 1(&1n ec1 the C -Medley r•ia.7. 2nd, <Call· OO&ONA. DEL MAK PHO~'!: llAB.BOB IN the ltutern Collference~ mad• it s Ok • w· lnd1au tor the C ' e. 45-St. lh&n. Buck. Van Hemert.. BuM). clea.r they &re after their fourth d " [aional i t d 1 eet . t Pl e ID Newport· Barbi*' ~ll·Anlffld 1:11.l. 60 the, Bu.ah. l•l. v .. -··~···············~~~~-~ 1tral1ht bueN.11 UUe on the Bolltered by • JV •weep 0 a ua ~ ag&lD8 -Prep Don ft«!ln(lon wu named Hemert, am. 50 1'teut, Buck. ):ten pulure Frida):. !fw.lnger here. Frida)' afternoon, ·Coach Don 86.ma' New· out.aitandlJI.&" swimmer by vote of l.t. 32.7, Gniaer, &th. OCI back, A\ l~ time, Ui'e Bue b&ahe-r• port Harbor High School track and field forces travel to Endlnf lh• Hora« Emtp the .pwtlclP'tlnl' C'<*Ch•L ft41dinr· Gtwshaa, 6th. Relay, l it. !Bue}( ·n· • St1-nJ1rd M111 'sL:owe·• 111' ·~i· puUed Bill RUMell"• favorite b&.. • ... _ t -1 ... ht Fullert . to Sun.et track .-.on Otl a tnwnph&M toll A&llbed the 100 and JOO f"9-Brickner, Bu.ah, Von Hemttt), II n ~ kttball tr1ck -tta.y '"demoral· the CJDderp&loUll O ........,, Y. on reaume .tyie. ·1n both praJ1m1n&r1e. and 1:07.3. L d ' ' · bed'" the oppoauan -ln thl• League competition tombrt'OW afternoon. note, Coach Norm BWhnll'• En-tlnale and 9W&Dl Oft the '~ .Fla&1 1eorlh1: . ~ "'' to re uce engine ' Wetr cue alle1e;ct loop contender RlY-A,_,__ • -·~-,,,, th• .... c, · elrri v.n.ity defea.ted LAthro'P .. 1 ..... 1 Saillor ma<JI-hlay """· y -t N _ GI _,,, • ......... ~ ~...._., l:>&UU Woodring IL), Kroahelkl (L), val r-.. , •••• '1 -.-po,~ • ....... er--u-eide, ll)-0. • .. ,_, ••• won the ftrai..., 72-32, Junior Hilh $chOOi OD lhe fl SE&PLEA PAlll tOQ 57,. oo.chella sa, IUvulide uu .... -•; 14.0. 220, Buckland lNI, Roellch r · Orance Oounty'a top b&Uplayer. the e 72·23 and the C by ~ clndeTa S6-2t 'nlund&y attemoon. Toe Buh and Joha Buck paced 29, ftedlande lT, Palm ~!::""' Wa'"'• ·eough"Y· took up wheM !N), Frederickaon (N), 22·7• ~ th Sean vtetor wltlt. Wins ln ,1•• n&.rroW ma.rp ot 31-31. 1320, Hilliard (N), i..weon {L ), The billp B and 0 .:tuad• " ea Y lf~. 'Chaffler -4. Ban .• Kar o ,J, he len off lul year by twtrUnr rl alao ....... ietpated, but Stillwell th• ~ frM and breut &nd t&k· Pacific o: ~tan& o. -P\lller· the •hutou• but ha h&d to ~ OuUtandlnr pe onnanc• came Garcia tNJ. 3 :27. Rel&y, NH ,.-.~ in art ln the tour-man rel&y ., In the vanity hifh jump wban {Frederlcbon, Tbomp.90n, Rouch. Wd be did not •ffl' ecore II.nee r P ton 81 1,i. N9Wp0rt 91. C&litol"nla rtlleved ln the aeventh due t.o Tom TToo&m became the MCOnd Buckland) l :l0.7. High jump, the local IW weN takinr on victory: 28, Redlandl 11, Palm 8prtnp the f attru e of monotonoU1ly Harbor area youth in bl&"h actw>ol Woodring (L), ue between J..o. much' btner oppbnen.t.. .Irwin di1el0Md be had the var· 11. Chaffey 10, Rtve,lide 2, Paci· blowinr lhal rock put rival pat-hletory to otnctaUy better the pea 1N·1 and Surmon IN). M . Bill Yeartr of Znal.JD. ruMln( alt)' meet tabbed 6'1.fl! lo favor fie 5, San Beman1lll0 0, Coache!· tan. Jim Newkirk. ex -Harbor e ft. mark. TTooien deadlocked Broad jump1 Smith f.,NI. Wll9on the 1J80 tor the NCOnd ume ln ot J'uUerton pMor to ~ rneet-i. 0. C -Ne....port 4&, Fullerton Hlah hurler, ca.rue ln from Kft WI~ ~er'• Ron Schl1ucb at tN). Hendenhot. (N ), llHI. Pole h111 Ute broke t,b.e IAthrop tcbool He fl(Ul'ad tile Indiana lhotlld 3&. Recfla.nd.e 27, Rlvenilde 20, tleld to take over on the mound • edr• hla boya on the but1 of for th• flnal trio of JICtOreleu e ft. •!,i tn. Tb• S&Uor record vaUlt, Cle.ck (L), Newberry !NJ, r~0ro. o"',•,rtn1 ~-• dllll&J\ce 1:n, the ·four-man r.lay dl1qualiflca· Palm 8prlnp 10. Ban Marino t, framea. \11 held by Bob Norman at I ft-<;ole tN1 , 10-9. Bbot PU,t, Pal· 1.4 . er &.PAll'JI van lion hUl<lerlnc' the Tara. CLl.lton.&a 2. Chaffey o, Coachella This w&1 pretty da.rlnr ba.e-2 ~/I In. · lante IL), Hen~oun (NJ. Haw· trlwnph1 came from Bill Sam.on "But Pete 8chulberi moved up o, Pacific o. be.II for Coacb ptc.k. After &ll. lfl2~NJ1_ kina !LJ. ~-4~. Score, N 72· ln the OO yd. dath. e.f;>JUc~ Wat· in the baclutroke for a thlrd lr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'i COUghtry •wu ~ly le&dlng 10--0 Tar B Jtb. HenroUn wu de-L 23. I 110n. 100 yd. dub, h,.I , BUI place," 1rwln a&ld. "and Jerry ' 0 H N 8 T 0 N E ' S at that lltll• ot the p me. But, teated 1n hll mot put t~l<y C -660, Ankeny IN), Pavill• Champion, hlfh Jump. •·9, and Fvqu,bar ,,-&bl:IM fourth In the u it uai&!Jy doe• tor Pick, the for . the nnt. Ume ln • dual (L ), Bradford (LI, 1 :3•.•. 180, four man relay. Dick Smith. Wat-Individual med.My to ma.ke the Mesa Auto Wreckers p.mble paid otf. llo'•V~ Couch-meet by Leusl.n.cer'• Bob Pall&nte Fleeman IN!, Morri.on (NJ. IOn, Keith P'raaJdtn and Barn.Ion, h1trerenca.·• (J~ Ado hrb try ruled for the rw1t EC out· who toeaed the Iron ball ~3 ft. Thorn•• ILL 19.6. 100, Maccubbln 51.f . I~ the c cl&th with the SUlllet MMI AeoMeortee lnr ·a.nd Newkirk with • potf'u.I '"-In .. blttertn1 the Sallor .&ool (NJ, DeVone IL), McR.oberu Eiafrn 1wept th• vanity hl1h 1-SU• Tribal rlv&li the ClF Z075 Plaaentla Ave. of experience, And .. tveryone reconl. HenrollJ:i'• belt put trav-(LL 11.0. Low hurdlta, Kawuhlri jump WI.th Bill McCarty and Jobn meet wmt dowii to the four-man LIWtJ 8-7011 c ......... IU\OWI, Pl~k need• experience like eled 41 ft. l tn.-· rLI, Cadwalder ~N ), Foyt IL). Dawton fb:ilahinr two-lhrff be· relay. 31-31 . The tint place c:op·l ~:;:;::;:;::::;;:;:;::;:;:;~:;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;:~I he doea holes In ~ Bue ball. Tom Niquette and Ch&.rlie Ber-1!1.2 . Relay. NH (Maccubbln, Pe· hind Champion. Allen Jonee wu peel by Buck, Tom Brickner, Buah Ii The P1,.tff 1te&med tnt11 • alx· ry of UM Tar varatty •hand all-tennan. M.w-ri.aon. Fleeman ). 48.2 . .t«Ond In the 60 and Franklin and Barry Von Hemert 1ettled ~ run lead In th• ttr1t two atan.au around honon. 1'1quette nabbed Hlth jump, tie between Taylor lleCOOd Ill the 100. the ·lh\N. ' -.,_, ,aon pacN by th• lr:nock1 ol N...,..kirlf. nrat.t In tbe century and.-220 and (NI. &:rlc-an (L), lrd. tie be-Enai&n e naulll: Mi, Norm TAR RESULTS • · 'fbP• G/~~ Jeddy Young and Gena R&in• IU\d Rn anchor lap Oll th• vlctorlou• tween Cadw&.lder (Nl and Fe1· Hackford. l•l. 1.8, Bob H&lfleld, Var11ity -ltedley relay. 1.tt, a t~·o·b&i"1er by Butch COOpma.n.. 8a1lor relay. BerrJ copped the tendon tL), 5-4 . Broad jump, K.&· 3rd. 100, Ron KJrchen, lat, 11.8. tSchulberc. Farquhar, Redlnflon, Annlher batch dented the dith In low burdle11 and •hot puL wa.11hlri !L). Fleeman (NI . Akeny MIO, Bill Hajilrorth. 3rd. Broad KolvlatOl. 2:4&. &O tree. Yon He· SOUTH COAST CO. lht fourtll on (Rowland Hill'• 1 d Bob 8 'th INl, 18·11. Pole vault. FHM!nden jump, Kirchen: J.rd. mert. Ith. 100 bnut, Farquhar, 23rd •Newport Blvd. binglo, Jolumy i:.t.Nda'• •tro ll, Bi l Buckland an mi IL i, Wurtn {LI, tie between 07 3~ 200 r 1 :~:;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;:::!!;:;:;::;;;:1 were tlle buay bea.Ter• tor the .... ( c rr111.1IU: &O, K~ Doelburr. 11l. l : .I. Mantt, ,.._ ree, Jerry Wayt'1 double ml(! New· local B"1. Buckland took the C'111· C&dw1lder IN), Corw ell L ~. M . 2nd, J 0hn HUCbel, 3rd. 100, Kent Redington, l 11t, 2:07 . .5. 100 back. k irk'• liocle. h ,... th .... Shot put, R lckln ILl. Popejoy ff·• ~ 080 ~---• p ........ _ Schulberr. 3rd. 100 free, Redln<· cl .... tu""', HO and &DC o e win-INI y d tNI ,2 7,. 8 uu(aon. 3n.i. , """'"'.....,' er.-u•, A five-run lnnins con uded ... ,e ·~ , ar • · .... core, I 1 t •• 2 v H 1 , .. nln,: rel&y whll.e Smith won the Sr4. High jump. Hushe1. 3rd. on, • • ....... . on emer , '-"'· _Bue ba.h-1p in UMt •vent4, Bob N 3i. L 38 IndlYldual medley. Schulbef'I', 2nd. Loce«t10'1 le•doff alnrie, thf'ff hlsh burdlee and broad J~p. • COMPLETE RUULTs M N. I ,.M Farquhar, 4th, Olvln1 Kinney, Win for Mater Dei ounty ne ean «h. • V&"lty -H IP, hurdle., Gr1r· B -Medley relay, 2nd, (\·\'hit- . (Ith (NI, Schl&uch (L ) Sbafer .... N FULLERTON, (tJGNS) -Mt. •k", Po•-•· · Poto.-·•n. Al'-o l. M& MM N) SA,~'TA AN A, IOC S J-Tony ,.. oou ""' t IN), 17.2. JOO, Niquette t • San AntonJ 0'1 Mountits jumped fft ors Holley I N). Curt1' ('SJ, 10.1. 440. Anklnien 11paced eirht' hilt &nd 111 over burler Ted Llndeboom IJI" Tut (LJ .. Atkl.nJlon (l'I'), Buford clouted • three-run triple here and tht Fullerton Hornell' b&M-Mari &: A toti ' t NJ, M . .5. 880, Peeler !NI--H tnso P'rlday afttmoon '' Mater Del ballere Friday in Amerir~ Par1t._ ff ~·· , IL), Del..ong (NJ. 2:0f.I . lA'N Hl(h School df'feated Mary StM" 10-0. o-nl Be,.artllt ~=: ~;:: 20~~),~r~~qu1!~~ Of th1!4f'ea, 10·7, In • ParO<'hi&I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -Cadllac 2!.l . MOe, How .. th (LJ,-RkN (N l. ------------ MARINE INSURANCE ... __ o.bo.,.Port.a JIMlf7 Oo:. IHI w. OCIMli mnwa1 .. ,.a Wlt•a you keep the crankcUe In your car or other su>line mrine ftlied with Heavy Duty RPM Motor Oil. you aet utra protection a1.U.t the main cau.m al mcine war and res-if. Here"• .,.by: A detercent in ''HMvy Duty RPM" prew.n_!!_..dlpblitl ol carbon.. awn. and lacquer on cylind«11~ rinp, W olherputa.00..._.....,. __ ...i ....... ina:. prevent ainosion and •lop foamlnc. So to aet IDOr9 milea and more 1f11L1S of wvioe, nm-n...., to alway'I me Heavy Duty RPM Motor Oil. F .. i.tw-tlH ... ., s~ Oil c..,.., .t c.litnill ,.'"O. call ' CLAYTON THOMPSON lB02 W. Balhoo Bh•d. Harbor 156 (N), Peanon IN). Berry tN I, League Opt'ner. SAYE ---------S,~1MilltlfS+;;Vs"'iiii8~1'.~kli'i.-iJ'N~"F.):-'B'~··~·~"'i.="NYr,·~~~Hc-r-T ..... t...--~l" .. ---i1t-----------1t------------:~i . ';.'!.~, ~ 1::1~~ s ', a'· . r.I k.le' SAIFEL y . - ' 111t91'C8pfor & Cacllllac Marine Engines u 8-lll1 ' Troolan IN). Bchlauch (LI. 3rd. Peanon (NJ. e ft. ~ In. Pole ' lt-4. Hlrb jurnp, tie betwMn p vault, Schulauch (L), &nto tNI. I '/ ,.,,...th (NI. 10.3. Shot put, I f / / • Berey (N), Qric;k, ('LJ, C&ael ~ (NJ, 41·2. score, N 72. L 32. JIM'S B ~ Hlrh burdtee. Smith (NJ, aunnon tNJ. rron (NJ. t .t . 100. MUFFLIR SERVICE .........,, tN>,.-!11'· ....,_ ___ .nett.on IN), 10.•. tlO. Rauen Soany"e MllU..::n fNI. Rice (N), Wilker (N). 1 :-. a so.2. t..ow hunU• w11toa cN>. DUaJ Plpet walk.I. a tlaldli"a chote. and doU• A.Ito FactarJ' Kep ....... rM'9 blt.1 by 'hd Coult. and Ulla . U tl-61H -~ N"""'k ....... '101 W. 'Clout RWJ.JlleQtrt !W. ALIOA ISLAND SPORTING GQO ......... ~ BASRA' I GLOVES SON-$1'&1'8) SRO!dl RESibENTiAt: -INQU STRIA I:.'!. C0Mt.4ERCIAL NO JOB ~ Lilq& o~ ~uz. tao .... Ill., 111...,.n -. --• ' John.~<>n "' ,, ...... .. ' ' ... ' At Or•n~ County'• Institution Leadin9 Home Lending COMTINUING TO ~AY ' . u !ER ANN M 1-Ll ACCOU NTS', ? INSURED U~ TO $10,000 • " , .. • :NOWI BJG,TOVGB TA:NDEMSI ~ 11w n;;-i.-,;w.;ghrahcU.p.i ~ new Triple.TOlqUe Tonclea la mt.ti , op . . -..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.C.W.ftii• built~ to -do !!Ji ;~T :Nzw ·•• ca:BVRo&.ET TASK·~RCE THUCKSI -• ------- . MILi.ER .CHIVROL'IT CO. '.• .. : • • 1oo0 West Cwt Hl,lower • Mw,oay IEACH l'ltone Ubertt *-Ja61 . ,. . ;_'' ., • ' .. - ) ' -' - . I ·) ' u -•W ~ I. JJi(O a.t:l'~::::~::s=~=~~~===:;~2::::::;1 ~ K&nut.-..,. °"flaJ', bin ... flp'!dlldilp IOcaUd on U.. 'ftk:ll time U.. WADOe ot ~ .. ~ atntt,. N.-port 11Mcb, ~ proputJ. -ad laW'tlt ,_, .... , ...,...., 1 • , • ~bU--~and ~Nl .f.~ 1\i ~beoolnl 1•...,.w,-.ws . ... , ........ ._ ......... _."""·---·--. Cla ; . iftW Xare.11, ltDI, b,-... -e: ,..,.,. ... to ..,., Wlllllttil, diltulli .... eecw--, ~ \be put.IM ........,,. .. h. re.I. u4 ~ prop.t1J nd 1ll that th9 ~ °' SS 11tie ~ a-.tofoft cap• wU1 M 9014 M • ult. prlaCl,.a and tni..t due ml .id duct.eel b7 1-,...._...,. et ta. ..,._., ot .a. .. ~ t. IMrNl .DOte GD ~ I , t• bu 1 , abhw llddna ..... tf 4J!-11.t _...,. fl tbl ~ ..... _ .. llOt bMll l*ld; .,.. . ; ~ i 4 BtrMt. Newpert ..... O'.f Ala,, ~ oC -. • .. ~ l"RAJfCm &. m,,.. ~ ... tf ... ,_ a .. Wt 11 t '• ......... -" ::1'u1ac~ oC-::;. ::,.:.~ ::.. ~ .;::..-: ~ o!i =. ::..:·:::~c. oC ~ 'Uw .1 ! ,... ~· -......... .. twniture, wU1 Wet&~• tpe-_ • u. '*'4*t:t eo .,,.._ 'IW ,. aot.. .Mnt.ot'ore d'"M~ that . ~ .... ~ 1 • .,.£ 1 1~ -t-H! ~ -...... ... ated by Carl "V--W loha Clnt of -t bt4 to bl 4lpcNllt.c _...~HU ...._.ffOl*i7 and • ...--&. I -... --• ., ,.-: -. T . c..Td~•~ wtlh tM. on Decmabwf, 1161 dl.117ncor..s.I 'U.. 'IHIItllll I.It • ...,._ .. p ·,15 ... DATED at Newport Wch. • Btd8 or otren to brt ln wrlUnc LD. tlati citna. ol' tbo9 Oowll7 Ba-.,..... .Ml .. ...._ ii" • .. ~ •... fllil;r, County -OnAI"•. •tau ot call• ahd wllf"'iie u.o.i,ec11·ai the -1'm. corder ot u.ld ~t)'. t:n -boa\ MD1ll11ll ......... •=1a th~ ""' .. , °' -,... otflc• " '"' -....,. '"' 1111• ..,. " ., """"'.......... ~BT HARBOR ~'0 PR"'°'S 1161. nr.i pWt.Ucatioll _.,.and Won tb.nat, • aouo. ot Mid dllaUlt _.,£1'n.ll"V ___ L"'£tno-~ ;: ~ ~ ~ ~ n~ itM. ' =:-: ~ .!: = = ~T~I~..,, Wecll11day aad Friday •TATE or CAUFO!lNU. !tob«t 1:. Blvea.1, ui. pro ,.r thrM month. llaw now etapMd CO SHOPPER-Wednesdays OOUN!'T or OILAKOZ ,.. 211 Wut Tth It.. ll1nce ~ l"9COrdatJon of uJd no- oa Katth 11, aoe. IMlcn IN, LM ~-1,. Calif. u'*' 'nl.•.sum ot •u.000.00 prtn· DliDUNU tor »IK1n&' • .,....,.i11QI' w ..,..: u._ wuw.iped. a Kota.ry Public Telepbane: ~ 1211. clpt.1 UMI. lnterwt tbenon trom Weir ~ "'*1icadon. _ ~J I p.m.. 1n ... for Mid Coaty and et:at.. R.OBD\T I:. JIIVl:NI Aupat I, 11166 i.. now du, owta.r ,._ w ... ......oq ~tiou -'!"l..at.7 l p.m.. ,.. '"7 ap ........ C.UU.. ~ ua. WW• of 11&14 ud 'Ul!IJ*ld Oil 9&141 note, Md tll.""9 ._ l'ridq ...... Uon -'Dmndq l. p.m. )LUI', known to me to be one qi =to~ ol Y alilo MC\IHd by iid4 l>-4 ol MSWPQllT,••Mt()a PUJIUUllNO 00. U.. pu1a1,.. ot Gae ~ n ·• TnW. th• Tnlat.M'• f• aad •· UU .......... Jr.-pon ....., o.u.r--. .llil!NO& ...... wua: ftO ..,_ TOO•+''· & 0. •• , ·-----....__ '- SPARKUTTS ·DIBTILLED WATllB nr ·cai&c Oladllical' ~-Nephritla ~ Sall rr... DI.et UMrty 1-aolJ 11'1 EXPERT .REMODELING that ..eut.4 t._ w1thfa tutru-.-Ko. ... pme111 of ..,. eaumated at ... 1.90. l-;uro;;;;;;;;o.~;;;;;:o;:;;;;;;;~;;;o;;;;;;;;;;~ .. Oi;ii;;;-1 RMBl, .ad aci...-...o-..t to rn• New .. Preu l/2I. •12. '· lff# ....... ther 'frith any ...,,,. p&14 and .All a. ,~ .._ _. .. ,...._~ .. ..,.,._.of, ... ...._ LlcmfaZD --·-~· ~· .. -ble Free adv\co Phone HU. 61(11..W' tb&t weh partnenblp naeat4ld INUI advaneed by tM ..men ot Mid Tho ~ ... _ not roz mon Ulan ooa lnoornc:t llett Uw •m•. ODllhC.A.TI: or :u• n<>l• ta accordanc9 With thl P~ LDNrflon ot an r.d, NMTY• Uio rf&ht t.o eonttuy claulty any &nd &ll "1TNUI '"7 hand and official P'ledtlooa .,,.. .... m1ou ct uJd CS.Md or tru.t, wtth W and to HJ._:t any ad not conlonnil:lc tq rul09 and resut•Uon.. ..aL Tllll UNDl:l\SIONSD do b•n-lnt.enifl on Mid Jut mtntloned ltOBa\T Jll. RUR.WJTZ ~ certifJ' Ua&I. tbtY an conduct.--IWNI. • CHIXJKI EQUIPMENT -Jficb<ilu DeSrJro, Belipot, Notary Put.He t. And fol' lq a Win and Metal ~tun NOW TmD'Oltm.. NO'l'ICI: "'·rp. -··b-· ·•-foreman, examines i.Datallatioo of aaid Couat7 Md ltate Kaautacturtac blYIMlll at fl._ :ra HmBY orvmr that the 'l&Jd """' --...-ST.A.ft or CAl.D'OIUlfIA. > ai.t It.not. M_,,ort 11oac1a Clll· Oran,p ac.mt.:r 1'lu. ~. by IJl &utomatic lo-•winr lat.he in temporary headquar· COtTNTY or OILUfO& )• fonti&. under Utit tk:truou. nrm vtrtuo ot u.. auu.ort.t1 ~ ln It tera at 19U Placentia. Ave. DeSalvo wu in cba.rse On Kuch lt, llM, botore mo; aamo or THINLlN1ll KANUFAC, aa TrUtM und1r Mid DMd. ot Ot t'T macb.lDlata, fLrat H elipot rv>n;onnel ill the Harbor tJJI un&tnlped. a NotarJ Public TUJUNO_ COKl'A.NY and that Tnat, will .ell at public auction "'.. ,..~ ld U4 far Mid c.nty and ltato aid tlri"D. -. i.. ~ ot tho to u..-~ btddc' for cub. ll'M, 'when initial equipment w-. moved into Co.ta ~ ap.-nd .JOHJi C. foDowb.I ,.--. w1M:9 ~· l&wflal IDOIWIJ ot u.. umi.s ltat. X.. March 18. -Staff Photo FRANK. klWWll to mo te bO .. la tull u4 pa... ~ nsldlace ..,. ~ Am..nca. cm u.. 4.tla c1q of -------------------------ot Ulo part.ne,.. ot tM pll'tMI'-.. folJonr, CO:wtt: AprU. UN at th4I hour of ....,_ &hip that .ueut.t tM wiUUa ta., C.UU. YmNmiU.l'f, o'clock Lm. or ..id day at UM Coast C II ' B d · . ruwnent.. Md ~ to lTM Onan rnmt. louth rront door ot u..·~ . 0 ege s roa way mo ,.., '""' ..,........ ........ ,...._ ....... cant'""" County Court -..... Qly the am.. . .JOHN T. CJJ\DSN, ~ lanta Ana, C&Utom1&, au of "1TNE81 my band and olflet&l ,,. 11411 Vuo Lana. • tho latermt conYOJOd, to U. by Mid Mlisl I. t Play Wednesday ..al. ... Bal.be&, C..Ufornia DMd °' Truat in and to &ll U!.&t Ca 0 " ROBD\T & HlJRwrrt WITNESS our han.da Ulla l ltll cortain property sit~ ln tho . , . c.. :~~'~a'::~•~ "' "' ~~c";.,;:.,.VENEMAN :::;!,' ."!..'Z:';.~._ or Coll- Clauiflad Index 1 Flmenl KcKIDeo J Clud of Tlaanb 19J*lW~' ·-~ 11 Bmb 7 OtlY9 lllkd ..... ~ u ........ llerriw ,,..._... 11 SU... y..,. Ou- 11 Tru.,., ..... ··-11a-q Aide JI llMltll A* ti 'IAet Md l'OWMI Sp~• on BroadWay, • mu· the dlrocUon of 8eY"Uly I>" CJ. Mt /a/ .JOHN T. CA.JWl:N Tha louebold utat. cnated •lea.I tlrtta'apnsa, com•a to the bell.· will do a d&nc• MqU.C. N..,._Prue l/2t/ll STATS or CAUJ'ORNlA l by that certain I..,.. dated ,._A 9'fap9 Oraap Cout CoU•1• audltorl· to Ule mwilc ol "BahJL" ICu.l.c !-------------)M. Totaruary 1,, lH.!S, between IO-ll Appu.aoee If ...... IMtructiom II a.ttt.Uou W-t.d n IWp w-led ............... um, W~y. a t B:J3 p. in. will b41 by tho Dancti Band, un· NOTWlll OP 9.U.Z OP' IU!AL COUNTY Or ORANGE ) Tho Jrvln• Company, a cor1 ~ ~~o t~ a• a fl'M pullllc performance. AJfD P&i&9011'AL l'SOJl'E&TY or TH18 11th d&y ot March. p o ratio n, u INIOr. and Procktctd by lM coU~1e div._. der the dir,.r:Uoq_ ~ Eiataol l\q· AT P&IVATI: IA.Lii: A.O. JIM. lMtore me. tho under· DAVID• M. BARRIE and U..A. Alltbilllllll •1on of l'ln• ud Applied Artl<. j&&. AS .&. VNrr lilJWd, a Notary P\lblle In and M>JUORIE Mil BAIUUJt, :: ~~-= Ty lhe ~ucUon Will ll\CIUde .te•n.. Th• lihow wtll •t&rt wiUI an NO. l'JUU for th• Mid County and State. hu.b&nd and wife. .. jolnt II Dop, oat.. P.ts from· l·~tft Pactflc:,'' ''K l•met.'• overture by tbt' O&nce 8&Ad, and 1n tho Sup.rtor OOurt of th• State f'NldlllJ thereln. duly conunl.elklft· ton&nLa, u !MMe, and r«erd· 11 P..atr)' .. Guy•· and ·nou.." "lA Hoherrie," ot C&W'omM. bl and for the Oouft, ed and sworn. porbW!y appo&rlld od Manh 21, I HI 1n book a modem d11.nce lo ··Bah111.:· a then go !nlo •cenes ftom South ty of Loe '.1.nc-1-. , CARL VENEMAN and .JOHN T, 112'. P9.I'• 1t of Otnclal Re-: ~=--:-i.s dramatic lkit by tho c1r1.1ia. de· Pacific. 'There Is Nuthln' Uk• In th• MAU. of lbe r.tate of CAJU>P known to me to IN th• cords ol On.nco County, Call~ '° A.a-for w. par\nlent. a.nJ q.cr«I songs of a Dtu11e" will be &WIJ by the l.Jil: ft.. BORG, DKeued. Kotlc• ,,_.,n. ll'hoM namq ar• aub1 tomla, and by mecio &Nip-•.& 'l1tM A: p.,... Ea.Iller by a ml.Xed choru&. ~ten's Gitt; 'Thia Nearly \Vu iJ1 be...-, pnn that the W'l4er· .crlbod to ~Wn IZlltruma.nl, ra.ef!.U lo JEROME .J. HUI.r '1 A.u a.nkle MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 Boin -JU1t south ol W..t- miUter N.uoNJ Pvk. AA ON.a.I• Oow!.ty lutiWtloa a--ttnc tamWu ot all fa1Ua TelepbOlle (Toll S'ne) Zl:b.lth. 6211 No ooa 1Tf!r tumed •••Y beca\189 of lack or tuncie. Smell Jobs Wanted Carpentry -Painting Good work-Reuonable Uberty 8-&803 , 8ic9~ CEMENT & BUILDING All ""'"' FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8.;1109 • .... Paintillg, Decoratlq Paper 8 •nstns ~ ~ GEO, BURKHARD'll LICZN1lllD """1'llA01'0 ITI W. 18tb It.. Oolta X.. Llbon, Wiii COllPLETE PAIN'1'ING & Paper lU.ncinc Serrioo IJUO~ o. U..UND ... BOO Ila Street. N..,,.-t ...... Ba.not n7.I W. CARPENTER Repair Work 0.... Yov Romo ft'..a a.,.trtac or Remodo"ncf Call l'ran.k. UbortJ ...... All Work Our.nt.Md fftlt FOR PAPER HANGING CA.LL ILUL &:K)l..W -PAINTING Jo~rom "La Bohem1," the opera. Mine" v.·IU fe•ture Ltt K r aft: lipod wtll ..U al prtpat.o .U., to anct ack.D0"1.edpd to mo that I.ER and 'RUTH K )(UL-u ~ 'by Puccini, Barb•r• J•Ck"91l will "S.ll Ha'I" v.·111 be by 1'1 .. r y th9 hlsts-t and .,_., biddtir, Mi~ Uw1 exoeuted tho u.mo. IN WlT· LrR, hus'oe.nd &nd wtto, u a .ur,a...- a1n1. the v.·ellknown "lotusetta'• Gran;er; ''I'm tn Lclvi Y.'ith A ject to coallrmaUon ot -.Id SU· NUI WHli:JllllOF, 1 l'l&Y• her., jotzlt ttna11U, d&ttld AUl\Ylt fol W.ateod i. a..i Painting & Paperlw1Cin1 We do the work ourtelvea. ao ,....,.. ezporlenoe Lt<*'Md .. tnaurtld. INTERJOR -EXTl:R.IOR AJ..80 K.4RINJl P-UNTINO lJ.CENBEO -JNSURED Walt&" 'ho w111 tf'am with Ray-\Vondertul Guy" by Ruthee Hu.I!-perlor Court, on or afte-r the 11 unto aet my hand and atflxed my 10, 1966 and recorded 8epte.m fol Awca. A: Boueoa tu llai van Over tor tho duet ecene be· ma.n : and .. I'm Gonn• Waah That i»y o1 April, 1161. at the ofnce offlclaJ .ea! tho day ud ,Yl•r In Mr 21 , 1960 In boolr: l217, M-A Apt&. fw ._, lWffn Mlml &nd Rudolfo. Mlsa M•n Right Out& My Hair'' by of Robert~NI, 21a WHt uu. C.rttncal• tint abov• writ· P9C'• 11, of OMcW Records. .......... ,., &-.S J -ck110n will bo r1mon\bered f~r Cnlbia ,BU'othw and the Wo-hvt.nlh . ·~tJ Of Loe t.itrt ·,. • tOl'•th•r wttll"...W bU1¥1.n1• 61-CJ TnUer a,._ her owta(.andLnK" pcrforn1ance 1n mllll'• oi.e. Angilu t , In 0 Couaty or l..4f ' II.OBERT ft.. HURWITZ and Improvement• now ori. th' fol a-'°" a-* th~ CbrletmL~ operetta. "Amahl Nest Will brinf .cen .. trom An1ele•, Slate of Calltomla, all )(y Commlsaion Explrel property ,C1:1Verod by .id lea• ..... A ... , B..,_ and the Nlr:ht VL11lt~r•." "Guyi and DoJ1.a·· with "lf 1 Wt.re Ult r~, Utla and 1ntore1t of M.ld May 11, ltDI or~that may bll!'.....rttt bo C1:1n• &1-8 ~A: ~ U-'NCt: 8EQliL.'liCE Ed y,·arne: ''Luc k Be A L&cly" deceued, at th9 Umo ot death and No. IM Ne• .. Prn1 •tructed or placed thenon ao a. ... ll1K. A Bell .. by Ruthee Huffman and all the Mcht. t.ltl• and lnt..re•t that !/21. '12. t , 11, 19&1 prior to th• oblll'&tlon1 MCurod II It•,_ A: omee. with tM A Cit ....... lla Choir and th1 e~tate of iaid doceued h&I &c• by this deed of lrult. 1&-A 8 11Ntte• Ae.s.&. r...-NOTlOS or 8.A.LE OF &&AL Lot 28 of' Tract No. 11~. at • ._ .-.... mmtU.. Borden Granger; '"Take Back qulrfli by optr&UQb ot law o~ P&O-""TY BY -v sru -•po k .. J 1 I th ,.__ In addl •.r.-. .... Bayahonia, u ahown on a rnap aa Mone' to ,_ Your Min . Ann Mor1&11, an co otherw 1a, o or .,...., or • UNDER DEED OF ~RUST re<X1rdtld tn bOOlt M , J>&l'O 21 Henderaon. Diane Moore, Sue An· tlon to that of Mid dec....ed, at TBVST NO. 1Tl7 1,__ ,1 _ ... at 11_,. w-w drua; and "I've Neyer S..n In tbe time of dMth: in -.nd to i.U ol Ml.Ce •.aneous .,...pi, near..., 5T ..... &atak'I Waated Love e-"ote." Joan Tonn• and ..... _, ,.... --• --•• WHllRJCAB, JJ:ROloa: J , MUL-ot Oran1• County, C&U!omla. 11 ltMI z.t.ate Seniee Bafl#faction ruarat1t"4. Eltlmate.1 rr... C..U Jotanna, LI 8-~~ LIR= 8ltfc l--P-A-IN-T.,,..IN""'G-"': = ~·:....":':~::;::: PAPE.RHANGING rowa, etc. BOYD'S -HDWE. Sympson & Nollar 2430 W. OOAST HIGHWAY S.l ~ WorltlMa Uberty a..843!>. Nl'WJ!Ort Bch 21llc Har. not OJ' -~T Glenn Johnston M l • Jlat SL Newport s.dl Harbor 3111 Utfo .. • A. J. Delphino Cron Files for hembly '"'1 lb. cen.un ..... r-·--pro-i.n and RUTH M. MULLER., hu.e-or eo much of a.aid property aa II i-p pert A Ceppella Choir. perty 1ltuate In the County ot Or-band and wife, by DHd of Trust •hall bo neoouary to bo eold t'o IO-A ~ ~utrtal ,SO~GS l:l>CHEUUlZD ang"e. State of Ca.llfomla, pe.rttcu· dated Aurmt 8. 19~ and recordJ provide a 1wn 1utnclent to pe.y 11 8-.1 Eat.ate !ac.,u10 CONSTRUCTION CO. WAYNE'S FOOTINGS =DU~G"-----1 Wuto llnu. ..,UC tank# and NW•r ~ worll done by Ford mouotecl B&clllloo. t. t J . Delph!no or COlta Men Tu y cro1a filed nonilnatlon pe. ror the St~e Ar11t.mbly, larly dNCrtbed aa tollow1, to-wit: -• od b Id Brtd~y·s Mr. Murphy, a <1run.a Lot 39 of th• eubdtvlaion of ed Boptemblr 21• t9M In book tho tot ... amount eecur Y .. Q K-.1 EAtaM ·, General Contractor skit . .,.,.111 be pre.Hnted bf drama Block cot Newport Bay Tract. In 3r217• pa&"• 377 of O'ftlclal Record• I>Md of~.:._ ... 11 11,. 1-------------fAll work ,....r.ona.lly aupervl.Md. ~ludents. From "Kl.miet.," 90llP lha City of New~h. Coun, Of Orance County, Calltomta. CS.Id O..ted: ~ , . .-iJ 8-2023 will include ''Rhyme• Have I." grant and coovey th• property Orango Cowit)" TIU• Company 8~ Notac-Pl\on HYatt , .. & eon.ct. ll'°'R tho 7Uh di.at..dcl. 90Uth«_I_)'_ _tta:· ment of Or.nee County. In at1nounctri1 hia candidacy. [)eJphlno Mid : Olmn Orovt.a and Barbari.-1uk· therein e.nd herelnll.{ter dNCrlbe<l. By Oil(), A..-P.UUCU +:;~;;:o=~:::;::~::-;~;:::-:1 "°"· . ''!kabln, BEtflii &Iii' a-t frem L& Boh9"'e, feUew-ed· ritJ'l'flla COm· -----pj'iij(d__.. · Newport B&rbor' l --~----------,lu;!~~=~·~·~v~·~·~ _ _:::-_,;,=:----1 Bead.a." Barbara JackMD and A ~y tJJt Euler Finale. The Noon pa.nth Y. u b1Tnu1 lotee, toth.ecur1, am1onr1 ' By <:;-~~R B. P. 0 . E. -J'Dr a depe...,ndob .... lo -W ~·.- Capella Cholrj .. hto," Qloan CbOrua w'ill .i.or "P'aUl•r of Hea· o er o cat NI, • paymen o -=·•-·.r . 1787 )'OUr local er w ... .,.. .. ! f'Ht th.at th1 people of thla area know wllat l eland for, but fu.1TIO 1*. 1u1 • there I• no ml!!· undenl.Mid)q. I will try to n1ake myaelt '\,Ill• clear. l o.,.,·e no m.n anythlnl' ·and therefore I ran do what I.a ~*'-for all 1ny constltU· -ecnta. I beltt!ve thal the de11lre1 of a crimmunlly come before lhe de- 1lr11 ot tho State. 1'~or ln1tanc•, Cmta M...,. d<>f'm'l y,·ant a ditch thrQ\Wb. th9 mlddle of the city. "I 'fl'Ul not be votlnr on any bllla that 1 haven't •tuclled lhor9u1hly and I won't be vntlng .,.,.Ith one eye on lbo DaJtt election. Al a work- tnr m"" J know the value of tho doUU. .and ""'HI not bo throwing monoy •w•y. "I Wiil 1'1ot be putUnr on •n rill· bor9f,• Qmp&lln for I h•ve n~lther th• flnanclal nor the phy•lca.J aup- port llf' .:ny orranlu.Uon. I can only My tha t I •m honHt. twrd. •orklnl" and ~"• tP Ule dlJ'Ul.1 ot •Ye'l'Y man.'' DEATH NOTICE tms. MAA'l'll4 ~ J'uneral. H1"¥ICM (or Mn. Mar- tha M. Fleener ciarlc6, 42, of Meroer Island, Wuh., wer. Kh~· uled !CC' 10 L m. today 'IMon• d•yl In P•rkea-R.ldlty Mortuary C'h~l. Cmt& !i{rN. Th_e n.v. Chari. ff'; Hand wu Khtduled to officiate. tntenru•nt w•11 tn be --...--tn H..-.ltor--R.Mt M~ l'a.rk cem•tery. Mrs. ctarlte cam• to Co 1 l..• Meea · two ... ..-. a ro wt.th her 1-,r.-.ar-o&d aon IMll.n,y ~ vt11lt her_,n.qi.117, Bhe wu found dead TuMl.laJ nlgM.-&L 1130 Monrovia St. A ll'otln ot O'Nlel. Nebr., ,•h« C9me M' OMita Mee& In tt4e •nd m oved. t.o Weahlnl(lon In 1~2. 8"1dea. llt.r eon. Mra. Ct..rk• I• aurvtved ti:r her huet.nd. At· torn•y a.orso I:.. Clark• of >.lt.r- c:er Ialand; t'Nn broUle~. Ralph J. 1o~1eener of Coat• M""• •nd J11me11 n. Flttner or Sanla Ana. fo11r alatera. ,\Ir,. P"rank ~n Co~I• M•Nl "Mra. WllbW' Hard• In..-. \VllHtter. ~ll'L Kort1t1t 8to1t ~llfluwer, lira. Jlldt Tt.\\'aJt Lakr'fll•(JO(I. . L ~ ' . G "d Ma"ly u-.. -,. .. ,, oot H 1 • 4 one note dated Aucuat 8, lSM, (St.al) TOMORROW to back 1q> •bat be rove• -· " 11 --' v-. 0 Lord K 0 y, an p&yable to FRANCIS lC. KELTllR let pubHcaUon Marcb 12, lilMI Meoui eTer)' TllundaJ I p.m. •U. TODA.Tl Cl'lec:k th• uMd ;:!~-;~ll!i' -~~ ~ar~~B&r= --rho Holy CltJ," Barbara J1ck-1 and MARCELLA. C. Kl:LTER. Ind public&Uoa Karch lt, ltol Vla 0pgno -O.t.ral Ave. an in the claaalfied NCUon to-- 1"ixt ••ill M tlle daaoe, "II&--eoh, '°loUt; &114 pt Warne, eolo-huaband and wile ... jolrit ten, lrd paWk&Uon Much Jt. 1161 Newport. s.cll day. hi•:·• the MUMtta '• Wa11a, t ti a • let. at1U. or order, tor the principal No. llO N..,.Pr.. 4lbert B. J4allb_., CX<ed Ruler .. • • GREATER EARNlll'5 REMEM8ER ... SAVINGS 1'9Ctivecl by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the ht. • - AJoobolk:a ..._ Wrtta P, 0. .. -Newport ....... o.iu. PboM lluttair fftl ... I ' 1 • I ~ '1 • 1 I - ' --.. -.. , .. i:!::~~!!!!!::==::;JJD!!:;:• !;h:!!!!!l~II!!!•!;!•~· 1!1EWPQRT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART II· PAGE! L1DO NORD BAY. ,l'R<»ft' . • :lilONDAY, -MARCM 26.-~ -•• ... ~=~ .......... ., ............. ................. , '• Gtlll.s JPPLIANCE ROU1!B ·ftJLL Cf·JIOCl(I) Oi' 1111111 QUAUTT'I ~·!::~·~·!!N:!2"!! .. !!_'.T!!1~1!!•~•!._ _ _J~!!:;:!!!!"'"~!u~id~T~·-:;!!.:--r 1 rt4• ••• < ftarlt'1ln tit M IOld at BACIU· , . 111...LaN 1.. aJ'A.NT a. &. ............. .,~-··· "· ~ . ' ttl GOOD JOBI -OOOD LU..Un' ' arid ·TV-SPECIALS GOOD ~WS! ' ==.::.~:..'": NEW 1956 DKW };:; at 10 ua. llq1I Deluse Sport Coupe ., •. '.~ . --· • .. , .. , • Ca wltk ftqlecal IMi -la • ~ tltet adu&UJ _.. NEW MATl'MJ R.UIGE,~~ller~-flillOll~.~IG~N~-""'-",,.:..--~Jllll . .6911oj-THllD~,._~~·c,iltOOJOi~rwr_,"1~11.'.:._~•;:i=::-~~_.:'°::j---------'lQO[ !· ':':~ Hli'l~'DDn~Rl"t-tlur:rl--\UollCJ...WUlllNGHopt!E __ r,•um>ROM•T .. "IOT.J,__· ___,__, ~-our Relax-A.Cltor nJU. PAr .. ,... ... ......._ Al\DU 11 Uoecl WEIJl'lll(GBOUSlll EL!lCTIUC JU.NGE """ aoo w. c.n .... Anohelm u :::::: OOlflULT.u(T • _ -· .... _ Double 0-_ Doep well .$H9~ (PIWI Tu A I.lrt ... ) .. · -oo-U.. UU ,...._ .,.._ a... •"1 u~ SERVEL 0 •..,T,G-'TOR 0 cu.tt.' •••"" 12-.A.-.bl!'I-C vi J Tri .. _,,;_:..,. -.... --"If--•tt ...... --o-.o-•roas . ~ -~··-~ • ~·-_ uh off•ro le led on new aguars, ......,.,..,,~. -~ .;;n~ •• ;::;;; ·-0 n~ c"':"" CONCERro' ~ WESTINGHOUSE Apt. flat. Ronr• ----· .$59~ TALL GABLE Country Home HVlman. ·~:-: ---------"-''°''--.! -•nlr-...-;r.u.1111 · USED TELEVilltON BuYs ANTl~tJES WE MUST REDUCE OUR INVENTOilJJ COLD WAVE .... .. .... .. .. OON,.-.D.i.Jll. --SYLVAMA 21" Coniolo with BaloU1ht . J189.M ..... ..,,,., """""ti• .. u ..... •"li ... -,._ -•11 ~.::.::;. --"'""" PBILOO :u· MllL eon..oi., -coadldtlon --$2311~ = e .:::;-.;, .. -= HARVEY MAYER MOJ:n.: BS COMPLETE PACIFl ... C ~P:~ONE TUMlllCDl>U• lliU\' ·G. E. tT' Blond eoa.oi. _ $59~ ,._,.,. ll't tto~ to lbo fl "" .,.., .......... nN"',~' Moll. Comole ., • .,. ....,.., ,..,_,.,!ho-. ~~~ ... M.uu to sio .... ~ ~ ..-..... l<ATHRTN ANN '°""" 2137-Bar!Jor """"' ... , . • SWEETS JPVELRY PBILOO UY," Moh. Couolette -$49~ un1 --Blvd., ..... ..... U &-22116 Lt~. 1 .... , att "· ......... "•111.00 Beacon Personnel a. LOAN OLYMPIC Blond eo ... 1e 16" with dooro $59.911 T"""'1----------------------1~w.i:_ =~IJB~ 100"' employt::r nta!ned 40I~ .. •tb at.. laata AM VK Ultd Hi Fl Phonosraph ... •peed l $i9.95 ANTIQUll ..,i beet. wtlh sprtnc• lllM Harbor BIYd. • Coofa M-SS R .. q, 8aft'!l!- Llberty 11-3437 -' 1-----------------------10 l"l', BOAT, 1% b.p. oulbo&l'd motor $.50, Kt 6-2989, llc8I or Newport Bhd. behNrm ttth llltDg' DeJJ1 t :IO to '· rrt. t :ao to t ..,.. rdbUlttlnr. Har. Ju:f·V.'. ... -.0oota ...... 1.1.....,..NO.....,...,_.....,..,..... "'" DAVIS-BROWN .,,,. lf Ul-Si.t N.....,..n ~ ---------lllOD!c.u. """'""' .._ -DRAPERIES %% LoM -road .... N.wport eei<> ....._ ,.._ •nd SUP COVERS LOilT en lat.. Kar. lT, L641• irtate upm...._.., quaU&aUaM Made to Ordw pl.Q sold 'll'1iR watch, ·topu. • -1 pertlnent tntonn.•Uoa ln .:.umai.. --: aunp&. USE.D APPLIANCE BUYS ........, " ""'' •''"'•· RZ-n~t ,., .. ,_ wn.. -.. ,._,. LUCllJJl DRAPERIES BNOWBDU> ll&ll ... , • No. ,.,. Can OU. P"PeJ'· l'Tcl8 w.um. Har. ceio. 11ca1 ~ *" or MN -DOUBLE Bowl Stainlee1 Steel 72 inch Sink * Price SmM -eomplt,t.9 wltl!. .u good condi· , BJ>CRrl'ART acct-clerk. pay ICStlo tlon • I: II! clerk ...iu. at.ano ..-t.., P' BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER. bolt down $39.50 Mu.a Boat 4 Hdwe. I 1 !"1! a!') ......_.. bruab artat, Several dome9tle1 ROUPQn:rr LA.CJD WESTERN }JOLL y GAS RANGE ---'6'JSO 2J0-21th lt.--Harbor 23t5 Ch• p , , " thon ,~~ -........ N-port Beech nt 0 • u•,... .__.._. '1000 WW buy 1'4BVLOU8 col· (white table top with griddle) &ep88 ina a1 ing """''-AOCT., """--.. ... 1 .. u .............. ·-,._DIXIE GAS o•~~~ "9501 '"'----~---.....:..-1 °'1 &04 CT~ Newport Beach. ~ .trom point. A Potzat· de"Ven1-. Pb J\.A..I.,.~ --·--·-··-···-------.-. ' BIN CRU I OnMra 'l'Um ffUll City H&ll l5cU Har. 4111. 11:; (white table top, oven control) ~. lne. hKd~8:!1d 2:0:;u.u::!~ ,,._. LIMrt7 a..lld WANTZD trom July 1-e.pt.rntier IKINDIVER· dl7 ....i .Wt. uMd DEXTER AUTOMATIC WA.SHER $74.50 Gray 120 b.p. b< tank 1&-pump 111 at Beacon Ba:r. ftellbed "1'7 little..' wtll ftt l'f." 180 to IJuitalled ~uJd.llary l"'n. Ready .to 10 R · E · 0 ..... We ere proud to announce our eppoimment as distributor in .Senta Ane end Orange Cou~fy,~ VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM. See our Cmb~-line ·O! trucka. buaees, engines. gaaoline . LPG -D)esel ED THOMPSON GARAGE · 302 French Street, Santa Ana •: ~ Waated WObWt. to be.Ip tn bouM. cook 1, 180 lb. N 1115 atilln G•~•a SATTLEllSGASo•~GE ,_1 .. 9 ~ $1175-3121 w. Cout mrbvray. hlDCb &tld dinner. Bit With man. ew S 4&1.r~ nA.1."t 'oven CODwv ..,. ,..,.,,l_!_N~..,,,....~".'.'.:· ______ ""'~~OOJl----------------------- cbUdren occuion&lly on WM.II.· ~~o. BcL1~11= BENDIX GYRO~TIC, lMtalled $59~ MASSAGE enik Ll.v• ouL Good M&arr and ITplt ADMIRAL DELUXE ELEC. ~GE $89.tsa trauport.&Uon et»t&. Wri~ Mn. · Wbirlpool be.th&. o . .J. p.u-ro, Terok>W R&llcll. NEW DELUXS ltenmot'ti au~ ROPER GAS RANGE ----------..$ll9.50 O.U LI &-7t72 tor appointment Qoleta, cautornla. Uctl matJe wulUnl m&chin• cwt. (white table top with oven control), -------------l:XPl:RIENCED ho~I IDaM1, ......... 1230• ~ tor •~ .u.ao GmsoN 6 Cubic ft. REFRIG ---------$M.50 r-· IntamaUon&I ilan'Nt.er MOIW · CLEAN UP JOBS ..... -· .. •larl. KEN '70 Doop --.. ,._ APARTMENT SIZE RANGE, SPl!lCIAL -· $29.50 ~ VILLA MARINA. i:::; wW1,..~ fn3. Bar ... !!!°! HOT POINT 6 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR $59.50 or • .....,.. SERVEL ~1L cubic ft. REFIUG. eAo. 50 Yard Maintenance 11 (l. SL\. SHELL l&lllng dJ.a1hY new In 1150. Very &"ood con- dlUon, excdlent a&ll. Just ri&"ht for thild. fl2.li 200 other boats listed. Both power a.nd Sall. RJdiAR.OSON YACHT ANCHORAGE. INC. HAR. 381 17cll2 '1'11..rM J'e&n mc:pet1enc• DUK W AJTIN'G Jati 7I ...,u. tJlb kxalit)'. J'OR B!tOKER OR 8ALE.l!IKAN. HOT POINT t*tbio iJ:"' per-• ----------- U 1·37011 ''tto ~ Permanent. -::~to~=~. =plele. C:':o~~ K~QX HARDWARE CQ. S7.~·. aa:.t· ltcom_:~t~e d:~ fhouJd ktiinw-k>caJ .... • " 20 {ConfldenU&I) ~t Mt&. A.II for ' ·~ ~ Eut ,4.th St. Santa An& KI 2-2336 G<Mxl c:ondlUon, 13fl-O. Harbor c..u Rou Gretley, -'------------!------------------------2'684·W. 17c811 ~GARDENING Balbo. Bealty Co. Harbor !217 ,.... 808 .tn-== THINGS YOU NEED JOHN L. KEEFER'S llpN. W-tlTR&8---.--.-,-,1-1~-,1o-.. --...,.-O'KDff It Kenitt Ou ~I•· at pricee you can pay . Muine Propeller Service Baulln1 -end odd jot.. REASONABLE -----------lakm. Imm«tlat.e emplo~mit. JMli deb.me model, lamp and Repltchinr. stral(hUnlng' and LADIES· Do-not telephone. 8 ACK clock W1th own Um.er, chrome BED SPRINGS &: MATrRESS Complete ·--······--·---·· $10 -o 2 8 1ailhanclq -NB....,.rt .. 0 .... Do lhouldeni or fe-t achllf SHOP 2305 E.. Coul Hlpway, · (rlll broU•r and lltt up top. •• -twpo .....,.., Ill JUILAXATION oMdedf ConJna del Mar. Jkll Ulltd 1 month, ~ owed Baby Crib It Mattreu ··-··········--····-·----$9.95 17p811 lilAa AR APPOINTMENT tor :mxPEIUllNCJ:D food It cockta.ll fl!\.tt cub or take over pay· Com.pletl!!ly F\ll'D.ilh Your Home CHEAP INBOARD BOAT TRAILER for S d• h M mentl ot Sl.31 per month. No ule 112:i Har. l:S30. 17c811 W9 IS assage wait.nu b«wfffl 21 • 13 yr.. eUh nMCltd, my equity free. • Men'• Suita ·······--·-··--·--·····----·······--$6.50 up til your home. old. JlerJ'• 2630 Cout. HIP· 8e9 anytime day or ennln1. ·• 400 Women'1 Dreaes __ .25-95c e Ple&.M call H&.tbor f.718 """' N"'JIOJ'L Mell lt'l W. Cbapman. Oranp. ~.~ 10 MU K.Ellon _1-6117. « --. S""!!:;:!~~~-"!!'!!·-~~----· 1 ---~--------1~ ~U IDl1A.L l'OR R&NTAUI, Stov• DOKESTIC WORK by hour or ftO. Ft.trta'· PU. Both IOOd con4. d&J. Colorod. "'""'~"' • HAND BRAIDED RUGS LI ,.,... ottor I p.m. IStto 1oc&1 nJerence. Own tr&AlpOl"-J'RD ~STRUc:rION ,VETERANS INDUSTRIES OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TILL I P. K. Com• tn and abop at on• ot our S conven.le.nt locaUont f-02 E. 4th SL, SANTA ANA talion. Kl S-983. &ecll ORDl:RS TAKJCN All otw rnater1ale available. • KARY FANNIN, 11115 1!1. Cat. Bl. J.A:u.".: Bch. HY:1.t~ t-78VI. 17tro WESTINOHOOIE a.Itel. nq-..- oven conttOI. In nnt dUI con-1----------------------- Roy's· lllf aintenance Bw c'M"taf-l'looi' wulol WlllJ -·ttns wtadollf~n'q SILVER rox STOLE Pi:anx:T COHDITION. R.euonablt. Har. 1&!4. tf dlllon lfG-110-J'Ttb I t., Npt. ..... • TRADE BJC.A UTD'UL T<r aua.. M:boonu, ro &nJWbM.. Excti.. !or c:bartu- Wa.nt am&ller boat or property. 1220 W. Balboa Bl•li. Newport. Harbor IGS2. -MUe PAODLEBOARDS 12 n. .. $31.50 ttO-Runttnrton Ava .. Htc. Bch l..ElWlf\OD. d..f7112. IF YOU DON'T KNOW USED CARS KNOW YOUR DEALER SELECT -BONDED CARS AT LOWEST PRICES - YOUR NASH DEALER · WARD S. LEE, INC.-· 1236 S. Main St. --llaillo, 8' TV Knowlton Electronlca TV REPAIR SAB1' SERVICE, REABONABLJC. 8.n'1ce call9 WI II p.m. LIMto5 I! ORGAN SPJ:ClAL! USED HJJOIOND Bpi.net or1an lll perfect pleylna' condlUon - Save •200. eoa..enl¥1t term.1 &l SHAFER8 (81nce 1907 I Ul-03 N. Sycamore, lklll& Ana Phone Kimberly 2-0872 DTani• COUnty'• Orran Hdqtn . sOi:la. Ana 83c88 34-MllSleal, Radio, T V Custom Hi-Fi M USlC SYSTEMS Pl4nned t o your lndlvtdual listen· ln1 requirement.II tor· borne k buatneu. .. Consultation --• HARBOR HI-Fl 3333 N-·port Blvd. &r. tll81 711Uo HALLt.t DAVIS Oft.AND PIANO REABONABI...le. HYA'M' 4-2613 AF"Tli:R t . 88c90 , ___________ _ v ... uaa tlln4a. up11oi.-y 1Wnd. rr. D14lmat .. , .. ,, ___________ _ Llbo"1 ....... ---'--------· IOR.IENTAL RUGa a.pertly re-paired. -·..umai. turn. Md.t Mil 11 Penlan 9Clltter rup ft'&cUoa ortp&I -nlua. Al9o 2 anUqu• cb•tl. PU8P.M:A.M'8 21611 JC. Cout lllpway. C.D.K. IRONING I RATTAN, ALUMINUM end , REDWOOD PATIO FURNITURE Complete ae!ectlon of Wroucht Iron Furnll\ll"e. Barbecue and Bruiera, Lawn and-Garden .Swinga, llc2 H.AlOiOND CHORD Organ 1 ------,.,.,----,,-,.-I tliJhtly uMd Uk• new,, You can SURPLUS Navy M' mot.or wha1t play thla llVltnout a le1aon. boat .. 141.~ tad\. Bee at Port Dana-Schm.ldt-Phillip• 620 N. 37-U,·estock REG. QUARTER HORSE iu.RE. 1100 -CJ..l.L LI 'MJQ3; U In "'] borne. BaUdacUon pa.r- ant.Mel bol.b in qu&llty and piot. Bar. aoa1.w. 11c11 ..... · Garden &nd Beach Umbrellu. BAMBOO DRAW DRAPES and TROPICAL Floor Coverings . BASKETS of a.11 kinda. Unusual Gift Item• Can~u and Aluminum Awnings. ... • or Seven Seu, 3121 W. Cout Main, 81.0t.t._Ana. since IIJ14. Hwy .. Npt. Beach. 18cll0 GOOD 'PractlCP. Planoa $95·126 to 11115. All In 100<1 condlllon or will rent $5 a month O&lll· Schmidt.Phillip•. 5:&0 No. Main, STEINWAY Grand iJ\ perl~l S9-Autoa Waot01::~·: condition al.lo Kn•bt Brambach, I -------~~-- Ma.tan It Hamlin l!()ml! &11 Utt!~ a1 S395. •lway11 100 Pla no11 to cl100l'le from. Danz · Schrnld\ · Phillips, 520 N o. Main, Sant• Ana. -SEll ; YOUR CAR SANT A ANA Tcf:NT & -AWNING-€0;- 1626 S. Main, Santa An& Kl 2-3M5 Free Delivery OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 86c88 PAl.0 FOR OR NOT VELY '!ltcfric pll}"Tr ·pt11no in Meearthy Pa)'9...:_M0t·- HAXMOND Or1an11 all model.1 per1tc\t condlllon. Ttrm• 148.Ml 1420 s . Main ·., Kl 2--3507 Banta An•. I--~--~-,,.---,---;: tuleat term... l u-i Splnet down. and •11.33 per monUl at ----=cc-=c-c,,.,-=--- MoOel like ~ew bl& ••lll(. Free 8KArERS !Since lll07 ) OLD ~ K_,,.n1ea1 IUld Dectl1o&l --.u. Waa.J[ OU.A.R.A.NTllJID. Bf."* MM • _, , pncUc• roqro .. t&kti I~ be-'21-03 N. Sycamore, S-t& Ana AND ~ for )'OU buy Dam ':' Bctunldt • Phone Klmbt:rly 2-0872 -... • . PhllllJ19 eo. :120 N'o. M.tJD... Sa.ot.a __ ..,. HAULED . A .A--Y-:;n:::;:::P.:u:;ol=M'O:::.-::..;f;;ar::.::lll'=le'---I~ for SAie ~ B&AU-l"U-\,IY IU.OKAVOX AM-FREE. . J"K Radio-Rapord·playw 21" ·~\.i GARDENING -8~ BUT! TV eombtnAUOO lD blood• oak. """""' 1'1'Cl<Sr ''"' hi.. INNERSP'RIN"'-UNBEATABLE I Udll ... -AOCORDlANll 1 ,.... .... .... ...... ......... . .• ··-· ODD .JOBS A CLEAN UP. clam LMdoD. K&dt.".A.. .... u T~ 110 ._ IU. St. . Q; uk7wul.fllfUllprie..Value1 '400.Sacrtnc.•ai.e$32a'.Term9. C&ll Fella ~P'U.~ NO JOB TOO IJJLUL ~• 1200 ..U '"' 1" • .,. ,. ---------'""'--11 MATTRESS SETS LOW PRICES up"'"'"· T'""'"' Jow"'" Pnnlt ......,.. ""'· ""· ,,. .. LI.,_..., ltso ,.,._ a:;:-1 U •cnnt. DAT ()R WEEJ[ 21. H&l'bor UOl-W. 8lcll I* 1'\0ftUl. &\.-t LI MOIO or u M&M Are you ... ,., , ~-~ (Blnce 1to7> Knowlton Electron ce 1------_,,_ __ _ T... KNITTERS In lh• .,.,.., '°'•PP•-' Jl<J Coil lnn•npnn, "'"""• '!"• Al BAY Ul.(J1-· N. "'·'""'~· '!&" .. -"'• TV ANTENNAS -Au!Go for l!&IO -----,--...._,..,----'--Rtduelio.n• • _ .u 1.,.,,., utdl• ~ ~ blla aprillP.· Pre·ball\ -· · " e ~ '.S-Ol72 LAWN . point. nMM 'tor 'palllltJnc l'UJ' 11 rr. KllLYm.&.'l'Olt-ntttprator borden.. Hee.TY dul1 oover11. •RC>. VI<:I'Olt 18" T.itv*lon Ml CClur Beam -Ht Gain) 11150 CHRYJILER· ~'. aood J'U'LI-6 ..n-' Res. prtc:• $3111.116._ wtth trade SAVE $30 Sale price $4-4 -NEW-!!\ btauutul •'Jrall';fitl<t'• Burl INt1TALLJCDcomplet.eto)'11urM"t. condition '8()0.'Bar. !llt:.J. Garden Silrvice Sit 1{0 . Knit -wm-;;;;u:-;;:;:~··;;;·,i,"'·... I Walnut "'bin""'"" ....... Fin• $9.95 -· J'u1lT expnitnced tblll ..,.... • -,.., Ill Coll lnnenprlna m.atlreea and St.Va Butterfiy Canvu \\'. · condlllon • '6Q.. • PboNl.-. ~11'1, alt Lr W2Ga. 39tfc By month ...... ,..teJr.-hOW'. ,Ill&. Balllof.'82Td., Balboa..... ...... .. TOUR·~~ WAIHEI\ box •prlop. Pf9-~llt bordtr9 13~~:;r~x'ii'"O;""tt~-;-·i~ ....... Je.ll 4•7•· \: ~ t/ Grant w. Musick Phan Liberty .. 7111 .,.. •vn and it.Ulllaer.. 1 BALDWIN. Bun&"alow upr.fhl • . l1pl on uy ...ah« ln atock. SAVE $30 Sal . .,9 rug• ....... -··· . . ... ··-.... ltlJ.D:i $a87 BUYS :eeautltul tun k•Y· JUbo tn f1n• condition. aava Your Huda'o ' .tee le ' -====---:--:---::-:-:-.::ITWO .c;e:o1011 PJ.PT8 Harbor Ull TID Kl:LVINATOR J'OOD-e }'Ince .,..,. 17~50 VxlJ Aunlnrttt f'lll'I lt9.CIO board Splntot plMo .... Sl.f.~1 dawn. COl'l~l<tnt term• •t ... -_._ ' tL..U , r &J<CELLENT care ror iDv.Ud t.d1 ftMl lfml.•ri'1 Evk. C)"prMll olU.llA now on display, ltll.:io RollallVay 1*1-qr. on •lmo.t new •ptntt mit&I sHA.P'ER.51 {Slnc• tD07) ::sAL.J!b and SE&VICE 1" prtvate hom•. P1-call ..cuaa. Har .• iltt 17clt · IS7 lndivkhally pocketed mualln matt.-48" _ ...... , ........ -....... 135.&0 r9lurn: other Wf?'lderful buy• 421..f23"N, Sycamore, Bent.a An& :m3 N.LoeAngeltC KE~7278 Ldin(ton 1-9°'1 17clt KODAJC IO JOI C&mer& compW• Jake's Appliances coll, damuk cover. and box ~11.ll:i 5 pc. Bl•Ck W. L dlneltt ~-~~~-=I .. c.m··· ... • ~....... Phon• Kimbt:rly'2-0Cl72 Anahdm '2Uo wUJ:i Qub at\&chhMnta Ir t:Ut. t.prinp, RacuWV $1119.115, now · "t -·····-·-;-·-·---s.137.116 ,..,.._.,-.,-.. -tlJ'J H&rbor BJTd. BOTH f0< tJw • ..-PRICZ ot Sllt.60 r. po.· bpM dlnatte llght Walnut. Blond oak rr-ti COMPLETELY auU:imatlc BPJNrr , . . · SEAMSTRESS-_U6..AL80 QI, 8'1llk~ .... ~ '31, -.-..-•t -·----· •19.60 ProY • ...,,.."-&.um...2 81.Udlo pl1yer Piano. Te_i;na-WOOO-:ii FORD Cwt.oni. Baa.cb wapo. •"·-Uona A dteU-c.:.. .. , .... llM cond-. camplat.ie 1riUt matlreMM l-6liN 1111.&0 1 pc. MapM dlHltl eet· ~anot1 0.M•Schmldt-Phllllpt \VORTH PU..~0 t'0:,11'10 E. WUI ta_ke l!OO Of._fCUPt tr'ldll~ ......... --, .. lbr. ~W. 11clt R.EnlODATOR. tt:WI PhlkO de b. L. ~J le.av• __ _fiat.&O P1aJl09 A Hammond Orpna ~30 oout Hl(1lW•f. COrona Ml MIU". for my ''°° ~tfc.o: can an. ::::.", ~ ~a:U: 1;. ~·· lilU WT• Ctolii top rrwu. TECO FURNITURE--t».50-W a.. nae--. ~o:~ ~ . ' ascu e -»--JD. ~~-''-'811 )(fe,. • ITplt Attn. Proptrty Ownerl etp&r9.ta rnaat d!J.ller, ~ "°' w. i.t Bt.rwt &Mt.a An& •111.00 1 pc. i.a-. bed dt•an . 2 MDilB.AIJ· .orpn. dec:tlmlc ~ Xarch. -, • • aot1.o """'' ............ tho ...... "-..... .... .. ......,. WI • ... _,_·-··-·----· lttt... DO IT Y01 1RSELF will ...... f I • .... AN~ IMfll1edlnl cu bl.ft for th• OOl'llract JI.al-· ' "· • · l'Tcb ft'.9.50 a pc. S.CtiorLal foam , V · Bea~ rren°:h q~~tai 111~ BUICK Sped&l Delu:x• 4 "KENNY'S" Depondahle and Ccmplete LAWN a. G.t.'lu>EN CARE ,_...water M&tfl'f &1109 ot Sllil.81, no IDOlftt:1 rubbar ----··-·--·--i1211.oo II.JI-fl J&Nlll!l-Orl&no Ilk•' Re'*, MY• door Lourtac ..a.a_. t)JIMOow, .... ~ nMdM, J'OU JUI\ taka nwr Uwi .... .60 Double studio couet( .. '67. n MOO euy term.a. Oaru:·8cl'lmldt-Heat.er, uodtrlMM. n&t ~ LDtrrlfD Uf"•.IW\. •$2:M payment.I of MM per OlOftth. I ROOlOI suUT'll'Ut 1tl:.W tee.GO ln.npr. matt. ·ancl ~ llUILD TOUR· OWN m • FJ phlliap. PiallOll and <>rsana. 320 pd many txtru. on;a.a btaek Cl.MD.~ nit ll4JUilt JOU! BM aiqtllpe day or ...run1. l'URMl1'UU wtUa 2 pc.~ .pr. 11et ------------$11.t:i J)bonorraph. uatnr Newcomb A No. JU.ln, eanta Ana llne• lllf. nn1111. Poft'tlui.4. P•rc,-c:t . _ lttl-~ --0.-,.. iilit Iii ,oar CUI ot iDud· IM~ Mt .. lfff.00 Hanndn·Kanbt A.M!ftl bmtn.. • RrVlcln1 record. U~"l:IH • ••• I . . ... JCSllolS 1-6111', =-:.bric&. 2 Nfl!falfJ:: «Mt tab-F . . ampllf~ ~--:•. rt«m1 ' eOli(I~ ~ """',.,.. _DAr ." maHT ... g ..a .. ..-• -D .. y um1tu· re-pl&)'•"-°"""'· .. ~ -....... " D:ano u1•. """""' .... v ....... AUTBOflICl:D--= ofu.at SJ.-'W'Mi8'1-..-.., tabla l&m,.--i ~ Wiiuclinl'Oft 1'CJ ------We wfil -llelp )'Ou wem.~, 1L ---f-1 --lll&ll ,._1111. . . __. GARDENING end OLD l'I ..,__ smr PlllCU PAID J'Olt ., .. ..., .......,. -•1 "Wh ... -,,. .... ...,. ,, e.~· · DAVI" nROWN' R'" h ><<RC&DJD8 -Biiiz-roRCIJIJ JOE-~ , um ....... ma . w&lb •-d:r&.._*,-,,r ~ --cn-&'i1Ut Bt. o.ta Men , ~ , tet1nis ing -JAGUARB -¥Q. etc. _. CLEAN~UP JOBS HutkW wO lfcl J u 'N K l'.l\lm>r. ~~ Phl)co ,.., ..... 6 balw.tl'l 1'u.ua and Inin• 1111 fQa.rbor Btvd American carS p ... compl.t.• W ~ED · MOD-. A.\lLROAD._ao l"lol't· . 1 : -:f.c i::' .=;:,.!.!~ ~ ""-Bt4hlb'ostt ~trJq--Temn _ c.u. M.--LI wuT Rebuilding :=h:;:;! =-::~ Md roM "'IE"""' .. e.L189 .·'· Oompl•to'"?.'to<--.1n'". _ .. _ ....... ...,_.. ,._wua&ANl>,porlo<t . "' ~• r· ......... ~ 'l!tl• ... !J!!'9'°•~ wm"" .u.,, --• J<STAt.. -11o-·lb. ,_, ;..:.-;~ -...; OPEN EVE'S~ 'JIL ~ , --ai. .... wooowoRTH --" ..,,,. IN~~=cr. ------.,-"""--..... ::---I , P,&ri-..-u ....... 11p11 s..-4 11e llt.. ·eopprtr a.ta -.. .,.,.., '· • · • • -• PUJtO eo. MJJJ a:. 0out ANKRUM PL\NO n:BVlcm ..i;;;.. ........._ Hit • Oall u. ...... Bua IOO • -c.nw.' ~ u · · ·.m,tiwa.J'; Corona cli1 Jb.r:. , . KI. 1-7&80. 41tto J)>ftlp Mtr. °"" &no. "TA.aft' ~1·~ ro.,. lllftnL &D'ltJO., aClllL (IOlld., 11cN . \ <J9RQlaOU. l'fL .ot:&.•tnnd.""" 11c18 ' 111 bldustrlal W&)'_. U ... lTSl, _. a'wwmD • o(tliew. Gu ()o,. wvftntr. .... Btd AHT1QtM mp ..., e.......,. table c:o.w, foUii nw..r cu.tllMM. DO PU\N08 WD\.ed toe our .-.n~ NtfW'port AUU> Worb, .... ..._. •"'9t f1I. rel-. Da~ · f!aJr ~Uoa. II • 2 lb&tcMq""re.d llottom cl'l&ln. SUI.. LI. ...._ Mell 10 ltmeONDn'!OJlfG> T.V • .-ti. MprutnW!bt. 'l'rade J"OUr old 120 lndustsla.I Way, LI t-TfSJ Ct.II 1&ra. LI ..... ~ . au --A~ ~ 1*a4. II ... • ... ..... •100 at acbanp far anUqu• I0-11 • IJ.~ IM:L pan.at«d. plane ... Bamtnond Orpfl IOCl:S llpll BOTI ~ bdrin.. •t. Bianll plH f ual 0( cit&~ Har. WALNUT tull alN bid A chMt mil on• or all fM to UO t8Ch. BplDct or GtU4 Piano HIP•1--------.l,...---e · tM-M·U..IAltM, .w....1 ·,,_---JILACK_,.,...,.,.--oc,..-.....,...,---:1:--.'-.,-:.·I Mdl,. ti.,..,..,. A ~ "'1. . ~ ..a.. ..... A mat.tr-.. Di:· ~ 11 6 It Rear °'-tlO. ~ Dau ·~bmJdt-PhU· ll&O 8TUDE. CHAMP, fl·dr. n$o U. la UM ~1 call ........ Mok. _,• ...._ tJ.11 celll. ... A ...... *Ida' 6-•trfOr . , ee»ea&. .,...._ IG<L•U ~'Dli. Dall .8t..,.Hewppr\ •«A!' ¥&r.t llPft me f\uo • Orpft llcmt hMl.et', 0 .0.-dean--1271 f'hoM lilt. T ---.Jllt.r. 4.w·r llclO J!; u ~·.. lldt -2Wil...., ,.... Qultmed ...... IT,. Jl11-R. t7plt &10 N .. "8!.. Banta AM. HTatt 4·?61! &tttt J• l8ctO • ' • ;··, • • ~~-~-!-~. ~.~~~-~~-~~~:o-~~!!'11--.·~~.·.-----~ ... ---.... -~.~~,,~~;~--~,z~!"'!!!~_ -.;-.. ~-----·. F"' - 'N VOLKIWAOt:N. cUUoe 5ttt~. Har. 'tt P'Ol\D Statton Mil lm.Jnedlalely ua1. Perf.c:.l con• 39:wl. l7cll W•ron. Mi.Mil 517&. Harbor 17cl9 - ..... -e tido Notd · Ba Frb'flt ' .&a R•J.!J!1"' a P=JFS' Corona del Mar ON UDO ISLE' MUii OC&UI • ....,. • ,... o1o. WHY CHASE ~ llillUt, ' Bl\ '1t ' lll\4 deft R ND? lo ' f EXCLUarvs USTJNo ...... '" ....... nNpl.. KW YOUR TAIL A OU Conattuctlon ~ •n• ..... Re in•ncing (Jrlnt Ulde «!..S) nr. .. t)eell1o or ... ldtdte9. OJ\, WE KNO\o\' W:YERY boa!• &Ad )Ot HOME lOANS <:.. p I' i A • I l peuo ~ md... eompl•l.. lMl. I• tor MM on. Udo lal. ll • ,h n•• ... tm nary ppra11• I On~ ltory modena ti.CHM. Bilal '7 ·t•n«d. ao,. ol Hwy. Firm wtU 1M our p-..UN lo ahOW l.ido-P-enin8ula, Eaat..:i.1Bt-Str.-Npt..-Boa.-ll-----:~·:--:-:--:~~~~~~!or'::=:::::::-::----r--:~~~~~~rl'~l.t~··~~wi•~"~· ... ~·...:A~VJ:ft~-!T~oooo~i.-:"~ •o ,.... .. ...,, .,.,,.... OJTZR8 Ule ud CulWlt)' Innnaoe Company ~f·· 1 MUt. ' ,.,.. ~. ~ tt. · ~.-.--.--.---~-- Cabanas Marinas , Dellg:httul Uvtn~ Apt..C.banu. Utllltlol pold. • of Ttna- wttll • -• ' Banl<en National Lite Inl....,.,. Company • YM:ht .Up aeoomodatkma. - -' All modem com-.ileleu, elec. ,..,. ... doOr. M7,600, tG"mL •Harbor Inv. bl.ct PCCPTIONA.LLT !Uc• I bdrm. aad di@n Mm•. l.&rp Jol, 2 ,.,.. plaee&, 2 ti.the. hw. firs., DR, aha.ke root, 1i00 91q. n. dbl. Pf" aie •lf'tllltd tot apt. abov~. Clo&oe to eMpptrq-, peel locatioa. A.1k- ln1" IU,&00. Hu l'UOd loan .,.., • Co. 9ALTORA .Soth • Npt. 81Yd. Har. llOO ab!• $90 ,.r mo, &XCLUIIVU WITH Sf Uc Bay· Shores "72 Clrele DriV• Open o..n,. -1-t :30 NOW, P!UCl:D TO I JCLL .S bdrm., 1'6. bath. trpL, r. A.. hMt. all •*· lclkb@o. lpadoue patio -buUl ln BBQ. O.el'lbe ga.r .... , rm•rou• .i. .... RALPH P. MASKEY RJCALTOlt Stll NeWpOrl Blvd .. Npt. Beh. Harbor 402 John E. Sadleir REALTOR· It INSURANCE IV AN W.,ERHARDT. Auoclat• U.S3 It. c.t. Hwy., Corona d'I Mar Hubor 2421 llcH SCOOP! But Eutllde Nel&"hborbood, S Bdt. l"-t>atha, dble pr., KW flr1., F\rePL, with a QI 4.'h 1oa.a. o·niy ss.ooo dn., hU -:nee, SllS,200. Tht. ll nlC•- $ I 500 ON ., $8000 BALBOA ISLE Ir rf'I .-OJ\ UI,.& Oft Jl&ftM)& Jal• )'OU cu bet your bMl atlirt lt'1 no eec:rat to va. Al~ w• ya at your •rvtc• lo alwW them to you. • • • NEWPORT BEACH 15 BEDROOM HOMS wt\h 3 '-lh• roome. dlninl" room. l•fl"• Uv- lnc room wltA l>&Y window. oci.aa mw, I car •~ and j1&1t 300 tt. to tb1 baach. Pri<*i at s1s.eoo. swwn1t reuonabt. down Jlil,)'ment. Monlhl)' paymV approzim&tllly $76. • • • WITHIN 3 SPITS rou WILL. FIND FISHING, awtmmln&". boaOnJ'. relaxaliol\ and • clean eancl;y beach. BN,nd new duplex, 2 badrooma up, 2 down. Flreplac:1, ovtr-elsed pr· .,.., cl.ck, alley. A terrtno bl.I,.. Prlc:ed Sll,OOl>-Payments-YW'f ... ,. • • • '" Jt~ BUICK apkt&J deluxe dyn•· 1--'-----------4 Br. -2 Baths Ne•t llttl• 2 bdnn., tlrepl-., lot. &t x 1$4, <:IOM-ln . A real &"ood buy for •m•ll tam.Uy, BALBOA PENINSULA QCJCAN FRONT LOT R-1, 4.Axl02. 112.600. Good terma. Ku front yard view ot China. f\o eedafletta, .MH, new wew UrH. J496't u-,. 6089-J evee. --· New and Uled TRUCK AND Passenger T IJ~. ES Up90 8 -Hour Recepping._Service Complete Brllp _Service AND Front Enif Alignment J\OAl'.> 01SICRVJCE ' J'tr.tone Bud&el Plan Toura tor lb• Mklnl" HOWARD R ·Y -·A N 801 • 809 W. lit St. aAfll'J'A A.NA . JCJ w.se.s WANTED TO RENT-3 bedroom houee, Harbor area. yearly lean or leaae wtth option to buy Want garage, tirepl .. fenced yd Permanently employ-1 locally. ExceUmt local referencu. ·\.\'rite box XIS, U\LI n1w1paptir. ~tfc COUPL..£. mtddl ... •&"ed w11.nt to le._ 2 bedrm. untum. bunralow Rf"f.:t"f:OCtl -Write Bnx S-13 ttlla paper. 88c90 WANT N o l,l"la '"three bedroom houite•. Have ,.,..ilinl" hit of tenant• willlnl" to leue. ART C. KISTU:Jt CO .• 2901 New- port Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 0221 A7c8V SINGU: tum. a pL uUl. pd. 54C mo. 309 E. Ba7 Ave , Dalbo.. · 87c89 CORON A Dl:l,. MAR, two b9d- room untum. apt. Near ocean View. Modem. O&rb. cll.po1&l Har. 2J02 or Har. tHO. 17c8V 43-AJU.. HoOMe for Rent YEARLY . R&NTAL-uUI pd. 3 • Ground • OFF1CES OR Floor STORES Fol' ~ue in - F U RN 2 bedroom bome on Penln· tmall aplll._..37 .60 lo $60 in iula, enc:loeed paUo, yearly. down town Ba.Ibo&. Kar. 2021-R. Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. -~ AL80 two 2 bedrm. 2 bath ----------'-''_,._ 1 30th & Newport Blvd. apa .. tum. It unfum. Har. 1600 ALSO now t.akln.I ruervaUon1 •48-~B-!';_:-~R~o~-~eo!_!f!••~lk~a~l~--1 -------'-------!or 1Ummer rent.t.11. ... UDO ISL.It, Brand new 3 bedrm. 2 b•tb bo~tum. Avail April 1, Le&M. ltt-Vla Was- ter•. A TLA.NnC 4·612.S. 7tU<: COAST PROPERTIES CO. Ruth Jayred, ~ltor Mlldr9d Rll"P 6 SytV\a Thornpeon A•oclale.t BROKERS NOTICE Uttc 301 IC. Balboa Blvd., Balboa ------------·I Phon• Har. m4 or Har. ol600 " THR&li: BJCDQJL unturn. hou.e, t moe. okl N.wport Vllta tract. $&6 mo. PboM atternoo.n and eva. t.l 1·7023. 18t!c FOR LEASE. Prlnclpal comer, m&ln st. • Bey Ave., Balboa. Ground floor, approx. 2600 aq. tL lluitable .tore or office. Altttattone. Call Har. 90 or LI Ml.Se. IOUo Motor Overhaul LID(j ISLE 4.1-Aalo-TOR RENT. NEW otnc:to 12 x 24.. 2• hr. pbone M!rvlca , .. LOA.NB TO BUILD, lMPROVE, BUT, MOD~ OR RE.FINANCE Wt Buy Tnl.lt Deed.a NtWPOAT liLBOA 8A VINOS A LOAN ASBOCLA TION 13ff Via Udo Pb. He.r. t.200 ~Money wUtec1 EARN 10 °/o ON YOUR MONEY For more Information call, KEyatone 3·3111 "' " 4 BDRMS., 2 BATHS BeauU!ul 0 month old hOme, cua· Cloee to We.C.a~d• ahoppto1 can- tom lalldecapln&". plnk block ter Dble 1ar only-t moa old wall In rear yard, Kini" elae nratly don1,. only $2,000. dll.'. paUo. On.ly l t»ock lo 11hoppln1 and 57~ mo. on Bal. center. Curb9, eewer • aide- walka ln. Full prle41 f l2500, ,70 R-4 BLDG. LOTS mo Incl. Wu. ln.t. It tnte .... t at 4 i_,, 'fo with amall doWb pay· ~ • 200 J'.M.t aid• $2"0 ment. to Jl 127 8ewet" 1rl $31GO Newport-Mesa Rlty. CLOSE IN-E. SIDE 3 B.R, Hwd. t1r1., tile bath • kite. Paved patio. Ff:nCed • • • • HERE-THERE EVERYWHERE SKVJCRAL CHOICE: PIECES. 20 ac:r. .ac:h near N•wport BM.ch rMdY for eubd!vi•lon. $~000 per acre wU.h ';, of 011 r11 hlt. Pl•nly of wa~r and clOM to •IWU. Wlll conaid'r 1ubm"dl n•llon, • • • l7ff N'wport Blvd., Coet.a Me.a LI 8·~ Evf:e. Har. OUi·J ~";'',~ =•· •~L '12·"° w1u. HURRAH I ! GOLD DIS- MUST SEE • COVERED IN BALBOA! Mesa-Harbor Realty " 1Nco><1: uNrrs. "' .. " ,,, • A880CIATE8 and bet.Ch. OrOl9 Income 516,000 ::i09 Ceonler St., Co1ta Mt.., to $17,000 P'r year. A•k1n1 w 1-et11 • w 1-7784 $86,000. Good ttrma. ~31 FAIR\-\-' A Y DRIVI:, COIT A MESA. 2 bdrm. bOUM. Le•-lot. dbl. r•r., new dtatrlct near roll coune. Lari"• llvtns rm., latS• 1-------------1 W• f'Urnl1h frt:e c:rylnl" towW to tbo.e who come too late. kitchen It dinette comb. Altic ln1ulatlon. hdwd. !looni, 1'9U yard fenced. Op41n afternoon•. 512.300. Larr• down. For appL write 600-llel or a.1.1 Her. 2iTt. .... , BAYSHORES BEST BUY Opan Ho~P'rl·Sat-Sun-Mon. Z::ilt. Cr•tvlew Drive • • • roR. SALi: ,.~ir1t Trull Deed p•y1nl" I ~ lntereet. Balance 1------------- 2 B.R. PLUS dorm. over ,..,..,.e, yr. round or 1ummer-knolt7 pin• In t. l paUos -····· 522,600 BACK BAY BEAUTY Seven l1lend1 Really & lnvulmenl Co. )03-Und Bl .. Ne.,.,•porl BC'h .. Callt. liar. M611, att•r :. p.m. Har. 6667 $4,119.37 at $16 per mo. on G._r - dan Grove ProPfrt1. Harbor 3048-R. 8iC88 <;orona Highland• J B.R., DEN, family dln. room, lot.I of clo.till, view -room tor bo..-.-buutltul .,_Uo • ya.rd. ···-··--·····-············-·-···· 521,IG(l J B.R., DEN, ranch 1tyl1 . ..nd• lot --·····-·-···-··-··········-"· 521,000 COSTA MESA • 3 a.nd Den $21,000 1---NO-MONEY DOWN * with this ad * l•rre. ~uUlul, Mcluded I bednn. • la.aal, 2 bl.th horn•. Unfurn. '77~. tncL prdmer. COSTA· MEliA uUDO JSLJl,. 3 l>edrooma, 2\.ti ba.lh home, on annual b&ale. !Up for 40 n. boat.· UM ot lA tt. Vlkln1 runaboUt powu-bOat. 2 cu pr .. -..UWWI1 llllrnt.h- ad. ahruba. 1700 ,.r month. Inquire al fl Balboa oovn. Newport." MU• Udo BboppiD&" a f9&. 17~ P9r mo. on yrs. leue. B&y • Beach Rf,aity, 3111 i..Iay.tte. H•rbor SN3. Mtfc WILL BUY trom uwnv. on Balbo9 lelattd. an. or two bedroom apL Over dbl. pr&C"e, with space to bUUd 1n fronL Bo• H·2, New• Prua. tttlc NEW RUSTIC JlA.NCH HOUSE. 3 b~l '~ bath&, J..c. llv. rm. • br. nook, lovely k1l. with blrch cabin•l.9. buJJt-lll oven • rafi&•- \o\'. W. c:arpat • drape. ln llv., dln .• entry ar• Inc. Lan<ac:&,.cl It fenced. Ocun VJew, man7 other f.Z.W-.. mUlt M Men to apprecle,t• Ul.860. Owner 4'tl 8•Wartl R4. 8(1pl8 COAST IUOHWAT WATER.FRONT PROPERTY Good bulldln&"-B&lbo& Bayfront Claire Van Horn BRAND NEW and located In oa.t- t• Mua'1 flnHt.r.ld•nU.I eec.. UOn. L6r1"• room• throqbout • hu everyUilq, lncludlq • built- In r•nf• and o?en and lnter- Comm 1yatun. Es.ce.Uenl tannt. 11 Cyla. ws.ss :J. Cyla. $ll8 88 IMbtdM bOtll, labor ud part& s bednil,. unrurn. l yr. oi{i $&:. a mo. Office Suite 8 urn: ot ~ ott\<:et, or ee.c:h c•n b4' ~nted eepar•t.ely. Total 1000 •q. ft. ALSO \-\' ANT!:D to leue wtth opUon to buy. 2 ·or J bdrm. moderalt priced home. needed by Jun' £11;oeUenl "t. Har. t.347. 87c89 Back Bey Lot $1760 down Wat•r • MOU11t.afn vltwl 2731 w. ~t~~~ LI l-UT7 NEW 3 Bedrm. $10,850 ------------·IONLl 51160 DOWN &nd 17G per month. Hu I \.I batha, dtapoMJ. Balboa- .... rtnP. :wUt p1-. nl\09 lf1Dd, ft\tlltp o( IUiD aad rod ..,..,._ Silplct motor tab• up. ' to-da7 or "* mu. suu-ut-. <NO KONft' DOWN). llEllU1t4' l!:NGINES p. a. palmer incorporated ole ha.Dlou co. management S33S via lido A 1700.,.., coast hW!'· bar. 1500 & lib. 8-6573 JN SA.NTA ANA, n ..... " bdrm., 2 bath, unfurn. houH, hdWd. noor• dbl. 1ar., fenced yd. $100 mo. LI I· 7000. 17c89 MODERN, nearly new untum. THRZE BDRM. unturn. bouef!, l•rl"• 2 bfdrm. upper duplex, l•nc:MI, patio, bullt-ln JlBQ. w/w STORE 28 I. 60, wltb llV\Jll" quart•re. In·front p&rklnl" • parklns: lot In r••r. Downtown Coal& MM•. 17&8 Newport ORANCE COAST PROPERTIES ©-lacom::;:::=::::::::•:..:Pro:_::~PTz:::.~---· 1 IS.ST Newport. Co1ta Me.a INDUSTRIAL bid( . .,Ith •how L1 8-1132 -Eve.. LI 1·1400 room, tilll-30lh Strt,t, Newpon l-------------lrum11hed d11plex all on on• noor. Beach. Lcu9d tor 1160. month Beautifu l Good 1ummf!r rent.ale. 1 block plua ulll!Ue1. Low taxe1. Prtc:e to BaJ Jlt,000 with loW down -fan O'tf'r eton. rear llvirll"" rvom vAth 11Ldln1"" flue doon to patio . On ef!wen and •ldewalka. Oc- cu~c7 eboul April 16th. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS 3 DORMS., only 2 year• old. Beau--UP to 1a·MDN'I'lll TO PAY..:. and l"•r&&• qulel, Walklnl" d\1· c:torpetlng In Uvlnl rm. • haU. -a.ult ta our ."'1l fa.ctory bf UW.d t.1.nce to Udo bu11tn u 1 dlltricl dnpe1 In llv1nl' rm. CU.tom ... eM•1'1\a. Don't eoni.Pd w1tll and ~rtallon -WUI r tv• buUt breaktUl .. t. Ava.II. Apr. -Ole mlddl6" ·ina.D. Bu.1 dlr.cl. 0 1 "100 2JCBUILTucl JNSTAIJ.E:D lnl-o. to perme.net tenant. 19 . ,. F.cl•ral A•e., oosta Meaa. Utrc mfD&T ~ CLYDE METER. 307 Marine, . --Slll.60 BaJbo& l•l&nd. Har. 2f:')() UNrtJl\N. new .S Wrm. h~ Blvd., u l-4482, aacaa 8TORJC FOR RENT-6000 eca. tt. i zoo per month. Lower floor of bulldlnr. :z1:z1 E . Cout H11"h-y, Corona del Kar. ld•al for ll&"hl mfl"·• jobber outlt:l or atorast. $11,000. Hu. 4321 or •966 u Newport Ht1. Home payment. . An exc:I. lol on channtl road, Bal· BUSINESS • LNCOM"E property, I...\RGE and SPACIOUS 2 bdrM., ~ PeniDSula. Only $11,000. lith A: PlacenUL By own,r-l "-b•tb home, Full dlnlnl" rm., LJ l-07MI alter 6 p.m. or week-dinellti. new W to W 'l:arP9linl"· a OcMJl Front Iota on :JC, Be.lbo& lllldl.. _ 10U c. one. of the. lovelltlt hom,el on Blvd. i 10,r,oo '•cb. Fullerton Ave. Hai two •eparatf! 2 c:•r gar-.rt•-E:11;cluelv1 with WI. 120,000, food tel"TTUI. amViOL*f ""J](fM ..:........ --n-cn JU -M'a. J"\e~·~·~•~IOIO_..WIJ l'LTK. • DODGll -•150 • -or w l ·Ml7V after t -213~ RUSS FORD, Realtor - n" D• aaro -•110 Union Ave .. Costa Me.a.. 17eti "l D--· .. _.._._ ·-M&an Co t p eerties -·,.. 1 CORONA DEL MAR 16cU Rl.\th Jaynd. ealtor Utully landecaped front It .. ..,.. Tut•tully d9COl'•led hWd•. d .IC. dlaponl. fe.n ov'r •tov., drapes IJ'I llvlnl" room, MW•n • •lNfl li&"htl. Prlc.d at 110,260 wttb u tittle u 511eo down, p1u.I 1m.,. pound• or 177.&0 pw month ln- clud.inl" l&JI• and tneurance -Th• ls vac.anl. Immadiat1 pos· ffN'aP lO Clua.11fied buy•. =D•IDI\ _ Si70 &8-Apta. A: Bow ltOO Coul Hlhw•y Ll 1-t141 v --.Ea-...,..:zzr . aS rO 6 .._....,_I -11 0 ON BALBO• ISLAND -nlc:• I BR. hom._ flHpll., KW ----------TR.A.DI: quallt1 PASADENA r'•'· BALBOA REALTY CO.· -"'7& -d t o1 I --' Kild"4 Rill' 6 Sylvia Thom...,... --n-1 ,.... O.K. "' -•--o-~ --1 1 ooo fl enc• u c u ve area or rCIO.-,--· • 11'& 8D UI for yarly and ~ ,...., ...._.. .--· ..... ..__ ''""' elll.ll • eq. · o1 A...x-llt• , l'rw ~ -•Gal natal.I. a\ed.. 185 ptir mo. ~.·t.o-GO. N-bids-1n clfttlr of eo.ta <MnU . commercle.I or tndu1trlal 700 E. ~boll Blvd.., Harbor S277 IOl Je. Balboa BIVd., Balboa. E --·--···-Ni:LDA GIBSON, lleoltGr « •-><..._ ,.,_,, o< ..,. ... ,. LI p...,ny IA Nowport. Bolbo&, n-Hu. ,... 0, ""· HOO C, ED JON S; Rltr, --...... -_ .... _ VC?GSL 00. Har. 17tl ..... a-11::aa. ltcll Cost.a -.... or O.D.X. v&llM Avocado Grove M.m* MutUpla u.un.-~=~ ro~; ~ IOI ~ ... ~ I021!Ga-!~-""11.1:._:_:!!•~--!-!!la~-·!!·~·J-B!~-~-.. ;!!!M--._-_-_-:_;:..J5S.~-;.'! ... ~.....111;!;.'"·!-b;~.--!-~-!ll--~--!-~·~h~~~~-=--I i~:.<ioii',oooii .... [i-=twii·;;",">;;;""';;:;;;;;;:T1l•t:-.. ;;~~v I WITH TOP PRODUCI'IOl'f In ab-I------------"· I lttl HarWLlBJ ... ~ Colt& x-.,. ::.aa 1 ES ENGINE sEE ME-TA NELSON Bl:;'W',~:-.!~"'!"::'::~",.'"c'! ~~"~:.!::.' .... ., ... c.u ~ BALBOA ISLAND ______ ..,..... __ ;._--:-REBUILDERS coRoNA on. MAR Mart'ners M'tle .... """'"""'· DAN ,._ JACOB••N. a..i ltolato OPEN DA.!LT ... • Preview Sho"°ing FOR CHOICE az:NT.u.A. FOR Har. t.e91. • u a-e317. 312 Ruby _.-.. IM1t:r 1 '° 7 atat.e BoaM SEASON AL • YEAR.LT. • BDRM. NICE HOME In Santa. KI· :z-2187 HYatt t -MH DO NOT Drlv• l>dt. 8ff W• Bayfront-Pier & Slip -.._T11'U1 y fV"' ATION 2tOI B.. Oout Hwy. Har. OHO 60 fl wt.th otfloe building on water front. Ana. beauUlftl wood p&n•led l.nt•rior. =• ... ,. +N"' ' u • ..,. th G H LATHROP OVER LooKINO BACK BAY-"' ....... _ FA •n< n.... BAYSHORES --10 Jt&st 3rd St. ....,., per mon . • , •'"°' --lovely u~--,..m, • 31•K ~ ,.. ___ , H c d l M out ot it.a~ owner !ore«! to ·-1 ..... """' .... .....,... wy. orona e ar lnlrre9lin1" 1W1ku patio. J\• .. ~~.A.NA LIDO ISLE'S ExCJ.uaive wltb Har. 64•2. flaSO eves. 88e88 .. c:J1fJce new• rm .. 1 ~ ~t.hs-duced to pe,t&J. _...,. terma.. Newport Harbor'• mc.t U· Dr a pee. w ('N c•rpite ln llvlnl" .l ball11. Unueual attrac:llve Har. 1776 Evu. Edith -Maroon. qu1aite year round Bay· --- OSBORNE-FORTON, Realty • Co. Vabuloue .brand new 2 1tory, 2 bclnn. It den. 2 tie.the, nreplac.. \ carJ19te4· Many c\o~l.9. Btrcb JUtcMn with bu.ill In OE aan,.e 2323 w Cout Hwv (at...,Porl Or&Ilge) • dllltwuh~-..,, w•ll cl 1"4o ' ··'' tan1UY rm. Many built . ln1., HY•tt 4-t222 front home. A Rare Item! EARL W. STANLEY NASR·· HUDSON ···-RIOli' HAHN'S -•.•. ::. .&.tJT6 itAozO·U1".uft • .:mDllAM&TIC SERVICW -fhl.11. HTH rt. onto luah M tt. ...UM paUo, Newport Beach t LI g.. 7562 -• .. -· --H"-REAL HOKE 91\. Ocean Fro.nl, ........ i-... prap. ...· 1-~----------.,-------------1 ' .. 2181. llc:N , BuUt for owner.· V"tll planned. Ga-~~A!::=B!"~~P~>!•!...!B~-~-~~h!!_ __ 16'-B111baeee Opportiaaltlea But ot cona:;uon. m11.11a1v1 1tone t1replacu. Land- •Cllped. •SO Via M.ariN (23rd t\ Tu1Un J eo.ta )(-. LI5vty- 8-:S331 JCvenln1a. llcff REALTOR (No telephone lnlormatlon-PlMM calJ tor appol.ntmml -caual.W9d tUent.1 only) ALI<> HOME It INOOME J2tl M&rtn• A'ft., Balboa Ialand .. , .. DOWN, ••• '" -f bdrm. ti •• BA YSHORES •• .Jli)ttor ,.,. ' : N.-port &acb. RENT AL ror Rml tn co.ta NM& U:SPONSIBLI: Pl:RAON male or WHAT A VIEW! home •l P per mo. Riot onl------------- -~ffa;:->z:...__.::::· =--"------1 SPECIALISTS • "'""' ......,.,, '"""'·,,... w • ...._ w••,.. a.:-.,;:;;:;;; ..., • 1•'61 Jl'IT in6lltll \o •rvb and eoll«:t f1'om auto-s PORT ORANGE * CALL EDNA CRAJO . 1·176.ptt monUl m•Uc wnd.IDI" macbln• No CherlH E . Hert, Realtor SdO W. Balboa Blvd. ffv. 1428 olher, JI&)'• k)an. Or rant both N·1ce East S'1de J s.dnn. I bl.th ___ ... .$24.000 for 1190 per mo.nui. la•• 192 2 Bedroom tu.rnlabed ····-·.I ll~ pront -B1 owner, LI l-7W. L t• 2 Bedroom, I bath, carp9l.td ~ IGUe OCO ion .act draJ*l. cor: lot ... ~ ... 127,500 - Laguna Beach Lots C_U_R_T_D_O_S_H __ R_l_tr_ ' ,:!::'.oo~m~,::,• ::,:'.; • -· ' """ __ .. ......, Loutod In b<•uUl\tl EMERALD ' • bMl, •-""' ,....~ 5P<71'LA8 HARBOR BAY Prl••t• beach. Hl(hly 3 t 5 Marine Ave. "'ady to mo•• I.II.lo. Sl.1500 wttlli rutrlcted ana. Chooee now. low down payrnuit. INVESTMENT co wbU• th• NlKUon ~ ..... Balboa l•lend ' U A a N rt L J Rlty Harttor llOO JCva Ll &-6IN c.u...,..,,,.,,, .... ":,;;;. • Harbor 1560 ewpo -fV!eSa .1----------=-::-c-====--:--:-,,.. Nowport~'"·· "°"" ,._ Lots for · Sale ll'OR &A.Lm BT OWNER=f bed~ 40 ft. F'RON'l\AGll cklM to ...... LI • -~ -Ll l-1<•1 -_.. JIUUcl }'Nr'" "... ..... bl u. rOom home, 1% bl.tlu, land-Ba)'. BallKl& hland. TWO B. Jt. ICftped 6 tenc4Ml. J'llA Jo&n. KDU81l· • BACHllLOR APT., SL.AND L&MON HllllOHTI Din'JUCT, F'--•-m bo-m•-•«•-""an 2 ----.. .,...0 ot -... BALD""A-;-1 TUtl4. Lolll to -100 • 110 t•l ._...... ... rar ,..,.. .... "' ..-· '"'~ ~ wtd•. J11.1l one mn•lrom 111• Lfberty 1.e223 m.omlnr1 o' ,,-rk1nf. 1Vme, prtee very ll\-A Jewel of Jl&A Quality frffwl.J... Pnc«I a. '°""' u ~er 0 p. m. latte l"re1lln1"". J· WI 3 bedro<>JI' borne wlt.b th• •n-1 J tOl6. IU. L LL 8 MITl:I ot a Madi eot~--...S \k ClOID• (la)\ llulllor 1901-9"111.Ji&f• WI 20G Maltn• Har. 200-.J ~UOo &114 •tullltf ot • lleH 8-lbo& 1*n4 17c81 7.,. 'round ~ .....W -1------~------ °'9 lonlkl't llll'H&. -u.. i.-.. ,...._ ,_..,. ,...._ ....,,.,,.,. BY OWNER 17 ~ •.. ~· ' dupkx•• Mill' "'•" acboOL Clll\ "1~LDA GIBSON " ""· Mel , .... lond. ""'''"" 1 '3.&-rt1turn on tn...urii.nt. r.ooed to _ ~ TO~R'-=~ build a.deft uall.I. WW laU part JOI Mllrln• An.. llallloe tilU4 ltUi. 611.f'. aotl lt_...,....._ t.o H&l"oOr 102 or ttn o:ao. u wno .,,... TJU. :: TRAD.B!R urn DORIS BRAY, Realtor ae:,.~ =~oo-~ 1::~:080 ::r!~' :at ;;::'t~~~i .,,4·c· LDCS Ill . Marine. BaU~ Iei&nd Bay le If.each Rlty. Inc. capital Jli~. J'or parU--.... ~. m-• Har. 10 or ft • culan writ• BoA ·M·7 Thia 6l/IN "'• ..... 1 . l-------------l "Ju•t rll'hl of lh• Udo Brlds•"' paper. t 7pll . !(-rt Bti&cJi U 8""'20 Harbor Mtl, · 2"I l:vu. Chol-Winter Renta.lt on aru !.-"• .... C-.. UMd U"M»-111.1. """' l---------~-:_-'I BUS Y lltUe ce.fe ln tleart ot ~ IO' Klt sxetlMnt -·-·-·-SllM .~1boa6 .:~n0d' •~-Li• d6o 0 !.alolwte• KICll KODEIU'f _,.•room or OOrona del Mar. ld911ll !or a '1 IO' ~-. tt.)llT U0N ..,.... ~ -• coupl<t. Pric.d rt~l wtlh excel . .. -11'-X••k"I,-... --'l~ $7G -to "'°° montlli om~ •t lUI Jl\acUUa. 1109 term.a. llXCLUISIV& wtUl ue, 'It IO' Pu. A;mar .. t..-rttkl 17tM .mo. lllcl'OdtllS 1lt1UUN. lllqu!n -Utz: CA:Bft Oft'ICI! ... u· -· ""'""" ..... VOGEL co. . . .,......, &!lo• • •· ... ..... 1721 10. """" Hlpw•y. ----PkM,.AMDUCAN JOI Xll'lft• A.Tl .• Balboa Ialand dll79 or MT tlm• kL A SUn. OO!'Oft& d•l M~. Har . 08tt n 1111' cafi U M,11 a.tfit l :IO or ••-88 ~t-...,.*1 Pb. Harbor ••• or Harbor 1014 '"""" ! n.~TerrJ" Ru. Har. tttt-R or Har. 1121-R .-nnd&. 17lf , _·:...---"1· -----::IO~tt-• t4t to NSWPOR.1'" llod•m DR.8. Otnee 56 llOMZ t;o Lo.a ·sELL YOUR TRAILER ... AjlllL tor -::.n:"::"'J..=:: = LOANS for Homes .UDO R-3 ~ Cilf Oft J:OU TOP DOLLAR ~N. na-t-L A. • ~ f1' -10 yr. Lo&Aa 2 -10 n.. lot.I on Ba. Ba.7 TronL ~ :=· ~· ~~· .::...'.:i:a~ Crown of the Se• Motet " Constructi.on Loans ,.,, ... """-c.urr. o . no, .. , llr«ulatora Attention! ~ I C d I •.. Har. lbl6-W, of" RYu 1-402'9. TrN Mt.IN-· n orona • m•r 5t ·-·-Onnol"t...~ au BOB t..ATT'LER. title '-!I OCEA..'" VIEW ACRES CA.LL U ll·ltll Comfortable room1 ~= 1&16 £A81' OOABT BLVD. ------------IABO\'li LAGUNA BEACH -40 ·---t:'fe "rffr .:i:r.iler.-Supply -• 111lc.beuUt QI.I.. TY ~ ~ N!lll.&.e \o 51 VAIUSTT Ooroaa del Kar Harbor 3,l~•ep-:ID omt. &..h!NH. or t!l.IJ' _._h<NM. acrte In .... ater dletMct T-.tl'n.I. ,_,,,. l llT u.nor Blvd., Oo.-ta w... 0.7 --.ell -manthl7 ra.t., ITOQ for-.aJ.e. Good u.f ror 'Riji PODOJ3t 11'.0R'l'GJLGll ...v. the al.rnpl•t way to flnd • plactl to 01\lY lnM S'tt llf:tt. ..._ ~ aUftd'7, 10 to I. HOO m, 0out llWJ. Hat. lltf reepoui~. ,.....,.. U a.Ttt&. 111..cro W • lM. J'UDdll U ~184 UYe, ta UlrOU&"b the w&11t M1a. J>bON Ll 1-1711 or Ll f.ft21 tltto 71c1T tfell t itle lltl - ' -. -• j - ' '" II J • I ' I j 1 ' 1, ' • ~ I I l' 1 - 'I I . " ---~· -".!8!!!1~··!!!!2~'!:===·:!·~·!1!A!::s!!:~0~--=~-~-~!·!-~·~·!!.•.!•!!!'!!!~11t:::=:::====:!·~-~-~·~·!!!:1~ .. !::~-==~·e:~-~,~·Q•!ij!!: ~·~==· =:;,~~~::l!•!!! .. ~L!•!!•!!!~ .. ~-=.::.:::.:.:.:..1wNEiEWPONP.~ttTfi:HAA·-,,IOlt= N~t$$ ..;;-p~T 11.;,A~ I B&l D" LA . ·. , . MONDAY. MARCH u. "" ,.,,,,, ~A IS tiP . Look ~ Ovei y . y. D~ 'Buys r;:.... .... del· Mar oC'.TH()MAA "<:' TBOK.ll!J!!::!!!!!..!!!!~-_!!:::!!!!..!!!!!!..--·. -'-For Vel11e1I JJQI WllllG Cfliff Ha -a.:...._ • a.i D'iti • Bfi!CIAL. & i;-1 ~ ·.._., 6 bedrmo., a . · ven " ,_,~. ~ '·-a&T '"'°NT llOlm ••• _... ftn--~~ • -• .._ • -' ----. ~ -..-Uv .... lb 1? M;, pint pone!. ,.,. "'"' ..... , >rt • L SB"""""""'•o --·-·--2%' % bile. ·to 1?o. B•z•b-~~°"">:~~~~--.::.•:rsr~-~-~-~-+1':"::""~': .. ~· ;-s;:~ .. t ... ~-~~-~~""~·~ .. ~· ~-~--~ .. ~nn~~to~nn~~r~. ~.a..~w~t~, "~-'-~-~--~,,...];or~~.,.:: ftHUT ..... B / 8 , • .,.,. -~ vw. pv.a.g,,. ,......_ tat.W,,..,, k ~ -.--.._-..--wtO mall..t lioc9Uoa • Xblp ... . ... . _.. . °""""--.~to ..0 quick. <>lllJ Sl7.l500 _'4<-_ ................... Biiii 'OUR OJTEIUNQ of ll>la piDe P'..,.. ----.. ~ -2. 8fl)CL\L BUY, s ~ booDo, -On., --"!":";'~~1------0-P_EN _____ U_S_E!_I_ 4ooontall-. 2-~-2 ,blllla. -bid • llNl'1' Itl(X>I0:1 r&-.......,. loCe'lrc> i.....-.. pe,-anll ,. .. ,, h·' P"" ......... HO ~ Paved petlo -1 BBQ. 'be!-' to -~ '!J'l4N oalY $16,SOO. -• ':1'f:::' .,.."=':&• .;.-;,..._ . Urm1 Soldl , P.GOO -. ••iao& ocaaw -· T-i. JUST LI8TED -lllXCLUSIVJ:. Tblo attnot1Ye • . . . . U'OUDd cU.~ I ..n. pllll • llO. 11.\T rRO~. A -llflll ho!M of'-...,, ....... , ... --~ °""" -heme, plua .-room 01l4 .batll cmly % • bou.., -· -01l4 b&tli:. Completely ivr-= :=-::. =:::. block to oc.a Blvd, cc-a dot Kar. ~ .. Bayshores n.:W.S Pr1eo!1 at $100;000. , A.-1 --..... -• , • ,_-. Choloo l«alioll. Priood to ..U q*k LITn.11 ~-& ~ a"4 .-Ille S bedrm.,, . ......._ ,_., at .2S,llOO. '1v-If deolred. .. T vmw llama on eayahoft Drlft'-Jl:iDjoJ )'.a.r &JOUDd ll\I• tac .. Ull. llVlJ ftn• • bdmt. Ilene. OOlnll' kleim.Uola. bdwd. Coon, ~ ud UW)duat.IJ 'PR.ICED at au.&00. a b&th, !n a oelect diotrict. '38.l!OQ BAIJl(lA OCZAN J'llONT! Shown by appo?ntmeat. • • UllllOO>I. 1\1 --I> f. DUPLICX 1 bedroom eoch 1 ulllt fumlahed, dbl. BAY J'BONT home and inoome. One of the fnr tMtGr -. -.. • 1 ,,, ... ...s 1 Ch·'-•--·•-··--· '" prap, c ooe Pn -~ ~'""" r. P. $18.7ll0 cW1&u apt. 1D11to °" Lido. Le<. lot. acellmt beach. _, •-'"-w°"" " alee , 2 bldnil.. apartmont anlloble for cnmer. Lons = =:."'" hip ....... Low down payment. i-otb!lr lmlla. Income approxlm•tel7 f1200 PENINSULA.. DUPLEX! "°'!'ER 01' KULTIPLE Ll8TINGS. Bay shores aro:'" Good TD and owner wlll accept 2 bedrm. LOVWLT IP A.CIOtTI Dtl'Pl.D ome u ~ payment. Priced at $90,000. 4 wtua 1 ....,._,.. ap M4 1 M4-CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. ni. cllumias bom• -~ Drtw el'.hn I I.-. 'Mdr'DOIN pl: .. ~ • WI ... Oftf iranc-•, dellfhttul llY. room. dlll.t.fts room .ad aook, J'. A. beat. w"' to w carpeUnc" a 11d m.s-. J'IIUIT TDOI Ol'l"l:R· ED at Pl,760. 00JWNA DEL MAR. LM1ehold. 2 bedrm., con· ~..1J ·It~~ PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor Vetibll dea. 114 bat.ha. U:ring room opens to patio. , Md reecnt11 ndecon.W4 &a and LUp alldlDI doors. 8toYe and clnperieo !uniiobed. ouL IN It .......... ..._ 3"7 E. Cout Hwy. Corona dot Kar Hu. •7 i:u.aoo. Law cull down to qu&litled buyer. We have buyero for good u.tlnp. me eetimatemi, excellent lel'Vice. Har. 1773-!:veo Edith Muoon HYatt 4-6222 ' ' John .Macnab Harbor ~9 ' ' Lou Boyntou H&rbo< 2871 EARL .W. STANLEY, R111ltor 22:i Marine Ave .. ll&lboa Ialand 8/8 8/ 8 Coron~ del Mar Co_roria del ' Mar Our Best Buy Two and Two · ,t Coron& Htshl&nd8 .r' I.A.rs• Yiew lot r' 2 b*11"ooma r' 2 bAthrooma ,t Attn.cl.Iv• L&ndllc•plnc r' a bedrooma,-llii ti.Lhl r' UMd br1ck ftreplac1 r Extra bunk room r Beparat• dinl.nc room { Shak• roof • ~ """" ,t Good VaJu1 at ,21,600 r Hard.-oocl f'loon t1 Full pr109 Sll,600 Not too Big Open ·Plan • J"or a 9m&ll fa.mUy • In thl.t apt.CIOUa modern • J Mdrooma e N-l7·decoratad e Nice PaUO • J'treplaoe • K.&lly a.ttracttn e ... It for $11,T50 • Oca&n .tr mount&!n vlew1 • 2 . bedrnu.. -2 bathe • Convert.lbl• den • Rumpu. l'OOm t Lovely Mcluded patio t Good V&J\11 at '36,000 Bay & Beach Realty Bay & Beach Realty CoR1na del Har Otne. Corona del Mar ~ IMO I:. Col.It lfi1bwa7, H&r. 151513 l&.30 E.. Cout ~way, B&r. DM3 Exclusiye Lido BaYfront Rerely can we offer you:- A <very special horn• • of th• c&Ubre Hldom offerN for aale, Vor family NUOM, th1-w.tom hem• ._ offered to th-' lkl.at Buyer who c.ri &Uor4 th• Bell. . 0...... &I tfft.Jbt waterfront • -Udo'• tln•t po&nt.. 6 bedrooms. ' bath.I. lnc:otnparabl• Tie'"l 1£rfe pier and .Up for )'OUl' bo&l at your door. .Archltact Colcord'• Udo W..tupl.c.. (Offlco looated Rat door to Newport Harbor Bank, CDK) NURLY BA~ J'llONTI JUlt I dOor9 Ir-tM '->'· I HOME AND INCOME b.c!room home, aioe.17 f\u'IWbed &nd bu I CC" ,.,.,. and patio. Wcmdertul for bMch bom• ot rcat&Ja. .t.ct quk.k. 111.000 wtU& BALBOA ISLAND -outatandinc 4 bed.rm. home with t•rma. ..para.ti din1a& room, up-t.o-th•minutl kJtcMa, · SMALL INOOQI flreplaco &Dd forced air hat. PLUS attnet1n 2 1 amP .. uu:rm UNITL J &Ad 1 bedrm. apt. with pictul'• window. and fireplace. ..._ ....._ --ODly '10,0001 down. M y or oae.a, <fb.dl"*-1 patioe and bb'q•. u,.. tn oa• not th• olhu or nnt botk. 116,t.50, DO IT YOURSELF '"""'-· Convert tblo ( bodroom. 3 balll homo !nto two unlta Balboa Realty Co. Oppal&&4 Bull al .taerioa "'-a.-a.y .. 1M with minimum of coot and effort, Well built and cloM to tile Bay. (Bay -If 1"' look hard.), f™)O down ...,,~:, ... ~"'£':,:.... LAGUNA INCOME __ •_•_-_'-""'-""'-'-"-'--· 1Furn.iabed -2 bedroom.I and den in front houae -Plua b&chelor apt. In. rear. Qoee in, near storw and 8/ B tr&uportat.loa. . Ft(Uret U9' on lnvettment Price '18,9lll), J'ood tUIDL "C" THOMAS REALTOR and AllSOCIATES ' n' w. c.out m .. , u 1-&.527 Nowport,,_. $12,950 '26ll0 aown $83 mo. • beclrm., 1 % bath•. WRY PAT RmN'l' wtwa JOU ~ 1. "'7 UU.. 1 ymr.old HrY •ttrao-- t1'ff modln:I. MllDa I. ld-1 oqh- borbo04. c.u .... for &ppol.Dt,... maa.tto .... • • • BAYSBORES JU9T LllTJ:D lde&.11 br. plu.e dan, l "-bat.II. ho ma. ODIJ 17600 dO'lm. l'ar p,._1how-2 tnr cal1 Harbor ZO.U, or •venln&"• • Liberty 1-7204. We Aleo ba~ othvt to lhow YQU. . . .~ LIDO lSL~ WM.W. STANLEY BUSINESS PROPERTY ' ....,,.,.m. ' helh•. w.u """' SANFORD Re•ltors HADFIELD """'°" ,..,. c-2 •• """ m• modern born•. JJMuUtul r&l.Md-u Bl ke•pUonal opportunity to hearth. nrepl&c• F.A. H•t. Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa lal&nd Harbor 2"2 buJ valuablti C2: property on Lcrfely kllc~ with ~ • th1-tut dn-•lopinl' bullnMt 1t. and dl.Mwuber. lnt.l'Ntill.I" --------------------For turlb•r llafonnaUon. call room uran,.rnenl Lt.rf• patio wollod. cu,." ... "'"~· LOOK A&"• .. yn. LOOK LOOK HARBOR 2042 Fronk James REDUCED 1. Three bedn>om beach Only ,12,300. .. Bldroom.1, 2 bl.th&. 1£rl• P&UO W1lh built·ln BBQ. L&.rr• 11'1'1tlf , room. Grand for 11ldoor-ouldoor 2 entm&Ulin1. ' home, ;) block to ocean, CLIFF HAVEN Open House 402: KJ.nr• Ro&d 3. aat A Sun. 1:00 tQ 6:00 4 BALBOA. DUPLEX. Room for one mo~ unit. Good rent.ala and only a few 1teps to beach. Aalc.· • ing '1~,llOO. ldake offer. WATERFRONT FURNISHED duplex, g~ n.. bulii.· head. Pier and float, double garqe.. $28,500. ., B~ Y FRONT pier ·and float. Two bedroom, .. nunpui room, completely furniahed. &I only $55,000 JACK BRENNAN, REALTY · .. ".AT THE ARCHES" 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 & Unwood .Vick RU.LTORll lll Maria• .A.'f'• .• Balbom 1almd. See Me-Ta Nelson -,.. " THll MOIT DCPQtlTA.NT .A.I> YOU'LL R.&AD TODA T CORONA D&I.. XAR ARTI8TIC J ti.drm., carp.t.S U\ru. oul, o,.plt,1;11;, a b1ockl from Bay. Would eonaldw trade tor duplu Jn Con1na dtll Mer.- I ll.COO full prlc•. l:XCLUIIVJC LISTING. llifniflclent \1.w. LoYelJ' lwim· · , mlq" pooi A Charminl apacloUI contemporary modem J bed· room1, i beauWu.J N.tb1. A woman.1' "Prtd• and Joy" k it· ch•n with. ·built-In nnce and Th.ermodor ov•n. bfeUent room uran1•menl lArr• eepan.l.4' dUlin&" room 11t1ua ab.utter doonf--------------------I COSTA. Jll:SA. to Uvtar room. Com• up and · LOVZLT 2 BEDIU<., l BATH. r et an exaulted fMlinf • , , Bdwd. fioora, larr• lot, Maull· O~ THE HEIGHTS · l'Ully land9ce.J*I, n•r Golt.Club Bay & Beach Rlty Inc: 1112: Wa1•lt... · N"POl't Har, &Ml 2ttt bee. :•Jut t.G the: rt1ht ot LI.do Bridle" LIDO BA¥FRONT '' l'u!I prloo IU,IOO. l!IOO down. 3 bdrm. 21.i) batha, Ulllurpa.wd view, fireplace, bit.• • LQVELY I Wrrn., bdwd. flOC!!!!_.._. in range and aven, he&tecfiifiiiiiilir pool W-~ dual tumac., .&arr-Jot. doub» J&nl"I· nlA. C" lo&.n. O OM In. Open House-333-22nd St. FP. 11uao. · MZTA Nat.ION' Saturday and Sunday March 16th and 17th-1 til 5 not 1:. 0out. Hwy One acre ranch hqme. Lee. llvln& room. dininl Coron• d•I Mar, Har. IOeO. 17clt I e Dupla -s.ut.lde I • a w. nrw. -..,.,. -curtNil • a......-Mt. ... un.ltll • a-n-.v..1 e Nduoed hm f).l,tlOI UT,8:!01 llMl -45 Santa Ana Ave.1 1to5 p.m. OPEN HOUSE! Sat.! and Sun.I 1 to ~p.m.. • J 8 . ft. -1% Balh! e IL W. J'lra. -l'lr.plac•I e Dbl. G&r. -Din. Rm. -.PaUol tllO&therSt. $H,Oi!O FULL PRICE I BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc:. 1696 Newport Boulevud Llborty 8-1161 f ISHER'S f INEST IS YOUR DREAM A B&YFROl'\T &omo w!tll PIER lo Jl'l.O&Tf Here It lo with an apartment to help buy It !or :ftO"- Channlng 2 bodtoom home plua 1 bedroom apart· ment, o1iding glue ,.all to Lanai and Bay. Beaut;-_ fully modemlzed.JllA YFRONT BUY OP' THj!: YEAR Only $t9,llOO A UTILE PRIVATE KINGDOM All your own, on a. full ACRE, beautifully l~d ..... _ acaped, with eprinkler eystem for euy main.tenaa~. Three street frontages. De Luxe SWIMJIING POOL. Room for the Dog. Rodm for the children , to play. Ful\y fenced. Room to buUd ¬.her. home ~or eon and hie wife or Mother and Dad.· Add to t.hil, an exception.al 3 bedroom, 21,h; bath· home with ao· livin.s' room opening to L&oai with barbecue· firepl&ee and futures too numeroUI to dC9Cl'ibe here. · All tbU. !or $t9,i)OO For appointment to see call f jsber . and Company 2603 Newport Blvd. Newport. Bea.ch . . WANT A FINANCE A JUNKET7 . LET'S get together and help a poor nqt~ . · · downtrodden couple t&ke a trip to Europe. Ali.:. 110me one hu to do ia buy their ho:aie. Othenriae. .:. they will have to spend the aummer ramblhrc around in their 3 B. R., 2112 bath and den home: .. :,.: .. :: en.joying the two fireplaces, WW carpetlnl' t,h.iu~. · ." out, the all electric kitchen, the unbeUeva.ble ctoeet· : 1pace, the 1barpe1t llv. room you'll IN in many·&· moon, AND the createat view you cu J.maP1e. .. .. .... R. L STRICKLER, Realtor · R. B. HODGE, Aoooclata 3622 E. C.OUt H,ly., Corona del Mar Har. 277t 'th• qU&W'~ ba1• will lllU'lltdiat•tt ncop.LM lb• OUllt.andlnC Yalu• at llSl,I00.00 4.0' Comer lot. Pift' and floe.t permttted.. 8ulld to Ml.It JOW'· ..u. . room, lge. ldtchen, FA heat. fireplace, w /w cpta., country Uvtnc at Ila boot i::: yet clooe to town. $24,000 -tenM. Shake Roof VOGEL VALUES MAINQ~~ UnuauallJ pod t.nna. KILLION reel ... tel• · 33'1 Newport Blvd. · Harbor 650n WRIGHT 7t ACRES 2 Blockp F'rom AND GARDEN GROVE $366(). an Acre \lo Cub BLVD. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES BAY AVENUE • BEST BUT or mm WEEK! 120,000 tull pnc. tor um com- p1etely turni.lh«I 2 etory, 2: bed· room, 2 bath home. A000 down. THE · VOGEL CO, 1700 Newport Blvd. Coot& 1o1 ... Liberty. 8-5697 Evenioc• tfu. 1!)39..M: Lot I.a R -2, JOU can bu.Ud tn -----'---------------- I aedrm .. :I MUI. ~nice k.t •~ ~·uon. BWJt..m nni• and ...,..., ft replace. '~ b-.l. Dble. 1ara&• OD all.,. lew•r lD and .,.td tot. 114600 170 mo. 111· duffs 114~ illlu'M, wlUI ....U OOW'n plt.yment. , .... OCEAN FRONT I unit natal lncom•. Very bMt loCMlon ln Balboa, eomplel•IY' tunWihed. Al.500 uldnl' pnee for. th.la aura.ct.iv. MONET >WCJ:I\. ' Corone dot Mer $7000 BALBOA ISLAND "LITl'LE ISLAND" COTl"AGE. HUn-y, thlo one will 10 fut! -$19,2:K> , CHOICE BAYFRPNT location with unparalletod view. 4 bedrooma, 2 batlj.1-with pier an<t noa.t. The only p1-lllle it In tho. Harbor Area. $158,000 Ne~po~..t.:1esa Rlty. 178' Newport BIYd., ~ .. LJ l-l60a z:.,... Har. ~ ., _______ __, __ , Business Comer Cl 001\.NllK;' 6ts100, doWntoym Bult& Ana. 116,000. l!lubmlt &.I'm. or track . ..... * 1<*** . .. PIER AND FLOAT ·'. ::; · ELECTRIC 80AT WAYS " Ideal location near Lido Shopplnc center: o.\,·i:J,,. :'; wat.erfl'ont Jot.I!._ Thf houae 19 aOt De'f bur~· ! been muodeled and !n good condltloo. 3 ~. 1 ~ baths plua a % bath ID tile both hou0e. 118* · . ·· o-lotor flrepl...,, garb&1e di.Ip, • cllolunuter. 11\C. lleautlful cove""1 patio and .,......_. saa,ooq . . wttll only $8000 down. CALL · · · THE VOSEL CO. ·-18117 Newport Blvd. Coot& Ma& ~ cub. a.aue. 140 mootl:I tor lhW two bMroolD tumilN4 place on ,_,. ot Jt-2 lot. CllOll· Ila\ ... ,. OORIS BRAY. Realtor DAN .IL JAOOBUN, RM.I E.ttat• 3201 W, Cout lllchway, Newport lkach LI 8 3'11· LI 11-11182 lil-. LI II-HOO Provincial Perfection Udo Isle BALBOA BAY PRGPERTIES Art C K. I C , ... w . ..,_ .,..... -· 1111 Cliff Drive • :st er 0 • • UHf'lftDlllll> --IU,IOO ... , N--~~_.., llcb BEST LOGAflON "'" -,...,. '°' a.....,.. -· -""' N ort Ht · I ewp s. "ART":ADAIR, R fT. LOT -........ -· ..... I .... 1... N..r,tr\ ......_ ~_!'--r.ut .tde bo.ta M.-on Mac· ,,,:.. I b&~ ~ noon, U Nm or LI -noUa 60 x lN. ....,. c:urti. A dilpo9al ~ tmt:«t ,..,.., car- CUFF HAVEN ........ ...... . . .... • -... -..... lt:aclUlrl,.. wtth • fMbnw too aum.,... t. mtn- 215 Marine Ave .• Balboa lllland Bar. 20 or M LOOK -SACRIFICE OCEAN FRONT LOT A Rer• Item -And Whet A View DAMA POINT -BE8T BUY -ft-1 • 50' x 176' YES! PRICED TO SELL IU~TmlCPBONll OWlC'Eft OTP8!' ....,, M-1 TEN ACRES POTENTIAL M-1 Seller. will 10 to NCfV!" IUbject to ruoning-. Bar. Mtl, LJ. a.u11.l-----~··--------------KJ J.-2117 lfT&tt 4-MH NEW FOUR UNIT SEP ARA Tli :I bdrm. 1tOUM ln eo.ta W.... a-.r B.Upot. Priced below mull«. ~ 1110 pt.r mo. I rui.t«I boldin.I 1 apen for '-lf.1W• Tenu. LI ~ Wore • p.m. ..... da11. llell Comer ftrl Lot B&lboe. i.ta&d ·-....... 'Oft.ANO• CO.A.ft Pft.O••Pl!Jt-1-1u Jl67 Newpoc:l. OMt& N .. LI. 1-lNl. -_r.... LI •.1•90 INCOME PROPERTY ""ooo tlOW'Jf Uu:vu YOU Siii monUt. prom or •12.000 doWa ..... IJH praftl. J'.K.A.. Jou. By owns, LI a-TIU.. lltfc NEWPORT HEIGHTS 116,MO YEAR OLD C bdrm.. l ~ bath Mm•. BMm «.Utn.s". knollJ .pin• A BETTER HOME BUY " . Planned to live In homo. 3 luso bedzwma. 2 full' bltha. Uvlnc room !aca patio, throe 11-alldln1 . d09n-!lee 110 to worl< out don pa,_t. to onlt,, and plen to MOVE IN TOKOlUtOW. . • ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES ; .. ;" -1857 N-n lllvd. . Cool&~ .' LI 8-1832 • -LI 11-1400 ' AN UNUSUAL BUY MUST BE SOLD to ..ttlo eotate. Attractive 1 bodnn. home !n Newport Hoicbta. Excellent lpca- tloo. Hu lar&'• double -· loth -· pUlo and rtincinr. Need.I aome c'-ntn.c and tis.inc up. Appn.ieed at $8000. Submit yoilr offer. ll~OJ ~"t Osborne-Forton =;:. ~ 1::9.:.~1~ 't---°'~.,~-~te.~P~o~tk'=.,.,~·~· ;-~~i· -~;;!-~~~~-~--:~~. - _ ~1 ""'=·-----1--N..; ;.; ......... 111.710. -.... W. Cout -.. "ART" ADAIR Rltr h)'Tnm\a ..... WU1 ee.nf ......_ l&l Port Oruc•> Newport lkoa.eh t • ·-HEN.R-Y C. VAUc...;G,...Htr1N1---1 ... ,... ..,.._,_,..,. .. , _ _.. h•l. 1An4K&ped, fftK*I • db\ . • .,.... N•• '"•' 1c1-•. • • ELTON BARNETT, Reeltor 2029 &rbor Blvd. Coot& M- L! 8-4718 Evenlnp _.. hu" O'll'N&R. Ll ,_,,., 466 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Buch LI 8-2772 or LI M2U OWNER 111 llpa.l J\o6d. L1 u .. 7HJ Bar. 31)4 ....... ltM N-,ort. aJ'ld., eo.t& M-.a ....... etceT llcU LI HTt2 or LI 6:Mlf 14ictT , LI M7Gl or • . . I - . ' - "' I , • , ' I j • ' I I 1 ~ J I I ' ... ' ' I ' I· • • ' PAbc 6 • ~A1<1 11-N<wrv•o i;A""'"'" ,.c,..>-r..d.. ' ' MONDAY MAR'Cff 26, 19$6 ; I ,. ' I ' . I; . . .....,...-,--. . BILt'S BEST BUYS - ' " ,_- I ' • ... . , .~ . . • For Some .People! .... Beautiful 4 Bedroom :THREE BEDROOMS, \i BATHS -°":nat...Jnovln&, '""• mu111 -.J!r--·~llloc~~k:•~: ":'-f-1hfiiii0im!blmiiiti"ml:k;-;;;;);;"te;;;;u;;~· ~mh-;;·-:-t::-:· =-~:· ==!?,~~·~ -~~Pa?.Y'!I"'~. ~-~~==~· :::~ downtown. y.r{ c1ooe tO ~ and lhopplnJ. • I mita1 m!lla m&kea more ..... th.In o""1n( • 'l'bla la T loeautltul · Lido home; eipecl1lly deoigned Full pri<e $10,700 'wU:h SlllllO "doWl>. Only $69 a.hiptamllyhome. We have .Ome lncome pro-and bollt f« C&Jlfornla fainlly 'thing. SlldlDg pt.r month. • -duCll'W at thll time that we feel a.re out.at.anJlinr. glu. wall faee. a, awµiy patio from ~ the liv· .\II are on .LIDO ISLE, wqich ™Pl 11141 they_ 1&;1i;n.·and large~ llOClrm'. Completely bullt.-ln TOO MUCH C ITY LIFE - Lookinc for more ·elbow room?' Theo Jet us 1how you thil •mall ranchette. Two A dm,.wtth,IL W. noon and flJ'Oplaoe .,,.ee:,,3a0 ft. loL Zoned A-1 whJch mean. you cau. .top boarding out that hone~ Full°price $12,!500 With low down. Tell U1 what you can do 6. we'll work out the re8t. C -1--HOME ANO BUSINESS Or home t.nd l'ent&le. Very cloee bl. Nearly new 3 • bedroom home. All roOma extra la.rte. One g&ra.ge 22x28 &nd another 18z:20. Wonderful botne with 1hop or storage-space u ii, and ample land for expanaion for either bumneu or apartment.a. $1l5,!500 -with $3MO dowo. FAM ILY HO~E FO R, MOTHER With a cheery built ln kitchen, toads ot cupboard ~ce, imaclt'bar, 11erviee porch, brealcfut and din- ing room. spacioua reetful den for dad. plui three lqe bedrooms and two bath•. Ya.rd fenced !or t.be k:JddJea, large patio for everyone. AQ tbi.a in center of Colt& Meaa'a Back Bay. Full price $28,~ with tenna. a!fou1d eb&Dce tiD VI.Jue, stay ·rented and giv& you ~n and man.Y· other extru too numeroua to the moot enjoyable livlq,1"*4ble. menUon. Tbja bpi* will .. u hnmodiltety bee& ... ot the flnanc~. If not on ' Ila charm alone. So ple&ae call 118 D°'! -~y! • 1. 2. 3 un1ta -drive by 102 Via Lido Soud (off w1ter) &nd iee the btauty e.nd quality. Then come in and t.aUt It over. $611,000. Terms f unJ\a ot> 50 f .. t of the very beat BAYFRONT, dMlcnecl by Ellerbn>ek, AJA. Two 2 bedmo. apt&. wtth prt.,,.te patio., two 1 6tdrm. apti. with private •un. decka. AU overlOok the beautiful Bay. A true harraln •t $811,000 fumlabed, only $20.000 down. 3. · 8 lal.lta oa 80 feet BA YFRONT AGE at 320 Via Lido Nord. l!Wlt ao well 115 years ago that when It w.- modemized lut year, the termite and dry· rot llWl just charged for inspection. You just can't beat thJ1 for value at only $105,000 fumiabed. Term.1. p. a. palmer incorpo rated • San Remo 'Home \ One of Udo'1 moot loeautlluJ --tennla - &Cf'OM the street and tlubbouee and beach at the end of the atnet. Tbla ii a ;sncloua 3 bed?m. home wltll ~....Uy \1'119 IUDDY lOOIJll\ and tropically plante<I South patlo. Funilohocl price $34.000 with very attracttve terma. Large Sho~liff Home Thia home bu everythlnf a· family couid ...,. want. -( bedrmo., ( batha. formal Bvlngrm., full - diningrm. 13 x 115, break.tut room, diahwuher in the kitch'eri, butler'• pantry, forced air heat, hardwood floon. Beautifully planted yard a.nd of · coune,· toeated tn one of Cali!ornia'• outata.ndlng IUbdlvlsi ... -SHORECLIFF. Pric. $(11,000 p. a. palmer incC?rpora~ed -~--. I. 2. 3. • • """ .......... . B/8 .. ' ' ' . •' . . BA YFRONT EXC~USIVE Bay Av.. -Pier A noat-Vory attroetl" MocMrn • .. -e. livinc -• · · • 1pooioua muter b<droom. wt th fireplace, plu 3 • oth ... -... 3 bat!J.1. Obi. prqe .. work· abop. Ample room to park 2 add. cart. cOinple:tely and nicely turn. -$79,MO BALBOA COVES Exclusive -waterfront -Pier ll Slip. $3!5,000 - 3'1-yeara old. Very attractive 2 B. R., Luce patio, e:rckl.live are&. Jw.t lillt.ed. 3 B. R., Laree Patio, Sandy Beach. Pier & Slip. WW conmder tnd.1-~for smaller waterfront bome Or" . NeW,ort Hefgbta. Corona de! Mar or! ! -ff9,?MX> JllA c0mpietod -Pier & Slip. 3 B. R .• 2 bath. very attractive bu.ilt-.ia. kitchen. wall to wall carpeting. $50,000 -Termo. Might Jeue .• BAY AVENUE -INCOME 2 B. R. home, 1 B. R. garage apartment plt11 bache-- lor unit. $5000 will hand1e PENINSULA DUPLEX 2 8 . R. each u.n.Jt -Sundeck with view. old -$28,500 -Terms. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 years S B. R. home -Hardwood noon. Cloee to High School. Fenced yard, gOIOld area. $14,500-Term.1. f B. R. -l l> batl!1, flJ'Oplace, knotty pine kitchen, " . I • . ' • • • . ; '·· W. A. TOBIAS , Realtor ole he nson c o. ma nagement ----ir- 3S33 via Udo, haroor 1!500 - • ale hans on c.o. m•nt196me nt '17oq_ w. cout higbway -liberty ~73 wa.a,ber, dryer, atove Ir refriget"&tor ilteiuded; W-{W----1 ' -'. • '',you'll like our friendly service" (00 E. 17th SL, O>ota Meu • • L!berty 8-1139 ' Corona del Mar One of the mo1t out&tanding homea a.long the Southern California cout, 155 ft, ot frontage on Ocean Blvd., 330 feet , ot water frontage eill thia home of diatinction with a \•iew from ALL rooms from which you can watch the ever-dl&nging waten of the cout line, the boata coming and going in and out of the breakwater and the beautiful rock for- mationa up and down the cout, plus over-looking our two great beaches. Large living room and solarium, dining room a.nd maJd'• room, plus 2 bedrms., and bed'.rttlng room in main house. For gueeta, a home of their own, alao with outata.nding view. All of this below ~placement coet today. Your Wt cha.nee to own the most out.standing view in Southern Califoniia. Priced to sell at $157,:;oo • THIS HOME IS OPEN OAJLY FOR INSPECTION. 3729 OCEAN BLVD. See JACK CASKEY or GORDON WALKER , W. E. FISHER & Associates 302' JJ::-c-t Hwy., Coro!!& del Mu HAR. 0032 ~ Har. 31J6.J -Har. 2i20-W "Reel Estate Is e Te chni cal, Legal Com- plex Busine11 th a t requires years of Ex - perie nce in Titl es, Deeds a nd Tr ust Deeds e nd the like ....• -..... -·--·~--=-~-.,.._ ...... ,,.. .. --·' Lilt ~our property for ale with a __ .. . member of this Board , • . • we're \cotnc to .ell $1,000,000 worth of real estate each month during 1956. MUU'IPLE LI STING ·sERVICE Newi>ort Harbor Board of Realtors • carpeting. F enced yard, clDH to Newport Beach &hooll. $17,000 ~/B WOGEL VALlffiS C hec k These Outstanding Buys SHOPPER BAY 8i BEACH REAL TY, INC., Realtors GUIDE 1~ W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 North Bayfront Balboa Island Pier and Float Compl•tety charming I~ !!Very re· 1pecL R edwood. ~tucco and URd bnck uter1or. Lovt!ly en· clOMd paUo. Extra large kit· chen With bullt·ln Bar B-Que adJo.lnt paneled tamlly room. Two ti.droom•. 1 ~ bath•. Streu.cl for ..cond '5tory, 3 yra. ol<l. OnJy M7.&00. t • • Unsurpassed Back Bay View! • Panoramic v1.,,.. or Back Bay! • Land l&O'xl7&' (2 Iota-a, acni ) • .) bdrm. ftluxa country home • S.uutul pauo with muaive ....... .. • Family Orchard, cl"(l9f lie tenced • Plenty room tor hon. .. 1t.ble1 • SmaJI cabin In back • Mo-t wa.nted locaUon -}.tesa Drtva • All tor Juat '30,000 with only 115000 down • °'4'ner will carry tll• balance. • • • Cliff Haven A VERY NICE 3 bdrm. and bath CORONA DEL MAR VIEW HOME on Ocean Blvd. 3 BR.+ den + m&id'e rm. Terrifically large room.1 thruout 1uch u 16' K 19' dining rm. Ii 26' living rm. A real family home. Full buement. See this outltanding ·home. ~rice $55,000 -th~ only one like it! NEWPORT HEIGHTS PANORAMIC VIEW HOME-new, rustic exterior, Modern interior. w/w ctpta., 3 BRa, 2 V:! baths, Anthony heated pool -many' out.at.anding featurea. Priced at $4 7 ,500 -will trade for vacant land. A dream home. 80' BUSINESS LOT ON NEWPORT BLVD. in fut growing area. A real buy for $13,500. Ideal for office bldg. A rm. for livizlg qtri. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 1BEST BUY -2 Bl\a, 1 bath in home + gar. w/1pare bedroom &. bath. HW flrs., 14' x 18' living rm. Nice 'bedroom.a with crosa ventilation. Lovely kitch. &: bttakfut rm., !urn. heat, cedar roof. 50' x 127' fenced lot -nice ya.rd. This home will make soineone happy - Only $13 ,000 THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cat. Hwy .. Corona. del Mar HA : 1741 HA : ,0757 COSTA ,MESA ' 21M Slate St. l B. R ......... $10,VM 221 Walllut Pie.ca ,2 A den Sl3,2:'.IO 275 Mapolia 1 Bl&" Br ..... $13,:)00 OOx.12~ Vt.cant lot ne:xt door 2715 ___ , ................... _,Jf.,600 '81 Abbie Way 2 Br .... _ .. ,14,500 • 21578 Club Mua 3 Br. -··-.. Jl r.,500 4M E. 2Ut I t. I Br. --... 1 19,9~ 417 I:. 20th St. ! Br •. --.. ,27~ NEWPORT BEACH 82{ St. Jame1, I Br. • - Open Pl:nl ......... _ .. _ ......... 113,000 lM6 HaYtn Pkce Tri• plaxe1 ... _ ................... $22,500 ta. 1023 w. Bay Ava. I B r ..... 125,m In ma.t dulrable locati.on. Hard---~ ·-------------------JHARBOR HIGHLANDS wood noor1, 1hln&le root, kitchen wired tor 220 V. G. 1. loan. Ju1t $1'&.000. * * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * * • Bay & Beach Rlty Inc ' ,..,.-.......,, ........ --~· "'-j ' - CU.ta MtM, Callfornt. LI 1·771• Eves. LI 8-3168 HOME & INCOME New 2 bedroom 1partment and 2 Jui• 1 bedroom apartment.a. IA.r(• picture W1nOOw1 oyer- 1 o o k I n I bN.UUtul swlmmtng • pool Brick flrepl&c41, tll• bath•. laundry room. Compl•tdy rur- nl.tled wtth all new t'Urnlshlaga. l:nc1oeed patio and terrm.ee. Live In luxury. with 1180. monthly Income. Ont. 131.7:Hl, which la b•ilow p,_,.t eot1t of replac•· mviL Will con.Ider vacant lotir In t.xchanre. 2 blk•. to freeway, clot!• ln. -·r. v_,=._wITT'-:1H::OO:'ioME-::: NOT A LEASEHOLD $4 500 TOTAL DOWl'll PAYMENT Four bed.rm. with dining &: break!ut rooms - Completely furnilhed, including console TV, d~p freeze, new 11 ft. refrigerator. Fenced yard, extra large 2 ca.r ga.ra,ge, beautiful lawna. Patio and barbecue. Total price $21,000 ,.-. ~1 Diana LNl• 3 Br, .. ___ 1 18.~ ' 1948 Sjtlvla Latle J Br ... 120,000 561 Tuulta ~. t ~r. _,,,24,M>O LI DO ISLE 103 Via Yell&, ! Br ......... $2f..600 12f. Via MenLone J Br ......... $31,500 118 Vl& lthica I Br. _ ...... U0,000 Duncan Hardesty REALTOR ' . ' LIDO ISLE NEW Two Bedrooms -Two Bath&-Now LI the time to move in and prepa.re for a wonderful aummer on exciting Lido Isle. • Many clever details that muat be .een - not described $24,roQ Full Price -T el'll18 EXCLUSIVE -We have the key. ---~ LIDO REALTY e BILL KEMPTON e JOE if.· GROHMAN e VIRGINIA MA.~SON Combining 20 yea.111 of Udo Salee Expei;ence 3400 VIA LIDO , HARBOR 4444 -----------~-----=----'· ..• 4 BDRMS-~ BATHS Near the l1igh School on Ramona Place -Only 1 year old. Set11 on the circle -well kept. Ha• a large single garage. Can be handled for $24W Full price ii onJy $12,950 CAMBRIDGE ESTATES OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY FROM 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. Custom built houae on 16th Place and Irvine Ave- , nue. Lovely ' homes with all the beat features. Some ba ve swimming poot. -attached garage - ~ Built in features. Buy a home t.hat will lncreue in value. Reetricted area. U you have a good equity we micht consider tradea. • Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Blvd., Everson ..__, , VOGEL VALUES -LIOO . ISLE N.B.C. REALTY CO. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC. 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach HARBOR 2552, EVES Lr 8-3186 Ll 8·54-05, Harbor 3921-W 2d02 Newport Blvd., N•wport Bch. '" 1856 Newport -Ph. LI 8.;1761 Eve. Har. 4366 Coat.a Me&& LI 8-2013 . ' VOGEL EXCLUSIVES Attract. provincial. 2 bdrm. 2 ~th home with dining room. nice patio, dbl. gang<. Price $30,!500 That ~ ricbt ho\lle for a J.a.rrer-tam.Uy. 3 bdrm. a den, 2 bath, approx. 2400 eq. ft. Muat Me to appreciate· the value of $3:§,000 and another VOGEL VALUE Ba,ytronL 3 bdrm. 2'1 bath. pier A noaL Thia home iii located where everyone wa.nta to live - Lido Nord. Prloe $75,000 · THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE SUS Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. (971 or H&r. (972 -"EVea LI 8-3040 -Har. 5H2 NON .VETS No Down Payment • BEST BUY COSTA MESA AREA Inquire at 2.52 E . P&J.mer ,\ - 32nd A: Newport Boulevard. Harbor ~IS JAMES C. HOWARD, Re<or Viol& ClapPf'r It Mika Genco, A..aciale• $1500 Down FOUR BEDROO)tfS, 2 b&Uu, dbl. pra&"• and •orkahop--Fenced and llUldKaped, nice corner lot. Full price '11,760. Newport-Mesa Rlty. J'tt N-iioft BtYd.,-o.ta M-. u 1·&008 JCvea. Lf I· 177" Investors PC>TmNTu.L lNDUSTRlAL front• ,..._ on 2 •lrMt.. Dtr9ct on nil· road. Only P100 pv au .. DAN A. JACOBSEN, RffJ l:.lt.te Har. Mil. " U 1--6317, Kl 2·2117 lfYall •-M99 Honnwooa DMv. R·1 Loi Good Buy ORAXGE COAST PROP'ERTlES t~T X-siott. Co1la Ml!'JW. u ' JUST COllPLETEI1 PARK MANOR A Re.tricted Lat Developme.nt By McCLEAN & PEARSOL Speculaton & Buildera Welcome • 00' reaidential lot.. l:l&ve 10me apartment Iota left, r>tq;lex corner Iota. All Improvement. in. .(You C a n't Beet The Price , & Locatio n. Drive by and buy. Acro91 from Cotta Mesa Puk. 18th and Anaheim. Jf.,rd ALREADY SOLD - Pbone Liberty 8-1781 Llbertx 8-6621 ll LI DO NORD BAY FRONT A'ITR.ACTIVE 1 1tory home. livable and conveo- ient. Three bedrm1., 2 bath.e, maJd'a room and bath. Carpcta, drap<'a and applla.nces included. LIDO ISLE ONLY $4000 Down NJ:AR NEW, LARGE a s.R.- 1 % bath, double Pf'&ll!, bu .,.,..rytJitnr for a home and part• ty rumtth9d. BEST LOCATION, and near th1 ctub hOUH. ' Shafer Realty Har. 140 tot McrP'Afdart Pl. Al tha Nawport Pier -1:...._-B&r. ~w. Har. 3&D-M -Marbor-Blvd. A OOOb lN\IA'IlOHT, thMG, wSth rood boma. m .ooo uklnJ ·-0.A.M A. Jj.OOB8J:N, R-1 i:.tat4 Hu. M91, J..11-f.SIT, Kl J..ll.17 KT•tt &-MM 40 ACRES Between COSTA MESA AND SANTA ANA BESf ·ACREAGE BUY $3..1\00 an acre '1'ef1Jl8 ORA NGE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 Newport Blvd. Coot.o, w ... LI 8-1832 Ev-. LI 8-UOO FURNISHED MODEUI OPEN --BERMUDA WOODS . Rdrlgerated Air Con41Uon1Dr -CONTEMPORARY MODERN -!l'Om '2(),ll00 3-Bdrm. 6. Family Room or Conv. Den flpm,.. on 8 to 10.000 oq. fL Iota w)th OfUll' "-· "J:XECUTlVI: vrra·· "NON VJ:18" T'radtt Tour lnl&Uer Hom. liUN.lnv.rD MM dll, pmt. WOO Quallntd Veteru.. pUtthaae a or1"th tqU.lty la llm&llw hc:.ne, INVESTORS Bermuda WOOd8 ~tata with caah c&awQ paym•t ma:r •Ol INCO"E BARGAIN "° dOWfli peYJMftl; 21).~. •n. ~ f'equlre(I. -.. m . DIRECTIONS : TU:e Tu<t in Ave. to 17th St...twu tut ll)OOO 80Y-' Mr Equity. 3-:z b<lni on 17th St .. 3, milea to Pro11~t then I•'; on t ·~--11i811-111--tlt-RY.,~!Mr.~-+-~""':;,;;u'-;ii...,..,,,~~Pi'""i'i""~·~""ff='~"~'~"''=f-~~<!;~'ai •• r~r 1686-W l'o --JM' mo 1•r ul•p -fata--1 1 mile to Fairhaven a.nd modei.. KEDoeg 8-7772. -...... r. u ~. 1:'.911 • ' . - ' . ' l I I . . '