HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-16 - Newport Harbor News Press. J1111UcrrY. PIOTUBE -Lovely Donna Schurr, now Mn. 'Uoyd B)'ett, above
poeed for photo in Santa Ana up'hoi.tery firm where Jack Walker, her accueed
attacker, In background. aaya he tint met her. Today both were in court aa
trial ap.iut him opened.
Judge Cautions.·.-
Schurr Case Jury
OCC Beauty in Tears as 3 Persoas Hurt
Attack Case .Opens in SA in Falls Here,
By PAT m ce•ns Girl Breaks Leg
SANTA ANA, APRIL 16, (OCNS) -ln a strong d~.:= ~~11 =:
and emoUonal appeal to 12 prospective jurors, Superior urd&y and lt wu erroneoCl.aly
Oourt Judce J ohn Shea too.y ubd for complete impa.r-reported for a time that one of
tiali~ in UM trial of Jack J amea Walker. The 25-year-th• Ylcttm.a wu an expectant mother. old Santa Ana auto upboi.tera' la charged with kidnap-K&r)' autuer, 21. ot 8606 Vlc-
'n&. a ad ~ beauteoua Ulla dlNrt tb&t be la p ity or torla Av.. told poliM me wu
Dotm& 8cfualT ~rt. Or&np Dill ,..at.lt7. It la tncumbeftt on rwminr acroN tbe atreet at
CoMt OoUer• .tud•t ot G&rckn th4t peetle IProeecutor Kcn•tll T:S5 p. m. to avoid an oncomtnc
Qrove on two oecut-and Oil• WU11mm) to prove beyond ab ear at Cyprus St. UA1 B&Dlioa
co\l.Dt 6f burSW7 of me former' doubt U.t lbe d«f-.idant le Bl\ld. Md fell '-' her atamadL
-tJ quMn'• ~·· cuntr.' Becaae .... .....-boldl'nl' ber ·~,. la '11 old prtnclpte of 'ne fl.id'•• cited the cue ltomach 1D paln, poUee· NC'llftd
law," the Judie told the ~ ~bout. to untold 1D b.11 court ~ a report at nm · ah• wu an
pecUve vent.re, "that 1ay1 famoua acroa. the COWltl'}'. .xp.ctant mother and ruabed an
cha.r1e1 1uch u ll\i1 are eully Re · p~ed "*"' lo lhDfl a,eibulance to take h• to Boar
ma.de, bUt difficult to dlaprove." D'}mlben ot the proapecU•e BOlpltal. 8be went to the boe-
To-be.<'k up the atem appal, the vcnlA" who ml(bt bav• precon-pltal an)'W"ay tor a checkup. ll bt ceift<l oplniona to atep down. juqe told th• panel ''It wt ln hta opening itateme:nt to Helen Blethen, 62. of 3124
Ul• dutlea of the Jur)( to view I.be j and r'ellnllna to hJ Broad St.. fell on the lltreet
w1t.h cautlon the teaUmony of the quMUoui:;~ 0: each ry ro.pect' nut to the Lutheran Cburcb on
pro• e c u f Ion wltneu (Mra. Public Defender Meyer ~lted th~ Cliff Drive at 8:5' p. m. and
Brett/. Cb&r&"u luted aratnat Walker. knocked benielt out, lntl1ctia&" a
The atatement Vialbly aboc>k the "Tb.e defenae admlll that Mn. cut above t.he rl(ht eye, accord·
pretty Carden Grove beauty who ScbWT accompanied the defen-tnr to another police report. Sbe
IUt year retped u "JliM Cali· dant on the nJrbll ·ln quuuon," allO went to Hoac Hoepit&l.
fornla" ln UMI MlM Untver.e con-be told the panel. "but we do Patrtcla Jean Davenport, 11.
telt. Sbe bad arrived Ill court not admit It wu kldn&plnr." dau(hter of Mn. Alden L. Dav·
In a at.em, black dreaa and a Meyer then 11~Led. "lbe oetenM enport, 2409i,.t 16th St., •Upped Jone, floppy red coat. She wore ai.o admit. Chat th,. defendant while playtn( nur her home at
no m<.-up lnto the courtroom. ha.d relations w1th the prOMCU· 12:10 p. m. and broke her arm.
8b.e wu not accompan.l@d by her Uon witneaa, but It wu nol Officer Robert. :"'elaon, who llvu
llu..band. forcJbl• attack.'' nearby. aJdtd In spllnttnc the
DAM BER EYES PL&AD NOT OUILTY ann and ln traneportt~ the
Mn. Br.tt touched a bandker-"And," Meyer would up, "the child to a d<><:tor' • ottlce.
Chief to her •YN .. Jud('e Sha ddClle admit. that Mr. Walk-
Jllad• h1a IJUllrucUon to lb• jury. er ente 'I MIN Schurr'• bOUH. Falter·1·ng R d Walker, the defendant ln Ute but not ror the PUJ"POM charr· e
t --'ml t ... wttn .. ed." Walker la accuaed of c . • :.::; :.i .... to ~11:eDef•n:.r br'9&kin&' lnto the Schurr home roa Brave .to Nick Meyer and .A.laatan.t Pub-with the tnt..nUon ot ...aultltl(
lJc defender Richard Jh.llllvan. the alle(ild victim. A •-t• H
J"94e ~ tn order to ldmU!y "We plead not cuUty ~ all WI 1n1e ere
th• defendant to tb• ju.ry, aaked ot ~he charpa apecllled, be
him to at&Dd and (1ve tbe jury told lbe panel before be bepn
b.LI addreeL Walker barked out hla qu..Uoninc.
Durlnr the mornlnr l"eCeM. hf• name and addreel almoet Mn. Brett daubed at tur1 u
&nl'f"&&Y. • 1he llood In the cool of the
Ttte Jud('e appealed ~o any mo'mlnc out.Ide lbe Dept. G
members of the proepecUve panel court.room at 8th ~ Birch
Who mJ&'ht Juan formed opinion& 1treet.a. He face w&1 fluabed a.nd
on the cue to IUJ> down trom her eye1 were red with i.ar1.
ta.. Jury boZ. Re alao a.eked lt Walker •land clOH to Meyer
the Juron bell•ftd att.actc and a.nd conferred with hla attomey
llldn.t.pl.ns under altuatlone de-coutantly. )feyer e11tlmated
ecrlMd ln the lntonnaUon filed that J(lry ffle<:Uon ml(ht taJce
qalnlt Walker were poaible. two da.yfl. Be aid he had fO
°11\el'e. wu no dl•ent from the dtfterent queeUona to ult each
Jury box. proepec~w juror.
On the opposi\e aide of th•
ti.Ck. th.a J~• quipped by 1t.at-
•~ 'Tll«re'• an old H1ina "'If he
ala't (Ullt.7. t.ben wha t'11 he dO;
SDf here?'.'' 'fhe jurl•l pointed
oui that .uch thinking "11 npt
in accord with the Amertan
nleftS Get Wheel
ll)"tlem of jU1tlce."
NO &QU&.uUSHN £88
'nle Red Croae annual drtve
for fUnda w1ll continue tbro\l(tl
Aprll, or untll •the goeJ ta ac-
compliahad. KIN Cul ~loch.
office aecretary, de<'lared' today.
So far about halt ot tbe '108.·
1188 roal t.hrou(hout th• county
bu bMn raJaed, •he aaJd.
MulUpUdty of umpalgna for
t\.mda la blamed by tl\e RCJd
C1'0N ln Newport Bnch for lack
of reeponae. Glveni of preYiou.t
yean have cut down 'Oft tbe
amount of thetr donatlon1, Mia
Zamloch tlndl. The local tteld
ba1 been pretty• thOri>uc-hlJ COV·
e1'9CI, ah• Mid. LI there hu been
a nne job done by volunteer
workera. •
Jn the pneral county report
trom the Sant& Ana office of
the Red Cro&I the officiala lhf're
report a lhorta1'9 of 90l~clton
and they teel they would have
had been IU((leM It more work-
era had volunlHred, ACCOrdln(
to E. C. Stedman, chapter Chair-
man. •
.11.&W·S p -Ress
~~------..---~--------1 .
CHENEY WINS APP0tNTMENT w . R • '~J£~E£~~~ . e~mer . es1gns
Cbeu1 plioed la U.. t6P 20 per cent ol younr men f M ~t U» eouatf7 no took tN Aademy teat. .._ p
lenior ..t l'C'WJ)Olt Barbdt' Union Rlp School, Cheney la ro m' esa ost an map Scout and pn91dct ot the Row1ns Club. Be
wtll report to tbe .AC!lodem.y cm JulJ 2, to bel'tn 1tudlee u
a C&deL •
Occ D •• rd .. I lllD IOCIGAINYILlAEA
uvt1 n City Flower to be Dedicated More Council COoperation
with Planners Said Need Protest..... luri1g Arbor Day April 28
Freeway DIC.-Arbor Day celebration In New-lnp of the new cit,y nower and With choice of Costa Mesa's mayor for the next two S:-lml • port Beach wll1 a>. held April 28 tree& throU('hoUt the ctty. In· f at u a.m. tn hont of ctty hall. terat ot 9Chool c:hlldren la plan-years set or noon tomorrow a majority of membel'1!1 or
Oranc• Oout CO&lel• Board of Th• Barbara Kart.H red boo· ned to be enliated. the city council waa reportedly conten\. with the way
Tnat.eea pa.ued the foUowtQI' ptnviU&ea w11I be dedicated u All clvtc and tratemaJ o~ani-things have been running and expect to vote for MaYQl'
re.olulion prot.Mtill6 tM pro-the etty'1 oftlctaJ nower. Clty saUone ln the city will be uked Claire Nelson to continue in the chair. At the same tlm• P<J9ed de~ Newport BmL olflclaia, lndudlnc the W.,or and to join ln the cJly·w1de plantlD(• "'
J'reeway: cowicll meQlbera. wUJ join the Arbor Day. Thoee ,,.oupe wiahln( th• 1tatua quo of the pl&Nlln&'
"'nte Board of 'l"na.ft.ee9 ot Or-Arbor~ Prosram wbfch '8 etW to enter U\elr particular pro· commlJttuon bu been upeet with
anp Oout Junior Oollep Di• belnc pnpared. jecta ln the annual .county-wide the resignation today of Cbalr-
trtct hereby prou.ta the 4-lr· The floww dadic:aUon at cJty beauWlc:aUon contest lhould con-man Waller Weimer, who hu
nation ot t.h&t portlOll ot New· b&ll wlll be ltqpotnt of an all· tact Mri. T. Duncan Stewart. aervtd 1llll'e the clty'1 lncorpora-
port Boulevard betw"" a. 20th city Arbor~ eelebraUon Wb.Joh, chairman of the women'• com-Uon In 19~3.
st. and Brlatol St. 1D Ule ac.t.a It la hoped lty comrnttteemen, mlttee of Newport Harbor Cham-At that time &!fort• were made
Meu area, .. a ~. and wlll be reflec~ la public plant-ber Of Coffi;mert:e. to ret him to ~ a caru!id&t4 tor
jolna with lb• Ctty of. Ooeta city council but Weimer told hi•
x.... °'-AMociated O.amben LOCAL Ff A VICTORS 1po111ora hf believed that he could of Commerce ol. 0ranp OounlJ, do the cl~y more (OOd on th•
and other civic ~ ba plannJng romml•lon where ha
wytnc the State ol ~ four years experience on the
DtY'lldon of WstnraJW to ~ county p I an n In&' commJUion
aid portion of Newport 11ouJe. AJ FARMER FIELD DAY would be or value. '\> : ~~~i;:-.::1 tote~ . 1 .~ :hl1 ru icnallon Welmer
the a.me u an Arteda.l mp. "Now that It 111 lhe berlnnin.&'
way." Newport Barbor UnJon HJ(h place a11d the "A" team won of a new lnm and the muter
"Orance C:OUt CoUep led.I School Jl'Uture hrmera of MC<>nd place. Jack Wood won plan 111 about completed, I wtah
It would 'be advant.,..... OW Amerlc:a team.a won tJnt and a rold cup u S.l Farm Boy to band In my rulpaUon u a
Newport BlYd. to be a ~ MCond piu. at th• e(chth an-la plactnc blfh m the "B'' C9D· member of the Coet& H .. a plan·
b.J(hway wlt.b el'09-0l•r. Co\'• nual ML 8aa .Ant.onto Collep tal Blll MWer, Mike Johnllon nln&' commiulon. I have aerved
wned bj' •top bpt.L ._. .. Youal' J'Uaer neld Day held and Ran JMHe, all Newport lonrer th&n 1 expected lo when
arranrement wvuJd belt -._ at P~. atuddtl, placed fourth tu'th uked to be a member ot lb• •~lldmt. wbo ln.nl to U.. cam-Newport'•~"B., team. made up and nlnth. rupectJvely. ' commlN\on and have enjoyed Jt aon e&id tocky he "°'1Jd be a.vaJl·
pua (Nm m&I>¥ l~IOM in the or lack Weed, ~ 1obmGD, Jim Be.th and .Don Meredith. resardleN ot Ule Ion(' houre add abl• It aaUd to CIDllllnue.
BvtxJr Ana." ~Dr. Bull .fton J .... Toa ~ and Newport., p~ MCond and dty1. 1 do think there ahOUld be Ju ror theUt r..,.ppointment,
R. Petel'9QD, p~t Of ~ ooi. Mickey Quel8. •D flra.t )"la.r ~ u lndh1duall in t.he "A" more cooperation between th• Ma10r Nelaon aaJd today he h11d
le('e. · acrlcullur. ~ ~ f!nt eonu.t. Other "A" team mem· city councu and the toromlMlon" "no comment", S. ai.o had nu
Dana Point llar:bor Hearing
Set Wedilesday · on Project
Hea~• an eabeduled to be Plane tentatively apprond by
held In the board 0\ -~ the harbor commlUion aad the cha.m bera at the coUrt boUM tn slnta Ana on W~y a t a.o.r-4 of tupenilol'9 call tor
10:30 a.m. on th• propoeed' ct. U.. extenalon of the St~ of
velopmmt of a lm&l.l crUt ...,... t.b.e OrMn Lantern down the
bor at Dana PomL n. bM.J'.. bl\lff face to lb• beach, flll ln
in( 11 open to tbe pubUo for the beach with amuent to be
the purpoae ot pNMAUQ( and ~ from the IC& and crea-
dlllCUllllQC the firat atq.e of UOn of a tlahlng pier.
th• lmprovement propam wbM:b l!Jtpen•1 tor the project wtll
will Include roed, be9cb. pa.cir· ai. oovered out ot tundl ot the
tnr and pier bulldSp.c. CS.. pe.('6 harbor commiuion levied 1D
2. Patt II for ptc!tun, detaOed pnwal count7 t.uea. Landi
bent we~ Fred Knowlton_ John 8DAl>Y WOBJCE& ~mmenl when uked If he would
Hau JDd John Arnold. Walmer not.ea that tn the thJ'ff accept tbe poat or mayor for
Leh' boy had 10 event1 to yeara be hu on!y mlaled one another term lt It i. offered him.
enter: judllll&' beet, aheep, meetln( of the planning-commla-COUNOIL OPINION
ho11. poultry and rabbit.a; ..U-•Ion and that In h1I ~en yeara Councilmen -qu..tloned were of
maUon of acreace and ldenU-on the cotinty board he hu never tlle opinion that one of the mOAt
flcaUon of feed&. ve1et.able1, miued a meetinc. • important lauu oontronUng coa.
Weeda and ornamental plant.a. Four membeu of the plannlftl' t& Meaa at th.h Ume 11 rebUilc1lng
There were 17 hl&h Khooll board come up ror re-appoint-and dMi(l1 of Newpor~ Blvd., an<I
entered from 8-0uthem Cali-ment after the city council r1 that u Mayor Nel90n hu led
fornla and 21 atudenl.I went J:'e01Tanl.zed tomorrow. Tbue are L'i• fight ap.ln.ll maJUnc this
trom Newport high, accorni>an-E . L. Pattet10n, Barney Franc-boulevard a treeway he ehould
led by Charles FUMelJ and Bob que, H. C. 8ampaon and Robert I continue to do ao. They feel lbat
Perrin, PTA advtaora. Alter the WU.On. Francque re.elgned re-It would take valuable Urne tor
conteal they were treated to cenCly and then •lated be would &n0ther member ot the counctl
a barbeq~e lunch and a pie-continue due to hla knowled1e to place hlmaelf In lh ·advant.a-
eaUnr conteet. lff the muter plan but would geoU. pt11ltlon Mayor elaon now
quit at the end of hi• term. WU-hold11.
~=;'1;!, ~~ce Boys' Club Board Members -
atory.) have been acquJred aJonr with
, beub front.are in the put NV· M~orlal service• for the iate El ted t M M • Bishop Arrested Oft erat yean 1D ldznll& Second Li. Thom .. J . Conboy, ec a esa eet1ng lhat "--pwm:tted th; =: huaband of Mra. Susanne M. lad Check C...... Uon of the Ian. p Cnnboy. 213~ Dabua .Ave.. ldU-' ·
Orvell Lee Blthop, BT, of J2IO J> ed In the jet plane cruh 1.n Named Saturday everu.nc at be.rt Spencer. cxecuUv. d1~1".
N.,,-port Blvd., Colt& Meea. wu Ultimate plane for the d• South Lecuna Tueaday, were to the Harbor Area Boys' Club Holdover membera are Sidney
arT99ted b Meaa Uc• at 12 ftlopmea.t ol the harbor at Dana 1>e held at the 1!:1 Toro Marin• were membera ot the board of Davtd10n, Tom Dlt Forrest. Don
a..m. Sunda~ on wap::on Of tor('· PolDt call for the creaUon of Alr StaUon chapel at 2:30 p.m. dlrectora. Theodore Robin•, C. Dungan, Don HuddJ411ton, Hetna
ery alt.et' be -n---tty ............ a Jetty encJoaun t\'om th• today. Kat.er, 8a.m Klnltather: Don
iMWeral !Md ch.;-;" th• c;;;; Potnt at the w .. t HOO reet ln Lt. Conboy. an expectant '-th· W. TeWlnkle, Everett Rak, K1rkpatr1ck, Del MUll'el.e. Loul•
Meaa area lul week lena'tll a.n4 trom tbe Mlt &240 er, died when ht. 1ln(le en(ine Bertren Smith, ~I• Beech· karket. Bruce Martin, Art Mey•
Det. Set L. D Pollom a.ct1nc f--. ln Jeqth. Tot&l of the en-jet plane cruhed and dJatnte(· er, and CUI Sommer, all re-en. Dick Richard, Oavi<l Srnney
cJllef tn Uie abs.nee oi . Chief Un project lVben completed will rated oo a hillalde of the Moul· clec.ted and two new members, and Herbert Ward.
Art McKensle, wpplled lnforma--arecate M.006,000. ton Ranch. Putor ~ B. GJ'OlllUnd and Oftlcen wtll be electAld at Oi1
Uon reaultlq in IAIMp'a ~ L&mport. ace~ w Al· meettnc of Ka.y •·
a.ooordlnc to police reporte.
High School to
Get Use of OCC
Newport Harbor Utlton Rlltl
Scbool hat been crant«t permi.
1100 by orance Cout eou.,. co
U.M waterfront propu'ty of t.be
collere located on Newport ~
bor In the awnmer recl"Mtioe
"We cannot be squeamlllb In
thla cue," the Judp 11.aled.
.. &Ad you are not to lnter by
t~ defendant'• apJ>Mr&nce ln
While Gene Campbell, Lon r
Beach. w.. etallnl' In a drive-In
rutaurant at Cout ~bway and
Mac.Arthur Blvd. at II :IO p. m.
Saturday, yout.ru. bel'tirved to be
juve:nll• •tole a dre and wheel
f'rom a two-wheeJ@d tTa1m' ah•
bad alt.ached to ber car, police
Wtre lntormed. Value of th•
llern.e WU Jll6.
For the paat MVeraJ ,...,.. UM
collt>(e hu autboriMd the wte Of
their waterfront property adjota..
lq t be Su Scout S... to pn>'flck
&n INJt.ructlonal prorram for
------------younplera In •mall boat b&Dd-
U Offl I .. A d New Agency Permit rnesa cia s f o . Hen tooa:you~· .. s~::,ry ~~ :::
'Ilhe pl'Op'am .. 111 be opent«I
week day1 betwffft July 2' and
A.ug. 24. •
~ I ~ _. M fhTG ctg bulldtn~ ~t tor con· :. -Jf afe t0U Stria ee -:u:d
0:.r!:n~~ ~~: Newport Officer to
St.. Coat& Kea. •--lld l-....t..........
8•bJecla Of the ~ ... ll'HW 111N1YWJW o.ta Mu. Ctly M&nafV
~ Cot'I~. two munbera ot
tAe pi.nntnc c:ommwion and
alen .,..: m&ftutacl\ll'inc and U· ------------N~tt BM.ch Police capt.
pu.km. new Jobi In lnd\lat.ry, HAUOll WEA TH a Harry LaMt tom0t"T'C1W thr'ouP
fa.l&rlos lndWllJ7 and lad\lstrt&l Tttureday wtn attend ...Sona ot o.orr-8M"mon. e.ucuUv• sec--1e>nlnf. Tbe attemoon pthuinr tM Peace Otf1~,..· Admtnwt,.,.
"t.a.ry ot u-Cba.mbel' of Oom• wUl aoNllll ot a pQtl dJ.8cQa-Ttmp.ratutW tor the put week tlv111 lnatilute In Loti ~
iqeroe, tomorrow will att&n.d a 91on on lndu..trl&J sit• dnelOp.. at Newport Harbor area wen PoUce AdmlniltNUon Bnlld'"lr· mp IAw The FBI aJld the State l>f>part.. J'O..U., tn Loa An(ti• wbl@ Jbent. mtllt ol JulltJci at. cooperaUns. m_, d.citt. many or UI• Ind~ Pttnclpal speaker durlnr • . '1'\aeeda11 April 10 51 M _.!_ ~
t.ttal probleme oc the city. nooft tuqcheon •111 be E. T. Wedneeday. A.prU l1 11 ~ n u a me.Uni{ fnr lhe pro-Otelhf'r, dMn of the 8cbool of ThurMlt..Y. April 12 1'>9 49
modon ot lnduatry In the com· Bualne.. Admlnlat.n.Uon Uni-Jl'rtd&y. Aprll 13 ~ 411
tnuntly, •ponMl"l!d by lhe eau: wralty of CaJltorn .. al •rb-Satul"d.Ay Aprtl U 68 4!1
tor11•a State Chamber of Com• ~y. Orflth•r will di.:ua• "CaJ1-Sunda.y, April JI'> 12 &()
lft.,-C•. fornla'1 lndwitrl&l Pot,.nlJaJa." Monday, April 11 MJ.-., Ml
' '
Watson Hawe Son
Bom Ap11I ll in Hoes Ho•·
pit.al WH a 1110n to Mr and
Ml"I. F'r'f'd W1Uion. 210 A.pte
. I
. .
C~ncilma.n Bruce Martin. at microphone, makes
~port to bic crowd of Harbor Area Boys' Club
w•ion. in gym Sat~y. Board of directon
appeared aleo on platform beluod Martin who la
club'• r«ording aec~tary. -Staft Photo ., .
, )
"~Od grar1t us the .erenity to accept the thin95 we cannot C'han<J•~ the coureqe to chonge the thin<Js we can ond
the -wiidom to know tha diffent~" (A Anon.)
.. ED l T O ~RI ~ ·L S
Mesa Family's Deaths at ..... RR Crossing Due_ to State ... 0.-F4torlal by PAT IDCRAELS ~
I! you itand at the intersection of Newport
:Boulevard and Tustin Road, you can feel the thunder
; that eurges through the ground when the train.I
: .... by. They charge like monstrous silver juner·
: nluta, theU-mlg~ty pl.ltoM pounding the earth u
; lf .. ttemptJ.n1 to ram open the gates of doom.
. The track.I on whlch the. traina ride Ue acrOM
: the northem boundary ot the small ho.If-acre ·or land
: which 1ita bke a flattened tombstone between the
: tWO' J'C)lda. •
If you sand there when the 90-mile·ptt-bour
; .. San Diegan" roan by, you can aee the leave1 on
·the orange treea in the nearby grovea guiver, their
· thfir Umbll bending away from the blast of the loco.
: motivea in quaking fea.r.
-"lt'1 like the gatea of Hell being opened." a
: resident of the area wd. "You get aca.red ea.ch
time you bear a train."
Reaidenta call the intenection "Coffin Corner."
The triangle-shaped piece at land hu been IO&k·
~ µi blood annually tor u long u people in Tultin
can remember.
The death of four peniona at "Coffin Comer"
Friday doea not shock nor frighten the average
Tu.tin resident. .. Tb.ere'• been a l&t of people killed
tbeN," they aay.
· The Callfornla Highway Patrol, which must ln·
vMUgate each traffic death at the inter8eetion, can > only remember back a few yean. But even thoae
are drenched in bk>od.
Tbe lut fatal accident occurred on Oct. H, when
a man named Ray Hemri awung bia car into the
ni.1bt, rounded the corner and wu tom ape.rt, his
body rolled through the dirt along the track.II. Hemri
wu "D. 0. A.", u have been most of the victima of
Collin Corner.
The death of Hemri wu the only Ifie claimed by
the int.enec\ion lut year. And there wu only one
in 1~. H1.(t name wu Raymond Gerald Le Claire
and be died on a bright and •tuu1hiney Nov. 1, 1954.
The more gnieaome point out that Le Claire died on
All Soula Day.
Le Claire died like the Cochran fa.mlly did Fri·
day. He took the Tultin Avenue. Turn.OU from
Newport Boulevard. aaw the train lesa than a 100
feet away. But it wu too late. He itlammed into
the •ide ot a paaaenger car. The two accident.I
were identical, with the exception that Fri.day there
were four killed. Le Claire wu the only pa81ellger
at the time of bi1 death.
The year 1953 1ta.rted out bad for "Coffin Cor--
ner." The New Year wu nine days old when
Sevrino Luevano rounded the turn.off into oblivion.
Spring came to 1953, and then Summer and
finally .the late 1ummer fog. The death of Todd
JQhn.lt.on on August 30 hu· caused area dwellera to
attach an almost supentitioua fear. of death to the
int.eraectlon. For aome unaccountable reason, Todd
J oh.naton rounded the corner off Newport Boulevard
and h1a car sWled -in the center of the railrQ&d
tnck1. He wu pounded through bil automobile by
the fore. ot th~ lmpact.
There have been many other deatM. And in
the coUee abope in Tu.ltin Friday, the veteran reai·
dmt. rec&lled them u belt they could. There wu
the truck carrying a goup of Mexican l&borera
-UOUlld th~ corner to a nearby orange grove. Opin·
ion d1ff:ln on whether six or eight diecJ.
~ ._ a ~ of fift, back ill 1939. Oil•
ol .... lMd IDDg cnoucb t.o re.ch the b09plt&l.. tM
1 di2 rntl'-ld. The ric:t:.iin•e cllatlnctioa. Ilea In tbe
f.ct dill IM •' ~.UM '~diad..on-antv~,. iai uaually
adllliid ~ t.boM wbO meet "their doom at comn ear.-. I t •
'l'bln an many other deatha recalled by the
kmr-t1mt 191dent of Newport Blvd. and TUattn Road.
Tbwe are ., many, In tact that the clttwna ot the
region have sive:n up trytog to recall who ... kDled.
or bow many, or in what year.
"What are you ,otq to do!" the repomr uked
ot the crowd 1n the eottee abop taDdnr al death.
Tbty don't &D8ftf. They ah.Ike their bead.I,
shnag their shouldtrw.. Not much you can do, a brave
one anawera aloud. "'Maybe we could drfor an
underpaa, or an overpau, or a new kind of warning
system south of TUatin Roa.cl. But that lan't our
job, that belonp to the government."
Another spokesman, urged to talk by the sta'&-
ment of bia compuion, aay1, "I hav9 a better idea.
Let'a juat put a real cottln at coffin corner."
Actually though coffin comer la our problem,
the problem of all of the people of ~ State of Cali·
fornia. For it ia ,the State of California that owna,
maint&ina and controls witb an Iron hand the it.Reta
.that cross tbe right of way.
It is the California Highway 'Comm.iaalon, the
Diviaion of Public Worka. the State Division of Hilb·
waya and all the other red tape atenclel that are
at fault. It ii the 1tate that baa delayed for ahnott
• a quarter.century the widening of Newport Blvd., the
clearance of a better approach to the railroad crou·
ing. SCENE AT THE CAPITOL It LI the lt&te highway aystem that dump1 a
steady st.ream of can acl'OS8 the intenection and it ii
the State Highway 1yatem which ia incredlnc the
load there dally u the development of the Santa -SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -Several important bill.a
Ana Freeway progresaes. Thia important cross puled by the 1956 eeuion of the legjalature remained on
county road, Newport Blvd, and Tu.at.in Ave., which the Governor'• deak while he made a aeries of political
meet at coffin corner ii bearing far more of the load 1peechee in the eut.
of tra vehng Calif orniana an'd their cue.ta than many HOW9Yer, noth.lnr will be loft, loaiu on M>mf's pure.hued by
areas that have been more generoualy treated with u th• pnmor hu so day• to nteran. trom H.600 t.o Sl~.oeo
proper facilitlel. •Ip the meuur• adopted. and and on furn• trom '16.000 to
· be _.....,le t.o ,..tW'I\ and b&v• $40.000. Aloor "''Lh the bill CMll
e time la lone put when the et.ate abould ----a s:so.000.000 b<•nd s..ue on lhe
aUocate the ''Freeway Funda" necessary for the full lh• m..,uree out of the way November b&llot t.o provide tl-
dcvelopment of thil road with an ov.rnau of the tone ~fore lh• ao-4ay period I.I nanctnr tunda. Under the new •v•r over. law, a veteran could purcbue
rail line, utilll:e the unde~ built into the ~ta Amonr m ... u.ree adopt.ed by a $16,000 home tor 1760 down.
Ana Freeway and connect the Newport Freeway with and .-pay th• difference lt the 1Ul1 ww(l*S are lh• r.c· hoUM 008t1 more than that
the Sant& Ana Canyon Freeway near the town ot ord budset of more than a bU· amount. Tbe ~terane operation Sacramento Sidelight
Olive. Uon, M•• hundred million dol· ln Calltoml& 11 one of the few
The four death at Coffin Corner Friday abould Ian; Ute bill p&Yl.n.1 the way to rovernment acencte. that ul.IU ------------------------
bear markera on their '"""Vet, "Death cau.ed by MtUement ot lh• Lone Beacll 1i1ithout. help from the l&.xpayen. SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -It la fully expected that a~-SALES: A STA.Tm board or · · ·t ta1 dm' neglect or the State of California." OU CODlrOYU9)', lhe me_uure in· equalla.Uon nport luued lul the aenate mtenm commi tee on governmen a lll•
----------·-------------creu:l.n( loan.I on born.. and week u..ld u..tu of ta.ubl• cooda illtation, beaded by Senator George Miller Jr., of Contra farme putc.b&.Nd to wteNM to In Ca.lltornl& tor lhe fourth Costa County, will turn up aome peculiar inatancp of
$15,000 and i40.000 respectlYefy, q,uartar ol liM amounted t.o bid practices when the committee cell into it. inw.tiga·
and the m-...uH craUnr a new nve bllUon doU.-re. wll1ch wu a (&IA ot 1634 mutton. or lU Uon or city and county purchu-are equally bindll\( ul'Oll l.b•
By IAllE8 W. DOUTllA1' Ital• watar dep&rtm•nL pu cenl over the eorTelpondlnr tnr areola. and aelbo41 uaed by awudlnt' authority, a.ad at bld-
_--------------------~11:....L ll lAI eyected l.b&t Oovernor period of 19:W. For all of 1966, county boarcb of eupenU<>ra In dera. from tht dat. ot \.be lnvi· Knlfhl wtll alp all ot lheae aa!u tot.a.led ju.t un<Mr Ill bll-dl.tlribuUn( bu.in.... t&Uon to bld throU(h to the com-
WASHINGTON -Republican cha.rcee that thia la 111..,.ur-. and 1'1l.b the ucep· hon dollara and lhe •Lat•'• ln· Al~ady. lb• A.Poclated Gen· 'pteUon ot the proj«L
a "do-nothing" Congreaa could boom~rang. Reaction of Uoo of lhoM whicll b&ve "1 ur-com• tr om the a Ju tu eral Contracton hu taken up "When apecltlcaUona an not De ti 1 d .._ amount.. to JMV mllli.>n saJ.. the matter wtth th• Sacn.ment.o •lriclly adhered to by lbON ln mocra c ea era may vv to epeed up -to force acUon secy clauae, they will ro lnto o! new c&rs, and home tumah· county boerd ot wpervU<>ra. ln poeillon1 of public truat," .-ye
on a broad front. And much pending lertalatiou coulCI .ttect Ju.IT 6, 18M, whidl LI lnr et.ore lala accounted tor a letter to the bO&rd. lh• uao-th• letter, "th• lntmt &lid ad•
be inflationary and could uptet the atmoepbere ot COD· nlMtJ' daya attw adjournment. much ot the lncreue. clatlon quot• tr1>m a letter sent vantaru of oompetJUve bldd.lnr fd d ) · h · , Th• ur19ncy clau.ae blll1, of SLURS O?i political candl-out by Lhe Sacramento county art loll and the ctat to th•
l ence un er ymg t e nation I continuing growth and oour-. wU1 be etfec:Uva lmmed· dates, In lbe prlllt.ed word, are eucuUve. tn which be aay1: t.expayar rlM• aceord.IAcly.
proepulty. From the buelneu The campalp to protect It.at. lately 00 elp tUA. not barred under it.ate law, but .. 1 believe )>ou a.re tully aware "Any variance trom 1pecll\ca·
viewpoint -Lh• !ewer new law• law• a.ralriat federal encroecb-OIL LEA.SU: Tbe et.ate i.n!a pamphlet.a which contaln euch th•t lh4I detailed 1J*.'1tle&Uon• Uon.1 laa.da at beat to amb&,W•
the !Mtter. mtnt hu received a much-need· comlblalton deferred a.c:Uon on 1lur1 or attack.a mu.It lhow ~ Mt forth by th• county In th• Uea ar>d uncertalnf' .. aa t.o qua.I·
1f a 1tronr puah abould come, ed •llmu.Jent. adopUod of It.I rul .. and re la· na.me and addreu of th• prtnt.r requfft tor blda wtl'9 lntet\ded lty, perform~ ~ prta. o(
coneervallve mem!Mr• of Con· A Supreme Court decllJon. by •• In ... 111 In a con.ptcuou. .nice accoN1 to -·-e only •• r•n·-1 .. ••du lh• product ~ltled. UM1 wber. I bolh artl wtll .._ uona (OYtm S .,,e l•uance ot -r • -..,. • -~·.. -.~ 1n• n P •• ""' a e to 8 vote, oa April I d•· leuee on lh• ital•'• oll-rlcll Inc to a rulln1 made by Attor· In de~rmlnlnr lhe quaUty of public tunda are lnwol~ weh
• merely preued to hold the line. rued 1tatee the rtcht lo enforce Udelandl 8 al ney Oen•ral Edmund G Brown th• ""'Ulpment covered by the varlanc• by either of tM con-~ n d lh Conite~amen relumln~ their own l&wa araJ.n.at Mdltaon buted to ·th:v::i_y,t~~ c:'~ A union prtnter'• label.· rouowed bide . ._, t.ra.cw.ral p&rtie.-a1moet 1nvar·
rom e a er rece.N repor and 1ubnr11on _ holdlnr lh• wu lhe reluctance of eerta1n by the cod• number ldenllfytnr "Tiier• never wae any lnten· lably l~ lo ~era au.It.a.
lbat people be.ck home an ap-federal a.ct pr .. empt.ed the tleld. oU complU\l• t.o make their lh• printer, will not do, Brown lion on ·our part to indicate that court 1.1\JUDCUON &D4 oUIM le-
ath.Uc. pollUcally, That me&n1 ThJ.1 <!eel.lion provtdu a com-tlndl.n avat~l• l ea.Id. pl •cUone rewl11n.I ln propo"°' p"9Ur• rrnuna could b&v• a ..... lhnr a .......... "l tor •ft·~tm•Rl ......... oU... 0 th• •tat.. lh• 1pecltlcallone <l' equipment Uonate io. t.o a.11 concerned. •·--r r-··---· ---· ... com • oppose lpelld WATER SUPPLY: In north· offered tor H it under thll bld field day. ot the 8mllh·McClella.n bUJ to '"• t • em Calltorn.la. aaya State En· Coolr&ct.or1 and nndo... are Evm now proepect.I tor b&l· protect st.ate lawa. :'.:!_ m~ey or lnformallon and 1hould 'fully' mMt tb• spedfl· for<*! t.o lncr.... the COD~· ctn th ed .. _, ... 1n, nqulred to ('tfe It (tneer Harn~ 0. Bank1, the caUone eel forth by the county."
an r • t eral budc•t The pre-cnpUon theory holda to U\e elate wben It ml('ht be-supply ot water for the ~ ency fact.or raUon wben comJ> •
and 1etlln& tax cut. -an be-that wbenenr Con,,..U bu com .. &Yal~bl• t.o com ton.. eeaaon i. above notmal, While DEEP C'ONO'E&N tnr blda tor 1Ubm1-lon t.o a
comlnc 1loornler and rloom!er. Min tit t.o eJl&Cl le('talaUon ln OUier cau... ot ~. ~ wu ei.ewheA ln the etate, IM:k of Tbl.1 etatcment.. aa,y1 lhe con· publlo acac:y 'Wbkh ptu.e U-·
Here II lb• alluaUon. a (iven &rM. atat• lawa dt.a.I· pointed out to the comnUaaloa. waler may rMCh cnUcal at.a,_ tractor•' ueoclallon, "bu arau> ..U ln euch a poettion."
Tb• bu<l(et aubmltted by 1.nr wtlh lh• u.me llllbject may were allepUooa that aome oU Tbll I.I par1.Jc:ul&rly around th• ed deep and ..noua concern · OLA.alPIOA!'ION
PAlddent J:llenhower Jut Jan· be Invalidated by the courta on oom~ .. wbic.b have been 1U San Diego a(T1cultural a r, a. among our membera and othen T!I• AMOCi&Uon wuta a cl&r1•
uacy c:&lled for a •urplu.I n.x.t l.be &MWDplion that donpeem In exploratory work, actuall Northern Ol.llfornla reaervolnl ln the lndu1try. r1cauon ot th• matter, to -bl•
yu.r of only H OO mlWon--lt Intended Ute federal law lQ IU· want delay unW they have ~ are about heJr tun. ready to "Our concern be(inl w1lh th• Ila membtn t.o ~ 11'4-
Con(TUI ahould ra1M poeta.1 pened• et.at.a law. opponwuty lo catch u 1'1lh catch the sprtnr imow·m•lt. and very word spectncauoru. ll where n~ to Callie caN ot
rate. by '360 mlJllOA. U Con· m.ENnOA.L llEA.aUS.U concern.a th&l have ~ worll· enc \.bo\I~ at ball c&padt.y, meane di.Unctly and pl.alnly met the canttnc*1 tMtor, and to
rr.-doe• not Iner .... poat.al ldenUcal IMUW"te JnWoduced Lnr Oil uploraUona tor IOllle lher• ~ le two million more forth; definite, detcrm.Lnate. par-know to W'b.at a:t.e.nt ~ wt1J
rata -and more and moA tn the BOUM by Rap. amtth Ume. ln any event. It ·• a,....t· acn t•t ot water atored tb&n UcuJu and the act of .-pecltytn(. not be ~ to mete .,.ctn•
people ~Ueve lhla 11 unU.kely lD·Va.) and In the ~ by ed l.b&t nut month wUJ ..;u,. la.It ye.r. A Mt of apedtlcaUon• ta com· caUone tn Sacramet1t.o ~.
ln an alecUon y._,. -lb• 1\11"• a.n. McCJellan ([).Arlt.) and 11 llldOption ot the rulee and • PURCHABING PR.ACTIOEB: pC>M(l of a rroup of specll\q U thl.1 bwt&ncle la a ample
ph&.t tonc:aal would be cul lo otben. M>Wd protect .n. etate latlona. att.er whlcll con: Th• aenate lnterlm committee which Mrv• -., 9J*:lnc ruJd•, of wbat la oceurtnc la ...-raJ tlO millloft. . la~ trola betq o~ b7 will at&rt work on operaUn on rovemmcnta.1 admlnlltratlon rather than u renval ,Wd .. .'' ot.ber cOUnU• of tb1 ate. ud· ~-llO&& .ua row&& u,. fede.Nl OOW1a .\&IMliW Ua1I ral.ber tha.n u:a>locatory 1,1-' a y•r a10 turned up eome pe-Th• ..-oclatlon explalne \.bat the1'9 .,.. lndk:aUonl .....,. 11
-· Important from a t19CIJ ~a. witll addStlolW riveniae ;;: cullar purchuinr p"-C:Ucff In In publJc work Pf'OITIU1\•, lnYOl•· mucll to be de9lnd la Ulit awarcl-
ltandpoblt. Mr. l:lMMower bd UDdeJ' u,. am1t.h.lf.&CltDu royalt.tq to lb• •tate tb• •tat.a dlvi.ton of pul'flluu lnr the expenditure of public tns ot Well, tbe t.bot xw. oom· _... c.,ru. for an &ddlUoa· blll: "No act of a.,r.. abaD · and lestal&Uon wu adopted tn fund.I. lowe1\ c:oet.a cona.tent mltt.ae wtU h&Ye • bt-4 &ld
al '6tT,100,000 tor aat y_,. for be con.ltl\Md u IDd.kaU., u L&AU FOR BV 8 l N Sa 8: !966 ~ OOlTecl aome of theM wUh the q,uallty of lhe product t.o tnv•UpUoft, u4 a.run out ..a 'jet ~ben. mi..u. and latant .• tM ,.,t el ~ Vta!l OonatnlcUOD" dOcnpany ot pra.cUcu. A.ttenllon or the com• 1pecl1led are &UW"ed only by I lestaJ.atJon t.o wtpe out tJdil lJPI t« «Mr 41t-... purpoe& Ot ta occun U.. t14il4 9:a ~ 8an J"ranclac4, obt&ln.ed a alxty· mtttae now bu been called to n-e., open, competJUve blddtn(, of operation on \.be ,-rt ol ctu.e
tble amo\b\t. .._ mllllcm woWd NCb act , opvat.ee. ~ U. .... yeu 1e&M ot PA acne of UCS. aom• qu.Uonable llltu•Uona ta bued on •peclf1cat1o~ wbkll and countlea.
actuall1 M .pet Mat J'l&1'. ~ ot a.QI lltaLe Ian oa U.. Jandl oft the d.ty ot Martinn.. county pu.rchulnr dlvlalone, par-
llo, nee U postal ratn are llUll• ••Ject mat• ~ al • cost tor UM t.otaJ Ume of Ucularly ln BacrU'lento county ~ ~. f600 mU&n wr-web Ml CCID1a1ne ,.•· ,....._ more th&ll 1700.000. 11'1• com-where • leltier from the oounl;
plu.I toncut bf Kl'. ~ pro.taklo to that ~ect. Ho act JIUJ' apecta to fill In tM IUb-m&naC'tr to & contract.or lndlcat·
v would etW -•M"l'Ad. Al· Of ~ Mall be 'M'$HM p»e,..S land. Mid m&ll.e It avail· ed th• COUllty ll not requlrtnr
IO, OCmlTW ~ ... ~Lbu add>-.. ~ a pi MW• fll :!0~•= ~ema. that bl~n Un up t.o 1pecltl·
ed to the -bud1'9t law~ WOGl4 .. ~ ,.... caUona. The interim commltlAM,
ratbfil' t.ha cutttas lL la u. ~ ot .-~ -.. u. tint iars ... l.Hd leue t~ head.. by Senator Georr• Mil· l:coG~·ll\lDded mcnt.. ol ._ U.. t8 a d.lnct Md ,..... ~~the ta lh• hUtoT7 of tar, Jr .. ot Contra Coll& county, Ooll&'nU are &lanned at pro. Uft OOD1Jkt ~ &D tmpn9 commlMion wu .xpecta lo lnvesllpt.e llUdl prac-
peet. for Ute ~ of U.. J10'1111cm ot aicJl act Uld --* lntonlled. Ucee and u the ruu.Jt of haar-
M910n. Pa.rtieul&rty are tMf Jl'ft'UllOn ot tM Mai. l&1r • On. CONBl:RVA.'MON: PtU· lnPt tnay tum up aome lnlerul·
concwned o.,. Ute eomtant \.bat tbl lWo cannot -nooa· Ucn. wen ft.led ln 41 cqunuu. 1nr practtcu. •
all'MID of wtt.n_. appeuiQS ~ or caulstenUJ ltand • totallll( approdm.at.17 •76,000 ARCRITECI'S n . STATE EM·
beton the Hou. A.pp~ pu..r.'• nam ... to place U\e ao-called OU PU>TED: JJ ml')' Cl&T br1np
••.• ,
publ..lo wor1l;e •t>-cammJtt... &Dd OU COQMnaUoo act oa lM lhe _Fonmber aeoeral election•
...,.. .,. ~Kat~ •t Uie ~mo. .. tn N.wpon Beacb. ,,,... wttw .,.. MUtna 1W--• .. ,, NO'ftlllber balloL TJll• act pro-cJoeer, a major tie.tut 11 r•tttnr
• • o.utandA ~ UM Ad el. ll.a.r$ ., 1ff't.. cppropa'i&UON tor "pet prpj-tftt' 1911 J.,..,, Wk!e Cor wUt. operat1on of oil Uftdw W1'J' bet.--i the etat.'•
, t
~ ....., 1''l • 1 1' ... hMQ .; tM eel.a'' ta ftt'loUI COll&TfflSoaal ~ nelda under a lb re.man com· prtvate architect. and Callror-
• 118~ •• ...,,;., PUllLllllllNG OOkP.A.!fT dS8trlct.a. If met to AJ\1 app,._ mlNIOO appolnt.d by lbe Co""" nla'• sttte anp'°fe.. Th• IAU« -• ..._ ..... ~ ~m, (lAIO'. ,._. ......, lilt Ca.bl• fflTM, Ulla wouW lhrow nor, aad upOft a,,...ment ot the ta a conaUtutlonal amendmenl --::.:;;;~~.;._ ...... _..:.--.;_....:.---.-.,,.----::---------U.. budlwt tm1.IMr out Of Ml--i--botden la UM field. It.I J>l'O--which would allow the 1i.te In
• y , te W IAPI lf..._ _. _...atk ee el All mi.. aoe. Then the,.. an 1ftUJ ponmta cla&m 9'ICh oper&Uon certa.la Clir'cwna1.&nce1 lo con-llf....,_., .. •• 1t. o.-tfJIOrMip O.. •,...... Jlf-. A.al• other pl"WW'U tor addlUOD&l wtl1 doUbM the pol.enU+l of oU tract w1lb prtftte archlt.ec:ta t.o
WU .i .rt,M A. MOU:S. ~or
CllAJU,.ES' A. AR.M.8Tft0NG. )(ecbanJcaJ &upertntendenl
tUJ118C&l.P'l10N &ATES: N...,.n ..-r N....-rn-. T.+-W..-.,
.. ~ ()eaaty, ..... PfF Jf'&'o Q.OI Ux MO&.: •1a tal'M ...... Oe..W.., Onal'-c..mt7 ., ... ,...,..,
ependtnc la u alec:Uon ,..,.. to be pumped tD Callfoml+, and perform worll whJcb cannot ~
Tax cut.a are affeeted Ylta.l\y add uaut twalw blWoft dollan don• by the lllat• dlvillon of
by lM b~ aJtuatlon -tot -1.la of wealth to th• lltate. architect.I. StAta em p 1oy•e1
Mr. ~r u.a -.Id that O,.,....te ol tM mea.wn c1atm m+inla!A UIS. s. an 1ntnn1..ntT1t tu-. eannac. M 1'ldl»ed unW It A.a ...,__, to kill otf UM on lhtlr coMtlluticmal 1iaran-
a be.Jlt.Dced bUdf9l la tn Id,.\ ~ opentor. A.8 a ,_.it, a l-. and the a n:blt..ct.a rom•
and a ~mod•t · payment h.u linl1 batU. t*twem now and beck wttb th• 1t.&Um.-nl l.bat u
bffn mad• on UM U 7t bUUon No..nber la expected on lh• I~ u the at.at• can't do Ult
natt.nnal ltebl. pro'pOlttlon.. v.ork anyhow U\e pr1vate tlm'\a,
8&n1n( un•~led tu rwV11-~ S.. 1-f \Mu .. WN CALlf'Ol\NIA vrrER.A.N8 which pay t&Jlfl• to support U'lt
nut , t""t date now ~m• to •ld .-ottP te ,..4 • ~ .,. tn fof a brMlt when Gowr· 11tal•. ahoulc1 be Jinn tht nppor·
h•vt been mo~ f.nMr l.nto i.. • ....._ "".,.. ,. ... nor QoodWln J. Knl&lat .. ma AB tW\l~ of b&'1LJ aom• of Ult
th• tut~ :a. the meuun which lncreUl9 work.
"No. not mt! ... ll'1 tM1 tumJtuN In U.. W..a
Ade that'• 40 P4r qnt em ..
Jl&l.llrda;J Bemt ~
~ latntet.or •t. .... AJt.l,
~ wm ._. • ~·~ t.nr
to Die fo.U .... -'u.e td.11 ~ 1'ftlluoo and ~
CuqoM.. J'.adl ,...... .. to llriDJ
• ..ck lw:&dl. : fl"> ~
Tiiie ,UV wtU ._ .. h'Oa
Ml1.h •t.r'Ulo. et euta
lllell 8choo) ai • .. .. A.,.u 11
,and will .,....,. at U. eio. ot
t.be JD Toro ON.de at lJ
Tb• plllC* wtJI be ...ned wtU'I
a tlq •Ad st la ,,..... &.bll p>Ult
t.bat. U. Jaure wtU lltatt.. Tbe
1' ..mJJe tall~-.. -
,c.ll•t ~ tato bOt.L. ~
lftety • n" mtllloll ~....» .. ·
the •UJut.ed ... of U.. llilda.
, ~ thoee wbo do not can
to walk the enu.n ..,-to. Utt
io.a1 --. <2\6 mUM>, n .e . ' . . lhru... wUd nowen. dlApjU'ftl
ud bil'dls 1n lh1I ana w1ll pro-BULA BAlmS -MN. Art KcKemte of Colt& W. and Kl'L 'Harold SriMaD
U Uct r) poee with Blouom Kunen. daugbter of their teadier. The two u.
taJDnc an mteuiv• coune in hula 4a.ncinr while in Bawail.
ws. tn.ien.ttnc aabjct..matter t« 1Wdy.
Preferential Tea, Offic~r II THE
IN TltE WORLD •• :: . .
i Election, for MU Epsilon
Otficera for the co mi.Dr year were elected by Mu Ep-Puriab are planaJftl' to au..nd
.Uon Chapter of Beta ~--Phi Sorority April 11 at the tbe Cllllfornla State Beta Slim& .......... ' Phl 00!\Ventlon to be b.eld April TAKE YOUR FAMILY
1.t 2YJ TO DINE • home of MN. Oecar Taylor, t21 ¥orninr Canyon Road. 2().22 at Fr9no. , ,
Miu Louile Oliphant will be the new preeideut. with Kra. Th• neitt recuJu meetinr ot
J Buabe ..a--~-J hn Ra ._ Mu rp.11on wtll be -April 25· at ohn U vice-preeiucat; ~. 0 gan U iv-the home ot Mlaa Oltp.burt. lOM
cordlne ~. Kn. John Ne-JilWer Otto ~ and I!. Ocean Blvd .. at which Ume cu-'u corrwponcliDr MCretar)' KW Mildred K..n.on. the pledge rttu&J wtD be rtven
(entraaee to IWboll blaM)
and Mn. an.st WalUe u tre&· Ka.)' 17, 11 and lt en the _to~th;;;;e;;;;n;;e"';;;;;m;;e~m;;.~~·--=--~~~;;;;~;;;;;;;~ eurer. Mn. Jack a Qulalbbeny, date1 for tbe cbaptr1 annua.I r
TROJ.AN ~OKS orpnia elaab. Wt ~&en at
. 6amr ...U. la Newport llarbal' Yacht Club.
Bebtnd thl 11ti SC are WUll&m Gl'UDCJT. treuurer;
Larey Stevens
He~ds Trojan
Aluinni Club
USG Vice President
A. S. Raubeobe1ro.er. SC educational vice preaklent;
Forat Twogood, buketball coach; Larry Stevena,
president ot the club and Ea.rl Petenon. 8eCl'etary.
out·rotnc preatdent appointed ~· -'•· the P~ ot ' ,..121ch wtlJ aid their many phll· Kn. Waltae a.a temporary tre~ anlbropiel. The9. lDolude tb e
eurer unw ha 1MlallaUon.. to soec Boepttal DUlld1ns tuncS. a nu lD for .Mn. c. I:. Rard1D. ICholanblp tor • rtrl to attaid
who ta W. the Bnadt·DIU IJwruntf-lkbool
Of A.rt. &mOPS oU...
Th• chapter held & pttfereD·
tlal tea COi° MW ~ ..-, Plau for U. •ta 811m& PbJ rou.ndtr'a ~ banquet wwre ,...
trom 2 to 6 p. m. at tbe home ve&led by KN. RuUl Lffl1a and
ot Mra. Jainu B. Taylor, Ut Kn. a.car Ta,J'lor. Botb local
Drtttwood Road. Tb.e l • ., l t. d ~ ot tM lnt.Datloll&I .,..
~ lnclUde .Mm-. JobD Col· rortty wtlJ c.tMbrate Ha allver
--------------------by, L. Alim, Doa.al4 Kllq, Ken· J.DA!~ at a local l'ellt&UrlUlt
MRS. WINinlED BARBRE, Women'• F.ditor
Mth IDcman, Doro~ Bltt; Qor· OD the ~ of Ka)' l .
doll ~ Je11n Olmn. Joba X18I Ollplaaat aDd Mm .. tty
Italian-American Order
to Award Scholarships
Slx collf!S• ent.Nn.ce ICbolal'· enroUlnent 1n aay recop.l.Md
ahlpe of UOO ea.ab wtll be award· Junlor coU..-e Of' accredited col-
_N_EW~PO_R_T_H_A:_Rl_OR __ NEWS-___ PRE_SS ___ P_A_R_T_l ___ P_A_G_E_l ed by th• ?rand Lo4e ot Call· ;i:&~or univenttr. publlc or prt·
tonUa. Orditr -acm. Ol 1lalf in ente 1U(tble to appl,J' are • S ak MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1956 Amerloa. to ou~ ~ I'll wholly or p&rt1y of It&· Is Dmner pe er ----------------hlCb ICbool Jradu.at.9 ot Italian anceat.ry Who wtll cnduate
One hundrecl aDd fifty u.s.c. ahunnl and Trojan ALPHA GAMMA DELTAS ~-~~!-;! :7.:;'::oi~~f~;
enthualut. pthered at Newport Barbor Yacht Club ELECT OFFICER GROUP ;=~~;r~ or Thunday evening to form the Newport Harbor Trojan VFW Auxili·ary ApplicatJaD blanka ma,y be ob-tal.Md by 1"l'W.q the ldlolanbtp Alumni Club, adopt & conatituation and elect Larey Stevena <>raace Oounty Alpha O&mma Delta A.Jum.n.ae Club tall . Committee ot the ~ at. '71
ot Balboa Is l&nd as flnt president of the organisation. elect«! offlcel'll at a ncent mectf:AI. Named to ....... tor Ins ation a ..... st .. au l'rUcUoo 11. Oal.l·
Stevena la an attorney wtlh the baa.rd.I, Joye and 80rTOWa of the cominl y-.r ••·i .Mrs. RJcb&J'd PmNl.I ot Downey, prw.. fonaia. AppUcat.Lom muat be f'9o
otncu Lo Loa Ancetea. Sef'V1.nr • university coach. idltnt; Kn. JCarl L. Ha.rdll ot La Habra. vice preGdent; Ope ID.lt&ll&Uce for otnc.n oet..s by the commill• not later
With him .. vice praldcnt la A. 8. aaubenhebn•, ~ Mlae Reim W•terlnc of Oosta K--. NOOl'd1q 99C1'etar7: of tbe L&dtW AUXl.U&ry, V J'.W. UWt May '-•
Uona1 vice praldmt of tb.e unl· Kn. Baroid WU.IClll of Conma del Kar, COttMPOftdloc aecr.-CouWM Poet aaM, wwe beld Applleanta W1U be Jude'ed Oft .Juq. 1tobert O&rdner of Corona vvatty, told of the phenomenal taf')'; Kn. Willlam B. Bannon of La Habra, treuurv. l'rlday at I p.m. In Amer1can the buU ot their ftnaDcJa1 need. ~ liUr. Earf Petft'900 of N.w-srowth and YUU)' expudecS CUI'-Amlounced "WU ua. J)\tenl&Uonal .R4un.ion J;l&y lunch· Leeton Ball Kn. nmmmc• WU ICbolutlc ncotd and othl1' m-
port Redcbta. operator o( a pi-.. rlcufum of the Unlnmty of eon. April 21 at 12:80 p.m. In the Bnvly Hilton Hotel. ln8tallll\&' offtcer and the Or-cSenoe ot mental ahtUty, r.cord ot
Jdaiderp.rten ecbool tn Co•t a Southern Callfornl& ln the 1ut Mlmben wiab.inr turther infonnaUon may calJ Mrl. WU· an&'• County VJ'.W. lnatallaUon actlviti• in. hip IChool and w... 1-MC1"8tary and Wllllam q\l&l"tel' century. USC ta lo the ~ Bar. 2630-W or Kim Wtfier1JI&', LI 1-8490. team wu 1n cbarr-ot ~ other lvidtbce. ot lelldWltltp and
Gnm47 ot ~ Iaie. en,m..r fONmmt ranJca ot thAt country'• monla. ~r. penoaaa etatemente
and tndU8trta1 m&nq'ement. ..,... sreat prtY&t. con..-. be told TakinS o t t l c e were; Km-. and faculty r~mdatlon8,
daUllt.. la tlU.llW'ef'. the audience, &nd la now of the AT HIGH SCHOOL Owald Noland, pr..tdent: War-wtllcb muet accompuy tbe ap-A cockl&U hour preceded the collep bovde. 1!lnr7one wae In-ren Hampt~ nee • pl"e91dent: pUutlon.
dbmer. Alumni MCret.ary Arnold vited to ,.tum lo Troy tor the Fred T<>sereon. junior vice preet· ----------
Sdd7 of uac ouWned tbe pUI"' --Alumni Day acUv1tiea Entry Closes Soon dent: Kennith Brown. treuurer; DI • .,..._...,. ,.,.._ aad aim• of Trojaa &ID.mid ~ G. A colored movie, 'The Meta Dtnebart, aecretarr. May
orpaiallon.a. f'orrNt 'l'Wtopo4, Tt9d1t1on That ia Troy, .. WU Buckland. cbaplalJl; P&ul 'n.m• .. a.. •mOlll·
.,.17 --.oelbaJl CO&Ch.,....... a11owa foUowtnc dlnntr. for Harbor Art Show mlnp, condUcire..: ltlll• 11u-....., ..... ~ nan!:· Ralph Moore, Aoeemla • N.._ • ClilllM el
M J T V ' R I t.rwrtee; John ~ 8cott. MF ~ ., ..... -.., ..... rs an ense aer 'll patrioUe lnltivctor; June. W. la Am Ila. "Ne Mllutt-
• · • •· .Mn. Norman l'lemtnc. ebatr-Art Center and Scrtpp'• CoOep 'l'bamu. lllAcdan; Ne,... .. We ...,.11 .. ...._
Heads Hoag Hunters man of th• Newport Barbor Art Mt Depvtment. ~ IDb-. Joe.pi. DeecNDM, O&&Dl'1' IRJ'll&&.11 el
llbth.tblt, ii urstns artt.ta. prot_. The lh01J ii aot ln'1t&Uon&l, RolMlt MoDoMkl. K.nut.b 1Aeta w ...... OIMle OlmlaJ'
~ u4 Dm prot._sona.I -to but opu .. &II artSst8 With tbe Uld Otw LArrUee Jr.. color ,__,.,. <...--.t
TM Bunt.a ot th• m.c x... -. aooe or Kn, Lal\oy Blan.ten. eubmlt t.llillr pabltlnp. which an llmltat.lon. tlL -~ one oil and -.,....; J. H. i-.n.r.an, 11q l'f..,.. ._.. ,..,.. ._.
l90rial Boepltal AWl11.i.ary .. ~ 6110-J wUl ~ _.. to M _...btt.IJO t.o tbe pullUo one .. t.nllor. <>-.& ot the MY-....,_.; l:ut. Dqptt, bamacr ... o.ta ar-,.
llulay eap1'94 1n collect.lnS. oae to ed tor dllpaU.. TbMe on 4,.U IG tbroup 29" to tM _, il-*6d .... w eat.rt.ea the bearw ad aw..-x...r., m'9111• IM ...... .._,,., •:!' ._ -
Entire Season s 3 00 Ulltll Dec. 1·1956 ..... ........ __ .... --
Gtve ta.em tile beaeftt of SalmUftD cb'J, cold41.r
8tonp wbe • afaff of upert cnftulea &fve
ta.. tbe c:are tbeJ dew ft.
. •lli'YUllG SPICIAL·
Our rqular Sll6.00 Job during th.la
•lack period 0"4r~• wu.I "9tyle
your eutmodld l'ur Ooat Into a
lmAl'l 8tole or Clutch Cape
Durtft&' Uw montll of .April aome run aUpt&y .....-. ~.
SAllTA AllA FUR -~·
308 No .... .., II 2-CNU .:
emt.111&. m&l'1dnc and ~ are collileted ... ilW94 am-. .,....... pklll ·up aauona am... u.r. ,.._,. wm ~ ocm.bont.d dan. Jilft. Ra11bOft4 8cott .. ,... bil:Wl'OaT PA~ CA!a.
arttcte. ab'aad)' donated for th.a ~ otblr 1lt'elfaN .,..... ill t.bi tidely. WWl Ule ~-tadt of ...tlrtns -~;;Pi~ll;ii.ila;:;;L:iiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;miii;;;;;;;.;;s;;5;~;!5$51~~~ !!!!~~~~~~:;;:;;;;;~:;;:;:;;:;5~5~5;; ~~ii;; ha J'alr ud Rwnmap Bale to -. • P9.ant.lnp mut be at ~ i.otlDS W1nilefe wttb 'the purchaae ,. ~ iii •
'9 atnn Jlat Octobet. • • ta t l o n • t o d a y or at thAt awvd.t ot UllO and '300 few tbe
A mom1ftC cotf• IDfftlq • Newport Barbor Union Hifb mo• t ouWt.&ndtn&' wat.eroolor
..,.. ..-cenUy Wd at th.a home Alpha Phi 8cboo1 before Aprtl 19. P&lntinp u4 oll p&lntinp. The Jurore
ot Kn.' Leon Yale ln Beacon AJplla Pbl Al a .r-wUi may be lett-at Ted Glbboall of for lh18 ele.venth • 11'&1' llhow•
BaJ fOI' Ute e•uoe ud WtaJ,. mMt 'ftlunday ~ I.a~ Loe A.l\PM. Lone s.ch K\IJl1.. int' wW be J.-n Bogs. WU.
Jet.ton ol ocne.ts Kn. Jamu T. R fi t·-.. • a ~~ 1 h c1peJ Art Center, Lquna Baacla Uam Bric. and Howard Clapp. · ~ or ..... on ..... w unc eon. V• ~luf' .,,..... n am• d A buatn"8 m•tlns W1ll be held
eMinlwl; t'lrllt vice chatnnan
• (~ and mean.), Kn. Cbar'lee an.wares.
Qoodtq; eecoad vie. cb&lnnan ----------BALTZ MORTUARIES
(traupoctation), .Mn. W. Worth llllRt:I :="...;...~:::. ~ .... ,7 .. .. -··---"·-................... . -• ·--.-c:tetaly • .Mn. Qeorp' ~: eon•pood-NIWPOIT llACH
-~.Kn. !ra R.-s;, .~. tnuunr. Mn. Leon Yale; pub-0......Jlw7.,--ft.-.U-......-
JkdC,-eb&lnnan, Kra. TOMlpli IC I iiiiiiii!ii~;;;;;;;;;-.;;iiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiii;;; ~-; and .... ~ ..
Mb. Jolul Dodi ..
~ eprtq bowlee1-ftlna
the Bunten may be called to
a** all unwanted Ud Wlu.ed
artlc!lea. ~ la ac:oep~ ~a~t.oa~t.A •
,_.. call "° Kn. 8wnal'd. ·~
H•rl>Or Rest
Memol'i•I i»ark •
11'1 lupertor A._.. IDO & ODut m.d.
ea.ta ...... Oaut. Oal'Cl8a ... .... CalU.
.... ~ &.IU1 PbOM ........ "
Scheduled for Lost Fridoy, April 13
will be held
This Friday, April 20, 1 :30 P. M.
UN'I>J:8 Tiii: PALM.I -At' IUCHAJU>'a
...... MA11SM ( ....... II ..... ~ .. II ....... , • • NIUllTIS(W d11t1•wsM.,._,
e NIUlAlGIA .. I• ... ..,. ti• .... ,
• AUHllTIS ,p • d1 ........ ) •
Get Ml1ual-lic• ·a1FAlf A In ~
ALPHA nbl.c• constinnc a ttmubble
compou.nd of pain·rclic•ing, noo.habit
(OttD1ag inaredaenu with •iaunio1, proteins.and mitt-
u.J .. ridl Alfalfa, long r«'OfDiud at ~ prime ~
of Tfcal At9ino add1 IO important to yov health.
Slol#Mll Utftil, G~trl~ AdllilJl •
ALPHA taMeu are so fotmalatf'd as to ofcr r:· n
relief' without •omach lll*'~Qf...patric acidiry a a
fora ...Uy a .. quidd1 ablorbecf into the IJ*tll•
·ALPHA W1-nw .U •• ,,,..,,_.M,,,,,_._,.
BET.~ .,.L~49
u 1-1153
. . .
-nm HEIRESS,' to be presented by Newport Bar-
bor Community Players April 25 through 28 at the
Chapel Theatre, Orange Cout College, ha• a fut-
Jl"OWing plot in which Mn. J. H. Randall u Cath·
eriDe Sloper and Ray Herold u Mom. Towuend
enact a ten.ae moment. Reservations may be made
at Har. 4795
Sailors -Allen
Troth Revealed
Mr. and Kn. Robert L. Allen, 1940 Republic Ave.,
eo.ta Me.a. announced on Sunday tJie ~ngacement ot their
dauJ'hter, Judith Carle.ta to Stephtli Sailon, IOD ot Mr.
ud Mn. John J. Sa.ilon, 315 Catalina Drive.
'l'Wmly tlve suuta, mamtXora Mra. Oeorp Kothe, rrandmotb·
of the two tamlli• and a few •r of tbe brld .. •lect; Mr. and
cloM &tea.ck, w•• bidden to tb• lira. 8. E. Allen; Mra. Dn• an.moon attatr and touted tbe Oolll.M. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth
OoWna. Mr. and Mn. Youns
70Ulll' co u PI• ln dwnparne Wilhoit, all relatlne Of Mra. Al·
cocJltaUa. cat.nu. t.he buffet Jen from 14" Anse!M, and Rob-
t&b1! wu a lllU't ol. umaUana ert Allen Jr.
and a c&ke be&rlnc namu of Both Judllh and her fiance
Judtt.b and St.palm. w.re ~ from Newport
Pre.ml ln addJUon to the hon· Harbor Unlon HJ1h School and
or duo ••re x..n. and Mmea. attended Orana"• Cout Oollep.
8&Uon and Jolul B&llor. Jr.. A tentative date hu been •t
Ml9. OJde laUon. Mre Howard for July with th• oenmony lo
Brown, and Kn. C'h&r1• Lo•e; be held Al SL Jam• J:pllOCJll&l an rel&~• ot u.. bndecroom ; Church.
New Bobcats Welcomed
by Cub Scout Pack 17
Two mori• 8tloru, a Bob Cat
c:..emoa7, and tour aw&l'da won
by CUb Scout memben hlsh·
U,hted t.h1a week'a mMUas of
Paclt l'f of Corona del Mar. How-
ard Jllcbard.I 11 cubrnuter and
Ule m .. Uq took place at · lb•
Ool'ona del Mar 11ehool.
lnJUat.d Into t.be pack throup
tJle tonu.1 llob Oat ctremony
w .... D&Jlu Vhay Rtchant.on and
"'DubbJ'' i>.w80n Jr. Richard.eon
'WU aMlpecl to Den t and O.W-
eoa to Den'·
In chars• Of the openlns and
clOlllq c.-.nony wu the Webe·
lo clea 1IDCMr Ule direction of
ll&.cy Morpa. .Awarct. won by
~ membera went to St.eve Hlll,
wolf bMll'• and rold anow; Xlk•
Toun.p!ood, wolf badre; Oary
Broeriq, sold &now and MIU
Pthllte, two 7..,. MrV1ce atar.
Announctmenta ot c O m I ft r
•-Y•ta loclQded tb• cub ecout
hike for Sunday. Scout.a mulq
lht bike were tokS to brlnf lunch
and cant.Mn. and to meet &l Ult
11<:bool at I :30 ~
An announcemcit wu alto
mad• tbat Paek 11 of Balboa i..
land hu lnrited lhP Pack 17 to
be U1&lr ~ at the AprU IO
mMtlnf Wba they wtU hear
Derry Nasa. German exch&J\I'•
atudent preHnUy altendlftl' N--
Port Hieb llcbool. irpealt on ecout·
lnr and We ln Germany.
A report WU (tVlft by mern-
bera ot Ult annual camtn.I com-
mltlAlt. Plana are "'¥• to bold
the annual ca.rninl on X.., I .
Tbe two movi• ahown at t.11•
pack m .. uns were on th• ·•eo..
plete m.toty ol t.M AUJll&n• ...
&114 Ute .. Coalpleta B1at.ory ol u..
May Fello~ship Day Plans
of United Church Women
Mesa Guild Program
by Toastmistresses
Kemben of the eucutive board of United Church
Women~ plana for their a.rmual'K&y Fellowahtp day
when they met recently at the home of Mn. Herbert
Jobuon. 2099 Continental Ave., eo.ta lr!eea, wife of the
paator ot nnt Bapttat Church nme J'.ducau~ pros:ra-, a pro-
of Newport Bee.ch Ject lhared wtth the Harbor
Mn. J . A. P-.rce WU reelect·
ed pl'Mldent to u.• a new at.aft
ot otncere of UM Waleya.n a.r-
-.!ce GuUd al the Community
Method.Lit Church 1aat Monday
evenlns al a meeUnc hlpJJsht-
ed by prtMntaUon ot a demoa·
atraUon mMUns by memben of
Harbor Toutmlatre .. Club.
1\trner, aupply; Kn. Roland r . 'nl1a 0trad.IUonaJ day of fellow· COuDcll ol Churcbea. By m&lllnS
J'lab1rt7, ltatua ot women; Kn. lhlp for all chUrcb women la L "poet.lo appe&l" few ,uta Mn.
Leroy Andereon, membtnbip 11t tor May t w1t.b lbe obecr-Wrtpt and her ....s.tallta, key
and Mn. Dorot>ly Brew•, let· ftACe at 1 :ao p. m. I.ft Newport wom• tTom lb• cllurcJt-. pro-
IUH. Harbor Lutberan Ctwrch. Each duced net rew ru whlch far n ·
Roa.... t« lb• ev•lnl' y .. r eome topic ll cu.cu...d. Cffded th• benetlt teu of for·
were Km•. H . C. 8plker. C. J:. Tbla year It ll keyed to oplnlona mer yeara.
Dickie and Nellie Howard. R.e-and U.eme la "Wbo P'orml ~our BOilO oaoUP
tr.hmenta wwe eened follow· lnJoaa T" Tb• prosrana lncludl Mn. Wlll.larn T1:Uty. treuur-Mra. ftoy Davll &Ad lira. J.L.
Barnell were elected deleptet
to th• a.naual w.a.c.a. coafu-
lnl' lb• meetlns. wortbip Ml'Vt~ and a akit, er, presided In th• abeenc• of
·~y 8ay.,. Mn. Lloyd FolM>m and Mn.
enc• In Glendale May 11. Plan.I Fi· sh and Game 800IA.L BOU& Wrt(llt, preatdent and ~~ pre-
were completed for the aprln• Mra. J&clt Kaylor, May Fel·
conterance of sunct. of the lowahlp ch&1rm&n, will be a.ullt.-
WhltUer dlatrtct. connaiJ'ls here Speaker for Id by women from lb• member April 21. chu.rcb ... There wiU be a mwd·
aldent. Other bo&rd membtra
pruent W'ere Mm•. Clllford
Thoma.a, W. 8 KuM&ker, P . P'.
Baln•, P-.rl Humphreya, D. C.
Wedek.lns, Ruth Allen, w. &. A d ho G cal prol'f&IU and tea will be
8PZECll nooa.ut U U ll roup Mn'ed at t.be moc:l&l hour. ----------
Mra. Walter Pohlman, pro-Tht oit~ w1ll be dMdad ••••••••• lftln dl&Lrau, ~ Mn. AJWt a JohAIOn. .....,_t of Tomorrow at T :ao .. m. ln equally between work al \he lo-• ~ •
Butior ~u-.. ~ T'be Fl.rllt Met.bodiat ~ 8&nt& cal and atatt lenl INIU
,,.,.._ .,... Olaclucted "' Mn. AA.a. Darid Jo..,b. 111utne bt· Planned and directed by the • • llANCI •
Huat A. RMk. ~ u ~ 9k>ll" at U.. 8tale J'lab and rice prwtdtnl, Mn. Wbltn17 B. d •-d
m...,.._ ot Ute ......uni. a.me headquarttn, will &bow • Wnpt, a "8Utnt Tea" waa held e , Cllt 911111111 e
Mn. C..-0, .u---., topic-morie ot the -...dine trn.Up.-aa a bmeflt tor the R.i-...d SUVIOE
m.tat.... ..... ,_ top6ca tor _.. = :!:7 Iha and ...... .Audu. . • •
.., lmprom,w ••cbee oe Ut• Tllll ......... .:... ot UM ID09t Earn Bad • John I~ • u..m. o1. ·~t,... and Mta. ~ ... ges ~,
ft& Trautwein pn a a.... • far·reachlas ~ made of tM Mn N...-n ..._ ·~ a ad T ll •tr U•." pama!tq probi.t of Ult decreut p• p • HAUOI 1549 •
Bp .. bre •were Kn. M&rpnl o1 ftlll In cout.al wal«a. It wu at lllg Ong • •• .. __ -......_--........ • Mel:at.bJooa. "Woawi. WMt But made to ~ wbe\Mr the .-__,. • ._ .,,_...._
n.ou tn the HoUM" Mn. Jt.71 ~for \he preeant ecarclty Ktmbera ot Olrl 8cout Troop ••••••••• , ' an dut to over n&bJnr or to D. McJCaleon. 'ToutmiatNll. othw cauaee la ot particular ln-ti of Newifort Helrhta enter· ___ _
What la lt" and Mn. lldward tll'Mt to ~pl• ot thl.a area ulned their tat.bel'9 recently at
MlrkoYldl, 'Tb• J"\amt." A cloe-ArraA...,nenta for the apeake; St. Andnwa Cburcb. The rtrla
lnl ptlll'I wu rtvea &>y Mn. weri made by Ralph Barick· tlnllhed their apart b&drea by
Jo!lnaon. bont pn>1Tt.nl c.b&1rman.. enP11n1 tlletr fathera {n a pins
OUILD ommaa ' ponr conteat. Jllacb tallier pr•
J:l.eeted to oMce with Mn. wnted hl.t daufhler with her
PParce were Mn. J. c. BUllnp. Luther League ~d&• and made a few appro-
vlc• pr•ldtnt: Mn. D. D. Ros· prlate remaru. The (trl1 then
era. • • c r • tar y; Mn. Outer Th• Lulhtr IAque met at Hrved rtfreal)mmll.
Jon-. IJoeuur•; Kn. Roy Da· the 'Pariab Hou.ae lund&.7 even-Every ~ ln UM troop wu 111 Broa.tw., -Coata M ...
a., prcaoUoa, Mn. I . L. Ila!'-In• at 1 p.m.. '° ri.w aUdea ol preMnl "1th her tallier, Und& n.u., ClOOl"Cia&tor &ad Mn.&. p LMc'u• ..,ouar Rand&IJ Mc:Card-......_ ' · le'a 1966 Luther&A J:uropeu Caudell, Sandra Godwtn.. Janet mdldl.. pu~clty. • Hobel, HoU, Hyden. Carolyn
Bowl-. A.. J. Rutt.er and Mlal
El.ae Newland.
lt:maffer IJSt•• ......... your entire ftpNI
Mn.-M O'L&MY ii a nant
Scauf'cr SY*lll naa:a1 R:Ory. In jllst
aligbdy more dwa tw0 moochs. she
loat 27" inches and rcmoldcd ber
cntitt 61urc.
Wbm interview~. Mn. O'uary
aca!Ed: .. , never rcaliud anything
oould really be to good. I "• other
women rcdia« at SA.uf'cr Systmt-
but I ~ t think u would acrually
h.appm to rntl The vu1u wen: plcu.
ant, the people were mcc, and 1' I'll
going co mm conung to the uloa." I'••• TltlAL.. Call today for a free
6gurc analytia and c:ounay demon-
attation. No obligation. Lcam bow
easily you, too, cm Juyc 1 alimmc:r0
1onlicr figUR.
8117 E. Cout Hwy.
Coro~ def Mer
Harbor 17i2
Sy su r~i
921 W. 17th St. ·
S.nte An•
KI 3-7010 Oonialtt.M chaJ.rm• tnclude Bl.Udy tour. N_.oomb, Linda Spratt, Gail UMrty I-MU LI ~
MN. R. C. l,.iter, sptribl&l We; Tou,a1l and S&lldra Wat.an. e ........ _. • ...._._ , Mr& Chui. Jarntt, .,_,,_.,"1 KAJU.ON BRANDO, Holly-_..:..._ _ _:_....:_:_:___:.:_=.::____..'..~~~~~~~~~~~-=.:.::.:.:..=.:.:=:..:==:::._: __ .:_ _________ _
and MrYtce; Kn. c. ID. Dlclley, wood actar-"u llCW 11 a IU7
CbrtaUu aoc:l&l Nl&U.. aad ""° it you &lA't taDttq about Kite Flying
Contest for
Pack 8 Cubs
dlllrQ aethotU.; Mn. 11. C. ILlm, u ain't U•"'ac·"
Parechute..» -::;j;i:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimti
• Lido Toastmasters
Welcome Members
l 17 E. Balboa Blvd. -Balboe
Cu.tom Hoir Fashions
I ot So. PU&den& .
ror a llboc't Um• 01'll7 th• Mil Jmown
braad ol Oold WaY9-Bnck &oto.
Pe.tel Tintin9 encl llHching
Phone for AppoJnf me nt
HARBOR 46 ~'4
Announces the Openi~ of His Office
2610 Avon St.,
Proctict Limited to Dentistry for Children .,
Liberty 8-7771
Go quickly, comfortably inexp~n1iv9'y i
6 Santa Fe trains daily
from Santa Ana .•.
In an easy 13/4 hours ...
Kl 5-5354
T.u1" 9" e-1etl .. "-• i.w ,.,_,
·::::-~ -~ · j=:.s ""'~ .~~,-=--~ . '-'-'"~
Ride along the scenic shoreline •••
~ :-..
. · You're right in the
heart ~·San"1>Ngo ••• ,., • .,....,
' -·~
Today's N. Y.
Stock Report
Board Okays !(EW YOlUC NOON COM·
KENT~ B. J . Fole7, partner
De&n Wltt.r Co., Banta Ana -Ext • '1'he market opened gn.a ateady
MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1956 . '
enslOl1S to.M followtn1 which a pattern
of h1&'hJY aelecUve buY1"C' wu
f. or AlllJOl'f resumed. Indlvtdua.I untt.t of th• c:Um.lcal, aln:raltl metal..I, dnlJ DEA TH NOTICI J",d Le Hoven of New-York Clty accept.a from Mn. Winifred Barbre a Newport
Harbor Poor Man'a Yacht Club membership cud. Former editor ot the
N ew.Preu, Le Hoven, now vice-president ot the Medical Film OuUd, la ln Los
Anples thla week attending a convention ot the American Collere of Pb)'ai-
danl. t.e Hoven left here tour yeara ago, wu graduated from International
Trade School at Phoenix, bu 1ince been in Brazil, Mexico and the Dominican
Republic. -Statt Photo
and.. rail croupa are firm ln re·
aponN to MlectJve buyinr.
SANTA ANA. COC?-f&) -Ex-.Ut.r .everal week.a of com· )fll.8. LOl!I W1U TOURNAMENT i.nelon of the county airport paraUnly aldewaya movement Mr• Joaephlne Wlee, aa, died
north .Pd eouth for a dl1tance t1'l9 rail aectlon lndlcatea better audd,nly Saturdily at her home,
Pl J d • ot halt a mile at each end, wu promlee. The hl1her federal In· 983 Victoria Ave., eo.ta K .. L ay a •1n• approved Tueaday by lhe board t.re.t rate la a factor ln h&ndlln&' 8h4' Wf;ll a native of Wuhln&"ton 6 6 of county commiNloneN tn ap-the appeal or lhla group from a.nd h11.J lived here ont year. 8he
D A •1 27 provln• a mui.r plan for lb• wbJch bettu than •verare re· waa a mt:mbtr of tl111t "Chri1Uan ue pr1 airport INbmltted by WIW&m tum.a aN available. In addition Chur• h of Sra ltle a.nd of Hatuu
·Nlchola, mana1er ,_,.nUy. to quality iuuea 1uch u Santa Trmple l , oauftltera of the Nile.
A great many people
entnlat UI with the re-
aponaibility ot fillinr th•lr
preecriptiona. M a y we
compound yourw !
lurtce laby lorn
Nolin&' the birth ot a llOll
April 14 at Ho&C' H~lt&.I are
Mr. and Mrs RolM>rt Burke.
H32 CrtatVlew Drive, Newport
Too Late To Be
houM upr1cht treeur It Weet·
ln&'hou1e clolhta dryer. Bar·
caJn. Har. 202. 97c99
82-Funtltun for 8aJe
LAWSON SOFA It chair. maple
fln11h exleruilon table A tour
chair•. Tw1n beda It ~ ¥ 16
coteon carpet. Bar.-un. l.It>trly
8·8681 alter WO p m. 97c99
HARDWOOD Oli:SK or dresalng
t.abl~. wllh mirror It btnch
$7.60 Four hardwood Wlnd10r
occalional chair• UO. total -
Har. 4702 97c99
ntaded krlch, new .. u •. auto
pilot, LJ F'., S 8 ttlt'phone, 92
h.p Chry•h•r. 113.1100 For Cur·
ther detalla cont.cl Mra.. John
Burd. Har 0709-W. 110 Ruby,
Balboa laland. 97c3
boal. A·l condition. 430 Alleo
Ave. LI 8·4912. W7cfi
60--Autos for Sale
ttd BUICK Super Rlt-H, rood
tine. A real barfUn -$1Z8.
Hu. •702. 97c99
UN CAD.. Coupe cl• Ville: 1'ull
power, 1 old It white, low mil•
q e, clean Private party. 428
Santa Ana Ave., Newport Bch
Ll l·UM. 9Tc99
Star Chlet convtrUble. power
braku It 1teenn1. low mUuce.
'2296. LI 8·8328. 97Uc
Harbor High Musjcal, Carousel,.
Considered Composers' Best
"Ca.rouael"' U. comlnJ to town'
Conaldtred by many t4 be ROI'·
era' and }i&mml!'l'Steln'1 createal
production. wcarouael" will bt
pAffllted b)' the Newport Harbor
Union Hi(h School Playera, May
The oulata.ndlnc mualcal acor•
lncludu auch untorcrttablu a.a
"You'll Never Walk Alonr,"' "U
I Loved You"' •·June 11 Bustin'
Out All Over·· and "That wu a
Real Fine ClambaJ<f."
• and 5, at 8:00 p.m •. ln the hlfh ------------
M:hool aud.lt.ortum at l~t.h a.nd
Irvine Street.a. Newport Beach.
Ticket.a may be purch.&Hd at
the achoo! on the production evr·
nlnl"• on a "flnt come, flrat aerv·
Mesci Police Book
Grove Man on Car
Theft Suspicion
at Audl·1or1·1m Th• northern u.t.Uon w l) l Fe, Union Pacific and Southern She , .. IUrYIVed by her bu.band.
croaa tbe prtMnt Mac Arthur Rallway, we feel that Southern Dan1t·I A., of the home; ~ TtM 8eoond .Annual Oran.-Blvd. and lhe IOUthern axtenalon Paclflc, Great Northern and I daugh•~r. Mn. J4'an Ho~ ·o1
Cout Tournament of One-Act will cro• PaliMdea Road. It Chicago Rock l.sland ar40 among j 8('11flu"tr. one '.Iller, Mra. Ruth
Play1 will be held April 27, In wu Nichole' poillUon lhat 11.dop. lhe more attractive btltt'r gnde New111an of Coela Mua and follr
lh• new Audltorlum at Oran.re Uon or the muter plan would equJtie.a. The more •pHulatlv" 1TanoJ1 h1 ldren.
Cout Oolltee, ll wu announced clve •tale hl1hway enrtneen a clua, Baltimore and J,hio and S• ', .. u wlll be hrld tomor-
U>d&y. poYi';. ~ ::-~alby eof °:"~t p: W•t.rn Maryland ve been row at 1 p. m. In 8&11.%, Costa At the pre.ent time, elchl Or-·..--very well aupported and have ap· M l'h 1 th .... R .. 8 velopme.nt and slve the atate peal eu. a~ W1 ..,. ev. .... . ~e County hip achooll have tns\neer-. a chance to plan · • •j Buh ••f Santa Ana otflcie.lin&'·
entered play1 In the tournament. METALS ACl'l\'E lnlf'rmt I t wtU ...... In ""-'r'"-v•R Mac Arthur Blvd. and the new ...., "' ... ,,. ... ac~rdlng to Lucian Bc:ott. OCC Ban Oleio l're.eway accordlnrly. Speclalty met.ala art active. In· Cemett'ry.
ctram& d.lrecto·r. "11\da for purchue of the cludl..nf Pt\,l.lbur1b Metallurrlcal
Playa have been ent.red by hall mite by lOOC>-rL atrlp to &nd Vanadium C.Orp. The former MR•.,._ MAJlltT Duu:.&
• We <:i.ny A O...,W. UM
of 0-..Uoa, IM.lllllllq
Dorot.111 Grft.7, ..._ .......
•tel.a .........
Balboa Blvd. • Mala 8t.
0QuotaUH lrJ WUJ ........
(11,..1111) "CarouaeJ" I.a produced and di·
rec:ted by Robett Wentz and
Marie Hleblch, with choreograp·
hy direction by Mary H&mmond,
a.nd the accompanyin&' or<."healra
11 under the baton or Clint
A Garden Grove health dlrt'c·
tor wu arruted by Coat& Meea
police at 2:3~ a. m. Sunday and
hrld on a charce by Santa Ana
police that hr had atolen a ca.r
Cop7111tat 11M (IWI)
Newport Harbor, Huntln,ion lhe north have already been bad t.be benefit or a wan Street Mn Manu Dreier, 73, of 137
Beach, Carden Grove. IA,una provided by lhe CIYil Ae:ronau.-Joumal comment wblch conflrma Via Vrntzla, died Friday ~her
Beach, lA Habra, C.platrano, lica AdmlniatraUon ottert.n1 to our Friday obeervatton on this home lifter a len,.lhy I eaa.
Ana.helm and Santa Ana acboola. provide 54 per cc.nt of lhe money l.Mue. Vanadium ta,alio expected She V.'ll~ a native ot Awstrta
A number of playa wtll be at.aced to be matched by lhe county'• to Improve up In Ila ,amlnr• and hail lived here atx ye&?·
Friday att..tmoon, Scott aald, wtUt 48 per cenL In th.la cue the thla yeu to N\ eaUmated $5.eo Sb• la aurv1ved by hu huaband.
the remainder Friday evenlnr. A money wtU be _.088 tor th • per ahue, barrlnr an extended Hana, or lhe home and one ala-
dl(Uler for conleltant. and ad· ttderal eovernment and UD,?8I •trike hl th• ateel lnduatry thlat .::.:•~r~ln~A~u~str~IL~Pri~~va~l~e~ae~n1~cu~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;: vl.aora wtll be aerved In lhe Stu· ror the county. aummer. Thi• company le onr r
dent Center at 8:1~. of the large.al producer• l)f ura-
Wtnnera In the flnt touma-nlum In thla country, which hu
ment. held laat year, were Den· AUet11 Have Son turther enabled Vanadium to
nll Hender90n. Newport Harbor, A eon wa.a born April 13 In atablllze and dlver11ty Ila opera-
H d t 114.1 Newpert Blff.. ONia x ... en erson s N-. Uled 8&1M. ~ .. , ... "Ca.rouael"' prornlMa to ba one
of the m01t enjoyable pruent.a·
t1on. in t.be tiatory of the lchool,
with a talented and 1pa:rklln1
cut h~ by Sandi Pfifer play.
i"C" ~me ·•Julie Jo!'dan."' and
TITl")' ft.lddl po~ the lr-
repremibJe '')letUe... Ted VCJllt
Hemert .ea&ct.8 t.be role of "Billy
Booked WU rr.dericlt Neal
Stevena, 2•, ot 12331 Ha&'an SL
He wu apprehtnded by otflcera
Orville Amburcey and Jamee
Crumton on Hlh St. eut of Or-
an&'• .Ave. when they at.opped
him for altesedly 1otn1 throu1h
a atop lilJllal on Newport Blvd.
out.tt.andlnr actor; Lynn Re1· Ha.I" H011Plt&I to Mr. and Mra. Uora.
nolda and AnJta Lewia, !Afuna John AUen. 1728 Ocean Blvd., Other apecia)Uea which appur l "ou'll tlAd ue fut lD Ule 1.UOw ~ ~dtt Wuber ~
Beach ~h School, outat.andlnc ;;N;;;;ewpo;;;;;;;;rt;;;;;;;;Bee;;;;;;;;iiich.==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ll;;;;k;;;;el;;;;y;;&o;;;;wo;;;;;;;;r;;;;k;;;;ah;;;;Md;;;;;;;;;;;;;ln;;;;.cl;;;;ude;;;;;:;;;;;;C;;;;a-.t-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;:~ actraMa; a.nd Don Toumeau,
and lTth SL
A routine c:hec:k ~ tM car'•
U.c~ ~ il w wn ,...
ported u alolen, acconilnl" to
AJl&beJm, out.ttandlnl' character
actor. The p~ tou.m&ment per·
formanc6& are ope to the public
without dlarre,
Ul• poltc• ~port. County Taxable
Female · Battlers . Quarter Sales
Funrral Mrv1cu ror Edward !:±eel by Poll...,. M.a.naon McCabe. ~9. ot •eo 9UUll ..,.. u 35 Newport Blvd. will be conduct• Newport Brach ottlcera l\OP-p per Cent
ed l01'1\01TOW at 10 a..m. ln ~ a ft1"ht tn the RlndUYOua
PHONE-BA•BOB 1101 •·
General Contractor & Builder
Par1' ... Rldley Mortuary Cb&pel, Ballroom 1hortly alter D\Jdnlpt SACRAMENTO. -(CNS) -... o-.t alYd.
Coait& Maa. Mr. McCabe died Saturday between two younl" The atate board of equaJlzaUon OO&ON.1. DEL MAB PBO?li°E BAJt'OR USS
S.turday In Orange Oount1 women but tlnally were forced today reported that taxableaal• ~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~ <nneral HOlpll&J at~ an ex· (o arreat them when lbey con· ln Oran&'• county dunng the _
t4'nded llllltN. He wu bom ln Unued the battle on the Balboa fourth quart,r of 1966 totaled
New Je~)t and wu a MamAll parking Jot, lhl'y reported early $123,090,000, an increue or 36.32
In th• Mmhant M&rln• tor O Sunday. per cent onr the ame period
yeal"I. Re r1 SUl"Vtved by ht• Offt~l"I William Blu. and ot 19tH.
wite, Marjorie of the home; one PhU Hall wer" patrolllnJ the Thi.a ~re booated ta.xable
mt.er, lLrL Su1a1r Rudolph of da.nce hall whtn lhe tracu ~ aalea ln the. co"nty for Uie year
NAiw Tork. •U?Ted betw .. en a H -year-old 1966 to SUO,OM,000.
lnu.rnrnent will be In MelrOM Sant.a Ana Juvf'nlle and Anna The board •Id atatewtde A lea
Abbe7 Columb&rtwn. Marie Ruta. 2~. of 1878 .E. Pia· for the quan..r amount«! to nve
cenUa Ave., C.01ta Meu.. blWon dollara. ~aln or more
MlRlAM LAMB They Mid a male friend o( than $434 million 14 8 per cent
Funeral aervtcea for Miram the stria atl4'mpted to lntarfere over the corr~pon period or
A. i...mb, !WI, ot 1803 Clay St.. In the anwt but fied alter be 19M.
will IM conducted at 11 a.m. -... tripped by"' the ottlcera.
Wednuday tn Parkca • RJdley ------------
Mortuary Chapel. Co.ta Kua. H H Son wtlb I.ht 1"v. Jame. e. Btrtr· ansoM ave MES,A
the Richard Beeson Company
l.ackcape Desiga and CoMtructlon
"'~· .. ,_,,_
LIDO sHoPs ~ I
Pan. -Dealer -·a.me.
"" Via Ude -Bart. ,,.,
C L A S I I P 11. D
DIOll llA"'ID
.... Yla ..... -..,.., .,..
GIFT 8ROP &UTOllOBILE DMl.1!88 arcw•ao-a UDO K.UlUT
New and uaed Can Mii Via U.. -..,._ ma momn sTUDEJSAUa ,
a.lea a.rv&ce P.n. lN8UL\NOE AOEN'l.I
Ml6 :N9"PCJn atvd.-8.v. llt • w .. o. aom. IMC.
Not Via 1* -..,._ ""
Bulk 01 A.nMrlca NT• u. IND!:Rloa Dl!)O()Ut'OU
"'4 Via Udo -ll&rbor Ull
Ia Bidwell'• 8l4N tor Kea
N%1 Via U4o -.Bartter ISM
Nll Np&. atft. -Bar. Hll
1411 Vla Udo -11.a.rMr 6'M .
..... ...., ... .1..1.D.
M.11 Via '* -...... -
Dlml 11.1.0KD ,
Nit Via '* -...... 4111
Ma.lap Import&
lltVla••hp ..... an
P. A. pu.m qiJO.
art. putor of St. Andrew'• The birth of a i on April 13 IZ--Real Estate Pre.abytlrian Churdl. orticl&Unc. In Ha.s Ho.pita! la being eel~ l "pboi.tert.1 & Drapery
------------• Mra. lAmb died ll&turday al· brated by Mr. anl1 M.ra. i:dwtn , ~ Mlll
C.lllEBA.8 a Suppilee
'"1 Via Lido . -ll.utlol' ....
1111 ...... -lilartlw 1llt
vooa. OOllPANY
2128 E. Oce'an Front ter aA utenct.d·l.DMu. SIM •aa Hanllon, 469 Broadway, eo.t.a !JM N"""-B1•4.. o.1a 11-a naU•e of· Leubu.rs. Ind. and ;,;M;,,;~;;,;,;-_________ ...,1,.. __________ _,
Penlneuta. t br., 3 bath, pauo,
t car pr., pine panelln1 down-
•talra, attractively rum. thru-
out. Price 147,600.
Open For Inapec:Uon 11 to •
TU IC. Balboa Blvd, B&lboa
Harbor 80
Re~d'J Mixed
Con~rr..: It
la aplte of a. 0-.l SIMrt-
.,. We .,.. Maida• &....,.
........ &ft.rt .. 8aUldJ' •
• Nii6 ofOUO ......
O-..••lt7. ... , ei.. ..... -Oall 1]e.
'"~·"·., 008TA MS.SA U a..al
had lived bl um d~ for 1l
yeara. She 1-~nll b7 her
huaband, Fred A. lAmll of lb•
home: a daughter. Mn. Albert
Shaw, of Tulia, Okla.; a alster,
Mre. Dale EUia ot Garake, N. D.
and a brother, Earl Diehl
of DeYt1'1 IAk .. N. I>.
lA\ll"IUMl'lt WW lie ID Metro.
.lbbq OolwnM.rtwn..
• • • aa .. • , u•tr,..., ..... "°""' wtUt • .... ~· ......... ..u.,.
~ ... ,. .. ,., ..
7ov...., .. a....._
Uberty 1-2211
BAY me.
711 w. 11'11 St.
008TA MD.A
There's Nothing.Quite Like
............ I ¢1 .. _
i -=~·
• ,,oYia.d fo yo. o•lomoticolly
• lf!Hw 1;.;.g wlHH1t ro•r b.tlget
llt·lht !Ct,....t, '""fmr1 "-"It. Tf'I: Harbor tTll
Eledriaal Ooatndon
110 Blveiwlde Ave-Liberty MMC
Build Your
We Have
For TH
Askl1MJ •
• JlOO W. Cocnt Hlgllway Newport a.acll
Ubetty 1-3411
14%0 \1a Uclo-Bartlor UJI
al<JIUIU)'8 UDO JU..-.:T
..... Via U.S. -Baftor sm
MJI Via Ude -..,._ 41Tl
BAY AND U&Cll ahl.n
V1a Udo ....... om.
IUI u.r..,.._ -liar. 1141
Udo 8aJe9 6 Rent.a.a.
Clo ......... -.." ... -1-.. •-'--ta SA VINOS a LOAN ~'""'~ • .......-A880CJIADO.N8
lllllU'8 OF UDO HJl:WPOa".f aAJ.80A
UM Newport Bl\•d. a.t.\'DlM A LOAN AllOO.
OLO'J'BINO MM'• ltetaD •' A. ...,,,. laatAtutt.D
BIDWl:Ll.'8 8BOP roa KEN Lcq Tvm Bome Loe.ae
llll Vllf u.. -BMt.r IMI ... VI& u.. -...,._ a• aow.i-•-·· ..... 811018-..,,
LA aaNS lllDW&U. .. 8"l'CJaS fw )ll1l!1f
~ ~ ....... -..,._ gJI NII Via 'I.Me-:-..,._ ....
LIDO F ASlllON8 rot Nll4-...._ -..,.. llTl SHOD, w.._
SB.&.DDOOll.. •t7U:"8 °' a&uroaJn.a. MU Via U.S. -......... 1171 Ml.I \'la Ude -..,_ _,
VAO~ JIOV'U TR&lDl8 Imported Sportswear
MM \la Ude -..,.._ ~ LIDO Tll&Aft&
ConAlt um pa,..t.r,........
\1a ut. .................
llutier Jl1' DANCING -Ballroom
.... Via Open• ....... Mil
Nil Vla U.ct. -II.nor 1M1
Ooraar~Tabl• Arraniement.a
HIS Vta Ude -a...or mt
.... , .• Ude -~ -
LIDO 'l'OTLAlfD . UUVlllU8...-...,._.U
RilBOll Ta.1.1111. ~ uu -....----·•H
' WATCllaDAa .
~h W.t.Tal U.&Ja LIDO' Vlrt109 ..... ,,. u..
WINDOW OOVElllNG Qal8c-1 A RW7 lt:4& -............ .I l QD•••DT ITtTDIOI ----------------------., ____________________ __. .... Vt. I.We -~ ..... TD t•••..,..
1'nl t. PM Ofllee-llu ...
. '
. AWABb WINNEB8 ~Two business education 1tudents from Orange Cout
Collere were named as winners, laat week, of $100 apiece in the new Bank of
America Junior College Business Awarda program. Left t o right are: Dr. Bull
H. Peterson, college president; Lloyd Hamilton, Anaheim, sophomore buaineu
1tudent: and Kayoko Nabauchi, Westminster, freshman secretarial atudent. -
Eugene Tyler Photo
Part ·01 City
Harbor Hl1h1&nd1 annexa tion
hu become officially a part of
'Short' Prison Sentence
Changed by Erring Judge
A.NT AN the City ot Newport Beach:. S A A. (0CN8) -Don· Creentnr to county jail tor 11x City Clerk Marcy Schrouder In·
ald Elmo Oreenln1, 36, Freano, mon\IUI. formed city council memben fol·
d1'w a pr'-oo M11t.ence from Su· perior Court Jud,. Kenneth E . G re e n i n r at1mltted paulnr lowtng notice from the CaJltomla
Morrteon, but tt luted only a three worthll!N checka totalllnr Secretary of State'a office re-
,.., momenta Tueeday. S40 In the Newport Be&ch area cently.
Dlatr1ct Attorney Robert Knee-durlnr December l~ Today ahe reminded Harbor ' · KIJhlanda raldenta they ahould
1aDd reminded the JU4re that He waa quoted aa telllnr a pro· uae Harbor ltl tor fire depart·
OrMllins"' faced only a mt.de-batlon officer that "l live In a ment callt, Barbor 1 for police
~r bad check cbarse, not a world ot alcobollo fantuy. J callM.
felony count. _ tried going to church, but I'd -;;;====--==;;;;;;jj
Tb• jud(e promptly reveraed drink before church and atter r
bla prtMJn term and ectenced church."
Tb&t. It t&kta a lot. of corrHponden~ to pry 70 &era out
ot the t*teNJ l'Ovemment for & hlfh 11ebool 'aite occurrec.
to Supt. Sidney Davidian atter he Clhally at lonl' laat received
Yertfle&Uon ot the tranafer. He 1.a ahown above with the tile
o( coaaa.pondence on th• Costa Meaa atte. The leltera at&rted
"'1th )(arch. 196! and the •teat. telerram came ln 1ut. week.
--8tatf Photo
TH Standard Man cut •down 111111' ·
• .,_, heavy-duty engtie1
l ..
Yoe eaa rec1-. 0 dowa time_;. aave on overhaul
exptme and operatinl C09ta by lubricattn1 your diael
and beevrdut.Y ...,&ine eniinm with RPM DELO
U.17 X>u\J Lubdcati"I Oil. Speclally compounded, it ,.... oorros1on. prevmta the ronnatton or barmtul
dlpalitl. blpt contuninanta ~ and •'°Pe foam-
._ cl oU ba tbl a:antcue.
..., • na ~ deYelop mon power wbea
JOU um RPM DELO Heavy Dut,y Lubricatina Oil to
blp --::;:;~rf.;1t weer. And they ,._, on the job. naed i-. So order RPM DELO ff•~
ftr I I 2 I•_, ..... OI C....., tf c.Anil ~. Clll
~""'l»@rt Bfoacil. If, ~
Bar. i~ um w. Balboa Bh·d.
To Serve YM
24 HOUll S!llVICE
222 Oc.en A>re.
PHONE HY. 4-1 In
.01 N. II Wmino llHI
PHONE HY ecinffi 2-1195
or HY Kiftttl 2. n 96
, ,
--~) 1100 W..t Cocmt Highway
RY GI.El.a
• Family Bundle S.mc.
The atay .. t.-hOme doean't have to
at&y at home azq moN. And a fold·
~ Ill Ii: J wbeel cba1r ii trt.ronc
enoUl'h to hold &11Yon•. compact.
~noul)l to take alon1 In car or on
train. .And a phone call brlnp you
ODI promptly.
N.-,.rt Kl~ber:fy S.1181 mtLM.a-..... A.-:
....._bl Whlttkr·~---
Ull•Dlll U .. 1111
e Fm Oecn,1119 and
Su av•
. .
PHflll rt ti tMlii. ,.._ll
Pudlo °" ... ... T-.7 ~ .,,_,. la N~ a.-c• ,,.. 1 ""-JMk
Kftm ... • &aq\l&l NtJomt14e t..s. Illar mak .. a 00..-y
.ta.lid at 8eDoa BaJ Chab.
1"8 ma~ wtJl be llPQG·
llOred bJ ~ Eoeta Club Of
Newport Batbor under tl\.e
IMll"rie9 COMmlttee, MJ'tl. A.1-
_)!Jrt lt.ocldoo., ~
Trabert and Oonaal••
club In the teat.ur. event.
domtn&ted IO W by tlw
bard~. bombe th. t
explode off P'Mc.bo'• power-
rul racquet.. tleoond lliAC1u
will ... benre. Ra Bart-
wt1 and Pucb'o 8epra
wit.la tM ~ oompetWon
tmlS1nc ~ t-.. ~
•piMt Trabert Ud d&rt-.wts.
• .
MERCHANT _ _... Ir
B~ ).iu 1ee exht'bited all tbe muscular detcrmina· straight ahead-it require. all this to come out ot
Uci ~ to speed tbe century or 220. Legs thoee bloca the J11eCond the .tart.era.gun 90unda. 20-30 : Club
, "~. anu pumping, neck muaclea popping, eyes -Staff Photo
<JeolT• Ka*• Tar ouU1eld4r and p1tchu, comes Oytng
acroee tbe plate with a N.wport ecore In recent out1n1 al
Oollta MM& Park. A SUD.Mt Leafu• fray wu acheduled there
lhJa attemoon between the local when and Orancf'. -St.ftt
Photo HARIOR Plans Kid
~o~ Track Meet 1TRIO OF MEETS FOR
BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor
N~wporl Harbor'a 2()-30 Club
wu today compleUnr plana for
a county-wide lnvlt.atiol\f.l track
and field mMt at Newport Bar-
bor Union Hl(b Bebool oval for
MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1956
boys up to and lncludlnc the
et(hlh rrade. Data ot the ·meet
ha.I been 111t for May lt, accord·
Inf to Dlclt Krull. club praident.
Or1cnr• Cout CoUere sport.a achedule lhJa week nma
the (&nl lll from !Jueball to IWimmln(. Bueball and roll
open the we«k tofuorrow afternoon when Mt. S&n Antonio
cornea lo the Meaa diamond at 3.30 p.m. ln a battle for
ftr1l place and Bue golleni t.&.ke on Ban Dte&o at Santa Ana
Country Club al l 30 p m.
Wedne.day, the Plrsle tenn .. team travei. to Ocean-
11lde for matche1 al 2 .30 p.m. ·The Ea.stem Conference
awlmmJnr meet t.a.kq place al Mt. SAC'• pool at 3 p.m.
and 8 p.m. Wtdneaday and Thul'9day
With hopee of maJdns lb• af-
fair a.n annual kid eluate 1D t.M
county, Krull ..Sd t.be m"t
would lnvolve all etrht boye'
clube l:n lbe county, lncludlnl
Harbor Boy•' Club. Some 400
younptera are expected to par·
Uclpate befon a Saturday crowd
of 1000 onJookera.
!n conjunction wllh the pro-
po-1 meet. Dff Burnalde, tint
vice-preald'!nt of the local 20-80.
Ila.a announced a ''20-30 Day''
Saturday, AprU 21. a t the Burn-
side and Son MrTl.u lt&Uon,
2300 W. Cout Hl(hway. Pro-
cffd.I of p.ollne lalea for that
I day, Bumalde annou.nc~. wtll ro
for trophld for the 20·30 kid
cinder ae"91on here.
P08tponement o! the au.nual Chaffey lnvitational
vack and field meet from lut Saturday to this Saturday I
findi Coach Don Burns still entering nine of bi.a Newport
Harbor Union High School thlnclads in the ~la.aaic. Trials
ret underway al 10 a. m.
8U11U aald the meet bad to
be ~ed due to the flooded
condition ot the field from fut
wkk'a 1nclemat wealber.
In one way, Bum• aald, lbe
Tara pln •t.renrth and In an-
other they loee It. thank• to the
date ahl.tt for the meet.
Ch&TU• Berry, who wu t.ak·
ln& entrance t.nt.a al UCLA lul
Saturday, wlll now be amon1
the Sallor deltl'&tlon to Chaffey.
However, Tom Niquette may
have to ml.u the meet beo&UM
ot an annlveraary achedul• for
celebration by hla parent. at
Suma hiu. predicted will break
the .chool rftOrd oC l · 33.5 thia I
Newpon entrtu. baaed on
thla, will apparenl)f be compo&-
ed of Dodd Peanon In the no-nce 220 yard duh and lhe high
jump; Bob Van Sickle and Ran·
dy Peel~r in the novice 880; I
Bob Vllla&tan& in the novice
1hot put. Tom Trooien ln the
open dlv111wn hl(h jump; Jeri
Hllll&rd In the open mlle. and
Bill Buckland. G I e n n Butoro.
Charlie Bury and Put110n in
the open 1 el11y.
Palm !prtn,s• over the weekend. Next meet tor the entire Sall·
Friday brtnga up a field day for Harbor arelt 1port.a
fana on lhe Meaa campua. Al 2 p.m .. tenni. starta with the
Buca hoetin1 San Bernardino. Al 3 p.m., the Pirate ball
club croatea be.t. with the vUilton and at 3 :30 p.m. the
two achool'• track and tleld forctoe cluh The Me.amen co
agalnat Rlver1ide ln a rold ma tch at Santa Ana Country
Club the aame day at 1:30 p.m
Both boy1 are member1 of the or track equad Is echeduled oo
vantlty re I a y quart.et wh.lcb the local prep oval tomorrow af· Spla~t Here lernoon when Burn•' boy1 boat
.for your
Expert outbOard motor repairs
Out medania are Johnson·
tta.ioed in the use of sptti•I
factocy·type tools. Th~y use
J ohnson pans from our larse
stock, 1nurio1 you of only
die finest m1inteoance and re-
peir work on y®r outboard
motor. Looking for a inw
Sa-Horw? We have them at
prita ~ou'll apprecille.
Saturday, Piralt' 1rwlmmer1 participate In lhe AAU
meet at M.l.aion &ach at 2 p.m.
Coach Al lrwln'• Newport 1 II D • • the OTangl' Panlhera. Friday.
Harbor Union Htrh School SaU· Jllater el ·an Buroa announc-1, lhe Anaheim Newport Blvd. al 2Srd St.
or iwtmen ha.t th~ Santa An.i meet Will ~ lleld .heu.. lt WU
PEBFEqr PASS-Handing off the baton ii New-
port Harbor's Bob Baxter. Receiving it in a recent
vanity relay effort is Glenn Buford. A quartet of
Buford. Charlie ~ry. Tom Niq~ and Dodd
Pearson hopes to break the school recOrd in the
I• event this eeason. -Staff Photo CIF OVERHAUL JOI Saint 1plaaherl In a SUMet Le&· Track Losses l >rl&ln&lly ICheduled for the Colon-
gue meet In l'tt.spatJ1dt Memor-11!4 clndei•
al pool on u. local prep cam-)tat.er Del' tr& le-and tl«ld I CUrrenl Sunaet League IJ>lke
Harbor 2600
LDDli A 8BOT~Tbat'1 the way the iron ball leavee
Johll Harotln'a hand aa the Sailor B llhot put ace
)eta~tbat wel&b~ fly. Benrotin ptched the hunk of
heft t7 ft. : in. to win the event'ara.in:lt Garden
Gr0ve JUt week. -Sta.ff Photo \ . .
Plans Set for 3 Orange
County Prep Area Loops
FULLERTON, (OCNS) -A gigantic project of over-
ha,µling the entire structure of the Calif ornla Interecho-
lutic Federation is planned for the 1957-58 school year.
A CIF spokesman recently related that a "Major
over-haul is detinitely planned. There is no doubt aeout
ll." he reported "A lar&• re-
leacu1n& prorram 111 ln the lm-
medlate omnr ...
Otle mHUnir wu held tut
week In CovlnL Another meel·
lnr la acheduled for .M,.y 7. Al
that lime, de!inilr plane wlll be
worked out.
Frank Hopklna will be a rep-
rtHntallve from Orange County.
He la pr1nclpe.J or Brea-Olinda
HICh School Be WU a1ao In al·
tend&nce al the Covina meetln.(.
Thia entire prorram of re-lea·
cumr hu become necuury, <lue
lo the lremmdou. (l"OWth and
upanalon of communlUee and
acboot. In Southern California.
And the 1rowth 111 upec,ted to
With that In mind. moat of
the plannln1 at nl'xt month'•
CIF meeUnr wtll be In the form
of Immediate and lonr-ranre
thlnldnr. tt wu SJ>e<'lll&ted that
change• would probably be made
In au preHnt ClF leacuu.
One ffOUp of pll1na h"d the
followln• Ht up for Oran1e
County: Three league1 -Sun-
(IVe all three leacuu •IX team1.
There wou\d Ufton be no ntoed
for bye datu In 11Chedule mall·
However. three or the above
mention~ 11eh<>Ols are not In the
CIF rankt, with two not even
beln( achoola. Weet.em In Ana·
helm la currently a junior hl(h
Khoo I.
N'OT llt'lLT YET
Ooet.a .Mea and a second San-
t.a Ana high achoo! are jual In
t.he pl&nnin&' atale. Weal.em 11
expected lo be a hl&h achool
expected to be a hlCh Khool
within the ,put year or 80.
Tllua. u pt.tu1 now 1tand, the
Sunaet would have jU11l four
uama. Garden O r o v e HICh
would remain In the SWlllet,
making' uch leacu• contain nn
Sl6ct' many ot111ernr1 like to
keep achoola of one community
In the u.me le&gUe. Oarden
Grove would probably SWW:h over
to the third, or Untltd Lea-
cue. when a aecond Santa Ana
• c et.aadi.np. San\& Aaa t-0: hi· pu1. ~t.ar~ .1 p Ill. Wednu -varsity d~ a ICl'"'I ntffl lo ~\On M , O&rdln Orovc l ·l:
dey =I~~ ~thollc tut we«. Th• 1 Ne~rl 1·2. Hunttnct.on Beach
JOO. Ramo• IP I, DeVap (HO), 0-2, Anaheim, Oranre 0-3. 1chool wu ready lo compelt on ..,.. -:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ the athletic fleida O'l"ell IP >. 10.2. 220, OeVou
1n ordu that one or 1wo lea· rMDl, 224 H O, Domer tP), DupHc-.d While You Wotit
IUff may not have lo have byt>< 1 MD>. Ramoll 1 Pl. A q u err e Or ARA:<."TEEO TO •'IT
datea In t.hcl.r achedulu. CJF ad· 1MD1. 2.•. HO, Domer IPI, For Offke -Bornl'tl • Padlo<'ka -C'ani
mlntatrator1 may irosgeat lhat j Bartell !P l, H ille (MDI, 50.1. BOB .IA.YRED'S
Excelalor a.ad Downf'\ re-f'nler 880. Luvi.S f P l, Stupy IP). RICHFIELD SERVICE
the Oranre County p•~lure Both Knapp 1 MD). 2 :09.t . J.ll~. Ruah tJI East' balboa Bh·d., Balboa
wue fon.erly In the• Suneetj IP ), Co11J1ou1h (MDI, Jetfere
Lt'&rue: now both fOmpete In IP I, • :50.5. 120 high hurdlu,
the atronr Ooaat Lea,ue. \AnJce!'ffn IMDI. B~vtn1 (MD).
LOl'8 OP' PUN"S HodelJ 1 P I, HS.5. 180 low hll1"
dles, Bevtna (){I)), Anke....,
The Cl1' otAce related t.h&l ) lMD>. 'O'~U lP1, :u .... Rtth
numeroUI Plfna ha\'e been pro-jump. Ue betweth OtUnr IPI
poaed. They do not. however, ex· and Valdez IP); O'Nf'll (Pl. 6-5.
Pf'Cl lo announce any concrete Broad jump, Ramoa (P l, Anker-
pl.a.na unUI later thla year. lf lien !MDI, 4DeVolll! t MDI. lW.
even then. Pole vault, Clark IP), AnkerKD
No propoull al the May !MDI. Jetten 1P1, te>.e. Shot mH~ Will rhan&e leairue put. Bevlna (){I)), Bartholm)'
plane tor lhe 19:1e-57 aeuon. (Pl. Cl&.rk {PJ, «-&. 880 relay,
county ofnclai. 11ay. The county Mater Del, 1 :35.2.
1ywtem tor t.hll period bu al· ·Pomona CathoUc'• CJaa. B
rudy bttA drawn ilp 1quad ~eat.eel Maw Del U(hl·
•nd Sun-Steps Shoes
m lllar9M 1ln., llAao. bland -... ll<ler HU
Boan: M M07 -~ w.f p.a.
The SUANt memben1 are to welg'hta 64~0.
be. Anahdm. N4!1''J)Ort. Hunt· ~----------------------------.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;~;..:..;:.::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;....;. __ _;;;;.;~;;.;;;;;;::;;;;:;::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;
ln(ton B4ach. Sant.a Ana, Gar-
den Oro~ .Prange. 1''ullerton
and La Ba!lra. The Oran&e loop
wlU CC>ftllal Of lbe followlnr:
Lacuna. C&platrano, Tu 1 t I n.
Rancho A.lamltoa, V~nclL Brea. aM Buen& Park.
The county's current policy Ls
that acbedulln1 will like place
by OOW\ly admlnlalr&tor•. and
not the CI1I' office. This plan
wt11 be c'onttnued until tht' Ume
oounty membera are no k>nrer
able to plea.e all fellow mem-
Buying or Selling_ Property?
Mt. Ora.I\&• and United, The p;:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
membeJ'1 wouait bf· Sunael Lea·
Anaheim. Newport Ra r 'or,
Sant.a Ma. l\IJJerton. W-.tern
C A.n&htim), lanta Ana N6, I .
Oran&• ~: Va l eaclL
Brn -Olinda, Tualln. t.aruna
a.di. Capt.trano, Coat.a M..&.
United ~cu•: Kunun1ton
Bndt, ~ Gro¥i" Orat1
La Habra, Buena Park Rancho
~ a plan would tentaUvtly
't'ov "'•Y ltOW .,.vr.
chu• thiJ OlllHiftO
Vopori~ for only ••• ,,._.. bel.Dr • much acUvtt.J a1au. yet emer1• t.rtumpbaat.
In the Harbor .,..... a po r l 1 pro.tq ooc. a('ain t.h&l red-;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a
arena. hen'a a capault forecut blooded .American boys ban lbe
ot lncouequentlal t.hlnaa to upper hand on Red-bambooaled
come ao you can concentrate on Comm11nlat kldll bec&uae WI·
the thl~• that count like the ~h&ined anna can alWay• be lltt·
'4" ' . ,...to ..
K.lda' irummer t>ueball program. ed hlptl'. ·
Id ea11 for me After retl!ng knocked out by
Mesa AlltO Wredlen
UM4 Ast. .Pwte
U4I At'ftMOn,..
ZO'J5 ftaceaUa Ave.
~ ~
Uni 6 Newport Bh 4.
Kerm. Rim• Hardware
1 ..... ~~rt BIY4.
0-ta Me.. O..W.
Stroot's Hardware
ltlt N-,.n ... ..._
l 0... llNa. Caltf.
....__ ....... ., .. ........... -. ..., ...
Mesa Pet Shop
u1 s .. "-,ort' lllY4. o-ea M~ C.allf.
Richard's Aorist Shop
aw via Ucte
~"""'rt ~ C'alll.
HoUist.r Bros Nunery
11U ~r 81\CI.
<_.a M~ C"allf.
teile ..... 641 tfUkkly -...
fidefttly by thet.upjy t1~ed
etel'OW .mctn • • , with tpeciot
~ .tt...tto.. t. yow IM.+ ffto
........ alwoy..
Newport & Harbor Blvd.
I ..
E X P E R T ·s·
........ PIDl9Al O.ostf INSUIAMQ
COW. • MIMllt ffOIMl WllVI
• ••
.NEW llA&BOB srrE -P~ for a small boat
harboli at Dana Point are beginning to take shape
1ince county aupervieora authorized adoption of R.
L. Pattenon'1 plan1 and the expenditure of $12:5,000
for a road down the bluff and creation of a park·
1q space at the bQ~m along the a.bore. Picture
. . above wu ta.ken froni.Japproxfmately the pOJnt
where' the-new road will start down the bill.
County engineera are working on plana for the
road which superviaora hope to have less than the
present 14 per cent grade. -Staff Photo
--· ••• Pit•-• F1ir E11a1.:1 ., .... 81\ am a.t.. ~
. ~""·--ltM"..,..... ·~ .. . • 'he o.ta M49 <>eaabW o1 .,. .. • u.. llu. _,., ,.,.
"' . -o.--re.-.... ..... *" .... t-. ~ u. ......... !!.:..."": . I for w •.a..:..a ••1;11t.11 ..._..,.. .. --"all .....-Ud ... ,. ..... -Pf•l•ct Allows OOlll ~ WWW ·-u.. dW.rtct to.... • • ,., rf' . _.. ,., ftttll ,,_ • ...,..,. u.. caeta ud -. ' • ........,:
Cll-..• ..... .,, of ,..&.z::.. Sip-oc11 .. \M .... 0rup ~ .-lcl Ill IPRlftl ......... ,.,. ~· .,, , . 1111!9 . "*· . ....t '° Uw ~ ... ... " , :A.WUdl ftkla u.., ... twt ...... ta ., . e.u 'A.~ ~
a, llD'I' a&QfDfALL apeNll lo pnrtide epaea M ,..,.. llCo .i ~ ... Loe ... \o tb• cU.rut• ol tM ~
• .ii ~traUoft bulldlq, ...,.. -., Ud bu attadle4 ~ w• t. .,.cw~ •tut bl ai• aac1 boe.t Socbn. a aio.t ~ Cloun\1 hJn totaU.4 a~ o1 a..s ...._ ... ~
& ftw ~ OD what will ft'e• rplr shof, ,acht dub sill qd '511, a.ccordlq to ,.,...,_t QO. t\.!Jnd _, aid Act.
tuall1 • ahGut a N mlWioD mon lban so acna of public bert la.I. '-rh•Y not Olll7 paid laid ~eat .,.._ a.I
project ~ De.Ila PolAt., tbat. m.i.7 a.-dl. ror tb• dtlrpl~ "°' .,..... a Sood unount to '-~ to the oon·
NOtilft N~ Hartlor ot eom• Plana for tot.al dnelopmet eourc. ot nvau .... " ia. aid. tractor tor .ad WWll u4 lift•
of lt. ...,.., ftlllt boat P,.... al*> call for a brukwallr which '!"-dlnctora lndlcat4"1 tbq IN'Oftll\91lt oontrw:ted fW and
wn ud will proYlch a boln• wm run trom UM potnt ln aa wauld pnfv to bi.. an ah!bJt perfonnM. t01"9Uillr wttia all ln·
JIO"t tor .....a buDdNd bo&tL eutcrt, dlrecUoD noo f • • t to ...._. build cid•Ual ~ u4 11r1owa t.M
J'lnt a.p toward lltartlai alo•• u.. 30-tt.. UM. Drectstna :r:;::,tsat ,,,_ Ulilm-:"' woWd ':: am o u at of _.. .. , , '*'t
t.lda lmpana&t Jll'OJ«l ,,.. tak· tnaid• w. bf'Mlrwat.r 1a Jl&D· ~ lpm.t -.ell let or ,.,._. et land
-nom.Cb' wWl tll.e a4optMID Md t.o provide al 1eut 10 fMl W•Iil to ~ tM alM.
'7 CIOWlt,)' ~ .ot. Dau ot water at IDe&D ioW Ude and NOTICll la llllRBT QIVl!N .
PoCDt ....,_.. ~t plaAI a harbor with an.,_ of about D••'TH N011CE tMt th• Ut.b ~ ol Ka,J, 1tM.
o1 JL J.. Pattanan. NWporl 100 ac:ru. Imt~ W.. badlOr ~ at t.M hour of T:IO o'GIO* PX.
8-c.ll -rtneer and 'decWon by PattArnon'1 pl&na can tor build· 3t aatd day, i. Ule time ttud by
tbem to employ a t\lll • Um• IA' aboUt 300 boat alJpa. • 1111& ANNA GAL& th• Wtd1rstped City Clerk of
harbor ft\U\ACV to relieve Ula JmmedJ&te COlatJ'UCUon of t.he Funeral Hrvic. for Mn. An· the City ot Newport Bwla when
p,_t harbor eq:t.neer of .ome entire project la JuaW14"1 bJ' the na Gale, n . ot 1&5"' I:. l ltb any and a.II per90M IA~ tn
of hw duU• and uawn• m&n.Y rapid STOWlh ot Oran&• Ooun· St .. eo.ta Mua. were held Bun-~ work don., or ln the ._..
mor• that will a.rf.M wttb lb• ty'a population, aupervtaor1 be-day ln U\e Parku-Rldley Mor-ment 011 tl11, ma1 appear at UI•
D&na Polnt and other harbor Ueve and aao by the STowtnr tua.ry chapel. 'lb• Rev. Joeeph rqular place ol ~ fJI the
development.a IA Oran&e county. trend toward boat ownerMllp. W. McSha1ie of U\e Comm~ty City Council of the Clty of l'ftw·
J'or immediate work on thla Orans• County rutdent.a have Mlltbodiat Church offidalld. )n. port 9-ch. loeat.d la U.. Cou·
project UI• npem..ata bave eel bffn behind UM natiou.I trend t..erment wu at KW-0. A.bbe;y c:O CJMt•W bl U. at1 BAD. City
Hide $120,000 which i. expect-ln boat ownership, they think, K.emorial• Park. of N.wport Blie.dk. 0.-t7 el
eel to cover coet ot a new road and It 11 ftlt that LbJ.a may be Kn. Gale died Tbuntday ta ONq9. lltat• .ot Ot.llfionla. and
down th• hill to Ula beach In due to lack ot ava11.able am&ll Hoe.c Boep1ta1 after an extend· be Ulm and Ulen ~ "'1' a1d
th• cove at Dana Polnl and boat harbors. ed tllneM. A natwe of Moy, In-City Council. •
creatioD ot a parldnc aru a t PVJlUO BEACH NUD land, ab• came to 9allfomJ& in ~.ownert, th• aaatraetor, °'
lh• -.e.J\. Tb• oounty blpway n.mand for a.ublte beachea 1920. 81\ti llnd tn eo.ta K..a bU ~ ud Ul -. ~
en"'4"eer baa been tn.truclld to for th• put three yeara. ..,.. tn~ Ill ... wol'tl. or •-· for the rap11lly J'?'Owlng popu-la tb• ... -t. --..-prepare plana t or the work and laUon 11 anutber aUmulaUon to Burvlvon lnclud• the bulband. -1uperviaor1 plan to condemn Sidney Qe.M of the bome ad: rrt9"d by M.1 an • ~
what privately oWMd land la the developmenL drua; two llClftl, John of Loe tion of th• ~rtnt of
necU1&.ty tor the road approa.ch At .th• lime Patterson maJe A.nselea and Sidney ot KaJJbu, 9u...ta or tbe c;lt7 ~ ln
at the top of the hiU.. The pres· hi• l\lf'VeY, 1949• It wa1 e•U· and 11& lf.&NSeblldnn. relaUon thereto, • .._ e9llft
ant nanow fOad down the hill mated lbe t nlir• project would • that the work bu _. ..._ .,..
bu about a H per cent gn.de coat about $• million. but he be-formed aeco~ t.e Ult -but
and Supervteor Heins Kaiaer llevea that figure woulJ be up· LE. G & I NOTICE In a Sood Ud ...... •taal a&n• ped aomewhat at the prue.nt Ai. oar or who claJJrl U.. M7 JIOl'-bopea to reduce t.hla pitch ma-Um• due t.o lncreued material ' tert&lly. Uon ot tb• woril ,_ .., ,....
p A.IUUNO AJlEA. and labor coat.a.. He behevea the OZ&TD"IOAft OP lllJBINm .,.. omJtted or ~ IDcJMed
Bulldinc the pulrtnc area on
the be&cti LI ~Uld to ac-
compliah two purpoaea u encta·
Mrl will UH rock that la pru-
ently tcatllred oYer the amall
harbor for buJ.khead purpolM
and &Do t.o fill behlnd the bulk·
head with AJ\d dredfed m de.p-
enin1 the bu1n.
The park1n1 area plallJ'led ·a t
thil time will be 11mall comper·
.ct with the atr1p which Patter-
110n baa l&td out to run around
the beach from the point more
than 4000 fMt alon1 the ahore
toward San Clementi. Thi• la
teder&l &"Over ment would be In· P'ldldoaa pt,.. Name 1n tbe conti9ct tor tM --. or
tere.ai.d In the project and could THE UNDJCRSIONED doh.,.. b&~ or mUtn6 "aQ' •Jto-
be expected to uaume a part by oerUty that they an cooduct.-t.tcma to t.M corncm.. ot tM 01 th• coat. Inc a w1 ... and Ket.&1 l'urnltun .....-rnent or ~ °" •tW
flevenueii &t t hat Ume were Manutacturtq bullinua at 410_ tel. deturr1nattnn vr ~
eetlmated at mo~ than U OO.· Slet BtrMt, Newport Beach. Cali-ot the S\Al*"tnlCldet ol. atnell
000 tor tbe tnlire project, but !omla. under the ftcttUoua finn or J:npeer, or azt7 olftes9 or
thl• tl(1Jr• wuuld &IJIO ahow an name ot THINLINE MA.NU· .,_ta ot eaid Ct~ oonaect.d
lncru.ae, he bellevH, u many FACTURING COMPANY and wttb aJd wark. ahaJt prior \o tb•
o! the eerv1re char1u have that ll&ld t1rm 11 compoted ot Uy t1red for laid b-.rtllS, ap-rrown appre<-1,;bly. About half the lollowlnc penona. whoee peal to UM -.Sd Cit)' OcNncO of
the revenue '\\11Uld be h orn alip namea ln t\lll and place• o! ..._ said City IA th• mun• Jll'0"1d.cl
rental and an11ther major Item llidence ..,.. a.a follow•. to-w6t: by law by brtetl.J' llt&UJll' ID 11'11t.
would be the port'1 ahare In CARL VENEMAN lJll' the pou.nd8 of MJ' a.,,..i.
1portllahlng f&r~a. Ser v Ice 1724 Ocea n l"ront,' ~~~~TU ~~~:!IOI· leue1 and parklnr charge• __,,......., ~u.-..
would make up the re1t. 7~~r~. ~i~'.itomla City Clark ot the Qt.J ot
------------------42& Bel Vu1 Lane, Newport Buel\ C<ornJa
Cities .· League Board Hits d•wYr:,~£·:.u;~::~j~hl8 l9th =~~Vl=
111et1U-P1rm H ...
/1/ CARIJ VENEMAN no: UNDm&lGNllD do bcre-Bergh One-Government Idea : STAT~·~:0cHAN~~~:E~ ~, c:~?n~\~hOll~=
• }1.1. neu a t 1908 Harbor Blvd., Coeta
SANTA A.NA !OCNS) -The C1&1.re Ntbon ot Coal& MeY, COUNTY OJI' OR.ANGE ) Mea. Calltomla, under tb• ftc·
BABBOB PLAN -Pictured above ia overall plan
for development of an additional amall craft bar·
tor at Dana Point. Scheduled for hearing beto1'
the board of 1uperv1aorw and the harbor commiJ..
mission on Wednet"iay morn.ini i.e program for
!int improvementa indicated in darkened area at
lef( upper portion of picture. Finrt work to be
done will be the exten.alon of the Street of the
Green Lantern down face of bluff to beach; Crea-
tion upon beach of a parking area and building
of pier.
~ran19 Ooont,y l.Aaf'Ue o! ClUea due to aucceed Travil. Mid lo· OF TH18 19Lh da.y of March. UUout firm D&rne of N!WPO":
executJve board Tbur8day hU. at cal repreMnlallon would be hln· A D. 19~. bef'o~ me, Lh• undv· Bulldcn and that -.id A-ti W
k on•-ro•rmmmt pro(T&m sue· dered becauae r:ovemmenl head· signed. a Notary Public In and compoeed ot the followltlS ,.,_
ruled by Plannlnr Director quart.en wouJd be loo tar from for the l&Jd Cowily and St.a.le, eona, wbOM nama ln f\lU end
Now under construction at ~ Via' Lido is tbe 30,()()()..aq.-ft. Lido Professional
. Bhllding, due to be one of Orange County's showplaces on completion in De·
ctember. Reataurant and s'1ops on the rround floor will surround a large patio
Jrith extensive plantings. Second and third floor offices with glass wall and bal-
conle. will overlook the picturesque bay and harbor. P. A. Palmer, Incorpor-
ated are agenta for the developerw.
Head-on Crash
Fuses Autos,
Injures Five
Five penon1 were Injured In
a head-on colllalon which tu1ed
both car1 logeU\er early Friday
momlnr on Puk Ave. west of
Collini Ave., accordlnr to police.
Taken to Hoag Hoaplla.I were
Jack Edmond90n, 23, of 1™2
Gunther St., Sant& Ana, driver
of one car, J&mea M. Aahe, 17,
Harbor City, driver o! the other
car. and puaenrer1 In the Aahr
nhlcll', R.a111ona Oolhrtnu, 111,
Riverside ; Jul.J\Jta Sue J one1, H .
River11de, and Lloyd Chru Hart.
19, Torrance. All ot lh• Injured
were treated tor deep head lac·
omcer1 reported the A1he car
waa headed the wronr way on
a divided one-way 1treel a t the
Ume of the wreck. They l&Jd
there were no •kid marlul prtor
lo the colllalon.
In another trattic accident.
Florence L. Dt.rllnr. 63, ot 458
Aca cia Ave., suffered a swollen
'a.nkle and wu taken to HO&&"
Ho'iJplt&J a.rter the car In which
•he wal rtdlng 11tn1ck a parked
auto on Seavlew Ave , near
FernJeat Ave. at 12:'7 a. m.
Sunday. Drtvtr ot lht <'Ar wu
Chrla Wl11le, 66, Glenda le.
Hany Berst> U\e people. rnldlnc therein. duly comml.1-pi..c. ot remlden.c. an u fol·
Keellnc ln C>nLnr. the board The learu• board alao pulled liontd and aworn. penon.ally ap-low8, to-wlt:
heard retlrtns le&&'U• Prftldenl a reaoluUon hoh.llnr the Board peered CARL VJCNJ:M..A.N and MAX W. POPll.
Onady 'lftviAI ot Buena Park ot Supervleora 1hould refrain JOHN T. CARDEN known to 630 TusUa .A.,..
contend the on•r overnment Idea from earmarking Al~ tax In· me lo be Ule penone wboee Jllrarport Beach. cautoml.a
propoeed by Ber(.h would &ive co~ for any 1peclflc purpoee namt1 are wbKrtbM to tbe •· KLINm ITICJCNmY,
lt-H urvtce tor the tax dollar al th111 time within lnatnunent. and ac-l&el N...-port BJ..s.,
Oranre Mayor Em•t Bandlck Tram 11 atepplnr out u lea-knowledged to me that th.y a -eo.ta w..., cautGnrl&
aald , "'more concentration of gue pre11dent and board head ecut.d the ame. IN WlTNE88 WlTN1C8.9 our ~ Ult. 'th
power mean11 more coel." after declining to ttek re·elec-WHERIDOP', I h&Ye ~to •t day ot Aprtl. 1•
Ana.helm Mayor Charle. Pear-lion .. But-na Park mayor. Nel· my hand' and atflxed my ott1ctal II/ IC. KLINll ftlCIDfST
11c>n admitted th• S.rl'h plan 90n la e•pectM to be elevated tt'al the day and yeu to tb1I 8/ MAX W. POPID
hu "appeal" but th&l ll wouldn't al the A pril 26 general meeting Certltlcat1 tint above written. !TA.TIC OJ' CALD'O'llMIA. )
cut t.&Xea. or the League ot CIUH In Or· ROBERT R. HURWITZ COUNTY OY' ORA.NOit )a
Le•l'IJ• Vlce-Prea1dent Mayor ange. My Commluioa llxplree OJ' TBI8 'th w flt AprlJ.
May 31, 19119 A.». 19M, bdGN me, ltOUK'I
Costa Mesa Chamber lo Step. Up
Improvement District Forming
The Coal& M..,_ Cham ber ot
Commerce eoon will di1trtbute
approximately 3000 lelter1 ac-
:ompanll'd by queeUonnaJtte to
Coeta Meaa home ownera to ln·
lerMl them In the formation ot
Improvement dlalrtct.a. .
Director J . C . .Allan ot the
Jtfeel Improvement committee
said the mallJnr to every prop·
erty owner wm determine how
many would be wllllnr to 11rn
a petition tor the formaUo"h ot
lh1 dlatrtcta.
PetltJon 1lrner1 then wlll be
able to 11t a true picture ot how
th1 p roperty ownrn 1tand when
c&ll1 are m1de In per9on, accord-
tnr to AJlan.
Allan aald attendancr at the
previous "mesa mtellng·· wu
far from 11ll1fact.ory "Moat of
thoee who came knew the tact.a
&!ready," he eald.
'"nleN que3tlonna.lru will f ive
u11 direct luda for the rank and
m e Chamber of Commerce mem-
ben to follow up· on." A llan add-
ed that more heJp la needed u
the quullonnalre carda are re-
Namea or property ownera
have been obtained from local
re&! utate dealer• cro.1 • Index mu .
Adlai's CampalCJn
Co-Chainnen Namard
No. eM New.-Preu A. IC.AITM.A.H, a Jlfotuy "'9.blJe
3 28, t/2. 9, te, 1908 ln and tor tb• ~ ODal;p and
llEA&lNG TllE.lll:ON
that heretofore ~ wu tll«I
with U\e uncs.ntpM. Clty Clerk
i t the Clly of Newport BMch,
::aJlfoml&, an wn•m.nt to co-nr
the .um due tor the work and lDl·
provement done and pefformed
by tll• c:ont.ractor, uncs.r &Del 1n
pu~ ot the pron.son. of
lh• "lmp"°""*1t Act of 1911",
reference belnc made to R.olu-
llon of Int.Uoa No. tSM ot the
City Ooundl of the CSty ot N.w-
port 8-ch, CalltornJ.a, tn the
matta ot the lnatallatlon of aan.1 ..
Stat., l"lllldlftC u..nDa, duJ7
com.mi.toned and ....._ ,...._.
ally .,&.ppeend MAX W. JlllOPll
and I:. KLIN• ~
known to mo to '-tM ,._. ~ w ...._ r:n a!il" '°
u.. wtthin -~ ... ao-
Jmowledpd to -&Mt tlae7
cnc:utod th• -.... IN WITNW ,,_..,.., J
ba .. h...unto -mJ' ... and
atftx4"! m7 otftcdU .e.i * dQt Uld ,. .... la w. ~ lll'llt
ahon wrltia.
W,.Oomml .........
JuJ7 2t. JIM ,
No, 112 N..,._Pnm •19. 11, II, IO, JIM
Board ReverMS · New Sanitary
Ds~"T~:_er ~!!~' Laundry Now
Frank Downu or Coat& Meaa
and Mra. Karl Axtater of Corona
tlf•I Mer h1w" l>f>l'n named <co·
chairmen or the Stn'er\J!On cam-
pairn committee tor lhe Hth
U!ll'mbly dl.ltrict.
Later Van Tat•nhov,, chair-
man o! th~ Ora nre County Stt'v-
eneon Campaign rommlllee an·
nounced name. of co-chtllnnen
He lnVJled anyonp lnter•lt'd In
uaiaunr In the camr-1rn to con-
tact ~llhf't DOWlll'S or Mre.
Tben bu --• new NCOl'Cl of mnninp estahli•hed with the top award just
pre11ented to Robert Allen of the Balboa Island Variety Store. In t hree out of
_the put five Yeaf9 Allen'• windows, prepared by Lyell Buttermore have taken
tLrst prl.Ra tn the conteat of t.be National Neeedlecra.ft Bureau of New York.
In addition to the tirsta be hu ta.ken honorable mentions with otheni. Pictured
above are left to right. Buttermore, Allen and H. U.S Bowman who pre-
eented the moat recent winning check of $250 on behalf of th<' trade usoc1atJon.
-Staff Photo
4 Members O( the board of county ··n Opera11·on 1upuvUM>ra back-t.tacked Aprtl
10 on the dect.ion to dvnand
dry 1 e w e J a In wbdlvt1loru
where there 11 no pruenl con-
nection with live 1ewer main•
poalble. Thia orrtnaJ dec:talon
w.1 l&J<en In U\e CUff of tub-
dlvtliona Noa. IOOl a.nd lt9t be-
twttn Orana'• and 1\Lllln on La
Veta St.
On requut. ot th1 1ubd1Ylder,
Realty EnpHTlnl C.0.. I.ha SU•
~rviaon, ucept Chairman Wll-
tt. W!lTm'T voltld to allow the
1ubdlvldl'r ~o lnal< l@pllc tanka
Ana the HWUI.
Hass Trailer Taken
Byron Hubert Ha111 of 221
SpailCJ St., co.ta M1'a. notttted
poUce al 6 p m M.art:b 22 of
the theft of hl1 bomema~ bo•
trailer He aald the t ralll'r, val-
ued 1l 1200. waa l•k•n from tn
!1onl of a ft •~nd • house on 22nd
St The v1c-l1m ha! loi1ntd thf
trailer to Kt'llh Hamilton of 180
22nd ~ Thi' tra1ll'r 11 • tl
wide and I !t I In In lvicth
Sanitary of Newport Harbor,
at 1100 W Oo&.lt. Ht(bway, 11 ------------
now In tun , operaUon wtth a Clark ClaUd Born
11ll·ho1.1r laundry and dryclra.n· RESIDfWTIAL -INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL
%30 SOth St., Ne'tt'pOli 8-eb ...._ 1111
lnr and a two-hour diaper Mr· -Mr. &11d Mre. William Clark,
vtce, It wu announced today by '31 Sierra Vlat.a, Co1ta Mesa.
Co-owner T . r . Lanen. are the parent. ot a dauchler
La.nu urlatned the latut born April 2 In Hoel' HOOJpital.·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ equipment had been 1n1talll'd to · ---
revolunt1on11e the local !amUy
o~llbn 1en1ce tor the con·
vl'fllenee of repltlr Hef"tMM'.
ruldente u well u 1bort-tlme
n caUonere
"'Ille nnr equlpm•nt g1ftl u1
the only complete hometown dry
cltanln1t and laundry aerYlce
her~." Larwn clll..lmed.
The quick die,.,-11ervke. L&r·
t1tn 111d. l8 oCfeAd between 8
a m and 4 :SO pm d&.lly. Lar-
ffn a dded, '7he t l't·hour laundry
and drycle&nlnc otft'r i1 quit~
• ChAn(I from ~hill Wt Vt done I
In the l'Ml " The Coa"l H11th·
•·•)· plant haa a J>"I kine lot tor
cu1tomer convenience, 1. a r 1 t DI
. •
' f
., •
' . . . ' ·-. .. . . • I • .
• .Tlleft l•rh• -,,. lie>ei.. --'! ! :ne .. &111 a ••••-· •-£...,._ • !!!:!!=:!!!1•11•!!!'!!!.!!!. ___ ,J•!;!•!:;:!:&:1n1!!!!!!!1•!!..---I -a.,alad fW .• , -. ~ ....:.~"'~:;~=-=-~ ...,~-J·Wlll't9-WOM.Uf _ . . ___ NEWPOltT HARIOR'. NEW$.PRESS-PAlr 11. l'A6E l
A -'"I' ol _.. ot...., ... ,.,.. -ot lll>L ... , • p ,. _,. 1'J -·~ .. ~-:":"~.:::.~~-----~A~PPl.=~~~m.l.' _ MONDAY, APRIL 16, l'156i
likJc: ... ...,.... ~ to ~ ...... UI 1' &. Ocea11 Froot. • Winced pod ...,.,..._ On • ~1'· ~ ..,.., 2M s •u tak1in tl"Cllll lA troat o1 • 1na1;portat1a.. ·Ar•i r-.1J1 1 ( ~ • M11 "s r.. . SI ...... al r.911t
........ ,_. -........ "-.........., ~ PAPERHANGING '--· LI '-· _ ... LI ' SPtClA ! . ,.., .... -..... .....,. '-• • M 17•· ~ ' ' .. ....1 TV LS ' · Slt 'N' Knit SOLD •"'-HO"E · ~:.... ......... -HI .. .Git Utt._,... "Sympsor(& Nollar i.mu .. _ -..... • • OllU . rniJrr -now ... ON OCCAH-;:.o,.,. • ..:..~
Jtobtrt &t'6ott. JOlO w. Bal.-Kt. Md lln. ~ ~ a.t. ~ wonaw. pte NOtOr boatti cutJllil',,... lilOtber"tl ~· 0.,-Orirt.nt&la, 8-ttlx waaher,....,.
---81Yd., .ad bl.9 ~ vt.\o-~* Oft,.S Aff., are ,..,._i. Of u.r. l'°6 er dlJ.1 ..npn for hirl. 1 USED TV IAR&AINS ~ -On.._Uoa -Bb'tll· ,.
COftiiolll • a...._ ~· ~ta~ -::.n,t0: .. ":..: ~:'"' K&reb JI at Boq!----------~u =~!r.-:1:-.:. ~li .. ~ , ..---WAS tf()W :::: . .::. ~.: .!:';ia~i.::'~ ~!:';
1 WANT AO-will coat you
only $250 end it wlll run
in ell .4 iuuu
· A·-Mlnimum ad i1 4. lines. ,
Pllone Harbor 1414
Newpcm Rarllor N.,....._-
.._..,, WeibiNday wt l'rWaJ fllllUou. Piil"
the Coutal 8Jlopper, WoilmM1 a,.
HO JOll TOO UUU. IW>.-101& m. S&lboe Blvd.. &ibo&
Bartlor 2.ao Uilt
--------11-'-pl 21• Sylvania conaole wfth VoWt .... .....J. flOCIJIO 0119 ' A -----,.....,......, lolUOT 8ACRmCJ:. ,,., Eut .._..,...., ~ ..._ Ul4 PAJNTC( ..... xaw..11 OeMft f"roat. B&Jtio.,, Cdf.-GARD~N.G end 21" RCA.19Cle model Ritt.enhouae 2 -• 'f ----.... -.......... OPEN 10:30 ..... lo ...... .,,.. CLEAN. P 10JS -Im# llJMI ook flnlob _ OHft,-,__ UDUCED PftKD to lot•~ BLOHDI M.UfOO I -.:::.;. "f ..,... . .., ....,._, qui"WCL fJI C. a.Jboa llh'd., ehaJ"-A-~ .,;ltb ~:
WANTED, 2f' . _.;,le duk -•-with . • ..__ a..-. -1tuc v,.,. _, ... _ ..._ -
LIAERTY 8-6139 ' doon ______ · ___ .-__ • · $11"~ "°"•u'•°"' clt&I•""' -"· ..... --,.. ..,, . ~ ,_ _ ! 1 ·-$MM HANO BRAIDED RUGS SPARKLms _____ _....._ __ 21· ~table model, malice. eabln<t l'ftEIC INllTRIJCrION ...... ---~·~ ............ .
DISTILLED WATER MASSAGE IDCJuded -·---------···---$10USO $8!1.liO All .':.."=8~":..... . .... "" ....... LI ....... ...__.l
J"or CatdSac OODdltJou H S ""'u--. ' u--· p,.111., or • 6nda. , Lk
Btoo• ow&rd team "41,1~ lT' SYLVANU.., table model, new _, F&IU'IJs. 1190 s. on. Bl"td. Whtrlpool batha. ictun Lacuna Sch. BYatt '-7UI. 17tle SOFA, ~ beip hie. WKh NepM~t -· -~1 can LI l-7tT2 to,r appolntmtnt. ~ tube ····-·----.:..-·····-··--$7C50 $69.50 . ~ .Up cover, Good -· ...... ....,. ~-•. _...,. on •PERIES dlt1on. Har. 1813 tscrr
-Llbe..c.:.rtcc.:.7.:. .... :c_" _____ o::T.=cl -----------24" sn..VERTONE, blonde Cull door rv"\ .
Painting, Decorating
t>a~r Ha.ogin1
GAR coaoo1 end SUP COVERS n. =: DENING e -------------$139.:iO $10.JiO """' •• °"'tt A-Ao~ «
U" ROITllA!J tab!e--model, with pbono cabinet, EoUma._ -Bampl" hU Gable Country H~
blonde flnkh; new picture tu1!!_ __ $7'.l50 LUCTLLE DRAPERIES ANTIQUES =-
Harbor HM or Mil NI rl t tJc 18" MOTOR.OU le ce va e y aulben llnltqgD. Wt:ENBl:l> CONTkAl.."J~JR
171 w. ll!Ji It., ea.ta x .. Ubo..,. --YOUNG MAN, trill aecept .u1 COMO ' new picture tubf. --·--$79.:wl ;;;;;;:::;;--:==-::-:=-:::--,.-.. ="-o I oo1ored ,iu., bruti, COJ!f.!".
• type ot work atter 1 p. m. u l6" M.oroROLAi CONO~ blonde f&nJ.¥, MOTOR CTCU:: lM.7 Jtoyal En· pewt1r, lam.pa. furnilurt1, tMtsi
c A R p E N T E R ~::: 2~~ ~:. :a:· . picture t~be .... 2-···'. ......... --... ~ ...... ~-~-·-···-$8'.00 ~~:i :.~ ~~l~c~ft~ !~:: ·~~::.!tf~o:l= co~.J:.
Repair Work -u ..... KATHRYN """' JoHNs ~ -· -----------16" MOTORO con.ale, ma.hog. cabmet -····-··-·-'64:.!JO lt771 Harbor Blvd., Sant• Ana .......... Your Home Nted RepaJrtnr \'{!!:STERN !!A.DOLi: ~ 76cllh ~~~§§~~§§~~§~~~~~§~~~~·1~eau~i.:U.fu~-~u....,.;~~~~-:,..~~ !9--Relp Wuted 14" EMERSON mahogany conaole --... -.. ·-·-·-····-$39.60 CALL u s-t223. 113trc r AU Work OU&rvlt.ed 7tlt1 Men 14'' ZENITH mahogany table model ---·······-····--· $M.50IEXE;;:::=CUT!VE===--m-... -.-.~.N-•. -.'" .. -•. ;:.S;:.J..-_;B:;;--=:.:i..::2..=!k'Pt>h~o::=----
DEUVERY GUARANTEED H--hnoul9 , ... now opon In 17" SILVERTONE mabog. COlUIOle, Xlot. cond. ··--$62.:SO dnwm , matohtnr """' ,..,, sr.p & Rowboat
Delivery ot the Newport Barbor New .. Prea ii
paranteed. Canier boya 'flrill deliver their papen
before 6 p. m. on Monday, Wedneld&y and Friday.
U your paper ia not delivered. by that hour pleue
call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your
II·----------SANTA ANA lo h1Jh ltO -110 Op&! St., Bllboa s f
llchool ............ 12'h'' PHILCO TV radio-pbono comb., '--k blond. .,.,.. pace or Rent AJcobollcs Anoa.ymoUI U&I Write P. 0. Boa Ill ;re.!8~· CUMr mahogany COD.IDie )Vith panel doors ......... ·-·-· $74.50 SO-B-A11pU.-Alnerlc&n Lec1on 215-l&Ua IL Ntwport 8-c.b. call(. L... _ Meetinr 2nd-tth Wed. 8 p.m.
jobll with ueet-10" HALICRAFI'ER, table model. ~~ect for Pl\t ~· Battior 4716 lent opportunttle• .l""P-J. l9CMll w d 11---~. ------""-'0' ,.,,."m~c cblldrena room -----·-··-.. --.. ---------$1t.D5 aU ,; .. ~.:"Ji".,:::;·.;: PADDLEBOARDS
lS-Beaoty AldJ Construction L&lnp"' clock. suut 1n rrtddla USED APPLIANCE BUYS ""' hu • ..,. .. n>t!uen• Helpers bro011r & blc oven, n•.-w u.ect.
u n.. JS9.60
ll~Bun~ A •e., ffta. tkh.
~ M7t1. .... Superfluous Hair JlAGIC"CHEF pa range, clock timer, oven Hu gu.arantM. Bell for cuti.
91 f e PvmaMllUJ rtm0•"4 trom race 6'-Day wetOPaid temperature control •. 11111 or pay pa:rmenta o1 ...._.._ ' a s s ' d ann.e, Wp. l:J'tllJrcrn and b&1t vac&Uona &nd ------------$29.95 mo. wllh noUUn.c" dowQ.. 8" -----------• I e ...... ,..._,.. m ..... -... ..,...., ...... .,., CROSLEY electric rango -----.. 9 :so ..,.WOJ, .. , 0 ' .... ... •• TRADE .EU..£N L. BRYANT ft,&.. covt,..,.. aYall&bl• ·--------,..., • Ka1n.Oran111.or c.U Ul-6117 n~ 0,.,,, TO ___________________ _.. __ , l lo and ~u .... ,.. ~ MUI. ICboontr, r
C-W -Udo'• Salon of Beauty Ht.r. 2671 ° emp ,._ ~GBOUSE double oven, electric _":,. P an,..mere. Elulel. tor cb&rtlir-r Ad9 naa ID tbt W~ N ..... Prem tie depUdaa.ta, Co. late odel ·--• BILCO T'tlfriJt!ntor, lllM • Want ama.Uer boat •r property.
' U.. 1 lnlertioa $1.00 add1. HDM .U ea. 1---------~ p&'d ptllllLorw and m --··--·-···------$139.~ Nxe 10~, n ., IArr• CroM top USO w. B&lboa Bl'rd., N-imt.
' LIDee Z ln9flrtlons ·1..50 add'l u.e. .15 ea. Call dtaabWtr pl&n. WF.STINGHOU .t tt-r, Npuate m ... t chlller, Bart>or 3032 eette SE, apt. t.ise ranra -------$!52.60 hive. In door, bult.er li.etper -----·---~--
' LIMI a l111ertlom1 %.00 add'L lblet .2.5 ea. y R I c APPLY NEW WESTINGR ........ Y<f'tabl• crUpo• --. DO'""' .. -.m--·"tn 4 U.. '1-frdou 2.50 add'l 1lMll ,u ea. our e ax·A· izor 1030 EAST FIRST ST. OUSE apt. Ilse ~tor, n.v•r \Lied. aun llM o y11u -c~wr ~---:.=~~ ';;u.
lltw.doa w-wA..s. .w 1'9ft1Te 11'7io 6oeaat. t'.Ml. la Mllvuoe -27 CONSULTANT SANTA ANA 8 cf, C1'0ll top freezer, door lhelves, 1956 mod $1P9.95 ,(U&l"l.Dlee. Bell for CMh, llM. See •l Q 209. Udo PeelNNI•
MUiilMUH AD 18' LIND Dt-monnratton., no obllraUon Mon.-Ji'rl. 1 A.M.-t P.x. . or pay payllWll.a ot 111-3t mo. Anchorare. M..Ual On'&R. Bonni• WU.On -HYatt t-&tet wtt.h not.hlnl doWn.. See anJ E . O. S.unde,., &00 .. llitl.
., HTott ,.._,,, Southern DAVIS-BROWN "m' .. , M .... '°' s."'"' ,.._,,.... Hu • ..,, ,_ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS
Every Monday, WedMsclay a11C1 Friday
&lltfc Oran re or call KE I-Ml 7. 1885 ~ Blvd., Co.ta Mea;'G!berty. &--34.37 .o )"J'. DIESEL crut.er, ~ Counties ----------------------!WHIRLPOOL automatic wuhtt, Jood condition. Perteet. bOma
G C brand new, delw:.• 11.('lti.t.or lllloe.L Will ..U or tralM ror as o. Pfaff type. wuhM, rlUu uic! aplM unit property. u a.cw. CALL ICVr.NlN08. Hti8 dry. Ku Ii yr. l'A&rutlce. BeU l----------
fDf" caah. 1147.tl or pay pay2
1q down. Sell uy tune day
.u ""Ml.,,.-...,•••,. po141w"""' ia--.. "-~ COMPLETE
l'b.e publiaben will not be rHpoMible for mort1 than on• Incorrect $8Bl to $10
lnMr\Jon or an ad, r-rve th1 ri(bt to cornctty c1uelty a.ny and -11 ad9 and to reject a.ny ad not cocfonnlnr to rult• aru1 rq'Ulatlon.11 Halr cut 11. Shampoo A Ht 11.60 ------'---'------..:. __ ::_:.::::~::.:.:::::::·1 CLEO n:xra BEAvrY SHOP
,_,_, N-•• _ .. _....__ s.~--1030 """""BC ........... ,"'" GIRLS ;;!.r--:;:;::;:_;;_:.;.;::::::. _____ 1=-;:....z;:;:::~o.:::::.~:.:::-=..--· 1 ot Newport Blvd, between Jttb
Sewing Machine m•• ... , 11.:n ..... wllh .. .,,.
BARGAINS ., ....... 8 ....... o ......
.,,. ea.U KJ:j 1-6117.
2e FT. LOWM.AN, NEW cabin
A: deck.I Chr)'1ler ~ I to 1
,..,., 10 lrmta., only 100 boU"
SU.00. U 1·2fiSl or ~. LI
~II. lbd~
le Paper Hanging Servioo
......... ""''" .. -. LI ··~ GOOD NEWS! PFAIT CoD90le. maketi button holet1t eewa button.. !JERVa. m~rator. dble. door, 8 tt. SK.llETER. completa with
zig sag, DOES EVERYTHING -·-$11'9~ ~ e11e1t at top. Uk• new. •teerlnc whtet, twl4.le., •tr Y Newport Barbor
B. P. 0 . E.
1767 l:UG.CNll 0. BAUNDEfUI !8--8ltaatlon Wuted GOOD JOBa--0000 LU.A.RY
with frequent lller.... In a
company that actuall.7 QOOUl'-
ace• &dftncananL
ELNA -Repoe:1e11lon
Pickup Pympto. of
UDO. Hu.~. Mpil C&nvaa.deck for IJ&1!.l Wf!l&'hl
Hu. 1Ml·R Hct8
KNLI 9"r'7 Tbu.nday I p.m..
Vla Oport.o -Centra! A"' N..._ .......
~ K. llattbews, bal.ted Rulv
, CoJnni1J Mortuary
llOO .IJA 8u.t. N.wport. Be&cb
Harbor 2:t71 U'O Roy's Maintenance PaiDUng 4 Pa~
We do the wort ounel-C I p f . I ao ,_,. aptrt... omp ete ro e111ona
t"ce"* • 1mUncS. H I . aatid&c'Uoa ~teed. ousec ean1n9
&.ttmaw tr.e. can J~ LI 11-2687 . le LI 8-l!289
1801 Bola-Ju.t South of W•· General Contractor __ ....._
~r waxing and buffing
Window Clea.nin.g
Upbol>t.ery Cleaning
Patios Color waxed
Lwitrou1 Reaulta A.a Cln.n.i'• c.owilJ' In.etltuUoD LICDflZD ~ ramw. ot a11 taw.. New Work -Rem.odelinc
FULL PAY as you &ni t.r&iAed.
-Openlnp tor -
Telephone Opei;aton
-Apply -
II :00 to t :oo" p. m.
tilt~ N. M.aJ.c SL, Rm. 211
Sula A.na
DOKESTIC Automatic &ig zag portable
Save $80 ---·--·-----------$187
Orange Co's. Newed Center
Morse •
Sewing Mai:bine Center
~s. Main Sant& Ana
GOOD I cu. fL G. J:. RAfr1&'-.
apL ab11 s\OYI, b1o49 a-IPrinr•. CHRIS CflAJT boat. Vr& In·
aha.I ruga. lnqlJinr 701 Poln· 'board. -ter Md1, tuet.Gm pl~
Mlti._ C. D. M, 10 L m. to 11 lr&llcu-. t2 Ba.I~ CovM. N-· port. ilkt~ or t p.m. to 8 p.m. t7di I-----------
FOR SALE Bnlpe allboe.t and
lrail•r. compi•t.. 1100 •
418 D&hlla., ODroo& dal Kar
A.PT. BlZI: rt:fr1f'. A-1t.ove ('Om·
tltD&UOCL f7~ Ku. 62'3
SNIPll uJl tic.t. comP'«4r ~
traUer h71l. LI &-704I ~
II -.m. to C p.m. Hele
IUGHEST PRICES, PAID FOR '7-=o--,-,,=-,,.---~--'-:_ ti JI"?'. LTllA.N lllaader, Nft
only 113 houn. PflrfecL l:Jrtra..
12~. Hat. ao&o..._ NiiST
n-Waatetl to Bq
JUNK ,.,,.._ !""1 n.oi J. MILTON McKENZIE REASONABLE No~~"!';,,._...,1 .a_~_bo_r_6399-__ w~~---~_lf_c 1 MACHINISTS Kl 7.5436 , -., IRON 6 M.rfAL. BrUI 1h U1 ..
Lead lOc lb., COPP"? Jtc lb.,
aluminum l2e lb. C&.11 LI J.170f ~--..--u
Radio -TV Spec~ .. l><k ........ -Phone Liberty 8-IJ3l -GoMnJ all ....... upodcn~.
FOR RENT 1----------U::c ~. Mlllln1 M&cit.I~ u d ---
Ckmlfied Index
I W '.JWlw • a..~.r 'n..;M . .,.... __
......... 1.
11 ••••• a.. 11 7 ••••. , ,.,. ... -. :: ... v a •
l&.. h ,. . ..,..r .... 0u>··
11•1 -.. _ ..... ___ ..... .... ..,,.-.. ,,_, ....... , ..
• l'J t' I ] 11J.W __ ..,....' :.:-•\7 ,.,
:"':!':.i..., .................. ...... 22 r-::i:f.{l:::~v : =""='~ .. -~ ==~~ -...... 'lftniii • PMtt ....... -.. _ .. ~ ., ............. ................ ............ ,. .... .... ~(··-..., __ ·-""'---..... ... ._ . ...,.
·-~ :..-·~
... I ~ lliW .. ...., .. l!.. . . ....., ...... ...... _ .......
.................. . .._ ... ,: .. --~C el:rl,1 9 htU c. ..... ..-er· •• __ ....._
... ".}
BkW. S.w-., El..::. DrtU.. Pau.bera, ''AX 'Tl 1 lAt.h• ope re.ton. o.q UKMte
.U t7s-ot: ~ ~ -I d1urlrlq" ,.rmu.at •te.ad.Y .._BOYD"'-'S .,....WE. MM:Mnb' aQd El.llCtric&l work l.D UU. .,.. need •W'J-at pricea you cau p1;1.
~ ~ Ae"'°4; AU for lrlr, lhlr5tJc, OILL -w. oour mciiiW•T ...., wONt OUAllANTllED. llLllCT, """' CORP. "" w. BED SPRINGS 4 MATl'RES8 Complete -----$10
&..n..t7 wua NWJrt. BcJt. Mttc a..-. Mtt °" teta 17th St.. eo.ia .... tktf Baby Crib A: Mattreu •a.ea; ·
Masonrv Work
OTl'O J~
1417 Balboa BIYd..
N"'P)rt Beach
Hubor 1437 ....
.. uc
LI MOIO or LI MM ....
Do dtoulden or feet &chef
Swe'dish Massage
bl J'OIU boow.
Pleue Ul1 Barbor 4790
or Harbor 70. MIU
LICENSED J'fw .a..tc. Plwxt.· Bar. N(ll..W COLLIX>ll lltudent. 21, law
llp6 major. Would like •mploymwt
1---------~= I Newport ana wttktncb • I CEMENT AtBUlLDING mono. ID .ummv. Dtperldabl9.
AU C... ~BY~~d""" J'REB: l:S'l'DlAT'!:S tnr Wffk A-Har. IJtl·J we&k2
Llbert7 8-6109 -PAINTING
Uc&NIED -lNltrllllD
Glenn Johnston
IOl.ai.t· 8&. Nawpcwt a..eh
llM1IM' 1171, Utfe
For RHults
c1 ... ifi~d
ttada. t1Uc
Haullq -.and odd jobs.
LJ'bert)' &-lllf. ....
Garden Service
"111.7 u;puimC9d tb1-.....
87 montb-Mk-hour.
Pbc:ee l..nle"-7 •1111
HUME. wDI taN tor dditr\7
peopl• \n J'OUl' holM, c-.c.
~ Roun at JUUr conftfl·
!Mee. aa .. ear, tlip!:rt dmw.
u MJ:ll ttpH
IR.OMINO ln ..,. llolnt tlH
TYPISTS: Th.I Cou.nty ot Or-
an1e hi lttkl.nc ,J qUfJlned
Typl.llf 1-Q .l'Wk In oa.ta ~ •rt• Oft ~-t ... .... day week, a wMk ftfftion,
•xcellent rtlttrernent and Other
llbenl benent.a. App1J at or-
uip Oo\LfttJ hf9DIU'lll omo..
&4t North Bro&ifwa:y, 81.nta
Ana.. J0mber1J 7-SSll, Ex·
CompletelyFurni.b Your Rome CHEAP
Men's S 'to w -------~.l50 up
• 400 Wom~·· Dreuiel . ZS.9CSc •
Ouma In and Uop at oft• ol our I eonvenlc:nl lomtklu
402 E. 4th St., SANTA ANA
l&Nion 131. tec:t1i----------------------I
Attn. Property Owner!
Beacon Personnel
10091> employer retained
l"o FM oo&lctlrd f.-:it •pplloant \1'I JOI.I nqieettnr
tl.3-31.t N..-port Beacb 70U!' wat.r a...t1r·.
roR BROKER OR l.AL&BMAN. Clean, dnJ..n end &dju.t your
P..-ma.noL watv hster.
8hoWd Dow k>eal ......
Call 81Andr• Oatu,
a.nor 1•11 t6el7
C&ll )'OU:r DAT A NIGB'l"
JOE BD:BTOLD, Plumbing
W ANTZD M• to teach WOOD Barbor IUO 17cJ
SHOP to bo}'I raft«DOOnl • 1-----------......tlnp. 40 hr.. per 'w.U.
Apply •tter 1 p.m. Barbor
eo,.. Club, IH C.ter 8L.
o..ta Jrl...._ todT
Wa.nt.ei.t boyl 10 to 14 7..n o1
ap. J'or N..,._Pr-. route1 to
be-opm-.. APPLY Kr. Park·
er, 22ll W•t Balboe. BIY'd.,-
N.._. U
Wll\11 OPERA TOR, TUet.ypt.
Part Ume.. Har. Hl!O. BhMr'-
.on-Ham.mlll A Co. 1111 Vl&
Udo. l'fetl
• • SALE • •
DESlClNEBll lflJllllCS
ORlGINA.UI in 'the
New1-Preu ~ua. OMta Ma. U .... Ill auu.. fOIT ~ work -· ..... 1151 9"tb eo.art ~ -................. ., lldll WMk. LI •Tit.I.
'"' :;;n;..-_.,,=..i=m.=.:1::::0':.:;:Bo:::";;...-1~ _,....TmOR aPi
OUr Priceo, OUr euy tuml:
Higher· trade-tna
No Money Down
YOU BA Vil 130 lo ISO • arr "CX/!U'um:
I PC. BEDRl£ BlTITE wtth ln·
.nV'lprlfll' mat tnM and box
~rinp, ~Mr. A Mn. d.AIMr.
11\llTOr, headboard frame. 1
17.IO MO, OR 1121 C..UH
· f h. liftas nom rrauP
T pc. bfdroom eomp1•t•
I pc. Olnln« '°°"'
111 A KO. Oft. U17 C..UH
~ .. '::.-:-.ii ................ -'• -avau'.r. ·T\"• tMrban •iii
compJ-.ly nbullt 1Dclud.. new
plclllh tube.
17" Admlrli.J oon.oM -·---$H.ttl
lit" Zantth ccmen19 ----tTt.N
Pb&o Comb. r.ear'd·.,.,, ftidW
A: TV special -------AIM!
$2.00 ANTW...,..
T elevi&ion Sales anil
Service •
lt7'5 HArtlor 81•4., ·a.nta .&'&.
ltl 1..0114 Lii .... °' llll'& -
'ACE 4 -'ART I ~.EWPOU HAUOll NEW$PIESS 41-.&• .....
MONDAY, APRJl 16. 1916 .. ~ Q ......L.-... I motor v~ =~~~!!!!~!_.-5'-11-~ \'-.-NO tfONl:f ™"M
DO rt YOURSELF * with • Ad *
HI . r.1 8 OJI&. "' • ~ ICyl& 1151a
Omo bit' , .. OMC'll IN .A. CZN· BUILD TOUll OWN JU • Fl ..,.,,.,_ MUl ..... W .......
'l'UJ\r factOJ'Jtmo'rin.s "1m· ~-UllaC N....U A .... Jtqa. W1'11t ..... ftJw ~ ...,_ _.. ..., SolGI °" llaJwo&.JCtidoe 4Jf.f'M ~ ,..... aw.p ., .... U41 rod
(fOf a llalt.d Um. -11>· A. einplltlc9, .,.u.. 6 ,..... ...,.... -...c ...._ cw .,..
wNitd ta.mou. Klm.MD oan ate plaJtta. OOnle aa and ... ~ _..., w ..-lllle ,_,..tee.
JWlW a& trvMa .. llf •ftdp. W• 1"UI Mlp J'aU •v m'* It. ClfO MOM"llT OOW1f)
' ..
Conat~uction l.ff ft1 -Refinancing
Free Preliminary Appral1el1
~ta for
W. ud CuualtJ Iman.nee Compan.y
of Tenan111
Bt.nftn NaUoeal Life ~ Compu7 IAlrU U'ade9 -eGllY ... t ' REBUDJl' l:NatND ~ ( .... lttf) DA -vP to 18 KO!'ml.I TO PAT-, SOUTH COAST ......... -111& B.Ullor BIY'd la OW' own filceiry ~ lkilled • ~ H. •1tam0N. 8&nta ~-,..._., ,,_ -U t-iaT aa.dWtlat.9. Dolt'' O'Mlt_. wl~ JlbolM IClmberJy ~2 ~ tame atddle ..a. 887 .u.ct.
. Knowlte J:lectron1ca
(Clar lleam -Bl Qaln,
..,..,;nM complitt. to :rour Mt.
ELllCTRONIO Orpn&. Juet Ult• &EBUILT u4 JN8'rA.LLl:D Mortgage· Com~ny new, .,,. ... to MOO on UMM
"-uW\11 orrau. I CB M JD T • IBOllT 81.<>CK • PIDLLIPS Co.. uo Ko. Ka.In. f'Ol\D ............... _._··-··-· •12uo Approvtd nu. Mortppe
e&nta A nL m.t. 111'. C'IDV1\0u:r ··-····--··--•i.•.eo lSOO Wett Cout BJcbway -LI S.7191
-----------PLTIC. a 000011: ·-··-····-1161
~·acre bMuty
0/1 aera
120x100 reetr1cted
• "' UJ..b, ONT\JMU11 turallibM. .-..-rnr Jua\ •.aoo.
Ttnna.. aummer rental ,oten·
tl&l I UOO inon~ ... Udl.
8HORl:CL1Fr8 2 br .. den, TIA' 3 BDRMS .. 2 balb, r .A.. h•tl.C·
SU,&00. 1ntu-comm. 1yttam, tln9laet.
19 ln.ch DUKO.NT CCINOle wtth CB'RT&. • o• 80'l'O ----llTO N~ Bel.ch. Califom.ia
..., Ndlo, ma.hopil)' Wood II$ l'l'UDDASMR ....... -.. -·····• 1110 ----------------------680 ac. In rallbrook attL 200 LIDO Calli. tropical,·~· lot, ter-
4J -OLDS ,. PONTIAC 1 •no &el"M In water ttlltrtcl Ir a rifle patio, wide open hou.e, $9.95 dbl•··~-~~
LI WJOI. atttc 1102 N. KaUl. 8&Jlt.a AM. -~pta.& B-for Bmt '8-a.an H IW Stat well&. Hwy. rronta1a. "6.000 $tUOO.
. ; tlctl llVICK ----•17• Y&hM a bclr., 2 b9lb all eJeo.. COSTA MESA
PLATER PIA.NO. Baldwtn coni-HUD.OH .. --··-----·-fl Ta J\lm. ' bedroom MIN on Pen1.D· "LIDO mt&, a bedrooma, J \~ aha.It• root home with pan°" c1a·1re Van Horn
pletel7 ..nomdlUol\ed, playa H.U<MOND Chord orpn, \Md. Lou O&r rr.. 'tOwtq Nia, enclo994 pat.lo. ,..rl7. b&th berm~ on umua.t ~ ramie view. Larae tronl 11.aht·
bullt·lna. Xlnt. 3 bedrm. ~
plu. ,-ueat apL 16' Jot. Diiie. r-arare E. 19th St. lomtlir..
$6000 down. Euy twma.
MW roU.. ma. Har. Ht or OUuutea bl6 aarin1. ICBllIDT Nl:W c.t.Jl 011A&AlftD AUO two t WJtn. J llatla lllp for •O tt.. boat, u.a of 11 ed paUo BBQ Ir caretaker'• REALTOR
Bu. '*· ft1cbarcbon Yacht PHIILIPS, J'rancb.l..s Jl&m. 8lodc m~ IDMt GUI'........,. apt&. tum. 6 \llllU.rn. ft. VUdDf runabout power boat. boUae. Idea.I for cattle ranch. 27Sl w. Cout Rwy. 1.1 11277
A.ndw>r.,-.. t5ct7 mond Dealer tor ~· Count7, Pb.Iii ta.a.. ,..._.. ... .a .A.L90 now t&ldnr ~Uou I cu pr.. baa.uWUD7 turnlah· J'Ull price 'llO,OOO. Wlll trade -----------
6.20 No. Main. laJJt.a Ana. 0,.. IUMa7 lO a.a.• I ;.... tbr Mdllmw '9talA ed. ldl.nJbL $700 par l'D()Dth. for lncom ..
ILUOCOND ORGANS complate '6 PJ:R MONTH r•t.a a pod BELLES ENGINE OOA8T PROPERTIES 00. ~ !t 41 BaJbo& °;;;
ll:ne, ...., term.. Yo\U' old Up-practice plario. Term reat a~ Jtuth J&JTtd, RMltor ·--·-
""11 taken lh exchanra. Tryba· pU• It you buy; ICHMIDT-• REBUILOERS Wll4radft1n 1lrl7l"6 Thom,peon for. JOU bu~. ,.,_ preeU~ PHILLIPS Co., Sant.a Ana. Qood >...octat. TmARLY1 older ona bd.rm. houee, lO(Vo LOCATION
roOm. bmt. 8CHMIJ;)T-PHIL-pracUce planoe lat •110 •1t1. Open DUq 1 to T-at.te Booded IOl &. Balbo6 BIYd., Balboa
LIPS ~ Plano and Orran ------·-•-·_•_, NEW LOCATION
2 ear ran&'• $M mo. In C08ta Bwilne11 corner ln center ot
M..._ Har. HOI 95ct'7 Coeta Mua. Full prlca '38.~. PMne Bar. Mii or Bar. dOO
Btor:., &JO Mo. K&ln, Santa An.a. 2' Inch MOTOROLA. table mOdel alO ~ ... ""t 3~d St. U
with table A antana. com-.c.IAO ~
U% loch ADMIRAL comb. wtlb plete. 1903 model •tff.&O, -
•100 YRLY. LltASIC, Coat.a Mea
Nllw 2 • 4a.n. 2 baUi houae,
(U'b. dllpoeal J'enced ye,rd.-
H&rbor 2191.J. t7ct9
29~ down. Ownar will carry
doore. lb&hopay tlnlah AM· 2102 N. Ma.In, Sant.a Ana tlktl
FM radio. a •peecs. seu-0
l1oJ N. Waln, San\& Ana.
ll l.nch JilUN1'"L COl\IOll, ma·
hop.ny tlnilb. Good mare
Zl lnch MOTOROLA. coo.olt 'M
modtl, be&utltul walnut tin·
11h. Uk• Dtw 1179.IO. 2102 N.
Main, Sant.a Alla McN
:..60. 2lD2 N. Main, = ~ 0a&a, J>eta
1t lncll MOTOROLA con.ol4,
mahopn.7 ttnJ.h 179.60. 2102
JC. Main. Sant.a Ana Neta
AUTO K.u>IO lUllP .uJ\
UDD UI tor yeui.)' and
... llOD •• ftJlt.all.
IOI Marln9 Av.. Harbor 602
BA.1.BOA l8J,.A.ND
In SHADELAND P A1lK, 2 bdrm.
tum. cott.ace. clea.n, redec,o-
ntad A quiet. No amall chil-
dren ,70 plUI a)act. 17U. Po-
mona An., C. M. 96c97
US -' U. apt.. 1 Yl'· old, all
2 bdr. Top Ort.nc• County lo-
catlun. $198,000 eqty. Xch1. a.11
or part for catUe ranch.
.ot J:. JtTB ST. OORONA DEL KAR e mOI. 014 N..-port Vllt.a tract. INDUSTRIAL
Har __ bo_r_•_na ___ N_9WJIO __ n_-..cb __ roa Cl:IOJaD RKNT.U..S. JU mo. Phone attemoon and 10 level ac ru on MWer. ~n-
UAaON.t.L 6 T&ARLT. •V•. LI S-7021. ( Mttc ed M·l. $eooG ~r a.ere tuU U-Tnaln DOI a c.out Bwy. Bar. IMO price!! tt NEW 6 bdrm.. boUM. 11' bathe.
Golden Rule Values
BeauUful •·Pies -1 2 Bd. Rm.
and 3 l Bd. Rm. unit.a -'
...,... .. -only a yr1. old -
nr1t c:lu1 renW. -will n•t
batter Ulan l<>~.
Priced to Mil at $26,000 Terna
Cloee-ln up-town -Lc'a. 1 Bd.
Rm. Hom~ -Older but nice
and c1 .. n -Stove A Refri(.
BeauUtuJ lot -Ste Wa
Phil Sullivan &
Geo. T. Everson
1006 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 1111
• Lido Nord ·
Bay Front
(P'\nit lime ottered)'
One 1tory modem borne. Bell
North Lido Buch locauon. I
B. R., 2 bath. • yra. old, '° ft. Lot.
All modem convenlenca., tn.al.
alee. 1ara,.a door.
N7,tl00, tenna.
n INCH S&NTIN 1L. "knotty
pln.e con.eo&e wttll remot. oon·
trol. 8-utltuJ. like DW $270 nos N. M&Ul, &ant.a Ana.
Work• ln your a.om ..
1649 T\!.ttin. An., Oona MM&
.L PORT ORANGE ..I. -----------dUpoMJ, near c.nt.er or c. M .
II{ · JI' JTO V?O'UJ\N. t 1Mdroom clupla. .Alto I bdnn. houM. Daye Har.
TRAILER 841.11',8 Yard,,.,...,.. CloM to achooll, 6691-LI 8--1270 aft.r I p.m.
Bay & Beach Realty Inc ~ i!'~.'i. BJ~~-1::: H REALTORS u ._2013 • arbor Inv. Co.
HcN ------~~~~-
Har. 15348 t•pl and SUPPLIES eton9. Cll1ldrftl O.k. -aae Wllc
_ ..
._ Wu-.. 2200 W. Cout Bhn.y. &.LI !'!!.~~ eo.ta K~t-, LIDO ULa BOJo:, a bdnne .• 2 ~-n --N~~ n---"' LI • ..a..t'M\ ..._.... -0 batba • J16tlo. Unturn., 1...._ IO UU:D plarioe want.cf badly -----------..... ~ .. ~ -111 Vla Waman.. ATlantlc
1176 Barbor Boulevard
Coet.a Mea, Ca1Jfol'1l1a
R. F . "Pet~" Oelldea
R. W. "Bob" OooeMn
O.y or nlJbl phona U l-77H
IOU! 4 Npt. Blvd.
Hu. ieoo
for O\lr rental dept. Riah..t c:uh OLD CARS We nMd .._ \wed ~ Choice Winter Rentall on '-61JS or your Broker. tkl , ~ 1n trade on new pl.anO -----------or orpn. sCmm>T-PHJLUPS, AND JUNKERS 01 ao• KJt ""'c.la.t ----•llN &Ibo& Ia1&D4 A Udo Ille
runu.bed duple& all on on• tloor
Oood 1ummer Nntal.a. 1 block
to Bay SU,&00 with low down
payment. Shake Roof uo No. M.aln, Sant.& AAL HAULED AWAY 02 ao· PaC41ll&ker, beaut)' l20l8 lma1l 6 OOC7 01' lal'f• • deluxe '9 aa-. for a.t M 11• lr•em, n.w --...... Ute f1I to llOO month
C -2 Zoning Lot
JlA.JO'OND Modal IJV UMd but a*f.ci condition. 90HMIDT·
PHILLIPS, 020 No. Ma1A. But.a
FREE = :: ~::a.::u:· = = VOGEL co. PAN AllliuCAH IOI ~ >.n ... Balboa Ialand
• Call Felix Supa:r ~ Puamoulat-1rctm ft. Sanor "6 or Bal'-1016
CLllAN .uce rooma ror worttlnr
m an. ••• " per WHk. 1643 eo by 200 tt.. Pha driveway, "' ewan,. Ave., eo.t.a Me.a. tween Harbor Blvd. It Ch&rle
tecta at. u 9.aa12. tic8
An cxcl. lot on channel road, Bal·
boa PMlLWIUl&. OnJy fl2,000.
-~---~~---~ Lll--6Hl 1tOO N.wport Bl\1'4. 17 inch MOTOBOL.t. comb. wtlb 17cl Tranl.--T.-q ft& Bar. Mn-R or Bar. 1.Dt-A -----------
Utll Utto 51 8tolWl a <>me. 81 RMI Eitat. !!!~!~f!
2 Ocaan Front lob on ll. Bal~
Blvd. •10,000 aMb.
3 Bedrm., 2 b~lh home, nice
llut aide location. BuUt..ln
~· and oven. flniplaca, FA
bat. Dbl•. 1ara.i• on alley.
lewtr ln and paid for.
doora. A.K·J'X. apMd. Pert.ct
libape .. UO, SlOI No. aln,
Santa AM 9ktl
I Uu:D 120 baM A.OOOl\DIANI .. aow u SM tull pne.. Valuaa
up to •na. Taruw u low u '6
,. m.aatJl, ·~ mu.n:Ra (Smc. llO'T)
4'1-ul N. l)'cuoore, Banta A.n&
Pbon• Klmbert7 2--0ln
---------------------~ -----------
27 rr. >IODDN tn.Uer, JMW
·~· pat», fenced. 8&crtftce. Udo Tra.l1w Park. Hu. HOI.
You rat ,...Jta quick•, ...,...
lbroup N...-.Pr-. wut a.di.
Rentel1 Wented
We D-.d &pg. and ~ IA all
MCticma for both ....,.. &nit
.,..,. Jeue. J\u'L OI' .tun.
U 7W b&n a ncaner,
~ tod6y
• Ground Floor
For Leue in -
Harbor Investment Co. Bldi.
80t.b Is Newport Blvd.
Har. lSOO
NOW Lm.UllNQ ottka 1pa.ce 1n
Ult:ra--modena llJWbroek d..tp-
.S Udo bu.U41D1'. No ftnv build-
~. DO ftD.r add.Nls.
LIDO REALTY, Aaoclatet
HOO Vla Lido-Harbor ._..,.
Au 9 us t Income
Coast Prooerties
Rulb JaY"d, ft.alt.or
Mildred IU&°I• It
Sytvi& Thompeon, .u.c>ctatea
301 !:. Balboa Blvd . Balboa
llt,000 -$1860 down.
Newport-Mesa Realty
1799 Newport Blvd , Co.ta Meta
1.1 l-M-08 !:vu Har. 0289-J Every Month
Pbona Har. 2161 or B&r. •ec: For Sale or Exchan1e !or
<>wn«r reurtnr, w1ll tn49 man.-• r.-..-H s · ~-'"' acer. opent.s cl-.r lncome -----------~rt ot pnnp, \.A.l.U.
property -welt ttid of Loe OORONA DEL MAR Ocean Front duplu cor. Jot,
" .... elea w1Ul ove• •10,000 -r Complately (UmLlhed, electr lc ~ , • r--Older but Sood I bdnn. home 1Y u 1 h Y~r in-• __ .. ,_ ................ refr1.,.tra on, l I t , 1 ower. -............... """"' -..---l>lk f'r'Om "Bts Coron& Beach." " Am lnterHled 111 amall Baytront flrepla«. One hu 1 bedroom Db&•. pr., plua 11 x 26 ahop. • .. d one hu 2 .. -"room 1ood home or duplex. In i:>.4-ewater -· """' · -t O ft. lot, 1&r1e Uvtn1 room. dill t I >.ve. area pr.tarred, or T con on. 1ummer r t n a 1
OWNER Webeter •..OHl or flrep&aca, dJn.lnr rm., c!Wpoul. $70 per week each, wtnler $1~0
wnu 2907 s . Cochran Av.., Loe Jlwcl. tlJ'I. >. bUy •t U l ,M>O per month. Vary dealrable ~-11. "Uh l5000 down. locauon, "11Vt1t of pier. Cloee
Broke ... 90Jlc1led 93ct MOTJCL • TRAILER PARK In town,
Authorized Distributor The V. ogel Co:
Me. lllu4 t\irn.. loww apt.-
Avail. DOW' to JUD• 10. Bleepe
I, 1'-..ona.b&a. Bar, 15661-W. tt• -----------S.twet11 Beaumont and Bannlnf . Wnte D .. ert HOT 8PRIN08,
For Orenge County
Now 24 Hour
Truck Repairing
Eliminate coetly U..u1>9
ID at a p. m. -Out at '1 L m.
Slace 1933
(CorDll' 3rd. rt.nch)
Phone KI 2--2U3 Sant& An&
97Uo -----------Trade quality PA8A.DZNA. l"Ml•
3201 W. Cat. Hwy~ N.wport Bch. -----------FOR RENT, NEW offtce 12 x 2•. dance uclu.aive art& tor rul·
Phou• Lllltrt7 l-Ull
IOI Kartna. Bal~ Ialaad
Pbcae Barbol' ...
HtT II:. C.t Hti. Qorona del M&r
Pbone Harb'br lTU
2 1>dlm.. untum. C. M. . ...... '70
J bdnn. unrum Ctltf Hann 110
1 bdrm. rum. c. w. . .. m
2 bdrm. Wltum. Np. Hl1rht.
Udo lhopptnc &NL •76 per dent1al. commercial or lndtmlial
mo. on yra. i.a.. Bay • Bu.ell property In Newport. Balboa,
J\ealty, 1111 Lt.ta,..ttA. Harbor Coat.a )I(.. or C.D.M. value
J&U. Mlle $30.000 Write Boll Ylt cart
Udo Otflo., HH VS.a Udo
llal'Mr '911
1703 M.-port BlYd., Ooet.a W.-
(t'1t-epla.oe) -·~ ......... -··-·--J90 VOOllL CO,
Ha.r. 71T
NICll >IODllRN .t.on room or
otne. al 1111 Pl&omU&. Inquire 1..Jbert.:r t-a87 t1· al pn>pel't)' after a p. m. wMk
tbl1 pa~r. MpH
WILL TRADIC •<> n.. dltMl crul1-
er, bome aftoat. tor KuJUpla
unit proparty. LI t-Wl. -
BINOLll APT., cloee to ba7, 'to da7a or M:T ttme kt. A 8Un.
W>.HTB> -TO IUaNT mo., ut.41 pd.. IOI &. Ba:r, Ol' call LI W7M aft.u 1 :10 or -8ubecr1be to the Leadar, AdYer· ,__ ot m-"-"-_..._._ a.t ......_ t6ttc ...., • .,.. 67tl l1H In the Bl:IT, Call Barbor
..,...._ --1811.
Onea V..U.y ~ M ,..,... ~---------...-----~-------=-lak..::: ~ :::;'4~ 0.:,.--~ =· = !! !•!'' tD Lou •
woW4 W.. '-t.r&de fW ....S..· >.4'altll. ao pet& MT .IO Ml &.
.. otlU.. -...... fW .... li.t, a.ta Kea. LI ~T· LOANS for Homes
of .AUC\Wt a·•· .-...
UO Baa ha& W•'f '" -10 JT. Loan.a La ()nede, °'111. II.A.ILLY VAC.A.'nONll:IW AT·
., .... W4U McN Tl1N'l'IOH. ruia. m~ C tru +· L -tertroai apt. as..p. '· ... n11 ons e ion oans
Lots for Sale
OwMl's WW llUbordtnai.
Or wtll tna
Foe let or 2nd 'l'ru.t. ~
HJ(hway 99, two unlu, 6 • TRAIL.El\ PAR.K, or P. O.
apacee, room tor m0tt. All Box 188, ~•rt Hot Sprln11.
tor .U .llOO wttll $8000 dn. Or (16d7
trade for H&rtM>r ana.
lv&n W, Erb&rdt. A..octate FIRST T:DO: On"llftl:t>. Well
3313 I:. Cout Hwy., CDM bpt I bdrm. home, all tarr•
Kv. 2t22 rooma. beauWUl bdwd. tlra.,
aep&rate ~ ANA, Ul• kit•
chen • bath. r9ncad p&Uo -
Nlcely landaeaped. A. Bu7 at
112,700. ·~ loan. EXCLUIIVIJ
Har. ues. i:.-. Bar. UTT.
SXALL UT A Tl:, axeel.lent lo-
~ Jv..t ott <>c.a Blvd. 75
ft. froftt., wall Wilt boma. De-
.aped tor outdoor ctartalAlllr
&Dd ta addttJOD a nrt nice -----------rues-~ compli9t.e wtth
ttr.plaea llJtebeft aod llathrm.
One of ~ bemt buy. ln .,..
at m.aoo. roRD VEJUUM-
Dmft. UO Potr1MWa. (JU.llt oa
Ula H.IP•a.1) Bar. dt.3, or
1•77.· tec9I
RENTAL ~TINGS now to Juu 11l ReuaHbl•. m llOB 8.A'rl'Ul:R .,..... w L j • k 'M roRD mu.at l&C. lm.med. aar. 1111...J Mlle U ll )lift 00.Aft BLVD. '1:frent • MUSIC 1>eauutu.1, tuny .cau•pt. n.1r-WAN'l'llD. • Oorona da1 Kar HarN-aaaa
YEAR OU> 6 ltdrm... 1" bath
home. Beam ~. bott7 plaM
kllehm, ~ dil9p.. r. A.
hMt. ~. t•aced 6dbL
prqe. Near Hap ~ A. rood b\l)'. OWNJ:R. U a.62tL
8'ct'7 ~.!~ta~oo~~ll~ !:: VERY, VERY SPECIAl
Maximum COftlln.lcUoe Joaoa e 2 la den -----------
v. 0 c, Hudson o •• , .. r lan-. K7 equity $200 cull or Houae, &pU.. etc. COJ\Ol'fA. DmL MA.Rt .... mod-J\q. POIRIIDR KORTO.A.011 co. .1 · U trade. Call Pat. LatnJlon J'um11bed or Wll\lrnlabtd era unllam. J badroo~ dl .. W.tro Ute lu. J'Unda Kl 1..0186
obt..alnable. e Be&uUtul 6 lmmacul&t. on J'IR8'l' TDal OJ'JIDllD, ODe of
Call tor lnlormatlon ~ acre C.D . .K.'1 ftnaat dupJ-. Two
SA.I.JCS and SERVICE .. 'JH an..r 1 p. m. McM 007 I!. Balboa Bhtd. Har. NOi po11&1.. Vlew. Quiet. t block Ultc
Ill K. JM .u,.ia D &-Tm Hp2 frwn Cbi.n& Cove Mach. Har.
Uoyd Barnett e ,,~place A Hardwood lloora bdnNI .. flNPlac•, paUO 1ll each.
Harbor 3907, Evaainp S.... '811 e Bat'beCU• -and all tanced. Wool carpet., dra,... P"-&•
+"'W• atro ·u roRD cu.tom 2dr. Mii. • not or Kar. Hto McN HOME LOANS O.D. Mu.t •ll. '696. Bart»or W>.ln'SQ t.e ~ -I "t *9~
JN0 BU1CI[ apedal Daluu ' 6111-W alt« Ip. m.. J1J6 Jllira· bouM, Barbor &rea. )'tiarl7 ..._ NmWPORT llEIOBT8 Coutnlctlca -1\cf!nueo Salee
__. toaJtas .CSU. DJu.11ow, m&r, 8.alboa. • tltlct w t.... W1~ opU. to '"'1· Uat\Lrniabed, J beclroom9. ....,..._ 6"' • 6~" • '"'
lleatn. ~ .. t COYtra -----------Want,........ Arepl.. f...S )'d. We• ........... Har. 660G. lt Ina. J\J.n~ -.-~·. ~ -
$11,500 __, maa.y ¢na. <>rtrtAaJ bla.ck 1982 KO-TD, lltw tlrta. Eqtna Ptrmall9U7 ampW:rwd looal.IJ. .-...... -oney
flal,l1a. Pwoe&aalMd. Perfeot reecttl7 Hbullt. Ca.IJ .Hail"DOJN Jl:acelknl local~ Write c.o.a ... Kar N.-J badrm. Trust Deed.a Bousht Ir Sold EAST 181.h IT., COSTA MEI~.
eenldq record. UnWN&lly tlM n:IT·W aa,uma. tecl7 M& XU, Uaia n...,.par. llttc uatum. apt. l" bUL to oc.-Call rw rr.. Commitment a br~ 0 .1. loan. Payment. M1U
.-dltaoaa tuv-out. hll pri~ ... mo.-Jrt¥. w J.-mt. Har. DON L HUDDLESTON mo .. lnct. '~ lnt.erwt and lm·
"11. OrtatMl ...,.. PlloAe H &Bfll. • B.,_ a-6...._ & 8.-OU2-R. tlcM Ll l--l(Ul eo.t.a M ... pounda.
JIT&\l •-T--tt ---~<=;i;.;;....;;•......, ............ ____ ... r=; ________ 1 cw I bdrm. apta., laWldry rm-111 .. lTUl It. Ralph P. Maskey
lit' Him 1fiwa ..... A. 'fOJ-ca" L'nas ~<jare1nas 9Y 4&.J' .... or .-u. LO>.Na TO m . IKPAOYI:, llAUl'OR •t.s"J NJ'D ll<a compl•tel1 ua Ill BLUE TOP MOTEL BUY, JfODm.KJU, OR. 1411 Newport Blvd. ..-JpM. Malle up ~ In ba.cllt RID'INAMCI: Hu. 602
~ • &MUID• oontnct '°' Newport Bl?d. Wa Bu:r nwt D..s.
ca11 J.U YCKD\S -~ OUtu Ll~o Pen.inaula, Ea.et 31.lt St., Npt. Bch. N.wport .... 11~ HWWPO.ltT llA.LBOA a.A. VING8 ~ ...... lfd2 OJTl:RS LUXUIUOUll J bedroom tura. 6 WAN A.1180CLU'ION
,. MudM&ir• V • I I dr. com--u &fll. o~ Ba7 -UM Via Udo ft. Har, UOO ......., MB. 0'1>14" ~ DelJlhttul ttvtnr. Apt..0.buu Utwtlla ....-. ALaO tto
..-. ~ fT"N. Butlor _. "' • SU:p tor twt • ~ PrtTate
315 Marine Ave.
Balboa Island
Harbor 1560
UJc• to u.... ln tile W'hlt. Houae T dlqoe&l 6 lllJdll\I l\U9 4oaz'
We doe't man wttb the ~-to larre patio. •
dent bUt ....-ha,,. a Wlllt. OPEN HOUR &AT. 6' CUN.
HOUM lA a.at...Ana Ht& that 101 Potn.etU&, Oorona dt! Mu
wU1 make JOU tad to pu." or call tor appt. Bar. IMt-.J.
Oa11 CUSV A. XI Wll I Mete
Mc9I ---------~~
' UNJT8 I.a\. N..pcm !Wpt.
oo half &en. I Y9ara old. lit·
coma $3140, &a.a.at loca.-
Uon, aaned f w I addlt.IGn&l
unite. M&)' take pe.rt tnde-
Daye Har. lft1. LI a.GTO
after I p.m.. Htto
$2•,000 OR $30,000 DOWN
ON I new lacome ualt. 1'&¥8
10,..., plua on lll"9tr rit 're.
' BDRX.., 2 l>a~ boru tn top
COllCliUon BaJ11oe Bayabo"'8. l(
open baam livlnc room. flrepl.,
l(a. mod4"l kltdMn., din~
rm • clbla. ....,...... lar(• mcl.
paUo. fenced. Acee. t.o private
bead1. Value 12t.&00 -rt.rm
(cl•r) WW M11 or trade up
for ky Front boma or po.tbly
lncoma. Cont.act owur, LlbertJ a-aoa. t7cH r.ut "°" eo.ta KM& 1oceUce -----~--~--AL80. HO)OI AH'DIKOO.._ .in.w. SU6 llJWr, BaJbo&. T&drt altp aooomod&Uont doek. Bu. I'~-tt ~ w..w bl.II an-I p.a. 91tfc
Da.lly, ~. mGDWJ, ,.ut,. u.a BAI•• tor ._. --------Mult. Unit Lots . Newport Rta. ... or ... ~~o~c! !:_ ~11 ~ EXECUTIVE HOME ;=·,~~"~ .. ;:a,~ .. o:;!
'U.MO. xan n bl.U. wtltt• top DORIS BRAY, Realtor Un ~r. tovM&u. Beeutltul
OQDdlU.. Mnr ru.d. Harbor n1 1'arlMo Balt"°6 llland
MU..J. tfpM Bar. IO or _.
Mtto 81\ANt> NEW BOK.E, W1tJa all
••• t\!mJture. On 90tlM. Co-roo.a de& Kar. a..t YI•.) br.,
cu....S, local Jl"Ol*'lJ. LI ,._1532 Lovely I """"· • den, I N.th, au.IT 8lDI:, Collta M-. All utsl.
t~ttc 2 pauoa. wtlh .a.t oceaa vl.w In and Nady to 10.
on :z Jtttll tn '°"'' Corona DAN A. JAOOBll:N, ~ Ellat4
a b&tb. taally rm , llv. room. S7-BM.1 r..tate Wuted H IJhl&nda. By -nu. 1•6.000 Har. Mtl U 8~6317,
Jtactl. term.a. Har. llU ttUc Kl 2·2187 HYetl •-MH I ft~ t car ,..,...._ -
A....U. f~ July, .AqUet. ~
.u.80. ~ lala. beauUM f\IT"-
~ IMlma. 6 moftt.ha June.
Jul)'. Aupa • -.,t. -totaJ
$lt00. Q. H LA ~OP, MU
•. Oout Rwy., ODI. Rar11or
"'2, MIO • ..._ tTcM
W A.HTICD b7 YafY ruporwtble
p&rtJ non tr.ct moderat~ly I CANAL FRONT
pt1c.d i bednn. or J 8. R. A HOM£, I BJ1L. l ~ ba. 4 IN·
dtft home Ha.nor arta. 7n. COM& unll up. w1Ua na..
i-. Would Uk~ opUon to I Both only 126.000 l4nna.
buy or klw down paymf'nt. NEWPORT IHVl:STMmNT CO.
IDl:cell ntaf'WKl'M liar. &347 N....,,ort 81Wl. at IOtll
NcN .Ha rbe>r 1800 Hc:N
$SOOO 8\1) .. My 1'.qull.)' S·2 bdn.
un l\4 nt.a.r ec:boola, all rf'nled.
UM p.-r mo. pr. d.Wp.-tan-..--r. LI I-Mia. Mptl
room )lome. 1 • b&t&t; lu4-
ac.ped • t•oed. re.+. Jou.
Freedom boaae ar-. CllD
~rt, a.a2I IDOnl1-P -at~r • p. -. ltU•
CLIJIT B.>.VEM nuoo. a badrma . t Nth. 4r1.p-
H , W/W carpn. V*'7 c-., J
yu old. lmmedtal• O«Vp&nc:r.
'12 Ktnp Pl., U a.1.-r. NUc
' .
. ..... --ct ... _., 2 9 ............... ' ' . a,., ...... .;
. .
. ·-·-..........
._ ' . . . .
• 8/ B -·
'C' TBOMJ.Sv '<: TB0(11iiA:•sU-.,------""7~· .,_. -=------~·....:..-..:rB•-T-=::;::::==:MON:;;~D;;;A~Y~, :A:,:PRl~L~16,::..:_1'56:=...;.. ___ _
lido· Isle HARBOR . tAESA .RANCH ~OMES lridoor ;..., -a ... , -
3 Bedroom.s, 3 bath.a, plua guest ho~ with %
bath, plWI an oulltanding view from all rooms.
Fully carpeted &nd draped, plua outstanding Ii.nd-
1eaping. The ONLY home wltb thil marvelou1
view on the cout. Priced for a quick aale.
OPEN DAILY 3729 Ocean Blvd.
GARAGE located on C9ast Hlgbw&y. Fully
equipped and priced to eeU. Lot 50xl00 with
room for expansion. See u1 for
a.ddition.U ll1f'ormation.
W. E. FISHER & Associates
302• E. Cout Hwy., Coron& dol Mar. H&r. 5032
Eve• Har. 306-J -Har. 2(2().W
· Duplex
• $11 ,500 Full Price
Two bedrooma and den in front, 1 bedroom un1t
in reu. 2 blocka to beach. Close to t.ran.lporta· •
tion and 1t.ore1. Will consider campinc trailer,
boat or late model cu u part dowu'payment.
2802 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. •718
• Values "'g_ut_!°!'" ~i~i._ '!est Buys Corona del · Mar
~J!. IN~':°: ~ ,._ ~ MU& ~ , ba. deft L SHORECUn"S, Modern S bed.rm home plua
tW• Hv. room, J&'e. waUed Modll ......_ lnlM_ aad TtMtta A...._ U4 nlO!.PU YOOM .bOme buUl lllllall den or office 2 tuU balhl -..... -..aA wall • araund. a lo"fel7 Mel\tded pauo • -r-~~llXCELDl:N'l' VA.LUI: on OIJarUlo 1llClfQ. ., l TUt a. Gil one .Sde &H a S,.Ctac:ular to wall, cwrtom drapee. fil't'pkoe, bWltJa at.AJN
~ t.nd ,moMtalA ,......, on and oven, enc:Ioeed patio, nicely landeea~
ANOTHER loV-1.7 I W:rm. UJ<i .--~ ....... :. .U.. Dtcellmt v&lu• {)w;er .k:J"rill:S ue&. Priced to Mill at Slt.DOO.
homli on a '6 ft. iot _ ._, OPJl:N l>AlLT 10 .LX.'fi.S t l-.K. _--.. __
··---· r.1.. ••• Th·is ls • It 2. ·sHoRECLiris.· <>ooei view hoino rot thodlo-•tov .. ret~ • dra.PM LA· DA.VY llL'Q aoon bardW'OOd crlminatinl buyer who in.Illa and cu aftbrd tile eluded -$f1,500. , ' . ao.., ~ doublt Unequakld Bo. or lh• Rlrhway finest, thia la IT! La-.. 2 ...__ ... _ .._ ..a--••lltv
prape. foroed·&lr heat, bu.UWa 091B aad ranp, I« lM low prk>e 6f 110,lllO. • •-~ •........, •-""' * Bay.shores * 1t·1 1p0Ueu -1~1 cosy -built, 2 fireplacet, dream kit.chm. Beautttu.l
, diaPQIW, .....,.. '1JdloC &1Ull doon, I.Md bridl: bu 2 bdrm-. an Mautiful home lnaide and out, all modem f eat\U"el to -
flHplac• prden. make it comPtete in every detail. Shown by ap--,
a bdrnui., plua Jc't. su•t or
run1pua room, l \i b&tb.I, -
' " Attention pointment. Priced to tell EXCLUSIVE WITH
E I us.
Top location with BAT VIEW
3 bdrrn.t., 1% bath.. dln. rrn..,
hdwd. lloor.--PRICmI> RIGHT
NO. S-CAPJ: COD -6 bdrnui.,
3 bat.ha, breakfut bar, dinlnc
room, beautiful wood panellln1.
enclo.ed paUo, A CHAR.MlNG
HOME tor '31,GOO.
Compl•t•ly F\lmJahed
Pol&nLial t Bedroom.a, Ct.n't lut
a Bedroom.a, 2 batha. iarr• Uv-
ln1 room. Briclc Flreplace,
l.&n&i, Can be ~ l.ll)'Uml.
TZIUUJ'lO LOOJaHCJ a oxa wt.th aoan~t noor
plau -ai.ta ll•'• -t deltlnble &Mt. ISAI.
I-bedroom: '21.IW-POOO down
s-bedroom ud de: an,I08 •aooo dowa
All bos\49 bave 1 ba\M
Is Not A Sideline With Us!
It ltn't the euy took tom• peoplt ml&ht think:
ExperlenCe la required. lf aatlafactlon fa to be
auured to both buyer and aeller.
Lilt your property today with one of the 300
Members of the
Approxlm&t.ly 100' ·Fronl.a&'e -
' "'·"' bodrooma, ' '"" "'"' Newport Ha bo Boa~..1 f R It ::0":. ~ •• ~m::: • .v~~~ . r r ru 0 ea ors
asteners. BuJlt Uk• BACK HOMll -on 3· JUST lJSTED -EXCLUSIVE. Tb1a attractive
B<ao. Pen.lftlula'1 t 1 n • • t 2 bedroom home, plua guest room and b&th only
1u.et -owned anti ~rid tor ~ :.-block to Ocean Blvd., Coron.a del Mar. Com·
by a proud ""°""1 blt•mtr."
3 bdrm.I .. 2 bath• ptwi oce1Ln· pletely !um.ii-bed. Choice location. Priced to
vi-wndeck. Ro• bord~red sell quick at $23,~. Tenna it de.ired.
paUo btr moulh for badmln·
ton. Priced t.o Mll at. lf1 .000.
Bay & Be•ch Realty Inc
WO Eut Cout Hwy.
Corona de! Ma.r
Ha.rbor ~3
PRICE T. McCUISTlON, Reoltor . .
3447 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 'T
(Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank CDW:)' . .
We have buyel'I for rood llatings.
Free eatimatea, excellent service. room .AND 2600 Sq. Ft. ot ·
PaUo ·~ •uJtabl• tor add· .f.01 N . Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch 1111 H&Tbor Blvd., COit& Mua
Inc to hoUM, • pool, ca~ Liberty 1·3333 Har.,1775 -Evu Edlth Maroon
'' J ohn Macnab
HYatt U222
Harbor 5359
Harbor 2878
etc. A huft JM for Udo, --------------~------1 ·------'------I
W.;,.. Tllll.FRONT! ON LI.DO.
PIJ:R AND BL.lP seo.Ooo • up.
WA TERFRONJ' 2 unit.. pier and
floaL I bedroom.. 2 bl.th• al· 1. '° 1 'bedroom l b&lh. 2 car
r•r&&•· i"umlahed, reduced t.o
Bay & Beach Rea lty Inc
There's Gold in Corona del Mar
'South of the Hwy. -duplex under conalnlction.
HW. noon. (1) 2 BR. unJt, (1) 1 BR. unlL Heavy
•hake roof. Lg. patio. Price only $19,750
Call to -thia.
FULL PRIC~ $8000
Dreamy UUl1 2 bdrm .• nrept..
only '"" yr• .. room tor an· EARL othtt unit.. Only 11~ down!
Ownv &llldoua. Submit. It'•
clOM ln.
4 bdrm1 ., 2 fu ll bath s
Only 111.900
' ' Lou Boynton
W. STANLEY, Realtor
~ llarine Ave., Balboa llland
Rodu~od to• qUl<k aolloO: Dblo. BALBOA ISL.AND car., paUo, Jancllcaped and
acTOM f'rom new •hopplnc
ctnter Wi.e1 only lllMl 4zi., Sheltered EAST BAY.FRONT o! Little llland. Only
11~ mo. · a abort diltance fn>m th• Harbor entrance.
--------------------ISl12 IAJ'ayette, Npt. Har. 3643 Jutt to ltl• right or Udo Bridge
2 storee It 2 apta. -AU leaaed. Attractive bldg.
about .f. yrs. old. ShO'!ff an income of $335 per
mo. on an invea41tent of only. $29,500. -GI RE SALE We are pleued to offer one ot the x.Ia'nd'1 most
charming 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. and deUgbt--
Homey little two bedroom realdence with cosy
fireplace and convenient ~en fo r couple who
like 1m&ll but beautiful yard. ~ .
Owner built quality home leu than 4 ye&n old.
2 bedroom. A den, l U23 livinc room and dining
room faces on large patio overlooklnt the water.
FA heat, W (W cpto. 2 beaut. tile batha, 1 bauf
with outaide entrance. Washer, dryer, GE
nfrl1erator & range incl. ·Price $40,000-tenm. -.
1700 Newport mvd. Cott& Mel&
Llhorty: 8-5597 Evenings Har •• ~M
. .
A Restricted. Lot , Development
Speculaton A Bullden Welcome
80' re.id~tlal Job. Duplex comer Iota.
All Jm rovementa in.
Yo u C•n't Beat Th e Pric e & Locati on.
Driv~ by and/buy. ACl"Oll from Coet6 Me..-P-ark.
' 18th and Anaheim.
Phone Liberty s.1781 Liberty ~1 tt
Only $2000 down.
3 bedrm. home. bwd. !loon, t.
tlrepl. Allowance mad• !or
NdecoraUflC, A rUI b&rpln
at 113,600. GI loan. Pay-
ment, Ina tii&n rerit.. Top
. nelchborhood. ri y rs. old.
Lovely 2 BR. home, tlttpl<., 2 .. p. patiot. Indi-
rect lighting. Truly a home to be proud of.
Corner location. Allo bu a nice 1 BR.· garage
apt. wjtb a aundeck. Priced right at $22,500
O?mmercial Lot on Cet. Hwy. ~· by approx. 110~
Plenty of rm. for park.in& with acceu to paved
alley. Underpriced at $9,500 .._
( U •till &Vlila.blt)
2667 E. C.t. Hwy., Corona del Mu HA : lHl HA: 0757
1121 Redlanda or ca.Lt
* * * *·
Hon eymoon Cottage
llt Mar~rtt.e. COtona del Mu.
112.tOO, buy• th!• atlncUve
NEWPORT HTS. Look what $17,:IOO will buy.
2 bedrm. le. den, l llz "batba, lovely living room
panelled, uted · brick ·wall, den with fireplace.
Sunny tJtCben, breakfut bar, fuutt·in oven and
range. Carpeted living room &s dining area.
Forced air beat. Patio, &hake root. Truly lovely.
Let ua ah ow you now. Thia la not le~ land.
3 bdrm•. -l \. ba I.ha
HW J'LftS., flJ;epl., beat t••t·
•Id• •lrfft., baa a .carce 4 ... ,.,
· lo&.n., cl•&r1, only 12000 dn .
See lhl11
e acru on Pav41111 SL • w ... ter
nne. Only U600 1n acp. Good
lnv. A: •p.c:ulatlv1 buy. t0%
c .2
lex23S. .Tu•t otf bu•y Harbor
Blvd. comer. 110,000. 't On.
Older hou..e on It now re11t.ll
al 150 mo .
Mesa-Ha rbor Rlty
609 c.nter 8L, Cblla Meu
U 1-ftll or LI S-771W'
(prints pier " noat)
---Shown by Appointment Onl7
• • •
NEAR NORTH BAY -Inviting 8 bedroom' 2' beth
home and income apt. · Summer rental commit:.
mente $1100
10,000 dollan down
• • •
NESS, LARGE VOLUME. J. 1oocl rotuna on
yout.. inveaUnent plUI a most a1trt.ctlve 2 bid·
room home.
Exclualve u.tJns
Pleue call for appointment to 1ee
WM. W. STAmzy
,-1 bedrm. colt.a&'• on nlc• R·i
lot.. Room. tor •ddltlonal ln-
come apt.. S. sfrRE to lN·
VJ:STIOA Tll thia, 0 w n er ,
want..acllon. !MulUpl• LI.st•
lil.c No. TI.l3.} OSBORNEofORTON Realty Co.
G Blt:DROOM, &JI hardwood nni .. 3 bathl, cooo cement tounda· Park Ave. at Marine, B,.iboa laland. Harbor 2M2
HARBOR 2042.
Frank James
& Unwood Vick
312 Marln• Ave., Balboa l•lan
Uon. Larae double r•r.,.e. -------------'----------Property in Jood cendltton.
Beet Joa.lion. l block to bch.
Ne&T lh'e Newport Pier.
2323 W. Cout Hwy., {at Port Orange) Newport Bcb
LI S. 71162 · · -·Har. 51M evet.
Shafer Realty * c .. 1 Lots . . Hari. 1 to
GG' n\ONTAGS on Cout Hirh· 108 McFadden Pl.
OCEAN FRONTJ way, C.D.M. 111.200 or ,owner At th• Ntwport Pi•r
wUI build to •ult ll!_n&a\. EVH. Har. 44311-lV, Har. 2329-M
ONE OF TIU: NICEST A BEST 20XM fL kit Balboa 1a1. i11.2tW1
lt.Ucco dupla:11 and lh• belt
For 'S11t~ ~r T r~de . .
8 fum. unit.a. AU outmkle apta.. -1arp room.a,
quality built. Price $62,15(1()
Bayview Dup ex
Unfurnished. 2 bedroom each, ued brtck nr..
' . ---------------------12 YR. OLD, 1 bdrm. homllll, late• liv. room. ti4iwd, floors, encl.
J)llllo. 0n lot 00x307. I DaUbl•
1ar...-rnc. 111,000.
l1JoCatlon on th• ocet.n fl'ont. ALSO
Sit In your eu:r chatr and en-B.A.LBOA 181.AND--Furn. J bed·
Compl etely placea, bar-t7P1 kitcluma, ab&U root. '
'Price S28,I)()()
Open Bo\Ulll Sat. A · Sun. 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.
MO s..-rc1 Dr., Corona liiglilaJ>ilio
A re&lly nloe family homt with vitw ot hlllt and
ocean. 3 BRt -I&-'nunpua room. 2 !lttp)jo.,
FA hMt, pe11f!d tloon, ntw drapes. curtain•,
antique ahutten. HI bet.ha. ll'l"'lY lg. ldtcben.
Dinlnr rm. Inqr....com. 1yst.em. Bum erilinp.
Rwttlc exttrior, ahake roof. Redwood fen~
yard. Room for pool. <>wnet inovtn1-avan.
obit right .-. Prictd to odL
2687 E. C.L Hwy., Corona del M&r HA : lHl HA: 0757
. "
joy watchinc' the 8nowblnl • rma. IArc• paUo. pod lerma. Charm'1ng yac.bt rac11 and 11Wtm m eo.. i... tnan 1ao.ooo.
~~~-tln"I beach. Only CHESTER SALISB URY Bay ""'"' h0m•1 Almoot "'w R£ALTOR with. Ahared p~r ahd noe.t.
CURT 0088 ind -kilLIQO, __.l_
THE VOGEL CO. ·"LIDO OFACE N.ewj>ori·MHa Realty
LI l-6llOI Ew.. Har, 01u.J . . Har .. l•O C~=t~& SlO~ down tor dcilJhlful 2f--------------------
toe M~ Pl. 316 11.arlM A..._, a.Jboa laland un._ nicely ludlcaptd ,.Uo.
:K16 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Hu. •m or Blr. tm
-Ewos-U fl.30t0-l!ardiU2-
Avoca.do Grove At th• Newport, Pier R&f1)or 111'71 ttct7 Home or lncOm ..
TOP PRODUc.-rJON In troll. rr..
.,,_ 8prtnk1itr 1)'1t*"', nubrnH ....... Eva. Ha.r. 44lt-W, Har. 2121·M !--~-------NELDA GIBSON
DAN A. JACOBSEN .• ,.,.,. .. , M-1 Property Har. &611 LI l·tsl7 I I ,, ·
KI 2-1111 HY•lt •.u• Wmt ooort--floMJt • 100 tt.
CHAJl.MlNO lo. Laguna bCfttt, frontap tn «n\er Coeta M-.
tc1111. tot. blaut. ocun a t\J,lb c..tl fe>r O.UU.-
view. FP., tvm .. w lo w, tun· DAN A. JACOBS&N, ~ r.t.11.te
deck. ,._,... •. 11.2.TW. HY1tt Ha.r. 5811, U a.-&31T,
•.J4l2, 16dl KI 2-2>17 HTalt .......
M:EBA.. 1 bdml hotJH Lt Jot Jot Martnllll An
dbl. pr .. new !Slltnct · ,,..:· ~ 8.1.lboll It.land, Phon• H1r. &02
eourM. Lara• llvlns rm.. l•rf9
kitchen A dlMC.t1 comb. Altic 8ACK BAT .,,_,, COlll Me ....
ln•uY.Uon, bdwd. non. rear 3 bednn.1 .. 2: car 1ara1e. Larae
1'fllnl CtftC4d. LaiT• down. F'or l11t, C\lll prh:e St 1,000 Low
•l'PL wrtte 500-tlat or call Har. doWn ,,._ymdll. OWNER -
lt1L 13cf U a.~2 totlc
CLASS A store &Jtd olfio< bulldlnr located on
"-mOlt Important · corntr in. Paadena. Prfot
~.000. Will pay e~i net net plua percenu,.e..
\\1ill depoait $300,~ u le~ MCUrity. L&Jp
' clepnM:iatlon lattof.
CALL OWNER, T. D. Ropn. Ryan 18157
or Hail>or 3828
• , KILLION real estate · -
Parade of Home Values
Lido Bey .Front!
M r .. t ot tlnut wat•rfront
Wl'1f• pier aUp
G 1>edroocn.s, • b&tha
4Jl ..xq\llalt. bome
Jr~ lhe laleA:t buyer
Lido Isle Family Home
s bedrOoma and den
Two and a half ba\ha
Lovely P&UO
Onnl.M pnare
Nol.bl.cg Will compare
at '3UOO
Bayshores Bar9ein
'3.IW>Q llOwn I
Payment.a ~ •• thaJ\ rent
2 bedroom•, 2 bath.
Comphltely furnl.llled
lncompuable Bayahott• Buy
Bes~ Newport Buy
Sll,IW>O full price
Small down payntvtl
lArfe fenced corner lot
3 bedroom•, 2 bat~
Costa Mesa Triplex
Nearly New
Separate garaa-ee
l ee lhla, you'll look no furtp~r
Lovely la.nd9caplns
Unexpected family c~
make Immediate aiJe neceea&ry
Bring In your offer!
Kl LLION reol estate
3.'Ul Newport Blvd. Harbor~
A home of qual ity and charm
125 G St.. Balboa Peninsula
Large living room with ocean view, 3 spacious bed-
rooma, 2 baths, FA heat, WW carpeting, full size
dining room. Nice kitchen with disposal and
lovely enclosed patio with BBQ. Asking $26,~
Cozy and ap~ng ia what you'll say when you
1ee thia 3 bednn. 2 bath home. Large liv. room,
fireplace, sliding glue doors to patio, bar kitchen,
and the price includes all wool carpeting, drapes,
~w stove, refrigerator a.nd fireplace fixtures.
Open Sunday 1-5, 459 E . ~0th St. Only $23,950
2 bedrm., large living room, bwd. floors, roomy
kltcben. Corner lot. First time offered $13,950
Easy terms.
Next Door to Beach
fll.950, only $1950 down
Older home but in very good condition. 3 bednm.,
1uJe cloeeta, eeparate dining room, nice kitchen,
comple\ely t'urniahed including TV. This
Won't laat. HURRY!
• "AT THE ARCHE.~" .
3320 W. Cout Hwy, LI 8-7773
Owner leaving ~ had reduced price on 3
bdrm. home, 1 1,2 baths near North Bayf ront.
-----&.NWU l?.500-Price $23.500. Hu_llre~ace
and double garage.
Most Attractive 4 Bdrm.
Juat like new ranch atyle with tht right decor
all the way thru. Separate stove and range
ballt in -uaed brick fireplace -abutters -dbl
•prap. W /W carpet. It's a prbe for $34,500
THE VOGEL CO., Realtors
208 Martne Ave. . Harbor .... or 1815
(Next door to poetoffice)
• $a -$ave -$ave -$&\"t
• Isle 821~x185 Molll'OVI& St. lot, owner wanta on r !!. •
• Ownlnr rental unit.a makel more eenae than
owning a al.op tamlly home. We have 10me
illcome prodtacel'9 at th19 time that we !eel are
OUlatandinf. All are ob LIDO ISLE; -which
mean. t.h&t they lbould enhance lo value, stay
tented and gtve you t he mo9t. enjoyable
living' pouibte.
. One For The Money
That'• rlaht.-Wa one II the belt one tor JOU.I'
wi9e dollarL 2 bedrm., CUMt room &bd Dov.
all. a 60 ft. lot, only put1ally .-ed.
Priced awtully low. -... Two For The_ Show
Not 'only abow, but comfort will be your. in
either of theae · outltaJ:Ullni LIDO h~ea:
• so . us IUJ'Teyed • ~ lot, ltWttl in --RP>
Newport Ht.a. R-2 k1t., at. to st. frontqe ------~--
'1 unit aite. 82~1'260, ~ blk. to Newport Blvd. ·-
8-tricted f&lllily ctwelllng lot, Ne'f'PC>rt Bta. ·-··-MOfto
Back B&y view lot. Barpin priced l_4 dn. ... -····-------
FA.It front. bQjo .t., Back Bay water view ····--·.$7600
Cor. Baci Bay, reltr. He Water view -------
Balboa laland cor. 1ultable for 2 un.lta --··-----i2000 d:n.
714 acre., lmprove<l, 2 blka. from G. G. Blvd. --·--SOLD
Harbor Blvd. cor. US6', C2 terrl.tlc buy -·-····---..$.'50.000
1. 6 .unit.a on 80 feet BAY.FRONTAGE at 320 Via
Lido Nord. Built eo well 15 yean ago that
when it waa modernised 1ut year, the termite
and dry rot man ju.It charged for in.apection.
You ju.It can't beat thil for value at only $106,000
furnilhed. Tenn.I.
1. A mlnlature Laa Vepa for lbow &ad color. 3
bedrm., family room, powder room. 3 ti.tba.
M-1 5 ac. on Plaeentia, trailer or m.ff ........... -$15,000 dOW'Q
2. King m.e. BA YFRONT, beyond deecriptio.D
9 + acrea. Ba.ck Bay, tenlativ& map 'n lot.I ----Ml.IM>O
i-0 acres, houae It weU. Orange qc>.'a belt buy ·-$140,000 ,
$ave -$ave -$ave -$ave
2. 3 unit.a-drive by 102 Via Lido Soud (off water)
and 1tee the beauty and quality. Then come \n
and talk it over. $6.'S,000. Terms.
Three To Get Ready·
Not much to do to theme, but your to\14:h would help.
1. $3500 down, 2 bed.rm., Back Say s1~.ooo
2. ReuonabJe down, 2 bednn. lge. lot. LIDO
Reduced to lell, waa $13,7:50, ······-········SOLD -comeJ'
2 bednna.-den h~. FP., dbl gar .. approx.
1300 aq. ft. MUBt .ell -get a bup.in now.
3. IJDO BAYFRONT, 4 bednm. $60,000
3. 4 units on :SO feet c.f the very beat BA YFRONT,
designed by Ellerbroek, AlA.. Two 2 bedrm.
apt.I. with private patios1 two 1 bdrm. apt.I. with
private 1un decu. All overlook the beautiful
Bay. A true bargain at $80,000 furniabed, only
$20,000 down.
Four To Go
WOW ! Theae are really ·ready to go! !
1. 3 bedrm., 2 bath, street-to-street -····--·$33,000
2. a bedrm., 2 bath, brand new ----.. -'34.500
3. 3 bedrm. littiu.g rm., gorgeoua -----$37,:50()
4. 3 bednn., radiant ~eat ····-·····-------$39.500
p. a. palmer incorp.orated
ole haf'\Son co. management •
3333 via lido, harbor 1600 •
p. a. palmer, incorporated
ole hanson co. management
1700 w. cdut hlgbway -liberty 8-5573
quJckly It you wUJ live on tbe
ocean Cront a.rid focUI your
eyu on lhe ti.the,. llWt.mm.lnr
at I.he buchm on ~Ch In a
Cout. We have an R~l ocean
front lot t~x102. Very exclu-
alve. yea lndeed, very, very
exchialve. Priced al Sl2,IW>Q -
Exceptio~y good terma.
Under construction 8 It ' Bd. Rm. homes. FA
heat, double p.ragea, larg'e lot.a. Clote to shop-
ping, achoola, and t.ra.D8p<>rt&Uon..
Priced at $11,450 and $12,~ u low u $1,145 dn.
• • •
be a two tamuy buUdinc ao
deatped that the owner can
live In one RENT FR.l:E and
lt!t lhe other rental aupport ll.
We have a brand n.w duplex
bulll U> order tor Newport
Beach llvin• and lt'a a honty A
that can rully make money.
Here you .. have fiahlnc, aw1m·
ming, tioatlnr. relaxatJon and
a clean, ll&lldy beach. Alto bu
fireplace and deck, l bdrma.
up, 2 down and the tarceat 2
car prare you or anyone elff
ever e.aw. A t.errltlc buy. P11ced
Yee this ia it. 1600 sq. ft.,3 bd. rma., H. W .
fioors, 2 fireplaces, 16'x26' picture window fam-
ily room, enclOtled patio, fenced yard, large double
garage on paved alley. All improvement.I in and
paid for. Thia ia a Mu.at. Call u.a for an appoint-
ment to show.
Priced at $17 ,950
with tenIUI -
For a dlatinguiabed family, right in the middle
of a lovely residential section. Two doon from
the Santa Ana Golf Cour&e. 2 BR. plua lovely
guest room over garage wi_th extra % bath. W /W
carpet thruout. Beautifully landlcaped. A
warm inviting home. $18.~ full price.
Apartment building
around cUntele. I unit. plua
manqer'a apt. Nloely tum-
lahed. LAundry and uUUty
roocna. A -1 condiUon. All
rented now ••• f(5,000 tenna.
Balboa Penl.nllula loc&Uon. Beau·
W'U1 apacloua property, only
Ii ye&ra old. Prtvat. be&ch.
pier ripta, 3 c:ar ianr• and
utUlty rooma. Upper apt. com·
pletely turnlah.ci.. Exclusive
wtlh ua at ~.ooo. t.erma.
11 't.bla be&utltul property all·
uated on 2 lot. ln Balboa and
nMC beat bay 1 w I m m l n r
beach. Concrete block con·
auucUon and every conveni·
enc:e • • • c•r.cee. locl<er
rooma .and laree laundry ...
lff lhJ.a before buylnr any
lncome property. Priced at
IM,000, urma..
DOWN PAYMENT OPEN, new 3 B. R .• 2 We baths.
lge. lot, priced at low low pn"be of $13,:50(). See
thil home a.od make arrangement.I for immediate
KINGS ROAD HOME, unexce.lled Harbor It~
view. Th1.t deluxe 2 B. R.. 2 bath home la ''flt
for a king'' -Juat reduced to be eold 1.m.me--
diately -Now ju.It $26,000 le terms nwble.
' BEDROOMS, 2 bath, 6 mo'a old landlca~ &
fenced. Stove It retrig atay. Sharp, clean, ready
to move ~ now. $13,!SOO full price, terma.
SlOO mo. lncomt, clear indu.atrial bldp. In 29 Palma,
main hwy. Trade and auume !or Newport Hta.
commercial or home.
1M7 Newport Blvd.. Co.ta Ke.a
LI 8-1632 Evea LI 8-1400
Lido Isle
Here ia a genuine value in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath
home on a 44 foot lot. Lovely firepla.ce and
large south patio.
Thia home it juat 3 yelrs oJd and it one of our
very beat values at $31,~ firm.
Be! ore you buy, Jet u.a ab ow you th1a
KELSO·SLOAN built home.
2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. 4718
at 1111.000. Payment.a INe lh&n
r enL Low down payment.
Distinctive 3 Bd. Rm. and family room carpeted
thru-out, large flagstone firepla.ce, forced air
heat. Esclusive neighborhood, View of bay
and hilla. Many other fine feature..
AttncU•e born. wtlh 2 &ar,.e LIDQ ISLE bedrooma. 2 bat.ha, tuU dlnin(
room and dtn.oetl.&. Nnr wool
Fo REvu AND A DA y -
Yearly lncom e $'-000-6 u.nll.8
on 60 f'l. "Balboa Ocaan Front"
19000 do>o'n -monlhly pay·
mcnl only $116. Priced low at
'29.GOO. Ml• lhla one and
you'll nffd a banel or upirtn.a
to cure your headache.
A steal at $26,950 with only $6000 d.n.
W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor
"you'll like our friendly aervice"
=de~ we:,~llil~~:.,~ FIRST TIME OFFERED. 1 year old delichtful
2 car raracu, too. a.. It tor 3 bedrm. and den.·· 2 bath home, completely
a lovely borne at 120.000. good , carpeted. Drapes, diahwuher, p.rb. dilpoea.I,
terma. indirect lighting and weather--etripped thru-out.
BALBOA HOME! On 46 ft. lot. Large patio and muter bed~.
JUST H.l.LF A BLOCK TO 30 ft. living room, built-in kitchen. Truly an
BEST BA y s w I K ~ 1 N 0 EXQUISITE home !or $(5 000
BEACH. 4 bedroom horn• wlUl '
• • • 400 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1139 !1~d~.4:·wH!a.1. ';:!L::!J MYRTLE DA VY, Realtor & Associates
WE KNOW Ji;VJilRY bome A lot
that 11 tor l&le on Udo !Alie.
lt will be our pleaaure to ahow
them to you at your conven-
• • t
STO~ ! 1
on a &"Old mine. 28 lncome unitA,
clOM to bay and beach. Groea
lncome '19,000 to '1'1.000 per
year. Aaklnr 186,000. Oood
lerm.e. WW conaldeJ' part trade.
• • • ..
Juat ()qe
Short TOddle
3 bedrooms, 2 b\., fireplace, large well land-
ecaped yard. Priced to sell Quick .
home for lat'I'• family or t~r-3432 Via Oporto Har 6"6 Evea. LI 8-6297 rtmc beacb home. sis.~. • ' •6-000 down. (New Lldo Plaza Bldg. on N. Bay Front)
' balh home. l!oulh expoau.re
and on Ocean Boulevard. Hu
every lhlnc you ahoUld expect
l.n a modem b.ome . . • buJll
In kitdlen.. ot COW'M. $%2,9:)0,
term a.
NON-VETS No Down Payment ·~·
Impounda $29!5
Balboa Realty Co.
Opopau Bank ot .America
RoN Ot'eelt!y l:d Lee
• Joeephlne Webb
100 E. "Balb(,. Blvd., 8'1boa
Pbone Harbor UTT
3 Bedroom.a, l~ batb t t ...
Inquire at 252 E. Palmer
LI 8-~7
---------------------Ito the beach• aky-blue waten.
2-2 bed.room unit.I, h.atdwood noon.
Fireplace in one.
Cloee to' atorea and tn.naportation.
Sewers ln and pald for.
: 1898 ()ra.qe, .co.ta Mesa ~1 DUNCAN HARDESTY,
•• 2802 Newport Blvd., Newport ~acb
Har. 4718
__ : ~ tido' s Best Buy
Three bed.J'ooma • ~D • ho batha
Big Udo comer • Big Patio
$81, 7fW> Full Price
for appointment ut for
( 00mNntnr 20 yeara ot Lido Sal'9 experience>
Lido· Realty
UOO Via Lido
WU1 eleep nve comfortably and
five more uncomtort&bly. Prlc-
~ at 112,600-Reuonable dn.
Bala.nee $60 monthly.
7003 Seubore Dr., Npt. Beach.
• • •
Seven Islands Realty
& Investment Co .
503--32.nd 8 t., Nwpt. Bch .. • Calif.
Har. 68&&. alter 6 p.m. Har. 66e1
' BEDROOMS. 2 ti.th.a, comer
2602 Newport Blvd. -Har. 4718 -·Newport Beach
JUST LISTED -the cleane9t, abarpnt duplex in
C.D.M. 2 BR'a. ea. -Fireplace., encl patioe.
One unit has L. R. carpeted. Garb. diap:' Ir other
extras. All tutefully decorated throughout.
Rustic exterior, shake root, brick, grape atake
1 fence. On level corer near ahopptng. All for
the price of ONE houee.
No calla, please-juat bring your checkbook.
~ot~~ld···,i1·oc;-d~·11·* R. L STRICKLER, Realtor
3 UNlT8 C-1. Jars• Jot on Ea.It ~ R. B. HODGE, .u.ociate
11th at. .. ·-·-··-· -·· s.n.800 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 2774 -. LOT8 120 x la'I on J9lh Slnet, -----------'----------
Eul of· N.wport Blvd.
" ltll Uarbor Blvd .• C.K.
UlKrty 1·7979
llOctT •
10 Acres
POTElvrIAL bua1JMl9 on TuaUn
An. eear ~-MO tt. tne-
way Cl'onlal'•~ Subm.ll tract.
DAN A. JACOBSEN. R•&I !:atalc-
Ha.r... Mil t.l 1-13 rt
Kr '2·211T HTwtt 4
.10°/0 NET
Sound leases on 1't clua build.IDp ln the very
heart of f uteat growtns Fullerton Ml diatrlct.
Groa annual income '7620
Priced to '.ell NOW at
On1y $$3.!500
Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson
1M6 Newport Blvd. • Co.ta M~
Ph. LI 8-6161 Evea. Har. 4366 U S.2Sp3
' •
The Boats Go By!
R•lax a.nd e.nJoy life In lhl•
lllU. drMm home on Balboe
bland. A pier &lid l\oal (for
your trlend1' boeta). Lot.a
ahake. redwood. I.I.Md brick
and lntenor pa.nelllnr. ~
BR.. l ~ bath plu1 famUy
room. '41.500.
• Looking for
the Unusual?
Two bouaee on large level 75xl27' lot . One-brand
new and ready for you to move in. the other 1.1
leued for $95 per month. Full price only $21,:500
with $4.500 dOW'll. Be sun to ... thJa.
3201 W. Cout Highway, NftPC>rt Beach
* * * Thl1 1-It! 8&e.k 8-J wtlh ..__
on 'i &Cf'e. WW be &howl\
ONLY to ~ lntsated l.D 2 B. R., l bath. Rm to build ----·-·-· ·--'11..0 •
Modern. a BR., 1" Mlh. A 3 B.Jt .. 11~ bath, near bay
abow pt.oe for th& eccentrtc ' B. R. 3 bath. quality nome. Under priced.
l ~d completely tu.mu.bed. ' m.~. ~ceu ttnan~ ·-···· Pl.!IC?Q
Bey & Beech Realty Inc DORIS BRAY, Realtor
REALTORS ~~Manne A~ Balbo6 falaDd · Bar. 2> a 6' ian 11artior BouJ.tnrd
~ X..... O&lltomla .
LI l-17H &Ya LI 1-llY
Rustic Charm Plua Income
Main bouaa -J BR.. s Balh.
amall den. beamed. ceUtqa.
~lick flrep&ao.. 1~ IU'l4
malM>ID97 pM<nr. ui. kJ~ c-..
Gvap &,utmall "'~ knolt;J
pln• 1nlfl1or, beamed ctlilJ.nc
and brl<ll t\J'epW.C.. r\per\·
mml fum!alMd.
f"or -... bJ usn-
117 Popp\· A \'e . Corooa ctd liar
Ral'bftr i:m ·J trk9i
·* Duplex Near Beach *
$2500 DOWN
very nice ltUCCO on 88th. a Pl-oJ.d. 1 Bed.rm.
each. 1 tumlahed. Top •>mm&r reatal &NL
'Y•'r. bold.inc th1a open for you.
3112 Newport Blvd. Newport S.cb
EVES PHONE LI 8-31.86 Lt ~
Harbor 3921-W