HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-30 - Newport Harbor News Press.'
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ApPllc•U. fQl" a penntt' io drill an oll M-ll at tM
~ comer of Newport
Bhd. 8.nd '.De1bi Road -~ come up ..,_,o..., tb• eowtlJ'
PIMnlnJ C(MQJG.i.-00 Wed• ...sq. Dtlht .... u.. l'Md 1'WUllnr to u.. 1111m, .._ Harbor High School'• Su~ttndent Sidney Davitt.on, 8llCOGd from left and
Principal Jooeph Hamblet: right, Friday r<eeived the ''ll&ta Ofr' awll'd from
International Council of De llolay for outstanding youth work in Harbor area.
Earl Gu.at.key Jr., aenior councillor of Oran1e Cout Chapter of De MolaY,, left.
watche, Ai'ch Palmer, a.ctive member of the aouthwest.jurildictioa and repre-
eentative of International Sup~ Council, Order of De: Mol&y, give pair a~
Th9 appllcaUOn wu tUed
by l:ltred Jr Ward. llttS
lit , Bt.., But.a An6:
cUMd Of alaytnc Mn. Ol•ta
Clmille Hat.chef' Johnlcln, 11. or eo.ta M-. h1llkiq John cahtn
Tipton. 20 ..... 1u be &IT&ISfMd "'
Superior Court he:re •t 9:JO a.m..
A 21-year-old Banta Ana man
t• betns be'41 under 110,000 bal..I
folloWtq hi. ureat at a L m.
today OD -..plclon ot petty \.hell ..............
'nit: ~. IUchard Dodd,
90I £. 5tb It., WU &n"Uted by
C>mcer C. T , Can")' at l!nd St.
and BalbM BlTd. toUowtnr •
ch&ae from the ~" ot the
allqed bLll'flar7. a i.ervtce •ta~
Uan at Sbd St. and N.,.,port .....
CUny a&d he "-"ed ~d
tn nae ..-.ica it.anon «andlq
near Uie dl drtnll machine.
When Dodd .. w the police oa.r
M put a ' cofn In t.bl! machlne,
took out a botU•. walked 1.4 hi.a
eU' -,S drove away, accordina
to lba pollce niport,'
The policeman .. id he took
down lb• UetnM number jutt In
C&MI and checked the IOfi drink
m&chlne after Dodd JefL He aid
!'le •tartad out .ti.er Dodd wMn
he tound th• machine had bHJl
opened with • pau key.
CUrry and other officer• who
were radioed to the scene of the
arrest ehook dO"WD Dodd' 1 ear
and found · a Jarr• number ot
emall coin&, bolt cutter., creecent
..-fllCh, .cnw driver and ..v-
l!raI eolD 11\adltn.a k•Y•·
Police aald tile &U9pect had
111.11 to c.b.anp a.rid 121 In cur-
ruaey. ne extn.ordtn&Ty liarp
amoq_nt of ball wu ffl b)' Jud19
Donald Dods• who wu Informed
of the cue. Judr• Dodr• alllO
uJd Dodd ....,. ftOt to be releue
"'1thout • court order.
Qty eouocll awankd contl'act.
for the Coron.a de.I Mar comfort
llation J'rtday In adjourned ...
Don to R. L. 8telnmeta With bl.a
tow bid ol 111,W. The conlnd.
wu awarded on recommendation
ot Actinr Ctty Manaser Bert
tomorTOW. ' Memben o! Girl Scout Troop 19, Mrs. P1.orence
nptoo aJJ.epdly bu confelMd Hill director; and three M&rinen from the S . S.
It 1V&8 he wM SoUred th• Ufe out ot the ,1.ndM' .oldl'1"• wtte Maui, lead in & aalute to the Fia.g and ai.nging of
ln olh•r bualnea th• cowicil wtth a kitchen knlf•. "America, The Beautiful" at the dedle&tion of p.ve tent&Uve appr"O'#&l to Webb The ddendant 11 held In coun-
____________ .;... __________ _
oa .as. budpt ot 1Ute su tax ty jail w1thout ball.
moat• t.ot.allnJ 191.001..25. He The MWpect ...,.. a r91denl
hu aDocaUd 189,000 tot pur-Of tM Mm• woou.p eourta" tn
atn ot rtpt.ofiwq .......&loq' -Wll.lelll U.e ll1111Mlil ll.....S.. ..U..
N~ &'Id.: ltDOO for trattlc conUas .lo deL llSL o-n Pollom
ir&p.al.e Ja Corona del Mar OD. the of eo.ta Me.a polb deput.-
.U.te ~~1&7; 12•.000 for maJ.ii. DWlt. 'nplan bu eont-d pt· C:O.ta Me .. polic. today an lnvutJgaUns the burs·
Newport Beath'• aewly eelected official flo,w!.!L:
the Red Bouplll'rill&ea, in front of city hall Siii!:'
urday. Mn.. Sld.nei S&unders, preeident of Gi
Seoul.II, ii 1een at the left or. the line. -Staff PhO'tll:
City Officials Gather for i_
Arbor Day Ceremonies Hie
tenance OT dty •ll'Mta. Unr Ole knife trorn hi• caMn lary of the home of Maureen Marcelle Kemp, 28, of 1&42
QouncU ai., m.uuct.ed Webb -kitchen. Park Avt. wbUe ah• wM .._.,...y vt.ittnr frtenda ln the N...,,01·t Beach'• City f\owv, th• ceremony. Mr1. T. Dunc&11
to write and .ip a Jetter to He theft walked to OM> Un,1 ne11hborll004-~ Red Murc:tn'fUla•, wu Stewvt, ehatnnan of the ---~
MonW.,. OU Co., •tabli.ah.l.nr a Johuoa eabki aA4 rol'Cfld hl9 She ~d ah• left her purH on th• eotree table thi• mad\ offtclal &aturda.y at. dMl· en'a eoaunltt.ee ot t.M daMaber
bu'-ror royalU• Oft p.t pro-way lnaide. When Mn. Johnlon momtns end when .mi r~umed '•h• round 126 had been caUon .tervlcee held at. U.. dt-Y fol' ..s.euon of e dty ~r.
du* tn the Udel&nda fte}d un. tried to ward o(t bl.9 actvuc., i.tu•n. hall attien.ded by nWMrou. dt1 ct.ertW th• rood polnta 4>f lM
.. -· •-• ,_ r lb tho •-..,•·-t -· -~·d •• offtclal1 and clYlc t.d@ra. ---. BouP'*'rillaea.. r .._ ~ .... ,I rom • """ _, .. _ ,,....._ -To •dd lnsillt to injury, ah• MJd, th• Wer had •P--:-
UCLA FROSH LOSE TO OCC ct~ ,.qu.t ot Ru RecM tor ~ ;~bW ~y ~ :::n~ cc:!~:;m:;Jtu: ::;le~:e.!n;h~n v;: ~ ;:::;::.·=~ ~! ~~
' , a •arianee on~p~o= ::.:~~,..;:-:-::-~ kitchen. ~ ~rt&.ln U\at.U.. ~_..... lo•ttrt. Mr-.. H. o . .llotiiJ .of IN BALLONA CREEK RACE ~:~ .. ~-== ... , ·-.... IA--ah-el--Y--th.......::S .... t -bbed---l ?;..:""H~~= ~~~
'"-· Coaa "'" ... __ ·~-use ... ucu. ~ ... r:;:.. '°..=::".::; Mesa c::°' SI .1 .. io.. n m ou a ...,... Hill .... ......._-,;.. ... ....,. .. _., .. , ....,,.
_..aw all'8at-y'-w .... 1U1i .,.. -"""~ C::-il to .... ...;, . ..,, • _ -u.a~ ... "'1~ Wtot,J<!"P"" "''~'Kn -lMJ'--~ UCl.A. ~.....,,., et.a.ttt.s at l p.lll.. ti-. ·~·C'lty Ql'UncU &lld • 1J. I .. , fight ·H' o.,. ud--l tAte ·' cr .. :a~ p-~l~RDL
at ......................... USC --at -Loe· al la•··cut d .......... _ .......... ""' J· ID ere "'"""'"'"'"'-' -'°&u.:. _ .. . ..,....,_,.,,, t:.' a '-stla &bMd. Pedro. ban u. lntormal V.1.ftt ~ •tarted ht Ne8rMka. &N -.id. " c ~J'. ·---.. _, .. n.__. ,._ _ _.. ,. ~ -1 --•• pl •-,...... 1.-U.. ,_,. of tM cit) 1ra u..ts ftnt a tfl'ltf w.ell.a -,__..,.. ....., ..... -,.e .....__ at 7:IO p. m. l&d&y 1n U.. Jtome ' ft u -..v... .... ...._ ...--b&IJ where llla)r1tr Rlil. Mrs
... •l M.wport Hartlbr th• arn.nstnc • foQr-.Oat ..-ent ... _. • sk· A . ... t ot ."' ptannlnr Qaairman A ti-year-old Aftahaim youlb ~n ln what pollc• M!teve Into th• ~ &I'... StlfWW't UM!' w. c. ¥-cDm..ld
UCLA fr-bmen flniabed nntby •lnc1e OlU'.tace &p.'98t S&nl>i.,o 11 -I cc1.en Georr• Tobiaa to ~Piii mutual 8atuntay ntpt .... taken lG may l\&'t'• Men an ext.en11lon of Jiunr1 T. Van Dyllt, p1'91M· .. twan park ~dent
.J MCODClll u UM O(X'.! f\n&l dri•• Rowtns Qub durloj Harbor Day problem&. Hoas Hoeplt&.I and-later to Or-ju't'enU• cu dub n.,tfll ln the dent or th• chamber or com· p1aated -of the .n'l~IL f·"-to put them In the ...,_.,.,, ob9e"anc:e May 26. Dlck 1-ia, 1'-'ealed fOI' a larre pah In The --Unp ·-pi··--... anse County lf09plta.l for t.rMt· Garden Grove and &ant • Ana .._ -~....,, • , .. _ .... ,_ r-w 1 occ tn th• rll'lt lhoulder u uw. reauil • .._.. -· .... ._. merce •~led •• chairman for lhnlbe. TM champiOftaldp wW be Ml-......,, ....... repl'eMl'I ~y four UmM a year menl of a knll• wound ln UI• areu recently, ------
Ued tn a --nee to be held the amp oar eTilftt. ot • •kiln&" accident Sunday Jn lo coordlnoaU. effort& of both bl.ck fie aid he NC.,.ed ln • 'tile etabbln,r' victim. Eucemlo o• _.. the Upper Bay wu C. WIUt&m n-t tn ,_t -" ----' ln Udo CllanMI w~. uu 11 t ,29 81 bodi•, .Toblu up~. There sans ••• ~·---• _... •• ce Gomu Samudio, t1'12 Padfte Quesfiori ·Tape Confession
As Walker Trial Continues
.Ma)' t. ~•--'• W d crnen. · 0 -""41N will IM. no i:qul&r councll or 1tatloc1 at 411 E. Balboa BITd. An., Anaheim, a co1U1trvc:Uoa
fte ooc er.. made tta Mlt Mannerl •M It.LUI -~I' oomm.19'-. meeUnr. Two othtr youth• ~were' .i.:; worker, wu treated for the
um. .... U. Bat .a ... doln of .,__ r-~ qJ'ff1I In HO&J Hoaptl&l atab wow1'd In the upper rlsht
th& IOOO m: , ln W'l~ut! ~ ~ rvrTIC tokl omc:e,. he wu -m•klnS • HCtion of hi• ti.ck. Th• al.uh,
and f6.8 MIXIDda. ll&rinen a,. warned by th• tum Cd alld lnto. parked boat. HEPATITIS CASES IN believed mad• bY • 8-inch bLade, UQl.A entend two .bella In the U. a . Cout O\Wlld to look out Ke wu brourht ••hon at 1:156 ' penelraled &nd partially oollape-
race to ~ Coul'• one. In for the 170 or mor• parUdp&nta p.m.. •t the Bayahon Boe.t Land-ed • luns, phyeicla.ne Mid. He SA1"'TA AN A, f~SI -A n...,.-capaclty crowd aa-.
u.. berplal· &ccdnUna" to occ in th• ltMenada ,.,1.ernaUOrW 1tnr_. _________ COUNTY JAIL REV EA I En ... lr&nlJferred to 0ranr• eoun-•R•,•"rr, • • ~.~:~~!8tor ~Y ~~!.· ... '"""w1u.•h ... ~~~ •,·~ Ooacib Pal:ll Baptiat.e, the UCLA a .. 111 ..... ~ whleb-,. wtll .cal't ty Hoepttal after emerir-ency • ace .. ,..__ erou • •-.,...,,. " --m--M c . "' trMtment at Ho&s. unln&Uon by Deputy Publto 0.-medl&Uy .a.ft.er ?-••••1 uu -:.r::-~ I.a Ut. beat ln • Ott Newport Harbor Ufhtlld 1>a1J esa yc11•st , • _ • ~r RJchar'li, SulliYan ~y .. bench. -r.lat. Wf!re ~~ Ol DWl'l'-r en buoy Thul'9day at la noon. Num--OA..~O APPEA•8 the lddn&p-ett.ack trt•I o1 Jaok a -pa.lnt ot pnjud:See ~ OOC -pate With the 9r'OUa ...-t•tor cratt ...... --I Beznudlo told -•k:• that h• ----, -~--· -~· I • ....,. Jam• Walker 2~ o( Santa Ana pkll-UNd ~ h649!!+•ra,
uec nr9tf f:MWll on x., 12 at ed to add lG the huud of na'ri· n11res Woman By PAT HICllAELS &rid two friend&, Rodolfo P . Sal .. hMded toto 1i. Wns week ln other th&n u.. N ............ &DI!
BUI. tt.4n m&b!.' cb&linel wttb Ptin&' to'Ule area. nu. 141ll Harpfr Bl., and Col-Superior Cow1. her... OCNI, ~. ... >n~ lh• ~ u... at tb.e M.atllon n... yacht& will proceed , SANTA ANA, (OCNS) -Fean of a pouible epi-umbua o. t.o.ctl, 111 N. Weatern • --
Dodl. ,,..,. wW ai.o eompet• aouthward lo En....,t. Todoe KUdred w. a.ymour. U.. o1 demic of da.ngeroua hep&titil &monC Oranp County A••-· both Baeta .u.. w paril· 1Uoe wa• quutloned inelbodl· property of Walk« -'CWAc~
Kay 1!.--...~ tbe -.me COW'M 8&ntoa k)t, Baja caJilomia. 'nle Otanp. wu lnJUAd In an un-J , . Corm eel their car In the •rrice •la· cal.ly OD th• ta.kins or •n allepd atitled hood. billy dub llQll rul>
event wtU be paUOUICI by th• detwrnlned desTee lwtda.y wben ail infna.U. were revealed today to Orange ty New11 uon •bout 10:11 p.m. wtim they tape reeordl!d eonteukm '"°"!' bet stcn--""" ...,. ...._ ...,,,..
u & ••-\&19 & ...... _Coaat __ °""""---------ltndl by a motoreyde wtllle Service. RaJ'mond Ororlco, U , and )(l.(lld ...,.. ~ed by • Pill of th• defendu!L by • medel. nwva 'ft' II"' In walldnJ &Ions-Bantiaro Ca.n.yon PoMtbWty ot eYldenc-ot th• varr-, U . Diacnoeb ot the all· 20 lo 30 teena.s••· • 111• pWUtlon lUt w.mi.... Attar • Jo-mlnuta. co.hi~
road, ll>O t•t .auth at Modjl!Ua m-M -J-a41y tn adult.-1'1.. ment. ot tM twv w .. Nfl&Md Uw: Wit.bout wamJns, he aald, the day att.eniovn lnUOduced th• U · iii c5oeed. chambar.-trW' W1U •
T.i,..wns f• th<i ,..t wed: e.t K..,.,.-t &.rbol' .,._ w_.. _ .....
'l\M9dQ', April 24-__ 14 N
W~. April 2113 ll>O
~. April ·tL 11 16
rrtda#. A.prU 11 .. ~ 11 H
&aturdQ', April• II M 13 ...
.,_.,., April tt .... tt t4 ........ ~ .... -'! .. ,
$11 .. likDl'I Held Out.yon road. aceordlns to the been kept • doed7 parded M-aew• •n1c.e by Dr-Plet.c:ber TOUlha attacked them. One boy .m..d COlllwlon Into eridfnc.. wed-. The ~· ..,... -Mi
SllnpboU ot two JO-y-.r-old State HJ.sbwa_I1 ~ report. cm by j&1l Qfflda.M. It wu ,.. It.wart. dlkt ot the COWltJ mi.. Jl'bbed 8alftudJo about the wabt Walker, aa:iita An.a ear up--conu1i.nt. • -
boy. Wft'8 confi«atltd at 4i :IO The molon:Jcl•.•&1 ridden by vu.led when a Jl"OUP of pn.onen, pita.I medical llt&tt.. and h*-him whl&. nve ether boMlenr, I.a ~ of t'W'k» Hawnwr, r,etoni IUoa' '*'tt·
p. m. Saturday after Arthur Kenneth w. ontttlh. t T. of 111 releued f.uowln• eontlMment. u-enr. 0rMp camty Health boJ• kk:ltecl him about the nom-lddna.ppta.s a.ad twk-8 c:rim1nall:T moray rot under 'WQ', ttw: Jual'
IUlafftl«. tla Orud canaJ. corn-WMl w1i-at.. ea.ta Mue.. Nported t.be mtuauon to OCNB Department otnelal.. Dona.Id MM! ach, Che.t and .noulder.. ....WUns lUt y6a.r'a NI• c..JI.. war-Md 1Urqn U..y may N!Ctl••
pl.a.Jned to poUee lbat h.la cu "'8 patrol nport.ed Orltfith and a.aked f• pui;.uc •wann_. Donald revealed that Oroeco had 81.tddenly, he aald, uothar boJ, fi>nu&. )In, DoMl &dum· BreU.. t.tten on Ula ~ •
. wladallt.id bad been hit twtc. ,lreered ott UW. road. llr'Uck a oC the pllpt ot 1,nm&tea. been d1apoeed .. '"poulble "1· (0.t.111_. M ..... I) 19, OOC atudenL CC..U... ~.Pace I)
by m\&11 ,.Ue~ otftc.ra -.Id rock and bit the 1">nlan trom At leut two Inmate• are Aid reeUon ot hepaUtl•" aft.er~ I----'-------''--'--""-------------------'-'-'--'.
I.My found u. boya •hootinJ behind. Tile ~trol reported th• to have been •lrieken. onnce teat&. ff• Mid h.la oCflce h.ad not
roch• ott the elltf abo.,.. Oout woman wu Walktnr well ott County HOiplt.i ottlcl.aJ.a rwf'UHd been Informed bJ lh• ha.pit.al or
Hl&'t&w•'y wttb UM .U~'8.. th• b&PW&Y· tntonn.ation nCvdifts the duo. th• jail of th• CClltdlUon ot
Dr. St--.rt howe\'er . .bor'\l.J'
befor. noon. oonnrmed th.et Vllr'-
P' I.a Mlfferlnc" f1vn:I. lfttec:tlou r..pauu.. The medical, olftce.r
9&kl h• had uked permi.&lon ot
the ,,.uent to ~ hll 11111.eN.
and ...... ked to reVM.I th• 1,..
tormauon to the p..._ by the
' M~dy t=::! dLM&al
•u:t.nmely •Moua." and cl ....
lfted th• jail lltuat.lon .. pre-
e&rtota lie .,..._ tMt hepa.-
tiUa t. a contaPoiM lntecUoa ol
U'8 u.,.,. WbidL w JaUNUce
and •b -•Mcetnai fA1n. H• JIDlatAMl -.t It .. Ht \00 iaedou8.
la lM teM o( ehUdt9 tNt-.. -.....
mcl9t .....,.. dMdly bl cuea ol
aids lld\ilb.
-:-1'tte ••• ..-Ku: Donakt .......
... .. fflOllOUed t.anulb the ..
oC ..... P*•H• 8ttt .. •Id
ao !MrNl&UOU b&ft -... m*4l or u.. ...,. l6 onn,. ev..mtt
.1.U lnm&t& "II~:· the doc--
-.tat.ct. .. ~ta 1tan ..... ...s. fer ~lllt ot
l'MD• pa.llU,Ua'". --£ITV LEADERS Pt.:AITT NEW FLOWER,.,
,,. a..IU. cimc.r •Id u.e lUl ~ .. ldrnia ~ ot the
..................... A..IDiffi-
c:u. ,..-ta lto1f __, Wodd
w .... ll-lr\laldnidle ......... lalt-
.... 111 .. a PdlUh ..... ~"
An.. Atbor Dof lllld ded.lc&tloo Pl'IJll'Olll at the city hall Saturday city of!ld&k
lllld ctrlc lelden l4jouroed to the rear of the city b&ll wben -f1l the !!!P.
ottlclal fl.._ tlie Red i!<>Uplnvillau,, wu pl&llted. 8bowu above with -af
the ahna~ la Mn. T. Duncan Stewart. chairman of. tbe chamber of cornm.eft!I
women'• committe-e which .elected the official flower, Mayor Don. Hill and W:"C.
"MacDonald. Mayor Hill introduced Mac Donald aa the mu who had for )'iaiw
made pouible the beautiful flowe ..... whk:h have rf'aCtd the city parlu. _ Staff_
Photo ~
Gi!Orl• Y&l'dley, tbe Harbor arff•a protealonaJ
bultttb&ll ace, lnlpect.a th• Harbor Boya' Cllub
et.19 tropbiel and awardt Saturday 'fticht with &ix
HBC tam ~na. Tbt capt&ina are David Rouo
and Jbn ()Jrtia, &th ft'de : Ronnie-Paleferri
Johnny HJ1cbe9, 7th cnde. and Brian Lucu
Jerry Hehn. Ith rrade. -StU! Pboto
were utnnlf'tJ" hM.,. lllDOftS
th~ Infected.
Mae .oo.aM .tai..-c& lfte bealUI
depertm"'t I• walUnr lo _... U
(C..U..... -,..,.. .~ I
~· -
.. ..
• P.iiiE 2; PART I NEWPORT l:IARIO~ ~ MONDAY, APRIL 90, 19$6
"~ grant UI the le"'nily to ~tcep! tho thin91 WO C~nnot Ch•n90: tha° Coorago to <,henge tho thin; W9 tan encl
----tho wildam to 1now}ho difft<onc•.'' 1.-,. Anon.) ··
~ed Cross Blood Bank Plan
~~ D~tors'. Opposition
_ 4114 - -.... that the Docton' Union, ~ ID -ctrcloo u tho Oranfe County Medical ·~, bee j>lana to Odil Iba Red C..... blood bank
"\lft>pUll tt-Ille county. Tbe.eoclety would oet up
-lljo ....,. lllood Mall ID Bll1ta Ana and 1et oupport for
..#;jnl!ptan....,(rom the county at'• reputed •lliOO
i!W ~price tas. ~ . Ia ~ the county_ ho..,>ltal patient& would Jet
• their blood' tn.Jlltualona tree of charge but tbome ht
other .county booplt&la, l1ld> ., at Hoag H..,,ltal.
WOllljl be clwpd ~ par pint plua the unal •U.a()
-~tee. unW they "'Pieced the blood-at th~
n.te ~one or two plnta to tht plnt Wied, dependinc on
1low tho project lo oet up. .
We talked with Supel"Nor Helm Ka..ieer the other
d&y abput Ille pW. of the IOClety and the Red C.....
folb' antipathy tD It. He uya be knoWI very little
about the .ttuaUon but ii ltudytng 10me llteratuni on
UNI propoeal which Red Crou official.I gave him.
It all harkt back-the privately oph-a\ed for a
fee blood bank plan, that W-to the State Medical
.: ~Uon ~by. These rulen of the Doctors'
-UA10n have 1one on record favQrinr the adoption
~upout the. at.ate of a medJcal aoclety blood bank
operation which would exclude the Red Crou blood
inob.Uea from picking up free blood which would be
-flv&Q to patient& anywhere free.
lomehow, whenever you think o! the Doctora'
.!Jn.I.on. you come acrose a profit motl\le, don't you?
~ are the boys who a.re defied by IOme •lupids
-pllal into ·paying-them tin god homage. We have no
..aqumient with the profit motive on which our ca p-
~Uc IK>Ciety OPf!!r&lo. We think it'• tine.
But we have noted in thil column teVeraJ Umem
before that when Hoar HCMpital'• recuni.ng ca.m-
palp.1 for tunda from the public are in full awing,
the Docton' Union membera att con.picuously ~
N:Dt in their donationa. They want you and me to kick
throuch the fund.a like true Pally•, furnilhing them
with a free factory to ply their trade. But you'll lt\ll
pt your medical bill. be a.uured of that, •hould you
happen t.o contract for medical aid.
_ N..,, w1 art not apinlt doctora u such, friends:.
:31'0 jllat thinlc they ,fbould pay their way throu1h life
:lither than Uve Jt up at the public'• expeme. =-= It happena in the lutance of the doc:tor-promot· ::iii, doctor-owned blood baak pW. that ouch already
:S. affectfv1 ln Rivenlde, San Bernardino, S&cnunento,
::Vf:ntun. and Santa Barbara countin. Orange County
:.pparently ii next on the liat. ,
' _ Wa have admired th• American 1pirit of the Am-
:-.,. Rod C.-' blood bona donation program ID
::ijs. put. We have urged ita 1upport. We know of
~h'"S ao noble ln the brothe.rhOOd of man (ehort
$the IUprellle u.cri!lce ot life) thail that one rtvu
:ll1ood to hla netchbor.
:::;-Now, apparenUy, there ~ thoae who would
~se t.hi9 nobleet of human motiv• becaUM
'.:ilielr pa!'tllt body In the 1t&te hu ao deereed. We
=MUbt, however, that When' the public realial what'•
°'3i"tlte wind that •uch • move can ever aucceed. --.....
)tother's Day
Mother'• bay lo a fine thlD1. After all, there'I aow.,.n-th&A mothon.
But there are an awful lot of &Ina committed In
the name ot Mother"• Day. Peop~ who never st••
_..,. a -d lhousht or ralao a finpr to help her
~ Ille year, &&Ive their COMcionce (If they
. ~ft one) by maktn1 a fUN over her on that one
-. iq la tho :MIG. •
.;;_ Motbor lo .,titled. to ban a r--.i. ..., hlr
' -.. ~. D&J. But If the family'& ·-of :;.w boslDI &lid endl on tliat occulon it all add& up
'='a jaat oo mucb omotloDal baloney. U tho Mother'&
-f-.,. to -uythlns they eal1 for -,.-Uon. ·..,11114orat1on-lnd--11tanco to her durms
Nit of !» r-r u ....u. -8J' all 'NIM, tab mother out to dinn• on --. • --
. ~-
..... I 'a'1 .... kLFO' rF• ,_O.... ~ Ywe
att .... I 111tC--ll&U..t t.btPl"otnct la NftJOl'fa..ea. oanr..aa ........ A.ct ., M&lClla .. J.111.
CiftL¢'8 ~ &.tpl W.-_, AilM'Ptrr II el~~
.............. 0 ... o-tetO..C-0.. ........ }It .. A.41,.
= tar Ollf-* l'f•w a 11r rotn#rn .an.1rt .._ n a r N.a-1.._..W a ••••tt1
M OtW &f ~ 0&u&J l'f ............
-~"""~ W'Ol'.ul 4 )(08U. &dlW • ..-11. lb.'ftlZKT .... __ ,,._... ---.:m.uum Jr,.. ~NO, MedWlic&l hpwtntead•t
.-~MILt."ISli l
............... Jf&ft.P.-. 'l'J'i.W&iilllr"
.-....... c.-t7, ..... ,_.~I ...... ab-.; l1M..,..-. ......... _..._.,, .• ,.,...
Kothu'1 Day. But do it at leut once a -,...
t.e.rly. Give motbet> a bl1 band around the boUM
on BER d&y. But do It on a 112-weelt -· a111o.
Motben 'are nOt machlDel ~ped to ea.t.Ldy
3 very whim and daalre of th& houiehold. Kotherw
..., human belnp who ,mjoy a Uttlo appncfatloa
and Ulistance. And wbat'o moro Important. tlloy
deaerve It. ;
Hoag Hospital Fund Drive
Still Needs $39,000, More
Approach.inc ii a time when 13 caa be a vtty
lucky number!
'!'be time le the 13th of lf"I' wblch lo recopJMd
u "Hoopjt&I Sunday." It le the day, that the cam·
ptJ.p committee· workinc to complete the dril'e for
· fundo for the addition to the Hoes Kem~rial Hoopltal
hu art u achievement day.
The fund drive lo not complete. Needed lo '38,000
to "'°ch the $15()(),000 1oal which will pl'OY!dt the
'1 million addition. The 2 for 1 buildlnc project can
be aecompllahed becaUle ot the ofter of Mrs.
1 George G. Hoag to "match the promised half million
fund to be railed with a like amount.
Th.ii $39,000 i.a not a. lot of money. It ia $1
each per penon ln the Newport Beach Townlhip
compriling the citie. of Newport Beach and Colt&
Meas.. There la hardly time though to reach every
one for such a campaign. · What 11 needed t. a horde
ot $5 and $10, $25 and $100 gift& to the bulldinl fund.
Remember, for each $~ rai.9ed. by the clfuen.a of
the community, there will be ¬her dolla.r mated
up with it by the Hoag Foundation and family.
Only thil moo.th hu tbe Grace Hoag wing of
the hoapttal come lnto uae. It hu been created out
of the nunes' home to take care ot add!Uoaal bed
apace for patient.I. Approy&J. hu been obtained
from the state for the uae ot the wing on a tem-
porary buil.
With the h09pital nmning at tuU capacity DOW
there l• no doubt of the need for the addltiocal fa.cil-
itiea propoat!d. Tbil hoapita.l bu been created out
of the fund.a of citiuna ln all walk.a of llfe.. ManY
have siv~ amall amount., many citiMDa hav• Jivea.
amulnl!fy larp contributlona.
For many montha It bu been hoped to complete
the drlv1 tor the $600,ooO needed from the eommu.n-
ity with a special contribution. day in the churchea
of the area., it wu' intended that perh•pa the Jut
$50()0 ahould be oo raloed. That ca.n otill be done.
However, the campa.lrn mu.st be a.ccele~ted to the
tune ot $3000 per day In the next 13 d&y1 to make
lhill pouible. Small gift& muat be accumulated.
Cbeckl can be mad1 to the HOAG KEMORL\L
HOSPITAL; It t. a non-profit co rporation. All gitta
arii deductible for income tax purpoaes. Everyone
pray• that they may never need the HrVicel of
the fine ectabliahment, but all would rather h&v1 it
available for their own UBe and that ot their loved
The fine ln.ltution bu .gone a long way toward
tire creation of a more complete community for OW'
way of life here in the Newport Harbor area. lta
continued support and rrowth i• well warranted.
Mab yoW' check out today -mall to t.b.e Nen-
Pl"'eM It you would like and we will tabulate the
reaulU in the •ucettdins I.Nu. of the paper.
TRAER, !OW A, ST AR • CLIPPER. ''Tb• Ameri-
can principle of freedom of opportunity lo ~tee! to
Jeeua' parable of the talent&. You remember the 1tory
of the three men who wen given one, two and ftve
talmt.. TM man with but one talent bwild b1a. Th•
Oilier two wwl<od hard and loc..-1 their holdlop
two-fold." •
"God bu Jlvu. UI two bands -one to recelYe
with and Ille otber•to pve with.· We are not cl.ltcno
made for boardiar; n u. channel• made tor aharinf."
-llllly Graham
Carrg • tn1sh bag In your etr !
---~ .. ·~
lly DENBY C. llacABTllUB
Editorial CircUit Rider •
.,. 1lNll'BD .... • ,
Tb& fana 1IUI &Ad It& P*lhlo -.. U.. 1'I l'r•
11a1----·tho..-a1....,~ .....
1ut ftev. &Ad tl>olr edlt.orial -............ IL
O.tarto-V,a..4 Dell7 Report: hMe '1 i-. ,_.,.. Me -..
""In \aldAI" Wit .... Ucf.llJ' CDU,.. telUpaott ... \Mt. nnl ~
........ (la~U..rw. wat •"nlopt U.. Pa14'l'Sl ...
l!W) ~ "' -.U.1 to tM tM ...,,,.. ---..... ,,...,. .. "' ... ~ ,...,., ~ D.a.r <K.we.: ....
ta Pr..tdeat ....... UM etpd.. ftto Of U. ~ fU9I
U'd et polltiml ......U\1 In thl MU ia d9ftalte Jlf'Oel tMt .....
Wblte a..~ -.......... ....,,, tM .......... -~ """ , ... ...,.n.-., • CIDlv.rJ'... ... la u.. ........ ., tN ....
Bakentttfd Ca1tlCmlSan: ""'nM uoa u.&n ta poUUca. n.t'• tM
ODUrap wltb ~ UM Pr191.tllat k&IMI ol-mu .. wu.t la U..'
acted Ill. thia matter will u.n-Whl~ Bouee."'
doubt.ed!J ln~ ~la ftat.Ut'e,
lndlce.tlnc-tl!.• dMp concern h• ~U ~ ~. 1 rMla for UM nation .. a wbot. •rcw"7·
&Ad b!a u.nwll~ to aban· !ocical I.hat tn 't'i•w or ,all I.hi•
don hill pr:lncJplea. R~lainl (lM tum -.arplue u4 vetoJ
et lh• aame time th•· aornewhat Con,ct'HI now wtU ,._ a blU
11nhappy pllsht ot 110me .. 1• that will pa.,-fum•rw for i.ttlnc
m.nte ot lh• Americu. tarm In· eome of their lud lie Idle. KaytM
dutry, Mr. EIMQ.hower a11nounc-When U.. tarmen r-4 the 9tal•·
IMI tN.t he i. taldD-1 at.epe under ment ot Chairman Oooli9)' ot th•
power already vuled In hla ad· Hou.ae ~~tu.ra Oonurllttea:
mlnlatraUon to ...Vt In what "lbe PTuldent'• requMt. tOI" a billion doll&r .oil ti.Ne hun't
a Chin&man'1 chance ot belll&
enacl«I at th!# ..._on,' lh•J" wU1
M• that polltlca la all that stand.I
In the way ot a llO&Ut.lon to the
tum problem,"
evl!r m&nner wu cun.elatent ""1tb
th• prlndelea ot llOWlld u<1 oper-
abl• policy,"
BELA&Oa vmo
Ban ~Cl.clo Newe: "Moat
Democrat. and the f-Repub-
lican• who ai.o bave a tanaUc
faith In Ute pluah use or tu·
payer money to eolve •II farm
problema -and win vot.M -
will continue to belabor th• veto.
Th• DemocraUc Nallon•I Com-
mltlff, for tft.tanoe, aeka why
the Pnlldent. alter compll.lnlnr
tl'l&t the Vetoed bill would tiav•
cr.ated mOl"e crop wrpluMS by
ralltnr (O'f'ernmenl prt~ llUP-
pori. to IO PM" cent ot parity,
then orden COtT1 wpported at
&1% pu c.nt of "pe.rlty. It t. a
tau q_ue•Uon, but Of courwe part
ot lh•,an.twer I• that Mr. £1 .. n. b""""" If nuurtnr. too." CotuM 81Ul ·Herald: M{Tt!.•
farm bill WU) In ahort. a C)'lll-
cal, electlon·,..ar bill. not meant
to work but Oftly to placate. Jte
objeet (-} lh• tarmer who 11
.uppmedly tao deRM to -
that the contradiction• can't
work. The 9llck thln.k•r1 who
put U. topth•r reuon that \.bey
have ~ed Ule, t&rmer'1 rratl·
Santa ~ ,.,... Democrat:
'"That h• ch.:.e to act u a P'Hel·
dent Mould-In th• Met inter.-~
Of Ut• nation Md Ile J*l'lll•, In·
cludl:nf h.nn peosi&e -rat.b..-
than .. a veto-huniTJ poUUdaa
peddUJ\I" ~otnle! aueoliea to
vlctlm.1 alr•y .utrertnf" trom tbe
'fedtrral aid' dope habtt, la •
i:n.ar1t ot ht. at&tuN, eou.nd judc"-
ment &lid lnt.,nty.''
P\illerton Dally N-• Tribune:
'"The mea.Nt"e vttoed by th•
Prelldent ... lnt..wled to buy
I.he farm wt• in the NO"emMf'
•lecUon. Th•ni wu coQtder-
abl• doubt whether It would ac-
t:Olr!Pu.b •bat IU. I~ Irv.
tended. Mr, D...nhow.r ran
1ln>nf" In wt.conMn, • farm
Kate, and hu autf•red no .tplf·
tcq lOM ol •t.r.ncth ln oth•r
aeet!ona tJl th• country'• bn&d·
buket. But th•n .,,.. lltU.
doubt ot the dllMMce the bW
would do the nation, and to the
fanft41N l.h•mMl•ea In th• 1onl
Wmt to churcll Jut Buday u I alwa19 ... 1114
I lloard tl>o ~talk -"loY• Uld ~·
He ..Jd. "* oubtu kill oar .,,.,,,-. wttJe. tot. u.'
Klnd0 iww, WelJ. att.r tblpkln" W., all Oftl', 1W 61-
dded to tiy er a row.I or two .•. to a:r tho -
It ahol>o ousht« be oul.,. thall laoulns all thom
ln..tt&tlona to "i'let City."
t•e Ii ~ar4 leeso1 Company
I , -,.·mfli... t=•••• hll .. mil C-ttwtlott
l'llOD •&•l()a UI ·
. l1ldu
11IOR •••-at•
/Iv PElilC AT
Build Your
We Have
. AsllinCJ
_ .......... -...·-
115 OommenW WAI
008TA JU.SA. U .......
QmaqAe..,.le'.48 ---..........
3300 W. Coast Hl9h-J-Newpi11t IMch
Uberty 1-3411 • • •
At the Orange· .c:ovntyi Fcl1rgrounclo . . ........ ___ ....._ ........ c...,.... .............
Weitl .. riM.ra. M ., 6J "' 11!0l-SW .. ha.. 1:00 • 11tl0 •
..... , ... " -ncio.. ...
Clol .... Zic
16Wlll MODIL
~ ........ ·~--.1..~ ....... , ..... --Sllj • '"" ................... .
~ .,,... •.A,.-·JIPNI .,, •·
~ ...................
5 llO DAYS .
FIRST OUTDOOR S~yle Show of the yar, to be •
-monthly attaJr, wu held. at Rtcbardr1 Udo Market
with &11 Lido •pope previewhig new awn.mer fub·
ion.a. Left to right Stephanie m.odell a small-fry
•un. outfit and motlier Jo-en Jordan disJ>lan the
newest in awlm-wear for her Mop, Jo-en'1 Oric-
lnala. -Don Buah Photo
PRIIBABKQNJc ..:_ !In. • ~ ~ilt.
LqWla -diolrman fO. OnJilo•O>lmty Pbll-
--lclolet7. (r!cl>tl aplaina· actl"ritlff In ; JI.-.,_ to Moreland Lelt.bold. prulclent. &t •
--• ,.... Ill'. -' l'Wteno11, preai·
4i1Dt o1. Onne1 OM 011111 &Dd one of the -..
Ul•.....,.-0 ....... -
Kn..l'rult .......... ...., -~t; lliw.··
Pbolfo Keriebl, --irtrll•t; --N ..... -; 11iw. Wane Bil...,_. 'rioo
-ldent ud 1olm CaM, aadltor. -matt Photo
Mntiben ot tu ~ County Camera Club an put-
U.. tla11bbas ~ ca t11e1r 11xu. .A.anual Colol' Bllde
uthllltU.. whlc.b. wW teat.on p&etur. from all over tbe
W'Cldd. fte ahjbjtJoD is llCb.0.•'«1 to ~~ I p.m. Wedo YTJI..., in WiDiidJ'imlOr~ ICbOot audltoriUJD. 8aaC& .......
1JL!m,.._oou.otlon Of slides r~rwrt. be.t work ot cllllt
memben, muy ot wb0111 haw woo pll.cM and bon01'9 ln
~ lat.ernaUcm&l MlcJns. The dub t. iltUtlns It.I 14.Ul
1W wtth a memlterahlp ot O.v IOO, r•pr..eallll1 neatb'
_..,., town ID 0nqe 00Wtt1.
Steffi Taylor .
TMn 19 DO iMlnlllilion ch&l'I'• and the dhllttt I• open
-to the public.
Langleys Entertain
at Champagne Buffett
Chi Omega
Alums Note
, t :_D A-H·'.S ·-
'"Wi\a SHOP'
6 Hr. S1nlce
c.&All Mil CAUi' ·--.... .,.,. ........ ... 1.,·e,~·
'l"-CBd<lm ~--~-·--
11MW•Ccmttl .. w•r
Acrou from the ll1lbo. B1y Club
Sunday, May 13th
Wm Mail Them for You
Anywhere in U.S.A.
Hrling the HarDor aru with
• complete hne of fine ca.di., ·
17 .. & Coat Hwy.
•• 1r ... ,,..., ..., ....... ,. ••• ,
' ' '
• ._ ______ ........ _
I "
•. ,
• MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1956
D~an Howes
Speaker for
li&rbor ~cle met \V.._
.... ,. .... ~ at ,tb• Bajstc)I
Drtv• home ot )(ra, D2&Sr
lllnh. ~ Ullat:lftS Mn.
llb1Jl wera M1N Jean J)&hl and
Mm.. Robert Calli.a. G.orl•
Oulhrlll, Gf0r1• Morten and
'E.rriU Wtckm&.n.. "
lntrodUUd o.u lUrie (Mn. Q.
I,.. l Ht111·u of Ortac•, COUt C):i.1.
fest:, who expl.atnad tha pl"OCtld· u~ and proble1n1 of \bl ooUa1e
Mlll.ol&nblp commltt ...
The 1TOUp \'Oled to coatrlbutA.
'100 lo the American neld
Ser-rice 1tudent exchanp pro-
PanhiP.llenic participated S..t~
W'd~ In the Arbor Day ct:le-
br'atlon by purcl\ulnc a bou-
l •lnvillr11. the newly-Klected
city flower, to be planted at a
Cl\•lr ~it"
Thr ne:<t mtttlng or Harbor
P1nhellrn1c will be ll luncheon
y .. -flloJ llio.
Cliotcl Olp ~ ........ ,~.;
w-I.--Jc.t .....
PllOao ID M1'8
s.. .................. .
' Hammond °'911•• Yeur Ptamo ,.\aeepted
la Exe~•
Schmlcft·PhlUlps Co.
·Dt.~·BcJu,.,;dt Pio..o Oo .
520 No'. MAia, Sula AM --The World'• Fl..-& .W... '° ...... ,,.. -. .. -OPEN nmn JQGft ~ ~ ..
PLANNING CAMPAIGN -Final plans for the
Barbor United Cerebral Palay fund campa.i(n dur-
inl May were outlined during a meeting in the St.
Jame• Epllcopal Church on Via Lido. Four of the
womeD diacWll their Hgme!t. of \}ie drive above.
Lett to rirht are: Mn. William M-*ncer and
Mr.. WlUiam "Jan•, Co-chairmeh; Mn. Randall • •
• 'dlly 16 11.l 1.2 JO al lhe Nrwport
Harhor \'a<'hl Club. Nrw of-
f\~r11 wl!I be rlecled and ln-
1talled al thlit lime. Aptlotnted
u cha irman of the nomlnaUnr
committee w .. Mrj. Ca•tlernan
Bmllh. A M i&Unf( her will be 11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;f•
'Mr•. n .. H. Stra lUft and Mn. --~" Geddea and Mrs. Wllli&m. B. Smith. BRIDJ:.ICLIDCT-lfr. and Mrs. Glen D. Queen, 480
E. 18th St., Costa w: .. , are announcing the en-
racement ot. uMir daughter Lildra. to William Fred-
rick Rowland, IOn of llr. a.nd Mn. R. S. Rowla.nd'ot
Madera. MiN Queen wu graduated from Newp6rt
Harbor Hieb School. Her fia.nce attended Fullerton
Junior &nd Peppe:rdlDe colleges, ii~ti:tty at Uni-
veraity of Oklahoma. ·June 8 nuptial.I a.re planned
&t C&pl.IJ.a de San Antonio. -Bernie Alden Photo
Arthur J. Aune. New•Pr1• ada
0 t1r1n.f ~~-·-•
Cerebral Palsy
Drive Launched
The larceat Orance County Un\ted Cerebral Palay
A.Moclation fund campaign 'ever conducted in the Har·
bor area ii ready to be launched May 1 under the co-
ch&tlmanalllp of Mr1. William Ju.ta and Mrs. William
.-O~·llY• tuDd driv• capt&lna eomp~t.d plaii.i for the cam-
palp and dl1tribut.d d09t"·t.o-
door aupp1te1 dunnr th11 final
m••tin&' held ln the parl11h hall
ot '•t. Jam.ea l:pl.oopal Church.
Mra. 1'eaaen1•r 1.t Harbor 3809 .
Tha Harbor driv11 la a Hf·
ment of the 0rut1• County cam·
palm to r&IN tunda to eetab-
ll1fl a Carebni.I Pal!y Child Day
Care Center tor childrl'n from
all of Oran1• County, accordln1
LM.vlnl M&y li IM Ann•poU11, Md. wtU bti MT. and
Mn. Kay Ljf.111•nhe!m, Mr. and Kr1. J&me1 Lancenti.im ol
Glendale, Mr. and Mrs. Ca:roll Wu: ot Hollywood, KTe.
John Boyd and Mn. Re(inalcl Wt!M, lh• latter of Ban
Th• v oup wtll be pr•tnt Jun11 1 when M'.ldahlpmu1
John L&n1enhelm will be 1r11.du11t ed trom th1 U.8 . Naval
A~ademy, wtll then attend th• weddlnr ot John and Miu
Mary Harriet Fo1ter a t Chevy Cbut Pr.,byterian Church,
Wuhlnrton, D .C.
The Rev. J1.m11 11. Stewart,, pMtor ot 8L AndreW'I
Pr'Mbytertan Cllurch, who wlll be ln th1 e&at at that time,
will otttclate at the nuptl&la. Jam .. J..ansenh•lm wW .. rT•
u hi• brother'• belt man. '
Th11 L&ncenhelma and Mr1. Walu wW return ebollt
June 12, Mr1. Boyd ,,..111 remain to vlait relatlv• ln the
lo William htnaworth of Co1ta ------------.------------Camp Reservations M.... pre1tdent of the county
Three Pledges for
Mu Epsilon, BSl
Three new memben received their pledge ritual when
Mu Epellon chapter of Bet& Sigma. Phi met .i:t the home
of MJ11 Louile Ollph&nt, 1565 E . Ocea.n Blvd. on the even-
ing or Aprll 20. The new pledgea are Mn. Donald Kling
-LIDO ST11010 of Dancing
suo VU Ol'OK?:O
r .. ch"'9 .n
modom l>oAroom
steps ._ ••
offer durin9 Mey
l prlv1te !euon&
fbr be9innen or
tclvanced students.
~· . -
• . . " .
. • • ...
• .. ~ •• ·~-
~ .-• .. .. . ~.,
!~ ·: ... . ..
" :J . ·-.• . .
'Il"9 driva will anoom~ all
.,... J of Newport a.ch. Th•
co--cbGrmen Aid door-to-door
.otunlffn .,.. needed to round
out the or.-a.nlutlonal 1tructure
lw U.. campa.lrn. Two -.ctlor1.1
ln tha Corona d1P.I Ml.I' area art1
ln natd ot captain•.
Vohapt.,..n are ukad to call
Mn. l&bn• at Harbor tut CN'
Womu volunteera wlll ~rk
durinr the month of Ma7 ln
t1u1\r door-to-door drive and pl.an
to vi.it uary borne 1n th• Har-
bor &rM dunn1 the 31-d&7 per-
Family Service
Asks Ai<l of
Harbor Chest
ta~au;.a~:' cb':rch n:~ic!"~ and Mn. Kenneth lngman of Corona del Mar and Mn.
s• Jam• -·-m" compo. Y~•J· Dorothy Hilt of Newport 8 1P.ach. ... ,._.. Banquet on TUIP.adey al 7 p. m.
er c.htldrtn So to Ca.mp Tanda Mri. Jack B. Qul.-ibarry, pre&-Omicron ftho Chapter and Mu
•t 811 S.U Lake, older children dent. conducted th1 candllUchl Epallon Cha~er will Join tn
ILnd hlJb. acllool 1tudent. to Camp ceramon7, ual.ltad by two ot tha ctalebrating the .ororlty'1 11\ver ••
' -~ ,. ...
J ... iod.
Upiversalist Group
Reviews Programs
TM hmlly lan1c• Auocla-SteV9n.a at JuU&n. Adult.a will ro ha tu' t ,.. •••-· ann.lverar')' of I~ foundtnc. Uon or OfUll'• County, which to Ula summer Church contar-c P 1 pa.a •pre• nu. _,_ -u to .c.ren,.ui.n tamll)t ute enee Jlll)' t-1! at Red.land&. Martha Odlerklna and Kra. 'Ml• tiext meeunr ot Mu Epel·
lhrou.(h ti. COWIMH.n( •n1C9. 1------------JamM 'a. Tayk>r. klll chapter will be a t the home
fiven along
wt\h iJoup
1-na for
For Further
of Mila Betty Parrlah. 1001 ~
b1t4 applied tor tba auppori of lora. cl91'J7?Mn and law •· a........aUom ha"9 bMa. mad• CUtf Drive. when the ofHctrs
th• Newpoft. l'lcbor Commun.lty ron:einet1.t acenctu tndicsi.d IU 1.t the Hart:Mlr Houae, eo.ta for lha comlnf yu.r will be l.n •
Chait ln lta 90ildtaUon at tunda. nMd. Meu., for th• rounder•' Day ducted. -::;=============;:l;:;;;:?~ 'Rowt H. 01&nder, chut J>~ Th• a.aaoclatlo11'1 work ll bu-;o;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;=;;::::: ;;
eldmt., bu lt&lad Ul&t wbJJ• lh• ed 011 th• belief lh&t p.opla tn
. .. • ..
• I
.. •
1 A re\'lew or the yeal"a progr&ma and elect.ion of off!·
cen featured the April 26 meeting ot the A.Nociation of
Unlyeru.liat Women, held at the home ot Mn. Alma l(or-
m, s.nta An&.
boant of dlrector1 ha.a not yet trouble want to do .omathlnr
rtv~ It• oltlctal .ndor11:m•11.t to better their •tuaUon. and
to tAa orrl.tli.l&l1oft. It bu fav-can. be ha.lped to help them·
or.d eucll action and wt1l m.aka .. 1v-Throurh lta CQUnleUnl
Ill dacl•on at\ar the buda'•t Hrrit a tt often Ud to family
coltlmltU. oompl9tel U• study. mambeni wbo tac. matlta.I dlf·
Who will be the "Mother of the Year?"
X.... 'A.. J, Taylor, prHldent, tlr.o for their cooperation durtns
told of tha varioua proC"f&m8 Ula year.
whh:h lncll~ed 1pea..ken Arthur Nam9d to Mrv• wllh Mn. Ta7-
McKuuie, Co.ta Me.. police tor tor Ula comlnr yur war.
cbltf: M.111 Martha 0.hlerkfftJ, Mr.. D. L. Warwick, 'rice prwt~
aupft'Ti.alll:1 aur .. a~ Hoq HM-denl; C. C, Perrin, .. cretU')'t &nd
JKtal; Dr. Bbaldon 8hepar4. min-Morrll, trtPUttr.
I.Ila' tt tM llollpood UftlvarM· Gitt. or appreciation wen ,,....
Ult Qun·ctl and mernben of. th• 1V1ted KN. Cbrl1taoaen, reUr-
'Ml.a &MOC!aUon. headed by flculUee, chronlo bl.ldpt deOolta,
M.l9. lldwwd M. Hall and Wll· trouble with tn-Jawa. and un-
llam K. J'l"lend, vie• prealdent. mani'(ffble children. Th .. • are
hae It.a otnc .. at 107 N, Broad· ))t'oblema which 1.uthorltlM fMI
way, Baata Ana. A new orranJ-are the bul.1 of many dlvorc..,
u.Uon bere, It wu botpn an•r ment&I bre&i:downa. JuYenll• de·
maay doctor.1, achool admlnl.Ua.-UnqtMnclu and v1olent crime.
klcl.I BaM1 pou.p. ._... cott .. c:ibairmua, wbo 1a i ... .,. A ,.,~-TA•n ~
80CIAL &VENTS Inf for Chicago and to MiM ~ ,.._
Mn. Harold Swan.an'• dance Kitty On', who ta 1 ... m, tor ARTHRITIS -~al-'-.tudent. .,..,. a procrazn, Mrs. Mluourl, accompanied by Kra. ,.._ ,...._
J"r9d«lcll Rlnre boatallHd a ca.rd W.,ra Cox. c..--.... tied
part7 .. d lundliaon, and tbe f ------------po...lerM-.:-v-t !,•u.. ALFALFA
IJl'OUP ent.n&!Md mtmbarl ot ._..,. ~ _. ...._
UM -.i. bo&N 0( A..U.W. at a BPW Honors -riim AUALPA .................... .. ·-· ,.... ......... "" ·-"'iiil -... -.. , .--... ""ed luncheon fw membu'9 or .::: • ' ' I ,.._ .-tt.ritia, rbiiawU.... wffia,, .ml
the N-port B&rtlor Council of Past President -:.: =........ TABLP:re -aoW -• __,. Cllurcha. -· ............... __ ....,...., .. __ ,......,. ...
Aleo repcn.ad "7 Kl'I. Tayklr ovw llO member& ot the lf~ ......_ • -a..,.--.. • .,.__
wu th• coU.Ctlnc of \01' 1amee port Harbor ~-Ud Pr-. 9•ttlUN L&lllATlllll,• llllt ,.....,, .... N. IU&
ud cnaU" mal.at'l&ll for a chll· r..-lollia.I w · Club ~ d~ttc! ~~ 't:! ;~~~n~~~~.i~OM~ TURNER DRUG 2542
9. HI fwy53 II~ .:bOOI and to th• Oara Bar-4.,..,. i.r •·cocktail l*"1' ~ 1 !~================""=====;::::;:; tm D\aMt.kl Ounp ln ~ lilc: Mi• J ... HOWf:U. outcoms
chUMlt.., pfflldenL TU Pecll hem• WU
It wu voted to HDd • floral ~\.ad. wttil. apnns now.n. ,
trllMlt• to their torm•r put.or, .4tta UIJoytlls the MOial i.our,
U.. Rfl'. l'ndtrtctt ltlnt", now Mra.. ~ ·SH ,,......w 10• ~h~ In Mukanqo, Wtec. a~· with • put .Pnfllit.ll'a
WtMrt Mra. Jtlnr• will JOln him In r1nr #:Id a place ot lu.na&"•·
""1'· 'I'll• .,...... thtn ..at to
JS Jl&..ELl:C'l'SD qter• Inn tot dinner. Xn. Taylor, who wu n-alect· f-''-----------
td pr91dent. lh&nlled. her former
tloard and chalnnan. wm ... A.O.
amJ.Ut. Ltoa Jtudd. MorTla. E.
A. QirtltenlMft and l . A. Tal"VI·
Island Park
Fuchsia Folk
Meet Tonight
:J-ajhion Show
Thursdoy, ~•Y lrcl-12:)0 p.m.
J'uhion• b)'-
Beachcomber Shop
Covu Gl.rl , ......
Enterteinrnent Nitely -Lillian at Tlte Piano
The First Baby Born in Hoag
Hospital During National Baby
Week-April 30 to May l>-will
· Decide the Winner ••• Barrow' a
Has A Pri10 for Her.
..M5250 Oar Mn! -hD 8lu -Top Qu.Mil7 -GM&&e
DlAP.ERS ---·-·-···"·'"''"-··-···--·-·-··.kf.
...,. .. A NJiom -BMJ" a.co.
BLANKETS -..... . ····-·····-·-···-Rec.
..... $295
.._... OUMIJ" ..... ,. -Wrappbq' 3 5129
BLANKETS __ ·----• ,., "·· ...
Vut.etr et cw.n
DIAPER BAGS ............ n---· . $489 TERRY. TOWEL -·-·-......... su• 1
For •A ydur boby's noods visit our lnf•nl's Dept ...
' Wo IHluro C.rt•(-Nity Nile-Mrs. D•ys-Curity, etc.
///, . ~-·
'l • •' ..
. .. • -.
·-..... ..~ '
,_;,, . . ..
. '
Prell ms
Tomorrow, Finals on
L0op Entries
. ~-Leocue Olympiad of Orange County pr<p
a~ pg underway with the track and field prellmi-
m1eo OG tho ~ewport Bubar High School cindera at
1 :30 .P-' bcDanW afternoon., according to Sailor Alliletic
Direct« ~ llMd. .
: Mon ~ W -~ wtll played ho.t tor the c\111&1c.
~ • ~t•..1> acboolll Tb• champlOIUhlp ,!in&J.. tor
quality ta al '"'-" amp\ the the lJ"ack t.nd Odd edvoct.lM
't&nltt7 la1I¥ ...._ .. II 13IO ln ot Newport, Huntinston Bet.eh.
.Aa...uu. *MMI 1--t Leq\ie Oartlen Grou. Or.enc•. Santa
M•t. ftili -... the fourth An&, Anaheim and Fullerton •tt
~ the T•t1-tlllbcl&dll have echeduled to It.art a t :i p~ m.
1161 Newport ..... Ooeta 111-
N-A Ueef ..,_·~rt)' 1-llOI
Frid•.),'. Only lho.e quallfylnr
In ,the prellma will IM eligibJ•
for lh.9 tlnala, execpt for UM!
~l&y1 where 1ub11tlt_uUona may
IM m+<k.
Oo.cbn Don Burn1 &lid Bill
Straw of the N1!Wpo11. a,.rbor
BVD boy1 have announced 110
qualltyln1 entries In tomorrow'+
ev1n1A. Here they are with Sun·
tel nieord.I ln the even1A:
Var11lty-Hlrh hurdle•. Hut
l, "Meredith, Grlftlth. Heat 2,
JCMI, Hopklrui. Record: Owerui
IF/, rt.I . llM. 100 yard dub,
H•t t , Niquette, Ytlalay. Heat
2. PM.rit0n. Heal 3. Mandell.
~rry. Record: Morrll! 1HB)-,
1.:1, 19"0.
t40 yard run. Heal 1. Smith.
ij'.•t 2. A.Ur.tn.on. Heat 3, Har-
per. Reconl: Carter {0l, 411.0,
1161. ISO, H•t 1. Bollnr. l)e..
Lons. Hc•l 2, PMler. Ha.rll!horn.
Record: Bchume.ker (HBJ, ALL-Aaq;alCA PREP-Don Reddington, 8a11or
te.r dtvlns. The too treemtyle. re-
lay teen1 o r Coa.ch J oe KroU
eame In lllxth al90.
C Uchrtll led the water caml·
Y&I tor lndl.tdual h11b. KOre af.
te.r Frlday'• ev~t.a. A Canadl.en
wbo Ill en Olympic G.ne.e threat
added victory in the 2:10 ye.rd
treutyla t.o hll \~ meter win
&M"~ ta.of'fld lh the ttQ. yud
~tJle Baturd.ey.
Othert pe.ctns the 1tronr Vlk•
aquad we,.. Dick Hanry. J oha
Allton, Lvy Cole. Bill ~
and Fred Slmpaon.
1:69.e. 1963. junior, wink• over the pool's edge after tinilbing MO~l U>w hurdJ•. Hut l , HopkiM . f b th I I b K•t :a:. M.-.d.l•h. H ... t 3, ortf· 1ar a e&d ol e fie d n t e SunRt League swim .
nth, s.117. it.cord: Tl• ti.twean championahipe at Anaheim. A.a uauaI. Reddington
Robart.1 (Fi, o-n1 1r1. 11.1. won the 100 and 200 yard free1tyle.-Stalt Photo
~ SM• IMt'* la o. ,.UOW PIC'"' -6er WllMeT Re~
1951. :120, HMt 1, Martin.. He•t LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED
DIRECTORY '· Nlq ... llo. H•l '· ....... -----WA-T C-H LQ~N.~ R«ord: Morrll (HSI, 20.1, lKO. T H E s p 0 R Ts Relay, H•t 2, M,t.rUn-Berry-
Nlquette-Pe&rlOIL Record: B&nta
Ana. l oll.I. UM». Shot P"I, VU-i.rre.na. CUel. Rurnaey. s.r-
talter, Bath, Met.calfe, Pauley,
APl'UANCJq Hoaoehold
Part. -o.:i.r -BerYtce
MU V. Ude -Hartlor <'f
NII \o1a tu. -Banot 1111
N.w and UMd Can
~ 8erTlee Put.
M11 N-part Bmlr-Bal'. Ill
n.11 et Amerka 11.'T A SA
U'4o Via Ude -Harttor 1518
i. Bltwd'e 8t.N for Me.a
-AUVTY PA.RI~ . Uno &ALON oF tn
• Mll Npt. lllv4. -Har. t611
1&80 \'la Udo -Barbor """
Bta·dns Falltenoa. A..J.D.
WI V.. Udo -.Raner 1111
MM vi. Lido -Harbor ts:za
Ma.lq'a Import.I
Ht Via lfalar-Hanor 1111
Cbeney,· Tt.ylor. Racord : John--·----------------------11
.IOn 10), M-l l, lfM. Jwit shake any brancb•tn the Harbor area. the.e days Broad jump. Buford. AlklnMNI.,
Btrry, Brntt.b. Yel.eley . .RecQrd: a.nd the sport.a celebrities come falling out. Promenade
Huky (F.J. 22·7. 19t:1. Pole the Newport Harbor High School campua, for iruit&nce,
••ult, Me.redlt.h. Beato. Record: and there'1 Don Reddington aay-the chunky AU-Am-bom lHB), 12·6~. 1960. H1(h •
jump, Toolen. P....-.on. Graham. erica prep freestyler.
Ruord: Notmt.n (Nfll, 1960. Whe.n you n:allu Don i. lutt him for e. b&aketba.JJ Ual.t'orm.
TAIUl.A..81:8 e junior tru. 9eUon end hu an· Gere 11 e.ase.r, you Ml, tMic.u..
B -Hl(h burdld. He11.t l, olhe.r prep y•r to go. and Dolli' he'• r ot tour repl&r1 aet for
Ftott, Smith. Heat 2, Sh11.re:r, Pearce. a lf·7ea.r-old fruhman. the defe.ndlnr ch&mplon Tar ttr1t
Bunnoo. It.cord: Owen• \Fl. Ill e.lre.ady epluhlng tree.1tyte on •trlnc quintet neKt e.euon, but
1.1. JIM. 100, Heat 1, Hanshe.w, the Tar ventty, you re.t an Idea he'• 1tlll leek.Ins one man.
IJ'rederlOUol\. He.t.t :1, Baxter, what a momentou1 move Coe.ch And what Oaie lookl for ln
Buckland. Haat s. Roelc.h. R• A.I Irwtn la makln1t ln (l.tnr up hl rh jumpere 111 eprtns wtlich he
C'Ord: AbN IKBI. 10.1, thO. ell thl1 and tak.Lnr over the Or· can uee the nut wlnter 90 he
rwo OFFICll
To Servo YH
llOO& """ -Mlt \'la UM -HarWr f..a.H 1111 M HM -Mitter llM
MO. He&t 1, Ve.n Sickle., Rice. enc• Coe.at Collere mermen ror· ~•n re.lu: Jn the 1ummer and not
Veleru;uela. Heat :i. Hood. i'roet. tu.ne1 neKt yeer rell from ttr1t plae1 In lhe Sun-
Baume. Raconi: Beatty 1NHJ. Or n11ybe. you bump lnto bts Hl Leapt. Fulfllllnr theu --
1 :21.9, 1166. Low hurdlee." He.at Cherlie Berry . rated No. 2 high toN.I requlreinenu. wllh e. venre·
l . Hande.rahol. Heet 2, Shaler. IK:hool football fullback ln Celi-&nce ii thlll younclte.r. Lewta.
Heat S, Welktr. Record: Meade lornta In lhe Red S1ncte.r1 fut ure rwtce thlll , 1prtns. Brian nu
(At. 11 ... -lMt. .• ,... book-1'W"lJCL.lw·AJMto-S---pkk ~ I.he uu..,.._. ..... 80 ........ ft'~~·"=-' ...
HO, Heat l , F'rede.ricluon. youralf up {whet e.LH would you !llmp m•t:k tor Alhl..Uc Dtn:ctor
Heat :I, Bu:ttr, Buckland. He.at be. doing atte.r bumplnr Into Rod MecMllllen'e 1plke ~uad
a. Roe9ch. Goodale. Record; Bcrry !I you ret the Idea Wt l.alt w~k. r.-ta l&iled over lhe
Hoyte tOJ. 22.3, l940. Relay. maybe. lrwtn la melOng the rtrht tft. Sin. twshL
O.,MDM a Sapplloo
:.: VIK<Kllrri'"'T LIDO uau08
14.lt Via Ude -Ra.rWr f.t71
a&.1' il'D BEAOR U.U.TT
Via Udo llridl" OfftC9 .. Mil Vie. tMe -..,,._ IOOI Heat I , Bucltlt..nd • Ronch · move after ell. For whe.re ere the
rr.dertck90n -WU.on. Record: Sailor (11da s olng In the 8unu'\
knta ~ l :Oll.3, llMS. l;N.gue next -..on without the
-r bA&PE'1'll a DRAPERml WI IAl"&J'ett. -Ru. M&I
Udo' ll&IM It Raot&la
Tre.k up to the OCC c.mpJa,
howeve.r. end tt'1 unethtcel to
9'!1 anybody but buebe.ll playfll"I..
l"hat'1 en edict WllSth bu ~
IMued by Coach Weo6tll Plcklr'll
who, a1 lone u hi. pu.lveri.IJ.ns
Plre.te poke.re conUnue unditl'eat-
td In the E ... te.m Conteren~.
~en do no WTOftf. I unde.rat.and
the New York YankMI have al·
rt111.dy epproached P1ck becauae.
after all, C&Hy 8Un~I ain't
~onna lut forever. But Pick
tumed the offer down.
, DK& IU.CK&&
.. NMVle.''' HuMl'f.dl .,,,.. VI& ..,.. -a.n.r-
--Udo -............. A88001ATIONS ,._...._...(lbldna & lafaalt >IS..,.... llALIJOA
_.,,...... aAVUt'Oll .a LOA..""I' A.UQO. d:an OP UDO . A S..l'ltlP rn.tttuUon
IM N..., .. ,. 81"4. 10\I' Tenn. Home Loana
CLOfB1NG-11ea'1 aew ... v1a Udo -~ aoo
put, Henrotln, &au-big boy back!
p. Goodale, Yt'••t. Smith. All Charlie."• r ot to do now 111
: Wittman {NH), 61·7'1t , crack the. colle.ge book ba('rter
1 oe.d Jump. limith. WU• the .,.,..y he •m&ahed ell the t or-
IGll. enderlhol, Hanaon, Burna. Nerd wan. on Orange county
Racont: Booker (A l. 21-10, 11M7. fridlron• and within e ye.ar or
Pole vault. Hert.or. SU~y. 90 you may be re.adlns ebout
Newbury. Col•. WUUam1. Re-Berry the way you now do ebout
cord: D. Smith (NH J. 11·81A,, Ronnie Knox. And why not? Bob
1M7. Hl(tl jump. Lope.z. Sur. Deve.nport· 111 through at Bndn-
mon, Howard. Record: Btlan1f11r Ville 1'nd Red can u11e a lad with
(.A ), &-111,4 . epproJll.mately thelalenll Charlle
SEAFLEAJJ bu. a111 ~ ~ -11uttor ...,,, SHOl:8 -area•• ~ BIDWELL'S 8TORIC for ME.."'i C -100, Heat 1, Peterman. H"f:'M 8 PJ:J:DY, TOO Clo~WMnm'I BetaO Hat 2· Rose.ra. Heat 3· Mac-Wht>n Berry 11.lmoet cte.M11ocked
"'l don't like lo IOH (amn,"
Wend'!! aaid.
lA aarta JUI Via Udo -11.uhr "'9 cubbin. Record; 1.Aw1i 10), JO.~. Mtcke.y F"l.vnn. the 11,U ppe.ry Ane·
Via .. ~ .,..... '6.lt IHI. 960. He.at 1, Ank•}. Al e· helm ante.lOPf'. In lhe. no Y•rd t
'" r-----SHOJC& Wome• rari.nd. Hut 'l. 1..o~·e. HPat !1aah here re«ntly, Bniln lnte.r-Ha~bor Rest
UDO FAAIOONI at.i-i.&'8 OF CAUP'Oll:\0 IA IS. R.ainflll, Lundy. Record: Pel· ~ta .,.,·rre quick to chKk up oo Memorial Park
1411 N,._ ~ -.,._,. .,. Mlt V1& Ude -Kuhr NM mer t HBJ, l .26.7. 1964 :;tiarlie • a ccomplahmet'lt ""tth
•AllADl>OCK'S Low hun11u, He.at 1. P'ter· Coerh OOn Burt'I•. Th'y "'•nt the. M~lat.erm•t
Mll \la Ude -llarkr ll1l THUTRES man. He.•l 2:, ~Mier. Heel boy'• ipeed to ln<"tt••' i t'ld Gardea-. c.nec.e.ry
'VA.QA.90ND BOUY UDO TllEATU 13. Teylor. Re.cord. Me.yere IS.A J, Burn.11 we1 •ble to le.II "1m lt'1 Kanor at Glaler
lnlpotted apon.-aar 14.0. 1964. llO. Heat 1.iriHmen. dolns ju•t thaL i :~==~~ii~~==~i l .,,,.. \'\a Ude -&ulMtr 111& ~ lllil ::':;::: ~roram He.e.t 2, Enfl._ Morriaon. Record: \Vl'll.;h rtmlndl ua that Buf'l\I
1i i:i.~ " i-u (01. l&.I, 1960. ~y. le the. me.ntor that mu1t take 'T"---D I B o&OG SIOBES .Bad>M' Haa.t I. M&ecubbtn-Rorere-riee-o•er the Berry-I-Bailor mote-11
~ UDO DlllU08 man -Morrlaon. Record: Fuller-•ltl.nnere ne.xt fell and that the COLLICTIONI Mil Y'-t.w. -Bartter IOOI TOYS left, •7.1, 1H9-~. n,mg Flynn will~ back at AM·
LIDO TOTl.Al\'D 8~ • put, Te.rd. Re.ddlck. helm end l1n'l It a lood thtnr A.-t• -N'.i-• ~ ef E1eat14o Ooa.a.eton 1441 \'a. Udo -llartNr UM En11e. PopejoJ. R«iord: He.nro--eon le younr and 1tron1 IO he all1 lllnd of debte -..,.....,..
UDO EL&OTSJC Un tNH), !!CH. 1956. Broad can it.and up under th• etraln I• AMl"rka, "Ne C'Oll~
MM Via 1"'0 _ ll&tbOr &1t'f 't&AVBL AOENCll'.8 Jump. ,,eeman. Roe9". Anke.ny. Bf au thi. come tt.U ? Ne'"·""'• .,vuoe all e.ta.
ll&&80a TIU.VEI. AGENCY Ram-RAord: ttroprud (J'). Perhapa It"• Harbor 8oy1' Club CIU!:DlT BlJUA.lJ tt1 •
"'°'WEii.ii__ .......... UDOILUDT
Oo,..,,...Table Aff'Ull'tD'ltinla
1611 ""' I.Mo -......,.,,, ma
ae&tVlia ...... -..........
......... &.illlmt8
Mii Via LNe -~rt.or Mii
• ---...... ..... MU 21~ lHT. . -J'DU.-.happen to.._do your_ ankllns WMWa Omq:e Oou'7 Ml ...,..,_ -~ · Pole T&Ult. a.rtto. Re«lrd: 1.t. So .,,. con'I• upon that lithe romM!l'ly Credit ......... et
r'olpr (HB). 11·1%. lHl. Hlitl itxlb·l'fad• nama of Br I an Xewpart. 8-dl, lapM ._.
Jump, C edwala d er. Taylor.~-Htn'• a l•d all th• New· MMI o.ta llML
fe"llchenmayer. Record: 8mlUI port Barbor coe.che.1 ere keeplfll' IM R.lventclie A•, P.O. lllo1: IN
(F ), ... ,,., LIO.a. Ul .,.. oo: )'VU can praetk:ally nwPOaT -.:ca. QAl.D".
AD e alld 0 llel4 • .,... ... wW '" cac7 Jul• a..,. meeaunn.i
w.uGI RD'A.18 :,.e;i•::.!; ~o~~'l!::I~===================~ \'IN<&Ni 8 W&Tal llP.&a pMfJ ftM' tM ftiU.y ftnaM.
LIDO NtJOS Ia rbnnlft&; Ne. the tour bNl
Mil T1a Ude quattty 111 .ach hN.t If two hNll C11.AnL BY THE l.llEA.
Jere rfiQWred. It Ulr.41 he.el.JI e r. 1741 Superior Avt1nu1 1520 E. Cout Bl•d.
rooqulrad. th• lhN41 bell q1ali fy Cost.a M...._ ea.nr. Corona de.1 Mar. c.Jtf.
24 HOUR SEltVl<;E
211 Oc..n A.,._
PHONI HY •. 4-1177
601 N ... c..niM I.Ml
PHONE HY-2·1 lff
., HY ecMttt J-1 lfl FUKNITVRE
OIC1& MAClll:.ll
Mff ~,.. LkM -HartH:lr UU
TIO! MADE 8ROP llld 111 l!Alll of tonr hNlfl. u,, p~ "bort I '"' ---. a.,~ ••• one .... y -.. ,...... _,. z.; • .-1ta,._.on'k<t-Rar. llt two ti.at q11ellty la ... ch h..-1 . .._ ______________________ ., •-----------
• , COSTA amA
Serlfing . Th, Harbor .Area . , .. -...,.......,.~
llomatic . W11ken. ·
~~~~~~~~~:! .. ~ ... ~~·:·":~: ... ::~ .. :-:"'~==~'.!,!;;~· ... ~-.YD. ta••MT•,_t
()am.plet. lakirW,._1'r9dl • a.& 0 ° 'qp· I to Seat Covers & Tops
Taylor's Trim Shop
llH INDU8"1"1UAL W.4.Y LDIEIST'I' •1aa
wnings '& Alum. Specialties ,
Hasting 's Aluminum Awnings ;
B~tial--Oemmer'CW·M~feda' M
M 7 W. I T1'B 8T. UWWW't'I' 1-1:111
Carburetor Cons1ltant ,
Ken Eubank's Mobil Service I
Espert Cwkrdor ltepal,. .a •MoN 'huat .., I
1'f01 T US'J'Cli' AVE.. OOR.. ITTH ST. LDIEaT!' Ml'n '
Wash .car
Mesa Auto Shamooo
Tho19UCklJ' a..~ • b.t1
l'fl £. tTl'H 8T. Oppoalta Al,._ Beta LIBErft' 1471'f I
1-1111 Cleaner
Mercury Cleaners
We De Our o. .. C-.mq
r ncing
Chamberlain & Son
ILedwood Md a.ab Uall
111 E. 1 TTB llT. • LlllDtTY .....
Floor Coverings
Coa$tline floor Coverings
&MldeoUel -.cl Cammerdal-l.Mrp l1l1net-
S4I <ZNTlla ST. IJD"•TT Mm
Bruce M~rtin Local Agent
p.,_. hlH.naN 0-.
l'fll NE\\"PORT BLVD. U ........ -&a. U .....
Ooitboard Motor Spe ialists
Carver-Craft .•• !oats
IC.ta ....... -s.iee-~-Pwta
1• llA&llO& Ill.VD. ~l'I .. 1111
Crawford's Rx Pharmacy
0.-It y...,. 8enb "' tM ........ ~
llN MEWPOIST llLVD, t.iaEaTY 1-11&1
Referigeration Service ·
Jaclc. Wilson
.. .,. &UMl-Aa7 'ftftt-
UJJEllTl' 1-1,'ft
0.. 0.,, lhntQ t• HA.&8011. 8.LVO. MR Oil.EEK STAHPI
Tailoring f~r Men & Women
-Artistic Tailors
~ a... M ~ "Ptina '.&.I._ .. _
UU NE\\'POrF BL\"D. LlB&aTY a.161'7 q. s::on
T rv The Classified -Phone Har. 1616
• -
. .
RWDt'HAILORS · REBEA 1~·11JLE -==---
hdllll)loa Pac11 Tcw -v-'sffy: \ =._ ~~w.,iii"*·
• • . .,_ t: ............. '-JOit ........ • rs Aho ,._.._ Aqua HOllCll'll t: , ........ , ..... L •
.......,.,_... Dlftllnnr. 1: Vhf#J•• ..,.. Me-
. • MullJM. f., l..DdMe:lal • Sptaablnc out a total of 99 polnta to swim. a.way: witb WMtuw. t: ~ 1. ,.,_ 1.n
the vanity crown. Ol&ch Al lrwln'• Newport flubolj Rlghl '"!*¥· ,.,...,.. (J-
Scbool Gob mermen.mode'o obomblee of Ibo S-IM.-1 ......,., -•· t. · · 8&AFl..U Ac:rAl.
"'" Moot •• Anaheim ' .J'ridoy &ftomoon. ill' oddltio11,I c -....... ....... "-' lnir!Ji'• outoWu!ID1 oquad coptured the B title with 81 ¥.. (...,..., ....., ......., voo -~ &nd ttnlabtd --4 to· • • ' ert. BrfcltNr), a. ao ~ n
1\1.lJertGn ta u,. C ranM wtU. polnt.I wer. l\""C 1,1,p tft , Reinert. t: O..up&A. 4, . muntt; V&tldt)' ·~ 60 Ir.,. a.MW--. 8wc1t, 1; : •• ri:"'~lan IUIJ. aeel ~ KIU11, •: ff.tu, I ; v"°" lhmer1.. « o..-M:, •. llO back. Jrlllllr.::t: .
M potat. 'for flNl in tM C diri· 100 bl'eUT.,.. Man~ I; C&rter. '· 0..1.LJban. ~-l'Our tnall "Tdm' '""\
Uon ot u.. nrilnt•l and took 200 rr ... Mtl.19. • Jollmon. t .1 Newport 1oaurhan fff-ilitt.
nBE WHEN BEADY-Hilton Bell, Horace En.oign rigbtftelder, cock• bi. bat
ud ie ready for the pitch in tut week'• practice club with W.tmt.uter here. In
,the '?&clrground • the En.ign bench and rooten. ~ didn't cet .• bingle, but
MCOlld to th• Tan ln the nnlly 100 back, lkhultJetTt fi ; Lewla. ._, Brickner. Von Hmaert), I--
.,tth U poln\ii and tn tha llrftl· 100 tree, Yon He:mert, 4. ladiTI· Vanlt:r .eortn1: N.wpclt'l---.e.
wetpt. with '6. · dual medic)',. Bchulber1. 2: hr-J\111«1.oo :t.J, Santa A.a.:».
n-.. _ _.,,..,... N ..,.... All· quM.r. 3. Ol:vtnf, Mlnney, 3: An· An&helm 32, HuoUn,aton 8-h ......,.. ............ on. -~·• drew1 I Amerie& prep perlorm1r, llnd ' , 11, Garder1 Gnn-1 0,
up to hUr nput.aUon u the cir-8 -Jot1c:Ue:r rel•J'. Newport B ICOrinc: Newport 11 \t , Ful·
~ he: walked twice. Weat.mimtu won. -Staff Photo
cult'• out.ICAndlni IWtrnmer bJ' lli'ltsw1ter, Elllol, Whitaker, Al· le.rt.on 66, HunUnpn a.tn
r.corll _ ~•I pwtonn.uc. kn i. ~·:IO fre1, Johnllon. J ; fW.. 1311,, An&Mlm 11, Banta....._,,
durini tia. ~ wat..-cami-I.er, ~. 100 breut.. D&llu, 2. 200 0.rden Gl'O"f• 2. •
ftJ. Bl cbun111d ltl• IOO yard C ~: Jl'Ulltrtoa ... Ifft·
-In ,, ... ~ .... la ... TV El" • _ _.. ' port ., H\mU..... ..... d GLENN STRUTS
prellmlnart. &Ad fta&ll, to MC lmlllUTIOll ' All&hl!im lJ, Banta AM.' Oti·
a new Khool and iea.IU• mark.. WIU!. uue clalm. rtatnc plaill· den Grov• O. •
' WIN AT OJAI -Olenn BUlll!lt. net roach
at Newport Harbor Hlch
School, allowed that he aUll
know• wh•t be"• ta lking
ab.out wbeD he tnatruct.. bl•
charc• b7 deteatinc a UnJt-
ld Statea Davt. Cup lliQUl d
member In 1tr1tght !lf'll Fri·
Buectt diluted Alnn&n
, Second ClMI Whitney Rffd
1·3, 1-2 lo ptn the quart•-
tlnala ot th• Ojai Vall•y
Tenn.I• Tournament'• open
ro1n·1 1tnclf!1. Th• 21.-year-
old torm1r Uclan a.1ao team·
Id up with Merwin Miller oC
P-....dena to win a fint
round match Ill O!Mn rrMtn·•
doubl ....
Sa.Uor tennll player1 Lee
CriMU In •lnl"lea and Mik1 Mans and Mlcll:ey Ha1kell
In double• reached M:Con.d
round play of Ull prep rank•
betor• betrtt deteated P'ri· .. ,.
SWDlMERS AWAYl-Here'a 1e&rull view of llt&rt
of lhe B 200 freestyle in recent SuJUJet League switt
meet &gainat Santa Ana here. M usual, the' New-
port Harbor Sa.ilon won. Peyton ~ O.ve Allen
and Bob Hoffm&n, all Tan, finilhed thia event Jn
that order. -Statt Photo
~ Mll'rtill tM 100 yard f~ Uvely from eYer)'OM -lcbUtc -'YI. In 64.l for a new loop m&l'k ln the pl'9llnllnaria, Rado-ffl' llO pouncU ID lhf nation
ln&ton won UM flnal1 In sa .... mnee announc.m.nt ot Rocky
l!d up 64.1. Mardeno'• retlremet, nrst. ht ,
In bOth event• he wu follow-terl•• ot heavywetcht .umma-
ed to lh• t-0uch by teanuna.te tion bouU I• Kheduled fOC' TV
Doul" Pearce, a Sailor B . wbo M• t .warn var11ty althouch onl:r a Y · 11-)'ila.r-old truhm&n. Bob Baker, rated No. 1, and
MEDLEY M.AJlK J ohnny Hotma.n, No. I , 9Wap
Thi Gob vanity medley relay leather lh a 12-round .en.p •t
quartet of Pell ~ulbttl", Jl!fTY M.laml Beach Auditorium. Bak·
Fuquhar, R.:tt~ and Chu.ck er. :n, nu 4 t wma, <1111 d,...,
Ko(\'Uto lmUJ\ed ltl• 1Cboo1 ,.... In 11 tlrht. with 11 knockout&.
cont FndlJ' trtUr. 'rict.o"1 tn 1:57. Holman. 21, h .. llCOred 11 lay·
1'1wnpb ,..... &l9c> Ult Tari ln o. 1n 42 oullnp with 30 vie·
th1 f<MV' m&n H:l.ay •hen Pearce, torle1 i nd ol\9 draw.
Henry Hiii. Ted Von Htmert -----------
•nd Biil Mil~ 1wam to llr•l 1n
l :43.
Ot..ber flr•t placet reco1-ded by
the S.llora CUlll! t ron1 Denny
Bu1h, B ~ yard trtt, :lll 1 1.nd
Farquha.r, varllty bruit. l :07.1.
FarqUhu broke t h• le•rue rec-
ord by t.ourinc the prellmlnary
breut In. 1 :07.
Chapman BVD's W in
O~NGE. •OCNB• -Chap· I
man Collere'• lhlnclada fi.ni.eh·
HILLIPS Ned Klan<tr ot i'uU1rton .et 1
______ BILL ___ ·P _____ ._s_po_r1.a __ Edi_'_to_r ______
c1l't'!uit mark or-:l4 .7 In the eo
Y•rd treHtyle pnollmlnarl~1..
---------I NEWPORT HAR BOR NEWS-PRESS-f'ART 11-PAGE I •AILOR ffilNTs CLASSIC MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1956 R•m•ind" of lho N•wpo<l
t'd fouM.h 1n t"m eeortns In :
the •lx·w•y Pu adena Reta~··
Tuffdly. V.'ealtnoot topped the
nieet wi th SO poln~ to runne.r-'
up Pl.Adena N~'• ZI ~I
P•pperdin•"1 %11. Chapman had
20 point&.
Mra. MerM Boyle of &aata A.na Country Club, •on low net
of nlld In wcond annual Jrvlne-&an.ta Ana bome-ud-bom1
llnka tourney. Mqcte Prior, ll'Yln• Cout 0ount.ry Ollb.
Jut yur'1 wllln1.r, prue.nt.ed the awanl to the a-ehl.mQI.
01 S .. AILOR NINE HOSTS ~.::~·:;.~:;., ':. ... ~· ... M & M Motors JIJIPiC w:-=~ =:r~u~~. s;:,~ Marine & AlltOmOtiYe
Preview ARGOS TRIBE HERE =~';:,.!, .... ~,:;;, ~ .'"0 :;;; .. ..,., -""• J OHNS ON'S NIW
Von HooN .. ko '"""' lh• Cadillac HO LI DAY l l ONU
Sahrd • s•m• u"" '°"' =• ... "'"I ~lalfsts l ~·A-H O ISIS BJ intoree:manta •rind ln bottom ...,....__ I ....
• • ~ .... • or I.tie tlrwt tram• ... o~ Tha7't• 1••rll TlltJ -eou...n Photo -.
_ A thrllling 3-2 extn-lnni.nr' victory over the Sa.nt& whiffed nlne rival• anc1 pff up I Interceptor & Cacm.c ---tW.IT'b. new 'SIS S.~
In what rne.1bllblotop1port.1 Ana Saint.a at Cmta Meta Park Friday afternoon placed thf'eol Heern• ulccr1. better Mari ir--htes Hor.u.,.i.diaHoliday
tvenl lo ONJtc• County lhil Coach Enill. Neeme'• Newport Harbor High School Sail-known u walb .... Ber.-•ron I ne ~ Bn>aze ·~1 Whtct.. ,,,ar in v1-of the 000 ... prlng ma.de like Yori In. the MC-Ond •
po1tpon41Mnt ot lb.• annual on in & cb&llenging apot for the Sunaet League diamond 11.'hen Groa. ch•rl'«f for UM-U 1-3381 Come to '" tbetD.
BouUlwell Rowlnr champion· diadem. plate on a 9(1UNM alt.empt... • NiJM sr-t MW m~ft
lh.lpi in Udo Chan.nil. a 10-eYent Th• "rietory p.v. the Tar tap-open Utt third after l•dott Carl didn't bulf• .an IMh llld -! CD !O bpi
ll!CCIDd annual Oranre Invlt.aUon· ~ra • record of tour W"inl aad 90Ck.I by Sbortatop Bob Whit• In .topPfd Groa coJd a foot from J IM'S
aJ tnck Meet will be hekl. In two dcfeata tn circuit play, a.nd th• ttnt and"lAn"y Watlaumoot the dl.lh With hi.I t...&" • • • Hard-Sotlth Caast Co. Dick Fenton, prominent Southern Cal.11'ornl& ~acbt. Ctiapman Col.111"• 8tsd1um Sa-find them t!lltertalnlnl" two k>op In the 11eCOnd .1ed no where r .. L ut whack or the tilt wu not MUFFLER SERVICE
man 1.nd Ba.J~ laland reeident. baa been named head of turday. toea at co.ta M-. Pa.rlt thil Gnen followed with rua left Gl'Ollll'• h.omer · · .It .,... a Nowpon lllvd. at Urd SL
lhrilor2i00 If'-~---y btin •··-'·ti , OI I y ht J'uturlnl" such outal&lldlnc week _ Garden Grov• lomor· field nn ... lt, mo ,inl" Carl to -.<:· line drtv. by Green wh..lcb tray. Souyte MafRen the P&e M< vv..L &C & ~ On• )'mp C ac -Olympic hoJMll'Ulll u Bob Rich· row altemoon and powerlul ll'tl· ond, a.nd Ncr1fk:n by Third e.lld waJ1t·lllP tnto left ~ter II
lnC Committee which bu been authorized by the U. S. udl in the pole nult, Rod RJcb· lerton Thur.day a.tllmoon.. Both Sacker Bob Allen a.nd Whit• · • · But Saint Oulllekler Bob DaaJ Pl.pie.
Olympic Ya.chtln• Committee hold tri&le for the U. S. ard and Thane Baker In the 100 game• are a.lated to 1tart at a ahoved Berry iacrou. ~rryma.n h'"' hi• halo on John.,.on • '' y••d •-·• Jtm •-a ••d "·-,•e Kraig-ht and an.t<Jed ll wflh • Alto l'9Cto'7 ~ta
O'• \ ·-••-l f th ' ' .....,., ....., -· '"""' P· m. Santa Ana tied lt up In the ..,mp c .... , .. ,, um• n • acht Rae• .cti9duled tor evly Rhoden tn th• 11.0, world record dlvtnc catch · · · Second s..-U 8-6144 "-1 • "• , l' .._I .._
two-man and on .. m&n boat. Oft y, Cha.lrman of tb1 Junior holder J'ortun1 Oordltn In the Trlum plui In the" outlnp tUtb. Bhortatop Joh.Ji W i190SI man Rtiy Daniel wu Injured on 1101 \V, Oout1 u...,.., .:O..'e"''!Mrt
the Wut Cout it.arttnr thle .4.ctlvltle1 CommlttHa of boll!. dl.cua, llrnle Shelton tn th1 hlch would mark th• Bailor llu11er-a walked, 89cond B&Hman Nat tina.1 out or th1 rame •.• WU· 1:=:=::""""'="""":"""""""~=-::-::.:=;::=::::===:::;~:
•< ' ~ ••
mont.h.. Andr"9W Wrlrtit. Roya.I Southern C&lltornla. TllChtlnc jump, Roy Rani• In the broad u a dennlte threat to unbeatll\ Glover •lnl"l•d him alone, .on. poppeo one Into rll(ht field
Vktorlan Yacht Club .. Victoria, .u.ctauoe and Pacific COut Jump. I.tie. tlekl w1ll re1emble a Anahelm \p ll!Conc1 round le&p• Whit•'• error (a.YI him third and Daniel w1nt bl.ck ... Mabee AUOA ISLAND SPORTING GOOD
Jl'ritlah Columbia, Commodoni ot Tachlinl"-a..odaUOn, ._ wtll u prev\ew ot th• U.S. Olympic competition. and Wlleon cbarct!'d ln wben came ln . , . Daniel went bead·
ltl• PCT A. a.nnouneld hla eelec· b«nJ: on the Board ot Direct.on team trlaLI. Far Guy Green, I.lie Balnt ~ Ber,.ron •nd Oreen did a.n Al· over • nee~ over Mabel and
UOn T b marked the ca.lm k.ld"• third phOnH • Out.on act over IA«· Geo. rg-1 -amebotr pocko•-,._
Q: ••••• , •··f ,~.•-1_ ••• o( t.ba North American iac t Th• Olympic benefi t meet 'Pinal one •tback. And Gary fielder A.rt Mii-.. •1 aacrtlk1! ..._ ..... -.... ,.... .--"' .. , Raclnf Union and a m1mbtt of cets underway at 2 p. m. Batur· .. ~ f''11 • • · "D1d you c•tcb It • u. 8 . Olympic aaiH.nl team• in !ta £xecutl•• Cornmltteci. Hi 11 day with th• collec• prellmln· not o0nly p1tclied but batt9d the which went tor a baM bit. R.oy called . . . Mabee 11.ld he ·~ UM BbarpMI cia., or t•~ma.n 1 memblr ot Ba.lboe. Yacht Oub. •lie•. The c<iller• tln&l• I.I •lat-Victory. Ht. •tncle in I.ti• third The Tu1 p hit bappy ln the hed and •tarted runnlns tn. un-
._t.!.&Dd Ute nna a...., or one-Niwport B.ub: Coronado Tlcllt eel to befln at T:t:) p. m . lnninl moved the first Gob coun-ehct.l!.. but mil-.,• rem&1nld klw. ••ate De.ni~I w .. hurt .•. Lor-
man bol!t. "1.U be lllld ln Soul.ti· Club, Ban Diero: and th• Royal Ln addition to the tnritatlonal ter lnt.o .corinr pomltlon and hill W~it• led ott 'W1th a .in.-1 .. ents.en bettered hi• leapi bat ~ California and ln th• Pua;1l YachUnc ~atlon, London. pl"Of"..nl, a .ax • w•y collel• btngle In the ninth tent th• wtn· With two out Warlaumont. be.t m1rk ... Jt'• riow th~ hlU
8oun4 ana. llamldnale •Ill be btcland. champ4onablp wtU be held with nlnir run ac f"981 the dl•h.. bulMr Oft the club, clouted al»d 16 broken baU.
held at 8aa Franc:l#co to ctlooae Tb• -PCT A OltmJllc daair· defllldinl" thampkln Loa& 8-cll NOT ao OKED Wilt. Ill. Lormt.&n aad Oeorp thl two t1ame ot tiro-mlft ~ man LI a,....,_, of a.a Mart.oo lltall llMdiDC a u.l Of eelllp °"'"°'11!.J Ol'ffn w&• M Kah•• 1mmldlately 1Wnmld
llDd ~ 11nri.hano.ct lklppen d Balbo& 1alaa4. CallfCll'lll&. lecludtnc Mil Cbapm&ft. i. lkucb. on tb. mound l!lt.b.tt. He a1911u to '-cl °"' -...... Bff'-
to ..U at B~ ·Bay. Ma .... ~ce• of tha PCTA ~ Vame. CLI Poly. WutmOll.t. and t'Wtrled Uf'bt 11&11, •llowlnl" onlJ' flf"Oll eisnulatad mllhlY CueJ
ebUMtta. In M.ay UM1 Jww In the YachUAa OJmmltt.. wUl Ila at PuMtena Nuarene. 1ix hit.I. Unfortunat .. ly, OfMI of and •truck ouL
ftaal racM to pick Uta 0 . II. llT IOU\h BUI. ~ .... All-WIUI ~iblllty U11t John thoae blow• wu a 320 fool home Olt088 'OLT
t.Mn\8 ln ~ cia-. celct 1a, Ol.lltondL Laad y. th1 AUltraJi.an who nin by SI.Int Rtsbttl•kklr Btll Oro. jolted the Sailor. With ~ton, tntem&Uonellf tamoua Groa In th1 •lxth lnnlnl"· The hla dMdU!cklnl" •lam ln bottom
d1a&1l1 •llor. r&Old on tha Unit• pelota JU11t cleattd Tar Left· or th. tr&nle. But the Gobe : = .. -:; =...:u:l=t~~ Bor~er City Shooters Capture ~~",ld:n::'! ~=~~d:1~:;: ~~. :=11 ..:i:p a::~
laDd. Blmrud&. and Canada In ' • H 1 H peel Into the U-which dip ~ ':'..;. :::: .::::. ~:; .~ Smal,lbore Matches e d ere . ov;:;..i:-·w:·:.,:";~~. """ "'" MARINE
•t.utw yuht.lnf actlvltl1a. HI! Jofemblt ff the OoD'9.lr OWt at 60 mitt.NI •Ith "any" 1t1nta .mt the con.ntct lnto utra It.an· INSURANCE .. a Bt.atf Oomrnodorol ot Balboa Chlb of Saft f>1efo" ,_..,..,_ pnera.lly meanln& tele.cop9 au. _
Yacht. Qub, lloutMnl Calltoml& upon Ult tourft&lllltlt ~ ot ._bte -Harold Hampy "'oa Oddly enoua-h. Tar balCen .._ a... S-::::. -::f9 Clo.
Tacbtlq .U.OC'-tion. and u. B. th• south ()oUt Nf1e A P\l\ol ftl'llt plact! with a ecMe ot came hitter-a In 'Ulll one, lllam-, Uta w. 0... &¥
1Dt4ma.Uonal 11. Dlfr.lh1 .Mitoci•· Club Mfe A.prU 20 \&lllnJ • 0( 400138. Thll ICON! lle1 the ranp mini" 11 baM pok" off the ol-..
UO.; Chairman of Ula .4.~ the 1 mNa1a iwarded Ui tha racord. In thll pt.rllcular 1111t&. feT"lnp. ot Larry Vincent. But
Oommltm fOf" the anau•I New· 1._.0 .....Ull'ON matdtu held held by Geo. A. S1mp1110n ot lhfl 1un1 compllt!'d ., • .,,. tcar«r
-port • Eneenada International th~r• eYeYJ l"ri4k)' 1ven1nc. Se•I Bffch 8ec:ond pl•t'• win· Ulan he:11'• teeth..
HeroW J, kbnaubelt ot San ner wa1 Gerald R. Cherry of WALA 800RE8
Di IO ~ UM ftnt. place' .... Dlel"O. with 1 llCOr• ot Ca.rt IC.U Ne To111 Berpro11 ro~ .:0.-i la tM meta.Uk tllld-fOOX.11 and tbird place ...tnntt, worked Vlnotnt .rw • •U'Oll te
60-)'Vd m&tdl Wltb a IOOf'e of wttll • ICOrl of IOOx2I, wu l-------'------11
3t9 1: D Pl'"liD.lJ' tbt Ultnl ..... klmaubllt. Ontr the mut.er-o·
Rent a Tux
Tux' Shop
c-,~ """•tal ller\'foe
P1t.-IUtaWri,t WlN
··~ £.. •Ill ~·M luta .ua -Ev-.,,. Af• 117hz 11 I
bl"OMI m.ctal la tbe -....,.. Mcbt. ptrt c~aUon wu 1U.ed "' cru.ehecl ~ m,U. ot tft9 fow-
30-metl'l ma.tell wtU. a __.. or ~ match. mtnutA mile ~· and ..._ ~I~==:;:==;;;~:::=:;:~~'.§:::::::=======:;~ I IOOK2I i1*ai tnatob• wt.Ua Watt· khnaubelt, H• 111 p y. Oberry p...-t mu. ltADdan1 of I .II. ii
----In ... __ .._._ .......... •-·~ tit --'bk -ot ..-"WlO. ud Jkltariq• reptffll:Dted Lb.• tDa7 mak1 an ~-~
Fem Divot.en
Hold Most-:'_..
Unb Tourney
,......._,. ... .... -~ ..--...,..,-~ ·-ConvaJr Gun Club ot 8a.n DHSO. lll!Gl aW&l'd9 to tM _,, __
lllUMllt Mkl at lrrine Cout IO a •I. and abooUal Ill. * Toum1ment latorm&Uoa ma1 mile ti~ a cnwd ot •PPf'OSl--0.-"7 Club l'r1da7 ~trnoon !:'aiter -.~:apert' di....,, wu bl obtalnld tr'Om Lan ' B~ m&tall: 5000 ,_. \a ~
.....,. Ill'&. Tom H~ Mre. h11"ll mu OI. th• irnnln1. nn. rompetlUon cblJnnan.l Mt tft-ri~ clltrcUJe 'i'MIMM
_ _, ... .,.,,,..._. ... ..._~-...,,DorotllJ D&· Second &nil Ollrd placl! wtn-l~M~•~,l~l"~l:d_;A~•~o~.,~-~~_:-~~'~l~ha~l~IO~p<r~~-~~o(:lh~o~-=~~111 ...._ --:!""" 'fii«1lf'Ul-.'-metatttc .ertzt' matdl Dft..-W. o to l1UI tr.a:
Mp. ~ .... \hi a.. ..,. Jlarotd F; HamP1 ., •
.A. ~U.,. wtti U. ftUowe4 ~ UC1 Wilbur J. ~ » ..... ",Jolla f'riOI, ftV'd WM Of 8u 1*p. la thl.a .... • u..,.,...-.....,.._._wp.~wu
uaa.F TCMID(bl90d. KM Wla-Ger&14 Dowlbll" of Banta AM,.
...... iil4 Kanl4 am..il ... ~ .... htsb matk&IMa ... i..-., ~~ulH ~OR~T
• • . t.. JrlUla' ot ~dL a.. • ._... wu M.na. W•t bl the woad ma.tel lillOoUml
Wit.la u.~ .... ~
~:"" ..:-"..,.-;:,:::. ":: BE SURE • INSURE
wltll lt _.. IUUUCS ~l..'iliT ..... o.•••e W:illa a ... _ L
··---o.b-CQl-" tl'tl! a.-C dJYOl-dla· n.a .,._ Hll
_\. \ ~ I B I ~I' I.
• i.ET US t:IELP YOU e
• 0 1 ~~j~ . ' ,_ . .
·~ . . .
' ' --
DecJtJ"*I eoatnot ....
11......::..co nSTR UCTIDn [0 .
Le t a
HandcrafttnlOlf . . .
Clean You r ~lne fu rn l1h lng~
.......... WHtl ywr fi"• fvntt1hi"I' ff Krv-Md, soaked Of •hntr11L
~~pfi<1i1 JHit!Kf• yoVr fi1M1t f'oklca e"d
C:.,_..rlltf l WHtLf ii CIMM •
h to c•~ too. The OwCKltOfl aoftlfflon com•• to yovr hOmt
.... ~ ~ ... the tenfie, .#active trtDfMetlt hi! VMI. •w.WthMtt *'t .... "-* n ..... hours, f90dy to UM ego;,. -CL!AN, .. fGff'r ANC
....... Bl.
Out..._ s.MclS _., Wortd·Wtcf• Oftd NotfoMJty M~ .. 4.'. "':IJ. US TOOAY fot ~ infot111oti0ft or 011 e1tt111ote ~ e>.r.
<laon11t9 y~ Nt11.1hl"tt· Mttolvt•lf no oblitotlOft.
""-· Mn. 0--.. Pt1•ser hid n1a &. o-.t ~ 10 &Ad Mn1. Ttt90dor• TNarn&11 • o.-... ...,. liberty 1-1692.-L ·1...~~~~~.,.....L-~~~~~~~~~~~~--'..._~~~~~~~~~~~~--<~~~~~~~~~~~..:_::...:.:::.::::
110 Rl .. nldo Ave. Ub<rly M!44 118 llOtlJ !It., N...,.n lleaclo Harbor UU 1917 Church St.
I '
• •
' '
• . -
l:i----j---;iii~==~-~.,=-=~-= _. ,_. • *' ~ ..-_..,.."""•' 1'I 11s' a• _..... • •w+ .mae.~~.,~~-~~·~·~-~·~ ... ~..,~i:~·~·~·~ ,,~·~n~s:•~~·~'"'*~;-.......,~ -Vl'f I =-·-"""':, .. T .I.. aunLl1< , --... <I IN I I: • __,. UiM. .._.. ., Jfr C 'do ..,..._ .U..,,. .... a,...,..__.,. fl ..... a...aoui• .......... --•i-. ..... ,,..... ......... ... __ ........... __ _
.... .... ......, ..._ .. .......,,., .. --· ~A. __ &_____ -
+• p ..,_ .... YUiii i..Wll .. JI ...,,
........ ..... twit , ...... ~ .... ,.,. ... ...... .
Oft' I •t'*I Jllllr'q-nit --..-.I ~ ... ..,.. .......... ...., .......... .....
"bU.t tt .... ~ 'lllit ........... 119' -• u. -.. -· ......... _ .....
-·im .......... er..u .... .., --..... °)'' -.......... 1'e. -.... ,.._ ............... ~ ...... .,. lf...,.n "" H. ...... 1* '-tM 41 ••Ill -..... ., ... I-==·=·~ ... Uilll& .... .. .. wtt.111' u.. ...... ~ .... ... ., .. ria .. ,... Df,_810i •oov:n-cw ,..1tsr ,._ arl i··-..-. ~ -~-..---t1Dll»Z••• • ~ .........__ .. .... ... JtlA .. AJID .. ... wtt.11 .... Diet .. .,,,... -....... arJCtr't an .. ._.. outlAii (W Oll.IJfM the I IJ ... '9 _.,.,.. ...... ~ .......... ..ri....r. -.. .-.. x;.x w. IOfa ...-ow au.aw u. wtaa llM w '9 14 ,, ..
• TUCla ........ ....., .........,. wt.di. Md. .......... ., ...... "...,.... --. ~ nr ~ lllil'ID or > _. Mlltw7 .r ..-• ..-a a.um w1m•1. nm mto.a.m or > ... Deed ., ~ w .w. • . look I ·1 t• N...... ...... Bii.mt' ...,.... ) enidtt. .,.. ...nr..u. et.a.: Ne · Designs 1n11 a c..&a ..... eauroras. DllCll•ll:D.) an .u._, -. ~ .. w • 'WttnT .,.. -W. ... NOl'lall la -T OIVm< _,. Oowt. -ot Tltlo ,.._ . a • ,. ft dq ot Afl'll. lW tlMlt UM ............. u lbracu· _..,. at Ute tir1nnri fl U.
Feature Of 01 ra. 1 • e . "'r. 7'UHZ .......... ,, :::..."-"'"•= :.,. ~ ~': ......... ,.,,. ..........
81 llU.X w. POl'JI prlftl• .... to u.. btcb9t Md-at u.. Clffle9 otl ..... -tor u
.• llSW --. -an4 Co., a_,_ sbu!liiam ID--... n,,.,, . Sho l1vest111t101 sr.\TllOPC.u.zr<lllHIA .... '"'" .,._ ... 1U! "">' ol IOI rtnl "--...... ~ HOme w · OOJ1lft"I' C9' OIU!t'Oll J-. Kq, 1IM. aad -.ibjeet to UWi tq. a-ta ....., Cabtanda. or llM "PfM" ctnoe. to arvt the ~ am. in tbe U. 8. National Bank Buildtng, K......-t ...u · '°'* Moad. or TllJI: .t.ua dQ o1 Aprtl, coalbmat.ka et mid au,.rtor '-7 .,. MU..-te .ud ll:Pl»-
Cmta Kem. At Wt above, Ma.n&ger Dewey T. Taekaberry ~ plaM wtth two 1 .. ,..,..old. ...u. u...,. .LD. 1.111, Wen --. Jt.OU:llT OOurt. UWi prol*tJ dW:rlbed .. tcw per1 sn,., • .., M flied
otrlciall of U. Bank. Center ill C. W. TeWinkle, a director for U. 8. National ad. --, A... Jl.A8Tli(Al(, • Nat&i7 PuWe toUon: ln. tu omot ei U.. <:>-"el th• t<--.... -=-lllOmlll ~ fw 1nlilt1pttGa of lfUd tWt ID Md tor U.. mid Oouaty ..t ~ &ad lot 10 It. z l&O tt. ~ mtttled 0Dart. W.. the and pioneer chic lMdel' of the Harbor and Meu, and &t right W. C. Riel, Tice-duct. satq' ...,.. a .&.prtl M aft.-u ouUtoud ltaUti. ~ u...m, INIJ' .i w c.tet--. ea.ta 1i1-. m.uia.s ot u.. ...._ 8&ld atcu-
pr-&imt aad mamcer ot the b&nk'1 beautiful nt!if C09ta Km branch,. lMi ~ t~~ o.ua-mot. -re100;w .. "1 ... ta aomm1eeiMect &Dd .-om,>-~· Oran,-. coU l7, Calltorula., tor ,......... u.. rfC't.\ to nJICt _..;__.,.... ______ :__.,....---------------------·llllfte\9Hom .:0,. Katll tot 1a Aaa poise.~ te ._.,. ~ all7 •PPMftd lUX W. POPI: d.crl.W. u : any ~.all btdt.. • :. ..,u9...t. Bu.IJdinC -tM °"" tall-. bt .. }OcaJ. ......,. Ml"I)' ud It JC LI NI: BTICKNET ,,.. Bout.hfffy 150 reet of DatMI. th• to ., of .A.pril.
86C ad craAtn trom Ruper School, a.ta Kea. look at handl"ork they
ahond pannta during open houae 1< week. Left to rfiht, are Conn le
~ 7. llllly Tillitt, 7 ; All)'OOA .Moore, 8, and Stepben Sllipley, 7. -Staff
():Ju.nty ft1r sroundl. known. to me to be th• penomi Lot 11 In Block B of Tn.ct 1161. ~ K. ~ m, ,,,,,,_ .._,., WboM ,_ .. M'9 .ublerlbed to No.. 11, rtnt AddiUon to W. a. TBOJllOK,
~ UDOWM*I ....,.. TM ~ motor ... pa.rt tha •llhln WtrumeDt. ud ac-Harpiw u aboWll on 1. map J:ucutor of ~ J:11tat. ol.
ol 11000 loot tu.-ftvm UM Jmowl.q.d to m. Ut&t u.., noorded in Book I, ha'• 20, Hm..1:N XKaZft.
"ID Ult. \t)f)r..-bome -.. ...,mor. TN.lier P&rlt and wu aecutMI. u.. -•-io.o.u__. Kap.. a.corn1 deer_.
.mactlon area In UM Unt\4111 U.. propst.7 or Lo~ M. Dtww)' IN WITNl:Sll WHZftmOll", I 1ot "On.ftp Oouat1, C&J.Uor-No. If,&a N...-Pnill 8~tea. ~ bl.lJ•~~ .. -::: Aaahelm.. hav1_•_.,.._wi_t•_Ml __ m~7-h_e_•_•_•_•.:__"'"-_:_-_..:._.:..:~"'_:'"':_::~rn~m::._:lh~•::__:fil20, 11, SI, tT, IO, 1/1, '-lNI wtU hav• .... oppo.~ .., Tbe bo1• .... apprllllendtd
many n-~U-tot Ute when. U..1 put U.. outboard ' UPOST fW OONDmON'
home, rrom tune an4 labor •~ motor 1n °'' ba.cll: ol a trtlftd'• 01 inc •pde.t.' to major lUtAlla-CU' Mc.a~ u.,. .aid u..1 w.n
""""·" """''""' -....,.. "' '""" " -~ ....,. THE MAllNBS IANK Tb• cMtnnan .aid tbe tint aa1d. 'l._. f11m4. not tatonud t!.__ •
unual Onn&'• Count1 BuUdSa ot U. UMtt. called U.. pollet LOO.A.TED ~T NmllnO&T UAOll. CAUPO&NIA
AMocl&UOll. event lut 1MI prov-when be toun4 tla• UDWUlted Al OP TIU: OLOSll: OF 81JlllNUll,OH TIO: Ito! DAY OP U&IL, llM
eel .o popul&r Ui. 1161 ._. hu motor, lU nport eontinuM. P11llUl.Md .a. aeoontaae. wlMi • .U •• 1111 Ute lupert.1-4ellt er ..._
~ Mp&Jlded to allow llWD.,... AM-~-~-GUI 11.dd..:1 attraeUou lhf'OUJ'll Police -.14 tbl motber of Oft!! -'" o OOIOIE&CIAL •A VIN08 ()O)IBllQ;IJ
t ot Uhiblt 1pac9 ot th• bo1• ~1' trtck<td CUh. balanc• with other banka, ~ ~• bU· re-uranremm b.1nl Into OOflt .. l.o.C u.. then • m tU Eahlblll Bu114inf. b7 uklq' him. wbeni be Md uc" Alld cu.b llema In proce• ot' coJkd1on --··--I 014,IOT.ll P0,002.0I
.ta -.dd!Uoft to more borne •-tie-. a.tv.rd&y als'lt. U. a. Oo.•rruneat obl..lpUou, dil"ICt. aAd f\dly ruuut.Md l .Tll,ll'-.f.3 -.Jl 1,fll,IM.f.I
bltMt.a, a tlnl:l• blr ·attn.ctloa PoUot aJd the bo>'• Laid them Louui Md dlaeounll (lnclu~ ltto.11 Offn!nJ'lll _ l ,OU,03.ti.OI
WW be tM 110,000 b.omt to bl U..J kladed U.. outboard motor rwtttur1, n.:turM and equipment U ,Ufi.OI
rtvc •-Y to .,...._, who at-ill their cu at u outboard Othft' UHll lnt.a.t paid on bonda l.JM.tl
tmdm the flv• day-.bow'. HolaW. motorboat '•"Mb'"C n.IDP ir.ttu Tola.I A..u .......................... Pill 1tt U Mid tb1 boln• wu •ptd&UJ oon· • • ·
1tructed at th• llhoW 1lt• for th• J>&ddllnc lbe Mat aw•y trwn LIA.ll.U.JTIU o-.,.. dock. event by bla company. ComMerd&1 depo.tt.-dernand <l.nd.triduala. put.nanhl ..... , PoUcll 111111111 UM boyll a~ r-
Th• boUM WUl be COlllpMtel.Y Ult ll-toot boaL Tb• Harbor collL} ··-··---·------.... ·····-·-···----·--l ,13t,2al.ll :_r;i: pa-:'-~ ti::: an: 1>9partmat ... UILllllll to lo-Baytqa d•poll6ll --··-······· .. ··"·-·····--·-------
othu mod•m lNltallaUona. Th• •le It ,,_..y. U. I . Oo.e.nunmt aad poat.aJ Nriilp .,_.ta ----
alnieture wu built out.aid• th• St.a.ta, county and mWlidpal depoeila.-.-----
=~=:.!0 ~~~ lho::S Y arbrOUCJh Draws Ot.b.er ua~:!.a .. LI;bW~.i~ .. (~~i~·--~-~·~~·-;bu-;u;;
co;~= :1~~.'-~~!,°= May I Hecwing .ruiwn0;1;;~ -~·~~ -··-···-·· .. ·-······· 1a.111,aa1.u
111i.rtahtm111t will be pro'1dld O R
., "'" "'"' T ....... u.n .. .,. n Heroin ap c.,iw .... "'' known mualc&J rroup. In add I· b. Common atock 10,000 lhanl, Pv e.20.00 -------1 T0,000.00
Uon to th• da.ily pvtormancM, I.A.NT.A. ANA. <OCN•>---Ou1lt7 ~urplua ........................................... ·---· ----·-··-··--·-··· 60,000.00
matlnte lboWt wlll be pr~ttd ..-u the pit& ot Jam• N. Tar-UndlTid..S proftUI -nit Cor!Un1enc7 -................................. 23,116.IT
Saturday and Sunday. bfOUC'll, 11, ot 111 Vktorla •L, R.Mtrvea {and r«inment account tor pn:f1n"IM1 capital} J.ITl.11
Mason's Storac)e
Yard Pannlt Cilve11
Co.ta ""-. ft• N ...... u.. Total Capital Account.a ......................................... _ JM,208.&e
ralped btfon Superior Court Tot.al UabWU.. and Capital Account.I -·-··-···-··-··-··---13,'Ut,IH.a•
Jud,. ICeNMU!. .. llonilGD April
lT aa a heroln p t ··dmn charp.
Tb• defendant, la icwtody, aak-
ed tor • probatkM:t. hearm.. Judr•
Morn.ton Mt Ma7 I u tb1 data
tor "'1.t~lna and h-.rinl'.
Tarbroufh wu ar,_ted ln San-
ta Ana Marcb • by •laked-out
narc»U<ll ottlc-.
I . Pledred &Mltl (and MCUriUu k>41.n«I J (book vaJt11):
a. U. 8. Oov1mm11nt obllrauon.1 pl.a&«! to MCUrt d1-
po91ta and o!Mr U.blllU• -·-·-··-··-·········· .. ·-··· ...
Total .... .. ... --···-·-·-.. -·
ltat• ot Calitornl&. County ol e>rure, a
J:dpr Jl. Hill. Pr.a.dent
Pumla+.Lon to put a m..an'•
.torar• yard and l"'f'I'• on the
Ml"Ulaid• of BU.er SL approxl-
mac.ty 200 feet -t of Briltol
It., north of C:C.ll w..... April ~ WU (1'llt.ed to J ot T.1------------1 0 . W. Rlclu.rdaon,
l:Itcull•t V. P , A: Cuhitr Mol"&IM by th• county plannln1
~ ,__.,
l .ltO.aM.11
000,000.00 .........
02:1,111.u 11.118,111.01
111,000.00 n 1 .zoe sa
HO,IH.53 13,llto.~ifi.17
com.uu!on. \
Planner Waltu Weimer mov-
ed approval. Cotti M-Plan·
Coast Soils Class
Attends C011fen11ee
nlnl' Commi•lon recomm•nd«I A ~Oll on aotl.I and lnj•
UI• yard and .. .....,.. bl aane• ptJon wu attended by the OT'-
or The K&rlnu• Banlt, btlJ1&' dW7 ""'°""· MCI!. for himaalf. NY• ht hN a perltOntJ knowled1• of lb•
m.attltl'll cont&lnld In UI• forlf'Olnl r•port of condition and achtdule. pertalnlnr thereto and that
1v1ry alltptlon, •lat•m.nl, matter and t.hlnl' th«tln. contained la tn11 to lht bttt ot Mii knaw'I~•
HARBOR BOARD HOSTS COUNTY REALTOR COUNCIL -"'-""'-· -----1 ::'•~ .. """'0:..':.""~':':' .;::;;:
&nd belief.
l1v1n.lty 1ube<:ribed and -orn to btlor• be by both ditpontnla,
thla Jeth day o: AprU, ltM
At a mMtfnl' of the Newport Harbor Board of Realtora with County R ealtors, Police Exam May 9 Ol'O'W•ra tn1t1tut• 1ut week. -·•· f th te telt. d I bl diKuued Th A panel of qricultun.l I-ad· pl.t.u WW'9 ........ or e It.a con an mutu& pro ems · e eon-J:xarnlnaUOn for patrolman on er• dlacua9ed "What'• Happitn·
:t..i for loc:al .. atudenta la on the 1ubject of "Why l want to OWn My Own Home." N•wport S-cb Polle. Depart· Int' to Our Solla!" Panel mem-
Abov. .tu.dins Jett to richt. Gerald Let.lherby, president of Fullerton boa.rd, mant 1tatt. orl(lnally Mt tor btrs ww1; Don GN•l, 'I\ulUn
Steve 141cbaloc, ~'dent of San Clemente board, Man: Andre:wa, pretident of Apn l 4· hu bl1n Mt forward orcba.rdlll: Dr. J\alph Hard1nr. lo May I blcau... 1t·1 belltvtd Department ot Irr1pUon uid
Anaheim board, VcCardle, prMident of Newport Harbor boa.rd. Sitting more applicant. wtll be forth· lol.11, a trua l:xptr1ment Sta·
left to right, R . Canon SmJth, president of Santa Ana boa.rd, Roy Robertson ot comma; by that Um1, aecordtnr Uon, River.Ide; Rieb.an! Ulld·
J.Acu.na, regional vioe-preeident of California Real F..tate Aaoci&tlon and Del ~PP~:.~~ cl~~ -::i~b::"':t ~nt~d ~~:°'~:"n. ~~
-JC. Wilkinaon, vice prelldent of Garden Grove bo&rd and ehaJrm&n. city h&ll untn Apr11 n . Advt10,r. Ora.na"• Oount7.
Rub7 B. Xluko
Notary Public In a11d for aald County bt OrUIJ t ,
ltat1 of .CaJltom la
My CommU.lon l:Iptre1 Jun• lt, IIM
No. 898 N_..PT'ffl f,/10/lf
.._.... aVTll JK. MOOU I ~ Mrri«t fGJ' Mn. Rutb
t:~.:.:" Of fll E. Balboa .......... btld a\ ' p. m. GREATER EARNlll'5
• la • 111.al&a Mortuary ~l. &~ del M.lr. 'S'h•
~-Jam•• 8tew1.rt ornclat.d.
lat..-.nent waa ln WMtminater
)OMor1&1 l'Mk.
Mn. ll:iore dlad ln Hoar Hoe-
pltal Tbu'°9daT Uter a l1n(tby
IJIMM: 9b• ~ Jived hel"I 10
, .. ,., at.U"riwn lncllidld one .-, ' J\Oti'u1.~ Moen. ?j'ewport
a.eta IU• prd; on• u1t1.ter1
Mn. Barall Ktlc:9ar ol A.rtsona.
and t-.o ,.udchlldnn.
l<AWOUI r....,.
W\snwal ~ tor Malcolm
I>ouslu ran, TJ, or Ma2 latlta
An& A.YI-, eo.ta M-. wtU bl
held tomOCTOW &l 1 p.m. ln Park·
•-IUdltY Mort\IUJ' ChaJMll, Q».
ta M-\rllb Ult Newpot't I{.,...
· boc' Elita Lod,.. l TI T. Git whlcb
lb• dec.-..d wu • member, of·
Mr. J'an' died Saturday itt hi.I
"ONI an... a llho rt IUneM. H• ... ~a ..,..un ot KIM'IOlh•. W IK.
IPd came llO C-t. MM& l rom
Pltoenl.a. A.rt.a. In ltfif. He wu
pNlldent or Ula Btanda.1';9 Cem·
tilt J>lpe co. ot PttMnlX.
Ht " •ur"f'lved by hit wUe. lBMI· ot tbl nomit; t-•tltlff'li
llrf. Jl:dnl. Marx of C09la Mr-
&ll4 Kra. Iren• Ca.ylor of Pitnn· .,,...,, ..
Jii.t9"fl"'t will be In tiarbor lle9l Memorial Par\! Cemrtery
c;.nweU Birth
t.1.. •n•I J:< ... uona\J L:ar.1·
W'lfif, 3111 An•dr AYP . N~vq:o.I
8ee('.h.. •re U\I pal 1nU. of • . ll.;i)' I
ba1l7 born April 14 In 1 .~·•11
REMEMBER ... SAVINGS ...C•ived by the 10th
of the month ••• EARN FROM the 1st.
PrMld1nt. a. W. RICH.ARD80N
Exec. V. P . A: Caah.lu
Correct-Att ut:
Dlr«tor1 oth•r than lb• orncitn.tplq"
lhl report.
Ban.II: N o. HI
o I
' I
, ,
l<latt ., ...... ........ . , , ....
'.-.. Dlrltt ..
te• LrtO.....
ll ..,, ....... .... u••••...,... Hhc 't u-...Y.-eu u--. ,., ••• ··--411-llrANI
'11._..AMI .,._._ .. _
S&lallt .... ....... .. ,, .... ..... ...... " .. ... • • ,,1 ..•••
~ ...... ~=::;., .,. .......
.... ,Al:ll;a I ._....,,...
r liiVt'•J,, ...... TV ....... Oiltr. .-. " .. ,. .. ..............
.......... -.le
"""" 'l'b9 ...... u.a. ... ....._
~"'4.1£q'±n :: =.-::.::,., ... ........... '"'-............. ...., __
" ---,.,, .... --.--~ ............
-~--u ....... oaso..
II-AB 'em._.. "1 , a ·os;atat1'-
1111-:r t.eJ.-. ... ..., .....
ata.i~w..w ....................... 11 laMWI ~ ..... ,
•AC r1m1, t•n*"-1
11 a.I ~ El:!t .,. .. .... -
Sympson & Noll•r
a..t SJtptrl~ WOl1utl•
Bar. hOC or Alf
HO IO• TOO Ul.il.L
Y Newpor\ Barbor
B. P.O. IC. Generel_Co.ntrector
' 1787 LIOlllCUID
-_., """""""' I I'•• New Wort\ -Remed.U,,.
YI& - -......... A•~ . J Kll/l'ON "•"""""""" ',,__ .. ·. ---Al. a llatuwwa. &:aJted Rul• naroor &MaW 58ttc . '
····~ ...., ..-tolP t.dat u ... --Cotfoo _... • ...-. • .., ... 4IPJa1
ta. ..... ., .......
' I .\
'• • . ' .
. ..:.,
' I
' . '
-' i
.. --
• ••
, 'I
For OP .... Co•llly
-Now 24 HaW
VJCll •
Tnr.k -~
* All t.(AICES * ' !l!m'nola ociotl1 I.le .,..
hl'ot G'p,a, -Oat ot 7 Lm.
. llllaeellll3 ~ ...
(Conler 8rd • "'-b)
Phone BI-2-2Ma Suto Au
1238 8. Main St.
rord Vh:tona. ru.ur equipped.
Sacrltle. my uooe equity (Of'
J27~ cuh or trad4.. o.pentA.
Dealer11or New
Ma)'fkrwer, l"tJmoV:tb, O&Jtcn.
Honorb\IJJ.t., and Rotner. lttlc c..n sta1111. LEX 1-a2u atter•l----------
1 P· rn. ScO •1;...wutec1 to .._.
D . ....,..,... •oei• .. om. , .............. -.
n.IJ, • 'IJ' •. a ,., ..-.
~ I' __ ..........
•-..... ••• I .. ·---·-
' .
• • •
\ . . . ·-· ~ ---'~·~~·~·~·~=~,~·~:::~=~-~~·~-~ .. ~·~t ~==~~ !·~~=·~=11~l=W~!!l~=,===---~•!!::::•!!!u!'!tlli:!!!1
!!!"!_ ___ _!•!::!•!!•!!!'J7!!!!!1!!!1~---...!•!::!2!'!!'J .. !!!!1!!!1!z __ Jm_l~T HAQOll lilEWS.l'tlESS PAIT IJ.p,._.-._, t " l-~~...;.:;MOND.::.;..:;~A~Y~,APRl;,:...~L~l0..::,...1-"'~ ...... .....,~·~;..,.-~"---J . BILL'S BEST BUYS '. WE ARE NOT • 'ON UDO ISLE BALIOA P&INSU ' N~PORT • -EACR ~1aa:=•!!!!•!!...!•!!!!•~·'"~:..,_....!•~-!!!j.!!.,!!!' '!!.---
. • ... -u. -... a.-. rr.t Lot-. a;1-·'':.;;t...HO~"" I ...; ' I ••iNIAnJRE n "NCH \ ~ 1 .,.. : 1 nt;. ... • 1 MU. 41 • la 0... ........, •
m "" .-MltorlM....._U .. •••••1_.lot.~ l&otl&L•--8/8
With 1ood two --6 ~ i.-_ Hudwood do not .... ,,.. -• _.,,.. ,,_et...... WU! -.,... • -• · aoors. prtpW:e, &>uble pr. 6tp,....-11&11o, ,.. "'I .,. -._, -_._,, ..._ CORONA DEL MAR ~~,..":',:;'~ •
!' • .
JlOOO -'80 D>Olllll .,. ..tw. - -_,. OPl:N 1l!!!JlQl--~.:LILlaJJI£~-_
' ,,.. -.i;., ;; ...... • ., "l-SO-;--,.. ._ .. '11.111 A .Message_ Io People
$1500 DOWN
TbNe Bel. !lJno., 1 ~ batha, Quliet.ed ..i;. B. •
h.U.. Partly !eaced, piOf..,kUDy landoeaped,
Improved llUOOt wt on--. 'Lou than 1 y;.
old. Priced .at $11.000. Bal. only $79 mo. . . ~
Yo\lJ' choice t}tree or four bedroom homea under
conatructlon. New curbed a.ild paved •treeta.
MW"en 6 1fdewalltl. Act now and pick your own
color. '11leite can't lut •t only 10~ down.
Priceci 'at $11,4M IUJd $12,4M
Your choice ot 2 lovely, nearly new, three Bd.
Rm. homee With family room11. Nice ttreet.a.
loVely netghbon and a pleuing view ot rreen
rolling hllla. One o,f them, ahould
answer your problems.
Priced at $26,950 -wlth only $6000 down. .
W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor
"you'll like our friendly 11ervice''
{-0() E. 17th St., Co1ta Me.. Liberty 8·1139
Best Buys!
Cliff Haven
Vl.W of ocean. harbor It. lalandl.
I Mdroornt, Meb Willi ht. th.
I.Arc• den w1UI nreptra.c..
cu.tom built home.
Ut,&00. Excell1nt lema.
Lido Isle
Exclu.lYe Udo Baylront.
Ii bedroonw-4 bath•
Pier 6 .Up
Cha.nnlns home, l•rt• pallo
S bedroom.1 " Gen
On• flt -uct.•1 ·rtn•« bomu
flJt,000--ExceUent tema
2 baUUi • aut.ta::namr troy.
KILLION, real 11tate
334.1 Newport Blvd. Harbor~
2 bdrm. 1 both W /W carpotin( 6 nlcely draped
wtth fireplace. Double car carage plua aiilsle
1an.ge attached to bouH which could be COD·
v<Nd to den. Priced to ae1L
4 bedrooma 3 ha.tbs OD & large lot with W /W
ca.rpetin.J, drapea 6 all fenced. Priced below eot1l.
3 BEDROOM, 1 % b&th on 1treet to atreet lot.
Permanent ocean view and nicely landacaped.
· •· Mult .ee to appreclat.e.
4.28 C.abrillo Terrace.
W. E. flSHER & Associates
302' E. Cout Hwy., Coron1. del Mu. HAR. M32
Evea. Har 2420.w
Home PLUS Income
Welt del.lgned 2 bed.rm. and den home,' with 1%,
baths, With it.I own private patio, PLUS 2 other
unit. ot 2 bedrma. each, ea.ch with their own
private ~Uo and each rented p.t $210 per month
wdurulabed. Income more th.an enough to carry
modhlJ p1.ym.entl, taxe., etc. Surely a WON·
DERFUL tnve.tment in the future. Built-in
•ppllance. and carpet.I included.
Full price, $69,500
LidQ.. Realty Associates , ·
MOO Via Udo Harbor UU
,_. ......., "" .._ ta QN UDO . ISLE • 1o • w. • ,.._ • OCEAN FRONT
all ,..._ nns-aM lM NOJ hMftQre Dr1W.
ch&na# .,.. tut w• 11&" Oood nl~ t ll9droom9 A Bnt11·t·1tm1 .t .. ot lJtUe Oe£N' BOUSE
aac:U, wbt yw .,.. ktok· MUl ud u e&tra 1llM--0orma a..cb A A1'Cb l\ot:ll. 1 to I kt. a' ll,Ul.
Inf-tor. • t"1W to ... ..., room wtt.b '1' tie.lb atu.ched Wlll toN!dw •O rt. ~L 4 ...,.._.., t ~ e· yn.
to t et.t ,..,.... Newly -Prloed for \redt w .U. at old, compkl•I¥ fVrnlah9d.
patat.t P2.100 -......,., .-.aoo -t.nu. UDdtrprleed at t21.A00
~ I
Seven 1·s I ands Realty ·g lnvest·ment Co.
1103·112nd St., Newpo<t Beach-Hari.,r l58llS -after ~:00 p. m, Rorbo< 5567
in Industrial
'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS * Corona * P'IRBT CL.UIS buUdin&' In th• CUNNING 2 BR. home, price tncludea atove, retrig.
he.art cit Coal• w ..... "'°° eq. d I Ma It. All tmpl'O'f'emen.ta In. Pro~ c:arpeU 6 drapea. % ~Lk. to be.ch. $:iOOO dn. $U,000 e r
erty oompl•IAllY blacktopped. -IU\I\ ww Hll or Jeua. A. rM.I .ocind 2 BR., attractive. Near No. Bay ____ $22,vuv TOP BUT tn 1 wrm. • tamtly
lnY•tnl•nt and will lncreue • • • .,., 500 room. VIEW home -2 bath•
In "•lue. 1o~uu prtc. with t•rma 3 BR,, Near So. Bay ------------~· n,..pla.ce, beautiful patio, dl•h·
ONLY ba Furnlah •lOO ()()() wuher it. drapes lncluded-ISli,000. SO. BAY Front, 5 BR,, 4 ·• ed -----• • A choice home In a "'!:hoice
LiTru; ISLAND.-A ruatlc IUJd UKble 8 Bil, 8
IN FULLERTON bath, la a Hlect diatrlct, .$38,i500
lN ram BAME LOCATION AS Two Tropical unit.I ------·---KlKBltRL T -CLARK, NaUonLI
Cul\ RfSU!t•r, RMem • man1 BAY J'RONT, LIDO ISLE. Beautitul home, pler 6:
;e:r ~~~-...~:u~~c;!'C:: float ·-············ .. ·-··-'···················-·····-····-···-·····-$136,000
HOO M!uat• feet i... t..u.n on• No telephone information please.
yeu old. Now le&Md for hi&.
PH mo. lq.Y..t.inent wtll Mt
more than "\o", T.nant.e an
ftf"9l cl&N. Full pric. $63,600.
We have buyer. for pod llltinp..
Free est:lm1te1, uoellent tervice.
Lido Nord
Lovely 3 bdrm. home on M ft.
Udo Nord corner lot. 18 11 2-4
!IY. room. lot. of ch&nn T"
Bayshores "
I 1*1rolnlW, J balhll, hdwd.
who ....,t a naJ ho~ witll • ~ llalt>cl'
vie" &Jld a large. -ludod ·patio !or ham -
door Uvln•· Two Oll1lpndln1 ,<~
let this boUM apart friom the a~ It S.'t
a tricky hoWI& -there ~re no cloutu.JNl'poll
rooma demanding "gadget" f\lmlturt. It ill •
fine, older hODMt with hanmomely decorated lD·
terton and carpeted throu1hout. 'l'JI_.. an. '
large bedrooms and • den, a 32' lMn(?OOllLo a.nd
a ,aepuate Hxl~' dinlngroom In addition lo the
sunny breakfut nook otf. the pneroua, modern
kitchen. THIS family's children are SJ'OWll.
YOU will want youn to C1"0'W' up tn tbJ8 OM too I
${~,000. By Appointment only. C&ll 1
Enjoy The Security
ot thill amall but attractJve 2 bdrm. home ln P
eatablished community, on a tine 1treet, UlODI
friendly neighbors, at a price ypu can afford.
Only $14, 7M. Ind. carpota. $M. mo.
OPEN S.UN. 512 Orchid. Call for pr.view.
Life With Father
will be easier when he baa reduced hl9 outdoor
chorea to tendln( th1a amati but deUrhtfuJ.card.en
with hi1 own tool room, ao you B<Ynl can park
in the prage. U you're tired looking at inflated
price.I!, m&ke a date with UI to mee th1a apotleu
2 bdrm. charmer in a fine, "&uth ot the Hilb·
way" locatioA a~ $10,950. Terma.
BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc., Realtor.a
3530 E. Coat Hwy., Corona del Mar, Call!.
Hubor !IM3 ..
(OOd bow• and other bl&lldl.n&a.
Loi. IJ'AidtO with a paved
Har. 177l5 -Eves Edith Maroon
' • John Macnab
HY•tt 4'6222
Harbor 58511
Hubor 2878
noor' din. room, nreplac.--------------------
LileJ'. Owner will trade this
~pertJ tor lncome propert7
In \htA locallly. Iiteil for.ome: EARL
on. to h.av• a tm.lnne &rid a
nice home. Full price flT,000.
• t Lou Boynton
W. STANLEY, Realtor
: 22l5 Marine Ave., Balboa llland
121,000 -Tenn.. * View Lot Tarri.tk-Vltw ___lj)r only 110,000.
erty Immediately. A rood ha.II V
acre ot cround doM to Harbor
BlYd. Hen'• an opportunity to
mLlte • Cood purcb.... Price, M Hf. W. Cout Htway "1..1 8·.5.527 ar Newport Beach
SHORECLIFFB, Modern 3 bedrm home plua
Best Buys Corona del .......
Phil Sullivan &
Geo. T. Everson
IW N9WpOl't BIYd., Ooeta )I ...
Ph. U l-t711. E'Yd. Har. UM
LI •201J
B/ B
Cliff Haven
DUiy from 10.11
COIUltrucUon, dMICU. location
and vtew be 1ure aud ... thla
brand n.w modem f. bedrm.
and 1.e.n&&-2'11i be.lb IUJi:Ury
hom• at no KJNOS rtOAD.
Al 1TJ'on will ehoW you thl.I
t.en'Wc value at J::lt.DOO.
or ocmA.N AND BAT f'rOb'l lh•
mnall den or office, 2 full bl.th8 -carpeted waJ!.
to wall. cua;tom dra~ fireplace, built·in stove
IUJd oven, endoaed p&tiO, nicely landlcaped.
Owner 1eav1nr area. Priced 1<> ..u at $34J500.
2. SBOR.ECLIFFS. Ocean view home for the d1I..
criminating buyer wbo want.I and can afford the
fineat, thll lo !Tl ~ 2 bedrm, • den, quality
built, 2 fir<places, dram ldtcben. Beautiful·
home inalde and out, .U modern featurt1 to
make it complete In every detail. Shown by ap-
pointment Priced lo .. IL EXCLUSIVE WITH us.
PRICE T. McCUillTION, Realtot•
'3«7 E. Cout Hwy. • C.Orona del Mu Har. f.7
(Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, CDK)
laJTe llll'lftf nibm picture 'wtn-1-----------------;--
&nr ot lhi. lmrnaculaW, com·
pletely redeeotalld, 4 bedrm.,
l" bath homt!, built around an
uclOMd patio with out.lid•
bal'beq'ue . , , T.., JOU can
ha." a wperb -e.n and bay
't1.W and tin• • bedroom horn•
wUA bullt·ln n.nse and oven,
bar ldtchm. LI.I lU atru-
and a iol 7ou own, LI.I for
131,000 ... We h•ve t..he ktYI
Bay & Beach Realty Inc
llTIJ"'H&rbo.r BouMivard eo.t.a Jrl .... c..utc:irnia
U l·T'Tlf. l:vM. LI 8-Slli8
Comfort&ble ye.u round home, 3 bed.rm.I. It 21,-J:
botha. Large .yard, double prage plua
' •ttnctive au•t apartment.
-~ ~ 1ood terma.
• • • I.
COUNTRY LIVING lrilh la.r(e
t.ffe9, lawn, eprtnklinr 1,..blm.
Lc:ively J be<lnn. home, l %
balhl, bH\lL. llvlnc • dlnlnc
room, modem kitchen ... Aho
break!Ut 1'00m, double (&ni'e,
plua la\lndry .,..., outdoor
fenced paUo, Jar(• klt 60al60.
Priced at 119'.IHK> , ·, . Submit
your own term...
ONI: BLOCK to beet b•>' -1m-
mJn1. Attrac:Uve I bedroom
horn., lliS bat.lu, F .A. h•U/11'.
dble. j'ar., R-4 loL (Room for
2 more unit.). Priced •t
$21,000 lema, or will con1lder
.om• trade..
conakler lrade11. Can't be re-
plac.d. tor 12&,000, Br1ni' ln
your caah or trace often to
u.. W• Mll'• the key.
lOOli W, Balboa BIYd. Ha.r. 11188
S 6 DEN, ftrepl&c•, ranee ai)d
oven. f'.A. heal, 1% bath.-
Charmin(, llnn, f21.300.
DUPLEX, 2 br. A pr, eL New
6 &harp, near market llf,.,tGO.
BARGAIN. 1 br. hOMll, C. M .
Interior psriect and modem-
SllOO IUU pric• •
Selling Real Estate
Is Not A Sideline With Us!
It ian·t the easy tuk some people might think.
Experience la required if u.Uafi'ction la to be
u.1urtd to both buyer and leiler.
Lilt your property today with one or the 300
Member1 of the
Newport l:larbor Board of Realtors
4.01 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach .
* Secluded Neighborhood
PLUS aome ocean view. Lovely 3 bedroom stucco.
2 yn. old, located i.n Co.ta Mesa near tchooLI and
market.. Carpeted n..... large bedrooDU!, dla-
poeal, garage a.nd fenced yarda. 4. 1,.i % lO&b. Pay·
menls lower tba.n rent and $2MO will h&odle.
3112.Newport Blvd. Newport Beach
Hubor 2M2 . .
t .t ..
·-· ,,
7 ;.
~ 7
• -. ~? ..
'• " .
. Eveninp call LI 8-3186, LI 8-MOll, Har. 3921·W , ,
or KEUogc 8-.l588:5 .,, .
{ bednn.. 1 * bath, with 30 It. livlnc -,
Built-in kitchen, lovelf wall to wall ~ • .,.
draperiea, dilhwaaher, garb. dilp., w•th.er ,,....,
stripping, indirect Ugh~, tarp patio, ete. ., . ..;,~
Only 1 yr. old, but better than NEW wltll Im· 'to;;
provementa made bY. owner. ~.000 6: • buy. ·~:: ' ... .. ...
lot. boUI hom• ha"• 11 ...
Extra wide lot near South Bay. 5 bedroom•, 4.
batha, large living room and aepan.te dining
room. Delightful paUo and play ~m.
TRULY the Idea I .family home.
$42,500 Excellent terma.
I LOTS C.M. 17860 cuh.
MYRTLE Dri;VY. Realtor · ·~ _,
Now Udo Pia&& lclg .. M32 Via Oporto ,
***** ..
Boet and Fumi1h1d Homo
with Pier and Float
ell for $31,500
I Tllo Boat lo • . 26 It. Cbri> In perfect cood,
Tho home la completely film. Incl, TV and deel"
-. Full dlnlns room and 2 lrinc7'ise bdrmJI,
with room lo •dd mo ... Everytl>ing'1 ab11'5Blilpe.
Juat move in and •tart: filhin1! ! !
enct lll• balha.. nrepl&c.e, cu·
..,... l\ent one. 'Ao blk. to
tu.1'1. New ll. AU lm~
ment. pa1d. Clear propwt.y-
.. u.r wUl '*rTf balane•.
lUT 1'(.wport..BlYd., eo.t.. 11 ...
' Wll.W.. ~ANLEY
Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island Hai-bor 24.62
ltol Hattlor Blvd. LI 1-1142
oa.t.a Mea. Ca.llrofnia
WIW.. B. Jone.e -A.0cl•ltti
Mult. Unit Lots:
( Oppoalte Lido Shopo Pai•kins Area) ...
Har. 5{(6 -Eveninp LI U297
Harbor ·Blvd.
u .. ~... ""-u "''"'° VOGEL Y ALUES COSTA MESA l:Mleid• Collta Meu. all uw1u ..
ln. and rad)' to '°'
'!'ION. FINE INCOME. Look what we found DANDY 4 UNIT .
A 2~ yr. old attncb'. and well l>ullt lncom• unlt
Dall A. Jaco1*en, rt.eal Eltale
Hartlor 3891
LI MalT·Kl 1·2111-HJ&tl f.~H OSBORNE-FORTON Realty Co,
2323 W. Colt.It Hwy. (•t Pott OJ'l,jlp)
LI 1!-7M2 ' Evol Bar. 51.M located In p>d E. Coata II-noldenUal uea $15, 950
1UM"Ounded by nice home.. CIOH to Khoola and •---------,----------...... ....,..,tlo U.. in 2 ..... _ d t t 8DIUil., I b&Ul ltome wlU. I 1 . • .. : COltONA DEL MAR
~~--,~~~-'4~ K&rsuerit:e-~-
... __ .,.,.._ n. roomy ~-an ren ·., P"l''·"1np1W, FA Mat. Cl:I A 1 LIENGE All C
I Wnn, apt.L._J1lmll!'Jll0&1C..C • ..aon•c l..&lllDC.---+-..-.. ··-· ....... <a~ ea.. ~ ~omperi.ort.,.,----'I
mo per mo. lncom•: Price m.ooo ~-~'°:.'i..:1'."A ~:;. ~:; 23 Units Must Self b~ June •. 2 bednn, pr. apt. with 1 bdrm. apL below, on
nar or exotllent aomer tot.
Pri<od 't<> ..U at
• Showa by •ppoinlmmL C&11
BEN J. WHITMAN & Associates
''Bnlitfllll ii Good"
Corona cle1 Kar
Eveo liar. UM
"ART" ADAIR, Rltr.
1Mi Nawport lllYd., OMta ~
Avocado Grove:
Top JM'OCh»etkle Ill ~ l.r'9a.
11prtnkl... .,..c..m aed. riew .... -. .....
Dia A. J~ ......i DtoW ....._ ... ,
t.l 1-UJT·ICl J-lllT•1i7att ........
Roo" TO UVEI .-"""•· ro. ••pt, u .... , • m HMl. '"' AND A REA!> BUY FOR 80)0)() Oo-
Jleaut, a bdrm. " den -...... lltcl< Bay. o! 14 moclarn apta. with --• ...U...t 1900 9111. ft., 2 flaptooe ~ dichondra um roR LA.RGI! J'ACTORT. aleeplnc rooma PLUS DJ:LU)CE owner'• wUt
lawn, dlahwuher and dlapoul. You can't U. I iacrt1 n•r flellpot. Good lo-with R""'n.te office. All a-..,.• .._...._u••~·"y l•-$21 cation 6 prtt«t to 8dl. f ll,000 r• ,._ -w.lll.M •-
• thlo !or ,500 "°""· nWied. Beat location oa Balhoa . Pminlulo.
· 1700 Newport Blvd, Coata 11 ...
Liberty~ Evenlnp Har. ~II
llST NeWJ)Orl Bll"d., Coeta Mua
LI 1-1131 I!:,.., U 1-1400
Eotabllahed ellmtele. E&pected II"* Sll,000.
Part tnda c:ooaldend. Call avtnlnp
for appolnt.nwlL Har. ~
. •
' •
• •
• . -8/ B .
YOU CAN WtiR • ' ~ Ott the new bec•use it'• a Brand New Home.
2 bedroom, 2 bot.b, dtn -built • I• kiW-,
CarpoUd. Patio -SUodec.lt. •.. Ollly 18.000 °"""-
Thia new modern home bu not only a lovely v.n. IMit S be<ln>olnll) 3 both.I, built-In kltclien
'82.500 ~ Tel'llUI. "'1
Open D&ily 1 -4: p. m.
111 "G" Street
DON'T vou 'BEl.IEvE IT!
U your friend& tell you there are no good values
in today'• market. We have a 3 bedroom
1% bath home at $18,700. •
Worth consideration. .Nine Unit• only 2 years
old. $86,000 -$3i,000 down. • BALBOA ISLAND -INCOME
'very attractive 2 bedroom home. Cloee to, North
Bayfront. additional room and bath off patio
for "Aunt Slllie," alao nice apartment over gu-
are. Tbh ii "top quality property. Owner bu
moved to large home -Anxioua to sell.
' B.A Y & BEACH REAL TY, Realtors
lt:SO W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264
Eveninga Harbor 1856
Nicely arranged for privacy. 1 bedroom front
hou.ee alw&ys rented at $85;i:po., furn.; cozy 1
bedroom apt. over lg. dbl. garage &!Ao bu fire-
pla~. Eacb-hu own patkh 2 bedroom1 and ~ .;
bath below pr. apt . could be uRd
by owner for weekendl.
. Full pri~ $21,500
H&lf.way up with beautiful unobltructed pano-
ra..m.ic view. Street·t<retreet. Over 100' in depth.
:SO' on deSola Terrace &. 70' on Cabrillo
Terrace. Compare it with any other lot in the
a rea It you'll 11tt it's real value at $11,950
2687 E. CIL Hwy.
HA: 17H
HA : 0757
A Reotrlcted Lot Development
By ll:cQ.EAN • PEAR!!OL
Specul&toro It Bulldtto Welcome
80' ruJdential lot.I. Duplex corner Iota.
All improvementa in.
You Can't Beet The Price & Location.
Drive by and buy. Acrou from Costa Mesa P&rk.
18th and Ana.helm.
Phone Liberty S.1781 •Liberty 8-Wl t! .
(!O•fL Lido Sowl ..................... --'-............ _$36,000
60 ft. Lido Soud ·--····----······-·-·-···· ... $60,000·
46 ft:. Via Mentone -···-----_:_-··-········--$1~.000
12ll x M View ····--··"····--······-··---·.'.$5rloo 1111 x 92 HOLlo!wood Dr. . .... _ .. ___ .. _.$7!!00
M x lU Bay aod Ocean view .................... $0cMlo
S Iota :;o x 1M MCh .. _ ........... ·--·-·· $3300 each
fHE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE . . )lflS Via Lido, Npt. Bch. l!ar. 4971 or Har. 4972
. Eves LI 8-3040 -Har. 5142
• Panoramic view of the Harbor and Pacific.
• Blown~ ~o~~~=·.!"1~1. batha.
• 1201 Dolpllln Terrece
$41.500 .
. ' OPEN 11 A.M. TO 5 P.M. DAILY
a,•ss A mn and o111ce ~ lo••l«I oo
moat bnportant comer In Puadtna Pr1eo
$700,000. wm pay 1,. net net and will dopoolt $300,ooo u ru ..cui!ty. Luse
deproclaUoo factor.
CALL OWNER, T. D. Roiera, Ryan 18157
or,lhrbor 3828
• •
·' p. ·a. _palnrer
e • rn corp o·ra
· .
, d~elopers of . UdO Isle . . ·
· Ude lsli•e-Everyone's Choice!/ .. _._ • , ~rgain Udo Bayfront
An older home cm Lido ~on! BaJfrollt. !'our
J>ed.__lp. UmD. With a view, and "opa<lolll '
patio for outdoor Uvlnr ri(ht OD ihe -· Bu
.. 2._.._,.,...,. on M feet. ~ lo for a
couple wbo cleoireo the beot. '32;000.
a "piOr " allp. 1,11 thlo, and tu:mllhed.' too, for
ODly ~7,500. Pleue call Lou· BrW to -thlL
• 2 btdnn. • bunk rm., 1 \CJ botba. dbl garage.
patio •. perfect for IWlllller be&Ch ho,..,. $22,500. . Sparkling Deliper'1 own home. 1 yr. old, fUJ"il&ce. atone Ia tho word to• thia 2 bedim. 1 ~ both home In
. Newport Be!Pto. A lovely l!"tlo and flaptono
f!Nplace are only a oouple of maoy outatandinl
. firop-. carpet.eel. .Uclinc ,_ door. ~ bedl'lllll ..
2 botho. Vory unart Uttle h""!•· $26,000.
Cut. 2 bedrm .. 1 'h both home on 2 lots facln&' •
on 2 wallta. Terrific poulbllltlea for enlargement.
· featureo. niu prioe $17.2:50. can Jlill .Far111WOrth.
' .A Sleeper $32.000
• Perfect condition, 3 bedrma., 2
patio. $29,000
bat.ha, walled
ONLY'oNE YEAR OLD, a beclrma. • den. 2
bath.I. Well to well cupet!ng, nlee patio. niD
price only $30,000. For furtht!I" Information, .
Sparkling 3 bedrm. 2 bath home with Therm •
oven I: rangt, allding glua wallt to ()&tio, car--
peted. $32.~ tumJabed, or 1ubmit unfurniabed.
cell ~aclt Criafleld.
60 Feet on Lido '
Street.to.street and a comer St:nda.. too -all
of I.bill pl11.1 a 2 bedrm. pl11.1 tleep~ room. 1 \<,
bath home for the low price of $32,000. Inter·
. ,
• Four Units eated in further detai.18 ! Tb.en call
Joe Kincaid at LI 8-M73 On :SO feet of choice BAYFRONT.
and rented. $80,000 Shoreeliff . Lot
North Bayfront lot One o! the few ,..mainlng view aiteo in thia
excluaive dlst.rict. Spacioua! Level! Beautiful !
Full price $15,800, te""' If deolim.
Call David.eon Oaburn for details. ~2 foot fronta.ge, pier OK, $55,000
p. 11. palme.r incorporated
ole hanson co. management
3333 via lido, harbor 11)()()
p. 11. p~lmer incorporated
ole honson co . monageme/it
1700 w. coast highway -liberty ~73
a .BR.. 2 ba., tlreplace, •tnrle R-2 ZONE l"ood for two unll1---3 BEDROOM, 2 bath. 2 blocka to f YRS. old. 2 Ir. f br, 3 ba, fum.
1.rqe. on l"ood foundation-$f300-Street, alctewaUu, curt.. beach ana bay. Room tor 1•r· 8ff all lh• boat. ln A out or
Nted9 90m• paint, remod. roof. aew•ra alrudy In. Walk lo •l"e and apartment over -th• Harbor 6 ft11• view of
Haa e.xtra Jot-make offer. Lido ahoppin&.. $9850. buchn, "9.500 Eactl. tuna.
Bayview Properties ·Harbor 3371
2 3 0 7
Balboa ~W& Locauon.
BM.Uutul IJl&Cl<Na property,
ooJ7 a ,..,.. old. Two l•r1e
btdrooma up and two down.
Uppw nicely fl.tp!Wlecl. Pri·
vatt ba&ch. pl•r ri(hta and a
car pnae. ... ~ for au.r.
• • • 1.MN b.u neYtt been. 1
twitter ,,.Ju• at IM,000, Jood
term ..
Flv• l&r'(t b«lroom-. '3 ~ bath.I.
Balboa loe&Uon. lnlAlrtor hat
been rwmodeled and v.ry at·
trt.cU••· 1.o'f'aly bom• for a
lup family. 123,000 t.rma.
Onl) halt blOCk to beat bay
beach. f tiedroom1 with I '<.
b&U... Heavy rumltUTe lnclud·
«S. &wall tor b9acb born• or
yeu a.rouAd ll't'lnr. 81eepa up
to tO peopta. Sltl,500, MOOO
Uauw&lly atttacUv• home wtth
2 l&r .. bedrooma 1.11.d 2 balha. run dlftlDJ room and dinette
too. NP' wool Wall to Wall
carpeUnr. Bu two 2 car sar·
are-• . • ... tt fOf' a lovely
hom• be.Tota bu)inJ. $20,000. ...........
Balboa k>c&UCf!. and near bay.
a bedrooJM and 1 %. b&UUI.
Ex.tr& Jot ~ with It. Older
W, Balb o a B I v d .• Nl!!Wport
.BALBOA PENINSULA, 4 unita -scheduled In-
come $5655 year. Absentee owner juat li&ted
th.ii A-1 well located, nicely furniahed income
property for the, low price of $35,000, term•.
CATHERINE APTs , 1633 E. Balboa Blvd ..
OPEN SUN .. 1-5, 459 E. 20th St .. Only $23,950
Cozy and a.ppeallµg ia what you'll uy when you
aee thia 3 bed.rm. 2 bath home. Large liv. room,
fireplace, aliding gl&B8 doora to patio, be.r kitchen,
and the price includes all wool carpeting, drape•.
new atOve, refrigerator a.nd Cinpl1.ee fixture11.
2 Stores Plus 5 Apts.
$7200 yearly income, could increase by ta.king
1ummer rental!. Will coW1ider nice home up to
$17,000 in exchange. Full price $M.OOO •
3 BEDROOMS. 2 bath& -Panoramic view from
upper atory. $14 ,7:SO. Will t&kl!! lot
AB part payment.
~ La Jolla Drive (West eiid of Oiff Dr.I
3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7n~
propu'ty but. a pod valu• at --------------------
f 17 ,000, ttrma.
Two Wlit Income wtth a 2
btdrOOm. bouM ln front and
a on• Mdroom apartment ovar
a 2 ear ~-""Both rt1nted
Bummtt and wtnle!' ... rent·
ed now. CIOM lo B&lbo& ahop-
plq aecuon. a1s.ooo. food .........
alboa Re.alty Co.
Oppotille Bank or A mer!c•
Roa Gf'ffle)' Ed Lee
' Joeephlnt \Vebb
700 ll. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa
Ptwm. Ha.rbor 12TT
HAMOR BLVD. comer with '
.omt tneom• now. &!rYlc• at.11-
UOa cw mvca.nW• loca.Uon. Of'
m,...tmen.t. Lars• wicM tront-
.... T•mw •~9d.
Open Daily 1 to 5
735 St. James Place
LOVELY CLIFF HAVEN -N.,. 3 bedroom
2 bath.I, with a view. CarpetiL.g. fireplace, built
i~ 1tove A oven, di1poaal and big 2 car gang,.
See thla dream home today $21,500 . .
Harbor Highlands Open Afternoon11
Thunday thru Sunday
26d2 Newport.Blvd Newport Bu.ch Har. 4718
B e a c h
LOVELY I bdnn., ttnpl, l/w. nn., 9)CloMd ,.Uo, ... laide.
eolf coura• area. for only U&OO
dn. Full prtc. 111.700.
4 Bdrm., 2 Baths
ONLY I MOB. OLD, dbl._ pr.,
p&Uo, only 11860 dn. Balance
'70. mont.b.
clta.n S bedrm., 1 '4 batJa.-
fl~pl., dble. p.r. fenced. Hu
a GI f S. l0&n. Full prica,-
$15,200 wtlb on17 POOO dtL
A re&.! buy~
a BDRM .. pr~ workah•p. OD •
7WOO lot. Owner wUI take
late car i!l trade .. p&rl pymL
NEWPORT BEACH on,.Blvd. 4.
apt. bids. s apt.a. tu.Uy rurn.
Elle. aummu • winter ranl.a.bi.
l br. ta. All J.&r1• rm.. WW
return Mtte11 than $GOOO an-
nually. Only a YMn old.-
$111,000 wtll handle.
5 LEVEL ACR.r.8 .at $6aOO per
~re. Water In, l"U wil.llin 90
d•Y•· Ob wtd• 8t. lle&r Blvde.
Don't mta on lhUI. It'• tht
lowe1t priced land ltl lbt •rt•
W1L80N. Duly comer. ~ •crt
with •mall l!.OUH now rent.:!
at IM. RI~ for am&ll ttu.tn.ea.
Only $0000 down. I
Mesa.Harbor Rlty.
60t Center Bt.. Colt.a x ..
Ll M911 or LI l-771f
VCACTLY 111500 BUT8 l y~
old S bed.rm. homt. Bttllt un·
der P'.H.A. with 184 monUlly
paymtnte lnclUdlJll' tuee a.nd
\MUtanC• (N.., tu rat., tool.
S.11111' want. JHOO down -
lh.ybe 1111 down wtll )I.and.If,
Ttlt I bedroom.9. UVUtc room
and ball ..,.. ~1*1 waU to
... 11 .
L~ Waterfront f :· j~ l .. 401 Vl&Udolloud ~·-··---.
Most Deffghtful Ho.me on Udo
77 feet of aunny touth boyfl'ont. with
clean aandy swimmlllJ hooch.
All electrlt kitchen and p.nc< door. BMutlful
laodacaplng. Whit. tile roof.. ' --.
3 full both.I.
A ~ldinc new home. fuhionably tundabed
. with new cu.tom built modern fun1ituN.
Thia ~ome will be on display daily from 1-3 p. m .
ExclU1ive wltb u.. at $97,.500
"Ask about our other Lido Listing•"
Duncan Hardesty, Realtor
2602 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4718
One of the most outatanding homes lllonc the
Southern Calif. Cout, l~' of front.ge on ~an
Blvd., 330 feet of water frontagl!! lita tM home
of distinction with a view from all rooma, from
which you can watch the ever changinc cout
line, plua _,oftrlOoking our two rreat belches .
Large livifg ~m and aolarium, dining are.a and
maid.I roqm, plus 2 bedrooma and a bed·aittinc
room in the ma.in houae. For gueata a home of
their own , allO with a view.
Priced below replacement cost today.
OPEN DAILY for inapection, 3729 Ocea.n Blvd.
W. E: FISHER & Associates
3024 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032
Ev,. HAR. 242Q.W
Your 2 Br. Home •..
We' have two attractively fumiahed 2 B. R.
homea. One will certainly 8teal your heart
away and please your pocketbook, u well u the
'whole family. ,Your choice of location.
Prices. Fumiahed -$19,800 I. $20.000
Fixer· Upper
3 BR. home near Marine Avenue It South Bay-
front. Here i. a Top location where "'91'1 dollar
apent will pay big dividends. Tenm and fur-
nished price at $22,500 apella opportunity
for 90meone.
THE VOGEL CO. Realtors
208 Marine Ave. Bar. 4" or 101!5
(Next door to Poat.office)
Bayshores Chcrm
253.2 -Creatvlew Drive
Priced !or Quick Sale at $20,ll:iO
A moat att.r&ctive 2 bedroom home. 2 BIG Patiol
for outdoor livins. Larr• livtnr room.
Brick f"ueplace
Phone now bet Oft it. cone!
2602 Newport Blvd., Newport llea<h Har. '718
Oceanside Income
Ocean Front-1 ml. So. of Pier. 5 completely
fumiabed apta. Exbel~nt condition.. 2 to 8
yean old on ao ft. ia.nmcaptd loL Alway• rent·
ed. Th.le la a wonderfUl investment A: home.
Rettnt widow. Will take lml. home In HariM>r 1
&re& for part or .ell at $38,600 wttb low Low
down of $8.000.
For detaila call ADA CROW;
with '
CHOICE BACK ~A Y V~E':w--r:'~"1~N~"'~J:'~'=m~.:._~-~~~·~·~::.-=.-i ~·.11 :--11arcii882,c&."""'"--1 -------'-------~ ltlT Ntwp0rt Bl'fd .. eo.t.a Mua
LI 1-ltu ET-. LI 1-1'00·
14 Acres:
PolenUel lnctu.tnal on railroe.d
doM to 0ru&-$f000 pr. ......
Du. A.. Jacoblc, it..J Eltata
llarMr 11111
lJ "4117-Kl J-JllT-11.)'aU i -6&91
Ul.600. s Mdnna., J btih, drap-
"' w/W Uf'IMll. Very cltan. 2
1"-old. lmmidla.te catt11pa.My.
212 Ktn.p Pl., U l ·il07 IHIUc
Soe the bay aod ~ from thia cuotom built. Low Down Payment GOLD NU""-,;,_ET ranch atyle home in ,..trictod developmenL 2 , ·-Op -!iii• JJaiiilii .. 2 liillii;-rflHllla< l'bfeetlon -11-r'i.iniW=i.o;;,;n;;;;;;;;.i-~s-b_..m ____ ~ .. -,.. ..... y.'-1<11e11---1
thruout -from the epaclOUJ fonn&l Uvinc1room Ml Mar uahr uo.ooo. wtu. Located o.n cbote. caner lot. Tr-ud lhtuba,
to the warm, black walnut paneled f&mily room =._ 1;:.-: ~ nev Llodbers ICb6ol Priced Sl-0,000
with lta m&Nive atone fireplace. That built In P. s. May ba bousht comJ>lete17 furnlllled for SU.000
dream klt.cbea wtu lhrll1 the taclloL SPIC AND SPAN .
Full p~ $27 j500 Only $8.000 down. 8ecJt &7 ana. a iup '*'"
• room.a. ..,.,.t. dl.nlftC" ....... R. L STRICKLER, Realtor ~<>-...... •,,., ......-o.u,-112.1'&0 .• " ~.can PORO VJ:IUUNDER, Ku
•.213. SfO Polnaie\lt., jual etf
lhe C.,.•t Hlr11w1y. k •
3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar . Ha.r. 2774 •
lllxcl111he Ap>la
OSBORN'=.f6RTON ·Realty . Co.
2323 W. Ci>ut Hwy. (at Port °"'11<>
LI 8· 71162 Ev'" Har. 51114