HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-21 - Newport Harbor News Press.
BEAT · TRUSTEE INCUMBENT. Ends in Arrest of 2 v·ouths
Other School Trustees Returned 1 :rwo youth~ were an-eated s•-
Off. i L• V . R • eel I turday night in the Balboa Fun· to ce as •CJht ote I eci1ster I Zonf' lll'el when a ~harre of
lntox1cat1on 11galn11l one mow·
U. nofnclal retuma fro111 Jo'n· r Schwuz went back In office ~lltd following a fighl with ar-
d.y'1 achool truatu elel'tlol\I with tM Harrtaon Sanborn. ex· 1 re.sting polu emtn
aboWed all but one Incumbent re-1 dlltrlcl bu1lnua manacer, re· tomed to ottlce tn the two ele-celvrd only 121 vota. Booked foi •nloxk11tlon .rid
ment.ary. the blp 1ehool and I Oranre Cout Collece truatea lltu n••1-ung 1r1e11t and '"'"
Orani• Cout Colle&e dtalr~ll. Walter ~moot , w1th lMl and II tUYb1ng th' ~·"" w~ Richard
Newport Beach Elementary Harry LeBard with 1568 vote. LeRoy ~1.,u .. 1, 21 or tl-47 &.
lc:bool Dlltrtct truat.ff M'I Bet· easily defeated William Stafford lll Sl ::>1<nta An• rs received top vote of '81 lo be with 323. •
nturned to office while Kilo . Hadd R1ng and Don Dun1an. Book!'<! tor inlerfenni wll.h an
Lacy. with lt4 votes, noaed out lncum~nll, were returned to of· arrest. w.i11 Molter'• comp&nlcln
"*'-'an Incumbent, Gordon Flnd· flee In the Newport Harbor Richard Arthur St~ng, l&. of
i., who rec:eJved 287 Union High School cllltrict tTua· 2383 El<len St . Collta Meu.
In Calta Meaa. Herb J t>nb tee race, recelvln1 SM and 846
led lbe Ucket wtth 482 vote1 vota rupecUvely, compered to
whUa fellow Incumbent. Brad •27 tor ~ Anderaon.
· Board Approves 14-room
High School Building Bid
ODnt.ract for tM CCllUlNCUon
ot a H cl ... room bUSldlnr at lb•
Newport Harbor th\Jon llcbOol
tn the amount ot fU2,IW!l WU
awarded to the Una ot 8ecreat
and Jl'\all of WbltUar J'rtda~ !l.f·
t.unoon by the boanl Of tzua..
~ meet.!nc In ....UO'f1*1 .... ........ ~~-.,.... ~ ~ to tn with Ha4d
~. Le.I atett 6 and Don-
ald ~ ~ r-ud Doe· ----•-41\1...,-· LIMI ltra. aooaJd klow 'llOCJn1 llO.
tor nearly 10 yean. It will tbm
lie neceaary t& build a new
lhop bulldtnl ~ band and or·
e.bcatra room.t before the New·
port Bea.ch campWI 11 completed
with pannurenl buiJdlqa.
Co n t r a c t-o r 1 reJ>,._,.L,·
UVM aai4 that lbey would be
... to JiDCnlt ln ton th1 con.ltruC•
Ua6._ qvlCkJy u tbe contracu
lN Jecuted. "tt It expecttl! Ulat
• ,...,. Wilt .. ~ ln die
~~ to !uperint.ndmt
-··Von than an -.Our and a halt Byd.Jlft o..ld.aoo, the mon., for
W&I COQINmed In argutnc the the new balldlng will come from
Meda ... m-. of buildtnJ U. ~raUng 1ocount and will
tM p.ropoead c:llli9rooma In .tcw 1Ull permit th• embark&Uon on· ot, tbe en-... of coMtn&cUon lo the propoaed new acbool lite
of a """ ~ Mhool on TO ae-with • ll.Jll0.000 campu.a.
rM of U.. tllrm.,.. Banta Ana
Army .A..lr Bui In Coeta ~
The naw facUJUu wtll conalll
ot H cluaroorn• u ctr &f!ProJd·
mately 23 by 32 feet In Ilise
TeellCICJ8n Hurt
In Auto Wredl
.ad wlll be of relnfonied con· Two Newport Harbor lean·
CNte wtlb •leel ceNllrucUon. &Jt'tl were ln.Jured allpUy early
V...t coet wtll be approidmateJy Saturday monililc foUowtnc a
SID.000 per room or $17.30 per 2-car W'T'eCk on the Arches over-
... ft. pau. accordtni to poHoe.
~n t b a ctaurooma are Sandra, 8wan.110n. 17, of aoe
a..U&ble lb• hJth achool will be Begonia Ave., Newport Beach.
alllle to hou.ae approxlm&lely wu hurt whU• rldln& In a car
llOO 1t'*ni. in t.be plant at dr1ven by Thoma• L. OraYa. 18,
J.IUl It. and lrYUM An. Wlltn <Jerden Grove. Eloy Hartlnn, m. ...., ec.t.a ,. ... Hlfh School 1•. Of ~ l Plummer SL. Qlelk
Tar 8all Team
in Top Seeding
Newport Harbor High School
Ta.re buaball le&m wu given
the No. 1 tttded poaltlon ln the
ClF playotta today aa the 1'9·
aull of a 11\p or the coin between
tht 8aJ.lora and the Co-champion
Anaheim Colonlell.
Coach Emil Nemee saJd the
Colonll'll, now tile No. 2 team.
wlll be forced Into ac:Uoa. tomor-
row aiatn1t the winner of the
Metropolitan IA•ru• whlie the
Tan draw a flrat round bye and
will not ptia) unu1 .Friday. No
lime hu been ~t for the Sall·
• Scandalous Deal .Unveiled
by News-Press Shows Loss
Loor HCteteci from the public .. nd preu bu been
• aca.ndalows lack of determination to enforce the law•
ot the Oty of Newport Beach. R~vealed excluaivtly
today u a rellllt of the conata.nt pryinf of tbUi new•·
paper Into the recent "clunp down" oo rMOrt apota in
Balboa \1 th• fact ror two
,...n the City of Newport
a-.cll baa tailed to collttl over·
due city Ucenae. In thr Fun '
T-an• area.
Altboup City Ucenff Colle<.·
lor Harold Youn1 ha. cited of·
f.ndtn. documented lbeir viola·
. Uoaa; and blAI immediate 1u~1-
lor, ,9, V. Pfuntner, director of
tmance, hu aouitlL dlr.ctton and
advice rrom the city counnJ,
aone baa bta forthcom1n&.
Apparently wiwUJinc to en-
torc• the collection of llcenaea.
t.be cttr COU11~ll baa autbortzed
t.be drttunc of an o\"dlnance. i.o
mean ln Ill Intent. that. It will
force ao 119' eel of amunment
.,. .. operatont out ot ~\.mtnea
Tber• le an old u.yi~. ''1 b•
powv to t.u la th• power to
chatloy" and tllia le tllie petb
that th• dty council llal clloaan
Le follow nr.lber than to entoa~
Ute lawa that It ha• • th•
~ka. in addlllillia to U.O.. °-"M and
Tim LOW-DOWJll operai.ct by Aat.,.,.C AeiilOrd·
Here i. .. .IAW&U.: l'e .... '•>
many ,...,. It Ml ._ UI• ~ --.--·---.......--.-..,,.---
tcy., tile ~
t. cell at. u.. citftc• ., A.I
cl'a~ Jlad1acl •rnnl'ml4et8 ,....._ operator • aajoHolno..,
lllMa for Hae Ltfti.SU.. the Mn.a .... o llaDGa" .......
Park Baturd&y afternoon Th• pmty 1l.Uted at 2 :30 UM colledor would Ill cloWu
He'a p>l r-9 b&lr and Iota of p. ,,, and al 4 p. m a h@n· will\ ~ &lld llcJe tbe
Plam tor lb• ~ ol fftoeklf'9 and ntatly ., many oopter from El Toro Karllle bUI Hvtnl Ue--. n~ and
760 homta ~ of. ea.ta 1laa trtendl aa t r •ck I• 1 bee&UM rave ·Jeffery 811<1 hi• sueet..1 • coll.cl th• feee. For lb• put
will Ille announced by ~ about IOO It.Ida and adUJll ebOw-lhrfll "7 l&n4ln1 rigbl ln fionl Mwnl yean the number of U·
Smith, Loa Anee.I• wbdl~ ed u~ to Mlebrat• hJa llUt of Uiem on Ula outfield Of th• ctn .. and , ... paid baa ...
al th• Mae Ctty Cound1 meet· birthday annJvl'rury. .MeAa pu kbueball dl.amOnd.. Pl· clJned. ~ lon11ht. HIAI name Lt Jett.,-y Sortor loled by Ct.pl. Max Scbumach· An uam1naUon of Qwnarahlp The "boom" ha. been lower-NJ
Annnallon of the lG-acn and, S&turday, h, abowed lypl· er, ~ICAS, Kl Toro Marln• BaM, of lb• pm-. dmcea and equip-on th• mana1amal of Rend_.
tract to the ctty wUJ be J!C"Opoeed caJ Am~ric:an boy lnterut.a In and co-pilot Capt. Y. C. Short· manl o( •t&bllahmenu Uuoacb ¥0\9 Ballroom to -~ .. d•n
before atart of conatructlon. The bdlana and rowboy11 and •hlnxs alee•• Helicopter BMR 3f2 t&Jl reoordll by 'f°';D'I· lloen.H up th• operation. comply with
acreage lAI located IOUth ot 01•· Uk• heiloopte1'9. 1M at. Ice MCAJ', Santa .Ana. who Uyea ln collector, revuled lo l\Jm that the law -or ela." Tbe ull1·
ler St. and west at Fetr1*"9 rrl'&m and he aoda a horN ac.A O..\& M-. th• aerial whirly· there were nilM MpsratAt t:>rlYate matum w-couve,yed to co-
Cemetery near Harbor Bf9id. M nen arot to put on • hell-bird brouJbt pruenta for Jef· ownfJT'8hlp1 wtUiln Ute l'wl Zona owner ClJd• R. Jobuon ln a
Ten acrea of tb• 1Ubdt.t.lon C41ptv ptlot'a crub br.lmet and fwy, l't~ letter from City Al·
will be ruerved for • .:bool bed wolMlertul tlme. ldtery tan'\ confined lo ht. HA ••01 we ·THD tomey Karl L. Oavta.
alte. aceordlni to a apollemuaa Tbel'9'• actua01 juat OM dlf-wheel cha.Jr and wu able to A"9 Ii.A In ....,w 1~ vlaJl.l;Wt.r•
for Jtnnlnl'...Saldermen. .,...._ fercnot &lleUl Jett~. 1141'1 & llM l.be hone and par.onally paid }.O the ~ncleSVOUt wlaJc:h
en, who w1ll submJt pla.na lo th• n:UKul&.r dyllropby .tcUm and .-mine tile hicopter. ll'a JWlt Tempcratune for th• weel:· resulted ln a mandate to m.t&U
city council. .., hl.1 birthday perty wu put an 1h&t he need.t more rut Ul811 end ln th• N.wport Harbor ID't9 "riot docn"' >ocka on an wt.
Tb• acreaie ta p~nuy '°'* by th• MU90Ulal'D ,YM.rophy Chap-other' J'lllWlPlen hie •I'•· But were and properlt' ldenlify all ult.a
M·l manutaeturiDS and u. ,.. ter c:t Ora.nae Cowlt71 Mn. Bl11 "-lit. hie &ttllcUon. tbtre'• no fflclll Low with dectrtcal li(M. The plumb-
quut tor annexation will lnclude 8l.ffl ot 8anta AAa. NCretuy pttbl1 around ll -Jeffery Sor· Tuuday. May 15 Al IU tnc ln~ar Rrvtd an order
a propmal lo ~ to 8lnaS• and pubJlc:tty dlTftlM ot the W ta a typteaJ Americall boy. Wedn-"Y. May 11 10 &a lo lmtall the nlWI)' r.qulred
family remldenual.. , Tbuf'lda.1, May 17 U 69 ''vacuum check•" on •II ot llw
ed other 1UbalvlAtont IA W•l..-rf • Batwdd&y, w.y 19 7S 60 cbea n lve faucet. In all wuh Dud.le)'·Snlith bave corwlnlct· BOYS CLUB TRACKMEN Ji"rid&y. W.y 11 73 ~l public tolleU, and to lrutall
(~ .. ..._. fl 8unda7. May tO .. M 60 ~ The electrical lnapector
-------------------------------------------------• . . M~day, w.y 21 .. fl 61 :adi: z:uu;!,.:;:~Y 1~t~~:
WIN IN 20·30 MEET Wizard Award.el :;:., .. ··~~~.'...'!"~~
Sa opened. It .. boptd by 9chool Me11a. w&.1 alAO hurl while a
omct&la. to be able lo dt.poae puaen1u In the car of Harold ot the bal'TaclU buildJnp that Gene Lackey. 24. 8anta An&.
.,,.,,.. been ill uae on th• camp\14 Nett.her driver wu injured. 0111' Frid&¥ coatal.
~pvt ln the Boy Scout Clrcua Satunt.·• nigbt
tn Buta Ana Bowl WU Scout Troop ~1 drill
team. In pict~ are Jlm Janee. Mel Park.. ~
J'laherty, Randy Wright. Tom McMuter. Keith
So\lra, Jim CulberUon. Jim Bridgeman, Rkk ll&e·
Nabb, Lee Fellinge, John Scott, Meera Rork,
Marahall Wright. Tom Chesley, Joel Fruieban. Ken
Bonner. Hank Kl~pingf'r and Ron St.C1a.ir.-Staff
Locals Top HUftff8'ton 1eact
~209. Pace 2 Other Team!
I • Co I · t peered al Ole clly hall for con· 1 • I f IC ference. with "the new open· & tore and l•~r•" ol the l\cndn· for 21 Boab VOi.Li. DemandJI lhll the lu.t0r•
''fet • Ucenee. clean It · up 01· on.. Navy bu annowaced lb• eJM" were Ulen mada. Na.my
awardtJ\I' of a contract for 1273,· of the lu.ore are Harry Oalup
Harbor Boy•' aub t.rackmen 100 in 12 Clal &nd '1"&.11 Oil th• 023.'9 to th• Wiurd Boat Oom· and Hal Zlt~a. bqth O( Kbll)'·
tt<>red vtctori .. In Wrd, fou~; wi.nn1DJ relay team. Brian l.Awll pany. Inc. of cocta M._. to wood. Tbey ban operated dan<'·
atxlh; and alJbtb &Tad• compeU· cleared' 4 ·reel. I lnchn for the build 28 H·ft plullc motor ea In other cummunlllf'a 111ch i.•
Uon lo raclt up a decill'nl 211 IJkond time thia y..,. to wln tbat wtaale boat.I. 1 8aJl Fernando, 1:1 Monte •od
point.e for flnt place ln the event. Denni• Perr1n took the The contract wu awarded u Ventura. Puaden• 'nd a n DI·
flret annual NeW))Ort Harbor 180. MJke Patrick the broad a mull of compeUU n-..otl•· 1 e10. accordln, tn Jotuwon
20-30 Club track and neld jUmp and Denni• Maclillllan the Uona a mona. at .ttrma. qbt of AlUic>up tky ottlcloll Jeny
cbamptonablpe 1l Newport Har· ahot put. I which aubmlt.led bid propo.al.a. any haraamenl vf the ~ndu·
bor HJp Saturday S...rth (l'de John Huchu Corw1.n Home. spok~ for vou. or Ill n1anal'tomet1J thn
Runttncton s.ci. wu MCOnd and B&l ~ten acored mo.rt Wtard. M id th• bo&f,jl ~1D bit have noted Ulat • pirrtner In
With JOI point. and J'ount&Jn Of lbe point.I in that dlvi.ton conatructed In lht C'-oet.a M ... the opent.lon la Al Andeno11,
Valley wu third with ltl tailed-"'"°' Knil!lten Jetting a f1nt plant of Lht compan). Ac.cordln& proprietor or lht .1-·un Zone "'hto
by J.A.cuna'• Tl In t.be 180 and 8tCOnd• In lht to the <'onlrart. received UU. l.t In the J'WdcUe .o.I a UcenM
R.anclY Helton. an ellbt year rel&y and abot . put and • fourth morn I n J. Wlaftl bu until Jluale with th• Cit:V Clf N_.porl
old HCOfld (r&dtr, acottd • In t.be 100. Hugb~ WU aeconcfln Ma.rcb. ltlli \0 buU4 IJlr Ch .. t 8-d\.
double win to p&ce the third the 60. broad Jump anll relay wbak,. ~ H«a. iald. )(udl ~ri~na llefll ~V·
Jndt111 to Uaett' .tctory. fie and fourth In hl(h Jump. Aller t..be MaV)' approvn lbe 9Jed al ~ prH*"6 0~.._ '"
topped the 7~ and 100 yard EIOB'l'H GRADE tint boat th'y wUI ~ bu.Ill at I t..bt f«nduvow1 by c1~ oftk'lat.
clUhea. RJcl\llrd .Mancebo and Jerry Hl!'hn cleared 6-. fML 4 the rate or two to fl:>ur per month •nd dtlu111 •m! bu1'tntamf11 .,,
Don aarx ~-" a.ill -cep lncb4m to wln tN l\ll'h lump •nd untU the rompletlon of t..b• con· Balboa an!t the b81ance ()f lh•
of rtpt place-wl~ 16 uad 60 come Within hall an lncb ol lrart In 1961. Kom• conUnued. 1 City o( Newpor~ ••ch,
vlctoriu rffJ)f'<'tlnly. The thlt'd Charity Berry'• Rarbor soya' Horn. ••Id WUl&rd bu bHtl I ------
&'Rd« relay lHm wu 10 yard• Club recotd. He went a fa.t WOT'k.lfti '>n tht ooolract alnce y . .a.-a Stilt
In froat ud dropped the baton I.I for t\nrt. In the 76 and l<*'9d February :"lo addJUonaJ "Tl· • Clftulllll . ft
but fou(hl back I.IP to HC<md. anolhtr ,old naf"daJ performance ployeea 01 plant IJQl&Jl.llon la I .. Ji. 1
l"Otra'ftl OllADI: (0..tlqefi •• .... ., antldpat.ed. ht concludld. I woman's Tires
Jobn Mellon 171 yard d.Ubl 1------------.-------------and Tlm e_~ck tRlp JUlll J l NaU .,..,... .,11\"'1'1 .n•~ lllot.11 ' t~k the only Harbor Boy1' Club ·T APPE~coP -cA . TO -t:OCAL ..... , \I .... oC ~ "'8~ wlalk-it. .. --
pld medal• .tn 10\ft'th ~ wu parked 1n I ~otau1ant
compaiUUOft but .S.plb p•• the l JAN DRAW HIS . POLICE IRE p&r1dnc kit t'rldlty tllftll. Mn. lonli U.. owrall victory In Ull• M 1 Btim Balu. ill1 C.."'ama.don An ..
dJvildof\ •T"' to .. I Police made • hUmed cau lo lh• let.phOM company lnfonned polk·e
ln tM rlttb Grade. ft.ancly • t.hla monatn.i wtten It w .. ~ered that 1 prt•at. cUlMn Bia •Id ~ !.ft Ui• Hurl•Y
a.ddu t.ooll eeconda la the IO WU t-.chwrtmt)y tapped Into their Une Btil "-tl&Ut9nt 38Cll I: Coa.t
a.nd broad jump and fourlb lD Lawt'lllce Booth. IOU 8ayatde Ori••· told polke that lliaftway, at t :IO p. m. •1'« t.be 100 betq 111 \M 11tln1 place ror alll"nl Ga.ADS foe IOllleUme now b• h&a ..._ ~ poUet depart.met 11•0 '-"-»ti. _.... t drcn ..
HBC IC04'ed en.a tlnl• 10 ~~ over bit phoe• aa becqround aoi... but *LUI I lh• auto ..,,....1 llilocU wfore
•lsht .,,enta 1n lllxtJ\ l'"MM <'OIU· ~ult. aodlbt. Ht aald h• ha4 not.ln.d th• phOtl• rmnpny ~tM uru "C<nt tlllt. ,..,. 1' ~··
.,.tttklfl. Oen lnodr~ ftll._, bhnwlt lmt the noiae fl.ad ~ -unuln1 l\Y nalh1 Wf"A later u·""'ved
Md Ole M lll t 4 eecoada. U-• 1'fOm llii (ff •
---. . . . . . . .
L . • . . . . . • .
. . . . • • .. • .. • • • .. • .. . • • .. . . •• •• J . . . . . • .. .. i : : : :.
•I •• .. . .
' c : -. • .. • • .. .. ...
• .. .. ... .. • .. .. ~ ... -• .. t : ...
t ' ' . . . . . . . .. '• . ... ~·
' { . t · :_· ... "'. • ... ,.. •• : : •• •• • • ••
\¥ • '{.:You're Invited to Attend
R b~ Hearjng o~ Budget
ft'• ita1 \r'pt tllM elaia Ud dll&t me&ftl 10Uf
the tuptyer, )ue an trivttation u.· appear tn c!tr
hall to sjve the council yollr ideu concerning muruct·
pal mptditum and ecoa.omiee. Thia evening at 7 :IO
o'cloc•· t.bl COU8C1l will llold a ~ blldset h~ ~ for the ~ of Jl'tliDI tb• tu·
j,ayena uve an ldftllll sttm.--.i UM propoMd &cl.\
budJet tor the year 1~51.
111' tit etnamer acroM the top of this page
• . ......-~19wcr_.eat h~ no money ••&: .r::-::,; • P'oPJe•" That HD·
~if tnti .,eaf few week.a than ever.
~ jo~ an VU&Uy a!.f.ected by the city
IUlk" ...,... of w~ wiD be available to you in
dty lWI. Get your co11-ad 1tudy .it over. Then go
to the bud,et be.arinr apd stve your aid to the
council In eettlng up an ettlcient, workable fl.lcal
I! you fall to en~r your ideu, opinions. prot.eat.a
or aareement with tbe preH.mJQ.ry budget you wUI
have only your1elf to blame lhould & aum be appro-
priat.d whJch doee not meet your approv&l. You u.
u Smportazlt part of the city'1 economy becau.ae it'•
J'OUl' m.on.y the cou.ncU will be lpelld.ing. Plan on
llttlq In on tbt prellm1nary budret dilcuu1ona lhll
eV9ll1q at 7 :30 O"clock.
Money Thrift Proposed
to Federal Government ·-.
la .. .l:DoMy cu ~ tlb the tortoile and hare
•nken will tell 7 l\LDll can bt reallMd
lt 10" .... by UttJt. I
The Hoover Oft recommendatlon.a, a
p1aa for •Yins for aov•rnment, la aimed
at aubltuti&l cum~ avlnp throurb a number
ot individually minor actiona .
No dramatic chanie• are suggested by th•
Commlw!oo, only minor modi:ficationa lA policy and
p\.ocedurt1. Yet t.bNe recommendat.ionl, t&keai in
the &RftPte, can aave bUllona.
Tl'Ut, It'• dlttJcult ln an .tectio~ 1fil&r to focua •
attention on compuatively minor mattttt of ,overn·
mental bopaekeeplq; and the bureaucn.tl wW Oj>poM
&Jl1 cut-blcb in their 1pendlni power. But, nmem-
btrinl Ult torto&M and the hare, th• Hoover Com-
miuion recnmmtn4adpn9-1bould bt conald.ered and
aoted upon lty eur 1'&Watot1 tbfa Je&r and. over \M
next le\len.J yean.
Irvine, Guthrie to Help on
State Chamber's Board . ~--..:..-'
We nre _paued ~---tlaat Myford lrvlD•.
bead of the ll"9ta. Co! Gld Jame• Irvine roundatlon,
bu been elec~ a dJrector of the Callfornia St.ate
Chamber of OonlJMllce. Ht wtJ1 find Jamu. A .
Out.brtt, Balboa Ud 8an Bernardino resident, ha.a
been aamtd to a cUrtctorahip with him .
We th1Dk lt'a laudable that 'both min, ardent
lovers of Newport Harbor, abauld have been ohoeen
to &ld the It.ate cll&mber lD lll .ark dwini th•
enauinC year. It '#CMlld • hard to flnd men of ~
c&llbre for awnberahll> on the chamber board.
It gives ua great pfeuun to AY oongratulationa
to both IivtDe and duthrle oa MW "llonora
which w1Jl ~ect rre&t Credit OD ewport Harbor.
.bd, 1f we know both m~ they'll M booltbla thil
ana with their cbam~r tolltrerea wbe.never Uaey
meet. ~
J ! _G_r_as_s_R_o_o_ts_O_p_in_io_n_._. _. _
=e :. '-rbt worth ol a Stslf . .in.. the taiii run, 11 ~·
,. . worth ot the lndiYid~ ~mpo&!Ag tL" ... l'ram
: : John Stuart !lllla' eaay bn Liberty (l~D). :: ~----------~--------~---J..__ ____ ~~--~ .. . .
area ln the United States.
Desperately need~. too, ii an AaMmblymao •ho
will work to the end that our $outh Cot..; la .not.
1wall.wed up ln bopel .. hodp-podie of. oil wtlll
and lhe like.
I •
An oppommU:y p~ tMlt f~r WI UM to
1up})Ort ·a cud.14'te tor the ltepubllcu aomin&Uon
for Aaeinblym.an from th1I dtat.riet 1n the per.on of
33-ytt.r-o14 Jo~n T. Amendt.
Ame.ndt true enOQh I.a a Sant& Aun. bUt lb•
South Cout bu no ~i4~i. &Dd .A.111eDdt • A bir
tnougb man to reprtMDt hi• tnUre dlltrict. Tbt
New1 be111vu ~will &iv• th.ii area hoaNt and tftec-
tlvt representation.
WlU:a ·Uat rtUrement u ueemblyman of Earl W .
8t.&nlty, of Newport Btach, many candidalel have
Miterecl the neld f oi: t.bt ft()p nomination.
The Nevi1 did not iupport. Btanley blcaUM of hla
lukewarm 1tt.n4 on oll dtUlln1 in thi& ar-. Nevw-
lhe·l-it ia pi.tul to BtanJey for ~· h .. p ht ''"
the Cout&l Leapt at et.cramento 1n retunf pua.ce
of th• Shell-Cunnlnfha.m Act. Stui.y enjoy• th•
rtapect of bJa collMJl.ltl at tht 8t&te Capitol .
John T. ~dt I.a a m.a.n who earn~ him..U a
aplendld edocatlon throufh h1I own effort.a and· bu
held po9ta of 1"P<>Daibl1Jty ln pernmtnt md tdu•
Born In Ottawa, Illlnol.a, he attended Holl)'1food
high achool and obta.llled hia buhelor of uta ~
from LoyoJi. Uotfffltty lh Lot AllJelea. lie ftl a
member of the Air C.Orp&.
Lat.er be obtained h1I delJ'M of doctor of philOI·
ophy from Georretown University In Wuhlftlton,
D. C.
Amendt aerved for two yea.rs u a. political and
eooDomJ.c Ulf.iyat lD WuJllZlstcn &Dd tor two )'tan
ln Europe in a allniJv capa.clty.
At p,...nt ht ii a member of t.bt te&cblnf 1taff
of lta.rymoWlt collep In Loe AA11lea. Ht ll married
and U.. lather ot two bo)'L
Inumuch u other couw newap~1 an aJao
1upporUn1 hil Cl&Ddidaty n. New1 belltv .. bt hu
a SoOd chance of ftU1nl th• Rtpublicaa nom1Dat.IOD.
S~cramento Sidelig.ht
. uca•~ (0Gt -lj• Mli~. at ~ tli ~ ~ Ol Dq'1)u• -tt.e
... ~out OD lta NICtDt dectllaa to nt.Mrtil1tlia un-
~t iuu.l'IDCI put at tM ~ .. ,..,
hep.eftta to au~ ...-.. w)lo Mw _.. 41Ul 'otr
.., Ulillr ....,..... ... .... •
..... U..t.M1artMt&I. ....... bowa .. ~ ............... ...-.... ...... .....,.TN.I.,....._
.._...,. ._ U. .-..111& _.. aol "'*1y u.. ,_..,ta.
!Ille feel~ ~ ,_, Jm •• ......_ • ..,.,..u, la U. taee of ... Now. • a t\M1JUr U.....U... ~u .. lntAint ot ~ im 0 . Uon, the \IAiona u>t and wm ,..
.. ploJIMal tMurano. act. cetw uemp&oyment ~
Mdt.11 trom an ·~ ~ al U'9 ame time u lbtlr awn-
dOWft by Attorney a...z E4· laera draw what many )Mop19 muacs o. Brown. ti\ !dtll ~ -waa-." U\&t la, a raaran·
wu oot.llned tJaat ~ ~ \Md empJoymmt w .. , p&yabl•
waa lq&l. wb•tber the worker la e11 th•
'nle queaUoe atjKa, or ~ job or not.
If It la mor1J17 •roP«, wb.lth• l.l'QAL QUUftOM
t.be ortsmel acuea vt t.ha l•rt--Thia 11 the wbote q1M1Uol\,
l&ture la AIU Yalid or a.boliJd be h11ally, wbe\Mr •not u.. fwlda
expanded !4 t&M la IDGre Uwi drawn from tbt prtn'PQ7 art.nr
lnt.ect.d &Ji t.be ~ &Ad lhi8 tlm• of JD~ ...._
wheUler la U\e lonr nm, th• are wasH, or a Jlfl, or 111111n.
Pl"OCem ot ,.,~ Wltlll~t paymut of ,....,..... It .-Ut>t...
truiurance to LMIYktua.la wbo .,.. HJy wi.u bt oe Utie ~
on what mlpt bt tU'meid a that lb• AepUty et \M ..,_rt.
"wa,1" will not completely menl'a ruUnr I• decided when
brta.k down th• enllre unem-It rtache• th• court.a. ror It 11
ploymr11t ln.turance 11•um. &Ad almott certaln that 90IDI •m·
even worM, neatroy lht • lncen· ployera. wb<»e ~e t "' n d a
live tor auaranlffd ann~ ware tftnlually wtU be t.breal.-.4 M·
plan•. c.auN of lhJ• rullnc. wtll t&k•
----------------------ORIGINAL PUN the matter to t.M CC'UIU. IAC'lt.AKENTO (CNS)-Apparently, t.bt reluctance Orl(lna lly, un•mploymtnt In· It It II dettrmlned b)' the
' . auranc• wu deal.med to rt•• court.a Ulat th• comp&lly pay. ol . eome public offldala l-0 take th.e pubUc into lht ordinary worker about h&l.f ment.a are a tonn ot wa,.. lh•
their ~c.t tn.tofar u public record.a and other mat-bla w•ekly •alary lo IJde hlm the additional uMJnploymeat In·
ttn J -·a.11 .. blt.e!Wt .,. concerned ia cont..,ioua. ove-a period of un•mploymenL •ur&nc• paym.at.a ea.DAOl !lelJ
.. .. r-"" ' .. At th•l llmt. I Uch t.blla11 u but ...,. held to be w.,.i. u It
l'w ~ U.. Mei. ot Ult MUOtl public rtcorda ahould b4i open to paranletd enrploym•at plan.I 111 d•lftmlnld t.bat the p&yat.nt.I
ti ~ ...... Ju4p ~t-~ the publlo upon demand. Ot ware mertly ldeaa, &11d once ott an • ,Ut, or • wtUMlrawal of
la ••· I CIOWll)t, ta -. a CO\t:H lher• are mall.ere of work, thtre wu no lncome t.o rtMCVe, probably lbe courta will
......., ~ to lJae r::!.t and cou~y on both adee ln•olvtd. be had. ll waa contempl&teci bold ~ paymt11t.a J .. al. For un-
._ .,._ OOIMI aa la Public oftlclala ahoWd attempt t'Urther ll\at the u.nemploytd •mploymot ln.tUra.llce '-not a..i ~J llolpltal =~ t.o cater to t.ba dtelrea of lhl worker wQuld look f~ a job, b&Md upon th• nMd of lM ln·
wt lea i..adro. I' pubJ1c and 1u1t their convtnlmce and JO to work u eoon u potl· dlvldual, but upon tM ~ou.nt ....ct. la fttclil t.ht ·~ In Ol)entnr iutb reoorda. but on I.Ible a t • Mlary .qual at l...t ot tun4I h• hu tarned, and th•
tor el DI boeptta.I ot19r&tad bJ tht other band If ellmMf ,.. lo hl1 unemploymq t iuuranet amount.a hla tmployer U.. p&ld
ta.I t.eiwublp °" P\l~lo f\uld.a, cord• would ca~ lnconnn1ence PlYIJlUlla. W!Mlb• UU. COQC)tpt ln tu-.
,-... to OIM9 the "°°* t.o th• otnce at a cert.atn ume. wa. nrht or wronr i. anolbu A• well a.a court a.cUon. th•
tat fldillt.. then It 11 up t.o th• public to queaUon. but \he tmm9dl&t.c et-d•d•~ ot Ul• depe.rtmeat 11
,;.. Ul:nla11tntor. 8&IT)' •ult It.I convwence to lb• ln· Ctct wu that Ult Labor unlona UMlJ to ~,_ the 9Ubje9l ot •,u.e. Nl\aMd Lo ,..,mt • dU· itllullon. lnat&lltd a ciomplet.ey new Ide&. wtial eoiwutute. ,,,.,._ ta the
..._ Vama rl0)'4. to acaa ~ namely, that It wu unneoeuary atate S.palature tn 1167, u wt>-
IW>ok1 Of Ul• Mepll&l YAW a.ft.er BAB ITALL to '° lo WOt'lc GC9pt at unloa ject w¥Q alwa,. c&\&Me •
• board ot dttte:tora meettni. But not, or courM to th• point acale. Tll• ldM the btpn to bitter ll&U.lt tletweea labor
whlell la .. t tor Kay 11, aoconl-where a continued '•tall 'on tha ~ a eubaldy wb•hlll th• pay· Ul4 employer .
lnr t.o latonnatton Ml&ined trom part of t.Ae publlo ettlclal c&n ----------------------Ul• hA IA&ndro Momlnr Mewa. cauM Ult public t.o bt barred
Thi.a tncldent cauNd action to from lookJ.ns at th• tecorda tor THE c A p ITAL w EEK be Uken by M~. 1'1oyd, w1\o M · lonr perloeb of Umt. IL cu bt
cvred Attorn., Robert ~lrbt rud11y ucr.CaUIMS wbc public
to act ta b• behalf. A ~d oftkl&ls an 1t&.llln1. ucl wbe
... ft.led '1 llle attomv OD U\t they an co-operau,,. enourb to
hoapltal tb&t Ult record.a be op· tlJt an appolnt9CI' Um• ud place
United Preu 8tatf Coneapondtnt
•9' Le her. tor th• convellitnC• ot lht ln· -----------------------CLAIM &aao• qulrer.
P'rom the newapeper t.ccount.. n II untortun.ata lndtt4 thal 8.CR.AMENTO, (UP.) -Callfomianl appe&r to be
tiler• ta a charr• that lbe llpoka cm. public olllclat• are WlWIU· leta interMted In the forthcom..lnc praideatial el«ltlon
ot th• 1ao1Pl"'1 41al.r1ot .. t.ata IJ1c to rtv• lntormauon to th• than they were in U.. ou.,_,. conteeta of two ye&N ago.
"rora amouaftAc to more tha.n peopl• wbo pay the bllla. How Th• report Luutd ~ a.a.
IJl.000. a.Ad Mn. FSoyd, wllo i. to tr..s.. out. lh1a u~p&thy t.o 1.&ry of 81.&t• rr..a M. ,_... Ue local lnw• Ja I.he •*·
• ~·k_,... r.ciu•ted penal.-th• public lntereat ha. betn • ahOwl tbal N(tatnUDa tflr UM Uon..
Illa to 10 Oftr the ~rd.a to matter .of dle<:u.ulon ta: a lODS Ju. prlmary ta IOIM tTt.OOt Tb• ProbUrilloa pat7 npt•
Cltt.eretM &uthcnUcJty ot Ult Ume. n. ftnt proc•' apper· lm&lltr thaa It wu tor lbe p& 1.-.4 i ,MO •\a&ftti.4 '"f'tlerL Their
cb&rf• that -""* error• bad 111Uy, la to Mlect P\lbllo o!flcl&la ma.ry two year1 •ro dNJ>IU a rnat .. l •tnns\b. W.. lb• et.bet
bee made. who hav• no reuon to bu the 111n of about T00.000 ln tlM ,.,.u.. wu ia Loi Aa,..a.. Jn
11.r~y enou1ll th• att.om•)' pubUo from It.a record.a. at.ate'• population. n •• counu-. A'JtM. M&rtpoM.
fer U.. bo.pltal, Perry Bud9l· Th• iecond procua, a nd ont Tb• reptnUon tor Ult Jwi1 Mono, a.n •wto, and Siem.
11n& Of a&n l.Aandto, d.cland whlch wUI be mo51 dl!flcull, la primary II almoet ,00,000 ms&lJ. tMr9 WG'e NO ProbJblUoaieta
that Ul• admiAillrat.or la "pro-to 1urre1t to th• atat• ter l•l'a· er than It wu tor the lt~ Nov· nfiet•t•d.
CMdUla Oft hlil own" 111 b&rrtnl true that 1lrlnpnt Jawe be 1n° ember election when UM rovn· Another l0,t1' per.ona WW9
tll• pui.llc from '"Inf d.llp\llAd aoted to •Ject t=-om ottlc1 U\oM norahlp, but not Ult pt.aidenc7 r.,itteAd for what the hcre-
ftn&Dctal record.a at the • .Edan oU1ciala wbo bu-l.be public from ,. .. at itak1. · ~ o( l'-tA h1m'9<1 -. mt.
boeplt&l. bUo t"~rd.I. •pec:111ly In In· Ot courM, t b. rt&illr•UOD oellante>U9 p&rti•. IUll uot.Mr
How Ult lllden boepll&l c.aM 1ta.nc11 when clltsen.a 1r1 forced normally lncn .... betWMA Ult 1Jt,UI tt(tatlred, but. declln9'
Lt worked out, ot cou..... ia a to co to court and be put to primary a.nd lb.I reneraJ elec· to elate the.Ir party afflllaUon.
mauu for IOc&J oftlclall ln Ala· ft'Ht expen11 to '" what 11 Uon. Jord&n pred.lclAd a bla ln· That lalt thtlQ wltheut • ¥Ota
medt. coun~. but It tall.a ta.ck lbtlra. At leaet. 1uch a cou:-11 creu. for Ul• Novem~ nuiott. OD lh9 pr1m&ry ooaa.ta.
oe th• Mm• principal that all would be •tftcUvt. But It the me ot th• 11\Cl'MM &pu'bUcana ou~ Demo-
87 1.uo:I W. DOU'DIAT
lut 1t.cuon can be ~ea u crat.a IA on1)' etpt ot Ulll R&t.e'1
&11y lndlcaUon. lb• nf1atratlon GI counU... Tbe major' ft.epubU•
for th• Novamber elecl4Qn can ltzoqbaJ4 ... 1a Orup
be amaUtr than In 1964. Count7 wber• ~ ..... TT,000
The tot&.I r.11.U.Uan tor lb• Ae)l\llNJCU. recilt.-ed toe,.,...
primary uu. yeu la o.d7.ID to t6,000 demoua&&.
•uaJltled voters. Il wu 1.~.tll GOP ()()t11ft"IJl:a
----------------------tn the llk pnmary and 5,111,· Olber ltlpubUC&n couau .. WABHINQTON, _The u. s. Senate recentJy utab-021 In th• 1902 pr .. ldenUaJ prt· w.re A.tplM, LAM. Marki. Mmlo,
lilhld a d&npl'0\11 Pnotdat lt pawd JaiillaUon putUn1 ma~t.e eoftu.w.ct '° m&!ae =:-~ lu'-...,..,_ u4
the Dlttrict ot Colwnbia truatt ~ under public own· tatn a •tron• lead ovw Aepu-. .u UMaa& ..._. •"'-. _.,..
enbtp. A.Ad tblll It made u important aceptJon. It ~ ucau ~ t ll • l r ~uon .ot.1 repwNd aa i..rJ:la•IM9 • ltJ'lftfUL fte Dem.-Uo total OOUAl)t t.lia I.a U1 otJw ~ a
C\llld. ~1 = ot 61 ';u!I. to .. tau... took a 1t.roq .tand Of l ,oet.ITI w.. TUMQ YOtew wt.. IDArfUl. TIM '9tAI ta... p~aot .. u.. 1&111::., ':. Itri: tor pl'IV&'-eAt.lr'fW'M &A4 for ~., than t.H total DWDMr of ... UTe,Tu. ... , ... ,........ ~C:-::""8r to au 0~.,. te4eral eUm&naUoa of oompeUtlr 10..,... Hliaton4 Rapua.l!eana. L1oD wu lft u., ..,._. "'8t7
wostl... m111t bualn ... tne aoUY1U~ PAATllll i.oe• wbleb pro4uoed "'17 lTl ,,..
llMI 0&1¥\n Ooolldp ~t-4 Thi.I Vlctory -aurprtllnl t.o Both pe.~• · IOllt I.a nf'llra· peoUve .-ot4111, ot ftioll W ,....
tA9 ~ '°ltce llrdt1 -uid l'lW\1 -came on a vot& ot Jn Uon, however, comp&nd \o lb1 RepubUcu.
,.... troai pYWIWn' to Pttlldent t.o 161 on th• dtftnM appro11rt· 1t06 prtmuy. TM Densc-.nuo Tb• IMJor prblliuJ .. ._ la
-etrlll• ~ put>U. tmflOJW aUOftl bUt. Th• volt k11™1 .: ~::n. ... ~:\17..,....~ ::t .:;t:: = -!u=: "*•• "-" toftUteeUJ • o a-"rt~r'' on Ul• bW, wblch m ' thetr °"' t.be ~U· U. Democr&Ue • , ... ._ TIM
CltmaM. AM \Ile ....... la •II-DettlDM Dqart.mmt P~ : Hiii ~-•ltllou'• Clrol'l*I pnao ~t lt.aM la OllUlllll&'1 ti \'tOl.ll. Grt..uoee ap.lut P· .Umlnat• b\&llnUI • type &O • • r-... la lb I> ..u. .....
1nunet •~ M Mltltd ltJ ... YIU.. .ubj.et t.o veto 111 tM :!taau ~ wlillo o.imoorata ~ Oonvlftt!:.':-.... ,...U:
tablilMd )tpJ .~ or ApptOprt&UODI Com.mitt... TIM ;ro; WU w1• compe.r-co 9'clt ot .... ... ... ltet nonn&l ,OUUl&l 1MUlloq. eo.. leldom 11 th• JIO'"rtul Ap-.. t.e u.. ,..wtr&Uoa sor th• D.Mnbower la •:r..,. ... tit Ula
clon • fOl'M ~ aplnlt proprtattOM oomm1ti.e to o....-1904 .a.ouoa. .u.s tn w. · .... ui.'I 70 R~a -...
tll1• ~t -~ IOftlD-t1dcka. The YOt& lndlcat9d a m... u.. u.cs wu . n••IM. TM AAot.bs ooatol&=t . M-
,...t&I IMUbaU.. -la Cll'tllW Jortt7 of lbe ffouat want the DIJOOGrata io.t •• ftt.et'e hfMD 1tat1 I& JUcb.
lp&atl \M PtOJa.. Tb• mtll• ....,...t to r•t out ot IOlft· ~ 9'1pu.Ucaa ~UODI a.Na <D-LN ~ .., bm·
• ...,.. ii u.. uuu. ... o1 or-peuu .. 11u.11.a .... TM 1a1U• now c1rop,.a ilT,Tlt. u ooqJ"llll1Ma ...._. TW\1.
Oerl)' P•• ... •tal ~ IOle Mtore the lenatt Appro-JoN&a wu at a 1oe1 to ca• • DemoU&t. flt* m1•1aa.U.
............... t Roeeeftlt prtat.fonl OQrnmlt\M. pa.sa t•• ...... ~ .... lft&Ulm ,. tM v .........
m•t Ulll ._.. ~1 la 1111. VUUJ-Mlll· wtUO Cool&•...,.. lllplftcanee M&t eow lleW ltJ .._ n.... ~ll,rtl\f ~ &Mt ~t •• ~m:~ ':nctu•t.n&l IM4-In u,tlt ot t.M Mate'a i.ta popu· K. Xudltl .(&oCallf,). ll....a &M
em.,..,_. ..... ao l1t't to _, ... &aUOn pl.a at u.. rato of mon Yorty a1lo .,._.nw, • IUdt-
•trlkt; tu& U.., •Ult. taU .,.. an lr1hll to •:::.,:t,.... UW\ ll.000 a mon~ arcsa 4'4 not.. Alie n \M ~ ta•~ ptwaMll to ~ t&&ll ., Ult ReadJ Law ''Oat "*' ll .. soed .. ur .,.. ra.c.t9 ,_ II u.a. ~ wh.,. t.Mtr ...,., ....,,. aac Jl'Ul p~ UAder Pu'llo w o\Mr," Jorda.a .,.,.,..,. ......._ IO et&Cll .... .., ..ta WO~ eeMlUOU an fta.s ll7 IQ& el \Ile a..t Conll'llll· He -.Sd be t•t UI .. WU llt• &Ad IO Mate ... le ll&ta. law. n. autbot1Md Jlte&4y ~ _________ .., ___________ _
· ~ .,_. • .., trtm 1MUlle •lllnt tor a.U 11n1oe ....._. ~ -"'"'Unr trou"• l• •.• IWUllon. '1oun1 men •M Fanner McCabe Wnetes .. &!! ... -WU 4"1 .. t &a UOUltf ba" M....cl two ,...... wt1I .... mr..u.a. u..1-. .,. .... ... mata 1n lb9 lh&d1 ftMlr'YI llllUdiftl ..U..Uft ~ tor ta e441Uoft&l lllrM ,_,.. ~ t.plall IOftNm•l. With TbOM un4w · 11" ,_are of ... ---------------------0817 .._t I,_ .. tel~ wbo 1a1eot l.b• t-moeua MUYO Went down tot.be .ulap to call on u old frt.cl ~...,_ MW • ,...._.. l.bt ~ muat rcmaJn la l.bt <>f _,__ • ... ..... ....... day. :, u.n.en I rot then lWI little drtft l4I oa lAI LDcrMM tbdr ftead;y ltlRT'VU for 7 '.i ,..,.... U&LUG \.&II VWJ-. 11 .... P.
n11mbtrahlp. 1'1l•Y ww be ... equlred to lalce thru year old da"'fhtrt wu aettln' out on ~ front
'hl•lr .cll9'• t• .. t.a.IMd In tr..ininr on• d1y per wttlt for porch rocJd~ ber dolly ud llhlstDf "Nobody Jmow9
• Mil ltJ llnat.oT JobDltOI\ • ot '° daya annually -plua I w..u the •-·bl-1'" eeeG l" Okin 't reallu tic» bad many IOuUl 01iNUAa. Jt Ml ~ puab· IWIUllff tJIC&lllpmeL w.,.. ._
., bard. aacsreu el~ •a.. llllJUary ottictai. polAt .ut troubl• ..• bow llOIDtVU, tbe7 live at a purt7 fut ,..i.. uve .. lnaded" 9.'u)llnr-lhat.. contrary to l"tpo"l'ta. Yin• chp lbtlt daya. J '*' ln a ma.u ''lobby" f« lhe ally all phy1Jl.&lh· fll )Ount mm
IMIJ, under 2t will bfJ rtqu11 N lo J>ar-
PRJV A TE ENTPPRJSr; VJC-llclp•t• at aom1 UJll• o.r Ill·
TOA 'I -TM llOUM GI a..,pr.. ou..r.
Fanner UcCabe
• Miss McClellan
a beach caltume t.M.t
will be UOWD rftday at
Capistruo Be&cbcomb-
en dub 1 u n c h • o n •
Jo-Ena I.I one of the
lho119 particlpatini. -
Terry Boria Photo
Jill •I
COUMCD.. .r Cla~ -U!U
, .... J..-parW&' baU.
UWC-JlOOll, Udo Chab, 11..,,_ u.1a--.
~ Dml<>ll-t p.m. Cit.J
I · 11a11 eounell room.
J>1:110L1 T Motben -7 p.m. ....,.., re1taunnt.
MDOW ~ IJ\otr-1.1:80
f.111 a.DloaJla1'CIUb.
ll~lar b&Dquet -
l:IO , ... Obrtlt Orwdl by tbe ....
KAT .BllUNCB-11 Lm. et.
AJtdNW'• paUo.
A. U. W. -1 :IO P• .. "3 &
11, OoMa I(..., JUNI~ gwr1;......i-..uau-.
1J:IO p. m. a.n.oa .. ,. au~
K. D. 0. W. -: I p. IL ._.
Lectoe ball.
ll&T ti
r. A. c. ea.rel 1ecUoD -11 :JO
p.a. chi..,_.
.Ou.DI ol ... -1:10 ....
'---: .
. ..
' .
4 • s •• ,.
Lblwua~yer ,Bab~
A btbf pl "-b<r.n lo )(r,
•lid Mn. William Unsuune)'1l',
11°' •unUUt.on Ave., Run~
toa IMcll. ""r t al the Ho9C
Mll1)or1&1 lloepltal. The b a b 1
"1Cbed 'T lb•.. • au.
1worth more?·
s...-........... .,
Hatnnto1d Orton
T.., l'taao ,\ecepW
ta Eltdwt,J•
Schmldt-Phlllpt Co.
D4iu-Bchudt PMIM Co.
Tb. nut tull aympbony concert
will be h.W ID lntne Bowl on
Jund&y •vu.lJl.a, A\&f, lt.
PO No. Main. laata Au n.w..utan..•.._.
i. ~from
You Will Love The
Pink v.now
Light ltue ·,
• Also lft
Bleck Patent • Beg• to
225 E. 17th ST. = COSTA MiSA
OPlfN Fkl~~y EVE. 'TIL 9 P. M.
· costs more?
certainly not!.
.cmutnal:Y ollu. oompWNly
..... -tboroushfy dependtb1e .. ..., ................
"9ih all ltl mru. eledrio cooldnc
... to Urilel s. your dMI..
___ ,
... • . . ..• .,. ... .,._ ..... -. -----
·· JCtROWN MOfrFRIDAVi~ j. . ... , ..
:,::-. Co(i ...... .,., Rel Tw'lrl..._: .... _ _., ~
... 1 ....,. ·aw t.. ,,,,_ !Mi~:a-T
:";Tall "fq Dothle WIM It ::"',.:!" ... "" ~·-..
Jo 6-• I ~j;•t:;:_(_ ~ ' 14011'9 Mil ..U-.-. ... lA · · · -o r ··C.n """'-'• lllla ·....., th• 1 ....... ,.,,. "' ... '*"" t.-~ i '' '!'.' .. \ ____ ............. ., ' ~ rt.n«id Mm to~ WM Ua•
Wi11!"': Cough ..,.,,.. OD I.a tJie 1111111> lnnlll( of a _., W ~~':;~
llJlllOR V AllSnT GLADIATOll8 -Here'• Cooch
Clrpck Randall'• Newport Harbor Hfl'h School nine
at 1eU<>n'1 end. Op crutche9, left; LI Mike C.Orge,
who auffered 1.ajuf>' elidi.llJ. Randall la at right.
Team memben are : Terry Bapell, Guy Ouk..
1111>7 ~. l;la11!1J .....,Olld, Jlia Hehn, Jf.ry lfuJ.
llort, Jmy Lawronce, Robett lWllowl, Gary Pick-
-· Potar Rallbttt, Gll 811arP,.Larry Schnder, Steve
.l!lmoboen, Bt.tve Souder, Gelo Trimble, Jim Louden
Newport 11&rll0r mp. Bctiool'• BUL PHILLIPS._ Sport.I F.d.itor
tennla lt•INI ION the men wh.ol --------------·------------
Trc:ldltlonal SoHball lattle
Won . Weclnesctay by 13·2 Tally
, ~llltill· · " '· on the. )(111. c:&mpua--'rid&y al· ~..of.,. ont _ 11 ~N . .Pltell"' 'lf Coach .WeDd¥1 P,lc-e"'' defti>d· . .._: ::.u ~ ':,..~ .. ~ l!!l'.\ogu~ ~ •• ' ....., -Ul'tiia ' ., ~·-~ to u • JlMh ~· Bu.t a&ow MU ....,. ..._... U.. iftrC '~lftli... pb Nllef artJilitla ~ ~'< Whf' 9ftded th;-"'", *°1 • ~ 8-c:tl. Cit)' ,. _.. "" uae Buet' fOl.lt'onaa "'-ii main,. 9'1tMINl. tndMI the \hl'Ml .... J\Wt ... Uma, too. ~ •· • . ,... tw.U.W. lq 1'bd IM ~ ........... !f"M vlcl.Or)t r•v• lb• ~ a VIK& m.i.M ..,,...,. ""1' rtot·e=·,
l.1. ~ un R ltnUoG ol ~'JC lo ,_·-•-~ s1w •e•'ll Mt ne, ....,...... crewa la Lh• M.t tw~· ._... .. -1 -O't9t °"' I.al• fTont Wrfclq J'W4; tk.-l&m• .m-. Th.e wtrid:utt U lhlU. ~ "'• Vlk .. ~ 1--:c=o;;;;'-.;'cc:--,,----t.oOlt ~· al th.e Vlk1.r:11 ,.. II.Im Wltll open arm•, Oonnaca (l'OUUoa.I ~t) p~ S.t\&rday. opmed lll• ninth wt~ • lln&la.l •--~-------W1U. Ute Pir•lM one run. M· lhea • . ..crtfic• and a pa1r of
hind la bottom ·of th• iS\h. ........,. ~ him. '
Cou1htry atepped to the pl.atA 'l'll&t ...,._. ·U.. ~--« ·u..
Wit.II Bob LoClctt0 on HCClld trail to< .,..")'Ont but ~ auce
btM and tirro out and .arnmed tlwm.eel....._ tt W&e ...Uy "'7
a whlltllnr wa!Jlt-h1rn lllne dr1ve tilm~.. Ttl•y nMChd two nlM.
lJ\lo deiep left center field tor K lMf rot thHR. Wyt wt.~
a Ooubl• which. knotted the con-and &tU&da .&l.nuned a US.ft.
ttlt ttw lh• rourth time. dou~M to Mfl LoC!.cero'1 •e-
0.11trrfielder ft.owlan.d H 111 r1flce fly MOhd W•yt Ud. wlUI
lt(pd out an tnneld .inrte lJ\ two out. Coutu' elutt:h clout
hl.9 .eventh et bat i nd Short· ~ -rr.da.
1top Botch Coopman crubed 1 When Wtlhttt-l~d oft the 10th
a n(11 off tne !er or the rive! lnnlnc wtth •n lnt1eld .in1t1, U'I•
rJr11t bUt-man to iend Courhtry Vtklnr Mhch concentrated ell
z-1lloplnr hopte with I.bl winnlnr th.etr venom on con1ple tely up-
m•rrin. settlnr COUgh.try. But th.et ('()()I
Th• play~• wire 11 tenM and cu1tomer wun't h•vlnr any wu.
tl1ht u the 11m1 IUielf the h!ti re.ached lecond on a 1acrt-
V1kin1a oommltlln1 el(ht ~"'°" flee and dlN tht-r•.
and the Buc1 1111. mlecuu moet Th.1 bench Jock1y1 tor the op-
of them coml"I' at cruclal .Umea. po.11\lon didn't let up on Courh·
DRAW BLOOD try unUI one ot \\'1yne'1 .!Jl.uleri inM,.,... "'' ""''°' '"'"' to NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I · PAGES lhetr ltdl. s~t Leal\!• &how· lnl In .even.I ..uon.1 thl1 ye1r. MONDAY, MAY 21, 1956 Capt. Oou1 Tuptll'a Period 5 eoftball team defeated. Atter plcklf1&' up three l lnf l .. d•rted In to <'l't•~ the skull
In th e flnit two innlnr• to on• ~:ter';::!it I~ th1 lllh. Tht
tor the V1kln1:1. the Buc1 drew ec 1 over the perk
flnlt blood without benefit of a •lld •tntchld the rtYal call:hl'I'
blnSll. Hill w .. Nf1 on an er• fla.t on 1111 back. Luc.lr.lly, 0.ter·
l'Or to lead off th• third et'anu.. hou.lt wa. •ble to cont1 nu1 and
Coopman 1acr11'1ced hi m aJOllf, t•k• hi• i.. ... But not • PHP
rtnit B&lemaft Gene Raine w .. ct.me trom th.1 Lonr B11ch
Coach Glenn s.-tt, bolder uf
th.I No. 10 amate1,1r ranklnf Jn
Cl&lllonal&, bu antM>uncld lie h u
1cc.,t.11 a Hadltnr po.1uon 1t
Banta Mordoa'1 Lincoln Junlor
Hl(tl, •tal'llq' nut tall.
e.u.tlt ,..,. a1 rea-on1 tor
th• ehlft trom hi• combined
rnath lnltl'Ue~ • t.anni. men·
tort"I' chore her• lo • .olely
tae.c:tllnr Job In math e.nd eocl1I
1tudlu e t l,Jneoln th• ne-.rnew
to bi. tlom1, the tcnnt1 com-
pttlllon offl'red blm there end
th1 t•tl that he will receive
mor1 money.
Oranp Cout College hu ac:heduied It.a
Spring Spo'rtl Award Banquet in the e&mpua Stu-
dent Center at 7 p.m. May 29. lnvitation1 to at·
ltnd the fete have been extended by the Auoclat-
ed Student Body.
Purpoee _of the banquet, according to Fred
Huber, dean of men, i• to honor the Pirate ath·
lete1 and coachet In crew, track, bueball, 1olf,
11wimminr and tennis.
Capt. Stan Schone. Period 6 .quad l:J..2 oo the Newport
Harbor High School athletic field betor. the eoUre
atudent body Wedneeday morninr to cop th1 tr&d.ltlonal
Peanut Leatutr champlon1hlp. Thil wu culmination of
the e.nnual intramura.I toftbl.11
Durln1 the conn lcl m1m1Mr1
or the HI-Tar Leltarm1.11'1 Club
10t.d mort1 Ula.a JOOO Np or
119&nute at I cem. a bl.(. '!'ht
prottt roe1 for buyln1 cham plol'I·
•hip T·eh !rt1 for t he eortball
nctore. •
AthleUc J:\''t::fur Ralph Rted
r~tad' tM llOf'tblll prorre.m
Jtarted out th1 nrlt y11r or tb~
bl(h 'echocl whan four te1m1
participated. :nu.1 y1er 64 team.ii
took pal'l fn the toumey. :
Baalett once tanked No. ~ In
tnt.oercollest•t• racquet 1wLna:1n1
wh.111 •l hi• peak at UCLA.
Amonr the na UonaJly rinked I·--------------------------COIN FLIP DECIDES TARS'
CIF EttTRY RATING TODAY GRANDSLAM CLIMAX pl1yer1 Ba1Ntt c1n cl•lm vie·
lorle1 OYl'r an [)'lek 8avltl, J im
Brtnk a.nd Hamm R!chardeon. 1n l ·-----------------
11t1nt ah.0W1t1r• a t OJ&J and lht J s d r' Bl Bl Whether Newport Harbor'• red bot hiJb 8Chool Sall·
'""" ••• ~ .. Tonnl• "'"' So<><h· e1Ty OU e s g ow ore will be lint or -d eeeded nine !or tbe eunoet la·
ern California championahlJ>ll. rut in the C1J' diamond playoff& tht. week wJU be decided
:::." ::::, ... """°'",'..,'' ";~: Sparks ' Ta" r JV Anal w· ... ben princlpala ot Newport and Anaheim flip • co in, pro·
match• lo t.i.. ttUJi.t.. In bably at 9 a.m. th1.1 mornmg,
"'I'm roLAI t.o tl'll.ftl thl• -11m· Tb• ?fo. l 11\JftMt lMJU• r1~ Gobi ir-th•r1d mom1ntum and
n1er," Buaett NYMlld whlle Jirry I 0 u d' r'• rrandalam ta Lied to alow down the l&llot rt1MT1t.:Uv1 •ould •pparent}y ~ pret'ty much evtn1d th.1na1 up
1nnouncl n1 bl. departure !re m hom• run cllmu:ed 1 bi( et(ht· eluri•re. h.owevir. tn th.• beat po.!Uon, draW'lnr • ~Ort tht leafUI 1-..on wu
Nrwport H1rbor. "It I do reel JUthtflllder Roy De.Jton and nrmt round b}'• 1\INdaJ wtttl IUI Jaunctltd.
well In toumey1 In Sacn.m•nto, Nn eecond lnnln1 h•r• Thurld.ay J tm Louden welkld ud, with rtr11t prne ltclledulld ror l'Hda.y LOOlll:D Lia& IRD
lpokane. Portle.nd, Tacoma, I•· which ep&rktd Coe.ch Chuck the lacltl u.ture.ttd with kll• 1.pln1t "1nner ttC lh1 cluh be· LouM to Fullerton e.nd Ana·
attle, Vancouver t nd Victoria. Randall'• Newport Harbor HJ1tt e ", loudir whappt'J Ulat cir-tween Na. I clublt at tl'll Metro-b1tm appuenl.ly r.i11etlld thl
l 'd Uk.I to mak1 tb1 Nat,Jonala." khool l a.lier Jt.UUor "araity tg cun tlout. polt ta.n and sin 011p 111.ruu. N.wport1r1 to no blttir than 1
...._tt .. 1d tie would 'tftttr 11.t luo•t Learu• t11umpt1 o<r• Juat tor tun. Ult T•r• edded Sunaet '1 No. 2 club ·D'luat t.anc-third place flnleh In first round
bolh 1ln1le1 and double• tn lhe er Hununrton 84-•ch. Tlte r am• an axtre. tally ln the third Inn· It with No. 1 team In tba Metro-play. But altar I.be J~ lc»t to
teurn1zuu.t.a. Tll1e put wMkeod, eompleted th• 1oop i euon fflr lnr when ShrlMier Jed oft wtlh pclttan Lt-..ue tomOrTOw. the Cofonl1u, th• Te.re bep.a
a.u1tt •tart.cl play la U11 Ian the Tar JWl.IOn and left them 1111 llCOlld 1Jn1l1 ot the conte1t Tlta Coil)fllat. .. u,. Hmed co-comtnr IA the 1tntth. 'I'hey ,..
.. m1rdlno Cl1' cbamptonahlp.1 w1th • .MIO lpot 1n th.I itand• and centlnued around to ecer1. chemp!onehlp hononi wtlh u1e ru.lld to k>M a 11m1 lher..Ct.t,
wll.lch. conc.ludM nnt WWlll.,,d, lap Wltll a&a wtna, •I& Mtbac~. Th.1 001n touched llt1a111 for Sailor• gf Ooech Emil NMme 111rUn1 nivenp nr1t oYer • con•
•• Aid Ulen wu • pretty fOOd The Oll1re rot ett \o a qulcll a duo of ceunter1 In th!! t.lfth J"rldliY. iattemoon by det-unr fld1nt Indian nine aiwl finally
turnout wtta •..-.1 top-n&pt-1tart on UM' N.wport H11rbor e.nd ap.ia la lhe H 'ffnlh.. but the Or~• PantJtare 1-0. Thal laat T\i-11y ov1r a cocky An•·
lft on hand. csm.pu• dual diamond ttJ jumP"' Ul•t wun't nea r enourh to fl.Vt both th• T 1 r 1 and helm JUll·
,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ln1 on Pitcher Gil 8 h1rp tor catch u~ Anahilm lG-1 r.corda otf t.hl Crten'1 1t1nd?ut chua.1L1n1
four rune. Undaunttd. th'° Ran• Uneup""\for the br Junlor1 ·....,_, A playoff wu Yetoed p va the T a ri • 2·0 Victory .Av. da ll r1pptr111 came riJhl b1ck w1th 1l bat._ run11 i nd h!la; due to th.I n•meea of openlnf wh!ctl knO(>k!d A.neh.etm out ol
wtth three Nnl to 1t1y ln ttl• lhr1der lb 3-1·1; Plcken1 2t>-camu In CIF' cempttlUon 11.nd n rrt place for tll1 tkwi-umt
llilll 1ame. 1r 2-2-0; 8 lmort10n .. 3·2-1; t.bi le.ct both equ.cie would ba•e th.I• ...-on e.nd ueured Neerne·•
14,ILY 4ftM' Larry 8hrl.dl r (TOUftded lt'l&rp p 4•1-1 ; Rehn Cf !l-0.1 : Men fori:M LG t.hNW Uit:lr top Chl t'J'ff lh1 00-champieneJIJp e.nl
O\lt to fPtn lh.1 'l'ar halt of thl CIUIC et l~: Dalton rf 2-1-t; pitcher• •p.ln•t te.c:h other. CJF playofC bfrt..tt..
It.I.nm, Gary PtcMne drlw I. kbonM rt 1-0-0; Louden lf &AST VIQJ'ORY Thurld1y, Green -played third
walJL ,._., .. Steve 8\mQIJIOO 1-1--0; P• ... lb G--O-o: Lawrmce: bue and lift ntld ano let! t.he , The Colonl1ll captured J'T1· ai.o •trolled ~d Sh•rp wu ••f• lb G-0-0; Souder Jb J·J-l ; Bar· looal larruP'nr• '«I.I.II.It U. Oil-
• 0 M dey'• •am• ti:ehlnd Seuth.p1y Bob l<h Oft an ...... r. c 1nterfi1lder Jim well c 2-- ; •lllo:ii: c 1·0-0. era w a triple ud doubt• ln ,.. -8chol:ii:'1 t our -hit toulnr a.I· ... 1hha'1 1lnrl• and en L,n.neld out ..,,N!, 1t b1t1, 11-o ecorln1 uu.
ICored Piea!:ua, Mlmonaon e.nd T I E d N lhoUCh Anl&helm oolleoted only runs. an n et °"" hit•. Too. mony.w•Uu ... lbarp. . II.Ired tM PUUtet• downfall. TOP SWATrS.a
Pl . h w· In anelJt•r circuit Wlnoup lrwrt.lt11p Bob WhH1'1 double lbar• took coatrol of Ille •!tu•
auoa on lh1 mound and the Tu
tappera m1de certa in h.la eftorUI
•Y Wit 1n tray, third pl1c1 FUiierton dewn-IDd •nrl• In tour •ft'ort41 r•v•
ltd 0111rdtn Orov1 1·1 Friday. th• lad the Sailor bat cbamp-
"Jeema'• knoo-kan WOWld up loulllp Wl lh a 1'1ftJ .431 marll
aaf1 on 1 mutt and !econd
Secker Jt11Ty Wayt drove Hill
In qii 1 l&Vific• fly.
A I~ otf d0uble sot to Pt·
rate Starter J im !'l'ewklrk In tht
tourth.. Rl1ht(1lldtr Dlnnl.a Cor-
mack doublad and an .. ror t nd
an infi1WI out eeo~ hkn.
bench directed at Courh.trv If·
ter lh1t '4nintentlon1lly e'rr1nt ,_
TOO MllCH \.\'HlP
Appar1ntly they dtcidtd ca u·
Uon we.1 t h1 bttter part or ••kw
In tb11 f1c1 or the l ltem Courh·
try wu able to 11n .. nit1 with
hie lo<»e-1rtn Wblp pltc11 .
But came the re.ta! t!lth 1n.d
Jt lookld llk1 Olt1rhou1t wu
gol nf to extraet r1v1nfe ort
Cour htry. With two out, Camp·
bell belted • double Into left
'"' Sumner Quall~
For A.ssembrymt.n
~ .__,., W•rW Wal' u _. &•,_ .,......_ "t•"••r
clrlcl ..,..., .. .n.....,, .....
" .... _, leoaG.rUJp ... ~
ltJ le ti.. Md fw ""9 11· .......
A_.bl,.._a t,_ 0...,. 0..·
t)''1 74Ut ( .. UU..ni) '*"W,
P'onnerl7 l• tilt• 0....,.. 01mi&7
PublMi De11Mer1 ornc., ._.
.. r llM deN:INIMra&ed W. ~
'·~~ ..... w .... 1.
llatftX_ .... OrMa'• C:OU.tf ._.... ,_ .... .
It kloktd like N.Wklrk WU
Jwit 11tttn1 wanntd up In th1
tlfth canto, however. H1 1truck
out th1 1!d1 In ord1r, 1•tUn1
Cent1rt11ldt1r JerTy Brunaufh.
LefU!elder M 11 t Wlllllte and
Pit.:ber Ra lph Clifton. But Ule
v1ry nut rte.me nw lhl Vik-1 • • • e 1 • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • ••I••
in11 1ura1 allttad on a w1lk to 1
Connick. a •in1l1 by 111Jl"d :
Bueme.n Bob Campbell. anolh1r 1 •troll e.nd a tlelder'1 choice. • wHA79 ·~
They l&ndH on th.ii boy for • DOI NG • thr• °'' tall!• In u:. HY• .. : •
and it looAeG llk1 lh1 Plratee • " • •
w1r1 f&cin1 their tlrlt dete1t 1 ' · • :
In 11 r•m ... An em>r •lartld' • T. M. Hambroo.k. )'OUI Ttltpbont M1111111 ill Newport lllch ( ,.
It orr. With. two out. !lhortltop • ·•
Je-ry H1ckm1n bee.t out en In· • • • • • • ~ 1 e • • a f' e • • • • 1 1 • 1 1 1 • • • • 1 • • • • • '
field 1ln&le, Cormack w1lkld.
Cempbell and Cetch.er Bill O.·
t1rhoult 1ln1led and lhe VUlN
led by a comfortable 6-1 m1r11n .
In typical Bue COD'le • be.ck
luhlon thl1 didn't laat lon1. Hill
Ufhted tuJ1 lo the upk>eion
with 1 le1d off two -bl111r,
Cooprne.n wit &1f1 on an error,
Ra.Int, W a y t. LoClcero and
C1lctl t1r Ttd ("outt1 ~ln1JPd end
the bal!IP WAJI knoltPd It ~-6.
But not for lenr.
Lonr Beech didn't let up on
N1wktrk. rtr1t ~men Ern·
mt tl l\ye.n opentd the e\(bth
with e.n Lnfle l4 11.nrle. Wilhite'•
l ln< moved him e.lonir and a
pair or lntielld boot• permitttd
Ule t.al\)'.
Jim j1rred the oppc:wsl tlon with.'
a l ln(lt Jn bottom of th.e •la.nae f'llyllll M..-, hdl'lc: T•llMM .,_ .-.. OftW c.Ner, -IMI ,.,.... •
a.nd Plckt NI 111n t Ln J im Coon 1 ltS5·M"""'7tu119'CloflMlldty,0...,..0..111fTu~.
.123, end S«ond sa.man Dav• I
Temura. 28·f , ,143.
Jndtc&llv1 of lbe.t ll(bt (&me
win llteak, bat tol&l1 fOl' the
Tar. 11.,.. them • .alkl .n3
t..,. •~rqa l l the plate. u
th1y COllteted to 1Mn11 .. In JOT
What inakes 1 COllplny a &ood citim 1
At Or•ngo Couftty'1
l.aolint H.-Leocllng
NOl!lved ju1t ~wlr(d Ln bottom luhet i..aw tennl1 tor lfew·
of th1 Hcond. Third Secker port Harbor Hlf h licbool netteni
loudlr led att ,Jlitl' • Walk, ended on tht cempu1 court.I
pn:>IM.bly • bad t.Mnr for th• Tllunday w hen th• ••Hor v1r-
0Ut1f hurler llnce Boud1r l\ad ally d1teated K\.intlnrton Bee.ch
ttlat bit blow left for • mor1 l-1 ud the local junior vare!ty
1uepld0\£e occa.aton In th• tam• tooac Ole Oii.,. 7 4o -1 \~.
b&Hd on ,II hlte tt 41 at bau.
their ?"e1J111'1 •euon Tl!.~ 'nl.e onlx Olh.r .400 Mehar 1w
y;htn th•)' m11d1 ll\tlr l.lrhtA ow Tara otr ut1 1-.U. IMl.aOl'I
1tratrht triumph a m-.....crt1 ol wu Centerflelder t.rr, W1t11iui-(PoliUcal AdYWrUeunent)
traditional to. HunUnrton s.ch I·------------
We, a t th• Tel9Pbcml Compuy, on. MIL:~ ... wM.i ...._
a rood dtJMD becl.:UM both U .._ ud .._. qidl M a ec..
J>9DY we wut to be tM beet t:tU.-we Cl&ll. 4 pod" tin.ta,.,.
tu:n, of cou,._, ..lad, lllltmallr t.U 1'itipboee eo.puy Meil
U>lo. .. ,.,, ""'"""" ..... " '80<.IOO .... ,., "' .... -l)o aloae. AA you Dow, W. -...,._ f'rvm UM ~ llll1I
you pt.y. A.Ad tH tu doUU. .. .-,. .,.. dollan tllat eoabibui.
a •ubllt.anti&I amount to eoof.So'Nl'UM!lllt la the ¥1ommun.lty.
But .. btJlevt It'• DOt e~ jMill to ha a ~er. Sow. try
to do OW' part I.a Lhe CC*.ll'oiil\J la olbtr waya, ,,_, thtU tt ..
importaat to take part la U.. ..U'flU. of U.. Commuali7 a...t..
the ~ Crom. th• 8" ... CJlrl SocNta aall otber -v.ailJ
&J'fatn. Fatl la. .. • t· WU. W.,.JI, Miaa ti .... tlU-.,..
uRllmtt.94ud. ,....,. .... P11:19 . ._..,..llN'-'
, Al · Accounts Opon.d
On ... a.1 .....
Tho I Oth of tho Month
Eom from tho ht
1110....& ...... n..: R1' &-1111
canto. Vanilty 1in11e1 wlnne'I'• f o r
C1tcher Terry Bepell 1t n.ick tM Tan were .Doe Dolbet, KW.
out but llhr&41r •lftl'led, P lck111• key Hukill, &<wt t Thomp.on
walkld. atmoaaon tripled and and BUI DoMr; dou'Dkl. IA•
!h•rp doubled betore Hehn neW Crteell &!td Ev D•YI• an'tl Miki
out tor the aecond ouL Th1t M.anr and JOIVI l°Obtl\11-
Orure County'• Neweet Muical Seuatloa I ! I
11111 ••
"WIS YAU~HAN 11ll0"
A. vailabll for pnvatA' parttea, daneet llld
Oub e.c:Uvtuu . !:.:ii:c1Uant mUll&o and «ilM'-
t.&inment, for the "o"er -Ut.lrty" lf'O\IP..
TU.EPBON• uaan ... n (DAYS)
llDl.llULY lalMJ (aYm.)
O!ILT '69SO• .... ,.e.r-...... ,.at1•••· )'Ort1lltht •• _..., .......
... fWl-eill _, ......
A*' • flll ...... ._ ... o-e ..... ..
...... M. ... ....
. ;
l~ on the COil& MIM Pvk mc>ftl •bolt 13 btntltl ln 11
dle.mond. Pett Hilku be.fnM IIforte 1av1 him • .411 &v•riap. O..r t h e .aoo marac ...... the Oller• WIUI a feu.r -lllt C.tcllw C&rl Btrfl'T'DR, u at
wtl\tewutl. ff11blln1 workhor11 beta. 10.~"lte. .3~7 ; ftJatitneJdt'I"
mound i ce Gary Green te rut Oeorr• Mabee,' 11.10, .321. and
hie filppt:'r tor the Tari ' CJP' Laftn1ldlr Paul U>NDc..n, )6-
l l&rUD( role tither tornorrvw or 11 • .Jl4.
Friday. ftamalnder of th• swat tlnala;
It wu a n ttinr clima.x to a GtMn, 11·9 • .no: nr11t .._.
1iow-1t&rtlnf HUOn for lbt Sall· inu Bud Thompeoa, 11-1, .U7;
or horMIUder1. Wh• UM pni.c-;Pilcll1r H!!lk,.. 1-2, .m ; .stc·
Uc• ltl.llOn (Qt linderw1y. t.h1y ond Buern1n Roy O..niel and
Iott everythlnr. But t.htn, th• Thlrd Butman 8ollt A.Ullft, lf..I,
_ R.il-Ship-Air-Hotel ,
'·... • Reservations
.. ' \J· • . PHONI HAllOI 1246
' Comer CJi:chld Ii Cout lllgbway
U. S. S.8Utor
·ell tho· · · •
.,..,.., -• a ,.
) ' . . .;.
.. ... ~ ..
JGJm MaoLeod Clefll. May H rt>celved an en1 ravt'd ll •Jphy
from Boy Seoul Troop 81 ot B11lboll laland du11n1t the
4111\U&I Court of Honor •ll'nlfying hla member1h1p in tne
Century Club for ~nt0na lntereateu In lhe cau.e o! St:uut Ing.
~nt1n1 the trophy Is Second Cle.111 S1.:our Tofn MrMs,tH
.._ Ron St. Chllr, junior u.lat.ant Scoutmaster stand• al
attention. -Staff Photo
Br<>MS Jump-Patrick I HBC),
Andeniqn ILi. Oonzalu (ll"V),
Ruvalcava I Jl"V 1, J. Oon.zalH
( FV t. Dl•t.ance Utt. 7 In.
Hlfh Jump -Brian Lewi•
IHBC), Gonulu (F'VI, Block·
burgrr (HBCI, Ruvalcava IFVl,
Hou!lOn (HBCI. Helrbt 4fL lln.
Shot rut -Oennla MacMWi&n
1HBC1, Woodbury 1Ll. Jim
Curll• I HBC I, Steve Harper
BOYS CLUB I I LI. Aqu11larra IF\' Bray I HBCI. .:rom Giilman I HBC).
1FV1, lime 11.1. One huncJred D1•tance SOft. 71n
Juh -Helton 1HB<..'1 M1&ncebo, Relay -Harbor Boy11' 1Hou1-
(0latlouN rrom Ftnt Pare) Buford I HBC I. Summe1 fit-I I 1 LI. t.on Mike 1'trick, Prrrin, Block·
G<.onz.ale. tli'V 1, time 150. Broad bUrcl'rt, Fountain Valley. R~
In the br'oad Jump wllh • 17 1 Jump -Niccoli 1 HB• Nrlahl bor Boye' 2 I J on Curtl.I, .nm
tt... -T l•p. Tom Buber took I i<'V 1, Mancebo I HBC 1 AqulJ· Curll•. Tom Woodrich, S. H&rp-
thi •bot put and the relay tum 1 l&ra I FV). Ta \•lor I HBc • 1 di... er 1. HunUnrton Beach, nme
ot Belin. Sun Robln11c>n Tom tance JO ft. Ftve lb. Shnt Put 6e o
S&ndoyal ancJ Pete Feathri~ton Aqu11lara 1FV1, Swann 1HBt.1
romped lhe 440 In :>4 ~ for first Bruy 1 F'V ), Cox tHBC• Raub
place.-1HBI. Dbtance HI rt .. 41s In.
Tb• loc&a wtll recl!ive the Relay-Fountain Valley. Harbor
perpetual trophy al a Ntwport Boy1' Club tHellon, Buforrl Cox.
Harbor 20-80 Club meellnr In Mancebo), Jrountam Vall~y 2;
lb• 'bear tutu". HunUnston Beach. Time 38.3
J'ODowlnf the mHt, Dn Bum-Polnt..-Harbor Boya' Club 49,
lld-. '0-80 Club track and field JJ'ounta.ln Valley 38. HunUnir;ton
rhatrman, preii('nted the wlnnera Beach u. L&runa 6.
ot each ennl with gold mrdi&la
and ribborui to boy• fioi..tllng
NCQD4, thtrd, fourth. and fifth.
~Ill by 1radu a.re ., fol·
Third Grade Thirty five
OMh-RJcbard J.l&ncebo tHBCI,
Doll. Cox (HBCI. Raub tHB),
Lwxa IFV), Hol11t (RBI, time
5.t. P'tfty dafh-D. Cox t HBCI.
Net*1 IFV ), Ta.a1qka I F'V ),
Swan. 1HB>. Oona&lu 1rv1.
time 1.0. Bewnty five dub
-llandy Helton t HBCt, Mtke
Buford t HBCI, BummrrneJd
Fourth Grade -Tblrty five
da.sh-Thllely (H BI, Huit I H"B I,
Robin Hanvell I HBCt, Tim Pat-
rick (HBC1, Woorltmry ILi, time
6 S. r It l y d a I b -Pu·
qualll (BB). Tltu. fFVI. J ohn
Taylor f HBC 1. J ol\n Helton
1 HBCI. Banueloe (ll"V). Time
7.2 Scttnty five duh-Helton
IHBCt. Huit t HB), Woodbury
fLI, Kato (F'V), Bem&nde&
1FVI, Time 11.:1. One bundr.,d
duh -Puqualll CHB). Tltue
I F'V ' TIMlfy I HS I. Pa trick
1HBC1. Haonlt tHBCl, nme
Posnl• Harbor It, Fount.&in
Velll'y 3e, L&&una 22. Huntln&'·
ton Beach l.
Seventh Grade -Fifty yard
duh-Fotllnl t Ll. J ohn Hu1hu
(HBC), Lopea IFVl. Banuelloe
(FV I, Gra&1 tHBC), time 8.T.
Seventy n ve cJaab Retd (LI,
Jobn Grelner t HBCI, Lopu
( YV 1, Banuelloa ( F'V I, Mendes
(HBI, Ume 9.4. One hundred
d&ah~oma 1rv1, P'orllnl ILi,
Reid IL), Knlrhten (HBC),
Blood I LI, Time 12 0. One hun-
dred elr hty duh Ha.I Knl&'hlen
IHBC), Rahn IHBI. G~r
lHBCI. Orn.U. (r'V), Time 22.8.
Rezoning of
Block Delayed
by Planners
Plana of the planntnr cOll'I·
mlulon to resone the block
whlch Ilea betweeu Eut 16th
and Eut teth 8ta., and Tultln
and Imne A ne., were bald up
Tbunday tor a ·month while
reald~t. of the a r •a take
tbou(ht on wtl&l 1tlnd of eon1nr
they want. Thia llqllare bloc:k 11
cul wllh a number of lhrourh
11trMta and cul de aaca and h.u
bad county tonin&' and no 10n·
lnr at all, w ith the re9Ult thlt
aome of the Iota are lin.&l•
residence and IOme ban dll·
plex.ee and there la one doctor'•
office In the block.
To confu.. twthur U. taat•
one et.reel that cut.I t.brou(b the
block rrom ea.at to wut. ha.I
only been dedic&t.ed t.o tbe city
at t.ba -..t end and a peUUOn
WM broul'ht tn to ban the
etreet named lilutar•t Drive
Lnatead ot La Perle Lane.
Mn1 P .. 11 Mumford Harold,
It, of 2019 Eut Oe-.n Blvd ..
died Tueaday In Hoq Bo.ptt&l.
She wu a n.atlvt of Pralrt. du
Chien, Wla, and ' u .Il'le to the
ff.arbor Hven mont.Ja •So· su,..
vlvora Include two d&uptera,
Mra. H. D. Chut&Jn, BaJbo&
and Mn Frank Lonrtn&' of
Wubiqt.on; a .on. ll. L. Harold
ot 8pr1qbo1111e, h.; two mtera,
lilni. W. T . Morford of W~
lon and Mr" ~rd BaJ>na of
San Dtt&'O; four (T&ndch.IJd.ren
and t.hne rr-t .,ra ndchlldren.
Pri.ate Hrv1c• wera beld "11·
d&y la lhe Park ... IUdley Mor-
tuary chapel with Ua Rn. Phil·
Ip Or9&'0ry of the ConrnpUonaJ
Church of Lacuna Beach, otfl·
cla tlnr.
HA.a& y a. WYl:'l'll
Harry BtMeU Wyet.b, at. of
1'16 l:aat B&7 Ave. died Ma1 lT.
He wu born In Philadelphia
March 2•. 1900. He la 1\ll'Vlnd
by' hla wUe, Kuy T. of Pa..-
ckna &nd four cblldran. FunN'9.l
eervtc• were held at Balta Mor-
t • Corona del Mar chapel,
Batu at 2 p.m. lnlennent
WU al t IAwn. Glendale.
Bemca committ.&J .,.,..
8T ~-U:V ll&INllA. l 'S
The flrat re(Ular meet.IA& of
the new boa.rd le echeduled tor
June 14.
Sealed ballot.I from 110 or
more cumber membera w ...
counted urUer thla week by a
commlttte compoeect of Humpb·
rlea. Dunlap and Dd'oreet..
Sturtevant Tract
Map Gets Approval
City Counc:U Monday nlebt a~
proved the nnaJ map ot tmne
SubdJvlalon, Tract SOOO, known aao LI the AUlltin 8turtnant
Tract which encompa.u. SO
ecru In the U pper Bay acea.
Sturtevant'• che«k waa accepted
on • city park .. tabllahment
tund. The park wlll be near th•
Council lnatnic!Ad the city
manqer to write the Irvtne Co.
an(I call a ttention to almll&r1ty ot
Irvine Drive and Irvine A••·
whOH name• could lead to con·
hi.Ion. lrvlne Ave. bordet1 the
tract on It.a aat 1lde Wlllle 11'-
vtne Drive ni.n• thf'OU&'h the par-
cel. '
Ora.nae County and Loe Aqel ..
under llcen11e1 demandf'd sn u-
cea1 ot $5000 u ch annually.
The city hu apparently choA·
1 en to ehmlna te the bualneaee.
I of all o~"t.ora rather than
pT~cute the offender•.
Althourh 1t 11 lh• contention
of the city otflclala that Andtr·
aon hu wron(fuUy collected "h·
eenaM" from hi• leuee1 and r~
f\aed lo pay the proper Ucenau
to lhe city. no warT&nt for his
arTeat baa been .oupt. ~ no
court order llOU&ht to coni~I
him lo comply w1lh the law u
drawn or ce&.M operaUona.
Operatora ln th• J'Un Zone
ownlnr their own oonceuiona
are operallnr Ul•l'&lly, accord·
Inc to th• tnterpret.aUon ot the
law chOMD by Ua City of Kew·
port Buch, but no forcetul ~f
rort haa been ext.ended to malte
them comply.
C.omplet.e diattp rd or the
aatety and welfare of the dll·
MM Of N swport Beach hu been
ahown by the city l.D It. neslec:t
to properly lmplement It. law1.
Wbat would happen In the event
of lnjury to patron.a of the d~
neea ln the run Zone whlcb at
leut are theoreUcally operatlnr
llleralJy. thetttore lnvalldaUnr
their tuurance I.a apparenUy not
of ooncem to city ottlcl&la.
't•l•l'I A •IW
s~r~rg o• Tiii WATI•
\ ''tS •\'• J&
Tu1're •••rt! ThtJ
t fu./Tbe D ... ''6S-.
Honea styled la Holid&J
Brooaa ud Spny ft&
Com• io aad ... ct.-.
Nine ,,_ oew modtla
-3 to JO bpl
South Coast Co.
N ewpol"t Blvd. at !I.rd St.
Barbor l600
...., ' '" '·' .. ' ,,, ,., · .. -...
-8ubecr1be to the Leader, Adver-
Uae ln lh• BIC8T, Call Harbor
lfll. tO. Lafe To Be 1u. Broad Jump-Kato t P"V l. Ha.told Crim IBBC). Nicky
CLASllFllD ICelvert IHBCt, Hemandn <FVl,
HUil t HBI, Dtltance,l. fl. 11 In.
Broad Jump-Cortu l FV),
Hugb11 IHBC), Orci.er (HBCI,
Rahn (HS), Lo pea I P"V). Dwt·
ance lt'i". Ri&'b Jump-Tie Lo-
p.s and Corte.a IF'V), Ornall.&
(FV), crarr IRBC), Lopu
(HBC1, l:lt 4 tt, 10 In. Shot
Put -Rahn IHB), KnlJhlen
IHBC1, R.on Pal&terr1 (HBC),
(HBC I. Dlat. S6 ft .• 10 In. Relay
-Fountain Valley, Ha.rbor Boya'
CJub 1 Knlchten, Hurh... Orel>
aer and Oran I, lA.cUna Beach.
Hunllnaton Beach, Fount.&ln Val·
ley 2, T ime 64 9. Potnt..-Foun-
l&ln VaJll'y 43, Harbor Boya'
Club 41 , LaJ'Una 22, HunUnston
Be&ch 17.
Mn. J:. C. William-. toad lbe
commialion •h• had a peUUon
tor the name chanre and ahe
waa told lo J•l up e p.t.IUon
to dedicat.. the rut of Ul• .tnet
to the city. There WM eome ado
owr wbet.her the city could
name a atnet that It did not
own. but It WM &&Teed that
the city would put up .trut
G(DI and the ruldenla Wtn
told lo ret the uWJty coinpan·
I• to UM that name and It
would undoubt@dly atlck.
SANT A .A.NA KAT 21..-
f OCN8 )-Pl'oln.l.nent S&llta Ana
Attorney Stanley R • I D b a u ..
member of tlle bo&rd of ro•er-
non of the Calltomla State Bar
AMOCiaUon.. p plred today a t 8t..
Joeepb'a HosplW fol.low1n1 a
ahort IUn ...
The coundl W1ll alAlo bold th•
MCOnd readm&' on anna.aUon
of an lnduatrtaJ tract north of
<>nnre Cout eon.,. bet•Mll
Harbor Blvd. and Falmew Road.
Therw wlft alllo be a pul>Uc he&l'-
1n1 Oft annexation of an 11.to-
a.cra tn.ct betw.-i Monro"1a
and WllJtUer AY9a. and 19th
It. and the city bound&TJ.
------------H1gh J wnp-Patrlck CHBCI. N.
15-8bare Y 0111 Oar
WANTED rlde to Santa Ana
• return from Balboa Island.
Mutt .mve 8 a. m . .t. ll'•v• ~
p. JL rtve day a week. Har . • .....,. nen.ln... .. llcl6
AI.KOST NJ:W apt a1%.(> O'Keefe
• llerrltt , ... n.ng• Barraln
U 14611 after e p ITI 13cl:I
C'11l11ert IHBC1, Gary Roblnaon
1HBCI. Hello!'\. l ~l. Tie
Lopez " Hernandez IP"V).
Height 3 !t, t ln. Shot Put-
Buxton IL l, Banuelos I Ji'V).
Oreg Dally t HBC), Manley
IHBI, Gary Mlclcey tHBCI, Dia·
tance 25 fl. Relay-Buntlnpn
Bea.ch, Founlaln Valley, Hkbot'
(Patrick. Tllylo'r, Helton. Ran·
veil) Harbor Boya' Club 2.
Time 33 8 Point.--B&rbor 47 ~ ;
Runtlnrton Beacb a&; Fount.aln
Valley 30~. L&pna 10.
FUTH GRA..0&118
ICl&hth Grade -Seventy live
da.ah-Jerry Hehn (HBC). Bur-
n. (HBI, Steve R.oblnaon (HBC).
Vt('& I F'V I. Hernandu IF'V),
Time I 8. One hundred duh -
Howard ILi, Moody !HBI. Tom
Huber I HBC 1. Pete Featheraton
t HBC I. John Sink le I HBC).
Koppe tlike Mi11lnCJ
Evean Koppe, 310 Coral An ..
told police hl1 bicycle had been
taken from Ln front of 8L John
Vlanney Church on Mar1ne Ave.
durtng Mrvicea 8 to 9 a. m.
Today's N. Y.
Stock Report
F1flh Orade-Tbirty-flve duh Time 12' One hundred el(hty NEW YORK STOCK RJ:POftT
-Phllltpy 1HB1. NlccoU IHB1. duh-Burr11 tHB). Howa rd (L) -By B. J . Foley, DNn Willer
Quintana 1FVI, Fef'l'UIOO tHBt. Good 1L1, Slnle t HBC), Bray Co.-
Samaon 1HB1, Tune ~.1 P'lfly lll"V), Time 21. Four forty run-Do•..,,onea A\e,...-"8
daah-floltl (HB), Randy Oeddu Moody IHB). Tom Sandoval SO lnduatr1all -491.12 down 5.27
~ for 8ale 1HBC1. Niccoli 1HB1, Com.ttock I tHBC), Allan Woodrich (HBC), 20 R&ll1 ......... 172.89 dOW"I\ 1.21
SIJO(ONl!J connrta·bed Provln· t HBl, G. Fergu.on IHBI. Time Hernandn !FVI, Vega !FV), 16 UUIJUu . H .Jl> dowtl .07
_._, f 1 · 1 d k 7 2 Sf'venty-Clve d&1b -Phll· Time t ·07.11. Bro.d Jump-Hehn 1 p.m. Volume 1 ...... .,... ao a ~ map e e:s """' un,.. B H rt s lt1 •• .._
1 ~ h. full i.e l llpy tHBt. RuvuJcava l r•I. l n"""'I. uni.ti cHB>. uber Ame can me nr .... ..,..,
cbetll. red M C I Ward tHB), Buxton (LI. Osuna IHBCI. R.obinaon tHBCl, Wood-Amerlcan Telephone .... 1aoi.
ruapl.e INid '26, 2 Dunc.n Phyte l tF'VI. 1'me 10.0 One hundl"ed rich tHBCI, Diel 17 fl .. 7 ln. Anacondao ··-·-·· 71~
en4 tabhta '5 .. ch, Duncan duh -Rolat tHS'l. Stebbln.a Shot -Huber 1HBC1. Slnkla Chryalu .. •. ... . ...... _ t 2"
Ptl7fe coffM table S? -~· 1 i HB >. Cupp t HBC). Geddes I 'HBC). Good IL•, Sandoval Ceneral Electric ........ ···-·· H'4 0~7~2n. book abdvul:i:~: tffBC), Ruva.lvaca (TVI. nme tHBCI, Featheraton (HBC), DI.a· General Mot.ore ..................... U
13.5. lance .39 rt., ~"' lnchu. Relay-Gimbel Bro. ................. ··-·-2t ~
Bro&d Jump _ Hot11t I HB 1. Harbor 1 Hehn, R.oblnaon, San· Ore&t Northern R.R .......... 41~
41-B-BOWM!9 for 8aat Oeddel! 1HBC•, Ruvalcava doval. P'eathmrton), Harbor 2 No. Amerlran Aviation -· .. 181oii
Do you n.ect t~mporary quartert ~~~· Cupp IHBC), FergulOn (Dick PetUt., Slnkle, H~ber, ~:-~~~~ral .. : .:: .. : ........ ~ ... !!~
lnu:nedlatelyf 8 bdnn. Nrn. H•..'... Jwnp QuJnt&no (YV) Woodrich), Fou n l a in VaUfy, Monterey Oil .................... 33 bOm•. Cliff Ha.en. JIU>•· •160 .... -• ' Time M.6. P-•nt.-Harbor 70, ... , ..... 1 LI l-t032 stAbbtna (BB), Hul"phy t KBl. .,. Safeway Storea ........... ,_ ...,,
Adult& on Y _..,, ffan~n IHBl. H L •ft. :'>In HunUn(ton 21. LAcUna 111, l'oun· Sklclalr Oil . .. .. 14'1ti 13c l:I So. Cal. Edlton '9~ ;;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;,;-;.;;~ Shot P\lt -Phllllpy I HB I. I t.ln Valley t . Total Point.a -Standard Oil of CaJlf. lO'l
Gfne Pal&ferrl (HBCI. Mul· Harbor Boya' Club J91t,w, Hunt· So. Pacltlc .. 63~
dlnado (F'V), Stebbinl IHBI. lnston Beach 209. Fount.aln Yal· Tranaamerlca . 42'\
Hanu IHB), Ollt. 27fl .lln I 11y 111 .._ '·-·--Tl. U Ion OU f CaJlt .., u Relay -HunUnaton ~•ch. ___ ,_. _-. __ -.. _______ " ___ 0 ___ ·_·_·-_-_ ... _ .• _ .... _'
Fountain Valley, Harbor Boye' TIME TO PLAY IALL I Palate.rr1, a.ddea, Cupp, 1'.>&lly).
====~=~~H~~:Unia~rt011;;s-,~a:n~h~~~~me~~=-L Balboa 11111~ Sporting Goods
8THRITIS m• •"'ALFALFA • 1GO , ....... $2.M
..., , ....... '"'J
too, .......... ..
. Tum" D111g
.lawlhHp -Sp•ldiag -McGntcJOf
... ~ .... t-Gotl
Hooch ,...._. ''PF" HITop1
m lilaltM At-e.. ....._ I~ -Rartlor Mil
Boua1 M ..U7 -._..,..Mp.a.
"'~· .. ,,.,,
Eledrical C.tncton
110 Sh.....W. Aft. L1butJ M.U4
The 82-yeaz..old alt.orMy WU
a put muter of the Santa Ana
M.uonlc Lod&'e. and put Exalt·
ed Ruler of the lllk'• ~.
He had pracUced law tn Santa
Ana •Ince 1813, becbmLnr ln
partnerahlp with the flrm ot
ll'OrsY, R.einh&UI, MIUer and Kor·
ltrr ln that year. Born In Santa
Ana In 1189, he attended the
Unlveralty of Callfornl& at Berk-
eley, where he recei•ed hl1 law
d ... ree.
He la wrvlved by hla widow,
Selma. two chJJdran and a lilt.er
ln Oakl&lld.
Funeral MrYICff are bel.D&' a r-
ranred 'lly the family.
Power Mower
Motor Club Gets ~·;;;w\4;;;11111;;-;;"·~°";;;......,.=~
Pact for Rmnp
SANTA ANA, (~ -~
county bo a r d of aupern.on
Tue.clay aulhort&ed ChaJrman
WUlt. Warner to •in an &JTM-
ment wb•el>y U,• Or&il(e Coun·
ty Outboard Motor Club may
leaM an upper Newpor~ Bay
Minimum on the 1 .... la $1000
per year. Th• propoul wu aa.nc•
Uoned by' the Harbor Q>m·
Mesa Auto Wreckers
(T ... Aatio Parte
&lld •-rtea i 015 Placentia Ave.
UlMJrty a.-'ftu Coeta ..._
MA trU<lE irr.ANLEY
Imm,._ OatJ ...._ ......... "'' SIU&. CeMt lllPwa:J ~ ... JllAr'
M-1 M-Molo~
Mari11e Ir AlltOmOtfn
a.... a.,.trllir
Interceptor Ir CadRlac
MariM &tines
u •·3381 •
s-.,'1 Mottlen a
Dual Pl.pee .... r.ct..., ...... t ..... ta
u 1-61'4
lltl W. OaM\ ,...,... NW)IOrt
j UO JOtla &t.. Ne..,.n Beada
* * * *
leevtiful, dureMe IC~ ft.et .. ke efty
wtfMlow .. ride wJth MW a...utyf
Stunfy A l U M I N U M fvll1.fr•rM fw Ml
Eaar-~ncUe FllERGLAS "''""'"' wen't
tt~, ahrlnk, ttelft er burnl
Get Ywr ......... 14 Su.ft Kit HOW et
.._ u """''
. ~ --IN fl COSTA MESA
Serving The Harbor Area •
·1uto ·Repairs & Towing .
. NeY,porl Auto W orlcs
A.ton.de Tran11mn.lon Espert•
lit J'NDt.~l&L WAY UBERTV 8-7illl
Mio Body & Fender R~pairs
Curly's Auto Works 1
, .. =
01111t.e1a Wwk-llHlo&Ou.ble Prltti! na nwPOBT BLVD. LIBERTY a.we
/4110 Seat' Covers & Tops
Taylor's Trim Shop
C'ompl•te l•ttrio~Truck & Boat eu.llJoa• nn INDt:STIU.&.L \\'A\' LIBJ!RTl' g. nu
/4wnings & Alum. Specialties
Hasfin<1 's Aluminum Awnings
1tealdf'attal"~aJ·Manufact11 l'f'r11-l1111tallaUona
Carburetor Consultant
Ken Eubank's Mobil Service
r:.-pttt ~reter Rfpalni a Motor Time-up
1101 Tt:flTIN A\'£.. 008.. l'TTB lfI. LIBERTY 8-1171
Creaner ...
. · Mer.cury Cleaner~
"• .,. Ou.r ()q Cleu1q 1111 BA&80S BJ.VD. UJD:8TV 1-!SJ !
e1c1ng F .
· Chamberlain & Son
.......... a.a.Uak I Ill E.. l ft'll ft. LIBEJlTV 1-UOI
Foor coverings
Coastline Floor Coverings
a 1 10 t:lllll .... 0-tttti-Larre ~Uou
Ml Ol:H'I~ e'I'. LIBl:1'TY M!M
I 111r11ce ·
· · ·Bruce Martin Local Agent
Jl"anDen luurance 0 nhlp • t• tn:\l'POllT BLVD. LI l-66&f -Ru. LI I-NII
Shoe Repairing
0.. 0.1 S.rvi<'tJ
LIM BAOlBOR ftL\'D. 8&11 Olll:.EN STAM.PS
levision Senice
U91 ot N~ Barbot-Ul'llon
H ip ScboOI tootMll rs.kl for I
Oll:O&OE &. CA&P&NT&a wnuner eampe by C&mpf\re
J'lmera1 Ml'VlcM fOlr O.Orp 01.ria WU appJ"Oftd ..,/by the
l:lltrwoc1h Carpencn. U. ot 4M tnat.. Monday. carnpe are
W. Victoria A.n~ OMla M-. pl&Jmed JulJ I , 11, 11. 1' and 11
will be held al 2 'J>. m. 1'Mllday trom t :SO L Jn. to J:ao p. m
11a, .. -.......,, pm ~....-.-. ....... ,,..., .........
-• I
~ ..... , ... .,. ........ , ......
Reenactmg a aoene from "The Tender Trap," will (ipeda !l'hur9dayJ May 24.
at Orange Coaat College Chapel are left to rigbl, Mn. Elton Bamett u Sylvia
Crewer. Bob Metz u J oe McCall, Mid Jean Wagner u J.Ue Olllla, Gene Bene-
dict u Earl Lindquist and Jim MacDonald aa Charlie Reader. Produced by the
Newport Harbor Community Players, "The Tender Trap'' wW be praented May
24. 25. 26 and 31, June 1 a.nd 2. -Bernie Alden Photo
lD Parkee-Rldley MortU&ty. 0.-----------
\& Mel&. Re•. A.ln&Dder Kaden, .----------
~1-2213 . ' put.o• of U.. Centnl Bible
Cb~ ol Ooeta Mela. will offt.
l'i>M'-tatar • l>Nper'J
l.o.Q' MTll
tut Nwpt. ....... C..ta M ..
711 w. 17111 St.
008TA llEU --~-------
Hr. Carpenter puMd a'IV&y
!atUTday alter a abort · lllneu I In Hoer Ho1pltal. He wu a na·
, tlve 1 of Travla Ct(y, Mich. •nd
O.ftV s~&-p-t.. camf to California In 1911. He ~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;._;;,_;;,_;;,_;;;.;;;--;;-;;-;;-;;-;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -1 nrnun .,.. •HIT moved to C:O.ta Mua two yean r
Ur1ch Oil Co. 1" «·nUy look •co from Looml.I. ,Callt. Ht wu
out a SH.360 Coit& MfM t'lty a farmer by'occupaUon.
bulldlnr pannlt ~ coMt.tuctloD H• t1 aurvind by hl1 wtle.
of a lfYVlce 1taUcii at %0!)0 Har· Kn. l!:dltb M. Carpenttt of the I bor Blvd. home. Interment will be private
I JAMES D. RAY F lrat plU 1'" for new1papu I chairmen tn bh capacity u jour·
1port1 section l.iellt 1por1.1 atory nal.19m cb&irman at SAC. I General Contractor & Builder
d be.al cohll;ln Wl"l'"9 amons lhe WaJter Burro\ICba. publlaber ...... n~e 9'vd.
I an , of I be C<>eta Meu Globe Hen.Jd, """ ...-
many ho.nors won by Newport eerved u the banqufl •puller CO&ONA DEL MA& PBO:io.-r: B.A&BOa nu
H1,.bor ln1un Hl(h School JoUr· and prHfllled the l'Wffptlla.kel ~~~~~~~;;:;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~ rallPm atu•IPnt.a •.l the third a n-newspapu .award lo lhe Oardm -
nu1I Santa Ana Collrge JoumaJ· Gt'Ove Argolcg. 1epruenUnr lh•
lfm \\01k-hup Thunw+• · Onnlf County Newapaper Pub-
Sharon Cto'-' I won lht~ be1l hahen "->clauon. of which be
column 1<\\ ard. 8 1U ()onrr won 1a prealdenl.
the lichar~ Beeson Company • La1ckcQpe D9'itn and COMtnctioa
ooaoN• DltL llAA PBOmt BAJUIO& 161
t1r11l fo1 ·po1 t11 slm ,. and The !'\early 300 •ludent.a allended
Beacon "on lin t place ror 1po1 la lht" IM!Mlona. wtuc:A have b«om•
aecuonii one of Lhto m&Jor Journaliam eon·
OthPr IHJno11 "1in by Harbor !ertoncea In Southern C&lltoruia. ~;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
Hlct-Beu. •111 1ll1f1er11 werto Jo Mort than 80 award.a were di• .
Anne J&l'k•On. llrd fOI third In nb11t ed. ROBERT FORBES bul nt'w• ~tory; lie for .econd Jack Soellner,' courthouse re-
in bf>11t rea1t11 ed 11ect1on. Judy porlet for the Newport Harbor
Fe1(1u1on "'''ond pllle for the New1,P reae and other mfmbent
but 1nlerv1t'" anti Uennia Hr· of lhto Orange County Nfw1 lkr· 1 lellder 1
wood. 1econd platt• for best apu vice, served u chief Jude• and PBOKZ llAAJl{)a 11•
By Ear -'l'he-Natural Way
X• MlH, ~ • ..,,.., lett•n. mrchankaJ dl\'tCM, mlllllcsl
tr tecbakal t41nm N11 loac. dnW9-out, eoftll>UcatM ttrnoaa..
l41dSoa, moaotea.ue llCalft. noerct...e or ~r t~ue.
Pl'M'Ucie H &.bl•t+M UJJJ t• latow tit. joy, p'"9ure and tt·
1a.uu-of pe....-117 c,...ted awlodit'1l.
Ail}~·· .ad er youq. wltll or wltlloul p~\ioua mos14faJ tr•ln·
-, .-Inn t.o play old tarnrttes or late popl.ll&r r.onc hlt11-
.. , taae ye a c:aa aiam. wtliatle or .inc. ~11 ul&y. No raUurH •
lalltnaetloe4 ('Yea a. your home a.nytlmf'. Fer furtltl'r laform·
alloa call &•~ &1''• your name a.nd lt'l•pbOtU> aumbt"r.
ffal ure. ,...pr.:ea:en:.:.:ted=-.:.:ma=ny~of~th:e:_:awa:::rda~)~==~----~===~=~====~ The Galleon yt"a1book. which -------------
wQn the 1wet"p1lakea trophy IHt
year wu JU<l(ed "OOlJlt.and1ng"
lh1a year. 1n cl09e competition
wblch p ve lhe SWHpetaltu
trOphy lo Or&n(f a book. lhe 01 •
·~ &ll4 \\'lute.
· In the hKted competition for
BHt JournaJlll won by Dick
B&mea of P"ullerton. two Nnr·
port H.a.rbor 1tudent1 won bonor·
able menUon. J\ldy P"UJUI011 and
Sh11on Crowl.
A rood aelep lion of 'H.o bor
•I udcnla 1 ll tend4td lhe atlemoon
worka!lope. the r enenl u Hmbly
nn 'Pk:torlal JoumaJlam" a nd the
A "''IU'da Banquet Rod Calderhead
of the Galleon aerved aa chair·
mar of the yearbook workllhop
and Carl Venalrom, of Corona dt'l I
)Ur, wu one of lh• ceneral
I _ .. _ ·1
I Private Police
., 2-7027
• •
The longest, lowest, most powerful Lincoln ever built
People who know, fine cars are · changing to ~incoln . ....
• J rMKt ~Tl~W
'? MONO.\'I
-' ~4=~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... i· ... ~·~.,~~~................ ~... . --.. ' I-~= _ -°"' -..GI • ti&JL~ ' c •. ,....._ •• a&. :J,.;tc;;.t::.':"Zt~~a:: • ~;:: 1: t 7 :: ill\. I ......1 .. ~-t6ld ...... ' 1ctn..d '1a _.. S' rit .... ~.... ... --· ..,... .--._._...,. :1: C"' 11 iiM f 7\B&• lf .......... ,.. OM' ,.__ -. • st ..,. thft• an. ..... ""' .. ,. ..... • .. .. .. --
,,..,·;. lM .... pttblMt-WI .......... ,,,... I • 1111 ... ,.. WIF .__.,,_ ... EIAL ,.
o.v.uq, ff, J1J1 lout) M&IJI the f Lti'IMI Wedi ... .. ... j ~ ClllD Jcm ,., .. --..-.. -~-'" - -_.. ,.,. " ~~~~~~·;~====;::;~~~·;:::;jt·;:~~~ CAllnNTlll llS'Allt It.. xa.1 11, ......, •• c. !faLt. , OUll. law "11\0MJ of U.. Jw.e t.· 1 ... aM ,... 11&a..1• .. ,_ W -... ... ., ....._ •.:..:.:.....:.·ua-·~ ~=·-::~ 1• •• ltel. ::::r'"'·.,· .. •.:· ... r; C I
.1 I e d :-:" LI . ....,,. ~ .... · Yatit ......... WUIOll wltlt. ftltbOf buN 'f. o.ttUiclee '-'IW ... -... ... • ITUllE "'l ........ ___ _. _,,,..,,..., .... .,_ .. ,._ ... ;_... 'RJRN ,
-~ ~..w;;; : .... ~ ... °""""'" 0.. .................. -~'....!!~ .. ·--' REASONABLE
Phone Liberty 8· l-332
rtJU. PJi T at 1°" an tn1..&
-~ ... -
'"" ......... 'l ilH•,. fl. . -AND HmBmRT • """" ....................... ---... --... ---~----~---! ~ ---..&..... Xra. Dnl*iwq wu "11Ull' II. ~ • ...,. \lctJs. . ~ -.a..-. ...... • • • • • C RVEl\ETT S"ITH welt•a..:ii..',An .. llaQar-BJ 1 ... -.. ""· i6d& liM ftll .......... t .__1 --•I ---lflQ RU•. t SY. M
dM OroYe, iiM Wlllod MHb o& AllonMIJ• for s-euen. -I r.w " " •• , ... at &M t' • ...._ ..... 111•111<•• .. at . .ii. ~ '... .. ... w ....... •Pfltt .... v Ml'I'CkCLL and m::aaDT· ............ -._ .,.-.. ~ I\-• ---• -·· ...... ·721 WNt a. ... th z.-. tUIBi '•Q # Lii ............. -· -··•I~ ~ lM AOi"Cla 17 C&Hfoml& a.d '164 llbll 111 _,..... , --tt. 8Q!I.._ K_,... ,,._.••• · ,.~, .• ,........... .. . r"~~-~-~-~ .. ~·~·~ ... ~·~·u·:·;,~~·J .. ~::~!·~·~~s~s:"U·*;s:s~·~·~J~ R . _ ... n "'· u. 1', ,, ,, ... u ... -..... -· ....... ' ' .... ' ... 2£ .... ...... .... .. .. pert emva• tng -». t.nd ............ Ked ...... ial,ifa't'W " . .... SS ............ .....
112' Dllhl& .,._ ..... teeelv.Jftl CPJtlU10A.T& or BUUMBll UM • ,...
eoqratul&UoM on lh• birth ol Tld tlJfOWIOMa> to ,_.. lkr u ,....._.a ... ~ .Wao-.. ml Mf • • 'smm •1 .ot$f) Ul&t tM7 ..,.. ..._ to,,-~ fUrtt7 cOfllplat II IUN\7, .. •
a llt.V dfl, born May 11 at, dactiftl" a Nt&U ~ ta U lJl'IOUlll not 1-tllu' UD I•--'-----.-..---..--..------..--
tho 11..C ""''"'· '1'11• ... , ......_ " , .. -· •• ...,. -· or ... .... ,.. -· • • -w.ro· -&& ........ 1".,WS.nEM we1"'94 I JM,., lJ o&a. a&lbo&, C..Ufoml&, wndu' the nt-•r ... bOnd llt&ll " ...... U & ..... a& --...VD _, ------------llittou. ftnn ~et nu 1.6.1' ,_,..t.M *l UM bi6I.-WW. • w ' ' frl..l-u.&I NOTICI DllPAll'l'MSNT ll'l'OM""" .... _ ..... coatnet ~ • .. 1,,.,., M••*r· ....... , •ll&U)'
... ...._~_ ............... ·-...... 1A -.. ---..... -..-.,.---1,_ ,.,_ wbw _,. "' _.., "'' ""'"""' _.. OOASTAL SHOPPER-Wedlle.day1
Jf..:. •·....,. tull and Jlllll!ff Of rutdeftct.,.. •• will ""1dt U. llU«Y ---1-----~~---------------
.., ......
l& h I ?".
Haul111.f -and odd Jobi.
t.Ibert.y 1-l&ae. . ....
-.,,.,. -
lllO to •:IO p.m.
1.ft W. ltd It.
8011111 f'RIZ. tom• , ...
4fpltll&ftla H9ded. many omc.
.. ...... '7 '1'!!-
CLEAN-UP JOBS ""'""" -l-... .....,.
WANTED JWU1 ftnv. .. )'L .... 'OI" l2nd Ol. "PL ...... LIBERTY 8-6119 , __ ,..,... __ "°"' __ "'..:."_mn__;>_ ...... 1---------1 Beacon Pel'80nnel WASHING & 100!' employer reWned
IRONING &c-NO'IWJa o• llAL& or altAl. ... roUow1, w-wlt: or "1rtd• u lfPMl.tlM UitnAa EmADLDfa t• ~ .,. •MM'Mall adl an: f'SfWJ:llTT A• PUTA.'lll ftOGl:R W. HANNA.J'ORD wtU\llli f1YI dllyl aftff fotlftoa,. ,_ W-..,. Pub~ _ PrldQ 6 p.m.. ~ ~ · IA.Lii 4~ ..,,. Or\'l't, Corona del UoCl of th• •-rd of UM. oontrMt ftr W'IO't't'la1 ~1 1 p.m..
No he eclltetM froom .,,uca.nt ------------l&y plec• or bJ hour. Wet WI.lb llJ.lut N.-pOrt a..cai.
Ll)'J: STUDENTS or rou(h dry. llf.. • IOth,
IN Tim SUPE&IOR OOOI'I Mar, C&lif. to OM bt6d.tr. ft1o ~1 Pnttt=tttem -ft\d"llMy 1 J .tn.
OP m ftATll or CAL&-HAltOL.o w. HANN'A..J'OR.D n. '0wntr rtllr'f'U ~ prlvil--NEWPOaT .... ..,.. l'1Jal.Umllfct 00.
l'Oldru 11' DD roa 'l'ld 11• &. k lbo& Blvd., a.NM&. ,,. or NJitetirl.t U1 UAS alJ Wik nu ...._ •N. """'°" ._.. <Wlf....a..
ClOUNft OP OLUrGE Ctllf. or \o Wlll\11 any trnplarlu .... l ~Jiii;;iiii~Oil.;;;i~;fjiilt;;:(i;;ala;<;;;;;;;;;--;;;;o.;;;;;;:-la U.. Malt« •t U. Ii.late ot Wit.AW olJ.r Wd• Lhil 11t.h 4&J' tatormt.Utl., la any Did or lD AfCtt,.,,.. .... _.._,...tero.tiataaibMe..C,,...•t&oa.
a,.u.PJI A. OUTHamCla of May, JIM Ut.1t Mdd.U.,:. TM puWi..h1r9 will DOt be rMpollalble ftr IMte th&ll OM laoorrecl
"I. Dec:tued. /al ROGER \'I. HANNAFORD Pu~t \o lM lA.~r Codt cl laMl'\.IM ot u U. .....,.. tM tiPt to ..ncUy clit.Mtty &raJ ud
Mou.ca i. Mrtby rtvc lhat /ti HAM>LO W. MAlftfAJ'Of\.D UMi a~ of a.lifol'AI&. I.ht Mid au .. ud t.e nJ•' U7 Ml aM eoatol1lllilr t.o rui.1 an.d r.,wauon.11.
th• u.alltnLptd. .., aacut.&tta H".ltt or c AWP'Ol\HU 1 ao.rct .t Tr\Ult.MI b.u M01rt&la------------------------• tM U< of Ralph .A.. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ... td u.. 114.n.I preva&JLq rat. ot
OUUU1dl•·· De<:eued. wUI MU OF THiii 171.h M.y of M•y, ,_r 41•rn w .... t<W •ll.dl crafl1·8~po::;:d;lol;:_~N:ollo~=-=----•L..-ll'lJ=;_zll~aDJl.!!!l;:;;:;;;,o.;-=,~•.;;;.=·;::..·--at ;rl-wat.. .. 1. to tft• blsfl.Mt A. o . 1tH. betort me. R-Obert r. or tJPt ot workm&a altded tol' . . .• '. • PAINTING
and but bidder, upon tM terma WIUmN. a Notary PubUr In anf ex.cut• Ul• contrM1' "2llcb. .W y Newport Barbor ~-!°'1~~l~o":u:J•;::n~f:ereo~ tor ~ aakl Count~, &n4 It&~ h awarded th• 1ueuut\IJ bldaft; . B. P . O. I:. JNTlllllOA -llXTlllUOft
........ _ ...,.. reasdin. th•rtin, dwy oommi. ud thtM p~~..UU11 rat ... an A.LIO MAJUKll PAINTING
111.uotri by N.14 lupmor Court, elon«I ~d 1Worn, P9~1 ap. ~dntalned In Wif •~lc&UOftl 1117 LIC8Na.D -DfstnmD
an ft'lnda)", M•t M, ltll, •' pUud !loj"tr. W. Hannato~ ~· Mio ted by th• Board. I.lid ..,.. 11..u ....,. ~ 1 p..a. GI "J h t JO ;OO o'clock Ji,.. Ill .. ~ aJd daJ, Haro!~ W. K&nnaford known tt f.uow1· -. Via...~.-.0.UU 4n.. tftft 0 nl Oft
or UMreatter w ithin th• time a.I· JIM to ti Ule penona whoet ~TIONi -M.,.,,.-t Bet.Ga DOl·llt\ IL K-porl 8eacJa
klwed by lew. et 333 ~Yell name• •re iuMcribecl to Ult~· 11&1 t.. -.. _Dl_.,._,._ ........ _______ 11_JU_•_, ___ a.. __ .... __ z_1_11 ____ ...,_•
»iJu.Udlnf, 727 Weit Bewot.b :I llt.rtet. 1.c. Aftlelu lT, O&Wo,.. wiW• INl.n&rnent., Ml4 acknowl· l!loyed ln conformity with &ec· pafnti ...... A Pa__. .... _. __
A N&W UllUSI OP u:cnmu Costa )(ea_ ()all u wan Wanted bo~ 10 to •• ,.,. •
wUI be "'"°' lty IUc ..... r. H.....,.,... f'Ou.ltl ...
DR. LOWELL PA.UL WA.DU: -----------Mop-.--. APPLT Mr. Pvkoo
In lb• Bl f'r-anoil Ch.aJ)'l 11FIX..fT'' er, Ull W•t B&lboa 81'1'4.,'
&IO Pat1t, i.a.una .. ach. H.wpert tf
l"rid&y, Mt.7 11,-8:00 p . ft\. Mec\.i•01cal I.Ad mltctrlceJ
Myetary of Sirlb.. MalDttG&Dee 8VTke EXPEIUEN<J&D LEGAL ~
M&y 20--1:00 p. m. ALL WOb Otl.uu.H'r'am>. tar)' . .Jfut'-r ITIT. 111a
IJ1ualon of Death. Harbor MM OI' MN J>boft• U 1-llUI 161111 PA.RT TOia J.A.Jfrroll -Od4I
Superfluoua Hair,
P9tlUMll"7 Nm0\'911 ~ tao1 ........... _...._. ud Mir
U.. Maped' No mer. tw..U.1 .
m.&...aN I.. aRT A.JiT ft. a
L&d.o'• aMoa ol Bel.1i1t1 llu. 1671 ...
I.Awn& -M.owU11 -ft•no-watloo. u &-ITl9
Job&. f. bra.. I 4e.7t a weak. a.. Mra. Veu1han, Robert
Va\lfllu 6 C4,. ll&40Ua It.
M.AJUNZ or a111~ IMCb-1.fl.1•. lt.ud1 •nipio,_t lrw
toll lrWl. ~ Inc.., llOI
NewJQrt Blvd., Newport klL.
Harbor lit. lklf
UCSM8aD bJ U.I . Cout Quetll
to optNtt 'and na'l'tpt.t po'Wer
boalll•to 16 fL For hire, wtll
•kipper pacbll or &hiJl.I bee.ta. I :IOXP--.....,..,,-,--C!:--D-... -.._---,.,--.
Illa. aJ1 rlr?lL Utlt, tntt:rtat and ed.pd to "l• that th•)' t:xteutff Uoa lTTi.I ot UM CMl.tomla ._....._,.. Dfltdorl -. ..-..........
utat• of II.Id Ralph J.. a1i11.» the aam•. 1 N w IT NE 8 I Lak>r a.de.. W1 do t.be work OW'Ml'"'-C II
r1d1•. dece.ued, at th• tlm• ot Wll.-Or, I heve hereunto Mt LA.BOKDtS1 MOTTELL'S JO ,.... aperlllftOe a
l.Eblfh l-7-tl7. 7pl:S 1eaeral 11tfice worlr.. Wttt.t boa
WOULD UltZ to care tor pre·
.chooltrt u companion& to my
T·.O W. paper, 11 ........ flll.ll•
fleatiOAa A refe>1-en• ikll
bi1 death, and all r11ht, tlU• my hand and affixed my otr1c1&1 L&Mnrl. O.nen.1 ot AND 11rEK •ACl"Mtl • IUUrtd. Your R1l•x·A·Ci1or
l.lld intuut that -.Jd utat.e euJ the day and year In th1' CoMUU.cUOA ......... _ .... -.......... 2.20 re latWW.S. ,Wt.MIL
own UlU• boy. 119 Governor ,H_O_u_•_•_KJ:_E_P_E_R __ --,-.. -,-.-Ta
Bt., Ooeta MeM ltp family. Live In. Salary uranl'• hd acquJ~. by opert.tioll of Ctrttncai. ftnt 1.bo'f-1 •rltttn. PAl!n'E&Si ColOllill Mortuary E«•re•'• frM. cau Jommte. CONSULTA..o","T
lew or othtrwtat. other Uwl /a/ ft081lfti-r. wa..urza lpray Oun or IUd LI g.2917 6 LI s.6289 Demon•traUorui, no obU11.Uon
or lft &4dluoa \0 that el Mill 1117 Corn•••et• llaptrM ?'fo•em. Bl&aUr ....................................... I.ta TIOl ~ -~ et "*" llttl Boi:i.nl• WI.lion -HYatt '""et
Jt..lpa 4 . OUthridl'9 at Ut.t INr l i, lNI •P'*I OIAn or IUd ~ M..-t&Ja!":au.. i -----------~-I or HTatt ,-IStf.
l ime of hW , ... Ui. la II.ad t.e No. 70f Bwt.er IWlnl lta&t ....... -... 1.20 .U OIMI• C»Ut1 FOR R.El-IT l lStlc
th• rMJ pi-ope-rt7 dQd'tbed u Kewa-Pre11 IS/11, 2&.1/4, it, 193t HO'D1 All ol tbt l.beW ctatu ltrrilll IUll.lMril al all I.lath
t0Uow1: , tUjttt to Inn,. benettta. 'l'IMplMat {'toll rr.) lkW laWlrt Site. Dril1' hllaMta.
AA un4l.vt"4 .OJ•·halt lnler-AD~ l'O& •tD•. OVll:RTIHE &.A.TU FOB ... lilCIUtll SJll Ill.Iii ...... ~" IUd•w. WMtlbu.
.. t In that eiftaln propttt.1 lo-Nal!ot 11 ...... t.111•• Ulat Ult ISA.llC TBA.DES: lnotO.ntil \ID No ooe ...,.,. turned a11oa1 bec&Ull -
c•ted In tJu City of Newport Board of Tn.Lltee. of the Ora.nit \he crall LDvoJ-wecl. et lack ol f\uldt. BOYD'S HDWE.
Beach, Coun'y ot Ore.nee, at.a!. Oaut Junior o:iuqe Dlttl1ct of Owrtlme 111a11 !M paid tor MIO W. OOAIT SIOHW•1
et California, and more partlc· ~· Coun~y, .. ~•lnr'~:u r... work perfonned ln u ceN of th• 1J-..8alldla 8e1'rioel LlbertJ WW Nwpt. Bell. UU'c Ularly detcrib9d 1.1 bt.lns: e to M • n• ,._ rqlllar day'• or week'• worki]'----~------1 ---'----.:_ ___ _
Lot l t and th• eouthwe.t· celve up to, bUt not leter lhan and at th• rate for overtime of
erl1 h•U or Lot lf In Block Z:OO P . M., May 29· IiM, aealed the era.rt lnvo.lved.
139 or ••ft.e • .ubdivWca ot btfb Jor tJu •ward ot conU.Ct Holiday• u h•reln referr.d to
Coro,. del Mar." u abow:a for l!eanJn1, rep&J-' and plutlc ah.all be deemed lo be N-Te&J"I
Paintfn9 0 Decor1tin9
t>1pc1 rta.asma
" Paper Honcinc Service
IOO li.t llnlt. Newport Be&ch on a MaJ fflOOrded la Book CO.Uni' ol the lnalde of two Day, O.coraUoa Day, lndep-.d-
t , J*ft• t7 of )Uecellaneou.1 -J.i11mlnl pool.I. lucA bldl ab&l.I ence-~y. Labor ~ 4tmlnlce
Map•, ~lrda of Oranr• be rec.lved In the offic• of UUL Day, ThUkafivtnr Day, and
Llc&NllW WNTRAl."!'UJt. ' _____ m __ , ______ u_.
J..l I-Mii LibartJ l-IUI r •
county, Callfornla. Ownu, ln Ut. Adml111etrauo11. Chrte""4.a. U &117 ot \b9 aboYe
BJdl or offer, U9 Invited for 91.aUdtns, Oranp Cou\ Coller•• ho!ld&11 fall a 8un&ly, the
•ld proJ*'fy en' mUtt be ln ITOl ratrv\ew Avt,. ~t.. M,.._ Monday tollowinl •ball be con·
writ.I.De and wW be hcelved at Oran~ County, OlllfC7tnla, and mderef a Mfll hoUday.
lb• otflca or .MltcheU end Hlb· iii.all • opan.d and publicly read It llall .. mandatory \lpoll the
be7t,, attot'IM)'S tot Mid e:a:ecu· aloud &t th• abo .. •teted tlm• Contraotor to ••om a eonlract
trU. or mt1 be tlleG '#Ith lb• la the ofnc• of lht Owner ln .uch ls awarded. uid upaa all IUb-
Clerk of .aid 8upd'\01' Court or butldln1. contracto" under hlai to pe.y
£ach bid mlll't conform and be '· ;===========;;;Ire.pout•• to thl• Invitation, th• not le .. than iald pneral pr•· Spring~ Wattr
pll.AI. lpedfleaUona. a.ad ..U ;:1~1' .::i~ ::Pi:: ;~': HUt GaUon tor Want u-.
other document.. comprl1ln1 lb.• exe<:otlon ol the contn.ct. Makea DellcioUI Collet
Harbor Rut
Mem'Orial Park pert.lnent Contn.ct Document•. No bidder may withdraw hla Drink I 1\uaem & day MUS anjoy
Coples ol jh• Con11<1re.rt_. .. Docu· bid for • period or 30 day• after tlnl best of health. ment.. art now OD • a • .., open th -•--
lllNO!l llllP AIR WORK
IL o. AAct-
lOJ.f a Balboa BJ'fd.. Balboa
llarMr 1111 l.Jttc
6 'enoral Contractor
Nft Work -Remodelin1
Harbor 6399-W ~Uc
ff.l!O to $10
HI.Ir c\U. IL lb&mpoo A H t 11.60
1116 C::tuaru Ill l'lrlS 1trfft &Mt
of Newport Blvd, balwMn ltt.b
Mid IOta. 00.1.a M..._ U 1-1151
Z4-&hoolo. la&tndloo
lpanllfl coo-wuaauon taua:ht lll
your tr.om• or ottlct. 87 ap-
poUltment. lndlvlduall7 at
•ma.11 l'fVU,.. W&ny )'.an
No •tudlM, pron~ph or
&na'UM.. J\.tfvenoft. hr ln•
fonnaUon contact J. I . MDU..-
, MON afl•moona or e-wenlnp,
WllUam P~ Kot.el, 110I W,
I th I L, Loi A.n(•~• 07 kll
DftllUk.UDNQ •
Haun I Lm.. to I p.m.
1 TM Monl"OYia, C.O.t.a M-
L! MIM ttpll
NO Joa TOO IJU...l.,l.
8T BOUJlt, D4T OR w.a
U ""'080 or tJ ''"'Mt
.A..nd Carpallter, work. •1 t&Ultr
• -tMm. lt yra. ~.
L&hisb t-1125 lcJt
EXPl!:Rll:NCl:D Colored woman
de•lree d.af work, Reference&.
Own traruportatlon. CUI alter :s p. m. KI 1.an1 12p1t
noora, old was. nmoYed. -
JU r.-nu. 12ptt.
~Help Wanted Mam•l:tum latermeat
Garde• .. CemeterJ' ...,_, M GWu to bll I u In th u.ld lh• 'date M:t for • ope1 ... •I .,. pu c 111pec on e bldl
otnc• ot th• Owner uid rnay M ·Board ol. 'I'Nlt•u, Or&Jll'•
• •
lT41 superior 4venu•
ComlA w-. Callt.
PMln• LnMrty 1-2121
MlO E. Cout Blvd.
Corooa dd Mar, Caltf.
Phone Harbor u
Cout Jr. Colltl'•
Dittrlct, 0"111• COl.lllty, -
Callfomia ·-
B. H . PETERSON, l•criil&ry
Publleh: May lf., 21 . 19.)f
Open: May 29, lfM--2:00 p. m.
: .aeEMIER ... SAVINOS reelhed 11y the 10th
, .. -el the MMll.~.IAiN PIOM the lat.
001.Ll:GIC 8Ndent. 21 , Law
, au.Jor. Would llk• employmui.t
Newport a.ru wffkddt A I
monllll Ill eurnmer. Drtpendabl'
conien.1&1. IYcamora f-1&2f. dur.
lnl ....-Hll 6 Ku, Stil.J wee.ll•
endl. 91tlt
wantM for utabUO.i ·ttftoe,
Kllat bl.•• toC&l upertenoa.
C&ll 11011 JONA,, Harbor aau
llERVlC& StaUon attandnlt
wanted. J"'\111 um• llOG W.
BalbOa 81"4, N .. port Ill.uh.
ed. -Hu. t.111. llcl'
for lll'O«IWl'I •J*l&Jt7 illlop. -
Sal•, 1tock r-tril\I, etc, -
8HAD00CKI, lt.lJ \'La Udo,
Newport Beach. H&rbori.lt'l'1.
IDC.PllllmMCJ:D 1ad7 IJcket
clerk tqc Greybound BUI It~
u on, Apply In parllOn 3200 W.
Cout Hlfhway, Newport lktl.
IJtlc ~
LA.DY D1IP4TCHU for Yellow
0.b co. MUL b9 Ulorvq:h!T
f&01illlu wtUl thl1 I.ff&.. App!J
In pareon 3200 W. Cout 1C11n-
way~ N.-,iort Beach 11U•
· Ju.nJor Draft.mt.A
t monthl mtet\t.nk!el 8ratunr
~H. 0 o o d letterlnt
... enuai, brlnf .. rnplM. c1 ..
Val 17th 6 Pi&ceftU&. U a.t20l
O&nutJ au. uoun4 u,.1enot.
lt•y work. ..... inwtbll ..
4U tot Kl'. Bvdlck &&.
IJO W. lTtb 8L, Collta X-. , ..
CLa.A.NlNO woman -IS .......
twt.ce a ~ M11tt hlff ....
lnc.lper\il.U.. a.. ff. a#
P.O. Boa II, 03ron.a ... lla.t.
TOUNO MAN '""'tlld. .......
omamt.•tal lroa. Ma·'nlttl
expon.• ~. ___,
p&J ll.11 ,... u . Call .. ,...
-· 11a ai.iperiol', OM&a.JLI-. ... ..
WOMA.lf for ]IAtl U-,._.a
bo~ork. Own\~
11&1'. 4ill. J.k1I
WA.NT&I> w....-, .... t.aa
Iron, ~ lft ptrlOL 1Ml lue ptMor. COit.a x-. lkll
:;..ar.. ---. •• ott•t you tAe oppolbaa1" ~
l'•l ill ... tround llMI'. ff .....
al ooncttn J\Yl •tartllls W...
eout. WOc'k ts, ••l'J' "'"}'" ..,, pl_,,,..,..., __
peopM th• 14\emt .. ti&eet.N
m&dllnt booldr .. ,.., .........
A tatclaalJal •dJMt. -.0 ...
n-..ary. HlP ..,,.....__ ao
..,. rMU1eUOM. C&ll ». • 4a·
clereon, Kl f-'lft ~ U..
llY*IWIC• 1CI ·a-m1 -tor ..,....
fnaUOn • a.ppt. c..n'.A.L
BUllNIU IEltvtea. 1l1I *-w lll.htqt.on, .... La A&:" t1t11
WOMAN to ~ for ,; '•1
puta and alttrt. ln la\INlfJ'. a.
pttlU.c. dalted but not .,....
.ary. Apply et ........, tt
Newport, H&t'bot 1100 W, Cit.
Hwy, (oppoalt.t entnaee to Bay
au•.) llalt
ltXPCRIZNc&o WOMA.Jlf tor
fH• mop work. 1TN Jftwporl
A'fe., Cc.ta M-. lklt
IO "'101h 't• '. ' •
.. . ·-.. ..
... . .
Rent A M•clti,,.
tl.50 Pell" MO.
Sewin9 Center
12:!0 9o. l(aJn
IUT .....
,!! ,,, 'd J
YOU CAN SAY YES -~...:;'" -~--~ • • • •
• -
" ... ,.. .... ....,. usu' s ntt ....... ,_"',~ ..... ,...., .. rt mtt
You Com• & Get it ~ J ....
Open 'xon,, Wed,, Frl,'Sat, i.i1<1 ''tll,9
VETICIU.NS INDUSTRmj ~ E, •TH . . ' Ratten, Wrought iron, Patio Furnitvr.
Complet. •lectlon of Wrought l1'on Fu,tllltun"
-aJ>CI Brulen, l..&"'1 Swillp, Garden
and Jjleo<:b Umllr<llu.
Floor Coverinp.
BA.8KETS of all kinda It UnUIUal Gift ltema.
Canva1 an~ Aluminum Awnin91.
15211 S. Kala. Sant& Ana • KI 2-~ irr.e ilOli.ft'ry
'• •
l ' • I • '
~ 7 ----.-••
: • • •
• .. •
Ml9~J~L!ISol'll'fllllllSl ... fitfit,l.lT If· PA&E l
'llDlatiY.'>MAY 11, 1•,
ft·E·O . .
~ow 24 Heu
SJ:ll~ .. ,
. ... •
•• .. · -UI C. ,,...1.1 ud •. :0 • ....... , NDtaJ.1.
-~An. ,H&l'bQJ' 60J ----------a4l.AQA m.A.MD JJM4 NIW9Ql't Btvd., Coet& K-.
---------~ Oqmbta&Uoa llGGJl ... ,....
ParklJlC. Idea.I for Dr.. La•·
NSWPOBT BZAOB at wa~'a ----------l?ttc ectre. •tMdf ,..,. rocmd ..-
-----~----tablllbect buataw. i:xcen .. t
6 ROOK APT. WI~ tp'-did ~ nztu... bd AlfWp-
JMUo • .acepts0Dalf7 nlce. di.-mmt. a.ta .0. OrOlll M0,000. ~ law\dr)', ,.....,.. ~ Rare opportUaft:J Ud worth ~utlf\lDJ' laadlieaped. Well )'O\ll' lA..-m.t.
~ ......... "'IT·
Qara w•, 1501 Bann Plac.
i blk. eo. N9WPOR 8Jlh ~c;! Smell Jewelry Store M-.r.u.·...,.. ,:
----------1:8TA.Sl.Jalll:D I 1d. J'lnt of· hra. t ~ I 11&~ ~ UNFURN. 1 ~ dupla. ,rJy. fertns. A ."cu&W' a ~ ..,int claM to U6t...,,... '*'ter, ---.---...... ~----
1 .... .., -IO~\h si.. New-::~;ru. ~ :.!b:'!c!:: ~ •...i..~· .~,.... ~ Coron• del t¥1a ..
port Bea.ch. Hat. Ul1·ft. llt Watdl ...,.irtns. ~ual fT'09I :.~.~Bu Qiu.JI. •
BllAUTIJ'UL llTq\ll&r lar19 Jot
with p.lana 111,000.
r&Qfin~ trom sn.too -•11.eoo.
No qht-.eerw. a.yer needa S'f400. Drive by 7~ ~te Ave., Ula pb.. Bar! 88J to bLlpd. . -~STANLEY A SMITH. Realtor
2M1 m. c. HWJ .. Corona del Kar Bar. BU
MaNr crafted -utt.tically 1aildacaped. ln eul·
tured community. 2 Lge. 8. R.. (16' K 12'3-
12'9 x 10'3. w;w carpeted). Ez.qulaite bath!
Liv-room 2'' x 18', fireplace + din.annu. CU'•
8'8). Attn.cttve kit., with tubular lighting,
ventilator &t ctiapoaal. Payne I'. A. heat to all
rooma. Sliding glua doon to beautiful rear
patio. dbl pr. '2'f,500. About $12,500 req.d.
NEVER AGAIN WILL you get eo much for 11<>
litU~. . 'l')Lree bdrm.s., den, full bath, enclosed
paved patio. Clean u a pin lnaide &t out. Owner
tranafernd. Reduced price for qu.ick aale.
$10,500 only $1900 down. Thia ia extra nice.
lM E. 17th St., C. M. • LI 8-5633
Corner -Duplex -3 and 2 8 . R. 's -Acrou
from Park -near playground, bay 1wimmin1
area. Partial view of ocean. Ideal home and
income. $25,500. Terms.
• Partial View of Ocean -405 Holmwood
Open House Sat. le Sun.
3 8 . R. U .. haped stucco home. Enclosed Pati<>-
dble. pr. and work 1hop. Large L. R. Sep.
dining area. About 1617 aq. ft. in bOUle, 300
in patio and 600 in.garage. Landscaped. Appral.t-
ed at ~.000. -Now being ef feftd at ~2.500
Small down.
Harbor H28 Harbor 1065
Pa.cUic Drive ud Be.rollia, Corona del Mar.
236 x M--Room for two lovely VIEW H6MES.
One of the last R-2 view Iota ava.llable.
Call NOW
307 Ma.rl.Q.e, Balboa I.land Har.~
We CHALLENGE AU Comparison
'89 ••••• ,.. ....
:i~~L ... Ulla &M JOU wm \ .. · 11ttc So. of the Highway .NELDA GIBSON
i~ ~i -· UALTOR LA.81' LOT ON Mll8A. DRIVE NM1'3i.1! "" attrtcu,.. o,1ta TIDI WBlTil n.um eottqe · IOt Madll• A.n. overlook1nl' Golt Club, lta • Marine Hardware ~ i a.., •. lte&41. :::.:,~ ': ~ aaiboa 1a1w1. Pbcm• 11ar. 802 beaut,>" '"°°' ~ ..
f lUOO; Pfioe. flCIOO down. to ·au. NOW. IU,'llO. CUJ"I' RAVEN-a bOnn. home
23 Units Must Sell by June
ot H modem apta., with kitchena, 8 excellent
Bleeping room.a PLUS DELUXE owmr• unit
with aeperate office. All apta. beautitully fur-
niahed. Best location on Balboa PenintuJL
FAtabliabed dientele. Expected lt'088 $16,000.
.. w ... 9'n. H•r.' 0011-~iuc • IMAGINE THIS! BWd. Ora. 1800 aca. tt. on Osbome-Forton 1arre toL Fenced. tonty patio e I BednU. B.B.Q. On 11wer. 111000. k c.
REALTY CO.'S • Ha.rctwood f1ooN t~rm.1. A. JovtJ1 bOme. Shown Part trl.4St i:oomdued. c.J.l eveninp
•• Wrooma • s kt.be
ORANGE COA$T • au. "°'
~~ ~ Mew-Herbor Rlty. _________ BA_T8HO_u« __ _
for appoi.Atme.nt. Har. ~
60t ~~~ M-Costa Mesa
Ll MIU or LI t-nM 2811 er.t-riw Prt"
' Bear'OOID.I XLZn' beadl -~ rowa4 Ubl ----------1 BA.TlD, CL08ID IN. J\at I I br., PWI pr. aJt,. ~
• \ montU old. Dble. prap. Full RIOHT. * Home & Income prtce ~TIO wtt.h pqment.1 of WATERJ'RONT 171 per mOftth.
I Bedrm.-A 1 a.trm. "11lt.d D~LmX. I br. -. tum. PW 6
• redecot•~ Wl• new. LC'e· Nearl.J Nw floet --'11.IOO
double prap wtlh laundry A: a l!ZDIUil. <>wa.ra pJam chac-CO?IVmRTDaLa dupJa _tum.
room eouJ4 M m&U lnto b&ch· 14. Occupied juat one month. SPllCIA.L PIUall Pt 800
elor apt. Near ocean, '*1 6 Newl.1 fenced, wall lo wall car--· • Udo ~ Only uuoo pet. .Full price no,IOO, .1160 UDO -a br., I kth. OUt.lt.and-
Uve ln on. aAd l1t·'/~r t.en· hi.A loM P')'&b.t. moo per
lota -ac,.....
l'RA.DB -s tit., I baUl VDW
home LIDIOH !l&tOH'l'I • -2 ~for rood Ba.rbor llOIM.
A.L80 I br., den, ntw, MaYf
ah.all& LQION HlllOBTI -
BICAUTY Ot\ 1 a.en -'Oil
&A.Lil -·---·-·-·--~
BA. TalfOlll!I I br .• I baUl Win·
mer rental.
Claire Van Horn
2111 vi. Oout U.7. u '"°11
Hear Blf Coruna ..... now M-
lh1 ~~LA e.M ooi and
1encNiJy im~ litoom7 2
bedrm. a.o.-.,, .,~ ttn .. •nc
rm .. d~l• sar. pliaa ii a ti thop
all on 40 ft. tot. lpr • .,..., d1ap.
Yew lttpa t• OCHa •I\ .JMa\AM.
J. buy at Ul ,eoo. C>.nl, MOOG
. '
• cm a••" 2 ......_ i.... 1>1a•
-Ii -for oae ...,.. Wilt. $1.,000 fllll ,.W.
. Will cooalder low down ·paymoat.
2. ·r-B.OUIAJN. s bclnD.-. -floon,
rA ~ pl'b. dllp<ol\ f-yard, dhl.
pnp. Cboloo location. -hun'Y OQ '
thl.11 ONLY Sll.G80. 1:MJ tonla.
DUPLl!:X. 2 Wllta. 1 bdrm. -ii. 1 -pletb-
ly tun. 1114 .,. -far '71.-. rr.ois
Wilt n-t • r.dJ for ,.,. to -IL Onl7 •
UOOO dwu ., full prlco $18,'™l.
sHORECLIJ'FS. 3 bdrm. IUld -bomo. 2
full b&tha. Only 1 yr. old, bailt-ln otov• end
OVA carpeted wojl to ....D, C-dnpee
thruout.. enc:Joeed patio. Only one at t.biJ
ptioo. Truly a good buy, ollly $M,SOO.
B. ·r' ll!MACULA.TE. 2 bedroom 2 bath home.
1 block to ocean and beach. Located &t
239 Heliotrope. Dbl. pnfe. hwd. tloore,
fenced yard, ~uttful patio a. lanc!K&plng.
A hergain at $21,l500
OPEN HOUSE 1 · 5 p. m. Daily until eold
PRICE T. McCUIS'I'ION, lt<altor
8"7 E. Oout Hwy. Corooa ""1 Mu Hu. 47
(Ottlco located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, Cd)()
Corona Hi9hlends
Don't bu7 any Home
$211,000 to $311,000
A bMutiful ooteyl Into a Iara• frieo4ly llvlnc
room with hua• flrepla.c. of uaed brick from
noor to ceiling. The kind of kitchen your friends
w0.1 HVI a.bout----clldiD.f SiW doon from. dlaJng
arM onto 1. paUo where you 1lt and drtllll: tn.
the beauty of BO'l1I the blue Pacific &Dd tht
Irvin• hills which join your own la.nd and make
you ftel llke you .owa a milllon&.ire'ia nnch.
3 bedrm.I., big den with another huge ttreplace
just riJht for entertaining. Thi. home ii drumy,
wt repeat DREAMY! One ln a ~oUl&bd! See
It now? WW meet you. therw -call liar. 2950
307 Kari.De Ave., Balboa Island Har. 2950
• •
' • •
• I
" • A 1 ,Q.,l _,
• j
Prle9 rtcNMi ..... ·-.. ............. lltl:A ...................
root ... ..., 1\6 ,... eM
..... is •• ,.,,., fl••ttti.d
Low~ ... --.
TOil .. t •• n:,...,
' OPEN .gooag
-.. --•&A-1'--a • *"• --..,.. -•.... ' o"'~·N· -FR,ONT ... .• .... .... ., .:: ~ . \,,;~ =._-' '" ••••··-BALIOA ISLAND "°'''•'t°"' -~,., . . _,w_ _ _,... OPEN HOOSE
NEWPORT BEACH -to -. '16 -.. ... 1 t. • .. ,l> ....,.., ft.aiw. • "°11'·· cll'o •• a.drooma. :I Mu. • )'n. old.
'peU • ...., lac. 111,000 -com.pl•Wly tumiahecl, UJldvo .--. . ................
• MOt«>AY, MAY II, 1914
• 8111 •I 'I ......
WAH'l'SD -4 llICH Kit.UONJ,JJ\S , • -1 • I -
tncham hJaee -llA • --~ praeUceUy baastoa -u.. -.. view llllGCOlletl Oii-llt1a .-. Separa"' cu-t ,
houoe. Over '8000 -Of dNpee IO With U..
hOUM. AU 11t1a oe 180 leet -frotltap.
OPEN BOU!ll) .l'ROM 1-11 each dq. '
3927 Oceen Blvd. .
. , . . .
Seven Islands . Re.ahy Investment Co. -. . .-
qe ..,_ from new Vlnceftt't Dnil ~ ·..:,
CldJ(. Guage nete owuer $10,000 • )'1111i' •• '#V-
cltlHr could 1 .... pnf9 for UOO per mo u
toola are Included in sale. Ez.cellent tor qecu..
laUon or lnconie. Price uStooo. . o.a,r wt.¥!!
B/ B
Catalina on • Roc~ar7
YOU' CAl'f, ftol:# the fhlnt porch
or thru th• plcUlrt WtndaWe
or I.ht. kl•el.Y ' bedroom and
den home. ~ ~ tor
comfort but not too bif tor
conYlnienM. lu:JT dla1lls rm.,
1eclud.d, brickad p&Uo with
hotel ru.. (rtlll lenal.bl7 prlcld
at ff,1,000.
211111 0c-lll•d.
(Mtween l'emlaal • D&hll&)
OPEN 1-1 &ai.w'dal' • lt.md&t
You Should S•e Thl1
1 8TOft.T comp. tun\. bom• w!UI
a "rent view ot th• ML 2
ti.drma. on llr.t k•ei-.M'l.
roonl A .a.ow-ou\.lllM fU.,000
with onlJ f9000 CUil wr•PI
Ulill one up.
80Urro8 LID wlaM\11 Ua1ftk1n&' -
but It'• tru6-a 3' bedroom. 2
bat.b home on a ~2 rt. lot at "i
prlc• you can altord. t2T,600,
tenns. * * ~ * * Boy & Beech Realty Inc
Corona de! Mar omoe
M.10 E. C.t. Hwy., Harbor 6663
Our laland and
It& way of Ute la God'•
gift to men.
* * *
Thlo f bOdnn. home Will pleUe tho mOllt m.
crimlnatlng. Ptrfect In eyery way. Baltt..ln kit-
chen, llO fl 11vj11c room, ;...u to wall oorp<tiq,
drapeo, weatherolripped, Iarse patio, etc. It'•
choice for $411.000 • BAYSHORES
3 bedroom complet.ely furolalled In excluaive dis-
trict-on utra larp lot. . Hug lovely patio,
p&ttly cover.<!. Room for lwllnmlng pool. 'A
rood buy for $23,500.
We netd a ~e commercial property, M-1 or
nloe income ln the Cout area for l.mproved.
very -.ell located Lo. Allgela bU1ineu property.
Showing $20,000 grou yearly. Will auume con-
aiderable difference.
carry P&i:t. trade or what have )Olll,.t
Corona ~ HiGhlends ..
UNUSUAL 3 bdrm. l b&tli' home in Corona
Highlands. Sha~e root, 1 yr. old. Mey buJ1t
in tntW'Q &nd lovely ~pins.
OPEN DAILY l'ROM: 1 to 5
f28 Cohrlllo T ........
Lido Shopping Area SEE US FOR SUlOO:R RENTALS.
l "lock trom out.u of Newport'•
flnat .tiopptns dlrtrict. , bed-w E FIS~ER & A • . •m• and .... Upot•I~. ""'~ • • I . ssoc1ates :
u .. kitchen and dinlns •ttL 3024 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar BAil. DOU
larr• livlns room, a.1-., suttt .,._ Ev room &nd ba.lh doWf14laln. It'• ea HAR. 2UO-W
u W lot wt.th plenty 1pac.
::..,~""'~ "~:~.:'.'. "' CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALU~S
BALBOA ISLAND 540 Sceward Rd., Corona Highland.
NewtJ _palrlta:I t bdmu .. 31,i Open HOUM Sat. 6: 8Wl. 10 L m.. to 0 p. m. .•.
bt.tJa, eoinpletely turnlahed,
double san.r•. wonduful tor
lat"ft tuolJ,y. Owner azWou..
••. uktns price: SH,&00 -
suDmtt your oft1r.
MYltTLE DA VY , Realtor
New Lido Plaq Bids., M32 Via Oporto
(Oppoal"' Lido Shope Parkins Area)
Hu. 5«6 -Evening• LI 8-!1297 ! bdrm.I, 2 bl.tN. lot. -.rid hair. ----------------L-Dru.m home, 137,SOO lttltlll.
Real family home. Ruttic a br., 1%, bath.I, 2r
rumpua rm. brk. flrepla. J'uU dining rm~'-.
w /aliding door to pcb. View of ocean &: hilll.
New drapee, a.nUque lhutttn. Blt.-in HiFi. Le-.
gar. 6 .storage. RWO fenced. Rm. for poot_
Owner movina-. only $3:S,OOO. Good tenru. · ·
Bay Avenve, oppoaite nke beach with. unob-
atructed permanent View of Hubor. 2 bed-
room.a, 2 b&thl each unit. $12,000 will handle.
Neuly new 3 bedroom. 2 bath qome. Oppoalte
beat beach In Balboa. Wall to wall cupeUng.
~ ¢ce kltchu, 2 patioe.
2 a. R. plu den. I bath&. MOit
attractive lnalde It ou t llf.l ,llOO
J bdrme. 4 2 b&. 1howplace and
very livable.. t47,600 tenna.
INCOME-With Value
Duplex I 8R 2 balh UOOO dn.
Triple.x 1 BR ea. ~ down
~ rental unite 14000 down.
I nnt&I unlta lnc. Ulft yr.
& Le• 1pta. lnoorne P TOO yr.
Abo•• ln e:xcenent !Gn.Uon•
and' are compleltl)' rurnl1hed.
Commercial lot -25' ot highway rrontare on
Cout Highway in excel. location. Lot aia
25' x 110' -acceu to alley, plenty of rm. tar
parklnr. Priced at. $9,750
2ea7 E . Coa•t H1")'.
HA ' 17U,
HA , 0757
U you. want good v&lue tor your mobey. IEE
3 bdrm. in Corona del Mar, or 2 bdrm. 4 dtn LD.
Newport Height.A. But hurry!
TRADE. · .;
M It. I L" t" . f th M th PUT TOUft FAlllLT "' ""' u 1p e -1s 1ng -o - e -on ~~= ~:·,:;:" ,:";; . BALBOA PENINSULA
Completely fumiahed 2 bedroom, convertible dea,
2 bath modern hom,1 fireplace, patio, QD quiet at.
$21, 750 -$5,000 will hand!<.
W• h••• a t..•UtuJ a bdnn. 2
Nth homM to otter. 0n, ln
lhe C1t1, otl'ltr lft< fh• Cowily.
Ste us tor tull d•tall•. t 3000
to t&000 doWn,
Beauutw home In Temple City. 3 hedroome, 1 li '.
b&tha, lncludea W /W e&rpetltti and dnpo&. ·
Large landl<aped grounda, hobby room, • l&Qi :
boiae. $29,600, clear. For home or incomt iA
1o1L # 8901-Two hOllOeO on 55xll!O ft lot in COST A MESA. .
Ou-3-bedroom hoUH and one l ·bed·
room hou.ee in rear -21,1. yean old-
hnced -Priced $H,500
JOU dW1.nJ the wtnter-rr H.U &'VUTTHINO. Built•tn
•1.clrlc Thenn.ador bl.rbeqtle.
eleetr1c diahwUh~r. t. bed.rm&.,
I ktha. ctiarmllll' Uviq rm..
* * * TO SEE THIS Property
CH.AJU(INO W1• llYl.hr room,
I btdrooru, 10Y1o11 pe.uo
l BllDIUI. tuml8hed apartment.
ClOH to th• VWq1 lhoppLnr
110,000 oown. own1r WW cam -
U50 W. Balboa Blvd., &lboo Harbor 126f
Even.Inga -Harbor l!M
-View Lots
Beautiful lot, .t.ew of Harbor. Sflect neichbor-
hood, TIUo fM. $13,llOO.
Ht(b tradti In , , , low price ...
8u lhill 2f00 tq. ft. cornmercla.I
bulldlnJ. D:cel.l Baltx:. loca·
Uon. Aomeone ti JOlnJ to t•t .......
1'-any Other. to Show You
1606 W. B&Jboa Bl'td. Hu. llU
'O" THOlrU.!!1 "C .. THOM.A.8
area of Newport lloach.
G. H. LATHROP, Realtor
3635 E. Gout l!wy., Coron• del Mu
Hubor 54f2 .Eve• Har. &eaO
Near be.acb, good rental d!.trict. Incomt $2880~·
Can be increued. Fully rented at prMeD.L Onty
$3000 down. Pay oft b&lanc. out of lnoome.
$la,llOO full prioe
Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 02~~~.! :.~tr.
110 z 1~ u.nobltructtd view of Ba.y. Title fee,
C\iff Drive, $18,000. Not meny left!
this EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor
3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har •. lOU •
601 N. Newport Blvd.
And completely charming 2 bedroom home adjoining.
Located on Balboa laland'1 main Sl, ''MARINE A VE." .
Approtdmataly 2 doMa udttolvo Un.. ol little
Jir1t1 and boJO clolhea. Caretlllly Mlacted mer·
chand!M end wldo foUoWinf ha& llladt the
turn oYU pbenomeu.L
Ezclwtlve Llatlni •
Pl-phOllo for appolntmAottt to -
Park An.' at Marine, Balboo Ialand Harllor :M62
Har. 10 Of" .,
Balbo1 Ocean Front
t aDJUL f\u·a. older llome, 11.r1• llWIC mt.. wtlA ftrtpl&ce. Ual\
lll•t. ,.,,..... 411pou1, I e&r
ptll'L 0eua 'IMW, c~ to
th• .,, fU,l(M), llftnll. ruurr TIME Orn:RED. ln-
eome Uftlt I MtnL turn. bo\AM
wtlA Jc., llldtrL (an.I"• apt.
Exoell•t nntal an&. OU blk.
to ~. Ul.IOO, wrm..
Coast Properties
J\ut.tt. J&Jnill. l\taltor
llllildnd RtlP •
llJ'f$&, TbomPl'O" • .u.odat.ee
IOl II, Balboa alvd., B&lboa
Pbclnt Kar. IW or Har. dOO
A Luxury Home
Reaale or nearly new home. u little aa ~
down. Better than paytns renL Let ua find
one to auit yo\L
2 bedroom home priced low. EZ terma. Drive by
:ili S&n ~i.rdino St., 1.ben call us to mee.
We have tbe key.
a2nd IUld N~rt Blvd.
HOUSE 01' P088IlllLITIE8
lilxtremely clt&nnlni 2 bdrm., 2 ba homo. , Re-
designed by owner arehitect. for (T&Cioua livinf.
Muter bdrm. approx. 20 x 2-( with Shojl ecreena
on alidlnC clotet doon -fireplace is i"ranklln
Wt'l'H OVZR 10 AORU ot Or-1812 copy. htio 11 Ire. er10lJlh for pool and
nttflt. bdrm&. II. batb. Priot '37,000. Sbown by appt.
Only $19,:IOO
BA'r8HOR.S8 -J b9droom1, 1%
IM!lhl, llnt Um1 otter.cl
EaceUut Term•!·
J!A Y8ll01tl: DIUVm bom~ w!UI vu:w of Hy -·a bedroom, 2
bllt.h, nice p.Uo ancl fenced Jd.
'23,&00 -Ternui.
Our Marine C.pt&ln bu to leav. NOW. Thia LI,
your opportulllty to buy hla to..17 3 bedrm. .
homei near ~ CoUDtry Qub foF oa1y IU.900.,
Terme. lAl'f'O fenced lot, bo&utitoi ta~. t1a1.0 ;
.tone flower boqa. patio. plutll wall to·waD nylon -
.-carpet. Pullmen bath. 811owa lleautlflll1T~ .. , . ... . Call Wi now. ..
.. .
Realtor : ·
307 Manne, Balboo ltlland , Har. 2050'
OK EXCLUBIYll HAltBOR II------------------,.,..,.... LAND DRlVJC -Nl'W ProVin-
etaJ hMne wtt.b &U th• utru, • --: ~ f :..=-..:.:, ~~~':' ~,':'. IRVINE TERRACE BLUFF
Ill kltchtft-A LUXURY BOXI: Panoram.lc Yi•w 01 t.be Harbor __ ... a.....&A... •• ;.
FOR 141,800. -~-.... 11rown:e11· Deeip, a bdrm., dim. 2 i.lhL · ~
• Room for expa.nalon And pool. • = ".!:.. b':" ':.l~=c~':'~~ new overat&ed dbl garage ii striued tor '2 more ''C" THOMAS,
-----~-------------DAN A. lACOBlmN. l\e&llltW• •
u , ... 11 ":;-~~':'KT.-THE VOGEL . CO. LIDO OFFICE ... !:'":.~ l201 Dolphlll Terrace
Uneurplllll!l vloW ot !lay 8 OcuA. 3 Ip; lltllmo.,
l1e. Uv. 1'111., 1p&elot11 be .. L kll, blt·ln renre a.
onn, tllahwUher, W/W cpta. thruout. 2 ba.,
1nw.om .,.t.m. -----ShOWll by •Pp!.
H -o14 I bdrm. 11; ba. homt. BW lloora. .
F.A. bMt, flrtplael, blt·ln kit., Ip. -· llOIDP.
landacaped IUld feo<ed. Jlar.l>q. BMUL rench
etyle and roa<ly to ...,,. In. $11,llOO full pri<e
U500 down.
1700 Newport Blvd.
Llltetty 1-11697
Ennlttp Bar.11111-K
M.18 Via Udo, Npt Bch. Har-'4971 or Har. 4972 114. w. Oout IUP_..,. Li 1-aa21
£vea Har. 5178 -Ha\-. 61-l2 N ... ,ort BM.ch OPEN 11 A.M TO 5 P.M. DAIL..Y : ' . .
A'l"J'R.A.CI'IVlt' 4up ..... H&r Udlj---------'-----------l"C"""TllOK.AI ""C" TUOM.U
: ~ • .:··~ FREE? FREE? FREE
JOE FERGUSON, lroker • • ~ ~ BY OWNER
a.iJP. ..,.
rotTR mnra lll'l:WP O&T tmGllft. aui.tllfni lfdtlon
t 6 I Bdl'ftl,, Wlll takl part
Wdlt ,_. SU.MO -.Wt¥· _,..
W lllL Mttc
315 Slp&I RA>Od
UNDER $J&.000
1MO 1111· tt. JUM.. 1'9dlconted JG.' Me. Tltl lbown t1AU¥ 'lill
10111L Ll Mdl kD
Of course not. But we .. do ba•e an exceptional
\o&l\>e Ill Corona dtl 'lllar. Pim-ta lmpolW!ce la
the t5 ft. lot. C&n't hardly pt them ao more,
(Ill C.0.K.) --....,, nleo 2 --holM w!UI eueit _ _.beth -dbl pr..caJI ua for
dllalla JOit Will .. plMood.
MAX W. POPE, Realtor
Wllliti B. Joo ... AMoclat.
1908 Harbor Blvd. Colt.a Mtu.
UbartJ 1-UU Ev ... Llb<rty IH161l •
-~~RENT ONIC j-~~~~~~~-~~~~~~....-:·-;;.;,.·· nvo,,...--.\illl.17""~ totti: ~ •
,.,..._, ,,_ .. a1. ·ui. .._ $10 l:M to $12,950 ~: ' ; .,,..,,llCtll, ........... .uwt. ftilVV
AU lmproftmenta paid. Pre~ INS E"" "'' "'"' -••>mt• ..... • P vTION INVITED pa~ ~ blOtk t• llUJ"f.
. 1111 Newport 1't1'IL. OOeta MHI
U •tat SW.. LI 1·1100
I.AH Btlt.N>.tu>tNO mlMlfltaln
dbl.D. a bdrm. ftl,,.. 1a..ao
11ar. uao ...... uuc
S· Cutt.!!111 Built Mo:dela
, . ..
~ Sa~ 6 Sunday 1 to 5
tOl Vii Lldo1 Sood • . .
• NW 4 bedroom S bath on '17 (eet of Bayfront-
• RedUced to $92~ or will teue tor summer
at $1.tSOO per month
• •011. ()()() LOftly Waterfront. Triplex . · .. _ ...... ·· ~. , ( t $60 ()()() 3 Wroo1u. ~ and llip ·----······· a • a-~ pier and 1Up -·--··-·-··--at $75,000
:J amroom. 2 bL larce lot -·---·-·-···· . $31,!500 • . $24!500 2 Bedroom.a -8treet to It.reel ·-·······-····· ··· •
M l Tenet.a, 4 Br., 21".: ba. SU.500
Me Buyl 3 Br., 2 ba. $21,500
SS7 Diana Lane, 3 Br .. 2 ba. $18.~
19" Pri8cilla Lane, 3 Br., 2 ba $18,000
Wonderful new Biaeell Built home in a setting of
.. orange trees $28,000
You mu.at see thi9 be.tore you buy.
136 St. Jamee PlAoe aakini price . ........... ...... . $21 500
Cf' 8anta Ana Ave. Tnlde -··· .................. at $17,500
i ea Holly Lane, • Br., 2 ba. . ......................... $15.950
308 Poppy, S Br. and den
Ocean view -&rpm $33,500
2M2 Crestview Drive, a 2 bedroom
Senaible value at $20,950
241 Meu Drive 3 Br. 134 bat..b.a-
Nice corner $15,950
One acre on Hamilton St. with cement block
bou.ae I& chain link fence-owner anxious $13.500
2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Har. 4718
Ownen are planning to travel for aeven.l yeane.
Ratber than lease their very spacious and
· inodern view home, they have decided to aell it
· alonr with their very lovely It expensive funllab.
inp. Tht. home bu three bedrooma, two baths
hup llvtnc room, dining rQOIJl, ultra modern
kitchen and of course there is forced air beating,
a ftrtplAce, choice oak flooring a.od a double
ganp along with a lovely patio. _
The view of the bay and ocean i9 unobstructed
Jrom the living room, dining room and kitchen.
-Tbe property i.a on deeded land t.nd high above
the Arches.
The price LI $32.~ which includes the furniah-
lnp. The property ia free and clear and the
ownen will 1ell to a RESPONSIBLE party on a
~-down J>&tment and fin.a.nee the balance.
Bonifide inquirlea are invited.
%117 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 24. Evea LI &-M90
Choice Corona Highlanda
Vn Lot on ·The Dectra.bte
"mgh" Side Qf,'~'trud Dr. -
, : With a PERMANEN.'.I'
: ·: · VIEW of the wide Pacific
• : . Multiple. Listing No. 7210
Phone Harbor 2f62 for detaila
Luxurious Shorecliffs
It S. our pJeuure to otter to you one ol the
tlJMiat bomea in uclualv~ Sbottcl.iffa. The home
... coDa1lta of a large Uv. hn. wtt.h railed hearth
: ~l. a apac.k>ua family room with it.a own
• ~ftrepl., a lovely dream kitchen with Joada of
. : meta. a prb dlilp.. dlabwuber Ii dual bit.
• • • in ow:n Is l"&llP· There are 8 l.arse bedroonw ;: : tt 2 bat.ha PLUS a ~ nL A % bath over the
•• 'dbl pr. The hom a sue-t rm. are entirely
·!~wall to wall. IA addition a hea~
: BJt.-ed '1mperlal" POOL fenced for protection.
Priced •t. $4.9.~ • • • Tttma if delired.
R. B. BOOOE. A.Mociate
~ E. O>ut Hwy., Corona del Kar. Ha.r. Z7H
;:;'';';:;::="~;:t;--~-:--~-"'~~":-1":.:-iei:i;J!~~;;:ai~r-i~tiiiifV-iiillll•...,,.r-_.1....:-...,p~----.. -:-----"!'Tf~.•·--4 4...-----""------------~----r~ OPl!N BOUO: 10 to 5
SATlmDAY 6 stJNlaY ,
~· Via Geaoa (1.Jdo'1 wtdeR ltnet). ·
3 bedroom,, 3 -~ ftlrn.w.ed.
Typical of Udo lilt'• ultra..arrwt modern bcnne.
19 thlt at.rikinr • bedtm. 2 bath bou.e ot unt.que
eompe.ct design. The llvtng rm. featW"llll a hand-
eome atone flreplaee. beemed oeWac and alldJna
clua doors to the pleaant patio. The kitehen
is a woman' a drum with bullt...tn oven and 'l'a.llp,
hardwood .. cabin.eta with matchinr fonoica .t.nk
toP9. Tbe home pins added charm from the
w&ll-to-wall carpetlni. h uge wtndoWI, and atrik·
• l:n1 colora Is ,n.JJ paper. Tb.e tun price ii $37.~
Sttikingly · Decorated
TWO SOt.rrH PATIOS, 2 beclnna. le den, 21~
bat.ha. Fully carpeted, completely modern, in-
cluding kitchen with beautiful birch cabinet.,
formlca counters in matching tonea. built-in
oven le range, diepoeaJ. Worlds of clotet I&
ltorage apace. Master bednn. with dreuiog
alcove opens onto its own beautifully Janddped
patio. $37 .000
p. a . palmer incorporated
ole hanson co. management
3333 via lido, harbor 1500
• . .
Rural View Estate .
Calltmua Ranch Home • nearly a acne. of
beautitJ,al level land. A view of rolliD& h.Ula,
mauntalna and ~ water. a bedrm.. 2 bath home
with radiant beat, and real country Uvtni. With·
In 5 mln.utee of ocean.
CaU Bill Fuuworth to eee th.i9 one.
Lido Isle
2 bedrm lei.lure home on IO ft. au.et-to-street lot.
'32,000. Terma available. Call Jack Crilfield
for fqrther information..
100 Feet -Bay View
Without a doubt, the most deairable Wide Jot
on Lido. Room tor a large home with pool. Full
price $32,500 with terma available. Lou Breer
will be happy to lhow thil.
p. a. palmer incorporated
ole henson co. management
1700 w. ,:out highway -liberty sa51S
3 Bedroom 2 bath• carpeted, BALBOA 2 unla tumllhed. J'in• Lowut priced ocean tront prop-2 bdrm., 1 bath home turn1Albed.
draped. Indirect U,-bun1 . ~ older bide. would lend It.Nit erty on Balboa Penlnlula at Larp yard aero.a the au.et to mode.mlz.&Uon • lnc~ued to cba.nnel 1Wtmmln1, bl.k. to
ment l'1'vity fUm&Ct. di.ah-lncome. Lowut priced bay-U4.7GO. • bdrm .. a bat.b bOme ocean • but IU.rf tlabln(.
wuber. flare-proof plat eflau, front now at 131.500 • only with lncloeed ~Uo, dbl. rarare. $10.500 F. P . 12.600 ctn. ~
fireplace of tlaptone, O yra. 4lO.OOO down On a latl'• c:onier lot. Jlel' mout.b on the MJance. old, double carare with room
for laundry. 129.600. or.raw. Eileen Rapp PhyWa Ke.rwtn Pbll Rapp
2 3 0 7
Peninsula Pro perties
HOME. 2 b«1 rooma and de.n. 2
b&Uul and • forct'd .. lr beat.
Bul.lt·ln kitcben. fireplace and
everyt.hl.nr ... faclnl Ult park
too , •• f2t,600. S6000 down.
to bre.lbe BUilt on lot a.ad
ooe·h< 1&2.60'1 lars;e and
beauWUI patio. 2 batlul, put
room wlUI bath. A "homey"
born• at 127,600, terma.
Properties Harbor 4814
Balboa B I v d ., Newport
4 '--'nits Balboa Peninsula
One 2 bednn., three 1 bedrm., plua extra aJeepinc
room with bath. Bat location atld lo A·l con·
dJtion. Potential income ~ yr. A&king
Slfi,000, teen..
FIRST TIME, thla beautitul 3 bedrm., 2 bath
home with comparable homet priced $3000 more
(and worth it). See thil today at only $23,000.
Submit on down payment •
Be a c b
B/ B
1:00. 5 :00 p.m.
407 Pirate 1\4.
C!l!t Hane
Dulrabl• location. I bedJ'Ooma 1
Shlnrle roof. Hardwood floors.
KJtchen wired fol' nov. •re
GI loan. $15.000.
Price Reduced!
From ,D,000 'to '2~,900 with
juat 16.000 down on thla
,xquialte Back Bay modem-
&ovely paU~pper plumblnl
'::.1 MocW ...... tntM .. T\.uit ....
• cabrillo -a. et 1 rus at..
BL\ VY. IBA Kl! ROOl'I, lludwooc1 tloon, -.,. 'doubk
....,...... foned-.Jr beat. built-Q ....... taltl'
dS.lpoeLla. ..... .,., alldld&' riu. doora, QMll ......
TEIUlD'lC LOOlCNO HOVEi wtUa aoen.i n..-
pl&DI OD 0oet.a 11._'I moat desirabk a.. ....
I-bedroom: Ul.IM-l2000 down
l·bedroom and da: '22.l60-U00t 4owa
AU boai. baYe ' W.U..
or Otfteea: LI a.un. Ranar JD
"We're Moving
to Irvine Terrace"
Drive in today and 1ee for younelf the many out·
ltand.ing featur9 ot thil remarkable community.
More and more Harbor area families are tmpedinc
t.heee exquiaite homea -notinc their comfort, con~
vellience and central location.
Mo~ and more f amlliee who pref er a home tn a re-
stricted quality community are moving into their
Irvine Ten-ace homea.
Inspect the model homes,
built by Macco Corp.
exquisitely f urnished
by Martin & Von Hemert
lrv1ne Tenace i.a located op Cout Highway OJipome
the new. Irvtne Cout C.oantry Qub.
Phone Harbor '"48 For ~ Information * For Recommendation. we refer you to anyone
who holda a Leuehold Est.at. in !nine Tvrace,
Beacon Bay, Bay Shorea and CUtt Bava
ROME w1lh I bed.room.a and 3
.,.Ula. Terrltlc tor l&r(e tlll!\·
Uy. L&rfe lot and ~llo. S car
carafe. FuU dJn1nl' room a.nd
ocaii view from 11J)lt&lr bed·
rooma. $29,500 la aJJ they uk.
3 bedrma, 2 batha. lmrnM:ulately bpt and
priced at only $H, 750. · Euy term.a.
thruoul-radlant heat-truly ________ ..;._ _________ _
be&utltul home of I bedroom•. • BALBOA ISLAND PENlNSUL.A OUPU:.X and a
pip. Only t ye&l'9 old with 3
bfdroolNI up and 2 down . . •
all nicely turn.labed. Patio.
double 1arac1 and laundry. A
muat Me at ,21,600, lerma.
It's Later Than You Think
~01;,thaaici.ow · :::'LAr;:_ VOGEL VALUES
BEACH LOVERS-Here ii a dandy beach home
only a few ltep. to ocean. ·xint rental area, bu
3 bedrma., eepante dining room and aleepe 10.
Panoramic View!
, Of Back Bay Ar.a from Ult
plcture wtndil:nn ot Ulla nea1 ly
new a bedroom 1 '4 bath
Ruat.le Rancho located tD th•
Roldinc Opeb BOUie at 118 Amethyst Ave. Sal·
urday It Sunday 1~ p. m. Here LI a barp.in
3 BR. home. Ahn.19 a cood swnm.r nc.tal. •
Priced to aell funllahed at $22,.500.
DUPutX Sl"pe 12 people and
a .-well rent.al property ... we
have lbe reoorda. In Cood
condition. waJJed rear yard.
rara1ea and laundry, $2.2.500.
Completely furniahed includini TV. Aakinc
$12,eiOO euy tenna. aetect apot ot the Back Bay KO~ COLORFUL 2 BR. -:::_·~·a~-: :'?:10:. Lovable redwood living uaa -bur-firepl.
cuarani.e.a 1our m....unent u 1 EJtcellent interior decoration and tumilhinp.
wen a.a JOUr comfort. .Ud Near South Bay beach and cuara.nteed to charm •• JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY
becll'OOrrui, l ~ bat.ba, encloeed
aleeptnr porch, rlUMd deck.
3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 It'• cu.tom built throufbout . •
. with all electric buUt • ln YOU. Full pnce $24,:500.
Lar1e roomy home for IU'I• ----------------
famJly . . • '15,600.
kitchen -dlahwuber, 1ndlftct SHOP LEASE llfb~. t.ouda pate wlrtl\I. -
et.c.-ruu Price •2uoo. Quick poueuion. On 200 blk. Karine Aft.,
IF YOU WANT SOME INCOMI: BAL.BOA ISLAND LOOK THAJC ovu . . . . -• Bay & Beach Realty Inc
Two bedroom borne W1lh b&cb• REALTOR8
lor ln rear, on Eut S., Av• CUNNING 2 BR h ~ l d _._ _, . 1175 Harbor Boulevard nu' .•. reai-rented. SL3,700, • ouae, pute Inc u ea • ....,ve, ~~nc. Coet.e x... California
term.a. carpeta A drapea. 'h bllc .. to bea.ch. $5000 dn. $19,000 LI t-7714 l:YU. LI a..316'
TWO BEDROOM HOUSE wtth 2 BR., attractive. Near No. Bay ----····· .. ·········$22,500 one bedroom apart.meat over a SEI·ECI'
$180 month.
VOGEL VALUES for belt buya.
THE VOGEL .CO., Realtors
208 Marine Ave. Har. fH or 101.tS
f Nat door to post offi •
two car prqe ... both tum-SO. BAY Front, 5 BR., f ba., Furniabed -··········$100,000 SH CATALINA DR., Newport-------------------lahfld and a very food renter Hta. New 3 bedrm~ mode.ra. 2
Winter a.nd 1wnmer .•• a.tway1 LITTLE ISLAND. A rustic and uaable 3 BR., 3 t1ath1, 1UJ1ken Uvine rm. with
rented. '16,500, term.a. bath . J .. u ... ...: t. ~.,4 CN\ brick r&repla~ natural wood
• lD a le ect \.l.Lll".nC ····-·-·-·-············-···~·""" cabt.neta. Side drive to double 3 UNITS, I bedroom home w1U1 prq-e.. L&nci.caped &ot. Open
two 1 bedroom a partm.-it. tn BAY FRONT, LIDq., ISLE. Beautiful home, pier It SaL • sun. 11-6 p.m. oruy
rear. The two In back are renaJt· float ·-·············· ·--····-·-·--····· .. -····--··· $136,000 111.750. ed and lb• front boUM la w t· , • mr for you ... IUl.600 No telephone information pleue.
We have buyera for rood llatJ.np.
~ e8timatea, excellent eenice. Balboa Realty Co.
Oppoelle Bank of America
Rou Orffley Ed I.ff
Joeephlne Webb
700 E Ba.Ibo& BIYd., Balboe.
Har. 1775-Evea Edith Maroon · HYatt i~222
'' John Macnab Harbor 5359
Phone Harbor un ' ' Lou Boynton Harbor 2878
HARBOR BLVD. comer. loc&· '>'>Ir Balbo T·•--"'
lM'T Newport Bm!., Coet.a M ..
U 1-102 ~-LI I-HOO
$11 t500
l:AST Ut.b Irr.. 008T A MESA.,
3 br ~ OJ.. loan. Payment.a M1.51
Lido Island
We have just lilted what we believe ii Lido'a
be9t buJ_ -three bedrooma, two ba~, be9t
location.. Built 1~1. Street to street lot.
$27,500 -$7600 down.
Excluaive with
Lido Realty Associates
&400 Via ·Lido
mo., lnc:l. •~ tnt.u.t and lm· -------------------Uon tor fkrviee St&Uon. llor-"'~ Marine Ave., a .wa&llU
ea. m9dlcal cml.er. 151 ft. on
llaJ'bor. Some income J\OW. U ---------.. ----------
~t~:C~.n ..::.~~~rth~ FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK amau down a ao nnanc. Chp.
1157 N"'JIC>rt Bl..S.,. Coeta Meu
LI 1-lW Ev-. LI t-1100
Cun' HAV&N nuoo. 1 bedrma .• 2 bath. dnp-
"· w w carpeL Very de.an. 2
yn. old lrnm~l• OCC\lpl.ll<y
224 Klnp Pt., Ll 1-7807 ... ttc
(';I.ASS A store and ottk:e bulldtq located OD
mo.t Important corner in Pa•ckma Price
$700,000. Will pay 7% net net a.nd wW dtpos!t
$300,000 u --MCUrtty. Lure
deprwdaticm factor.
CALL OWNER. T. D. Rocen. Ryan 18167
or Harbor 3828
Ralph P. Maskey
fUU.LTOA UU Newport al'td. Bar. tGI
Wna. ,. Om llolDei .... l'IL
WIUI ~ ..,_, ... .....
finpl&ce ,. pktun ......
o....noe>ldJIC pet.lo. Oeruatc W.
In bath, lutchen 6 ~ rm
G I:. dlah"Uhtt. 1tt.acbed 1
car pr • C9r port 'Lar~e
tenet(! )'&rd.. L.l a..1U.. lc1'
INOOME $81820 -PRICE $82,&00
Pra fhcome from ytly mttala. Cl>old bl In·
cree.8ed lf operated on sum.mer.winter acti.dule.
BJdi. not. new but lb acellent cond... All W1lta
acepdona.DJ' spedoul. 111ia ta a iood one,
See ft today! •
3201 W. Cout Hi&hY<tty, N~wport Beach Lt &-3t81
• '