HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-18 - Newport Harbor News Press'
TABBI 801'R'D -Wltla .U. blQoWtlll. ta tJM
bttae. Howard r. Murpby'a M-foot rawl. Que.t
of Newport Harbor Taek Club wi ·~ 8Meh
outer harbor at 1 p. m. Satmday •world'• acert
a&illn1 race. -.,..,,_ Photo
l1~nilon to let lean•&
T1•orrow 01 Oil 11111~•11
I~--Alwl1• ·c,.,,,. • ...........
OOVDNKENTAL VIEWI -New City Kan.acer Roblrt Shelton pve vent to
h.la deep fMli.Dp for public .ervice in eovernment to city councilmen and otfJcla18
thie morn1Jac. but wu allO bumoroua at times. In bacqround O:>undlmen IM -
WtJder and Sandy MacKay laU&h at aally. -St.aft Photo
Don't Look Beliind; Our
Future Is Catehittif Up .
Thta la a t1me for our county and dty pern-
ments to get the!r plannlnr-fot the future prepared.
for you can almon hev Oraop County crow. The
110WJ.d of our growtnr pain., here tn the Harbor area
u we.11 u lnla.nd point.I. extenda an the way back to
New York. Some of the nation'• bi1geat buaineamen
keep better tabe on our current boom d1an we do -
tortn.at&Dce, the exact hour 1ut month when th~ City
of Newport Beach wu down to a three.hour water
Check the front page of l'riday'1 Newport Har·
&or Newa-Preu. Our growth, county and loal, ii re-
flected ln all re1pecta -from IChoola to. aewqe. The
number of graduate., Oranre Cout College eopho-
IDOJ9 to hJsh ~ool lle!lion and elementary eighth
Jr&den, bu lDcreued over lut year ln ~ery ln-
1tance. Leavfbg the junior college were 2M thil year
compared to 20'1 lut year; einerging from the high
1ehool tut net were 8.'56 younpten ap.ln.lt 286
lut year; and l•vmr Horace Ensign and Everett
Rea lchoo1-to replace the prep lfada were eo. teen-
agen in compariaon to M3 lut year.
To meet tbi8 contlnu.al achool upa.naion need.
the high echool clllltrlct board la adding to the preaent
facility and furiou.aly working toward a new eo.ta
)feaa High School. In the elementary diltricta, new
1ehoot. are rudy for next fall and contracta are be-
tog let for other new acbooll and add1tiona to pre-
1ent facilitiet.
But it you WnJr th1t II a daY-by-day problem, '° a.re thoM of water and ..are and fire Ud pollce
protection fctr our fut-erpandlnr Harbor area com·
munitiea wb08t growth ii reflected in the. lncreu·
Ing acbool numben. And thlM ~ttera, along with
maximum control over our continually increutnr
tau., p1&cea the.~~ oar official a and~
.. tauvee. DOt only to bq> &!nut of them. but Jn.._
ttmifntly ahead ot ti.a.. .la dtlJenl of theie COID•
ma.nities, we mu.at alao pay ·c10H attention to the ac-
tiom of our officl•l•, much aa OW' cou.rageoua rra.nd
jUIJ mem,,.,.. have beea dolni In ~ to thoddy
guaJdlns of ou.r lnteresta by the board of .upc'Yilon.
EmphulstnJ tntellJgent p1anninr ahead ln a lea
spectacular but equally important manner is the re.
quest by Lee)(. Nel8on. 1eneral llla.ftager of the coun·
ty aanitation diltricta, for action to expand the two fl.
8fftCe treatment plant.a over a two-year period. Lo-e
cal d11tricta 5 and 8 will be called upon to put up about
f93,5i(} toward the $800,000 estimated coet for the
• Nellon'• report reveala that unW two yean ago
there wu about a 10 per cent 1ewage lncreue annu-
ally, but ln AU(Ult of 19M fiow1 lncruaed 3:5 per cent
°"!' ~rreirpondlng montha of the year before. The
~ear plan of ~ion for ~ treatment plants
d' enable the county to remain well ahead of the
Mil. .
::We mu.at '" to it our communities Nln&in equally
al9l of our future needs, aome of which appear to
bt];.ttnr UI today. -. -
!iwer of the Press -52.'Nner underutlmate the pawero of a woman.'' ar• pNll.
!l'lla New.Prea carried two ec:Utorials calling at-
tatioD to the immediate need for a atop and io U,bt
at tM COJ'Dll' of Eut 17th St. and Oruce Ave.
Saturday the Upt wu ln place and operatJnr
ucl ~and~ coWd •\he iatenec-UO. wttMat taktq a chance of io.ln( t.Mlr llvee.
Keep a Chair ·ttandy
Here Are Propositions
for Voter Consideration
Secretary of State Frank M. Jordan bu announc-
ed the ord.tzt ID whkh 10 proposition• will appear on
the Nonmber ~ election ballot for conaideration
by the YOten. · ' -·
'l"M veteran'• Bond act of 1956. providinf for a
$SOO mllllon 1-.. to tbiance the state's f &fm and
home purchue PJ'OIT'&ID for veterana, will occupy
tint place on the ballol
Appea.rtnr 1eCOnd will be a $100 million bond
1-ue for .tate a1d to IChool district.a.
Number three on the ballot will be the 1tate'1
1200 million· bond t.ue to finance a five year state
building program for colleges, pri.ons and state
In fourth place will be the oil and conservation
initlt1at1'e. The t1fth spot will ro to & conltit~tional
amendment which would do away with the require-
lnent that liquor may be eold only ln p~lic qtiDr
Ballot pgeitioru for remaining propoaitiona are i
6. Oiurch exemptlon, providing that churche1
ahal1 a. C'deded aemptjon from taxes-on parkmc
lot(' ueed in. 'cmmect.ion with houlea ot worship.
'1. State Jesblature, cbanrtnc name of· the u·
eembly to houae of representatives.
8. LeJialative bud1et aeaiona, requirinr that
budret Maion ot leplature convene iD February of
each even numbered )'e&r inatead ot March.
9. Borou,h form of county 1ove.mment, author-
iz.in1 establWlment of borough system either for all
or patt ot unineorporated territory of a county.
10. State civil 1e{'Vice, pro~ that civil aer-
vice requirements 1baU not prevent legialature from
adopting Ian permitting atate employment of pri·
vat.e architecta.
lL i'raminc county charters, allowing one year
irutead o! aix mont.ha for preparation of propoaed
county charter by board of f reeholden.
12. State indebtedneu, 1ettJ.ng maximum per-
miuable term of statutory 1tat.e "bond iuuee at 60
in1tead of 75 years.
13. Alien land law, repealinr Inoperative law of
1920'wbich formerly denied alleru, ineligible to cltizen-
1hlp, the rl1bt to hold real estate ln at.ate.
H. Lelialativ1 employeea, deleting w.ting Umi-
tationa on method of hiring and amount ot dally pay-
roll of lqialative officen, attacbea and employee1
durinr lle!Miona.
~. Public wata auppliea, authorizing atate and
~b political aubdJvlaion, d.lttrict and city to acquire
aha.rea ot mutual water company stock for purpoee
of eecurtng public water suppliea.
1 e. Cfvi1 and cri.m.J.nal a ppe&la, cle.letlllf preae.n t
· time lluUta within which ~ court beutnr may
be ordered after deelaion by diltrict court Of appeal
and authomtnc judicial council tO ftx 1ucb time llmtt.
by rule.
17. Conat.ltutional provi1lona relatin1 to judicl·
ary, 1'peall.nr eo~tional proviaion which formerly
~ aalarl .. of 1Uperior court and appelate
BJ ..
on or about J\11)' 1. all throqil the bruah country of
lovthem Callforn1a, hundredl ol ptea will be pedlcded
u4 theM ~ocb '¥fll remain until the tint fall n.tna.
Tene tip.a wW warn you not to truapau and a vaat or-
pnt.d netw01't wUl aJt down ln bated watch.tUlnea.
For three Mcade.e I bave ,..._
ed thouaad.a of th.. WU"lllnr ownu b.. a perlect rlpt to atsna and neYtt PYe t.blm a ..c.. aclUde the publlc tr'CJID uatna
ODd thouJbt. A.I tor the loclred bia Land. So It Iii l.be prtnt.t
pt.M, I amJrked and knew the Wldowner, w •I I wtelda a. I 1
'°pMrfl'll that be," were enca&ed rttbU. and not lhe fo~ •r·
ln a rtcanuc "at.ea.l,w to keep ua vice who la u.cludinr JOU trom
off public land.a which were entrance onto the lrucll t.ra1L
rlpt.tully oura. Maybe th97 had Wat.er I.I the key to We and
all ucuae lO Jock the ptea ctwo. development in South.in call·
• l.nr-the tire aeuon, but wbat fornta. For ye a r a 1 baY9
about Die locked ptq we found pool\·poohect the Idea that th&
In the cle&d ot winter wbm there bl'Ulb land.a of Southern Olli·
wu no d&nrer of ftre. ! tom1a had ~ wat.cn.bed ..iue.
Fortunately, Mr. s. ll. Jarvi, Now I know dlffettnUy. Th.,.
fotdt .upervtaor for the Sa.o are over • miWon ac,_ of .,...
a.m&rd1ao NaUpnal F~t. took tanhed ln Southern caut.omta.
the tnJU&Uve and wroW me a and moat or th.la acrea,.. 19 ln let~r after readlnr one or my tb• · naUonaJ Core11t.L But l did
oolumu. We ban now corru-not reallu that. ln spJ~ ot lb•
ponded IOT eome montha and be Colorado River w.ter, Oftr baJ1
hu ~ every q\Jution l of the water Uaed l.n the eouLb·
b&ve ulctd him. A few d~11 aro. land come1 from thia lmmenN
I ~ a laaa "bUll .... ion," wtth wale.rahed. ll la • recof1l.lAd
Diatrtct ftupr J,. K.. Ku.o.h&ll tact that !orul n.... d .. ll'oy
, and ble aatat&nt. P. K. Drydm wateraheda. L 1 f • tn louthen SANTA ANA, (()CNS) -That wu quite a mix-up ol tbe Cleveland MaUQDA& I'~ CaHtomla le literally de~t
OD the primary election flood bonda reault, wun't it? For .-t bi the look8ut •tatloo eeop :' eltho7 rdlocked pt.a and · llupltll& haJt .... 18 a.a n y oo oute atop Ute peak• thOM who ~ ln late, lt wu reported far and wide the '1MIUC.lu WUt ., )(~ • 1 ~ the hiJber f0"'9t.a Ud bnUh
bonda bad falled to get the neceuary two-thirda majority. -.. ._et o. md.eal "*" Juda. ·
Everybody wu wrong, according to the unoUicia.1 score· UOM ID th& m1nda of the bl'U8h rt~~ OALIP"O&HIA
-........ OOOlltf)f -.ii.... a. reprd.t the ...., a known tact t.bat ~ •dmst ft>Nst, and here .,.. bumed~er wat.era.beda o • • • • ne eaUre tlnt dlatrtct Y• haven't compiled tlrat receive a ~ Of the "U'Y IOl'lcal &n• deatrucuve tlooda and IA adtJ•
yote -10,4.lJ -. wu 1nadvv-letter from 1118 deputmenl At-awen1. Southt'rn C&Jitornia we Mall to
t.enUy overlooked. Tbe co~ted ter 16 daJ9 have IHpeed, an ANSWU IN PAST ~v• e1th~r a drourht Qr • flood econ aa 67,716 yea. ~.IM no, ottloer c&lla With a citation to llUIOfa.r u ~tall ta concerned.
lor a P9t'CCl'laC"• at lt.2 La ta'IOI' appear 1n court. The antm&J Locked ptt'a In the national In a hlUe over 20 yeara, prop-
of th• bOllda. oweer aUU cu ende the ttne to~ d\U'inr the winter MUOD erty damare by Oooda tn loutb·
1"21• YOt.e out.come took the by takJnr ca.re oto the ncctna· aJ-ya mtde ~Y blood boll. J'or em Ca.llfomla bave C09t ua 111
ptum"OOm .. MC by eurprt.M. AU Uon at 1-at ft houn befon thi.&uwer we l1 have lo IO back axcaa ot 80 million dOUan. It
l\ad predicted the bones. ctc.D· th• aheduled court appearanc:e. lo lb• 1930'• and the CCC Camp•. la not out or tbe rulrn of GUt
fall. Only the fourth &nd Wth .SOW.r conteodt Oran1• Coun· Du~ ta. dtlft9ion U.,. of ~ 4'ttb aur ~
ru.lrlnta tailed to itve the i. ty'a nbia .Stu&Uon I• "pretty the 19"'• the rMUaa. uaempar>y-~ bu1W111J .... ~
aue the DeceaM.l'J qe. w1Jl under control now. We'll ed boJ• ol U.. n:atMD w ... effcr-lion. pha a dwutattnr a ad
Pucentq'e w1le, lt broke down have a flareup DOW and then, ed the opportW1,lty lo jotn ~ Wlidesprea4 fJr.., plua ·~
lib Lb.la· l'1Nt ~_..1.0 or coune. Uke we had tn w..i.-ClvtU&a OoDattV•UOtl Corp. W• Mavy ralbfall U\&t • _,..
y.., UH no, for IU pcrciat; n\lM{er . .-(A tal>ld dol want Oil no.f ....... \Mt-li&itf'llily clq"tlCJOG mlfbt Go J9tll'9
MeOtld dletrtct U tee Ua ram~t. btlins approxi· er ot ~ AIMrlcin manhood property damare than tlMt tot.al a,m no, tor 14.l~t; J: malaly l& penona, lncJudlnr 9!JY· wu taken ort the "bread-~" of all the prev1ou. tlood.e ta llJa..
d.!Arkt _ 21 011 1 1" 00 ual childrm. A quaranUne wu Ud rtvm ~cu.. ... ,._. tol")'.
percent.ap TU· ~ '&t.rk:t &lapped on a wbdM.11on.) nJty lo bUild lutln(' fno1utmeta Thae .,.. lhe nNon.I .,.,._
-t,U. yea, '°°' ~ ,.,c.uwe ADotbcr doc tl'Om ~ aame t.Q,,J~• •mqrt. In U1e Ji&tlCllW abed prot.cUon &oflf Ille .. , o1 H.•: IUUa ~ _ t,ftT J-. Utter u tlM rabJd one died trom tOr.ta Ud paitla. I dcMal If hmctton. of \he uttonal tone~
I.ta no, ,.a•'"'9 ILi. ~biu. TWo olber liU.r ma.tee there would be a atnf1e truck ID Southern CalJfomia.. tt.cna-"
wen demtroyed al UM count)' trail ln the nallonaJ tore.ate ot lJOn la bowewr, aec:.oad or t.bJrd
Only e.lallt.,.... acW&U7 P" anlm&l ahelter, Bower Mid. Southern California lf It had not 011 tha u.t and the tor.i ..,._
. the &d~ • Ille DO -'de. "W• J u 1 t oouJdA't take a t>.n for the CCC'• ln 25 yean vic.e'• pn*lem la bow t.o pro-n.,. '"ft Oll:nda. Ton. Tort. chance oo th~ uc:aptn1," be 11nce th~y ~~d work, r-lt tect. the people Crom Ulllmaelv ...
Unda, ~ Onq'8 ~ A.crea. polnt.d out. any further torut trvcle traUa RecrtatJoo and family tun IA
Saatiap, VDla Park and au Lut rabJN qM\t 1.bOW11 40 have bean COl\ll.nJcted.. In the.tr Ule srut out.door11 la ~· m.ui
Juan. doc• and one cat have dJed from butt, the CCC mpeen COii· lnterat. A.I l travel throap U.
•Allma Cl'ACKDOWN the dt.eia4 atrvcUd many of the entrancee national toreeta tn SoutMrn cal·
T21e county la cndd.ftr down IN81'Dln !'01..l'l'IOAU.1' f lo t.heM truck t.raU.e on prtvate lfomta I ... many vtrstn ncr-..
on Ylol&ton Of the m&Ddato0r7 The wrtla' won.dare u u. landa. Ce.rt.aln •l11flllenla were auonar area.a that lillouJd be
rabt• vaodnatlon law. John move bf a couple It Lons drawn up with UiJ landownen opened. But tint Ule cltiaary of
BowU', oowat7 nt.erlnart&.n. eaid Buch olficlaJ1 to ut.nd AUier· In quuUon. and one qi them the .outhland will ha" i, clam·
moni than IO dtaUGu ban been ton at.. M:1"0ee the aan Gabriel wu th... lr&U. would not be-or tor more mone7 trOm th•
IMUed. nn .. 1"&DS• trom '10 to RJver throuJb a ...,t wbdt.Won co.me public roada aero.a Uldr federal ~mmenl tor dne!op-
$26 . .4ppl'OJdmat.917 14 tlua have planned tor t.be Loe AlainJtoe Ian~ 'nine aireemenla n&tur-inr public recnationaJ .,...
been delt out ta A.M.beim·J"UJkr. ar.a may bave been J>OllUc&Uy ally rem&ln In force and, u.nUI wtthln the toNt..• cantln•. Our
ton Municipal Court; fOW' ln tn.ptred. · aucb Ume u tund• are avail-conc-•t.ed populaUona need
Newport JU.ltioe Court and etrhl The aubdl'liaton wUJ llouae a able lo "route theM t.ra.tl.e our th... faeWU.. now; not tn tlM
In HunUnJton Beacb-3eal 8-ch po]llllatlon or around 10,000. public lanft, the prh•at.e land· dim. un«*'tata t\ltaJ'a.
Ju.aUce CourL Th... came to That'd be a lot of bu.atn-. tor
Bower'• mind lm.rnedtately. downtown Lone Buc.b, wouldn't
Dor own•ra pay lhtlr vacclna· It'
tlori t... when thty 1et t.befr Oblervera are un&nJmou.,
UctnH. The vut majortly fol· Sherm Jlm K'U.116 k"pe one
loW throufh. In fact. mor. th&n of Ule clu.ne.at jalla in the
23,IOO caninea have been lnocu-lout.hlancL It'• allO one of t.be
laltd a~t rablu alnce lhe· moe ~. l'ood la tape. too.
dJaeue Invaded ~ cOW'lt)' lut Whtie on the wbJeot. C&pt.
OeccDW. ~ 0.thJ'tPt and bt.e J&ll•re
Bowe..r, llOIDe are t1r hUD• d...n• a alap an the back tor
th• v1cclnaUon prorram. Bower their coopuaUon wtth newamc.
diacloMd. lf report.en don't c-t the 1.n~
"TM.I 9Dlne reiu.. point b1anJr formaUon, lt'a tllair ayrn taul~
to partJdpat. ln tbc plan." he Gatbrtpt 1'a.e done n~
UMrted. "We are makJ.q' It but S.... ai:_,. to 9CrUIM. 'r1M1
H ...,. u poulble. but we won't •me thlnr 1oe9 for all ckpar1-o
toJ.rate Ylol&Uona. We itn t.bcm menu around I.be aberttra .ia-
every chancie lo comply." uon. u tar u lh1I ceporter i.
He uplall\ed t. b • a • who oonce.med.
Sacramento Sidelight
18. Inferior court jud1•. mak.inc jtld11 of a SACR.AllB:NTO, (CNS) _ Now that the primary
juaUc. court elllibl• for office u judge of a auper-electiona are ovel', the public perh&p. can turn it.a &tun•
llldJ.ng munidpal. court atabllahed be.fore Jan. 1, 1980, tlon to the mua of propoaition.e which will be on the
even tboucb he ii not &n attorney, where he hu MI"V· November ,.neral election ballot ID N~. Tllvt an
ed u interior court jud,. cont.inuou.ly aince ~ov. T, enoush of th ... to warrant eome thlnkfq about them l~. trom DOW unW seneral election day arriveL
19. State boundartu, empow.rni. lerialature to On• of th• mo.t Import.ant ~. altc and redefine California'• atate boundar-It.ma on the be.Jlot will be Ben-unantmou.i1 In lh• •talA Mnate
lee in eoo1WP9tJOU wtth adjomtnc It.at.el and aub'-+ ate eonautuUon&l Amendment and wttll only .... n ~tms
r--JV<." !f o. I. JlallOt 9WDM?I haft Dot wtee tn tlM bouee. ,......i. Ula& to concreuiooal approval. u yet been ualftied 1'y l.eN-tM &Jb.admenl doe. sucU1 l'Bftftl Now ii the time to carefully •tudy thtM matt.en; i.ry of It.ate Frank M. Jardan. w1lat " •Y'I -merely ,.rm.Ult JlllWjD()ii B •gllC)ft . eo It ta DOt lmowll what tlda th• state to klre &tt.hltecta or
.• 911 Dot at the lnsta.nt of eetertnc the VOtlnC booth. propo.!Uon wtU M called ,,bn enrtneen, When Lile civil .. rvtce ews PR 41:1s s ---------..-------------tlM .... Jll aa.lped a.ttr •t&tf cant b~• tbe Job. &;ii thla month. On• of t.be eUIHt waym to Farmer M C be W 't Briefly, IC4 No. I i. a mg-ddeat a ,_...able propo.ttlon
,,..Wt1 Ul4I Kewpcitt~boe Hwr'l'bil• C a n es e .., IW'9 wbJcb would permit UI• tNCll U .CA I, or cwree, 19
... tM K~ Pr-.. · 11\ate to ·hi"-prtnte arcJltt«:ta to Uml1r up a .mokt • ec:~
• · &ft4 cqtoeen wJ\e It dtllllU which ln Ulla tn.t.n~ I• a thrtet
.. _ .. , lllltll 1--a .....,..., .. fer °"" n.tr •-IUCJl bJrl.q MCWI')' t.o kMJ of lhe return of the "•J>Ollmlen" Uncle John dowa &a Tent ii a mnmtu --·-,_ .. , ..... J . -· d _ _. .. ..,.. to c.iltoraia pottua. • I••• Claw' lilaU.s M ~ Poetottlce tn N..,..-t ~ •· • ·-.. ~-""•-an ~·•-Farmv-by that. l 111ean , ~ never pJ&na ~ .., Work oa eolMd\Ue. And t.brow uu. alopa.. I.be ~ _... UM Act Of Marcil a. ""-out, be jett open.tea by rueu work. He eftli' Ja.Yecl ,... .._.,. I.I )(Lwl)' op-Caillomi& at.ate 11rn.p1.o,... Aa· "":!.:..=' ,:=. '::·;~-;' ~ u.. out hia corn rowt that way. One eftDlng he dedckd ~~,.!!. ~~~ :;-.:: ~~0:'ntobo~, in~
....-...., nw11oa ••ca. <J.&.La. n-. ...,._ llU to pick eome routln' eara on th9 war ill t.rom tM alNedJ bM -.t out. letter• to Uon of t.be prcrpoeed amendmat
field and by tht time he'd piclnd a cto.. -.n n1 tta rMmMw to pave UUi ..,,., will IM91' ~ llnlMdlat.e ...._ ..... •,.........,a.-_. .,._'In I "'Al &a.Ill he waa 90 turned arowtd in them Uooktd COl'D _ tn cW•t ftl the propo.tllon. lnr out of c1.u •rvk• tn tti. ., .... , MOlmtetl~O..a ...._ ... &.GN • .,.... ~ nae. -ployw peocja.. Olvt.ion of &IUftecture an4 In
that it took him ni1b onto two hOW'll to flDd h1I .... _ f •-__ __,. .. oth~r -·-ta WbeN en'""-lllll•t 1iir Otnn .. '-'mt rr -..nc11• ..... •U. ~ 0 coune, .............. •1 -..-.-...... .~ •••hr Mt'h..a sen H •• tttra way out ... which aorta l9ta me to thlnktn' tbat the ur. ttate 41...WO. o< ~ MTI and arcbJt.eta .,.. tltred.
• rhr .. Un.lie o..;, ,. .. ..,._ , JO~ is pw'ty much like my old Uncle John. ture. aDd ~. t.bey " The CSE>. plans lo 6o thla ' .-red t.M ,..opo•Uion u Mo-JOb ln a bis way. .w.r.dy It Why we· .. ......__ -n...,1 .. -..... m~'-"Jack" •·ht • .. • -8llN Am>l>JC&. l'OBLl8llml ~ •r-~ .., ~ -a -LAI a Mc attacll Oft d.U Mr-bu IQU •• t tnm nwy ra.nw
wn.1.uM A. "X?"I, IMtal' left an' "~' the t&xpa}"e1'8 will pay tn more'n i.e. rtpta. prt.U.S-ud ~ a ll•t ot orpalatlana to "'9IJcJI
UMM M. Mot.WWW, A.dtw1' .. ntnct. enouah to take can of evtrythinf, that we're IO Unulty ot emplo)'mmt by cJvil membc'a and fllm.l1* 91 _.. c:suu.D A. ~0. M ... ..._, 8Qpeftal9Dehnt ~ erllp&o,_., be1' b91cms, UN lmpllcaUoll .,._ detp in debt It'• ~ qu.UOn iffen -.'U ever find our A ~diq ot t.b• propoeed t.nr :.hat It wW ~ tMM oth· ~ US9• -way OUtta tht fina.nclal mud<U. Wt'l"e in. all'\tlldlnG\t. wl\JC)\ Catae from a er Orpllla&UolUI inlo •Uppc>rtlnf
N..,... ......_ ., ............. ftf.W..._, commltt" hoct.d bv Senator o~rtat or Ule amendment by
Ol9q'9 a.av ...... ,., ,_,1 ..... lb -.; ti.It~...., ll"u1Htr McCabe John P' McCarthy ·of Mann reaeon Of th• numben of people
o.trMt., 0...... 0.-U 11.•........ l&ll f'llb~ re.Mrved), COWl\.)', a.nd wb.ich WU pUMd ID.ohed.
ltAROAUIA LOOIU>VT -'l'ra.buco Diltl'let Ra-rer J. K. Munhall of Cleveland National l'orwt; .
hi.I ualatant P. K. Dryden, and Mn. J!:atolln, In
charic of lookout, prepare for fir' aeuon. -Hor
ace Parker Pbotoa
1J!lf1IOllll O!Jftl!f8 nlm "T"" The -yoanntert twarmed into llartidr BoJ8' aUb
la.It nek to pt property oudttted tot-the mam_. buebdl ~ nnt. .top,
above, wu the HBC front 1dndow where Club Din!ctor Al Spencer checked
them tn.. Lett; fiUnf by Mra. ~e LA Perle aad Cliff CUrtJa for caps. -Stan
Photoe ,
$500 \COO> CASH s;iANDS BETWEEN _............,._ ___ ldd.l""f,:t I\ wonckrf\&1 for
•• ..
ConHIHt --,.--~==:--
rr11aeu ... ~
Coadll~ Crew
F1llert01 lives
Hislllit Ho1on
SOU1R COAST .... " . . .
CO .. ANY • ... :
l1lboa 11111~ Sporting 800~1
leach & ~.._..., lqllp•lt
. .
. . . . .
· D~Y
Showing All Working Parts
ONI ....
., ·-....., .. ~
EWPQ:~T HARfOR NEW$.-eAfSS MOl~·y, JUNE II.-1956
~~ ....... ~!+-r
KODEL BOD DlllPIAY-Prtae winning otudent.o
from Oranse Cout College, look over their model
hom .. placed OD di.oplay ~y at Nowport B&lboa
Sa'finp. Left to rt&'ht, front row, ue Roland Ham-
mond, ltrneat Jullan, Ron Montgomery, Bob Kut-
cher, Frank Soule, Auociation President Paul A.
Palmer, Jim Iver.on. John Ballew, and Olcar Tay-
lor, OCC"a arcblt.ectunJ draftlng Wtructor. In the
back row are Dick Bannt1ter, John Janee and Paul
ratr. Ballew won llrot tor home cleolcn anc1 mocfol
In the oecond·ywor ll'CJUp, with JulleD -4 aD4 '
Montgomery third. lyenon 'ffOJl.1 tint award tor
fre.bman studenta, with-Fair 1eCond and Jone.
third. Bannllter and Hammond tied for'topbomore
Jionora for model.a, aa did Kutcher and Soule in the
treahma.n compeUUon. The atudenta shared in cub
awarda totalling $.290. All e model home. a.re on dil-
play at NeJrPOrt Balboa Sa vinga. -Beckner Photo
1:4 Lee, center, B&lboa Realty, ma11: .. -taUooa to Glenn Warford,
C.mpaey, Cccta M ... , and Matt La Borde, W. A. Tobiu Co., Cccta ll-.
Here .. s Rose
Type Easy
to Handle
Before You Pack lacs, Take
Plant, lawn Care Measures
Got UMJM lraval loldv. out lhould hav• apeclal att.enUon too.
yet ! C.rtalnty. by ftOW you. and Clip off dead b&oom• and .pray
each mtmbe.r of your faiuUy h .. or dual wU.Ja a co111blnaUon •pray
announced ata ldn for th• tam· for mildew and aphlL Pila up U '°"'' 'Pf.II IGt.11 of 1arden· Uy ncauon. Perh•P9 you'v• &I· the IQll l.n rtd1u IU"Ound the
lnf c&rl and coddlin1 to you rt&dy ma6e nMrvatloN" and roll bada Ind wai.r well. Then
~ pd ,....,..,l met U.. t'09tl MH ltesun to p&CL U-. GOW"• 1pread a heaptn1 trow.itul of
Out of Room?
Garden in Tub
Rather than m•inl&ln a nar-
row 1Uip ot .canien &r0und th•
~Uo 01' .n•u th• t1rrac1 or .un
d.ck. many C&llforni& prdenen
U• dotnl" their p..rdeninr In
tbe.. a.reu In tubli,
Tub prdenlnr ~n lnclud1
natural home for perennlal1 or
nowmnr •hroti..
The advantare or tub ra.rdm·
Jnr ar1 e.everal; Plant. tn tulwl
can b4i movfd arovnd to provide
ah.ad• where ll'1 needtd or to
chanr• th• patio .cene. T u b
plant.I can b4i moved under pro-
tecUon lf bad weather com ...
And too. r•rdenlnr In tutu. on
ll'I• patio, terrace or sun !Seek
la mocb. neater than worklnr la
a lhnlttna 11tr1p ot eoU -ther1'1
no wa.ah-over from the tub1 onto
th• pavement u there la from
the rrounc1.
Oardelllna 1n tube' la quite
.._.r but there are a r-•peci&J
conalderaUorw lo n:iak.. For In·
•La.nee, you mUt:t b9 aur1 dr&ln·
111 U. u c1lleru.; you mu1t pro-
vide enouab. molature and ferll·
llur tor lhe pl.&nt hat only you
to dePft'd on tor -t•r and
food.. In moet cuee you wtU
want to pn1J11 back your 1hrut.
bi kMp I.hem under control and
when )'QU are planlln1. your nur.
"ryman ma y •ua1ul you prun•
the l'OQta al.to In onJer to keep
the plant.. th• a pproprlat• •Is•
for the tub contaln•r•.
tllll i. cart&ln to pt.a. 191.l ~ Um1 to prepare your SU-• ba.lanced ftrtJllur at lhe bu• I j'•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=; il\a Its ... car• and abundant den for the ~;eek.I It will .pmd of each plant and .-k apln.
Y &Iona and wlU:aout your care. You. Flower b 1 d a will •tlll bl ~ It'• lha norlbwld& ro-. maJ bUto a · fOOd oelabboi oc bloomlnl" plly when you return ~ lt )'OU ll•van't become ..-r"rular 1a~mier Wf\o wtn 11:..,. ll you have ctven Ulem. a 41reee-
qf1Na~ with It. you •hould, up with the ''"''" chor .. but ln1 or compo9l or hwnuL Jirat. ¥an,-of the JIOPu.l&r noriDua· If you don;.t Ulera are 11ve"1 lhou1h., cu1U•all tha 80!.l •round
.S. .ari•Uea are avallabl•. Topa , ..... vaca.uon m...U. you caf.. I.he pla.nl41 and water ren•roual;r
oa· the U1t la lhl .. yMr'I eole lake Uuit wW tide your &lrd&il be.lore apre•dlnl the l'lumua. ~America Ro.I lk.lacUOn wilt.• O'IU UMi weeka of your vacattoo. Fruit. ahada, nowefip1 trffl
ntl'o ottua, whk:h b&oonl1 In Beata JOIU prepara.UoM wtU. and 1hrob1 wtU ramail In C"aod
'"' c•anrlnf llhlda9 ot Nd. yaL-~ iaWQ. Mow ll • day or t .. condition while you·,. 1on1 If
....,., plnk ud ~ TM Mt-. you *" a.nd lay dowa fOt1 llh.ape butu aroun.d tham
• ~ 'fVwtr ta • ... if9' * ·re ot ,.e: and ~ elowl)'. Attar watartn1
jolt" t Sta Zl&m6 bnpn.: na.. --. his•.. ..,. , a u....up nu t.he Man. wtUi S1'M cup--
.i.., -.tW. WOoinl U..t ....,. llCIUla.s· nw pMt -wUI plap or compoet. lballow root·
Mt 1.a w1c»-0&r1n1 llnrf6 blM-1totd tM mowtun. 1111U1at111r u.. Id A.al--. C&melllM. ftllodo.
.... Ai.o oe th brtlllaa1.l7 root. troru dl')1nr air. Graa dendrona ~ rucblf.aa can lN
OOIOred •Ide 11 R.6dcap, with ~~pptns .. too. mak• • natlln.J kept h•PPY with a haavy mulch
Woom.1 ln ~b.t.., 1"iowlnc cr\Jn. muldl and con.trta molllture. U O( M>JJplnl wet peat mou.
IOI. 'ftlM .._.. •+• .. oOn-,.. "'" -•w: i. eut UI• w~ you,_ .. ,. ~ th ... pre-
bUDOMri rrtai&. a.a. Don Md pus ..... 1'Ml'n •W'&J tlU '1m \'&.ca ohOrea JOU can ~--W... ba ....,_ o1 ptett. '° ..... -U. oatn• • °t, M falfl,'r Mll'I ,J'OU'll rel\U'D from _.....__ '°"'*" •. , •• ra.i. ..... )'OUI' fteatioo, rMted. nl1J1ed, ;:ff~r All Amill1ca. 1ward DON'T rzanuzz Udl etteered '>° the Mlftt of 1
.....,.,.. Jtmlny Crlcltet and Liii· Don"t ferUllh your lawn bl· t•rden and lawn Ln rtlOd cond!·
..... fore you leave blcauae th• rrua lion.
ft1 n or1bunda can ~ pl••lled wlll ahoot up Wbfl! fed and ------------
111 '° many wayi you'll bt! •• UI• f11'Uli&V .plua your abaenc• jpaiig~A~P~t~r•~•~s~r:~a~vn:r~·~i:::l touadad. ll make. • b.autl!U1. trill mean & tou,ab mowrnc Joll
t.Mck. low • arowlna hedc• or when you r1tum. Lay dow11 I • PLANS •
..,_11UU.. a uWIUarian fente. ba.l&nelld terUU..r after you."••
u ........ r.i plant• or one var· retumed h'om your vaca.tlo11 .
11\7 for -.lid ba.nd• of color Your favorl&.t ro•e lhrub• J ·V· J!!UtMUl Al'lil' II
Rt·:idy Mi'xcd
la 1pf1'1 Of tM Centftlt 8llori-
q1 We ..,.. lluta1 ETef7
P..U.Je Wort to 8aUaf1 tu
N..U or Our GroW'bll"
f'or 0-reC. -0..U UL
lN Oommerdal War
Qulac7 A Bw7 ltJ& Buatlllato• lkh.
Lu.Mlll --. drt••w•1• or p&lh. or In trmt ot 1bn1bbr.ry. Th• norl-
bUOda oombtnaa wtil ia Ule par-
Malal bonier prden too. Plant
It to m&tdl IN' to eerntrut "'10I
...,. pennnlal nbwvl, rloribun·
dUI la ecel&lnen --.ble yoo to
~ their br.auty and fra1· rue.a ~t-baad.
. Private Police ROBERT FORBES
Aad the' tons btoomln1 p.!riod
of ftorlllwul.u w"lll r..U, pl•M
Ul'HOLSTEIY c, ........... ONperJ ,_., .. ... .............. Oleta._
~..,. .•••
COl''C1IOlll• a-ta . H ....• a... ':J _ .... ., ..... ...,.......
II A ~ :""~·.:~:-::=~ N, .......... , .........
ta&DD alm&&V Al
........ On.lit'& 0.-~ .,.._., er.lb ...... "' .. _..-...._ -... ,"""*-II-.
"6 ........ AT. P.U. Ms IN
Mawtiea'I •Am. O&LD'.
the Ric•ard leeso1 Comp11y
LAlnclscape Dnle• alld C 1111twt1iii
.......... ,,,.,. 111
General COllll'OCtW
• ""-i.n..t7~
61' ,._. .,...,r, 009'l.A llDA
Gener•I Contr•ctor & Builder
... o.iMt llhll.
per hour
nl• applicator -·····-·· s.121
1.Abol-er -······--···-······.1175
No bldckr may withdraw 111t1
bl.d for a pertot ot thirty day1
alt4ir the date ..t for u., open-
lnl' or bldl.
90.AJU> or TRUeTEU """'*' 9u.ch School """"'' Newport Iha.ch, Oranr•
.County, Cal!foml.t..
1t7 R•'9n. C:Mnar, Ovit
No. 716-N..,...PreM I/life, M
1 I q-1 ~
• 1 I ' ,.' 11 . "::.. .. ,,,,, • t • .... -.
• •
• Ran ,. llmpW'.J 1"I'
_,.... -.rtr "'~ • ..... 4d' ,, ...... ....
-• ............ te
,..,. H'de.r M & ........ .
U'*"t 8-2213
711 W. 17tti St.
008TA. MEI.A.
you can create
.... _....., .. --
......_ UW.tt
LUMalR • llAlfl & DOOU • •UIL-MAT11RIAU
• •
NII ,... OOiitiJ!fi&Mm
•Jit •
· •W .. kc 1Wt1
1161lif&Wr0.r81.WL 'WINl'l Miil
Newport Auto W orlcs
• ,
/4 to Repain & Towi11
~ ' Acrtwtle Tna_._,., bpen.
I to Body & Fen4er lepain
Curly's Auto Worlcs 1 v. a:::
i a.te.. WMll. Ptt11e ''r P*-
lW NSWPOrJ &YD. umft' ....
Carburetor Consultant
Ken Eubanlc's Mobil Service
hpari ~ ~a .... r T_.,
t111 TUmN .a.vs.. <>OL tTl'll n . t.nzm win
Car "ask ·
· Mesa Auto Sba_rntJoo _ ·
-ft.iiiitib" Cln·1t liMMt a O.t1
t11 E. lTTH ~· o,,.o.lt. Al ....... tDgltft'...,.,
Cleaners Cleaner ·
w. De Ow Ow9 a...lq
l .. BA&aO& BLVD. J..D&aT't' Will
r 11cing
Chamberlain & Son
........... cu.taUalr
Ill E.. ITl'H IT. Lqm&TI' ~
Floor Coverincs
Coastline Floor Coverings
...... Ua.I .... 0.--rdaJr-IM'p 1111 !efll I
Ml OD."TEB IT. l.lllCaft ....
Bruce Martin Local Agent F.....,. .......... 9,_,
ITll ll&WPOST Ill.VD. LI~ -&U. U ......
P.;elcriptio1s · ·
Crawford's Rx Pharmacy
...... ~ ..... rn. .................
llM !OIWPO&T al.VD. LlllSaT't' a.nu
'Rarerireratiol\ lenice
Jaclc Wilson
...., •'•• • .,. n.. Llmft' .. 1'1t
.... .,.,_ Sl .. 1oe Repalrinc
HA.aaO& ai..vu. ua ouar ft&ID'9
r levision Senice
Davis-Brown Co.
Eapart T ............... S; t; rt• ...
1111 •••aoa BLVll. •nrr11 .....,
T1iloring for Mea & Wome1·
Artistic Tailors o..c.. a.a-.. ........ ...... .... st ,
UM NSWl'Olt'I &I.VD. r'.a'*P*I .....
Used Alto Parts & lece110ria
Joh-· Mesa Auto Wreclcers w.-,.o... ........
,.,, Pl..Ul&lll'ILl •n:. uw:an •ma
, ... ,HT.""-... ••· MA-..-."'"-'"~ ,Good. Printing -Harbor 1616
BLOO.MING HATS! -Annual contest of Lido hle .. fllubwomm found tbJa trio
taklng awards for flower-decked chapeaux. Lett to right, Mn. Jamee Holllday,
wearing "moat beautiful," a fiab design with red, white and blue blouom IC&lea;
Mre. Avery Fisher, birthday celebrant wearing cake wi~ candlee, mo-t origi.n&l;
Mn. William Keim, most buJll.Oroua, a street scene. -Gene Rom Photo
By MRS. J. T. RICHARDS explained Kr•. Dlka. After they
have been dtlliJlad. the maw-
One of the moet delightful programs of the aeuon sals ara carefully notched and
clo~~yur~r~eLl~hkWom~~aubumem-~t ~pth~ A~r th••~•----------------------------------ar• 1ewn, the notchee are plnk· bera and guesll met for the annual "H.&ta 1n Bloom" e-d ott 80 that no one can take ·.----------------------
luncheon-fashion show at the Lido Clubhowse. the dr ... apart and copy IL
Ong1naJ tall !uhlorui by Street a.nd cockt.&ll 1lyl• were
Dorothy O'Hara (Mr•. Henry ln a brief bU1lne• meeUn&' ahown 1n taupe, bluea. black.
Those Lbs. Lunney l worn wilt\ flat. by precedln&' th• fuhion ahow, Mn. brown and purple, but wt th
Lealle Jamu wtr e modeled by Thomaa Letto, out101nr pr"Mi-bl1ck lb• pr9domlnant color.
Udo club memMr• t.o the nar-dent. thanked all member1 of Crepu and wooll In lt1hter A lillm and trim clUI, spon-
raUon or Mrs Hal Dike Mr• tha out1olti1 b<Mal'd and In~ wel&"bt fabrlce generally featur-torfd by the Newport Bu ch
L R. McCulley acted u ml•-duced membuil Of tJw 1nc:aminl ed a flatterln1 V-neckUne, wllb Rec:reaUon I>epartment. ts ~1ng
tr.. of ceremon1u. board, who were pim:.d with a few equ&ra neckllnu ln evi-cond\M:t«i eactt Thur8day from
B~ST HATS ~.._ dence. 10 to 11 a. m., under the leader-
'){mu. Jamu Holliday. Wll-Dorothy O'Rara, club member Mn. R&lpb Tand<nnky wu at MRS. WINlJ'RED BARBRE, Women'• Editor ahip of Mr&. Harold (Dorothy
ltam Kelm and T. Avery Flaher and ln private life Mn. Hanry the piano. Jo> SW&n.IOn. Cla.uea ue held
were winner• ot Lhe "Hats In LU.nney, hu Ju.t bWJt a factory Mode11 were Mmu. Donald -----------------------at the Corona del Mar Com-
Bloom" ~nde tor which D\•m-lJl Coat& M•H~ Nationally ColegTOve, Paul Ror.n. Keith NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS_ PART f. PAGES munJty Youth Center, 1o~1fth anti
bera and &"UHla deatrned and IDlow~ Illa hu pever had an Cordrey, Howard mo, w411am Irti Avu . A minimum fee tor
dacorated original chapeaux. Mr1. ualltant daaJcn.ar. Utl1'Uy do-Mira.ma,' J'rancll D&wlOn, Paul MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1956 each claa11 11 being charre<t t.o
Holllday won a prize for the in&' tt wllb mlrrora, ahe tit.I all Butler, John Olaa1, DOn HI.rt. otfat the coat ot profualonal
<»t beauWul hat with a unique dreu dealpa on h-.U. Jerome Helpertn. Hu1h SutAK>n. -----------------------leader11hip.
;1udpleca ahaped like a llah In Miu '01Hara'1 d~ hue Robert Harrla, and Joe Prelnin&'· Tht. we.k a porUon of the
a red. wblte and blue mour. never been auccaetully copt.d, er. COTION PICKIN' SOCIAL time will be devoted lo a ie-
l>lra. Kelm. winner of the most vte\lr of pravlou1 &e11lons for the ~~!r:;'~i,/~:s· ,:r~= UDC INSTALLATION IS HOSPITAL BENEFIT be~~~t,;~:r~f~r:u~ne;~
to 1ymb0Uze her wtnnin( of a contact tha City _/of Newport
new car 1n a rect'nt drawini "Bring your 1pou... (or reuonable facalmU•)" nada Beach RecnaUon Dep&rlrnenl al
held ln Colla Mua. Nati· on al He ad lb• 1nvit.aUon from Harbor f\.t'ftltolil lo thetr Cotton Harbor 3131.
Mra. Ft.her d .. l(Md the mo.st P1ckin' Bax Social J'rlday, l :IO p. m. ln Amerle&11 LeJ1on -----------
humoroUI bat, a hfe-11J:4!d birth· Ha1"4 15th SL and Balboa mvd. Women ara to/ brlq
day cak• ln ftalhery whtte Off. . 1uppu boJtta for aucUonln1. th•r. will be cocktalll, coffM Toastmasters
Shula daial• topped by pink to 1c1ate and entert.a.lrunenL The &"'OUP baa plec11td 11000 to H~
c1ndlt'a. Moat appropriate tor Ha.pltal boucHnr tund.. Reorgaru"z1"n g 1t wu her birthday . .A&R.ilOEMESTS ,Emma Sanaon chapter, United Daughters o! the Con-In chl.rJ• will be Bta.nch• H&rny, pneral c.b&1mwi:
Luncheon decor wu providtid federacv, will bold ita . annual illltatlatioir ol officers Art Adair, auctJonee_r, LM BoUa. Kan •lfin. &tan Bmltb Lido Toutmaster1 completed
b ~-_ _. T 1 ton ~ reo.....,.tz&Uon at Lh• June 12 , 1 ' _... ._,.. •mp• . Tb··-.s-y ··t th• bo:i::=e of ... ,_, ,.. _ _.rude •ontcomery, and Mn. Robert Ja1red. &m<>lll olh•H. ··-· c.b&1rm.a.a.. an4' M.mu. Don Hart, lUllUa .. "' Jm Jli1Jll ~ ~ meetl"&". held at the Park Aft-
Mac Hom. Jerry MoOl•lrt. regiatn., 2117 Eut Balboa Blvd. nue Cat• and conducted by lbelr
. I
Orange CoUllty ''Marm&LadJel'' -lt0undup1 PatJOI •
No. 31, Mariner Girl Scout., will repr-.nt On.nee Cowa~
at the first Annual *Uou.1 GJrl Scout Da.•pment J11M
29 to July 11 at tba Blcbland 8t&t. a.a.tlonal AM
near Ponti&c, Mich. TM Marlaei. 8Coutil ..a.cted frCllli • Orup County CounclW; i. ..
heA June ~ ~ jot1' the aooo .,, .. work tn otp.n1&ln1 u.. -
olbar hntor Qlrl Boout.t al Ute 8c:Outa. • encampm~nl. No l•der will be M cb&.trman of ftelloD 11'•
with them and they wU1 be .. on .U ud 8ea Utt. ~ WI
ttl•ll' own". aJ'1'&npd t.be -41nf ol .....
The MarmalAdtel ha~ ba4 Lo &114 ~ Ule On.to wUl
wtn aoon .....S a. "°"' mi. ~ • tu and •priar of tnten.tve u to the PJ.W-.... ~ t.ralnlnr under dlnctloft ot Mr. "r-.. __....
and Mn. William 8pur1eon W . -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;::::::;::=~
'nley . wW be able to Ht up m
camp, cook onr .dta~l. live I
In the open tor two week&. "It
ball 1-en a lot or tu11 te&clUJ>J
lhem", 8purreon 1tated. 11 •
Bpur1eon. UIJat.ed by hla wife. ft""fQI' ta 1111t h.u J1ven lbe pll benefit of U1"i "' • H
hi• knowled1e u one of the VITAMINS c:ountry'1 moat prominent Boy
Scout uecullvea. M an Ea1le
Scout ha Hrvtd at the World
Bcollt Jamboree In Chcho-Slo-
vaJd&. 1n 19:13 at the Third Na-
tional Jambore. held In Corona
del Mar. he wu llallon to the
Chief Executive 8~ on phyal-
cal a rrangement.. In 19~ he
wu on the 1tatt ot Re~on 12,
laking delegate Scout.a to lbe
Ei(blh World Jamboree ln Cana-
J a
He i.. vlre chairman tor Re-
11:lon 12 for thl' Fourth National
J amborf'e 1t Valley Forge LD
19:17 am.I 11 chairman o( the
R.ec•on 12 contsnrnt. wW co
with l~ boy11 Mleeted t.o a~
tend the 60Ut JuWIM World
J amboree "hll:h Engi&nd i.. ar-
ranrinc In Cf)fllm emoration of
the lale Lord Baden·Pmll and
Ch.cll Ow N.w ......
loch ...... (-'9~~ V ........ "A",,, 11
vi.-i.'1>" .•• I .... ™--&._1' ....... ............... ........... ~···:r.~ ....... AM-"(",.. ... Cllf __ ....._... '' .. N'ltll_J ....... ... ................ __. ... , ...... ..
100 Caps s475
·HIALTH fOODS ....................
1a_.,.. ·~-i:..:.-II
"[ CGn't
dncrib• it,
but t.Mrt'•
Bcmuthin.g IO good about .=: . :·
awvice cm S. P. ~
Marla.n Olien. Robert Frailey, lnll&.llaUon cuem.i.. w l 11 tlom Loe .ui,.i.., Uie ttnt Call-BRANT'\T SCHOOL nl'W pr9Jdent, Al cu.auto. Ot'n• Vreeland and WWlam Mor· • conducted by Miu ltdna"Bo. fomla woman · to attain tha na-·~ 8peaker1 J im DobblM, Jack
r1a. ard Fowlar, prelidcnt 1meral Uonal pr.aidency. Sh• baa just --------------Seadel'land and John E . H 111 THE BEST OF RIDES-FOR FOLKS o• fR!fOHT •
-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;.;;;iiiiiii-. returned trom W•t Point and were tvaJualt'd by Sandy Stien-' • • s h I h • A d er. Bud Grant -.a chJef evalu-;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;:iiiii:i:;:iiiii:iiiiii:iiiiii:iiiii:i;;;;a Annapolw where •he p~.ented c 0 ars lp war s ator. Robert Drew, actln( at
naUon&l UDC &1ft.t to honor toutmuter welcomed CI yd e THE PANTIE YOUR LEIS CAN'T FEIL
P111ti. f• "..c. dila "llllf ~lf--
COSSAllD it lw ,...1 11 .-.. .._
kiMI el elalde '° &I"' ...... i. , ....................... °' ................... ,...... ........ .., ..........
..... ._..,_ •. L ....... s795
Jbchaatftl1 f'ln•
Lingerie -Coraetry
Phone H•rbor 1301
2737 L c.-Hwy., CotoM .. M.r
m::i.~ler wUl tnataU Kia for _ Young Artists :!~/n'::ta0r:.~i:: :: =
Vlritnla C&rpenlal' aa prutdent. Maa. aa a new member to tbt
Mra. Dem Touai will r-*ve (1'0\lp. '
tl• put pl'utdct'a pln. Scbolar1hlp awarch to brilliant bttakln&' lot paintlnp. One ot -----------Amo~ pMta will ~ Mn. youn,.er arU.ta to Ute Rex thue. a eecUon Of the now-
Rulh Ktew1eher, director ot 1tate Brandt Summer lkhool of Paint· rued Harrta Ranch overlooJdq
'4Nblc!'tpU0111A for the uqc ma-lAr. for the 10th IUJJ'lmtr uuon lb• Harbor, recelftd the ~
patne; !bl'· L&fayelte Baynu. which open• next Monday al td Duncan-VaU award at th•
ll&k•rsf14dd, newly eleeted IC.ate Corona del Mar, have bffn an-Slit >..anJal llllhlbJUon of the
p,..edent; Mra. M. B. Jun•. nounced by Rex Brandt. A.N.A. C&llfornla Water CoJor Society
'Die A.rtiltecrat 18 8~ ,.... ... n..at.aui
JUt •tate pNl!dlftl; Mr. aad Annette cr'&wford, rMldent of * OOOllTAILS * 0oMt B"J. l'tl. LI 1-toOI kn. Tom Arrowaslth, Lon&' Coat& Meaa and atudent a t Or-la.at wiAter.
Jkacb; Mn. 11:. 'L. Nel'IOO. &n&'• 00&.lt Co/Jere. hu ~etY· -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;.;miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiiOiilr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
•late cbaplaln, Glendon: Mn. ed the Mu Epallon Chapter. Bet.a
J. E. McMkbHb, Of 8an Dtep. Sll"ft\& Phi, a r l ICbOJarabJ.p • LA TEST HAIR STYLING
rreat·ITWJ\dd&UJ!'t.l' of llmm:a awarded by the women'1 fetter FOR HQl ,,.E
8aNom: Mn. NQI carney, state orpnlaUon to an ou~ fVl
pr•ldent ot the ... 1y orcanln' pl art atudent. Th• award In·
11-1 Daurbteri, of IM All,rel .. ; ~~ all expenae1 of th• aum-PERMANENTS
Kn. WWlam n.bbe and Mlle mer pa1nllnJ WOl'k.Shop ~or Mi-
,.,._ koMrta of Lot An19i. Crawford. ·
and t.11• xa... Rel.Mand Lt.ma Tbe annual IChool award rtY· D A N ' S
Porta. en to UI outJltaftdinc YOUDI IAllEI sHnp Tb• u.d!UouJ pOt bacJ1c lwt-p&Jnter realdent ot lha Lapna y
cheon will be blld at ~ bl Beach-Newport Harbor U'9& b.u .M•.llQA Ute paUo. Keznber1 wUI .,...,_ Mn IT&Jlted to Melinda lmlt.h. aALllOA TllllADI\ al.D(L
......,... dJ-.. ud may o&talii dllu1bter of \lk • WIWam ,B. 0.-T..-, ~ ..........,
,..,_.. taamnatlon ~ etlher ~tha of lUT Eut Bay l'ronL --=~:;;:;,::;,::;;:;,:;;;=~;;;;~;;;;;:;,::;,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;,:~ ..,_. t• QI ••to.· MJall 8tnllll II a Junior at N... P ...,..~~ ...... ~-----·'"""-' port K&rbol' HIP lcbool. a nu.
dint of Ml& lhlrky IUca and
n>rmwl1 a ltud.tlt wtth l\oberl
........ tal .wu U.. lllJ1.b. J'ram• at the We1lr1d&'e Bchool
pi.c:e 11111)' • el a pl bM1 '°8 for Girt.. to xr. &M Kn. Wl1l.la.m .__ F1'&nk Ackerman, 23. !Wdent
deN. au~ North N...-,ol\ .._.. at Chou1nud A.rt Inatitute and re-ident of Glendale, bu Hin
t daltp&t.ed teachinJ Ulllltant ror Barnes Son Born thl• 11Ummer propm. Ackarman
1'111 &td t.b4 bl,umJAr atudenta.. u well u conttnue bla work a. watercolor. Wilt.a. enrolled lD
the lb-week ....Son la.at year.
Aekarman completed a record-
Authentic: Stock No .A.productions
, 11UI _. 'hlUll o .... II. O.IWWI LtJCTA .&l'fA ... ...,...-u
Aaer'.,~ tFI~ ISU'D'1' ITtTDIO
Academies of Dancing
•••• presents • . . .
"Varieties of 1956"
• •• fMturing .••
in penon
e Enchanted Forest
e Magic Toy Shop
e Circus
e JUNE 20-21
8:00 P. M.
----A.T ----
Or•nge Coed College Auditorium
Entire 5-son
Until Dec. 1·1956
PhoM Kl 2-0652 fer FIEE PICK • UPI
StOle or Clutdi. ·Cape
Our rquJar 19G.OO Job durtq
th1a alack period
Will reatJ1• your Ol1lmlded J"ft
Coat lJlto a 1JDart ltoJe or
Clutch Cape. .. t5910
308 No. Broadway, Sam Ana, 11 2-NIJ
. .
NeWly-weds at
Santa Barbara
Will Return to Suminer
in Newport Beach Home
NHPMYC. Planning
Schmidt-Usher Vow Now for August Date
Exchan.ge 1·s . Held ~e dinner ot Newport Har: office WU creat.ed dUt to urcent
-Maryland Studio
bor Poor M.an't Yacht Club, need of wch a po.t. It la Com-
echeduled tor Frtday at the Ellta modore ot the Slip, and named • B • dg Hall Club, hU bMn called off accord-to the ot!loe wu Commodore Ill rt es ' lnl' \o UI• ~of OOmmodortm. t.wta Matthlu of Balboa Covel,
wttll pl&all DOW c.alllAs f~r a i*nc the only m e m b e r of
CUlm!Qation of a college romance waa the ~. =t. ':~..,.. ~ MBPMYC who had quauucauone
on Sunday, in Bridgee Ball of Music, Pomona College, ot · Aucu-t. aoco~ lo Hay tar above thoee requJrt4 tor llM
Miu Roberta May UaMr, daughter ot Mr. and Mn. t.iaqenbelrn. chamber et com· .h1C'h poalUon. He owna a boat
· · •-•-' d-old ot .allp but no boat. Robert G Haggard of San Francuico and William Vick merce MCre ... rv. .. ..,. · . . maJor .. enu otbu thal th•
Schmidt, eon of Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt, 2526 .wnmer raclnc ecbedul•. What Ewell Daug'hter
Cre.ltvtew Drive, and neph«W of _, ln d d • 8 .. d I• now belnc cooked up wtU be • mu ... c clu e · ecau.ae an od .. • Unwood Vick. ''Tb Lord' P .. unique and worthy of a pert Mr. and Mn. Kennelo Ewel,, e • rayer . N I A •-Chapl&ln W. Robert Rankin IA.CE A."liD TUu.& of lnleN1Jve plannin&". 707 arc uua ve., are paren ...
of the Auoclated Oolle1e• of JWberta ore a floor lm&th Membefa wUI have Ume to pro-of • (trl baby born June H 1n
Pomona performed the ceremony Sown. a Pritcllla of Boaton ori-~ friend.I for qiunbenh.lp. St. Joaepb Ho.pttal.
In a eetUnr of c&ndelabra. wh1t• pal. fuhloned ot Chantilly la~ Bo6t ownera (leraJ> m~ obme -----------
&ladJolu.a, alock, camaUona and and nylon tulle with dMp equara In u honorary membere and
palm•, with cucadee of wblte l\ecl<ll.ne and brief aleevu. A memben1hlp ca.rda are avaUable
n~u at pewa. a white runner pearl crown held her tulle veil from th• Commodore of the
la.di 1 . led 'th ink •-·k and kneellnf bench. Weddlnl and ahe carried a c~t of Truaure. White atock and g O l1.I mmg Wl P -. apur atepha.noua centered with an AJ-At an emersency medlDf of
provided setting in Altaden.a Congregational Church June C R . ba orchid. the Board ot CommOdorea a new
l& for the e&ndleU1ht ceremony which united Miu Carol an e gtster .U mald of honor, Ml111 Seay ;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
JOI.al Grund and Richard Alan Brenner. Dr. Merlo Ann ICUJott wore pale yellow You can pla1 the. at Occ For chl!ton onr nylon net, with Heicber performed the vow exchange for the daughter acoop n~ne and bouffant
Ill ..S Mn Roy Waltu T . • 1klrt. Her tlowera were blue <..-f/l tw.de~ and tbe 111 tt.84 ~ ~ .. P~~ Nurse raining de.lpbtniwn.a. Brideatoalda, eown-
1• a. N.-.port Beach. and lha ~ ..,...... -.. Ill ua aM"4ID ..-er ..C. and •
81111 f/l tM Rll'M'\ Brennen of ot pink cani&Uona and Ivy. !ht1y lll"I. l:dna M. Pomerenke, a C&lT}in1 cre11eenu of ~e ytl-
Pa• ... • The recepuon wu lncluded llYm~ Grund. ala.er vocaUoaal nu.ral.g&, pduata ot low l'Olllea. tiialu4ed the . M
110 Broadway -Coeta lrleea
...._ 81-.P AAA tiara Ire
• ' te 11 -.,. .. ho.as -·.!.--. ' • ()pea .....,. •
Coron• del M.r
27S4 E. Coast Hwy. Harbor S42 I .
let experts store Ind
clean your furs
The Best Service Costs No Mort
Have Yow f11r1
218 N. Broadway •
Mid an.atwa.rd ln lM pool .....,... fJf Ole ~,. maid ot ~ Olut dDDep, bu Ju.It Cirol !.-• •
ct.. ot Ula 11\Jnl~oo-Shenta u bridePMld•, Kn. Donaid nlw..d f>'om t.be tllteeplb an· tar. Bu.an Cobb and Sandra
Hotel. 8chmSdt. Mn. Jam.. BrtDMI', nual conftDUon of lht ltaUonaJ SchmldL
Carol ..,.. rowned 1n ~ Kl• Ccm*nce ~ and AuodaUon fOI' PracUcal Nun-18 BEST )l~:S
.opt. •Un.l with cathedral train. Kl9 B&rbara Bart. Inf Education held at th• Ed&"e-Gent CTaJn lent beat man al4
yolle and aleevee of lac• and Med Beat man wu Jamee Brenner. wat.eT Beach Hqtel. Cl~o. and uahera were Don Shoemaker, ,_,u. Ber ttnprUp nu wu brotber of lM brtderroom and A ttendJng u a delepta ot Thomu 81utee, Don.&ld Holltr,
i.eld by a Juliet cap and Abe car· uaber. we" Judd cuahln1. John the prutdent'a council o! the Bruce U11her and Marlon Poth·
Standard· asphalt r8search heips bring
t~xp•yers 3 mlles of paving for the cost of 2
iS.s a c:ucW ot plWMDoplda Grund, Carl Carne. and Donald 8~ unit, Mra. Pomerenke lt oven.
Otc!U41. uu.. ol U.. ...i1e7 and Ad&m.9. cu~nUy prealdcnt of lb• Llc-OUt of town ruut. lnclUded
.,,., h¬la l'or her daupt•r'• nupUalt tnHd vocaUonal Nunttt' LAasue Mn. Ethel Wall of San P'rancl&-~P · Mra. Grund wu &"OWned In a of Callfoml&. Oran/e County co. Mr. and Mra. Fred Heck·
Pllli'K CHDTON roee llilk abeath with Med paarla diatrlcL mann of Crocket.
The bride'• attendUtl wore and iu.. • deep roee hat. and OpportUnlU .. tor ..,ancemut The new Mn. Schmidt w... FREE HOME TRIAL tlAk cblffon ln noor leq\b, matchJnc acc:.->rl•. M:ra. Bren· ot lle&'laed wc:auon.al nUl'Mtl are f'd\lated from Ban P'rancltlCO Pbo ... Kl WHO _,_ ________ .... ner wore a W.. lbeath acc.nted lncreutnc l"qlidly, lt wu polnted City Collage and Pom .. Collep
~t Orange CcM.dy'1
l.Mdin9 Home L.nding
lNSURED UP TO $I 0.000
with bf'OIWD "'""-beis'a bat out al t.M oonnnUan. Reptn.· wti.re ah• wu • Mtmber of av' a.ce •c:rta. Uon ta now OJ>tA at <>rup PhJ Beta Kapp&. lb!' hu.band
il IOllN JIUIB Coul Colles• fO'f tM tall coune. wu gnduat.ed fonn Pomona
Tbe ,...de wu educated at atart.Jns a.pt. lO. The collep Colle&"t and attended Stanford
... OU eoarpW. llM of
HallllllOIHI o,._.
You Pia.Do A~
ta l'!scllluce Jolin KuJr Junior Collese and prosnm approved by th• st.ate Law School.
UCLA wtaare abe wu premdent Board of Nuraln1 JCxamlnara and The couple will honeymoon In Schrnl..a.. 9Lb.• 1ps Co. ot Kappa Alpha Theta. Ber by th• National .u.od&Uon of 'Newport Buch, wUI be at home urr-nla
hu.band .i.o at.tended John Muir, PracUcal Numnr D!UcaUon. ta tn Palo Alto alter Sept. 2~
att.nded USC and I• a member a one-year COW'M. Alt.er four
of Delta 81pa Delta. dent.al ti. moot.ha ot courM work at Or· Reiman Son Born
temlt7. an,.. Cout 1tucteni. ..,end MWD
5%0 No. 11&1.n. Suta Au
TM World'• .,,._. ......
to cMoM from Aft.er • Sant.a Barban boneT· month.a under supan111lon. tn St. The WlllLam RfiiM.m, 13 Lom-Jfte>OD th• couple will spend the Joaeph'a Bo.pilal or Santa Ana b&rdy Lane, LqUna 8Ncb. are
summer 1n Newport Beach. Oommunity HoqltaL parentAI ol & boy bU1 botn June OPE11i F&IDAT NI08T
.-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~15~m;,;8~L~J=Olt~pb~H~OlpC~~·--;;;;;;;;;;~;;.;;;,;;;,;;;,;~;;s~~~~
Complete Corrective Line
Prescriptions Filled
Harbor .AnU Onl7 Chlld"'11 8boe It.ore
Nll IC. CoMt Jl"7 ()C)aoNA DEJ II.AA llart>or 1111
DIY CLIANllS-LAUNDEIEIS u• W.t c..-mp..,
AC1"0M &om tba ll&Jboa Bay Ctut.
. I
'J FOOi'
• l'001'
Twin Size
lox Spring &
8 Lep ~ s29,s
E-Z REST llAT.mE88
~ De.111 t ....,._I• I p.m........111-. A P?L 9 ta t--8at. t t• I
Saata A., 2030 Sotltla Main St .• Kl 7.3440
llltt ~ BhiL. e.rtn... tt -TO I-Mil
20 ................ ...
M....,cw11 .. ..._ .,1 ...
., .
. '
" \
.. 'lrllllllPRONB: BMUIOB 1.611 • ' . 1111: B~B~~ aou~A RD
. . :A/~~~~~
. --.... _, .
. Ta -fJur Aclveltisers-.. --.. . . . --.
. ..
. 1955 AWARDS
1953-54 A WARDS
' rNTERVIEW ( Celif.)
... -
-I . . . . --
-1 -. . .
. .
WOMEN'S PAGES (C•lrf.) :··: . .
GENEflAL EXClllENCE ( a.nf: J i BEST FRONT PAGE ( C•lif.)
" ht. M. BEST FRONT PAGE ( Celif.)
• . . -
C I a · s s I f I e cl romn>. C.D.M. Penl&n cat -______________ ..._.._ ____ _
• l"lY brown. white c.ba\ and
f .. L QW'1 lbln. probably lOllt
tor 80IM time Harbor 1'111-W •
OOMPL111'Z err FOR 12 of old
HavUaud, even to butter p&tl
A: deml tuM cupa. U 1-6760.
.... , .... ~ we••••y ...... ...,
¥ Newport But»or
B. P. 0 . &
. 1787 .._......,na:a..,,,...
... OpofCO -a.tnl ....
NtW'pO&'t S..-
l)tck J(e"WmQ,. ~ Rular
New Work -llemodt•ms
J. MJl4'0N Kdl:NZm
11.uttGt -.w lltti
MO JOB TOO ay+u. a. 0. +n1•10D
1011 & 8a1)0a ~ 8&lboe
Bart.or MOO UUc
18 Pm.at, A*
~to no MOITTLL'S
AND PEEK ----------RaJ.reut i L Shampoo ••t iuo ODO:R.U. SUIU>D CIAO l'ID'S 81:.AOTY IBOP
LIBERTY '8-6139
6tttc FOR RENT OR SA.1.J!: .-Tr tt.
bouee trailer, turn. J nna. •
toilet, very reuonablt. µberty Colonial Mortuary
1-6760. 23<:27 TIOl Botaa-Juat Sc>utb of Wut· Expert Remodellrig !:~=~~.~C:= WASHING &
m.1.Dater K&morla1 .rar..
AA Onui11 UOWlty LuUtuUoia
hrvlna f&dftll.. of all faJlba
LOVl'.t.'f • BEDR.14, 31,t b&lh Teleptum. (ToJ! l'reeJ
home i>o ocean tront. Near ZlCA!Ul 6W
tirt•t bay beach. AvaUable No one ever LUmeG aw-.r bec&UM
Addltoaa • new coo.trucuon and ZOth. eo.t.a M--..·Ll ..._. IRONING
l:u)' tanu cu be &JTU11'ed tt
Bar. 060l-W By plece or by hour. Wet wuh
ttta Call
FOR RENT Your Relax-A-Cizor
or rou1b dry. 11& ·II 20th.
eoet.a a1.... Call u ... usn
WANTED maid for M.0"91 wor~
Stace Motel, SOH Cout Hwy.,
Newport Beach. Me2t
WHITE WOMAN cook, ~·
enced preferred.. Apply al Udo
Park Cafe near entraDCe of
Udo Trailer Park. ~ ATI'ENDANT-8&leaman wan~ Wanted boya 10 to 1' 7ean of
ad. Unlon OU 8tation. 3939 w. are. For Newa-Pr ... rout.ea to ----------
Coaat lll&b""Y• Newport Bch. be open '°°?' APPLY Mr. Park· EXPERIENCE D hotel m.&14 -
%tc24 er, 22l1 \\ u t Balboa Bl"fd.,-Steady work. KEN KILIC8 1-----------Newport tt Vil.LA. KARINA, Hu. 1IOO.
REAL J:8T .\ TZ SALESMAN COOK, watuuaea and dJah. ---"'-------Ud-7 (Man) Expertence unnUaL AdvertUl.nr -dllk _ tel• wuhera. Other joba now com-MOTHERS HELPER for i..b1
phone -office cooperaUon ln• ln. Bayview Employment aitting cl: hJht hoUH work ln
furniabed by ut.abllahed office Acency, 2127 W. Cout Hip-Balboa. Live ln !or eumrnar
in center of Coat& Meaa. Write way, Newport Bch. U 8-~ or longer, mual •wirlL Call
Box A·l NEWS-PRltSS. 23ttc 23~ CRt1tv1ew 4-7273. 21c27
.. July 7. Har. 1270-J . 2Gc27 ot l&c:J& ut tun.u. Sk.lll IJtn. &lee. Dd1W, PolJ.hera, OONSUIJUNr GARDENING
.U. '1.-tC ~ Wla__, Z>timoutntJona. llO obll.pdoa • DAT WORK wanted by expert-
----------...., tCo. Boule Wu.on -lrtatt f.Mt& PRUNING, CLEAN ~ tneed • reliable f:1. Colored .
'-'941 •• ,,, _
e LET US HELP YOU e Balboa Island
s ar•re. Near north Bay. By
owner. Har. 1989. 26<:31
_ 12-__ B_ull_d_ln ... f,__8em. _____ , • BOYD'S HDWE. or BTatt ~~o No0rjo!s~ ~ :f O:,~ LI Call after a. Klm rly 't2~-np2;
USTOM tao W. OOA8T H.la&W.AY -~ M~H. lllp82 C HOME Uberty 14"6 Nwpt. Sch. 28ttc LA..DIU WHO Wl8H TO TA.Kil FRlCJC room • board ln Ocean
Front home In exchange tor
nlle baby altter. 11181,1 E.
Oce&A Front, Balboa after Ii
l m. 24c2S
S d• h M CHILD CARil tor the IUmDler Building and Remodeling CAR p ENTER we IS assage tn t.bia area by IDrh School
Rep · W rk ln the conveotence of Ulelr Jlrl. U va 1n. KI 2-MN after Concrete &114 paUo. f'ree u U-
matu. lCl 3-&676 17c30
&Jr 0 bome, ple&M call for ap~t--• p. m. 24p23
Ooea 1' OW' Some Need RepaJ.r1na mmt. .. , • n.,..,.. ..._ -U-CEN--8._ED_real ____ ta_te_llal_um-L..an-
or ft.emode"nc? Barbor t 7115 ~·... • rQldence palntJDS. cau ...... _.. 1.n...-a-tlM IOU" rr-. uumatea. LI 1-eou. or broker wanted. Ideal loca-• ·-_ .. , " ~ U.. and condlUcma. See R. c.
4ll Wadi Ouuut... fttlt ----------------------(JNer &l 3112 IAfayette, New-
E1ectrleal Contnctora
110 Rlvenlde Ave. Ubuty s-ml
that lhe Board of Truat.eea ot
the Newport Beach SchoOl Ot.-
tncl ot the City of Newport
Beach. h.relna rter referred to
u the "Owner" will receive up
to but not la ter than 8:00 p. m.
on Tuesday the 3rd of July.
l 9M. 1ealed bide for the rebon-
diUonlng and repalnUnJ ot win-
dow and door framea and win·
dowa and door• at the N9W]>Ort
Beach School, localed at Hth
Residential • Commercial
Dtat.iDctlvely de91ped \
SuperflUOU8 , B;air aotJDCLEANING tort Beach. iac2a
Pw *De!!lq remo• .. ~ -Wladon. Ooorl madllN .aemied ~-======;;;;~~~~;;:::;;;;;;:;~~~~~~;;;3~~==:;;;;:;:=~
.,... &ep. E)'•bi'O'Mt .... Mil Md --1. Call IQ Witt.
l1Dt ~ped-No ~ tm *I tnar I .. m. 11Qp26
J. W. PUTNAK Har 819-W
Made, rtfa1re4 or "'°"'''*'
W • 29UI SL, N•wpurt S.ach
Har. '861 day• or eventnsa 1ec80
m.L,&N I.. BR'fA.NT L &
Lldo'e 8alon of a..uty Jlar. 3l'lt ie Tl\. OLD BOY want. IUDUner
U. work on boat u deck hand.
----------U 8-4119. Mp2t
PAINTING Paintlns ll Pa ... rtwim..... 22-Lmt and Foand • r-•&M9 J:XPERillNCED Youn1 IAdy
We do the work ounelvee.. LOST-3 yra. old Slamue te-d•lru hOUMWork or bab1
PAPERHANGING ao yean upertmce male oat (baa crooked t&Jl)-attUn1 by day or hour. Refer-
UQIDaed 6 lA.tW'.s. RE~ARD. Har. 2207. 2Cc28 meta turn. U MT7i. 23p28
si.~e~~~c~ ~~!r
Har. 2&0. or Nl7
8aUafacUOD pa.ra.Dteed.
l:at.lmat.a tr.. C&ll Jomua.le,
LI 8-2687 6 LI S..5289
_. aDd Balboa Boulevard, Newport
Beach. Such blda wUI be received
In the office ot the owner. 2000
Clift Drive. Clty ot Newport
Beach, Orange County. C&ilfor·
nla aild wUI be opened and pub-
Jtcty read aloud a t the above
atated tlme ln the office of t.he
Owner In aald bulldlnJ .
REPAIR WORK Call for fr .. eaUmatea _ INTERIOR 6 l:XnRIORS
CEMENT BRlCK Experienced coJol' expert. Com-
TRABH HA ULlNO plate decoraUn1 Ml'Vice.
Each bid muat conform and ,.. • .. ,.,-UP t.. s. KcJC&NZU:' Har. 116
be ruponatve to thla lnvitaUon. "'..__.,
the plana. apeclflcatlona. and PLASTER le PLUMBING Peintinn, Decorating all Ule other documm u com· 1'
prt&lnJ the perUntnl contract .LDiltrty Mlll. lldl ~pa if•"l'nl .
docl.mMnta. Coples of the CQn• GEO. BURKHARDT
t.ract document. are now on flle PAl~Tf NG
and ,..open to public lu~Uon
In lht. e&Jd ocnces of the Owner. JN:I'ERlOR -EXTCRlOft
locatectat 2000 Cliff Drive. New-ALSO KARINE PAINTING
port Beach.• California. LICENSED -INSUR.ED
Each bid la to be made out
on a form to be obtained at Glenn Johnston
ll&id Otttce ln whlch the contract ~l-311t SL Newport Beach
docnll:Acbt. are on file. Harbor 31711 '91.fc
H ....,., ~on
Ul :&N~ l.'UN"l'RA l."1'uA u Mal Uberty ,...,.
Experienced Gardener
Liberty 8-5M6
.:.Cb bld ahall be accompanied
b7 a certified or cashier'• c~
pe.J&'1e to lh• OWner. or •tia-
factoey bid bond In favor of th•
OWDcJI, executed by lhf' bidder
., frindp&l and aatl.lta~
llUnt}' company aa surety, In
en tmeu.nt not le.. than ftYe
per eel of the bid. The chec.k
Balboa J utoring & Summer School
bl4_ bond shall be g1nn u
24-8cbools, l.AtrucUon
Landscape & Marine
P AlNTINO ln oU and watercolor,
fi&'Ure patnUnr and watercolor
RELIABLI: elderly coupk. Bat
,.,.tereneea; wlah to care for
ruldentlal property duriJ:l&
owner'e abaence. Avallable any
Ume. C&l1 between S 6 I p.Jn.
HY C-79&2. :UpH
technique. Dally cl&uea for aiJl ----------
w.U. commencinl June 26th. COLORJCD Jlrla want Houae
Out.at&ndln• ln.ltructora lnclud~ work by bour or sl.ady. KI
lJll 0eol'I'• POlt A. W .8.. Jou M3H. 2Cc2t
Imna. ~ w.... Jlett.7 Wlack-
lw, J'ru) Acbnna4 Pd fta 29-IWn Wanted
Brandt. A.N.A., .tW.8., lOtb ---:=£--------
-at N.wpart eanw -Beacon Personnel
lped&l dllldrc'• dae9, T\k• 1ooa.. employer re•·1 ... ed ck7 montJnp, .,_ J-11.. .01 ,., -
OoldCIJ'Od, Corona d4 Mu -qency
t.aL H&rbol' 1188-W. 2&c2'T No J'ee collected from appllcut
%8--SJtuatlon..i Wanted
Le,ndacape -O&rdenln1
Lawn and Garden
Llbert)' 8-71170, 24p2S
.. FIX~11
x ... b enkat uad D.ctrtoa1
Malai.n.uot .......
.t.LL WOU OU~. a.nor Dell or .-·
6.18-31.lt Newport 8eac.b
ICxpen enetd bookkeeper, typlaL
Part tlme. Write Box bolder
P.O. Box .ao. Corona del Mar.
NIUIDllD AT ONCll lllcJ*W.noecl T acht Carpen Lera
lloat BuUdft'I w.w ..
Apply r,_ro Ottlce
M.wport Jntd, at 23rd BL
Don't Miss' HAROLD'S
Star Attraction of the Season
Featuring "WES " VAUGHAN
at the Electric Guitar and Bongo Drums
LUNCHEON-I I :30 1.m. -3:30 p.m.-Mon. thru Sit.
DINNER - 5 p.m. -12 m. Mon. thru Sit.
Sunday-I p.m. -12 m.
a ,uamntee that the bidder wtn u Ule contract It It I.I
awarded to him ln conformJty
th t.be contact documents and
~de tti. surety bond or
or bOnda u apeclfled therein
lthlll "" days ~r noUfle&·
Oil flf J.be award of t.he contract
~ bidder.
19M 1wnmer eeaaion. Elementuy Ir High School
aubjeeta. American Legion Hall, 215 -15th St.,
Newport Beach. July 2nd to Auguat 10th, 19M
Houn 8 a. m. to 12 noon. Registration June 30.
Phone or see, John W. Jobnaon, 620 Narcluua,
Corona del Mar. Har. 3634-R
17'1 Supcrtor Avenue
Coet& Meaa. Ca.llf.
8620 &:. Cout Blvd.
Corooa del Mar, Ca.llt.
. Phone Harbor il
1670 Newport Blvd. Coite Mes• u 8-6474
ni. 'Owner reaervu th• pri·
Sqc of rejecllnJ any add all
blda or to wain any lrttrula n -
tJM or lnfonnaJJUN ln any bid
r la Ule blddlnJ .
....... l to the Labor Code
f t.M 8t&t• of C&llfoml11. tlle
aid -.ro of Tn.ulteea ba11 a ..
~m't.&!Dl9d th• seneral prevailing
rata per dl~ wa... for each entt or l.)'pe of workman n~d
ed to executA tM contract.
which -111 be awarded lhe 1uc·
\&I blddara; and then pre·
tnc rate• an cont.alMd ln
Aid specltlcaUona adopted by
Board &Dd ere u followa:
~"'°°' .. CATION KAN: AD torwnm not
~In etpuatel1 d .. 1r1ec1
dial.I be pajd not leu t h&.n
Ule preva111n6 rate.
ililiKllN'm::Z11 May lN em·
~ bl eontormlty with
lectJOa lTTT 6 of t.M C.11·
fomJa Labor Code.
a..eau:icauon Rate per hoyr
~Inter, bruall r.18
IAborer 2.175
No Mddu lft'1 wt~w hJa
d tor a per1od ot ttifrty d-.ra
Ule d.ate aet for the open·
of bJdl.
Bollrd of Truat ...
Newport s .. c:ti
a.boot Dlat.ricl
Newport »-c~
Oranre County,
Helene CHna.r, Oerk
WW 11/U. 1951.
o. Tl• N ..... Pnm
Harbor Rest
Memorief Pe rle
Phone Ubart7 a.-2121
GREATER Elllllll'5 .,
REMEMBER ••• SAVINGS received by the 10th
of the month ••• EARN FROM the 1st.
!! a;"...,, ; I
e~w -1 .nnrioa •
ttfOR llC8C)QL
AN J'W ......., .. tllit ftlbqw t
W• IU'el 'nl&& .. .-., we ~
off..rtq' ..., -~ ..,
Cer.-r dpporiunity
ll'• Mt ow OWll ......... .
cu bln "*' ~ ....... .
"'"" wttb our dJ'u,mJo bUlll· DML , W• u...fot'\ ott.r:
lat.eni4rw OOW fO/t tmmedf•te
.,,.... tor ltudentii b:l-.C.·
ed lD .Jun. op-\np KWt&r7
.i.attY aot eomidend. .
Appl)' l :fU:_~ tllnl ·6 ~ lo3'!a ,...,._
encl Sl,IP COVERS al..i. .. .,,... __ ._ __ ,.. .
SOUTHERN = ~..:t:,
COUNTIES '-~.:'0"
GAS Stael Office ~'Umttun
Co ANAR!i:Dl
-----·---10FFICE ~ex>.
·Girls .
1500 GIRLS
.tU it.art loc:&I Tel4iphoM
Ccmpany caners UU. month.
Will You Be
one of Them?
ruu. PAY A8 YOU LllAJ\N,
J'Hq'*t periodic. locreue&.
-Openinp for -T~lephone 6peraton
llJ 8 . Palm , dymtOM 6-t8J2
J'R£ll J.Nft'IWCl'lON
All o.w materi&j1 a'l'&l.lahl• .
lila.ry l'&nnbl, 1Jt6 8. Oil. BIYd.
t...suna Bell. Bratt. f-TIH. 11ttc
~•t t-furt7
Try Knepp Shoos
106 W. ht Bt.. But& A.u
ramberl1 ~17 bdon.10 Lm.
and ati-t p. 111.. nuo
2: 1111 A.PPLlA.NCES. ltMI
PbUco Rebi1en.t« wttb dlJrJ
bar .... • ere. toJ> fJ'IQer
chMt. Pd. dn. to 1111.0I. No
db. prmAL ,_,. onl,J' Sl.'8 mo.
Dix. Whirlpool auto. ....,.
on17 allchU:r u8MI pd. da.. to
1161.k Ho cub needitd U
JOU ,_,, PJ'*llC.. of p.J.T 1110. -Apply -
8:30 to fl :IO
122 We.t Th.I.rd
!Ian ......
118. Ai.o ltnJSe Md. lfPrinl" 1015 &. J"tnt It.. S...ta .U.
A pi.atlnM JlO each, kitchen t-t da!l)r, KJ T.auT. We Mn
.to'r• iww 1100. rup • pad enrJ'lhlns ....._ . •oooo 9'.ft.
S 1 o. Pull Ip clothes llllf "115 ' ' '
BABY CAR arm ... 1UOU.r IT,
bouncer "6. plaJ pm. wlth p&d
' .....
WOKAN abort ordeT cook. can ==~=--.,,~-~--uanor m . 2.C:ae aHOPSMITH IW 2000 I:.
Oceaa Bl•d.. a.lboL liar. IO .... ,
WANTED Beaut1 Parlor ba1r ITALU..N A: DU8H POPLIN
drytns macllin• In eood con· ~. Hal'rold Import.er, Bot.el
d1Uon. Bar. 1714. aacJe La(Wl& Bld1 .. Lo&,una Beach. 2.f.p2!1
BOLD my )ome. Modf.1'11. A.ti I-----~-----'-
-rm. oet. tw1n ..,. ... IRON ~ Ha.r. II&. nc= WITH A t.nm-.NmW WEllTINQ.
BOUIJ&. R.centlJ' Oftl'h&ul-6-
0DIJ et.: buckl to own t.o 8oJl
V-0 Kl"lt'•PrflM U
Brand MW~t-4 but ~r
UNd. TA.PP.t..N SU IU.l'9
wtth piddl .. dl'rid-4 top bW'n·
fl1I Uld. ~t. brolltt A.ND
a bll' U ca.. tL IC&LVINATOR
~rs.tor wtth dou~ cmp.
era. W, Cl'OI •top tr.lier,
~ la door, bult.ter k•p.
en, etc. CUh or t.erma, 11'-
doWll 114 monlll. JAICm'8
APPLlA.lfcm co.-1t11 Har·
bor Bl.d. Coilta lilNL ()pa
Ull I p. m. Fnd&J.
PllAC"rIC>.LLT HEW 8 pl&oe
pokw table with J'&Clu, tell
top. $00. • Natkln&J pnllUN
eooker T qt. ClllU'Wl6 1IM and cannln&" Jan, 116. Har. 24'2,
BLOND Yanity A: dr.-.r lilnfle l -----------.....
WILL IELL ama!I bulldJns lo bt
mend. ch•p. nao eon .... at..
Coela )(..._ LI M73T. 2Sp2&
MA.Kil OJ'l'llR • rr. Dl!:LICA~ cue
ONl:I lars• comm.re. Nfl't.1
1 M'!AIU, 1 OONDOL.4
can LI wT• attv arao p. m..
or •••mda Itta
bed A: WMt.em Bol17 1u
rup wtlh l'fiddk, W"Uhlnl
ma.chine, electric b•t.er, ru
b•W A: Hollywood bid tram ..
min'Or, throw nap, bMr1.D.I
aid A mac. Item.a. Ver)' ru·
M>D&ble. toe a.ward JtoM...
Ba.r. 1117.)(. lkJe
Are Tir.tl K••ping ·It
$fe1hecl Our Pric.es On it •
You Come I Get it
' ~ HOUSEHOJ..D ruaMllBJNGS. CL01'111No J'OR Tllll ICNTIU r .um;r
' 1UT Will'!' 'l'ID llOYI R...:rll.V
. Open Kon., Wed,. 1'1-1., 8at. 1111b11 'tD, 9
~ INDVSTRill3 t02 E: 'TH
Knowlton Electrollka
P .ilD .-OB Oil NOT ....,.,,.,. ..,. ......
1'20 .. Kaia Xl s-llOT
j MORE • ..
When you 9ell to -
Anchor Mfr. CO.: -
174 1:. 17th u 1-!ft•
1951 roRD. a dr., v..a. J'ordo-
mat..lc. radio, bte.t.v. Immacu•
lat .. Prt•at.e party, Mra. C&rn· an:n. cau Har. IOU, 2k21
New and Ulled
Rec•p&::!g Service
Brake Service
Front End Allpment
R.O.t.D IERVl<2
nnWme Budc'et P1an
Touni tor the .uldllc
801 • SOii W. ht ST.
Motor Overhaul· ·
Up to" Kcmtlul to Pay . . •.
8 Cyll. M.18 -··
All Blnlcbt EJrhto _____ aa.u ·•
R·E·O · -·
Now 24 Hour
bistrii;utor · •
-· ··• -·
--· 9 .. ,uta ........ AU. WUftK OUA.RAJftKm
OOAOJfA l>CI.. MA.ft
110 LAlUC.SPt11'
ilauutul 2 Wnd. bom.t. w to w
z...at psUo. ftepoael pl'q~. uw. auo Ptl' ... l'fo pet.a.
J'URJUIBEI> Dtw bilM W1UI oe.c view, I Nelroca -
den, I bath.a. ~ appllanea 6
llcatcd pool. July 6 •\llUSt
or U m.onlh ••· Av.ti J1&11e u-e.... or bom.• moet
lmport.ant factor. t•J ftJvera
T9rract, Corona dtl Kar. B&r.
~!Of.J . Hc21
..._.,....,. QCJC.AN ~ -no Latkapur, ~ J.ars• MCOOd 'ooor l bdm\. WATllRFRONT, 1U141 bnclt-
bra.nd new a 8,..R.. t Bath,
Jov.iy bom.. Wall to waU ca,,. MUOlllN MobtM bwnt IS n.. apt. d~, prap, J.aundl')' ------------~
I ........ Mlll. 21 JI. Awniq 1100 ,., mo. No ,.u. 1 pa&J~. buU t·ln kitdlen. Ntcw
paUo. UQfurn. Ytarl1, IWl:'rlct•
td .,... inc> mo. C&ll l:laf.
bot' lltt, Ev-. Ha.rtlor 116&.
._ al Jot l'7. lU7 H.wport • ...,_ ·Ooeta K-. upa A\' All..A.BLll NOll( by •eek or
BENT V acatlon Tr..ner
n1r 11 n. •w.e 1t11rt uc1 -. Md. 117 lh• wetlt.
LI f..flal. %3pt3
2200 W. Caul Blway.
Nqport Beach Ll MU()
PAlf-All.llUCAN U to Ill ~
1 " 2 mt. PA.JlA.MOUNT Cu•t.om built,
IO to IO tt., 1 6 3 BR.
Hl1but trade-in atwwanc-. w. Mid c1e&D med traUen.
WANTED to reDt -I btdroom
llloUM, Barbor ant. yeut)t ._
or ._.. wtua opUGr to w .
Waat ...,.,... ~ feaced Jd.
~t17 caploJtd loc&Uy.
ll:xc•Hm\ local NI...,.., Write
boa XJ.I, uu. .......,.,... lltto
fam1J7 (1 chlJd.) Want 2 bdrm.
boM• anNin. or put.I)' tum.
Vlclnlt7 m.b lcbool by S.pt.
lit. t.hru wtmMr DIOlllb9 only.
Up to STO 'I-mo. Pboot SY.
1-21• °" wnw c. v . Luca.a. m• Loma Vt.ta ll., Pua-
cScna. Ca1IL 21c3a
EXSO'CJTJVll • ""' , d&Qlbttf'I • dol .... bdrm. untum. --=· bl bMcJl .,. by Sept.
i.t. CarpeUDf 6 drapae dutr-
ed. Yrl7. i ... to f,200 per mo.
LI "411t. llttc
Rentals Wanted
monUI cloee to --.chN-au
CtmaUOn, Col'Oft& del Kar.
TWo beauUIW n«Wty furn. ~
bed apt.a. WIUI ~ dlva.n1 wtlJ
1leep t. Di.lpoM.la. d.1.ahmut.en,
ltralH. ~ tum. paUo KODSR.N utarn. I WI"& ape,
w1th B&r--8-Q $100 per wk. ~..-... cUllpo9a11 auto ..-er,
WW COAlider year leue to ,.,...., bUL from -..ch.
a41llt.. No ptta. TMl'lJ' 1...... I0'-8 Dd1i&
ID or call owner at 312 Carn.a-~ 'Har. IOlJ·Jl t3dG
Uclll Apt. D. Bat. 1Ma or ~ B&DRK. unlW'll. bouM wtth
Whltm&ll Realty Bu. 1M2 or -.rvlc. pot'Ch O.d Qd St
liar. 4463. 23Uc ...,1• play ~ N•r -:hool.
LIDO '" mo. LI MO'Jt. ma hdttc
Aw. McH
'8 aoom1 for ae.t --' **** Vlltton! VacaUonlN!!
&njoy llYiDI" OD tht Oe«aJ'.I ,J'roll t.
Oompltwly turpllbtd Jclt.cben-
etta apt.a. and rooma wit.II prl·
vat• bath. Kaid MTYlce. trfl4
TV. l300 West Ocean Front,
H&r. Of&T.
**** • a bnn. 2 bL Udo Hou• S2fi0
• a..ytTont •pl. turnllbed, with pa.r.
Ntwly ct.cora.._. Md cbumlnl ftOOJ.UI wtth k1tchen pr1v1tecee.
twca 2 btdloodl" I Mth 6 two Randy location. S2H Broed St.
p. a. palmer incorporated
Ole Hanaon CQ. :Management
!33! v1a Lido. Kar. lMIO
1 bedroom apta. w1U. vtew. Bar. 2tU. H c28
UW1Uu paid. Gar.,_1• d1lo------------~ lauadl'7 room and sa.-8to1'111 If ocn.9
P'ha• Two Mdrma. 1160 -----------mo. -l bedrm. S>.25 mo.
LAROE 1 bdrm. nJcely turnlahed Balboa. Blvd., Balboa.. Ba.rbor
apL UOO a month t.hru Sqit. 2161 oit Harbor •IOO. t.t Ntw otfJce 12x2t.. Lido ahopptn1
~ Ulen droJ)ll to 5100. Have ar-. •~ mo. on 71'L laue.
m&flY olhera. a bdrm.a. home on SUJOill3t. ltENT .u. -rum. BA y • BEACH Rl!!A.LTY INC.
Ocean Front 6 ELSJ;WHER&:. atudfo apt. at Bay l'ronl bomt. RE/t.LTORB
2 Is 3 bdrm. apta. mo.t an7 , fOO Wfflt. •oot llJver Ave., !11J1 Lafayette
where you wa.nt It on wmmer Hewpan. Bar. lfC)t-W l3c2l5 Bar. a&u, Har. 2"t ltvea.
rental& 50T ll. Baltio. Blvd. aUKKl:Jt ll&NTAL _ I.Up 1 'Jlllt to the r1rbt of l.Jdo Brt41•'
Har. aeoe. 231>23 btdrm. hou.M, ptu.a .tu4io apt., tte
8t1l00:& IUINTA.LI c bdnu. 1 % b1ocb trom OCMn or ~.
I t.th houe, I ¥rm apt. 6 2•0 BtUotrope.. COM. Kar.
room wtth pnva\e entranc.. "40-A WMlcmd& or alt.er &..
Har. CM11-W 24c2t 24dl
CLlJ'J' HA VEN, unCum. 2 bdrm.
duplu, pllntJ of cloMt spact,
Iara&• It f-* ya.rd. Y •rlY
•-· u Hll'T. nc:M
V •~tion Rentals
Chotce 1 • I bedml. apt.a. on Ir
HU lllMcbea. BT weak. month
or M&IGD-too WMk II up.
BETT'l:R J\1:811:1\ VI: NOW.
Gretnleaf Btwrta Rily.
• pround Floor
For Leue tn -
Harbor Investment Co. Blds.
SOt.b A Newport Blvd.
Mrs. Payton, Har. IMI Ude orFICIC8 FOR JtmNT ,_ F T Blrtch•r BWlctmr. Ku·C\'Mt s1:AsoN.u. • t&A.RLY. Ar 1 S. ON BAY RON · c:orp., n10 m. Cout Hwy
2908 & Cout H1f7. Bar. 6680 tt Slnp, douldt • I bedrm. Bal· Corona de! Kat. Bu. 1"4.
boa .. aNL ... ltOl\'1, by week 2•e:U
ON BALBOA ISLAND or month. eoun.y to broku•.
Har. U0t 1ld3 5S-&-lkllllDe9e 88tall BIZ US for JtUlJ and
MUOD.&I nnta.la.
NW CORNER. 17th A Oran ...
Oo1ta Meaa.. Ottle• or ahop
lp&Ce of 1200 eq. ft., a.od 16000
Near Bill& 8cMol. laconae ~
Total llric• Nl,IOO. Will tab
put uu.. au. GGll IGclSO
Stop ·Look & Lirien
I AORD fllldwi&NJ Jl"IPert7. M....itl b)' rUll'Wld. Loc9ttd cm
Ha Ow Btvcl.. ea.ta JUea. All
uWJU. i.,.. ll800 per Mn.
DON'T am CA.UQBT SLl:m'·
INO AT TBll ~Wl'l'Cli !
r.ou CA.NT MISS lt you pur-
cbue. 11 acree <:-e>nt:isUn&' ol ~ tt. tronunr •on Hal'bor
Blvd. ln Cuat.a M.cea. a.ao.ooo
cub. rtfJUlred. Total price
STt,100. 'NUFr &AI.0-QUICK
1800 W. Coa1l Hwy., LI WHl,
U 14596. tcoH
roa l\llNT -
NW 001\NM:ft. 17lh • Ora.nse.
Cotta Mua. 8HOP 1pa.ce of
1200 1q. ft. plus 15000 eq. ft.
pa.rkln( ITU..
2 Acres Beaut M-1
hbMW oa DUPLEX LOT, cor-
net. 9*dr Ba.y and OounlrJ au ..... A ••ooo barptn.
SUIDfUS OOllHlllll, Jla1'or
~ J.a....oncnt epportuntty.
·~1 au.tilt be 90ld. f1T6 ... tn-• Oll poftJoa °' ............ er read)' for lauotdl·
att deMJopmaL 161 ft. OD
llarlMlr. -
"TOUR LUT. fll7G to $14,0W.
a.JacUoa now.
a RUTAL.B, 1 btdrm. duplex 3
bffrm. 2 bath hoqie. lncom•
$200 a montll. JOUOO dowa.
P11U prtc. Sll)SOO.
1157 Newport Blvd .. Coela Mua
· LI 8-1131 &'vu U I-HOO
l.Jve pracUeally rent ,,.. Ul
& brand new duplex. A
leo.al\l la th• l.at\dlotd'•
beat friend. Upper and low·
er unJt.1 boUa havt two bed·
room1. R.eal flff1>lac. ta
lower WllL 8paclou.e deck
on upper ualt. Very ctO..
to S.y and Buch. Euy ac-
ceu for yoµ~ bo9t. ova,-..
liM 2 car .-arase. Ott t.h•
detana. ...000 handle.a It.
NUT TO '100,000 NSW BAB·
Seven l1lands Realty
i.. .. l. Sea •lew. All uUUllea.
M1iat Mil 1mmedlately. a:?o,ooo. & Investment Co.
rP. <¥Mr. LI •-1216, 2uo• I ooa-.. 1nd 8 l .. NewpoL l Bcb, c..;.tJ.ll.
J'edtra.J, CK l3Uc Har. 6351. aflcr 6 p.m. Kar. 60e7
B/ B
Commercial Industrial
Potential Subdivi1lon
~ Acree -Levtl -ConU11101111
lo qo.ta Meu. ~.T:w> ptr acni.
C-1 Lot. Ncwpart B.lvd., ln New·
port Beach 12'' ll 100'
8 raullful 3 btdrm. ! bath bnme
on nice corner lol. Flrtplect,
totted air heat. wall to w&ll
ca~t., ~nln1 room, •paclou1
paUo with room for pool make
thl• u out.sta.ndtnr bUy at
$19.eliO. •eooo down.
Newport-Mesa ReaJty
1 flt Ntwport Blvd.. Ooeta M.-
LI ~ ~ Ll 1-1117
'II~ lltM aft.I. ud bOUMe tn all
.-aoa1 Cw IM>th wtnttr a.nd ,_,.. s.... ~ or W1fUrD.
U 1"" ba •• a n.c&nq, ~todQ
309 M.arlne Ave. Harbor 602
COROl!fA. DllL KAR. 4Wft.mer
rentaS. I Wnn. tum llouae.
c.loet to .,...... m ~ Muru ..
r1ta. SlOO pct n Bat. 0611.
Uc21 eq. tt. ot parklD• ..,,.._ IU.lt· M-1 TO LEASE
The VOCJel Co.
ntl W, Ort. Hwy .. Nawport Bcb.
~ UMr\7 I-Mil
-MuiM. lla1boa J.ILud ---n.. a.ztior '"
--.. Oil. ., .. Oonma o.l Mar • _ PMM Barbor 11•1
•Udo om., Nll Via Udo
B.atl.ar d"t 1
l'f!I M..,ort Blvd., Cotta M ..
~ l-60t7 ,u
Deluxe Duplex DAY, WK.. or mcmUl. J'umJabed
abl• tor ntaU buatn..., or Wt ha,. client. that .re tnttr-
ll&bt ma..nuta.etur1n1. J'RA.NK eeted I.A bui1dlnc tint C1UI
2 room Nlt.e with kltchen.1
8l•J19 I to I .. UWJU. pd. 11Q.
JAKU. Har. 2042. 17Uc pta.nt.1 and ~ out to tub-
F\JRNISHED fL to beach • abopplnr. Free PRIVATE ottlcu with pbon• an-
yz,1 ft OLD, 2 bedroom and p&rkt.nr. MG Wk. ~· BALBOA twe~ eemce. 84C.rttary •
den, l ~ baua.. forced air !Mat. 181./t.ND A.Pta.. IU Karine. notaey avall&bk. Grou.Dd J'loor.
pnvatc. berbec.ue and pU:io. Her. 5085. 2lc23 New Trtdcnt BJd&'~ D00 New·
S.uWul Yiew, pktu.rt win· LA.ROii 2 Wn:n., btauut\ally port Blvd., Nrwport a.ch.
do-. ovtrJoolr:lnr th• OCMJl. tum. ranch type N>me'. Cover-(Adjacent South Cout Co.J
Very a.ttncUYt and well d• ed Lana.I, Bar-B-Qut, 11 PaUo H&J1>or 1021. 1tca2
talled home. Nicely tumJahed.
Adult.. Ont )'tU' )MN. •te -July A Aq. Har. 4073·J BA.L\JOA 18LAND-bldl. 2& by ~ CU,on Road, Corona l'cH 40 tor cva.c• repair or -T
dei Kar, Barbor .aNw. 19c30 OCEAN FRONT . Kar. 501 ittta
Choice Winter RentaJa OD TJW\LT 2 bdnna., COll'I~ •
•t&at.Jal tl.nna. u your company
,. tJltneAed ta lht tax adYaa-
tac-e of ........ we would J&1Lt
to d.lKUM U.. propal&Uon ~th
you. • .
Bey & Beech Realty Inc
1116 Harbor BoWwatd
eo.ta )( .... 0.Ufornla
D&y or nl1bt pbone LL 1-1714'
w ........ moY9d ud lftWlt ..it
bea.Uutul new a bednn. and
den Cor tth Wrm> '~ bath
ho&D9, la eecl~ llaltMlr
Hlplanda. ~ paUo
tor ~ outdOor •.tac·
Uaa l"OOl1I, IMe.pt ot cio.t
~. ball9 cupettd. oCMr
fll'll. bwd., B1lcb e&bSnete. pn.
dJq.. vmUl&tJll&' tu bl ltlt·
clitn. Above &11 lhia boma bu
ROOM -ovv 1100 ... ft. ot
Ill Prtctd at 112,980. Buyer n.-1 ..um• owner'• ,~,.
loan.. 111 ~ta Lant. Ph.
LI I-~ 23c3t
• BUt we have foucl. a ,.i ~-lt'1 lnDd ...
I bednna., 2 f\all ~ ~ area ud breakfUt
area. at~ do.We ~. la.a of IDdtNtt
Ufhtinr ta~ .,.tt. and mu1 otber ...,
udimft appalatment. Wall to wall carpetml
ud above all W. 18 a view home.
U you are looJdni /or ·property ln tbla ftl"f
qcluaJw area. by all mead call ua. "'
15th • lrriAe, LI S.2e&t EVF.S Fred Barker, LI l.m1
Stan Le U8vre Lt S-70M
Tb.la one hq a friendly warm lnt.ertor with
knotty pine ~vlng room and Wied brick patio.
close to traDlportation and within a block of bay
or ~u. 2 bedrooms, garage and workahop,
exoellent condition and completely fu:miahed.
~ attemoona at 1038 w. Balboa Blvd.
Owner will .en with small down payment.
2e02 Newport Blvd., N ewport Buch
Har. 4711
Thia immllculate 3 bdrm 1 1 :! bath bome ii 21t<J yn.
old. HW floors, cpta., brick fircplace,.Jot.I of tile,
dbt garage, beaut. landscap<'d, fenced, only
f 19,000 including carpeting and drapes.
3J01 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach
T?~ o· THE CROP I Close-in Home
Dl l LE • -EAST b11>E. Qol, 1 2 t. .. droom hom~. lot 6 balt. C&D
St. \\ alk1ng tllsL to tow!\. 2 D<.lr build on noor t\a wood
CL \VI th l"&J"t:C-bel Wc<'n. l"ft&ee. Rear )'&.rd tcnc ... -d A d.lvl<ku nour1, double 1a.raae, Wt ~ chen, petlo. Ciubhoua Aft. itvt~ prtvacy of .eparue near channel 6 Udo abopplas
house• on 111 n.. loL Only 2 Cenltr. Ideal for NUftd
yn .,,,. Ir ••OOO dn. cou le. SU ,llOO. Good tln~
A 8Jt:A 1 '"J'lJi'UL HOME you "'lll p •
bt i>•••ud to own, 3 lkh. It Ven. NBC REALTY CO
H wd th'· 1pacJou. l'Ollms. loll •
of Ult:. 1,.ut'pl ln Den. Dbl car. 32nd .l Newport Blvd., Bar. ~
A ppr. 1000 aq. fl. ol ch&!'nl.
S~l. \00. Will ~n.alder trade Cor
amaUu home ln C. )baa or
M·l AC'Rr:AOI: S.W•ra. wattr ~ ,-u available by Dee. thl1
year. Prit'ff are jUmptnc In Uu1
LOOK • I I • •
at 210 Yla Udo Nord
181'. YFR01''TI
&re&. Thi1 t &en piece wont e I bdrmL, J bat.ha
last lone at '7000 per acre. e Pltr II lar(e allp
COJOCERCIA.L HALF ACRE e Oomplettly tum. 6 read)' t.o
OnJ,y 2 k>U W . or Harbor BJvd. live ln.
H.u am.all hou. renUq at $65. SJ:LL!-Y•l al •.&00 (M O.• mo. ,)CxoeO.nt tnTUL Only ()()() LoW)
SlO,CIOO with ~ D1L.
CO ......... v .. ,. ......... ,_ 10 x TRA.DE!-Tat roocS ooaun~ ~" ~ ... .__. • " l.AJ" or ''lbllct.'' reaidenee.
131. Cloet Ln. &x.c Duplex or ft.ENT !-Y •! a... P.IOO
trtp&a bids lit&. '516<> c:uL
I:. Sll>J: LOT OD S&nt.a Ana An.
60 x 200. l\.tcluced to UT~ for SEE THIS!
'Uiqk .... HARBOR Mes:~~ Rlty. INVESTMENT CO.
O. C. Seymou:r -Realtor REALTORS
G09 Cent..-It. Ooet.a Kaea 30th 6 Newport Blvd. Bar 1100
LI 1-1911 or U S-1714
Balboa Ia1ud • Lido la)e tuna. uUL pd, 100t W. 0ctan M-Ba .. IM"M Op~rtmaltiel
Small • C'OC1 or. tars• • dtlws• J'ront, N....,o.rt Baa.ch, lMlo CA.J'JC0 IN CORONA DEL MAR 6. J-Ral FAtate Ex~.
frt to NGO monu. PENINSULA. NICE AREA -A nei1hb0rbood i.u1111 ... -
* Ocean front * i;t~~~!~E~I~~.
LOVELY ST\1000 DUPL2X -old J'llA. b\llll bom•. ~ BY OWNER
VOGEL <tO. UllfUm.labed ajlt.L with ,..,_.. establ.l.ab-4 onr 7 yn. Priced Lars• dbl p r. Near t.he pier. tuJ wall• to ..U carpet ...
1Cnjo7 lb• eummer 1n your own nJc:.ly decorated. Only .-..0
. -FREEi f . -• a.ct+Tenant
1 B. R. _ PO 6 2 B. a. _ auo rl1bt Is tU"lN are 'olfared.
IOI' M.adD9 A•e.. Ba.111111& Wud Ph. Har. 1214 _ Ev-. Har. 1161 Recorda A pa.rUcul&n at our n. ll&rtlOr "6 cw BarW 1016 tt office. i1.ooo dn. '
SAN BllRNAJU>INO mouola.ln
cabln A 6 lot.a adjotn1D1 near
1tora, eec:Juded. will trade for
local. Kar. '"° •vminl'L
A Tl'RA.LTIVS d11pJa. near Lido
&!Iopa. J'\mWllled.. ~000.
8hoWe ac.llat ntmn. LI
1-1m. Mtto
Diet homt wat.c.hinr t.hAa boet.I per mo. 1nclud.1Jl1 t.u-. ~
a ')acht. p b7 w1lll• your ance. pr1ndp&e ud • ~ 1' la·
...... m&Mt tl'M ....... ~ Bu. ...a• Bu. d»oR -----------LB CA.SET OrrICll tcnazlt.a Pf3 t.be bW. UrMt. Fu1l prtoe ..,.
t ~...,=x: .. -.1a1p.!: Only $7500 Down Newport-Me•• RH~
• br' • •+w>•"'"-~--UUllC'I' JUIAU1"f
M&tt NEWPORT -2121 a. 0out llW>' ..
----------CUANNJCL l'RONT • Corona. de.I xu Ru. *' d 8•1 ERU9
ICI T410e RENT AL 11c1t
SPECIALISTS 1 B.l\..~u= nDtal wATB:RFRONT ~~~= * Newoort Beach~·:-_~ ..... By owner IU !Uftnfcle Aft.. U Ml.Gt BOMll and m<X>Mll. I btdrm. Tlf'
-~ 6 l'OOlll tor I CALL llimrA CllAJ'O
._.,..... -tram zwa• DORIS BRAY, Realtol'
• .. u.t .. pt. 11. Prtlar lll l&adoe. -..it&io& MIUd =--..=. or Ooeta = Bar. JO or M
UNl'URN. comtr houa, I bdrma.
Ntar tchoo1 II btach tt0 ,,...
mo. ClllldND OK. 01 Bepnia,
U. .I,..; fa ~ the WU\ &dL Corona del Kar. " • ISpH
••-_ • ._A.._ for Beat 1 or 2 bdrm. apta .. laundrJ rm. ..--a;:;;; aJ d&J, WMk at ,moll\L
-tRVINE TERRACE =-~~... 11u0
n. Bat. 1Jt6 -ST& B&r. iw local 5 & I Oc Store
tl Oood ....... Jleuon&bJ• W1nL
NrW---1-bd.rm.---1-11&-th_un_turn_. 1m Newpal't Blvd., emta
hoq.tt year 1eue. llG .. o. LI M-. llc2t
l-!113. Saota 16-aOMl to Lou
LOANS for Hom~s
nntN .• A.PT!.. ct-to ba.J-StJrt -to yr. t.oan.
~~= . utll. pd. Sot I!. ~ Construction Loans
81:.E BOB SA Tl'Ul:R lt/M.MER RllNT .At. near beatt
of Balboa. a ~ bedroom l ~ 2310 EAST COAST BLVD.
bath J'UmJabtd 6 all autom. Corona del Mar Jl&rbOr aw
-.pptiancea. Bar lltl.J, pt30 R4'> PUlJWllR MOJ\W.A.OJC CO. M.UO Ute lu. J\Lndi Kl 1·01~
attcr l:IO p.a. 1.lt:tc ,. 1 bednll. eepuate \Wt.. • .. ~;,.: .... ~ .. ': :!; ----------L&rp dbl. ..,.. and laundry Ocean View Home
A••· W1l1 rtv• lalmtdiat• CURT DQSH, Rltr. ~:.•r -,, bMch 6 Udo occupdCY: SUM
120 JI iao Comer. Nur S.c.k 315 Marine Ave. Only $14,600 •
:_>'· o!::~, ~ ~::= Balboa Island NEWPORT HEIGHTS
dal Mar a Mdroom aad pay Harbor 1560 DUPLEX. 2 btdrm. • 1 bedrm. cub dlft.,-ene.. OwMr. Har. on rut of ~ 11\..f Sot -
Ufl lf 18Xl81. ft.in. for 1 moi-. unlta,
ONE OF TBll LAST view near hlfb echooL L.A..RGI: older home vt"' of
Harbor A oc .. n. s1uoo tum. lot.a in Cl1tf B&ven. Per· Only $16,250, terms
Har. 4tol att.r 6 p. m. or manent view of Barbor I&
wffk .nda. ' McJI Ocean. M 1 110. $7 ,960 MEMBICR KtJLTIPLm i.:drrmo
~quality bOme •I ........ '-"la. own• r 1DOY1J1S lllllt. Drt•• bJ "' OlabrOJo 'lWrMlt
Coron& ~da. ft.a a.JI -fw d.t.&IJL
DAN A.. JA.<X>UJDf, a.[ ......
Kar. 6111, Ll 1-alT XI S4UT
Rolllnr foothlll n.ncb ln llouqu•t
CAnyo.n. I rm. ado'9 ..... ,.. 1Mfe ....._ Min. I .............. ~
..... adm. I tlalb&. LaJw
~---~w&lltoee.-.:,.n.. wa-. ~ype
ail-.CND, WJl..la ova .. ranp. aw ,.,.lilt noon. poo ptr
ON• Bl>JUI., unt\ua. ~
cJtsn. Jars• lot U.2 IL llrd 1~ eoata 111-. '60 mo. BR. '3-B-110.. fol' 8-t
ttM-K 24c2t · 2nd & I st T.D. LOANS
SllOO DN. move lll. I mont.ba HarboT 69'11 lk27b HO" "ER SHAFER, old. a bdrm., l ~ batha. 2 oar IV1
,...... •. patio. hrlced badt yard. On Mwera. 'l.114 Ru-N&W-1 wrm. boUle. I -.r l&J"o REALTOR
bUnk rm& a ear pr. ' ruoalaf L~ ,5 &C"9 t-* IO~~Mput
ln perm. putu,. or a1tal4
~-* Wt .,... OI' tnda ,.
lh.rbor .,... propa't.1. Ban.
OIT1. IOic::9 -1 JI ...... LU.a Ot'J"lCI: *" aaltl UlVDf11 0 0 A 8 T
U'M'U: l8L.UlD Ba7 J'ront 1 Baytront t bedrma.. den, 1 ~
becl.rm. bOme. llletpe 10. bath.I pin a.nd 1Up. A.ail•
lerYlDt all Oranc• Comity
We Buy Truat Doeda
bOr Blvd. Ll 1-1111 23p25 aa• dMt to MoJIDI C9't.ar. 108 McJ'&dden Pl .• at HpL pw eo.ta Iii-. ay "OWMf. IO Ph.on ~ Har. HO a.ny Uml
LOTS, on Utt...,. M' t.o lW ~10 or Bar. 1• tu.a -----------
OOUtn'RY a.tJ'B. AY&llable Jun. • Ju.a,. Bu. able A.us. i to lkpl. l~ Ha.l'-
HM·M. nttc bor 0221 ,, SOc2&
• Kake Collateral Loa.M
Roy•I Mortgage Co.
traitqe ... oo and up ,. Manufacturer
f?'Ollt foot t.o .-ntltd llU)'tr'L Altaden• &crow J'OR aALm Oft LllA.d wttb
YU XA.NTB»-Udo ... ._...
tltUJ I Br .. I laUl ~ tAllrJ,
Lot IO a II. Olll1 ' Jn. old.
Price M1,600. ...... MW wall
to wall e&rp9t.lna. VacuL
... teda7
Qalli llW1 101. J(..,ort B&rtlor . OOftONA DEL MA.ft f\&m. .....
oa '--~ mo~ or wUl rent
· Dttc for mm.mer. Adult.I. ~
Ot.D Hu. •"8
-----------' Me&r KL •11 F emJe.t Ave. rwo 8&UIUiL ctupla '80 mo. 24p
lllaG MW -cute. MAX. W fOftl. a.nor. llol HarlM>r l.EASE only S bednD ~doll
Im"-. ~ lleea. Ll t-UU. \q lbopPpa catu, Coet& Mu&.
lWcl Kl a.euo or a.. 1121 tu•
! t!e•-,
Udo PeninSula, Eut Slst St., Npt. Bch.
=.. O.nER8 ' -DeDabtlal ltriq. Apt...C..MDf' UtwU. pUl.
Yldat .Up acoomiodatiou.
DaU;J • ..u.11. mont,lltY. yeart1.
,._. appt. or rwnatlon. Cail lla.r. 2UU2. . " .... . ...
r •
. . -.
CORON A DICL MAft. Lonly 2
M4r00m untu.m. bouM yearly
leaae. 1 c.111Jd OIC. i 1e ln·
Ch.Kllnr "Will.. It 1ardefter,
Dtape. " ca~1.1. xrr A
2802 N..-port IUvd., Npr\. Bell. pt~ pannltted. 0.0. llcN&--option• to "U". Sood I 1*lrm. man. Col1tU l9la.ftd. 11.ador lll-A l:ul 11th It., Cotta It.. home all r~ wt.lb 100 ft.
IMS. ldcu Liberty l-llM. lktl front.a&'• ln Ul'lltr of C. w .... Harbor 1549
2' hr. pbon• MrVj~
Ni:t.80N not S. Cout Hwy. HQ"-'E LOANS Har. MIO. ltdl IV1
-----------OOftlltrueti. -ftetlN•Ot •&1•
• lacom• Pl'opc:t7
N-.rtJ new a.ltractJY• eo.ta
...... ~ llloom• •te647·
Sla.aoc> tull price. J0600 doWL
S. W. Hill. Har. 05la..M.
lltk C\1Tll i bdrm. Udo boUM, bur• 6~ • O\ti,., • ,,.
patlo, aar-•-Que. ll-.ln. TV, lna. J'Wlda -Blcta •• Lou -LIDO ISLE JtO par wMll Avail. JulJ lift Prtftta JilOdiey
to 16th. Har. nH. 2k21 Tl'U8t Deed.I &ucbt • Sold FOR IA.LS BY OWNllR. By Owntr
PSNJN8Ut.A POlNT ' bednn., OaU ror ,,_ CommJc..at I BllDRM8., 1 • batM. Eaoel· 8alboe Pentnatla ..-.. fw'alllb• lent loe&Uoll. rcw "11l tatonna· ....... " 2 ti.lb f\&.rn. "home. lnctottd DON L HUDDLESTON u on oa.ll Har. Hl1-& neia tel t beclrm. plu. 1 btdf'OGID
paved paUo, Bar-B-Que. waah· U ~ Coat.a K-. HNI" Lieto aa,e ru-t ~ ~ l ~ Mt.bl. :~?.~ :,~ba;": :=.; 111 m. 11th et.· -----------_1ma11 ~ Rar.1wr::;;
A vall. July, H&r. T4t-W. llc27 LOANS TO BUILD, DIPIU>VI:. ru;'~ I to~:-~ = -----------
t .,..,.,. OR uot>P'r'U Jul BUT, MOO.ICRH"l.ZE. OR ~ • bay. ~ at MOTEL tne apta.. I f\\n unit. B w--... I~. y, fll.900. On11 f7IOO down. _.,.,., Nl loc&U.. l'fN AUi 6 Sept. 2 bdrm. I ~t.b l\UINA.HCJ: o.u '6llOO. hU flkl. P6.000
tuni. houae. 11 ,..,..,. cw room We 8'1.1 Tn.wl ~ m. w · BW Bar. 0611-K. a::za \.tmw. ~ ~
A bielb. 81Hpa up t.o 1. W•t nWWPOftT BA.LBON 8.AVINO.S Utto 1n U9de.
BAJ Aft.. •1 'ftcw. S10...... 6 W.ul AAl()CLl.TlOH ~ ptr mo. Har. z.IOf.J. Sall Vl& Udo Ph. H&.r. UOO _,. -fta..i l1l °""' •c:Mt aAl.M)A SAT PllOPDTD9
S:Sp:13 Ut Pnndq caU Hutlar 1111.. llOI W. Balboa m.d. Har. 1111
DAN A. JAOOBUH, ~Sat.ala
Rat. 61191, 1'..l 1-alT, Kl 2·211'7
B.A.L.ol. a.AT PltOP&KUM
1000 w. 11&1'°6 JIJ'1-11&1. lite
Modern CODettte Wt-up buJkUDp
Tailored to tenanta needt
M·l '1't M·2 mniDJ.
WM. W. SANFORD & Assoei.tes
Bar. 2"2
OPEN HOUSE Sat. 1~ 'Sun. 1~ .
.:s tt. ~2 Jot. vn Ba"'°1' etnnct. a bednD.t.. a t.tha, 1a1p brick ~
l'una1abed. E:rcetleat ttnu.
(For earlier appointment call Ed!th Maroon,
HYatt U222 or Lou Boynton, Harbor 2878
225 li.arlne Ave., Balboa hland Bar. 177:5
To ~ lato , U'dl OOG1Pli9WJ
turn. I IMrf Mme wMN tbe
----~·-• ....,... owa .ww wW
dlMjat '°"' &D4 JOW' trilnda. 2 beclnu. t ~ '-tU. wtth eJdft
outadt l'OCllll &D4 •bower.
fU,000 '1'emi.a.
-----------------• bednne.-. t\IJl dbWal room. patio w fl'OCllD tor pooL •~' lot.
3 bdrm 21h ba home on full acre. Completely
fenced le landacaped for prtva.cy. M' Lanai. 20 X
40 deluxe pool Call for appt. to 9M. Reduced to
all at ,~,:SOO.
carpet. • Mapel lncluded. "°·000.
Bay I Beach Realty Inc
Corona dd Kar om.c.
36SO JC. C.t. Hwy., Barbor 6:5ea
* roua BIDDBOOX• -l'AJGLT R0QK -JC'llW, llW
Goon, J bat.bit r .P .. l:/A .....
buUUll'a, ...... Dbl. ......... • r. P. '22.500 tf ,000 ...,._
* TIUll3l • DllN -OOl'MI' lot. ' J OWMr' llullt. Dice eab7 JIUI.
DMl U MW. ftta caa•t Jut -
IAta ~ f!Mnc:! "I' -OJ.I one. .. ,. IJT,tciO -... IJOO dowa.
Kanber ot )lultJpt. Latin~
19" Barbor B!Yd. LI 1-3333
Duplmc on Newport laland -~ B. R. ud 2 8. R.
One wlit furn. A.croea the atreet from park and
bay swim.mlnr· Good view. Owner amdoua
to sell ,23, 7150
1f TBR.a BEDROOM -•ood
Yiew, peSPd B. w. tJoon. I' .P ..
l'/A. Mat. c:arpet.t. dn,.. ln-
clu~ bM.uWUl pe.Uo 6 l&nlJ.
P..P. only U'T.GOO -N.000
Commercial office bldg. with lovely 2 B. R. home OA
MCOnd floor. otl highway tn food location MU
new poet olf1ce. 1058 1q. ft. in oUlce. MO bl apt.
2760 IQ. ft. in ~.pr-warehouee unit.a. Alto lot NEWPORT HTS. for oft-street par.king. Muat be aeen to reeos.:
M.18 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. -i971
Ewa. Har. 6179 -Har. 61'2 Bar. 3830-J
2 bdrm.I and den. OM ot tile
t lna homee ln tblt MCUon..
Very &ttracUn.
SPECIAL Diz.e advantacea. .
-----------------U you 1.IU' & beauutul location
I' .uaLY .ROOM -MSW "'7
eiu:JU.lln, NU l.R.. J'.P., J'/A.
h•t, builtA.a k1teha. lnc1Ud1Jtc
dilhwuber, IAter-oam ~
6 m.., other ftne featunlt
., .i-. a21.to0 ,-11.000 down.
JVRNiaBJ:D. tW1 attractiv• 2 Long establiahed jewelry 1tore. $4500 plua inventory.
• on th• water, we haft lL Your LIDO ISLE :i':t i:= lA::: = bdrm. ham.. lArp corner lot. Exel. location.
Brand new • bdrm. home, beat Lido location.
'39,600 ,,
A r.l amart 3 bdrm. INGRAM built home, lar&'e
lot. $36,300 full price.
Near the club hoUM S bdrm., '2 bath home,
need9 fixil\g up. ,25,7:50, Euy terma.
Lido Realty Associates
MOO Via Lido • Harbor ~
Nearly new, and perfect, 3 bedrm. and den, 1%
batlw, carpeta, drapes and built·in kitchen. Th.I.I
11 atremely nice and a r-.1 home.
TWO BEDRM. and den on one of the nicest
.ttreet.8. All the charm imaginable -al.lo 1.lke
new. ·Call for further information.
MYRTLE DA VY, Realtor I Anoe.
Helen Baum ' Ruel Condon
3'32 Vi& Oporto . Har. MM
Eva LI 8-6297 LI S.1709 Bar. 101T·J
Ct·•SS A store and oft'lce bulldlnf located on
mmt Important corner in P1uden1 Price
f700,000. wm pay 7" mt net and will depotlt
$300,000 u leue MCUrity. Lup
depreciation factm'.
CALL OWNER, T. D. Ropn, Ryan 18187
or Barbor 8828
2 bed.rm. and den, l '1) beautJful bat.ha, awmy
~en. loftly new c&rpN ~d drapm. $27.80().
SlSOOO down. Tenm arranpi.
J823 W. Cout B1')'. (at Port Orange)
LI 8-'IM2 Eftl Bar. 8298 24c26
~ Kini Sile BarpJn la priced below replace-
ment con in be&lltitUl Corona de1 Kar. With
1aJp room.a and mUHt vinr of th• ocean, th1a
hom• hu 2 bedrooma; alelpln1 dtn and larp
tam.Uy room. Dlnlni ~ bUllt-in ' kitchen A
a double fl.replace.. .
-Newport Blvd.. Ncwport'Beaah Bar. •m
New low Price an~ Down Payment
Larp 3 ~ s bath home. Private boat
moorlq. Vacut -... uyttme,
occupy tmmedla~.
Ml.8 Via Udo Newport Beach Bar. •m
Evea Bar. 5119 -Bar. 51'2 -Bar. ae.30.J
• i
ab& I bdrma, I ll&U..
80 &Cl9 lD u.. County. Zoned.
M·l &.ad 4(rloultul'f.l. W. A TOBIAS, Realtor
•tyou'U like bur friendly llel"Viee••
~ f..S with % area
Thur& and Sat. aftemoona.
3i20 W . Balboa Blvd. 2218 Newport Bhtd.
IU.r. 1428 Evea Harbor ~ LI 8-S101
Fihniorris Rlty. Co. '°° E. 17th St, eo.ta Keaa. Liberty S-1189 e&Zl~&rn.qed. ------------~~~~--------
K ulUp .. UaUQI a..ltor.
............ Broker
l1llS a eout JllCtlWa:r &rona deJ Kar B&rW WJ
8/ B·
Gracious Living
with prlvt.eJ and ql&let ta .-ur-
td IA W. luxurtoue • bdrm.
A den I bath Lido home ot
flaw1-CQD.ltrUction OD TWO
tull lot.a (and a oomer tool
With room for pool. JS&rfaln at
• • • •
Sweeping Vi•w
' bdrm. furn. older home, 1.ars• llvlq room with
fireplace. Unit heat, prbap ~ 2 car
prqe. Ocean 'rilw, clON to tM bay,
$23.S»O term.a.
FIRST TDOl OFFERED. Income unit 2 bdrm.
furn. bou. with. larp ~ prap apt.
EKcellent rental area. 1 blk. to bay. $21,500 terma.
FURNISHED DUPLEX all on one floor. Good
aummer rent<. 1 block to bay. $1',500 I with low down. pa.yment.l
Cosy 2 bdrm. and lan&l, l\anch home complet.el7
fum. 2 car prap. Set tn heaven of flowwl,
tree., ahrube. l'nlJt trea plore. Corral for
hone. All fenced. ee x aofS. $8000 down.
' Excellent Buy
fll.600. -'61 l:aat 11th St., Coe·
ta K-. I bdrm. O.L loan.
' Paymenta M2.M mo. lncl •o/.
tntc•i ud tmpounda.
J'r1. and au.a. &fterDOCmL
Ralph. P. Maskey
Ull N..-port BlVd.. Har. •02
Balboa Island Income
Ne&rty new -'fUJ'JliWd attrac-
Uft17. I
lle&ut1t\IJ bro bedroom cot~•
wt.th spedoue two bedroom
Tb1e property baa E VE R Y-
TBINO and ahowa & tremen-
dowl income.
al 8-)' and 0c .. trom tblt mod·
em home of m&llJ' wtncSowa -
' J&rp bedrooma -J batha
-J&rse dlnlJlC room -b&l'-
compMt.eq carpeted and drap-
ed. AND llta oa one of verr
few f'elt kQ, with ldoampar&bie
View. R.-1 boml for 1arp
iruccudul f&m.117.
COMMERCIAL conaer 146~ x llSO ft. Near Har-
bor Blvd. Preeent lmpronmenta ahouJd carry
tll1 property developed. Beat buy on W. 19th St.
.. 1,000
• • • •
Bey I Beech Rlty. Inc.
1175 Barbor Boulian.rd
eo.ta Kaa. c.JJ..fomia •
Mildred Rlgp and Sylvia ThomJ>90n, .A-oclata
801 El. Balboa Bl~, Balboa Har. 2M8 or 4800
Ll 1-TTH z. ... LI 1-!lN • I
Attractive Cliff Haven OPPORTUNITY •
Two BOUMa on two Mparate Iota.
EuUlde ot town. Vay cloM tu
major ahopplq cmt.r. Now
nntld. Owner needa to ee1l.
Ou bou.te bu I bedrooms -•
Three ' room apts.. prap I& lton,ce room.
PatiOI -1ha.ke root. Beautifully landacaped.
by owner. To ... It 18 to buy It. Ez:cellet
Income, priced to .ell quJck. Reuonable term..
hardwood noon -pnp -a 7'MJ'9 old. The olbtr 1a & one
bedroom .boma. ml prtce &a
ODl1 U ,000.
NO. 2 -,OPPORTUNITY Clinton Eaatman ~ St. Andrewa ft0;&4 1 LI 8-6767
South of Hwy. Kodern tn dealp. SJldtnc rtua
NO. S -OPPOR'l'UNin " doora'iQ ~ted ~FA. h•t, beam eefltnp,
M-1 Acnep · f1lll ncl brick wall &ro\llld tJreplaoe. Arranpment
Thrw &UM of Jinel proP.rtJ.
Nfl'ft 80ned M·l. Owner mu.at .. a to mat atMr ot>UpUcN.
0pportunit1 price u only
Phil Sullivan &
Geo~ T. Everson
ot Uvtnc rm., diD1Df rm. and kitchen aff orda
m•mnum ''lndOOf!-oOUtdoor Llvinc''. Priced under
~.ooo. -~. dowu.
2 BEDROOM HOO -S14.9:5Q. -$4-0CiO. DOWN -
CompletelJ farniabtd -ocean side of Hwy. Ex·
cellmt CODdJUon. Dbl. p.ra ... Jlmced yard. ~
stone patio. A ''Real'' Buy.
IOI Martne A,._
Balboa 1llaDd
Phone Har. 602 -Bar. •623
'010 Rhw An .• Corner Uat.
DAILY 1 to 5
1 ,_,-old Duplex
I bdrm. up, I bdrm. dn . a flnp1---
J car~ run price Ut.000
Complet.Jy t\111liaMd
A1ao •OOI Rivv.•ve.
Plu A BU_p pum.Jtted
• )'Mr old DupJa
2 bdrm. up, 1 bdrm. dD.
Full Ftc. ua.ooo
Oompletel,y tumlahed
Lota S1NO to f.U.000
U02 leubort Drlv.,_1.a
• BDJ\11., 1~ bel.b., Ocean 'ficw.
Completely f\Jm. Full prlce
OWNER a.AH UU. I I I 0n1,
NOOO down on th• hat buy on
Lido tale b:lc1\ldtn5 br&Dd n.w
wall to wall carpetJ.nc.
HA. V1I A. HOJim built to 70ur
lpteUkaUona OD a '6 rt. lot
on LlcSo w.. with Juet no.ooo
down. UOO a oaont.b. ~ than
lWlL ItfWW be OUl' pa...ur. ~ &l'T'U6e It l« 1~
AJtadena Escrow T,HE VOGEL CO.
J.a.4 s..t 1IUl in.. co.tax.. 2867 JC.. c.t. Hwy., Coran.a del Mar BA. 11'1
HA m7 1 TO IO .&Cft&I N..-pai( &l\d
Huntiqt.on ~...., 1GOOO ~....... 1kJI ~-------------~------~---------to fl0,000 I*' acre.
LOTI • IW .... o.ta. x.... . SOME exca1 ENT -BUYS Seven Islands Realty Jlet•een 'DllC:Jn 6 llallta. AA&. ,.
1 bDt tlOla a ..... •c:DU•• a bdnm l *' ... i.-Corona V!:!:landa 128.500 & lnv•strnent Co. center. hftd ...,..~ 6....... ·• 7' ......._ ......,.. ____ .,.,.,
o...r. $20.000. wui ..u part I bdrma. clC* tn. CDK $18,600 IOl-l:z:Dd llewport lkh., C&Jft
or all. ,.,.... AJltW. 116 Vi& 2 bdnu. It den.. Newport Hta. · SlT,SOO Bu . ..., .n.1...-. B&r.*7 ::o:---Bar. Oltl ~ 8 unit.a Corona del Mar, EX.ai&NGE $80,000 r_ .._
a unit.a. C4roaa del Mar turn. $35.000 NEWPORT l~CH
-. ---i:-1RK.--HOMll.---~--n..-., S bdrma., low down WW carpet $11.000 l 6 I Wl"OOID ~ 6 1 atnii.
D.. W /W ~ tU\loUt. apt. DoU'hJe Pi*le OA two
0ra.,.. and curt&fDm, ...uaa G H LA...uROP Realt lot&. u~Terma. 1 ..-. bUnda lDclude4 Tu.cl beta • • • 'In t or fl'GID oaaa . lliU&JD-dlltdct.,
'*"'tt. I ea.r ..,.,._ Oonw 3835 E. Cout Hwy. "" Corona del Mar Cell owua Ra.r. •• a t\u I lol. l OOf B~ Ave..'-p. DL or u)'UIM Kcxn..• Tu-.,
lhnUactca a.ch. Uc.al Har. MU E'9 Bar. Meo Wed. ncao
Are You Looking For The Finest ,
this truly out.at.anding home
Words cannot paint the picture of th.ii dlst.1nc-
tive home built on 2 levela on the bluff overlook·
ing the ocean and bay. Hu larie livin1 room,
dining area. 2 bedrooma and bed...ttt1.n,1 room.
maid's room, 10larium and terraeea. Oellcbttully .
arranged to take advantage of breatbtalrin1
views from every room, of rocky coutltne, jlttJM
and broad beaches. All plua 8ep&J'&t.e peat
house with m•ptficent view. Pricecl below
replacement C09t.
W. E. FISHER & Associates
302' Cout Highway, Corona dd Mar. Har. ~
~ee Harbor 2'2G-W •
ML No. 7365-VERY UNUSUAL three bedroom
home iD Cost.a M.eaa. Only tWo yean old-Cork
Wa1!8 in Living Room and Dhµn.r R.oonl. L&rse
Back Porch -Part Fenced on eexllO Lot -•
Price Sl0,500.
Contact your Realtor!
Multiple lilting Servi~• .. .
Newport Harbor Board of ~oi:s
Open House Sunday 1.5 p.m.
26$2 Redl&oct. Drift
'"(nw ott M... Dr., jwlt wMt ., 'IWila A.ft.)
·Be sure a.oa 11ee th1a top qiaality Back Ba1.,.
home ~ 3 nice b'l!drooma, hardWOOd ftOan, lir.
place, copper ptumb~g, tllh>p ~ (parklike)
an fenced !'Ml' ya.rd I& priced to ..u for $12.tlO,
•% loan, moderate down payment A $71 per mo.
For p~~. C.U DOW •
Open House Sunday 1 .. 5 p.m. ·
327 Ramona Place, Costa Mese
• (off San1a Ana Ave.. ju.It No. of UU. It.)
1dea1 ~Y bome.1 yr. old. ' bedrma.. 1~ at.U.
coppw ~um~ ~ ~ 1GOO ... ft. An
eueptiODdJ ~ ~ at 112,llMl ao.r down
payment and SSS per mo. (ML No. Mal)
. ..
271 E.J.7th St.. co.ta llel& Lt ~2245 I
(Jut Eut of T1ui.ftr Drue>. . .
Roomy 2 bedrm. with hwd. Ooon • ~
BeauutuJ patio ancl lucl8caplq, Jarp eo ft. Jot
with some. view of the blue Padfic. Take owr
$8400 ·~ GI Loe. "111 prkW fll,~.
• R. L STRICKLER, Realtor . . . . , R. B. HODGE, A..odAt.e
3622 E. Cout Hwy .• Corona det Mar. 11ar. m'
• •
. .
A YEAR! wttb Ulla 1·anltt in Dalbo&. • tdlallM
and 8 doublee: l:xqWltte1y ~ ud
retumi.abed. (you've never llMJl anything Ute It)
near t-0 bey A bee.eh I& everything. ReUy tA> -p,
and many rnervatlom a1readJ made IO with It.
A gold mine for lbne blCkY buyer at $29,fSOO.
Low u $'1!500 down or will trade down.
WHY W ilr! TBlS IS IT!
4. -BAY FRONT; PIER A VLOA.T, with apt. to
rent, too. BeautitWly mod.embed with ~
door9-tull width of Uvini room, with prgeoua
view of the bay. <>pep Houee Sat. I: Sunday-
See thia at 1100 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa.
Only ~9.~ -Temui
Fisher & Company
2603 Npt. Bhd., Npt Beach. H&r. ~ EYe LI 8-3217
B/ B
Balboa Peninsula Exclusive
Just u..ied. Approx, 1700 IQ. ft. of rme con·
1truction. 20 x 20 livlns rm., 2 lge. bedn:na., :full
dining room . .KUST BE SEEN
to be app~ted.
$4, 750 Full Price
2 . .8. R. Den-1 % Bat.ha-Fireplace. Completely
Fumlahed -Ni~ Pa tio $21,760 -$6,000 Down
• .
2 s.drocal-1 ~ Batbl Beaut:tfW1y Decom.ed -
Ntce P&tJo ~ -Tuma -:5~ %
On Real' of Jt,.2 Bayview Lot Completely Furn.
'1(),000 -$2,000 Dn.
Summer ltentall -Yet.rly Rentai. .
Bayfront, Oce&nfront "In-between
BAY & BEACH REAL TY Inc., Realton
. . . . .
. . . . . . ...
1~ w. &lbot. Bl'fd., Balbo&. Barbar l2M
EftL Har. l.W
"(j' THOMAS 'ic'' 1'llOKAS "C'' THOMAS
caoicz LOCATION 80t1l'B 0 1' mdrwAY
..... .-. VIEW tool a..n, Db 3 bdrm. A
i'flllillh' roem. 2 b&thl, fireplace. bdwd. floor&.
bea1rtltUl J)Ulo, dJaJnru her-, d.rapM. Lee. lot
30a1&4 with' room to add lnw unit. EXTRA
QPOD VA.LUE at $28. 7!50.
M-1, 5 Acres
On BNtol nut tA> Penn Optical Co. The pfff ect
location for a plant or bulmeu.
p. a. palmer incorporated
ole hen1on co.' menagement ms vta Udo, ha.rbor 1600
Small Udo Home
We llUg'e9t th.la cme u ettlier a wmP'*' home,
or lt J'da prefer, u a ...U camfCll'table year
aroUn4 Nlidence lt'1 lm&D, bat wtth a 1lttJe paint
, azad wall-paper, ft would be a fte1 clream hOWle.
"Priced at '21. 150. -, The Right One , /
U YoU h&~ been lookiD& <.a Udo for jUlt the
rilht bowie, and h&~'t hem able to and lt, call
111 abd we wlll be stad to lhow yoo how euy it la
tA> find the rlsht lot and baDd. Really, you will be
pleaantly alU'pli8ed. It mich~ be the amwer to
your irr&btem.
p., a. palm'r inc~rporated
ole han1on co. management
1700 w. cout hJchn.y -liberty ~73
8/ B ~ v Best Buys Corona del Mar OUR SPECIALS!
Balboa Realty Co.
RD'TAL .PBOPDTr. ' 1. ·r SHORECLIFFS. New modern 3 bedrm. and den bdrm&. J Mt.ba, anpiaoa, bull • --A _ .... Al..-.1 car pat.lo. ilO ~ to b&1 ft'hn· home, t-cn stove auu oven. ........ ~· •
~· 8leepe up t.o 10 pee>-pet.a and dnpea Included. Luse nicely land.leaped
'1 .. uuoo. XJ.D'l term.a. lot. Owner leavinr t.bia area, priced to sell at
J'SRR.ED. WW aa1l hi. •
Bayf ront Nee r -lido
New PriYat.e P\er and Float.
Sma!l p""1Ddal borne, n«at u
a pin. Plenty ot room to add
on lovely UDO ISLE:-
Luxuriou:.n!•t!,~t Home
I~ •lliatN
~ pier A 'bcl9t. &lip
(W'lll t&U cnaii. borne 1n trade)
Real Value -65' Corner
w~ tamil)' bom•
• bedl'OOIU, 1-. b&t.ba
~· rwnpua room 2 Patb
"1.500 -affllent terme
(Lot alooe ta forth S2UOO)
Owners' Plana Changed
Ne&r-ilew cu.tom borne a bedrooml. 2 b&tha no. ~ 6 drapea
• Lldo be.rpm -1suoo
Good Waterfro nt Buy
3 ~na. 2 i,, batha
P\er le float
Aalttnc $7tl,OOO
ALSO, high on the bluff
Overlooll:tna' harbor and e>«an
Lonly view home
2 bedloom.s, ea.ch wt t.b bal.b
Lars• den wtt.b ftnrplace
Flaptone patlo
Room tar pool
Beautttully land.leaped
Owner sno-nd to Colorado
Otten barplll at $39.~
KI LLIO N, real esta te
Lefty Murdock, Aaaociate
33H Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505
and expa ad. AdJolnin&' ~ ------------------
av&llabl• at 118.260.
Wllt bWJdlns. reeenUy ,.. 2. .1 A RARITY. Seldom can we offer a 3 bedrm dec:ora~ nJceJy tumlahed. " u 1.... ch I 1 ti R 2 Aclj&oe.nt to tne b&y. 111,000 home So. of ~606 .. way~ o ce oca on, • zone,
Tuma. garage ltreued for apt. above. Full price
CS) P&NlNBULA. DUPLEX and ,.. $18,5QO. $3500 dowu will handle. Owner will
a dandy. a bdrmt. up and 2 carry balance on reuonable terma, Should go
down. Att.racttvely tu.nllab· in A HURRY. Shown by appointment. ed. O!U'&SM a11d laundry. •
uuoo a.ncS t•~·· 3. r VALUE US 2 bedrm. home plua rueat room
'" NlCll I BEDROOM HOKI: ptua 1% bath&, hardwood Ooon, FA heat, clo.e to ~~ =~~~== ·aboppinf are.a and only 2% blocb to ocean and
peUo. 2 atnp ,.,...... All beach. A belt buy at $18,600.
t\arD.laMd • •. M IW'e t.o ..
lbs. ooe. Jl?AOO, t.rma. 4. V BEST L<Yf BUY, 1.oned R-3, 401118 and only l
(6) OCJa.AN moNT DUPLl!X block to ocean front on MarJuerite St. LAST
Oil Ule p.n!nmla • • • and AV AIL.ABLE LOT -Only $15, 750, '
only 150 tt. to bay nim· .
~ tool m .. ,. up t.o 1' 5 .1 BARGAIN JUST LISTED -Thia 2 bedroom
people. nr.pla.ce8. Jarse • y l n~~.... f·-1 .... d"-1 n f r
We bave the Key, HUIU\Y
WeU COl\lll'UCt.ed. well p~ lt
~ IOYely • bedroom hOme.
Tbe llvtnf coom tooka onto
bea1,1tuully planted laf'I'• patio
wtt.b bull~ BBQ. Lot equ&I to
eo· tront.aae. Lout.eel at Uw
tar end ot Udo I.Ile. Aak1nc
u you don't. buy tt. ll will b&ve
been nice to ... t.bia OµJl!R
lal&ad. It bu • Mdroome, 1700
... tt. Oood nn&ndnf. Aakl.q
2 Bea1tWul 1oU on Udo, ~ u
Duplex. both unita nicely furntahed on corner
lot 12 bloc.D west of Newport Pier. Fine location
wW 1bow approximately SIOOO yearly grou.
Full price ·only $23,500 with term.a.
Two bedroom home at 3701 Seu.bore Drive, richt
on the beach. Completely fun.lilhed, corner lot,
many ertru iftcluding non·t.lare German cry11W
glau in front window1. Two paved patioe.
Full price only $23.~ with tenna .
OPEN DAILY 12 Noon to t) p. m.
IJTecul&r. l&.rp, Uk.Inc 121·000 J ~ J ~ JILLER co wfUI. p1&DL 'Ibe otber one 11 • IV1 • IV1 •
wa0ec1 l*llo. A rt&l vatu. ho.me, a.rge ... -. room, i. ... .,...-. wa. oor u •
al J22.IOO. Dace. (thermo controlled) plua large double car-
(1) A.NOTUB OOOD INCOM:m. age ltft.ued for apt. above. Better act fut on
s bedrocai bome and 1 bed-thia one! ONLY $14,7~ EXCLU~ WITH US.
neu Nord '6' trolltq'e, ~ 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. (Near the Newport Pier Har. 4091
$1'-US.. BURRY.
roam &putmmt a.er 2 ear
pnp. ~ Near
ba1 and Gal&D. Rant. ...u
lummel' .. Wint.er. ua.ooo\
Bay & Beach Realty Inc
3112 Latay.t:te, Har. U.S.
2"' !Ma.
•Just lo UM ns1rt ot Lldo BodlW' (T) BllLillVm IT OR NOT. , •
Ptn1DIN1& ~ tront. home
wttll • btdlOOIU. 2 bath.I. 3"7 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. •7 BILL'S ·BEST-SUYS print.a beach &114 pier npt.e
a.n fOC' f'0,000 wtt.b ema1l (Office located.next door to Newport Harbor Bank, Cd..M) HERE'S A GOOD ONE -
down p&Tment. Oldel' prop-Below replacement Colll. ~ 1q •
erty, bUt WHAT A VJ.LUil. ---------------:------"·a 8dnNt. nrepJ&o.. aparaw
DOWN • ' •rvice pol'C11. &Dd a patio ~ (•> 160000 • • • bu,.. LUCKY NU~ jBER ~ j B . . .. ~ ........ __ either ol I io..17 Pen!n.W,a Your IV1 may e t.bat'• w.r~c.t. ......._..,. eut-
Polnt ham-. bot.b MW. 0oe Oie loeatkle -.Jug •U.600
w1t.b J ~ a.ad .., b 1142 wil.b .,.,..Dent t.m&.
a t ~500. the otJwt wtt.b I LI erty 8-WE HAVE IT -
bedroome and 2 ~ at Tb&t a Bdrm. 1 \ b&Ul bome wttl'l
Complet. furn. 2 bdrm rustic type home. Shake
roof, ma.am railed barth fi.repl&ce, and .Up
u.vin& kitchen. 3 bUtl to tldtool and ahoppmr cen-
ter. A real barpin at $2000 down..
Buy what you want at a price you can afford. 3
barm, FA heat, HW floora, dbl~. oomplet.
fenced, cheery atmoepbere, tow down. $13,125.
ua.500• We have the9e choice propeft.!ea and many more. ~'!·.~~.~-~ 1700 Newport Blvd., Costa Mea
....,...... ·---• ........ ••·1 Eve.a. Harber 1!539-M
Balboa Realty Co. 1 acre -E. llkle c. M. $8,000 - R ... -take 1.2 unitl. = =::.;:.,~': ~ ------------------
1\om~t,. J:d w. 1 B. R. hou.e -VERY nice-$650(). C.M. ::~ ~t'!'::rthott= : FIRST TIME OFf_ERED
700 ll.J~: Balboa • B. R. howte 1 % bet.ha -low down. C.K. act now. NEWPORT HEIGB1'S
Pbone sanor nn BEAUTIFUL RANCH HOUSE -2 B.R. I: Den dos-W. A TOBIAS Custom built nwtic 2 bedrm. home. Old brick
WA Tl:Rl'RONT PIER A N D em of fe.atu.rea.
FLOAT, N.wpol't lal&nd fad.ns
Balboa ea.-. a wrma. tum. 3 B.R. Home -Flaptooe plantera -fenced yard -
~O rgo. :-: /t78~ beauttful yard -patio -blind.a -m&ny other
'6000 <Sown. "111 price m ,eoo. extra featurea -$13.000.
rtTR.N. B&Ac;;--COTTAam, ~ 3 B.R. & Rwnpua roo~ near new achool. Ideal family
block to OCMn or M.y. '2000 homi •
down, P9Clf tull prtc..
--3 B.R. Cliff Haven -$15,000.
G4UWt.e -new and wondcrtut 2 B.R. w /1arse lot -2 car prare -view -perfect
~.,.6.J»ednn&. 1 be.Ula. for rilbt party. • 3 car p...,.. Uk• n.w. Only
l lT,600 down. f\&11 pr. MT.&OO. 3 B.R. 1 yr. old -1 ~6 bath.I -belt neishborbood -
a ruRNJaJmt> UNITS, heart ot $19,600. Submit down .
Balboa. .. ~ beach and
rental area. R-.J barsaJ.n at .,., ,IOO. Low down or lrllde
.,.wi,,. out. o1 at.aw OWMr. MAX W. POPE, Realtor
It AMOCiatem' •
"you'll UM our tl1.nd.ly arvtc."
•OO J;.. lTt.b St.., Oo.ta Me•
Lll:lerty 1-llst
RANCH HOMES a Br. 6 do 90a180 tt. IOt. MW·
era tn and paid tor. oe.ded
land. OnJ,y • t.o cbooee trom .
lmmedla.te occupancy. CJoee to
8Cboob and muket.a. lhak•
root, ba.rdwOQd Ora.. concrete
dri"NW&y, butll·ln n..n,.. and
o .. n, di.poe&I. r. A. MaL
IU.9DO--S2000 d.n •
Open '1 d&Y9 a .......
On OallrtUo bet•. 1'aat1n • lt·
vine. 1 -lk No. of 17th St .
Ole B anton Co .
Pb. Ll •SMS
flreplace. )Jwd. flra., bar kitchen. ahake root.
Lure patio and ~utiful wood fenced yard.
lMulated and. weatherst~pped. 1 h yean old,
neat u a pin. Owner moving from area and hu
home pclced right ONLY $~.000.
Lovely 2 bedroom.a plus. Lare'• Uvtn1 room with
fireplace, 1 % bath.I, nicely furniahed. Two car
prqe. 30 ft. lot located iJl belt beach area.
A true value $25,750. •
Net income 10$<-plus e tenanta au on leue. Best location. A-1 con-
atruction. itre.ed for 2nd story. Eutern owner
d-.irea quick u.le. $116,000, Euy terma .
....._ ___ .......,......._ ____________ Art C. Kistler Co. 1908 Harbor Bl..t · LI S.1H 2 Co.ta Ma& GOOD NEWS ~
561 Diane Lane
LOVELY' bidrma., 2~ batha. wall tA> wall
~. em1a.bla an4 drai-, diahwuber,
tiWJt..tD ~ pa ru.p &ad o~ wired fOJ'
230 v, ridWood lftl*'t"b r-. iup i-tlo.
1Ud9c•Pecl bJ Boltlllts. 'Dlla hcmaa bu.·~,,
·: • Ol liail.il a4 _, be pmdaU.t for telOC> cSo.m. .... J!~ FOR TBIS ONE! .
:. · 280i Newport BML, Newport Beach Bar. •Tll
.. .
no 1 N~ Bl•d.. • Tboel wbo cbeclltd ou m.y MOOI> "AT THE ARCHES"
ccor. 2t a Nwpt. BlYd.> 1 bed.rm.~ c.bec.ll ap1n. 3320 W Cout 8 LI 8-1771 ear._mt f"'7 • Dll'\L H e2t GARDEN OF PARADISE 1 baft pad SMWa tor 1ou. • wy. • I bedrm. lllJQDpJaw ll-2 80De ------------------, _ _.
Waterfluit -Pier Is Float Refreahlncly co.,, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, nes.. (N.wport Bta.> a... lbeeh apt.
J b.r.. • l.latb Prteecl riPt -i "°°"*1411. Lot trill ta.Ice '"' 1>up1a. w ..,000 t1ed among ezotic tro1tca1 plant.Ing. Locat-4 ~ watt. ~ m.ooo.
DupJa. t b.1'. -fludlo UT,800 in pictw.que OW Riven. Thill bome often MOOO dll. A SoOd dM1 ' ,
• b.r .. 1 b&t.b • seo.ooo fine comtructfon,. alone with large livtnr room • bad.rm. ll\ b&tU. ~s mrl$.
• w .. --. a,.. rooma ~.ooo and fireplace, d.iniq room , kitchen with .ervtce SllOO. iuoo doWn.
, BAYSHORES bar and tarp 2 car pnae. The price la ftl'Y L. HAMMOND LI &..M83
• u .. diln. ..... o6 ....,.._,11» l"al0nab'8 for th1a location. w &. l'TtJa et.. Ootst.& x ..
I b.r., I -U.. ._ JIY, r-. PU00
1'RADll _ a\6...cN KoercrtLa OPEN MOST AFTERNOONS .
footllill aitat.. '-uWUl 1'omt, See thia at .01 Kinp Place tw waterfroat.
Claire Ven Hom DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor
ft.E.t.l..TOI\ mi W. Oout Bwy LI Mm 2902 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. •71&
Large View Lot
NEwPoft.T BTe.. not a 1 ......
b01d. red\lc.d to ~ for
cauld c:u1a aa.1.e.
DAN A. JACOBU!N. fteal &at.al•
Hu. Mil, U t -GJT, Kl J.2111
3 bedrooma, combi.aation bn:Utut. and diDJnc
area., large 2 car~· Pro~ fenieed &Dd"
lancbcaped. ~re is only one ~t ta.tel 5000
limolians down. othenriM il '• a STEAL!
~th le l~ LI 8-2664. EVES Ft'ed Barker L1 8-8621
Stan Le Li4Vn Ll a.7056
. ..