HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-23 - Newport Harbor News Press•
<me man wu 1till tn Hoac Newporl Buch quickly p.thered
BCMSpttal t.oda7 after auffetlnl and private boat.I aped ~ the
nra ud 4ll9COnd d~ burn.t tn ec91le.
Wiien the tarset ta kpl" ~ bow lltUt wat•r wu lJI
• ~r et ltt tl It. and Mon!Vfta A.Vf'. Friday attnftoon.
~· U.. wat# sw• 4Mwn. U. l&rpl h•CS. Cor Ole lop. You
c.-... obvtou• water ahortal•· -&la:f t Photo
I ..
caft. ~ ~ hu
taken onr Cbllf UpMm'I
duU.. m.-nwhlle. •
~it¥ Heads·
with Water
A special nm-through from the a-Relervoir o!
Metropolitan Water Diatrict Friday brouiht a larp
quantity Of wate~ to Newport Beach in a temporary
meuure to •tave off a threateuini water criail bl thlft
TM acUon eame on h~ of llhut down. "but poU\~ out U..
repOrt.. t..be KWD racrvotn at en.I• will buUd up &pin durln&
Corona del Kar had 1-than the week. "None ot the three aoo.ooo pUom let\ iA U:iem and ruervotra 1a tu11 at t.be ,,....t
no more .,.ter WM eom1D1 1n. tlm.," be added. ''alt.boca&'b UMr ·
City M&nqer Robert 8helton are not enUrdy .npty."
lald the weeJuonct brouJht 1101M In anucti-Uon ot a poatbt,,
relief u tndWllria.I plant.a wue mierpncy, the dty COU.Dd1 to-
-----------DlJhl wW dr&tt &a UMl"SCDC)'
Grand Jury . .
AYs Moreno
ordinance to it" llMJtoa pown• .
to l9t up a ntloll.lna •)'llt.f'm.
If n~. tor the -.iance ef
tb• water~
Bbelton .aid M le a1*> t.ryt~
to Mt up a ..,.oa! meattJas tar
tomGITOW ntpt ot. au lltx Kt9q·
ber uera ot Uae o.lt.&l w a.ter
DW.rtct., ~ Lacuna BM~ to Resign , :on:=. :w. .. • • .,...... •• tu
Arlie. 8.Warta. of. ~ N.wporl
A ~· (OCNlt -AD S~ta 'lri1pU. J*trlCt. In IOl•IMI~· eou~ on•u 'lur101itAt#11--. w1a1c1a ,.t.. .,..
crtmJDaJ -to ?? a • •• ._ll aaked t.o ni(p hem Ju'7
dUty, rempcmatble au tciW Cl ·LI.• A.;. ~ ~· mem~r 11 Frank lgulll Nie
v ortDO. l\IUe.rt.oD rdkNnt aad Here 1 .. 111 editor Of the Sp&nlah•l&Apace
-~:~d ·;~·=;~her .. qu.lJOO• ii Co1rl Slit
ed rqardlns the reque.t, aaJd
Ul•l no acalldaJ la mvolncl. &ANTA ANA. <OCNl)-Oam-
FETCHING · TRIO OF . HARBOR LOVELINESS ·~· ib~~.:i,: ~c=._mn:t: :r91nto=0:1~-==~=~
Two Colla Me.a -i..a. repnt1tnt1 ..... Santa An& and Coat& Mesa, vie with • New· tbt reque1t WH made only k· week ~y th• parenta and tta-C>Ultr ...--. ....... cau.M ot lacJt oC available Umt of a 21-yeer-old man •ho wall porter and other county beautiee for title of Queen of Oranp Co"'1>' Fair. Of\ the pert ot K.ottno. clubbed t.o death tn N..,,ort
i'rom Id\: Marlene Hickman, ~7 RJver.ide Drive, eo.ta Mesa, choeen by Moreno hlm.MH, aald that a Beac.h a year a,o toda1.
o--,ta A.-J··-'--""'·-be f Commerce u Mia Santa Ana· Jeannie ,J4cQueen, qutatlon ot Ume had procnted PlalnUffa In th• action were
.;>UL ~ U1UVC ~ r 0 ' him to COl18fdel' l"M&ptnr from Jo. Perrell and AUd"J Pel'1"tll,
229 Avocado !t., Cotta Ke:ta, MiM Co.ta Mea, spomored by the Mesa Chamber jury duty. Howewr . .,. aid. be p&nnta of the ~-Irvtns ot Commerce ud )(JM Newport Beach, Sandra Macintyre, 501 Signal Road, talked over the mattu with RJchard P~tt.. and O&lleo
__ ___. ... : M-rt Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce Judging la .et Jury Foreman J. R. "Jac:Jr" Sar-...,..tL They nam-s RA>Wt
• ..........,...,.. "I •-""I"' • lftll laet nl.Jhl and declct.d not Benbal L&VerM, a 8&D OabrWI
tomorrotr afternoon. -Staff Photo to wttMraw. MOftDO ltat.d u co.tract.or now .-rrtcr a jail
-------.....':...---------------------------~ had been lU for the put three ~ u ckfcod&llt.
lo 10 a.:.~~ weekll and wu too Ill to de.-ot• Laverne ,... coawt..d by a
I J• 1 -...a Ume to jury •uty. jury In 8uperiol' Oowt Deperl·
A CV artv~ by OJI'• N. Cowlty CocmMJ J~ Osle told ment J'tft bee-. ot. ......iau~IM
J'I t.cMr 41. of 222 Orud OCN8 be .... un&wan of Ule ID ~tt·1 cleatb.
e • "9qUfft and ~ not ltnow If It TtM compJalnt •U.S• La·
Oulal. ..,.. lnwlftd In • 4-c:ar '"re prop.r. lie aa1d fie would Veme UAlawf\.llJy dlMed and
pUeup Friday on Bl&'hway 3t and rtudy the matter. beat Penctt at.Gut the .b•d
Katella An .. rauJUnr tn Injury Authcmt.aU.. IOUrcee bad ltat· wtUl a one by four-tncb bo&rd.
, to one pereon. • 10-year~ld ed Mormo wu &&keel b)' letter Tba JOUnl' Loi An(eJa ltudent
a,. llDT ll&Dl'l'llAU. ulan and come •"'7 day. or ~Beech boy. Bllly Van Zant-to wtthd,.... from UJ• jury. Tbe .atttr'ed muJUpM tracbuW ot.
Swtmmen lll u.. llUrf ,,_.. ••l .VUJ few ~ 80lDe ot. tbam letter ... Oft the 9t&tionaly ot u.. uull and breta conbMl&ool.
ct Newport PW w • d I) • Id a y from MS la lM 4-rt. )b.ny o......a. d G p,..dtitr Ju4s• Kepetb Mor-accordlq to tai. CClmJlatni.
attunoon thooitlt Oltf aaw a Um• Gaey do not catch u1-wrDOCll' Ofte n.on. Judi'• Morrtllon'1 omce. L&Veme an.d 911.e famU, w~
lhartt tn th• ..a. and l'9port.ed tblnf, but dou nl't di.counice Allen Flllhtr. m Jtut Bal~ h~r. would nellbtt eonft"1l ~ at lOOI W. llaJlloa 8lvd.
It to the Hie ,_rd. Who could Ulem. 1be "plituaat }loellbUltl•. Blvd.. had hl1 outbo&rd mot.ot nor deny that a letl#r wu 11mt when the clim• occurncl
not tlnd It. but abOUl an bour lnvlJOftllnf -.tty &tr and Ute taken ~ hi• tio.l moored by to Moreno. LaVerne c:onlmded. lie caqhl
tater William Ma.rtUa cwpt a alwa79 -.UWW -.irctnl' ol l.be Clhrllllan'a Hut. he reported to Momw aald he hu recelv.d PtlrttU window ,,.epln1 whea eo lb . .unrray fJtf the end oC wrf .ion. U.. -"ont '""' u t· Newport Beach poUce J'rtday. no letter ... INt. I •a.\ten't opeMd be returned trom a mJdnl&'ht
Prints Result
i1 Arrest of
Theft Suspect
tbll pier. ldJ'CJ\I Sn t.Mmtlalva He valued It al 1200. ,a.11 my mail ~t." mrlm. , •
Thia 1A1 just 011oa oC Jbe in&llY ''Today 1911't a food day, bUt
thlnp that can b& a.peeled to toe.morrow will be bettv." ... m.
happen on Nft')Mlrt HarbOr'• t.o be the tlahaman'• ph.ll090pby.
popular pter where hunclNda of A.nd thin UMN are lhON who do
peo;>l• ptber .,.ry day t.o .tt 11ot care wbethw they catcb tuh
and n.h. or Juel t.o •It. aome or not. lib tlt• man w'bo worb
ldea of th• number ot. nn•nnen nll'ht.e and tn.ell.,_. "-can teel bl.a
can be p.lhft'ed trom • tM ca.ct Jtrk -tt It ...-doM -tn ""
1'\qwprl.nt.. rOUftd on a car that Wllliam Kartta -Cather aleep.
ebendooed ln an ~ l'V'• tn ot tbe bc>7 wbo C&Ultll tbe ray "The mooo II too brll'ht u.e,.
Le.moa. Htlpt.a toUowtnc a blJ11 --1la up to J0.000 aadiloTk• ll11bte. I'M oom1IW blcJl MKl
lpeed chue Ftldt.7 trom New-for Uv• bal\ on • s'OOd • daY· wHk." l.I uotbe_r ~ for tbe
port Beach, rHulted y..utday 'nlua lit~ fl8h are ClaUl1't b1 ftah not takt!:S bc?Jd.
la tb• •~•t or J&IMI L. Oalllo. eelnen Off Ban hdr' '"1'Y BIO ~UT &UN
36. by lhe Pua'*1a Police 0.-l\labl. It ie Pollt ...,.t ,_,.. mace
partmenl. Many of the flabennen are re· fiahilal bM ~ re&Uy bot out.
Otncen repoi led U.. car WU oe UI• pier. ID ltil, &COOl'd1nC t.o
allO rqlatered to O&lUo, wbo M CL. • to tbe ft.llNi men. UMre WM a snM
th«)' lt&te ii a known na.to0tlel eSGnCWI er nm ot. haDbut ad.._ fbl\ wen
..... bur1lary eu1pect uct •· I tall OfR1 ... n . ptted ... .. u.. .-'-~ cooYict. Ill n.ww • il"'°'11 lb.CD OD tMJ taecaa to
P.-.na pollt-e reported ... M .. ia,.,-ott. A 1J .. ID... waa
tektype Oalllo wu e&\ll'bl ln af A~ ~ caqbt W~Y and tllal wu ua.. ~ .of comm1UJa1 aootllliar r. • """"-_ __ ol .xc.pUonaL W..pry. Newport 8.-ch polJoe The ec.t:a .... \,;DaRIMr aoa. one on lbe pa.r I.I aJwa11t
lmmedl<ly placed a "hOld" on Oummttee will tutall tMtr new apoillnl' ~ tun b7 WUq ol U..
Oe.lUo with baU at at '600(). leM-67 ottlcen tn ~ JOOd old 4-19 wt.l the pr.,..
at 11 :45 L m. Aur. I In the 100 ft« ..__ and au kJndl ot.
11\Jdean R~ RtMaurant. -•-u&•IQI \61'9&..U-A ---ately IO pertlCID• .,. t'9h ,...,.. ple:lutul. The ,..,.
nAa n~tnliiA ..!'""t.ed°"; attted altboucfl 100 1N+.4ot""" ~ ftDe ftlll-
GparatUJ'91 tor tc .a.
eel ta the Newport Bas1lor .,..
Udt.U b&" beel\ prtnl9d. ft»-lq ,..,.. but llDCle UM twalraC'
enatlom att 11«••'>' aM) bu tapwed otf. Wily! 1ben ar•
tkket.e may be purcbaNd at tM Jut u l'DU1 ,_...,,... u flabw-. .,..
TuMday Julv li.. It
W~eeda> Julv 11 TO
'T'tn1red.ay. JUI\' 0 It _ 70
P'l1day. J'uh 2() • ..
Saturdav Juh 2l _ ti
Sunaav Juh 12 ·-Tl
)(°"di ) J \il) u --12
IAW cb&mbtt oMee It 100 II:. 1IUI rota • Ute J16.r.
If at.. Omta M-. Ab of OW tllll .---eft l.M
11 N .. ot.n.ra are I\. P'. fNe) "'9r U. eet ,_,.. ,_... Mft ,._ u ~ ~nt: C. J . Al Ured aad .,._....._ \.o tcm Ume,
to ti.rat ri(oe-....... t : PHI l)QNap. fOf' many elf tbem rup .. ,...
t ~d ~PftS!etent· Vtl'l'llDll I )"fara. WotMl'a may.topWOtTJ• u Pt'C'k, ~tarY. and Lloyd &us· tnr •llJOUl lhe4r 1J1N1D boY• Oft t)11
14 • ukl. tr.Aittr. t <Wt.._. • .... •>
llAN8 oor TO -When )'OQ work mpta thlll la the way to make
up your aleep and &bat the ame ttme. Dab Ke.qyon, -ru.tin. Iii sure he can
wake up il a fiab jerks hie ~. but Dfiltaborlnc tlahermen on Newport Pier a.re
not 110 sun. Ke:nyon aya the 1&rsal rah ever hooked on hi8 lice rot on when
M n.s at.ent at the rut.room and eomeooe e1w ton the ft.th t.ry1n& to land iL
Anyhow, be maka up for tho. lleepleu m,ht hours. -Stall Photo
,• ,
"God 9fent us the MJenity to ec:cept the things we Cannot che'M),: the.couit<)9 to-ch.nge the th;ng1 we C4".Mld
the wisdom lo know the d;lf-.ico." (A. Anon.)
It ·Is Not The 'They'
But 'You' Who Count
1'Dl7ll ol crillll a.re DO time,, for trienda and
neigbbon to begin blaming each other, or 11ome un·
known quantity, uaually referred to a1 "they." for
the predicament la.which th09e involved. find th~m-
9C!IVM. Fint, cooperate to overcome the crl&ia; nut.
begin an inteDJgent reeearcb to determine why the
criliia occurnd and bt>w thia particular crtaia can be
eradie&ted IO it will never occur is.pin.
In other word1, tint things tint.
Thi• ahould be the ruction of all the citizen• of
Newport Beach to the currtnt water 1bortare. Con-
...,, wattt -.. reque.ted by City Manager Robtrt
Shelton. Friday be .uked everyone to canfine Wate~
inf ot prdena and lawm to the at.olute minimum,
and to morning houn only until further notice. He
uked tha.t all car. boat and pier wuhing be diacon·
ttnued and hou.ebold uae.e kept to a minimum. Here
ja: why he uted thia:
• There ia a cily reservoir at }6th St. 11nd Mon-
roYia Ave., capable of boldinr three mjllion callon•
ot water. There are two r~rvoin on the bill back
of Corona del Mar which are capable or holding
800,ooo·canona each. The city hu 1ix well& on the
Sant& Ana River capable or producing three million
pllona per day.
But. Friday afternoon at the Corona del M.a.r
reeervoira, there wu leas than 300.000 galloru of
water 1n both of them, a.nd none coming in. When
t.bt MeU;opolitan Wat.er Oiltrict i1 not putting water
lnto the aystem, the city non:nally pwnp11 water from
the leth St. n1e:rvoir to Corona de.I Mar. Friday,
there wu not enoucb in the 18th St. retervoir to
And, no rmally, Newport Beach requir~ between
foW' a.nd five million 1allon1 of water per day.
When water rrows ..abort, a dirty ear or boat,
a yellowinr lawn or a wilted garden are not too im-
portant. Wat.er ror drinking, water for emerrency
purpo9t1, aucb u firu which muat be foucht by the
fire department to protect the community a• a whole,
are much more important.
· But remember tbia: It ia DiOt your nel&:bbor who
ia beta&' uked to conRrVe ws.ter; it ii you who ii
"bein& uked. People a.re too apt t.o decide: "Why
abou.14n't I UN all I want the way I want when that
fellow down the 1treet hu bi• 1prinklen going!.,
Do your abaft In thia emergency. Let public
officfa1. and pubUc opinion take care of your unheed·
ing nei&hbon. Wat.er la a crllla which coocern1 ua
all ; but It i• "you," not "they,'' who must do aome-
thln1 about Jt.
iDcreua lo the number of iradt achool pupU. and a
lM pu cent incntuo In hill> IChool enrollment In the
oat 1t ,....._ 'nlat Ja for the state. Local oclucatoro
-th• -~ will be hl&htr here. Some have q-.eltk>ned the need for th• a.ew MP
ochool In Coot& M-; but the counl;J ocbool superin-
tended bu llJunll that abow thue will be 1100 puplht
In ti.. fl'Mhm1a cJw of 1909 juat from puplla al·
ready ln the dJab1ct and, if the local population con·
tinuea to crOw, the two .cboola will be JllOl'e than run that yu.r.
Our Unsolved Traffic • Situation Is Serious
TNtt1e, .. pecJally In th• IWn!IW', ht &11 unoolved
prohlem In Newport Beath. The onl7 prov!Eon for
aolrinc It. Inotolled thJa luntmel', .... been lights 1t
the lnt.enection of• Via Udo and Newport Blvd.
So far theH li&htai are m.aldnc t.be tntflCi slower
lnll<ad of futer. '
-... I PAY/
The polJoe clopartment teU1 us they ant worltlna
on the t.im.lnr Of the Ucbu and bope to improve the
pre1e11t aituatlon, b-.t in thla bot weathw, wttb a ""tor abortap; tho p..O...t traffic jam at that lntu-
aecUoa could rtlUlt 1n a 1erioua tire, Ont that could
•1 Yom Coap111m1n J.ua.a a. L'TI'
ret out of bud. ,
l'or, with the at:reet fuU ot can, u It usually la.
the f1re dep&rtmerit would have to wait until the ll&ht.
would let the an move on. No amount ot llren blow·
ini would help, tor the e&r1 would ti.ave only one pl.ace
to 10 and that woukt be the direction m which they
were beaded.
A quiet eolution to thla 1ituaU011 ii imperative.
87 HENBY C. llaoAKTllUll
Attempta which have been made to panic our
Nat.Joo into apendinr a.dditional milllOlll for defen.ae,
particularly tor tbe Air Force, have been thwarted. and
the hysteria. which wu rener&ted bu bttn proved
sroundl ....
Air rore. O.nual N•tl'l•n F.
~ln.t t.JpOa. hia Ntam trom
ha r.ctal \l'lp \o th• Sovl1t
um.. ....,..Uc&lly d I c I • r. d
that "thart L9 no quatloQ" that
tht. couat.ry hu lb• better A.tr
hrc.. ltl'Mlll.ll( th• ~" ot
comp~ by acknow~PI
tha t ~ Ru•a.n. could 0"4'•ru.JI.•
the Ullit.d llalH by lMO U
OU. country I"" to 1l11p, h•.
nevN"lh.S.. left no doubt that
th• l:IMn.1'ow1r Admlnl1trat1on
hu no llltmllon of letUn1 thl1 1 -----------------------------~--~--~----l bappal. SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -Some people apparenUy CJ.neral 'l'Wlnlnr reported that
e&.n't wa.ke Up lo the (&et that California ii & (f'Owinl U\1 l'lU~ &rl It Jeut; three .., 711" behind th1 Unlt.ed 81..1.l ... 1ta.te, and that it. people would like aomethin& in the way ln a•ro4yu.mtca. n .. 1r Jl't naht
of pf'O&TIM from 90llle of it. alate official.. -. .,. probably no mor• than
Th• ll&l41 PUk Commt.lon Such • •lni.ctul'I, It wu con· tn..n-lc; UtU. more than •bl•
•ppannUy com• wttMn thi• tended, would mar the 'IJOrfeo\a to break lti. 90\Uld burier u
uterory 1n It. cooaa.nt en.4-a.or 9\UlMta and detract from UI• comp&red to th• •uptr80nlc J•U
to .. en.nee facility, C0«11¥9lli9ICI l&M'pOllM approac.11. Lo lu. rru.. ot our Air FOrt4 which can top
•n4 uas• ot P\0?9rt>' that -.. ciKo. 1,000 m.p.b..
lon11 to lb• people ot Ute •ta le Tb.-brklf., • n.:eulty and a Modtm lrick1 of "coke-botlle"
ror lta ao-c.alled "natw-al bauty" conftaler\Ci• ww erteted uybow 1.,....-rul• tuMl•J• d•llfll. which
preMrva Uoo. whlcil i., from all ud lod.,-at.and.ti .. a m<lftwnenl ~ U.8. nl'hten to •lip eu.I·
lJ!ldtcaUoaa, mor• Important to to th• natural ti.autr ot San 17 throul'h. Ula llOftlc burier,
lb• memben ot lb• commlMton rranc~o. And a r•n•r•llon ha• H«n to have ucapad "llu•lan
Ulu a n turn to th• peopl• on rrowa up which n'f'r kn-d•lpen .. h.u the .C.ral('ht
lba lnvMtm.nt th•y )!av• sn&.d• lh•r• wu no Qokl.n GatA llnlt• • 91\arp wtlll' that h•IJlo' fcwcu ara tar superior.
ln bea.chu and pUlu. Brld&'#. Lockhaad'• F·l<M to tpeeda ap--Jl:l:PT PAOMJIJE
Thi lalMt aftort ot tha It.ate Tb.LI W)clol.lbledly would be tht proachlnJ 1400 m.p.h. C<1cner1I Thi Republie&n Admlnlatr&·
Editorial Circuit Rider . '•
High School in Costa·
Mesa Is Definite Need
Puk Commi .. lon In lhl• rupect c•.. 1.t r.m1rtld Bay It th• T'WUllnJ aa.w Uwi naw.t Sovl•t lion hu 91.lccumtulty carried oul
19 th& l.doptlon of 1. rteolutlon pl1.n1 tor a low 11V1l road 1.r1 MJCJ..21 J•t fl1"ht<1cr which fl l<tcl on1 of th& mo.t lmporta.nt of
oppo.lna tha coni trucUon of 1. Carried out, 1.nd a brldl'• •reeled Oft UllCll, bulky wlnl'• which n · 1.ll Ula pro1111l1H Mr. Jr.l.fenhowtr
road 1.croe. th-..lnl•t of ~arald ac,.,,.. the lnlal. Such 1. road qulr• t.:lnma -.apback to par· ml.de to th1 :.A.mer\cap. paoplt
·Bay, 1.t L&k• Tl.boa, on th• would tM lmmeaaurablt In v.iu1 nilt tranJIOl:llc n11ht. Jn thl• con-In h.11 195:1 •lecUon c&lllp&.lp ~undl W t 11Uch coru:truct1on for Ult corivanitnca ot tour1&ti. nsur.Uon. lh1 wln11, r1.Ul1r and ha• balanced th1 budret. .W.ASlUN.GTON _ A. 'J.d.lns advoeatl of IOUnd :·
Why ao many new &ebool buildinp ! Thie 11 a would mar the "natural beauty" It would 1llmtn1.t• th• 1on1 ha.ul t.ta.a at.end.in( •lr•IJhl out from Fina.I ftaurea on Fllcal lt&e rove~en' ~ poliey _ Seaator Harrj P. -'BJ"rd ·'. ti d ot thL• llfn of th• lllarn.. 1.rvund tha bay, frequently wtth th& ruMI•••· ar1 111.ni..d 1taeply wlll be relealol'd aoon I.lid 1.r• 'l .. qull OD many taxpayen emand U they mc.ratch h•vy tra.Uare on 1. n.-.rTOW a.nd back toward th• tan In a v -an.pe upectld to 11how 1. 1urplU.1 Jn (D·Va.) ~ aya the h.Uon. may .Up back· int.t> aetkit •
their head9 over tax billl and wonder where the The quuuon art.IN btra u dan T!'l.ta arr&r1pmtt1t 111 notortou1ly the nelfhborhood of 2 btUIOll tlna.ncln•, alt.er a 00.,yea.r au-.Jus, in the new ts.cal • l.o wh1Uler th• "-tun.I beauty" Jtroui road. which avtn now w..111 In th lpeld t doU1.r1. Jt i. th• flret Uma th• e ~ r money iii cominr from. of th• Bay i. mora Important In the mlddl1 of th1 tout'l.t ..... • ran,... 0 yoar. llOn 11 cloMd bee ( land -.iperaonlo fll('ht. budJ<tct hu bffn bala.nced •lnee Perhape the a.Dl'fV'er can be found 1n IOme of the Uia.n 1. ta.ctllty IM'. the conven· up 1.u.e 0 • ••1t1tr:s FJELD 1101 ••d ooly the fou-" Um• Thia 11 tru1, he aay•, blc&UM billion In uneltJM'ftChd b&llncaL I flh d 1llde1.. -• -· ,.,, ltat.iltica du& up In a recent 1urvey of Calitornia'1 '"°' 0 • hun fade of thou· EASY Aoc~·o At th• Xubtnka. f l1ht•r bl.sa in u11 ll..ll quarter of 1. c.ntury. at a "apendinl' spr<1c1"' by lb.a A.e Con,,._.. n.Ml'&d adjOUm· .antb of paopl1 who want to ~ menl It waa Ukel7 that naarl.T popul&Uon. Thia 9!low1 there bu been a tourtold in· UM th• ara tor racrutk>nal Buch a road would &180 pl'O'*Sde !------------------------preMnt Conpeu. A .)Oizlt Whit• 12 bUllon at oppropt1at.loa.a ...wW.
Cl'MM: in. blrth.l in the If.ate 1lnce 1930. Since that ti~ pu.rpoaM. "'Y a.cc: ... to Ula .Emerald Bay Hou .. ·eon,,.... econom1 mo•• be wtld d.aplta lack or )Udpt
the proportion ot women of child bearln.1 age In the It.Un ox BEAUTY .,_, mOlt ot which hu 1-n sacrament 0 side Ii g ht Plfflt. b• MY' ... 'rita.1 ..ac-req\ldta. -•·to •·· fro ., 7 d th AlrMdy, lh1 Stat• Park Com· a.c~ulrad by U11 1tat1 theor•tl· NS!ty. . Tba V\r(1DJa a.atGr WAD
-~ (OM up m '"to t per cent an e rate m.IMk>ll hu h&rpad ao much on ca Y at l1ut tor th• pl1Ut.1r• Tb• ror«ut ot 1. poeEbl• dd-~U•• acUon coWd Dl&kti tor
of blrthl from 100 per thouund to 138. lha "natural bel.ut)'" ot o. L. and recrauon of lM peopL.. 1 ----------~-------------·!iett 1n UM n.u.i y~ Ul41D&' aeonom7. H1_~¥0n ••as•• .. ,..
Since 1930, too, there hu been an lmmenee in-b1lu 8tata Park, Which 11 to But °' CO\n"M, tf Ule •tale SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -A rood many 1late em· June IO, 1157. came alter hn&· proprtaUon bW -inltMd ol • '
th• north of l:mtl"llld Bay, U11.t t1.ll1 to bulld the low·le••I road, • tor Byrd h&d lad • IUCCeNfV.I ~ u •t ,,_t _ \0 n.p flux into Ca.Utornia from othe'r eta.tell, moeUy of ut:ar.ily hundr'Mm or paopla ha.vi Lt will bl much l'l•Nler ta a•t ployeea are in 10mething of a dither over the all-out effort tO ba.va Conarau cut th• UH! necal ptcture _,.....,..., ~
youn• -pie of child beartnr a-, or brin'" .. I younr t.n t l!d r th p 1c to thl9 cholc:• picnic: and ump-cam~ of the Cl.li!omil. State Employees A..uociation ~. dlbt llmlt aut.horit1 by tore eon..,_ and U.. pulllliO. -. r ;-e a~ ..... • urn away rom 1 ar lnl' &rJ&, whtch. lt th• aam• ••---OU. --"'-Ui fa.oilllea wit.b them. Durinc the W&r thouaanda of mu, &ad d•nlecl lM prtvt1e11 of policy 11 tollowld 1.1 In th• caa. to r&lae thouund1 of dOuac• to defeat a CODatitutional la tMUion. H• I• hopeful that 1141 -With an -·.
campln1 Ol'I 1ta t1 property ti. bl b ··• th I ( th thi. •ctlon by Conir... may a COMUtullofta.I ........... ,.... wen broucht to CallfonUa. from other •tat.el tor mill· C&UM th• Pa.rk Oolnnliaat~ ~ D.Ju.tL. !~~t ~:',".~:-;_tc. pm,•,.Y amendment w c wu propo.cY to e peop e O e mak• tor economJ, 111 Ulat • ll.WUJll' ddkilt ftc:'P cllq .. • o.t
t&ry tn..ID.ina, to work ln abJpyardt, or ju1t to be ship-doam't han 1noup caznp 1\tu Comm'···-,·-_0':'.. ....... tlal• by lh• le(lalatur11, m.m,.· Thi •,tat,•m•nt tath•n ION on "~dlna .,rw" •-t wint• wma1. P••f!ll t-. • t 1• • " to take ~ (If lb& pub.tic, IJl.d 1 ._.., -.. .., Mn of whlcb ar-e repraMn ' to 1.dd ha "I.hi w• &ra irtricl. woul4 ntctMllata I. ralM la the AM -laOlt ........ t W d ped out to the South Pacific. to .Uow camplnl' st Pia.ct• othv n' lha opinion of man,7 paopla. ti.,.. o1 th• paopl<tc. bl.It 1ubject to tnterp,..tauon." limit. _ ._.... •Yf'f .... CltM _..
Many of the.e men.were from the Jliddlewe.t or ~ camp •t• would ma.r tha lha publlc hu ti.en be.rnd kln.1 R..-for lh• dither l• lh• Ja.m<1c1 H. Phillipa, counMI for o.nru •p&l.t r. Ui. ,,..t 11.-0,... .....,,. .,.ocit• ,.
the Northea.lt and they came from blluard country "n.stural beauty''. 1nou('h from \alnJ !ta own pro-qu•tlon of whether or not the the C81CA, In ht. tntarpretaUon. naeat .ttuaUOa ....... bJ' i.ep. U.. -,ulllll wUl '""9lt •· )( pert)'. &nd lh1 llm1 la 1ont pu t itale employKI I.Tl 11'1 a con· polnt11 out that I.JI• 1!'0¥11'Nftl!nt to ....... , __ ...... .:., .-.,. apaa•na lllMl , ..... to baak in auch eunahine u they bad never dreamed 0,.. than tw•nt7 Y•a.n 1.ro, for th• lltat1 Pa.rk Oonuniaalon tplncr to ret arour\"d 8.ctlon CGd<tc 11.cUon "1tp1e:lftcauy problb· • r -1·---· t.u r«ateUc& ,•
of findlns tn the 'frint..r. They made no queatioa. ot it lh•ra ... l'?'Mt •upb!J, wa.U-ta adopt 1. n-a tlltud• wlllch 19730 ot th• '°"mment cod<tc. tu any •late employH rrom I r.tllft1 ...,...tltut. bl..,. n. POUl'KLU-&Xl'DWiCJW
lnc and puhlnr ol t.lt.h when would permit mQlmum uaa.p or which iplClflH tut 1tate em-IOllclUng 1.11y contr:ibullon for en too ,.JUIJ• ~ ~ y~ la ~ .,,_ that t.ht)' WQuld be bacJt here to live When the W&r WU It WU propoMd lo arec:t Ula th• tterullon&J a.reu of tha tloy-.hall na.l,Uitr bl dlrecUy any pol!tk:al purpo11: whatf'ver bl.Kl,.C. .ubmltlld a JIU' -.P Uta ......... ot ........... ....
Oftl'; llOW tbey aft her. ID drovea, Golden Oat. 8ndf'I l.CIW U..1 1tat1 lt hill -.:> aYld.ly purchMlod n0r 1.ncUrecUy ln'IO!Yed, or In any from a.ny other 1late 1mployM lut JUQiU')' c.lled for ~ .. tor'ft ........... ..u.ortl7 te
8tati.atlcl &180 abow there will be a 62 per cent antn.nce to llan Frudaco Bay. w1th lh• paopl1'1 mon•y. sna.nn•r cooeemad •.bout 1allclt· or a.ny perwn on u empklyment tu,_ ot MJ.f. MIU. ta U.. n.-•pMd 90MJ ia ,.a.u.a _.. .------------------------1·----:----:----------.:.. _____ In.I' or r-lrlnl' eontrtbuUon1, llm t."' cal,...,. Jt.19l tlA4M .. 1uae SO.. ,..i..,.. ftW a....._ llli'1 a_... •..;
h k ...otuntar)' or lnwlunl.l.ry "for llll)" Phllllpa, •• coun-..1 for CS»A Jl"l.al.I •~im. wUI Pow -"7 eoaW -, l\qCI w,..
t h h p0UUC&I purpoll whale..,.." ot courll!, •Y• '"ther1 11 &pP•r. tu...! •P*ftdllura.. around Ml WI· WlilW Judd (~ao.,.), Ila ... ·-;.
• a t t TM eonautuUona.I amandmant 111Uy nolhlnJ' In Iha 11.w which Um. ait--.polt. d&.ll.rtet.
II t n t r 0 u 'J Ui propomuon No. 'JO on th• prohibit.I <tcmplby@et trom vol-VOT&DI "'"' Jlf'IZD~ Ha &111:.S ... ~s§~'"~ .AllllOD Nov.mbar t ballot. which would, unlarlly nukinl contrfbutlona to 00qr.-bu j\dl wot.cl m_. ~ Ul&J' ,.....,.. :-;:::: PRessl•---::-:--a-1_m __ w_AB __ o_F __ RllTl'O ___ N _______ If -6opted, m•rely provide that th• campalfll aptn•t Propoet· •Y mu.. m1Uf.M'7,,wtlkh u.. ._,_.... u.. ... llilb ..... _ • th• 1tat1 can contract work out Uon 10." admlnl.t.raUoft -ll-.dad Q _. • Uldon poiltl..i 1 :s' a '' tr
to prtntl a.rchl.tacU 1.nd lf!nf ln· SO COt'llT OEC'llJ1'0N ot 1h world'a DNe& ~ tHl .,... appl7 te ..,_r· g
People IU'I Um1d about devotinr IOme of their time "" ,,,hlc.h th1 1tat1 dlvlalon of How1v1r. Lh"'Y hav1 bttn no .a~len --W 1t did DOt •Md. ,,._ teca1 ~ ..W ...,..
and tntr&Y to protect our Free ~rile Syat.em. Money 1.rdlitM:tur1 and other 11•1• dt· Oalltornla C()urt d • c I 1 Inn • 111 PU1'4I .,. wa. Ut.creued for Tl ,.. omt; .._ .. I ,. .-i d , penment. CIUl't oompllta Oil whldl th• key lf'Mn '"pol!Ueal n'IM7 ._ .. ua pnsruM. lndut• Mt oplaAom,. u ,_ ..._
Ota. t can who bu tt; It'• what you do with tt. eehactulr. pwl'pO&U-iat bttn detlntd, tM laJ·lfUY t.a atata ,_ e&M-A~ ........ -.... ... •
4 DI l **&.-Ii lmHl 11 1 M O.W..., ,.,. An auto plat.a ldentltioa the ownu. Many want a aAJa& aoon.MA..-..i m1.ps1n1 ion on to .. y, 1.nd pit, •-public wor1u praJecU ,. o.t Ill IN Jlm ,...,.
... .. .. I 11 1 =· ... u. a&... 2 .... Mawpert .... iow numbtr; lt adftl"tllei political pull. They Uke that. T'fli* •t•tf atnpk>yM& ... oc.I•· •Ind• up "''Ith t hl1 @nll1htentn• \'Olff ~ 7eal will ...... t.u&U7 ...... ~ f'Mtt ....
QIMS Illa .... Utit.Att flf ..._ 1, JITI. TIM ne.... U.., ..,._ U.. ._.. 00 -.. --u ••--·-or lion i.u ralMd U11 b0,ey·m1.n 1tatf'mtt1t : eaat tu.ptiJtn 11.1 WIUOL tt le orM ~---,~
1 --·~ ,,.. ...... ., of ".,olla .,..atam return" In an "How•...er. ~ p,,_nt conttn· dJttkvK. ta oM.aJa toOnWJ • n ,_. .-t • ., t :::=•:·::: • 21 $ 'l[flWI .....,, W1• , 7 ... ~ '7 ... UMld U..,. ar.. TMy want tlMi Cartl'laa'• ! 1tfort ta d&t .. t \.lie ameodm@nt. tut t. that It fp011Uca1 P""'J>OM'•l IOlll' .. c..rw alJolln Oe w -.....,.. • ,.. ._t f# a-' z2 MM~ "'•• PURWO oo.P.&Jn' • M:otillta ol FrHdoM ot btu-T'MN wa. a C.rthll9 Whlk •ftd -t lat.tani to lta membera ltteludea blllol propoaltlot11 u ecoU.. ~ to Mff llf.I ..e ladsp ' t• M ,_ -. -• ..... ...._ nWIUm M'GL O&&.D' • ..._ ...._ 1.111 "*· but lt.ck U.. eounp '° ' ,,,-,.1 donation&. wtll u c1.111p•l1N1 for otnc.-.."J ___ _: _________________ ... ..,,. _.. ~ • ....... t for IL UN .oldie,. tou1ht th• war1. th1 •--.... , Utt• 'la wti•l ·-nia S&cl"llmen· Thu•. th" C1Ufon11a -'!tat• Z'm·
• -•,. -r.-.i a.-_....,... g ti~..___ WMt'• la a Mmlf Ko•i.1 .... ! pt0ple .,,,nt on Uvtq: behind 1 t•-ht b ta ,. -• ---.._ ... , -"· tan." a publlc•Uon of Chapltr ployf'H A-c • ..,.., w c M Cabe w 'tes ~~·:·~· :·:"~·~·~"~· -~~o~·~·~··~.,~-~ ... ~~· ~ .... ~ .. ~·~·~: ... :-~:·: n eoulill .. a.1u. • J-It'• ...... tOW'ft .......... u.,. atw .. ,. 1 °' 0i. state Employew A•· compc:ieed ctf •t.1
• ~mp&o1-Farmer c n M a OS' ... lfA • • ..... • 1 T Mn W1lial J'OU .. wttll J'OUl' nun• bad llvlf'd. "Wa.r." th•)' aid, IOClaUoa, a.nd Incidentally. lh<tc .,.~lualwly, <tcJ:"'Jll tor lhf' hired _ tMt CIOWlla. ""9Ulilr you la· '"i• tor lh• 110ldl1n." C.rth.af'• , __ 1_ ,•·pt-10 •• , 0,1,, •••• ••'•· •o--uy kn"' It .... ,,_._ ____ ._ ________________ •
• • r llrP Tl FM W ' C "I r U ...,. ..,, ·-.... "'' ... " ,..--·· • 0 _, ~ o.i-s;r N... ........... IMdted WJ', °" mact. It. ' · t-. l'I•• to ... abo\lt lhl IUll· ntrUn.a wtlh 1. poMlbla. '1ol1.Uon
doHn't rnattar u ldns u It'• Thtre ~ -Ame'1ca. Our clt.aUon : of lh• 11..-when tt Nnt out YQ(09lay'a Pnm&dent 'nto who bu a... .........
88N AmlrDJClt. f'UllUaBDl a.oq\llNCI ~,. pt0ple COl'ltlnu1 to u .... behind "Oo .... mm .. t •mployHI •r• ILi campalp tund mollcltatle'lftl. yacklnc &Dd ftlOU.tin( RdM.l&n ptopa.caada an tlllil
WJl.l.l.\K a.~,.._ ut... llo, •.11.7 bl 1. cowardT W\J' lM wau. ol t.be eon.tltuUOL u prohibited b' both fedtral 1.nd At Id.It. U!f' Intent of tbe 1ta11 -'I'--th'-~ tha •·• • ·-~ not 0o -·1 -· "' •• •-k month 1a bl fore 11Urpri11e. Me lU.a. t &n: • aron· lA.MD M. -..TMDr. A.cl'MrUa&q Olrector IOft'l<n11 "I' COMtn""'u" t J han .. "'l.,)"I llYe'd. Sut U..7 .c.aw lawa frotn talOna llldM. u l•r\tlature wu .., ffP f'OYem ·
CBA.JtL&I A. .t.JU18"1'RONO. Wec1tintcaJ lll)*tntnctmt witll JOUr 11am1 and moM)'T •J I ' ''OCIV91'ftrnent ll f<w u.. amplo,..-a. 1n poltUc•I camp1.11n11 m""t 1mp1or-who •r• 1t1ppoa--na find but be tan.'t have hlt cake aa' eat It too •· . • -~::!~~~~~;;;~;;~~~;~~~~~~~-IW.11.y Ml ftc.11.t to _,,.. Ull poU..liciU.L" l\wu.ll; '-•llllaad, •"4 COlllr'O¥WaiM, ln prtllclpl•. ~ to tM 1pen~•nr their Umt not on the American t.&Jtpayer'• Jack, h• can't.
•Vll9C&IPl10.H a&m1 Coo.lt.ltUUOft a.nd It. BUI ot punW... ta.uUon; '\!Alrpt.llOfl I.II.tr lntqnt7 .. cl.II Ml'Vanta .. ,....,l'llf Ole pubUc lnal•d of it..,.... ........ N ..... ......._ rn-w.-., Rtrflt.a~ In other worda. wh,y NII r10t"; and COMUt.uUon&I wwld bl •fWt .. lt lhet1'tonr1u(l t1ulldln1 up • hlal"llrd!J to per· J'armlr McClllit m o..,.... 0.Ul;J' ..... ,., ,_,l la.II lb -.1 IJ.11 ..._ ... Mil taka I.JI l.Btara.t &a Oo't'll"a-e~on. 6eptt1cs.d &n th• ou~ ot • P"tu•l.f' llwlr tenn1 In oftlc1,
• o.aMI "' o...p 0.-Q n• .. ,_.. --'' Wl\at Ulln.11., Mlfhbot'' polltie.J eon Wt... out ot th• political nald.
I ' t '
• •
iall rtstit.r ·-... ,
• '
ZONTA PRJC81DENT, Kn. Un Sheely, ll'e<t. ruoo1.t at the table of lfrw. Harold
(Helen) llobertaOn. put p,..Jclent, at left. In f~ lfra. Lee Batemao
Mn. Ralph Quinn, Robert Willmee and Mrc. Bud T4nntng at the Ben Reddick
N EWPORT HAR'llOR Show Films
of Haifa
Baha'i Shrines
Beautl!ul color flln1.1 ur •he
Baha'i •hrin&11 and i;ardtn, "L'>P
ML Cannel In H•ifa, IB•ll"I.
MRS. WINIFRED BARBRI!=, Women's Editor wer• •IWWn al the Ed"'•ard J.l 1rk·
------------------------ovh::h home. ltt Roche,.l•, :-;t •
Zonta Dinner
Initiates New
Jamaica Inn
Annual Be:1efit .Event
Preludes Inn Opening
Anm..ler •'tint" was scored by the Newport Harbor
Zonta Club when members and their guesta gathered for
a. gala pre-opening benefit dlnpel\ patty July 18 &l tJi,&..
new Jamacia lnn.
Th08e bidden l!njoyed an eve-
rfui.1 hlghllchte<i°by lhe fKCl that l~, were having the prlvileg-e
or lnltialln1 the Inn before \UI
ottkl&l openlfl&' ·lo the publlc.
T•blH and boolha we1·e g1lly
deaitated with gladloluB and in-
dividual ganknil.1.
Sta.n.lry were hDlt.a to !Ji• Iler
AlbrlJiihl.I. th• John McNabl, tb+'
Maurie Stanley.. Mn. Jl&bel
Wrig-ht and I.Awl• Stanley. Mn .
Earl Stanley aerved aa 1en.nl
chainn•n of the ey.-n..1.Qr1 fHli·
Among t•bla ha.t..t were )I.rs.
8 p e i: \ 1 I birthday greetmg• Evelyn Grttn, Meura. and Mme-.
were accorded two Zont.a-n1e111-tDr. Hel!'n) Harold R.obertlOn,
ben, Mr1. John Luther. club Donald Hummel. J ack ft.elnert.
treuurer. and A1ra. AJberl Stock-Capt. anll )fni. Arlhur Qlbbll:
ton. put prealdent. Mra. Jeffery Burke, Mr. ant.I
Sealed •t the table 1u1 gueaUI , Mr•. Kenneth Dell. Mr. end Mra.
of the pretldenl. Mr11. Lin Shee-1 Robe!:rt Jayred, the Al'Mrt l!ltCK'k·
ly, end her hu1b&nd were Mayor tona ; Me111n1 .. and. M.n1ee. Cul•
Dorll HUI, Mr. •nd 1.1r11. pirk ! ton M.-~:-t1, MJ•~ Ben Reddick.
l'Uchard. Mr. -.nd J.tra. Bill I Ma.lculm An&e'll, John Luther,
Thompaon. l;lr. and Mra. Don Tom Norton, It. V. Sod•rberf
Mean•. Mr. and Mr!. Harold and Joaeph Hamblel.
Swanson. Mr. and Mn. Frt'(I
Ultell. Mr. 1.11d Ml"ll. John South·
worth 11.nd Howard Fohiom .
.Auem~lyman and 1'tni. F:arl
TAKES PRJZil-Mra. Ralph (K&tbryn) Qllinn ......... priM certUic..te from
Mra. Earl Stanley, Zonte p,..Jden~ u donor, Bild GutDa, manqer of Jamlca
Inn wbftll Zonta banquet wu held. looka on at $oQp Jett. In Ollllt.I', Mn. Un
WcdnNd•y even In K by Juhn
Pinto ol Alp&rillo. Texu. Tak"n
by M.ra. ,Pinto durlng a lO!n·•hty
lt.a7 al Kalfa ln March of 1h1•
7-.r, the nlma ahow the Shr·nt
Local Duo in
'South Pacific' Sheely, pl.Klbit; at rigb~ lln. Alko-.Bdrke. TUESDAY CARD LUNCHEON
or th• Ball. foren:inner of the Judy ~llllaop, ~IOI S-Shon
Baha'i {&!th, and other ahrinl'I Drive. Rlch&rd Berryman. 1318
on Mr. Carmel u well-11.~ the E llillOOa Blvd., and Sherry
one-time pr1.on at Akk• u,h• re Inloes. 4tt Tu.eUn Ave.,•~ mem-
Tabln for bridp, ca.nut. and chJl-chat wW be eel Baha'u'U..h, founder or the faith. ben1 or tht Orange CoMt CoU.-gie
b N Cl b w .. lmpri.oneO for man)' }•-•H.,, cut, whlnh '4"1\J p~aent the up tomorrow &tter luncheon w en th• .-wcorners u lurfalden &Md thalr annual and hi. Wt home and re11\1n g 1n1a11h 1nu11c1! hit. "South Pa-
abiP""'rec;k dime. at WUJow\dl a.-mble. at 12:1& p, m. ln lrvlne eo...\. Club. All new-place et Baj'• Mlout lw,.nly clf!c," on the collt>Kf-audllorfum
CJuh Members co.an tn the Corona Ml Mar, Irvine Terrace and Newport miles away. •la l •· Friday and Saturday i OoH "'f"' &nd ~ night•. AllK\Jlll 3-4 at 8.1& p.m.
cuie la oo.t.um .. Mn. RoMrt Hlfi&'ht.. areu are ell(ible !or rnembnwhl.,. l:nroute home from a wr••k Adrn!luuon will be tree and no
Cb*lr. W4;JI th. P'U• tor beM, al th• Bl.ha'! tummer achoo l 11t rNervallon.t are ~usary.
"Woman 9'l1'Ytwr" aa4 Leo do la. At a prtYIOUI muun1 officer• and chairmen were o --"Ii• p,·nto <• • ho"• ey ...... "' • M ,.. "South PacUlc" will be Orang-e
ltlOI ~ptW"ld top award fbr men. elected. to plaot th• club on a morti perman~t bull. ruet1t a t the home ot hl11 11l1Jt<!'r-CoVJl ~Collere'a tribute to New-
Neta in WlUch were cauPt Qttlcera are e.a follow•: in-law, Ml"ll. Selim Franklin. li128 port Beach ln commemoration
.. .
~:::. ~r~'~°:ii. ~~ Mm••· John Malcom10n, actlnr chairman; bi.arle1 H. Santa Ana Ave., Coala Meaa. of the G<>lden,,>.nn1veraary of the io.s~~~~t~'EWA~boa wm .....,_,..,. --The commentarie. by Mrll. Pthtu i:lty of N.,wport Beach. PbOM Harbor ttll Mn. Don rii,u.r enlerl&lned dur· Bradley, itKreta.ry: Cart ~rd•, t~rer. ctt.trmen ano. that •Ctompany the fllm11 reveal _;_ __ _:_ ________________ :_::.:_ __
la( lotcnn.Cuion with .-.eral Mm•. John G. Tripplett. ha.l.l'u; Howagd Stapleton, pro-the acope or world 1ntere11t by
hula d&Dc:til. lhst.l"Uetion9 for th• ~ ll'Jl'li Glen Youns, telephoM .. d mmebenhlp: r . J, Boody the throng• of vla'llor1 to the : • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .:
nve ~ ~ of the buDI. were ILDd R. c. aubb&.rd hoeplte.llty. ndlt.J center or I.he Baha'i world • WHAT'S • (iv•~&Dd &.fnm.trated by WU-' ra!th. • • • lfarn. a.rtuWt. AJuUI• wtmhlns tnrorma.tlon 9r re.Hrvallona may ca.U A • "-tt d \\' ·" • Na&. Wftnt p1anDtd 191 a ~ mon1 .. ...._ a .-n 1ng •v-• w ... Mf9.. Younc. Har. 0617. nl"'ldty n11hl'• •how1nr: were ••
.,..., ~~>~l~or~w1>1eh~~~-==:..:•.:::~.!..:======================== I Meaara. and Mme-. W1Jl11m Con· •
• • ht&lled mem--. 10 way, Leo Rovtn. Kenneth Rutan. • DOING •
BAWAII·BOUND.,.... Kr. and.,..,_ 1-• J, J:Y.·
mann, U2 PloDa Lido, with daulhterw 'Can>! and
Sally, u they lioard<d the S. S, Lurline •t 1At
,Anpl .. Harbor.iuly 13.~M•teo,o Lille-Pb"'"
Zeta Tau Alpha Unit
to Receive Charter
Oranp OounlJ Zetu and lMlr hlttorian, Mn. Chutu 8lmmon.1;
au-ta wtD pther at 12:10 p.m. ru•h ch&lrmu, Mn. M.W . UtU•
W.an.s.J ·at t.11• Balboa s., and pubHdtr_, chal.nn•n. Mra.
Howud K.. Kleln. Club tot tn.tanaUon ot otnc.n OUltt (Uellt to be pNlfflll wUI
aAd charterlll1 ot lb• Oran,e be npreMntaUvea from the
Cowi,t7 Alumnae Cbapler. Loni 8Mch aturnna• ehaR,1.er.
On hand to preHlll lht cb&rter Wor1dn1 on the detalla for th•
wUI be Mn. Tom Handley of Wedn-4ay meetlq .,.. Mroea.
Lo. AnreHis; preeldent of Zeta'• Le on 1 rd Tu~h. HunUnrton
' ~ 1~ and 11*1 prt!llldent ~•ch : Ted Richard and Phillip
at lbe LOI Angtlf'e PanhtUenic. SunnH. Santa Ana and Paul
With Jwr WW be t"'9 olber IA• Baker. Anaheim, ReeervatloN
AftP• z.ta.. Mlm He1111 H&T· may be maO. with' Mr•. Fondl17.
rtsm, lJ¥n.Uat. put naUoCl&I KE &-73S8.
R.uth H&rbema wett1''n0l!Ul~~ p~t•uw.t Mn. Kar-rill JUch· ------------
wtzmen la Xond1y 1 afternoon .. 117• formar netlorlal ~ prell.-
pm• wtl1M .hlJlt. acoren .. 1. deal ud flrll pltdJ• of U.l .C.'I Boots and Saddle
-t .,,.. ... 11n. 1""' and xra. xi °'*Pl"'· A wards Made NtU Daale1-. ~ .U.VKNAZ oaoun .-..,
Kra. HalU'J' ~ aod Kn-K Aunn=ppqi~ .:::;-Zeta Tt.u A.lpb& .,.. found~ !M1<1Dal awards we.-. mad• to Boudman ,._ n. ' 1 at LDnpood Colhc'e, ramrrille, tlve junior rider• at Monday
Balboa Bridge
Winners Told
auin-W9"I • er.wt.,.. llrL 8. Jil. ... WlllOf& !Jld Vlrstnia. In JIDI. Sine• that ... wbul•n ot Muter Point. Earl a.,... Ki'. and ICn. Wal· nl(bl'• w-Boot. IDd Saddle ..._ U. Neenl toumam•t held t.r NonleM. Runn ...... up .--Ume ti c II. 1 r ti ra han bee. club m..unc at the Or&aP
bi • Balboa. whllt: nortJt. • mutb w..t were Mn. Arch Mc.l.IU.ltv (l'&llted to con..--a.nd unlYW· County O.rdlln Qub bulldtn1 at ~ aconn were Mra. J"ran1t ud kn. Pan.dta. Kn-Jrlildred aiU• Ill U atatM and CU&da. the fail'(TO'Wl4*. .Awardl were ~ and Mn. ~llY Job.nlolt. t.):tJe &NI xn. &,. J. )fuf'Ml. =-ten~, OYer 200 aluml\M pr~ted to 11 )-Robtn Jnrln.
ft,unnen-u.p aaat-wMt .,,...,.. lb• ~Bo&tdman , Ouf WU1lam The Oran.-Cou.nty Chapter (2)-Unda Net.an, (3 )-8ona7
W • St•-~ ••-A-" r , Bl.met, lfl -Hsrtlyn Walker. • -',,___ ...... n;.o •t.t.rted .. • club n.. yfft'S )llkAllUt.er and Mra. ~IJ' PUa· •ro and ha• rnnm to a mem· (6)-DockJe Loml.ll. A potluck
dW; Mn. a-ire canon and Dakota Folk Mnhlp of 18 acu" Zeta aluaa. dhlner preceded the m-tln1 and ...,._ c. E. Ir.Ill.. f\unn&N-UP # ~,meellnp are beld ~ce pruentaUon of award._
aorth«Nlb were Jin, Katlll')'JI at;Mesa Picp.ic a CDODtb in Ult hom• ot' mem· 9U'P":ter and 8allq Brvwt'I. Mra. ...._ JUI oruac• oaunty Zct.u Ohio State Picnic · tkt7tbii d'~ and Howvd l'ormJI' ,_,,lknta-ot Boulb are •llsf.bl• to affiliate wUJI. t.M -oil. ,......_ M• ......... l Holm• The Ulnual plcnie of I.he Ohk> __ .. -.-.. -·--o.Jtota now 11•1..ai la lloutltem Cl"OUP. . State Sodety ot Lon1 Bea.ch.
Nattrass Son Born
Ml'. and Mra. Don Nat(nM,
139 VJr(lnla Place. COllt.. Mu&.
are parenl1 of a .on. born July
17 In St. JOlltph HOlplt&I. He
w1l1hed 7 lbll .• f. oa.
• f •·
T. M. Hambrook. you1 T elepllclne Manacer in Newport Beech •• • ••
A . E. Johnton. V.n Marlldal,, •
Harrt.on Sanborn, Mn1ea. Pal •
Bef'(er, Gt'rtrude Oousla1. Helen e
Perklna. rr&nkhn, Mabel Perry. •
J. A. MecDoru1ld. the Me611r11. • aeeee•e•••••·······················
Che•ter Wofford, CaPUr Lau-
rich, alao Phllllp 11nd Richart!
.hily S99S 23rd --·-··-····
Jaly rs 30tll ..................
Aug. 79s 6tll ~····· .. --··-··
Phone calls go "piggy-back" ridinc
Pretty soon now. many local telephone calla are 1otns to •tart
rkling "piggy-back.'' They'll go one on top the other, u many
u four 11eparate calla at the aame lime on the aame telephoM
line. Thia meau one line will do the work or four. And. ot
count, th•t mean.a more and better aerTic:e lo more peop&.. For
many :r•ars, "'piggy·back" •)'11~ ba•e been •P""•n1 ycNr
long distance call•. Now we've di9CC>veied bow tow U.. aame~
k ind of e(Julpment for local caU.. Thia la an ~pie of bO'lf'
telephooc people work to dewlop new and i.t.t.er equlpmmt..
The men and women of Pa.clnC Tll!ltiphoae ·won tO make
J·our telephone more usefoJ every day. ..
Don't miss the fun •••
Telephone 1hud for resen1U-l &ad Ja7 B~ __ A .., _.,., __ ,_ , p••·-. .• ~-OFPI,,..._.. .......,, .. b Iba. AmoJ.d a.-._...,.rs. .....,,.__. ............ .... .__.. ..,_ .,., eld A•• 6. •l Blxb7
p;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;JX-Pad! oa a~ Jul)' a. Otnolrt to be lnalaHed Wed· Park. Ch.err,. and nm ..-t.l"Mt.
TBla OOVLD llZ.&N YOtJI for•~ dliuwr ... ,...,as .-say an: P'Neidenl. Kn. Jobn Lon.1 Beach. AJI fonner Ohio , .., rcwtlq: 't1ce prl!lldent. Mra. Nlldenta apeciall7 la'llt.td.. Band
Dm'l *"" _..., 7..r U.. ot old IOll\l&lllt&lletia. co.ta Ma-Doaalcl R. Youns: eecNtarJ, con«rt.. tollmred by Pf'OCT'9.m.
_,. .._ ca .. •• ....._ • ....,. atM!nf11c \ha &lbir 9""'"" Mn. 0-.JM R. Mahlbery: trM.. Lunch for ...ie •l the pe.r)l. or ~ * IU.Y n::a.INJ Vll4a Mr. IUd Mn. .A.llh*I ~ at ...... Jin. lt&nl17 Crandon: b11n1 picnic baaket.
......... _..,.. .. • wtu. IHI Jf.wpol( B'lld. and t.bdr~~~~~~=~~--:~;:;;;;:;;;'."';:;;;==;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;11 ,... .............. -.. --ud r.mu,. )(?, ahd ' .. '*'*' Y• _,we.• ; , Ma Morria ~ ~ -~ '
13th --··-··-
20tll -·-·· A119 •
69S '
Planntn1 a •pur of UM momM!il •
weekend trlp ! Ji&7bli w\tb &D •Y• on that eabln bf the Wrat
You'U want to m.U.e IUft J'Oll
have just Lbe rf&bl .....,..m&.
dation11 ; the eabbt JW ... t.. ~
:rour fa•ortte boat. the WOl'b. •
And the bmt...,. to do lb.at II
..... ••tbr ,... qat-t4 ..,.. .. ntc. ... • ... .... -1A&&r7-,---"\-~ .
-.. .,_ ---01!.rigawitch son . . t =.t: .. ..-i.... .. ft-. LL Tolll .. otl!l1....... "!._.. n ,·rt_u ,,(
-U ~:.-= (UA.>1.CJt.) ood ... wU~QD. , e._ " ..... vi.u. ........ o. .. r rona 611 ,.,.,., welcom.a • ~
.,.... --llOfl ,...., 11 at Coro. aftl
H"'Pll>l ' •· ~
MS West 19th Strwt
Coste M.,., c.lifomi•
Autheotic Stoel No ReproductiOM
• •
l'NI ... -r.aa. a ..... M. O.lrid 8A.."ft'A A.WA. •t' b ... lJ ......... u....,. ....
A.111 ' ... ~ D&A.PE&Y llrl't1DIO ,
BLOUSES 3rd -············
• Sept • rs
BASKETS 10tli -···-··-·-.. ~-195 ·--Utli ........... _ .....
Etc .. ETC. Sept. 95c 24ltl -··-···-··
t~ pbOM abted for ~
tlom. You"re llVft ol • eDnar--
maUoa. rl1bt oo thli IPOl-n
cml9 .o UtU. ud Iii._ yov
ao mucls peaee ot mlDd.. Ku. " 11;
your wbole trip mOl'9 fun.
M0~1DAY, JULY 2'. 1956
DnhNG AND DANCING al Balboa Bay Club
wert Jack and James Penney and their wtvea.
Jund ll put president of Newport Harbor Junior
Chamber of Commerce.-Terry Boris Photo
Nee Mlaa Barbara Rhone
Vows Repeated
at St. James
University of Colorado
Romance Is Culminated
LIQ() ISLE CLUBWOMEN modeled faU gowna by Dorothy O'Har& {Mri: Benl'1
Lunn'ey) at the ~lOling meetins of the cJup lle&IOD. Seated (1 to r ) Mm~ Jbe
Preininger, F.dward Lester Smith, ~tth Cordrey, W. R. ltlrama, J1ra.Dc1a
Dawaon, Donald Hart; atandlnr, Mmes. Hal Dike, Paul Rogen, Job& Glua,
Donald Colgrove, Howard Dlo. Paul Butler, Hugh Huteon and Robert ll&rril.
-Gene Ro1a Photo ·
Spurgeon <Add!eSses: :-.
Girls Club Asse~bly
"America'• greatest natural' teaourcea are the chU·
dren o( the country" 1tated William Spurgeon W ~t the
aecond anniversary dinner and officer induction of the
Harbor Area Girla' Oub held Thursday evening in. eo.ta
Mh a Community church lounge. Principal speaker at
the atfaJr, 8 purcoon, who 11 on '
lhe na tional Boy Seoul count1l munity l1llC wtt.h M1'1.. Le.ro1 A.n·
and acllve tn var1td youth pro-d~r110n at the plano, opened tht
rrama 'Of Orange County, 1lrus-pro(l'lllll.
tlle club will eoon be faced wtlb
the oecuaily or q~ tlndlng
1 new q\Jart.tn for the now rreaUy Lnc,__ membe~
ed lbo WJ\port&nct of auult Mre. Cllt!ord IAW11, former
Of tl1 e C k ' Soon to be .. tabllabed in a new home at Ft. Belvoir, parUclpallon In community yaulb prellldent a.nd locaJ repreMlll&UYe UC 00 Va. are Kr. and Mn. Aluander Bowie, who hav• \....--pro«r•m11. to the Otri.· Clubl of Amenca ~ ~' Mn. Bruce Martin prt>1lded, In. SUmml'r Conference -41\ .M._...
honeymoontnr at Carmel and San Francaco. Mra. Bowie troductn1 bOard member• &nd chu.81tta tut month, told of tile
ii tbt former )(Ja. Barbara Rhone, lovely daughter of the runt.a who repruented many value of thr na uona.1 'P"Of'l'&Jft """ B h ~el\ Harbor area club• and 1ervice for \Lie In the IOC&I cl\lb. Kr8. ~ ~omu . R ODel, 1....-.u Btrenade Terra.oe and her mar· 1roup1 that acttvl'ly eupport the Neleon Lundwall, vtecutlve dl~
You eae plaf' &hti
Chord Organ
I• Mbtut-
. No IAMn"" -N• ,.,.rtl~
Phone Kl z.614ti
Seo our complete Mao of
Hammond Organ
Your Plaao Aceepted
tn Enhanro
Schmldt-Phllllp1 C
e1tabh1hcd J9l4
~20 No. M.&lD, Santa
T11o \\'orl4'1 FlDee& Plaaoe
to datlOM from
"Time or lht Cuckoo", the rffide rla .. 1 lo lll• IOft ol Mtl. A.lu&a· Olrl1' club pro1 ram. A com· t.or, WU lntrodUCe4 and the ft·
• ·thur Laurent. plav about •n ha1 lbe ole o · s Roeat. dtr lloWI• and tile late Kr. and accen~ with a brown or· 1 1 ... _ IU , .... chld. .... .._... 1 _,. nanc a report Of ....., v..ar ..even
tht • le&cher'1 1ho ~-r Bowle of ~-r, Colo. -· -re ......... ,, P nn .... a cor· ,-a• Amv 1cal\ echool • teacher who -r-U'SI••• ,.._ t T-"----by Mn Edward•-· .. -tr•·---=:~~~jE~~;;;5555:;::;:;;:::;::;::;! IOVN" oolemnlud a t at. Junel Ep~ a&g'e 0 ........... ,.,... to th• M w . IL.oC..... ... ... ~r.
find• love In Venice ,durmg a Whitney Bl , rat . copal Churcl\. 1bouJdrr of her cra y chiffon QOSe omen )lr1. William O'Brltn, fonntr
vacaUon ~p. OJH!n• at Ul• LA· Conrad No&ea. Anll& ~ . lt wa1 In an all white Mltinl 1own • board member and tin. of 41e
(W\a lumrntr Playhou.e temor· Bllaabe.tb ~. DaV1d • fMturln .. fladiOlU, l&rkspur&nd Mtu Kalhlttn Hurphy of Sac· Sponsor Dinner organlun or the loc.J ~b I.II"
row and rura throu1h J uly 29. Ila and David Johnton will round (1a.nl c.bryaanthemwaa. a&UD rt~ ramento, .ouam or th• brtd.-stalled •!flora ,,,_ 1966'67i)Wle&. The producUon will feat•n out Use cut. Tiit two Davida. bona and myrla4 C:&Ddl• Ulal wu In cb&rfe of the ruu t book Womrn ot l b• Mooae are 1pon-ArU1 Swart.a, p.Nlldtnt, JObQ
Moll1 Do<ld. 8et.y Paul and l:d· on• 11 and tht olher 11. ...w the l\ev, John IL Park• rell4 BOlTHDA Y, TOO eortnr • n>N'-bftf dlMtt Bal· Nusum. vtce prukkn\i J'tanl
ward C&naino. Ml• Dodd. who have Ult pa.rt.I o1 the 1treel lh• double rtn1 .. mce ln Which When the br1d1'1 parmli hoal· urday nlJ hl el th,. Mooee HaU, BWlell, aecrel.&ry I.Ad Eclwanl
hu delivered n ne pertonnanct~ UrC'hln and lb• ahopkeepe .... l()ll. th• brldt WU ftv•n In as .. pl.nf ed tb• bridal dinner at th• Bal· 43~ I!:. I 7t., St ' Costa Mru,.$ .30 Lewlll. lreuunr. Atlet ~
• tn her lhrM P~bowie ouUn1• K T Stnu~. UI• •ta1e and by her felher. bOa ·Bay Club lh• nlf"hl ti.Core P m T1lk"l• may be obl&lned lnr the gavd Crom U\a out-1011\C
• t.o dale hu the teacher role motion plcturl! 1tar•echeduled cor CAHilL llOD&L the weddln&. It wu alao l•J ct lt· al thr door prMldent, Mra JtarUn. ~ • t&llen by Shirley BooUI ori the lead In :Tlme of the b t B "-' Plan1 ror lh,. dtnnl'r were made Swartz •poke brldflJ of Ult n·...o-
Barbara wore a ,..._.,,U -n ra • ar ... ra • na tal a nntver· et ..... Jul 19 l f h CTillO roadway and by Katherant Dlcko<>", ~u forced to cancel ........, ·-·· ,.,..., l" .... b -"d ""' Y mee 1111 o l e and plans ot the (]Ula' ,... ..... tor
H b
or while or-AAv, -. 'one t.orao -J: I() ... Wru le In n ay c•kt w 0 T M I t ··-lnilt "' ..... •p urn an Ule snoUon picture her La1una eni•iement du. to ...... , An • wu __ ..... wt•.. 11 • ' • wu a..., •· Ult coml'"" )'ear, ·-p"·-i••"• ....,, bodice and brief lie-· we-.... ¥...... "' ye ow roau, t1on n •ht .... S R ... .... ..... --. • .. ,..aon of Ule play, ...... ch wu lllnua. ··-'"' ln l l I 1" Wlui enior rgrnt that, due to a che.n•t In owner-
..... "lumme~•-•w· appllqued with Al•ncon la~-•Ad ca rry r ou he co or mour of Mn Arc""I n...t I rrt • -, ...... ,. ~ ..... .... UI _...di ,, • ...,.. ran< er o -.:1al· shlp of lheir prment clubhou~.
a.tay Paul, tht l'\lUl •c:treaa. th• tnt~mely boUttant tklrt had ~ w ... n1. Ing at rttu for Ult C'anrlJJatr. -_:;mp:;F;im;;~;;;;;~~~..,~===~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!=
• will porvay llpora J'lor1&. She Card Party a tun lra.ln. A Juliet cap of onored (l.1Uti1 durinr lh~ MN! Clarencr TWtddell. of 930 fl ""-lll Alencon lace embroidered with tut1vttlea Included Judr e and V1clorla St., Coola M••a.
11 ,...... u to 1.&auna audltncee. l!larbrtfhl Club of HarbOr Mr B d .... t -~... ln H~ pearl• C!9nflned Ute f!Jlftr a. ayar iv1one o Lo• AJ\· ------------ha._ appea~ ma11y Paul· l'Jl ar Chapter. O B:.8., la aponeor· lip veil of bridal lltuaton and plea, aunt and uncle of th•
Bl'itton au.mmtr product1oru1 and Inc a public card party tomor· at hrr tbroat wu a etra.nd of bride; Mr. and Mr•. Robert a Brother's Death
In a nlttnber ot Community row, II p. .m. In the Ma90nlc ,..art•, iltt or ber bride""""""' Murphy and Mr1. 1l11le Burs Playh0u1e pr ... ntattona over the Tempt.-Re11trvallon1 may' ..... r -... y __ of sac-m-to un"l '· d Learned by Mesan h h ""' Htr lradJUonal blue 1arter waa ''" "" · " •· aunt an y,.n. 8 • u alao played In madf! with Mra Edward Hobtl _.,l of a MrorllJ tt•l.&r and her fT'Udmothrr of the bnd,, Mr. Word or Ult dtath cf her
TV. or ticket. may be obtalned at •· .net M J A Ill o J:dwlltd coalno, on• of the lht door. lace handkerchief bad Mtll n . amu rne · ot m· ~rothH. Boyd Hix ot C'artl'lare. cho11tn laltt aummer u~t&U)' .•er, the letter stater of llle br 1de-N. C., ~'U n!«lved' Jut week by
tor the wedd1"' whelf aht wu (TOOm. • Mra. l:mma H. Cranfield of 192:1
In Bel1fam. IJ\.Ort white rlovu The new Mr11 Bowle donned Oran.-e Avr.. Co1ta Me11&. Be·
compltted Lha enHmble and llhe a 11Ull of navy blue with metcll· eidea hla wtft . Mr. H ix leave. ~&!Tied a 1p,..1 of wblte rooea Inc acceseonea and the wl\.lte on• dauahler and two crandchiJ.. Tuna 'Muffins' with
·Hot Mushroom Sauce
and ateph-.olla. orchldl from her bridal bouqu.t dttn.
Mia 1\1.17 IU\oft4 eervect bw tor the w.ddini joWllt)'. Sii• -----------
al1ltr u mald of l\Oflor &nd wu f'Nd\&at.ed In JUn• ttom lb• G · 1 f M
Thne Tuna "Mutnn1" are an black ptpper u d Wor1:f'<1ltr1bJre brldttrmaldJ were Pl Beta Pb1 UnJvenltJ of Colorado wtlh a lf Or eSanS
unuaua.1 but ... y way lo u"' n uce sur •veil Add the ,,.. IOrortty 111t.ar1 from Ult Un1VV· b&chtlor ot arta dtrr ... &lld waa The Robert Mar1halu . 2060
tuaa t1ah. Th• "Mutt\M" an •c· I and 1ur vtr oroualy to mix _..11. atty of Colorado, MIMM 8&U)' aaaociated wttb Pl Btl& Pb1 K11leybrook Lane. Coata Meta.
tually a oort ot tlmbale wlth Prua Ule miJtture Into well Ryon• of Pua4tl\&, l uu.nne aorortty. Her .bu.band I.a ~•o a are rrcrlv1n1 coniratulatlona on
pl.nty ot atp and baked ln a 1reued m uffin pana. rormln• a Hanna and Liectda Ward of S&n June fT'&duate, Neeirinf b!• thl't birth of a daughter. She
mu.tfln pa.nl A eauco I.a mad .. muffin about 2~ lnchu In dla· Dlrro. They wort W<a lenclh bachelor of Lawa dOfret trotn arrived July U at Sant& Ana
by µ.llnf condenHd cream of meter and amountinf to a llMral t rocka of pale yellow chiffon t1n1nrsit¥ ~Colorado law achOol Oommuntcy Hoepltal and welfb·
muahroom toup diluted w ltll '• cup. Thla recipe make• hHlve with al\lrud bodletl and f\lll and hia OOD1m1Ml0ft u i teond ed ln at a boW\ctnc e Iba., 1' oa.
H•rbor Rest
Memorial Perk
mill&. of thue llTl&U multlna. 1klrt1 Tbtr pat• )'tilow bat.I lieutenant. U .8. Army. He waal~miiimiii;;;;;;iimiii;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;iiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a
Ml.:Nll P lace muttln pan In 1 pan of bad horM.balr ln't.mt and crowu atftllllted wtlh Cbl Pit and Pbl
Ore«n .A.ap&raf\18 hot waler. Bake ln a pre-heated were appllqued wtlh ~Del __ ta_Phl. __ 1._pi __ ,,._u_mJ__:ty __
P .. ch., Blufted With • . flowera. Keeplnf to tht them., cream Ch"M UJO F. oven tor •5 minulu. Re-their boUquele were ot yellow
Pl.11 .. pple tlp·Sldt·Oown C.kt move from the oven and lift n>IU.
Whlppt'd Crum from U11 water. Allow lo 1tand ATl'ENOS GROOM
INORl:Olf!ST8: about ~ mtnult11 before tak1n1 Lt. • Ralph Chapman waa
J 1" cupt walrr mufftn.1 out or pan While muf-i roomaman and JUUle wrrt
,J 19 leupoon1 sail rlns 1t1tnd. cut a round the ed1tU · u•hrred by Jam•• Ameill.
2/1 cup unC'ookrtl while rlC'e Grnlly urt oul and 11erve on a brother . In . law of the g-room,
1 tablespoon rtnf'I)' chopped hot platter. Ounlsh each muffin <Horr• Wtber and J ohn Rhoat.
J rffll pepper with •llcr11 ot •luffed JCTI!t'n I f ' 1 1 oa. c&J\ tuna fllh. drained ollvu, It dtal~. cou1 n o the brtde. • The retf'lvln& ltne formed at
and flake I I Berv. w1lh • mu1hroom .. uce &anta Aaa Country Club. decor·
3 Whe>lt t an n. d plmtrnt.o•. I mid• by heatin1 to1•U11r th• I led ror the occulon w1lh 1ar-
cbOJ11>td rnaabJ'90m eoup a.nd milk Thl• drnlu . chryaanlhemwna and ytl•
'i teupoon blot k ptpper recipe m&X .. 11 mutflnt 2~" In low roeea Mra. Rhone wu
t't te&lpOOl\I Worcn ttl"lhtrt dJamet•r. A.llaw lwo muftiJu to iowned In ca.ft au talt Alencon
•~ t&dl •l'VtnC· lac-. and chiffon th Empire etyle
I ..... .:;;miiii:iiiiiiliimiii;m;i;:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_;.;;;;;~~ Stuffed sreen oltve eJlcll for r
1•m1at1. 1t du1red Wo/toL Say l 10 QI. c • n condtnffd n
~ of mw1hroom aoup
l wp milk
kln'ROI>: P\lt lho water, •It
rtoe a1\d pttn pepper In • I ·
•UMt eaumpan. 8r1Jlt 14 • vl1·
oroua tioU. 'l\lm \.he htal down
u I~ u ~11lble Covrr with
a lid &nd lr1wt ovtr lhl11 lnw
heal U mtnotu Remove .. uc:-e-
pan from Ule heal bul l•n lid
: <OD 10 mlnul,.., Alt.At the rice cook.I eUr tn
&.ht tune ftA Add the pimiento.
~O ..... ~pel
No Forget New Gr•u Sheck
on Bo/boo /1/ond
tot MAJUNll: A VII:.
f>fenty Free Perking In De '9rend C.nel
Complete Corrective Line
Pr11crlptlons Filled
Harbor .,..._ On11 O tldru. no. lt0t9
roaos A n1:r llAA ...... 11n
THINKING le the hard11t
work there le, which le lhe prob·
able rea11on why IO few en~a1•
In tt.-Henry Ford
Oel1Maa. O....et.17
ll&rbor a& Olaler
IT•l 8uptr1or A~enue
Costa Mua., Ca hr.
Phone Ubs'tJ 8·2121
9 Push-•uttons
1820 ~ Coul 81¥d.
corona d_. Mar, C&ll.f.
f'bone Harbor d
eulolMtlaftr at¥e you
Shnpllfled Multfpllatlon
on the new •••
~,.. .....
•l••J• .... , .. ........ ~ ................ I ., .. _. .... ,.._ ......... ll'M...,llltlel•
........ , ......... Maw ......... ,..,.,._., .. tM ,_., .................................. ..
' ( Out-c;>f-State
$18,000 ·Stock ..
1/2 ·P ·RICE
2 Cash Registers 90 ft. le•lflful Wall Racks
1 Plate Glass Sho~CCIM 1 card R•ck with C.. .
2 Mt. lslantb lecls. Dressen. Desb ·
Hand Made Palm Weave M~ Furniture
f 1. lats & Stools Tables. Chain. 5edlonal Set
China Cupboard Nlte Stands Teatart etc.
Pottery Jewelry Leather Goods lrm1
Onyx Arts • Slllrh llouses la*ets , ..
Mexican Imp~ $hop
464 Ocean Ave. · Huntington
' ' .
MOl"DAY. JULY ~l. 1956
• •
Nee ,Miu Barbu& Rhone
Liil<> ISLE CLUBWOMEN mOlltlod fall gowna by Dorothy O'Har& 'IMni. 11""'7
Lunn'ey) at the tlotlng meetln( of the ~ii~ aeaaon. 1 Se&ted (I tQ 1") IOD.e-.. Toe
Prelnlnger, Edwa.rd Leoter Smith. ~Ith Cordrey, W. R. MJ.iUw, rfa:ncI.
Daweon, Donald Hart; atandillg, . .Mm.,, Ila! Dike, Paul RogeiJ, ~ Glau,
Donald <;elgrove, Howard Dlo. Paul Butler, Hugh Hutton and Robert ~.Ran;..
-Gene Roat Photo ' .,
ANNUAL DINNER · ' . .. •
... ~ f "" Spurgeon,Addresses"" ,'
Girls Club Assembly
You au plaf 'th•
Chord OrtJCln
I• Ml•ut.-. •
N1 l.Mllfln11 -N111 .Pnir lk!t
Pbone Kl 2--6140.
a.. our eornpl1t1, ... of
Hammond Or90n
Your Plana Aee1pted
tn l:1rhan1•
Schmldt-l'hlllip1 C
e1tob/11h1:d l !JI•
5W No. Maha, Santa
on#ING AND DANCING at Balbo& Bay Club
wep Jack and James Penney and their wives. J..m... la puL pre.ident o! Newport Harbor Junior ?antbtr of Commerce.-Terry ~oris Photo
Vows Repeated
at St. James
''Amerlca'1 greatest natural' te&0une1 are the chil·
dren of the country'' at&ted William Spurgeon Ul a.t the
second anniversary dinner and officer induction of the
Harbor Area Girl.I' Cluti held Thuraday evening in. c.o.tta
~u Community church lounge. Principal Bpea k:er at
lhl olub wW IOOD be ftcad .... 1lh
the iieceully ot qatc" llndlng
new q\larteB for t'ha aow rreatly
'Time of the Cuckoo'
Opening at · Laguna ·
' -rime of the CUckoo". the re•ldent compan,...a. •Ui lwaru,
hl\1 the role or Renato DI Rotll,
the ac.bool -teachv'a 1hopk1oper
Arthur L.lurent.. pla7 1bout an
A m.rlcan .chQOI -teacher who
find1 loYt In Venice. durlni • \\'tfln•y Blake, Vtmon Kidd,
\rlcaUon \rip, o))4:n.a at \.ti& i...-Conrad Noa., Anita Lewll ,
pna l1.1mmer Playhou.ae tomor-l!lllaabath C'ar1;JP, D1vld M1 .... 1·
row and run1 throuJh J ut)' %9. Ila and D&vtd J ohnlOft wlll round
Thi pl1;1ducllon wW featr11N out .t.be ca.ab Th• two Davida.
Molly Oodd. Bally Paul •nd Ed-on• 11 and th1 other 11. wW
w1rd canatno. MlM Dodd, who have the pt.rt.I ot the 1tre•t
h"' dtllverrd nne performancf'll urchin and the ah<tplle1ptrt. IOG.
ta her thr11 Playhou.e ouunr• K. T. Steven•, thl 1t11e ind
to elate. h•• the teachtr role motion picture 1t.ar·1Chedul ed for
tuen by Shirley Boolh ori the lead !n :'Tlme of the.
Broadway and by Katherine C.ckoo", wu forced to canc1I
Hepburn In Ula motion pl~lur• htr i..1una ensa11men t du1 to
·ven&Oa of th1 play, wblch wa1 tllnUI.
e&lled "lwnm1rtlme". --------
Card Party
. -
University of Colorado
Romance ls Culminated
th• 1.!falr, Spurs•on, who Is on ' the n•tlonal Boy Seoul council munity liq W!lh Mr1, lN'OJ An·
and active In varied youth pro-der-on at •the piano, oP*Jttd the
IT&ma ot Oranr1 County, t treu-pro(l'llm.
I'd th• lm.portanc1 ot adult Mra. Clifford Lewt1, former
Soon to be eatabUlhld in a new home at FL Belvolr, p•rlLclpatlon In community youth preMdent ud local r1pro1ntaUH • progranu1 t.o the Olrl1' Clul:wl M Am.nta
Va. &re Mr. &nd Mn. Alexander Bowie, who have ~ M.r1. Bruce Marlin prealded, ln-!ummer Conf•·renc. _.n <MMM·
boneymoonlnr at C&nnel and San Fr&ncieco, Mn. Bowie troduc~ board member• and chW11UJ1 lut month. told ot t111
ll the former Miu Barbara Rhone, lovely daughter of the rue•t.a who r1praented rn11ny -..Jue at thr n1uonal prosnm H1rbor area club1 and aerv!ce 1or ~ tn the local club. Mn.
Thomu B. Rbonee, 1430 Serenade Terra.oe &nd her mar-1 ruu~ that a ctively .upport the Nelaon Ltindw111, Uecuttve dlr.c~
rl&l'I lo t.h• 90n ot Mrl. A.Jl:dll· Girl•' club profram. A com-tor, wu lntroducetS and th1 fl·
dlr llowlo and lh• lot• ~-. and acctnted wlUI a brown or• -------'---,--_.. tud M .. _, n&nclal report o1 the yur rtvm
Bowla of .o.nftr, Colo. --c -r1. ....,,.. 1 pinned a cor· b M "d 90ltmn1Ad at St. Jamel ..:; 111.19 of Tal11man ,_ to th• M Y r1. "' ward Lewl1. tttallllrer.
copal Church. -.. 1houldtr ot htr Jl'BY chiffon QQSe women Mi ... \Vllllani O"Bnu. fonn1r
l t wu In an .ii whit• MttinJ: J OWll . s D. board member aiid ..bnl of t}Mi
fMlurlnl' lladlolu.a, larUpurand Miii Kathleen Murphy of 8ac-ponsor inner or1a.nlura of the ~ ~Ub
&llnt chrya&athemwnt. a&UJI ntt-ramtnto. ~ouaill or the bridf', 1t.aJ.Jed •«lc9tl D 116&-lloli~
bOna IUld myriad caadl• that wu In cbarr"• of th• rue•t book. Women of tbe Moo1t ire 1pon-Arlt• .-swan.a, ,,...ld•nl; Jotwll ·-m y 90r1n1 a rou'-~ dinner 81.t· N"-·m. · -·"· , th1 !\1v. John H. Parke read oo.n DA , TOO ,,.... Ylct P•-nt, urd1y nl,thl ·~ th~ Mooee Ha11, ....,. -i. d •• .,.
th• doubl1 rtn.1 .. me. ln Which When th• bride'a porent1 hoit-• ·re ry u -w 43:) E. 17th St .. Coata Men , 6 :30 • -•· t •• t.h1 brid1 wa1 (IYll:I. In kMP'"'* ed the bridal dlnnlr at the BIJ· .....,w.... reuur'!'r. ..u.~er recehlr .... p. m. TlckeOI m1y be obtained lng th L t ~-'-by htr fat.her. boa ·Bay Club th• nt1ht bolo•• e r•vt rom w11111 UU\o"llllJ\I" ' 1t the door. rfeld C,\JlllL MODEL the wed.din&. It WU allO to c1l1-p eftl, lilNI. Mart.in, Mroe.
•N'" Ba•bo , t 1 1 Pl1n.. ror the dinner \lo'tre m1de Sw1rtz 1poke brl«l'f'Ol Ule needa
•• ·••·• -·• • •·•w ....... ..... • ra • na a ann vtt· at th• J··L '' t'" r h ' ' .. v. ......., .... al."' oo tho hit bL"hd k " Y nite "'' 0 t e and plan. ot lht CJirll' Club tor
Of Whit. O···-dy. -.1o., ·-.. .,,; w I '' 1Y ca f' \V 0 T M It ••• , •.. I Ill ' .. , ~n ""' wa1 rlCO,..tod wltlt y<llow · · · · • ...., n a-lhe comlq )'tlr, emph.111.'" ...
bod'' •• •d , .. ~ ·•-• w·o·o roaea, tlo" night w·L•• S ·o R -~ " """ ........ • ,,-•-1 o"t th• , I 01 r r "' e111 r !lil'l'nt that, due lo a ctM.nco '" owne•-
.pp''.··-with 'l•n-n I•-••d •. ,,.,, " o or m l o .,,, A hi 0 t L lft . ' "~ ... ...v -... , I.hi weddlnc '-' · n: e 1 ra11r er o ciat-1hlp or lhelr pniaent clubhou.e.
thl entrf'mely bouffant 1klrt had · !nil' •t rltt• for th• candidate,
a fl.Ill train. A Juliet cap of Honored rue•t11 dur1nr the Mr•. Cl1rtnct 1Wtddell, of 930
Alencon l1c1 embroidered with fe•tlvltlf'll Included Jud111 &nd Victoria St., Coat1 Mu11.
1eed pearl• eanflned ut., fln&v Mre. Bayard Rhone of Loa An·
tip veil of bl1da.I tlluilon and plu, aunt and uncle of thl
at her throat wu a itrand of brid•: Mr. and Mra. Robert &.
pe:arl1. cut or h1r brldel"'(XNft. Murphy and Mrs, 1:1•1• BiJl'f
lier traditlooal blui sarter WN ot Sacramento. untl1, auat and
Brother's Death
Learned by Mesan
increuad member.td,p.:;;;ii;===========c:=:f
' •
. hATES~ H~I~ sTYL1N
jl'OR HO~E .
BeLe7 P•ul, lh1 put KtrtN,
will por\rt,y S!por. J'lorla. She
la JU:-ilfar to Lqu.na. a\Nll1nce11.
ha\.tda appaared In ma.tly PIUI·
Britton wmm•r productlOIUll and
In a nulnber· of Commun.tty
PlaytMN .. pr11entatlon1 over th•
y Nn. l!hl ha• a.Do played In
8tarbr11ht Club ot Harbor
!tar Ch1pler. O.S:.8 .. I• llp0f\10t-
ln1 1 publtc card party tomor-
row, 9 p .... m. lh tht M1110nlc
T~mplf'. R11ervatlona ma}o be
ml.de wtth Mra. l!:dw1td Hobel
or ticket.I may bl obtalnM at
&dwlltd C&nalno, on• of lh1 th• door.
s ift of a •rort\J lilt.r and ~r Jl'Udmothtr of the brld,: Mr. \Von! or the dtalh or her
lace handken:htit had .... and Mr9. Jamu Amell!, or Din• 9N>lhet. Boyd Hix or Carthare.
eho9f'n la•t aumm•r eipectt.11)' .v1r, the l1tt1r 111ter ot the bndt-N. c .• ~·u received' lut week by
tor th1 •lddlni' whelf Ahl wu frOOm. -Mra. Emma H. Cr&11fleld ot 192~
In 8el1lum. Abort white 1love1 1'h.e new Mr11. Bowlt donned Ora~ Avt .. Coit.a M111&. Be·
c11mpleted tha •n.et:mble and ahf' a •ult of n.avy blue with match• .Sdtl hla ~·Ue, Atr. Hix leavea ~&rTllCS a 1pra7 ot wblta roMI lnc 1ccf'UOrle11 a nd the whJt1 on1 dau1ht1r and two 1rf'.ndchll·
( Out-9f:State Interests)
'Muffins' with
Mushroom Smice
i nd lttph~ orch!dl trom h1r bridal bouquet dttn.
Ml11 sua1 RMftl' MtVtd bet (or Ult _,.,~ Joum17. Sh• ------------
TbtM Tuna "Mutf1n1" a re an
unusual but .. ,y way to w.1
tU6& llah. Th• "MutttM'" are ac·
tU&lly a IOrt or Umb1le with
plant)'_ Of 1tp and baked In 1
mYl'na pl.ft I A ... uc1 le made
by ~I cond1nHd cream of
m~IU'OOm eoup diluted with
1l1t1r u maid of aonor and wu l'fl.dui.I ln.1"n• ~ lll• Girl for Mesans
bl1ck peppn and Worceslenhlre br~dtnn..idl -r• pt 81\& Phi Vftlv•nits Of CDlo~ wtth I.
aauce. Stir wtll. Add the 'II'' 1orortt7 1lat.r. trom thli Univ...., bach.llor of art.I deJ"I. tad wu Tht Robert Mar1hall.I. :ioeo
and aUr vt,.orou111y to mt. well. 11ty ot Colorado. Ml.UN Ball:J a~atld w'lth Pl Bit& Phi Kllleybrook Lane.· Coit.a Me.&.
Pre•• lht mixture lnto well Ryon• ot Plll&dtn&. luaann• 90rorl\y. H.,. .!lutbantf la &.lao a i re recelvlnJ conrr1tulattona on
a rlaled muffln pana. forrnlnl' a H•nna and IAc:lda Ward o( San Ju.n1 Jr*dU1.t1, rec:el'linl hi• the birth of a d1ughter. Sh•
mutfin about 2 ~ lnch•• In di•-Dlero. 11'1)' woNI ..it.1 l•ncth ~dialor ot 1Aw1 d1rr-frorn &n1YM July 14 11 Sar.ta Ana
met1r and 1mO"Untlrli to 1 llffral froek1 ot pa.la y1lkrw chiffon t.Tniv1n1ty•Ql.lorado Jaw .chool Community Ho1plt.1l and wel1k·
1" cup. Thia rectpe mike• twelve with lhlrrld bodlcM &tad f\111 and bll oommi.ton u HcObd Id ln at a bounol.n&" I lbl .• J6 oa.
ot lhete mi.all muffin•. tklrt•. 'Mtalr p&I• yt.Uow hat.I Utu~l, U.8. Arm)'. H1 wafli''"''"''"''"'===--=;;;;;;
MENU Place mutnn pan In 1 pan of had hOTa.ahalt brim• and crowu attlllatad with Chl PIM and Pb.I Harbor Roat
Or.en A1p&1"•1ua were appllquld wtth 19Uow Dal.ta Phi. lapl tratMnlty.
Paach11 Stuffed WIU\ hot wiler. Bak• In a pr.-heated flower&, KMPtnr UI the theme. '".t I I P k
cr .. m CllffM J~O'F. oven for 4~ mlnult1. R•-their bouquet1 were of yellow THINKING 11 th" hardMt mlmor 11 ar
PlaMppl• Up·Slde-Oown C11k1 move from th• oven •nd lift ro111. work ther1 la, which 11 the prob· lhmo .. WD-lnt.nneat ~ Whipped C~111n t1·om th1 wa ter. Allow to it.Ind A1TENl>e. GROOM. Ible rtalOn why IO .lfw en~a11 OardM1, Cemtt&'7
INOREnlEST8: 1bout ~ mlnute.!I blfnre t.aklni l • In lt.-H1nt')' Ford • Harbor al GIA*
1-t .t .• nalph Chipman wu ::.;;:;;;;~=~='"'====~;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::~ ·.1 CUJ>ll w11 er mufflne out of pan. While muf-'· 1 1room•fl\An and 1ue1ll werl ,J ro ttupoon1 all l fln.11 1tand. cut around the tdge1. U.tht'red • by J 1 m 1 1 AmeW.
l /I cup uncooked whltt' rice GenUy urt out incl 11erve on a brother _ in_ law of the gTOOm.
1 t1ble1poon flnt'ly chopped hot platter. Garnish each muffin ~or11 Webtr and John RhOll.,
fl"l.O pepper I with •li('t'll of •luff9d gl"li"n cou11ln ot t he bride.
1 7 01.. can tuna fill\. dr1lne<I ollvu , It de1lr.d. The retf'lvinr line formed' at
• and flaked 81rv1 with a mu1hroom aauce I.anti Ala Country Club. decor•
S ::~c • n n • d plmlrnlol. '.!!~!!..!' h11Un1 to11lh1r th• 1ted tor the occu6on wlU\ 1ar--
1T41 lllptrlor A.Ytn ue ~ Coat.1 Mua. Calif.
Phon1 UkrtJ 8·2121
' CHA.PEL 8Y THm 81:A.
1120 &. Cout 81\fd.
CorOl'la d• Mar, Ca.lit .
f>bon1 Barbor d
$18,000 ·Stock
2 Cash Re9isten 90 ft. leautiful Wall Racks • 1 Piette Glass Showcase 1 c'.d R•ck with Cards
tau-blaclll. po ••.--rm eoup and mlllt. Th\1 denlae. chryaanlhlmwn• and yll• --~-iifi-iiiij";i;;-"; pep r r'K'lpl maku 12 mutnn.1 II.ti " In low roMa Ml"'I Rhone wu M Worcutet1hLf'I dlamri.•r. Allow two mutnne to iowntd 111. · cale ~u. Jail Altncon PUSH-BUTTON 2 Mt. l1landl leds, Dressers. Desks ·
Hand Made-P.alm Weave Mahoc)any Furniture '""' I •l'P ltu.tfld l'~n ollv1 1.Uc11 ror
prnlah. It dralred ,
1 10'a OI. c 1. n condenffd
ccelm of niu1hl'tlOM ainu-p 1 1 cup milk
XSTllOD: PUt Ula wat9r. aalt.
i_ riff and 1Tffn ptpJMlr In • I-• ~ntt •1Je•pan. Brine to 1 .i,.
'. Of'O\l9 bOll. ~Tum UI• hta\ down
~ -.. I~ •• po11.1lbl•. Cover with
: ~ lid and letiVt' nvt'r th~J low
: he1t 14 minute•. R9mov1 1&uce-
• pan tntm tha: hell but '"'"' Ill!
~ .qn 10 mlnutM.
AA«r th• rl« ~-ook•. •ti r In
U.e lUftt nah. Add thl plml.ato.
Ill .....,,., -Cotta .....
u ...... I
•ch •...i.n.. Ivie. and ehlfton th Empire 1tyll
Walfalr Say
No For91t Now Greu Sheck
on Balboa Island
Ptonly Free P0rkln9 In Do w<•nd C.nal
Comploto Corrective Lino
Pr11cription1 Fillod
Harbor AHN 0nl7 Cblldren1 llboe ltorl
S41 I t:. i.:-1 H.,. co•o~• or;r llAA ..,._ 11n
9 Push·8uttons
llUtomlltlCllllJ sfv• you
Slmplfled Multlplcetlon
on the new ...
...... -•l••r• te••l 11
OP -~ .. -'"""' ..... _, _____ .................... , ...... . __ 1._ .................. ,. ....... .
...,. " .. ..,..... ............ .-nw ..... ~ m.
......... a.tK
-TO IUlf Tout IUOOfT
• _ ..... • •
. ' 1. Ian & Stools Tables, Chairs. Sedlonal Set
China Cupboard Nlte Stands TeatG I etc.
Potte,Y -.hiwelry Leather Goods Iran
Onyx A!'f? '. stlrts I louses
Mexican Imp. Shop
Ocean Ave. · Huntlnl)ton leach
B&nd.fiea he, but a power hitter. Nonn Carlaon slam-The proof ia above. Thia con!erence occurred re-
cently 11dien a Pir&te-Dod,er game at Costa Mesa
Park wu called becaUM of time ran out. Below, no
med the ball into leftfield during the conflict.
-Dick KoehJer Photos
Major Loop Cubs C~bber
Giants; HBC A's Beat JV
Thln11 r ot pr.tty m..sy at a ~ tor tM Br&Y•, every·
Coit& MMA P ark Wed.nNda7 lhinJ ln Ulat tU89le wu ju.1t
when the Major LAasue Oabe two-two. POl' the Brav., two
1lau1htered the Olanta 16-1 and nma. tw .. bit.. two nron. r or
lhe H arbor Boy1• Club Y&nll)' the Plrat.a; two nan.a. t wo hit.a.
downed th• u.,-tart HBC junior And ftn&1 llCQl'9. two lo two.
vanity 1Q-a tn Oran&• Count7 nat lllaf ut M 1liaacar econn1
Lff&'u• KidJel Dl'rllton. bUt It doee _.... Wle a train
In the latter contllct. the 1V whlatle.
bad the vanity 6-4 •t the end PA.Olla MAVU
or five tramee. But three 1troU.. )(yroD ~ paced th •
a trio ot aqueeae hunt.a and a 8rav .. wt" & trtpk. St.rt• Lewtl
fielder'• choice permitted llbt rot th• ou..r lltftsl• tor the
var1lty ma.rker1 ln Jut. of the 8ravt11 wllll• 11&M boptl b)' Carl
Private Police • MERCHANT
Kl Ed Mureet jumped into
the winnl'r'a circle tor the
aecond lime In a row try
winning first place In lhe
wrekly Au11tralla n Sin.1tles
tournament on the Newport
Beach Municipal Bowling
Green• Tu .. da y.
• a1xlh. Colt.oft aad o&ry Welton took
INFJ&LD V AJUftY care of lH Pirate attack. Bue ~~~~~ .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ All eeven ot th• nntty bita hurler Tom Ollber\ .truck out r
were ot t.be lntldd vu tety and nine men.
A quartet of We.stern League gamea was on Monday's 2. Danny J ohn•or. pulled an un· aulated double play for lhe
Harbor aru. aummer baaeba.11 program with the Piratel Giant&. BUI .Johnaon puted s
beating the Bravea 6-3; the Carda edging the Cul>. 5-3.; =b~~~b~:era a~n~~~
the Dodi e.re dumping the Pirates 6-3, and the Gi.anta ~ for t.be Pirate•.
erupUng agl..inat the Bravee 1...S.
.A. wi-tourth lnn.1111' wttll hJta no-llitter tublon..i b1 Ch&tl• Adclitional Results
'y Blll Ric.. Jim Jenka and Meu tnr and Georp Auatbt. Oth•r Barbor area diamond
Walt Cbrlatopber put th• Plrales MeainJ worked tour lnninca. 1100t• July 13: Eulern League
ahead to m y qa.!Ael th• AuaUn two. The wtnnen collect· --C&rtt. 12, Piratea 1: Gian ta
Brana. R ichard Nu1«11t tripled ed three blngles. 1', CUbe L International-Cards
aerou two rUM for the Oaba ONLY I llD'9 14, Plratea 2; Ola nt11 7, Cuba 0.
In the 1eeond. but a trio of tal· The DodC"ra rapped only two PCir-Plratea ~. Carda l ; 01ant1
U• for the Car<Ja ln the flrat hlta to three for the 9uc1 bu t 2. BTaves 1.
~ Offset that. Richard U•k 1ot majority of the rw>1 tor the -"'------------
made a Hns&tlonal catch for victory, Lance Mart1n Sol two Golf Cl L-T k '
lM Carda to UIUr• triumph. of lhe thrff Pirate bit.a, on• • Uva a en
TOO MAN\' llUNIJ rouble. Gary Marner and ChN Gell clubt1 valued a t ["ore than
Rune knocked in on hlta by McU cblln tapped t.be two Dod-$IOG were re-ported takl'n from
Lewi.I Neeper. Frank Durante cer blOWI. tb• truck of a csr belong to
and Mike Bour1ol1 oC the Dod· Cailfom la Slate i..rue H · Rok rt Child!!, 321 Ruby Sl ..
,..... p roved too much tor th• iulll: Dod'en i•, Ptrate• 1; poUce reported. T he theft took
Buca. A rrandlllam homer by Bra vu l~. Giant.a 11. Major1ty p.l&ce betwl'en June-27 1.nJ July
Murael nn up a big 17
points. Mrs. W. C. Purson
took 1econd place with 16
pofnls. Ed Wilcox placed
third with H polnll.
Nugent Belts
4 Runs Over
with Big Bat
tour were bunll. Harold Cald· Tb• CuM' leactlq l'lpl ter wu
well alapped a double for th Dan Pera. Dick JC.oebler topped
JV• aJon1 with a ainJI•. Kent Cardinal 1llc.kere wtUl a pair
Bod,.:>n a.tao do\lbled. Tom of lmocu .
M.arkb&m twirled tor the JWlk>ra. Tilinra were pretty upt ln
Peta J'e&therston tor th• var-th• Callfonll& &tale LRrue Wed·
1lty. ne•day. The Plrat• bitted the
IA th. Major Learu• ouUnc, aru.e 7 _. and the Carda top-
SteH 8lmo!Ulon and Wik• ltlW• peel th• Cullie M . r or the CSL
art .-ch iot thrM hit.a ln th.rM Plfttel. thl1 WM their ft11t ric-
al b4tl to lead th• Cube to tory. ,-.rry 11.aMoft t.oaed a
vlct«y over the Olanta. two-bltt.r a.nd a .. , Von Hotf-
BLAST8 DOUBLE man trtpl9d.
l!Jt .. a.rt bluted a double -.nd ALL IN FINAL
two amctu and SlmoNIOn lapped All the Oube nma came In
out a trio of 111.nl'I• to llnoc:k th• f1n&l lllafta. Jeff H elna and
aoroM •bl runs. ror the Oabe. St.eve Burwlts pow.red the C&rd Jerry L&wr.nc• acattered thrM t 1 b. ... _.. rump hlta from Lil' uthlll and aln~J.., . lnternaUonal Lea(Ue ecoru
twke. u w the Bravea ed&• the Plrat•
With Ronn•• Nur ent and I Eutem Le&gue ru ulu round 1'·1l a.nd the Carda sneak put
Frank Ri~era upping the ball. I the Plra lu beallnr ~· Draft• lhe Cube 1-6. Tee runs ln the
the Major League Braves blut· I ~~~ ~~11 t~~o.c;-:W~~~ tint UullnJ ap&tked the Brave
ed out Ill l 1-4 triumph over I Jon McColl•t•r combined mound triumph. Ol\arln M-1n 1 blu t·
the Dodgers Tuesday n•ghl at effortl tor the atwtout, l"Mtricl· eds.:.~'::c5~~l•~ triple
Coil& Meaa Park. Nugent, with Ing the rival• lo three btnrt• for the Culle but three-for-three
lhree for three, knocked home They alao fanned 11 batten. by Deftnll MaclOlltan led th•
four rune. Rtvera aluhed three John Mukel clubbed a homer. ,..__. •· vi ,,...., NOT MlJCH PaOnT '"'an.o1 ...., c~,.
hH• In lour a llempl.8. After lea~ the ..._loaded
Tom Huber'• ba11u -loaded with no nina acortnr In th• tint MttlNI
double In the fifth acored three four tnnm.a. lhe l:Ut.uD LMcv•
nma. Larry Shrader and Ca rl Brave• finally ta1119d ln the fade-INSUlANCE
Bergeron doll'd out four hltll to out frame on Qeors• Jerud&ul' ...... ......
the Dodger ballers. lu t tnnlnr homer. But by-that a.. .... ..._ a.It)' 0..
Jn Aml'rlCan Aasoc1alion play. time, the F ira te1 had all t lp t tal W. V...:..,~
the Cubs oullule<l lhe Dodgers of their 1coree acrou. "l!!!!!!!!i!!J!~!!!!!!!!!!~ 20·H while the Gta.nta edged Pacific Cout Learu• ruulta ?!
the Carda 4.3 Tuesday. 1iny Tom wound up wllh the Brav• and ---
McGuire of lhe Dodgen 1lugged Pirate• b&tUlnJ lo a 2-2 tie
oul tour ror five. Including a and lh• Cardlnala clubblnr \be
clouble and three 1lngles. Rod Cub& 1'1·1. •
Wilson tripled. Richard Rison. ICxcept for the fact that U..
winning Cub11 pitcher,. homered Plratu committed five errori to
a.nd Dick Langseth tripled.
Dave Page "11m11hed' a triple Cal Star. Scores
a.nd 11lngle lo 1park the Giant
win. On July 13, Calltomla It.at.
League acOl'la ln th• Har'llclr
srea uw the Cuba but the
G la.nta 11-4 and the C&rdlJ1ala
blaat the Plratu 9·'· Weetem Leacu• scoru: Carda 13, Pln..t. a. Olanll 10, CUb• 2.
IM alu• .... A•.~.0.--
NSWIOU a&<ll. GAUi'.
Jn July 14 game11, lhe Ameri-
can L<'ag\le Plr&tf'.a beat th•
Dodger11 13·10 and the Ola.nt•
shutout the Bravee 4-0. Gregg
Crrmac h1l a homer tor the
Giant~. Catcher Allsn Jones led
the Pirate attack with a triple,
two doubles IUld a 11ngle.
A pair of CJve·run Inning•
g11ve the AmerlcAn ABAoclsllon
Card11 a 13·9 win over the Cuba.
RIC'h1Hd W11llam1 bla.ted Ar home
,.ja ••rr •• \a . ....
ILICT•ICALLY run. I e LET US HELP YOU e BUI Tradner cit th• Bra vee wu of tbe Dodger l'Wlll came on U, Chlld1 H id
•tlli not enough. Bob MancebO walk•. J immy Ber!Jh•lmw ot t.b• ------------------------
homered tor the Glanta In the Giant. belted a t riple wlth th• $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
fourth ror lhree run1. 111ck8 u tura led. David Bunn•ll
IA the Amerelan AuoclaUon. ol tbe Brav• tanned nine men. $
WI~ Maximum SecurttJ $
t.be Brave• demoUlhed the Pl· Ea.Item League: Plrat u 18. $ PIA.BT JllONl:Y 1s~~~ ~~ $
n t• 13.9 with a dozen run1 In Dodf tra 11 · Bravea 10 GllJlt.a IAnttl Yc "'" '"-•
'th• aecond canto. Colll'CUng the · ' 100
only two bit• for the P ln lA>• BE SURE • INSURE $ Ornteru t ROYAL $ were ~ger Wat.eon a.nd Tom M C
Stott.a. Tom Toedter, Richard wltll ortgage O.
Lockwd Cd Du Kerr si-ced 11.6 V&llla ftAHL&T $ Beoul"&d , a.at Eatau'· L. lltawtcld I . L Leab.J $•
t.be Bnw altadl. taw ... o.11 .... _ .... _ 7 V 1 1Jp ... itn Newport Bh·d.
ID(emauou.l "-"'' reault.a hoae --. "" $ ~--. . • • ue N...,.n 8-ch $ found U.. Docl .. ra diafe&Uq the • llll II:. OIM& ~ 1 .. % •f .... • • · • • • • •. H a.u P'-H I Mt :·=t~Wtlla~~~~ o:·t~ ~~Oo= ..... ===·~--~~~~ _$ s $ $-$_$ $_$ $ $._$. S .. .$ lS. $ $ $ s
I !!11!!1.!l I r ...... ...__
* OGOaTAIU * ~ • ..,. "-u ......
l1llaoa l1l11i Spoiting 800~1
leach & Swimming EqulpfMll!
.......... ea.ball ~,,.._ J
Hoock-famous "PF" CallYCll Shoes
nl .... & ........ a.....-.....,INl
.-...aM....,-1 trM ....
S10 IOtll St., N~ ... Ram. 1811
.. o •
Oww ........ •
15" & W. ••o• llYd. ...... °" •••r:• 22 y..,.· &perience in
Automotive MeinteMnc• • •~m:J11Mef 1;um111.u1
0 ,, ....... "' ,.... ·~ ... • • ...... ..,.,... ..... , ''"
hrU -Dealer -a.mce
LIDO &l..scra.10
MU Via Ude -8artlor •m
&atomobOe Dealen
New u d UMd Oan
HIOIUC&ft l'l'UDSBA pa
a.a. 8erYb Part.II
Mii Newport BIYd.-llal'. IH
8ANlt8 ... .,._...-n•a&
MU Via LIM -llaf'Nr NII
a.&aam s.aors
I• llNwab'a It.re for Ila
NII Via .....,_ -11aJt1U 1111
IUOIUJ.D'I LIDO MAa•n .......... _..,..._
utO Via UM -........ ""
lmertor.Deeontolw .... c... hllrlll'IOll A..LD.
Ult Vl6 J.w. -11ar11. ...
Dl<a 11.&Gl&a
Ult vi. ..... -..,.., &al
M.alap !m,port,a
NO Via •1ep Sanor lllT
BMVTY PA&LOB8 au•••noa UDO •••an
UDO BALON or u:.vn MA Via ...... -........, 1111
NII Npt. ....._ -Bar. 11'8 &EAL ar.&TE '
P • .&.. f'Al.MJI:& IJIO.
8C)OIL ().68& 1111 ..... -.........
Mll -vlll l..kle -.,.,.., UM VOO&L OOlll'&NI
OAll£&AS' a 8•..... Mii n. Utle -...... .,.
vmvmrr LIDO DBOOS UT 4.trD ••&Oii w.a.n MtlVlal.IM-~-VlaU..11.1.WP~
DIC& llA<*.l:A
au • .....,...._..__,
&J«•••h'& UDO MARKft ~~2!.~~
NII Viau..-...,._ 1111 -~n•
aouatq.atlclra a lafuta
~or LIDO
... !Ii ...... •vt.
OLOTIDNO-llell'• Retail
.... Via ..... -.........
<lot1Lla&-Wcmea'1 .8etall
LA &&INl'l
.. fta ....... -....... 1'
UDO ,dJllUJll
Mii 1' ......... -....... 11'1
RWPOa'I' Ml.llQA
&A VINO& a W.ui A..00.
A. Savin&'• WdtaUon
Lon~ Term a... i.o..na
... Via ..... _..,.._ ....
IBOD-llea'• amww:UJa aou iw JIU
NII va. ..... --....r tMa
8BOD. Wftlm
.... Via &Milt -.......
MU Viau.. -......_..,., TlllMDD
Jmported 8~ Couult We ,.,_for Prosr&m
.... Vie Ule -..... .... Vie ........ .,...,... ....
oatJo sroaa ......, 111• •
JIJlfOUT8 UDO DIWGa 1'01'9
Mil Via ...._ -..,._ -LIDO l'Ol'L&lf9
a.ate 'OoldnetGl"a MU \II& U.. -..._ _,.
UDO &L&CftlO ... Vie ..... _..,..,,., DU.VD. .AGllN<Da
JIA.&90& ftAVSI. AGD O't .. ...... ~ -_ .........
DIC& ••«•A NS Q•• amP
... fta ..... -.................... cwe..-11a.r ...
I '
• • ' • . . . .. • -. iAl;;E•·PNlf~..:.~THAllOANEWualSS ·1 Minis,..;....;. Jwy .., .... ,. .,.,,.. """""~__., u.;..,... -.;..,.j .. ,.__..,. •. _ .. ,."". · AY :r .... ,...... · TodaysN" D -i""""". DIA~NO'llCI ........ _ • ......_.,_,.="'--~ -_... .,""": ~. :, , . . . r .. .,., I s . I • a!'~':. (OC2fl, -... • , :: ......... :.:-..: ... -::.;.. ::-.:-.:. === :. -::. -:. -:. • -~ t""lr _D~ •••• ,._.,., ~ ..:..·,...,...~::--.._•,.w'._.. .... *'-',_-..,......, .. ..._.,q 1 : ~vu c..n: .., ... .-..... Alm SIW' •.,............ . • ~P:!i~·:·e·~iE•!l ... • l!I, ... u.. '·&. ctf lt\Or&ll.,, a.ta ..-~ .......... ..: : :a:.-"· e. .... •& . _. 1 k•ta ~a AA·_, at 1~ P.-. • ~ wietw.cpo;t'._,.,,,...
Wltiw Co. ... "" ~ ..... ; MlJ4nd ft.leeor 'l(Ortaiq a.,.. ONta ..... 'g •• ~ Cit' ... JliOW-IOJlfD "1VUAOD l'knnce. 4T. at.la wUh u.. ~ ........ e ...... ' ..... Loll ....
IO l~ Ill IT down M JUdp rry.k)ln O. Weit ... t.oep 7• of!k:te ... , ..-.ted -· _.. • · MrL 0.., '"' ' detp In a JoaS H11t of ~ •1 '''i.he Itri. (:llules •• ~ et ~.-oat Uld _. It> ft86t .,......_ ,ttl.OI up. •• to jUl'Of'9 at 1i..ao UUI mondfts . J huau, l1q l~ lol ~ z.t•ln:ll&iemi ,__ f0,11 up , A pOM.bi,.; U nrdlcta wm ~ . Mr. Zimmer 4'td \llJ tf ta llol¥ &.,.,. wW.,.. rtclt.t .._. '
l .. .., ,. ..... 1+....... -• u.. a.ad, ore. •bile• a fteaUon monow 'at f:at p..m. Jn Our
.t.mericu. lmelttDf ·"-· M4 Tdal 1~ J:•ry'1a. Tb.I wttlt Ille wtl1 ""-!ht blcame ~ ot Moat O.rmtJ Cb\&rdl. A.In....._ ~,,,..._ ~-... , 1' drlrl'tlltdantl ..,.. Oll.atpd wtlh fCMar W Md d':.;' ~ ~· WM • RequWn Mu. wm~t1t: ~ltbraW
AM091i _.. -· .. TIV. ~ coanlL· ~ .... ,....... aal!~ or ·001t& MM& :.--ud bJ tbt. RitY. 8"'Pbtn Klle:y'.W~
CtLr1*r -r..L.!...···-+-M~ oJtt-dt.upter 4Jart.h Lou A.ndnu, came bat to been p1of41C1 by 1~ nada)' at l o ,_ m~ In lhe chu• ~:::;'-;~--111:: ~ co.:.t eon.,. -.tUCS.t, :iu. Coat ·::t Co. for tb• to!lowtid by tntennent lA ~, .;;::.:::....~~ -·"';"-:"11 . ~ tn UM cue. t • 1 yf!llnl ., • welder He kpulclrre Cemetery. Ba.It.a Mor· OeneraJ ~ ·····-·····-· •?;'i pu i •. , W...~J!l c~ru or arraqemen.ta. Glmbe&......._ ...... ,:::.:;:-_ .. _:.. • ..-St --..-----wU-e rnembrtr of"'Wllltanll!utton The fa.mOy bu C!fltablfib.d a
Orwe.t t'ortherii R.R. .... -.. • •f INJURED , Muonlc Lodp ol Sauru, Mu.. munortal with the Mount Carmel ll.O: American A'tiaUOn -·· 11)1 Bee.lde9 hi. wtte l:llu.bet.b h School. bulkltnc tund.
N . Y. Central -.. : .. _.: ......... 81" (OMU._, rrem Pap 11 ~ llUJYlved by two ton1, Dooald J -----''---~--
)(ay "°' ~--··-·--··· "" ---.. or .... -· and l' ...... "' oJ FISHING Mont.,..,. 33 Th•........ ul1'ftl wu reported Cotta :t.ll'IJll' a daurbt.r DoM•
8ateway Bto ' ---~=::-~: M~ .. ",rutted" and M lmmetliate or tbe ho;.,e: three brothers: ,
8inclair Qll ···--: ........... -... ea,.. explanatkm for the explo.lon wt.I Arthur or Nahant. M ... , Oarles ~0..U....t rroa1 P•r• 1) ao. Cal Zd1'ob ...... -........... &2 orrerec1. of' South BoatoD a.nd ww11m o: ple1·. eve11 U _there b no ran, far
ltandu-4 OU 0( ca:llf. ---· 57~ ~ accident wu the only Rocbutl'r, M ... : three 1tilers. In the, Jut 1.2 year• the only boy
ao. Pacific .......................... Bt'I ~ ~urance to mar an Mra. Allie' Dacey or Readlnr. to ran Oft Wb one who wu ac--
'l'rauamerica ............... '... ..... 31\4 othel"Wi.le quiet weekend, accord-Maa: Jlfr1. Guy Stevent of Mel· cldent.Uy pu.hed. A.t Ule 'u.m•
tfnlon OU ot. C&ut .... -....... 121' tnr to Ute,ruarda. rrom a crowd ~ Hlfhlanda. M .... and Mr1. time flYit crown-up1 have tau.a
u .a. ei..1 ................... _....... e1 or •o,000 on the beache1 over the IAon&rd ScbloeMer or co 1 ta into the water, but nbne drown·
---------,.---weekend. only el&"ht rMCue1 were Jlua; •llo one &randeon. ed.
~....... D&.~ made. .U fn>m ll'9 numerowt rt~ bt.rment WU ln Harbor Reat _.,.., ---.:r-• Odea alonr th• OCHA mde. 'ntere Memorial Park. Ul\DEa l.NJl'LUENCE
One of tbeee W&I a man wbo
wu mi;.r-e or 1MI under the In· t'Rf:D L .llA.00118 · nuence. He wu •lttinr on the
TBIVEL i1ns FOi '
3 De,yt Apple Vel!e,,.=-incl.
lert..cue I Buffet.._ S1t.OO ...
12 O.y Cruise ~~ Cub-
·Jernel" I &uat_emele
..... $250 •
2l Dey ·C.rii11e to South ·"'rneric:a
' ' • $450.00
' 7 Days Acapulco,, incl,
Airline & Aineric:a r Plan
. $174.22
Harry L. IObn.oD ot Lo&> A.n· wire also ff loat eb1Jdren N-
Stlff wrote f'' Newport Bea.ch ported and 17 minor rtNt aldl.
police. J"l1da ot tbett or a 10 Su rt condltlon v.•u moderate
toet ~ill.YD 1 dln(tly from hi• with water temperature 13 de·
bo&t. tk-' Barbo Ill. at the rree.. • nor to M.t dertff•
Udo Park moorln' today.
Fred R. Jacoba, 77, ot S20I SU&nl rail wllb h1I elbowe on tu•
8euhore Drivt, died J\lly ti ._, .lw.~• a.nd they &lipped ott ca"°
hla home atter • 1bort illnH&. Hi• Ing blm to tak• a h-.d~r Into
wu born In Wlnd8or, Vt. and the drink,. ~ only did IM set
0.rd:kl at Gout ..... ......; -...,.. Utt .., ~ lier ...
But not bec:a"" or the cunent water •hort.ll'e In Newport
Bea.ch. lt'1 ~ rtve companle• bave a.ccn1 to the field
baclt ol Corona det Mar where I.he cltf water re11ervotr,i art
loca.t41d and .acb company n.1 it'• ~a..g&dlock on the sate.
Elder ·v . Ortber&, Newport Beach w•ter df'partmelt R rvict
ma.n, lhoW1 the ctty lock. -Staff Phot.o
DlWIN l.4.SPf!"
FUneral .. mcee for Irwin G.
(C.aU.IN'd from Pap 1)
then 60 per t'l'nt of Ill water
from welt., decla~ hi1 dWtrict
wu "In fairly good 1hape'' bUt
U..t con.11Umel'9 had beeR or-
derwd to u.. 1e.. water In an ef·
rort• to help out NPWport
S.ch. The balance or Newport
Rei&'hLI Irrlptloa E>i.ltrict ._ ••.
ter alllo com.. from M'WD.
Juper. lt2t 8. Andrew1 Place.
Loe; Arlrela1, wllJ be held l\J_.
day at I p. m. in PieN!e Brot.h-
,,.... UtUe ChUTch Around Ute
Corner at 3443 W. Manche.tar
Bl'fd.. tn.clewOod. Survlvon IJl..
elude hll wire, Kathryne; daup-
t&r. Myrllne and brother,' Althd. The FaJNinv CotMty Wat,.r
Dltltrict. •rvlzi.s COlll& Mua
ta.tween lltb St. and Wti.oa
Aw. a.nd Newport BIVd. &Ad the
Butt.a Ana River, baria.r ftO
welW 1Dd rel7ln( enllnly on
MWD. bu limited lrriptlon of
cardena id one AeCtlon, well of
Placent.i.-Ave., to Monclt y and
Thurlday LQd lbe other eecuqp,
IUl ot PlacenU&. '4 Tueacl1y
alld Frldliy •• • to'nflf'rv&dtlni
:·HOME .
rwo Ol'l'ICIS
Te lene Y•
ma.... A ...
601 N, Ii C.-laal
w HY ... J,flf6
Santa Ana Hel(hLI Water CcJ .•
acoordlnr to Secretary -ma.n·
acer Thomu Tompkin•. hu I
plenty of water fl'Om ILi well•
ror u.e or ltl mutual con1umen.
''We are h.oldtnr up the aame
u we have the put two yun, °'
be .a.Id. "bow~r. we are
watc:htnr our conswner1 ind
ftnd that no water I• beinf
wuted." • , ....... , .•.
c••••••••d • •
AM modern deak, perfect.. Sii. '
OU ra..e wtt.h oven window. s ,,._ o1d. aoo. & rt. x • n.
Tap. cloth $1. Laree eJr
compreuor $200. 2 pn. lkll#
with po1e4 120 taka. P'klor•
II.mp 16. isa ,Poppy, CDM.
Har . .,..., 4~J •
ALUMINUM aquar. tub May·
Lat waaher. Good ooadltlon.
302 . llb S L, Hunllniton Beach
Le• 1-2893 u
M-M-Radio, TV
ANO II Bench. ueelU!n.l con-
dlUon. fol "O. LI S.1UI t0ot2
llSJ FORD model A. pickup.'
~l.n 1171. H&r. 411-W tOpU
411-Aeta. & Rouw for But
WATl:RJ'RONT APT .. cum. l bdrm.. fireplace. Bube.Oue. 1 Summf'r rental. 4ot C!Ubhou9e. ' .....
&AST SIDI: Coeta Me&& borne.
2 bdrm., l&rp den. p&Uo, ~
place, eu:peta • .....,... Luce
Jot. laadlc:ape!d, rmttd. dbl.·
~ Jll,OQO.--hbmlt doWD.
Ow1MT U. M117 40c:U
CB.A.NN1:L rRONT 4 unit.
choice )ocatloa wttb i.e.ullt\ll
...... ol. 8aU»oa ()ntiL U1.tOO can -XJ t ·ttM &fttf"aDOnl aad ---OWNER SAYS SELU
.. bedrm.. 1" bath&, 't.rp 11.i.w
room, na,.to.i• pU.lo A ....._
cue. Jual I moot.h.9 old. 061' ---· Seven lslends Re•lty
& lnvest111ent Co,
00342nd ~t .. N_,.rt Bch. Calif. Har. 6111. llfltt 1 p. m. Har. $397 12========:!:W1 -U.Mrt7 WlS.
So ~ch beaubf
also little cod: •••
LATEX wan paint:.·
• .
Continuing our policy of providing our patrons with top quality, FAIR TRADE PRICED mer-
chandi11 we are pleased to announce our appoin tment as local dealer for two -ouhtendlng . '
paint products • , , , .
llUCl! lllrtl 00111
... iii•..., to dean ..
the baltM -me1 on your
l"llriprator. Mak• klteheOI,
Mt.hroo-, woodwrorlt "PU-
kle with beaut7!
$1.19 qt. $5,19 gal.
24 a .. uler C...,_-
Hu•HI ... ef .... ,.., .... ,..
I I ; Then'• nOUU!t lib
It for be•titiful, .mootb
room dlloondon.. ac...-
oolon &bat: dry ia om ......
mabpe.in.QnctMY-.... ii
$2,69 qt. $8. 98 tal.
14 ...._. ( ....... '""' .............
Bring your paint problems to us.,. let us demonstrate SUPER KEM-TONE, the washeble Lale•,
wall paint end KEM·GLO, Americas favorite enamel that looks end waihe1 like baked en•mel, '
• • Paints • • • WMlpaper ••• · Appliances ••• TV .. ·;Radio ·
A Goocl F,lenclly
Place to Shop
2205 W. Balboa Blwd. Harbor 116 Newport Beach
/ .
' '
..,,,. only tU.• not b•n~
to dtfrnd hlmMlt," W. ~l.
t.olasmoor. wu re 1 I• t t " d
cllalnnan. or ~•wport ,Belll'" Pt&Mlns CammllllMln Tbur&-
dl!J". Rt. pSaee ... t.,kt'ft
tt. tJ1e ••tin& by Cornnn•-
aiontr Ray Copelin, who .,.-111~
19\er elfeted 1 • c re t • r y. qeorp Ll.nd wu electad 111..-11 -· Aft.er the electkm n111m·
beN ot UM eo1r11nl.Mfoo w<'1"'
loud In U.,eir pralM ot Long·
moor and ll.lf ,. a 1 t 1 r t y
bandlinl' of dittkutt qu<'•-
Uou while pr-'dlnl' durl11J
the Ume he ~ beftl ch1lr·
man. ·
' ' . Pniirntnary pleM tor t.M WW IA tha·l (iliU'iCt ' and dete1mln1
InW ~me. Mlbdiv\alon 'll!IU:n• I.he new wb4Jviaion untU ti;e
lliion w.re a.ocepted by the filew-It th• prop>aed park 1lt11 will
port S.cb Nana*« Ogmm!Mloa tie, laip ..,OUJ:'h and capabi. ol
'nluNday wtt.h the pron.• that deve.k>pmenl for th• city'• park-
thti Parka, Beac.hH and ft«re&• lnr need&.
Uon Oummte.ion'a rtc'bt to r.-The psl'lu cornmlaalon felt
' qui,. tree plantlnr In parklnJ: that a park I• euenUal In that
.triJll be tMda a part or the MIJ:bborbood tor u.. ol chlldra.11
a p,...._L • lruD. l[Wbo& laland and th•
Th!I 11.1~ lncl\ldea • l .S m.mben did Ml M!le.ve tba t
at:N park adjotnlll.r Oout Hl(lll-I .I acres would ff lar;:e cnouirb
way, w .. l of Jamaica Inn. A for a ball "di&tnorld and otAer
a meet.Inc of P.,Jt commlUIOo Nere&Uo-.1 reclliU•.
Skr1bs Q1ick
Gar4en Spot
T!lurllday momlnr ft waa YOttd A t th• m.eun1 Thuraday nl1ht
to requeet U... pl&Mtq CCHDo. WUl\un• 8PW'reon lll al.ltttl it
------------/m1111on to bold up apJHVY&l of le ,U... lntantlon of \,be. Ir ... tne
patltl canun~on had an OpPOr-Oompe.ny to pn!Mflt th11 city
tunrty to et\Mly Midi fOI' a psrk ..tth a completed park.
On hln.ldM, under 1prr1d1n&
t{.-. in IK>t. dry apota, 1n coloi--
1... 1.reu, few pla.llt•typu "'ID
Improvement of ·Varieties
Increase Daisy Popularity .
Atw.)'I on• of the more M· pleuinl" colOl'I to the p rdl'n or
tracun and depeNbb11·•ummer & cul. flower arnina:ement. The
nowen tor the prdoi .-.4 cut Tranavaa.J '-1 naUve of South
bo\iquet,lf 1 the ~Y aow bu .Africa &Ad DlOOml in ma.ny di!!li·
HAND'l' Ot.A88inm u:n:u:NCE 1'0
SerYing Th. Harbor Area· • roa rova OUfVL'\'IEN(,'E
nom1tic .i1shen -
Henderson's ·
~rt· tl&l l\'EtiroaT BLVD. uaun .. ,...
Ato Accessories
· West Auto Supply
tl'?T HARBOR BLVD. ualtaTV 1-&fU
/41to Repairs & Towi11g
Newport Auto Works
Am-tie ,-,._..'-lo• E~
MIVI u well u a 1rowid covtr. 10me lmproVrd' var1etift to 'In-cite toneii or Mlmon pink ind
~ srowln&" ,llhruba. LOO, often c:reue It.II popularity, yellow and ..i.o on.n&e. ro.e and
make ou1Atandln1 pvund cover• Four of ur.e new V&ti.Uee •dd· red. Marsuftite'1 flower• are y~l
and qu6ckly brlJ'.hlen • 1•rden ed to u.. 8b.ul.a ct.Uy UollP low. ~en •nd white, bornt' 01111-----------------------
~ where no olher planl can are _enow Queen (ltM) whkh • ehrubby b·l h-1\ke plant of /4 t B d & F d R •
ltf l:!lio,,USTRIAL WAY LREJIT'l' 1-llll
pow. hu fi••looh D~on, ond bli>om• t~•M foe\ o• ~. ,.,. ... two d•I• i 0 0 y • en er ep11n
J'or the mlklet' •reu. eucn • (l'Ofl\ .. rlY ' 9pri.s UU'oosh m.IG-IPa do beat In moderately warm
abrub 111 the copi·oaua. ktrk•l. • Oecem1"!r tn ll}lld cJlm•tee; Me-c;>t:m:":""=·========:; Cur/y's Auto Works' v. =
low·powtnr epede. of the ml,... ltw ; l~l ....tt.h eemi-.pider OuM-Work-Rft•-e•w• ~
ror pla.nt. Rmpld srowtng. It hhxml• ttu-M lnchoM wide; JU9y CONCRETE l'?U NEWPORT Bl.VD. LIBERTT l4ut maku a tin• deep l'f'OWld cover Cream t lfM I With double. four-
U It le pinched b&ck. St. John._. loch flowers: and T. E. Kieen
"°" 1n , .. ·•"""""• form ~ ""'"· ·-... """"' • '"'" /tto Seat Coven & Tops called Aaron'• &lent I byperlCU111 bloome M"I llix inch• acrom.
cel)'dnwn) end. It i. -olher Th• i.tter thrff 8butu bloom SatUfa:ctio' n T I • T . Sh
,... """'" ......... f" ......,... '" ... ,. ay or s rim op
BLANK WALLS CAN e~.' COVERED UP ~"'·0·~-!!!.!"":!: ~ :o::.."':'~":: n .. "=..:.~"t;;~ & ~ ... ;., ...
He-you oee the contr--between al•ht of the alicovered wall o! a Harbor area produce. brlsht yeUow flowt'n m...tmumi 111 fomui to eutt al· POUi IT '· • ., -" • 1n aumrner. moi1t every J:•rd~r'• l&tt.e. All home at right and uae o! a 1eartet BucinvHJaea, ~rrowinr above the hou.etop. to .serve.ral prwtrete •pl.(;lc• of 1 of lhtm '"' bardy rrow•re In THE EASY
i b.rea.lc that blanlmeu. _ 9tall Photo Uie Juniper rw 111 quickly to all aru1 Of Ult -.i.. 8tlaat.aa WAY AND SA VE. •
provide a ple.ulnr UJ:ht rreen •h.ould have fUll 1un •nd en-
--------------------.... .,..--1 or blue .,._ low fMegnrund rlehed, deeply brok~ 8011. a .. · School Remodeling fW' other plu.L&. JaWpe~ con-IJIOve. dMd bloom• to encour•J:e • I H .Ga ~ .1' fert&, thf' ehOT'e Juniper. 11ow• •-nowen and • yM11y dlvi-1 cl ·11 . :e·a Job Given R11cllay OM lo lwo feet hl1h. •n lnfor-ldot1 of the C:IUmJNI will contrcl I Ome iln • n11l mat ot blue-1reen needJ.,. thf' Shull'• 91>NJ11dln1 hi.bit. I"· ' Ne"·port Be I ch tltnlt':nllry ! Ilk• toUase A• Ile populer nan11 itcl.I and 41Ma-aeldorn bother 1
. School Dllitrlct tnatea on Jul)' lndlcet... It will tole....,lt 1alt 1 lhl1 dai.,.. ----------------------~-3 ltt a contract for remocl-•pray •nd IUbmll'(t':ftce. Tht The Mld\ulrnae daley or
f CONTINUE ENJOYING . 1 ~1:1 H~~:c.N'::~ 8;=~·:r~ ~=1~11~"~w11 J~-:b::•ln~~:~ :~~.,.o.,.~k,0~:'. ta=1
Citt10 w .. let lD rdon B. nd-hlV! and It hu needle e nd Al'lle-ro.e or rM ta coatN.a lo the. I 1•Y for llOlli. llkt leave• In Urht ~· Shu~• "(hate bloom•. A hardy I
PLANTS INTO FALL , Th• bo.,d ""° '""""-' lh<' In wn o• •hod• d•y M mot.I ........,., tho Mid>& ..... ....,,.,1
•ollowln< l\•m" "''"""" •o• ~II. th• .;,., .. ,;,, <otonuo<., ••d _,,u., bloom "' lat. wm· 1
toon1e room at Corona de.I Mar lcotone.M'te.r danuntrll make• 1 mer. Wll &JI. lddln1 color to
School, j2111 : vecuum cleaner, h•nd80me w 0 0 d y evtrir.e.n lhe lardeD wMn mOlt other
$83.JO; duptlc.tor, $249.H : two cover. Oood for cloee up vi.,...ins. pe,....lals are dyln1. Sel tht I '"-Is' .,, nrne to. Set 1"n Fast lype.wrlter .. $400.40; projector, It le nut •II year round. Mic~ In eun and at&ke the
In 14~; 1ddin1 machine. 1131. t&.U yarie:U.. and dl-rlde clumJNI
• Addltloru mad• et th• meel-Look into the man1 plantin. Y~l'.!Y· . •
Growi-Cof...l.el Pere.U.iClls inr UI th• ICbool ooa-oer~Wd poulbWtlH of •hrube ~u~k ~ not to be for1otlen
••'21 ..... ..... ._ ,..,. -' r ._ '" .,..,..an.1 ~e ~·· 91fll*. l'fOW'd Pf'f!ra, rKOmzi:e ~ _,.,.a \Jie "Trwvaal 4 serbf'f1l
T our c•rd~ may l)OW bt •r 11ud1n on Into tall • h~ cu •todle n"lor ifftf"PWt C&llfomie Aaaocla Ion ~ Jamffonltl and N&r(Ulrlte.ichry-
Jta pnk of bloom Qlll'now·a the , Al th1-Ume you can 1ucctu· ScbOol; Everett Tweedy an.d We Nu~rymtn.. For lb•,0~.,!_ P...W. aa.nUlemum frute~en11 d&ili11.
1 f t 1 fully .. , In youn1 plant& of Kathleen w. l.eltn.... they re eeey to c:;• d rd Uke their couatna. they bdAJ , Ume to ... l II ~m• .. ·.,.OW-euch pei·ennl•I• •• 1er1ntmum1. I make your p en en .I ye
tnr colorful p.trennlale. Thi• Mer*"•trt .. da.l•Lu. ..,t.,. sh..-1 more attracU".
' rt lll'I to m y a-· I panthui orletltaJJ11 are IUlllJ)Mr-------------may 1Hm a b pua I •n ta dalalee and araputhue. Heat-bloomln( bulbe la many .ti.ado JAMES
• Ila\'• "' almpUfJ ,. ... ,
-ret• . ...,ti; wit.Ill a
1oM1 of pf'ff'lWH-taillMI
aimeat -..• ,,.,..,.. t•
,.., Mder Ma •vi.r-
Ut*fy 8-2283
BAY ....
711 W.· 17th St.
D. RAY 1ard~tr1 but •uc:h procedllre ~ 1ovtn1 •Muale can ti@' pl•nted of bloit and whit• \hl.l do w.ll GARDENER'S llU(J:tsled tr y11u want to con too and youn1 omamenlal 1hn.11"1 ... nl ,.. ' U. Jo 1 now r In your _,_ In uie. eun or te eiun y · C UST I.ti r:n Y nc-1
• •d trtta U you m-t eui·e to 1 ctpt In the hol Interior valley• CHE K General Contractor Ir Builder
Kf!;idlj Mixed
glvt thtm plenty of wete.r. Such1v.·here they need more ahadt).
ahrub• •• the olearMtr. Elical· The blue one1 are very handaome ------------
lonla. tuch.lta and lantana will comb1'led with Y•llow day Ulla. 1. Both n.ichatu end tuber-takr: hold well now and brlftl' ,
pleaaJnr color1 into your yen1. Brfi1!t yellow. oran111 red.
pink. white or pal• l•v.nder Ptrtnnlal• and munlfl• planted nowe... bloom on the. Jantana 2.
now 1hould be of toad el&e.. ehrub, which \e •vtrr-een or
Ger&nlume I pelarpni\/me !. u-I pe.rlly dtctduoua d•pendinl on
le:re, M•rruertte and 8 ha 1 t • the climate. t.. _.llowiana bear•
°"' bepnlM ben-11 t from
trequent llpt feedlnc ..
MMt lawrui '"' benefltea
by a mklwmn1er applica-
tion of frrtill~rr. Remem-
ber we.II fertlllzed lawn.1 delsle. !Chryaanthe:rnum trute.· lav ... der·pink nowere thal are lake le11 water.
llCtrui an~11ch~tl'lam~m 1 Jl'I~~ quit• fn.sr•nt and L.. e&llowla.lla 3. It will IOOn be time lo
mum1 w o -n rol41·u1h bJoorne ln aatfron plant winter nowt'rlnl'
the Richard ·Beeson Company
Laaclscapa Dfti9n and Conslnetlan
PffONI: BAA901t 111
' 14wnings & Alum. Specialties
Hasting's Aluminum Awnings
Ml \V. lft'll ST. UllEftTl' 14161
Carburetor Consultant
Ken Eubank's Mobil SerYice
Espert. '1artteretor RepeJn A: II.tor ~p l 1111 TVID..'\' AVE.. OOH.. ITl'R ST. LrBERT\' Mil'?
r ' ••• -• C'a aner
Mercury Cleaners
\l'• De Om Owa Oeule&'
1181 HARBOR aL\'D. l.DEaTI'
Chamberlain & Son
I .Jiit
Fencing ·
IN E. l'Tl'll IT. , LDIE1ITI' ~I
Floor Coverings
Coastline Floor CoYerings
~ttal ... c-. ... ~ ...........
Ml CCtn'Ell ft'. UB&llT'I' ,_Hll
.. .,,, •• , u.. eemie.t !111011-
... 1''• an MaJdsif E'fft"J r.-.. Ertut to S.ttafJ U..
eun and ere very baldy. Wit.Iii yellow. Pllint lanta.naa In full lw!!tt peu from leed. A
I.he viceptlon of Ute Shula.. all tun atld provld1 mode.rate. ltr· •ferlDe Med bed will pay R 0 B E RT F 0-R B Es I "~'I ranee prel1.1 a not too ,lerUla •011 end UJial'I' Uld water. oft In b~a. Start
..... ':.''" .. w"'::'•:· "'" ,:':::,: ..;.. ~"'ff" ·~·11on1° '" '"'"'"'"' Mw. ·~ · Bruce • ~art1'n Local Agent on ...,, OuoV Ill . ._, ..... ~ ,._ roi· •·-••d attra.c· ........ , M enr\cbed eoll. ...,_, Y _, -· t . Crab l'rllll In lawns can _.... .-..,....,.. m.,...,. 0..-p w... plutin< 117 Uie Bhaata U... rwt.' TOM or white nower• tM! killed by certain naw • ruo~ .............. R. 1111 \\"PO""t aL-U t-66N u:&. u ...,... In Ile
many whit• • nowered ln"'u.te twnmer. One of lb• ten ebemlcaJ• Wlthout per-.,, .. _......,
1111 N.: ~ ,..,. -
fonn• wtth the m-.ny~lored moel UMt'Ul ahrube tor the wut. mue.nt dam•ire lo th• I I,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;~;;;;~;;~
N .... et OV OnwtltC
FM'~-O.Ol" ..
'"'" •• 'with oU> .... ,~, ...... -will to••~" NO· lo~. I" ooutboar.I Motor s-u.1:....
U ..,...,.,.. la MY••" of ohon <OftdltloM ud °''~' wn 0. U '""'" fl~•" "" d•· TRADE IN YOUI Pl£SEllT • ,.....,. .... th~r br11"hUY/ colored nrl1U11 alOnJ: the cout. InJ&nd they P,... elr.d, dllbud ctlryaanUte-• C f 8
to ed .... walkway or border fer part llhada. P'uchlll• end ••• mum plant. lt!&vt.111' only CarYer-ra t . .. . . oats '
r•rden or In a boJi: or pot on caJlionlu combtn• well thoush the. terminal flower bud WINDOWS ON NEW SUN s••u E'rilt,..._..,.._~_...... .
the pa.tic or pordl. Mar1ue.rltM fuchetae thenu11.lv" ~efer • on each branch.1 • ..... llll ILUl80& BLVD. •e••n ~
.,.,,..,lo form th~ root""'" n<I>, molol ~II •nd nltu·i -====-; LOUVRED WINDOWS NOW! of pldtn y~Uow and white. ad .inlla'ht. ln contr11t lo tha Ir-MIES &
newer. and .. euch lh")' maka tudlela the olHnder <n•rlum I ~
1.ttnctlve arn•ll touada tlon oleande.rl thrlve1 ln th• hot. dry
1hrube to HI at the coml!r ot ...._. v.·Mre llstet lnte.nalty I•
~· house or patio. hllf'.
Thill •pp&nt.hua spee:la, ep-Dfatnd t.ht rolor lhow tn your
penlhu1 atrtcanwi. common I y prden wilh ltOme of thffe f .. l-i
c•Ued Ul)'-of·the-Nile. and ap-sro-m. planLI.
U~tanns A Dn.~'7
UM_rtJ Mlll
IS60 Nwpt. ln•ll~ 0-ta 11 ....
P ·escriptions
Crawford's Rx Pharmacy
<h'U' ti Yean lie~ te tM ............
llN t.-r.:Wl'Oa T Ill.VD. , l...DE&TY I-HP I
I Jack Wilson
rlow a' pen our new location ...
1901 Soutll Main Street
Light Ir
I R ~ferigeration Service
I Ae7 Klftd....-Aa)' Th.
-UBERTY 1-1 •11
S.1oe Rep1iring
, .. BAillOll
-Santa Ana-
Maberry 's _..,_
:J..a luring
krou from Seers Ir Mevfair Merkel
• •
• •in"Ol'fer on your
presewt· windowi ends this moult: to •ct
..,w. For •4 .n..1-purdwilod, you con
i...i..;. -w;ndow _, get $1.00 off tho
,..,W.r price nowl But, this offer expires
this -'ii So IM-ry, ond ·•njoy tho benefih
of tho now SUN -SASH L.,...,...j wmdo"' in
9¥fity room in your home! E.sy to de.n,
both sides from the inside of your home!
Averege 1ite window only $6.90 pfUt 91•11!
DaYis-Brown Ca. .
A Complet. Uno of Q .... flty M•pJ. Fumilurt
•nd Hom. Furnithin9~uelity-Service -V aluet.
''TM Chann of Yesterday, ... S,-lca of Today"
' .
Senlc• ,_.,.
L,,_t'4M ••.
I 11t 8-UI llalll lllrf'd
.. ftMA ......
l"'u.l .. 8Nn
Eesy to instefll · "
£sp4!.tt Tedudd..,o-hctMY ~ .. & a Pan. ~
1111 HA."80• BLVD. u.an ....,1 ..-
i ailoring for Mei & Wome1
Artistic Tailors
o.a~a.--.. ~~
UM !li"'EWPOU ltl.VD. UllCaft .... ,.
Useil A1to P1rb I lccellOries
Johnstones Mesa Auto Wreckers
"'• 8-7 C.n e k~ Mttlal
,.11 PtACL.'"1A ... ,-E. uuan 1-1111
I ....... ""'iiJ"'"""'Udl:::IUUUUU
anCI it. wiU "'"
In all 41 .. ue1
A, Minimum •d 11 4 ltnet.
ApPlY ID i--te l'rank wD.cm or Garl&Ad JCll'CIU '
•• Uc
• to
t .
b. .
' .
. . ~ . ~ • , • I .
!!•!:!!-::Y'=~!!l'~n!!!'!..-.,.....,_..:.' f! !"f !IH!<!! llr Wo • f !U!::!•!!!n!!!'r~, '!!l!o!!!~! ~-·-I !!!•.::;!•-~~f!!!le!.'!Jlr!?!!'•!.•-"'!1.,!M!!::~A~-!!!.J ... !!!'Ti:!~-!!!~.-·-l'M!!:;::!•~-!!!;'!!•~•!!!!e!__ __ ,NEWPORT MARIOR NEWS-PRESs-l'AAT 11 • 'A4'E J
TAPPAN _ _.... .... 1 O"lfSll W1lirr VACATC .:_._, r-J OVER STOCKED 'UBUICXOOo• • .,,...wlU.all • ~DAY, JULY2l, 1956 ·
mon\hll. Tbe at: Cf .al &Oto-8QWK. ..U A -te-~Uonu 9VllT'I .,-or ~. ., I ,. .. W~L OinoHWOtr. l:e.i-1•-·---------------------m&lk c:Jodc. J.Mlp. 'OrtddM. f'Odc•r fl.00, tldt.. M9Wd "lf T.U ,_.., ..._ llWI' ta ..., ' ~ i...t ~ 1
..._ ... to j!!"~".!Jf!!!!!!'"A!_!ll!!!•!!•!!•!.... __ Jtll!!:~A~!'!O;!!!'"A!_!•~!!•!..--1 a-Door a ann ........ -.""'Ii •_,....._ ~ .. ·--The Amm:ing ._....,......., ,....._ -~~:~ea':=:. ;: :g :'bi. e~-;_. a:f :;i.:::; ~ ~ .a.. ••'•• . ~ _.. . Cabanas ~arinas . U .71 per ... tb. LlDd 4M. w A ...... tpr1Qfl ~ ~ ............... All Ne' 1N1 XSl\CtlftT Kom.r.7 Ch1b
Bau&"hn'• Fundture ~•c,Ot1 tu ...._. dl:.,..,.,t ~pk .. ~ .. ,.,..,_, ---· .a. i.-.,.. --· W C..~ a... MW' pl.int, 1875. W1rehoulif' -JOU & l'lnt 01a 121.60. t ._.., P8 ,.. LI .. 1.. 38etO
&IJ'Mt. s.ntJ ...AM-,W.. JU rans• .,., A.lite .......,. -. ~ ..,_ J A GU AR 7·6417 •tore-Hout-~1 Apt. ... ,.crt6· po, f aum-r 11' .LUX: t1oop. ....,. 1, 'l'lfoe ..
t.hru l"ri<kt t :OO Lo t :IO Ml· ru ru .. '46. _ ... a& 1110 ~. ·, Miit. -11' ...., . ·
uruy l flMI '° 1:00 IVndaJ' • Maple, o;wita ~ 1 ta I ,... e11u • (-Sl,llO • • ~ '"''9...l!J'OO. °' o.u JW, ,..,, -lllcheor-tn.cl&-loa available on all-~ lndud·
sr ~ .....,. WUt t.n.i the new oonvertlblee and eoupee with $I 00 00 OFFI PLA:JTORM """"· Ilk• .s/W · ,..., -" ""' Ual__, a•d•matic '-1HDn'=-lon., ' ' ""· HJ rt' ''Vo ... ot ,._. ..,.. -..... ...-•-~·---
'Ol CHRTILD N.,.... tOl"ker 4-
deol' w.a wtll'I ,owtr torqu.,
JIOWV .....ms•....-bn.kea.
Dcoai..t eondJUO.. 117& down
14S.D monthl.1 tt a-edit 011.
Phou ll. C. lib&• LI l-l-t2f.
• .....
Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. '
Dellgbtful llvinf. Apt.-Oabaau. UW!tMio paid.
Yacllt lllp accomod&tlona.
FLOOK IAMPL&a. lfll"tf _._ ~D&. r«Ont pcayw.-.-....u ....._
UMd. WHDU.POOL llf...,..... old. r.zC.Uent eand. OOt lrrtM knra.l MJ il"n±1n trom tllO BANK TERMS l""""'H~~ .. w~ ... or ,._ "1fewport BcL. u 1-1111. • to p,MO a.II la l'OOd ooa.t&Uoa WE ~ CL08ED SUNDAYS
' Daily, weekly, moatbly, yeorly •
U60 VOftD CQlllvvt..ibl•, new, top, F ppt. ti Ca1I Har -... ....._ new J)atnl job, R • H, W•\\' • i -'~-•-•_• ___ o_r_reserv ___ •_o_n_, ____ • ____ ~ _______ _
\Re v...,,.. wi _.. f!'f• 140 wttJl taNard mo&oft. • .... ··-.. .., .... ,,,. · J CK GUNN .....
...... • ............ NO -• """"-' .. ;;;;;ti..,.""*"°' ' ~· A ~" •
overdrive. Exc.U•nl over · aU
C!Olld1tion. Bar. fMa·M e,,.._ f~Apta. & Hou_.. for Rent ~A--:-Apta. for Beat
"''" · .-... .... u , .. .a11 ........ ... """"' --.,,.. ... .. T...,.. ""CllQRAQll 11 H 11.usKEN WATSO ... JAlcrB A.Pru..N"CZ8-1tS7 alDdee. lei Croele)' 11 e.. tt. ,J.7T' ....,_.. Dr. JIN', .,. " 1...-U-A.wto ,._ 'Mill
Hartior, Ooeti x..... Nfr .. &otP"9ut.ina\io wUb--Har. '911 •tt• 1932 Barbor Blvd. 1eo.ta Ilea& d:;;;
,,,. ADJOl\AL ""'· Tho II{, "' .......... " ........... •AIL .. ,...._ .. , •• • Liberty s.1m • Motor Overhaul 1.0~ cu. tt. One. Blf &Iii lb. 7 JM.ec• DilW1S Group. tO pltc9 N"' ------------..,.---,-------.,,.-----1 NO "ONEY DOWN J'rffMr CbMt. &Mlffl 1A DoOr, Llrinf Room Group, ICOIQleW d · -• , • .m.
all color lD.t.ior. two v.,. B«troom Group. 11'• .au N..... 14. ft. S•n 1pip•r M--11 ..... lta4kt, r v ~--,. ... Up to ~ ·Montb.a lo·Pay cn.pera, Ba1aDce; 1.n, -COB• PD. DN. to $1M.H . No cub claM ..Ubo&L ... tnelud. j tr~t $JOI."' AJ*> ~ •uto-1111eded lf )'OU ,_.J ~ ,_mt.. da.CrOD 11&1.L hr IDIRPv'Uoa 9CffVIDT • PlllLLIP9 PLANO G 'nt W t.. ~ .-k ~ Cyla. -----·-··58.88
rna.Ue cterroeL Jifo cub nHded! of only J7.M per ..... -. MOP .. t.t Mil w. ODut lllO· or OftOAN l!IHOPPZR& drtY• ra • MU.UC All Straight
Sman, new modem. unfurnlahed
home. 3bdrm, 3 bathl. ~
wltb 1lldlJIS •la.u Wail to ..
eluded paUo. Mahos bu-type
kitchen, built-in oven • range.
Hwd puquet noon. $:m6 per
mo, l yr ieue. BALES OFFICE
op~lt.e IRVINE C 0 A S T
FOR LEAD 1Mn llat B\t'Mt,
]'lrwport Beach. lnt....c.lna \
bdrm.. untur111. apt.., plus p.i---
are. IM ~· WW pa.Int tntarlor
to auJt tenant. can ~
1Q13 ava Har &SOI. llUc:
LrM1..E BALBOA 181.S. -at•
tn.c:tln tum. I bdrm. ap&..
eleepe 9 lnck>wd patio. ~.
lo bay-avail. July 11 CD•Aus.
18-&>pt. Ith on. Rar. l,.._.R.. aa~ .. ~~~u!:' .,rn::':~r' ea=:ow~t'*io1:-rt~ ::·~~ n.dl ~..= 1p •u., • ~ ~~:;· Your HUdson [)eeler Ef&hta ----··-··68.88 ~bouM -1016 E. l'Lnt 8trffl, Banta J.na...-pbolM KI • . ~·~ s•r.a and SERVICE mcuJ'DU both c.bor .. Pana. 23Uc
8trMt. 8Ullta An...-pboM Kl 7..:Kl7 Bton: HOIUM-Monday llDl CHltU Cft.AJrT 11' ca.Mn p • W N. Lm ~ D 1-1271 New r1np. •flll plna, v1.Jve 1------------
Cout Hwy 101. N•wport Harbor.
call Har. 4tt8
7·1Ml7 Store HOWMI -Monday lhnt Friday 1:00 to t :oo Bat~ CN\Mr .• to. rad.kt, bail t.uk 60 uam plan09 wanted. hlPMl -~--~-~-~~~ .. ~-L----~pu.~~ I piD4. tlltinp Qf Ola.in and rod FOR LEASE t.llnl l"ridQ t :oo lO t:'OO &At· urda.y 9:00 to 1:00 8uqd-.y and •tru. ... at Bal 11., aDowano9 1n t.rsde for ORGAN,> I Nutnp. Expert motor tune-CORONA DEL MAR
urday 9:00 to 1:09 lunday 11:00 to 5:00. 1802 ~t. LA. 1-1...,..0U, 8PINET PIANO Ot' OR.AND. YOU WJ' LL GEJ :-lee.~1 or 4000 mU1 Fuar·
A VAIL. NQW rum. 1tud&o apL
at S.ytront home. SM ...,k
until July U . Alao open tron1
Aue. 11th on. Bleirp11 a. •ooe
ll:OO lO 6:00. llAPLE dbl d~ Willa mirror. ELl)C'l'RONIC Orpn llka 1new • 1 OA&JmJ'S •·OIL EXTRA
113;1 BOTPOINT a.tr. ,.... BJ1 hrin het.d bolU'da .._ ...ii u -rr. BOAT, CIUlboe.rd motor f'll. aa" '610. " MORE REBUU.T ENGINES
0-0.. top trM&tr C'M9l model. rocker. A1ao pain~ dbl b9d CMartia -.0), tnJ.ler'~a!3 0 d .,,_. UM .w 8Ulln' IN our own factory by
llMI ... lft DciOr, ~· b-.d bo.rd • cu.t W Kon-f.-&62'7, La,pna JCNABJ:I ,.. ,-~ n ' llktlled machlnlat.t. Don't c:on-
B&ia..e. on tlti9 " oal.J llf.t.• ln C&nyom RMI, Corona npc111•1tl; pay out bal-.net
... -o -~ .,...._ -tho a1', ... __ .. _ !bl 11 rr. Bll\CB~, !1~wtU. $115. ...,. a. rmt. M75. bu)'ll FOR YOUR CAR WM:l wttll th• middle man.
2 bellulltul, 2 bdnn. IJ'OlmCI. floor Rlnr Ave .• Newport Bcb. Har.
apt .. al 510 LarUpur. No pet.a. lS08-Yl. 31c41t
See or call owner. 312 C.rna· -;;r.-.-;:m;;:;'"Hou;&iiiaiii;: tlnn, ApL D. Har. lMl. Cnur-APT ... WGHT HOUSDCP,._
taey t.o brolr.era. 3=attc rNG ROOKS anJJ. ..-.
ON BALBOA lSLAND ,., -~ -J ............ • • 7 ~ b.p. motor• cam-.nnet to..t Grand. many Buy dfMct. '
Pym.l&. ot JUI I*" math. I-------~----, equlpmml A lniler. JUI or oUW-. lib "9c..ber, wurlltM:r, When )"OU Mll to SHORT BLOCK SEE US tot" yearly and
Bauihn'• hnlllur• r •ct or 1 f ROOMS ot ~rnJtu,.. .. ~ make otter. call Har. ilOl4-W II.-• &mJta. ite . .All won-f'ORD (1932~) ---·S &•.M MUOnLI rentalll.
Weekly rat• ~ble. V111r·
Inf Hotel. Har. •a. Jle4o
NOW 140 wk. New 1 ltelrm.
.. ~ourt. 308 -3?nd BL Har. U2t
""'UGUST RICNTALI OP1:1"1" Wanbou99 -1015 E. rant com• ln. lnclud• IQ(lm ... ew after I p. m. or S.l. • lun. derfW b&rp.in.a. Anchor Mtr. Co. CJD:VROIEI' -s 119M NELDA GIBSON, Rea..llor ltreet. Bu.l& .A.n&-pboM Kl U"rinJ Room Group. T _1'eet S9c4.l BUlCK --112~.00 SGe Marlna 4v.. Harbor 60l ~17 It.or. H~-Kona.y Dtnin1 01"0\lp, compi.t. 9-;I.-------------1'6. A MONTH JWDl.I pod prao-PACK.A.RD (I ey'I.) --1 12~.oo EIA.LBOA ISL.t.ND '
tJuu rncs.1 t :OO to 1:00 a.~ room Grou9p.,. ~ ~~N°!:: 2• rr. ClllU8 cru.n mech. Uce pianO; @ply ;•nn rent on 17, z. itua Lt l·J.J18 Pl)'ID., Dod&'• .a l'ord a -.11~.oo . '"
urday 1:00 to 1:00 IJUl4q wuMr, l r.......,.. _..., pert. but Med8 p&IDL flJOO. purcbUa. qood uMd planOI 008T.A. IO:B.A. CKRr& 6 Dll &OTO -1120.clo S R t I
11:00 to 5:0I. Bra.ad Ne'llt" WM:J'l""004 lt.Ulp, t!IMI or ~ for ear, propwty, ... , $1.26.. $117.. Btetnwey Jltlc srtJDD•KJ:R $120.00 UmrT\Sr en a $
only 1tored.. Pd. dn. to ..... ~ mmaU tioe.t or 'I' T ruJJerton. Qt:I. E&alelll te.nn• 1A any '""~""'"°':-:'':"':::--.,,.--,---GLD& 6 PON'I'J.AC e -llZQ.00 Bay Front & Ocean Front
LAROE 1 bdrm. apL, furn .• wttll
rarare. Yearly rental $11 mo.
Newport H•lcbta. U 1-U..
~Cl SLIGHTLY DAMAGED No ""' -dn. Por -If LAmbort ....... -1 pl&oO. ..., CADILLAC, ...,..,, -H.l.SH $120.00 .
T ·-·-a.. •··-d9lua.e. per w.r:k. , dJ"--Ll a-•••2. 1•-•1•K4•AER _1120.00 Locationa . .......-..-....... ·-·· Baua:tuf• Fum.ltur• r • c lo r 1 lJ' CARV"l:ft Craft boat • WURLl'T'ZDl E111et.ronlo pl&Doe uuu. ...-..., 'BUDioN (f) cs tt:&;;, _1140.00 E I W St I
model wttb dtnoed top. piddle. WanibouM -101.5 &. rtfllt aqua.Jt&ane:. ~t eondlll09 from $319. S.. It at Dt.n')'· -1..,--amvR-=~O~Ll:T~-... -... ---... -. PLUS INSTALLATION ar • an ey elock eont:roUMI o..., .wtq au-t. Santa Ana-pbane Kl lf.00 W. Ocean l'ronl. N-· laa4 or hen. ...-RE TO
BA.LBOA ISLA.ND turn.. •t'·
217~~ Apolena. 2 bdrm... .1
tiath• • iarp ,-Uo. 1w,. ti.It
lhru SepL U l ·TIJ.4. llclO out lllrella, ,ate. Hu --.JI '7-641'7 Ster. Hou..-x.nd&T port B..cb., np.u R 6 11,. W • W, "l'J' clean. ~ Dally I to 6 AL R a.mt ill ona end, WW MJl 4"' ... _ .......... _., l :OO to t:IO ...... HAMMOND ORGANS all Ono oWn•r, lf.00. U MJ72. Xolllday 'tU 7 11.m. 3L13 Newport Blvd. Npt Beach,
onlJ' 111100 N eM1:I doWa, ....... ........... A BR.UfD uw &TA.ND.A.JU> -mod.ta, ,..ande.rtul chane9 to 3tctl Bunda)' 1J '° t Harbor 1013 -• · 0 urday 11 :00 to t :OO lundaJ ,__ .... ._ _.._....__ nd · m-• m"" --~ -.. -·-dac•-Aaw" .. 11.00 month on lliank u ·oo to ~·oo AMOW o........, .... voo •U""O&r 1:1u1 a eood 1&Md. Hamrno 1------------....... ~ ................ , .. ...,m.i.. 1.4.KZ'I APPLl-1 __ . ___ · -·------I J:R wt11 st..,. 7INI' iusw t}'P9 Orpa; .i-. .. onl1. a Let RIOB Help You. PW. i--. c..uu and 011 SUMMER Ren ta la. Avail AUf .
tat. Houee. 1leepa t . Cotta&e
al~.,-2. Call at 721 ~ Poppf.
COnm.a de.I Mar. HAr 06M Jll:.
AH<:a. '"' ---.. ,.... • .... -...... -CbO•• O•po. •• .,., p-........ BELLES ENGINE -o.ta-,,----:--::-----:---1AL~~~,;,.A~S!V:.. ::-~'I:.:-°...::.::''= ~.., -. •• .. ~. "' NEW:a.bsm-e&RS REBUILDERS
~ Reft1prator ...,,.._u,r, eem,_.tor.10 fool T4.KJIAl>VAlfT.A.GmatllilllMDJ'
Woodaaft. i...rpn .well: Qf ah&ft, ........ AD lllOO. tD-aPINCT ~ beautlfu.J UM ,_,. of Cllpmi~ U a top
Tappt.n Gu Range unpainted f'UrnJ.ture to Lb• el:nlm.at for f200. Mr. Bmllb, and tone, ••• over Jl:Kl. on notch ...,.b•nk\
l(othlq Dow& = -r:::--...:-~ ~ C'Untoo 7-UOI or P.O. Box Wa. Another barptn Knabe "RIOH HAHN'S
U.11 401 lo. PM&dmL JlptO Mlm>-tne lpinet 1196. M.any ~-II. --• WMlllJ 1n. drop.Im IOUd ~pie ooft• otAer pw.t lM,Jya. -! .6•.ln • ..._
l\&Q(9 bu dOCk. if.Uf.«NUO OTm, table, $1.11.I&. 2121 Hubor 14. rr. LYK4H outboard Ultt. ~ Hammond. lplnet Orp.n. B&1'tlOr 4111 Newport BMc:h
upt!JW, ..U.C out kcltJU\ Bl"1. CM. LI 1-lMI. oa.t MW '700, esee!!et eandl· $ll • month. wttb c-lwona. .. ma bu ~ ir-r. Out Uon, runntns llctlU. WID ~ ot WW. ....sit ~ la 1 6ouCR. chair, m.pl4 dtMtt.. rtAca, ..... OWntt Bar UMW.
dft1. I>e11"'7 and tu~ Rn&U ta.bl• • t rap. 1111 Htfe
tion opi)oul ~ • rv.r/ Tutt1n Ave .• eo.t.a llW.
nl6bt lD t p..m.. 'l 40C42
C\oMd IBUftdaT'" •
aouss.nn..ot MUI~. c:ompleta
B9droom 10 p~. mat--
U... l..4rp Dlntar Group, 11
p&ec. for U'riq ftoGn.. lt'I
10U •. Main l!lt. Kl loU'I iaJI fkrd Jtoell Baft4 ltubW
BANTA AlfA J'lnWl. All aaw. PD,. DN. to
r'"actory direct 1'"11-outbollrd1,
Sll9 and up. ROBERT VAU·
GHN 6 Co., 4.16 IClth •L, ?Uw·
port a.ch. llcil
'4.1 CBZVROLmT elUb coupe
ICIDDDT -PBD..LIPI BIG RAH. ot.e owner. llxeellent
PU.NO 6 ORGAN l'!'OR.E, c:oodilloft. H&r. 1111·W.
520 N. Kain St., SUta Alla. l~O
i:.t. lllf.. Open~ nlsbta.l·l-l-0-3-KAR--00-N-6-w-b-l-to-l-----
PORT A.BLll knlt.b Tram..OC.. Ford cwpe cb&nn1led e·· noee
We. All •••• radio. Uk• n .. , lmathened I". llnitne -1102
uw bas.tar)'. · Pdftt• p&rt1. H,.tork '4 r.ce cbrt)'. Brand
170.00. can be -at 26D n-lranllmilslon and rear end.
W. Oout Hl&"bway, liitWpOrt 116-B Mont.a Vista. Coet.a
8-ch. 13tfc Kea. SIJMO
ftmllZD 1151 Admlnl. B11 "!7.lt. OWi OI' hy only M.11 ft.iTINO DU'l'CHIUJt', u9d and!------------1------------
310 I!:. !'rd BL Kl 3·82e4.
AUTOM.&nc T1U.NsKiss10Ns
Include. an ~rtJI • labor
I.JI: 9-196:1
J'mnJl'f .... \bat bolda ... r per WMk. "° n.. tood. -. ..u eo1or Baqtm'• ~ture ,.aclor1
lllterior, pul) eut., .... • W&Nbouiill -1016 Z. rtn(
-INDJAl< OCCU'n -""" llPl>ClALll """.JULY! MY PA~PERED '55 ~;.,. ft0-=:T0t•U,.~ '':',..!:'. :.'; ~:'.'°f.."',.-, ~ BLACK THUNDERBIRD IU-rralle '""---=-"'-"-'"'--------
aitel.._ bi·-dohr:-lt'•'on17 ,,._ lu.t, ... ta Ana.--PboM XI
«.ond. PD. DN. to flt'J..11, 7-6417• It.yr. BOUM ·-Kaoda1
M cub ON. Pay anl.J .... tb.ru l"rid&7 9:00 lo t :OO Bat-
,..: me.th. W"d&y 1:00 to 1:00 lhmda.y
»alllbJI.'• rumtture J'&elor1 -'-'-""'-'°--'~'°"------W~ -1015 &. •l'lnt
~ hata ••1 pboa+ ID
f-6tST I tore Ho(IN-KOl'l4t.J
Ulna 1'11d&J 1:00 lO t :OO 1&t..
urd&y 1;00 to 1:00 l'and&J
KJTCHl:N Raqe., lft lood aon·
dUJon. BlslaW rr.cb wit£on
rur. o..--. .._.,. ""'" • bllM wvol NS· Har 1001 J .
BMdl. Jktl puta a Wurlltaer 0rpa ln FOR SA.LID
·-.· H-• ..___ ·---" lO h.p. ywr bome. l'REll LESBONl!I IT HAI U.I . Royal Muter t.lfe-
., .. ..,. .. T _ _.. -lncluded.. SUit.a Ana Kl.&alc. rUU'd tut... wtre wbeell.
l!VINl\UDI: Motor. WW ac-114. W. 17th; J\illertcm Jrlualc, Edelbrock carburetion. Ma.I·
cept ulMkr c:oel priff. Har UO N. Sp&dra. We buy pial'loe Jory lplUon •yet1m. tonneau
IOJf W. lk4J. LA.m.Nrt l-0201. JlcU c:o•u , ~lal mutllerl. ¥3300
Beets l!nowiton Eiectronlca
ll :00 to 0.;00. .50o-PD nxrr. Cru• ...... ,.. (Cl9U Baam -m G&ln)
WASHER, llG; rctrtc:. a10 ; 6 •l'1111'ble. Dally .. ~Mkanda. laalallld completa to your aet. 34(\0 Via Opol°to Harbor "82
.....:.-•• HU W. Coul RIP••J. .0 05 39ct 0
•Incle ....... , .. matt'-.-: LJl-lltl. 19uc .--,.7
2200 W. Cout ffiway.
Newport Beach LI 8-4420
PAN-AlU:R.JCAN S5 to 60 It..
PA.llA.MOUNT Cuatorn built.
Hl1bat trlld•ln •iluw"anc:e.
W• need clea.a ua.j tflU.r ..
roft CHOJC&l RENT Al.8.
%908 E. Cout Hwy. Bar. 6lWIO
Unfurnithf!C1 aptl. With fan&'•
1B.R.-Sio .. 2 B.R.-$110
Ph. Bar. 126f. -R:vea. l{ar: 1151
Newly decorated and cbannlDc
two 1 b4!droom 2 b&U\ • lwo
l bedroom apt.a. w1lh •lew.
UUlltle• paid. Garbac• dl9-
poeaJa. 111undry room and
tt•ra1u. Two bedrma. 1150
mo. -1 bedrm. Sl:M mo.
Balboa BIYd., BalboL Harbor
3 bdnn., 2 b&U., ~ pawed
J)9U0, pra&L W ........ , ~.
dWtwub~r. d~ Jiarti&r
74&-W or STATll f....f.SH. lllte
WA TERJl'RONT on. N...,..-& g.
la.rld. 1 bednn. i.o... fUnWt..
ed, pier • tlo.L WOllU. ot
Aucut. L.B. Hem.loc1l,.f..141'J".
ON WATER. t tMdrm. unf'lrrn.
or pa.rti&Uy tum. Ploer" 6 flool t.
........ Ref. IMO mo. :!'19rbot
47M or7 LI 1-M7S. .UUc:
Unl'Urnlabed 3 bedrm. 1 ~.
Jowl,Y home oq ..... OI' -'if,·
w I l h opt.loo. to )Nl"Chur
VacanL • '
OBBORN&-i'ORTON, RMltJ c.i,.
2123 w. Cout. Kw>' .. ~ Pon.
Oran1e,) LI 1-7&11., &¥111 oa,11 ......... ~
2658 or H•rbor •&00· tt UNJ'URN. 1 Bedroom ~
Choice Winter Rent.a.la on
Balboa laland & l.JdO' lale
imaJl 6 cosy or Jarr• • deluxe
$1~ to $300 month
21·8 Martne Ave., Balbua bland
Ph. Harbor t44 or Harbor 101(\
Re .. Har. 3629·R or Har. 1219-R
wtlh tlre-place. Oomftdmt t.lt
abopplnf 6 truwportadml. tl6
Ca.I.I LI I-Uh or LI a..ua2 .......... .....
For Rat or J'OR SAL&
Unturn. I ~ w/W earpet•
m1 I~ mo. on ........ wou~
c:onalder f\uni.t!,lns. oo.t4
Meaa WNl ldde.. &tt!C c.n
Har. 0893-J. Jle4t
N • _ 3 Bl:DRKS., I bat.b.roGIM, ~
WASHERS 1ldewalk blll1, P : elite. mix.er· 1 -------:--=-~--1 :Ll:_:l~-·~·~OO:·:__ _____ _:":IJ~o'. 1·oe PLYMOUTH Bl:LVEDl:RIC, IO. Har IOl7 J. 1 3loll v.e t dr. bard-top ' month• Ro;;m;;',:;;t;.;;-;H.i;;at:";>;;;:o<.l !S:!l=•!!--~~..!-~!!!:~r~v~-I JULT ORGAN SPECIALS~ ~u ~ lAw .All ROUND rattan dint .. table. at-old. Loaded wtlla Po"' e r 1------------0ne f\111 2 manual blonde elec· • -1---• 11 I $69 m., rtua top • 4 eha.ira, 1121. ESSED lronlc orsan With la pedal· ~ulpmenl. ~ ....,.. arr;, ea.,., Cl S • 11
YEARLY RENTAL.;. ewport ... -nlehed. c_holca MeaU.. eo .• cit
li<11d, 2 bdrm .• unfuru. apt. En-.l::lwy., Corona del•IO.r. 4..,_.
cla.ed yan1. 11rap, laundry '500, ~\u MOO ,rw wW
'1fOR·BLA.CKSTONE ABC b11euU•• deck, bl.cbed •a.I· REPOSS bo9.rd. Bava lf.00. One 1tn1l• low ~:t.in.;. ~ eerance pet1a . _._...,~A-r.--.6-.. nut, ao by IO, I~ 6 uprtpl manual electronio orpn rer· ~~t. Priftt4 ............. Hu-. U4I NEW liM P.tayfiower 22\1 rt.
••...--..---...-~.__.......-dloep fl*M. aub set'O, 11 cu. w..-·110H. IJ.ll• new for »86· ,,__..., with brand naw &xl6 awninr.
roo1n. Wiiler paid. A(-'•ilable IMM tor tull 7Mr at l2&Q Pft
July 23. Adultt, no pets. mo. Pboae aa-t, Ferd VariD<I
Abo 2 bdrm. bcuee. unfurn. 603 der. Har tMJ. Jk4l
Kaytlaf .. Whirlpool n., PIO. "Har Ut'J'. He4.l 21" Zeilth _ ..... , $U9 Ona m&bopcr tilectronl• epln·1----=-,-===~--' l"t"" V"' UIC
, 'noW' ar. tnOl-a. ud ftoot " tlM T.4BUI XODJ'i. et orpn, _,.. 1300. one Ham· IKVl!DU.TS D&LIVl:R.T on .. ov ~
38Ui Bt. lln,cloeed ya.rd. wat1r •
pU(I. AvsllabM Sept. 1. Adult., 11 BDJ\K tanmbAd --ff/A~
no pelt. Owner Ml -Sith 8L rant. 4 blk&. &om ...._ U( ....., ..... TborOIJ neondltkmed D-A. .&a!!!!! , 21" Motorola __ -$199 mODd epm.t orpn. .,.. P85. n9W l:n,u.h J'ord. 40 mll•
Md ,_,...\eld. .D9Uftr7 and , t• CON80Lll Bee our NEW Splnret Orpll per pDoa 11.IM.
mtallatlOa opUoo&1. Tall 0.bJe O>wl"-8~ to .. only fl9&. UUO dellnra. '-B.AUBJCmN • WATSON CloRd. 8uftday -~ 21" ~Ntl:zlchoua -$189 Ltbe r al trad-. connnlent 1932 Barbor eo.t.a lie•
0,-......., W.U. UD t p.m. A.NTJ'Q~ " CONSOL& term• at tttc
Nlce _,,.-.,. &aJUamUo u.U-21" Tnveler ·----··$1M IHAFERB (llnc9 1807) Cl -·-·--v 431 •n N B a.n•-•-• 1"-9 CA.DK.LAC ub 00UP9 fl. ·~~ ----· KAJ'l.llC CABINST "' • )'c&mON, .. -• -· .. u-CO Pbo Kl •-~ 3--0IT2 Radto 6 h•ter, SIMM>. Low A.r.-~ .. ...,.a. . ,.wtu. '9mPto tu.ndtan, tr-. M rn_.-.1 ~.;-,."':1!',.1;.:~. ~ RELIIANCE T v Oran~=y:p:::a~dqlra. ~~~~&I awner.3~1:
TOP ,.no. "paid tor
a-. toPJ*, ...... ahaminum, ec.e.. "1.ft1 ,uanucy. lramdat.
plek vp. Olll LI •lTOL
• • ..Hcf.f
WAlf'l'm> TO 8UT -LaUi
~ .. rus-&ad ,,_.
~tor.. lab!• .A.pplt-
~ °" u .....
-·--....... -~ R•nt&l mum. lonl1 maple l9~1 llHG&R ROADSTER. U ·
lfm llultor Bl.Yd.. luta AM 2102 N. KAIN Kl 3·7100 11plnel -only t montha old. ~erit coaditkln. 1a8G -1400
fttte; :S7c31 San 11oO. Beautltul KlmMll W. Ocun ll'ront, Newpnrt
SS ...... 1J9!1!!!
10 rr. M, a. c.tu. Qal a1oop. bull ,_,_,,,..,,,, 1 maoQ: -co.
LI .. TUI. 1tttc
u-rr. ClllU9 CXPJUCU. lJO
h... rMto, ba.ll tanli. .. .,.., top.
eo'NI', d9ul. ,... ...... ow.
• Ru, Mlf.. lfUc
TV Antennas
AAtUIOM $1.M ud up
maple Wl:e ft_.. Ban $243. at Buell. • 3tp4 l
Bll.AJ'£RI \lllnce l907J
4.11-t.U N. lycamore, Banta Ana
Piion• Klmber1J 1-0971
1952 CADILLAC. 61 .• t.dr. MCl&n.
r.acti. cond. Low mUeap.
MUft •U. Beet. otter. ~1
f-6600, aepf l
Call alter t p.m. Har. lMll·R. per •Mir.. call aft« .• p. m.
llp41 B&rbor 14&1· w. """2
R-EN_T_A_~------CORONA HJGBLA""9 -.,. ..
fumlahed. year'• '--bfcto SPECIALISTS "'.. ..,.._ 10. 1mmocu1a1o CALL l!:Dl'fA CRA..10 home, I bdnu., 1~ bit.UY
-TERMS DORIS ,)RAY. Reeltor ,.,,....._ .._. ... .., .... ...,.
I yard, dbt pnp, vtew ot
i,. down, ~lane:• o •Ult, 216 M.a.rtne. BalOO. laland ocean front kltcMn: dln'-1" nm,
b T I S I Har. 20 or N and 11"11!,( NOln.. ll~ ~ .... Har or rei er upp y1----------,..,......,.. ,...,...._ -0,.
1111 Harbor Blvd. u &-1411 LlDU ISLAND nee &. OOI. B6lboa Ial&ad ••
Fumlabed Or W\f\lmllllted
roR RJ:NT or for , NJe-27' Bachelor and one or two bed-
Hou.M trailer twnlahed. Thrtt tvum apart.mftlta.
rooma and toJleL Very reuM· BJ aummr.r, mOO.lhlJ OT )'M.l'lJ.
1ble. LI U7&q. l9c4 t LIDO Realty A.aociatea c.t tor tor --. co.ta "'--
FLXIBLB BUS c:onvtrled to !400 Via Lido Hartloc' 4M• t0 bt 200 pbilf 4liltca..,.. Dt--
1.AKD T ACHT new motor 1---------,----trance lla.rbor Blvd. 6 a.ut.·
rood uru. alt(>)'• 4-$3.760. Bungalow Duplex · BL sood fo!' ..-.kit,~
Ll 1-3904. 39ct0 FURNIBKED pneral INllme... LI ...am. ··
Rentel1 Wented
Vaca.nL Wall to w•U carpet. 2 uu ..
bedrooma and den, 1" batlw. !.
to-rt'fd alr he1;t prt.,.ie brtck G.ARAGa. I ...,,.. .,~
patio and ,.;bec\te. ptctute: , on &lk:J. Nw WMfilC, wr
W1nttow. r.c:tnr tlC!ellJI Mautl-bUalMM dl9trld. • Patti
tul Yk!w .' attnctJve ;,.... or Drtw, di:Niia. X-..' ..,.._ We Mid a~ ud ~ In aJJ MCUoU for bOtb wl.a.tet and-JnMth to month. tJ.I Momlns o •RAGCJ'Oft R&lft" • .i_~ ...
,_,.., a-,_ Fum. or untur-. Ca.nyon RM.d, Cvron• Ot!I Mar, """ .,.._ LI ,._l an..-
U JOU b&M a vaeaoq, Har. t9'4-\Y Dc4.f. or Rar 10, 1t ti 4. ---~~
pl'IOM todaJ _...__t,
Th V I C 43-A-Apta. for 8""t • 09• o. UOl W. Cat. HWJ,. N...-port 8cb. t BDRM. u.ntum. e,pt.. on Udo
~ UbWtl '"'"81 . with Bay view. $12& on keff.
IOI Mann.. B&H10• Wand aw. lllf. M.. Utle Offices for Rent •
• • Phcmle e..nor ...
JeeT !1 Oil. H)'., 0unm& del lil&r
f»Mn• ttarbor 174.1
Udo omc.. "'' Vla Udo ...,..,..,,
lT01 N.wport1R9'd..0.ta .w:-,._ .__,
FREE!! ' (tor &AY 't&CUCY la Orance °'11
lllCPLT Cl\LL •&Lam' RLTl'.
Kl 7-3506
Hom« wtth moat bffuWl.ll 'f'iiew
on coaat, ha.a 1\1.Nl boue apt.
fnr ... nt. Pr1vate sroWtda.
BlMpa tour. Riehl next to
Jlttl• Corona dll:I Mar -.cJI.
opPMtte jelly. 3721 Oc-.o
Blvd. ff•r ffll or Har. 4117.
""' BALBOA -l ~ronm unf\ll'L
MoO~ •pl Carq;e 1tO mo
on 1rt1. ._... Adulb. 1143
lllnunar U..r M1S.J ~
' Two Story Building .
~.Partdnr ' ..
lllllll4r Soi '"'°' I Elentor
• Oppooli. aty HaD
334:1 MOiijMh~ Bl.._
Rvbor lil!CX! -
.~ -.
MONDAY. JULY 23. 1956 UDO ISLE OCEAN FRONT ..,.. ....,. mm PUOO tor NSAJ\ Newpcirt Pier. r .. -
a a Wroam. 1~ b&Ul mocle9t. Uk• W. ~ I ..._ 11-Sto,.. a ornc. ~A--com'dal. lndfiitrial -----• Ground Floor
i'or Leue In -
Barbor lnveatm~nt Co. Bids·
SOtb Ir Newport Blvd.
B /B
..,,.,,, ~ IMlme to St•· ~ wtua WUa and bloll • .aN
600 t• a 11&7 trtet mauloa ~ 4lepOl&I and ,_..
wtUl.,..... 6 .Up. Wt wW Pd-&II' b•Uftl', dou~ pa,.. ~
11 llaow u..m to you. lot. with •t*• tor aMt.Mr
\llPt. &.z. down ~' ut
tr -1~.: a!~ ~~11~ BALBOA ISLAND ' Har. 1600 Commercial BldJ . -Balboa Ill·
~ on I lot.a. nea.rly new -
drua ehop • rutaurant · of·
ttce plua 3 apt.a. income saooo
Atkin• seuoo.
Ute locatJo11 I\'• worth t.M BUMYI ... ~ti J• .,..
moot.Y· a MOl"OOJQ.a. One bOp, duced t.o 921',t\OO, I Wrm&. I ------FOR RENT aklp and Jump to eh~ • bat.ha plua ,.....,.. ~ ,._
Mn4)' beacl\ and aky-blue we.-n\ahed. Tuma. New otflce l~t Udo 1huppln1
u& •10 mo. on yra. ltu•·
BAY 6: BIUCJ4 AJ:ALTY INC. =-:.::. Pt.dflc. Pft* un· MOVE IN fODA Y
R.EALTOR.8 IUI Lata71tt• C·I Jot -Cotta Mua on Pla· ALMOIT NllW D\TPLB. A
Bar. a&ta. Hu. 2999 l!:vea. cenlJA. 83' x 1to•. Won't l< .t-.1 ! I I ClGN to tile ch&.n·
'Ju.st to the rtcht ot Lido Brkta•' lo~ al '8700. a.i and btacL Pri4*I \INler
•uc no.ooo. >
-----------6 Actu -R·t aon• • exchanre QCL{N VDCW lot 10 cloM to the
51-A-8Ul6lneM Rfoat&la for commercta.1 Income or ocean you could alm09\ throw
PRIV A. Te ortlca with phone all·
-~ Mrvlc•. B~ratary A
DOt&r1 anilabl• Ground Floor
,. .. Trident Bkt1 .. 2200 N•w·
porl 8lvel., Newaort Beach
(A.c1jacsnt &ulh Cout t:o.1
Kar :SOU . Courteay to Brokera. aac•e
~-~-~---~ BALBOA. 181-0ID-bldJ . 26 by '° for 1arac• repair or -'!
Bar. 002 19Uc
leue • onJy ! SS0,000. a •\OM into It. &oxlO. juat H,000.
Bey & Beach Rlty., Inc. ~-~-~~ ~--·~ :;=
1.876 Harbor Blvd.
Cotta Mtsa, Calllomta
R. F Ceddu
R. W. Goouen
Day or night phone U 8-7714
FROM 1 10 JO ACR.U. l'rom saooo to •10.000 ,.,. ac:n. o.t
tn on the ~d floor A ma.Ile
)'OWMlt & Uttta fortUM .\Udt.
A.cnat mu7 people an dolnf
~ 62-Real Eistate FOR LEASE . Seven Islands Reelty
St.ore 6: work•bop n1ce locaUon. j~t off th• hl1hway Coro!'• de! 3 :.~0;"1nt~~C:~r ';:~ & Investment Co.
)(ar. 20 ft. by •O fL Zone C·3. you c3 n ite3l tor U•.&OO.-~°.:',:1tn4 It., Newport Bcb, Oa.W
Good parkfhJ. Arent Ford Duncan Harde1ty Rltr. 2702 .,..,.., 5111. after 1 p..m. Ha.r. INT
Varrind1r. liar. nea. 38c40 Newport Blvd . Npt. Beach. or ~1 1-llN
Mariners Mile I Har 4718 Evr• Har. in33.
OYFICE 6: Shop Space tor rent BY OWNER-3 bdrm.-t% O.I. 8/B or J eue $26 per mo. cl up.
loa.n-159 mo t leu to vet·
LI 1-un. 31Htc era.NJ ln<'ludu larJ• lot. In·
ltrut &nt1 taxn. hardwood •
BOY what a COl"ker of a t:rtplal
E&$ unlt baa I bdrm.a. aD4I
bath. I unlta fum1abed and 1.....-. I car sarap. acd.
Jocatlon.. out of town cnm•
1&1• M.11 and flY• immediate
poa••llon. Wfl haH tlle llq.
BUJLDlN<f. with a Mvn. I
ator. plWI ' lue• ato,.... roon11. Cf:nt.u of .Balbcl6 1MMI&• n.. ds.trtct. a.D flt tnde at • •• ooo. Llba'al terms.
1803 W, Balboa Blvd. Jlar. 1118
e T errift, Lo~etion
to tt. from Bay near public
beaeh. 2 bednn. plum den ham•
on 2 Iota. Best be&Cb buy ln
.,.._ Ni prlc:e .11. TOO. Q600
•Got a Boat?
Then lhla I bed.rm. and den
bom• cm J&rre wai.bont lot.
private pier &Jld alJp prt.uept
le for you. r uu price sn.ooo.
acellent term.a.
STOR.1:8, Ideal loca uon tor op-wutlnghouu l&undromat, p r·
tom.etrllt. accountant. attornry bage J111p fenl'M back yard. J:xcluatv. Baell Bay IUMivt.sloa • E. s·,d. Co•t• .. J •••
tuurance, rea l eatale, etc Al-blind~ toots etc. Full Prtce "J:o1t.at1 Loll." HlehlY netrtet· • M
10 etorac• room• to rent BAI-110.3~ 11.000 down. 2025 ed. A.ll uUUU. ln. Tour ~olce Owner muat ..U neat 1 1ledrm.
BOA BAY PROPERTIES, 111<>5 Wutmlruter Coeta )(eaa. only .. TIO. borne near lboppin1. bwd. fin.
W. Ba.Ibo& Blvd. Har. 61a&. 39~2 -c:&rpet. paUo. 1•rac• I.Ad ftneed yard. AaldnJ ff300-
NEW STORE bulldln1 CC-1 1
1220 aq. ft. 2 tntrancea Ir
fireplace. 001 J:ut Bay -
B&lboa. Phone CUnton 6-8128
• 39p41
M-Bulne.a ~lties
WllLL J:atablllbed Buch RH·
taur&nL Very •OOCS le&M. Must
MU at •tart of rush w uon ~
c&UM of W health. Priced lo .. u rut $6600 2114 Ocean
Front. l'fewport Beach. 38ttc
CA1'E -EJlct ntnt Hiway loca·
tloa. Idu.l aetup for couple.
Choice Laguna
Owner 11tlllng flneal mOdern 111
unit hotel on Cout Blvd. Near
ahopa-Maln Beach. 1'11.ke aum-
mer Income too ! flHal•
profit poNlble. TUu f.45,000
call!. Big potential, .tmple to
operate. Prtn .. ipal.I onJy. 7U
8. Coul Blvd. Shown by ap-
point. HYatt •-t&79 39p41
OPEN HOUSE, 110 iiJ:NTom
8bort MNra. For turther infor------------
Of Ocean &nd Bay trom the ~
Uvtq room plotun wtndoW of
lhla tmmac\llate, comp!eleJy
redeoorat.ed ' bedroom. 11' bath holne. bUilt aroWMI an en-
cloaed paUo with outade bar•
t>tqu•. Bullt·ln raqe 6: oven.
FM elm pie lot la onlJ' PT ,000
Bey & Beech Rlty., Inc""
llTD Harbor BMl
C:O.ta Meu. Oal&tornta
D&y or Illa.ht phone Ll l-7T1'
1UbmJt an •ttww.
•For Rent
With opt.Ion to buy, I bedrm.
2 bath hara. with h&rdWood
floon. 1100 per mo. on i-.-.
•Ith opUon to bu)' at UJ,800.
Jam Soutla of Orange Coast Colieg•
3 & 4 Bdnn~ Homes
_JlE',,.._rI ... ER-HOMES -deslped for famOlee of
dllataunatmc Ulna. 6 profMalonal people
• See Them Now
Daily &
'Til a.m.
PEA Tl. 'RING -All Electric G. E. Kitchena
whh all the mod~rn conveniences
Door Oiimrs front Ir ru.r
Extra Large Cl<_>1et SpM:e
In a perfect home selll.Dg cJoae to bea.cb playsrowidJI, clOM to major f rec-
waya. schools. church.a le ,modern shopping ceotera.
PRICE $15,950 TO $I b,950
Yonthly Paymcnta $105 to $115
WALKER & LEE, Sales Agents
Phone K~ 5-4341
• m&UOn eee llM.M Btnnu.
1600 W. Balb09 BlYd. Har. Illa&
LOTS on the Bay
t It.. r., dell, beauL paUO. pla7
,.a.rd. ldMJ tam. home. Browndl
chlqn*1. A.akin1 sn.ooo Good tarma. ~-~---~-~~~-~~~-~--~~~~~----~~~~~~-~~~--
• ~tlon -Retina.nee 8al11 . 0,. · I~"' · 8,.
lu. hllda -Bld1. la Lo&n -Prtnt. Man..,
Tru.lt Deed.a Bought Ir Sold
Call For Free Com.ID.Jtmeot
L1 l-60'1 Colt.a Kua
111 &. 1TUI St.
LOAMI ro atm..D. DIPROVlll.
... TO uo· J'RONT•aE. H OO
and up per tront foot to quali·
tied buyera. Pten permit ted -
Oeo. McNamara, Collini bland
Harb• '962. 2T~S
Cliff Haven
211 KlnJ• Place
Ph. LI 8·7IOT 27t1c
315 M~1rine Ave.
Balboa Island
Harbor 1560
We _, TnMlt DMda
4 W.ul A.UOClA'nON
... Via Udo Pb. Bar. ilOO
LOANS for Homes 2 bedroom beach boUM. 11Met.h
,,. IO ;.r. IM.na st., H950. cau LI a..tMa or
-• HYac1nth 2-6161. aac.o Construction Loans --------
mm 80B u.nu::R
1111 &A.8T OOA.ft BLVD. The Right Investment
Jl!IT ftural L&ne •1uoo
S bdrm. with lot.a of cloMt epaet
• 10.000 .qua.re ft. lot. fully
fenced 6: completely landlC&J>-
ed with fruit lrM8. Palm tr ....
lawn, nowen, pond, • ehnlba
• nreptace • dbl J'll'&l'f
wtred (or na • carpethl&.
dr&pe1 6: nnttlan bllnda •
chtety kltdWl w1Ul prba1•
dl•poaal 6: tot.a ot 1torace
apace • covered lanai.
Shown by appointment only
) B. ft., l % bath, Jee. Uv, rm..
part. turn. ···-·····-----UUOO
I B. R.. den, VIJCW, rm. for
'°'.°I -····-··· ....... ·····-· -'32.500
3 Bl\., be&ut, )'Vd, BW
fin. --·-·---·······-··-12t.tl!O
SHORECLDTI /2 b. r., dtn,
la.D&l -· "····-···· ···-··--.U.600
OC&AN FRONT 1Ummer nnt&l,
I b. r.
Claire Van' Horn Howard a. Lawaon Co.
618 W. 19th SL, Cotta Mua UALTOI\
LI W•H w LI MIU nae. 2731 W. Cout BW7. LI i-'2i7
A NlCZ S bdrm. homa. fireplace,
bardwood tloon, lont1 bath,
loll of kitchen llJl&Ct. larte
lot, beauW'Ully l&ndecaped.
Bum>unded b7 equally nlc.
bomw OD e&u.let ltl'fft. near
Country Club. ''i(" 0.1.
Lo&n -Pt.aucm.abl• down.
Won't la.at at llJ,TllO.
V A.LUii -II eompletelJ fW'-
ru.hed aput.metl, D.-\7 dee•
orated. year rOWlCl renta1a.
For Quick Resulh • ..
ART C. KISTLER ·co., Realtors
Cor. 29th and Newport Blvd. or Phone Har. 5228
corona c"1 Kar Barbor .... COMXPJRCUL LOT thllT on
R.tp. P0DUD KOJ\TOAQJI 00. bun PlaC.Otla ne&r 11th It.. ac.tro Ute IM. l\mda Kl 1-61.IO Coet.a x .... Ideal for madl
'8ttc lbop, Ito«, barber ahop, etc.
Duncan Hardesty
2802 Newport BIYd.
terraced paUo, room for add.I· SOO <:::rJl9lal A..._ -ust.le Bdloa
tlonal untta -PrlC*I at ~N-i.l&Dd.. •
-----------Rouae A 10m• bUildln•• on lot. Wlll t.ak• cabin on aa1c1 or ht & 2nd T. D. Loans 11tttam u part. LI a-a Tee atter
6 or week...nd1. t1 hrftnl aU Oran(• County
Tru8t Deed.a Bought 6 Sold
Royal Mortgage Co.
HOI N.wport BlVd., Nprt. lkh.
Harbor 1549
H hr. pbaDI M.rTjC9
Have You seen 110 Mentone T
Phone Bar •n•
Evenlnp Bar 11481
Income Property
LY •11.000 with tcnna.
DAN A.. JA.<X>MD. R-1 ltatate SPECIALI --..&aCCNDe ~J"h Bar Mil u 1-4117 ICJ 1-tltT ::;......;:;;.;;;;,;;;:;;...:;;.~.;;..";,;;;c;z..:;;.;:X;.!---...;..;----~--.:.---I BJl. ~ (DIWt,..._.natedl
Modena -..,utlf'lal llO ll•to.. It ttap ~t. • ON&A llde or
MODERN DUPLEX Harbor Highlends Fit;,~1'1fi~. Co.
3 blkl. to Lido lhoppinl center , $2280 present BY oWND. Olll11 ..u.. oW. UA.LT01' i-H~a
IDcame. Larp 2 bdnn. each. 2'°° 1q. !L $22,500. IMVU>U.1'11 OOCUPANC'l'-11~ a:. 0out atatr-1
on .....-t terma. WUl pay for it.tel!. 1 bdrm. 1• •• ~ o..a del Ku -Bu. nu ·-t • bat. ................ ----------
E I ,..,... .... _ ... IAmD"lC9 Alt d l:...~-CL YDE MEY R, Rea tor tOT uuoo lad' ••• ....,... I ena. CKTOW
a12 Marine Har. 2&26 B&lbc. !ala.ad curt&ln.a la .,,.U. WlD (Ollla M-.me.) .ot42 nnan • ~ LaM. N...-· 1u-.A. a:. lltll a'"' u port~ ~
M x 380 Eut l Ttb SL
tBol~ irpait ta torn>
nD ..aa't a.c. -twrrY
Ideal qul9t b~ ffl"1
attn.eUn • ta "'"7 detail;
$1600 dOW1lt Ma:15 per ~
J'.P. MTIO. • • •
Four bltnna~ two bath. qu .. t
banjo ettteL LuJ• coveNd
p&Uo. nJce lawn. near IChool.
t:raMPOfUUon and mopi»q.
JUll t.b• p1act to "* your A REAL STEAL
t.am.Uy. J'ull -price· SU.l")O u Be aure to .. tlDI cha.nllSns 41
low u Sl.500 dn. modu'D home • lcmll7 Ult
"you'll lib OW' trlmcD.7 1Urie9"
.00 ll. 11Ul 8 L, co.ta Mea&
Ullert1 1-1.W
acre. ldMI TPt1a • JocaU..
tnrd. tJ.ra.. ~ J ......
beamed cat11q. .. mft ta..
Nrrice pofth. Ck pr. wtth
.&l'L "' •U.. t.nd\ u-. TRUL T unda-prlced at tu.-
no. 1WTUlc tcnu. ow.. .,. ..n.
I l
• •
• -•
• .( •:; 1 1
• ' -· • ' .
* * *
S.lboa Island Olfice Vogel Velues
* * * * "' • Corona •t Mer .~Vogel Values
8 bdrm. 2 both&, lot 118 " 18 -price .---.000
2 bdbl. 2 botho, IOt '6 " 18 -prW • #1 ,l500
' bdrm. a bothl, lot l50 " 18 -price P9.llOO
' bdrm. 2 ~ botu. 1o1 eo" 18 -price _.JU$0
3 bclrni..lt den. 8 bothl, lot 87 " 18 -price .• l'S,!500
~ .
ANO'ri:IER "BlG WEEK " FOR BUYERS ).T IAl.io..: IS~ a b.dl'OOJU . s bedrOOIU • a ~ ILi • ·$22,l!Ob $20,000 • ..,.~ •
We ha•• tumlahad !>I' \U1filrnllhed, with two both.I,. la ucellmt bolda ..J•kma. Kull
bo -to bo app,.,.,toted. Com• la today.
A IC&l'ce 'Item -S bdrm., 2 bath home, _and CGDplato 1 bdnL apt. ~ ~ -
available .to qualified bcyen, Bar kitcllena, rood beotlns. Iota of tlll, ud dbl. pnp.
* -It · * Q)llON4 Dl:L Kil
lllU.UTJn)L & --1~ .... -..... wltll
-ot -""' bl11o. """"" o.lr boll.I. Mnl· wood !loon. -lldek !lnplaee. iT x D .....
open& ~ yard. .Dppeo ud eorptta. • Li'flnc -
alld --~ -to w>•e4 porch. oUtatudlllc kltCbea witb ~ t.rp 2 ....
pnp. lovely )'lj'd. It. ~ root. ' mo I
eq, ft. of -hi""•·· ~ f'T ,3"1&. 2 bdrm. apt. • ProvlndoJ tun. July 16 to Sept. 115
2 bdrm, apt. -1~ botho for AUJUOI -$e50."
Fiim. 3 _bdrm., 2 both home avait Sept. 6th. ·Love-
Complete tvn. Price SSS.~ with good term.o. • _
For the abon deecribed propertiet -
"!ewport Heights H~l!)e ~with Ocean View
QlllX'X THESE J\iA.TtlllES: IJ patio, TV, W to W carpe!L Winter I._
$m. per mo. '!'.early $2:50. Inc. sar<Wier. PHONE HARBOR 1014
S bclnu., 11) botho, bwd. flOon, Iota ot hullt·inL
1l'u11 dlnlnf room, 1p. roJoed hearth flnp1-
h&ndy ldtehen with buJlt·ln etove It ....,, lll'ld-
oua muter bedroom with view of oeiaD. -
Ip. cll>I. prop-with "'°"' for worbhop. ~
room with flreploce, 12' " 12' laundry room.
ohake roof, alum. aWl1inp, nice yard. °"1lar muot ..u -Only 122.~.
9 l>clrm., ' both, Ocean view, IWldy bucb, Ideal
family home. Full price $117,llOO or will I .... ,.;th
option at $400 per month. $200. to apply.
208 Martne Ave.
Evea : Har. 3629, Har. 1229-R
to purcbue price.
Aur. rontal, f bdnno .. • b&th, l1e. endoeed patio.
MAIN OFFICE VOGEL VALUES For the above properties -
4 bdrm.I., :S bath.I, lge. encloaed patio.
$7~. month ot Aug.
J'or the above propert.ie. -
Of harbor &lid • ocean from thill oulstancling buy in Newport Heirhta. J'oaturoe 3 a,..
airy bed.rooms, ancPcoz:y deli with built-in Ba.r-B-Q, convenient Mp&ratl dln. rm. bri&ht
cheery kitchen with all the built-ila, 1 ¥.! well locatM baths, 1Ieamiq oak ftooN, and
the moat deoirable forced air beating-Now hero'• the p~ lino. "you WI hUT all
thla for only $22.~ If you call uo todoy for aa appaia-
VOGEL CO.-Corona. del Mar Office
• 29117 m. Clout Hieb"'!' .
Ev .. : Har. l~W U'll-IM.l5T · HU: 28112 UIS
3'15 Via Lido
Eves.: Har. se3Q.J, Har. 6179, Har. 61U
Near new tarce modern 3 bedroom home on SS x JM srape stake fenced tot dJ:
extra iarJ• 2-car garage. You'll enjoy tho outatandinf feaW.. ouch p : 2 botho, forced
air heat, oak: tloon, airy kitchen with ga.rb. dilpoUl, exhaust fan. at $18,960 it'I priced
to aell quickly. Will take low down payment.
Costa Mesa Offie-VO.GEL VALUES
* * * .
2 bdrm. In cho""' area on ace11. otreet, 1f x 18
llv. rm. b'Wd. floon, Ire. --patio, fenoed
yard and nicely landoc:aped. Only 7 yn. old. Furn.
HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG? $13,000 full price. Un!um.. $12,500. Vogel Co. Business Opportunities
* * * Highway Cafe -seatl t5. Right on Hiwy 101.
$!000 full price LOd $32W handle•.
On a home like this In Newport Heights -hfllldea havin1 a P600 • '"'~ loan pa)'•
able $78 pU mo., incl. ~•. lt'a a real cuUe with heavy ahak• root, plenty of ued
brick, rear living room with large fireplace, hardwood tloora, W to W caipet 6 drape1.
1.nd beautiful large kitchen with corner aink. You'll love thil one. Better .ee It today.
3 bclJ:m,, 2 bath, Ip. patio, &U"OU from tennio
courta and De&r c1YbhOU8e. Laree loL
see thla for $23,000
ULTRA ·'MODERN B&kery eslabJilhed 43 )'e&.1'11 same location. High
grou. $9100 bandlea.
Total price U 4, 711() .......
Variety .tore-Bu.y •ummer eeuon .itead. Good
leue. Top location. See t~ today.
For the above propertiea -
3 bdrm., 2 both, 3 paUoa, beaut. firq>laee, built·
in kitchen featurs, clul to floor i.D bdrm. A liv-
inf ....,, he&ul ·landouped. Price $19,llOO.
For the above propertlel -
For these &nd other buaineu opportuniti• call
VOGEL CO • .....Costa Mesa Office
1700 Newpott Blvd. 3201 W. Co.lt Highway Newport Beach 3201 Weet Cout HJ1hway
LIBERTY 9.349 I Ev,.: LI 8·7739, LE 9·79'2, LI 8-lUl and Hor. 363().J Evea. Har. 343:j;, Har. 53"6-R
Try our.' trade in plan. We can ret you from
where you are to where you want to be. Let US
ahow you how it can be done.
Prope.rt.les Uated below are amoor thOt&e we
have liattd for t.n4e·
CLIJT HA VllN -Homey 3 BR·bwd. fln1.
redecorated -attractive -executive neighbor-
hood at everyday prices.
You too can OWN GOOD INC'OME. We
lave duplu:N-triplexet and a quad. All priced
ri1ht A. bringing good income. Let ua ahow you.
Herbor Blvd .... Bu1ine11 Frontege
117' only 76' from 19th -~ pavecf alley.
Best buaineu location Wt lo town.
100' frontap farther out.
2 other 1ooc:t locatiom. on Harbor.
Santa Ana Hrto. 3 B. R., dbL pr. -top
A REAL BARGAIN, <:holce e••I
lid• of C<wt.a Mesa near lrvlnt
Avt . 3 bdrm., 2 balha, tire·
place. dbl. ,11.race. hwd. noor•,
w1athtr 1trlpper. 4b:'( loa.n.
114.900 full prlc..
a 120 lot.' 2 bdrm. each 1ld•.
p r•c• betwe•n. La.rre rm• ..
dlvtdH ya rd, only 2 yr1. old.
v v Best Buvs Corona del Mar •
1. V SHORECLIFFS. First t ime offered. Ranch type,
ahake roof, 2 bdrm. &nd den home, 2 tireplaoe1.
$37 ,:500 Exclualve with u1. Open bouae, 1 -8
daily. 239 Morning Canyon Road.
'4000 dn. or aubmlL Wailclnr . "'--.. diiltance. £ut 1ld1. Sl'Wtni tn 2. ( DUPLEX. fun:uahed complete, 2 bdrm. ~·
t apL vacanL Ready to move separate patio, hardwood ftn,, plua 1 bdrm. apL
ln. Both units deluxe. Ready for occua.ancy. $24,MO.
S2000 DOWN ! ! • pr1ce rflluc -Only ~ down. EXCLUSIVE WITH US.
td to $10,IM)O. Thi• 11 one of
the ~l buy• we've had 1n 3 .I VALUE PLUS 2 bdrm. home plus guet:t room many a moon, I bdrm., hwd. · r
flr'I.. rt ~pl., 1ov111 covered plua l :Y,, baths, hardwood tloon, FA beat, clOM
pe.Uo. on Eut aid• nr. tchool• to ahopping area a.nd only 2~ block to ocean and
tr&Np. 6 •toru beach. A best buy at $18,MO.
I bed.rm. 1 ~ bath•. dblr. •ar .• 4. V BARGAIN ~ Thi• 2 'bedroom home, tarp Uv·
conditioa $1~ See thia and make offer.
~ will buy a abarp modern 1 B. R.
18911 down wW buy a rood 3 B. R.
w/w carpet.. nMr •hopptnc in fi la dual tloor furnace (thermo • Only 12400 dn. ., nv mo. r room , rep ce, ,
controlled) plua large double p.r:ap ltreued for
MANUFACTURERS apl above. Better act tut on thla one. ONLY
8 ACRES CHOICJ:. level. cooct $14,750, EXCLUSIVE WITH US. C..U UI for det&ilt -W1 lhall be pleased
to amwer uy quenlona. draln. Weter ln. Sewer1 end • ~ by Nov. S7&00 Jer acre ~ · th of H \Iii down. · · ~. ( BARGAIN. Summer cotta1e eou "'Y·
Built on rear of Jot, room to build another w:Ut Mesa -Harbor Rlty. in fronl $7000 full price, CASH. Exc:luolva
A ABSOClA 1'&8 with US.
11108 Horbor
LI 8'11U
Lido Bayfront
~ fL lot. Pier and elip privilqea.
312' Marine Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 252!5
0 . C. Seymour -fte&Jtor
HI Ct:ntlf' SL, Co1t& M..a
LI I-till or LI 8-778.f.
l bedrm., 2 bath1
$13 ,500-$2050 down
We &re proud lo •how U111 &l·
tracll•• I -rm.. I bdrm home.
On• year old 1t a rll!Menable
pr1<:1. Beautiful clear. h~·d.
Ooora, c1r~ul&r noor plan. t.a.
he•t. dllflONI. ceramic Ule.
dbl. r•rtirt, lot 51 by 111, wen
o.PSN aoua.e. uo ldNTONll landM!e.ped, moau,. tanctd, 2
OWNER SELLS •11u. •• "~'°""'°"· 1 "'· NSW I BEDROOM HOUSE to 8Chool Oood nel,hborhood.
BY OWND -I bdrm. hOUM, · W1 have the key. -anytlm1-•·-llvl rm. 4 41n'-J rm. COiored bath nxturH. Wall to -•· A.:i! fl,.._ .. ~ walJ ~L ~ 6 !And· PAUL BARTO REALTY
.!!;.-~ .........,... .o< -.-..-K 1,.. .u;ped. UQ.J:lM).. Monthly p&J-1921 Harbr Blvd .. Co.ta Ml••
1'tiltlborhoocl. -Jl ur~•· ...._ ta ... •--1 ... ••1 Of&• U 1·7971 Eve-. LI l·NJ5 ....... ....,_..._ t9nold men """' u •v•ry ... , nr. ... h.••-""".'.J' • o.tl LI l-4la or HYM:lDUI 41k42 7..-CS. dtil pnap °" .u.,. ' 1----------1 &bl.P roof. 0 . L Lou, .mall l-61A IM at 120 Cedar Pl&ce. C·l ZONE
fOWn pa:rm«iL '80 110Wl1' IL CO&l& Mua. -1$c40 11 rt'. on Naw:port Blvd.. 100
Oolta M..-. LI MIOt. Sidi Ch N H ft. dHp ln<:ludlnc 5 nl~ ot-oiee wpt. ts. •-P•"• ........ c.n
L B . L t DUNCAN HA.RD&STI'. Real· erg• u11ne11 ~ NEW 1 bedtm. • ••n. 1~ bl.lll. tor. Jiu 4711. l4ttC'
r.r kMlft tawa--. a.. to OU. tln.., nawr.J cab. Ftr.pl.., ---------
...-CltT Hall .it1 In Colt& FA hut. utra Ip wlU'drobl BM.AU:. cotta11 on rear of R-2
JC.-. Oft11 fllO per front It .ion.p ·~· I.bake root, )OL t dMl Joc1r.Jon H .000.
toot. ' r..d'IQOd ddlftf • tenc... $1500 1-a. 708 ma. ror lnlonna•
DAll' A. JAOOBAEN, it...i i:.t.&lA: dowC ,. .P. Pl.IOO. OWner--uon eaU Hu. 00&-M.
Ku 1111-lJ. a.u1T-Kl 1·1111 LI 1 .... 71. Ill J\llkrton. Hp39 31lfC
PRICE T. McCUlSTION, llealtor It Auoclatee
3U7 E. Co1&t Hwy. Corona dal Ku liar. ,7
(Office located oezt door to Newport Harbor BaU:., ODI)
OPEN HOUSE 7 daya a ....&
212 Klnp Road
See this Contemporary home with 3 bdrma., 2
full bothl, dining uea Lnd brM!dut .,..._ At-
tractive double f°ll"tplace, patio and many other
exclutlve appolntmenta. Wall to wall CU'pltiDJ
and above all A VIEW HOME.
EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor
l~th and lrvine -LI l-29M
EveL Fr..s Barker LI s.8621, Stan LeLie..,. LI I-TOM
Catal.IM. Orin, Newport Bl& R·J
lot. AblolvUl.7 Mat lot buJ
1n hlt&1lt&. 11100 cMh \&bl IL
• CARP&"fED 3 bdrm. home In fully· lmpnrfOd
neJsbbortiood. COM to ochoolo and aboppinJ.
Only 19.•llO with u.100 clown. Balance at S6i
per month includinJ principal. lntereot, taaee LOd
ft.9dtc:cnt.S -a.ti. cheilrtul
bomL I Md.na.t, W. Mu. wit.b
pullJllU, w. kltch111., plu.l&nt
dilllq a..-. rwu.c.. hrvlc•
porch. Oitment troat and .....,.
pordlu. IArf9 lot wttll ..,..
eem.a\ Wock wall& l\Yt Piii e
We recommend lhll borne bu.7.
l'Urnlah•d llom• aadl Nnll.lllld
rllltal. I MW bOIDM oa JOt.
"' Wock to amt. ft.. 1 .... 0 Wllta ly,q 1Lw IQC'oled, di.di.
Me.led balhl, ttr.pUcee, Pr--
...... p&Uoe. On new .u .. t •
all lmpro-••t. pe.14. Prop-
•rty · dMr. Seller wW carry
flnt trut deed Witb ~·
a"-down. Rent ff'om ••
lhou.\4 m&kl pa)'IDM\a.
S-t& Ana AYI klL CQnlU. lul~
abi. ail• tor tiom. er d\lplu.
Cowat7 locaUoD la B&tJr; Bay
a..-. '4000 culL.
Two ,. • .,.. old on tb1 blUlf owr·
loollin.f hdftc. '11llv-wt I
~ lla1i. Uld U'tlq 1'00m
wall to ....U. eupH!q. CU.-
tom drapa o.v.t.. doubl•
FOUi.\ BD!lKS., 2 botho, fenced yard. petlo and
barbecue. All tmprovemeota 1n. and paid ,for.
Full price $11,9!50 with SS,000 down. 'Balance : .
a\ $70.M per month lndudee principal. intereo~
t&x8I and lo.aura.nee.
rlmEE BDRKS., hud....,.,.j .noon, fireplace.
Completely redecorated in a.od out Choice eut.
aide location, fenced yard and.larp double 1ar·
a1e. Full price $12.960 with ONLY $~ down.
Balance at ~.M poo month 'laclwt,. priDctpal,
intereot, t&aM a11d tnourance. Plue omal1 -.nd
Truot l>eecl at l" per -th. • W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor
"You'll Ultt Our Friendl7 _..
prq"I. rc«*L Patio. rHA 1 comtnlcUid. 411 lmpro,,.m1nta l-------------------
400 ll. 17th St. Coat& -Libort;r 1-1139
lla &ad pa.Id. Sa.Jo --L •12,aoo tlr'IM.
S M:rq Oft Pl&cMU.., R-4 8011Jn&.
POOO an acra.
I ult. witb 1acome ot '200 mo.
A I btdra. I baUa &Ddl l lldrm.
dUpiu. S1000 Madi•
M... Dl1n ciorMI' .. L R-1.
Kountal.a A wat.r '°'"'· V•fJ
dMlnbM locaUoD tor )'O'll'
1toaM. Gab' ITIOO Ill tll'mL
l•T Nl'WpOl't afft.. oo.t. JC.-.
• Wanted -Two Large Families
Jn CoronL del Kar, f bociroomo ud IUD porch,•
1 I) bothl, eo ft. corner, juot otepe to' Cblna Cove.
139.l!oo with rood terma.
Shore Cllffa, a bedroomo, 3 botho, f&mil7 room.
JU .. t room, awimmlnJ poo~ viow. Juot otepe to
private beach. UO,llOO, with Joo4 tenno. .
ll. B. HOOOIC, A.doclat.o
M22 E. Cout Hwy., Catona dol 'KLr, Hor. 217• ...
Ll ... 1111 ..... u ~160t 1--------------~.----
BOATa 00 8'f"'
001\0NA Dl:L KA.IL Prtftt•
Beacll. .. ,. &ad ..... NOi·
lq. ZXpud w. MdlMhd t
-.JL IMwD• to 70V fl*'CIU-
tJau.. 11&nor Ml1'-w. .aaro
11th ,. o~ Huatsqtoa
a.dL AD M1Mnl rlstat. Ind.
H...-t well I Wt. P1ice ,..._
<>wrMr IOl tul It. B.. B. Up40
Subcllvlalon ot a ..,_ for R-1 hom-.
lilUL TIPLE Ll8Tl:NG llltOKEll
G. H. LATHROP, Reeltor
9e35 E. Cout lllJloway Corona da1 Kar
Harbor MU llvoL Hu. lll80
• .. .. . .
r .
. I
Two •oncl°"' i..., 2-...... (l wllb ni.-
., _ploco) ....................... ~.d._ ...
polio la -~ "'* -f!ICSOO.>T· A":"lns .., ....... tenno. ' , ~r sHoRES
A fine buy ID • a boclroooD liOme complet.dy
flrilllMd. 2 pouOo olid pl.,.ned fe< outd-
• · u.i.,. ii. o1iort l>lock to fiM .beoeh. Ei<coll<nt
~ "!' uldq ~ Of $23,000.
2161 W1-1y"Woy
Evonlnp coll Edtth lfan>6n. HY•U U222 or
Lou Boyotoo Horbor 2878 .
225 Marine A•i., 8&1*-lll&nd Harbor l77l5 1
will! l)Uidy Bacl> and Perm&nent Bay View.
· $ B.R. 8-pl .. 2 1ttnct1Ye Income Unlta to
help you buy It. Only $26,2!50 ood $8000 down.
2. BALBOA PENINllULA. Chorming 2 bdi:m.
plua gueot room. 2 BATHS,~ polio ood
Barbecue. Only 3 yro. Old -EXCLUSIVE WITH
US. A Wonderful Volue ot $19,l!OO. Only $4000
. 8. 7 UNITS BALBOA -Only $29,600 -$MOO
Down. Scheduled Grou lncome -$6250 plua
Owner'• Apt. Low EzpeDH. C.2·Zone on Main
Blvd. Corner. Many ~&tiona go with it.
TU:e over and collect the high l\lDllller rent.I
now -
2603 Newport Blvd.
Lovely luge 2 bdrm. home on 6ll x 110 lot with
portlol oc:nn A bay view. ln rmeot Newport
Betchta area. NOT A L&ABEllOLD. Owner muat
move out of town, lo not p._.t for <Uh. WUl
oceopt rood lot Trait Deed u all or port at down
payment. Excellent t s;., financ,U,g. We have key
and will ohow by appointment. Price $19,llOO.
121! f .. t from ti>• 1porldln1 blue .....,,, beoutiful
bold>. 2 bdrm. l'um. home, 2-cv prep. Lot 25
by 90, R-2 aone. Po...t potlo. Vocont. We hove
. · tey. Drt,,. by ood -•t 108-si.t., N..tport llch.
<" ., Price $11,!IOO -Ten4a. .
·: . :· .. ... ...
Attn<tive ruotic duplex, Lido oectlon. fU,000.
1920 W. Bolhoo Blvd., Newport Beach
Harl>or '°72 or Harl>or il83
Aooocli.te ChorlctlA B. RobinlOD
• •
• b
• . •.. ,, ......
of Udo ..
t ......
j , .. ;..._
Quick Sele
0-House I -46••-~ 'l'lolll lo I .. Clillwllls OD a lo"°'1' b.a.:, ba1M
-D ""'""for pnGtbl 1hlos oad -famlJ7
Ufo ·-Lu9t .... -db!IDI -with -ftll oo•p'lllllJ __ ID I. ...it111 pa--
1-!! 22!)' .......
. .
--·ldlobeq, 8'---. 2 l».tha,
and a lorp den. ln iddttloa, I Wirf Coouy oncl
~ - -toll)-corpeted. T!ila lo not
not -talk -.. tell you that thla 2 yeor
l Ulen pt out mi OONJ'IDSN1'IAL nLS and ba4 lbt= *' ! u~ a QU&SN 1'Q1t A DAY W bntq Tft011"M.ll! l'ATB-~ lllt. U..t "'--r" , • ,,.
I OIDlte Oil 80 feet ·BA YJ'llONTAGll at 820 Via
Lido Nord. Ballt 10 well Ui yoon .,., tbot
-It ... -lut _.., UMi ~ oncl dry rot ..... juot ~ fCllf hllpietlon.
Youjuat con't beot thlO for'yaJ.0 at ""'1 t106.000
~· Tenu, I
' . l'Or lbw ood 'other Ud6 Ploperty -Como to
HlllADQU.tJtTEflS :llot'~at Ll<lo,
p. a.'-pa mer iricorp'or1ted
ole henson co. m•n•9eme11t
' r ~ via lido, borbor UiOO ' '
SPECIALS ' ' ' ' What is a
old -lo 1"lcocl for Im-late ale.
LOoatloo :
Sloe :
Pr1oo m .i500
A S.r91in
S~ 1 hath
Rffsona61e Owner
The ..,..... of thla triplu aaya he wont. to llell
--he bu oootber U.. for hlo lnveotment
money, R•-.ble termo will ha ....,ptad, ood
• reooonahle price lo uked. $250 incomo, approx.
$20/mO. -bold-.xpe-. S.Ulns price S21.i500
p. a. palmer incorporated
ole henson •co. menegemenl
1700 w. cout highway -liberty s.&73
. , .
t bedroom home with extn nunpua ,_ ..,
• 1111 ~ aoo 1ot, oa1y a YM< old with uoo
oquare feet of 11.tng .,.. oncl with "11 u..
• --could lhll!k of foe $19,fll!O la'*
the BIG PAYOll'I', Ihm I lhoulcl So hoclr to
And -'--6'9 _,.. 11'.AlfDY' BINT8 for a tam.Uy of ,.,q, old •
J'OW'!.11 t0 n.ATBJ:B TOUR NUT wtth U!.'8
wonderful, nearly new, 2 bedroom ntar two
ohopplnc C<Dterw In -Coot.a ..... Jm-
moCulote ood fully loodocaped for ID un·
believable s10;1100.
Then I Sot to thlnld.n' a.rw:i watchln' th• can I"• bJ' --wd •
GLAMOUR GI1lL wlU.. a p!ll'lcbaqt fa.: a view p for thl1 hOney la
Newport Height.a. and on a fee lot too,. 2
bedroomo. 2 bath•, -:with • luah,. ~-en·
cloeed sundeck ovef1ooklng Bay, Beach and
Ocea.n ! What a vJew ! IT OOULD BE YOU
a.nd youn for o~y $23,9do with the belt
or terma.
~~n't need to sraduate from th• H.ALL8 or IVY or be •
NU18 to BEAT THI: CLOCK on thll -. (1) ft>ll. A SPACIOUS. aooM'I'
I ...... ..._. wttll ....
~ .-. ..u llNDt. ....
to u.. ...,. ud all ....ate
bM.t .. w. paopeatJ too
.,. Jwrt • ll.ep lo M.c. ..,
beach. Stt.600. t..rma. •
"nle term REAL'l'Olt lo not a oyoonym for
3 I: Den, 2 b&th, UOO ISL2 home near
beocheo ood club bouoe ood with 1 luge,
' l&rge polio too. $23.!IOO with !inooelns.'
BEAUTii'UL luxury hOllM 11t'lth • . unota.tnicted VIEW, 2 bed· So BE OUR GUEST and t':l'e in on µberty 3-7773. YOC
t 2J 4-UKJT INOOKll B~
ING .•• a.me a,__, Owner
callld EaA and WUU to Mll
M.wty N4900Bt~ and Ilic.
t,. nu11t.hed. Terrttk renta.I
locaUOl'l. 111.000. l•Mn9;
room. 6._ den. llx22 uv. room. ARE THERE. we're heft, SO THERE YOU ARE ?
din. room, cbarmlnr Interim',
beautuul patio, taxllf heated
<I: tillered 1..-·immlnr pool.
BAYSHORES 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8·7771
i 3 ) J BEDROOM. I bilb-horn,
on<w.i Ba7 A"-A cr-t '·
.-alue. W.Jl tumlabed and
nice condition. Jlarpin &t-
Jt ii the excluaive dquatioo for th<* pledge
to tranaact all real eetate bU11neU according to
th• hlch itondarda praerlbed by the Code of
~of ·the N1.Uona1 Aaaociation of Real Estate
-Bo&rdl and the California Real F.at.ate Aasoct.1.·
t.ioo, ud rovemed by NEW EXCLQ'IIVE LISTING ---------------------
J'tnit tlm• ottered -Lovety S
bedroom plua s-ue1t room, ·'J\t
b&thl., Jtt.. llv. room, din room,
buUt-ln kitchen, li'.A . hMt.
m cl. pe.tlo "''Ith barbeque.
8/ B •
.. .
'4 l ~~::~~~~Newport H~rbOr Board of Realtors
HOMJC with a modem A cuu
b&chek>r apartment In Nat. -401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach
SltuaUd "' ,.,.., loL PaUo ALSO LIDO ISLE Bayshores Speciol .
and 2 lln.&1• pnp11. Sl l ,!!00
and ........ -------------------3 BEDROOM, 11, beth. com·
pl1tely rumlahl!d. Le•-llv.
room with n~1~ -~el·
1 .. t llrTNI. LOW d~ pay·
ment. ASKING Slll,500.
A BetuUf\ll t&rs• muter
bedroom and beth. al.a a.n·
other bedroom and b&lh.
t...rr• uvtnr room and din·
Inf area. C&rpeted. Step-
•Yln.r kit.chi n. Flaptone
ftrtplace. JJ'T .&00.
3 ru.Uy cha.Hn.1111' bclnne.
1 '" be.th&. Well cho9tn col
ora. 0..l&'fted ror enterta.ln•
Ins .• The wlloi. t•mllJ' •Ill
love IL Cupeb a.ad drep--
erlee. S21,600.
\~I TWO UNIT ... t IMdroOm
hom• la front phlll • 1 bed·
room •p9rtmmt ovtir a :Mar
ran.re. Rcted eummer u d
winter. tllow• .nrell return .
on lnvMtment. Jil,000 i:.nne.
~Hu J ttedroo1Mup6
J doWJl. It. well tunUabed
propu1.1. OA11 I )'ft.. old. ,....
cenUy rep&iated outMde &nd
In. Wonderf\ll for home wtlh
btcom• or ror nnt&la. -
<Tl ONE or TKll J'INER
BUILDINOI m ettre Ne'#·
port-Balboa ..r.... Be&uWul
•lid 1paclOU9 I-unit bulldbl(.
only J )'MN Old with ~
ate oonred ~ &&wldry
room &nd locJlen. Modem 6
up lo' date. BbcrW• 1&-rp po-
t.Inti&! llleom&.. Beto th1a
property bef?>ra bU)'lnl' • • .
"4,000 Md pod termL
Balboa Realtf Co .
' Three l>eclrooml' 2 bothl, l&rge u.tnr room 'and
dinlnc room PLUS a very nloe enelooed potlo
located on a 1arre corner lot IUrt'Ounded by
beoutltal obody treeL Priced for JMKEDIA TE
oole. '
'ANOTHER FISHER built houoe aouth of the
Higb-y, 2 beclrocJala, 2 batha. l&rge living_ room
and kitchen plUI a very nice encloted patio .• Ex·
... l&rgo ...... with \lo bath.
Over 1000 .q. ft. in houte. GeneroUI tropica.1
lancloeaping, modern otyUnc. El<tru: built.In
electric raqe, wubtr, dryer. 2 car prare.
13 :s: 22 ll'rin.1 room with flftplace. 1 wall cork
poneled. ToW prloe $18,l!OO.
W. E. FISHER & Associates
302' Cot.at Hish-y, Corona del Mar Harbor li032
-Harbor 2420-w
2J6 W , Cout Hipw&y LI 1-6627
Newport a.ell
·c '1110MAS 'C' T!loMAS
B/ B .
WHEl\E CAN YOU .ftnd a 6 br.
2 be.th l 1tory houM with
Move 1A todt.x,. brtnc 10ur
boat <d 1tart UTtq Ill W1
delirable Nord Bayf'rortl.
I bdrma.. J bat.ha. Pri•at•
pier 6 tlip. Chil>'ce loceUon.
ZU.t n.t.ed. Compl.ttely fur·
Can yoU fancy S bdnn.t .. I \.;
belhl Oil Udo for U3,MIOT ?
We have It and urse you to
com• and "' what le ln
1tore ror ~ou. ~rp paUo.
I bedrooma. I be.tht on tAe
polllL Not many et any lime
for Sll,500. l'um.
W&tertront wtth cher.-i. :i
)drma.., 1 batbl. private
pier and .up enlleble NOW
We have key. AaklnC
3112 Wayett• -HU. 111143, 2999 Evea
"Juat to the riJbt <>i Lido Brldp"
ocean Tl-. bric.le ft.replace. -------------------J)9UO. modem kitchen under
'30.000. WE HAVE IT!
CHANNEL Road lot. unot.tnacted view of Bay.
$1 7 ,llOO terma.
Oppo&IC:. Bank ei Amelie&
~ ROM Or'Wl1eJ J:d Lie ...._---------------~--JOMpblae Webt. TOPS in LOTS
Smor tr" llvinr In th\• ell.er)'
2 bedroom born• .nd DM:JWor
1pt. on J Iota. Tb• Me.uW\l.I
lawn. Oow•n and paUo are
jutt what th• Dr. ordered.
DUPLEX 2 bedrm. • 1 bedrm.. nur bay.
Good renter S21.i500
.. B/B
Bay An. t bedroom.I, 3 batha. J!'umlohed.
6 yeon old. $7D,i500 -Teni.L
• r )
t Bedroom home on '6 foOt lot. Corpetecl.
Bullt-111 Roop. South Pollo. Wind !or
220-V. $87,SlO -Tenn.I.
200 f .. t to f1ae bay beocl>. 2 bedroom bOUM
on R-2 lot. Room for additlonol UDit.
W.000 -Termo
We ha .. a 1 Bedroom and a 2 Bedroom WI·
~ apartment on th• point for
IMM 14 Q1llliflod ten&nta. . .
100 &. Ba.Ibo& ~ BalbO&.
Phtlne Barttor mT
Buy Buy
l lo I Eacept Wedll..o.&y
Cliff · Haven · . -~ 121 Bl. J&n* l\oed ...
HJ:RS'IJ a 3 bdnn. born•. I yMn
old. b&J'dwood noora. tore.a
air ti..t a.no, a tlne kit. Will
" wwth a11,eoo no.t year -
but JOU cu 1et It for mtlcb
lell9 todQ'. Hurry! , RWTY?
Till• 11t'onl *t.
Duncan Hardesty
H02 Nnrport 81'td.
N-port Beach Har 6711
R-4 70x307 Coo build 7 UDite .... _. ____ .. $3950
1\-4 70x307 Coo build 7 uni,. .. _. ___ ....... $4MO
R-4 Mx12:1 Weot lllde ............... --.......... $2250
R-4 50d22 Belt E. lidc comer ···-····-··.$iZ50
1\-4 50"122 Adjolnlns obov• ...... --.. ·---·S4000
R·l '15 x 80 Reotilcted --·-........ --.... $4li00
. _6-1 J!aclt Bay, ~trleted ...... _ .. _____ ..... $6000
R-1 Back Bay, Reotr\eted .. _.'. .......... _ ........ $67:50
ALSO The best location on E . 17th for • major
Store 186 x 800 AND the belt Ml ' lot in the
very beort o! Coata 1o1... 22,000 · oq. It. with
teWU9 in and pd. for
Call UI tor det.aill
llllMI N-" Blvd., Coot.a M-
P!!..,. u ~81 --Hor. 4388
By eppolnt.ment Ollly.
tram tJI• lerr• UYl.nr room of
tllll 2 etory llom.e. It bu 2
bedrma. and le completfl1
fuml.ehed. l&OOO Jlandtee.
Bay & Beech Rlty., Inc.
Corona del Mar otrlce
"30 E. Cout Hwy.. Har. 561!
Forced to Leave
Southern Carrf.
HUit Nll modem J bedroom
nic-el7 ftll"ftWMd. Larr• comer
h>t. ·Newport Hitipt.1 uea.
Pric~ to ..U Sl 1.800. Tennl
can M ananpd.
Ralph P. Maskey
14.11 N'nrport Bl'f'ld. Har. •02
2 BEDROOMS plux ]allll on tree covered lot,
86 x 805. RA sone. 118,000. '.fU1DI.
OCJIO(ERCIAL corner 1fb~ x 1:50 ft. Neu 811'-
bor Blvd. Plftent tmprovementa ahooald CllTJ
till property developed. Belt buy on Vf. 1.Dtll St.
Mildred Rill' ond Sylvia Tbo!Dpoon, •-iMoteo.
301 Ii:. Balboo Blvd .. Balboa Har. 211111or4IOO
• 2 l&rgo 'bedroomo •
• 2 batho •
• Large potio e
y & Beech Realty,
lWI w. ll&llloa Blvd.. BoJboo
Inc., Rltn. ·
Horbor "°'
J Wn:a. bou8la. ...... kit. dbl
av~ new dla4tkt. D&Lr pit
C)D\lf9. L&rp ...... room. 1p.
ldtc.ben It dtnett. ecmb. A.We
lnaal&Uon. ¥wcL ,,.... ,..,
7U'G ftDoe4, t.ute .... ()wa-
ft', ll. 0. ........... Writ.& ~
lbt ..,. oall, Bar. ll'fl l'Toil
CHARMING ~ 2 bedroom oncl l&rge
c'•n1d lonoJ faelnc covered polio 1% batho, :50
ft lot (archltaeta pion tor -bedroom or den
Included) H-Ill exoellel!{ conclitloo tbnl-out.
Owner lla\'lns otote. Price $81,500 for fNt oole.
DO BEE~ ONE. Wo thlnlt lta • buy. Altadeoa Escrow
(Coit& x-ofiW)
• Lota of clflMtl •
• Buil~ln atove and oven •
e Built lllC!l •
' $1,000 DOWN New$10,llOO
I bdrm., 111.ueao, Wp ft.J )ot.
BA YSHORES -2 Excellent Homes
3 bedrm, 1 bath. COlllpletoly furnlabod, l&rge lot.
30 It ~!lo. Only $23,500. .
U2·A a lltls at. LI ....... -• P-on s.pt. ~ •
e Foll p~ $27,500 • e
. '
a l>edroo• ....... 1n ·lloo11t1ta1 2 YM' old tract.
OWnon llavlllJ, KQ8T SJlLL. See thla .....
Colt.a 1111..... Ona l>Ul. aut ot
lh•tn. 117 l'k!ww. Open..
Bar. hfll..ft. tOcU
Two bodrocmo 2 batlla, oompletebo l'umlshed,
polio and -· C.po Cod al:Jlo-$28,000.
J BEDRM.. l \i D&U&, ....,. l&Ata
AM Oow'ltry Qutt. hJ' att•r
do'.w1a o.r lnde ~ -lft..
twn Sil. lbGs Pia-. OD9t& • ~oncllM • • ======I
Duplmr. 1 ,... qW. -Modi: to beach, film-....... ~-....... -~-. ..... SH,lllO Ooctd nalol ona.
N.8.C. R~LTY CO.
tind A Newport Boul..U.S : Hal'llor e636 or 140f>
aPACIOUI t Wrm.. l,._ i&UI
..,,..,.. .. c«MI', cac.. bl, tlM
.... Uon OMta a... lte9r
flllM'«I' "!'""41 pa.Uo, ftreplacl . • c:&f"lllll... v~ llltlMl9. Mar A TIU.CT HOMS Slt,000
ftOM ll Mfa 40c!llJ
MYRTLE DAVY, Reeltor & Assoc •
Helen Bown Hue! Condon
Ma2 ,Vlo Oporto Harbor Mte
Evee. U 1a97 U 11-1709 ILUl.1017-J
--HBWPOltT HSIHrl. '7 ......
I bdrm. boUM. 1 f\tO ba\11,
bwd. noon. l&rl• t-eu rarar•
and walled JSrd. Sit.MO. MT
&I MOthn& Ave. 60.U
lido -Realty AssoCiates
Uoo VII Udo