HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-07 - Newport Harbor News Pressal Marine . I.
Pilot Rescue
Hero for .12
) • \ .
Every Satwclay NkJht
In the
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• announcing --... ..• "" --· far cool listening
M ""'' 'u: • I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 U--11 ---... ,1.r1uc1
RiX""'ntOM"90H ·JAMIR WHl'1'MC>M: -w ~ ViCToR1A SHAW==--===-=-~..=-.::--.. _ _,.._. ____ .. _.,..._
c-. ... :A•Sc:o 1£ _ .. T•C MM I C0\.0.
Al.80 m.a0mD lil!OSIS
1UDe KA.nNU: &&TVUA.1' AT 1.u
"llA AND PA iu:rn.i: .u TJD; r .wr
a••• 21• sate•• aoue ... -a•a•• ..... [................ .. .....................
Mesa~ ·~·/·
CN'De 8ATVU41'
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.& koe&J ltotn. •&a ellUred by
• Mlrll&r r..:enUy &nc1 'l~
'9 cJoU&~ aJM! IU(Plt WU
tutn. o w n • r Mr•. John A.. w.ua..... 2t31 JriU..rlno Av•-. told -'Khtt IAar' Next
'l1M neat drama produetlon •I
~ COut Coll•c• will be
Kin( l..M.r, Nov. 1--17, lt wu
alUI~ by LWr.t Scott. pro--· ..
$50 ,000 IN PRIZES
the KWIZ magic number game!
0. S1p1...U. !Olli, 1956, rNlo KWIZ win Mall a Matlc N ...... ta".,........_, Sew
lllat Melle ,._Mr ... 11.C .... It c .. wla few J1111 a cample11 11¥iftt -•M•llle,
• ........... , .. , a MW aalollllltk w ...... , ,..., Inna .......... met ...... of ....,
p1k11 hie .... , --···••f
SAYE TtlS usr AF ooz M'r.11'. ~'llCllAMTS so YOU1l
KNOW WllRE TO GO • : : •
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.WI 111'\1..... lllllilll Alllll't'l-oolil .. o C••• INS.ct r .....
MNTA ~ •) rrt•· I ....... ,,................ . ....
ll'tt L.... Y•Dl•1rftJ...,
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bwf'I ,......,. t• N ... ' • lj::,-:::;:~~;-,;;;;;;:-+ --I =--• ...:i. -,.., I' im ._ .. . .
"' , I e COCKTAILS · e MUSIC . . . . . . e .. PIANO BAR e DANCING .....
· 8udcly· -Aohner Duo with .. Raul 6onu1t11
-btert•iM Thundty-nW.y I S.turcl.y ... ... . ; . . . '( ...
REGISTER: oij .·
If ••• you .a.ve moved
If .•• your name has changed
If ••• you did J!Ot vote in 1954
If-. •• :you·will ~•come 21 years
of age:by-November 5, this year
-Salli.,, I• . .., M M11My
'· • Y• C9 1la11 ... Ah
DIADUNl-THUUDAY-llJl'ilht ... JJ ' . .. . .
FOi NOVIMID PllllDINllAL ILICflON · .. . .
• I
Cltf Hall ~losecl Sal•clay. S•.-Y and M•day
NEWPO&T -Ill'&: laUa Snwt ... w. 0.... ...... •llllW
aALllOA -Jin. S-W.lt 1111 .. 0.-. ...... ,...,
UDO -Jin, l.oa.tte ,,,_,
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M'acM lllL&JQ) -.... a.it. ==·~~=-.. • zr .,.,&: ta ..... ,, ., _,..... ................
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N&WPO&T ll&IOlln -Mn. .....,.. ...... 61181" .... Dr • u......a 11n.v .. u. ,, ,_...,.
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0090NA Bl811LAXD9 a ...... .... ., c.D.11. _,......_. , .... .......,, ......... "" . ..., ..
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C~g~a.l~fali ond
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&6t Wdhed
we are p r o u d of the part O\"
• ... org~nizetion played in mekin9 it
· poHible for roy carver pontiac to
celebrate their first anniversary in
• n.w.home
.... , "" • .>
. -A '
. .
·"' "
Now we can be of even greater aervloe to y~u I
w.·.,. • W'OGdlrfnl ..., home (or
Ammie&'• woodmful _... car •••
the fabaloua •et Pontiac! E .. ry
pa... ol oar opsadoe • • • car
ilha'wNGm, ........... ~
••• baa t.ll apniW IDd ...
eompktel.J .quipped tO c&r JOU .....
W/lJ hM ..... ~
We oordiaD.y Invite JOU and your
t.mily to lms*t OUI' MW home •• ~
to -bow 1N am DOW be of ....
..... ..... to JOO. And while
peal --fbt ~: •• ti» cb· nmm. .... Ponttm tflt.h 22'7-h.p.
~ v.a ad mw, an..
PONTIAC'S fabuJous Jfor '56
... , . ' l' ~ .
Klmb.rfy 5-1 12 I
. . "' .. s... Am .
430 Jht St.
~~--~~~---.. -.--.----~~t+---~K-,..,._,...._...-----~·MIM
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8taad.ln1 be;fote iu" ~ of Oorom 411 ~ Qaana ..
nfty amr= wbeft a brida1 ..tUni wu ,...,.... "'1 n.tt.e
pdl0tu8.. uteN and 1t0ck. Ma N~ Lo. W*-ucl
John JlUllell J'os a.eh•npt rlDp u4 .-.blton U.
Rn. Sdwin C. Gomke. 1be ~ 11 tlie. ~ Oi tbe
lfalftttt4a ?attOnl Of .Alhaabn ~) .. -="""'-" _...._ ~
ud -.A..-..0 AvL aad U. tale ""-""-. ..... .., 1. IAIU9 ~ .. the IOQ ol Kn. 8bttt ... ,... ~ .
,._ Mel di! late Jobn I . Y'oa .A. ........ "°'f'dOa W&t Ml4
. • I
o1 W• tprtqfteW. Mue. at IM Pat.toa ~ Ill Ooreaa
NU07. wore ~te mi~ de.I Kar wttere ~ non.I -.ot1I
eel awt.. orpndJ With molded wu lbllUar to tMt of Ule
MdSct, 8lloc't ""'"-a.ad bout· claurch. Mn. Patt.a. waa pwMd
fat wa1ta *stll ak1rt trllieb for tM ~ ill 8pke calffdD
cUpped to the noor an •ek. An witll ~tchla1 llC!C111a•i... •
orp..nq1 •p ouWMd with reed wlLlt.e cloelM wlUa .,See Ht.I and
,_,.. !Mid bar tln{Vf.IP ftll A conare of wllll• orcttldl.
•114 Idle Cllll'T'led a bo1M1uet of Mn. ,._ 1"n tee W.. dlur-
wbtta ~ and at•pbuotta. wtUa laoe. • black velwt llat
llae Ol'Chld9 W'>111 l&Ur w1tll J11er aad CGnafe Of apider OfthW&
1GJl\s aw., COitume. l..cDdUac receptio. Ud ,..,..
JIAD) FOt!JWOMJ: Ml'I. Maril R. Oilman ol Dayt.oe.
~ tJw bride were bu Ohio and 11.... June Peteraon
maid.I, JOWDed alike tn bouffant of Cotta M--. &Qllta °' tll• j white wile with 11quare decol· brWe.
letar• bound v.lth cornflower Al' PUA.DENA
l!ll~l!l~~~rJJ I hlue tafteu which fonned a bow Th• YCNJ\I' couple. who will 11t Uie baek. Hudbanda were ot r .. lde at 1-..0 Ray11\ond Hill
tr e taffeta &nd thrv carrted ftoa.d. aouqi P-...na. a.n for
1 ,:, -·
Gerhardt Photo
bouqueta M delrhln1uma The a motor trip Utrou1ll tA• north·
tounome lncludfl<I Ml.u Phylllti wHt. Mra. J'ox "'°re tor Uu
Lak• •• maid ot honor and aa trip a two pl-Nit of DllY)'
bn<leamald• lbe Ml.au Jea.n and lurquoi. plaid and a O.r·
P'odllu ot 81.n Fnncl•co. Aucfr•y quot. felt hat A atuCS.11l nurw
Adam• of San Marino and JHn· 1t Puad-. City COUes• and
lnnt Hilt ot Lonr Beath. Hun~ 1(-rla.I Ho.pita!. l ·~·::.Judith Couch . . ' Allen Ka.utmann or Paclnc •II• wu (Tadu&led from N.,_·
Pallaadea wu be-1t m an and port Kubor UnlQJI Hll"I\ khool
u.t1hf'r1 wn• l.t. Rl<'h~rrt Patton. and att.ndH tM Unlvel'91ty ot
~telvln Jl:lda.J and Lt. L. E I Colorado wb«e eh• waa afftllat·
Robillard •·J with Alpha Cb1 Omel'a .oror· !~ugene Barnes
j':<R~peat Vows
Aho ln !ht t ntour•r• W•rf' lly Hu huaa.nd wae rndualed
Cn tr Qu•rlt1. eou•ln of I.he I trc.m lprtnf11•ld. M&aa. TKMI·
brid• u r1n11: borer an<f P•· <'.al Hl&h Bcbool. the Unl~ralty
lnra E1d.aJ or C..:Ov na. u flower
1 "t M .... chuaetta and Harvard
Wedding and Reception
Held at St. James Church
(lrl. Sl'hool ot Buttl.Mu Ad:lniaJstra·
1'1-UPTIAL Mt'l.SO t1on Ht wu atfUlalad wlUI
Ml .. Mar1artt f'l'harle pl1)·•d Thtta Chi tr\tumty.
.__.... .. . Malcm1 their home at 25 Clartmont Ave , Belmont
Shona_ after a honeymoon at Coronado and Carlabad an
' .
By GINNY (llllB8. EDWA&D L£8'1E&) Ul1l'll
Mr. &Dd Mn. Eupne Viriil Barne.," ho recited their mar· ABOARD TYPE:
rlage Vow• recently in St. Jamea Epiicopa.l Church The Fun to be back at Newport and 1ee old !rlenda who
bride ii th• former Judith Ann Couch daughter of Mr. bavf' been vacat1orung aU over the wo,&d ..• Belly and
and Mra. Vllan Eml Couch. 2307 Tb4 ~•lv1n1 Une fnrm"d tn ~orge Hoag had a glorlout Summer aboU"<f the Caronla
Biiyllide· Dt1w .M UJ• 1room ttr. ~rt.b IWl.l with both 01o!h· 1 . · ed · f ·11 rt.h ta the a0n et Mt _.. Nit. J..., en ~•nr Mra. Courh waa •. M,1nan and Burr .Maple vlatt lhelr a.ml ea up no
per Barnu ot ~ rowlH•d In a ptnrll blue lace I -------. a nd th• Gordon Oarpla and
Th• Rn John Parke ~orm· and chl!!on lh••lh and Mn • • Alice Roemer wUI uve nu•ny In·
ed the double nn1 oenmony In B&rnu In blue lace &th w•r• Zornes Exhibit tn .. unr t.alH to tell about their
, wtilch Judith wu Jtven I.a keep-whJte orchid ror~ai:"• Mt1 oa.
y<'ar'a trip al'OWld the world . , • -* by h•r tat.her Sha ~re vld Mora.n and M r• Earl Tumt>r t Art Gall jual to mM1llon • few. --=*'=con lact ovtr a.atln. wUll d h • 0 B d a ery --'fn'f pun< an., ... r•. u I UDO Jlt.m ,.t toielhere .,... chapf'I .,,, .. p ll)Ort Her tl~r-Klrln WU In charge ot tin rueat . tJp vtll WU Mid J>r a cap ot book By DA\ ID 11\F.Dt:J.I. •lrudy •hrUf\I' ... -et the
1.ac-. l!Slllitoid9"t'd with pearla Fo~ 101nr aw11y th" n""" Mre The M•lford Z.Omea nhlbltlon tlnrt pel'11<'• "'1th ln¥1t.atlona In
.,.,.......,. ~I a praytr l)oc>k BaraM wort a black wool •· ••Ill I• uttf'rly aa! atytns Ot rour .. , the m~•I lad wf'f'k. W1U tab ~ Wldc'll WU \ •pra)' Of Pllal· trlmmtd 't'llth white 11Mn a rt<l I'm prt JUdlred He WU my In· rt"r' al 420 Via Lido Nord w!Jw.a \~-UIV'r ordrf<W wttl\ eupMac>Ull ~b 9CUf atld t.h white or· atrurtor at rnlleg• a.nd trled 1 Allaon and Dirk Lov•land hOUM-
~·;nuea of Ule rtlJ91. cl\ld from hH brklal beliq!Jet. vainly tor !hr•,. H ar·• to trerh ,. arm tt>•:r l\"'" waterll'ont home ~ · ,pu.t)W NYLON Ru Khoolll are Weatrtdr• me to paint. 11rt .. r !hla harrow-I •• rnrlttall1 &11d .upper ... pt.
'7'.:d_t~, bCI' uar u meld School Paaadena and Unlvenlty Jn,r U"P«rl•OC• :tnmM Jntn ... 1 lh• 18. • • . .
of ilO..t'w• J.ea. Merlin Coudl of Callfornl• et Ranta Bllrban. f n(1nfoer1nr it.ff of th• rreat RA l.B(h\ flAY Cl.\:-S .,,111 M
whllf \)rl~alO we"' MMI whur ahf' wu prf'•ldet1t nf Chi air baH at Thult I t t
Clark !Jk&AideA -.,,d J,<\sa Valerlt Om•11:• '"ro111' Htr h iet>a.nd Curr•nUY. •• H Ill ('r.mp,nu!• lhr 1"111 "1 tor a 1•1 tor• her 0
nomu Th• trio W1>rt ytllow atttnd"" St Mar)• ('ollf'll:• ent1 for th" coid of 01-.nl•nd, he h )arh••~r "1'nd• f1' .Mildred &11d n~·}on llhMC welts lf'n&UI d,_. waa rradualrd from Unl""rl lly 1·r•~l1hn1t nver !hr warm frtf'nd R II Ce..,,• "n wh-the ~lar ~-~ )'4'llOW tuJk vel\a ovff tall· of C-a llfnrnla a t Berlteln l1n,.u Clf ti·" rert11a Hiiia Plav-1 :BC r2"1
11ple ~ne~ a ldlll;•r puty
orell bow• The honor maid Special 1~..-1 1 ln.-lu'1M Mr ""' In Clar.monl The pa lnlln11:• •rt In t • I.A • -•
c:arried yell<>w c11rya.athamuma. and Mre l<ennf't h Tl,.r• ot Oak· lhemfflyo ,,.,l,.rt I h• enormoua 1 hrar tha t lh• enlert.aln.niml, wtll
........ -a-aUona l1nd and Mr. 11'1d Mr•. J, p olmoont of •h,.,.r mllf'ar.• \.hat b« tn·t .. nc. · ... oUlrr lwn y.......... ,,_."
with white dal..Sla. A.ndrewa. roctpu,.nt• •ht artlat ha• <'"v"r...:I -Hurm• NEWPORT yacht dbl~
--Knaelb n~ra a.,-vt'd u bfft ---(;rttnland, Mt x Ir o, Al••k•
d Cn.lna. Lar1lna Ant1 all have tn ,,_,. much Ill •vW...,. at tM man and uahen w.re Dona l De t H •. ....._ Nyba'f aJtd Clark akadden. I mos 0 ear oommon al\ tnormoua ln!t(Tlty J'Gurth Anau&l La• Day _...
o~u.. apder chrya&nlht· Committeeman Th• tn laat !'eturoav ... (hY Parade a t Chttl')' Cove I.a.at
muzna and itoclt In ahadra nf cm• ot lh1 moil tn}ovable to Bunday ... In fact Balbo& Tacilt
l h •Ill<' th•nk• In th• hArd work Y•I'-and white dttar• ed l t Harbor O.moc:rat.r Club wlll Club a n .t ... n...t _ _. by -ny ~...... nr the l!lr .. rtnr'• WI~·~ Mu "" .,, .,_,._ •• ohun:h for thf' candl•ll1ht ritual have a comblr'14'd ... aaaon wilh ..,
t .... damea Kroell. Fern•t~n. Btnir· J and Ou n White toolt UM .-raa• Gary Courh. brother o ..... Utt Sa.nt.a A.na·Tualln dub Sept. bride. Mrved .. acolyte. 1J at 1 p. m ia the lounst ham, and 8olom&n torrthn with pn~ ..., th Ila nindltlon of Oi•
• at S&nla An& OoMJnunity Cen-new board mtmben l..oul•• r,..y-book tit!• "M~ Dick" •
t.er. no. w. Eifhth It. Paul den. Beat.Mu Jack •nd Jan• I Betty &11d Pattv Wh le ~
tlff4'TJ\, J:>9niocnUc a at I 0 Ra l POJ•r. And on t.lle lawn 1t,...tch-their dln(by u a whale complat4t
eommlllMman tor Calllllrnia lnJ Into Hel1ltr Park the arttru with a "'ater llJ*ll .• , Oval
wW be ipeaJter. ~enta Of lAruna dlaplayrd lhler palnl· AND OUT
,.ru be _,.... aad all z>.mo-lnp for the lredlUonal Labor I
erall will be waleomt. Day LaWJ\ lllow eponaored r'-~,:__---... ---for--1•1• .......
------------Jointly "Y UI• ah.amber of rom·I .,.._..
Herbot' Rest
Memoriel Park
....... Gila.
Ka ' lalm at
~C••• J
wm PrJ.an.R 0 • ~ J! ~ ,..,, ·~.;.
LOO ~O CB0a. .
A. 0 .......... .. ~ • WOllS!nl 1"4JMI08 aa.um auoa. .. . .
HAROLD'S "..t '"" ,.t. A llaltler llh"-t. ()OfJTA KUA
Ope8 .... ..JI.. ,..,...,.
men:• and Ula art U80<'1atlon. ·~ .., .,...... ........
M.arjory Adam• and Wllltam &OLL-•·WAr '1"1'1'1:11
O.rt.1n1 wm atart a two-man ClaJI a..n....tJ ......
1how 8tpt. t .at th• Pactne ...,.. -· .. I Coa.t Club In 'Lon( BMt'h. ~ --;; A
O&"J>t.lon a· to a. 111 a.. llt.. a.ea .._
IATON TWllUN• . . ,
oraa:croa -.,.,..~ '• ,,.,._
-4-TaeWf1 liittUetW nr----
NUleMI' A A' ; el D9w
... .All'lllaa.t ..... •
tltl S. C-t m.._,, Ow-. ... Jiu
c..11......, ...
: Folaom
Sculpturing Classes
Will Open at Coast
Under the dtrecUOn ot th1 noled t..aiwia Burh
aeulptor, portrait.lat aad earam11t; hla worll: ta reprtM71l·
Oraq'e Cout , Oollece lept 111. from T lo 10 p m lter·
t.traUon wm take pl.ace ln the clauroom al the Art
C-t.er ol tM coll.,-•.
Mr. Ott hH pined 41allncuon u &11 &rcl11tectural
.culptor, portreJU..t &Ad ce~t . IUa work l• nprtM<nl·
ed la mueewna and private collecUona or arl. here and In
Europe. H• teach• hi.I 1tuden!A to work creatively In clay,
maklt\( rardm lt'Ullpure, waU decoratlona. t1iur1n,.1 and
portrait. ThOM wtlo preltr to work 1n wood may ta.ka
wood eantnc under biJi dlrKUon.
Harbor P-TA
Member Drive
Mn.. O. Morf'&J\ ntawater,
rn.ml>enhlp cih&lrmaJI of N--
port Har'-or Unloo Hlrh School
P·TA rntl with her com.mttt.M
al the home ot Mn. Judd
lulherland A~ U to d1acuu
plau for UM a.nnual memlierah!p
dl'ln wtaidl will INlln on ''Mdt-
t.o-Khool'' nJrht. Oct. 11. Th•
sn>UP wlll partlcul.arly ~ncourar•
parent.a of fntahmen atudent.a to
conUnue Ui.tr actlve ln~rut In
I.he orsanlaUon.
Mtttll\f with Mra. P'ltn.al'r
'"r•. P'loy4 Harryman. faculty
mern~nh.lp cl\&trm&n, Mmu.
Han.y ,. ..... pruldenl; Robt-rt
H&rbUon, fllcuJty advtaor; Horace
Parker, pcwt•r anti art chalr·
ma.n. 8ulb6rlaJ1d, parU&mel\W·
Lu a.nd Cbarlff L. Ary Jr., pub-
... ---. .
.. -··· !!!!~ rir ....
.. ..
. .
tlPl'l' AND POLl8R WINNEa8 -ID what .NHYC Jr. 8taff ·Commodore
Harry Ma.nn deecrtbed u •·one of the fln..t mna.ll boat ti.ta I've ner 1ee11"
it wu a blt mo~ than dltficult for the iupect.kln eoaunitte. of Ne,rport Har-
bor Yacht Club to p1ck the 'Winnen in the NHYC Non-Cahn sroup. Shown with
~ommittee members John Pearcy (left) and Commodore Maan (right) are
the winllert who can be juatly proud of. the ap~ and -wort.btne. of
\tlelr boat.a, From left : Bill Fink, planked Snowbird; Pete Geib, Lehman;
Aan~ Steck, fibergla• Snowbird; and Charla Coffee, Sabot-Beckner Photo
Gabriel Oluatbl'• lleelr 80-foot yawl Karle AmeUe. tlyiq the burree of the
N~ BaF Yaelat Club, took top bonon all the way in the ~ racinr
eveeta Ot. NKfC'a u:nual 1laee Week Rep.tta.. She aucceMf1illy defended her
~· stm of the beautiful Staff-Commodo~ Perpetual Trophy for the pop\llar
Gold Ccmt R&'Ot oo Saturday ud, not •Ultied with that, a.Leo colleeted the Race
W .. Tlqdry f« the replart, acheduled OCUD r&cinl d1vi.liOll aetiea. -Beck· -............: . ~
""4 a.II the w-.ltb ol 'ftJl.l&ble
llltormatlon on a ..:but, and bow
lo UM Jt: how to ldenUfy th•
buoya and lip ta th• Cout
Guard mamt&ina for you! Do
you know bow lo ny Ole proJ*
t1ap at the prop.r Ume? Do
.vou )(now all the NIH of ..tety,
boat o~nUon. lf'Jal · requtre-
n« cavw • .
! wtim tlah.ln1 a l Cat&Jln&. 1'tl1a ,,.._ ... _.,.,, '" or ........ .,. Whtlb•r there la a 1Jt ii a,. Kil& o. ~. PEA81: whtthu lb•l ~t LI under WI mtDU &lid ll&bWU..; LU lb•
LADY ANG RS rare •~I• welJ'hed 40 lbl. I OL '-'" '"• ~ CJ( ... ,..,y lnw ,,..yCIQ~ _ .. _u! .. '-ow about, and r'tCOl"fl ed cuat.orna ot courtesy
I 20 lb. L ...... ,_ •• ... •·-~u .ft.. ._61 .. ~ p .. .., '" .. , and c;onduct u a yacllt.mn•n T • • on line tea • .... .. '""'' U<H11 D(, _.. .... .,... 0~·,.r If eo llow lftall)' lOWI and how
nl'9t and ooly yellow-nn ca.u1t1tfi&qua.clron'• PIJotillr ·cotU"M to lon1 U. tow, To11 mav nffd A~8WU8 AV ~LI:
ift 'l'l'ELL (lln. •••) MAailALI, ! In local ~t"1'11 lhle .. uoci and bfoct11 Monday nt&ht at ~rt lo know ~ tn a burry, tor It you know aJI the ~111.
1 -::"I 8~ephanl• • !1~ b,...ka Mp. lam 'B ~ { y bt Club· Do u your OWft aaftty. you don'l Dffd &J\y cow-.. But t 1 • z --IDoY'OthNJ Klm1t.Uler'• ~ ac · , yo lt there ... •MW~rw you want,
J...-..._ ...... '. .._ ... ~_.,_ "R•-~ _....1.. .• -" • -t l -Ht•-I on 20 lb Une t•l (2S lbtl. • OIL there at• lonr ff<lOJlliMd Do you know wbal lo do If •nd who do«e't. u--.ced or --~ -... ~ -.mi • • •• .-an • -"' · you are cau1bt hi a quick tort .. .-·-· !ere .........., lillll Kn. r. J'T_. twu.t. aur cbumlq roemMr l~t ltO(!\. Howevn-Dorothea'•.~!..-... to eow.e .a1rtttr,.llnpor-1 WW you-.kn'"J .....,.. you are! othtrwlee u you may tw, then
19&UJ) ~ wtdl a ltziped ~ rw.Jly ~ tt &Dd fOOd. I «mt wu for blu•fln tuna whJcb t&nL q~UoN! Th ... ~,,.. Can you tell WlletMr you are the Squadron'• Ptlolln6 courwe
-..-wtaAA W'llllatd· Hl\4. Jk 8ttt18S bMlk lD her marlin romu under lh• •me ca~ .
hu•e been IMrUd fr'Clllll lone <:le.. lo .non ot' not~ What la Juat waJUnr tQ Sin lhtm
• _.... U.Clda. 11aU7 aad bu.. cMlr. equJpped wt th b.ameu and In our t:lub aa y.llow-ttn. ·1 yeara ot expa11nee tn u.,. prac-wlO JOtl Id. 1 Oo )'O\l know how lo you. You can l'f'9d t.he111 In
-.. , 11)94 .,,. ....... abD&rd the coatldcn~ tbal he wu book· 8~11\C ot tuo..,. Mra. An47 i UcaJ phum of the IU.b~ t.e r1•• fas •llMf.t, ud lo WI· boou, yo\I aay. Tbal l9 true.
Wtr ·.--· JolWrT'L JulJ •tel In ~ 1l~ll.tr ~·~ (.'nwWI ltradfoHf'-.. littw l*'jinlted .__ ~ · ·~O ,JIM....,_! There :'~l&Aa~ ~ d~~I
(If Olla .... ,,. late,~~ ta .. """ p1tW· •11llnll.,"" ..... "onfte by •khlnf' _.en •n• ron-~in· auUtnt .. lloUf'd la a '·~ COrT«l wav and a ~dabl• -tune ::-uu.' :: ~ ..... ~-=-~-~ -=1=· awn oo~\Mr ::;111~·;=~~,:, ~~iallc,~~~ t•-.:. ·~: ~~::-i· ~·":ve you" colU· collnf which ma"y Ol~nda of ~~)·~ ... --... -=mere tO miaut•tiu~U~TM&r-..ner Wa ...... '!'!le la,.-~:........,~~:~ -, .,..,JWW•C AN! :~':4°::""'**' a.. 11'*· -a.--• -l1n. \\'bile man1 Oil eor a,,.1.,.. ~t to ptf waa on 24 lb •• ._.v --. • _..~ ._.. ~)'Oil ._ au .-Out your • • ~·i.• ;;iiiiiii~~~iii!iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;;;;;;illl•H been out fOT marl1n, Sally ta mofto WFlsh1as 15 lbll 7 OS.. 10 aul t~ foe-C'OJa I Wh it m~be cor· 2-per1.ace ai.e> abows Uiat UM ..-cond saember to wetiai one "'11 h be tro..,,, nah. j'Mlf. I'd aptul.. a ccident•. Why , Y th• 1Jdtpu"• wtfe bane:rt ... trwn
80ilLT DAD vs t:su a ......... un. ... &'16 , .......... O:lz ...
• VGD ocrno.u.o
c may a r•1 t.aoa t"9 1'ard ""•.>' mayite Che r1ICt.ed foP your own t ! Do takin. the COUrM wtt:ll lier hu.
la UW-:---up to Ulw W'1"111Jl1. Oomcntulatlone ,.ate. !Mil 'pao ~rou. ,.,,... ' · • @ ~t.ud dntation and band. u do a.190 tat.b~r aod
1iln, .,....... 4ateplaaaMl IWl .,..,. com,......_ I ._. ·er· e:D01Pk. .... 4iat a tnt W't&Uon; hCN' to lay out a adllll -. eo11111ta&Uou. A mu-
.... a ~ U&»t b1. her
.. .., 9J19CI .. .,.. aJI I na.J .. ot 01 Qdnp _,,. ;...... b\al"ll ~ compaaa courw, tor your luaJ knO'ltledr• and apprect.atJoa
-. alelll4Jllt. lllOolled mt.o • 1•1-jQSt one blf ID&l'lln and four a ~t lhould lalatr. n:--Yb~ lloet;' to CC>n'9Cl tllat tourae tor of the buJc rol.. aboard I.a
-..& tuna M.-day a.pt. I potnt.a. knClW why \hen .,. ruollh• drln ~ wtnd and tld•' Oo rnl h•lpful to .veryone a.board.
, _____ --------------------ftlllolJlon.I Oii boat.a! Do you you know how to pick 11p a tow. ){oet ot UI who know a lllUe..
lept. 1
latllrda7 ... . ....., . ... .......,
T1D E .,.... --lO:JO a.-.
}l:U p. m.
11 Ot • m
12:11 •. Ill
11:62 L 111.
1 :30 a.. II\ .
12:41 p. '"·
&• • •• 67
, .
n.. ....
•• IT a. Ol·
~:03 p m
4:1U a .m .
I 00 pm
a %1 pm '·°' p f!\, I O'T a.. m.
lcJI p. 11'·
7.11 ...
know bow qul.ckly and n~ty I how lone )'our tow •hould ~ would haeltata to f'O to -W1lll
• irpa.rk or a flame «'•n find I Do you know how lo pick • a man who .. Y• be ·1u1owe lt
.... that tunled wttb which jl<'Od &n<'horlng Rround and how •II,"' tor we know lb&t there '8
IA re.a I.A> propl'tl)· •nr·hor • •lw•)"I more lo 1---•ftd •'"-t ,... wtped .,, ~· apilltd ... ! I -... -..... • U Do ,yma ....., bow to prot.ct If you &rf' • powf'r boat •kip· an o~ mind tw le&mlar and. ... reur t.dat -~ ~,, Thn-• ""' do vou know what are a lot of caution an the prtme
1 4 .. a r1pt ~ &ad a ftfl' .... ay ' vour rt(hl• or .,,..v r«'gUd1nl! 1 Llgredlenl..8 of '•te bo&tin.r. and
0 1 w handle that touchy b•l!ltn~:i• b<1At1 undl'r u11 ~ rt you ar~ boaUn1 which la more tun.
ol f\M'i on bo&rd. " 111111 bt">Al ntan, rlo vnu kno" I Both m~n and women. Kil
20 \\HAT TO 00~ th•l thl'tl' ar,. a num~r or ;-I
Ill •1l11ahol\JI In which vou oo nut I
2 6 I T'n \'Oii know wbal 1• th .. '""'•· I he 1 lght nt wav ovn I Herold I. Johnson I
11 vtrv ruet thin« to do wti.n th•t" Vo""fr' I' 0~ 11.,.a
"" v...t ...., -x..,.,. .... :-lDertJ .......
Newport Hw bw Boat Rentah
0•1bocw• • Cl'lllsws • Uwe lalt
Marine Harctw.re o.n. ....... -.
t'JM W. o..t llhr~ -....V .....
"'°• DA YE SPIES Ult W. C..-Blwa)' -.s-..rt ._. -i..1""11-Ull
FACTOI. Y ·,AU'lltdl~ ,. ·
SALIS la 5-VICI . «a> W. 0... .._, -~ .__ -U MIU
~~~~i.f~!-'Ps«lrtP~9.Y .
o.&en fer <>ww ,,..._.,. -Oh .., a llltdleU.
1( ...........
e •• .....,... '• alda ..._._~ e...-
r11u u.. .,...,.. l11 r11e • ..,:·
DtJ'ITON'S lllJaNE llABT ...__ .. ....,
. . .. , .
, {It 71 l ;l {1tt/1
I ... llutiM -.-IGllCJIJAY ....... -·,,··-· '195
CftllaUDI: '165 .... '~ .... .t . -IWlMllDU • 14-IU'.
Sept. 10
Sept. 11
a.pl 12
lkpl. 1.1
6:31 • Ill
3 .JJ p m,
I It• m
l !\
4 i
II) OI pm
ti Ill I IT1
Ill~,• m
S 0 1 '• " rnan nvrrboa.rd ! Do you I Who dOf'I h"'·" th .. TlChl of ~ ~°'-.... aM n
1 0 1
know "h1rh 1• the 41Ulcll~l and \\IY anyway• Do 'fnU know •II y...,..,. ~ I
•'"'' w•1. "''"" wU.ll a powf'r lht>M very hnport~nt rul" of PIM .. S...... at ~· ·~~1 •••• ·~II ~·L ~ Jf'I hlm l~ ~~ lt~l~c ~~~· 1~ey t~n~l~·~~~~w~~~·=N:~~·=·~·=-~~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1111 hn• ~ "" h<•Anl "~ Thne " Ari' rlttar and ~11nltl' and wUI
2 II ~n anrwf't' 10 lhia. b<' ta.k•n lnt(I •<'C'ount hv N>Urt.I
:::',::.. -··-· -·-'155 4 1• p "' I I
(f •
If YOU .. , .. IO a1tatr-at "'""
1 .. you km•w h•1w to alf'l\•I for
h .. tr• even 1r V<•ll do no\, havr a
raulo l~l•phnn... Do you know
lw>•· In r"•d th,. oUM<r fl'llow"a
anrl nuurant " Mmp•nlf'll In
""~ of c•-an111ni; tr"<>ni um-
••~· On you llnow ho" In rl'alh·
i1l•tr .. 11• ••irn•I and --t you1r------------nur r\IU. at• '""l'"t·Lfi! lo do about It' ~ llC'AT 00\'"EQ
qtJ&a'l'l:ll •oo~ n" • "" kno"· tbat Uittu on BALllOA CA.NVU
lcpt. 11 lcpt. 11 l>oet" 1,.u an I~ et.ory! '8llOP
------------------------1 ~n Y'"' '"••I t!lmnT '"'ey •-W ~--· \ lf'll vnu what. k1Dd ol aia.t yw 1 KM:M
a.pt 27 •0ct I .........
Gene...a Wel•n•
~..--~ ...... ,.....,.
ea.ti•• Tnllen ISaOt to y ov Older
Trailer ._.Ila& a Repair
S.rfslde Gene\tal W.Wl119
~ W. Coat BWJ .. N~ Bacb 1.Aertr 8-U~
-~·------·------------------· S1f1 f r1• E~pl11l111 ~ i
. Sevl19 •• f 111-SOI I
, u••eMtDeawtO• .I . I • • • I 111ercedea .. benz M:
Rt. t>nw l°"C It ... wltal rourM MARqr& Ul'BOLSTl:~O It la 011. In rellaUaa t. youra.
--• I __._ .. ...-.... .....,.. ..., ...... ~.,'!,,,'."!,.::-:~.-11F.I~-~-.--,,.,.~
:........ .. .... . .. .. .,... .............. ~ ___ ...,.,.. ................. ....,_.d 711 M I -t' _ ....................................... , .....
'• ..................... _, ....................... .
J ac•••••• •OAT wo••• I ... 11•-. •wsw: --Uilr. ..._ ~.,.,, _______ ..,. __ ... ---····--··----··----··-····
• • '
introducing o smofl MCtlon of the larg .. t, most exdusive
mapa. shop In Or an 9• County. Whwe customer Mf'vice
r. a by-word ond where yov wit always find exc.ptloftal Yalu.
the year round • • •
1515 N.'Mllln. S.... AM'.~ 7-4511
~ Murht • '1f1rlR11•91 • ....., -q t , ..
0tt.t S ...... : W..9 lleotldt, 4J10 A ... ftfic lh-4 ................ ,.... 7640 ,...,.. ltw4.
Wt w. aow .. oar ..., otnc. • • • Trtdellt 81d&-
f'~1 BaU., A rr1ca nee Newport Blvd..
N...,...t a.eh
All ,.,,.. .,
AJ..U... Whldows
...... ~.,...... -Aar .,..,.. -~~ ...... °"" c...-0. ...... ..,_ J'-,.., -...... Eau..a..
&AMU-Ww* •• •Ut....,..._
When you eal oul in tlu open-
\,Vhat makes a glass of··
· beer so right?
•• tr
IJ#r #U.t1 to Ctll;/Of'Wia livfflt
U. I. l&IW'lll POUND4TIO~
c.a :u .. u .... ktllool
&ttlrt u.t.eea w~
nipl YOled lo adopt tM
•t& l• tat booll ..i.cton. .,,.... ..... ~
Dtlllrlcll IM(. Dot a4opl
..... Ila&. tat "°°" 1.1.sl
IMe ~ per c.at ot Uttlr
.ta.t. ~' .aatmeot, aupt.·'
l:vk-eH RH . •t<!.
Th• vote wu unantmou.a.
Burbank and all ol whoaa ban
been U80Cl&lfd with 8t&MburJ
for •l leut 10 )'•&n. are: Martlll
Johnaon. usl.ltant 1e11erM. maa·
.,.., : Jl'rank lAWta, -* 111&ft·
..-.r; Harry Ooodwtn, .. l"f'tce
111&G&&tr, and Walter Boyd.
brolber o1 BlU CH~l, .,.,U
Te Sene YM
2• HOU• sav1c1 •
ESCROW say.a.
611 N .• C..-....,
PHONI HY .-.lit J.11 M
• H'(ed..tli J-1 '"
• l~N....,t8111Ft.
OC!"fA ~
....._ Ul-llt1
Rn• Residential P•intin9 I ~ll\9 ..
FIANI .KAntlK ' •u w. o..a • .,. ..
LIMl't)' l-N1 l S-1 .. atn
Costa Mesa welcomes
Stansbury Buick·
234 East 17th Street
NDT nJl4IP: W. 'rt
in tfw Dl'lifth~
bnod. tab a f-nun-
.tM to Nit tNJ MW
BWck [)f-aler, Staiu-
bwy Rote«. 2.'\.4 F..
17tia St. in .Ccnta
Ray .. 'Thia ~ Buid. Of'·
~izatioa u ...W tM penonal managttnM'tlt
al Mr. &y Sta ..... ay. wlio brings with him a
w4erM ... _. ..... ltd ........ aperi·
4*lr 'o1 M ,.._. • a IWck dMlrr and man
ti.. 31 ,...,.. aAOCliatioe with Bokt.
la.'I W ~. Sc..bury ham to ~
you-ud ..,. to .-. you lW ccnplete
and ..._-'mp f« BWck ulft aad ~.
He'1 eiped•ly proud al hf1 llne Service Oto-
.,..,.._. Hat o.ty b It fuDy ttoctrd with
a..k '**"Y--.i(Sea.t J*tl -but altin
ttalcod ~ ~.-ncecl.. Bufck.tn.iM<f !TH"-
~ wlio -~ \I'S)' latNt tools and
So ... ~~ y011 driYf' 1 Boid: °' ~ othn
maJi.e nl car, yoo Na count 09 g~ng thf.
~ind oi ~Jlft"t M°Mct" that kH'pl your car 1n
10 hMt·prnonnin~. l~ looktnjt mn<l1tim1-
and al\O Hvea )OU ltllM' and mc>cM").
And whiif. }'11''."'. thHt'-trf'at \0\1rsdf lo 1
JtoOO klOk llt tlw gtf'lil nf"W 19.'ie 8111d. You
wont hn~ lo 1ook lonjt °' hard to 1tt why
lt't th,. 81"11 Buick l l"t.
Sf"\',.r before has anv Bukk bo.-ttd 111<·h
freish., bold ,I) ling -from \'.front gri.llf' to
cantN N'llT ~· s~" IMi~ then hN-n
rudl smooth·riding Bu.lcb-wlth the dttp-oll
<'mhionlog oil dil"flCi·action shock abeorbrn
DOW addf'd to 8uidc'' fanwd aU-«MI sprin~g.
Nf'Vtt ~fore have Bukks befti JO ~ to
hand~ powtttd by IUCh mi~t f'fX ~"Y
Buiclc has a \Mg ~bic· lodi V8 m~.
And that's mw al aD 8uicb hi ~ 1956 In--
from the ~-bottont·pricfd Sna.u.. to the
("rldnm•tiuilt Ro411M.U'T1111.. '
tecibil6q-. But the top thrill ol .U wdl CI09fl ..tw. }OU • Gala Preview-Saturday, Sept. 8
Fovon for lveryon•
' . ...
put I Jfl5e BuJd to thl" med mcl l"'tperif'n<'ll
tlM' _smooeh. swift magic: oi 1t1 IW"'4 \"ariab&.i
Pitch Dyna.Sow.• For a ~ul ~ a<h Anet
1n thu nlOl1 modt"fll ol all 111tomob1ko trans·
1111•\IOOS now F:i'·" you instant, doublt"·ll'tlon
t;alf'--Oif and accr.kratioo n~t ln thf. ~.,_
nving drhinF: ran~ -pluJ an ntrc abun-
daOct" ol aaf•·~g po_.,. in the per{ona-
Drop In rnl IOOn. ai>d grt :m111ainted wtth
tl'M' B~n Buirk l'n.
• Letfe, M~ftflc thWfffM wff9'
c...-f ..... bfe feUftfe f9f CVt .... en.
• ~d"9 5-vlie o.,.. CAlft ..,,,,,.
............. 20 ~ .. ..,. "-·
• l"4vst.y•1 MMt ,....,. ..,.,....._.
' ,_ ...... Mc ..,._ .. ., •• --.. ....,.,
':~ .................... _.,_
c..-.. ·-
-------------... llT1'9 A~ Ml IUaf M.:K WU .._. ,,_ --------------
, ...
E D I ·T 0 R I A L S.
1 ~mt 1SiA , . , E ~ , . ·~ .~~ Gives Planning
-~.for GOmffiiuiitY, ~ J.f•t • • ..... ;. .. • ....... .. tint
.... ... it .. -....... .,...ft( .., ...
t .... ·~ 01at) '-Pt el C-.. at ·--~ .... De ........... "1 a.a ....... -., America'• .... a...
JP I ... ••xtketa. wll.o ... ten .. •vn -., .. , .................. ,die.-..
,.... ......... Prfll wUI ,ablWt .......
... .. .... ., •• di sh'• .. ~· ... ,., ..... JR•" · · for ....m ot tta. dtbe&r)
.. .... .. Uatlr Cllty OOClllCIJIDeL)
\ Wht.t ... th• fwuiament.&l p~ of local rov-
do the clthena expect ot tM1r public
TbeM an two important qu..UOU. which I
• fed tftry one who wrvea on the comMu.n1~ tlrinc
line aboald flnd the a.uwera to If th~y are to
qua.11.fy u etttcltnt pubUo 1ernnta. · ~ially la It
neeeeu.ry for elecUd otfici&la to ~ wtll lnlormed
lllnce ~Y ue choeen d1rectly by th• peop"9 and
are ruponaible to them tor the quality ot ad.ml.n.la-
traUon that obta.ina dw:ll.D( th~ir tum of ottl~.
ManaJi.nr the public a.ttairl ot ptople who live
tn clUe. or towna la a bu.aJn-frau1bt with man)'
· · eomplu.ltJM not to be found ln prmte e~rpriae;
btenttore, it ii "ttry important for one enurlnc the
neJd · ot peniment to become thorou.chly ta.miliar
with tbt rMpcllUllbiliU. Jnvolvtd fn order tbit they
may bt ..n equipped to pem.
TU a.uwtr'I to tbe t •o qu..Uona I have ~d
et.n'not be noncbalantly riven. They will •&rJ with
the C>n.ele'a I. Q. rattnr ln public &dmtn1W'ation.
Beln1 one of the low men on the rpent.al tote-m
pole, my an.awen a.re nece.unly elemmtary. A• I arow older, J ;f1Dd It Jncreuln1ly dl!flcult to compN-
btnd lnt.rpretatione of what 1overnm•t » all
about, apoimd.ed by celebrated acadftrl1ciana wbo
~ toi b.a•t cllmbtd ao fa.i' abon the tunda·
mtntalt that thelr "ordt 10und like ao mu'b mumbo-
jWDbo to me. I am cot 1Dttndl.n1 to dJapua.1• Ult
le&med mm ot -poUtiOl.I ac:Mncc. Rather, 1 am
m&Jdn1 • point of tlMt fact th&t thoee ot ua who
have to Uvt dally with pubDc probltmt mult be con-
Ol!rned flnt with the buic elnneot.a ot . loc&1 rov·
enament. A cnad.t 0&1Dplt of what I mt&D la the
football i.m wboee coach tldpped tlMt fundammtala
ot blockJnc a.nd tacltlinf and taurbt tbt boyt fancy
trlc.k pla)'1. oa.ly to have tM team wind up at the
bottom of tM COD!ertnc• that MUOC\. au. .... J*Ple. Tb• rovernment belotip to
them. We mu.It never torr•t that. Everythln1 ••
do 19 for the pfiople. They are more bnport.ut t.h.a.n
the physical thlnr we bulld tor thtm The chif>t
~•ponaibWty ot loct.I 1overnmrnt ia, of c-ourae, •"r·
vice to the ~opl~. To be •ure that 1t 111 &doquat.e,
t.Mtt mu.rt !int be an app~al of th• enryday
need• of the pop\jat.Jcm on a priont1 bui1 and a
1ervicin1 of thoe~ Dt"eda lhttta/t.t'r ,I.A tilt mo.t
efficient mannu.
What are· th~ nf'~lti • A• a prt>race, l would
like to aay parentheucally that tht c1t1unry la tn·
titled to ho~•t 1ovemment Anyth1nK 1hur'l of that
fonst&lla dn~cy in public lf'rv1ce Rut honeat
1ovet"Am'"nt 1a not rnough. Jt muat alao bt U\tl'lll·
l"Dl and ertleient
t to bfo ('On tt•ul'd)
Time for Registration
Is. Swiftly Running Out
But wbu w• repttr, we unre oune!va ot a
rtcbt ot privately determlniDc our d~t.1..nln and thoae
of our country tn our own way; tor there SI po power
that can take ft"om• ua , th• privacy of the vot.J.nr
booth. Wh• we IJtt'p into that booth to mark ow-
ballot, wt ean mark tt ~ way we ... tit, tb• Wt¥ ••
~eve. and no one et.. can know bow we matktia u:,
or Interfere Wit.a our markia1 ot it. No oo• need ever
know-unleu we tell them.
The N~Y(S·Preu bu done it.e amall part in re-
mindin& the Harbor area t.bat re(iatrat.Jon um. lJ at ...
hand and ru.an.iJlc out. RepubUccn and Democratic
cOTDlllittetl in t.b• eoGnty havt Jm\led ootit1nual re·
mindtt-9 in urilnf dtisena to ttpter a~d vot~. The
Boy 8co\ltl are camp&.i.cnlnl tor the aa.me obJect.J\'e-
to pt every dtlaa .Ulible to vote.
On.qe Cowity nterui, n>en who have t oucht
aod IM'J1 tbelr compulona dlt, ahould know better
th&.D uy ot ua th• value ot the r11ht to •otAI. They
know that Ult be.llot Sa thei PDt ~n11ble way to •nn·
tually eliminate the bull~l. .And for thJ1 reuon the
C1ve orsa.DlMd vetuan l'roupe i.a Oranp County have
appointed election 1t\ady commttte. undat t.M Oranse
County Veteran. Adrilory Oroup.
There are com.mitt.Me to report on the propotl•
tlona which wW appear on the November ballot; to
'invatJiate, collect dat.a and report on cudidlt.,
tor •lecUon. or reelection, to county, 1tt.&t.& and .....
Uona.J ortic•. Tbt Advi.aory Oroup ·hu. been fonDed
ao that all Ora.n11 Cowity vii.ran. IUY be better lft ..
tormed oD propoeiUon. and ca.cdidai., enablJDJ them
lo cut a more 1Dte01ient vote. •
ln vtew ot Ue f~t that morp th&o -40,000 vet·
trau tiled for veterana exemption on rea.l property "1
the county t.hia ytu, it la appuent the veten..n el•
ment maltet up a aiaeablt portion ot th• popu.iatioD
of Ora.n19 County. The Vttet-ane Advlaory Group,
hcr#t'tYtr, reprHent.a no orpna&Uon 1.11d ~·w not m'
1a11 la pvUaa.o poUUc..
The Nf'wa·Prtaa la not lnter,.11t~ In your party
or th• way you 1ntf'nd to \utf'. All we aak 11 that yvu
nu mtf'nd to vote. To vot1>, you muat be properly.rt'··
Late~. We ur19 lo do to at once aa.nce re1i.tlntion
tor votlni cloeea September 11 It you do not know
the re~i..trv nearwt to your home, pllon• the City
Cluk'11 office at thf' City Hall and naml' and addr('p
of a rr,Utnr Mil be (inn you,
Ian't freedom worth two tr1)1119 On~ IJ lhP reg·
a.trar a nd onr \CJ the JtQll"
Sacramento Sidelight .!-----------
.• C'·
.• -·-----· rw· Blbl# • S0twf' of H'"'""' Pr11tlotn
-~ .. J ... "'"" ~ ,..;.-.,. .
....... " ..... Miltiiiii ~-~,..Ill -.. r..'oi OalltGnlUa..,. ,., • H!~J ,~
IDto 1u IIMlo wt pw u._=7t~ ·~ ;""' .._., ......... b7,..... '*t tM •• ,.--_, ............
.... .., et ta. "Wlhr#• .e . ..._.~ •1fr111 I .... Wll9 ._, ft.i'Uif ... ._ • ·tM ,.... '11it ~ If t11111r ...,.
ti.tut, IMltM &.nto ~ tO\&At.r'J• wrau.,a be ~Uleted u.at cb&r-
llO• tn •• and twee •"4 ""' tn1 the 111&M an, alt.empt would
lar1V ll'""9· • be IMda to •piun \.bJ.I l'f'OUP
Suell WU th• c ... of a snlflp Of OtJ.iflll"llla lta.Dfwa. ~
who "holed-~" Gil the f'al&IU U.1 ~ \Me adoM, lvn.no ...,.
Rancho -.~ t. lua .Aa· .cl tM ._ ~ ,aM ll&Ge
tonJo SerrUlll, JUlt .ut ot t)lt •tl41n'*. o.n•• u.y ....
Indian vW•1• of P&Ja. The old protect th•tn.elwa ln any .,,...
Serrano adobe •till •W141. al· tU&Ut7. ~ had 'r.celv .. a
lhou1b taOdaralaed, oa prop.ri, lel&tr In "'1sAek be wu 1atoraec1
OWftt'd ~ Al't Cook. hi. fena1U' WU at ~j • 10
The lndlana from the aur-Hrly In u,. tt-.ilnr h• l.tt
l"OWl4iltf rancfltrlU ut PaJa. fOT Pt.la M'COmparu.d lly Ill.a
Pawna, J\lnoon, Pot,.ro 1.ncs per· broth1r-t11-law Joaf Aruuar ud
a.pa '"9mteu~ ""'" no dou•t ltrrano'1 ton Jnua, a boy ot
nclte4 i.7 Ult tum ot e\'enlAI ft>urtffft.
Which cWrnlnal.ed In lbe BatUe TllOtll: t.Sft
ot au Pucl.I&! and the rMCu• Th• 1 l mtn latt In the ~
ot u-. A111wtOUJ.1 08 Ott-• .u. hc.u.ee, lncludtd: •w.anu•I ...._
114'. There are .,.. WIMUhAA· re.no, • brother ot JOIN .A.ntorue:
u.:at4Hl nunora. heud up and tti.tr bTothr • Ill • 1-w, ftamClft
down u-. bruah coW1Lr)', u.&l AruUar. from San Juan C.pta.
S'ACRA.MltNTO, -(CNS) -A State Stnat.e ln-lh• In1hana wu1 ln•trummtal trano; !11.11i.o. A.llpu, a bo1 Who
111 pt evaJ.11n1 "P"D I.be Calllof• had Hen Mnt trom kn Dt.,. t.trtm Com.mJt.t.ee, whoee m•mben have reeelvtd mt.ny niu.a In dul.lun1 from drivtnr by hie moUler to C&1T7 prol'i•
c&:nplalnta conoerninc the admlnlatratlon ot fl.ah and homt lhetr •lt•~k •1•ln.et th• I Ilona to hi• fallln, MrYlns wtth
razne ln Ct.lifornia, ht'ld an aJ.1.4.av -..ion at. the Ct.t•lto} d1rteteJ Antf'rlcan.e on the n11hl Pico, larrtt.nt J'mcltco Buu-~ r ot Dec. a, with Liie lllr-Mt lhlt aldo, ot &an 01.,.0, a ~Y·Mlred lut wttk, an<\ one ot the tncid8 ot inquiry 1'U tht que• tbty. the lndJani, would r&JJ man or •bout to yeua, wboa.
UoainJ of lelh Oordon, clirf'~· (l'O\lpt ~fllout lit. 1tatt a upon Ult C.Utornlana. wlte wu • ooua1n to OoYWnor
lor ot the o.l•pa.rlln-t of ri.ii cb&.Ace to taattfy conoerntns Uie f'SUl!llDLT TAL&.e Pico; JON Ma.rta Alvanoo, Who
anfj 1ame. C&lllornta Wl.ltt Plan, Har-vty Tbtlr L&lka with Kta!IQ1' llt.4 ltwd and !lad • wife tn la.ft
Gordon'• aldu wera trpreMnl· 0 , ... ~ dap1rtment director, bHn trlandly a.nd wtlh lh 1 ot•ro; a lh&a n&macl Domlnru-, • ' r tt.tter Mown ..... Doni•ft-·• ed too and quutlone<J ro11c•rn· .. Jd local 1roupe hi\'• Mell In· v. ron1a lma11ned a.n4 ru.J al a U 0 ..,.. -.. -t.o1
lllf Ult "belliaf ot co.vole1 " vlltd lo voice either appron l lh• h&rtda c•t lht MtJll~an.e "''d a.n •ro IWI&, an oW man.
Pl&ctnc btll• 94 tkM prf'datora, or nillcl•m ot lht plan, which Ca11torn1an1, Uley ml&hl han ~n• or lhrte brolhara trom 9a.n
It -.. IHrn... ,..ullf'd f:om II• uld. "la J'IOt a pat aoh1Uon ... Wl'led l 11 , 1 r t.eal uJUm.al• 1•1° eervi.r Wider Pioo; Jo ..
aa <ernpt Lo •·tra.ca lh• mov•· or • r1•ti1 rarut1t1on of all <1 .. un1u lay wlU\ lh• Amtrl· ;opemot >'°"~ ma.a •lM from
•tnt.e or U\e to)'Otu In follow· I dnelopmf11t actlv1U•• In th• ra11a An.1 then •i•ln • It mtrhl 1 ~ •(11: &a&.eqwo J\vLa. r ..
LAC U. dffr .,._.. at•t•" H• a'1d"1• '11 II. In· ha.a bHn almply an a°pportunlty d• 1 c'~ the dPJCoe, and ,lian
Tb• dtPll~•nt 1\lmlltf'd lo •IHd, a f It :a 11111 • framework l k • • rua •n a Ntw MWC&JJ t l c1 ll II u 1 ""1'• ~•v•1• vtnftt.nc• o! unknown na.mt, bolh of whOm np nr 11n et nr ttghl co· tftthln which all 'ftndtt acllw ••• n• Ult C.:a.llturnlana •• non-cam• from lll• north.''
yo1u a.JI tor Ult pu1 poH or In devt'lopmtnt o lht a1•t• • Indiana durlnr lht• period of 'nu CA.Jifoml•n• were ck~ w It• l h • 1 Trinity ._,.,,., rtaourc.. can tuncllon " t1.:.nno.1 whtn lav.• orJl'r and '° e&l'l-
OOYDtJ aeedtcl a f\111 Um• tup· Banka ltAld ti•• plan. wllen .... raprta..l were al a ' toW-tbb 1••• Lh•7 did not •no po.l a
per, •r a.I)' a part limt l11pper euled would proYldt flood con· ThPr• "'•r• 14 reona 1~ 1_uard an4 why lhey l40k Liie
a. eoe lacrMntnto n•wapa~r tml. tr•rvportrnr or .. aru from 1~ ot C Ilion:' ho lhi: 'lllamln1 or 111• lmpt11C1U11 at..
ot1•td 1100 '4r Ult tint "bf'll· .,,.., ot 111rptua to a rH'; ot Lh • "" "" ma< I tack ao l1at-.1.ly will o•ver be
td" royoto bNulflt to I!• of· dtf1rlt11cy and replenlallmtr1t "' ~~r way 10 lh• i'auma Rancno, k11own Durtn1 lhe n11h1 u
ti d lo • •11... lll• uact d•t• b•• l~mr lh•v •l•pl th 11. k nt' de& or aUve. far, 110 un•lf'raroun4 water auppll•• cur· elnr .. ~ .. n te>rftllttn W k I •• • c~m• • noc I.a.Utt han •Pl"&*· rf'nllv Mlnr evw4rown by 11. lh l-" • now tin \ht door Sl~plly lh"v Uk·
OFnCl..ALa lltllXD 000 000 ar ra ft"l a y11ar The b a om7 ~ in.-"'Wt retcuf'4 f'•1 Who ll WM, Wllell Ult an•w• v lttork\nn 1 Mar1ntt on th• came In \h tamW 1 ot Al th• tlMJ1na, Ult dtp•rl· dtrHlor tl.ell'd tl'I• l'Mtt1•t Hi• r iirht ot I.: 10 • ar "° oe ment ofGclaa .,,..rtd aom•· J v•r project la UI• tn.Jtl&l unit of ' h ~. ' a.nd lht1r Manutlllo C:ol&, Ont of tM k>caJ
•Nit trtt.S over not onlv tht I lhe atalewide plan and eM>uld :~·r;h, ~~::;: f•;r .D ••n 11 D'!!o 'hit fa, Utty openad' Liie door cr1t1ct.un. bUt aJ.ao tJ\t erriu.w be at&rtod • lmmadlat.i7 •• II r o ec:. . .....,, •nd wna .. 1aed a.Ad llowld wtUI I rhronlrl•r niply ••t• tht dale ararcel" a lNfllt Tb m•t ovar Ula ..,_nd1r11~.. or I Th• watf't runt1r• N ·1•r••t• • u , day or l a! J • .., wtr•
tM ~7M'• rn~ for thU n1ent rw-...d teporll oa w•t•r lla!tl• nf ·ftan l'a:.~al .,'•~.the •tr1pp~ &nd r•rr1td 1-...ay •• part~ ente,.,rt., ..... SA lW9 Callf"1\6.a llU-.m n ,-V• &A l~Obl hnUH at J>otrf'rO,
Ttlt ~-C .... al.,, haul· ~ ene ln tb• flotUl hd I hi• Illa~ o~acri'-the dale wtlth1 Ulty ,.ere htld lh" rrat
... CJV•r lM c-.&a tor aom• of one ,,: the aouth. Th• r.,ort on I tn l.YPI(~ Hrl7 C.llle1nda plU1l• ot o., nlttil •bile tha 1111111.n•
Ila po!Jdp in t.aff\Af f1,h ltlt notlh•m atrMm rteomm•nd· lr olory' 'l'ha 4'>' la Hmrm beT• dallced aed ...,.., work.1111 thtm•
-t i1 only 1 • t>tt"'"'" di& de '• 1.i.... tnl.o a f ·· Tb• it.ate Mp&rtmaal or •rrl· t d th•t "•ma and r.eno1u on \'tr en 1 CJ•I'. IUl · ' r•nz)
culturt wu CT1Uct-.d bv '" .. "" Put.ah Cref'll be rt*"'•latl'd to I 0 •, I ' •n•I lh•l Qf Th• nalll m.:in,1nc lh• Jndta.n.t, · •· 11••• ur• 11'>f'r 121 I 1nu n d4l ht t uhlbl ... lr WA ot ~ .-ibl)t lrl•rlm 1llow for .,-roolauon of 100001 -an>1 • 0 u 0 l •·11• eommlu... Ott ll'"'t.o<k an! acre , .. , ol -ler ~T year .JO.wn a/ler lht1r arrival •l Jll I.oner• lo olhtr 1roupe llvlnJ
datrt.. tor itrinr "too murh lntn und•11r.,11n'1 huin• .. ipplv· 1 lhe Mlot>e °" UI• rancho, l•r· 1 •l"OWl4 • fJI• b&H ot P&Joma.r
publicity" to ch.an,.. In C'nn· lnir ••'--r to r1r b •itrlcullural rano "'"''' • lrlp tu lnt nta1b:v,M•o11n1&1n. pto<.•t•lrt1 lo t1'e Al\ll
Hmu nillk prlru and • ~rl &.n4' In ~l•nn a n1 Tolo oun· JnJlan Urt• litria fnr """' ind Callrnt.e or Warn,.r • IMt
r euppllu 11~ 01 uhurct '"' n In· Sprtn1• u It I• kn1JWn t....a..• pllblt••ll 10 mllk prorltn.,• uk:111u. Tht peroolallon l•k•• pl••• c •n worntn L&lllln In lndlan j -· 1na r"r P"'" Jnrr .. .,a Alan (, 'wl...,.• lht R11r,.111 nt RHl•ma-1 I (to lie ocr•ll•_...)
Palt,.@, rr>mtntt t•• m•rnb•r l"rnm 1 ll•·n • -Monll<'ello De.m now
lallnu. " l1111r}ma11 lllm•f'lf, rt ... n••"r1n1 compl•tton 1111 r•port
t1-rf'<1 tn \\ J h:u~rt ··h rf 011 th• ...,uth,m riv,., a•tvttf'd
of th .. d•n•1 lm.r\I • hur .. •u ,., t1'et w•t•r U••r• Jn ll'lit ••nt•
mark•h. •fll'""rl"l •• 11 "'II ·: J.tarr•rlt• huln In ftlv•reld• 11••• llla l tt·~ ''"PIH'n•tnl 1:•'• •n·I l'l•n 01•10 <"Nnt1 ... m11•l
I >0 m ",, ftublirH\ Qn ~&Ch ""l<"'lt fhwar., 1"1f"'T'•"IWl ...,, ,.,,.
'·.ftnJ:• '" ,,.~,le r•1ru ""I n .. • ll11tn1.a l •at•r rr<.om ,, t OiOfa t10
111• r·1hl .,,,. '•llr l ltJ' ", hn11v . P.lv•r aquedutt and f rom lh•
"'''''" • "t>•1nn•n \\'1Jh•m Han t"••!l'•r Rlvrr •CIU"'' ' · •ur• j
.,.n nf ,.rrono a l•O • t1o1111Hn•n plv 11\t lr futur• watn n-1a.
dtmanl11d lhat th• Mr• r• m•r.I """r'• wlUll11 th1 Ranta t.{ar·
prot.J U(1 fllr\lr .. to •ll•M 11•• r•r '"'"" Rlvf'r w•l,.r•h,.,, .,. no ... I ct'lt< ot labor ro•l" "''111·11 ro ualna eome 1',00G ,,,.. ltet nf
l'lto the prlrt at a riu~tl "' i "'·at•r annually. the re,crt aaJd.
n.llll ., the publli! 1<.' 'l I t lil.,k • nd h•"• a r..q11Jr,.1nanl wbfon
dairymen ar11 profltt•• r ;: II • lht .,.. la f\llly "-"•loped of
an oneroua thln1 for ,1a1rvm•n I abOUt ten llm" that mwd1.
SACRAMl:::\"TO, 1CN~1 -f'rupol!Jtioo No. 11 ia a to ,..,.. to •plain 1rir1 •u'll DWl'O •fll..U la~r coe11 • ov•r "~ rh lltH A~ d&tll'ttOUI dni1• tor Y't l· non•\:onliuvcrsliJ llem. I l mer1>ly permit.a boardA of
frt'ehuldera framin1 county chartt-ra a year inat.ct.d of
l1&'H nr> ronlrol" Han••n 11 .. clar· er1v 1•n pur'J>".,., m•v ,,. dlo·
td n. der•rtm•t'lt ,..,.,ntlv O' r, ....... ~ on!)' llP''" r·•l'•rrlp•1nn nt
4tr .. an l~reaM Ill '"" rr1• • a ti•" tnr Of •t l"rlnary "1N'llrlne
111x monlhl!, lo 1·ornpl,.t1 I heir work. "1 .,Ilk Jllld by rnna '"'"'" 1n t•v ~ ltf'm•.-1 pharma('l•I Jn •
"" you •ill pole on Paae One of today'• N<'W•· n II . .. b• p••H'd "" tn "rodurna lo J'lh.,macy, Altornty o.n .. u l JC'1·1 " . .,. ..... -~. • 1npo• Inn •"" 1. ht"" .. ""r.1 .. •••rv 1<1 lfle eucc..,. ot ~°" ,. p~ where Wf' ordinarily are proud to carry our •land• ta be hlf hly runrr11 .. n ta1 crac7 Thia ••••n<l~nt would t'oftlpe-l• tor 1ncrea1•rt ro.t• "'''"" 4: R m"'·n 11 .. ~1 In annlh"r i
National Award \\'lnn,.r NF.A inalrnl• for "Com· Th•• '" • m" .. '"" •:h•• h wh\lhl •llrnlll•I• .,... ,rrows.ton by #tlk'h ., prvd11tt!GI\. K&nNn told K•1hrt I r11lll1,: Hrn"' n ""''' 0•111 r--r1• th: lM m.ulMt im t•rm flt •t•t• the tltt.....,._ I.a ,,,.,.., .. wt.ta that fjaJrvmf'n •r• J•llln« ·hart .,..h,, h11'' 1lof8 on 01,. ln•t•ll•.-nl mu.nlty Sen'ice," there I.a lee. th-.o • week for Har-"10rld9 •l Ml IMt,.•d "' j,\ ,. ..... ltnQwa..f1• 06 'W:.dl le kM p. '.'I c It, ... !,..m th• dt rur-r'•". may ""'" them varrlnatl>d
bor are& dtlsenl to rtt1itttr for tht November 6 prf"9· and "'·ould e11m111•t• , .,, .. , ..... t n t t 111~tn 1 • 8'-ti.t.I• alter mf11\ • announceni•nl nt mllk '"'" 101"' after lht 0 '"' rnnr ••C'l
ldential election UnleNl you are ttaU.ten'd proJ~rly, mf'nt Ulal nn11r,.. nf t><>n•1 ••· '"°"'"trh atud)t alld .. -.i. P,.. pr\c-a lnrr.._.,., 1,.,,.. •nl() •N•rt. ~rown '111~ ""'be publlal\old 111 th• counllw l<.o t lf'<llon nav. WATZft rt.A:'\' ttiar rlr•k• nf •ur"'"' rourta n you w1U be unable to cxerciaP th~ ri~ht wh1rh bu t • Ill _, I .......... hti ' t 1 Th• al•l• d•p•rtm,.nt nf ... <'alirnrn11• "'""l l"'"r thr1• nr-o \;a or ... • I n• pu I' fltlll<'• I -d 0 made, and ktpt 'htM Unltf'\.l St.tee a fr~ 11,mllCracy • ,~ •• 1 r ,.,,.1 th "-i ~y 1 r . 1 .. , r""'111.rraa ennounrrrl " , .. rir• ,,,.,.,. "J'"" on &alur 11y mr·rn· • .,•n• ........ ann In ..-or ~ .,. • • in••n• 0 11-.urtn1 I
-that riCht ia the ability lo tXpreaa your beti~h by RIHrt lde count)', Ponatc1 I. IJ1al a r~ "•l11 boftll IMllt of nlnt htarln .. to J h • l(lCll In&•
8'Cf'et ballot t.nd attfvtly p;;rtldpatt In d~t\'rminin& Gninekv, l•nta C:nia rounty anti I• brf>ua'lt to th• au . ..,uon ot • A . A . Erhart. a.11 LuU Ollllapo "-""'• ml"dla cnmm1,n1ty and c 1v1r
the (uture t.nd f'unctiona of your JOVf'mm1>nt, be lt eounlJ, a1p Iha arrum'"' 1n 1 .. •d•r • •n<t th• publln Jn r••ral h k h h
favor o( lht am1>ndm,nt 1'71 .. v In rv .. ry county of UM a ... t.. t le n t• f l r
u fJ '
11v. people nnllre of bnni1 I•· th,. •l,.4'llon wlla Ut• "8Tld la·
CAMA DY. PAUMA llANCHO Accord1nl to
local tradition, thla old, modf'rni.ud adobe ti.
lonftnr to Art Cook, la the orl(ina.1 SetTl.00
ado~ in thf' J'auma \'allf'y wbtre tM 11 ~
torr.1ana were capturtd by t.be Luiaeno lndlaAll
in ~c.. 18'8. and ta.ken to Apa Caliente (War-
ntr'• Hot Sprinp) wb<'f"f thf'y were brut&lly
Niiled n i. unnec-ry to •nd •I • d•I• w•ll ahud ol
_,..,.Jrl" •u•• In ~ vot•tl upon thrmrrh 11ue la on Ill• INIJoL I nawr-BARBOR tti• ""'"·•r•,.,. ot U1• •Ul l•.1 'POOR l!Jt'llSr.~!I' Br EDWARD F. HlITION , p RES s
• ('••nt,.nllnn .,..hl<h ••Ith to th" "It lo f'O"r ltiutln-fnr th.. FARMER 1( ews tt•nd toward _.r., .. y 111 1ov.1 n· J lndlvhlwtl, fl"'lr inv..mml'nl tnr Unci. Sam owna or rrnt.a JR.~.000 bulldtnfa, acatte~ I
m•nl. th" atat11 In dntroy aurh puhllc (
• 1•0~0 AOAt~otT l"''tl'"· all o\'er our Muntry, with 2,196.320,062 aquar~ fr~t o I McCABE
··'WRITES · · romuttlJ Ult "..,_n~ H-•·,,,.,_ Jeth!\ •· Lo111. JerwrN man· .. B)' appmvlq lbt amc:ndSllU\t_ Ooor a~, W'h1rh amnunla tn ~.'20 &Cre9. lt'a not f'n·
111d Ga lfw~ Prw •rr °' tlte Calttonua ,._... th• r-PI• --1• ""t .,_.,i.-ou1b, t.be Oovemmrnt boya tell ua, IO they holat th• grc~n -•• -----pepa Publl•h"l'• AbOClatlon. 1l11n tor Umtu ... tlt?t;t tn he •.°'.'.!!'' ~ ~ ~ ,.,. o... hrt7 \'..,.. aip Ut• ·~ apqa ~ pJaud • tll•m. wtl.Mw\. .-ir· U~ht ~r m ol"f'. I
---f*llllotl N•. JI. Lona .. ,. St •l'IC• th.at. dlq riJ 1119 altlf"l41d I'm eor• u a bull pup with • l'•ntral lllt.e'"'e.k• 4,f&ney ln • -----..tiiill..------------------• ..,. u ~. ice1 IMlter at Lb9 .. otnt.I* Newport Death. • ~ ....., bM Act ., ~ a. ~II -.Uld be dt1•t.,.. blil'.1UM It• &o llUth a ,,,,,._, Ill tilu tn wart und•r hit Lall. The bu•Y lwwi1oue hat11ooul in th• .ut• ____ ...._ ·· idoptloe wnald nprtMnl a lo&e lfW I& ,....... atu07 J•dlnr to ft 1 mundtnr• ot a Vlr(1nla c:ount'7• pp'•¢-~ .......... .........., ... ...._~,... of control OVtt rov•rnmant .,, • w1d9 ••••" W,..&UCTallt ....... ,.., .... •nr .1 .....
N&Wtoerl ~ ~O OOll.l'A~l lht peoplt: wouW ..,.mn Im· Re fC1e11 o. turthff to point lt1 trp4'nd 1.000 000.000 s·, "" 111..tpllOn, ~ are all tup&)' nu ........... !lf1rWPOtd" UAC"ff. C:Al.IJ'. ,..._ HutMw •••• ~~ .. " -Ill• ,..,.. el <Iott tMt ,, UI• ~ ... mo,.. ,._ lltOl)dtnr. Col\Cf'f'ln ..,. •• , ••• }GOit dtllllh Jan't II ti
---------1 th• .tat.I wltllOl.lt "Vlnl dltm tornH a ,.rt et t1" C'G911Ututtan. •)'• Oo •hU•I, ""'' do • fu•· to trll ynur c:'nnrn•uman Ill h•n1 ----~·'··~ .... Mrl~ • ., ..... _*~'~1 ..... ~-!_An_ K_lllde .. -. ""b Ill t'apllOI In . IJ)t~--: ---~-___ ,,, ... _ __ • --tdtple _pullbe DOU~ et ddt tile ,..lpl• ol C.atlt....U. ... lillOls --·• ,.. on • ~0111 111 • .-.J 11rhl an o . I() _______ z.___ -· · pro~ti lN''lMrm· on; iriJ cio .. h\' ..... ~!l.'U l.J8TEN7 V.'lw not Tli:U.
Jly brothtt 11 I ft.act ff ot'R Pl&Jft'. llt MY•
wini but bt'• aUua bopefuL hdl iii, he aJll't been
on a winning horat In tht . 1ut wn JtUI. Don't
kno w why .omebody doa't hint him to be I !landl·
rappf'r -they coulcJ mab a c~an·up on Ult nap be
~·i-..._ Kow90D'4 cv•r. ha MP tAAl u
h1a wilt and b.bn both work why they're 1.100.na
Ji~p on play1or the Mn8 till they flqet 4Nt a Wln·
ninr "'yst~m -the~ they'll! qonna retire an4 makt
it a bua1Deu with them ••• lt'a a food th1nl nobody
elee play• lhe boraee l.bat.away.
11.-llrff Callt...,. Ko I DI P ...,kll"'" A--'.U-ol th• amMdrn•l ,.... lle)'Olld tlllNMtl"S puMte .U.. la .an .,.ta an .lflfltrniiiT TTJTm'.-hi~ ao r r.;-;;c;rlilJ)'Tl'rf'-M_.. ~ ....... t....,. A_.... itrcompllltllnf t.M tin"'°'"" put· ,!'SM.._ .C ,....._._ wllddt -fa for mnr. """' • ror ua. I sr,,..fl'I•. Tou'ra btl)'lna tit• ------~-... ~<~tr !"f~•_!""'1.-. ~ ol tM ... _...._, tt.eetf would "" uana.. ctU., ._. a.at• and H <iu-e rn""1b.-rt lplua ll"t ell an 1nflatl'1t'lar7 boOm
UN ftr.DDJCK , 'f'UfttJSHlr.R •M lndulf911 In ~t Nttina tr1rta •nd eUtff ta••nr aarn~ea rwmodell111 U1. llU'M t.11 oftlo In mar11te, llton,., tement. brfd1,
WILLIAM S. rHlu..1'11, F.c'ltl"' paiU-phy wllk'b woWd. lie u-.t a111'1')9t e f"rt• r1df' tn p~ bulldlnt'• UltT nttW han 1 Rut I •IHI 1111<1 twrn1at1tr1 • ._...11K'luclln1
JAKES M. MATHl:NT, Atl•trt1J1n1 lttr«lor tt1 lry Lo c1•1troy othttr PfOri· vut dpendltatee to Ill• ~· UMy c.aa·~ cul a.-1 Oh, nn' I annl.hu n lcll In Y"'" t.l~ .. llome
CHAJU..Ca A. AltMSTRONO. Mf< han1cal luptrlnten<lrnl 1lnna of law which nqulr• nn· ln•nlvf'd. R......i nn -ann •"1' I '11rl• pay
9ll88CJUJ'TIO:" NATT.'(: tic;. ln Ult rubllr "fturh p~Uh. .. 1~111& •Ja 8am'e Utlle n111h.w1 plan tn 11"11 1 N•l&hMr, 1"'11 )'~ir BAA&t4'f :s-,.n 1&&11Nr ~_...,.,_., Tr1·"..,"i "Onl7 an lnfimnl!tt elf'Ctnr•I• "'I "l• rHd,...cnade to permit ,..,. •.000 mM• balldlnfl. frnm am•ll 1 and C~Anman tn llll'W Ow .. O......S. V.-t1, ...... "'J•r: 11 ... ~ll -.; '' t.llrN -Lona H)I, "c.an act wtfJI th• JIOAlnl on lhe peopla ntJTbft.ant JK!!I\ etne. ltl Ut• 11111 M OQ0.000 •llt.t'-before ti. t.U.. your
O..W. "~ c ... t, ''·" ,.~,..., knowlectp &lid lnltlllltn'• n«• WM and d•trucu,,.. lawa... I ''Llttlt Pmtaran" a. a..-u. lllllftl
FlnlMT McCabe
• . · ~.en-'may drlft a famlly fl'Olll I.he Ha.nor
.,.... il ,... d&eclc>Md WecbllUday n.ll'ht wb.n v_emon
Xoesi-1 .,,..,_ lmon -ODtta Mee& 'Uruoa 8chooi d11.-
tnc:t .,,..,_ i. · oM&l.n penn&..ron to .end hi. children
l te a N4'WpN't Beaela llCbool where there would be no •ms•·P... .
' n a',,,..,.s Ulat b1I ll01I ha.I a violent &llerfY apln.t
Benni.Id& en-ud M attuda ICbool "'hue Uwre la
filch ,n. J.a U.. playfl.ekl. ~peel ald that It mlJ.bt
. M a 11 .., for tall tamilY to move to •roe other
.ectiml cit the 09UAU)' .,. IW boy Md nurty di.ct dutnc
the preri-..· 9doal, ,.ar. P1rm1Mlon wu ~tad for
U. boy ud bl.a twill &It.-Lo at.tend Newport ICJlOOla.
·Cont h1r~ Offen 11-12
·. Sellio11 , on · T1esday Eves
Rolland ~. J'ndmck. alnnan
appHSUce. USN, of I02 JSlh SL.
ii "'"Uls aMard Ult attack Ur-~ curler tfal!I lhanF1-IA,
Ult featured tnUltary cl.lllplay at
l&n Dlero'• month-lonr •J1ma
~I Pacinco" Wblch opnect July
~A.MA, -CC>Clf8)-A lt.
11-,_,.-GW BCIU7w00d mu dltd H11hllrht or lh• t..Uv•l wu
ia a.. Boqtt.&I WldnMday ol "1'1M C&llfomla ltory," a par-
.,_ M nttitftl 1a a Lquaa -.ot of 34 .caM ckptc:UJ\r the
J1111cJa. f1t9 Aq. 10. hl•tory of Ult llt&ll •tn.:I IU
'fte .,... ..a wu klilllun.cl found1n1. OUMr actnlU• lllclud-
M ...... K. Jllrd Jr. Be .U-ed UldWltrt&! a.nd Cllltural cxhl-
,..... IN dtP.. · "1nMI wti. bttlou and athletlc n.nta.
~ ...... t a.·u.. ...
....a .t. • t1" «W7 i..... at WW-1 Y .. H.....,7 ..., ... a.-at\'11 -• ,
...,. ... ......i OCllft ~ Two uNtetl.n.d orne.... trom
--wwe ..._ ,.....te ot. Jlta7 th• alftratt c&nter Homet, vielt-
Wlli._....llr. ,._.., WU ~,,... m. In Newport Beach Oftr the
.. ... ...... .... ..... otbln Labw Da7 ........ al.ltd
,..... Ult ta -"' ...,., l'lftlNll w l t 11 o" t their uta. n., ...... ...... ........ O...S• t9 ..... npoC"ted ll0l9n ft'om Ute
UM llodla WU ~ at VUla,MutD& late Monday ntpL
--fte~hata wen worth SM, t(lo.
....... ... •.. ...... ____ _
. ('
~:=:=. 17c u.·v.a. __ _
l • •
MAI G--.t. ~·PrMI, b1t1e ~ ...
P~ Zl'PD llNDDS..,. -v .... _ .,-• ~ Dlilllu......., l'f"' w...._ ~ ........ 5ts COWHIDl·ZIPPll llNDll ":-. ~ .,
............ QilliUtJ, ......
.....Gfi:a .. ~ ... R--~ii.ae Yai.e DELUXI SCHOOL IAGS __ _
PLASTIC CUTI.ERi 'iRA¥S ~~!!-· ·~ --. . ,. ' .
RORAL BUBBLE BA1H£E...·~-~5 .. 100
·SCOT TOILET DSSUE~ ~--'3·25~~.
tvl&l 9Mla ,.... (llue -ll'f, 111,
In. Ill. 111) • (w.dl 6 wwt.
..a,,) lien wtU. • for tleftl•,.
lllS a ...--... We wm OIVll
, .
2819 Nwport Blvd.
Barbor 4331
28U Newport Bl-ni.
' Sciatlflc 0.pi.aiOD
J'oot v....,.
·111 A.JP*tmmt Only
""--call Banor IMI or
JI..-. 6111 '7tie
-----------MALll lblpplnr clerk for llfbl
PAINTING =..n~0;.: "4fT, Mtfe
rep.Iring ·
GU~ ' n.a U'l'OtA.TU.
YOUNG Ma.a w1t.h expuiaot ---------
for 111..-dy Job oo ,.at. Ku.t
be ~ft opeT&lM. Wrtt.1
Box M·ll th18 paper. l!epll
# O.A.T B&LP. capable woman for
~. lranb\s Is c:htJd care.
lll"8t. ba•• ret•~ne9 Is own t.ranspoctatlon. LI 1-6111
of our tremcndoua IJ'O'A th
and numeroua promoUon.t.
OIRL full cb&"P boollMeper -
1t.eno1rapber, ll'D&ll otnoe, iww
planL lnt.e"•~ • rapon·
.tbi. po.iuon. Write Box eet,
Coata ld11&. llMl • run Jl&7 u you lee.m
• Advancememt &etuall1
Made to ~ m:.umac. -... pl. LUCILUI Dl\A.PERID ' ............
SOT K&r1ne Avenue
LDT Wll roAOft
No. 2, Balboa ltland. caut. '•
sJ!nc~ ! ti!!!:r n ,_. ... ,. .... -Opcl.JICll tor -
w A.NT 1&47 'frith car to ta.It•
chUd lo llChOOI Uld help
Metaer wtU. upt houMWork.
• l)oun a day J'\ve day• a
week. $1.00 pu hr: • 216 Or·
cb.MS Ave. COM Har '137
Order It now. Install .. ,.,.... a\
Y'JUI' ~. .A.ay U..,
pUce. er.ctlt. aau.tactJon p
Bar ..... 111,
ITctO .
LOaT·Ladln lm&11 ...,.. Ham·
Utoa wrllt ,..teb, pay bend I
H or aa dlamODda. Reward CARPENTRY·'·~ =mt or Nan ~~I
MINOR RJCPA!a WOU ---------1
-.Appl7 -a:t0 to ~ao
lU Wtst ~
APT &lZ.: Nfr11'· SH. wapi.
rocku ,lT. t&b'• A 4 ~
• oUl.r mi.ec. lterna. LI ...nJI,
DtptO MO JO. T0U 8JU.U, U>eT ia4* rf9 flue -Nary
B. 0. Alll -bhM tram• w1UI ~
lant& A.na APPLY IN PEJUK>N: Henr)"a.
26IO W. Cout B!fbway, N...,·
port Beath, Calli. "ttc
M'H & ...._ ~ Jtalboa J\&1"AJU> ~ •21111 ~MM Uth _eoUeet. _________ *_ WA..NTZD: Woman to care for
,... .A.NT ~lored or oriental maid
tor I or • moni1Jl11 e W.-.
from t ~ m. lo U-Two In
farnUy. Har. I07T. &Oce1
12' CUftTITION. 0oPP91' ~
n.xtur.. Pair ot mockm ...i
l&blee. .MUque braa •P'ttooll
L&mpe "6 curtuo. c.tAl
M-. lletl
U>eT Wue paraJleet. .,_ b)edt boy T yn. old. J houn daily
oa wtacs. 8&nd cm .... alter chool ln hu own horM.
RSW.A.Jt.D .. W. Bay, N-· Corou del lioUr or Selbo&
port. Har. 1010-w ~ ~area. Har. •7N eopt2 W&itre99 wanted for morn-M . p .
U>eT , ,.,.......... 1 Lt. •iv. 1 WANTED Bt"'-eo•i.s-or-l-<n-• 1n, ahitt. UNIQUE CAFE ov1e ro1ectors .. ·
Dk Mu• tU ~1 DT eoeta ance Cout 11r1 ttu~nt. Board ~10 "''>-d SL N rt roit ltDn' w.. J.L.ITtT1 t ud room eKC~ ·for bally .. ~ • ewpo 1-IOl U·MK 11-KK
at.to aft&r •· m. •Wai aM U&'ht )lo\&R'WOl"IL Beach. ~ttc BODY ud KOD& .-..... ....,~M...o-.-.--I. . ··'. IDo Har. UM·K eoec.s . AIR.PLAJQD 8UPPLD9
1'SW " UP.ul\ Ol". P.AMTJl:lllD-I'.,. MUlnalH R----Prie4ll l'uUy ~.
, J r • · W .AHTED BA.BT arI'TllR In ~ !!!!!'!s 1111 •'!'-!' W.A.NTIID sAltr al'M'mll •v•· &ayahon..,..., .., .. t.o •t u 71 Meers Camera Shop ·
ft111'AY ~·n SCHOOL nlnp Tu..S.ya thru l'ri~a. and n1Jhla. Ll IMOT lltctO lTU Newpor'l Jll'f'd .. ~ .... ~ aPAA Two IC.hool are chtldl'ft. Near Pbone Llbert;y 1-TOd. '1' ti
Tbe Al TJlu ftMl Eltate lkbOOI 15th SL Newport ~b. Cali flSAL &STAT!: SALESMAN
1a aow at lilt a. Mab! It., Ha 2011-M IOpU WANTED Fresh H --'-Aid 8allta Ana. JO. J·Ttll. 8tart· tor our Balboa Office An etu .u..ag
LI M711
in.· t.be .i,tith year Of llUC· HOUUKEEPER·Kl&LPER •• I excellent locaUon for .om•· 8.ATl'lllUD ~1 prep&r\nl' people to ~ WMkly 1.2!1 hr. Call ODt who wtll work We Q&n Mil ON9 ....... u ......, pa19 t.b• et.t.ta 1:1r.am&. MJ>t' Har. 44111 ~2 ... " c. orttr Gunderson Drug Co.
ITc7o ----------WANTll:D wallft• • fount.a.I~ Bay It S.Uh Rlty .. tne. Raitlor 615 Pt Leern Modern Piano ~Ip, Jim'• Drive-Jn. l.A(UJI&. HllO w. Balboa Blvd 5tllc Mala •t. al ...................
REMODELING e AddlUOU e R.tp&tn e Cabt.Mta e Lowrre W\Jldowa e Doon
• OcMtal carpelltel" WOTJI: e R&ASONilLE
Uceuad Bar. ll08-W
No Jc* too -.D. Bel&• "11• ..... r..t -..nt l'rde
A Stitch • in Time
1-nl to alfbl-reMi. tmpl"MiM. eoct2
play by ..,., YOUJll'sUfl lo
old9tert1 -wt u le9ch ',au ..
8'1ucl\ or u Ultl• u you wttlh.
RUTH PH.A.Ll!!l'C'
HarboT 6'72-W
Cl..Aa fqr 11ropttty ownu'8 I" u..• ~ fW uw' It.ate
...,..., .At o.maunlty Chunh.
tll U.~ CDK. ~
fture ..... U. T :45 p.m. . ..,.,
. TtJ'l'OA!JfO
~--ud &\Mr' 4PDOe.4 .. .:..ortliml
........ 91 LA wJU ttfit .......
l"ncW'• . U6 111.turdaJ Ulla a,_, '-ltlltWIC ~-H. l,.atal. veey ett.i:U.. Mdin.1
help wt~ pbonlca, ai.o al'lth·
llMtlCI Ud CIUMr djec\a. S.-
SilUWft ud adYancM, dlt)dNn
-' Mlulta. ft.uonable. OMI
AU&allo f-116' DOW for lnfor· -u. OI' writ.I Box ()-40
eJ• N_.Pr--. tOola
• tr, cook wanted for ,.rma·
Mlftt tmploym~nt. Apply 22t
Kar1nt An., &.Ibo& lll&nd
Beacon }'ersonnel.
100,. 1111ploJl!I' ntaiDed
LA DY tor dry clMninJ &hop
..-ork, Muel bave NWl.n&' to
1tlk flnlahlnr u1>4r1enc•. Top
waC'P It f\111 Ume. Apply In
ptt90n. Newport Clean•ra 1oe
Tu.ltln. N.-port S-ch.
-CLEANIN6 _..T l>Ylm(O
..... ,... •."J'tl!fe ..... . '
28.19 Newport Bm!.
Harbor '331
... .-.....
• •
TO ·. NEWPORT BEACH . SCHOOL . . . . . . ..... .. sn-'may drtft & t&mll7 from t.iw Huller
~ at WM jli.tcloetd W ....... y m,tlt WMD Ve?'DOO
Koepeel appe&nd bdON -0oeta MM& 'Unloa Bcbooi dla-
utc:t ~ to oi.t&ln pennialfoa to wnd hit chlldttn
to a N.wpert Be9eh 8Cllool wllen there wpuld be no
!rermu4&· p--. · ·
I '
It appeand that bla .an bu a Ylolent allerp aplut
Berml&da pua and be <.eada ICbool WMn t.blre .la
Nch sn-ta u.. ~ Koepeel lllid tb&t lt "mtabt
be 11~ tcir Ulll tam.Uy to mcwe to .oriae • et.twr
MCUon ot the country .. bla boy twl nearly died chu1ftC
UM p....UU. ecMol ,_,.. Penn••• w&a vvetlfd f«
tM bo7 &Dd bit tW\a ..._ to attAnd Newport •dtonll.
.LOPS~ ~l.F RUER'''"R-!E .... -27c
SCHOOL PENCILS i:t-_ .... -· . _ 112 ,.;~1tc
• L
NO. 16s · CRAYOLA'S~.:-._ 11~
. .
I •
Wli9Q-.t.9cd ....... f,..,......,. ..
PASTIL ZIPPB llNDDS,...v-._£-·\
Dlllt:i. ......... lf .. ,.,..,.. McJiis .......... COWHIDI ..... llHDB __ . . -r...e..o........, ........
Cont. 811rd Offen 11-12 . .
Saaioas r on Tuesday Eves
ll1ze Vi~cli11
Dies ·of llr11
J\OUand A. Prederlck, atrman
&ppr.UC.. 'UIN. of 102 J.St.b 8L.
la eern~ aMant lbe attac.k &U'·
craft carrier UH lban¢·1A.
the r,atur«t mllita.ry dtaiplay at
Su Olero·a monlh·lonf ~nnta
Del Pacifico" wbJch opened July
BANTA ANA. -(OC'Nll-A lt.
2'1 -ye&r-old He>U)'wood man died Hlrhll(ht of Ule t..Uval wu
In H_, Hoepttal Wedneaday ot "Tb• Call/ornt.a Story." a pac·
bwfta be ~YM In a lApna •nt ot ~ 9CeftM deplcUn1 th•
Beach tiff Aua. so. batory ot th• •Lat. •in.:• 11A
Tile dlad inan wu ldf!IUtled toundlnf. Olher actt-ttu .. lnclud-
u 9dward M. rord Jr. He IU.f. ed llldU11tr1aJ and cultural exlll-
t-.d. lrd de,,_ bUma when bJtlona and aUtletk nenl.I.
name. broke out In tJa. lower
...,... "' a two atet7 be>-. at Wllat's y.., H....,1
IOl7 a.~ IUYd. -·'
.....,. aad ~ otbn JOQ~ Two pSdenUOed otttcerw trom
JMa wel't~ ru-t. ol Ray tM a.trfratl c&rrlu Hom•t. Ylllt-
Wlllterta&Jt.r. ,.ont wu Uapped Inf 1n Newport 8-cb onr the
ln the ..._ while th• otben !Abor Day wffkend, Ailed
.._.. able to pt dear. nr.n..n w l t Ito u l tbetr .bat.. Tbq
"9CGed tM vtctlm. l>e.mqe to wen nport.eiS .t.olen from th•
UM "°'* WU eMJma.1*1 ' ., "IUia Marina late Monday n.&pL
..... TM hata w1n worth SM. too.
IWI CANVAS •DD __ __._
•• .;..t. ... G... &M ~ tiM v• DILUD SCHOOL IAwS ___ _
.............. ,. .. tua
IODDllS VACUUM IOTTU __ ,.., . .. ...
rDtc.Ll~x ...... ...u.ctor, &rm.,~ 27' Sllower Spray
-·--••o•M•••• ... ·•-·--
om.. ...... w..... 27' ~' .M,JMl9 ..
Ml1'AL FILI JOX __ ·---····-······-------
.,... •.W. MM. .Murew, ~a.a.,_i_a._a._ • rer 19' APL 10c 'FILLER PAPIR o
PWTIC CURfRY TRAYS ·~aE-·: w 4'·
FLORAL BUiBLf BAni.£E... __ 5 ... 100
·SCOT TOILET nssuE I~-=-··-·-·---3-25~
ORTHO .. CHL0RODANE ousr::~2 -s1
Wltll .-JI nil (.U. -ll'f, lit,
at, Ill. 111) • (llladl • wwt.
-'1> left wttll • ter ....,.._
... A prtlltillc. We wUI OJU 70•. niU
IT'S A .HIT .. ~
' I ,
lll'&. lK It., lanta .Aaa
KI win
•• Blllh·ls Hl·" 1.1\G TV Cl.o.eL
lllcludtd hllo W1tll
~\ p)ant!na-a.
TM kitA!Mn ll a drMnH
mack WaJalat #OOdwW)C
....._ ~ -t.ti.d appll~
... ~ ... ?loiM, u.1"'1Qf llOll'l)>lit~ cu.-
'-tum1tur1 and "PPltuc .. doltl&'ned tor taeb
&l'ft, 11 ol the C&llhre Mldorn. otftr-ed for .a.Le.
Bec&uee Ill a ~ ln tut.Uy -.... Uv ow!W'r·.
buUdH on .... t1m cs.tux• bolM t.O &» •lect
buytr w» c&a &lford th1 M9\.
W. &re lmmenMIJ proud ol UU. borne and wUI M
~ to UOW It to )'OU by a ppo1ntm.u\.
Y-.i worrt wu.t \Ct l•v•I
Lido Isle Perfeetionl
N.,. to and lltlW.r uu..n
Bl'Uld NrN.
W~r t>.drfliOl'll WIUt bl.ta
Two olh•r ~m.11 a11d
anol.Mr Mlh.
rtnp*°9 -rorced .u t~•
WaJl•to-waJJ CUJWU"f throufl\oul
T.JlorTd df"a.P"
D\thwun.r -DllpoMl
L&Ulldry an.
Unrelt PaUo
£ulu1Jvt and a pleuure 1(1 1ho"'
Udo'1 belt buy at tl•&OO'
Oceon View Duplex
l.martelt on• 1tory In lhe ""'"''
CA.ch Unit h.U·-
u.Mble u Uurd b<ldroom.
LU'S-llY\rir room with d1nlnf ar11
TlrPpi..c. torrid air rurria<:e
U.undry room ran..-.
Loftly l&l'ld.Capln1.
Of'l• unit l'lu !errlrtc ocf!an vil'W an(! be1·1l/tul
wt.ll•l.o-Watl t'llrpetlq and 4~pM.. TM '-0\w
unit ~ h.ardwllOd noor1 U\rov.a:hotil.
Ylne cor!Wr lot tn Caron. Rt1•1U'ld~ Tt111
Lii a re.al 1'101111 .. ·1th tnrnme -unrnatllltll •t
ttl.600. Good lfn'l\.t.
Will•rd L. Killion , Ro•llor
Lefty Murdock, A1tociste
ll6l k~n Blvd , N-port ._c:h
Harber NOii
Oppolllte U•• t1ty lft.ll
40 x 80 re•ideatia.l lot, Eut BLlboa Blvd with
purna.nent Bay view. Ttrma can be arr11.ngE"d.
BALBOA OlJPLEX -P'urni.hf'd 2 Md.rm, and 1
bdrm. AU on around floor, $~ will ha.odle.
GOOD BUSINESS ..CORNER. 3 unit.I -beauly
•hop le~ -2 two bedrm unfurniaht'd h1,uae11
'18,000 with tenn11.
OCEAN FRONT DUPLE."\. on,, 4-br 2 bath homt,
6 2 BR. pr apt 2 car gar & lt.\lndry rm. All
tumiahed, 127 .~ terms
.J'R.IPLEX on Ba.Jboa Blvd Furn. :l BR . 1 BB £i
•tudlo apt.I. 118.~ Lerma.
Run-I JA YRED ,Realtor
Mildred Rl"9 a.nd Sylvia ThomP90n. Aa.oc!ate&.
301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har, 2M8 o"'60CMl
3 btdnnm. and den bornr. 2 t1~1AC'n, 2 bath•.
hw. fiooni, dlnette, nice 1trttt. 4~ ft. lot. Obie.
p.r&l'f lltrffaed. BICIJ'. 7''~ yni ~Id. $21.760
-about 1/3 down.
ANOTHER BEST BUY, a 2 bednn. tx-autlfully
tumiah~ lm08U)' Maple), db\e. garage, 50 ft.
R·2 lot. Ample room for another home or unit
A.akin( St~.900. with ~ terma. Stt th!A.
2 BEDROOM CO'ITAGE lype home, wtll local-
ed.. Obie. pr. naptooe patio. ,13,000 "'1lh .-.......
lYU W. Erhardt. .u.oclate
1333 E. eo..t Btry., Corooa dol M&t 'll&r. 2422
HOltll or CllAJU( WHb uaoi..
. .
{ DIJPLR lo. • Hwy., I -.., ·-plu
1 --apt. Bollt. alto --·t--"'! ...
l r' L+JIGAIN I -h-. IC" U. .._, llaJ-
.._ 11np1. cupotad, 4""I -----ph/l lup dhlt -... ]' I fOP
apl a-. 'l'nlb' a IUJIGAIK at Jlt,7!!0. llX•
CUlllVJ: wltll ... IUU~ Y1.w ot .,. t.M
...... J ~ " .... -Udl Uv. room. ._ut1NJ7 iu~,.. 0.. r' DDrAOJ'LA.Tm 2 -bldnn. hlM. 4Me. .......,..
_ M rroun41. 16dl rL Uateid tmm.U.te pc 'oa, OP!:N HOOD l~ p. m.,
• nttond --eoT Laltalpllr. Prioed at iit.ooo. Jl•-blt WIT ID! .fJiUas Ml,000
d.,.. ,.~ v ... w 7 ,.,.....ta at i111.
ll!!:!l!!ER or VOLTIPLll LISTINGS •
PRICll T. 'lloCUimON, --· ·-·-llM7 IL ODHt Btry. Co...,. del l(u Bar. 41
1-0n• •f Ullt .... attr&Ga ....
hom• Jn lhla cttcHc• private
colony, 1 ~ plu. Mp&-
r•le cu..i -.... aw. MULi.
bullt·ln kitchen, dl1'l. room. I'.
A h•at, encl. p&tlo wlth bal'-
!otnoa -11bt door to Newport lt&rbOt llanlr. ODO
1-Jiat tM hOnM tor 1. 1ari-
f1.m1l)"--I ~ •• tl.J'tlil)'
room, II•· llvtnf room. d!!L
room. I llnpl&aU. MW w to w
c:arp.1Un1. n•w A/r ln k!tohui,
EXCEl..1..E.NT V ALTJS -.!. '"·000,
IJ• W. fout Hil'tl._1 U 1-.)IJ1
Newport 9".tll •
lp&CloV:I, tu..Uly YI.-ham•.
.PrLeM Mlow ortir'nal e:oat ••
ow~r ti .. tno¥M 1.o VMMUtl&
•nd. n•u•L Mii. It yvu want the
BEST "I 1. b1.r11.1n, thil IS fT.
our E•<'!u11v1
1111 Drtftw-00<!
Charmine new hOll'll ln C'lrona
H11hl1..n<b 3 l•rJ• brdrooma.
l \._bil.U'lt,. conv•n1bla dtn .nd
1. ltlnl?lf room. LOv•IJ ldlcll•n
wllh bullt-tn atove and n11.n7
eupbo&rdlt Wby not tralie tnat
hard 1.o Mil lnc:om• propttt7
tor UU. bH.uUt\11 hQmt l
Our l:llcJ.u•lvt
('alJ to ... .,,tum •.
\.\'I: lll¥t b\Jytnl Wa.ltllll Wt I naed •ddlfl~t.l \no0m1 •nd
homo ,ropert7 lJ.tu1111. Lt1 u•
rnnv!nc• }'ttU Ola~ "Str¥lft ll
Ol.lt tu11n ......
JjQ';' lo. l'..>&.al 111,11 .... ,.
f'on>n1 d1l Mar
ltt1 .'.>1)41 or Har '01.'.>
11 :ceo
B/ B
r f't nrily looo<l dowrl, }'t'\J rat1
,,, ·~~ rll'ht into U!.11 nH #!y l o.Jr•
n1•h~ J t)oo,lrm ht1n1' W!lh p#r-
n1•11•nt ¥1-ol O(a.l.n ()w11pr
n.. rtd.Ut td !hi pn~· IO Ill tOO
tl'Jr quick ao.I•
Corona del Mor
YO\u r•tlremtnt homt 2 lldrm.
J BIL bomt
B/ B
~ Jl&,&00 -,......
3 -1 BR tuml.ahed unit. -H•rt of. Be.Ibo&'•
but ~La.I uea.
Jll,l!OO -$MOO dOW'D
J'urniahed Duplex -Pot.eoUaJ lncotn• $2000
per yur.
112,600 full price
Bay & Beaeh Reelty, lne., Reeltors
20~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Buch, Har 12M
Ev.. Harbor 1Me
Belboa Reelty Co.
Oppoet~ a.na or >.morlc.
9'0M Ol'Mla)' lkl 141
Jo..ptllal Web• roo z. BaJbo.J. tuvd.. aa1boe.
PTIOM }{arbo.-J2TT
E.l.Uldt c. M:. Cboclr. tl111.t ,, ••
turu. 3 bdnn, 1" bll.tht, bre•k-
tut 1pac•. dtn1111 •rt•. lar1•
11¥\ftt' rm. blttb catrth1ta, W11
werdrobM, !HI -Olan t y .. ,..
elG, t0· Jot., t.riOOCS yard, ....
WI, cutN, plt•rw.
l ytar oh'I 4 bdrm. 11( bl.lha.
.lul f•n. dll'J>Ofo•I. ,....,.,..
co.ir•. tyllt,., patio, drape& 1n~
111~ A ..-onc1err1.1.1 ra.auly
homt , prit•d. Mlht.
COST A MESA The Best Town on Eerth
$6500 Complete
A ~1~1.n, 1h.1rp. • yt•r old. Qn1
bedroom home M.Wlt be ttvi.
ca11 "' lor tt'1NI. 3 BR. HOME, flrtplaoe, dblo. pr&& .. •t.on.1• room,
larse comer lot J2!)xl61. Ca.n .eU off lot or build
more ~ti $16,000. Ttrm•.
BUSINESS BLDG. in· the c:ente-r ~t Coal& ME"-&a-*11
rood ltue--S-400 monthly income Prl~ $to.OOO
-4 Rr:11dentllJ lot (8\lild I Unit.I) ----·----$ <.000
R;l Rea Lot -Ntwport Ht.a. Art& --··-···· .. ___ .. $ '4,MO •
M-l 1Ddu.1lria.l lot al • 290 .......... ·-·-·--···--··----.-·$10,000
A ntw, 11.1n.ry, I i,.drm homt-,
,i<J.N In !ll down.town C M.
r..11)' Mrp41ttd TU• tlOQ.r UI
balh, Ult w a.l.11. In. lllUlltn, Lwc• doob!a pr1.1• P1Uo--
out11d.• t\rtplfo<'t .. bt.f1Ht A
won<t•rtul ho11!4 tor nurad
•1000 down. I bdrm tlotnl )Miy·
m•tll-I hilt rtnL.
C-2 Bu1lntu 100 Jt ltO · ... ·--· •·----···"·•·-··-·-····------· 112,000 ll,SOO down, tuur bedroom hnme.
G. N. WELLS , Re•ltor
1810 N~wport BITil. Cotta MK& l..I S. 7729
t &drm. 4 b&th borra, p1lio, plut 1 8R 1 batb
apt. Bot.b unlU tum. Choice loatJon, nr
\'c!lap Cenlf'r and No. Ray Th.t. la a.n un-
\l.lu .. Uy fin• property. U 'you hav1 bMn waitl.ns
for aomelhlns GOOD, at tb• RIGHT pncE",
thla 11 IT ' '
CORONA DEL WAR · Bffuutul !&lfl!ly hnm".
3 bednna. and dm. 2 bllh&. WU9'\ ... if you
&re loolr.Jna tor apadman... &Dd eomfort&blE'
llvin1-$MOO down, Lit ua &bow you.
HAL.BOA PENINSULA: Charmin I 3 bed rm.
2 bath home. Block from Bay. Beauti!ul palio.
fl.D,000 termL
Aff 0!1L
, Realtor I !IOI K&rbor U l -1 14J
Back· Bay District
! ~rooam Stu,co Dln1n1 Ar~a.
~\•IJ Ht•lltr 81.th It "' i;1•IL
Rhnw•r Covt~ r.uo. F"rn< t.-f
CHICKEN l\ANCH ui 11.nta A••
hl llh\41 I 4 ,, .... J BdR l1o)m~
bu 1400 el'll•·i'.n1 Or1>t1• in-
c om • JJJ()O() p 1 r y•••
PRlCED l\l<HfT
ORESS &HOP In N• .. pt1r• Beith
J !<'IOOOO pJu1 lf1vt11tory_ ! 1 B. A. NERESON
!Oil N•wrort 81Vl1 (°Ott• M~..a
Utt.tty t 1912 Cvt• IJ 1-a.''>ll
A llllh polenUal, l< -mller oourt la""'
bt9t olc. io locatloL W'ltaa OM Weoll: et
Newport Bl"fd. Dtu tM tmttn-4illrlot et
eo.t& Meu., De.pit• poor ~t. MO'llla
$f~ moatlaly income. AJl 116*'* up mbdern
lnctudlnr 110 1.ftd. 220 MMtrical eouectlooa.
lncliad• a two bldrooat. home ta.at ou M ,..,...
chued with or wtt.llou.t tra.uw oourt. 1eer··
Uori...,mabtlllo•~,,.... ...
W.IMll .. tun.
.. A.'f nlm ilClflll"
3320 W. Cout Htry. Lt f..7m •
You Will Like
New Furni1heil "HomH liy M•cco"
UNTIL 9 :00 P .'ll.
lnterioro by Martin • Von Hemtrf
BMUUIW bom.. lA th• &let loc&Uoo
Pr!-"-Qe,000 1-IU.000
Your IMpectloo II nopootfW!y ool!dtad
On HJway 101, Newport Hubor, oppOOlta .... lrvtnt
Cout Country Club. Harbor '444.
VOGEL VALUES 'Ir -(, -(,
SaL. ll SllG., a.pt.. Ith A tth
1001 Clift Orin
Cu•tom bit. bom1. I bdnll9. 2'1'. t.tha, 2 tttt-
placu . VA b .. t. l,-. Uvina room, Mp. d1nin.a
room, W W ca.rpeu Utruovt, "~ dera h.u
11t'parat1 be.Ula, tlreplace • •obltnicted t:.y
& ocean VJP"W. Not le .... bo14. .Thi. ia; a qLl&..l.lty
homf' &: worth every penny of th• ultlnr
price of 13f.l500
Corona Dal Mar
3 bJ~ II l.t.n.a.I -1,,, vit-w lot. HW noon.
FA heat. flrf'plt.ce, 2 full b&t.ha, aundtoek, a.&ul
lanJ11C'aped yard around attractive paUo. Shown
I>)' appL Price $26,760.
• Harbor 0757
Vogel Co. Corono Del
2te7 &. COMt H.l"ay
H•n:ho;(>()d noor Oooa 16("1.Tlon
Oararr rr&dv ror an •ddUlonaJ
1parlmt n1 No• I''''""' OJl\dtt
Sl!t 000 Ste lhll 1.r111 o!J""
WltMBER or WUl.TIPLI: UBTINO l.fbtrty l -39lt --~------------------
Ba y & Be•ch Riiy. Inc.
rorona del Mar OtMt•
3.'.>~0 C. Cot.at Hwy Har ,'\NJ
Tht "HOTTE8't"'' BUI.in.tu lpo(
t" lh•
J'Ul.Ht Gn:P'A.'lfll' Part
ot C'Oollt• M•'*
'"' $22 ,500 Cash
311 Marlnt Ave., BAiboa lal&nd Pb. Har. 1871 or 1672
Upside Down-View
The hou.a 11 upGde dowD, th• ~w 11 on tht
level from &SI uplt&lrl Uvina room. Your vlrN
LI the COWllr)'-llidl aDd nilln ol blu• P&dt'lc.
Thia custom built hOUM bu 2 bid.MM and den,
2 fireplaCH. ud uou.ru&.I priv&cy. Would UJte
m&ny thauand. more to duplic&ta -only
SZ.000 -_,. t.rma.
R. B. HODGE. ~iate .
S622 E. eo..t. Hwy., C.Oroa& 4tl Wat. Har. 277t or aubmll ltnn•
Proptrt.7 •lr'Mdy ,...nlf'od llnd
ttnanu tr\11 ta).e a....... !----------------------!
t11t aptlOI~. ca.II
1 unit. -compltl•ly tor-a.labld.
J'\IU prta. lll.000
Wm. W. Sanford
S.lbcMl l.ll&nd, )kt, 2•61
CUtt> I bdrm..,' C-'OllaJt, flr•pl.,
flabpond. cb. 1alL ten<*! , ...,_
,,. 111.1 ~ • ltO, bvlld oa front.
'I'va1 PtUl'--~tor
11• Hal'bOi SIY4.,
1J a.oua -M4IT
~1)1..C'IOld 3 bed.rm. ehanner, ln lovely nelcbbor-
b<XKI for tar le. Lhan reproduetJoo ccct. Phone
u• tor appolnbnat to ...,
I1land it.I on corner lot.. OM 2 be11rm..
h...., for Juot • UtU. men tlwl tha -ol tha
lot alone.
Comfortable A roomy home 0 W.rma. 6 & b&lU.
td~a.1 for laJp family or ooWd ...ay .. coa-
verted lnto 2 unJte. N..,. bay A llhopplDa -ter .
308 lolar!M A... -!!Of 8A•N>A
llOc IU.U II. fUl:TNl.ER. -------'''------------------lb.,e; Hu. lllf SYM LI 1-61M bclusive BaY.shores 4 9EDROOMS
Cl..UY KA VD t ...._, J •U... rocma. ....... b°""C ..... 14 ft.
mutu bdml., lll"4e 1itt, Pl.IOI /
Not 1. i.tuehold. ,..0,. •PPl. tall
rolU> VJl:IUUHDEI\, Jl&.·bot
_.___ ---¥V-ttlif¥W'-·--....v~1e~w
Cb1'11Un1" Colonial type bOJDe, 4 bednna., 21 i
b&l.b.I. uqulaite vie-w from ma.9t~r bedroom.
All noon hardwood. ~' brt.k patio.
Loca~ on eho~ J&rp cornt'r. M2~
Ellctllmt tenn.L EXCLUSIVE.
, ...,,
Excluaive Beecon Bey
O.tJrbt.tul ' bdnn. S loath h--. Daolped for
cuua.I comfort.able liTiq'. l>iabwuher, dlapm&l
Retricentor. Automatic wuber. 0-p fref!vr. "oot' toi'triiji ua dl'lp&: !m1nedbite occa
p&ocy. Cl<Mlit to print. belch. PlUNCIPALS
ONLY. Shon by app>in-t Gilly.
PHONll: LI S.240'1
J'()ft IA Lm •T O .. 'ND
Unturfti.IMd 2 Mdt'M-q-ie.
SM\e1« •pt_ ta reu ,...tlf
at 141 a•IMll9\L DwWll 1e.r-act;
Two ~With llaelielor apt. ca 4111<
118 loot lot. _-_,...., • .-kick ,.U.,
hu large klt<hm. dlofoc-1, dJohmaottt. --
laundry room, lluttr b. r. 12*23. ror ....
W+--p I '4 "'hr We mu:_
n.IMrtnt • Mdm1. I ba&J'I f•m-
lly h nm• l!Pl!A trnruu.. Y
BUILT' ~ly pello. i.
bktell lO pr'lvt.... beac•. Pi-s-
tor 11n11U •t &lid i..-.
courta. AttNC1.IVi'11 NrftllhH.
A -ndtrl\11 n..IW •t Pt.'60
ltlcC'l\11111\'t Wlut
Merinero hie RJty . •
Ill Mutrw Aw .. .._ 1*ftll
lf.11rbM •T&l
........ ror •pt. rtGOld Ill RAY REALTY co , ..... _,.,._.. .
Qlldrm. n.ru.. PJUCS IU,,)00, ..... E. Caul Hwy,, Corona dd Mar Hat. 2111 =-1!:,..~ ~'w:!. (Aero. (rom bank ln COM) 2323 w Cout Hwy. (at ron Oraopl ·
Llbel"\y ~7M2 Ewa Harbor ~t.W -~ ... -· ____ lolEVB_ p;Jt or MULTIPLE LJ.6TING lll:RVICI:
. I
p; a. palmer incorporated
ole hen1on co. man•g•ment
3333 via lido, harhor l°SOO
p. a. palmer incorporated
. ole henaon co. mena9e111ent
• l'JOO w. cout highway -Uberty $-M73
·Bdt GD a JGt aad a ball, beaut.ltu.lly laQd,..pe'd.
·WI ,.0 kept·bome tnclucUn1 carpednc, dra~.
,... &Did Nfltpiaw·• priced at ju.9t $2',000
May we Mow t.b1t UDUA&l home to you! Oh
,.. Ule patio la extra larse and tht 2 car
...... li, ~.~ 1 J for 2 1tory con.st.ruction. • 41 ACRES aero. •l. from Coeta HARBOR HIGHLAfl-ID.S
M... cuv hmlta, priced a t I Before Khool .\art.a -you •hould get et-ttlf'd
bu t.. rtoltrid by the 'MQl~ra on thJll nne
6 Wloam.. 1% t.th home, 2 car pn.p plua
bmtdif\al n.,..-...-~ ~bu~ oc a beauti-
-fully luwlec• ••' tos.120 ft.. lot •.• only 10
mCDtU okl. QI.I the momia ft.A and rnon in
. . • jut $1100 d01fll. Monthly payment.a ~
than ret. Jt wm be ofir pa.uure to &bow it to
JOU a.ad JO'l1' .......... to lift ID It.
Seven lsl•nds R1~ & Investment Co.
~ -S2Dd 8t. Ottlot Pboae Harbor 6868
Newport Be&c.b, c..lif. Alter 6 p. m. Har. ~7
GJ. RESALE a bedroom bmuty wtth new nylon Yi9coef ca~t.
Jarse ~.,... la t.e.utllul paho. PaymenlJI
$el per month mchxtinr ta.xea, lnsurance anct
lD t.en!9t. &.l .. 'ti
CUFF-HAVEN a beclrqom, 2 bat.b home Oil t...utiful corner In
nduaM CUtf Hann. Clo be purcbued with
ooty A'TOO down. J'ull priee $19,~
i::la:itDent ct....,aa coraer !)Mr down town ea.ta
Wea S.WW, em'ba. It ptt.en all l..o and p&ld
tor. SUITOUded by nJce bomee. Full pric~
MIDO Call ua tor part.1cul&.n.
1190 N..-port BJ'fd. eo.t.a M~
Eve. Ll 8-7237 LI l-6G08
* * * .. *
6 f.dra,.., 2 bath.I, W /W carpet thruout patio,
aioe la.nda:aplnr. on beauL 80 tt. corn,.r lot.
Price S 12, 9C50
Two mW.l bOUM9 on 62xlO'l loL u.ooin 1 o
build or rat tow IDoomt. Only $7,a5(). Full pnca
Ul>erty 8-5596 ·
1100 Mewport Bhd.
BR.A.ND NJCW 4upa cmly $8000 cMll -Otmf'r
wUl mft7 mlance 16 ,_,. Sou. ltOO pha• llQlJ&N
i.t. Woad +mp roof, S2 ft U.tns room. tir.-
plue. ~ oak Ooon. Jot. of W., 2 patioe.
2 ear CIMJ)Ol't. loath of mp.n.,.
G. H. LATHROP, Reattor
Ma &. c.& HiPW&Y Ccroaa deJ Mu
&nor MU i:... Har. 15e10
rarm at~•. •ll -al eut>-r->..:-h rt · thrillin. 3 dl..t.ton • pttcu. ~ M'r• ui hu• ea -wanning, e~ 1. bedroom.
wtth 111'1\&ll down a.l\d 10 yn 2 b&tb home. Only 1 1 :.: yra. 'old. In tbt-Newport
on ~ School d.i8trict. Clo.e to ehoppinr. Abeolutt>ly
Vl&UAL v AL~ CoJ'lllDUdi1'1 ' the df'&Deat home you will find. Cal• ua !or
aomttr Newpqrt. Btvd. Bffl an appoin4oe-nt.
•uli.d tor oftl~. doctor, IWn-I
U•t or ,..tall outlet, and nom.. LIDO ISLE Eueilenl 3 bedrm., d.ln1Jll' room, b..-krut room, tll• Home envirorunent that approacllu the tdeal.
pullm&a bath. UI• klk'lwn. Ml· Thrtt bf'droom1, 2 apukl.in~ be.lb.. A brtflht
•trtet parkin&. uo 000 t•m1•· chttrful kitchen with built·in ovt>n n.n"e11.
NEED ACftS with 3 b4rdrm
oldrr horntt. doubltt saras•.
laundry room and >01•0 ~ •
With poMt~ .-.111>n1n~ lu M-1.
A iooct buy at pr11Wnt .110n.lnJ
IH,MIO t•rrna.
HOM"E Wmi '3 bf'drm• .• 11,
balha on rol"l\t'r, all 1mpron••
ment• In end paid l:h11lt Ullit
)'•&r. Patio. lan<Ucapeod rloH
lo echool.. Slt42 do..-n m&k,.1
you homt ow~r. Total pit~
cut aao.
Muaive F. P. 1.nd a d.LDing area that Jives •pace
lovera roogi to move arowid wiJ.h e&.lie. Thi.I 3
~yr. old home i.a on a large lot, which aUow1 for
the ovt>rat.u patio. Set' thil. lt'a priced ri&'hl at
$31,000 or $32,!'JOO f\lm.iabed.
W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor
"You'll Ltkf' Our Fnendly Snv1re"
400 E. lilh St. Coil& Mesa Ll~rty 8-113fl
HARD TO FIND acre .ol'W'd A•I
•<'rou 1t. rrom 1lor• ShO\lld
... ao~ tor lnall,.r P&J'lc c Hdf>r
'w•llinl and •Md•. Pnn·J at .. ~ I MULTIPLE-LISTING-OF-THE-MONTH
R ·2. l<>t Calallna dn'" Nrv. po1t
He11h1.a ~aoo
Comer lot Oii ElcM>n l blk In •
Ntwp0rt BIYd ll:'ICJO
90 x HO dbl# lot c:ood n"lt.:h·
borhood UllOO
CAL-Vrr8 17~ do"' n \\',. nnl\•
have or._ M-n Move In 110,.
l:'loM to 1hoppln1
1~7 Nn.·port .Bhod, Coal.& M'&A
l.[ t-18l2 P:•ttt l.l A U CWI
ML :"\o. 7841 Rrand New thrtt bt>drooni --•
Onr ancl a half bathe-Hardwood floon.-1'1ag·
1tnnr fin•plact -(;E forced a.ir heoat -l>oubl1•
garaKt -~atural wood k1tchen-Garbagr •it~
posal-Banjo at. 1n Coat& Meaa. lmmechati> 1~~
PP1ce $17.~00
ContiHt Your R,.altor
s·1 B Newport Harbor Board of Realtors
BRANO NCW la•t,,rully 11.,•or
at..S wtU. llOlt f"'t'lor• 11\"rmo-
dore O"l"eft, ·~.,.trlr f'&nl• •n•I
m•DY bout•ln t-tur•• 3 h""1·
rnnm1 2 blllh• ••trr\lun<h"\ h~
a I.arr• palk> Wllh l)#lllflf I
11•uUAp 111-1 to 11rr .. 1 J!'>
IM and ONl.T U3 {1(111
10 lJmn ON 7~' nlO:'l-1 A<;P.
DCELl.L'"T L 0 C A T I () N
PnijM'U.CS lnrom• of S 12,()()0
~ y•r. (' 0 M P L.. E T 51: I. Y I
l"'U'ft.N18KICD •••
I ~ronm•. t bAlh• n JR.NfllH•
JCn. t.o..ly area ror only
llt,000. IT&OO Down
lay & Reach Realty,
14&0 W. Bf.Jboa Blvd
H•r. M41 Hu. 29" l:v~•
KCY'I' A HOU8.E. But a HonM'' I
I Mdmla .. t beUMI. You'U le>•• u.. -.nnU. &ad ,Mrm of l~ ....,. pue-... ~ .-..,. n,...
~ U. MauUtuJ """'1nclaJ ,.,... .... .-.u.n, ~ ...... ,
...... ,_, ....... ta. -COl"t
N t'w'J)Ort Beach
2 tiffirm & d,.n b•th & '•· \\' W rarfl('linit
d111hwa11twr . V»&l'lh,.r & dryrt. built In "''""' rlc
r.l;wr l..o<"all'd 1m 1arl('I" Jot '4'1lh 'lf'W of th"
8'1 ck Ba,;. A REAL BtJY. Dnve hy 414 •
23rd SI.
~ bedrm.. 2 bath• on la~ corner lot . W \\'
<'&rPf'lJng, livmr room and dtnani room. Cl~
to ~che. and in a vuy fine nei«bborbood.
27!51 Vista
A v1tw o( thP. ocean under $20.000. 2 bfdnn.
home on larie lot and room for expanalon.
Call UI, ~ havfl the key.
W. E. FISHER & Associates
3024 Cout Hl&'hway, Corona del Mar. Har. 5032
· F.v~. HarhO'r 2-t2fl. W
.. --:-.:_ ~ .. ~ ,.!: = BALIOA, BAY VIEW
..._ u ~-tt. 8Y 40' corner Jot, 3 bdnn. 6 ckn. 2 bathe. Com-..,...tiwt 11117. J*tely redecoraud. ('Price $33,500
ly funUah~ Duplex_ Mii
Bay " Oc~. lk!wdlli..d
1rON Income nearly 20"\ !
A 8Tl:4L &t $11,800. ni.n
l'lf'll -$11.&00. 'hnna.
1%1 BALaOA Pl:NlNllUL.A. 3
Bf>drOQSM, 2 b&tb•. Oell1ht·
tul l!oroe tor yt'&f·round u, • •n•. 1 ta.rs• 8edrm " bath
&djOll\.I I.he botiw rltll CO\•
~rf'd paUo. Ideal to an oldf'r
""mbt'r or the tamlly 01
ll'f'n-6ie aon. Slf .600 and I
only s•.ooo l>own.
131 l 'O!'ITA J.fl:~"-Bf'autlCul 3·
o.drm. hom•. Onlv 2 vu •
old Lovely tf'rra~ b9N1
Hid, complf'telv ftml~ •llh
pink dndf'r blnrll w&U•
:-.:tc:o: ,.,..,.,; w to \\' r ar·
~l\nl{. Low prlr e<'I •l $10.·
11~. Tenn•.
\ fill•, compl•l•ly turmah!'d
In 1nunar11lale ron,lJllnn
th n•OUt, ~h~ulc-d &roH In·
1vm• IS.34. VW:RY AT-
THAC.'"TIVI>:, 8-l fttnt.al
lor&llon A BIJY at $18 000
SHOO no..·ri
l~t <'>tS YOU f>AY 11 000 I
J>OWN ! SM our •~ial,
liand·p•ckf'd lurt of Co-ta
Mf'M Home. that can bt'
boull:'hl ror SI VOCI Uown
Balanu like r.nt. Non. Ovf'r
Z , ... lln old, JI A 4 Bfodrm•
l.aq1 e Iola. t:\ <'t)' one a
.••· J11,'4·port Ul'd
.s-·port 8"M"h
lfar '"" U29 r Ua)· or N11ht I
- ---1
little Balboa Island I
A •J ••ell' .. 3 'tM>drm. home "llt.
1 "" •pl. 2 f1~placu Vttn
fln,.•l lonUon 100 rr. TO
HAY <'omplrt .. ly f uml•hf'd
•n•l l'Rlf'F:O Rl<~HT PhOn•
"""' for appolntmr11 l
Mariners Isle Rlty .
'II~ ~ta n n• Aw• lialbua hl•nd
Harl>ou 4781
HF:Al"TTFUl. 2 Af'R.£ F..8TATT.
2 •l"'Y 4 bdrm, 21~ bathe. ~rm
t>A-mrnl homf.. PLU8 J m1 1 i::11•1t huu.tt' 6 3 .car 1ar•f•· 1
One M'"' In ~rma11ent pa1tue.
!'fur roothllt. IH ~ I
211 N. McC'L.A Y, San Fernando
Empire J..J()()l Empire l·S'Tll
Lol 87 1' JOl BM'k 8-Y ArM.
Cornf'r B1rcll It Otth•,.A". U~
Har. 601·R 6'7~
Charmlnl' I ...,. 8'mlle. la.lye
wtndow•, ~· bMlll oeW.QCW. rt1"9Plac:e. d I a I n 1 nn, dbl
• ..,..... 18lr....-dl. t,a.rs. ltri('k
po1llo •~ Jr. II fl lot on Via
J11car: A dMtrabl• :ro-r rOllnd
home. U4.!\00 l~. l:JIC'h .. I••
John E. Sadleir, Rltr .
han W. Srtla.ntt. ~le
W4 S. 9-.tt H.,,,~
Coroea dtl Mn Bar. HD
--------'1..v,S nso Mariners Isle Rlty. RENTALS --~H•rw.,.~r !18.·'!M 111 KartM ..... ean.-tl1Uld ... _. ______ _.;. _ _....,.t.1.1-U:.-ml~l---B&dlra._JLjj---~UDO ISL.E-3 bdrm. 2 bath tum. Anil. ~pt. 20th
Upper B•ck ley
lldOO "· .... 8&7 .... ll
---------'2UOO BY OWNER yry. me t1>er. '
... DOWN. !f'SWl,.Y ,..,_. BALBOA Pl!.~SULA -'i bdrm. l bath. •inrl~
...,.,.., ._. t ...,a_ .,.,., pragt-. St 10 mo. yrly. .Avail ~rt. l~th
prap. S.nlweod tliDora IAM· \ • _...., r..,.. "_. 1ot. aea111. HARBOR 497 I
NMr echeof 6 milt• Nol trM"I =: J::o;.~~. :'~;' VOGEL CO. 1100· OFFICE
~, J.416 \'11t Lido
1.aat OM &Valla~ ln' 8•) ,.-a
By -·-r l.1 1·16Jt Motte I
flur1~, •"om;J,.t,.ly rumJ•bH,
J•i.sl rt'm~IM l3(l()(t dtN'll
Hai, H7t Mdl
I to 5
Sl>l> Dien• l•"• In Ntwport's HARBOR Hl&HLANDS,
ThrM l&rse ~JIUI. i~~ bath.a. 1arp 1"iDc
room with fireplace, hardwood tloan, tOl'Oed
air heat. wired for 220 V. a.ad an 09eJ'llbe 2
car ,...... It'• be&ut.lfully la.ncbcaped with
fence and patio and it'• only 18 monU.. HY'
eo come m in and Me tt or eall u WON
It.a too late!
CUt.-Tidy--Compact. EscelleDt loeation. Two
bedroom•. 1 tile bat.b. nice patio, p.rden, an4
yard. Call to 1ee now. • Priee only $13,7:50.
Lafayette at 32nd Harbor 4718
4 bedrm. i 1 ~ plua batla, corner lot. So. Bay
~ ~ intel'f'•t in pier. Home in good condition
2 unit.a on rood l lrttt. 2 bednn. bouae plua
l br. apt. Attractive clet.n pro~rty -
Small ho~. cornt-r lot. Good location $19.9:50
IRVINE TF~CE new 3 bedrm. 2 bath home.
f f'nctd, l&nd.ecaped $31,500
:\ bedrm. 2 bl.th home. Swimming pool ~.000
For ~xchan~ -3 bednn., bath Ir 3 4 home on
good •tr~t m Sant& Ana for comparabi, !tt
propt'rty ln lhw area.
fo~vf'ninp call Edith Maroon, HY&tt •~222 or
Lou J!oynlon Harbor 2878
22~ Marine Ave .. .B&lboa Ial.a.nd Harbor 177~
t urulJI on 2 full abed IOU.
Completely fumiabed..
Bt-autitul p&lio wtth BBQ and everyt.hlna
nf'<'e..ary for outdoor livinr a t it.a 1-t.
Rf'uonable down paym~nt
Outat.&ndtnc return and a 80UDd investment.
Appol..otment only, pleue.
. -.
WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates
Ltt Bolin • Charlotte 1'u:iola
Ma~ Had~ld e Nooa Hyer
,Par.k Ave. at Mannt, Balboa l.aland Har. 2.ff2
we·,~ Ju.al hated thill rare nrly American
ranch ho~. It it loaded with cha.rm and
unuaual futuree such u pecky cypiw panellns.
hure f~. dramatic mantel. r-.1 fudly
aized bed.room.a. 2 Wed bat.Ila and ~ well
deaiped kitchen wtlh a roomy nook overtoo•dna
the lowly fenced backyard. Then it a •17
ahake root and driftwood flnlth Oft1' Wood oa
the exterior. Youra fer $23J500 llO hmT)'.
Sbcnr.-n by appolnt.meJJt ou.Jy. No pbOne Wo
Oil th&.
ED. ; JNES, Realtor
u a..0301
A 2 wt be9t buy oa t tM LITTL1C llLAND .
2 bedrm.. apt. turuahtd. •·1th S bed:rm. i.e..-.
dbff>. p,.,-.. B!r value for $35,000 .
DORIS BRAY, Realtor ·
t ...
. .. .. . ·
. -
218 MariM Aw.., BaJboa lf&nd Har. 20 or M • • • . ,_