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1956-10-15 - Newport Harbor News Press
A.Aether anp would be to 1how in a cold blood· ed ..., )Id wtaat tll• cbanc. are ol ,ettmc away wWl criJM. Thaw are plenty of juvenif~ peddlin& dope. Tbe eou.rt8 u. full of IAlch cuee. Suppa..theee bo)'I bad been lbcnm l'BI n,ur-on crime and had belle told tM probab~ of their spendjn1 D10llt ol .~ llve9 ln jiUl lJ. they followed a cnmin&J career. Tbey COQld 'bt lbows jl1JI and state pmon.1 and have to ample the food. U they realized the lnrnt&ble, tM)' ooaal4 well hope to avoid It trutnd ot eulng tato It pKually thronrb .. oci&lion a.nd f&cin1 the horrOf wh~ it la too late. No boy wtlb a modicum ot Jl"'&Y matter t.a 1~ In& lq walk delfberataly into jail. but plenty ot th~ ba~ appeared to do llO, became no t.e&.cher, or ina· ~ ...-i. _. -..own them the result.I of the cOUtm th*>' follow u rNUlt ot a.moclalion. Too rn&llY boya and l1r1a Jack the ability to think malt.en throucb to a conclumon. and 80l'n• 1 of Utoee who can ' : an ~of "'1&t ft ta.Jtea to act on the concluaiONI. : , ~ boy1 aDd prl8 need help and need it early. • : By the time t.My an ...ae:iatlnc with people who thtnr lt .urt to do Wl"Otll· it Ja too late. Tbtlr only .• cbucl U.• la to have tile tint Jolt art them back ! q. tba ftlbt tracll. but even 10 they will n~ advice, wllJcb at p"9e!lt there I.a UUla hope o! iettinc. Stress Bible, This And Every Week Of Your Life Th• ""'k ot Oct. l~ throqh ll ia an impor· t.a.nt one. It will be lhe 16th annual National Bible W.U under the 1pon11<>rabtp ot the Laymen'• ?'-;&tmn· al Commlttee, an all-faith• rroup 11te UHlme of the 19M ob9ft'vanc-e Iii · 'IHF: ll1IP Z -'ID'C.QS AN'D &TERN' AL.'' Truth, :-Hopa. · htUa. · Wl8dca and Charity ue the five · til.se '1rtua. Tbtme, too, are tlmelf'U and f'tf'mal- qid U.-are foa.Dd 1n our Blblff. So let :"at1onal 1111111 WMll be yOttU· ••ll, U,. weell l.o •treH the tm.portAmc:ll·of tllia rr-t book, tbf' lr•uure hou.e ol tpirttU&I lltrtllrth and talth. Case Of Handouts Keeping Hands In Our Pocketbooks .. .. . .. . . llAllBOD P.Ress ·. /hint it through 87 EDWA.BD F. BUl"rt>N Candktate Stevt.D80n hu aald he would end the draft "cooall~nt with National ·Kiely.'' Thoee Jut few word.I ll71y 1u1&est that bt would find that Nation&J aafe-ty would permit lhla loq betor. th• President would dillcoftr It. Thal'• double talk, Mr. Steven1aa. Why not l&1 what JOU mean ~ -la ~ wol"Cla -DIUI wtlat 70" •J• Ullltad crtUGiu si\Aer on.. Haft JOU U. COW'11C9 te • IMD\lea lt. IU. l.....,D; CW Jmt ODllftM .... Bul'•z.~,._, Wllim llae ............... ~ be ~ O(lil'tl'ols -Ma. .. ud mWl bwilDeblM, • Ulq rould t>r.t.he ,._ly a.p.l.D u.ndlr CcmatlluUon&l 1'iw ot 8upply an.I Dem&lld. JUlaULT: lh ..-~ FOfJ*rlly ~ W'OT14 U.. •¥er Mown. -more Jot!• aL Mtter pay, pN9 mon production.. )Jn<Wr Uw O.U.ra, buelne• had bftn hOJUed tor 20 ynra. TM American j11ry .,.. ua 4..0llrt. T1wy wtll render, on Novrmbn &, lM verdl<'t., wtljtb wtll bt' for lh• rutun ~ ot AmPMCL Sacramento Sideligtit NO COMMENT BJ ......... .,111'11~ l .. (all rlfhta rM:ned) ...... La Hlbra Rolls to Easy Victory ' onr Panlhen Coach Al Irwin's Contingent Alms for ~ Conference Mn WITH NEW BOAT-HOUSE Uam Spurpon m, Jett, canmodon ol <>ran,e County hplonr procn.m, and Jolm Echt.ernacb, •lripptr of tlM local cnw. coater budde the nf'W boat houe. -Staff Pboto. Rt:~dt/ M/x1 d CtJ(d'f( It ht ..... ., ... o-.. ...... ... • • .,.. ....... l:'fW7 ....... Elhft .. ....,, ... N .... fllO-~ 0 ti;,. rw C11n ... -a.a ca. JAMES D. RAY General Contractor I Builder •c:-.. .... OC*>JJA .... llA& PBOllfa ,.. •Ma ,.,.. '54 NASH . LAGUNA fllDllW. SAW. I LOAN ASSOaATION rwo OPPICll TeS.WY• LAHNAIMCH AND QUICK 2• HOUa•¥a LOW LOW "MDUCI•• INTBllT ~TIS flllNDLY IYMP.ATHlnC l8¥ICI . SAN CLaani ....... c..._ .... fHONI t« ......... • HY-.. IJ.olft6 Splicing the .Mainb'race A \, "· ... BALTZ MORTUARIES CHAPEL BT Td au la.JO &. Cout 111't'd. Ccmlma ~l Ku, Oallf. Phone Harbor 0 WILL ' INSTALL· Newport Heigh.ts PTA Election. Tomorrow KEG of LAGUNA BEACH '-· :t:::.k -~::~_, __ •I~· CtDMd We4MMMys •• lteolt. is .... Conv•nlence of Voters Jn Thi• Area. RALPH P. MASKEY and rour In !Ate .prtnr aDd •rly aumm.r. TM)' &i.o -.&.M &M '1'41 of tM ftnt wtll • ...._ torte Rancho Loe 8or.ntoa. eotn· 'lllte wt~.'" ........ "4Clled WM.la ............ ui.1 \191 Wcklia,.• ,., Mat. II chaq9 9' JlUAlllS tM a.c- U'rilM8 eun.,.. u.. eain~ i. (). a. "V&.n" V&ndlln•rt. wbO •latf'd "W• ho.,_ t°' mum tftlm Loe 80,_tol wtth M lllUt 4 ad· na.td w -..M e'9.ae, by ..... , llU ............... ~ wtta ~\.I, ... °" .. ftJ'lt ai4, ..-u.,. hUdJll IM\bOdA w mlt.lly olben.'' Tnt.nqorUu.ta •mntt.eeaaa .,.Id ~ ~ '"'l'TU6- ,..UU.. llliU .... ~Ute ,. ~ya .,... .... w.u .. lht •• MlfQlblU.e•111-. •O.CS, W pulu.'" Bridge Tomorrow tor Lido Women lllll•Y'l I -.~=:i. NIWPOIT llAOH .~ ..... * ... o..e llWJ .... u .... Scllftt .......... c. . .. , ... ,.,~ uo 5!0No. ........ ba n. ............ ...... .. ...... bem Ol'SW l"IZD4 T ~ ---Ll!lll ~OIS Bl-Y' Club pt ~&OJ!lf· l]ol~eld> a llllnl ~ ~=of Leon Hart,'.!WflRlillen9111'\lr. on4 Mn. 1. C: Hatt b (lft« 4anda.( ai.td watcbJD& TV. Of future ~ a.re a legillative A wll'-wu ,,..-tad ~ Chuck McCurry, junl~r · ~. 't·DaY Ip lfl>ll1woocl, UCU.-lllan!onl ....., .,ail . t1Je . , '!"'· -at '"'""""" Abo .. an (top) llalJy 8dluooior, CUql tlmtt, lied· mop, DuM'oucltel <8111dor &dvl9or) and DoDD• Wllleford. Front <I to t) I.Aon Bart. Jollll W.U.., Do .. Cooper, Bill Milli, Martin i'root (Loi Muqulo pral· 4ent) llD4 Chuck K.cun,.. · W cilfoh : Soy • : N'~ f'orget New &r.1; $he<,~ · win Bolhoa lsldnd . WALTAH CLAllFS II&" ADA!f 8llOP -IU&ll'fS .A. VIL ''Kftf+'~ li.nlnt'ln °'" ...... OWi .... lat It ... (II ,,.,, '''" llci,. •• •111 •• _._s..._r,. r,.. . ..,., TIRED ... NERvous: .. . ' ' . !1'•"1 I H,.. ..... ~ ~--.... -""' .. _ ,.. !!"-----., I I'll! .... ...,.., ... wNTaM NM Va&...,.._..,._ UN uap:a lllOPfJ UDO aaAYJNO llVG .. ......, ...... , __ HllV..UM-a.....llM ~llft rARLOllS JiDd Mtol< Ot' BUlm' Nll Jfpl. .... -.... ,. -<lAllS 1'11 vi.. I.* -Banior «M CAllEllA8 II 8upplloo VINCENT UDO D&t!Gll ... l\'lal.We -~MN CAJIPETS II DRAPl:BID5 CilEIUNG DBUO 8'1'1111111 YDl'Clmlr9 UDO au. llllYlaUlt-....... _ Eleetrte o..tn 'tin uno..- MM Via I* ---tM rLOWU8 al:cw•~ UDO •Aam ""'-"'""' ...._ ........ --~t'omrr.&DI. mgu. wrwftaJDo..,_ llAYlaUM>--.--....... ~ --·DK ftUDI09, tlllVlaL*---... • c ....... .. c •••• .,. ...... Celltllr • w. o. aces. oto. .... """ue.-...... "" :i. :...~..:..:=~ .. Diem ....... ..... ~ ..... -........... BOl<IU __ -.,.,.._ lllvta..............,.., -&ICILdD'8 LIDO MAMft' .... v.a ...... -Buti.r ... u:.u. Dr.&ft , ' A,. p 4 I --DfC. IUI V• UM -..,__ 1111 vooa. OOllPAJfY MHY'-U.-.... Ml ............._ .. _ lalfta ...... _ ........ ...,, ' . . ---•-I . .,..... ... -......... ' ........... _....,_; 'l'Oft ..... _ . .....: ..... _ _.__ W.t.'ICll llEPAlll ad . wm ~•w.urommAJa UDO-IMlftaUll • WIMdOW WfUIK8 TIU--lfe.t'9 .... W'11 -·- I I I ,.1 cistt'I dumb• it, httlwn'1 - THI tfST Of RtOfS-fOlt fOlKS OR PRflGHT \ ' . Protect Your Rigid . o IM1iJ D~ you siCJn blank chec~s? of 1H ••• ... -. ............ ,.., • I ' ... , ..... ,. ......... _ .. m to far ptacm ••• .._ to •· meta ·~ .. I.Mt.,..,, ia tM .... 8-i- ........... tandairddrtned lt'Jtaa..0. _...,. ,...... ........ .,.. wltJl ........... to ............... ,. tint ........... eiJ .. ·-·· .. .. ta"-•;r...L .. tMlil'OIPr#w. ' . . • PIMr ...... -....... _ ..... , .... , --"' ~-. ~ trilW .~ ....... -·;,.. • .,. ~ .... o.qn .. ~an• llh. MC ..... ••: all ... fne flMrtmc. N .. Mr -ca•."ls'• ...... ........ ....... ___.ua Wi'PD D&\&" -...._ Y ... _,... ._ .._ ....... ~ 8it .._. CllMll • ...._ tw cnw-.. IJ .... tA ..._, hi fMf Ill ... •ltf'T Jnllk.Pt r..-. ....... e.p1 ..... ' • .. d.l•w.tJP ._ Diii dfto- -ti .... ,. ...... ........ -·~--... ....., ..., mfter ...... Mt • ~ ................. • IAP'ETY JfEA.8UllE -K•r rr Han wl• .. ..... wWdl ti ~ _. • .-....t _, l&fcty mc•••rtt ••u.JiM -IM kbiMI. Lffr •~en. n... ftCltlllil ~ lie ,..._ - all CK!tftl -tlte ll&ftl rimme.I *Ul •itc. • .. De11111 In Costa Mesa Rally Hes Pelh11Jlf 111J1 Govea•• SOLLICTOlll ITIMS ' Valuable Coins Stolen ;; • • 0 .. ··-·· HARBOR BUJEPIUNT ~l» Newl>Of\ 111va. -•1181 MOTTeLL'$ ANP PltK PAINTING PAPERHAN~ING s.r..rre~~~ t!~!!!r Hu. net w N1T U • nl' .. .(IG°' ' r IUJf = .'* i. VD.HOM ... iu~~ 4SllA.l'"a ...... Ullallilll Lo tlirtft .,.,. wtll llillaft U • ,....... ffar l~J. T6cTT Call Youl~~ilOr ~ ......... _,. ... ,.,.._ -ll"leitt ..... • ll'f•Lt ..... llCto Superfluous Hair ... ,.,,_., ...... .... ~ ..... __... .... ..... ... , I I llo -. tw Ina. .,..&.. m•wra. a u.w. ..... et._, Jiu. •Tl di !! !!'!~en"' . .., le•"' Modem Piano .................. ~ ,,.,, by...,. f~ to ....... ~ wU1 ta&cA you .. •Id -.. ii.SUI .. 1'00 Wt.IL ....... RUTB PU.A.UCN u a.eo7' T~ GI\'I: TOUR CHILD Tim OJ.FT or KU&Ic EXPl:IUENCEO p&a.no l•ch•r wUI ...... fttJ lleJ\41d ...... ._r ot~la ~ .. Oct lb o.u.,.... tor C.-aA4 11.dWt.a T-tw.11• Har. 60t4·M ev~ al~ 7k7t UAX-IT" .......... w Decu1~ ... ,,,_ere ..-..c. A1.L WUIUl OU .AJUNl'Sl:D 11&"-MM• ... Mttc Ror's Maintenance Complete Profe11ional Houaec.&.aaing noar ..-. ..s bm.tinc WID&Jw Oeentna o~, Qeentria PaUo9 Celor waucl IAltNw a.iJta llEASOHAILE Phone Ub.rty 8-1332 tit 61Rts 10 ; J TAD l:JI AJ)VAN'J'AGE ol .. ~..-us .... ·~promo~ e N.I ,.7 u TOU laarn ·~t~ • ~t ac:tuall7 .. ~ -~for - TELEPHONE OPERATORS -A,,., -·11:ao to• ao ll2 W•t Tblnl Bula A.Ila PAcmc TELEPHONE TV Tl:CHNICI.Vf. Or. Co •· bt«· ... ~ mtda Uot.btt A·l TV mnie• man. lkn<"b worll and ham• calla. Muat IM n:peri· ._.,. aU -.Jor bl'alllda. Good par a.ct wwJuns ooodlU-. ... lir. Aal\by al Je-·e. lOU I . Ma.In. 8&.Dta Ana. MJCN: q1a..,., 009l Mel .• r .. U1 YOUR WATER H.l:ATZft I out ot lta f\l&l'&DC.. putod ! i.. Ul•r9 U7 d!U&• of ll Qood. lftl' your bOaM 1 ITH TIM.9 TO ~ An expll"t a.bout UM c:oocMUon ot )'O\lr ,...lft' beater. CALL your alllbol1UCI O'A T A NIOHT .Tctt•I--Water HMtu Da&Jer. Joe Beclitold-H&r. 6330 J"or Fret ·w-pec0on NATURAL MJNK CA.Pl: 1100 I.Ara• 8Uver Ftn Stole '6(). ~t condlUon., Ha.t. 4H3 7~77 Norge Automatic $2.91 Pu w ... 1t Add A Dryer ODl7 -41 c Per WMk Mon -..rc11 tech, machinist, llbJp-SO;B-Ap~w pCna elsk A ot.b-. WOKEN ___ .......,..._ _____ _ The bl& I lb. loa.d, lop rated Norre! wunea. rluce, aad damp dry• automaUcally. Rec· ularly ll:Sl.90. Tbe super-tut Norr cu dr)·er f't&'\llarl.Y Plt.OG. Bu7 the pair and ••e MIS.00 No u.ct.-ln requil't'd! Pa7 Ohl)' al• t&.lt dowu' Free dell\l.ry &Ad tNLa.llaU011! 1' rN Ml'T\C. -ona year SC-typYt, FC bk~" l.l· '57 2-DR. SERVEL ler, ~91\'I otnc..ty~ NCR l. '-L oper" typlat. dom..Uc and Automatic Ice Ma"er oUMn. JUNC P'ARR.AJt. J:mp $3-74 .95 A.,-c)·., 402'-' 32nd 8l" NpL 8-cA, liCl'09I rr.m City H.aJJ. on bolb appUa..oc ... Hc78 WOMA."4 tor ~ I mom· LDC a •ftk Own lraruiport.11· U0&1. Balboa b land. Har, 21:)."I, 7t>l/C' M.A.L.11: A.:S lJ •"E.M A l..I: h•I p. A i>· pUcaUON beln1 lait.I for coou. ltlt<"hM help, wait~• and bart9'0(1•rw at W00<h' n:s, IT& TRUJ:! u·1 lh• bt& JESSE E'S ·~1. 2 door ..-A MUI a utu-l Ol3 8, M.aln Kl J·l341 ft1aUc: tc.cna.k•, autornaUc Santa An& ~ 811.eJYM OI\ door, tlc. -----------Only J.E881:1C'a bli" volume w A8HER. DRYER bu)'ln&' mu. .. OU. pn<"• rio. SAVI: SlU ldbl.a. 8uy ~ b"4d n-, bl«, I A11tator Model Bendl.I -·ubn C-0lora.t1'lio beauty tor only I and 6U 41)-.r. C.omplrlely U .711 -ltly -No do1'I n pey· aulnm&Uc:. rtoor 11&mp1H. U.t ment. pr1re 1•78 to Buy horn JES- Hold«a new l>lnl\ft1wlm 233:l 1 1011 8 J ESSEE' S ' SIC!: for Jual IM290, No down. MA1n Kl 3 l!:SO J1i.t '3 08 ~r WNk. l'f'H ~L. l111tall and Y"r •rvtC•. W l)>ul Ulway, :-;,.....port ; Sant..& Ana Bea<'b on -ru-Jay an•l Wed· 1 With Trad• JESSEG'S 1013 s J.ta1n Kl 3 ·3348 Rant& Ana -'•J, <.k't ttt• an.J i;th ,----------- 1 t.o • p m. l..J &-l&O 7k WA'TT.R HE.ATER -:--nncr: WOMAN tor-;..l~nln,c part llm• I 40 «•l • l'l&M·lln.td, l•J Vf'ar 1 Sl-Wantrod to Ba a.i.n babv •llUn11: l"h< 11 11 a na iruarant.,.. I >nf' onl) fluor _ 1, port&llun. HAr 633."I. i&. 18 •mt>I• •l H~ 'T•rm~. JAKE s j'()f' pncea f'&ld for 1t3i Hubor, Co-.a Mraa. -· SAVE UP TO 10·1. IJ-&lry. •i-dr111 ........ <JU ,111. $100 OFF! THIS WEEK ONLY ALI, SRAXO Nll:W 19nl P'LOOft :Mut1r;1.'i JUNK !run, et•pf)('r, bra•. t.lumlnum ~•·· .\r-.v q11anl 11 v lmmfl<ilatr pick up l'all I.I II· 1701 1•.10 R.P, J~ ... HorM o~ mac.or He.,.. UMd- UOO. 20Tll Nmrodl: Outyon Road, Lq1ma 8-c:ll. BT A.Tr 4.-HOO. Tk71 t:Nd Sptn.t Plaao perfect eondl- Uon. SU5. SU pw month. ALL model ILUOIOND 01'1.· GA.NS aftlla.ble IMl'el t"7 tM Hammand Bp!:net ID )"OUI' boe11a with I trM '--C1M7 '2._ -rr.d• 1our old p&uo.. ~ • 111 it n..tll Plorindal 8ptMt llll• -. ... QIO. Tama Wl• f'lllL Ultc:D Dect.r1.o <>r..,._.--.. low .. 1487. Almoet ·-BaJdwt.n 9p&net 0rpn.. '926. aUpU)' ~ Mlnlih&ll.. -·· 1100. Mod41m e\yle l!lpl.IM'l pU.no Bia qua Mah. J\ent&J 1"ttunl Mn I Ul. I COLLIE PUftPIES U a.4.IU er LI I-Slot a.ft.er l :lt ,.-. TkTT SELL YOUR CAR '54 vw Hal'\l~ • a..t °"""'11 • lt&dlo Oood OandtUoll $1395 '56 Mercedes-Benz lie aL $3995 '54 Ford Chevrolet .,drup $495 Ka.rd to nnd uaecs HA.l0t0ND I CO TI ON GOFF CHORD OROAN. ,... b&r&aill.. THE VOLKSWAGEN DLR. A leo u.4!'d 8pln.t R...-...d p.rtecl ic.u1 .. t paymeuu.. S•I• Grand ~ "'ondertul hllraaJna. M9Zt1 tam<N• maltu. J'rlf'M from MIT up Benci In· ..... ~t"l. NSWJIOrt Bl•d. at l:tnd 8t. N l'WJ>Ort 8-.cll. Harbor uao HcT• 110 E. kd lk. JCl ....... LOAM CAM -l"ftD TOWINO llT A 'I'll 801llJa> RIOH H.A.BN'S .... JttJa BL Barbor 4TJO -N..-port 8-ch Now -~ HA.all mechantc wttJa JO ,_,,.. ~ Jmt oompMt.ed ~ _.... bl la t.e mod.a ' barrel carlluretol'a. Alao spedalWnc ta t~ al all~ 'HUo ON DISPLAY 1957'• BA..L80.._ 181..UtD. I i.dnra. F.A..lllat..S--. .... p r· ace, -e' I 1 ,.... "W ...... n-f'Ta mo .. wtrst.r. Bar. JlJl.M. nue LO<>lt 1'0fl CU'llaM.U Maa.udki. Joba u4 lamldromat• l:N Ollll .. ...,.,,. ,.._IC root,. •• a PENJ:NB(]L.A • JUCll AJl.EA Uutaa '¢ ............. 1 a.L--•I &a.-'1.10 ... Bar. 1JM _ ....... uo- u PAN-AMERICA.NS RENT AL P=-= SPECIALISTS C.Au. &mu. C&UO KEN~ ... apectal. DORIS BRAY, Reeltor ~ IO' 1 M Pan Am Ult!l "490 llt MaltDa. Balllea Dll&nd M tS' 1'1irr7 ttt& ltN Ila. IO • M 116 11· n-an1 •ltt ref ate -O-N--B-4-1.8()--A--IBL.t.ND---- &3 40' Plan Am t br 19111\ IOM "' ,.. llhu• '""' ilflO uca oa w ~ ~ ~l M' KJt <'uat(>rr\ 1"5 UM ... can1 ..-.a NELDA GIB80N,1Waltor IOI Mar1De A." Ba'bllr I02 • PORT ORANGE • TRAU...Dt SALES and SUPPLIES BA IM')4 mL4JfD M.Ddala. •a..•••r•, rt£Ca. •to \\"lWL.£5.4.l..I: W ARF.HOUtH~ Mt • Snl. i,,. blk. eoUUI ot lA · l'UM »ea.ca Clt7 Hail. AUTOMATIC WASHERS ltk#lllh rn.rli<'• pl•n<19 tmm It.' Of' •111 rent lO buV. $~.00 up per m" I WINT1CR KEJtT .A.L SEAUTIFUL 1 bedna. apt. n .. r No. Ba7. teO -ia pf• at.tit· u... CaJJ Bar 1 Tn.. Tk7i HA..R.itOLD lllPORTER Op.a to puW.le Mon. Ulru 8at. l to • p.m, etc XM.Aa TOT 8AUI ~ ... prt« oolleirtor. 8-t )(()6. ei. P .H Ubwty'1 wit.I\ motor, now 11.18 WOOi'I IJpMd boal 6 wtlloard-woru '3 •~. c; rrr B.AZA..AR 30t Walt1 ~t. l\alh<HO \\ HIRl..J'OOt. NORr.& '1£NERAL JCl.ECTn.JC" f\:11:1.\'JNA'T'O~ REFRIGERATORS KELVIN A TOR NOftf';P: or:z.;P.:P.Ar. RL~'TRW DRYERS Nnm:r. K P!:l. \'I;-.:.\ Tt.Ht liTO\."E. danlnc room •t. l&mp.9, bunk beda, mnall ~ mlv. A II lll food ()t)ftdlU"n and ""'ry r..._.1natM •t)5 C abnl.W, <•oat.a M~ 70tlc: ~W l\'F.I. TV. T•hlf', $11. mahnJ tl••llbcloartl. U ""•k, 110 rlluta I I\ ,., mat101r ,...,Ml•· hO&J <l, s:ll'>. 1..J ~ tU II ~--'-~..T:';' _____ _ SCHMIDT. Ptm..LIP!' BIG Pl-•t 1...CNCX>Ue Zl:PHTR. Late 1"'&A.R DROP t.railn tor a1-. OC&AJll ntONT l 8dra. "'"'· ANO &Ad ORO.L'f rr<>JU:. U0 V-12 •oC1tw. Good lran.an..L. ai...p. t . ~I.. Call .. t. Wint.er M ,._,ty. Wlatat N MAtn. 8&111.& Ana. Ilion a.ad ,,_,. end. Oood UrH. U 1-feOi, 7:1t77 Me mo. a.cL at 111 t ~ • <1pen J'rlday nJt• J>&lly to II 30 Mab otftt. Har. 4071. ~n SAJ..ll OR L.EA..81: w1th option Har. UUJ. TkTll TV Antennas $7.95 IN llT AU.l:l1 • ,, ~nna• P.IO and ur ACME T. V. 421\ 3 lllt St. Ha 6304 to lluy. IS tL 1~ F\a.lalrl«O. .,...._,...._ ..........._ BT PltIVA,.. PAATT 1M2 Cad.. W>.&_._.., .+..PT. l ....... U a--.il al'tlT • pm. or c .. n... power ltMr. E&ull.-il ---·4a. TlpTI 1'MT aroun( .-..tai Ult mx. I rond ll3'e 00 Harbor JS01ftll S-Bay. Jl&r. U71 Tk:71 I or 6801. 8ea Shore I>T. 711•77 9'UHER RENTAL S bdr1rt. '7-Wuted te Bc:mt 8Ac:'R..ITICI: -On\na In -.rY· t\an.. 408 B&rdlftC, Jleaoa.. In· ''"'· ·:"'.._'°om ~·it ~1~ ,!;; FREE ! ! 41ut,... 4tT z . Bay It. Tic!~ ~tt:; 2000-~ 7.'\('T°7 ltor any ftl'&n<'J ln <>Bn1• Co I 2 BO~M1:i;.:,"'~ ==· Rug ~ ~~.~?clstery <JIQJ() CAll.E in .. , hom.f. '-'~\;M, JAKE'S I QUICKLY AND EASILY I ;:_, ,.1 ll•L Wbaw .... i ~tl CH.ICVf\Ot..rr "' T. ~Jau!. SIMPLY CALI. BELl:CT llLTT. MO utll J'd, -A.I...., ..... ~·IOll "'~ _ .. I p1.,.,. BaJt.. Har. lftl-~ ANTIQUES BOUGHT 6 SOJ.ll I-Knowlton Electroolca TV REPAIR u 8-6810. 74c7f! SEAMST~ESS IJPCJ"" • .LcNc.t a..ocs ~· .... &.IL~·p..all.. 1 • .... "'" Ull&a Mw ~WtM t n our plaat or ) oor h"r~ • SHALITA 'S Ptrala.n Rue Cle&n1nz. LI 8-7818 ffubor '328 lf1IW 1 tM Boek °" ~~ 1WTll Dorrn«JU reU..irle • Mirro- -----------m a t I<' prfa•ure eonlr•r Complete lawn Care Har 20CW> i~;1 Ah _i#otnr .EQ~t Al....80 TIU.BU J:l.AULl."~c: ~J:8l'Dl..t.TU HOWS A &.&JtNU U~Ll~l CBJLD CAIUS Ill lllJ' boln• Sourl1 °' daily. tnAnl or tr~ ~·Uqn "\'atd JU £. •ttlna Bh't.. IS&lllOoa Tk'71 ---------- ~!e!r ~-:w ' • DISPLAY ADVERTISING ......................... pcllll· rat w1t.la ........ " orsui&a- tila. -Satar ' _. '7· \\,.,. ~ ... -D-6.l cal'I .. tNa N~. ----OLD Tu.UC ,1ann "tU! ma.ndnlln allarhm•nt UiG a11Uq11• rnrk '" rrom ..... ~ flm• klkhPn cabl!Wtll UO. 111111-1 6"1 fHh• lon..t baby brd Pl60, ,..,. old k7T• ...,.l 110, •ntJq1w ........ 110, olc1 dfvp lat t.ablu II II !'ill 8""9. Iron A .,..oocJ tModll rrom lll. ,.,... olt1 tint-okra• 1411 !\Cl old um, phooo~a rtui c ... 1U1 lite "''"') 14 i M t M nrt $lO ran old 1111.-f! "'°'" i r.o OM 11111rm1n1 ...,._,, U."I, LoadA or anUqt• furaltlu... nl4 rlthta. , ....... ft. ~ palntJQp. ll<>lle. .fUTI•. dotu ftc. \"IJ!lt our AAtp eton, we l»t:V • u- c h a n I•· Brtng It~ '"· CHAIU.II: DA VI~, l~ I:. ~Ina I&., 1..nna s...cn. 7~17 INVALID Walhr, proltlllll9al ..._ *7W A l4llttl\ 1T·l8. teAot- Tt!lttm. Har 1114. HU<" ltJ7 1ia1bor 81v'1 , Co•I• M•u 1 L&rt1 patL~m r•ilort-<1 and cut n1 ... n (•1111\' lit !I 30 I'll Ill ~ 1 1 ... F'11.1 rh•n• " rtsurln"• 1 \'1rtorl•n marh1• tnp pl111. • ft.IP'ITAU WF".sf'INCHOl'81t 4 1110 W&.111. M1pl• Ir ch .. rry f umltu,-. Old r J..8T &J:RVI<.."'&, ll&480NABl..a IJ'C mAdlino Almost !Ion'', 11'\0 sun•. Iron 1oy• p«iny beNPt 98"1ce c:a.Ua UtJ I p ._ Hu. l177'L T4r7e AN'TTHING lr.-\UBUA..L. ft U ~ FIUOIIJAlJUJ; e ru tl. Ilk• -... o.umt f'l0Dd&1»n. iooo Cl~ 8L or U a.1101. 7w71 will be ovr pl•uure lo p-... ----------- you at lh• • R.r:D BAJIUr', Kll.owttei. ~ laNl li•rbor Blvti., OQ JO TV ANTENNAS .S·U~ I , , blk N, ot w .. ~ lntf.::[) At•T'OMAnC~ mlNrtA!r Bl•d~ 00 I 4'cl1 (a...r -_ l'IJ <JUD) MAYTJJJ u~~I All-"Tll,ll'E w1.:-.·n~Oft \\a.Jnut blstal*i ~· to,.,.,.., elt Tf{OR .. ..., r I l .0 Ge P'FUGU•AlRE Pll c lrjt'•n I n ~· nt <"<>n• I ton • 1 • 7 ;) 8J.A<.;KST01"E • M 1'.:l""'I n,,..t ~~ '• l )f'I T• 7 rr..•r 7 • 1 · IJt1n f'•rll "P ABC; 78 __ w l -6J06. lftd tor }Ult $(1 ~ per m11. ~~ta, ~ l>ellvnwrt. ia.tJalll!'d &nd ~tAran.1 IOl3 !! ~~JEE'~, 3·S3U FOR SALE I fl-lltlfUI ft' z: Kt.oon.r, I I> l nclud• parU •lid lebor -a•rwh••a. "~' f<>r cbarte.r • .,,. bperteoe'8 NORGE GAS DRYER WW ~ Tni~ 1220 .,.- W. ea1t)c)e BlYd, New-pr,rt ACKE TV 6 RADIO Harb<Jr *' U '21J • Sl.t It. Bar. _. B~d new llJl)T model . •J>N'l•l · -----------I-----------0\.la WMk. only ll ~. U .60 rno J'r• lnat.all&tioo: JAKE'S H-W•~l. Rad'°-T \' M-Mmk9.L lllld)o, TV APPUANCl:S. 1137 HArbor, ()pm 'UI I p.m. P'rtday•. K El. vt ~A TOR ft.ICJ1l1G. 11 C'll. "· -2 DooT' REDUCED 1100 BIJ 2-door m~la wtUI auto I d..r, door .,,........ •l1din1 1twlW'1!, f't<". O..t Jl.!:88r£'8 fl"ft lract.-tn off•r bffo., you h11y! Jl:m'E'Eft JOU 8. MaJrt KI J ·A.,U laata Ana llla> ~.ulCU Lat. ..W JUYT.AO .......,., .... CROftLllT pa ranp wttll ~ Jd-""'*'· .... late IDOdll ICl:L TIN.A TOR t t'U'. ft. 1"9ft1pratoc' wtUI non · ll>P I ,,,....., -llt• model 7 C'U ft. COl.D.!POT ~tor like MW, sat bte moMI ln!NMOR.m aut.omatlf' .......... , .. .l!4 et.ben. JARrll AP· PUA.NCEA.. 11117 Har'bor, c.,.. r ta M-. Open •to I cm P'rf. I .,.. . -------~-_..-TltJf ~ n rtl<t•l,.. Al11<1 l H 'l\111 .. tt. '"P f-In rr· rf'ct Mnc1tttnn 8'>tb r.,.-112~ Jfar SIU Tt"icn JESSE E'S USED TV SPECTACULAR RECONDmONEO -GUARANTEED CHOOSE FROM 97 SETS Ht!N! are 97 ftne TV itela f~pt.embf-r Tnde-lnal all have bttn expertly recondltion.ftd hi our own ahopa. We suarantt-e our work oa t.bae 8eU fOT to d•yt -both part.I and labar! A YEW SAMPLE BAROAINS • 1,21,2" ~ta. a1J mUem -· .from $ 28 t'r" 8il""-One ···-----a Motorola Portable ---M 17" G. E. Couole -·--···· e8 17" R C A Comol' ·--···-· --·· . -· .. ··--· . 78 17" Philco, remote control ...... _ .. -,. -···-l 18 21" ~ey ··-· ---. -··------.. 78 21" Admiral • __ ·----· -·-----.... 88 21 '' M()torol& ·--····· .. ---· ·--, ·--• • 98 n·· Ttlf'kfng. Lfk• ""' • _ • -·-··· t •8 JESSEE'S 1013 S Maan ~ANTA ANA ~17 81\'<1 . Coronado ~:';, Kl 7 _3506 7k<~ IPltlClAL Whtie Hal'dtop Ollli· uril!He '4t )Cerni,.... ~kk bodv. 2-CS.CW, I ~.-. Cain. """P~ n~t. PllO Hu. 6I02-WIC TlkTT I OCJ:.A.Jlf 'IWMT Rentel1 Wanted wunD. l\UfTil. 1 ~ni '" .... •JU.. a11ld ....... ta •D I twallalbad ~ TV, ... 'b. ~ tor l>oU ...... aat ., aad drywr. Vrt attl'llllttY• .,_r. a-. rm., _. ..no..._ 11 l I •., PA. 0 L .l 0 Jf SI JI ,,_ .._ a 91 I ..,, JUL\.L1T, IDG1 -.n... ~d. 1... M1ICJ[ o.tuy RMln. Dy'u. A • S. poww !It--A ~-, __ , pOWW' .... Unl· ..... ...., 11.a.r Dll. T'kTI eel .... W •W tn.. .. c I t rnn4JUan Of'lsf,naJ OWHT. LI 1-tO'f O alter t p.m. H pie 'M Catlill•A: 62 &irw. run power. tl.000 mo-. l:xCf'l· '4ir\t medlUon. l40()0. °"11« Har. •H M Rn-, Mn. ..,. The V 09el Co. DOI W c.t. R'flr)' ~ K...,,...i 8cb Pboa9 Llbc'ty 1--MSl !Ot Martne. Bal'-la1ao4 Pbone 8.utior "' ..., c c.t. 117_ ~ d.al M&r Piao.a H.ut.or l TU Lado omoe. Mlt vaa Udo HAI'~ 4.111 ·14~· t10t M.-port BlTd.. eo.ta M- l.1~1 ._..7 UNnrRNJUD:D J lledroom A pel'Uncrl ~ Udo 1ak 0&1'· ar ln<"luded • A~7 Ut-J2M 8l. Npt 11th ~fl ?'fl:WLT dttont..S., Unt\ln 21 bdrm apt. H .. l.,. encloMd ,. , • kl, prap. Ital Ba._ P1ac9 Newport Halct\&a. U ..U Tlc7i TRUN L>t:IUIDU> r,'8 Oii ..._ Jmt ~-• I -----------U be4nn. Dupln-V. BllMI 0.1. Dl.llp. ,...UO-Oana• .._,. ~ plni A W.Achllta "'°1 · Nu Peta 11th A K•mrood • ~ trom Wom&M Cl.lib CMtA ._. Jt!'>t und« 2000 D'lL J"ordm&Ut R 6 H. T • G..... Al..L BA.-.:. TY WIW. WUUI W, C. 2·1'0N1'!. 1lACK , UP LTa. F'OWER ~O rrc. rR. W •t"l aft• t 00 p. m 6Gttct W All."TED 'TO flL"'T p.n.p \ci •toe-. one C"ar. RN. W7-J . 7~pTI I 811.:DROOM u11turn. lillome b7 p.,11,.. l'lll'tk'f>r aJ\'1 tamlly. 'f'-.r\Y •t21\ mo. maaitnwa C.11 Lr t-0111, an.rr • 'm. 7k11 Grant W. Musick '8--Ae a 8 _. 1.1 ._. Your Hudson O.el•r Oioa W'IDtft R.entala on 1 SALES and SERVlCE BaJbo. b1aod 6 Lido l&lie W N. Loa #..QaeMe D 1-Tftl tmeD A «Jq er larp,6 ... wu •uN!lm Uttc ,,_ te POO -UI wn ••c:zuncm SMOO .... t1 ep. ... or ._. etlw. 'M OMa .. ....._ ........ ho,... .............. low ........ rrt.a. ,."'. Sar. 11t'- IOtte u--'• 8en1cle AUTHOIUZD> m.JDIB41C1Ql BJ:llVICE ..,... ~ ..... o...r-t..I JOE NICK ERTZ VOGEL CO. -~ ....... 81.Jllua ll1aM ,_, Auter ... -8utlar 1011 a..a..-.a fuU" ITUDDAJUl:ft 0&4....,_ I BOl\M UNJ'\.TRN apt... ~ JIM If~ JD.-.. B&r. l lt 1""""4. utll ~ 600 lant.a Ana 1 ~ "'"-Pf~ HMPh ,.,...,. TtTJ'(.; Cl.LUf'NEL l'RONT. l&rsw turn 1 bdnD ap\. Wlt.ll beauUlul ...W. ot Ba1bee c:i... l WI t11 UdD Dopa. .... willW'. Ill\ T•riJ. Ill 1·2* l6ei 6 W. l'ITSJt OR TC.AltLT .Ult a..ulll!Me.. Lo-rely I ... :J 114ma turn. •pbl . .A* '9 ... tllem at lW7 •· JJaJ1llaa 111...t. or Bar. .,.,, 'T fC1p ------------ ROOMS and APTS. Wm:LY AND MONTllLY GAAA.08 fOt> Milt et 111 Nar- OIT SJC480N li'l'ICS clN\.11 Av.. Qll"OoM ck!I Mar. • ~ 1'aicl 8emc:e ' . • 86-llr. 'l'Wph<IM • ZU...U. o.& Service • tto.aa..toe • B•tldPool ........... t • Cocktall~ • ColorT....._ Jamaica Inn tfctob Del.IOlnTlTL OCEAN VIEW 1 W-. ...,:. ~,. tura. t.r rmt on yeuty I~ STI rM CowaU,-&ITtq, deM In. Ad~ M p.tL MS W . 111th at~ ~ 111-. Har, 80 or LI •·•U 'TUf\l BA. 'f Vta'W J 111Cra apt.. very Dloal7 '"'"" TV, NhlMr Ul4 l1n.. .. _,,.,..._ I-' UaL 1~ WJl lA ~I,~ lo U · c•lleat llioo&. UWiU• lncludotd. •12.). -U1I w. ..., .... 1l&r. UM. !'rue CAN AL "'°1'4"1' wtUl Ilea t doc: k I.Mp 1 bedm\. f\1m apt. W1Qa •Un doecJl .... &Ul.A. WUtlV, are -tao. utUIU• 11Jatll July ht Jl&r. IMT·W. 72ttc: l..Qa l"\Jl\N. wppw duplu. 11• p«c:h. pri. -~•. ~•n tr-t. ww. pd~ aawt.a. pet o It. wtntw aao. seioo ......,,,.. Dt. Wu. 61....,.._ 1tpi11 \ J:• 2·~tr~;ha. ll&r. 20821. 71c:71 • Ground Floor • OFi"JCES OR STORl:S J'or I.AUi ill - &rbor lnftlltment Co. Bld1. 30th Ir Newport Blvd. li&r. 1900 aTOR& a u IL D l N a 1'0l\ LEASE. 25xM ln buaU-~ Uon COil& M ... at 1m Ntw- port Blvd. DAV~. MU Via 0) or to. Har. MU. G!Htc IMA LI. moOetlll ~l•r . H ' II< 24', loc•le.l at llltb A Placi:onua tn Coeta Mee&. ST& lhO. lnd. uUllUN Call Cl\.u, a. J\•Un.ler, d&ya Ha 1416 -nu U &-ST96 l t -----------f'fUVATlt m0<1f'm orr1r,. -alr"""t •tnLilC. · ... i t o.n tunav peuo ~:'!.OO AlllO •tudu, • norUa heat. Currrnt tenant. In buUd.11\1' ~mme,...laJ arUah, ,notOl"R· ptlitr, IU"'"hlle<U lmportf'r, ll•&a· ulaclu,..n rt'pr-ntall•a. m&r· In• 1ur.·•) or an•I ailvf'rtlttnr dl.llplay oom pazw. O!VJ> KIC AR.TS BUll.DlNIJ, c<lnler 29th !'lrMt A !.al&yttl& A' ~nu .. N""'pnrt 8-l'h. Piiot\• llaroor 3130-M • 0:1•.irtr•)' lo Brnkrr-9 ifr7P --------------PIUV A.TIC OJ'J'ICQ With pt>one IUVWcr!.Ac eerT\Cll ft~et.&17 A 11otary avallabl" Orovnd n..,, N-T~l iUdf , 2200 New· J*1 B?Yd , Ntwpon a..l'l1 I Ad)a~nt to f'outh Coast Cn I 1 im~ from U O "ml•pri.,.l• ... k IJ'&O U!'t Har. IOH, Attn. lnveaton nrtt ~l deed8 on *"°" .,... propertlu avallabJe at I to I~ .. ~ .............. -* ..... count.a up to IO'i'. ~ ,..,.. Mck MIYM'Zstta ,.,... 10" neL ~·Mort.pr-Loan Dept... The Vopl 0., Malll Ortlce. 3201 W ~ lll"''Y·· Newport Be&eh. LI a.-. t!lllo MONEY Nli:Jl:DED i'OR 1.ST• IND 1"R UST Dl!ZOO Inv•~ -.JI .....,.114 ., ............ Up to 12% Yield ~r ll• Royal Mortgage Co. S3000 NT.ICD&D. lecond mort- ca.ie ~ll fl&1 10'.\ -no bonu.e W'r1t• Box ~-C>45, c 'o Ntwa-Pr.... Hell 30% DISCOUNT SECOND TRUST dwd. 128M. II I "< lA~ S.. lift. Ad&mt al Tif1I VOO"EL CO, 3201 W. t~QU\ H'wy, N-port 8'>&ch, LI ~\. f~t8 67-Re&J btate Wuted I Nao LO'l'9 fw low It me- dium pr1• &d )\QSlee \\.'tll pav O>tOICJI h.rA. 11'1.... --~ prto-..... ., .......... all• Geel. • 1"L .... -..00. ll>CAL kmmer liome on lle!boa hnlntulA-4 t>.dtm.I., a ....... fl'hpl&ce, nlc• enc.J.ONd p&Uo • pi., ya.nl. UJl,000 Nta. 8bowft by rppt. Louis W. Bri9q1, Rltr. 'TU II: B&l"l'loa BlvJ, B-1.bo& ~teo fkTYK New Duplex 2 Bi-.li:a. $34,&00 •'Tl lllORNJNO CANTON, Cor· ona ~hlanda. t:nuaual dlarm wim .,... llO tt. lot. Built-to ktt,. cupeta, dr&Jle9, etc. Exel. home A ll"l(Otnt MYRTLE DAVY, Rttr. It Aaloc. Heier\ Baum -Bob lmlUI H...a Omdon 3432 VI.a Oporto -H&r. 6Hll lrV!:s LI MJn-LI 1-1'0..ll&r 101T·J fk77 Acres WITH •a.nr-Ud ._.. Oil TUtua Ave., •ortll ot Of&l\&'t c;ood •pttulauca •l oat1 N60<1 J>"r acr• wllh ... ntlt terma. DAN A. JACOlta.EN, ft.al l:.lt.ate Har11ar 11181 Ll a.1161. Ill 2-lllf -l..l 1"317 Tk77 1 ••h. Btn·I ~ lorallon a nd ••H tn walt•r Cn.r•'. 21Gll w illtt1 St l.r• An1alu. 451tfc (/II BLDG. LOTS Hull<! tnconi. llr11l1, r~n••l41 .,.. "~'"''"' CAN A JAC'OUL':N, l't-.t C.tah Harbor Miii COMMl:JtCIAL ~ acn on N--l..l 1-tTGt . kl 1·11117 . J.J 1•1.'.117 port IU¥d lmpt"Ovtd \llt.b 1:&te Tk77 aad I t•Mdnn. ~Jll&LI. >n · come $!All a month 'HJW, huald LIDO ISLE motrl, cuurl or a.Orta f'Oft THS MOIT 1>18c;JUM(.\I ORANGE COAST ATINI; ltPIUrlraua l!ay r ·ru11t PRQPERTJ ES LMo ~ .. rct 4 IH<lrrt • t tl•t/IA p••r and ala.,._ 'l.:il0,Ul)U, llf7 !'1-porl 8 1vd, •:oota Mtu 1 1.J 8-11;32 e: ..... u a.u ()('J T'HRl':I: P\F:PR.~ ! l>l l•• t.1 h1 SPECIAL BY OWN~ft. • new 2 bHrro uRlh, UO 000 1'..a do••m. ~ l~'iOO )Htly Income A ll U\I\ UM l"Olt& Me-. I.I l ·rTl>t nttc NurJ, 111rr and 1\ i Soll ~IN MYRTLE DAVY, Rltr. & A .. oc. H•l•n Baum -A<1b 8rrl!ll Haiti Con•rin 3•31 VI• Op«1rto • H1.r lttll ICV~ Tll:kMI ART ADAIR, Rltr. 1 IM tft: WPOit'l' BL VD. C.ta M•a LI t ·31'1 . ~ LI t-Mlt TGcn l:XCHANGE T1lia "MO'M'l::n"" BIAll&Nu Bpot In the Futul Grow1nr Part or C'Ollta a.tl"a& tor BALBOA a&.VD. ·• JIPI'. UA.CB -O\lpla OIO&ee locauoa. ...... b\UI~ • )ovtl1 fVm. 8-t rental 1oc. 1.Dc. avv U.000 yr .... IOO. CU bWl4 e.noUI· .,. taa. \INl Oft lot. ... lhil by •PPt. ~ ACRll wiU\ .W. I Wrm. bom4 IA LA. 1'-lll& Lp. -.r. b&.m.1, t"Orrt.l. ~ bl.k. ott. LA. A.._ O.ocl ln¥UtlftUl p,aoo down. LOVllL T I aaol\M 'llWd. .ftra., Jbl, car. IA 8 A Hpt.1. I yr., old Imm poa.a. OW..r t.ran•- U 000 uown I WIC ALSO H-' VI: MWetal ~ liu1ldlnc" tol.I from ll,IOO down. $22,500 Cash M H b I or •ublll.lt l•m•• esa-ar or R ty. Property a.lttady n:ntf>d and Oppo•ll• U 8. B&ak len&atll lllrtll ta" a 1 .. aae. G l; SE\'MOUR--Rtaltor tor appotAtment, call I '.)()I Center CO.la Mu. u .... till CHARL.EI 8 . ftETM lt:P., u>\ ntr LI 8·378S -Ev• -Har.UH· W Day1. Ha.r. 1'1t ll:v.11 U 11·=>763 011trc H b h -------ar or Hi9 lands $6950 1 :i Wima.: 1 1, ballte. FA h•l, l n•'"'RM Coll fl >I oak tll){ll •• Cpl&. anrl dnLpM. _... · ·~·· ,..., '• IDr • patio and ~pe lt<a flllCC, cba.ln-llu fen< e, erwe1• 111, J • 1 , k>e.11 t ,11 &Ml l>Mut. M>xlOO Jol. H"dJ un •11 a 1 •' • • • • front, CloH· ln. '1111• I• • etanClout buy In th• WOJltnt MORJ..:. tu1e turn. w lu&hlanoi& tide 3 bit•Jrm., a:t.elc(f ldl , blt·lrut It bar, 14'-W 1 a11•r•111ie A real llu.y, Uo,11)(1, 1.::11iu tin 51/2 Acres Heart of A. C. TOJolY PF.TIT'I'K l!ll1·. 21211 tt.art>or e1w. 1.1 ~-o:m Costa Meu• Upp. lll&t11 a MAI. a;vH U "l·M"T &on&d ll•t , J1.111t ott Ht.rl)c)r 81vd. i h 711 uc.;...:-,· Joo"f\UNT llf'&ell <..~lt .... Thrw ~ ... J ,, U.tl\.t Ut.lOO "'1tn tl'rn1•. DUNCAN HA.f.:!Jl:..'il'Y, J\ltr. "At U111 llnq-.. l•1 Udo Jal• ' LaCeyellt al Un I at. ll&r. 471" 71< 71! HEALTHFUL HEMET 2-' A C'RF.:8 ot Ir >rl t. l~bl• 1•11d An u•·f'llent ~>' at 1n,r,oo. l ao be 1>ou1ht .. ., p>4 t•rm• Why Pay Rent? $850.00 Down Jn ll1t lnOlll d~IJl"&llle part Ot ::'"'''°'l V1at&. A •riarkllnc • -nr. '2 )1 olll 3 l>dll'll homt w1l11 w w t'pl11 , d"f""J V· bJnJ• £"'" , c&Ulp, ~aut. lanCI· at.,1p1r•I(, C'!C " an l!a or •1» tr OI!.. llOm~ \\·al Th p . v· L n1fl •. famlly Ot< l.Ar\I, ~ '" It Ill e rtze 1ew ot r ,.,IW'OOl1 nnrh ht1U•• fl• r1 ,n • lie 1lr n. 111.1rat t1911iw I" 1 a:n I H 1 n '"' •mnilnt Po •JI t ••;.I "tll i«>!T'r\Jtl• lr11p\.lof\ ._,,~I lfl• tnr All rrw R111.1 \ "'' I In • 'ornna Hlanlan~ -A hn 1! rl'lr nrr wtl.h t1b11ln11• 11n1·h I •'11.ol \•d Vlr'l!r· ol 0«-•n •n•I l1111nr f'rlCt SU.)()() f1o1 fut 11&1!'' poaetblllt·••· ,,.., "' mala lhor· THE VOGEL co. oua't\f&N> ffu~n '1Mlh .. t owrr .. r pull \1111 ltf!'tlm• ru11 h .3~01 \\' 1·~,..l Hl&h"'a '" on ln .. n111rkrt 11t f8r ••r•ttr 11• l.ll" ny l-3ffl P:v.. U A 7739 rf'•I val11P P"\111 prlr,. S:'i~ f~!<i -___ _ "•'h ,•bo1a 1o11•·fm11th """"I (,J\~N£ftll A!..11;1'.,. I RF..S'r BL'Y S Sam Emme1 :..! Top V&lu~ Homt1 1.1 ll·T.W <' 1 M I anil R • barcaln Jot• • . I BEAUTIFUL . ' BAY FftONT . HOME VOGEL CO. Balboa lund (Nezt Door io·Poe Ottice> 208 Marine A ft. !Ma: Bu. sa2I WEEk-END HOME .II.Lil ~ blk. to Ocean Bml la tJt.U. Corona Bc.b. ~ UU.1 2 bedroom home. COMPLETELY tum. iahed, bu elec. kitchen • many extru. Tbt Ire. hvil'l1 room, with huge windows. loou lnto a lovtly yard. The location i.a great, the price - ($20,000) la npt, the ~nn.1 1'6.000 down) an liberal. !EE IT SOON. R. L. STRICKLER. Rea~or R. B. HOOCH~. Amociat.t 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar -Har. 27'1' CLIFF HAVEN On belutl.tul 8t. Junra Place, fadnJ a.IboA i. l&nd. a bedroorna, Hi b&tha, real f.lrepl&ce, bu.m- ed cel11ns. bMutlful oak noora. electric ldtc:han. ~tc. Double praft. All thla on extra widt Yittr lot. Not a leaachold. Aak1q $28.500. F. W. LYTLE, Realtor MLlltiplt LlatiOI Servi• 1781\ N,.wport Blvd .. Cocta Mtsa ·LI ~H93 • U 8-254.J RETIRE WITH INCOME ln heart at ~lutl!ul Corona dtl Mar. 3 Income unit.I : 2 a.rt nictly turn , 2 pauoe. Cloee to abopptnl l h bUt.a. from ocw.n. $3~1700 STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor ~!Si 7 E Cout Hwy., Corona de-1 Mar Ha.r. 882 t!c WATERFRONT DUPLEXES Corona Highlands Bayalde Llr• I I 1 I Mnn•·llMI 000 Newport ('AJ\&1•111 I Mr:rn.•· uuoo. N•wpnrt C.n&.l·t l l ua.aoo B&l boa One.Al runt 1·1 S22,!>()(I Belboa ()(rantronl Trii•:u-2 pl...a, I A: 1 WU'l\•111.llOO 1.100 111.11; Rl:Ol1CZD rRJCZ nTAK. Da.UX8 A."8. AlMI -.Cb .... UUl ~ 1'.lulln- aMit 1n11m a ,_,r, natal.I to .p~.-r.d t.._.\&. 1.220 Wnt ~ llh4.. N•.,,,..,-t a .. ch Ru. I0.32. '1!1ttc BALBllA ISL..A !'il.J Small otft<"9 fl-Re&J F.atat.! Jl!keltbl'!. on ).farlM A•t. 1'lM9t>n&\le Loni i ...... Har 2110lt.\\' I.I ti :.21r LI e-1t1 ... 1f1r 1111· , 7""177 YOU CAN AFFORD This Bay Front Hom& I M"'1 , 2 bath. paved It. and •I.I'"\' Kil< 0wntr aaya .. 11 '1~.•:.0. 11160 down. SU. rnl) 1 atoty 4 bdrm t bathl. a..p dln· inc room. i.• p&UA. St to 8t IOI M:r.c•lltnt f&Jr\11)' bome. l'rlc" ,,. M"ICl I \'OU CAN OVEJ\LOOK Hll..t..8 ANO OCSAl'f tretl\ LM tpa!'- to\MI l.lvlnC 'Vel'"D aH YI e W d~ll aC Ulla in~f two- l•nl plan In "'·onderful Co- ron. H11nl&nda. n,... tlle4nM two b&tU. tUmfl!UI ·r.c11n ,.._. ~d ft~&t!t. tll• kllCMft, ,. .A. "-'. ~ C--... AL pr....-•. 11,,. 11!!1.a!da lot wtUt '•r1Pf ,.., .,,,. ...... tb> •re&. cllal""llrlk hr'ldllrS. liOOO ...,.. r ... t -a tl0,000 to4 m only 1:7.~ totAI. an ou~c v&tut pr1~ tor qutc'lll a&J•I C"all oow rtr appt.. Kt. Mu- na b, Ha •••I. ••9' Ka t.a6t. .... ••1 f•a..t COAONA 0£1. MAit, untvrn. Mrf'8 faN&.c I Mr-m. l\Ollne Dtn•ll• 1U1d Mper&t• bruk- fut ~ -Tice porc:I\ pl~ eepar&la ..... t ,_ ,.-11 1\ l•alll L94a ., .-lllM' • .-.rd roM ~ hn nra.. r~ 1ioee1, ,..... ..,.~ au .,..,... lnolud- M. l • • a.~ u I • l • dlltlUOCJ. A~ •• lllO ,.. ino. c..11 ..,,,., Hat. •T • ., .. •ar. Nil. :JIU• UN1'UA.N. I b&dnn. hoe..-. In Nt~rt H~hta llwd, tloon l\~p\a,e. P' A h.l, 1arti.c• · diapoql. dbl ,...,._.., allcclltnl 1-u.n. 1110 pv mo. H•r tTt-M. 76o1T TLU\L T 11n1.!1 rvna ti<*• In tea.r .Wlabla rot .inC'• ptl'9on or worklnr couple. 307 hl•nd Awe. W.... Har 2061 'ffl"T& CO~ONA D&l. KAft. J\Jro 1 Mdna re&r hou.M. PrlYll• peuo. S75 rno Own•r l\aya LI &-a.Ml. ~ U 81127 'f•c:71 8>. T VlJ:W ,..r17 4 Brml 1 llletN.. eomp f\al'tl1*4 llora• aute W"Ulher. ,.,_, dlq.. l<>ftly paUo. walitlftf d.&tta.nN to atoft&. Jt ar. &&Ge er IOT IC 118lboa Blvt. UCTI Mile Ol'TlCll 411 IJlor 8pa.r• t...-rant or leuc. S2~ ru mo:> A. •IJ'I I.I a.uu. 311tlc ~ORON A DEL MAH NOW l..l:ASI~G •1••c• lh n~'" bl~. t.o ...... ,~ IJ\ u •• 28(1() t»oc'k .n Co•• ~ H1wa7 Har. 611 JK Tk77 ~ ·*'·°"°~~ldeel Location For !lDI!>tNCll ANTI SN.ACK SROr DP.IVS l.N LlQt;OR aTORT. OIJ'T SHOP ff••t to a~ptnr t'9nlar, L•'T' Int U 11 \IT Ud •ull1J1n11 P"M a.~ln lmln l. Cl&1J Ol&r I 11!9 JJ J\4ounler, nWT1er. Dev• Har 1818 -Jent U 8-ITH. 86-Mon~,-_~!~--- I st I 2nd T. D. Lo1n1 8WTUll all Ont..np Ooun\J Ttu.t Oeed11 Bourht A !old Royel Mort9•0• Co. Harbor 6123 2802 N....port Blvd., Nprl A.th LOA.HI 'l'O a~ OOJluV& BUT, IWD91\HID. 01\ ~A.l'fCll "• au, Trull D.fl4I PdWl'OkT 9AL.9<M IA VTMOll • w.ue Aak>Ol>..noN Utt Via Udo ,.._ ar. 6tl>O ti• ~..,..PT-. •'•• ,...,. &ad MEET plot u" eov....,.. ot \na Hubnr ME an& thr.~ Um"• ,. WMk A'T HW'I \\ 11.all><>A Jlh rl "n'~ rr HA!I an lr1airnt A riartl1'~rt !'IOf Ill month lrl 11 • ehOW J")ll 111<0 \rr~ "i!h a \"lf'W <1-,.., abl• '"'"'"'" 111111,., 1 r Aa• An •Pr-.•llnlf I bdnn homf' nn TRADE BY OWNER '16,0<tO ltQl'lT\" In ' i.nll.t IN Jilt,., port Jle~ht.a rw borne or "raAl IMld . .,,, llwt1n-. wJ i. uo ooo. Call TOru ._1'1 t 10ow1111y1, ~,.,..If' m. Utte li.lrll&y .rid a unil&)' or ca.II Hu H11ltw•11 hta.n4 11r1t11 •r-11··.-.11• !&QI, ;:.,. 77 II\ Nt'>m la.rie wlndo14a '" HAC.C a.A)', ...Utl oC~a I •r Cute 2 )')..Jnn home. i;arar• Fenc foJ antS IUCIB(l&~•I 1 ... ,w monUlly paym•t• '°" U I Jn.a. 111 TIO 111 IAW&A Pl••• < O<llla MeM. LI l·~H1 ;, 11~77 'ltw, bum.-! rtlltn1• 11r•· r•la.ra. httlkfaal bar, tiled p•1ll- ma n belh, e11tr11 fli••t ro<>,.., anJ bath, d<lUbla &llrart, Wllh th• ap.rtm,.nt o\·•r ll l:H"I ll'nl lOcallon "'1\h wld• ean'1v beafh. Jtotl\ nrraly tuml&hN anl7 ••• 600. APARTMENT HOUSE little l&land u I I I For Silt ot Ttede N•r ..,,,°' ... , .u,...,11ve ' mariner& ' • R ty. IO tJatt. l>MI dl,..tly wtUI ewn. •r. lJlmro• ···u a1000 per rnont h ,~,-In t..o. A.fll°t'!" w .. t 1114-. Trade for lnC"lm• ht" ~ All 1-r -..h. IM.000 Ttnna. 5" Dr. Ue.> H. »lr1tkef 1111 W ... , A.,.. .. N-porl lkaoll H.r. ~all J, 7ae.MH StlOOO EQtTITT In ho11.H , C'..-0rona d .. J Mar, for lot In Nnq>art Bt.arh • ......, Nat. Ul .. JK •VN i ta71 BY OWNER Hantt..ome nf'w rontitmporaty, bf&med c:elhnia. rla•a calor• )"tt pr1,,.ty 11 prolett.cl. S· II,... a.dtootnl wHh ,,, .. ,., nrt i>allo, lanai. 2 Ult t>.ttu; m&aitafUy llttcbd: buil\•111 ranp A oven Lovel7 OM· pets, (lr&p&l'1•1. patio, lt.M· 11up1nr au,,.,.. l"1nt 'h,.. "te locaUoo, .... y t1rma, 1 .. vln1. u!'nn~. S.. anv· Um•. Ka ISM. 7hTf LOOlt. J'UM18Kt.D! M•ftr ~ ._..I ....... Mta Pd~ ._... )(... a..uaa. ONla tMI"" horu, 2 IMl\ha n~Iar'° UI Muto• A.,... 8alboa lalan.1 t11~ 11, t••at. P'LtJ!'I 1 l>dnn Harbor •na tomrl .. tr l;• t•1rft lll•<•mr •rt J39'"1()rl fo~ .... 11 .. nt t•rm• •N.n at .. , • r ~T r " lhl.1 ptlS>f'r 1~1'11 Weter Front l'-"l:WT'Ol\T 161..ANI•, prlvat~ ~•l'h •f'4C9 f<>' :\ff hwu, 3 bedrm•, llr•pltlc•. w -w C&TJ'f'fl, ·~rk tloora .l totctd &Ir htat I >W, fAt &Ce tlr•utd for llOO •'1 n art ,,2 !SOtl unrum, lJ~.- 000 lnrlu.11nir turn A: 1~· ~l A ml\lnr 1'hou·n t1y •prt only Hat, Uf.J. 'l"&pTI ---- llA y FR.T. H0 '41C NA :nuca; well a lrno•t' ThP nml• I• r11"1rn ttua a llt•t ' twd1m A rJ•n horn,. r•lll• lh• uni' bdrm "''' 11l111\1ld ml'lre th&n makl' lh• Jl")"m•nle' <JH Y&:.R l'lf:H ANIJ PLOAT 'J'OO Xl"t ll•rm.1 It 11 ... ~. f&t..000, NELDA GIBSON, Realtor ~~Marin• "'""· lh rLor t,02 aALBVA IIL.A.NO CURT DOSH, Rttr. N rt 3 I 5 Marine Ave. ewpo Heights $16,000 Balboe ltlend Spe~ial Harbor 1560 J A M A l C A, S.RlTISH WUT lNOlEJ", IO arl"M, aorn• l'O«>- nuta. ti~ •e.. •ll>~ O\'V· lookln1 bMultlul h&rt'Ot' and ~ch. l:lavall<>n 600 fL Sult· tbl• 1 or ~ MClf ... '-I Pr1 .. l~.OQO OWN.ER. Box 8·0 l.111- paper. lkTI Mo<ttrl\ t ~room, rornn l•ll, •n"' lltftl. •~ •i-from front )'&rr1 lllXCLUflrv J:. -,..t'l'!\I ran 1>t arnn,.cS. Relph P. Maskey REALTOR fter. 402 I YliR OLD 4 Wtm., 2 bath Mme o.,....._ ........ WOrl'-ndi. 1\1111. :\ Mrm,. hW11. flonra. r1rt · "'"«' !Uri< flay ar'ft. 11:1 fl~ $ 71 1110. • 1,. "• loan. ('-1 Buainf'aa Lot 1.11 ~ 'J:.11 nr. ahO)>,tnr tfnl•r ro·ald t>11lld IO unto or ttwit n .. ltO.UO • llt60 b&n<!IM M-1 Indiatr1&.I Lot Lot R_. • Triplez or Home On "" , • .., At 1Ca111 m O'lfTI If .,,, r • •11 ua to Mii It at CO.'-UO!'t0 1 ~ Frank J•mes, Rltr. ·n1 E 17th llt . l"!:o;tta MH& l.J • Jt•ll IJ1111t '4•1 nt Thrltt• Ol'\1ftl C all l:Y•t l.T 1·••1 T B/8 Lido ,,,. NOT J11•l a Hou. at\1t a IMautl· f\1\ •p&cloue kOW~ with I Mii· room.a, dtft, 1 l.,v1ly U!.d b&tha, rlOh t&,..,.lll\I a.114 llta• ~11•11. I.arr• •nlry ti.all. 'ftry lnlal'HUl\f Otflp6ACf, all ti~· lrlo klll!Mn wtU. ~. f~ •Ir~ 41nln1 ..-. hlrt• '""II plann.ct ,.,.._ A. HOWi: to Ila fl•irei1 ,,, 'rou!l4, J\6.00.. UDO NoRtl WA TSl\J'1tON'1' - S bedroom., t balN. .. ... ~I• SV.O yr 'rounct A t.80 ll'l IUD J: l ~roo,,.., ' 'Bat.be, IArr• h · tin F'urn. or ualurn. U30 yr. 'round. Bey & l•ach Rlty., Inc;, JUUiJl'()M uao vt. 11&a.. aw.. n.r. MO 118t. -~ ;w.-. z,.••••sa ,......-. hll price JU.760. Teruu. Can 1>t IHI' uytlnit. LI l-IOOI. FOR &AU: OR TP.Al>IC. C/9Dne : bdrtn tleftlt. ftoom to ~lld 7 nl9te "61U ln"*1inl pa.n.. ~t U 17211) Heit atl.rMtl" atq.ta'fi•t ltltch_. ·------------ 'llc:TI HAll80ft lllOllWNDS THR&C Mdrma, 1 ~ bath&. Corn· er . ...,a ~I· ~ A dlshwuhu. Tl"OJ>Ma.\ 1.&nd...-ap- 1111. ,.u.o. uaaoo. -••n Dian• La.ne. 7Gt·7T HAJ\aott ... oCa4?f "' ... ~., .. , .. x uo •'·'°° UUI\ • ..,_ .. bu,,. J\"1&¥. tu NA1U!a A.._. ~ lalar.d Harboc at7 I 7a,,u "1'1Ul ~ Mow.r, l\ooted ----------ST vWNii;R si-Uo. spa.C'lou.e lot prot-lnnal-t,-lllld_..~. 0.-lrahla f'Ut IAtl IT ll 201 Ba<"'k S.y Ar,.a ••d• loeatlon, •U,HO Oivft,.r - comer Dlr<'h It ()re hard u 1-nr.., 711'78 1'.'111~ Kar ll(IM\ Tl\,-0 ------------'' ----------- A CREA Ci: 11 AC RF'.8 M l -· l!J .. 11)' kw'Aled JU,0011, !I At:1itf!ll (;lfWll In Sri~, 000 UAVT \"O, S4S2 \'la '->1~110 .. .,. ..... 1k71 NEWPORT J(IUGK'l1J -NlfW I -....rm. lloal•. I lwltM, rtl!'n, «&rat• •·IUI ndlo t\oor, hullt '" •lova ant1 ov•n, hdY.·r1 n()(lr• tlntf)lac:t , ahalce mot. YA h,,.t J>allu and many till,... ('loH \A. 4U t;at.altna IJr, U'T.~ ~71 BACK BAY AREA 81' O\\'Nklt, I M4.nn. Lot eo • uo.. ,,.,. .. 11..-t. ... .-,, IA~·~ h&IOO 26:-CV,::-........_ Mond11c or "t111nc LJ 1~'\ ta.Tl UPPER IACK IA Y • ACRE VIEW LOT ~ '°"''" f'ull r>r1c• ... Mar, WR f2d5 THE VOGEL CO. Mlt Via u .. -Ka.r. HTt l)\.u -Har. ou1 . Ha1 iauwx Jta.r ,.so-J B.AYaHOR.ES J b f • J ~Uoa., lol.1 ot nom •11'9Nt CORONA. D&L MAR t b r doll ho•1,., IQ&t1t rar ttM· 9.1e, ANt> v1-rar. apt. "'· rnllt.., lra.n., au lf,4) vtaw M9uty. 1 .. ,.,.. ... w1,.a ..,..,_. *lUI aN.""° OC'I W\M lot -~, &&>ft. CHUJ>lES WNt aid• eo.t.a Mtta b&,...ln laTao 'l.'Nl etdt l \ t •• twW J>lum~ • wlrilll -· uooo d°"'9 -• paoo Clairt Van Hom RaJJ.TOft tnl "'· c.ut HWY. LI .. ,tn Olll ..... LI WIOt HA lUl-J Exclusi~• 8e1ce>n 81y Two Out.atandlnl Valut!I Earl W. Stanley R.l:AL1'0ft U OCEAN FRONT 'I'rlplu ... old~r properlf .. Hut a r-1 "1-1 11\1.ktt, j 11nlta ~ .a.eh ,.. • bdrn\ , a.i.e I Wftl\. fll\9 de unll 11~. Olm• In aa• let me "" ,._.. IM tko-1!\hlMatklft. FUD ,,,ea (,.-t- 17 rur1Wt1ttt1 Oflly tn.aoo - l•""• Aalc tor O .. tf• 8\.tWtrt IALIOA IAY PROPERTIES I ~!\ W , klMa 111\-.. JUt. &111 74e11 a>. T no~ .,.,.-ec:i.AL1 Trvt7 l:ltra Ultn! TM1 cu,tOftl Mt. CNMM modem Ml ,.,....,. IAtd lppt&n.ftet. Aftd la MS· dlUOfl \MN II a tOU 1 ..... tutn. Cirtl&f• lneluo.d Woe- t»rful r.nl&l ,...ord. '41.60!). NELDA GIBSON. Realtor Ille Mal'\flie -'""· Jll"'°r IOI a.u.llOA. IJll.AllfD LIDO ISLE t.~C'ttf9 • ~ ...,,.,.. , wit.a ...... ~I. tpa· c:lou.1 ,....., l'llMJ llftalrtut n.... ..i1rtat.tw ,.,.., nr.. ....... l!t M.lM. .......... n.~ Pt.UI euta ll*Mtr fl&M apartmaoftt O\'Wf' tJ'll tnttta pr-ltl• ..,... .. ._........ ... •. ~ ................ ..... .,....... ......... =: 1\1'1plr•1 ....... . ...... (~) ...... ..ak ,..ue. .... a. .... YI& , ................ ,....., ..... "~tum&.~ ..... tit.• ... -~ a. '· SOMETHING NEW • . CORONA Dll. MAR Lovely M.4era Duplex Le•· u ................ I>tn. 4 ~edunitaand~~.U!_.. oii'eo x 3do loot lot. Attracttv• 11at UAlt. wttb :-""•ktofi* driveway. &o each unit.. OM tut . C-. W... Jocation. Preaent Income $111 Pll' m.entlL srooo Denna A Brand New Office And New Ltstlngs room Ui Jln'tr UL Oy..,-m.d dbl. pt. :7Ud tf ... *>wn - Jo'Ul.I """ jW& ...... . BUJLD A UNIT HoiN, '·,..,.. Qld. Hat 2 bt4rooml. ~ floor, .. cewa,, fire~, ·~ .....,. • p1Uo. Larp corur lot lriU. ~naer vacut. C..PlN11 ftued. Trt #~ -wltb f3000 dowu. MOMi AMO INCOMI Hull la tba Dkat 2 bednn hD1:w1 alld new dup~x on 2 ad~in.Jpl Jot& in ~ta~~~ land· 1eaped~ ~ ot ~ Claw Jn PIS flQilrer St . ML Ncf.'&itG. Pri~ to 11ell lt f28,15GO wlth ~down. LIOO IS~~ Our Own Horne -t;arly Amefi&an and moat charnun1, :i btdnn, :Z b&lh, ~util~I living room w1t.lt lar1e firrvtace. Overalz.e muter bednn with twin clOtida. So many extra !Paturcs you muat ett. Only 21 J years old. f3l .~. I DON"l' HAVE A PHONE YET, but driJp In the o!flce or call Harbor 4366. GEO. EVERSON, Rea lty 1768-A .Newport Blvd, Coal& Mesa Acrou BJv4 tl'Qm ~•Y St.on· FOR TRADE 8 UNIT MEDICAL -D6~T AL BUILDING --Le•· S bdrm. It nimpu.. room. 1, •I.ht. Ip. ltY. nn. A OS. llW· ... •'-'-,... Jot , Oc..n ..... ,_ .,,,.... • tklelmtt ...... NEWPORT BEACH CJl>ef i'1 ~ A -· UDual.lll I tJedrQOm. 1 ~ bath Mm• ~p. l 11rJ1., ,Ill, J 1,; pa. old F\iJl pnc. i1:1.ooo, u ,,m1a. JNOUSTJtlAl P"R<lM 1 1'0 30 AC.U. t 'rom $~ t'J U0.000 p.1 acre. <;et _ In oa ta. powid flM>r al\d malt-9 >'''urNll a lKLt• fMtunf ~utok A lft .. t raa.ny people au 4't>illf ll. Seven l5lands Re•lty I lnvHtment Co. M»·Uad k, •PL a.h . C&li! Ku lll&t &It« O '"' Har &•.l\7 ' RENTALS 1 • 2 Br. unfur1lilbtd •~enf4 1 bdrm tum.1abed bowie 3 bdrm turnlahed house i1*tl ~umiaht'd home J1}ie· VOGEL COMPANY 1100 Newport ~vd I Coli. w~. LI ~ Work & Uve in Newport Harbor Where Nature Smiles and lndu•try Prospers G.I. RESALE $2000 DOWN S M<l1oom horn• -n.ur Kl · ~ •hoof Buil& llCMJ -tu 1~1H.•K1 tloec• -1•r•11• -,.~ ry 1111 c l(l('AOOll -Pa rlN'r>U ot 171 !!~. ll•lludc• (Vt'fllblr>J Excfp- tlunal buy tt flO.&Oo. freaa air ..• lo1' coet power ••• tnQ.IPOl'tation by land, ~a and air • . . happy ~ployeu Uvtq mmut.a away •.. ceat.er ot upud.iD1 mark.et.I •.• no r~ .. ·ay tJe-ups. Stt a m~mber ot • Beat ~' ~i>J•~ ~ft& • All leued. Amp1• parkm' for ZO e&l"ll Older Couple lnn.11.mcnt Ytr)' ~ 2 bed:f .. ID bolN ln ~,.. r11Mmi C!Per 1n lka&.a1<11 ~ U•n pl~ ...,, iUipJra "'1 2 .. ,.r.u edjllW•1 Iota. Tip I a., •on4lUllD -JJ'\MIY IOt><I l><'•nn,; trwt trH"11 BuloLIJ· r•11 paun -le1werJ -M1 .. t - IA .,pre111a&.r -Owr•r Laav· 1111 C:f#Ul\t'J' U4I flf'W•! to NII Newport Harbor Board of Realtors • Grou lncome -Ul.u61.00 • Nd ~mt -$1,,TTS,OO-.-0VErt lO"f • Price $132.600 WANT N~PC)R'f iMCH or ec-ta Meaa In· come or IHllaactt Property. FISHER & CO. Jif.:A~1(.)llS INSURANCE tMe ..ri-wport Btvd. -~ewport Beath --Har 44W SMART BUYS .. ,,ill~r·u~r·• duplex only --.... nt.!MXJ 2 BR. home °" ~ Iota . . . ··-...... llT.UM • HO~B)·MOQN OO'rf A.GE ~ M a W,. QT, but a little U>O nnall !or »l'CllMt oa-rw·1 fai;nijy. Stt Uu.t t.t>d&y. UJ. ;50 OOROEfA DEL WAR HOME 6 INCOME DIUPUul u:tra .. r1• front wdt ·•ith 2 hldrma. u.I t'i balha. ptu.e ntra nu l t.Srm. prap ~ ~, pcWd at ps,ooo. G. H. LATHROP. Realtor MULTtPU; LISTJH() BltOl{Eij ~ ~. Cout Hwy., Coroa. "ti J.'1r H~ IUU -EvC8. Ha~r Meo NOTICE Tlk77 80 ft. C.out Kflbwa1 fronta1e -9tof"e • ~ rm. _ ~ .. 2 ~ ho. ~ 14tJl for JllY lYJ>O p( ~ ~ ,,...,. -~ ..... lllUlt - , "1 .UCWilVJ:: WITH OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. ~,.._II/; CIMC. H"J. (M Pllt an.,.l Ltba:tr •• .... ~ 6116 .. fNVESTORS ATTENTION Bay Front a.Jbo& ~ ().l 7.oajp. MPrioa~ WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates I.ee 1Wtn • Charlotte J'l,dok Hoh Po'"rw • · Kou Hytt I'ark A .... e. at Martn•. Balhoa bland Har. 2•6.2 lm~~I)' Ht ~I.'/. I Pti11l SULLIVAN l"M ="""' p<>t"t Rt vii . ("..,.ta MMa W l ·t 7t>l -~Yt U •·2Wi B•lboa Island I PRICE REDUCED u~.N8n OlM -11 th._ ~iJJ t"' o •!Qr y t'or11tr hm'Tlf Toll ... 111 ~, •• .thow rnt)1n 111 •rare In thl.1 • 1~·1rO<Jrn 2 IM I h I nm~ Al111 IMfe II a IUU f ll••t ·~fll ~~ ,,." • "' , .. ,, I or i...., fQr fr tllda ;-.: ""' 11rU:~ 4'l only $3!1 :,..10 1.;all ;u::;, H:rd;fy I RJ.:Al.TOR "At the •1<111 te Lltl• !ale• l...,_)'ett4 at Un4 •t . Hu. 4TJll two BRANO NEW I O~FERINGSI 'Tll• belt 3 1><11111._ home ~Ill! ~ ~~m •J>t. tor i~ 1>l1c1 Qfl Balboa taJ&na, ~uWe i•r•'• U7 ,Mn. ~1i.ni nnant1n1 OOMW4 nfL MA.1' a llltl~ arU•l a l•"·•I aoulh of tile NI· war L,.qv.· do\tt'll P)'ml. <Jllo'Nr "111 ~· rry ..-® r#11011&\11- mnnt1aly p.ymHIU. BayVJores Eactuaive! " ta ..WO'IJ "' _. IUJr ' "7 like U'lll 111 t..'-t\t\11 Ba~. Twa ,~..,. .. ~ -.rid ~ ....... ~. f~ air h ... , .... .,..-.C •• P .. kltl"h· en, 'Hry larr• sieuo 'nil.a hnni• .. eft a Ills Toctll let .-S U. ........ II •lY ITD .-,.._,, 'r1llM ..,..., 1-..t i.-. at _.,. ... llOO ... nW 11aw Ce •ff lttl Ounca" Htrdesty nLU.TOR M Al t.ha ltrt'1C• to l.Mn hie" LataytUt el Und et., Har Hll $1500 DOWN $i3 per rw>nlb., 4'-' •..-)nd1.&d" ~~ &od iDll.&!· ante. I hednri. aeat \a a ptn. PHONE NOW! BABY SHOP ~ annual nel vtu.a lovely 2 bednn., 2 bath l10mr ThP owner I-lope rlici ~ irou ln Aug. Fmrst < l1f'11&.ele Sn St! C&JUonda . ~4 uclu1t\'f.' hn''" lturr~·· Pr~at owneio will tnln you LIDO BA YFRONT 3~1 lot, JJJCr ao4 t Up priVlltlOL Uadt>r markf.'t CL YOE MEYER, Re1ftor 312 :\lartn•" Ave . Balbo& Iat.nd-Harbor Z5Z~ i~77 INCOME SPECIAL • f'ri~f' lkduced $2000. • 2 be<lrooma f'&Ch unit. • Hardwood floon1 -(o'irtplact • ~at Co•t.a M'9& Strttt • Full Prirf' SlT,800 • Down Payment SstOO NEWPORT BEACH • 2 :-.1c,. Bedroom• • Close ~ Jlkbardl l(arket • 1Px27 Gara~~. •t~ tor apt e Full Price 113. TftO • Down Paymept $3700 NEWPORT-MESA REALTY 1799 Nf'wport Blvd. Co.ta Mna LIS-!>SDI Evt1LI~7237 BALBOA &luaDNT DUPLEX. pla' ... f1oet. frtnte bleth H9AOO. ON PENINSULA cute 2 bedrm. furnished. 2 car g&Mlge, taca! S2llOO do'n. DUPLEX 2 bfdrooma eu.IL Cloee l.n. $~ dn. COAST PROPERTIES ~~ JAYUO, J\U!tor J.hklllld Rig110d Btrfv1a '"'°*'1PIOft., ~- 801 E. f\albo. Blvd., Balboa Har. ~ f1' .eoo t!c COSTA '~ • tt•uri. I ......., ..... lot. ,,...._. Ull4 llrkk .,....., """"' _.,..._. tomPl.t.&1 f_. -OOOli TALU. AT hlAOO-• -- IAYSHORES : NEWPORT 4' A hOUlt tcallllWY,......,..... ..... 1--• up''. fl0,000 -1.-don..,_,. $1.SOO DOWN Cut. beach home, flreplace1 floor ~. ~ age. FiaD prtoe -llt,ooo. CROJCll Wlllioa BAY & BEACH REAL TY, lne., RHt+ors I lla>ROOK ·--·••1.500 ~ w. 9&l1tea Blvd., NewpoJt ...... BuW UN' • R>~ 1'UJUI. -:u.ooo z... HartMir 11N . I milbU. DD --26,000 I BDRM&., Oua,t Jtm. -28,&00 ---------------------• amtML -11,500 "C" lHOMAS ftSAl,TOJt and ASSOCl.A TES tit"·~..,.. Ll Wf7T H""*' he.ti 'C THOKAI 4C THOMAS B/ B OOJtONA DJ:L KM Wom4 Md IJ\OOIP• OA W'V•'1 cor· n.r, I bdrm. taeh. Pwfecit. coad1UOa and pl1«d to Hll. RELAX l1i TH.li o-y 2 Wnn: bon\e la aboac• I<>· 114tMN1. HucSwoe>d nra, tire· place. •~ a.a. f1','7IO. 'ffij; YOUNG i'OLKS wtU le•• lN ~ tumllU• room In tht.a 2 •tory. J tldnn, \'ltw keme. aouUt of th• lopw11y eu.ooo. INCOMJ£ UNITS Well loe&t9d, 2 1 bdrm. 1111all ~b down. 11l1.:1.1mt ll:lO mo. roe. l lMOO. ACT NOW. llovinc to RJveratcle ! Then let ua tell you about a BILL'S BEST BUYS HARBOR HIGHLANDS l~' Sylvia IApe, Ole oC tat an. bom. JOU caA bope to tJnd. a.dy to mOYI a.to. a.A • a wb.t.tJe. Thrte llclrinl. 2 Bit.hi, ,,,.place, JUih· eat quality 100~ wool carpeUnc. raw •ilk~ lar1e dinfn1 area plua M.tio.J uu. ln kltcblQ. Owner h.a.4 ad4lt.1onal footap .. ~ to W. home, plu.a 0"""'111 pra,. uwl lpftakler .,.a.em. Yo~ will epJoy th• &ddt4 coav•lifne1e1 el W. honi.. Call 11.1! We wfJl ahew aaytime. r . P. $23,350 41S' nnaneiq. BACK BAY -COSTA MESA 398 La Canada. A ru.11y be&uutuJ home, with ~ very good vitw. Corner ~ C>.'28'a 6 'l'u.lt:1n. Tb rte bdnn. ~ bt tl:tt. forud '1r ~ t. flreplace aiid ctio•ce h1.rdwood Ooara. Over \700 ,q. ti. awtt tn O'Ktt.lt 4 Veii&t Oven '-..... •C»CW fan Ir Garbare dlapcaaJ. A MUM TO SB Priced to adJ at S26,~ witb IG.000 PD. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOCIATES "yo\l'U Uko ow-fritndl)' lll'Yiot" 400 E. 17th St. Costa Meaa U1*ty 1-lla B"'lll.Dp oaU JU 5171 • tJ Mf78 • LI ..... 2 bdrm. eu.at<>11a bul.lt ham• ---.---------~-:----._..._...._,...,...,....._ ~:..~::i :c~~~= LIDO • LIDO • UDO PRlt>i: OF 0\1\'NP!!HIP 1A U1ia IN>ra CWt home, ~wo ~l'IM an4 den, l&n&.L. il·fl IJ~. f'OeCl\ WIUI 00-MA ,.~ X!lil. l-"11•· 10.eoo. ley ' leech Rlty., Inc . R.&,U.TOM ~ &al War OftiM HfO E. 0-. Nwy. Mal. 6663 Money Mekin; Trlple>eH 1 80\tl'H or JUOHWAT. COR- ONA lJl!:L )(AR. Br&nd new modem trtr1.x ntar ~h. 'f"wo bedr.,,,•n• cath wtt)\ tlr" r:ar ... , built·ln ranJll'.. 1.1\d ovena. •lldl111 Jl•n 6nou pr- ar•• an4 laundry rfWJm A di!'· lwc• ~,..,,,. bou11tul!y Ir ra1 ~1 • l;cn.-1"1"'' 11\i,lOm" U:'i() I M r molt~ ThU •rlM. t0,600, tum• L ·~ l\~T ON WAI.PO.A Ji• LA.Sil Thro •m•rt tum,an"1 a,..rtmflll•. I _,l~k lt1 IM<!i~h ""ltb .. ~. auMl ruwn 111,1! b•UL, tv ,.ell •. ka•te ,,,, .... er and dr..,.tnc room•. • •Lall rar.... M •ti a larl• Int Ote.• ot IN()() ,1ua peP JMr I 4 •tJT AT .... eoo. t.irma. Merinen lilt Rlty. Ill Martne ·"'• . Wbo• Ututl KM'-.Cr •Tt1 NEWPORT I MCP110m•. IVral.ltted aur bch ''°°° w1D llandle.. CBANHl:L J'RONT DUPLEX f\&ralMM, ~ In· CMIMI. A pt.c• for yeur -•t. ....... ~ ,..,.....,...,.t eoet. N.B.C. REAL TY llll41 .. )1..,,..-t lll•d. Hu. lUl«Mlt 2fS..a ~ JdOft ............ I .... .,,t9koe. BBQ. lla 1'fd!..... PL •tuc c .. 2 100 • JOO ~. E. 17th St. I fJletwe• T\aat1n • ln1tw\ eo.ta Meu'a J'tfte9t A f'ta PftlCll Ul.000 C!a11 0-W-. Har'W tooa 70cP ntftEE bednu t.nd 2 baths, •odena la stJl.lq with a bard to find ll:Nt P'Ut. ~ &nd draf'C'• includNi at 127 .~. TWO bednna and 1 bath on ~tt. QOmer Jot, R.oorll t.e upand »it> M10M from ~·1 Nd bee.ah. Pull price &2!.080. UNDF..R ronttrucUoo at Use tnd of Vla KoroD on I..ido Nord. Cieora• D. Bucoola'1 lai.t tdltion to ha tver growinc U.t of deluxe Baytroot homes. J'oor bedrma ud ft.mUy room. ' t.tha. Cmlpleta m d•Wl and stylinf. Came ltwly t.IM pl&na a.nd make thOM ch&nC"a wtuch 9t'ilJ stn the horn'! }'0111' pel'IOQ.&lit1 ao._wbUI the home " in lht !ramtnr •t&~. For <:Qmplde 1n!onnation on th.-a8d eta. t~UAlVt LJdO UttiJ'lp, ... LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 VIA LIDO HARBOR 5028 ITANLEY Ml:¥~ nEO GUl:HIU.&I VU\GL'-;lA MANION JACK WOOD G~ VREELAND 1Sc77 OPEN HOUSE ' Home Run Special! tot a.D'J' Da!YI: ' You WOP't Jtrik• out on Udl ~ bGmt"' ua h61 open attc'P~ 11Cept Weda.d17. Th~ bedroom•, 2 bath.a, 4l.niq room. li'1Df room opelUD.I onto i.nWo pool .W. ~ u4 tilt.er. Located in one ot tbe nnett Nlldentkl r al"'Pu, wt W.k lt'1 a a-I bgy at _. Get ID }'Our car riaht now Wore lta too lat. t DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "At ~ 8ddp io U4t •:tale" L&taJett. at l2Dd It. -~ •711 ENJOY OUTDOOR UVJNe · CORONA DEL 114a, IOvrH or ,.nm BIGll1f Ar Step oat ol ~ ~ IQW ~ ..... patio._dlne ln er-~ AdrutM a,,. old..,. ~ - )lame. 11 x " IMJll ,... wall to ... ..,,., a. plMI. 2 WnSll. Tiled ,..,._,, ..... Jfo JVd wark. AU t!lil A DICmoB too, fN9 -' ..._ p.np 136,800. No phCDI aa1la ...... We la" the ktY'- STANLEY A. SMITH. Realtor 264 7 E . C:O.. Hwy .• Coroaa ~ Mat Har. 812 7&c77 ' 2 bed.roottsa and den, 1 Y.i bat.ha, complet~t:· rum JUJl l'fdu~ lo $23,750. .,.. ALSO <>c:.n front iol, ~1 • front.ace. Th.la ia the lul 1ood lot Wt, call today. JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR "AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 W. Cout Hwy. l..J 8-7773 5 ST AR HOMES EASTSIDE COST A MESA On 23rd St. betwttn Orange and Santa A"t. Av~~. • 3 uld ~ bedrooma, 2 bathroom. • Poroed-&ir M&t, thumo cuitroll«I • Gt.rb&fe dlapoMJa, uhauat fa.ru • lnnlated ftoora, maticork ti1'- • Form-flt FormJca counter topa • Curb&, Sldmlka. Sewtr Unn ln and p&id for I P· 8/8 WE PROMISE YOU tha t you will not And a mon bff.utlfut. u~i. ~ lA uw 41nt1J"9 Harbor ..,... for tM m~! We ~ t2lla. &Ad all ........... that you let \Ml Mow \·OU U\ia lwt\111-J Mclnn .. ;'OnYtrllb'-du and ~ la.DAI tlOmt' '° th.al you can •' UIC'M IH.luna. , 2 &ars• nrtplac .. 1 c••r a.II h&ntwvod noon I 1 • pre>Tuaelal lattttor w1th 1huttf't11, drapu It .. arpel• of tht nrwat •1.1&Uty I 1 '• b4lll\a 1 a romplt'ttl)' eD('IOMd hral· c-<.I lanai that'• alont 'AOrth your tr1p 1 1ncqu181lf' l•ml~•J>f'd front • b•dl ~ ud ••"•litl'W'd tor a m1n1m111n ot \&NI v.o•k 1nlt un~raround •prlnkll'n IDO. We ro11ld 10 on for hout11 but VOU0Tt IOt to -\l' $2~ ~ fUU pnoe With f'Jtlnt, fln&ndnf Three 8edroom1 ••low•• $11 ,450 -$695 Down • ~ma. Four B.droom• os low a• $ t 2,450-$795 Down j Home Plus Income 0 PE N D Al L Y 1 L p M ;-'~no:11:*"to •:;:l :~rh ':~u::'t: , "'(J • • 1 1t..u1Jlna buy aa Ull.a ,.._c,p- BE 11 ER THAN TWO THIRDS SOLD Ot.rr ONLY 10 LErr .w. A. TOBIAS, .Realtor and ASSOCIATES "you'll like our trif'ndJy urvice'' Uonal 3 bdrm PN>Ytnc:tal horn" With a larr pr-.. ap&rtmf'nt whleh ean be r-nt"'1 for ~ tQ ~~ ~r mo. y,.. It h&• a ll U\I' ,.,.t,.... 1 •. btllh. flli>pla"I'. hd"'d. 00<11a blllll·ID br-kfut ar•. •lf'Cll 1<' lt.llcb- ""· bf'aulltul pallo " land , .. ·aped ff'nl'f'd ba• It ,·11nl ant.I .)uat a• n•al •• a pin f/'ull pn.-. J1uot • 111 i'~11 •n•I th• r•ntal v.111 rn•k• th" 400 Jt. 17th St. Co.la Mt'a& Ll~rty S.l 139 munthl\• psym,.nt-. II• In thf' I 8a•·k Bay fea.al-'~ ll"ll tr~t' Eveninc'a call LI ~ • HA ~179 -Ll M975 • Ll 8-5665 _ Harbor Villa Lots BALBOA ISLAND 3 BEDRM. HOUSE pill.I 2 bf!drm. apt nf'4r t: Bay. Priced righL 2 unit.a on rood •lrttt. z ~nn. hoUlloP. plu• 1 br. apt. AtU"act.ive clean property ="'· No. Bay, 3 bednnll .. J 1:: baths. 2 <'&r pr l bdr. apt. SmaU down. Owner f'&(f'r to !Mill. S26,05() Small ho~. rorn~r lot. Good location Sl9.950 3 t:i.drm. l bath, l..ittlt' t.land -$31.!500 Dup~x l bedrm. Mach, rood strHt. ·-.$22.~ B.lYSBORES 3 bn. 1 bath. GOOD BUY $21.~ A.ND OTHERS. J'or acbanp -S bednn.. H4 bath home on rood ~t In Santa Ana tor compuable fee pl'Ope.rty b:s thia area. • Evenlnp oaD Edith Maroon, HYatt '"'6222 or Lou Boynton Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2:m llllariu A"·· BaJboa la1and Ht.rboT 177fS I EX<"Lt'RJ\"JC • RY.f'ITRl(.."N:t> i';>' trunta1• I rovt lot.a Ir. C:o."ta MHA a famu1111 BAC K BAY AREA AU ulillUH II\ plw <'Ur~ C'•lT•r • anti ahir ,. alka P'\111 Pnr• $6 1'"' Bay & Beach Rlty .. Inc. 1.EAl.Tok:- 11Jii•1 Harb"r filvd I •••• -"""" Pav nr n11rtt phont' I.I Ii 7i If I uFE·s FIRST ORY.A T&aT ~n•mn I• nur rhlldr•n Thia 1>eeuuru1 ranrh tYJ19 thrff bedroom hath and on• halt horn• la lncated on o~ ot :-i-·pc>r't H4"•hn nn .. r •~rwta Tha bl'ltrllful la rse beck y.td la rurnplettly ff'O('td llO yotlr klddl• <'•n pl•)' In Mt•t~ Thi• hnm• la l'loa• In lhl!I M•t ll('bnoi. aN1 ahop- plns:. Prk-ad under 120.000 1 .,,,U\ n-wall to wall t'.&rpal.a and dr•Pf'-. Ca ll now to -· 75c77 Duncan Hardesty CORONA DEL MAR TWO BEDROOM boue oo 06 fL lot. fully fencf!'d and room to build ln front. Near abope Ir echools. Prioed at $18, 7~. ... BACK BAY Two bdnna,, a,Jld den, 1~4. balb.I OD larp Jot over·· lookinl tM lake. Shake roof, all dectrte kitchen, dlilliw....,, ......., &Dd clrJa', carpebld. • dra~ ed. Prtc. bu been ,.a..-$2000. N• plb P7 ,llOO. CUFF HAVEN a btdrm.. attncttn bomt, t hObe otl (ltff Drift. Ntoel;y la..._ped. ~: 'nJe kitcllm. ~ dlllp .. 1ftnd for no. balltrtn ct.:k • book· ~ctn.pa r.P. sia.nso. rlaible t.enna.. W. E. FISHER & Associates 1024 0out Hwy .. Conm& del Mar Harbor !'1032 ~ }larl)o.r 24.20-W Jll&ALTOfl "At tbe Bridp to Udo lal•~ t.Afayetl• at '2nd ll .. Har. H Jll EXCHANGE I J Vacant Lou co M. P1u Caal'! ,,,.. 1J1 J or I e.d.-vom Home <' 0 M. (21 2 DI' I n.droom Hom• Harllllor A ..... 111 V-t R.a ft_., M·1 ~ -'>'· ~ 8al'-bm7 -RM.ltor 11•~· .... ..,... 1dAd Rar1M>r N11 NEWPORT HEIGHTS J WW-wnna.. llplil·r....I t..n.a. ·~ ,..,.. oAd.. Lhr. nil. bu lllP ...._.. ..i.. bldoor euttert Kttaea bu lliuJlt.-ta W . Holly ateft, qaan7 eupboa.rdl. ff"d nna. J2' • 11· 1r1md«:k. Sta.000 I e>rn.r-414 Calaltnt Drln I 70pl1 . ,,~,..~-2Mllaa-t.C.rfier•I' ' , :· \. '. ·eoste . Mesi. 1 ---; • •••• SUNSHIN"f . . BEACH HOMES l"ULL P81Cll '16• $11.BO PD MON'm WILION 6 PLA• iotftU. Furnished Models I ' Open p.ily . p. a; palmer inc:~,'ttCj~ . ., 5 Minut.1 f:roift tM· Oceen Ne•r Scllools I Worlt 009l'..t MlllA StJMllBDS ol• h•n••n co. iM~wlit I ' BJUCB ema:& OiiD ••. l'root or l'e&I" lt'ftnl room.It • Plilllty of dmiU. Dlnini .,.. • ~--• '°pl ... Matera. Natunl ~ tabiMta • Cdllf.W tile bl kttda· ena e MatJoork floors • Wood mlidl:nr wm- clowt • 6,~ ... tt. Iota • Bock roofa. AfUminum .creem. __ _ _ ______ 1_1_oe_•_·-~--'1_sb_wa_:y..,.,_~ ... 1 .... • ... ~ ... ',..ef-11 __ . __ w«U.,mw.n:·oo: · I .... ,.lV .... ! ... HE - wbo 11 •aitinl for prica to IO ~ will wait a Iona time. Now la the time to ~ !· '1'tUI deltPtr tu1 LJ.do hcxne often . ..,.. ~ twO Wed bath.I, Jarl" friini room with alldbta pa cSoon to the double patln. a.ad a moclma formka kit- chen. The muter Wcltoom Ulo opw Clldo the I patio and ba.9 llr. I: Mn. ~ 6 •UL Priced DOW at oaly $.1SS,a()(} with tef'ml. C'All 1MJW to 11ee lt. -WHO la 1ookiftc tor t.nre. TWIN stzm BED- ROOMS. two batha ! We just ~ th1a bauty. It a1ao hu a lafTe Uvini room, larp notk:ally planted pat.lo, nice kitchen with bnakfut bar and hu ~nUy btto decon.W lnaide &Dd oat: Carpeta and dra~a included at S34,l500. ~ u.t ahow you. SHE who wanta I.be luxury and bu.ucy of a •·ondarful Lido waterfront home m\Llt eH t.bJ8 ~. Amonc it.a many wonderful featwa lt bu nn bedrooma, three bath. t&e<:trlc tlrtator. rnoder1' ldtcheo, brf'akfut bar. form&! din.in& room~ ot count a wonderful Bay ,;~w living room with ftrtplac.. Al.ao it bu a (inf' doublf' p1f'r A flne'f'r allp. Nffd w~ aay mort"? WHO haa comi.ilelf' I.la~• and intonnatJoo oo ~o 1ale property" Who LI betlt to att for Udo ~nt&ll ! W'ho hu their o(fkt juat at the ri(ht of th,. bridge to l.ido I.ale! Who bot - DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor , "At the Bridie to Udo I.alt" l.afaytttf' at 32nd St. -Hubor '718 -------- TEXAS STYLE Beach Cott.age NEW with VIEW 2164 Ocean BALBOA PENINSULA LARGE l..i\'inc Room LARGE Patio LA.RC E PvkinJ Arn LARGE 4 bedroo?N • 3 batba LARGE Oc~ to look at Diapoa.J. Dtahwuhtf Radio controlled door. Wall to wall C&ll»t.ma' Prlce M5.000 DEAN A. KEPHART 1~1 Ocean -Harbor 1088 Or ett Your Broker • Bayshores • 3 -Chat~ EK.clu.un u.tlnp • TlcTSR 2 bedrooma. 1 bath -., .. Tao 2 bedrooma. 11.4 bathe U, 110 2 bedroom-, 2 batha. immaculate (9Ql4l -~ '. ,;:..,,;_·. ~---· . ,la:n . ......,nv• .· ~P.OINT · HOJIEB: I ... ANOTHER S. V. HUN84Kl!!R, ALEX STICP't DEVELOPMENT 11 ) c.... . ...at I .... ... .......... ~...._ ..... --....................... KILLION Real Estate Ur p"17 attrMU-.. ..... ... ~.···.~.tlna&. • Ii t ... • • {t) TWO ...-00¥. ) ~ '-Ui .......... ~ '119tai '""' .... j,t ~ a.,.t.. ~ ..,.. ....,.,. . ~ .,.... .,... 't..-JN.-,.tiD ...... 'tou~ n. Uda _, u - ·•i.•·OOC?> ~ I • • I 111 IP.A.OIOUI 1 ,-.oftK. home JArWe lhtllc'. room. f\Nlllaee. .,.aom ~ aNL t'ilca tor . lafl'I" tasiUy. O,_\ v.iue at I fJt.&Of. ~ do1n1. I 1•1 ro& Jr. \tmftT LOVCLT.: NIDW.·.I ~HOM.I: you abea¥ .... tblAI bea.lltUul ....._ l" .,.t.M. a1141n1 a&-...... t. J*Ull trotn lh. ~ reoca, *"4 m_.t.,. b.cs· "*ll. ~ ktt.cMD and ,o,_.. ur b.eat'. 1n.1W>O lft1DL ' ' I y A.CANT OOllNl:lt L(YT". en ta. Pw•.w.. u x 100 1'.-1 . ....,.. If yw .... nt • poet 1iat tJUI '8 lt. JU.MO. 011Dlft DA.KDT LU.aOA. VA.I,.. \;U Foa TOUJl PSJtU8AL I ~SIVS wtTR ca: w..i I 8&7 ...._ t tldnn.. liom• 1V1UI I ,...-8ia.t YMw el Ul• bay. ?'(r. NKTC. Lal'_. It*( room. ttn· pla<-'. CUU d.tnblr nMJlll. ""rn · lfted u PeT tn,,.tory. n1.ooo. t.-ms. ~"ZIID8 tlOXm Jl'IX'lN 1raa.th' palll\ \',Mn' QJUIAT V ~t.T& J ~ ~ ._..r ~ J&~o a.t fll ,&1) • I jilt\ ".a llliel ... ~ .. "" j u•.ooo. ~ -..n. I "Friendly, lntdlipnt Service" We KNOW the area! Luxurious Lido Living! EltqUW!t.e Conttmporar)' w. proudly p~t Ulla c.h&ml1na Udo Hem• dMiCned by EllerbroU. daooratad b7 Htl~n P•tult or Loa A~•IH &nd 1a.nd.9C9ped by Bttl<ll JS,000 00 bulll·ln HI-Fl &lid r9COrd pla)•r. •nd T.V. Walnut p&nt'lln1. terra.&llO tloora. Jln&llah YroQJ ~arpetJfl&. hand·p&lnlad allk on alldl~ panel•. Sunken ahower In ~th off mut.ar badroom, 2 r11Qn bedroorna and a beU\, 1&r1• dlnln& lanai and a ~ramie UJa wall acc.t1ttn1 lh• 1aroen room and ~Uo Ux-ated nea1 private bele<"h. Mav "• ahow you lh• l\M.et ~ Lido Sparkler! t'or bu.a!JI-r...-ui <>-Mr wtll all C.."ualom. oea.r·D-bom• TnrM bedroom•. two ~lh• n11• <"arpe~ and 4rape1 .E:llqul.llle In ev..., d«lall J t I perl-"l 1 Distinctive Bayshores! tt.ActJ te lllOH Into. C"harniln• two badc'oom, completely turnlallad born.a U!At n-1.a no kdll6. Lovtly pat.atJnp. aecl'*'d patio. Unmatthad bu)' al UJ,000. Willerd l. Killion, Realtor Lefty Murdock, Auociat• · 330 Newport Blvd., N-port lku.ll Harbor &&-06 Opposite lh• City Hall P:1 enlnp or eund&v• c&U Harbor Olll -~-------- T6c17 TWO t. 'NTT lNOO>lJt. J wnn. t..o:M' wttls 1 . Ml"lft. ·~t I ::._~c:::,!;1'CORONA DEL MAR =~~~ .. ~~~ VOGEL VALUES I..0\'ELY FAMILY HOME Balno,a Re•lty . Co. ~hue roof, ruatlc, 2100 9(1. fL lirinl area. 68' x Op"'1's. ~or.A~• LH 22"' l•t. Ptned hardwood tl<>Ol'W. FA heat to ~ ~ rrwy room. Huie brick fireplace ln llWla rm., .. • .1°'9pA!n• W•bb '-. fi~plaoe in 18' x Z7' nunpua room that opes 7001L .... -.....·Balboa .. "' ,.._.. .,_. am to ftntt.d yard. Slid~ 1i.a. door from dininc . l THE QEAT ORAN$E COAST • al:LD()lil v,..· tu· -.r• .. ,tu.i- "' 9dv~ 4"ll' .,,......., M\llll .. It i..r.. -tl2.aGO _,, ...... )(71 • ptot • wilt\ .tJGMet" ......... -~,. itaar 1T~ Tw :--·t _. lo. Jail ,. .te&liq tlda.. INOoJU -.·1':1 w C·J ncant. R 11 \2,)' '1ildJt 4ICkU't el I \lf\1ta. ·~ .... -'la~ .. a1ta&Ud' '"" ~ Tnde YRr 1'9Clllil fllr ~ ..,,_, .,,,.. room which o~na to porch. with view of ocm.o A billa. Le· kitchen. bire.h cabinet.a. brM)faa bar, diap.. wired !or el. atove. l~• tile batha. Bullt-ln KiFi, radio Ir record player. Many Dice featune, antique abattua. etc. Price onlJ $11,000 -JOOd term&. lt'a larp -nice -b.omey! Be sure 6 llN before you buy! Jl'IRST TDOC OJ'J'ERED Cc>r-Mr dupla oear atorea. Lu:p rooma, HW noon, JoU of We, nicelJ Jandecaped A .-pente 1*ubdry room. 2-<ar' p.rap. 5% Jou. Be 111"9 to ... thla aoellent buy at $2'-960. '(HE VOGEL CO. u:tr:.,... •at. t •t•. snot ieeT g c.t. e-.. eoruaa de1 Kar HA. 17'1 HA: 07l1 ~·~(I\. -J U>JAciiNr ,a. ,.......~ ~ : ..,. ?i" ,..,.· ..... ~=1. ai.---· ta. w • .,. I ....... tw•CLllfl>•• .... eqo. ......'Ura .. .~· ~·D.varou ~'tllto'i!: IT ---~~-~.:· COSTA MESA The Best Town on~ , &w• I mda., cmte:r of. lofrD • A·l t•eeg,,... pod ..... 5'0.000 wtth tenM. IDCOIDI ulta wttll fftlltllp a t1" ..... & .... ..... -...... 161Ut ot "60.000 ... tllllllL • MDIMi.-."' a a 4tXti! 1.· .... ..... :.......~ ...... ~ ... ...... ~-·-"· .... ---·~~ "' .. ... o~<af.m , SHOWN BY APPOINTMB:NT ONLY . '9(1 JlB· •• i; • ALSO 1ln .,....,_, ,.,._ 'OllllS' ._ say Front Piel' 6 Slip. Winter Jlntal, u ... 1m · ._ u •.,_ QaalJfte4 QSenta ODlj. 0-1 -rt OMca. ..._ ~ HARBOR 1NVESTMENT co. I Harbor 1600 EW9 LI ~ I 75c77 1·-..... ..... Mow lup ...... ._.,,..._area~ .......... ...,.. free a.u. JllOl. llt.DOI. 'l'Wru. LI l..ma , t6.r.JT , G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd.. Colla Mea Liberty g. 7729 ,