HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-30 - Newport Harbor News Press,
,_.,..tuw for the put
....... t. ~ Newport Barbor ....... :
OVER .. TOPI • • ..
A. turthn atwfv lndlcatl'tl thal
ol ... S"rand total. the larpet
ll.,.s. aMUC• of IQCOm• WU tM
P8.5fl f90e!Ved Jn houat"-to-
...... eollc:it&Uon. An ~
al ..... -· tn u ep«taJ
p1JMP line, OOftred ovtr, a.nd
about UU..-fourth.I o< • mil•
of ~n ditch. Southworth PX·
pla.lned. The projttt wtll dral.n
Harbor Blvd. and l.be an-. bfo-.
t wMn Vlclbria and Wll1t<1n St.
Aleio to be ~rw.y bv' nen
eummer. Ute city '1111"'"'r pr'·
dkted. I• t.M W't'll adv~
Operation Shakedown ,Has
Little Effect in Harbor .
stfta i •t.O or • "'°""' ""°'" 1n· Tbfo Harbor UM l< n11tbt :i"': ..... t'!t~~~~r.~~~--=i.--""'-.;..--:-~~,.._--..:;. .... _..;....,... _____ ..:__:_..:::_ su.ff•rf'd the ~lit'.. ..,.. ol •
Jta~lde ~· m.ut.er wbi.c.b would ba" k111fod 241
peno~ and la]urtd 14,m
othenl In 01"'allp Oowal,1 U lha
emersency bad beea r e a I .
Btared to icin CMI 0.f•DM
C~nd POllU a worklq lfft
of tlwlr reeou"°"" l.ba lbnulat.t
earthquake wu ll • own a
"Operation ~ •
A. MucaJll lnteult7 of T -• u. problem&tlc&l ~
ot.. uw ~uallt'• -...rtty
HeiCJhh Sdlool
Guscl Is Hired
~ :~~ ~!:! ·!.1~
t.-• oa ·· Hit ·
...... _. . .. ~ ... -·. ~--""'· llCPI • lili• , ~-·~.~·m• . .... ........ ~·--~ • A. -=-~-fll Ooillla ,._, ...... ,..,. ... wllllith v.-·. lJDl\ed ....... Drt .. -..... la ... ,, a ... al
b1buUom ,...._..,,I Hf..... J4*a OtJyta ,,..._ lllt ..
U..t Uw 'bop ...... *"• to-.. ot Mn. , Olllat ~
taJ . lltiU bner11 UO\md U.. S14-• Rak.W ,,......_ 11, la a Qii&li
000 marll. ~ t.o .Dtl .... mat.I' .... ...... ...
~ tnuunr. . Maida. wfll ..... u. ....
TM amOWI&. npilrt..t u IMt ;... ~ el•!Mrpns
lhaA M> P"' cat ot 0., F,&I ol bM OW11 ,........._' d • Ollfo
$3', 19{.. Tlw boud le ~ t.. It: llt&rtiJtC' otc. 10.
t.o hAve a..ua.r ....... .-t ICDI...,.
Wotelr --probably oa w~ 'Pollom~ u. x.. ,._
da7 -to set mor. Ill' to dat• fot'lCe ha Dec.. 1IU. u a.It ncu,... rnt11nwr ol u. ·-·-,,.. ~la e&ld lh• bo1.11111 to fonawtns JUI)' ._ • ........ a
i-.. campa.lp Se •irtu&U7 a. NJ111&1' and fol' U. ftiiit ,_r
lalliPd bul aome tad~ coe-u ~ tatl'Olmaa acted• M _.
c.ma ban ~ lo Ual'll in lWr ordl.Mtor ot ua ,_ ....
on Plr<ll'-He or~ UM M9& 41i.-
A '"' ot t~ 1• puU~p&Uq tllcUw ~ 'a 11a7, • 1•
lle9l<'IH bavt' ... .-oed f« wt.a be blaime U bi~
t.hdr lack ol support ln U. ell4 ln July Ul&t· ,.0 ..._. City M-.n&etr Ro~rt Un&l"f
and Ch&m~r Pl'Hl~nt Pet•
0edde9 t'&J"lltr OU. Wttk met
wtlh member• o( the I 7Ua SL
,.roup 111 ~ v.tarln&rtaa office
of Howard Sawyer oa E. 17UI
BL lo ~ problenu faM.n&
UM lmpra.•ment dlatrtcL Al· l.erldlnc aUlo _,. Don Huddlea-
t.oA. 17\h 8t. .-!tor: M.arlUI
Johmoft of 8taaabury Buldl Oo.,
om of t.he priDctp&I 1"9tail coo·
crru on 17th at., and ui of.
ftdaJ of • •-Center. mall
•hOJ>9'.'DI' cCftkr In UM dYC.rlct.
/' (0-...._._ ..... )
ce.mpa!p. A r-ot uw ~ cs.t.ectnt ~ IAlll · u.a •
d('ll Mal f('W or QO ~ al year a.1-)le Wllll fllriluii ja
a.11 wbll~ ol.Mn camJ tM lu1J C09& ....... ... ' • tteuJ
buro.n v.1th mo,. worurw \Ma and bbarN llWl'd.r--
UMly WU'W expected to .-d_ aavwa • ft&a
M.allpla •XJ>Latald. Pollom ....,... falir ,.... ..
N• deftniw cloan& dat.. f« a p&trolmu Dit ~
the drtn oe U.. M.eea Ma.,._ ottlOll' In tM l'W .. t ~
..t.. CMJrmaa Art McSWN re-polk» llilp&rtaMDt _,... ia. J'lt-
tumf'd thla Wfflil rr.im a ~ ttnd «ad W"at mt.o &aoa.r
to 01\ee -.ata t&M ....-. Niu .-aUJ'IUlt ~ r
ol u. -paip.. Tiie ...... ....,,...... .. ·~ .. ~
.._, baud mHUnc u. tftl&aUft&J Un ~ ~ N'~ .i...
_. f(W ~· ..,_ Otrt a.out r. ~. aaoe.r wur ._..,.
Jlowe. ' CO 11 11 • ...... tJ
' •
~ K.rr, ta nit oC lt111deirt at a NC1' Eii11a.Dd
JNP Kbool; tall m loire with .D*>m Kerr,
portr.;taa wit• of a hoaemuter, ID -n. and
IJIDPIUlJ," Mllklra ot the Joai·rua-.,. uaceeu.
Tbt tum II DOW lhowtn, at Udo ThatN •itla
t~ .,W,.,.. Thdtr."
., .. WAt•an
~ .... ,, ..... ,..
Ot Ors 1
T 1 , llff ..,.....,.,..
Mesa Police
Chief. Wife ' .
Enjoy Mexico
Coeta W... Police Cbid A rt
M.cKan&I• haa Jvllt ~ from
h11 fourth trip to Old Me~co
&nd ht 'WU 110 tnlhualutlc
about ll he &nnounc.d It u nu
place of ~Uremmt lf and whea
hie teavee th• loul police foroe.
O&A.h'D TO'J'4L
A crud LoW 0( 111,UO volee
... ,.. oUt. .
Wa.Jlace •Id of 006S be.llol1
NtUmed by ~tM Yote'9,
4'50 we r • acut&lly t.altted.
helve """ nturnecl by non-
,...Ut..Nd Yoleu: 2t w•re not
property l<MnUfled. 19 w•r• not
delivered and U\rtt pueona vol·
~ at\u Nov. e.
~ awntff vote tall~ to up-
Mt lllly applecaru. Bul knt.a wtre:
Ana'• library luve dept"ndfod oa · A. OYia <Anter -Yu ••.
t~ dedtdon ot the abeenttta. 91,ot:i no ••• 61.41'. B, County
TMy vot.f.d 816·2lt ln faY« Of Hoeplta1 ~n butldtnf -Y•• ..
Moaday Sic~ ~uaah Session
Slated for Senior Citizens Cbi•f McK.alU • &M JUI wt.I•
fle'w to Mako Qcy, at&yed
0V.. diay1 Lil AcapuJco, ytnt~ A mHUn( of the Scnlor OU·
tM bot Jll1Mr&l IMUI apa al IWl.t JTI>UP c.t N•wport 8"<:11
lJcta~n MMI ta..anNI the ~Ul\f "'°" WM held Koa4a)' a.t ~d
O&rlkn.1 uf Xomllco. uie later a.n q1&&r1.er1 buUdi"f ot the Park.
bo11r'1 dr1ve from UM Mrltlcan ~cMti a.nd Rrcttttl.on Dt-put-
Ylnf Clark volunl"Nd to Mrve
OD & comm.Jtt.M Lo Uallt lhf
lt<te,_tlon Dtvltdon and N-·
port H.art>or Zonta Club v.·llh I
plane tor the Cbratm.u Party'.,
capttol m•nt.
McKenae·• wit., Laura. wbo 1 An o~nal ~dJnr wu (1nn
t.cble d&Aclni. took U\e oi>por-l>y Miu Mane Howe, dean Gt
tunily to 11.udy ntu&J a.nd cen-.,.. om•n ol Of'1Ullll C<*lt Collqe.
morual naun d&ncee and eoe· C..rd and other table 1am&1
tum• of UI• Me~ fur ~ Wtr• P•:vf'<l.
Colt" and cak• w.re wrved
by Zont.a Club. The labl• wu
d«'ora~ Wllll a ccnt•rpltte ot I
fall O.Wtn &Ad aulu.rnn •n• ~
by Mra. Jta.rl 8t.anl~'.
I.A bet' c.._. Dunna lht !tw At ttw bu11n..a m~UnJ . Mt.
day1 an. wu In Meitl.co <..'lly and Mrs John W1lrra Mno.
aha took epeci&l •ludla from a KAthlND Or•ullch. And Mn. Ir-
danctna ~ al t.M NaUonat
Th9 next wneeUJll' ot UM hn·
lor a u.na frVUP will be Mid I
at Community Youth Center, I
~th &Ad lr11 8ll"MU, Monday,
10.IO a.m. -J ·3o p.m. M..nbers
ate to brtn• a .-c• lunch. A;:;rn~cKel\ZIH •t.ytd wll.h Hungary Aid
frtcnda much of th~ lune durlnc
the lWO·WHk trip Their fir•
ll1p to Mulco ,,. .. , In 19!11 when
tM ltcK•n&lee llvrd thtre for
alx monU\I.
FronU.r" LI lbe accomr1ny1na
pl-. At Lh• M-Lll man
aralnat ahark. Tht m&n l• Vic
MatuA and we'll rl•l• 3-tn-1 on
him The tltle. errord•nr II) J.,.
tM dnnlltr, too'
Tou're bu.y 1hnrptn1. l''tlln«
llollda7 clloru completed and
mud1 muat be don,. 1n your car
llO pl.MM k"J In mind on tiw
drh1"1' wtili.t behind U1t at_.,. 1 tnc wti .. l Play It aale 10 you
caa be a.round and N,va fun•
Harbor are& c:ontnbuUooe lo
Cloth• for lh• People of Hun·
rary hu mad. ll pou1ble to
hav• a Clnl •hlpment on lht
way to Uv l:ul Coa.et, It wu
&llllounc.d todav by Tommy •-tta. Tl•• etupmtnt "'Ill bt
l&k•n to Au•tria. Foettr rtport-
Mf"Ultlmt', )'oeter aald th• bo11
w~r• ct.olh.• tor Hun,:ary ma.y
be plac9<1 rema11\8 In front or
31111 I:. Co&al Hiebway.
llU of RM)lm W..tc I
P'oll~1n1 approl1nJ N-1>0rt
8-ch City Council action Mon•
day ntcht &t r~uut of Natl••
Oau1htu11 ot th• Goldo-n West.
M.&yor Dora Hill h.a1 !uut'd a
prodamallon on 8111 of RJ1llt.1
WHk. Tht proclamation wt. ott-
.. rvan~ of 11lh &1u1al ob-."·
anct ot BUI of Rlfhl• w .. k UI
N.-wport Beach. Dec. t throu1b
{)« 1~.
·-cHIK ~N' RIB''
a-41 t• Cea -""T...-.... i-t ... BM It .. 0eoe4•
f \\"ROLE LUl-11-QOD CIDCILL."1 .-. ft.•
e QIOfClt a.t.1'-a.QU&D IUIMI -_Ji.. Ut
• llA&-B-QUD B&AN'• (,..,_. ..... • J1.M41 t. Eaa)
e PIZZA -.. ._. la U. W..r ---___ _,,_ M
0,.. ~. ~ 11119 ~ .. "*p.a. a.a.. ......
A .... ,,._ ~ lAuV 1-1111
_, ... &.Am CW ftlll WAI'!
' D~g ·Every Night
....... DYA.l.Ldii
DINND BftVl:D IS p. m. -to mJ8n!C't OOCKT~~ 11L 'tn 2 L m. u NOGll 1 ,. 8anda1
Speciel Sundey Buffet
2 'tit 9 p.m.
"09"" NDJ'ON Jm CJ.t~ 1'.u&DIG
._ aa a nM • -••....-DOI
OCC Sciewce C....,
Declicatlon PlaftMd
<>rur Oout Collece'• n-
1dence center wtU be dedlcal~
TIM9day I YNllll •• April 2. 1N7,
th• Bo&NI ot Tl"uat-announc~
thll week.
0.CUC.Uon CIND\GNea will be
put ot th• pubLlc K~ w"k
operi hoUN ..a.brauon at t.be
On The Bay ..
(UA>d&D lfOND.&W')
U... Pricea Goa-Up Tomorrow -00-ioua YOLIDA-Y -.UfJNo NOW • u VJI
I 10"'• Oiecounl IW)' tbe Cue)
We Now Have a Complete k1ecUon ot
Come X. a.ftd a... Them and~. YCNT Ord4lr !faw
Befort P'1cell ()o t'pt
IJerjac£ ~ ofkju~rj
n...~, ... ...
We O.Uur Aa.r"aitn la O.ta "'-... £attn llM'tlier .,_
llM N--..rt ...... (Near ..,_..,, -c..ta ._ • 0.-. ....... , ---.. ..,.,. • ,. .... ~
l'US P.&.aa11'G-W 41T SDl'IOE
P1&l1' .&D DllflJfG lloo. rua oaoun or lt m It
11 o.a. to I pa.
Dtlly, .... ..,, ........ ~
Buff et ·Dinner
1-S~&V& a'9 008'l'A llDA ••Blaft a.an . " ' . • OPEN 24 HOUIS •
LI D 0 --~ ·,
• ~i:pm the
• ··~ aUOC* ..
that ran
•t we•ka•n
lo11• "°'Y
of• ,.,,, .... .. ,.,,.
,,, ""*'"""dilff
..... ,,.... .. ...-.. munua1
...... l
Bilbal9' JIU Kerr·Kerr
llD>9' llATIXD UT., lMI ,
I ~lfa -a:aiAt
COM_. AT HOAG " After U ~ In a coma,
l,.llllan 8 . Jk1l .. •Ull cl ..
'11ertb9d a• tll .. crttkal ~
dltton wit.bout chaiic•" by
Hoar H09J11W otttcia11. Miu
Bell ... u n&lbed to Ui.• ho.-
pit&! when )it by an auto ln
a C.0..l Hlfh...,. cromwalk
on Nov. 11.
(~ ,,_ ..... 1)
ach.l.vecl It. ioal· TM only com·
Teat of Ule bill 11 u toUowa:
"'IA ons.r t.o WW"e OOnMrVa-
Uon of l< water flab and yet
allow the m&X.lmum harv.-t ot
•ucll t11h oon1l1tent with liw\r-
!JlS a stable tlah 1uppl)', tile
n.h and O&me Commimion
ccoau..N rrom t'ap 1) ahall rel'\Ll&t.e lh• taldnf ot eaJt
were landalf. It ..,... dtlnollabed 111-.ta f\all to UM elrtat &lid ln
by tire. Ac:cw~ to Ma.rtnM the J¥N*' preacribed. lll<'b
at the Ken•, t.M pilot a.nd crew ft1UIAUon11 u. J'llCffl&r)' to
were HVt-d. l'lYe 1tabWty and oooUnutty to
l'•uH ot t.he fire wu a hell-tlw recuiaUon of all matteN
coptn wntcb cruhed and burned Wllll rHJ)«t lo such ti.sh and
wlul<' pr•c.:Uc1n1 rourh l"rraln yet have tbt n.lU.blllty ~
ta.rnhnJ• un a mounl.&1n nm. The aary ln vt-ot the tart ta.t
c;oplt-r C"ll lnlo a fold t,,rtwttn OW Leflaia.tur<r con.Iden ••l
the mountain nm• and U1e Cla.lb He went on to pomt out: 'Th• wat.r !l&bln1' probltt111 ollQ>
louclwd uff tbe dry t11lla111e. RESERVOIR youth. weltu., and heallb ai•n-every other year, allhoup the
Pilot l.L. J. H. Blake 111rterl'd ties who IA memben of lht problana concemln1 ..-ary con-
Want Out on
2 Suspects
Just. Let Go
Two rtrtluoua tMck wnttnc
wspecll, a.rr•t.ed Millet l.n the
Wffk but relN.Hd when they
D'l&de cood on aevera.I checlu
~)' had paaNd ln th• k>c:&J
are&, were belnc hunled lpl.D
by oftlcerw today wnen a lel.e· Today's~N. Y.
Stock Report m1nor cul• and burna IQ IU.I Ne..mnrl Beach United Fund a.11 alMr&bl1 f rom -..on lo ..... { C1>Dtl.Doed "'9J'll l'a p l ) ·· r-r au. l'1u1K·nrer Col. J, A. l'Jray ara.1n UIW'ed of &dequ.i.a fundl eon Uld wee moa1A to aontA."
... ._ 11nlnJ11rl'd. Both were aavW.. can •ua1eatN lh• bond elK· lo "fflcimUy operate In 11167 Local fllhllll' club "preeeot.a-Too Late To Classify
lo ..l'lrnitw -rr. llfJl IDl'f I a
l1n"1tl u11 uf 1·.1 r
U. a. Strd .
Harvey Leme'.i
'lu·l•v :.0 men conUnul' to t1an1 lhould be held no latc1 •• To Ute 600 voluntHt' wot"k• UvH fffl p&aUfe of the blU
patrul the unyon. -.king' than March 1, 11167, en. 1 expr-my conrratuJ~ will ma.kl poqibl• a rttum of
11 a• h ba~·k1 ()r •~ltiudllnit. l'EW XOTl!l Uou and thank• To l.bo.ae In aom• lYPft of tt1h now prar-
a1u·an1an aid Ute •f1>ty crev. • AuoUier new ool.e added In Nf"Wporl S.M'h who P"'• to Ult Ur.ally 11xt!ncl ln South Coaat
wo .. 1r1 jlrobably c:onllnue Lhf'lr lthl• momln('• 4LIC-10n wa.a United Fw\d drtve l thank you wa~ra.
J*lr•••• tl\rouih<>ut lM day. lhe tact lhat boUI Ooeta M-and conintulate you on your -------------
Ek•1•IM I.he 6:1 mannH from and New port Beach wUl 111ctude r•neroaify and Uioqhttul11~1H." 4 E• Toi o >tanne e... an.s in. ~b•r 1mprov•m•nta to tll•tr MrlL Lee · lkboMk. -11t&l)t Injured f n
60 or 70 rnirn Ole Kann. Air wat"r •ycalem• In on t.he bon·1 chairman In chary• ot raldenllat
F1.u:il1ly. over·Ullloua Marl n • 1Muu u weU •• the 1200-acre IOllt'\t.aUon. dincted htt tnanlut
..-cw 11y 111&.lda pallQUecl tlu capa.uly ruervolr on Irvin• Oo. prlmarUy to the hundr~ of vol-Mesa Crash .wctor Land. untHr · 90Jtclt.wa In lhe hoUM-to-
Ttw Ma11n. etCUrily 11J&rdl ~helton aa.ld a Joint hne a.c1oae hotae la.nvau: -We owe lllPW
pre"'"ntrd OCN8 phnW(raph1>r the Up~r Bay to eerve boUI wondf'rlul people a tremendOlll
a.nd ..:-virr-.1 olhl'111 rrom ~ :"1UH l•>IU be part of lb• walar lh&nka. Without thf'lr help ,..., Thl"M motort1lJI and a P9l-
PORT ABLE Typewriter. Recent-
ly overhauled. Sff..&o, Har 4177.
CAMY W ASKER. • Dryer C!Oln-
b1n&Uoo. Lf'•1 Utan 1.bl'M
m.ntht old WU! N <"nttn
10 E . )(ante V1.tla, CM.
1 VGpill
p1cturt1 at the "'"'" UVlfli up e)·1tem11 lmprovtrnl'nl1. He di<ln l could nol have aucceeded" 1enier In one of lhe a uto• aut•
tu put p..rforin&nC1 •. 11w Mil· .o0unl on actual uaie or th• reaer-Murn of the nedlt tor succNa tl'ttd m)nor lnJur1ea Lael rusnt SZ.-Furn.l\Gl'e for Sale
11111•1 , 11LJt1J>l'd a ··r1ua1.l1rd" on valr much wtore 111611. · • or the campall'n II due to tht wMn • trio o f can came to-
tlie ~·hotc.>ttaJlna a!Ui&ul'b caa.-N•wpolt Buen C-Oun•·tlman J . Newport H&rbol' C'b&mber ot ll'lh"r on F"alr t>rtve and New·
.-iflf'd mallf'r r •, 1a1n1 to B. Stoddard qu.Uuoed wbelber Commen:-t. arrordlnc to Ralph port A 't. Coat.A w-police
NattonaJ tt<:unly alone. The a I ~00-acre capacity reaf'r"l'Olr M. Mytra Jr. a.lalant campatp reportf'd.
Manne• latu Dp<•IOj;lr.ed tor woultl t>e 1&r1• enouah wt-f'halrman In charr;• of bu.int• Driver J:tt& Ma.-Morna. 2•,
HAR aot'f-W EYIC.NIN08.
"~ A Coat.a M .. piano l•.a•r Y•U
arre9ted at -:30 a m. ~rtlay
and cbqed w1U1 •UJ1ptclon ot
... ~ ~Ion ot ..,:inc•aled weapooa
!hf'lr acUon, t;o1ta Maaa offlt'lall polnll'd oul aollctlaUon, He rnmmmd..S Ill ot 11127 1,. Wallace AYfl.. Coeta
th.at requtremnit.• •for th• year ml'mbf'r• for their collllnuo\1• Meaa. w.• solnr norlb on New-SS--Boat.e.. 8of2llee
;~ ... "h"n Meaa patrol offl•••• tla1m· DRAINAGE 8~ '• 19'1 t.tif'y had round • vrr1t able
__ i atMft&I of wupona tnald• hi.I (0..Ua-4 frem hr;• 1)
auloniobUe. nn, ur lh" prtnC'lpal topu:a ,,f
WOO tn.dl<:'all!d lh• Mf'!!la would •Upport and Lhe 1•nero11Hy wHh port whrn h4'r car acddt>nt&lly
require more walu lh&n New-wMc.h th"Y m.,te their tadlltlu plowf'd tnlO Ult rear of an auto
po1t. and 1tatf a vailable to UF per· dnnn by Jrene Ann.a Wymorr.
lt11t :-,"rwJ>01 t City Enctn~r 11<>nn,.I He aald, "'Th• buatn... 3e. or 2~tJ Fatrv.·ay Drh·r,
Bert W1bb ~plalntd It wu nnt and prnr .. u1onal mfn and wom-CO.eta Mu• Th.-Wymor• cu
pn11·t1ral, a t th• 11te rho.en for tn of I h4 r1ty, wnoe.e voice wa. wu mak1n1 a ldt turn at the
uNUIVlOJtr> Halt lnt.-rut In
pier and final. W. end Balboa
Ulan<l CaClf1&' Udo. A 1 lln
opporlUOILy. lnQ Kar 17H.
lb• rr~"rvotr. to lncrt•Mt 1ta ., .... one or Iha etron1ut In Lh• dem-llm".
t lnca tht1 "attr muat nNtt 11n oruilial1on of publl<' ,1,.a1r11 for Ft>n't nt th" rolllllon rauud M-Dop, Cata. Peta
About lhe tlnt8l unGlle~ '•
ed vi-ln lb• whole .,....
ttf t.be hwbor'. «ea.a ....
C&tallna, Suitable for I •
artl• adults.. Q\11&.1 a ~ •
•Uf.. hul w•ll woM OM
ettort. i\111,r r~ • •
l yr. le-al only 1100 Jl\lli •
Ca.II Exclualve A1ent J"ord
Vemnder. Bar t.313. Mc:91 •
BALDO.I. ISLAND. l tJed:ra,
furQ. apt~ -1MJJe t, Wint.a'
nn t.aJ t.o June llllll. NS PU.
uUL Har SllllT·W, e...anp.
t BllDRM..~, 1 bath&, NILl'ly MW' ••
unfum hOUH. Oart.ac• d.llp.
$110 lflO 227 ft.me L&ne, ll •
Bide, C.M U ~2. Mall . ., . __ ,,
~-·· J •,. : •I
Ralph W !Jay, 2!l oC 131} It. dla<:UUll>D \.\llM lht' prt'>lf'CtiOn
20th St . WU pidted up by Of-by IU!l I.Jacka or d~d n•t WUORI
(1<:111 N JC. Wllco.a. U •l J. L C>f Ula uu--lO-Onf' par.IUnj( 18•
\.:'nirnpt"n ,.. Lil")' ¥.f're pa_trol-
l•n 11>•·htdlnf a i:.o-tt. M-lb&dt
Un( In th• VIC.IJl.ll)' oC the t.OooJ-• lhf' •ame 1 .. v"l u lhf' Met10-14opllon nf lht Unll f'r1 f'unJ, th" ho< on11 \<'hlClf' to <'Ollltle P< ><)(ll.~'.~ ••l"1 • par ll-colure<l WANTED
polll11n \\'at"r l>l~trlcl P.l',...nr>lr h•'·• ba i. .... 1 up their vOCAI •11•P· h•alJQn wllh lh" th1n1 <ar dri.·-~ Larkspur. t\·en1n11 A: .... . .. ~ l,."111 !:itor~ on E&al 18Ui fit. Po-on Hlh ~L for •vall11b111tv .>f
w·• •lrtwe •'fl t>l'htnd Uav JWlt •t!Tt"l wldt"rung. al"" n..._· .. ~aary
1 ... ~ .. 11 ( ' r I •• I • IU II~ •lrO\ f' .,..,,. \' l'hf'y t•1llow-Cor vroiwr draln•i:r
VII tvr I I. 11 tn 1· I l 1 ~d hllll an•I al<>l'l•t<.I the 1 •r a Southworth ,..., l r111A,nAgC1 h&I
_,. f•r ,. l'I v""' ,..,, ,.,, ll••lritwk awiy. nol ~n p1u1h•·d 111 •lit' norlil-
~ AllllUll l '"11 by t.h1u '• bll•l I Dai dalm..S h• couldn't •lffp ...ut ,..,,.lion "' u .. · • •' \' 11"(il.lllO<t
hidl 1-IJ;• u,. 1••~ " •I And -.-om dOWll Lo l.be \.i<,.,.J•·1ol ot lark of """"~11 Th• •()ntract
Opt",..tua a 1•' 11.c I n ,, c :l Siort to peetl ID t.he WU!Qow 1., waa Ir: t 1111 "'"' 11 tn t 11 .. '; E.
f rl>Ql ,..uaunUJl •·rl<lo! 19-44. j h ...... IC \M rumm ... ll&J• •tor• KPrn t.'11 nc 1~>01: llrac.h to
~ bec.:olnH ettrcUve l.A-c. h •Ull earned a at.ock 01 player tuml•h tnPm tn thi. IMt an'
TIM Harvf'Y nrcanl:r.allon hllJ pi•nn toll& whtch Day made a of (°<Hl& M""" l•• rf( tlv• ll"W·
opo!tllled In <'!ahfc:.mla for lfJ nobtw or r ull,.rtln1, ~· ~· UlroUJtl t('.ta.U..nu. l'e Rut lhf' Qff\••ni HM 011''1' Th• proJ•'<l, ,, ....... $~18.-
.orta; bcllt'l.a anti ntt.&11 ahop• I •hr.ol< ,fo.,. n 0 ,., ••••r-l • <'•r ."t4b 30, '""Ill bo-< omplrtf'd w1U11n.
throu,;houl the counlr)'. ..0,1 toun•I a :Z2 callt~r P""'fl l:IO "ur ktni •J•>·•· The arl'A ln·
<~-' ,,_ ....... l)
1WW d\1Uc9 tonaonow.
~ CllWf ~11. Hc!UD.lle
M id ILJllOIJ:IU .atr1-.nt "'-W Dt
appointed to t&lle over Slottr 1
Jlll""MIUI dut.IN U dU\1 .. ,.
• ~ ptlLJll. Two wioni tun.ume p&·
~ wlU ai.> be eppulnte.t
a t the u.nWP Uml', McJC•n&~
nCI" and a 12 P"lr" douhle cludt'd UI bttwH>n 2hl SL. anJ
t>arnl ahol«'Un hlct'1en unt1,.r the MC'1111 D11\'11 •n!S ;-.if''"l"''t to lr-
rmnl af'at on oay·1 petWt>n. vine A.vu. The con•tn•ct111n con-
ll•"Y rlatmrt1 lh•Y fount1 111 wt 'lracl lnoludf'a art'aa uuh•lde of
or homemade h,.... knnrklu and Ula clly.
l'lfht l!hntirtin ahl'lla. Upoa oomplll:Uon of the· aew-
On t.h• hunt N&t or lh• c•r. rra. 8 • u t h w • r ~ h uplalne-d,
b\Jt not com-.led. tne <1fl1cen1 d"'1RllJ•· •~t r.cona1nx:Uon.
ulct, w11 a 14-LnCb biny club, curbl~ and it.net ltcbuns pro-
dNr1k1n rlon•. a tluhll«tlt and pm• ww fO Ml•d.
a h11n1tn1 lcnlf• and CUlf, An• o.ttll!'llr ..._ t.e tti. upected
~ knife, 11 1nch•.1 lonir. wu rainy aeuon. 9outhworth aa1d
1ntms on the rear Mat. the ,.... eo.ta M._ ..,. foltunat. to bl
port adcMd. • located Oil a blutr. "All the ex-
_....., __ ,. ... ~----------------------~ watrr -WlU see h•re
W1U b4> our '""' -le'r," h• f'i(·
pl.Mned. ··nie on17 noodlnir 1
r~ wm i,. lo laoattd .,... .....
.. ·nlr,, •uppll'"• tne "''•In to th• rnrt ..,1!h dnllan a nd 1nd1\1d111J en by l•anirl /.ftrach&ll, II.'>. ot "'Mk •nlie ~S 3 BICDROOMa, J bat.ha, w1th a
lol"•l "'"" 111pport ·· 11136 Oranrr Jn .... Co11a .MrJNL. YI-. .Any coiadSUon. U~
l 1 1:c.:T10-.; Qt t,,TIO" Th• •Pf'• 1•1 rift• ch .. 1rman 1crordln1C lu puhrP, Mara• h61!.. ~1 ... 11.utJ •IJIO •111l'•l1one•I ltu• Mr• H•rv~}' Snm,.r•. uu1 "ft wa1 h1•,.1h11ic arnotn •l the tlmr.
Jr•11 abLllty of N•wport and 111 "'!rlalnly 1 1 allf)'ll\C' tu lf'un H1<11nat In hi• < 11r "'''" ll)f' (0111111
('o,lll • """' lv1l t.nr thr1r t><on•J tit•' our 1 'nltf'<l "un<1 "'•• "" 'IC'Um, Julll•• ::'l:•rhnJ, no •It
"I"' l"JRI •"J>&ratrl\' aa llar1 ~rn "mni1f'l'"!lllly aupport"'t an ll• '"""· uf \\'aM'•l "'''"•tetl In a pr1nr m .... unc Initial a11r111pt t" i·ombln" • lhe Ali lh" virllm• w..-n• t~al•i1
"Hnw can we A&\• any 11me "Y f\in'1·r•L•ln( '11.m ptlJrna of :"•w-fnr hand ao•I olhf'r inJurltt al
holllllllt llt"m .... par•t•ly" hf' uhl. rort ~ach. \\ t hoJ)'! tho .. Whl) I Hnaj(' Hoap1Lal.
l'f'lh,.r and on• bond uuiue to 110 ~ ln a~t and word hv -------------
'It "'• hol'1 both of them to-hai•e •upporte<l 111 •Ill c•nlltll•I!! I
ln••n t pua .,. • rc11111'1r\l hold .. yinc th•Y b.lteve In th~ l'nllfl'd DE.A TH NOTICE anoth"r eltetltm for ~ days, v.·&)', .,, w• r &11 kHp charity 1 ____________ _
an~•Y •• front ~"ml~ a racket ln our
Tht roncCIUlua wu lhal a J1>1nt dt1.'"
"le< t 100 lhe aame di)' would he H. Payne Thayer, wno hN1le<1
m0111t prartlcal. Accordll\J 10 lhl' unlflrilllon c-nmmllt" which
tdl'a& Walf'r Supt. Arlie Swarts. made lhlA yl'&r'a United J'und a
"IC the eltrttona wt1re held Ula rNltty. <itrecled hi• lhankt to a
ume time, only one educatJona.I r;ro11p with which ha wu cloaely
camr-irn would be tnvol•~ and rl'lat~ c1unnr th• r.•mpalfn.
auec--wollld be Uaat much ''Tb• ruronM of the bualn_.
(rtAttr ·•
New-pnrl &arh City AU.on:icy
Karl 1>11tvla, wt! h tlu• oaut1<111, Ml·
v1-i lhf' ar-ment bel-1' Ute
pa.rUl'lpatlnr unlta. wti.thu It
be only Newport and Coeta M-
01' th• L&.-una ·water dlatricta •
raeG to th• •J>41<'.l•I at ru d11ve
.,.. m01t rraurytn• Thlllr ac-
C41pt anc-• or the Onlted way
Utrou(tl r;enerowi donatiOIUI and
plf'dar-"ontrtbutt'd lmm,...ur-
1.bly to t'ht1 .,,,.,.,.M nt 1 h., drh·t "
well. be entered Into prior to tM 01.&ncler, ln altdre .. tn1 th•
a.c-tual h0Mln1 ot a.ny ele<'Uon. board of dlrectoni on WednHday,
BABrr..s llldlANl"8
Infant twlna, Jerry and Larry,
10n• of Mr and Mra Roy<'e
McM.anua. ll820 NewJ>Ort Blvc1,
di~ • ff'w h<;ourm aner blrtllll
Nov. 27 ln Hoar; Hoaptt.al Be-
aldf!e th• pa.renla t..b.ey a.re w,..
v1vecl by matcmal Jnlldpartnta.
Mr. and .Wra. J-• WUaoA. eC
tills city and patunat fTIU'd·
pa.ttnta, Mr. and Mra. Archie
Mt'M.anua of Louhlta.na.
Graveel~ NTVic-n Wftt held
lOda.)· al JI) am lo Hartlor Reist
J.ftmort&I Park wtUl U. Rn.
J.f. C. Cronto at u.. rbwt M-
wmbly of Ood Chul'C"-Costa
M .. a. otflciall~. Batt. Mortu-
ary of C<>•l& M-WU In
clla~ of arrancenwnta.
W-A u tol' for 8a.lfi ---------'Ill PLYM!H"TH • dr. eedan..
12111'>. l'nol• par1y • .Har 4177.
Mo --------
J:lbO Jo our '1nor '•II Buick ...
Jan. Onglnal own•• R • H.
n•w ball"ry, m.,.·hanirally per-
ff'Cl. 213 Via NICI, Ud<> lalc.
116<.'97 ----rio PLYMOUTH 2 dr GO<'M1 O'r·
tclnal cond1Uon. 5296. 176 Ra-
mo'?& Way, ('_,(>jrta )fa1 LI
8·7132 ll6c98
n-waate.t to S-t
WANl'J:D TO l\&NT. s or • Mdnn. lloUM. Teu 'round.
Pr.feTably -lM'tnmt. By r.-
aponalblt loc&l family. H.&r
4114. Mell
'8-Apta. a llOU9fS for Beat ,_,._ --
~ .. llltt...._ a!Ml M,\A. OM
WA'l'l:R. '80 mo. lfra. 0..
bof'll'I. UIS Oou\ llJ.-7. U
MN2. ltvu Har 1291. ....
c1,.r U0.000. Can m)' aieat.
I<"ord Verrlllder, Hu 4Jll. ....
ft-Beal Estate
TWO adJotnins l\•t lot.9, flen~
nf room tor lhe •lll unit. IM
I bedrm. boUM, a I "-dz-..
and 1 bedrfn.. apt. over. Uaa lt
P"I' ... •tMe~~.
rm. and atra 14 balh. n-a
A IJTl:AL! C&Jt J'mi9 v ....
rtnlkr, Ellch...S•• A1ent. Bu ua. ...
TJI Poppy
I B'EDROOM&, 1 1~ bath11. Ow'n..t
•111 lll!lL MA.a OFrD. ._
hi ll&l1rl•DllJ' 9" Jf&t.-8-..
.. 1Gnlnd Jury Ends Probe in
Tract Mext "eet Dec. 12 Crash Ac1i11t
House Just Car
"Th.•n we will have aomellllf1S •Id, "We an lnd•btld lo ICd
concrete to dl8cuu. anawer q~ Mllull\ for the U<'epttonal l••d-
U<1na with and .. u lo tb• vot41n,• -.Ill' M hu f'lven to thta drive.
he ,.mph .. t&.f'd. Be and a.undred1 of dedlcalrd
Althouch Uni"'~~ ~ftW ha•• ,-inn many val-a.•-Aetm.. for Beat . ' ..... \" ;..,
ba4 nttUrt-.d ln lb.-tr dw1Utna11.. po..-would ba•• a ertl.kal n-« abJ• M\11'1 Ud ~ W• Mrs. IUcbard lUeel•, Mn. Ted
ror water Wor'll Cofta ~ .,. pat.ell&J. wo, tor't.he aeneroue Hambrook, and Ml"I. Dwtean
1 81:.DRM. ~ A.pl. Tb&m10 N ... -Pr.-.,,_~al
piCtUn _...,. ., a.. ...... -Nttt nsular Grtlnd Jury
aneetins 11 1laad for O.C. u. M.a,or Nman polnt«I out Illa .-.,. ln ![hkh U.. man1 ettlaena M.cA.lplM.. ~· Mn. Jackie Pol"Ollla., c:SQ<'• ~of mind "'la~ Cl« N~ Jliied1 b&..-e rwpenc>-Tb• 11 1111111clu to benefit
hut. dlapont, wuainf
chln-. UI• bath. l.liO mo. 'tn .,_ Ulnl um. a .....
lal 11GCle Staff
J une 16~ Har •TU. Mc9I .~ • .-i:aa..~
25, ot 210 Haal Drive, he&rd amadDi .,. puUcJpatioD ~,ti ... e. "81 • to ~ tM from Ute ur an u.. A.lnel1C&Jl
a >oucl CllUb .. ainst. tM a(cll lo IO per C9lt ........... -a ~ lldppOrt Wbldl U.. ft..t C.0.. llo1 8coui. ol Amer· : ,. II °' 11ier pnp a t • •·°'" ~ pnllrnlftar7 ..umat.e ., _. .,..... ... nc.1..s tl'OTD th•~ tc:... .,... aui. ot u.. B&rMr n-._. f'A•tl'
., ... rt.la out I.ft In~ amtt.aorwat«t..,....•Ui9.,... ..,....h•·• u.t ·tJt1.t ... .,... cam,.,,,.. aana. catMllc • ·sruo10 EST .. ..:Tr.ti!
and feud -uut~ ~ .._ it computllon lo 1t,o6o ~ ~l ta JifOtJ ... ..,..... 8unaa. Ctwe11ra11'&11t7, I_ rU~
-*le rntbW .,.wt IM~._. ttid ~If ....... 8Mdl. t.bat peopa. ..._ lllU."9 In U!e ~·1· BuplU1 aocttt7, 8 Beilftl•_J 1" 8litW ~ t . ~ no .... tao. ..ct-V,... had ...._.. . l'a.mtty a.mt• Aaloc:latloft. Gira. ' ( y ~ to t.be prap doar maw ~ UM ,...,, -. wu 'Worbn ._.to pa1M ot Ule Scouts of N.-.port Manor. N.. CLEVER COLORFUL; COUNTR
.... about $30. Wbu1 t.ht' O'fn8I' ma4e ' *'"' ONta 11-. 11.000 cunpaip aa... a.en Chait• UonaJ Tr-llTelerw Aid Aaod&tlon. Wrn. BRA y. A.IA Architect
did nn4. NtlU"' lmmf'd1at•ly tbt -pnputat.tnn fOT' Newi>Oft Beact1 ll'nnuua. Al Clemence, M.tto Leey. N. w, 0 rt Ha,.tlor Commt1!\ltJ w ALTER HOLBROOK O.Spr
whicl• WU lfl\poun.wd f'or ale wu lndteatrd. the ft•v. tlonald O. Sapp, Mra. Youth Center. Orthopudk' no. •
k .. pfq. ,,,. OW'Ml', 0..1'7 lcoU 'n. eeww::Slla al8o came to an BuU Petenon, Jin. Ken~Ut pat.al. Pnlt•tant lloolal W•llan INTERIOR DECORATORS 'DREAM
p..-dftla CltJ Coll..-• and wtU Jula.1, 1 .. of 114 Apt• A"• a,1w•1t to empley the mum~ Ooollq. MN. John .Johna~._, Couftell. lalnlJoa A""J, U .&O., Bola at J'oantaln VMW' -IJX~.., OW .lmtlor a. .. tatrr ""°rt-' kbi c&r .a.11111q. ei.,.t JaW tlma et 0'11•~1 and 11.ra. Svel1" 0.rdlner. ~ Vl1Uhl l'fur. ~U.. ~ u • ........_ Bl"fd.. 8a ta,._
lfl .Joal'llaJM Att.t.n. A• Tbere na alNat $lit m-.e \0 lfJ .. eit Loa A~I•. Jol.nUJ U&l m&jol'9 wwe WUdan P. T.JIC..A... mid Ute Ollrt9lm!M Welt -~IVUll" , n .n.a.-
1r!"1&UQQ. , the auto, t-. .Jo:ley_ .U M bad to e:Pt cm1•. qaaa..rvt1 wtU1 &ha noreu. Mr& J(llan Rund.leJ. lln. Charity Fund ,• PRICE $12 • 7 50 5 •/. DOWN
Attn th& morning f'Onf~ paratt'd th• car "" UM hill "1\11 arqs N ~tad to ... aicMd lleiMtb 1Clnpl17, Mn. ltli.wvru. 8TEEM WATSON CORP
1he Jtanklr eonl'p jaun•lista .Jld U. W~la turn~ LO th« t'UriJ bJ "~ lllaa al IL.a COllDCll E. Bellll. Mn. Sari l.Aw1.a, Iba. r0r BS'M'D BU'Tll • '
U.ett advt.,.. wlU at&ecl u.. but he <'OUktA't rw1&11l1Qbv lf be ~ MonlJ&7 illnd Nft'POI'\ R.. C. Blackln&r, X.... D. WtDiMl ID Ow ~I ~ 8-11.81
JWllOr ,__ 90WI ..... ..t tM baa4 ~ ID U. , P 1 •·llmlkf'. I" .... Mn. D" ,au 8 '..... V.. Toua 11181
• .
'1'1111 .lNNU.&.L CANDY CANE BALL to be held
at the Balboa Bay Qu.b on Frjday, Dec. H wUl
tie siftD b)' the Aeefmn._. LMcue ot Newport
._. Julor .A.m:Wary. The ball c:haJnnan, aeat-
ecl. Wt.• II Mn.' R. N. Lqerld; M&ted center ill
MIL William lMta and richt. MR. Forreat
N-1; .t.arwilnc from Jett Mra. Hqh Plumb Jr.,
1ilft, &oblrt Cro1mer &Dd Mra. William HoI.tein.
-Terry Boda Photo
·tst. ·Panhellenic .
Christmas Ball
' I • TBB 1tAE'r1'l:8 ot Chit& Meia•a Everett A.. Bea School wt11 11:a1 at the hmJly
NJPt lliaw f" Barbor Bualn._ and Profe.ional Women'1 10th annual Chmt-
mu ~ Dec.·7 and 8 at the Rendefvoua Ballroom. Jam.ea Kindred (Wt)
direc:tAI; front row, Pam Thoma.a, Janet Jon•, Carol H.igtna, MCODd row, Lee
W..U.U. Suaan Bn.y, Sonja Hayden, Lydm J1De; back row, Virgtnla Wyers,
Em.Uy.ffammond,·Vk:kf Hannon ~d Karen Bndne. Not p1ctW'ed ue fl!t DouJ-
lu. Cuol Herr, Gay Uoyd and Sharon Konill 'nle Chriatmae PNYIMr will
f.ture, aloq with tbe merchant.I diapla,a. a fuhion ahow. Ticket. are eood
for both nJshtl and all proceeda co to local cha.ritteL. -------------------Master Point
Newport Iale Inc.
NEWPORT HARB 0 R Meet.a at Tar Pit Game Sunday
MR&. WINIJ'RED BAJt.BRE. Women'1 EdJtol'
N.wport llland, lDc. wU1 m..t TM BalbM Duf&lcat.,.. ~
at thit ~ O..ter buUd-CJ\d w1D bold It. IMlltJa!)'
ta&' CU.. Tar PU), 171• W. Muter • Polnt OuM awad&y
Balboa Bltd.. J'Wida7 at I p.m. aftnDoon wSUI play .tar11Ds at
All IDeDlben Al'9 reczuert.ed to 1 :IO o'cloclL Mrw. B. K. W.U.
aot.e ~ ol ......... place. lqfCll'd ud Kn. Oeors• au-.
--------------------roll wen eut....t ...._. • _ _,~ ..... wtdle
bl&tt llCCftl"I DOl'tlt-80Ut.h ...,. Service Arrivals
TbrM Oollt& Maa .-nice f&m. Mn. Carl Powell ... Kra. &. w.. wekximed .... ~ la J, Wlclun&n. PAGE 4 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-$>RESS eoroaa Na.al HCIQlitaJ. Bena Rum.er.up .ut·w.t wen
FRIDAY, NOV. 30, I~ NO'f. "to CpljUD(C aJld Kn. Jin. Walter hit """ ......
Hartm Panbellenlc will in.it.late a Christ.mu B&ll t.h.la --------------------icrne.i O.)'toa Barq, a eoa.; Ma,.... J'rye; Kn. &lcSMt Oort to arc;uu ud Kra. Pwftl1o &Dd Kr&. Cl&.ln Marcy tJ1a1
,.ar for ma•ndl and ~ at the Newport Yacht Oub. s E A L A R K J N G L.eoa. oa NOY. JO, a dlaucllts ;;;:;;;;:=~=;;;;;;;;;;=;;;jj The 4llilMI' danoe. to be held Wednaiday, Dec. 19, will be t.nd lo SD-I/USN &Dd Mn. I
pr...-S by. eocktail hour at the club from 7:30 to 8:30 87 GINNY (.11118. EDWA&D LUD'.Jl) 81111'11 :a:to ~QA NOY. n. AT hns· onnft. I
p.m. wttb members of the boud and their hu.abanda acting a,g
u ..._ &lld......... ll&nd· x--. t.nd ~Worth· ABOA.JU> TYP!:E LIDO ISLE: Stepped from the amonc otllu 1-1...,.,..wn t»ft CHOOSI THI IMSID
Mn. Bnry Waper, b&ll lnl10.n 1-, M.. L. SWU\&rd, A. Typee lut Sunday to board Fannie and Al Ooud'a lovely l:M Doti ~ Lou STANDARD VllSION lllll
cu.tnnaa, wtJl be ...Uc.ad DJ Jt. 8unp.DQ. Ricb&J'd WC111.er, •L-Go\~ Cu D••-bich &ad Al Jef:h1M • • • alMJ Oabo-UM M--. N'Ur 8&nett, JollA Bert ...._ l:ap!&u, Emll Wicll:m.&A. crulaer Queen Merry to oovet' wns Ml p ~ • ~. Cynlbl.a a.Ad Bud PaUeUa lasllr tt""' ..
T. ltetim', &lpla Mkbe1-. Ro-H. 0 Boywy. R H. •tniW't.. •m qomorel _,the Newport Yacht Club •.• P'int stop Mid u.. ....iw.y QulrU • • • ..a:."!:" c
... CamplM.U, Leonard 8&11-r Artllur Aune, MulOll K. cam.r. on OUr crulae about the Bay WU the Udo Soud aUp of ZELDA AND OIDOlt<Jm WI!&-.... ,,... ....... .-ct WUUam Dua. Tbe boUday oa, Ofpo'I'' Oiur. Jobll Reed. _......... ~ ..t1t el Nd and llllttr WW lie W&JWr ~ &114 J. d. Bt.icA ~ BllCk A)'TH W"bere tau! Tlwy ni.abf'd lo t.be 1ame; br aboard t.betr cnwitr PollM& ,__ -
eanW CIUl ~ t&,.n. mot>O.e IUcJ9 a.nd Mn. N&de.ne OoplaA. ~ ~r'• c 0 I 0 r I u I red a.nd t.bry ruahed out .. It I~ -.re Oil tllftr .... , al'OUA4 Ula :;:•fl ..
ud ••t'"oN n--vauon.a wiu be 'ClioMcl ~JUI Vakatlne UecS up • • w.-UWU' IUt .day o'l nzta -i .-d ol Cat&.11Da lul rn-"illr •-:.:
llellltlen ot the board ahd Dec 7 Uld can &>. m&Oe by tMn bui.e9d •bout °" ~ ... cockt&lla altM lh• pme at day wa. UlieJ heard 16eutl u4 ,.,.:"..,11111 ~ .-1ft. u laoM.I __ ... _,,;_j M P l Bar-r«t LI ,..,.1tld ba"k to th• Cloud a DoroLb1 and Bob Wood.I' IOvely saw & Nd t1&c aad Ca.JM to U. MftW II .. ........ ---. ....., -ra. • •r · Udlt "Nord ali~ to v1~w the reiecue ot two ~ W'lloee ... .. bait 11 wQ1 be U. .,._lkDL M4t. AcUn and lwUve Pltsa• NorUI ch&Anel aclJY1ty ••• II.lid S..U"ly HJ.U. Colanl&.I bom• • • • ,.._. bad Jul J'OD9 to Use bot· ...._..,...,
Mn. JDtsa.r & wit-&Ad bu. be" ot U.. a~ •A lnrlt~ _ ..... , a 10 .... ~·· ., .. l WI' ...... ~ lCewporura, .All.I.Ion and ........... ft_ .... _ lalO,... MM,.......~
--•• ~-u ..... ....,. Dick Lovel&Dd. the Bnace Mc· loal • • • auc• -._... i.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cha.nOtl ove~ wtlh '-1• Ntila f i.ytq lhllr endear aboard Pol1M&. U.. Wallrers ._., -..._
Dr. Nol.an Frizzelle
Announc~ with p leosvre th• open;ng
of his profeuionol off ice for th"
practice of Optometry 1n ol tis
bronc hes.
212 Marine Avenue
Balboa Island
Prec.tic.e devoted to e,o,.,..,;",1 ...>"
anl'ly\is and rehabtlitat.on cf tl-ie
visual functions .
by eppointment
Harbor 6585
oHice hours:
9:45 e .m. to ~:30 p.m.
~ a1la ap.lmt a •ky ot HJplandrr tor uw .,..k.-dl tuned back &Ad took U-lnto t:.r=.~.:::::::::"11
uure blue . • • ,.,_i '""-• Ylalt to u.. "Blr Newport wain. the e-.t Ou.a.rd .... _ ...._
8TRA T ENRIGHT S Witch at,.-" but how wondu"ful to ._ C&8M to u.tr necu. • • • ........ ....., .. .. ... t tM = t.o.P :·mun In IM d& Rhl:Jdtre back ln quiet N_.-port , • ,_ BALBOA POWJ:rl lq\l<nnl .,, ..... __ ...__, ._ ~
W1l.l hi. ciever UJbt.er MASATt.A.N d1nntt-m.tills at Lbl Newport ........................ .t J•
Jaat, tni. t.o faln1.ly lrMSIUoo, BALBOA CL\18 de M&a.Uan Tadlt Clult lul ftlPt ('l'lnuw-....... .................... _. w.w ln aboard btt Utt.le kDcJ. eoWl4a lweY.illy •.. BUI r...._ day, NO'f. 211 WU ftMJ 99-1 ... ~
wlcll t.o l&k• lop honon from worth haa Jullt ,..turned w1t.b of 1•r • . • ..,.,.,.....tulaU-to ....................... ...,_. t • • '-• .t f ,... I ... ___ 10 ...._.-_, •• 0 t.... ~-0 ...,. u. • ...._... ow Ba.lboe Afti.r11 • • . and Lt. Cdt'. Al R7Wtt for a t.r-., ... ._ .._. • • -~hy1 • • • a.nd lhal othef ftaJl!nc-wtM and .e.nto-wiW tlu• rttlc .wntq ... &11d co~tu-..., '' ..._
!am.d femme allllor, Perp .l&ldean r.eort tlub must be l&Uona to IAMI IMn. Oeors-l
Slater, •ialn won a first ,.H.b lope •. , -ma formu BaJboa ,.._ tor t.be Squad:roll "'1ll4IUJI
her Valentine 1n UI• K38 tea· ruldenU. Vlrsi!Ua &nd .lflT'/ ••• which i.. a.i.o tATTtftcl OV1Cll
tur.. Raman! are runnlnf It • • • A.ND OVT.
GOL.O CUP oven.II w111ner
waa &AN>unu•d u Keith Lump•
kin'• PICArO • • . ot lM 1~
vachl n~ In J:i Hp&r1te cla•·
"" . . In th• Ocran R.actnc
r1..<>1. Al Mart1n Jr.• tiquall won
a r11a1 1walrh tb11 PCC , , .
loQkl llkt' • tup notc·IH'r 1.
S.C.·UCL> foolhall ram• IUt
lllllurday P""'~ une•u·.unr un·
UI Uw •rny end wbt>n UCLA
1·ame forth lo almo1t even the
ll<'ON' but finally IMt 10·7
aml<h"t a cl'>N'nnr crowd In tlMI
lOloeewn ••• Ca.rd 1tunt.1 a.nd
oob'fw a.c. M.A4 at M.lt ma.de
UM event wortL lM ,,_,...,.
t.np up to lbe city for the
Typw enw whO uauatly oa Sat-
urday are ~ about Nr•·
port . • • bow ho\ t11e eoio.um
WU! How hurried lM footMlJ
DEC. 3 • ........ .,.,.
Most Wonted Gilt . . . a John C. Hellyer .. ...
·Photographic Portrait [
·HellJv )IC>rtnlta are found in the flneat Southern California
b-..,, eul1y reqnbed for their unique uae of enrraved
tatair9 and Uviq Wtena.e.
Mo.day • Eacla ......
···~ water conditioner
°' ........................... . ... ,, . ......................... , •':• .
.... ,,, ............... ,.14'1 I . .......................... . ,... .. ..., ... n,,..,--. . ,.,..,..... ...... ,.. ...... ~--·" . t -! .............. ~ •.•••• A.PPOINTMZNTa KUIT Bii
M..U:>• PIUO.lt TO
~ltad#tawilll.., ..... f t1 tlJ II SI I.a ... ~ oa1y1rst&K" ..... 1Mtn'doat1qakt-S~~·~.-Wliiliill ... ........... ..,. ............. , .... ......--~
IW Appc4ntawmt: 'N
distinctive custom PORTRAITURE FA•IRICS
1779-A .... ,.., AY•.-111 c... .....
..... ..,.., . .., •. ,, ·~
ltt~~~swwt· ·
2610 i. COAST HIWAY' CALL: HAllOll 17H
. ' ~ • J"AmDO!f ~ • :,¥n. Tom Toon of Lido Fwd.om .model9 a pd
~ ~ ....... pn-~ wm be oue '11 the. featured Dec. ~ when the
J..., l'rktay Aftmloon aQb ol Coate Meea 1poP90ra a !uhlon event at
Uta p.m. ta V1Da Jia1tDa. D.igDen repreeeoted will include Peco Hunt,
· ~ 1*vn &Del s.rnard Altman. Right, Mra. Rogert Neth, club wayt and
meeu CbaJnDa..a and Mrl.. Warren Colllna. prua cha.trman. left. Ticket.a may
--NMl"9d b)-c:alliDr U ~1910 or KI 0-1679. --.. SWf Photo -------
Bi:Jl:n:A1'1:R8 NIGHT at Balboa Bay Club found the Hadel R1Dp aQ4 Kn.
Gordon BoJUnpbead (richt), Mra. Rine'• mother, dWq tn tbe Btat.eroom.-
Terey Bon. Photo • ·
Tinsel Tea Coming
Important Event
... UMc.t.
•/<Miiii .... 6r
.,,,.,.,.. ... ...... .,~ ...
-LI~ •h... •• J~~· -.,-'e-,~lft,
' ..... 16.SO ' ..... 10.00 2 OUncef 5.$0 ("" ,,.. ,,.. _,
... -
from Bank of America .
Mr and Mn. JUc.h.anS W•ber
and C'hllm.n ot nth St . han
~t~ hom• atl~r spt>ndtnf
Uw four•y T'tlallk-sinq boll·
d&,Y wtl.h .W:" Wt ber'I p&.-t.I.
t.lw Rlapb Tnim&IUI of ModMto.
Gi._ dlll aflc that'• .,. eo ,a-.. It ('OIDm ia ...., --.
wt ., ill 6c. It'• JD • --8'4lf)<IAi ...... A...t • 09 ...
oct-.pd •twbcn. Ii'• MONl'f--«a cbe focm of•.._
of A9ab --, octlar. Y• -..., .... ol A1 1cit
...., ..... M ...... I«...,.__. -re• ....
,_ ...., • --.......... 'Po.cal ac..., <>Nm. '°' ~ mes 2,. ,_ •zs. '°" '-t•'°9 tt.ot w .,_,) • --. ... ·u p ,.. • .., sift ••tlopc for ~ ...,.-fr-I
Pt.Mt1 •I ,.,_ Partdaf -\\'• 0tn 0.-.. .._,.
e OU"T WLU"rL~O e \11\ IDf 5_,......_tfOUSIWMIS
.~ A ft A I r A t M "
HAUOR 5076 • 'Yflanl,n ~ SL"!'
UIERTY 1-743 1
oflJo :J.aJliionj
• f 1/4 to 1/2 OFF!
Y 011r wonderlul paf ronoge lorces ~. #0 r•moae/
our UDO !-ASHIONS SHOP to accommodof•
new merchandise-ii yoa don't mind #lte sound
ol hammers; come in and tale adYanlage ol our
many specials.
6000 TM
fOI DIAi ·
' 1
3419 Newport loul1YCWCI e Newport l1mJt • Hmbor 3671
-~ -.. ,.. .
Scde '-J.. "::d Ccn
llOa& CA• POil YO(;~ JI~
'SS Ford T-lird ,....... __ S2J.95
. ,
Leaves BUI
In Vessel!
Lido YC
to Hail
~ ' '11:11 p.m. u
·W~J 10:0I~ 6.1 u
Dee. ·-1:27 p.m. 0.1 , .,.
'l'tuanda.t. 11 :311 a .111. 2.7 U:ll a.m. 6.1
Dec. • t ·ot p.m. 01 10:11·...: IH
• nan "1LL u.n • . .,..
QIJ.url'IDI llOON tlCA&'l"la llUoll
Dee. 10 Dec. lT Dec. H J>eo.. I
·• .......
DIG~ ........ n11
Actuely lhefe ere tw. ,..., ,._.._, ...... ,,
s. 0 .t16f.. liM-""" "" ••
~t J._ now ot U H'
on4 '--• ot 1 I . "114
every q.,i.1, •-'ol
S.a Hor .. , ''°"' th. ftew )
an ... glwea rov • olro ttorhng
.... plvt ..... tllp dltfdl
..... •-" ... Q( pit_ ..... s. • .._.._ .... ,_., .. ,.
~'\-. -.
D I D Y 0 U K N·O W
You a:tve _.. thaa ..,_,. whfon )'OU live • •v1n11
account In Ill\ 1-JNd Savlnp and Lou ~
You ..,,.. --a hHd ttart ,,.. lh. ..w.._. 1wibtl
•.. on ll«tfnl many othr\" .. ·orthwhll. thlnp tll th.
future. And, .. OYtt tn-ent-millinn Anwrk'elal
know, •vfnl .In an huurf'd Savlnp and l..nan AA-
clatloa 111can1 lmJJorl.,•t •doonf•I"'· F. 1nllf'nt
ntww &om your 1llOIW')' 19 OM 1dvsnta1e Ellkw.nt. bward-laoldAJ ISYitt froan IND who know how to
mab your dol8d work bAJdor for you II another.
15 •/. of •II accidents are ceuaed by only 15 9/. of the
clriYen ia the United Stat.1. STATI -PMMJ bep1 ih
Auto lnaurenc• colh low by aiming to inaure only the
~ ~
careful "less expensive'! drive".
HI t:, ITl'B ft .. CGel'.& llEIA
• W.L ......
~· \ ...
'"' <"t•t'· .. ,
: • i
FO~ CLAY CLOSE . ~ '?1nat7-t'wo B~r ~
lawa i.ow~n competed ln
tJw w .. kly Au.d.nllan 11.nJ·
Jee *'~ • )(uNcJ,al
Ore.na rffentb'.
Cl&yt.oa K. Cl<>M Jumped
lnt..o the Y.tnner'a cuclt •'Ith
a hlJh ot U polnll O.Wltt
Bauer took iteeond prta.
Y.1th ll polnt1 ~d Harold
Whitt 'WU thlrd with 11.
Taylo~ Carr. Kn. Walter
Pear.on and ErnHt Hn.,.,.-
mde w•r• Ut4 tor f )urth
place wtll\ 10 polrita In lb•
play off Mra. Paanon won.
Fullerton Has
'Hot Suspect'
Old Killing
IUlllUJ _.. U.Z, 1'alf of IJllll of * _.. Mt; la ma.m..f.
1tud9at.a mrolled at OCC an Tl.1 ~ ...._. &D4 U ,....
,...,....., t. lNMfer to fou.J' -l •~'""" are 101' -'":--i I Proteltut, JM C&tJlolle, • Jrt/f•
YMr toDept. With 11 J>e""n"t lah and IOI atudent.a of oUl.r
of the lt.ucknll choocnf t.ach-fall.ha at OCC. Vet.ram on
tq n la la lbt lead a m o n I t.ampu.e nwnber 116.
careen w~ ,..111n four y-.1
~linC ranka 1 t co n d
wU.b 11.l percent. Other tltlde
ctw.n ~: llMr&J art.a. t ~r·
011t*Clty Firm
Denied Water Use
Av ..
Tbt JudJ• obMrved. "You
haven't told the oftlc:erw I.ht
truth 1Lnd your put record lm't
Ke denied probation and or·
cs.ft4 the Jail Wr'D\.
Ma'; ~ adnllnlatr&lloo. A-.,u•l ol OraAC.co O.velop·
17 peretnt, medicl.Ju, 2 6 per-menl Co. tor a watu ccmn ...
~nt, &Criculture, 1.1 pen:-eot. lion outaldt I.ht city wu t1DT19d
aDd law, .t percent. dowa bf Newport. Beach City Colla.a Official
Of au truder .Wdenll 171 Cowldl Monday ntcht. ft• com-....,.
pl&a t.o au.end .At&te oolk,_ ,_, n...s. the -ter tor nUlh· AgtfllOln &rflcle
TM choiCH t1' U.. reDl&lndtr an tq vuuum tanQ. C.1lJ Man.acer " ~ dlatrlbut~ u followa Vft.lver· Robert I h • 1 ton reported. Th• i Tech Journal
llty of ~llfomla 101. UCLA city Connerly 1upplled water to ft
HI. lt.anl°"' 11, USC U , olher fo\9d&H OU Co., about 6000 cubic WWlam Kiln... a 11I1 t & n t
11ebool1 1U !tel a month but aln<"e t.ranafu IUJ"rtnlendant ln chars• of Ara~ 1lud.nta termln.&~ of that company to Orancro bualnr.. al On.net Co&1l CoUe1• I
their education at OCC bu81n ... lhe contract hu not bte1\ rt· 11a the author of an arllck "In·,
with U percent ,,.. .. chown by I ntwed. •urance A.1ent Parll<"lp&Uon tn
tw1ce ILi rnany u th• MOOn<! School Ol.ltrtct l.n.lura.nce," which
chol<'t wl~UOfl ol f\ne &rt&. I _ • a-11--wlU ap~r in the Amencen
Third <'hOICt •• eltttronlC"• With I .... , nan _.. ••• S<:hool Board Journal. I
four perc.nt OU.r nelda wtUI SAN DI.EGO 1' HT NC> -I Th• Jnurnal b a national mac-
Uu'• )>t'l'C'e1al aDd under a .... : Manne 8fl. Charlea A ra1ot. ulnt printed ln Wt1ron.lln tor
a1r1<"ultu~ bulldlnc con.true-11<>11 of Mr. ~d Mra P'rucl• I':. echool admlntatraton
lm ••uoa SLVD.
~ . .
... ..
• . ---..
~~alllll,'.,..ID.IO• Ql..W >ark
Ave. tb.r9da ..,~~bike DWlUtven during
cycle rodeo apaDJOlWd by OQb Pack 81. Richard 1s
a mem~r of De:a 6. -Staff Pbot.o
I Fl.'1..1..ERTON, 10CN81 -A
"hot 1u.~ l " ui lAe ltU krul•
I rnu1 d•r ol a Fullerton rcll~nl
... u arrt.1\ed In Lo. An1tt<le1 on
j a drunk <1r1v1ns ctuuae klur-
1 da) llad local poJlce llnmldl-
Uon. drt.!ttna. mttb&nlu. D'lf'Yl Yaiot oC 360 TMlla 8t., L.aauna Kim .. plan whlc.-h ~ommen<a
lrMka. n~. X-ray. &nd pe-~&ch, recrntly rNll•led for ln.8Uranc~ mtt.hoda for echoola tro~m I Ulrff yeart. T&J'Ol ta a.n ln.1truc:-
1.1 tntortly pracUc&l and u.d In
Mtn ootnum~r women 1013 tor In tlw Radlo Tet.esnph I.ht middle -.t ~<'ordtnc to U\"
te 661. Approxinur.tely one·fltlh _o~ __ ra_tor·1 _co_urM at lh_e_drpot. l_f'd_l_to_r _of ~School B~rd Journal ·~~~===~=~===~===~~=~~=~~
c b P
81 Holds ,1 :;;·~,ll~:~l 0: i:;~ld for In· U ~ liet. Ll. Herb Cun11 r•port..d
Annual · • e. R·odeo ~~~ :=7~,.~~~~·~~~~~=~~ j I deecnpUQn or Ult rn&n wbo d1 ..
• ~ appt'al'.ct into th• n11ht &f\.n
Ttw ann~ Bille ~ oC on oti.tad..._ ,b&lanclnac •topPin& j 1t.abbln1 Man11•I Cuuo, 106 tr:
Cub Pacll. 11 wu a ~zd h.lt. &11d flrDpl'I' aaf•ly &"re l\ullo&a Aah Ave. • l l ao am. on OK
ntnt at VU1& )(l.ltJta p&rllftl J>arUri,.unr Cube 11u1e,..bJtd I 1; 111 ynn a~<>.
lol on B&Jlklil Orl ... nna.tSeta at UM Ba.I~ t.land C'ommlllU~) HA"I "~t;N
reottvtnc prt .. tor lbllr eUortl lCeU'lod11t L'hurch 11pon110nn,
tneluded Lury Porter. Jlm Hoff. o,...,.UUllollJ lo rl'JU{n llnd
man. ~ Qlt.a~ llttv• rec«lve ftnal MfelJ tn.itrucUora.
~ _. Dl.ed llif'rUi. ': a.i•t "ac ~ Jiiiil lrp1un fu1.
.._ ~ .... WU lllDOM niehf'd Mot6tel)'Cle Omc•r Jftln·
-.. a.Wlty ...... ~ i.lt ellt• t• .. rt. the tie\• a&fel\'
ffl'• 1·1'·2 N~ l'tl• lhi'n&b bu•y crou alll't'l• lo
U.. Rodf'O 11011011•
C'urtla rf"J>Ortf'd hf' roun~ up
ffver11.I P"l'90na who can poe·
albly ld,.ntlf\' whf'lhPr tllt Loa
An&l'lf'-• man "'•• lhr aamt OTM'
hvln1t In F't1ll•rton at I Im• oC I
lht m un1rr
Tht ~I of f"atlro 111·11 fo1 nd
... .,..,,... Fies Oft
Pr'!ft'IJOrY .No!-Sam
RHpouibUlty for tlw f'Vt'nt on the n'"" nt thr •hark by
~ ,.1UI H•nn ffpraa-u•. r n rm,. r rt,t,.r Jami'• Prer90n
lpt('la.I "~LI cha1rn1an and hu an•1 lh~ 111'" Jnnn C.1r1:1>r\", at.;i I
comm.ttt-· In Dowd. Ralph a Curm<'r '11'"' I .64NIA AMA. _, 1oc:NaJ -......., ,,.__ MMMucw. j CutJt• had died of 1tn1tt w-un. W. ~ Jr Of K-· N 0 rm an Wademan. Hamid wouncle In lJle cheat !Ind nKk.
part llffch M.anda7 01.ct I fllu· 1 JllllW• and CubrnaJrt,.r Ed" a1 r1 I Tr.l4TI WON y
per1or Court CGmPlainl acainat ~ I A womlln "'ho haa •lnr•
llal'T)' w. 0..,. al A.ahtlhll ()1b '-k 11 mttta •l'llln ,.... ~ aad who .... "r,.r.bm1ta
.._. ll promfllll0'7 ~. t14 a l 130 pm at tnrun" ti,., arr no...-unkno"n ... , .. h'f'\na .n
Ctvw cl&l ... C'"'4'J P•cul.-1 M•r fi:t .. ml'nl&1~· &hnol lhr front hAIC .. r th• h1111•. SIM
A 116.000 promiaory no~. Le IUrn 1 \ohl off1< .. , -""" hP•r •I Hernan·
• OcL 28. lt&a. ~ that Z: I ~ tal'lun• to t'a•\111 ~he >,tarri ,.rt ol Ow wm .... 1MG\ pl.I At ,earf Harbor a ~ ...... '\" u111nip " 1tirn1rll. 80mr·
"nle pl&lnUtf UU'~lll\U'I\, plUI """ ha•I r,.u,.n on lht floor
9l"r9n ~r c.l ln-l'tll .... R L HARBOft, T. H Tb"n ahr hl'ard Hf'rrandN M). (l'BDfC > R.ona.Jr1 W \\' O<'ldl ~1.KJ[~------·y, ~ Wrd clut, USN. 9011 'Th.la II what vuu "ant,'' fol· ,. __ -..~.,.-...__ ~ to.6 ln"'l'd tw n1oan1, t &UJ'(l11'1
--., ...,._..._. _... -1 Jer. llnd -n. Dona.Id S ...,_ Woode ti zu I:. lOUI It., Co.i\a nulM' lhr11 .:laN t11mhluw lll'\d ... ax ., ltn .... -... • bnttlr l•ll•n$: -hN fMwH7~"Nenr bu -.y M-. aboard UM 19COrt dtelroy-
feud&J A.IW.Uc or •pUalllUc er UN Jenllln1, Mumed t.o • .Ill •lw•ul 1 3'1 • rn "he h,.llt'd
rtFn'• ..,.. 10 ~ u P_,. llMbor Nov. 11 after a IOtleone it0 '"'1 •ml ,.,_ UI•
•C'•pl-' au.ta. It "'-I ~ 30, .... "'°9 Cl'UIN In the J"ar ~r Uld "'alk a1 ... 1' That _,
pnatet ..,,_ ~ nfb' to ~ l:ut 1<1t" o..tro)'V Dlvlaloa. l.M ... t ...-n or th• man aamed
,._ly." W H~dllta
...---iiiiiiiiiii--;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiili;iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiim:;;;;;;.;-______ ;;;;;;;;m __ ;;;;;~-....--~ -r--. -.. 1.c.,... Arrested'
MIN louad Over
-&ANTA ANA. 1<X.'NI> -A. I
B. Davi• nt N-JW>rt Be&cll
Monday "'alv,.d pr•Hmlnary I
he&tlllf ln Santa A na-Oranat
M•ntrir-t C-n11rl on a felony
.-CIJ>l' <"h1111r an<I "Ill bounr1
099r tn !lllf""rlnr rnurt "' De<
l l
Davit lKhnlcallv rludfd ln-1 noc.nt. RI' waa topprl'h,.ndfod by
.Nrwporl R,..ch poll<" an.tr ...
1Mrtf'dly ,..., apmJC from an Or·
~ County Jail work CftW bl
trvlnl' Park
O.vta h•d bl'i!n ... ntencied to
a jail •tr•tch on non·•ppar1,.
84NTA A.NA. I 0 C N• I -
A Nf'WpOrt Beacb mlln &ad '11
«'." ~rf' sutoet for Stl'>.IOI 111 a
~nl a.~=·~ from • ln.tftc ...,._t In front ,,· t4t0 W. 1
RIJh'Y· N!'Wpc>rt ~ • •1 i Pkh1Utf Mae Un~r
lodirt4 t!1e compla&at .,.iut
W~ lAe Jr. and Wort.I\·
lnrton I.-81'. 1'lw platntlff al-
t.pd lM ) OWIJ"' LH' dftlv~ a
' le. ptckup tnack l'('f.,.nllJ
.,.. caiMM at Lo .uu.e a eu
'------------------------ln which •he wu rtdlnJ.
New Floating Ride smothers
bumps, vibrations, road noises
. -
••~a MSW WT*e "'°• ai.c.bl bumpe bet-dwJ 9" tD you. 8bowa .-. ... U.. ....... M~ ....._
Coupe. t. Mll'CQJ)''• Jow.t priced ...-. N .... bmn baa It b1ien pom&ble to bay .o ~ bis-Ullll ~ • • UUJe ~·
Here·s the greatr.st comhination of bunlp·smothering features ever put
between you and the rond. Exel usive Full· Cush ion Shock. Absorbers!
New sweP-t-bac~ hall-joint front suspension t New road-hugging
renter of gravity! New balanced weight distribution! New bigness
in .every i1nportant di mensio1 t ! \Vorking toge~er, they result in an
. ~ nmv FloaUDg Ride! You have to feel it to believe it! We in~
I ~to come dOwnto our Mcrcuiy showroom and do just that-todayf
.. • ...
., .. • t -. I i
• • t ·• • • s ., . \ I t
, ' I Sfta~htoutoftomonow-THE BIG MERCURY for 57 witl>DREAM.-cMOESIGW I
JOHNSON -.~ •• :;;;;i~·:-.;;~ry I
tOO W. Comt Higlaway, acrou trc>ll' lay Cltlb NEWPOIT HACH PltoM Ll>etty S..5S4t-
.. • .. .
. . .. .
:. .. oft after rUn1D• lDto '•wall of Jop ~-(34).
Bob V1llagtu.a '211) and Toin Bo..ton (28) •
The Tara are doped_ to win the Suuaet Lea.rue
title for the lleCOod st.ralPt year. -Staff P"boto
o~n.11en a : ANA, I OCN 8 J .:..
Ol'&llp Htrh lk'hool Tue9day
t.hundn-.d Offr a ....a.k Kattt
Del quint by lhl ttt~
ICOre of .. -13 U ~., 1fmltld U..
MoMn:hll to OM t'llPld f'O&I and
tlliat came In the t\nt 41\MllVJ' •t
play. 1'M wtn ,.tvm U.. Pan-
LIM>n a 2-0 l'e<'Ord on tM year
In pnclJ<'f'
~ pa--s two ...,....
~ a -~'-nnn ,_,fod a.enala to o.aie Pttrln u •
Tommy Woodridl and Tom ra.«1 ~•to ca,,..... and
8ryaJI brob UIJ"OU&'h the Un• to J>U9M to U.. J.f'l b&Jftle.ck in I
nail an AvaWI ball cani•r i,.. I th• ri•bt flat.II OM play w•nt
-------------------10 Juda liOd th• ot~ .-..1t 30
Panthers Leave Sunset for S!:~!i~w:=;
70 yard8 to ecott In tbe t\oal
Orange League Nert Season 1 §5i.:?;:g~~~·=.
Oraq-e HJS"h School w1U play a(TWd 1., la.kt Ult Pa.nlb.n for Tbt loul detenmve wut wu
tor o6• f"r u a tMl"llber of one yeu atarttnc next tall MOllt at~ wit.It WoodricA ud Bryu
th• Ont.np '--,f11e It wu ci.. ll<'hool mf!n fHI at that time playlns -11 aJonc with l'.l"rda ';:;;;~~;;;;$;~;;;~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;g dded Ulla -ll at a mtttl~ CIC the C'Ol.mty will i,. r8dy tor T.rry McWrlhy and afl\y Gary ;;
~ County _.hool admiDia-co.mpletAt r.W.l'Jl1ri.ft1. Bcho-. Ka~ t.be lrtp to
tnton. O th• r dlacu.lon centered Catalina were Bryan. Woodrldl.
Prtndpala Of Uw OnAl'9 around Ul• claaaiDeaUGD "'boye )ll(cWetJv, L. w I • • 8cbot-.
i..c-... ..-. lll'l'flH to tall• rw atlUlltJa ud ..u.odl ., BCNIMG. R.-a. Pana. CU,..
la Ula CIC"fbaa 1l.ttM UM fTOU'P Pft"l'UftS ~-ta 001a-wr, Clltf Wal'ta. R.9wtl 'Wllfl"U&
.. a wt.Jiit e~ 111 tora dawa put..11111 UwJ tetat DU111t.r ttt n-ll1b Pab1dl.. Dick PltUt. Ud
e>re.Dp"• propoiml tb '" up pGIWIAt& llm o.irtla.
uu-. ...... '* -cawft.y .. ,i=--=-------;;;:;;:======-::;;;;-:;;iiiiiiiiimii~ place of U. CldaUftS two.
Oraacw Md lmUf'd an ulU-
rnalWD thal It W"CNld aot par·
Udlla'-tn Ole au.uat '-I'» raOt..,.,. ,,.. PUltNn .. ~
u.,. -.Jc! hw ~ ~tMr
Ulan ratt u. O'f'l'r'W ..... ~
~,.Utlon at tM 1~ rountJ'
Jnop. l'wUid,.a. ......... 'ftl.Je ...
.... ,... "" Oftnp'1 "~
cMl)dft'\ _,. UM ''"Mlrw IAqvw"
lll'luUon a&Mll to nwod 1 t <toWl\ • r.
tf!r a thoroun~ ~nn Or·
•nl" lAair1,. <1frl .. 111 I• ! h"t•
"'"' ~· .. ,. .•
STAllOllD 6 IOll.: NO JOB IOO µ&GS OR S""'· no JOtlt 8L. N""9rl .._.. ....,..,_ tall
... ,,.. . .: .. :~
r .......
~. ~
·1~· . ..., ·-~ COUR'llmY~. -..... .. us1a: ... _ . . ~~:~ .... , .....
CJDaA .-"i:
h..u .... ar · -
._... .. a.. Qorku ... Air a.... ._ .... _.a-._..._ -a. r. a.a-. ..... . ·' . ,, ..
~lfl .. jCLEANERS ONLY .. 9t
• l. -t
ocn DA.II.AG& ro row mr<mm
(nil oe. ""' .... D-. .,
.. ...
.... ...
.I I I I
• • --.. ~.· \. ·-· • ~
"-e't ,_ ~ .......... .,.... irl'111hE11'1ls 11 6fu -' ·-cf.,,.,.._ .. u...4 ~ ........... Ow $9fe O..,.llNe
~• IM11~ -ew9iloMe ill "9fbll ..... tt ,.._ ~I
-41. •.m .,ours *'-"· r,. ..,. _, ~ ... ,._,
AllANGI fOI YOUl .SIFltY ~IPOSll 10~ NOW AT . .
Tft• ,,, ..... , ...... .
U"91• Na-'•• ...
.... .. .
.. ..
... ..
.,, ... .........
' .
' •
horMlle maa
BROOM , .. , ..
..m.n .... ....... "' .. ,,. :.•..:r :'·.:: ..........
2Pll 511 ,_ .
PEN,. & HNOL SEl g·a C ............ ..., ..... ... ....,,_, ....... , ... L-. .
-..&. ........ ...
....... •f!
Smart, modem
Spun Aluminum Lamps ..... ., .. ,
....... Wlm .......
Pl(. """' ..• ....... _. ........... .,.., .... .....
~ ........... ,. 2M
Dl11Wll" PIC?ml Mm 3 A• ..........................
-·fl. ~VAMCm et\ ... CM , .. -. ... _.... ................... .
. -.. .
-. -. -· . .. -
• " • It ,, " I ,t-. •
. ,> . ' ~ . .
O()'!f llf noJiT OD ON 'IOP -Dim Tovetr1 ra.cins tadb are obviotu in
UU. llbden-18 lt&rt u lie (No. 168) aD(l Ruth HukeU, alilo of NHYC, battle
It out for~ ia t.be •ll boat fleet darlrla NHYC'1 h.ll Gold Cup Regal-
' ta. l>ta made cooa bJ.9 OV~ po9itiotl to Win the Mrie8 with a dally first
tnd a.ct&ily lleCll01Ml over John Ml11er'a Loat FortWle.
• I
.Fine Weather·
·£~~~Gold Cup
By Jacqa.le (lhL Neal) 8f.elmer
Whoever ordered th• weather for. Newport Harbor
Y&cht Club'.l Fall G<*l Cup ~alt& Lut weekend did a
n.ht nke joo ... ~ eotriea tn l~ cl&NH thorolJihly en-
joyed the warm aun.ab.lne and balmy breeze• although
• eome ol the larrtt boata dJd admit they could have ltood
k little more wfnd vel0<'1ty.
Contrary to the cuatomary plac<' awarde, the Gold
Cup Repttu carry trophies tor daily performance-. and
ah overall IK'rWoe award all execuUid 10 the out.tandmg
gold ftniah ao .proudly dieplayed in the winner' a trophy
ca.eea. Thia year'• event &190 aaw the flrat contest for the
SWf-Commodore P'ta.nk Si.mpeon. Jr. Memorial trophy
far the Albat.rou clua which wu won by the almost un-
beatable team of Keith and Lllllan Lumpkin of Voyagera'
YC with their Plcarq by virtue ~f two daily first. ahead
of Robert Bi.nha.m ail ~n Blaich with daay eec~ In
•• the ....,. bo9t fleet.• -,
San t>ie2o YC came in fur aome honon u Chuck
8.0U.1na with "brother Frank u er~. NJ.led hi.a Stu-Boat
~WV \0 a clean .. erp over such hot-ehota u Carl Eich-
enJaub a.nd Don Edler ln the field of ntn.e entrlee.
Snowbins. and Lehman-10. tied for the larg'eat enlry
wit.b . .30 boat. each wttb top apou (Olng to NHYC Mippen
tn boCh clu9ea. Rorutle Merickel triumphed Oft? Jlal
WUlaington and Tommy Se.hock to win the Snowbird
trophy while Jane Enright. l'mulating her sailing dad
Strat, who won, in th1 Rhode.a claa, took top honora in
thf' !Ahmao-10..
A.lilo included In lhe preMOtal1on ~Temoniea follow·
Ing the-Rt>galta WU the awardm' or the u.ter Lowe
Hi-Point Perpetual for the llU.800 • beat oven.ll perlctr-
mao~ tn the Rbodea. Winner of thia coveted trophy wu
~HYC'a crack tiller-expert Hook Bunt.Jee.
Complete reaulta of Series Cup winneni wf"n>
Ocean Racmg. Albert Martin Jr, Squall, LA YC. K -38.
Peur Slater. ValentiJW. LA YC. Albatrou. Keith Lump-
kin. Picaro, \·ye Intemational-1 4-, John Ferner, Exter-
minator, NHYC Lebm&n-10. J1.ne Ennaht, Sand-Witch.
NHYC l~bman · 12, George Hall. Pemnyfeather, NHYC. l..udera~16. Dix Tovell. ~phyr. NHYC. Metcalf, Don Shep-
ard80n, Ad.ios, BYC. P.S Jeff Deaver, Cftallenge, BYC.
Rhodea, Strat En~ht, witch. NHYC. Snowbird, Ronnie
Mencbl, Bay Imp. NRYC. Sni~. Lee Thompson, Lee Way
Jr .. ABYC'" Star, Chu. Ir P'rank Rolhn11, Flowrr. SDYC
Thu1tle, Nt'al Allen, Thuitledoon, BYC.
" ):;. ... .
L&E DAUOHl'IJI -f.Biirftt'imt -The
Enrtpt famlly canie4· ~tole in NdWpot't
Harbor Y a.cht Club'• ~ PaD Gold Olp Rept-
ta aa la readily 9eeD by tbe collecUon of award.I • c .
·they bold. While father SU.t wu cleaning up
with his Rbodea lloop Witch. capturtnl' two daUy
flrst.a aftd a eertea win, daughtef' Jw suCecwtally
defeated 20 crack Lehma.D-10 dinrhy U!Jora to
win a daily tlnt. a daily aecond, and the .rt.
lropby wlth her famoua Sand .. Witch. -...r •
.... , .
RJ..I-1-1 POINT -Hook Bea.rcWee really pt.a ao~ f~lin&' into 'the ut u .. receiYea the ~r
Low~ Hi-Pomt Peipetual tropti, fqr the Rhode9
c1 ... dunnc the NI Oold Cup p~t&tion
reremonlea at Newport Harbor Y~t Club. Rear-
Comrnodore John Hurodall admhl both tn»pby
and ttinner toUowinr UM pruentatlon.
. ..
. . ' ' \ &AILING aor-aoos -Newport Harbor YCa Fall Gold Cup ltptta ... • •
O«UloD for another ol the-QQal bot.-and-beavy Intii'llattoaal·H lattle. u 11
of tlMt Ueek Utt.le craft turned out for the event. John J'errler &.ook the di.Dy
finrt oo Satmday -with Lelah Brite in •econd wbU. SUDdaY'• raoee Nlult.d la•
tie t>etw.n Fe~r and Peter Oalea. Fermr copped~ ~eriD le'ttn win for•
NHYC. . ) "
. ..
On the oth• UcS. ot tb• party lint a 1tnnr man
bu emeraed. Ht iii ""411 Lau.ecbt, former Ooftrnor
of Ohio, whcee flibt for lbt .. t ol Salator ol th•
Uruted St&tn wu a IU~ one. All lhrouch t.b• ,.,.est ~d At.laaUc Seaboard Sta.tea, wher. we ju.It
visited. tbeee two men haft been outstandin~ toptee of
_converaation. tt 1-be~ved in C1ucaco. in Philad~l
phi&, and ln Dayton and Spnncfield uid t 'olumbua,
O!Uot t.b&t I.Au.die lot U.. man for t.A. Democrat.a iD
lMO. Tbe name ol K.nud1 Ill oftu .oSced tA the
~term. '
OM uq•llDI thinr to u.a u_a Calltoml&n wu tht
know~• that mld.....-.n.ra b&d ol our CUDpa.ip
b...-All wen &aldn1. "Ho.ir do you e.ceowit t ....
the~ ,.oq of Cbet Hounetdr' Wt told
qu..UOO.n t.bat HoUIWd, fn our oplnioa, wu ont
~ wbo worked all tbt um. for bw conatitu-
enta, Joca1 ud naU.W.,
Tb• qu..uoe.n would My, ·•"Jf01r come tlM ~
pu.bUcua Mcked ott CedJ Kini ~ put lA a 't'-.lc
ai.t.r in oppo.ttioa !'" ·Our auwv to that wu, "When
tht RepubUe&u ba•• had to •t blu.t tndt 90 ott.n,
maybe lb., fll'I" K1n1 mut be a rood mu, tep.rd-
i..-ot tM fact 1'a.t Ill a Democr&t!' And then OW'
q\MIUoncrw would &U, "What.,.. Calltonalua thlllk-
., wbc • w ha.ad they rt altot Cl1't Doyle, Cbtt
Holifteld. ud O.CU K.lna. and IA u adjumt distrlct
l'HMct Crt.ll Hoemer, a 1'Apubllun."
Qv &mWtr WU OUJ' clineher -"Calitorn.i&Da
i., aao d.a.ocmred tt .,.. th• mu UMS not tba party
that pn thf 'rtpNMet&Uoa, tor IData:Dot ~ War-
rta, W'UU&m ltnowl&Acl, IUchud · Ntaoo and • Tom
K\aeehet all aatJn MDI, all JleptblJe&na, &11 elected
from • tt&t• that " a to 2 • Dtmocn.Uo majority of
~tioA." When pou.I .. •• ll8o rtmlnded our
.. ~ t.bat both th• Yic. pi.tdent ud Junior Mn-
: ator we" nat.Jve Oranp Cou.nUana aad that Warren,
too, wu a Sou~ C&ll!oml&n.
The tt&unchly R..publJcu mid"'9t couldn't un-
•entud the wacky C&Ulornlana, but thto, the
Obtoa.na did elect lA.ueche.-BR.
Railroads Have Lost All
Interest • 1n Mere People
••• Many yuu11 have pauett ain('e we f1rat began ck.
:--cl&Jmillr th~ ulat~nre m our City of Newport Bfoal'h
: ot lh41 m•ntNe old atallon of t.he Pacific Elect.nc:
-. Railway.
: Wo,...-, we bave ahnye fell, h ... been lht un-
• kept r~11ht yardii of tht dM.et1oraUns utilJty that
A DI• I tH' LMal t lM Ike ht Ont 1'wtJ y_,. -----Sat.end u IS<t('O...a.. Mau• al m. Poet Ott!~ la N""°"' 841&Ch.
Calli ......... ...,. .Ml ., M&n:I\ •• lift
'· ...._ Ctlr -. lft'"l'll MM tm.A•tMlM•
• ¥ ... • ac..... IE ill &.111 °1•11 ........ ~~--..........
wu..u.AM &. PHD..LD'a. kdltnr
JAJICD ll. MATlllP'CT. U.eru.tq 1'tr~tor
CJtAJU.118 A. 4JlKl'TR.CNO, Mwlluk'al ~upertlltnd"'t
N~ ...,._r ~ ........... TrtiWMtlJJ
b Or...-. o.-t1 •... ,., ,--r; ..... eb -: ..... tU.. ID-.
o.1llNe ., On••• c-ty .,. .. ,., ,...,
l>u!ld:q. However, it hun't kept up with the timea.
It 1-n't even U1hted -at leut oot for the benefit ot
paaenge,.. on the Pennay.
We pu it 11 ju.t that R&1lrod &enerally a.re
no 1001er llltereated 1n people, or pa..-en1era, or t.Mtr
Grass Roots Opinion. . .
l!:LK GROVE, <.:ALIF., CITIZEN ·In many
climu anti time., men have fou1ht. and ha\'t' rlif'<I
for the bulc r l&ht or ael!-1ovemment tl11' n ghl
to vote. Ea~i&lly American•."
MOUNT DORA. FLA.: TOPIC: · Usm~ th" * \.{ u
UCUM Ot ')et lh8 IOVtrnment JJay for 1t' Ill a (llllll·
tiou.t one. Conacience •hould tell lhe W&Hl•·r of 1·uhhc
funda lhat he I.a not cheaUns a mythlclll hurwrn be-
ln1 of rre~t wealth, but he 11 cheating h1nirtt•lf ll•HI
h1a children."
• • WRITES • •
Rf)(YT Of'" IT Af.1,
Th" "hol" thin~ abmrt
f\'.,.,,.porl H"lr hla rn~•lnf f\L&rd
"'•• nhvloualy mon""' •"""'1a-
lf'n•ll'nl Rov An<ll't •"n 1111~
r.1t v ()nin,:n th" county ~
l\ad rul~d paylh« for a :F
lfl.Wlrd wu not a l•ir•I
tu,.. '°' OH• w haot dlat • · ~ Stoddard. '"'l"Mt pita
-•-----~---------------...;---me tn eomplf'le itt.aa~l wtlh tlle C'l0\lnt1 COllfltfl, Wl\kill
K7 little Mftll year old d&upter WU telling her
motbtr ftfY conMmtJ&lly th• othw nlfht that wom-
en coWd do a much betttt job of nrnnln~ t hU. roun-
try fhan mPn. non't know WhPTP Rhf' JlirJ<R Up h<'r
J>9lillcal <'hit-chat ... but I'•e alrracly rParhPc1 th~
pol.nt whe~ 1 don't dar~ exprea a JKllitiral nf'wpoint
le« I be quotfd at aome n•IJhbor'1 hou111e whPrf' thry
belon& to the opposite party.
Jo'ann~r McCabe
tall nghta rt*rvf'd J
wn't unwiual."
SfOddard 11.1nHlf'd Ulat pN'!
har-U"' p«>lkf' t1 • p. a r t m • n t
lltu: .. ald b. nr-ndN'I rau,,.r than 1 r~11lns:: 1:11•nh ho>inl( ••ktl'd ,twit
rn• rhllt1tf'n "Mor,. "'lulla are
~lnJ: knnt-kPtl about b)' r&l'I
than et'llMlrhtlclr,.n." th• N''ltftt'll•
mm ""t"'I
Of <'OU,,.,.. •· h• t ,,J • v mom..,,·
tartly toraot I• that th. adult
of 011' •Jlf'('lt'e C>UJhl lo ... ebll'
tn lonk ool fnr htma,.lf \Vhtr .. •
l •"llh the 11111a. tt'a Ilk• UI• t.n·
BATl'LE pP SAN PAIJQUAL -~ la fr0m a petntinr by Frandli. ft W.. tlm
battle that touched of! a 11en• of t"Yent1 which ended with the Temecula Kua-
cn-. -Title lnaurance and 1'rust Company Photo
• JN THE lJACK ROOM ..of their f&VOrite malt thop, dreamhlJ of their
woman, an memben of the !lidnut Gang, Ron St. Clair, David ~. Richard
Taylor and Job.D Ru.uen. A &eene from the Senior Clt.18 Play "&rnardine" to ~
preaented tonigbl &Ad tmorrow n1gbl at .tbe bi1h 11ehool auditoriwn. Below,
Ruth Weldy CJou Bu.ab) tella her aon Wormy (Roa St. Oair) .. You can't (A
a 35in math and expect to eo out danclng. You'll at.&y here with Vernon (John
Haylett, ~ft) and do your homework!" Curtain time 8 : 1!5, ticket. on a&le at box
office. -Staff Photo
St. J&JMa ~pal Churdt Of Newpbrt S.Ch will
be b•t IHc. 4 lo t.bc. Ep!KOJM'l wQmla ol &uta AM. 1.a-
S'llM 8-ch and UI• 1eneral ar•a for a "Qv.let Olay."
TN a.•. YvaoG HarTta ot IL• Muy'1 ~ ,
Chu rt h 1a Lat'WI• Beach will conduct Ute open IDS Ccim· •
mUftK•D MtYtee at t:IO ~d tti. Rev. Jolin R. Parke wUl
Jeiad th,... medllaUona on "Th• Jl'utur.t Ufr" 11 It
reuQnabl• to brllne In a tuture lit•, what klad of futura
lite may w• expect. aad bow ehall •• pr..pre for It.
Th• woineo arw a.kad to brtnc a aandwlch lunch and
coffM wW be~ by mambera ot th• St. Jamu Women'•
Au~Ua.."')'. 'n>e ~)' wW conclude wltb a brief r..S.edlcallon
iwrvtce at's:ao pm.
ROLLING CLINIC -,Pastor W: E. Jamen0n of the Bnalth-day J.aNDtllt
Church of Santa Ana Cleft) aod LeRoy M&ratelltr ot Costa Mesa (r'flht} wtth
the atatlOn wagon which Mar.teller baa outfitted tor use of medical ml•inn·
ariea in South America.
Saturday at Laguna
A sala Chr1at.znu buaat y.111
be h •I d Salurday ,at lh•
IClka l.od,e, UO So. Cout Bh-11.
Lai;una Beadi. 1poMOre1I by U\r
Glllld of ChUl\;h of Rell.,iou•
Or111n11l J:lfta and \ll"(urat1on•
whtLh ... ouliJ OOl' .be pun h&Md
t'IM\• hr re will be un 11.tle at
bu ~am prk11a The •ll•plav will
lnclu11e hand kn Ila. u111quc
Chrutma1 tree&. hoUday apron•.
colorfu.1 pla.ce n1ata, say Chra.l·
maa w" •at h., "kluJ.n&" ball•
""'~ .U.Uet.oe, and ..:oru of
other orla1n&J llema.
ThtN will be b. ktd lfOOlD
and bome made can•llN, jewelry,
pollad plant&, pmn and attic
Dtnner WW be i.<!rv~ri trom e
In I at U per plate, llob Noblt'•
Olllneyl&nd l'lv• w11l provide
ml191C. HOUNI are t1urn 10 a. rn.
to 10 p. m.
LeRoy Mantcller, Costa Meu. cabinet maker, bu put
the fin.tahing toucbea on the world'• aec:ond rollm£1 clinic.
The vthicle will soon Join it. prototype In the back country
ot South America, where 1t wtU be used by Seventh-cl&y
Adventist.a m1aaionariet1 m their medical work. The unit,
b&Aleally a !wavy duty !ll&Uoa
wa1on, w 1 11 be compl•trly
.qwppe•I for 11lrupt• <k'nu.try,
au1ta1ne1I 1nocul11t1on progtarn.t.
1.11nur 1ur11•·ry, anJ 1rrw-1·a1
medJ<al wurk, •• well u -t
Thf" Idea for tM <"llnlc ca;ne
lo Putor W. I!:. J&n.e1'90n, ~!
Santa Ana. while! y,·orklng
among tht! Aymara lndia.N or
lh.c .Altu Plano Dlalnct of &·
roul(h "f"l\\ry ambul&nc:f' foe llvla. In tu.a \Ooork u Sabbath
l1 an.1pu1 tlt1g • ,·,,mpUcalcd .:aac1. t:kh0<•I an.d Ra<ho Se.:retary, hr
d&1ly t"ame In C(mtact wttll la·
d1ana too ~ck lo (et to lilfMF'·
I.ilia, or U\OM too 1-r &W&J. Oii
h1a rvund.I amoq Ult NmGte
Chill d1f'8 ~ bfoc&A C&rryiq &
IHI'( ot almple m~ and Ul.t
1-.aulta \\fre 80 ~ that
the mobile t·Uni. ..olve4. Whea
the up.>1 •lion uf the cUnJo rot
10 t,e morf' tha!\ Put« Jame,...
•••n. an rx-armv medical cori--
man <'u11hl handle, It wu tur?Md
u\ • r to ti ainf'd nurMt
Will Dedicate Missionary .Names Taken
by Mesa Cl1urch Circles
~l·•el uf lht· JndJan.a, remna.nta
ur 1.ohe an1·1enl Inc& empire,
,. •• r,. 111 f1r•l ~auuooa about~
"11111! man a m.ed.lc1nt, but c&u·
tlvn j;;llVt" w&\" to arudowi &n•
t1.·1pal1011 U the an I O{ iwar
11111 ... • lv•11 ~ 111 •• trom modem
New Parsonage
I"• n·l··r •I• ui:~ lrav•lll'd Utrou•n I 'h" 111011nlalns. Not only ..,..
At a r .. nnt mttllnl( of th" I t.J•i:~ and M•w \\'alln« Pinkley th# 40(H)OiJ AHA&.rU adopllnc
•·· d ~ .... , ,. I 'I l11·•11w ht 7 J)tovoU<>n• v. err t.v I 1 hl' "hilt• u1an I ~<UCIJl.t, but .,. .. , \,,,. C"l1.,.1•a o. -..u• a "C"JIW. ,.. ill .\Ir• ll &\ mond J'1rikl .. y and 1111• Cl\ n 4 1 J hA\ «' chanl"'(! frvni
1o•1r1l Ra~lut C'h1ir•h d~ci•h I tu Jlft•lur"' \\if.:, Mia l' C N••u 1a111 do\"\I "V••hlp •to Ch.rUU·
Dr. \\'alter J f H1·llm11.n, preaident or th~ Cahfornia name IJW '•I• I··~ Ill twnur or tltl' rnrinn f;ll\t' • l1tlk Oil mlAalOlll. 1 '""''
D1stra·l uf the Amcncan Lutheran Church, will con,iuLt 1111u1onarira t, ••Prut 111 ·rn. 1Jo101hy l-:all0t·h t '1rc.. ,........ Jan •"'""" 111twi baa
the dt'dtc11.t1on 11erv1cea for the newly acquired par~o1111ge I ht' tut111" mi.1rnJ vf 11111111,..r • ''"'I Nu\", :t3 nl lh.c hurne ~r IH n 1~., k 1n uw 8l&lAlll tor tlfbl
of the :>:ewrort Harbor Luth•'ran Church, according to tt•c 111" r..am• ft ""1 '" 11'~""'11t '1 \tr• H M ""' i:••h •' T 1•1111 '"""" • for "d\anwd .ciucatJ°"• II•·· II( kl "'"" •n, .... ,,, 'I.I"· rllHik It ·11,•1llcr.,•1 ,,, •• II•• "Hk to Um.a.. Pen1,
l:a\·. John J>r•,pp, l"••l«r, un 11<\1un tn.1tru<11on ta i: "n " &wn•11••• ""' • nr 11111 tlt1111111r.11 t11 ... 11l1tl ll"I:" "'"'~ "1111 1111 lamlly, Th•A M .-e-
APELA.ROGERS ST. JOHNS ~1c·, i "1 3 P 11 • •l ZWI l'llCf 1 l'&•tl" l'ropp ,.,er\ \\;·<lnt•••I•; l·.h· .. nnr ;o.;,, k1•11 ''" 1eo 111•'1 "' 1ri.uw fur r h111 ''"'~ ;:111a 1 • '" )''""" h11 rc•lllnr clink, to t&kt
1""' A tp•'<"•al 1•frt1r1nt "111 trom 3 4!'> t.1 !'> 4!'> pm , 11" r1u11 •• ol Mr• \\ 1 bh.ll lalu'fl to "'"' ,.;• 1 ·o rnty llo up t>JA mlu 1on work.
11<1 ''"'''""'I for"'" ioar11Vn&••1 in n tt h 'I I ' tf Uh; o i(tt 0\1111 ... •lkA) t\.11,..-.-r. ;,1a~U1 t. ~· ·' 11 JI 1-.1 1out tmn1t1'&;•"'• \\r11~ l•Jll '(J
W ILL SPEAK AT LAG UN A ::.~.l 1·~. ~~'.~:::~:u~:~d ~~ ~~r: I ~~u: .... ~;1:t:J~ ··; ~~ll~~: ;~:~~ I ;:~~,r;~~~:~~·::~~~t::~;~~:~::·,~:~~ r ~''.'::,:~·oi~·~:;.:~~~·1:;·,:~~ ~-~~:~·.'
c: ha"" ''"' k1ut1e" "" rw11 hv Mr • • • ' • I I •n•l Mre t \\". ltl\hlld a t 3101 111&) anrt S1<turd&y. ,\fon<1a\·, lhf'n \\.lull' 'ro... ""rk "'''" :?oth 8l, :-;0v. 20, w1th th•
A..._la ao--St. Job ....... ~ and D'"'Wl ... ""r cor· ttffow to Wrll• a Stnry and 8~1 .) \\'""""•day and J"r1<1ay •ftrr dnn• for lht' le1wr colony In the • hAJrman. M ra f", li Wood-
Harbor RHt
Memorial Perk
lh•1l1-laM Qua11, 0 a I 1
a UI:' •-•• .._ .. u•~ "' , ... ,,. • •'lk\ SI 111111 1mm<'<l11ld\ ful
1 r,..po ..... -t or lnternationa! fa.me, ii to •1.eak at 11 a.m. ll" I• ht'r &llllWtr lo the pn•I>-. , .. ,. .,. . II'\(' drtlllllll"" ,.. r.1u•J1 noc>n• th .. pll•tor aro"nWI In (•ti· I Attt<'•n ramcr~IONI v.orth P~•ldln1. :h•1•tm.aa ...... •-u ~ of y~ ,.r1t.cra a lrUJ[• I i; Ina: nnrl \'18lllnr: 1t1r &h k Tt1• llnl11mm••1 1 111 "· nanwo<1 tnr Cor thfl Oranrr c u11n1v lfoapll&I
1 ,_ _._.th r ....... A n-ha ... GalJ od th · l"llllh \\11 l>~ hl'ltl a l UlP I "=-==~-=-:~~~~~~~= ~c. ·-• -e .... a prfl(' '"'"'~ ery u er e auapu:ea ,uag for a fool.hold 1n • flrhi I rw lt'lt'f"t\olll' numbt'r at lhc Yr•·I a nt1 I• , .. th)' liolummt'r, v.rrr ma~ and b&l1ct&,rC11 mllfod ---' • 11111< h 111t111br11 anrl r11r rda ul • .. • ... d or the Oiurch of RelJgioWI Sc:it-nce. Htt topic will be "Prtn-•M ti. .. conq11ttf'd and tiMnon· parnon•i;~ la 1,1 1·42113. I mc-t :.IO\ ··''Ill lhc-'(llltu llull -for lhr Miuiun Hoapllal 1n U» MOTT ELL'S
alralea her pnncsplu of c~UY« 11 '' •·un,.;r .. i::aliun hii\<' t.ot ... n In· l•ISTRH r El'.!1' r lni: nf tt ... •h1,11h .,.Ith Mr, llrlllah Cuu"""ina
c1...i.w. of CreatJ,·e Thinkincir,'' 1 t"i 1< lnr ,,,.w l"''"°nai:,. •t 1 ANO PEEK ,,..... • LhlAklng. 1 • \\ , t• \\ 1ol1arr J'onklr) an Mu la ~ •1 Th<' "'" '> formed (!.<-Hy :"lt'll· Mrs. at. Johna baa provt'n atuued wu an amaa.in1 nwr'lory. a11 < f" ra 11< .,. ••·I t.... Mr• •r< ·' lll'" onr,.n "' ,., C.01 t~ pnnctplu l.ll ht'r J11'Unc Amoni; ot.l\rr lnctden11 r>f I <111 \ !'I'll, 111u1•kr1l of tl•• C-hun n ,..,11 '"' ho•l•"U"• •I " m '" 1 l'lnklr\ 11 •h rl'ullrnan. mann Pirrlr mrt •I th• ti.uni• of ,.tUaJ Mortuary
crMllv• wn11ng, •tUcb ha• .-01011 fr-ala ell.rd ...... an oc• Ad s • \\ 11r11 r•! II•• lh..ir 11 ariil h•r 8rhool ol lrutl111"t1n11 lor lh~'llAnfUI(•'• "''rr rQllrJ iutd t\\O Ml'll. MArllhall WiJru .. lOth 8l. 711()1 RolM-J~a.i~otW•t
--on wh•n •h• waa ON' of :A) vent enes urt "' t•rr \\111 ,,.. 1n dw•rc Noulhf'm 1°1\llfc>rma l•11lntt l.atl\ <plllh "'''' cnn f>lrlr•1 •• N !n, l• Thia •lr<lr 11 for liti:n mlnlter M-rt&I Parli. nnit'd f1um lh• Ul\Cltwrs klil· ·--• I f 1 \\ 11 ""' rt• Zl d.,z,.n rlcra .. n~• lur ••hoof i:lrb and IB Jurrt i,:t'ttlng An Onini• County lNIUl•Uon
ruoppui.r <"llw to lnlcl"\'WWI .. :u1 ttport~ra v.ho Ult•ryWw•d nen. • 11••1/t IU /i/,\U r,rOuf' '' 1 '' "m•n a 0 "'" • I -Srr'\1~ famlll• of &JI fallha B • •H f-'Nlrr•'""' nl tit .. .Am .. rlcan 1 thr :"flllh Arnrr1r1u1 Hapt11t Qrg11nlu·•I Plan1 "'""' mat!• for
O\ •r U~• worl<i War 11 The Gf'nt'ral allowed I • , ,.,.rran < h •r<"h ,..,,. {,f">rS:" LJCh••b ... M4J thee 1re11t and llf'U•£'TT'lll all Goft;r.:;r Manih.all durln1 World eg1ns at Tlr ....... ''"" hOdf'I ttwo di· I .... . .. • 1 •lr·•P•lil f)\'l'f ... IU . Mu ~ w Janua rv ... 11 .. n thf'V "Ill ~H•llrnl 'Nlmlnat.er Wl ., . I I ........ n d M •• ~ .... \\r•lt·r. l ~-I I 11 .. 111.0.... bro11a:l I 10 hoap1lal I lhP proA:rRm l<•r tt>• n ..... un~ of .. <Jft~A ... ,nn .,, aAJll'"nm,.nl ll• rarll l"f'""rtl.'r Ont' "Uf'IJllion, Ch . CJ h I ""\'rn.,.•11t ol ,..,. Anrr;r ,.. ""' Noone ..,.,.rtunted llW'&'flMcaUM ·-·· ... • .. t" '1 r st 1urc arul lh•· I,.,., .. ,., 1 llutr •IH .. • ll'•l d lh• \\'nma11 II Mlu1on•rv L'11lon 'llMl• an a rt1rl• on lh• !rt.rt m.df' no wntlda note• dtartn.i: I '" ti .. I ~t.rtm ,.11 •ini! ,,.1 '"II rt th<' mc•rnlni; nu•lru•••i 1__ · · otlackofhmda
ahf' foun<1 In rornmon t.mOn"' the tnlflfl"'lll\IQ. l.hrn &n•W•'Tf'd 'J'r•r•artri" ~ , I I , rl"'• .. 11111: 11n'1 ti • ll(h•rnnon ,..,II f • r;;;:;.., _ _;;,;;;;;._....;;:::::;.,,;;;;;::;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;::;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:j, • -• • ,. t<..r , hnalm11 • 111 • •I"'' 11.J '""' u r l• r .t11 11,: .. tM> tamoua ""raonal1t1n •hr -ch ~vtduaJ r•porlt'r within 1 ••• 111 1_ t•i.. 1 1 ho ''"'' 1ril '' • "'" k•ll11P l••r I r -..., .,. -. 1 ~"Onon t1u~111e Al "'11 •' Ml u, .. 111.:Rt\
hn_d lnurvlt""l'd, aM dl.M'overed 30 n1lnulo. 11he .tatu. 1 <"lln•• f'hlll• h lh lhr ~a rn ,.,,.1,,r f'n•i•p '"1"" rn. ,... lh.ot 111·,; .. rr .... r• a nd •<lllHnlllH
lht' ona d\&raC'tt'llrtllc: lhry .. 11 M11 It. Jotua latMt l>Qok ·~""l""t Rr .. d1 Ull Hrn.l11y. T iii' h\orr ..... r,h1p ••• , •• , s ruli..v <11.rrn111n
-----------\\ .. r IP'1 "' I ht' ''h1>r II "111 nllnl81Cr, ""' ltn\ 1\ <'1ul11of' Ml •"" •nd 11 "" llolv 1· .. 111· prr p11p• •l•·~"·rl a n1I •Olf•.,. !•••
wlll •l"'"k at both 1'10• ntn ... ~r, "" • •• '"" I: '• rr "' h<•I •rP'"'"""''"'~ ., n • ti.,11,11,.,,
I••• 113<) an<t II •II• He 11tall'• ,. •~• r•'' 'i11rnln1 :.mt ... i! ,•~lll \\ flf, "'Ill (OU_. from AA tha t U1• tt""1nuu1 ""*11 1,... 1, • t " "'i!'" ~· 11 J'"' 111• •l ~ f"' "''" •• ~.IU l>ot ..,n L..o.t
f•rttl ,f ~ A (h•nt ""'','" ' ti' 1 1' It"' •aJ" ''~' · All£••r• ln1(W'UHI \flir\· And••
1 •rr•1011.• lhAl "•II l,.. r•arl1 r \I• hon• Mrur 1•on!r•• 1 .,,,. •• ,.,.1111,
Yuletide Pageant
·at Christ Church
lul t>10••iJ hn llit' '""l"'l ----c 1r, 11,., "l<J h ••h1t'lol• M'l I
1.t.kr ofLl'n rrf('Tfr•1 I•• •• I • I frl,.1 t• , : It r \\ ..,r• ~n "' th" 1 ~
l "hrlJltlll•• I •0-f>''I ( ) 11 I)' ( : !l ll S~ C '" __ r 11 r 11 1 •'t• '1 I 'h" a rr1,a l i h• Rar11l1o11rv '""V "111 ••,. ,.. bf.tlh !'i.,.,, •'fl •n<i•• thr 1 """ t\ 1.t1 '"" p•ll , v.lt'l n1•tt1•>.-1•
11 l ( re lt r " •\• i ..: '1 ~"~··• fl•an1 ft• far • """ .r Mr. A Hull• I a ( " ' ( ) d hark R• I ._~, ""'' a111 Ultf' 3• The secorl 1tnnual Chnst m11s prod111 t1on ep1C'lmg I tr,,, II "''I' . 1 •• ,.. .• n>• rt A .,. • I, in .... . ""' S• • n •n i-.... " • h 1,.it 1nl•'" tw••1 n 1 11 ~·· arenca from the birth and lif C of Chne\, 'A 111 be prceented 11• 311 1 rn t ' " 11.: Jo:"' 11 ' < "?-•' " .., , r, r ~ rd• s "" I ... 1 •, • •Iv, ,I, I n<lto•I r1ro uf
. Ch , Ch h b h Se C l u thod I \outll 1'1·l·"'•hl>t ""' "t t •., r I• '' r "• • r "' "'"•a~~ ''"h mrmt>rn ... ·tll in nat urc Y t c a. ommunr Y ,.,e Ml • 011 1 rh11tt h on ~ .. n.tft\ , , ""'"It' Jr•'l
the nenings of Dec. 15 and 15 At 7 ·30 p.rn. in the M.nc· lor youth fll•rl at ':'I Jh I' •'"1 j I ... 1" \ I .... '" I ' .. h llll."'. a ~ ,. 'hh h IA I I hr ... n. i: 1.-. 11 ,.,. .. lru tnrlllllllt•
tuuy of the church. Playing ~rt8 in the bnut1ruJ and 1n· 1 ""'~~r )'•)•th nt_n ,\U Pm 11 •· •· I• M T .. ~, '"k"n t1 "' at 'hru•rna• """ <•rt11ni;: tn Mu
•pirtng paa:.iant arr adulU. •nt! t 11>• r• 1 hrt •~, •• .,.a t &fltJ r n .. • !IA '" lfi:""" •'hr1alla n l'rrv1r1t
d11IJ..,.n lrvni ltle <hUr<"h c•mi:r.-I\.> 1" C.od ''n HIS:h "1'h 'h• f\1 y F C } <l I r. ~ 'hr ... rm"" Th• 1 .. r I rt\JI r111.a1 Un•\-... • for lhlll
•111•••0 and Sunday -hCHJI .• 'l of I VOl~l! 11( lll•.· :'>flUI'• 811r Pur I a e 11 ~) r • -" ti fl ~' i '' It• ,,...., 1 .... 1 1 ... I• lh• lr\1111t I '""n•n1t \\Ill ~ ~Im'"• J•m"• nMT MATE DOB
t h!! rho1r1 nf lh• ,h111•h. thr11 ti '"11 l.rnrta Kl •r1<• Jl'.ttw-I tnnC'· f D ,,, .. 1 •nl1 11rt '°"'rlullng klnK lhvOrn an°t <l~("•lr Rnnat,.ng I
r..;•lura ••UJ p1u1DlllMl ._,1 ...... 1. ha I< l.Jnt1A .Stol\\rlt, Harf)llMI or cccn1 her . tlo• 11nrh nu•M t ht-f'llr1h - - --
.... 11 ,, .. llNlr-11 Ill the lhrllllni.; h lltron. !tan .. and l'harlf"n• b\' hi• r<, ... ,., hf' hath Hl11t>·1 Have11 of Rest
Chr1Atma• nr11sl(' ti.-s:111nlll(IAlllt1''11""11 ..... .1 .. aflrllr l!oltlll.l'••n ,\t "'" ''"''r ~l\1' """'"11i llst•rcl rlw W•11l<I hv '"" w1 .. tom.I Will L1"aht
l ion \ald1'.I s1n;:ing Oh Holy llnlht'A<l'llr\\olhlhr ""Mailunn• '""!I •I •110 rrr in ,;,.,,., .. ,I •n<1 h111 h olrrl1hr<1 '011t th• h p t
Nrithl' bv Aolarn 1•n<J C"hlld v.111 ,,.. h•'f\rd thrl tbll 1•011 t-r11lh v.111 ··"·' lt11• hrtl\"••n11 by hi• drrf'<:tl(.\ll t lO Ad w h rogra111 a ' \(tl(CY Ill 'lhl' fltlh•11l Al\jtrlt •• JtlOUJ' Ir\ A •ll~l'll"•lon (111 vent reat
In tl\e Opt'!nln~ .c.n .. of lht' !hi' r hrr11h <"'hOlr 1:11thrrt1 •ro11n•I ' Youth e T"n • "nimnr1<l1111•nl• · IO 12 1 ' M }) •
aalh"lt)' llt>r)', Mn C'.alv111 P . th·· mo<n;;c-r lo :nn;: fl f11lf•hv I L't'< p In ltW' hurt of l••in A porll<•n "' th .. fll'llTIOn la B.I. Church esa .>apt1st
([>or-othy• SlllWf'll, u lh•· anl{l'I 10 111 .. Jnfan( Kini: • ~mllh •• llAr iol\t n M11llron "'" 1.Ak<'!'I "0 "' l'••ln . l U\ "11•r·· at aprw-ar• to Mary In lhr JM'•a<•n I •llvh l 111ni•. llarpv I• h•• Um: nn :-;11n<1a\' al i 20 I'm
o! Mu. ftJC'h&rd •• tl)Qrlf\A I I Th .. r•I:"""' I• •rn•l<'I 1h .. Jr 1 .. 1111 th .. ll'f".''' In • Mii.1!1011• halh lh•· 1:.><1 "' .1.~111'1 for 111• ,.,,., Mair H•'h ar111 thf' nrv.
8 r ••·• \\Ith th« ann'lnrlallnn fr(tlnn or Hnll\ J,,.•h Yl•"I anl1 1 "" ,,,.,. l • ••nel l!J lho> i;r .. up hf'lp v.tn!W' h"I'" I• m thr l,ort1 0'1 S•1n•l11y Dl•lrTilnir •I fl 10 nt th .. r;.,,,.1 !'hip nr"r" ,.111
follc>"'". whkh \tr11 Bl•• r Mt• "harlf'\' 1 .. 1nt;r1 '.\fr11 /\ r "Ill hrlp with th .. 1•hr1•lmA1 111• r:oll \\'hlrh m111I" hl'&\'rn, of'k'< k nn /\•h,.nl "rf'1<tl• 14'111 pr,.M'nl thPll prot:l'"llm al lh" Iii~• l:man Bayarde bt-ailliful J . Hull•r wlll <J11,.•I lht' chn1allJ1IP\ 1" U1r na ""' 1"' nu m•·•·t-•n•t rnrth, lh,. '"'" a n1t all that 1 .. 111:111 ... 1 at th@ Rt.ltl(la l•lan<t 1•oat1 J\,{f'H fo'lr•I Rapll.lf
''Rona' ot Mary."' Tnrn -J•-rn m""'' v. llh ~n SonnlP t. HR· lnJ: lhRt " ... k. lh••rrln l• v. hlrh k"''f't'lh t rnth ''omm11n1tv Mrthncli•t ''hur("h. l'hurrh 3111 Magnolia. <"otita
In hi• (""IJK"nU-r ahop ·~ \'llfltl'd Jrf'n ill th .. plllflO 11n•t ~flll om .. , Th .. flnnl•lll c·11r ... 1mas banqu .. : '"' P\l'I (~1 ll t th11• hnal11\11• th .. Arrival or th .. Mr!U ...... n \\'hllnl'\' wtll bf' ,. l"' 1 1 Jarob,. Al tl•" ori•n "111 t"• 1 ... 1,1 f1•r 1111 •,01111~ ,...,,. ,. .,} ... &ftlf' as v.•f'llry arn I I holy 1'hrt•I 11111~ 8,.,..,,n II will I h•· nq;11nh1t Tlt111 prnitr•m 11
llfllibl<ld ~ fa.Ila a ... ~ .. at hl!lo "''I. t lht' r II I h "" I,.... :ZI !)# rh• li>ird )'"Ir ..... Allv•nl ~no ... r1 Ill II• h l•ny ra01ln llJ<t·
'INndl N1•11.l fnll0"-'1 thf' <k'Crt'f' Commun1·on at •n· 1111
,,. ~-1 lhe "'011" "111 IslP nd wscs '"'"''"'" ha• ~.n oh~n· ... t In f'Jlrr• •• lla\11'11 •If Hf'at • oI lMaal Augwt11• !hill all llttt '1" 1..arolu.1: In lhr r1ty l<• an.v ·~ lh,. lo1wol churrh, fo'rnrn • am11ll tM-icinnl'l(t It ••
work! aho11Jd be laJ<..., and .M•ry anut·lru v.110 u.1111111 "n,IC>V <arol•. J H 11 ni. wraath, l'l be 11'\aPf'll•hlol nuw h .. ard on nf'lrly all th•
and JOllf'pb ·~ attn &JI Ul•y First Baptist !lllnt't~n m•mbu• <t'ndfod mproves a from th• dlaaul rf'lllnf, wlU contJnenla of lh« "''orl<f and nr-............... rram Naiart'UI I.A> U.U.· lh• Pr••1d•nl • ball In Doon.t h<•ll1 fnur c • n d ••• a\'mbollr;ln& rl•ll mUIA&"• or lnaptrallon and ,,.. __ ,, &arh, Nov. 23. l mpr l\'ttm•nl• In ~rbom lfohrm lit a lo\ldW:\g ept~ in T1" Yim Haptll'lt C!lutTh nf Hall. aoctal room uf th .. Halboa th• fnur Bunda,. t.n .At1venl. On ho~ lo many.
,...hi<b Kar)' ~ .of bu w~r1· Newport ~h. ltul aM W. l&l~d Community M•lhUd&at ~unday, only ant ol th• undl.,. Th• l~ ot ~ GOOl1 lhlp
neo u Ill&!)' MU t1J&I etld .of ~ BIY4, wtlJ .,...... t1w Baba •i Books Given Chun:h, were n•nni compl•tton v.1U be U1h!M. Aa lit• Adnnt Gran ti•• bffn publubrd •Inc•
cbefr ~-procnm of UM VnUed !ptrttua.I uu. wHk a.a • result Of 1 two-aea.on pr;!ST-an lncrMmn• 1934 and I• ullt'd by many of ~ _..,sa awalml u. Adnlltle~tha l!unda7, -.Su. a to Mesa Llbl'ary ,. .... pro}ect ot th• Woman'• amnM-r ol. eutdln w111 bunt lht del'J'Y In tbeir work. n. ~,. u ~ l8l!s -c11ir7 '"Dlu' Of Dtdtcattoe" aNI 0.--~ ~ preMfltf>d to Ult SocJet,. ftf Chri•lla.n ~-durtnc tha drun:h wonlllp .. ,. RfT. P. o. HllUln&Rn ttat.ftl Ila
•un• ~ '"-pulor'a ())ata. Mft& Ubrarv In bonor of The low•r walla ot lll• room vt,_ YI .,.,.., happy to pr~t .ucll
nlUl't Clltll&<9 09' CWISI' wp at tM 11 o"ckM'k'-laoor the blrth<Say or Balla u llrih. a.aw ~n panf'lf'\t Wllll wood "n."' Rrr. Donald 0 S.pp will an oul-.tan.Unr fTOUP and a
.-.&N'n!n' wtll ti.. "liPOk•n Toll•n'', Cr,,inll•r nf '"• O.ha 1 World .,, 1 ilrirtw•l<\tl flntah Th., 1,.. pr,..rh at both th<! ''30 •nt1 1l warm wrlromr "'111 .,. r.tf'nll·
A .,....:'.,"ti-"":.::;~~ ...., SUnda)' 8ctloo1. \\1UI Ja..,.11 t"Allh a ... 0"(:00 p""'°" B) by nia1nd<'r of ti • l"Qt'nn haa t>ttn 1 "' • • r v 1" "• Adv•nl and ,..., tn 1tw crnuwl p11bll<'
C.-flf c:a.n., s.-. , .. -Tra11 u 11\lperlnllPlldrnt. Will Shc>ghl fl;tfenJI an bUltortC'al ap-p&lnl.,I a J•Utrl )'•llm•. l..ar1• ChrtJlltftU mu~c "111 ""° rmn(
.. _ "'' "' ltlf"t't ll t.•~ Lift. ru-wm .. 1 t t .... f t'-tupb!Wlrd• ant! ~loa-ta haw bf'<'n at all Hrnc .. unlll C'hrUtmaa. s-... ~ ~.. .... r~1ar.. ,. 1 "' • \,.,, ~ ...... • s 1 .. _.... Rece1·ve Membel"CI ._.,. ._... • 11• ..... ~ R.ld ror aU •"-Furtlllt'r (allll -s by the Me1hodi-t """•lru<'h<d tor almoat the ~-• 11,_ry c•"' • now ,,..,.., & 0
.............. ...., ... .,, •• ._ ... plans w1ll ta. annW~d rw an <;llun'h 1n II• 11tudy etf '11• tir• "ltlth or the hall The proJ· provld~ at bnth .. l"Yll'H of ..!::!:81~ l:": "'-•" /::. 'i!::; all Rund:a)' !ktlor·l t:'hnetm.aa v.•1,,l<f"11 JTHT r .. t 1fl1 on• and Ht . """''"It 1o\·rr S7nn I• 1>~1n1: wnMlhlp
L>amlnr lh• v-., of Ri.
lnry'" "'Ill bt' thl' .,.tmon 1111•
I Cur. f,.c•. 2, lllP /1r11t l4•ln1lay 11'1 ;: :: ,!".~•.:,·,.':".::~ :;.--;o•f'Olt:' 111 whl•h •Ill lit' ht-kl ~11n· l'r"l'f·r1punn to r r.1v1nr" l1y RU· J'Mhl h) 1h .. \\"!U~ y,·h•l'h ... ,,,,.., c-· _...... ""' •'\POl0£ .... 23. hl))lh 1:11hl1Hlll, ... uh II• n•r~-rlll mfitlry "''Ill II.a parllclpat111t1
"" ,..roe " ..,.,._ .. , _, ... •• •"•""I -ni .. m~!IAlll:I' for <hi• 8111111.Ay I aa.:r or 1101,. for 111 ha.rraaMd h1 ll'• p&ll two Labor l>rt)' .. a...11 ..,_ - -... .-41 .. -at f pm. wiU M ''OcMI I Orace.• 111·wld. 8MJl AJJ•J 1'aJ.rL
S.\·f'nty-<me p.or (Pnl
rrun.tlln ln the Uni~ ... .. "-..... of !!II I Ad\f'nt. Nt'w membf'n w\11 bf'
8l&t.. 1.c&lv.d al boUI worab.1p hour• .
t:M Ud 11 e'cleek.
170 SUJ>tPMOr f'\YVIU•
COit& Mfl.aa, Calif
Phnne Utarty 1-2121
I' or l 'n aual Chr1stmu Ollta Shop At
Ill A .. 'f~ MATt'llOAl', 01:(1. 1
llll-0 "'""tit C ''*•t N•d. -l)ln.,.r H p.m .• l.M
"OH 'Oftl.r: ASO 111'1 Qt'fe\TF.T
"°'""'r" lonll<1 I tluF'f'll nf R-olll't'-~
:-,<nt . \,l,.I• l<ril"" M. John• -11a11&, AUll4ay. ON. I
I.all"•"'" ftftw-11 An na1i.,,.
It's only natural for p.opl. fivi"9
ouhide th• city t.mih of Cotte
Me'• to usume that an 1ddition.f
ch.tr9e would be m1de if w• are
uilled. This may be the policy of
funeral directors, but we
n•ver nwike en edditiOMI c.h.trp
wtt.n we •re ulled to Mf'ft in tt..·
surroundincJ area.
••Lao.a•"""°" lklo"9 • 11eo 1t.t1
.MW'Wf IUD • ""°"4 .. Ml
I '
i'rom left. L°'9 VoeeJ. vlce-prellcllbt; Art Adair, praddent; Katherine OlPl.
-=ret&ry·tnuuftr, and Matt L&Borde, vice-president. New dlr9cton elected
a.re Dkk lfodle, Bill C. l"llba' a.ad Art C. Kistler c4. Newport Beacll. and Tom
Coa of ea.ta MeM.
. OCC Nursing
AdYlsors . In
Recent Meet
Sales T11es
lo Co11ty, City
~.C CN8 1 A
1i111111 fll A.Ul.Ml trwn •I• t-. w01 N di.trtbuted lo 11
~ aad J2t <'ill•. I t.at.
0.tna-Rbbert C. Kirkwood
... aaa>Uneed.
~~~tatu•on .a. 11\AM lturtllf tb• Udrd ...,wr at lh• calendar yeu
... llrillp th• cu,,_t dlltrl·
..._lo 1•.o:tUOT ,.W to.._
-.J ~m.nta llnc• th• In·
~u-of tM lt.at•admint. a.-fJ"OS1"UI tut A prtl
llllChlMd " th• ~ .,.. ,.. Milflta Oft A \ll'wt tall NtOTM
... ..,,_ p""1oual7 un.a11ot'9ttid
~ <Aullt1 recee-s UT.· na.... lliF1nNod a.kt.. 'nt• ......
-1'-.ort ~h ... Sil.· ....
1'la club m"ta Thunday nooNI
at Jama.ice. Inn and la one ot
1100 aitchans• Clube ln th• na-
• tlon.
Car Renewals
Start After
Nn. 1 ~11
N _, • ....._ 11/IO/M
P1l11er Cl1im1
Co11ty lrowt~
lo Acceler1te
Ooat.IJlued acoei.tratJon of Or-
..,.. OowrtT• r1'0Wt.la clurtllc
116T "ta ~ bJ •· A. hJ.. mer, pnllldat et Newport JI&).
boa kvtrlp &bd Lou ~auae.. 1n a CW'ftDt tnda publl-
o&tloa article toir the OaUtorma
8a'ftnp ud Lou i...u ..
Palm«r C'NdlU the lntlu.x ot
"p&l'Uc:Warly dMl.rabi. lll4wlt.ry'
Into 0ranp County H a prime
boi.un.nc factor ln the local
'SS .FORD l!J T. P.U. ForGo R-2 Tone _ ... $1295
'54 CHEVROLET lfi T. P.U. __ S 1045
Lo&a NCOl'dlap, bUlldl.na per-
m1LI and r.l estate U&nden
r.flect u OV•rall .,_.. over
1806 tut Palm.er aat1dp&t..
..W eoJllJJ:lue bJ(bm' lJI 1MT.
,~ a r. wprac:Umlly
-stlltct todaJ.'' &Ad rataJ
............ llalt.ed.
'52 FORO VI 'Ii T. P.U. __ $ 795
'51 FORD 'IJ T: P.U. . $ '45
'37 DODGE P..t _ __ $ 95
'52 STU0£1AJ(ER VJ T. P.U. $ 591
'53 FOAO llJ T. P.U. Cw. C.b. I H .. t _$ 941
l&Ylnp ID b.1a OW1l •Yi,.a
•moclaUoa wm ti.av• IACrM.89d,
Palmfto .Clmat•, about SO ptr
omt durtJar llM, wtUl t.ot&J ..
.. abow1ac u.. aJn• perceDl·
.,.. pin.
'56 FORD 'lz T. P .U. __ __ --·I 1591
'Sl GMC 'f2 T. P.U. Hydro. -··-SUMI
'56 FORD <;ourter Sed. Delv .• o·o. --S•l9S
YOW rotm D&.&.LD mmca ... , o. ....... xn.
&d1oJ r.ai. '· ~ na ma·
jor1ty ot motoNta will N-resta-
t.r benNen JaA., s and r.b.. "
Muoa aid.
hM W. 0.. 91rJ, U W.n
,,.. ............ ., .. ~ ... ...
lt"a ta.e stft tMt C!ell M ~ '7 ... ldre i..ly.
MB. .u.a.&.OOU It U.. ..... 1-t ... ..._.... ..-ftllt . ~b70llf .... n.•1r II .......... =re. Jlr. 8eata a.. •i-u.. We .a. "'9 ,_.. . . . ..,._.
udN~ftnor. TltedM.....___. .. ,., •• ,.. ,_
cualrya ......... 1 ......_.,......_,..fwtldlt ... ........ attnetlftlJ sift ...... '
WE WJU OLADLT' 11..Um TOUIL 6iiD'ii&HTll u mu.owar
Dielftr.. OU.. ......
la Ollf..... .. U.. U.&A.
I Cu Paek Natani fta•• ._tLJ.I AM
1% Cu PMk N ....... 1'a9w ·--&a IAI
ICu.PMkllmokel"llnw __ ~ t.1t
To Wes ... C IOI WI C:.., NeWJert 11•~• C• •
.......... un
"'--.... : •• o.. D JW a.rt ' s ~ 0
_____ Gift ....... -• 0.. ......... .,._
______ om ..... -11 o.. ,..,. !f ...... ......_
______ otn ...... -• 0.. ............... ftaf'W
ToU..aw ... .....,_a'tuhl
JCM'n1il Is mv ..._ f• ••-------
h~ N ...
0 8Md You Olft Card 0 Owa ~ EMl111•
City ,.... ----l!Mate _____ _
MINOR R!:PADt w~ "° Joa~ auu.
H. 0. ~
10lt t;. 8aDMla INN.. 8&tboa
H&sWwMOO ..,_
Mn J'RE!2E Tll1S
IF YOUf\ JloDM '-oo&d ~ 1our _...;_ ____ .;._ ___ .,_u_c
tunia~ """"-:.. eperate
"It all of lll7 cutom•l"I wen u dirty u 1011
folb -rd _.er ba .. to a1e ttle Wgt A.! ..
MOJ N_,ort BIYd.. Npt. Bcb.
RENT.AL plan W\U put Wvr-
ltt.Mr Orpn la your bolM tor
XmM, only M.16 wk. 0.UY.,
"'-. 6 mUlik inc. ta &llloH
pl1<.'tl. UO wtll hold pU.ao tor
Xma.a, l&rJ'e IWCll ot oe•,
uaed. r«ntal returnc 1 \&aed 8IXm -two M ·IA le.bwt.Dn.
&'n.o4a. 10~• olt, &ood bar-RedJw type .. • yn. old. t
i'reab Hearing Aid
TO MAKIC repaln or to luLall We 0.Ye ... an. Stampe
a -OfW. LIBCRTY 1·711' or
Her 1549
1•·hr. pbane ~ plAa. Renta.I planom troae ~. Boys l ptla. pa aadl. Ll-
all ttnt appllea on purchue. I-THO an-1 p.m. McM
N-el~ orp.n at '69e. ...,.
Gundereon Drug Co.
B~ llL i"r
M.aa & at llia.IMa 81"-. BaJ~ DEUYEltY GUARANTEED ..
0.Uvery of the Newport llarbor New.Preu LI i-Uaiuteed. Carrier bo)"I wW deliver their papen
, before 9 p.m. on lilOQ.day. Wednesday and Friday.
lt yow' papa" ii Dot d.UYt.red ~y that hour plea.-
• ~ Harbor 1616 and your carrier will brins your
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
H.A.RBOfl. 1117
11 yean tn Hubor Al'M
s.lme~~n! ~?~!
H&r. U04 or OS17
.A.J....o MAAIN !: PA LNTlNG
Glenn Johnston
~1 3ut Bl. Newport .tM&cll
H&rbor 3171 tttlc
Delivered to Your Home CEMENT ,. BUILDING
Three Times e Week All Ktftda
-50c -PER MONTH -50c l W~rty Ml09
C ·1 ass if i -e -d -, e:,~E~§.:~·
Electrlo Po,,er Tool.a
.... e(J .... 11.,, w ..... ., .... .....,
..S'L ... .=-.
ildl'L .... .16 ..
and acce..onn
AJoollollcll , Anooymoua
win.•· o. ._ 111
tc..pan ~ OaUf.
..... liu'llor •'ltO
Your Relax-A-Ciior
Bcmole Wu.on -ff htt t 8'8•
Cll' iU a tt t OJ~
Superfluous Hair
hnn&JleoU)' remo•e4 troai face
um., ..... C,...-OW• and ba1J
1&ae aaapaO--l'lo moc-a twea&DI
l:LL&N I... BJ\ t A t"T" ll. &.
Udo'1 llakin al S.11t7 Hu, UTI
U-Scboola, latrurdon
Learn Modern Pi•no
to play, t~nne. Santa Ana
Mualc, 1H w: 1Tlh, P'ull~rt.oll
Muut:, 110 N. 8padra Rd .
f3!IOO -" l~o R&.ncll WU\lc
CoeL Bet.uurWJy ctyl..t. £x.
oel.lent cond1Uon. !lxcepUonally
prteed. Har. MM. SIOtlc
J:LL.ER -a&o. Har. 19'a.W
alter 6 p.m t4pM
$11.96 lo $24.9~
~.1u1dcr....n Dn11. Har. 6U
t6dn --------
Ntw Holiday WEBCOR
Purtable ptwno.,....ph, 1 apMd.
Rae. JM.tfl tor '41 60
C"'_.U Cun.i.,..-,n Oru1. Har "l~
CAMERA, Arrua C·S. Drud
new, oomplet• wltll tllull ud
CHB.llnU..I aboftlUls a pl•·
.UN l.n our lbop. No Nab.
pint)' of p a r k I n I 111Jace.
rteuiq v..nK)' ot c:b1na, eut
p......d 6 oolored ,..... tur-
nitW"t, 1am,.. .Ulna. 6 aaA¥
otMr otljlete fll art \Alo ftU•
mcro1.11 to 111.u.&. W• bu7
It aell "ll"IRB.ANO ftl:D
BARN," llael ~ BIYd., o.o .. Kl a-nu 1 l buc N. or
WMt.Jni.Mter 8tvd., 0 0 1.
G« Your X m a 1 CaM.a,
Stationery • Book Matcbel
USltD Llond n.JJl wtU. oom•
plete ~· x I ' layout. ln.c:ludel
~._.lt~ car, milk car, tuftnel,
bt1d&•. ••lric ... 1tc:hM anJ
a nu"lalure c:it1 A l'M1 bar·
pin al MO 00. 101 IC. a..lboa
BIV'd ~
ca.M. S~ t:aah Har. 13&1 XMAI trl:MJI
~~M NJ;W (UN. bnd.lea. ehap11.
----IJ>Url, Un an.lraal \.rll,., I-Mm to •lb~A&d. tmpro111 ... u ttl.O N HAND J''ASHlONr.D mounwn Uon tzape, bMo.d
play by -.r Youn1cten to t>Wl':ATY.IUI Cur women BT lt.emc, tannt<I fu.n , muakral.
oldsten -wtll ~ell you a• :<AN L><>JUl!o:Y $3 9:'> a.n<.t beever, coot\. Mdl'tr. ~·-mucil or u llttle u )OU ""'ah $!'> 1:., !>ON Al.l1SON 8. 311 O rur ooat.
Pb one
Har. 8"81-W,
Main. kalboa. H cM w ANT1CD _ ltoo I l a n d a r ti
Ch")'. al.o boat. U4 II. llUI
at., CK. ~ LA 1-1HJ ..... ...,, ..... -"--
"Everything for the
Woodworldnq Shop"
~ Mon U\ru lfaL I lo I u ..-S2 U--&tuUou Wu&fld
PAINTiNG "'"I R~y's Maintenance
CUUK-~eral. To llV• 1n. l..n-
ral "1•~.. required Oood
N lary Call Har U'7 ~tween
1t • m. 4nd • pm Moo.~rn
8TAl:rrER ~nc:ENT8 tJ
tTAT u ~ ~ ~V D~
an..1:.-.:00 TKD.A.JtY ITU.
OJO Jf4 N. O:lut, ~ 1
S..<'n, Hyatt 4Mt1. -~ I Complete Profeuional
•:'l(l'~:RIK,'l:~EIJ cook • ~
-~~r lo lak~ romplelf
<"ILllrE .. of So l.acul\ll 0<f!"i'D
front bumr No laund1 )'. l 1'1 SO--lf~~
ramlh IM!la ry 1200 P•• mo I
J'llO"" Hyatt • i08t -[l:'ldl7 I WATCH Ir CLOCK
ll'lTD()OM wtUI I ..,.U.W P&.
I C')'L. .,_ MectJ1c ~er
Pb. W~ ovtnt: PU.-.
tordl and ~ no. Am&na
upnpt rr.-.r n c1&. n. 12211
hopamlUI 1\.-t UM -wtt.11
motbr and atta.clL Noda· Lnc.
Sl60. '• b p. O.IC. mot.or UO
U M TH. -t6cil
IHOPaw:rrH ·Kin V, I mo.
old wl~ S1to In ntra equtp-
ment. Wiii Mil for P30 Oa.ll
LA 1-~Tlt. ' Mptll ----------81CTCLI:. otri. a.Jawtan. na
J11Q1i...Jla Ban I.A.rt• ••
$20. Har, OTlb. tlc:M
JUIT MOVED H.a•e ,._tn1,
llton, IMlc» T'O IJ:U. Al.o
l•~i.. c:bain. cti.l. d\lld •
deak, mJ l"T'Or9, lamp.. lawn
cnowerw. d1.lbet • .u .. .u. ao1
o.r.1, &a.Ibo& w..M. Ila&. and •un.. or al\« a 00 "' •••
Dlfht.& NpM
8 • • e r h 1 a r Al\T LINK·
1..F.TTEJ\'I HOUll: PA.RTf
dally • CM rMl'o or TV
1 ... toinac i-.i ,......kn J>f•
d\IC't&. bcl\Ulhe a r 1 • t of
lt6e HO'l'POINT tetrtr. u·, Ula
.,..l. Ku bl& eroM lOJ rr-.
er, ~ ... ln door. color ln·
tenor. Pa.Id drl. to •1•T.tt. No
C&tll ctn, P9J ont7 It.Tl JM' -"· aAUOK.N·• rtJJOll wanl\<>11M
!MIO W, 11~ It , Co.ta M-.
1 blll. W ot Van'c .,_lln1
Alley ltnr-e l'oo\u·• Mondav
U\ru 'h'lday ... kl. t tn I
IUA. 11 ·0 t.J 141M
l.J FT. HOTPOl.NT auto. ratr1r;·
eratGr, M'J'&Rle door ,,....,,
liMd J -Uu a..cnll••
laft '160. Har Q6f..J M I.I
~UM. h c1'1
13 TO lb CU. FT.! -·--DaAl>UlCD flor.~.-or~ ..a. a,.·
..... llooda)' P\tbHcaUocl -rrtde7 l p.m
I 1Ca.ctt'nl palnteu Ext1nor or
tatertcn, root Small "S-1"
U.O Zolot UOM Oood maler\11
work paranlff'd UCENS'E.0
• INIURIW. Kar loelM.
Floor •Ulnl and bumn1
Wlndvw Liean1n1
Upbulatuy Clu.nlng
PatM» <.:olor wued
Lwatroua Rault..a
Bet.con f't·raonnel Arey. repairing 1 ,.. orld ....,.....,.. v.'yleT -·atda • ...,.,.le ,,_....,... up to 1141
IM. • '9i f • dd"19Uftl • l
cft.lper9 • f\()11 • O'lt aM.I•• • alltlft _,.., • C II I a 1 r
-Fw WedDWQ Publk-aa.on.-T\lwta) l p.m. T op JVb uµpo1turulJH a.JI llf'llb Gl li'RANTCJa). --F'« Fri'-7 PubtscaUon·-Tbunday 1 p.m -----------t CARPENTER I
Repair Work
Ml<:N & WOMEN NEWPO~~E~~~~ca I -!It~ llA.aaOa PtDIUllDNO CO. , nu ...... ..,,.._, N...,.n lleeda. Oallfonda. REASONABLE -tiil-----
laalfied ..... -:a~., ........
;t-......Anr •-& .JCJ._.,Dlnnen
·~~ ....... e.n... ;.a. 7 0...
:ll • r a • Mat-w.
• :DV ·7 I~ :a .. ,.
i ..... 7..., Car
'I'? I rtnU.. ....... _,,~ .-.. ...... a.-..... ...
....... ... ,_lnll'tloa
•• eO J WM&ell =-......... ::9M I a >-A ..... :»-a ............. _
Dot• Your Hom• Need ~r&trtnc
1~0 Tualln A••. Newport lkar h t:.llb1 a .... lJ Mill I
1 Arrou t1om "fl An••'11~a'1 1110 H.-port .,,..
or Remotlellnc • Phon• LI berty 8, I 3 3 2
Call Jirank, Ubtrty 1~9M U t
park1n1 lot 1
MOVING? l All Work Guarll.ntHd Htt. -• -I -------' 8 & H GARDENERS l,AIJ\ • •P•hl• nf hf'IVllll .. ,nl•
Al T ~IG I 11•·1111•1 F"h'" clAv• •"..,);SI rol I p N It, I All Power Equlpm1·nt 4 Har 1011 ,, llHtr
l e~rte.n<'ed, ln.tul'*J, teat llF.DC.I!: Tnmn Inf & 11111n1ng
M..S. te ~
Eatilual• -.. mpl•
rr>O\'Wn plua larir• 11an only Interior & Exterior c .. ~nt i'8t10. '.,_,, IJP JUfJ• GIRLS
mu., 1'\ma clAJ'U at )"O<tt .,..otk ~11eranl#d }•"• .,.11ma1 ... I.I A l\722 BIC!Nt, Yl>l 'H FHIENl>S St.~ boor anywhere .... 1t1Un l\ll I a ny ••7 ... TT-uric tra.ol"> h•ullnc
door. l..owut ratee and C~ Hat &Ml "011c: 'Hfn
uumalft on It.ala a.nJ n&Uon· -·~r a A • .,;,.rl•hl' '"•I ••I 1.H11\\ I ti ANl> PH.UMOl"l0:-11
I FURNITURE r~ .., ··~··" ., • -11<\\'K Cll&ATEI) OP~NING8
wtCS. mov1r11 and on atC)flafr I••• your l"<•l Clf'alf'r "ho ,. I 1 '"
No nt.ra <"h&rr;e Ctrr Saturdcn DLiitUJCll\'dy t.lcalgul"d
hrr" TIJ.t.toRRu\\ i. ,,., ,. 11
Of" Jlnllday a lolade, Npalr'!"tl \•f l"flnl•hrd ""h•t he HfiA T< l{JJI Y Cll,.. M I hr
C. EVERETI SMITH uM<I <.an '" ~h• .i .... 11 .,, ... NEWMAN llnri lode)" U l • 1\1\h tll ;-:,." ~r\ S..ch
Har.•~ day1 or f•~lrll• Jltfc I\\ HJTIC \\'OMAN .. anu rrrr1.1
ltM Harbor Blvd . C041i. w-
Phon1: Day. LI t-22'14
Nl1"ht. Ha ~93 or Ll 8~30
----' -llolJff r l•anlnf l>\ da\ IJ ... n WEATHERSTRIJIPING tr" n 1 pu rta l&on Rderrn< ,..
8CRF.ENS. AWNINGS liar 3006 r.1 .. ~ 1
•~• 11'..Jttlmat ...
.. l C.L i'A \ A~ 'n.Jv l.,t;o\flN
~"R ~"'lJ!l;.N1 l :Sl'KEA•lta
-APPLY -a 30 Tt1 4 10
LUt:lll.E ORAP~
Property Owner Attn. ·~ tuuR WATCI\ t{UTl:Jl
out of It.I ~lM ~ !
I• tiler• &117 d&ll&et of It t\ooO
.,.,. 101.r l\Qnie.
11·s rut& ro C AT.L .
An up.rt •boUl ta. ~dlllotl
I)( your ••I• ... 1 ...
I CA 1.1. 1VUr auUtoriNd DAY A
Nll>HT Jttl'--Wlln HMt•
Joe e.c.btold-Hu. 6330
wltb unll.-kabi. --~~ l\Att
and ~...,.n"I UIK'CmlUU.W
rua~t .. ~ ,,_ an•
lo SM& ... IU T t"DICLOll
J1CW'ICLl:R 8, VlaCa Oeat..r,
801 W ltul. Coet• Mt ca
Ll Hut tlc:t ---------2 MODEL. T ~ a tt ,,,...._
t11t.i and wbM!I aJO. ON
bMl•t . MW modttl S\0. All&ll'll·
own lau.114f")' tu• ~. Call Ll I
·-~2 ...... ~-----~----' • KTtQl:Jt mania top d,,_, I
ILnd mirror '4.'I Maptn~ tor
1c.,.r a I: I I Ii ' • P •" • llwiY-M la door. etr.
TH18 ~ OHt.T we v.111
make tht toUu-lJ:IC sllut10an~<!1!
t~ ywr old ~ual!J\..t tnde·UI
rtfrl.a•ntor •
Up 10 t y,.. old -t.J$JOU:
Up to 10 Tra ot1f1 -P00.00~
Up to Ill< Trw. old -llTIOO'
Up to 10 Tra old -1160 l!O'
T\' U .bO lArf'e aall 4'Nk and L 0 W b • n la tuna on u Y
cnatr UO, Ex~Uve l,.-pe wal· '-l&nt:9 Up to le 11\0t\UM ft•
a ul deck W LAel.btn't I• 1 na"Ct "-
fol41A1 ll&by INCO lo) Z
tAunr• cn&ln and o<toman, J A K E 1 S
orw 110 oUvr l:llJO. I Ynbwm • •
•t-m 1rcin 110, U.Y9nporl llio Har~ ~la M-
tnll rti.tr »8. IJeunpurt 126.1 e>p.n U"r~· ' 00 P.Joil . ~1
2 t1p110lllt1Tecl cb.elr• 1160 and LJ.~ ..
h 60. JohNIOD tWln OB mo\or YJtmft. 1q 12"' cu. tt.,6;;
2 '• 111" UO. Pbllco portable ere.I l:JKll1c. Holda °"°'" •ot
redlo SIO Kar \Tt6 -.ron 11 n., of foeC. Co11W ....-. ••
• lft. an« an..r I p "'--Mc-91 t,.. .,._ ill ~. had ..,.,_ .......... :a hr ea • tw ..... :-... .... ,
:.-.-. ·-·· 10-BullMlee Guldei
I.I 1·'132
Id erl1a nlral &/\Cl IC\etot.rl<:&l
SANTA A NA __ ..,,, __ ...... __ ~-----SO-B-Appllan«e
C.. 1111.M w"'1)e llC.Ored. No
caal\ Ila., pay only IUI Pf''
--"' ......,....,n· llr' 8AUGllJIC'I FUR.N. w~1-..... 0. ...... ......,
:W Usu11111k ':MAmlllt ......
.:::8 ,A .... fw _..,.
~-.....n... ... ,.., ..
TYPING Painting, De<:orating
Pa~r Hanging
Harb« Mlo6 ~ Mtl
_PACIFI~ TELl<~PH~ I BED-SPRING I ;9·;ro1~--dlaeou--D-l -Cl&rcU-
.,," -A.BC. n:DOO. IC H 0 0 I..
SCJMlt FHICIC RO,,Ui; l''li:I: TaAc:HICM. MILlTAl\T allot
NEW ll•tln .. dally, office. do-MATTRESS llKIOl'f l'arda. J>Jal'I A.p-
MO W. 1Tt.a It. OMtA X-..
1 Wk. W . flf Vu'• ~.
Alle7. atoro i.oun: >CoftdAr .
0 ~......-.
~ =· ........... :.,, ......... ._.
•M ~ • n-hr Rftlt ...............
... -hr ..... , ...o~-· .. . ........... , ...... ..__
~ ....... ...,.. .. ~ .... ........... om-............
MS ' OH ._..._ ........... ................ ............. .............. ..... "' .. ., -~o ...., .... ....,. ............... ~ : ........... .. ,,~ ....
SOR OM.'3-J. 86p98h
Bu--. Cud.I .,. .. per M
lllt l'l.,.-por1 8"*4
Har US1
rl\OM UM
l m A. H_,..-t BL. o.ta M-U a...aeoi
It-• t~1Udlna PWn .. w
., .Hwr. llm&U a. IUS9 Jot. ok.
fteuuMblt rat-.
~ •nn
l.Tberty 1-11211 ---COMPLETE PAlNTING
" Pa~r H.a.nrinr Service
600 31st f'trtet, Newpwt 8-,.11
Harbor 2971 U c
INTD.101\8 -SXTENOR!il
L.ocaJ ltd•~
LAt'<et'..-d and luuNd
Haynie -Hafbof 85
UR~.MA .UNO and
!Wun I Lrn to I pm.
ll~ M11C1ro'fla. \Mt• M.aa
LJbert7 I-Mot
TBa DAT.~.
BAl.804 l.11..11 ~O.
Mondayw and "'1dlya. C&ll KJ
3~. Hdlt
Builder. Inc. wcEN8'ED CARPENTI:R .. ,u
Rt~ai" ~,,_or old Jot. day or oon•
d I tnet.. '4tld e.anl to 610 o.lo emo e in9 ..,.N ATW., nuntln.l"\Of! l'eM-tl
Unih .. ~
Homea n.ru.. <"b&f'I• bon•~r wtUI
C.U Now For Ji'rN :.;;:twd • s P • r 1 •" r ;.P~ I
AdY~. i. N"SW8' Jlll:',\'l t F.Atlmatn ------ -
about tod.v1 b9t .,_,,,.? For I COUPLE '"'J>"r1tn• I'd , tu1urrr-1u
1.1~.. IA.
,.,.. mcwa • • • 1t11y Md Mil W g.. 77 ~ E"tta, U I-7832 I A m&Jd or cook.
In our 0-tf\ed pes• ktlc Her . .llM.
u.n P'riM7 M . kt. t to I,, m•Uc and olh.-r. p..,._, ltlf llarllcw, Ooeta
ALSO MANY JOM P'OR WE-'1 1 SlO _w... _____________________ _
J l1 N I: I" ~ ft R A R . Emply
A 1.:Y· 402 '·• 3'.lnd Ill , Np.L ... 11--Aze.~
~ 11•6.. LI Wlll.
S..acll a!',_ fmm City Ha!I. , •
A million ot.htr berpin• ln Jessee's Backyard & Warehouse Sale
appli&o~ and oom·
plt!te turn1ab.1np and THIS WiEK ONLY
ClothlnJ tor lhe J 8petd pbono and ra.dlo . __ ...... . ... $19.11
F.nti~ Fanuly Nnr APQ automatic wuher ---GO•
MaTIUt.R8 Mlp.T collq"w ur 218 Locust
ti1p whoot prt prTfftl'fd. ,,,. JM W. 4•bielaa
In °" ou:_ H•r 211'2. Ilk-ti t02 JC. 'th St.
HA \'It you ott•n w I 1 he d to 12101 E. Bola
makt • p1uf-1011al t:h&l\&c ~o
1-U•r "''""• your fellow ,.,... ! Open Mon. 6 i"ri. 'tU 9
Tu lnnr.., )"l>'lr prudn<'U""
Tu ln.u,.. Y""•t rutur• rw1a.rd·
.._of 11•
Tu .toulll1 Y"Ur lni ome
' \'1>11 baVI'"
Thrn 11H Mr. Orttr;•n ftal#•
""'"'' Ylanr Harbor ftnt M•"" orlal Park, 19U N 1w port
Blvd , ('Mia M~ ..... M
V.xtr-ly ran. t.td.lL Klllt
... eol4. .,.. ., .......
1-lllO l°'d ~ue ~16.a
all a. Vall• MIO. H-~
rrnitaa nap nrpnt)y ,..
pllrM at •ny .... NteA.
r..tlmal• """ ""9JOU1' ..
na& &. Olt.. 111.,..,.; 0.-•
\Ml Mar. Har. 1141. Mdt
Nrtr You.opt.own dla~ --···-Sl.99
New ¥otoro!a 21 in. TV conaole _ l 79a
Ntw W..ua,bOWlt dryer -·----108•
Nftr Wldrtpool d.rJa' •' mM
H.w m.ckltmr lrooer ••
. . ~ W• --~···--· ... 6 •
UM W......, .aa•mtioaal • auto -30. 6 wp
U-S Retripraton -------2S. • ap;
Uetd Rutpl .. _ -··-.. -·--30. • up .
1'!UY PA na::NT8 ON USED
1013 8 Mala KI a.a34I
.. I . --~ • • ' •
Ou&.aldt 40c: ft. maldl OOc-60c IL
-----------220 • J8Ua St... N'.B. Har 2M5
li-••umlr1tl"fl rnr ~~ Ope11 T clay• lo I PM
"We wf1J haul your 00.t'' CR.U:a. ,.,.. _ ."1.al. dow1I -t . 8'I
&ad '1eck aJl!\oca. PO-Har.
tiOll.. HcM
ftOK UDO 18L8 HOME. 1.Jv-m. rm., 2 bdrm., mirrora &11d
pktUN9. WW be on ale
FRL, NOV. 30 Ir
.&T., DEC. ht
• 4..M. to 4 p ..M.
Ml Via Dijon,
~ lal•
M-Mask&I, Kadlo. T V --------·-""'-
8PJ.Nrr8 -l rnapll!', 1 m&-mcany. both llu new -av-
1.np tip lo alrnoat hall or niew
0Vl!!R9T\1i'T8D ,..11\i' ch a 1 r 1 only KDCBALL BLONOi;
pa. 8adhn. chair fl&. Occa· SPINET -rent.a.I r•lum -
81cmal chair flO M&boc· t•al>1· c:.an't be told trarrl new -•v•
net tc. TV ..c. UO. l.J 8-7130. '200.00.
W ALNU'T ~r dbl b.d. auper
U..ulyr.st box sprtng• •n•J
1t1&ttr-146. ll&c 311~ ev.,.
98pll9 ----BOU8EJ'UL OF YUM .. Ju.al
na-..d tuclude9 bt .. 6 pc. d1A.
I'm. PP~ c.-p&.~ bednn. rrp.
&Dd • pc. IYI rm. 111'· All I>-,
but pa.Id down a. '214 84 c...-
ol' pay only is.oo per WMk'.
BAUGHN'8 ll"UR.'ll. ~
MO W, lTlh SL. Co.U. M--.
'' bUL W , ot Vaa'1 Bowltn1
Alky. lltcml bou1"9: i.ronday
t.hnJ ~ ..... Sat.. • t.o •
8un.. 114. LI 1-tl&e.
BEIG.E U x 1A ..,.._ tlbn ~
and ped. Cood ooodlUon. f.llO.
8ee at JU Apnlc:na. Bal lJol•
or call Har 13~. 116r»1
.t.yle nevv ebaAg ... You ff!t
complete llvlna room irroc1J>,
bedm1, jp'Ollp, m.atlrNll 10 yr.
'JU&"1lleri Blal.L dininl' J'n)Up,
aU h&ntru<k mil.pl-. Pald dowu
' ti) ''M.17, caah or pay nnly
•• l!S per •·eek.
BAUGHN'8 rlJRN. wllU'ehou..,
f only P1&1n <:-.. bungalow up.
11CIH p1&11o. T • r bl 1 '3:1.00
down and tu 00 pu month.
1 only Near
new BLONl>E
1 only New PORT ABL& RJllCO
OttGAH -U96 00,
l Olli.>' New EBOWI GUL.BJ\.AN.
SEN 8PaaT -AlictuJy c1ul>
aaw ua a!upment -S&o1e
1 only l.{11\&haU I: I • c t r 0 D I c
Spinet orp.n. l.Jlte new. S•vc-
-.00 00
l only OUL.SRANS.EN 8PlNl:.T
-f~ntal rttW11, \n beauUJw
8Alf'm Mapi. -Bave $141).1.1(),
A &mall ckJIOlllt wtll hold any
oracan or p1a.no tar ChN11tn1u
dl'llvery at
Or!Uli• ~l)' • Orf1UI HdqL
JolNE l:'l.ANO~
MO w. lllb at.. CO.ta JI.._ Shafer's For Music
l bUt. v.·. at \'11n'1 ~llbf: I SIJ\Ce 111(17 r
Alley. Ston hour. Mond.;av 421"':13 N . Sycamon tianUI Ar.-
Ulru P'11day ... ~. Sat. II lo 6 ' KI 2·~7:i
Sun. U-6. LI 8...1181
'fWO JR. Bl!:OS wtUl q>rtnga. HAMMQ ND ~ tor bolh. on.. Ill.I ranlll'"
tnchit1e9 part.a end lalXlr
U yra. Ear-rtenoe
4B-Antno1 fnr 1hln
'H l>OllG~ 11 T PU.
'61 GMC •-, T Panel.
ACME TV & RADIO ·~1 PONTIAC 8 St>cJan t~U•tty
Bar. 63()4 '63 CHEVROLET 1., T. f' U.
'63 <;we 1~ T Pu.
GOOlJ USl!:O TV, SALi! 'M 1:t.tC Ii!! T. P ,U.
HOFFMAN U6. Olyrnp1c '60. 2 Jlydra·mallc Tru~mlMlon
H <.;A Vlnor 1 $~ .._ Ca~-'M UMC • .. T. Pan1I
nan full doon MO. llO" Wut· 'e.3 <;MC 'I. T. P1ck11p
1ncho1199 &nd 21" Hottman 'IH <:MC "-T Pu.
1new ph.li<rt' lu1N1. I aperd Hydrll·m&.U!! T~OD
· autom1&lle n·..:ord plnyt>ni In '&4 GMC ~ T Ouala
pu~ble carry1nir a.t• l~.IWI 'IU t;Mc 2 T 1 Ila" W f1.
11& R,C.A Victor r •' o r d :r 8pH<1. 8 ~ Tu ....
1>lay•r plui-tn 112 ll!I O"'°a U 1 ·~3 <"Hl!:VROLrr 2 T, 14' Bo<ly
to t\, Tart•r'• Muwtc Bio~ 2 8~~,1. I 2'5 T'lrN
'290-6 E:. C-Out Hhu~· Col'N\& I 'r.J ClOl.)(iJo:; 2 ·~ T. [)11rnp,
«kl Mar. I Acrt..._. fl<Jl'D Porl 2 S~. 9 00 TlrH
~t..rJ. 9:1Uc 01 GM<.: 10 Whffler, Dump,
R L ·rral'l.!I. 9 oo Tlrf"I •
Knowlton EleclroDlCJI
TV ANTENNAS tl.6, •ad nr1K'. 11-. can Hu. ORGANS M80Jt -201 A pol.,na R I .
laL nli. .,. au.--..1: 111?"¥ <A.in,...,,_ lltl ~ Ham ll.'leu S.m -HI Gaul)
,....... J ..--• -mond lnat&lled c:&1D'lpi9t• to 7uur ••I
I ROOM.a OF '11HN .. l~llC Ali-Oriana. l $9 9
lll1nJ 11" TV wtlh rannt" HAM).fOSO Hl'L''!:T • 5
Cllllltrol 19:li6 l:luy autom I only, b;• eavtn w uae.i, one I LI A 11206. 89Uc
WU!Mr. 2 oompl. liledrm fll"pe • I bi.la It !&a\• - -----------Ha.trunt.ni'J Ghord ori:an any 1:111 T pc. dll\. rm. lrto\lfl; anc1 one ran play rt. • ' :i.>--Oo~..., Ca~ Peta tits 1l .pe '"1nl' room P1'I --£ --j
ODly ~ ator-ed. Pllld down Rl'l:"irr f'IA.-.;o llM•1. J'f'rlf'<'t , ... 11<_,l 1-~El• WHIT!!: ::iTASI>·
to ~-Oil No ca•h down. ptay rondJtlon UM• Tu·ma ll:.r tc\f AHi> l'OOl>l.£. I' O Hox 31ta
111:, IP E •lll St S.u1La An1
True k Hc-adquartrn
tor Oran«t> C'.ounty
2 BJ:DROOM unt\lrn. duplex.
Tea.rty rmtal. Bo. ISde of Bl-
way, Coroaa de1 Kar. 304 Iria
SL totre
' ROOMS ana AP.TS.
on SJ:Aso.N ru.m
• Dally MUS Service
• 2'-hr. ~one
• 2'-hr. De.k 8errice
• Room Senice
• Heated Pool
• Reatau::rant
• Cocktail Lounie
• Color Telnll:lca
Jamaica Inn
Sital4 s.mc. .. ~·
REBUU.DERS 110 ll.. lrd It. IQ ...,_. BALBOA. 'taLA.ND • tu.nUIMd I
LOAN CAIUS -nu:JD 'IOWINQ bednn. u4 wn pardl vppcr
Corona del Mar
Harbor 0078
2830 W. Oout Hwy U ~
-'I'll ""''""'""'....,, dupla mar -.tJ1ap Wtotac ••• ~n .... -.u •too. JMl'IJ' S.110.. UUllU. llctlTH PRIV .A TE &NTR..i.NCID, .,..:iZ
new tumllhed al•pt~ room
wtlb al\ower. $~mo. Cell~
3041-R Owner at~ Ka.ri•
&old I u~r 1. • Nett ON DISPLAY
paid. Bar 6661--W UUe
8D UB tor 7e&rJ7 and _ .... , ..-ta.I&.
309 ~ ...... Barbor 002
B • l .8Q.A LIL.AND
OCl:.AN VIKW -partly turn.
1 bdrm dowutalrt apL Adult.I
-no pet.. •76 mo. yl!'a.rly
.__. 1166 W , 18th 8L C M
Har 10 or 1.J 8-1813. 93Uc
A PL!!A8ANT Pl.A.Cl:
UO Iii tU IWMk, lncludin( IJW·
IU• -Ooae to ~r)·Uun1.
OCEAN YRONT Hn~1'1 Ho1tua
\'on~ Bunk d11U1bt.. ln Jl'\IMl•
lng 1'11e11t.a ba('py. Group 'lfc-
Uv1Un eight et'\'11\C lrtpti, or
Ju•t \>la.m ~11hn1. Uml\j\i:f
numtH-r of apta and roema BO~-AERO·KENSKlLL
Rq. lpec:.
111 60' 2 Br, Pa.n-.Am. lstlt 7Sto
61 '6' 1 Br. Put-Am.. T'-'CI Mt0
6T to' 1 Br. Pan-Am. M96 ~
11 'f ~· 2 Br. Partun. 6316 4llO
l'>'f ~ 1 Br. Param.. Ut6 Ste5
57 !7' 1 Br. P&ram. ..., 1196
l'>1 23' Kenaictll 2'HO 2:560
37 11' Kf!Uklll 2098 1M!S
61 23' Zenil.b TllJldeul 27~ ~llO
67 18' 7.enlt.b 1723 1696
U:U:CTl:D UU:D TR.AlI..ltR8
!Ml '6' P1Ll&ol 2
6:5 31' KJt
M %'T' Luxor
M •er Pan·Ain,
114 22' K1n.&klll
"' le' Z.pher
.. 'Jl' KJt
239:5 ::
11193 •a.'! ... ,,
2lO() W. C-t Hltfl~)'
N•wport lk!tu:h LI 1-4420
OPEN I IL.Jn.·' JI m. ..,*'Y d&y
ii.-. lf·HDR.M.. Am .. r1can trailer.
BaUa. buuUful bln·b 111i..r\or.
AW1Una. urtra.a. 0900. 2080
Monrovta. ~97
47-WaaW te Beet
Unt\U'niAbed ~ta. wtt.b pnase
1 8 . ~ -PO 6 S &. a. -fl.JO
n. Bar. 1.M4 -~ Bu. ~
boa Blvd , Hat" 08U. kcM
&V&Jlabko. --•
2308. W, O<\'&n F'T'Ont, N•~
tt !:>ELOXI: t\ln:1lm.d apt•~ utUI· Har 61!17 ~
c-.D-..M.--2-Bdrm.---unt--u-rn.--d-up_l_n._ Uw iAcluded. '35 mo. an•l up,
'WIUJ J1111e 16. Harbor l'ISH. •• .:.•~ a. Ofn--Hdwd.. floors, tptar.c. ~· S6lk ~""~ • ,.._
Redec:o-rated. '80 mo. Hllr. ------------1 Nl!;W STORE aL.Oa , .•. ~ .. J. McM S S II 26 x 61! oo ,..._ rort ..... eo. ..
LOW'l:R tl&Jt ot "'""' 2 bdrm. ea he Apts. I M~ .. bllalnf'q .slalllcL • y...,
duplc;11. unturn. With bullt·lO l Jf'aM.' i•,
OE .ton. nreplace, torced lllT 1 or I bdrm. tnUI 2 baUl.I, DA.VY, S•32 Via UpoiW HA 6j1i4f
beat, Mp&Tll~ laundry A 6 ar· FURN. DELUXE A.P'I'S. At.a j Ill.ta •
ace. 217 It. Balboa B 1 v d .,
BaJboa. MplllJ
~A-Apta. for Beat
l BDRM. apL c1-to l.J11o
ahopptJlf eent.er A t.ra.c.spor-
ta Uon. P'uJ'1I. fl20, UNI.Im.
tJ 10 yrl;y. Har •U a.flu '
p.m. MpH
VERY NICE 1 and 2 Bdrm,
complela.1)1 I u r n • apt L on
,_rly rent.&l ~I&~ mo.
Kar. M0t. NcN
YURN, Apta. Cor nnL lTUUlJ(-a
pd Bac~or'a wttb prtnl~
f*LIO ~ 1 Bdrm. ~. 110 •
~ h St, N • w p o r t .0..c-h.
Olabow &-()Ml Nc"'8 --------
P'URN. Hac.bel<>r • 1 Bdrm 140
• S7~ mo 2 Bdrm. IJOO (~ar
a11:• aY&IJ UUllUf'.I pd. Hat,
:n0&. 1Hk98
bacb&IOn. UW act. Rcuon·
abi. Wlater It YM-Jl)' rttnt&Ui \o
pA'ferNd· tennanu. 1:!20 Wnt
D&lboa Blvd.. N ewpon Bu.ell
H&r. 3032. 73tlc
-I~ • Office Rental -·
E.XC~L,;, T klcaUoa • &n1ploe
pulWrc. •
APPIWXUol.ATJa.T IOO tt_ ' aq, T::i Slt.-0 mo.
BACHELOR'S LOOK! -.M"ROxnu.TELr uo eq. :~ I 9:.G mo .
1 a.lrm rura~ apt.. in Sal
boa. UllllllH p&Jd. JZA mo. rarll-1
lJt&'. Nur lrluilportaUon. B&r
4M2J or 3M&. ~3
WOMAN lo e 111 a re my home.
lll'very m<>*m oonvenll'.!11<·1._
JOI • 32Dd SL, Newport. MAI·
bor 34"-W bdort' 2 p.111
2 BR modrm &pt. f' A hNlt
P't,..pta.,, dl11p. d11hnJat1 , "'P-
J19llo or tundttk (,":loaf' ui 1
Ba)' 6: 0..-11 T"11r'• lctN a\ I
Ul:l1mo \'WLL l.:O, :llWf
E. Cllt. Hw)'., CDM HA.1741
HARBOR IN\'ESTllENT--• ,,. co. ..;...;.;)
llutivr 1&00,.,
l \ 'I Mtlo
PRJ• ATl!J•OFP'iCEll wtUI 1~f
&1111 .... r1ng •fl'VICCI. Socttlaf'1 ..
notary avallabl•. Gl'OWlll t\ooT,
New Tr1dcnt Rldr. :1200 New-
po~ ill"'-, Nt.,.port ae(t):,~:
lAdj¢ to 8out.h Cout Co.I
Offl~ from PO, ..mi-prt .. ..,,.
deak •pace tUJ llu. JOU.""•
ltor an.7 ncaw:y ta Oraq• Co.I LCE, l BDRM APT. NrA'IY
QUICKLY A.ND E.ASrLY tlt-l-u,..lf'd and tunuahed On
MarineN Miltt .. :... 43-8-Bocniea for Rent
oe1)' S7.JO per 'AtH!k p.r llftOnLh l'oronR ~I Ma.r <•r Har Hi<1
Jl.\1JOKN'8 Jl'UR.S. wu·.,httllN fi:'>< 1'6
6IO W, tTU1 ~t. Ct>11ta M....,. <:flttl8TMA!'I ll4~f\fn''P "H
1 M1'. W . ot Va.n'1 BowhnJ 1 GANS, rr,.tlf' yuur <.11"\Jer """
A..11.y, 8tore houn Monf\Jlr short •UN•IY "n ... rn,. rnu.lr14
\\'r\llrn !'I ·r~ rttrn1..,lAnt m~h· liIMPLY CALL al:Llll .. :r RLTT.
bc'auU'11l ~nlna-ul• Potnl. 1009
IC. Balboa Blvd. Har ll)H
sp;w unturn. laou .... on qUH"t •·
<'ludf'd 11 tHl, V ~ry la!"I" t'R·
Of't'JCE 6 6"hop Ba-c. for no(
or ·-am "' mo. It Ilsa: l.J 1-llU, HU~
rlc-1 Pftllo. 3 tsdrma. I l, f'OP. LEA~E tor l11bt myU;-,,,.
Uma rnrt•t IHl 1'\at 9 to II a-. 11-1. u &-:l1!16 I H,.1~aues.. .. 41 M•J•I" 8pl.ll~l like n~ ... aa\·• 11~.
N.w atock or c·nl.ldren·11 r-...-k,,,~
t.abk A ch&lr artio "" J '"' Hr n...t. H.a"1 II ll<lft WfwHI•
l!'.lrrtrnn11' C•ri;nn~ 1111""1 1..,1:r
~IU, 2 llllUlluU, 2•, r-<""1al hloa•
HplnC"t ftll" 'J man11al H1nnd••
1 "~n.-t Hll~ SA VJ:-.:•;~
Com.a u.r!y A lrav .. r,r'l"r
WL'ltLJ'f/.&:H ~Tl L•lCI .I''"""
wlLUe 1to ck I• r.1mplt:lt r..nt••d ~"'""II'" •fl<"\.\ &;l!l>T•n
ll:lna.JJ de~t •••OJ hoM 11nt11 1 .. ~. ,.,.,,. s11•:: ... 1 ,,.R,
Chrlatmu. I 8chmhll f'iuJJi..,. lcmia 1121 ~ Blvd, ~t. AfH&
Ll 8-lM:'i TP.Al>JC your uht uJ•rlt:ht 1>1
cJr•nd 111anr. f ()r • Jlammrtn 1
or1ran ur opmet Pl•uiv. ,.., l(IH
hlgh .. at caioh pt1r11 •m "-"
PRAc·raclC P1A1'08 ,;mm $67
tU!'I. 'llffl. "'" Payment.. I~
per mnnUl 11p Gnu1d pt.Iulo•
llA•·us11u:-.1> -1 ~·1 ol•l ...... 1 tr--
"" lo· \ l( I' r ,. II I I t f' r " ,J
I I 11-01>4~ .rtrr 7 JI rn. w,. ~
:'\!AL.I. 1nt111A(Ur'!' Po>udJr l'"I"
111i-• f\ h t • 1 rhrw '•'-"tr Ir
n" •• I 1>la1 I< tnlll•• ~"'·' l!.o-
r •'•t 1 • ..... 1 • f1 r ln•.,...-11on
i.f.K\'Jn; Ll &-~~
!"'13 M<~ TTJ
51 MOP.HI~ ML'.'OR
l:t A t:l.I·. f'lllP~ fJ"nia1r l'"" [J'j
'•t"1 i rtu ntn.-•·••I f"'t\11 rv•· M1;.,\
i.: • IC \ • 11 • ~ r,u• 1~, ~) 7' .JA<"';l'AP. RDSTR
I' II II> f "ltl( Ufl No I
Sport Car Center
llAli<Kr::-.· WATN<lN
11.l'.l:t llAHUllR Hl,\l[J
I~'"'~ M..... w 11.1111,
Md a•thy Pa)• w .. ie I Pl.Y)f(Hlll tP!\3 c-ta.11hmok
14111 s Main Kl 2 :i.i!l7 C:lun Cp.. S7Sr:'I Ur1a1naJ own.
' RO<>~ OJ!' F11RN , locl11<ltJ11
~. 1'°4 Ptllk6 JO•.,
cu. rt. rd'MJ., l O!'.ft w .. titt--
wood CP an aut<mi 1'1111!'1!.
btS flan .._ W1th KMMI• blit
T pe. 4la. poop, bl• 8 pr lh·
rm. (l'OUJI, and Mmplt>le hf.d
nam 11'1>· AU tl\h1 for only
~ Jue $M82fl Nti r~
.,..., pay only tf\.:U ~I ~4iC'k. I
Ilk• new, ntllll\' wonl1em1l bu C SH
«•In• to rl>Ooee t-n>m °"" A
f'r. 1~1w mllr.AK• Har 2!'!(13.W
BAUOMH'I FURN. '"...no'*'
te0 W, 1Tth Sl., ec..ta )f--..
J ~ll. W. nl Van'• Bo"'llng
An.,, Store hat1re • Waneta v
thl"\l rrtday ~ti. l\el. 9 to 6.
am. 114. u a-JlM.
11 Bomb, 8app0m
f Fr . .r!BKK Ul..AtS.S ~Plll•Y
~· hctory Hrolld. fi:x.
e.D.et buy. Hu 11!32.
Shp & Rowboat
S~e for Rent
._... "-108 110-lll.b et.
Matlnl 2-Mth Wed. f p..m.
N.--er.t ah• ~• aod plillt'llN ~I• ot tbe Rarbuf
--UU.. tlmea a WM.k.
llf .... ua.
IOI l"D\ fOOI'. Crane 6 wap
&ftl .. 1116e. LlaJIJ' .. -~ ... "·a.. 811'•'1· Ll..UG. au.
Vren.-h ProvtnCl&l !'« J' In• t i-v•: Cl.I~.... Ctl l u ~J A, , ., •hrnuy tJAmag~ caM. hli: I
nVlnlf wtul'h H.R... r.n f"')"a,
111( f'lann and Of'¥1\n Stnrf'
&.tabllAhed llaH I
l:Jfl _!!•~ purt Blv•I
l.1 II· J:tRI
$')(), FUR OL.U Ult I
WA• ;njl: F'ully .quJpptod_ All
n_, llN"• H>(l(l() nlllH. No
Nit•• 11" l:t~'\O. T~rm.a Mr
B11ma 1.1 R~t4.. 11:ntc
------19~ll BtlWK Rpttlal 4-dr R 6:
II. po"'f'I hri'k~ 20IKI f.'Nlf'Ttl,
C-0tit11 M~. I.I 8·71M7 IMl'.tll ~O No Main lit.. Banta An11
Alway• 100 Plano• on hand
O~n 1o·r1d11) .-.;11t-Ull 9
w.,.1u:1ay1 b SO,
F'RI<;J•; PICKUP i 1922 MODEL T ...ORI• 1 Ton l'1u<"k 1:1>0d <'on· -----KnowllOI! El«lronlca
6 &DnAl.a
FA8TSERVlC&. llUIA80M4Bl.&
k""°9 mu. Wl • p.a ..
lV Antennas
Amennu It.JO and up
~ II.Ill 8\.
Ba 63o.
RCA l~nch Cai>tnet TV a.v.,
lllw &S4t. ....
LI 8 01576 .,, II 18~2 I
Cash -Cash 1
3.21 It. tlll. St. 8..A. Kl a..8123
----·· -....... ----
5T THUNDl:RAIRD. Ford<l. ._
t11i.. rad.to, ~l4!'1'. pwT . .t~r .•
-l Tum lnttlratnni 1"1111
Aff!'ty Pa..td.-d dAlll'I Rf'lllt
h.'lu. Unt>.-rtw'al WRW. r,p,.·
c:lal Ill f'lll'I•. JtlOO IN It'll.
l-M85. LI HtU. Nc9I
dJ11r.n Hu R~ nib!M!r. ln
,..., f'vf'rv day At1kln&' l:U.O.
Har I i2."I ~fort' IJ a m . anti
llfll'r !I I' m . twk-911
1~ LA.ND CnrUlf'P btude. •-dr,
8 f d a n. R-H. O'Drin, Hry
pod QOn4. New patnt. brak-.
•tc. Har. lN.J 11Aa •:JO.
141' W: O..n rr.t. ..,..
RIUH HAHN'~ '°' m. 29tb 8t.
Harbor 4726 -NewPort Bada
Now -.npfC)Jlnr NA BB meetlantc
w1lh IO 7ean1 aperte:n(lt. Ju1t
eompl•ted ciuburdor achool Jn
l•t• mOOctl • barrel enrbunite>ta.
Aleo ..,_;a1t-1n1 la tua.upe ol an m..... fttto
Kl 7-3506 1--cosT .A. 1LE.S.A
' 3 Re .r()M unfurnl•h~l aparlm••nL
Rentals Wanted I a•7.~ ""' 1oc1udlnc uUJJu~
HYlltt t..U.'17 tf \.lo • 11...S apta. ano no..-IJl ll1J •~<-UOl!lt for D<>UI trlnt• &t>d -l,.A-RM:HOO.'\g .M<1Tll:l.-
year 1 i.a-. Fllrp. or unturn. 71\40 E ,.l'IU!t Hlr;h"•\ 1~11M
U you ban • .,.<:.iK"J. I Art• for .-...i.. W1nter rain TV
poona loel&y Hu IOIU. e.~
The Vo9el Co.
'1201 W I.AL Hwy , l'f-pon Bch
Phune Wlloerty W4.ll
21.i8 Manne. Balbua lai&nd
Phone H&rb<w ....
feel E C.L Hy .. Curuna Cle.I itla.r
Crown ot th@ &-a Motel
rN (YJP.UN A [IJl.:L .. UR
Comturt.ahi. room• amt k1tc~n·
4'tl• •Pt.I Day .... -l'C'k <:lr month·
h • rat,.. T \.'.
b.ll.ht. 309 H&rnllton Hu '"' tunnc. N~rt 8 e • ''-.,
I lf9'7. w "' I .I 1'-~~llZ P&-SI~ l ~llO kj rt IJ ~ pPr tno.
LM"TI..E-BALsOAI81,AND ~n·' :rno ~ ft llllfl ,.,. ,, \ . w P('>rti; R.#· 'tb .... ,
tum ha11.... """' IY d.~oratf'd. ' ·' 1 " ., r
.v-rly IH"" nnl)' \'rry la.-.:" JIM.);. llubur Rlvtl Colt.a >«-·~
hvrnt rrn "'1lh f lr,.plar-r 21 W A·IH2
bdnn1, •tinJnc .,.... L. a r 1 •
ftnnt \'Ard comJ11Pfr(\' !t-rJJ ... 1.
<rulJU•"' v,.nl~ 11 .... 1 · ..-.1,Uv·rn $~~~..,. OJ(po~:
"1Cpoa11n!', lllU nl "1nr1o" a Ir
ll1tht &o•L tocatron 111 tu•r bor Ideal lo~·tion For.:.,:~: " r,. • lt1•l•rP.~t'• requir••d "'"
112:> nionltl ~ fwv Itri .. \ Rfl'-~ID&.~CE A..'(t) •
1710 Park A\'e Ha; 2011~'' SNACK tiHOP
rir H•r 11 l Courto>•y In Hrnll I IHU\'P' .... lN (..JQUOR rroRiP :
I Pb.one Harbor I 7U
l.adn Ofl•c• • .sot Via Udo
H&rbor 4V71 l •r• IHK-9'1 GIFT SHOP' : •
2900 E C:uul Ha')'. t:llM <:<>ROSA del Ma0 Bd~ Nut tn 8hopp1n1 ~t.u. Ufft
H•rbor :llH rum. houae. 51'0 mv N r a r l'>t U • 1*7 &lid ""'"'"I~(
1700 N_-port Bhd~ ~l& MNa
WNc'lJ' 1 ·61W7
&Hr~ bP11rh and "'hool ChJldl't'n I F'or appotnt.mf!nt. ~ ~
O_f:_l.._U_X_F._._t_u_m_l_Prd ____ bt'<l __ rm_ Cl K. H~1 fk~nnle. H11t 4112-J. R. R..tmlei, O'Wlltt, DIJ's: _,
tt •pt . uUllllH lncludood ~ RIV. Oflpts Jlllll -Ev-. u 8-CITIM. . .... ~
~Apt& & Hoaw for &eat
OC&A.K l"RONT dupla _,.
1 7t.b.. F'urn. 2 bdnn1. ,.,_.,,
196 montb cu y•u. Has 4'87.
.. cN
until Jun• l:S. AduJUI only. w ANTKD _ GU'l lo 1 ha r • C Al T' OR 8AUC. Daine ~
Har ~3-H. ~tlr how.e lll CDM. S.amed (~II· lf'nl bu•lnf'.a JdeaJ ffJI' 2 Who
B.A L.BOA. n-.r CX'a&n, one br. Inge. fp~. ran.I'• 71l [Ark. ..,. 11">0<1 dlnn.-r and ,..try
tum apt. Encl. yard. 1-M mo~ 1pur. Har 177·1 a.l'l•r 6 .aA> t·.,.,k.. Wnta aa.. l...a &a.
yrly Kl 7-Mll. ICk-97 9&-~ pa~t. • ..
1 BDRM.. unt\lm. ctuplt!X. Adulta
only '70 mo. 247 Dal~
llrtve. Ntwport 9'oach. W
8-3M3 ~PN - -BAL.BOA ISLAND. Y••r •nmnd
lov1ly J bf', rront apt .• nlrely
furn. ll ""JW!Mbl., 110ber
••luJta 183 uUL pd. 1-.Ha tor
1>ne .. Abo 2 b0r. hoUM. rum nr
unfum" nn NpCLrate lot. H .. 'l
YltARL T -unturD. I Bdrm.
dUJlu $4.~ mo Watf'r paM
Newport U l-0471. tk9t ----------BALBOA ISLA.ND, 2 bdrm. apL
nl.,.Jy rurn., t'pl•f'fl. prtJllce
dll'Jl. BBQ. «ars.-e. Un11l J11J1
l•l SlOO mo. No ~ta 117
Diamond Ave. 116c97
AllanUc 1.(113611. P~pt7 TWO bedrm .apta. wilh patloe.
1 8DRM turn, hoUM on a.. • ~. J furnl•hed. l un-~ furn~ oarac-DUNCAN &bore Dr. W1J1t• renw JtO. BAR.DE.ITT, JR. BAR ,711 ma. <>w.. ... ,. Id.WU.. nnunaam J lllldrm.. ~ °" u ....., ft9lliQp.. t4dlC
0orou dll Kar. T•f'tT 191tal BA.T VlllW I ..... & ...... ...,
Ml. -. aic.&J rum. TY. rW*lr ua.
P"laMr a Oo. tlra... i_. ~ sooct 111a1.
~ Newport laYd. 1~ bUt to 11Cb001. dam to u-
Nf"Wl)Qrt Bch~ Rar ... 29 Coeli.nt bcb. l1Ut1U. blc1uded,
SlNOLS alaeptna rm .• pTtnte
bath .. privwt. ent.Jtnoe t&O
mo~ yrl)'. Ray n.. 2 bdmt.
tom, apt. wtlh 11 n . ti.y wtn-
•lnw, el«tt1r kllcbf'I\ St3 7rly,
Al., l bdrm. rum vtn:r apt.
yrl7 $l&. 00~ ~ & B&t. Balboa. ..,..,
JlJ6. -Ult W, Bay Aft.
Har. ..... 6-nt.
FURHIBRJ:D !only MW J '*"-
room apt .• nreptae<1, prti.p
~. b\Jllt·ln IU>•a. pra ....
'Tlll J11ly tat •too montll. Call
H.&*ir 629a.. t30 w. Balboa
8lTd. tott•
TILL July 1 K. Ji"\lrn. bt>u11e, 3
BdnN , I lliatha. hnoed yard.
Good JocaUon. Corona ~I Ji4.ar.
$1~ mo Har JUO. Nc.91
UHYlillN. 3 bdrm hoUH J8A
pu month yearly. TZO W. &al·
~ Blvd. Har .072. Ot1c9i
::Z NT.W 2 bdnu. bOUNI wtll'I
aaraan. ra.rbar• dl•J>Oel*I, oft
•ll"ftl drtvewa;y UO mo. 1172
Monrovte Ave. U .. 7H8.
1 ~ BIL. KwcS. J.'locwa. ,,,._
plaee. r~ 9 -. &o 1
yr ...... Rdadl!Cea.. Jl23 mo.
nA.RLT RmfT Al., 2 1wdrnl.
rum. 0.na'•· Couple or coupi.
and llaby, Ntar bualJMllla l"flft•
tn. OWNE'l'l. MtUtt. Ul 1 ll'ln·
WJ • N..-port. ""'"
GROCERY · ..... ~
WITH 4 flOOMB &n4 IM'h..'91'.'
tarl'lcid l~ at.c>T9. I'\~.
delllrN. Low Nnt -8ltl .....
110n•bl• alf•r MMt>t.td 4ue
tn ~Ith. OaU ~eata1t••·
t1-2St3. ftr -~ tda .a. Run~ ........ ~~
.... ...,
I at I 2nd T •. D. Loaia9 ·
....-nq aD Oraap ~--
Trvst Deeda Soqbt • IRll4 TlCAlU. T, attrar.:Uu one bdrm .,. ,
ttsrn mOO'll!NI hO\IR. rut! kit Royal Mort-"•CJ• Co:.
Mutta, no pet.a. t7r.. 122 E. Harbor 612] ·u•c rh..., and plt>nly of rlout.. I .., ~~
ll&lbea Bln. tlk!M UOI N_,on ~•4..' "prt. ~ .. ,.
nMT TaU8T 0&111> MONln a.,..... on..,....,,,....._
..... ...... .,.. Call Joam .....
B&r. UGI), ntl u a.au
Q..W lallabuf')'
Curt l)iJall Aaleetal• IUaltot
IU Mann• Avenµa
MarWr H'fl
BaDIM llland
TO DltlVE by ~ WWo Lane
allf ootof tbia ney lop NOlUI·
... t Ba.ck ky location.
I BJ:DROOM.S. ju.at 2 1~ yeu11
-... -,----------old and at the wry low pale~
M llWJ~~~-
. IST & 2ND··
of su .. >OO. ~ 60x140 ll.
lot wtth pleoty of room to
elC,_l&d. Call to -tb1a any Uli>e. llnm~t.e poeaeNlon t:an
~ l.O"alll•d .. c ..
I BJCl>ftOOMa A.ND COMVl:R· t'm.S 'Dmt. Oii 1'0·· ..... •
~ Mat. 1 .. llaU\11.
Pwcfld-&11'·~ Ala &tt.ruu~•
llome •l P2.M)O, ~
• I
PENUNICH'T V1SW or 'l'll&
BAY. Wlllt 8&7 .AYen141t-•
WW., I~ ~d$ d
1WrUk ... ..,.. 'laalf. . m.ooo. i,rtaL ...
ReStricted Back Bay A.LL llLEC'J'fUC t Ut>~OOM
HOME. ~ ~ 1>1ocll t.o
dandy M)' ewlmmlaf ~
Excepuoll&ll)' well built ,rop-
uty. Bbould _. at fll.toO.
TO °'hND. 2 Unit.a. Penlna\Jt•
Point. S bedroom hOtne ph•
cute l tH-druora apartment...,.,
3 <:ar prar. In very' s..od
i:ondiUon and well f\U"lli.ahecl.
'30.000 lal'lrlll.
'Jo'lXER • UPPER' t miylly
patnl 1 w1lhtn 1¥ block ot b&y.
3 be<l1oom.11, oul•lde aho'Wtr.
laundrv, 81n1le 1ana1e P>'ob·
ably wbat you .II.an been
luukin1 for ttt.OOo. ~
Balboa Realty Co. • Oppoalte &nil oC America
Hou Or-tele)' Ed Lee
New 8t.Peet8. eurba. licsewalka. street U,bta,
eewena. ·
'See.Our New (Bay Knoll•) est.tea, priced !rom
1767 -A Newport Blvd., Coat.a Mesa -LI k.9tll
Acroa Blvd. trom Sa!eway Store
THE BEST in C. 0. M.
Coron. cjel Mar
···~ • On
• Ne&r Little ~ 8ladl
• WOlldtrNl Ota.la Vltw -·-Corona del Mar
Redu«~ lo •ll at tll. T50
4 COMY'ORTA8Ut 2 IMdroom
bom.e ill a •tty dellh'able 10-
c:attoa -Tvma. -·-Belboa Island
' BEDROOMS -1 "it batl\a on
a lo.aly COl1Wr lot. -Ph1t1 411
apartment over ~ Qwn"r
m1.1.1t etll. Submit your down
,.ymtnt-Trade po ... ,blt tou' -·-Cliff Haven
Vlt>w of rolltna Countrntd4t
LOVELY. roomy 2 ~·00111
lloma with a Den. Forced a11
hHl, hardwood !loon, w. tu
"' carpeUJ11. lovell pa t 1 o
Will\ B&r-B·Q. Not a 1-a.!-
hold. -·-la•-1mml w.U 9Kwed
II)' R •I r.tata
Ed Jones, Realtor
19911 Harbor Blvd La 8·9J01
Kvu U 8-2643
Jo.ph1ne Wtbb
700 I:. Balboa Jllvd. &lbM
Pl\One Hai bor 3277
A 2 BR. home, juat redecorated jll.lide and out.
fl&pt.one firpl., floor furn., bdwd fln., loada of
•tont"e. PLUS roomy 2 Br. apt. over dbl. pr •
w.1th aunny k.iL, HUGE wardrobea. PLUS 11epe.r-
ate wuh rm. & storage nn. On level lot in XLNT
ne~hborbood, j~ mpa to abopa.
1 Costa Mesa Lots
2 -!\~' LOTS, R_. Zone -1
$4.000 Heh -Eiu .. elltot for ·Up to 12 'Y. Yield
lla..r'* flJI
Royal Morfi•CJ• Co.
li-8-l EtW. WMW
· Propertv Ownert
:tTH Tb aulr •u-t -ioo
BLOCK ONL T • .Altar bolld&ya
wutl to 'buy ll'lpl .. --1 &part•
...,l "-• er t *-tplea Oii JU
i.r.; u~ u pi10t nfht
w11l pay euh. Write to R.1:-
'MJUNO P. 0 Box ISA, kn a.rn..rcuno. C&llt l~d7
BY OWNSI\. • oe.w I llleOrm.
llJUta, uo.ooo. C&ab dowl\. -
~TIO~ tncome A.11 IMW
.,... o.ta M4A-U I-TIM.
U.O ft. froAl.Ale center CoaU. w-with aolld 2 BR. homa
Weal for -.nall manufacturer
ttt,llOO. SoOcS lemu.
B/ B ONLY $23,600 -Good ttnna
Exclu.alve with
R. L STRICKLER, Realtor ' o.rt A. J~bMn. Real E•tl•t•
Harbor S.tl
U 1-97&1 Kl 2 ·2117 LJ 11-6317
512 Cata.lina
Newport Height.
upen Rouat Sat A !un ~ E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar -Har. 27H
i:n-:a: t.h11 .:hartn1nc 2 BR • l>tn 1 _
hciml' Ill lop n«'l&hborhuo<l vi
N,...,. port HtlJhla A rul buy CURT DOSH. Rltr.1 u •11900.
315 11 ... 1 • A I Ba y & Beac:h Rlty., Inc. marine ve. l REALTORS
l•lboa Island 1 111i~ Harbor Blvd. Coata M ... • H.rbor 1560 l>a) or Nlfhl, Pilon«' u 1·771'
70 lt to0 ldeeJ RIO~ llltf'. l'lC,
wtlb old.r a BR. ti.om•. J:J0,000
nrm price. food Luma
l>an A Jacob-n, Rul li:•tate
Harbor 6$11
U 8-t7&t Kl 3·11'1 U 8·+.:117 1
-·--. --------I
•O F"l' !.IYT "Pl h•t'd wllll •J>OI· I
I••• I ~um and den t bath 1
homl' E»tra larr• room.II
lhru-<>11t full prtc-. 53-4 \1)11 1
Open House
609 De Ania
Corona Highlands
3 Bedroom. -Family Room -Dlmn, Arra -
Lanai with beautif\U Ocean View. Owner will It'll
for a1 httle u $3,000 down.
"At the Brld.ge to Lido I.le''
La.layette at 32nd St, Har. •718
unit.a. -·-Owner
Moving East
I Wll.l. wll h1a a bedroom home
tn Jood locauon for fl2,2.'..o
~·1U1 exullent tenn. C..U or
att ua now fur appolntm~nt.
Duncan Hardesty
"A I U1P Brn•a• to Lado lal4.'.
LAfa)f'.lt4.' 11 32nd St, Har. Hiii ,_ --_,
De Luxe
I B!:A IJTtFl .L 2 1>toa11;c1111 2 hath
'1 VIJ:W home l'IVerlooklnl s~ .....
port Harbor and ocean, quaJ-l
It\' hull\ lt>,df't.I .... 1111 "UI•
•landing feah.<rM " c:lf't.a1hn1e
hul(P 11\'. """" "Ith f1r.pl•<r. I
h11lll·ln kttd1en, t'lpenalV•ly B/B
7 i AcrH of Lemon1
'~"oo tt'l 111•
LOCAnl.J '" cholct ,,.c lti•frd BEACH HOUSE I
,,_ or Vtll& Park; suod ttirr·
mal 1ond.1Uon. r:qu1pm~nl fllr Y.:\'TRA 11 ... 11 'l t~1rm • borne
A. URJ!:AM TO HEHi 1L.l • I
A 81:A lrTlFUL horn• ot •r•·
CIOu&n&M "' 3 bdrm• 2 "" ....
INlha. l..c" lan•u •t lul, I&•
pallo I S. ,11.,0
c ari-etM. 11rapea lnclud4d I
Out ot to,,.·n o"'·ntt nfr•re ,.,,.1
cttllent l•rma 0'1 ukina pnu I
ot 1311,600.
,.0. " -a.... ,._ -~ -
~Ql b&odt ud br1c• ln·
~ '4.iOt. Pn"' i:io.ooo
)fO I -8 1 lkpndi9. -('Of!·
t',..\,. It I o c k eoaatruc:Ucm -
t.fo t...._ ue ft•• -,..,. ~ 1 nciMrW SS. UIO. l'rite
and 3000 chltli.1 IN lu•JPd 3 rltlll l.A<ki Shoppinc Cent.er I
bfo<lrm I\ b&l.Ja bon full G&ra&• •lreaH<.I tor apart• I , "" rnrnl. 5tUClO -.nd plaat n
b&Moment rumpUll room, C&U 'unatrucll..n A STEAL a t °"'°rf• lla\'a. U.3 760. S37!W down
REALTY rau I '• tor n.tat11 ori
1~~2 Tu•tln A•·.,, Klmh<trly 0 F E I •
T·Utll, .v ... KI T·•U• ~ttt I cean r. xc u11ve1
·------ -We Ha\'• ~.,.,.r•I <:O<Mt On••
Wt l\IH the klW•I
priod D& yrront borne
p1111 tntomt a pt on
&Ibo• i.tand 9,.•11l1ful
VIPW, ,_, jde IMUldY baa.<·h
Tiii • &a a \'ltRY
A TTK.AC'TTVE ~""~ y.
Otr•r.cl turnl1ht•I tor ua.ooo a.ttf'r RnaH BL'OIC WAT'El\·WHITIL ~AJl..S I l
R•.U-111 t)<.-an trun• :1 RR · Newport-Mesa Rlty .
I•.. &. Huce Ll• Hni ,., ...
)IO. I -&anta Ana -n--plac• K .-ine Kl! UutJ•"JI 111111 Newport Bh.1 , c-t· Mf'A& I Meriner1 "'• Rlty.
lo 000 -n top tenant • . W 11·~:.otl EvM. U I · 1l37 • -.• • -t 1howv, 11. 4111~ t.ua, •. E.~· 311 )(arln• Ave . Balboa lal.t.nd
Oft nn • yw.r ~. lMom°' I , elwnl co.d!Uesi. ~utnl.aU<I. - ----H&rbor 4111
I WI: HA\'l': lwu ' t>.llm Ra\• I tr~nll to ofr,.r Bolh w P'"'"' I
• n•\ ah 1•• pa ti•••. """'pl furn
1 Bey & Beech Rlty., Inc. I
14M W. Balboa Rlvll
Hit.I' M-43 Har. m1I •:v .. 1
Cliff Haven
IDltAU..Y louted on 7o tt <":Or I
lol. 1t111 homf' utt .. ,,. • b.d-
ronm1 ph11 ciPn. 3 i...1h•. llf" I
Ill room, ctout>Je flr•plar<!',
lirt'&lc(ul bar A •Jin. arPa, 1
•h11ncfa~ t>f cloael apa11>,
,... " •·ar~11n1 .lo •lr•i-
•r11nklln1 •>·•t•m. perfr<'t tor
IUJ" lan.ilv and 11:.: L \'
Beacon Bay ... c,n. MllJ"• a.aoooo. 1'um•. u11.~oo. ONEY KERI 1-------
1uaaur vac&n1. couurwrclal ur CHIL.DRICN ~ 4 8 R 2 Ba :-.; .. .,,. 1 M MA • ~ ,,..,,.rty 0'1 any of a.ncl aun•y. 8lC d~U A1h. f'<)l;jt 1'Utn'4 ,..ntala .ar. J\if" pt 21 1 Acres llil ~. cabinet., Garb 01ap. Ir flUI Bl.rd • dbll' pr. • Or\\'f'I / 2 1
Thurs. thru Sun.
3 Bi.;r .1,114..•M "'""'' plu1 1 t>.·1
,.,...,'" t11rnt.1htl<'I pr•ir,. "Pl I
1 rPnt .. •I \t> ... ""' len•nt f•&J!t 1 ~ Y•"n' l.c• II\' r1'Mlm, t•••
~I" irt<>•• [>bl r.&r. Good P.: <.l'roM .UbO. rntl. Jo ull price I Beit It Be•ch Rlty., Inc. •)eo.ta M..-lutuior-112 3:>0 $16.~ &ood lerm.. I CAN BE ruoN'd to )(.1 On•·
llULTOR.11 UOOO On lo q~l boy•r half mlle Crom lltllpol. All
UTI R&Ror Blvd . Coat. M-CHARLOT'{'lt B KOBINl'•)?S'. $2500 Down tart11t1n 111 TM-e1 to nit ""
DaJ flt tdftll ,i.-Lt. 1-TTH I REALTOR s BF::OHUOM l~ bath• waJI to upporturul). f(lr larl'• p1on1
T J ROBlNSOl'f • Trust 1>.-~ wall carv-t. ren!'•d A 1-ndM: l'r1<·•d a l '81'\00 a.car
HARBOR BLVD IU E llllh St c·t>•t& ~,.u dblP l'AI u1d ""•1rk ahop
• l.J ·~!Ill r.vu. LI II OO:l~ ...-r• arid rurb• In l!lh•rp 0 ption to Buy
C-1 F R 0 NT A 0 ~ ON TWO -- -buy 1.1 $1 l 960
~. llOJLl'n 11a.r.oo
_..... lDT orr ft&IJ\ AND
09I' BA..J\llOll BLVD
~ au ult oUwr Ha.rbcu
~ propertl"
: Ed Jone•. Realtor
1t1t ea.-8"4., u a.tt.01 · · r'99 u ~ "°" LU.a 1l9t ... n.. ,. tlpt
manut&c'turlas N • w po r t
Weet tftWl)Ort 8eacb. I Bed·
rocmi.a. 1 IMlh rw nl•h•tl.
AaltJnc Ut.000. 1&000. down.
Hu nice p&,,.li.d llY1.n1 room
tUld nn•plar~. Elle«U.nl swim·
min( Mach.
1&06 W. Balbo. 8h•d Har lllQ
A. C. PETITTE, R1tr.
Multiple L .. tinga
:u 2t ffubor Blvd., LI 8-0!'i 22
()pp. 8t&.tlr'1 Mn 11:,,. Ll ll·Ml7 --------BUILDING NEW 12 UNlT
WITH swimming pool on lot
M x 300 "Sitting p~tty"
betweu new m•Jor ahop-
pini &nd civic oenter ln
COllta Mesa. Net l&,..r .
Price ~.500 -$21 ,500
down Har. 3742-J.
room home wllh 11, b&Ula -
l •&r ca..-p. Ca.11 be pur•
rh.alllld fOf' I I :I 0 down ur
m &yb« ltu Pay1YWtnt.e Ilk"
tTnL VUU pnn orily
llbe Newport Blvd , Coet• M..aa
Phone Llt>Prty 1-6781
svs. LJ 1-2101
Newport Hh. Duplex
auoo Down
223 Via Orv1rta
4 bdrm• 2 ~ th1
Costa Mesa
l -~
I \'f"' lulrh.n lmm..Otal,. "<'
c 1panrv J'nr .. d •I $l l !\0(1 ~~::"TH~~~ R :
2M5 Anahetm St. REALTOR
Nrar Mw I bdrm I~ bath and ... SS<X.."'1.A TES
MudPn\, MHtl'F bd1m, ll ll 224 W C()Ut Hwy U f·M27
22. ~. dbl 1ran11e. conrrd • Newport Bf'och
paUo. fen<'.cj yard. wool car· 'C' TifOMAS 'C' THOM.AS
ptt.11 dnlJ>t'• A c11r1aJn.e lncluJ• I
ed a l low price.of $12.960.
THE VOGEL CO. Real Values
1416 Vt& Udo Har 4911
$3500 Down
2 BtiR.M 11"llmfl un i.r1re Io t .
Thi• 11 on oht.r bouw. W'llh
IM'W root. all ..-pJumbtns ~n
balh &t'ld klteba, ftWly
paint~ lrual~ and out. Only
JI I 30, 52000 dn.
ilA.X w. POPE. RM!Wr
UM Harbor alYd . ~ M-
U a.-11u
f'or multlplo urilta renlf'r Coeta
M-. but.., now -.nd l"l'tiro
with Income. r-rrC"IC 1 B.c1rool1l UlllU nn.r 8UY8 l bedrm home on octan
t>an A. Je•' a. R.eU ai.uta
R&rbor Mt\
U l-9'T:n XI 2·211T Ll 11-Ml7 SACRIFICE
HIJh Bcllool. 111.200. 1AM for alct. of HIJbway. Cornn• 1•1
mor• ca.ah dOWl\. Mar. lhort ell<'row IC you hlcf'
NlCS 1 bdrm honM • plua I C'.&bl•
Ml lbopl. on Pl.&cfllUa No .>f
lltla St. Luf c~ al oMI
pm-,. •Ttot .... "° ~ .
ao you c.an movt In before
Chrtnmu. W• )>av"! the ""¥·
TAK& OVl:R t.h.11 Yun lhop 111
u""' t• malle knJtu-d 11n. fnr
C'tuvtmu., • l>tlp oU.U. do
90. v.,. ......... --. pr1c».
l BDRM Hou" onl1 7 year1
old pl111 l rm hol.IM tnJl•r
and 1aral'e tor only,"-"'°· '
JIU Nt'WJ)Qrt BtYd., OiMt.& X...
i'1'tijii .-~t1 ta au. .. oot
'"""1't7 fw 0otaa P re II l
Well~W?t .. ._M&
MoM. ·~UM .. pw. tlcM
on lot II> x 300, ait ting
~ ~ AtW
.ajar ahopplq ~ d'lic:
cats Costa Wea. 18~\
oa ID •tlltment. P r 1 c a
$7~.ooo. $2.15,000 down.
Har 37U-J. 91~
llOMI: aod I u • a t apt.. O'fer
UGO -.. n. Ttll• home co""
l&lm a wnn.. a taUu. a,..
lh1nt ,_, r,a,o.. FA ..,_L
Bt1Ut·ID Oftft ,.. ra.-. Lo-
cat.-cl on a tlM .o· lot. l:a-
dO.ed patio MAJ be ,_..
dl&-4 compi.t.IJ tura. Tou
ma7 ~ u~ll4nl F.A
we uw u.. "79 to u... ••ct 1oaaow,
F. W. Lytle .. Realtor Fihmonis Rite· Co.
• M\dUpk lMtlq11•nnw1 11M M~rt Bml .. Ooota M•.. REAL.TOR
Alone LI 8-1171
~ ntOHTAOS Ga lhy. I ( ....... 1C1'7.) ..., ...........
llfl/ll ~"9 lt.I\. !~Met.&.
hde17, etc. NJ.. Wul -.cJa
Pr!'1· °'"11 a.um.. 'hl ltaw •·HiN or •rl•• ._ K-41 t'/9
UUa ........ JO"'. MplO
hnu.abeod 2 Mdr.-each. 0-
'"· 0-UftU ret1Wd. Oood Ill>·
--.. ll&.OC*. Olll1 uooo .....
IOl a ... ..,. BMl Kat !IMI or
~ LI a-aoTl. 17tlo
U l·Nll U t-JMJ Ila& E. COMl Hlp,.,.y, COM
loan. VM-ant and ...... llaW UM -----------...,,. l"WI prl~ lod.M. Call
Mr. OMornit, HU W. 0-..
HlctniraJ. U l ·TIG. .,._
JIAr llK. 9'f'Wf
N~llT J~lfD 2 bdmt
f\·2 I~ l ~ M.lh. I yn old.
R o o an ror aaoU.. 1o1nlL
lll.MO. C. Jt4 JQIMll.. RJ&r.
U 1-HOl. a:v .. W t-:MU
ft· :I LOT &tdOe. c.,.. <Wt&
M-a...-. ZoM4 t• lt unlte.
N .. r nnr at-. a114 I-Su.a·
trtal a,... Null NJI ~
Qulb, cau Mr. O..nwo. nu
W . Oout Hl1"ay. LI 1-TMI. &•• . H.ar. 116' lkt1
Harllo'r 1161
J 81(, Ill'. marketA, \\'•It mfda
•uld. ~ c.ll . OWN'ltft
MUft &J:LL uu. Wttk. Clair~
Vu Hom, Ra&llor. W ~2'77.
UN8URPA88EO Ym:W. llrw.nd n-S btd..-11\a, % belll •
Juxe home. F .A. bat. built-In
nin1.-a.nd oven. H .. .,, ah.ak1
root. hcfwd 0-rs. C~mplet.IJ
landllt'apad. T'IUa 411 a .,,_1uy
~tll lllorne and mun 'M -n
to w •M>~l&tH at '211.NO.
O~n dalJ1 t to I\ S()
11t4 Ttmplt .Hill Dtt•t
Owner LI M20'1
·\.. SUit.iil DOWN
Slt,UO hl1 Priot (or S Qd.r. Homa. Just a hop
to the btaeh -fenced·ID PkJJl'OWMI for 10Uf
UttJe 0... Jut oainpJN)y remodeled IDt.hadinl
ntw roof &nd lovely patto • • . and It .. com·
pletely and ooa!ortabl7 fW'DWied l n c 1ud1 n I
ruse and refnprator. You don't have to spmd
a peony on 'it ••• MOVE RIOBT IN. Wt have
the KEY.
4 Modern De.ign Untt. for Oocton or Denu.ta
Ot!icea. Lot 120 x lGO. No parkin1 difficult'-.
Full Price $39,500. Low down paymea&..
FROM $6-$10,000 per A. lo Newport. Huatin1·
ton Bcb., Co.ta Mea and S.Ota Ana a.reaa. 1 to
20 A. parcelt, aome with 10 yr. aubordination.
CONCRETE tilt·up bldp. fully •P~ G~~
and 6f per tq. ft. Ample o!f at"'4!l parkiDJ. Will
rive you 3 yr, option to buy the bld1. i! you
dean it
:503 -32nd St., Newport Bea.ch
Har. 5868 Eventnp Har. OM7
N 8AR NEW 3 ~room and den, dln1n1 room,
HW noora, W /W carpetJnr. draperiea included
F .A.. heal, !treplace. 1 \• b&tha. Buill-i.n oven and
range, copper hood. d .. poaaJ. Heavy abake roof.
Owner movmr and muat 9eU th11 lovely bome
on eut 11de. Full price $26,500. $3500 DOWN.
$1!l0 per month Income on reruJ.u monthJy bu!.
-more i! on aummer·W11lter ~nt&l. Extra lot
on which to build 2 more unit.a. Apartm~ot. a.tt
roomy and m~ly runuaht"d. IH 500 Full Price.
$4~ DOWN.
We have R.-ntala :
1 and 2 l>Mroom -furnlahed and un!urniah~
1700 Newport Blvd., Coet.a Meea. LI 8-M96
Ev~. Har :W~. Har. ~71'
CORON A DEL MAR -3 Home• on 3 lot. . • •
Lot i.a 90 x 118; "Speculator11" won't miu thll;
Income $21~ Monthly; on ".auth•ide" of Hl-
CLIFF HA VEN -3 Unit.a "nettin1" o~r 12~
SMALL down paymPnl .. ONLY . . ,19,~
Costa Mesa "Sleeper"
A 3 and 2 bed room Du pin < ~parat.e I that ii
loc•l~ in C-2 arH Room for more urutl.
Ownf"r aay1 1ell at S..'5.000 On ... at $17,e<>o.
SEE thia "view" -Larse 2 bdr. Home, 2 bath•;
Lee Liv Room with "tinted" 11a.M ; .Ftrtplaoe;
Sundeck and 2 car 1arap . •ubmJt all ottera.
Only $4960 Down . . . Full Pri~ . . . $23.9~.
TE.RIFFIC VIEW -3 bed hOOle with 2 batU;
Widow wiabe. ''quick'' u.Je .•. $8000 On .•.
Only $15.250
SEE 6 BELIEVE: -3 bdr. home : Larp LI•.
Room .erv. °pol'ch; diapoeal Ir many other
teaturu . , . Comer lot • • • Reduced to W.&00:
$4000 On.
Newport Office ...... "At THE AJtCKi':S"
33lO W. Cout Hi·Way. LI a.rm
Co.ta Kea ottice -~n Tuatin 6 lrrine
'32 E. 17th SL, LI 1-1713
• Bayshores •
1-Qaob J>clwffj tAltlnp
2 ~ 1 ~ '1't'1IO
2 W~ ?14 Mtha CIOlcS) 11,'IDO
2 bedroom, l •di. tum. 21.ooc>
B&y P'ront Home-Pk.r 6 81Jp. Winter Rental,
Qua11&d as.nu om,.
Harbor 1600
Total Down Paymnt
J B.clro0m1 -2 Baths -2..C.r Garage
Costa Mesa
FULL PRICE $10,89'l $79 50 PER MONTH
Furnished Models
Open Daily
5 Minutes from the Oc•an
Near Schools & Work
Front or rear livm~ roorma • Plenty of cloeeu
Dining •pace ln kltcben.1 • 4-0 gal. water beaters
Natun.l birch cabinet. • Confetti tile m lutch-
ena • Matioork floors • Wood llliding win-
dowa • 8,000 9e1. fL lou • Rock roota.
Aluminum acrttn.a.
Your pruperty with a MULTIPLE LISTIN<:
BROKER il full descnptwn of your property with
" photo wHJ ~ in the hand.a or ovu ~ brokeni
and aaletimen -au membera of the
-:till N . Nt'wporl Bt\·.J, Nf'wport 8f"11ch. Ca!Jf
-v v 'Best Buys Corona def Mar
bu)' in this mclll4•m 3 Ll-dnn plua dtn "1Ul
1.rnnanrnt \'1ew of oct'an 11.nci Jt"lty Qut.uty
cunl!ltn.&cllon many ftne ft'atut"ea makf' up
thut finP hom4' Room for po<>I. Yinit lJmf' uf-
f,..N'd t.nd priced ~loy, rrplacem~nt at $4~.000
Shown by appomtmf"nl ~.xchw,.., •ith UI.
2 • A RARITY and only • _ block to ocnn front
and bf>ach . Modem 2 bdrm , 2 bath home. Only
:.! yn. old. Hardwood flnt . FA beat prb
dl!lµoeal, f1rpl .. nJCC' pat.Jo. dble raragt". An
t'llce.llt-nt buy -priced furnished at S27 .~0IJ
1'~clua1vt-Wlth ua, but you bt>tter Ht;RRY on
lhia ()Of':
3 1'VIEW LO'f, CORONA H10ffl..ANU8. Com·
plete wtlh pl.a.na for 3 be<tnn. home Ownt"r
will conaider trade for hou9t or incomt' any·
when" Harbor Arf'&. Pric'C.'d al $10.SOO.
PRICE T. McCU18TlON, Realtor A Aa9ociate.
3«7 E. Cout Hwy Corona df'J Mar Har 47
(Office located next door to Newy>0rt Harbor Bank. CdMl
-TbJa 4-bdnn. home. nicely rum. F.A. bNt. fr.
pl .. at.tp to eo. bay Ir vil1&(e PLU8 1 bdrm. tum
apt. and xtra gue.t nn. ahotn1 tt'nlflc mcomf' re<'-
ord. Gra. lul year almo.t $5000 1 FWJ prlcf"
$M.OOO with term• 1f dNir'f'd.
OPEN HOUSE-SaL aad Sun. 1 to 6
2'l1 (X)RA.L -Cute 2-bdnn. tum.
1u-F ~ ao&. pr. Stl.~.
Loftly 3 bdrm., 2 bath beauty! Xlot location
ne&r bluff. Lee· patio with pl.-.nty of room for
pool. Beeut. carp. and ~pN tndvdM ln thu1
tow. low prlet> of l29.!500. Good tflnn1 too ~
• l, ,. lUdo ......
•Qat., 2 ~ l}i IM.tll baille GO I lot& TerrUkl
~t:te-t~ ~ -.ooo.
Udo '·
2 bedrm. a bunk za, 1~~ baths. ~a UWe a.,.
t ... 11p, ba1 u «1tCIDeat bay at $22:500.
' IE Jp tNGlll BU to b&ft a .._. a tile~
l8q .,.., .1'1ddl· ... ..,. .... •...-S to Mew· '
· Udo ,"'l: part Blech, )i&eall rmd w.. .
90 toot traot.P Oil We be&utltul ttreet·tcMtrett
t.Oc11gs .u.. $37~
80 foot frontap on Vla Genoa, clOM' to Lido
Nord. $11,000.
-Via Udo Nord. -under cae:wtruct.ion. IO
you ltW ha.,.. Ume to llelect your cofpra Piaf and
.itp built tor yoq. drMm kltcben wtth everytb.inc.
t bed.nnL. 3 bath.a. 3-ca.r prqe. By buyinc DOW,
yQu can haft t.hia qu&ilty bome C'UStotnbed tor
you. $m.ooo. 'l'erma, or m.tght take ln Lido
Pleue beline us when ..,.. ay that"tllia bome cu
be boacbt to. )'OW' ~ edvuatqe.
• home or lot.
• Three bed.room.e. a playroom. bailt·ln raqe and
ono In the kttclaen. landecwped, Oil a larp oor•
oer lot. and ready to be moved into.
M-1 Acreage
8 acre1 ln Coat& Metia, 18.500 an acre. ~ thll
today, -it'• an ace.Dent buy.
Don't be one ot thoee perllOD9 who wW be 90rry
when they hear what tht. bome told for I
A.dine price · · -S27.~.
p. a. palmer incorporated
ole hansol'.' co. management
333.1 vta lido, harbor l?JOO
p. a. palmer incorporated
ol, han1on co. management
1700 w. cout h.igbwa1 -bblrt)' 9-6D'7'3
8/ B
INCOME or honw. Good I~·
tton. 2 Unau.. Rent.al IT~ tach
Mo\le In DOW. V•ry re&.eon&bk.
S I ~. ll-08. lmaJJ d.cwn.
SA YIS •II UUa dm&Rblr n.11 I
,roperty con.a.Uni of homt .tr
IJlc~•. 2 bctnn. I'&( h ,. p ·'
rar cu . aund«k • JMallu
Call madya Klapptor.
llKLA.ll. ln lhl• coay 2 bdrm.
hortl# In c:hoh.., LonlUon Haid
,. \.IU<l tl<>or• (1rtpl C •, loan
$u no
FIN•:!)T 1unlrmpor.I) 2 W r ct.•. lanal en<l 28' llvt nr; "'""'
.. tth oc~an """"· Xlnl ·r .. rn••
S.4\ ~
l. U U Kl N G for yov1 motif'\' •
wc1rlh • 'rhtn lAk.e & loc.lk at
1h•• s t:x1r. " '"'"· 2 t..a•n I home. MW fl1'9. flr•.-1. Sunny
pall.,. $21 !\OC'1 I
... t rn hf'r • ., ·• "'II' Furn 01
1 •nrur·n c ·~11 f11r rt .. taUA,
Bey & Bee ch Rlty., In~. I
<'HftONA D.EL MAR I S.'\al> I:. C.O.... Hwy., liar A~
111 Ab&lotle
Larre t bed.rm., 3 bath boue oo !5() !L lot, 2
bowie• from So. Bay Fr. Completely tum. with
lo~ly l bl-. apt. Priced riJbt tor quick aale.
COME SEE TUIB. Shown a.nytUM.
BALBOA ISLA.ND. Thi.I dupJea Lt ooe of best
mcome uruu on l.aland. With 2 beaut. pat.ioe, lre.
alttping porcb.t'9, and on a n!ce comer.
BAY f>"RONT -3 be<inn., 2 bath plua niOI" 1 br.
apt. both with lovely view of No Bay. Recently
n·decoratt'd a.nd turn. Priced at only ${8,!5()().
NeWPORT BEACH bwuueu building zoned M-1,
I..afayf'llt St. w1tb 6 office build1np, 2000 aq.
rt. Streaed for 2nd •tory. Lcx~atf'd In fut rrow-
llli commercial a.rt'&. Good ~uf' at $32,!500.
N E\~'PORT HF.JG HTS ch.anntnr 2 br. bome on
Cliff Drive Wlth bttuL lan~ped srounda,
ni~ view, end. patio. Lo•, low pnc-e of $15.600
BALBOA, thia modPm 3 br., 2 bath ia nr. Cb&n·
n,..I Road and lhe bay. Lovt'ly I~ f'OCI. pa.Un -
only S2t,OOO.
311 Marine A \'e , Balboa Ialand Ph. Har 1671 or 1672
I:.! 1\E\\' U!'.'lTS Ir POOL
Income SHI.MOO ye&rly $.21,!\00 ciowu
TIO: 1...1188 YOU PAT DOWM.
the ~ 'fO\l'I' 1nonthl7 ~
menl.9--~r-upper, 1 bedn&L.,
d.efl. dln.L1\s l'OO°'-fnuned CO\.
...... COf'MI' '°" u... CQl9o pletely 1-ced. Ma.ybe 90ll1Jlc
wW be M·l. 11000 u.ted ud
N1J.1n6 pr1c:9. AU ott ...... ~ ,..,........, oooattkred.. ~
-.c:Uoa Meded for J'OU to ky
th.la barpl.D. Lot IOlll.S.
CA TED bu.au.-alt.e tot".U..
wtlb J Mdrm. 1tueoo hoUM
wtlb rull dtninl' room. Uled
ktlcllMln and baUI, bl'Mlr.lut
~nrt to otnc• W1t.b
top uvmi quarter.. 2 C&I' ru-ac•. ott atl"M( p&rkl.D&. s ""'&.>'
<'Omer, r,... vUu&J ad•eru.l.ns
8-t bu7 on N•wport Bl•d.
I K 1.NOB PLACE h.mury 2 bMlra
den ra.ndl lyp. ,_,,, Ua ued
br1d1 f1nplacc. ....... lllldq
I waU.. t.o p.&Uo, C&!'p9ted ll"l'IS
l"OOla. ah&k• root. c a n y o " ,
moonla.ln &.ad ba7 ...,_ ~
I can lly bulll and WW be tOOd I 10 own. m .aoo oaiy-tn-.
-'ORIC:Ul.Tl.'R.AL ACftJ; a dJa·
I rent l<> comer Ula& a bowtd lo
be bu.ta-loc&Uoo ti.fort t~
Iona Old• houM and at>ecSa.
Ml• pr1re lit ~ on airtULI
land ,,~,.. SMOO "'1Ut 120t0
r uh
I M·I ZONlC n-butkJ.lnc JM.Md
fer U60 mo ahon t•rm.
~111d 1 .... tor loclf'er l-
sftd ~ rwnt&I. ~ -...
tt. I" buUdtnl' pued ~
..,_ U 0,000 down.
116s t •O 1'9t~t*2 l\DIC>ICJ'f •
TIA l. UY?', pe•Hd and our1lied
Sl.--t ._ a1<1ft S3llNI
lllttOO l>r, I U .,
H""·d flt•
I . All• A. I l &<It Olth·1
t .
' . I UN1T8 BAIMA. Low daft! Or.-
19". Ltt die telumta s-7 tt .• tor yaa ud
la ••• ,..... JOU wl1 bldld ... nb·ttttll
..... with. po4--. BMwnbert Q9e
sood i.1 -.t. kltwbwtt .&y eci-t a
lifedmt ot bal"d work! N 11iee Sl&.800. --24 UN1TS BA I .8()A &DAW N1i11' IN(Xllla
ta.•1'-.PN. 1815.ocio. -.ooo down. KtPt
trade for .w.ta.DUU equity or other collat.-
eral .A no 1 tu.I prosptl'Oal bn±1r a....0.
able OGl1 beca-ot OWJWW other apud-inc in .... ,,. ill wtthoat doJlbt tbe ...
iDaame ..._. In Barbor ..,_,
~ of our betltt IJ8tlnp ... w. a bldrm.., 2
mth a.ome. i.,e. rooma. a1id.tnc wall to p&tJo.
Plenty at ..rm.. tor pool on th.la 70 x 120 tt. lot.
Built,tn electric ~ lllll"Yioe rooro. Low &.llma
to q111I16wf buyera at $32,500. lMt-.bold
o.tom ballt hom~. 2 br. A coot. den. 2~., ~
bat.ha. I.deal fioor pl.ui for ent.ertaJni:Dc or fam-
ily ltYtQc. A. FEW SPECIAL l'EA.TURES: Slate
entry, bwd parllay !loon, modua brick ti.rep&.,
alMi1or P,. walJa to Ip. colored paUo, ~in
elec:tric rup, ~ kitcben A: ~ ana.
aep. eervtce room. J..c'e. dble. pnp and pand
bru:11 way. 70 x 120' lot all fenced and lud8cap-
f'd with lprin.kl~ ~. C ca-and water p6ped
to future pool mite). FlDHl quality cut.om drap-
es* and WW carpet ant ind. bl tlM aceptional·
ly low price at SM. 700. Exel term.I ua.ilable
Shown by appl to qua.li.ned bu;ruw .
For e&rtitJ' appl. or foT lo!onnaUoo aLlJ Mary
~. LI ~1. ~ Lam 8oylltoa, Har. 2378.
Huu_. '-'llh
'l.'Wlf• r •n
barn•. • 11rt al
Loral buildtr haa JU•l comple-tt'd plans for l~ ( 1
tlf'droom J unit,. With a 20 x 40' ..,...immlnr pool
11,. ~·r. "If yo11 will huy now I will 'lVf' a IJ.l'l"<'W
pm·~ ... LvcalNI _ blix:k 10 larg~ ahoµvm~ ~nter
and near n,..w C1v11· ~ntn. Coeta M"8a. Mode,..lf'
Si~ 1)(1 monlhly rentals will ~11'0<!11~ $10.800
)'PArl\' gf"OM r1c1n't WAii 00 lhi• °""' ll $M.YXJ'
I ~6; S ,.,. port Blvd . C'oeta ~r-, UDQ
IJ l ·IUl a: .... LJ l ·ltOO
~----.. -NORD
N •• Uatinp
I I :l Ju•I ntf Ha11><1t '"'"' Hr,,. • an "'' •11lm ; " "
Rhullldn t min ~hi( arr• Jut
tor t ou1t• 01 huatn,..M rt~''"u'F•
$.'"11'111 Im '" ou bnLll
R 4 "'" ""' l•0t \\ ti IAkt tr t•
1..... Uni\ lt ~1111 l'" ,.,...,...,.. t n
lrJiii •ll1,ri ln"••Ufl !\'f'ati\ nr.A
r111p~• 111 ;-.;.,, G11v flall •
N•~, IP!h .RI l'lv•f'• A mlct1
CJnh • u.~on w1111 I 3 Un
., t:nata -J lNJ>i.-u. 1•1•1t,..
~t"e..n. t..>v~r ••1mo 111,..lrn ..
TRY .$2.000 PO\\':" ON THI~
\'rr)' nt1l :Z ~iroom hCJmP with 13' x 21' livm1
r11um \\'all-to-v. a.II rarJM>tmit \\'11'?.d for 220\'.
Hock roof and Larv windo-.·11 Full a1u dbl
.,_,...., • ., It.a nnt Uatr~J lh111 way . I.Jul try
!2.000 tiov.:11 at ~13.950
"W,. havr. CM!h buyf'ra waiting for 3 brdr•iom
hum~ 1.., Corona del Mar under $18.500"
Ro<>m '°' •OC'lhri '"''1 ~• :.?667 E. C.O..t Highway, '37 .M>O. JUtlO adj lot "II h Corona del Mar
HA. 07~7 .natl ...... A-fnr • mutt I HA. l 'i4 l
111'111.a. Onl)" ,,~. t ---
~~.~:Harbo;,!'!;Y..;. I
U "-a11 IC\ r H.A :\Jt!IW I
t.1 s nta ~1 &-sua 1
--------I o~~~~~se I
f,. 7 P'talliPrton ",,. Npt HI-~ W C'OT 16th and I' ulwtton I
• .1 be-<lnna
• :l'' lllllhit
• Built-In .rtov• " .,,·en
• 91111\-ln 894.l
• H&a.-e 11toiw n,...piu•
•k~ .. ~ ....
• ...... ed 91anllH floan
• 2 p&.Uoe
• H~,,-y ......-. ,_,
THl8 eaChail" euat.am bwtt
bCJllw wtlt l\dt tJw mo.t <-
crttnln&Uns tnqw. ruu priot
only '29,500, I below f'fl>W-...
~t ca.t I ~rma. '!'bl.a la ttw
betlt b11y an t.M Hubor A,..
ar.1e rr A;\IO Tou·u. Rtr1' rr·
Cute 2 ~irm furai&hcd. fo'U"f'pla~. 2 CM P"(t'
fl'n~. Only $2.r,o() down.
BAY FRONT UUPLEX. furni•hed. Prlvat•
bfoach. ~r Ir noat.
OCEAN FRONT, 2 bPdnn. 2 bath. $18.000
Rt.ITH JA YRF..D. Re&.ltor
Mild~ Rlgp a.ud Rylvia Tbompeon Aalociat~
301 E. &lboa Blvd., B&Jboa Har. 2668 or 4600
So. of Hiway Corona del Mar
BR.AND NEW cu.tam ballt 2 bednu.. houtt on
@' )ot. I>rtftfty with 2'' dble. pn.p. NMt
t'f'ftt.al cortaae at JU.t, fenced. charnUai patio.
E.xcelJent tenna. LOW down. $26,:M>O. Exclualv~
THl~~y~~!~~L i
..111 b<oer mlftut4' ·~-1 l'l".._..I I~ Jt'TH ,.._..,,
\'f!n llovl loeaUol'I Oil Ball:loe
P.run.u&a. ...,,, apt. ni liarye
spa1•iooa aad ln tap t~ -
dlUOll. JI'; .600 la "° ,__..
llbl• for t.-U property 0..-lWT
4 bedrm , 31, bath. pit-r Ir fJO&t. a~
r.arptted &Def draped. Vf'ry 1arp 1-atifal palio.
Over 5lS rt. trontqe. S13&.000 ~nn,1. • • •
4 bfodnn. phu vttw fa.mily room. lmmaca.lat.
hoaw. Pler anti ahp. Ovu 70 (L trmaia,.
• • •
will rtlltSl<tn-t..-ma. A..a--BALBOA
t Mldt-PtM>n.e or -~ •1-.rt ,.,... full ""-11• 3 bedl'Jll. 3 bath. aiocM 9t.ory Ba1 Front Konw.
-IM>ll W Bal'-81vC H.a:r aw
The ·"HOI lat'" ~ lpoc
ta ttM
f"ulftt o~ ~
ot Cotta.._
$22,500 Cash
°" 111.JllmJ\ IAt'ma
Pn>1>9f"l)' &ln&cb• NDced and
trlanU "1U l&Jre a leue.
for appotntmieet. eall
HaW'&Jian abbocpbeft. W,. •1 ~ liYlJll
room and terracie. Pier and lllp. Onr 40 tt. Bay
tl'Gdt4p. c:q-1witeb' lud9cape4. 1111.00
llubar 1800. ~ Sar. 1176-J
Near Newport Harbor Yacht Club
CoUa.fe on It.I lot. Room to ~ wtth .8Q -· m-w. Redaced to $12,750.
e • •
~~,. , ~A · ~ISLAND .
;...... • ·.-~.. :. ~ -,/: ... t ,~ •• ,,J'Of ~ .• wbo ftlltl attrll&t. hcwe OD . .. ,.. .. .. .. ........... If ...... ,,, 3 •f''~ ~ . • ic:~ ~ dqi. l'OOlll. larp ·r.~ a · rooa:i.. 2 ~ double . -pr&,e. No.,prO,bJPl to tnter. Near Bai. Do not
inquire dn1eu In~. uo.ooo.
I BlCDIUL ~ pJui ....... apt. neu &
8&7. Prtoecilfcllt. ~ •. i :t '~I
""' Atti'l.ettt'e Provtncla.l 2 . bedroom, 2 b&th, lure
s-Uo partly eoYued, 2 ear prap. Compl furn.
Good t.enm.
Small home, comer lot. ~ .&dt&tion ,19,0CSO
' I ~ a batll. LlttJe i.1and I r $31.eoG
Dupla 1 IMclnn.' eu.b. pod ctnet. -f.22,SOO
·. lDnalD.p oall F4lth MarooD. HY att '"'221 or
".. Lou 8o)"Dtaa Harbor 2878.
' ····EARL W. STANLEY •. Realtor m M&l'tU Ave., Balboa bland JW'bor 117~
CQlte Mesa -The Best X .Own oh Earth
,::Two bedrm and den home, hwd noora, paUo,
.,lenoecl )'a.rd. clOM -tn Eut SJda. $11,000 with
·.: ~ ?9UOn&ble tenu.
''Three bedrm and den, hwd noon, fiapt.oot fire-
~·place, all la A-1 condition. Cement bleck ftnoe,
-pratf.' A ve'ri nice bO?ne tot $t2,830"Wtth ~
:-•down. . .
~U~.B~. center of. to~M0.000 .
. •. M0t1thly ~om.e $400. All rood 1UHL
1 "LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY I beat&t1tul ~
':Mdrm '2 bath botnE. Completely f~ tnclud·
ins TV, ~tio end BBQ equipment. $130 ph' mo.
I • •
ii> 6. N. WELLS, Rea1tor · ·
1810 NeYIJX>rl Bivcl., Colt.a M~ U a-7729
Larp,2 BR. ~t'Qe Jl\18 l'U~ oo~ . .,scl. patio.
l'&racl' ancl.~1.)t.utlful~ "*:iHeca)Sed. 76 ft.
front.are -only I 2 block to oce&n -m Potn.
1ettia Ave., $37 .MO. $10,000 down.
. TWO~ and den home on Poppy Ave.,! .a~ Jot.a,
·.:,rwm to build in ffont. pJua 1 vaant Wt. $28.~.
or trade for new fr 3 BR. and den, Har~r 1,1'9&.
NICE 2 BR. rustle type houae plua new 1art.it
1 . and wt-leued. 523,950 -very rood term.a.
.... .. JOHN E. SADLEIR, Realtor
Ivan W. Erhardt, .Aaaoctale
3333 E. Cout Hi1hway Harbor 2422
Perbape a llttJ& Ndecoratlnr would help you llell
J.OUl' eropert1 ~ 't ,. ~ pr19f. ~ at. tbfl
d&iitAor ot ~ pro,eit). 'Do.a It ldok 'Qtabby
and facWS Of' ntat d4 c1Ml'l ! no. the wide or
__ yov proPlft1 look wora or cheufU1 and brtcht ! .
We cu takt cai~aof"1110W' redecor&L&ng need.a
prompt!J· Md t~ieft~. ! •
, . ~~. ~l;l ~It ~c~E~ZI~ HAR O~ 85
•.•• ;!... , '" .. t. \0 ,, · • Mtfc
• ' ~fl I;. Cout ~. Coropa del Mar -Har. 2288
( Acroe. f rol;Wl &ank In CdM)
Member of Multti>le Uattna S.Vace
~ I
, . •.
•Larger Home Sites -·10 to 100 ·Ft. Front•gas
• Exclusive Upper Bay Location
• Underground Utilities for Saf!»ty and Beauty
' . • Architecturally Restricted
• Wide Panw•ys
• Sidewalks -Trees
• Dtcor•tiv• Str•et Ughting •.
• Complete Communtfy Services
• • Near Churches, Schools and Shopping Center
• Located in California's Finest Recreational Area
• Realistically Priced
•(Fir1t Querter Miltaon Unit ScMd Out In l w .. u)
Hurry for th.• Best S~lection
W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "C" THOMAS, Realt.or
400 L 17th St. (corfter Tuatfn)
Phone LI 1-11 19
The most desirable area· in Newport Harbor
for year round famify llvin9.
, • Four blocks o! private sandy beach
• M oor1q'I f Oi boa ta
• &auttfully landaca~ (T'Ound1, walled for
e Tennll Co\1ft8 ,
• A lm&ll exclUlln area ot 68 tine t&millel and
"e ~ fortunate to have 3 excelJent prop·
ertlea a va alable for your i.n.pection.
SpacJoua modtm turnilhtd 4 bedroom It dtn,
3 bath home ·-..... ······-· ...... ·······-... $39,950.
A eoundly built 3 bedrt>om home with gutat or
income apt :. ____ ·----···-· ··-.. ·-··· .. $M.OOO.
Laf'l'e Bi'y Front home with .ru~t apartment
I B J\., ~-·•1 t II r n., new rell1a • •tne. TV -~ ._.,
room -10 yr. bid. $11~
I JI.I\, turn., Ire llv. rm .. flr•·
plact. I • o • poulbWti.., Lo I doW1l. 111.IOO I J BR. wtnter "'ntal. 1100 mo I J B R.. wt.Ur rental. I UO mo.
BEST atrr BACK aA T l b r.,
I a MUI. 111 600
a br. HW 11., ar. lrv1IMI 115,&00
I b.r .. 2 Mui, CIOM ln 114.&ilO
I w . I ll&th, cloee tn 111.600
a b r . 2 Nth, rom. ., A. SI Uf~O
Baclt Bay •., •ere. cute tlou.M
Claire Van Horn 1
2731 W. Coul Hwy. U Ml71
<All evH. U 1-Uot HA 1413-J
Less. Than Rent
22'4 W. Co.st Highway
Phone LI 1-5627
Approxima.tely 26oo eq ft. of IJvabJt floor ar?&.
Extra larre ltvin1 rm, M'p&nt.f' dJnina area and
lan&l. 3 bed.rm.a and 2 bathA Top construct.Jon
thnl-out. IM&utitully luuS.C:aped, extra large loL
A TRUE VALUI<; at $34,950.
• WELL PLANNED 2 bednn home which ta.kea
advanta.re of It.a o.tra apedal patio -Ju.At
New 3 bed.rm P, bath hom(' built around It.a
patio Both the hving room and dmm1 room
look out on the p&t10 and the convenient kite~
i• ju.t a ff!W aU>pe away. Priced at $35,!W)O, With
rood tenna.
J BDRM. bome. newly p&inUd
1ru16e &lid out. Tnv•rw rod.I
and draP" for moet rooma. ~roonu ...... -.nc1 ttsu MOO VIA LIDO H.AltBOR. !5023
Mod•m n•I ..U. Iota ot nu:D C1UENSLl!:R VIRGINIA MANSON
, -
DruUcally Reduced
From w.aoo
To $34,600
Nur Utt.le Coro-~
A BEA UTlTUL ..WW bome, I
b4rma. J b&tAa. W'tUll .........
play room lb&t la a ~.'
g h Lathrop
Mia & Oae.olt ~,
• ., 140 11: ..... Bar ... .
A Mte9 .. t. ~ .. v_,
UnW." --~--lli.IU --tllU ..... -kl .... -..Wbaod -,,.
IMla.t ... UU. Ola -.._.
di.d o• a lftl&1I ...._
' J •
MARINERS ISLE REALTY kttch•n caMMta. 1Arfe fft!IC· CK ()()
M y .. rd, l&nd8ca~ front and JA M RE GENE V1tl!Jl:LA.ND fF YOU DESIRE
318 Marine Ave. B&lboa lal&nd Har . 4781
Casual Island Living
(with income t
BeeotiM I bdnn 2 bath home trith bucw llvtni
• • d.lniq UM, lc'e· kitchen with Oftretzed dttu-
lar Mr, JMW W /W carpet.I and drapee. nioeJy
decorated with a , dlatinclivt eattt1or deaip.
TbJa la 009 Gt tht De"1' homes oa the laland
wit.al a cute 2 bdrm .tumWaed codap In the rar.
J'IR8T TDIE Orl'!:R!!D. Pnee $15,000.
~ ~I t -..., · 130 Ff. •on Waterfront
C11o6ce Joe.dolt wt~~ Harbor view.
Spactou. bOliM '"ti ,...!a me. Wnll1 room and
a 28 x 25 tvmpua ~m. Prtvatf andy swim-
mln1 bMch. Priced npt at '4~,600. Submit
leue with,.optiola to buy.
3201W.0out Hw)'., Ntwport a..cb ll 8-3U1
rf'&I On a •u11t dead end ------------------~ atJIJNW ......... ,... w1D st.mt fine for cb1lclAn Cl091 Df'Y*r do ~ ... taNI ..-
lo ec:hooll and •mploym•nL COULD BE DON'T GUESS -· a.art ., 00.. ~ -$2100 down wUll llnall 2nd. ,_. ....,_ wttJl I -.....
4 '• r; ICM1n at $65 per montn Oil a41 lat ai.. .... ,.... Wlrr
llM'h1d•• tnaur .. ntt and taxu. • NOJ J.OC>Kt
BACK BAY H..tf ac.n old.r
J br. houee. SU.600.
Many oU.. -au pn-
Max W. Pope, Rltr.
lJOI Harbor BIYd., Coal.a KHa
WIW. B. J-, .U.C.
VACM'lON HOMll J'OR J&rre fam1l7. Wall to W'&ll carpeu
and ~ In 12• • JO' li•·
1q ..-a, "6 (tUNd ta tTont
J>Oftb. •tns ,._, I IMdrma..
dclM 41.o "" ... ...,,...
•2000 dMm. lit UllM otrwed.
Well tumUlbed. Owner ion•. wm eecrtnc. for 114.N .
N. 8. C. Re~lty Co.
~&ad Newpon Blvd.
Newport llMdl
Hat. HOI or Hat. -
SUNDAY -Noon to 5 P.M.
Bal-We, eaaily 2 unita -4 BR -3 batha. 1 Jie.
BR and bath in coa.nectloD with 1arare. X..ter-.una modml •tyliq; remodded 2 atory home
-w.krut bar kit.chm -2 nrep-.... m.o.
tr1c ranee. automatic dothC. wubar UM! 4rlU
Full price $2:5,!SOO term.a
W'ltll •tt.w ou ht TO 8';f, inUttst.
220 DlillOND A VE.. Bal-hi•.
WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates
Lee Bolin • Charlotta Fufola '
Hub Powera • Nona Hyer
Park AYL at Marine, B&lboa ~d Har. Ue2
Pier '
I ' SED10I. JI01B ,... l&fill IU1U7 ,..., ....,... ..._ ~
,ne» ...... W'bat '-" ,...
,., ... tq\llty f •• ' • '' ..,.... w o..p &. •...n.. .
l60ll ............. R.u 118 ....
• ( ~ .
( . . . .
~ • s . . . • . .. • . • • • ' • : .
. . . . .. . . . ..
~: • " . . ..
~' . . . • .. .
~ . . .. .
. . .
. . . .
. , . . . .
. . , •" t •I t ' .. f •
. . . . . . ~ . .
. ' .. ' M 6 •. I
·' -
(Eastern Confarence Champions) .
' STOCKTON . ·cottEGE '
(Big Eight Conference Champions)
Annual Potato Bowl
Bakenfield, ·Califo"1ia · ,
Saturday, Deceniber 1st, 1956 8:00._p~m •
Continental -Lincoln -Mercury
900 W. Coast Hwy. .
"On Mariner's Mile "
2712 ":'· t;oast . Hwy.
' ,
· Huior 1000
t . . .
Oldsmobile -Chevrolet
1000 W. Coast _Hwy.
V..· ... . .
MewPort ~Haik Bank
3435 E. Coast Hwy. .
Corona' clel Ms
Uclo 'MaiUt '
"One ol the Lido . District Sho~"
So/es ~ SerYic~
234 E. 17.. ·st.
• Costa ~esa. CalH.
• • •
Cosmetics -Sundries
Ice . Cream
.. -.
-. .
•' .· .. :·
.:. r,
. . .. . . . . --
. .
_,. .
--. . ....
..... . . .. ... .. .. ·-·,
~=~= ..
. .. · -·· . . ... ......
Coast Hwy. at lnH Street~~: