HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-03-27 - Newport Harbor News PressOreo M1crot1lo1ng S~rv1o• 113 So ~th Cl oment1no An~hu1ra, CP.l.1f orn1n Co1op. NBWPOJlf XE-WS tno. VOL. 56, NO. 62, 5 SECTIONS, 56 PAGES -.. , \'our Home Town Dally Newspaper WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1963 TEN CENTS World-Wide Coverage of A880C!lated Pre88~ Ualtetl PreM International, U Pl Tel~plaoto!I', PlaA Compl•te l..ea14 Ora ace County and Callforala Newe Exiles Say R Sh• Meeting USS Ip . Marina rustees up port • • Sought Sunk Ill c uha """a lo Talk W'ith !\cw porl I er's . em ova NEW YORK 1lil'IJ -111 ~roup l..no"n d:. Commando formed Cuban exile sources 1 1."' an othhoot of !ht· :\lph<J· said todav :.ca raiders at-66 re\ oluttona1 ~ i;ruup \!. lttd1 tacked an·d ~ilnk a ltu~~1an frel.ghl"r lo"dtn" earned uut f;·1~t Moncl;Jy :. at· , a ,... sugar 111 lilck l':uhanen Port. on Cuhil"., northrrn coaM Thl· ~1111.ini: ••I th1· Hu:.:.1an Ca1bartcn ~ rn' I.as \'tlli.is 1 :.11111 "'" 11•p111l1·d to hil\<• P rov11we and adJotns the port tal-.1•n plal<' l<.o ll' la:.t rtt~ht 111 nf h.abcla de Sagua \\ h<'re cilrl~ 1ft1, n11u ntn~ r xt le allack craft shelled a The t•\1 14' ~011 rtel-~;11t1 ll11·v Soviet freighter March 18 S.1· 11ndc·r~l11od lh<' nc·" atta1·k \Itel Hussta formally protest· "a' carrll'rl 1>11l Ii) a 'in),{lc ed that attack today 'in a note attack " a r '> h 1 JJ earr} 1ng to the State Department aboard a m1n1alu1 c• motor- According to exile mforma-b11at "tlh a fl<>\!.l'rlul cxplo- tion, a torpedo-type motor· s1vr ple111tcd 1n tb how boat operated by remote con-The raider "a' reported to t rol was ui.ed to ~tnk the havr appra11·d unN.p•·l'lcdly rreighter at its berth in C'a1-at llw m uut h 111 (';iihat 1rn barien Its 1dcnt11y \1.8!' not l'ort. n•lf';i~ed ''' rleadlv l"llr· 1mmed1ately dtsl'lo:.rd i:n anrl ll•·d Thi' '"'"' "'s 'll The attackers 'IH're 1dN1l1· thr i.ill ill'~ \'a' 1t•prn lt·d hv fted as members of an c'il" rn1ho S7.S Miiiion U.S. Securities Reported Lost \\ASHlNGTUN 1AP1 -<\ i:overnment apoke~man ii1<1 1 o d a y Treuury secunt1r~ worth f7.~ mllllon have b<"rll mts&tnit from the f cclcral 11£'· 'f'f'I' an._ tn ~dn Fram"'" atnce la~l 1111mmer lie Mt1d tht lw~t evidence tndtC"alC'' tlu ~ec11ril1r~ '"·re <ll'i.troyed a<.t tdent<ill) \ 'P">ke~man tor tnt• fo"eder ;it l<Mene S\,t1•m c·onrtrmed nlltl·h nf a ri•p111 I t·arr1ed hy tlw :-,;,,11 I-1 ;in• 1 t" 1 .. \r1n11nr r m a cup\ n chtt•<I ,inn Thi• "'""'f':iJlt·r h;id .1111 tht• U nr;::r11 whir 1:11\ Prnnwnt 't' 1·1111111•\ "1•rt· c•11li1·r ,111lrn 01 hu I O<'ll II\ I' I ri11 Thr 1-:,am1n1•1 \ ·''"' 11 th• liond:. iii $8 mill11111 Co,La ;\1(-~a ( '•l> ;\liJnJj?C1 Hul><.·1 t L t ngcr :.il1d t11day hf· \\Ill l0 31l 101 a flll'CttnJ; l111 r lhts Wl·ek \!.tth Nl'\!.p<>rl lk:1d1 l'ity ofrtl·rnh 111 d1s- 1:0-., 1u111t act111n on devl"lop· llll•nt 111 a "e~l i.uk 111anna "att·t \I.ii) ··whtl'h v.1ll hcne· hi b11th ('till'\ . l 'ni.:cr"s a11nouncement canll' a' l·ounty ~ur1erv1sors dclc1yc•d a dc«tsuin on a pro- powd piltl bet"ecn Co~La :\Jt•,a and the Orans::c County Vl1111rl Cunt rol l>l\t net i;:1v. I tn t.: Il ic nt\ n.iv1).!<il1on 11i.:hts tn 1h1·. (;1ren'v1 llc·B;in111ng I-lr1•1tf ('11ntr<1I C'hannrl ad· JC1(l0rtt 111 thr ~an111 Ana fl 1\1•1 1 ~1·1· slorv f'age :! 1 ·1 111 pal 1 contains prn11- '"1"' lot Jf1pro\ al of. w<iter- ~ a~ d1•\elopmr nh h\' thr C'tty ot .\1•\\pllr l Uealh I 11:.:1·1 ,;iirl there I)> a de· 111111 '"'''1111111~ ·· thllt the ch.i1111l'l m ute gt\ ing Costa M•·-:1·~ proposed K eys Manna al'l"f!~i. 10 the sea wlU be changed shghUy lie said lhe channel ooWd be altered to curve lhrouCh Rannln~ property lying ~. tween the two ctlles. 1 Tlw altNC'd ('hanntl criur~e \\oulrl pro\'1dc· more manna frontai:1• 1111 Bi.inning proper· t~ .irtrl olhf'r rlE''l!''"Pllll'nl<. tn "<''I '\(•\\ 1 •If I flf';wh. h1· l'X· platnP<I llr artd1·ol th;il 11.1•1< r;d, J::ir1111nc •• , wrll a'i °1;1'\I port flit 11 1;.f, ,,Jr 1·ac!\ ha\ e <'\· fll <'\\1•11 111trre\I in th<• tun . l'cl t h1111n1·l pro1w.at BOARD FACES PUBLIC ON LES MILLER ISSUE Board Backs Russell 7f Ht \ th·nd ( )pt·n \l eetin~ B1 f,\fllt\ I. SllClllT I 11:-11•1•, 111 !hr :-.-r•\.\port ol.1• I • I n1•1n ll1~h "1·hQOf 1 Ji'l I •I f otf•,111' :!<t\ P l>t\trJCl .; .. r 1 \J;1\ r:11.-1 II a 1ina nt· 111 .. 1 1·•·1 l1dent r tor ' 11J11! I I• Ill 1'' <1f l;i I \\I "II. •I I • 1.,. <. \f 1111 · .• 1r 1·1- '. , t ::/' \~, ,1 f 1;.;h ' I Jl O ... r •U .. r t '•• •!• r ' 11 Al · "' • ., .ti •1·1~ ...... 1 1 .. hi' tht I •1,1J Ill t, ' °'" f111 l\tli-old \hl!tl lluneli on r 1ver117. It aJ.,1 <'8PIX-"I a apeclal ..d.il~MN~-~- ""' . I' ',,: n .. ' ' I• 11 mro~ of \I '· • "11• ',. ', • r •,I .1 11'" ,. ..: I 11 '., Price Index Hit Rec·ord If lhl'\ \!. l'I r \l1tfr•n ti \!.oUftl It<' tilt> h1)!Ct''' t lwfl 1n I ~ 111\llll \' T h(• rrttt<"al problem . hn\!.. 1·q ·r ·· t ni.:t·r ~atd, t\ not 1111' l'llf\<' l111t how the dian· n1 I 11;~·11~ into tlw 'l'!I Eshm.,led 700 persons he~rd long hne of spuken att.,ck board's position In Februar~· Thr0 I I'" I\(' ''"1}..('\111,JO cit \( 1 tlll'lf th1· \I'( UI 1111 ' •" f"f'I t1l1r;itr of 11Hll'hl1·ch11'ss. " ~h111l•1 1\1111 I' 111 •d th:on WASlll:-.:G TO~ • l I'I 1 -hnn<f, .11111 ,,1 1ol 1h1•\ "• 11• 111 rtistni: prt«<" for c1trt1:. lru1h. I.! 1•11·u·, ,1.1111 S7 ,, 11111111111 rre~h \citetahlr' ancl clnthrn:..: Thi· 11 11 1111 .• 1, • ""rt· da11·rl nudi;:ed the c<"l of It\ 1ni: up lo 111.111111 '.l.1 '1 u • "1" r nou11th 1n Jo'ehruar y lo rq ual 1n11·1 ··~t ti.ii\' Jlt •ad~ ha' pa'~ the previous record hti:h lhr 1·11 Jll1I 1111 • nUJ••I , h,1\ t' I>< t n J.abor Dcpartm<'nt n·p11rt1·d pn wnt1·cl fur 1 ••II•·• 1t11n l,!11\ Loday 1·1111111'n1 lfl\l•:.t1J!.1t111 • I 1• 1• I \1•\!. port Beaeh nlft('1al.~ arr 1·11111·1•1111•d ahout anv fulun· p()(I.('(' ~. '('('h )I'll\ 1·11n,1ruct111n al t hr 11111111 h nf t h1· Santa Ana Ill\ er .ind !111 '""'cqul·nt rtfr1·t con h<'<tl'h l'IO\lhn Ill llt<'ll ("II\ II• 1•\jll f'~H·tl the op1111~n thJ I llw ·mag111tudc of suc:h ct 111 owt t 1~ hl'>ond the t·ap Jhtltt 11·~ 11f !hr I'll\ nt Cn~ta Jn ~horta µ-t) ~J f•';J ( lh(o \Jj '•I J•lllC I ,II ( "'' No One N ow Recalls Recall dllll!llo"o• • d ,., "II I ll I • at,!Jlll•I I ht 1·1· 11 11 '•·C\ \t<\\pnrl tlJrh111 I 01nn ~It l h 1 I •' ''" . 1•1 I., J 11 I •II ,, ' \ ' t ' il '~I I " ' • t \' r .,, ... "" ,, .. nt ,. The Jrpartmcnt ,aid 11i. u tn · th•·ir tlwun th.11 th1 c111• u i umcr pnre 1nd('X rn~r II\ 11H·nl' \\l"lt: 111 ~tro\t·•l II\ m ,. fin<' tenth or 1 prr l'C'llt to t;il-.1• I~ 'trrncth<'llf'rl "11<l1IJ1tl JI''' \I ..rn1•d lh1• U.1.1111 11ta1 ,1111 ,. :\I'\\ fH•rl 1111.; /.i :~l \I .11 old hou\..\..1 •po I ) l , ,, ,. l:t ''' I I Sl•h1111f I h;,l 111 I 11." 1 ii \I e<iual 1~ I J><'f t·t•nt nl ttw Thi' 1·;,,1min1 r .1111 ' -.1111 ha:.e 1wnod 1!157-:>'l T h 1' ~11111· 1111\ th11 ·1· \,111!1 1 "' meanl tl took $10 fil tn FPl1 111111;11" 1hr1•1 1.111 11111 and ,, ruarv to buv the :.anw I!'""" fornwr 1•11111l11H h;1\ • ht·•· 1 i nd ~en·tces a $10 hill \!.1111lcl qu,.,1111111 ti at l•·nl.!th "1th nu h~vr purcha&NI 1n th1• h.1 w n·<.11lh pertod \ 'f"ll.t''lll;Hl Ill \\ ;l'hlllL!fllll RECOIU> Thi" equalled the 1 cciird h:gh htl last September Emphasiztnllt that mo:.t of the rise has been in the lood Index. the department said food prices jumped three tenths of l per cent last month As a resull. 11 cost •10.50 tn i''ehruary to !111 a market basket whil'h would ha ve cost 110 tn lhr base period Al lhe same llmr. the spendable income of the a\ cr- agr factory worker lasl month fell 20 cents hclow th<' .lan11;irv h•\l'I hut ~lill ""~ $1 17> ahovr ;i yc11r ;i_l!n U11lo11 Issue ,atd Trl'<1<.11n I lrf1.1rl nw1ot 111 l1t·1;.i!s lwltl'\1• th1• b11111ls w1·11• ,tolc•n tn a n tn,11fl' 1uh 1'1ARKE1,S :'iEW \'OH I\ • t 'Pl 1 l.alr '' rrngth m <;IN'h l.ept 41•1 e.irly 'tock 111a1 1-.l'I rJll> i;:11 mi.: 1111111 llw 1 Ju"' 111f1:1\ • ~,., tJ lllll al lflll\ I' :IJ.!I''> 2'l·.!11 ' ( rOOll ht1Sllll'S' a11,J l'Clllltt lll 1c llC\\lo. toppt•d off hy lhr 1n rJ allOllill\ llllflhC·att'ln' Of I rt'r 111 I lw 1•011s1111wr ftrl C'<' 1n ,fr, f;i\I munth lo ;i ri•t·ord I \ mi.: If \ f'I \\ rrr nl hr 1 llf"ICI<• 11111111'111 ··~ Mesa Firemen, By CHARLES LOOS 1 city s long i.tan1hng puhltc r<'· A not-so-cold war of nerves latton!I policy broke into the open today be· The poltry. l nJM sauJ tn tween newly uniomied Costa a m<'mo pmnrd . Tur~da> to Me~a firemen and City Man-bulletin hoartls tn all thrrr ager Rohcr1 I. I 'n~er ro"la Mrsa fin· ~t;itlon' I(' V1rcmrn. who anno111u·ccl 'JUtrl·~ :ill prc·s~ 1 tlt-,1 s<· Ill· 111.,11 h \'"' holdm~ thi• emi<.I· Ill ronn• 1 l1t111 111111 Ill<' 1111 hn1 II 1111'1 for 1111 I '''"I'''' 'll l)jlll I I h:in '11. IOI 111 nl 1111 ~t ,111 of l'ahfn1111<1 · .1 (011\l.t \11·'·' h1to1I 111111111• 1·11\ 111 1111:11' t·1111lrl "'rk hl'lp 111111 cl 11 r 1 n t. 1111 p,,,1 • fr11rn th•· \Iii!<' .11111rn1 ,.c,l'n • 1,,1 11 llw t hara< 11•1 111 p4•1 rn;rnl'llf'I' 1ol thl' lw.11 hi•' \\ "' th1N11t nrd T.\l.t\S 'l;r" port oll t«iab t·alkd 111, tall,, :rnd i.umc 1-.tnd nf a).!rtc nwnt on luture Jetty t:on~trlll'· twn pn or to an) go-ahc•ad for lhc prnJC<:l from the 8 11;11 cl or ~upcn •~ori; 1:111h Banning and Modtlard ~md the tntcre't~ they rt•pn'" w11t1•d had nol h<'l'n offtl·1al· l.1 appr11:u ht•tl :it an~ t1111t· h\ rrp11·~1·111a1 I\ t•s C\I r1thf'0 ' {'n~l.• :\l<''<I nr I .<'"S<'r fo:nlrr· r• ''!'" t n).!cr nutl'd. ho\\C'\Pt . lhnl ('o-.t;1 ~11•-.;i off1t 111ls h:irl rn· c;ic1·1I 111 1nforrnar 1:i1i.., w1lh l1<1lh parlH'' · Unger !.tatcment from Unger on the union move since it was an- nounced March 14 that 31 of the city's :\.1 uniformed fire· mc11 had joined the lnterna- t111nul \~~O<'Hlllon of Fire V11.1htl'rs. 1H '!A'IO. he<'n111in1.? llw ftri>t d iv l'mployed filf'- 11w11 tn t lr 11n11r \ounty• In 11n so \f•;11' II \\,I, 11 jo!lllf•fl 111.J,1 \\ .. nffod f11r •1111· 1111111nl: J:11I" ·· 1 I I 111 ti f " r 11 ' h·111l.l..1' J•t I 1111 ,,,,. ;\l d il.1 "'II \1 11 I 1• I 111 1 l1ill~ I 'I , , n11.1 \\ • .luwpl 11 ;\11 C ;1,1 """ "" l'I 111 1 ,, I II 11 1111tf 111 Ito 111•1 ;11111• ,11,)'ll"llllJ' l',tl Ill I !111,\1 11 ''"111 1 ln •d n·.:111.111111 111 ho p.111' • hu11J.., It•! I ht 1'111111 '' .1111 I ,,,, 01 11! 11•' f )1•11•1 Ill I' I l.11 nld I ''' 111 I ,.llfl 1'11111•\ I """I"'' ll"d "' 1ai..in c 1111 "'""'' ·1t·1111.1i \ <11'1(111... ,,.,.,,,1-,, ... ,., 11.: :.:1111 lllt1°i.' l'h 1111 I • I ho .lt1•1,1 111111 ol II •I<• 1111 11 II Ill p,1\ 1·flpt "' Feud the a11 no1tnl"l'llWt1I 111 :111!· lo memh(•t:. 11£ tlw 1•1 t'" lo\ 'l;11r- man Ttllncr .• 111 eni:1nu·1 "11h the fire dcpa1 t llll'11l :1ni1 .id· In~ fll1'!1tdrnt ot tlw 11t•\\ un111n local lhetr union :irrill11!11111 111111 lwo f11nn;1t11111 In fl{' t" It' a 1 1• d "'''t-ki. HJ.?O. rru•tl · 111117.711' ·· In I ht 1111).!h 1111' d 111'f nl I h« I 111• rlay i.fter llnRC'r tnlcl lhrm hr 1lc•partmrnl An<! hv 111~ nf is 0ff'ri 11p wilh \\ h11t h£~('rllll'(f fkr F 1 r <' 111 r n ~std \ ln11N·~ nfhnnl mr mn ntw11111i;ly rrfrrrN1 lo • VlC\IRtlnn~" h~ ftrl'nt<'n nf thr II \I.II~ th1• '"'' Tllha•1 <..1111 11 .IJll't .111 •11 th.11 l 'n.it••r '' In 111i: tn 111111/fi' ' llrrm('n ''ho .11 1 p11,h111i: 1111 disah1lll) mi.t11 :11111 .11111 111 neawrl rrl 1r1'1111•11t fl(•1H•flt.~ (S<'r \''HI\, l'ui.:t· ~1 I • l1f'fnrr 11 "' • , trd \111111;,f I'\ Cl \ 11111 ., 1111 m11\1·1111·• I t \ \!ul • ti' 'II I It I < '" "<i' rlC'n\ 1111! l"fl 1\ II• I r\ er hra 1 d nl 11 ,. 'I ,, I " I .J I\ • I rum I lt•nclr t "'" " ' I 'II \\ii' .: clrall j'1Clll11111' .. -1.111 ~ '.ti t of n1 f':d\\ ar d \11111111 \Ir~ Honalcl H~1rln'' 11111 I II· I I lo' J:li I • •I I 01 I I I ti 1 1 pl ,1 11· ~ 1111' i" 1111 ol 'I \ . i\5 of now. I clu 11 11 '"P· , t ,,; .• 1 .. lf,1• '•' ol I • !•vrt a O\ rr• .• 11 11lfl\ 1 • '! \1111thr 1 atto1°1 .. , 1011111 "•I \\ llh till' lnll\ l'llll'lll \<'•lo I tla>. c;1•11C' l'1.11n 111<1.1 \ ., • I' IO~ ho• If 111' 11 I 1•\ 1 'II li o .11 of lit I t • r ,t l ,,. 1·d \!Iii " "' ,1\d \Ji llo ll<fo I 11 II th1·r 1• llt'\C"r \\,I •t ·' ,,, I l11nctl1t \ :\f1 I .111111 •1111 1J.1 f'lll Ill !'.1111fl(f,1t1 ' '"' 'l'.11' 1111 '"" llarhor \rt•<t ~1·110111 hoard' <ire <;chrtl11lr <I to .1 pp l .1 1 Th11rsda) hdt11 r tht· n rnni:t• Coast Civic 1\!>~uc1allon The candidate~ for lhl' '\;e\1 · port II arbor I hi;:h Sl'hvol Board of Trustrc·~ :11 c slatl'c1 to share the llmelt~ht \\1th candidatei. 1'l'ek1ng ~e:n~ nn the Orange ('oa~t Colll'JH' Uoard of Tru,tc•t•s tn ;i fJll<'' t ion anc1 sin1m rr 't'/>~11111 \\Ith .tli~IX:iRt 1011 mr mlwr' fhc lll!C't:1al ·11u•t•t thr •.;rn cltdate"" sei.~1011 ,, 1-t'f '"' II pm. 10 the IAl'llll\ 1111111.:r-1111 lhr nee ramp11'. 0l \\1• 11tl11r ,1110011"'' \\ lum \\ 1lt n1 .111 .111ol ,\ 1lJ1,1 • ''hilt !11 \\I If I "llllt'O lo If lfu• 11111\i'lllt"lll \I ,'t•otf I\ II\ hrol I \11 I. 11 I n 11111 I I• ""' I •1111 J!,11!1 l11f1;1\ ,,11.J Iii. II II 1 11 l 1 • \\I II \ 1 I 1 I I 11 II o1 \\ 1l lt11lll !h1·t1 ~lhl\\ It il -1· t '1 ;1111 '·"" Ill' I' ""' I,,., Ill • !I'll \IJ fh ,Ill\ rf'\ alJ 11111\I' nwnt \ '~r<f 1f h1· "c·r 1· 't'' tcrd:l'I . ht• rrpllr d "\ t''Lc1da\ I \\.l' nut '""· nel l<'d I ha\r n•,r arelw1I the· tei:at a'pccls of a 1t•rnll amt I.no\' "hat 1s lr;.:alh nN'<'''an hut I am not ~up· pmt1ni: any ·· llr 'aul hr .11111 I h·ndl'r"111 h;ul mt I ~lontl,I\ tn 1h"·"" 1<'~.11 r!'IJllll'l'llH'lll~ 111 ,, II' r:ill hut 1tw1 ·, all · ll111h 111 and I 1t'nck 1 '"n ,;1111 111,1' lw• 111111 1\1111, ("11 .. 1;1 \1 "'·' li111ld <'r l.nr" '"mrth111·· ilo•>11t 11 Hutt< ,,wi ~ ,..,1,·111"~ \ f' I C" \ .... , •. \• ,., ····· n lw ·( '"'"" · "' ' -• f . ,. '• '. ,.,, 1tc• ··~ ' I 1 I _ ( f ~ ~ ••I I\ f ., ' I ' I I ....... ,.,.,.;,,~, ''''""!/'' ,,.,. "" .,.,..,,..,.," f ' ,, 'I .. 1.r. I 111 I I' I '·"'II 111 1'11111 '\ I• t• ft• J 11• IP' Ultt n l ttt l'flt~' 11 r; I "'", 1111 111 11<·111• 11111•111.11111·111111 ,., .1~1· 111 thf• ~11rlr1 U.iftHtt ,, ... l lhtlllJ I ti " .1 f~u.tt I """ (",1lrl 111111,1 C'ollllt ' .!H 1 >rnn~t· l"n11nt\' "•11.·1al '\otc~ '1w1rt~ '.!l • 2:: I· tlttn1 t<il< F111:i111 •' \at1u1. 11 \!'\\" .t•l ·~11 ~·· I TPll'\ ,,,on Th1·;il1 t• II • 17 :UI 18 :'\l'wpoort l1;i·h1l' \F\\-.. Pl{f'\., I n111h1 n,.c1 \\"ll h I)· ti\ I I ' "\II\ I'll ti! I )lfltt II \ ,,, Ptl.:• ,.,,.I t'• ,u f1 t·r, '' 1\J"'° I I :h d ·lhr r •11 • ,., ~ "I I •I I '.1 If'< I \tJ\1 tit• "II: I .Ill fil l t.fl \II 11t h. 1 111I ot l lr'•111' I .oil 01\:: 01o(1J .. ' -• THeV HAD THEIR SAY~Among the speakers to take the floor at the Newport Harbor t:mon High School board meeting Tuesclav evcnin~ were the following (from left)· Attorney Donald ~lcC'artin v.'bo pleaded Les Miller's case; Jim Kilroy. who pleaded for a written alhletic polic). Ooug Flint "ho described Supt. Max Russrll. a 5 sC\lf willed and in- capable of compromise: Attorney Tom Hendcr~on J r., \1 ho wanted no parl of a rt·r.111 11H1\ 1·m1•111 against the truslccs. <.:ohorl (;t•rw <'r;1111 , \1110 abn dbclaimc1l any part or a l'('t<tll !>tudent hotl\' l'rc• .. 1 1knt .Jim Tracy, ''ho suggest rd thoi,,c "he~ chdn t Protests County Measles f 'rom 1 RUSSELL B . .\CKED ... Supervisors Delay May Seek Bond OK I superintendent had lhe auth· \I hl'n the h<'ad football t·uad1- onty to reass1~n per~onnel in~ jJh was taken Crom Burn~ without board approval Th<' and Gage was a sk<'d 10 County CM Marina Action trustees then assured Hussell t·hoo1;r bt>l\\ rrn tx.•1111:: ;ithl<'I· they stood behtnd h1 m "100 1<· d 1rl'llor <1nd basket ball per cent " coach. the board ~:rnl lh STH \ TFOll 11 I . .10' I -. S1111thl:iml '''\H S1·n i1·1• ~.\.\I \ .\:\ \ 111 .11 .:1· < '1111tt Soutllland !\'t " s ~n let SANT A ANt\ -Progress on Costa Mesa's proposed Keys ~farina boJ:).:ed do" n here to- dav when the board of su- pervisors took undrr subm1 ... 11on for l"'o weeks an agr<'e· menl to pro11de acc·ess to the project Crom the sea A revised pact to allo" ui.e of the Grccnv1lle-B a n n 1 n g flood control channel alonJ.! the east tde or the Santa Ana R11 er met "ilh obJect10n!> from group attendini;: a pub- lic hearing 1h1~ mo:nini: The i.upcn 1sors had heen bked to rail!~ an agreement Co 't d th l'ROULL''I -Coach Dume; \\as o!Cered hctween sta .. ei.a an e ..... I~ tod,l\ :.ip1u .11 • 1., 111· 111 .l Orange County 1-·1ood Control Southland Ntwa Service Hussell said the 1mnwd1ate the ro~llion of alhl<·ttc dtrl'l'· 1111 Iii• 11J1 1m1.11 ti ""il'"'J.. .1 0 1stnct A decision was put S•\NT A A."\A _ A court· reassi"gnment was necessary tor at ="e" port llaroor I ltgh bu rntlt: , r "I' 11f rn , 1, orr until 3 pm. on April 9 h • • bo d . be lo curtail a potl'ntial d1<;r1-I School and turned 11 cl<•\\n I <'our,, lll'•tllli 111111 .ol li.1• ,. Loui Lesser Enterpnses. 1 ouse n 15sue may pre· 1 pllnary problem at the school Sl'l'l'OHT r<'11ird1•d a t11t.tl "' no; 1 •·• 1.td . Los Angeles. w h I ch scnted lo Orange County ~ot-created by the "inflamma-Allhuu~h thr bci..rd ll'l it 11C llw i ti"' d1 '·•·• "'' I plans the S90 million ~tanna ers in October. Including ~ory nature'' of the Miller I be kno\i n rarlv 10 thr ('\'C· ftr,l 11r Ila· ""'' 111..11..111 tr. dt•\elopment. said 1t would be I branch facilities, It could run I issue. ntng 1l would riot back clrmn I 11111 •if Ilic 1111: ~1 11,,.,,.1, able lo begrn "ork w1th111 six as high as S20 million. Most of the large cro1~d at on its reass1gnmrnt of ~1 11-~i·.or, Ill 1111 11;1~1 il•·i·.ulo• I' eeks after agreement u ap-Super\'lsors revived the the eHnlng m e e t I n R !oat ler. one speaker after anoth· I t 11 1!11•'f'll I: \\ .11 .nn proved . I through the entire sess1fln I er walked to the front or lhe 'ch11'1 ol lh•• 'n11rtl \ l11·:t11h "' 1 bond issue program Tuesday · )1a111 opposition today "'IS ailed f Although most spectators vast auditorium to praise lhe oHered b) City Councilman "hen they c or a space-lert the Newport Harbor llt~h principal .• .Jnmes B. Stoddard or New· need study t-0 be completed School auditorium a" arc or Miller h 1 m ~ e If did not p1rt lieach and Hancock Ban-b) July I An 111 million issue the fact tM!re will be a nrw speak and ht' "a~ not l>Ccn 1n mng Ill. repre5entmg inter-Citied of passage in 1956 I Costa ~lr~a principal 11 r ~ l the auditorium lfr "3~ rrp· l'StS or the Be-eco Co . which <.: M "Cye" t•eotherly. yl'ar. they had learned that Thented by .\lly f)onald ~k- J.'rtUU Pn~/«' I l .\ lO\ ... 011 ns adJom1ng land -Princ11>al ~taller l "' 11. r Cartin. "ho said ther<' nt•\t:r The~ posed such problems board chainnan, who agreed questioned the erreclt\'l'nr<s can bl' ;ii.:n•emrnt a' 1n II• d•: 11 d II .tl 1, ,11111 .. 1111 • a-. thesr for the super\'lsors the new program should tn· of Don Hums a.; head foot-whethN ~l1llr1 1\a:. duini: a m• 1 ' 11! 11.1 ,111 Jn (11r m.1l 1•111 10 consider elude money for four outlying ball coach in ltllers 10 su-good Job a' 1>nnc1pal II a:-d \ tUIJlllJJl nl t lw I •I I ' Hea rin~ cl ~........... -.... ~ f.»r DriveJ· f uture eroi.ion of beaches branch ctl'tC centers. predict-perto~s : one tn 1961, tht> oth· 1 "It's onl' ~ 1 de' ~ , icw easterll' or the Santa Ana ed the fall election date. er tb1s January Man,y M1lly againi.t the other i\nd the publtc re>la11""' poll•' ~River n-.t.b '1 a ~Uy I& con-' SUpervtsors were not readv supporters bad Celt 6'c Pf61 school board has the Ctnal 'l '10\ \1 \TTl"ll' 8tructed for future harboT en· l to dlvulle any estimate of ex·\ clpal wa1 reaaslgned because say." he dcclarrd • ll 11 ;i, 1.ll 1t l I\ 1,111 .. 11 An Anah('tm man c h;;rgr•d 11 :th t110 (·ounts uf man~lau~t: ter and drunk dm lflJ;: tollo11 · ing the traffic <l<'<tlh' of '" 11 children Sunda~ 11 a< arrait:n e<I tn lluntingt(ln 13e:ll'h "<·al Btoach Munu:1p11l tourt Tues· da) Judge Cella Bal.Pr sr l April 2 and 2 p m a~ the time of prehmmar\ hc•a11r :! f 1r .\:-- nol l Gni~l.t :.? 111 \r,ahr m Da\'ld Ra rrrlt :! anti hi' r;1qcr Donna J 111·n· ~111 ... 1 11tic Gran~i.1~ c·ar hurtll'd throu~h a ~toµ '1::n and ram med th<-car 111 11 h.tll1 thf'I 11 rf.' pa~~t·ni::er-. c1c1:ord1ni:: to po her Their parlnt• \hhJ• I and .1"•'1<.' Uarrctt both 2:! an l thei r 9-mo11th-<1ld b r o t t-c· r l)Qu~la~ all r1f 1r.11'! Bal!a•I SI . Hunttnj!'tnn lic•a1 h "c-n Injured tn tllf" c!(l r:lrnt \ttomr' ''• 1 'a" ~ 1, 11 "'= hr1 of Anahl'I 'I, P'j•rt M·nlm~ Crasl.1. toM l ud~1 flal(rr that hi-; f'henl h<tc1 "' '• r ~ ., . ., m trouhle P"'' '""'" ,.,,•I'' t •t an a~~ault and 1 •• 1111 '' 1 I ar::• r;ralltt ~ a coo•r;11 tor trance l act amounts btlt noted that he l"uppotted Burni; and op-•' -Salt "ater intrusion into construction costs have men posed the coach's pending re-Ql'ESTIO~ llh•ltrr TillnPr '·'''' underground basms or the in the last seven years. Es-assignment m th<' school's To support his · i.1dc. ~k· F irt·mt·ri kar m 11 'I "' tJ,,, Talbert Gap tJmates must await results of physical cdu<:atton depart-Cartin read numerou~ l!'ltcrs th<.il 1 'ni:o•r 1"'' •li·r " 1 '1 1 '· -Ernurnt reaching re>mote the space study to be un<kr-ment Cr«m tral'hl'r~ at Costa ~li·~a '11•"'1 1>) : rt•mcn 1" 1'" 'I 1 a.eas or the Manna and tal.en 1mt1ally by the Bu1ldmg -Thert> apparrntl~ 1~ no 111,.:h endor'lng ~!tiler and lrt•.tdqtt;ill• 1 1•11· '1"11 •: l11r qaRna11n.i: wtthout poss1b1hty Ser\'IC'es Commllltt move to recall thrt'r rnem-prJ IStng ht~ tapab1ht1e' urwm 111 t.i'l • .111111 11 =• n '' ul tidal flu•hllll? action \t S'lme later point In lhl· her~ or the board .\ Costa :'lkCartm (jUMlloned hnw F l t·l.i -F 111anc1&l abtltt) of Costa ~tud,). a technical consultant ~le~a attornl'~ \\!lo rrll.'aled the school board eou!d po~-l ,,. 11f tl11 •1.1111111 J ,,d 1.,' n :'lle'a to handle all ram1hca-(•Ould bP brought in to review lhe recall mo\f.' Tu c' d a Y 51uh call racult1• morale low 1rq1u ''' I'" 11t.i1 "11 ol•I'\ 1' · tt•m<i or the proieu ra" fi gures compiled bv coun-morning demed hr kn"11 an,·-on tt\e C11r-\ear-old c<Jmpus '1 '"I ' 11lfil ·•''' 1•1 I.• 1' 1' • 1·11, ~lanOJl!l'r H11li<rt l'ni:er 11 emplo)e~. supervtS-Ors thing about 11 Tue d<J) night hccc1u~e nf ILl' pnnupJI m11Jlll' .• 1uu1tlir1i;: 111111 ,1111·n of ('c;,w :'11e•a refutt•d charg-~oted beCorr the boarrl L<ttcr Ill tlu· m!'ellng. hoard ~ten•· •1f 1tw in t;.,ll.1·11111 f,.,, <' at di lhf' \larrna O{lf'ra11on \\ e are already faced 11 1th -The school l>i·Jrd mf'I for memhN 1)11nJld Dun~an re-n1m he·• 11 '' 11< 1 r·d I • r '"t.1 had t.t·t·n l.c•pl ~errel 11<' J111n-thf• need ltJ pro\ldC more t"n hour!> 10 ll1'"''J 1''•100 \eah·d 1h;;t :il (tf'r crnt or the ~lc·;1·, \nwrrt·:rn J .1·t:•r1n ll.111 rd Fl1~d Contrr•I lltrl'<'lor ~1•ate for Judi:<', and 11 e'll 111th Coach Hurn~ an•! \tr~il :.d1nul.; (J11l•1 l ~t ~e.ir re· lncn and <II\ t111:r11il11wn r;,,,,rrt• '"t•nrt1e tn lalltni: Cur pr11hal1h he adding about one llti?h Alhlc•tic l>o•r· 1' r Jule~ qu•· ,,.,, t ran-tc·r 111 the n,.w hu1·r lw• n 111\ 111•d t•o .1111 nd ~(Jffif' iltlHJI' lirf••fl .-\pt ti 22 JUd2e a _\r<cr Crom flt)" on." Gagf.' to "reaffir m r.ur r nnfi-Corona drl ~!;1r ll1i,:h S1 hool 1111· ("f'!t•l1)t11111· ,,·h•·•h.l•·ol 1111 \• 11 Of•\\ <land• lhC' ilCff'(" F1•alh.-rh 'did df.'Ol"C' in lhr m \ 11h•l .... ,. lt JI her JI i ·111 r 'll I , d:I\ a.111 11' 't'. n•r' <.ill• l11r •r,,r-ter ·C 10 \\orl.1r.: '4 1th lh 1:1t1•1 ''' Tru<ll'f•, <;ml 11 '" 111 \I•· J lu.:I \It' \l r1.1m 111.111.0.:1·1 '"'" tud.1• 11.1 JI r •' tit prv1-. ·:~ 111 the 1-1" -<I one iudi:r Cur c1en 60.000 ba't 1" itport• 'h• loo.jrtf 1;urr Halbo;1 ~ .. 11d lh1, l\a~ ,.,, 11h1 r Ii•· • "' • 111.111 1!1 r• •1 1·11nt«1l [)1,trt• t ti ti t• ap-count' re<itdfnt< thP cr1urt fPll lhP 1'40 11 "'' "' qu;ilt-br1 1 1 1· !'"r"nJ ti• I \I.or I t::>h pl;m 11 ,, .. , 11! pr qtJ I·~ P..11 dJll Tt.r· '11 ... " .. ll'm 11nuld I>(-tr'lll'.! (r1r fi·cl 111 tltJI "II "••'.! 'rr• ~a<. J nt11 •1·h.,t1l dn!J 111.itld r illni r iqfl lt1 111 l.dii•d "' trtl' n•111 l1c1 thal pro1~·r 1y .W iun't' b' I~. he noted ha' r :i 10111•r student rnroll-rrc·wil'nl 1,1 thr 1101,.0 I••• ,11 undn 1.nndr mnat1con and the The Oranl:(e Count'' Bar A\· tnl'lll \\ h1d1 ' ma~ r t' f'J'trr ancl Fr ,11 k ll'Hl'lnn ,, ill tor 111. Ir Jn~ft r "IJUfd Oh1tatc ll'nRlh~ \OClattOn has a.,ret' 0 d to fl. '1 a'°'() llS 'If'(, ( to teal h .. '(;ill<·d ;r, ~t·t 11·1 JI~. t t • ,o 1111• I <CJun pre><.c·rdtn~" nance the promotion or the During hi-. 4i·minule prr- Saoddard said thf' flood ton· bond issue through voter cd-srntallon. ~ILCartin emrha-~O STBll\LS Ir I a .. .-nc' hCI' h1 rn tn1nr:: ucat10n lligh Priest Robert Ltd ~17ed thrcr ~eparate times The union 1 pr1Jl11l11l•·d 1111111 ''' er• Iha rr11prr•1 for h\e "111 ronduct 3 \pl.'<i:il n,r •·t-that Miller ~a\ not condw'I· slnkir•t' Har• · II•· a•kf'tf lh" tYtard Int: 11( the llran[!e r ,,a,1 fl,' JI tn:! any f)f'rc;1inal \l'ndr 11.1 tr1 n · .,, m:..i ,. d • • ·•' trnd" ,\rch \Ja,nn' <ti 7 ll• r• 1 1 ~a1 ,. hi• )1Jh •,, '" 11 .1 I ;11!,.11 ll ail'<'ll l~ l; p Thur,da\' in th" •111t1 I • I. ·~ If, 1·apprrl h1~ :ir~11111l'nl< ',,,1<J.1rrl rtl,•1 r \('rt'"' II : lnll 24i'2 ''-'" l'"rt BJ\ I 1 11 ith it , all Crir lhrl'r mf''Tl· ·r 111 '''"I''· l;•••l' \llL\\ \11\1 f. l l'I• la \lt·-a Ill-•. 'ar1 t brr' Ill thP l>'1nrrl to n·-1.!n 1r 1,.0• dl1\ .·1 alon~.11• '"d'' Thr price of hairrut~ g1,t•n tx· lht 11· 11·~111 .. r 11,11''.! 1otcr' dr1 n••I ri·1n-t;.il1· l\\11 '"' !•I If' ll ,, ah•, th• I I JI. h1 11n111n harl><>r' "'11! go Up brf11r r ti(' r;r.11 . I "' I e rntumlit nl 'JOd •dJlh JI ""' il<'llf qf "·' t·oa\'ltnr nr\I :'lhinrla: lrrom Sl 75 to S2 st:inmr tn f'rp•n11 ''" ''''I .I April tr. d1 ,r,I li<iC1rd l'lt· 111111 Tillr11 r •,tl!I t 1r< •11111 11i111 II,. lnlc•rna1111n<il ''"" 1,•t111n "I I-II(' I-1·•l1tf"\ Ill .11111 I ltt I I. 1111 a m1'1·•l lrt1nt 111 .,. , I i.ot Ill I! l••r 1111 1 • '"'" ,,.., .. I I I 11~1 r t 1, ~ ; 1 I , I ;1 \ l,1'r ''" r ! Ii (111 t I'll\ flit 1111'11 1lll11°1111\ n·1 · d1,alul111 111•111:111• • "rt II II , 1 !1.11 I' \\ i ,1 t . . ' •• IOAll Y PllOT Pllelo '1 lH l'o..,. \,,1111\1 till\ 11110:.: ah1111l lh1· 1~--111· SILi.\ 11111 of II . illl u111d1•1tl II 1l'd ( 'nsl;1 \It""' 11111llt1·r \I ho k<"pl ;isk111J,! \\'h, ., .. and ~'"" \J1n;1111 C:u1 r .i rl'ti1 rd school l1•JC'her \\ho ::.p11k1· 111 1il'll'rt'<' of Ll'.' :\l1Urr. Cases Issues Soaring; Warning I'·'' lnto·rt' .lr11 Jl•rl IClfo I• I If t .JI \\.ti llll ti .11 1111( ••• ,tJd )'fl,: \\ Jlf I "II t' lh 1•1 1tt ff t' ri I 111'.I 11' 1' <t 111,11.011\ I"' ,., 1 •l1111hll" ''•J 1, I (,I I of 11'1' I i >t (I •• t•f'd ttl \l,11 l I \\I 111 It l•o ' • ! 11\ 1 l" , 11 ,, • d llor 1·.01 111 th \ 1tltt11• :1 I• It 11 ••tw ••I II•· "''"' .:omm111111 .1 i.•,. 11: d •1'.1,1· .1w! fr1•<Jrtc•n11' It,'·: ;o fl •111 It lf t• 11£ I ltJllf•I t t f t ~ \\ ' 1 • I 1•,1, \ ( .. · .. ,, • I I t ~ ,1 I '"' , tdl1t' \l' I l 1 , i ti' ,,, ti,.. It lltr 111il 11' BIRTHDAY GUEST Exchange', Marsh 1•.1 ,1 \l ,, l,1'1 I • ' I,, 1d1 Il l 111 1111' I'.'' fr IHI'• l'J11h. 1\111 l.>1 • LI t I Jlf',1 ~.1 ~ 'Ji ttl 111 ,,, 1 , I' , ianc1 ( li1h ,,r \1 1\l"!ll ll.11 !1111 Ill I ••ft•hr;i t 11q ,,, lhf' t. Jll• 1 1 dt .. ,~ptl :tr' • r ,11 I 11 111 • ' pl• 1tf1 111 11( 11 .. c t11•1 I ''I,,,, ,. 1 luh .111d • 1 1 • 1•1 '"'•' • \11.all I l 1· r '" 1 • 111111111111 (•11111111 f'. r 10!1 1 ltnn Jlld 111.1 I 11tltl1 \\ ·''"lll 111111" \ ti ;dthttni:h th• re Ii.ii, 111 • 'l 00 f;1t ,f11lll'' 'II far th" \1 ti Ill• .1 11, 1 ;111 HJll'll !hr d ,, '11 1•111•111111101:1 and 1 m•11 r "" 1111• t•11mpl11 .11111• er ' r ,f.,Jllf 1 \\' ;i 1,on adt.f.,ol C\I I llltC TllH :.. '"" 11' ll.1 111111pltlal111n-. ar •· 111•1 oh11011i. lo I h1• 1 •'"•·• oh"'''' 1 and h1111w d1ai:111"11 ('I.Ill \\IHI 'h111t ld ;11\1 ,11', 1111 1 • \ II'' • I I II (II( l •11 \\ I h .1 1-.ill I • .t pit\ ,ll t.111 \\,ti 1111 mfl r ,,.,, \\JI ·111 t•n•t.lttlt'U llh '"' 111 \ ·" • 1111 In 1·on1rol mN11.lc~ " II 111• 11:01111111\ rrlr 111th111 th1• f \ ' f \ f \I ,, .. \\ 1,, 11 lil.tl I llllt' 1 ttnll' c 1 • I • r 11.11 1l'l1•r hi lh•• l• 11! • I, II _ ,. ·" ti I llit " . Ill· 11 11 I '• f •I• f C'.l,JT t ' It• If " I it"·" 111 :111 <Jtldt· • . • rt• \\ill <1 1 prrrl11 11'•1. I l,1 1111 1of1•1t1 I I' ttf a I \' ... ' ' 11 I :11 It r ntJI\ \\ .11 \IJ1l n •'• I 'll:w H·ar th« rnc11or- 1~ I 111 :, II ;1 •r• j,!rClll JI ,Crl' 110• f111Hll/1 d 11\ h<I\ Hli! lht' dt . r 1 • ,1J1d lhl' r 1 \l H '<tf illl· otl • r • 111p 111 h;ih11•s ·ha, prn- 1 J, I .1 J:J•1llJI th,11 \\Ill hf' 1rl I ' l ,., h ti 1n 11ho11t I ' \' ti '"'' li11r11 1nt.1nl '", pr <'I· "I II IOllrllllllll'll ' \\ :ll'\1•0 ..., ,, \t ti ' II 1 l11ld11 n <ir1· 1 .;r,t•rt 111 I 1 •111 1111 ''"' 1r11nmrnt-the I 1:~1• ' tnt .Jrnc·r ol the d1~­ ' 1 " '' tro tlrr :i \'l'(lf"S In 10 1 • .1• • 1 ,111·i:r11 w-.. he addrd. \'. 11 1•1 d1•« rtll<'d thp 11!<;- 1 1 1• ;1 h,t\ 1111: Ml llll'llh:1l11Jn I" 1 111.J ••I ;iftoul 10 rla'''· afll"r \4 1 I ,, 1 ~ r 11n 111 • 11mr' 11 ri- Lol1l1· dt I 1 f"JI' ;, l'•llll!h <tnr1 \,.1•1 .. 111 11.11111.1 f .\• I• , , \ r. I• 1\111 ;q1Jl'"'r •n 1•1•1111"'1•'1 'I• "'1'1'· "• 1. •I.I\ lh1 \\hftll• JI· I fl I "I' I" ll•L1• J,111 \\ "' l.1 I .11111111 10 clnv'!, f.c, Ill I·,. I l 11 L' I\ rlf \' .1' 111t 't1of Jlfltl trllll~ Oil Coast 111•111111 r 1111 . .:1 1111 l•11u11111. 111 ,.,,111 pl11 ;it111n rlr\rlnr '"""'' 1111• I rt ' I .:\I lt.111.,1 ( lirl1 ·" · l 'nd•'I r11 1·" rrt 111 \ 1111ltt1 J>1 111111 \l1d1 ,,,, \1,1 rd1 '!i Increa sing Cloudiness Due on an<"' I 1rrm1·n "' "1•11 •• ,di l'ti I 11, I '' 111 ''1• < 1 ih 111 ------------- c·1h • I 1pl1t\(' h:J\t> dt; I it,-, ,, \\Jhtl' r1.11a.11 I th•· 11ld1· I 1)r;111::1· I OJ~t IJ<\11.Y Pl- • 1111 •• lloot1. Tid:•.'i 'HM tl"dt '~~ ...... ·-" ~· • ' • t ., ,. ... ; .... 'P,,, t ) ' Ot , ,,... c •t.11 ., 'l A "" 1"H1 • 't i; .... l.Gtt 1 ,, , "" "''' 'r' ii,.., #~.JI r"11 Apr • ,, .. , '"'' ,. 1"'41 U S Wt•thr, 91 "f'•U \ (') .. fn9t (.M I tor.u~t f .. '"'"df•"t \.~ ,....., ••t·t ... ftd b'c:""''' ... ,.,. .... 10 'I,. 10 ."",., ..... "'' "''' .. "~ ~f ,,,,._,,...,, •• \/A1••fll• f\.., (twd'l"I(•• '"""'\dAY flt H ....... ....- ' ........ ' ... ,. ,, .. '1 • • ;,• .... ' r• '" "" ,.., I. l,°'1~ • •• •• "Y• *''•'"' 1) f1 , .. ,.. ... u?,. 'e ~1 t-r"' ev~t)AIU• 116• ~a ,..,~,. , •, ·1 o ..,..,. ~ '1• .. ,. 'O ,,,. ""\ t.,. • ,.~, ,. ',..... "'" •• ,.. , ,. ~ ·~ ·~~~ '!i • •• '"·t••• ~, v .. ~. ~"t111111Jrnrv lCl'I •"C.E-lS VPll ...-• •• f\lit'"""'-'""'" •"•'"'-' liU"""'"" • • p#t P•f'·ld b,. lfoof: U \ Wt•*'t• Blilf't•u ~O.t d if!• t0>1f'lit'V ~+O"ff'd , •• , •NU .-. ""1• f· f)l;JI fht•• we1 ~""l'tpotfllO"I ~ ..... , _.,,.,. •• ,. ""d ~#If ' Pt"' , .. ~,..,.,, W'l""'A'1 At'ttr• Hir-• 'fort •""' "4">1111 f ~,,...,.., ,,.,. • ' tiiUt~ •11 ,.,,. •'f'lll)Y'' ... , ,.,, /Ir • '11ro•n1a 1+1"1(Jer ,,. "'' • ,., -1 ,,,,,.n•rw • c•,,,,.,'"1'1 •• •' •"'1 ,..,. ·~ •• t• .,. .. .,.... O' ' , ,.,. """ _,,. 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Ill 1d11• 11 '" 11111 d1,1 ,, h11 nnt.d d•H' 111'1 11 1· 17 \\ 11 111111 "''fl.ill "' ·'' 111 :.: \11111•!.1 I l I ·•'I )I 1 lllill'l'f'\ I\ iJf f,11111' h ,I <10111 t11 d11or 1.h<'•·k fot 11nl11 • ''"'" 1111.:. ,,, rurdln$? 111 I' 11 1 1 • , r"' ('htd .J.11111·'(.;1;1\ ;,, I hi' 111 Ill! ·1111 1\ 11! 1n•11 1 ;: rffcctJ\t'nr:;~ 11( thr c·1t\ ·, :1n 01 ti r:.ih11•s rrocram. lw sairl f>ol{ 0" nr1 ' c·an purdi:r 1• ,. lt<·t·n~e' fur lhl'rr Jl<'I JI th1· " pr•IH'r cll'partmr-nl . 42.'> .1:tnd H SI ~r-11 Jll1f I llN1d1 ~PC'tll•ll -t!IO ~ 11f lh• ''"·\ pn11 l:c'.1f'l1 M110111pnl 1·""" rr•q111rr ' 1.:wc·tnal11111 11( cl11~ •1 Ill l~o \l'.t 11l1•J\:tl 11111111 111 ,. ~;11·r·rnnl1nr1 rn11-.t It• rir 1· 1·nt 1·cl 11 lh1 tu111 n! II•,.,. .11hl•·.J t Oro 1 "lllJ•fl·l 1011 111 111 pr 1 •·1 t f 1 I Ill ,1 \II I' pr1·,J1l1•11 I \I II h "tll I,. fl ll:Ot•d f ;tit !111111;1 I·'' ho11111• t '11111 i''''"· d1·111 .11 r lw •·1'11 ,. 111 ,!.1111- '·'' • 111 .1111111.1 l.111 • 111 \ t·n f 11111 Ill .111 111• ;of \!1111:1•11•\ Hc ·a llc;,. ... l>aw \I le ·11 I tf .H I f 11 tl•• I "'"'' I . ,\ll•·•r rd 1h1 I· 111h I) I,,., ,, ti ill' ''" ••••• , :!Ill I i" '"' f11111 "·" ltllll lllll' 111 l•11t 1111• '''\' p11r I II .1 I 1111 r '" l.1 .\)! ,, 1:11.11cl "' 1:1 .1!1111,· l1n•:ikfa,1 nw111n~· al lh•· "''" 111111..r 11111 \lli•n "tll ,,,..,,1, tu hu.1r'1 m1·rnht•r-. on thr topk ·1-·11- tur1· <:ro11llt ol lhr Sn1Jth C "·"' a,. :i " Bo.lTrl l'fl•,t clc·nl I :1·1ir)!r• \\ 1lltam,nn ,lllrl th.11 lht• mr1•lrng 1'.11111!1 h•· 11p1•11 111 q111·,t1on .. fro111 lhl' flr111r l•1ll•111 rn)l. fh1• wpr·n h· ,,, r,11 ~ Tl11· 11-.1ll1 IJq;r11l hfu•r\ "' , ..... t ·''' .,. l•tll j .rt a ,, Ill •pl "11 11 d;1\ ancl <;11nd.1 \ l1\ I )I .111;.!1' ( rt:"I I '11 l1l1 ~ft1Jl' l'1trnp.m\ :.!:!II \\1•,t Jlalhoa l:uulr 1 at cl :\1•\\ 111irl H1•:11 I C':rl1l11r 111;1 l'r 11111n~ pl11nt . ;1t '..!"'I I \\ <''' llalllo.1 1:0111• ·.111! \1 11 1~•11 l:1°Jl'h <'.ti 1111111,1 ;1111! ll.11 SI r•·PI .11111 I Jiitr Ill \\t· ('11,l a \11·, I' a ltf 111 Ill ,I "''t·11111 I 1 • I .1 ' "'' l:ri.:r p:"'I .11 Nr111111 i: ':1•;11 h ( .11tl111111<1 'llh'l'J" • 11111 ~I 1.1 11111111111) 111 ( 11.1• I I' ( Ctltnl I. SI !'1U ('I'· \ "' JI' 0••"',. lO••' DAil T l'ILOl <O'?'O•f'M wflh Nl!Wl'O•T HA••O• NIW' ,..,,, 1'\ ovbli'\~O 11\ ''"" ••• ,.,,. f'd+t·tWt' ort" ,.•<h •or ,.,,....,. ,.,~• f\llA(h. r011,. Mtw and ~nt'9o 16" l\t"• h f)rt1' P -""Jr ..• , r ·''• ·~,... 8•v \I t. lt..Jrtt\ 4 ' M•1r I • 1l(ln ft• .. t h t• JU ,__.Af r'I 8 1._o •• ,, q d f:H"' ~. ])It '<N AAlhn11t "'v" '' ·1 .. ..w&>11rt Rfvo ~·" 'l•W J-CJ .,.,,, ti .•. ,,, ""'fW'I ""-'·' f' 0 lltip• .. '' ~u•w""'" ,_,..,.,. •1 I') Ir -,.ti/1 I 'l t\t'i 1'' • • It ••I I .. A (', c New ·Y orl{ NeWspapers Plan DAILY PILOT (H EWS Pllns Wed., MMch 27, 1963 U.S. l)"ni"~ Editions T.onight I Ra1111ecl Reds in Trouble At Brazil Meet 11 10 DI·: .JAN ~:IRO II 1PI 11 l"ranl'lsco Juhao'll land·grah- \11po1 I bccunly pol tee tu-bin~ Peasant Leaguel>. which rla;. arrc~ted a number ol flour rsh in Commun1st-rnfest- for t>1gn d1•ll'itate'I to a Com-rd nnrlheastern Brazil. They 1 111ur11,t "II ate America" ral ""'Pon the way here by bus. h \ poltce spokesman In nio I 'ulwr ,,Ii<! · \l'\'f'I ;11" 11f ~aid .. 1•ve ral of thl'm werP 3 lh1· '1s1111" """' tal.•·n 1nt•i t ;111 ~ rnc kr111,r~ 1·11:-.tody on 111 .. 11 ;irn,:11 'l'ltr llf'W l'l'C<t·l.,1tt1'-'l1 tJll till' Reform Strike Appears Ended Pric«· I n <·r••a,.;c I !-:\\' YllHI\ 11'1'1 1 l111h li:.h!'r~ llllrl ,1 111.1111.; pl111ltil'l1· l!rll\'ers l'itlll(' 111 t1·1 "'' PiHly tod;iy 111 thP I II) d<t~ 11hl :'\t'W Yori. "''" 'l':'J" r ""1111lr :ind Mindszenl v Rf' ports l(1•tl 1111•rt1111{ h\' ;111J1-l '11111m11 n"t li11\' ( 'ar 111~ L ;1 <· f' r d a ra111r a-; 'pnn\11t' 111 1 hr• rrn ( '"' r n · ·~11hcla11t ' I ·11n~1 <''~ 'ifllll:hl IPJ.::JI <irtrl ft•dn;d ;111f lo l1111·p l .. wr•11la to prrm1t t lu•m lft rllN'I h1•t f'. Victor 111111 n1ni.: II('" 'l'•'l•Pr • prr•p;11 f'c1 1 111 i.;cl 1•1!1111111~ 1111 1h1• ,fr r <·t l11r11j!hl Paris Hit JFK Seeks Calm Kennedy W1\Slll\'GT<I\ 1 \1'1 ff '\ nfflr1al\ h.t\P Ill mlv '1" n1<'ii 11 I lunca1 1an 'rol.1·' m ;in ~ ,,lMl'ment th;it I hr I" u i nwrnrnrnt., ;irp ""L!"l 1<1l111i.: t\\rr frel'cfom lnr .JOl,f'f C';ir '1inal M1n1l~zr111'. 1'hP <olalemrnl .in<! c1pn1al rame Tuf'"tl;I\ Jllf·1 rf'l)Ot t' l 1om lfonip ;incl nlhrr .J::11ro- pe3n 1'ap11,1l\ lh:..t 1Jw \ a11 r cin and lfuni::in· :ir I' cl rc I. t 11ns:: f1\Pr ho\\ In 11•11H1\(' thf' iu:1ng Homan t'ath11l11· prr mrlte frnm ht~ "It 1111pr"1•tl ""'" in tllr l <; lr·.: • .i inn 1n Rurlapr ... t I l1111c .. 1' The ll11n2:i1 1,1n '1'"'-"'m:in .~i1 1c1 in H11cl.1J1t'<I n1·1111t1.1 I• in« nr a dq•l11111.•I H h•\pJ \\lfh fhl' f I; l!U\PIOlflf'lll dlf' H1 1•111i:1 ,.,, '\\1• h;1,,. h11 11 ,, I.I'd I" th,-•.,, .. ,,.It n' ,,,,, .• • dn .1 iJ I ft111 ti II' I u I 11'.of I lrf' 111.11 I f'I \1 1th clhlll'll'IO .inti Ill ,1h,t,1lll Ir• n ,f;tl1•111,.111, l11r th<• t111H• h• 'Ill! h1• \/Jld In \\ ,, ~11 n~111n 1 ti" rl,.n,,, I I h•· 1 q111rt OBITUARIES N :tnn: :\f,1 ," !-'. lfl or 1701\ f)ll\f' flt \1• \1\\J>Hl l il1·;11 Ir <.,111 'I\ I'd It\ h11i.ha11rl Jiohr rl H . '11" ( i11 ~·111 y /\Ian nl lhr· hunw h111llll'1 \It h1r \ c 11r11tr'll f'.tfl \11111.1·1 \I ·~ Jd tt '/ II.di !--<tnL!rot C ;tltf t-.1111•1 .l11hn Zf'll1·1 I l1hl,ri1• I .drf "''I\ II I'' Tlrur "l;I\ " p 111 \\ • '" Ill f I .,w1·1 tl.1 tiann1•d tlw mPrt 1111.! 111 11111 rn11·111j.! th ·'Jlllll "'I' 111 rn11\r It In tlPilthv :"\111•1111 tlr' 'l;•I" p11lt1·P al' 11•'-11·d ·,·1 B1,111lran 1·omrn11 "'''' '"'·1.tnl! t•1 \hp ;wro" 1:11:111;1ha1.1 J:;1\ 111111 !\rln111 l,1 ,t nrchl · \ 101<11111 111 c.11anaha1a p11 lit 1• ''''''" ):11.1111 al thc· lt•1 1 ,. l.111rl11n: Ill 1<10 INlllV In ptr '1·11t .tn 1·1111\ l'rll um 1lc·h· g,,,,.~ 11 11111 1•nt1·r 111~ l hr· c ''' '\1l•·1 11t ;1llh1111i.:h 11111~ f\111 mrlt• ·" '"'' tlw hav · f1111l1 1<111 I' 1111• r apll:1I t1f 0 lt111 dr• 1;1111·1111 I.ti•• I.at f'rtt,1 ' I"' 1111 h.1\ 1• lllt .1111lllll11 \ lwr,. t ttfl\ t·nt 11111 1'11:.11111:111 I .111• 1;11n1 .11.:;1 I l'\11· ,.ml tlw tflll \ <'111 11111 \\Ill lnl'l'I 1n \111•1111 l11111L'l I 11111 lw hnpNI lo 111· .t11fl I•• t:f'I ;i 'n11rt nrrfrr 1•n .tl1I 111.. 11 111 hold ti\ fo1111al 11111•11111~ "'"lllll Ill 1(111 '" JtHif f•J\\ I lflh 1110 p1•1 \Oil\ :11tvnrkrl ;i 1•11•h111111:i1 •. t1111\ 1•nt111n st:' ,1•111 lu·rc· l.1 I 111~ht. and 30'1 uf 1111'111 "',., l' rl.'l>ldents or ,,,, 1111 Th,. 11nly fore1Rner11 .,. ,., ,. t "" ddrizates from l"i- cl• I <';t,t 111 " Cuha I 111· Hr ;i11hani. arrested l;i•t n1l!ht '-'Pre mrmher~ of OBITUARIES I ; \ I 'I 'I \\ 111 II·' .I 5fi of 272fl \\'"I I 11H 11ln Anaheim ...,,,, \ l~ • d I ' "'Ill'. Callw11n1· .1111 1!111•• t I ( '11\1;1 ;\1(',;1 111•1• lt1•1 \I I • \ (; I l111tcll1•, ltlll I• h 111•1lilPll• 1 (,ti I l,11111•1 \11111.1111 111•111\ 111111111 I \\ I I l\f•h ~ .I I I\ 1·1\ .tlld 1 •.1111 I j\ I " """''' \Jr ' I ll'J11n1· l\ll p,1!1 111, \11 ' \!.,'Ill \ ,l11fit1 111 .rl " t 1"' :.:r ,111d• h1ld1 c 11 '"' 1111 \\ 1•11• lwld \\ 1•1lrw~ \lnr t11a1' \ h:•111 I J<1•\ I ii \\illrl ,. "1111111 ('111 l'r ( hurr h l.1 I hr ...,. ;t 11111 1.11 int: l11lr1111rn1 l'<ir 11 w \ 11 \\ 1\ft>nlnl 111 1';11 ~ \\ 1•,:1 111 r 'l\!•11111;1!\ rl11 1•1 1111< d.t\ I I " t i.11' 1::1.ll I \111 K\1-:1·1rr ·11•11 , .1.111111,. ,11 ti.ti' t•,q•ol t 111111111 n1 fall! rf ;11rchlrr nf \Ir ;11id \\, 1111111 •11•1 ~1t•111" r I ;1 I l\tr' ll.111\ I k.urcht Ill ul I '"~· Ii.ii\ B ,trll'I \1 .. 111 :?240 n I' I \ (',---11~<11ri·1 11 11' -ti• I •r ' \t•riur. '". 1;1 \'Tlll•:ll. :\!;1thJld,t II 71 nl 1" !\!Ma ""' '111 \I\ rrl h\ "'10 l'>th St 11 I t 1oster'. Pa11l.t anc1 l'h' 1 .. ,., •--. · trn inc: '"1 ., th II I\' 1; 1 B,.;1eh Sun l\r•rl It\ '""'· 11rn "r :HI\ a rr . • d nal J,!r and p;u·;nt~ :\Ir ;iml ( harll'~ .t .. llc•I\ llr111 \' an Mr' lf;i• "' I. l\nrcht 11 _I ;0111... n11111?htf'r ~ .<i \ rri:nr .-1 \ -1 ~r oran·' l.rl'l'n. hrother. J. 11•11 Itri ,-,;in .1 rm ma rrn... ,.., u \\ 1 I \I .. \I 11 man ... ~tf'f' \1111a 0111 parrn ~ r an11 rs a\'-. I 1. l\an~a Cit, ;incl L\!lta I-a1111. :ii"' :.!:! m om rl';io;nn. " • c1,rnfld11ldr1•11 S" r \ 1t'1·' Mn <:: "' ''""" Sr•n 11 r. T hail\d;n 111 :Ill am 11,,111,11 '\11111h·, .\ln1l11a11 l'haprl 0 1:11.1111 ~tr lnl!hilm nlrr Thu:'"'" 'l J> 111 lnl<'llnt•nt ciatrni.: l'at·iftt· \ 11," :'.Ii' 1;111111 Sh1·ph1·1c1 l '1•111rtf'J \ m llrt:ll P<it k \\ ,.,1, hff 'l\fru Sm1111·, \lnrt11w ~ <1111•1'1or' !llHW Flora 1;r:11·1· 71 of l!l!lll tuarv c111 r C"tM" A \;DF:nSO~. Carl Gu~l al. 74. Ponocrosa l'lal·r Costa nf 81f!'l Bia) lock llunt rnc Mc~a Sun t\'rd h~ 'ons \\'JI· tnn Reach S11rv1vecl lw ltam \\ · C'o~ta f\!ri;a . Rob-rn l\·t . \'all NII\''· rednr rl11 usthlers. Mr~-l.lori<1 Ln1~ R1nnc1n. Mrs llulh I I' -RrH•rl~ ~t;i~s \lion R Rarnrs. 4 hrnthcr' :rnrl .l i:r11nrlc·h1lc1rPn SP r' I c· P ~ ,1,1r 1 ( SPl'\'ll'I''\ wrre hrlrt l~rll ~Bro;iclwav \l11rt11ary T11P" I pm PPrl. F arntb C'hap<'I tnll<I\' 2 :lO 11 m In l'olnnr;il ~·11nrral llnmr tPnnrnt llarhrn ll<'~I Mrm \\ f<ICllT Mattu• El1111lwth 1.ral l'ar I. 1'11\'alr trP m:i .Inn"' RO. of 61122 ('anh•1. l111n Brll-H1oatl"a' l\lurt h11ry l'tr<'lr. l111ntmgtnn uarv dnrctors Bra('h Sur\ I\ NI h\ \ons .I SF.LLEHS. Ct>('ll (' 74 or 221\ Mar~hall. OcltP I. \\ allrr r. 11th St . Coi;ta Mesa Sur. I. Kmi.thl. Mrmpllll'. Trnn vivf:'d hv hrolhers Arthur. flaui:htcr. Mr<: II 11th l\l B11rh:ink·. \uthhu rt h llli- Au\lln. A r C' ad I 1• ~rHn nn1' llnc;arv '\rr1v1rr~ Rell- s;:r andrhtldi rn. 1 iir1•:1t-llroa1hl av Mnrt11;ir~· f'hapPI gran<kh1ldrrn S • 1 1 c· r " l'luu ,cf:l\ 7 Pm ltrqu1r111 ""r" hrll! Ttll'" :i p 111 Ma<;c; ~I .lnarh1111 s c'atho Prrk r am1lv 1'1110111;11 1"1111 lie t'hurch 1-'rnla~ 10 00 a rn pral llnme ' C'cmenl:ir) Hrll-1\roadwav BALTZ MOf(..l'l:Mt lES C'nsta Mt>U Ml 6-2-t?I Cnrona dt>I Mar OR 3·~~ BELL BROADWAY MORT UARY uo Broadway, Costa l\Jrsa LI 8-343.1 SM ITHS' MORTI 1\ H \' 627 Main SI .. Huntlnatnn llrarh u : ll..ft539 \\'f:ST('l.IH' \IOllTI \It\' .f!'7 F:. 171h SI .. C'n~la \1ru l\11 .... K81! - l\lort11ary dtrr1·tnrs. ~~r~~~ ~~' FLOWERS I by I --£.~ Flower Shop OR 3-65 13 Tlw '''" 'I ,,,1, I 1111•, :111- n1111n1·Nt 11 \\111dd 11•r '";"'' thr In KC I flt le f• ltl th d;111\ l'•tJll'J 1111111 ·• 111 HI I 1•111 , II "1111d;1\' "'" I 1•111 "ill I f'llt.1111 ;it ~Ill I ••lit' (ti thf• 1111•tt 111w1ltl;111 ,., ,.,, 11111 "rll "" hon1>olNf 111 fill r·pnl' hi•\ 1111tl a :!00-11111 .. 1;td111' 11•1111 '''"' Yt11 I. By Rail Inquiry Into Notes Kl\'\~\~ l'ITY, l\ln 1.'\l't- Thr n11npa1ll\an l't1111>n' ,,_ ~0<·1at u1n. whll h "rP1 l.1'11 the• Tom J'1·nri1•ri.:a<.t 1n ;wh1 nP 111 1'1-40 anrl 111lr·d thf> 1·111 111 ~l'<ll' lf'<'ilpt11rrcl thr m1111n 1- pal gm nnnwnt Trlt'\d;n alt· ('I f1111r _\(';th IO l1r11h•1 11~ 1 anrlulatf' f111 m;i\lir, Jt11, \\ I la\,, df'11·at••r1 I hit 11111 H11111J..l 1rhf 111 lh1· 111·1, l11- d1•11l•11d1·11 t \ ritr1 ' \"1w1a1111n I 'nrnplrt<', 11n11Hwml 11•tt11 n~ rrom Ill" I'll\ ' I.! Ill t'I 1111'1' i:;H e Ila\" a 11· • .rl <•f :! 'IK1 , .. ,,., ~ !11',Jl flt "i.!.fill'.I 1)1111• '! llr~I <ihw11tl'1• h.tllot ~ r 1'111:11°11 111 IW I llllOll•1t 'I hi'\ '.U!I IJf'> t alJ1Jl:1IP1I f•f'lll;I\ . !I of tllf' I'.! UIY ('llJIOf 11 "·ah anrl '" rpt out ;tll lm1 11nr tnPmhrr nf tlw 111ahl11111 111 Uem11t·rat tt latl um• "'h1d1 rapturrd City llall 1n l!lft!J The coalrt111n. wh1('h I 1rrd and hired ei~hl l'lly mana1:c·rs tn four vears. e1Htlrl11 't <,111 VP the c 1t' ·' ~oef11I need Cor more rPvf'ntre Thi• '\1·1" .111d \1111111 'a1rl tht•} IJ;,(j flit fl! I' • llf pl .. n fU 1111'1 l'i"I' I hl'll pr II I' 'I "" I ll•r- a id T 111111111• t lrt' f 1111 rt h 111orn- 111i.: llf'\\ 'Jl:tp1•J h,td I 11 lllllll('- lfr<tlP 1 01111111•111 S1 \VFS \U:rrr Th1> 1""'"1·, ""'" t1·<tch to 11111 and 1t '':t' \fltll;tlh «1·r- l;11n th1•\ \\ 1111111 111· tt1r111nc 11111 paper " lt1111 o.:ht 'I h• p<tpC'f\ hiirl th"" ~tall ' 1111 ld•·ph1111f' iilrrl. and 5 7 rnrlhun 11•,1rl1·1 ~ l11'1lo.e1I lon\alll Ill ll'[!a111111c tht·1r pr 11n1 '11111·1 ,. •ti rnlitt fllilflflll .I 11l11l.1l1flll I •I 1•\ .11 l1•d .ti 1 JI\ fi:tll 1·:111\ tri•lil\ ;" :. \\1':1• •• htrl hiil'I'' \I.I\"' f(11l>1 I I I" \\ <tR"IWI announn·d t h1· I'' .,, 1• paC'I Om· dc>1~1I '"ma1111 d 1 ,111 fl1:at1011 ol the aizr rrnwnl hy thr :r.w nwmli1•1 111 1t11 pli11l•1 <'Oi;!ra\ rr~ 1111111n 1:111 t· r ;11•k l\11 C:111\ .111 l•I • 1d1 Ill ,,, I I .. 1 I rnt:r ""'r' J.111 ;ti I ,, h1·d•il• d Walkouts ,. \111 'i I l'I I 1 •I ti 1r11I <I• l"•I "'•' ~,.," ·~ •• ~'ti 111 r•,., ,,.h .. dtll 1111! II 1 • 1•h I" • l•11l,1\ Irr ;ir111i h1 1 ,,,, • 1 I ' I,, fur 1 ,.. lhl' "';ii.;1• d •• I .t t •I \ 1.1 ·~1M1 0011 ,\fllklll;! lh.1' II I•'· ('11al 111 • le .1111 r, 11• ~i·d thl'Jf rt)l•fl I" "'" d f11tlhl'I ,. 1 n I ,.. 11 • " A r,. 1'11· uh•nl ('t1<1rlf'~ •I•· 1;d11 •• 11111t11 .. 1wrl hi I ah I I I '••I •' ri·r· ot f 11n fh1• l,1h11r I' •I• fl t t \f 11 h1 ~L11Jf It f ' J: •>..I' 11)\ r I I• 1 nt t11d , •r • llllfll<, \\ .11 ..... ,, ftlfl Ill f\llt d•·1· •• , 1..11111!111..: \1111111 b till 1011111t '• ;,11cl nnf' do" n Lown l'.1•" llnr Ser\'irr "':i" c·ut nn .: ' l.n1 , , arr J 111.,: L1.'l1• 111 th. ,,,,., I 111 1 11111111111rr1' /: I t'ITtU 1\t na' ''· 47. •~ an atlornr'. a fnrmt·r rounnl mrmtx>r and a f h·rnuerat llrookl ll'fcl. t; I\ a hll\tnl'\\man. 1111 mrr m1·m- h<·r 11J the· pol11'1· 11.rn1111.'l~111n and a Hep11hlwan I h• fnrm•·rl the I\ \ altc·r h"1n~ thr 111 11c·n·.., 11on1111:itH111 for 111<11111 111 11:11 I' a r;1t1l11 .1l 11111 1n•·1 l1rtL l11d1\ I t ;md p11·1!11·1 .. r1 hr' 1111·11 "'"Id \Ulf• \I' ('I ,f .!t It f ''\ t It , 1 .. 1 I 11111\\Jfl.! 1 11111111 r • tf I .1111 lflll' 11 ,tfflf 111111 'Iii•• t '1t111r1• '""<1,1111111 11111• '11111' 11111\ Ill r11111111 '"'" 1 .1111pi'11 c n' rtqllt11•d h' 1111• 1 II\ • h.uto 1 '" h1 111111 p.1111 ~""· hut lh1·11· ''·" ;i f1•1·l 1n:.: f linr 'IJl'\'j•H 1111.t•fl, lflf ;1' \\ .1111 I \ Th.I\ l I ' • I 1ft n' 111 1111 ll•·roilrl Ir 1111•11· \:11d 11 ·•' II fltr, "'ff• " Ill' t11 I"·"' I ,1fl1Jf1 l\11llld i,,, • 11 1' th1 t11 • ' '••111i.:h1 \1 rtl •r1,. I• Tl 111 d,1 11 111t1111.1 r·d1• ••II ·11.. .. I. • II· ti 1111•111111 I ,f Ill tr 111•1 I• I 11 •• \Ii· r 11r "' :111<1 \1 II I ti I• lllffll ,1'1•rl )II' ti' 1 ' 1 '' 1 ! • 1 I .1 ,. 1111 ,1 n I 1 II •II fllll..' 111,fl h11111 ,If 'J \ tf 1•1f 11 tJff1 J flt• to •It 1·• Id! .. 11fl jH d 111 .. r 1'\!11111 'I h•'I t' I I' II•• 1· •• 1111 f\ '1•111 •• , f'tl'- II 11lflf 'llt.t11 If' thp ll'llf lit• I!\\ 'lllJ 11111'' '... t I I fq f 11 1·1•11d,1111 1 11! .1 "'''' I )1•111r11 r .1111· lt•;1rln,t11p to 11·11l.1<·•· !ht· 1·11n cl111111·1at11111 111 11,.1ch•1 .. 1 lr11ntf , lltl Lt• t1nn.tl """'' \\ hn h;1\I• h••Pn ,1 .. 11i::ct1ni: fnr par'' 1·1111 t111I 'llllt' lhf' l'rnll1•1 [.!,t,I 111- ft·\\ h11t1f .,,,,' •"-"-• ~ " ,. \\ 1l l>d1 ,I'\ r ..._,., ,~ :1, I h 11 flHJ" JJI ·'Hf I 1111 1. 11 111111,. t11~· r • , \F \ I> II \I , \I \' 1• • • pl.111111·11 lw · , •' 111 1'" Tlw < '1t 1ff't" ;inti tlll' I\.\ put t hr I >rrnn1T:ll w f'fld ht inn on t hr ~I.id~ 111 the ~ rh 26 pn ma1' h" rll'lratrnc II l<nr H a ; I I "i-. \th rrl11n~tll'<l 100- pounrl ma\ur T\\11 1"11;1ltt111n ('1tUnt·tl111 ron \\C'flt 1111\\11 \\llh 111111 :inrl ,, th11ll didn't run ~.arl I l Thontrl' an I\ \ C"anclrcla1t• a1111 Ht lll''' H \\.at i..rn, :i l'11 1rrn" l'<1n1hrlat1· h1• C':JOH' lh!' ftr,f \l'l!flll'' rk1 I cd tfl thr 1·1111111·11 'I ht• 1dlt ,1111 ,; ,;," 111,111 , ''" tt ... f11P t 11,10 l•ti> lh11·,tf••P lh1 .l11111nJ I \11, 11 "" \', I '' 1•1 t'llfl,111It111 11,111 • d 11·IPg1ii111 ,, ...,111 I.,, I 1 ,, • ·111• 1•\•" •::: • •'r I, r ~tar .J1111rnal anti I 1111 .. I •l.11 rl ·' f'r "'' <h111111f h,1\ I II • JI' 11 li·rn<; rn p11bll\htn:: 1111111111 • 1 afl1•r1111rm F<·•luH.: "a ,,,,.,., ;uu•".: thr ll1'1!1tlt:lf11r . ·'' ( II\ 11 111 lh:it ltll' flllltr'I' \\•1t1l•f fl• I ht lllC ,lfl\ JllnJ • II I p,11n: I 11lcl .11 11r11nr t• 1 dr Jll I• • I ht< "·'' I'"'"'' :tfl'rl 111 I 11 · •II 1ht· .wfl:l•\l'fll' 111 ll t 1 •.101111111 1 \)•II .rl11111 ti.it .. lo\ f '11' 1fl llfllllfl' llJ\ Ill\ I" Typhoid Epidemic Gets New Victi111 Zl·:HMATT S\\1t zcrlancl I 1'"11 1111111· "''11"' 11·d l"il't'' 1l 'l'I1 -The typhoid £ever were ad1111ll1·1I 101!.f\ to tlll' ep1rlcm1c that broke 0111 rn I tempm ar' h11,p1t.1I ''' 1111 111 this Alpine resort clalmrd 7.crmatt'' '' 110111, Irr 1111:1111: I lw its ttri;I fnrc11in vrctim toclav numh<·r 11t,·11· 111 1:1 \n \1 1m l''rcderck Smith. 2.5, d1rd in spoke!lm:111 p11•1l11 l1·d ;1h11111 a ~uhurha 11 l.nndon hosptal a "hair a d01 .. 11 11'h1 '' 1\ 111ld month aftc•r his rNurn Crom lw hrou~hl 111 11111111 1 I••· "·" Zcrmatt I tr wal' the third Mori' than IOO 1w1 "t" Ir.I\ r· falalrly amon~ the nearly 400 h1'r11 ho~r1tah1Pd 11,., ,. lr111 cas<'s l'rrv1ousl\. t"o Zcr-m11~t lunr ll('l'll 11111\t•tl I•· malt women dted. 11thcr hospitals I The epidemic has made a The re" rcnH11n1111! 1111111''' virtual ghost to"n of Zermatt I rontrnucd dc~rl'11'11ni: lt1 thr ano individual lrdvelers have vallev helO\\ hv 1hc 1111' 11.1!'!., carried the disease to many ra11w'ay which •~ Zcrm.Jtl ; other Western European roun-onl commumcatmn "1th thr trl~ and to the llmtcd States. outside world, Two such casr.~ wen• re-The town'" lari:1·c;1 1111:ht ii J 'I I P•·lrn , . ...,1 1 n 1,11' llllb• t " ,,, ,,1111.tl a ,lfHI \I I\' ( ;, n 1(11111·1 I ,, K1 •11111•d\' f •1111•· I I •·II 1111\ .tit h t11rl.1\ ''1th -.,1 n . J•1h11 I. ,\11 I 'l••ll,1n l >-\r ~ • :q1J•Jll•11tlv In IJ \ t11 ""'" t1·11- "'·ll 111•1" 1'1'11 I •1nt.:rf '' <111•! lfu• l'M ldt'•lll I\\ 1•1 th• Tl X \\ ,,, pl;.111f' lll'fllll'\ \Ir 1'11 llao l'fli11rm:m n 111,, l)opc Rin~ Sn1a~t.~d In l 'ijuana Tl.JI\\\ •l•\1111 l l'I • A mar 11 111lr·1n.it11111al nci1t nl 11 ' ''"lll!~hnl! r 1 n I! "'a' rP pnr l1·rl '\1T1ash1•rl 'e"trt till\ '-'lfh llw ilfll',\l IJI !!I f" IM1fh and ~eizure of mor~ than 11-~ 1111l11nn tn narco\tr·, rlrl\\rnrl1 lur 11.t> I 111ll·d '\Lit• , I 11fuaJ l>r•t '"' .lh•J• I 11'1 inn F;u ,31tl lhr a11 1·,h \11•11• marl!' 111 •1m11l1an1•n11• r .111!... 1n ih11•f' \!1·\11 ;in tw•r•fl·r 1·1111 ' ,J111• f11tll I I ',olrf"I 01,I '' "'' ll,111 nJ II rl ,I !If Ill "·1" I 111 , •.ild ·1111···· .11 . 111.1 r111 , .. d 1llt '' .111d 111• ·•II•''" h• 111d •l•t\A tit• n.1111111' lt.1•1,1 t•rf 'fllll I Cl \\Ill I I• 'I I t \ I fl 11 I ';11 I"• lfld" nt '11.11 q111n ,, i '• u11 •-. 111 h1•11.111 .ind -Jr .!r ,.,, ' 1' t llf •'"I \\t , •• t 1•111 .• ,, •I t ,tt•f, 111 I ti ,1f \It \ I It, .ti•• 11• ,,11d It •t 11, 1••·• I .all \I • •, • • t • •• ?1 ... utf·d h1~•· .t•rl 1t,~ ''"'' ,,, \J,.,w,il1 I 1111 "'" '""1 •" I - pwtcd in St Monty. Ulc ski club. which t•an holcl filMI. had ~sort in the J<:n~hrnnl' M1111n-only :u tnunsls eha dw1111· tn tains in lhf' eastern part of an Italian hrmrl '·"' 111cht S\\ 111crl11nd J\ thrrd <'fl"•' '" The <1trrrt' ,, 1•11• h1 11 • lf'lt under -;tucly to .'l!'f' rf 11 ti; tn thr 12:; Sw1'" 111111' 11,.•d1• .II typhoid and a fourth ca'" rnrpsrnrn \•ho ;111• d1,111l1'< I RECOVER ING -\It~ ll11111llw c:11ndf'r'<'ll IR. E:hl I wa11 prn1·ecl In hr annthrr <11.;. me. taktnl? hlnncl ,amplr'' .11111 Pasr . SI. Monlt. hr;ilth 0£1 11·rr !'l'ard1i n1;t fnr pns~thli· ,111111 "' Dr ll11dolph Von Planla 11a1i1 of thr di~ea~e .,. \ llartfor d. 1 111111 '' all .sr111l1·' ;1' 'h<• ~1111 k., to 11«1\I' lh1rlfo1t1hll\plt.1l 11IH•1 ii h\0-\\l'l'k h1111t \\Ith l\ph111d frvcr \tr, (.1111d1•r,<•111n111r.1<lrd tlw ril,1•,1,t• \\hllr on hc1 hort<'} moon 111 7.1•1 rnnlt, Sw 1l1t•rl.rnd. \ '''t ti• lri• f 1• ! JfJ,t•1-.i ~11~1t t.rn " 111 • ,, •I 11,. u 1.t111 •• n• r"t 111111 1•111111• lfl lq 1111 111• "'·' Tradition \ t I\" If t ' 'j t f1rd I " \II t'l..tl.in r Ir.tu"'"'' 11! 11, • d l,I II'"'" \qlJo ti 1• I'"' I ,1 t11 Uf I tJ'fJt 1.th \ ,t• t1 I" tf'P"' IC\ 111 th•· I,.\ I •1•1• f :1•' ,,'f 111 \ .pd 11 I ;1'lt'd t'f nllf 1( '•d" l•tl \\ ''"'''""' Pr•· 11tr·r11 l\t·nnt•rl\ I l 'I 'I,, t 1•1r r ... ,, '· t • \ ' O· Iv Ii;,• t ,11 1•1 1,.,.,. !•1 t hi· " fw I •flt 1'111 •ti f111• fl a lt;HJ )11'1t t• f I';, 'I I I I 1 I .tll' 1p1\ f1f .. :1 \ ' • II' I .. ''1• ,.,,. h .•. c ta:1r .:•·rl 11,.1t ,,,,. ,. ·' r. 1.111• '"''I.. 1q111n 111· n 1mh•·r 1: r 1 ,., h;11r I 1·1 n .1, 1• • ., I l•I ;i "" r.: 1 1 r ;i• 11nl11t.I.\ :l• "'\1·11· .rl11 ,,. h" ~1111u1m11111 ~,1111 .. \mrnu1n, rrcard tit If' ·l ;tff lllf niloi•r ~ n11•nl11 f n lhl' l're.1111-111 \Ir I ,,.11,,,, '•"I \Ir \,1•1 lf,t fl'•• •11 l 1111., ',, •ldlf' \ 'I \11..'.2•'\lt•d ,1 11,f 111 q lH ,• •II~ t•i.at th'\ uh1 '•f11t111'lt1•• nu 1t t Hi,rr '' \, • tu lJt n_ '1: I t ',tlf pulf h d1111n~ 1ut1p • .: .. t1t1n 1Jt '· I• 'I Ill 1, •II 11) , I i!l1\ ... 1•!,,• 11•·d t • ,1,.11 .tun• 1; • 1 ,, I "I \I ·,.tllJ.t'" I I I I' "'I"•' ··d 1111 1\111 "' I 11 r ' "' nf"•1h \A qtdd t t•f11fhf"*' I 1111 fi.t • flu d l•t •1 1111 I 1111 1 'l 1h1· !'"';"''' n •.. 1111,, 11, _, 1 \\ 1 :·· .. , •• 1.. ···'•: 111 r1 11. f'l,tf I• ;1 11111.: 1.1111· fr 1•·nrl •tf P'• ""'"1'11 •·rt• 11•.111• "o' "'' \I• r:;r:1.111 olld 11,1s lhU.• ~·J.,u m1t w U. ~ b)I name w\ °' \he Hnawr• Ol'c\ TK\(-' 11<1 ,., \lu• rPl'l~n But r.everar et< I l1ffimltl1•I• I I t,• \11 I '• ll.1fl ,1 \I·\ ... I' I •,. f. i· u •• ,, ,. .1nr1 l\r ,.., • I\ \ , •"I · ... th•,, tt·•1 ""' fl! • I I ,. ''·' I I I "l"'llln.• 111 1111• I.tit· .1 I••,, I ' • • ' 1 ""'' II• .cr IO.:'' • 1 1111· I I \ tlr J111l1 I 11p 1t11l11;111 .1111 rt 11.1•'·' • \f1f • , \ f J f' .. 11111,. fi f j t t I• ,,. \ I ' l.1 I ' I· \ ' I· ii I ' \1. '.' • '· I I( I • • •• I I:. ,, \•j• I I. : ,., I .. I \ ,, I"': ,,,1\1111 \I t 1n I I I' *t I• I I• '. .. ' I . .,,, Mott tho,rv9h fo ... §0 ... 1<'\Q A".,1v1tt """' Gu•d•d by Our Copyri9t<i1 Wo'~ ,ti.••h ..-'lut 10 '01nt T11pl• Chu~ '' >9•(1.., '1 tf ~ho _ ;1 IJ)rifll' I J• •• I f. t1111a1 1 .tla' 01flttllt I ,-' .. , . -· I I I I I • f• I "I I I:;.• ' I • >,, I r I ! lfl US ,U,AI( YOU• a(T UINS ou• 1 .. , o ,. t•ondo•il ond r•ot onobh -COM,llH Pa lCf llSlS O 'fNlY 'OSHO 1:01k, Tr:\\ cl H undred~ of Mile<. for Our Sen 1cc- T R 'I . t . S A ~ D F I N 0 0 l ' T \\' H '. ~ MAC FRI.KIL LL I Dln"'OAl ll TU JIUICI fOt I • • OYU 11 fUU -\UICI , .. 1 12393 CHAPMAN AVENUE (JUST WIST OF HAlllOll llVD - ONE Mil£ SOUTH Of DISlltnANDl GA RDEN GROVE • JUhrson 7-2002 •'f f I 'f\'f•t•"1f' lftHf'fr•t tH\.&I :~rn1A""'t" \\,,,,,. '• \tU ('h,,t, nf Puh11 \ui,11•tt1n.a C >rwn Antl ·""''.,.'.,le "'' 11u • 1..H '"·'" 0 9 . t 9 p E ..,, 0 lllCllOlll mmAf' WllCU pe11 a.m. o .m. Y"' 1-ay 110• u1011111 ~·n ''" Appoi••••lllh O"~ ttof Mc•uery -C••• r ••• yo•r C01t\r••i••<• w,. otr o.,ply \feffeiil fo t ••• f"• ,, ... , •. c••"'•'•"' afff4f1•" -~-~--~~----~~-~ /I \ • O.~ .. ~~ealiJJ.g' C~ngressme-n ., • r' WAIHINOTOH (UPI) -the accuAtieM. la • AIUcll Ulle ~;. 9'M>nt Mrlous al· The article. 1igned "by an Dstnmill ... Wllnl to-in SUBQy's P.-... .......... ......... , anonymous Congresaman u -~),... • ~ In· tebded to cut en uawarrmt· 'l'be -"""'9 4'1nt1•ration told to Jack Anderson.'' t-0ld • '91117 ~ • ... Jll'OUI ed rellect.ioll Oft the _,.,. aommlttle, fl*ltpc ln closed of un-ldenUilcd members w)lo law111ar1 ....... that.U..re membtnldp. ' _.. llday Ofl,a~r mat· allegedly sell biOuence:-nlis· • i• ~n •ho Tiiiy 'believed &Mt an Im· ter, •at expected to dlacuu uae public funds, and pad pay- dMilt." ,.rtlal lnQUlry would barn up su,aestlooa U'tat It look lnto rolls A --of members uld ne rectuaJ evidence to 9Upport the matter. Most members approacht.'<i ------the Issue doubtfully Many' , were irked at the lndicatipn 74 lk 'B that one of tbtJr number had a S On erl'•n told tales on h.ls reuow5 and, especially. that he had level· ed In 1ome cases what Continue SoOn WASHINGTON <AP> ~Sec· not 1UJ'Priled the fint Ruak· rwtarJ of State Deu Rut Oobrynfn seaion· did not pro. and lo""'..-duce much. It ii undentud-·-Ambulador Ana-able, tbey l&ld. tbat flrst the tol1 1'. DobrJnia are expect. two men ~bliall the ed to meet apin lD about • IJ'OUOdwork after 11ap of Live weet to cqaUnue Lbe1r ex-moatha 11Dce talks were lut J>loratory talks on Berlin. au-held before probing what lhoritative sources reported can be done to find some today. l>am for formal negoliauons. k I r (J>r 3Jl hour Tuesday al exclusively to Germany m the State Department. T h e I general and to Berlin 1n par- 1e11ion produced nothing new, ticular, olCicials said. T h e y the two beln( satisfied to re-said Dobrynin reiterated the state their governments' well-old Moscow position that a known positions on the Com-peace treaty with Wc:.t Ger- munist-enc1rcled ctty, the many aJJd East Germany be sources saJd. Ctlncluded and that West Ber- Tbe State Department. 1n Im be transformed into a Lost Ship Mystery amounted lo c r l m l n a 1 charges. without identifying his tJl rgets. , "Making such a broadside ~eneralliation, the implk a-! Uon could attach to any· body." said Rep. Porter Jiardy. D-Va ''I suppose in a body this big there have been some vlolaUons of ethi· cal standards But as for the more serious things, I would Hunk the) ar<' rare 1r thcv ever took plal'C at all " · II lhC' 11111u1ry should be made b.' .1 ;.:nq·rnmcnt up<•r<1t1n11s SUlJ(.'Ommttlcc: or V. htdl he IS a member, ~aid today that on further studv he bclie\'<'d th<' b:.uc v.;i-v.·tt hm the )un;.dtl'· tton or th<' admtn1'tratwn t·nmmtlll'l'. whtl'h hand h, ho1a-.c.'kN'ptng mattt•n accordance with long-standing "free" ctt) Rusi.. ~stated practice, lmmedlately arrang-the Allies view that a pea~ ed a briefin& session for the treaty can be concluded only three allies directly Interest-' with a unified Germanv and ed in the fate of the city The that the West would not· aban- British, French, and W e s I don the 2 million Germans German ambassador5 were wbo live 1n West Bertin. scheduled to meet today with The atmosphere, the State Llewellyn Thompson. Rusk's Department reported. was principal adviser on Soviet af-friendly and businesshJ..c "'\o Deepens Hep II H C:rosi.. R-l1t\\d also called for an mqutr) bv the admin1strat1on g r o u p. Some members oI the-eom-....- m11tce planned to raise at to· da~·~ :.cssion the questton of MOB STORMS BRITISH PARLIAMENT v. hrthcr an effort should be mad<' to run rlown t h t Demonstrators prote1t mounting unemployment ~!-:\\ YOHh l Pl \ chari:el> fairs. proposals were exchanged." Officials !>atd the~ \\ere a spoke1man utd 'tlOrld" tdc :.can h for a Dutt h Amoni: thr morr ~c11nu~ ac· p ship v.htth ma\ ha\!' C:OO· cui.atron-. v.a ' that 11ne mcm· orl II µue . ..;(• tacted the m1<..,1ni: Marine bc r had P r O CI t c d S-1 000 Polic<' Local<> Bidault Marine Wins -3attle On Wartime Debt Sulphur QuC'rn '' twine, c·on-thhrough tn\tdc tnfornwtion l.I SRO\ Po1 tui?al t I Pl 1 l at Congn·i.~ \\as to hU\ add-Pon uj!U('\I' r>0hrr toda_\' lo-ductrd h,· thr 1' s c·oaq d J d r I r an or a nf'v. 1011<" n(. c·atPd f 11£1t t\ r Fr tnch undrr· Guard ftl'l' butldm~ ground l<'.idrr c;rorfi?es Bi· A roast <;uard ~poJ..nma n The anonvmou,11 antltnr ,aid dault and r~< ortcd him to disclosed thr \e,irl'h ) f'!>ter-he could name a dOZ<'rt C'on-hc·adq11,1rtcr~ (or qutst1nnmg day anil said the nutch '<'~-!(n•;.i.men who not onlv tal.r .\ pol1cr , pokr,11man said R1- ~rl re11<1rtr<1l\ v. .i • ~<·rn n<'ar the moltrn sulphur tankrr 0 NA R G A. Ill I UPI 1 -Smrth ... ho 1~ no" a rarm-alter 11 hol\tf'd a di~ rr~~ ,ti!· Fonner Manne Nobk. l''r1nk er. saJd he had not been con-nal shon h· hcfore d1~apprar· Smith. who surv1\ed the Ba· cemeod abwt pre' 1ou5 RO\· 1ng off the coa~t or Florida thc1r o,cr,ra:1 \'at atwn• ill rlault who hrad'( an organi- la\pa' rr rxpen r· l1ut r11mr 1;11 111n r](odu ,1tr·rt In fl\ r rthrnw- bark 'hm~ in g a pro(11 · inc Frrni h l'rr,1drnt Charlr.; llr 'aid nnr mcmtx-r rr-d•· 1;a111lr "a' p1cJ..rd up "1th lurnrn,c from Paris pullrd out hi· ~1·< rrt.ir\ r;m 1!1hra11 di a fat roll ol rrancs 1.,,0,.tl an unrl"1 ''""d pl .. l P h' a po- hJm for tht' trip. and <.:On\t'rt· hi 1 '" '"'' '"' wn death march and Japa-emment attempts to <.:01lPct The uad '>ti nattons \\ l'rl' nuc pnson cam~ today a p-its money lte ~aid ht> be· parttctpattnc 1n th<' sean ll t>d them at ldJc..,1ld 1otn a I he' \1rrr l>e1 1c\rd to hil\e r.1d,.11ll 1, rl r1t r a 1 'a , t'nten•d l'ortuga l by planr ~lau1 tle Hcnr .\uuc1 ,.:r1 · ~londa~ n 1ght. usrni: r alse namr' lnr thr flight from Cur the trip lrn111 \!unit h I rt· 1\lun11 h \\r,1 c;crman\ \18 ltl lotfa\' ht\ 14 hr 1r~hn11r-art Sv.1ttcrJ;111d r r Ir ;]\ me S\l 1l 1rrl;11 d IL1d Thr 1\.1-) ra1 nJd I n 1 111 r r bt•cn a 111\ '" '' Fr<'nd1 prrmtr r lt>rt h1i-te111p-B1<1a1111 J1·;11J1' nl 111• n ora r\' ~11nct11a n at Stemr -drri:rnund \,11111n;tl ltr 1 t Jr.i< h out:-HI<' \I 11 n I l h Ill'· :inc •· I ·1111111 ii 1 I \I: ;rnrl l «11'" \\'r,1 Cerman} '' ould ... antC'fl in I 'r ,11'1·r •.1 1 ,. 1:1',. tum 1111l1t1ral as\') um onlv 11orwc1 drlr1mtn•11 '", .11 n 11n 1[ hi' ;!a\(' 11Jl hi~ r11thl ai:arnst '"' lnll d(' l.aull r f':1tnp;11;:n, di' l.aullr n•rh,)p~ 111 \11111 h \mrru 11 Britain Disturbed By Riots l.ONIJ(Jl\ II 1111 -'t:lw 11•• tcr111i: 1111t·111ployml'nl µroh lr111. whtdl ~rt orr a riot al thl' h1111s1·~ ur l'11rli11nw111 looml•J tooay as a m11Jur thre11t to Pm11c Mlmster liar ' old Macm1llan's government The not by an cstlm<1l<'rf 5,000 unemployed yestcrll;,, hrought new demands from the op po:. ct hm Laoor pa1 t' that Mac·mrllan take firm ;u t ron to case the problem The• Ttnll's or London eallt·rl the i.tormlng or the govc•r11 mcnl buildings "the wildc~l mo~t dct<'rmlncd demonstra Iron' o u I s id e Parliamtn• :.inl't' \\"brld War 11. Ttl\' Daily Mall said it v.a thr "biggest threat to Parha- m1•nt" Stnl·e ant1-Cathol1e ri Ill~ Ill I 7llO !\'1111• m1•n wer<' a rrl'i.lrcl and rrwrr I han a .score wrn· tnJUn •!I a (ll'r 'IJll<ld\ or ~i(Jil poltl'f•1111•11 h1 ol-.r up the r111t h<1t'J.. 11111 thmu~h St St1•ph 1·11·, <:alt• 1111' ma in cntrart1 1• In th·· IH"J"'' or l';it l1a11w111 'I'll<' t ro11hle underlrncd on1· 11r ~1 1H;\l 11J,IJ\'' rtlilJnr Jlfllh l1•J11\ Ill ;1 1110~ 11~1 "' .,,Ill" !hilt ha' hml hb. ~ovcrnml'n• n·d111~ 1111 thr past 11\1 1111111t h J\, ol \l.111 It 11 l!ntam h;,d 701 !1:l11 p('r ons 1111t of v. cirlo. 11•pn•,t•n1111.: :1 I per t·ent nl thl' li1l111r flm·r Whtie th1· prrt·t·rtl<iJ:r I itllS ),hort or ltll' Ii 1 p..r l'l'nl uncmploynwnt 111 th1· t '111 11·<1 Statr.;, it •~ run ~1d1 1 N1 "'' ..rr 1n 1111~ htJ?hl\ I 1n<1u•tnal111·1! rnuntrv wh'"" J;!O\ rrn1111•111 ;nm ~ at Cull rm pJO\"ntt•n l Yr'lt•·rrl.I\ ·, 1101 ('rUptr•I follm' tnJ.: ,1 praerful man I 1hrn11,.h London hy worl-.c1 • \1 hn 1·.imr lnlu the e1ty fro 111 rrm11111111·nlh· ~tnckrn arra• 111 11111\hrr 11 Eni:lan<1. S<-ut l:ir11I ;ind \\ ;ilr~ lo d1·111 an•I '' 11rlo. l·'1i;ht1n;.-'t:irtNI v.hr n p11 liir 11'111,rrl In admit tbr rlr11 1111•1ralo1' 111 lhr h1111'e~ ,,r l';irliamrnl lo prr ,r nt thr' 1lrm;111tl Thr no"' ti ~ rrv. ,, l.onrlnn 1101011~ Jlllncd tn 11 r "ncht tn 1411rlo." rlrmon• 1 • ''"" apeared to have weathered came Upset \\1th th~ lat~ Tk Qurria....Mlll ij<'aumont. ... ~ \State ~enl iH d . ~··on 1-t bS.!alti a crew an o\d wartime de wbkh fl'le 1'\m 3') u ya lo l "ii • men ee reu'9 • t9ot· Sen Paul M·~~~ I). pa~ up • •• '""'"olP. Va a'11 •r9hed ti. W .. said he "ould inlroduee "I ha\e no rntent1on of pa'. folio" rng da-. Debri, 1den· a bill In the Senate today ing 11." be said. 'This debt tJfted a~ bernit from th~ tanl.- wh.teh would nullify State De-is 20 years old .. er has lx·en found but 110 Im· partment attempts to collect He sard he thought that a 1~ or i.un 1\ 01' h.i\, lwt-·n '1.4%1 given lo Smith's "1ft' "bad debt after nven vurs p1<·ked up •hen she was stranded rn could not be collected· An Amem dn lr1 1..:t·11•1 th<' Shanghai at the be.1:rnn1nl( or The money .. a gl\f'D a' Sea Lad~ re<rnth r.-r1<1rt<'rl World War II war rt lttf 10 ~lrs Smith and 1l \loo< ,1c..rn1n_ .tivu· .!> sheaf o( $100 9111s. ••'!J11ob 11, tl!S!atl!lieif • a~ ' ':lnr l1te bardllup of vunting Pari( " D1·11 ~~.d~1 \l'ins BhH" Lai' Fi~ht Ol l"I" \JJI \ \ I l Pl I Robt•rt J \ .: .. • d dru~£1•' "110 pro' 1 <I n., •'''l'' arc a l.lrui: "'on 11 , 1111.11 in l'l' 36 days that proved FordS total performance! Smith has rt fll•t'<I tn pa~ the couple '~ c•h1ld artu she m 1lr~ uff Dr' r •r'u.:.. K t\ ttH-debt s11med about J2 prom ti-•.or: Fla \4 hrn rt .i1\ ... •htf1 h 1rii: The Statf' Dt•partmr nl 'dtli notr~ She ,aid shf' "a< .. ,. dead 1n th" 11 .it<·r iii 11 .. .1\ mg f esterday tht\ \\ o u Id ~u~-<urc·d ,1gnini: th<' 111111·' ""' t\\11 hlad t..i J. tr11•11 I• 111 ... ~, ~nd their rCfort' 10 J!<·t the JU•I a form a ht' v. hr< It ind ' .it• ti 11 ,, · ,,f money hark pend m~ ton~1d· .\ ~late dl"pa rtmrnt 'JNl..t··· rnmrnand I 1•1· '' .1 J .. 1d1 •ration or r>ou~la~ bill rnan ~aid ·the .i:O\f•rnmcnt rcport1•rJ an••lt!• • h•1• 11 .. •,NJ ''Thats H•n • J!tli'ld nr\1 ( · ha~ n11 'ho1rr hut 111 ,end 'l'r\ • I, • · 1 rh• r fl' <>n 1a1d Mn Smith · w,. rr vtr: out the ball~· lit ~dtd j!O\· 'l'"C'I 1A 1lh,,,1 • t111•1ttr1::0 ""'1 pleased to ht•ar ti I h<i~ lh<' f'rnmcnt orr1ual• v.rrr IP m= did not an'IA1, I" St•..i I ,41J\ ·, senator\ bill \\On 1 i:rt lo~t to 1..oll<'l I ahout ! ~JO • mil;11 all<'mr·•• 111 1 ,,, 11 n1• ,1,. 111 ln the <'oni:r"'~1nnal 'hurne " rlrt11• 11 thurt \ r,11·1 d.1\ ••fl t hCJrs::r• ot '111l<tl11 : '" •l,1' ta I 11" ldlA. \IC.J •1' II. 1• it ,it •tll'- 1(13••<'' .. ,,. 1. 1·d • 'he 1rr,.1 mr·"t 111 '' rt.111 t •• 1nd 11tlw1 d1 •t'd·t·• .. nrl •tit 'l•1 alrh "' druc• 11 11·1 1 t1r " ,1, ~~Ula ''"" I ,.,1 I I t t J .. ura ROObC\ <'ll, :1 111ghl lorrw ound 1 jo1n11 Pt es ldcnl Kenncdv m applaudtnj! he r fathc1 Franklin 0 . 1too CYf'lt .Jr a/I c 1 hr wa' "·~Orn in <1~ lJ nder - srcr«f111y 1.1( I orrtm <'111• al \\ h1le 11011\I' '1'111'\<lHy Olhc1' !-,en \\'dr 11•n \f,,;:1111 .1111 1 '1111111.1·1, ,. "''' \ L110't1•1 llr>d,1?1• f>1 H1dnrd lhJlon v.r11 •1 tn ~ il'•~t !-1·•1 rt~1 :. H1111r\<'lt. 1 ... 1111~. Mr~ 1111•1 1\l'll I !, ,_ . RIVERSIDE. CAL. January 20 1• ' .. ,, • • , •• • f , •• "I\ 1n 1"''1 I "' : 0"' '"I• 1• .,., , .,,, 11" .0 f1't "' c. IJf\11 u ... c.. ·"l•'f' dt'>•" •• )rd "'•'1'1)0 fl)' , ... ,, ""u t '"'"' f • ~ l "'..i ~".,. r • • • .. .., ""' '"' 1 ' .. ' """ , ... , MONTE CA RLO January 23 ... '\ • t .. "' 11• " ' .,., ' • 1r , '' •• • ,, ,,. "f ;ft 1"11' 111 ., • "' , ,. ',,I\ a, ,, h11 ~z'1 I '0"' _,., 1 •J'lhf ~•111'•t , ... t ~ t -1 ' f 1 I ) j '' 9, 11-1• 'f'li • • p PURE OIL TRIALS January 27 1• ' ' j , •• ll..,.J I p•I'' ,, .... ., f f1 • If' flll ,,. #ti" ,, •" l•t\ thl!. • ,. llfl'I~ • •'t Oji P rr '", ·' r , •' • •, •• ,,,.,,,..,,,ti••" •i..1,. •11"• ,lj • r 11 tt 1 I f ~"I ~ f t *' """ ,.., ..... , •• •· 1 '\f ••• , • DAYTONA. FLA February 24 I•,' t 111 "it'<)tt' •H ""''°' •",. ,_ I •' J t utd tflW ff\f ''' • ""'• ('I 1·• ' " " ( h~ .,, k '"" 1"i..CNll ''• • lfl , ... •">I'd .... , •••••• ,ti! .. 0' ' tt • f fJ' '°""' p•r• '''f:l "'"t 1• 6'" r4 ~t'.111 ti..•••'",. Ill: •• ""'., ••••• '\~lllt .•. and here are the 63 Y2 s that gave total proof of Fords durability and handling! ltJ. 1, A ,, t 4 \ t1 t lJ '{J1 f 'ltlt) f (•qt fJ ,i •• 10 "'"I ''" ·~" I. tii.11 'o.;up, 111 Ilic ' lo I Pl ' ~1·d 111 ,, IJl I (1 f '11tl .. ''"'"'· 011 , '"''1"'11 mou111 ... n roAd 1•11 "''"''•A • 1m;Hirt.i• I to\''" Ori•,,, \l1pp1 "''1111 ,n1111l'1d lhr~•nd n1 111~rl.thdo1\ 111 .. 1 pl.1• •·ii I ,. f 11 rf·, n• ti 11nnr 1n .,,,f).t lCJ! ... I,,, h, • .,, ,,,, 1u "'""' (Jot• h .,lr· I'"' I 1111 ''' I\"'' Ir 111111 t.or 1 ,., ,, 1 \ r111111•1(• ,,. " 11<ilci1111hr11r1 tl1·uu;;l1 \r'A' (tf ,,,ir,p1Lf '•'" t,,.,,. ,,,. 11 ~ A\ IJ1 4Ult1Ufly IJ,,l,1111 I of A f Alf ftl1 \ \lqt 1• ( ,11 '11 \ II 0 1hr 1· .,. • '• 1 ''"'P' t1l1<111 • ,,, "lu11111d 111 h• A '~11'•11 101d I •I' .11,, f 111d I\ lft1 h.: \\Hlfll 1' ...... ll ., , ... ••t• ~ " t t -I'' V'i•f'f "" · • <¥••.,.. II 11'1 rord-bu1ll. 11'1 built for perlcwmenu , •. I.!.!!,! perlormonu 1 FORD TEST-DRIVE THESE TOTAL PERFORMANCE CARS AT YOUR FO RD DEALER'S TODAY! -. , . .. . _ _,,,,-/ 1·.;., s ...... Knight's Action 1 ' Tl-oubles Rocky 1 WA~lll:'\t ,'I'<>~ tt\l't 1:u, Nt'li.on A lt11dwl1•ll1·1 1~ lrnv. rn1-: 1>olit1<:11t t'lul111 J1111111111r t 11111hlcs \\ 111•11· Ill' l!'a~I "Jrtl:. them -in (':ahfu1111<1 111 "" •, lfllC8t for tlw HIM (;()I• pr·1·" ch•1111al num111utio11 The .Nrw \'111 k 1:11\t't llm tr 11•11 'fllf'\llav tu kr1111 I.. tluw11 n st11k1· ra1~1·(1 hv lor 1111•1 ( :ov I ;1111dw111 .I I\ 111~ht "h11 111111111 ltl.r tu hrml .1 Hm 1,,.11·1!1•1 1 ilrles.:atr ~lali· 111 111•\I ,,.,,,., Cal1furnr;1 pt 1111~11'\ 'l'hr i:: o \ 1· 1 11 o r 1 allt·d Knr i!ht'i. 11rn11• '""'"!: up a n uekt•ft'llt·r-101 I 'l'f•\tdt•fll Ill s.::r111z;rt1on rn ( ',1hl11rn1a .rn Shots Rip Residence Of Negro (;fU·;~NWOOI), Miss II l'l t -Two shotl(un blasts <>arh todav ri~to the h11mr or the t ~t.hl'r of\ a Negro r 1•· ccnlly denied 11dmi11sion tu 1 ltr 5 l!naversity of M1ss1ssipp1 IL wah lhc l:Jtcst or a scr11·' of violent int 1dcnl!! 1n this t 9· twll\ -trouhlcd Oclta tu"'" ~poi led 'ru na Killed f~air N1; .>ne was tnJ ured by I he hlH:.ts which shllllercd glash in a front door and window at the horn<' of Dc"-CY Greene ~r lath!•/ ur Dt>\\I')' C.n•1•J)1• \\ ASI II NC TON 1 l'f' I I u11authur111·tl :ll'l 11111. '""' thJt The i.:ovcrn111c111 ~did ~ l'~ll·t • < ;11·e11e dC:11mcd hr "a:. I drpl11rr \~l..1•d ;11 a lit "'~ day 11 was t·o11\lnc:ed th11t a l11rr1l'd down Jan, 31 becau~c 1·onfc11•t11·1• Ill i\lh;in\ 1( ht• • rurc l.¥pc of lour! poi:.1111111).! of hts rllCI', but UOIVerslly OI· wa~ rc•p1ullat1n1-: lh1• Kn11~ht in J :.ini;:ll• l':.in ol tuna fi.,h ficwls said he y.3,., denied a<I · 1110vc·nwnt. Hcwkrll'llrr 1 r 111~ ~...,,., ki lled two Dt-trorl wom1•n mu;sion because his academic rrphed: "I don't kn1111 l11rn I DISTURBED (;eorf,(c P. Larrick. commis-re<:urd was unacceptable Thr l'an i::o any lurthrr." Gov. Rockefeller s111ner or lhe "'ood ancl Drni:: cage is now pending rn the l 11 Los An1-:dc~. l\r111:ht .,;.,1d /\1lm1nrstration I !-'DA 1. said courts. . , , .' I . ~. IJe1111i• tlie /flenace Volcano Death Toll Now Listed at 1, 600 D~Nf'A!'!AH. Ral1. lndi,nt hy the deadly eruption l)f ~1·f1r· 1-ela 1UPI 1 The ('h1rr "' the I Ing lava from GunWI& .\gun;: 1 Indo.1esian HNI Cro~' said 111-volcano last w~k. (lay 1n thr 1·ap1tal of ./ak:.irt;i tlliUJ.c~mW.Y I that the official death toll 1n Sunday's volcanic.. rruplll)n OHtt·1al esllmates plat•Prl the death loll at about 1,500 Bul thousands of villagers on this rablcd island were ~lill mis!>JOI( and offic1ali1 feare1I on Bali sl1Xxl at I ,fl(t) Mrs B Abdul H a ~ m a n· the count would jump highrr made lrer \lalement after n'-as b<telte.s tontlnued ~ tak CJl fn1m the rubble or llP strayed Lawns and temple~ turnrni: to .Jak;irta from a v1. sit here, where ten~ of thou· sands or rrfuJ!t-es 11wampcd emergen<'y !ceding station., to I share relier supplle11 rlistrib· ulcd bv lhP lntrrnat11inal Hcd Cro!>li Mrs Hahman ~a1cl 200 per- sons havl' b<·en h11\111tal1ied and 75,000 others ,., atuatrd tJJ ~afer Circa \ She added thi.lt 11·1J1·r ">UP· plies now were ht:'~1nnrng tti <'Omt> rn from man\ < oun-trtc·~. tndudrn.t: the" ~;vret 1 ·n. inn, the Ph1l111pme~. Austral· ia and the Netherland\ Offlc1als called !>t.p Ire~ of • n . me 1crnc~ Be a Good Neighbor H you are a newcomer. or know of a newcomer to Costa Mesa, do her a favor by calling llclc~ Kissel. the Costa Mesa Hoste~-. I between 8 and IO a 'm 1 and she wul l·all un vc.ur fri~nd with rnfor· mation and gifts from THE he 111tcnr1'1 to go al1ratl .....,,._~·;an~v~c~·a~t1~g~a¥,li~on~11~nl!!d~la~bo~ra~t~n~ry~~C~c~o~rg~c=G~r:~o~nA~11~,:~l'I'.:;, :a~":ot~e:r---Hockefeller rl1srloi;~ thtt~tttttit:bn:i h 11 ~ t pluu~cd lt·sls Justify the conclusion" reg1 Ntratwn w11rker and broth· he liacl l'llflf<'nNI Ill' t1•k•pho11t• :o;inct: i'txon farl<:d tu um.cal that the women died from t•:1t· l'r of Ocwcv Grc<'nc .Ir . said \lore Bar~ainM By Far so far woerully '1narll!q11ate 1'1 the need. Tliev ~ent out nrw appf'als lor he.Ip rn nmng for thuu~ands 11f B a I 1 n e s ,. friendly Merchants "1th r111 m<·r \'11•r I 'n·~1dent l.11u"11 la:.t Nuvcmbcr tnf.( tuna fr sh eontan11n:itrd the !>hoti. 1\ ere fired from a H1d1ard ~I ,\ "'"' 1111 nwr c11n.,l·n·::it '"e:. ,eek111g to "tth type E hot ult nu:. twon 1·ar Y.h1ch folio" <'<I /um home. W~th UAILY PILOT Classified Ads! :-,en \\'ilf1.i111 l\111mland ;ind t:11. .. 11\l'r th<: pllrty m;icl11n- fllr111r r i\1;iy"r I ;1•111 gt ('ht rs 1•1 ,. Jrtll it~ :Jppendagl'' most· tupllrr of ~an F t ;1111·h111 h Jrt· JgJin.,1 Hol'kl'fdle1 llr sdld JI! aJ:ri•rcl thnt 1'111· · Nl\1111 r 1· e r n t I v l'i.lllrd ph.J.,l'i mm 'h1111ld h1• put tlfl Ho1·ht'ldl1•r tht' froul runr11•1 111111} tnl! .rnd ,111·ni.:th1•11111i.: ;in11111g thu)(' \\Ito 111!1\' l1r I 'altlor n1J <;1 IP f111 t·1·~ ri111 1111 i.I' <.tllJlilt· tor lht• r111mrnat1011 dt·l'1d1n1-: un l'.lf. I 1 .ir11l11t:.i11· \\ lu·thcr :'\ 1xun e::in i.uc:c:c~s I.di out 111 th1~ 1·1111 ,ullatron fully r eclairn a po~1t1on of wus COi' S1•n. Thom a~ II party leadership in the stat <' K1whd, \\ho ""n rt .. t·h•1·t111n remains to hr dcmonstratf'd b" a 714 ()()(• vote mars:in lasl n ockcfcller's people would y1·.1r 11111·11 :'\1xnn ";1~ dl'll'al pr i•lt•r 1wt to ha' 1• lo lt<•t on 11 NI ttt h1 ht<I lo 11n .... •a1 I l1·m11. at 1111.., point 'I ht•v "11111<1 ltl..r n ,1111· ';m 1-: ti rrt 11 n ti t: 111 hall' the dust ~ettlr a hrl H11rnn Tlwrl' an· ,1m1lar '1111.111nn~ l\11d1d h.1 . llt't'Jl l.i l'J•llt.J.: "' tJllitr ·late:.. l 1l1•r1l~ of ht <1\\rl 1•1r111 t'I ah11111 "hor11 vohmt1•t1. :ire availJhlt• \\ho h1 t n 11r 1•11 lh• l'llil 11111111rr.1 \\1111111 Iii..!' 111 grab 1111 :'\rw 111111• 1:111 I 1· c • r11' 11!-d\ 111 y.,1,. i.:11\t·rnor's bat1d\\,Jgo11 h.111 .J pl.wr .11111111i.: ~1.111• on tier d1:.rnc:r lhr" might ill') .. ~·""' "I" "ill 1·:"1 .1 \\ 111 I up a-top man 111 thf'tr h1111 li.-1llot l••IJI ;11 lhe p.11 :.t.ilt urga n1.tJt1011 .iltl'I th<' I\ 11nm1n:111n1-: c on\1•nt1fln n11m111a1111i: c·onventlon Kurhrl drdrnrrl Mmmrnl on If Im California at'twn ur tltr H0t·J,l'f1•1lrr '~ (lr,1rr to Irr a paltrrn. thr i:m rrnor i-1.1, dr ar ol t hr rnt rapar h I' cll'lerrn rnrd tn ~hont tin" n 111• lo•r rn111 \\1111 h I 'ahfor 111 1 1wh am b1J 1nn' / --- •/ ,,./ ' \. GE q BER STR AINED - BABY FOOD 12 FOR MARSHBURN 'S TOPPED 1 11 CARROTS I U.S. NO. 1 BROWN I J gG~HtQJ~ s POTATOES 1 LB . CELLO PKG. 3 3 LI l-'°'2 wrl!n1·hed nut of their homrs 1 ----,--~----- F 0 I Arabian King Saud Said Seriously Ill ·,,.- . 89' LARGE JUICY WHITE 11 I CiRAPEFRUIT BASKET VERY ILL Arctb1.-.·, King s.,ud .E~tc~ J 11 r~ StiJJ Out~ V c rdi«I l)1u' I ;1. l'i\:O.<I. J ,., • t P l 1-Tiu• 1111' 1n Rillie ~ol I· .;ti's mull 1. n11ll11111-1l11lla1 111.111 11 Ju1t 11 1111 t:H tlll't :.ilNf n•·ar \\ 10 hour' y1· 11·1<1:n thrn 11'11rrr1 la.1 nr •hr "1lh1111t r 1'.11 h111c ,1 't•r 11111 I Itel \\('JI' 1111:1".ll'( I• 11·' t h11 I cll'11•11" '' 1tri1•,:; Jr.id 111 I'll JI fl' ll•d Ill fOlllH'< 111111 \\ llh ,I "' llldh• IJ\ 011• It • I t1111 I , , l'llUI• lt111111 lo\\ II !\IC!-.. Ffllllll'. IL Pl I - Kini: Saud of Saudi Arabia, "'ho~c annual lfll'11me 15 e · timat<'d al S..'l(Xl m1lhon t111J,I\ wa' r<'f)Urted 'wt 111u\h tll Crom a 'ancl~ 11f ;i1lmr111 ltrltahlr ~uurn" 1 t•11111 l1 ii th<'t t• •~ nn 11nmrd1<1tr le.Jr t11r lhe tit \rJt uld monarch'< lifr l1u1 th1•\ ,<11d h" trottbh JI e , umpl1l'3lt'd b~ a d"111, l111a· 11011 tn !11llow tlOl'IHr~· arl\ I\ I' \ t10 11•11 ph\ ,wi;rn, "t•tt• rl" ,J, to ru h tu ht ''de· 11 "'" 1·~ .in tu tr«' JI tht· ••flf'l'l' 111 .ttlllh'rth 1111 Ill trll'l1tdt• :J "'"'I. hrart ;i b;.irt hH•r d til•M•I 11111<hl111ri amt J ,111111.i \11 "') i:l'll trnt \\ ·" ru .. h1·d to tlw 11111nart h'~ 1 lnM·h ~11.1nh·1J holrl 111tc fJ,I 111_11• ·11.1• ,11111• ,., -aid "'"''" •JI 1tw liO p('r ... rm~ in 1'a11•' ' 111o , tour,, r,l '' 1 rt• .,t•en l'P 1n.: .inrl ~nrrl 1 r , 111 a' "' 'Ir• 1111- 11do1 01 I ht hotel "lwr r lie h.i, 11·"·1' 1·1l .rn 1·n1111 r luor 11111 p.1 I I of ;inol hrr \ 'llOkt 111.in 1 1r 1 he '"'JI hou"•h11ld ~aid o\\'l!l'J1 "ll' lt10111:ht in l11·e11u~c ot tlw 1ni.:·, a ... 1h111a .\ ,011r l'e do,(' lo the ro:yal hu11~<'hr1ld ~aid the ta!lk lal'· 111/.! 1lw kini:'s ph)si<.:rnns ap ro<·J1<.'tl t·umµlic:atcd hy at - lcmpt<1 to treat onr of h1' a1lrm•11b '<'lthnut a1ucra,Jt1nit the others Hrlwhle w u1 l't.:-' '<1111 rltw 111r, h;n t· a1hl<1rd Saud th "alC'h h1s d1el and sk1•r 1'11•;11 of mro t~. falb and ~olt Ll3J Wou't Fight JFK '-:I.\\ HlllK 1 l l'l 1 -\'1<.:r I '1. II fl•\ I I I l'11•,1<J1•11t Lvndflrt 1 . o lll.!lon I•. I. rC111 h II.it lit1.ill ,;rid l:i•I 11tl!lrl ht• tl111•• 1111t r11r1111·1 pilol l11f 1;,,,., \\Ill• f'l.111 111 "'Pk Ill(' l lt•1tt1>l'l,1l1l' al•u did c;11 J11•11lr) "u' I... '~llll pn·~ld1•nllal nom111a11on 111 d1ar ~1'<1 "'11h µ11,,in c wo111t 1116-1 (~ I I .. ,. $HJ and ~20 dll't·i.., l'hc .J111t11~011. 111 a lt•h•\ '"' in· ' ' tt'r\'trw, al~o '!Rid he "rlo 1bt· I ll.·1r ..... ~ r1 I' not I llflJll I It t1 d h Ill .. r r d ... " " NI 'ht• a VIS& I ':' Rt. en !i t1l (·:~ll'!\ wh11 flUl him Ill the rll<:C dur-1 1-:,t •'\ Jtliit Ill'~ John t> inrz thr t9fl0 part y 1·orwenlion. """ 1 told 1hr Jui' 111 111' I duln't f<'cl I "ll" a 1·an· 1 111~1 ni: ,., i.:111111!111 thot «111 ly didal1• I didn't ~o into any II.ti tm;u1 " ;i rarp1•11l1•1 11,t'L or the primarir"I. I rtidn'I ltO likr ,,1,. l.11111 JllU :O.L111111 uni 1111d a~k <In) d1•ll·~al11111\ BLUE SEAL ~ ~/ OLEO {',.,,,~11 J Pound IJ \,, Packages ~-( ,1 .. /J-------N A Y L 0 R'S GRADE 'AA ' ~ LARGE (j _/, ECiCiS ~~1 c ( , 39doz. -~ ( ,, '!i CERTIFIED LARGE WHITE BREAD 5 Cello lonv11 1.00 C & H HAMLET PORK LUNCHEON MEAT SUGAR 5 ~~G 47' HERSHEY'S INST ANT COCOA MIX 12 oz CAN 2 LB. 6 OZ CAN CLJCOUOT CLUB BEVERAGES 2 QU ARTS FOR 25' COMET CLEANSER REG . SIZE CAN LEAN EASTERN BONE LESS PORK BUTTS EXTRA LEAN BULK (Our Own) PORK SAUSAGE USDA CHOICE CHUCK --Johnson 's Giant 9 " Sizc---------1 FRUIT PIES PRIME FROZEN VEGETABLES CARNATION FILLET OF PERCH or COD 49~. LB. PKG. BOLOGNA BY THE Pl ECE 33~ LUii 69 GROUND ROUND ~ GROUND CHUCK 59~ Fresh Lean GROUND BEEF 3 lbs •o· 1.00 BREAKFAST SPECIAL SLICED BACON BORDEN'S SLICED CHEESE S~1:1Ptcg. HARVEST MOON -2 Lb. Jar PURE HONEY ... ,,, .... U"f•• Ill'\' W•t• KOT EX RICE MIX ... 49~ 'wR·A;,~·--,, '' .... 26~ .""'"'"" 11 ., e41.t HYDROX ·s"coiT TOWELS 31 ¢ .., HI C W•tol THINS 66¢ 25~ 33~ BILLS RANCH MARKET ·1·111• 1111 , rc:-.11111<'' 1tl'11IH•1 .1 to t·om1111t them~elvei; to mr .. I I 1 PRICES EFFECTIVE 111111 tn<la~ ;11111 a "'' .111 I ,1 .11> 111 t!lf'll I 11· 't('t' pr .. ,11 <'D , 17th AND NEWPORT MESA BLVD., COSTA CORNER r~111•1.,,.,, 1,. hr h:111d1•tl '.'''"' n '111<1 I Thurs., Fri.. S•t., Sun. 1,, (Nlrr .ii lt11ll:•' ll '"" 1111: >\r11I I lt,1\ ,. 1111 pl.u" In tin i ______________________ M .. 1;.r,;. • .:2.:8;.· .,:2~9,:., .:3.:0,;.• ,:3.;,I _______________________________________ ~ Thom;i~on ~ c·111irt 1 bll 1111"' '· .\ \ -JI IACRAMENTO (AP) '10.000 ~moc11Uc volun~ "'9 lleplblican te1ialatora. into the field In Los Angeles Ill u opn challenie to A.-right t>erore the November ~ Speaker J ust M. elecUon The workers got Unll. toct.y demanded a SlO eech. ~ lnveatf&alion" of the PATRIOTIC Dt'T\' Uil of paid precinct workers '-Callforn1a'1 19S2 election. I Tom Carvey. CDC' pres•· Obviouafy a 1 m e d al Un· Jent. latPr chat 1ted that Un· f ~ DemocraUc campaign j •uh attempted to symbOlitc ~. a joint statement by ~mocr :itic s t r e n g t h by Anemblymen w i I 11 8 m T. t ,;ending an armored c::11 1 Bqley R-San Rafael. and hrm hcadqun11ers to head· Kou~ I. Flournoy , R.Clare quarters to pay for what IQOflt said bluntly: heretofore has been a palrt· 1 •'The practice of some par· I otk duty ·· ty poUUclana of paymg pre· Paul 7.iffren of Be\'erty ~ workers, and m effect INls. former ~emocrat1c na· ~ Pl6'tng for votes must !Jo llonal cormn1t1Pcman. also .topped In Callfor~a " Sf!\'ere~y crilicizPd l 1niuh's opE'rat1on DllAFT RESOLUTION Unruh, a growing po"er m Bas ley and Flournoy draft· 1 the party, has steadfastly de· ed a resolution calling for an fended his campaign effort AJaembly interim committee I He contends there ts "noth· atedy to find out: fs the praL'-1 in~ wrong, either morally ir I Uce leeal! Is further lectsla· J>Olitically," in the pract1ee lion needed to "protect lhf! Tht As~embly s~al..er said pUblic Jn future elections '.'" I the SIO pa~ ment merely <'0' · .......... (Ultl Tt1toa..101 Braden -------------- Senate Objection See Ills on Wane \. SACilAMF.NTO I Ar l ·ohd. oppos111on to the rr·BJl· pomtmcnt of Th o m a 11 W. Hrnflrn to the S1<1te ~:duc·a· Iron Hoard -1f rt e' rr dul •'\l~l :ip1)f'ar!I to hP \\an· 111~ 111 thr SrnarP l·:\f'n SP11 .lad.. Schr:i1fr . It I ll'I ~lar . Hrach'n ·~ 1'111cf 1111'. ;wkn~111 h•d1:1·tl hr 1111, 1 l'.tl d talk in 1111' 11pp<'r huu'r th:it hP mov no loni.:er hr 1·rr· ta111 In bltwk 1·011llrr11at1nn 11f t h l' -!fl '"'' r nit! t h'f'1tn,1t11• p11hllshe1: Sd1rall<' ;ili.o toh1 a report- l'I' hP "wouldn't ht• Siii" pn,cd" 1f thP Srnate Huie~ Comn11ttN• romrs up v.rth rt fovor~thle rernmmonc1;,itinn • tor Hraclt•n. p•J:.,1bly Thurs- do~ "If anv or my rtepuhlll':lll cnllcagurs :it e hat·k111i.: olf. I'm not," he i;a11l "I II .i:rt 1m1i;:hrr \\hen this thin)! h1;s tla• Srnate rloor T h " r ,, s plPnty more I <·an ~a~· " Tht> ~.in DrP~n <'ount v '<'II· alor 8!'l'llliPd RrallPn nr h1•11tl! partr~an ;rnd 11np:itr1011c· :it a R 11 IP s Comm11tre hPanng l;i,l \\rrk Rradrn appc•:irrrt at thP hNnn~ to drfrnd l11m· self I Later, t '11mm1llrP l'hair· of n c'BM' aJ(alno,t B1 1H11•11 Rum\ l11dn't sa\' 1\(1" he \1 nuld \Olr 1111 the commJ.t: 11•1" :J 2 l>rmm·r:it1c·. hut Ins sl:tlPnwnt 'Pokr for itself 'l'hr Srn:itr nwjorily lpacl· 1•1 ·~ , rt•\\ appl'a1·s wr cll•ly hl'ltl & in thr SPn;iCe \1here 1hrre's OAll Y 1'1~01 "l:W> Po Wed., Much 27, 19bl :1 grnrrnl r rl'11 n(.t. ill least 11 111 o n I! I hr 'l.7 l>enult·rals. lh.11 llr<1cll'n·~ n··upp111ntmrnt " rn 1h1> hal! Srnalr 1·nnf11 • ...-• ') .-l(t•t( 1111.1110 11 v.111 l'Nfllll'f' '.!.7 VOIE'~. -''-r-'! '-Biuoo t""I "ll lonl-.s 111..e the Huie" !'Oll1nl ltll'l' i" l'Ollllnj! 011 1 for lir11drn." said !\en \' i r g 1 I O'Sulll\ an. ll \\'1ll1ams "Yoir don't 11\1•1 nde a com - m1lll'l' I\ h<'n 11 \ dorn1t its Jllh B r a d t' n will lw l'Oll· firmed .. Srn Thoma;. ~I lkrs. 11· l,ropo~cd S.\CTI -\~11-:'\\TO ll1ngo 1' ilh·i:tal 111 Callforrua . hut II s pl<nrd llP\l't lht>IPl\,, <;.I\' 1\,st•mbh man Al.in Pc1t lt·r. H Salina~ Lt" ,\n).!l•h•:-, \.tld 111ad 111111 - llll! 11ito tu~ nffl('I' ,1111•p lhP 111" hill In makP b1nJ(n !01 Hradrn hear 1ng 1., ~·-I in f "'or rhanl v ll'!!:tl gu t hJck 1n~ 11( l'nnfrr m atwn hut hrforc T11rS<ti1v from (;pnrl(P H. Rr1l· \Iii" :!-I ai::tm~t I\. a mrnihl'I nf thP StalP · I <ICln'I <,;ee lu111 thr rtrpuh Boar d of J-:qualt1at111n 111 a11s \\Ill Ix> ahlr to \'Ill •' a~ 1(1•1ll v tnltl thP A<\~Prnhl) :i hloc· :ii.:;i111;t ronfrr m:itwn.·· C"r1n11na l f'rn<'PdurP Commit h1• c;<ur1 "Therr's pral·t1tall\ 1 IPP thill Pallf•p's bill woulr1 n(1lh1nj! tn JU<.\lf) ll .. rnd thr hyf)l)('rl~Y or local Srn. I lnn;,ilrl I. t:rnn~k v. fl. law pnfnrr1•mPnt ai:trnc1r\ \\;1t-;on\1llr. i.:i1d hr t1d1·,n·1 \\h1t·h OO\\ allow ~omP i:tro1111~ rhink thr I:\ Hrp11hl1r·ans v.111 to play hini:to "hilt other• \otr a~ a hlur hut .;;11rt that c:in't The two Republicans of ered baby-sitter and tra'f'I · Cered. DO cues• on chances or I .expenses . that the doorbell· 1.wn& the request through r I n g I n g dm1t' espe<'1ally I tJw A.uembly, 52--28 Demo· brought out minorit" gi:oup~ era tic. But they said frankly \\ho otllPn'lst \\ ouldn 't ha' P U.ey offered ll Just pnor to voted. JURY SENTENCES COUPLE TO DIE rn:rn llu.i:h 0 H111 n~ )) 1-'1 e· nn. ~aid 11 d1d11't aprw:ir rn h1111 that Sl·hra<le madr murh lhr ll rm n l r a l s :irf• 1h11v • 1;1\,. r \rrvnnP a chanrP " houncl In do 110 to proll'l'I thP <;;11d l<r1ll). "ho ~aid hP \\a• Brow11 arl1111n1strnlinn ll'st1f) 1ng a~ a pn\'ate r1 tizrn tlte at.ale convention of the \SK Sl'PPORT' California Democratic Coun· "There \\ould ha'e been rio Democratr<' .i<'ll\ 1ty in !\egro area~ \\ 11hout th ~ operation ... he said Relph Kroeger, 'landing, and w if• lv1 have g11 ch1mber date cU in Bakersfield th11 wPek· f'nd in order to aUr up dts<'US· aJon ben.'eeft rlvaJ factions CDC leaders oppose t he paid precinct ,.·orker system. aid the issue i• exp«ted to ceuse (ireworka al the CDC mteling Unruh headed a get-out·lht· ~e drive 1.11 "tuch he put 1 er In lette rs to Zlffrr•o a1 J Car\'ey. Baclr'' ur$:etl t he l\\O Democrat~ to i-upport th, proposed rcsolut1t1n hcfo1 e the A~•I mbly n111r~ 1 1 Jlllll • Kroegers Sentence.d 1"'o Death Senate Group Kills S.\ \ fR:\ '-C'I<:;(() I ltPI - A superior l'()Ur. Jllr\' ruled ye.,IP1da~ that Ralph and l\'a Krl><' ~l·r mu\I en to lht' gas chainb,•r for the ~tr ani:uJ;u1on •!1;\11 ~ nf a !\~inta lto~a rnu- P t "1 05e bod1r~ "rrP found h1.rred m the ba,emrnt ol the County Districting SACRAME:\'TO (lPll A bill requmng reappor· uonment of cou.nty ~upeP 1~· ortal dlstncls l'' ~· 10 'Pars on the basis of pup11lauon ~•s lulled yesterday in ~n- -i=::·~~cd"--Thar -na ptfuae might 11\iS~lf' ui;>. the lei1Slature Wa~C'd ~­ ltrlclS ba~ed solely on popu· lation. The court~ Sen Edwm J. Re~an. 0 -\\ra'C'· ville. v.arned. m1(:ht thrn •" de:r reapportJonment ot thr stale Senale on the s a m P irounds Reg&D . 1 loni:t1r11e l"l' 1°1 Senate rcapportronn r 11• h 1l the [Jghl aga1ml a bi.I :1n•J a coculltullonal amcn<lri1t"n' 1• • troduced b) Scon ( 1.ir" L Bradley. R-San Jo~c After ll<1tc11J\11t to t<' t : 1 .,, that Bra<lle\ ~ mca5Jrc' .i.1"r 11med al 'ending r \I t r.: minonl\' control or l n 1: •• boards ·of ~UJ>E'f\ ~or• I~ of California \ lll rm.nt11 • llei:an launll1ed a .11.,111 •• :. ud. Th• court• he •a1C: : :: 6e1· a (a\'or<ibl• ~nat1 a• le;:1~lall' r intent " •1nr 111 a !-. ·111 c:r 1 honw r:c~ n Tt'IC'Hrd In ' \ ' ' .. t • II t ne rulrnc I' 1arr1rJ out e.H /l or v. hie h tont.enll l"cll tlit H·\ rar-old grandmother lhr "enate' c u r r r 11 l .u:J he; ht>dcarrler husband. seo1trapblcal tl\ltrlbu\\on ol ak tA ..._ .~. n t ..... b d sec1ts '11Jlatr~ the 1 · "\.. 61~ . " ~"'Ju...,.( ""'t .. t ,..rs .,""11 1an • , a u \\I E' .., r;e P\Cl u:c• 1n slltut.on Lo~ ,\J1~elc\ Couri.). C l l 1• •1c1 r the \U1l• oru:inalNI. 0 ' 1J: nia :1.,. u1 p< r n nl uf t ~1 ,tdt C .. \ J·•r' of P~ht "omr n and popuJ;it 11111 but onh nnr ,, .i: fuu1 •1 ,. 11 "h11 h had I o1md Ilic r.•.1dl C'' rnea,u:e~ "ou.tJ l\•o•.r1' s:ult' 111 I q de- hd \l' f'•/t.trl'd lhc· 1 ui.1nt1• ci r• 11,urder and rul1•r1 tha t Ill lll'J ll' 'll'l'f\ 1"111'' 11 ' 1. d .... , ,,1 IE' JO Pclrller l1 1t'' WI' It •J' 1:Jlil•I' -'\ nr.;, , , 1111 .. t J' ;i ,, 11. It:•' pll;, • 11' r illlfo• r 10 ' tl.rPr 1~•1•11l;;t,11n ul .u ·1 11 · I trrdl ~·ler11 retu?r • l the 11 t• 1111 l h.1 "' .1rl '• t • 1 1·•·11,.,: 1 •I• I a!trr v •\rn 11' l,.f• ,i' I J'' 1') pf .. l f ! 1 If " "n•l 1-. m.nult ~ uf d1t· 1! 1 'v'"' 1,. r,·, nopul a•. •1 /I. ... .,.ii h;:.· l11 P d1,1r1t l • ltl1t t.1l11Jn 1 e ,,,n Jc, I' a" rnal..er :!11t 1>1'!"11'*' \It 1rn•' ~ •nmrt \IJl'l"'' I !·11111 '"n I !l'•J ' ll 1_1·1 I\ n1111r· I «!• \ fl)r'<I ,, Far· n.c .<"rllf'1 \\n•1 •P<' II .t .,.., f•1r d n1··.'. l11al .rnrt t 1"1 ~· 1~ I • 1 011n1' ·' " • •. .ludJtr 11.,rr' \r· . ( ,, . tf• ' \I tntf ll\ OU\ 1; i'I. ,.,.. I ' • '" \p•11 fl d• a r1<itr • • \111!'"~ Plr ~ !llJl'f • f"' I ~·n11l'_ 11 lhr n"1·1,.n \ •J,• l it 111,;i!\ llP r1f'1 '" 1 •1\ d <J >,_ 'AUUf•l f•'f'• 1 r•. p . Jr r at tha1 • • d•·1 I 1 ,.1 to ~pt·• 11:. ·' ,• I \'.1, •J tif" I• 1'ltof':1 \\\Ill' I trl'd<I• Legislal 11 rP nt JJ 'or Ii \·ill ,, • ••. "~.la' dn I \ltldrcd ,, "" ners ol a J :o'd C"alil 1 r m d i ntarnt"d 1 1· P murderprf I • \ ay THI Ano<IATlD ••t H . ' . . . . ' . roul<I takt' •~ ·~ _.., ~ • .~,. • .. • \c""O•• '" P~ ,,......,.c,~ \Mt· .. ~ t • .,. • 1 • • • .,, ~ 'l''' t \ t ·..-••••<"' •' •·• ' ""0 ' • •• ,. I 111 "!II• "' r <11 d l•J\h l'lllt h c.aftC'f ..... "', f'l ~•;: .. • ·,1:.. ...... ••o .. ¢t• "• o.-• o• ,,,,. "" 1, -·· , • • • o••·• " r d 111! illl 1n al rrat ttrin In =~ ':r ~~ tt ~;, ~"J ""::~~· ::;' ~: • ' ''" ~ • •s :-1' It"• U ' (Jc•fcnda 1 _ ... Cf> .. "" ha \\h11 t 1 I d1•rupted thr a!:~: ~M"·.~:::~~~~· '~.~,. ',: tlu rr n1ont1 trial constantlv .. _._.~"':'.,~v••,.o• ·• v. .ti• c·i. r • •· . ' (on.I(( snl)r ._....., ••"" .. ., .. •• 1.... ,., rni; ;,n I r l.i 1m' that •hP v. a~ ·~~··:.~~;;~,~-IO fOP•••• '• 1 •d ~ the ~lJtlJ1 ' Of r;o<J " heard .-.g .. o_ o ~· •• th<' rulrni.: in ~nm ~1IPnces t !_-4 :.::;•Y ..:t'!~~~. •fl',"1'Ji" 1 f" • i>, ~~ ,_ '• • ., ~' 'l~ A Jl 1 ~f ~ J n• lea r t \\'lo \.a\ T .. 1 ""'"'·•LY •• ,.,,,.,..., ,.,..., .. c,~ ••••• quicth 11. 111,gn ha !'-t;in ,.,~ _•·~~,!~:~ .. n 1,,.., • "•:•,•'.: ;,; • • • ,.. ,,., t1 1,1n d1mrt.: thr Jeni;th' pro r~t C• ,.,,,,. IC-". <ff \ "' ·~·-",. •• I ti • ., , .• trr<Jlf'I .... " h•ru.f' h1~ "'u~ ,1n1 :"'"~ :,::tt~O':~~.:.;';f ,;,.'' tMI \l"',~t~ '" ·.-.• \10 (fll 1j1t1..,1 ff '\rJ(~j Up ;tO<f "~.!:;...';":'.:~;,!.~':;:,: ,. .• , •• ,...,., ~··~~ ... ••u•d addH·""ll lht• • 11url .,_,,..,.., •• .,.,. •• ..,. ,_.... •-··-_ ,.,._.... "" ••• ,. • \ 111.1 111111111 la1!11.'~ and ~~.;:~:..:· ;,~lt) ~{~••a ~tt..::,~ :: :0. ": ~ ,,;0# I': rt4 ""O ,, " .. ,,,. ~f•t 1 It-f ,f'I 111 1tu JIU \ h<' ~I·" o.... ·~ ... ,, '·' ... , p h11'tH "-;tld I , P•p1t '· thdl \OU tw ~."° '~;:· ... ':'):._, ~Z:e' mt!;,;. " ·~~·•:, .. '& · ~ "; .. ,.·~ ., ;:~ • " J•',. c·rit •• r ''·' , Xf'' 1t1J11n 1\nd c-i-. ....-. -..u-.. •-• ..., • ~··• • • • • ~ • ........ ·~· I "..,,1 \l \faH r :1 n1I \11 ~·.;,~ .. ,,;~•UC'°' Al .,, H~·loo(WI ~=# ~&'1~ :~~~";:t,tll"""~.:·' •b'• 'i" Shtt\' :tit l•rO,f'\ ulor ~ lo U•u.r" -A i-n•• r,., ... ' •11 "" " .,iy,1•M A;"""'!• r 1r1> ,,.,..,,. ,... tlf11t1 l tU' fl 11, In r'f'f\On ~:";''~ !! :·~: t0•; c . • •• :. '' .-.:· .. ~: •• : ;?·'~: :~-~;;, ·~: .. --""'s:'.-,.' I '" ''"' t t' It\ tu f u11«<h thr 'tiV• "•"' •c·o' .t.P ...,, o ""'°"" .,. H.;;;,.. o ~,~~e:~:,~~ ,_ '-.,. .,.,., t-·,.,. )1111 tf •' ''·' •t·fl. he· (?\<.'l.ttnl o::.7._~tt•_ '"-""'"~O"' 10 "'"'' ''> '~·"'""· ~'i ,\,t J'ht•\ oi.t'tll11olH4\f'Want- ''"• , "'°'•'"' f •••• 'wl VC"'\i I' ,.,,.. c,.,. ,,. ,.,...r.,.. • t!' """'' -~·· ~qS • \trt'ft _. f••1A•11 ,,..,... 01 ~ lf\ei,.\.f ft-t lof'el ,,.,, '"' n, • .,, t •r•l4f ftlll'f1•1" ••t:•n'1 hl•fl' Al f • .,,,,, l•t_. 'If' [) ........... 1 , ......... ftt -t'• r ••~ •""'" 4trd1rd\ frH r"'"••• .,,,,. t '•' Wey P t,:1 1tf4ltr 1111 ..... -~ ... (.~ ,. "'ef'17fl' 1•'"' "" .... f lJ"Wll t~N'I •1•tt '~~'""V ,.,,,. t 'I' ~'f ,, IV-•• rt ''·' f,1• ··~1;-.t "'•" .~ '" •' f"I '• ,...,, ' h tU •1'J• f I fll• -C, •o¥" c..n4'. l"flitf' t•.r• rt·~"' ,,, ,.,.t. ,, ,.. )'t 0ttlll' l '"o•oymt••' ,..,.,.., P r.c• , •• < "le' •'"'"" ., """' r"•' r '1!1! ' I ft •"'*' "' Wtlll(llf\ 0 ft· 1'·''•'""' ''• • 4t .. 18• ,,,.. .... ' r,,. •··~,, ' •' ·11.J .. "ll~t f'• '" .. trt.•"' .. 0 ,,~ • flly•1h .,,. •'-''"" "'-"• ..... w •• A.9' }OI,, Tl ~ r\ I .... ' ...... '°" ,,,,.., ,. od ...,.,,..,tr\ ... '"'Pf'? ,..._ !ti\ 1IO) (•f'f'Ml'•Ot" 0 A•J0v'" Wtffl rt Pro-w•,,... to, .O~tl"Of"•I ?',,\I to !f''Ufl.....,1' ~ flld ttK •\\•\f•"K.f ,., _.,d •f'll rwotd-Y "'4,., ._._,,u fi/>, t<•I 1,,.. 1th"ln •-W • ''''~"'' .~,..,,tit-,,. .. M• •• , ... , ·•I ¥"¥'(.tt A• 10" 9-..MOA ri•., t <.o.-.tt1tv,1"ft•f lm.IWJit'fttf'h '"•t"ffvc.M Y etlf;f'r. tn•t'"'\ • •"' •"'"' •I ta• ,,,,... ,,.~ ~.,,, ·~' ,,,,,, I f t t"I ( Ut f ... , ( N'f'ln1 ., ... tJft'·• lPf"(th4'1J •• ,~ 4t' •• ,,, 0 " .60l)fll•~ C!l•<t••"t P '"' l r• .. ..,, '(f•r•• ,,. It' "' ... , f ,, ... ,...,,, • '• "'"oil""'', ,, •• ' ~ " '''"' I rt • ~ If# ,..,(_..,.,.,. Q ,... ,,., ... "' flt••• Mti triil"'M iil< .. _.... l•W'••h '\f",., "' , • ,. .. . .... . ,, • ,. ,, •' • p Afl I ' Ot>·\~ 1·t1 ti \I I •l1P!ll ha•P II ' l lll'11 ''·' ,.,,t 1111111 hr t 1 liJ11 and 1n ,. 11111ct !11111 Hm c• 'a11I I d1d11 't tin ti llt> • ltalph • t111ln t tlo 11 .. ~hr c la1111rrl i.h~ .u a' fl'lr l E'tl 11110 thr CltnlC \11d t hPll. If' \~ t 1111.;: l'l lhP I\ <1 lhr 1 ourt h<1<J lic1 llllH' Oil l ll!.IOIT1Pf! 10, .,111· ~l111utcd • 1'111 tclltn:.: the truth I'm n11l alrard an) loniter. I m not a:1a1<l to die." llPr vo1re rose In vnlumP a' 11 e Jur ~ frlt>d 11111 ·1te didn't do nothin1it." ~hP 'hrlt'kC'd, nod<ltnit towarih h.-r hu~han'I • I m thP m-0thP1 of God" J Convertible Sofa Solid hardwood fr .. m1, euy op1n unit Guarantt"d m.ttlreu Choice of decor1to fabrics in your choit1 of colon. E-Z T ( BO NUS PRICE $129 BEDDING CLEARANCE MATIRESS & BOX SPRING Discount BUNK BED HEADQUARTERS ,, ·tt••b·• It-· ,1, •• 1.1 •• , '" • n. ..... ~. ... ~······~ , .... •"""' , .. ,,. OMY IO()K. CASI IUNIC IED l••• •' •• ..,.,. ···-.,. ... .... ' .... '' ...... ~·· t•fi. ,-'i •·1• '-~h OHlY "'" ...H •...... J .1" , ••••. " .... I II. ,. , ... "y! .... , .. ~ • .,.V", , ••. kyo o•u .- IXllA HEAVY ,.,. " .. " .. , ·" • •• '-1• "'~ .. , ,.. . ' ..• ) it••1t ....... ~. 1 .. ,, el •h•• If'.\ \fOl'~ BRA'l>" • Mrt1 • MtlY •Vin \ nrat FREE DELIVERY 2 TWIN BEDS ~ • 2 MATTRESSES $ 79 • 2 MATCHING BOX SPRINGS THIS WEEK ONLY R M s -~~~-~~~w~l~I Oof'n f>Rlh 10 11 m. te 8 p,m. Tur•. & , Al. Ill l~m. 111 Ip m. 1904 HARBOR BLVD., COST A MESA OP£N SUNDAYS 11 TO S PHONE Ml t.-2303 • ~ O"'·r. ~ 6~ 3 DAY SPECIAL THURS.· FRI.· SAT. CIGARETTES $229 CARTON ALL EN REXALL DRUG FREE PRESCRIPT IO N DELIVERY -VI 7·3525 18577 MAIN L REGULAR 49c MORTON 'S FROZEN DINNERS MANY VARIETIES HAM -BEEF CHICKEN . YOUR CHOICE Wed. thru Sundty March 27 thru 31 ALPHA BETA FIRST IN FI NE FOODS 18681 N MAIN -H.B. ' ? SHOPPl.NCi CENTER I HUNTINGTON BEACH - 32 GREAT STORES TO SERVE YOU REGULAR $12.95 MACGREGOR BASEBALL GLOVE WITH THIS COUPON ONLY $5.95 SAVE $7.00 BEACH SPORTS CENTER : ~ ' 18557 MAIN MUTUAL . ; PHONE TICK ET REGULAR S 1.25 BIKE PEDALS FOR MEN -WOMEN -BOYS -GIRLS 99~ BOB'S BIKE SHOP t MARLIN INN 18551 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH 'S NEWEST ANO MOST BEAUTIFUL COCKTAIL LOUNGE PHONE 847.9032 847-441 7 AGENCY ~ 18555 MAIN -PHONE 847-4404 .. ' 9""""""""'"""'""""""',..--... ~ ,,, Iii llJibRPP 0 9;; 4 $ 6 I I'"' sec iJJih IJ»>J>HWWW. J> ''''''ilbiiJ,, &ihJIJ)J)ibJIJ ,, WJ)IDJ))JJ JbbJ)Jflli. ,_.,.,_""""""'llllllS'l-"""1111111111111 ... )"t,JO,.m/JJlid&Wfilll8881W)UJ Oil l '"" m , ... NAW(H' ~'NltMtlJNIJl,~'INN1WIJli~NNN···· NJ'" ~···WINJWNJ.~ ~'INMW'" tH. _NJ_-~·.~·w. .• WINN/1NNRN11RNllllRRHIRm:. ~'flRIN'RIM~rJJt'lt."1¥m'RIMWNlitdm.~~ lfMl!llMllllMll ___ lllllllllllll&1881--~ WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Regular Price $8.95 COUPON PRICE · $7.50 YOU SAVE $1.45 WIT H THIS COUPON (Adju•t Camber, Caster, •nd t~ in. ln•pect Spring•, Sh1clcln ind Shock Abtorbers. lnfl•t• Tires to Proper P ... uurel. MARK DOWNING FORD 18575 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH "Swell" Liquid DETERGENT ASPHALT DRIVEWAY DRESSING FULL QUART FULL ga~ GAL . BULLETtNMB0 0ARDS 97~ FIVE POINTS HARDWARE PHONE VI 7-5028 18S81 MAIN ST. FLOOR SAMPLES REGULAR $219.00 19" PORTABLE ADMIRAL T. V. WITH REMOTE CON fROL KING T. V. REGULAR $2.95 IMPORTED ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUP & SAUCER $198 EDWARDS GIFT SHOP 18559 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH PHONE 847-6142 REGULAR 37c 250 THRI" • PAK NAPKINS WHITE OR RAINBOW 21~ W. T. GRANT CO. 18601 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH • SPECIAL RECEIVING BLANKETS 1' t1mou!> Ur:mtl . REG. 65c EA. 2 FOR 89~ LAD & LASSIE CHILDRENS SHOP I . ' OPEN SUNDAY 9 'TIL 2 DAILY 9 'TIL 6 FRI. 9 'TI L 7 WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL TYPES OF . HAIRCUTS l MEN • $1.60 ~ GIRLS • • $2.00 BOYS . UNDER 12 • . • $1.35 ~ S POINTS BARBERS 18631 MA IN PHONE 847°9080 SPECIAL THURSDAY REGULAR S4.89 '20 PIECES BA RR EL OF CH ICK EN s4 29 SAVE 60c FOR ONLY GORDON'S Broasted Chicken 18565 MA IN ST. S POINTS SHOPPING CENTER PHONE 847-5969 "SPRING IS HERE" JAMAICAS HI STYLE -WHITE DUCK WITH SLASH POCKETS OR MUTED TONE TARTAN PLAID WITH FLY FRONT $3.95 Value PAULINES SPORTSWEAR r-, FREE····FREE BLANKET DRY CLEANED F R E E WITH S3.0V v~Y CLEAN ING ORDER (NO ELECTRIC BLANK&'TS't ~(FASHION AWARD CLEANtMG DONE ON THE PREMISES" PICK-UP & DELIVE RY ONE-DAY SERVICE LAUNDRY SERVICE ,7i •)/." GREEN STAMPS 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. MON. THRU SAT. FIVE POINTS CLEANERS FIVE POINTS SHOPPING CENTER SPECIAL FOR 3 -DAYS PEARL AND COLORED STONE RI NG S 10% OFF Jack's Jewelers FINE WATCHES & DIAMONDS 18S7S MAIN PHONE 487-5380 F R E E * WITH THIS COUPON * REGULAR $2.2S GIANT PROFESSIONAL Z 0 T 0 S HAIR SPRAY WithAny Buuly Service Over·SS.00 This Coupon Only Good Al HUNTINGTON BEACH SALON VI 7-1063 ANO SPRINGDALE SHOPPING CENTER PHONE 897.8593 . i LET'S BE CLEAN TOGETHER WHILE WASHING, DRY - ING YOUR FAMILY WASH ••• LEAVE .......... • YOU• O•APtS, l~ANKtTS, TROU SERS or ORESSES " " ~ NEXT DOOR AT THE FIVE POINTS CLEANERS FIVE POINTS COIN LAUNDRY ~ ''THE PUSH BUTTON LAUNDRY" 18651 MAIN ST. H.B. FIRST QUALITY SHEER DRESS NYLONS 2 FOR 66~ KARL'S SHOES 18589 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH '275 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA 3 DAY SPECIAL THURS., FRI., SAT. PLAIN CAKE DONUTS 49~0%. OPlN on SUNDAY STARTING MARCH 31 TASTY TREAT r . • Seda.II Newa ler*t Sen. Jobn A. MUtcty Jc., Service Man to Be Tried Payments , On Draft Evasion Approved Souchl•~ Nn•1 St-rvlce I sion. has pleaded Innocent to LOS ANGf,LES -Honald the charge on orders or Fed- nou1las Dahl, 23, e! Santa I eral Judee Thurmond Clarke. Ana. accusrd or drlift l'V&· Dahl was arrested Feb. 6 Te n m"" to I Ji..t· l'iralt'l'I ~ Fid tl A tradltlonul loolball nv<tl· A prcv111u11 r•'<JUC!llt walj de· ry between Santa Ana ll1gh med when the game wa! School and Santo Ana Valley found tu ll4' an connlcl with lllgh School may be played another n·ntal. bul OCC trua- 111 Pirate Stadium September tees voted to allow the two 21, 1963 the Orung<' C'oasl ·h 1 1 n an other College Board or Tru!>IC't'S has i.c oo s lo P ay o Y decided. I OJ><'" date SACRAMENTO -An ln· CR-Newport Beecb) WN bolt terlm le(l.alatlve 1 t u d y ti a& the hmcheoa to SouthJud means to eolve the traa1ft legislators Crom Ventun Loi woes of Southern C~ornJa Anaeles. RJveraide, San ' Ber- was proposed here YU· nardlno and Oranie Coun· e.rday by a cltJiens g r o u p ties Soutbluld N"n Sen •lce SANTA ANA -Various ambulance 01~r11tors within the county s t a n d a good 1 chance of Celling the $6.000 1 the county owes them Ion a l<~ederal Grand Jury ---------------------~ war rant for failure to appear Tl.1·aJ Sla ted ,ror induction into the armed j beaded by former Au embly---· -__ man Bruce Sumner of New· port Beach. The Cilliens Committee for 1 Better Transportation asked for a study of possible devel- opment or a commuter serv·. Ice on more than 600 miles or track owned by thl' South· em Pac'ifl ~. Santa fo·c and l 1n~ ion Pa<Ji/i~ railroad~. Population To Crowd Boom State Their chances lmuroved Tuesday when the Board or Superviaora authoritro coun· ty Welfare Director Gram 1lle C. Peoples lo undertake pav· ment of the bills The board lentaUvrly approved transfrr of $7,000 to his depart nwot'" The California Public l 't1h· Ues Commission at a hearing last summer hea rd no ex- pression of mterest in such a plan from the railroads. They coatended t b a t commuter aervice does not Pl>' Its way. Sumner. as spotesman for the new committee, raid the I objections m I g h t ba o~r­ come If tlw railroad Unes co11Jd be ghren eome nun- clal mcentivt> He ment1one!1 IAx l'f'hf'f a~ one possib1hly . llS)Jst11nc·<' in construction--nf rallroad 11n· derpasses or overpa,st'i. to l'limlnatr haiardou~ i: r a d r crossings. . Southland News Mn lrt WS ANGELES -Call· Cornie's population 111 the year 2.000 -a mere :rt years from now -will be about 42.000.000. the Uni· versity or California elti· mates. And the Callfomia 'l'u· payers· AssociatM>n liguree the annual growth of the state over the last 10 years is 624.000. about equal to the population of San Oieio nr llll,C'f' Count,v I c ~l'l'Olllt 1'1110 1\ I ns Ani:.-lr-. Otan~r S.iota Clara s..~n Oir.i:o Alamedt1 Ro be rt M1tcht>ll of Nor- walk, committee ro-<:h11r- ma11 , said a "modest" com- muter service could be es· tabJished on a tnal 12-momh b.asis for $12 million. ~cramento Half of this would ~ for San Matro new streamlined cars a n d ~an Bcrnar1rnn t.llit other half for operating S:inta Barbara upenses. Mitchell said. rontra Costa only 10 Los Angeles County in numerical growth since the 1960 ('ensus. the CTA I bud~et to cover ex1l<'n,c·~ Thr bills were :.ubmltted by ambulance o peratori; for I hauling indigent pallcnts in says. request or county aRencil's. I emergency sit uations at the ln nosmg out New Yorlt Ambulqnce operalOrs first as the naUoo's most pop-bill the patients. If the pa- ulous slate in Ul63 -now tlents can't pay. the btlls are ~ated at '17,380,000 -turned over to the county. California gained 250.000 The board also sugi:uted new faces in the natural another look he taken at the Increase or births over •·problems pres<·ntt'd hy the deaths and 374.000 throui:h 1 ambuliincr ordinancr·" which ort m ii.:rat1on . thf' asso<.'ll\· spells out M nd1t 10111; under """ ll:l\'s which thr l.'nunl\ ~h1111ld as-f'~llmlnury lnc-rf'U!ll'I' s111111• rr'P''"'1b1i1t .v for p;11 F.stlmatr 0\'f'r l!MUI menl .Ian. 1. 19'.1 Cf'n11u11 .Ian I. 19'3 ('enau1 6.511.000 ~79.~ 11&1.SOO 179.575 79.5. 700 15.1.38.'i I 130,000 96,989 991.:QI &1.091 575.600 72.822 500.100 fl5,7l:l 556. 000 52. 4(Y.I '.?19.400 !l<l.4:u! -459.:KX> 50.:!70 To Bt· I l oi-i l~ The Oran£c Cu<t't Collei:w \\'omen's •\lhlrllc Assoc1atcon has scheduled a 'ports d:i~ Thursday for 12 Oran1te Co11n· 1 t~ schools A vollryball tournament. tennis doubles and s\.\ 1mm1ng meet. will run s1multMro11sly. j slartmJ! al :? Jl m Ahout :m ~iris will take p;irt REPORT fAOM MOTOR TREND EXPERTS ON THE '63 RAMBLERS: • 1 services. lie pleaded guilty on Feb. 11. In Rob be 1·v However, when he came be· fore Judge Clarke for sen-1 tence Tuesday, the jurist or- 0 f M k de red the plea c hanged to in· 1 a r et nocent and rererred the case to Federal Judge Albert Lee Sflulhland New11 Servlct j S l e P h e n s for trial. Dahl S.\!\TA ANA _ A Van agreed I~ the ch.ange. Authorities sa1cl Dahl had I Nu~' youth wunt<•d in Glen· refused to report for lnduc- dalf', San Fernando and Bak-lion becauNe or his ruliglous rr~rirttl Is i;latcd to s tand tri· bclicfs a s a lllt'mbcr of .le· al nn robbcry ('hargl•s here hovah's W~tnesi1cs. llis draft 1 11 Superior Court April 29 I board earllrr had rejrcted a G , F K st~tement or conscientious ar) . en n e d y. 21, obJeclion. pleaded innocent Monday to I --- charges he robbed an Ana-j heim market March 4 Ile was reportedly captured by the managrr when he drop- ped his guard for a moment. J . Witnrssl's said Krnnedy en- tered th<• markrl nn the prr - lrma· or arpl,vins.: ror (I job. thrn rullrd a i;:11n ;inrt <fp. manclrd f \';in llorranl nprn •hf' safr llnH;irct l<itklerl him and callrtl for hl'lp, pnliee -.aid Bandit (;ct~ $9.'.) ( :a~li Se ,ve ,. Line Un<lc r Stud v .; Southland Nt•w11 Snvlr, Fl'aMh1llty of ronst ruclini: a three-county industrial sPw· rr line aloni.: the Santa Ana Ri ver will he discussed by supervisors or Orange, River· side and San Bcmardino count1es at the 01snevland llotel at 10 a.m Thursday. Prelim111 ary estimates indi- cate that the cost of a l:>- inch line from the Riverside County line lo lhr o c e a n would be about SI Ii million. Southland :\'l'iu Sen kl' An ocean ouUall would he S \'\T\ \'\'.\ llis farr an addrllonal rxpcnsr Thr Metropolitan \\' :i t r 1 dt-.torl!'d \\ llh ii II\ Ion ~loci.-n1stnct 's trealtnl'nl Jl I an I tnl? a hand11 h1 u•nv terror· near Yorba Linda abo "111 1zcd a l'll•r I. and l"!l custom· need a liM to dispose of rn- rr~. onr a c·o,ta Mei.an. ~-dustnal "aste "hen 1t hel!m~ fore wall.mi;: off with S95 softening w:iter, eni.:rnccrs YOUk ,\:. WATCH •CLEANED •OILED •ADJUSTED $3~~•.m• nm11orraoh and ~ll-•lndr'1 'lltthll1 hli:hrr! OPr:N MOS Tll. t P.M. YIU. NlGtn'I tbniaa ;ue4---FRE-E \\"bile \'mi Wall PEARL.'i _____ $1-AI RE.sTRUl'\0 ----Rl~G'i s1u :o. troe1 ;\llA\lft( flll_. Rrolaud, mun $1.ll $3.51 J1w1lry DMlgning A S~ci1ltyl FAST DEPENDABLE SERVICE The Store That Confidence Bu ilt Of14.•n Munday anti 2300 Hubor Blvd. H1rbor Shopping Center Costa Mesa, C1lif. Ye 1da~ Ntl!hla 'T1I 9 fl m. PHONE Kl 5-9485 ffprove their mettle ... reliabili"ty, perl'onnance in actual tesu111·· from a liquor .~ t n r t hrre point out. I I r ~-=-=,,.,,,..,,,,_~~~~~~~~~--~=-=-=-,,,,...· Tuesday f>ennis Shrrh1 , l!lO~ Fullrr· tun A 1·e . Cosr':i Mesa. "as ' P1mt l!w. Wlf!t" •e •• ~.., nA ""'"'ll"i""' ·~· ,,.,, .~._, br•• l•t t• • ~ •JH•"C "'n"vt •"'lldt •IP'~ ..,,., ""' _.. ~•trOR TREND ~11J,?11 11nl''" 11ut11 1·x1lt'rt1< ni·' r•r h::111d l1 • r ... "Car of the Year·" 1th kid 11;lr1vl'fl ·~, ~lammed HamhlPNI <iver hac·k-n1u11tn """I• 11.d re11'1rted. "rou2h rn<Jd~ •·an bf. 11tonned w1tlt ,.,11f11l1·111, The:v studied H11mhler'" Advan('t'd Unit Conittrul'l1•111 found 11 ·l'f> 11trnn1t 11 II tnl.r pu11111hml'nl lnnizt-r Finau~. lht-~ ~•mnwd up H11ml1tn h1 h' .. , 111: I• • 11n e'en hl'ttn '-.lu" t h:in 1,..f,1r1 ~nvr1111n \f11•1.r--(Jrvf1r•1t .. f '" f 1 .flu • Compass Rambler Co. 1745 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa BUTCHER BOYS ' Whole or \.Ut Up FIT FOR A KING! U.S.D.A. Choice Steer Beet Persona lly Se lected For Quality & Flavor c U.S.D.A. Choice Porterho use Oarigold I j one of thrl'<' rnt•n forcrd to Ill' on l h1· f10<1r of lht' Santa .\na L1q1J11r Storr 1430 \\' ht St. "hrh.• the rob b tr "<H ed a i::1rn and rifled the rc111,1t•r · Put in <111 t ht• grrl·n stuff:· the handct 11a1d. thruslln~ a 'at"l at derk IAUIS .1 Can· a ll'. Tlw l'C'<:Onil 1'11~tnmer I "·'~ 1dPnl1f1ed d~ .Jnhn .J. Al1•,;ind1·1 S;inta Ann I OC Coin (:luh l'ic.·~i-( )ffit't>r l" \ i-lale or oHteers headed 111 \'tc < '<1ronna as president l1aH' been ele<:trd for the n1•wl,v·form1·d Orani:e Coast C111n Cluli 11 "a~ announced. < lthcr riHlrC'r'\ tnl'lude Bob H1·11lt·~. '1v· prc•i.1tlcnt Frank Sahr ~et:rctan·-treasurcr and Jud Sutherland nick Jacki.on. .:\I er I P CaJl('n and F' r 1 n k ~m1lh rhrrt tor' .:\lectrnc' are berni:: hrld the first ~Jnndav 111 each month :ii lh1• Ba,~1dc \'11ldl!P Club lf•1u ... c• 1n \rwJ'l'•rl Beach. T\H'lll\ ·rinr rro'r><'<'ll\l' corn coll(•ctor .. <Jlll'nd1•1! the 1n1tial session t hi\ monl h ,\II per· son!! rntrre~lt•ll arr welcome to the ~"'~ion~ <H C'Ording to laronna Yes, there is a foo lproof investment FRYING CHICKE NS .... BUTTER I Ftn l Grade) You gel a Fa,·ingF account pa:'Fbook like thiF whe n you open a ~avi ngF account wi th u::. ContentF guaranteed not to Fh rink. Your :o:a\'ingF arc nol subject lo market fl uctuation, they're r:.a fe and earn exce llent returns. Inlcrcl'tecl? Come in. U.S.O.A. Ctioict ROUND I T IAll 7 5~. U.S.D.A. Choice SIRLOIN TIP STEAK (or Roast) 98~. U.S.O.A. Choice TOP SIRLOIN ITIAll 51.49 SALE PRICES: THURS.-SAT · OPEN DAILY 9-7. SUN. 9~:30 CHOICE MEAT • FRESH FI SH • OELICA TES SEN • BAR-B-QUE 3009 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Next to Christensen Pharm•cy BUTCHER BOY • FREE DELIVERY • OR 3-8210 FREE PARKING aREAKriAs?'-&ickoN 55¢ doz. 49¢ Tu rner1 Fresh R1nch EGGS !Grad• Al Fu mer John 49~ FRESH CRABS, CLAMS. LOBCiTER . OYSTERS / COSTA MESA omcE. w rro110 M wc.soo11r Jou t Secrtl•ry & Mar 7 300 Ha1tw Boolrv••ll r •\I M,11,,1 H,rflnr SM001nc f.•nlfr • Kl ') JJ711 I r~e• Offir•\ •n Alh•mllrA ~M Wot r.11v1n1 11.,,., Oft.,• Alhamll1 • t ~. FIRST ; ~ ·\). f EDERAL I ~. SAVINGS r• t ..... .-"t and Loan Assoc •nl 10n o r Alhambra r r J r ,.. Flr~t I Ptlrral \111 ,11!:' 111 \tl•:11u1 .. :1 lh1• ll.11I1•1 '". , 11111, I J Ht 11 \I '·" 111:.:, h\oc•r.1. 1i1111 '' ,, • 1 tit•· ' • ,\ I I.. • • 1 1 •111 h 'll"'""'' 1111~ .11IH·rt1~1 .. mr111 111 ,\.,11111" •I. 111111' A t ~ \r .. ,. \\011111 111 , •• ( , \ ~ I .... -=---- 40 STORES AND SHOPS .JO SERVE YOU! e A·l STENO e GLADYS FOWLER e J. C. PENNEY CO. e ANITA'S SHOPS • HELEN GRACE CANDIES • PLAYBOY For M11ter & Muter • BENTLEY'S SALON OF • THE HOME SHOP e JOLLY ROGER e PERMA TRESS SALON e PlNK KITCHEN ~rll~~~~~~jl,JL BEAUTY 11 e CABOT'S RESTAURANT • e SEARS CATALOG SALES CHILDREN'S, SHOES e KING'S FOR ME.N • SINGER • KIRBY'S HARDWARE SEWING CENTER e THE COBBLER'S BENCH • KIRK 'S JEWELERS e MEMORY LANE e THOM McAN SHOES • THRIFTY DRUG e TOY WORLD • FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS • MOTHERHOOD & LOAN OF ALHAMBRA MATERNITY SHOP • TREND O' FASHION e WEAVER'S MUSIC 40 STORES TO SERVE 'tOU • GALLENKAMP'S e DR. KLEINE, Optometrist e ORBIT CLEANERS • WOOLWORTH'S • GENE 'S SMART SHOP e YOUNGLAND ~~~~~~ ACRES OF FREE PARKING! ! I l.300 HARBOR BLVD. AT WILSON EACH AND EVERY WEEK PENNEY'S A~WAYS FIRS T QUALITY GIRL'S SLIP SPECIAL CRISP NYLON BOUFFANTS Odaillni; )ou'\c orHr ~rr11 twrurr ' Nylon tuffr ta unden.klrts .. ruffled 'a l1ced nylon 'n n~ Ion shrrr o\ r r- aklrta. (hoo~c ~hilr. pink. aqua. malzt ... Bl<i Bl\'! WEEKEND NEW SPECIAL UP TO $500F F On the newHt version of the world'i finest a u t o m 1 t i c zigug ~ll!;!~~~j m1chine. I Harbor Shopping Center-Kl 9· 1195 SLANT-O·MATJC• , ..... "" t · · ... Candy Special I PECAN MOUNTAIN DeUclolll crum' c· 11 r mt' I r hud:ful 111 Jlf't:an' 10. IO lood ... J'rkrd low this weekend. Reg. $1.44 , .. sl.19 Thurs., Fri., Sit. only HELEN GRACE CANDIES HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER WITH THE YOUNGLAND 2 PC. COTTON CAPRI SETS Sizes 2--6X ~;~99 $199 ORLON PULLOVER SWEATERS S1ze1 3-14 Reg. $100 $3.99 HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER BANKAMERICARD FROM McGREGOR lightweight Cue FrH BLAZERS AND $1995 SPORT COATS In Solids & Plaids REG . 29.95 llarbor Shopping Ctnler Kl S-731 I Thrifty Drug Store B[AUTIFUL FASHION JEWELRY NECKLACE -EARRING PINS VALUES TO 2.50 THRIFTY PRICE 4 For BLUE CHIP STAMPS TOO! HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd., Co1t11 Meu Harbor Shopping Center Call 546-3310 Big 15 Cu. Ft. FREEZERS f-:ITllEll ( llE~T OH l l'R1c;11r e l'•1rnle1in hn•·d 1 not ~alnt-~11~~tt~ \\on't ah~orh llfld $189" e (old ( ontrol fur hr~t at or :t)!1• trmprrntur1• e I !Hi.'I C'olrl~~1t .. l><11h hold :i'.!1 pou111h * SAVE $40 ON UPRIGHT * SAVE $30 ON CHEST TYPE SEARS CATALOG STORE FIELDCREST IMPERIAL BROCADE OFF-SI. REG. SS.00 EA. REG. $7.49 EA. 50% BATH HAND WASH 2 lo· s12s THE HOME SHOP REG. 89c EA. II arbor . hopping Centrr • 1\1 5-R 15:1 Curtains • Orarx'rirs e \.ill Wares • Linrn' FLORAL TRIM OVENWARE Not •••tlh •• t1tvtft1lt d aac AA1I .. •f'1ft t ltn , ... _..,, f t•U •141 ,,.,. '''""' t , •vitr• 'O""'d lftf •"•I cu urotn ••urt ,,.. 91\ft t••·--· • 'f'il ........... l~ Melmac 16 Pc. Starter Set SAVE 1.18 s 77 Reg 6.95 • WOOL WORTH'S \ Easter Special PERMANENT ( :0111 pldt• lbnkin ~ ~c.,., i • ..- HARBOR SHOPPING CE NTER FINE SELECTION OF EAGLE SUITS New Styles and Models ... From $75 to $110 \lterallr ns nu-;1: or ('ourse: l•n••mt t•C•rd Ovr Owft W-60 01¥ Ht llltttttt ("-ti t "4•rbor C111tt• Mt MIO ~NSTRUMENT REPAIRS Hr,r:. ~1 5.IHI WAVE 1o:)ll tnctff~t ... ., Ot--t••f'lt <'''"' f fflt'M er'le •Olt ot tour CfilO+tf TMt 0.,,, eood Of'lf~ MON roes WtU /J,,,1/eyJ Salon o/ Beaul'I Rrnr nf llarhor Crntrr Op1•11 1-:vfs. h~ \p1H1lnt. C'all Kl 9· 1811 \\ r lc·111111' !lark lo Our Sl ulf: Ruth \\'hitrforil THE ' .----A'"---/ ' ' ,,,. ol1th11.: th .ti ~.,'.ill I •I.Ill' 1-:M t 11\I "('f\ II I ' , \ 11 lo 1.o.Hh c ht•rking \u 1111111 :o;a, 111~' .\n o1111'' 111.in~ 111h1•r 'rn h 1·~ v , C'iti1.t·n~ ~111iom1I Hank ..::100 'II ll.:l'l1o11 l!l\d Co,ta Me~a h .mlwrf\ ~04il . . .. ' GALLEN KAM P'S LITTLE LEAG UE BASEBALL SHOES '•"c• o~ ' • f ,• • ' ''!'"ii • -6'31 • ~ ... t lg ' -·-······ ...... J99 Optn '1on .. Tbun. &. Frl f::,enla,1 ~ ·1·· l '' ,-,-,a\·4· ._ .). _ 011 .>-pc·. TfXAS·WffRf Melmac~ i:;.; 7.011 Ya ltw -() 11 l .' $1 'J88 ('umplete ~t·n Ire for II lncludrs: ~ dlnnrr '31rs. a rup,, 8 saurns R i.oup rrrral ho\\ IJ, jj brt•ad .sad butter pl air\. plaltrr. en in.tr ho" I r rra mrr. '.! pH'<' 'iU~ar ~ith hd '''": E\rr~ pitr e ~uaranl!•rd ataln~t brr ul.inl?. r ritcklnt. rhlpplni: and prrmanent 1ta1nin:: f1•r ! full ~ear . '\ale In bolllnt 'l\alrr and 1uloma11r dl<ih "ashrr KIRK JEWELERS HAPBOR SHOPPING CENTER-COSTA MESA 0 n 'Ion. &. Fri TIU 9 P :il.-1\1 !i·9~R~ NEW DENIM STRETCH CAPRIS Regular $8.98 $6. 99 bf •• • •• •• ~ .... ,. °"'"" •' t• ., O'l{f 2300 N. HARBOR BL VD., COST A MESA DO YO.U SPRING PERM \~~~ ,1 1 SPECIAL i . :; llet . :?2.SO \ Expert Repair Service for •II typei of instrumenh Including Pi11no Tuning ECONOMY-WISE SEE WHAT YOU ARE MISSING! .. ~1..1 V · BE.ST Af\'D . J BIGGEST Hua rt "Supremr" · (_'1 A'-> ,1 J'ermanenl Wnvr ~· Soft vtt tlrm t"'9 "$4.Jprttnf ' D•'m wllh C-lllO'llMI ....,frolltet " 1u· t r1~ '°' ,P,IM COMie '" 1ao1t1 wllh ot Wll'*lf -lf\1,,,....1 C .... plole tlylo H I. tlyle ... lr<\11 •M tomf>.oul . ' ti ~ PERM A· TRESS I f. • !'· ·.:.' _, HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER Kl 9-0757 LESSONS ON MOST INSTRUMENTS By Profe11ion1I Instructors Weaver's Music 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA On Eo•I ~tall -Kl :'14Ull4 I I SHOP HARBOR CENTER-WISE SELECTION AT ALL 11UCE. ltAf\'GE.S LC ~ d M 0 t~~;,~~~PI COST A MESA LONG BEACH 2300 Harbor Blvd. 523 Pine Avenue Have Your Eyei Checked to be 5ure ... GLASSES ON CREDIT Complete Eye Care for ttM Entire Ftmily DR. B. H. KLEINE OPTOMETRIST HARBOR CENTER Kl 5-9162 -\ I ' Valley Bank Gets Charter () ·c St~nior Win~ Honor Southland 'r" s ~nice A charter baa been granted 1-TLLF.RTO~ -J,1l•n \' tbe HuntJniton Valley Bank Flo11.cr-; of Fulltrlon. a seofor b1 the State Banking Com-maJorin.i: in ph1losonli1 at mwion, local banking offi-Oran~e Stat<' Collegt· ha' Ult were notified Monday. The new institution 15 pro-been ..Cll·<·ted a" th<' Jtr-,t poted for a Beach Boulevard Woodro11. \\'1hon \auon..il fel- Jocation, in the vicinity of lo11.sh1p J\\arJ \\ 1nnttr al osr. Talbert Avenue. smce the i.Chool 11.c1s foundl.'•J It will be a wholly Jocallv-lie tnll'llds tn lM' thr kl 9'lmed bank v.•ith Howard K Smith, mortician and civic lo\\ sh1Jl to under" rile ht• leader, u chairman of the J,!radudlC \\ork al Geor >:•·1011., board of director&. l'n1H1 1tv and ulllmalelv to Officials of ~ rw.:.w bank ob1a n c1 docto1 ate 10 polite al .... ~._.. ......... \~ bt conducted Wednesda" Y\011.er~' ha c; made the nitht and that an annot.:"ce· Dean·, honot h!>t hJi. bt.~n mf!llf would follow C'dllor ol 1>111 1 the lampu• ht- Players Group Slates Meeting The oewly organiz.ed Hun· ttniton Beach Players utUe thtater iro11p, have a work- abup meeting al 8 o'clock to- nl.ihl al the Lake Park Club- bouse. Aspiring actors were asked to bring readings and ~m~ers and adult dancers ha\•e been tnvited lo attend t he session The latter two groups "111 be associated v.;th t he pla~ er" tn au.x1l1ary act1vihe.~ erar~ and 1•1hta·al 5C'lf'nrr ma£a111u ' ,ind 1-t'r!lJll""'" fulJIJmC' in lo• di 1nri11~1n o• a comput('r fll<•.:romrnl'r E~~ 11 u11 t s..a For (uh . '<'.out~ 'ear \ 101 n1l·mbl·1 • ••I Cuh Scout I; .1cl.. IOI \\ 111 o\ 1·1 rll'I lluntmJ,:t 1n H c c.i c I ' I ak• Parl<. \pr 11 Ii 1n n,1 ' h , h1i:i:1 •I 1-.a .. tu C'JU! h1o111 rutirn;iq('r .J11'1n l\r.ili11~ ~ '-l•itlt' "111 rurn1i<'lt foor pr1z,,, 111 hi a1.1ardl•I t•1 th" hf>•t l~.! f1n1lt r· in th1• JO :lfl d rn hunt .. llOLll>.\Y TOl.!{S l",ini: their "inter horn<' as a headquarters. l hey "Ill &tagr penodk wet'k('nd and ho.Iida' lour" throu~houl tht re~t cof the continent \!Mt Of th<' t1mt' tht'\' plan tn U-<<' a \'oJl..,"a2t·n 1111' lht'' "111 find "a111ng for I hem upon lht'tr arn\al \\'h' do th<' Wtt,., 11 ant a companion for Ton ~ Franl. h, \\l(e adm1". Tom ~ct~· a little bored "1th ,\!om a n J Pop Sh1"1l b<· ~cetn;! ne11. and C\Ullnl: 1hmg) and 11 11.ould he much more fun 1f <1he bad a companion near her a~ •• Tom ls empbabc m h e T , U rl't'mt>nt After all -;hr'~ J?om.i: to hr "1th lhr · 11ld fl)Jk, ii 11.hulr 'rar uni.I lhr' arn11· "' \e11. ) 111!. 1'11· fnl1011.ni:: J un1· lntert'qrc1 "' :c1111•: ·''""' • Call thr \\'1t·r·' al .Hn :Jill nr \1~11 ,hrm at 2'1-.ul r·arnt'.:11' \\r Co•la \f(''d BE BOLD Jon tnt '"'"~ !ohs ~o ur1 L ll"r Ot\.t•n·.1 tvf·, _... .,, \0 ,_0 ·S''°'' IJO I) r ,. a•~· M"" l'"' 1t .. 1' 'r()l:I ,,,,d l lt)f"l l"'t'a~ r I'' I . , . ~· . '\• .. ~, .. . , . .. ,,,. , imagi11 a Buick for onlv s2:3:3 s 1;> ' IT'STRUl!I Buick sal~ records :irr tr1ppli11:,t \nrl "':rt ti 11 hr.1t111~ D•tr1n:.: ·,. t•ircl setting days: stal..f' \·rn1r da1m nu rl1• trim 11•mh lln1< ~ '>p• < ,,.J \rnn1t.. r11•h \ r, car engin~. Plus famous B•m l roH1l•11t. !•"'"~ .. ,,,j 1 "'' I >uh ~.:;I\-;;· I .1\.1 '"" ' Come on in. BONUS I ucLu11v1 1tcA OYlllAGltOOVl L ,. l •. ,_. 11 F • ,., • 1t.' ... , record s~t.ti1 ig d<\YS at Buick dPc den.,!!! --~....--... .._ :J Appoinl<'tl PENNEY'S .ALWAVa P"tl'tST QUALITY end- 11 DAil Y ,,lOftNIW\ '•tU Wed., March 27, 1963 There is no 1ub1trtute for th• beauty and wear-ability of quality urpeting. Call for frH eatimatH *MOHAWK * ROYALWEVE HOJ\lf.S e OH'JCES APAKTl\ll!:NTS e BOATb I • LIMITED QUANTITIES ON MOST 11,EMS .. HURRY .. SAVE! FOR MEN Short Slet•\t' ~"eal Shirt .,.,. 20 Only Asst t'ulu1' Alpaea Swt•a h'r Imported 12 Onlv Bonus Bu~'s! '1en·s c·ouon Spur• S~lrts Comht>d <·otton J..n1t li. rnllon i.:rn,1:h:11n!<. cm bro1dcnt·!> FOR WOMEN \\' ool Strai~lit S~irt~ 4•HJ ----300 Dress S hirts Rrductd t.o Clur Dress S hirts Sltghtlv Soiled nral 1mnti. :.tylrs yllU '' 111 cn10\ 1-'ull cuts. m~•l'htne wa~hablr' /\ real sport i.hirt \ ,lhlC' . and for so htllf' ~ .... ~ ! '"'3"":.::"; 5 I. Sa' e! \\'nmt'n·s One Group Uree!!iCS /\II llrduced Exctllcnl buy! -- Ont• Croup DrcSl'iCS H"ch1<0 l rt lo Clt•ar 4uu 688 Cotton Brit•f s 2 ,_I Pr. Broken ::im~s .\nkle Puna~ D;1n R11rr rntton 11·, ii 21ra1 11.orl.. 'aH·r .111,1 to~, in '11111 w<t,hc·r some "1th sclf- h< It' ;:iJI \11th c;1dr 1.1p121·r~ Gloru•ll" 1111111 • '"11"' 1in1I mut('(1 11IJ11J., ~ll''li HI to IR Bu' W\ 1•r;1! 1 (Cl Cotton G lff\'C \\hill' Onl \' ~171'' II lo ~ 2 ,~I ---S11r~ !J 111 11 HMI Pr Onlv 2nn Hi-Bo~-S port ~hirl Reduced 22e {)nc Group So""~ ~trekh. Hlrnd' \II f11r 44-- ~a <:otton S hu~"·'" Rrn~en ''""' f.·n 11·.J (J .. 1 111\ 1-1 • --- I"" p,.jr Sele<-tlon! Ho,·s DreM Shirb <:halli~ Paj a m a~ 111 :tll Onh Drokcn S12rs 2 '0'66e 2 p~3 i\n r\c1tanc ~tll'{tinn of "h1tc r n'llh<'rl 1 otton hroadduth~ "''"' cb .11 a \ rn· ~p1•1·1al l'I" t'. \\ ·' Ii ' \\ ... ., 111·1 .. 1 2'91 34_nn '11111 Ill "'' 11111111 i: 1:11111111 rJ '"' 11 l\111cdor • 1111.•1' "·" ,. hie' I 111111 'I •op '-ol11t '-lt•tr t JU 111 IR .... , ~a \\Of'~ Sit irl Khaki c•· •' ~! • Iv 11=- ~6 122 Size' 4 to 18 HEIJl CE D! \'in~ I lipltol,h·r~ ('hair & OUornnn --- H··•fll('('CI! \l'onwn·I'\ Shoes 82 Fl.oh l\hpon\ lhfo111\ 25 pJtr FOR THE HOME . Ht·clrn T•I! \l•·u·~ S hot·~ !.! pr flnh "7 88HH REDUCE D! 400 FOR GIRLS ( :ouon Flannel P a ; am al" ' ,, 'p , I..' •11 • 1>nh """' Collon Pl ~" .. uil~ 111 ,,, (>tu· (;ro11p (,j rf ~· S ito•·~ I• ' l:!a• I ,, 1.:, 1, \.'inyl Uphol~•~r~· s~ ln~I Rot·kt'r 88HH B EBl CED! Bx 12 Ha~·on H11i! N-1' It 1· 101 1 llrduo rd Foldin~ Patio Chair \\'rb M) line Hi On Iv Kin ~ S iz•· Print S h<'et~ f'o 11 It•' l't·ro 1'1· Hiil \ 1.!'l ( :olor•·•I \lm~lin T"'" JUU I'' nll 2 Only ~GUH Boy·~ (ollon P a nt U L1m1trd Quanttlv. Hrok1·n Sll.f'I' 317 6H8 JHH 2 ti SPECIAL! END-OF -SEASON BLANKET CLEAN-UP 11 t1JT)' ! IJ11 v ~evcral at The~<' Rc•hH·ed Pri<·c~! \ttlOIUfl lif• • I 1111 "' i I • I • l\1n;.:lt• I 111111"1 • r"'f> \I.. (; ft tf fr I S p•Tia l ~ Pluid l'Hir e Ft.I! WI• i1. >. IH • ~I \\ r1ol 4~1 H ,, \ •111 50· ro11011 \\ ·"""t It •AA J(,1\1111 I" \1nl11 • :111 J11, '\\ Jton t11n1hni: • ~1111 1·nlor~ . Hl1111kt-• J2HH S<tH'! Hhutkt>•"' 3u11 Bl•3n11 J COSTA MESA STORE <:l•·an-11 p Pri('t•cl ! I OO *';, \c·r~·llc• fllnnkt"f 7nn • "''"" 1·111111 'I' I Iii' • F1ill '"'" il.' Ill' • \1,whtnr \\ a~h<tloll' H(•fl11••t•cl! S:-n in~~! 100'',',, i\c_•ryll«" Prl11a 7uu • M:ichlnc Wac;hahlP • A;-cad1a P rint • 72" x 90''. 3 Ill\ R e doc•f"d! ~cn·t"I•~' Jac_oqoard • 70" ~ llf)" l\lr1V(•)f\ • 2 I :i Ill\ llrmm1·rt 1•ntl• • 4 'ilvlr' 21111 ·~-~-~-~--~-~~~~~~ H••cl1w•·,f ! Ru y Now! Klnr.t Sl7.'" IUn nkt-• • 11•1 ,,., , '" Sol11J • 111111 · I onu • l\111c ''1." I'? Jh, • ;\ \ l11n l11111hni;: Bi~ Sa ,·in:i~! llurry! Printed Blanke t" 5un • ii. :.: !JO, 31~ lbi;. • MathlD~ wa~hable • Nylon binding R.-dut'ed! Plald • 91'1 l!avon JO /\1 O·IH • 1"1111 n · x ~l" • :1 1 • lh\ "lvlr111 hrnlinl: 2300 HARBOR BLVD. CORNER WILSON & HARBOR BLVD. OPEN S NIGHTS: MON., TUES .. W ED .. THURS .• PRIOAY 'TIL 9 P.M. , . . _ .... l MARY LYNN HARTMAN, Editor CONCERT ENTHUSIASTS -:\'.ev.port Beat:h re!>i· dents ~Ir. anrl \1r ' <'lint on F Ea<;f rnan Jr. rlefll and the Rohert \\' \\ inC'h1•JI , mmull their programs during rnterrrns,ron ch:i1 :1l the contert sponsorerl bv he Oran~e Counlv l'hrlharmonrr Society Frirlav e\cnin;: rn Or.rng1· < oa-1 Cnllc~c \uchtorrum The CflfUtrity C ro1nl Con~ert Conq uers By MARY DAY . \ p1 kt·I .1111-t lJlf r ~.l\\ he1rcl anrl v.a!-conquerl'd lJy l\\O )OUng .\mcr1can5 and an orchr.;tra nlNI among the lop fi ve rn thr countrv al Frrcl;n night's toncert of the Los Angeles Phllharmonil' Orchc<;t ra in Orange loa~t Collrgr Aud1torrum The Oran~e Count> Ph1lharmon1c So- < 1rh spon:-or or thr rnrrent come rt -.errec; V.d !-prnuc: lo prt•:-1•nt llcnr>· l.<•wr' as g11e~t cond11C tor. tlw onl\ natr,·r 'rm of l.o-. '\n- grl"" In cnnd111 t tlw grc•;it .1g;.!r1•g,1t111n of 100 11111'1na11\ 1n .1 rt·gul;tr -.ub..,tr1p1 ion mm Prl. H' rn n .Janis of ~ld\l'l''-port Pa p141no solo· ISi h.r~ {'\ okl'd I ,1\ I' fr1Jl11 Crl(I{'<; anrl etUrl 1 rnC'C's throUt,hout the \\ orlrl during hr~ cur r •'nl tour and. a flc r the r1r.\t note. this v.as rcacl1ly 11 ncl cr<.t a ncla IJI C' Lr\\ rs· 1<·~1>. bouncy but at the ~amr time dignified direction or thr orch!'stra was the perfed complement to .J.1nb' almost un· believable spt•rcl and dt•xleril\ of tech111qut•. as fleet-fingrrcd and surr. he 111tl•rprctrd :he dazzling or rornanl1 c p.'.1:-~ages of Rarhrnan- inoffs Rhapsody on a Theme of l'ag;i n1n1 and Liszt's Concerto :\'.o I 111 I:: flat At all limrs there was bt',1utif11I tr.am work, perfect timing and eomplcte rapport between soloist. co nductor and orc:ir~tra The deafenmg and prolonged applause fro111 the absorbcrl i1nd appreciative audien1·p da"· ilies the cvrnrng as a highly <'nltltinn<1I 1·x· pericncc. · four \\ rre mclurlc'cl m the "packrlf hou " · Jurl1en " l\h1c-h appn·t·1,1fl\<'l y applauded a hrrll 1.1n 1 p1 rforn1 ,1011• O\' llenrv Le11 is. ~111·~1 ron<lu1 ror \\1t h th<' I 1 \ngel<•-; Phrlharn on1< On hr-tn rnrl RH•1n J 1n1 p1J no ,olo1st · ·-- ,. ,. 1111• I ·i ! I I fll "1 ' or I"" '· I 111 "' i"l• ,, t If ' ' l r Ill 11' \\ f ,. . 1' I ., 1'. I '1°t I h\ ''11 err ,, '• I II I I 11 I ,,, \I ,,,, ., \'. " ,_ ( t '.ti I I \ -• 1• :. II 11 • 11)• ~111 t Tea Honors I .ti II 11·p•1 <'I 11nf • • .. 1 ,,.\, ~ tt-d r, ,,,.,, 1 11 , \ '"''' .n <. "'" .. • , ,., fl I If Hl'. I I Jr .. • I ,,.,, t.1 I T ",., .. , , I ,1\ rd" I >r '" ,. h1111 • ' , ,•, h. - f, ,: i f •••••• .! •• • • irn fl'' 1•nr1·tl h' nf 1,r1·r • ' •r • '• 11lrJ in h,.,., r • I• I f'lt'llllll f( t• llf'll .. 1 ol 11111 \1.1 F .1 r h ,. 1 .\I H 111 ..... 11 or 1" .\1 -, \,. lo 1 ) The opening of Brahms· Acadcn11c Frs- tival Overture and Schumann's "Spring" Symphony to close the program were 1nclcecl happy choices and almost a necessity to ralm the elated audience su fflcienlly for a safe journey homr Mus_ic for Mesans The final concert in the current sub- scription srnrs will be heard on Saturday, April 13. at Orange roast College when the might y Zubin Mehta returns frOIT) a tri· umphal 1-~uropran tour to .direct the Los An- gelP~ Philharmonic Orrhrstra Costa Mesa librarian Russell l\oherts has offic1,1ll\ accepted from Mrs. Lester i\lr tsenhemH•r of th1' Ftiends of the Costa Mc!la Lihrnr~· th e group'<; latr'I gilt-23 long-playing h1-f1 album:-. repre<ienling thr nucleus of a new phonogrnph r<'rorcl rollrrt 1011 111 which thr F'ri encls will 1Hld from t1mr to 111m• ·'"'' O\'N A year fl.lo(O the organization gave thr library ' threr BogPn l'rc·,ton ht r1 lmnl:ihlr' and amphfirr.; so lhr mu~rc rlrpar1n11 r.I 11<1\\ 1, \ l't >.much a rraht~ Al~o clnnal <'Ii lw t hr Fnrncl41 f;ii,t Wl'<'k '' l'rt' f t111r 4x8-foot ,11t 'C'1ern' \1l11rh \\Ill hl' 11~1rl lor till' hh1HI\ ~ fll'f clll -ho\\ 11"1 h1' 'pnn,ortttf h1 tlw Frrrniis 111 ~lay. ,\_. I I I' . 1,11dd '' ,,, ' I lit fl :drr· ' h •II 11 th• .. . Patronesses r' • 111 r, I ' I'' . \ t ,, • • .. • I ' I II \\I' f;1\II11 ,. \• '. R e ·velin' ,.1 ... :'l.1" ~nd .. ' .l \11·. . '• .. \• 1 .r I' u ''" ' J'I• Ir!• 1 · .rr•f nr r h 1rd \I \\ •• "r ,,,, •. \lmf'< Hrr- \II '" \J ,,~ C::f\tjrro I •• I II 'Ill! J: I I J r, " ... \. " '· . . . . with Evely n 1111 I I\\ I " I\ I I '1 \'-Ill 1l\\t1t1fl I \ ... I " I' •,1 \ 1 ••• 1 1 •• I It I J • I t\1 I ! \I I " \ ''"• I' I • l1·11 ' \ 11i'1 I I• I "" ol' ti I ,I I •II 1111 )'.t• ' l!flf'l .ii 1111111 , .... 1 l,1 I "1 1 lltl I ) .. •' I ,. ...... ~ ,. rt I ,. ' 11111 111 I h " \\ h1• I .o r I 1 , 11 Ct.t''" .. 1 11.t Jl.11 fin!(.• 1111o1 h,1\t' Jt!•I rr•llfllll'd 'l\1lh o;111 h \.:111\\ inc n·1111r·s. nn1 onf\· 1•! 11 r 1·h:irm ng rr'I 111r.in• In• of I hr nl'\\ h111r1, :ind h1111rhnc' 1ti.1t ar1· 1,1,1 n• n • "" 11•1, J,. l;1ncf ,111 rr,1 1·l1•r \• rr l\•1hl.. 111 1' 1rn• ,1 rl1 \I 1• ,lf\rl ,f 111',I')\ J'•'"TI ti 1'1\I • ,,,, It ' 1 ·..( I f I t' ' ' 'j\ Sjll'lltl<; a ,,1IJ •ti ~ ) 1•,11 ,\( t ~ • \ \\ l ' 1' • 1 I'\ h, r l;i •• .1 I " If· 1 • I lh•' ,uJ a ddu:hnul 11 • r·I' '' 1•rk ''" I he Island;;, •,, •• 11 • 1111 • JrnllV h.1s '" ' ... I •' ,. i 1, •'' ~ •nult't-r .11 • ,d · "'' 1 ~ ,Jnn'111•1 111p ' 1 t , ... ~ ' • 1 t 11~ 1 r r ,1' ', • c I\·•· II \\ \' \\ t-:l·.l\l-,\11 lo 1 • 1 11• 1'.1.111.: hu lhd,t\ s d rill '"" l..1 • \ r 1!.t ~ .WU· \HI,,..', 11ld1rJnh \\hO llt" "I' '" "'"' adJ lo murk fhr 1.11,tf fl.Ill' 1:,111 I· l,1111• \nr \ ,111J I~ •h.•'·' ( ·•'' •I lht 't•111~ \l•·•f 11111·111-l'OJ 1~1·d shJr- 1111· 11<1' , amt 1•\en1ng1 • 1 1• rrs..r t Tht'' '' e re ~' n~I h' J.1~k and Ja, \11 • 1, r l1<1rhara and Bill l arr '-.!,in \ncy. Tommy Jnrl Lrn Freeze. Sandra anr1 Paul Hobertso1, .md '\inc\ and .lack Brooko; 1 he~ JI! 1·1110~ ed lhe Lido <I·· l'an ~ sh11\\ at lht• s1ar- r111,1 lt11ll'f .111d thr othrr '' 1 \ 11 ,., 1h 11 the area has •,, oll••r \I' n•tur nf'!I hap- 1"' • 11 n111 11Pal1h11•1 lt·ao h· • ,, '!.•' hlllhd..i 3 t \. '. - r. - Whit Shall It Be? D&Aa ANN LANDDS: Cu you aa•t tb&a mar- ltqtt · K.J wUI bu btoome Ytr/ frltndl1 wtt.b I WOIDlll ..... ~tloD llD't Wortb I plUUld nickel. Sbt bu JODI UlrOup t.bnl or tour buabanda. I'm not IUtt WbkL Tbll WOllllD tot my wtre lntereated in rniled· lllpt bowUJst. At leut tbtle m,bta I .... tbe7 are out utu 1:00 a.m. - IOIDIU.m11 l a t • r. Lut ...u. tht1 went to Toi• do on an o~bt bowl· Inc trip. Nat net they plU to 10 to Colwnbu1. J plaoDld th• woman ,_..., ud told bu to lean mi wJI• alone. She ...... otf .. Ptwtt1 N.lty ........ ul Mid my -ii old •aouah to dillloll JMr OWD frtenda. Wt .... two cbUdrtn ....... ....,...., .. ,..,. dlr wUt'1 llUI oa. TIM ........... and 1'¥1 Md to coot dllmer' for .,...r ad ti» tldl mon tbDM than I eare to .clmJL PllMI ,.._ me eome ad- ftce. -THE SPARE D&AJt I PA AE: 'l1lle .... .. ~ .... ... ••1• ,_,wife II eU = .. u... ..... ~ Jf TRIS II lier ........... ~Mttne ai. ,...,.a.WUty el .. mt, .......... dDllrtll. N Walle tu 1• wlU1 ,.. .. • aarrt.,e cwa.e- ler er a detomu uc1 d1t- m11 die probltm. (Some- W1t1 I• w r o n & or she ...W•'t bf' r • • n I ni .,.. ..... ) tr ahe It nwWln( le make &Jae eUort lo ret the marriage back In "'Ork· tnc eondlllo11 then ttll her lo tab AU her clotbt1 tbt next time abt &ots on an o''ernlfht bewUac trip. DEAR AN~ LASDERS I was lntere:sted 1n your re- ply to tht woman who wu l9et 1 !alt pest& tl\sted h • r c\ar the MNa~rO., up the dahu · fil · 1p1te of h<>r protuts When we entertam guests I'm perfecU,y rtlaxed about leaving the dUbea until Uley 1ay goodnl&ht But this 011e ft1eod or mlne 11 an ah· IO!ute nut about orderh· ne11. She ju1t can 't 1tand It. Lore' ti T 'i ltmt Sewn Dm to Beauty at I can't tie her to a cb&lr, Alul, ud lht limply lnlilta on c1Mn1nC up, ln spite of m1 pleadln1. In r e c e n l monl!Y I've let ber 10 a.bead and do it. Am I be-inl nade lo permJWn1 a put to work whlle I llt 1D tbe 1Mn1 room? -S01!I'H DAKOTA DEAR DAIUYl'A: Relu. YM'n .... , lier a fner . ............ e~YlealJ bl a e.m,.ialea le deu -1t lel Iller ""' lilenelf ud dta't stve It •••t'•r U.pt. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm 17 yeara old but •YVY· one lakes me for lt be- cauae I'm ao mature . Thrtt months a10 I 11.att· td to date a man wbo works 1t a 1upermarul We 1aw each other about five nl&hll a week. Then for no good r e a s o n he stood me up on a Friday nlghL I worried myseU 11clc, thlnkina maybe something terrible happened to him. The next morning I tel~ phoned him at work and he said "I forgot " He hu been very busy ever since and I ha ve not sttn him. Yesterdav I heard he's datrng a i:1rl "ho loob lllte me. Do you Ounk this lkl la a IUMtib&t.a? P\iaue le 11 me. L must 1mowt, ~· -IN PlEl.-u> DEA R I~: If thn boy wen lntereal~ lJI yoa. -w.aktn'l neH a Hbldmtt. For(el him. He doet•'t haH the ntrn te teU yoa hr ba1 foUDd a 1pria& rt- placement. To Inna the back of lttling comfortable wt I h l bt opposite tu, teM for A~N LA.-..O ERS' booklet. ''How To Be Date BaJt," nclot1lnc with your request !Ge In roln ud a loac, aeU- addresld, stamped en\t· Plenty of Work Ahead! Stacks of brochures and worbheel$ were distributed to repruentaUves of 27 Orange County Philharmonic committees who came to Newport Beach from all part.I of the county to discuss the forthcomlng con· Unuance fund drive for tbe 1963-6-t Philharmonic seuon. Handing out instructions to Mrs. William Cowan Oeft), continuance fund chairman tor the Lido We comm1ttee. are the Mme..s John Swartz, county continuance fund cbaJrman; Robert Miller, assi.tant treasurer of the Oranae County Philharmonic Soc- iety, and Lloyd Aubert. Society treuurer (from left). Slx concerU are planned for the HUOn, including tlve by the Loa Antelet PbllharmonJc: Orchestra and one by the Royal Phllhvmonic Orcheatra of London, under the dirtc:Uon of Sir Malc:olm Sarttnl Fund· rallln& acUviUea will be launched Immediately by PhlJharmonJc committees throu1bout tba county. 'Stylish' Rummage Offered , TODAY What's Doing? l\IAllY l>.\Y l.ltwrly K-5~11iJ 7:00 p.m,-Huntlntton BHch TOPS Club -1((•1'l'l'.1l1t111 Center, 17th St. and Orange A\!<'. l!•Jnr 1111.• ton Beach. -LOI Olas T0Htmi1tress Club of Huntington IHch -Elka Lodge 11311, 80~ lk <'an Blvd .. Huntington Beach . 7:30 p.m.-Helter Skelter Ski Club, Inc . .___ ~.1111.1 \na Community Clubhou:.c. I Ill \\' E1~h th '-II , Santa Ana. 7:30 p.m.-Dupllcate Bridge 1t Irvine Co.ut Country Ch1lt -1600 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. --Orenee County Daughters of the British lmplrt -Potluck supper in the Falrlane Motor Lod&e, Recreation Hall, 1256 Ha sler, Garden Grove. -K1pp1 Delta AlumnH, Newport Harbor Chtpt9r -In the home of Mrs. Stanley Wit· ll1m1, 1901 Highland Dr .. New port Beach -Cotta Meta Ladles' Auxlllary to Carpenten' Locel 1453 -American Legion Hall. 565 W . 18th St., Costa Mesa. 1100 p.m.-XI L1mbd1 Chepter of Bet• Sigma Phi - Location available by calling Mrs. No.rman Rains, Klmberly 2·5559. --Omicron Rho Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi - Location available by calling Mrs. Guy York, Klmberly &-6998. • --Alphe Alpha XI Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi - In the home of Mn. Donald Knox. 6722 llall· fu Dr., Huntln&ton Beach. TOMORROW 10t00 1.m-Alph1 Chi Mu Chapter, Delphlen Seclety - In the bomt of Mrs. William Snyder, 1227 Devon Lant, Newport Beach. 12 nMn -Junler IMll Clula of Newport ... ch - Ebel1 Clubbouat, 615 W. Balboa Blvd., New· port Buch. -St. IJtuMth't Guild of St. Wllfrld'a lplaco. pal Church -In the home of Mrs. Christy Bruno, 7772 Rhine Drive, Huntington Beach 12:JO p.m-Celenel Wllllam Cabell Ch1pter of D1ugh· ten ef the Am•1lc1n Revolution -Location available by calling Mrs. James Taylor. ORlole 8· 7192. -Cer•n• del Mar Dupllcate Bridge Club - Chr1aU1n'1 Hut, 2121 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. 1:00 p.m.-OeytlrM TO'S Club -269 E. 20th St , Costa Meu, further Information call Llbcrty M38& or MJdway 6-4564. Youngsters Give Books A "French Room" for ••blab fuhion" rummaae. a Kat Room and a special childru'1 clothln1 aecUon will faclllt.ate 1hoppln& al the annual aprtJlJ rumma11 ..i. lo be pruented at St. John the Olvtne Eplsco-Boy1 and atrl1 of the paJ Church, zou Oranie Jlarbor Area have been Over SO favori te atorlu A,·e., Coat.a ~le.a. Thurs· busy buyln1 hooks for the da y th r o u eh Saturday, new Mariners Library locat. ha \'e already been purcha~ ed by youngstrrs at I~ .ti book store\, hut llwre t April .(-8 ed al 2005 Dover Dr .. New- Mem ~n or the l'hurch's port Beach, accordinl! to 11111 lime lnr n1J1rr~ tri h" l\t Anni'·~ anc1 St Mariiar· Mrt. Oliver Howell , prtsi· added lo the colle< IJOn ~1 ,, et 's Guild~ ar" bu~y rrrair· dent of lhe Friends or the llo't'cll e>.ph11ns lnlcn ,,,.,, lng and rronin~ rlnthin~ do-Library. The nl'w library bo)~ and J.'.llh min C"n1 ,,, l nations as they are turned will open at 1 pm Tuc~day. .P.lrs llo"'t U. In and promlae to have April 2. · uuauu·y-,~~:-.~ der way al 10:30 a .m. on scribed "'1th its donors rll;;rl each of the three days. name. The youn1 donor• I IU ._U» • In addJUon \o the clothln1. will become charter mem· •Moh • Crn>t• • Nlch"' ~ San Clemente Inn U• CUltO!l C•l" • ... ·•t.,••U·• 10':~n Landen will be &lad STITCH IN TIMI -Members or St. An ne's and St Mar11ret'1 Oulld.J of ColtA to bdp you •ilb your prob-Men's St. Jobn the Divine Ch:.irrh h:t\e their hands fu ll mendln1 and tronlnt ~:7!r:1!ti1:~r;~a':et !~~ ha~=c~ ~~e 1~~:~ce~. "~~ ;,-~-:::,~orl!!R·c;IAllt.lRPE.ASrR·K· ~ a 1tctfon will bt Ht ulde bers or .the Junior Friends 1121 llartaor 81~. rosu ~1na ~ for anUquea and white elt-of the Library. w,..,.,....,......,....,....,.,,._._ • .> .... phrnll. Per.on. who ert ' -- -- -- unable to dtUver donaUon1 --POWDER PUFF HAIR FASHION Don't Miu .... 'Lott' on Channtl S J.ck BaUty Sho" J8 kl II A. '1. lem1. M11d them to her In donations Jn preparation fo r th1•1r annual spr1n1 rumma1e ule, April 4-8. Will· ran of The OAJLY PILOT/ Ing helpers Include rrrom IPft 1 thr ~1 :nP~ Howard Hughett, Gladys Morris and .St1u-P rt' 1 tnclo1in1 a Lois Buawell They prom1~r ~r l)nl•':indin~ selection of clothing tor tht whole stamped. 1tU•ddre1~d rn-fa mily, plus many othrr hnu~t hnli1 Ite m~ Thuradey · Much 28 Hlnpt<. --- cc-.. ...,· uw. 1 -l"""''-. •"< 1 I .. -~~,~~. Lycrae and Luscious Lace • Pretty i nd hfhl 11 a compliment. ~et firm and bcau11ru11y shaped. thankf to 5upple L)cra ~ s11andex! • Luxurious "Fleur de Lace" nylon lace cups • Style 4055 white. black A 32-36. B. C 32·36 $$.OU. CORSET RY Corona def Mor 2737 E Coast H 1ghwoy I .... o T1 -:la •us LINGERIE Hour~ 9 · 5:30 OR 3-1 950 Women Hear Busine88 Talk8 The Costa Meaa Busmc ' and Proresalonal Women ' Club met at the .Plua Inn recentl y ror their rlinnrr meeUn& Pre -teens Learn To Square Dance Miu D111y Grmnage pa'I dlatricl president. pre~ent· ed a talk on the standard~ and lntere.l.t of the bus1n"s anCI proreulonel women She al110 1tre11ed bow the BPW brings about cooper•· Uon 1mong the women or the bu1lne11 world. both rn the United Matea and otht·r oountrie1 or lbe world l'rr .. ...,_, v. '• art m~r· I \'(•rj r 1ra:• lnl, lfjUtre danc tnl( r,a, rrjil•l,.r for a ne"' hr.:1n1wr' cla'' ln· ~lnJC tc•d h~ r: t•cl Whi tford, spon~nrrrl hy Harbor lloe- rlownrr .l11nior1 The flnl clan "'Ill ,1art at &·30 p.m. Tue,d11\ April 2, ln the mui. ll·p 11 r p u ' r room at the A rl 11 rn ~ \< h'lol In Costa Meu S r ' ' I o n • v.111 rontrnue u rh I •1Mcla ' from ~ -.i to For Better Home Loans HOME LOANS WITH LOW REDUCED RATES QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE EASY SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDL y ~~~"v~~~ENT COMPLETE ii~~~~ fl p.m.. with re&illtaUon lee aet al 11 and an add!· Uonal coat of = cenll per person for etch addlUOlal leuon. Mr1. Dotty Brehany, who may be called at JClmbeJ'.. Jy 3-6490 for rurlher lllfor· matlon. announces that "partners only" m11 real• ~r. The rea11traUon1 w1t1 remain open for thrH week1 unless the clau limit 11 retched at an tarller date • • • Laguna Federal Savings & loan Association Heedquartera For Thrift ind Home Ownerthlp Headquarters lranch 260 Octtn Avenue 601 N. II Cemlrte 9teal LAGUNA BEACH SAN CLIMINTI ) J lo tht church may arran1t lo have them picked up by caUln& Mra. Georae Dt· Roulhac at Llberty Wl815 or Mn. Waller Hepperle at I Mldw1.1 Mm. A _, l"•ATU•INO THllH Nft. CO .. V( .. l(Hf HOUltl • MON. thru FRI. I a.m.·10 p.m.•SAT. 8 1.m. • S p.m. NOW ON ou• STAl"I" 177 E. 17th 5t. JULIA HAHCl'I H LI U647 Brat Shop Charge or Bank8m crlcard 01>en Monday an•I f"rlda' Evenlnas l'nlll !I 1809 Newport Ave., Cost1MesiLI8-0SOS Speakers Announce Delegates Mrs. II. J. Howard of Santa Ana and Mrs. ,I. Or- land Smith of Garden Grove have been named by the Orange County Speakers' Forum as club delegates to the aevenlh annual conven- tion of the California Fed- eration of Women's Clubs \o be held Thursday and Fri- day, April 18-19, in the Char- ter House at Anaheim. Mra. Ellis N. Porter or Costa Mesa will be alternate del- egate. March meeting of the Fo- rum was In the Scottish mood , with a review of the book "The White Rose of Stewart." a talk on the tar- tans of Scotland and a de- scription of the ancient Gu- thrie Castle near Aberdeen, Scotland given. At Davis PTA OA ll 'I' jl>ll OT I Nlwt ,I HS Wed .. March 27, 1963 23 Family Fun Day Slated Parents of pupils at Maude B. Davis school are t<iking an extra ration of vllamins these days as they get "In training" for the energetic Family Fun llay planned by Davl11 PTA f11r Saturday, March 30. The fun and games will get under way at 10 a.m and will last until 4 in the afternoon, tiy which time everyone should be ready to · reM up fQr the remain· de,r or. ~he weekend, satis- fied with Ins contribution to the cause of national fitness. Marn f'\Pnts on the sched- ule 1.1cl11d1: a basPball g&rnc with Cathf'rs plavtng aga1ni.t sons, whtlr mothl'rs "'ill \II' \\Ith lt11·1r daul.'htN-. 1m Ilic voll!'V b&ll COUil' The alh· lcc:l1~s \\ill c•int111111· \lo Ith a s&ck nit c. ropt· tu gi:in~ r<10· ttsl. llappy llu<1l1~an 1 are. nutty r11n. stop and grJ. s1,1· ct-r rcscc. S1amr·~1· t \\IO r atf' whcelbr>rrr1\lo rac:c and hor'>C· shoe contci>t For the small fry lhPre'll be continuous o;crctning<; of cartoons and a cal.• ·1. alk will S&lhfy 1111· 'r•<sfl.IOJ!.• SPRING SAVINGS JACQUE'S UPHOLSTERl~G STUDIO DRAPES & UPHOLSTERING SOFA WHY CHAIR or the sweet tooth depart- ment lirioths on the school grriumJs will supply cold dr1nks, coflee. son-cones, cotton candy. tacos. hot d1>J::<;, P.1tato ·chips and pop- corn, aloni: with many games or skill for the less athletically inchne<I. to pf ease any cat ..• At the April meeting in the Orange home of Mrs L. L. Williams, Mrs. Robert Daily will speak on "A Wo- man of Ch1na" and Mrs Bradford C J ones will give the geographical b a c i.. ground for the talk DRESS REHEARSAL -Demonstrating the parent- teacher cooperation advocated by the PTA, H. W. Ward, princ1pa.l of Maude B. Davis School, and Mrs. Larry Little, PTA ways and means chairman, (cen- ter) practice for one of the many events on the agen· da for the school's Family Fun IJd\' on ~aturday, March 30. Other PTA officers help111i.: plan thr, n ent are (from left) Mrs. Everett Allen. ~lrs .-\ r, Wood- ley and Mrs. Nelson Quackenbush pre~1rlr 1t I ~~~~: •• ~~!.~ :_~_\?~~:~ MtftWl y, all ll W to '"' •• WW CMMIOIM. Phone liver 'n meat chicken fish meaty mix kidney •n meat BPW DELEGATES -N1m1:iort Harbor Business and Professional Women's Club was represented at the recent BPW gathering in Sacramento by ~l rs. Arnold Naegeli (left). San Oreo District president. and llrs. N. Austin Cole. Roles of political parties in legislation were studied during the "Government in Action" conference. Conference State Government Observed by BPW Representlni the Newport itarbor Business and Pro- fe u1onal Women's Club at the recent three-day RPW ''Government in Action" conference in Sacramentl) "'ere .Mrs. Arnold ~aegell, San Oreo Dtstnct president and Mrs. N Austin Cole Theme or the conference 'lll'as ''The Role or Poltt1cal Parties in Leg1slat1on". Del- egat.u were addressed ~v Dr Gavlord Parkinson. \'1ce cha1rm.an or the California Republican St a l e Central Commlllee and Profes~11r George Champ1e. T h 1 r J Congressional District Dir· ector of the California Dem· ocratic CouncLI The Hon. Charles J Conrad, minor· Uy noor leader also dlSCUSl>· ed the roles of ma1onty and minority panies 1n the As· aembly. On the closln~ day of the conference, delegates were taken on a tour or the Cap- itol Building. where they were allowed the rrivilt~e of the floor In the Senate and later entertained legis· lators at a luncheon. dell'· ~a~s 11tting with legisla- tors from their own dis· tncts Guests of Mrs. Naeg- eli and Mrs. Cole wne Sen· ator John Murdy and As· semblyman Robert Bad- ham Ha rhor Clul• ~leets in C'l Mrs . Jryl Burch pre~lded when members of the Har· bor Toastmistress C I u b gathered at the club's new meeting place, the C o s t a Mesa Savings and Loan Assoc1auon, 19th Street and l'\e"' port Bouleva rd. Toast· mistress was Mrs Tom Saffer. The icr-breaker 1pttech was given by Mrs. George Von Slatter. followed by a talk by Mrs. Bill Wells. Guest general evaluator was Mrs. Kenneth Burnap of Ga rden Grove MARCH BEAUTY SPECIALS.-...... ELEGANTE' rermcmente D'ltalla ly Helene C•rtlt '" nrum· rthAIBT t• ... :,.:. n::;t cMittiP: :1~:"!:. l 0 5 0 '"' '" '' toar 1111111 ftffll11a1 .. ,,,., • • • ln l1011111t ionuu •-' ldJ uuo c.,lttH tlll Cit kt~ Stylh l Shampoo-Set .... 100 HAIRCUTS 200 _. 2so Stylial S!-ICIALI ------. Zotos Hairspray 75 lho l u Zmot Cvtl....,, ,.., C wov wtlfl o•• .....,.., s,. .. ::, ,\!::-~1 :"° c.ott fll (ll911 OM) Clairol's LovlnCJ Care 300 T"° tlto<1'"" .,._ -• to -_.. ...... ••!t>Gul -,... .... """' .. -(010'1 ""'·"'"- Clair°''• s• OIHI Shw 00 Wotllt• '""'"' NeilW l!llt erev llelr. 3 ,..., ~ .... ,, (;-•""' .. __ ..... y..,·1110 .. Ill Harbor ShoPplng Center Ctttl ~tt ICI , .. ,., S Pointe Shorplng Ctr. H-" ....... 1-.11 VI , ...... Sprln.dale !dlnger Ctr. :.~....... •M(ll '"_, " . I PERMA-TRESS I . " • r '• r • f ... i ~ .. .:. ' Clubs Serve: Serve Your Club ~~t~!atea 543-1248 FR:~E~11~~-~~ WEEkOID SPECIALS FDR THURSDAY thru SUNDAY FRYING CHICKEN PARTS Breasts w~~T 55~ USDA Grade "A" CORNISH Legs or Thighs ••• 49:. Wings EJ~~c;,l 29:. Backs & Necks •••• 9:. tl~· zaa HCI Ulffllf 11111 UICIALI HALIBUT -:=:-89~ SWORDFISH -=:-19~ COD Flum ~ 49~ SOLE FILLETS~ 89~ I CROSS ·.~~~~· BEIF snAIS 'ttl' Chuck Steak ™.~~ 49~ Swiss Steak ~-69~ Round Steak •:c 7 5~ Sirloin Tip "'~°' 89~ Char Steak Porterhouse 1~~c 1 ~b~ WO ClUI 95~ 7-Bone Roast 0-Bone Roast Rib Roast Clod Roast corm 49' CfT • WM MUTT ,... CIT IC*£. tlSS 55~ 79~ 79~ A&~'I GROUND MIATI Ground Beef •••• 39~ Ground Chuck •• 59~ Top Sirloin ~~c-1 ~~ Ground Round •• 69~ -~-·~-~.. . . ___..,.. . ' ~ . ·.. . ~. ~ . . , \ .,,,, ~ . . ~..;· EASTEttJf POii ~, .. fresh Picnics ~ 39~ Pork Butts ~~ 49~ Spare Ribs Loin Roast = 53~ LOOI OOI 59' '°'"'OIC • Pork Chops f~::'! ~ 89~ Sliced Bacon ,~ 49~ 49' A&P's GARDE!\r FR F.sH FRUITS AND V EGETA BLES VALUES ~~~VOCA~~s ¢ STRAWBERRIES ':~I l a.k ... S1°0 EXT~}ppin A~~LES ¢ FUERTE 4 49 LARGE ROMAINE LETIUCE • • • • • 2· .. 19c 6~~~6N 4 49 AtP &RAND APPLE SAUCE JANE PARKER ASSTO, Sandwich COOKIES STIDO'S Beef or Chieken BROTH SUNNY BROOK SCOTT RED PAPER SALMON TOWELS~ ~(21C 1Y2-lb.111c Pkg. Iii 10-oz. Can 1ac ~~~· ,.c._ ~(. 35c~J GOlD MEDAL SAN Pl!ltNANDO VALLEY '1nm OH llOY FROZEN 79 PEPPERONI 89 PIZZA CHEESE C 1-lb. 3-0L Q 1-lb. Pkg. Pkg. FLOUR GREEN OLIVES 7'~·01. Jar CUT RITE WAX PAPER* LANO ENDORF RUM RING CAKE 12 .... s1 .. 11 39c IHCKSIT MAI• llTTINO LOTION* w1•"" Pte,tlc Helt ..... ,. 100 ltO VALUI s,_ .. Pack* 12 ""· 49' "'•· 125-Foot Roll HM UICI( OVEN 3 s 1 BAKED BEANS 0~1::. HIUS BROS . COFFEE LOG CABIN BREAD NESTLE'S DECAF WHcn DI WHIT[ 10c orr IS•: 27c luf ~l. 89' Jlf OH HENRY MINIATURES 3 ~~~ s I B&B BROWN BREAD ~·!~· 27• SNOW'S MINCED CLAMS SNOW'S CLAM CHOWDER 7": OL 33• ca~ ao1. 33; C1n INST ANT SAN KA COFFEE SWISS CHEESE ms~mm A&P ROMANO CHEESE ~.,_ , ., h r 1-tL 39c "''· ,., .. , 59c n1. PISMO MINCED CLAMS 1.!~ 0J~~ 23• YUBAN COFFEE l!~ 73• ~!~· I u COFFEE ,.:ru:;t ~-!: 65• ~!~ I u SHASTA BEVERAGES ~': I 0 ~z~~~-99' CHOC. PUFF DROPS ~~!:t~~~'i• 39' '''<•• lffenlve Th..,,.., Fri., Sol. & S1,1n,, M•r<h 2', 29, 20 & J1 SANTA ANA 1120 So. 8 ri1tol 8 rl1tol-McFadden Pina 9 AM to 12 Midnight Dally-Sunday 'tll 10 PM-Santa Ana Only "Tull>I• lt•m• •vl>IM1 N I•• -OH11 l ull..., • JOc Off Deal -lb. l og 2-lb. Con LAST CHANCE OFFU f X,.IRlS MARCH lOth SAMSONITE FOLDING CHAIRS o• FOLDING TABLES llegul ar 3'' ' 6 95 Value ~ l och Will 10.00 W•lll ti Cu~ hi •tu,.,.~ .-~ ..... ------------------------------------~------------------------------..:·\. __ __ Ni~ • ....,•· dlD&olOoeta b fOr ••lnett Ud Prof .,., ..... Adda, wW teb ebarte at the aut ewmt, a poUoik.1tt for '1:JO p.m. ~.March•. ln the TbomplOft tlau ot tbe Ftnt Metbodllt C h 11 r c b, COit& ...... atioa COldwlta 'folk ~ ........... Ucau~ _,, 'nle ~ la ojleta • eu l1nite bcalDeu and protea- liooal adoha. P'urthet tnror- mltioa may be olltalned r r om Mw Ju.ne Gollon, Mfd1'ay l-"46; Min NllQml Jorcbl, Klmbttl1 M308, or MIA Jackie Llanellan, Lib-ert, ~. Other new otncen for tlle comtn1 JUf blelude Charles Jo~:.~" Ice president: MW mM!I SWnmen, tee- teWJ, and Dewey ~ • . -- 1 Huntington leach Directory Tbt MM OOVM Md rol1a ..ui be. funUabed .., the club. Women membln an bked ti> brtQC a OUf ... dish, ..... Ol dealrt, .... to CODtdbute SO ctnta ... Men will purc:b.,. Uc1'lb at •uo eacb. eon, ~. Board metn· , , bera are Miii 11ne 0o1eon 'Do You Sunpose the Gfne'l'• Firee;-:orr ·. . WARD MeKNTTIU!: INDUSTRIAL ENG INt; SF:HV1n ; -W1rcl McEat,yn, wttb two and a half years In business locl.ll1, la owner o1 W. en.ute repalr firm locall'<i al 19:H Lake Sl. tn Hunllnitoa Belen. Phone ls LE 6-21115. E'h&ineA ,...bu.llt, repaired, end m&tnta.lned. For marine and 011 flelJ equipment, Ward olfen completl' 1uvlce and maintenance. AJl'O wott on air compreuors. and all marine engines. All t~• of gas-operated engines serviced. such as those in work for oil fields. A. datce b wt .., the • rroup from a to U~30 p.m. each Jl'ddu 19 U.. Thomp- son Hal. Nate Mon of ~ International Dine. ...a.. and Ml.la NaamJ ...... ... T . CMirmell' JDclude M & •• Jt realll ahould be. tor it will be uaed by ""*"'DI (conUnu.tq &om left), l&n. Thomu Ktqht, vice Llnnehan eoc1a1· Mia A» oWcera of the Ladles Auxiliary of the COila Mua DfMident; M~:ce May. tr•uurer, and Mn. ta ButWworib.' pubUclty; Fire Department durina the comin& yee.r of Hl'Vlce. ltm• Genp ~. Cf:'ouor of µte Cotta Mia Jdi'dan, membertlalt: Mrs. David Teter Oelt), lncomint preatdtnt. accepta MtM annual -..•1 lall JIQ, tbe 'AuxWary Mia Oollon~rosnm:.... the mark of office from Mrs. Robert Beauchamp, also does phllaJlthropic work throu&hout tbe com-~ • welcomlal. retiring prelldent, 1t insta.Uation rites al the Stuft munity and raitel money to don•te to the Orange and Georle Lawson, ,n-. Shirt Re1taw-ant. Smiles of approval are bestowed Cowlty Cbildra•a Borplal w., ... wt tr-. .. ltaliaft CONtal ,..... .. "° .. to v..-... Jiloo-aco ,,... taJoyld bf Mr. and Mn. Jobn Elllolt and tbeJr ... ., ....... of 201 ..._I A..._ Bllbea Is- land, dartQC a tlO!t· mootll _, la Italf. The l!lllotts, wbo have Just returned bome, live. on tM cout at FtnaJr Llguire during tbeir Yiltt In Italy, (belr Cbriatmu holi· days spent In Rome. The list tine weeks o the trlp featured a tour the Dlropeu cooUnent. climaud by a .. fling" it1 Paris. fl 'arm. On With the N e10 NB Juniors Entries ART GALLERY . ...... TelepboM .-1 HuUq1.oa Beach I• GLASS & MUUt 1>e G11eUe It Son• Gla11 c.. ,_,_T_ •--•Mmwt UwtW9t °"°'' • Tub EnckKMfllt lOUVtr'\ & lOVVft Herd'wtl'I hlOl>Ofto 1>4-Utt I BJdr. t: Ill Quincy St. I Huntlqton Beech Are Chosen I* AUTO DEALER I* INSURANCE --ft-x-stE.,.._,.fi_M_6TO ___ llS __ I avRoN FENLEY Entriea submitted by Ju. ""' c .... ....,. • ..., • nlor Eben of Newport Beach Deal Wltla •N•ui.ANca tMOKC.. placed second and third tn • ne Ruler CONSULTANT the Art Rou.od·UP aponsored FamUy lft l\taln St. by Orange District ( r Cali-... ,.,_.. -... ........... I BH. LEI 1-SOOI Rea. LI 11-U3t fom ia Federation of Junior I tl'l...,..'1l 0 _ ... !t ~::d. * INSURANCE Women's Clubs and will be ""'""a u amone statewide winners Haatln(totl Bea<'h SOUTH SHORES compeunc for honors at the * AUTO Tl'RES I INSURANCE AGENCY Federat1on's state corwen-1 Steve Holden tion In the Disneyland 1 lotel ' AVERY ..._ .::::.&.. ._ u•111t¥ in May. .._.. "" ..,.... , ....,.... c,....,_ ai,..._ ow.t• .,..._..,, ........ first place wtnner 1n the ,,. a• • ._... BreM1"ant at Garfield Oran1e D1stncl Art Round· ,.:_-:.;. :::=., Hantlqt .. Beach Many friends of the Ell.Iott.I In tbe Newport Beach arta are ~nf for· ward 1o shariq tbe hlgh- Ugbt.s of their trlp. and 1everal weleom•bome gath· eru:ip an bdnl planned. Kn. C. V. McMannamy was installed recently u working with Mrs. Mt~lannamy Oeft) are the Mmes. Feb. ~ and Ma rch 15, was J9'J Beecll Blvd. * JEWELER up, which was held between ,....... ..,.... I pre1ldent of the Orange CounJ_y Alumnae Cl ub o! William Kelter, recording secrtiAry; A. C. Smith, Kappa Alpha Theta. in the bOme of ~In Ray Altle. correspondint secretary; Donald Tippett, treuurer, Beverly Lynne Tuck or Fut-Randnct .. Beacll I _J_A_C_K-'8_J_E_WE __ L_E_R_8_ 1817 Seadrift, Irvine Terrace. ~ew officers to be and Harvey Somers. \tee president. lerton Junior Ebell. "ho I llAUTY SALON aubmltted an lmpru~1onls· * ~~ ••'-01-~har'::.~0·1 head, done 1n ----.L-7-... -.-e.-,,-_ .. ----, \~j ;=: ::: .. :: ----~------------------------------------------ They' r e Cha11ip1 Winning team members Mrs. J ay Beesemeyer (second from left), and Mrs Jeannette McCormick accept their prize. a silver bo" I "'on in the annual bridge championship ol Irvtn~ Coast Country Club Women Golfe~ dur10:: a punch partv followmg the bridge event. The tournament "d' conducterl "1m1lar 10 a horse race, explain~ ~f r<;. Mary-Gazlay publicity chairman for th<' ~rou p and 1n onler to become •·champs." the Mmes. Beesemeyer and McCorn11ck had to crnn- pete with three other race wtnnera. the Mmes. Norman Gamble and Mu Miller. I A. Hil'ble ant1 Bethel St Clair. and Hadd Rin& and Fred Bulllln Prrc;rn•1nt: the prize to thf' wmnin&: team were A. J Heiser '1eft 1 and l harlcc; ~1 ... lr·r~ 'ri~ht ' ~"Wllt'l9 .... Cf,bl'llJ> Shore . . . opens its gates for a "Welcome Week-end" We inV1le 111 of you who have expres5ed ao 1ntert'sl 111 ">l'r1ng otJr exclusive oceanfront communily to tour l ypru11 Shon"~ enchanting three-acre park, private beach, and the fhe 111agn1ll· c1nt custom homes recently completed on choice vlt " -itc1 l'r•m I 1 '·'"· te 6 p.m. lttvrtllty •"4 ~ Mlrch JOttt •M 11• Ttke Calefla turn·off from ,,...,y '" _..,,.. S.n ''-"'tnt• Dtfw tM-helf mlle south. CM High PTA To Hear Panel A watercolor and oil ah-Arftt'" "' M•I• '""'-"'-•' .. ,..,,_ .. ,,_ atract by Lou Rom l'ra "as 34111 N;~~ " ~ Beecll JU Main St. LE\ 6-&Jr:~ awardM second plaC'e and Runtlniton Bndi 11sns !\fain SI. 1117-!IK .. fl llurd place \lotnncr ~a'5 a L~ 3-1'9%!1 watercolor entiUed "Boals l!9 &th st. . Huntlnitton Jkh * LIQUOR DRIVE-IN at Aachor'' by Richard Thomsen. &th paintings * BICYCLE SHOP >-Jo~ -f 4o ,..,,, ••ed f by Ne wport BOR'<' r -8eacb Junior Ebell. ., Dr. Donald Brlogman. pro-identa of th e PT A •'111 be " ....... ..., •u<• O..ollfv l~ • aur lm.ortt4 Wfftft OtUUtl'Utl'I fesJOr or education at honored An honorary life Judges for the art exhrbit ri lchl.:1ice M4~ Orange State CoUege, •Ill membership will also be were Mary Creamer of "W ,... 0.• • A M lo l ... M 091~ h i••-LIL~ mode rate a panel discussion awarded du ring the eve-Dana Point. Charlotte I • .,~~!::, on the subject "ls Collece we. Li&ht. Capistrano BeaC'h 0 o.!'::~-"' M~:::.'::'" Corner Ocran & 7th lluntln~lon Jlr;ic h Necessary f''or Sucee11T" Nomination for officers and Helen Hafer. Orange. r.k .. -14,.., .. "hen lhe Costa Mesa J°'h "lll be submitted. and ele<:· all prominent Southland JISSS Mala Street LUMBER School PTA meet.a at 7:00 I t.ton wlll be beld. artilt'> and lnstructDn. HUNTINGTON BEACH pm tomorTow . Mareh 28. ~&;;;;~i;;;:;;;:;;;mii;:;;;;:=:=;;;;::;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;=;:::;;;::;::;;;;;;;;;::;;;:==; I k C ~ICKEN TO.GO F R \NK C'l1RR \'-" t.nrn..:tt ro .. I\«. m the cafeteria The panel _., COLONIAL w11l mclude h 1 g h school I Y.\ 1. .........,,. •t 1 studl'Ot!\ cr.ecu v ... wu '·') FUNERAL HOME Mu91<'al entertainment wtU I hf' nffrr!'f! hv thr school's acapella 1 ho1r under the di· rrC'l 100 nf .Jnhn llerbsl. In lo.rl'ptn;: °" 11 h I t1r r l'llJnlfers' Day !"f'lehr1t1nn. put prea- 7801 lolsa Ave., WHtmlftster "Where No One Is Ever Turned Away For L..ck Of Fund•" Aw1if1~la 11 1 C•w.mu11ity S1r4'it1 T•mK• Room ~"-_!·:"-"-9t GOTIA DIME? c11ape1 ................. _RUN~LIN_E!~='=~=•~NE~•~•~•~H=M~D =lo=n=u=AR=Y ~ More Value Dollar for Dollar! OPEN DAY Ir NIGHT ~ ~ @ l11bD [Fl) t ln1 @} (G!, lk, (g) 00 ~ ••• fer the \\·ave tllat"ll beha\·e: , -EASTER TIME \'811'1 ... L ~{t~~~1~~ Havfl Th•l tfa.-..ain ,~. r~ F..-ltn•: ~ / r .. ,. , ••• ,ecl•lf•• ,., ., .. , .,. •• , .. , ........ WHY HOT rou• HAll1 II"/::. OPEN I A.M. to 12 MIONtCH'T 7..41 NO APPOINTMENT NEEDIDI EASTER VALUES 114 \I 0 J1\JU CUi i lft<l•d•t \lo........ .., '7" \;.,le c .... ,.t••• -·-. Ro9 '1 • WONOI • s9t1 c11•1 c ......... --· lo'I 110 ... •G 1C '1091 CUI I c;. ... ,.1.1. _ OTMU IN•Vl~ 10 U I 00 MHt IHter With A COSTA MESA ECONOMY WAVES '4'5 .... SANTA ANA IN'· MaJft Street "m , r 1 '' t ' 2'1 •. 17th If. Nut to CurriH 54....,,, Ae,... from T t nt & Awnrnt Kl 2·f492 ~..,., . .,,,. . ..... I '• I Gordon's Broa~tf'd Chkkea Je<*.a tw I -TuM ... M ·-... lw M -·-IW .. , ~ 11 Jvtt I ........ CM! Aw-. Telephone 1147-5969 ·•tvtr• Sf!O • M•,t~11u•u·· °" .... • u••• ... , • c.,.,.,.""~ ~oltt .. H LI .. Jiii Lakt and Acarla !-ta. lluntinl(ton Ur .ir h IMa Mam lfuntlnrton Beach 1 * MARINE ENGINES Ward Mcintyre * CHIROPRACTOR l>H. \. f''. ROBl!'\SON ...,ITllAL 9fa.ti •VM:I CHIROPRACTOR ... f 0-1 • • .,,.,.. • N•t•re' 4•• "' ............ ··""''",. ......... ~-,,.__ • \terht • ~··-_., 111n ''INf 1t ••· .. 1 • "' ·-6 .......... e lllWtMIMe Zl'!',, Mata St. LEs ...,.,~ 1 L-..,_ • 11111t11,.. M ........ 1954 Lllkt' A'''" LE:r A-%1!1"1 * DANCE SCHOOL I - I* RIAL ESTATE Th~ Collette Academy of Art "'arren W. \.lbbont ••111'1 -T• -.. ,_ •Niter ....... 6 c....... ..... ·-Ml•I -,_ ......... aefl,...,. O•llCI'°' A<rN .. ••-•rwt111u I•--TN....... Toi. VI 7 :IHJ ,,.!;:::':!'.::, :·~~-1 17"5l Ouch Huntln~tnn Reh 119 Main St. lfuntlnrtan lkh * REAL ESTATE * DOUGHNUTS --~·-··· --------.._ .. .,.. ,,..," TASTY TRf:AT I -· -c ..... --·io.t S<led(1 -CM Dr._. ..,,.,_, v...-, .. -.. T-" , .......... ,,...,. Jun ... ' °""""'••· M••. Wm M...,..,.. fttMU '""'"''•~ 1-lttlll e A<rto .. ISM7 Main ~t. Hanth1fto11 Bch * DRAPERIES llaJf• or tfuatlntton CUIT0"'1 Dl41'11111 u--,_ h •Hf •ft W9" Ouoro•IM4 Frt• l•ffmetu , ....... a ...-1 ,-....::..• L~•t=. 211 Main Huatlnctoe Brh * SERVICE STATION -----·------.. , . .._.. .. ,, .. ·~"'' e-••n• l-"''""' Twft~l'J'I' e 1'••""' e At••""'""' -u•""'•Hc "'"'"";"'"" t. W""' f'lll p1r l( VI' 4 Of'llV(OV %111 Quin<')' HuntlnglOR Bch ·~·· (hi• """"' 3?1 Maln St. LL\ fl.Ja.\" * DRIVE·IN A £: W ROOT BEER "'"',~~.\a M::-.IT ~:..·"' <•• .... le• T•..,._ LI .. ,.. !U71 Buch 81\'d. lluntlnl{ton Burh I *DRUG STORE TERR\"M 11·0 ORUG!'i I• MIHl!lft""' ...... * SERVICE STATION I -Fr1nk Cnnnor't flervlre llCH,tll O IUTION ··~,.,~'·...:~J..!:'" T•I .. -.... 'Oii 90! Oc'l1n Hunlln,lon Brh I Corurr 6th and fk'ean l ~RVICEST~­ .f \CK WARO'f' CHEVRON Rf:RVlff': lt't TtrTY'1 M·a 0""1 ,., ,.rtte ... 1...,, r-....._ ., -....,,, Df'fft •·~-.:,4\.~~~·.,. 12'i J\laln llu.11t1n1&on Beath I Sllf"f ... ,. ........ Ttlff-IJ.l.fOI * OENIRAL I ..,' Otun Jlunt1n1tnn flrh __ c _o_N_ST_R_u_c_r_i_o_N__ * SPORT I NG GOODS We111~J."...~?~~n Co. I OEACH SPOrtT f P.NTF.R 0.....,. ,, ... ..CO'"'"""'..... t.1141•• • •ewlln•t 0 C ... Yt<N ............. "",,......... .--... A ........ roulOMfftl ,. .......... Uff -I•" .... ,,.. Toom Ovtllllln• '100 Sth St lfuntlnrton 8f-1ch "~:...!.~"~';~ • ., c-"' Life I r 1115.n Main ~t. ll11ntln11111n Reh * Ol'T SHOP I 8 Point• ~hopplni.? Crntrr ldword• GI"$ ..,~~(-..... ..... , ....... ,,,,.., ..... ,., .... ....,. , , ............ , .. ., IS.lH '''"'" lf1111tl111ton Ht h I* SURF IOAAOS GOIWJfo; SllRFliii,\1111~-I riw ''""' I• CUJllllYI au111 turl htrf• ll ...... J:\I It St. It l'arirk I 11:"1 II" 1 ~ 11nfln,:111 .. l'.Ptll'h ,,, ... r ,, 7. \' " JI< ,, ,, I•• ;ii Ill 't <,I .\ :\· r r It ~. ... In '" Sr ll II; ,,,. \\( 11 1 ~" Ill th rln ))(' Tl ~" nl ~I Rr r.. ta: Inc pr , . tin -I 1 I" T· th 1 1 nr • r A 11 dr nr '"" 111 . .. • -~ .A o· I \'I\ ,,.r \t 2& We l ,N h71, 1963 U "' ..• Meet lfliss S111·i11g To Aid City Boost in • Gas arrived. Lutchka Tax Backed by Council ., Ptopo~rd \lalr ll'~tslC1t111n In 1ntrra'r j?a~oltnr laxr' hy 7-JOth nl a n•nt J'l{'r gallon \lnndav n1t.:ht d1t·" imant-1111111~ ~11ppn1 I frnrn lhc• :\r\\· pnr t l!Pad1 ( 'rf\ < 'oun1·1I Thr 1·1111rwrl p;r\:.t•tl a rr~11- l1rl rnn 1.111111).! lnr :id11pt111n hv I hr I ';il1f11rn1:i l.1·~1,lal 1110 of "' nalc• 1:111 'It I '' l11d1 1-.cll!; I 111 <'•llll'l li"n 111 ·"' ;11ld111on- ;il ~till 11111!111n :.nnu.ilh lr11111 1111111111''' 'I ht• n•" f11ntl• "tll )!ti 111 • ''"'' ;rnd 11111111 "'' lnr 1·11n ,11111111111 .u11I 11i;.1111t1•11:i111 1• 11f ~·111 h .111tl h1L(h\l.,J\\ I hr .idtlrd IJ\ '"II \ 11 llJ;tl- h rlouhlr al111(';1tcon~ of 'tall' Riii In lht• I 11 l"I l1tt .cl 'Ir t·••I .,.,,r~ . ' n n <e!I·! .!II<'! \llnt at111n' 111 JI•''' '' .11 111 '''" p11rl llr.wh h:I\ r .11111111111 NI 111 .1h1111I ~<!() 000 l><'r \ r;11 l\;.-rd 1111 l'M.I Ii:! 111.!UIC'' ~I \ 111 "1111ltl ;ulrl ;111111lwr !r.! !t:t..! In \r\1porl ''"'''' \lllf~ 1111111\ In 1•11n~11lrnnl! the· i:a' la\ lrcr-lttllon •POil'"' c·rJ h~ SI air Srn:itnr lfantlnlph ('ollrN • ll· Yr r~a 1. \r" fl(il'I \ 11:1· ~1:.i~ ur ll;rn< Lorrn:r noh•d that thr '"'' ;u:arn~t 'I air nrotM1i.t~ 11111dd i:o up nnh l i 11('r 1·t•nl. 'rl '\r\q10rl'' allnca11nn 1111 1t'a ,,, 100 J'l{'r < rnl lhnt ~··111111 .. J'l\'tl \ ~··•ll l.111 ('I\/. '""'<'d ('1111111 II lltt'llll1t'r' r t1'lt1•tl thrnttlo!h 11tc11 11·,1111111011 rn tlnr~mi: thr lnlltrr mr.i,urr l"w-ra11'l' l hr hrll "111 he hranl Th11r~da' hrfo1e thr St:.ite Srnatr °F111anc·r ('omm111r1• nf "h1rh '><'nator .John \ ~lunh . .1 1 •B-'\P"pn1I Rrarh 1. I\ a memhrr Prm 1s1on' 111 thr f'ollrrr r.,ll 1 all lnr thr folio.,. mi: ta). mrrr.i'r' FU·:~ llO \~H.11 I \.,1,nltn1• 1;1\•'' ""uld ltr ln('rrasNI fr um Ii In Ii i c rn1 ~ prr _p:11lnn 2 Mnlor \ 1•hll'IC' 1 r1:1~lr a- tlnn (f'r~ \Hllllll br hfm,ted ~I :t n1r•rl furl I ::l\C'~ \\Ollld t n 1111 from i tn 7 R c·rnt~ 11rr ~allnn. 4. Trurk ta\r~. ha\rcl nn ,,npty wrli?hl, \\llt1lcl lnnra!;r J.1 ppr ('C'nl. S{'nator Col11rr tws e•\pr{'.s- ~<'d belief that his bill "111 relteve local proµerty taxpay- ers or some or the load tht•y nu" n1rr) rn paym)l for nc·w .s1rr1·1 and hrl?h\\a) "or~ I Ir d<•l'iarrs thr add111un;il Ir' v "111 t·oi.t a 111nton~t "h•1 dt I\"' lll.11(.10 n11lr~ pr1 ) C'ar :.thuul :l li7 annually -or l>IX <·r•nl:. 1111 r \ rn 1111 mtlrs di l\1•11 ( :011nt·iln1e11 f{ (' .i ('(0 1 l' ~(' ( )f D<"h'(·tor t " 111 lltr lw fl••lf•1 l11t 111 poh i.:1 .tplt tn pt t'-l'llllll•I\ lll<'OI 't n·1 r1tnl.! 111 f1t•lt1·(• anti hr e• 1-.111cl1d.'l1•\ apparr•nth ""' r 11lrd 11111 11m··· anrl Im all \lc1ml.11 I" 1111· \1•" p11r1 H•·J1·h ('11.' ('oum·rl \u1 onh ti.cl lhl' t·o11111 II r(" fu~r 10 apprll\ ,. 1111 mal ll'l' ol th!' dr\'1c·r. ltul l'oltcr Chief .JanH•i. Gla\a~ 11a.s drrl'ctrd to d1~1·11nltnlll' II~ USP {'\en on ht• m' n option. a.. has hr1·11 lht• 1 .i~<· in Pil'I dr· par I 1111•n1nl wre·cntnc In .111 t•:trlll'r hallnl. thr t 111111t 11 dc•adlnd.rrl :i tu :i on 11 • hf thr ~~ ::raph \'wr ;\I;" or !Ian• l.orrn1 "a' ah- '''"' l.A111·111 ~lo111Ja\ dcd;irrd hr "·" at:arn~t th<' pol~ i:raph II 1·arrrr' lhr onus of char- •l Irr 111niz p<•ttplr a' thl' c·r1m- tn.1I I' I><' .. he r1 .. 1·larrd Cuunnlman J•aul (;nrtX'r "ac; 11h\ rnu-h 1rntatNI In rf.'· '4fllll'aranl'r of thl' he cM~1·1111 qur~tum on the a!!enda '' rl thr poflc~ Of thr l'rlv ndmmr,1rat1on 10 c·<mtin111• to hammn al lhr cnttn(·tl on "1mrthrni: J'lrl'\ IOU~I~ \ 011'11 on ." he a~krd. City Manager Rohert Coop quickly l'Xplained that the rc- riuest tor R new decision came from lh<' Civil Service Board. nllt the munrc1pal admrnistra- l1on IN 22 SECONDS ~DY after entering bloodstream Anacin .. is speeding relief to YOUR NERVOUS TENSION HEADACHE 1' ot nnl)· rf'lir' ;,qu1in hut A l ... "o illdeneion and depret111ion. ('onh1in11 lht' pain rrlir,·er dodon1 recommend m0t4L ,.,.""'"" hrnrl.11 hr• Ari' h1 fnr rl'ltl'\'N mOl!l rf'('(l~rntle<l_ hv th,. mn~t <'flmmnn 10011 Anti nr <luren"· pl'!~ 11n P~lr• in1.r~1ent all thr IP11tlinit ro1n ... lif'\l'r~. n11r found In !"~ding 1111ptr1ns ?r nrrll' Anac·in hn~ !ht" •pt>1·1nl huft'uNJ aspcrcn!I. And Ana.c1n t•omhin111inn n ( ini:rNltl'nf!I. h11~~urh1;11mooth.gentleaction. Anitt'tn r•·lil'vM p111n foM , 111~0 Nl"d t1mt1 when,a .h&adache ifA l'mnf ionol lrn,ton 11nd m11k1"11Jou trllll<', 1mtable, de-1 rt'lll'ion prr~~r -take •tron~ yet 1afe "'~mHin ~nrkio fo•t ' In 2211«· Anac!n. The bia d.illn!f'not iii I flt•r <'nl• rtnlC 1n11r hl•wKI· AOArtn m11kt'1! t he big dtll'erenca ~~~~~ Annrin i• arw't'rlin11 rl'lit•f 1n thr way you feel. tn 11r pain-hrtnl!lnll rrmnrk- 11hli '1111 mrr' rrlil"f An•l'in Tnhlt '""" •nl'IT1•rfl\e '"'' ,,.,.,. th• 1 1 •1nlnrn 1l1r pntn L d r.Qe" I Se/Imo ~AIN RELl•VI!" .. 7-DAY SALE! Thun. thru Wed .. March 28 -April J Ope11 D•lly N-" t• t ,,M. Sot. & Sufi. 10 A.M. to 1 ,,M. 1 U.S.D.A. CHOICE' BEEF, CENTER CUT WITH SMALL o~aoNE IONE-IN IEEF RUMP ROAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF. TENDER, WASTt-FREE T ·BONE or CLUB STEAKS GUARANTEED FARM -FRE SH PRODUCE "' -.,. U.S. NO. 1 RUSSET BAKING . _y-->J POTATOES FUSH CRISf' CELERY LARGl STALK 10( wlB. ~ D'ANJOU PEARS 10 fb PLIO BAG flR M. RIPE .TOMATOES 2 ~~ 25' Betty C rocker's ~0-0Z. PKG . SAVE 16c UNCHEl'S cw HOFfMAN ,ORK SHOULDER SMOKED PICNICS SHORT SHANK 6 to 8-lbi. PRE-SLICED =. ... 35~ PORK CHOPS ~~9~:d0~: 48~., SLICED BACON , •• L:·;~, 45 fb COCK OF TME WALK TOMATO SAU CE FIRST PRJZE CLAM CHOWDER ~alte~~o. IS-a1. ca11 or 5, .. ,s1 Mtncl'd clam\, 7' 1-01 ca11 8-0Z. CAN c SAVE 31 >e OLEO KOSHER DILL PI CKLES C-H -1 OR REGULAll DILLS GIANT S8-0Z ,,., I .,..., .... ,.. 1-LI. CARTON FRES H LIVE R SAU SAGE MANHATTAN CHUNK 39 ~ $ LUER 'S ALL MEAT FOR SA VE Jlc 0 Hr Su1Mrma rket ,,io PINEAPPLE JUICE FROZEN MEAT PIE S C-H-B HILLSDALE 46-0Z CAN M O ~TON 'S •CHICKEN • TLI RKEY • 8EEF WHITE GE M 5 6 -~ FRUIT PRESERVES • Strcrwberty . ""'" LIQUID DE TER GENT • ""••ppl•· Apricot • Gr•pe Jelly • Or•t• MarlMla4e c FULL QUART SAVE Sc o ... s~,..,.,. .. , .. '" .. \ lb. for s1 l ·Ol s1 'l<GS. CLOROX BLEACH KRISPY CRACKERS ~-~~ 28c TV DINNERS l ~~.: ... ;:9 59c SPRINGFIELD. HALVES-I PEA R S 6 NO JOJ s1 CANS FOLGER'S INSTANT COFFEE l~·f-Z. S 125 ";~:· 93c .fr MORTON 'S FROZEN FRUIT PIES 8-INCH SAVE 10c ' ...... . .. OA"-V ,~ ....... -We4 March 27, t~ Week In Review Marriage License& Birth~ Divo rce& .,._...,. .... 'llelf ,.._ J ...... "'""-.. ....... ......... -i. .. _ ••""lllllw'' Wiii a. "' f~ Coot tt'" f A "1 $ ... I._ S•._-•"• "'-. "° !-A 0-. ~ J. vo 11 .. bt<t G $.n'\1111. ~llo M. "'' v~ ~. Wy-._ "1· (~er~ N. 11.._o Albef! v ..... M<l'Y r. IMrNIO •.op11i. ' '" AOO""'IO -· N.-.q> P v\ J-(. !lord 1.-1-"' Cl' .nwwc.1 I(,,.,,.,.. "' "' 0--~ l M•Y (_,. ... ""'""""""<! Jiii-J "' ..,,..,..,. .. (,•-· , _ _...Cl'..,,.." h.-r V1 J~ M f tll"l.W "•'-' "'-'""'" ("''•t•9"'t)H! -··~ i . "1 Jul .. M ll-""911 ,, __ fW "'-' "•trt4"1• J "'' lt•v~ J (h4r-•MM, •v1~ 4. vo. (herlh lllUO. o'""" ' .,.. '--"'• " ._.,,. •tfritto $ •t Wiii om M ~ 11-•ry l Y\ o.,,,., E D•~l-f.horl I~ 0.C,_ l#tt flfM ~-....... J-Kelltl\CI " 'II ~·· z ,,_ i ..... "' ... .., J-F '"""' Wll .... • M•ltll c.-.ui. "" f"Of'P' -'•""'•' " .s~· P•'"'<-'f A ff'llt"t OeM·\ S .. Ot ~'OU' J-1 Y. ,,,_ Edw•<G I ,_.,,_ lt"'Ht ~ ~rewfOfd ,.,_..,l'lfffi' efllid ct"O".,_ Of:'"""''"'' ff"Ol'ft ,,,.....,, l Ct1wfora (def~tnt •f\d (rO.\ <or"nOltlr"I~,,., J .. n A trom C..Otgt E w11v,,, ( ... T !'om CerOI J to<Ot•• Mt.., ( """" l(fll~ A S.v-Vhrll'I ~ v• J _ _., I II .. •~ ,IN I o--•rtfltff ~ a 1•11"' N..-cv J O•• ' I...,._ ,,.,.. ·~·• I( l omt WlllleM J ...,.,. J-•· ~ 11 .... .,. IC.-• ,,,,,,. ~v ., ~too-. ,,_ " "-l ..... J. ~· ""'I<'• • ,,..., J-.. l•"' .. o\IW' •• YO )-( •tfT'M< v-"' .. , •Vf*I M. Or••-,, e .... 1111 a vt Wiiiie'" II. '""'"'"" I )~ "' ll'ftvlll• M ..,._ H(lifMr [ "' ~·""~'t f HOY't al•rv:• G '"' len 0 Gr0t11r ~.,., "' \II') ~°' " "•°"'' , d .... _ ' "' o .... v co. ... ,._, .. -\srtdra l "' Jemt"" ._. Wr.•'''l'l MP Ill "' ,..., " "'•'., lltver"' J vo ,,..:t Mlrt<- ltrl f n. -• L ..,.,,.,.,.. f~ I) n Wiii'-f (t•~ ,.,,...Id A. It 111 8-IV V #0 .. •1 ,,_..."' .,. J-•· o~ • •""91 "' Otc.-L lt"CfoN l'•lr~le C ""' Mtl<*m D ~ 0.•"IWI IC ..._ J-"· •-..,,..._a.,. 0..-1<1 T, "'-' Wltfl•M ti V'I MN .... ~ ' , • .. I FAMILY. DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORE --....... THEIALE YIUCIN1 . AFFOllD -· 1 - BANKA MERI CA RD . . . -r • l 4 ' ~I t STORE HOURS: DAILY 12 1.11. te I""" Sat. I Sn. 10 1.11. • l p.M FREE LAYAWAY PILLOWS 64c l.,,. (le 1) ,...,, ,.... ~ •p•\, ., '••lhe• loll•d . .. GIR~ SHO Styled In 1 from An ~ lttnt shed• l99ular S9c. What 2 Pr~CI ~ FANTASTIC FAIR ..,, .................. i '-· 6 Speaker STEREO AM-FM RADIO •·JPEED PH·1 JJ CONSOLE Regular $209.95 ••lue. Smut modem Nlf-<ontelned d•luire AM-FM ra4io, 4-tpMd euto- m•ti' ruonil chenger, 6 pow· erful metched spukers. Boys' Wash & \1 BOXER SHOI Llrp 40-oz~ BISQUtc: REG. •6c V ALll THIS FABULOUS 3 DAY-lALE SHO~' y·ou WHY FANTASTIC FAIR IS BETTE & BETTER IN EVERY WAY! 1 • 16672 BEACH BL VD. HUNTINGTON BEACH litter 11ualfty ctltl JOI 1111 ·FANT Am<! FAIR l9JI ltl fANTASTIC pmt1 It 11 F1hlt11 3--Dty IYHtl AINI these 22111 11 ert ORiy tht ltttl1ntl111 lteu1se 1nh1ls thtH tre t114ltsa 1t FANTASTIC FAii. ltl1 D.y Hf, WHk h1, WHk tut -All Yee' ~ you'll fln4 th.t IETIH QUALITY COST& USS -Alwoy1. lr1 GUAIANTUD. -GIRLS : & Y'S SHOltS ght, Styled Right • 9ctlon In Time For from ...... 1hod• .. f.,.de. 9c. 2~ic ' f osh & \Ntor I SH~tRTS ~for ~$1 ;a 4Q.oz .. Size u1c:K ,c : VAL1UE ,. agEC> ~ ,~,s 'TER UITASTI(! twta It I' fllf i •22 ··•'''"' .. .. , •• ,,. Ilk• C f All. taJ In, . All Yee' Long TY con' YOU >- v REASONS WHY SHOPPING AT THE FAIR IS BETTER LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE-TOP NAME BRANDS-MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE-FREE LAY-A-WAY -oPEN 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. DAILY ~ •• SAT. & SUN. 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M . WOW! 9x12 FT. OVAL REVERSIBLE RUG ::;~~::~~~=~~:$2 7 7 7 UM .., eltl.er aide. ltgal&r S4US Grrfa' and Lcrdf11' CANVAS CASUALS =-::~ ... soc llne:4tt10. JUST IN TIME FOR THE BASE BAU SEASON! &-TRANSISTOR RADIO ' i Complete v.iih 81tterys1 Earphone and Carrying CaH $ 88 THIS IS A TERRIFIC BUY! 91< V1lu• J & J &ABY Oil GARAGE FLOOR CLEANER ,,, ... 11. , ....... 4• 39' ..... ""• ... 4 ~ ••• ,._,,_, .. .,., .. ,, ......... ,., .. . .... ,. HOURS S,_cl1I only LOOK' LITTLE IOYS' -DENIM JEAN RIOT! Your choice of n1Vy bl11e er fad.d bl110 ind ch1rco1I. All 11nforizod, olutic w11tt bind for 1nug flt, do11blo needle contr11tln9 1tltchi1t9, 11111 2-1. Re9ulor $1 .00 LOOK!! 9 Volt Transistor RADIO BA TIERY RJ~~· ,12 c ladies' 100 °o Acetate TRICOTE PANTIES Choo" from hnciu, pl•in1- ell the l1t1UI putel 1hAd11 end whitH, FAMOUS J and J BABY Oil LOTION REG. 98c SIZE RCA • ADMIRAL • MOTOROLA 19" PORTABLE TELEVISION fRff DECORATOR TY STAND GUA•'.'IT'I~ ,,. ~· r'Hlf ..,. UOVf ~:·..::..~:;·~~h~~~ ,c:;.ftll888 ,.ct. , Au,.metlc pld\.lre lotl1, ~ elty ,,.."t tunin9 ••n;r Just $1 .SO A W Hk suns 3", 3t", 4" Paint Brushes CHOICI J Sf?ESI T.ur chetc·74c of brvth llzM te ... e ... , '-"· r ,." end ,..11er outfit. .. ,. $1.49 l it 16-oz. •prey on1,.,,el & flit. leg. S 1.6' 44' 57' All purpoH oxterlor vf"yl 1294 pelnt, 911. a ... $.4.95 flU-,11tel color ti nts-FRH IAll Regular Fantastic Fair Better Quality --cfttli~mtm;!';"\if~~M erchandise-Large & Complete Assort- DAILY 12 o.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 10 o.m. to 1 p.m. Maple Finish-Sturdily Built BUNK BED SET s22~T~ Terrfflc ,,.c• uver, m11i .. Into •111r1te twin beds, Includes ledder e"d 1111'4 rell. Hore le 1 f1nt1ttic value-excelle"t conatructlon threvghevt. flre1cription1 filled fast and accurately by Fo"toatic Foir lictnHd pharmacists • Choose yur druggist 01 you would your doctor • • I \ ments-NONE SOLD TO DEALERS Your Family Discount Department Store 166 72 BEACH BLVD • HUNTINGTON BEACH OAIL., "'"°' t •lrWI ... ftS 21 W9d., ~rch '17, 19'3 Clubs and Lodges Week In Review Divorce! D-et k ill ""-' !ta ..-. ~ vt l"w 0 ._.oit111 I A,."• ~ vt. ••<'-•"4 N ~ltlf\9'1 C""••l•t IP VI ,..__.,~,. f (reiei...,. ,.., ... ,,. K. "" lloit•d G. Ill'*'· I S•Jl!ef'f\•t '-vt W Jt ""-"...,.... 1tt '"''<l1 ""· .Yt•"'" G1~6t..._,..,.., D'l•tt• L. YI 0-""" J --. C1t9I I. w. Cl>trttt 1' c- Oot•ret I ""· Jut• S -· I cw-aid "· "'· ,,..,... o •-s ... ,.., "' ,, ... I. c.,.,.,. °""' L .,._ l'ref C M4V L"'11t e YI G'-lttt-(-•tit I ,,,.'"''"''""'') ""0fff t. V\, ..... W, ... (- •'jtl ""''"''91\lfltU) I \ov-• '" vs Mlcllffl I . •-· f eltv J. """ Wtlw •. K ....... ""'"""' L .,._ M•-&. Clell ("' ...u1,....1 AUTO LOANS! Only S5.00 per $100.DO per yur Morris Plan otters n...,, cer financing a t a c hu1t of only $5.00 per $100.00 per yHr. Used ear flnandn1 also at rtnonabl• rates. Up to 36 months to repey. MORRIS PLAN 3700 Newport llv4. Newport S..ch O'li.te l-3700 "'-"'-"',.. e-.. ..... o.-- -. .. • ~ I 2 TOday's Closing· Prices---COillj>Iete New York Stock Exchange List • St eek ~ Uit AMllftL Lit ACF 1,.. UI -#. 2b ,_..Mt A M -..u. M MllMa .n .--1 Mlfthl Mr-' .. Air CM .It ~--"'' .... ,. .. A.JI .... .Jlt Ale Gee 1.11 ~ .. ....... 1 A"99Cll • lie Al ... L.llO ' Al ... ~ 1 .. Al ... ,,.. I.JI AllledC1' L• Allledltl4 M AlllMl'd .10. Allied Sir J Allie. ll "'"' All .... Al AHlt0\9 .Ue A ... KI .... .SS """""''-.. ·-I.JI .............. ,.,,,.., i. .. ....,..,.. Cll I _.,.... 1 ""'""""" I.II Al'lllollt lM A9ed> -""' l rt ' .. ....._., lb ""' c-' ~l'll n ""' ,_ . AO!e... 'JO AC ..... I.JO Al'l'IC 11141 11• AtftCr?lt lwtCY• 1• AMO!! , • A El~ 1• Atftf:flk• .... .... e.u wl Al"._., .tie -.... ......, , .. A-1 ... ""' .... 1S ""' 1 ... , ' Alfl MFf " ANwtt Cit 4 AMS IJf US ,.,.._,..I A ...... 11' _ ... ""' "° 1 .. A"! ....... I ="-»"' ,.,_ I JI ~~ Jlt ~~lAf ~~ .. , ~,. N!liM Al <I """" .. ~, ... As... -,,, ,.,,.,., a... ""' l• I.II """ ,.., .... -Vloc' ,.,.,,,,,. I Alftrlllt -* _, ... ""'" IM • "-c.. ............ -I• -IOe "°' c•~· .... . . "'. 0 ,.., • .:i1. :, ..._. LeW u.t c'::. j ,,. 11'1 • + .. 11 U\4 ,,.. U•• + le Ult\o .. lfh• .. ,, ~ ~ ~+ .. .. '"" ,. 1 .. +•'· t Ml\ Jt\~ .. + •• ,. ~ D°" :S-. -\' •• 41\11 .... Miio + 11 ' as-. SJ'-... IS ,... "'" lf"t -I. II ,.., 7'141 -+ '• j 110 "'' -... ~ + 'I ' S'1 ).. 5'1 • •• JI ot, o'4 oi. -•• .. "'• ~ "'' .... • , ... ll't 1•'• '• t u "'" 1"'1 •1 I • l1l 1 llLo 111~ SI Jt>o >fl• 1" • S IJ!o U• 13" -l o ' 10'' 1•. 10' •• •1 Dow 4'ones Averages .. or Wtdaetd•y, M~ !7. 19ti.1 ~el l'losf' t:hanrc Stocks Prcv. Clo:.t 30 lnds'ls 20 Rall11 15 uur,. M Stock,. 680.38 15190 13.5.lll !?41 .25 High 686.!l5 152 90 136 :..>9 24.1 10 Low 679.17 151.19 13.Ul '.N0.45 664.73 j-4.~I 152 50 f,() 1:t6 ()() 20 l\o lransac:t1011~ U 70.000 ~ ~ ~'.: ~: + .. , _______________________________ _ JJ ,... ,,.. 11>1 • .. -G- n >• '' 14 ; '• ,; '!: ~ ~ -:; :~ l•" v '"" • l3' I l:J't lll):ll ~ .... t::m~·I\ ~: ~... "'' ...... "• ..... ~··· ( .... 1 , ... -. .. ... (Ml I Mot~ Ltw Lui C"9 \ IJ•. l l ,, J7 • ,, • •) 11 II '. " . ••mn lo -.o 'hp(orp ut1 ••"'-In ~· lte1i.•re ( I "'"~" I I 'O Rtrt.•11 ""' R•.,,,Mri 'In ·~· Y. Ult ~ Dn rvc:.• lll:hf~ Mt11 P'Wdt' ,, '-r Au,ri A.-·+11•1 1 ••<f"fOtl I JI'! •u·'M' P1 I J •·""' .. 0 ~ ti u11n A'Nh(.f ¥,t Q1•d ·ffl 1 '" J.:Ut .._ Stn Ql"ltff'&~· '" 'l·•f'lt f cw r • Q,,n· (,,I t I lh. (.OIA I Nt\Y0u I ' t Ro""' "-'\h R..,t\M'l<t '°""" R°Hll"tO•C'I I•(' Qy•n A t\t Q,.Ot Ii, I \•I•' N•t , .... '"" • Mttft t.ewlul Cht IW• I Htt~ low i.•ln Ntf c-I M itll l•w ~••I Cl\t. ,, 1\1 . . 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' , !tit C>no.,. ,., ... ft,• Otd T n d Tt °"" •o f \vllttt ,,. .... 0·'~'· ,,,,,...,, ,,., ( P(•t fttr Prc ,,,£ ,,, ,,., ,,., ''- r • 'I rr, ', f'•r It r .. t 1 f'• L' Pt l I P•'l t f'• ~ •• ,,,.. ... f'ld ,, Pa( P '*"''" r•cta I\ r.,. f'•ll(e """"'-'' P•"'''' .... ,,,.,., I rr•ot """"&' ••o ~ r •tt8'L ""''t<' ,,.,, . "'""'. P•"l t Pf'! I (C r N)f'n. • P 1iO #Cl ,, ••<• p ' ~· ., ..... p.,,, • P~.u•• ,, ....... , .. p • ,,, • P'• • ,, . ' P•rft "' ,, ..... " ,.,l'W, ,,, orf1 ,,,~,. . r·•• G ,,.,," ! 0 1 o111 w Cl • ••'1'flf lr .. ,.,.,. • 4"Ntlf" tt•P·d o,..,, , R,.y11ft& 0•.41( •... " ..... u-. . .,., ..... illteVlt .,.ln\U,. ..~, .. .,., '""' o.-m "' ll•ou• ••o Tl' •r~ltte Pt\t•w• p ... I .... ,., P toC •ntPt"Tt Poot• """'' ""'""'*' .,,,, p .,,_ .. .,,. OVf• Poyet •ny k P nv•Htt A'V\C.0 ttHnfoe ltu,, ~ •v•r< Allt ..C ....... San<erl I Oler i OleO ''''" \•YOV '"# p , ... ,.. '•'"" ,, ""Y- \MA ' ,, _,.,,,. \f'4 All \ H niirn ~ m•" ~· ,11 r s •• ,,, l.. . : OVER THE COU1V1~1R V 011r /ff OHPJI'" lt' orf h Growth of Single-Girl Vistas for Households NASO Llatlnga for Tuetd1y, March 26, 1963 l"rlOI I l lO ••l •d 110 ,.,.., l ld ...... ~I• I 11'• 1t '1'1 (tlntt»I f rt1uMwa\I\ 4'l 11 1) 11 • rrn nt •~,• ~ "11\ M 't 'I (I)'"'' '..fj,tl ''• ,., 1•. rovnr-:1nr (ru1 t1 • )•, ( ,,., 11\ "-'r'\t \ I jh n . 111 • ,., ; fJ , 1 , ,, 4~. ) • 4'; 0 ,ti f IHotlll f 1~ II,, 10\, Oln'•• l1u l't • I~ • I\ fl ,, , , 1111 11t 1\ I/ • IJ 1 J1 1 f)1.1 I , O II I), II f111• ,,, .,,..., 0\ ~ I'• I • ,, ,. 0.111 .,,, '"' I ,,. )I • ,. • (J+, •1 I 1 tr .. I I 10 t\·, ,, •••• '''"' ,.,. '" • I• • '" • I )t It Ovt j I • } f t t ta ( t XI • II 1' I I , '•1 '" ' • • • • • t ""'f. t •• I• I• I t f hull\ C [,,. t\ 11 t f t 'l"•t• fl"ltril ,~ ( 1 , • (.010 ,, I •I " . 1• •• ' I H • 1' 1• " I I/, • ,, .. II I•• " . .. • ., ,, .. G. .. t11'1! ~ t ' O•(O'd ft""' I~ .. I t" 1 ... .. , .,.. ' , • l"I\ ,'.,,"" .. f 1 ,, "°'•'on r ••• d ,.,, 1v<h I •o • ..,,.,, f ,, t ' Frltu ., int ,., Fullfl' • ~ I'• 1 '" Ou " t Al'. r ,, ' ~ t , I ' • ,,,, .. ......... l lf I ' 1 " ". II I ,, • I ' ., j.,1 f " . s .. ". '" • • I ' 'O'• ' . ' •I ... ,. '. ,, . 11. ll h· " . IO'• I" ... '• I 11•, I •• l\ .. . 14'• IA , I I\' 11'.t / .. )~+. ) . It , ... • " fO. ,.~ , I ... .. • • ,., ... I • I ... I " " 11 • .. '('t(' Po•t Opens New By SYf.VIA PORTt:R The number of U.S. hc111se- I hold• headed by a wom an r now . h?i< cfl'.n°'d put the J 10 m1Jhon m1leAtone, and in lhia spring 'of 196.1, an as· I toundlng total or more than 18 out Qf every 100 American h<1uaeholds 1:s headed hy .. woman. Nut i~ our 1:11untr) "s hhtory have so rnan} '4umcn bf.en the sole or primary rnt111ne. produeer(, buyers anrt flnan- 1 cial managen of ~o many I I hou'leholds. .Just since 1955, I the number of hou~eholds headed by women has more lhan doublec1 A~ rl'~·c·ntly a~ DAILY l"ILOT/NlfWS-"atHt W.d., March '27, 1963 Marketing -111 the tremendous develop-older woman who 11. w1Jowl"I m<'nt of our f'<i<:ral ..iccunty 1 divorced. single. Wh1lfl! tou1 . . I and Jlfl\ ale Jlf'n~1on syst1•ms ism lt::aders in our 1'01H1t 1·y ·,; 1 in this S(l'nl'ratlon. Again, may deny this. they are f•a· women wh11 " few decade~, grantly ncgleding th18 worn· ag9 c:r1uld not poaslhly have an's needs -and there are headed therr own hou!l'hrilds many among these women after loi.ing their husbandi whei have plenty of tJmP and can nov. .~wmS( 11 hc<'au~e they money to spend on leisure ac- do have pcn~1on checks and Uvilleft I they have or c·an earn extra income '-" ""ell llfo:L.P NF:P.OED COOKl'\f, FOil C1'\I': What does th11 1mpl~ ll1 of· flc1ala m Washington" In the \\'hat cl 1('' lh1i. mph to h ,,. \Hirth of l>r Paul r r;1111< ,,, m•·\-.mcn'' T•1 1111• 1t ~urt!IV till• I'S. ('cn6u ... B11rP11U \ lmphc' a ~rr .. ,1 and ~r•1 'in~ r spons1b1Uty to h•·lp lhP need for 'rn011lcr' 1111,duth nr'(~d) amvng thc,e; v..1rn1·n and packai.:1·' 1n huniln·1J , ()f k1·cp eallni;: and ,.h1·ltere are"' -ri.n..:ing froni lootJ Moreover. Glid. rer edly 29 t11 rr·fru:erawr, (Jf the 10 · emphasized in <iur tat tha1, 1:11 0(,() w11man-hc<idcd hou~•·· these men a1 e at iii(•·· 1t11J1l!i m111 e lhan ;, 540 ()W ar<· wh<·n d11<·tt1r. t1111 , t1<·1 O'lH! AMEl~ICA .N STl>CKS ... i,, "'" \; ,,,., .. t,11r'tr1 r,, ""' • IO " .. .\ppo1nlmenl of Elbert .I Brnndt as operations m.111:t ~C'r h;1; been an· 11011111 I'd hv Hello Semi· 1 wulu~tors, Inc . ."liew· ""rt Ht•itth . lie has been 111a nager of manufaclur· ing of the Semiconductor l>ivp .. wn of Hu~hes Air· r raft 1'11 . \: ewport, and \ w•··p• e~1d<•nt. manufac- 111nng of Stall(Jard Retti· f1t•1 Corp .. Santa Ana. h1·adNl II\ ,, v.11man v. h•1 1'., 11(·1 \ v and thcv hav1· mdy 1950. the proµ<Jrtiiin 111 house· l>ctau:.c th1·y co11ld11 I 1·:.rn a11 mtll\ 1du<il anrl C'han•·(•\ thr1r ~oc·1al Sec.univ <'hr, v holds headed II\ a w11man the paychecki. to f 1n;1r11 •· II\ t1rr ... n 11111 •if ~•·\ •·n 1 h" ·111·n to 11>ly un · Ii•'' ' I'! 11\,!I I ' f!j II , Pllt I ' . ., was 14 per c·cn1 . 11 ~ nov. up 1ng alrlnP :\ov. :p p1·1 t·f'nt an 1 ~ u1111p.1·t1• · .11•1111 J,, ·1 hi· ''""'' 11,A urtl 1111,•1· 1 to 18.5 vcr cent In tuutra~t of the separated W(Jllll'll 37 h11;:1• numli•·r , 111 lhr•r !11• v.11man·h 1• :i cl,. <I 1 •, C..tlnul'd fn11n pn vluu• JI••• \•In I hd\ ) H1•n Lftw ttf'll " 1• '. •'1:1 "1 ',., ,' ~·. tii the total or households . Jt<:r cent of the vddr,wrd or fatnd~ ·'1~c· P<" k<•t!" 1' 11 rira•· 111 111 1·1111tinur to rr a1 h n"w d1vorc:cd womPn and 44 1wr 1ni.: and .1 .. ~tPlul pr•ak~. f11r our v. holr 1111p1iJ,,. 1~10-N.t.lt 10 M1C1.-rt h,, M1lil'IC1 60 M •lllNOl\I 10 fl1•0 1 11(1 M.rre.AI I 70 1io<oT <t Molttl; ..,.,, "''>l'f't> c "'" MO'vW 16t Mo•vbd ..,.. #rl0l'09 ft'loj ,Ol'I_ ••• «> ./<nP •fft.: t0 JI"" ••<.~ \0 "'°"fWdA I Y.t(.ltof'ft .t '°'IVetM I "''~' l l .., ~o-..lter 040 ~OYt.•lb UI ll'PO Ylo .0 ¥iut'lfl TV ll'MrrOll I l't ....... ,~,, #\II "'ti1llrCt II . . ,~"''" .,.,,,.,,, I '~ ON .. lt'14' ~•INH• '' ~111t AH (,,,. • .-Hitt! •r <filtl ,....._, """ Ce ''' ::::~w·~.~~ ""' ,,, .,.., ...... _, I llflf N dl '•1•11• "'IQ ., r1-..11m ,.,y ... l l .,r,-d ,.. 'l•\fltM 10 "4 ldtl• "' t~ J l •"<. '"' Pt M.,,,_, h•.,, ,~ ,.,.,, "Proc I 4CI; ~Otne ('1 I t l l"n(O .. 0 ~ • , "• Cl 0 ho#~·· t.o • .,..,, t-oM.afl A tf ,...,.p, ... 1~ ... ,...01,... )nt , •t •• , .,,, "·~ -..,, \1) ,.. , $tft '"" (>o<I... .,,. , ._,..,, I..., 0., '"*" O o T...,-i rt °"" te ' ..... (\, lltVf\ ..,..., O~t'I ' .,. 1')1fllvHeA t '>••'-"••• ""' r•< Cw t P(tl \Dfl \ ,t t l>'OO Ot '"f 4()0 f,'J pr, rdo• ' \ '"• fell-I H r-r. • .,,._.., 10 rr. '""'" ll p,.r fl"IOUt r,,,rl • •'~ n f'•l l t •" \0 PM\ I •" 40 P•rt t •t• Jt P•r f.4e Alfl '"'""' f Jol •• p., ..... \., ,,u ,.,,, P•O.$u1 >n-r•d•i"t w..., r ... t4 °"'" r. •Ct A '~ r ... "'-'' ,.,, P•llltt \O*t r. " ,,.. ~· f'•t• f l A "'''°" -P•f"l"eft [I ••o 8-n O • f'•o8•U ~ f'•r-tec;t( 1 ,. ,,.,, .. ,.~. '"''"' *"' P•''-' O• ,..,_ p,.' (o ~ P"""'JP""' ~'' p,,,. IM P • Lt•r( r • """"'~" P1.11to.I 11'\.d .. f'l'l1•r•l! J p,. #r •l' Lf' ,,...,."''·" ~ "'" • ('I ", v .,. r •rf'I ti•I •• r·.,111 I tCti ,.,,,,.., to ''1'0''" ,,.. P'no'WI aon "'nv G•• 1'ft r uflt \ot tO 0 1111f fir'ID U'i 0 11f' w I •O <• "~ I f "'''' t... .. ,.. "'' ,...,, I Hlo~ lt•l.UI c~. I Sho.r $n •• . '""' Dt~ Ill• 1 I•• .c• I•'• ~h•r Wm 11 ' • I • , ... " I '"'" .... ,. \ " , H +• l\t..t ~. ••tOll /Ji, to• l4 f • I • ,.... I S111,.,. "'" I I ,_' ; t t~ • tO • . \ 16 • l\. I I \ '. 1 l•'' '"• 1n11 It ••ti I'• 11• llllf•t • f h ,,.. • I lftl•'tl If no.. 'I i .. 10 • • ·~, ...... ,. f: "" ,, • I f )' ,,,,,, .... ,,,,.,,, '• 1 .. 1,., •••• 1•1.-. • I . ,,.., . ,,,, . ' I•• J ,,,,' .. , •.. ..,(,. "''~''"' • , 1 , ' 1 /I~ • , , l 1mce J 1\11 •, tO • A' 1 • S ., 1 \ , \ , 1 \1nt"V 1')11 • J l'°i v A ,,,. . ""'J'•" ,,, ~,.,.,. I 1 .,, .. ,. •f"I f,1~11 J , •, \ $•v.-. tTt •\ 1• • ,._ I I 14 1 I 16 l.tJf'O' n 011 & • \6 1• , ,. .. , H•• t •• '°4\"lrl tO \ • ~, 164 , , A , I , i o ( •ti ~ • 0 4 I , I 1 t 1 kft•nn 0•1 ) 110 ti t1 ti S' C 0'1-' •• 1)0 104 10 t .,.. 1110" t>o ll'W\ IAJ 11'1 SC •Uo•I OI I , JI ... \ . ~ t>O 11\t • It t It • t \(" 4 ,f Ofl OI t I• 1 1t , I• • . .. , r -s,. •!)>,• •o. 1 14 I•. 11 . I • \.l){"f Pr• IJ\e 1J t 1•. • ,, • 1t , 1• • "°"'" ··~ ,, l'\ l'• ,.. ... ,.,..., o~ ~•• 10 to , 10 • H> • ,.,.,,., ... ~ ' .. •• I • )l•"-\t -# l')I . .. •I " -N-Q- I I " . . . I I h 1 1f r . ,, • u ., 1 ' 11 •• . , .. I .. IC)". l ,, .. ll "• .. ,, .. . •'· , I l•t ) . ... '. ) . ... I ' I ' I ' f I .. 'iCf'U'f 0 WI U •'• '''""' _.,,.n• ti 1 1 \•'!Al'J .,. nl I )I , . . '. ,, . • •.. '. ,, '• ' I ' 'fllf)ul'j Ht ) t \•·1 f ·t,, )0 ' 1• ,. ,, \•1 ,~,,., tJ • • • • • •' r,i,c •0.. 1 u • '' •.. n • 4H 4m fl'll f I f 4' 'r•I C•n 0 1 "" 11 , .. , .. ,,.,. ·~ . . ,lf t •l'\C lft ' )P• )I 1 \i,.~,., •O t01 I)'• 1• .,,,,, A! 1)9 1 t) t 11 11•t • )I • 1'• 11 ''•• 8•1'.itt I '11e 11'1 1 • \'fl r,.. ? 1 t I 1 t I \t '' Sr·1• .r~. 1' ""' )••· 1• • "'"'>1"19 (ti•, • .\, '. '''"'~"' •• 1~ \ ., '1 Stvll)n (I) . . ' . . '' , . ,., ... 1·, . . I • .. •• • Y •H• ._.,. .. I ,,,,, ..... ,~"· "' ••••• "··· t • W tr • • '"I t • •.J •••• ........ , .. , ... f .. ,, •I• •tt ... ~ , lo !. '•· "'''' • I• f Al 11 • t1-tr• I . . ,, ,, ... '.. ,. , . • y l'1 •"" "" 14 A/ ,, •• t "' ,,. "" Mo•t \ti t>'•11lh,.,. N• If" l~t .... , o ... -. 'f .,,. .. . Ne• £1"19 ,,.., • t "'' I II 1f ,, 11 16 •I U " . i ul"I•, [ \V"lf tlft •UUH''"' l uOrOtl•' . . . . ' • Otti1· •• ~" I\• , .. ll .... J • • • . .. I .... 11 .. I • '• . ,. 1)0 ,.,,. 6 10 t IO't l"i • /t , , I ••• '"'m *'• 0 '., .. .~ ,.,,,,.,,. .,, ... .. I • ~· " , .. I I 4\ t 4' -T·Z-. " , ,, . I.' It ('),. ... , ,Joli\ pt I ~ t .. I • • ,..f , •• ,,.. ... t "•' M•-"'" ,.. J , ~, • .... ' A. '. . .. ... , ,,. . .... .,, . .. '. • , ' 1, Swedlow headed hy women, those cent of lhe liingle women are S1ircly 11 1111pl11·:. a ..'n·..11 111111 1~ Jiv1ni; lttn.!"l' · 1f 11111•11· headed by men 11r only working. The~c pen:entages and gnrn1ni: neer1 l11r "'•m rn ct11l arr out11v1ng. mt"l 1 1·~ around 4 milliun. IThe baJ. j dwarf the total proportion of pact apartment~. rlr-\1:.(n••tJ f11r rrwrr than 11mc for u, to ance of our 54,652.000 house-women In our work force and 1 ont! pers.on and e:entr3ll \ 1,,. wakr up to th13 phenumcntt n the porportwn living with cated Surely It 1mrl11·, a m our "'<.'IC!), tr, g1 ~e It lhr holds are headed, of course, their husbands who arc work. ~reat and gr11win~ nr·Nl f .r ''·arr·h1n~ a n a I : ~ i s it rll'· by husbands and "1vu ) I 1ng rt!Creal1on anti c11mm11ntl\ ~11.. mands. to find out v. hat 11 . . ,. . Opening 1 IMPLICATIONS Finally, an obvious reason livities a1mer1 at plN1 ~1n'.? · 1" mf'an, ''' all ,,r us . ' .. • . .. .. . . '. .. .. In County In social welfare-minded government eirclcs, the rta· sons and impllcat1ons of this trend are coming in for 1.1 '" A;\(jfo;LI-~~ -Swedlow mounUna attenUon But even amona businessmen who are Int aeriJspace plastics manu· aware of the slcnihcance of 1.11 l11H·1 today announced our changing population •1•·•:111~ of rcloratlon of plant "mlx." ~re are few who L•l'lhtic• at Garden Grovf!. j recogniie the challen ges and opportunities inht!rent 1n the Ttw announcement "as made fact that women nov. dorni· h\ I >a\ 1cl 'iv. cdlow. president. nate so manv milltons of lrillu\1 Jill' vvcral months uf household~ Whal ar!' i.ome reasons. 1mphc.-at11)ni." l'•'COl 1<1111111 with a commllte" A lint oh\ 11rn~ reason ls the • • r "Pr(',1•11t111g the c e n t t a I fact that women in the ll S , • m;111Ulat'lunng d1stnl't of Oar· on average outlive men, and so in their oldtr years they I become houst!hold head1 aim· tfl'n Grovt!. According lo Swcdlow , the ply because they are wldo1's. • , 111111 ha~ con<;ludcd land leu-In almost 6 mrlhon house· 1 • •"M arrangements and wUl i holda t.ht woman la • widow 1 • end the 1veraie •11e of wom· 11111 ti \ 1·ummrnce a ~ta~cd en hudini households 1s ~ Is Your Business Conducted Under A FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME? IF SO IT IS MANDATORY UNDER THE LAWS OF CAL· FORNIA THAT THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE BE COMrLIEO WITH: ,,,, ,,.. J• .. , . , ' ) . , ... T•<~ .Yaftr "'" °"' flt(l'ln'<o' oO II , ,, )1•. tO lfl .. I~ I 1 . , . ". 11 • »· 10 ~'"' I,. t. t ... ... • ......,.. " • 0 t.Qrii .. J • l I 0 I• 11111gr11m uf pl<ir.t cun~truct1on Jn the 35-4'4 ai:e group the lo- Th<' hr't unit or th~ new plant. ta! or l\Om&n-headed hou,e- plAnned 10 house the firm ·s holds starl ~ to rise steeply LAW ON PUBLICATION OF CERTIFICATES OF BUSINESS, FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME (Civil Code Section 2~1-69) . ' . '"' A ._ t t , I t I , I • ti t • I t I• f'P' ,.,.. t l)O ., 1 ., ,, '" •• , •• , )I j ta t IA ' \4 f,. ~•• wt • ,... ,.. Jl, , ,. •• '"" t.O •• •• •• • .. fWy t ~ ) . , . . . . .. ... ,,, , . ,, , ''• t • ,. '" h t•'-II 1 16 • t hr •l'I t• XI'. 10.. to '. 't """ -· , . \' I . ,., ) .. t.. , • , .. . . . \I " ,, J ... • t. s '. , . I• ,.,. ,. • ••• ' ' • ,, ."" • ~ Ot " l••• bf) 14 ' fr _...o ·-· ,. > •• U'• 11 •'~ ' . I t' ''• t i• • f• \• t• '• I!' • ''• , • .,. '' ' • ~, • n • ) r~ "' w u . rr .... • t1 •. tt'r 1 1' f -i1 '"f I If\ I . . J 11 U U Te r 4 11•• 1\ t \0 0 , I) • JI t 1' '' I •, T.,_ V~iv Ir; I • i U • If• U 't t TWA • t • tt ,.... • • ''•"••• ,,. 1~\f' 11 11 • tt 1'•.-nt v .,,, )lO 1 t • ' ••• •• "•¥\.•' )09 J l Jit.• ~\ • • 1 rfl.,t "'' t ,, ,. • 1, \l'I.., ( ) ,.,. 4.1t 1• • ' ,,,, .. , #I f I I '' 1 ' llrti l ftt I 40 11 H 1' • t) t .. \IAl,,.ff lh ,, • )'• ) • Unit A•b 't.• 11t 1(17 t 101 ... ltJ•, + ), U" te~O H ? " • "'" "'• Ur,_ 0\f tlrYI f1 t t1't '1 • • Un '"'''"' ''"' •' •• ,,. n. • '• u" HJ••'"' l )1• l' UI A·r( I ti IO .. . ' 11 • . ' i .. I • . . • ,,. .. .. • :1 I .. I • • ' . • .... \ • 1\'\ )\ • ~. VI • ...,., ""'I 1 . II • ·~ ,.. , . . I •, I• Vn ,.,.,,. O•• I. • • IJ ,...,.,.f', .. . . . .. , .. ,. V.,,._ '""•V' I 71() I • Ill t 1• t .., '° . . ) ,. ) . •• , • 1. "'" ,., , . . ,., , , 1-.. ,, ' ... ,. .. '" ' . I f 0\ t I•-. ti t . ' . . . . " ., ,, ,, . \ . ". V' ··~·· 4-i t U'""" '1 .,- "" "~ ,,.. 0 'A ,.,., t c. \I "".J'"" 11t O•~• >or • '114111 cc )0 ..... _,,.., .. ...... h •• •' ...,.,,,., ""t-C w ... ""••• .. ' ""'''* fCl'I "' ""• ,.,.l'I ,. , II I ' . "' ,., . . . . . t I . . . . . )t , .. , , .. , .. , . "' ,,,. ' 1 1). It JI ,.. ' 11 •• U'• , . .. . . " 11'• ,,.... .,, •• . ..,,,,,.,..... ,.. t •'· ,. "' "' '· ) .,, •.. . . I• IO ... It . . .. ·-· .. ,~ , . , . 1101n.-..10.. 1111 • 1, ,,.,. n ·• n . • ,,,. l ,, . . . . . . ' \ . \ . \ . ' n ' I '1t If I• J 1'' ' ) , . • II , .. t J 1 ~ 11. ' . 1. 7 , • II ' 1•. 11'• II. . ' t """ . .., .. .., Wt1 Nvct tOt I 7 • W• .. ll><e I Jt "'"'"°'" .. w•!tt I 1"1 ""' .,., to If 'N" ,,....., N f>°'t \t1 """"~' ... Nm I> h w "r '• II I~''"' "' N •A, t •1 1\ YI ,pl o•• to W001N.Y ... ti W001hll I 10 Wrl9hf ... Vtt~ I• /h VOf'I• O~t •H Viti\~ l"Jf lOt 7•1• J~•t liO 1t• 0" \f\ , ... ,. ~'"' 1 ,. .. ~· l 10 10 • )I .. I J1 n J ,,.. 1) I ,, • ~ • • "'' h ,, ,. ) "'-" ' I 1UO It t1r ., • 'I)'\ ' ,, ,, " .. '. ' .. ' ,. ' ,., " .. . • • I' .. I•• ,., .. .. ' . . " . . '. . . ' • • . . .. , . •1 .. , ' ... • f t ,, 11 not .. no • no • ' ,.,. .,. . . .. ' t f ,, '1 . ..., .. , ......... ' " , . ' .. .. . .. '' ,.,, ... I '• 1 fl JJ·• P• , ,. ......... r •• , •• ' .. .., .. l .. ,. ... . " I,. f ,,,.,,. , .. ,,..,,.. f'_,,...A ( •I I , I r ••••~ , • ........ " .. ~ '•• ... /,. 1 •••• .... ,. r • ·-..... ., ' .,,, '· 0 .'I .., . . . -. .. ..... \ ... \ " . ,, ' " ,. ..... • l ' . "'"' " ,., . ,..,,., n r~t'I Ntl't~·· • " It ti '"" • • • w•1 ... / ' w t •• "'' • l '" ,, 0 , ... ... " tf' ,, .. ... I• '''• , .. I fl • : : hits a p(!al. 1n lht ~64 a111c ,., a•rcralt transparencies facil· cate2or~ I : II. "'111 OCCUp) about &0.000 A serond oh H OU I realOll ls '. .. .. . Mtllllrt' ft"et Of the apprOXI· the rate Of ieparaUon and dl· vorce 111 thr l S In another m111rly 20-&cre ,11r I 5 mtlhon households t h r The lrrm 15 '''ltVrte<ily II 1• \\Oman 1s teparate<I fro m h~r l;irJ:c,t l . pr 111lul:er of pJ;1'- : • t•nofHM anti "rndow1 lo• husba11d In 1 2 mUllon she Is d1vorcrd • ... :11 1111111.11 . cimJ L1Jmmerc1:il Sl~<.U·: GJR L.'i , . ' ""' . . " .lll 11 All 1111 lu<linli? the ~In ~ 1 A third obvious re11on 11 the larl?e number or women •: 711; i ·0111 ''" 1:;;r1 a nd I >11u~· who nt•1 l'r marr: Jn al mo' I I • · !.i~ Ill' n I J.6 m1 lhon houaehold' lh" '\ego11;1t 11111 '"' lhr ladorv woman 1s slngle. A fourth obvious rrason 11 ,. "rrr hi;ndlrrl 11'· \\ O the e>.t!'nt to which "omen ,. I'• .. . , . ' ' ' . 1• • ,.,, ti , •• n·. ,. . ., ' J\ • 1'1:1h1•1 ~Ill rdlu\\ 1111anc1al f ha \C become waac·earner( '.11·e p11·,11Jtont .,. ho ~J1d thet and financially lndependent In recrnt years. Only a few n1ariulJc tur tn~ de~adr' ago, womrn "h•1 ., • d . ... 111111, v.1 11 hr 11t-rum111111latr•J v. rre widowed, separate'1 .I t h1· <,.JI •frn G rn\f' lllt :it1<111 I•• 1•1111111 • tlrlll1l1·d d1•11 I •I' rtr . would have bern rom pellr<I to llve with rt'latl\ c~ .. ... '. .. . . ' , . I • l . . t I ' . . 1r11·nl uf 111U\1~1on for ';1111>11• , I.vi~\ of ci.penalh lc11;:~ •. mnnufecturmg equipment ut1· .• , >,zt'd in producing roct..f'I • ·: nozz.les, u11 cone~ and other • · • • major product.5 produced lly ,,,: the firm for thf! aerospace in· I ~ Cl~l~(ry , . ,, ) , . • ~· . . . . '' • /\bout 150 of the hrm'1 ~r- ' ,orincl will be transferred lri1m prt'sent Lo~ An11eles fa. ( 11tl1<·< . . f I r l , f l •r1" P" • '1 i-•• .,t, •<it ' "•f'IC'lel ' • r ,,, '-",. ,_..,. l•r& f t~ { " ttf rNf tt t • .. .. l • • ''' ._ .n10 "' ~.,,.,#\(, 11• r • •' \n••h C •• I ~' .,.,., r • ( ... .,. t1•wH•0'f'I• • "fP'1(1tl \ I .,,,, i rn,. • 1'\t • " • ~,, f N••l I\,.., f f •• , lri ; It • •!'.'t 4 • , ••• ,. . ,, 'I 1,1 .. 1' 1,. ,. t 17 " • 10 • "O ti\"• 'I\ ~ 11 • ·1('1 • J) • '" • 11 I ' ,..,, IHiUllAHC I HOClll II ' ~·­,, I•• ll .. " ,, . 11 . .. >O l)'t '. At•'\, I• 141 Jt '. .. 1)\• 1•'' .,. •• ' "r/' j'\ H • l l I "'"'°' "' ,. .. ,.,..., t I 0 t Jf • .., ,_,,,.. ... ( ,.. }4 t t • • •• a,, ,.. .. "• • '"' ( i t .,. I • f f'•!'t• A •• ,, ,_ » )"I U'-c ., ,.,,, E"'•D J:p; l? • ).I ( "'"' r.<,,# • l t• ~ 1 U Ul t i I \• f C. .,f'tl A ~ff II f f .... ( .,, "' w•1fw IA '• • to ,,., 9 , t • f '1VC110>r• In f'1 •m J: 17 ' n J .,, ... •r • Arr ~ If i IS , I P-. Wall Stl'eet Chatter '\f.\\' YORK fUPll -Ana· h st James 01nes 11y1 there " no change Jn his e~)'l<.'C· t.•1tt1n that th~ breakout from t hf' current tredinl( renj!;e "'111 h<' nn the upsld<' and t'arry to· 11 c11 d the 700 arc a furthermore. ht' ~a)~. the adv11nce ahould stay r I ll h t lhtrc for a while, rathrr than drvC"loplng Into a runaway up· 1113rket. "The-onl y thlnr; that t•ould begin to change o u r op1111on v.ould he a Dow-Jones Industrial decline to 6.59 " " h , • ' '"""'A"' Fu"o • J• • )• • )I'• \ t ,,~ \t f f t '•41 l fr r• "('fO I ) f •'• \' \I I " n .• '•Mfin L·•t ·~ t .,.. S•, t l , 1t •' ••• ,,..,,., ... "' I '~' )t• t •••A1 lit "'M •11t ,_, f •\e t • J6 (, f'l"I• J'• h I • t •) ~ 0 • \I v , (,,_.,,.,,..~. ,,., (O tA t tS 4 c .. S. COLRY or Colbv & <.o s11y3 w1th in\cstmcnt tl1111krn g so evenly divide<! the tock market is highly vulnrrabl~ to any unupccted dr\eJopment outside the econ· omy "We are 51·49 per cent on the bulhsh side Like la~t "eek, we just went 1 httlr more proof. and e'<~t to get 11 wilhin a very few coming seulons.'' ....,,,, ··""' • 1 Mo • rt ,,.,,,., 4 \I • • ••• , !\ l''tf'it 1 , • .,., .., • t• "" v • f . f' • , •• Jt • Sec. 2466.-Except H otherw1H provided 1n the nut Mction every person tr1nuctin9 buainets in this Stat• under 1 fictit iov1 n1mt ind every pertnerahip tranucting busineu in this State under a f1ctitiou• name, or a de1-ign11- t'-n net ....... the nll'mft of tM fMrtonl ~nterHt9d • putners in such busineu, must flit with the clerk of "'- county in which his or its princip1I plu.e of busineu ia 1itu1t.d, 1 certlflute subicribed ind 1cknowledged in the m.nner provided In Section 2461 of th1 Civil Code, st1t· ing the n1m1 In full ind the piece of residence of such person and stating the n1mu In full of all members of such pertnerahip ind their pl1ces of r11ldence. Such subscribed ind acknowledged certifiute muat b. publisht!d subsequent to the filing ther.of with the county clerk pursu1nt to Government Code Section 6064, in • newspaper publl1hed in the county, if there be one, and 1f there bt none in such county, then in 1 newspaper in an •djoining county. An 1ffid1Vit showing the publication of auch certificate u In thl1 section provided sh•ll be flled with the county clerk within 30 d1y1 1fter the completion of such public1tlon, but in no event shill such publicat;on be made prior to tht filing of 1uch certifiutt with tne county clerk. Sec. 2461.-Tht certifiute filed with the clerk u pro· vided in section tw1ntyfour hundred ind •ixty-s1x must be signed by tne person therein referred to, or by the part· ners, as the cue m1y be, ind .1cknowledged before 1ome officer, 1uthori1ed to take the 1cknowledgement of con· veyancea of rH I property • . Where 1 business is here· 1fter commenced by 1 person under 1 fictitious name or 1 pert,,.rahip is hert1fter formed, the certific.1te must be filt!d and the publlcetlon dHignated 1n th•t Hction must be m•dt within one month 1fter the commencement of such busin1u, or 1fter the form1tion of the p1rtnership, or within o,,. month from th1 time detlgn1t1d in the agre .. ment of it1 members fo r the commencement of the part· nerah1p. Where the business hes been heretofore conduct· ed undu a fictitious n1m1 or where the partnership has been heretofore formed, the certificate must be filed .rnd the p\Jbllution m1d1 within six months after the pasuge of this 1ct. No per•on doing business under a fictitious name or his 1uigntt or uaignees, nor any person doing b..1sineu u partners contr1ry to the proviaions of this •rticl11 or their 111ignee orusigneu, shill m1int1in any 1ction upon or on 1ccount of 1ny contrect or contrect1 m.1d1 , or tnnuctiona hid, under auch fictitioua n1me, or their partnership name, in 1ny court of thi• 1t1te untll the certific1t1 has been filed ind the publlution hu bHn m1d1 as herein required. Sec. 2469-0n EVERY ch1nge in the members of a partnership tr1nuctlng businett in this st1t1 under 1 fictitious name or 1 design1tlon which do11 not show the n1mes of ttM persons interested as partners in its business ... • new certlflute must be fil ed with th1 County Clerk, i nd • new pvbliution m1dt u requir.d by this article on th1 formation of auch partnership.- .. .. I . ". .. .. 11 17 , 41 ~ t ' • W1:\IE •~ I AH1U ''" ..; • ,, c.o f~ t' . 10 'If you have neglected thia procedure, you should rulize th•t the n1me of your firm is not protected ind th1t you ere not entitled to m1int1in suits for collection, or for other purpoHs, In the courh of the Stet• of Callfornl1. Take ure of this lmport1nt m1tter now, by hiving the Orange Coaet Daily Pilot, 1n 1djudle1t.d 1 ... 1 newspaper for Or1n9e County, publish your certlflc1te. The cost 11 smell ind the flllng 1nd publlution is something which ahould net be overlooked. , . I' .. .. 1 • I 't • ' 1'111'' ' 1)~ ... , 11\ I ff ff •O 1 .... .. ,. I II II H .) 100•' 100' > 1001 • 10 100<• 100 100 JO .... " .. " .. ) .,, , •1·' .,., I IU IU IU • llJ u u .,.. ,. . ,.. " A• I "'t I_.. •t t\A·~ • A " I J ., .. !~ I I f If /t/1 r, •• ,, t • ( '''" Nlf l A "'" ( ,, ··~ "' "'' • 1• (OM•M ,,, ,, P'l•ttt t 11 1 Cr0<t1 t1 ""'' ~" ~ H "Ottlllv U•"" f lrtl N T l•n• ft! ,(I I ""' Wttlt<" lo Nlt ...,ltt!\fftfl •• l'te H•• .. I' I ~ l't< ••••• ••""' '"'""' 8•"" h• '•r•t l'f!I Ytl I" ~1~,:::"'~c.~ ~!"'1 .;o U"lftft "•"~ I A 1 •'• u,,,..,. ,..., , I,,.,.,. I M\ u~ ~·· '• v ..... ., '" '~"' t v. .,. ,, ",..,, .•f WI•*.,.• t• "' .. • ·~' ~· I ' ,. ,. , .. , ,. 1\ o( I ••• I•• ,, . •\ ' \AV\tti.C:,\ A.llO \.OAH "" o ,, ~ r ,, •tit '' • '• ;:;q:: '~,··,."·..,~·n ;~ '!. ~;· ll.\l..PH ROT~E~1 bl ll.11 ", • ,,. " °" ,., 1 ,, • 10 11 . •1 • "• r1s, mphan & Co. lrnd~ lhC"n , • ,, : , ,, ~ ,. ','.'O' 11:11.' ~~ ;ll I~ 11 ((rowing lntcrei.t 111 tlw .• ~~.;.·.~:· ~:;:;;1;; ~·: 1; • ~; pric~ one pays for stocklj rel· (~ , ~.. 11o1 ... 100 r ... 11101 1 '. 1 ·alive to earntnas. and som(l !:" ~ .. ~::'°"u"~1:";1,,' f 10 '~· 1 ~:; ·~., recent Ill.Idles sbow that much ;~,~ ~:! ~::~~~:., ... , ,. !~:; !:1, ;::; I be1tt~ results have been ob· ,. '"' ""' l!m•IOYtt• IM I II 11 1 '• "-by buylnf 1tock1 with ,... ,, , 1 "•t 1"''""'""' " 1..i: '",~. ~;', low pr,c.-eam.11111 raUot. , 1 • J• P~c $o\IU'h'"•'' Lift '"' _, ... .. 1 '~ • 11 ,-.Hh d 'N,.\h t )0 • tl Jl'1 :: . !\. :,•7:~11t ~:!:"~.·,.~1,t ~ ~:! U'• ft'> u .. v ., .. ~ ..... ''° 10 ~·: t! 1 ALTHOUGH t~ merktl ac· ~·: ~. ~:;~~:· l'~. 1r;, ': ~f' t~:: ~: tlon continued 'ndectslve. 11 I l ••• ,, .•• ro HY I •n I• • le' I• • 1 I• aWI com .... raUvt1"' favor· t \ f Uit f t\>\ ''"'' 1 U • •'"• ~· I ,,_ l.J , , ,,,.,,, , 1,., 1 fl\ 111 ••• ... ablt-, •AY• lnltmatlonal Mat. ~~ %1n~. '.~ ~";.., :~ ! : :: . I 1slical BW"HU, Inc. It ad\'I~ HOl f"\ N (1 .)~rANtt \ " •· ·r ' • 1• , o• client& lo me1nh11n com .. ,.., ~ I ' . I • I "'!~, ~·~~ '~"' ~: '!., a~; J~~ m1tmenta P.O. \ Fermi required by Section• 2466 •nd 2469 ebove c•n be obtained from th• Or•nt• Coeat Daily Piiot, and filing ef all the noce11ary docum•nh with the County Cleric c1n ate hendlM lily eur legal 4-putme"t If you IO 4Hlro. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT • BOX 516, COSTA MESA LI 8-5563 r HEY KIDS! WIN FREE DISNEYLAND TICKETS! INTO THI AU..AMlllCAN COLOllN• CONTHT ht Pllll J Dlae,...111 Ticket to.ks JM PllD-J 'Da..1yt•lll Ticket lookl W PllD-1 D .... yt.111 Ticbt lootc THISI PllDS TO II AWARDED AT EACH MAHn C..test ••• I 1. Mt celor all fow plctwes C0tte ... n. ..... Mda Wffk), dip tocjett.er ond ff. ,_;tat •Y Al.,.....ncon martet. l. De Mt of ,._ p~~'11res m:nt be t&.ftcd I• ot !ft«ket by the c:o!i1 of busln!:s~ WeclH1dcry, April 24, 1 U3. J. Coatest epe• to ony ch:ld 12 y~crs °' JOllCfe', e:c.ept clt:Mron of Ali-Am•rl- C09 etnployees. 4. Prhlt ..... odd:-cu, ph>n• and age on ..... try. I. Al pktwff become PfOp•rty of All· AIMric• M•ke:-s. • 6. JtHltes decl!Jon flnc:I. Pick Up Entry Elanks At Any All-American All GRINDS M-J-8 Star-Kist CHUNK TUNA No. 1/1 Size Tins • U.S.D.A. CHOICE or ALL-AMERICAN CHUCK TWI 11 • ci..c. IOOltl ROAST ft h "' .. ot41Mrf Cuck Roost. • • • It ii • Al·AIMricu Chuck loast. • ~k:h:,;.:,-::· ' l. c1.o; R;o~•sd ' 79~ Color It tH4er. * * *- :l>efica/ejjen S,,ecia~ · ~~UcK STEAK 39~ . ;·.;o;E ROASt45~ COiiAG'i1LCHE.iS1 ~. 49c MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE 59fb Ma11l .. ttu Sltced All 1 .. 1 I SWISS STEAK 49C ~~~~NA ....... 4Jc 0-Bone Morrell'• or All-A,.,eric .. FRANKS , ... ""•· Lean, Muty, Beef SHORT RIBS Rich, Tomato Flavor 59~ 33~ ' ~~ .~. ;..<.~!': •. ·.-. ;t: •. .,. . .;,t.'.: J',p ••• "J .. .. .. ' .. · '•· ',,. , ... . :'\ ... ', .. Fruh, Le 4 n, Fl.,vorful GROUND BEEF 35~ Picnic Pak FRESH FROZEN FRYING CHICKEN HUNT'S CATSUP 14-01. ltl. BREASTS & THIGHS ••• 49~ Pure, Golden . • l ; WESSON 5£1ciiG BACON ,.,b. ,~. 49c iiLi.1 RESiUSAGE 1-lb. loll 39c .. OIL 16-oz. Medium Size Bottle i0MA TO JUICE 5 ~~-:'i 91 oo TOMATOES ~~~!D 5 c~0~s •1 OO s •• , w CREAM CORN 6 c~~s s100 Kellon '• CORN FLAKES GINGERBREAD lerty Crock., Ml1 25 l 41 l •OL "'9· ·-·-·-·· ... c BAKED BEANS I ottd M, Irick O ve11 28-ot. Con ····-··· 31 c R.~ ~ ,, M . 0. -~ TOILET HALIBUT STEAKS 69;. TISSUE 4-Roll Poclcs LOIJ'?. GRAIN M J B F 0 R $ RICE I '•••l•c ••O•db ii SWORDFISH STEAKS 691. 49c I o., •.•• ~ '"d. ,~.,. SMALL OYSTERS T,..., 49• of 1 J •• c W11 e.1 &-=1Jqunr.l CYPPl ,~ •••::> Wf";T1111.~TER C ARRY 0•1, ( SEEP >N~ WIN( 39c ~ \?iJ G~ l!AOHLI -I LS Pk't; INST ANT COCOA v: , .. ~~# ' .. .,., •"d o., SCOTCH Flf!h 6 COOR '•cir s132 SS49 s449 s299 New! SCHICK KRONA PLUS RAZOR BLAD ES St .. inleu St eel s .... Ctn. 79' . J.ro=en 5-oo</j ~~ GORDO 3 9 Lql?J MEXICAN DINNERS C - Clleese IKhlloclo, Toco Di11Hr, .... ea Ettellllodo. •.u..o. r-....... 12-n. ,.,. Gordo Pk h wut CHEESE OR IEEF ENCHILADAS • TACOS GREEN PEAS 3 ,.l, •. $1.00 2 10 .... 29c ,.11, .. flATU UD OH KTTV French ' Pot••o PANCAKES , .•.. ,k,. FEATURED ON kTTV F'rt"Ch'a ~ .. hed POTATOES 7•eL ,~'I- P.cofic lhonll.~~ CRACKERS I -lb. , .. 9. S•ow• -I 6 °01. Con B & M BREAD 33c 29c 29c 2Sc Van de Kamps. •ID TULIP SPECIALS ltiURS 'llJN .... ~llCH 28 ll MIU< CHOCOlATE CAKE 1.05 CINNAMON ROLLS , ... ,,, • 29~ PECAN PIE 89t Cl•o<olete Cl>•o. "'"'o"d lu Bn• COOKIES 37' ,.,en lf'FICTIYI TH UR -FRl.·SAT.·SUN, MA•. Jl-2t -l O·ll We Sp1ciali11 In Court11y • SPORTS 1 l(iss of Death for Bums: They·'re Favored ON II~ l.l·;o II . 1•1·:T1-:nSEN ru11cJ for manager Walter of that fm1t h;.H of l962 1;n wim l~i J.!,11111·' I;, 1 \r·ar u!I· H11b M1llrr :1111 wa' 1-11 r>lay lf'ft flt' Id rr·~11);111~ In th1• 1111tf1eld "'11 h J111w· ard will b<> rl<'1·t \\ 11111· I 'av PAR t'l'I S1>ort1 Editor Al:.to11. whose uninlcrrupt-far 111 spran g tra1nma. er ,, li;of! ''"'' "'Ith 1111 \let J· '' \1•:.ir ADE Vl•:n o B EAC ll. f<'la l'd nine-year tenure with But they Jost, too, be-Ami \1 t<m f,,,~ ''"' 111 f1,,. M1~·ll~1. ~;-)<11!.1lh 11t1· 'lJl'l I -Thl' Los Alll(l'le11 the Bums ls the longei.l cause they couldn't. tlll left-th1· ltr1•111·•1 l111llp1·11~ 111 1111 fl••tll:tH 'I, and f'hll Ort1 i,:;, J)odl(Prl' are ravorcrt again or 11ny manager in thr ma-hantlC'rl pitching So they l1«1J.!Ut• 1A.1tl1 l·>I f11,1•h111 h 111 with th•· fJo1l~<·r:-. 11 in 1 "nt1·r 12 11~ '-Ith 21 :-J11tf Olivt>r, who b;itted .317 at Spokane WI ·year ~nd h.aa a "can't miss" la bel on him. or the Vf'teran hanffyman .hm <;1Jh;im, at By Bill Doner mid lfHtl rould turn out Lo 1un1 dcetll away one of their I().;!, fur righl-lnantla·tl r 1• r..r nght-lletndNI 11111111, 111('-. amt w, Hiii • aml H11n ht• the 'unw k111 ... 111 1k<ilh Ab.ton \\on't evN1 i.1ieal. startrng p1ichrr-., Stan W1l 111'1 arul lt1u1 1•1·11.111•1 ~ ''''""' 111 adt11111,11 In si'"' 1';1111\ 1 >711 \\llh II Ill< '"('f1n1l ha\e It was jll)>l a Y+eck ilJ.:11 1ha1 Davey Moure, a likahlc little guy with · an u111111~lak11blt• flare for hnmor. wa:o. talkmi: to members or I hr ! >ra11g1• Counly Pr~ss Club that k1llr<l llll'lll )l'1\t thn•c ahuul that poi.~1h1hty. hut 11'1111 \, to get the lit~ right fl.fi, '"' lell11,1111fl·d lwlp 1'111, llu·r .. "'111 bi· T1m11ny •• nit n. 1:111 I HI right ycan. 111• ~ays h1s club hai, a f.!11011 hantlt'CI bat of first baseman Tht•n 1111'11! 1,, .li.1 k Sr111 lh 1>;1\1\ tilt' l";i~111· t.;1ll1n;! In ;1dfl1f11111 111 Sli:111A 11.n .l11hn Ho~eb(1ro and younr;; f>oui.: Cam1lh will share lhr atch111g c1ut1e~ f or rvc•rv Vl'<tl' s 1 n ,. ,. l'liant.c Rtll Skowr11n 11f th•· Yan· a rtght·h<Jnc11·r \\Ith a 17 7 ;md r1111., l1o1tl•·tl 111 1 h;11n .111! 111111111\' ll.1\I' r1r11 1111 thcv won thl'rr fa,t Nat11>11· It \\as an injury to Sandy kces ri•t·ord "' <Jrn;,lw f<i\I \1·;11 1111m IJ ,t '"'". ,11111 l11c al Lc•afo!lll' pt• 11 n ,, n 1 and K o u r a x, the !iJWedball To atd Kouf<Jx Ill 1111<.:hini: Anotlll'1 Oudfo!l·r r •' I 1 ,. I. f1 ilr\k Jlo"' ;ml. ''ho 1·111111• •I 111f1r•ld 1111 1l111n h IJlllr< 1h.111 act1•q11al•·I'. t,1h1·11 1 c1ri· 111 liv M:111n \\ rlh a l!ur1d l!hi\\' 111a11 ,, '"'tt• h h1W•r and th1 1 h;1111p11111 •11 • ,1o;1 "'" h·"'' t r• .1 I 1• r of <111 It's easy .,.lo ~ee why th1· IJ11dgers ar~ favored again, hut rem~rzd>crin5! the last thri•t· '\easons and the olh- n 1·1Jnte11d1ng <.:lub11. mclud· 1ng tbf' (;rants and Heds. 11 a"1' I!> understandable """>-thr' might lose agam World St•rrc)<o 111 l!l~i!I. th <'Y southpaw1 which ruined the there arc Dun Drysdale. acc. LiJrt v Sl11·11 v 17 '11. '' 1111 rl1\t ;ilt,,, gl'tl1111: 1111 ''' have l>t!1•11 the d101n·' vi DOl.lgers last year. l le had who wa'i the !ceding win-getlin~ a ,h11t "' 1111· 1•1111 th a bad ,tart "l•'lghting Is my lire." the 29-y c a r-old father of five ex p I a 1 ned. "bu I yo 'J the odd!tnU1!.c1s and 11<1~1 won H ga mes wlwn a hand ner 111 lhl' majon last starter 110 ~o .il1111;.( 1A1th This Y<'<t r Ah.ton ho' tohl losl injury forced h1111 to the ~cason \\Ith 25 '-'l('lunc~. Koufa>.. J 1ry~d;;ll· etnd l'od· T1Jm111y Davis that hr will If II ,hould happen again. sidelines m mld·scasur1. lit: and .I oh n n ) Pod11·"· a re~ IJtl11·1' 1n !111 runn111i.: play tturd hase. pcr111d . anrl rt could be the end of thr hai. looked like th<' Koufax \OUlhpaw hkt> Kourax who fnr \\'ilh;11n,· 11Jd t<Jli • .arr al\o lohl Jin\.\-:. rd he "'111 I 11111·s It "'111 h• ' 1tl,1 I r1111k11 can't ~11 on foreVl•r I'll rroflalrlv J.:i\,t' 1111 tlw r111i.: pn·ll' ,01111 · lla\t• you ever been hurt badly'• 111t 1111 · eel one or the scr;llf•, ' "Yes and no," r<•plu•d lhr 1miling M.1ore. "Onc·e f i.:ul my jaw bu~tcd In South 1\111er- k a. but that's about all lhat ever haprcncd. to mr " ''Which side of your Jaw~" quizzed another rcportrr "Man." M oor• an~IAered, , "I un't trll you that. I thl•k I'm .i:oini: to lwat 1hi11 Sugar Ramos frllow. but I ' don't want In gh r him any ad\antagea. '' It 11e,m1 atrani:•. almost in- l'rtdlhlr, to think of \Joore H ~Inc dt'ad. But ht Y+H lucky. Lueky hr didn't end up like Alc>jandro Lavorante. A ""(r lable. This, then. Is liithtlns:. It i11 M helltr or Y+ortt th11n It -aa :>o years aao. And II hrn'I apt to changr. As loni: :i" thrrt ur human twin.I!~ ltll'rr wlU ~ tt11ht1ng of unr llort or a1M1thcr. ll 1s the llJK'Ctat1ir( "'ho m akf' fighting "hat 11 " ii l>lood·lh1nty, ruthlei.' drli111 h• Ramo11' flsu dhln't kill M11011• The cro"'d did 11 fllr h1111 The Pf>Oplr dcmamkd m11n· and more of l>;n r·\' and lw had no more to J,!1\1' '" hf' Ra\f' them ht~ 1111· Th1•rr'll ))(' othf'r ll.i"'' Hawk~ To Test Cdti<·~. Cinc·v D1H'I in \Bi\ n" t·\ITEll l'llES~ i:-.Tt·J t\.\TIO\ \L Thi' I 11 ~I 10111HI 1•la\ •111, 111 the l'\allun.il lla,kf.lhall .\!l- "'1·1atro11 hit nral •JUI 1u~t line f111 I ht llo,1011 l'l'llln. but lht•y 1 •mid llll\l' l>•·t·n IK'tlt:r (111 lh1• '"'' :\11i.:1·l1•, l.al-.1•n Tllf' I·, ;t 'I I I II )h\l\1•111 1h<1111p11111 ('t•llrn laht• 1111 th1·• C '1111 11111:111 l<•i\ ol~ Thur ,tf,1v 1111(hl Jt Hu.,t1111 111 th1· f1f\t ;:ame nl lht' \C'rtional 1111.11 .md the• ',\'c•,tcrn 1>1' ""'n d 1am1•1o111 l.JkN ' '" tnt.! 111111 J t lltm Jl'..1111'1 th1• ~t I .11111<• llJ\\I-.' .11 IA" \11t.:t•lc• "un- cla\' 1\11!11 hr•,1 11f ''''"" ~l'rlt'" \\ 111 lf1•11·11111111• th1• pl;nqff f1 - 11alr,1• '•IUPt T•lt •N'I'' TflfJ Drnt•t C'l1oiee Terry Baker To Join L.A. Rams "''" \"·~.I.I" \1'1 Tt·rf\ r...okt·r Ore~on Stale ' hnll1.n11 cl. 11 •11rnd ,111)1 111 .,t..1 h.1,, agreed to play pro· f1·~,11111,d f1111:!1 il l ,\ ltlr th1 J.m .\ngc'.c-Ram~ ·111, \11 \.11111 .:r q11 1•!1·rli.11 k \\ 1nr11:r of the llE.'t~ 111:111 on I \I 1\ \t II • l•J1i111 , , ' ·t:J''>n ·" 111Jlege pla~~r ,,f lh• , 1 _ 1• d , '" '• '' .11 1 •ntri11 I \\llh !he '\.itwnal i:.,,,1 h di I • _ 11 1 I 11, I .• tf,,, 111,.!h' ~11 thr· 11fftce llf Elrov II 1 • .,, I' 1· 11)1·111 I>,,. H1·1", nf tht Ramil .,, 'ff • ,1 , ii l•lll 1 .. , l :.h l I , , , •I! ,. ' •,,' \. 1 •• 111. I t • I t ~ I I I I,,, 'I• •ti \11 '' ,. ,. t I 1> .r •1 I • •-I• •• ' I \ ' ,,1 ·' I• ill Moor"' 111 ~ilC'rtlw1• ll11•1r ""'' for the sal.e nf thl\ Vl·l .ill1·1I •port '"' ,,, ...... ,. RAM BRASS TAKES A PEEK AT BAKE R'S ALL-AMERICAN FORM .. Oulla\Hl1R ho\lllC ,,n't 1111 an!>l!.l'r The fan~ air iJll tll.rt can ''or the 1nhurna111t \ ~1111l atU>ncJ111~ and the rr~hb "'111 become a xltnll by tht·111~1·h 1·~ l<I\ 1':1<..,ff>I" 11l'l1 f\l ri\l of 1111' 1.11' J\n,;.:l'll'li l ~lo.l•r, str.ni;: ol 1n1urc<1 rl.t\l"f., 111av he hat·k t11 .11111111 tonrt.!hl in an 10- tra ,11u:i1! i.:arnr 0 1 HJ m 11u,1 I llzh N·hnol Elroy Hinch (right) inures Oregon St 11ce th1t Rims don't p l1n to tr1de hioi off -right 1wiy I. fnr one. wtJI ncHr attend anotht>r boiung mat1 h I "'11ultl ralhrr v1~1t tht cra'P 111 Ila' r v ~1norr * • • c "''" \ll''R·s rlt>dJtllnR 1'1111 \\ 11 rnrr loottJ1ll proarnm rr rr h•d a jolt rf't•tnth "'.,._n It "u announcrd that <·oach Hrucr MarLadllan 11nct f•rrmrr l ('L,\ ~rid 1t1tr, "IU mu\iDJt nut of town. In thr lnauraocr IJuslnl'o, M111:Lachl an "iu <1hllt1'd out nf Oran gr ('ount) 1101t 1 hnr •rnt tht r o11rhln1t joh iu • tll. fnr111nutf·I~ anothn top min. ,\f nlr\. "II rt>1HI) and • llllnR 111 'trr In stml takf' Mtr tnrldrnth . f11n1h arr 'till tw-illa Anuiht to 1upport I hr ,rnicram. lnterute<I p.irlir' 1hould call Rnlf) l'nla~k t ·~46 1 • .. • \ewport lf1i:th hc1,l-.!'lh<iil t;11,1r1l ,ll't r 1 \\ ,.,, "'hn h;. .1111·.11h 111 01 l-1•d 0111 "''"' ;tf1r•1 m1 1ni: th1· IA•I nt I"" 1 • ;.111.1 1 ·•"'' pf,I\ ";" I \f•I < 11·1) lit "'r .ut 111n .i "·'' .11111 I\ 1 l'h' "Ji., \tll lrn•cl a 1h,frn ,Ila •I 11111!• 1 un hi' h•ll h.1ntl 1•1 lwn1m1· lhr lcilt''I ) .I~ t'I 111 111111 1111 lllJllll'" h't \\ 1• \ 1 JI 11 r p 11 ' r I \ h11tt1:!lil \\ ,.,, ;tloni.: ''""' Iv "111 1 h1 11· 11111wd 11 ' .Jl'll\ 1 Ir t ,.,,;11 II fo·ri·ct ~ "·"' ,,1111 ( llll 11 I •• 1 ,, " II\ ( 1'1 ,, llolll'l l "•n \ I~ 11111nh rklC.tl I'll th1 ~\ 1,11 ll•I' 1l.1111111;tl• 131·1'!7 1n O\l'f111111 .1n1l Uoh l'et11r:-:l.1 JM•llll• p.1• ··II ~I 1..0111~ lo a JM J(Jfl \ KtlJf \ O\l'r thr f)r1 ro1t l'l',1••'1' 1n T:JPSl!d\ n11.:ht ~ 1limall1L round l!lrnlt'' The Cdt1<' hi t1I lht· Ht1~ ,11, f'oach I:: m 1 I Nerrllf· "a~ i monll the I.~ fan, 1ammC'l1 mnP llnw-. rn L! i.:am"' tlu1 me Into the Corona del ~Jar !heh thi· rrcrrl;ir '£'"'1111 "' v.prr )11111111)! f11t ti1t'f1l t11 lltl,f 111" aym na~1um Monda~ n I t.! h I fn1 lh<' Laker cxhih1t1on r.:;111w \<t" "'ho "flhl in ll f::IJ1JH'' Wllh ,\ngeh Turley's Day of Decision "'"" rrsn.\Lt:. ,\t 11 1 ,, ",_ Thr L<" J\n~rlcs An i.tl'ls \rnt 1:11h T u 1 I"', ex Yanl-cr. .ii.:.1111,1 th!' Hoston Ucd ~n' hl't ,. Inda). and h111 ~how1n~ '" ·" tlt•t 1clr whf'I nrr hr ~t u· I.' "''" 1hr rluh 11 \\Jll hr the fourth qut 11! th• 'f'rlllJ: for Turlr' lie ha~ "'11rl.rd 1:1 111n11111~ and aliolA - rd 11nly t\\o camrd run~ lit' opp 1nrn1 toda' 1~ .Jatl. Lama- tw Turlcy's EH.\ 1' thr lo"· r I ••t an y L A flllt'hrr "'ho h.1 "orl.ri1 more than n1nr 111n n ~~ total th1o; <1pnnc l\rn ~tcHr1dr. 01·an Chanl'r . H11 f:1·hn,I-.) 1)11n l.c>r \1 t Ex-State l~c ........ liill .. ,, ,. t • " Def ends Fight Game ,., I ' I I'" 'I lff hf filfllll 1 It otlli Too •1 •' ;HI I ll'fll JI) I ' I"""' 11111 f 1 I \' IOI: 11 . ' t f •• 1 ,I\ 111JI \I ••1 I J1~ \11:1 I• .. ,;,, • u . ' :i:ionil~cotning . lo ()hio LO~ \ '\<,FLI.' \ ·" \1111111 • ,. I •1\\ t homr torl,I\ tn h1 1 11 •1 II,:! pl:111· 11• 1 < .. 11111 h11 Ohio On Tur·d·" •1111rr· 1 flllll 1w1 "" 111• .J h lhr 1 ,1,I..< t 11f lhr J<1 "' 1,' f1~11'1'r \I h11 '"'' 111 11111 Id lc·.1 th1 n1f'J:!hl 111 li 111.i 1\," f:itall\ 1n1ur111 111 a h1111t l,l,I 1 h11: d,1\ n1~ '' 1 1 '-.11,.:;u R 0 .t11I"' \loolf·' h111I\ l.11 ,• r lnr Ill h11t1I " 111 .i -111.. d1.1p!'d ,,,,l;d ,11 :i "'' 1111 f.11, \nCt''"' f111111r.ll hnrt11 \\ 1II11 I<'" I II I ' ,. .. 11111 1,11 , ' i-.1! 111 I I»•, 1·1. '" \1 1 • I I Id l,d.olltil ti I I 111 If 1 h,1•1 I I I ,,, , , :i 1 • t I \ f t 1 1• 11 I I • ;1 •' I ,, \1 1' I ' h1 ••I -· ,, 1f1 , ... 1. t I ., ,, ' I I ,, I 1 '·' .P I l I ,, I 11 ' \l I I ' I t•.1 rr I ii r " " ,JI .. .... 'I t I ,. ;I Attor11ey ~ Nix Test ~~or Bear I , fl \ ', I I l. " i) I I' ... r1 • \ ... . , : . ,, ,,.. . ... I -'. ••I (•f ·' _, ·1 ,. 1:· .• ,.,.11 \\ ,., 1.u I f, Pe l1tf 11 t 11( ( ;, n :1,, \•I , ' t f1 j\ .... , ,,. '11£•' ,,,. I 1 • I 1 Fm\ lt•1 liit I. ~pl lfl~ Tn111 t I IAOll)dn't ha\I' J:J;!1n l!.llh 1111' \ 111)11 I h.llltjllllfl Tl11 l..11.f'r' h;ul lr1111hk \\1th Baylni on mv tram "•·emr I'. I 1 '' '" 11 ~1 ' 11 t lo.1' ronfldt>d with a '" 'mllr tlw lf;il\lo.' 111111111! ""' 1 ••1!11l.J1 "llr'd want m) Joh :ind M•a,1111 llf';ctrni.: 1lw111 uni~ 'r' M111 ;:iin. Dan < h1n,i..1 :in<I l·.lt c;rh.1 :11r tlr£1111tr ,l,1H hurl rn t 1nc •'' in 1'! L!:lrllc' I >"11 mt probably ~et 11 ·· 110 llll' nllwr h;inrl 111,1 111 1 hr rr,, .1lthnuch <: rh11 n11i.:ht i::n Neeme. hkc all 111 tlw nther t lavl•h 111 liis l.akcr~ 11 of I.! 1111•t•l111l:' l•1 th1• Yankee' tn pa) 1r11 nt JPCcta or!'.. was , 1 "All th1• wa' tn L 1\" The for Turie) praise for the Los Ange.eii f(11\ab. \huut~t1 Ill the dn•,,. ar aat1on ·Thev re Thr Anl!rl' may tarry d' pro a R ... e,. -1111? room a!' champ;tgnr r11rl.4' sreat." he exclaimed r h l<1 man) as 13 pitcher' the Irr'! Let.• just hope thM_.· rr as pr1pp1•<l 1 goring t <'Y t·o11 "' d l(rl hy Hn,tnn and I. i\ "nuld month of the campaign creat ag3J.Jlst St LOUii> an Wiil thp \\('Stern 11111 I 'llhty mr1clder Bob SadO\\· Bo~ton 111 the NBA playoffs Cintinna11 "'h1rh \\On lt:. ~l.1 soc·ked a n111th 111n111g * * * oprn1111! ),errrl>. 3-2 traih•tl hy r.:rand !.lam homer to give lhr Bill Boswell. Wr~tmin),ter as much as rir.:h~ potnl" 111 1\ng1•I' a 4-2 \IC:lory over lhc Hlah c.·-· ·hool··. h u r I)' foot· the th1rcl JK'rlO<i and \\Oil tlw L· ~ ,.. I T ,., '"" " :-.au r ra .. clSl'O '.ran s 111• .. ball Co,,1·h. 1~ the t"lti•iii of g:imc on thr \h1111t111i: or .lat k I n ' • " \\' 1.· I 1ta1 anr a ~-gamr spnn~ rormc'. Arc~dla snrrnl star, T\\)lman aml ayne "'m >ry ' " 1· 1 o i· Ill thr nvrrtrmt· ,,, ('l'f' O\C'r t11r ;•a iona Torn Boswell \ con I h) Jnh11 l\err of t hr I rat:1w chnmpmni; Tom. who •~ presrntl) run-Nat)<. ,cot Jhe g;1111e rnlu thr S,utrm!>kl'' 400-foot "iillOJl nin~ ror Orel(on State. holds t•Xlra !IC'SSIOn t1NI. 114 all '" ri).!hl n•11 tcr nrr yo11nj( 1>;11ln lht• CIF record in lhc d ass 8 100 nod 2'lO :it 9 and 20 8 T" vman wound up "'1lh 24 lt1\ :is wiJ')<'d out a 2-0 lead I hr '"''"'!> ..nd lloh lloc11e1 20 a.; Grnnh had enjoyed frnni thr resperllveh I h r .. 1 "311 OE'Hr fallt m~srlf." ~I'( Rov11 s rl <ln11hlt• 11111r"' lh11tl 1n111nl( I t t 8111 with " IRuJth. 1.11 nrr~rt I!) pointo; hy I." r Till' pol.r "' drhi.;htrd \fll!rl 1>'> n 11 ou thn Shaffrr m:111;iJ.:t•1 1\111 llil!llt'V lhal hr It'• been rumorrd thet • I · . ...& d ,., 111 St Lotm 1A.n11 ll'i \Nit':.. :1-1, pred1ctrd the 26-yrilr-olr Sil \\utmlnster .... a mnn hut had lo frj.!hl nff. a lilll' t1tm !lki wo111f1 "m:ikr.. lhr orpporL"v rG1'1'~1n1·s Whlfrd. thr I Dt>troit r a 11 Y· I duh IA " llpc'C y US· --- 1l1tant 1port1 editor, in D I ntatch race 1omrtlme In the near future. White, '° he aay1, handlJy whipped La Habra coach Be11 ZaH In a too.yard duh a year back. HI• time wa1 11 . .f. Grapefruit Results "If I can't beat Boawell." White explodes ''I'll go out and melt down my 11plke1." Stay tuned to thif' 11talion for further rrportR nn lhll race nf 1 he ecnt11ry ((0.Y'l•M· 1t4.l. f !eh'f [ "''"'&' ''~'· '"' l • I &y TMI AUOCIATIO •lllU T••••Y'' lltnv4h ChluVo IA1 1, l'ftw 'l'l)fk IN) I 0.lnltt 1, N.., Yorli tA. I I MIMflOll 1. 11111-t 0 Pnll•delrM• ... SI lou •• MllWelll<• '· Cl<><lnnell ) \.Oii A.11991ft IHI 1t, f'lllt bu'Vn a 1(1 ... tt tlty I, WHhl119lf'1 6 HOll<IO'I 4 (hltt90 lNl • loo A""ltl (Al ;. 51• ''•II<',.." > Ci.-.t •t"ll ) 80\111'1 l , ... , .• o ...... (tnt '"'""" ~,. t ft\ A"O•ll \ NI Dfot,on w' Mil""'"""~· N11v. V"'" t M) ¥\ \t I ~·'• P1'11tditl0f'4• "°' I( •f'H\ ( •'V C••<l>OO INI •l ci. .. it"d lttot!'t. IPCL I ¥l Son F•••tll<t W•,,,1"9111'1 Vt Chlu90 IAI New Yorli IAI ¥1 Ml""ttoll .... .,,. '" l°' ·~··' ,., ,..., ..... .,., o ...... Ctrwtnn-•• "' Hnt Ycu~ ,,., lM At>Q•ltt t"ll •• Ntw Yo•k IN1 it l"''' ¥\ Mtfw1~U r ohbvroh ro "•ltlrnftl• (tHC AOC) IMl Y\ ~-~ ~fe'Wl~l'I Hou•tftl" \.\ ftoe10f'I WA\hiAQIM "'' 0.t•flU MIMfl"'I• v• ~fltrt"'' (Uy ( 11>vt1-.twt v, l ,,.. Ano•I"" r I.) Dodgers Drop Duke From Waiver List \ f.IW t:EAl II I J,1 \I r>ulo.1· Snalr1 ·, n;i1111 h.• been 1;1l,1•n off lht• 1\al\t•r il•I and 11 th1· '\r·" Y11rl. \f, · want 111111 lht•\ c .in r:1 I h 111 f<•r ,.,,.,111 ~~"mo "' '" 11·1 11• IA at\'N fll H'I' E\\·hank 111~~ With l~i "al~ rhe Dui..r JS '"" .1 111.._ th·',, Hll! card 111 :0-.C'" '\ rirk .md ,11111(' of thr nudcer hra!>-. l'•l I m.1te hts "nrlh 111 1h1· :\ll•h ill the !(air <rl .1b111 ~:.!'1(1,IHNI Thi• Yanket·' ,,1, .. put 111 .1 d.11m for Sn1dt•1 IA hr ·n i.!1•111·1 <ti manai:"' i1111z1r· ll ",t,1 plarr•d I hr :11; "'·" old 11111 )h J<l1•1 ' lliillll' 1111 1111 I I ,1)1111Jo! Wllh (l\t' 11th1 I 1111iJ1, t 111,l•cl pl a yr rs 11111~1 h \111111c 'h'f\ \\ho \\ 111 hi!\ t' II• IH 1111 '\}',\\ YOlll\ 1 l l'I lht• frnrn thr ~qm11I ' ('\I Y(1rl. '''•1111 or th. \1111·1 Ha\a ... 1 ~Aid 111· \\Ill tl1•11tk fl'IHI F1111t hull I .t•ni.:11t 111d;11 \\ ht1I to do ;ih1111I S111det , .. ,. I 11111111111111•11 1111' •11:11111 111 1111!.1~ rill' :!l'I'' h.111 NI \ !'Irr I Weeb fo;\\hJn\.. to a 111111 ~t·ar an ha~ pli4Htl m '" "••thl contrat·t as ht•:11t 1·11arh 1tnd 11rric.s, fl\'c ol lht'm \11th generul nrn1wg1•1 B'"rooklyn. ha~ hit :Jf*I ho11ll.' E w ban I. "ho 11111111•1 h run~ 111 h1o; 11lu~lrlo11-; ca1 ccr. I coarhrd till' Bait 1111011 l 1111 ~ and had his best years 111 l!t:'>.1 I or th1• ri\'a) ~ational Vti.>t· and 1!154 when he baited :l.16 ball Lca~ue. rrplan·~ Ch de and 34 l. respect1\'rl~ lie (Bulldog 1 Turnrr sta11ed his career w 11h l\111111- The cluh altm ann1111111 rd real in 1944. ffl 'II, f J f I I ,, \• t•t I \I -I , II 11 ( .tl1l111111.1 If •• I' I I • \ I ,1\ 1 ti r o I r d I • 1'1: i rhn li.1d r I•"" 11 1 h.11 ~1•\ r 111111.J , \h1lii1 I'"'' 11 ot' , I' •-1 •· ''",,JI, Thl'11 \\(•ft I 1• • •' 11 tu 1.1 ,1;111 1u)r• ~1 ,,l1,1l 1:11 111 L1l.1 •' 'f'l""" 1,.,1 ;111! 1:1 II • 1i.1Jll"'lll'd' \\ 1• used lo , u\t'I J\ I' ,. 1• II!! !>.lid 1'11~~"'" hi· \\011111 d· 11 ,• '•.wd \11th hla1·k r l• .11 1<· h' •' •111 " I. a 1 r ' , 1 "'' .11 1111 nr' .1ol '·'I" '1111tt'l1mcs 1t IA ,,, a ti • I '' • '' •·P· \ht'tl q1u1 Ii 1 .. 1 .tn inch thw . It 1111111 1!!\ • • I I ( I, 1 n Bull ~ and l:r,.1111 h.l\r ... 11 ,, lrlo.1 ~111•1i,: nt o I IP 11111! 1 • ' • ,,, 1 • • 11 " ' I p.ur 111 h 1 J < top .. 1 I _.n111 11 t! 1; '• •111'-the\ tr10!. lr1· tft•h•a t11r t• ,,. •• 111 1.11 '' 1 .11 d1 •1 fl '" "•·1de whwh ''"'"·tf th•' "l'I• I ".i-,, . :cl :111d I 1ton't thn-.1h '"" I .11 • 1 ' 1.11.e nrH, 111 111 llw I'"'' char.•· 1,111 ,11 11 1111•1, 1111, 11.,111111.: 111111111\ 1•1111 111 1 .1 111 '''' n· , ..... , ,wf 111 \\,,, 11111 ,,111, 1. I 111111, hrth• "'' 1·l 111 11\· I' I"" I I 'IOl'I}.! or '11'' lll'll " th lh 11 I' and 1. "'", ,, .\) ,, """' I I rt1111t hi." 111 tlu ,, "' \ "I.I a11d •1·1•11d1111: hr' 111111 pl.11 I· .11111.11 rnd .11 • • llnf' 'll"''lr•d 111 I\ '""'' 111 hr· 1:11 1111 .. i.:1111 • p11t11 1 r>n II\ 1'11• •.11111· 11fH'f<1t11r ·;i· , Feud Th1·eate118 L.A. Relays Lt>:-.\~(il·:Ll·,~ 1 I l'I • rhr Southl'rn (';iirform0 Comm1t1e<' 101 tht• 0J\·mp11 l.amr~ has \\ar1wd that Jail urr n[ the Amateur AthJe11r Un11111 1 AAL' I to j.!rant sam lion to Jhe Coli~eum Rela'., set for J\tay 17 ml~ht forcr cancrllot ion or t hr 1•\ rnt 1.. 111 .1'11 \pt,, ~ I ti. , "nt rn111·d I \\ t •1 11 l h1 \ \ l I n1tt'll Mnlr' I rt11I c1nd 1'1 :rl'k 111 • 'ht.' ..ind F 11• hi 1-· t• ti r r a t 1 o n "a~ hlam~t) lc1r 1mpa~,1· The ft•th•rf1l11111 h;i., i; r .1 n tr d "R 111· It n 11 l111 thi-1rl;1v, nw;rnm.: < 11111 ::1• rrt hlrtr~ "Ill ,,.. Pll:!iblr \1 1 or d111 . I" I 1 1 \ tll I' I r· "111tld ix· 1mpu~blhlr' In In\ Ill' fut <'l~n ,I, IA rll a6 le:idmg noncollP!(lale ath· letes 1r there is no Ml .. anction that 1t had offkiall\ d1allg<'d The Dodgers' N a l 1 o n a I Its nam<' lo th1· '-''" Ynrk l~agur opener is onl~ 1110 Gotham' nunni.: tlw rma ~~k~ aY+<1) and man.11.trr thrcr \l'M" 111 th ''"'lt·1w1•. 1 \\nil \1,11111 1~ iicllini.: n •,uly IL wa~ l.1111\111 n:. 1111' '1'11 ani. 1 to prur1r lht• ~t111u<I I A final dc<:ts1on on holtl 1ni.: thr rf'hw~ -nm· 11£ lhr nia j111 t 1 ad. mHI f rrlci n111 te~I~ in thr 11a111111 '"" " 1;;r1111•\ 1'1111111111111• hr 11' 11 "It 1s hoped that the twn track and field £actions \Hll re11111\r their dlrrlcultles and Jll}rllllt Hw world's gre&I .1lhl<'lf'' to l'Otnpetr " ~;1111 \\ 1 lli.t111 \I Hrnry. J'lfl'Sl rl~1t ot till' loc·al c111n1111ttrr ( • • . . .. . . . M k.Y Pil<OT / llWWI f'•r w.4., ~rcih 27, ,,., -..;..;..;;..;;---r - r .. ' Pirates Begin Climbi11g Towards Circuit Crown Hornets Fall, 2-1 II) ('llltlS Hll':W; I Int· JI cl l lllll' That ' h11\\ OrJllCf' l'o:ist ("1,lh•i:1• , h.hd1all tr.1111 slo" - I~ h111 ~111 l'I~ plarh lo make lh hul 11i1 :inuth1 r Easll'rn Cunlt•l l'lll"I' d1anq1Ht11'l11p Thl' l'irtik~ tooi.. d rnajor ~h'I' hl\\ardi. tlw top-,flOl Tlll'::.1.lJ' l'd~mg cro,~-l-.HID­ tr) 1 I\ .ii. 1-"ulh•rton, :?-1, hc- fon· J jo~ ous horn(' t hron.i.:. It 11 J S the fifth '1l'lory for the HcdL·uati. from Co:.ta ~Jco;a l as oppoM'U lo t" o sC'I hacks. OCC now lniib 1dlr (;ross- 11111111 h~ 01w and om•-hal f ,i::.1111l'' The amazrng Gnrflns I Crum Sun l>11•go 011 n a 1wrfccl 6-0 rna1 ~ and an• b(:s::inning to m:ilo.1• lx•h1•\ t'I lo uf l"trcu11 r:.11J- h1nf, :\II San Antonio 1'i-l1 •~ m ~ct·ond 'flOt 'HERE , SON , IS THE BUNTING ART' Orange Coa1t'1 J im Curtis bunts ball (arrow ) for single ONE OF THE FEW BRIGHT SPOTS FOR HAPLESS NEWPORT AGGREGATION Wettminster's Al Lemerande is t199.d out 1t the plate by Newport's 8ob Thompton in the third inning l)e"lllll' c·omm1tt1ni: sc,·rn error' 1 m:ikmg a total of 11 mhCllC':. in the I a" t t\\O camcsl. the Uul's t·1rnl'd m , s l' ,. e r a I sparkling heldm~ ,_iCffi'l lo ~Cl Ure tlw lntponant To ,, ale11eia triumph .,, 11'est1ni11sier, 16-3 Sailors Staggered Ne" port Harbor lhi!h"s ba,eballer~ don·1 tool around Wben thr Tars "'" -thcv "in bi1. And when the)' Jose -they Jose big. Uafortunately for .\ndy Sr"Clllla'I once proud crew. the JaUer held true Tuesday as \\' tnster·s surpni.inJ! L1- 'tered .... rd excellent ball 1n 'halter· lad by bcor ing four times 111g :'\e" port"s unbeatl'n !>Iring. and rivping thr«' hlls :'\1ck Lion hurler ~1art~ .\ldndi:?c. (, ::e alw hdtl a trio ol hits playing "Ith his llrldini: arm "bile 'conni: threi' times. in a cast from a foothall in-"It "ai. terrible."" Smtih )ury. rece1' ed credit for the 1 laml'ntcd · I ean't ''er re· "10-\1 hleh "a\ th<: f1r,1 1n memt>er a 1 am ol minr loo~­ Sunset Lt'a~Ul' h1ston for the Westmm~ter~ Aldridge toiled f 1\f'~'anruoii"is,.-'1::=:=~=~~~~ \comp eoca.n& .. d"1d biiz gun lank " .... ~ ... 1 1 c ~ hander allo" eel onl\ , , ' hits. a f a I n ' l \\ e-imm ... ter · · h·: arOu.nd lhe Sailor diamond to \\Lile ~tnl..ing out t11ur ..,atlor pointed out. "th<• "corl'boar J w'""'-" the nJohlmare baltrr~ and "11lkm.: tltrr<' m1.1thl nut hr a hit to hand!e ~ .. au 1111 run' ewport v. h1cb has aU11" -Bon \e" me' l'r ""' tctt:.!ed 1-'or thl' r1r:.t t1mC' in l<'ague play. ('rafty Bul' headman BasefJall Wendell Pickens dec1d<'d to call on his bull pen Sta-.:.ing., 1 Bi ll Voss. 11ho has drav.n •sa o tbe starting as~1.i.:nmcnt for CdM Loses, 2 - I ''"" . .,. Ll"9u• t"riday's Citrus i.trugi.tlc, took I w., .. ,,. ~ .... ""' ,. ... _, w 1.. T " over the mound in the seven ~ : : innings when starter Dale • 1 , Townsend faltered L'on111J lid -'ldr 111..:h " 1Ju loa~t or lhe \r 1qmrt I IJI hor School Dbl11cl tudit \ 111 ......... in. F111,_,...,, ••~llO ,. ...... ,., W.-,tMl~tt>r ; ' ' Voss. as usual. was bnlhant IC'ast a~ far a~ h;1·1 lo.di 1' , ! ; ' in choking off the llornet!i concernrd Cottt Mu• o J o for the <·nnl'ludtni; thrl'C !>tan-Thl' !\c;. l\in I, J", ....... o. .... . MH aorl t f Cul!•''-' • 11'1<~ ,,.,...,,,,O! •• ,.,,. ""'""*"' t i Wntm1"*''' ~"'• ..... 1r Wnirr~ .., .. ,.,.p (,,to., \.,.,.. .~. "• .,, . """'•"'t'Ct'I •••t;.' lwne "•~ -~ ....... ._ '-ell et Ge<°"' Gr..,. l<l't~ ~.,. a• .... \t G•,. ~,, \t"'11 .,... VA ,,. t i 0"1"'., ""l ,. ' , I 1 I t : i r ,. l ,. 10.1' 11111' ~ot\IO.t: Ttt\\n· .INn ~kClrll.1n 1 ,, • , •• :.cnd'll I hir<1 EC win 't'l" I :1n hreai..ini: .'-I ti• ' ,, llarn \\,1llatl'. the ~. ,horl\lop \\JS tlw twttm~ Oranl!P IA'a l!ll" l1•ad1 r \ ,, '· • 11\•ro 111 1 lw \\in horn lrni.! l Id T111 -1t.1' .ti 11•111 .. 1•1 '·'I 1 h 1111" \l"l°O!HI pll• h to )11111 In \\1111Jc1 h.i•tlh I ,1 I 1 11 i• I ' 1h1· f1r't innin~ 11111 of sight. """ ''" : \\ allv"s hrsl roundtnpper or 1ht> c.:arnpa1Jtn 'J1lrd o'er the I I•' ol lwr l\\u d 'I•' n cht n •nt1 rf11•lcl lrner. ~onu~ .\t•rr hum1lt<.1l•·d •I:• '.14°1 lf'l'I ;t\\ ,, I-11lkrt1111 mlll lf'ldPr Hu • I \on in ;i de~prr:111· h11t ' l 1trOfl,t If•·! ',J • ,. r Jll1),,•1 11 ti '"' II • 'I I I • t111rrl \11111111 I f1,. I .t ' I 1' runn1·1, ,11 111,t .11111 1h11d thrn \;il1 11n.1 t111ol :1 dd,t\ I '' "·· 1·d '''.ti :llld l II• r .d 1 11 J !Ju d ~,e""\• 811 " Ill 1·d ~- I f11ld1 •1 ";,,, " .•• 111'1·1 11 .11 ,1111 ,111 111 1 I• It 11, r ' 11 I r• 11111111 l\.'.I' 1:1.•c1·d 1111 nr11, I ,I ' t ' ' ""' 1, ..• ti( • ., I• 11·1 11: d1r.: I 1\1· 11'1.'.l•" .... ' .. ,, " ( . ' ('1111111.1 d•·I \J.1• 111' .ti•·· ··of v ...... . I•• \1111 111•· r.1•n1• 11 P 1· l.1 1 r llilt • 1 \' J H • 't' If ir • 1 • r • • \\ ...... ti :1 ,,, • t ,. \\loll fl I t I' II'•' "\.• I 11'1 l I rf I • 1!111 ... " .. .. f •• ........ "" ,,.. ........ . . ... ... .... I r f Nr f\ ,. 1 ftl't' I I II r AB II '1 . " e • " ft ' . ' I I ' '• Al II " • e • " ' ~ . l • • • • • l' I l ed only 5('\Cll runs in 11' pr~· "llh th<' In~· '"""''''" n dn· '•t. fJ\C start~ c:ompll'lel) a!! .. d 1,, .:. 1 in 1hr1 • .nn1n~-; ,. .. , ... • • • .. 1i..19U"'I I l rt111 ltf• .. 1• It 0-... ., 1 I I ' >-1 \) I t 1 I l t ilr . attcmp1 to <·ate h t lw • ' ini: hor~1 htdr nrarl\ r;in n.:1.1 thrnui:h lht· outfll'ld f1·ncl' \ ' 1;11)\ I • ., ; "•,th' Cdl\1 ""~"· ..... bf• fr apar1 The Tar <.'Omm 11. Iii.torr "rn1lh ltnalh 1 .111,,,1 nn ,...,, ... ,ft .... ,,., ted DO It's~ than 13 l'rrors Jn Tom Ch•11th1ll \r"nw,1•1 ;ti-~:;~; •• ,;\, ..... ' 0 ( '" ····"""' (17'"'"• '>f " l •'I • ~· l~ •• "'• •f'V.:. faal all hut nn<• nf \\ <'~l1111n-l·l"l'd 10 ruu-1........ • ~ter·s run' \\l'rt uf U1t--un rhurchdl \\f'nt '"'II IJJflJ('t\ ~~~~' '~t . I I t &•tA •1 (H"' earncd,artctv allr1\\tn_c 'I\ run' .1Prl thf'n "'•" lC> 3 ~ ........ 0 • lo""t a• C.•~ tn al1 fa •rne-..\. ''• \\c,11ntn ~ftk<' ~t'1t1 th• 4'a1lur~ al--r ~='~ ~· llfr. hov.C\N ll1l Lion' pl;1\ It'll) "'hu },.,. ~MTf\ plai:ued G.•ovn. 10 "'llh CJ sore arn1 to<1~ t harJ.?•• :~:«t~ ,, l 3 I l ~ e 1 • M,,. ... ~ .. w l r oa ' ' Mrlz slrut l. 0111 !11111 Lwn To•••' a'~"""< 'A'•l'' ,, s ..... "" 1l ............ . , 'lo;•" ' ' ' I hall<'r< rlur1nt! lhr l\\•1 '' nn·· I•., 11 n111i:' lw hurl•"I I r11n11 oil I\ 1•11 ronl\ 1 ,, 1·d ,_.,""." ("'U#C"'' r ~ I 0 ' s, ... ,' e.,., •. l tt .... ~ • •• 0 • Slo-Br~akt'r~ In 'J'ltle l~ilt 11111 of 1t,,."i:,1nH' t•\ \\1·~tmtn­ l<>r V.J' thr ltr,1 """ l\r11h Cruth1•r, !in• I) ,, 111 I ,1n.:lr T r.,..o,•,..r vwoo •t Y •<-~ •' , •• ,.~ ... fl, 0 \•"' ,,r •' 1' I ~ llJ 'll1ff Ir J'T !l ;;!1 I 1\ J'11 r Jt'~ Tc·r r~ ' T1)!1 r• \\' •' , 1 , mm tcr and lhl' "<inla \na C'rut11u' lt·d tllf' l.11in di· CodJ?t>r' m1x1ni: 11 up ~-nfia, ---- n1,ht (nr I hr t·hamp1onsh1p •I _.. . ..,....... ... ,. , "-'•*I ~ r ., ..... .., ~ ..,,,,~.~ ,. .. ~ ... 1--0-,.. Jt , ..... , )I J I Onm51e lount~ in !'>111-BrfJ" ba.kctbdll I hint inj!lon lit Bl h Hlgh's g~m ~•II be 1hr ~1tc or the 7 p m du<'I The Cochier~ took ad"antal!e nr the ab~PnCP of Elmer IThe Greatl Comh\ to dn"n •he Hunltn,1.?l tin Head1 )1,•a'111,,- laru in the· olhe r 'c·rn1fm;,h Three Area Jayvee Nines Score Wins clash. Thn:l 111 ani.;L c·na-1 J.i~ \(·e second lla'r reach1•rJ third Comb'' nnctimr prep -.tar bi!,eball team., arc· lonktnll on a s:H·nf1cc bunt and th"n at I.be 011 Cit~ lligh. had pac-ahuH.I 111 ~ ridav \ all11tn. allrr scorC'd on a Wrstmin~t.er 1111~· ed ha malt•' into the tilt by scoring "ms ·in lrJ('al action cue t<J "m. 3-2 11corln& a dozcn points rriday Tue~da) Lonnie llausf'n and Dennis u bis team demolished San-y 11· d h 1 L l An. 37.8 Huntington Beach cra,ed a I oun~ ta 1e t c on y ion 8....... ; 1 · t th · 1·0 Santa Ana Valley first 1n-, runs tn the third stanza u :rf'Y II go tn o e semis . · "2 ... , Corona del ~far'• Bob P1· "-by ripping II B. Pac1r1c Sands, nmg lead. winning . .,. .... ew-• ' ,, 36-1.5. 1 port dereated We-tminster, 1 pen played a one-man game. ----13-2. and Mater Ue1 drubbed but In a losing cause. The' 1 Ca ntv. ell. 11-:l. freshman hurler fanned eight ~ Corona del Mar's Sea King batters, Including the first BELT STILL B .. ,LTJNG: jayvee nine will be looking seven he faced. banged out Down In the nation's sec-for a ~in Fnday. losing to two singles. stole three base~ ond lar~est state "herl' they Valencia. 5-1. Tuec;day and acored the lone Sea King drawl ) ou-a" I. fontball Cans Huntin.i:1on Bea1·h uc;cd four run In the firth inning Mater De1 banged out 12 are singm.11 prate;<· for former hits to score Charles Oehl. hils and blotted out 3 :J.-0 Cant-<>ran~l' C:oa~t Colll'J!<' gnd Brad \\"h11ten .. Jim Rudd and well lead in the second inning ace. Jo'rt'd H<'ll 011 I.. llodf.!•· in lhl' 'et·ond in-to wm. !l·:l J sck McDermott. Brit. turr cntl\ l\nocking ning to rlrfl'al \ allr\ 'cm d1•a<I for Tt•\a' \\ c~tern Thl 1 lllt•r' ,curc•d a not h<•r Greg :'\cjman and Bill Ellc•r t 'nl\l'r'll \ 1110~' llkr o star I· run in th1 third lrlfm<'. "1th knoll ed the ball i:ame m the . third rrame 1ng t;H I.IC' Jl<·nrd1ni: lo M1nl•r J im llr•ihlfmer sC'ormst on a Th<' Mnnarl'h rallv contlnu. com h "Bum" Ph11!1pi. lltn,1!11· '" ~ mntn~ p1khPr Bill cd lhrough lhr c;1xih innini;t. ll<•ll. :rn all CW l\fw-•11 fot•rlwi "' ~llflf'r 1>r1 l<1ll1rd i.1x run<, We1itn11n)oter 11 1 J? h 'l'i1<11ol. "c" "°' 1 hrolo.<· a '.!·:.! di dtl in the fourth. fifth and s1i.th rarnrd all-1\rnl'ru an l;1ure1, lo<:k 111 the• '"th innmi: a' frarnri. 10 win for OC:f th1\ ~·c>a. Oenn1~ Bon"d, "n~J,.,J. 'tnlr l<e<• ., fftftlft" Baseball Scores ........ C ....... tnu Orel)tll ~ Z. f 11l ... IOll I ...... I. l. 141fl'e AM I s... •~ •· Cl•r~· · --· v ..... ~,,.,, ...... u ...... ...,,. \a'llO """ It, C•141 Yr • ~ •t«,.. Atartl.. i ,.,.,.,,. -1 wtt•trn Pl' i.... ,,...,,. L 1•J1 \A """~" l ..,~'•""'""" 4Nrt 1 "'~. ,.. • "~ f ""'"' .. l ""' '* ,.,,., .. ,.,. 1 °'""" L-V•..,.•• l (Ol'i?nt Oil+ ~' I l •9'Jf'll JP f'rt, , Crn~•4'• L«-ltw L ~ H•f\1'4 ~ .... t ·~ .. ~ ... ,., ,.. t " . \ " \<I~•• ,.,.. Voll<; lllO lot 0-1 Hv~''"•'.,.. a .. ch OJ! 000 •--' llolttrl•• e... ~"''"" "' •"4 c;e..... .,.., '""'""'"" ''-" ... 1-- Wtttmlnst1r I N--1 '1orttor l•H4'f~tt-V0timt "-· Meler o.. Ce'l,,,...11 ltOtr~\ •t ft\, M1tv~. (f\tYflll V•lf'Ar ·• ,.,. ..... ,_. .... , ... , ,,~.,, .... .. ...., .. ,.,,., ~ J•#I· ... "'' 5•. ·~ •; .. ,. ,,• P• ~, ... ,, .... t c. ....... s..-• '• • s· ~, • \4 ....... -:'• ... Yt'•" C• .,.... .. l. ' "' : 0 ' co .. •t•t .. t ":#'0 ¥• $c&.t OOU•,,r,E C. .... • ~~ a...,.. ... ~..,. .. t..-. ~ t ···Ql't , ... ,,,. » .......... , \,. .... ,. .. . 0 ••• ,, '··O•w t Gt"°!" o•;.·•""l -:. .,J• .. ,. St" "'' "'•'~,. • .. ..,,., ~ •' ' _, '. s.,.,,,, .... ' ~.,.," (tla•tt, ,., '.1'0\t"'"•f\l Soi , .. .._•,0••11 4* 'It !aA' ~I onotonou~ .. l. T •• 0 0 # 0 I f . ' , • 0 0 l I ~ . t'alumct t-'11r111 ""'' "'Un the \\ 1dener eight t 1nio • 1 I ha- le ah. Prep ltf.-....rt .,., ) ·~·,., • .., .... ''""'M -C,.-.ct--...-••4· .,,,,. ... t• ,._, diP' \41-'•l,. ... ..,.. ~--.. .,., ~Mr .. V~ ""• I NM °"'' .... t .,_. ",ft •t • 6 I ,,. I f•, ( htllW'I ' •, n-• ~, ,,,_, H f \llfl lnlhrlNI \1111• 11• . .i 11. 111 l't I ••I II• \\ i·•rlt•n ",111 "1th ;1 1• l-.1 11 ' ..: H• • • '" •.1J11r..: 1 \••I' II.• '• Pl 1 ~ud a NI had to lw rr-' I\• I I h.ol cnun',, thr 1111"1 'l°"', 1 .' "1lh ,mrlln[. ~lflh lie· rnan-\ .,1, ; .• 1.1 111•nl ala·.fff 111 l',1· :it:N I to stay in th(• i;:.1011" : .. ,, .. 1 ,. ' , .• 11nil 1n11ini: J 11 hll\\l'\l'f. dnd l<1tc•1 ";, .ih:t• 'f\\O ,1nl'l1•, ;iflrr <•nr "·" tn roh I ht· l:m o; •·f al 11"' l 11111 J:!;J\ r I hr T11!1'r' :1 'I r1111 • ro11r ··~un" l1<t,t· h11' T"o ~inl!I<''· \\ilh a "111111, 1 srnrin;: lhn·at ll'll\• '',. thr• bunt 11and" 1l'!tf'd in 1"'1"',1·n l.i11J ~1 a' 111·J~c11rd \\ 111 11 I 1- bt•unded r ull1·1 l•tn It ... • in to rnna cl1 I \1.1r i:nt 1111 lt•;1ol a 1·1 \IC in lht• I 1111 l,ol /,J r11nn1 I .ti I'" I' ;i•1· [.,. "II \\ llh t\\U Olli• oil lh1 ·I'•' nlil n 1111tu • I,\ • rranu' ltw c·n~1,tr r-'lf\1\ \.. Hut <1 """ 111tt 11 ,,IJ,10\• ol for 1h1· \\1nntn.! I.ti J run lrt "·11re a n1t tt.,1~ I''"'" Oa' e Sp1llt'T '1rt1\ 1• ;i onl'· ed tu IK' the dN·1dn 001111tr dr1111tl1 111 th• :~1J.f1,. t ~1r('lrllan".; n1n1 ~.1.,111 ii •hr mc1r~ 1n ,tra1i.:ht·a";J\ 1 Pn-tt1L1n1 1n 1h1· Ja,I nl 1111 1·1 · trrr1eld <inti ""' qu1ckl\ !-1'<<>1-ond allrr lv.n out-h.111 ht 1·n tcd borne h' ./1m Curt1~ "hn n ·cordrtl ·1 ern r rc:dr 1 ~ l!ot lollo\\ed \1 1lh a lmr ~•nclr h" C1r-1 of t\\i1 in::lt·' th1·'1 ad' JO• N I nn p1lr l.rr 1:111 1 t.,1• • •"•" ..,, , • "' • ~ ', d"n r ·•I• 0 o • .,r,c c.• • '1l 'WlO • • 1 Frr•dr 1 lo. lhPn h·.•t:t d o••NGf cour 111 home· on d \11ld 111:u1 Al•", l:ut \,1l1n<:1<1 \\l"rtt li.11 1111 It J• ~1th ;, r 1n 1r th• it Hrl ,.. .. ,.. ... Bow to Whittier I 11v11.1 "' i \I' .\Jlllfld"I \\Cf{' pl:11Hlllll.! 1111 lt.111 f11111 th 'lr:11 •ti1 11r.1ni:.•· l.1 .. 1;.(llt' "' · t11r II 1 "· '' "' .. ,11 .11 1:1 ,.,. dfll•r lfl"l•l••ri• .1 i.: I.I 1111n f I l 11 1' d1 t "'''" tu \\ •• n f i ·1 tl•·-d l\ 1: 11 I, It l ,, I ' ,, , '· t "in~• cl 11, P 1'\l'nl \\I' I 1' \111111lc1' f'l.1< m.i.: !Int in 1111• 2110 anrl 1110 I r1•c,h ll' < Qfl'lJll'· l JI "" \I • 11 ! IO''"' nl :! Of; .! <in<t '>l i I•' j t'• 11\ • 1·.,,n•11 1Jr I \1 t Rrr 11 11 ·~-..!.I .1• ti I l\I r rr< ~rrr 1 ·1. ..tj l I 11 "J ttl <; 0 ,ti I I • I 1 ' !•II 111 \ .1 1\111:'• ,,J. 11.r ''hf• I 11• • 1 I, lur , ' fl, ' . J ... ,,. b,. ., 1 !/\-. "•' , , : l ~· t'I •/• 1 • , IP•'• t I' ' ,. I I 1 , .. I'', f I t'1 • * ,,,,, ..• , .... ,,, J •... onW • , t ... ,, • ' , ' ... ' ,,. • 1~. ,, I ' I ft'~ 1. I .. f • I I 1 ' ... , .. • lh I ,, .. ~,. .. , ~. . ' \hu-1' -, '. .... ' ,. . "' ' .... t o:. •V Bl uc · I)(., i I~. \c·•· l .a 1ul•·cl \ \\ .dk 1•1 tlw fir 1 "I 11:1•1 It II· 11 \'111\1111 '\r 1\1' ~ .. ,. ~ ' It r ol lllf• l1.1111t• Jt111\f"d f.t• ·' I·•• n :a. I A·.• "'. d • J111! t"1l1 I I 11 oil •1• \' I "11•1111111.: , 11ntf" 1-•It II ''~ r li.t•~dh,ill T ,. .. ,....,, fl (, f'n""·'" ,. .... , n 0 0 l \ ''" rt!H 1· 1l1fl\1 d ll.1 11111 n n<:r 111 l'llonrl 1111'11 .1 mr ,,. '""'"'""' c 1 t • t<il m1~'"''" hv a c;;c;i Kin:: . .i. ln"erl 1tw T1c1 r to 1:11 11n '" L• I ' I (11 rft r• s,-..... ,r:., }" ftv"l"I* t Ov•l,.1A 1 '°'fl'\ 'Jl'I l ... ,,~. ( , N1tf"1•'· JD .,.., .. ,~.,... p Tote!\ IA"f'' t \ ~ V' AV4t fOlllll'\H~. VM\ 1,1 ,-11o1S •t -H 1 o n n ~ 0 0 • l 0 0 I I 0 0 n 1 ~ ~ ,.. 1 f •"" O..it11td.t w,,,,, Wor" .1-:1~hl1•('1] (Ill( 111'1' \ih\ d( lion "'11h llw 1..cH i\111:1'11• \n i.tels (J,t M'i1'1111 Tennis Results _... eo•~•n Wf\f oe• • " (OV t. •I •' .,,,..." D•J•• ,.. f(C/Ai •.. ..... ,1 ... , "".V" I' .. , H I ••< . ., 0 11 d ft 11 I A V •llfY Sin-.il...--4•.-'f'"' ••1~ ,.. A• "' ~ ,,.,. .. •0 d#f 9 .. ,.., • ,,., ·.-tt " l•-"°"'"•"' tM" n•• "'•" • • I ~. W•fl'f ,. "1J'• 6 I t,,,ot ·~ Jlp..,f• ~I .,,,.. '" ~ t l riitt4~t Hft IJ'f J,,tM"l o\ l '1· I I>' -1 '"''' •r ""V.,t I ~ ~ff 4:"""'tfr\,., 1 .-. t, • ,._,.J\I Of'f Af"'°*" •I ll)f'• "'"'~" ., .... , ,,. "''"f ,,, \,.... ,., ' . Dovbl•' ""'"' 11111 "'," ... " ' t''"" r, • .,~111t1•"' • o " I I '"' • n ""' Trimr.,. / ~ f 1th Pnfl~ 1""4R1 l')tt f.t n• (,i1411'JMr f\ ~I .... •Piii Wiii\ ll,,r><i,,~ ftimt;tt I Ar 6 • JtY'YI• H. IHeh (IOI ''"•ltit-<.~rc ,,. I •iO I Patm•r ... 1. d•f ,..,i,,,....1n & o llC. \ A l/tllty Mt Ut••• ,., t, d•t Jnf'nV>n ._o, Mf Af\d•n~ ,. .. l}J ,,,, tJtlt'I I) IQtt tn P•l~r .. t dili JI'"'"~°"' 6 •• def N-rO'>"ieh2 M Prortor IHfJ1 cM'* U•1•r "I, d""' P•lm- ., • l Cktf JOI""°" .... 0, tff* "t 01'>'l .. ., . c;u•• ,..,e 1 1 10 IJ• , .. , -,, ,,., ,,,.., )".! .. \,,.. ,. ti ,, ... , Al tJ .... ~ • Oovbt,,._, .-"• ' •"''' I~ f f, I,,., .. , .. ... ,, I• ... '" I ·• . ' ... ,, II I ( '"" t \II H11l1.J 10111.tn~ 1111 p1111rrll\. \rt II r· v m an rr 11•• ,:; c..,, .... d•I ,.., <·f·1 rd thl' \"rw1atrcl J•r 1 · • o,., I Wh••'t' 1~1 n:111111:il l'l:l\f"l·Oftlw·\1·.11 '"" ~·~:, I '1111111h 1r~•>1 1 '"•'' ''1Y) ;l\\;ud hrn• Tt1r~dav n1c:h1 ( •• "O "' ' •• I °'.. 1 ht· f,. fool ·-I Bl111• n I' v i I 111 1 !:;· ( ~·~ "'' 1'.~; 1 11 .'"'' • Ni 1 ~par hpl11 1:. "hn lrd D11kr t11 '"1 ••a• ¥•Hv 1 11 ••• , 1v.1 1 ,.,. third plan' in thr nalional • ( • r."""' NJ T' ,.,.., l ~ 0 , "'I 1 •• ••• .,,, 2 , .. •"' ,. collt•1:1:itr c·hamp1nn~h1p, rr· ,:· 1 , / 14'1 r •• ih , 11.,., ''""" C"('l\flrl thl' ;J\\arcf al thr ,tn , •• ~' •• 1 'T'• , ~'' 1111al \llanlw ('na\t Confrr n ,,' '" : '.::.~. ~ • • .,. ... ',""• I II• I h.l'l.t·l hJll jatnhlJI •·1· 11)1') ""'" I " ol'lt;~r'f •'l ',• 1 /Yh '' 1. • kf'••v ',,., '~• I 01 ,._ •Y'I ,,,. .. f ••• t , "'' ., ( ••• I,,,.,.,,, ''" • r .. , f ,,., I • ·- "' ,,.,, _,..,.hf s:i. "'" iN' u ., ' ... , ., 1'V! J ", I rr ~ ~ At ( -""' .. \' ' •,. 1 0 '"' <1·~ Tim• ; t4 • V' J. ,,.... I tJt,,,..-. A .,, """' '1'' ' fir I! I rr ,,.,, "... • '·'""', t ... I '.,, Ir • I r .. , .... ,,... f ,,... 1 ~ltUf\ fl'''' 1 At ft"' .. I 1(111 1 ( t'flf>f Nl 1'll'TW' nt Jt'.I'" l'•t• I ft•'"Y '-Ill 't t ••Ii' II) •~If),,. tW 11"°'• I l t 'NJ f\•lil"-. I 1 '1<114"tl'f\ ff 1'"l Figl1t lle1111lt" lly \S'itl('I \.Tt-:U l'll .. :!\'i LC>\ol>O:'\ 1 lmn l'oop<• IAA Envlanrl. I.nu< lo.l'd "11 1 Ila I. Ht<·h11rrl,on 2117. \\ ;1!1•<,, • l!1lh \\ .tll 1·1 l!l:J F11cJ,1 <I. l.nod1•rl 11111 .Joe L>&t;r.11111 1'•11 I 1f11l;11ll'lphrn, :1 \I·;\\ \'()1(1\ ,.., Jiii. f\.1 "'"' l.lh I '11r1 lo Hu 11, 11111 pri11if111I Tn1111m• G111f111 1:1:1. l'h1l;uf,.lpl11;1, 11 Announcing COMB & SHEARS BARBER SHOP Fred Brotherton and Ted Ellis, Master B1rber1, f ormerly on Eu t 17th St. Now Lot.fed at 824 West 19th St., (nsta Mesa ( ~ c f! (' II Jr 1r .. 11 't .. la \I ar \ '" 1<1 en n"' ,,. ... <•• .. l • 0 . .,..,, ~­, .. ~ .... .... I• .. ~ ... ... "" .... , .... J ~ ""' St., Ort ,. .. o ... l lo Gu• Cle c Lo ri;i :-,,. '"' I lr :-; .. I 1lt ( h Ill ~\ ( \ii rni in; Ca ( WL .,., ch. 4. HB Cage Tourney Faces . Sweeping Change R.'' ca , I ;\~ \\'11 ITE A s wre'p111i.: dianj.!1· 1' 111 alore fm lh1• 11lcl1•'t 1111:11 31•h<111I h;c 1•1h.1ll lc1111111•\ Ill ~null11•1" I .1lllurn1;1 . tlw ll 11r1t111~·11111 llf'.11 h T111 1r n ;t1Tie•111 II II a~ 11•:1111 .. d I \l'hl)\111'1\ 11111;1\ h1 Ilic · DAILY I'll.Ill' Thr a11111 .. 1 1·a s:1• 1111.111 IA hH'h IA lt' hfll 11 111 1!1:!11 Y.111 p111h;i lol1 J..:11 h;1/.I.. 111 11, old '''"' <11 hav111l! 11; Rase ball Proves Too Long H 1i.:h 'd1•11tl "·"'•lo:ill I' I\ 10111111:-. l<1n ln11c \1 11·••'' t l'.1111 \ .lo( u 11 n I n i: for I hr l'li;1111p111n,h1p T iii' 11 11 I y t h111i: "~IL h t.:ouhl 'lop th1• t'hilllj!t• Y.OUlrl llf• Cl J1111rl I'"' ,. M " I ' a p r f II \ a I 1111111 p:u IH'IJ1U\lllJ.: l1•a111 ... • ( lldt'hp-. l.;1,1 ''"" th1• lu11111a111l·nt 11 ,,, 1 ••tl111 1•11 I 111111 Iii 1t•a111' 1•1 l'l:!hl 111 111tl!'r 111 1:11aran ,,.,. 11111·1· J..!.11111'\ to 1•;c d 1 ur 11i,. 1111111t•·h lal-1111: p:nl 111, lhl' da"w SPORTS JI o we v '-' r, llunlinRlon H1•ach wa:. 1·11111pe!lllll! 1~tth lhe. Wr~tm in,t•·r T11111 n::t· mrnt, whll'h ""a' 111 np1·1 ci lion al thr ~am1· t1m<· CIHltials l ro111 the two I lunt1ncton B1•;_1t h 1>1strl('t st.:hool' put lh1·11· head~ tn i:t•thrr and drl·1rtl'l1 th.it 11 \1a.;n't pratl1t·al to hold i,1•pC1rate tournamrnls at thf• same timr 'l'hui., 11 1•;irnP In 11111111 lh;it a lfi·leam Jl untln~tnn HcaC'h ll1\l11tl Tourn&mc11l could lw horn I 'min t h1• rW\.\ plan of 11pt•1.1t 1•111 r•arh 1 l11h Pnier- l'll "111 '"11 he g11Hra11tred lhr "'' car11e·'· and t 111· eHll· tu;il di;1rnp11111 or thr· tour· fl{•\ "111 have play1·d four itainr' <Jnr hi <l<'krl Of !'trfllfll'f I tiun will hf' 'tal(i•d ;it \\ ,..,,. mmi.ter w hi I t• 1111' •1tl1f'r • With 1Jnear11f•d 111111~ Valley NipS Oilers, 3. -2 tlrnt'' ih1• i:rnrrnl 11p1111011 , I "11 111warn1·ll 11111 ... dOll llw 111.ih11il\ lo 1·;1,h 111 110 l.1·v M'Ol'lllJ.:' i.1lual1<111!> ('11\t I lclll· 1111.1:11111 Hr;il'h ll 111h'~ ha\l•h;1ll for C'C'' a <:haOCf' tu t IP f 111 I lil• ~·1 ct'" a~ I ,f'i-lf.!tll.' lr<td 'I 1w'- da} as the 01lrr~ dr upp!'d il 1\1th 1111 11111 , ll•m,.\I r \'al· 11·1 l!fll tlw n1·~1 two nwn up hl'for c .J1ih11 1 >n•,\11•1 hit a ,har 11 rl111 '' In ll'fl 11, \f•111I 1n on!.' m:.ilt• am11n~ ('n<ta :i..1e .. il llrgh "·'" OlllLY PIL.OTINt:W\ PRUS ball atit·111n;ul1" tnclav ii~ tlw Wed., March 27, 1963 13 M u,t;ini.:' \lfl 11•11•d 1111• "11 •I. a.i:e Qf ) "~"''Ila~ ·s hurT1l·;i111· al Sanl<i Ana. Thr °':11nh rat Ji,., un~r:i• 1 n11' 111"1' 111 \,11 thc• l'""t m l\t 1 e•.111'11 111.1111 1;,.,,, f.!c• "••I frllll!f"'I l'h:il" !'I (I Ill 8 IHH• .i.11lrcl h;Jlt1ng 11r;wt11 !' 11h1r h d 1dn'l r;i1111 thr 1111t11rlc·r~ Sant.a \11a rilJIJll'fl I h r I',. 11.lP'a httrlr1, r111 17 h1h , Ill ch11l mi: rour homr run\ Tlw Saint ~ ran C'.•1\1 ;i Mc''d ·' 1'1111 Bucs Fall In T enhis I :l·:l 1lt•1·1~ion lo Santa <\11<t \'111· Icy on the ! Ill l'1ty d1a111und. ('11:.wh c;1•111 j.!t• lluntl'I ·,dub " ,1111 ooh 11111· canw olf lht• p.il'I' \C'I h) 1 u-ll ;cdl'I' (;a r· dt•n c;ro1c a111t Santa Ana \'al· 11'1' And. the Oilers c 11 u Id "'"' r ahc:id nf the Argo~ b> "h1ppm1: !;;Hd{•n (;rfl\ e Fr1- 1la' The t h11 ti 11111 e :.i111<· "hrn \'<illl•y pwh1·d 1111 a11 01ln try- 111).! 111 11•ad1 lh111l 1111 llrr!>~· lcr .. :. 1<1JI llu111111i.:t1111 hacl r 1111rwr ~ at ~t·cr1111l •11111 tl11rrl 11 tl h l-'11 IJlll 111 lfll' f 11th li111 St1 11• .I uhn~1111 went down 1111 i.trtkl'\ lo <'nd I thr threat Thr 01lrr,· nllll'r run 1·ame Jll tlll' l,1 1,I nf I '11• "'' f'lll h 11 h1•11 S t11,11 t !'.lf'l1t.111,!, '"'J~h 1·11 ii :1111 11 11•11111• 11111 ""''ut11r \t'11rrl1••., ""n 111 i.: ll1,111c1• l '11,1et l 'roU .. ;..'•• t1•n o;t1111i: tn Iii ·""' C·•11 ' ''' 1 111'm"n 11•!11111 '" !·'"'''''" 1'1m - \ ;cll1·1 l)ll'l.NJ up 11:. t\\lt 1111· r.11111•d 11111\ Ill 1 hi' I Olj.!;.!1•11 t h11 d 1011111)! 110 a 1111 ;1 w .11 I. and il 11.111 of 1•1 rnr' :inti th.it I 111 111•ct 1111t I 11 lw 1111• 111.11 .! , 11 11f 11t•l,.al tor t lw h11,1 ' thr· !1·11 111·ld k n• 1• l 1111L!h"1•d 1 11 11 I d l;"I nnl1 '.? 2 1 11111111;: .. r1r1 'rl'lrl1·1I f•rnr 111 \ ,cll1•\ ' 111 1• 1111' lt1 l11·l1•r I .11' '-t,i11o11d did ;1 !!l •·.1t 111h. 1 .... 1dn1! u01\' tJtH• hlrt:...'lt• h 1111;1· h1' "'' 1111d • "' ' d1• frat S10• t' 1.1l..111i: 1111•1 I lit '"'' fll'I' flt I ,, !11111 ill .... 111 Mi"lanc rna • Jun; p•1 1 fl,., 11;.11111111 'I h111,rf;1 • .tll1•1 Iii. fll'"l h111111l'.il 111:• 111· d1111'f'llll! ,, , II 1!>111, 1111111 Th•· I· ,,i, 1111' 1111>1.. a 1 II 1,.,, t l lit I 11 I llllllflf.! icff Pl 'IJI t 111" 1111 1 .. 1 l 'I nt IJ111i.:he·•·d t1,,1J 11•!1··!1 1111· r11 -t l\\11 li .• 111 1, •1! 1111· 11.11111• li11111h Cll,1(,1111 l,1 ,li••d .1 clout.I<· 111 ll'ft l11·ld .llld IJl1•1 \1·01 1•d nn ~ 1•nt1>n ('.!'.'II t11 \\ l'\lt•I II 1 ••• 1 l\l'I'~ 111.11• 11 I 1 f•lll' f 11111 I· I , .1111 '\.\ .,, •1111 h•· h II 1111nrl lu • M I! ft• t 'J It ''cl;1 \ • I 1 I I I• ~!• ,.1 nw·11r1l I h1• rl11,.I 111 J?TPO'll f,f\111011 "l.t1 l111-,: hod r • I arn l.1'.10 ,11111 • .. 111 1•cl I hP \HI(' rn 11111• r Ill lllt' 111 t lntlllll! Ito-. e11·r. I ht• 111"" 1•11q11111 1n tht M'lllllll ,1111111.: I 11 fl I 111111'\ 1111 it J'•lll llf ft II Ill I' flllh '" 111.tkl' ,, 1-11 f.1\ 11\h ·l •II It II ht• 1111 Ill tlll' lhtrtl ,, 1111· '-·• nt' 1:ill11•rl "" 1w11 1• r "' Lq>la1 1•mrnl M1l.1• I' r 11 1• t,,,11'rl until thr J1lth :1nll Hill ''"\l'I 11111,h1•1I up 1111• l11rri: <i i 11 1 nn1111 lnr I hi' 'l'ltur< : >id.. I ll\1111 '1'111h•1l ~;111ta ,<\11;1 11111111•1 l\1•n 1.111\11 ' hid f111 ,, ll•1l 11!C'T 111 lht> l.1 I 11111 Hl I' \t•ll 11prr11•rl I I,. I I ,,,,. v. ,1'1 a lun~ II•• ilo'" ,, 1111 \' 1111 h frll "111\ .• I• ' '' • t '" 1rl llf 111·111~ ;1 1it1llll' I J'1 L••n l.01 rl::.r,. 11111 ''"'tf \qth ,, "',.Jk ;111rl \lr ':i h;irt ru11n1•r' at ftr\I anti M'lllO•l 111111 "" 011f\, Hui r' r 1 r· ,. r1•ca111••rl '"' compn,11•P :i nrt '""''''' 1111• llP\I II ff"t' l'llf'll 111 .l I"'' 111 t ntl th• ;:am•· lf n•• & II r '• .•• • ~ ....... , ,f , .... l "' , • .. ... n ,,.,.., ,,. W•• '•· ' ._.,_."II•• ( '"'' '~'flft 1b ,. .,. ,... r., , '' ...... . ~ I , "'IJ' '""" ' I St t t . " ~,.,,., ~ ' "'' jll ' ~ ....... ... """'l"t•b'• ~ ..... , " ,~ .. !\ f-,,.,,_.., •n"°"'''h ''-'•'' lb Ort t I~ (,err • rl 0.,.,.,, ,, Lk1t·t1 • "" ..... ,,.,, . Trt••1\ ... • M I ' I Al ' ) 1 ) ' ' ~ • \\ " I 11 1 '0111·11•\ ,. l)l .1111:1· ( 1,1.1 1.111··1r·, \\1th J.-101! 1\1';11 h I 'ti\ l'nllt•L!• ;\Ion rl " 111 tht· 111,t 11111nd 111 1111' s:.; nntl \11'111al ~11111 lwrn !'air fninia 111111111 t 'nllf•I!<' F11·ld J l•whr1 I 11•1111.11111•111 at \It !-..111 1\11lo1lllll l 'ullq !I' 11 ,. f " n rt 1 n i: t11111 nanw11I , 11:11np11111 F1ill1•1 t1111 1<. I hr• 1111111 1• t11 111.1h<' 11 11\11 NO\\O~ 111 ,, '"" 111th hu't tl';t m \11 !\\I tl11 111111hN l\111 ptl'k !ldclh 1·111111J;h the two t 1 \al-; lot~ horn' in thr f1r<.t rnund of pl.1\ In n t hrr llJl('ll ini;: dUl'I~ rnmptnll faC PS El Camino Crtrls on the ~ur1 1\'lnit clubs wlll ml'rt .\pnl :l ror the af"mifinal<. anrl \pnl 5 for thP championship" ·4. Thundering Results 675-3311 I 1111 I 111• f,J, I ntf 1•1• 't t•tl 111 ' "'""' • II I J•l.I\ \J.11t1111• (;1·1,11 d ' flt I 1111'11 111 "11111 h ' ''n::lr r1111i.;li l\,111 '' 1.11• rl;i1 ,., lhP 'I hr '""'' 11n1•arn1·d m;irl.1·1 \\r111 1111, '""" :•II 1111• 111 1lu• 1n 1h1• th11r1 upp•·l1 the rount \ln,l!ll•\ lll:lll'ht•\ pl.11 ,.,, ,,, 111 :1.fl \hut out th1• f~uc , lf11\\1•11•r. lht• Oil l•ri; fm<illl \11 1l111JhlM mall 111, "'''<' 1l1·n1t·d lhl' "'onnJ.! r·olum11 111 H"'tlhft•t,.~ 8,l(f\ I ·-r< .. ft•'' I t> f •• \••t , ••• I" qt,.,.1 • ,, • ~" 0 (111,,., ,. "· ,.., n a " ~ 0 ' I ' I • n n • n ' ~la~1·el IJ1•1 .111'" 11( d;crl.01•" l h•• 1,.,, of th<' fourth aftN \lflll• Aflle Y t ll•T " .. •1111 IP M 1 c.,,.,,.. ,,, ,.,. .... m °'•••• t M•I 1tl11Y.1n~ a '!t Pat npport unit 1 .,, ... , • ( 1 .. ' • \ ,.. , lit"'""''.. ,., ... '.,....4. r, ,.,,,. ., t •• I .,., "'•· ..,,. '*' I.• • .. ~ Ot .. 10 tally m tht> \N'nnd ~ hrn th1•1 hnl1 l\\o ru11rrs on ha'r and n11 11111~ I"'' 0 11 c·111 h11r•emdrr\ •. '> \1rrr on the hai:~ to the f11u11h ""'""'., , ... w,. •.• ., ,., r,, .... ' v .. ~ • ,, ........... 41 .... • n • , 1 ~ . earance ~7.~'.:~~=~ I '.~.:~ s ALE ·:.~.::,~G II 11, ..-------------~ 1 .. 1. \ 4:44.44 ~·, 670·15 710-lS 760-lS SIZES 7-S0-1'4 8()().14 aso.u WHITE SIDE WALLS 4:49.95 820· Is 800.1 s SIZES 9S0-1'4 900-14 WH ITE SIDE WALLS TREMENDOUS SPECIAL FOR COMPACT CAR OWNERS 4:39.95 SIZES 600·13 6S0-13 S60-1S S90-1S 700-13 520·13 WHITE SIDE WALLS GUARANTEED ONE YEAR OR 20,000 MILES. PRICES QUOTED PLUS RECAP PABLE CASI NG and FED. EXCISE TAX BRAKES RELINE Convair, Chevy, Ford, Comet, Falcon t WMt lt I Of'IO.d l *"'"' '"' ,..,,, & UW "·'"milt o.,..,.,.," ... ' .,,,, 12ss SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT GENERAL TIRE DEALER AVERY GENERAL TIRE 16'41 Buch Blvd. Call M7-S850 HUNTINGTON BtACH COAST GENERAL TIRE S8S W. ltth Ml 6-SS#-MI 6-4511 COSTA MESA l•IS:h l ljl11 11ll•I, \\ill '11• 1111 k· 111~ h ti I II \ .ti ll1111l1lll,!fl1fl llt>.1• It ()11,. "i1•1111fi11,1J t 11 11 I 1• I \.\ill l,1• l11·ltl ;ct f>;J( lo '"''""' •111 1)1·1 I:! 11o1th 1111' \111111 11r' tl111·llnt.: 1·1th1·t 1>1·1· l'I "' 11 1•11 llw croY.11 l".tn\ \.\Ill lu· l11•;et,.tf 111 '' 111ph· he·adt•r or1 11 ... f111;1I 1111(ht with lhp I Ille· 1.(:.11111• !ht• 1·11n,11l;1t11111 f1n<1I•· ,,,.,, t lw third fll.111· 3f 111;.:;.:11· ,,,. t.1p <lffwi&ls, 1111111·\1·r, ar P 11nrl1•1 1tl1•cl "' In 111•· ,11,. r1( tt1•• I 1 n J I ' ll11nllnRl<111 H1·;11h 111,1.!h 1A 11! IJ1· tr<rn\ 1 .. 11·d lo the nt•w :i..1;1111w I flgh 11nd th<Jt J..!.1111 1·1111lcf lw 1111· "l'llt• 11( h.11l 11· \\(•\lmm~t1·r ll1J.(h " 111 111i.: 1·rin\ldf'rNI ;11\11 111•1 ;111,1 11f ,,,.·,·xnll1·nt l<J1·1l1t11•\ 'J'hi-'lt1 d <t \\11' \\ rll t 1•:1 t 1111· 1J1•fc•11c1111g t11urna11wn1 1'11J1111wir1 \1-\.\port I !arbor 14 ot 111·1 I> r a 11 i:t 1• Cflltnl) ,,·h1111I' .11111 11111> r.o~ r\n i.:e·l1•\ C-1111111\ 1•nt1 l 'h;1I "'" 111cl1 "' <1111;11 " I f1111t 1111,!llln flNlf'h I ·11,1 ;, \lt"•o. \\ t•,1111tn\tt'r T1p.,1111 \.\,..,tern fl " I ' a (;ranch· <lr<.tllj(f' \1·n lie· ~lai;tnr1h<t "ia1 an11a l<;tndm ,\1;1rn1111' \;111t a \11if \ .1l l1· ~ anti J .. 1 I I .tl11 •• ll h;1 rrl lo pr 1•cl11 I "h.11 1111• \lft·,1ntl11tPI! \I hllJll ti( tl11• lltllf ""11\t'fll \\rll 1111 lt1 t 111• (1na1w1•' ll1111t1111:t1111 flPa<'h rr1a1•h J-:tm1•1 f'omh, rlr1Psn t ~Pe .111,· a111ir1·1111hl1• c·hangf' tn fl••t fll'ltf'PNI, \fo11· 111onry Y.111 hf> ex 1wnd1•tl for nfrlc1a1, but rnorr· 1-ri,lr \h11ulrl he e::irn 1·11 .ii th" !>(<it•· amt from t"<lr;i r•ntrv f1·r\ f'11p l1·i.m, 111 the 'S:I ••1cnt will prohahlv be I.a ll<ihr.1 \\'t·~trrn ;,111f Hanchn lijmlllt\, 1111 the• hii\l!C o r return<•(•\ from 1\ffiZ duh~ I GRANT'S SURPLUS SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK ••.• ! SO GAllON tRAStl BARR£l $1·£~~.ft~, co\.£MAN ~lO~i OQ l~Mli~M sq.SS I HEADOUARTERJ FOR. • • G r '1nl J H \I '1Vf' I 'J' f) ,, ,1/ I s2.99 Ga/ ••t ! • I .... I I I #t I • fitor t • #It., . .... •. . .... , .. , -~ ....... ,, .... 9 VOL T TR ANSISTOR RADIO BATTERIES 12 ~ .. . ...... ,, '"' I , .. RAY.o .v Ac FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES 1 1 '''.Ir ."i/nr ~ 10~ 1750 NEWPORT BLVD., IN DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA WE BUY, SELL, LEND AND TRAD E -PARK FREE ON OUR LOT' Phone Ml 6-1696 for Free Information OP EN 9 to 6 DAIL Y -FRIDAY NIGHTS Till 9 -SUNDAYS 9 to S CHARGE IT AT GR ANT'S WITH YOU R BANKAMERICARO! GRANT'S BUY, SELL, TRADE, LEND MONEY-STOP IN TODAY-BIG BARGAINS! ......... _ ... ·--.. GOBF NOTES SANTA ANA CC -fo'lrat The pair flred a combiaed rOWld pl11 of the club'• Pres-net of M to edp Bud N- ldlnt'a Cup lounwy la under maqe and Harve)' BNr by WI)' thle wtP -.id the round mlllt be oomp~ted by Sun· tbe 1Um marlin ot one 1trote. oa)' Low pou honor• went to I H~adlnc the tieivy entry Conner club chemplon B I 11 Ual u <\efendln« t.ournamMt Brown. wbo ahot a per 72. chempk>n Les Boyle Boyle • Will.lam Hutcllln~ e~med i& •l•tc!d to meet 11 hendJ.. low aros• honors with his 65. cepper Mike Koll to open de-He bad a net of 78. renu of hl.s UUe. . Fred F'rench copped the . Lou Clem w11 the medal-la.hole pulllnj event with • l1l for U\e • two • W..U of six under par eff.>rt, edgtng riuellfylng acUon. He bed a BUI Baker by • stroke. T.I &:roH wllb an el1ht hendi· j ~IESA VERDE cc -With cap 10 ... ind up with 1 net oC no t.oumamenll acheduled be-es. fore nut month, free lance The q~~lfylng field was so play and rain has been the •lrong, 1t took a 76 or be~{ only aotJon et I.he populAr ~l~~~e the Pr e 1 I d " n ' 1 Costa Mesa course. Ev Lull and Pet Hert com-I R V I NE COAST CC - b!ntd ta I en t 1 to .win 1.ut Ptt1ident'1 Cup aaplranta are wlff'1 President's ' Cup 1111 batUlng the April ~ deadJlne cluaie. set for the Cirat two rounds - -of battle. Most duffers are stlll com· Bole S,.,.,, peting In the first round. al· though t0me have adv1nccd to the second round I)' CLARI: THOMPSON Gelr PrelesdoHI fMta Mtta 0.tr RH&t f>te.plauJ.at lite 1het. la your grip correct for lbe type of shot! 'lk stance 1 Will an iron give you the d.11tAnc. you needT IP the lie SUllablt for I "ood ' ~fEAOOWLARJ\ -0 v e r 100 entries han already I beet\ received for the annual Ladies Club JnvltatJOnal. ~t for April S. A l.ltal of 1~ participant& Is expected. Bill Vall of Westminster ~ot hJi; first holc-ln-0ne Sat .1 ul'\lav Vall aced the ltS-yd. number II hole. usmf.! an A ls there danger that 1 1 iron . .· WOOd mighl rE>ach a hat· 1 Bell) Bnlt' l amt up "1lh lfd• sharp effort last week. shoot· Have , ou allo" ed (or tn!! a 72 gross She h~d only uphill or. down! 26 putl5 dunnR her bhstenng Do t I I tour of the course you "an o s 1cr or 1 hook~ Hl.'NTll'\GTO~ Bl::ACH er Do y o u need extra I_ The Tin WtusUe Touma· hel1ht on the baJJ or have ment ls under way. havln1 )Ou planned to hit It low! opened Mond1y It will run 11 a pitch or chip more through Fr Id a '! ~·Ith two advt.able• flights .being con~1ted Zero Have you remembered to 11 handJcapprrs are in one that the ball comlnll? out flight while lhc higher duff· or rough will ··ny·"• era , 1e in the other d1v1slon Ha'e ~ou allowed ror Eagles s<.·ore five points. hilt.mg to a higher nr a hirdies get lhrt'e and par •s I lo"'er leq•J ~ · &ood for one on sconng Boi· Ha\e )OU 1 hecked the gie" cost points \\1nd~ · h. the sand dn or "et S1gnup1 1rt 1omg on ror lOur«e or fine . ·does th~ Sunday's Men's Club e'ent ball he clean or burled! which matche5 one gal with h the trap shallow or lour meo m a three best deep; the bank hl&b or balls aH1lr. \owl • \ !lo tar, ~ mn u4 1D &U'\a \ Once ~011 v\~ "1Rded are ~glstered for the tour· lo uae a cerid; :Iii.· and oe) how )'OU are eotng to use Hole-ln-0ne honors "ent to 11. hive confidence that Harry Cooper. a res1den1 of \>OU'll be SUCCehful. Don't the 011 Cit)'. Cooper aced the 111dm1t the failure or the 119-vd ninlh hole la<>t "eek. (l\ol before you try lt ui;mg a 9 iron St. Joachim's Runs In CYO Splkef est !\I .lciJl'lll111 5 oC Co) la l\leio U>Uegt . \JJnl 10 Both meels \qJI Jnin ~1\ othl't ()range open al 10 a m Counl' 'l lluvl, m a Catholic" O 1 h e r 5chools tompel.Ulg Youth llri:anltatiun t r ack with St .Joachim's include meet. Aµr1J II at Mater Ot.>1 BleSlied ~acrament 1 We.rt· lhgh ~ hool m S<int.a Ana minster 1, St Catherine Mill· First and second place ~ 111-tary 1AnahNm1 and St Boni· nrr~ m each l'\ent "111 qua:1. race 1 • .\nahe1m 1 f\ f o r 1 h P archd1oce,an St f\laf\ 's and M Phil· rhamp1oml11ps at X o 1 r e llp"s or Fulle rton St (;olum· Dame Jl 1~h Sherman 1<Jal. • ban of Garden Grove com· \pnl 1ll plete the roster While bo~) Crom the ~c' en Sprint~ and r1elJ ,. v ,. n t s ~<'hools arr at Mater Del. will makr up the da\ ·._ pro- ~11 ls will "' at El Camino itrams SPECIAL! FISH Sandwich 2 Large PiKff of Fi1h Lettuce, Tomato, Dreulng REG. 3Sc THURS., FRIDAY & SAT. MARCH 28th, 29th and 30th Patio Pantry 1134 Newport, LI l-'225 Cost-Meu 504 M•ln St., LE 6-MIS Huntington Buch 10112 WHtminster, JE 7-452! Garden Grove ,. . --· DELICATESSEN SPECIALS JUllUI CHEESE ~c,1!; FOOD •••••• Cracker Barrel Cheese SHARP AND lXl~A SHAI' BUB0BL'E BATH .... 69( VhE0L: O':·M2AT IC .... 4 7c Vil.1.PoWDER .... 79c 22-oz. Size Detergent 6 5 ( VEL LIQUID ...... .. Aos'i:iEtERGENT .. $1 •• Li0aiu0io':J o v ...... 6 s c lVUOR0Y. S0NO w .. 7 9' lvo'RY FLAKES .. 79( PiiMTuM Duz .. 98' LAV A SOAP 2 for 27' OtltrQent • C.1ont Site ( DREFT ................ 83 . . .- IF YOU'RE D ~o, ABOUT T.HE STATER BROS •• IS 1 Pleasing people who lnll1t on 4 Stater lroa. cuatom•r 11 fuuler complete quality control .,ara1 trimming and pricing ••• Clfl or1 every bit• of Stater lrcu. m 1uality 11 than Ste 1'tees aup I careful eat •••• PORTERHOUSE OR T·BONE SI STATER BROS. CERTIFIED OR USDA CHOICE STEER ••EF ., .. lb. bskt. lbs. for lbs. lb ~ ~ f ' • I~ llRD •Pee STATER B• DI LAURA SC DC JB-01. 811. WES Cut R11e, 75 SAN Pac1f1c Sta. CRA 1 Challenge, EVAI GOLDEN Ci RO CltOWN P SA ALEX BEi m ,4 . ~OWNRIGHT FUSSY ' I .E MEAT YOU EAT • IS THE PLACE TO SHOP! 1uallty ~· soniethlng we're uHd to doing ••• becauH no than Stater l rot. meat men. The Stater lroa. ayttem of 11teH superior quality In every way. Purchasing, cutting, I carefully w•tched over for perfection. You muat enfoy eat •••• or )lllOur money wlll be cheerfully refunded! ii.LIE SIEMONS ASF~~i~ED FLAVORS 1--~~~~~~~~~~~---anuH llRDllYE •Peas• C t C ~ • Peoa & Carrots .. ,,:net. 0;;, • Chopped lroccolJ ~~~GEf A<BLES Dtllentt . ; IED SOC«EYE §~~MON •v•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••tt I HUNT'S FRUIT COCKTAIL ' -..... . PfllSIUIY ASSORTED FU VOR s Dt loe • IEG. PKG. ~AKE MIX ... BAKER'S ._ ...... MCE&.-f.~..._ ____ _ £R~ONUT ······································· _,...iiiiiiii.._ $ 8o~tl hou11 8-1 11ch 39( CKEAM PIES ....... . MA'Nis~MAJIC .... 69' ~~NNERS ~::~:~s 39e Wh1t1ng ~~~b. 3 $J r0Lor1src1Nr ,1 fNSTANT SANKA95c Mo rcot, 80-Ct. Pkg. 2 23 ( NAP KI NS . . . . . for Kitche n Chorm, 100-ft. Ro'I 19 ( WAX PAPER ..... . F• h • . KOLO KIST 1 11"1 4 'I IS Sftcks :;tct· for IOLD KIST ~r~~ Ste'! -~ 3 .'.'", 'l PEPPERIDGE .FA·R·MS KOLDKISTSirfo~~~·:h• -2., .. ;1 PUFF PASTRIES' --2 ··~ I' ••••:.:.:=.:·~·'.!··~~le •. 4 9 Soro L .. f roun. Reg . P~g. 79' CAKES ............. . Buddy Boy, 2 lbt. 2 9 ( POPCORN ....... . STATER B•OS. • llQUID • 32•eL SIZI f~c~ur~-R~IT;E----------------------L DETERGENT LAURA SCUDDER'$• 24-ox. JAR MAYONNAISE WAX 3 PAPER llS-~. .. ~?.l~~ ... tDAlltY MAID • lat QUALITY BUTTER t aED HEART DOG FOOD I s'WE6ET10PI c K LES ..... 43c :ie-ol. a11. 59 ( WESSON OIL ...... . sAeNDWICH BAGs .75' Poc1f1c Sto-Cr11p, I -lb. l o)' 2 3 ( CRACKERS .......... . Choll enge, Toll Con 2 2 7( EVAP. MILK ... tor GOLDEN GRAIN 1-lb. CTN. ASS 'T. FLAVORS S TA~] CANS Hu11rs TOMAT03 CATSUP ~~~~ Po<tf1c Ho11ey Treot, 1-lb 1011 3 5 ( GRAHAMS ........... . cHoc.0 'E.CLAIRS .... 49c CMANNED MILK2 for 25( s'c0r-~=f1RSSUE ... 2 tor 23' P1E,AN.ui' autrER .... 55( RONI-DINNERS 3 $] ltlO. PKGS. Markets lo;=at d <q.it_ 2 e at· 180 NEWPonr . SA.Ro 1 N Es l·~~~·· 5 ~=~1 iEE FT AMA LES4:~:99c ~ BLVD 107 WEST 191H STREE~ STORE HOURS· FRI. 8 A . .\t ro 10 .p SAT. a ~ M T .M. .. 0 9 p SUN. 9 A M T .M. '"T'------· . 0 9 P.M . -------------~--~ PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS . THURS. thru WED., MAR. 21-API. 3 .~. • t ' ( 0•1L'f l'ILOfl NIWl ~··)) Wed., Mud\ 27, 1963 BOWLING WITH ART PARRA :-iumJay naghl will wind uri ~ill Btbermeyer 244-621 one of the moat auccess!ul ~ii1orty Schcafer ~lS, Din~. I keghng events ln Costa Mesa l<'clker 225-601 IOulriggcri hii.t.ory when Blaine MU!cr Yem IJelatorrl! 2'29, Ken I r1ub the lid on his first an· Cochrane 2:17 .' KJna Hand. n•tal Mid-Winter Do u ti I e:. tapJ, Bobbie Soldan 221-ZW.. C'las:.1c at Kona Lanes lO.'l-616. Dick Rause 644 187fi Trundlers from all O\ er Clau1c 1; Dale Thunell 2:\1 Southern Calilorn1a have \I\· Tom Ginger 232 1Dabs1. 1tPd the 4-0 lane center to lfik~ Bob M c I m h r o 237-&1!1, I l);fft in lhia four game event 81aine Miller 2S7, Homer Mc ~·~m:h lou nd .a guaranteed l'hrrson 245:627 ; Glenn Wc·I· prize fund of $2000 be 1 n ~ tw11m 614. Virg Cooper . '.!"!.7. I reached 1n fhP third "'""~1·n•J Ki n Br,,nholt 2'.lti •. John (o\d of a1'1111n lt.t ~7. ,\11~1c Ostrow,k1 '.W\ lntnri.t 111 an r'cnt l)r th1. h:!ll \\ 1lhe ruuelman 2.1 •- lYJ>e \\f'nl far ovrr CXf.K'cta-IH.". Ma1~h u .. \'15 233 (~I\ ttnns and a large prize purse c.n1cs1, Hank Cox 1 Blue Mon· I .-... ~rrrr-riw'l'"H~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~--~~ ll.c f11rnl hall 19 to~acd Sundav ./Iii' r·1r·~1.10:-kt :!:i.l . 1;,,11 n1.iht at midnight · <:oa!.. '.!'H. Dwayne Bellow'> 1-:ntry fer 1s a mCldr't S'lO f)IJ .H:! 1 .\1!.n'~ <'ommerdal 1 .Jim p<t team and play 1s in men·-; Thoma' lil'l ''*rvKc Club'>• doubles and m1'Crd clouhlrs .\RT'S I' \HH.\·r;raphs As the herd S\\ ins;:-; inti) the J.na;:.ur " 1 n n c r ' at Krin3 rrnal "'t·ekcnd, thry "'Ill have Lani .. ; llllhl nrit forget the bt . 11 1772 17:xi hrare l)f marks ··-:\am Tn111 n;iment or Cham 1rro<.'d into their \ll!hl\ as the rm11' ,J;1t1·d 1111 't;iy ~th ft ,,corr lo heat in mro·~ d1111-1< :111n: 111 lw a 1111: ;1H<11 r and ~t,,., play Thi\ ., hc•hl hv l!uv 1J11I;. "f" n 111 \\ inn•·r-. of !hr II h 11n1,awa (Ind f(rrl l'rolwrt r, .. r.ec:tt\C lt•;1cuc In the f\!1\fd rll\ ,,ion 11 " Dave' 's Lo< l.rr 1. 1•lan111n : S'mlcv .\llrn anrl U;n Pin. to pm\ trll' hr1n11~ award ll"h It •r10 '111111 11dinc rtir 111r \\llh in: trip 11cl.rl• fl) Kooa 1.r..: 161IO Irr~ th1:. ~ummcr as pan 11 It is ~uc;.:r,tl'd ''IU l!<'I ~r111r the Saturday aftrmoon 11·1 l"Quad resen al1on in C'<irlv lnr \ 1s1rm procram s e" n "1 the windup bccau'r plrnt' of KC0f'·13 al I o 'l<>t·~ action \\tll be tal.inc place. II could he "Ill 1 nJri\lnC ~ U \'5 tournamrol d1r<.~tor full dav n! fun 1in thr bl•. Gr~J.? .\loffitt PJuf1c lki"'ll r fl! ti• l!-0" 1t11g mana"1 1 ·'"" Scar· .\!•,nth l hamp1on' "111 11111 c:inll ha~ l"flrrl :llmr> 1mprr~ 0"\" to ronl' 11'1 \ 1llat!f' Fln\\. s1ve ll~ts r1( i.corrc turnrd tn !'\•1ntl;l\ at 0()00 lnr the l(filll'~ I by Kona \..c!.!lr>r~ dunni: thi> final~ l\1111a c-h:imp1on~ \1 • 1 past V.l'l'k lnd111lrlf on this b,. p1!1NI ai:oin•t 17 •1ll11 • I h't "'ere Ken !'\harp l\111f;?, !. r hamptl)r~ frrim '.1n11u~ hc_,.,.1 Queens• 604. Ruv \\'"HI i'e· inl! rcn1rr<. 10 "'•ittinn < 11 ll'n.on Doublr' 1 '.!2~·:?'.!?i ./ra11 fr·~n1a .'.\!•lier rt p~ !. 1"><1\1 "' :!ff.I. Conr 11\ \ 1!1;11.:< 1;..," l I<. I 1 Bt•b Scott :!:n1;m • • •·a~t llan· ' ·11rrl ;i1 I!.• 1 • r: '' .1 k l d1tap1 ; ti1i-\rn111r .i l1t1 A.s\ OCC Golfers Near First Round Finale f )I Jll:.'l' I 11<1 I f 1,Jl1 'I' J.:111~ \•l",11 'II .:1•l 1 ,Jnrl 'I l_, I .. rs are prr11t<r111~ 1111 11w lint1l "'' 111w t 1 ·•' '·'"' l \• match of 111,l rnund l..1,!f·rn .:1 i'• ronferr11u ... 11••1 .1t .\l.11( h fl •• , h 111.1 J1 • , ••• . \1r Foru 1;,.,. \I•• 11 rl .1 1 ,, .1• r•• , • _ 1 • • ag.srn'l H•\l·r•1 l1 Jnd \It 1· "1~1 th• " n \• 1 '·•'' 1 !)an 1\nton .. ( ullecc ;1!:t'r a· I. I J.• I I • '' '" ,. \\innin~ t1111t mat<:hc·' .ind I Pi•'":' 111 11 111r t ·1;il n 1 droppini: 11111 Monda' Jnd ho. 1·r1d • .t\ T1 c.e.'r ,:. I . t't 1 1,'1 •, H1t\ 1<11,,11 rlull<'I' \lUlll· ~-l•"r·•· ,J·;rrtlu trurt nt • bled· .'.\lunda) 1 ... 1nc lo de· fl.i11 l1 .:.1 • 11 a •ron::: '•I fend1nl! I :r • .ir1 1•tnn f'haf· and · J..•·tf 11ri ,, fe\ hut rcbounclprJ 111 dctrat ~·' c • ,. I 11· .Ht•( :I,. 1111 1 t 11 ru' :lfl-10 mar.: ,. I nd.t\ 11111\CU l1J hl 8 l~t· \londJ\ t • 1· 1.1lt~ Irr dJ1 !11r the Bu~ a -. thl'v f•1r1 cd 1 . I' 1.1·1 ' .nl • 111 r 1 s"ept 'a quadran.i:ular match rlan· t1.i ti· t! rinro J113ft h lir a .i: a 1 n , t 1;ros,mont "11i1h 1tu11l "·'""' '''"' \\t'blrr:t .11111 Santa \11.1 Pan h 1 .1· rd ttu 1'11.•I• l':wl'd h• th<' n • d.1 li ' ;\l.,n•I"' , •tin:: ,. 111 • .J\ r• Jiool1n~ 111 ' I •It" \lurph ;t;t rar 71 t 1' 11'1• ! n:: • • 1"1.J th<' I'" I. nmr r.ill~ 1 hamPI"'' <:,, ' \:10 n 1 •1•: rr 1 nt ~h1r1..11 (1.1•d· O< < t-•mb· mard1 r-' t,1 • t • H~ ' ' r•I (,,,. -1111101 111 n Mull:-;i ; • Daily Pilot/News-Press Fo r Excellent Economical PRINTING Call ORiole 3-4333 -.. ~.,,.. ... COMMERCIAL PRINTING e TOP QUALITY e LOW PRICES e FAST SERVICE W• print form• for eury fw1/nH~ neeJ 1-01' lcllNlfl•JO . IO\OH c:- t:nvelnpt'"' ,1<\l<'meot<1 and busineu 1·a141, Snaµ-out roi 111 , to 1·110101 m \\Ith your nrN.h I et u~ cte~11:n ,11111 r•nnt tht Jurms thnt "111 ''"' \t1Uf r1ef'f1~ l1l'I 11111 ''t.!I!• •111111• nrul I •lfnJ(lll'' .. ) ·-· I • e I ... .... t• , .. c CHICKEN .·.CLUB, CUBE or SIRL.OIN TIP BREASTS '55~ NICICIONIS 5 39 AND IACICS lk. C WINGS 25• ... U.S.D;A. FRESH FRYING CHICKEN 49 DRUMSTICKS & THIG.HS.... ~ • CHOICE ICELANOIC FROZEN ------BREAD _ _:_F.::....:OU:...:..;.R ~Fl:.;.;,.SH,;.:r.;ER:..:..;...;.M.;:..:..EN=-----T--FR ESH FR ESH , Frt:tH-Of __ j-.-_..Ll..FIL~LE"'-LT j,,o!O..c::_F _ _.. __ FISH STICKS i SEA BASS DOVER SOLE ! SOLE • !1-oa. 59¢ '"•· eJ -~:~·· 59!4 ~ . 69~ 79~ ~ ~u11·fi11 g ~'J-re.1/, Product' _______ _ so~·~f~~ADS LE TUCE --+.I . ~ ._. ~. .. / .... . . · . -· , . .. ~ r . -~ ... • TOMATOES 2 LBs 251 APPLES 4 LBs 49c JA NE ANDER SON'S :. WEBER •s A LL FLAVORS • DELICIOUS C ANNED BEVERAGES ... MA.iGARINE ) BREAD CANADA DRY 2 ~l~S 2 9c ~ ,;~~~' 2 7 c 12 '1i~f '100 TOP SIRLOIN '1~5 JANE ANDERSON'S CORN .:-FROZEN TORTILLAS SHORTE:N ING Sc OFF DEAL 3 lb. TIN STEAKS STEAK VALUES TENDER FILLETS PORTER· HOUSI c '1~~ '1~9 TILLAMOOK I LEO'S • CHEDDAR : SLICED IEEF I IEEF THINS CHEESE ' SLICED HAM : CORNED IEEF ~EO 69C : 3 1"1 ·•••100 SHA RP lb : P'ICGS. c VEGETABLES 2 ;:.:;29c EVERFRESH-REG. SIZE PKG. .r~j~ GREEN PEAS, MIXED VEGETABLES PEAS & CARROTS, CUT CORN, FRENCH FRIES, c~tjf LE POT A TOES HALF GAL. SUNNY VALLEY GRADE ''A " LARGE EGGS c 001. ORCHID P APER NAPKINS Po1t pr r W rep 80-ct. c Pkq. COUNTY FA IR FROZEN 24-0Z. APPLE FRUIT BER RY CHERRY PIES PEACH APRICOT BLUEBERRY c \ I , s ~kgs t Your Choice 00 CARTON KAMCHATKA-80PROOF ~.:~' '1.44 s5s• VODKA F~ll 12 80 ::;.'h 14.45 l'UU • QUART REG LADY LORA A p LE ~~J~. HAIR ~~; ! r '·1 -~1 1 : Pkq~. : -: :<!£!!!>~ I I .,# If "''"''""fl""'"'""o" tJ; t ~ •< e 11Jil • lZli11011111111111m 11111111111119 I FREE I Pi<ture HO 4 I o • Packet • a i = ~ 1 H IS COUPON QOOD Cnl/ut ~ i-; ""OM l -21·0 TO 4.J.u . thru I • a ~ P'ockott Ho 5 H4 ,. cett /a.1< tnO/lfl/: • , = §: o"Jy 1 Sc .. ck P1"'"'" ;: ! Wonders of the Animal Kingdom ~ ~CllllllllJlllOllllllll1111011111111,1110ll!lllllllt1<;JllltllllllllOllllllllllllCllllllll'tlldi Save Sc ,1 -· •• • • ~v . r 1-· c QT. r . . . ........ ·"' ... ···'· . ' . • , # • • .--~ • • , I ... ~ I ' • ..... , . ---- t l • \ I \ \ ~ ( ~ I .... t .. DAllY PtLOtlltLWS P•CU Wed., March 27, 1963 \ Cantwell' Blanks MD, 2-0 \IJtn Utt 11.i 'liClllt•f\ v.crr I 1 y111j.( to gt:t lwc I.. 1,11 llw '' 1n tri.111 thrs aflc1n1Ju n at P11h X. :iltn lalhn~ 111 <';.111t~1·1l 2-0 Tu1·~cl:i v or1 1ht• c·:.ird111ah' l11·ld H1g.h1hanJ1·r .\1 1kc \ 11·ker~ "a' ,1 hrdulefl t11 l:.11<<' tile mound 1h111 al1t·rn1t•irr Stc·;,uf \ Foot ti·:<; \I. ~0T1n; 1'·1..-U Bill Wi·ll~tt'Cld klt'kC'd 'l.7 I"(• I CUTI~~~~~.:~:. T~::::rnow Ira pornlli Ill 31) &!tempt\ ror I T ... .,..:..ic.r::::u:..::"':-c"'11f~ 11nlwC1ten Dartmouth I a 5 l 1 '"•' ,.. 1t tot\OV<ll~ on .,,._11,,. .,, f;•ll ~~~;",•t ci:1~ro~~~=~·1e-~~-~=! LEC.\L SO'ff('E cu:::,:~:.,;E ,~~ ~~:11' lttl 1J~40t-Stt,l~•tt:O /)1) r:t'l01 O f ' • t '"•' ,, , , rt: c()nlju'' t'llJ • m"''"" a.•t.odu<'' t ,. "f'"' "' 1H~ Ef\I C.o•\t •• ,,.,.,., "' <r> • (.()ll)f'M ~ >~•'· t l!>f'ri" , ,,.., n·e I <.II i:..u\ t , "" """"'• (,t C,,tff .,,,.,, Ptf)dt.;CI\ 11ri,, Jr 1tt II 1 ltf"f" ' 0.J!fYV.,1elJ (,f Hf' f #i·I''"' ,,,_, f•• t\l)fl\ N' ,, n,.,,,.,., '" full •~J "4ft\ ,,, ,..,.,.,.,,, .,, • fl)l'Q•• 1"),., l#'.. •1 ,.,,ti" J j/ H1rLif;t' h '''° 0 0 '''"''°'""'' .,. ,Ill rt, '"' ,,,,. ... "•Mit•f II lfn·!.l,.f "11)/ Vr,1rit1ton llloMS (r,,,t;;'\4 CS.I lier. C.111116'1'1 • WHNl ~S 0-Jf h&N2 ft!I\ HIP\ d-''I Of /.lu(};, "U V f '•D•lL Y tUC,"1 T lOJI\ &OflE ,g ST.&.TE l)J ,., tFf')QN!A I COUNT , or (1rl1'N(,[ '·.~ l11m na,,.. o1 WEST llR0$. IM"0Al I!~~. tlD ... OONI LTD •nd l~I H id f1,m I' tof'nPOMd ~ I~ to0owf"'9 ptr '4>f', •""""t NU'M '" fJll .,,d elK t of re,;Gl't'l-<e It ., fOtlO#\ c ,,, (f'lrl1t00Mr Nt1I, in RIVet\•Oe A..-e~u•. Newoor1 8••tn, C•llfotnte Da110 Mer<h 11th. 19') Coli" CP\r ~tOOftlf' 'Ntst SlATF ()C C• IFO~>llA I co·.,,' o~ 01>u 41·;c: > u O" ll•rch Utn, 1961, bl1f0ft me. ,. Nof4rt p,,bfl< In •nd for u&d (OUf!U aM ~'"''· °'"'°"'lfY ao~•red COL•"' CH"ISTOPHfll WEST. ~"°"'" to mt 10 0t tr.t 04'\C" w "°O"e rtll'nte I\ tublcf'lt»n ~" '"~:"~ ·::~~';:,"' ~rw:.,:~ncr-t. 0 1v1d $ i IMlt r ~o••rv P\Jb llt In r>•+d Count,, •f'\d M1 (Of"'lm~"iOf' J•"4 ll ..... 01~14 l_ T~tr A HCl"'MY at Lew 'unt 101, WHtcllff l uUd1"1t ltO W11tct1ff Drlv4 ,_..._ ... ,, lt.•tft, Ct fitor'"• •nd '0' $t1tt £it01'f\ 1 Torrid .\llho11vh iht• ~l•11liffl "' UUI· Jut r·;1111 "'I ' Ito ft111 lhr C';udtrli.I!• ~c·1111•tl 11111 1· 111 lh1· fu1111 h inn n:.: ;rncl again th1· ~1xth In 11111 Ori Tt-H~ ),1r ,,.,, rt ll"t"' A 0 ltllil v•r•r ,..,... '' r P "'? 11 t-•O'•rv Pvt.Ht r. .. ,..., ,, .. tt-r ,4 '1 ,_, n•1 a0\1.1 !it111r 1 • .,.,..,,..., o r ,,,,.,.rr.•. ,,,Ill,, ,., .. l ,., .... • , 40~ '"' ,.,, .,,.,._,,.I I ,., •"'' "' 1 ll't 0 ftt>f tt. Jr .-,.,,,,,, ,, r, ,,..., f)4, r11\ wnr.·t , ... ~,. ..... •""t' • ,. .. ,, t,.. ,,.., <1.' ., •" ,. • .. .. ,, "''., "''>"1 ,. ,.., M ld-•v ~) P1.1t1 \f't.t~ 0'•~ Co4\t (ri\llf II~• (,41 I , Y.tr(h It.CJ I ), ~. l'lltJ Oo11ity JlOr,1 10. 17 •"" ,. .. 6. Ll;G\I. ;<.OTlCE H~ BASKETBALL CHAMPS -Back row OeCt to right) -Rva n Ruiz, coach Gene Whitfield, Mike Contreras, Bob Herman·n. Fr.ont J oseph, Larry J ackson, Ray Perez, ~1ark Whitfield, Dana Ross. Seltzer, Greg row --Tony CITY CAGE WINNERS -B 11 k 111\\ lf<'fl 10 rlJ!hl 1 --~I.in in 1'1nnt 1;1•r11·;..·· 1!1•111 T11n <'01'1·l.111d 111,11 Ii I 1 111\.. c 1111 ll.1 F r11111 11 11\ -~toll \\ htllwld. Tom < 1.1r f'll.1 J 1111 \1 h1111dl 1<111 i.;, c 1.111 .1., \ "' p1rt1111 d \\ l't l' I l:d < ·.,,f\ .IC'ff Tr P1·1 r: Hot Duels Expected ',, 1ant llu.11 •111 l'I .inn ! "' ncl '1c1ual c·o111111 11' 1111 1,.r l 111n1l:n 111r 111,11.1 I 1 ·"' ,11 r.t f" t'fl "'1 1~.\'I :1 ' ••0 01 I'' ,II :\ )~1 In .1 \ 11,11 FrCl\l.1' l.1 ,1,..ut ri 1• 11 llunlmglon I:,. a 1· h 111. 111 Santa An.1 \ .tllM 1 .. I 11 .. a ~tn I' ~" ''' 111 " IWl'P~ ahH Tl.I' I>\ II \' I'll 11T clop•• -;hr1•1 c1\•' lh<' 11 11 1, :i ~4fi trrnmph ,.,. • 11 ~ 1 ha1 I hr t-il I • o 11 ' c111ri 1 11111\" 11p a nurnl~ 1 ut i:1111d Ii: hl~('ll!hh t-111lr1 !Ml :in<I :-.; r I' I'" • I ll,irl111r ma11 h lalr·nh 111 ,, , .. ,,,. 1 l OI 01 ·1111 I •• I ,,(' 1111111 .1 ,. , I I •' 1,0 \J ,, h I 1 I II .. \ ,1 •• •I \ 't t I ' 1\, t' '· tl (I I Tar ,h,1114 I 11 t 1 •l,1 11 111 \ -" ul •h1111ld 1!11 ,. fit 41 \II 1111 I p;ir \:1 ,, pqr' It f. I II fl••I 1111 II I I ' I • \I I I ol.!J 11'1 IJ I h,111\ 111 t11;1 " ' 111· 11 J 11\. 11•1. ·' 111 h"'"'' '.t ··rl tur "lltlm:; 111tl111d11.• ••11p1 I 111'111 I l'\f•l I 11 cl i , lf.t l\;~J .1 \1111"1rl luh11 f ,11 • I' II 1 I ,. I 1 II 11 • \ 1.11 \ \J.11 .. Orange Coa st Crew Tackles SC Friday \\\I f;.,• I ,,, : ' ) ,1 h• >' 1 n I I (I 11 ••. , I •: I II " 1. II ,. : .1 \\ 11 It \\. fl'lt ' -,; .. ~I l1111r 111' \1'111 lh1 : "\ t 1· .. l.1 \!. ol ,. I. di'• •I· I I. I d11.1 I Ill• ,.. 111 I'll! 11: I ! ol ) Ill•' I \ l'I \Jn•· ,111 ., 1\lll 111 1 I a , • 110111 I 1111 •II ti JH'l 'llllll!'I I 1 rll11p 1111 .11 •hlh f,1\011•rt \ 1 'I f'' I <"1111111:1 rid \l.11 "' .1• ""'' 111·~ 1111' .11!1•111111111 .11..;.1111•' I :11·.1 .. ... .. ., ... "f'l'l1 •.•, ... .. , •I r •. DO~t \><((l\ '"11..-rton •• Ni-w"'t It ,,., ' ,..,..," 1., ,.. I ., ·~ .~ ..... ., "" '~ .... (" t*t 'I rr .... ,_ '' ,. ·~ "• ... ~., .... , ., 6.r •'• ""• .. .. ,.. ( l'l'"t ,, l"'\') t r- •I ('ag(• ,.,,. ~' City Champs Crowned ('rntr <11 :-.aw• ,wd C"•·r lr<.11 Dears : r1g11 l•1tl.1\ as c ham· p111n 11! J1111• 1,n 1;.,,111·, I~ ' IJ,1 1 : lt.1 I The ...,,1111'. 1 1,. 1 ,,f lliL' th ud ,,. I ft1111 •h ~1.H!•· 11tlf' \Jl' Ill"'' \ • ' In .!1 H. 1n 11.1 < ! ,, •q11un· \hlJI I lo1 h ~:Jllll tf.o\ C1·1111.d H 1 ,1 • '• 1 r ~1•·.id"'' \ 11·\1 II I 11 11. , !or 11 c lil1h .11 d • ' ·1 ~1 .1dc <..1 I,,\\ h11J11•ld I• •I ti 1 '•' \•1lt1 II p1111 1.\11111· lo1•· Ji.11 ~.•·ii 1 • I · 1' I 11,Jt• I I''"' I "' ·'" t·\h1l11• 111 I Ill' l 1 'II r: 11; \ .. ,, '< 17 111.1•• .. , IU .... 1 "1 . , r /. 1, ... , B11c . Joi11 11·.1· ·' ! ' I•• J 11 I, t f' 1 pit \\ t• t1 I 11 U t \r '• I • l',,I It .If ); I I 11,I f 11llf! 111' \I loll \\,I t1 •I .tl'P<J f1 I' \ l \\ t~t h .ti ' \ 11 d ,1rt11tncl1i. 1rl T • \I .1 I,!• 11 l•I' ,1 ,t 1 •' I I' •.1'• '' 11 .111 t ''' f \ hi 1 u i11.1 ' •• \' ! f II ,1\" J do II II I 1 1111• JI ti' 11 ' ht 11 _:Ii• 1 11q' I tf l'lll 1 \\Jlh lo111•<t1t<Jfl1 .. !--\I .111ct I 011. 1!1•,11 l1 I 111'1 (, ,11\.,:t• ( "·-'I ltj' 1t I rlt •f•·.1't•il th1 \101111111 1111 \ .. 11~ ;incl 11. • l,111· 'I• l1111ftn, I " \\I ' Ii 111nl' 11)1''!" l llllfll,ltt1•' \ )'111 1 ,rt ',! '\II 11• I \ • 1 h I 11\ 1 ill I' h llrd 11 1 \/ I 1 U 1 .1ni:r t o;ist t'11l11·i:1•., nl Oald;md 111 lluril .. ~· --.. , ",,lj, ',', ,. ~ ... • '.J I• ~I r 1r11 lrJm" ln·•h from Sch\larlt a 1111·11lal J,!1'11111' llllp'l·\,l\I' ~hO\\lllJ.!' Jn la•I "" I• f'lt t 11th ,1ll1·11tllllt.:. \11•1 k1•nfi's sca~on ltd ltllf'r at Ornnc1· < '11:1,I '111111wrl llw J nni: ll1·ach Marinr Stadn1111 . 111111'1 11·;1111' '"'h 11t1• \1;11 lt1· "ill l;11·c l'SC Fnrlav al El h.111dlrd thl' 1'11 :.,I' rat 1•1' 1 , 1111oc; Channel. Lo'· \ngrlcs Thr Ro-pow ti 1011111.: o1•1 )l,1rltor OIJ\ 1111"1\· lhc \OUlll!1'51 1·11i.· t\< 111111 is slated to get undrr S\~ am 1i1 lhr llnitrcl • S1:t11•s. v. ;i\ .11 4 p m "1th hoth var· combined with J ohn Mutkl·y. i;1t' and lrc~hm:rn ran~ ... rat· Halph H1111a nr url' l\11•111z. C'd kumµ and Hill !'>lr"arl to < '11;1t'h Slel'I' Slc\l'n's row-mnke-up thr Jim· ~hcll. r r' lnokcfl sharp an Saturday's O\C's h11p1•s in lhc fro,h clf'l111t ;11 Loni? Hc:ich. 1 race wrnt up m smokr "ll<'n Tlw l'iralcs from Coi;t;i rive-moo Al ~lvlanclcr hrokr ~'~'" rnccd hntnl' r1r ... t rn the thc slidr 11n tir~ '<'al nl th1· tour-man semnr event, then start "All hr rould do ~as rclurnr<l to place second In swing hii. oar with the crrw lhr vari;lly aUair and third the rrsl or thr mer," conch in the frosh rarr. Slcvrn ... 1•'<plai1wd \\1th !l-year-old K e tt h Still. lhr l'iratc~ were only Sd111 arlz calling the shots • length ba1·k of Lon~ Brach lrnm hl11 coxswain po11ltlon, I Stale an1I San Olc•go Staie al 1 hr OCC four-m a n Team the finish. USV took third hlll'NCd hom~ on top In their I and Loyola fourth 1a11• Bill White, .John Markel. The Co:tslcir11 were clocked I Mike .Wilson, Dave Vcrmllla, 111 :i f11sl 8 07 ror thr 2.000 Myl:i ndt>r. Oa-.c Schnrldrr. 11w1n cour<1r. with the Doi· Tony l.<'roux . Br11C'r Knapp 1111111 l'lub nl San l''ranct'!co .Jim II n 111 mo n <i lrox· l•nt,hlnJ? 11\rr n l1•m!lh hrhlnrt ~11nin1 1nmpo~rli lhr 11 11 r <1ml 1..1~1· 1\!1·11 111 Ito" 11~ C'111h II .11n . ~ .•. r" r Tl t \ l ''I? n' ' ,, '1 t-" ( lllt\" h, \ h i Jtt t I \ 1111 '""' Ma~ ll\\.,!1 -Cft\'~.ll~,.'," ·~ ... ell' I I ,, '°illl\ I\ ttl rtl ... ,. OA ,. ~tv •r l l"'1 ., ClA, l/lh ~~ ( •J. 1 Ml ""f ,.,... ... } ,.., "'" f\ i' ~A 1 ~ •Hi t r ,.,,, ro A l ,.~,t\1 (I.' f • '1A Jtl'! 14 l t0 tr'll'll (I/ f1M 1'!'1 p /\ ,. .. , ... ,,,, P1tl~r 1 F 'h Al,.m11 "1 •, , rv 1 •• "'" l 'l .. IH•. PA HI I r .oo l"l'I ~Hrt 10,a !')tr t-,f J;>A ~,, I V.Hlln I('/<) J (Ml'f"flf(r 1(,1\"I I l ,,,... RA ,..V I J't(N°.>'\ tP.t.1 M41"1i• tl.Y.I f M H•MI••""' t .. <~ » .. S A YAHn lnct 1 M 1<il It lt·H\• HurtfltOfe ( .. 8 \ l l '""" tV 110 1 HUllMQI• 111111 l lf•nlt 4111 ' M •\\·• tH8) uo I -.auAt MfU iV((1Alfiarft fV) ) "•""'" '" UC> I CtlMI IV) ) W•M IMl\t 1 Wtll\ IVI Mii .. 1 Nthon I Hal I ···•on IVI I WlltO'< IH81 110 HH-1 l'oou•lll JHll 1 S•l>e IVI J Canilhen IVI llO l M I N<tla 1111 1 l' .. 4111111 IHlll J hl>e IYI lltllY I. Sente Ana Velr.y BJ I 5,.,11~ 1111 l M11tl1 Oilll 3 ..... , IHlll HJ • (eru•~" \I) 1 A9',l1f"rt IH8t j l -1• IHI! 5r I V••O.r~vclofl IHlll ) Hol•I IHlll I Wlnl•ttd I YI PV 1 •vou\t I tiln , W+lllAn'\\ ~\I I ) sfn '' ~v \ l'I •do ) '11'1 f't I l.1•lt l.a•I ',•;11 Ill I \\<1 I• \' t1it l flll""UJ.tl 11fl hnl1 lhr .111.111 1111•11 t 1 11 1 ' ~troni.: 111 \1 111 thr I 1 pl.1 1• 'I'\ 1•1cl 111 lht 11.il. !111• 1'11.111 Jdl 111 r of '-1 lflhll,1' I 1 1111 It~ I• tt ll", npt rt t~h· • ··1 I h1 ,.,. .11.11).!hl l••I 11. ' I ., 'nl.itir111 p1111• l't·n1tn' 1••111 lhr JG-team ,., ""' u 11 h 111.: Ml SAC, 17·!1, rn th• f 11111• P.A ltll,.Ci\ Mt SAC ._, r"°'"" ~•ti a~rdt'o W"\ (jlr""'" C.rt•Uty Vl .-.otdtn• Pe..,..,.er ., Vt'Mt.m~flll C•rr+t01 .,, C1tr\A ~""'• Aina "' Lonn 1,,,.,1 .. , •• ,..kit .,, p .. ,,,, O•e•ot Co"'t •• l 4Cf Lo1vr S lrino· t" t" Syreru~c tll 10 it!. fi.11 ol tn· l!'rc·nllrg111tr hn~krlh.tll '''ii· Battle L<loins H-t r r~ I )-twrl- .... \\111(\\lll>l\11 11 1 "' 1111' lt·11·111·1 • I• 1 I " '' 1 n < •11 ,11••111.11•1.' lllf'l'h 111 t11'1tt' \ f •1•11f111<·d .th •1J1-II I h I I t '" • f •"II l•l'l!lltlll lt4 11 111 11 d,1\ Or ;111:!< ,. ,;1-' 1 1 1, :Jr• 11n· beaten J•1r;;•r·• h,11 1· heen es· t,11111~111 d ;,s n:.irrn\1 t avo1 lit'~ to ••111• lull~ 1l1lf'nr..I 11r 1· 11 \\II ' 1•.1' Ir'.• j I \\I n ft1' I) I t Jt 1'. 1:11t llf !:1..111111.in .\I 11 • IJ 'l I adm1l'• d 1111·1 : \ t\ 1• • \f ,, : •• 11 1:111· prl11l • t t \I' ,,, th• I I '" I' 1•1 I• pli II· II \1 ., ... *' .. 11 .,• ·•I Ill I! I " ' ( .111 l' I .i: .11 '111111 \.ii ,.~ t' dit\ • 1 IJlll· Ui•t fl a• )'1'1' 'I I• II "' It'. • II ;, • '·•' (., .. " 111 hit '11t I ,11 J,1' I .. 11 h \I I 1· I \J 11 nP ttll I 1 \ ••: d ,1~ h;I\ 1· ;111 1''1.1 l'l· .1• I•., ~ I • • C ., • I' I Ht I .. I r • I .J' 1 I. 1lt I"'' I ,. • 1)1' ·t11 ,,,, ,.,,, (1 1 1 , .i ~• I I 11 ' r , Ill 1 llf' (If < 11 t I t , fl11c. " \\ "'' 11' 'I 11 11t.111 d ,. , •• J I ' I I ·~\ d 1111 I'[ I•' I I I . :. .. I I • tl1 ii• ,. ·I 111 .. 1 I I ~ JI t.:l ') .. I ' 11 ll .l-' HI 1\1 I \I \I I >••I _ It • , 1 t••. •' I t.:t I .• 'lt II .,. 11• t 1 I' ' ~ I I 11 1111• ll. I 11 \I I' d I :oth I. 111111• '••II \I •lt'\\llh P 1 lnL,'\1 l.11 ,1 I" It I' •t .ll't' Ot 'i c\ t 0 g11 UI I • .\ I 'l !)() 1111111 p1111111·d " '. ( .1 11 I .11111 II. tit ' !• 1111! I> I I •L \ ':11 \\ 111 11·1•1 I' 1•111 t h 1 111 1111• 400 1nd111111. I 11• ' ;iml J nqn I 1•1 ' •t • lh<•lfl ffilj!ht 'Ot'Jk 1111 .md R.111 Jrr 1,1"" hl''I ChUIH'I' or l'oll I I• l'l'rhap-. Th111 "l,I\ , h • 1 11 I II I IJ ht> l I 11' : Ii I \ , II rl , "'1\11' 111th 1: II \\ Jl!-111• I ! II (' )'111l'fl ,I ,l!ll•t ~ lllJ •1 \\ 1•1 ( '1111Ulf I ,Intl !'-I ,1 11 •.Ht ,tl111ll! I\ 11 It l I .1111·\ I •111 !\d111p h,11 h .1 od I 11111 ti 11111 i,.1111 •Ill .11·11 I'll I 't 11 ,111<1 ,Jr!ll \ti.II I' II Iii ' 111tl I'·'"' "' , ll;dl .1bsorh-'"t lht• )11\<\ ltll\ 1..innNI 11 hCll :"'' ;rnd P tlt' 11p no walk~ JI ""' ll;tlJ', •1•UJOd-Jo~' or lh1· ~ca"rn :J"Jllll '"''' "111~ \cort t Y Inn.nu I• ... ..... " ' ) ' At II H 'f-1 ... p •• ·' ,,. ... • r C•nt•tll I"\ P• ,. , .... , , '. •• p ... '"" ,. ..... ,. r • ,, , . '" . , ' 0'/ ,. , ,..1,,, r I 1n1,,1, n l.t-:G.\L :'\OTICE NOTICE 0~ SAlf 0 ' ltEAl l'ROPEl!TY &Y TRUSTEE UNDER DECO OF TllUH TllUH ,.0 litl ·.~I D(/& f •r f'C.Pr""/. ,. ,. ·. . 04''" J f ,. •'• t• t'•~•1 A ";l\•1 ~·\ ,, f r-"'. ... •' r .. i~ ~1 ,.~ tj•• .., P"'" ": c• f' r ,. t r•, ,. ,, ff•"',.. C ": .. f't "'°! t f / I i,_• (,Ifft O f" ,._ ': I ••I ,.,,. l•t Ii" t• ( •I 7 • .. ( r ? fv '• • 11) ft • • ,.,....,r~ ~,,..,.,. •• t I •' ""' '1 ,,,,. •1 "lA'--e t .. f~f·" t '"' ll(f' ET•• J, f.-( •.-•r'~ ()o-?r • f t I• _l _J.· ......... ,,., •• f ... ... '" : • • < • • r-1 • e ~ • .. .. ,., I n ,. ... ,..,,.... f .., lot ,.,. 'I t' "''' fl'I ,_,. "" 'l"" ", ••1• ~·G '"-: , ,. ' .. , ~t1 '' .,..,. • •""' t r ...... . ..... rt ,...t • 1 c ., ' I ,.. ..~ ~ '" ~... f t• .... • 'j ,. ("\ "1 ,. ... t..• •f'I: '"' ...... , r r f • •• I 'J" .. ) "' .. 1 • . ,, '., ff. 0 I •• t,1•,. • t •• ,. "' .~ CQf'I'~ ,. •'3 ,. ~ ~ • ,, 1t•. t • • • • ' " • v ... , •• .. 1 ••• ,. •• -. ,, • .,.._., 0 • ( I ... '• '''T ..,,._,,.c 'lt ol •411"1 D'f\09'' • •f'lod t<•1 -I "-t"'U' "" <~. c.• "\Vr ~C. /'•t •QI i.~·w •~· i .,.,,. ('I l"I t f'Cl''''f I . Y'C .-· •, " "'' .. . • • " > . ., ,,. . ... ,, • "Id "l'Y"' ... ·' , ..... t'IQ " ft "' • ' . ?"' ... "" ' ,._. ~ Lt "''.1 .... .,.,. ' •o ,,,_,' "-·· s . .,., .. w•" ... ,. ',..,,,.. . ,, 1 It .... .. •• , , l"lf' ('! ,. , • lO· 'I ~ ....... r f' of' .. . " e . ~ .. . n" • ,., " ( '' U• f 'C'f""' ,_,.., ,,. t,.At '""'• '•I• ·'"" IP'# ,,.,,..,. , .. ilftT•.1 N•-.1Ellf-r ·~1• '•'t ""'O if"' ""', 4"i:: .,.,, .-iH ,,.,, ""V Of• tic •' ,,.. ••,. ,,_,.,, ., .... ,., ,, ,., Hus C1rtlt1tA'• ' " AV it ,,,., ,,.,., i ( Q • ,,, ' ,,, , i .. \'•'• ,.. I ~t 4 •1. ( ~, ,.,.., ., ~ tl'&i.tt~ (,r I I/ l'it,.J ~t •V•d O'•"'litt (()Hf O••' t;.os.•,. ,,,.,.. <• t . Mirth 11 a1-c p,101 t '· ·~ U :C.\L :\OTICE p "'" CEPTIFIC ATE Of I U\lt;E \\ r 1tlt·O\I~ F.tt" N•l'"f' ,, ' " ... ·.rt 11,. I # • ... , ' lf'"'i ,., .. ~ ... ,, • ,. • 't ......... ... r. '•',,,. ,•• . • , ,., "' •• &. .,. ,. tJ• •• 4 • • .. ~n1 • • f ,..,, f I ,,.,.,_ I ,. '., , ...... '!I f ,~ • ,.,.. t .... .. [.I',. .. ... ' ,. .. ,,. ..... • ~ , t. t ... ' .. OTICI TO CltlDITOU SUl'l•IOlt COURT OF THI STATI OF CALIFOl!l;IA ,0. THI COUNTY OF OIAllGI I "'• A-4lltJ I C••••t ol CAMILLA 81'Yf9, Oect•W<I I kClllCf I!. HEl>E BV Glllf,., 10 I ... trf'O•Mr:"tOI trw aoove f\lmed de<eotn' "''' •'' H'IO"t l'\•11n9 cl11m1 •I•'"'' thit w1d decldt~I art requtrtd to , I• ft!•"'• N tf\ the ~Hwry w«i<Nra., tt'~ C>ft '• of "'4' c-.n el ffte 1tiov,. f"'. ,.,., ,.j)t,;,, •• ~ to ,,,.,..,,, '""''""· .. '"' tre-l"ltChUrv VOV(l'Mr,, 'O ,,,. Ul\df"I ,,.,,,.o "' l.t"" 0"'t, et F•al"I*' l"I •nd F't"• I,. #'1 E~•t 1•1• S''", to••• Yt•• (..t I '°'. , .... • f i. ,.. ' c' , .. ,. ct u•.., , .. ,.a "' A 1 ~~,,,.r, ,;:r''",. .. 0 ,,. l • '•'t ~· \4·'1 ""'rf~'"' ",,. .. '°'''' 11f't'r t,.t 't\I P.Jtlo(..t' ,,. c,f ' •, c.. ... ,. ., "" ,, l~t E;.-f•• r .,.(~·'·' d "t l • 1 A " , 'f'' ,,..,... .. ,., ,, (A!,,.. .. r,.,,,, et''"''~ • 1• J , """"~ '"4 , ,. ... ""' 1t1 (Ht tlHt ~·"~' Cott• ~tu C••••o'"''• c• Ttlt LtMn"'f '"nu ... " "'~""' I '" .. t' '" (AL ("''°"A .4 ... .., rt. '~' ~·."' f '• ....... • .. !• ""• 1t• U' • '• •• •• f L "'/A "!' l•ft .ti .... : ,. ., •t .,.,. 1J ' '-: • .. 1 ' ..... ' • ' • 0..'-Qf" ,. ·~ ... ,..,. I ,., . ., ... -.... '") f'r~ '• ' t .. 'I .. '• o .... , '. ti.••• •• •tt ...... ' '• ·>-Of, .. , .. .. A .,,,. . ~"' . . " ' r • .. I".. • .., ( . " • 0 ,, p ,. ..... 9t. , " ' r. f' ·~ '.la• " • 1 e ,. £• I I.EC \I. :'\OTI( E .. h ff'' ((t>ll< (,Ol[ Q< I U\ Nt\I ~ Cltl1("U1 F1tf"'I fitam t' '··f-t " ...J , "f 'ft; 101 ••• ' "IA l . .. ·-.. "',... at ,.. ,. • • •' .. "" .. ,. -. . . . .. .. - • •• ... c. . ' .. f.<, "• ···-=· ti lo .. C•·d A £,......,....,-"' .. 1'.. E ' -•II\ .. ... ... rt . .. ' Jlt.\I \(llll l. HOT!(( cc 'AL( O• e>( H PRCOC~tY ~T '0 U~Tl ( u"ote ntt o o• t11uu f!JU'P ,.,,. •1t • -r f • ,._, ... ,.,. . . • r e ' "" , ' . . .&.ttornh\ tf'.>t E 1tcuf0t '.r '""' c.,..,,.. ,,,..,, 0,. / c Cc-·' ~1njlll C• t·, ,_..,," le. :1 .. ,,. •• 10, ltll .. "t)J CE•T11'1C.AT( 0' I U"llf!.5, "C tlT IOU\ "AMI T• t "11"°IH"t ? ... ,.., OOlr~ tt't '' ""t •.r 1 "' , .. ~., ,,, 1•1 S'>V'., 9• .,.. ... (f:: ~.. • ,. 9,,.~,, r."' , .. ,.,. ,, t• t .,.. """"' ~' PA ( r V J.r..i• '" E~ ,,,..., th,.• •t -t • ... tr! ,. ... ,., ..... ,. ·~ "" "1 W•'-0• ... " .. ""e • _,nlj "•<• c.t r t"! ,,,,..... . .. ,. Vt\'" 4 t~fl l.••c..o Y..h. f' ' I ,.,,. ~ O• -: ""''.. i; .. ~· t £r4 I ,., Al"')••• (' ~-. f'\ ., ...... 1; 'ft ~.,, ... ~ .• "'"" '•', Po1t. \ "' ..... "" .... ,,. 1 S·~·,. t.4t .,. ... , ' '"""""'' .. GE ... V1'E V.t,.ES J• -• • • ... .... • Pl#""""" ... 01-• ~ _, .. , .... -... .... .. ... .. "'''~ """= ,. ·""<"~ ""='"#,_., "'t t •t"<utM .. ' l I. I , 'l' t ~ t . . ~ ... .. t • ., T~['IAI .. [ & U•f"K 01 \OUfl't \•ruii• \tr~f Ho lll lO\ A,...,-tH IL Ct ttfor,.1• ... ,..,.. ... •'"*" ( .... . ,,. ... I J. Jl . . J.t • u :1; \L \OTll'E ~ --... ,..,. <eaTIHCllfl OF 111\llUH ,.-, ~.,,... ~-U! CK.U , ' -,_ ,. " .... ' . ~ ,,_~ . . ... 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I i(,1Jph II II cl I I' 1 111 1•1"""' .11111 ll,1,I 1i111t1r· lh 1 11nd Tom .lr114 ·11 i •11·t ~11le 1 111 1 ht· 41IO rn1•11l1·' 11 tJ'\' ,.......\antu 1111.1·, fm11 "111w \1 1111 a hest l111w ol 4 IY.! i!> .1 ~. •n I :i v o r rd <KC' i. he:-1 ,., 1•1 mark 1s I nc; 1-'nrta' ·, 1·\ l'llf\ 111d11tl1· 1h1 200 fly .. WO huck. 2110 hit"''' 2tl0 r rt'(' .!1'(1 111 h\ 1dual 1111 d Icy and onl' 111l'll'r dt' mi.: fl. nah The IOO tr~<' 100 h:wl. hrrast. 111.·r0 fr <'l', 100 · thrce·mcll'r dr\'lni;t and rrce rclav nrr 11lnll'd for 111da) · . , ... ··--' ,., ' J:"IL.''' A1•rRl(AN flllf l'1tft.1.JIJA'1 t A. Tlf\JST ·~•mf',IY (1"11 ...,TY Tilt..£ ct .•r•~ .... ,..,, ftf'IC' • P ,,., "' r ,e• •d""' l!h JI'~"" l '1 J, Sf'<fft~ v rwtf ,,._..:t Oran" (Ot\f O•Hw P 01, (n\la '4& a, (ti I M•,cPt JQ. 11 •"'(f A~"' I. 1..i 7S.•I HAVE YOU READ ANY .. W&NT ADS . LATELY! ' • ..... . .. .,•.a , ' \. ,,. 9' " "'' ... 1 • t ... , ...... .. ,. , .... J 1t11 ,. ,o,11h ltJ9 I l I w '"I l 't"•• J. ~ , f t "' T • , ,... '~ .. , !" 4 'f • 1 C "" ' ., t,. ,,, ..... ./I •t ., "'lf'J T , 'rt I "'1f'' ~ :1 ·f 'IPL\' ,. I • •• 0-•D I<'. ~ ( ,, ,~., t ,. ~ t d '"" e\• 44t I "10""• nt ''"'" Ul"ll+tf'tl ''"'f't of Amr• < • ~ '"'" ' ,,, dlr "' Ar,.J lftJ 41 ,~,. t, ,. nt "'"v'" n t Inc\ 4 Y. o~ 1a1d d.t't •' tr-e 011'" ''0""1 ~· fl '""'" 0,, .. ., 4 .. "*<I o '"'-"' •f tl'\fo t, tv nt '•"A ,,.,. c. '"'"". .. ' ot ""'f , ... ,,,.,. •IW\\ • .,f'd tn .1 tw ,,.,.,, Of'f>" 11 Ttl• 1 ., A"'t'!I 10 "I "'"' <.t",.." •ro~'"' ''"''',...., " fhe S'"'' ttf c,.111orf't1• ("'-'"'" "' <''*"°"· (1tv o' co,•• .v..,. ct-'<' ~d • '" 'rW'\ L""' 11 o• t ,act "'fo "'' •• hr#" ~ I M•~ t"<M'Md " ~fl"• '04 "'"°'"' ,, Ui '"'° ,, "' A/ lt ' "" " M1to' '''~'"' ot o'•"" c(llU"'"'· c~1 .. •(tf'n)8 0' \0 ,.,,.Ith Of t• Cf t'l'not'' IY I .. bM l'\f'ff\, .. ,,, to bf' "f'lld IC et• ¥ df' • • ,,.,, 11utl t ""' •o r•• 111\f tctet '"""°"'"' a.Kured bY ·• d Otfd nf Ttu._, 0111•'1 Ii. ''th la. ttA ICor-~ta ._.,11 • 1o~r a•>r o•c•~ '•Tlf l~\UUA ... "( A 1Cl 1'' (('!• ,, .,., t. A ,,,.., .. ,., c "" ,,.. ... 1 l' 'I J !It,,. ti. "''t" r , . .. .. , ... . . • It· ... "'"" • a , ~o ,., !hf' f • Hw'C.' •' ' ,,, "1 ',..., ~· ICI ~ortn "''"SI tf S•nt • A .. ,. ( ' f!'\l'n11J Ot f'T\ltV be ,,Jfd fl Hr • ... C ,.,\ t-1 thft S.,,oer·r' (C> • "' .. , t .... , ... ,~~ '"f' , .,, 0 t c.. .. • '"' •· c• •<\Cl tw•l'Yt ,..._ ,.._.. I If f TP<!f' lllt' '"" ,...,, ,-.n.1 nd • n,,, "' , ... , 'l!it ' • tP 1 1r.,,., r 4 " n • •wh1f mc,,,v • '"'" l,,. "'I \' ,.,. ,,, • .., , ... <' t ''" •"""'" "'' Of O•O 'O flC C~f\A"ll '""' fl''f'' •l"IO l"'t' ~IAn(• '" br ~·" vl;>ot'" ~"••'"'•'"""' et .... '"'f' ~.prrr., ,,,..,,. r •. ,. ''"" n1 1f1nt itl"ld '""' nl1W'M1<.t ,,,,_,,,~ ,.,.n D'•"' um11 o' •"\u•Anc .. ~Cto41btt Tn ,.. " flt ,... ,.,.,, ~ 0'0'"'"" ... ,,, t ,. a ... , I .. , n ..... I ( W'l .. f'Y4n(,.. ' ~ f: ,,,,,. ...... I C.141 f"'t co.t at titi• oen- lf\JIT rt •nd ''"'"'"•"d POH<• of flt•r ,,, '"''"'~(f. ft'lf' ft< 'OW ff'e\ •nd rf'COrli f'HI Cf'ltf\ \P'l•ll bf r ''" on. l\•lf I JI b., Nil' tl\IW'"" •nd ,,. "•It f1 I tw IN £,,,.,,. Tflle pr~rh• ~••I" Pt.ufbed 4. t ~ ,,....,.,. •f'"frrrt., 'l'I ., 1'-'l L,..rttkrto" P ll ' (er.ft >Yi•'I C • tort1+• o .. ,..... v ,,,,.. "'"' lt61 ,,._,. <-"' A "'•t-'" .._,,. ' '"" r "''' • -ct ~8 "'•• A 4.(11:. ~ iP'A 1 ..,,.. • l•n' ''V"' vt• ft• ., f •t•I tN • "• f '\lllf' Of '"'~ At.<1")'11' ... "U1tted dttcltdenl n•••d ., '•rt• ., A'1• "' ¥ et l•., 104J Wt\f hff OrHr• H ..., f ftr. ctii C•l110U'lll Mid• u t t'.•l " •1 '· . '1 • • ' I • :Voyagers By ALMON LOCKAOt;V Boatl•I Editor .-. Sche dule 14th San Cleinente Island Race Mott than 50 oce1n racing yachts are ClqlC~ted to start Saturday In Voyagers Yacht Club's 14th ediUon of the San elubs. "1th the clubs allt'r· llr~t t"n Whltne;,: ra<.·· land to port and fin ishing al kl' that prevails :.Nll'S and thr first in lhr nalllli )'t'ara. · This is VVC's ea-Catalina lsla~~nd Trl-1 Newport. The PlllU' ra('r will b<· the Lloyd Masse} Perpetual Tro· year, hut mrmbcrs if t h c Island-were virtually blown The San Clemente l~land rlrst ·-of a sea~on high po1111 I phy Seriri. , • t oul of thr 11 ntrr hv h 1 J: h . I Nll'I C and LAY\ racr l'Olll· '"mtls whidi tli•t•rm.itt•,I thl' racers will h<1 ve l~e option ,..------------------------. null~! "11-lcooperate I.rt sta~· fleet. ,or rounding the west end or j "WEST AUTO SUPPLY 995 ing u .. 1''.t!nt. V'(C wW pro· , . . I Catalinll before heading for I Clemente falaod tact. . The ra<·e SIRrU at Lil!! An· l'eles Yacht Club at tt a.m. and will flnlsh tometlme Sun- day at the Newport llarbor vide ll'Oph1c~ PJIR,. RA< t-. San Clem~nte or 11ettlng a .. ., ""1""1' "....... mx ~ The r&<'t' ma.r~ the inau· In ronju1w111>r1 \4 Ith thP San courst' direct ror San Cle· £001" ~R); 'entrance jell~· ~ural of lht' t963 Ahman:1t'ln C"lcmenll' l~lan<l ral'e for ment<> Island. Son Clemente lli~h ro1n1 S(•ries for racrs vachls rah't.I 11nd1•r I hr rruis-1 lshincl, the only mark of the starting nnd or flnlshini:t :it lng Club of Amem·n rule will coursr, must bf' lrll 10 port. "1ewport. The Ahmnn,.on Sri he the Catnhna-lslnnd race • h'~ is rm Nll\'C fo.turr lnr hoats rntrd unrlrr th{' Pa-1 AVOIO LY.I·. MUFFLERS • 411 M•tOI ! ••Oii I.••• H-ed·· 1959 llarbor lllvd . Costa Mesa LI 8-3282 l\1 ()H E BAHGA I NS HY FA H The San l'h•nlt'lllt' bl;rncl i 11 111~0 will h•' 1h1• llwt! ,11 ,. ,·1(w llnn1lw11p 1 l'llHF1 rulr I Moi;t nr thl' llt•l'l avoid:. lhe Haer I~ undl'I lht'Jl)tnl s1itm-nf lhf' l!.11\.'I \\h1l n1'\ ll1i:h 1111:1b 1•11trr1•rl tn tht' l'lllW SO•('<tlled "i.horll'ut" hv the w · J l>All ,v f>ll .()'I' ('.l :a~"-1·r.·c·• Acl .... ' sor:.h1p of \'o,ai:crs. :-.le\\11<1rt 1'01111 Srnr' 'f"m'"'''tl "' ra11• \\Ill ,1ar1 al 11.25 from c1111t end or C11tahna for fenr I ll 1 I • ~ ~ ~" U .., l111rbor and Loi. An!?t'li.>~ yacht Los ,\n,:1•lt·~ Y:wh1 l'l11h Tile• I..\\"('. lc,>a1•1n~ ('11tali na ls· I of being cauRhl In a df'11dly • LA HAIRA ,~. , • BREA w MAN ON THE FL YING TRA,EZ E Outchmln crew• find the going wet Craz,· GAROE:N G l OV( ·~ s • SANTA ANA EN·D-0-MO,NTH SPECIALS Fly ing Dutchmen Test Crew Agility 8~' Rlf l\ Bl TLER It hap1)('n~ f'\ ('f\ t1mr r1~. 1n11 Dulchm('n •ail 1n th(' 'ame re::atta a' th<' lordh o<.·ean rarer' "Hey, look at that i;:u' on the 'tnm: on lhal l11tlr boat ·· someone shouls 111 thr ,J..1pper ol a .0.foolrr And "'"" thr helm~man·s head ""I\ rl• around fur a nrr· 1011., starr at thr><f' c rn' •mall hoal <ol..1pprt' Anrt "l'll thl'\ m1£ht -t.11t J-'h 1"1! f)utl"lln\Jn I t('\I' ln<11\ lllo.r "atn h11' 'H .&Lrubah I I ,itl 11 • t 1 I "' I ' 1 I ~110 0d· \1 ' .lnnr·< CLOWNS'! "hat lhe con or ~ee' \I h<>n .it1 h1~ "a~ 1~ mnrr than f.•~•~~t inclr-hulled rauni: c lat.~ boa I in lhr •·or111 llr think' hr• \\dt<.·hmt .i <Ill 11' 1nme<h llr '' '" •1• 1 tl .. rt 11 I ... 1 "".1•1r.: , • 1 lh ,tr111•1ct '11 "al!.I h •• n. r : •\ • I• •.1rt1 ' 1 Knapp (->lan ~ H a rbor .~r(\a Arthur li:l'l~"I' Ir 1n11•·na- t1 mal' kn•,., , .. hl•man lrum '\1·\\ 'i "'" "''I 1,. in • c "1 .rt llt .it \ "' '' 111 a' a s: , ,, •1f 1 "' n 1t1 rt \\ I, 11• ,, ' • r ,, r 1 11 • t '\ 1 " r• '' • I Jl,1• 1~.r 'id I" I : 111 T l'f" • •t ii I I •I ~ 1·).1"'r I ,., t" JP1ml Hr 't ar \l•lllt' • I •'H ht • .• t '\H\ C \;orrl 111 le ,t " t llf • fl ·~· ' ....... ( C1"tUT 1tflhrt Sf•\ If •• r • d' 11 r , I 1h 1n th• "'"nin:.. f\r.it•I "' ' ll"" '"'"'"d •1 11 • .r I ' · • "'r•t a ta~'· ,,,.,..,,f•'•n tl •r ;.:hn • 111 .I 1:11,.h ' \r• , ,, h• t< lam1har pended h~ a -. ire from t~ maqhead The other damn fool wre,tlmiz an e'<trns1on hrlm ha' h1 feet hooJ..ed into h1kmi: straps and looks hke he"s doing h1~ besl to fall O\erboard The JZU) m the girdle calls 11 a trapeze .• rnd thinks there 1<1 no better place to sail lhan on the end or a -.,re tand- 1nc completely outboard v.1th h1~ frl'I on the weather rail Thr 'klJ1Jl(>r thmJ..~ h1' crew I' l ra1v and -. l\he' hf' niuld i:rt '.!\1 morr pound• nt fat ur cn,tle out on the trar- Pte tr1 .. c·l'P h1' hch1-. r11?hl h11ll lrnn rap,111n;; ,~~!A~~~ a~~'ttt\~~ 1ni: 1he1r o"' n hclm~men. "\\'h'· arl' tho'e hllle boat~ u1hn~ right pa~t u~ • LU.HT. F.\~T J.1i:ht "'"1s:hl an<l a planinc hull arr· th•· rpa,·in• Fl~ m!: P • t hr11t 11 •Jll pa-t n I h ,. r h11d' •. <Hiii arr on1 r•' fl, r t>h n p11 t 'd' •t'" A :!0-f•••t f [) < dn "e1~h ac. little a• -40!1 f><111nd•-minu• onl~· 11~ ere"' J• aho carries enou~h sail ind 1d .,_ <pinnaker for an' t,nat tn fet>t lon;ier and 1.000 I"' ind' hf'3 \ 1n r .. r \l'nllonal ,i..1ppt r "111 "''''" 11 II \nu 1-·1~in .. 11111ch- m1·n arrn"t 'a1lboa1' at all hut realh a h' br1t1 •ullmdr1•11• t Id'' Thl'•r comment' u•ual h arc in \0;!11e rl11rin~ thP t. ;id1hnnc1ll\ cu•h P••tnt f'l'r min Hau "'hf'rr f D ' pin-. lhrou~h thP flttt half 5uh- men:rd "'llh alml)q nonP of lhf'lf hllle frr•f'board •h<i" 10:: l~ "n OtT '°" \\ttrn H1rJU.!P hr hu,.:r <•lt·• <1 r1 d1·,1:::ne.1 into f'D 1ran,•1m-t11 let th" 'ea., out. Thi• a ll 1\•' the ~"!:i:1~ 'atlor~ t , ::n a• much throul{h lhe -.atu a' "'er 1t. but dl)e'n t rl• 01111 h lor lh<l'le who prPft'r th• ir t• "' •dn anr1 lllffi· 1<1r' al111· h· ~·""''l' • ·, ht1nc cinlf:,. h.i~ 11<" r ;,."" 1.itf'fl .,.It h lhe Amrri• I ~ r lll• rl~f('' <r for n lirn\ 1 .tri. 1•1 111·,.. ru "a" t.lo.IJll'"' rot th1· 12 mrll r \\ l'3· ll111lv rt 111nc t11J' tor lhr rJp. 11•11,r Y1111r n{'\t d1anc 1• lo ,pr th1~ cra7\ da~s in al·t1on -. 111 be at \"tam11u~ Ra' Yathl Cluh. "hen 1111 to JO Dutchmen "111 oJ>"n th1•11 Olympic T r 1 a I ~ <.iuallf) in~ Serie~ ThP l<Ja~t r.uard "111 i;tand by. hcac-u~e 1 ('\en mf'n on the nyin~ trap· ue have !wen ~no" n to lo~r their i;:1rdles and take a heart· er in the briny ""·'l'I' holtl' • hamp1nn,h1p11 In <f'\f·ral 'a 11t11~ , las'>l'S - 1ncl11din~ t h 1• \\Ol Id S t a r rh11mp1on hrp I Ir has wrlllcn I numlwr nf hrH•\..' on <all· l><1at raunc "flat" 'i 11111 1.11a1 l<1;:ht 'bv Knapp puhh,lwrl 1n l!l.'i2, 1'1 '1rtu<1lh .. lianrtl1o1olo. fnc ~mall htJ;ll ,.111111. B i ll fi~h T o unw' ~l a t,.,f J 111 u · IH llt111,11J • lnl1 111at1011al Rtll fl,h r 11llfll,tflJI I I J11r 1~1 ha~ lwen ~1 hr rlit'l'rl 1111 .l11ni> 18-2.l. ;11 n1rd111" 111 .1n 1111 u-1111 an· 1· .. 11111 , ,, , ru· J111n1 rl•t 11r.1?an I 1I11111 I"" '""""' • ti .. ,,,. f I II h ' 1n1• , ,,,, "f 1 '" 11,1111l'nt I r11,_! , I: \• 1 11 "" ' ,,,, , , ,,, ft ·""''' \l':l' 1 ' 1 I'll t• ii .11111 lht• '" \ ~.111; •1 11·11 hi , ' II 11,. II " ,, • I II h \\ 1 I h .!I•• l'•'; , ...: . . ·' . . ., . . F i ~hi n~ Skill ..,,, r h;ind~ome lroph1e~ will 1 lw ;rn :.1 ilrtl 1n thr annual 1-:a,1r1 l11n111r ,. • ..,hini;? Tour n.111wnl. b<.'ln$: sp·111wred hy \1·11opc1r1·Halh<1a·., four sport· r1 -hin$( lamllnJ:!i Thr J·:a.,tcr tournament v.111 Iii hdd from March 30 thr 1111s.:h ,\pril 1-4 with ~J'<'llal r.111 •' 1111 JUn1ttr\ lfi \f•ar' 1,f act .111!1 undl•t al Balboa f';:i 1111011 11.tll'' ·, Lo< \..n '\jo I. '''"\'"" 1 l.<1nrhn:: and 1>:-1\1'\ ·, I <x·J.."1 '" :! Tro1•hl1'' n 111 he. a" ardPd fur 1111' la1 i..:1·,1 \'•llowtiitl. j \\ 11111 '' ,, h;" hnntl11 IH1'• .rrttl 11.11 I ,1•·11,I A r llf'I 1· fltl 1•nl r \ Irr 1111 11i1 l•llll !IJ(llf'lll. I ' ,. . ·~T ,..tcfS ElffCTIVE MAaCH 21 n.u ANL J WE BOUGHTn+f WORl(S Ol~ECT ~~OM T~E ~ILL I ( \ I ' "' J J ,/ / ' ' I I 1"+-•;o, q••d t • • • P'"'"' ' ''"'""'~'"u r1ded 0" '"'" 'l•t -lle .. + lo• all 1"1•41 ••q u '"'q ",,r,,.,h.d r t •ood Your cho•ce ol 11,,,~,.." u pr;ced EASY TtRMS MO. DOWN ,A n.HNT MONTHS TO 'AY Douglas Fir Plywood e ""'' ~ e ...... ..... ' e .... ' • 4111'·• 3.2' 3.99 4.69 ~19 . 2.22 SIM~ Gun Stock pttf.ftHISHID "Texture 111 " Douglas Fir Plywood Panels Plywood 41111 • -~OTS Pol111'1ed 111d F,,.;thed L•~• the S•oc~ •' • T,.u u•ed Gu"" .... .,_ ..... ,. ,(; ................ ,,, • ···~· •· "~·'" o ••• 1·~·.""' .~-.. ' ..................... ·"· . '•· • ....,. •••• '1' "Q ..... •1 •-4 c"'°•14••"'t e ........ .. If 'O 10 1l '• 14 t, '8 I. Dr. Ross Cat Food O· 10 ,. "' I F ,1. C•• i,~J Ce• lo•• 1• It••~'.,,,. ••• be 4 l•t/ 101, .... ·• • ~ •' 'e b,,., ,,_,. 9 Sano Dry 0· .... s ••• O·~ M .. 101 ~"'' Aluodu ail •P''' 4., ... 6'¥• e4t'' '" qe•b•i• ,. • ..,, ... tJ , •• bl'\••\ S-At. lor 49' • LA HAllA 141 .. c..1,.1 ..... .... '· .... ., •... s •••• '• I" I • ~ • NIWP'Oltf 11.ACH • LA<;ijNA IUCH "" w ,.,11., c .. ~..., H J l ••UI••• TAl CK ()lfN \Af I et I It Wll~OA Y\ 1 )0 •la e •AADDI M0¥1 s •• W\ ••• ,., .... , , ....... ... S.t ••\.• I, I r .. 5.7' 6.49 4" Bu+ 1v11l1blt ltC+ory li~1th ecce11tue tu f ;" e ve11eer1 F,,,,,h 91•e1 pe• "'•"'"' prote c+io11 eqe:111t com,..orf houaehold ,+••M Rendom tooled V qroo• ;,.9 for edd;t10 ,.el be .u+y eN.._., ....... , ... , e 4 ... 1wc11 • N41tw_, CltefTy • Ntrtw• w .... e 19' O eili • l""T c.- 6.50 10.50 13.95 13.95 10.50 8.50 No 4'ew• ~wt -A• a.w • S10.00 ~ HERE'S HOW YOUR NEW WARD & HARRINGTON REVOLVING CHARGE CARD WORKS COMI IN TOOA T ANO LIT US Ol'tN AN ACCOUNT 'Of TOU f JOit .. ,.,, '"' ICllO•O llOIJIU t6UttC IS 'Ul(ll llll N $ O I to $ I 0.00 lele11ce 10.01 to 100.00--•---$10.00 I 00.01 to I SO.Of to 200.0 I to 2!>0.01 to lOO.O I to 1 50.00 I 5.00 200.00--t---20.00 250.00 25.00 300.00 30.00 l50.00 3 5.00 --- Over $350.00 -I/ I 0 of eccount bt lence . . , , # ••• . . , ... Oeco••fwe ~ pl u tM qriMu to dreu wp lho ae •qly fou11det;o11 ... ,,,... :;;: 29' Black Driveway Coating 1..&.n-c .... H•re i. t it ec Of'o,..icel c1,..ui119 fM {«Ml' dri•ewey 'id I gelton o wtter to H eh 9•11-of dreu 111q, Texaco Motor 0.1 20 , 30, or .-0 ~M I..,• c~ tod•y .t Htti _,,..,.. •--"'• '"°"". 9..,. c:.. 25' Rough Board Cedar Fence Att1lul ,,,,.pr.co~ Oi1t;,,9u•1hH *-it i .. ori'te f111 ce d111q11. I Sim1l•r t11 t ppe u a 11e:e to Jlutke lio ... l I 16 c eder botrcf.. low i11 price •1'10 ••ae 9" i~"•an.11011 meke thi1 fe11ce e good •do-11.yoursell" pro,"ect. Or ht¥e o~ fence spec••'''" 1111lel fM ..,. edd;t•ol'ltl ~Or. li11 k u11'1"' "o•mt l 9•ou11d co11d1t1on1 I 25 00 ''"" mu"' i111+•ll i1 +;0,, chtP«Je I OTIN D ro n •"" AYAILA•I P.O• SMALU 01 LAIGI JOH HO DOWN 'AYMINT ' ft. hi.p ft8c l hi. ... 77 r .. A • ... t Tri"' a.it Value .. ,, Tri111 s.towey 5.,.....tH1 11tot No Prlc•• HH• I Hll l11creaHd To Distort 1\o Trw Dl1cou11t 0 11 Tith S.lo! A l10 Thia Oitc:ount i1 in 1ddition to Safew•y'1 rtc:•ntly Announced- NEW LOW MEAT ,.RICES! ON Jt Here·, Your C hanc.e to Siled Your Own "Specieh !' Not Ju1t • Few Cuh Advert.itd •I • low Price, But EVERY CUT of Sefewty Fine U.S.0 .A Cho"t Aqed Beef Hai. Bee n Reduced A W hopp1n9 20 '. Off the Requlu Pric:e l Here'1 Yovr C~~nce to Stoel-Your Fruur ---20o/o Discount On All Beef--- SALE ITEMS :::p6~'~~ .. ~':~~~~~ .. i~~ci~o Round Steak 1 .... ,., 98c 20< 78' Top Round Steak · $1.19 24 c 95c Sirloin Tip Sttak $1.19 24c 95c Chuck Steak 69c 14' 55c Porterhouse Steak $1.49 JOc S 1.19 T-Bone Steak $1.47 29c Sl.18 Sirloin Steak 1100 1.. $1.49 JOc $1.19 Top Sirloin Steak u .... 1 ... 1 $1.69 34c $1.35 Rib Steak fl•·•· h dl 9Sc 20c 78c Rump Roast 11 ... 1.1 98c 20c 78' Round or Rump Roast ..... , ... 1 $1.19 24' 95c Sirloin Tip Roast S 1.19 24c 95c Chuck Pot Roast 59c 12c 47c ~ -Shoulder Clod Roast 11 .... 1 ... 1 98' 20c 78• Round Bone Roast 79' 16' 63< Standing Rib Roast n .... 1"'1 98c 20c 78< --Plate Short Ribs 33< 7< 26c ---Plate Boiling Beef 19< 4c 15< Boneless Brisket 'wa.1. I 98' 2oc 78" Ground Beef 49c 1 Oc 39c Ground Chuck 69c 14' Ground Round 79' 16c Corned Bttf Brlsktt 79' 16' Sliced Beef Liver 69< SSc 63< 63< ~. SS< Notice! TO END SATURDAY APRIL 6th Plenty of Tlme to Win S 100 ,_rizes W• will continue to 9lve SJMI Cash Card up to closin9 time Saturdcry .. ni,ht, April 6. After that dote you still hcrve up to 15 days to claim atty prize you mcry IAIY• wM. Thousands and Thousands of Dollars Have Been Won - Thousand More Can Be Won! You May Be the Lucky One! Wesson Oil For 1a la d 1 or fryin9 Sove 24-oL 2 9c 14c bottle MD Tissue To ilet Paper 2 roh 19C Autd. Colors pk CJ . Shortening R.oy e\ Satin 3 -lb. 49c All Vegetable can Instant (off ee Sofn,oy 00 •. p •• Sove 29c 10;; SJ M • Hv Mod• 1..... 14-n. 39• ayonna1se ~''• Eq q P cl. lOc jor Family Flour E~!':~:: ~'.·~ ~:· 10 : 79· Lucerne Butter ~~:~dq·u :~y Sove l·lb 67' le lb 1t11. Jell-well Desserts ~·.·,:::~~ 6 ;~:. 39· Ml.Id Cheese sa•l'•oy ctteddor C"v"~ B..r, Cl o Son ~· 59' Uc l<e Cream l'orfy Pridl' Cateri11q Save 'HJol. 79' ~o .·d c• .. o~ Ptt' 10< Ctfl Gleem Tooth Paste ;: ~:,~\ ~.~i'iub. 63( Grapefruit Juice ~::,: Fruit Cocktail Tow11 Ho"" lfte 4 4'·•L $1 Uc c••u Detergent White Moq ic Hu .y O ... ·. Son 49 •·OZ. 49c 10c pkq Small White Beans ~:::: 2:. 29' ) , ~It 's Ti111c to Get Growing Hawaiian Magic Mulch " J a.:; 91' "S" Brand Peat ';·.~:::· "J b:; 91' "S" Brand Nitro Compost .. 2 b;: 91' Sphagnum Peat Moss >!~: 98( liquid Fertilizer . ~o.. •·:~·; 98' Bug .. Geta Pellets ,~. ', J '.:!~ 91( Spring Garden Mulch '!~:· 1 '' Ortho Rose Dust & Food Deal .. ,, 1" A nother First-of-Season Spec1al I Sweet Corn Tend er Golden Kernels F·n~ L0 ,.,, G·~·ft c, , ft o Cucumbers Fr .. \h Cr sp l~•o• (,••'I Celery F.tn(y Golden c .. ,,+,,.I Amen(~n Bananas W,.ldorf Brand 0Pql•I Noo• Dates 'Town Hou\t' l rinl n• Q,.,,. Dried Figs ear 7c •oc:h 1·oc eac:h 10' 2 lb~ 29c 2 ·"' 49< b04J 29< 12·ot bo9 l'rtc:o tffecti•t Tllu"doy throu9h S11114oy M~ 21. 2t. JO, l1 .. loul Scrfow•y Stern ,_0 l Ml IS -l •v ell v•• •••• t i S•l•"•Y Baker's Dozen Donuts pk9. 35' of 13 Grade AA Fresh Eggs Cream O' tit• Crop Medium Size 1·~: 43· Large Sizt 1-4.: 41· L11tu11e lro11d large Sizt '·"::. 49' Extra large 1"'.7. s1· Blu e Chop StMnp1 qoven with •tc:h purc:h ue .. c:ept c q49 rett•1 m•qe11n11 tobac:co. a lcoholic b1v~r49911 or fluid rnol~ products. 211 EAST 17th ST. MESA CENTER COSTA MESA STORE HOU~S: MONCAY THRU SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M.; FRIDAY 9 A.M. TO 9 _P.M.; SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO , 1 P.M. r • ~ . ~ -· ' ' • • • -. .... ·-·-----··· ' ~ .•• , Get Double Discounts Jt~e • (!] Lowest Discount Prices 0 Blue Chip Stamps ., 20.000 "•m• 206' fhrifty Dru1 Ster•• Arw-Ope" 7 Doy1 • Week, Morning, Noon & Night (Ye,, St.1ndoyt, Too). Shol' ot the Ti'"• Mo1t Co"venlent to You . Save 221 Metal & Plastic · 29' Friction Toys • SdlNI lut • loot •Milli: Truck •Sedan •Air• ...... • locfft9 Car • G,..yhourMI lua • A""ph. ""' • '"'8ht Truck • Mony More $2.33 1-Pc. Rubber Contour Auto Mat 89' Mixed Nuts in 14 oz. Vacuum Tin 15' Decorated Glass Tumblers Save 39c Made by Wolch's Choo .. f1om To•turod, Mod1"'i"ic o r Mollfoc1llo Do1ign1 ;:,;.:.:~·~ 4 77c fricbo9 .,,en.ta! , with •OYl ll,11: 0 •lwds. 8 11J K"V-I erat eo dd.ishr tbe kiddiis. rrt";, 1,. .. !'\I~ ;., rl1<;~ .. ,.f H •. ~, t.h•c .1:1hn ll~ red. Ci.i•rr1 1''T'"' •n l na·• nf • c•r ..• r ..,"<'<'1' ,. ~,r,1 n rr<"f. r 1 • .,,. ca11h ,\I, ulded to <~n·orn1 l"C- '« r t<' m•·!t 1"lt i"•rrir>n. 111c p!umpe.t, (ml\c)I tf.)tilll!il n\.1 rncui r•·rr! Ro."'"' 10 '"'t ri~ht CTi,rnl"'l1, ••lln.I to l"rf•rhnri .and r•t1'ed in .. !l••·or J•v1ni:: ,i::ih 11n! Tb1ifry d.1~nt p11~! 67c <uutf sr .. ll m~· ,;.,, '" .:1 I''·" 7c f>O'\" II """'o:' ~It<' All ~ 1r>I•• ,..,,i, l•"•lv h•lu 11ulJ titn •.• '~'~''It f1l'm 1urquoil<', yt11o•·. pi"k or .. ·tu•<' You'll nttJ <:llJ& Jti•~"' ' for Jufl'mt r ••• no,..·, 1ho: Ume t" loch t.uv 11,..m •t Tlt11lw >l!~r .. v1n1t'! 11.29 Borbro• Chewable Regular 69' Daily Multiple Vitamins Curity Cotton Bottle of I 00 Tablets in Zig Zag Pack ""''"''" '"" .. '" •'·. 2Sa ve $$1.128 30 2 70C mum d.u!v rcquJlt •l<RD I : f "'''"'""'h"dtto ·'·":Th I or """""in} tith"•·•·' :ru,. I ~ r "°''" . ~ funt'11• ..... ' for age ·- Thrifty a ad1 :11<c c h ........ !ob1<1 or ~ ---------=·':.!'=".:."=".:.'"c:".:."::c'":::"...:"::.' . ~ .-..--_;. 1, <r-!1"0 I\•• M . ~ b.h>-vid r<.1 a.bro!< 100 Mg Ascorbic Acid .. ~~ ~illilliiflnllin C :fl~; 2 ;:f4" ·-~::-;,;;. 5'00~' s1.oo Shulton Summer ::..~'.:.n:::.'. ;; '"i Dusting Powder 11'1 1 ·niqu' t•t • 11r •.,.' CHOICE-Of ,Of'ULAlt fltAGRANClS lorfa«o~ 2.5,000 U"it 98' Vitamin A ..... 1, cl 1 00 2 i 99' .. ..,._. -•"'1. S·r ,. ; ... .}r _ .-_ 1 .. c: i· .. 1: f,,,,.,!t :,::::~::.-,.., \ --, , ,.,. ··~, """· 2 s101 ...,.11.,n r i• · r...ft -,? ~,,, f"' 1·•.e' Bu' 1 ~ <Pl.fl~ l •. ~ '--~ •lr••Mt ••. Jn r-t • f 2 •·. -. l-~~~::'..---=--~==~~;;::;;..-~::'._~v:;•;:"'~·'~"";'~'~"'~'~"'~' ~· ~~o~r~~-.,.,-,....,nT ,..,. ... O.<.<. r.li:: 9a, SO M, 100 • ..•.•• , . 2 for ft< SI.ti 100 Mt 100'' . , ·-.. 2 f°' Sl.99 krb~ 25 M9 Thiomirt Chlor ide 98' Vitamin B 1 !i.';. '1.49 Multi Vitamins with B-12 ' ,. I" < '· ". n '·• ' I • ""' I II • . • ' ...... ti•d f''! "' ..... ef 100 2 i 1 I" 39' lady lsthtr 2 i 40' ' o .... 39c Plastic C1 nl~in 1r 'I~'"' I 5c Mucs 1r l1wl' 2 i 16' ........ ~-I le Housthold Spo nc t 2: ta• 29' Wire Bound 1 ¢ Theme Book •...•• I 1 o· Necco Sky Bar w .. ~ 1 tl•o• I Cc Wire Pants Hancrrs 2 i 15' .~l't ""' r '' "" ,:C.. 1 1'>·11< •I " •I • ~.,., .-' I ~li)1 . ~·!• . ' '". ~ . ' 2 '" 11 c • • • • ,...:3=-,0c Rum & Maple i?:',' Smoking Tobacco ~' 2 fer 31c 59' Petite ' t\, \ Hair Brushes '" 2 ,., 60c ¥14\' JI .. . . . . ., ' ' '""'" pvrtko•• ol T"r1flv 1>9• Pack of 200 ~ Wide Rule .... _,. ,. f'll p -\-+-1 er aper i"f• ·.~.· 1oe 7;, Actl1h Album Shul 2 i 14' .... ~ .... n1 , .. , -~ -2 o,' 58• 67 c Recordinc Tape. __ ...: 49' Windsor Ban Point Metal Pen Refills c ... 2 ~ sot .,1 s "' ............... ·-~"' .. 9c Nttdl11' Threader 2 i 10' •• ,., .. ~'· 1..,. 24c Sh1v1 Mlrr1r 2 i 25' '"'• ci-....... 1•-, .... •' ' 29c Bonder Patches 2 i 30' !70'• .... ~_ •• ~ .... .., 9c Strai&hl Pins 2 i 10' .... _, ""'"'"' ..... ltyt. 14c Shtwtr Caps 2: 15' -29• Pol Htldtn ~--··~IU ~ fan• P 'W'S!O?r TM f''O'T:'i: . . ' . .. ' . -· ' . . . •• y~, .• I 4c Mr. Paul WaH Mets Choi<•oftolOf"ll touH1111"1 St lo ...... -.--:.~ ... ~ .. · .... ht .... CMll ... '". ''"' Easter Plush Animals n. MMt bcltl11t S.MctlH 1.,.,1 ruddly plu~h .•• ll1ht· Ado .. bl• "" '" rnn s 198 "''"1.i:lit, Jov1ble 11 t•n ht'' One htrt for ••·tr7 loll • Mu1lcol fct\fff tg9 ., ''"'"Y S 1. I 9 • M•c..,.lcal 9110Clly D11ek .... 91• frM! $ f ,49 Curlen •lffl •w•t••M of 12.00 Toni "'"" ''"'"""" $3.49 . All 1200 Valuol fol' 19'Economy Size Henkey Bors ·-· .. 3 ~ 49' LIQUOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Volume Two Now on Sa le! M and l Preferred Blended Whisky full Ou art Markoff Quality Vodka '"" '2" Did Miner Dry Gin 3 ~ 511 00 $).ti leth Did Miner 1-ttl•' ;,, .... , kr.,htdtY ~r•f1ht Bourbon ""' 1311 Scotls Glen Imported Scotch e •• , "'' ··~ "··~·· s39a ,. ,., ...... ',Ith -.. Jlme ......... tLU.111'1"tvor•D HOW·TO·DO·IT ENCYCl;OPEDIA THOUSANDS Of NfiW & EXCITING HOME & HOllY l'ROJICTS VOlUMl NO. 1 .... 49t ' . ' L • ' -. O.t.IL't ~IL01 1Newi , •• ,, 31 Wed., Mir. 27, 1963 STOCK UP NOW! BIRDSEYE . 10 01. PEAS and CARROTS -------· ----· -. BIRDSEYE . 10 or. BUTTER BEANS ------ . --·· -· . ---·-- r -~ .. .,..,, . -· ......... f E11l1rn G r1in F-d 49~ END-CUT ... ' CHOPS • ' U.S O.A. CHOICE U.S.O.A . CHOICE !BONE IN) 1 ROUND Ground •STEAK ROUND - E1st1rn Grein Fed 49~ LOIN-END ROAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE USO/\ CHQ1r r I BQN[ IN! SWISS RUMP STEAK ROAST ' 69~ 69~ 65~ 65~ ' 12 01. 49~ 6-01. Pkg. Pltg. NO RBEST TURKEYS HENS 39c TOMS 35c 9 lo 12 lbs. lb 18 lo 22 lbs . lb LU ER 'S LUE R'S WIENERS BACON FARM FRESH PRODUCE MORR ELL 'S ROLL SAUIAGE J-on• $1 lb. Ro ll' TOMATOES ASPARAGUS 19~. '. 2 ~ 25( .INPOTATOESNT YOCARROTS0 ER 2 ~·~~~15( CRISP . WINE SAP APPLES ' ---- ? ~, Pl<•; F $ . '"•DSEYE 7 1 fr . f r.ies ~ fill L'S BR OS. 1-lb CAN 2 ·lb. Can 9Bc E ·······--··-... BIRDSEYE . Oinn1r1 Chopped Steak . Beef e Chicken e Turkey 3.9~ . BIRDSEYE-JO oz. PKG. CO RN r 0 R $ ON ION RINGS M J £i lONr, (,R/\IN RICE ··~,~· SPRINGFIELD 49~ Sh ~·t en · ng . ¢ "'" ,r: ~I:·,· t7 \ . ' t l CARNATI ON Th LL ChN SUNSHINl HYOl::OX. 7 Ff ASST. COLORS CA N NIED MILK ~ $ R MIRACLE WHIP SALA D DRESSING ~R49c I lh ... NA flto;,c o GIO'.AHAM CRACKERS I lh "'' 29' COSTA MESA \ , .... ' ' ... l!tll'l'l \1, (I '\! IR ANAHEIM 1150 N. E •~t )I. TOO LET Fri SS U IE 4 ROLL PACI< . , Pri ce~ EffecliY• ,1.1~rch 28.29-30.Jl nACEMTIA .t....Jti.--ii.-.,.......-..------..-...... .-...""""----..---~ ---~~~~} ~t' 110 W. Ch •.,m•n I nrnrt nf l'l11rf'n1i1 ) . -_..,, L.. .. MILT•t&.OTIWllWI ..... c 0 NI u L' .a Wt4'# •r. !1, 1.!!!, THIS DIRECTORY ••• BUY CALIFORNIA ltEU\\OOU \I \H:lll.\l,S C'O.-H1d1.11d I.A y ll&ALTY co. -H ... I M. Ray 11 lh• eaperlenced K. Miiier I• O'A nor or thl• n11w redwood l•11t•mi: und h1111 ll<'r "'1"'1' of this complete general real estate tum "hlch has firm establlshrd laltt ''t':ir 111 l'i:'I l111.iuio.1 r1.t1 n u' 111 1 ·11~1.i 1trved thla_ frea since 1~3 at ~13 t::. Coast Hl~h\\ay In M<'~a !'hone 1i. Ml Ii l?IO I 1·11111plctt> rcd\\nrnl l11111h1·1 :-up· Corona dtl Mar. PhalM ts OR ~154.1. Tht company 1s loc·ated ohr' arr l\'a1l11hlt> a l ll11a 01•w ro11w1n), 11h1A rtw m:ire·r 1.11' on East Coast HE1'h••ay and Corona del Mar. se.n 111~ the for hu1lllrni: and Jl,11 1'a1111, ;inti f1n hh111i: '' ·""' l'lw ti•fl.t! beldl ere• and 1 t tocalili<'s. featured arr fine beach m.::h•rinls 111r nit t ul 111 ~111• .111.r 1'n11w 111 , ,,.1,.11 , 11, 1:,;lil• ...... !l&U!\ and -1. Ttie cosnpanr has one or the largeat C11stt1m tenl'l'll arr ln•lallt-t! pit" 11at1" "' r 1118111:• ,,, ,111, u.uq ol :hp~ to bt rouna~·here l~~e_a_r_•_a_d_f'<'t_ rathe wf\lld h111c•·• *Al,_ ONPITIONINO I* AUTO DiA&.19' I* BOOK STORI BROS. co. I Cbk'k lnraon liw. HEATING and \~l v.::=-' • .., 4JR '"~~ (.10~rnONISG OR UIM DHi Metal Newport af \<d. 1t !?nd St. IMI S.erllf Al'e, U a.i.\:1 1 Ntwpert Buch * ~ Service * AUTO WASH MY SRORE ----.........._ LIDO CAR WASR AMBULANCE SER,1C!: ft:1._...... N-... ,.,_, Ctr Wn• ...... .,_ . ..,.. . -·-~ Ml ~101 fi#t 4 ,.._.. • !Oellt .. ,_ ........ v-'--An'll-•""' ....... , ... Ml ...... , m &. J~ 8t. Cetta \fua * AUTO INTl-IORS AUTO Jlli'TZJUOM BY GEORGE ~., ....... L ....... ..,,.,.,..... ·-'f (t • ··----,....._" ....,., 1'74 (>arlt St. Coate ''"~' Sotrth or HamOton ~' *AUTO PARTS tll'B AL'TO Sl'PPL Y ._ c-·-,,,_ -, •• ., e At'Cl1~lt• e •-• "°'4(NINI JN-$11Ylfl Ml 1-?tl• ~1111 Buher Rhd. (."''~ ''' '" 7!1 R1ndnlph. (Mia \Ina I'll. ~··~lll.'ll * BAKE'IY Aunl Bt1t1;' s 'Pnlrits \\ l.l>l>l\li . A'' I\ LH~.\11 \ (AU:" ·--;:..:.::: ~ :.-:: ... ~....., Hutwlr Bh d '"''• \f,.,3 * IALl.ET SCHOOL BALV;T EXC1,1' I \'El, Y ., ..... ·-· , ... r·--•-•....., ............... .. (tM , .... A fW .,,..,.....,(., \ \lll'\'JO' F nf'\H '"" "I ~~'1111 * B.AftBEQUE 8"'1k l\hnp of tht l"l:il'd .,.,, .,.. ,.........,. .. c.,... .. ·~ .,.....,.., 1• • ·--on a.sm I ~111rbl• """ H11lh11a h I* B~KK•EP~NG C.\I ITAL BtSl'b~S IER\'lrE ,,,,,._ • r-, .. _ -~-• ., ....... ., t ... t ..... , ... ..,,.. "••h !a lhrhl\r Khd. l'M1a \It'• * IUILOllU SUPllllLllS U \\'IOP'O~ Rt ILOl''R~ '' ·rrt r . I\< ,..,...., ....... , .. ., .. .,.. -. . ·-....... ,.. \I l tet M l l '"" l'f rnmrnrrdal \\;i\ • I USI NESS COLLIC.I ,, rnt LY rnu .. sr 1'11,tnr•• '""""<' .. .......... u .............. , , •• ,._..", \. .................. ,..,. T r l,.phnn,. :lll. 'I~•; l"..l ' '"" pnn r.11 rl ' r. * COSMETICS ffiEHE .noR mAn (Wf .. l f l'f'ft\C!lft\I ..... fll f/ll (~•lo ... (•re t. l~PlldU•I ~ .... t1• ,., .... ,,.,,,, .. ,., NO Ol~llO&l ION l~':li': '""f'-Ort Bhrl ~II ti·Htlll --------* DOMESTIC HELP S-S-S lil fll'SIOt: SEH\ ICl-.S A<";F\CY DO'°'WSllC •Ul • P .,-M• .... "I l lVt lft Mt!• ''lt•~ftt Ml • lttt 49' ~t"porl Uhd. ·'Pl F>ra1 h * DRAPERIES HERBERT'S .. ..., ..... llr•Jlf'rtr ' ,\ lrtt,.rlnra I 1 II i 717 1'1117 l111rt;.,, Tihrl. ( ... , .. ,,,~ .. * DRUGS VH ~I •r.~ ,_, '4• '-'•• ' • .,,. o... ...... "'~" ....... ,, .... ~ , ,,.., , ~ n, ..... • f!_,." <•"'""'' T•ll"p h••nr Oil ;; ftlM ~11 -. \ 111 l.lrln \r "rn" "4-h • ORY CLEJ\NtNc; r 11 \~fl\1\T , . . .......... . . ._~ ......... . 1 rlr flflnnr f I II •1011 fl, I 1•11h" I '"'' \lt>•a '1 l.~11 , " 'F \\ 1''11:T ( t I \\I II~ AUTO INTEftlOR8 BY Ot:ORGF;-Fred Oeorae 11 the ex/•crflenced auto lnturlor '•p<'clall•t who own11 and operalea th 1t lrm eat11bll1hed IHl year al 19'4 Chari• ~l. In Costa M"•3 Phone 11 J E '"8e0l. Geor111 1pecl1ll1es 111 sporla car 111t11riurli 1'hra lnrlud'Oa tu111om carfltl1, trim . nnd deluiie ul1hr1i.terlnQ tor forelrn and dome1llc can plu1 the re11turt I\ r»Tellent s1l0rls car work Geori:e •l•o ttoe~ new Interior& for u,ed t•ars n1111nly relll•clna worn upholstery •nd earpe11. CHET'S Sllt:LL 8~RVICI'. -Rloh1rd ~·ro-l and Chrl .M;ilck are ownors In partnenh1Pi of lhi11 new lilholl Sf>n ll'P Stntion located at f"alrvll!W at \\ lleon In Cmlla Meaa. Pht1 rrr Is 646-410.1. Ex~rt lubrication 11nd t•ar malnlen,nce offt>rrcl Both ChPt and Hichitrd ara 1horo11~hly lr1lned In •II ph'""~ of scrv1re for 011101. Rrakea. min"r tunt11p, u·Jolnl ""' ~ Ahr otfr1 NI ar,. a1·r,.~~ories. tlr11f. ha1tc11e11. and 1c11 11 r "' dc<'orat1ve wood rent·Ps. -----1 * ICI C~EAM I * MULTILITHING * INIURANCI BALBOA BAY INKUlUNCE ..... t. .. , .. , "......, ...... BARTON MVqt\.lf .. INO U •YIC I , ... , ......... ~ ... . Oirttl l"'•t• a llM T'f•t•,.,.,, LI a.1411 UI E. lith St. CHI" Mrsa * MUllC ROUSE OF HARMONY ............ -... ·-·· .. ,.._ ...... ( ........ , __ h 1_*_PR_1_._sc_H_OO_L. ___ 1 * SlttVICi STATION ~ "'"'"''• t vny c~o•·• llf u f h Ovr Gr .... •t C""4tt• 1 r m:·r·s 1om1.t. s1mv11 ..: E•••rl l"Mutle" e Ml,_., f u111t ut lra~o e WM1I l •l1t•1tfllt 091tft 1 011• fttf' Wt O Kl 1·3?H TtlrJlhnnt> &•~41nl !!Ml Dtodar Ave. l'o1lf Mtaa ~! f"alnln· lltl fnata \lr\,1 I* PRINTING ! R.\V Nl lORI': " c .. 1 • .,. ... ,-. LI I-UIS "-~., ,::."':"C°-t••' 1 1111 N••IHlri Ave . ,AUi. ~. l llllP .... , INl!or PRIHTIH6 UAR~ J. ::;:~'.~~;~~·;~ .... II\. 8 . OP'P'81!:T and U:T'T't.:ftPRi!~~ ''"'"" Telephone OR S.llU * NION ~117 W. 81lha1 Blvd. I I ~fl '-!I~ fr•• "IU U• t•t Doltn r1 Iii Cabrlllo St. Co1t1 Mru '°'"-l• "111 ~no \\'. C'oiut U•y l'pt Ht>a1'h Newport 8-lt'h ' ----* Jl!WILRY & LOAN C'llST \ \IES \ J EWEL It Y 1111rl 1.0 \~ l:'\T . N t: 0 N Y,NTt:RPRUiE Plastk l>ivi1ln11 UcuuM ,,.,, CN lttt.., I* REAL ESTATE flu• ... n e lr ... J ...... , • .,. ....... "'u"ul l•lf-__.. -Trlt>phnn, 114'-nO 111.u '""fWlrt Bl"t. r ''· * LADIES A'PAREL LAt'RA MAP: S11f1hi~llrftltd P'ftahlone ,,.,.,. .... ,,, I.I ~.M,~ 1n:. '"" oort Blvd. f.M. Tiff: ~rnr.T 'OOK f> or "ffrr" \. ~ ..... ,._,., .,,. ... " ,.,, 4M r.. Pih . f 11r. lrvht1 .. _ .... "'"'-' ......... • LAWNMOWERS t"''• \f11""' '1 (iudflll Shnp •• ~ ... ,.. ....... -.u .• ,. •• , (••• , ................. , ... • , ... , 0 l tw"'I • s.&.H t • ,...,. l.f 11.-0llt !11~ Harbor l\hrl . OR I.Jiii 171 W. 11th St. Nf'•pert ft,..<'h * NURSERY •1u n ·a • "''"' X ,., uf.11n u c-........... ,., _, .. .. ltHrl lt~<•••"'t e S•rtftfl .. rt Ml 5-.~RS3 !&18 N8•POrt Rh d. C..M. I * NU"SliRY SCHOOL \ '\'\' \ ·~ PRF.l\('[IOOL "Wn!'l:Rv ..... I.I-of "•"., .,, ... o .. ci.u .. .... Clltlfow I -t 'fMro Td,.11hnn, '"~UH I ti 1n Th11rin \" C'o1le Mt1n I * Oll'ICE SUPll'LllS •-:-..:,: f..,c::::;:r•• ff'l~phene OR 1·1543 Ill! F.. f111•t Rlill• .,. <M•llA IU ~·· Tru1ty'1 Country Club Service ltt~t Adtw hat •"41 ., .... , ... t•''"",..,.,. \•nfu ,.., f u..-''• r,... "'"* w •"f ()el1ntv Telephnne Lt ~·Ill!~ I WO NflWllH~~~-~~·:~-~l_:ir * SHOE REPAIR ·-,;;r.-tti:-.. R'-, ai,(ii •• \tvlff•t .... , ••••••• , ••• T~lepheM ~ti ~:;~~; •~ •(.7;.:.::4.:: .. ~~:::-:;:-u ,..,. ... "'8 !:. '71'1 Rt. C'osla ~teu w ...... t•"'" te11 ,..,..,., •"' -1 ~ Herht'lr ntHt J\I o 11111 n J;ALTOn r n''" \lq" _ ....... l lalrt \'an Horft c-..,.-...1u111•.., c .................. ..-........ ,,.. ... . U •·t.'\U or f .I I·~~~ I .. ,.,.,,.,.. "., Ao Qft\c_o I ~ W. C'oe1t ll•y ~. B. ,.., "•· ,.,,.. ... }'1 w .. ,,. "••t ~ •• S H SPEED Sl ICP b<')I ,._ ·-· & ... -·~ ... 0.11• • •-1u 11,... "'" • * CARPET CLEANING ~.\Rl'l T l\Ll.L'\ Nl\trA'°'\' '"'' •••••• w ,. ·• t ... \r "'"• r '" "' . ,,,,.. ... , .... * LIQUOR STORI L· .r. JJ Off.,, s.,.,1... * RENTALS I ...... '"" o •••• ··-· "'" • \U•I.. ....... I rtO· r · '''' •. ~ ,. Harbtlr Jlh d ~!! ~--~1.1_1 a,~;;;.:.,.:v~:;, •.''~;,",:,•';~;:!~ ,.., •• _, <•ntrt1, ... ,. * Speedometer Rep~fr ·. ..... ·--l·-*·· "'·'-T•phnM ..._.,~ 12' f"'1r•trlal \\ ay C'n~ta ,,, .. , * AUTO RADIATORS &414 M.u R.JJato. '"'~ ltM.lf' e IMf'l't ,... e ._11111 Out, ......... ,.Pf( W•W .... UH St" port Rh r1 at !~th ~t Ml 1-IW ( n~l d \11 '" * AUTO REPAIRS CL1P'F'l5 AllO REl'AIR ,., ..... .. , ... ~ t •" ..... ,,, H flJ)t~ ROT1"4\t:Rt f: 11\HBI n 1 n (Ml(lllN • 1119 • IO&M .... , ...• , . ~., ........... (. .... WW CATI• •O ""•"It '"" ... ""8il"t •• f '11•• • \, .... * BARBER SHOP LJl)(l 'If\\'!\(; ~t\ r. c_ ... ,. ,., .... ~><• ... _ ... .,~·-·· ( ,..,. .... .., ............. (. ..... ,, ................. ......... ,.., .... LI ~11 * CATER ING Gacharv's ,, j/'_.,. 1\IFHI"· ................ ,_,. ..... <• ... ••11t-• , ..... ... ~IA llr l\tol ~ .. , .. r;, ....... t .11 '" \ ,,,, .. * CHIROPRACTOR ,__ ·-·· '""''·fl.I. i •l•r""'" 11111 n1•1 IN I. I •l \\r \rt llr•rh or:1:tt I 11 \\I llC\ ' ...... ' \t• • • • I"•.. , ........ • f\h ,.,, t ' \. ...... flt •• "I~ llili .,, .. ·~ r.., e111t e• ~\M ll.1rhnr 1\1\rl (' ,, * EMl'LOYME NT \ .olll '' I ""'"''"""1 ''""' \ .,, -•• rt ~ " ' -"'•1111111•n• , .. .," • tH•~ • e 1 •t <ll Vt e OH IC l .. .. ·~ ·~·,. \II II ''•iA or "I ' :l'lf.C tR-1• ( '""pert J\h d. r. \I 1t FE NCE MATERI AL l • ( •••••• I IQl (If{~ JU W. f 'tnt,.r \fl '-i~ , • ..,...,."' ...... ,., N••• \i \IL ~ n~n·' n,,, SPE1mmn.n :11 :-..r.n' 1n; , ....... , ....... ( .. ,...... ........ on a.2AAO Ct-4 E . fo11& H•.J ('nrnna dtl \fu * MATTttlSS )frC'OR ~11C'K \IATTRt.!'\S c ................ '"""'"'• l(IM Ill• .............. . *OPTICIAN JIARR()R OPTI\ \1 ~~~;: ,~::,:: "'Hltf.-i I .. ... < ....... , ....... l_ ~ti i-Al61 '"S, N~wporl . Rulte 0 .\ r ~port Rue h T,.l,phnnt> 141-Un.1 I * ORGANS toot If ul)()r Bh d. f . \t. 11.\~f.\lOSO ORG.\~ * MARINE DIESEL R ~.r.f;J E'S n1wuL i.v.111"1 1Ner11• n •v•c• \9K••luU•• .,., OtMfl l M1._1 0 •• .. h l •tttf 1t\f Ct r h\I o ...... U.LU • ll•Yt<I • r•n• . n ·oios U l ll • 111.TI UCT-•ttn •l\ • JlllYICI \f > \ \\ ''" \fl 5·~S?l •• :::!'~!!.!':!::~t~.,. I .,.,,.. ... t '"" .,. ,,,, I Ml l-Zll5 ,\II f..8110 ~117 Rtrhar Bhd. Co!!lta \1ru UH •;. tRth M. C n~t1 ~'"'" I* RllTAURANTS Wlark l at•bt ... ' lt1tHr111t 1•"'1••·-NI"'"" u M411 llfl E11sl 17th Sl rrtt C.otlt ...... * SPO,RTING GOODS ROD. rtF.F.J. & l;t ~ f'lllll' Ov11t1 • F 1tt-i111t l•~i•Mt"t I Cl & ,.,..."'•H~I ..... lt111i11•r"'lll•f ,, ... ...,_. l • ... u n !r.t Nr•pt. Rhr1. ( 11~t11 ''"':• 1 11111 .\lrFarldrn '""Pllrl llrh on ·' 11 ~ 1 ;-s:foc1<~BONDS -- ·'· A. JI()( ,1.1·: ~ en. """"'"'' N•W YO•'C \Toti( lllCl .. N(,f .... ...,, fl'ru~ct.Mf l •<A•111••• UO<Kt e I ONOJ MVTUA\. ,UllO\ ...... IYC ... _ • h M ... ,,... e CH,..,.... • l•t<ttf ~·~ e <•rt..• C• .. t ,,.. ,t,o.... ... o.4J.,.,, ..... ,. ..... ,_~ ......... In Tht ~"" Udn lild& Ot••••Ut( Qfflo 0 J y,,.... 0 c •• t t ..... o e 1-.ct,, ,.,.,.,.,. ..... J ........... ,.. ... ~ 1 \I 11 <11t \I' Ht 1moon 'I \ II Ill \I' 1 ll\lf' "\ Telephone OR S.AllO U IA ~twport Blvd. l"pt. Brh. * Muine Electroniu R:irttll * PAINTING ~ ('11,\TEAU ' Bl"llGEft I ~, O•IY "'°"'"'" ~ ,._,,..*" .. OR $.lf4fl or Kl 9.~~~~ Jtl.'i E. f on\I ""., C.W'M\• ... "'•' LI 1-4ili IN? lhroor 1111 rt 1~47 AHlwlm fa&ta \ttu 13.,,r, \la Lrltn \r "pnr1 Hr;i< II 6 c,..t ,,~ ...... , .. H k ~1•'"f oR i~mo • .,, L• M UJ ••• Alli l •' Fordgn ~1otor far * BEAUTY SALON * COCKTAIL LOUNGE ~ .... l.u•·-..... ..._, J n :11 ""' .. "" f O WEN S -An (-t c... ( \Jif '.'.r.~ .. ·. .. AS IS ....,.la •• l'....i.oo .,..di!_ •t\t&v••-•. Jll lndaatrtal W1y Co1t1 \1ru co<~""' B•lboa Ba'." ( lub \ti Mt';1 '" -. ~·, '::,~;·"" N·•-• ROWIF:'S Al'T0 \10TIVE st:R\'Jn ; •~ • .... " • c-··'-' C..,,.Wft Avt..,,. .. ••t ... ,.,.. T~lephon~ 6~4S'! l l80 Harber Blvd. Costa ~,,.,. UUBER'S Al'TO SY.R\'lCE Pe<WY ,._._ M«'M"'U ®IMrll ....... 011• vw ,, .. ..._ -.1 .... .. .. '"" ......... , 1171 Park AH. Ml 1-&SU Co11la Mtll3 @) 3.1.55 \'la Udo Ult 3-&19' 1 ~111 1 J'lar ,.ntla I "''·1 ''"'" ............ IH<fll Bert French lla1r '-1 'h'l ,.._,. ... C'lo~td .\londa~· • !\fl l-7m 3.1.1 ~.a'!t 17th !'\t C111t1 ~1tu LYl.f':·s f.hio "al11n of Rt>llllt'f "''l••vh , . .,.. Htef '• ... U 11 :\-Ai-iO 311;, 'c>"pt lll\d. ~pl. U~•u·h * COINS f( ·" (. C lll' "1111' •• ,. (411 •• , ""'"•"'' t~ ~.If Tr•ll'f)h11nr lilf lll'i It.~~ \\. 19t h 'I. ( 11~ta '''''a * CONCRETE RRAll Is TIHF. CF:~n:n f'l·,'\TllOU,t·: C'OIFF't'HES -----~-I* CONTRACTOR C rl'lth r St,·llni l 'Mll • W"'9ol AN-• ,_ .. ._. ·=:..t .~::i::·' ' h "t ... T..__ Ml •II)< 2073 ~rbor Blvd. C.:Osta ~lr~J *AUTO TIRES Wt 9-1.-.. Tlr• & h r"'fl(I YOUNG & LANE ~ TIRE CO .. ><'•"" ... "' .... L•'"'' .._,,, (_...,,,.. 1 l'lrphont· OH l-i:lft6 H l!i J·. \011~t II~~. ("'•"• ,,, ~., IEA UTY SHOP ~ ..... 6 Ah-t•I ,, .. A l.rlfl ... YOIJ WMel ...__ • •• ,,.....,. C.•lftl'lt e "'""' e .,..••tur1.,. r.......... LI ~ltf1 I °"" ..... ,_ ., -•lmt•I 1396 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa UP "" ttth St. .\ti 1-W9 * AUTOUPHOLSTERY I BOAT REPAIRS TAYLOR'S TRl\I SHOP * ~~ Ii· AUTO rors -cc.,.L • fAcrorr H ruo HAL'S BOAT SHOP ft \ttoLU T. LO\\ 1.1.L . . -.. ,...,,._,,.., .. ,.. . .,, ... ,,II Wti"'I Ctf>tMt Wf'ti. t n• •• lftN r l1ttt .I 11\Y ('O~STR I '<"TH>~ ( 0 , fnc (.,..11'\•rt i•I e •0 •••1t•1el '"' !ft~ .... , S..Cfefflifl• 01 lhmotl•I nt I Oil :1 O.llll lJJt I! l'OUt 1111 I ( llrOll:l flc•I \tu LISTI.II t "' 1\TR l ('1 IO\ ((JllJ>. .. ,...,., ,.,,,,..c-t•t ... lu •llt l -c...,,...,<1•1 ,, ... _ .....,, .. ••• N• ..... -i •••• NtwPort rl<•iH·h P. 0 . Ro\ !1 l!i t"._..., u1Mn 11'1't ,,..__ l l • 11)1 ~11..r \\ I 11.1\I II\\\ I.I i..~11 I l'kl'htllll' "' • .., llil lo, ~tcu .. JU ~\1Jl'STJtl,\l, \\ \ \ \e~P°'J. U(:llth 1 IJJI ij;ilt.e r !'It. -·-~ ~. f • • • • •• ' . , _. . ( .. . . . f"•"( "'~ •• , ••• ' • ..,...... • ... filth ,. ,.,,.. ',-.,.,, • s.-··-~· ,, ... ,,""", 'II ' . I t',", 111 I I \ ( \I. . " ... 1t FIBERGLASS . I • • ( orp C l&"1J•••t ''"'*"'•11111• Kth 9f' ............ : I I I ,_, ..... D.-ni•-• _.._ ~fl 1-3911 ueo w. ('oatt flwy .• '\eW1M1rt Ruch I '-t,. i/• ''' '~·.:~:·. ... • • .... 16> I* MARKETS .-, .. , •• ,, ........ • & ,........ ---------\ ........ • • • • •• • ,....... \ '\TlfO~"S \tARKF:T I anrl Of l.H'ATF.SSES h '• I ,ti f "' I I "'Ill .\lr\A * F O~D-TO GO 11111 " ''""'r ... ,,,.. , ... ,. .. ••• I '• f j ' •• c ,,,,. •• "'"'•' ••n•h•,. \IV\ .. tt lt•fll•"' Hefftt N t .. ........... '""•. -·-, ..... fie ., lat "•"• :iit-; F.. 17th St . ~II 4-1!1 t RICKEY'S M \RKET U"4et Htw MeM~•*'t 11 ii 111 'I ri 1n ( :ill i t!t.211;11 S<11M4 tvHll•• •er.,.. ''II~ II trh• I 111111 ( \I, Dohuln••• • I•••' W••• ,... . , ·-• , Trlr phnn,. I.I 8·~!M •••• --!lllfl 'if'\\llllr1 nhr1. r ''· * FU RNI TURE I* MA~ONRY 1 "' \ \If .._ \ - -n ST0\l < ll H 'T \1\!'\0\11\' 0 • 1'1:•: 11 I" f'·\1~111~(,1~"'"' !ta :::::: 1•. • ,,.,. .... '•••ft\ ,,.,,. ... , .... . ... , ... ,, '"''"'"''• ~ ..... l1·l•"''•"fllf.OI"'! 11-•11" :i:,1;: I 1:111 'I 1 ''"'' ~lr'a I.I A·l'll\I ____ 41Y7 Holu ,\H . :\1t"ffflr1 IMr 1111' ... , ... ,, '· ,,,,,,., I* MOTEL ••1"'t"' & P •t • '''"' t11t• v ...... , ••••• 11 •• 0d ,,,... sc1i1~\' ACRF:S ~tcrn:L ,. •' r r 11vr •' ~:=ft~ .. ;~,'~,:::~::.~ !lo' fr \\ I 1a\I 11,1, I.I ~·,~,, \r~'1••rl Hr••1•h * GARDEN TOOi S II \ r 1-\l,l \J. Wm I R \l lM • \11"r¥1U • lltrh \ ........ ....,.,, • .. .. tf c;.., .. ,. '" " "~~7 '!t!:l \1•\\0MI 111\fl. <'.\I. * HOBBIES-CRAFTS ............... I·-··-(IMC te '"""'''"• (t"tert Tf'lr~llont ti~-0!117' '"""'1rt ;it Sont11 hntir l M . * MOTORCYCLES fto.llman. fU,.""4 &.. MLY.~ and ~t:rt\'J('Y, TlloM.,_ ., .... °*"' ,,IMK,,.,.. Owlor OR 5-lft.11 3MC\ '\ew,c>r1 Blvd. ~ ll. * M".>VING A STORAGE tlARHOlt Tll \ '"" .. :tt C'AL llECORATORS flnf' r11ln1111, ,.,.,...,,\fOf'l•I ll"tlAtlf1te .-... • l•ll EUtM•TES Mll-7~ 'i :p:•;;~ R~~d~::•;::ft11 J'a.rty Plu·~n .... "' .... ,., .. .,,., ......... ---... A-• Teltphone S*-Utl ".-...... (-" IOtJ lfarhor Rh·d. Coate Mtu , HOD lO DO I* • ..._ Ut • • K~,:~.~M• T ... A1,.,.-e f SURFBOAR DS ?toe Harhnr Jll\'11, ('01111 ,,,.~ .. ·-...... c ...... l.-, .. ._ 0..1.-.-o.u~ .. •I••• 0 "" ,':"~~!:.,•.'~~~,,,,,.. Ml M.'Htl Open natl• OR 3.7721 141 E . lllth Sl. < 11at1 \J,.u 114 Main Sl. Balboal * TAILO~ EL PORRO~ R . A. FOTI MAN.\" ... ""'. ,.., .. " .. ~. lm•.,.,t4 ''"'' •"-• Wlfte * PET SHOP Avt"""11' .. ,,, ... ,.., CHAJ l.'S MY.M Telepbone 17J.f71t ( l'STO\t T \I I.ORS Al n It \1 IO\~ HU Nt"port Hh1I, ~II fl fi~~·, Y. Ho I mt E. Coaat Hwy C.d.~1. • I' .rs P CM•• "'"' fl MJI• P•rU fl•I •m•R A111Moo•. 1 ,_ t'ran'e COl:~TRY KITCHEN lrwlO I e Go,. '••~ I l • .. ••••I • ""'"~ LI s,1254 w1 IAKI ou• owN * UPHOLSTER ING lH~A ~~~~l~U~ Y 44i S :-"port lihd. Ttltphone f46.7JIM !\e"port Buch I-"' ~r St. Costa ~ftu C••--'"'"'"''•a o ..... O"t ' '1,MO ,.,.,,,., to Chilett ,,.,,. ,.,., ''''"'•'n -fl'1cttv• a Otf10,.. * PIANO-ORGAN ,at-~'s I !350 Newport ttlvd. LI X·lilll CHARLOTTE PRUSSO ~~!..~t:'-:'-'I * YACHTS _ _ 'f11111tO 0,,J (},'1,. 111,,,1"'"" ('OSTA Mf:SA _ _ Trlq1hont I.I 11·4t!7 16.1 ('onl(rr" Strct'I ( 11111a ~11·,a * PLATING NF:WPORT PL\ Tl~<i C'O. \ -~ ""'" .... ,..._.l hth HI Me tlN lM'_..t •Hv•tM~!!:l~~"h~,::•: ~:;:_:,~~:•M• '!810 \Illa \\3, OH l ·:t:.XO ~*'"port e .. 11rh * PLUMBlflG ACS Pl.UMRINO SER\'ICF: INC. •t-••d•l't•t•• • Ctt""'""'Cl•t ....... " ................ ... Tfl,.phone 148--0Stt Ml' \\'. lllh St <.:ou• .'1en G41110fl1 Ci"OYI -AIUHl lM ( ,\Lii OH\I \ (Ht 1.;1' ~tn 1-:. lilh SI. Ml IVil:ll Nl·:l.l1IF:'S C'AfE '000 TO GOO• (Al Mflll Yt Clltt a,..,11 ' • t • .,,... a\ YACHT, t n .. f' •~rtTt• .. 1'1•f ,,.. IV f •I ,.,_,,,, ,, 1#•1 l Ol'EN U lllH'RS I !flctl W OR S.lllHn t'Ml."IC Nt"port Bh·d. !\'pt Rrh , ••• ,,, • .,,.,.. I.I II 11!'1 ('out II" 1 "''" 111 Ill h .. "•-... ,_ • (o<l•l••ll on 5..f11H1 C:JO East l.lr1n 1'11 rk II m t .. _, ..... AL Nl::L.~o~·s 8F.A8PORT COJl'fEE SHOP '•"'lfll I Uto•rt•I • Ooof '"" ... '-"••-... ,. .. ~··· ... ,, .. LI 8-9241 ,.,.., "-C•lll. I t • ot %m \\. CoHt 11"1 ~pt 8e1C'h --------~ VILLA MARINA I VA<.:11 r UHtt hElt ,.,w. '"'"''".""'.""' ... Hit , •• B' .. "'" • "' 1tt • """. u I.I ~ ·n~I :11111 \\. ( '""' 111\\ 'Ill ll1·:1r·h $~'" ,._.. .......... , ... 1. ""'"""' ...... ~II• l •ltll'll 1"9iNft~ o• l 1~·n • \IJI ,,~,I • NII ~ .. II * YARN GOODS Ill \ .. :Ill ''I\ ' \II''-a •11 '-.' I I' tltUU A '110 ~TORM:!'; ( ..,.,,,... Mf!WtM '''""'ti 4 • .,,.. C..-••tvd•tt" .,,. •f'MMtl1fllt .. ,AMO MOY•HO A ''t(IAlTV •• (! ' ... f\tlMAUt 11~:,.;·r.\1 " '\'r o ........ , ... ·~· ••• ,,.,.,. •• ,.,,, ... t .. ,, ...... ,"f.lt ••• ,.. ~ .... f(MfU1te t••trwf'""''" I , .. , .. ,,h Ill' ·.i· l\jll I I M ; :1:; f:J!ti 11.ubur Uh1I. l.~I . r.1 A ~:I or I.I ii ,,~~ I 111, ,.,,,.,, 1111 \II 11·61.H 1ri:i4.17lb SL. C.uMa .\le11 1 1'1·"1>11rt 11.f:.cb j t~ .. I' • • .. ' -· I -.• ~ . .. . . . , .. -...... -· 'I t l•·'lhont I Ill .'\·O.!OI At .... l 11th•I"(• t._ IA~IOo\ I.I.ANO I .!.3tlll ll1t1lwrr l:hrl I ~•n \11,a .... , ,,_ ht _..,. ····"•' '" 11••"" ·-•111• ~ ..... • l Wanna bake a love nr 1t I pie? RecenUy J received th11 I Pr9ttltat post card frnm fo'I Myers, Florida. On the plain I white cu d wu a perrectly gorl(eou1 J,lcture of a hand colored p nUng or a llme n1e, complete with crunc hy cru5t, ha doua hme t I 11 in g and frothy white, gently browned meringue. Yum, and the rec· lpe wu alongside for a Key Llme Pie, which was an au. thenUc copy of the original recipe, baked by the thrUty wivu or conch settlers dur- ing the early days nn the Flor-• Ida Keys, from the juice or wild llml'&. Wantng In ahare, I went I lnlll nne nr mv wild cooking aprees 1ntn the 1and or th" I 11nu11ual ahout 10 O'clork on" night. fl"irat lngrPdient , I can condensed milk. I lookerl '\n condensed milk. hut I had a r an of evaporated. Oh "ell They're both the aame .. but were they? r picked up my brand 1hlny. newly A<'· qulr.d copy of l.ood House keeping's rtvl~ed e<l1t1nn nf Guide for Successful Home- m&king, the book that a Pur- ex salesman sa1c1 that every young bride should not start being m arried without and dld A little slruthing. Sure enough there 11 was Eva p- orated milk h~ 51) per cent of the water removed. Con· denied m ilk has 60 per cent of the water removed and has I augar added But natch. you'rl need the sweetened milk with 1-i cup of hme Juice and no augar. So pie postponerl until another night at 10 o'clnck Jlonestl\• this l.u1rle 11\ Sue cessful t"tomemaking ts th" 1reat.e1t. Contains everythinf about the homP from abaJnnr to i.ippen, with gabardine. historic furniture style5. O\'Pr tta.z. on china , vitamin•. lhr famlly budget, calorie,, pie I nl.c foods, and removing salad dressing stains thro" n m bfo. 1 tween. Jt can be yours with two Purex labels and $2 Reii· ular price of this bfoautiful I book Is 16. Fresh water for lhn111th! Laundry bleach is th" c11s1n fe<::tant recommrndPrl hy th" Public llralth Oepartmrnt for restaurants in d1 .. h"a!'>hf'rs If you leave 1..Sth tnch hleach 1n the bottom or a 11 s:tallnn container, then fill with -..atrr you can keep the watrr in<ll'f lnJt.ely. The Puru rnmpan~ "f'ar~ manv hab Annthf'r '' Sw1>rl heart soap It St'Prm thal tnr brand manager or thr Purr\ Co. who mana.ees the S" l'l't • heart soap pllrt. ha" a 'rr• talentffl and art1 .. tk "11•• S~, has d rummed ht'rsrlf up qui!• a buslne .. -. selhn.e rl••('n1 a1rtl sweetheart snan" 10 lhP m,,~· eloquent bath shop~ round town. or which thr hath ~h11p on the upper lr\rl of our C:1fr Shop b the ele.eante't A hat of soap decoralf'rl wtth pla-.t1r flowers. or seq111n~ ... !hi' 'r n ltving end to hn11t1qur, wh1r h mu ns 1t 1~ dt'corall\·r. b11t ab11olutely uselPu. exl'ept tn bftautify. or to he laughrd al . a mink can of)f'nn '' another txamrtr An' ho" thr decorated soap~ arr a" fut purty, and tht'y atP hra1111fut ly gift boxt>d 11ni1 lhr ,1?.11• buy 'em Ilk" .. ,;: ! So why not rnt1 r S"r"' heart 11o:1p'11 11111 limtlv .,. 1M contest. All you ha ve •r, do 11< j dt>Cflrate a bar of Swprthr:irt soap, and vou ha' t IOOO chances tn \'I.in a ho~ttlr a~-I grt~sion Voo Ooo doll "1th :i humg ptn an<! comrlNe in structlons for huing The \'oo Doo doll Is a goodv ff you'rr up In tht> a1 r. look I hru l!h 1 yur daughter's rect'nt copy of Seventt'en and you'll ste what I mean. Oh the Key Lime pie. We know you'll gel the ~amr taste-excitement "tlh Al'~ fre~h limes. Rrat one e1!1! white 1urr. F old mto 4 e~g yolh , 1 can condensed milk, \.-t cup lime Juice , beaten to- 11ther. Put Into ready baked pie rhell. Beat 3 remaining egg,whJtes Ull stiff, add 6 la· blespoona sugar, gradually and "" te as. cream of tartar F'lurr on top a nd bake at 3.50 unlU egg whites are golden hro .. :n. Here al Richard'• we thank !'verybody tor making our 15th R; " v celrbra11on imch a wonderful s11rcess. We love nit or you lovely people very rnuch. Welcomes ••. take ad vantage of the gala store-wide Spring Sale. Choose from our display of choice lean tender meats ..• our large fresh serection of mouth-watering fr uits and vegetabres ripened to perfection . Delicio us time saving Frozen Foods . See our depart ment devoted to Spring Cleaning needs-· All at re al budget stretchingSpring Sale Prices. Welco me SPRING ... with SAVINGS!!~ -I / Welcorne$l Spring WITH 1i Boneless Rump Roast Round Steak ::me:~,m~•A 0,h( IQ4.I\ ~ '011~.,. I At Only 89c 79c FESTIVE fl FOODS!'\ -_,.-~·'-:-=~-J Swiss Steak !~y~~:,y Lean Ground Beef 8f$1 '" ,~, ~Jrt>or .A•n Jrozen Hawai ian Pu nch v,110 ... froz 51 59 c LIBBY'S SAlf Peas 24-oz 3/Sl Cul Beans 20 o: )I S 1 Cul Corn 24 or 4/$1 Spaghetti Wilh Meal '"o•ton~ a 01 4/St WONG'S DINNERS Fried Shr imp 11 -. 49c Bananes I • Buller leltuce Dal es Indian B cc 69c 39c I ~.",;," ,. . :. I ' ' . 1 <t l Cl'I/ 2 lbs./29c l l 15c 49c ;r-• . Sp areribs 11 ·: 49c Cinna mon T. · ... I Jf C Su kiy aki 11 Cf 49c Rum Cups Hi-Sa ff lmitaf ion Ice Cream 6/S 1 p lflltj• ,, \. .. ' I ~ f I I ' ' ~"\'~J ";' • A; / ... .. "" ; ,, ...... '.-) / ~.. . 11 1 .~ ~ t, / ,!,. . ,_.... .. ,7 ..._ ,_ ____ ......, _____ ""4-.~ --• ':J)et ca I l'.i..Se11 Pastrami s1•ctt1 v1t Ma Ko1"'' 4. 01 Biscu its P1111bu-r euutrmitk tubt\ WISPRIDE CHEESE SALE (I~ :1 39c I 3/25c ; • o4\, " ' ·-Plastic Cup b-01 Wedge a-or Crocks b 01. 31$1 39c 63c Sea fcJm 12 01. • .. • • . • • . • • • 98c t 1 7 9 ,....,,_,LJ,11: 20-oz. . • . . • •....•.•.•• ~ • • LID 0 3'433 Vie Lido • ';. 7 r •..,. J . • DO'. I ,--.• -• ~· -' \' • I' •• ,1 ~ I' ; -• l -· -'~ .. , r.."'_ ~. ·" ......... .I" • j ~-.... • ( ~"' 'l , <./! -,, ()'' I f . : ". • Ii h I 49c -._,.:: .,,,. . -.... ~ • -/ ........ 'f ,, • -'-,,. , ......... .,. ·~ - r ' l"I . ,, . ~ I) \ ·l Buller Cookies .. Sugar .. M lomalo Ketchup Baby Food Tund Dole ~1 ul Rc,I crccn'ale ~u! R ... 'I (/i ·() 'l'lj ·. AP!lESAU CE E'( AP ?~E:>cc1~Y Ap lt:sc11ce & Cru~hcd ~1n~ap ,l e A~pl es:uce & Slraw .H;rrii::s ~pplcsauce & Rasp.;::11:) Ove n Baked Beans Brown Bread· ... ·· i, Italian Dressing . "" "' '! Instant Coffee ~·,· ·~~~; .. ·'. ,: . -: Mushroo ms a:.~ ..... "' ~ .. , .. , ... r I t 67c '.cc ...J ~9c 2/39c !/=": ; 139c l /"'"l .. ... .J J ... 5/SI 5/S 1 5/51 3/89c 3/69c 3/S 1 SI 79 3/89c Alumin um Foil ~,.nold~ v ... " _r 11. ..•..•• 2/59c Beads-0-Bleach ev Purr• w 1 : •••••••••• 2/79c Liquid Bleach Pu'"· 1 n111 . . • . . • . .• • • • • 2/69c MARK ET Newport Beech O R 3-6360 . ''. . '· J • Market Ope~ Doily & Sun. 9·7: Fri. 9-8 , • Gift Shop 9-6 Da~ • Coffee Shop 9.5 t Closed Sunday Specitlls Effe:t;ve Mo rch 20, ,9, ~:> ~ ~~,~-·-<·.,,~----,. ' I () ' I . ' \ . . ~ r : II I I .. ' , ---.. . . . . .,,. .... . . . .. •"1-" "tlM , ......... .. Well., Me"'-17, 1Mt A l~foot dredging b9rp otrDed by Shell.maker , Inc., ia shown waitin1 fW me tides ju.at northerly of Newport B11 Bridi• •crewmen ct.n JDOTe it out to sea for· an ustinmeDt u San Nicolu laLtnd. 85 --mil~ off Point Mugu in the Pacific MiJSile range. Ward to Head fr,·ine Terraee Sbellmaker is drcdgmg a har bor at ihe ishnd !or use as a ll.S. Navy missile range under a $133,000 coo tract. The job v. ill take a 14·man crew about one month to fi nish. acrording to Rill Boland, Shell· maker president. Thie' es Get llarhour Haul • Route Hit Bv Schools t;dward F'. Ward Jr. "'as No Host cs~. Deri<fes \Jrc·h;1111callv m i n de d 1111"ves Sunday unbolted ac· '''"11r11>.~ \·alued at more than &\ 111() I r o m construction 1 Np11pmrnt a t Huntin~fln 11.H hol, r The Board of Education of elected president of the Jr. HB Co · 1 the Newport Beach Elemen· vine Terrace Homeowners'• tlllCl ta.ry School D i& t r ic t ii Association f'riday n1gbt at a ' .t I • on record against a proposed I meeting in the ~ e w P 0 r 1 \n Jf•J•.ll .;:1 • Coast f'ree way alt~rnat.e . n111 1 . c·1, •.•• 1.1. l:l\1·.:1.;a1in~ offic:Ns -aid Which "'Ould cut off the Har· Beach Council Chamber< " "i ' r ·• ' I .. ·l•l·r 1 11.ct ,:1·1 s and o t H .. bor \'iew Elementary School t The orgamzation. "" h 1 t h 011' I lostc• '' \ ,. 111 11 ·'1 1•1p111•:11 1·•11. apparently un- frorn the Corona dcl Mar ~presents 350 home<>"ner'. tmrt11n Rl',i 11 '' 1 '\., 1 ·' 1 • ti .. ::l·d rr .. rn hea\ y e a r t h· community. also chose John Sumnrr 3~ ed du"n b~ t' • t '· ' .... r • .! m11\ 11.: 1113( t11ncry <it the lnn· The board last week en· vice pre&ldent; Joelle Harrod. on 11,,. J I\ , . t 1 1 \ • · 1 :< t • • •ill' arc• or thr I' 1•· dorscd a resolution support· I .. . . turni , i. r" I 'I 11,, 'I .. .i ti\ h11t-roddcr~ to mo<.11-ing a roule north of the Har· secreta.r) · 11 a~ r) Baker. • ·r • , ,1·, bor \'1ew Hills subdiV\slon. It 1 treasurer. and ~orman Brni;. I'luti\..r·1t ·• I th" '· ·' • also criticized a route adja-1 James McKenzie and Wen· ln 111.; 01w 111n. ·,111111 t •. l.1tr oent to FUth Av~e. .. \dell M. J ones. due.et.em ~ h •cllltr'sW°CML!\-Ht\•: .1n · T \\ 0 \cc~ecl Al the same t l me. the large. Jones is ret!rin!? pre«\. t1-M>liut1n:: urd.'lJ',, board ~aid it opposed adop. dent <;rorcr· L;1·,<n 1 ~171 ll.i' ()f \B T lu•fl t1on of any freeway local.ion \ , . ~ 11 . , t.hrou0 h dC\'elo-d •>0rt1on~ of I) rr ..... nc. untirii;:t ' f., ·'' l, ., ,., ,. \.-If •tut' '''" p!!rl Bea<'h r..:ewport Beach and or ro~ta ( I 11·;.r1''C'Otln..! tie 111 .. ·1 I •• 0 Q Ull( ,· .l I 1· · • • r .111 Fr1<!;1' <ir rested a Mesa " ' !\.S~~ llt l'"' 1 ·, • • ' • " ·' l ""rn<in for unau· II <'ailed for the .late to ""ult! 1'1 • • • • • 11 · , J t11Jdrni: r1f ~lasswar(' locate the lr£>c•\\ay through Hea ppoinl111cnl a:z1nh •01 •·• ·· ·t t: ... r • "" ,usp1c1on of Pf'tlY unde\'eloped arPas. ''where-therdvri t.• f ... t ' • •:. ·• .. , ··~ ,, \1,,.r·I.. )< C<ina t\. t\E•r pn!-siblc · A resolullon recommending run countu tn thP • • ~,.1 , '"!11, \\" llalb<.1a The position taken h~ the the reappointment of Clinton l'lunl..ett r:ia·nta • , " • .: 1.i .iml \J;or1h n Lou1'e 1:chool board "a~ the first Flynn or Huntington Beach to asrn u' h ·" '' ,. '"I'·. • 1•, .J~·! \! ~ o·r 111 ,,. ~11 · Magnolia takrn b' an\ i;d1ool bo<ird in another term on the Heg1onal I><' 'l"'ri'"I' : ti 1 • r • • "" 1 · "'., :'II· • .., the llarhor · >\rea re(!arding Watrr Pollu!.Jon Con t rol "ho "err 1· ·ori-'• t • •1:• , \\aHP ~fr'~tan1gal the l'ontroH·r•ial frt-e\\a~· lo· Wlard. Santa Ana H11er Basin nr~' fr 1.rr1 • • .•. • • l h• ''" rnr •·ouple load- C'at111n hai. lwen a1h1pted b.' tht· llunl-would l1t · • •' • "" , •• d hur •!ref! coditaJ\ rn~l·in Beach C1tv Counl·1l Lar,en h.,.. ... .. • :. 1t11 r1 ,u ,,£ thr1r Tllf· rr,ulut1un "iH rc•que~t· en ;::. Pl.I• • I ,1' t I, _ 11"\I 1•1•,j t11 )l!'r· 1 t lh• "I''" n;: •1' •,\lacto'J rd ll\ tlw < 1rani:r t"11Jnl v \\a-home~ of 111 ., tcr Dl•l'"H"l knnc arh ,., ',,,,,, f IH I f .... "'I "''°'h\"l~lU0 \Feto in HB Jl untml!tnn Beach planning comm1c.soncr~ baH' vetoed a p r n p o s e d 60-un1t eon dominrnm developmt>nt on 3 8 acrr' of land on Beach Boule\ ard nr>rth ol Slater Avenue. Cflmm1ssioncrs claimed that plans for the development m· d1catcd substandard streets. Joti: and yards I The commission ad\ ised representatives for the prop.' ertv O\\ner. Mrs. Olive Rice, thiit •·to<> much development ' was hemg attempted for the parcel" Building pl<Jn~ called for 15 four-unit buildings designed : lo r.ell for ahout $45.000 each. I Fire Chief Delbert (Dud l JhJaRms said that the narrow atre<'t~ included in the plans I would not allow adequate ac- cess for his trucks. I I Check The _Want_ ~~s! _ , I ' SAFEST PLACE UNDER THE SUN You don 't h11v~ tn ht! II r•nlptln rl1p1•• I '"I,, ' ,1 11· rl· 1"1•11 1 •.• ,, .• th .. '"!~ aur< wav to """P lur1h rMl1f11 ,,,,. 111<+11.11°• • I"'"',.• ·"'" :oil "rl• 11( 1111flf1r· • • tanl family IV'/lt.''11. A~k u• 11'7oul n ,,,11 d~ti" 1l 1 ... It •• I• If•' 11i,,11 >••11 ll1111k Mnet BIUet Is Proud of Our PACIFIC REGIONAL ''CHECKER OF THE YEAR" MIS. BONNIE HAYNES of the Maricet IQllct't at 16"'5 W. Holt Ave., Pomona, has iMen chosen "Checker of the Year" for Cali- fornia and the Pacific Region by the SYper Moricet Institute. As one of ten finalists selected from thouJanda of entrants from all the United States tind Canada, she will compete for the Inter- national title in May in Chicago. Congratulations, lonniel TREESWEET UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE $ 00 46-0t. CANS JACK AND THE'lfANSTA!K CREAM STYLE GOLDEN cog~ &Fo~)OO ' CU TRITE SANDWICH BAGS l(ITCHEl'J CHARM PACKAGE OF 7 5 Waxed Paper JOO n IWU CONTAINS NO LACQUER, REGULA It OR FIRM WILSON PLASTIC HAIR ROLLER BOX ICE Al F-OR HAIR ROLLER S, CllPS, SOB PINS. TISSUES, HANKIES, GENERA L CAT CHAll ASSORTED COLORS. SIZE 10 1;, "x5 ·~r . REG. 9 8c EACH 79' 5 -OZ . I EXTRA LARGE! TU&I CREST REG 6 9 c 49' TOOTHPASTE LADIES' NYLONS SEAM LESS MESH . BEIGE, TAU PE OR CINNAMON SIZE<i 8 'Ii TO 11 WHITE 69' SAG BURGUHbY. ROS[ SAUfUIHf OR CHABLIS PILLSBURY FLOUR PRICE INCLUDES 6c OFF LABEL M.J.B. Coffee 1 1 8 C~N SI 17 MI B 5-LS BAG Instant Coffee 1( I)/ s109 JAR ,AarlC Graham Crackers 1 ll ,ACKAr.£ ,ROGRmo Tomato Pa~!~, 3 , .. 29c Vanilla Extract 1·01 IOnt E 1CHlf.t* AdotT«> FOOD COLOR KIT 'OU• eomes tN KIT SIMPLE SIMON FRUIT PIES YOU lt 29' C~E , EACH " l PPt r 8UlfR£RPY Cl<fRR\' 80YSEN8[RRY Pl.ACM DOLE JUICES PllEAPPLE-GR.APEFRUIT, PINEAPPLE-ORANGE OR PINEAPPLE s 6_0 z. $100 YOUR CHOICE CA NS NALLEY '$ FRADELIS ASSORTED !~!o~ERS fACH39c ASK FOR FREE TICKETS (Good for 35c toward Admi•sion Prict of S 1.50 plus lox) to AMERICA 'S SECOND ANNUAL teen-age fair PICKW ICK RECREATION CENTER, BURBA NK APRIL 5 -1 ~. 1963 TOPS IN QUAL INf 1 UNI1"ED STATES NAT'IONAL BANK 196 E. 17th St. e 342 l Newport 8 1vd. · PAUL MASSON FINE s 49 l .DIMMER WINES '"'" 1 , Low Prices pJus Blue Ch:p Stam;>s! l LOW IN Pal\;I _..__ .. ~ ......... •.·.'·'·' . ,, .. , . ·.-. '. -. ~ " l " ' . . ' . . . , ... , '. . "· .. ' . ,. -.. . , . . ~ ... • • , • t • • •• .-. ' ··~ - t --.- . I .. i PRICES EFFEC TIVE THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUND~Y MARCH 28, 29, 30, 31 . , • Honey r'.~ 99c --vi I ft! .t.,AR 1,p I'll R Dog F~,~~ 7 "" 4 9c f11P ~ 11111 ~ lll' v I IJhr:H , .• fJ rttA~OI" Tamales .,,,~~ 2Sc f;J RH/11101" Chili Con Carne Ripe Olives 4'.111 rA~ 10( Add Sof,.\ To x To To11obl• lte'"'· ··'" 33c rn. SMOKED FROZEN DESSERT FUNFAIR - IMITATION ICE CREAM '/, GALLON CTN c SNIDER 'S CHILI PEPPER CATSUP 1_. CZ BOTTLF S c FOR FRYING, BAKIN(; CRISCO ~IG INCLUDFS 5r OH l ABFl J I B (AN / HUNT'S YELLOW CLI NG SLICED OR HALVES 29-0Z . Stock Up . and Save! IN HEAVY SY RUP CAN S LAURA SCUDDE? ) IPRl(E INCLU DES 4c OFF LASH~ J PE ANUT BUTTER l~~Rz . 39c J11R A Vl llO ,/ · • PRICE INCLUDES 10-: OFF LAB EL Pl,'-1 Baked ·Beans ''·"~ 29c BINS _c __ Rl.M 5.s .oz. {GIANT) o"c .A GE Pllt(,f 111e:1 uor' · n, on 1 ~Pr• ':. 21c Brown Bread 111 I I (/,(1"'1 Saff lower Liquid Ivory _, "-, 53c 1111 10(11 ~1A I H •rt.r Margarine .. 35c Royal Wooly~,, '·~· 59c &!famnawmmw FRESH LONC, G ~E E N AS PA RAGUS FRESH SOLID TOM ATOES . ' ~~· , IONG GREEl'J CUCUMBERS .. f R(SH CRISP ROMAINE LETTUCE U.S.D.A. GR ADE A FRESH FRYINCi HICKENS · c u T u f? I r AN RE AD y I LB . 33c LB. U.S.D A GRA D! D (I 1o:cE BEEF -ANY THI CKNESS c u 2LIS 19' 2 ro. lCJ< 2 f~19( WHOLE c c ROU D STEAK LB c LB. SHANK PORTION (as cut) FARMER JOHN CENTER CUT FARMER JOHN SMOKED HAM WHOLE SMOKED ~t~~~s ,g39c ~~~s L8 47c SliCHEDEO BACON :Kl~ 97' !Iii 49' r• I FARMER JOHN SKINLESS PORK LINK SAUSAGE 4 8-0Z 89' PACKAGES COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH 2975 H•rbor Blvd. et l•ktr 3100 B•lbo• Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH SANT·A ANA 7H1 Eding., ISm•lft.,) nHr Hwy. l t 1311 S. 8rl1tol ~t Wun,.,. ,. USDA ,:-,...omrr r~·· RU MP ~/\·~: 69< ROAST ~ ----SIRLO IN TI P or CUB!=' 'fOI ~ 98 ·• CH~~· ( STEAKS l~ I~• 1.li :i I I ... Franks r ArlA'£R , •• ~ Live r Sausa ge ,! 39c cur ANO PA('.l\AG[O --w Ql((l i:v, ,~1 r Gelatin Salads . ' 'N. .---LENTEN SUGGESTIONS --~ ~~1.!.E SEA BASS FILLETS 7 c 1 DOVER SOLE FILLETS · : : ~ .. : ' '!. '• .. . FISH I d Ol PKG BREADED STICKS 59c SHRI MP ;,~' 59c ,_M()MTEREY Jack Cheese " 'S9c low Prices rw~ Blue Ch ip Stamps , • SOB'S Bl Ut CHH Sf 1000 ISi.AND GARLIC & Oil. TOMA TO & SPICE MJO SOUR CREAM P.rn.~sings l s 1 oo • n; F t t If - :t· ... . . .... -. ) Wl'YE GOT WINNER $20.00 Winner $5.00 WINNER · ADYllTISID PRICES . IF-JECTIY! 7 FULL DAYS A WEEK, MARCH 28 THRU APRIL ~ 175 EAST 17TH ST. MAYFAIR'S ILUf RlllON PAULINE MUSING 630 TUSTIN AVE: MIWPORT IEACH $10.00 WINNER MAS. ROBERT LA TSCHA 19401 New Henn l•ne Huntingten 8Hch MAYFAIR'S ILUI RlllON ( \ .. T. ~, Vll'tGINIA IORNNDA 183 C1plt1I Cot.ta MtH $5.00 WINNER MR~ 11\Nf Cl\~O 307 Edgewat11 r Balboa, Calif. MAYFAIR'S 9'.Uf lllON LEAN MEATY GOUR-MEY 9UALITY STEER BEEF GOUR-MEY 9UAUTY STIER BEEF .. , MAYFAIR'S ILUE RlllON M 'JR-MEY 9UALITY STEER ll!F T-BONE or PORTERHOUSE STEAKS RIB STEAKS ROUND STEAKS CHUCK ROAST TO• ROUND STtAKS --- 10 .. H tU ROUND STUKS --........ -au.. ... , .... ,., _ , .... ST ANDING Rll TOP SIRLOIN ROAST STEAKS ~ILOIM 9 S1 29 nr STIAKS 7 c CLUI STEAKS .__ ____ lb_. __ '-___ ro_. ___ sH"oitn11s LUM CUIE STtAKS MAXWELL HOUU 11>-01 J•• $189 MAYFRESH INST ANT COFFEE Coffee Ma kt• CATSUP A"OEN'I WHIPPED 6 "•G· s100 MARGARINE Pk gt. VETI 12 Tall s100 DOG FOOD 12-oz. c c ~~• Btl. W ll SON."-1•J·OZ. C.•111 3 . s1 oo CHILI CON CARNE W ISHe ON! "UlllAN l ·OL 35c SALAD DRESSING PRODUCE 79~ """' a SWISS STIAKS ---ee. ...... 071' 7-IONE ROAST -·-- WUf\' 0 -IONI ROAST ---·-··-. tollfllU tMM\MI CLOD ROAST _ ..... U&ll WfAfY IUMr ROAST to111uu STEWING UIF _ ARDIH'S Pl.AYOI NISH ICE CREAM Hoff cw. SOUTH AMERICAN GOLDEN RIPE LBS. 3 c :. • ·~ MAYFAIR'S ILUE RlllON ltl\M l UOI GROUND CHUCK ~ FRESH FRYING CHICKEN ,ARTS Sff. ~LEGS and THIGHS ~ 491cb 79~ . llllUM l rl9& t U.11 GROUND lOIJID HUH llll U O• OCEAN PERCH 69~ MEATY BREASTS 59fb. ""H 11u n 01 WHITE FISH """ fllll• 1)1 DOVER SOLE 4,c I~. 79~ UNCASTIR FUMS IOASTIHc; CHICKENS COllNflf '"l ' rORK SPARElllS ·" HUGGINS YOUNG COFFEE 1-lb. c .. MAYFRESH TOMATO SOUP 101 'i -oa. c Can Aa AdVertlMd on Par-sntt Magulnt EVAPORATID PET MILK 7 r.11 sl Cen~ MA) CHl1 TU I ----· lot Advt r11ted In I CHU f TOILET TISSUE 2 ROLL rACH ...---------------------...._. As AdvertiHd in P1renh M1g11int HERB OX BOUILLON ··· S-Ct. 1 o~ Plcg. B;e;kf ~st Cereal 31 ¢ CRISr AIR MclNTOSH 5 LBS. $100 RED LEAF OR BOSTON GARDEN APPLES 37¢ BOSC0-12-01. FRESH LETTUCE FARM FRESH TENDER 10~. CARROTS 2l-Ll·15< Broccoli PKGS. Winter Nellis Sweet 2 LBS. 25< VITA PAK FRESH 19c~.,h PEARS ORANGE JUICE iiti. PEPPERs 19.'. ..... 79 oz. Milk Amplifier ..._ _____________________ _ ,-----------------------· As Advertised in P1rents M1g11int NEW LIQUID PINK LOTION DETERGENT 39c Giant Size I I • • "' ' • ..... ,I ,.. ~ I *'-I t I f I • • t , • t f . . •1 '"· ~ • 1 " .. --;. .... - -•• • •• .1 ......• : • . . , . . . . ,. . <# • • .. .. .. • ' tF j ~ ~ !-} ~ d j ti -~ . "-'-~ ~ c ~ . ' I. ,. . ~K ~D H :-..... 11111111111111m1111~1111111m11111m~1 .. M • YFAIR'S ILUE RlllON GOUR-MEY 9UALITY STEER BEEF CHUCK STEAKS MAYFAIR'S BLUE RIBBON FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF . GROUND FRESH HOURLY ~ 6 ?t TOILET TISSUE ~ i SCO T ~ !TISSUE c . \ c LARGE GRADE AA -MAYFRESH - 3,t •• Mayfair's l lue Rlbbo1t USDA GRADED "A" 89~ CENTER CUT YOUNG TOM 59f PIClllO " BEEF TONGUE 691,. P011RKCLOIN CHOPS EGGS 59f 0\C.t.t W.t.Tfl n. rORK LINK SAUSAGE . _ GERBER'S STRAINED 50• Cf!JA • .... "' M• TMIC,9 698~ Pork Chops TURKEYS 79·!h !~1,;~~,!ACON l ·lb. 65c.. 79 35c BABY ~ SLICED BACON Pltg. c 49;., tun mo em ., •r•l 11-0r . SSC lb. lb. -~BS_ .. ----S-Kl .. P'PER STEAKS At Advt:,~:~d '" Pmni...11 -M.-Q~-,,n-• -------' ""'--------' Ill H I ii N I( At Advertleed I" Ptrtnta Mag n lnt CHUNK .. PLAIN OR IOOIZlO 2 25c I U N A MORT?.~:~tl~d~~!ente M agul~6:::: ' U N A ...._.an $250 WINNU MU I. WalGHT ,ACIFIC ,ALISADO Reg . Roll Dozen . In Ctn. Reg.· Size s MA,(FAIR i<NoriitRsouPs 3 ~~:~ s1oo LUCKY STRIKE FOODS • ' FA8AIC SOFTENER 79c ---------------------------· DOWNY 0~~;; $ "' Adv.,tltfd '" Pt rsnte MA!J•trlne · N3 . t;1 t ~ ::: IVORY.~~-~!," Pm••• •• , .. "' 79c Con• PROCTOR & GA MBL SPECIALS IU.ADS ·o 89 OIAPt.R 33c BLEACH 2 :~,0~ c SWEET 2:;~:· dYtrtlsed '" P.arsnte M.agu•n• A UNT J[MIM IMA--1 L I . PKG. CHll FFON LET 23C PANCAKE MIX 5UE U PAC~ ( • • ION IT c IANQUET FROZEN MEAT PIES Cfllch1t, Tltrhy or lfff DD. MONTI CUT lOJ GREEN BEANS Dn MONTI lOJ SLICED PEARS Mix or Match • Your Choice At Advertl1td In Parent• Maguln• 8-ot Pk gs. 1• Ol 65c Bullcrtd OIL MONTI Zf-n. Drink PINEAPPLE· GRAPE FR 1-'IT MA YFRISH 301 CAN FRUIT COCKTAIL $ for· T1 Jr. Large Size . . . 3:~c Irnr~· Soap, Med ium Sile . . toe h ory Soap, Personal S11e 4 for '.!i c Ivory Soap, Large Su:e .. 2 for :lie Zest Soap, Bath Size .... 2 fnr 3fJc Lc1\a... '.lr·I ..... _: _ <• La ~l' ;'),te ........ 37l f\ nr\' I nkM LI ·' ' .,, :ni-rn.-. r, (Jtant Size .......... 79c lvl')n vM1, 1 •• "'-• ;'l ... Sah1J,G1ant Sue ............ 79c Drr!'. l :i.:-:,.. ~i r '.l • n a,n, ~ .h ........... 12 29 L.111 1 ! .fri 12 ,. ' -Ca5o:iE· 20 ,,, . . . . . . . . 4.11· Zr•t Soap. Reg. Si1e ... 2 for 21 • Thrill L.q 1, t. 2_ LIQUORS l<'eNfuSc·1rv R80°uRsoN s3~! ifE.N1TUCK0v'i 'ouRBON $3~! Roy.ii Ori .1.,nn C1n~c1t.1n s4990t WHISKY ~oof '3.99 5th VQDKA1 s:lronf s2.98 ~In $36! Old Ch~rt er Str~l ght $1 095 BOURBON Ons~;~,~~lon Roy.al Occn lon $) 98 CHAMPAGNE Demi l eo, Pl11k I p. l urgund)' ~tll lltoy•I Occa~lon s36t CHAMPAGNE 0,;:;111ue:· :,':." CREAMY MONTEREY JACK CHEESE BY THE PIECE MA YFRESH SALADS 1 S·OZ. C UPS POTATO SALAD 2 9 MACARONI SALAD Your C HEALTH SALAD Choic• COLE SLAW BUDDIGS CHIPPED IHF 3 3,,1 ot. s1 CORNED IEEF SMOKED HAM Pkqs. MAMA DELLA SALAD DRESSINGS ILUI CHHSE CWAUIC OIL SOUR CHAM 1000 ISLAND I 12.oz. 35c JAR I ,, • .1.. ..... --............... -. .... . CERTIF RESH FROZEN FISH TROUT FILLETS -·-.... -l·oz. 39c SOlE FILLETS 1-lb. 59c pcttcH Fll..'.ETS 1-lb. 49c FISr-t STIC KS 8-01. lSc ~~ e SIAAUll 11 .... 'kt. Mf~ . .,~ • swnu1 49c FROZE N • no -- D I N N E R s • WTMSl Xl NT BEEF TACOS 0" ENCHILADA DINNER XL"'T C ~EES E OR BEEF ENCHILADA X l,.,, r TACO-ETTES Reg. 3fte Pkg. 7- 3 10-or. $ 1 00 Pkg1. 3 •·or. s100 PkQ•· PICTSWEET ASSTD. Ltrge 39 VEGETABLES . __ Pol~•::'Y.~•-C WHITE: OR WHEAT-1·L8 l.OAI' SHEE?HER~ER'S BREAD .. \ .. I - -- Ul\Y l'~OT/tteWt.l'lltl • ..._,Marett U, tMS ••• I ltolOIU 111"1 1.-.w•·-"' WMIUYllllK .. lllWI MOUa. W.r~. •-••· M•ICMN • MOier, -1¥ '..._ ........ . '-(("~' on TV .. ,,,..,.., t at to M Y• •""t f'•<.Clfh'K t I I Y T Ml llUMll IS J .O l•r-rv. r-cnt 1 WAOON TIAI" JON\ M(lftOrt 1'• ' I 1 Ml(.l\ieitt MM'• eve,,._ tt •• • P'f''l'f"f'tfN tw _.......,.,,. .. ,,,._ • ~ "••~ 11 MICICSY- 11 AllW IOTWAlll .... I t ,7.;~:~w;c:Ll:·M OOt' • fCOUMtl MWI ,_.....,_ .... ..... ~. "'*"· .,...... ..,.,._ IC-. .... .., _..,...,.la1 I MAT nt9 CIOOS DeMll J-_, • 01Ht MIU aaoocs Siers I .,. A-11 (COUMltl UJtTOONI •• I ICAM.Oll I WIWI J d Lo.- ' "'""' c..w-'' lll'wt. ...... ,...... ,,. I DllA'11 YALUT M YI ...... __......,_ ..... , ........... ·~A.II ~llWY M~ " ..ari..L HCIU.8 ........ .... ~~ .... ----,.141,..,, " ...... ...._" ...... ,,u ........... ~ ,,. . _, .. " w-l.ecMffll« .......... ~ •• .... • C~)Vllellll&• IM J c.--11 ..... t. 0-.. ~ *SURF* 121 5th St. LE fl.9396 Huntington leKh * TONITI AT I .• l*L Y * '"'""" ... , ..... _ -......... . ..,... .. -.Lto ··" 0-• -.... _ .. , .. _... -"·"' ... ...... v ... .., • .... .. tri °""' -· ( ,Jru t'ord Shlrlr~ Jontt. "THE COURTSHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER" ---------- •Ori• WM ·~·-·'-· ,, __ ,.-.•I I.II°"'' ~i.•-•••uo,.,. I •'Ttw l~t $~#"" 51 "• ~ 11 ""'L ilLVll' • • •~h'''' o• ~o·~\I""• ~ •I ••''°"' .,. >-or r : I WlllTLlllG II W4WTID ~ •• ,, i•h• Al 0-..t-t U ,.l YING OOCTOI ,,.,. ·~,.., ~f'\!l'lt . ,. J 00111 GILLll 0-••fW H<11m•f\ 8N' Of •f , . ...,_ '••Wf'I (Ll\ttt~ •• ,,,,,... .. f'lo,' !'If ..... o~ ""nsO"I '" ,. ' •U f'1'1• c tNH...wi1r• '"°'~' , ~ .... MY .. ,.., I c;.... ICl0y I\ ti# ll1Y W•tt"I~ 9'#1'\ ., ••• • ._ ..,,.,,.._ (11 ..... ,, .. t MOVll Tfte • .._ ,,.... '"i: Oo..e tt II DIV04KI COU•T U TMI STOIY O• A CO&t M JrM k,.,.""'°' <.N<"-of L .. •• • t '. 1 ••vial. y MILLllLLIU 8\#ddy l.CllMI' .,..,... .,.~ ""' .... ~ ...... ,,,, ......... , .. ,. ,, .. ,. UftOt-'eol'\ • '·~' ••• _.. """"'' '""' tr1• '• ··~ '""' •-r> ,.,, •Of' tht , l\f'• , ••• t ... ~· tot .. ,. ' Ct OlOl l •l•1tY (0,.0 U CCOl.O•I •&H ,.O•T TO Tt•otl l ..... , w ... r ~ ... J __ ... Jad.Jr Glrin11n GI~ nl1 John• "PAPPA'S DELICATE CONDITION · anli • I : ..: .,.--. ._. --... ~ ( • .,. ........ .. ,. .... ~{#JC. ..,.,., i:-J '•E:O 10 \Aliiiilil~ llo!l• , ... ( r 1v• •qLf;: Tt: I# O·· ( _., T .. f Jt.i ,,.,. P•fl' f ,... .. , ••••••••• The FIREHOUSE ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING NIGHTL V ·1 t10r~tlll' Thru ~alurd"' "Tm: s·1 \RLIH:K~ .. 177 E. 17TH ST. Co1t1 Mea.t S'8·9038 111 Moin St., Balboa Reil CANTONESE FOOD Fint Food To Tak• Hom• CHINESE CASINO ORiole 3-9560 Open 01ily Unttl 3 A.M 1, -~--~---- .. PEANUTS DR. KllDARE GORDO ABBIE AND SLATS DAVY JONES HERMAN MUTT AND JEFF MISS PEACH POGO " .. I ''tE uor '° 8f IN I~ "" SEVEH HOU1'5-tr1S VITAL. ~~t< 10 ME OH THE WAY TO lliE AIRPOftf> f'lfASE. VITAL 'r . . By Charle' M. Schulz __ ................... -'* ___ _ By Ken Bold WHAT !) A80Ur TO HAM"f N !() l>C" ff'. :.ON I~ PRI 1 Tt VllAl l'l?O, • .1~ IN rHE Rf Al MtA"llNC1 CA-IHf WORD. By Gus Arriola -·! $.\:f:•'I CC -·F P.\SSi;;....:.:;i:l{S 15 -... i: Piii? \.A!' ~O'-:'.E "l.'- By Roeburn Van Buren WJ~f O' r,,r r { "·'' r:-r r ,,,- "' '"•~. r I "''"'r r';. uJ1.1r i\1 A• '°• ' Ff'r \'I TYi ' I • -=-- _., ~(',I' <~ By Leff and McW1ll1om~ M0800'1 S MERE' ' ' ';;( ,..,&< p .. _ • --t. • ,;. By Cl yde Lomb Created by Bud f 1\hcr -.t.J. f ••• \...__ By Mell By Walt Kelly ·. I ) ~· ,. -·I\ •I ... • c I t "' -<'I~ ) ev ~ ~_.. , 'I ... , "We had 1 lot oi lwtM M.ckint your returnl" Tonight • • Ill(~ "'" ri 0 ' Y1 t: T, • •, 0 l .. • ' ' ... ' •• ..., • .. \ t.A I,. \ MU,,.IUl l (l 9f \f nt ('.POUlHn N /ff rA\•,&C,f I• .,,.11 10 '"" I flltfl l TMl Af[Q I• . .. •• ..,. "1 ~. p •• , Ft.f vE..,, ...... ou• ' I ,.., ,.,. ""' ' t• I I " t.l [W~ C.•orot P"'tn,un J N(W', W(AfHt • ,, . t .,_t ,,.\ ·, Jn"'~ Wtll" ,, ti , f'llf 4C-._.t f Juii. 'NIH t T QA1t.) 111r \ r I "AUi f OA rt\ 1) COUlrrflP 'f" f\AU\tt ) Ml W\ ' ' ,. e I( t)l.00 • • .; \ ' ._., '' ' NI ,_., t.•1•' , • Nt f ' ti '' ' Jn 11tf ,.A I Ii I !)\II ' ..... , on TV 'I' 1111 (' I 11 attJ>' <_,.,'I"• I t.NeC-<h•"u1 • ait ll..A (ft•""' ' 9',E fY fl·•"""' • ttAO(-CPI•""''' ' " .. M. ("•""'' j "UJ IV '"''"'"'t1 1 "ovn 1v -<"'•"""'' at t TV ("•\'\"''' ,, "'' -<• •""" ... c OP_,,..""·' I , M l 4( fV ( h•fll • lll OH U "Al.U M 1 ll(fPIC-tt I «U\t-" I KJ At -fl • er..HA-U I -.POL f i •Ge;,• u ,.,,h • ._. u r .. 1oat t i I •\.Al \ t .. ·-·. aTRA ..... a MPt I•• ~a1G HI , .. , '• M i.Y I ll "HJ -1 ol ll, ..... , .. • ~ ••tHO -. ... o-.. J ..•. , .. , l(J:MU '1 • • ou<>-tt 1 f(OIOlt tit k ( I•• ti I .. .. o~-.. ' ~Al \.• 1M I a:HJ lt t ' ,_V I l t tl t "'o"' u lt;l A\ '1; ..... "' KGlA Ill 't 1(110 t&f ~It( A ,., I "l '-f. It) 11.IM, l t\I 111tif IL lh , ... "' \ 4 M &A.010 ,~.,,,-1•a •""" ....... ~_,,,. .._. ... , t • adtl.A -1111 111t;.,o&A-llf' 11\l•0-'1,.. a.ALI U )li .... l lV 11M M.W ll 1oe """'' l)lf "'tl.A ltH , ~•l. .,... •rOl ')•' • ,_o..c .. uM •O•t St" II,. , _,..v ... ,. .... ,vi.."' I • r-(" D f 8"•' d1• ~~~~ ---~- \ r 1•1:11111" '\11• I ' •'pl \I ,, ' . NOW THRU TUE SDAY -FOR ADULTS I 'MlllJlll.l l "~U W4MUl4 14AJlYf.Y· NllYJ:H · JfYf.ll MARIO ESCUDERO '-'·"' ~~, ti• I I I 1111 • f, f I 1.111° "" I ·•II"' Ph. CU. 3.2967 ll.t l·I3:! m 233 W. MISSION DR. ·HAI • W!lllli SA N GABR IEL ~1 I •1r11I 1'1•.!1111 r II• llW>• a • "\O •' Cljl!'ll '11~hlh " , ,_ I• 111 ::ltt 111111 111111 "I." II '' Il l '11111 ' ' .. !I 11 .. " ' ' ii I ' I '" " '11111· RULES OF THE C.AM E I '""' '"'"" 'AGE OF INFIDELITY " HISS THE VILLA IN ------ FRI. & SAT THE 8·30 P.M. ''DRUNKARD'' • • fol •r•r r ••r+r •, AND OLIO wr \.(,,'"' l .1hl1' \\llh II.tr '-11\l!r '1111. C, \:-, 1.ITI'. Tii i. \ 11:1 , .. , .'"''"'''"" '•'' 9f' _,,,.,, , ....... 1712 PLACENTIA AVE., COSTA MESA ·------·n•ot• HOW ~o• a1nr• HAf\ ------J MPPIXl S7EA~ #lfF.5' 6 P.M.1611 P.M. 100 ., MAIN ~Tl<f .t,f ,...-----GARDEN---- 1fl• r ''"' , ,...,.f'I, ,,,, ,. ' .., , ., .. WAR NI NG ! THE MANAGEMENT Will NOT REFUND ADMISSIONS ~OR 'TAKE MEDICAL RESPONSIB ILITY FOR THOSE WHO C/\NNOT ST ANO THE INT ENSE EXCI TEMENT 11 OF "PEEPING TOM." .. . .. ' I l r-- J l r-. J OAILT l'llOT/NIW\·l'ltl\l 39 YJ-4., Merah 37, 19'l . BARGAiN VALUfS ON THE VCRYllESTllEtF Ground BEEF c [11111~ lb. CAL t AM~ FROll N ORANG JUICE ~ r 1r fl •••I P• 1, (I' d ·~". Jfi' '""' 1 ·'' IM •11 "' ~ 10 FACIAL TISSUE 2 ·· • 25 c fr•"• PJt A de1·;~n.11 ..., a eao • H~I' ~· "''•r "· '" ""i' GOLDEN CREME ICE CREAM 49r, ARDEN CHEESE FOOD 69~ /..' OP' D HEINZ KETCHUP ~ tRN r '.' ~ CHB PRC SERVES FRUIT NECTARS ,1 r • •. ·' r ... , ' ~ LONG GRAIN WHITl RIC( 10 !?01 s1 ,. h. 53c ra" ""' FANCY WASHINGTON WINE SAP APPLES t; f<111 ht}l llPY ~UI kf• AVOCADOS C.:sta Mesa 2303 H" iJ Blvd. In Harbor Shopping Ccnltr ' , Lfil~P. 11 NIH r CELERY ,~, .. 10~. la'· ' •' Westminster 6831 w,. . . """"· Al Golden Wut , lb. lb. MADE tJll H WHOLE EGri~ I 4~ • 1' IT\t'' 1 1111( ·, ~fl) : lb o•' NUCOA MARGARINE 23c • •• -· • • • ~ .r J' P•r'' 1 ·or toOd ~•ts ID r:o"11! MA PERKINS TOMATOES 8 ;: s1 • • , , .. ,_ -· 'r ' ., ""' , p•11011 !•¥, ~ b~~ ~i~t!: VET'S DOC FOOD 3 ~! 25' ••~· r •.o>, ,. ... t • ~. ~ftf( &'' • ti(, MATZOS 5 P~f. $)91 1J 1 t '[If 4,. t c" GEFIL TE FISH 89• ll • " t. ~ ,. '·'· ).,;· 1 BEET BORSCHT Majestic Luncheon Meat 39' .. . • .,., ..,, ". 01f4' t1. f New Pink Trend Detergent 39' f. r•• I , '' ~ I ,,, '.M&n ~H<.oll 1' Of. oas Kraft Deluxe Dinners 39' ' •<' ~' ' IJ • ~' 'p• "In gOOd Pt11l0 recil)tS! I Of ,.,. Flav R Pac Instant Potatoes lt · • . , • . ,·11w1ch m,dl' f1nzen 1 I~ ~klRf. Larr y's Poor Boy Sandwich sge • 1 • fl;•·. : 0 t ! ( ,,., Log Cabin Maple Blend Syrup 5gc ~~ ~~~-~ ~~ -~'!·~~ ft1l'dl(1I: ti AM •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~Vl:id'f.' G:trcl:n Grove ~I)( d~cietr. ~~Miu! 1119 U.l O.A. "03··.1·. ~d r; <I"' c~·· , .. D~-'· • Beef Stew Clull Steak lb . lb. ............................................................................. CUBED TOP BONELESS CROSS RIB STEAK SIRLOIN RUMP ROAST ROAST 98~b. s1 ~~ 79:. -79~ . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7-BONE ROAST 45~ fut your budit'" •n :a.·~ ·;,w ~o.· ! ~,. • BEEF SHORT RIBS 29~ PORTER· HOUSE $ 05 lb. 4 Giant Sale Days Thursday-Sunday March 28-March 3 l u !'I k "'Ooict".,... ~-"ii.eou4t ,.....:':"" .. T-BO E STEAK c o ! D l 'T o·~ or Food r. ,. ... ·e.1~= .~ ~--"" SHOULDER CLOD 79~ • 't 'ill• ~ • J ·~ -- PLATE BOILING BEEF 19~ t • • ' ... . '~ ' SEA PAK OYSTERS 59c SEA PAK SCALLOPS 59c 8932 Miller Cornu Lincoln & Miller 2724 North Malri St. Next tq Bullock'• . l - Dear Gloomy Gus ••. The trouble with the Republican Party la th• Democrats who ore in eotttrol of tit• patty. -AJ.K. Bath of Fire • Robert S. McNamara, brilliant 46- yur old Secreta.ry of Defense, is under· JOinl his first great bath of fire In the political arena. :McNamara's intellectual genius put him through the University of Califor- Jrla and Harvatd with honors. Al 30. after World War n service in the Air Force, he landed a junior execuli\'e's job with Ford Motor Co. He cllmbed the lad· der to the presidency of the company in ju.st 14 years. Draftfld into public sen1ce by Pres- ident Kennedy, McNamara accomplished tn abort order what none of bis prede- cessors bad been able to do. He brought to heel under consolidated command the conflicting interests of the several mill· t.ary services. He enjoyed a long honeymoon with Congress. Th.is protected him' from the Yen1eance of chiefs of the iodlvldual military services, whose advice he _had tinored in favor ol the recommendations of the corps of dvillan planntrs he had imported from various so-called t!unk Ud.ories. Employing the successful decision- making procedures be had used at Ford. )lcNamara rode rough shod into control of the naUon&l defense establishment. It ame as a real shock to him the 11rst time he found bis decisions ques- tioned by lawmakers whose knowledge of the fact.a he coruidered infenor to hil own. What aeema to be emerging. now tJut be iJ under attack bv Democrats u 1"ll u Republicans in ·both house5, Sa .that h1I information gathe:LDg in Wuhington bu not bffn as efficient as tt wu in prlvat. industry. Ht ii unquutionably 1en~1tl\ e and in reac:b.ing conclus1on... but be DQr' ~JQQI t1se un come up ritht maweri 1l fact-finding 5ub- ordJnatea are not if vinR him enough 10· formation_ For u&mple: Russ~ didn't know a :'\ike-Zeus antf·rnlssflt mi.uile "won't work" ~o thev 1h:nt ahead and buill one Wh1le -'1c- Nama.ra held up our o"' n '.\'1ke-Zeus program. the Ruuians ha\e advanced thw ov.-n to the potnt "'hr·e the~ ue building ba.ses for them 10 ,~uba Washlllgton repnrters Robert S. Allen and Paul Sco•t reported more than three months ago that the British bn t a supenor &nlHdrlar j amming de· ~1ce_ Their ~~stem 1~ so s:.iperi •r that RAP' bomber cre"A s have ne\ er bec·n al· lowed to turn rm all the1~ equ1p11"ent dunng air exnr13e5 O\ r• Rn· a.n nr 1h.- U.S. Had lhe creM bee a pt:. a..:::t-d :o Posuai-d What's • in do so, the anti-radar signals would have blotted out· all TV, all radio r eception and communications. and the radar used to control civil airliners over a 500-mile square area. Allen-Scott further reported that the moment the British system is 1wtteh· ed on. all military radar screens in the area become a pattern of utter electronic confusion. Its d1Here.nl frequencies can ) neutralize the best Soviet or U.S. anti- aircraft missiles in operation. By using this powerful electronic equipment on their r~conna1ssance planes as well as bombers, the British have been able to continue overflights abo\•e Russia without the loss of a sin- gle plane They ardently deme our Slty· bolt missile 1n the belief il would malte their bombers untouchable. But we have discarded the Skybolt a.s ··too co~llv." And the Ruwans have set out to establish missile a!'ld anti· m1!'s1le m1,..slle bases close to our shore. where radar jamming near our launcb- lng point wiU be less effective. Other examples of the quest.Jons 1n the minds of members of the armed .services committees of both houses of Congress: Russia ha.s developed an opera!Jon· al al.J"·t~ground m1ss1le almost as good as the Sk\•bolt would have been had the President· not canceled the project Why? Russia 1s deploying a new super- toomc bomber at the very llme Pre51dent Kennedy 1s haJting the production of our manned bombers Why' ~lc:'\amara·s reaction to the storm now ragl.llg around !um 1s completely ulog1cal. Instead of mending h1~ n" n v.ays. he 15 trymg to muzzle his cnucs' sourcf's of information One major difterf'nce 1n \lf "\a- mara s Pentagon situation. compared to wn~\ il WU a\ F~rd. " \.nat be u 5UI· rounded by cml 11rvanta. Perhaps -'le· Namara has not yet recogniud that civil sen ants don't usua.llv thin.Jc li lte execu- ttve Their m.un dri~e is to get up an· other grade So they do or say nothing v. h1ch might rock the boat. ~!any suspect that ~tc:'\amara is sw•ouoder1 by a coterie of self-sernng in'11\ldua!s as· v. ell as plain bungler~ T"le time has Mnie for this un'jue~· t1nnablv bnll1ant man to 'ontrol his • -'•11nn( re(()gn.ze the difference he- ,,,_, r.,.n 1n I 1qnal !T'P'horh .rnd the \·astlv •' ·e l "" plPX n '1rin4( P' 111cal arena ar<1 ~o .1!'' r rnrire a n'1 beter 1:iforma· l!QO \\ e dn't aff'>~ I ·n v.a ll for \1ke X ir J~JiO v. 'len the R•i,51ans cau \t\ -nie u~ "1•h their o" n ant1·:msqJe rrm1ie r.ght nt:Jw, or \l'fY soon a N ame? By STAS DEL~PLA.'E J cl.pped 1t out of tht ra· per but mu~t have lost It ADy"ay. 1t "a' a rouple of weeks ago that \11\s An".le But.er -'"nom I a~~,,n­ at.e w ith the Lale La•e Show) -v.as tr}LDg Lo p1Ck a oame for her new child head •in the 1poru 1ecUon . "n;le all about you are los- IJ1'! theirs you are fitted ,,, \Uf\I\ e HATE It • Why did you name me THAT. Daddy•" Blasl It. ch•ld. I had no u y 111 the matttr .. We pre£er lo v;;ut a llPPk and det.ermme our dau.ch- ter'11 personality bt-forl' de- ciding on a nam1 " said lhl' quotP from the ;i:Pn "'.re i;er\·1re :\nv. come< thP dec1<(t)n The rtuld B pr,,mds, 3 ounl e ... "1U he named ~1a~1nel All ow rnl' to 1£'11 )·ou that H ~t>ars fr m no-A , Maginel v.vn t hk• tn .. i I H .\ n 1H f \ 1n at • ~ naming of m\ ..-1 n ofr1,1 • "C -the malP p;.-. r' \ r,,:,. l.'> pe<'Ultar ., 1n1 '" ·1. 1llr« The b11,lr1J?1< al f11n< t11Jn nf the male .ii th.• tin f' 1• "n OJ>fn Par Cjlld 11 clr NI mtnrl If you can kf'l'I' vo11t ~ O \J E OF ~IY b e ' t f.·1Pnd ' are ha\lnj! ch1ldre.1 It •~ a task to name ~m <Jften discussed amonit thn hroddy chicle~ dunni the corkta1I Oo>A "So John wanled to name hrr It <irril't -f II ~ a iz1rl d!IPr h1< aunt ThP o.1e I t•1lc.I \lllJ at>r11,1 \1ho l1\<'~ :n a t;rh1 ,nu~ 1•.arf' 11 '°"'4 Y r,;" '"ht r hJ,bc.nd d1erl s11rt Jl'!I her srads of moo- (\ I hr1uf;h you·d never \..111,'.I 11 from the Chnstmas 1 mil' ~hf> .,ends 1 But I said \r. 'ol <J\ comes the hun· rl lP I r n ·m ht>aven And a mon11 kPr 1~ hung un t h e IWJpJP~\ tykl' In ~111.rt ord,.r, th"Y grr1w 11p named and labclPd fore. ..... \\ h;.IM'Pr It 11', l h e '/ Thomos A Murphrne, Ed1ror W•lter Burrough• r ut.iii <hPr . Ch:u IM 'lf>l• 14 ent1er. Business Mana~rr. :\ l'a11l '\1~••·n h'l'iant Publisher, Thon•••• 1\1·(·\ 11 !':ti, ''' 1111 I >1ri·< tr1r Meml>Pr A\•111.·1trrl 1'11 ' I nil• d l'1M~ Int• rnatmn;il Mt'lll l*'r ,\llfhl 1:11r•··• 01/ I 111 ul;1l1t111~ ftlfomlM'i '.ti !1•111111 \, '' J•"t'' f't1h •'•• 1 \-~111·1C1t1vn Munl ti ;\, 111111,11 ~.tJ1I 11 IJ• \ w• .ii in 'Oh, I JUSl HATE my name' WH.ATE\'ER name 11 rap- J>'d on the chtld it II SOOD hrrJ1Jghl into focus al arhool a~,. I d:\hked my namf an•I trietl to persuade my 1cho0ol- rn'1t "' t•• tal: me 'Bue, a hanr!I<' worn bv a 1Ttt1\ It' CO" b<1V . lnstPad for <,ome ll'Tlf' I was known as ''Shortsit The result of my molhf'r keeping me tn .,hort pant< ~o hum1hat111g at 10 )ear lhat I can scarcelv l).o~r lA> thtnk about It tof'fa \ We had a bov whn tran~­ f..rrel'I into sl·h·r'°I. lie an- nri1mrf''1 that he hac1 cilv.an bPen knn" n ;n · SrllkP " • It only took a rourlc of rla\\ 10 rind out ht> '43~ the ~nn nl I hi' nP\I preac:h,.r Vrrin1 thPn 11n. hf' w a s knn\1n a~ Rf'vnmd .. \\ ,. \lJ\ e htrn his lump' 3F. \\-PlJ ABot·T LIITLE Miss Baxter She •~ to be called Magmel after her great great aunt who is a New York artist 1 J don't find this In my copv of Dictionary of Giv· l'n ~am"~ " I bought this bonk on LI" Lo tolve namlng pr vl•lf'rn• It only ompllcat N! lhPnl I <llltn"tl th1< I ~ 1 naml" thc1t '4 tll t dU~e vex a" •10. • . . . " . . . ~-.... -f, . . - In Washington Time for REA By R.\LPH de TOLU>.\ \"fl Any go,·emmen-h<tlj\ rtn. velops a life of 11 • ov. p II be<'orne~ an nrgan, m "i • h &rO"I JUst like any nl"fr- and helo1 e hlll 1-nr .. , ". something te-mpnrarv l'!F- comes a• permanPnl ,, death anti taxes. In m11nv cases. thl" JOb tt v.u 1>lH.r posed ,,, rtn ~nmes 'l'C- 11nd ary 111 1tlf·pefJ)(>lU· auon \\li \ T rno~IPTS t.he\P remar ·s a aeries 01 i;pee. J 11\ h Da' id L1ht r thal "hit h lw dell\'ered at Pnnceton L niver•1 t) ~Ir L11Jenthal " tonw!rred """ of thl' archittcts ''' the TV.\ He s~r\eti a• Ulr • r-t C'ha1r· md!I nf tri~ .\ton1•" Fn,.rl!y c r,rnrr. ' " J-1,. 1• ;ii• , hnr1" r ! •: 15 •l· r! a 1.1.n tn P'-r•I r.r·.t.er cV ·I tre 1r crea•r ., ;: 1\t>rnrr "'lt intrr- \ en11<,11 'l ' P n•· ,.. ' b 1~1- 0P~• E : '.l 1. , .. r" hc1~ 1 .. n •'•J'l"'•l • r,,bJf' · 1n. 1·1rl 111-•': , •• ,. 0" • " AEC • '"" t'41o M 'ur ,. ,. <;snrr thPv 14dl never make the h• 1 ... • r 1 1~t• 1lipv arP v.nrtti I• '1.K"u• ,r ;;:, anrl I.! r"la'.n( II) I " ') Pr rTI)· h1•rat1ni: i:. \ emr f·nt bodv t11• H • :1 EJ .. r-tnfkat1on Ar!m.• 1\tra•r1n. Tt" \• ~ f:r,.·;:v Com-mi~v.n, l•• reca'.I its his· tflr\ "ii' \et ur in 1946 tn fur thn tre m1J.•ary use of n'Jr '•a: •, ,,, r a '1 ti) m.:ikP SU f l' l hat II 9. 011)rj not ~ :m profll'rly exµJti11ed hv '1hat Rtp rhq fl11:11f1eld of iaJ,frirr1a ' •l,.d I' r ··1ng- i:"' "'"I' • r11 d at tt1e PPntap,,r ..,ln<'I! 1~ r n hQ'.A'· I'\ r r 1r 11 \f.f ra~ hr anti · e I r,,.t P\f "\ v. h1• I'> "':w 1r1<l "h:tt 14e ""~Cnbf> a• 1lw · ~ar •ft.I 11\f><; • nf 11tornlc enere} t .\ Tll M ( If "' t mr a .. II\"' of '11ur•r thP ff'dPr· al ;:nw rnmPnr 1 ~ 1w1r n:: 1'' r •1AI\ 0\4 ~<1• n:: IHH" 11 rr i11r1 ,., in•n .\I C P,fl'"·• n1rntc t. , • I n• \' nl'I rr•P.u " Ii roi1l<1 ~ han rf'r'1 !w prl\ ;ilp rnmr1n11> v. h1ch dn nnt ' 1h~I'' on thl' hount y nC thf' r S Trt'a~ury or tr" ~men<'an la~payer In a roundabout wav, this s::rls u• to the Rural ElN·· tr 1!1r;it1 .n .\rl •n.n1q ra1 nn .1 ff'1frral .i;:1•n1 v whirh tt'r1~ Ir .:• 1 , I · 1.f' 1 r·. • · r' ,. rl '" In r•11 ••.1 rinr.r1 Ttr HI. \ "' 1 ''I llj• 1•1 1'11.'> to hri":: •l••r'rir f''l".l•f lo thl' "·• I "•l'' , rlr pr r • 1•>11 p<1r a!' I••! I " I · 1 ,. In \ 11\..r II I •I \I ·1 1:.1 rr ·•·•= f 11rl;i• 'li pr~r,.•• nf .111 ,,,,. n.1t1•1n • I",.. h 1\ I• rlrt ltlf 11\ p. 11 HI-\ h"'I'' c111 n ~ h:i• \.. t1• It• ' n J;rl'~'111nal v. di fnr "drl• .. 1 mnrP mnni"· Tr0<1 I\ RE\. finani rr! prn I"' I' h a ,. ,. hr anc t r·ti tJUt ~o thdl mnrr 11t.r n ·11 ~r c11r.t nf thr 1r custnmn, are mrl 1,tnal 'r rt>\den'.dl T >la\. RI-\ "h1ch ·borrows" mone\· from ,~,. Trea~u:v at 1"'' · ~st rat1>~ far higher Ir an 1t Jpnr1' rt I\ li!l•lni:: 1011; lllP bu•mr < nf irnrratmi elrc- l rit 1' tdtirr I rn •, plv suppl\ me II Th1111t:h •I~ 3\f'fiiO:• rrlt .,,, h ::1 •I tJian th'>'" of p111 •'" 1111lt1v n•mr ;in;I'< 11 "I" r.ilP' nn l tax·ftPP ha<h In the to Fold HE\ IS \ f1,11irr -1 \\ .1 .,. Ir l lnn~r" ' f"•T ntll"< \ '' t 1• h II J r \ 111 11111 f'l I\-<' r I' 1! It• tn It 1 '1 rul11 r < I'< I• f, ,,., 11'1( nr I" II I\ n11 (111 ~· r r • f'" H \. "' ! f' ii r! hr' ,, ' ' I I ' r Jinr< In rll~CO\tf Iha! flf" \ h,,rr~ P\l'nt11alh O'llfllr lhr nation'' l'nt1r1> c1 •1 •rat1nn ;in1 tran•m1• '" ' P1rt 1rir "• ii\ .:i t: •\• r ""of• fL.!• O• ~ In <ti .. , 1 t I " 111· \ I '~ '"'I\ NI ti< \I'(\ I 1•1 f,. I' f .' ''"'' It <I •11iltl 11-ld ''JI II. trn•,;i•il•f.,,q,•ir I Air.mu Jo:n1•n:v r "tfl'Ti n "·" ·'t 11p .11 ,, 1·111 • "J n n•11'"·•' I'""'' <<1• :t h ;: q111••111111 rn.1r "' r ,;1,,, .. 1111 mil1tan· a'I"'' ' ' .111 I , t111nprj \l'r 111 11• J',. ),;: :ind thr r 1\ 11! .. n 1•Ju' I 1 1• "' 11.11 •II •·ii It\ ' I ' j'ollllf• \\)Ith l•t •\I I I ( fl' '·"f' ;.,.,, ''•\f''q•t'''' ll 111 f( ltf(• r1111 Ir< !nl•f • I • It .. 1"'''11 1h;11 r •' .•·.1r r ,., l'r can <nmpr•!1 "tlh C"nal anti h\dr11J1 t•1• • •r i:~ Tm<. I t>f'l1\t• 1, th" f'>'•lnt Dr11•11J I ,11rr·nth 11 "'a~ m:ik1n1: ~I\ l''•lnt 1 H rv <i1mpl• Th~re 1~ no nN•1! for ;i 1:r1\'· Prnmen· a:;:enn· tn hn I :i mnnnpnh on the mn\I rarJ1 C'al dPl1·lo1l men1 in fur I pnl'f&::\ E~pet1Pncr h a 'h''''n 11ia1 pr \;ill' • nrtri1I 14 hPn .<fh•<tu<itr Iv \IJJWt\ 1• P•I I ' r C't\rrnmrn' r hr ;1; "f <tnr! rnr111 1 II• ror t rh;or ·•!'\thin::.' th 111!• r ;iJ bur• <1111"'' '"" •In Mailbox fo·1-:w l'l.OPLF .. 1 w th;i l II C ni1 tr ' X <1>' ·ll &n ;.tr1n1w 1•1'""f plant .1011 1t !1l11v.' up thl! f Pdl'! al gov- "P 1: •·r,I 1• stu1·~ ", i ,.11 th1· rl<lm:i.;'' few p4>r1ple kn11\\ tr,.. lhot tl-P \11, n1<' -.... ' f':r.rr~\ c <•mm1s.in• '' 11p tn it' eH•ball~ 111 rr1r ··, !llrg all phao< nf nu1 l•'.H 1)(\v.- Pt I I\ .jr 1,r 1111! 11111 ( J.11,. ~1(,rrJ "I n11t • In ll.r I ni ted lillll• n ·ronff 'utttbf't" To th,. 1-:ti1tnr Rei·rnllv Stan f)r tt'l 1111 in hi' postr ard r ,, t Off Thr l'hrtOI!, llld Ir t hr " C'<minv·nt~ \ f111 krr nf 1ntl1 •11111 ''" 11•1\H" • 1 rnuch h rril\ 11.. that Arra f0tfr n11mllf'r '"'' a ft()q;ih11 r 1n tltf• puhtir fl oil ,111J1 ~rlf 1.,1~" • '41lh 11 prl14Pr l1f•ld ll;I\ .•I I 1 f·o-drilning .;hop 10 ....,,, lh r>:1 !h,.( I>< 1 "'"' •hat 14 I , 111 \ ,,, thP 11m,. , 11rn,., lhal , n ti' •n kola 111 1·11111rn111•d ~1 "'"' ••f r wlr;n ri1114,.1 ,,... l::ir ;i' I \..n11-A 1111 rr I' n111 l'ltfll" 11'"< ""·II) 11 •li1111l1j llf' 11111 ltt• '"•ti lltmC '·II I <;in 1•rl)1JurrrJ lty thr prnlltl'ly do 11h•111t 11 ·· ''"""ti u1 rllt ,,.\ 1., en d~ -, '' ·'"'~I ~11 I >i l.1pl;111,. 1°r .,, ' r'"" ••ri;ti11 1,1 O\ltlNI an•! nt hr rs v. ho 111;1 v h.111• th,. t,.lr•phonr. th1< ;iutomo-a '1!11llar 11111l1lr•rn thr· • lulr 11' d1l'•el ,.n£inr and h'u :.11.:ge<l1<1n' Jfl' h ,.., rad10-T\' cr1mm11n1<-11tll)n -lront pa ge11 of_ !)ll· Or;inl.'•· all without push1n1i nr frnan-lount\' Pacifc Trlq>lln1 ' cial support from L"ncle -J.>t.rectory Sam H a power r.hortage 1. Look up tht numh<'r arises, as a reauJt of the ttncluding thP t\re.i «u•lr 1 exhau,lion of preSf'nt fuels. or a sk the lnform11l111n <111 ot If atomic f'nergv ran be eralor tlJ help \ ou made competitive there will 2 .Jot It riowo in v1111r be no nee'! for m111ti-h1lllon Blue IJook of T1•l1·11h .. n•• fed e r a I exJ>'nd1t11rP\ to Numhf'n. I We Y.1\1 ~Pn1I vn11 bring this ne" fl'>"er tr> the fJne r11 a~k for it ;11 lhf' ti•ll Mr 1m1•r, ~tr l.1henlhal JlllOf' t ompan~ r111hl1r Of thmk11 fit e 1.,o cost I '.l "''"I' II In frnnt ''' ~1,11 a' v1111 rhal I H \••ll rl'.11 I a "run~ n11111bi>r ..i~k I h1 rer<n, 1111 hi\ tdephonr n11mh,.1 anti 'II\ 11131 'h" ''f"'l:tli.r <1nd i:1\f' l11•r 11m n11rnh• 1 .rn<I ',,,, '4 111 n•1I h1 r ha1 'd f<1r lhf• (Till I l•1w lo I ~' \ 0011 ·1 • I• phonr·· I" on 1•.1;:1 1. \ \\.hilt 111 Ifft If \ 1111 fl'.l! h ;I 1411.ng n11mh• 1 1 1•\11l,11nNI .11 thf' hr1t1"111 r.I :in '"'!.!' from 7-\ lh11111L.!h :>7 \ fc•lf•pht•lll 11•1 I ,fl I t.r ft1T1 l'tl 111 11•(( t Ill II 1 11 1!1 11•r lnr II·\ h 11 t r·\jll 111111 f r•' "\. 11 " 11 r. ,, \l "'' •I•• .1\f· I 1111• ,.lf,.1 l •11ron1·\ 1111tf l111\lrnl1ron i\nd tltrv l)r1r1111ro 1111111' knn'4 1Nfl(£' ahl,. tl'fq1h<1nt' 1•x1l<'rlt1' \\' <; <'I \Y ll1i.trlrl 7\1a11•11ll'r l'a< 1f11 Tr·lrphrin'' r,, t _. .... , •• ,., ~ , .......... , .,.. .,..,,,,.,.,.11 ff •t 4'11*• • e f ,,.. • • l"I) I I I \1 #ff , ;..: 1 ,.~:.; .... N ,;~· 4'.,;a, ... ~o: ~· ,,..,.::' _,••\I ' "'U'1• ,., "" ·~· t'J•t1 t•, 'I,.,...,, .,. ... 1"Y'• • ,. It, ~1. , ..... .. , I If. -.... . .., .. "' . ,..,. "',..... t ~· 'I ,. ,,.. . . ''" .,, •• ,.,.,1 ........ ,, .u.,. ",., . . .. . ·: . -.. .. .. . . ,,. .. . "-. . . ' . . . .. . . . .. ....... . " . Allen • s~ott 8y ROBERT S. ALLEN and PAUL SCOTI I .. President Kennedy 1s giving an extraordinary In· terpretat1on lo a litlle·known provision of the Tr:id1· Expans ion Law in order to continue "most ravorrcl nation" relations with Commun1:.t Poland and Yu i.:11 sla\ 1.e • In d1rt•c.•t cll1fianc-c nf C'm1:.:1 , • ..,\, wh1C'h l:ist \1•:11 v o It' ct O\ N\.\ hol111111gl\ against such fa\'Orahh· l r a ct c rclat10nlt, the Pn•s1dcnt is c101ng rvrry- thing in hi' rower to pre- s c n c tlw rn This qartlin:.: ba<'k- stai.:c pnltl'V b d1,rlosccl in a nwmo1.1ndu111 thr Stdfl' llrpartn11 nt lt.1~ a Mal£' Department 0(1111.11 ciuotmg the law. It rl'arls a~ fullcm ' l'h1• f'r<'s1dent shall a~ ""'11 ,,, pracllrablc. ~u~pL"rld, 1111 ii draw. or prr\ rnl I h•• apph ('Jl1nn of tlw r Pcl11r1111n 111 suhm11t1·d to llw Jl ou"r cnnt111u anl'e of .iuy 1•\i'l· \\'a\"• .111d \Jc;ins C"n111m1t· In~ duh· nr nth('r 1111p111 t 11 !er·- T n Jlhl 1f \' I lw Prf'~l· den I .., 1111-.hh c 11nl tO\ N· s1al <H 1uu1 th• ~late Ur parlnwnt 111 1 k 1•" 1 \\ o m.1111 .11 ~1101rnt " -lnl<'lprt•I<; lhr· pl11o1q• ··ac; \111111 .1~ pr<t• 1t1·.1hl<·" 1r1 lhl' Tr.ul1· \ci .1 f.:l\111.: thr Prc,1d1•111 11111 1!1"< r1·tt11n 111 arl '" fi1 \I ,1111 t11 -\n It! \ .. ar-11ld I 1.1rlc treat 1 t hr 1-!'I \H!nrd \lllh the Kincdnm Of l:;1•r ht:t ol prl'd1°<'f'S"1r nl Y 1i:u,(,1\ 1.i. IS ll~rd 8 !--tlH' ha~J<; fOl l'OO· linuin~ l•i .!J\r llJ,1t nrn,. Cnmmum 1 cn11n111 ·, 1 .•. \otr<t 11.11111n' 1r1 .111111, 1 Thr ~1.it1• I 1t•;1o1rl11 1•1' mc•morandum \'a< Sf'nt lhl' !1011,1• lnmm1ll•'£' a.; ;1 h11r rtNI n·ph In a b'•inl d•·111 1nrt h\" (\1·1· \\ 1lh111 ~!Jll J 1 \1 I. ' 11:11rrn 111. rnr .:in 1' phO.tl H•n 1.f lh1 .1ol!llllll Ir I t ro11 " f ;111 1 " 1 • • , r r v , 1 thr IA\\ \111.1~"· I \1'1 11'-I\ I fllll'~I nnl onh J111l••tl I t11· 1'1,111· fl>'t 11'•111 11' 1•1°11 •1 \I ' r • I ht• I '1 I 11!1 nl ... I' ' t ,111 h l' ,ti , ' '"I • •I t olrl iln .:id1111111 11 ·' •I· , '" r••:•• ti 1 • •, • ' , • '" I lJ" f tt 1: • !f11•, h1 p1 t ••• \J < .1~0 1 r1" II "<• I I I ff ffl•fl1'''f 1 91f f'f\i ~t d I IJ , I It r I • r lo" 1 , I ,,, • i I f ft' f I I r I r I r • !• \ I l h d 'h, 1r floll'l 1• I I 1 I II• 1"111, • ,., Nj 'I ' I "Tilt-t I Ll'-1 \ 11\ I . ' I '' i; • .i "tlh 11,. ll l"f d1 if .. \llf ,.f i I f1. 1 f' r~· I II' 'folJn l I • I \ 1.:: \la J •,, , • ti rl• ' I 1 1 1 • j • ti' • ,, '· t t '• •• t i• r1' r r ~ '·•" •1 '' l •·I •11 n• ••' ! '"' •• f • ,, t 1 t ~ • 1 f f ! 1 1 t f It t fl I'• I ~11 • l1t\I llC 111.•1• r nl •I °" 1'1111''1 d• t.1 a.?rr·• • _, \\ftTlll It I' O I \ T (If \II \\ I ' t•ltT'lnl 'TA· t n r< 'T•·if •.• 11• • .• '"rrrt·- l;•t 1r.n nl ti' 111 I" r 1rh, ,, v11.i11 l\ "l•i"•' •r· t• al o f 1'1; .\I .. t~. • 1 l ;thnrr,J I ,r lti I hl J'' II ;ol\ 111' <t-r ,.<I th •• hi\ P'll\'J<IO!'\ .,.,, .. I • • I t I 1111'1 • it1•!;;11 ' 1• tr ,rf, ,.,j ( •llllt 11 THI $TONGl WOtlO MR.MUM ~1 11l'111111, or the <1111t1r111arn 1• of any ('\( 1w fl 11 tr 111r "' l''ffl5C trr.llrn<'nl, Jll n< l.11111 rd In carrying out anv 11.l'lr n::r,.emrnt unricr tlm l1tlt or undrr SN°l1r1n ;i;;o of thr Tariff cl of W30 , lo p1 u rlllC'h \I ho 1 ll<'r 1111p1tr!t'd 1t1- rrc·1lv 11r 1r1rl1rl'c:tlv. or anv t 11111111 \' or ilrl'a tl11n11na trtl or rrintroll('(! h\ r11mm11- n1,m ·· II th("'" '-'Otd) arrn t r .I r .t r rnf•ll~h "continul'ti ~lilb th1·n "e \\Ill re"rllf' lhr J.1\1 ''' 111.11..t· ilouhly ~11r P 1111• .t1l111111i-t1 ,1l lftlt 11n1IN ~•and lhil' <" mc.rf'"~ '' '1 otenllv "l'l'"'rrl tn i;:1\ m.: Tltn ;in1 I ;ri•rll\ l..n Ir ar!f ,,rf \ ant.1t:."' Fllll J-:tr.' I.O BR' -1 h,. Stat" r>rra1tmrn1 t< '4innint: nn 1 onHrt< or hr lp1nc. II• r 1 r Iii rnrr1111 ac.ins:t Pol 1 h \mh.l\'11dnr Edwa rd Drnr. n 1k lo lohhv for lh~ adm n 1•1rn1 ... n·\ iirnpn~ro<I chan;:,.• 1n 1'1•• I rn \1 !I 1• 11• ~in;: rif l;,1 rrl,ir\· f/•1·~ f1r11m1 rl.. 1~ ralhnc: nr1 ml''l '" 1 ~ of rl,. lln11,P ir I \.'"JI '• •rl'l..lnt: lhPlf "IP 1• ·, 'O r 1r rp '"'' ""' •'•'l '' •r•I nnh rPht1tf< In .,.,,, 111\lllO "· DP•tn ,, • h •I ,..,;:rrl tw ~n 1~•1 rn1 1.,J 1 .. ,.,..ld111r tn U\ " 11 ti 1 • f'11,.-.r11 ""'lid c.r;int 11,. I ... 11 .. , \,lffiP rrPff'I• ' • t•~it· 111 ,1t m,.nt rnimrrl t' J; \" ,., l'\tlll'rl r1' •' h , 1nt1·11 1o " I••,, t•" 14f11i ~P'"'~' J••-1. I I n:' '1 I• r•111t 'hr• ~I '.11 I t •? f ft J ' 1 ~ I \ 1111 '1 ·ult· .trl\ .1n: •::!• ' '..\" ''' .: .... ,. I If ,. I , .... 11 • 11 11 < 1 111• ..;nrl ' 1 ~ • '"' 11 " 11 lnrlN! •hr ,.,,, ''"" 111.1n, 1 1111\• tr1min.11. • '~ tl,1· rnnff't ''n1 f> h\ \\ ... 11 • t11:: !hr f'nl1•h rl111ln111 11 •• ,, t\ I• rt ' I 'r , 1o!,.n1 <I'>• " 1 '11tlr t'• th• J1t fllfrr11 nt 11 11 • lr • • 11011111 nl f'n .;~rl I •I '"• ""'\ 1.1. \Jill~ t•I "" '" I""'' h 1 nr.t. lr;:hr 1, ,.. •i r 11 r 11 r lr•"J'hnlP '" nr• :11 nf "'h1rh thl' P11' r!c nt J< p1,1i11 in:! h • pnl11 • Jlf.IO. \H: 1,0 \(;\I\' I 'n1·11nl1rrnrtl n•pnrl• hf\,. 11 > hrrj t ·Ci ln11 l1:;:1>nc " f1<1m Yul!,,~la\· P\llM thdl !111~•1 1 1~ h11\lrhni: intrrmPrl 1o11r· r.1'l;::r hall1•'1r mt·~ !11 I•:""~ m Yu~ll~l;l\ 1a ThMP r"f'>MI\ are ~1m1lar tn tho'" m.-1rl" hy Cuban rt'fUit<'"' m•onlh• h<-rorl' n11\~1(r, \' N r 1'11<• rt\ <'rrrl lh"r" .\<'< nrdini:: Ir, Y11;n~la\' thr ml<\ 'r I• "'ht" .,,,. arl' hr1nt rr1n,1111r ll'lf Ill mn11nt.a1nn11~ 11 .,1nr \mh8«.1rl"r ( ,rnr:-r K1•no .. n " 111•111;:! .11mmonrrl fr nm Reli:rarf,. r .. r ron,11ltat1nn on T1tn " :!I "\I io:: l'ronnm1r sn<1 milt li11v 1,,,. with thP Kr,.mhn •I I 100 Automobiles For 100 Automobiles For I 100 Sale & Wa "ted Sale & Wa nted FORD MERCURY I ====O=LD=S=M=O""=Bl=LE==' Automobile! for 1 Sale & Wanted "'' T !t•r'I ~l•ll f"'"<"r. · •••••••••• ur. ,,,,,[ :-.·, ,, paint, &: b'"'" 1·b""' w ,.,, ... j 61 MERCURY F'•)f{J1 1~~7 ran,·h '"'a;::oll. I .\Cet,~•r I .1,..,r '"""" P-'1<h" ~:,, .-11 .. ut , ... n•hti<1n f"rl- '"111,. rart,· OR J-5 1~ h<'ll\"r .. 1~ .. ,,~ 1&\•~"'"·'t"· pvwer "hit·· ··~JI• U..•au-utod 111 .•• k ftll\•h s 1 -.::i~ :;.,.. Jt J .. hn'"'' & ,.:,·,n L~ll 1far1.><1r 111\-,l l'<••la .\lt'"3 (lp. n ~,-• .... :111 W»,.k.-nd• •••••••••• 57 Oldsmobile J•••t h,,.,,u,.1' H., hco h1· •I· .... 11.•Jt,.111 .. t' "'!llf· .,,,I[;_. ""'"' .. , '!•'•'! •rl<(' .l· bi.~;. .. ,. S-;':o!'> -"'•'•' . .i l" 1 l II '' t.,,r i,__",,,t . " .I ·ll:hun & S.•11 ''1•'11 ...... ,.., ••• ., .. ,, t "' l '!I LINCOLN •••••••••• 57 LINCOlH •••••••••••••••••••• •.'n11•·1·· 1 •Ivor hardtop. llU· tnnt'llH". R .. ~d1'• heatt-r. full >"" "'· tut•>ne paint. Real -h..1rp S t09~ S.:r al J ohn- --<'>" &. ::.On 1911 Harbor B!>"d ('').!.ta Mr.-.a.. OJl<'n "60 :\lt'r··urv '.! d,-..•r har\!!op vLI•~ "•I •'IP••t ~~ ~","d In J,k,• """ !·•h S,.J,\n fJ• t,,,,. "lr P'-'"'rr -e11t-br ,;.;... "l•·"Tlnl': 1\f.,nrn,• .•h•~ k~ C·•n·hlh>n r>1un1 b<"h --n~1n;o "'"" !t·nvt 1·bro•11>r \ I S 1·,., !' •1! ••n ••l1(:;1n.-UI• I", ,.,, , .. ,.,,n11\· Boll--h "' .,,,.;12<1 100 Automobile1 For J 00 Avtomobile1 For Si111le & W•nled I Si111le & W•nted KAMBLER HARBOR CAR WASH : "WA ~~~ WHEE LS :""" II 1r1 ... 111'· 1 '• 11 "II ll \,\ll H.~'.H 1 1 •H ...:p,-, I I '"' \i•" 1·.,.1, .t \\,,n\.: ~ ·" '.' ,'. I•• .. ! " ... ·~·k PONTIAC ROY C ARVE~ ro:-..-·r i .-\ l ·. ·r1-:~11•1-:~·r ······'1~t 1\ .. 111'' ... , ! '"' ,!Jr r ·t ~-, .. r \. !( . .'I H. " I:. ·1• • ' 11"'1 \\' l• 1.1'1 llL " :'\'"W!'"r1 n. "' i. r r ~ ·· ,.,,\ 1·~·-.-i-1,,· 1••\7 ,.; .. 1 .. ··1,,.1 1· ....... ' --••It ,,, '~··· l\,,1ntn ii 1"\ i. I\ 1 .. '' '""1"!'·•1•• h.1~.;•.;· ,,,!.; ,J .. ,·r··r •.• : • I T t: II ~111art Z 1,.,,.. ,.,.. • , .. ..,, ~· ,,..n " "' oil• ,.,, ', __ • " ·~ .,, ,, • ,p l"·"'""I t>r. •' I 1898! II. •I o;~! I' I·"'' 1 ""' .1 11 , ' I <~ H \' 1tl I :; I I ., 6 1 RAMBLER ! 'I" "' .... "''II"'' I I "" II , '" '1!-•111.1• 1 " ' $ l :~··:· I 00 Automobiles For Si111le & Wi111nled STUDEBAKER GAS MISER ! "'' . ...:·r1 l•F t .. 1<i. ., i'\'I ''"!'·'' ! ='~'.1 •I....: -hlf' •:••r~ ·1~ I • "h'P" " •I>' 1-.. I '"'•'r • >11.-'• '•· "' I• " ONLY $999! I'• . r • , I! \I ' ·•·1 1•.,:11 .• , I.·~"' ll\"1•1 1 ::11 ·1"1"1•~·11 ,1.;:~·1~ I"•' 1·1· ... ,, "\ '"·• \: I I'" SI', t\I~ .'''l' 1· " ~un ,\. ,.,.,.~ ('t'Jlt'nt T•'·'-'"" ·· F"ur .. ij(n ira•·•I ·.i ' .\lo•<> ;.; ...... PoJrl H ·1i;:ht-IJ S-15'..!i PLYMOUTH H 1 t !: ',, ·~ ,_ 1::, I ....:. " • '""'·''" 1111.L~:H •~•,\,VI I HI \ VALIANT 6 1 VA LI ANT •••••••••• l-1 :-ICOL:>i 19:.13 l'l't'mlt'tt'. Full f'"""' all ""'"'' ,\\'t'll k<"pt. l.Qca..I C"a.r. Call 6·Ul<!S16 after ~ pm .l:>iCOl~'O 19~ l'OflVtrUble. ~»<.><! .-,n1d111""· $6~~ or ~t offer 5 1~-2302. · .1:-;co1..:-; 19:.1 cavri--:-r,'Ji P''w .-r on~1n:1t ~al 1 1.-an $.'\oJO Kl !l 17'>0 MERCURY /j\:;--o-..-r.,•r l "lil ~! .. ~ :\fet ffir V ·'I 1 door M"lan ,.:tu k ·~Hf\ l...-•-...• mll~lllt"t" Local ,. or J,JI;!.-., bank tern1-1 LI 11 -:1:.:1 \f~iJ'R y 19~8 s\,\\h•n .... -ai.:-nn :-,;_..,,. t1t'1'1" In vcrv \!nod r .. n,!111 .. n A n " 1..-3. ... nahl·· .,:1 .. ~ '", p.-1 .. <I ~It 6 ... -~;-. OLDSMOBILE OMEGA -OLDS ~1-; 1 i1ff, rt't~'. t;] tll t,,n1.·h1L.-~!, :J.,•J,, (,u,1r;1nt•• i t· .. ,-i l"ar.; I b80 Newport Blvd. ~ ; 11" ,_· .. ~\ ... \f,-_,, "0 ''..:""l" 'fnr a Suf'<"r ~~-1 .J,.,. ~, •!·h•p' F ull r ··Y. ·r "'I _-.: .. "' tore~' CR< •TH \'IC~\!:• ol !:T :lU2 (°k<'•'I HI:. l 11·: .; .;,.ti: (11..f•,::\I• •Bil.I·'. 1•,·,; ! .,,;"n. "r t-;.,,r.,•r .. ~ , ... ,,.-,.r\1bl•• l'""'"r lo r • ~ • ' ,1,•er1n,.: f'~,.1 h· ""' r. .... nlll•· "I:" 17oi."> I !! I>!• hi•! I'.,. • ,fl_, \; ., '·~: : 1 11 ! You'll l!Kr o~ orAl #. ON ONE OF THESE LATE MODEL CARS 60 Cadillac 535 95 l O• \f .,41,.111·~ It II ll•·h" I'""''.,,.,,., 1 .. -,1 .•• a.it r .. n<llt•••lllni:: 59 Chevrolet Sl495 l n•\l<da t "'"'•rt U II, 1•.,,.,.,~1 .. 1. '"'•">.ii ,, "' rini-1• 62 Falcon S1C95 f"utorio K iii. ""'" 1~"' '"" '"""">:'" / 62 Tempest $2 495 ,_,. \I ""' ...;l"•rl '""'!..-II II I •IM"•I 63 Pontiac $3495 Ca1.hn .• '"'"'"d 1: 11 , l •!M•"I 11. ""·'"' ''"'"'" hlu .. 60 Pontiac $2295 f ,11"1"'" G !"'''""~'"' "'""''' It II 11 ,,i..._,.,,,., !'"" ,., "'""'"'!: t.r .. I.•·• 63 Tempest $2795 J ,· \1111 • "'!""'(',,"I"• It II "'!""'''" \l ool•" \,,,,, I'••• hu" nl n1!o·rl.-r ROY CARVER ,.,., J'L\"\to>I r11 \ • J;. It I" II 1i-,11 ..... , .. ., ,( •". • S•••"I \"t· k• · -Pl • 1" l·'..o" f"! h tui!' •!l ho· , .. ,, 1••! 1 I '"' I h A ltrn· ''"'-" ""'.; 1h1I" RAMBLER ,.,.n.... ...: 1 ,, .1 , '"" I' I 'I!: l I "I~ , .. .,., :<' '" •n l"n!~ f,,, H1•~"TI I"''' •I t l"" 1:,. •:\!\l' T.-rzn• 'H" s < ·•-t 1i,,, !"'~""' ll Y.111 I :~1 1 \\ •S:-••rl •:•••I lr•fl'l"'l'l .1 ''"" ' '. ': .. !.. .• "'h· .i, ' ... I''' S ,,.-, < •I; • I''"" '•I! , '•"\•: Public Notice Of Intent to Sell (j)uality Repossessions THESE. C ARS MUST BE SOLD FOR BALANCE DUE OR LESS ! oi:t ~ • •l ~I • ' . , 1 "' 11 I ,\ "-~''" • j· "' ,.f J I~ .,,. ofl ,t •• ·11"'" h 11 II!··· ,.r SI '7~ "l·'••I I I .. "I"" I"" 1 i I·• 111< I I • • •111 I" t • • • II-" ,.( $•;';'-; .. ~ ,.,,,,.~ \ ,, 11 r ·, .. 1·11~:' 1~1·!.f r 1.,.,.,,., \ ~ , ., l>O.·' t I: "' " ! ! • '' • .... · · • 111 \ i ·• ' ,, " l'I • ' ., ··111 , ' • I f\.-. '" P " It •I' ·' . '"" l" ' "·I ' - ~I ,--, 'I I " ' It~ \ \ '· ' I JI \ ' '" ,/ ( I . '•' ' " s I.I , . II I \ . .,_ \ " " ,,, *TRADE -INS ACCEPTED* " .. '' Pontiac -T empesl ~ • I C ars may be seen at .ui.I ()1.111~·· <'otir1t1·., F:x.:11-11 · lJ,.,1,-1 t ,, ROLLS ROYCE --BEN1LEY -FACEL VEGA STORAGE LOT LI 8-3-i!iH 141l0 \\' CO.\~·r Ill\\ \'I "\ "'1'":1 P.,·;t1t•I 1 ·; 0 ,.t;_"tl <.;111111.1;.o -Op1·n \\ 1·1·~.t. •. 1. ·111 (\ IJO r \I 2106 Harbor Costa Mesa Mi 6-0225 lb I·· .:~~"I( 7•1o• \\ 1 ·,. 1 1 11 • ..,. ''I"' I I' >· t• I.I •' H \ \IHl ,1-1~ tf,,;1 ::-1 ''"" 'I 0:"" ''q,1,.,,, 1 ·; ' ... ,, 1: .• •II'-' l>n•I ll•'••I• 1 • .l '" tr<r•~"" ... n '' r,: 17 flolQ .... 1.,~ ~.lo\ l•ll7 ! ',,. f':11h• f'•I··! " , .. , 1., .... , "'"'-·!I il ".j ·p ' '1.. h 1 .,. .. ,!, r~' ' _, "~ ~·,, •·1•: ,. ·t· <II\ • , n \\ !•' t "'11!1 !<. "' "'' • •I 1 1 "" • \ll l.Lt:I~ •'•'"'Fl!, •"Ill \ : ... , \\" !'>••' H 11<,11 .. '" , .... -11 •.•. h 1.1 ~ ~~ .. , Stoll 1h.1! -.,Id ·t•i'I HARBOR DODGE TRADES! TRADES! YOU PAY WHAi A DEALER WOU I D! OUR LOSS , . . YOUR GAIN! 57 PONTIAC $795 "'r \f(l 'lllt l ' \U ... ., 11 .-\,,1.p,,,, ,,.,1, .. \ 1,. 11 ... 11 .... 11 .-Ill • ••• 56 CHEVROLET Sl95 \ ~li \1>1•1 ••1 ·.,,11, '""''"'" H··•I I•''•' '"'' "'••I-.... 'h "" 57 CHEVROLET S695 l 11-t Mllt !\~I \II! \ ~ 1''"•"1 .1 56 FORD W AGON Sl95 I ' "'"""'' 'I 1; < • I 1t ,1 !, •I '" l ''·I ! ' '" """'''"" 56 CHEVROLET 5695 I l>t"ll> 1:1 I \II; II lt:l'l"I' 58 PLYMOUTH S695 I li!•"H "I'\ ll"'-I\\<"' """ "''"I•,.,. 58 MERCURY .... $695 ''"'-l"IUt\ '"""' !l\t;t•1n1• """·"""Ir.,,. n .. 11 .. ,\ h•tl•• 57 SIMCA .. ~ ll•ll•H 11 ,, '"'''"" '"~"" "'•I"''"!.,,.,· Sl95 57 FORD CONY, . S59S 11 .......... '"'"' ' .. 1 ... ,( " ,,,., ..... 55 PACKARD Sl95 "'"" ~ .. 1 .. '' '"' SS CHEVROLET S395 \ ~ • Hnu 1: 54 MERCURY . S395 ""'I! !;t \ "'''"HI < .,, l'I YOU PAY WHAT A DEALER WOULD PAY ! HARBOR DODGE 2150 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Kl 9-3347 <'••"'!•-I ""'•• "'" \ rll '" '' "' l'oct ,. ... 1 ....... ,,.,, "'"'"' ... ,.,, on YOUN "M IRACLE DOUBLE SPECIAL! 1:• \ \\'l!IHl.l'i)l>L \\"A:-'Ht'.I( "'I \I ti• h1ni: l"u!I ~''" 111:\-t"H Both Units $299 111 . ' 11 t'.lt-,0:\''S . .\ l'l '1.1.\ .'\' (. t:....; 11111 1 11 ....... , 1:1 •. 1 . 1-. .. ,,, ,,, • ..,. LI ~-:Auil 1111.1•t:·s J}fff.. /Jit o/ 0 L1.11·1>J'c' 1 "'"I""' 1-'in•·•t l tul""'' l.11"" •H >I h"l1l•'l1l.l•i" ..,,ll•lL r •'" 1'>·1'"'"1 ,.,,,.,._, •I ,. 11111••1 f1·h ,,., --,., ·' "', •.•• :(••" '" "' ..... 1 '"'''th .. I.:· ,.: •• , .. i..:ht- l!i\O ll"""" 111,,i . l ""t" ''"'" 1\1tl-!+Jo>~ CO XPLEIE LUBE JOB $1.00 11 •<h "'IT,\ "II • ll:HIC .. HAnVEY MA YER MOTORS 1 .. rn•·r "' 11101." A II.&). I"''"' ~l •"•:I ASSUME BALANCE I I ~ '. :.01; "' T 111'1' t· .. :1 1~ .... ,.r r"'t"r; ·'" , __ ,,, ._,1,., .• r •n'\' \1' •' ! '' "'1 11 111\,( ;ho<1111H' h•''"'" •I ~J,;;, ,_:... " ,. \!t ;-.; .... ~ :1! ~1.;• •!.'.·· .. 1 21 .. ; 11 .. 1 ••• I\\,, ~ll \; 11~::• GUNS 1: .. 11:.,:hl ~ s .. 1,1 -l "r-:111.-•I THE ARMS LOCKER , INC !U •; 11 ,, h., 1:1\ ' 1 • " , , I I.-•·• RATTAN ,' I' 1< \ •• ~!It\ "''"'I' "'' ' , '" 1'.,.1•p,·r r, ,,,,, $169.95 APPROVED PATIO .!. FURNITURE '! tti I .\11 11 ',.+,.,, 1 ""' .1 "''"'" LOUD .!. CLEAR .,, __ , ... 1 ,;J 11. .. 1.•J '"' h•"r• '>!ool•11!•d"'' '1 .,, \ l\1J j \''I "" · I Pl" 1•'•111 !'' ~1 -t I' KINGS IV :'lol l!I II "''"' l\t\,t I "'t:< 'l•••.o l <h; .. 11 ..... , '51 FORD V-8 I'·',,, $895 VALLEY MOTORS ·-' • •1. '" I I < ,,.,,,.1 "' h. I ' " ' ' 'II '• ;'H ! Mr. Costa Mew Barbers I'· " .1 ;--1,;,' ''""' "· """"' ~'· dp II ' lo l'r -nl 1( \1 ! ,_ 1' !1 1L-'" •I 1,1.' \\ '' I"" I I: 11 "111 h•·H1>: !II" "'l \n h" """' ~ h ,.,. 1•l :•11 I ··l··· t • •· .•• "1' n 1''1~ 11 ,,1.,. !~)\ t , .. ,._,, "'"'·' 0 '"""'"-.._,,·t•o• l'\11 ' ,.U f>T -..1 .... '""' '" .......... ~ •• ,,. ., ... ,,, -!'1. , ... t I \' 11• I "\I II .. , . ., .,,. ' ''" " " I T ~ "1 • .,1 • MILE " OF TREMENDOUS 'VALi/ES! PA1'RONIZE THE FOLLOWIN G "l\11RA CLE MILE" l\1E RC HANTS McDonalds Paint Store 111~•1 11 ,,,.1.,, I.I ~ '!•>.,·! Henderson 's Appliances 111111 11,.r1~., I . I 11-~Joi• 111 Mary Carfe r Paint Co. 1•tt;.; 11 ... 1 .... I.I !I ,,;d " Fa rmers l nsu~ance Group I !< I t II , rh .. , I.I 11 . .-,,;,; I Mr. C.J :!3 l4ora '" 1,o J Ba ~b!:rs 11'1/I 11 .. ri .... J I ~ ~i•~I Hilde's litlle. Bit of Europe ,,.,., II "'"" ""' ..... ~ y,11 ,.v Mo'~rs 1•1,,.1 1 1 ,,,~., "I ">•~· HarvC'Y M:\'Cr Mo''.lrl II "1,,,, " H " ·-=--~ I I < ': •'• ~· Pasta vn1 4 •'• ... ',l 1t " h ., I I ~ '" "' Th e Arms locke r, Inc. .,,.; 11 •• i... , ... 1 . \\.--.• E:mor e Mo tors """tl ul~·t 11~<;1 1 A 0. 0 Trans mi ss ion "' l" 11 11 I"'' Ill +. ~ I I ! Key Molors •1.,,,!j ,,1 •• , Ill ••"''• Approved Pafio 0. Furniture •1 .. 1 11, To .. , 1 I < '""'' Kingsway Motors 'I 1: II •I "., I I " Chick Iverson 11 .,1 ... , "\•'1•"• --'---l•I •o H I ( King 's TV .I•> It• II .11 !•"< k l .; :·;1 King's TV t!I\;~ '' ''" ... , 11 .... , ""'" ,, ,., : 1~1111 A&O TRANSMISSION $34.9S $7S.00 $3,.9S .S.-al.t lnc•I Oil• Fvr 1il!!!•'ttl 1u,· LABOR '""'"'Pl'"1" •"'t'rhiul ~ Stick 6 P.&rt,; p1i1rt.• 1.,b,,r -~ ,..,1 SA\'E TH\;;: ('ll"P• .. I X Pn,-.-. g ""! !Ulyt1tt\t" "'"'"" ;•:·e,.,·nl"'-l "'"ith th~ ('.J>U!'O'l \\ E ,, Rf: DF:PE'.\:DA BLE c~v ,\ 1:.\ '.'\L'EE ALL Ol"R \\'\)P..J.< C".'111"-Hl c''I''',. .. t Jn-_• 1~ !(>63 ~··~<1 H .ro_.r Bh'\1 PAINT POT 29c ~>._t,,.,,,r l'u'11 .... ;,,•, ,! ('.' '>"> p.>r ~~I.>!\. McDONALDS PA!HT STORE 1.-1: .. ll1td'"" 1 · ... 1,. ,, ....... l MARY CARTER PAINTS Bu~ o.,,. 1.,., on .. 1 ...... : MJ .. 711• I .I 1'-!Gll'! l'1n1• ... r,. 1nt .. rh•r ,.,:, ... ,., r·,.1 111<· 1'l j ... ·h1u llll \ .. '"' 1'••»· '" 1,-.!:ly f •r \.<>,r ,·'·,~-r.•l""-"Oratmg n..:....i~ MARY CARTER PAINT CO. •!k>ti 111u-t..-..-Rh-4 .. r ..... 1,. ''""" u 8-SJ.~fj 'S9 MERCURY HARDTOP \.-~'""o! 1>11.ym .. ntJ of $1"• -~, ;~•r "'"nth. nua m.-lu.t..,. l •" h,·.-n,,o..• •n.! 1111.-1.·-1 ,-,:1 -.,.:..:..'.•~! and a..sk f,•r 1'" '"' Hanks r.,1.1e1.·. •r \1 "" •ti\."(' n.,,,....,., '' "'': • d1••\•<' !r '"' \' 'I ,. :1 ;7 II U'l>,lf" Bil• '' ·-' ' \! ...... ~ LOOK! '6f Tll-3 .... , 11 ' , 1 ., , •!•l•JI • • "'-''• On ly S1495 ElMOR1 MOTORS II .,1 • ., til • 11 i "'!" 'I '•' HARBOR CAR WASH ~·' •'' q 11, \ Car Wash Special 99c \ ;,~.J \hnJ \\ I' 'l "Jiil This Aoi! IH.1'-"T ll T \''ru 1,,, -"'l"t."llL ~ I .I it--S.:; 11 ,,, • f '" •('"'IHI\<; .I H•' I r ,.\ q\ .-r , ..... hu...... \I I 1:1-.1~ ''l\'l\:H \<:F \ :· :·IH· ',n\ ;.·,_T !'Hll"E, t~"h \lltlo'r T,,,.I. k.:ol>Oi11 \~ •111~ FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP 1'111 11.,1~., l\h il .. '""'·'\I ·-• 1111 ,\\\1 TONI'S PIZZA -PASTA I .,,,.,, 11 '" "' t '•' I ' • I' "" ...... ~h«tll ..... \j • 1: 1:......- V•, r···~ 1 1 ~1 ... r. 1-. ... 1,. \J,.,, THIS AD ! .!. S9.9S s 1 •t \\ .... I.I '\<N·~ " 'I "ll ' '" \11 a ,. •Jll:'lo• !'\ I II.,..,• HJ-I ,;l •I KING 'S IV l~lS \la in Sin -.-1 llu111,.1~t.•n H.·....-• ,., ~ ro1io-: J. 1 --r- 1 HOUSES FOR SALE) GENERAL SPECIAL · SPECIAL We are _RIDING RICH 1••'1ay. \Ve honestly bt-- liie·'"e tbis to be the only Ne,\·port BE'ach Har- bor .H ighlands home a,·aiJ~ ble on today's mar- krt al LESS THAN .$2-1,000. Thia is L . .\S"f YEAR'S PRICE. \"acant and immediate pos- se.sion possible. Automatic TAPPAN RANGE- 0 \"EN with ROTISSERlE. DISHWASHER. WASHER AND DR\"ER. CarpE>t.9. drapes and large cov~ patio. Tht tall ST . .\R PTNE is ,-aJued at over S400. Thi_..; home is under FHA apprai......al by se,·eral bunj r(d dollarw. U.t uF s.bov.· you this tc·rrifir ln,·Pstment today HEAVY SHAKES CATHEDRAL TYPE OPE.~ BEAM CEii..,... JNG, USED BRJCJ{ anJ SHl.;TIERS. !Aoads of hand rubbed cabir.\:l ry :i.nd paneling. If pr::i- Yincial is your diah and a QUIET ·EASTSIDE ~·bole stN'f.'t i!!I your ,,.·,-n 111.·e urge you to fl(t- this immaculate flomC' 1vtl .:y. $26.500. -FarroW- 293 E. l ilh Costa l.feu :.11 6-4494 IN NEWPORT BEACH ln beatJ.tlfUI \\'n-r~l!f -t.J•P"r SAY SECI10:-<. Own \'O"t <1'*'-n :01 lrt th.ii IOV~)' k<:?lv n fi\'< rl'lnllt<.l! tri the Ootach, 91:f!OOlll 11n<1 'fl' pp1ng Pr1cel! trom Sli.800-v "\' 1•11~ frr.m 125,:;oo 2S'."., do"'-n -3 y.,.rs ''" H:t bal&lk't. 1.500 H ig?ll:ul(! On•·e N'~·1q;;url B.:aUJ For ~ii• Country living * COSTA MESA * •·'I,• I , b:.lh.•. Ca.t -I C., St I I '" t•. '''~!><·"· in!>'r C"\}11\ I -I Y ye ''"'"'''t 1...0,· .. 1.v pii..110 k ! .. t-• 1 •' '"' t•t "<irk F en•" A ll ;• ""'""' .. ~"" <1( l•l:"'I ... ; ~:11.J & dbll!' ~f!ll(t' !""'..!. ,. r ""•lk1ng dJ!l'fan<'<"I l>nl.\· s •;;!!-·O Drop in & I 1,. 11" ,·,.nnt1y LluQ l~"" !'" !. "I' 1·, '" fro.,, ""'!' ul I -1 f,.,-,i ranch hoo-~ .~ •• ,, '·' "•: 11 I "_,, fam1l_v ruom. ::' W "·· :.<t, '""PJ .. c·.-11 ,,,,,.1 . . E. l achenmyer, Rftr. <"!•l • '"''"' lllt<'htt> "'·~th , l ..... >V ;,"t:< J.I o".\l, .\IJ i> ::!•2' <110"'-' ,.,, ' ~ h~·!ronrn•' F:1· 1.~·~~ nr~ .1·457~ •' ~ _.,,,, ,.,,,_ t,,,ihc \\':oil ,; t".'"IT . ...: 1 .. " 'I '•''J"!1n1; an.t ·~--,.\;,..-.J.." ""''. n1,othc·r. Ea.JOI 1. " oln·; • PLUS large ,,,), 11.,..alion 0-.vnf't'~ ,.,.,1 I ''' f I ,,.,fd<-or lh·1 nl!' l1;i-:: ",!,on.-r r,.,. .. ·f1t a1 I' ·I l,.1.._.,. r .. phh~ll••il! ''" •;;.,:..1 yPar-C"Hl•I ,,.· .1 ~::'•;!•••• \\',.lk•r S. "~ ~~· ~1 •.1,111 , •r,. si:,i;., I. f:\< ''""" E1·..... I "'' i;1·.~•t'.•I •1r.~ · ('f;~T A ,\lt~SA OFFJC-F: :?b-"• H •rb•n Olv<f. l<I !>-~'l~l r1_\;1..;· '1:,.u1 (t..,"·11 on -11'11.- t: .. t """' duple:<. El,.,. bud t "'~ \\",dk I<;> i:th !-It ~h .. 1 r 'H. • :.<>ol ~ntllll ar•·a I' >''1·1 ·.11~ Good l'l'"Ol al "'" ~--111 pr .. ., s191 • .-.o. HALECREST HO ME "!!'" 1 ••.t l h~ li•ull .. n 1!. h<· -1 .. ' .:,.r .. -••l. on i. 1 ,,) $r, .,,r ,.. r•• '"' J: ,, ~'"' llV l,,-·n-.-r, .. r 11 .. 1.,., ... ,.1 -,..,.. ;1'1• ""I r , l'o! !'°~ T\EWOLF 1-2.EALT Y l.J <..;;.,., 1:11; (JI.HI~"·(' ~I Four Remaining r .. !•• " ~ .'t•1ry hnn1es 1 1~ni.1 127.0<lO :1" ~· Fon<ln•"oni:: a,n lJ · :ol,lt• ,\l! lolW l1JI $140 ptl :Wn F 1ne.•t buv 1n l:a.'<t- ,,.:. '· .. ,:,. ~!"~"' -.-. Car J P• I•, •t1·.·:-~· & IHt1d~r11p:n., ln.·li•''' ii I.I 8-•)16·· I( I l;l-2";'8 ! f" ~f Orange Ave. Duplex Sl6.950 ,,_,,,, _,.,.h -.. i.-r :u ~.•r en••·:·· nri .. 11 .. ~· /.•I' .<:f'l.I·: C.n X J.:.U'. XO Ml G·!\.~11 Heights l·'r WALKER & LEE , INC. 1:11-, .. ,.;.~ .~10-,2.·.:;; .\U 6<!41 :.![ Richard~on Realty \ Kl ":~7__3~. • .1i111·, 1.11 r,.y1·1 t.. OR J-:i· .. 'l1 LI 8-8 18 1 ilrvine Terrace -West I MESA VERDE -1 • 4 ~ .. ,,.....,,,,,,~ vr 1 & •I'"" WANTA BE A POOL PftRERl We have im ez.t:n-ntce, new cozy, comfortable, wet swUnminc poo2 for aale. Heated too! All for the utomctingty low price of $29,600. Jmrt. to make this tM best bargain on Corona dtl Mar, we are throwing in an immac-ulate, oe1r1y refurbilhed two bedroom home that i8 aa cbarmi9g as anything you can imagine. Brin& your awim ,Wt & towel and see this at once. Owner will take a low down J9Y1nent. Jligbt even trad~ for vacant land or income. property. . ~ Lido Shores Realty 11- 3303 Newport Blvd .• Newport OR 3--2153 iF -Yoa. &Tt c0tns to ~ In· taul8lf In ....,_. a O:llor TT lAl# yeu, Now ls IM dioie &lid bee 5" lhe place. JONG TY· ..a Jbl'.._, (Jw!t ..U. fll. Baker). ID•- 2 • .>.- S Y OWIIU, 2 ~OUm.ll plWI den a.nd l"bTpla«'. c:grpet· lng. dra,_ enckxled patio. landecaped F l!'nced With 1 a r I' e carpart. AM Ing 111.JOL 2 O 3 4 Pomona. Co.ta M-. U 1-69M. 3 L~<lf•.ur11~. 2 O.tlh~. eii.tr• n1t•.-""'' tnr bullt-ia kit· rh .. n. t:x1:rlltonl rinan"'"J: & 1 ...... lo·a~.;o s~ 1~15 Ikon- "''' n.....,.,,. S33.t>OO. Irvine Terrace-East l \oe.Jroon1~, ramily roon1. J-.un<.lry roo1n, 2060 ""!· rt. tor co1n!nrlable livini:: ..... large lot. Quick oc:cupancy 6 gtJOd 1erm11 2000 Tahu· na. l.19.:'>()ll_ CURT DOSH, ReaHor 1610 \V. Coas l H lghl''llY Ll g.93~ OR 3.3.11;~ -FOR R!-'l."fT OR 6ALE I~IST WITH HALE A:-1 l'.:XCLUSIVI: ,\l0<J,;rn Tri-Plex :i ye-•r~ new, i28,7~ S• •At P lacl!', C. Me1111. TEX HALE REALTY 646-772'1 E ve». :>fl 6·%073 -Ll 8-'172:'> ----ROY J WARD CO. BROKERS FOR liayrrest Ml ...... tll'JI t11a t old •tuft!! • t"orma1 dinin 11: ;on:< • P.'><n•ll.v t <,..,m • L11·n1••»I lhru-··,,,t • £x..< .. ~J...n t 1,~ '"1''" • l Z!J 9!'•0 K.I fl .1ft77 S1IOtl r ,;;;v. n hv (>¥.·ner . 3 b • ..-J. "-'"'" Z ti;1ll1.11. w a ll W w•ll t"UJM'la, fhap•·~. BIO\'''. ~­ frlC~r,.Wr, dquble garagr , -t,nc•:•I yard. ~rapl!-.'1, !mlt tr'°e~. J-;e,.,. ...:ha<;l $10,1 m<.onU1ly p11.ymentw. i~•·76~i Sl'ARKt.:-r:'i'"n -,,, tl«itOQm,q, 2 ~~ bathli. Harbor H igh- land><. N""'f>Orl Sc:hool.~ librnry n('11rby. 1945 Tere- ~113 l..nn ... 128.900 Owner LI 8-214:\ .. Low down. O~n OCP!AN.--Bay ,.iew. 3 bell· ruom~. :'J baths. Double gri- ra~~ n ... duced tn "28,000. 1on. down, 11ubmlt. :No 2n<.1 V• TU•tln, Ne"·po11. &a··h, Mt •2309 I F You cancel your cla.s- aified ad, be BUre to u k fo r ' and receive your KILL NUMBER. Phone 67~11 .> -=----... -----........ - SALE) HOUSES FOR SALE GENE RAL lido !u.'·111 ,\ h •\'frunt, privatl· bea1·h I 1r;.:. 1'1' r an1l f'ilJ • 1 l1l1 n1. and dl·n, ·i '1 b.at h !< l 1 ).,,·n11.,u . "l'l~'~ll•· bay club. ~Xpt'lt!\i\'l'ly fu 11 -.tio ii 1h11< hu111• .. 1 .. red a.~ an est.a.le g;JI(". lido isle b , :1 11111 11 I bdrn1., 3 bath h •t111 •'I 1, :~ ,...11 • .-!- ro .-11, 'l J,\t. •>nl y 3-doonJ f l'••n1 I 1 '',Lt . h• aeh, '.? bl•11·i,,; tu ('lubhous<.-•. spa i'to •u " 1,, 1111-: 1\·11h l•u:_:, 11 ilk-in f'lrr.<f'L~. t~·rrif11 · t1 11.111,•1ni;: c:1n b<• ,11 1 "'1i•1 ! 1vill t rad(' fnr h"n1 111 1· 1•1 ·Ir 111).:" ocean view 3.11-1:11 !'11. I I. ot' gracious h \"lll}:: ... 1,,,, 1,·, .. 11100 "h'"r• ·"· J .. n ,•1 .11111c vi•'W or eat11 ht1, ,•11 1 nn••I .'Ind h:"ir'h r "rtt r.'lnN'. '4 berlrrl(\m~ :t h"h"' "" 1 1 ·••t• 1•'ll'J lot.huge1'.llx•landatt •)'I• :.,.11 .1;.:<'. n• \' 1 IJ •1 11,·.-·d in . this ii:\ t h 1 t11H ~1 1., ,. 111 1111• i.r, 'I .,•1 1~· ~.Jf1/IO(), peler whiteh¥d. reallor .... ,., ...... _ 1 i;t t'"rto I I'/ ;,.J.\ 7•\ ~ CORONA DEL MAR I I ',' :1r:o SJ-IORF:B. ("qn1 1•·1oi_. ' ...... \l!l\'1.",.; h'''"t'. ••l\'n"r lra1~{('rr1.'d l n111<i.1 11t .. 1. I l.klt-nt . :1 bntl1s p'us family room. l·:xJ···n., \'t • (".1rpl·l- 111·~ a11 I olr;q .,:<. Bt·autiru! ,,.,...i ""11 i1fir•" ;ti nii!y :t'i::'.'tf'iO 1 lH .1'!.1-:X. L"ORN'l-::R Ltl'I' 1"'., 1 -li"l'· l'trl;:; •lid l~ach . 2 bedroom,; ('.'11 h 1•111l d•·Ub!t• f.'$11".1~· -.,,./laratc laundry r,.1,m , t >11 t "' lo\\'J) '''''1l•·1 '' ry a nxious for a qu1 (·t1 · .!I· 1'11• • ,j al .. nlv ..:;1::-~1no. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. 1'111• ·r :0.1\'('uii\Uon. R .. a11 ,,,. ,(. _.\ .. ., .. 1.,1:ll••,; 3 117 I·: 1 ·,.,,..;t 1-lwy .• Curn('r Nar.·1:-i..;us 11li. 3-!191Ll GI RESALE $950 On. ',f,.. • \'.·r•I"' :: bolrnu1, 2 bath,., ''"''''"" rm hull! 111,.. <"nt· P""b . 1,[1,,1, -(""'· l'rtll•). \\'.dh '" • 11 .... 1~ J',, .... s 17 •,(>() 4 DELU XE UNITS $5000 2 ~Jtn>~ ... .,, h , :0 year• n-. F!a~\ ,.;,,i,., t' .\o&. Vn-y l'JGd f1n"n··1ni;: Cnrry !Mm· ~ .. 11., ~ & 11,,..,. .~pc!lldlng '""""Y I• ft' l'r\"" S~l!.fOO. PA UL BARTO REALTY 10 FEET TALL 1~ 111" ""' ... , 11 i...-1 tn lhb 1 •,.~1 'I fl :\ b•ln11, t.mol,· ounm , :? blath b"nU• I}' l~•r~'" •"l\'••ttd ptlllO. 1--,,.,, "'! t11i.:h i.,~ yuur pn- ..,,, , II•• ~.i,,,,,., kH,hcn hll.~ rr~. l rl. bfl·Jn,. ln<'!Ud· lnK d"'''"";h•·r i..'arpctt'd •nd •IHl )""1 Yun prubl.lhly W<)ll't ,·1ta11..,~ 11. LI•inc, Ju.t move In anJ luve IL $21 .:'>00 w llh St ,0:'>0 down .. -Farr•W- 293 1-:. 17th 1ni:i :S··w11 • .,·i ru. c. :MMal l.AGIJ~A 11""'"· LI 1'-7!•7!1 •l;tv Ii: e•,.n1lll' All G-M9i Sophl~ti· BIB 1:-:TJ.;J,I< II~ I >J.:('(HlA 'l'QR '8 111__.,\11-: '\ 111':_,j 8.t11I t•m. ,.,.-,,.,,,, '.l '.1 hnlhJi, 2 ~ plll<'f"~. 1-:J.·;,;;int ell.tJtoLl!'U 11nd rlr;,p.-.~. fh<•of"r moving lo Nevuda. P1·ice ~du.:ed k !loOO -now otlend V $34 flllO for quick All'. BAY 4-BEACH REALTT, me. cat"tJ ti.-. .. 11 'h,.1ne over-- loolunl( y .... r ''cry o .. ·a betw·h. 11,.,.1 ,.,.,.~llore lh·· 111g "i..i .. f'r"""' ! v aprre- eLal•·~ Jn \'.1luo• A11klng 'Gt ,:l01J 1 • 1 $~•fl,ll(l() llrvk cr 4.H ·IGlll •'V<'11Ull.;~ cu1:J.J-;(..;~; i•,,,k 1>1·-~"'-.-~-.~, bf!'.1ro.Hn :? lm.lll.•, v,.ool tuN ~l1n11:, cualotn ~ large COVton ··I pllUo, flllly lllnd8Caped, "xtra cablnet work. $23 .1100. :?f.~2 OxforJ Lane, Co11tll ~f .. :11a. 1600 !'\ewport DITd., 0oeta M -. Day or nfgl'lt Ph.-... .. __ 1 Kl 8·660:\ LI 11-1161 _.. _ UOONOr(fbaYri·ont. 2 1lAiU OWr..'ER~droo~ uoo - 4. bedroom.~ plu.1 apt. Bat· "°" bland Sate or leul. ORiole 3-8792 ,'3,000. C&.n be WflVuted mto "*•ulltul •ma.U ham .. Owner. Airenl Ml t ·lCO&. OR S·3811t -------a.~,,.._._ ........ ~ ..... I.I'\.-"· .. 100 100 -Automobile' for J 00 S•I• & Wented Au1 omob1lt>$ ror s.1e & w u1ted .... I HERE NOW Q\ USED CA RS @ USED CA~~ @ ITHE NEW 631. FORDS ~ SOL D WITH OUR MONEY BACK GUARAN 2 c "''< ,, " A f[1. ... E>:AMl'lES I 1"l.< .. . $1099 Sl CHEVY 1399 59 PLY $999 59 MERCU~Y". t •u tn·I B<"l A ' :-.1 • •\ :-•~1 "" '''I" . ._ .. _ !l r,.,~ '1""'"''' 1 '1' 'h ., ' a 111,·n1 . .i •· ,,.,J,, ·'"'' '' t """'"'-" ' ~· \\"'"'I \' ~ Al•l<"""1'' I .t H !'..,I•; 1' :<:t"'. rinl!: u.,1t I ~•ll" A h,.l\ltt • \\1 1:-;-~~\' liACli 1;t'AH.A:O.:TEE • F ,,,·1·!•'""·1 ttiruu,hcut : • ~h •;'I;~:\· l:IA\'K • <-1 "ltA!'\TEE h"AI• r • )\!1~1 :\ l'A<'K Cl'\l,\\;'l'F:r-: • 55 OLDS $299 58 CHRYSLER $m 54 INT"l. 539q "!"'r iv. I O...C1· Sp"ll II• ·' •lh a 11 1 .. ,,,,,1 i. lit • • r •I•"'' 1n.: • \!••:>.'F'.T HACl\ • 1.t .\ll ASTEI': IS"" \ .. 11.··1 cou11ert1bk ".n, r.,u 1~·1••'• :-.;-,.,.. lop .( I"' • M< •"\'~'\' BACK • •;I \tlA"\;Tf.:E Lot>a; H•-.J 1'" k "P 1 •J-..i'<'<.I On,. r>t ,,.,,.T,•I .,,, •t·w~ • )HI:<-: ... \ l":Al..'K • 1':t '"H~STt-:Jo: · ::.: .... =~GROTW--CHEYROLET ....... ~ ..... "''t• I•"' .;.02 Ott~l1 Al'f. Hunt•nQIOl'I Br.irn 1 Acro~i frllf'1 \lit P.trl Ll b ·b0ti7 CHEVROLIT • !! THE NICEST !! ~· j 'HI·\' ' 't ! •H \\' A •';t);\. I 1'1"1" !H•lll,.r au!"· l' I .,.. • •hJ: !·• nl ''" 1" r 11.hl · .i . .,, "" !•Z"r eti .. v. \\'•- '"'" Th1< 1~ • tin~ t•r I 1 •II •·, f,.r Y"Urk"lf , uu,. · r~\_. 11.1 f,.,. ••u.-!flf\• 1111 •1' Hilo\ u\ .ul1ohl.- '>1 ~·n s"n•l•y~ CHEVROLET Balance Assume ,,: '••l.\.AIH J..lf.),\;J'.A ~· Lk)UR \ ~ .. .,,,. b1<:ll!I<'"', pa .. Olll~· •~·· ••' ""''" hly 11nd a,.. ~q,,, t.,,1,.11., "! S !6':11 :.;..,. ~ 1•1•fl<'r Mitr :Olt :-:~ al "'"'"k· \,<>! ":.100 H...rbor J\11 •I l '.,•!• M,..._ ~11 ol •1::.'• T 111.• r<lt hn~ I•• 1111)· (~·U 1nun1llt)llfl. "'J 1.,. 1J,,.,,1.,, J.,.11i.-r Pea\• FORD Balance Assume -,., I • •Ill I .i .. t tr .. k 1 •• ,1 .. 1, .. :. L•,~·• I H11ro11o11> lro ""·''"1"1"' on&· tnal "1" 1 1«1 A.,.U1'11' l·,ol,H1• • I'•"" \>Ill.I $::'1 HI "'"!1th ;\not ,._,. BAY MOTORS ' ., •11mr 1,,,1,,n. ~ "I i :110; Sf-,. 1 t~1n .. n• ,. 1'1i.:"r Mr N"~~ •t 1ttOt••I..•' 1,' .'II~• lt.11 1i..1 lih·(I 1-.,.., \!··~,. ( Ml ti ,.;~;, Tl><~ , ,., h"~ be •n ,.,.,,."'"'"'"°" br l bo•n.1 ... 1 do·111,.,· 1:1,.alrr. I .• ... , H•rb<'r .. l:o \1 Ml .; ;:.1•. • Assume Balan ce "" I ll)o;\ t(I II.VT l.1·1 1111 l "·n1·· :11111, lU " II.din,<' J'•IY "" !\ < l::I ,.. I ' •Ut lilv I• n.i !•·~ 1111" ' .• 1 ''". Hj s I '.i7", .-:.~ 111 "'' ,. 1'111 1 ,.11 ·'"' ·'' h "•O'.• l.n• :!IP>l Jl,,.I•• I h I l' ·! , ~I .• ,, II 1o •:~.·, 'l'h" ,,.r /\, ''"' Hlly ·~"''1 f•, ""'pl ••·11 ' ( I I I.,.,, f,·.! .J, .1k1 (•, .J . ' WAGON WHEELS' •I 1,:1 1~;\· t>' 4 l •lt '1'1(1:-. \\'A1;11:-,: l '••k11o •. ,j ' ,.;1.i .... ,. \ 'l q, ~h•f! ". ••I .. 1, .... 11 ~ ,,,, .... 11 ~ ,,,, t"llt:\·1~1·1.~:·r 19!1~ Bel-AH I '''"' 1,,., •u•1io.• 11'1<1 · .-r ""l•"ll ~t" lran,..1u .. •0<1 , .. "' • 1. • "•;:: si.~1:1 i,;1 " 1'·1 r, CHRYSLER 1-1.1 ,.,,.,,,,. 1!1:.fl rh.,,.,lrr 'l•~>t r,11 1 l'""''"r ,.,.,.,.11,.nt ,,,,.1" '" I.I •'• "I 01 i It> ' DESOTO •••••••••• 57 FORD \' )> I , d I'"' "'' 1 .i .•. , ~• 11 .. n te '''I" h""'"r I"'""' I !'If'< I ii>!; I !.I 1;, < II " \ •\ m•I •• .'(.._ "T 1..1 .. ''" s:1··· ,I ' l1ro'"" A· ~"" !'>1 I H o1 I !' .-. •! ' "' 1'1 .-~ • I 'I""' ''' • A !••~······· '1" '"'~ ...... i 1"1'' I SS T-BIR D '.,' " 1.: .. 1.~ ..... t ' 1 11 .... n ,, , lo 1 "°'I ! ! ' • ~· •·llrn~ •'•'"1 l +I;, ,,; -fl~-,. ' I OI ! .. lj"'·L• d ... \.' " •. ,11 '11: .! ~-·7 1 ~1+'<:> ... I' •ii DODGE 63 DODGE DART I !>I ll.I l.t. t ' "\ '>'" i I l 'I().;\" l 7,,,\11 .• ~,11 "'"~ I 1S<'WJ I I 11.-,.,h l .I t-~:.:.'»-j fl V\I•""' :-.[',\'\!<~:<-: 'P••k l,,1;: 1•1o1..,111.,f ,,,J 111 f f1983 b<>"''"'t!\ •'•ot1! lhn l •·Uj' rom .) ' "'A+:"" All 11r• I" w """1.i1 .. , ... l ilt •!11 •tHf! ' " 1<h•lr '" W•ll• lr/1!h<'t~llf' ~n- 1 :,,.,. 1)1'1.,. NOW $1799! I ':11! A(" t .-n11~· t HI , ,HARB eR MeTeRS 1111111' H•·•t r~~I AI' T'"~~· hG /'I f''"''I 1-t11 " 1.il,."llllll HYuu t ·~O lt • '•Hl~1 th .. ,•, t ... 1,..,1n ... HY,.11 t. 7;44 59 CHEVROLET ·•l k"outl al•lton wagun, \'-I "Ulullllll h". J'OW"' •lMl'nllg', Ii.tu• h«nlrr J..,..>w milt!'~ ltr" $Id¥.'\. ~lllJ.F,K.mNNl':'l.l. CHEV 10-0 \\' (.N«.'t Jl!way "'''Wl'"'"' l!<·l\.-h L1 8-121111 •'<IR\'l.AR, iiiGot-dvuTA U- IOfll"I"· (r.u•~n<l,,..lun, tiil· •lkl, h•·'lh'r. 1003 pa.Int, • ·~hit., .. ,.u t1r•"'-tn1maru- l•t,.! Mu•t •IJ ta CNl'I! wt"o·lt 1.lakr t•~h ort••r •I .!ti) HU h Plaf!'e, Coata .\l .. ~a or <:All M.I 8-2672 1 ·1 r'Evy l!J.\J e ryl!nil•·r Aut"n1'11l<'. Gvo<I Ur<-11 Ii 1n.,!•w Stfl() or br-t!t o!fo·r OR :t -t ',111 !l(•f'I;~~ ~A l T-:1'1 It AltRVlC"JC ZI ,01 IL•I'"'' ro~TA ~ f.l l Ii '"'"l Kl 11-3347 FORD •••••••••• 58 T-BIRD F'ull 1-.. v. «•· pill' fac'l()f)' lllr J-;,,, 11.•11\ c<•ll•U\lon. $19P:'> !'!«.-,.1 Johnaon. It Son. t kl H;1l'l••1t JlJl·J ., c;.o.i.. M......_ \)\" 11 .. ,.,.,. & 11ll "''~lo>nd. •••••••••• 62 FORD ;;;.-F\1111> \'" 1 .. .i.,1 ... ... , !;f,.,·r , " 1 1. 11. l'a·J J..._•11 . cU.1.-n•ni:: "''' t"· whl!" •'"""'" 111 1~, xlnt r rm•I U<P\1-""''' • • S I. T Jll,f!Y• ~t <;" ,,. To•nn .. • f 4fl A. ("u.,•1 111' I )fT1111 4 ;~t t l.l\~1tn• iiil ~'O I! 11 h '!°H)\i 'T'll• !-;;-; H"l\u!ifHi• Al •ll,· '"h1!<•, '<II• bk-!n1t•r l"td 11hlft. 4 b , iCh<H•" 6.l 11 1odt: In ) O~LY $11~•!" ll<'nl GMA(" Te1·111 ~ •>111 ~ ('on~! llw·1· p.-11"• 1° .. i..iu 4 u.....,r 11t1tth1n l...14:U!I'< II\' 1.;;4 , "'••./.!"" Fur,\<>n>U.lk, Radio, __ · ___ _ he.,l.-r, luirg •g• racll. T-flntc1 t<i.•,-: f'•'"''"r bl11 ... Al11,.k11.n whu e. all w &ab-JJO\''r •,1,,•11•!ji;, brak""· a ide l>la• k • whit• Ylnyl Wlll•I"" • ~l\t'k •h1ft $18(11) lntf'd or Ju.~t i'.!09~. Onll.•1'1<'• !NI.I<" tor 111!<' I l·fll.l..EH·CX):<-:l'o'ELL CHEV. mo•!• 1 1o1.,1 ""' "n,.:_.,11,_ r-----~==~~==• ';(Ml \\' Con"l lllway ~.) tH \';' Ncwv-"1 Ho'a~~ LI 1·22::08 iiiiiA('l'l.ATk! !11~7 .,,,ru 2 FORU Hlr.6 J<•Rlrlane T ·bll"d door 1.,,,.11 •. 11 \'I'! 1'11>:1n.- You cancf.'I your claa-enginl!. Nt'W nibber. O«>d "--Jiu ,, .... , r ,.11•t·r1 n.:. meeh&nk;al eondltlon. $2Ml • sifi("d ad, be suni to Lr 11.r,960 · wh111• "'.'11 .. s .~. aak f a.ad i ---OR :\-1i:11ll.) 1., 9 p n) o r rece vc 19M Ford. • door Country 1966 F••it<to ~ ,i.:;r-.ardtPi/. your Kil.I. NUMBER S...·..t,.n, rs.oil<•. hl"•ter , •uto--W>() ~d ,<; 1,.,::-1 Phone 675-:llll anUe. t.2~-~6-0933 al· I -.:.....__ ---- I F 1---~=========!.C-ter t pm l t"a '" th,. o:-laMHed•! 1-~-a.ua.•rn-1 •-••-----,. .. ,._.,., ........... FALCON SPRINT HARDTOP If you'"e had • yen fOf a sports cer, 1ee what• new Falcon Sprint can do for you. Trim h.ndltng .. , ti9ht cornflring ... ea5y m•n~uvering · Fakon's 1ifways h.d them. Now add rtew VS punch. Just wait til yot.1 try it . A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We are now in tfte process of replac.ilM) aO our exec- utive cars and delltOMtrators. TMse. •its -. aft very low mileag., -with less than 2,000 miles. Al .,.. loaded with extnn and best af al -they are priced to move immediately. Come in SM ta. yow5elf. HEY! HEY! HEY! LOOK OVER THESE CHOICE TRADE-Ir's ON THE FABULOUS 63 FORD LINE! 61 Chev. 1-lonza $1195 I 61 C.fleY. Honza $18~•; 1•11 l'I l 'l'"''' 11,.11~ !u••lr• 1111·''" 1 11111'1': .• \111 .. u .. ur. r~'''"· • • .,i, ~ "'"' .... 1 ... 1 ...... ,, •• .,1 .. 1., .............. .,,, 'i;., .... . • 11 \ 1'l'I" ......... 61 Chev. Monza $2295 I Ul l 't IC,utl,., h••ot!.•1, l"•"rri.;hct•·· ~ 11111.-........ ,,~ f ''l:tl :0.1~ 61 Chev. Monza $1895 l'tll 'l•t:. ll1t•U .. , I""''"•· S • ....,..i "1!.-L .\t .. ,,..,., "llh "kl!,. \lnyl lut,.ri.,r. klfl, ilt't . 61 Chev. Corvair $1295 I 1111tllt :O:t:l.I.-\:..·. S1l..-lo: ,.11111, -\ ,~,.J •~ """"'·' <'1tr. 1'TI" 4(1..1. 60 CheY. Impala $1995 '! fHIOR HARDTOP. P<>\\••ritlO!t,., t"""". .,,.,.i,.,. , .. , .... , •t-..rni: u.-a.1 ,,,,.,.,,, •·x, i;t;~. 60 Chey. Impala $2095 I 60 CheY. Biscayne Sl29i • IKMlft It ' ltllTilr. tUll ,.., ..... r •u . ,.,..,,t,. •••. " ....,., ~..,. 0 ... ! 11~1'tlK. i<tk'k .a.in. nuHu. lw-•• 1-• t ..... ,..,my pl11A loolr•. Q.1.4. lilt. and that's not all. We haven't the room to list all of our A· 1 USED CARS • But we can show you a whale of a buy • TODAY • over 75 A-1 reconditioned Used Cars and Trucks ready to 90 - 2 Giant locations to serve you! THEODORE ROBINS FORD SERVING THE HARBOR AREA SfNCE 1921 Sales & Service 1 111 "'· c....,., u w,-. :-;..,·pt. ~h LI B·S.fll 110 1-n ... : Op.-a 'TU t p.oo. Moa. lhru Yri.; is.1nnta," 'J'.V. t :fWt p.m. (11\-.f ~Ohdit..fM Used Car Center l•IO Nt'"'P.rt Bhd. O.ta ·-\fl ,_,,... .. 15 11 1 • ' •• • ' lOOA Impart~ & Sporh Cars ,'. \:'\'D :-;,." l!Jii..! Zt>n1th ,.,.1,,r TY •'1,!J PnN" $113 In l>hl•· .. n,. , ... lr 1::u:tr:u 1· .,., .. ,....,.,, ,. i"'I" ,. un rarl• i 1 l.\t• r •'r n1ak<" pay· "' 1·~ "f $11 11 ;~·r n>onth ! 1\c • "'" nl~ 1111 \{ " i.;LS; T V ,Ju~t '" '1: " '\ll!l H1.r 1~ r K l "~--,-, llpt<n •la1ly C• t<.1 !l ;;; i:i. 1 t \01 I Y "J t r· ..: ··•·..: !" l,.. 1n· .,.,, .• ., .. 1,, t"'·'"-'= :i. e .. 1.,r \' tfH • or :\>'A' >• 11\o• '"'"' ·' ., ! f•.•: •' l' I ht' pl « •' !~IX: T\ ~·l~• 11 .rl><>r I, -: " ,,t lt.ok<'r 1 "' [ _I -~.!·.·, YOLKS VJ /\GEN \o•T.'"i..-..:. .! •l·••r _.dn.n 1.•l ,,,.. I•· ·•· "" •r nr"' r1ru ""' I >'>:t.Y $1 l'lfo ' ll···t l :'I \•' 1'··rm~· !H 6 1' , , • I I .,\ 11\lll I ;;11 l .1.,:IJIU& ,-,~ \' ·l• ,.,. " .;,.,l;,n loll,. n "' " 1°· l "',, h ,. 1'h.-••·· I • or 1 l ·11n n•·•I• r r··' ·,r.-. $1<>'.H ii7; :;: ••• 'ii : \°OH,h I\ {1tt•,1;~1 \ -~ •• !· ' I( 100 A"'t"m.,bile1 For s .. 1. ' w~ntied ~uyino A Car? • ~ • ' 1 I !·IT• • t', • 1.1~1 l'T''T • • 1·• ••• t I I •I . "I I t • 11 CV l ""·• ~ -t1111np<. ,. RE PJSSf \S E 0 ' " , .. . , Need A Carl ' ••. . .. • Valley MoiuiS "··I I• ' ,. . . ' KEY MO TORS ,11 1 ,, ~· ' "+ I< " • ,, ! 'It • •/ ' ' ~· -.. ' " \I 1 · ' ··, Oualitv Cars Allen M11tor Co. " BUICK < 100 Automobiles for S•le & W<1('1tod 100 Automobiles F o r S•le & W,anted co~~ET CYCLO NE I J. ··~ ' ' ·-11i:·.:t . ., . t h il .. ...;, .. 1 l"''rt li kr A or.Wrn1. It' '!ti!! \ '< 1·n~i nr t··~111.-,I "il h po11"r '°""'rin~ i .. '·1 •• :h 111u<'l utl P"" 1•r l11l The CYCLONE CC i-~ET I .. h ... ,.,. II••\ lo .... ,.. l J ri\r a11 ,l l1 t •lfllf' in I .. 1 '' JOHN SON & SCil ".I' I "'\.VI. t "["''Inv 1'1 t .• " BUIC K RI VIERA • \•I I I• \ I .I .; I ' 'I ' C J\0 .t ' 'r:. l 9 'j 9 " BU !CK "CAQ.i I /~.C " 1963 ) I ') J ') • j l y 51195 00 Kinq1wa1 ~ 11illac1 K1 ~g '•"Y Cadil lac s II r 1 1:,, I co" A Mf>A WE NEED SI \~•'.?,1.;.1Y BUICI( CADILL/\C "'!" ole ~+r full l't ~ ,1 .. " ' C<) 'I \ 'IJ A A11u11:• ~ ,· 1nce " " " ' " " l 00 Automobiles F or Sale & Wanted CHEVROLET EXCE PTIONAL! 100 Automobilet for S•le & Wa nted ="='c ""H'=EVC'::ROLEr-= "LUXURY IMPALA" • QQ Au tomobiles tor I S; le & W 1nted :'"'\ I 'I II : \ T\-11' :-:1 ~r i:vr \lit IH'-11 '"~' •·H~:v \, 1\11'\I.\ 1·1·~· l~•'•"t :-il~•ltT •'1•1 ll1"t',•1' "'' '' ,,f. llHI· (,.h•r\' Ill' t••:">:l•J hl l··k "111 . .i:;a.ln !•• "'' CHEVROLET A>i ume Ba lance •~•!'Ill\\ l\.l'\l t · " t·n I I~ II \" ,.,., ,,,,,, H !" "'I'"' ,.,u.1.-i, ... 1 '"'•I, I S -.. -, : ~t I; \1 \I' I· ''" 1·., ••t H ·' llY111 1 ;11 .; ! 't· ' I·' I' •..• .;Ii 1.· ,,, •• I·:, ·11. :1· I ·11 SI 'I Ml(; .; t 'h .,, 1: ,. ~.,: "' ' I "'•'I•' ,, , .. I< •'I '" ' ti t '\ ... '" ~ ". .. •'I'"'\' \ .. '<to; ,..; JO"I ,<I \'~ .. I'·'"'· r· " 1\,1·~ \\ •I·· • 'I\' ''''"'1 ,.,, .. "'"I· " I I ' , \ •' 2 •tr :.:• 1' 1·•tl " '.; •n r l1 0-.:1,\· ,, ... 1. 1:-.1 \(' l•·n11•' "'. l.-..:;•>11.1 11 \ It • '" t I F, ... l 11 .... y I -; I I .. 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I 1 .. •I• ' • I•• ' •...., t' ~ HIGHEST TRAOE -IN ALLOWANCES! 60 RAMSIER ....... " . " " " S1295 ' I .. I •< 1 -"" I ' .. , ol ,JICKUPS (f. older) as Low as t. .... TRANSPORTATION CARS AS LOW AS <59! S9 (lf!VP OlEI SU95 I•· •t ' I I ' \\ \ ,, ",, .... ... ,,, "''' "'"'"'• NO DOWN PAYMENT! 161 FORD Pickup I "" I I ' 1, ...... " '" I!•!' 1 , t olot "<t!o NO PAYMENTS 'TIL CHOOSE FROM! S19S Sl7l0 ·' A PRIL! MANY MORE TO or l\NGF COUN TY'5 l F A f'IMG FO RD DtA ll ~ .\ ' '" • '·!• ' ' ' ~• I .~ .... 1.1 "I y MAR K DO WN ING FORD 14 ' I "' "~ -1 ! ' ' .. ,"''hit•!: " I•.\ 11 \ I M l" 1SS7'J f!, ·•t.h Bl .. d ft liw.sy Jq) • iunf1n9 lon a •..• , h I Kl 9 I I JO . ........... _,._ .... , . '" '" .. ' .. -' ....... 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B l"d OR J .(lq60 H~:t'\'\'f!~$l6.:'>00. l<1\\' 1 •• ., 11 :; bt'-.liu.•m~. d"ubk c::u •..:•' l,.,'\ri,:t lot 4SO F. .\l.•c:h•h,, .,,.,.. lr•·ln" A\'r ('o>~t,. )!,•<& -'<::,•11t ~\I 6 Z:l•":I •1~-;-... , '"'" J.."'" 3 t:-•I n~•n\t "'"""'•'Mii(',! 1n-u\1• k •nl ~-,.,.,. . .-,\ """""l•~lr 1 -~· ~~, .. ,, c11,1 ...... 1 ... ·1:~•''•'• l.11\\~n Lr l'.•11~ 1 ! ~ 7,'.'I~ t.t "~ii .,,,/ /_ ... ~,,,(,.,,,,/ \• • 'l•1 .. 1 ........... '. , .. t:,.t'•'I :i.1nal1)' niC'"' horn,." 1:h 1.;,.1 SQ Pr of "'t'll l':.1n - n"J l"·1ng !lrea_ Thi~ l"ur ~"' 1r old, 1 \. bit.th hc.,\lt' "'llh "•II.ii lO .,.-,,.II CRl'J'<'l "n l .:!rapt"S "'hll hu !h"t l\rnnd "''''" i ... ,k . Bu1!1-tn .-1t'>·:nr k 1 t r h e n. t,..,, p:tl">s ft•n,•..U y :i.r d, nh'('!~· 111nJ!'C'nµ('J inC'l ud1n~ opri,,kl•'rs. PRICEf\ T,) :<-~:LL AT S::l X"'1 \\'ITll $\ '~'O !XI \\':'\' TO E ITlll-"1' ('•):'\'\'EXTI O X.'1.L 01: F H \ Fl~.\;>:C"l'"G M. M. LaBORDE \'our Harthlr A,.,.._ Rriilh•r '.:'.'•'> F: \ 7;h Bt. Ph 6-46·•'!..>:• }-~,'''""I:'< C'l!l.ll -Kl 9' :;-.;1 ~ I f 1· •'U <'allCt"I your <'l&.s- s ifi('\J ad.. be> sure to l\sk f o.>r and f"t"("t1i\'t' Y"ur Kll .. l. ~1-"st:1? l'h,-.nt" 6";'5-Xl11 -1 :·, fll t/ .. I l <•,.f'r S l1 o r C's • EIA.~FR.0"-IT .\NO HARBO R VIEW H0\.1 ES1 TE.S Pr('r ""d Flo.,t Pri .. ,le ~<'t , . " < :... .... 1 .. •tl ll1\ •••• I J .... • ! 1'1"111\• 11 \'I'. U!ll'l\h \ 11· I\ !n.111111,I <'\<'1'.1:11 !,, .... , ~ t• tanuli"" .,.h,, ,!1·111.111·1 111: I .:111 ,,~1 .. 1,l th, "'' :-1' \'l'l'l"H ;\'I"\\ l'\'1:1· n \\" 1~ ll1J-'. t,.1 ;11 (.,t '!'!, .... ~• a 11,j b..1JI\ .11 11"\l\ 1-•1: ...:11111:1•:....:_ J,; 10\1)\L!lhtll I dj :'I '' \ '1 1U\'lt\' ...:lh ll'l'l ;\'1; 1·1·,1·1·1:...:. 1 ·~1 \t-:1: . ...;1r Y 1'1-' 1·\\ !!--" !l{\'\:"f.. ·~ I '11' d,· l-... •· t \., 11• t 1~1rl.s l.>nlllt p 1, t-'..~\ ·'"'' ~ ... .n I ,·11tt•rla~n•1 111 1.!·\...:\ \h 11' \. •'1 !'1Tl 1:-,· Flt1l\I •1il•~"1 f\ 1\1 Tl ,d ,· .. 11rfi1~ !~I~ 1\41\l 1: l1f;l\t 111 '\•·"l'"rl ll..·1.h J1"'" l'.1,·111.-t"~t 111 .. :1~ 1111 11 '\111t h 1•11 ll,.,,.r 11r.,,· \., :-..11·· .. tlfli,,· I r .. 11, '""]"•rl 1u ,,1 ~ "'"' un 1:1h 'ln-.1. ,,, p'•o,., .. "-ild .... ,,y b .. s JB OR a . 1 s i 12 MACCO REALTY COMP J'NY 3 • \. • • 1 HOUSES FOR ~LE 1 GENERAL \ SPECIAL -SPECIAL We a re RIDING R1GH to·Jay. We honestly be· l~••e t.bia to be the on l~· Nf"\·port Beach H&r· bot' Highlands home aY:i.ilable o n today's mar· krt at LESS TH.o\N S2-\.000. Thia i.e L.l\.s·r YEAR'S PRICE. \'acant a nd immediate pos- MSSion possible. Automatic TAPP AN RANGE- D VEN with ROTISSERIE. DISH'WASHER, WASHER AND DR\.ER. Ca rpeta. drapes and large cme-red patio. Thf' tall STAR PINE is \'1.lued at ove r 5400. This borne is under FrlA a ppra.isal by ~\·era! hundred dollan. I.kl u:< s!Kl"' you this terririr investment today. HEAVY SHAKES CATHEDRAL TYPE OPEN BEAM. CEIL- ING, USED BRICR and. SHl.r riERS. Loads of band rubbed cabinetry and pane ling. If pr:i- vinciaJ is your Wah and a QUIE;T EASTSIDE keybok street ill your \,.·~h we urge you to lll "f' lhi!5 immaculate home tv:JJ y. ~26,500. -FarroW- 293 E. 17t h c.o.ta lteu. ?.fl 6-4494 IN NEWPORT BEACH !JI beautlfllJ "~r •rl "l'J"°r BA 'f six.-noN. Own '"''" _., ;~1 1n °"" lcrfdJ' MIC-fi~-. '" Ulllt• 5 10 lfl., --.ett.. ~ •rot! •n<rv1nc . PT1~ fl"(W'll $1t 800 '~AIOI • ln1., ·~~ D .... _,, · J f dl• • 111 U1• ..,_.. 1~ Ht~ Un•ir ~ .... ~·i ec... .. ,._ 0..0~ WALKER & LEE, U Mtll INC. -WAllTA BE A POOl PftRfR! Vlr haYe an n:tra,akfo, .._ cory, eomfottablfo. .. 1 nimmltlc pool for -~-Hiat.ed too! All t• the ... .,,, low prief' ol '21~­ .hat to make this the-hl. ... t barxa..in on Corort• dd Mar, '" an tllrowin.c ii!. a.a lmmM:Wate, i:wwly rduttl1t ~d two bedroom t.oroe that (. .. ~ U f.n)'\hing )'W C&A ~­ Bna& you.r ewim tuil Ir tow~I a.Ad .eot UU. a 1 -.tt. o.mtt' will tab • low ~ ~L l01hl "8 trad.f' for , ...... nt la.D<I er fbc..om•· ~y. ~Lido Shores Realty ·~ 3303 Ntwport Bh·cL. Nt-wpor\ OR S.:it~ Country living · City Style A ll 1!• '"'''"<'f\1.,n<:<' 0/ <:1t v l 111 1·1;::. , .. 1 ,..a lklng dllftan<:;> ·oouse"s FOR. SALE 1 GENERAL · * COSTA MESA *, I t•· !hoc 1·ount1-y ,1ub 1i;.0i1 .<' f<'°t r:i.no:h hO\l.•• '•' t ·h•·""" ! , b:i.th~. C1u·-t 1-<I· .... h .. pr•, 1nl<'t. com !h1U<)••t Lo•·!'ly patiu & l•ol• •I '•hi• nt "''Otk. F°<'""'· rd ~!lt..J & dbl" (Jing<' Unly $1'\ !•~·0 Drop In & ["'I, "I' ', ,,.-fl"t'<' map of •'Ir ,.. ~., .I "':h ,.,,~~ fan•ily room .:.' W E l clc.henm er Rftr -• t·· 1.1 1ir fll •'pl..u:.e" nl<AI-· · Y • · ..,,-.1 •it .. ""' k1 t<'hoen wilh \lSbt.1 :.:pi. 1.1 l"~. )II 6"392.~ .nnn'.:: :.,,.,. .": b~ctroom •' f:,· ,,,.,:::• OR .1·4 ~77 ,~'!.I•~ ""'l: h.•th•. \\'all _, l 'Y!T>' ---· lu " •J .:11 p,11ng al>oJ t U.~·1 :->;c-nl.· .1 '"' nH Mh cr . E a1t I• ,, dr:•i ~ PLUS large ."1<!• 1< .. ·•tion. Own"" nnll 1 1 ., f 1 ,.,,f,\<oor Zh 1ng )>:,. ~ h •Inn• Pr••>,o·nt 1n- l'1" • •t lo• i._.,.. rrpb•'••ni. nt , . ,, •: •;c(I \'e>tt -. C.'"lol .! ~~1;9rw; \\',,lk•r· lr 1 r.· ~1' ~•\\II !~ ,.,.r., S4!~10fl I. • In< '•1•oen E•'""'-\ "" i; J ~ !!t!'l ,;v .!'11'11'1 £"EWOLF I ZEALT Y I.I ~.;; .... 1016 OrJng.-, (' M C<';!'T A )1 F'.SA OFFJCE F Remaining :.'ii..'" H •rb<Jr Btvd. Kl a-•1 1~1 I our r1:-:LY s1.·,1111 down on tho~ n. lo"". 2 .•t"ry hnnil'11 f:. 1 -:;,.1,. <h1plie:< .•. F.I"<:'. r1 :..-·~1 s:ro.ooo ' ., lido lu~:u1.\ h:!\·front, pr ivate bto&l'h I 1r;.:. 1·n·1· ~nd >'lip ! bd11n. and d l'n, -t t 1 bat hi;. \. 1 l"\'ittl<1n. •lJll"'"''l<' bay club. e-xpens i,·t>ly fu .n .~h"d 1h1,. h<•1ll• .. r,·, rro a.i1 an est.a.le s.1k'. lido isle bt :1u11 L1 I ! lidrn1., 3 bath h •1110· ":l IJ.:,; stl<'•·t- t o !'I l • • I J.,t, u11 Jy J-.doonr. f r"nl I 1 •\ .I :,. b•-Hl'h , 2 bl,,l'!:s tu clubhou.~<.'. Rpa -1·1o •u,-: 1,\ 111~ \\'Ith ta r .~· \\·.ilk-i n clOS('ls, terrifK· f111.1nc1n11: ~111 b;:> ..11 1 ,1 11~·1 -1 \\'i!! !1·adc fo r h.•m ' 111 1·. '111 -~!" !11).!'S. ocean vi ew 3.tlCO l"l. f l. of gracious li \'iug .. 1 •,.,,I,\' 1·"1neo ~hnr1 ~. J'.!l u,1.11nic \'icw of catAh11•··h11ir11•l 11 nd harh r rntr.tnl'1". 4 bedroom!' :1 h•t h~ on 1.1 :111 t ~ • 1 n, r lot. huge pool •nd a tri1•1t· ~.u .q . .:1•. 111 ,., 1 h •1 li\'cd in . Lbis i.s th 1· tu .. ~! 1111.\· 1n th!' ar, '• ·•·1ly ~-,S.fM)O. peter whitehead. realtor I buol1-1n11 \\'<1lk t(> l>!h St I :1" )' F111'1n<:"1ni:-ll\';ul-~h"t r . .,~ • :,.or1 "'nl11l an>:i a t.I~·. ,\s loiw .u SLia pt-• ;:: '.~~:.! ::~::-~~~II p~~~.,0 :111 ;.:J;'"l ~·7··_ ~::~~:.! ~~:'.; .. '"_~;:I~ ~ CORONA DEL' MAR 11:1 porto "f .-1·2·11·1 HALECREST 0 'i P• t -. "'~:'"' & l!!nd"""Plfll.: H ME ino.-1 .. ,,, .• , ':i 1'!1n• 1 • 1 •.• th11. t;,.ill-in I.I 8-IJ J~-. 1'1 9-:?7~1 f" M ti.•h" , •II• 1 oii•p···'-"'l. '" •·• •• ,., J:'i r'tra ,,,,- , ... ' !11 J: "' .'"" lh• t,.•n - rf :. •! lla~•·rr•l ' ,.,,,. ~·· ..... 1 f 'lh!•"" Orange Ave . Dup le x 516.950 NEWPO RT HEIGHTS 11 ... ' .... ,., .... r h ~Id<' I ;u It• r" ~n · "!•• <olf "!.')· H•r• • ""1-""'u'n•t}· ""l'lh 1.1•r ,.1·1.E :;., X l:.O/. :-.:c 1 ""'""'·'··rro 11"" . lll•!,.r ::t,I V A.•·A,\.•'\' l 'HO JlLJ-:l ! 1 '""' h• •r ,. "D 1.,.., R -2 tli•'.HF. ' I'._,.., I• r 1 fTlVI" "fnl • f'~I P.1d d l,. l"''I~·" )(I t -h ... 11 c,osTA "'"S • ~IWPQP1 -? ~EAL1'_,. .... '-· lnine \•• ?" .... i MJ 11 ~t i!'' Kl •. fTM I en ace · West Newpor-t Hei9hh .,.. ..... \, . ..., 11.1.r.o~· 1-... ........... ' .. ,,.., Liit ~ ·~""'' I • • •I A lq.. ll•• ,,, I Ric~•rd\Ofl Ra.l-ty 1 ... tr.~·-•''" fJft 1 '-"'-'l "'ESA VERDE •• "--"""" • .., 1 ... ·-· ., ·-·:.· ...... , ....... , .......... . , ............ ~ ... , ,. "'" .,. .. "''"" ,. .. , ""'"" t ".u.n1 '•-"' •ni. e ''•••~·! ,,..,.,. ,. ,. 1."' • ., • ., l'l'l"" 151ll IJ.in i • ~·•lo• 1 I>• 1>(! .. n ,.,. ,,,..,,,.. ,.l.l:l<I~ ,. f.Zlt ... .o KJ Ir vine lenace-[a>t --If L•t;7 -· ....... ~ . ''"" ....... ". ,.,..,.,. ,,, •r· •'""" ... I 1-'i': t l·:O Sl-IORP.S. ('i1n1p:1,,:: '·-.:··· \11 i \'l' 0>l h1 •n11·. u\\ln•·r t ran.s[errc'<I. l n1111::,. u l.d t· I b.Jrn1 .. 3 b;i lhs p'us family room. 1;:X J•"ll"' \'(' r,,1r piet- 111·: :ui t dr:-q ·~·i<. ~au tiful 1'°"1 "~ir-ri fi1,. al ••nl~· <t:'l:.' .!,~O. ' I 11 'l'l.t-:X. (l')RNF.R L(.Yf I', , 1 , 1t •• ,,_ 1•1u:.: 111rl lx-a1·h. 2 bedroom.'! r.J• h 1<1111 ,J<,ublt · :.:nr:i;.:•. ""liarate laundry -r•~·m 11111 ,,z 1•11\n o\\'11• r 1 • ry anxious for a q111"l1 • .11• 1'1 I•• d at •·Ill\' ..::1:.: "tOO CO ROH A DEL MAR ICEAllY CO. 1'1••• r .\1.t'UU.Ut:in, R··•h••r-,_. \-~·•1 .• 1.~ :illi I·· 1·,,,, .. 1 tlwy ,l:onwrN•U•l4"-•wi ti!~ .l•l!•-1•) " GI RE SALE $9SO On. \~ ... ~ t ... ~ '.,., ..... ,..... .I \\ •I~ '· t IT ""' ' " -·-~-~ .... o t "• v I 01"' • r .... J. ,., .. ~ •1 r 1•N1T S ssooo 10 nu IALL .. ' \h•• ... "· "' ·~~ ... ···- r ~I L• ! '' l -.11 ... . 1 ... , ......... . ,, .. ""' .... ... • .... 11 · • '"' '" lo.u , h,o;, 111'9 -"'' ,, '"'« ...... 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Oprn --~ ()l•ftA_N, B•J .,_ 3 ti.I ~ ...... -'l •1hJ1 (lout.ii,. lJ' ~ .. l!•·"""-..s ti> PJl 1411 1or; •town. •Hhmlt );'., a.I 214 T\i.,.ln s-,-1 ...... JI wt •:t:l•'9 I f .... 1 .. •'• " '""' ..... Ion.on·•·.-,·,,,-,,. ,......, .. ,,,. &. 1.,,,r .,._..All ,, ,.,,.., I· fl' t•n•" St? t!\fl PAUL BARTO REALTY 121111'1() •·•h ·~~ ...... -Farr•W--Fa n.1 r. 17th J.1 1 1-«•t 1Tt11 ,.~ .. 1, .. ,, tu r w-li:il:i-:-.:1o. 11 .... ,, ~>J>nl•U• I I ,. :••7" •!.o\' 6 ..... n.1. .. ----BIB l ~Tt:HJ• •H 1••<-,!ltA'f'.lff.. ll•J.\I~· I l1H.o •o•1 f•M """" : tw.•U. 1 ~ , 1... •• ·~ 1. i:~rtl _,,...... •1 ... 1 ,., .,, lo I>• •n• """r- 1 .. -..,i.onl( l• ... r ,,.,,. -• ..... " IC•·,.] ., 1•h"'" 11¥• ........... t lalo>t Ill $t•l""ft..tt1 11 . .... , .•. I ••·1• rt, •l'fltrt- \,,I,,,• A•kl"C \ •" ••"' U•'••r . '""ll' ... ,.1 ,,, 'I" •..,, n .. r fflQYll\f: t '! •t.Lt.• ;~· I'" It 1.1 "'u;:n;;--) ,,, l"',.. .. .i.. • ............ 1 .. .-... 1 ._,,.,.-.,,, : h1>ll\• wttOt lWf kOtou ·-..,,...... "' ~··· ., ... j(off\ .. ,... s:i• "~ '"' 1111111 111 .._,,. .................. pau.., "'II' HAY A ti&AO l IU':ALTT, llulollion.""' r .&I .,. u.lotM1 !'X(" w1ork Sll l\.O•\ :1D•2 (bJQlfJ I 16W , ...... P""1 ll""'. <::bill. 1 . ..-C'wfll. ,,,~-ROY I WARD CO. BRr1tu: ltS fOR v~.u: tanc•·I your c a• .._ ~, OI "-IP' """-Ml D-"911 ....., 111 ...,..... O*lr ._ _, ~. ~t-Ji .U.M:d ad, ~ sure to l.J "111l1 __ Uw ~1 -..,y1n.-1."'l M1u 'ft ...... ,._,, ._ • °"'--c,..,... -~ ,.,.... · uk for and recdw OWxm :s boo-~ r..w. • t t.s.JOQ t:4ll boe -'fWt.4 u.. ..... --'-u. .......... ........ ...... r • ..-.d •Uh nyrrrst yaur lf1'LL NUKBE&. • ~"'""'~ pl\MI a.pt. l!llt.l· •to bft.uUf \,I --a ........ IC'DIO n .... ...,... Ja••• ...,,..n. A•lftf W '-ut;O Pboae llr.-13ll .,_ llol•nd l'•t. w 1-H. o._,.., A1-1 Ml 1-1.._ ( ..... -U. .C adff ~ lll.2'e. l•S 4 .._.,._ No.I l ff" Ottkli. J •~fr2 Oft S·P-..51 SI .. 1* 0.. .w-. u 1-8:.t .,, .. u t ri.1 1 11 • __, -_ -.-.. ,,,.;_ , • .._ 5 2 __ ...... ,.-... - • -- •ut omobol .... , HERE NOW J 00 ~~:;m;b~:n::.; J 00 S•I• A W •nlod . USED CARS @ USED ~~~~ @ THE NEW 631-FORDS 100 ® 59 PLY SOL D W ITH OUR MONEY BACK G UAR 2 TH£S£ Al!f JlJ•I A. f[;\' [llAMPLES B~ I $1099 S7 CHEVY $ $999 59 MERC URY · B.·i "" ,-1~," ~.~11,n "'111 "•,<I -:uh111 htt.11 ' p,.._,~ \\ "~'"' \' ~. A tJl•un .. l•• •i.t ti 1'.,"•'t :>c""rille • \II l '.\"F:\' BACK • (;l"AllA!'>ITEE .\1 ,.nt''''' I de ''"-Ill au10- n ~•· •••1•<> • hr•lf'r 1-:,, · 1•'1••n •l throua:hout' • ~I Li:\'~:\-HACK • 1 ;~·A 1tA :-:TE:E \'-ti. ,.,., ,,,, .... h"ll!• r •••• 11 ... •n<1 • )h l:-;~ \ HA1..·K Gt·\ I:\ :-;1-F.F: - SS OLDS $299 58 C HRYSLER '"l""r t>S t•Duor !';p,.•I ~.,., "•th .. ,,,,,,,, •• ,;,. I. $999 5~ INT'L $399 • • ·, r ,1.~·r111i:. • \!1 •~ET BACK • • ·l Al""XT~:t.: 1 :-,;,." \,.,k,·r c.•n\'ert1blc "'t h r .. u 1~'""r :-:tw .I.op I.: I''' • I • -'1< o.-..:EV l!ACK • • ;1 ' \ H.A '.'\1"EE t..n..,: U.....J 1·,, k "P l ·•)'('t...t O"'" <'f ,...,,.r.1\ '" 0 1 • ..-k • ),hi:\'~., flAl'.K • Gl'1,ttA:-:TEE ·:::;·-.:~GROTH• CHEVROLET -1 .......... -...-n..-... ..02 O<t~n Att. Hut11ingtOt1 BtMh \Acro\1 from \~ Plt r) CHEVROLET • I! THE NICEST !! -,, 1·1tv\· \ ~' 111{_ \\'At;O::- l 'M•L· 11,...lrr. 1 ulo, P ·.-. 1 .ni; l·~ .,1 '"' rio r 11 a•I· , •t-1n , n l•l .. r Ch""· Wa- c o•n Thi~ lw • fine ca.r I ur, ., " fur your.elf, lhlll • l'l'l • n.! f,,r 11ur" \(l(\', • •na•" '"II """''Lablt-. rJp•·n Sund•)'fl BAY MOTORS .'" •• H.arbor ... '" ~1 · .• Ml 6 • .~hi !illume Balance CHEVROLET Balance Assume •1.I t 1!1 l\'Alk llOXZA :! DOUR \ ~'""" b11 !.u1.:-... pav onJ~· S~" i ll 111<'11!hl<r 11nrl ,.,.. _.,,,,., t. . .i .• n,·.· .. 1 $16~~ :;,.., ~·"'""'·~ Ml'r .\Ir N'flt<I •I ·"t"rl\it•-lAL ~1 00 tt..rb<>r HI'<! 1..'.1~!" M t -. ~I I ,; ''-'~'' Thi• 1"11.r ha,. n • 1 n!I) t,.,•, n r«',.ntlilklt'l- t'<I t1v t"•n rl• d J<"fll••f, 0-1-.. L"H~·\ ll<l l .~:T \9ll8 --s;r-A tr I """' • • t:.11 '·••ll<1, .... ,.,. '" ·'"'""'•ll(' l•Jln><ml""''"'° I"•'"' .o.~'"'i:; SS9ll 1'' r -, 1;; 1 r. CHRYSLER '~' < l-U•;\'111 •L~:T ---- 1,111 •IR e "'""!l lhZ.., ,...t ,1.1 , ~··'"'"· IP~9 C'tlryt<l<':r •tu "' h.11~n··" rn~· nn1} I io'()t: full ,....,,..,.t Pa.-.llrnt \ 1:1 1•• '"''''1"1}' , .... , ;\.•· '""''''''"' 1.1-: 6-•;1;1. 1 ,., . ' '""'" "n • t d "", .. 1 1 I :;·, :-: ... ll b·t:.Ob7 FORD Balance !illume :,., I '•ICI • .1e1 B'.•• 1< I·~" 1 .• nr . ~ 1J,,.,. I )lllr<ll"r J1Hnl11<1•l:Hr OMC· inal 111i. r~·r A.,.11n1•· h.d.q,. • I'·"· only S:.?I 4(1 "'' 111111. '"'d ,.,,._ lfu m,. h.,1 .. n .... •'I SJ~~ Sf'<' 'i Ptn'"'' t' ~,,_.., )Ir :-;'r~.o •I 1torui.:•• 1~ t .'11~1 ll.ub"' i Blv.t 1·,..1 I ,,,.~ .. ~u ,, "":!:. T'll·· • ... ,, •• ~I be •' n r<'• •<n<hl11:mrd by bon.k•I do •l<'r 0.-•l•r •••••••••• 57 FORD \'Ii f·,,.t' "' ·~~•I ot.••1 ,,.. dlll! H"""'· h«fO l••r, p"wr1 I ~'""'"'I.: 11 .. k·~ :.u to· math l .11.o n•" S~!•"• ~ Ill J • '1 n«•n ... ~·11 l~l 11 ,,., , 1·11,1 (",r.f~ ~ ..... ' ! 11 • 1 • • • A "' '" '"' ..... ,., \11 ~· •• 1 ''" "'' In! ?l"O ll<1o l•' h .1 I • M · ~" 1•1 DESOTO , .......... . I I •• •..'. '• T l"• o.•r h.• .o-.nl l}' 1-11 1••••11.111"11 • ,\ + I• 1• I• .1 ,1, 11.10•1 I '• ,,1 .. WAGON WHEELS! ,, 1 .1~\ 1:1 ~ t•lt i"T\ !h •" \\ A 1;11:-; d ll~ , •• , k•· .... ' ~<i.1 >'"'' IC II ~~. "' "" ••• , .. , .. 1 .. ·~ 1·.i.i. ........ 1 ... .,., '"""' ,,.., I .,,n, ,.,. NOW $1799! t •I M"•' 1-· •tC • ,,,_..., H..-¥ 1 .. ,..,.. " ,.,,, l'•I~ , ..... ' ., .... S•I.\ \","' 'ii:" .: .... , u ..... ·~ll!l• ,,.._.., 10~1 I k ,.,, ~ ...... llM'll , .. .., ol11t t. ~~ " 1'.•ll 4 ol( ,I,._• •• : DODGE 63 DODG£ DART from S1983 HARBeR MeTeRS 11-11 ........... , ,..I(. fllatVll'lt n ~• 11 "'> r ,.,...,,.. M'saA 1 11 .. 1.11. i sa IT;.s,1.~~ ~" . , ., ohll I 1 "" <t•" ••• ,. I ' " .•II Sl"'•" )l ll.J I I, 1 , ,_. t t. ··~-' I ..... II ,., •1 , .... , I 0,:,;"'T 1 I llo·" I. I .I J-,:,L.°"'" •1 ~ 'I' I "'"';''' "'" ...... .. -t.11 .. 1..-I h I'\ 11"' '.. •11' 11 ' ,, ".,,, ......... 11 • ·~................ .. .... r 1 \· ., ....... , ..... •l'f\•' T.......,. I ....... _ ..... ~ ,.,.._1 ~·-"'.),ft S9 CHEVROLE T I -- I ........ ,,, •l•t ..... ......,:"' V·• FOID --I -· ·~-··~·· ......... . _.'f: .. u • : •t _. I IHf• t l '•t•n"'' ,, .. '""""' ,it I "'~llr j J"' l .... ' ' • >•~~11:~1~N1<1r.1.1 . rttxv 58 1-SIRO I -' ' tJilr ..... n.1 '·" •• " ... • ,, ..... ... '"" \\ t •...,_,, th••• 1, .... 11 I .... , ,.1 •• ,,.,,, .... &.!•I .. -. 11 .. ' 1 ..... '"" '.·•J>o.•t II· ~ti I I 4-":tl)" t,. II•"' '''"•hl,.-.., l o"ll!'t lt'T -'" I , . +I '' •RVIAR. IMu I J ... ,, "'" I :--.-~ •1 J,, .. _ .. ,.__ ... I 11M1 ~'·1:1 ,..,.,,,,. 1, .. ,,...,11-111,. r • 11,.t l~·• IU•J . l.WI• .. __ • lw. .I .... h·•'"r IHJ palnl, a \'!·ti~, •. ., .. •It ••-~nd W.. ,,,,., '"''• ,,..11 II•"" '"'"'""! •••••••••• t"l~i.. " '' 1a1 .. • Mu.t -u • ..... 1 bl FORD .-1:..r' 11 .._k iU•l\r C"S•h alT•r •' 1 ,...,, •t• ~ ..... '?' ....... ..... d I I •'11lt 4 ll J t ' • ,, • "'' II. I 11 \I \ • , .... "'" . . ~' .-.:'I 1~·11 r l t.• ... (-.,..!" '"' •· 1 '".'11 1 .Juo'I' •~•••·n1 I~"'" •I~ \l .. ,, ........ u MI •:•;~ \"''-" .... ,._,. .. ahf'll..a.JIOol _ , -1.-'" ''"l:lf&ll ta ir lf 'fUll !• 1 •llt'\V' H•'l t r)'hn,1.1 A la•l\•n •II!!• all ....... ,_., ,1 ~ 1°1"'"" A "'''"·''" (}u..1d u ...... ·1 at j., t"" k It .,.hi!• 1'tn.•ll WU•·•• •B-" -l•fl Sl'll'b l _,,. •l.'r ',,,.. ,_, l ..'••I or ti.r.l ~f~r 1111,1 ~.1 .1.,.• l~"OV!\ O>• .1 ... ~"· ,,., i..·~I t)f\ 1 1·,1., M llJ.l:lt 1 '•:'i l'<l:~ MQnl .,,~ .. 1 •' ~ .... I f Y uu C'lillC'•'I your~ ai.ti•·d • d, be '""~ to ult fur a.ad recr:l\"C your KllJ. NllMlll!:K l)laone 67$-:.311 :1W1 \\ '""'-"' 1ti .. a1 N-~·: llo-il•h U 1-::::•• j.Yln1 • lnf\o\ t ••rlaMT lo!nl ... , .... ~-M6M.>t'I' •looud _,Mn... ..i -.ttu • ..._ l :PO ...... 41 t: 11ol.M A!'1 I 't• 1•· • l"l•rd 2 1 00 I ' " \ • ""~ '" ·•··· ... .~ .... I.I' '>NO ..... 1.. r· .. . • ...,., ··i: I ------Ofl ' • ' .• ~ I<• • j' ... I~ P'ord 4 4-0....,.1r11iii'.i6 1,,111 ...... i.. •. ,....,,,., l'\l'al•f', AU\O-'3"" •I" tr •• 11~ t::'>C'I "M6-0..>t tJ •I•• 1 .. 1cll 11 ' tef I p "'-11 • ftt 111,. r""-•-! ____ ............ -11i--· .. ·-.... -... .......... .. FALCON SPRINT HARDTOP If you0vl! h111·d A ye-" fOf' a sporh c.ar, see what a new Falcon Sprint c111n do fOf' you. Trim hendling .. , .. ti9ht cofnerin9 ... easy ma"euverin9 • Fakon's always had t~em. Now add new va purtc:h. Just WAit til you fry it . A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We are now in the process of replac.iag an our exec- utive ca~ and deMOMtrotors. Thew •its cre al very low rni.._, some with less titan 2,000 miles. Al are laaded with elltras at1d be>t of al -they are priced to move immediately. Come in 5ff far yawself. ' HEY! HEY! HEY! LOOK OVER THESE CHOICE TRADE-INS ON THE FABULOUS 63 FORD LINE! 62 Chev. I-Ionia S229S 61 hev. Monu SI&~•; • ''' 1'1 1 •1~···1 ,,,. .... 1 .. ·a1r1 ,,,,,,.,. 111 r·r-\u1 ...... ur, n.,11 .. , .,~"'"' '"'" ~ "''" .... i. ... , .... _ .......... ,.,,,,,,,,,,... ...,, ........ . t "' ~~~ 61 Chev . Mon1a S229S 61 Ch · C~ir S129S I ll•Mlll "t:. ~ ,01k4, .. t.111 • n ,.1 •••I 1'1 1( ... 11 •• ,..,.,.,,,, r ....... ,c1o•• ' • · •~ ''"""'' "•·•· ·1 T at Iii,._.""'•"'' '"'" \tll 61 Chev. Mon11 S119S 60 Chev. latpili ...._ $1"5 ,,,, .. , 11 .606 ... k-1 ... J .......... , .. .. ! "'"'" """l'Yl"O" p -........... ........ ........... u ..... 11 .. ••-u• l•lo• ... . i........ ......... ··-""' ·~... . ..... .. ... , ~ " ,-, ' !Wll ..,,. ' ... ... Ulel' lllllW-$20l!$ ! ~ ~!. ~i!c'Ylt Slzti , '""'" 11•11, • .,.,,,. ............ ,"""·I t '~""' l'01 ...... ""'"' ............... .... • • "-• 1111-""'*'• Q-1 \ • I C and that's not all. We havet1't the r oom to list all of our A-l USED CARS • But we can show you a whole of a buy -TODAY -over 75 A-l reconditioned Used Cars a11d Trucks ready to 90 -2 Giant locations to serve you! THEODORE ROBINS FORD SERVING THE HARBOR AREA SINCE 1~1 Sale• "-Sen Ice ••• "" ··-· u ..... ........ ~~h I.I l ·Sf11 11111 H"• O,...a , t.1 • ._.. w-u...,. ,.... • ~ .. ,..>~ ·rw I .. , "., f ,.,..,..., ........... , .. U"9d Car C••t•r l•l!I s .... ....,, Dhol. CW.ta ,..,... wt • 1cu 15 « • JOOA Imported & Sport's C11rs .\ :A:-:o :-,:,." llh>J Zenith ' "h:•r T\.' F u!! PriC'e $11!1. 1'1 !ud .. ,.., .• '""3.• ~><ran- 1~,· ..... r,,,,. 1~d1,·y ,,,. part& ''11 Lal-'~ tlr rnake pay- n· . .-:i'• "' $11 1 1 P.'r monlh [ ,l(,• r., "'' '11 •'1 T<1 till 'I·•· h:1...;,; TV 1 Ju~t ,,·~ •1:,;,. tt1!\!9Uat U-•r Kl '> .:.··,·, 01wn <h11ty :• lo> I' ,.:; .n 11 l •I I Y~ I~·· .,: ""~~· Ill• :~,.., ... ,, 1;1 l>"1 u1;: a l'vt"r , \"in,. •11 :-;,,.,,, 1.~ rn.· "1111•' ln '1 /', '!" H th(' /•! ... -,, 1-..1:-..,; T\ ~.q~ I! ,,rt.or J•:·l ,, .... h fpf ll..1k('fl h: [ '1-.!.!.i ·, VOLKSV/ /\GEN ., vc•t.K." .: .J...ur ....,,.,n :\dvb<' t"·•..:·' tlt."ar nl'\\' l1ru-vut <•:>:LY $1199 ' Bi'~t C\I \1' T.:rn1~· 916 ('.,, -! Hw_1· l-"•.:una llYa lt 1:711 1'.)">~ v ..,10< • .,..1.;.·n ,.:;,-.Jan. Ilk <' n, . .,., , .. ,,,,,.,, •n r.-J with !,• l'h"n"I•· 1n: r ... r r:i<Uo h~atcr "''"' '•N'" stu~,o. t;;~-'.!~4~ •IP r Ii ·~:: \'{)!.K . ...:\\-\.<:~::-'-:-b!~ Op. S-\'jSI I 00 Autom?biles For Sa le & W•nfed 8uyinQ .~ Car? e ~O Cl~F.DJT • e A ,\~l~Rt'f'l'CY ~ e PP.N'F:~<:: OF p1vnnc1:~ \ w ill r•n ti":• i." \'OU If V(IU I I\"\~ I\ '1'"•1th" I Jnh :uut 1n ''"'' t •.i, .,-,,,.k VA LI EY MOTORS • 11 • r '~ l-1 ,, ! " REPJSSE SSEO -1 .. r .. l 1 1: ''" 1\·ri1•r 2J · 1n··f· • ., \\. '*""~ A 1nF1n ,..;•,.,,-,,,1,t· .• n·.r n1•1lt f'I • '""ti I . " " \T 1k" l"'Y· ,(~I'"• pr n 1 .. nl h I , ·! -.; •t'1 h uf ,,, .. ,.,, n'.I~•'; 7\" n .• ~ r • !1 1rt .. ,r !\!\ t 1-\ I 'l • • < " n ! 111\· II I·• '.' S !t '• I Need A Car? .\ ~ ~.i.rry n•J• ,1,-11 '"'"lr ,, l • S'.?!'I '''"',., '"' S!'I ••il " .... ,.,.k ''"'ti •1"'' ... I ·>II II I' I r Valley Motors 19G•I It • to r <'•• l'< !>\o·...a ~11 ~ ~"'::? KEY MOTORS \\'111 pov T ill' [•~JI.I.AH for 11.11)' t 'I '" t .1t '1r 0.->n'f h""''"'"' :'•"' ul now' 2 10,.:0. H 1d .o II ,.,J. L:<1>1t11 ~I·· " ;..11 Ei P'.!'.!!:"1 Quali ty Cars Allen Moto r Co . " "'' ll" \ " ' ' ' T '." '111 1\l:'\ ,.,. 1.: I -' !. ' l\IW/\)' , .. ~' .,r·~ l" h· ,,,. lo. 11 .! I I ... ~. II " " -..: •W I< II" • "" p1 .• , l' ,·•1 ~ I l ti '"'r ,.f H . .; .. • 1 BUICK l'"' I'•·· .;!~ ,lso:_o~, A I 11,.-h •'l'•' •I S t11.11•h1.-•! ,,,,,,., ..... ., 11r 1 1:i1t't l 100 Aulomobile1 for s.a. & w a,.tod 100 Automobile• For Sale & W•nted COMET CYCLONE hi t .. :\'"1·1\~1rt !j.kf' a storm. I t s '!tjll \':<'""~int' k-a11u'tl "ith 1101\l'r sWrini: i ... ''=• •. ,;i., 11u i.·l ant.I p<n 11•rh1l :- The CTCl.ONE C0 ~1ET j,. hl'r" 11111\ In "'l"'f' ,(: tl ri\'r a ud ht::.'. -(',,n1e in t ud.1.\. JOHNSON & SCN LINCOLN • MERt:URY till I ,\ •t \\. ('u:"'t lln"''·• '.\!'\\'.I •r' :: ·i.•h I i "''I : I""· "l'il ~ I',''· -1 I ~ 1 -, 1 ·, BUIC K RI VIERA 1:·, BU ICK n· ... ..., for C AO ;L•. ~C -1 l 9 5 9 "CA DiLLAC" I 1963 Vu:l; t I 0 • \ .. I ~--I r~ ! r1,,. !' · ,.. '"""" 0 NL Y 54795.00 Kingsw3y Cadillacs :! l ·17 I l.1 rho!' t~h·d. I 'h ~. 1 .... -.:-• ...!:! COSTA MESA WE NEED 1., '" • ·I 1: ·1 •r r '.i. '" STANSBUR Y BUICK ~ .i ' .... ' f• ' , ill «~n ' ' r""' .. r . ""~ ·~·· t• II• 1'' r ~·, " \· 1 ......... 1 ..... .... ,,,.1 .... . I.I + : ,"7 ~ CADILLAC I ' I I 11! I \' 'l • ,,_, ·' P •r•' I • l"~•l'I t:Ol.•I~ I· <· • ·•'Y air. •• '"'' . ,,,.L, l'rlvat" i •l t .. ,1,. ~·-11139 0 f'J I Y 52295 Kingsway Cad illacs :!)~Ii II .i:,.,, l:tvd I 'h -, I ' ·.!~ COSTA MESA Assume Ba lance -... 0·11.111 .... 1 1 ·~; I l!-·1>•1,-\ d' I••" H "'11"1' ~"•11 I ' ._, • , l• 11 \!!• ' j l••Y '"" • oo ""'nl l•h •H1 I 1., ""' "' $:,!n;', ·'f• :.,. "" .. illi;t , , ,,,. r .. 1 ~IU•I II ''"I:' I (',,!\ i\I•···, .\l I , • 1'111, '"' 111 ... ; •• ' ., 1~•!1,1•· I ol• .,, ........... 1 ,,~ i "d• r 1\'"l \\ho ,.. '""I"' S;l, l•M1 l' •·•jllll'I""''· """' 111· ' ,,.,\('" ...... 1111111 ,, 111 ,, \\ oJI I •It" 1>L·I t'r 1, I I I ',, "'' 1 .. 1rty 1'11 II !':°I~ "" to"r • :•• 11111 I 'I·•· l 1 r \ 110 '""'I f,.r y .. u selling '"'"'I 11 • .-.. u,.:ll DAILY 1·., .. ,' .• t LI 11 -70 1::1 I S.-11 11 o •I r .tull l 14 100 Automobiles For J 00 Automobiles For Sa le & Wanted Sa le & Wanted --------CHEVROLET CHEVROLET EXCEPTIONAL! -.. LU XUR Y IMPALA .. : .. ; \'UC \' l :t•'I. \(It 1111. !''"'' rl!~.:'-. \-. f\tl'\L\ T (.lf' ~t·r ('I '~· 11"1111 !JI.ti k ll lHI• lo:"!, ti;t\I• ,i::~J11·d·· "'' !• •: It 11 It ~ "1•l.1 • •, , '·' \n ··n- v1:ihlo· h 'I I I • 1 '11 I , I"'" t•h~I-I ,.,,, ~-.,,,, :.--..t I; \t \I •h; ... ('."''' H '' ! o' o,' )l\°,1[ I 11 ,,i ('I· 'I -1· I fl<'I 00 1 \''I j•<>\ 1:;h 1.. ,, .. ' ~;~,·,·I!· ,,1 1~•" ··r· 1., •k··· \\ ,,,.-. {",'\! J IHI I'• I' 1rty ~II ll . •-0 .-,-C'!1·"·1· I;. u.·.1,.: '" 1 •I ' ' ..... . 'l· ,. , .... .. 1n •' '" I• •" '" "ho!~ ,.. •II 1,..,. ,., i~· .. 1 ! >It 1 1 11;0~ I ·,·, 1'!1~·\• \'I ''V•"l•I<>\"\'" 2 ilr ;-;• p ·, .. n "''0.:"" r h O'\'l.Y s 1-.·,• l:· 1 U \I.\(._' 1<•rn1,.· !'1•i ~ !"11 ·! Hwy l.:li:'ln<I ll\ 1+1 I i~l l ~111!1•·· ,,, ....• -.-- I F You e:u u···t ,\'<1 Ur chtA - sifiC'd nd, :1 .. !-llll'L' to :i,gk fdr .tnd r f•('o •i\'C ~·our Kii.i. ~l':'\11\t:lt Plh1n1· 67.·1.:l:l I I ~l'\IHT <"i•I lll'TrH' .,., f •• 1 .... ... I I!' ' ":-.°I •I 'l'll •:" l .... ; I""' ,o, "" I.ti.~ I;. o .... ,. '' ~ '''"~ ... ''''"' l·•t ,1 ' /, 11, • .,. JI I"• 1 '" \\ 11--.•I· )•I •!•"'' "' ,.,, o.,+,.l l't I ,. •-'I . " Fir1t S I 999! I: ·• 1 I • \ t \ ' • c .. ,,1 11"' 11\'~1! I !I " l'll~.v ' ~ ,1,1n 1' .: r I• 1•11.: .... ~." 'I•~ ~ " I • " _,. -~1!! 11·1 , .. ,.1 ..:;r,~·n ,,-r· •. 1.,1.: t•··t ,,f '"' !: •\ I l 111 .. \ "K~<llV.-.: \'\l .l'E 5 ,•1-,• II"'' r:~t \" 'I'"""·· !Hil ~ r-..... ~T \t ,, 1 ~~-:;•on 1 llY111 10711 6'J 1'(11(\',\I!\ u, ··1 ·· I' I:: rt H P·1 lt.•I -11~11 w wa11 • ,.,,. ~'' 1rl,.l1t•.: "'·•·~" wti1tt' w o:l " 1-•r i.1., .. lri 1 .. r l•lr t:n1r !l:il.'f •1tDfl ' n .... t o:,,.,t· ·r ...... ~· 9UI !-c f'.,1.-.1 I(.,, 1· t .'\• i:un1' l!Yrtll I 7~11 :.1 C\~rv1•!!•' "~····II,.,,! I h>n. ll•'W I 1 ,-,. • b ntk••t 1u1.1 P•l"n··• ........ 11: r L•tll $ 1 .. 0 an.I !1tk,. .,,., .• '"rnl • I .I ~ ~ ,'.~ tll l'•Y · • OQ Automobiles tor I S; le & W•nled CHEVROLET Assume Balance 6'• '·11 ~ \ \' 'I <! ' 1·1 ' " ' 1 ·'·· ' I\ 1 · 'I,\ "' ,'I \ I ,. I" "··• ,_,, '"" I " \ ~ • I I -'loll I• o •t ,.f S 1 :..... .._ v .r .. ~,. ... ,t ..;. "~,.. 1 .. 1 ..: 1'"1 111!1"' !th ·I ' ' 11··••1 \t i '""!.''. Tl1•~ 1r !1 t._. !"~-,.., T-' '"Ir' ""·'I t•v 1 .. .,,.,,., !1 1!· t I '' ,.,.,. HOT & SASSY' od t '••I:\ \I! \1· ,,/. \ • f.."I' ~; "' 1 n.: " -"r "I • · • '1/ll '"HI • ,), J• •: !' 11 :<'1• I' k ''"I! "' r".t " ~, h ·"t "' ,.,. ..., 1 • I#•: " ' 1. 1n-l h f\)\ S I 799! 1~,-! •;\! \0 1. ..... ••r. ~ 1·.,,1 T !lw1• I 1,; ,,,, It\ 11< I 771 L {'\l~;\'l :(l l.F;T 1'• .; I"' tw" ,j ••t to I j,,,,t f •' 1n I !lo"' 1r.1n•1111• .,.,,, '""' I'"' r ... ! I\ I ' •n 1~· ....... •l 1c··~ )''"' ·~, ,, -~"··~t.. ,.,, " \' •'!•h- I ~ ,.,, v,· 1'1•11• '"I" n·•w f'tlltt 1,1,' A J,, •. I H <.._ '"'Ill ''"!-."'"" ",,,It 1;,""'1 1r.ir1-11-·"·'1, .. ,, •r 11:-. I.I !l-!i 11 aft·r ·, 1<111 NOW al MARK DOWNING • • • PRE-VACATION SP ECIALS! '.'~E C IALL Y SELECT ED USED CARS C ~;i 't Give Your O ld Car a Va catio n! RETIRE IT ! S6 vo ·k:wa~e n Sl9S .,, 'I:••• >I h• ·I-I h It, \\ 1o .. 1 • ...,,1, lllon· 11 .... t. I•• " • I• '"•'"' ' I "" ' • I'" "" '" i:: 60 CHEVROLET S169S 4 11-.\ I t:Tllll.t : 'lil t. f ull I~'""' \\lul" '"'" ·• "'•H•· lnr : 100°0 FINANCl~JG AVAILABLE! SS CHEVROLET S109S 1 \11 M11i .. , ,,,,., \\ \1.us .. 1u1 \Ii, .... 1 .. ,, ....... i. .. ,\ 1 ....... ~"" 1 ...... 1,. ,.,, r HIGHEST TRADE-I N 60 RAMBLER S129S 1 '~"'': .. 111 \-. ... 111 r, ... ,,.r, ah '~"' 1l1t1 .. u1":: 11•·•1 lh!, If \"" r ,.o! ;3 FORD S795 \ 11 l "•I N1'1l l ' ... 11 -.i "1111 ""'" l '111t~, r"'"' ,\ 1 .. .,,1,.r . ! I•• •I""""''"'"' ALLOWANCES! 62 PICKUPS (& older) as low as S19S .. ,,., .. ,.,_,, '" ,.,,,~ ..... ,,, ..... TRANSPORTATION CARS AS LOW AS ~59! --·------ 59 CHEVR OlET S149S I 61 FORD Pickup S21SO I llO•nl: •I \l ln' \\ \•:•1'\j "llh I'""' to"I I I' t ", "' • ""'hto .. nlu.; 1 ''"'· \'" "llh I ~I'"'"' ,.,.1.,,., '"''· l'·"i I ''" h nn r••"r •'11<1 111111 U ph '""' 11•·· ,1M .. •• 11.1 .... 1 r ........... , "°'I""'"""''·"" •\•pr .. ,,.,, ...... 111. "Uh NO DOWN PAYMENT! NO PAYMENTS 'Tll APRIL! MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ! ORANG E COUNTY-S ,LE ADIN G FORD DE ALER ! MAR K DOWNING FORD 18575 8cdch Blv d . (Hiw&y 39) Huntington Be.,ch Kl 9-1 t2b ,., •• .,,...,. "'"'"-"'"" r u n r .,, "~ •'10 ... ,. .... Ul'.l<Joh11. -..~,II '1 ,_ -.. 1 HOUSES FOR SALE GENERAL I HOUSES FOR SALE I 1 HOUSES ~OR SALE I 1 HOUSES FOR SALE ' 1 HOUSES FOR SALE GENERAL GENERAL GE NERAL GENERAL 1 HOUSES F OR SALE GENERAL OCT.A:\"F l<t>:>.'T b "''room. b ou 1 r r•l l • n•<:>d <"rD •pl <•11 I.tr.; .. , ,.r,1r r l<:>L H.-i "" t r • "ll t<> bu.lid in.or.. ""',' ,,; "•'\) Eastside -Sl 7.950 "'J_fA~~G ~T~T'~'" 7-'w~l ti , ~ ',~"c1;~~",;.,"h .._ "'Ln.-u!.'lr .i," .. ;. _, 1~ 1 .. una r~y ru.><n , 1,... i,,1111 li..f .. _~_44.._'(p ,-.,m...-lvt. E:IL!"t ~!.!\' "'"'m f 1nod•'Ttl J b<~lf •• ,,., z l<t1.l h ins. tin:-pl11.t"e, m11.ny .-~lr:i.-\\"E HA \"E SO:\!£ : :r t-"lll.L C1>rpt"t. Jr:iJ"-'~ Good Buy · low Price 11·:-1 LISTED -r .. -~'·'" 1hr"" b..>Jn-.Jrr.. l .... ,, b.1"1 !:-•!!l\' 1n t:p-tvp c.>n•J::"-'" C'h·~ k tt:r ,... n.-n1~ """ .-,·ro..'n8 trirn """ i_,. p!!..nt- t' ! rir :1.-ti( bl,..;:O; .. ntr:.n, .. BT.AC!! I.• ff 1 .. 1 ... 1 1 ,, \\' .. 11 1." 1>li!J t.on1 ... llnr.!1•···! rto•)N. CompJM,.!y runii•l1"d :i:..~ • _; ~" ball~ Pmts $\f•:. r1U. ..... 1 '"'""·1 fu, ,.1 ... "·re.I· :\"a.."511.u ROfld Cv:<t.• ,1,.,,,. GOOD BLY~ ._!,nth. :"o tf(f1n.1n inJ!: °""1 1•11!1\ (,,. >'•-• -l·'<Jt.lc ~'REDRICK Rf: A LT y ••n ~'""'i'Orl R'.,·d ,.-;:11 ,; ••I 'h<n:t·~ 5 1!\ "'~' ii. • ' , .. •'IUl $] 7 ~..00 Iii/Ii~ REALTOR J IOO -.,,:, . .,.1'•-ll I~" I :\"j't t M"r ~"I H o•i<·I l 'l.1 =1 ORkJlt• :l 1':: .. ~ ------ALL ~''" L •.;: ,,. l'.•rt:ol>lM li:l'"n "t ""' lo-. •""H \'r1<'· ta . ...,._. :r.r" .:11 "'.: .~W.\)' a °'""''•f111 '"'.:" $~~110 n"'~ pllluu.· \I.Ith' '"rY l"-•r!"bl<" 11Ulo1 !Ii<,•'"'' "'"'k KING T \' •JU•t ~"''11 .,f 11.'lkt'r ) 3019 lh11 t-.1 1\11· 1 Kl 9 '.!'.!·o, •1"'11 ,Indy 'ii to $, ~ 1n 11 t' I FIV E BEDROOMS """' Ill.in pn,'e r.-~,. Elt.<L\/tl•li' $1 •~) ,1u,.·n a.l l h·•n l '.!f;OQO -Farr•W- 29J ~~ l7!h )11 6 -U.9i i:11r.1~" < •1 ,,.,. 1.. ., h.._..J!a 1 ;33 \Vl'.'s tr hrt fln'·" :-; .. "'. 1,•n11nu Rnd in,·-111" ,\ \ ... a.nJ ,-11 ,t. h•• \ '""' 1""''"11 port &.ch. LI ~-~;o,11-. a :;.-)(1(1· bu•ld•ns f··• J. "'" 1.;l•U f1 •t a. 'I'" "n tlla \"•·r;.· 1111'.'e ' b0!m1 m <'··Ike" ~-\\'!'!!~"' ,(• I,._· !Joe. •"Ol>LP.GE Park :t h:•-1111 .. 111•. P"rlt llr<:'A.. Rtclur,.d \o °'"-'Tl E '"~ ,.,.1 .,,.,.. ·I c:onv~rtlblt den l , h otl'I• S:!l~O(l hll.I f:•~•I ~·11 , ~f1 t)-;;ii ~1un.1ly room_. ,,.,., .• 1 .. nn I drapcc. built-i n< f>o~h-,\1<11 11. re11.l l:""'-od b11 r nT ~"' "''"'b r r rr"f· ··• '" ,q, ll>t h St :' .... u~ r ~ ,; ... 1 !t1nd"l'af'('<1. :"<'"'·1'" r a111•,.,1 11u 1·>'. ! Cul <it' ~:u· $2'1 ;:..,1 To•r•n, ··,;:, 0 '."•''''f'O•\ Bh \. 41 4 Etmh11r--<l I.an" 1·,..-.i LI S-3 ZV9 C )I I :\fl'!.'1111.. (hl,.nrr Kl ···1••:'.! ~!lll'ilHOl.A Cc>;;'b,n:l'"-;;:, :-;~:\Vl'<'~:T .l~i '.\l 'H SH map d1r.•1·1 .. ry I ~:J · lt'l"';,:\,,n, Jh'l<'{'J'h"ll· • ("'L~~lo E\ • ·~ UC'fo!AN \·,, • .,.. tl"nu• f1111,.~h.1 :.· \l'lt':th·r v.ittl vot-,-~""'._. loltl Ar Ir.in· .II r;.,,\J f"\I :;! b..'<.11'."-"ll. ~!)«th ,t<•n r-t•vrrlx>rati""· \''.\I r h1<11.:- HABlttHt ll t.;!,\0.,,1~ "'""ly IL\1ng dming .... .,1b1n 1ll<'rl I t'r. di1>mo nd "'"-di<" Thr lari.U<..·.•1..,~1 • ,••n··r !"t. 2 ~ It l t c-h .-n "'r."h r f 1n.•l't. bi~J:<'>St ti.-~1 " .. 1. <IU'Ubl"' ,;.n.1 ''~'" .-\ ll r "·Ii\'" f'Ol"C h. Dl.Jo.1b!<' ~nrai.:•· :! 1 nut 1n o d (' r n «('•nb1n11 tL"n l"QV ... r<'J J>.l\I" :".-Wl)· 1\1'<'(). fi~l&c-. l 1nn1.-..!1<tl•• f••~· lht''I' fn&k" F'\111 f'rlC't' n.t....i. '.\k1ny l>l\t• f,.at11r=. s eaa ion. T t'rnl! l:!~1ltl ,i:"Uftr11.ntt't"d !u bt' \<;i.~· un· J tK-..ll'•Hn~. :! llath.• dQwn. b!L!anct' :!(1 ·'"''l"' ,1 .. r .,..hul<'"'ll.11." rt>~! $1 ~,1~ SZT.:..00 C:tl\ I l .~·"!:!'..:• ~""'· :,()11 S.•a. ... -.-.rJ B ~ :ld, p<>r n1onltl. no d""n nn<' (Jo''umitu r" "'"''·'''\"\--C0rona ~I '.\lnr. r\'ar guaranttt Kl :"~~ T\" t l)t.:!n:>un1• I"'"' ~:1 .. ,·tn(" 7 Homes. ~an ''t'•"· '""'t· •JUl't nonh 1'.'f IJ.ik.-r• buoll-i n.• • ,-., J"'\.-.1 fo'"'"'<"d. \,.,,king Kt'\"~ '.\1anna :1 3(119 Harbor Kl !l -:::2-~'o doul>l.-~a r11.:c n • .,tu,rJ to ~room F'rtttlom h .. 111(' u p<•n dally 9 (,1 !I .S u n 1\ S:!• ~1'1 111 ,,""'"· no $1!1.:.00 $~ OQQ ,t; ... wn t";\1 t,.. 1. ';!nil',. :.'~I I HHl'l\I Palm ~8~33 1033 l. Ind r n -· l'o8!1t i\l•··A Ml .~ :.';1(1!1 P ia"'°· ('n.:l.'l M••:AA I A HOME TO EN JOY hl nunut.,:s (Nin IJ.toa. h \" ' n1tn11te11 t roin flL•n<'ylan·l ~·nr Sal~ !Jr Own.-r ~ Cameo Higl1lands bdnn. % bath., r:u nily ron hll -in..• inc-!u<J•n,i:" <1\~h\<'1t.~h· t•r, llu~ patio H.-auufnl .n trd. All lht' Pllilnt.~ \,) 11111.ke lif" tasy. JE 1-:'>:!1'7 Cameo /.Jri1 'ftf., O cea 11 Shores L(ra t~/,eJ ·-~---i 't '::L'O~f Dupll"lli, '.?(I~, "''"'" t~u;•I\ 2 bt>-ll'\Jo\~1n and 1!.-n h.'lth anJ ~. F ,, h1·a t 0..('an ,;.,.,.,_ A00.11 3 flolo1 ~'l\'·•t\' ft'.'<'t. Ou.·n \,,\ 1 ~7 ~h•r1ung (':i..nynn R.oRd (',.._ r.1na ;\<'! ~tar. ilfto:·ht ""· r h a ng " fo>r :t !'<'\t,,.,n J1.-.n1r 0\\'ll<'r 0H :'I ~:':'17 D~WOLF ~EA L TY l:'!i O r.in J-:1' A'·" .. t'."' '.I IJ S-~;33 II \l.~:CH.E;.ST bv oy,·n~ _,.,•a t ~ IJ<"dn>~nl, z' bll.lh. •lHnt J.1rgr h•·ing n·-.orr:. Pa l>...~ \\•n!t~ f11'\'p!llC'e. Cll rr-t't ol\·;.•r hrttJl.\'l)o"Jd, low 1n111n· I h'n:tno't' ~·af\1. nir ely l1tn<l· ·"""f"'d ('()n\mun1:~· root l'!l.rk Tran"fi.""°"'1 imme-- •1!!.1(' l"lltry .,.-ay ~ .. n· _, . t<' -:,,'O?'"llt.-.:1. t>Xp. n~a·c 11,·! •n carpi."t.i "'°1l l'I r '·'"' n;fib,.r paJd1ng anJ c .••· f•>m .fr.ii"'•· 1__.a_,.g.-d"\.bl(' ~ara.:l'. frn.:-N y•rd !1-r 1 Ill l r a Ct !,." :M \SC'&jl\!:,i:" l'RI C'ED RIGHT .->.T jJ.~ !l:,Q L'\'CT.l'DL';G l~E­ F P.1 GE R A T O R AXO 1) KEEFE A MEP.RITT ,.:l'('\"F. H un)' on this. Charmin g 4 Bdrm . h ;tle "<'«1•pa11cr f>'l••'<ihl<> E"'t"(>:1onaUr ni« bo~ ,..,tb f1nan.-1ni:-. Pnc-~ to ,...n 16'">1 SQ_ FT. of "''"ll r >an· K~ !l·flS.Z!I n,·d ln·1ng af"<'&. 'I"hb t our l:"C"\l)I~: proPf'~." B~· o";;:j ~"'-•t old. l ' baUi bun1t' t"r 2 b<-dn»m llon1t' in .,.·1 th "''all lo "''"&ll C.l"J't'I •h,><·rno"-n 11..i-ea ... ,th flt-llnJ J MIPE"! !!fill ha.s that !ll<'h"'I bsc-helor 11.rt .. r 31'\l bn1nd n('-.· k•ok. Bu1!t-m l"''<lrQ"fll 11.nd full b.!l!h t'lor..·:nc k I l (' h" n. \""<> n<'llrl~· c-on1rll!Lt '-'t. $IS. 1-.."'0 j pati.>11 fenc-r.1 yard. nir .. 1~· 213 L!""''ln S t !.F. 6-6377 lanJ.$(-&pcd Inc I u d 1 n i: Hunt1r:i:-l o n B.>11~h 0~pnnklr,.,.. PRtC'F.11 T\J J 1 '~T -Ll5tf"d. f~umi~h'Ptt S:F'.LL AT S2l_:>Q(l \\"ITH '"""" Front ctupl"x FU:-[ 5! ~ [Xl\\;..'. 1\) ErTHF"P. t r up "r on Sel\.<hore Dn'"~ ~~~··:r.?~-\.~~6 AL vR ~ b.•J l"t)<,m and I bi."dn-on1 '""" """' t.rn" """ u u la BORDE ,, .. , .. Propcrtl•'.~. Z:l1)7 n.~l-1 1•1. f•I, boa Bl•·d. OR 3-t1S60 \"our H:trbor .AN'a Rt'al!ur H~:l't'CF.~116.~. 1.•1>.· :>:\1 E 17th SL T"1 646·tl:'>..;.;<. '''"'·u 3 bl'.'..ll"<)o.'m~. d"ublt' ~,!\·<''Ul!C"!> Call -Kl 9'·::-5-11 ,:11~~ .. L:i.rg-" lot IN'J F. ill fli.:11,•h.1 T>t'(lr lrdn,• C"ost.!. ~ft>~a Ag.-nt ~11 6·:.'3il<:'l ~ I 1 7 :\V. t.v .. · <k>.,.·n. 3 A\'t I ....,. I n-..__,n1~. f\-dh•oratM 1n~1Jt' .(,_ ''ll l. Fo'nC't"d. i1nn1t".tiat<' I P.·~~·"'-•h•n C\ydi." Gnlc!. H.·:tll••r • L1lhan Loe-P t'rlt' • I.I S-721~ LI !1 ·:?!'03 I F \' ,1u C'an('("I your C'ls..s- sifiN ad. ht.-sure to ask for and ~i\'e your KLLL NlTMBrn Phb ne 675--:l.3! 1 ' ., 3 ]'..,[· .. ,. ,,11.-1,!up in ('Xrlu ~i\'C' l ".1•th'<' t 1•·u·nuni l ~ A ~SO<.'i:'l!iC'ln 1:1-:,\t r rt FlTI, \·11·:\\" IJ1 i \11,· t•'\ll~ ~17.~)() 1:.,1hrn"nu1, ". '" l'n• 1~ f\t\i.." , 1;.t,•111 dr-a1~. fully l.1111 1'" Cf" I l;i11 h··n "'ith li.111"'-"<111" lit ,,!L1.l\1' t":unN) lli;.:hl:in.!s ••11 11 1 ~ .. "' ,,,,,/ L{,f,f,.,,,,, J;,.;,,q ' .1.l"'' ,.: ' ! ' lL Al it's best in e -clusive 3 ,.,,,._,.:< I·• 1·•·11 •I<' l>t•:u·h,'>L l'h,>111· (lfi.1"!" ~ 17:i0 f0r :'lp]>t t<• .,,. •• 111;., t l\"l':--"f1\N"l"'LJNG \'I I•;\\' l~l '\"' l ll'Jll<l{ l'.-\:\ll:xJ l l ll:tl l.1\:-0:t1.-; lh l)l i-:S l"ltOM $3:!,!l1)1) .. Do,re 1· Shores .. O Riolc 3-4750 Ol 'l·:N :'\!·'\\' \.IF:\V HO~l r: l t\;,1 l ~1 i;:l1t ••n Ron.d, on the bluff ,,1 ,.r· l"-•kino: !h<' !o .111..,,r •'utrancc and l'at .d111.t \,_;;!;u1d, $l G5,000. o rr:N :-;,\'I' .~ :-;tJNl)AY-46::r.' Orrin~1"n B.uad. One of. the lllO:"l Sllf"'rlJ quality \'i""' hvn1C'8 ¥:hicb w e h:t\.l" i·v"r ,!ff.-N'll. Z bcdroon1s, d1•n . ~1 . b..'l l h~. 111ni11)-!' r<101ll. swimn1in~ pn<>l t"11111 pl<"tcly carpeted &. drap.·s .'\ ,1,•w,.1• l'r·1,,• $11 ·1,000 -SEli: 1'11 1:-> ~I At;:>.:lFICENT HO~IE! Our \':tlti.· 1111<· buy in Cameo Sh11 r,•:; I Jt..,,lr1><•n1s, large Living r••••nl. d111 - ing r n1111 1, :t\\·ard ¥•inning K itC'h1'11 "'i!h l\rt'akfast a.rea., 2 1.1: R athl'1•<'•111s \V /\V C':ir 1,.·1 111~. dra p1.-S. ltuid.s.:al'•'-1. l.t rg" l"t -,\ H. EA.L F A~ll [_. \' I It) ~IF F'Olt $11.!}(\\) \Vr: ll A\'I•: ·r 11 r: Jo'INF..ST sr:1.r:c-r11 1;-.,; ()}-' \'l f."'.\V 1-IO~tES lN :-:(ll'1'1\. J·:ltN ('1\l.l l-'lll{NIA AVAl l~A llL I,: FlUl~l $[1::!.950 lo $1S7.ll0t-'. (ll"!' ST:\:-O:l\l:\"~: 1:tl \'S. O Riolc J .4904 Coa'I Highw.ty south to boundary of Coron• del M .. r, (Newport Beach Schoo l Di,lrict, one of Southern Co1lifornia'' fine,t, with frH bu' 5crvic~ to all 9r,1d "''· fY MACCO REALTY _,,.... -.... .. ,..... "'"·' r tl.oT I l".:ws.r .. l:NI. to-coro r;,.,,,, .. ,K,,I n , •- COMPANY ' -- BA YFRONT AND HARBO R VIEW HO MESITES Pie r and Float Privilege s l-"'.nt1t"in:-: \'ll''"" t>f l"•'"'l"'rt Ray & (":1l;ilin:i. lst1nd. 11istinC'liv~. uniqu«ly 111,ti,·idun\ a 111l elc~ant h,1nlt'!< ar,• b..•1 n~ built for those famdirs 'll>'ho rl1•111anJ and l'Rll affor d th<' ,~xl"h1;;.i,·1'lll'Ss and b..•auty of l l l'l~E n. N F:\\'P0RT J~,,\ \'. 00\.EH. ~{IO Hi':S is <'(111\'t'nient to :ill i\'",•\"1'•'11. luxury Sl-t OPPING C'F'.NTi''.l\S. l'!'\l\'1'-::RSIT\" 01'~ C'.-\1.IF. IR\"IN"F.. 3 r'ri\"l\I<' lx';IC'ht"s, l.tnds··~tl'•"I pnr1's. fa111ily l"\'l"f\';,t t.•1\ :tnd ,•nt1•rtai111n 'Ill • l f-:asy RN't'SS. J .t-'.ASl-;)l ~ll.11 .-\l'l~l '\~ITIO'.'\ Fl~O:\I Sltlfli'O ~:II~· ... 4lffit't'l 998 l){l\'t :I' lll{l\·t: :.?5 '";. [\)1,1.·n 111 l'\1•\\l )!.1rt l~·:1c·h f r.,111 l':ll'ifh· f'o:v;t llin :1); turn ~urth on Do\o•r ))ri\o' 1,1 S:il<'s llffi1·1•. t'r1 1111 :\','\\j•ort lll\tl.; -(':\ .. t ou 11th Sl"• .. t. or phone Mldwdy b-4838 · O Riole 3-8 11 2 MACCO 'REALTY COMPANY 3 • .,_; - 1 ' OUSES F OR SALE I 1 HOU SES FOR SALE 1 HOUSES FOR SALE 1 HOUS E S C-FNE RA L 1 ~-GENERAL NEWPORT BEACH I CORONA £~--~STAR G _~'ZER1t ~ ... I PRESTIGE HOME Rl-:AL"TlF\.."L sunny 2 t>E>J· I 1 "Pt..-:x B.>•I .:.,nu sq !t. 4 bdnru1. 3 bat-h• ro<•m It den borne ln New-ar~., plus t .-, ~ \ T 4t c:t~ l~ I DREA.\f KIT C B E ~ • · p..r 1 Sbores. NumerolL" SH '"1 tlown. :!"-".! C1rrle Dnve l:ieaut. draped. WaDt an e'ttr«l'. lnchlding coved '·nh• on 3-33 :? bd.-m oomp!Pt,.._ IOMt.'\. Anthony M 3l<"1 lin .. J. um. fine w w rar· 1 n•. bll·ln·!'I, din pool. mlerutln.g deck Rn>a re11n~ cu11. dra~ thn 1- -.,,.~' llJ CL\Y ~ N.;t •. ~ ._ A . .. J .'!. Your Ooily l>c' .,,, 1., • ):!, ~· u rt'l , ?-... Atcc1J1,,g to , ... I • ' ''-n@~ '13.,._"6; , t 1q ) ~'.:•·I " .}.l7.•l9( • • "< .':\ • • • "1• CC'l'e<r' • ,-)3 41 · 4 c • .~ -:-0 oc btnf ~ -----· ""( h l·• ..... 1r· ,. .. 1 ~··· 31 O'd.• \J "'" l~ .... ze !iv room.. ,.. .,.. I Lanai orchid hou,.e. bf>aut w111 .fl.,t r eJec. In.side &. ======-=-=-:ii===== l ."' >r.ir-S-13.~ I l.1nJ34·3ped ~\i 1 J<.1\ I • t L-·'dy lan<bcaping I • ~-1 l' \fl T YOL"R DO\\"'.:\' 1 ~-.. 1 •IHI ).._ "Ith min. care needed 'fi \ Y 'f~I on tllis attr.i...·· 2-STORY CUS/OM :'rnnkler syalem, COM1tler-1 L• ..;_m -2 V) e 9 11 • ~' J·\ 14-51 tc ,. . ._ ~No-- } ,. 3 bdrm 2 bath. din :, t:Jin•<. 3 balhll, J:.JO •q ri .. 111. ,·,·rag e 1.11 large 2 .:ar 1&0 ptu., ceperate br .. ~k 1-a~l rm den ~1.11 rni I £ 1rnge w radio controllro 1 •! !TVIM 11h<lmg gla~.. Parqu• t _., quarrv 111, _ 1 !uur open .. r ="• :ir I --~· to lge patlf'l w v. 1 I 'our". z tarlp~ceii L"ai . , .. mn'll.nlty clubhouse It :? • : Ir drapes 0:-0:1.. y pe•ed tln1~ Heate<I "-el' 1., (le ''"mming pool-. C1tl1 ", 1"'• 1 · s 3~ .. o I -• 'csning ~40 pool 1nxl"-• ,,,. .. r ••I · "'" * Irv ine Terrace • 'l:: Ll...E:'.'-1 Bt:Y -Fum 1nturn. 1..ge. 2 bd1 m. 2 ~ bit-In lo'tben. I~ x _., •'" .. ...., ror>rn tr• k hr ·· parquet nonrs & 0:-0:L Y s:l9 9~ ur pool ho u • e back• ti.All INSTANT SEnVl (E 1 <'•1Urt. A<IJ. Me,.a \',.r,,··I ~ ~·E~~,,~ER~~·~~Al TY ,. H .\II makes~ mo.kl·, 1 I"• 1>d1ng color. 0All v.·vrk ..vvl J"a RoaJ ~ ..... •Otf'e·I. King TV. 3019 : • )Jet>& --Kl_ 9-111;7 . II. ll><JI Kl ~·22~. Open I niom ••. ,, ""'"°" ~~··. • • .u .s ., s· ~-·b'\r•·' ~~ 110 ' i> 11 1'1 'if.. _..,,, ~~ 8< [It', vwoo . -.. . -...•. , C'· 'II,' •••• ,, 9' 0 '!' 6 "' 1 /\"-1 8 la r· 9loo •O!.., •I""= ., p, •l<>. H S-- ·~ H.-· 4t.. > ! •7Yow .. ,.,,,,, . '., 't ' <> r' ' ,. # J .. , lo • t °"' \ fQJ •Ji. .... I Po. ~le- ''I "°""'""" ··•J•Je • I •• t 1>1&2'77(' •4.)~. ''(" Thomas, Realtor 1 n·:r, :\ be<lrn<:>m Fre!"lnfY' I 'a.I\ 9 lO 9 Sun. 11 to 4.. h<:>rr..,~ by OWTit'r Ont A t! I 11-:R .. 1 1~ 4~ Waurfront I> : t-:,1) on l.;rg-e fenced Joi I ,, ilh ".!. 1'illro1.1m. 2 bath. -ubm t down. Other • r 1•1. ..n R-2 lot. Newpc>rt ~ ., ··0•9 dresm ' n, ... , I • .~ .• nd 11oom for 2 more pnncy 12 bath~ Nile ln- flreph~ce )"9 ~1 S'.l\i 11 n ,, .... . ,.,, ..0 ( •r I (i{) \J•<•· ~ l ... •• ;o h _ ...,,.~ ........ ~ '1214-~ 9 H n -\.~ ~-• W Coiv-1 RW)< LJ fl..'J.:l:Z7 ": POrt Rdt ~~ Kl ~-~3 ----I Houses Open Now! 1-5 P.M. DA ILY • .•.W ..\t OLOKAJ. HESA * \"'EIU>E P-<!rm. A Fam P1Jp~la1 I Plan, ~ pat 11) · • ly land8eap~ n ear Mol. aaos-. JIArlL LOW 1 1'.IO. , n blufC overlor l!1'lst ,,.,. and complete l • • · l Ma nn11 '' 11h .; •t.1•1~ r-t'nlli.l. "49.~UO .<\·I I I•' 1 r+t .,._.,..n n~w. A ·t~;;I Sl1 r,V1 r~ta :M~:; ~11 •j-!\2S8 ·" HO USES FOR SALE COSTA MESA •• II <I<• ~n. OR ~~:?O f. ,, 4·ulunf'L• R>•1rooni, 2 bath. n13r l 11111! •.lp<•I 1n r honn•d . community 1 11 \..on:: ,,r,.a. 1 ..... , prn e. 221) 62na ~ii ·,,~1 Tl-:R;\I .'I :\t'\\portShorea. Phone •-·IH•"'n hy a1ppoinl •'; '.!-oq 9 am to 7 JI m BY O•Aner. U you lil<e tr"~' · ·:·." Are:t Mnp Dlrtttory. 12 :x ·ir <' & qw"l. ..tu.. :: b· ... 1 1 rflHT Shores by own --- room 2 beth, O\'ers1z.-<J • r S•'lr ocean. Commun-1 f"I' 1 y room. 1·umplt-I• •) •' p.,. ·I 3 bedroom!<. 2 hen. -•·13 COMMERCIA L ~ulitul.ly & INDUSTRIAL c~pliooal edue«i to u ;t.!'W M-1 7~ • 787 . I \\•ttt l •.111 co~t.. Mesa.. LI 4·2111 ('~"" nl • 11 1p bu11d1.11~ I 32l<O ~,, ,, ·" :! 100 liq n. .. , ............ ,. ... k ing Owntt 9 l" • \II 6 1~1>- A fl, I ,,, , . nn ~ ... LI ~ 1~;" REAL s ESTATE WANTED ! Urgently 3 (.IK i I I '.:I Wll I. I'~' ht.'1 JI h I Needed ! l I 1: I HA.. . ,,...:. .. ~"'R ... ,,, l.l)W down. $22.960 * %24 LOYOLA ROA D * .; Bdrm A Fam.. LO\\ built 1n kitchen, extra •· I c. F"·tll nylon carpet· I l.J ~( living rOCJm """' •" • ~'.!J.!100. 227 Cedar St t:• ·lll' 1 lh 1 .. cal~. corner (lrepb£e, n ag!ltODe patlo 1 1 •i: :.-81~'3 ~ I t :'tJ·to-Street c-2. tialt '" 11 .. tl" -C•l1ner l IF y 0 ,1 '"' i:•, "'. 1 .. •• "' lot . "1ll ·: t'>rtJruom hou~. •• i. ,,, .. 1 ,11 1, 1\ u1..; •' '·· ''"r lOt•v\:'> ~1" <l\O Ont> hun-l>O\\~ TO .f'HA. XO LJ0\\":11 TO CL Cl~ lo boob, Sboppmg ct>n l n alnv ·t nt'w •_ustom n'l"n !' · !"K Einy ~"t Buy. He-htl \f'I'"'"· 3 '. . ONLY carr~ung. and d r a p e • :., t :l bedroom, 2 bath $ 17 .,.,.1 <" 111 J E X SMJ'Mi sL,l 11t1y. a.nd 11.:iny .. 111· 1 ''' o;. r. Fireplace. Low ~II ti .. 2;,:, nd t.ranosporiati<in. I * 2.5.23 VASS AR Pl. * er extra.ti, then you 1h1111ld •1<.IAn '" trade . .Move In .. A '>;X t111 ·:-; m11!lt see thu houae. Appra1• .. •l I mw!it muney. U S-42()7 ell ocean ar h lot eout&I Cambridge HJc-hlaM LA.RCZ ?'lfll-«ept HOME 1 .-a.r ~ Ooull Colk-ge. SP!E TRIS TODAY! at J23 600, sell for ~m.. --i HOUSES FOR SALE HUNT'GTON BEACH FHA 514 'e loan. Kl 5 6.29~ Jean Sm~h, Realtor ~Y-1.L.. or trad~ my 4 ~· r.1 T k Q p f I dl'lllxe hf'lD'1' with JI 0., 11 a e ver aym s. 400 E 17TH STREET pl•h 15 ar re "'°''"'" n~ COSTA }fESA, CALIF. I ~11il';rn,1y clo~e by. !<tnrkl'I ft l!ol111• 2 hath, han!wtJotl J.U t-3265 E V'ell: u •·2161 '·.· \.!' ~!'l0.000 ba.Jance d\M ,,_ • II . CB ! , ~ •m ••I v1fl -UUI, t'flt I' RrOU<;ED for qutck &all' $_t; •00 payable • rer I Back Bay 3 bed.room~ m ~th .~ty equity SZ:l '"° 1 . .1 ... KE 5-2863. Owner. ha_. O \\ 11-<11.!lt c.unl m y equity t<11 I :J \I I IFl"L.. I t , 3 bo!d- ,,, ... , !'le •S.:I I l• ':i11n11. 11ntl1:rg II.,. J. \·.-kd . Ull'•I 11\' 1·2251 ~. Comer nd ulU- A i-ri-•. , rHJ;-o; J:i 11~er~'! \'a-~ .... t 1 .. 1 \\'e,,t• I t R·l B A r 1 1 •• x 1 m a e I y 9200 ~"' • 1, l~• t, m1 ht nibor· rltn. 1. $1H 500 RaJ~ P . J.l.1 <·· v -R.ealto bome ... wood oor<. s1::: ;oo c n l'J h. A I ~ o will. n crior, fir~Jace, double garag<' 11 n• ba<'k home for ., r • • • P ..in(1c Sllnd.;s hem.. . , • , red "'"ti •·-l ·nc-'I'"'" $3()00 down 'I •'1 Ito x '• \ C Ill 3·!SOVO ,.~t Ne A· develop- 1cN1&1lng . o. B;>Jt •·JNf: ..-o. ~&e ' m" 11t,s at a prt>pnitl r• t•• . I fd yard. Nke area JlS.!lV> "' 51 000 c:aVt Ph""' """· • 1.; "HJ . monthly lnrl111h I I"'' 1. ft.411 price. SHM mon:.hl)' I er Kl !>-6l30 .•• 11u11ran1 e A 1.:a.,. •• •1. Binder lte&lty J.fl 15.7477 _ __ _ _ _ • C•I ln.J1.annpolll'l, $If! ,on -__ ._ I I RENTAL I \If r. 45'.?"Z • II.! ,., • I M $11~$~ ~&J 3 bed-Pt:RCHA SE , 111• with 6 room m0<l• 111 ,;l'f .1 1 \1·1 LAH 1ew rm-~oo~ v g, )Ir:· 1 Woe have .1 ~ le:tt.. I...et 11~ h•..i11r f'lreplace. Room f•u w1 .\••I , •JI IH'I lit' bU.1ld1.11g ~· si-uo. . · m•,v,· you i.nto either J 1 1 ,.n1 a I units. Lolli ,,f ••I• ... 111 .1vQCaJff Cl'O'·e ln· ~. cburdlea. Clydt or 6 Bdl'IJ\S. Harbor Cul·' .. ; 1111 ·rruil lrees. $1 ~1,:>no '"" • ('l•·u r. 'allbrook. dred !• • rr E;1'l I it h ~l ('<,.13 ;\I• -I I.JI,. 11)" 8 4 l lfj' 4 INCOME PROPERTY 24 UNITS f", f" ~.fl,. j t ~' ti•lr 1•11 I al.II' At 1 .I t ,, n..i: d, luxe I:. ni.tl.; nva1l- ~h11J Serv Mnny ex- TV t h ~ , ,, ~II\ .... tht1' 1H· t tt.• r l.ut. I\ I:'\•: I \ • ~ r I ~ t I l.11 bnr, tJlo t ,, ,., H1,kt'r··-. Kl q '..'.!•,•, SB REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES llA \*I . ~. I 1 ... ,111 ti• ht..'t du· f'k' JU ('1·1•1llA ~f••l ~f~"\r. \\Ill _.,, J • 1(-1 f-.1 ltn f't. ~I I!'-• f1 .• lfl•th1·r tr• ,, t \' h • " 4l 7:?9 1·11 •• 1111 reatutta.IHa\•· $,""14~1 1'1••-t l •••·•I on ", ., .,, __ Gen <·,.,,, 1-: 11 I F' Ho!fman CALL 5'46-0474 THIPLEX r .. 1 r.d ('1 $ llolo ... I on I. • . ll 1 I Tntonll' :<.t. To\ $.~ lJOll .... J:)EWOLF R EALTY 1;Jll c 11 ,• ..:• A •, C f.f r.J f4 : 7·;•; 1•, ,." 1.1 8-MC' I lilt 1 t I~• 11110 __ _ p1 lm• I'' I count ::w, 2iOF: 1i11t~1 1 .. 1 \I I 11 I' ti I t"t.l .. C. Doyle Company F'or I Cnn I :-01 11 II ~ T1 :1d1· It '' I 1l '•·' · ·-·~•\• bchan ge Speci alists ).•t I •>•ti Gale a, ae.llOI' ILWl.:ul lege &r~ $18,000 to I ~v <iwnn-. Vl 7_3&42 T r-. ... ru1 , .1c1U1l commer-~.J~e) LI 1-7215 J19.0QO, no cash ne-edec1 ual 111 :-.1i; !'li8l u 11-29C3 Ena LI 8-2003. IJ-1<'11 lha.n u oo ptt mon:h l HOUSES FOR SAL!: --~--14 ll!'J MUI 8t., _, -n Kl t-2'78l -Kl MJ&o I CORONA DEL MA R hwt pts. • ,._old du--See Open Ho\ae Directory C111 11 I • I bo»t f. t Walk It; 1 t .. 1i 111 unit" In .. )" 1 ·, Sidi l0<·aUon U )M A"~ " "". outif11J I 1.1h !-!l. 8.h«>1>-~fl•flll .... •'1 ll 2 i.lory ~ II 1: 1;11o. I'M. pkJ(. 2 behOCllrta e&clJ unit C 0 R N ER 4 bedrooms. 2 OCEAN view ~ tu.miab· pertly rumwied. 2 gli-bath11. Rcdecon.ted, !anti· i , 1 J. ti...drooms, 2 bath ... ~-~ adruner, -ped. patio. '15,fJOO. Top o.ni. Uvlng, dlotng com· ' 2A winter blilcclma u... Own-condition. G o O d tenn11 bmaUon. ~· k.ltcbt>n, ~~<a &4MO Owlter . See al 161 Doi'-~rvfre porch. DoQble ga· =======:;=:=== -· -·ood ,,.._·ta)•-YlJCf·A van-au aa.. ... aa....a MMa. .. . .....,. ·~ tllf;e. 2 fl.replAcea. lnune-_, U &-804.5 ~-~...t...... -Buy. S..•U. Tn.4e, ... J:dna 'n.rw Bedrooms. newly . tll.ale ~--.. enn.,, flc.tu'<h with C.. Lind-~ Drape9, Stove, FURNlSHJ!!D eompletely. $1000 down, balance 20 My, Realtor. P . 80llt za. Oel'bap dlspomJ tnduded. Modern 3 bedrooma, 2 vears S'<. 508 See.ward M 2D7·:.!9 P&lma Biway. 1"litiDced ,....._ .,._ trea. MU& llalJt,.ta IDtdMlt. Rc6d. Phonu 366-3466 • ~ SlC.950. J . o.tt&, fireplace, forced air. C<>od ot:PLEx OpportunJty, aa.c-2801. Best BUJ' Traller pln'1; ~I f1,r •I• t,.il•. M.try DOid~. I.I 11 .t .11 or LT. e4 ·,-;;; 4 l .'NlTS R.-y- B£8T RJ!:?l.-rAl. AR.EA. 1 blk to B.iy • CX4'an. Fur- niah~d to<i! $41 000 $ll900 down. Balbon B•w PropPrtleti 1M11 w. Balboa Bl11d. OR 3-7420 RT s-eo24 tam.a. PO.-ftlll ~ rtnce by owner. N-ly dee-Parle Dude Raada --. I 131 Ptaa. a.ta Kea. Just Binder R.eali Y· Ml &-7477 orated ln A out. LUte new. ·a.e re.!!, 28 ipace9. Great BY ownt>r 2 hou1<8 en R-2 bo111. v. 1111 t ·" I 1n a l'\'fln- ed n1 rii:hh"I """'' 'lnde for kM'b p11 f"'t l y, Untla W whut h.I\• ,, ,, • 0....n\·r. AXn11~t· , :.> • rn;t ur AX 2-:ll3 t OiOiiTA Mr~u :I b.-.troom, J balb,, flt• pla\'~, c&Tpet& h .:hangc ror Income w Yal'ant m11ltlpll.' rr.oned lo&.. Me-09~1. 6 16 ·0136 6 MONEY TO LOAN al'MI WANTED ,..._.. e. '11.81t. S -.S-KOD'!:Rl'lf s bedrooma, 2 :? bed room .,artment Pc.tc.ntlal. I Ul,000 dows. lot. S l~.ooo. 2 hoWlff on roorm. IArs9 lot• ell de bathll. ~ ~ an.Uable. 1 bedroom apL R.-2 lot, room for 1 more Sento Ano Mtg. Co. !IK. r~ ..., 8Cboola ramUy room. enclosed paya $9~. FHA mortp.ge 3 COMMERCIAL -1t, S!S,:100 Dupla 2 206 w 411\ Rt. Room >Ot It ~ 0-.pun yard. Va.eea.. m EMl KUJlnLnlffd. Open bouae & +NDUSTRlAl. bedroom.!! e&l'h, 1 year old, Loan Broker. S1.11ee 1111 Beal~. Kr ._not wu.on. UT r.IO I&?!t d0wn Saturday, Sunday, Karch . $19,500. Submit on down Conventional l at Loana BAlUiOR m.tat-. By own M3474.t ' · !\O Ir 31. 1 to 11 p.m. Mwit FOR LEASE· t payment. JE 1-3083 Prt . t M •· n.-~ m..aoO ~! 12&,500. LI 4.-lll28 ilOO Sq Ft new ococrete CORONA del Mar Duplex, va c oney 1;-l. 2ada 4 MdlGW _. f.udy l tQ11B foa SAU ~ll t.bal old stuff ! M-1 •uUdln«. Spinkled oae bedroom each un1L Free Appra1sels ,...,.., Meed ~ JU'd. MESA VERDE f'Ower to 1Ult. Nke of· Comf'r M.usuertte and •Ua. Low Int. Rat.ea Ii Coeta Ml.I Coor*a Pleet. eo.t.a I f ncea. Paved • -l'tneed J28,4()(). sub m I t 7 0. r INVESTORS WEL<X>MJI W.. _..,_. PRO~ a M* rr parl<lng area. ~OR 3·1187 KI 7-4161 24 Hr. llen. BAL80A ~ ·'-'-t, mM:IC 2 MtJMt, tamily room. wall _,__ Bill ~roola Oo. LI 1-7860 Eves. HY ....._ to wan cu-.et ... · s 11re-You cancel your ~ -.. .. LOTS 5 R E A l ---~ Jlfalldils ..,cnea to pa.-. enue 4 patto. siCled ad, be BUre to C2 & m -1 ESTATE WANTED 2nd Trust Dee&! w.nt.e4 ~ ~ ecMolir.. W... tPio.k:liea. am Netiruka d ~-:..· lJC 160 Cornu on Bak.er S t private peny. Oran .. ..__ '""9• I ~.,5, "'-Orlta K-. uk for &D n:•i~ne C . .M. For Mle o.r wUl buUd. .VANTED 01dtt bomea on County CommtrclaJ or ID- !Mdl,oa-., I WI!... · ID a-'ftM. your KILL NUMBER '!i . 1 Acre M -1 Lota, beiit ll-1 lots. Coata M:-~ oome prc!etttd. Write box oa _ ...... -· Phone 675-3311 ouya ln C.M.. Cuh for your equity. 17•:S. Ne\\ port Bucb, - '" ... DU .Cilii ~..at ~>--~ u.., Clrtl:lifWt 1 • JI Broob Ce. LI ._1856 OR 6-33i0 ~en1n1.. pbane 643-201' """""'"" --•11n.11 "' -.. -...... --._-- i Wl!'llt!"1t-'"· "'Mlil ,,,....,. O IME-A-U N E I DIME-A-LINE DIMF-A-LINE 81 HORSE S & 195 BOATS ·1 1 OOA lMPORTED & N~ ITEM OVER $25 NO _ ITEM OVER $lS NO ITE M OVER $25 U VESTOCt< & SUPPUES SPORT_ C AR~ .It I.•, ••r H O"-'· about l O 1'4 •I ll'F Pn~·· f'IX>d cund1· I•• •I I LI 1 •. , ~prUlgll and I'\ 11.J I • 1 • •' ca.se •• -t. ,.. • • ,, 1lh I AUSTIN HEALEY 1 '"'" bum,.,... a,... I 11•1C1 i> •)I $~> Do•ll;•' p 1d1.-11 31 •· l .. ,, o!J. me-h •r 1 • 1,.1 l.'1'• rn r.-nym~ t ..... .. L.t~ of __ •'••';..•••.! S:.?'· or bf-I of I' t•.n:.nrl•~W>n S:!O, i.lll'lo •'•• '"SJ:'> h1 ~t. 111n 1 !•1 .,·111-;: 11H1ll>t;1 ... ~·· I \ •IT Ir ••l'll·l tNO AulillJl H•~I·' ::"u•T l• I ::WI \6th ~L r U J..s (Hr f."1 k11p to ». !·•--b• •, 3·2o , .. ,.1 ~1 ' " ''-''"ii e-ru! f •. , 1 1 \ I n j: >~pi' M u•l ... :1 ~· u .,. I "•\t; .. ~,i.r; 3·29 4;."H\•... • £'·-•''ind <'R 1 -~ ~. ,. 1' ,, ~1•'• P11•f Japan.~~ t ur ... ,,. 1-1 1 11 ' $I f , •,,.!I ~ 2!i 1'1 r: .~·r 11~ ,;--9rn:;;-.. ~T'\.f)f:~T ,1,..iic. 11,, 1,,.ublf' ''••Ut• ·•' F n .t lai:.~. u1«''•·hn~ ,•t.~,,f' m•"-'li tJ~ h nt an~b ... u .. t.A.1 .,fl.Mi..,.., h••.1•th<1n.,I ST!' t,H'•l <'f ••II•• 1 1 i. Sl '.l ' draW'-9 J MOTORCYCLES, J'I J~ .IF ·.:: 46 '" $1600 OR -;.:.;•._, r: .. , ~ • " "-~' tl11• k.· SI ?' t .. -.. $I "l(l <~.-unr• '• t '''·''" 1 SP M.•tu'~"'' , I• • '1' T1l11 lamr" SCOOTERS LI f.~ ,,.,., 1.,.,1 SIO .... s.· \• 1" ,... 4"1, .. 1c '2:'>. H f'\"1 ' •I l'•lt'l l tk>' --... SAILJ'( tAT LC A i: t 1.11i• r ALFA ROMEO Sl .ll lr1.t.<1.,· t••·k JO ,al ., ,(I ~.I ""1' r hLJlk $"1 11 • n , ,,1•, r t 3, hlrd ~si:: .. o ,q ! " • I ; I 1 rY "'he.ts S I • ·, ,. littl. 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Thi" e&r •' , 11,t.111•hrtr Mvt•h t tt-h)tu ", •I. \ 11 al It&.~ nu,.,.r ft.U •1Y1 >'·Ill f"llCI $490 ~·~-;::~ Ml i; 1'\;!l 3-2tl !ti I. .t I sL• , " •h••' f I dtt I ~ .. ,, ., I l\wuud •te.: nnr: pump BArsai.n w•lh 10 :i. •0 11' 1h.•i;n•1\ I r •orllflt .. 1 .. na 1..-.1. r<'<'"n" 111 r :" t 11 i..1, .. r MERCEDES IENZ r.1.1"< .. THll' •I•'' l'ru~r8'1.1 • I "1 .:.;.:\ c 1 ·, F ln:ln• cl• I h1 • J 1' • r , HulpolDt r uU•h' •UJ: l \f'!l4! n1• Y(!'Gt ::~t•\' \I'• ·o1.; 3i91l 3-29 I.I '1 1'-~ lt.dt,,n 111"u\)t,. f'•tl• I I 1." 11 11111 lt'fll!' "'°''• 1 1, I/\' hli:h lllll flnJ... fH I 1::~. t-1\\"h 4 1 I I ' I t h ,, 1 \I \I '"''' • 't .... ~ H h1• '• #'ttt I l $•I ·' lh '" •• 11 ,, " •1 '1.1.11 l t 1 I tf 1ltlf' •t \l • " J l .' 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A ~ '""'I 1t••l1l and okl J' " 1o ' • II 1l.1y c...-e'·<"· run~: H \ 4-ud16 ----t...~A ~ ''". 't ,~. "''-,. \\ UJ\. P1l•·I 11-111• 111• lltthni; tl\'1•n "'tth ,,.q,,.t t •tf""ft.n lfOOd •'C11\4t11 14.n 1.J a-4Wl•:.! 8 t<• It.I • "' \\A:-01 1 ll a IJAC'd CW new I;., I\ 1 I l"lft"r $~0 with (Ir "'11 h.1u1 nio•or eod 1a &00<1 l'UIKUllWI_ U ~711 \\ A !I> ·1 u.i :. l.Ja a.n.inc l.&ll1l "' .1.,,...hl ~ ... 640-1'2!\ 80 PETS, CATS, DOGS. BIRDS 8().Cl'JY);-.1 T..,1rltt JNJlJ'H .,.. ii! 1 .. 11.i ,.,,. 'P.:n-ter. till! II ... a :S!\T R4in••n, l'l.!1 •" l.., .. 1 ... )1('-. H A\'1': ,.,"~ ~qu•~ "'anl '"" .,,,, ""'"""I for breo-.J 1n.:1 '"I C 1:,'\8 11 I !?' , , 1 ,.•1111t111-.n REPAIRING 111 1't'i\llC'I ============= i ;. -.• 11 I '--... ·: .. c1_. ... ,.,1 hull BEi Lr'-!.~' :l:'.':E I.FR T, I 't Jt h ! It 13 .. hi • ~· :::.. 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'II\!\ \\ 111 he i;tl\d to talk lt'ff>l• OH J.8364. 2:1' 1~ ...... 11,,..r "1~ I nut '"' !\ I M hoo""' Nlotoe 11hr s.i f\f"' 1 M-n~r 1 W'hlt- 11.-. l ff'( " fl:.!~ ~0; ft I 11>< 11,lll"" Ul.llgh· '"" ''"" 111 .. 12 n r1~ ll~ ''""'.ttiu..t U111.. l'11m\tl .!111·61li3 •• I I lC) 14 IM' eall -1 ""Dll· t Irr I O X 6-92."lll cw cl.R !\ ~00'1 ""t, .t. ~u~ 16 n '"'I"'"''· l"oulh Coe.al t..ott ,.11, • ,., ti a ~ncine- Bt:at t~y ar.llte, llOW'A your ..r1an..• v1U&JaDI~ k> b.-..,. ll\ vl>Ckr w holf'..a\e eo•t No. d<•"' n •,,n.-year r-nn.tH IONC TV I hlllt .Orth vf Bui• r 30lt H.a~ _., Kl t-:2~ open dail1 t to 9 Sun 11 11.1 4. "68 CH.EV I t..'\ L i;-'T PJCKUr 1 ll r ib. J>AJl· oraauc: 1..•b. t~a1 IAT8p llumpe.r, tit Spa.i kllnc Jamaka Bhot '\lnL cnnd. ~l: c-.:LY S8t1$: Be<;tC. GMAC h•m;;! 1146 a. Co&.lt Hv.' l -11,11n« RTstt f -t.u I 1r.1 I 1 111.k :1:! -:\fl~ Tf"I f \, • ii< •II , ,;f\1!1 Iron Jit•!I :011 ~ )I ""'''· .. •• D11\.-e Kl l ·Ul ~ -MORtl~ - it'60Jlt0rtltll" I '"•\fll1ltl• A '""'' ~arr "" "11h ••· dio, HAU-r "'hit• •1de w all Uf"f<fl tit· S•.iH Ju• Sl~lllOD.a [mp.IT I• l 'l ) ~ Ma .. Sl Santa A "a Ptl(lnr KJ~!'>-t PORSCHE PORSCHE 1 t~'1 J 1\(1(\. !II .,. oellPnt C'OD'1 t1 i. n. n~"' pa.lnt, $2100. S'i~i~ TRIUMPH 'nU\JMPB JteO TR-..1 1Wa4· •ter, ra4ic>. b~at.-1 """ wheels, TGIUle&U A " .• I Mr.,.m i 12i ~ °'' "' f Oft !~151 Uee D&1Jy PUot v..;rot -..v. lo b~ &nd '""'II' I f You cant'el ) our t"las- sified ad, bf> SUI,. t 0 uk for a.nJ ttteive 1• !\(I u ll·Nli:t I 44! U.u \ 1 '•l"I "".mt ad;- '.... ' ... ' ~ii ,, \ I! ltiW Dod•e Good ui- Oood buJ\o ._ .... 1 1111>l•·'·t1 your ULl. .Nl 'YBEll. ':!•=i Phone 675-331 1 c;;;;.M.. ......__M&T ........ I .._._-. •. ,~ -------------------- LI 1-lllM ""'I •_!_ "'_..!.J~!!!!!!!!~~ ....... "!'". -- 13 ' .....,.Wrlll.,., --n. -.... ._ J Get on the phone! (and dial direc t) Lrt·' '•J.., "'t 'i'lU:-). :! .... .., ' • t'\\.-. I' I I '"" ..,.,1,at the. ':!'·: ,j )H'Q ") Tn •. J 1 • '! ' f ., J-It " 1•'d p ' ,11 "1y ~· Jnt ,Aj, •) Jf1t19 l;->-.t )t'I ?.•,,\•' ....... ,)! • -· "lt thl' l• 1 ' , •.._1 1,,..,1 ..Jnt P~ople "J • ,,. : J ,n 101-. Ji J ,. j r •I J "')tl l ,)t"•' J I J 11 ,,•r· •'P, .>ur 11n 1.Ju~h .it:>I :; hot'._ v:>ur d ' · "J • l _,1·!.) .::i j :J"'' ,,,~th.• .w1 "'" l1 k ~ v">lH friends Jr.: j ') ng. Y.~.J I .. J. ~ r•.~ )t r D.a..>ol .. ""I• I .J> • 1.:J . t) 1>1 1\, nv f.x>I· ,,, ) ·rr 1t \DAILY PILOT WANT ADS DIAL DIRECT 675-3311 __. -_...,. .,._ ' • ._ •• ••P--'" -----··· ·-~ ·- 6 r MONEY TO LOAN and WANTED ~ ' • I 'o'I y 'I ".,..,,' ~II A 111111 \' \ 511 0 • I~ lo • ' ,. .... It •f1\ • • \\ ,, 1:1 !YI"' ,. I Ill ~\I 1'1 .I 1: 1 \I!'\; ·1 /FH \f I I 11 . I \\ I l]i t• f:, t I ''1 ,-, 8 F OR RENT 8 FOR R NT lg FOR REN T HOUSES I HOUSE I HOUSES SA RENTALS, DUPLEX.ES P . II ' lkdroom.s, I ' llnlil• C&r IF Yo:>u are rmn; ! ..... 1n-I nvacy .. I ""Un• dra Fu 11l'H"f' I tt-restt'd iJI bu~ .n.; J l~vlur ' L I h _, L t"' e • . .. ... -~~. n>On\. U~ M a.!"U!' 'ru~ ! 1~'""°'' " 1 . ,. 1 •• 1111 l>l11lt·1n ra·1i;~ & "' • r " TV Ul1s y.-ar :-.; '"" •• th~ Sef'.lSattonal ( I I • 1 .f,,. 1:-_ 1 I fngt>ni.lo>r, we ho•r .<-·frv -1 lime nn.J h ,.1,. i-I"" !'• .,.t' 1rn1 ... 1··· _, • ..,. 'r".J 'lVj. ,. • ber k ' .11 1 : 1 nil • hltn f.'r FtYtct>J y.-i I ,., 1• It''-KC'\f~ T\" '.\ )11'1 IJ r'>"r , 1 1 1, \\'g ' ty lanJscAf'i'\I 1 "h ,, "kh 1 11~t ""r:h ,.r R.•,.r • ~h4_.,t, I 1\ It.,. po .. " to\• rJ ('> • • ., f\ , .. "' t•r 1 , 1 1, '" !.:21 &: i::a enani; •c',. \,.•w ...:r 9 . __ ,._, "l"I I' • I l_•X.. $155_ mv h Hunt· ;-vL-. R'"l""HL"l1 " ., .. _ ... '· • "' . ... I ·''"" ·' .. r. , " "' .. Jr; I ••v l7 mgton &11ch ·1 7 l'"-0 h1,lr"'"' il··n I ' l~llh.- \\ ll.J.., r~nt <.l•~r ·~ 'tf . t If , npt~t, ·hJf'•', t. 'u t"' I tll~h<'J h <>n1t' l~dl'\>•lnl• I bllllllll• r it I" I !"-J1 bu 1ll -u u.. Pn\.tn:-· (' ....... ·" C.ill F Al"T'lW P.eoa!ty Ml 6-U !l4 or OR 3-l~H 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1S60 BUDGETY B l"T :"h.T ""'•r nt"W 1 bdrm Sn1an dK.:>r 1:1." ,. t. S6a T' J.,) \ ,., •q,, , ... p1tl I :-.; o"\\ '"" t "I :. 71 tl,1 I '-;. • ' t • r t1 n 1., ., r .1 1 ,, I",, 'hat t hKth• ., '' ,. Lease w /Opt ion z film1ly room nt1o• ,,,r ti ::-1 Ganlt'"l' .. S I' m•>nlhi1 to q .• 11 ·' 1 m1 1. fi4o·01;9 :"1':W. 1 block rrom '"ear unfurn1 .. hl'd 3 bl'dro ·m~ or ? It dl'n. 2 baths Cari'f.'lt'<l built 1m.. Ca bt'al P'l"I\ at, patio. P"«i'l' Sl~ mt>nlh \"f.'a rly. :1208 :"t"ptin". :\.-... ·port &-a< h 0R 3-4>•64 t .. ~1l111r;~ '111""1lrdr>•b- Dt'lS 111 dnfl •·oo.J Wry toe kf'r Sto' ~ fr1i: a \"&JUt blt' Quid • m ~ll' relu•blt' ,. \'l~w da.Jh & BE A l· ABLY Sl "RPR.1.::-.El ptU 130 E. %(Ith S I '!' . .. ,.,, f 'f I t•.t '. ' 'i I''"'"'" t !'l':\ I ~'I I \ ·r \I .p ',. r!JI' a~~ fa n 11 :\01 p .. •., I , In .. x d11·1'"" \\ ,., · · - T«l1'phon1' I.I ' ~·:~''' t.11 ht.~"''"''r .... tP • ,,...,1 I-.-:i,'('(! J:ar'llltl' S'-~ ·' •t<"r p 11d 4~S H.imilt." ,. "'" :\l ·a A l,_,, l 1.i,-.11 '"1" •Ill- .lfla 5 30 :"EW becllf'lor l'IUWl' L..._P.q,E df'lux' :.' ~room I F'l.Df'8t runu...n1~' tie6 pa>d L!l·j "'~kl JM'...--. 19i!> Pa,,. "' $: ..... ~l I " I' 1•1-.. nr 3 BEDR00~1 HOME arl"'tntn·,·n· uni umi.t1f'd C n r r r 1 , ~ 1: :. I\ l •• l ,-7 :Xf:\\"PORT £1, .. , 11 "'"1 •. 1 u1 n, .. ht.•d JE 1-;: 1,. •I'll 1111:1! ('I II~. •I It,,, .. ,,.._ :'\I"\\ -.t :.. I t ' \ ~. 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TE:\tl 11.ll~ \1:\1 .: '' I r1"'"'· rozy p11L11 p 111 • largl' Jinn~ r<.,,.., n,11 bl!'< k HArpt•r :;, h • .,1 ~ bl"' k~ ;ohorl'•ni: r 1 1 garbagl' d!•r ><al .1:.1 s11111 m••nth \\ 1• 3i6 E 18th ,_, l' - M en C.11! ;.1..; 11 ,.. ~Ht : '" I .: ,I :•1 J 1111~ I :\H :I'.\ \'1·;1:1 w 11w111no-'•" I • · 1 Ana :l 1,. .. 11 '"'" : 1 .. ·ti l.1·~·· '·'' I C.rn11h I"'''" ! f11 .. 1•l 1, • lw1111n• .... 1· • "' 8peii. l l• 1 '"''h ~!1r1:t <•'t1· ~,t '1rJ "'nh Built-In$. ""I ' ll ·I rort. Sl'll nv·r 'I 1• .. ' ! ., M11r A rt-a P 11· · !"\'EW \>ORT l:E \l"H I 'l(\6.g.10 \\". RAlh.•A •:' .. n, .11 '"""' \ \ ~ ' t I .1 .-1 I tH '"' J1" Ill• ill . ii\ 4 ' tt tti H~:FOH~ T r \ ,,,, ..... , ...... 1 H l tt t · ..... 1 • •I ''·i ~p11 n l I,.:., l1'r11 $1~•\ 1'' ho\ Uc l"'tt"r Ph·~-·· ,,,., ')••r 11 .. t ,, 1n' Kl :• n.;cln h:• I I t·:o;~·t·1 : '\"ISll~-1' o1t1<· l•,.·I I '" i in 11 m1>ni h1""'' n•-'"" • .. 11 J.j:<' C'ilt •~·ray .1nh hr .. ,t-. .. ••u t•r:..:· lol \1 ·•·It l<I !l ~:111 ,, I.I ..... 121 gl\1,u:r ~~,,, .. .,,.1 ,,.f11;::- "' ,~ .. t t.1·111 .•11• i :.!ti'-·.: !"'\0• 7 I I ---- MORTGAGES & TO~ '\' J•I l It I q ~ ' . I ti\ l.1 .\ :11 . • I \I C:En~\'ol n. h 11 '\;I \\ I '•O 1 tu''~ ... llfl • I.uni: I "'"'Y ,., ... ·" 11tthtil'll l"h•l lr• " ·"· A va1lab1.. A f'lll I •I l" ... 1 :-.1~ ...:1 ~-1171 m s z7,;, ('l.)R.Q:--; A d, I :-0\.11· " 11 .. .1 • ••ll unturn1•ht'O f11 t•I"" •I •· poee.J ff'th'\'\I ' ' • J: ·•• .4..: 2 It 3 Bdr·ma un: ('' ''" ·, Oc:-t>an & Bay 1>. ....... n :.o " u -;:i 111•• ;~ 'fl'.· \ h·a~e. Man:1gtr 1<1:1.: \\" Rftlboa Bh·d L.I ,,,1-,,, An)1 imf.' OR l-6!1::4 lt!Nll llV1'•1nn $11• "" ~PARKLINC ~ N-n•·'<•m "''" J,,ase OR :'>·16 .. 1 I furmllhed F\111·~· 1 .. ,·.,.;1 3 BR . :? B 1t h IR"""''-: Spadoul!-h\"1nit ,.rt'J p.llh• ~· n , 1r J:al'll;:C' \" ·'' Sl'l:'i :\fl 6-7171 ~Hl\ <;"\.\\·· •' t \ '. : "' ( "i 1(1. l"dl n1 1\\0 sr!ll IOUl• la\\ n F•I ~aragt-\\"at~r J'""' . fr\'n "'l'l• •nt<' $'!'1 , .• ,• t d\tt i.:a-1 ::>111 h L""t ' :\I• , , LI 8 -S333 l.I <li -h 11.: .. \ :.'. l'H I p•l1"' .. f h 1111'. t·.,, t n1!1 '"' .,,. I' II\ i11.t t't lTTAC:F. I 111 \\ F~-' •· ' :'\Fl"R:':l~HFI • ... 7A \..''' 1·.- "' .. REST HOMES I• JIU •\ ( \1•(kl " ,II ~ •• I' f ., .. .. . Jo1J., l If\ ·•-~ J :ti1n 8 F O R RENT HOU S E S Mesa Verde Beauly ,. .l I , I I . " I 1 1 dlr t.:r : lu l ,, llh lt1d• t ~ ···" .... ,, II\" ' 1 .,,, \ ' ., \II ;-.. F\\ \ I .\ , ' .. , I' " '1 ... '"I 1111 tll'l..; -,\ \ .. , " l ~· ,,,,'"' • !! \I 'I ' " i t h ,,t, ,, •.. ., ·I . , ... , ... 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' 1•! ~ .. ,. ... 1\11 •' : I ' ,,. \ I'\"' t•t l\"31t' l'·tth • \ \ C'T 11• hh &U•'I\ c",, '•• \l _, \..,:, ''' I.ti tl -;-,,, ~'7 :1:1 • ti ,,, -\\·1111 11\ .. ~"r .. ,._;,• tk u 1v n•·\\ r"' l•' \.Ht IJ1\ t11~11 \tt" ,, ..... ...._o(hl'1 $tl\ m•nth Cl~.t··l~ah -I'·•• IF' You ""' J:Olll,t.: 1" t..-l"l· • •· !..-.i 1n tl :~·in_ • ~" T\' 1h1~ yi>ar :Xo"' 1; • •:"llf• tn •J hf'~f' , .... t'":·· r' Kl:".·; T \" ;:111!'1 H l• h 1 J ·l n,,. · h <)( R 1k1· Kl !'·~~.\l Coi;t& >lesa S..l"' ' am and 6 pm (" LI S-8108 E\·~nini:-. LI S-3708 or OR ~---l • \I .._RTD>IQl'E C ar·1 .. , ' C'arptlm~ f\!11,.. - Ru1lt-1n '""'" 4c ra •·· P(>Ql P..-drm R'<irm •"i . : -, :0.:Fl"RXl::H1':l • ~ B ~Vt !' be in! n>vm .< largf.' n ,.._i,•11 ""'"' 1:::-;.:o. E !Sth ., h.-.01.· •hopp1 ng :-0:" '" t • SJ:' $1" :\LI f. • ;• b."l!(~ du<pn· • • \\ •• ;•1)t ('<5 :::1n~-H !'."''"" ~ I (..'()t..la ~t \' 'l "IC i'"t 1· I l 8 -11!4 .. 'lCI l.\" (urt\, • ,. I ~1 '"'\.\ r:, .. ,, .>.•11' tllt> 1-11.h..r1 h ..... J1~p·•-:il. ~1'p.1 1:1· .. .i l1y !:·•· !">\,: ' $9<) Q .i1 I ..\ JulL.c 11 • pd.s 2t5:? El l~n ('o;i1,1 "'•I T.I <Ii lll:::1 ~~' t.•n~ bfo<1ronm fut n1<hl't'1 t111plt'' "pl , ,.,.~ 1n • •·'it '-ft-,\ hardwoc>d n ."'r'" Ill.• ·hower. ~ ;lrd an 1 c.•· C H n.DP.t-::'\ ., · j , • itn 3 1'1 g -, ,, ·" r l.3)-0 :lTf" i s~ rum S~ I " l"H -\S (.' :1.1.,RT!"\" R.l'~ltor ,_, i!l~ llarbor BJ U ' I;"'\ l)CEAN Front JJp&l""1o•·1, btdroon1~ 2 ~· n• '.! ! room la~I s 1:..o ""Ill J •me Car.ct' & .1·1111 'l· rlu·iit'd.. A \"&1labk ,..C'< ,..;~'. OR 3~11> r.\lt"f.' • .\dul\1< onh :Int • f" S..'>O mcivf.' 111 a Uo•-al'k'<' L. ,.~ F:.R"I l ith OR 3-14!1: h 7 bf.droo">m!' u-f '" l \"IE\\", lu,unou~ h\ 111g :. ~l"(>(\m• turrn18lll"d ''"'°I pl.l f' gara.g"f', A \"cHl •hlo n'"'. 1mmedtatr O<'l llP"'-""-' .:!001 Kin~ Rel.• I :'\~\\·port _1 I ll-t!'!1; I.I ,.::11 II • "\ : l' .... ,'\; ...... ,, , .... qu .. 1f: ~qti .... t' 1 :·111 .. , Ii ,i-_• ~AT·1 $'1 \. lnc-hllll k oft a.., ... ~1 \! ~!J r \ ta \H"~ : 1 ~ ' :--.. ., :.. l'l-<ln,n1 •. •~h .. .o.J \9!h .rnd i:.1 It \\ t'f'I i'a:it ~' '"·'~ .. t ~ ... ; (~.lr~~ :-\ 1Un :., S'-'' ·I ' \I •I I I ·~·I{ ,. ; .. ~~-= . ,.,;;; .: h!1 .. :.,, ,,. '\" c .. 1. 1-,. ,,11 I rt>r: 1;•"'ri"1<'r $•• .. t fH·' \ • •~· ,.lC"~I HY:• 1Hlh ~ ,~,-... • •• 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS F •1 ht·I t t."r h''ll\~ 1 llt.• 111· ., h1xnr1 'U~ ~lo<'n\ turn. Sulit . '"~ dab•~. C&rpel.11 d? ... f'~ llp&C'k.ll~ C'h\."'<"h ~1 .r. 731 Sha hm1n C ""' • t''\;fl'R:'\15'HFI" ••\• "1 ·ip• ~ l t l°'~\ .,:,.- t\ttii ,,, 9"1'1!1~, , ''lildn · n l)h: S"' •. :,\ n...t.;..,; .. , .. -•• " I .... • ...-W"ft '''·"···· .• _, ~: ,r.u:_,· ,...... s;:t\\ r,.m, .. "" ; ..... 1 \l I! 8 .(17 t" ~·\\·\., 2 ~.n ... 1.~ 11:1 • '\&rtcnf"nU. nf.'a ,-tt s i ,-, \\ "t••r paid 1"\')paz l-6•'1 l Ii J' ... "'r c.:t l'-f'"-... "· .,, ... ~J :-:-; ~· J Ill· ft\\\11 f\ b\·.!~'"'m unfu• o~ ''r 1 ·•"'! t~ J'&lnl. """"' .... ' .... $'10 &nd ~ !'1!'1: Pl. ,. ' l -\ \~f't ("'" ... • • '' ... ' l'll"n'• L I $-~7 1' 1.1 « .: I ·' r\\·· 't ~ir'''ln .... n •... un/un'lt•h•''1. 1 t> • •. I •••ltl ., ... " I .h •• , ..... 1 , •1•1 i·•n ,,.,~ •' 1 1 ' ' I' •• \I ,, '. ( 1--, I~' I l 1, ' ( .... -•• , •, •t" : " hatru ... he•d I '' h :\'1 .n -. ...... ' '"I .. -., 1 •1 1 LlJlurn L<' I'.• 1. I I 8·i21~ 1.1 S ~ Harbor Townhouse l'&rpt'll!.. dnlf"'' '"". patio. N r.sr ..h 'l'l'."I: .'•) 8 0cll' OR 3-I 7 l u t·~FVRXLsHEl"' z t-.-d.. "~ ,1,,, .. \ '' '"'"' l"lc' I \ , .... '''"'<' bv l lJ·. o t•l''' , •• ,.,. \Ir l'nl\' \ l'I 1•"' •I "I t ' ,,. t '7th ·'' \ '••+ I.I • t\ll 1.1',; I \I s; ·, <>nt-N>dn\Om fw 111~•w .. t I block lo ...hOf>'!' 1JulU n<> ret• n ,. .,.. I' H eatt'd pool l 1,811\1 C'<l n.1 , .•1\t ,, ,,, k Large 2 bedrool11 l'I \ SllO. Built-in 1 ln;:~ ,!ft chahwaaher. clra1•· • ,._ l.'tt ... •• 11' f .. ' ~ 1 ,, I , •• I ht•.11 '•'Ill ti I,, 11 '"'11 ' l'I' ti 1 I II 111 I t I "'·-_.. d ,1,,.., • ., "' ,. 1 ' •'t\!il \\'t••t 17th~' C\'t.'lolJ __.._..,......,, ra~· SH'l ed. F' .A. b~at •·n·1,. n d l.'lt°'t. l.Aundry f '"I'' .,., :-0:('1\r l t t b 6: P,,ni.·na '' '-" ta Me_-a ea.U ~-:tSS;: '. LEASE OPTION C1"1·11 Ill I I I \ ' I • ~ ti•'\\ " ' ., I HU~-' HI ,,, 1•1 .... I ' 'I ' t , •'1 I' I I 6 f I tiYf" t . "' """' ' l MACCO REALTY CO. 1IR J •!'II l:lUI :.."I':" It 1 .. ,,n J·•~.)() · 1.,.t• at: 11• • 1 t 1 •~ ti. t. •" :.u·r,. 1 ... ., ... ,t," '" ·····•f·1l· '"' •'"' $ •1• "'''nth I.I •'l·:t..JO .,. , •1 1 tt , .. r1er I ;11 ...:.,.,. A t.o • .. t.Ap l)(. t .. 1 ' lH• h 1t•IP , -•u 1 ' Iv .: l•1l n th•U~ • " .. I "' \\.> ... ta M e"'"' tt4u 01~\I h"'"'""' h ··' I 1\ t I I ., • I '•1~ n I•' h ,1 l' ,.,1 • i \f;ioa 616·MP7 M&DALLIOX Krt'\..'Hio~:'\ I Il l~ \\"141•·• p 111ol '"' Froio $92 mo nn IN:. I '.!1 ·.t 11· 111..:" \• '. 1'•""1• 1.,.,,, It ,1 l .•• !,1 .: l!<'droom unru1111,.hl'\I I:« .!217 Harbor Bl , Co:'ltr :-.t....- ''' t p•· ''' 1~1 " l l '~ I I S'' ..... 'r"-T--·----• u·1t1u' I M "•A Ml ,; 1 , 1 1 iitl' .,..ll .. r ra•• ' •I .·ntran« either on H•rbor ·"·.A clt-1\1\. comf. rtal<l l 1·<11:11"\' \ rlrl \ll\r •'Ir-in 1 '.';t·'I H"\l:-llVI• . 1,, 1, ,.1.1 m<>nlh l J S·P8'\3 •" . or \\'It.on 1 l>f.droom apt. w ith g:11r;1.:'"'. I 1 .. \ I .!1111! .t.·n I I••' I p......... LI ~ t n7!'l '3f'.f' M 111 \1 t>A \:•111\ by Dike • _'\•lt•gl"\•\'e only $80 Qu1t't h."\("I. h.ly h""'" '\,1 , 'oil It•'' s 11)1) • • • I n 1r. .. •t1•n· c. I lllll IDAY Pt .\ZA -&rH.. Costa Mt":<.'\ 0-.ll \\\ • , -\ L:, .. \t .•l.;.,. ~1~ • ,,,.,,' t1.11tl · • ... "'" •'" n I •• ". mi:1 .. n i:. ·• " ... 1· .. " I 11 '\I"\\ PORT l:ll'•<'h unturm,J\·1 :-O:F.\\" ZI 111111 art n,) .... rent· GE M YS 1 -9~S C.•llt'C'I G 11: "~· • 1 '"" l I' 111 I t'J 2 IJ,'l""'ms $85 mo.)nlb . 111~ I Ur unfur. $ll:I 1 Br 2-tw!droom unf\iml-.ht'<I ant. -l),•,lt•""ll 111'·11•11°ho' I h\11'<' \'<'llrh :'\PIH (>N'lln & bAv f 111n s 11;. l.81··~ pool. ...... 11·:-•to\'• c·~, .• '"•~P • lll':'\.,"l:-0: • l'\IS l' '1 '1 • " ""' ~• ~ ~ •u 0 -• ·" •• AJ11lt" :-.1""" ;onJ rrrnc· • • '' ' ' ' 1• I l;.,m~·· frnn -d lW', •6th "1-l.• n1.i1d St'I\' Bit • ln C a_ t b ol I c ch u r (' h ttn.! • ~· ,-.1111 1111(111 111• .... 1 •• 1. l" .• ·~ ........ er al o 1 a.• la .:1.., per 1 \ t n. I ··•·•:-rnng<" ,w,,.n n.-h1g 1....., 9Cbool.• 2~ F.l\:<I :.'0th s1., month :!Ill I B Pa,·1fh' W h •IU1l' Adul~' n ,. St. P,rnwnll. e · M C"NI ': blk. COl'ta !'.tN\a C':\ht LI ~·07 I I pl_u• 111lllll1'll 'l • 3113!1 I F no 19th St \ Ml 6 ~5...~ l':-11''\'R.."OSBED :? bNl"~'m ~t'MM l-:H '"'" 1.-.ntt"J 1 .. Jo :'\F.AR Ornn.t:" c,,.,_ ,· .. 11,·.:·· opeD daily 6: e"98 apL l..arse frn~ yan.1 • • 1-• b..-dl"0<>111~ ~ '"' h• ::: II· ""'°""' ,,._ . . I ,,_ C'hlld ...... _ ~ Jal~ ',( 1"··tt •'""'' ~ Yuu caned vour clus-HO~fET! rn.& .. A .. Y ~--~""'~· ~ m"nlh-Balb..•a lalan 1. 4 bt'drooa. <Mner tu.n io£hf'd '1:0. • • • ury! ! br beaul,,. txh1xc ly t!8 ~ Mar. C1....,ls OR ll-8i112 LI. l ·Till s.1f 1ed ad, be .n.rc> to k H,•ht-11 : Blt·i~ ranG.-: Mnia. Ml'~ Ll 8-901 Bt'<Jrvom r::irtl\· tu~ed. '80 f\!rnbhe::d" 1 11,,.,.,, &8k for and re('e!ve C.)IUJ>lete.ly l'&rJ~ted It ~EWPORT Island. hr .___..; "'°"'" 1,1 ''"'l'l'';'~ S75. !\08 hOWll', no dllh11"\•n 11r f'I'\• your KILL NtlMBf.R. draped: Hug:~ pauo : B".st t bedroota apt. tlan\ished, Or..ngf', :o-: .. \\ [\Or\ Beeck 15'1 Elden. Kty t 25'.!I Phone 675-3Jll a.-! $110. Call l\OW buUt•iaa. OR ll-6000 Rnl- MI l-~:.03 1:16-, Costa Me I Ml •-7171. tor. --~~~~~~~~~-~ _1,,,4 -·--.,ti' rt&~ I ICtr.W-lo 1'•&..."4 ...... ,~ ...... ~ .. 11 ·-5 -o!J 1 I OUSES FOR SALE 1 1 HOUSES FOR SALE 1 ;'s7v~B * l=-prNERAL , 11"4>0 sq ft .• bdrms. 3 baU:' F:'\ ~A T.&, !';l-S l~ DREAM KITCBE:'ll:: 2"1l'.! Ci:n:I~ Ortve B~uL draped. Wa.Ilt in ' I :? bdrm. Mmpl~tf"'-1 doMt.«. AnUlony ~ate.1 ,..fi. """ blt·tn·s, din , pool. interaUng dKk area ,, le~ tr. f'OOn\. w .,.. t Larw.1 orchid hou.~. ~aut. t ~ dnt~ -S33.~. I l,mJs<-apcd. H,. '< loan I' :'>t J T YO'l.'R DOW':'\ t '}J tM \ ,-:14~-r on thl$ attn...· r 3 Wrm. 2 bath. dm ~ plo~ ~rau bri!l\lc '' rot\m. ahdmg g1a:;• •· ,..., :o lg~ patio w " I ' r l "' dra~ -o :-..L. y (~:!Mo. * Irvine Terrace 2-STORY CUSTOM . ; (Mrm•. 3 balha. 3300 .!'q ft Fan r !J\ . den. OUI r n1 I Parquet A qua.rry 11!• 1 oors 2 ti.replaces.. c .1 · P"l'"<i dni~ Heat~<! ~N tlesnlng 20x40 pool 1~1!> I pool It 0 u. t be..~k~tl rill rourt. AtJJ. M~ \'tr<!,. I 1:,•f ro11-•u•_ S'l8.SOO ~ HOUSES FOR SALE NEWPORT BEACH INSTANT SERVICE 1 t HOUSES FOR SALE CORONA DEL MAR 111·1·t.r:x . ~ .. t buy WI th~ ar..-• plus top locatioo. SI OV\l d0\\1\. Pnnclpal.P onlv OR 3-3338 1 HOUSES FOR SALE LI DO ISLE I Lido Isla; .. <44·11 . ~ ~ 1.·n .•. LC\1 BL'T -F\Jm ! '":urn. I.«e. 2 bdrm. Z bit-in ' ld4ben, 1~ ll MESA VERDE REAL TY r ' H All makes It m~J. _ , I ,, , ,,1,11ng color. AU ~ork I , C •Lt t !'\ .,. , .., l"OOf1I bn.-k fir· .. p&rq1l~l floe NI .l O='-'LY . $:?9 ~ un· . "(" Thomas, Realtor ,..,vi Java -RoaJ -""' •ntuol. KtJlg TV. 3019 Or s. ountry iu a e \..'.. ~:.i M~ ~-&-110 :: 111 rl)<Jt Kl s-2~. OJ><'n New ContempoE' ary . · • f''.'O 3 ~room FreMnni I <la.is 9 l~ 9, Sun. 11 lo 4 . , ::n <I fllr inco pu.blt horn~. by O\\"ller oni> at 1 JER It t loat 40' Y.'a~ront , 1, ,, '""" ""t!f"Y m •.. ~ • .: ~1.;I) on large fenced lot J ''>th i bedroom, 2 bnth. • 11Hh 11,.r .. on.!'ur•'ftl pr!Yacy. ... • 1tt»ll dtt3m' 0\l'f I • ... ~n·J P..00m for 2 mor,. \f •• •·r lwr1n,o.m le ln- £~·-,=STAR G _~ZER*'~..,. ~ .. ,.: J Dy CL\ Y i POI I ' '• ~ ,,_ : ·~ .. ~ Yow Ooil)'Acf--'h' .. • ~! "T U -1 ~ • '\ /l cco•d1ng to1~.•1,., 4 .:• 1:-;1 zi G 13..>4 <.>.t. ;, ' c'rp ~J.,. I•. ' l-17-a.2' 7• ·c . ., , ·-• ·:.d\ CO'<e"I'" ·v' . ~ J3 41 - A l•L!IU•• it· .• .~ .... ·v) a. 9 11, .::• 7~57 ~ -u...;; M.• 11 'e' j' -r r • ···~•641!1 ·-: ~701J'.l~ <•..CU ~'" .. ,_ ~ 44 -0 '7 ~· s;-. t>HA n uo L~ ~~ ~ \ t.11 l'I~ ~J9jH~ .... 00 -,~ ,. <-•• '/I~~. 49 jl ~ '11 n 1, ~o:.:J oc bmh, .,• I ,. -·. " ,., ... ., f ·../ . '-•' 'O• r < • I ••'" :t• .... -u ,, ~· .. ' .I \ 1\ .. ,.1 31()1.,.• UP.,. ) "'.. . 'l·~··· ~No & ..... 7 /INJ ·• l<>• 9Lo. -40£~, ~I M.tJ ' •• .. ,,,, •lC>• u s..-, .. ~ ...... " .. 6,. ' 47y.., ......... 41 \ .. ~, (Jf ~ • ' ,, .. -J •: II • 1 lo "O o • ""' ·~ttri •.1 Po. .& l<>" ·~ rn N)[-.,-- (g)AJ\C,. ., ' I .~ .. _. ... ,.~ '" .. I; ••1'-21 ~-0~, l -... ..; .. ~ 12 J4-2S/Q 1S n --\!?' •ul:mul down. Oth~r 1~ t. Ill• .. n R-2 loL N-porl 1 ~·l•'f•om•. 3 't bath.'!, ~-i \\" Coast R wy L1 8-~27 I 100' , n bluff ov~rl()t}k1r111 I 1 1.000. '" and compl~te " •t,..lv w i~lace. ::-.; D'>rt P..ch E ve. Jo.7 ~~3 r-.,. t .Manna "ti.h i .,,,,, '" rent.al. $49.000 ,, • "''" kit~ wa.J. 3 COMMERCIAL H --0---,:;\ No J I OC"&n Yi~. A st~•! "' 1 :·1.01 .. 1t d••\\ I'\. OR 0--0:120. 11111 ralun~ll' utltUlly & INDUSTRIAL ouses pen w. I ~I'\ <:(YI f'l)!lt3 )fe-q • SH•ronm 2 bath. near !:om! 'ap»J Ell epUon&l !>ti 1;.nss , .. '" .-t1.annel, community 1,.1,i..1ni: ,1n;a. R uced to 1..EA~F: M·I 71'.'> • 787 1-5 p .M. DAIL y I -I r , .. ,.,. prore. 226 !)2nd ~i7 !')1>11. Tc:R.\fS. .. WH l l•.rh C•J~a Mea * :•.oo ~IOLOKAJ. lfESA * 1 HOUSES FOR SALE ' =-'' x~.,·port Shores. P bone ::-l1v"n '•Y <1ppomt., . •-2. u c·,.roent t111 •P bulldulgll \"'EJU>E COSTA MESA •7 -:!7Cf<I 9 a.m to 7 p m I LOTS AND 32tl0 •'J (1 ,t. 2100 11q. tl. 5 REA L ESTATE WANTED f Urgently Needed l ·; P.-.:rro. A Fam P•Jpubir j ••• ,,.Are Map Dlttctory. 2 Mlf'q•t>•I" l'•"kin,; Owner T Pllm. ~ p.alto BY O<A·Mr. U.)'OU hke lr:f."' . I I rrn~T-Shorea by owu J\CREAGE 9 tu l: ' ,, ~II 6·:18111 .,._ pt''>lt" & qwet. .Ju.s 3 b 1 I Aft••n• •• • •111n.: i..,...,, land!!eay~'f!t. n ea r room 2 bath overst:v•u ., .':•'lr ocenn. Comm1m-1 llD Q LQTI ,-, . .... h')Qi. llbopi1. park. LO\V h • •· room. '~ompl .. 1• •Y " r~ I . 3 bedroom.~. 2 ' -~ E '· '. -- LllW down. 122..900 Y. i.··I.•. r ull nylon caii~t-j C-2. t!AI,. 1•r roatle. Cnmer 11 224 LOYOLA RO.AO * built Ill . k itchen, e'l"tra , ••• <::?J.5-00 227 Cedar St.. r,. ..... 11• 1.,1.aled, comer lot, Y.llh ': ~Jroom houw , : Ednn A: Fam. LO\\ u1 ~c llvmg room IA II h Pi~ :;.SJ5'3. :-;, " • :-itrttl ·t Strttl 104~1;~ $!8,!l"lll Onr hun· tl()WN TO FHA. XO fuepla<:e, flagstone patio ' • . R . lut. \J•!'lll''<. 38', ON'LY dred fl ,.(( E.J•t lilh St DO\\~ TO GI. Cl~ to alr1r •. -t ncw 'rurtom D'''''" P. CK i:S.'ly &~t Bur .. _the SJ;')t111 C-1llJEAXS).OTH c,,,13 ;.1, .a Llt.,·n•·&•iu7 "~-t g a•d d rap ~• "" ti 3 bedroom, • .,.,. •rt i· ~.,r• ., •• llldbls. ... ..._u,. center. carpe in • ~ I Fire lac Low ·' ' •-··" .,nd ~ I 11..Jl nt1y, &Jld 11·.any ''"' '' II· r. P e. -* 2423 V ASSA.R PL. 1t er ~:xtr;u, Ulm you etir,ul<I •h '" 11 "' trade. Move /n· Cam.bridp HJghlaM He thi8 hou.w. Appi·a.i-1 1 m~:.e muney. LI 8·•20 LARGE -rl.-kept ROMJ!: I at 1%3 $00, _ H ll for •ame -i HOUSES FOR SALE ,_, ~ COUil ~. FHA Sl~ '• loan. HbNT'GTON BEACH INCOME f>.ROPERTY A 'l;X IUl'S. must st:ll ocean l 4 ',, ' l .. 1)(11na B· 'F.;h k>l· :o;ee •pa1kling ============== ot;l.t 11 l'V~mngs. omer 2 4 UNITS 11•·::111 .. 11 11ndergrou .. ··'" 3 UR i l'I 1,:1 Wll I. I'~\ l·:'-'1 I I'\ hi I 101: FHA .. ' ... ~u t-'OR ' ·"'"' IF You .'lr, ~··11 ~ f, , .. 11t- lt·1.-.... 1.-.t '" • "'"'!! ·• i·,.1.-r TV ttu .. ,, " "\·1H\1 1-. fh" lll•1t +ti It tit· f•1;U(' Kl:--1: 1 \ .111•1 11.1roor, IJtt· I '" ,, 'I 11.tk~t '· Kl 9 :!~'·• SB REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES S&E TRl8 ~ Y ! Kl O.c90 1 lea• Smith. Realtor I SleLI. or t.-de my 4 ~,...,,. •. ,I =T~a=ke=o=ve=r=P=a=y=m=~= ' d"l""~ home .... 11h p o o I I). 400 E. 17TH STREET pin 10 acre mount111n I JI ,., h ,., lt:d . arf'.\ llY l -22!'l7 ... ·rrh" n"=" B 111111e•r .: ....... cnl I•'· \\'e~t,hfr ·1 B . Fur :,.:, "'"' 1 ,, .,, 11~ cit lwce I HA \'I: :: I .1,. ""' 11• ""' c.lu· ~"""lft ""1 H• 111.d., avail· pl•' 111 C'""'"" •h·I M.ir. a.bl~ A l" ii 1 M111J Serv. \\'111 ~"'' """"'' f•w 1 .... , .. .- COSTA KESA. CAWF h1ol· a"'"'' clo:.~ by Marki t '.: r:.i •t :! bath, hanl\\00tl 1oU l-32M Ewa: LI •·:?~6 t I ,.;i l•~ $~ 000 b&lance due j ""', · l,111lt·ll\ll, CD' fe111.·P -. szr. -;oo payabJ• '232 pt-r PrDUCED ror quxk •It m nth. :\ly equity S:?3.';(l() r . .t•" KE :!·2803. Owner BaUc Bay 3 bedroomtc will '1iscount my equlty fvi 1.r 'ITJJ•CL tnterfor. 3 bet!· ~ hardwood nnon 11~ -00 a h A 1. o v.111 ., • c s · , I , r •. , P.u:1f1c Sands hon .. f"~lace, double garage. nm• back home for 1 or : ,.1.,1 $3000 down r-N~red ~Uo. t...rge f.:n:· m"n hs at a prepaid 1' 1 •I .i. !')() monthly lnclud< t'd yard. N itt area $1& h) I <Jf SI I)()() cash. Phvn• °"' n-, •X~· lnAJr:in•'e A knJ<• ful' prlee. $104 mootbly er K l o-6130 • U•l ln.Jianapolb, BbkT ltealty. MI 6-7477 ---;-RENTAL -'II G-4!5:?2 $14.l60-J.ii00Down.-3 bed· I •PURCHASE • 111 re w1th_6_n>o_m_m_o-h•1n rootnS, living. faauly room. Wt hV~ 11 left. Let u~ '" roe >~lace. Room 1111 ltweplaee, pat.lo, f~. 1 m•>Vf.' you Into either 3 ' 1 ,. n t a I units. Lot.a of llCboolll., cburd)es. Clyl1t or O Bdnna. Harbor Cul· I •Hui>.•, frwt trtt11. $15,500 Cale a, ~l« (LWian lqe area.. 118,000 LO !iv owntt. VI 7 -3M2 La ~l LI 1-7715 $19 000, no cuh needed. U a-2903 EYu LI 1-2903 LelSl< lhan 1100 per month l HOUSES FOR SAU ft& ,... 8t.. .., oc8i to ... 2111 -Kl MtMI CORONA DEL MAR ~ ,.... ., .,.... old .,_ &ee o~ Houle Directory pea. 2 llediOCll .. w11 \DUI, C 0 RN ER f bedrooms. 2 pmrtly fUrDilbed. 2 P · baths. ~~oraUd, la.nJ· nic-. EllecllmL mmme:r. .1e&ped, patio, I U.600. Top wlcter fDCCllllit ....... Own· condltioD. c 0 0 d l tTmll ff>Broker oa .-0 Owner. 8ff at 161 Dos· -· wood. ColJta Kna. aa Gee ... c.a ~ u ~ nu-Bedroo11111, newly ------~-:---.-arated. ~ Stove, FURNISHED compkUJy. ~ ~ tDctuded. Modern 3 bedrooms. 2 ftDced ,.... .... a.... kUIL ......... ldldla. IU,IM. J. 011ta, fireplace. fon:ed air. Oood BT ~ -t.ma. .. .-..a pne. OCEAN view bome turnlab- 1'.f 2 bedrooms, 2 bath~. dvl, UvtJI&'. 41Dbss com · bonaU04. IAr&e k.lt.cbrn !lt>rvlce poreh. Double c•· ~~ 2 tlrepl&c-. Imm• dlale po--1on. Tem\11, S 1000 down. b&lanee 20 >~'(! :s~. 608 se&ward RoU. DUPLEX. Opportunlly, aac! rtt• liy owntt. Newly dee:· orated In A: out. Like oew. A ;. r• , " x 1 m a t e 1 9200 ~'I' ,,. <• d. might din I•' $16,:WO J.la 1i.•y • Rea.ltor, OR 3-41000 1· I I• l J'l'lll 11 en• Valuta $1!! ,1w) \\'rile P. 'l'~;er \I 't J.Att (0011" Tn,. • for \larn.nt •·1a l "' :i l li-'l781 2A :-;,, 1 ,. • .11 ·•.I;• r :'llnny ~ll tra "' r\ ,.., ~ It fl'Oturea. ;29 I '111 ,1 H B Ct>n. c·nr' E u I ~-Hoffman CALL 5%-0..7 .. ----Tl<IPLF,X 6..l1r.ot ,.,,,. 11 111 lnr<>mt s.11w 1~ , \t• 1 , sJ 1.111(1 dn ~ , ... , •• •,un _DEWOLF REALTY Jill, 111,1 o:;:t A \t', <.: ~f. L1 ~ :;1~ f',,.,. LI 8·01H7 --1 "" l !11'· 000 i t u111 h• oJ I t..llm unllw bowl E..i~t ~id.-IO<"at.loa Walk to I ith St. Shop- ping ca1J fur o.1 .. 1.111•, M.u-y Rey· llOl<I.. l.J fi. J"l:lt or LI!: e-Ti77 4 l'NlTS YUCCA Valley ~ RD.'TA.L A.RmA Buy. 54-U. Tra4e, ... J:daa 1 bUt to Bay 4 ()(~an. Fur· Rouiih with WU.00 0. alahf'd too! SU .000. fGIOO MY Realtor. P .O. down. r.t297-29 P&lma wa;y. Balbon Bov ProrertlH Ha\,. $i'4~1 1 ... ,, prllth r !I I''' I\ count ~4l', l '••··I C>n \\ 111 .... 270 E lilh :-;,, .. I 1·t.t. '" It 4' I\' C. Doyle Company <·an l ~1·11 It; T1.1J1 II '' F or "'" ~ 1 • ''"' . " '·-·•l\!4 Exchange Specialists ' )fl fi Vtol 00)1<' l"u :!.1• I' 17th. I' \f. LOS A 11i. 'l.,, l>#•t1htW i M!ro•Jl•I "' ' 'I\ 2 lllOI")' bomt "1th 1 ••I In a N'ftrl· .,(j n1·1•hb<·1 r"'°'' 'l'r11de for beoch PH•flf'• ly, un ite w what h.I\ • \ "" ·• ! <hl"lltt. A.Xm111l• r 2 ; 111:1 "'" AX 2-3131 008TA -~lf'u J ~~ balb. nreplll~. carpet. l::lli:hallgt for lllco.-w YILCAnt m11ltlple &onecs io-. ~-0001. 64&·0138 Phone. 3'6-3666 • ~ w. Bal.boe BlTd. ~r~, ~:. =-OR 3-7420 6 MONEY TO LOAN a.c.-. 28 lpa.c9. t BT owner 2 hous~• en R-2 -.Ml WANTED 131 PIM, Oollta x.-.. Just Binder Ree.lj!· Ml ... 7477 ,...... .. ....... • ...... )fODEftl't' 3 lledlUOIM, ! w I.Mp..,.,_ .. ck bedMI. _..:. ......... ~ ..._.., -.r edloola ramu7 room. nicloeed a •rs r c. a...,:uia 1U'L v---. • J:alll --.it)'. JO ... I'* wu.oo. UUGO. 10" diDw'1I Pttl1.nlla.I. $15,000 Jot. $16,000 2 hoW!ff on ============:::::: R-2 Jot, room tor 1 more Santa Ana Mtg. Co. 2 "•d rooa apar1-lt a~bM. 1 bedlocma .. L pay~ $95. FHA m«tp.ce j 3 guaranteed. Open. llollM Batlllda7, Sunday, March ==-====::.:::;:=: 30 le 31, l to 5 p.m. Muat ---• -• --I alt, Sltl,'SOO Duplex I 2ot w. 4th St. RQom JOI Mel.rooms e&cb, 1 ~ old, Lo&n Broker• Sl.noe 1161 S:ll,llOO. Subnut oo dow1I Conventional 1st Lo&na ~ent. .TE t-3083 Pri· t M "'-.1-BARBOR ..._, B)' ow. ==M=~===· =======~ '-•· SUM ...._ 111,MO • ,,., 11• ... ~ 1 ..,._ Poa MU ,..., .._.. .._.. JVd. MUA VERDE Jiil& °"*-...... Oa9ta ........ ~·QI I eee~ 12(1.500. LI, 4.-1528 ~ that old atuffl I f llOO Sq Ft nnr M-1 •uUd!nc. POwer to mit. ftcra. Paved II: puking UH. 8UJ Brool.-c-... va e oney lat, -CORONA del Mar Dupta. • om bedroom each untL Free Appraisals Qgmer Jll&rpertt.e &Dd tUl. Low Int. Ra.tea le Cost. Pl.~. 8 u b m l t 7 oar INVESTORS WJ:l .ooMJt tam&.. Oil 3~189'7 Kl 7-4161 24 Hr. ...... J ....... tual!y rood, wall co wall~ I fin. ,.....; eo••r•d p&tto. ~ -Nebra.Da ""'OMta ~ ID .. ,..., ----· -.. · --· Evu, BY .....,. You cancel your l!l.U-1 5 R E A l _ _ __ _ sified ad be sure to C.2 & M-1 l ESTATE WANTED Ind TtUl\t n.<ta wanted \oi • bl&O COl'l'lU OD private pvty. Oranse a.alt for and receive C.M. For -.le or WANTED 01dtt ~ on County Commercial or ...., your &ILL NUllBER ·~ · 1 Acre M·l Lo .&-I '-a. Co•ta M-area oome prt ferred. Wnte lice Pbone ~11 "'1}'• In C.M. Cuh for you-, equtty. lTU. N\'wport Beaeb, w II. W _. lil:lflll!ld1 I° leweJ_ .. a.J1i1 a ,....,, I• 1 • 111 8-llm Co. LI a.lMt Oil ~~.,_... pMD. 641-2:914 ___ _ --~ .. ~......_-•·""·""''M ,11_._ ,....,._,. lllWICll "·-- .. ,. ....-----· - OIME·A·UNE ITEM OVER DIME-A-LINE OIM f -A-llNE S?S t81 HORSES I LIVESTOCK 95 BOATS & SUPPLIES llOOA &MPORTED & SPORT CARS NO $2S I NO ITEM OVER $25 NO ITEM OVER =====t=>=t~=-.. =~~1 AUSTI_N HEALEY A I "!'•·r Hove . .J»out 20 I Th,. b•tmt>ro a,.. • l.1!"i;•·ro •I S2' or ~t or J l( 11 11~1': .. 11«10<' ,-ood ooodl· I •1 •I ·1 I I t-' •prtngs and 1 •1 •IJ I •• f .. ' ' ' •• , •• lArt' •7 •\;t ~. fT:\ "111$! t ' ii\ • f'\JOlt 1 , ·r~ tl•\fl. 6 ~I S..:"• Oooli:;<' pl•k n ;>t:1° • I ''·'' oJ.l. me: Cur • '••' 1,. '"'' 111 rf'- •r t1.U'l>1m1,~10n SJ(). )1L"' '''""' 111•!1 S'.!O for Mt. tun 1 ·r ''"":: •·n\llt'1;• 1 r 0. 1-t'll· 1 ~ A u.illD H .. 41"' !?•""' r•ul.a (or pt•kllp tu $.:'I. !l•fl ,.,,., 3-:!i I'•",.,, , .. ,, • .,n '"'11 ·, o{rblt•7 3·29 <~-\It \1.t· ,, •. T', -•v and (lfl '' • " ~:lt'I 16 th S:L end f !'--c • .• I I In r t 11f It' >'hape :Wu•t .,-.11 i..• '''" l• Japan. ~-lllf'-.. "~'· h.at mit-\boi4JlMaJ ,,.nwia~r. Sl60() OR :;.-.;-.~ ttn >; ).t I h •• • ,, : 2!• -----) • ' !\ n ,•r n1n.J... V nli'"' ~-r1·p11::-.-·r <11''" s 111 p,;ttb1~ 11 "'"' ''·" ~:not tab'-. MOTORCYCLES h<'.1•1ht1:.•-.t Siil C'1'1~1 ct • • lfn• 1.-11, Si l 6 d raw-91 ' JJH . ~lh"b..na.; '"""'' •' 'f 1l'h1'."J Jl'.!: J ... ~, .l~ '. • -46 "' u ~-:r.v clr.1""'" SI" Milh<'~nv '' 1.-' )ol :'I T111'1 lampP, SCOOT-=E=R=S==== '",, 1 ..... 1. s 1•' .. 1 s: '' ''"'' t·i. .. ·k s~. Hi .,;1 ., 1<111.:i 11k1· M• s . ; .. -t :. dll• k' $1 2' • • .t ht ri 1 1 "1(1, f ::unr:< S.All.Pl•AT U 'A 17 11:111• r. f't'.1~ •. ..aw.-~l·:~ ALFA ROMEO Sl '\I t.~""'" 1 .. 1.k 10 ~I '' ·" •.• 1 .. ,,.r. .. tw.nk s·., '.,,., t1 1011'• r U . bird <Ill!~• I.I 'I 1<;!' ,1~\.1· .~ <'! wttk· I • .,.. ... ,, J'hl\'f'r T r;1 I '.•!I .,:S-'.!IJ•'t 111.t :t.:l!I s1-. I···•· 1 ··• m11plt> ~· i••·,7 Atta HV4 ..,., !"'.J ' wr 1 •~r· n11..it-:~ ;. '" ;.."'"' , , rt- th hUI'\ P tt\ ..... .,.~ n .. • ' It ... rr 6 r n1 ,,,., 1.-.1;,,, 'I s,l l. IJ. ~u,, .• __,, ! .-.~ ' -: SI I"" 1: ""' ""hf(l• S'I • ' 1 'I "hfof'I-$2, \;'' CC•P. 1 • 1 t11hin1t I w ~r '"'•l. • • • l r ... hl)()(it"d ba ..wc.u r .., 1 S'o t.abl•a Si. 1719~ • • ' ~, H untLll(tWI Beach f\• ,., l~· "' h & ,,·amr r St"' L•l'l:l"rrt-"' I ""'"'n<.. ~ .. • , \Ill t.o.-d• $:.!'I 95 BOATS ••r ". I• .. 11,•1 ~h~m 1 11' ' ' 1 '"1·1'1'•.!« St(I. & SUPPLIES h "olh ,.,.1 '"'" fr&n'•' I "' '' '-' H•rnl't' $.:tO. ---===== 96 M08'LE HOMES & TilAtLERS l .!f• II· ii··· $I :'II) MOoll'TTI • "'' , ... II.. • \q• (' M -L. 36 °'"'·~ 1h\ofr • ha I r St7 J.J , F\..A?-n:'l:r.<I >!'t'\1 1(1 ' !>4 e.~t t }~t I l "-''"JaU,,11 d.·111 pl .. 1c•h t•11m...h••' lttlf ,17,. lMlt ht ,, !!•• "'"-• .11~1 •"·'' )0• lU ~J'l'-! ..... t-..)it)t' IU1 flll\Ul B< :o. T \ • ~ I"a• , P•ltl 1-,.~- RAT J!l60--F1AT Stntu n \\: "' n . tt.11 , "tr<'li"r """'"' \\1)rit St 1•11.11 :1 l'>on11ma ~! 3·2!' ('• ,,. \I~. \t I 6-6~4 3 ~ t" I\,.,• l·1kl'. r~1.dl1 nl c..on· .1,111 t1 \\llh l r.&1n1r&& y.•bul t..ll ·\>\Jo'R 111·" r l<>l h.-S"l lll•"f>•l•·r S 111 M ll(JTU\..•l••r , \I 'I ( .,,u ... I h•ll Of Otrt'n· 1•tl'V i:t11 " S"I R l11r llpl'('•i.d S'\ 0.hl d1 .&P .. ,. •.o, lo $:> I IV,1.11 ,_l,.nH•' I"'° l'l(k-lO s:1• Mt; i.:1>1 3.2-:- 11 '-.:11~l~o· n .. w lu.irpr S • •· n• " I• b<"!;,1t1Ul SIG. , .... , u . n:111o $1 H .. \ rl 1· t~·1·r. $6, 1r $.! r:udo.;&jte. au oJ ..,,, f ,.,,,,,;..: ~ Can1- '-' I\ 1 ... tf' nH~~r S6 \ .' !J ' lekn.'! IOll '. ' •-.ort«i pUI<"'' • ' ···-\..'• "·•fl•" .11 .. 11 ujWf\ • ''""'I '~ l'a.~I ry b<l•r'fl St 1.1 "~'\ 3-17 •" ·''-' "" , t.t-nall.:-•r•~,.J ... 1 • 1. r .,,_ 1tct1~1L .. :)0.. t u \I i " !din~ brldj:(' ~baor• \I .\"'"I,, VWlfl&: m.1 t .... "I\'~~ .tV.llltt)!'i"'f'<Ll~J'::if \'11 I'• tl $11' P.Ur a.lWll ''flUu h µ...~ ''"•r rnobtl.t" 11 ....... $1•\ 1()$.1)2 s C"oll•t 11111• 1,., • U 67!1-J1H8 111, \ ... \'ndu1( 3:!7 111"'·" ~I""" ~ 10. I'bnnt •!~._:,:; .... , 3.:r; Wednesday Puzzle ACaOS:S 51 "·•··A ~­llo•• Y~••••.J.11 • P ... urc lvt6- I T;sx of t .. h '~~"'0 O(>IJO•olv< Ip/I 9 111"<" col pt\f'\.l"'°"•O 14 Pr~~o'"• I~ H•o"'"" ~ .... 16 (mpl1>~.d 17,.,j\1 17 <>f.<"•ute ~C..f,. 18 D~mctetl do""'·~ M,.,, l '" ,, 19 20 22 24 R111"l \\ tu·•·f' ... , MO'''"''""· "0' .. ,. 2 5 ,, .,, '" h, , rocc: 27 c,,, "' o l \()<'.• t '°"' 79 Rro• . .,010< 33 Rn c• t· (1,.,h fe;,,., 3• ........ d 53 Joundlod !i~ Ku~ of c.oil 59 1-.utf oO Sulfiit .._...,. _....,.... '1 fl'toMt ., ........ 63 •••• ,..,. 6 7 MJnt plOl'\I <.9 P"»hel I Type°' VocclM 72 Atdt 73 Pkmt.n s .... 74 Fir......._, 7~ Authon· ~ prlnclplt 76C~ I Foo•boll pol I 1 IOf\S DOW t-t 10 """*-"' 11 lwto•dl l2 follblyq.•.,. lJ ~"') Iii .. 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'' ~ ..... t f • •r 1f11~••J: f ' "1r ..... , I ta ~I·'" I I: '\'t\!11 --- J(«lm~ an.I ~· "' 1 a n~aJ buy ~·. ,,,. u-. It l"" ,~ I '\11 S l.l•m :'I $-. ua Ana P"'°""' Kl 2 ~ .. .. •'' ,11..,.,. ..... ,,, n e:: ~~ t S'l I ,. • :·., \l"ClilUll I 1.., -i~:;o .~,. L:d • • 1•1 , ~ -, JAGUAR \\I "\ <: <:t-.;.A "'KI'FF ' · • • · c<nto 1 • p.&D<I• -t• .1t ... •111 I - -1'tbtn l·1ular. ""II 1, ,•_aJI ,.,.,1,._ • ,11 11p. ,.;ACRJ:FlC'E l~\I' ''· ... ''11 •. 111• ~'' $.3 M~ t'u}·, •• ,....1 SP~ll() ID-~· "'' ,, 'I f't u-...1 "' ,, II r oW' J~1 .l.q 1" ,ti 1tt',. ".'' 'z ~h I \f.,thf'~, \ '11 •,, t .\ti 1h hf'~ 1 1 f('t U\ I $.' .,,, 1 f " '""'11 !~I~ Sftn· Fu ltt \, I I ,, ~ ... 19 l '•'- .... •l. ~· quh ... .,-~c-t-•·nl , , , it\••U I \'OUpf'. bi.a\ t I• h•ti·t • o~ ='di $~ 4Jl7 \\ S '"' r A" S;to Pfl<'. k•• ti ,•rt 2(1., "•k""' ~1 t-2037 61,~ !", '·' ,u;, _,11,, 1: I s~. 2~;! 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If!\' '""f"' , ,.,, BEA\-rll"l I • i I•'" pa.cl $49" 3u.-;:::.>S N<CI• $1 ,,. 110 on 1 l. 1 "'"°' 10 x •O 1 .. 1no•i.:nn~· Mt n l"l:!~ 3,2f. ur 1:. ·" 11 ·•I·• phv.•IOd ra-lled ... , •a , t-.•I MERCEDES IENZ P!l .1':\"THll~ .,, " t';.•wl"llMl.I ii:L•• "' ,. "" h -t«nng room-. 111 r IH 1.11-.,f -i.\E.Re •:Ot-::.S -L;t::......;.i: I •.• , s1·. F-1rctrk •"••I I .. : '"."" putt1p ft'<f\alJl'a •• '''"'' ··•111 l ~ .. Q 4 t "' 1 -" · . a.<"Ufl\.•m\· "•t..n u..ailt' (I.th•• JP•r. HotpolDI 8IJ.!' 1 .I Baraun trad• !i.ll·7•t•~ JIM S l.&Mv:-;.S Dll'\.l!{TS l'••111hn on~ l\'Jlf' n11 went a t S ,·.c•.··••I>' 111''"'' lfl62 B.lt., .,. '! t"'"""'I 1011 S. Milli\ <: Jt. ~:!ti\' ~ 1 •· •II) 3t(lg 3·if JlllJ I '•.'>"" lr&llf'T 11 ,;-.i·l, "''II ~· Kl :!·39M 1:F'\I I\; I 11..11.111 mrubll' 1 1a..A~"'I \H ,., 1' ,,,,, "'tlh • 0;1111 lltlll llt- 1 11• t\ T'ti\tlt'f' c.hall'-' " oty f.-1 1 b<d· rootn '"' .,. '. ~) Pl1°1 , TI U&.. !'J •' ' 1 ' '\:, .\ l"'' t ~lERC'El1ES • Bt:~7. :no-~. bi.a..\. ., i...a 1'•\1• , .. ~ t 11 lia ,,.. I ..... 1. •larhn;.: '"' I I ~ I ' 16 • ,. j \ Ill \I \I \ • I :?"1•1 II "' ''"' ant1q11c 11>' hl~h. 1-z:., f'ft•·h c I ;.•1.th 1n •I !'I.I t)1 J•P!•t f I •" • & \ \ t J ., It 1hl,. ~•\\' .... '"' ' SI.' l-1'•\ 1·:,, '"' r S2 llh 11.\ 1, I I 'f•<4 '. t• •I • l•l•\4 I ·•I•• \• 1 G·•, $) Voh• \ti el111l11 i: !ita" 0 11 ti ' •·\\ s~~:..,, Be,\~ I • : !1, ( f 111 ' t"r. Uut1 ·'' .,tt· S 1 ~ t~1 lf"e lh•' '"' k '" ti• r~d I ;•.11• \\'A "\'I I 1 • I··• \l Un~1l lf\.to! l~~,....,f·~··:.u 1 •'''ti nur l 'f$.f3t.S . •tlh t. ,.,.. ''11•0-. '·" i. II --- I i ,, .. P''l I t n11 tit ... ,, \A; putt I I "' •u ,; •·t MG Tl 11 \r' • , .. ._, t {tt,. I ... J I ~· '·-~ .. 1•! .:~;.a 1---a , . ·u 11 i\f I' .. l~,,,f.fk·Ul'lt' •'llh I• l l 111 , ...... ' \\ II< Um lll(h tU ! :;4 "·• ,.- ·~. " ' • ,1 ' .. 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WANTED .. ··-.... lllC:H ~"T r , ,,., • I ••hi h>r I .In•, 111 • d ln•lll\n H"ad fi''"' ,olh•th•ll"-Altw ''" I guld anrd okS )''", It' • 'ill clny or PV<'· &Ut" II\ 4·1.16lr> GAS .,.,,, .1 "r Ji ,.., "'Ju r 1l11t It~ I 1-lfll 1t1111n1t •'Vf"n With tt,,,,,-.-if f.'~ft, '°°"' C'Oflo IU '"" I .J ll t<U 2 8 lt• lo am \\'A 'I. I l It a UMd M lll9W 1; .. h . I 11n<l"r $~0 with or 'Wl\~I IW.llt>r Uk1 la &ood C'UltUll.IWI U 8-&11' \\'A~TUJ ~· Uur.Ctina \Ab!,., A •l~bt ..... o.49·H 20 80 PETS. CATS, DOGS. BIRDS 8()..q'J'O;'I: Tlf-1 rl er pupp h•• ... 111 h<1hl h•r Ea'lPr. tU 6 c1:1t ,a_ :S3' 1lAm11ra Pin•·· C..'ut>•• ~ft·-----KA\ I• ,.,"1ip r <rUlrn'l want t~1111•lc• ,..,,,u t• I tor btwJ n•• h :t1l 2' •• , t! ._, It' .. ' t f' It I ~ t J1·hl1 • " 13·., 1,1 ~;. II\ .. .:.~·· . i•I \;I. . '''').:." It 11• I .. '' ,. h4hth.111 ,., 11kr "'' hull :!!'> HP • 4ih1p1t1l~ 20· """•'•""'' "'-10•+)1 U rl\<I ro n•I i;1lh v ~lt:"I>". Jbcfl· lf>nt fet 1 \ \ \ 1h hi $:!9~. ('1111 "" "'. '" fJ·~'\6 "fA<'ll t 0\11 ' , ... "'"It lll~lde It \\. t. 1,. .t. 1111•nth ly n tl•· :'.1\1· f,1o lh 11 j.,1181"&11· t.•.-d Ll t .141\\1 :ir K .. 1, h ,., , t'11tl.llllol ut 6, «"1mp1.-1 .. 1v ~ "u Ip p ed. s1:i·.no \\'tit bt11:ll'l.d to 1alk t~no. OR 3·1364 i:>• lM1 f"a11 ltn.-r ""'"' •· •~ Mah 1no tM>t•"'-Nke ahp l!'I Ofl<I 1 >wn~r '"11\'hll· t ~I ff'( A-!1:!!111 T't'JO 7 h Jo 1wq:le'IS <Uop· It'• $111:\, IJti. \2 n. fl\>u'- 1~ .... • .. '1bo6l $!15. l'bo~ :.?ll•-66i3 1Whil· ',J PO H l90CI Ca.U IW) OX ... ~ M Of\ ~-o~'I '°"l 6 Sun. If n • .,..,. .. , Suulb -cO;;l 98 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING j :.! "°').1(~ -T'f" ~·' ,,, ,,, ' t•ll1~t- BEi LI ...; 1 :~1:1:'\1·: I lion tit•!> :..><•1"> )111,,1 .. r••• lit I~"" KJ 3·0) '!4) l.FB 1---- 310 F ::111 ~ ::;,,nl.1 Alla I MORRIS 1'1 :3 '-'.:'H-1 1116(1 )10HHIS l'o\ll\rtltl;h • ~II r ~ !ol Tl 6 11> 99 hl : -~:·1. TRUC.KS & TRACTORS .... ~t. BR.AND 11~ J~ MiJ!'mla ~lr\ t-"1<·• nt"llM'll l"'ro\'lD· dal "'"lb Tn1tb•'t door11 Bui IMy 1r1,oJt,, aow'11 )'OUr rhan..~. ~ .Lil.I IU'llM!d to ~ "I\\ V!Wkr whol~:il\ll' . . ec>9t 1'o de.iv. n •'nl' ~·ear ,_,.._n.t"· KJlllC: T\I 1Juat .onn CJt Uak• r • J01t Har- lilar, Kl t-22~ open dally t tA1 t , Sun l I to 4. ·~ QIEV t L'\' L •-;-T. PJCKUJ' t . l'o Dbl pan· oramk '*l>. rlarw1 .. p ~per. th. Sp&i 111111&' Jamaka Bl~ '<Int. cond ~..OUl! O~LY $89:S' Beet GliL\C T.-rm .. ! He S. Coa.st Hwy l.11.1;uml RYalt 4.r,u A l"f'A) ..tiart' '111 "1th liil· dJn, lle:.l.f'r wt11t. "-10.. w-.U Uf'M" ~tt" $&-14 Jilli SI~-. hnpo•rl• 1'11 " Mata 81. Santa Ana Pl'loiw Kl ~!'>4 PORSCHE PORSCHE 1~1 J&OO·N • cell~ nl C'QDlttt 1 .. n paint, woo. e7~•t'J --iiiUMPH .. ,. ,... ... "l'!UUMPB 1.llO Tft-.3 ft<lad· ater, rWM>. b4'&trr ~an wbeela, T ODD«1.1t A n •I ~ '127!1 Q\\ner. Oft MlU U• DMJy Pilot v.ant •<ii< to ~ a.nd 10ell' -- I F bldtt !\ht• "'Ira f'nc\D& ttU Dod1-c -T1o1r1c I 'l'rll< k You cancel your das· aified ad, ~ su1 ,. to aak for and rtteive 'J<1'lfr llD.i Nl~B. J•~ 1 I fl Hll Good ~ "'"''I 111ott1~. 1.•., ll•u, 1'1lu1 y..,nt ad.Ii ~ ~Y -s2::.. lQ& >U 6 •~··s I •u t , Phone 675-3.311 ~--------~ 1,.1 -I' Ll •HIM 11fl• • r rr_1 _ _!.'!!!!!!!!1-e-~---= .,_ __ ......,..__I _,..,,.,._... --.·.--n.-~ . 13 I ., -·- Get on the phone! (and dial direct) t.. ·• .f, "'' ,,...,_,~, .:ir-~ . '• '•' ' ,,,, t I' )"' .,,.hat the~ ~··.: d ->1ng? Th.~~ J I J "') \ I ?1._Q~ l I J•d µ J< 111y ,X'.lllt • j, · > )nng 1,-,,r J pt ?·: '•' • ... . It• )I •.,.,,,JI '"" l r ' I I "•} fn-.tant People r-1 Ji .. ! J-.n foh >I •', ·l' J t l·..a. ·' 1nr lJn''" >' ) '' •· · JP • 0ur 11ntouch JIJ ~ > that'> your 1d 1 • "J J J ~. J' .J .]<:I' ·"' 111,_• •''' )rl•' ,,~ l' VOlH friends J f:: j')1ng You '' ''·.l'°! ,,,~JOI P»:>pl~ ..... ,,,, •. h ll r ·ih 10 bu .... no fool · r-1 •rt 1t DAILY PILOT WANT ADS DIAL DIRECT 675-3311 _. ------/ •«•• rcr~ ···-.., ·-~ .. 6 MONEY TO LOAN and WANTED p '< t'i• I ""' \',.,1 \\".l:>I' 1-IL' "''" VA e 51/4% • ,, . ... ft,,., • • \\ -· " 1;1 IYJ>- ,. I t l 11t\.· '\ 1111"1'. 1 ~H''\'.l ,'/FR \I ' ,,, '-, ,. \\".· t 111' I " ;'\ !"\\ Jl<ll I "· ' "'1 7 1 ~\ :. \'I " I !I\"' f'\• I I .. , ,, -4 t t '•'r t\nn l.- 1' I llHH , ...,,,,. f I $ I~· '. Of S:.!,. •.• ~I I " <1"'11 ·1 11 ~ I' • I I It ' ! I 1- 'l ;I tt1t1t l •J' l"I• ,.,, nr •I II••''"'' ' ~ I •. ' '· I -1,\ \\r~a REAL EST ATE LOANS I I ' H '' l:"l.f' IT• 1-· ··· I •: "l'I r:u,.ol. l&llU l JI •• I 11 1•\, Ca.IJI OR "'.,,.,, "' ,.,,,, ... Jl1't ~1·:-. l• '"'' ' • "·1 l.osn \i: 11• -. ' 1 (" ilo(ur· 11111 ~" •, \ I .• 111 /b· 1 !'l\k 1 ti10:1 I .ti .... At\ ~t·l1'-. l'l'I\ ,,, ''"'" , ... A t1a \_;1· 1 I 1U t I • .t o I I ,.I\ I ',," I• • ,, ( l' 1- 8 FOR RENT !8 FOR RENT -r 8 FOR RENT HOUSES ~ SA RENTALS, DUPLEXES 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS HOUSES I HOUSES Privacy fl 1 HedroomA, I '\ 1 ... th· C..Z.-1' IF Y.)U are g-aln;; I l ht" 10· I Sensattonal .. I pt'tinf . dra~ F"111·pla<"',. lereeled la bu~ .o.:; :i Cvlur ? l>edr"O<>nis ,. • 1 i:.i ·~. un-l:1uilt-1n rnng 8' ,.,. n' r1'· I TV this year. :"\ow l< lh" ~ '"'"!room. hu~ w&.N: .. 1 .. .,. IS60 BUDGETY S6~ t irm•h•"l S••l ~!IO Pn\".llt !ngN·a tor, 1 •la'r -<-•iry· I llmt aoJ h t•tr IS :a l":~.~ bu1H·Ul.i Pn\acy c-.. ,~ .o • • • Bll ::-:1(.·F ba<"'k~;lr.J 1,,.,, oil <!1ohng l er. Fen.crJ ~ar<l ,'"'"f'l••tt"·f KlliC T\'. :l•'l!' Hirb<'r t\Lll F&IT'Ow Rt-a.JI\" ,~f"&r ntw 1 bdrm t.i r;i.1~, .i ~,1 , p fl() ,' \\"&-ly la.ndecR(Wd " h '' •·kly 1Jw1t n11r:h ,,, fl ii.er • -Smart df'('\)r Bar t>· t"r I'·" I 1,, 1 11.; .:.::?I & garoenmg ,. ... 11 ""· \", w KI 9-'.!Z"i.'l M1 6-44~4 oc OR 3·17H <'f'Jh.n~~ wardn•bo '.!l''I l'l.1• 1 , A ' I lot. $1~5 monthlv H. tlllt· ":\"L"l'R'"l"HL"I • , t~ .. 1 :'\'.i!:W. 1 block from c><t'ln' net.a in dnftWOOd I gton o , h \"I -1'"" ' . r ·' • '"· "'" ~• • JE 1.n,117 ° ""'nc · • """" "·"'"-"'"' de-n 1 • l>ollt.~ un!um1~ht'"d 3 bed.ro m~ or Wry· IOC"ktt Sto1 Lease w /Option \\ lLL l'l'lll our'" ~•1llf•:. l'lr ,·,np<'I ... .1131,.., ;., ,1 ... : 2 It d('n.? baths Carp..-!~ t-1i:; _•,-atlabl~ Q u1 .. t ' 111~hN1 hon t" :l be<lr~"'"'' I b11lllin~ r I.,.. ' .. i : .. "-l• built II\$, f .a beat Pr11·att' l~ :,,gle. ~•u•bl(' ,. ~I fl\m1ly room pali.l fvr 0 St Cardt-n··· s1,-, pet10. ~('. $1~ rTIQf'flb \)(OW day. It BE .'\! -lll<mlh!' to q11A:1f1·· I 1111 j. I fH G-0179 v ('a r I y. !'>Z08 :-:eptunt-. ! ABLY Sl"RPRl:::.£1 1 '· .... , .it.: h«tn• '• , •. $\'~ t ... ,., .. I ~ .... I dlf' aged !a null· =--·· I'"'. I • ----:-; ..... port Snt h OR 3-6464 J)('t.." 130 E ?OU! SI ln ('Jtc-111•11 e>0 \\ t'~ 11! -• ht"<f•,-..,, • '"·' ,•, • i afl<'r !) 30 :-:EW ba"Cb;io7 stud.I<> '' ·•' Td<'phon.-I.I ' ;,·~~... 1·11 I I· ,•:iN.'d~ jtlll"8,lri" s"r' ··~ \l .. r L -.RC E d('IUJ(f' :? b<-dl'\)()m f'\Dest tunu..'<!un.11• 3 BEDROOM HOME :1ppo11nn•,•nt prni. •-S Hamillu 1 """ nf I · --. -. --'.\h'•ll Al....:T l l>nlr••.0111 •ln· u umlllh~ Carp<"' ' l1e6 pa.id an-1 •ttkl hi " 1 • .. :'\f:\\PORT r,,., '' '•"' 1 . h J IF •. .. dr&j)('!I. buill·Ul ovMl &"Id lilrf"VW'f'. 19'75 :PaN< b'oclc east ol Har b1ocks oorlh of 19' Costa Metia 8.!'l ...- am aDd 6 pm C- U 8--1108 Ev~,. s 17:1 :--..-\\ .: ,t \'"" tJ!ll H ! l.1• . ., ... ,.. t"• l..d\1 ~· ·•f"\t I ht t ., ~ 1 ho11•(', :? btodr .... •· ,_, 111111''_:_ :_: 1 ··•''' ran!:r FA ht'at Pn,·.lt" •" .;, I Sl2'l month ~~ rh 11·•",ii I'\ 1•1.-' •llOlry • •w 1•..i1 o\~•1 pat1n, g;~r \\"a trr pa.i..t \, ,,. ' ~j· •;..!· "1 ,\ l.1·1 I I 'M l! -I I"'- ~ I !(' • tn• l'lolf'> g;,11.11!• 111111, I 1! 1'"1' "kl\\ l'n' 1' 'I• l ·i SHO lnquil't" !'>'7'7 A \'to to: n1-h1"I v .. 1· 1 , 1 l'f'hf>llm h••· .... ~' '1 "" 2 ta Ml 6-6131 t)\"r1tanii 1 Ill''>• <1··1 ,. h~lt'-!Vm un: 1111, I·',,., . -. • " -~I;'; ;<,3(1.11:: ;~ ••!' ·1 I" ;,.1-~ IF" \OU 8 r~ f;:Olll~ l•I boo 1:1-... J,•1 .. U S-3708 or OR 3.:.:. • ·, '' h..iul 1: '" s 11.! ! • $1211 l 'llR-O:-; ,\ \l : f 1:' ~ RENTALS DUPLE XES • c .. ·.;.t\.lo f tn h l\\!1,_ I T\" th11' yeoar-:'\"nv. •~ \I ~RTT~'TQt'E Ga• , . ._ C'arJ'W'li"" ("I rs"' • Ru•lt -11'1 n1-.. n k ra _ •. !"un '"' - ,,,, I t ollJ ~ '"''t"ntt1f:' ,, .. 'I\' 1-·,,~•7 ~"\llt.,.~ 2 ''·•~h .... t••• I " ,...,f h1n1 ... ,• I:,~"~ 1n .. t RA r•rni-and h~rf' t<-tht• p', .- 1'1:"1; T\' :111~• H uto 1 Jq-l n,l! 'h ,if R •kt-• P()Ot. ~· \( cJ \I,. \'~\'I I I 11 111,1: ' l..'nJ. t · ... ' '' " ,, ~t '\ }-!1•1tt I~ C. Doyl e Company P1·.q1,•i< ~"'" h 111 111' h _:":I ·p:-;T~::O-.ll'\\L!.\ n y _ !>A I "'1\" .... ,,r :1111,. •11 • ld'i ·' \ • • I r1.wm. <'0&)' pr1'.it• f" •t• 1 l :'\Fl "R='IS.HEl• ~hha. l1tri;t-II\ ln:; r, .... 11 11.•lf l'>C'<inl<>n,, unfl" n 1 h I '· t blO< k Hll~r :;.. 11 ,,, :! 1'1 !>-:?:!'I"• 2 B o! ~rm ~ n -Jrm :: n"t % bA unJ 2'75 F: ISth ( .,,~ S L.~ • ;·, ~i --.;1 -) :-.u f;. ': ::; ~7·• l -... t ~11 o I'> .1 ! • '\I r •r. lar'~" f ~n· N1 ',., J b le>< ks llhoppm~. r • " ; •· Sll:S monthh· "\'.,.,.,. ~h •r·' g11rbag-~ dJ.;;p ··•I d:.1;• pmi: "'ntl"r ·' ·• • 7'1 $1110 0111n•h . \\ ,. l't>ot <"r St t • .. ,111 M ,.... 376 E. l St h :'! c ·-' 1'1 In ·' t:• ,11 :'\11 6·21>3 I M~.a Clll :.1,; 11 ,.,, 1<>1!\ :\ti :~\ '~:1 :p1· "'' 11111-••·'·l •' , .\nA. J h·.h•)\'n '.: t•.•h 1.,t;;:\·I: b~1f'0<\01... 1u11u•' '"' ,; ro.1:11,; lat g~ n ''"""' 1: "lt1t 1 "hoola. sh.,pping :'\ ;'·''., \~.\tbl\~(' duip()e'.. \\"•; .... i uJ ~'!> ~lri'-·l:l I'.• .. ,.. t,, Co!(ta ~t..~ .... 1 ~! ., tCl"'t '\I L1 8-(1~1;: CHrt.DP.F"-'\ h 1 .>•m apt i:n· • n;\'11" rta~· Af~., s~ rum s~ ... , ' 1: ,,, ~II .. • 1., I\ I\ I M11r Arra P u ... :,11 XEWPOKT BE \\'11 CH.-\~ C' MART!:'. Rt-sit or s '".,:. ,. .:•1 i I '·'' I f o.u n1ly r .i,111\ :. ftt1·,.·~~ ... I Bu1lt·&f\$ 1u-;• ~ ,,., bu11ttn4 •'Il l' -ilt ftJ>t'fl rort. $1!\'l n1•1"'h , ••• 1 "'' I• 1 "11hl l11ri::eo l•'l'····I ~ir.1 "'1111 utllihNI l'h•ld"n "'' 1 '106-!-1(1 \\' l\alht•ll t: \ ' '\'.l('l'I,\" tunu-•, .... , "·" F.,.,lt01.•1t1 uh-i..11.h1·11. i:. •• h Jr~J'-',.;:il. •<'p.111\""I hy it•· rn;:.•,. $!Ill. Q Uh'I AJulu. 11 ) p"l& 245:! EJ,frn C'Oflllt :-.r-., Ll S -10:!1 l!'.109 Harbl>r Bl U • 'I"'\ :"'1 I .I I l ·' 111 11• 1 t .•I'' •t II I • f" I' n I Ir ,, _.,.,., SI"'' \v&Jlablt" -.11111 1~1 ' •'.1 u 1 , 11, hn1\t" 1..-:••.-Ph 1nt· .. ,. ''•'r ~resa.. KI ~· l &74 ~11 6 .::,;. 2 It 3 Bdtm• um •' •.•• '" Ocran It Bay b. • .. , •• l"lCEAN Froot s pa<';•· ; bedroom• 2 \ b3. • nc; I o1 ' •"' '.' "·· , •• 111 I Kl ~.(h;oo I c uROx"A d<'I ~t ... ~ tt.·.t· , 111 fir J1" 111-1110 ""' _ l':"Fl'H:-;Jslll·:1 1 ""' 1"· I· uo!umt•h~ f1r,.p1 .. • 11··· H f:Flll~ f: '•"' •· '' ' "ln ' 1 n•nn1 h110,., "'""" • •ll .11:~ I ~ ft'r\c1•.t ' 11 .t i:: ~ • 1.: · Sl!'l(l It $1 ;:> ""' '" \C'. ·~ ll'a•t. !>l:inngH I'll.' \\" Rlllboa Bh-d. Ll ' ,1;,,~ Anyt1rut-OR 3-65:l4 (7; tint" bfodl'C)(>m fur m~ht'rl d•1r1t"oe "Pl. ,.,, .. ""' in • .... " >.f('>oa. hardwood n 1>vrl' l 11<' ~hov.·~r. ~ ard an 1 it•· r,,~ Adulle onlv :\Ii\ -F" F".A,.t 17lh OR 3-H !l7 roc>n\, lall&i $1 !\<() ".,. ,, J·~ G.11~(' I:: u 1h• '. 'I· <"'I \Jd('d. A '"&.Ila bk " ~ .. 1,1. OR 3-3.911) T r 1 '"'I t h l1 11y ,.,,1 h1•u ... ~ un l •r.:•• h.•t ldMJ IC'C'.-,1\f'n Sl(• ''" H"n -1 "' • \I.,., I g111.1i:r •' ,.,.,. ""I 1 "'11;:· lt>ase OR ~-ld3o 'PARKLl:'\C :? bt"<'lt"<"'' 1111 furni9hed F'lnt••t J.1, 1' 1u;1 "(>Ill IOU!' lawn f'"'I I··-·· I garag·t . Wat rt patd , 11•l l<l p .'._.iq ,, t l ~-,\Zt f"!'"'''•'t r un1,••·· t ~n ... .,: ~ '". 7 ----t.i .\n.• ' """' 1 \t .. :~ MORTGAGES & TDs r.Enrq; }k l· h J .n.;, ~ • l...ine: 3 BR . ~ B 11 h R .. 1111 , •• ~paclou• ll\Jni: '"'"-'111 t'.>1·- t-rtd p3th1 F ""'I 1 .I' ilr<>n v.·,•k,1n11• $S~ ~ \ ~ '· -.•I '\'.L\\ •. j '•'1-... I 'it i-..lM\t_::t \'.h ,nt ,. ,u· 1 ''"''" St3-l'.O 6 -1· ' · \"'f•~f ;) • •t It l ill n1\\\ l::.'l't ::uth l'1••I l ~I· -1 LI 8 ·8333 LI g.,,11:: \"lE\\'. l~unou,. It\ 1og .: t-iroQms. f\Jm1lthf'd. f•"'-1 r•n-~. &~· A\".\11.lbl• o'"'". 1mm~c1Latr OC'<'Upa.rk ~ :!001 Kin~ R,x .. 1 :-.: .-.•-port I.I "l·l"::.; LI .;.::• ~ movf' m aUo•-.1\\""<' L-.,·e-- " 'l btodnionis u~r. • .,. ~room tum. But.It • 111•. duibwaaher. ~-di\"'­ f'S. spaC'ious cto.. .... t -lt·~r. '73 1 Shalimar C ..... 1 I \ t •·'01 1111tr• p.1\ i ! I 11 " f !f\ _, "·''"''" 1t:n,n·• .. , \r 11vin11 i.:nT"TACE r.·rt .1 ,-,. '\'.l·TR:-.:I~HE I' : l":"f""l"R"\l~Hf'("I r· 1,.-. pJ ;ip: .: "1\.1.:• ! ~!"-·· •:.. f'\\u lt 1n nllh~t :.:' 1 .. l· .. ,·'11ldn•o O t.: Si••' :n•• H 7A '-'" 1: nr ,, ,, .. REST HOMES I• '" •I •' < •• ...,.., I• oil " • p •t •II ;, h •I •l •t•\ , It~ .!7 '\I) • (' 1\ I 101 •11 •. I ) "f' ,... j •• , II\" ' " h1 11 \ 1·11 I t•f ,, ~ ' "-E\\" Lw t1 • ... I: Ir .. t·lh 1'11 ,, ....... I •i ,, " 'lli"'r""' • ~ h,_-. 8 FOR RE NT HOU SES .n \I " Mesa Verde Beauly th·~ 1,1 H ,\ \\ ,1\, , .. , I I 1h 'I t IH1• \ I 1•1J\ •11 • I " ',., .. h lll'"\Tl'\1:1'.i' 1: I I ,, ,, •11oli I\ I I I'' f.:t' I I'-t ,,,.,ft,,..•!'' ~ 110 1" 1 ·11:•1 •' ... f I I if, f 1\11,l . I 1hdf'''"' 111, I'.· . •·• hrn . frn. ,.,t I .• , ... t I -• • 11 \.,.~ 1.tn 1'•1\'t.• b\l JJ.: Hl•t•t., i'! •t '' l , ,, , ,t,. ", pn. t\' , r• 1 ,. ' ' ~ t ' \ \\" 1•d, $I .' • II (hfttt'! I { ,~·,•un I !I ()\·,.,;.,n.l •I I" ' H1•11M"'•'ll'' ' ,. ,; ... ·" .... h ..... , ... ,, , .. , '•' : ~ I \ .. . \11 tj I \I •I" LI''°' a 1nfu1 f\114ht h 111!-tt".IJ, \\ ,: h ,; ..... J1• 1'·' : I '\ • 111ni.: <. • .. ·''' \ • .. f l \t, ltoi I "'t I I \ll:\.l;'\'. . .\0 ·h I )!.• ''· '''"'"' 'J u,r 1'.111 t I n1.llh•U 11:111 1 I h. ""' ' I I' ' 1• 1 I• ... I I .. , (I I (7 I ·,,\ I I' in ~ I •· (U1'IU ... h1•d .. I •• '\-• \I \\ tk ,, .ti ,, ... 0 \\' l; lh :-1 I.I ~ 1 '\.11 I.I '~. ·~t ·' ~,' fl ) '"' I, ...• ,.,. I • ,, tit '! J:X,; l"\J''\ t;. ~ I l·•·1ut :-· ~ ._;, :' I\\ \ 't I I II - \I , .. 'I~ 1: .•• ,. ,, liJ: "'1 l!'\1:0-:HH ' ' 1 'tl••li'' !tut ..... .:. ,, . ,, :--.· 'k i: .. ' .. : s l -~ • • \t':tt:"· t 1r 'll: ;. ., .. ' I :I' ITf.H II\ 111.: II• 1 II .. \,•1n :: ~ ; h,• t II '·• .. :1, .,, ,\ ', • p·'t1··I d• q ·• I····'' - ., ... l't ,·ate· p.tllu ~' ,.,, c•1· ~ 11• i. .. ·atl.•n c,, '" \I "" : t t·~,,.·n:, l,., ::an .. ti·" """ ~lJ"""' t. n. ,·~t a.tt" \&.rd J.11.:. ~, l ,~, ... blt..t.. "-orr Ht·'·" St;',Z ~l,t'\·r .. \vf' \ H .l I h ... I :'\,· 'r ~ t\("\jn""'" ,,w "chN 19 •h and i;J Ht \\ ·•'<"t pa rt.. ~' ,,,.:.:_ ... ,., Hn ';:t' ''. s,., 1 fh. 7 ( .. ht\rl~ s ! \ ._ ... , tt \\ -· ~·:·'9!17 •:.PFK ,! t•lt>x • -h.h ... : ,, .. Ill I rt'[. 1.; ... l":\.l('lr , ;1\ 03.J: \•T .. ,, p t ,, ·I=--~ I~•· 1 '(1111 .\!' ,1in•, t: F ,•,1 '•-'!"'~('" ~ .. , ......... " J ("\~'lh.• $1(\.l f', •..• "'nto.>t'I~ I.I 8~74 7 \t -J ~\\'l) 2 ~'""(jf'\'-H '''Art nlt'nt.s Bea <'h S7;> \\ .'\l '-r paMi 1'\lp:iz Hlt'tl .,, .• ·ni H ",~ 1 r ·r nl\'n h.' , .... :1 ·1~'' S'•\ ni.1 \ · '-t-. ~·~~'" :: "'-''r''"n unt'Ut ~1 .... ~,.,.1 t. 1..·.1.11 H\':1, 1:11h ~ '~7, , .,. fM!'Sb pamL rwar ... ~ ~ .. , ,.,, I I $'10 l\nd SSS U9fi Pl: .,_ I \ Aw· (',,"I " n -\ l'l11•nl' Ll 8·1'>• 1 ~ I.I ~-:I·.~ \o;,111 Ml 11 7,11 !'>17 :.:1:1 FOR RENT ... 1 ~·11-h1W rn-i::o r"~·· 9 APARTMENTS rw, be<.ln.,_,111 .11 .,, ,.,. n,· ,11v n,•" I"''''' \tan-\ -=. . S"' 1 · •t h"t t<'r 111·1ng 1 Ii. n .. , unfum1 .. h<'d. 1 b • '• 11nn11-.ii \lC' ,..., ..... '"'~"'''' " .._•a. ts.. dra lit'' ~n'· • , m •nth Ch .k G alo·· I'.·• 1'· IUAun 'II' !"P('• • ~ · H b T h paho l'><"iu >-h ••rrmii -'"~ 1 ·• 'u111M1 Lt" 1··.,.. ar or own ouse a ~ oR :l-i7H I.I S-721!\ LI S-~O.'i ___ _ l """:I\ F'UR..""lSKEf' :! t>.-dr ~ s. ' onto l'M!odr\'\<>m f111·111•l\1';I, t block lo !!hope s"110 e··"t ln . ~ •. H l.-0 pool • .... ' l".111,_t' '"' .. 111tcs no p<'l' n <',. I ,. ea ~ d:·-"·--" d 1·1· ..... ,,. .1 .,, 1 .... ht .. lt "·ltl h I \j h,.,.,..,, , .•. , \t1HU1i l Hit Iii I< $11)('1 I t"lh ""'' ,fru II tit l I ' -I bedrol ' -·--•tt. rap·, or-pnint<">t n .. \'olfJ ·••>fk ..... rg9 -'"' r I\. I .... t-"" -A. '--1 ..... ~·· I Carpetf'd. drape ' .-""'· r . . ..... .. '" " 1'6ll \\'~•t l :1~1 ~' r,1•td UEDALLJO~ K rt'CHF.:" ,-1.-.'4."L Laundry fa<'•h •, .,. t\ I l LEASE OPTION ,. \ \ll " Ill \ ii t 1·' ... 111 \'I • ..; """ I• I• ... ,,, tl.\IUt'"\ .. • ' t ! ",. ft•' ' ••'''I •'I 1'1 I t ~ ~· 1tl llHl ' t 'I ' ' 't I ' I I ' If t ~ • i MACCO REALTY CO. 1lR J 4!f''' NUl'.."'li:~ It , .... t ,,, } tu 111 •t•Htl tlR J .47)0 ,,, • ,.· l'<'l• al- t. t h df :1,.,.... II'\ h 1h •\ \H t•l· Ill t l'I" o' $I I 1111•1\l h. t.r il-.i•~lO "I :I 1 l l:. 1Atltt I :11 ~H' "'"" t.l.&p Di· r "" •. ,, ' lJt• t I '""'"' .! t It tit h l•U"C. t _.,ll'1 tlly l-1·1 '' ... II\ \•..>-.la M eu i t Ii ·l>l btl tn ~ t L' 1 • 1 •1~·n !,!l.d ll•,tUL!t• -\\,. _ l"1\t.(I\ 1 1 ~h· • ph " "th t a\ , ,·,1n11'\ \ t1rl \t11r 1·1 ... 10 11ft(llt !U 1 t h,, .. ,,. ~,, nh•ttth 1:11u.; t fllli ,,, • t ,,,.II 1o1n1 II •·•1 $ 11'\tl :II I 1\ 1117.'\ ~ bt•d1~·h11u nnf11• "''"''1l lhH1••"' Ad11ll". :-.••"'<' "nd n•rn.i· e r a l 11 1 u la ~" per month ~l•\'l B P1&1•1(1,· u 8-0711 ~ll MMl·:H w1•ll l•l\'nlt'J l .ido lal~ I!\ h>' It ,-.1111 1 AUlo B&lb;.1a alan11, • be~ OR S·8T9~ 0.-.lN<'m p.•rih• 1 urnu.hed. d Ofl<' ''' ~111ipp111i.: S7:\. !'>08 Or&.J\l;f'. ~ •"" fl''rt BN.e" Ml·-~ -..... ----_ ... " ..... I N«Wt ••&.. .... Wor•'-IHt """4• t1 1- f 11.: 1 "\''' \h ... p·· ... ·' ,,.,,.\l,·1 "'' ,, ~ }{11 1·111 ti\ 1· .,, .. ,,_ ti l6-~"· Frol .. m mn "" 1~.... I !'\t"Ar 19Ul 41: Pom,1na I' ,., .. !,1 : l \c•dJ'o\,\11\ u11furnu•hf'<1 l(u-~2l7 Harbor Bl. Co-<ct~ Meu ~ Mc.-<a, c.-.&ll &46-3!tP.: _ r'<jtf.', walt"r pa1·I $~11 " 1 ·ntr&.nee either on Harbor ::-:E:AT c&r"'n. comf.•rtat.: l :\h••a Ml b I l ':'\ ~·1·n.-.:1:-:11~-p ,,. ... ,,,,.,11 111<)1ll.h U 8·98!13 1.or or V\'\lJ!on 1 ~room apt . with pno~ ... U S-lti7!l Sff l\lar -"'"a U111lt by Dift It .'\>lf.'gnl\-e <>nl~· SSO Quit>! had.. h.ly tUhl d\•t\ 1 • h•th 1~ •• uht·· i:.11.,.: .. $1..'., ,11,.11111 1111111 ~""."''ry. _ H\.ll.IDAY f LAZA--&1'M.. C.O.ta ~!t-:3 ('lll iu,.:l••n 11,.,,. h ~·•· , •,;•1 .r I "\l'\\"PURT Ji('a<'h 1rnfur111l'lh· :-;E\\" :!I 111111 apt n.>w «'ll'l-GEMYa 1 ·9~6S l ollttt 1,.r t I' 111 I f'J 2 lh'\l~'"'m• ~ month. m~ 1 Br unfut S!l:'I 1 Br 2 ~room unnimL ... h«i. 8 .,T • ,. ) , ~. , ,1 y1'1irly :-;.-ar ~11n A blly f urn $11~ l.l\ljtt' pool, builU:n stovt" C.'\r&.;:f' :-.;,.1r HU.l\'Tl:'\\,T'\ .N 1 ··• h • \:arng.• t.-1w,-d U6'• 46th 111..11 n1:ud Sl'n" H it· in C atho>llc Church :tu t Bedrr"-1n• un!urn, ... h1•d ,.1J er h,111s~ Adult .. onlv 5f\ plua 11t illtlt'S \'I ~ -3R33 tHt,"~·!ll:'IS~ rang .. OV<."n. l't"frt~ \~ 8Cbool.$. :?:?:5 Ea,.t :!0th ::>t.. f'onwna. c.' )o{('Sll I ': bllt. Cotlta M M&. C'ltht I, f no t.Sth St 1 1'11 6·~ ~EAR 01·1tni:t-l'l'R~t t".•111•;1• opea daily It eve&. • bednx>n1>< ::! t .. 11h• i:.11 -y l -1.. RCl~rroy1 PRIVACY' t.ux-'I \)U C'&llC't' vour uas-"'""' danff tu.rnu1hf'd, $1 :'I • . • ury! 2 br beauty' ~tux~ u 1·1711 Sifted ad, bt-;iurc.> to kit<'h~n! Blt·ln r&ng\'! S!IO f'umll'lhf'd i 1>..· 1-;-,,,,,:; ult !or and receive Cun.lplet~y carpeted It Muse-, no ,·h11ilr'>'n 11r p<'t'. your KILL N11M.RF.R. draped! Hugt pAllo: B~l 15H Elden. K t>_v 1<l ~'5'.?t Pbont' 675-33ll a,_! $110. Call now Sldea, Costa w .. sa I Ml i-7171. - . .. t':-IFlfR..~ Z bNhW'nt apt. L.atse f,•nced )"dn!.. C'hlld -4com~. S9('I m•'nth- ty. lt8 Del Mar. Co.<ta Ml"8L MI 6-6368 LI 8-94 11 ~EWPORT lsland. hr ~ 1 bedroom apt. f'llmls~ buUt-iu_ ORS~ Rnl· tor. 5 _/ ~ 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 9 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS Ao Adventure in Paradise ALA MO ANA I NOW PRE~El\-n'S Lush Tropical Gardm. Li\·ing 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS GEORGB D. BUCCOLA PRESENTS Par~A / L/~~M? garden apartment h omes •• r• lx·luxe One anJ Two B~-drooln Apartments H<·ated Pool • RP.('~ation Building Built-in Rang<' & O' ~ n • BuiJ~-in Dishwasher spacious 3 bedroom, 2 beth studio apartment home'> 11 th e fabulous Buccolo manner. Ell·,·ator • Carncting & Drapes • Prh·ate Bakonir·~ • La.urtdry F'aciliti<"S • • Carports • Ext? Parking FurnishNI and L'nfnrnishcd From $90.00 Monthly I • • f 1reploces • carpets • dra11cs pols • private pat 10s • garage~ from $149.00 month. 1815 ANAMEIM IT. 1t Cf.N rER , .• tcN"" from Cotti Mtu City Pu~ Heated pool.. Beaut 2 BR nicety tunL W /W 1c~t­ tng. 1110. WALLACE AVE. VILLAS 530 \\' Wilson Aw~. Cost.a Mesa 1 ~ Block KIS~~ 396i r Blvd. ~ 646-0666 22&4 Maple, ar H arbor Ir WU-. C. Kesa. ~anytime. $85. 2 bedroom 91>&Cious un- ftlnd.sbed apL Cupelli. drapes, l&rire ck>Mts. di.I· poaJa. prdenu included, tenant.a -king ru.l homr 1.70 $hallmar, Costa Me!<a 2 bedroom studio apart men\~ 1 each teatunng 1arg"., pn- vat" pallo, cool all-4!'1ectnt· kitchen. carpe~. dra~ , l'h bathll. No one above you. no one ~tow Centrally IOC&l4!'d $89 A pt 1· _ l ~e manager, 20610 \\'.din'" ADULTS only. N~ 2 ~d· ·Ave .. one blk. eut ot l'la Mo on lcal!e room lmfurniabe<l. J.1"'1aJ-cent1& Cost.a Mesa Ou1ll Uon kitchen, ~U! drap-'by Dike It C"l~rov,. lnr e-. Prrrate pragt' =" f' a r __ _ ~g. S90 monthly 279 1 LAST one available untur- W . Wlboo. Cost.& M"I<&. 2 ~room untumu hed du· ~·plumbed for wa..~her· d.ryer. Private enclo1'e<I pa- l.lo. W~t.m.lnat~ al 18th $85 month OR 3--5729 , .. oi-h~I ~ls. 2 bedrc.<Jm~ dra~. built r·:ir "' N-ar ...,...h0f->1s ~h· •r1p1n;,.: 2421 Ea.~l 16th. IJd"-•'•I' E. lilh Ir lrvtn4!', :-.;, . ._. 1• '" Beach ' CiOITTF:~tl~RARY, 2 bed- *aTh~sh(;~~y·Y•rnd a.aches room unfurnl:-hed. Drtn- wood I< <'hBN'O&J be&mf'd eelllng11. <'lay tile ent.r-.nce, booJk<'ll.-1', carpeting, ctrap- ene11, bullt-tn.s. balcony. Adultit ="o pct.• $90. 19'1' W allner Ave -A· Rc&r. MI 6-1386. Victoria Manor 989 Victoria St ., C.M. Furn. Models OPEN FOR INSPECTION ATreoNrv Cos1t~o c 1PE 'ving MO. 2 bN!nl<•m f11rnt•hf'd jt'&rdcn a pl. 1111 bull\lnl<, wall to wnll 1·arp• l:< anti drapee. Walk Ing dl~tance to mar- k"! """''" an•I bank. In· clutl•' ~Rrni:e $125 moolh no hR"•' Kl 0·0078 72 Garden * L~e. 2 Bdrm. Studio A1 * Carpels & Drap<•s * F.lec. Kitchens * 1 1:: Baths OPEN DAILY & EVE ... 1032-0. West Wilson, C. GOTTA DIME •• s. - Garages creation area SPEcrION LI 8-3170 Apartments LI 8·Wl:l <•r Ml ~ 4~114 bn• ,,~ h.11tt.n ALL u11l11ws paid. u 25. ~1r71>--:-;;;-11 chann111~ r1u1• t 2 t>e..lroom atovr nu 1•1 .. •lr.1"''"· f 1f'f!'- fumL~h«I. <':U'l'<'ti<, drllpt•s. PIA<'<' i:.11a~·· \\ Al<'r It RUN! A LllE bullt·ln-., nr•nr 11hoprlng (&3 (Urtll•h• 11 lfilh c\ r ta- IUlll ... """' I.I 8 -1306 cenlln. I·,,, I II M ... a. LI Ii '.!".'1 LT g.n;t;i; ~~~OO®bJ~~ ~®©~~® are on the move! ln~tont People ore moving on over the areo, constontly kee ping on eye peeled for voluoble 'items, Here is the woy to get those Instant People coming your woy, Simply itemize~n those household items ond coO 675-33 I I. One of our smit&nq odvisors wm stort you on the right rood towor<f getting ln~tont Peop le on their woy to your house. Daily PILOT Want Ads PHONE 675-3311 ........ ...__a&ILY "l.oT , ...... p._ ._..._ .. , llM9al n. .. ---·. 66 PIANOS AND ORGANS 70 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 70 MISCELLANEOUS l70 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS j 70 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE INO DIME-A-LINE ITEM OVER ru Ull \;'1:11 111'\V HA~OtOND OHIO.\:'\, lnlt',.\ m1•ld lO """'' tll ..... 1nul s,.....-1 .. 1 S t II'• "' I II• fr;'(' l\ ~!'!Of\.'l (;r.,,., . .,.i; C'b un y HAM· Ill•.-..; I :-1 11• 1 ori;an w ~1,.,, . ., r• \\ '' nn•t J"t'rt·u~· !-1••11 !"-°I t' II\ I' r $.:11•' VttMll 'I:• 1\\' f••t ··l-\,f •\ l 1H•" ·r. •h s f H·1• , .n ,. "'" !It• "'!'.• h fun' It~ \I 1:. ! t.d till~ '"r n\,,ll• od I nf ti ... h f dt• f llt4\l .\ ti I ._q1111, f,. I" ••t..t'\ .,, ..: U\ '' 'h ~·' ,,-, •1•qu.;-,., •.. d .. ,·r :-;.. f tlt1•. l·ll\, ~If ., ,,.,--d • t\ "· ii\\ .I\ J'f It I' Color or Black -White DEVELOPING J i ),1~ !-'t n 1n It· f,t.d ~1111 1'11!1 •·r·a f\11 ,, , •• Tr\I'•' 1 .•.• ',,I,,~ Mears Camera Shop Ji; I -..;, "J'-•ll Blvd. lit hu <1 II" l..111\l ("lcMC'nt t-=1 '' t ,., ... ,. t•·t1t 111 I(',. t, M ..... , LI 6-7C:H2 \ft f I • t r d1 llA~I Mll"l:(I I ••l1<•rt 1111 •t11 1tt>\ll. l:H\\ 11 11111 ._..,,ar, 4fl(I "' •t 1 1t•1·! nuny l'•I" "'"ll Jin• 11 t-0 fllf'l•·r ftnal '''"'·"' r. \•••r··=" A r• .,1 t111\ ft r t•f ,. s-;r.o Tli1of' llA \1\11•:'\f) l,1,.rd 1..>r1:1\ns f1 •r n'nt Sl:-J J'('r nu•ulh plu."" dm)RJ.:•' ~, ... 1111 tlu ~· an.J m11ny mor,• l\l Oltf!J\N HEAl>Ql'AHTF..RS 11 \M~10:-.;n OHC:A.N l'Tl'lll(\3 Z1'~4 1-: C'un'l Hlw11y OR 3 11!130 ('c •HflN A t>F:I. MAR NEW MAGNAVOX All trnn''''"r. 2 mn1111nl ORGAN low, Low S495 Gould Music Co. '""I :'\•''I• n (',,,t.i M• •n ·~•ti lfa it.I --Ill\' "'~~:1.y·-­ lll V rrv111 0\'ES l-'111r ljllll.hly l'J11nos-Ori;:aw. ev1-;·s b lJ Sn Drookhurst An11htolm OPF.N Dally Noon -t p m. Mun -\\'t"d ·Fri E 't'9 Sunday NOON to 7 pm. 69 DIAMONDS, JEWELRY MAT'CllF.U engagMl!Mtl ring It Wt"ddlnJt' ban<l A ttnu:- ll~ • hlte ~old 9t'tlln« Co..t OVf'r' $400, IM'tl ·~ prk<' ('all ~!H)f(36 70 MISCELLANEOUS _ FOR SALE MOVlNG Lnwly old cry11tal pri11m chaml<'ll<'T. BeauU· NI llh I 1 I ·lll~lt' l'l<l•>bll.lld <''<• 111 r :\•I "'nil 80 mt'lttr v ~'\ > "'' 11 ... • $~.O ~ lon air cnnlf•ll"tl<r $10 12 a ,., "'"'' '"'!:•' nljt "pad, s~:.. 2 tolwrt tvrma.le, alz.f 12 $1 ~> .-:wh C-0mplete •lerh.ur 114.'l. wlOI I bot· t k!I $:!. :'14~4:'>84. READING PR 08L E~.·S 1:. ';, .\. j I: , .1 · _ · ' ~n.:tl I: , : _ . .>:: l I -. I ' \'. ti j1j. l1jj!I FIREPLACE WOOD T l18! "111 l111rn now A rinf11I nr Trur kload ('II 4 U Duy ).l:uh \ s F'inwood W:.!'> :-.'• "l'l Ave. LI 8-~742 l'l'I 1·11\1. 'I\' ••·na.e coll" tlu' !fl••tllh only 1~ pr11·<' 111. .. k ,_ "'"•t<' an<I c<'I•'' lfl"1ll<h'I'< t 111nlAJ> Ap- rh11111·• .. I.I tl-ii"8. Jl I I\ M Ill\' II 1 11i;:" -,,.-, ,-, l-BJ_n-_ appru.it •, • 111 Ill tur f'I\· KllJ:>'llll'llf "1 1:r11<11mtl1111 C'ru<l S:IMl 81wnr1~ S 12~ OH 3 61 08 t'Yf'nlnr:• M~"'c; r 111r , . .,Ml.I \W('<'\J u1•IWIKI< •~•I t hull Jt, ( r o m IJdo h'"'" (,,111,1llty <MJre l't•rff'<'\ ('Hlloltlhof\. on 3-782:\. tt'LTWhh ll•••l~•h"r·-.Jr-y­ er GIU< .1 .. 111~t' • oll'lbb\A· u .. n. A II n:-. oii.llllON'\I. O\ill $t>OO "' II f;1r $100 Siik tSICfo·ta K1111t S11w qulJlqj cm hid b<.,lllpf'\>4\11 U k" n.-w $:\'.>. pl\•'l'\e M4l~ m;udT'Yan$3:l. ··~ Grand mother's Club No. 419 0 l(l'MM \1:~· !':At.fl: Arc·a•I•· l htl llni: i.:17 \\' l~llh f'I , (' M M.111h :?)< -:!II .'l!llh 9 -11 (\•nlt1t.11tu n~ \o\t ltu11 •\ I.I "' ;:n• 1 Waste -Sewer Serv . Pt un Lt• ~· "' r I .111, ''I •ii $i $1 I :,:•, CHAIRS Aoor Sample Closeout Tremendou\ Selections: ("lull 'hi1 t :o:" ". ; <11.111·-· rn.t ff\ .. 1' •• r \I h \\ I 111 •t II ·I .itt.-nit\n:ci;, '', l1n1 ni-: STERLING 1>1h'crv.·u-e. \\'nl- '-ce, cht'I'\ of La Runl' 76 plec<'I!, $:?~"' l..nmp 40" high $1'5 L.'lr~(' rl:11\t"r, Gorham $ I ~ :? j:n'< n & blue I!! nr .. t "'1111 • d pill""' .. $1.75 C'n• h ::! h•·1rk><'m Morj:an~J,,nt·~ '""t ... rn'n·I~ $12 1'>0 <I• h (tH 3-l~lli \\.'ATEH. h•:rl•r r•\\ i;I.~ lm<"<I 10 '' • ~ti; \\ilt••r hf.'ah"r r•"" 1 ·n·'·''• ,,. •I $:?'..! F'\n"pJa, ,. 1 • • !\ 1 \\ $""" 1612 11\1111 "" MlG41l~ II \ "I ' Y ;-:'>;A I< 1-· \l l.t ' 1, I'';° I 1;, r" oC \', I ·< l<'Clll>n •I I •I n111 to l •HASTIC t·h·~·· ... " ~h,• p ro.r-' A :\'TIQl' l • ,t't t tl'nl' !ti: I 'I '• ·1 '• ' '\ ~ h · •• -, Ii I 8.-""''"'rt• I 'ti '11• i •• .. I fl.l'H•..; t •• , t•"':t ll "1 I I ... "' I M• rr1tl >:"-" ron,,:• "'11 h J,:1 •11, br••lll'r. ttuuhlt ''' • n lik•' nf"" $7;1 ,., ,,. • h-:u\ ""'"' r.: .. rgl' n •(t 11'•'1,1!.•t 111 pt•rf('('\ W iii k Ill~ tll •I• r $•i~\. ~('t Of t" IO I~ 1)• .... tlh l'il'IUl ~ llf't •"J:" tm•I matt..-Ms an..J q11111.~1 Ml 11p~ada all fnr $95 2 clto&n tun aiM' bl" 'I'' ml(e It 2 mat- ~ to nllllch $12 ~ ea< h :! • hC''l" of drawers. TU C'enlt'1 ~l .. CO.Ill& M e• BOUGHT l\l SI~ $2SO GovC'mor \\'1nthrop ~ t&ry with r1'0Wn g'\a. $1~ $245-72" ml\.hog-an.y eofff"f' t11hh• S 100 Moving. AJumtn11111 '"'t 10 funlll11re, W00<1 bl.lX ~ •J'rf'IM\8, llnN\JI, ll>1•I" 1notC1r. Big Boy Ill<~ 11,....J'lll•'C' tools. Ml 6 1;1···· MOVJN1:. '" tltnJ: (urnilUff. bc.<nul tful hilt•• 1•hn.1r, Ilk<' N'"' l'<thl $I fl"I Will "''II for $'.~) \\'l11tr nl\u~l\hy.te <'lt11lr, '"'r" "'""' •·•mdltlon. s•o 1t.11111•l ouk tl\bk ... ('1\11.1,... ·~·fftt' t11blt", • n1Rn\ <•lhr•1" Ml 8 41191 t11•11n1-~·1·~·H11".;1l 1t .. 1.,11<frl 2 pl" r ~ .. 1 .. nly $79 !iO \\'<>rk 11"11•' hy l"P r ralla- ml'n 21"1 Main l111111tn.v1on fl('At h J~•,,r flt'\' f••flllUlle\ ...UI lln 11\ :-.Ill 61(~ Dt=-fr=~--~ r=~ ,,_,., ...... ~. u ..... W \ ,1u 11" i. .. me 10 be ln- tt•rt.,.sh '' 1" '''" 1nr.: a O?lor TV 1h1• ." .11 :-;,,,., I.I tbe h nl<' '""' 11, • • 1• lllC' place. KJNG T\' 3019 He.rbor, (JW't 11 .. r1 h ot Ba)(er). Kl 9·22!\'l W ALNl'T t111uni; room eet wi1h <'h11111 n 1binrl. oom· blna 11 .. n T\' with record plAy<'r. bc••llOOm auite. dra1\1ni: t11hl<'. bar stool.I, UvlnJ! f'\~1111 ''" nll ure, odd.s It rnth \II', & up. 6-49-07:•:\ Pi::vw<:X lJ • t .<•\\ .. ~1 prices In Ornni:<' <'<•11nty -Ft r pl)"'°'"' 1. Ht JZ :.9. "'-'a t $6 99 1'11 t "' hNl mahog. wall pnnC'l111i: 11t $3 9~ - Slh.hng j! '"·" 1100111 6' w / .crttn "' l i2 !10. 1111.ker P l)'WooJ {',1 71l Baker SL C M Kl fl-3073. M;'!f ANY TRANSMISSION B & B .• fl4 t• :·:-~..: llJ.'1\1. tl AIH~AlN! ~-l'h''"~"I A,h .Nl .. "l\Uy -ct;:;\\('r \11\ftt\l,,.ht'it thMt •4IJ.'• •t.IUh,t t 'l' ,.h<"'t'tfl Sl:!Ml ''·•""1'''1~ S'..'O ,.,1•ll•n1 ,1._1, And Up t:,hnl.Uf'(' l• .. Untt J14U:i t .hh R••Jd I• '" (11? ~ 'i!il7 :-;Ht >I-:~ \\I'" '1 • • fl•'\\' • i1l%e :. 1 I ' s "" 1 1 1 •, r l'lan Inn It "... r11 I I• ni:-lh -!-2:\ Jlr•'''" 1 J\t•u-ut s.. r•int -$I~ Mlil" "' •>·4'.!SCI al1er :. I'm FREE TO YOU MA LE ''"i:: na' month1<, ,:•<><.I d.ren 646 7!l0i ~nt•lll. "'uh ch1l· 3-:!7 DIME-A-LINE No Item Over $25 Reade" art' urit<'•1 t C1 report promptly to lhC' C'AILY P l· LOT C'l'1•'-1h<'\l I"• pnrtmc-nt any v1ol11 ttnn~ •'' t h•'ll<' Dun<" A·l.Jn~ rrt;"lnth_,n .. I. No commercial fi rms or priv•te busi ness may use thes~ columns. 2. EACH ITEM for sale must be priced -no price over $25. DREMl-:L p11w,·r ~111:kr. $8 6 "''It l•.11 11" •'•·••i:.•r Sl5. Tuhl<' '·•"'I' $~ l'u- kt r t.d·I. ,_.. :-.r 11· h11•i: cr.ih l'!llo ho I f. I J ... 0 ... ~ f1:.hJ11i; ,,,,t JI.' '.Cl t ·h h r ,>l\' lJ4 It !h t, r J I :,(I U!l !(,,,(,, 1•1 1· M ern 97Zt; :I 28 turt' 11 ·, ~I 1111 :"t . Hunt· I••·' ~.· .. 1 2 aoft1$ ~·~~1 '"'""t1..i1 l • 1.ni;t .. n lt.<1•h I.I-~ 6 ?M.cl ('\)l.l.1'1:F 1.t 'MIW!t CO. $2~. I , JI:> t\Hi \"417 !I 2t- 1UlAll•Jo;p "'I:' r.•r-uli: 79(12 (."oll•i:•· fl 1''"1" M t'll& FRl(;Jf'Alllt-; rd11i.;1rntof. C'ltlllr1n1 11101111' bt<tlUltrul ANTl~l't-: 1•1,., k' Buy. Sell. "'"" l:'""I flr"t SI!> tak<'I rolol"R 12' " 6 · it 10' t' H•·1· 111 .'.' 14 :-. .. u1h Lyon Ml 6-1'1-CIS 3 28 Snlllli All;\ hi :\·:1442 a~ a ':''!\" ; 6 x 4', :1· ... ~· on :i l'IG!ll I 'I A NI), k •,..lll••r -l 'ampbt'll ('"'''""'!... 111<.-n1-w $400 14 • lat.• """" I l1,1fft111Ul Rt'lllM Al:f.~ S<tle.--11\22~ N""' I""\ llh •I l ·u~ta M t'I!& Thur-..ln\ Ao F1 utay. M arch 28lh I< ::1111 Ml 8 ·2618. BtRJ.>-1Ai:•· 1.11):• S7:'1() U 8-2tii-7 11ttl'r t\ :I 28 BAB\' C'Ar hnl $:l ~' ln· fant.'!<';tl $;1 ~1 ll\•t h ltkt' DeW. l.l i--113:11 3·28 rnn1 .. >IC' T\' ''"''t S.:lff!\ ntakf' j SEWl-:H ~. , , t•" I lr.Un llnt' oN .. rl\i:i:IM1:1 $i, s.,,., l11w $112:'112 ful IAn<l~"f't' oU pa.Jn\ln1: • · on ""Ith <"hAlr f'><<'l'lli'n\ $~ bla<-k l\V "'" 1·• '' • r • 2 """" ,.,,-JnitCT' ,. ,._ .. ht'r , h&rdly I __ \lJOf'C1 $70 Kn~holt' deoik 8' COO<'h (r•nm mnti;.:".:;-: Hn.ntl~ • Sunk<' t.thJ\"" ti 1"71 anllqu~ l'l'•' llllrl•....,. s~ and $10 JC, I~<' l"\I~ and p&l. 12 .. ,. \:,!\ CIUl\'llJI by M . IAU1thlln • ' JR8!l In 1 ot.ht'r mt""· 2231 Mlnt'r St ble f'0•1 tAblC' atl1vtlf••1 .. , uv1•ly old 33" ll C t.t •• a $100 M oll,. 111..tl\I df'lik • __ 44 S\'ld tnlme. 1 nry Oftla _ tot.A M ilrn"",.,. _ r-•mb llm I·'''" , h•lhlni; 111<' Nt~AHl~Y """ l•l••tl q11kk lJ 8 •972 A l'Alt'J'MI•'.:'\: I (1111 ,., fumt-!I 28 nke plnk ~ Y!Mol11\11 ~1.M "KS. m. • n'• 81\c-ni-y " k , 1 bl •. 10 1" 1 .-11111 int• Ill~ Cht'f '"' '""·nl' hn•1lt'r . w· N\1•~ • \\O · J:; (HlOrlfi .._ ~ occ1udooal cha.Ir. ~mC' W uollo•n11, Yorkllhlrf', t:ng-1 1 •. $ .. " "411•1 "11 111111u .. hl\t<'"" try('r • ,.,.. $~!'> •• 11 fl'r l ... romp r .. ~... '"" ""• v · . · """r nkc furniture ant1 l1uwl l-'Alt11lullR (11brh's. ill· lJ ,.. l't•l'.l Th111 ~.1," 111 t.• 3 l:Ml-A 120 Ml 6 20.12 3 ·28 ml!!<:. Ll 8-0106 t.rodm lury offrr I p&1l"I __ _ --11 .. , •'<•·I• \I •• 1 rROF '"'"' r hsni:i·1-C'Qlllp· ''llAJJ.t<> -----$30 l nl• m11t1onal 2726 NAllTll'AI. l hlll•I Ct,•!1t"I ---" "' RN:ant'd by Hand · · ...... . I .II< 1·· '"" \\, 11. n ... •l\ \A.._ mt'nl $:.!:'> p,,, • n1,.•rt $10 W EMt Cll'."l llwy Our•:nl r urntlllt• 1f1,,.1r "an11>l""l r-• C'avlng. l'::xr<•rl Craft•· . ' , • •ll<lwn 111 Halt• .. 11 1\8y l 'luh r•·· i" ,1,•1 :' I"' .1 A I t<•n-ChtldAJ wnruh•bf', $12. manahlp. HY 4·8608. La· ~I Ma.r. KAppa I •· "'1 nl<•r Rhow •111 h•n S I~·, '•I\ :I :1''7!\ Prop&nf' j:"a.• <ln1ms. $4 gun.a i:Je.al'I\, 8' Qullte.I l'UlllOm C(JIUCb, &nd 111"1''·' '""'' \.o('fl.lly tn :so . I II' rt'\ •t ... ,, .., .. luxe, Play-Pen s 10 l\t'<I 1.Ablf', f'O\'VF:R Mower, ullUly ftC<'llo•nt N•nt.litlon $86; Nf"WJ't•l I llr·nr h Th l' II t' t•I•' I"' •· '• ,.,1 "'" $100. •2. \ •mt11'\·lla 't.;tht's h~, traJlcr, ehll<b .tee.I .Ude, ·,~~r:,101•:,d c;ionJ 0~"1Ul ''"'"'"'' !-1111 t ('rc'Glh\1111 J'\•r(11hlt 111"'"' ll'•ht'r I~. $lO. 12 •.<T•'C',n ( l>0$3rs,H--~ P_, I ,_ ~uv, 4tnr· 1~1n I r t romb nnt .. n t ,..,,r • ...,.. '"'l'l!lllona..,paperbang-___ ----avl\ll11l1I, 11,.,1 n•mm ic o ..... 1 ,.1•1l<11•i;••'l\\hlk•n. • 1 lnc equipment, baby crib LEARN to R.Mld. l~ m ln. at bc'lu~ 111r1: , ..... 1 Ji'<ll' In-87:1 2-,!1; 1nowe r, _ $ · Ll " 062, It wardro~. pt•-It 3:><' pt r dll)', IU'ly 11,f{t! r.on111111 .. n 1•1•11 ~ 'A'1°1\f' 1 , ... till--;:-Ll 8 94 ill 3·?7 .,,,...... F l 1LI h'nJ:I 1 , .. 11.n v -ct' ---LI 1-1082. L.I 11·957' ate KI 2-0n2. Am,.rl('(llo lr\8lt· ~lwll• r '''""· 17000 S 1• t-•-__,. EJ..Jl)C'TRJC hPnkr, $2 Elec-• • 1.. ._,, •. ,•tin,,;: .,;n\\ I\ r-..u•, .-~-Mt Boradw~. C.M. lute or Rending. Wc-.. i.·10 Avl', 1.nn"111a. .. In trlc fan $2 Shflrt coat. OA 3 ~-117 rlnJ: r1llow• r u Ntooe NEW liotpolnt electric ~ FJUOIDAUUC. c r o 1 • top _ _ · ' t••n• c, ... , $1~0 wn re. a1Ml 12. ""*tem, Jacket, face s tove W\lt, 1~ f'heU!r, excellt'nl eondl· GAftA<:F. ~'" ~ut 11 a.m. $llO. 73t \\'. !?tllh eo.ta 12. Radio, $2. \\ ardrobe lrleel. eo.t 170. lleD 146. 10' Uoft. $9~ Slmmon.e d&7 to 4 pm &l 124 ~a.rt. M ee& w ftcue, $!1. Antlqut' Eng- Dinghy $9!1. Phone bed, mall,_ It spring Balboa r~111.n.1 1 In aDe:y ltab tea M>t, S21'> Shelf. $2 OR :S-7117 nlpta. frame. JUlll J ,._,,. ok1 beblnd U\e laundromat} Kl ~-S488. 3-27 MOVING, Bpeedqueen Wl"ln«· 136.. Call 6411-2171 twin bel.u, ""Y ~. ,_..s I f CHARCOAL modem dinette PLA..'IS :"1;.:h\ bl•>timtng 1 ... •b<'lla. Jumtnt' l Oc: (':\Ch I.A •I"' t'lh 11«14\' 2~· Gt'runtum,. t .J,h anrl l\'Y· 25<-C'oluml>: no.' ""'I r~n.s­ tcn1nn :?~, l .. ~. :~t• n :.(\\. ... Sp•-.·rnwn •II•' Ulr !1111 and <'Ad I fr.,•ll -., I• $1 !i-0 401 C'all• ,o,, St <'\•mn C'al.J11lh• """ 1'11-•m 3·27 5:. i;.1J .tmn s. !\ll tl ~.t1'1 3-~ Pt l< "h ~.t, :-.: , !,;;:-.... iJ~ :-tf•l\t''' .. lh\lli•''"ltlh ~r .. ft't·t ri !i~1r,.1 t'\t~-,i··~ re· C'<'ntl) rq•I•· • ·! '·" 'i;I Nb- bt·r n1° ·' • .1 • " .11111, ... t. l flW Ii\\ ,I\ $ ;1 , r <'ffrr us !•6-;'~ 3·~ ~)\\"_ h '-ll'•'l~t~t: . -~~~n. n ~ ,h,-..·ts. I" !)(l C\u· , , .. \t. r t\ , ,l)l-. $~ 2 p'l11· ra' ••n 1lrapt·s. "'hit<' tiioi. n. ·ml ,s·· x 84". <'t11•h pand S2 !l x 12 blU<' ~h.11: n>I; n• \\" $10. Red d tH k 1 I• th lndtt'$ par· ka hl:wk flir "'rar. Sl%C 14. S5 H1.t ' hu i: J.;.Y, SI. Baby h"ttt"· '"'llJ•lolr lOc each LT E. ()(11: 3-31 Y.'RlNGF'.R 11 .. n ~" t'llC'nl cond1t 1.m. $:!0 3 sh, If t'n· amel k 11<htn t·art ~- ~-8116 3.31 DAYBED anJ m:\l\n'"-'· $~. l ..8.rJ!'' '-h ,~" I ~ ~iri\"'e'r'l Sl!I 2 l.u.-.· ~lwhins:. SS l'Ad\ 1 t·t•l 11• ! t nrt lfthlt', SHI l Kn" h••I<' dl'N<, 3 drn"' t•1 • """ 1·h1ur~. $7. 2 m11TOr' $10 Ano $1:'> Mat· ttt~' S1 lJ ~ !l:'l!li 3-U CA RAGE rummni:c sale. \\'t'd th1u l".11 T nblt' .. nw. $!\. fo~J•'d nt• n\\1\tH.. $4.. C1olh•'~. Hl,··$l J•welry. fie -S:>c. T1'll'~'f'r. $1.60 Knk lc-kn11.-k .... :o>c·-fi~ ... • C'om p..•ppt'T, ~ M\!\ W . Wll· "'"" C ~I 3 ·28 W(U•::-; : \\""I• 11' -1wW- S1ZK !> ', II $~ pn l'r l'"ef'- 51an t..an1h , ._, full h•ngtll $::. Bn•WTI 1•arar11t '-- Con.I $1~ Ml1hnly 6-4260 llfh•r !I p Ill 3-29 Pl'l'PY i•art .... 111, 4 mo-: » 6 :3·t-~l!i afl••t 6 pm 3-28 I plut1c dmmi.: "h111n-:-n~ ft\.'t:l\'t'Mng', $10 buya eec.., Uphol"lf'f'f'd duk chair, need.I l"l'CO\'t>rlng $3 Gen· umt' &r&A maple dHk. $10 Call w 8-7812 :S-28 STORKt.JNE <'rib, hke fiew. lnclud4!'8 ma\tress. JM. N~ hou:...·"'""'11 for your <~bin. C'Omt' and 8e!e !Di.- ttlla n('(lull. Ml<'-·$2. Rand erot:hetmg, $1-$3. Ck>thea eiu 14. na\')' blue .Wt and duster, $3.50. ~ lhort!, si.%t' b, $1 ~-8944 3-38 8 lnC'b t.abte ,..,.,., $2!1.-- 846-6<H9 S-27 B.B-gun " '"' h<'•ter, model 1~, go<,~ !.!> T\V 7~15 "a·2"7 BATH~ETTI-:, SlO Metal diaper pe.11, SJ W e 11 h potty <'hnlr, $:? ~-Porta- ble wa...titt It. ~tand, $20 . M aple l"-'ln ~. mattress boll aprtng. S25 ~>se 9 • 12 rujl\', $~ llnrteno.'OOd typewrltt'r, 120. }.{&hog- any utcmton Ut.ble, $16- Wood Wl\.rdrube. $10. DuaJ electric bl&ll('t, $:> Oodc- t.a.ll d.reMee, $2 to $5. 20M J.laple Aw Ml 6-3786. er lype •a• her wt t b O'JCJ!ll!:Fl!1 It M~tt apt me player, C'hest Of draWft'll. $20. B " I g e Mit a., $23. _ ... __ .._. • ..,.. • I . IC't" llkl\lM lflW ll'' wom-........... n" t I _ .. _. ~ ..................... p l!Ce ... •love n o. Ooldl'll)Ol ~ You ean('C) your clu--a--.... urqu ()lie "'-""r., --davenport. 2 ,_,... old. Id• electric retrts--tor eru, portllblt" frnt1ng. pol.8. • • St&. New rofftt table. $10 RCA 21" TV, table, s-n Wut- WUh- t.n~ white n&uphyde $100; '611, &36·103T p&l\A. dl.aht'll, m!K boo.-ai!letl ad, be sun! to l::nd tablN, to malct\, new, inghoWK' aulomaltc L1 1-1803 PJn:LCO ~ft1gttalor c..... hold ll<'nu. all C'hoap. ask for and receive 17.~ each Dining table er. $25 toach. 20361 TEARDROP Trailer, eace&--top r~. z ~ n . ST&-3062. your KILL NUMBER. end extC'nslon.•, $5. L&mp Dr. C . .M ~5 3001 lent eondJUon $lll0. eellmt workl~ rondlUon C'llm~a-1 lnl'• Phone 675-3311 12. 1861 '~ Tu11tln MIXED pooc11e rup" LE &-2760 •60. 844-8094 on Sunday lcx>I MI 4-2602 after b 30 3·27 &46·9'A17 " ~ --.... ILW Pf1.An / lfEW'O ...... .,..,, .... .,.-.-n.a ... :S-29 $5..- s-n -ft .. , • P. --1 ' 42 HC:LP WANTED MEN & WOMEN RE:.\L f''<tlte -Experienced 8 · .,1.,,. "' ::>Al.-smen \\'.: \"'!" t1 ... n.f, r11ng saleam~n , 1 n,._, Corona de! ~I •I Otf1ct 110<..I Deed l"&- [1111 '" ·II'"'· Pit·~ contact U-..0'111<1 >-mtth • Ll 8-1161 ,,. , lrn F\r-OR J -9200 r .. r apptmt. B•n I.. t;0·".: 1 Realty. Inc. t.;l".\I: \XTl:r:o tnmings tc $1. •" • ••tr ~r party 1 .. 111 111.:1.1 twn of C'ltvtr i:u 1_ •.• ·11'.J i:1ft..s. Hour.'j I.; ••111 c· ·• • \\ t COllct"t a.od lo•I ,,, I l"llr. (';lfts X 1 ;.., i;•'I• Kl 3-4~ I 11 . : I. ,,, I.I l-3:IB t. ' ... ; \ · 1·1.: • '" 11. I & m amten· • ··• h Ulgl.' for I 111111•~ + s.\lnl')'. ...... ~I •tt.•I N t'\A..- 1 :'.lnla 1-<a· r'" :i• ,.: ,. 1 \I • CS~IJ..-0:?'5 \I ' \f :' ~' ' i: ·~ i un.it apart· ~-a on "Ulle.r c 1R 3-7J90 I: 1ltJoa Blvd , I~ 11 r· • 44 \\ -HEtP WANTED n-.e.., 'RATION ··: ;~v There" You \'/Lo Want More • T 11 '''"' l'ay Latl'r • ~ H l J1pll•ma nee. • 0 ~ F: 1 ·r ni; Cla"9CW r·1•r r· l'L\C"F.:>.IBNT ~Wr.Y IC'E "' J "B~t \•I'·'•"'!, "''"'" ,,, .h;1ft1111: l :)l 1110 "'1rtnj! ~I\·('' ~·r•11 &'"!•nbty >f ... , rr 111111-: *:ltttn n1• tf" ••• raan i.i .. rl h· .. 111 l pm,; .lf':' ,,.. r··1•n1·t '· u1•1 14p ~ ,: 1, l1 ".dl ,.. • ., ' •n pe-r:son V/EST COAST TRADE SCHOOLS :IOi S J.houteS.A. KJ ~71M l'.?•1:-; r. G Bh·d, C .G. so FURNITURE ,- AND C~R PETS 60 APPLIANCES 65 TV. RADIO 6S TV, RADIO I 66 PIANOS A NO GAS. ELECTRIC I MUSICAL MUSICAL ORGANS 3 ROOM GROUP c-u1:-;r'\'.t: o•n "n•1r-' i:•c:-11n 1 G d 0 . I llj.'"-. "',r.11 ... 1•r •t·><"k ot ran pen mg I~.! .1pph111• • • Rf'tro..:,.r I ALL BRAXf• Xf:W F't"R- ;-;1Tl"KE R.-..1 •lll ul ll\•mg room "lltl J11·nn that I 01 't\' t • I.;:•• "" t 1rL1 bit;> bM't v.·p n lll"'t11 ~·nc: rrh ... -t .. fl'm th"''*' .... ,"' ,,,, •n lo\·t'· J) n ·.l·1n ,,, ... .,. 1n r·h •\t·e ot 1.11·• ,1 ,, ... , , • o: • Lge. trl· pl·· I 1•·• ·.1 t \I • Ire ... ~· e>r & 1 "'"' \lloth df'"P t'h1rn ,· tfr_.,, I':-. & ru:I 8lzt" 'ltnr• \\''l•h I• dn'f'r' C & K -T V n · ...... t•rP•• .. A ll t\l rr . • • <1ur"'1 pro ••• lto111l 1p Ap·I . , . , plu<n <'• I 'I l • ~ •. ,. po>rt '""' ,(, ~f"\'1N' ~p<'t:11rJ1,.1 ~, .. lJ ~-77'" _ _ I LI 8-0394 IF Ynu 110.· 2""'" t > b<-1n lt'r.-~1 ... 1 1n h oi\ ·ng a C'Olotr TV lh1· ,.,.,.t '\,,w •· th.• llm,. fin I h1·1 · I• th~ pla•,. KT:'\1~ TY :111~ H"\r'b"r sl1111 '..! h·--" !l-1 to!"""' <'h.111 f 1nl. ,. p•.11 ,., . I ~ 1 i , lfl ., "'"·kO::l.Y I 1., ... , n ..... t •rm 1cn Kl !l :!.!V·. tohll' A FHEFZ~"R ::: , •t • 1lors • br•'\flU .. , U 1l,.l.'r1 r• '•rr1t:ht ll'~I. H 1-F\, T\ ·s ,\ \••I 1r .inh'nn&.8 in..'lUllNi l "tlt•..,·n Wilh tbi.s Ad, you 11·11·n1 s~rvi~ calJ R··~ul 11 1· di \>\\• rq-.a11· r 1.ho1a T\",; '"''''""''· yl'ars ''"I' n t·ne<' S:? l)ll 11fl Oil T. \" ~i ;"°)•I AJ,.., T \' n·ntal.. All work ~"·' r '"' , .. , 1f 1. '" r· ., Sl 59.88 Pt·rl· •·r , '"'' '' 111n \1•.-.t S'Mll ""'" .. 'I ( •r C'tll '<17' , •• ., 6s TV, RADIO MUSICAL s~'"'' ~"I.' \\ ( \. ·~· l'&K T\" !ln\3)' LI 8-0394 F l\'l' Park111g- '''"'''•'fl f-),., h i J.Q\\ P :IT~ -::! \\· 1?~ ti" \\"kl:-. IL\'"' .. J' Ut'w Ht.,, ~fof,tr••'t •1tft1 1 ·r ti 11 ,;a1"f \IO'T'Or.• iJ \ ,\ 11111rl\f I !:3 ' ld• I I 1H •II I ., j'' .... , \ 1'·11 t APPRO VED T,.y,.,., ..... ,. F t•• 11 h p,,.,Jn I ril • 1.L' "Pt, ·r. 1.1h ,,.. il~·r~ :'Hi, 1 II \ l11h ,. , .. , 11 1 u i.,,)()<1 11· tn .. ,.t. r ·' ::! J .,, ii ... ·-; f. l!\l:1···r. t • ~r ... a I:(,\ l• ()•• ·:l ft •t· .:'.tf (t •• ~1·:-; I 11• (• rn l...J"t•, 1:1. :n•lh,rl''lfv t M I :.I -• ""',. 'i {"11111plelc/ r'OVllO. o)f I II 11l•tr.-1m"IUCle$ hu;:' t• 1 :~.·r....,lur. 30· n,· • " 1 ••• IU' ,\ • ,. ,, ,r 'I <:·1 U·•fltt•1'1I '''tu I\ itll 11·1 \\ 1111(1•.., I )1• ;-;,-.. [. X 1J ' ri ·~ v •· \r &;"•' 11• hi', , T \' J hi 0 111 fh "" J: •' 1, ·!·l1f• H ,r. h,;r Kl 11 '..!·:-,-. • •p<n t-IH1\' fl t•l (\ ~ .. ·~ 11 '. t I g .i... r.. ""IX" llnng l;\;T1-:ni-::-:·n:1 • 111 .1 .. ro , roorn i;• • ;• t <'0111p1ete l non t 1°1' ll"'" "II' ~,.,.! O<-dr ,..,, 1 ... 1nl,,..., 1hna.nc Dunl..Jp <' , }1~ liut f!nt11,·1 ro ... m T .. o• ··r my oat-ware hull•·· "•• k .ll "hnf.-. ano ~ 01 < 1; .! '>J p•y j '•k-pr 1• .... I• 'nlap Appli- $2.! .,i r 1 fl &net's 1 "I-, :'\ '' pt11 I Avf' hUB FUR1'\J ITU RE ~t><l 11· c.-r.t r A r n ··•m YUr:.'>"m"I'.!; l(11-l • IUI· 0 1 •. II •• •I··"' :; beo<f· room a<'l> A II whd no v .. Jl . m1001 I Sun.tny K ln1"" Buch : ' ,: l.1 !\~ dt! dltV· Oth,.r 1lt'rnS Sale I I I Ill •l 1800 f!it'lft ~t'Wp..>rt C II M r Gort LA I .• ; r.o1 t••• d.-~ npUon. 10 a 111 I·• :1 I> ni. durin:;- wttk LI i:!-77'1'< \\'Hr.RE r "' \••'I h llV th•' f.,lln" in.: r •r I•• • t h.ln th" fHh -.• ••r :1 •:19# .. 1 ~·rr.•blt•"' Rr:inol n •"I 1!\113 M otorola 23 hand "'I""' h1111~c•nl&.I cha..•1.-.. h<'n•lt'll pictu.~ tub4o ""'"' w;ol1111t ~-ood rln i,.h. ~l\ ol .-1 b I~~. large out f 1 un• .-, 'I'"' 1k.·r with on~ .H'lr gu.ir ... nt,•e. UO. month Kt,,,; T\'. 1Ju1l north or H ii 1' ::0111 ll:ir- bur Bl\'11 h:I "·'!~ ~-U~n d111ly ll "1 <1 Sun lt to 4 Used TV's Garore ,,., •: \\ h·d· S I •11 I ' " II ' 1. h 111t)" ... , ldl lt!r I ... ~-.. 11 1'11~"· I p1t"- ,-~ ;,;:uar 1.,. , ... , ~ '\ 1 tlttW'T' r1\n\' t•r tl1 ii,,-• P••\'IHl.• ot ,.,,,::I p , I I ' • f'!'t\ ft\t~ t1I '"" "'" r\' :111 9 Ju e 11 •1 H "hot Kl •• .!..:;.I I I ~ I 1 q t '' '" g daur ~·• 1 t t. 1 BRA~n ... l'"i; ;~·n""i'ih r.·' ··rh., •! flr. 1!1 ,,, •11•t """"!. 111_ nut tht;r Ill •1 n· 1\.,,. \ 'I iruaranl•·•"' t , 11 der whnl, -co i•· • 1 •rt.: i It y ,, rr I I r\ ~ q .... :., ,,.,. rier n'nnU r: .. , yl!ar i;i1 11 .t11' «Ju"t 11001 ! h t.: I ~. • I'\ ti! 1: :1019 II " If,., "I Opt>n d1ul~ !I r .. " Lo •- "..:.-.:-.-. .;,:ll't 1\ ("<1lor 1 .. 1.., ... 1 .. :1 \\ l!nut I Al.I, :-\ew 1<11):1.1o1 l'o1rt .. • 1 •< HJt rtl» •••I 1 ·•II .. 1 ·tt•• with F.v"n al 011r <11 "Ill 111 ,. rttmnle-• ttn l rul (;u \ra.n· tecod 10 ht· ''" c 1 "11 .. 1 .. ,.ale cost. M • .t .. • 11111 "'nit oC S2l 66 pr no"nl h !In,· vl'ar «Uarant<•i> KI ..-c; TV 1 J u•t north"' H1I,. I ,;111!1 H H ber Kl l'-'.U 1 • 01,.-11 ·l•1ly 9 lo 9 S n11 I I I" I ... w~ ar.-2•'•" '" t\ • ~•Ul.iful h ui; .. $l •... 1 lt••OI JllllOW,\Oo llhot. I oht.I ~•1dUahn•·\t \1 •'• ''':\': TV f J u .. t :";•••a "I I ' 1-··rt :rn1P 11 ,11 .. , l\1 v Kl !1-2..::'I·, Op1" C • Iv ~ to SI, N.ln 11 too I INST ANT SERVICE sg°'"AUT ... hr,.nd n• l!•dJ m 1><lcl Zc·111th h-•11 I • .t•bl"d ollc••1 w11 ln111 w11h h1111u · front 4 b11l1 nn "11 .. ,,,.;;. tc1·nole '-•·nt1 •• f ., tn l '!'!('\i \\'urhtur ~l'l'l· • P1Ano. Maple F1msl1 <; ·'lOd RP~ondit i11n1~ I t•pright Piano_.; 1 P nH'l ic·1· r 11rn I StOO and Up VISIT ORANGE COUNTIES NEW COMPLETE MUSIC CENTER AUTHORlZED WURLITZER PIANO AND ORGA .. DEALER A&M MUSIC COMPANY 11 3 MAIN ST LE 6-2 890 H B Jr: i -TltS U DO I••"' ,,.,, ... ()\tlTI fuc-1 \\"a~h•JU••· c '' • ••n•., Ntw Calls ~4 ,\II mak1'li & modo•I.~ me ht t in~ c·olo r All work gu..trant<.'<'J. King T \'. 3019 Har- bor. Kr 9-22J5. Open da.ily fl l u !I ~un 11 to 1 . be IUld er "11 .. 1. , • ··· .... 1 I tu.II prk.r s.1 .... "' ,,.11.,. paymu or Slli I>< I mn KJNG TV. 1 Ju~l ""''" oCI Bak«-rl ~01 " H :ui..,. n 11 .1 . SC'IT:'lftOT • r1111 .1 11 ·~ Y o u r ST'ORF: I , •1• .v Hammond Oq;an.:1 · ~1··111- v.·ay P111nc>e. '\II '""I• ·~ Cbotceoc Dl'W llA>.lM•1''" Extra voice or 11i.Pcl H A \f MONO CHORD l>Ht: ,\'..; S49S. U~EO 'l'I n"I" ,,.,., 1 6: e-1n•nlr plan~ ,... .... ,.. 1 ••• po.iut~ltSt-1. t rac1C'"ul '· 1 ,.,~~ rrturna: all hit~ rww s ,1 .. em Maple, M odern \\ ,11 , CberTy, ~IC'. l!'> Gri1nd I' . Rno&, nlO.t SlXt'" llilhl Stelnway, Knabo• n 111 ma n. frum S4 "'~ S n 1 ' 45 EMPLOYMENT l\GENCtES * VALLERY * EMP~O't~~ENT AGENCY I"\ •• -..; .. 'f,)'trl Blvd. ._I I 11· II .\I I " ,. " q1;, 111 ' I ''• I ~1>"'3 ''.:"I•\ Y S UST· r··r·"' ,., ' Ana al"'('a .t,.•11 r.~ Hall I I\,\ l••·r~ KI !\-39M t I •H f Jo: A.A ~. ~I ARC US \i:-~n~ $HIO +- I I F RFIM to 3!)'1 }< ,, ,., '= 390 3YI " I , ~ t ~, .,. I . " .._ (- t '''' P.lv1l I \11"'1& I I ~ .... KJ 9-0,111 RUTH RY AN AGENCY ~ "1. ,, \' ,. • • I !JU.>IUOru 1.1~ ~ow 1 '<1 h St.ttet '1 l lway 8-4~ · ··•" l .-rwnnel Agency Jo1;s For Everyone Fad .Ory • tJ!t l~U •h St C.M. I nOll•.".• <fallY p r-9 . ~·1 rl lune 11"1uT1u· mshrn~• :-\ ' & t'l••..:nnt p 1,·1111 ,. 111ti~• " Super E1HI\• '"' .,.. ,, l 'll>lo•, 10· quilt•· 1 -r • " ~ .. 11 -0ra. ·•"• II I I t •>Ol \\'ut,,. "l•·l•-rlh•'• \ •Hr t••rtn•i 1<1nz 1"\" ;1'1'• lf .,.-.., Kl '1 ~::~.-. lop II •l arl, 9 111 1 REPOSSESSED KJ 9·22!\:l llf" II dally S1111 II t .. I :tt.\ ;>;I> 11 /. It l•I !l I , ... : 2 rh~ • I, I II • ,,,,, s.•11 01 ·I U I d·-.k W iii J• ,., U\•h\i4S· lo f •A \\ hOlt- 1 n•!1•1,. '\ .. v. •• I :11l .,-;!f, t~UI •• ~UT\ 1' I l I \1 .1i,, ti I ': I ' \\"hit,. ~ I ·I r(\nl111lrll 1' n\nt,. , 11n~ ,,if 1:. l ""~ H nmmond <• Jtuod bU\''ll. El·\" t t i:•IU1 ,, Ullll u l· ,. ' •• 11' J; (p ,, " '1 t .. r,·· t "' T\ 111 1 -... • ,,, n,,. in 111 h'l\ 11 w. CC\h,r ti .. ~,t'N .... ,,, DA N'S TV Sales -Service . ,~.,,., "\. I ~l LI 8-2227 J '''·•·l•·r n \\ 11' ,• A•••l 11\, mull1,,., \ ·;, 1 ''Ph•'' ..... , ''"'... ,, , • P'Y· I 11 •• ·nt ,.t \'' 1• • 1·1 tu ttl Ii l\t:-/1: I"\ I ' I '-" otlh o1C Ital<··· ;o11•• II 1 '•" l:t\ I I ''I ,, .:,_,I llill ,, ".,h 9 I·• Vt'llr vour :.:i& If ,1 I I h 1n1 •' \\ ,I I (lf11• .. , 't\•• ' ' un '·"•' "·• •\\II . I\ , • I~· ltl\JU: \\'urhu .. r I~ , T'hornu. '""''"' ,--,,, Ilk,. n l'w $:.?ii'• "I' \ vur ulJ PhU111 r "'' " HAJotMO;:>;p OHl:A .._ rt "t I!• 11 I I I' 1:1 t'"" Umt on 1 11 Kll\'.1: I \' I J11~l 'ti+\'• "' '" ... pl .• 11• lint t1 .. 1 H •h.•·1 BUY NOTHING! !I '4u11 t 1 1 , 1 I I f:t:A:-.11 • .'-"• • l:"o·I I. 111111 1 t'nl r 'I \ I ii• 1'11 ~ Sll'I 1:11 11.1111••• of I t1t-r low ft•·~-i. , ~ f:<>lll $'.lJll 1 •1 Sltl nwnlh h.I °' nnrth "' 1:11<0·1 t~,r. J' r , ... • .! 1,• I> to 9 !'1111 11 l)l •o I IC 1t •1 111\ O.:C'trMllYf 1'1111.1.1 r~ ::-\orth Main n1 ·~111h ~ Ana l"r l'r l'a1k111, " , !'tnr~ •• Kl 9 '.!~ 1 1T~1~·i, wr1tt~ '• 1· y •. 11, J1 I tt H•U :>.:I 6 t I C t 1 '. n 11,ll l oop, l I .1~0hl ' ~. SS Sewing MAchines & S-.·vice SL"1;f .I: 1• .• 1 I :1 ''I • ~:2 ~111 Vtt I 1111 • 1• ·-•1 'f $7 ,tff rt.I"· 1>31r r, ,, I 11.11.•" Sln- t• r ~ ,.,, \I u h1n • and td ll \ ti * lu\.\ • I pt ~ 1 11•\•t••·I kl 11 t·:1• I \ 4!,H ( !+I '~· ::1 ) I ff .·. I\ ,. pf\ i;1~d ~.\I LI t:.1 • :, ••U•t1f11tll Ml 6 'I.:'•• c· 111 1,.. t 1:. • I·· ,ttt I I '" 1 ~. :o1 r .,. I •• .: I • I\" . ,,. ,tl.c; 1ilt1 I I SI A :'\l1Hil I\ I II 111 p111 111 .'I 1• rn \'•ft 1 •1 ft l t•Mj c·ui. ·r\ h i •• ; .!"ilt v . ., 111111 :o-. , \' 1 1.· ~ 242q · J\ 1,,.~ ,, ,, N•·"~._,,, J;h·d t 1 1.t"' M.-o;al r,.,,,,,• ... ":'o\r ht• 1· ,_: p1 ' ... J, '.,'•\ ~ : I • " ' I"' '" I 1 l II • ft 6-t•, w;-1.:. ~,, . : .. , r ,, ~. •r lh·n. _ _ _ \Ii ., "•t 60 APPLIANCES GAS, ELECTRIC WE RENT N"w & " •·I T \' .•. r I l!c>ll pJa.1rn,..:1·upli • \\,1,..h• 1~ dry- t"~ 1110.-~ r-·•n~~ "''"'°'""' etl' ()pl'"" I 1 hllV i i) yn; aproll 1n • r ·II 1h1l1t.y Jesse~·s 101 3 S. Main KI :S .l'I S .. 1.11!'.l A na TH..-\~.:'J!"'f·111t r·~u••·• t•1r ur. \.\'h•t·•.. t' 1'"'' t'o•ovlr., 2111~ \\ 'I I \fV' ("."II\ :'11··•.i I .1 <t 1 °lt I I F !ti' l\t' f \I ., .. , Rentdls TV 8drg 1ins 1 1•1 f 1 t I ~ <( f ,l I l1 1•1 1 \ 11 ~1' \f '" ll,,• p .H f:t ;\H•I fh"\\ , *" .,..h I ,.,.tu, t·d ti !iii ~····k ,,, .:u1d Id .ll< nt • "I > t I I t 't tk1t tt I I'· , .... 1,.1•, <I S 17 11•1 I t I ... " 1•1 •1 .. " FACTORY Carload Pu rchase ~ ~1 .1\ ,, ''I; :'\ .. 1111 ul I! 11'11 1 I\. I 1• ,: .,: •:l .... 1 \' l11•l Al..o " rh••nf"''r 1.11 , hi~·~ 1Ju1.ot ltutt h ,-1 IC~ ~•'1'\ ~· .. ·1 \ I r 111,. to nur •. q 11:1 1 I' I .. r \\" 1· l h ·ll•. 1 h '• lo I !°">1tli 11 ••,·•'1• r ' I '"" 1011\ II I I •• t\ f rt ..:~ c, ,., v .. ,, i"• ..;.i•11.: ,,, ,,,. 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Nl l~IREK P hnn•' t>7a-33 t l I"' I( f~C : rv, I ,, ,, H:t~p I., ~"I ') t:1 , 10 I\ 11 .. 1;. •p··n 9 t 11 1-• L "J ,ju .\ Blu Note Mu i:;ic Co ·~ w 41 1 \ 'I I • 1 I~ - l'l ':-Ol) ((.. <lHo \ , Zt.i.?u I~ '· •• , ' I '"·' J, I ~1 •I ' II 111: i '''"''·~t ,.._, ... _ tt\U Y ..... "I ,. H, t't t -4 .,, ,, ... , ...... \' ,, \ .,. ,, . ·• J .~- 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS •••••••••• SPECIAL! : .t l U.·.i1 • ,.,. .q•l . huHt- in• l ···n' ' •· •• t.-.J nt'1\.r 17th ;:-..• .,. ! ;-:, .• ,A Ana. ~tn lo· r ' 11 3' $111.'i tnl"lu•lf'.• ri pr I\ 111' pAl10 anJ ""' .:·••·•i.:•· C'nU tl•il·:'' •' " I 11\1 •••••••••• Bahia Mar Apts. f'.·lux.~ a ll .. .•• 1 · , • -Car· f"'l~rl r11·'"'' l'11tll n1 ~n 1 ' • • r-••I h41 , ... 1ny ••r ~ 'r•h·~ I '• r t·n. f trn fo , • 1•"' ' • I •,1•r "n r''".. \ l 11,, \\ l"'•o ,. ., • ..: fl•"~ * NEWPORT * DELUXE BACHELOR 9 FOR RENT APARTMENTS Harbor Estate Apts. fn lx-autiful ~f('sa \"('rde Qultt *'"' :11 .. •1\ e c,urntry C'lub ar"·' w .. ?kll\f: d!l« 1.a.n, e lo ,.hoppon,: t.arge 2 bf'<lr.>am :apt~ l'.1-;-l'ttd, draped. ElN 1.in1: .. It ovai. Prints pr•r:" From SS!' Mo o"l '"''~ 3000 Royal f',11m fir. Corner R.ii,., r °'t I olk \Veit of H arb 11 c·,,., :\t,•-.d BuUt by P -kr ... ~ · • ··~-o' e $17.50 Per Wk. Up SUNNY ACRES 40 n~,, ,,, '" h h··l '• ~ f"h'\nf' \11 11 ,,.i .. '•~ I -.11 . --·----,j ... 9 FOR RENT APARTMl=Nn ·-. -I 11 BUSINESS RENTALS Resort Living ... AT Bl"DGE'T PtU<:r;c;; L / OFRCE SPACE Huntington Beach & 2 ~dnn llOl "'llli'• v.1th rnml' n.•ac-h HI' '" ,. or w 1th1•11t kit1 hl'n.• F u r-ltod"rn ba~' "lt 1 ru.shlnp IJldUoit l0~1ht1f"'. Jn~ Wlth <'-I"" 11 'l' liDt.'M. nuud !0 .. -.n 1l·t1 ,h-..h· anc en~uran, ·· \. ,, .... es, 111\lvtrwar\' tf'l.•phl"ll' l31t-broktl" I ..:,· , ... TV, &\ htalt'(J I"'"' Ro>..-· $S0 per m1>n: Ii · :·• '"'r t.aun1nt fe.nltl 1e~ Ml ft 1 FRmt s11si MnxTHt.Y 1 PAUL JONES REALTY COHAL Rr:FF" 264 :'I Rarb('r B 'I <1 l" ~· R~~en 3t h'n.; 2 It 3 b(>dro'<'m Villll.:! ,._, Huted f"O"l. 1~·2110~ ~,, Ll 8·86111. = l)( Htt1h. I or lPth ~ I Kl ;>-!l t7~ l-'\r;:t' ~~ \ ,,, trnrnt .. I" d I 01' bl,11-f ... ,, , .... t ~ .. • t •I : It I 17171 Bl'ach Bini. \"fi-1266 f:\"e'S Kl 5.,)l; ii -Jndustrial and Warehouse Space Frl°lm S85 1x·r m•lnth NEW Bl"ILnI:-.:c Own Pr on1oh' 3_ ,,31) \\"" ("·u1 1!,n..: r1 .. r1I IF' You at1• L.· 1•1...: • • b.• 1·t· FOR RENT OR LEASE TV k1•, I,.,, .. , .. ·".HI 1 trrE''t,.•t "' h.,,.,,,..: • t'"1 .. X "·\\I''"' 1· ,. :'t·1•·-, l .. l<1·'1 T \. tha .. \1 . '•\ ~ .. ! h' ('"' ~tt \ I 'J I ,; J11 \:'~\ t1n1t' .• Hit • \I 1 •· •• In 11 .... ~1 t: ... ,.., .... !·1 I Tb~ Oraac-.. I ua •I O.\IL T i'll 0 1 < 1 ........ n ..... 1 .. '1.J, •. ,., ... ,": lt.-.1..,. and Rri:i11 .. 11ur: • lt;.l·lSI I OF"'f"lCT. 1101 i; ... 'l,.nda,r thru I r1t:" "~' II -''-\I • :\ P 'I ~~\ j)(lr1 f\h d port B..-..l'h , .. . \"ll f'Oll IUl.t. '\I "m:1: If \ OU fhtd It nee-... , f\ ... kfA an .. ~-n! ,,.,,,.,, .-oJh .,. -~ '" "'" "' rnr ,--IC.ILL Sl"'IRU{ Tht. wUI •-~ a ,...-,~·• nf your -11. Mlmmum rtuu·p: SS $1. U .00 rninl- nuu11 1111 ln~ ad ... t .. r"1rs allollkt ~ n-1•nn ·,I J'fOmptl,Y. \\01' 8-.SUlll .. rr- •pon,.tl•ittt)' for 111.. rlht laeor~t lntiotrti<>n unit &ad ~ &o tlle I'",."' "' •M ~ C~ u,,.,.,fl,.ft :-,·,.-... I :11 $fl.) \U 6· I • Iii p ...... , If I 1"1il ~ l t' I II \ COROLI DO APTS. hi~•~ I"\" t1l jt .I 11-t Ut•I 11 ,. .,, !l !.!"l . It , ,,, ' •r .. , .. , ,,\,1 1:11:··· ,,., I \\ I h f' 1 :·•1 r \ I• Ut.A Ol.I:,-t: t'OI< h II I ' lOl~RF.CTIOX.;; \'ll ~•:w <'01'\ I' \I. d~•llY for r 11hll1 '' '"' folio" lni: 1t;i' TIVOLI GARD ENS ~ f~ ''• h , I • Sun f \i;-.,' ··' ~~·-, :.: h, ... 1t, .. •I Ill :ti~· 1 ~~ ~-1771 •'t Ii I. 't .; -' \ ... ~· 1•: r t1·1 ' t I -.,,~It.-I I·· ,. ··I I ' 1 1 ... .: t:.1rt11:;. A1 •'•'J'l ]",. 1:,1:-;11 •·11 ,.,,,ir L•.• 1, ap' II :ill "' ,.,,,,. ...,, I $75 I r··h·-1 .• 1i ·!'·. 11 •• t w•t.f'r 2 ""'°"' "'"· " I'.!~ IU1!ll•h• I 1-.:h ' r·1·t'en hnc..l 01!1 t llllfl 'Ill_ ,. uu n\Ay pla.t".,. ~ n11r ""tc1 tn ph1oflf' -l'\:l'l .. 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OR S-2U3 S ttmH -- CO~tMERCI.AL l~n-...· 1<1 ii Pt'r ~ ... t'r S for J ..-wl!lry Stor~ hlo!.·~;.-t 31 .... WO&DS •'II b111 .. v !Pi h S 1r·.-t .. r ~ ...... -~ S& .\ti SI.'!\ 1..\.9() <•~ 0. ........ 111 1""• 'P• ,, l;arni:•, shnpp111..; A.Slllt' (',,,., .. ~t. 11 111\' •• , J 1::1•1t•l I ..... t • r tt••IU $"' '" C,o,.la 11111...a Av•llabl<' U .. -.._,. -• '" \prol I~'"' m<Jnlnh """" / ~ Oii MOltt ·' IJ •.run..: ~.r,·J "•t th· rl f ',, 11 Jo.;ltl pl•'~ I :-\1' lr l 't t • U' l ,~rl'"\..l Ll ' 1•.t7 ... It j.· 1• I •·I • I ll <•! '300 l..IJ,> Sh;-r-. _.... .. .,.,....'." (la•- 1 ft,·.1(11 OR 3-:?I \.\ , ..... II I I I .... ,t'• .. $,:\-ut\lui nu'h t bot-h,••fTitt 'LAltGE "'"''"' \4t1h I" \ntr o uph'' Fii· ;•I ' ,.; "··i:.·· 1 b&th ;;.nJ J-111 ho II po II 11,.::-1 quh·t tlt:1 '1. 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C.ll"lRt:O 11-ttt"l.J' \\TO. l't: t' r \ f: \TIO:\ 1 ·-t:'I PLO\":\lt:~ T \t,t:1'Clt:S •Ct-.1 I RXfTt"l(C ·,.;_ \:'\"TH~l ES .. ......_ .... :\) l:\tl ~_\("Ill' ...... .O.> .\.t'i'U . .\S('t::S '-"">-f\, K.-'010 , ~II 'h \I 1m--l't..\:\OS &: Oltl.•\.'\S •!t-UI \:WO:SD~. .u:wt:un ;u-\llSl'El ... l..AS't~Ol !" ;;, \\t:.\.tUSt; <\.l'l'\l:t t :6 t'UOL, ORl :.-."K ·:.-;· -.Tt 1-"t :!•-'list. \\'" :o\Tt:O .11.-t••:Ts ; I -LI\' t:STO("K ~"! l'lll LTR\ ~ ft \R.fUT.; '11--H(('\ C:l..t:~ • 1-;\IOTOR('\"('Lr:". "'t'OO'lT.RS 1:\---.t'llKTt :\<• Gooo-. 11-\IRPL\SES. 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TV. 3019 Harb<>r IH• .l 1 .r t' J o r ,\•1·1 a 12 WANTED . ";,t .. ,n~rth ot Bakeor 21 LOST & BU:LOERS, 1 ·" Vt,.:. 1 1 '""'• 1'! •• •• !I;> FOUND "SA I \I'' u \, • 111-1''1" '1 . . -£ CONTRACTORS ' \\A:'.'."TED to rent • bf:-<:!r,. •. ., :>! \"'l'..\•;E. Firm lJ!'.~UfS re CARPENTRY bo~ bl Newport Bt-.... r. ,. tension SA.-.i.•r In~ .• •• ,, :-:rn'.;:•r :-11 • · •'-bool Distrlct to SI~.. t..ri:-~team. reta.x·• T•' ,,.1 .... ,1( "'' >1h1•1 I'll• Add1t1ons Remode l \\.Ill repauit or r..r-.rr ''"'tor. colon1C'!! !> • 1 • •·: • • ,( ·• • \\'I.•'• ~ ' Please can OR 3-52;3 ! lo Ru~<'. Terry, 12261 H .• 1. ·'" • •• "· r •n • • r :-:, '" l.11 4'n~l'1I lns111 ed I Ml,(.11< REP"'fRS • I '" r (;"lrden Grove. 1·i.11o•;·I'• r•t h•art 11 .. k f & J GERWl(K 'Cl JPR fl>() S~l~U. llfJUSE 2 ~m unrir-JF:~-'>010 "'I !!" 6toi-!·i~ Ht• \'\l~l:...._1:-, !11~·-t<I;· ~ Co.roaa dd M a! . . . . . R 111 ' ro tractors ·2 l .,.,1 '•!1 •r , ... ni1,-'•t f 'h· u <111~ n . It r:· nr,· "' •. 111 .\116 231 I pre:fe~ Will lea~r ,l"l not f('Qpon.!Jlble I• I . •. . -. • • ' I I ).. ,,., 1'1 r 46"6 - Young profession.al aJ.t! 11r" bills or debl11 otll<·• ':· i.• '1 ' <.' r't' :-• n.:oJ. _. _ • _, __ ' ! l -"'1 U\I • •''""' " '"lnnr ' . r. •. :· f'lf \\h1l• & family. ~2'2f. t •· n my own. Mr \\ ~ t , . c Id •lt 11, & 1.1v f• 1 Fto l•I• 120 Ea.~t 23rc.l ~I .1• •,:• 1 I!•~ -DRYWALL ,. ... 1ut1.1•, ... .. , .. , v .• u :.:11; fi •!l~ I .... U you baYe a pboDe.. yc.ur ettdlt 19 OK with the DA I· LY PUA>T CLASSIFlECJ DEPARTKl!'!NT. Dial dt· ttct f'75..3311 and aa y "'CHARGE IT!" ·. CM ~-. -I.' :--r .. : .. ' . ., •• t• 1n;1J• } l..l• k ·'' .. t .~, r, ... , , ... ALCOHO LICS A.nonym,,u, ~.. ·, 1 J 1 , , 1H~ f1f•J an !1 • ,,,, f ,.w .1l l" y, .• ,r< !\···A 1 ti.• In • t•r u.tl g.._"VJ pt< 1 't !" 11· ,~ •. qu1t·k ca~h ""1!1r • .: r. • ·11,;t·r · "1\1\teJ P r •t office &x 1381. N f"·' f'('rt !Yach. ORJote 3-E72 I 21 trr,urL 0 t "K I.tin \itrn t \ t-• • 1r Z-' • ·n Bt .. ;tr-h Ro('· ,. l· r\1 ,, hh•, <•R J2:r;; I l llift "•th ,, PAIL\" Pll..oT \\"A:"'T Ar• ,, ' I I "f•7 .fi'l76 ... This ancient in~tn1rrent reoresenu ant' ol i. irreatt-st mean.s of communication i:nodeni mnn hM known. Even more ancient. bo-~er. • the communi. cation mediura known ~ Claasitied Adver115il!I!. New .. Plle>eT' Classified eot It& historic rebirth three hundred Years a20 from the a.shes of the London fire io 1666 wben the London Times. with the flrat aute "smalls.'· provided the only availa~le medium for the J11~trt'•s.d J>OOUlaUoo to recover lost J)ClQftliOfll and locate f 11cnda and ttlaUves. Todl.ov. the DAILY Pltm' orovidea the ercntr't communicalion·market1>l~ OD the Orull!f! eo.-,.,t and 1t'1 lu11t as close lo you as 'l'OUf modern teleuhone. Dial S7>3311 and let in MID J'OCl 2et Quick. ua. noected cash or customers airowzh DAJl.Y J.'ILO'I classified ach e.rW.mi?: 258 CARPENTERS ('AB-\'\\~ I•' """"l<"l- Jn).; ·•' 1 ..... t ••. I ,. 1· ,, .... n .... , , , 11..;1 , 111.: lt U!• • .. '1Y t ·•r"'-- hi ,..ht7 25( PA INTING, PAPERHANGING CarpC'nfrr Hdndyman I • .~ H• ' ,\ •• I , ... 11 .. , .. , . . "' t.. I I \I PAINTING ' I t I• f fl" I oi,..,. d ... , • • 1 ' • , 9 , ·I .r~ :\ t Ir ' t. "•I"'-11 "', ,,., ~~ 7 GUAP PA INTING J.":"-J • '' ·' ' , f,,r :?O yr~ I •1°.. •·11"' l'\•· .. 1 r•f n :\tt 1 1 .a .. .... ;\If I 11••"" t-•·,~ 11t1t -11at~• tc~1.,, • 1 ... • 1• r1 ·r!!t Kl :. P7•f.' I \1 ~·· 6·49,l INTERIOR DRY W ALL FINI SHING ·1' -\ ,, .~ t ;-, ,, 1• '',.,I ,. '. ' ! ii 1•1 tt t 1 J.•,,,111 r l lhli;~~I\ 1:-.-a "'' ": 1 • I· ,·n:1uPll PAINTIN G ~•· •L f l A" ,d It 25D . '" J .,,, 1'>·1Utl;'\1•M ti Iii 111 :~7 LEMENT, CONCRETE 30c PER SQ. FT. Hli;hnt • "1 111 • · to w• at pnrr /\II ""' k g"\U\J"1ll'l- lN~ I =--" • '' 1 a f••r c-olor or ,. h·. :11 I.' I I I lh .. •J"-'<"W· \y. l..u •ti t~I £ f l\' \trC"\I. Jt-~ 7 •1-: r: SHAW & BENSON Q ualrlv <'• 11• ••I<' \.\"ork sri-:1 ·1 \I 11.1:1:G N ICXP0:-:1·11 o\l;r:HA(';ATK F oun•l.ll11•·t1 p.1th•11. c-nm- m l'" 11rl I • • • r··tln1al<'&. T rm1• I 'It •. rn •tAfl-0 NEW [>. -.1i;t1 • ~frllll'an A Jap1rn• " 1 • ht1I<' "'"'~l&I· U!tio l'.111.. ",,J k,., Jrlvea. p<.1ul th•• k 111i.: I 'r<1n1fll l!ef"Y>o Ice, e' I"'' t ""' kmu111Ullp. F rtt f•· t1rnut," JF. 0-0M•"I C Ii: ME N J' 11111 k Wftnled. Bltwk "·'" :"u job too 111t1a.IJ. I •"t 1·11,Jnhle work. rea 11<>nnhl•' ~·, "C" l'~tlmate&. Call H :-:111rllt k l.l l ·Mlli altC'r ~ :10 25N PLUMBING PLllMIJl'\'.1; alt• rnllol\ll, ~ paini. ";i•t1n.1hle ~ nli:-ht 111 .tav Ml 11·1286 250 PLASTERING & PATCHING l'l...A8T FI I I \;t; New & ohl .i. lath1fift. AddlUoM. atunn · ,\n1ti.t1cal ceU- lng11, 111.,,n or ~hltv. Ex· tenor ''"'"' «1at. Vl 7·0i110 25P GLAZING ------===== CRANCE GLASS CO. Replacements A Specialty A.D Type. Olau • ICncn OPEN ALL DAY llA.T. 6"-~9 203••~ Newport m Dally Piiot ChLaa1t"9cl 876--3311 ~-.._ _ DAU.Y PUhT ,.....,.._ ..__SDAY, MAaQI ft, - 2SS HAULING 11 ... \11'\'.•: \\I•! hi\"\• I '•''' ,,, " •. ,~ .,,J l·.~· 11111 t l'nll t;•""'-.:' 11,. :· r; 26 BUSINESS SERVICE ---=:.=== I'•' "' . \ I'' .. .. , ... ~ 26A .I. " ,,.: 1•' t 11t1 t ll11o ,, &...ul -' ._\. ' ~ i • •I I ,._ti \ II • .I INCOME TAX SERVICE --------IT S NOT TOO LATE I ,, \ I . ,, ·i.: •I H•l 1,11 t·~ T ·'• , ~. .... It MAC FRANKEL. LL R I I I 11• \< ., ., •t 'I <\ '\T ... f• •·t ' .... ,, \ .-.. ~ \ .1. 1 l lh ' ~1',V I• .il.,I ••• ,. t11n tlt,1t1uh ".ru1 a l\•·· I '••I~-. T r.n •'I ttu11 Ir •·.t,. 4: t tl1llt·-.. (111 1•llf St I\ l1 f' ... l 'n · t•• ,(. F1t1.t 11111 \\I ' t'.!.':~1': ~·j. iJ'lh l l\ \.lH (;111\1 •J,,.1 \\. 1. ,1f ILut ... ·1 H·,,1 ,Jf~ t .:••tt'.! • l•J•• n "I h ~ t '•"'' l r, ·1;,; t.:: tt &-~ ,,, .\IJ•I ~tft° hn• .U\ 11 1\\ .... l ,\'1'1\HI • 11 ~" • 1-10 1· 1-'"'rl\t \Tl"~ * * FREE* 11\l \1~1' FJ-:J-: ,,, 1•11n-.:t• • ,.,,.. t•f "1"'4 k··r·.t •1 'I J • \f,ff1·1 r·t U\ (Hit• Htft•"{' t•f \ I l~ f' (. ·,~"' :\j; t \\ 11.1 .l.\!\I SMILE Y ... , "''"11 .•nt r11n .,,11.tt t t ",d l "''''''''". :\1.",·L"h;;,? I.lo t'rl"'"' PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ,;1,n C"' Jnn1 1 1; 171 ... n ... ., b Hh ,I Jiii 27 GARDEN SERVICE 27 GARDEN SERVICE 39 SITUATIONS WANTED 40 HELP WANTED, MEN 41 HELP WA:nED, WOMEN STENO-CLERK N E'WPUllT Hr' _,.._.H SPRINKLER SYSTEMS LAN DSCAPIN G llA~ll\"::0.IA ~ H ome npll1r'.' J' a I I 0 Pl .. rl .. r, ~al\U'let "'"I. lr•I.' • >.111 Jttb• nf all -.. 1 I• A "'' :2'1 \I'll',. ,.,r<·r- M A:-.:ACE~1ENT TRAINE E Buid an 1: 11 111 1ti-.I I lmm••dlatt' Of" n111i: Sttl •t}' fHtUrt' $33!'1·407 Mm r•'>;n:t~ Ln- LO\\' Ry Bal'1'1'11 \\"1'-TI:R HATE:' t .. , , .. 11111.J or t•nm11lt'tt tll~lall.il I I 'l'\11' ~<IL • I ;HAI rl:"t • l •1·'~11 ;=" e ""'" in i.; .. r.t. ••mi: l 'll\nl~ I -..11h llu "••I ~ tll.•ll'"l n'l'"lf"·l f'lt IOllf'~ t\r gn>\\ ll~j.'. .. ''L: I 1.~111 M ·tit, I I At .r • . __ , 1 • :-1.utt" •' c, • .\\ !i.'••I J°"·r .) J n~ h\~, ... ·-_ _ n.,.r\1 h ,•. 1 •' •l.i\L' nn q 1:\I• ,,,, ·~.; 1tJ1 '" ~-l II 1\l l 4t'tt J•·· ,,, •• ,, 'U•')-r··•1t·t11·, ut 1••:--it1,•n f I• I ~'I• I 1t:1-:, ... ,.,,~· •4 1\1 tl:tr'-' -• "'I r •• • I cluJe HS c1 ... t l YT Sten••·, r .. , I. • 'r T' I'" :.o \\ r:.f ... , \\'l \I "'' 1twn. Tc-,tmi: 1 .• 11 I' 111 f'\1. • Fn b~ af'f• • tr• < • • .\ l'J"IV l't'r ..... nntl 1111 .... 1 '' H. I OR :I :!1111 • • • l:t)'fO.T ll.l.1:-.:1; e H F=--0\' 1\ rt ="1: l 'l.A:"Tl'\;1; 1·,, .•• t-: .... 11ma1t·~ o\tr 1'1!11111 ,,1 t•11 J,•h •·••I If ~·d,u ' t' • .. \ U4t .1t t 'I ,, l1 ''• ••• • 1·11·11. •. 1 .. 1 •• 11 •• 1. 1 ••. s.t Cashie r-e11perienced •IJ,•t 1 1 I • r I Financin g Avbil..,ble \ 11,.; fli I ,, ' '• ·;tt ' .'ti I (II l \ . ,,, ~·~ :' ·,,••,el• ' I • ' 1 r a,.. "°" !''' ·').:' .. '11 1 11'1• l\t• \ \I• ( ~HJUf''I' t 1AY OH E \'ES M t11\\AY 6-11'17 ===:::;:::=:=:::::=::::;============ I l \ '' 11 \ tr''' ri,..,.1" ",. r k GENERAL 28 GE NERAL I '·"' ''""-!li•"•'r l><•' SERVICE SERVICE .1. '"' " ;I,.,.,,.,,, otl 28 t f \~ I. •9' ' f ' 1 ~ :,; ':'.' • ••11 ·~~:.:·~,.;~I Sizzler. Sl~a~ House l • .._. I • ':II •t ):_ • i t''t\. c•r \\ •, K C 0h il ~1.~11t;t tfl 30 DAY 1 1.4-1 \ "'" ,.,,,. 1, r "";; "' • 1., j :.!~'> F 1~.h \1 ;· .I '"'"n -- ,, , •• '• 1~ nt~·n IM·..._, \\ .. 1·1 t• I \ •t.o\ \I I tl·617!l SPECIAL OFFER 140 '!ee': WANTED, KENMORE & WHIRLPOOL j n .. ~·I ,~~~-~·~~1, " .. ~~·1::,.:~~~~ I WASHER SERVICE <'O.Ml'Ll•;'rl<; 0 \'ERll Al"I . 6 MO:\'THS G l'AllA~TEb EXPERT W OH.1'MAN:-;1111 ' ONLY S59.95 t ·1t 11p ,,. 11,dt ~' ,, (h tl Jt,1 .. 1 ' ,., I I•>. !'1·11 Bt -h h I. t\·~I.• ~,,, I F ••\lf ,,uuu: I p111t1 11•"·'' ,,tt·n t•• han· ft,.,T 111111• f:r111.1t1i;• $l (l\1(1 Ir• S~ llt~l !"'' nt"''th l llll I 1-:"n1n~ nn ~ -.1••:? c1 . l I I "''' • t l'h;1 i• ·I• .•lil1 >-,t\ THRIFT Y DRU G STORES ----·~. ( ~,. ~ '" I Ill \ '\• ~'. Meri W ith Extra Time \\ •• • ,.,. ;... .\I \ t •lj :.! ttl'Y~ lraanu·,: .,,111 ' •t ~,,u in bll""l0t L '1_1 tl:.•l \'1•U C'An t'l\.nl u1 1,, $. :11,1 p.-r nwnlh in :of , •• 111, \\, , ~l.n h&n· '111· 4 '' ,,, fr,111 ttu~ tut-a Mt>n ,,.1 ... ·1 •.• 1 n111,.1 hllV<' Cl\r '41 I• ',, :t t .\•Ut .... J"'f'r d"\ ft" .•n•I lwll•t that l 'h ~l ll -1-J)\'j ~>l l·!•:l lO Rent~ls TV Bargains I ft I II I ·I I "14'"' $4 -;-,1 pt hr h,,, ~.i .. ;1l.1t1I\' l'°T'c- h'r 111t·n (t' h • ti~' A prly ~111 ~11.1 "'' c .. r.•na Jt•l 27 GARDEN SERVICE Complete landscape and Tree Serv ice TO P SOIL $18 ,, ,, ~ -· 11 ... ,<t YARD CLEANUP GRADING HAULING \\ \~I Wit A PH\'~'.!< I I I ' Hit SJo:H\'tl I llll) 11111k• 1 · .. ~1 ~ 11• I f'm111ht.- A CE WASHER .,.,1 ~ 1• !li lltt pr n1 .. 111h I M.tt 11 • 1, I pm " '-4\ t ·t , .. ,, 1 .• hh·Jol '" • 11, .• r .. , 1.11 ... ht:->1: TY I 1J1, .. t 11111th (•f H:tk• r' :\111\1 11.ril•' 1 Hl\,f l)m ") -I • I .1i;:i.;1\°'."l'l\I' Auto Salesman Kl P ~~:\rt tno.n '' hn ''""' r~·upll"' anJ & D.RYER SERVICE 1 1 , ., .. "·"" ~· 11 !I ~ •n 11 1 .. 4 L" "'"'' .... , ": ··11• " ht· .. , -tk t II 11 \., \\• •\( ft'r th< I~" l-·11 .. ·1 •I, 111 04tl 411,•b \\A" J J..1 \ l><'<-1 \ "'"""' 11•n plan ln tlO~ll "'"""' 11"11';--;-n <1 Boy 16 Yea rs or Older Onini:,i I "''" I~ Jo:xr•'rlt'l\C· "1~11t "'''" •tt11·1•11i::• rh'< f'\l "' ""'I,., '""""°J Ag~ t t1<1\I •I"''' h"' 1-i11111n~ rn1 ~. ••111 1 Hout,· In F v11n I :!I to 411 t=;,.• Jin n Hanly, .... I' t 11· ~ •. 11 -=~·7.f ~.~n·.. tHui \ rllh ' ~ju"'t hM.Ve lJ. C'~•T1lf'·''' n .. uut ~ft·t C•' l'it~ I•' • 1•111 111<-nl A..,'" In\ <'•II"' l .. •llt.\.-1 LI \\·. K t1I· Nt-v.f">rl H lnl <'\>'<la M rl'a ,.,1 • .. 111•11.r 1:.111tle1a ol ll\'«'h. l't1<•11IKllon llq1t S1>11'I • 1"11 l 'nl1t .. m1a. ?'\\~ J.ilM·rl\• t-~!\fi:I ""lwt'i'fl 11 EVEN ING WORK Sh••\\ F>.:-11 L '\ \\It;...; I ·~ Appoint •' .t • di S-4 7 -4'•-'; \ ' .1'7~ OR '.! 114" POSITION OPEN \\\111·1.111, UU1lt t 4 ·, -.:_ \ t .U ~ ('()tlc.·~c-lt• \\ l'I k t\O Ult ""'"- a .. ...._,km· h '" """r~ \I ~ Moo.Jin l-'11.i,., Jn~•dr. l~­ branari II ·1t ;,.;'\,on H. !U'h J'ubh<' l .tt11 11' '•:.!'> M run SL C'r t;dl L!-: t~·t•~t.~'7 Part Time Work A V O:-\ uf!•'t' ' ·II 1•h ·•'-•nt pr..>fat 1H .. "• I. '" ... r ~"<>ur hontt' \\'t• tta n ~··u 776· I fl"·l T\\' :; !.'!139 --~~ -Dr:.'l."TAI. ..i1 .. 1r ,..,.., .. ,ant ~p<'n<'n,·,• tHJllltt-d. :M\J"l kno " H1 .l1'\• 1,.,.1 lz X- ray" Top quatrt.1· uiuiot&lll Wl'll .-,. 1thh"hl"•I offtl"e Salary OJ"'n !I d:n~ r o. Bux H :?i, N•·w1iv11 Bea ch \ 1 7 20~3 v 1 7~0'1 I ,.,u:1-: PEl.l\'Rnv 111 " to {I 1nrl Sal • Sun l l<Flo: F.STJMAT'F.~ J>'lll lk1I• h llA1'1 •\~I\\: II t•l ~-r;r...,. a•a t io J lunt.-r ~•huu-l '""'~lfljr.; • "-fc1 Jtth .. U( au •ort· \I •• :::it ', ,., .. 1·'CJl<"r ~ 1" "'"'" \t ·thlnv lhru GARDENER NEWPORT BEACH Ft idlt\ I )1 ,,, •.• J 'I'' la.!' !'di .s3:,:;.? UGHT Htll1~t>..,utk -mon:l- ln.p . :! h'''""' dn ly. l.lon· day lhn.1 !> 'n"I"'' approx· lnUltt'h' !I I·• l I ;o tll $1 !IQ h<\Ur )'!\•• I n11i •1•<rl8Uun. ORS IPtll No •ppt th"(' ith yr """ 1111-' <' II r.7 ·, l :.:l'I ""·' or nit• t h h airt·A Jru.:um~ Tu,. I -, \,"•u .. ,, "AttRrn~ 1 " Japanese Exp. Gen I. Q •1.1h1v work M.l'\lll•U~I MAllll• GARDENING SERVICE lllli vr YN\r A n •1111.1 l•·n.:· ftotm F1...t It !:'11 ·•1 .. 1111 I lttml ~ df'd. s1:. I l':it tr a "''h"tulu $1\ .i~1 n ...... 1n1n, C M I'll• '" :>4~ ;!•Zt I" IST A )l ~;::;A t.i n•• ,, r 11t. ·1u1..: l 1huu .... "''" ''"'' \ ·1-·'"""" ,.,, ~'""' 111, ,,, h· "' 1y A 1 t•!t • J I 1 h4tt ..:-: ,'Z 30 IRONING --DESIGNER ---1 4.!S '" 11 ·-• • •1nH• Ind ~lh ,:f"l\f,· •·•ft• ·\1H'" f 6 i''f'l 1 ,,.ltt 1 ,f 'H fti lif fif n h t• t 'I' 111 i.:ll"lt•n tn.1: r l•·· '''' "I n I "''"' h.uu n ur ·• '' • I .,.;. • ,,,, ''' t n\._Unt ('. \ t t ~I \ t • C' ~ •"itU1~' t pp.tit \Ultl \ t'fltJ•l1 •\ t'f .:·•tit' f'•• B1,•.t1h\t\\~ ~ Ana ''Alt ~\I.I :-;MAN --21 lo ~·,u k !'~ ,, .. , t r, ,. t nmntln,1: .-xr pn fl·• 1 • .1 Apply pt•r- -""UHl• I ••ffh, f,,, a\f'p.nnl UH J 211\I 8F.:At•TY ''I'• 1 ·1t"r ji!UIU1Ul· l l'f' phi,. • .. mn11><S1un. :'161 W . !Pih l't c ..... ta MHL ''():'l:Tll':E'\'.1 \I. 1·" • ili(;"jl W tg& $,•11 b1 •'1·1••1nlnwnt . llalt..t.A. .:\', ''"''' t < "or,\J\a del M ar. (", •IA l\1••"'1 !"An- t& A11a Ar•,, 1-<I !)-:>198 TOY J>4lrty n• \'l!lf'rr-. l1<•11blt- )'0Ur ln,...,...,.,. by calling now D rlvt• It·~ • Sell more! Nu '"'t>stmcnt. Cl!ta n' GA11i;;t'ti. Kl 3-4639 OH 3 l IGe K l I\ 471.)3 ror A r1'1 , Japanese Tea Garden Income Tax Service I 1 ,;-.; .. ~cA1 ·1:-:r. ll/11N t:"1; tn my holllt' $1 h••ur i.: '"" ll.llt\'t"d 1 day '<"r\"I• <' A I"° baby "11 tmi: In yuur hnml' C<>11ta .t.lt-11&. U t< O:l!'IJ •o •"''J\4'rh·ru·r Ot•l nt"C"e.s· M ry I 1,.>n1o1 plnn and ho1- plln l1rnt 1l•n 0111ni:e C'oun· ty's tl'<lllmi: F lirtJ dealer. >.tark l'-•"nln,; Ford IS!l7:'> Bt'A• h Olvd. t llwy 39). w 8 -9900 • ============ I WO MAN for hlt' h•"l"<'kt"t'p- l "••'"I'" I·· y ,.,..t \\'111 \1. It llur OfC1ni Yuur l-l"nu• ( ·.,-eu111p 11 ""' 1111 k pit 1!116 llnrl~ r 1 •11~1.1 \I• " Avoid the Rush I Ml b-5225 Lel4nd Fogg-::-9thYr. ~46·021 I GARDENING by MAI -J.(M c-..m1•t1 t.-Lawn &-rvlce tllONl l':C 1n my horn" S1 f>t'f ht111 r Jo'.:r\_'4\ ~I• Ir C'•.,•la ~1rAA J'lellt'f' bring hans · en<. LI 8 114 31. 32 HOUSEWORK -t:,, ... ~ .... -- FRY COOKS A1·1' :l i,,:. rm. Snad Shop No. I :?:llh'I I'~ 1 ··~•"l Jltw11y l'nn\fta •h·I Ma r J 111111 .. 1 ly ~ 11 b lnt.-maJ n.' ' 11111'. Hf'.o. LI l-666• OF'FH'f; Kl 11-8820 H nt IM•r Hhoppln.K C<'llltt. 39 fl! M111l A·l Steno otflc• fH 'T ll C'l..A.l'S, A.Modale I l 'lt11,1111g • Tra.nllpla.ntlng CLEA!l:l:-\G or \ronins: ,..,, ... ··~t . Phone &tfl fl•78 pcm II•""" Kl 3-61•00 f'l<• Ii'' Y1111 11rt• i:urni: to -~ h'l <'•t n l 1n ""' 1111: a l'l"llor TV thl<i Y•·ar, N1tw l1 Ult' t iint\ n rl•t h•~' ·-..... t ht phu:~. Kl:'\11 T'\' 10t'I ll;11bor, ~ TAX SERVICE I * YARD WORK * 33 SEWING, ETC. < 'J, .111 l r p, Landscaping ll.111h11i.; Free cetlmat ee 1.111,l ''''flh .. r ll•ktrl K l !l :!:..!~>;, $5 AND UP Kl !I ltl63 LI fl 13 11 :l!t67 K 1JtybruokC' T..o.nl', or 31.)l l ·R llarbc.»' Blvd., C. J.f --- Current Information lmmffilt1t~ Servin• On Your Tar Return 19~ Church St., Ooltta ~ie~ Phone ~fl·6733 R.l!:SPON SJ 8LJD tax and ac-coununa eervlce bJ Ucerui· ed Public Accountant. For appointment call M6-13S':l lnlllal tu OOD!ertnee at your boin.e. I f.~\ I 28 It• ••1h lh llr or )fonlh :it /j 3b67 alter I P .M . GENERAL SERVICE (1tf SPRING CLEANING 1 K111;• shn111pooed -li"k>onl cl<"l'""d A waxed -Wln· dtfWIO dt•nnt'd. 8&UataeUon guo.i 11.ntf't'd. J'ree ..U· mlll<"a. MI 1--6161. ':OUR trome cle&Mel-Walla, w indow s. ~ wan to wall earpeUnc deu\ed.. L ET ..... ti•• )'HUI ""'"'""~· IO•:TIHI I' '" '" '"r put a ll• • 1111""" k ro•11r. .. l.·ling I mir "1,11, 111 l'""lllt«' ih'pt. C'olt n;:i :.!!\~1M f' "I' •• I I I' n I l' r~Cl"rreJ. 35 CHILD CARE NURSERIES ··t.·1111.u l 'i\ltf':" ... 111 nm•t ~oot11ln tJ1r U1'fll\11C1 numlM-r of thr athf'rtlliflr . For tur- U1er lnfnrmatlon flOnhic't Ull' (' hltd \\ l'lfa"' l>f'pt. lo Sani. Ana. U'1..o64'1. CHll.U cart', my borne. Vlei· ally of 191 h tft Santa .Ana Ave Ml fl·7S.7. Uc~nH No. 1107 BHC U It. M 11 k• I s1-. t. :,w(l ll1or\n.,. A Vt' llu ll><1J1 lt<lan.t 01 ·~:r.; I :"'\t; f·•r ,.,,,..n-Cn, t'<.I lt••ul ~· 1.,1.. UN•kt:r or ~.1..,.man H C. Gn.-..•r1 lh·itllor. J 116 Vaa U ltc>. N e" l"1rt U<•nch OR 3.9300 s rlCA nv ~Ylrklng ;;-an '°' J't'tn111.n .·nt J••b In l<"'A.I cer wush 1..1.111 liar W11-..h ~Il l E 17th St. f~6·91H8 w ANT~:o S.·•"'11c:e-St:ilti'M Altrn<lrutt, p.lrt Ume. 2983 Harbor Blv•I, ea.ta M- EXTrnl F.NC"RO phone man. RA!&! good deal. Ml fl·M&O 41 HELP WANTED, WOMEN hl& It e&rt> ot I child, ~ day. wt-ekly, 7 ~., am. to t p.m. N f'v. port ~·:ich AU. N t'w 1!16:1 64 l>ort;able-\1 MI fl-8000 _ _ J!:,·C'n al our dr'<'.1Unt p.nc--\\.ANT wonii1n for ltJ:hl el', "'' n"· i.:111nji! •"•Y • bou,...wurk !l lo 12 &.m. beau I 1Cut hui.;c sz~ ()() floor fltllt1\\ w11 h • \'t•rv portablf' 11<•1<.I this nud w.-.-k KING T\'1 Ju,t ;o.; .. rth f'f Ilakt'r ) 3019 llarb.•r Bh'tl Kl 11 z:z:i::. rl1 .. ·n 1Juily 9 to t , Sun I l to 4 JU-)L"l':l'TltlN!:o;T urf~ N<X'd .,. f'll 1ln ....,.,oJ jtirl. to m~l J'ublh ,1., i:C"nt'ral C'I· tic.-w"rk I) I'"~ & sun pie b."'klu~·p111i; l'all 11\r Ht11 · tltv-<(•n "~" ''"'' ""° a p- l"•inl.r.•n•I ilAllY .. u1. I '"' lw1~ IM>y:; II ..t 1 ', ·• • <'l•I ~"n· dl\y U1111 ...... i.h~·. !< l-0 6 pen. L\,,t .. M ... I Ml fl-.17!18 2 Yo-a.it ""'" ..... " \\ lllll(lo.1 t1'inlrr am l<t :: I' "' ()flt' from 6 p.m.. lo I< 10 1• m 11 day' No l';,11 or ~un K l ~30lfl Cl lllJ> <art 3 ~·h1hirt'.n. - adult <''-"•.king no beary housework. live In 1126 Balbu&. OR 3--0H9 NIGHT castuer. A,pply be- tween 8 a m. It 6 p.m. °'°"• Inn. 3201 g Clout tlu'ft m••rn1nr.::" a wee.II . $1 ~ per h<>llr C11tfhaven atta Ll 8-:?0 I I. Nlo~Eu-;;t1 .. ~,-.1,.,.1n ~ li>.ht'd Ht•otl lo~'ltnte otf1t"e. R o u 11 e • It. C<>mmerd al M'l"t'ar.:;• \\ .. : l..a<'hl'n- m yer l°t• alll)r, 1S60 New- po.rt Bh'J Id! 6·3!l2b l'ART ll1t1<' <It rk n""'1"'1. Exy>t•t ll ll• <'<t 1• r " ! "r re ct P1CL'<' a I" pl\· In pe f'!IOn. ~-Iv l\1111 kl'l :!l t-0 PIA· oenua. <'<•"I .1 l\1•·"'1 t.A·RI S !nr lk·nllt) lwauty 0pt"mt .. ,.,, i-nm1• (nllov.rtng. S yea.ni ,., I" rt• m·• Apply tn ~ 2\3·A F..ut 17t.b St. Co.Ila M,....,, I F You cancel your elaa- aified ad, be au re to aak for and n!Ce.ive your IULL NUMBER. ~IFIED DlRECT m-ssu Low aa 116. LI I.au&. I Klda outgrown Ulelr clothca? Oot cuh for Ulem wtlh • D~ RJtSULT 'MUMBl:R DAILY P 1L0 T Cl.ASSl· To Buy or Sen-CTl-ISll J'IEO 875-3311. Phone 67~3311 876-33 11 and ChArire l tl I Hiway. Corona de! Mar. 11 1 (lliMlt---DAfLT 1'11,(W I ,..,,........ 9 WSOlll111lDAY, IUa(W It, I.Me l J