HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-04-25 - Orange Coast Daily Pilot-Newport Beach• • . .. • . , • • " ~· I I ,_ " ), ~ ~ ., • • Ii : ~ r • • • " • ~ " • • ' f I • • • I • • • t • r r I • . ' !~tr .. Ru.i' fu· F.ad War ;; CA.HlldBA. (19'1) -• a "' q.iw .-., .. -.. ... .,.... .... Nlr9' '¥lrt • ..... ' ...... ..., .... W!if_. ... _I ,.., .•. ' . ~otftc:t. I ............. I __ ...... -1'Wi'r t e tlY •agn ;• ~ • 'r · -· •· '•'' .......... ' Council ·District ·Over ' . ' • 't '· ff ! , ... -,,, tj(..,,r,,1 . . . ·!< ......... .., ... O*l ,, 'J ..... D,....... W*s·'cN ~.,..__... __ ._ •• I .....-&SIU 1- Coerd'z• .... It I 7 'Z' a1 0.--a.vtat' ~C\µw tt ... ... '1' • ... ff' .... ::·::·:·:•· I ...... JIMF'F1 ., ... wf,o,o _....., ... '" .. ...,. ....... ___ _ pullln& ......-----.. tbe bollot. CGund'MP Dee o.i.t: 11 d 1 ., ttM llill:Qld • • t -... .. 3 ~ ' - -'CU._ 'A• Y •. .,. •• _ • ' ,••!' .•. IEACH, CA!J~' . 1 t ·' ~ • . ~ ... y. N.Rll 21, 1.967 ! ' ' ,. l • Parking Priee Push Little .Dbuht I\llc;hel lo · Seek "I Alhambra Man Die8 in W reek An Alwnbra IBID WU fataDJ 1ft.. jured MondaJ ....ioc-., blo·ur -CoulJ Tnllle •• ., ...... ,.... . overturnedtntllODOl--lll the Sonta .Alwl P'reow17 at ~ Avenue our i.. Mirada. 'Ibe victim ... Benjamin M. Wblr- ton, 5', .ccordina: to a eorener'• Mp- uty. Jfe wu dead on arriftl at....._ tin Lut!Hr Haopltal. The tnvaaU11tor •said u autGply" was acbeduled. for today m mded. th.It tM victim had • hiltcwJ fl 1-rt trouble. F'tmlral services were peodlDf at Pl .... BniChen Mortuary la Allwn- ln. ilann d Reagan to Aid .I , ~, , e . Airport Rites Gov. Ror>alcl Reqan will be tbt star of an aJMta.y air lhow planoed for &oturioJ, Ml1 8, to <¥Jato new fa- clUtles at the Orana:e County Airport. it WU revealed tod.IJ, The lhow allo wU1 feature aeroba- Ucs by the N1.y'• famed Blue Angell --j" Olen, .. Mria! .. _,. car rally" for memben m the ~­nmu, a women's ~ orpnha- Uon; --per · -lllgbu.etng 6l&bb for cblldnn, mlllk by the El Toro Marlne Corpa Air Station band . and 1tunt nytna: by Frank Tallman ill his Curtiss pwher Rfftan will be keynote lpU.ker at th• co1orfu1 1 ceremotrla. • plied for tbe r r b'lufd , ....... oat tut Jt c:w:amd •• 1' t a ., tbe llW •. 1"-... b 5 .. cl. ._ willllil. .. m ma • .. ltlll ... Gle .............. a.er .. pl•teed Oiadl lldloa at .. cs 1 .... ., ______ ,...._ Jae' , ... , .. ,, t ,....,,... mtJai• 'S"" Oaal .... ...._ lillr -.. uJr-. AttblaDw&•...., ..... Plma ..,. ...... __ k ,- .. ~-... td'*_ try~ . Jill I Ila!--.. P""'fl".. -.. ,.._ .... z ... ·;m': .~-: ... . "Wblfewr .... I 1lt .. .. popuWIM eeftm I ?" ..... c L mm Unddey Paw. ...,.. -... lllore-a.o, ..... ~. a ln1oe CL ,..._,at lbb paDt *tlpOd Iii••• and 111.rgested that .. ""*"*' w ..... (llee GOU a.tm.,,.._. II C1s11 ---How .-a..t? """ olnlpt da.11 of llJDlhine, ........... to ..., that -.. -tlor-Wfldnetday, prom1-dldrtd. tcncaster Emil Karts ..... a. ..n, ,_ tbe u.c m 11. Temperatures will ...... ~ ......................... tbe landlocbd portiir-. " .. Or· .... Cout. IN!lilBE ..... ~y T'M °""""' c... ..,..;..,,. ""' ... k<lb•fl ---,...,N.......,,..._.N._. High .tar, llmlOdCa lWi ttm. 'llWnt ad aw Lal.en .,_ a- Hutmgtoa &.di eor Drmm llmniltoo.S..--paoa 10-1 J. ---------·-? 1 ,. -, .. ,_ -·--~ ,_ -- ....... ,... I IHI ....__ M . -. I.._~ I . -. . ......... :ti ---.. " -... .. ..,. _.,. .. . -. 11 .,....... • '' ... _ . . -. • ._..._ M " • l • • I ,,..... r-.e J MEDI-CAL ... tup&)-tn, A.Den maHmaed. ''Now ..... t blow' ti aft ........ inent wt• tbs stm. • pa4." \be La-~ .....i.......i. . : A· p,......,.i ........... , ~ u4 a a61:1•4lq procedure mtde;r-which -.-.. ..... ...,to--•. WeWft emts pl111 an adJ1lltment !or popalation 1ain. :· Orange Cowlty'1 popalatlon bu ID- _,.., '"'1y -10 _.. llut 1Dfldical and boiJll&IJ cocte:·llne ICM up more 1ban 2111 percent. nu.-11 'lfled, ...... Iba! the -per tu· PQer 1or u.e proeram mere.... . ;\GAJNIT IT . ":si" llaUDCllly apiDot lh• -am ment which would end tbia .,... rangement,., aald Allen. "Tbe Id.did cost b: only for tbe lint year. 1'bt nut Ytm it would be JDGrt." Or-County lupenbon ara'I akine Ill oppoolq the pr--1 lllll .,....-.. -to ... l'fedlCol pn>""'4 l<r ~ a.- cal JMI'. -.~"""'-­tlel rt.ve4 ill Sier....... _., -~i::,:;:r-ao-~An ft 'Oiinc ID ·.n.,. the Peet govet'Dinent IA W ubiqtcm or saa. memo to dictate the terms o1. tiom• ra I e aaretmeots?'' Loe: Aqdel County Su,..,.-Wonen Dorn uk· "" durinl tbe heerinp. Sen. G.orae Mllkr Jr. (0-Ma.rtino ez), a 111pporter ol. the emem.meat. said he thought the present 11atem "jia.ft etvta tbe counUes a credit cud on the state of Callforn.La to cbsrae any1btng they wanl" More amendmeota to the propo- sals m1y bt pre1e1:1ted by Sen. Fred '!'r Marler Jr. CR-Redding), wbo aa1d ane111atlve. so far have been un- l<!eeptlbl.e. This Bur~ar Likes . The Big ~ew Sound ' ,. burfior oqulpped --• --bl-Ii outlll Moodoy when ·~105 -ol eq ............ -erem tbl bome of IUchard c. Lewis, ~t ll<><:helta Sl, ea.to ...... , ;i..wtt told potlco the Intruder toot a · turntlble, stylus, amplifier tuner Ind I IOund IJlf.em . . Funeral ltrVicM art pending ftr Emma .liWqullt wbo dled MoDdaJ at Hllllll ... cao.-Hoopllol, New. port -......... bod -• resident for tile pelt uae-,..,.. Sbe ...... '11.. '.... • Her -., bod -Ill Newport ---· She ii IUl'Vlftd "' two d• ......... Mn. WW1am Pa)'Dt Of N • w port -uc1-.w.-~t1 Com Men; a -. W11Dt l'1Jquilt of Huntington Betcb, and elgbt ,..... -Arraqements an under tbe ~ Uon of Bell BtMdway MortUIJ')', C.- ta Mesa. Intennent will ht In St. Paul, Minn. Center Consultants " : Newport Bwb city ooundlmn Monday night autbortled prep1tatlon &! • -!or tbe -· ol -Ctal con.sultantl on .a propmed a e w tlvic Cf!!rtet • Tiie COllllllllnl nnn ii -• Youngber1 Ill San f'NnciJCO and Lot Angtiee. Several )"ti.rs ago Stooe &r Young. ber1 11sla:Ud the city on lbe aucc:eas- fu l Big canyon Rtservoir bond l11ue. A council committee compriled al Rn bert Shelton, Dee O:loi ud Undlte1 f , PtnOnl recommended tbl ftrm. wtdeb· wfil 111111,.. on m-ol !hwH:tlll •vallable ,to tbe dtJ. Ua fee wW be • ftat '11,008, with -"" -.. -..tui oompletloa ol the p>9- Jeet. Hlr!llr ol Slone .\ Y-1 wfil not fwrnally tale place wiUl May I. wb• Ute db' rUlf return• \o the couocll wltb l!e contract lof' ftnal 1p- pt'OVol. Slining of the firm, the larlest of it• tin<! lo South'"' c.Jllonia, rep- ' . .. . .. .. ' II .. • ~ ·• '' • -_.,. ..... -" ....... ....... --...... ..,,,. .... .. ... ,. • 11111 ... , ..,, ........ . r ....... C.~ .:::-.r.::a.•.: r. """.:::· --.................. ____ ............. ~.lfMl ......... ,...., ....,.,. .. -.--. -. ~-I •e+u&W _,. I Mlfl ti .... I ... tf ..... ........... -.. • tl.S. .........,,. .. .......... __ ~ _ ........... L*I ..... ......................... .... ., ........... ............. ............... _ .. ........................ ..., ·-, ....... .-........ ..... .., .............................. _.. ............... -.... ........... n.. ..................... -~-,,---­.. llfllM " • ••• .... , .. ~ ..,. n 9f MlmMI ..... ,.., .... - .., ............ = .. --.......... .. --............ owin1 'le""' .......... Mllll•• .,..., .... llllN .-ttM "" ._._c,,..._......,..__... -~ ,..,. .... lllllt --... ' ' =-'. ... _ ..... -·-------........... ,..,_ . -.._,,., ·--... _ .. t.wlMI• -...... ·-_.._ -y .. ... ... ClllWlor'l'lol CITY -,_ I;"'*' f'frll~ .... -:=t •. ...,_ ... ·-"' ltlld ...... .... ·--II, ,lellll -"" .... "" ....... ... _ ... ... Seftl• Alll --... .. ... ·--,_~ lllwm•! • ·-~ ..... • 4 • • • ~ •· .. • .n •••• n o .... •• 4 o n " n . 0 • .. ... :1 : • 0 • Q .• •• •• • n • • ... : : .. • • • • . . ·'" • • • ,. . . . ... .. ..... . ... 4 ... . .. .. . w 4 : : . . . " . . -•• " " • • ft t4 ,II .. . II G .tt ti a ~ . " .. . • • .... . • • . No S~opping · VC (!ettll,g . ' War r _': :l Escalation · ' . . . ·U.S. Aid? ' • ·~~" ~·~~ CAIPET -: . -~ CLEANIN• " ••. ...dfhe,..- ...... fhe ""'--fMturing llGELOW'S · ~,,,,.,,,; •. Called 'Madness~ . ---· .. 'VJett-s: 7 Fl ti a. Wllr, 811 Mmtnt* f'te 11 .,,, f t C .. w-hrn1ttt11 ... ._...,...,_. .. _* ___ .. _,.... "lllllllt .. 1-tl .. _ OB a..al'tllt WIDl1lel UNI Um'* ......,1111 .. --.. -............. ., E';AMno .. Mrtt11j, mil .. a .... a. ...,,.. __ 'g-.. ··~~" Death of Cosnwnaut Cuts Russ Space Lead SPRING CLEANING """' .... ,... CARPETING! Your satl1f1ction is l>oc"'id ~y 1 Duol w.,..., ,,_ U., 11 Authoriz.ecf K1rpet Kare Cle1M11 Altd 5;111 • C.,.. Mmt.1 A Smill "'921R1ll ns 111: 1. A ooll rot1rdont -• ft clNna. 2. Mo!h-ond-1.-P"'°""t fw I full yur. 3. S.fe cl .. nlnt1 tolutt ... ..._ ojMd by a1,.1ow for~ ., flbro. .. •• ,.... •• f "'" ti 1' r I Iii( Na 'tw'• c:.p.t 0' t I ........... .._. tloo..,_,.._.,... ..., ...... CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATES 546-3432 COSTA MESA ' ' I ' ' • ' " . 1f I ' ~ J:;:-· Actor Tom €onwa~~ Dia Still Destitu~ -~~··Q, ... ~- . - " •• . • ,. Jj_ -· ~ ,,.~ 1--1.. ~" "---__ ·· . 11-·~·--..i:. -r---1 '_, M • • . 1· .. • I • ,. ' ,. ""''·-... -·~ .:__.•"ff.-.. ~ .. -,_ __ __,_ CJ10eat.on-. .. •l-00.>1 l>"<• c..o-,,.o-. •• -..... -...... , ...... -·-·---,._ • • • • • • -· ~ t" ·"'1:' r .. • . • _,,.,, 1 I i_...,:-lb '·. .. -·· . ""t< ' .. -"' .,, . . " !°tli.l "'J; ; t.!i. • .~-j ~ .... ---- • • • • • ··: . ' . " ' ' " ~ ' •• . -. . .· , . .. t • ZID 111mnow•1P01.,...r IOl"..DAD lmWPQlr .. CH ·-------------~---------------------------- ,l ' ..... ' ' - ' • • .. t • .. I -il 5 • ,. . •·. . - • Coople . ' · ;y Dav~ AhenaJs .,.... Friday .... "' .... _ .... ... raid Fri' • -IQwtow but Padllc llllPll > ·T~s~ Dae Th ........ l . ·Close Abortion.Fi it's time .for another ' ·BUck ·Perty Spoon.plug ' ti h • . I!-! I I 1ng · C.u.wC. With tho big fishing season.coming, up, Buck.Perry, the in- ventor of that revolutionary method.of fiah!ng colled Spoon- plugg!ng, will visit our stores to teach everybody how to catch bigger and more fish on his lure, The Spoonplug. This is Cl?) oocasion that no fishing fan should miss. The number of California spoonpluggers is growing rapidly every day ... and we want you to be one of them. Come to Buck's fish- ing clinics, learn the method and have him answer all your questions about how to gel that trophy fish . All cliniai are held in: M1y Co., Cost• Mose Thursday, Aprh 27, 7:00 • 9:00 P.M. Sport;ng Goods 01pt. Sport;ng Goods Dept. ........ _ " · . Tuesdly, °""11 25, 1967 DAILY '1l0T a ht Seen Sen,. Murphy ~,vering Sharpshooting Clerk Gnns Down 2 Bandits we applaud the stars of modern c&~mistry ' ia Anaheim • LONG Bl!JAa! (UPI) -nearl>y yard -· tboJ A -llquar lloro -... -.._i. clerlt (IDed !WO -to..... --.... -lObbed b I ' tf<n ot '125 In Lone Beodl llemorlaJ Monday alght. HotpijaJ ,.,..... ;p-.... Cleric Carl ·B. Pot.n, !16, tbot-0,M<J'•llnd wu11ttec11n-......u. o1 San Lui> Ol>llpO In I b e lion -McFarland In crlt- Je1 and Paul It. P-'";;;loal;;;;;;ccmd!tlo;;;;;;;;;;;;";;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Oii 28, In ... -lfb ~ ....,.. fled do ..... -· ' (i.-1111'1> l'nllce "'""'""' • ollonl -~ found McJiclud """' ... ... porldn1 lot ol • nearby - bot c1og lllaD4. -MS4HIN 11JowJt,_ 11, 111o o1or11 If a.e .._ CMIOS '1WtW -· -led -In a • They work their mlrad" In petn»leum-be..t procfucts without winch, 1"' c1nt1tlont, or rM9fc mlrron. The Oftly "tltns" they obterve ire those o• modwn dMtmlstry. Y.t Ai..ddln's genit> coukln't hold 1 lampwlck to their wizardry. In pl•-ffb CHEVRON CHEMICAL'S ORONITE DIVISION plant ot 1211 North Ollw, they conjure,up wonder N1lns that Mc:oute, at lncluafry'1 maal1 touch, p1fnts that endure -surfboards built for racing combers -toys th.t kMp ''*' polH unclff roughhouse 11laylng conditions -t..lnlryen for brown-halrM J .. nnl .. -and fMtherwelght sports car bodllS with tht str'9ngth of high-carbon m.I. TocMy, petrol9Urn-bued products ltf'OYW. synthetic fllMn for wash-.nd- WNr fabrics, pl .. tlc for footb.11 hetm.ts, and NM lngrecUents for hoUSf" hold detwgents, p1lnts, end dyes -..t to mention the stuff that k..,. yo.Ir car .,.,,.. running clean -thanks to the modern mlr1ele of pefrochemldry, Think• "'° to _.. Uu .... CHEVRON RESl!ARCH CORPORATION scl9ntlsts end ORONITE MdtnldMls who dally explore the mysterious Inner world of tfM hy41"fUrbon molecule. And the ft'Nlny ottONITE spec:lellsts who h•rnMS lft '1M;cha\lltll:t'9 powers to m1nldncl't MrYlea. ORO. NITE people have been adlw since tn.lr petrochemlcel btglnnlnp bKk In 1943. . CHEVRON CHEMICAL COMPANY joint the nation'• --kal eomp1n1 .. In obtervf"I ·Cfl.nlcal P""f' .. WMk, April 2~29. We lnvlN you tq, pMk b.hlncl the ICllfMll ••• to lum more about them end their ln- du•try. Wo aho !honk you for btl"1J food nolghllo" and friend• to CHEVRON CHEMICAL COMPANY ~ CHEVRON CHEMICAL COMPANY ' ORONITE INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS RESINS SECTION, 1211 North OUve StrMt, Anat..im.. Caltfomla ..-..---- ' I I I l I l ' l I ' I \ I l I I • 1 I I I I Ml.ft llOR111AlllEI C.-... Mar OR a.kl °"'" -Ml U4U BEU BROADWAY ~ARY .ut &.-.,.. COllil U WGI rm rAlllLY "1l'IERAL ---::.;,:·--"'fl PAC.IFIC. V·IEW MINOtfAl PAltr: ' .... 1111111- IMJIB'I llOa'ftlARY - a. CIMIT!lT lltl -ciJMATOaY n-.i--MAUIOUIJM LE .... ·~ .... ... o.fni fl& '1 ,,,,,__ *~ WllS1'CUFF MOR111ARY °"' '-"" . .. ._,.L,_ ra 1~.81.-C.U -, .. ______ .JJ'lTD NIWPOIT IOULEVARD NEWPORT llACff I • . ·. &JitCM·1ala Federal would. "' -• . . I -... _. ' ' • P I I Atdiil...., dilllomJ11911llllllllD'l._audlmorcthadeacbOlber. AMa1aell-C Z •1'111 ll•r' r•o•• Dowomthatitwl@I .... $100 ia ir? * ... We ................. Bi& MPnoy treatmmt .. .......... • ....._p,1 .,.w<HWeefmvic:e.Unequapr.dsavi.b~m•p•P' -.Jlisyiddsmil ed•• r 'MdlboSl.4 billion-..ngdl·oftlitr .............. Wenil. 5-...... ddm: wo lhould just cater.to biJ ~-' ' ' We~ ,,... ........ ,,_..-Jtona:, too. · 5..291' ...... '-. C a a 'a• 41111; Nllllea's. lllgltest yield · .. ......... I •• 2 . ' Di-.--""". -~ved..,.ICJd!cf 1111monthcam lrom tint of lllOlltb. After !be !Ga, --fll!adl!io ......... _la_.~ illOllthsant IOdaywidldtawu. --•$1',!llJl!llr•,... n ,._.,tbe.U.S.Govemmatt.1!$11btiol>edin 192!. Fedrnlly dmtmd ~ lipldrc 1 ,..,., •3 ,,, I .... d' .. A • S. U& W ... WicietlM lntefd,... fml ......... Cd ...... ..,,,.,, ,._ , ._. • for JCUI' '-1 COMUlt af'Y dries beioW listed as& ... ••tit 1'4stlli 'Qwl1w1.-r1'JIC • DitCuss JCUI' _. 'liltl int' dfa beklw ar M tcrlltn.c- tlan ._. •' c I b••ll Phone 9374321,. tld:. !514 • ,,.,.rtJ 1.;.aoWMftt • to.ns prO¥ide 100"5 fif91clne oP~lo '$5,000 with 8 )'9W'I to PIJ. For room -'ditlons. pools, pMios, ,._1rs. eon. In or -.... -. 18 f°"veaieot Offices in l..os Anttb. Ora.use and Ventura Counties/ Ample Free Partin} '' . 3 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES NEAR YOU: -... ANAHEIM-EAST: 1717 EAST UNCOLH AVE. • n6-5700 £ ANAHElll-WESTi 600 NORTll EUCLID AVE. • n6-2222 .&, COSTA MESA: 2700 HARBOR Bl.YD. • 546-2300 -Office: 5670 Wilshln! Boulmnl, Los Ar.,ies CALIFORNIA FEDERAL 94VINGS AMIAU"All-. . . . . . . '\ l I I • tf-M OJI , ' • • • • • • ' • I , t ........ ~._--~..,... ...... ~:Ill! .. ~-~~----... -............ -....... !!!!" .......................... _. .......................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~~--~~~~--~ • = ,,. •• Jlii§ 7 - - -----.. - - --- - \. .. . .. I r • • • ~ • • • • • • < • , ' . - I \ , ' ' -· ...,, 25, 1~7 '" 1'~-• • , ' .. •' . ' -- " •, ~i \/{• .. -· I t .. ' ... : ..t . ' J. • ~ • I What can you -} -. .· .doabout -. : . f_;it A .. ,t : I I • ~ ' ~ .pa~hy felephoa~ ... , .. '1~ · sales calls? ~T]~ When you're annoyed by dinnertiiDe lllilel calla , •• when a~gb·piessure sales pitch '!"unds de- teptive or downright 'Ullbelievablc or when a. • > rude or pemstent telephone salesperson V(on'l . lake '!no" for~ lnswer ... hang up. You'. re in 1 con~ of your telepbono. ' ,, I Of coune, moslJleople who sell by phone do so courteously and considerately, offering hon- est values you may well be interested in, Pacific Telephone off en 'any business which is inter· ' ' • ' • • r toted free information about good telephone ~g. w~ suggest .th·~ they ·make sales calls dnly •1 ~nvenient times an4 only to bona fide · ~ospects-and that. they ifentify themselvee ,cleaily and approach you honestly. But if you'll> ever bothered by a rude sales call· ... juatbangup. You don't have to lislen to th<>' m .... ge. And the caller will certainly gel youn. @ ~ICi!ic Telephon1 J : . • -• • " ' ' • Seagram's 7 Crown The Sure One '4" .,, ... '1" . ..... THE HEART OF NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK ' .YBIIJ YODIS OUrYl'.Cltlonl~aecntuyJubeni Kronm1n,hlre...,. Barbara 11 W•ll awar• that althouah the Newport "i~ fion>~ :ttt.,~ Vallartl, Mex~r la NaUo,,_I Bank'• tanllblt aueta •Ill spelled out In dol· j · 'N ' iaitld wtth Newport Nlttonal lars, ahe feeils thlt it1 perm1nency ii assured bltauM 'flf1lr'I tt -''Just.thlt1"!(D;of us-Mr. Woodford of such fnbn~les u esprit de corps, humlllt)', coop. (I.. • .J . . •ration{ u!Mferstandln& 1nd lnteerity of pertOn1lltlN. _,, ~ _._,.. Jw c:anitr in .Chicqo, after attandlhl Thde'ara whrt she strWes to atuin. She btlleYn In ~OtK.ntdc:Waftd DtPaul University, end enjoylnc Hte whit. )'00 c.n and beina: aniund hap~ + ~ it.e ...... to Lot Anaeta, she ;otned Mobil Oil, people. Does she like her Job? "Of course I llkll It,' -lho -· .... _,... •mine all the facets of she "p,. "You mMl the happtest people •t Newport ~ R1la60111~fi.icL She en~ personnel N1tioM1 S.nk" • -·~-11(111 JliWli ,,,....-.. tt... declslon to llw ind PtDiH Ille lo tell ¥1\11 that 111 blnkl' services tit tfll Sllllt. --.... --nc-Nowpo<IBMch-~~ •-,.,,.... ..... »-wt>e19 she utllliod her t-•~•-qwitttrvl. Our IMO I> 5:00 ho1111 formmpl'"' _.,.. l•cllll•••ll•JlondNnc them•ny-lls tn· · "'*' doaqt, Ille accssslllillly al top declsio' meijnr .,_ ·""""' "'~""""" ~,..,·-· ' , .)lves-:tl!ilt ""'" 1ul 1dmlt11es. We havunolh'!-IObtl• ~ heatd lbclUt HewDort·N•tiomil ind lmmedl· 1 Hnt:n: peoplt Btctuu thty 111 enjoy wontn1 htrt. ,...., .. wantMt;tfJI _JOb, It Olrriou1ty· ottertd unlimited , w -· e11joy bin kine htte. · · ...._.lbutU.,....ttractionwaathechll'-np. ''So ' 1 .Jlr:.Wocdford.JJlrtd. l'OI", lhe ll)'S proudly, "Ind the,. ~we J111W9 In our llttte on.room office, startln1 out ta ....... ttr..s .... blnk''. ltrbar.'• t1J1e la Exec:udw Secrttary to the Pres~ • thtff of ua. lhedoel whltwer is needed. Wfito• lsol't ·-tnc" "" -e.,..,. en· Jolt_llillll'""=' I« a~ ... of pace-Los ~~~lnl pnnp-Lia V-. She llk•s Latin _ ... __ " .. WUTQ.I,, AT DOllllt .,,..IQ.UU u.nrot: AT .wtlClllU ........ 1.fl CA.lll'US Af lltMmfUR ... NMlll ONll TILLS PM DAILY-6 PM ON PRIDAYI r... '"'9lillll-.... ttmooo rnlfnllw '~'"" \ • ' I ' ' , I I ., :( I I I . i I I • • ! • ' '· • • • • We do, n1,turally. But make no mistake about it: We w 11• tt.....O investon too-u we've been 11J1Aab,...:... beclUM we think the aalvatiml of cm.,..... U. In broadening the baa<! of bos!noN ........,. • • • . in getting more and more peopJe...Wt _. ble. to own 1 real 1take in Am.miCUl a~ .. -.... Sometimealt ltelDI to Ill that tbil Utlle lutillk1c ii ahowins a better .undent•ndlnt el .... opportunju .. -,.., and thooe ~­ thu the...,, o1-ter ........ Aldl:W tt.o people who mab *"" thu lhG,008 a .,..Z atllJ doo 't own 11C11ri.U... w. thlnlt th.,. .. mllllJl8 oomotldnt-~ ROOd for them and 1101Dethlni ROOd for A ...... Who wonts bla cutomenT We do. And furthmnore we think we cu aay ww"" pt the faclHtiM and...mc.. that nchcutomss · _ need. . .,. '• ., . We can say that with coolidonco beca ......... our •tided cutomen we'n happy to number et lead u many to<alled "bis ao:ximitt'' u DJ other brobr In the countly., Whether you demand dOl8DJ of fut ex.ecutiolll , each week... · W)tthcr JOU wmlt a llWdJ itJeam of fut and inlonnat!on aboilt -!dtoatlnns, portlculat ~~ . ' ~••r • • lncreasins corpaate cash res«ve~ arid 1 new aener• lion ol lnnov&tive managements have ~ thl !rend low;iirds mu11i-lnclustry dlvers1f1c:adon -h 11>- Cllled conglomerates. Now Investors ..,... the oppo!'· !unity af obtaining a divenlfied DOrtfof1e wfth OM stock. A new E. F. Hutton reporl sh.Kl•• rrwn tNr\ 20 such conglomera1e companies. It iric:ludl9 a 1111 of f-'Clors lo be considered before ln'lestlf'C. Just rellrn the coupoo. No obli11ntion, d cour!.e Address•-------------- City, _____ State, ___ ZlpCO To"'*""'-------~~~~ E. F. HUTION a COMPANY INC. IU Neorffl M.lfl s....t, s..t. ...-, 147 ... " 21 t ,_ ....... .y. L-. 11"4 4J7·:tt7'f ME.MIER Hf"' '1'0 11;1( A'-10 , ... Clfl'IC COAsf nou: l!llCHAllGU AHO Ol11E.-lEAOl'-IG SECVlliY AHO en~ llJlCHANOl!I ~--------------------~ .. ----_. ---~,--------­• -- ' . . .. i'I -u· . -. -• ft· ~i *'• !·t ~I _:,·• •• .:.:r' ' =~ ~·~ f~ +• • •• • -··-·-• .. • • !M!l,Y PILOT f ' -. r.~ ~lt ::f · -' -. -=•"' •. '•,; t. ~.;: ii~ "' : .. ' .. ' . ..... ' .:.;·~ ,, .. +111 : -ii · -' ti -· +·"' =~· Record Profits SACllAMBNTO (UPI -. c.Illomla • w..-Sllto• . Lile W.,.... Cb. J.ut JUri · · .. ,.,... --... Of ' tii.21 mlll:km, • 1u,tit hl- crer.H ...._ 18, Prltld.e~ Robor1 E. M"'1'1!1 ,_.. od. .I I I I ) I ' ' , ~ " . 'l'fli...: __ .• .I WU3 I • . I ·' WV4••••••••wsMia BIIL DONER ' ... IH4•'t ,....re Ute DGU1J Roten' ~on at 9iC lrvilll, nin at the Dodr:er game or tbt Angeles in ftnt place, Neu· inann'1 quitting limply didn't ftgun. After an. the guy bas to take a ·pay rut to 10 to stanford and the job would still be there in a couple of YNnl U be wuted it. But, al coune, fher'e it the pos- sibility be bu beea prornaett Bowie Dall.mar'• head pMt, alttlougtt Paul 11 the lirrt to deny that. More likely, San Frandaco coach Bill Sharman bad a lot to do with Neumann 11 toutng in the towel. ' Sharman, according to the little voice Jndde the Cow Palace dressing quarters, ha1 alway1 resented Neu- maM 'I loyalty to former Warrior coach Alex Hannum. Further, he became .o upset when Paul mentioned the poalibility of go- ing intD roaching, that he bellcbed his top guard for virtuaJly the entire playoffs. While Pblladelphia'1 Wally JOOff and Hal Grffrl had a p6cnlc against tbe Inept Son Francl&co gu-. Shor· .man stuck 1tubbornly by hll guns and let Neum.mn gather notll.ing but '!>llnlen. ~olG ..... bite.. ef 1ota1 09t bi a blne of 1lory 11.ke he deserved. Neomau ••• tltu forced t. rtedve Ith lut applaue a a player n the 1tde- Une1. His ... ftUHelplda teammate. knew whit w11 Uppelllnc and. dldl"t like It. Ne.Hiier did Ith War. -playtaf polo. 'n.I .. el Rn. P. G. Newman of Celt.a Ml!lll'I nrd Bap$ilt Cllud., Nnmua bl ahraJI beea • Hfkptkea ud ..-i, ,.,.. lu. Certalaly lie ....W lie Ille laot to caue dluemloa tf ..,. klad. T9 Ille Miier ud, lie accepted ~ luntpt wttlaolt cempWaln1. la fad, .. 'O probabl7 be ..... •pie& ..... b ~ tUa ..,.~ Iii•<-· llDt na .. 1 ttru(e ·~ _It lffrm ...,. fllr Paal Heam.au'• side ti Ille "'"1 -be told. Evn Jimmy (The Greek) Sayder, wherever he ... wollld baTt wut.ed Jt that •• ,. /, .. • Jockeys . . , Cause Havoc SWllPS U~ Dick HltWo sell alive. Seid Yoot, In ~ tM 11~ lint prlzo .....,, "It wu --er an e:rdti:q race. I*ve Down off moumaina before, but I've never tll· countered tudl turbulence." With Piccard as a compaaion, win-- net y 09t ,,.. the Ont to °" across the ~h o. .. neJ ln a }tot. air balloon. In private, Yoat tokl fellow argo- naut DI.ck Hlgbie, "I've been OJinl 1S years, but tbil race teared bell out o/. me." Yost'a ballooo la at tbla mom.mt &till perched on a Sao Bernardi.no mountain roost end be doem't lmow" yet haw the macblDe can be retrined.. Higbie, tbe Bolboo l-attorney flying the coiorl of the Galapego. I1iaod Balloon Club, experienced bis own Id ol kunpt. Flying 21 and one-quarter mllu, Higbie pulled tbe <:<><d and made h1I landing in tbe Joshua Tree National Monument. M he landed, a twirling delert dust devil violently spun tarn and h1a craft around with the basket plowtns up great fUJTO'W1 of federal real ertate. When he brought h.11 nuichlne under control, be re-launched and lalded on a bandy road some six miles dJltant from his ori,atnal landing site, tbe .mer to be picked-up. AwaitinJ: Higbie on his second de. ON)t, wu a Dilttlct Park Rimiger, who WT'OCli him a warning citation for il- legal entry Lato a National Forest, lligblt WU then hauled to hl1 flrat landlnl &lte, where with Aage brush be wu ~uired to era1e tht damage hil balloon bad caused . Becauae Hilble was timed in the air 24 minutes over the allowed time , ht was allo 'diJliualifled by the Judgea, but came home '500 richer for hi1 ef- f..U. Higbie'• comment 1'1!gardlng hi~ saga, "hairy and !JCBrey." The wlrw:I (S.. BALLOONS, Poge 11) ' . . .. ,. .. , .,lll--!11 .... ..., __ DeM -• \ .I( 81¢1' -·-·~­'1'• tl*d. J11 sf I @ 1> .. • Et!!!" ~ player irld ,_,, _....y PILOT -' 1 ... -,.. no ~ am Clfrk-llgnoil a_,.,, .... . ..... Lolon 8111mr, .... ..... ---·-·-· ..... .,. """'.... "' 11,5111. hslNo ·----·-Joy,_,._.,_..,_ lllall .an, a .cw ... .._ 0r-, _Coomty_ .. _ .. 'Nattolaf'l I a cc ..... tloa (DA) ~ , P'lr Rem-, W.. a _. Ill -... Ud••llW (llTTfe> lt"1adrelllt.eemetna-1 • "I..,..,. ___ .. .., ph w.• 1te <Pllftl1r ...._ 9Jlllr' ~~)..Wlfl~ ...... ___ .., __ "' .. --rlglot ~ _, ~~.:'!'.:"' ... -·-' ,,._ .. ·-"-Of-. '•••Jllb&c" ~-..... .. ..... bat theJ .. ~· 10, rn.bo.-to-a. 11. ,, • "''iCJ .i•O:an•dnf .a ... .,. - ftat tmpreued Ltbr d" 2 • .ys I ' • .I •I • ·~r 'Greatest Slow-smrti~g .. Dpil,g¢~s , Starring· to F~x M~ck/s Team ·~{ AD,' Says Haun1un " MA~uWiml OW! , .. ~ M" ''l'Y -(Mi. ~ -Y'n laFa-.W. B::alta . W L-GBL » I .'19 7 I .• 7 I .• s ' - s ' -' 7 ... I S .115 • ' .JM I 7 .JOI I I .B ' &llZRICAN LEAGIJI! W L Pd. GBL 7 I .ID I 4 -\I I I .1141 \I II.Miii I I .1141 · II 11 .5001 I I .I!& 1\1 4 I .444 Ill fl .<OOJ 4 I .<Oil I . · '64 lllllck.S,1.- ......... ..\It , ... ,... ..... ---· .$)399 '64 Olds .Dyn. 88 ,,., ' ................. ... ...... Mii' ........ . $1999 ,--....-·---·---~. • SPRING SAFETY SPECIAL : IWI CORAL POUSH $)9~ .... ...... _ I • b.uu.1 m.11 1_':_~,~:..~:_ ·UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2l50 HAllOR ILYD. COSTA MESA \ • I ~---- - 1 k • • ' • ' - ; ..... -.Twe.m..·~ ........ ..._ , .... IUICL.,.....I,: --. --... _..~._..1;.-. ......... -. -........... .. ............... ..... V.WClll9il• ·M ........... ~-M ,,......._.~Hr ... ._ ....... ~-N ..... .....,,"' .., e:-.. -.. 'V..-..... ~I· -M • .._.....__ ' ... ..,....,. .... -_....... ·-; ...... -= ~ -, ..,. ... -.....nr .·~ .... ; •• ...., -~....,. .. -~ 'C:o;.:.:· " 1 It ..... ~ . • Ra11ll1• Sie I . ByNo.niller BAti.OON 'R,ACE •. '! ~~;;;- ~-.. ,· l .. ~ I 11 '., _... llt:•. I •• ·-·· .. -.=---...._ -.. -......_ .. ·-c 4 ...__ ~$ t ii ,7;.--.. 74' h> ., w '1:· _., ....... , ... - -. J 2 1' II .. 0-~ .JI k .. _ .. ___ ,. ·lf~••r .... T §5?'-, 1 :;-.::;-:.·::r~'":I' . ....... ' .. • Tod lllllllliol • ti!!; .... -"I .......... ~-.. ... ~ .... ,.,, •• I I ....._ .. 1111 ........ -;.......,..,, 0 '6 ii 1111. lilt*>?)! ...... -...... ---=· ...... WMlO ' Ir •acktt .. oi::, \It= pllc~ ~ ... , ... OM' " .... 11'11' 11 ............. !.t: •. -~ ..... Ja::dlc _ .. ---. _ .. tAo-•n -t.-o.ic. ......... ., ••• gp· - -mi.a~-· ..... ___ .,., ........ -... n=:t,~;.;~ ftl .. Ml• •' 2 7 t llr ........... :. '·tootfo!--\ .... _., __ , ...- ' '1111 ...... -..... -,.,.~ -.: Bfiii I 161 11 •1~tf !1Jilfl ..... -- -hcd11till ................ ...... tlMl Mend.m's .... d lie .. nm ......... ..,.._ tt""' cw • ,_ llllf ........ ~- 1 , , , =1· .. • • • • • -· • • • •• ._ • • -• • • 'fl ': • • • • • • -· • • -· • • -· • • -• • R ti .. , iswti defut. .... ••v-.-.,. 21o1,1o..rfo1a1o ..... .. ..... • .. lntM t..iit I )Jil Mdap. . Tiia Wtio .,..._ I b e dl.n ii! -.! f, I flock for ..,._ .... _ .......-........ ... -k ltl·Jaapo--··:::r;:.. ;.~ =~cr-«Mt -..... -.......-.. -91 __ . l ;-~ .... 1 .. ~ ....._I/AO,.. f '1 • . - j ·-"9< -............ ---.. - . -0..-.Aee . • !'¥'', ... 8:54.5 NEW SWITCH ' _,"fl ......... 111 ~' • FOR MEET "'-"'" = .,. .. ~·· .. llllilWWTOll II> ~ t--~···i. Acbtuna:. ·~ tan.:i , ·r 1 • , Do not &o to Newport DI.I-. J ; 1 ! . : ·flict Stadium tonight, O:· • 1 a • pecting to see• tract -t .. ~: • ni'..t.. c , : • l Jl'ortbe~UiU-. j • ,· • tho= -])Is'.. 1 • • efest • been ft!--~ • ,• ' . Ldllt wOrd ' ,. ,Y • .. , ·· ll[ilil II t •at 0ampelitlGO • .... 111•, ti • • • ......... "\~ S. VII • .~. I I U.1.111 • •. ;;;;;;~.. , • • ~ • 1f"Wu. offlfn&lly bmed • ~· i : ' : lw Jut FridaJ, thee re- ,,,_.., :.. • 1 • • *tM for S.turday, then ~"":· ~ : : I ,.. tlll&hl A Ide ahift fl· :,:;:1! t ! : : 1 mllJ moved H to thh: alt· ......... • ' ..... • • 8!:!!!!!:!!:. f<•ll" • I I 1 ------ CGSIA llESA ........... ""'' ... ....... -· 7 -··---~-= ............. • I 7 I" OJ> ..... M WldlM. nw; ii -....... ~ ..... ..... cw.ii " •• " s •• CW> ., H I _..,. (WI n .,. ~ (Wiii ... 1-#" .._. fWl • *"'· ......... fWilll .. ,. 'ld!wtftlri CW) IS *'· ... (WaJ .. .......... <Wiil ... -~ fW) ftf H ' f • • I ' I r I . rii . !Y• lET'S IE lllllDI. Y " u 1"" ha ...... """"-or know of UJOM movlns to aur area. pteue ten u • that .. .., attnd • lrlendb' -ud bllp -to -aequolntod In their new tmroandtnp. Hllllllllfol_. Ylsllor 147.&151 Costa Mesa Visitor 145-ISfJ So. CNsf VJsllGf ' ,, 11 ........ ,. 0.-. Ur••rC•=•· .....W.HJM':-.,_w.itlotto .... ,_ . ..,.~,·· -..... "'"'""'",to ... "" .... - -,,. ..... ,. -....... ......, .... ·---.. ..-.. ~ $129 95 c-.. ---. . . no...,. ' " ! REFRl&EUTOR.flfEZfl lWIN ' The fabulous Fri .... lre "'o.nmi.1r 1wfflpc aJss-trw ..... lry•ide twtn. We haw IMCle a sped8I ,..d -• thh .....,.. ond the N¥1np "'" 1oo1nt padM rilht lo,.._ • Cornplotoly frolt-troof -No ...,_, • ., -1 • Only 35% in. wKle, but hos 19.1 cu. ft. copocity. • FToor.o: soctioo ~ • 9ig.rmc 244 a. . .a. (and it's com-plotoly frostpoof) • R.!rigorator SMtlon;, 12.12 eu. ft. -wilt. deep do« ........ •"" ad'pm1blo ....,. .. for grMfe,t -. .. -..... . ' SALES 646-1684 ONtY $12~ PER Mo. ' W.NJ!.P~ $39'.fl Ftil ..... ' ( ,. .. . . . -_,, Harllor Yhllor 6'24515 411 E. 17th Si · Cqsta Mesa • ill •• JI~ .... F s ..... "U'!IC! r:;: :::s:R' I __ _, ... • . . . . . 'J • ,. . •. ' ' . -1 • I ; • • " • ,_ • . f ' t \' OPEN • ' ! 9 'tll 9 • ___ .,.._ __ .... _. -. • ~---- . . . ' ~ ,...., ,,.... ... "" ...... .. APIS~, -Band!ta ll~g In the awards pre-aentaU... are lubloned Mn. Cll!tOO Nichols of Laguna~ JlWors. ·~ elta de Oro" is the con· vention lli,Ome, wllh . Ill -•na 1pproprlately ls· bled io_,..11 .. h PROGRAM PIRSPICT!vl -JIUdor;....., aD ct N8wport l!eiltlbii 11so cJWleDleor~ ti.' convention proeram. Up to1he ·titat m -members Oell lo right). Ille Mmee. Clintoi> CllDPbell Jr. ud J1ct llllllloro. p'eeldenl DEAR ·~· LANDERS: It ia e:r.· actly o qo today )bat he left me. I ~ ';lit wu S3. We had a beautif~ l!o'!OI and ~· handsome SODS whO Joi\.' very ~ like: their father. I ~ber DOW, the. times be l!ked me to tirvtte hb tnother to din· ner. I Mid, -<•1 refuse to put mysel! through the agony. I can't stand her." And then there-were the times be asked-·in.e to invite hi& bullneaa. associates fw cocktails. I told him to keep his busine11 frlendl out of our home because they were not our 10- clal equals, and It wouldn't do to mix the two. One morning he left for work u usual. He telephoned from hi& office to say he was coming back at 3 p.m. -to pack hls bags. t aaed him where he was golng. He ~ered: "I am leaving you." I replied, "You cu't l'O· J love you." He said, "That'1 the ant time you have uttered those wOlldl ill three years. I've waited a long Ulne to hear them. It's too late now, blby." Ask the women In ·your reading au- dience when was the last time ttiey said "I love you" to a hard-working hu1band. I have said thoee words many times lately, but tnJ husband has not been around to beM' me ...... STILL HilRTING DEAR llUllTING: -...... -1mart e:aoqla t. ~ frt• die ... taket ., .u... llen't ,_. .... lor thole favored: few. nub fW wrlth!i(. Drlniin1 may be "in" to tbe tldl you run with -but it can put J0111 "out" f~ keepl. You can cool it and stay popular. Read "Boor.e and Yoa -F<>< T...,..pn Oaly." Send ,. cents in coin and • long, self....S.- dre1Sed, rtlmpod envelope -JO<r request. Ann Landen will be g,1ad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PD.OT. enclosing a seU-addreued, 1tamped envelope . • ' , I ...... i f 1111 -'-'JC '• Infiltration Disc• 1ssed _ z1·11 f1° )' .... -.. -... o ....... .. tlflc: "Dr.. • ... Fst llL -·-.. am. o.Q =•c• c r ' • ...... .n-. ............ .· fte 7:11.... ... .. _ ....... _ M W lmlll .......... ;-.... -Dr.)ll*f; •u ~ lstl. a ... I ..... ..... , ., ...... ~ Br-a•cll. -•• , 1 1 .. :a, ~ .. _..._ ts:lllle •, s JJ r ... ., .. c ......... ,, .. _,, .. •·ar'1a111L ·· ._ ..._ -i r r .......... .., .. ~.s.Mca i.\i . ...... .• z! sf ----.. a.-. ..... P-1 l;•ta a.di: 1or:-z=:::•mof 'Wf•~~W· CM--S.Sa--n ·-···--.. -....... ., __ .... ~ ... _ Oops,,, We Goofed MJPr'+11tlfted .... capac. tut Wrdnr.say were lliu Saalb° CaadtD and JI I I I Bevan s~. bolll z.ta Gir1a-Gf- Miu ' OmdeD k t II e ... ..,.,... "' llr ... llra Fruldl E. c..-"' -- porl -ad ---RIC• -A -at Oaola -lllP._llo_ .. .. denaM-' tJI llr .... Jin.. MaTtll. I'!. "' 5 et. 0... 1a-. . -. I 11nryy &. ' . --. llal7 -·a:; D c»;a_., 6e El:llpre: ..U Ille f I r 1 t Wet er' f al I p.m. in 0 7 ..... ~ L«:.tiau _ .. __ -lhJl'md c. BoilanJ, 1114'11. •• . .~,\-1 . e'l\eZ (t'a'.1\£ ·:~J;;'j:,-;.-;, t" & Now Scrring .., ;fi9a..; ··· .... • •. Luncheon MMlll#J thru Friday ft-11i30 .At Moder4te Prias 571 S0Unt MAIN• ORANGE • PHONE l{l-.1'95 • (§&! • * ,.,. • tr h •\• ~--·~~ ...... _............. ,. • • .. \ __ .. __ . . -. ~ .. ,. -. . 14~ ......... "' ... ft. ,.u. ........... fl•hl. .. """' ;-_..,...._.McJi .... tllffe:MI rt.ff. ' . . .. I 9 kJ• ............. c.,e.. -' . . ' . ·-~ . ~aw-~-"" , ...... c... -·-·-=-~ ................. .,.,, ... • ··-"lilli>'."' ... ------~- \ ' l ' J • • .... . ... , . ' . , • ' ' ' n ... port at I - ~ .. D I I ' , , ) I . • '· ' J • • . . • ., - . . ..... -. ..-......... , --.. l ... " ' 'lllJtf ·--.......... I • .. ' ' .. . .. .\ ' ' Ml.Y('L'! ·11. -.· -'. ,.. ' / . • --_ .. .-1n.m.: ... . , ., ... ~It;. 1:.11Prlnlt,imiBiggarsstock el .. · · Furniture fOr'OufdoM.Lfvin; foatur ... l9rawr>Jonlon in lightweight tubular alum1num with.vinyJIJaclng. Celor . combinaiion1 of.lii'iish•with lava~ sage with ll!lpOnd ~ -'" ' . ' hon.Y·withl !>o"'Y· ~ popular piec:8o·a;• 1linple tO•mai11ta.i11>if1 ony we.ither, -•imply ..... off \ . . ~ . ' . and allowlo drip-clry.s9lect;yciu1u1ow from table.and chair eombltiallonl. adjustallle chai-(lounge chairs, ) . rocken, ottoman•, serven • and 1ide tabla. ,. j •• . . . \ I ' I Rectangular table with 4 chairs .. .' ...•....•.•.•.. 195.00, Ml SANTA A!'lA:. MAIN AT ELEVENTH .. ' I I • -I • • . .. . .. ON A PINHEAD ' It IM'I ~111t• Hie ,,,.,, l~i119 •• 1n1cribi119 th1 C.111lilvli011 • ffrit kM .f • •Ill, ""'' oli<ll yov , .. ,, ••tlly r11ill the "F~ Tti. a-c.,.,,.. ft1fvt1 IR tlio DAil Y Pll0T1 You'ol6i.1 ivrpriielll ...., ,., -" l..f•r!OltfltR WO Ct n pt(~ lnlt 1 '"''II 1pt<t . t ··---- • • ' .. . l I • •• • ~ ....... -... ,,,.,... -.. .,,.... -... -· •-roo -'"4 ...... ~~ ... ----· ----...-... __ • • -.. &I. • ' • I I 9 q • • -. l ~· > r • • • • . .. • • • 7 = ------- •• • • • • • • , -• • I ' . . ,. .. ' • ' <n-· f', • !CSIS....w · ~ •• . • ' l \ ··. • I ' ... ' •• ' . ··- • • IM-.0--AUO 'IANG-You·•r DEAD' ' . .. . . .. - • • ytGAI. NOTICZ I I !• • ' ".,. • • • • • 1 y, . ~-· " ~ 0 . ·T • • c ·A ' S ·(', ~ s I • 'f ' . ~I • ~. " . • J .. D '• . I ,. 6 4.' I 2 -5 . 6 7 8 I ' • 4 BR .!'(Ii p at I •+• Stt>.951 .. Wol ,., ,,,_,,,. •• .. ......... llP•T•F•ll!Jlll•••r•r•s•z•n•a•&llllZll!llJ~l!?!ll!!'7'"'"!!!!!!>!1'!!!t!!tll·-11m-----•a --•-•'"'!'•.;;.-.---· · -·----------.. _ ·~ -~ ... . . . . .. • . , ' • ' • ,. ' . ' • . . " • • ... j . ' ' • - • • - ' \ lAlldw.~ A 1 ,,,,,.., .. .,,..... • I , :1 ' ' ' ' • . • ri n•1e 1ZJ. i mawE: ~ I JLS.G9.1G.1 :J1T JABSCO,._ • ,_. I • ' J .... .. ..-,-.- ' . . .. ' . ' • ..... ___ f;t~:::;.;;-"~-.. :~·--~· ... - -. ···--.. ~ -····· .,_ ' . .. . .. . ---... • • ' ---... _ --· ~· • • - . .,. .. ,. .. ,,,__,; \ ' ... ' WHERE THE DEALS ARE MADE! FOR 49 YEARS NO. 1 IN ORANGE COUNTY We wll meet or beat any legitimate deal from another dealer, because YOU,· our customers, are also no. l .. • Finest bank ~9 avaDable • Finest service fGCllffes • Finest Selectfon of new can . • Finest saleSJMll to serve you I TRY US, AND YOU WILL SEE! . ' " DUNTON · . ~· ~ . F·ORD • ' " . ·' •:·. , . .,. ·; ... • ' _KGB Vi~it Might Mean Tron-hie ! U the put II aa ·~, tbt - ii the two bill><-., ..... -Jioilce !KGB) ......... opell> troubl< for the U. s. WOOi Gen. Vuilly V. MDr.bocb· ON THAT VISIT the two KGB ollJ. kov, aecood NJlklnl in tlMI KGB, md ctab were credbd with arran&IDc tbe Gen. -~-1he Gii... Mil ot ... -~ l&atioo'1 aecmtt;r e:qMtt, ahowed up ha DC auapmenta ol SA-2 •'91W- IA Cuba and Ncrit Vietmm. ... 1iP" to-air mUsilu, DOW beiJJt used •llimt pearance wu 1119 l«•www ~ Dt'W" U. S. air au.cu. arm1 mUIUl'ft aip:iut: lbe U.S. . 1bb oipention alto induded estab.. First vi1it r:J the elite KGB team IWdng h routes over Commum.t in the Weeitern bMniwptice wu .in De-amu, as well u rail rout.et, for the cember HID, wbm ~ l!ben-delivery of anna. bower wu J&epminc to turn f111f!I' the retna to ~ eled Joba ,Ken-U.S. autborities believe one pul'pOle ned of'tbe two ~ ddall' trip Ayi)atkul Securtty Acut:r report here ii in. on witb tbl fCJl'tb.. at !lit--11111 a KGB loam ,_. .....,__ vl -budld by Jlorft'4'"f mt tzrmcttnt W fllcb11 •Mtw... New York iiti! Gto. vmorr-llod -hi IJa. -· :., ... .:::·:-:n.~ will~ ~~~by ttpt: ta11111o I .ad. mm to falow 'Iba Amel ... ~ md. AeroOot. NIA. dGI , Ill wertl tbt Jlrahed.. . A a.&.mJDY ol A...oot-au ... --.~-· .. med tar .......... aCIMtles. Al ,.. ~-:~--- • rr R.EVEAU tbat t. two Jl.111•'•1 •aveied via Pr~ they •-tqed the ant of mm for Culro. The -II !Ut«y. The .... _ obi--1--11 In 11111 Jed to tile --In Oc-lober 1912. GeDlnlJ Maublcnkov and Vino--ov "--' In om. In Sep. tember l9U W1tb thm-KGS ddel Ale:k- undr Sbelopln. '""' trio ... """' of Cutro and "Che" GoewrL A Cen- tral lnt.lll(eDce Agency .._t ......, they spent eeftl'a1 1reeb inlpectl.ng Soviet military CMDP1 before r«urn- lng to M-. ·The nen in4M ._. '4rlp by made WU ln Jenlm'y 1185, when they lhow· eel up in Hanoi and stayed nearly a mootb. )Mlftocl Ill --In ........ -----hiEu-ros-a COUDb1e. ~e eipe:Oed for opy\11(. • While Jn 1he U. s., Generali Moz.. abectlk.oY mid Vlooeradov tpent con- •Jdenble time at Kennedy· Interm- tlonal Airport In New York and DuJ. !es lnt«natlaoaJ In WU!lngton di«k· ing routes IeadiDC to ud from. theae -· '""' also -ed lhe big ..... v-peace dellioomalloo lhat Dr. Martin LuU>er XlnC addressed In N ... York. 1be KGB offldall appearLd to be particularly interuted in the re- action of the crowd to haranguu call- ing for halting' the bombing ol North Vietnam. -Robert 5. Ane. ud Pa'll ScoU What I Have, vs. You, He AntJCI wtth SemanUct: PubUt We Dlvl1lo11 - A politician I approve of has "Crlend!"; a politician I am doubtful of hu "cronies"; a politician I dis- like hu "confederates" or "camp fol· lowen." Likewise, my poUticlal party need$ a stronger "organization," but your poliUcal party has too strong a "ma. chine." My candidate is "allver-tongued": youn 11 "leather-lunged"; his Is "a wind-bag." My statesman ls "firm"; "yours is "authorltarlan"; bh "runs rough·thod over all oppoa:ttion." Whit the government gives me is a "sublkty"; what jt gtves you ls a Dear Gloomy .Gus: I'm tired ol these "tired Amerl- ca111" -find all " their fe!-.,,.. ctttzens contemptible, wbo detplae and deplore the policies and actionl ot their ,overnment, and who bold no hope for the future ot out country. Happily, they're wrong. Unhappily, they're not dead wront. "handout." Our participatlon 1n Vietnam la "lld- visory intervention"; but the other side's p&rticlpation in Vietnam. ll "Red domination." I AM FOR "individuali&m" in the market place, but when 1 run acros1 someone who wants to u:pre11 bis in- dividuallnn hr wearinc • beard r Sllllp@d: him of being "uil·Amerk:b." In the poliUc.t sphere, t haw "prin- ciples" i you have "ideology"; be bu ''dOCJDU." Our military m.all:es "surprile IO?'· lies"; their military makes "terror- ist raid1l ." We "indoctrinate" wJU, "inform•- tion"; they "brain-wash" wlth "propa. ganda." The candidate 1 voted for won "be- c!&we of the good common serue of the people": the candidate I voted for lost "becawe not enough people have good common sense." I AM FO.R "leadership" when the mayor 1 ~-supported Is In office but I am aglllllllt "bolslsm" when the may- or I opposed ls in offi~. I have "connect.ions": you have "ln- Oueoce"; he hu "clout." My relative is in "pubUc aervlce": youra is in "politics"; hla la "a pay- roller .'' • - A. It. K . .. ""' ....... ,,..._ -""'"· ... :..-... -.... -..... • ,..., .., -.. .._., ... Dally , .... ,, ' l ' ...... As an offlce-holder, l accepted a "gift''; you took a "rake--0ff": he was fUilt7 ot 1olicitina: 1 "kJci.blci.." . . .. ' , . ' . Don't Put Bananas an. -. ··r , The Humidor. ' • .• -.11''" .... • • ; Dear GJ,p, ',Ii.ft a DODC ..... milt al Jli dlaMO •.,_... Ud I cu~ ..., ., llrWll= illai "' .. lialllt. Do ,. ..... ..,. ...,.._ ... . Cll'1fL'•q Cit? 1IOlllllm • • _ ................ ··-··· t ·; ,.-.... ,... -· -•• - i • .. . --' ' .. ' • ---... ...... ··-·~·-· -l: .. . ' f',,...-,\ ........... _.._ .... ,4.& .......... -,ol.~ ......... _________ • _____ .• ,-•. _, .. __ P'. ";1.