HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-04-03 - Newport Harbor Daily Pilot\I .; .. . ' What's -Behind. Gr.ilne C . . ? omm1ss1on • Ol'tJti Jtidfbiilaing· BiHidi l l J Sout h Clement1ne Anahei m. C~l1 tont1 a Cc.) Comp. VOL:. 59, NO. IO, 1 SECTIONS, 21 PA&ES • SATUlDAY, »Rll 3, ·1965 4 .. .-J Y oar 8ometo11111 ' Dally Paper TEN CENTS ArelllNI ~Jae World Doctor NEWS DIGEST ---~·---,...~-.._~ · Takes U.~.-Planes Challenged / UCLA · Grid Star Held as Burglar ....... ,? ..... -. ' ISLW -'l"he s..t U.. _. c. t•H•at ... .. n, Wiii c1Nlll ... "::J::. •1Fd1• wr w.t............... ,.,._. .. n ... IHI ... 6e .... .._. city, tt w ••un11• • ...,. - The •ffhtr' ._, o.n.. MWt 1111tcy ADN ..W the •Ill Ulrt wll .......... MICt week. ..._.._ .... nml•·= ........ , .. ... _., • .,_...., eq •••• 1% ..... ...... ......... .,ea ht ... DAILY PILOT . . . Fifth . Says Women Sought Help By Red Jets in Vietnam Plan Rejeeted What's Behind Crime Fighters? ' 0 Hearing Set For Assault . Americans ' . ' i Attacking Near Hanoi SAIGON (UPI) -Rus1ian· built MIG jets challenged American planes bombinc Commuiilst North Vietnam to- day for the first time, It waa officially announced here. A U.S. Navy spokesman aaid three MIGs ''interfered" with American raiders attaclclng a railway and highway bridge 95 miles aouth of Hanoi, capi· tal of (4ommuniat North Viel· Today 11 Dime-A-Line Day SANTA ANA -A 25-year· old Huntlngton Beach man. Arthur Dale Page. faces •1 jury trial in Superior Court here May 24 on charges of assault and assault w I t h a deadly weapon on a 21-year· old Anaheim woman Feb. 18. Today and every Sat· urday the DAILY PILOT publishes Its f a m o u a DIME·A:J.INE ada. Thousands of these little powerful giants are published 'each year and have proved to be not only the best re~d ada In the Southland but the surest reaull·ietters u well. Page,~ of 7781 Cypress St.. Bev ~treet and Thurtn Avenue, Co.st. Mesa. Calll. By TRO~AS KEEVIL lie wants what he Clllls "pro-_"Actually.'' says Schmldt.,from the county's law en· iB alleged to have forced the 211 vi. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, Calll. Of .. DeltY "'" ,,.., fesslonals" checking into it. "we feel there Is a need for forcemenl agencies. woman at knife-point to drive 308 Ftlt.b St · Huntington Beach, Cali f. The Orange County Crime -The commission's director. some agency to examine au The Association of Police her auto from a Santa Ane For ClassUied Ad vertising. Call 642-5878 Commission Is a curious or-William A. Schmidt. says the !oral government ,. Chieh of Orange County is on coffee shop lo a service sta. Read them every Sat· urdav In the DAILY PlLOT want ads. You're bound to find just· the thing you want -and cheap! Take a look for yourself r I g ht now. they're on Page 19. For All Other Departments, Call 642-4321 ganl%8Uon . word "crime" in the title · recorl1 as unanimously re· tion near Harbor Boulevard From Westminster and North County Teleph ones, 540-1220 Its president. Ad o Ip h doesn't mean that much It LITI'LF. HELr jeding the need for such a and Ball floarl. Jette B tin). Schoepe , clearly fears that was stuck in becaUie crime \\'hat ever Its goals. the Or· commission. Sheriff James gerson. of 705 Provincr St .. major ctiminal elements are commissions have been sue· angr County Crime Commis-Musick. b anvlhing but en- 1 escaped unharmed. police muscllni Into Orange County. cessful in other cities. sron can eipect little help (See CROIE, Paie !) s~. \,~---------• l. .. ! -, I , ' • • 2 GA!L.f .. llUl/l•Hl,'fl••l'M"" Sot .. April 3, I 96S ,,,..,. r .. ., J CRIME SEIFERT. Ethel L. Survived by sons, Myron and Kenneth Triplett, dau&hter-in-law. Mrs. ~ ci.11....,. ,... .. ..,....,., c.n mJt.n Alvin H. Flener. Service Sun . ,,., 411 o.r. cn•111111•11• c.~ ..,_CIT! Frwn w""".,.'"' -NOre C-IJ l•-.. S41»e 2 p.m. Peek Family Chapel. 5.-.. c1•11 _, ..... .., 11 N~ -n. ... -....... ..._,..._,, Peek Family Colooial Funeral l;;;;;;";;;··,.~~·ii··~··~"•'"•"ii',.-;;;;;"•· ';;;'·ii"ii•,.••,.•,.-,.N,.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'>~';;; Home Directors. II !IAJ.TI: MORTUARIES Conm def Mar OR S.NIO Cotta Me. Ml •ta4 llELL BROAllWA Y JIOllTIJAllY il•--.c-.-, u..,. PED FAMILY COUINIAL FtJNEIW. BOMB 1111 Bol11 Ave., WHtmllllter .... SMITHS' MOJ!n!ARY IZ7 MaJ• S&. ~-· nua:t1uro..:s,,.Btacla "'ESTCLIFF MORTUARY • THIS . WEEK'S SPECIAL. ·112 POUND SPENCER STEAK Clioic• of Pota!Ms 99c a. ltol ......... . ~ 9!d At The FamBy Restaurant Uberty 8-1512 All, AUTOMOBllf AND llOlllS How1rd Gerrit~ . ow, .... C....••ln 187$ HARBOR RLYb. COSTA MESA oncludes-.· Dr. King Talks On ·Strategy: . Preiar-..I FRAZIER ... (lnterdenominationelt 2n Mont• Vial• SI.. c.t•,... _ KJ ~ bster Vacatio1 Bible Scllool Al n:fmON: Boys_, Girtl! ! ! ~ Ell1ft V~ ... Bibi• ScllOol ''T'roln" " """""' """" tM ""°· ft wtll pull into the station al Brentwood Chapel (lnt.erdenom--_. F--) S'IT'-Vllio St.. O>sta -.. April 12 .. ,,. A.II.: ...... -.... April II at U::GD ,..._ Olay ri6m ... "Ad..tun'' -... A.M. .. JI''° - -..,. '"-"" .. land of "Stsy ,'ftme" ..-tllll t!:ldml dlliJJ adftOo ture into out lessoos on "Living With-Christ" and tnto the far Off lands al M' ' · Tbll • JsBtf U. lb& "SliigiDg Mountains" and tben back whett: we Yisit the "V.iley ~ Haad.cpll'" C.! Uok! We've ~-inaP 1hl n.tm ot "Recreab aM IWrWJneat&." We ha\te IOllM wry ftDe -cbaen and ·~"" to bl!p the train a-go in ! Dont be late! Come early and get a pod .... u. ''Golpe) Train!" n-..port.ban if · ---".GIMlm'•.. ..· ·- ot , tM!\t &t.i.ft.lnlil ':11tr. t y :Ut • MAn'Kt:ss~:s • Can a bach1lor gli'I find happinlh in 1 .. IHd Pl••r ..atia11117 "-~~~~~-,I -111 -That depends. OejX!'Lds on Wha t adds up to hippinm. I. Cupid's .hclpt.r? A-hthhh. That'• wM:rt Bala~ced MATTRESSES ls it luxurious living? The answer, then, is~-Balanced. Powu rally helpo °'"girl fi nd ha.....;nen, Bectnne it IOATS • IN'IMF.S • 'f.RAIL&M Po h th c .. .L. ••· rnea.a.r SHom wtr giYCS « c IJl&lll of both gu a nd c:iccuicity. For givt"s hef a modern, autonUnic.gM ·range-Steak sizzling Lllterty S-l JO] htt beauty batha, 1• hcat1 the ·water. Gas beating keep from a live-Baine broiJer. Even burscn aizz1ioc &om a her cozy in winter. Elcc1ricl1y starts her clock·radio, runs live-A11nc broiler. Who can rm~t?. And '---au-,·,•, - CM• Mftfl ~l•lttf'J;• ta. I.-;:\; ...... "" ti~ Nf'wDOrl Rl i·d. her lV and her hi-fi. opens her c<\n~. drys her hair. auwrnatic, that range will watch thC meat k>af while the l';:----,=::::-=c=-"---'-' Dors !hr nttd an ally in kttplng her b11dgct in line until tends 10 1nnrc i1nport4lnt,mattcrs.. Like .... ,ung· ""'' (o, I• Ul'llOl.l'l t:Rv • '--. h h ··n R I d p •• In•: nt; 1 nliln ~Wttfl"I r-r 1l"''11y. 1rn a ;in(;(: o.,..·,.r 1$ lhc 1hcatrr . ;ind fOf hint. Mesa Upholstery Liberty 8-4781 me NEWPORT ILYD. for t.t.:r. S:l\"('5 ('001Jg:h in 11tllity hill' '"\Try month 10 hrlp l·L1 pp1nc ... ~ in a Rah111crd 1'01<>·er 1\p.;aruncnt? ·rhc only her cxph1in ;iway her l;i11:51 ra~h p11rrh.i<r (;u1rl th.11 ,\nue thin~ brnrr 1.1 happinc~ in a ranch·~tyle Hal1111ccd Power Fog;ir1y docs !Cl 111uch (or her, too). \\'hcther 1111li1iu ;uc I lo1 11c. 'I li31 "s the next s1ep. tir~t thi1igs f1t,t . Like hie your· inrluded in the rent or p;ud stpar;,.1 cly, &Ja11ccd l'o...,rr Kif out and find that lla!anccd ro .... ·er aparuncnt. Today! ii right there protccUng bu n"K<nSt. ,, (!7 E. J'Jt ll SC., CN&a Mt11 2M5 Hertler Blvd., Cost1 Mew e Kl 5·2271 Ml M888 11--------------' ------..!1 L 'SOUT HERN COUNTIES GAS CO MPANY W I I ,. , - • -• • -' . . ., -J . -·. I _, • ~ . ' I Do These Faces Look Familiar · . , Does that little blonde girl kneel- ing in prayer look at all familiar? Or the man swinging a golf club near the realty firm office sign in Costa Mesa? ' How about the officer astride a motorcycle making a point about life insurance? And surely you recognize the beauttful·blonde welcoming you to the "Pefsi generation" on the inside cover-o last week's TV Gui(le mag· azine. You've seen thei r pictures on calendars and magazine ads, 1100 perhaps you feel that you'Ye "Seen· them before. You may have. since all are. or have been, Orange Coun· ty residents. A Little Gi rl, A Motorcycl~ Officer, A Beauty Queen, A Real E~tate De1{"eloper~ . I i J What Have They . l The 1ngelic fa ce o( 6·year-old Arn ette Ridge. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raul Ridge of 271 Camellia Lane, Costa Mesa , has appeared on calendars and in fashion magazines sUice she was 2. Highly photogenic, Arnette at 4 was the winner ·of a "~odels and mannequins" show at Los Angeles' Wilshire Ebell Theater sponsored by the Screen Children's Gui ld. Her pictures are taken by the John MechUog Studio of Laguna Beach. , -The Lindbergh School first grad· er also has a number of Kodak color ads to her credit. An entertainer as" well , the younester often appears in shows at her parents' La Cocinita Restaurant. 6600 W. Coast Highway in Newport Beach. .. Got in CQ1nmQn~ 1.. ... They're Al~ Adve rtising Models By TOM TITUS Of llW D•llr 'lllt lleff Walter Gayner. president of the Mesa Verde Development Co. of Costa Mesa, didn 't know he was to be the subject of an ad until jt ap· peared in the current issue of "Orange County News Magazine of Life. ¥usiness and Industry." Gaynet. un ident1f1ed, i~ pictured beside his airpla ne in an ad for Lincoln Savings and Loan Associa· tion's Orange Coun ty branch in Santa Ana. . The savings and roan ad isn't the first ·modeling ventu re for Gayner. of .2850 Mesa Verde Drive. nat huge wooden golfer public· izing his comp an y's Pacesetter Homes on Adams A venue is actual· ly a back view of Gayner. \ I t . • If you're driving through Garden ~ve you may run across a motor- cycle officer who resembles one in lhe Mutual of New York insurance ad which appeared in the March 5 issues of Time and Life. and the March 22 issue of Sports llluslrated. That would be Robert J. Adam. "ho got into the ad after buyin g a MONJf policy from Earl E. "Eddie" LeBaron. a form er Newport Beach• resident now.Jiving jn Anaheim. Adam is depicted in one of a· series of ads telling how the initial misgivings of prospective policy hold ers about the nec.cssity of Ii re insuran ce is overcome. He was seen again in Look last week. The TV Guide girl is probably DAILY "LOT/Nl~~Ut s.t., ~prll 3, 1961 3 to You?. . .., •io . II . t•t! . --~ ' ~. i .. • I t' 7 \"fSa COlA ~'""""""' . most familiar to Orange Coast readers as June Lindeman, mull1- titled beauty queen from Cost a . Mesa. June. whose honr,ps include cilv lilies rn Costa Mesa and Newpor't Beach. the Orange County fair crown. Mtss California Beauty and California model of the vear. is the current Pepsi girl on magazine aml poster ads. ' !'{ow approaching be.r 21st birlh· day, June will compete £2r the Miss Orange County. title · Sunday .and will join the CalHornia eliminations of the Miss Universe pageant this summ~r. So next time vou sec a familia r fa ce in an ad. look again It may be one of your ~st friends . . . I ... ••• ~1 I - • • • I 4 o.ltLY "'LO'flllflW'M"flftl Sit, April J, 1 NS Pulpit and Pew • 'f .L FreuCI vs~J~ the F~-Ar~t? ·: An Easter Pagea nt In seven lse~t lhe $IOr)'. "The Lille!! of ac4 will be present ed Sunda.y lGolgotha," in an Easter cha· ~~ 7:30 p.m. a! the Costa Mn::a pel service Moniay, APril 12. f 1rst -MetOodiat Clwr(h, f'lO The pagemrt pratnU in 1-i \\!. 19tb St. The procram will and narnll • ._ story of be .offerff by the Church Christ's etall}' mt. Jeru salem School. llis passion and the Resurrec:- Psy~hiatrists Chi·'. ed for 0Te~symplifi~g : • L Neal Abrams will portrar lion. the role o( Christ. Children 's Narrators wl ll be Rick Da- choirs will _provide m u s i (. vis and John llendrlck. Solo- Robtrt Smith, Church School ists are Gall Felt 0 \(k Staley su.perinteodent •ill direct. Md Bob Goodma. B.wrt,. wu'. rnem~ ol. ll«hdl clauea wiD litcroft, Gena Uaey, htby ma.ke up~ cut. Vawter and Wendell Jacban. Fellowship • D d refruh-The dlarul will iodude Rhli menu ~ follow the perform-l>ktiopoukMI, RacfWll Daily anct · and Beth LewiL ... BJ LOtJIS CASSELS U:ldly tbt ..... lie vtew. H11 bet~·~ntal health t ban V..wH Pn• .......... Mid J"lllllm , meeU .. .. one ~bad DO •lrOI& a. ~ ,_ ,.. _,, mu'•~· ... !Ml vlctl-)'t>,\ lack or .., tllil r • • t So .. )'Cblltrtltt some.Umes tum to relfllcm lo CIUll 9' · neuro1l1 he ronowJ_ frWd la hil ICemtul find ttllef from anxiety or to eDCODDtt• ta Illa patients. diamllNa, .. ,fl. relipon u a •void facin1 ttality. neuroltl.;;nDen 10 U.1 with The father Of paychoanaly· ALTllOUGB .Jllfll I~ ·often Jun1 ID· ...... lain& .Cctpl· sis, Ilh Si&mund Fnud, ob-quote.I. ht Mnneai, hil atU· ance of fUWM"·• tOrm of P*Y· au\19d. tall ..._ .. pettenii hade ~ ,.upon reall1 chothtrapy.~ c-- .. Ma F d ·z'a, .. C.Clud· WU not Jauda mort flatter· But Ultre It alee a Ulird eel tbai' ......... MUrol· In& than tbat °' Frtud. F 0 r achool. 'Wbi(h .......... cm. k ••; 101 &e IHI'• pnllilems. June wu UDCWtrned with siderably ln ~ ,..,._,It 111 lad, Ille nfer1 .. to It as the trutb or falltt7 of relltioua Is compoled o(1_~ ''the atYtral MUr'Oli• o( beliefs. He Wly fdt lbat a· who take rtll~.~ b11man1ty," perfOft who ........ in IO,_. because they m. _..._. "THE ).ONEL y MlaistrJ °' ' Mltltiel' put v-.1e PSY· thing -•betbtr It be God or • of the reallly o( ~'Qat ol FIJ'TH Sunday ill Lent auv· AD Belitttn" wiD be lht chlatrist. Dr. ,Cart June, took: a totem pole -would ~njoy ita di1Unf\ll1hed r-';1 1 la Or: Leo H. Bartemelar, med-• teal director ol lhe SelOlli P1y· dlolrl< ,_ la - more, Md. AT I.AST wet:k'1 mttUnl ot the A(Wemy of ReUcion and Menial Hea.llh in W•sh· in,ion, D. c., Or. Bartemelh' raid it ... limit for pt;JdUa· try ....... -... -" ....... aD rellPm --..-~ ... . "A..-~-·a ,._,,__.,. Ullllol;y ......... ..., be .... jactl'"1J __ ....... ~ of one ol ou.r ...,. eat Medi, may ~ ~ t,i(, may be~ ·au., may be illworJ ar aut.- , Jectfve,. or ' may be aimplJ falU~" he Mid. The w• o1 "diaU•CUillting betften be.altliy and unbtal· thy pattens ol rellaious Mo &avMx:" ii QO'Ppl1ta'tc\, be -· ID' ... fad lbll ... ..... . Uc9af' imtPCI el reli&'T • ___ ........... c-'h'"MI ol mM1 cau.w." "ll ma7 be prillW'ilJ • Id of --· oprio&lq '""" . .-. .--1 .. GOD, Pap I) Ices at Newpert·H_arbar Luth-toPic o1. tbe vkar, tbe Rev . • · ... 1 ~~-~~~-~-~.~Suad•y::~:~::~--?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!-~~~~~~~~~~~~ J ;uoes G. BWa preacbinr on 1ervic:es al St v.....a ud r ' t~ ~.,..;:~~ ~~m AD Anpb, c«-. did llar. Scbool 1DfJ1t1 M ll am • --;:,..m-...w .... i.:...l. =pol~:.':. ":t':t.;;; will'l'bem~~~= ORAN"'. E COAST_ ·~URCH nm· ECTORY The et.&n=b is klcaled at nte awaun. a.m., la die .._ Ill Mn. V' -\!AD ~ • ,.-• ''1, -St. :AnareWs Presbyterian Church 600 St. And,_, a&, Nowporl .... h 646-7147 2501 Clitl Driw, N e • p o r I nRS1' Metbodist Cbmrll ol JoM l...iDlea. 2M Via ........ B ea(b, ud ..mcu .areFountaia· Valey will rwtmo. Mn.. Gnot .C»q,10, SC~ .. lollows: Fai:nlly &mday Sit the Fouataili Val-Harbw Ana ~ ...... Worlhij>. I a.m.; J u n 1 0 r ley Schoal oomtr t( Talbert wtdel7 tn ...... wlD dbpby Chu.reh (3 yurl lhrouCb att· and ~ Street.I. Sunday her c:oDecUoli el COltumea ud ond grade), I •.m.; Church School • •I t ·• · . rDftnellloii ol tbe Soutb Seu. Momlnr Worahlp and °'u"=ta School ~:00, 9:30 A 11:00 a.m. ~bool and adult ~ib6e study, ,ship at )1:45. Tm ~':."i.::fs OUlttrli will be deded. CHAllLU H•Jll8UT DlllllNrllLD, Pallter-9.50 a.m.: wonhip, 11 ••. m. R. ...... __._ _; .. ;.,._ -1n .. ,. • Ml•• 11111111......_ ,ite.ne Ml 11n. ,Wednnd.ly'a midweek Len-~~ •• ..-..-r, •w_ ..... CBUllCll of Jlell.P-• sc>1':;'=======~===;;=====~ ten ~ •I 7:» p.m. will~ latiq Christ Snioua-tact o( i..,.. Beadl wllllr be oo ~ IUbjed, "A Pr1yer ly. . · meet 1111 a.m. SlradoJ la,.. HUNTINGTON BEACH for Pwcklo," Psalm 51:1. A family al&ht procram ii" w-·s Club, -St. Am'1 ...-.. 1'31 p.m. ~Y Drivo. 1111 .... H.,G.-. F.1' rst . Chr"1st1'an Ch'urch DEDICATION ...-.ic:a w111 --..-... "' ... mlal•er, w111 -• "Wllal • conclude Saodoy for ,.. -'!!*: ~ ~ be • .. ,.,,. la God _. -II lfu. 1207 Main St. home ol the E•anpliul Free diall dbusitr. ven!" Church of Hllllliqtoa Bwh, A ofyle ...... ud 1-Somdly .._ ud J-.I""nston 11-25811 locned Ill 1911 Floridli St 1l'ednnday .i Peek Family Cb&arch meet al the aame Mlnlltera: 'lbomaa W. Ovrrton, Richard E. Ltsros the Rev. Wallace G. Norimi: Home will benefit tht buildin& hour at ... dlllrda center, l'red A Niklu p;utor. -_ _,LoclmaC..ycmR4. -lllVICES- NuMJ Clll'l •t , ,, 1111Dw4a'• WILClllW Dr. Herbert Petenoa will n.ru, GOSPEL &11s!Mn • ____. ---;---• --,... preach at 11 •.m. wonbtp. He Mm of ----Couait 111 A FILM oa l>r. Albert Sch-• . • ... --. .. a.. Uttherllft Chwrch . lltmdlJ Sc.-.............. 9:~ LIL llaraiq W.mlp ,•, ...... ,, .. 11:00 LSD. Tnilllq um. ...... : ....... s:e p.m. --. w~ ............ 1:00 p.m. WNA11f"J .. ,ice .......... 7:11 p.m. ...._ ........... , Plorlt1t :JwJ S-11.-&r.JUI ~ (A<r9-!llnroUA........., Me WT IWllll.10M, CIOITA M11A UY. CL~~ ,_ Ll t-MD . , .. . ' IS ~ superinteadmt cl ...,....,,. 1 W • wdbJtr w;ilJ hi&tlHpt tbe J.at. • ...,_ -... •.& a..,._. --•t• P.& '\, the Western Diltrlct Aaoda-hear the Rev. Lemard Jilati. la femilJ ,..,.. FNllW1~~~~ ...... ~~·~·;;;;· ~,~-~ .. ~.,~-~-~:;;;":;;;:;;;:;;;..j of the Master ........ ._. 6 ,_....., C... -, --.. .....,n,orr-~1T"l'?ft lnsti,.... Fim Aw M -of Sl. J,_• E~ Cllun:b,~ """ E. ea... -" · l:JO & 11 A.M. WORSHIP SDVJCE Ch-. . m. y -Vio !Jdo, N ........ -c ............ ITY METHODIST CHURCH CORONA DEL MAR ....... -- FAllVllW IAPllST CHUICH ....... , The dedk•lion service ii God. Garden Grove, ~ the 7 p.m. wec1ne•1. """"'"""" ,...-...._..,...._L ....... .111. planned at 3 p.m. Tbe mes-replar brukfait meetinC ml Pauioa Sunday 1ervict .W 7J16 W ... ¥ Huft+..,._ IMcla ft.EV. PllAHK GUNN -..., .... ,.. AM.• r ,.,,., , sage will be trou&bt by Dr. 1 •-m.. Sat~y,Apil ID. Th_e be Holy Commmdoe at 7:JO . •a:· =~...,;:.,._.111 A.M. ,,._. ORJ.am· .............. ~...,._.....,'-_..... 1 Arnold T. Olaan, presideDt al crouP meet.I in the C.pt Coi:I ud 11 :30 a.m. ud Mondq -~-"P' l';;;:=;==":::;:=="=="=:;:::;::::;:==":::;:i'=:=:::;:==":::;::::;:=="~ the A11<>1;iaUoa of. Evince.l.i· Home, Ha~r , near · Chap-Prayer. at 1:30 aDd 10 a;m., ...... ,._. & 11 A.M. t:GO a.a Pwlr ....... t -· cal f'r:ee Churches. man, Anaheim. with aermon by tbe reda', Nww1 _.. dminC •nicel I I ' J....., -' Al 7 p.n\. Sunday.~ .,,.u. TOPIC f ••• •• F t IM R<v. John H. Put.. · Y_ .. ,.,. 7M P.M. a..cl>-CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH er will be the Bev. Erick or u111; •wv. ran a.. ...... O.Betaiwotth, p.._ Frohman, •ho ..,,... u u w. Gunn, """°'· Lutlleru PREAClllNG .. ,.. lopk. 141-17'6 "7.ff7J 11 ...., '.W«,.,. of Huntin~on Beech int<rim put« of the younc 9'""'" of ll>o Ma•u .. will be "An We Ulin( Our Taleoll'"r=====iii=;;::;;;=;:;;=====-=~j~=::==L.~Q.A.~· ==::::;::::;:~ (Una.cl "'-·L"'-'-, U.S.A.) chureh~ Wha! .. Do YOU ~ ol wlll be the Rev. w~ G. r-l9liD1•--• __ Jesus . He wlU be heard in Studer .iD. Sundly aervir ; •t IN 1'--· ORANGE County Camps t and 11 a .m. Sunday aerv· Prelbytttiaa CbUtth flt the••F•rt....,. • ~HHJ }iwntin9fon 1wJii f art.hell Oat meet Saturday icn at ':he church, 3M5 E. Covenant, 2850 F. Irv I e. COMWJNITY MITHODln • Corona ·c1e1 Mar M Fowat •l.the Finl """"'1111 Ck-Coast lligbw1y, <;orono d<I Road, Colla Meu. Wo-••· ll -,_. """ ._ ,.1_. Doafisl (hg...&. • ain VJ.y of Oran•e, 191 S. Oranre St., Af;ar. : at 1:30 and 11 1.m. ........ , .. W.. a.itMa •••tll .. 0" Tht ''"'"Ml• 1>1 UGI' IUI • --tot••· bonl' ...... , .......... 11ao & 11 ··-1111~, suuo•y ""ilh m«titatioa and prayer •""" Y~amm u~. I Church Khool meet1 duri.n• , C• ~ "" • -,. Clautbrml • " ~ WOUHI~ , 1:311 A.M. Su 11 •· d •· ed • ....... ....-..: .1.m. ·l:roups at ~:» P·~· pper wt ~ a mtnis.,.r both wor&h.ip hours : Junior '•"* tt . UmlMl'th, Ml•lat.I( ln-JIO& 2411 E. Cout Hiway Jo1tph Perry Sc:llool Potluck: dinner will be serv-al both services. High You th Fellowstttp •tr-:::;;;:;;;:;;;::=:;;;:;;;::=::=::=:;;;:;;;::=::=::=::=::=::=:==:::11 Corona del Mar 19231 H•rding Lane cd at 6 p.m. and the Galilean . The Rev. lloward Lenhardt. S:» p.m., Senior High at 15:4.51: • T....._ """" 1 · Jhmtin~n Beach llour will begin at 7:1S p.m . pastor. Lutheran Church of p.m. • Flln:~LY OI' GOD ......, ICllllll -,,. AA Child Ca.re Provkled Speaking "'ill M the Rev.~ kG:t -~~~p~~-BueN __ " nw• ~~·"'::. MtJJ'l . ...._........ .9'1• ....._ _.J~r. pMloT, F i rst ar • .....uus we 8 p.m. "OUT·OF the Pit" will ·be &c.o..,.,...._.,_.. _._..,..., --., ...., •••.a. 1 TIM R•v. ~ilbtrrt _W. Aa... 1 • .. C'hrisiian Cburcb of Lo a I Wednelday Lenten aervice. tht topic the Rev Richmond SU. St141E ~.I. .... llft. Wonbtp lO:IO 1.m. .._ --. Na"¥ Beach. His topic will ti., .. ChrUtians C. John1011ln9:30 °and11 •.m. Yoafl'ltllJ•P.ll-&.mll'Tlme7 P.Jl .....__. .'•••& , · ~-&..:...... Pester_ " -in • Round·tht-OOl:k Watcb." Samday 1tn1ce:s .t Meaa Ver· .. SbidJ A: Pnrer Wed. 7:80 P.M. ...., ,......, ... ...._ -..---. ·- THE nNAL aermon in the --i:Se Methodist Chu.rd!. ~b -'F"'.::::'.~::==:::::~:=;::=i:=:=::=:;;;:;;;~':;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;~:;;;:;;;~:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;·:;;;~ • series on the Statement of SUNDAY Commu.nl«m Strv-school meets •t the fame~:;;;:;;;:;;;:::S:;;;:;;;;;;::=;;;;::=:=:;;;;;:;;;;;:=::=~ JI -• F~ith will be pruched ot !~·will be held iD the C..tr•l bours. w••-. •YE. i••ilST '"HUl'"H llAllllOB ASSEMBLY ~ Huntlont.. .a-h . . 9:30 am 11 a.m. Rl'Vices of Bible Church, 23nl Street and --..... SR ,. ,,... .... "" or GOD CHURCH i; ... co .. na d<l Mar Commanily Orance Avonu't, Cotta Mu•. llAJUIOR First ·CbrhtWI ·--..... _ -· -.... ,_ MM70I CALV A~Y oAFTIST CHURCH Chur(h. Consretational., thlJSunday &:!Klol is at. a.m .. Chun:h (Dildplet of Chtllt) ,. ........ IRAYLlltCi ...... -H ... l ... a...... ... ..... 'D'ldll.,_ I"--) • . ' ·J Sunday. Topi( for the Rev. and wonhip at 10:30. Nursery holdl 1ervicn at Harper Ele-'(Y.1Mlle ••ti.._ ....._.warww A_, te w~ WU... Coitallala 1 .... .._.,~-.;:''?:'j.-_._.,c-, a 1-. Edwin C. Gomke will be, ae~ aN! av.U.b~. ment&ry School, 425 E. 11111 ION'. A.IC. at Oc.a V... 1-trll a..tl Blv4. • ....... 1119 llll ,,__Dr. (}fard.,.. Scbool) .. '·Our Hope la God." Al 7 p.m., a S.ptiamal St., COila Mer.a. Bu. Sbld)' t:e Wt lchDol (d Qll&) U a.m, W~ QI W)) -e.!_ Sdioo11;15 a.n.. • Kom1n1; woftittp U :OO a.JIL J Church School ctaaan meet Service~ planned, in coajunc; cluaer for all "" meet at IUJf. P.K. • a.rdl l•ctmrJ. Waw at Grt nf ti Delce -·~ Wonhtp 7 P.m. INl:lle 8tUd)t' P",.,., w.._ 7 p.a. l\ ~t 9 :JJ~. ~ n=UOllwlthtbere1ularwonhip.9;e,wonblplervkeatMt:45 ~~:;.:_•:-n~-:"': :;::=::.. =~~-t:aAJL .a.."::."fht:::':-V.•~ ... is prov •t c 5 --a.m. NUl'le!'J care ii Pl""id· Boar"' PnJw-IAllt-,.-,. .. -'"-!!i!i=ii1!"1····--····· n:,*.·•'-11.P.Jl IF====::=:=:=a .. ;:::':-~~·~i;~._i;;E:=:=:=~'' houn: The churdl ll loc\ted ERVICES at Commllllh7 ed. Tbt N'J1DOO w1ll b9 ..,,_ • • ..,._ ~ _ ;,, at 611 Heliotrope Ave.· MetbocHst Cllurch. Balboa 1~ Way of the Cnu" by the I',_ 11111tati1M "to Wonbtp -.A._,....._ •wafta ,_, YP -······ l;9 P.11. _ --land, will future 1be Rev. Da-minlattr lhe Rev a.,_ H Dr. ~ L G,,_ Omda N1·1USO ~ NT·ml WM*'4 RA'I HtMT'INITON •ACH THE nJ1Sr M "• o d 111 vld M .. Walt« ~ .., w111oa. ' . • ·e~~~';:;~~;:!7'~:=;~~;;:;==z=~"~"'~·~-~·""~·~· ~'~"'~'~.11.~I CHUICH of tile NAB.JENE Church, 11th and 0 r a a I e Ole topac, '"M>e 'P r o P·b e t --f ~'.(i!'o'~u~":'~~.ru:".:~: ~rve!':~ ,1 130 ond: ~ ~'~ ... ~fi; FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Central Bible ~.:.,a. ... =:=~~:·. ··. · .. :: .:::~ ""on Sun.Uy. 9,30 and 11111.m. Tbe chureb ls 11-m . Ml•lloa will -iD lbe SC_IENTIST, ·COSTA MCCA Church . mi::."':.~ • .::.~:::.:··:·:::.:.:.·.:: .. ::··::;;: .. :·.:::::::: a .m. Th~ Rev. G. Ru 11 e I I Aa:.te. "'8inC ~~ at ~ P'llANK a1111cwcuv ..... ~ .......................... .;:,;a S~aw wil.1 l!ve the Commu· --tbe Ji"lnt Auembly c( God ot Calta Mesa Woma'1 Club Bulldlnl Onop Aft. A: 2lnf St. nton meditatiOn. PLYMOUTH Cona:recatioa· WHtmluttt loc'.lltd •J lGl .... '-110 w. 11th a.. Colla llaa Colt.a..._ Church ~bool meets durinc al Church will bear the m1D-aieatnut St.' Rev. Mr. Cwi· Bruch ol 1'e Mother Oiurdl H. E. JODM, Putor both aervices. lattt, Dr. '!born.as B. Hoover, D1npam's miD1llrJ bu tabn Tbe rtnt Cllurcb·of Cllriat •. &deltilt tn BoltoR. llaatdmlttr U t-5.303 --. diacuuin& "Odldrm .of th e bim to more than • uao. •s•VICll ••ADI ... llOOM ftDUlll ........, .._ ,,. A.M, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES . .. • • , .. MUSIC and drama depart. Kintdom," la 11 a..m. Suoct.y Rn llr OantnOam .oi llNw lltll .1..M. IMC ......,. ...... · ~ '::.e ';;: ~ c.._.J l'L .. -ch of -~ menU of Soulhem Callfomi• .aervtcer at 3212 Bf'Old St., •bow •• aUiclel takem • ..,.. T---,... ,.... 111.. , CtY .... .,. __..,. ~"' """""' riM=:Jtf•t1 £'1tz ~'~~~ Buell.. Churcb 1~Dt17 ln Rurta, Pola17 ..Z:..."':1r..i:-"" · . T.;.,~.,:~ .. , ...,_.,,,wv.-Christ, Scientist CJWi.t, Scientist ..• ' ~ ~---·-~:::,trr~&:i·~~:-:··~:::::~~~~~~~,·~-~-~~~~~~~iiri!:: ... ~~-~-~)lr~~'~.cw.~~~-~·~·;,.~:-...~-~'.""~~~·~·"'~,,.~·5:~ ... ~-~~-~ """* ...... ~. -a.c........., Ch • p b • lheworkofCommum.tyoath '!-~ · -~-,, .. ...._ c... ... _. · rist res yteruin. wtlb lhal or ChrUU.u yooilb. . --~~~!-~~-~·-~-~ .... _;.;;;.~ .... ....j~··"'· ~ .. ,""·~·· ST. JOHN THE DIVINE IPISCDPAL" CHURCH BAHA'I F"AITH • :: ~ .... ... THE MUSICAL Amblua-2043 o .. ANGE AVIENUE, COITA MlAA, CALIFORNIA . " I........ ·:: '" T 0 • ~ s J -dors, • •votce cbelr from SUNDAY: 7:30 a.m. Holy Commun.Ion ...._ ...._ .,.,.... ..._ .,. '"' 0 rgqnize unuuy ~{·:~--. Cos~M,•,1or.. 9o00 1.m. Family S<rvi« °'Oo•-of_,.,.. .... Jl:OO a.m. Mominc Worship ••• -1• •-200• . . v.·il l present a sacred ·(On(ert REV JOHN DONALDSON -• "' _.,.. ~ The 206th United Presbytt'r·'terian Ch.urch, Pacoima. , in the 7 p.m. service: Sundayl';:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;~::=:.:;;;::=:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:·=·::o,==:::=:;;;:;;;::=::=::===:::;:~11 lan Church in the Southland Dr. ~ailey . also announced in the First Assembly of God~; f" "'Iii come into being Sunday v.·ork ~·.111 begin May I toward Chur(h. 146 E. 22nd Street, Interim Ministe·r Ph. M2·17o.1 : with th~ formal o.rganizalion organizi~g a n o l her new Costa Mesa. Rev. Cla yton Wilson 311 E·. 21st St., Costa Mesa or Christ Presbyterian Chu rch 1church 1n Orange County. Dr. The group under the dirt(· WORSHIP HOUR 10:45 A.M. <>f Hunlincton Bexh in UwlF:dward James Caldwell. pas-lion of tbe Rtv. Paul J . Jobn· · SUNDAY' SQ-IOOL 9:31 (afetorlum of Joseph Petry to.r for the past 14 years'of &on ·will feature a variety of Parklnc.Spaor _ ~urwry Provided elementary 1ehool, near the \1rst Presb}1erian Chur(h of numbers. vt1eal . and ln!tn.i· dJ. ,./, :Ji ai ai -~ intersection of Jlamden aftd No11n. ll ollywOOd, "'ill be the 1111ental. The proltam wlD ln· • / • L• Garfield streets, 9:30 a .m. organizer.of a c:ongregation to elude spirituals, matthes. an· . a or rJ n6itan Ul"C. RHding Room llU \'t9 U.. ....._, 1Mc11 W-...1'-• lt..M. 1'o l ,U"'" ... M. T-•v .... ''*,.:... f ~M . .J PA.& Tftt '°·"" Retding Room ' ---' lo ''" ~-"" -• lo •:>I .. .M, It .tt,.M, lo t ... M, be l'Slabl h d l) J ed OF NIW,OJIT •l"ACH -(OIMI,...) The servk:e will' be conduct-_ 1s e in 1e P aM lhems and gospel meloclia. MMtlllf ,. .. w•erly ,..,.,., •lefMft\afy ...... , .... ,.., .,. -..n. """* i. ......_ ,,,.,,.~ .....,~·· ...,.·"" --1119 11-.. Atten<I the Church of ~OU~ Choice .. "' ,, ,. '· .. td by U)l"'ChW'(h Exleniioo community of Rossmoor Lei-__ •n .£, l(tf' &t .. C.. Ma• r \ Board of· to. Anse~• PreS-surt \\ 1 orld, Lagun~, Hills, HOW the power of God op-f';:::==:=::=::=::=:==i::;;;;;;E:=:=:;;;:;;;:=:;;;::== "::::=:==:1::=:;;;::=:;;;:;;;;::*~===;:=7::=:::=:=~:=::=::=::;::;::=::=;::;'b&=:~'~ bytery, accord1o1 to -Or. Ar-wher~ :Kl.~ r>er_sons ove r the efates In human a(fair1 isll I"" _ thur T.· Bailey. dlr<ctor ot ig~ or " w.i1 ulhm•tely ma., u p1ore<1 ;n th;, weet·s Bible BRENTW0,00 Pl. YMOUTH HARIOR TRINITY • ST MARK CHURCH ·OF CHRIST · .• ·. new chureb development. The their homes. I Le11on to be reiid at aU Chris-CH PE _ IAPTIST CHURCH · • ·· presbytery 'Js presently (0ffi· Dr. Cald'A·rll l'Xpects \()(on-tian Science . chur(ht.s. The A L , C~E6ATIONAL ·1-••ll:•r at. •t ,.,,....,. PRESBYTERIAN 217 w. Wilson. Costa M (U ~~ po~ of 200 congregations in odf~••thene~~.tstg~·orships~~C't'(io(l81~n Tezt Is fro!" Luke In;;.,~~~:'"! ·cHURCH , ' COITA MIU. CHURCH , D. G. HURST, • '" Los Angeles, Ol'an,e, and San .ui ." .... up _on wruly, :-.1): "The lhln&s 11·hic:1 COSTA Ml:IA Kl 5-1121 , . -Mlnilter ~ Diego counUer ad J-tawali. May 1&, U1 ;he Le1Jure World are Impossible. with men irt 1112....., It. .-oa1"T ~ M•U. ~ of •,,·th 1 to'" membenh•"p of (lub holllf. ......,, .• ,, ., .... ,..~, Sund.1 y School .... 9:45 a.m. -·~ .. --.._. CORONA .DEL MAR ......., --...,1errict11 ~ r-.. , ...._-; Morninl Wonhlp -!!:OO a.m. Haw...,.·H•lthte ~ ···· .-.~ · c..,,,, 9f .lamMr.a "••I lltllt <In"''°'•• 166.265. • •r _. ww l • t . Evrning \Yonblp •• 7:30 p.JCL Suadrir School ••••• JO •.m. _ ........ .,.,.., .. 'll:OD A:M. &.l•:h·=·Dtl~ ~'::1,.,.. • •·45 A.M, •I ~ Organlzlq: padot or • -~ Mld-Wetk -Th\11'1. 7:30 p.111. • • T,...... Ulllllili""ti!.-,... C.•• q·= . 1t;(5 ~M. ... new church in Huntincton I L<om or. u~-. a,,, .... -1 Dhrtne Worship .... -11 uq. , ..... 5-*1t ... ' 7:00 ,..... Mom•·· b •-1p a-..1 ...,...._ ...... _ w~1u1; Beach is the Rev. Giibert W. ·• for a Dytni'W(lr]d"~· I NuM1'7 Care Provided WIDNllDAY .... " _,. ' ~ • ......_. · •:• ... M, rn [)e( I ,__1,.,. 1. tht . m ~II Ch.1rl11 T. ''"''*"-a..i. ltlMlly & ~,., .4 R:1¥ .......... H. o.rt.r, Toi-1, S-STl! · • ............. rom paa. Ml11lotor "'2·2740 7:30 • M M • , AUen, who be&M his wort •1 a•-. tfmorial ·p.sk a1•11u1 a"49 Alftonom.11o111 ,C>iurch Sc!bool to •.m. ..,. .. ..., : .. 1.11 ~ ... torate of Canterbury Presby-T'I. · · · Mlitlr • Rnlclience PhoM Lt ~2047 · .,, Solflh/,m4"1 Mo~t Btut;ful to=~;:=;;:;::;:=::~~~~~~~~~~~;~====;;::::::'::=':=~==:::'""==":::i;::::=::::=~l~=iii~~~~~~~·' M""orialt If CHURCH OF IEUGIOUS SCIENCE v,,,.,, 1~'"' '' ''"'"" c'"'""" HARBOR REST • MEMORIAL PAR« • ,. l'W. .,. C""9 ·•· MldlM CUI --........ C.-. ._ ICI I-LISI ._. __ ·~''"''"""''-...., "'"llfllllHt· """'°'"'" ' '°'.......,"" · """"" 420-!0th St., Hunt! ......... h RAMAKRISHNA MONASTERY Fo, Ads ·;" alod°'""I TREES £ th W Ernest Holmr1. Fo und•r • T'rthuco Ctn)'Ofl. Or•n1e Co .. Callfo0rnla This Church ..,._..,. _ o_e_ORLD WtG.EnnintStudyGreup l:OOp.m. / Sw1ml Pr:1bhav"n•nda, Minister Oirettory -Sunday SerrfClll, 11 •.m. Sundq Ledure 0s-n to Pu~lc •:00 p..m. DI. __ _ ..,..._ s-. •--' "'--Ern•tl Pete, Min ister T .. : 536-2120or147.tl96 All an wekome.c~ tr!.,~7n.,!i°" fir Dlrmloru. rnGM "42-4321 ,.. 1 • ....,., ::.t.M Doris Schofield ·-------------'-:-,-------------...1'~-----.:;,---..J ·: ... •. / ~. ~ _// . • ..... ~'''"•••••••11111• '"'~" .. ,,,,., ,.,.~11 • . '''"'" "'"" ,.,. .. ... ...... •. • t I • 1 I • I • < I t < ' ' ( c t h • c • • r ' • a • • ); • 0 JI p p 0 • • • • • • .- What's Behind Crime Commissioll? (Co"-tl•ued frtm P'11e I) who "rtvlew" ,pollct depa . Beach hlef James Glavas. 1t ner1t'1 offiCfl can enter the "A.lktd for examplel of Isler newspaPe~ ind that he "Remember that there Is But the law e:nlorcemeni caJ.la and decltnln to refum menta. Hoover ll out.a en "Callfo~has plenty of picture lt there ta evidence breakdowns in law enforce· had AOt talked with the Cos· nothing Immoral, il legal or ficera contacted • I.be calla -oa the polnl built·bl ion 11aln1t that local law enforcement 11 ment, Sehmldt cl1t!I a Costa ta Mu.a · pollc.e_department un-American about 'looking' DAILY PILOJ..-ren 't con- e 0 m;., Is 11 on Preti .. The policemen ftg the bad poUce Cl enll. Flnt failinl-" · Mu.a gambllng arrest which· to determine U they • .._w4e tt at )'.O'U' govern ment .. : To vinced. ,,...-- dent Schoepe prestdent of averq:e outakler U..,..t he of. all, the c. • man.cer -Schmidt denies the com· be said took place 12 months true or false. refrain lrom 'looking ' at yo -. outside of the Orange Kwikaet IAcu' and now chief knowledee &:nd UJini" to wbo ii re e.to till city milaioa ii a police review after police learned that ll· government for fear of ng Count¥ Crime Commiulon'a of 1 flrirt' called Fluldmaste really ulMle Liw ID-council -can fire the chief board, but he had difficulty 1etal gambling waa· &oina: on. DEFENSE called 'leftist' or a 'Police o~flcefs, 4kl anyone elae ap- Inc was fairly candid 1t.cJ forcemen nd ~ distrust anyUme M lm't do&al b I a diltlnCWlhinC between whit Pressed for data, he ad-In. a press release. Schmidt Review Board' Is tc..-'do noth· pear to 11, hla-~ Mlf· who lllt job·or UM ditpartmeat it.fall· the cornml.uJoa pt.,\! m1tted that his .remarka were .,et up a defense 11alnlt be-tng' and to allow inefflciencyl---~------ "I :n""· that theN ... Ml'lft up Al llJ)tr'ta, lDt down. and what I po1Jct rtittW t.lec1 Chlefly OR ftOrit:I pub-lnC termed a pollC\revieW• llld pGISib)e COtTUptlon \o o••\.~ Pl\.OTIWIWM'•lll • menta :iwovlftl tnb> :: .,... "Beddel,w 111• "Nnrport "a,}'Oftd that. tbe •ttameJ' bNrd would do differently. Ulbed in the Santa Ana Rtl· er : Oo'urbh ." S.t., Aprll J, 196.5 -:--V Lhat we 're nat Ultd to In Qr. ance County,'" he said. He defined the eltmenb u , "a1y· one who I•·• criminal, or wbo is involved ln a criminal con· spirac.y" and Aid hti b • d personal mowledle that e.1· moblter MlckeJ Cohen indi· rect11 tried ta pin caatral al an Anaheim bolpttal. .William W. potts, commll- !lon HCretary, left tt up to Schmidt t.e anlftt' tht ,.U! "That'• belt anaweNd by Mr. Schmidt throulb hll re- ltaaea," DoU nJd. "We 're not out att.e:r anybody. "We 're just oul to '" what we cap Lilt "-Pn111lls BagMC.les · ~ elACM'I . - - ~y FILLID EAsn1 Baskets . ' Aswttd 1!1n ri!IH ••ti 1~ arr1y 11 [Hie< cllldln. ,\II cifldy is ctllo wi• otd. E 1c~ basket llt(QU!!d w1t11 tolot• 'ulr1~110ws. · . - ) find out about a few thin11." ;lt Said Jose Rosu Jr.: 'NO COMMENT' 2gc11 4.98 "I've decided to makt no c.ommenl Ttier. an 1pOkes. men for the croup and I d(D't wiJb to make any 1t.atement ouWde the commiasion." DirectOr Frank H. Canbr: ';I'm from Chic.ago. We bad one (crime commil1k>n) there. 1 got into this thing partly because I have known Bill 'Sc.limidt for .m a n y years and know he Is a bl&b type and a sincere person, "I know," Continued. Can· kar. "that pubUc interest and public action can -rectify these problems." ''T h • s e problems," he aald meant rambling, juvenile delloq1ieo- cy and the U~e. Dln!ctor .Geai-11 A. Gode : ' PURPOSES "I think the commluion'1 purposes Jlave been adequ1te- l y staled by Mr. Schmidt We're lnternt.ed·· ln Io o d crime enforcement and 1ood government." In writing to Oranc• Coun- ty police cblef1, Schmidt .. ,. the commiuloa'1 •oell an devoted "to maattorma t 1l • aaenclO• "' 1oco1 ~ wtthln tho county, ucl that It "will oolldt ucl ln..tlpte ·complainta of lnefftdency « tndilfenoce -of 'public em. clala." )he way It woukl opera\e b lhil. he &a)'1: A cltii.en complatnl of tu law ent.rcement. 'I1M com· ~•k>n lrivNt1Jate1 and finds It itru.. The pollc. depu1ment ~ be odvlted -"ill uiapet--1d be -to correct the altuatloa ... VP THE IAllllER If that C'CJOPtntion weren't fotthcomlng, Schmidt lndJc.at- ed. the commJuion • 'tfould start going up the ladeler to get 1cUon. 'And that'• where the com· rntu lon parts way1 with most ptofesslonal law enforcement offiCflr1. from J. Edcar Hoover on down, th• prafHSiaaal law- man usually distnlltl a a d fi&htl IJ'Ollpl of Jay ptrlOlll GOD • • • tion, whil e second ary cau1e1 may be found in the seeking of forgiveness or security, the alleviation of anxitty, the sur· facing of infantile element.I; or the coping with the forcu of Instinctual life. ..,. • .., • c.tillltll Slacks ._ .... " .... illl -n.undtf IWlll ot 100% co"°"· Westtra 1tylt 2 111 . •Jtil~QUM. c:.t.69 16. • rn.its wit~ jelly !II ...... '" t11if1 c ...... , ..... '""" ~"~ Wa lnut 1!1nd, 1t1r ,~...,, --119' lltlD •••• ,s ..... HAii il'IAT V1tloli111 d@SI~~ ... w1'111il sttlfl 111 ~~': $10od l CO· 1 29 IOrS & Sll!S. , 11 1/1'' H1nicane 1.39 flMlhm coo1 mL10 Novelties Drw & Sticks Fly hell llHll&S~11l•1n SHAMPOO 1.19 Assortlll Ufldies et• .... OOI woN PllNlt willl ~I. Oli- tOlilff w1t11 colot· !ul nbbon Oo.,, II lhcnet l'K llPll< or S.r hx ef 40 • EASTER EGG C1l~1& Kits Comille\I wit~ put1 toad 1olor l1ble!s, lr1ftder1, ............. .. - ,,,_ ...... • 1st• Oil -Softer.s . soothes ;ind 1efreshes dry s~1n. 2 Ol. size fREE with purchl~ of 6·01.1 49 1ize. JJ4 Walll • ea~t'~ doitft ot tO\Odtl t tLl I~ b11. r.11 wttll "~1t ClllOttl; r Sea & Ski SUNTAN LOTION ~r,r,,• !U" '"l•r Dlot•S I c~t ll'O ,, Dt•~·~; ia('. '~"-"_._._''_""_::_._._r:._·_1_._33~~~~~.1 "The action al a Murotic Lit ft l!......ta. DA.a t All llMI Jar penaa whJch, from the pi>lnt • 1'111 • --,_ .. ~ •• .,.-.,·.!rt-em=!~ 1 =~ ::~ ,,_.,.left.Fun Flow :=.=-..:: from anxiety, m•Y neve~ '~ .:..-Htl'IJ' ·lraut:oo •'!'•~-~~!!!~+~~~!!!:-1.69 1gc 2t: ---1tf! *51p, lms or ,;..,.. 1 29 • Sla&Skl la llrt • ..,..... • SUNOLASSIS ~-· llemirUblt oal1t1ltd ---~ • Jess at th e same ttme be an -.... "11: If" act of genuine worship. A antff. • _ healthy-minded person 1n say· -- -,. -· _ ing his praye rs or othe rwise worshipping God may al the same time relieve primalive, irtational anxiety . Dr. Bartemeier Hid th • t people wtio-turn to rellgton to find •IJ)eace of mind," or who try to u• prayer 11 a lny substitute for ordinary effort in aotvl ng their diffi· culties, are lndu1gln1 in un· healthy patterns or reli1ious behavior . The basic. funt:tion of religion is not relieving an- xictv or solving temporal · problems. Il Is the worship of God. But peace and help In coping w:lth difficulties may . be byproducta of 1enulne, healthy wcirshl_p •. ULTIMATELY, Or. Barte- meler Ald. the whole tbiDI comei down to a qutltioa of whethlr God 11 a fiCJDtnt ol man'1 lmaglnation. , "lf there Is no God. theft relialon ls Indeed an lll usilm. and all of Its manlfeRtallons are neurotic or 'A'Orst. This \\'as Freud's position. "But if God exi sts. •~ I be· \ieve he docs . then in hi s goodness. and In response to our needs, he,may allow that _through hi~.nrahip our tern· poral need•. lnc.ludinc o u r psycholostcal needJ. may on _ occuloa bl tel" . - I SllUOL lilb Suits lllll SN&l .••• ................. ..... 11111•-l!ll. .............. Ill ... AwllaMt .. ' .................. ....... _ ............ ............. • I I arl.,. U.V.GN ........ 11nt11t1 2"""' 59c ..... . 39~ 49~ CLIFFCHAR CHARCOAL BRIOUETS 1 0 '"'~., 79~ SWIFTS SlllPHATt AMMOlllA THE PERFECT ~ LAWN FEE9ER ~ 2l~G· ~ 79~ i • -II Aprll 4th to April 7th lwn. through Wedne1!111)' HOUHEHOLD GLOVES ~- Du Pon! Nl'Oj1rrnr Blrndrd \\'IJ ll t°Ol' Lnnv;~t' \Vear N'4"""''9"";··. • TltRIVI 11 •.I • 4 ~11111) Ill''''''' Li••I• f1r1!liur m• "Bnian" TTPE BEER .... "lftc• .... 11 tat W,SJ.. 12 11 .• C••• ~. un '" ~ MCNtlf 1% 11. C.. • D ltns hl1e~ light ~~~s ou1 ·~ta,. Choo;1 lro'TI 2··59 , .... : . ' '(•1inr 1 nu ••••l1tH ... ARDEN Gel T"" llrlclt, Tit.ti QUilily I~ !V!fY t-10ll Of let Crtrm lliJrchJ:~ II S.v o~ \Ii lallu S"9rt PU1 2, .. 1.00 • • I - • ,_ ' ; "--· .. FROM the . GROUND .. UP ... , ...... c. ..... \ SNEAK A PEEK H Sh w .. ktnd opon of touring open -and model ome ow i.raru has anot.Mr e.x citin1 f.eld of fun known 11 buildinC ~hoppin e This LS . not -to suggest you. go out to buy 1 building. but tour. 11'1Ddow peek. and pie at the myriad of fabulous fl(>,.. off.re and rommerciaJ buildinp sprout· 1n~ up all o\'tr. the landscape. Admi8s~on Price Cut Ga•·klng and crawl,ing a.round some ol lbe:lf new r11f1ce.s IS a great past..ime for earl~· ew:ninp and week· end5. ,·ou don't ha\·e to bt on guard for some stealthy Mooey-11\in& lliscouot tic- 5.ale-5man le-apin.g .out .or. a doorv.·ay to ~,,.. you in~keb.Lo the 15115 Orange ewn- RN'O mme-nded unung: lS 1n tm early e~1ng when the tI_Home Sllmt .,.. bein&-diao- efftttiveness of i:tithl lighting ·~ the bmrty o ~· lhrou.pout Oraq:e mill)rc;!.ttbt!i:~~'i:,~fbuuding lo·ll'iR in Orange CC*n-County. ~ to Andy ' . ;..1\· is a new struc:tutt yet to bt narn._f'd 11 West.cliff in Dudka. &mual cbairman of 7\e"1>0rt Beach ."7'thltect Dick Dodd . as ro-cnrner. bu U. IDDUAI event. , tcl'<ted.a monu,,,.nt to Ills profe<sion that ;, on• of ·~ M ... than ..... tlckell Neteport Rlvlertt Tee• c~t.er most t'le(ant and attract.in romoleus in Southern Cali-are to bl diltrtbuled ia t be · ·· . fomia A smoked glass aDd blld: marble gianl ~ oount7, w=b repraeoUni: ·a The new ,._.n--Cenier-et-·Neowport-Ririeltil-an-tmparta.a.t part of t.hr'ff-bath townhoules with ·den and /or family room. Bi:a"t b.Y fabulous buildinl!: rep!"e!e'ftts t.M highest standards ,i_n •~tial.nduction in u 1d• the tqwnbouse anartnwnu' uten&ift ncrutim.1.1 lacilities, which tht Doyle & Shield.I Dtvelopment Co., Int., Newport lUvtera is quality and a citine creativity. Your first peek at this m.issi<m pnce to lhl. Home include childrenr;;-p)lyground. nrimmin.g pool hobb~· and garM located on Tustin Avenue, between Santa Isabel-and Moote Vis ta. gf'm is so l 9.'e'-inspirini!. thert is li*lle .to do but gasp in ::W;..;;~~~ April 7·11 it room&, courtyard IDd lounge. Tbt apartments.. a\'l.il.a~ on a year'• avenues. iibove Newport Back Bay. Five models are open daily admiration ..... ..:::!.'-:"::~-, _ie...:::::::.•:.olf:::,:er:._:one::__:aad::::_:'::"::<>.::''::•::".::".:"'.::.o:...:aad::._:lhreo-bedroom=:::..::===-· .:."'°:..:.:.'"=d:___:fro:=m::..::9.:•:::·m::·::•::o.:6~p::.m:::::. Pri:::::."':.:..:.c.•Wl __ •_t_S_2_50_a_m_nn~. _th-:-·------•. . 1.1WCVU11t -will be 1 • • WHAT IS AN MA? . available 1t Ill 35 AJpbl Beta One million or lnOT"t peoplt in a ("()O("eDtrlt.ed att1 Martets in OranCI Ccilmt)', dMie:natf'd by the ffderal go,·emJnt"nl bttomes a Metro-tbe IS U nited C&llfontia politan Arei_ Three S\N'.h att&S exislf'd at'the tum of the Banb. all amca ol the Edi- . ct'n tuT'\', •·hereas tod:1,·. with the rettnt additions of son · Co. and Southern Coun· Den,·ef and Mi:1mi. 26 Surh·attas exist. Largest o! these. tin·Gu Co., the cbairmu of cou rse . i!1 Nt• York · · IDDCIWtCed. · - VniversityPlaza Realty Firrn Ope1u; · _ Los .~ne:eles-Lone: Be.ach has just 'outdone Chicuo In addition. tkk.eU wW be by slippin( iil to sttt>nd plar-e. fastnt rrowin1 nationwide diJtributed on E 1 e e I !.Io r is our "Metrooolitan Area" rcalled. Anaheim-Sant a An• Cre~ery rout.a and ~ bt Oil Priest ~ apened 111g. "C'etlttn the fastest crow· ·Carden Grove\ ••hk'h bl! risen ~nC"e 19&0 from .38th i!1 •vailable from ~ ub.ibtton new oUkw ~ week la uru-!rng atta in soulhltrn ·<>ranie rank to 29th Stl<'k all this uo •1th lalest ponulation esti-in the &bow, be added. ~ty Plaza. 4500 Campu.a County. IU proiim.itv to 'both mates by the Departmtnl of Commerce of 192.743,000 Theme .at the t• H 0 me Dri•e. Newport ~· The thf . rt and .the ~ew free. and it is nther O\'erwhtlming. ln totals of percentage we Show , IJ>OOSOred antni~y by real estate coasultiDC ud in· · airpo. . have 1.4 per cent mOT'f people tllis year lbe.n last. aDd the ~t! ~t1 Builders~ firm offices for the ~·ay. •·hich v.·e . "ill .u.e ftt- 7.5 per cent more than \\'e h•d five yu rs a~o. .. ~~· :!:a be remodel-put e1gll.t Je&R bave been quently , makes ii an ideal ol.· When anvone cries. •·v,.olf' about a orecariow: real me. . . kacat.ed oa Newport Beulevani fir-e location for our type ol. · . best I EmibiU rp the 1bow 1D the in the be8e11 area b · " estate market. nov.· or 1n the future. he had . app Y NeW Productl Pa~ and 1 · i-"-"'"-'-· ------1 his slide rule to lhe stlggerine: population exolmioa.. empbuizit an pbuel: ~ II 1 uaodate. These additional Arf)e.ricans desire. as niC"e. if not better modelinl end apert. will be-:-::;:~;!~ h.omes and commu~1t1es. as. •·e en1oy. T:1g on the Id.di-oo band to dilcua remodeUll1 in both ea.ti Mesa and Ne•·· Co nservation t1onal fact !hat the m:11or1tv of the ne"·comen •oukt problem• ~ vUtton. port and h 1 • • been co-dt· like. to make the Orange C~t their home. you Md A majar feature of the velopen ·o1. numerous indust· T . better belie-v~ they will support and leverage upwards Home Slow' will be the ••anl-rial and ral4ential sroPerues. o· Be Topic ounrea) estate demand and values~ inl of an addffiMal room for They are ,,,.,,..,.. of th ' S L E Y I VESTMENT a ~me that may be med ~ Newpcrt. Harbor~ Mesa SA.\i.A ANA -0 ran I e INDU TRI~ R Al T . N . 1 family room, bedroom or Board ot Rea1tan a 0 d its County Group of the Sierra lndustnal properties held f~r rental mcome are liml1ar pu.rpoeies~ Dudics &&kt. evaluation c:ommltttt 1 n d Club \\i!I hear a ll1k on "Con- some:"'hat ~ort h1.7:3rdous l! ~n .mvestment ~han com· n.e room. which-will bt wired Prial bU aeiwd u 1 former serving lhe California f1o ri" merc11l·relall estJ.b~hme.nts. N~ally there IS 1 small· for bat .s u,bta tDd tqldp-state~ al the Califon.ii Tuesday, a p.m., in the spur. er over-all .de.mand for mdustrtal users. IO that when ped with a fi:repl.act. t1 valued Real Estate Auoa.tkm and geon Room of Senta Aqa Pu~ and if a bu1ldmg become• vacant, lt may be tome time bt. aees. o( ~ be lld6e4. • · memt-cf. t ti • NM1omJ lJc Librvy. ~fore a replacement tenant ~ be f~d. Based on cub O t h e r hlChll&bb cf. tbe ..........,...., of Jl e • t &state PttcJ C. Everett, 1upetin· invested. thou~ .rtlu,m!'I on 1ndustr1a.I property can de-Home Show will be a qi._ &c.rda. ' • . tendent ot gardena at Rancho velop a higher return. Seven per rent for a "blue chip" contest openiq n.itht ud free "'Unlven~_.__1:•1azt," .Priest Santa All& Botantc Gmftns, tenant up to as high as JS per tent return on small-in- 1 profeukmaJ t'Dtertalnment juid in ~.qQJaiac-their deei-Oaremoat. will ht the speak· dustrial usen. throughout the 5bow. alon l.o mo .. to the oew bµil d-er. ---- AllUAl TAX REDUCTION ON ALL ALUMINUM AWNINGS -. SALE! . ·~· ·:-·' I i! ~~ .._ ... 'i -.. ,., • _, i' t • LAST FOUR · DAYS! N-d...-i"'l our Annuol Solo, AIR-VENT offen you this • californ•!I Home Fair Clo!l.es for c.r.fomia li.nng by Men-i's of Gerden Grove disployad et Cor.fomio Ho,,,. Fair ••• inform1I modeling . April 4 from 2 lo 4 p.m. complete "Fomily Fun " Room including REMOVABLE SHA TIER-PROOF "Glos- 1ene" inserll i •• whic~ wil stop tliat "cold, c1a-. OCl• bneze. Colnpl11.ty WNlllct Proof ' FOR AS UTTU AS . ' $4 90 . 18 Per Month , / NO PAYMENT 'TIL SEPT. 1965 NOTICE THESE FEATUUS Y.-. Mllferial Grnr'lul• • , - letllCf•• • Al A••l•- Clielce Of J4 Cabrs · NO MONEY DOWN Al • ...,, A!JY• A- 11191 An Mnlla Of Al J1 -¥"'7 DIRECT PRICES Nqw o~~ FIEE WllDSTOIM llSUIAICE On A., Car Port•Pet1o•W1How Aw•nt•Ma•I• Homes Awning . ' l''-"e T..,.9 f'•r f'llEE •-E•ll-•n NO OBLIGATION • CALL 642-5500 COST-A MESA• OFFICE -1726 NEWPORT BLVD. ANAHEIM OFFICE -1501 ANAHEIM IL VD., JI G-3366 ,, • ' ... ...,.._ .................... "-.. ................. ., ............ . .. ., .......... ,.. .... ..,.. flit • ,_.,, _, --- ''·'•o•lle ffeme O.mwr1'' U1 1\1r·Ve-nt sho"'' you our f.abulou~ ···r ratl cr Shade·· aluminum a"Atung· for 1nodern mobile home living. , ' .. Sol-ViSta presents the most dramatic and extravagant cf15plaY o_f ~uthentic California architectural designs under the sun! . ... . f V .. ta present! • ger1ca o !\ow, Sol· tsw de!.iCD. oria:ina.11 ••• at.unninl ne h es careful\y created exciti~I new ~ •ven inon: the 'i..et.t to bel'P you ::l'of Cal\fom\a liVl~ ;round. won {"ftoora ••• formal.·• 1 ndoors ••·\~~before auch fresh new ca!lua\ ••• nhe<o\or e.nd aty\e: ;(\ea&, $UC - ,. Mll.fUOll; l)t.SIGM ...,.D l --........ ..:-:.::-:.;,.-;_;,p~~t--\l ____ ..... ·- I • • . ' • ii I ' ... ' 't I ' I • I ~ ~ y • • ' • I .. I I 9 e • I· .. II I • . ---' . • • '· • • --.. DAILY ,ILOTIN•WS-fl!lll S.t., April a, l!tS Real EState a --11--tComment •ncl Active :A ' Questions ly R•ndd McC..dlo R .. ltor "Orange Coun ty still ll the' mo1t active area ror both home bulldin& and buying In the S o u t b e r n Cali!omia area," 1ay1 Ron .Foell, vice preai~nt, S e c u r i t y Fore Corp. of Costa Mesa. ' ' · 11 le i % - / Foell, wbo •i-o his. Surf, Bt1nttiegton Marina Near11 .,onap t t ...... WHAT IS PIDlltAL HOUSING ADMlt,il~DTION?. ~ch·~::!rt tn Be~~~UnS:: Architect'• ri fusering of Huntington Marina, a 92-unit Medallion Prices range_ from $42,500 ~o $47:500. Wateryront slip mainten- ln 1934 .the &ovemment enac~IC;I the _Nat1on1l _Hous1ng In January uid his S2l mil-Award-winning ihvelopment in Huntington Beach. The $4 million ance. gardening and all ei:te_nor ma1ptenance ~ll be pr?vlded. Two Act which cruted the Adrrunuitratu:~n and its ~ lion commi'.mtty hu set 1 rec-corD lei is local*~ 161.80 Pacific Coast Highway and will heVe or three-~room home~ wtth open beam ceilings, priva~e water-- loan. ord pace in ,aie1 for the sea-priv~te boat slips up\J:O "6 feet in length in front of each home. front patios and balcorues and enclosed gardens are available. -00~ ~.-~-m ·· 'I1lt idea was simply that the gov~rnment would homes Mid. ~ guarantee loanJ by institutional lenders to iodividuals. A large percentage of his • _ · B •Ti ~<t They would in effect write "Payment guaranteed·U.S. buyers, said Foe 11, are._... Ollfte .-e ~, GOvemment" on the back of their notes. Orange County ruldents • ._. so WHAT 1s THE EFFECT oF TH1s GUARANTEE? :::.nl~~7'1.:~~ ~:: ·condominiu1ri Shows ll ·11 deairable that there be individual. home owner· and for beach homes. • ·, ahlp. Giffn the additional aecurity, lenden e Swi1ide, ~ on the old _ • • • willing to lend a much higher percentage ol the p s u r to Id• oil leuehold al · ()r" • :... I Pa111lmgs · cbue price .. & a result, magy Americana were able to h Boulevard near Paclf· J61Di1J become home ownen. . . · k: Httbwa,y in Hunting· "-• ARl'THlll ANY SAFEGUARDS PLACED IN THE ACT? :id~ 1ti;;, ~:ice: 0rtitnaJ oll palntlD&:• by new ltardwick gas range with Yes. Many. Among them are: loni&I and Cape Cod arcbitec-Newport Beach· artist.I are cm two ga~ ovens ... O?e or tti:; 1. An appraiul is required of which the buyer is tural styling• on 120 ..:ru. dllplliy at furnlahed mod.ell ove.ns 11 the Micro-Ray, to be informed. Charles w. He.W-, preai-ol IA Boane Vie, a Balanced which broils meats to a deli- 2. The buyer is required to made a minimum down dent of the corporation, aaid Power condomiitl~, n 0 W clous t~ndemess in fast time. e payment -the oil I 1 a1 • b o Id upect f inspection "ahd occu-Gleaming etiunter tops. with 3. Second trust deedi are forbidden. maku Surf1ide one of the =Y 0!t Santa Iube:I and lots or -:ork area, and cus-..,. 4. To keep interest ntes ln line, it is prov~ed that most unusual :i:,: J 1 c ti Jn Eldon Street, Costa Mesa. ~:;;nec~~!11~t:chr:::ttr~:U!:, ~: "' the~ are to be fl.I_~ bL the Federal HoU&tng Com-ho~=.~ta his~ bead-The paintinJl:s, r~C from convenient, and efficient. ~, mililOtr.Tbe11\te~at ~nUy 51A per cenl quarters in Corona de! Mar. 1ea1eapes t.o contemporary Fireplaces. are found In I 5. To afford protection aglinlt de.faulting buye~, said Surfside'• site once wu IClftel, an belt&&: di~ most g:arelen homes, along ...,_ the fOYemmtnt, lenders .• and ot!'er buyers, this quilled with cllwell dentcta. at IA~ Vie by tbe Attie with private patios that con· wu provtded .. In •ddiUon .to lnlerest, buye~ Now, be says, the majority Gallery, •ell·kaown Newport nect with i n d c 0 r areas would be aquired to pay one-hall of one per cent of them have been removed, Beach art &:allerJ that tu-through eUding glass doors. (V. %) into a ''mutual mc;irtgage insurance fund." and the bola filled with con-= ~ works~ maa~-Bedrooms are exceptionally From this would be. paid the deficiencies that crete. Nine other wells wm ~ana• Y wttb llirge, and closets are mas· would result when so me bu.yen would default, be tealed u construct.km b9--Tbe art ~ blend VI sive. All units have wall·to- 1.{ld aa111· of their r,roperty would not brin& pm 00 other tncrementl. the ll'tlln& ol. La Boane e, wall carj>eUng throughout. enough to pay the ba ance due on their loans. Sealing an abandoned oll-~ :ome =·nl La Bonne Vie ia k>cated one WHAY ·JS THI CURRINT LOAN LIMIT? . well aci:oriiln1 to state Jawa mond ~~~ AlA. creet%r block east of Newport Bou:1e-- . I I . _,; lb •---llmil . -o 000 olWt II a coolly proceal, ol ··-• ~--C.W.h _,_ Yard. at !be comer of Saota On llDI e amily 1--.ienee, ti ru.u II .., • • Foell 11,)'I. ·It may nm up to . l!,n;U v•--... ~ r¥r Isabel and Eldon in Cast.a WHAT IS THI MAXIMUMGUAllANTl!D PINANCINGI Ol,000 for one ••O. but the~ ~~u~_!!'!i Mea's ea.t side. • of ,. 000 COii ii ameliorated by !be -.... ---97 per cent of fu'lt S15,000, 90 per cent nut .,, , fact that the miLerlall and Levanas d La Bomae and 75 per" cent of balanct Oft!' $20,000. · ment recovered are VMt to itve Its ruidmt:I just NIGHTLIFE ·· Example: U the FHA AppJJ.ilal ii $18,000, the maxi-:J::P for wen. -..here. •llat the name meau 1n. ~= .. ~ --::-=...-:= inum insured Jo.ft iii SlS,400. Surfskle said Foell, ii one French -tbe IOOd We. _.., ._., • ..,. Ii the FHA Appraial ii SI01000, the marl-of the few' homebufkUn1 pn} lncluded 1n the 3Z unit c:an- mum tnsur,d loan is Sll,100. ecta near HIDltiqt.oa Beach dom1ntuQl. are one bedroom, II the n!A Appra1Ja1 Ir '21,000, .the m~ Stata Pad. '!be location bu ud den, ud two· bedroom, mum insur.ed loan ii Sl0,800. · made 11 succeutu1 from a two-bath garden homes. Tbe II the FHA· Appraiul II '24,000, the JDUI. ialet llandpoint, and !be beauilfuily I ands cap• d mum imund loan II '22,000. -ol !be lully-equfWed l(fOWldl contain a lar&e heat.. -· bepminl at only od swtmmm1 pool, • puttlo1 HOW MANY YEARS 00 YOU HA~ TO . IH,llO, II -,..... for o-, and a recreaUOll ca· REPAY AN 'HA LOAN? ·' ita ~I saJu J)llce. bBDa.. Tbeee facilities can be Moot FHA euaranteed lt>a111 are !or 2p yean, 8 monlhl "J'Oo,,ie .UU· are _., in--ot all tlm~ by re1 l· or SO yean. 1 recommend the 29 yean, e manlbl Joan. terMt.eG 1n 8CqUlrlnl bomea dents ol La Bonne y1e ~ · · · - - -• tn 0rea:e-c..-u-n t y '"lild tbelr guesu. - . DOIS THIS MIAH f CAN GEIA lO:AN ON Foell, ••but JOU hive 'to ctve A spokesman for the dewl- THOSI Tl!RMS? !be mwbot lber want. There oper, c-t Sun Corp., uld No. '111ey are muJmuma allowed by law. A lender may ii no sUcJl lh1D.I u a 'soft' buyua .un have a good • set hilr own ltrid.er limita. The lender may require a mUtet m home ..-if the lectlon ol Carden homes from substantially higher down payment and a relatively product beDdltl Lbe buyer which to cbooM at La Boane short amortisation period. beyond his upectatloos." Vie, allhoalb aaies lo -.1ate WILL FHA INSURI A LOAN TO ANYONU . ba" -__-Thirty-year No. It will lnlure a mortcaee-Qr\lY if conrinced of the =~ ~~red.down Pl}'· ,17 ~.~--:u.n ~r's abllity to pay. The test ls effective monthly A l..a MocJe ~ Power kitchens H111tt..,._ .. _., Calif. mcome n. montlily bousin& expense. • at tbe iroJed re.tun the "-"•1 Pl-JOIO llOW OOIS PHA ARRIVI AT A RATIO? Locall" on Is l~iiiiii;;liiii5~~iiiioii~======:;~I mA ... guided in 111 ·J•d-t br charts 1howin1 the median bouaing expemte for penom: of dUferent ef-• lecUve qiontbly income levels. Tiie nuo vartea be-Selling Poml tween ·tciur and five to one. For uample: eUective , montblJ income -'800. Median housin1 UpeDI&-A big aeUiD.& poipl at Am· • '200. It baa been FHA uperience that 11 a lamily'1 erican Houalng Guild'• A La grOM income (before tuts) is S800 a month, the maxi-Mode in Corona ii ill location mum housing ezpense should be S200 a month. This Jama RoriloG. llJa mao- S200 a month payment wou)d include the prindpaJ ager said pr•pective pur· the interest, the mortgage insurance, the fue lnlur-c~n a r e lmpreued be-ance, and the tueS:--. · cause A La Mode ll; , 1..1 • A lhort Clrlve from Orange EDITORS NOTE, Wou~ you llko to know "*" Couoly indualrial and .. m. •bout tome phne of ,..., _,,.., If you hav• 1ny mercial anu. r questions, eomm.nts, or """"'Ions, write Randall N • a r abopp11i1: cent.en, R. McCardle, The DAILY PILOT, COlta MtN. Me-acbooll and churches. Cardle 11 • H.r..,. A,.. realtor, fNWlclent ef THI At the vacatioo crosaroada REAL ESTATERS, an lnstrvdor at Oranve Coest d. Southern Callfomia-m.id- Collop, and vko ,...-1 el tho Nowpo'1 HMtow-way from deserta, beaches Costa.Meta loard of RNlton. aM mountain re19rt1. "The lut conaideration II a bi& ODI iD tbe lprinl," be said, "beca1111: oa many weet- endl there la a cboice of tbe Uu'M . ,, M°" than ball !be !00 bomoe planned al * La Mode have been sold, he said. 'l'he subdivision Is f o u r blocks north of the ruvenlde Groundbreaking for Bayside smooth concrete .in an lrregu· Fr~way and is reached by Center a five acre shopping 1 l'-ff l p rim •·-taktnl lhe Corona turnoff and Grounqbreaking Set for Center . , ar pa ..::m e ec . e e .... 1 River l'Olld from the freeway. f~Wty ~t the corner ol Bay. er the walks will be 1haped Four mode.II and 12 exter- stde Drive and Jamboree . ,_-hed • f · ~i· ll bl Ro d in N pert Beach ls umquely u• saw-toot e · 1or o•i mp ~re ava a e. a ew mid·A ii ' feels for car parking .with Terms ibcludl!' nO down _,.y. sc~ed~Jed i:e, and ~l~lals projecting ramps for s~ ment VA loans with klw clos- Los u~n~eles archit.ec:tural andf 1·Pc..;in;;:g,_~ca~rta:;;. ;liliiiliiii ing cosb and FHA financtnc. engineering fitml _is des_l~ing the Center whiCn 11 d1recUy acrosa the beating channel from Balboa l&land and· one of the major projects planned by The Irvine Company for Irvine Ranch propert~s. •NNOU NCING. $(111 [$ or FIV[ LECTU ~ES ON Investment Planning PRE:SENTEO BY W'-LSTON. & CO., INC. American Hou sing Guild'• An unusually fine home value! Five units com pletely sold~ a fe w immediate occupancy hom es in Unit # 6; now pre - viewing Un it 171 P.rice in· eludes 100% nylon carpeting, insulated walls and Ceilings, red wood fencing. and lawn s ove r entire lot. Easy terms; " vels $150 lotal.closing costs; low down FHA an.d conven - tional financing too. 3 and 4 bedrooms "with 2 baths from .. • YO·IJ'LL :-.BE ' 1000 FEE·l ( TALL Imagine livll!'i in complete luxury high above the beautiful blue Pacific ••• with in the fabulous cily of l · Beach. You 'M thrill lo ingly beautiful panor · 1ews in every direction, ooderground ·utilities bo ance and protect lhe value of 1s important investnlenl 5Yi% Fi111cftc AYllllbll YOtl ACTIIAUY Olll T1t£ WD .,d enjoy lfle LOWEST TAX RATE IN All OWIGE COUNTY. Vi~I Part< Avenue l.aiuna loday' ........... CAlll'ITIM9 • NIMACIS • oaua Wllf·INS wn11 OIStfWAl.Mlltl • IOHUI ~ & .,._ IOOMS • 1 &2...,.•2&411 .... 111 2 & I leths ··-$ls,6SO ... _ The lafges.t un it will be a 25,000 square foot Safeway _f.farket, with the second h:n· ant buildlq: cl 20,<DI square leet for 11 1 e r v i c e at.oru. :::'?~1""'.:!!2ll~-~ a . ·~ 140 [dwNd McNary, Vicfl<P,.skkflt.cJ W11Uon & Co .. /fK., lectvr« on ~¥91tments "' u.c.Ll:, w\Q hold ftw mMtinp {.d.pttid ffom IWI 12 -• cour.c) far Mriout ~ lntireind In tM opportunl- tiet for Mturttill MM int..,.i J*t ol M ~­ pnip9m; Mondey nlfMI', 7:30. Aprif 12th s16, 550 to s18, 700. PHONE 737-5932 At tbe foot of A""bJ , '"'"""!'!!ii'1iR-.. ~fll!boe ~Cl~ • ~ one-tt.or,~aad f r a m e ··~ rtractures will tiave -·-::rl"~..::Q'.!i.'.jii;;:~: que dl!flgn to Ill into the: fee- ~live nature of the f'fi!(lrt w 1 ---...:• (' ·~~·,, .. , ••lil·••ced b..... d stori. ~Co.' l'."<polit>d .,.,,ood and copper fa· c1a are beln~ us£'d nn the ex - lrriors to r~lcct lhr n111rinl' atmosphere Glass fronts .,.,·nl Jtivr an optn IO<lk to the builelings. \ValkWay s adjacent lo the strurtur's will be ltrlpt of salt Uoish ' ,, n : r e ti and -. .. -----Inc. lr.Y[SlJll[~I Blll~llS • ll>l/l1>41. f\lllOS • ltiJlllC"ll IOllO$ ll'«••O" 111 ... rer• Sled h tM•rt ..,. •O•• "looc•fl Stto ..,. ~.tr lo"'-'-~ Oll1cn t -i.1..c-1 ..,. 0-..•H•· Ollie• 111 ,,......,_ Cllll..,..., ... ,rty lllllt·ttr-Dill 111111 ~­.........._ ,., ... °"'"'''-'· ,-. ,.,.,,illo, .. '""· s.ua .. , / --- / -Q , ~ " ' ' , --\ ---• . - - ~-l I I < AC9'0&a n-w1n1 1~1te , .... w.,,.. .._.., ...... "''"'" 1-01~ ~-M ....... ..... ,...u.. M-M1tlM 1nl,,.ll ~eftM• 1a-e111-.. .,,,,, '" tT-He,.le eve11te ._,,,,t ., 74-MrlM ,._i:::::.,.,. ...... ~"-" leet er ,._T .. , '7-HHtelry 1 ""'" 11-h~ 11--111 ..... t::""'" a-w111t 1-~ ... 1~1rt..-~ .. ., ... 140-•k» .. 11-"•Y•-l--W111ter '1-Vellewlell .... , ... ;rttw11 ~ ...... .., ... ,c .. ·l'" .. ,,._Hl11eri111-~,_ ....... 11-0 ... 1 ... Mr-.N .. -1,, ... ,. ... ....... U-Akle 1V-C.11J1111ct1 ... ..... .., .. 111-e..,,., ewl D-1011t1••. lk.-111111 , .... .,. ... ~r;nt•ll Mt 1l.._Mell1111111e4ll111 ...... it-0,...t L•k• , ...... ir.1..,, tit•• a.-c:.11 .. tr')' .. ..,_L, .. IH• ,.._ .... " r::,...,,, ... lit-Wife et ..,,../: --.Olrl'e ,..,... l'1'-Tr1"""ter .,_ ., ... ,. o ••• , ... M-,..,.. '" ...., .... '" .. , .. ,.. 4a-Me4111f~ ,, ........... , n-......... IC>-atr~ •f 1*-Tlme .. ,.. h ~,. .... ~ .. ,... ._..,,., ... , t l0-l.lqu14 .............. " ..... 11 len a-o ...... ...... , ... ....... ..._ .... ,, ........ 116-Me~ G•llel ~ •• , .. T' _.. .._ .......... , .............. 411111)' .,, ..... w. et .. ...._...,.,"' .. 1t1•111e .... ~ -~,. ...... .. ..... ''"'"' .. --.. ...... , '"''' ,~..., .. .,, •"•")' .._ .. ,,,., 111111•• 111-All ..... tt 11-()llft .. H .. 1111 ........ .," .. "' , .... 1-..-.0lllllW OllUM ao-a1 ........ In-A ce11llnent a-1 .. .-ct ... IOC>--ffal'I' t-...U11~ .... 11-..wlft ~lltltf',) .._. .. I ... ,,.. 1e11~w1 .. ..,.. 1~119 ~., .... ' ,,,, .... M-<:rl .. 1111• -1--..1k;: 1._Turkllll U-All wrtt1111 l7-V91'.lllltl 1M-H1rv .,_... .._..._, .. , ,,.._ ....... ""' ~" ... ~·--111-014 --· ~Klllett 1n-1111atu11 Jl1ll ~ ......... , ... , DOWN 17-e...lll Hlle,,,e ,~ .. ·-.....0.lf .... ., ... flft•MN ~1rtle11 1 1wrty1'11 .._,., .. 111• fall , ........... f-*tl 11-1re1111tt 111-w111111 et ·•-11 t~lnch ~ ........... --.ea114ll1I . .... ,. ............ ,_. ..... 1-f' ......... IHIMlll ,~ ...... 4l-M1n'1 ~111M.1 .......,., .. ......... ..... 1M-&ch ... ., .. nlollnl .... ,, ..... ., .. '"'"'' 1•11-•et ~-.. ... ...... n-w1~ eut whlnwln41 t:::J ....... ~Treacll1ry 1.._N8Yehe *-Hepe ,,~., ....... 71-ffrult ef .... '""•" ~ ..... , ,, ... , .. .... .......... n-J:'>') •helter 11-Tlll 114-Cren,, 7-wivere ubl• ...... " in-weer •••Y ...... ,., .. ,, .... ,.,J."""' ... 6-M1n'1 n1111e 7..._,ewl'fl•Y :::~: ... "'l• .... ............... '" '•" t-HHr ~trlcl .._:;o411ucte ,,,_,..,"'., ,~ ..... letter 77_.howy tlewer ,.._,. .. tllll• ~ uendere ,, ....... 111·111 11-0u11 n-w1n11 141-Vnlt et .._ .... ,. 1IO-ahMt et llew ,.._..._.,I~ ~.,..,.,,,., .. Jepe- (ellbl'.I 11a-Artletr ~rti~I ... ··-•llrnftCY ._Nu"'ber ........ '~I~·-.. 11-Capuclll• 1~11kwlrfll ...._.., .. , ...,.. ,,..._.,..., .... • th• "'"'' .... ......... r; 147-Araltl.,. ~,.. ... 1 ........ , ....... .. ...,., ....... .._0,1 .. 11 ··-·,, .. ........ M-, .. ,., Ul-0•1111 .._.•Obr.1 .............. ,., .. ,._ wffl•t vehlcl• 1-.-Ch•rt , ........ .,_r:.-:-.... ,.,. ••11-nt If .._hcl1medM 1 ............. 1rtlcle ,~ ............... M--l"•Nflt ~·"' .... .,. 1~1\wl'dt ==~::r. ....... I cell-..) _ .... COWft&RI ,,,_~ ....... Jett .,._. ...... ltlr41 ,~--1t--chlrt• .,_, ... , ... , .... 1Q-H-ef ecall ._Ha,.,,eote 1'1'-lhoffNr, w-w ........ 1~Te¥teAle M iil' ~.,., 411111• IU-Heull 1._Nete e ecele .,._ . .," ..... ,..,_ .. , .......... .. .. t . 8 DAll.'f Pll.OT/l .. IWS_.lllS .. -----------------------• S.t., April 3, 1965 The full weet•I talntlJoo achedule 11 cu.bed each rriday iDWeek· ender maguine. a Met.ion of the DAJLY PILOT. About Your Problems By ANN LANDERS Good Old Days Not Very Good DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am 11 years old and I didn't think 'd need you for a few years yet but here lam. My parents are the greatest but they have one corny habit that makes me mad. They keep telling me how easy kids have it today and then they get to harping about how tough things were when they were my age. My dad grew up on a farm. He Jot up at 4:30 in flle morrung to mtllt cows and gather egis and bring in wood. My mother was a city girl and she said there were days when tber,it wasn't enough food In the house to feed all the kids. · -'.7 We live In an apartment •CWPOll'T HACK • and lbey wouldn't let us have cows and chickena \lP here even U we wanted to . The only ·wood we need ii for the fireplace and a man brings It. 'lbere ls no point in getting up. at 4::.> in the morning became I don't ltome~e1t have to 6e in school until ud private afenclet eel •P 8:45. IOup kltclteas. • Is it true that tbinp were l&'s fllle &o &ell ehlldrv so much harder in thole aboat &bole days became days! My folb are quite It'• a P1J1 •f lll11ory, bid &o old-like you. How about the criticise khla beca~ tltey truth! -CR,\CKERS ave It euy Way make• DEAR CRACKEMr Year no aenae. Tbe produda of folkf probably rre•., d•· tt.e ikpreaa ... dldll"t cbMee Inf tlae depraalea ud YH &o be poor, It Jut ltappened. Yesterday's Puzzle Solvt4: ~~ ~ 'S ----A ~ I I M .l II 0 0 Ir 'i'i'O i Iii A I 11 if A ll~ALAO I I ·. . ~ ' ( •( T I N • U T c c A " I I Ii\ .. .... r II T • .. It • I • I II II I " .. • 0 a1111:-11 u11 ~ l:lltlP'l I 'I IC • Alltl[ I A y D l•ITlll• [! [! --Academy Award Nomination hat Adr9U Sophl1.L~n cu believe tbem •Ille• tlaey Au U.IHlera wtu be &lad say Uamcs were &oac~ S.me . to t.elp you wltll yev prob-1•-llllim-------~ people bd DOtllhlf &o eat at lems. Sencl &Mm &o her le APORT //, .. t ..-.~ "THI AMttttOUS care of Tbe DAILY PILOT eKloalng a stamped, eeU· acWttue4 ennlepe. . ·.· . ITATE Afn ....... ...,, .. ~, ... • .... u.... ll;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;.,R· .M aii•mtmBIH ..... u••-U1111111 -·-ll--..-... e _..,_ mur• 11111~ ADULT ENTE .. TAINMIN.T CONT. IUN, '"OM 2 p.m. ~= ..... ,,. .. eoosa· .. '--T-"LOVI HAI MllNY !JACH" Gll<W • Html"" "YOUll CHIATIN' HIAllT" Do• Cla,_ I "O•T YOUll• ,. llLIJ A COLLI .. ....... ....,.., -~:! .. .. La AH COMa NOMI H TlllY Cltf'ttl "00001Ya CHAllLta" -------,.,,., Lewlt "THI DIS. O•DEllLY Of!OIRLY" ...... ";',,111 : "QUICK '!'.~t!!!-J l~IOL~~}T WILIHllU .._ -•• ...... "T1lit ·-·a.. ,....,_ OITlll.._.t m-Dn ~-OPEN 1:45 e 17s-4048 ~ Contlnuou1 lunday i :so NOW -Ends-Monday -Adult Entertainment 7 Top Academy Aw1rd Nominations 1 /Jllll IA4VIS IJIMAaclWllMID I JOSIPH ({)lfll .·A . 6'1!J' 11usJ.HllSll, SWEET ,, CHARlOlTE ioils· wOORu.uo . cwl Kf LLjW'Y wuu CuftlL. y(jOff''Boo.i . ill" •Iii -2nd Outstanding Ac.{.my Aw1rd NomlnMI - Glenn Ford, Nancy Kw1n "FATE IS THE HUNTERu MES IECOND f'llATU9'11 Glenn Ford-HenfI Fonda "THE ROUNDERS'f Plua: l}'tYeltar '"d TWMte NOTICE Troy Donahue Joey Heatherton "My Blood Runa Cold" The Port 'Ibuter will be closed April 5-6-7 Ir 8 for completion of remodeling. 'nit -......ii fl ...... EDWAka:.S Huntington CINEMA ............. lffca .. , ..... --· ..... .. MM! ... HU .. 9'Y • POllTIVllL Y ENDI TUEIDAY AP9'1L Ith • Then Gon1 Forever ..... *" ,, .. ,, .. ,, .. ,., • IAT. -ll:Jt· 1:•· J:Jt· ,, ... 1:•• 11:• IUN. -H:• · Jut· 11• • 11• • Ito• .- . • "',,:... l<f.·· : : . ·. , .., " 1'6.::t ' ~--< ~~~~: . :-< . : . •-...: , .,,,,. . • . l.. ... -...... t..."" ... .. . ""' .. . ~~ . . ' - \ --· ( • ' ... .. 9CXJNO ON THIE RIEBOUNO/ l.ec> - . .. MIL t. PILOt JfllWtfgll SOUND ON THE REBOUND/ 1490 I • 80UNO OH TH• fltUIOUND/ l..O SOUND ON THI ,.IEBOUND/1490 \ . K·WIZ . bfings 'em back ... , .. and memories Deoome heightened with music from out of the pa.st. Wit~ KWIZ's new sound -f{f old tunes you inay remember dancing "The Balboa'' when Kenton was at The Rendezvous. or· maybe it was "The Frug" last summer a~ Disneyland. Whatever your favorite songs were--whatever they bring'back--you'll hear them I' on new KWIZ. Yo~ can request your own memory makers, too (547-5581). You 're . the one who will have to tell us t.o stoo! .. , ' -- • COM~• ~ANCil COUNTY NEWS COVERAGE . Ki.IC!( Wl'ATMEi. PREDICTIONS. COMPREHENSIV E LOCAL SPORTS COVE ..... Ga . VALUABLE COMMUNITY SERVICE IN!fOi.MATION . ~us TH• •UT IN MUSICAL INTt:~AI~ >. I ' ' • ' v -.... .. ') .. -- West Se.es • I The We.stem Division champion Los Angeles Lake rs open ~ir que.st for the world profession- al twltetball championship which bas eluded them since their move to Los Angeles five ye.ars ago. Two of the best in tbe business. Jerry West and Elgin Baylor, lead their teammates into a best foW'OUMf-seven series with the lhird·place Baltimore Bullets tonight in the LA Sp<>rts Arena. Baltimore ju.st finished polisbmg off the runnerup St. Lou.is Hawks in a best three-out-of- five series and Wall Bel.lJmy. Don Ohl an~com­ pany are currentfy playing better ball than ever. Opening tipoff is slated for 8:30 P·D!· a!ld all th~ action can be beard on KTI (640) beguwng at 8:15 p.m. with the warmup show. Chick Beam will be courtside with the play-by-play. Boston'• perennial world chempion Celtics open detenae of their title Sunday against Wilt Chambe:rlain and the Philadelphia 76ers. The action can be viewed on Channel 7 starting at La~e~ VictorY· / • • LEGAL NOTICE ID Six B1 GLENN WHITE LEGAL NOTICE ~HTlflteAr.~ autlnU ................. . . ............. "'-• . THI UNOlltSIOtlEO ._ ""* al" . Cout llaQaen IUD for what .. Ttet ,..~ •• "'"' 111 • ..,., .,. i. ~ a '9rad .,.. would be cluMd U OD1 G( the lllftl ... CeutT ·Oii TMI :.::_. ~ c::...:...--.:r':: ..t•-'-• .-,_ .:!_ .. ..__ ITATa Of' CM.t .... W&A POil fldff ..... fWM -ti W~T_,. .....--. -111 guuwgu TMa CM#TY Dfl OIAHe • "'-llltee w 1111 .... "'i. - c.llfcnda IOCCm' b 1 • t 0 r 1 ....... fl 1v':L. .:..--:. WHTfl'" L. --... .. ......... --wba tbey cbllleqe mllhtJ o-.. "' =-:. ':..:'..-:.:-fl ,...._. Jadra of SID Pedro In State NOTICI 11 HHHY a1v1N te • w. "· T---. Olt ....,.,.. Ortw. CNlleert fl ........ ~ ...... N-1 lead! Cap plq. Tbe dub ii ached-... all ,.,.... ._.,_ dHN -!Mt WITNlfU lllY MN tltll tJlll tlrl tA -1-...1 f "" .... ---.,, .._.... .. fl• -cir 12:30 at Vaa Neu .._. ....... _..,., ~ "'"" MMdl. ""w " T~ W'l...1..1 • -·--i.... tHl<a fl "" <leftl " .... ...... ........ . • t 2 p.m. _...,.__. --~l.5\lfstefif<·· -·------...+ ___ .... ~-. £Al9 n.ua~• cmurt ., It..,..--wllll--ITATI 04' CALIFOllNIA field is located at the Mt'( ·,,_,..,., .. "" 111•1 ..... ~ "" COUNTY °" OttAHGlf ~ ... SATURDAY 12:30 p.m.-Little Leaguers. Channel 5. 12:30 p.m.-Fore Gol!ers, Channel 13. 12:45 p.m.-An~el Warm-up, Channel .5. 1 p.m.~An~el baseball. LA Angels vs. SF Giants. Channel 5. 4 p.m.-CBS Golf Classic. Channel 2. 4 p.m.-NCAA skiing champjonsblps. Chan- nel 5. 4:30 p.m.-Gadaboul Gaddis, Fisherman, Channel 4. 5 p.m.-'Bowlintt. Channel 5. S p.m.-ABC's Wide World of Sports, Cha.n- nel 7. 7:30 p.m.-Surf City. Cha.nnel 11. SUNDAY 12 p.m.-Roller Derby, Channel 11. 12_,P p.m-Lltlle Leaguers, Channel 5. 12:.n p.m.-An~el Warm·up, Chennel 5. 1 p.m.-Angel baseball, LA Angels vs. SF Giant.I, Channel S. 1 :30 p.m---Greensboro Open Invitational golf tournament. Channel 9. 2 p.m.--NBA East.em Division basketball playof!s, Ph.iladelphi:i 76en vs. Boston Celtics. Channel 7. "I 2:30 p.m.-CBS Sports Spectacular, Indian- apolis preview. Channel 2. 4 p.m.-CBS Golf Classic, Cblnnel 2. 4 p.m.-NBC Sports in Action. Channel 4. 4 p.m.-Sportsrnan. Channel 7. · ~:30 p.m.-Ski Show, Chutbel 13. 6:30 p.m.-Championahip Sports, Channel 13. LAST MINUTI PllPAIATION -COllt ...... toacb Bill Ashcroft (right) goes ~ver·lut minute ltntelJ with~ ltlrl Ilario Porras Oeft) and Jackie Ogilvie. Rangers bee ml&ht1 Jldnn of Greater LA League. Sun~ in State Cup play. corner of Van Neas and Slau-~ ,f1 ~ :":~ ~ ~.:~ OH TH1s 2t1t1 ..., t1 Ai4¥t11. A.o. ICD ·and DO admission will be ., .. CallWMa. Wllldl la .. -· " l..S. ...... -· Ma•laft r. G--. • ......... .,, ... ~ .... "' .. _..,.,. ~ "vllil< "' Mii -"" .. ~ c-charged. You can take a _,..,.. .. ,.. ...... fl ..,. .__.., 1y ..,. ...... _.... ....,...,_ ..., ~ SlaUIOD turnoff from "·-Har-_... al• .......,. atw .. ""' ,_.a. ............ .,.. ~ ,.._...,. .....,. un:: 11M fl !Na ,...._ "' W, H. T__... '-la -It bor Freeway. ' oa'" Mardi s. "" .,. ,.. -.-.._ -1o ..._._. The D--,.. J.,.. -.....it ic-• ............. ....,,_., Mii acll-'" ~aers of coach Bill ~..,.,. WW...T~ ...... -....... necvlH ... -Aabcroft bav.e blitzed two WI~ " .. ...... IN WITNIU WMl•llM. I ..... .._ .. .......... _.. ,,.... .. _ .......... ....,.,,,., ..... straiCbt CUp foea, ripplq ._..., ~ ....... .., .... -"' t111a CM· Ventura (ll-1) and dumpiq -. a. .,_ "· 1-... "'~ •~'=- Loni D--... ("-}) -,_ ...., N "'-........ ~le~ ~ .r • -:L:e... ..... ce:.;;.... .... Ill, ,.,lllclNI °"* "' They have a proud aeuon ,..., AT ..... °'-c-itY \. record of 21·1 but lave not MMrwt tlr U I Ill •la ... Mt' ~ xlllre P'tt.. f .... _ ' fta..... •• u. 1"7 aced un:: sWf compeUUoa "'*""" °'-c..i DeM¥ ~11e1. .,,...,.. o. .... c .... oa11p ,. ..... enC9WJtered by Jadran in '¥ Mardi 21. 21 .,... ""'" i. ,.. 1..., »MS Mwe11 21 .... ,.,,11 J. 1e. 11 • ...s •HJ rugged Greater LA Lea01.a. ,.., LE"•• ~CE Jadran was runnerup t:"Uie LEGAL Non--. "n.1o1 "vaa semi-pro 'circuit to Kickers-~lllC HIAIHNOI WILL .. MIU> :;:::': ~:r. = Victoria. ~ Ran~ra . lave ~~l~io:O:'t.. ~~ ~L.\=t~~ TMI cou.:'"...:. OUMI won the Pacific Cout Leacue ,,,. '"-'· Call• ....-. ~ .., NOTQ w MA• ... °" ,..," .... C!OWD two lealOlll in aucca-:-=· ~.:.,:.. ~~..::.: ~=-:~=..n~vue ,.. s1on. Their ~.Y lou this year .. ,-=.': .... .:.. ....... .., l!lf• • ...,,,. 1 ........ OtcNtN. was to UCLA, 4-2. h c11y • c ...... ,....... c-NOTIQ _,!,.•_ ..... .,. 01vat1 T11at lftltlllll. ,. .0 .. ,. c-. "*4 Mlle J. ·-........ """"' a ~ JADRANSTAR Cal .... ~ ........... ,_ ::r::.=-.:..:"-~-; ----------------------------------Jadran is sparked by Fred :::;: ':!' ~ :::' "~~::;; = ,!-::":".:..: ::=;;:. Cam• ..__ Of • .._ ~ ._,... .. LAii ' tlW'Wlll llaMrl. .., "-"""' .. .. ran, a memUll:', ~ 12• Tract ..._ 1111. M.M. -.M. be> -Mii " Sea Kings Bat~le Aztecs to 2-2 Tie B a United States national team .,... .,, 0r-c;_.., _.-LeullM !_:-:-.?! ':"91t!:' ~ :' :: Ucs ~ !fl""~ .. -fl H&M~. -.... . ~ which met and tied Mexico tn .......,, • T--. A-,..,.. M9M. ~ t1 cue ti•_, M. 1 .,, .... of ta.-W Jd Cup Cat!Nrftla ~ ... lfl Het1ll 8'-w. Ill Wle "f one """" or une 2 • ..._ ......_ ... •·n-41 .., ,..,, • IM!a A-ca11tw• EC A a mat.cbea recently. rt.. cltY " t••• -l"laMI ... c-o.... """" '· '"" CtJOD Jim MacFaJiane ii rated ~:-:..1'.phr -:...:.,c~a:::::. ~.,:y ~~HM, as o.e of America's finest full-"-10. r.. ..-.... 1,., ... ...,..1a1 01 .. A""""'"-: ~ ba a.. tr~. ta IU. 1"'911 P:-"Y lt~t Ml ._. IM ltrNr U d f ted Cs.6. Ol1tr'kt, ....,.,.., dtxr._ • Lclh I c.. Mau Cellf ' n e ea -(;enlet' &or#ard J .-. Ra llW-'I 2'. TrKf N .. Jll7, M,M, .. ,,, ,.,.,:...,. i., Mlwr er the umpires elected to try ~-• ._ .,_., .. er-CM#!!~ .,.. • to Conun,.., th• tilt. dubkf is the leading scorer _...,. .., I"•._ Street and Cont., .. ,..'l.7!_...... O -,. __ 1 Ottl' ""''· ""' "' f Sa p-..i;.... · A .. ~ ,....., 11 ... 1...llllr-H-llton _,__ r ._.. By ED GIBSON Of tllt Oeff't ,..._ Staff WESTMINSTER _ Corona Greg H. Smith ~ukkJy got ALTA WMA -0 ran. g e or the n ~ ~ul:f1t. And =1~ktorl• St••'*·~-... -<:11~ A~" t. >. , .. 1t6S ui.u 1:30 p.m.-Ski Breed. Channel 11. del Mar came wtthln a sin-the side out when~ game Coast College swimmers won ce:°ter hall Len Wilkllu cap->. v~ AHttuti. ,... v-1•H ~OTICE f pm "rand Prix Channel 11 was·continued and c m th· b --d 1 tained the LA All-Stars this .., "-s.11 ,, GM*'-111S N._, -----------• --v ' · · gle raln~rop or Joslng a 2-1 to b t . th t f th fainale very lllg ut 'IK' 50 an ~ year 1.u1ward. cos•• ~ c.ui....ia • .,,, ,,.,,. RADIO 1 1--a m e top o e d c t 1 to thr h h · """1.,..,, 1o ...craac.11 10.• ,.. ,~.. MOT1C1 °" 1aL1 w SATURDAY rvun: League baseball game lnn.ing still trailing by a sin y1r rees Y ea as oat The Rangers boasting ex· '-"'" "'"' v•.-~ .,, •·• HAL "•°"•nT AT "'uVATI uu l0:30 •.m.-Dod~r baseball. LA Dodgers to La Quinta here Friday. But gie tally. ·Chaffey, ~1, here Friday eetent team sPeect and ball :'.,'";,:.ca:; ;:~i:ts~ 111 ""' .._:c:.,•.,"" , .... 94 Vs. C; .. c1·nnati n-..181 (• .. "). the rains subsided loat '-" 1,...,.. afternoon in the final Eastern bandlli:lg have tuted defeat ~ .. ~...._ L~.-.. 1111 ea1""""1a. 1t1 w tw 111a '-"' ., "' ncu '"" enough to allow the Sea Kini• 1 i , · -1 ' -• "* " ,,,.,... '"'"'· ,.,. -111· u. Allettft. 12:35 ~..--Angel baseball, LA An-'-,5. to all in th ·to f t b E:"'G:1tt1:4 Mer r:: 100 '-l Ccmference awtm dual for ..,uy twice In their M-game ....., frwll ,.._ ~ ""' .,, ..... '" ""~ •,... , ..... " o-.. -~ r y e p o e • 1 100 t.-. club history They fell to Thor ,,,..., caate -· ca1lfw111a. ci -. ...,_ 1a11er. Otaawd. SF Giants. . (710). seventh and salv•~ a 2-2 Ue Hartt.v. ~OllOM "' ~~ cy " .. 1 bdtb ac:hools. r. 2-l, in ~ Southern Cal fl. ., 4...,c ,,_!':..:\~ .. =.-:._ ':: ~:, ,.;::-.. ~ ~ ·~~.: .... ~ :-..; 1:15 p.m.-1..aker basketball, LA Lakers vs. in a tilt. which was called at 1· ., • T i The victory left coach Al nals 1 ... t y•ar ....... of coura• '""'· c•a -· ca11tet111a. 1er -· 1111tw11 -.,, --... ~" Oll-B It' B II ts KFt (11.11.0) . th d r h l b .... Ill l 0 I • • . .... .. ..... -mlulall to ..,.alt • Hur-· $(floOt flrmallon .. Miii 5-rlw c_,, -., a imore u e , .,., . .e en . o seven .w en e . w. Smlr11. ,, J o lrwin s Pirates with a 7.0 rec.-they bowed to UCLA w. sea-.., 1~21 -tdlool e111111re11 1" ... 112 en.. ,.,. u111 c1av .,, ,..,:1 1...s ... SUNDAY sic.Jes let loose again. -m:-~ J g g I ord for t"'-se"' .. "'n and they son ,_. LO<a~-~t "' Mna o.1w. Cott• "" elflC9 ., "-" A Carnes. Ati.nwy• 10 30 ~ The Visiting <!-VI 0 W 1• H 0 I t ll'C ....., • Mfta, C•ll..,.ml, al law. U1ll So. ,.,M*Hlt """·• : a.m.-..,....5er baseball, LA Dodgers vs. ~a n.Jn.s en a.-. d 0 0 • into Th ...... • in They have a n ... h off s. Ct ....... UM l'ffMlt .... C·»-,..,_,,,., CelllllY .,, L .. "-r.-_ ,, ... Ch. Wh't S KF1 (11..tO) trailing 2-1 in the bottom ,.., 1b 1 o j J go ur.....,y s open g .., y ens~. •• '°' JoNI *'""'· ,. E*"· Su1111 .,, Gal"°'*8. "" "" ''""· ''"' .... !Cato I e ox. Q"I • -of the sixth Lrame when ac-acwns:..~. II ~ : day of Eastern Confe:rence led by Norwegian ace Leif s CMI• ,_., ~ ':n:..i.:: ....... " .. i. --'" •1 "" 11- 1 12:35 p.m.-Angel baseball, LA Angels vs. Uon was halted due to a heavy Tot•" u ouiNTA ,~!II , 7 2 champio ... r..i ... action a.a pro-Werner, Guatemalan Ma_rio ~.,1!:, :!::' anew111a ~rv<11e11 ".,, ~l!Mf ........ :,..: .;":~ ·~ , , SF Giants, KMPC (710). ~ cl ,.. ·~a Porras and lbt lndoneaa.an ,. """"""" u.ii. 111 • ct -• -_.,__ .,., _ ... .,, ..,. .,. • oudbunt When the mots-we1a ... -., a. , : .. I .. l bll>iUve fav6ritea to win the ...__.._ bo ol H __ ... " ,._.. """' m .._..._ • "" '""""9. -....,. "' • ..... ,. "'•••••••••mamm•••1c:1•••••~ tu.re aub5ic:led 15 minutes lat· Mctoe11t. " , 1 I uivwer com arry ADU MCtlool mu. 01¥11"" x11,.,, ,._ ~""' •...,......., ., "'-""" ., ... ff we -----------,,...._ Mar111atld, lll l • • • crown. Jackie Ogilvie lll<»aC c .. -Seclleft f'M.t.I (II ................. _..., ,... Ta\ldltf'. r1 > I I 1 ' f/I "" ~ CM le .. ._ ,..1-_,., .,...... 111 h ~ ti ltOO!Morl. ' , • • • Inrl.n /"'°" apinsl . the STEWART TABS Da.iGEeo ...... -"' • -d•I -.. ~ ...... fl CalllilrJIQ. -11MWIY Sot11. Cl l o t 1 p ,,.._ in .._ h' .nnJ.'I no calM at 1111 Mate Vet* Drift, c-. ~ .. .....,_., ....,... A MYn. '" l 0 ' I 1Du1111::r uv-hum fas ion, Coast Rangers go into the Meta. cam. L• l• • Trad .... ,...; ... "" Cltt' rea Sports Calendar ~. ",. , : . . ''•.ving rourt 0h1 his b &p• t collls1on at full team strength. ~"':::' ..=:.:;:t~,~ .. -:: ~.:-:~ ~-:. "..:.~ Totat• n ' ' , nnmmers a ome -at Ashcroft made no bones about '' "" fllll<9 of "" ''-',,. o..an-111. _..,. .,. •-, .. ,_ " .,. n SUllDAY , ... ~Hert.or.""""'"'' •11 1.m •1tlDA'f Glugow. Steve Johnson. Bob the toughness or J ad ran.:.:.-""' SI'"'· Cott• Mftt, Call-: ,:~::"':= : .. -: c: s.cur Trec11 .......,. .,. Tallllh FREESE'S · Nealy and Randy Howatt. "They'll be the best team conA MUA "LANNING "COMMONLY KNOWN «1: .., ,..,.,: Cot1l "•""" ¥1 Jldr•"· 11.,. Neu· Wultr'll .. Huftfl1191on a.adl Merine. Wa1orft •' HllnllnetOfl ~ Marlfte, HIT The meet was .marked by we've ·v· -m•t," ...._ opined. c'.OMTMH,~T$CIONH.,. WAltltEN, ~ •. Clrcllt. """'~ ,_ ... Ctll-""10 In Los Anot~t, 12 lO om. l IS o.m. c.,_ *I Mer at Vti.ntla, s,w_, " ~ "' 11'1: ~ "'" _.,,, s.iu,.. at "-_.. H1111or, wet1m1n11er ,, Sat1-a steady downpour of rain. ''Th 'U be f CH A11tMAN T.,rne of .. i. C8M '" lawfv• -.. °''"" Coell at 5outi..rn S.rlu. Lot WIDNISDAY •• Ana V111tt. Cotta Mew .. IWM NIPS DODGERS It the r l d al t h ere no room or any Wiiii..., l. °"""· Sttretarv .. Ille Ulllltd Slelon on cerillrmatlM •• """' .. Yacht Chit>, 1• •.m ~ ,at11, c-11 it M•ttr 0.1. All _. was ma u ma c mistakes we'll have lo ...,. Director of "1•11111"' .. i. ., "" u111 ... 111ai.u ..,~ MONDAY · Ne•-t Har._ •t Cott• Me ... wttt. '' >:u "'·"'-in the Jaycee coaching career ,_ ·.....: t' t ,.ublllMd Or•,... Coa•• D•'IV "1a1· bv ;.... M<Urtd iw Mor1t-.t ., Trwt Oe11 "'''"'., •• Hum•11t1on 11ac1t Mar"'8. ,...... ~ f Irwin And it ked th uay our U'CS -ever game o -.r11 J. 1MJ .aua °'" .., ,.,. ~ .. ..... Tift "" cor~ 0.1 M., ., 1.1 °"'"'•· 1 P "' '°"' ,,,..,. at M s ·~· er.,. co .. t at c11rv1 T-"""""· FORT MYERS, FIL 0 · mar e win " Cltflt • .._. 11111 1e .,. -..ttH •'"' 0r-cwt ., Ml. "" An1on1o. 1 "'·"'· . ., .. _ • "·"'· ......._._ (AP) Gene Freese eleht conaecuUve 1 e a• on UCLA coach Jock Stewart LEGAL NOO'ICE 11~.,. "' ~ ,. ·-. 1" """'1"' ~ Trecti Ana1'fll!I "' c.._ *' ,,..,, i:u '.II\. . -bla teams have gone through . • ... _ Ran • '--~ win 11a rwca1¥e41 ., 111a ....,...., ~ cw-da1 "'" 11 v111a ,...,., san•• · ,,..,.,. ~ llMll .. K~. >:u smubed a three • nm -'-·•t action without ..i~•·at gives ... ~ gers a Cuam.-.c: ,..".. .. ~ 11_ --. rt. •1, •• _ .... k .......... Alla v.-.. •• w.tlml111ter. loth "''"' :rMUltlDAY "'·"'-IMMnl Comer-. cll~I... home run off n...t... l:Ul:W ~--"'--••Tl•ICAT• °" •Ull ... -· _.., .. ....... .... at J;U 11.111. Trad! ..... ..,._ f a.I'll. • . ·· OJVU6er Last C:Onfere~e team ~of lmocking Off tht ..-Vily C ,_.._. """ .._ -i:t~~lt~~ =: ::.~(,,, l"L ,....... ~VIMI et Cot!• Mea • ..._, ... ,. T,... Pilcher H 0 w l e n e e d favored Jadran crew THI UNOUSIONIO ....... wrtlfV c11a ....... al 0r .... , Coll. , •.m. bor 1t '°'" Gr-. Wtttmlntt,. •• CM'9lla .... ,,,., ... Cott• Mesa ., oda defeat an Irwin squad w a s . " caroi. Aftft Kr .. Jl.-d TUISDAY Wu1tr11. Hunllnttoft ••ach "'"''na •• ..._, Ke<bor. J:lS "'·"'· ,,,....., ... t y to lead the Pitts-SUNDAY KNIOUll 11111 ..... c.Gftdud"'9 ... alM -Ir tncvlrh of "" Wiii .. Milt ............ 1 -T-~ ~•n11 """· KtllllHY ,, cor-dal Mar. UK Fr..., ., er.,,.. '°'''· l 1.m. burgh· Pirates to a 3•1 •x-Fullerton back in 1957. Irwin AT ltANCHO <:1ENE011. L• ,.,. .. _ ""'',.." at "'' .c11ar1t Sf .. Coot• Mtsa. OecHeat. • ~i -1 .,_. ...,.,tr 0.1 11 h~.tltft. AH ,_.1 al OaM • • "' to tJ • 't f Cft'I IO·JO • m. -Maccallllea vs. c;..~ C•lllWftlt, "'*' "" flclltlawt firm NIM It...,. .... c-~na .... m •' H1111t "Oton •••ch "'"''"• l .IS • m "'"°" H"* •• s.v....... C••• h1b1Uon basebaU victory moves . n1vers1 y o AJ • n :JO im. -MaoMn vs. ,..., A,...,: at c • o Auto .,,.,, w lllat .. id unt s.. ,._....,. ''"--Cor«>e "' Mar at "llr• Par•. N-• ~ ,,. .. •• c.-0.1 Mar. '°"' moklles th fornia Irvine after J uly as k •"· i :>:> p.m.-st. Sltllf\tftt .Jts Oc~-"'"' " , __ °' "" 1o1aow1ne .,.,. ,.__,.,, ,.........._ Hartlor •t WM GrailClo. w .. 1m1n,~r et Oren0t C t II Cltr l t at 2 11 m, Over e Los Angeles ' 0...lt. eens. wfle•t -· In 1\/11 tfld tlac.1 o1 A,,._.,, tw IJIKWlrlll Sallta AN. k•-• et Cot11 MIM All l 1 m o.s UI ti1tn1tntn ·~ IATUllOAY Dodgers head aquatiCS COaCh . AT CAMTWEl.L HIGH KHOO\., ,,,_ resldfnct art H ftl'"h. l•w11: l'vblltflH Ore"'' Coest 01llY 'llol. •-.. J. u '·"'· · Trtldl · There were no double win-1et1t11o-C11aoe1a •• ....-iat•re at s.... 08" '· " .... • •02 ,._ Cost• """" 2. l. '· •MS .i1-4s ,..,_,.,. T..-. Cllafftv 1"""at1ona11. ,, a"' Freese's wallop came 11 1ar11are oo·JOl J2·• o-111•re 1N11. '•""""•· .'"' .... LM-••tllm.t ., IC•-· CllatltT at °'** '-'· 1 a I'll. ,,.. . . af•-r two p · ·-h d ners for Orange Co85t. The (LAI .,.. Sa11ta ..... bl.~. t:JI Atltnlt J. c. Mar .. 1 ... fM c ........ Cetta ·' " ... ,.AL NOTICE J.IS •.Ill. ~ 0-c ... ,. 59" Di.ta Stet.. USC ~ trao.cs a p .... _ had t ti I K'ligfll Mete, Callfwflla. ~ .. _, .. __ .. !!" lol Eettwll ~ ~'" at ~ at Cal SI .... L-htcll, gamed bases by walkl. anun:rs a WO-me v C· VIVAN N:-u P'IELO CLAl-<aatt ...... WITNISI -llaMa "''' Ulh HY .,, -----------..... • ..._ -·-" G•-"''"•<fell. t 11 "'-11 '""' tor in Dick Mathe, however .... .,. Jwe11 cu :lll. """"Cfl. •HS. Dell J. "-' 1u ,.1110t1 coun o, THI ---------------;__--------=;_--------I-----------J. c. Marwll ITATI CW CAL.,OllNIA llOI STATI! OP: CALlfOltNIA I TMI COjlNTY O• OtU.Nea Southland Resorts Blanketed With Snow COUNTY OP: O"ANGE ) n ~· ON THIS lltll daY flf Merel\, A,O. IHS, I I btfore me, It-Ila C. IC"6•, a Nelary E l8-al) 'vbtk '" aN I« lllt N~ C_,., -A/A Dt" MAY Hl!OltlCI(, "•lftflff""' Ste" r .. tflne lhtrtlfl, dlllY CO\Tlf!'lt-KENNETH HEDltlCI(, Ot~ndellt. •I• -1~. ""teMll• _.-,,4 THE "10,LE 0:, THI ST"TI 01' 08" J. N•ftl alld J. c. -.VI• k"Own lo CAll~ltHIA, "" la bt tllt H•soru wlleM nemts ,,. To ""' tbovt """" Ot'91\d1nt, I(~ 1u1>1trlllH to lllt •1111111 1 .... 1,.1ment • ...., "-"' ~rick. By ESTHER BILLINGS Of ... Dally l'IM "•" All ayatems were ''go'' tbrouebout Southern Cal- Uomla ski rtaol'll today fol- Jcnriat the beavleat snow- fall o1 the year this week. Some anu, Holiday Hill, Kratka Ri41e and Mt. Wa· tennan, reported as much as three feet of snow while others like Snow Summit. Snow· Valley, Table Moun- tain. Green Valley, Blue Ridge. Mt. Baldy and Mt Pinos had up to two feet of the white stufr. Aside from the latest snowfall, b!i news c.tme from Sun Valley w h e re France's Marielle Goitath· el duplicated her downhill win by taking the slalom to win tht "Women's combined trophy of the 22nd annual Harriman Cup races. • Jean Saubert, top United States hope finished second to the slalom whlle Linda Meyers of Mammoth Moun- tain was fifth. . L. J. ''Vickie" !lasher and Hannes Marker. man- ufacturer or thf' ramou~ binding, were among t h e spectators. Following t he event~ Hasher. a pioneer In western skiing and well- known as a local sk.I equl~ ment distributor. began driving to~d Squaw Val· ley with Marker, whose borne I.I lo Garmiacb·Patt· enldrehen, Germany. Thu. waa an accident, fatal to Huber, leavin1 I. . . Marker seriously injured, though re'<:'Ove.rlng. · Hasher's 16ss has put a depressing note in the open· lng this week of the annual Southern California winter· sports trade show. for he was a (avorite anct familiar fiiurt there as in other phases of skiing This year has produced more than its share of trag· edie-a to well-known local skiers -Margaret "Schat· tie" Wood, Jackie Daven· port, Ginny Gla~s. Tommi Tyndall. and now flnheP• Each left a special mark •• , . on siding and on its particl- panu, and for this we thank them. We were reminded of Huber's part In promoting Mineral King, recently an- nounced by the U. S. For- est S e r v I c e as being opened for development. A number or years ago llash· er lived in this 1s1latcd southern Sierra uea in the Sequoia National Forest through two winters to col- lect 1nrormation basic to ski development there. Maneul Xlnc-has been surveyed by many poten- ad1newi.d•td to ,... 11ta1 ,,,.., e•ecultd You ••t "'"'°" •l<'ecltd IO ·-•• 8lllt tja}, Operators Or their 1~ ·-• •n,.,.., !ht C>IMtllaW ol 1111 a"°"9 nalnf4 agents for development IN WITH .. WHlltt!OI". I ..... ,.,... tltlntlff "'" !fl Ille ..... ""''"" court ullte wt my h.,.. tild 1Nl•td mY offjclal 1" t11t _...,,. """'" e<llOll llrwtllt over the years, but In spite ........ ..., 11141 YI., "' 11111 Cartlfkelt ... 1 .. 1 "" "' .... Cltllrt, wltlllft TIN Of its (•bWOUS potential the fltlt Now Wfl""l, ' .. YI a,,., IN -vlcit Oii YOll " !Ills !HALI ~ " MrWf "'1111.n Ille ...... cost of buildln1 ID ICCHI It-lie c. K-. ,.. .... ttu!llY • ., wlllllll THl"TY ...,, If d h d b N••n l"WllOCallfwllla ""'" ~. roa IJ. eterred t o 1 e ,.,111t..,.1 Offlc:a 111 You are ,..,... 11t11fltd 111e1 li""'9e vw interested. er-c-. .. -... -r ... ~ ... '"'"' win My CMIMltlltfl llllllrtt tall• I~ 'w ...., ,,,.,...,.. ., '8M-The estimated mlnlmum ,.,.., 1, ,... -.._....,. "' rt. ~111"' a• .,, .. COSt Of development of 9.1, • ""'WIN Or-Caa1t 0.llY "'°'· lllt -~Kl, " Wiii 4"1y It fll8 000.000 to i n c 1 u de aid Mardi " """ 11eru >. 1" 11• 1...s 11t..s :" cei:..r,:. ""'' r.llaf ._,,.,.. 111 lifts c a p a b I e o( trans-!;;:======;::=== cs~~~ Ma•<ll 1' ".., porting 2000 people per LA TEST I FASTEST w E sr JOHN,'",. hour and a 100 bed resort Late newa reaches ~ou r ~ ... ':.. ~~•11atl'it•. does not Include the cost of home the d1~ It happens In Ll~~Lo. Mc<An,. 1 NALL the 25 mtles of road which the DAILY ILOT In part ~,':::,; ~ will have lo be built from thrO\lih tht we of 1 prlnt1n1 ,.,. ,_., cae"'""a prtu which prodUC:N thlt T ....... , LI """ Hammond on St&te High-newspaper it ll>Hd• up to A"'""" 11r ""'""" way 198 preHnUy negotla· 30,000 copies per hour. ..:.:~,.. <>;r:, ~~ 10~~ = blc only in the summer .. ' ' • .. • • ' c .. .. .. ., • , • .. e '· • • rf .. II .. • .. I. • .. • • .. .. " ' .. • .. .. • • .. •. • • • '" .. .. '• ' L • .. t • ORANGE COASr BUSINESS DIRE(:T.ORV PW'I • a.NI .. -.,...,.,, ........ (1(1 ..,,, ....... --... -...i...... -wllll -....nt1 le ....... Mii crlfl• 11•111, le fllnW dPI Ftod .. Gt Or Eat Btre ' OPEN, H HOURS ORMMO 2903C ,._,_,.. IW. . ........ IMcft CA .... _ HI· TIME. I 495 E. 17th, c .... Mesa UMa14 ...... CAYSTAUNEI CORPOIATION e Flbe"ll .. Materta11 lftd au.,,llu • cMtlnt R1aln1 and Molcle . .......... 181 PUCElmA e CM u .... Pl.OOlt COV8at .. CAIPEllNG DllfCl'lll••th• ....... 675-163' Nes,.n n.. C.1• ... C. -LCOMTMWY. COtlOMA ,JRL MAR WlllW .. Pat Oliver l~RIORS. -• complete Ml'VIOt - Color .~tyUnt -Llghtlnr Fuml~. Dr1J)(·ries, Fl<>or C.OVtorina 67S..SS50 2146 I . c...t Hwy. Corona cMI Mir J • .,. .... BLACKMAN L TO. OIJ"CJDOmete 11ai. Jewelry Dllip W1tdl &Cloelr..,,_ ..,.., .... 0-. ... ,.. ,...,...,... Cmr111 R•lft 34.Jf V1a Oplrtl N.I. m-mt CAIL TON'S '1'he Store For Mtn" Quallty at lenelbM ~rloM P'tl'IOnallaecl Flttlnt ........ c.. .... uum ... ....... .... ,.. .. _ ...... ,.,._... ..................... ..,,, c...,... ~ .. ---......................... ...,.. ,, .......... ----------.. -----·-~.-....-------. .. ___ ... _._ .. _MOW9 __ ._. ___ -----------... ~ c ............... .,,.... dwlllle. ......... ---~ ... .,.,..... -....... ..,,.... ._., ~ • ""..,,.. ... "' """"' Mn. ...... Mcu au •N'S L Ir u .,._Ila ... ..__....., ........ c:-.. II .. -·_...... ~A • ::.=~.:::,~ • "' c.-..r • c-... "' SHAW I SONS ~~ . LAWN MOWD CAPITAL ·aUSl .. SS SllYICI 11-.u.-,.Tu ReDlna I TELEPHONE ac-zm 2052 Newport Blvd. No. 11 c.M. f GRAHAM BROS. HUnN& ..... Ser"lb -Aft Ma~ 546-1653 .2955 Randolph, C.M. The Chelsea Shop .....,.. '"""". ·-~ ...... ......,. _____ _ c •• c-..... _ ---- TAYLOIS TRIM. SHOP ·'t ~ <95\'. ~~:= Tea.phone LI 1-7333 145 INDUSTRIAL WAY iiiiit RIST UlllAI. Ull . Of Orate c.Ut, Cetta Meu Brucll MMllM._V .. FUll Com'ml. Bank Service · Escrows ' 546-9270 In Newport .. lldl • c.rona dtl Mar • Hufttll\gton ••acb • c..ta ._ ... Fllr EXCITING PAsTRJU ud DIUCIOUS--AD Ge T9 Yeu Ne8nlt CIMINT COMTtACT1NG C-.'* ...,_ ~1,.11 SALIS AND IHVICI u.-.. ...... .._. ~c.,.. 1M 1_, Te,.,.· Hew a U... .. we Jleiwel'I MdH~ ................... I ~""-· COMMPCW. I W• OlftJ our 011rn wimote Ptwer sr..pe t ..,..,.._... iiiiiiitiliilM: -.... ........ ' 5l Ulo.L ,. M. " ..-... .. .. ...... ---. ... .. 1-W. ·l?na -r-'-· , ... ... ... -Ml '-"" Ml '"1M1 "' a.m ~SIS •. CM •-6•Y•Cll ........ K&9c.111 ~ ... CiM11 ._... 6 StM J•. , .. ....,Seta WllP81 .... ,.... ........... 1445 w w. 1ttt., c.tA ..... . J. UY COllSTIUCTIOll CO. INC. Commercial • Realdeatlal .ud IMutrial 642-4210 111 E. 17th St,.· c.ta Mesa ....._,........., -Jmlll--~ ......_ c.-.... a, ..... , --........................ ~ ,.,..... ....... ,, ") ,, ,_~{Ct-~~ It' i J'I' ,,, I I j 'I . I MATTRESSES PRICE• QUALITY \.. ft. --mw. na a o.e. Mesa .aa .. ..,... ... ...1!!'£ .. T•t& WlU:OX.CllTI•mN HAaDWAU ........... Qa,._ ... ka 2700 W, C.ut Hwy. N.a • ........, .......""'" MllJUCAM l'OOD LA RAMADA Ekfut Mexku Food EDcldJada Banchero (Our 6peclatty) Iwr ...... Cernu C1t.tnf e •ooct To Go T• T9l1 Out OB l"*7 .................. ~~~CZ SNACK SHOP ... --•,........ ..... -I ........ ...., T,..._ ....... .._ ----------..., MWftl ..... H-' ,,_ _,,.. ... 1111 -,,....,.. .. Aot!IMlt 2451 E, COMt Hwy., CdM Sentc. ............ .. °"'. ~ea.- UNIWBSITY OLDSM0.U ... HAlllltOft ILVO. COaTA •EM e ..... ULIOA IAY INSUIAtiCE Merft "8ft ,,_,..Me ................. .._.cs• a 1' P,.....WI& .......... LIASE LOCALLY Naw Chev. CaN • TNClla • P'tue All OtMr ... • '-hr Lftelt ...... ... Raaet-Cll ••. COMel Chevrolet 546-1200 Blll'S BEAUTY SALON MEIJ.E NORMAN COlllETIC8 ITUDIO 1Clll .. .. ... ftlr ..__.,......, .......... ....._ .. ......_~...,sn-... ..._ ... ... ca...n ............ _ .. ~ ... ,... .... .......... _ _.. ~---+- ...... a~ 29S EU 17* St., C. M. ~a.st,n.c I iM E. u c.M. • -.sm 1 · ____ .,._,.._. ___ _ ll Ctille .. P1ris ._ ... •tall -Eiq>ert l~IMI -Hair ~rlnt • ....,...__., ... Van ._..,.._ L°Ot'e., 0. ,..,.. GrMllMe aa!'F-11 ~iT lJ.Q209 210 Gill 11t Ceut Hwy. N.B. IW8151D - s.. "--Won t= 1541 Ad.,.~"-C.M. •. Nat 1• a.... 'l'llleatre .... ltlACH. ROAMER TU IEEI NOONTIL 15' 4 ....... HM t,\AIN St. IALIOA Taco Tio Tac.eeT011.aMe&r1en Bllrrtlel • ..... • i'rill 19tta wt Aalh1I• C:.,te ... Niie ITOll8 fteMT ........ .. ......, ... n_. .,..... __ , .. :. .• . ' ' .--.:::._.:!--.. • 11 •• ••••••• ''-''· ,,.,.,•Ct•. ca.ow. ,rompt p,.....,,..._ •rvt.t "'-r. .... , 6.7744 tt46 .... ,..., IMI. c..t• Mesa, Catlf. DaY (l.llAN ()P!.f!= DIYClEAN .. ONl Y M MIN. . • .., d9lllll - - -.. _....,_._ ... ewwtll .....,. -.. c.-...... aa. -- 'mo 11USR1 co. The Preltlp Mover 1461216 At1"'9 Fw .. X.."9 Tbs Jlm1nc To tJs ...... l . " M NUUIRY 6A~DEN SUPPLIES Chad'1 Oraameatal ln9 e R ... 11.al., e Cemm'l. . .......,... . ~ • Roeta Dlwldon • a..i. • ltalrway. .,..,.. 546-5911 a:l8 Btfltol • Colta Mesa Dr B. H. KLEINE 0"°'9ET1'1 IT 1naa UAMtNED CONTACT Lll, .. l~a !381 BarMr c.&a M .. Bar• 8lllf,. C.&cr IJMMI ......... ......,p ......................... Qlle .. , ................... _... .. _... ............ ....... .,..,... .. _ ........ ....._ ................ Jlft ........... _ ....... ...,_, ...... ....... ___ ..... n. .............................. ~ --.itw.• ....... WI _., ....... .._ 9 --_., • .. .......... __. ........ ~-----· ·--·-1HAFEl'S MUSIC HOUSE "'Siace 190r CZI N. s,.._., s.A. sn.an SAYE NOW Q.lty ' ' Plsag . at 1/2 Price! CALL lee's House P1lnti111 0 494-4155 THE PET SB ForACa•MlllCa..a. Canl.-e C..._.. IMlv't ··~·~ w .. nftl App."I %1%1 B_..r Blvd., C.M. -..eu lite JOUY I06EI flOlt FAMILY DINNOS Ollila .... Sll&a ... ..... llllM • ,,.. p )-';..I'•' \1\1\f, {)'··J. l 't l 1•\•l'\ anTAutlA#T UD'S Wllf RESTAUUNJ ·. Buffet-Sud~ Dinners No u.uor -re .... w. Priet>S OR 3-1760 25'5 E. Coast Hwy • Coron1 del Mar SAVIMe & LMll· COSTA MESA SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION SI 5 NS "-ARIC ... --... , ...... 5J1..JJ74 WGL...._......_ ......... Tr1Her • MoWJa Hime Service FIUUClla • WU.r Me9WI ...... ...... all t)'l)a of "pair .... --· '..,,,... 54a-114t BOB'S TRAILER MAINT. & REPAJR ENGLISH JOHN TRAILER SALIS _ ... v...,,... er · t • • OeewJcle Ul4 N. Rarb9r., S.A. JE 1 .. 15 • TtAILH IUPPI. Y HAUOI TIAILER *SUPPLY* Trdlr • c.... • Boat a.ta111 • -.. •• Rtpa1n ..... ~. Prem" S.V"'9 u J.aa1 -Nn,.n BtM., C.M. "e>i4'f~ TIA Vl1. SRYICI ... CRUIUI AND TOURI Al .. LI ... e ITUMIHI~ Z1t1 E. ~-a., .. OIM Oil •I• tmllES • 05v. Ir ':Jr ~.Im Trees Kl SI011 731 laker at. Costa Mesa Open 7 daya t \am to I pm TitOPHllS ~ROYAL 9\Y Trephy Co. Aca..-..... ...... ..... ......,................ y_... ............ .......... Dllllloer. -WA Ntw)lll1 llN. C.M. CY CnNM A.a., LA. -.. .,., ...... c-. .... AU a, .... Ml l.a'D e E Nm D 7:7119 I owq 1"""-lft ----------------~,.,,,..,,,.,~---· . ------------, IC..au W"" ?¥ aeHM CHILCOAT TYPtNG • eoATI . CUFF'S AUTO IEPAlll Eq. Ed. • Tue U, Bnh• -GeaerMlr - S&alW free eevtaJ car 1747 An•helm, C.M. LI M117 AUTO II• ICW ELECTRONIC ENGINE ANALYZING Fut. complete automutiw Service • Budlet P~n • CUil. DellVfry • Body I: Paint Shop • Frtt Esti· in.tee • Loan cu A Y&1L Or.II N6-1.IOO aa Harbot' atvd. CoueU Cllevrole& • Cl\t ""'° ....... , AlrTO IVPPI. T WEST AUTO SUl'PLY & MUFFLER SERVICE Authorized Motorola Auto Radio SaJn cfr Servlcw Expert Brake Work ID B1t1'or, C.M. 548-Mu FIMtt1WS1e11ta B..&ae,.ln Rfftaf Bolt Banhnrt 504 29th St .. N.L OR 3.2QSO ~ MESA IOAI ClllH NEW & UIED •OATS Marl• .. ,..lea• ... t & llotw ~Ir • loott~aft • f'antny 24 &:vl"rude .._. & M.tor1 ~ 1.515 Ne.-,.rt. C. II. ··-IUll.DQee MATllUAI. TONrS IUtLOING MATl:IUALS MUOUJ--&IM 4 ('.ravel Stone Block A Bricks Onameatal Rock u 1-1121 t 2075 .... port lhd I C.M. CAN OCWI flClfT *CAFE ·* 39 Years 08 Beaet. Seafood Sftttf•IJ&ies C1am Cbowdtr-T., leer 673-9809 2114 e>c..n Front Newport leach SCHOOL -LI aas9 -rt ........ '""ewer' 5,000 paplls 1 b1al ltssolt Jt~NS .... 173 .Dd Har Ate •• c.11. SC. Grd. te Sea. 0.-. ·~ WESTERN MUTUAL· ESCROW CORPORATION COfllpl ... Eacl"9W le~ A,,_ FHA·VA P'1ck1tfng 2700 Harbor Blvd. ( Kt 9-0314 r.e. Bee. Co., hie. l erva, ln.Ullatlon and RelMdt~ ""*· · Cm'I. • lndua. do It J')\11"9elt suppl!" al9o lhipplnc eontalnera 11111"-to order 64M"6 m "· ua. S&., CM. Fumitu;. ~i•Mh retlailhlnr-repe lrinf restylln1 tn Ollnete Lacquer or Antique Plok·up IM delivery up dale Your pr.wnt fumJture House of Oouql.s 673.-3151 413 Z9th St., Npt • .Bell. > -' f l'RS ORIGINAL i.y FURS' OF DlSTINCTION Styling • Clunlng Glazing • Storagt Kl w.r1'I ~ N. Btuchnly, S.A. HUNTS GLASS COMPANY "IF IT'S GLASS ... WE HAVE IT." Auto, Wlndotlt, Pwtlo & l"-er Door 1• Baker • MM554 FORGIT HARDWARE He.....wn ,., NelllMO' A-rtl .... It ... el • H ARDWARE e PAINTS e WALLPAPER e I MA LL AP'PLIANCES f73-mt %!11 W. Ba1Ma Bhd. N.B. . , U...T .. ''"" u.err.. a P9COCIAT• 11av1cw Electrie •M L,lttrtl1tt / ............ 31!7 222 \f ........ C ... a Mtu WI WILL IUILD ·IT Adcl ...... Ddlfts-Pltloa COSTA IWF.sA LUMB,P <X>MPANY LI 1-1061 Ml 6""°9 l 700 SUPlllOll A VE. TnthSH SOUND SLtEP MATTitESS l\ing Slze-Quttn Size O..bl~te-Twta-Uual l..1>1&._J UNI CircYlu iltM ... a,.~law.I ~~--Pllknn 642-2760 1100 Hert.er ltvd. CM. ' ·a & H Olllce S.Ues Sal••Senkt ...... Ofnee,.... ... •nn lllldiMs • 1i«;1u.._ Ferm • Dnftlllt Sanllet S41 W. Center Ml 6-1443 PST UtOP Cr•f9'1 Mesa )»•t Shop Smau A&imal• r;;die G,.._.'9C Tropical Gol4 Fish • Birds LJ 1-1154 447 Newport llvd. NEWPORT UACH SHA KEY'S PIZZA PARLOR e aAVMUAN 8LACK· a EE" e EXOTIC, S~ICY, "OaUIT, l'lnA SUPREME For orW Call: .. •• ms Ntwpert BM. c.M. 11.J PLUMllNG REPAIR Rt sldential A Commf're'al N~w <.:onat111cUoa and Moderllizalloa Frtt Esl1m•&u 1193 S•rtor Cotta Mesa • Ml MIS4 • GIRAID~S Col ........ ...,. •.• no. for Patron Serrices Call 84&-9311 for Student Enroltmut CaD 846-9313 CJOled Mondays 141 E. llill St., C!.Jl Pfisters ROCKET SERVICE ~fteel A.Jlpmtnt ,... ... ~ ....... .... _ ..... Pk. u ....... 2101 MAHOR IL VD. COSTA MESA . THE SHADE SHOP Draperiea. tt.aler lhMH Drtpery ·Hardware WOVIN WOODS -New,.n lllft.. N.I. m.zae Me•• SHOii II Allt"'9 ~ IEPAfR MAiERRY'S Com pl''' Shoe ~,rvl~ PrHCr1ptlon Spe< 11111.\t Lug,u1e Work \\'e Clve S&H Green St11mp1 1898 Harber BITII. Mlf..1311 l1rre1'1 ST ereo Vision' Zenith 0.•ler -wt repair all wko- -reuanable rate.- 673-Jaf 2'16 E. c..t Hltihwrt eor... del Mar ·~ COITA MHA *VACUUM* CENTEI AUntOCllUO 1t•I T UlVQ .. _._....._DMIW _,. e UMD I a•o•tLf . , ............. 642-0460 ... "'-' ........ cat• ... L&rtest in Oranp County rea,u.c -rec:.nrtaa l'urnlture Made to Ordar · IO V111'1 ''"" Looatlo" LI M711, LI l-191S USO Ne•,.n llv6 Costa Mesa WIClS * MAWES * WIG SALON w9eHalr ~ Toupe• e "•air• Clunl "f e lty1"'9 Call For ,-,... Make Up F'ac11I !St-D. E:" 17th, Co1la Mtn M8-U4I ' , Transistot Radios Becoming Powerful lnstrtnnents lt ls am.all, eully carried, still expemlve in many places -but it hu ~ a new world to UUierate mUlloos of Asl.a, Africa and t.atin America. IT IS THE tranailtor ra· dio. It tiUtts it.a menace to the wrinkled peasant bend- ing to teod the rice in Bor· IN SOVTll V1etnam'1 neo. the rebellious tribe•· war, the spobn wwd is man in Burma. the slum often more powed\11 than dweller in Bombay, and the buUeU md bombl, and the African -.itch-doctor kl hl.s transistor radio is clasgified mud-thatch hut. by both sides u a Vttal WU· It is a pov.~rlul Wtru· poo. The sets are ~u.an,. at ment in the betUe for the home in the pocket.a ol aov- minds of the m~s. It is enunent troops w \'\et C4o1 allo -for the fortunate--. gue~. o~• -a magic box t&k· BWinl little rad lo s ing him far from the vill8ge crackle throughout the he bas nrver~. givinc sluma ol Sa1p and U. him vislona of a world be blood dmtc.bed plan&atioos his pever lcDown. U he ls of Ninh Gia. illiterate, as millions oC Despite the ellmlmtion ol owners are, it hurd.lies at government toes on Im· once the berrle.r that has ported radi0& they are not kept him from the world of cheap in South Vietnam. books and newspapers and The average transinor costs magazines. about 10 U.S. dollan, roup. Jn the Communist COW!· ly half the monthly salary tries, and other highly con· of an umkflled wvrttt or trolled nations the fare fed pe11..nt But they ca be ColDUJent Page: bouCht with cuneacy other than mooey. Mmy a rifle hu beell treded for a tran· sistor ana U a IOldier lJ lucky the man be kill.a In coml.t may be carryin& ()Ge. • ' Tran&lltor rldiol ~Y cmy educatlonal mes- aagea to the UUterate of the world, but here on the Oran1e Cout the-mesaaiea eatitting from the ma&ic bozea are zdoltly mu.deal. At leut to the un 'of teeD-llUI. And. lf a spot chect of ave area blah IChooJa II any fDdb. Uon, more tban 81 per cel)t of loc.al students own tbeJ:r own pocket4lzil radiOL • ;., ___ .. _________ ... -....... ___ .. ______ _..) .. Of the 292 students polled, 258 report~ they owned tn.mlltors and llstened to them enry cfay. And most reported they ~ned to music ltatlona. This 1oe1 to aho~ that a vital weapon in one part of the world can be a teen-apr'a toy in another. • New DaY -Is ·s1o~ly Dawn~ng f Or Mississippi JACKSON, MW. - A soft breath of chan~ is moving quietly acrou Miasu&lppi. Volcu whlch once cried "Never" to die Negro's demand for equal rlgbu are now saying "Slowly." Voices whlcb once whispered "Slowlyn are now daf'o ing to say It aloud. Voicea once too cowed kl ipeU at all are now be.ln& beard. Why? Ecooomks perhaps is the m.aln rtuOl1. THOSE BEllJNI) a buJ'teOalnl Industrial develop- ment procram in Mltmlippl ruliu, in the words of one planner, that "when ball rour populatim is poor· ly educated and nouprod'..:tt•e lt'• a awfU dn.& on the ~my. we•n cot to chute that" No doubt, the ec009m.ic fo~ of federal tancs. is respooaible for a chan1e In the traditional st.ce. The fact I.I that roughly ooe-Ullrd of the operatinc budget ol Mlsautppl comes Jrom federal aources. Thi• yeer fl.50 million iii federal aid will flow m. to the .Ute treasury and be spent by ageocie.s of. the mte for state purposes. Should this be cut .off for lad of compliance with the Civil Rights Act it could cripple the state. AN<mlER REASON for the changing attitudes 11 that much ol the population is limply fed up with the tactic of resiltance. Said a Hattlelbure merchant : • "Ita brouebt U1 nothing but trouble 5ince 1981- thal'• when the first 'freedom rldea' started. A Jot ot us are retldy to try aomething elle'. What? •'We.n, eclJutmmt -~ you wut to cail ll" TROUBLE THERE 11.t\S beell ID Milsl91Wl Dr. M.a.rtm Luther XlnC Jr. mt laac a&D caW It tM MtiOG 'I 1paCbfst &rU ol raiatlDce to tbe chtl riCID movement. He coakl paint. for eumple. to tllil .._ af • \ Necro churches or to the fnlllll eut11 af tllrw lbaDow craves. not"lo mesrtim the pal& stat.em '1 o1 ma. oUklala who vowed they would be proud ud baaar· ed to man the last ramputa of leCftptiaa. Today there iJ equally anmktabble nidmcl el adjll.lbneat.. Most°' the fUDdl to ftbaDd tbe dlwcks are comini from Ml.niuippbu; elected offtdalt are callln1 for law And order; privne citizien.I are private- ly reluif1i their once riiid ~ • SOME MANIFESTATIONS ol tbe cbaqe are ob- vious. A year ago a veteran of 12 years ill tbt .Ute legislature WU defeated primarily becaUM lie ad- vocated keeJ>inC open the public 1ebooll ahhOQCb Inte- gration mJght. come. Last mootb the Congress of Parenta and Teachers m his district, along with others throughout the stile, voted to direct its school board to lntegrate rath4;1' than Suffer the Joss or federal fonds. escape lb eventual influence. IN THE MA1TER or Nefo voting rtlbt•. Gov. Paul B. JohuoG reeenUy sal in plain tmn1 to the people wbo elected him:· "It doean't make aente to tum down a perlOll with an M.A. decree when he atumpta to re0ster ID vote and then register one who hAa not bee to ICbool. We don'f hue a lee to -ltand on." . "Either we're eoln.1 to be draued kicklnl and 1erumin1 into the llCODd half of um decade or we're coini to wake ap one morning aod find ou.nelvu there," laid a JacktoDian with a direct ltak:e in Millil- s.ippl'• economic developmenL He made it clear be pref erred the lattw. MOSI' WllO FEEL similarly are_reluctant to be identmed. The majority of MilllialippianJ still ~n· aider sucb vtew1 too "liberal" -a word which £n a stnnce aemanUc evolution bu come to be desplaed. ""nM rtalOn is," uplaiDI a unlvtnity professor, ''that 'conservative' bu come to mean '1egreeadon· ~ t.t'." The state's moat preaalng problem, in tbe opioion of Dr. A. B. Britton Jr., a Jackson Negro and chair· JIWl of the 1late'1 Civil Rl&hta Advisory Committee. "'cootinue1 to be that .of persuading white Milsiaaip- plana to speak out publicly." 11IE DESIRE TO CHANGE ha1 been 1moulde!' tne among MisailaJppian1 for mootba. Though many factors are Involved lo lta recent emergence into the open, the GDe mOlt Important one wu puaage Of CMS C1vU Rllhta Act. Stmllar example.I throughout tbe state show the IOW'Ce of the changtne 'attitudes: educators, buslne11 and professional men, Md olficeboMera from the gov· emor do*n to the county clerk. Though the new at- titude bun 't filtered very far tato the blckwooda, m1n1 belleva the maua will bardI, be ~ te I 'Sun-bleg_ched Skulls From LBJ Country' By HERB CAEN CtwMll<le ,_.. SAN FRANCISCO-In one ear: The Kingston Trio hu bought a' long-vacant iro- cery rt.ore on the Sauaallto wa~rfront and ii even now concoct.Ing wild pl.ans for an over-the-watior restau- rant ... Eugene Burdick ii gloomy. His newest novel, "Nina's Book," was belted heavily in recent issues of Time and Newsweek ("I must be getting older," he says. ''It didn't used to hurt so much") .•. James Gar- ner's new film, "311 Hours," ls set in Germany. but if that big U.S. Army Hospl. tal looks like the Wawona Lodge in Yosemite -well, that's what it I.a ••• The Gi· anta struck out on the win· ter trade deal they wanted most: the return of Out- fielder JackJe Brandt from the Baltimore Orioles , .. Yes'm, Frank Sinatra ls still very hoL The mer:e ninth-hand rumor that he'd be in town for the sneak preview of bis "Von Ryan's Express" at a local theater was enough to jam the streeta 110 thoroughly that The Law had to be called. (Nope, be didn't make lt.) ITEMS WEST: Cr at I Morton. Cal's All-American quarterback:. just •iCD· ed a $200, al with the Dallaa Cow 1, is working these n.i,gbta u a plain ol' waiter at The Rallubller in Berkeley. For all ol a buck and a half per hoJirl ... Living proof that all pro foolball playen don't strike it ricb: 49er Leon Donahue standing in line to ·collect his unemployment inlur- ance in San Jose . . . One secy. to another: "And when l uked him if be want· ed the carbon copy double- spaced too. be REALLY blew blJ top!" . . . You might like to know that there's a Tn.u Stull Co. in JohnJon City, Tex. U you send 'em 10 bucks, they'll ship you a "sun-Bleached Skull hom LBJ CoGntry I" Whose. they dmt't uy ... Bob Hope dropped into Bar· ra's 9f Italy at the Palace Hotel and bollehl three seta of cuff nftts, although he usually wean abort-sleeved shirta ("I .Pierc e my wrists,''-he explained). -----· IJfllMl-- saturday. April 3, 1965 ·The editorial page of the Daily Pilot seeu to inform and stimulate readers by presenting this news· paper's opinioDS and commentary on topics of In· terest and significance, by providing a forum fo r the expression of our readers' opinions. and by presenting the diverse viewpoints of informed observers and 6pokesmen on topics of the day. Robert N. Wffd, Publiaher LA TRIVIA TA: BarnabJ Conrad ll pamt1n1 portrait.I of Bini Crosby' I f.am.Oy In the proper order -f1nt Bing, then Kathy, followed by the three children and 1.inally the Crosby Labrador retriever, Remus. U the Crosbys keep producin1. u ll their wont, B a r n. a~ y might NEVER eet to Re- mus . . . And over in Otk· land they're ltill gabbfng about Actress Yvette~ Mlm· ieux'1 appearance with UM OakSympbony in Stravin· sky's "Persephone." Mlle. Mim.leux, wearing a low-art eown. wu seated dlrec:tly below MJe1tro G~d Samuel '1 podium -and, It one point he happened to Clance down. After which he looked to the heavena for help, blinked, tboot h1I bud. grinned and tried to regain the beat "TUE WANDERER" ls wandering again. Whlcb la to uy, the Sterling Hay· dens have sold their Belve- dere house """;' and SterUnl ls en rDute to Europe via freighter to scout for a new place to call home. Could be Englind, France, SpUn, or even Tangiers . . . Good- ie Knight must be aertoua about making another nm for l he Governor's Job. The word'• about that he'• con- templating a face.Utt oper~ atJao. • • . The . people" in charge of the Hanna Boys Center In Sonoma have a pd IOUvenir in their pc»- tellion -an boar'• worth al radio prQJDOtJoll tape1 that they woa't be able to use. Tbe tapes, uking for donaUonl to tbe Center, were made 1Me 1&lt Novem· ber by Nat Kine Col&-bla lut effort before he 1ank Into bis fatal Ulnell. Also the Cirde Star Tt!eattt where Nat played bis final eniapment. lJ being pes- tered by Cole fana who want -u souvenirs -cop. ies of his 1ut procrams •.• Bilbop James Pike, whose IMIWUl boot. "A 11me for Christian Cancjor," WU pub- lished only last November, conflded at the Blue Fox the other .nigbt that he bas fln- iJbed yet another book. "I bope thiJ question lsn't out of line," ligbed .Novelllt Nlveo Busch, "but do you by any chance have a holy &host writer!" Add things that ltart the day all wrong (and that happens more and more frequently as you grow old· er): Getting out your per- sonal phone book -and drawing a p e n c ii line through tbe name of a friend who bu just died. Why Restrict 'Great Society' to U.S.? · By BAL BOYLE Anoclakd Preq MAN BAs a 1 w a y 1 yearned for a Utopia on earth -whether be de· serves one or not. The inauguration of Lyn- don Baines Jobruon aa 38th President of the UnJtf!$1 States,puts Into motion one of the greatest drives In history ln this direction - the achievement o( what he called the "Great So- ciety." Some of hiJ countrymen cavil at the term. T h e y lhlnk It grandiose -In eC· feet. no more than another political slogan. BL 'T IT IS hard to see why becoming a "Great Society" should be less than tht American goa l Surely in the long dark narrative ,\ - of the human race. no other major power has b e e n in a better position to make a better human ~oclety. a more livable em iroamat. We have the resources and the skills to house our people satisfactorily, to feed them well, to improve their health and to educate them to a higher level. We have th~ ability to do all this - if we but have the will. Some 2.500 )E.'a r1 ago a Chinese philosopher named Laotse rem arked. "The journey of a th.>usand miles begins "1111 the first step " THE r~tn:n STATES already has 1;1ken many st eps to\\ arr! the sthlevc- menl o( :i ·,1,•,.Jt Society." It aJ<;o ha<; 1.1ken a few s1de stepi.-probably 10me backward steps, teo -most humanitarian century along the way. But from of all. Probably never have the time of tbe landing oC more men slaJn each other the PUgrlm Fathen, the· than in the 20th century ; splendid promise of th~ • yet never han more men American drum has ltd been helped by each other. us through wilderness to· ward the creation of a more durable fate and a more humane existence. Al a practical man who knows practical politics, Johnson is certain "to try to make our next steps forward glant ones. Al· though there may be - ~urely will be -partisan arguments about methods. the end In view ultimately is nonpartisa n ~ There are ho~Cul por· tents that the goal nf a "Great Society" Is attain· able. Whtie we li ve in the most murderous century of all, we also Uve 1n the WE'VE MADE more widows than any past gen· ention. But we have also done more to conquer dJ. ' sease, tear down barriers or space and time, Increase 'knowledge. and distribute the fruits of our labor more equitably. We haven't stood still. We have come a long way. Perhaps we have even come Car, enough to real· lzc thatr no one land, no matter how strong, can safely remain forever as an Island of prosp<.'rtl y in a vast puddie of restless poverty. .. That act of eoasreu emanctpetM ·the ~ • man more than the Nepo," said one Jackloa.lan. ••Now. we don't have to aay we've been wroaa or any· tblnt lib th.\t, only that we've been llcbd. We fooCbt bard and~ let'• eet bUly with ad,Justinc." But bow wideipread is this dalre to cet bbl)' with ..Uu•Unt? Could a politician eet elected. say. oa • platform ol rejectiq the put'• cle8d band? •'Nor TODAY, NOT YET," 1alcl State Treuurer WUUam Winter. "Maybe not nea two IDd a balf yean from now when we baft our nut IOftl1IOI''• r.ce. But I can tell yoa this, another cam~ fouebt OD the rece line could set UI back horribly. ' ReceWac U. pettml ot the lat dee ... , cam· paips, Winter laid: "Tr)'hll to oukiUer IGIMbod1 would be too crut a price for me penonally to pay. I'd rather not nm at all than have to nm tbat way. Our very pn>blem is that li&llllaippiaDa have been confuled and frustrated by a Jot of people who have been telllnt them tb1ogs that Just wua't l'O." Winter aay1 there iJ a Cood poafbWfJ race wU1 not be an llsue ID the ne:xf gubmia~.I campalp even though It ltill la a topic in the lfate. "More •d more ol my frlenda," he said, "are flat feel up with InJectin1 'niuer' Into every tuue that com11 along." \ WINTER DOES, ROWEVEll, see the necesalty ot movtna •lowly. The vrf history of Miuis&ippt re- quires it, he aay1, a history which the preaeat cenera· Uon J.nberlted. Winter and others feel an undentand- inc of It would be1p turn crWc1sm Into compe)atoa. M1Jlluippl, once amoaf the naUOD'I wealtb1elt mte1, emeried from the CIYt1 War lb poorest - and baa remained 10 ever since. AlmOlt totail1 de-•, pendent oa ap1culture. the depretlloa bepn a decade earlier m Mlallutppi than In the iDdmtrtal North and 1e1t the mi. utera.11y povw ttricten. Tbe IOC1al doctrine ot white npremacy, a reac- tloa to Ute Negro polltica1 ~ ot die Recon- atructfon period throughout the old Confederacy, lain· ed added force ln Mllsiuippi wbere poor white• com· peted econom.JcaJJy with poor Negroes, wbo outnum· bered them. MOREOVER. WHENEVER the social order shaped by war. Reconstruction and poverty bH been threatened, the doctrine hu been lnwked passion- ately. . tt Their beritaie has left the people of Ml11l11tppt, thou~h hospitable almost to the point of •noyance. sufl)lctou1 of out.Iden. They are fiercely proud ot their state. but it tm't an out~otng pride as, for n· ample, that of a Texan, but rather a defensive which seems to say, "If you don't like M111tllippl, ple**e leave." Few are willing tQ. deny that rear guard tactic• have hanned the state, especially in the all lmportaot area of jobs and salaries. LAST YEAR ONLY $37 MIU.ION ~11 spent on new plant. in the state. a drop of 28 peT cent. Some manufacturers have complained that informal boy· cotta of Mississippi products have hurt severely. Tourism . too. has heen down. In the. face of this. Mississippi's program for eoco- nomlc development Is far more progressive than manv states. Jts leglsl~ure has appropriated fund1 oostlntingly for research. Though the changtn, attitude of Mlssissippfans is apparent throughout the st.ate, ·it is easv to tee It wfU be slow •l>readlng In a region where S2 per cent of the P<>Ol!latlon stlll llyes In rural areas. where the ~edlan family .Income Is less than S.1.000 a year where the poor white is inclined to use any weapo~ at hand fn his competition with the Negro. WHAT COULD DERAIL the cul'ftflt trend! Two thln~s. ln the, view of one Mls$lsslpplan who has studlf'd the development closely. First. too much pressurt by the fedenl f{overn· mtnt. "J( one of our school boards submits a grade·a· year integration plan." he said. "that ought to suffice. Remember. It was 1953 before Ml~slsslppl got around to the seriarate but tqual notion." Secondly, too little pressure. "If they aay they're ~oing to cut off fund.; unless 'l\'e intewott. Uw-n they had bettu cut them off if we don't. All thty have to do Is let one school board get away with It and the work of all the others will be shot to hell. Wt'U be right back where wt started.•· Few Mississippians want to be back where they started. > , .. ,, .. Everyone H11 Something Tlwit Som.one EJse W t.nh -... ar SINGU ~PIACB ON T•B ORANGE COAST -PBONE You C1n S.l It, ji"'-lt, Trede _It With \ Went Ad • HOUSIS FOi SALi HOUSES FOi SALE HOUSIS POil SALi HOUSIS-FOR SALi HOUSIS "Oil SALE o.n..t 1000Gener1I 1000 Gener•• 1000 ........ 1 1000 General 1000 1or ·l~e leaat.\'Ne!,~~T Mesa O.I Mar. 1 ~ Ba. Fireplace, inter~om. Palos Verdea atone . ./;o d.pwn GI -$2200 dn. FHA. GRAND OPENING . 3 ACRES Avocados. Owner wUl finance. Only $18,850. Fast growing area! EASTSIDE CUSTOMS ~ BEDROOMS CARPETING LANDSCAPING & FEN CING REPOSSESSIONS! See & make oJfer. 3 Bdr. College Park Area w/pool. Mesa Verde one 3 Bdr. & a 4 bed· room. Westside 4 Bedroom. All have 2 Baths & Built Ins: R-2 LOTS EASTSIDE 120x120 w/2 Bdr. Home LOW DOWN 528. 900 125x150 Vacant 100x300 -Build 10 Units 60x14-0-Home & room for duplex NEWPORT HEIGHTS Aster Ptece -Quiet Cul De Sac And On 21 St. By Senta Ana Ave. 548-5244 or 646-0228 2 Bedroom. Modern Kitchen. Fireplace. Forrml dining room. Hardwood floors. ******** TH I QEAL E.'-;T T ... T ERS & 3 Bedroom. Fireplace. Carpeting. Covered Patio. Beautiful Landscaping. (Clifihaven) Only $27,500. OPEN SAT. & SUN., 1·5 670 Capital. C.M. Hardwood floors, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, new crpts. & drps. Just decorated. $800 dn. FHA. . f 0111N & Hicics -REAL ESTATE t 4 1111 N.wport llvd. C.M. 642·5000 EvtnlnfS Kl $-1735 Announces The loc.tion of new offic•s .. at 1605 Westcliff Drive Newport BHch 6'42·5200 Mrs. Maxine Williams Mrs. Marguerite Hart Mrs. Cathy Bendall ------- Jut 11.Nd~':"Uie ~t tLttneUw lYO W•lla buflt ~ loCaUld on a choice comer lot at a t.remen· cSou. value. Featuring w~t bu, beautlfuJ paneling, oentn.J vac 1yllem, fonnal dl.nlnf. blt-ln elect., kltch-- • n A excepUonaJ land· ecaping ,., with complete .,,rinkler 1yatem. ~lni '69.:500. /Ja,_CH:JI Unique ,_, <Hrden Patt. S Spacious ldrms 3 Full laths Designed for Live & Let Livel Open Sunday, 1 • 5 ·1eo1 Sa.nUa«o I ·~~ . ~" 1 A~ T Y Please Cal Le Claire Parks Or Pat llll'llllCJham To See n..se E1cl•v• LlsthMJS 4615 Perha~ Rd. Finest quality view home in Cameo Shores $110,000 2280 Channel Rd. Peninsula. Pier, slip, 5 bdrml.$107,000 2353 Irvine Ave. Unique, a.rti.Stic, up~tain den. 3 bdrma. $58,000 209 Via Nice. Exquisite Lido Isle home $57,500 117 Via Ravenna, Lido Isle. 4 bdrms. $55,500 4507 Fairfield, Cameo Shores. To be 1<1ld at a loss $50,000 2521 Alta Vista • Eastbluff • Resale. Great home $44,500 &33 Ro(tford, Cameo Highland!. 4 bdrms. $31,tOO 5300 River Ave. Lido Sands. 3 bdrms, huge · liv. rm . $24,500 Open House-Sun. I to 5 1725 Plau chi Sur, lalbN Ideal lam. home • 4 bdrms. 3 bas. on quiet street acroas from park. Ample boat storage. Priced for quic k sale $37 ,500. Mr. Hale FAMILY IAYFRONT Expertly designed home le_> fit an ~x.pensive view. 5 Br, 4 Ba, lge family rm,_ Uvmg rm, dining rm. patio & terrace. Price $125,000. Mn. Harvey Mrs. Raulston TERRACE VIEW 'I.- Well priced home for people who expect the best. Custom bit. 3 Br. 31h baths, family rm, lge well planted patio & pool. $75,000. Mrs. Harvey . Mrs. Raulston NEW IAYFRONT formal home with good children's area. 4 Br, 2 b&, lge dining rf!l/wet bar, bit-in kitch· en &. fine family rm, Pier & slip. $81.500. Mrs. Harvey Mrs. Raulston • 3 Wooms • 21111 ·4 lur occ • lntlllcllate • llew C1rpets • 2 C• 6araoe • Just $17, 100 • $700 Down • $123 Total • Huny Open until 9 PM 8U-t100 e 646-7171 SPRING RAINS Ma.de t.hla BA YCREST beauty sparkle like a jewel. Wa.~h~ the old pr1ce of 14 5 "iOO down th' drain and a new one ot $43,960 1pnm.-up• 3 LARGF: REDROOMS PLUS • ,,, Cpt.d tamuy room 1' Rl'l"a.kfut nook .,, l:IM: bullt.-lna .,, 2 Fl~placu .,, rnt1rcom .,-Pool sill' lot OWNERS MOV l.W': EXCELLENT T ER:\tS Drop by lill $kylark Ln. if Jerry Freud J Realtor U29 SanllA~o Dr., N . B. 646-7755 Exrht~lve ag\'nts for l'\r111Mlrt B:ltalu ~~.~c;~s Coldwell, Banker & Co. LOTS · 2200 Eut Coast Hl9hw1y • Newport 8-ech 5 B R 1&31 Westcllrc Dr. NB c" Kl 9-3351 OR 5-2000, 642·3600 . . , ComparaUvely few lots. on .1. OCEAN fRONJ V OCEAN fRQNT OfM'r ~at. It Sun. a.nd off the Me.a Verde r . F irst tm1.-otrcred. A must PALM SPRINGS golf ceurH ~ma.In untold. -for lhls weekend. BeauU· DEEP WELL It la bel1e~fd tlley .,1ll all Unob1tructed • t • w o f Unobet.ructed T I e w o t CU.tom 4 BDRM. 3 balh1 be &'One by mJd·IUJnll'ler. Beacb 4,~ean front, lhla Beach A Oee&n front, th.I.a fully d'ernrated home. I.c• Pool Prof lndKpd Now ta the tlmtl to buy • Balboa PenlniiUJ'a borM: a Balboa Penl.n.lula home. 3 lvf It fam rm. 2 ba Ul1, Wiii trade tor Npt Bcb now or never. Term.1 lt de-Br plua hure den/rum· Br plua bup den/rum· elect bll-m!', very work· NIWPORT BEACH .tred -l:S~ down ba.lance pua w/extra k It c b • n. pua w/extra k It c b • n. a ble k1tchrn. C1o.e to VIEW UNITS paya.ble l~ a mo~th prtn· crtll, BBQ, ete. Lars• dbl l1'1U. BBQ. etc. Larr• dbl •ho P P In Jr. echool1 It l T Cuatom Unita. Xlnt lo-clpal and ln~t (6'1o on pr plu1 parkln&' for a &'al' plua parkin&' tor S churchrs. SubmJt dn pymt. cation Good term• WUJ morw can Onlv SW.!'100. 30~ Madi· · • Ule unpaid balance). more c:&r1. • s c ~I trade. son t , • HA~I~~RRv 54 6-5990 at1 CURT DOSH, Realtor CURT DOSH, Realtor w. E. LACHENMYER 3336 Via Ul1o. NpB. ~~ ~ 1610 W. Coa1t Hl1hway 1610 W. Coast H ighway Rlt~. JMll !'/pl. Blvd. C.M. 675-151)() LI 8·9354 673·3468 Eves. U 8·93S4 673·3468 Eves. 646-392R ~;v1 1173-1924 Retired owner offers HI traffic corner near La&"Un• Center suitable for Liquor Sto~. Present teantown buildings can be used for fast wrltc·Off. W llh $20,000 down, owner will 'cerry balance for fQUr ye.trs. 675-3171. Open Evl's. 25'"; rrturn Jl('r yrar for be-ginning Inves- tor or profrs.c;1onRI. Take your pick of 4, 8. or 12 unit!>. N .000 cash h11ndl rs rach 4·plex with h11th occupenry Tl'alrd. low mainte· nantt, Can «'xdlanite for home. rommer- ;c1al or industrial w hllt h8ve you! f.75-31 71. Opt'n Eve~. OCEANFAO,.NT HOME. Hiway to !!f'fl, LI· guna OC'een rront lllte priced at S2.000 foot front11i:r . Location su,1tgrstg multiple unit or motel dr \elopmem. Live in thP com· tQ rtabll' modr111 home while rll'velopin& pl11n~ or Jr11se Cor h11th ~umml'r retu_rn. $2:>.000 down, owne1·s "'ill finnnrl' until project l'C'Ady to It'), 675·Jl71. ()pen Ev~. Wr h1wr cwclrrs to S<'ll this one now so brmi: your chl'Ck book &: makt' ~1)11r orrer. Lo<'r l}, .1 bedroom. 2 &ath h09P" 11·ith plcn· ty of rlmln~ & livinir llrce. $111 monthly tor the lowest priCt'd Mesa Vet'de home a11111lable today. Bt1n1tiful lllndael\ping cl a pl1~ of $19,650 makes this one truly hard to believe. 10 don't W81t. KI 5·9491. Open !'Yes. $129 monthlr 11ncl I\ smllll down movrs you 1n10 thl< 'J>llr1n11~ 4 h<-dmom M~a Verde l•nflll' Tin~ om· 1~ lmmal'ulatf' <1nd com· plrtl' \\Ith n hr'IH1llf11I fir,.plarr d1111n1r .11'1'11 11nrl h111lt 111• Thr h11cr 1'~110 i~ •ttr--•d ft" i l11l•11r l'nrl!Nlle ""d thr hnmr h•• Jll•I It• ,.n roinplclt•h· n rmintl'd 111,arlr .ind vu• Kl ~-M!ll fl[ll'll I \('5 4! Y", tour bedrooma a: huge 20x.20 fun~ lly room. GrMt tor 1arse tam!Jy. Flrepj~e. bu~·!ns a: double size le!"V~ porch -3' yevs new, ~ to public IChoot It St. John's Churdt. Put only $2,.250 down and gd 90~ to.n. Kl 5-949}. Open r;~ T"ANl,f.llU•lD OWNE" MU&T HAVE ACTION. This 111 • beeutiful, Immaculate h~ for immtdiate occupancy. 3 apeclou~ bedrooms, 2 baths, a badminton rourt + 2 patios. one enclostd fo r outdoor livinit -; a play r1>0m area for younr chUd~n. If you're looking for a tnmendou1 home It one that mu.It be eold, tee this. Larse lot with room tor pool -$31.500 -with nu. Ible temv. 646-7711. ()pion Evew. 4 a£D,.OOMI -111,000. 5ee1.hl1 ~dou& family h<>me on lftrge cornrr lot with ac- ~s.~ for boat or tral~r. Brand new luxur- ious w w ca~ln.1t. Two litrire hath11. llu.1te living room. Be-st of 1111, only $),()()() down. 646·7711. Open Eves. tUMME" FUN. There will bt plenty of time tor It in this lharp d1.ij>lex across the street !rom the t>Nch. PaY1'1'\tnts only Sl27 mo. 3 lerge bedrooms up a: 2 down. Lovely carpets' cl dnpec. Spotlet1t1 throughout. May ~ aold fuml11hf'd. $41,500. 646-7711. Open Evl'I. 178,000 DOWN 3nf'I NO monthly p11yml"nts mov~ ~011 into th111 f11nlA't 1<'. C'<'ran 'lrw, I. bcdrtXlm .. f'lrn hnmf' You ('Rnnot 1111r1rr- ri11t" thi' homr until ''"' Ar" on 1111• 1n01ute lOOkthi.t Out, ROQm for l;:lll'•t~ 01 ~tol hN·· in-llt'l'o in ·"Pllr&tr i.:11r~1 ll<lu~ "1rn 11 '1rw 675-:l 171 Open i::vr~ \ . .. .. A MOUH /1v1n 48 MINUTIS E&st'.side loaation on a quirt cul-de-sac close tn Colt coo~. Where l'I~ can YoU purch83e a 3 ~ home in a location like this for $18,750? ll h.11~ " large. well landsca))E'd ya.rd with c.-nclost>d patk> & BBQ cl complete pri\'acy. Thr~ 11re only a C~ o f the niany fea1111r• Kr 5-9491 Open Evrs. Owners sacrif1C('! Your prnf1t' :; 1otig11ntlc bt'drooms. Rrvice porm stor:i!:" douhle pulln•_ru in tti. klnir s11e-bllt hrooms. sllf1. lng glus door Off thf' ma.~trr bf>(tmom and a Del Pi!o entry. All this for 1 he •ttrac· live down peyment oC $1 ,!lOO -· nn down GI'S. A real buy nO\l· 11t !!'23.500 or Jll!IY $25,000 a year rrom now, Kl 5-!\lql. Oi>rn Eves. OfflCES NIW,OIT llACH 2Gq WHtcl1ff lfrlwe 646•7711 COSTA MISA 262' hu1-er blvtl H S -f4'1 d co•ONA D(l MAit 2760 e Ceett hwy 67S •3l7t HOUSIS POlt SALE HOUSES FOR SAL£ HOUSES FOR SALi o.i..,,,. ... ,,._:,,... ----------Sa&., Apr. J, 1116 13 Generel lOOOOener1I 1000 Genenl 1000 S1&,510--1/5th Acre Tip-'T'Op St.~. Act now & you'll make one of thl" best 1nveetment1 of your lifetime. Convenient floor pl11n. 3 bdrms. Beautiful 1/5 acl'! parl<Jlke yard. Terms of $600 dn rnA or no down CJ. Walk to lhoppln1 center. 540-1720 anytime. S14,•--Walk To Beach J\'.ttrntion to you ~ach Combeni! Htn's a bar$:ain of • lift>Uml'. 3 bt'drm.s. It 2 baths. Specious living & dlninit rm. Sparkling kitchen with extra eating 11re11. J1ts( "'• al. 11 milt> to lhe BM.ch. Low monthly payments Includes everything. SfQ.0060 anytime. 4 Br. plus.Fam. Rm:--S22,7i5 f>rr:lm no more. tx-re'1 .I.he h<lmf' ror you. Huge 22 ft. lonj.? hvinc rm. Floor to ceiling ~ brick fu~lace. Sl1d1nJ: gla~s doors from huge family rm. to patio aru. 2 Rath~ All electric blt·ins IO)lus di.shwash~. Just 2 min· utl.'S -to Churches It Shopping Center. 540-1720 1n}11me. 516,511 -· 3 Br. & Fam. Rm. Sharp & clean. Move right Into this beautiful h<lmf'. Ove<r 1/5 of an actt of picturet;que yw,rd ~. Block wall fen~. $600 dn. FHA or no down GI. 540..()()6() anytime. • Down --Move In Sharp It cieen. Spacious living cl dlriln1 rm .. 111'.ed brick flrf'place frun floor to ~iJlng. All •lf'Ctric bit-in kitchen with nl'W dishwa!lher & dryer Included. 3 bcdrm,, .. 2 baths. $75 ~r month. Will G.I. or FHA. 540-li20 any· ume. ~ Bedroom --1/3 Acre 1 In Cost& 11'fea'1 popul.tr lection. 2 1t.ory eltog11nt home lh3( features S bdmw. cl 3 baths. Crystal chandellera. I cw;tom dra~s cl thkk w/w carpe(Jng creete-1n a~ !)her!' Of ouutandlng t~ It desire. Huge living nn .. for. I IT\lll separate rumni rm. -llU'l"e entertaining 1tyl(" fam • lly rm. Over 2700 .q. ft. Submit $3,000 dn. 540.0CM any- t lme. Salespeople. -Join Our Comp1ny New or Experienced Jl)ln a Company with Integrity, ~nee le new Meas. Day or night R!!al Estate tralnin1 proirram. Your own desk, phone It equipment. Excellent •d· vsncement opportuni~s cl eamin1 potenti&l for both new1& experienced wupeople. cau 540.1720 for appolntment. 2955 HARIOI ILYD., C.M. T6 MODERN OF,.CES BODY BEAUTIFUL *IRVINE.JERRACE* Start lhl' Spring by m11k· 2000 ALTURA • Lowe11t In~ MONEY. I havl! :l BIG price ln new TerTM:e, 3 bedrooms and mad!! for bdrm. 2 bath, blt-tn'1, kld11, but nttd a face llfl· overwlle pr. lmm«I. poe- lng and my garters pulled -Ion" u~llcnt condl· 11p. J am on ~ EAST· lion • $39.600. SLOE, and have the body 706 MALA.BAJ\· Open Dal· lf you have lhe tool and Jy, LOW DOWN. wbmlt Ule Ume. lnvut only $9(>0 your lemur, will TRADE or submit your ll'tlde. for lncomt> or tn11t 11f\!ds 3 bdrma. 2 balh1 • $39,750 ORIENTAL SPLENDOR ' "C" Thomas Realtor in a. c~zy 2 btt1room 2 bath 1224 W Cout Hy LI 8·5527 luxurtou1 aparlm,nt In N l 8 h Ev OR 3_7549 BALBOA. w h 11 11 Th e p . c · e THREE bedropma 1pac· loo. apartment will pay your way $37,950 MATCHAM .. 155 Rochester CJi 646-4137 / 2 Homes- $22,700 Eut..,111e 2 Br f'll. walk to 1hopplng. Wlilow'9Ael sell Immedia tely. Rltr. :148·9569 5 BEDROOMS EAST BLUFF PRESTIGE, 2~ Bath home. Marble entry. Fonna.l Dining room. Palo. Verd~ Stone Flreplaee. Luxury carpeta. 2607 Blackthorn. Eut B luff. Open F'rtday. Satur· day and Sunday 1-5. $43.950 Jean Smith, Rltr. 400 E. 17th St CoRt.a Mna Ml 6·32~.'\ 24 hr. 11n11wtrlng-!ll'rvtre 3 BDRM, 2 beth, herd· wood . floort, crpts & drps, bit-Ins Including dl1hwnher, ,.. fir• piece. T ermt. $21,000. 642-U>40 Bkr BUY Of THE WEEK CHOICE LOT / 5 bl'droom ch&mlPr in In Mesa Verde • m·l"r· Mtsa D<-1 ~tar -ownPr looks the 16th. JZTl'('n - tr11nitft>rrl'd & must srll 140 ft. dt'f'p • ~~ this q11irkly 3 baths-many presti.-e site for your e.xr11 in it fr a l urrs-park nl'W home • $21,500, like yanJ-C:Z t r rms - Terms. NO RED TAPE IT'S '*llGlECTED J11~t t ak 0 e ovrr l''<l~lln~ loans And move inlo this A l1ttl! Plllnt 11nd fix· nicr 4 RR anti t<lmily inc up i~ 1111 thRl's n«'d - room homr_ (loSl' to NI . 3 nn . 2 hrith~. IRr~t' lar~e i;hoppins: center - modern k1tr hrn with bit y:1rt1 wrth j)illJO • only ln6 11nd dishwasher Sep-S16,:!00-S600 dn Hurry! arate llv room • brick firplc • w~ll landscapt'd- owners de11r>erate -onJy $650.00 DOWN $23.500. C~I now hnrnr ~l~:iM mnnth 1111111~ 1nC'111tfrc ~II • 1 '1 l>;11t • • r\1111• ('f111•ht1nn Rltra. Kl 6-4141 '·" 11 l"fll' · fl'nt'<1f\H11I H iil B•krr •t 11111 hor I ~nd l'-\llO • nnJv ~Ill 11·,o Open Houses THIS WEEKEND Kffp this h11'Cfy directory with you this wffhnd 11 you to hou ..... untlnt-All the locations listed below ,... deterlbed in greater detail by ldvertisint elMWhere In today's DAI~ Y PILOT WANT ADS. P1trons showing open houte1 fer sale or to ... nt ere urged to list such Jnformation in this column ••ch Friday. HOUSES FOR SALE (2 Bedrooms) 306 The. Rialto, Newport Beach 675-2098 (2-5) . 19876 Berkshire Ln .. (Brookhurst & ,• Adams) H.B. 847·8685 lt (2 Br. & De,,) 718 Fern leaf, Coro na del Mar OR 3-7'560 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) -(l Bedroonu) 295 East 16tb St., CoSla Mesa 642·2020 (Sun. 1·5) 500 Signal Road, Newport Heights l 642-5000 Eve. Kl 5-8735 (1·5) 670 Capital. Costa Mesa 642-5000 Eves. LI 8-0390 0 ·5) 1371 Shannon Lane, Costa Mesa / 545-1020 2052 Vista Cajoo..('the Bluffs) Nwp. Bch. 675-5798 l ' 406 Costa Mesa St., Costa Mesa 646-3255 (Sat. & Sun. 1-5) I 1901 Glenwood Lane. Newport Beach I 646-0228 (Sat. & Sun.) I 321 22nd St., Costa Mesa 646--0228 (3 Br. & Fam. Rm.} 540 De Anza Dr .. Corona de! Mar OR 3·7653 (Sun. 1·5) 1618 Ponderosa St. (Mesa Verde) Costa Mesa 545-'?863 · 28&0 Serang PL Costa Mesa 646--0555 or 54<>-0376 (Sun. on M 1935 Co mmodore, Baycre5t 646·3255 (Daily 1-5) . 224 Lovola Rd .. Costa Mesa 64&-3255 (Sat. & Sun. l ·Sl 464 Abbie Way. Costa Mesa 646-1653 (Sun. 12·5) 2042 Commodore. Newport Beach 646-1653 (open Sun_) ~,) 263 Walnut. Newport Beach 646·1653 (Sat. & Sun.) ' , I 312 Morning Canyon, Shorccliffs, CdM 646·0295 2095 Irvine Ave , Newport Beach LI 8-5683 489 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa 548·8703 (Sun_ 1-51 \ ... # t ('4 Bedrcims} 2314 Westminster. Costa Mesa 642·5000 Eve. KI 5-8735 (Sun. 1-S) I i 248 Robinhood Place, Costa Men 646-4648 (4 Br. & Fam. Rm.) 986 Coronado Drive, Mesa Del Mar, Cos ta Mesa 540-0370 444 Elmhurst Lane. Colle~e Park, \osta Mesa 546·3106 ; .. ; 281 4 Scrang Pl. (Mesa Verde) Costa Mesa KI9-2 172 "-,,- 3298lowa. (Mesa Verde) &ta Mesa 1 646·80_~3 or 646·3346 (Sun.) (S Bedrooms) 2028 S Cape)la (Mesa Verde) Costa Mesa KI 5-5380 . (5 Br. & Fam. Rm.) • 1607 Santiago, Baycrest, Newport Beach 646·0295 ISun .. 1-5) ' 2607 Btaektherne. ~t :BluCC --~= 646·3255 (Fri., Sat.. Sun .• 1·5) HOMES WITH INCOME (2 Bedrooms) 606 Marguerite, Corona del Mar OR 3:6510 (open this wk-end) APARTMENTS FOR RENT 11 Bedroom) ,,. 560 Hamilton St . Costa Mesa 646· 1992 (Furn ) DUPLEX FOR RENT ,,. (2 Bedroom Studio) fl 811 r :111lt111110. Co~la ~lt>~a ;, lfi ;,Jli2 , • SI :11 t rrl l.1 I inc~ II a \'f' rool5 • ~~la1rr<l l.1~1111~~ On \\'a!Nfrnnt . . • • • -. • •• -• .I ) ,. • • .. • ' . ' . ·. . . . .. .6. '· - \.. ... o." ...... --HOUSH FC. SA1:.1 HOUSIJ Foa SALi I' HOUSH FOil I.All' HCMUS H>a IALI # IM.. .,,.. I. ,..... ------------------G.Mr.. ·••eta.el •• 1 G1 I... .,., J.. ,. 14 To Those ·Who Know ] LOCAl OFRCE5 It's Bay & Beoc.h Reatty, ·tnc- HOMES-LAND-INCOME OHM HOUSE SUNDAY. 1 • J W La c...n.a.N -IACIC IAY ,._,~ ,...,,~ ~ Q-_,; ('\.. ..__ loa;. ,,.. ~'<f•. i.q ~-ot • ·-u:. ~ b1~ •a!'t" -....o-. Cf' !" ~ ~--,. (~ • ~ •"'" ?"1Cf m .:.oc CJrJ~ H1•• 0t111 n S41--1161 E"'9L S411161 SKAKf-ROOFED NOvtNCIAL •t • "I"' -• ", • ...,... •1""t.F ..,...,.. .. ...,..... "1-,,.. . c• ' ·-~,- v. ·~ .,.,, • ~ '...-;. ~,. t:O'\~C •....-.. • .. -·-> F .. -7 "°" iac: ~ l.~ Or ur,, • • • . • • l'"l't ... ...... t,.._ :o "~"1,t"l .• •. ·r.·· ' • _,.JWj. ~ l..."\.<• .)~~ •,.;;i, ~ ... .,. ,_ ..... S'-.: SU-1161 NO WAITING! ~. -"°"' . t' c • !.L"'lf ~"' ., 11'~ Tf"'·~ 3 ,.-.:_ • ,. :.r--c -.cl -• '..' hr La_~ ' ... , !"0""'1 WTJ 'ol:lt:P ''<' CT '"'f ,""(I b-lC.. ·~. ~ .... , .. 'lt .. ._ g.. • l<:<ll• ~ f"ll. ~II!'" f.t'. A ·-.• '!'\." ~" >.l.. ••• " ! 'lo::'~ IT'S FOi TME IHt:DS! W£Sl1iK)I • 511.000 -. ,, -.... i ' .... ... . . ' ~·-: '* . .... * ... ;,,;i;r·, 6-.... , -•t • -:. 1,.. , • Sl: YfJ -H . "'""\ rr ..• f''' :-·2 .-....; ON.'. !· ~, . ...,. ·~ -.1::i.n. G r:. :> ·~~ C:-..lf"J.Ja ~--6 PL',. ".; J ~-.: ('"'. -n_ ~~.• ~ ::",qf !N' .Jft ~ ,,.,..._,-Jo-.::.: :.r. l.ll..I ;>.:-er :T;"'!'/f S-• :o- \'• ... 67~3000 E--.67~ 541-1161 ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STUfT \',, , ... ~, ....... ,, 1.-:rt.r ·~· ~ --!-~ .,...,. ... CA~U:O..lZ BA.:.Er A ?E· • • .. • -; ,.;. pr :s:" : 4' O"'~ -:m ._ ·.e ~-· ...-~ ... .'-' &iJC ~--!<.·~I:.:- ~ ,,,_ . n-.::# ;:r-o -"°"-YI". 67).9'200 Coro,.. def Met Offte.e UC7E. c....t Hwy. Oil S..3000 1ff6Neo,.n ltw4. LI 1-1161 l·MIN'S ROM llACH IUILDEl-S CLOSE OUt PRICE CUT .,. t• $4000 <FOil A LIMITED TIME) & 1111-S IATHI Sll 500 Z1!IO 6Q. n . t ' '"·2 aATMI nl,soo 2000 IQ. n . ~ • l"·f IATMI ~500 CARPErS~::c~·, LAHO$CAH LOW· LOW DOWN SUIMIT YOUI TIADES ...... , -,,,. Ttl~EX WlTH FVTUlf! H"'• • a .\ "lE""' ~ 7 D"'-:-• ~ ? _., . ...,, ~ ~-• • • ~"Yo: ?.,....,. .. , F C.~ : '-'. 0 y r, ~ t.. l"".'\~ ~.,,.....,..,,...._ _,I _ .. ,, ..,.... • .. ~ .... __.,~.\ C:'°l" ~ . ~ 1~ -~ " C1.,... ~ '"' J !':--.,, As.1-"t'Z µ~ ¥1 6n.nGO 1 .... ~1s --HIDDEN RAMO«> 'T'i.,.,,,..., Ii~• ,,, •• nd .. ,._r,. 1~-• \,. I n1 l 1 1 "'Ulf ... -" ~r•.NM r~ ~~WJl-0 ., al' f"''t' .,..,,,~ ~ n-=-. ntl to!; • C'l.J· .,._15&.t •~ r-• • P,.1ni&n: c ~!...'"'.' •.t.Q & ~ ~ ... '". .,q l"WA • I t !'l f oeanun.c Aa.f'jvc.« fir.r -Y P..&ne"n u ;-· • ., lCDell ...,.,~~ .Bree.Y!ut P.r.IW". H~! ,...,. • ~ a.r-1 ,..,t..b b!tm BncJI 88<.t ~ • .n~ l1T nlC• ~(I(}() 1~ !or )'9..1! pn· 'u·~ ~·t ~ !tor u;...c-u; w J-U. ~ (,f .. ~ !~· r-..-· f1'~,~, A tt .. .a;.. ~h~ ' u ,,.. s: "; \o:.I.> : ' \ ~':j ~ -rarr-:-· . -.. , , -,; -., .. ....,,. '1 ---·· --~ J:Si I: litll )fl M 4tt 0-..c.a Kea ~ f"f.11 *0c• m.*I EPrcuL • • bdnn. . • > I ~ x..: \ \'alu.c 17~ (f/(J , ATTEMTION PUm IC· ll01ICI T1([ ~LW ••m•u -.r u sau a. V[ DlA El Y OU{ TO Clla-.sT Ma..S OI £.ADC DWllEI -i.5ftCT r-.. ••was &d wa U OFTLa ,,., tasu• Cesa Mey -t'"'..,... (~ ... J . ~t•?~­ Teo'f'ffit ~ u l•11t .. 111111 llilii. J or '11w ~''! U7~Tf"ll'S SlS 950 T~E u.rrs °' UST· Sl DE -. lot eib X 1.50' "' ........ ..._, ti .,..... ""'-' -Ol'f ST~ - RMI( nw A To. ar sua. MIT ~ T'tllMS.. J ...... 1 ... Soll 500 It s ACM1. Besa DJ.If .. tllf lsilllll. I llllecresl 52t'5C ........ ,,,, ~. ---"·~ dlJll ... llilt\·11' lt!\dB.. --... a.. a11e i_, ,... --~·-·· .... .,_, ..... ~ ... ,.,~ ,.....,..._ U 910 DO~t>." I fiur"°PPer Ulils I Sa tut -tlW ''ICAl;S. I -Wt .. trrtf" uertit """' ..., ,; :'If n<>!>..ooo -... Ulr -~· °"' llillt!..'! Try 111 -°' U111 .,_., ,,... .. } "I~ sttftt ....... ~·· C-1 I.ti '4.a:t wrvs ~ ..,... ,., S.... St•J<Oll flOX20D • ~ m1!1. r~ AG( OI 2 STIUTS -ILST SIU IUY • CW F'lll "° -~-tlll -. r,_..-. ..,• 0,,.. EveniNp 'Ti 9 N. wp8fi et V' .ctoN ,. .. Mii i ·-. ~j ~ -• . 4f-· ~ ... L. : .::. 7FF ~Ol.LEGE lQREALTY I MESA YDDE Westdiff*S«.900 d• , ("~..t·-'-' ~ EW: :•. ..... .... &tet• c.. fmiiiiimiiiliiiiil--~lllllllliiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiill-----li • ..f; l: 8&. UA Bl Be.JOO& 'bl't. ,,.., ••• ~· .,.. •• ,...,. .. ,,, ~~ f .. ~ ''fm-- ; .. > L'll" .... ~ .. • -:u-.. l..a·ii"· ., ' p~ •• • -•• Vi: • ,, ,,,.. t _; I~ •• • f•·· ,. . . ., .,_ ~ .?r -~.:e.> V o&• ;ury le1dl Lot • I 2 I:'" l ~ .1:4 ;<t • t. :!ll'J\ :.+ · -:..: · c.-•c ... .• CJ1rrJ 'l ...... • ; ·•• ;,...,.,. f. 1 Jl\ll Jr, • r ..ti'; ~ OnJy Y·~·· i'. ·7., ~ ~-r.... IA • ... . ....., ; ..... . 7'.:.t ,, .., .. ,. .A ~-l<ltc-l t,;:\ "' p_ "J SPECTACUl.J..I YIEW--T-OCl.AM ._, IAY CHANNEL REEF-AIAITMENTS ~ 0. ... ..., ••paf ~ frfc.,.-<.4 I 1,u 0.C... 1ho4. • C:.-.. ...., • c..w.n.. ... Slipl ..... ti• ....... ~ •• " H~·• r~ .;.-r, ,_,,, •,, • ,. ·--fu,, l-''-~.,,. !/I" ....• ,.: •.t -,,,. · •t •r.>-• b?of'! t't I •~ tfrJr' 'JI/, ..... f_!-CJ/Jl"r ~· ••..tl)t rA •4••"1• + •f ,. .. •Ii 0y t 1Jr "..-1.Df "# "·'~-,..... ~ -.,. .. • • 7 • ~·:t U,J''t# Mo-~ "r.'";,.~,,. c . ~'>'l.<C.i'~ &l •.JA ,,~ ~~ •.tiJI !.w.-U:;1 •t "!,.~-: ··~ rr " • •.t.r.1-1 thtU a ..-pr• ~4*. • \1.s• • 11• >: ,.i~ .. 1t '••V"' •~Jlf# .,:r#'•~-• '· ..._ .t•• ,,,_~ &:• •'>• ~,,.# . ., ··r#llM Of ti V' -"A',r' '•--"" A '(11-'t r1 , .. ~,., 'ii t•r, PA'd•rt '.,, tu r Ap•rt·r;,.., ':' a, .. ,t;.,blt .. 11ri ~P ir' " ''-"' l.tJ 1mpt('( tri.t , .. ,, .liXUffl'JU' ! .: :. u .. ; r..1..Gt..6 '~ ~ fJU~ '''"" r ,f-f}f I' Le•'•· '3SO M~t· .,,<J Up -But : 'S6 000 •rd Up Phofw 67~U f., further 1nf.,rNhon HAI ff>r HerrNn Trott, Mtr. • , ' I Buys In • Top Real Estate CORONA DEL MAI . 125 ~ttps to the beach. bay Jetty and ocun VJew. 2 BR. 2 bath!. 1undeck. f A heat. elec. k1t('hen, fireplace. oveniu double prage plw guest room wllh bath and flreplace. Fumiabed. 1\ew lirunc. $55.000. IACK IA Y "AREA . 3 bedroom~ and family room. 2'-'J baths. xlnt noorplari for most MmfrlrUble bvmg. Mode l home. T}'opa~al plant1r.;zs. HW noon. u~peu, drapes. ele<: kitrhen Owner leavm1 <.ountr~ Anx1ow S32 .950. CORONA DEL MAI J>unlPx. 2 bedr()()m.s ca< h u ·t. fittpll<'t in (a' h 1 leased MO\ t into l>f>•t locat ion near 1hops and easy \\aJk to beach •39.900. CORONA DEL MAR :\ew duplex. 2 bedr()()m 2 b~th home. pvt pat14' beamed ceiltnis. F.\ h~l. AM t fM intercom. lar(t' ma!ler bedrrJOm with bath plus 2 bedrotm apartment with 1undeck. Wt have the keys. Babsen Realty I Investment Comp11y llfAL !ST ATE IMAGINEEltS 2~20 E Cout H"' \ 6i 3-377() Co1 ona del Mar ' ~ from 111.,. t'fW!dtain ia:m of 2 bed.nns. 2 D.a.ba.. • 1 bdr-. prda hcmla. 1ncJud1QC !ii~ bl! ii kildww ~ doublt O"eD. ---.. • dMp-ie' Ille. L.erp room&, hu,e c'nleu.. prace. ,.._ lir but. pm-.Ate patiol. u. ~ ..... Partial en-. badmitton am1. ....,... emit. --~ pool 6. _.., ~ Ne • He maintenance to do. an maintenm po+idecl aroup a llDlll .. w,1ee. r TUro ofi Nf'Wt'pOr't Blvd.. 1 blt on Santa lube.l • you ue 11 the La Bonne Vie lot nr Clubhouw Good rN>!. n"°" plt.n. Pay for )Ol. pt bo1m trtt. $tUOO ~~0~°!!1 i l&Ddy llOll. m&IJf lJw N.k u-. )lay col'llPder t:rMa Office Gil premilll M2 '* uua. ~ $10(10.. ~ 0 a- .* * * * * * * * cumbr&nl'C. IAiNY DAY FUND 1RRftO I Rraltn~ OR 3-i~ 311~ ~ O>ul Hv.-y. CdM BUILD YOURS SO\\'! wrm A Qt:AUTY ~l>CSTRL'-1. INVES1'laNT LOCATED IN WEST COST A KESA , U .400 SQt:ABE FEIT &, & A. &.J. II E•~"'i"~~ ~ .. EXPlAIJDOCJOUS Pe.n.oramic ,.._.1 at &rk OF 11\l>l'STRIAL SP ACE ONLY 2 YE.ABS OU> &LUI HOIUZON S.. tJua "9CMJ1tlt>nal horn~ .r!UI • t l"mTM'ndnut fl()e&Jl \~· ln e-xclu11v~ Ca.rn· M S hn1'91 Ov"r lOf'(I 11q rt.. o! tunct11m&J lh·1n& H~ livtnc mom. M.uBrve trrP-I pla.aa. Rli'tt beamed oel1· Ba~ from Ulil I Mdreom. 21.. batll. r..m.oy ""'m ho!IH! wtt.11 I ftriepl&<n Pm! e.coa&.lly ,., ncSM:apeo IU,000. EXCEI..U'.Nr OCCUPANCY llfXX)RD 1 or-o Nr:T Rm.JR.~ Sl 75.000 • TEBKS llJU CAU.. CLALl>E SHIFFDl mp. 81:pua~t.. dm room. UDO SA.''m i Br 2 b&o:.: _HARBOR I ~ hdrm.a -mu d I SUJ>f~ dfcomt.ed hamt room • t.UI Two pal.I~. I T1PO Jand9caped pa,UoL l ,.,Lil JlC'OJ 6' l ¥"th ,.,. Ui,SOO. unit.a n~r tc.bolK• a..nd lbopptJll" F'ully rmt.ed. 13 l.900 Try 10~ dowft IASTSIDI. CHAlt.MEl J IASt ' )'e&n MW 3 ~room. 11., ti.th~. ft,f'.Cftl tJ y red«· •rated and t.lC. tf'rl ' M•":• ap~mtm~l IV'ElM ~ w -\Ma l I """"' r•URI Bav 6' Bf-lih P..t'aJt,· Inc 1 ... Sf'WJIOTt Bmt: C.X. '' f'unnabed ~ UJU.U lta-11'1 ~ MJ.2253 Near C.r._k dlurdL F .H.A. -G.I. · 139:.:.~ .. - 173 ' MOVES YOU IN 211-P~MENTS -$119 PER MONTH JD-INCLUDING -$132 PRINCIPAL, , .. _ INTEREST, -$137 TAXES & INS. 60' x 10t>' FENCED LOT - • .Bit-in RJnge & Oven • Garbage Di.,posal • forced Air Heal • Deferred L<>t Purchase · • Double Garace W /Boat Door I 6°/o FllAICING ' '. l •• ~ ,R·E.Atr~~ , THE ~l-~"'" :_ E.STATf:f.: DRIVE - r~·t C"l\A•t Htrbv.a.y Coron• dlll Mar ii7~21111 :-HOME In OREGON T h•< '"'•ut1(11I ~ SR 3 ba.. All rll"'<.t.. h<'m• ~ta ui a nAt 111 •l •plm dor. tur- rl't1nl1Mt b,,. t '"'"'· ml.a It rrHk. Hn11M ftntr.hfd 1n ~Ar r1u1t'llns ... ~n l>"Am N'lhrtp, H W 01'1 It Blt-uu · Earh n»m ,.,Lh 1mh» hut A ront.rcM1. F'l1!1y 1 n ! 1, I a t t d.. h''Y· ~h~l!• !'nl'lf • Many n~ f•.1· 111'" · Ca ll fo1 furl.htr rnr1• · \\H Y ES 6 all Ull1 (N n•\l\ Sl!l.~4\(\ C.\ l.L, ,\tfi·Ot>:>~ R:tr N~wport Heights S DELUXE UNITS $6',SOO Th• ~ \r· \ ftnf' ur.tl-' fff.• llun \ ytA"J 1>h1 • t~bi• (' r• 1•1 '"" • hclw ONlr • Il l) hA\~P • fll"f'J'lllr f'• k r \ • \"r r\' '""~"n~~• rrn· • · C·•r ad1ht1nMI ln· (!' •'All • • I ~ 440 _.&. lTlh 'St. ••i-oat• ~ U M 1M fN·7'Cll DOVER SHORES · BAY and VIEW HOM.a ,.·1th 3 pri\'&te 'Ndin ~!ACCO REALTY CO. 1016 S&nl 1&10 Or~ 11 • tU\ I'> RM I'> M Jlh !'i"ior"' rrnm 11\fo !'i.n t.\ :\t \\}X'rt 8 1'a C'h All• f',..-""•> "'>u'h O?\ Rrnr1khuin 11 "'""' 111 1 ~t1 1 OR 84(J1 No Ball~n Payments r,. · f ,.. t! ~ n n1•ff<r ~'hat It k,~ - OP. '\"llf:lTl l t"R''" 'fll~ ()Cf.A' ''" rr!(ll ll\. r:in .,.II 11 \\llh a 0 .\11,\' Ht ·n T 1 \fl~TTJ' ro THf Rll ... , ,, Tll l:;Jfl•P.f 1.. ~Ir." I~ ~ARl'lfll'S Hl'\"Tl'GTO:'\ I'll.OT \\\~r AD• liul Rt.Alff w nh•: "4?-~7~ ._ ___________ _.! CK.UGr; m ... -00 llT Pa• tc1· .... LL "T .A· ~ I ·~ B • !C l l .,. ld 11, lv .II. ., ,6, )0 I a. • r· • in "!\ • JI .. '" ... ·r II . .. • • I• I • • .. 1' l .. L. .. HOUSES 'OR SAL! -HOUSl.S Foa SALi ~SIS POlt SAL"I HOUSES FOlt SALi I HOUSES POlt SALi HOUSES POl SALi Deity ,,...,..._.,.. 11 &a., Apr. I . 1915 ·- General 1000 ~•I 1000 C..te MMe 1100 New,.,. leech 1200 Lide It .. 1351 Huntington leech 1400 Hufttl ..... leach 1400 IENTALS HOME & INCOME llrge 'f•llyl WlSlll·IUUTY OCIAN & IA Y VIEW Open T\199 thna rn PM.a 3t20 CLDT DR.IVJ: UDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Sat .. April ~rd, 12 • 4 l&&Ol~L&ne BY owner, 4-Br/ Nr•new Houset Furnllhed Xlnt·loc! Jl'rpl, Cpt1, Fnod s~ + Sl" mo tot.al. Veutfon llente41 2tOO ,,. • $19,711(). 63t-M64 ake $1,(8) Ott tbe pti~ ol my WA· 1'1Cft1'10NT bofM, aa19 tbe dWw-r. I muat MU my a 'bedroom 2% ti.UI bouae NOW. Her.'1 an excellent opportunU,y ~ llvt It up. B&ll,' Swim • ti.ah from your OWN bead!. ~ar clublllouM wtth lwim pool ~ HURRY , •• Ulll will .. u qWCklJ, New price tu.MO anl)' 10~ down. Set today, call mw! Open 'W·9. Two Mp&n.t.e ona bedroom tumlthed bomea. Oft larr• tut.id• lot. Well land· tcaped and t•Oed. Local· ed IA. ~ll•l!LD!J&hbor­ bood. $18,111() with $3.000 down. EUREU 8"-7171 e M2-4100 wow Beach Income Yon Will h.ave to agrH that EXCllLLENT LOCATION. One 9-droom Duplex CU· U.. Mewty p&lnted, ~ pee.. draped • tumlahed unit& PIUcmD TO 8ELL P.uT AT Si'.ICIO. Prop- .V ..... 10" net """ tw1l wWa mtnt1111gn down. OaJ1 D09' and i.p th• llWIUller'I lncome.. Alreidy Bougllt another bou•. '"'Vu1t Mil tbJ.I cu.tom borne now. Pr9.c:Ueally °" the M . V. Golf eow.. Le• ccimer lot, wttb bome over 1900 .q. tt. • t« ooty PJ,900. Sfllrp Pool Home J I /It+ F/R -.. $24,450 Thl9 ~ S. lDunacul&te • lt .._..,,for lmmedt&te OC· CUpulCJ' • aleo Bil kitchen. Cpll/Drp9 • Xlent land· 9CAPlllS • O'llln\lr wm ..u FHA J,Wuw. For &ddJUon- al Into .U • • - thll 11 t. "O.-ot a kind" home. Thtre a.re ao many exciting txlrtf It would be di!tlcult t.o duplicate thll 3 br, 2 ba bomt. A rood value too at only SU,~. Evea. M5-tlH2. Day1 646--0261. "'SMILING SERVICE'' • 1873 Harbor Blvd., C.M. EASTSID.E 5 B/R+FJ R+4 Baths $44,SOOr Thi.I borne ll made for Sood Uvtns tor a l&rs• family • w/w cpt/drp9 thru-out • 1&r(9 ~BIR with 8 hue• cloeeu • df"l!Ulnc room • brick fireplace • W /D roH with bOUM • electrtc. Bil kJtcben • thll home located on 111ce cul· de,ta.e 1ll'ftt. To eee ~- BEAC H ~REAL TY .. 0 E. 17th St. Evu 49'· 1308 HAYSTACK IEDl£ Have you been lC?<>klnr 'for the proverbl.&l "N eed.J e ln a h&y1tack". Modem cu. t.om built Ea.et.Ide a br, 2 ba., frplc. • boat 1tora,ie, $19,950. FHA or 1Ubmit your tenna. Evu. M5--l8'1 Daya 84&-0261. "SMILING SERVICE" • • ~ 1TtJr"llt. ea;.ono J.17~ J:.JL BY• M5-0MO LI 1~7M ••••••••• Heavy Shake Roof ' ~!"eou~~~ r olt coune ~th 2000 .q ft ' tp bdnna A dln!q room. of llvtn&' area, all elec .A.11 alee kitchen bu dllh· kltch.. 3 ba, 3 .etowens • w..-r It lot.a of cablnat.a. a Roman tub, 3 lg BR. f&l'f\ CIOM ~ C&lbollc Church room It den an!tb-. Terrific ll &111Chool1. Nice Cul-d&-pern.nent view -;,f golf uc.. $21,000. ~l4 % loan coune. Price J'3,500. Call can be a.-umed ~th 10% eve MS-1196. down. 1881 Tu1tln Ave. 646-3907 J:vu ~'7t 642--0805 OWNER Arudoua • 4 Br, '90d are&, tll\OnnC>UI lreel, ~1 t.o ahow. 128 E. 19UI S t., C.M. C..U anytime LI 8-3209 TlfE Q E r ... L · E.! ;T A"TER S lewport Shores Llve It up! Seit Buy In The Shoru. HUl'e farnUy room! 2 B&ttui! l'Mr Club Houae. Jun $22,t!IO. See today. Call now, Open 'UI 9. MS-1171 e 842-4100 ~OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEK-END Cleaneat, nee.tut 2 Unit. In town! lmacul&te 2 Br hpme + Apl over 2 car parking • 2 Sundecka. 6oe Marruerltt, Corona del Mar R. L SlllCKLER IH7 I:. Cout Hwy. OR 3~10. Alla Escrow Company Mn. Marcia Goodman 112 ll. 18th St. Co1la Mu a : • 8•8·1821 . J • ' . • NliR NEWPORT Harbor HI. 2 BR hOme on R·2 JoL .1U1t remodeled with llulll·ln nnc• Ir oven, crptd A drpd. only 117,9ll0 Fru.k Klnpa.rd Real E.- tat.e MI 2-2222 anytJme. * TUBACH REALTY 3U21 Harbor Blvd. 545-8421 C.M. ••••••••• NO DOWN Large lwiury 4 br in Mesa Verde. 2~ Baths, 1 with out.Bi~ door. Homtmak- era elec. bit • ln kitchen. Appra.t.ed at 136,000. No dn. G.I. or aubmit. Eve.., 64 5-5065. Days Me--028L "'SM.ILING S ERvtCE'' * * Orange County Leased Commercial Building 10% spendable return _ ~ Anchor 'l,, Investments, Inc. 2155 E. Cont Hlw•y Coron• def Mir ~ 673.Q>11 - * * re. Coils & ~Wallace It's NeCJlectecl & Run Down A little paint • fl~lng up 111 aJI that'a needed. 3 B.R 2 bath. large yard wllh patio, good loc.allon. J16 600 S600 down. fl1tr1. Kl M141 1491 B&ktr &l Harbor R-4 LOT All U.. room you needt Ellpl\t a ~ wtUa ' •. a bedrooa\!hmlly nMn l bathl. dell or mu.lie with 11' batM. J'Jli a BA 2 ba. R.oom 1o expand 1'• atmpi.e. '51,0IO FP DUNCAN HARDISTY Unu.wual ly attracU•• Md 1pacloua contemporary borne on 6$ tt lot. _llnpc»o ~ mt.ry and '"1Mauutut 1plral 1t&lrc:e.a. Lovely Wood p&nellJ\s Md ltoftl work. a Bedroom.a, den, 2 ~\ balhl, Lara'• paUo tor Indoor-outdoor Uvtn&'. So. on S.Cb Blvd., tu m le.fl on Hell t.o Landau Ln. a bdrm, 2 ~ bat.N, tamlly rm, cupet.a. ln.peL H•l· ed Pool. Block w&ll fence. Bll·ll\I. 2 tl~placu. FHA • BR, 2 b&, bile fence. cpl.I, larulac, paUo. ~'Der Mr. 8mllb. Vt MOO. PALM SPRlNOB Lovely 3 Br. 2 ba tum. For Hnt. wlmdl Ir Zutu week. 641-101/ 32t-UU room, 2 trpla, one ta ,.... teraw pa,aoo ltMttet Ml-tt9S wr Br. nm bom• bu evtryt.b1nJ 'tncl locaUOn nr b&y. A.lktiis only sa1,cioo. For lntonnallon . llvffs MiMl9i D a bdr, a -. GIJ"pttlnr . dnpee, pet.to. owner OCCU• 1630 RENTAU s. An• Hgb. Mr. Fomey 'Evft "6-2Mt 1113 Wutclltt Dr. Ml-tlOOI pied. tTM'ftl 3 • BR I • BA. Nr • new 11.H. Club prlvUepa/ Own· er mwit Miii Submit • terms US,tlOO/ OR 6·01'4. 169,tlOO app. 127,160. O'Brien Rttl Estate 3 BR. IOxlU lot lu dec Ir fncd. SUI.~. Call l l AM to 4 PM only 6•0-2879. HOUMS Unfurnished 1705 General 3000 Roy J. W•d Co_, flHDOM IDI 1M9 Weatclltf Dr N.B. 30b Main, H.B. S:S6·2M.\ -*-0-PE_N_H_O_U_SE-"' LA RUE REALTY 340() via Udo Oft 3·8830 848-0228 I Ask De Owner He can move tomorrow. a 'er, 2 8&, newly decorated. Room for boat or camper and Nttv ACY PIUVACY PRN ACT. ll&ltalde loca- Uon nr IChoola. Llated at $26,9ll0 • wUl llMUD lo any reuonable otter. 4 bdrm.a. 1 % bathl. Drapn. fully carpeted. Fenced back y&rd. Patio. Comer Jot on nice cul·de·l&C. 166-2181. LIDO ISi.JD • 11&1fronl du-Sunday 1 • 6 plex. Convertible t.o home. 845 VL& Soud PaUo. a~each. Stunninr JlA Y Jl'RONT 2 $-40,000. KI . bdnn, den, I ti., at.ondlre- pla.ce, CUilom , kitchen. .._rt. y...,. l2lO P IER A SUP $1~.000 - ...... _ ... ,,.. __ ._,,.,____ HARRIET PERRY · REALTOR IJ>WEST price on 3 Br 3336 Via Udo bome in H&tbor Higl'I area. Clean, •acaftt. mod-675--4~0 NpB . e OPEN HOUSE e PA.Cil''IC SANDS 8222 Se&blrd/Cor•lot. Beau home/Nr Clubb.le. OPEN ALL DAY SUN . SH ·8511 JI 847·1211 POLYNESIAN LIVING 1< EMERALD BAY 1< ELEGANT 3 BR, 3 bath home, Jar1• den wt fplc., extra alltlng room. apac· loui dlnlnr rm. Mated pa· tlo. Tl)rllllnc coutal vlew1 $82,000. in PAlM DUC~T ..,.. for leue with option, 2 BR> den, 3 bathl. drped Ii crpted. POOL. $~ mo. Owner. M&-1679 Cost• Mesi 3100 ----- BY owner, archJt.ect'a owa ti BR, playroom. tam rm, den, 2 1t.ory, IS pool. pro(, lndlp, cabana, central vacuum, blt • lna, d-waah, cpl, dpa. A·l oond. '35.~ 2440 Du.ke Pl. MM4.M Roy J. Wsd Co. -3 BDRM., 1% bath. CorDOtr 1849 ~clltf Dr. N.B. lot. 4• backyard Ir 846-0223 Evu M6-28t8 patio. Excel cond. Compl eTn on hus• RJ cul deSac lot ~&bade treu. Low dn. You Ml•ct 11ew car· peUns. $11,CIOO by owner. ua.aen Have your luau tn a lovely Hawaiian IMllllng In your o" n back yard. Beaut1r111 waterfall tumbllni: do" n 10' rock "'all, flrt·Tln(, pa· Uo, exouc planll. Step out ot the tam. nn. of your modem 3 BR borne Into lhia raltul atnx.phere 4 throw away your carea. Owner nluct.anUy o!Cera ~ •11 tbJ.I unU9U&l borne. OCE AN FRONT eat.ate u le, 2 BR. 2 balh. apac· IO\ll Ovln1·d1nlng 6' recre· a1 1onal rooms, enclosed pa· t10. Make bid! AVAIL APRIL 10 I New 2 BR 2 1tory with I OCEAN F'RONT 100 x 188' gar&&'et $100 mo. Dlspo• trontaf• on maamtlcent a J • pull.ma.n • ete. Wat.r nxJ<y lhore w/am.all ad· paid. 2116 Pl&cmU& AY., 3 bdrm + fain rm + .tudlo Le CCN p&tlo w /NJ> boat yard Th11 exec:uUve home 11 a muat for your Inspection lour. Ownera LI 8·6683. CHOJCPJ CLIFF DRIVE Area Newport Helcbt.t Redecorated. 2 BR Ir pan· nelled den, l" bathl, frpl, wtth addlUonal room to bUUd a lats• bom.• ln th• tuEun. $2t,900. l'rank lC1npard Re&I l:state KI 2·D22 &ll1'llJM $14,500...,__ R·2 lot. I) !Ith et, CK. 1 Bit bou9e -n.r llM>pplnc. ....... .., ,,..,.rffee 1506 W. Balboa N.B. 613-1UO or en.1111 R-t LICVEL Lot with lm· mac:ul&te J Bedroom home. Room tor more unit.. On Pad.fie Ave. neat Brook· bunt acUvtty. $27,500, Jl'n.Jlk K.IJlp.a.rd J\eal .:.. late Ml 2·2222 uyUme. ROOM to bulltl another houM with nl1tlnt 2 houtel. Prfced to Mii 1t $25,450, 842-1040 Bkr 1100 Pub1ic Notice • fORCB) 10 SB1 I ..., * Meta Del Mir 0-ne,... Uvln& In LA. Mil.It be. IOld thla week'.cr\d. ' BR. 2 ba. excepUonal).Y clean. L&ndlcaped • hu1e patio. Any ,_.,nable ot- ter ac~pted. Submit A move In. tel Coronado Dr . OPEN HOUSJ!l 1-5 SUN . ONLY o=i 6•0-0370 ~on.JI JUWJrr 00. ~ CHEAPIE!U ~ $12,950 Lge P icture Wlndowa. Over- lllzed s-araie with work• ahop. Lc-e fenced ya.rd. • • • ~POOL* 16x30/Hld-Flltered ~ $22,750 3·BR. Lee Panel'd Den. Frp, WW • cpl.a, Open ~~Wng. ~~Ja-;~~a ..~""""' ..... #liiiiil.@ .. tllj •I $1i400 IELoWFHA- APPRAlSAL • only $500 t.ota.J down to all. No oth· er ooet.. 3 BR Fam Rm 2 ba W /W crpt. 2 frplca, blt·ln•. drpa, hu,e patio, lullh landac'tn,g in Coat& Mesa's flnc1t area. The Myhre Co. 6'8·9677 any- time. 2 FHA BARGAINS 1. 3 BR. l" ba, 1 yr old, 2,000 tt. under 'fOOt. nr. Wl1110n school. $1,000 dn. 2. 4 BR. i~ ~. 7 YT old. redec. It re&dy. Nr Ever- ett Rae 11e:hoot. 117-dn. Velor FHA. LyUe Realty • 648-9493 1913 Pomon& Ave . C.M. BY OWNER EASTSIDE Custom bit home on R·2 lot. 1 bdrm. new ca.rpell • dTapea thruout. Can be expt.nded. Attach. gar .. fenced yard. $13,911(). c1o .. to Newport Blvd. lhopplnr 4: 19th St. Prlv, partlu only. 648·2v93. --:::-::::---Anxious to S.11 2 1lory, 5 bdrm, 212 ba home. Cpta lhruout, I~ patio, sprinkler tystcm, wattr 1often«1r. Srp din area. l~e kit, w/blt Ina, Incl dlahwuher. '32,911() . Owner ICI 6·6380. • ----IMutltul Provlncl•I OwneJ . Flaiwtone front 4 BR. f" ba. all alecl k ltch It dlAhwUher. frpl. 2 blka So E of 211t. $28,911(). Small dn. Prtnc. only. 646-48-48 eve1 6' wk·f'nrls fenced. Central loc. Opeo bal Apr a It L 1171 Sban· non Ln. M&-1030. • BUILb&aa 8.U.ll 2 i_. new hom• S It • Br It 1'am rm, CUit.om nn- lah lnalde Ir out. $25,too. 1900 Dn. U 8-!1148 -E • SIDE 1~ blk Stater Mkt. 5 yrs new. Hard· wood, stucco. plaster. Lg 1 BR, R·2 lot. Try $14,000. 'iHOO ch\. Lemmu RJtr 876-0371. -LUT8JDJ: 2 B.R, den, 1 ~ baur crpte/ ~. Jc tncd yd. 1'114 &Y&il: 1"2 TUa. Un A.Ye. i4a-J017. . 1220 GIV!ll • I.WAT/ 2·br, den or 3 br. SZtrul Bul area 121,tlOO/ ownr "42·3180 Wtttcllff 1230 " ..,, SACRIFICE I We1tcUff brand nt" ::\rv· er occuplllld f ·br 3-ba, Cpl.a, D~ Lcbcpd, Fncd. R •a d y for Occupancy! Kake oUer/Ownr 642-2339 lltVINI TllllACE 1245 8™™ repc 11111ron, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I-HI dn, Parlt 111-Home. . North .ade. S BR. fam, JUO mo. $11,tllO. 649-2711. NICE 3 BR FREEDOM H 0 M IC, rm for trlr, JH,l!K>. Owner, Ml~. "li:EiN S BD·R.M. 2 bat.ha. Cpt • drp. 118,911(). 831 Joann 839-lM&. BY OWNER • .Eut.alde 3 Br, 1 b&, tam rm w /trplc. $21,CIOO. Ma-8703. 1110 ..... FIGHT HEADACHE 3 WAYS (1) Spectaeular v1ew from Irvin• Ternu of S.y, Ocean Is Jetty. (2) CU1tom charm or 3 bedrooma, 2 ba tha, la.rp Urine area. (3) Maximum outdoor en- t.ert.alnlnS area, 2 pa· tloe, bus• U-Ir lawn All for $7.&,llOO. Why Wall 1-'1tt!.~~!! ?r.~ b;_:. ~:: ":1~~~ for only $26,950 Terrace. 6 BR 2 ba home with a 20 ............ ... x 20 rumpua room tor a bonus. Hvy lhAn roof. oonc. p&Uo, tlel&cbed dbl. rars.ge • Open every d&y, BE SURE A: SEE. Eve Call Ms--0638 11JIACH IULIY -------- 3021 Barbor BIYd. C.K. Coren1 •I Mir WD M64U). ' •••••••••• CAUr.hiiof ~eyear~y Am. Hom•~l'art panelled llv. rm Ir fUl nn 3 BR all GE b·lnl Fixer pper• tew llale entry. Ne<i!. pooi louUr or ~hway, corner 11.&e k>L Save 11 000 thla R·2 lot W1th 3 Bedrooma, wkend bkr get.a' It nex.t family room + l bedroom week. 'awn, IU,600. apartme.nt. Only $38,500. • 645-7813 Scenic Propertiea BY Owner • 4 bdrm. tam rm, 2 bath, frpl. New •- cor 6' cpl. Bit • 1n kit. Cov. patio. Lush land· acape It re.need ~r yd. Corner lot on cul-de-&ac. $24.600. 3298 Iowa. 848-8033 or 'a•&-3348. PACESVM"ER, 2100 sq tt • BR. 3 ba. lg. din. rm, tam rm. HW floors, super carpet.11. apkln. $33,860. 64&-4902. 2029 Lemnos Dr. Con.,. P1rk 1115 -4 BR F1m Rm $25,200 l" ba, Remodeled lrrtch. w I newly lnstal dlah· wuher. New nylon cpts t.bruout. Bit • In library. Prof land.sc. 6' malnt. Sprlnkler1. CUl·de·aac. New TV • UHF ant + EXTRAS. BY OWNER. F or appt. call M6·3106. OPEN Sit. & Sun. 4H Elmhur11t Lane. CM' -MAKE ot.fer : Lovely pool home. Lge cor. lot. 3 BR 2 ba, crpt/' drpe. Cuatom · extrul A11klng 124,911(). Owner • Bkr 649-0794. Newport IMch AP A.ATM ENT BUILI>ERS! 5.89 ac. In County • cloae In. R·4 It A·l. Should zone all to R-4. Incom~ now apx SJl°)()()/Mo. from trailer Ct. Offl'f' apx. Sl.00 aq. ft~ R. C: GrMr, RHltor 2916 E. Cout Hwy. (Adj. lo Port Theat re) OR 5-5726 I Horace Wink •• would have 11 hard Ume re- ai1 t1n·r lhls spacloua 3 Br home w1lh li;1 2 Br ApL South o! H1•'Y, only f yra old. Wm. Winton, Rltr. 675·3331 optn 'UI 9 p.m. SHORE CUFFS Bargain tor Mmeone. 3 BR Lge. hv rm. •!tn open1 to cov. paUo, bll·ln kltch • lg brkt llJ>C $4 1.000. I WOOTTON REAL TY 2863 !:. Coul Hwy 873-2335 CHARM'G Prm'. $5000 be-I low appr · \a I. 4• IM n. l Compact 3 · hr. 3 • Ba/ P ool! Sunrtl'rl\ View / Not lea.•rhold. Ownr OR 3-76.\.1 { CAMEO -HIGHLANDS I y 4 BDRM VIQV HOME Uke new' Cp:•. drapci1, 138.600. 6i3-:"i:\91t I CHARMJNG-2 ·BR + Glll:ST HSE. S28,7ll0 OWNER ' OR 3-4159 Lido Isle 1351 3416 Via Lido OR .a-9300 OPEN HOUSE -Open Sat & Sun 2-5 SAT. & SUN. 1-S 306 The Rialto • Jolnlns balhtnc cove. 2 (In rear) bOUMf, can be raoned for tlaT-OUO tor onty $18.9ll0. rnore unit.a. $1!6,000. ._., 3 II HOME ~ DEUGHTF'lTL 2 BR home , C J REEVES & Assoc. with excltln' while \ltaltr 2 Balhl v1ew1 lrvel w/11unny pa-11~ 213 Mam s t. HB 536-SS~ I OrEN HOUSE I 110, 1i. llvlng-• dln111g Wells-McCardte Rltrt. n1 ra,, 1 •, hAlh3, room ror 1 l81U Nc\\"!'°rt~Blvd, C.M, Sat., April ::1 u. I :?·1 16001 Landau LAnr I l':.pa·1t.•on. s;;::.:ioo. a.8-1729 ....... ltl•ncl 1355 DECO RA TOM .newly re- modeled allrachve 3 br, l'\IHl rm; + l bl' -a'p'L Make offtr. 208 Coral &75-3062. So. on Beach Blvd., l11rn lefl on Hell to L&ndAu Ln 3 bdnn., 2.'~ b&lha. family nn. carpet.a, dra~. Heat· Turn er Associates Louise TU mer AM Rhoadea &83 N . Cout Bl. •94·1177 ed Pool. Block wall fence. I 6000 •ntt Blt·lnt. 2 flrepta.ces. FHA llllU I~ app. l 27.llSO. !LOVELY LA.ROii VIEW O'Brien Real Estate HOME ON TE M p L !! 306 Main. R.8 ~35-2!>85 HILJ...S. LR bu F /P, Is. 4 IEDROOMS dlntnc area. Bit. In k ltch· n ua ex~pllonally clean " en. 3 If . BR, 2't ba.. car~ nicely l1nl1sc1pcd home w/ pellnr: Ir drape1. O~ER w·w nylon t"pt lhruouL MUST SELL. Asltln& 1 ~ ba. b-1ns . .-..in ruttera, 132,500. .. fncd back yanl, pal.lo. Nice TWO STORY COLONlAL S22.» A t'hanning 3 BR 2 Balb home. Quiet cul-de· aac street. Walkins dla· ta:nce to achoola 4 •bopa. Vacant. Call now. eu-noo or 1614171 2 BEDROOM Charmer. Large llvinc room. J:uy walk to downtown, abop· Pine 6' bu1. 19~. Adult.I only. 193 M&polla. &46·2148 atte:r 8:30 PM. CLEAN! Le• 1 • br $86. FA heat, dlap. 11• slot• age apace. Adulla No ~u. Yr t"&red for. 121 "E: 2llt SL Ml 8-1642. Huntington ... c.h 1400 nelcbborhood • priced ns-ht al '21.900. ••••••••••••PAUL JONES Rltv. * A LITTLE GEM * 17931 Beach Blvd. s•1-12t 6 Nt9tled amonc t,.. 6' floweni wtth proteaaional RENT w I OPTION HOME. Nice LR w/!pl .. REDECORATED, 2 bdrm. dining nn 5 BR 3 v b&. ~ near town. Le. tmced Walk lo ' High' ;chool: yard. Garage. Waler pd. bract( • Church. ldeaJ 186.00 per month. Child. F"1m1ly Home ... 131,500 OK. 0~ S~508 nu. landacaplnc. Co&y 2 BR GOOD REAL ESTATE home with all c~~lrlc bit-3 A: fam. rm • l ... ~th. In "Pink" kitchen. Juat cpl, dpa. All fenced. 'I 1 3:H Fortsl A "1!. HY 4·7!>18 .IMMACULATE w Ith Ed R R~ 531 5222 T ~-&&I-Es cpts, A: drape1. On I y ose "7• • 0 ~ tate S17.9~0 lnrludlnt deluxe REPOSSESSION l°"'ll your own apartment ttfrig. PERFECT FOR near Victor Hugo. 118,9~ YOUNG COUPLE. 6 BRa l" ba. Brand new Wallace L. Neff Evu . 846·9630 cpl Ulruout. bll·IM, 907o La.gi1na Villa R.I!!. t loan. "''io lnt, 30 yn , NO I 246 N. Co&lt Hwy loan /f!le. Vaca nt. 494·7878 PA~~~ORES BWHW RWTY MOTEL Beach 81 .• H .B. 21 Dtluxe Unit. , Lil 1-ut4 17791 Beac.b Blvd. HB 1300,000 t ........... "7-&Ml MI &-6671 \\'all&c.e L. Nttt TOWNHOUSm 2 BR 1"' TWNHSE 2 • Br/ below1 IA,cuna Vlat& R. E. b&, all elect. ~t FHA S60 • dn No <'Ollll! 246 N. Cout Hwy bar ._ atooia. u:pt/ drp1. Brookhunl • Adams' Ut-1871 $1',500 Jow dn. M2·21a2. 8-47-868.'>. U,un1 IMch 1705 Leguna Beach 1705 MOYE· 110 A. lAGUU BEACH 147.600 • Fant&atlc Emer- ald Bay buy, 3 br 21; ba, Ultra kJtch, din rm. 2 frpl. $39.900 • exctun,. 2 br, 2 ba. conv den. 3.5' llv, 2 frpl, patio, view. I Peg Allen, RNf tor 109:i N. Cout Hy. 494·7678 BIRDWATCHERSlll I Jn Laguna'• quiet, remote I Blueblnl Canyon. Ntw 3 BR home: 2·1t.ory liv. rm, balcony den. akyllt.ee. pan- eling, alereo. •94-7875 I D•n• '!«ct 1730 * OCEAN VIEW * No tor no 111101', Repoues. aed. SALE TRADE OR RENT. l or a ll. 2, 3, 6' 4 br. homes. Cpta, dTp1, land· .. ..,::aping. Owntr. Dana DOME TODAY! This ht Quality Home 11 New la · Vac•nt I li;hland~. 33881. Z&riit.o Dr. Dana Point. 496-1805 1 RENTALS Houset Furnished Costa Meta I ADULT haven. Srp 2 BR r homes, 1'ttsched gara~·· P8tlo11. pnvnry I blk com· plcte ahpg. SllO. 646·2267 3 •BR, nvall. now. Sl30. 3 BDRM untum h&e, hard· bllck yd, patio. !:alt.tide . Gardener Incl. No pete. S\2~ mo. U 8·252t 162 Co&ta Me11a St. Z BDRM hou11e, untum, 211 Knox SL '9~ per mo. Gardener aervlce. Mr 6-4223 or 846·3741. S115 . 2 Br. Bis yard, dble • gar. Fenced, Hal Albacore. 646-8729, · KI ,5·2f24. CLEAl'f Is• 1 br $86/Adult.a No pell. P' A beat, c!l..ap. II• atorap apac., yd cart/121 ~ I.lit/ Kl l-16U BY OWNE~ Clean J br, new crpu • dfl>I, dble pr. 1135 on Jea1e, water pd. 845-1293 CHOICE 2 , Br 1117.50/ Frpl/ Cpl.JI/ Drpa/ AduJll no dog-1. 2646 Elden/ 5'45·6264. 3 B~, paUo, 11~. 4 BR, 2 ba. $160, Both han cpt, dpl!, stove. dbl su, tncd yard. 616·4850 __ /1 t1 3 • BR/OLDl!:R HOME C'ho1re loc! 1100 • mo. lnq: 1917-B Fuller ton, •&&·9401. 3 bdnn, dbl car. l ',li baUl11. Water pd. lft~. 1235 M eyer Pl. 6•8·331' - 2 BDRM, 11i-t bat.Ju. ClOled (&rage. Adulll. J13B HU\ P l. 873•6041 . NEWLY Dec! 2·Br. Frpl, BILN. l·Br furn/ on El· den/ 673-2133, 546-026' CLEAN, 2 BR, far. at.ove, retrtg. 1 cbUd. $80. wa pd. 648-082, 648-29841. ., EASTSlDE 1106 t11' 3 • BR. FJ!:NCEO 640-0289 AVAILABLE now~ 3 Br. 2 ba, fam nn. trpl, fenced yd. Sl50 mo. 642-48-41. EASTSIDE Lee 2 • Br Dln'g • nn. Gu. Water • pd. 190 • mo. ~48·2384. NEEDS LANDSCAPING AND A umE PAINT Children OK. 2822 San1..4 An& Ave., 6•6·8542 aft NEW 2 • Br, Cpts, Drpl!, • :30. AH extra.s! Nr • Shopa. Reuonable! 8•8-MOO. $495 DOWN $27,500 FULL PRICE With a little imagin ation and elbow grease you will have a real showplaec high in the Laguna Hi lls. No m:i;or repairs are necessary! 3 Ki11CJsi1e Bedrooms & Den 2 Bathrooms l ·BR, Gar. Lge-yard. CI011e·ln StOO-mo u 8-7277, '42·411' COZY 3 BR, newly dee, retrfs, r&l\ge, drp•, $125. 639-0832. NeWpOrt Hgts. 2210 LARGE 3 BR. red'4'. No -------------dog1. SlO~ mo. 939 W. 2 BR, w-w. dri>e. ret~:rr Ele<: / wa l'\(f H·pool. Sl36. 18lh 648-3718 A~ult~. nn !""Is. 642-2514 I Newport lea.sh-3200 Corona del M.r 2250 -------- MAGNlFlCENT Rily view. rompl furn 2 BR, balhll, tnrl patio, pl11y room gu, CdM 1>73·1197 3 BDRMS·2~ BAlHS Sp&dou1 2 br, 2 b& home on 119 Via lido Soud the channel with bos t A "Sunday Pictorial" floor plan in an ex- dock. Lre paneled Jvrrm LIDO l'!il.F. tremely conte mporary design. Detailed ....!-~~....,-~~~~~ l BR completely Cum, quiet 1trttt ~ady pvl ya.rd. Mr Greer 673-4429 TownhouH, l&rr• U\inS • din. areaa, t111lc. W ~' cpta, drp1, Pvt. encloee1 patio. BeauL ?OOI area. Leue. Call Mr. Ruppert, 6(6-0677 or 646-7002 alter 7 P.M w/flreplaoe. Beautiful llel· MP.gnlficrnl nt'I\ ~l .'<lllerra· architecture of sto~c. wood plank. hign Ung. C&JJ CoM le Bell, brkr n"an moct<'rn 111l\ns1on In a pitched rooninc with gal>l ed peaks. Double· 67.\·2098. unlqu<' B11 rn•IP llt'lllnJ . door ent ry opens to SUNKEN LIVING JUSTM:-:0=--:V""'E=='o=---,N-.-. . Rra<:Jous rnou~h rnr the ROOM with stone tireplacc. and sliding glass Huntington BHch 2400 ---. f.\\'EEPING Ocean V1rw :i<"l CQ ft . ':! rm, 2 In. M Catalina. Lease by MUST 0 lllrgrsl fllmil.1 nrrn1 lo 0 l:'n · · . M VE OUT! I walls openin" 10 rear !?rounds. WN~. large cnrl11·t"<I pR tlo with .., Dr'11 order11'1 See th111 Bar· I lovcly'flwimnling Jl•>Of. H&1 WILL C A R p ET WALL TO \~ALL do.1 11 •l, b 111.', fpl, r111 ill Ol\'T\l'i" :J br. 2 bll, 2 l'!lt I h_ • •• "''.'I. 1 7~ .• '8. _camernn. irnragr. alley tri\ranc .. Rm for boat. $2~. <•In to appreclalet N4'w THRO"GJ'OUT. Ult r" moder' n kitchen with ll'11 own pli\11\l' ya1•ht 11ip. v ~ u 3·br, den. Nr-B&ck Bayt Bulld'r Is J1nxtou1 a.nd wlll natural wood cabin ets, buill·in range and ---- 2•w aq·ft. Lee lot, many oonal~r trade·ln of your oven, dishwasher. disposal, etc.; opens to EXCHANm: for mo of Vautlon Rentel1 2900 l'>48-2110 Mtr&I! LI 8-4870 mil d . h h d .....t.. Au..,••l, \.\'•IJuna P•M bOnw. large !a y en wit parquet ar WOV'J .. ~.. .. .. ~ ~ L£A V'G Call!! MW!'l l!tll f>riced SH7,500 Ooors and openfStone fireplace. home for house nr water beau. 3-br. 3-yrs new! In Nt" Jl()rt Bnlboa aru . 2 B.,,,.R-. -,Boe.,.--t -IJ>-ac-,-. -2-ra-r garage, Workshop, S13S. ( 4ZQ WESTMINSTER. 648-8380 chen N l'f aret. + dln'g SEE AT ALT A LAGUNA ~ <'1'r \\'tit~ Mn Beml' BEST BEACH AR!.A ! nn. Sprkln1. F'mcf'd, 0 1· Po\\ <'r~ :.;,; W11 ll11r ' 1 $1 '10-mn l l:lll W BalbM ltLL BROOKS COMPANY LI 11-1~6 621,i x 297' roned t.o handle 12 unlll • excellent. loca- tion In .heart nf Colt.a Mesa Priced below mar- ket 110 call today • full "Prl<"e $2~.ll50. BY Owner but ('(llitgl' f'I( ~or N. ·llC.'hlll. 3·br :?-bn Hu evti ytl11 n1 • VArirnr LiV'g'-nn 2t'/ Br-18'/ Kit· ij ~ 3 Mrm.~. ' ba, awtm pool YRLY 2-Br XJnt-condl rhondra. ' 2012 Lttwa.rd SALE'.:> OFFICE '"'" ·,. r· ~lll'llllll Hnwa!t ('11 !1 i;;~·8689 Lant , Owntr Mt 6·82~l -1:' -r·r -.; r \I. ' .:.Rr. ol.op;"R HOME SALEorlcu~~·tc.ftOri( ::11'0 \'I:\ Udo OR 3·M30 =~c.c er.ESTA WAY 0 LAGUNA ~E AC :I C:.\' 1.1 .\ I 1~11~.T .oll\ ~:).\\"PORT BLVlJ. 00et fllP. 3 bllnn. Pr1n-j STL'N~r.-:c;;; Mrm 2 ~I Phona494·17C0 ~hr r11111 Lr "1 l);:;.1<H:? ~~~~-*'---~~~ BILL BlTT'TRAM reminds you to Sptcl!y STEW ART 440 E 171 h St, TITLE CO. Kl 1-8611. Evtt 494·7308 1142·0820 LJ 8-\7M Ttnn~ ~ 842·5~1 3 BR 1 ba Cr! E'tiit.,lde, cul·de·uc. 232 Robin Hood Pl. 848·0&25 eves. .;_.. _______ _ ~Rh• Only O.R 3~&~ new t ll'r l I.ii ~lr-&'41 \ 1 ".Pn•I' • 54_:.;::J1' fl'' l"~arh-houioe -tln1-;;, 4 BR 3 bf. K'ITCH F AM. J>Alh'I $41 ;,,o 0Wlltr. 1\Jrii off \011•1 lh•.1 .. 1 Thah11 11i;:h! "'' 1rmplc Plllrl' our \\lint ad \\hf'rl' Hl«iz·l'~l "8teC'tioe ner1 ~o R.M COMB $'4,iSO. Own· OR 3-i669 or 11111~ Dr to l'.re>l8 \\'ay · · · l l urr~ ~ llUJT)"! I tJl,.y "" looklnC' -DAil.\' th11 DAlLl' PILOT Cla..&· ~r1 &48-'748 Ill 6 213-WE l'>·S21 I. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l rlLOT cla.uUlect. 1Ui'18 I tied MCdro• NOW!! .. \ • , • • • • RENTALS ALS llNTALS ti .... ---aENTALS j UNTALS 1 UNTALS ·RENT .....-I -,,,.... un1....-0aily Pilot c;ia11ified ~~,... a. IA) ......_ t..Ww•Wi•ll ..._.. ..............,1 -~ ~-,.._. I ~ ' G;..a1 SOOD Hours-Rtquletion1-0eedlinH ~ ~ ·,c-·.., MIO -..........,.., -MIO c.. -, 4100 CM. -4100 _,..._ U_'!'~ COSTA MISA !100 .. ~ .... .-. wtt • .,. ........_ n;u . 2 M ,aru.. r...., U1IFUL ___._ a 11/1\. t BA. t1~ lowtr-lllt~ ••7-.:;n0~.~ .. :-,,.:,.....,~~ ••••p•• "•• n~~~ · • OrcM4. , ~ ~ • •..,..,. ·, SIS I. StS r:·~ 1 • 4pta • "' c.. • lt9cll1lor ·::., ~ :'i =-~ PH.OT -11ti1etr b .,_.. _, • Ull -• ~. ts. 1 M. t:atd )'&I'd. _. a -. 911c:. bil..-. *" Jlil'IL KA.Sim& • WD'!IZD& pr. c,,.o.t..;.:.-::.u: -MI ' a ........... ~ C8'ftCllsi -..,_ pr, J6e&J toi C'OUpk. 116. LGE l . ..... .. ,,_ ~ -.. tb 2 D riolal· 917 :.O'"l.>JlLT !fS'W -JOCSLT pllC& HM _..., fhMI ... Tiil DUDUME. FOi: CW'r &lfD ICillS: l P.M, 1111 -..,_ loll-138 T'UllJa .W.1111&. CV. Cpta. UI B....., Of* 11• -"1llH -1 9l>IOI' UJllTI BAriiiibil Apt&. ff. "P" • iitW! j ii: Oi kit. GCJd ............ ....., r... ... .... )() ~ IW • -OR. a..ttOIL TIN • • • • ........ UUJa. ..... "SIOl ... ....._ wctim .._ • ._ .. as,.._,,__ Qot.AS. C. MAR -;;:;"• Cll. Ml 1-T..._ 11 .. platU II. M•llWI ·-IOl.Ll!d YOU •UST MW ICl.L ..,...I!' 'Mm ...... -..... hleM . DSI REALTOR I block to N:_-..-· ··-.. pt'Olllh4. ..... ..,., .,d .. qml ..-s.. .. Wt • -• ~ ., ........ ..., JMO ........ ,.. I at. filii: • DNm.... W•W ... _... pr. AdU1t&. l lU lip 119 • .._ ._ ,. .., • 1111 i-. • •• ·• • :.~· i ...., 11~ Trb. aw Jlarl.« ex u "'1116 liw mo. Id •• qi&&. •· -.it·'-11~ f"•c-1:. .,._ tu-Mt1. ,_. cal. J BR J • P'un na. "-'t· P'-r--n~. • • • • I ...._.Ttl °" ~.._ 7 fl5 up. 1 ill run • ~ E.,, rffort • -to .... CMtld. a .. • lllll •..,.. t11.1 drpl. f!lc4 ~t-. t llO ---W• To 1'1 le11c• 1 ~ t.e 1IO A Harticw 11 1>2 Ill'. V•ry ciua! r_,,wer Al/'• film. "r ,_.._ Hu ttd ........_ ial • W -t • • • -' * •11 I.Aue. l.1IO R.u!.L 21 d Hv til4 .._,. MOO 1111 Map» ~,. _, H&r1tipf 6bclp &: area ' f -pool. ad*-OK. 2261 ........ ,.,_._ ~" ~ SB. ~ .. -=-lAwty • BJ> .. all ..,,?i&w. I Set ,.,. i. • .... DAIL y mor ,..... .. rifll. .. dllllJt .... -. . l 1 BDRX ..,tll }"&Iii m . WHITTllR APTS. • u •DUI u MTJ1 cuyoa l)r, IU-MM . • ,.._ -aMn-. -• di-. lb ,.. \\'ATER rAID. 22ll lib .... 111) -~ Dlbaa fWa. 1 8 .0RX.. ITf. l Bl\, petlo, pn.p. -· n iLUii t'LiTURt!....:. ..i 111 ·r• tiiOM. • wA • 1 C.... .. Mir J1SO \ Flonda. .u&-tf11. Or t BR-.. ,rrpk • .no,, 1 •ENTALS 1 • 2 llft nu..• witum ~==~==;-,-..=·I IQ..JUt Newly Decor. • O c •a• f16--ll ll u •%711. 01-.1..-1.-L-.1 Dllll(..A.LJJ11£ Alts ... strlc\Jt ca la .,... • ... • • 1 BJ\..._ epu . *""'-~t-iT"o nY YU.a A JIL'f. vu. ,....IHee Kit • tMlp. UO. · • Apb. ~ ~ louadprool. Prom IM ., ...... sr.:n. ., .... ..-n. I Lm.~ ~ lt'TI:. .... D£JLr PILOT ?f'SW f, BR, cpl. ct,.._ t -Car. Pt.Uo·Rtata• 1115. lnd-vtil/ _&p&Cjom COSTA·MESA -siOO mo. r.utade m.tlli. lWl Address: 8o.J" 117~ Nnrpott Sada. Cdf. La~ faal ~.-ul -, ._. ... te wwti ,_ ~ bloria to bdl. N'o. cllild-Pool • t its. .U t.'t:ill run. 2·BR. CHJLD O..K.. NEW TowM.M, 2 BP. 11.i CASSD'1ED COU!\l'DlS &re ~ • folio• Oil ~ aft I PK .... aa..Kll ~ ~. ~l~I IM.. llOl Whtttiin-, C.K. 221? )llapk, ~lJ tt.. cpl., dpa. b-lru, 11r, 2T.1 W. ~BM..-.,... llilCtli • 3.J6..tr.l ."6-UJ2. 16.\. MO/ MSW UNITI Prftllp AIWNal ••• ••• ps.lle. A.dta.. f11~. ~ & fw-.. C.. 9m --• BanaJ Acnl. 1111"' N..-. ' •• ~ ~ ftnU • • • 146-4 l2t . .Xl'9 FlM St.. .... ._. lirat ~ _,,.. 1 boo'lnn. t ltt * STlJDIO APJ, port II""'-.Ml-11:14. I MltTINIOUI ~.,::odio=· -.,-. ....... -., • ..,-.,,c-,-;N~rn ~s:m ~Sr.. & Sa kit.. dTf" CJ'U. lawn p• -y -' . a-. G'•DINS • ···• . r--· lll&laL Dbl 11:-~Ill Jda.. .u-.1... ,....... • -.,...ur-a. -... •. prtv CLASSIFIED INDEX ADS APl'EAll °' NUMUICAI. -St4DwN &.Mou ... --•••• --.mr&,.~ .. ~~---L~---...,.. .... -ll.S•lllS ... ~.U::. :: AtUJllOAL .......,. Maai 19 -U UIWIW -.........., _._.. -_...,.. - ML--. CWora -EUWIW I -·~1 u-. 11m 1•·=·-·...,.. -.... ..--.. -=-' ,'!t = = e·t ~tCl#O 1DI ..-..., -.......S -......... •a•·-ta c...u,,.....,.,, ~ .. ~ ...,, , .. ....._ anan~ - .. ,.,., Tl....ca = MOef ...a.I. f-.._ 1M ~ ::=.. ml _, .-Ta .. ~ic:. ~ :: ANNOUNCEMENTS ·I ~_::--..a = wl NOTlCIS _, .. , .......... __ ...__, - .._,. ... •&U.rf -lMf 0 1 I -w... ....c. -,. ··--.... .....c:. --....... ~ ... ,,-·:--.. = =.:. c:-= ....... WTW''f .., ,, ...... -Ml1 ._....... ... .... ~ -:-:'!.... &IU ...,... ... .. ... ....,,. .. -.,,. Wll u.. .. ~ .., ....... ... .,_, •• I.an .... ; IA t• -WWW I W I Cil"t'f'TI -----......... --......... .... ......... -.u 79 .....,_ .. t=~ :....... ... I.I.A QI II ,,.)..-NI Ala.... - t.1.11 -~ °" ...,,.,.. -·~ .. c.-.sn·m ~ -....._ mncM .. .._... _,. n.I SERVICE DllaC'TOIY •. · • !NOW! NEW. DIRECT ·DIALING ~ . "\ 0. U:XWWWI... . i&c cc••SUM U. ,,... ....... _..__ ... _,_..,-.---~>-:; ·~~· -......... ,.... .. .....,, .......... _,....,....... .. •:a ··--~Wnl. ... ....,.._ -. .. ltEHTALS _.,...,.,.. • -WT--· ltt= i&c ...... "'""41.... ..... _.._ ... -.. ......... -llU"lllQ - COST&...,. - -I -mesa.,... :ml c.-...... -= ·--·~ -~ -•••• , =-n -Ct =· .. ___., --~; Clilae -~ -a..CIB.~ - =:.MJ....c. = ~ I = (.090&& .... ----~ _.....,._ - ... , ----• --...ctaCM. - UDO at - --· WTM.S .. a.aLMiA ...... .. ,_.. .. __,....,.. ..-tu -~ ........ -- -7 .... ~ --....... MloOI .. ~·-· .. umit MM:ll --·· • --.. __._~ ........ ... .......... ...--..._ - c:o.art.t.L. - ----~~ ---""~ ... YJI~ ----... ~.: ... -___ ..... :: °'~ MMll ..,. ... ... ·= 5,,i"~ :1=r= = ca 1 ...._ -= m1w1.-....,. - RENTALS ~....... •. = - 't L.L.-,......_-~ ...... - - ---WWW.... --....... -:: :::=...· .. ~! = -... .,._ .. -1---........ _ ..... ._ .. -...... ---------~ --..... ~ .. -1 ...... --..-.. -= -aw -----..,.......,... ----.. 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SM. -.. --....... -<on• -ea -_.._. ... -.... .. -··=· ....ai -~ .... ,..\AU = ~..,.... ----"\ ~_:....., = HTS _, LrvtSTO(K aaca .. , -..n. -..... -~....... -u.... -......... ---... ,....._ -~ -..._.._. -uom1a:a -:::.:.:::-wuca = CALIFOINIA LIVING :=t'::.O~ = --....... = U..9&ICJI _....... --..-~ .. --........... _.......... - ... , •• ·"" 'JllAlrtSPOaTA T1CN .,._., ""' tc11 .. n a •aon'I _ :::::=: .. :e:m · = ........... ' .. • 1'VITt4 llE ,_. - COIJT.t.L. -:...,on:::=n .. ~-== :: ='~-;-= "'"" >UA.e ... , ...... ...... """ a•.,.... .,. ..,.r ...,au --, ~.-.. -WT ~ ,,_.._ ..._ -·-wn ,..1 ~enau•.:... -... ,_.._ =I --.. .-r = .... , -==. -"°"'..... -~ .. ~u ,..... ~ = "'"Tm9 .._ ._ =='~ -=t..-= RLU. ISTATI, • -..me -._ a.-: ::ttt'\f'.. . = .... ,.... -..,._ .... ....,, -~~-·· =~-.-= ~.... ....... .. ... .,.~ .._ .. -aac»1. -1"?1111CU -I Sl(I ....... .. IQ.U"I ... 0 ...,, ............. .,., ---·-...... ... . ........ ......... -1 ~• ""*" ... ... ...,. ........ cua«t ~ 1 llll UICI Uob. -.. 11: .. .._.,. .... .,.. ~ ... '*""°' • ....,,.. -·•I •• c.a.• -e.tM &UT• ~ llWll •t11 W'M.O c.a.es -I • I l FASTER llRYICE EXPERT llELP ' lkJaJ 1 Wk! 1130 6 11~. * Xtwly run -1 Bl\ enc«! ,..rd. watn • pd S..Chtlon turn 10 ,.uo. lllil pd. Ea.!Wdl, ta...,. I* 1 l.i batlas • mt·ata J.11•. I Frmo Sl Ma Cawmo. Ml4113 . * H1»led POOL ., .......... "G I •· ~-~ I • ...._ ,, ••• FralD $105 ,... ·-:iP'fiOLG I -•• ' Sil, J bl.. !I-in.a. ~ pl'. * A.dWt.a • f'ri't' Padn --AIWIWoo --.............. -... .........,_ ·bed.. ~-11~ S r. 1.,. --. C.X. 2i.t ar-:'f....,ort amt. 2 Bdrm ••••• r,ra.1125 (1 llP. 1 ._., ht Pll· ~C.a=-y ~. .,,._ul; ~ W.601 Mf-OUI l&isrm ·2a.th im.U7Me"-',Ct 1 Bil.. .... cpt.. .... ...._ Frca SUD .. -. tt~1~ , fzl I v.i.., M11 IAY APAITMINTS -'1 tum. beated·pool, c.arptta-Dt•i I Oenll 2 ibilii aptl. ..... cpt. bit· tJ:S w . ...,., c.K. 1106. u ~76.. Blt·• Orm • ...,., ... ....... "pool. !Ltrt ?'f9W:' •. 2 ba ~ Lad- 9Cpl. a1n.l, ll? trffW97 . 15!1 ftMe A.-1 l lTl. tll-lt4-1614 C"OI 1 A: J all, hra A: OIPr9 R&.V? BT WED: OR-XO. • •••••• I Poalil • ••' • •• llOI. A.la. ,.,._ .... 1131. t -tum. nu. W/!I 2 BR llJI Jn(! o.rW~ •k. G...OOU•'IJvinc ••••••• 161 II.. Bay. cpl&. drpl. bl\·111& lllld/ n&t Maple 646-7302. Parl::-llka ~ ...... =.::.=,--==·=--· ··~· pooL .. A.pt '· Ji4r. I • 2 BR.. ""W • ept.1. Ofll! lkh • SaJi,U Ana. C.Al 2 ba •1trpa. •,i blll l\'rn • -· -H<ithh :1620 2 BR. 11!." ;r.., 2 l"'.ii?d;UI 6 peta OK ~ll-2 Ordla!"d Or. Ml-11!'....:i aJt & ~ J Adult.I. No ptt•. 2t.:.0 6*-5542 ~ZJ,,1 fO:litt ilklpp-1115 IJIO. ·1" "'Ploo~-,-. 2 bdrm. 2 Marble 1 !\"no:port. 646-t alt. 1'6-.\231 M, w w cptiq. pvt s-t.o. DBLE -wWt 1rlr •-Ham-M-.11 M.fh Triplex• J BR dptt. dpl;, cpl. 'ft.11!.1. c I• a 11. nn•ly punted. mond orra.n. 8,.;m-1 pool, I 2 11 BP .. i s,.. D&.. runa,wa· 1 •"a.IA/dry. 6-....._ 1ar. pvt U l--4320. t OI Ford ltd.. A.du!U ~2tlt. C\U'IL lllO up. PvVpa.ti, yard. n•. 141 Ctn !· Pl s o1 tt~• oe H&r· .,.. ~ELUXE A.PT! I d.rpll erpta. Mt·tna. 1ar. l :.t~7m eat DOI Ml-JIN." "°',· 1'7 ;,._ & •-BLT·INS/PVT·P-A.TIOI 1 HEATED POOLS 1 BOAK. qd.'drpd. G1r. .-"""" vr 1JTJL..PD/Ml·1004 Nr. ah~ adllia • 0CC. l..£undl""J. Amtu. W . 31~ .. 4 )."ZW UNITI CBILD .-ctica Pet OIL Mut. Dr. U t-2'°7. 8GL& • 1·81t .&..rn w BACIULOR Co.ltq• I ~ 6'6 .... ~ J Bdrm unt c.... .... ALL DTILA.I .Av .AJL. 1JTIL • po: ~ . apt. NEW • HUUYI -~. ,._ -· -.. :OM H&rborl ~t7!il I 80011 -,.,. dasp. pr. 241 Coit& ':"II ·-,.....-.· -· 1 BED .,..., Maa at. If.I °"31 . •--~ ,.ID 1 u dlqlla. m.c. ...... 1 BR · tun 6 uturn. 111· 2 BEDROOM 1110 , 1111 ><=1 no Vl .. I~ Ill laundry. Adl&Jtl. N7 W.! • ..... .,a . DrJl1, l 6 J llldr:. !:'elm l lo:i JI"'. pr. 4 dlllta, M plU. Vk\oria. )f.l.41M. ! c,t.a. .,,.. dlabw&&Mr 8 1tru. MO !:. 18th P!. Suuld• Loc:aticm Jlfr. K·Jiart. m w. wn. ' clispcml. blt..UY. M 2-l lf.1 642·!il4l ,,... -.. ,. #:i;im s--rt ... ,.. ...... -~· m t K.llltt, Apt. A *' BR -· .... .._,_ 81..t. rfPt ~-~lll:-·(oor. NICELY tiuw t Br cott.aa-12.F*I _ -·~ X-.r Hanor 6 \\'U.O. 1r I Bft ar ~ .. id;;: t.1-.J to ltt.5e •• u.w.. adulla, ... Stlr!ZPL'""G Ylf"W ocun..j I l'io dofl._ U&-272(1 W.,.. Apa.-..m m.ta; pet&. 21• Kal"bor ID"-_ al,.. 2 W , ngt trxy 2 II hi .. Me Jiii lft61u,.!:.-.C~W 0-. modtrn t-.k tlt.,: apt.a. dee B·lu.. d·•uh. I 1 • llJ\/ l"TO • M"O --STUDIO. 1-a.. fnnl, J BJt, plact-. (&nit alter f p.m. FA Mal, alt coDd, ept.a. lf.~~7~ c.ta -.,.. 41001 2 -. dbl rar. 11&0. ua-u s-23tc • !Ddr7 rm. me~. · 11 f\n.. IW . •1 D&rnill SPAC • l S r rW11. 1115 bak:oe.7, pr I l l ). up .. m \ aDLDR.SiN weicolnl~ J Br, M&.2f.lt. yrly. S r • OcUJ1 : K..in,. &. ZJnl SL ~ blk E. ol la" domt.t, pool 1110 mo. &LI MOW APJS. SPACIOUS 2 bdrm apt, qt. mu Apt.I. Ml 1112. N"~rt. "2-1721 Ml-»1'1. ITMltO.c , •-b11 •-• -,.... ..-.... EXCEPTION.A.LLY NK:e ! BP4CIOUS. x ... -1u -·-r--.._ """ · ....._~! 1 br , lllkb.. ~ e ...... 1 6 2 8adf'OC8 fun1 Of" Uf1fUnL 1:3N f'o. pool mald WTT, ,._, 3 • br. 1 t., • •I 1400 &q· 2 Bit. 2: "8.. ~t • taa. frpi • W/W carpat4I • a..,. w IU-on.J.. ••• em t15-22U ft/ Beau • f'rJIL ~·t • wJ/J19UO. JSltA Etd.11 . • ._..._ 6 ,_,. . 1 M P"UJUf apt. ·bw.. patio, Gar . Bltal, Cpl•. IM • 1110 run. Ir Unf\lrn. • D6cilis •---n -t.a. .Ad'OJt.a. N ....._ -10 Drpa, Fttahly paiated. Le t mt erp/drpa ,, bit· e Bld J*I( 6 T.kl -.u. 11• ---,.,· .. ____ .CSperf ~ ...... -•..& 11~ • mo inc.I V.'a lt r · • . C&U u-1T ... -----,~~. --~· up.. Adufu. DO pet.a. Bh'd/ M•1121 ,,_._ •· m "· wn.. 1t1 W11 1 1 BR tum. poo.t. rt patio. nt.01'-'T sround floor 11•30 . 1 • 2 ·.Bil 115 -·!>to 1INJAU Adult.a. Aleo ~ BR dUpl.x 9' n 1 tripla , 2 . 2 BR_ • 'i:i!1~~ BS~~: ltENTAU I . fnn •-MMMf. l lj M, fam rm w/fpl. ~ PumiahN ..,.... "'"4...... FUR.."l. 1 ~ J Bil apta... cpt. dpl, ll -tna, 111.5 ~ 11 llDllJ( apt. PO. CJ!t.9, bit • 1n1, cku. i..mdr7. or lllS mo. A.du.Ju O"rft" m-,... W\.lllL Z24t Rut. '*•*' .-000 1o..re1 4000 carp:wta. ltf..1101. t t o.n.11. 1aq n11 Kina-,_.._ apt •· l'ltE SEASON Sl'ECIAL. UMITED TI .. ONLY ~ ~~ b CIMtlllJAIY IE IBfJ St A pt A. I 2 • mt/ t . Bal BltJIJ. Cerw 4'el M.r 4250 2 STOR.T. ,..,._ 2 BPt. l ~ ! C'JIO. Drps 111&. Adulta I I --:--:--:--:----.,-ba.. cpl. dpa. 9 . la.I. p&Uo, So. ,_., JIJ l.. l'UI l'l. I 1 BJ\ • B&ca ¥t.a wt pr. t1 1il. .A.1ao 2 P -ep. I ;. A t mt t:-om 1~t . .so pool.. \iW pd 11Jf A 17:5.. hit. ,.UO, pr, llO. Zftt f"u1'1l.. A Uatun1. POOL t 31\w • .a&1a DUlia 0tan1t . 146-';5Tl or I Jl21 Ha.rtior :144-9081 A"-141-tt71~ 1 .~~="'---~~~ ~ tri~l LG 2 Bft 1 11 bL c\;!Vdrpt, BA.CHILOR &pl. 175 ,,,, VILLA WEST bll·lrLS.. 1 blk abop~ moalh includul&" uti.41.Ju. 15p&doul t Br, 2 1141.. pm . %7~ Cabrille.. CM 1 OR l."'°213. ,,. • i :::~:~=;:~~ paUo •• carpet.t. drapte. bit· OCEA....~ lide ol Hwy, ..,.,_. l?l& pool. pu1t.in1 &:1"9n. Necpill't lrNch 5200 -. ely I BR. w-w cpt. a.du.It., TM "'mt lllll St. IM-tMT I &Mr-S.lcony ., P.t;o ~ -T<ty ..... ,..1. GOLD MIDALL-* NEW * -2Woomt Priv1+.L..net-11/2 a.th ..... QOO New 2 BR 8tlMHo Dupliu.:1Ba:l:i1a-. 24-bat.l'J.a. e SocmdfllUDt and \-Crpu. dfll9. blt·lna. Fne:l I Wall to wall carpetins • lsmder.d · con b&dl apt, ;i.t!o. 1e1W. yd. ••-M>. 111 PaUlartno, ~ • tlftp I ac a • e llWlt-ln KitcMa flfV .ute ferry, 170 mo CM ~&--!1332. bu.ilt--~ Dt- e r~ / yr l't!Und. 11&-A A.sat•. * TOWNHOUSI * t msu. Baat.ad Pool ·'""· CAREFREE LIVING: &.Ji,.,. I.Mand. 2 Br. 1 l1 ba~. ktt°dtt n PHON:S M6-3&64 • 7'.'"'ft l'oob· • -~dW_t arul T91ifr LW. .... .. •• 1 ' 1"Ulf''. di.9p.. C"pl.A. drr-. ; NEW NEW NEW • :-tt1nts CJub ~ :c::o:--:---:------P'·t. patio, 1117.M . 135 1 1171 WOS'nl rOIA.rttt1 • Ctub ~ -.ilb P.EDECOP.ATI:D I Br apt .. Mdody i...aM. Ml 6--6026.. I ~ 211 rmur IT .. • ~tinm"..a.I ~.ak-c..u,y -ull].f mcl. C"IJ\"Utd &:•r 2 BR JlOVt • n tn r . Oldtr :'\'"E\l.'PORT SHORM h ' £,··c-y Dll> • Shul!JHoud 1130 md. 1--al~ un-or rellnd coup!• p~ff:r I BA. 2 bal.U, blt·lm. car· e \'-""1ld:ils ~ to Bu.c::b. Yam GIJfSb l utll. Ml Mtci1~ •v• :"i"o ptl.t. Compl. rtdtt.: ptla. drapa. CllUd~n 6 \•llelcems 17~aoi:J. 1100 mo. 310" R«bttlU. ptt.l allowWd." W ·llJi · e Gtwa:seedi lmlll'O'""mwnt ta 70'n Colt Game ~ Ev•. If.MUG. DDIIU.AL& t U duplu , oo oar 'ti.·Acn PO JJL"IC ~. ...... ......, 4W t 111' dpbl, dpa_ qiL b-QY, near e>c.a, 9-J 6 •Pl · • Dwa, Sdxml 1 Blocli :TIU.-:o-T-IA&_M_/_N_,-._--,.-Jn Waall/drJ, d· .. 'Ub. pr. pt1. CpL dpa. bilt • l!U. Yr\y. MAKI USllVATIONS HfCN1 $1~ mo to reap Uuita.. Pi&Ue. newly dee. llaG. 234 A.du.Jta.. m4TID evn. Der 't Wift HllW AJA. Ufttil -....n Rd. req. OI\ J-&JOT =tP\.aft ~!o121 ~~,_ :: ?..;-~~:,, t00 SIA LANI Huntk4t•1 leech 4400 1 $ti la. ffi'cr. util . 7 bdrm1, rpu. drpa. 1113 \...._ COltONA .. MAR I drapes. .i.n,·r • reins 646-!IOU 67~%213 McAltTMUR AT COAST Hl"'~AY 2 BA. btd . pool. paUo._lo}' P''1 )'11rd, nr Harbor 6boP MODER.~· 1 ....... Ml . rit ~~~,,,.~-=~~~,-~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ol room. all t xln.s. 1.1,1 rrntt r. l.Jl-1213 or .r. .-....~ JI : c.amtrori Kl 2-3351 pauo, ~a. cpta.. atav• " ' RENT•LS RENT'LS retrtr . Adult.. ao pct.I au. .__._-. ,.__.._ __ ::....L-~ , a.-."" UnL-iahail W -• U $ Lr1 modtm 1 i BR untum In duplu . ~20 .... ,..._ m.eou. ""'f"' .. ~ ....,...... SVt"n bod. :Sr beoal"'.b.. Cri;tt. dr;pa. I Hd'oo·d noor-,_ 11.r1sr r a rd. I . , Pato. ~T"I. Mi..5111. l ll!i. &4S-ll l2. 2M ,,:•lnut !'>&'4-"LT dtt . 2 • br du· G..irtt•I IOOOG•.,... SOOO / ;;::::;7;':'====--'~:'='':";0=~~;;;;;;;~· pit•. Gu. lfO. Trly 1 ..... RENTAU . RENTALS • ""• • 41"" ..,._..,. 1 M1a11i Fne· lat 0. i..-,,..,.. ... t llACHELDll UNLTS -I JIA m • CINI.--I JIAm. e 2 BEDllOOMS -STUDIO -IV. BATIIS e 2 llEDllOciMs ONE STORY-2 BA ms e l BED1100MS -SIUDio-2 BATIIS- PJUVA11: PA'noS OR &AUX>""-UZ PIUVATE LAU2'"'Dft'£ F.AOLn'tt:S A...'"'D LAUNt>RT ROOXS CAJl:PE'T'tSC A DJtAPCS flRI:PLAO: IS 2 6 3 Bil. L'7'1"TT'S Rl:t""RJGEP.ATORS AVAIL\Bll BACH£LOR usrrs n.iJL'OtsH[Dli.. AU. ortf_l:":R , ·m AVAJI.ABU: .-\JJL"lSHED OR L~TtJR.~TSHa> INCLUDES THUE DILUXI ~IATURIS: e Puttln' Green • • OIJ111J* ~ A1'alt Pool e f'amil7 Pool · Wadinl Pool • 2 -llaildinp • 2 ---TlimdiC-U • f emily StctioD • Cbild Con c..rtar • Celoric C.. IDICMm A.I ....... C .... l1te Slt1;r"'' c...ter Q- Afts. Uofwu.w...I A,ts. Unfvmhhecl Ill ,._, cpwt =y= fllD ~·Goi~-~=·~===~sc~oao~o..~~-~ ... ~,.~1===~-~· ~.! 2 SI\. paUo. ,.,_M'S' qiu. Ir I d pa. Adulu. TT)J". JOOJ C1/ ~ ~ HaVUt P1. Ml--l30f. Jh. ...k ..., ....... fl40 . Voltal. reK -~ .. n::.-"'-----"-C?EMnll .. ,.,. ·. ,. ~$87.50 ALL NEW GARDEN APARTMENTS oru LlKE Olli[ llDltOOll, TWO IEOM>DMS ANO STUDIOS. HOTPOUIT IUllT-lNS, ltlFMGEIUTOttS, CAIPCt5 I. DltArE5. l'tlVATE 'AT10S, ~ alCIUf'DI. MD CMILDROS AUA. SDUATt ADIR.T SlC11DJIS. 811 SO. FAIRVIEW Rd. SANTA ANA 5'1·2021 • rtcre&. OGIJ al N'9WP01"I R'Yitn. ~. 2 to t br. I A I.._ lm,OOo Reen&. C.•. Tn. )MM. N"'-pon Rtt1en abo,.• Nn.-pwt Baell: ~brtw. 8&nta. laaMI • "'11• Vwta St. f'boM.. , -'t '-*l . ... C•f"ON *'Mar S2SO GROUND n0« . r: bdrn1~ • ru ~ °'" 11ntut11.. f~. crt. ·dTJI'. P""-t• d.u•r. 1''alk I& l'l\.&riltt. !ilt -A• J1i· "''""'· 8CENJC PROP &ftTlES OR W T11 . ' ' -5100 :GaJd 80W\4 .,cl p 120 t'fg- fUrn. '" It~. r--1~ 1ar, -I furn prtv I~. 9l. lift Pll• :x i--07~ L:bit: 81Att ·1931. b-w. r. pvt ~·Pl. lt38: Glr: . 311 -&pt. :Cata )- 1 Br, mo. um. bit· )- 8 5 'ptt, tUl• tJ\I, A I t. ~ IL pa, toO •• • JI!, ftj. llf, 40 wt )I'{ 2 I()() ... 1\~. w. 1t• IO, 50 I~. •l, lk J• .. .. • I ,, -~. • . \ I• , ••lfi'i • OellY ~ ... IN_..,.,. .. &L. Apr. a, 196.) lJ RENTALS Apta. Unf urnl1hed REAL ESTATE ltEAL ESTA TE 'USINISS -nd Gener el 0."9r•I FINANCIAL ANNOUNCIMINTS· ind NOTICES . . \\. snv .... DlllCTOltY SlllVICI DlltlCTOltY SERVICE DlltlCTOllY -;.... Income Tax '740 Televltion, ll•lr. ;;a ----~--~--------------COSTA MESA 5100 Lkien11d 6610 "i": * DOL&T'B * B_us_lnesa __ llen_t_•l __ 6060_ Loh 6100 ~ .. '&.Mn 6320 Pe_rMn __ ea. ____ '405 • FOR lmER UYING A OFFICE SPACE Hl.LL8.IDll Iota, Puon.ma llFIMANCE Hellhta (N. of Lem01' ~ . SURE, Wf. STIU NEED BOOKSI CIDtD care by nper TAX BERVIOl!l mob.iir. Hot me&la Ir~ l~ Pl&centl&, Co.ta M .. Dike & Colegrove, Inc.. Apartment NE.W MUTUAL ILDG. Btl(bb) near top. Ter· IUY • IUILD • Free Au Ir ReeepUon· rifle view. Lota ntend ...... ---Pro...;.-At-W . Ute» Newport, C.0.l& Mtta Llt Service •-1 •·-from 1lreel lo 1treet. By nu. J6 Jl'lo to P Q.000 U c # aotT .. 2.aue 202t H&l'bor, Coet.a Me ... ========:::: 1M41 Beach 81. !Rwy 39) ~ S92 Harbor Townhouse • Carpet. It Dra1>41a owner. Call 637-380t evu, VA • JN, 100" to 130.000 Included wknda. Comrentleftll IM. Lo..ne -and bac-k ooplee of 1pN1lal rna.iulne.a too aucn. u NaUOnal O.o- grapl\lc, PopUlar M•· chanle1, the Y&riou.a bobby map.ztnee, "-a· den Dl•eala, travel mai...ma •le. They'll all help In Ule &th an• nu&l Book sile apon• 80M by Coeta Mua Rotary dub. Proceecla to local orsanla&Uon1 1erv1nr youth. Clean out thoae bookahelve1. and cloula for aprln•. ChUdnn'• boo1·1, paper bUJU. ftctlon, non·f~c­ tlon • you name It • we want It. To have 1our book.a plcked up, call 641..()6&1 or 648-6001. .. Contrecttn 6'20 KWIL Be.bl We&tm11\1ltt .__,,.. ......... -------64&-1312 anytime &'8-&W IMl Banor ......_ C • 2 bdrm, carpets. drapes. blt·ins. Also studio 2 bdrm, Jlh bath. 2217 Harbor Blvd. Mgr, Apt A·l (Enter Wilson St. or Harbor) • F·ree J¥1it.orlal Service ·' O\fmR "··AO. J\.a 6.......... _ ... Yl'I up to • Utilltlea Paid r ..,. ..,. • llVIU> rn P.A Joas & EMPLOYMENT • #II WILL GORDON N. WARRIN 2 :w ~ e Fret1 Tenant 6 Cuul Nr·Maln A Beach, H .ooo. Tptal L6i"flf'.,._ 196 2l • Unit./ Com'\/ M.edt '"' • ,.. t.o •too.ooo $89 Harbor Estates Apts. • R ._. .... ,_ Tu eamultaot alnce 196J -NIA -... _, • 110 Urd ot., N. Bcb, .wt Want4td, Men 7\IVM Parking. 1... "' LOOK AT THIS etc. 138,&0«I/ 14'7-tM ~ et l.P. 19 tnt. ao yn. Lge' 2 bdrm, carpets, drape6, elect blt·ins, pvt garage. 3000 Royal Palm Drive. ( 1 blk West of Harbor, corner of Baker) BUILD 21 Unit.a. 1"' acres, , Savi• ind Loan 21& Sq. Ft .... Only 197 /Mo. ..._ S & 991 l!!'R OTHER SIZES n.-2, Sd,800. Near 6 .. 1 1 ~ AVAILABJ.Z Polnta, H.B. Owner, MORTGAGE Add a room' -ld\Cbem Pb. t 1W345 EX • EXECUTIVE, ~ NO.. DOWN PATKEN'I' Rome or otnce wanta 1t.laried employ. Ml I-UGI. appointment. ment Npt Bch area, t~ H1·3961. 286~0~~t D~~wy. BA YCREBT aru. 10x183, 336 bst 17th Str .. t Call 675·1290 or tH-7526 CHOlCJll loc! 123,500. ea.ta M... . COSTA KUA Ltl)rlla LELA.ND J'OGG 11th yr. millar wltb bo&t., enitn9' * iDDITiC>NS , * ronnerlJ / lntem&J Rev.. pnf•r M.A.RINll FIJIIl..b.. $89 Wallace Ave. Villas 3 STORES on Newport Blvd directly acro1111 trnm Newport lk&ch Cit7 Ball and Rtcb&rcl'• IJdo Maril· el Now oc-cupMd b7 2 bdrm studio, l 1h bath, all electric kitchen, carpet.a, drapes. Mgr., 20610. Wallace (\Ve. (1 block East of Placentia) Ceren1 •1 Mar 5250 Is. An1 Htlthh 5630 DAll.Y PluYr. AVAILABLE NOW Wiii sublet until )(a,y 15, 1866 · ln one, two or thrff parcela or will a.ubt ln ne•oti&Unc new leue LARGE 3 BR • 2 BA, Cpll, I>rpa. Frpl, Furn.ace, Blln elec • Jtitch. Pa.Uo, 611 CamaUon. &73·3407. y 1 • BEDRM SM STOVE/ RE:FRIG. Lil i-7383/ 646-21157 with owner. For further lnform&tlOll Puplu, Unfvm. 5800 contact ~· Jack ~ CUr· Huntington BHch 5400 Jey, BUllneu Man&.cer, CHILDREN w&nted. 2 DAILY PILOT, Pbone ••••••••• DELAWARE MANOR Librl'al >.lo\'e In allowant:c Children welcome! bdrm. Disp. Garage. Fenc· &f243:ll. ed yd. Gardener. Water-=~==---=----=~­pd. 190. 231 E. 18th. With· REALTY: Bus. Otc. or uul dlsp s87.~. 220., Po· Store. R~llor!I • you have n 0 Ll 8_2184 It made. Now leued by 1 na. · establisb.ed real eat.ate of· MI 6·8204, 541.0218. Ml t-2111 or Kl 6·0811 LOT with producln.f oU well, 3 block• to ocean. H.B. 19800. M1·3967. 11 Y •ra loaD experience In BAJ'bcW Aru fUllt'RU&N'i'tNO w .. t.en Mnrtr•c• Corp. 200 C&l1L Loan t:orr11. ~~ ... ----6 MetropoUIU Ute LA& <.;o. f AC prime M·l or C-1 between Buch Blvd It H&rl>or. Bkr. Exel: Ph a.e.8f31. Alk for Jack Dunn. Mount. & Deeert 6210 FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. 260 Ac. pa.rt ~b-dlv. neu· ut all -weat~r deeded land to Aria/ Snow ~owl. On lJ.8. 180 I ml to Flag· sta!!. ·~ ml. front. on U.S. 66 cul oU to G. Canyon. Own. 875·3™ ud other M-.Jar 8aYinr• 6 Loan Trecta • Comm .• AptL Call ua for ••• Auto, J\u'ntture. Salary Ir Combination Lo&na. Im· JJ\ecU&te Mn1«:. OD any loan requ•t. Freed Finance Co. 1600 Adami Ave.. Costa Men. (comer 1-hrbor Bl.I 540.1560 C. M. "Bud" Paikrr, Mgr. --T.0.'1 Mortg~·-6345 '93 Piper Qllt i§ dry T ! T·Bl.rd&. l"un, economy. Studenta 16-30'1 MM21J, 8-3 .Airport Center Blq. Acroea from O.C. Airport. FOR 8&le memberahlp Weattm Hills Goll A Cntry Club. 5'9·31:18. Cemetery L~t;-ic;·, 2-CHOICE Spaces in Har· LtC. A INS. 6~ nu.. HOO H&r'bor BIYd. 21 yn aeroepace enir :-S, KI 6·1120 Barbor Shop-wea. own ~mpany. Cerpet Cl .. nlnt 662l , pin« Center RuUl Claua. WLLL DO ANYTIUNO. __________ .,oi'l.ynn Evana. Box 1213. Npt ~ CARPET DIRTY? <iHCOME-TAX SERV. or 675·015_5_. ---- SAVE 20% TO 40% Shea Klllybroo~ Ln. CM I COLLEGE student male, On exclusive Super·Clean ~~ 663 ~.00 A up I nec<:s part lime work aleo SOU Ret&rdent. Carpet AfiOME SERVICE--1 would like fuJI Lime wor& furniture cl'Unln• from FEDERAL 6 STATE 110 thl.s .summer. OR 5·5258. Tri·Man Carpet CJu.nen .r, ~1·1923 QUALITY ma.rm• varru.ii:" Kl 8·2U6 Fecl/Btat• If . Open 7 day1 Ul&' and palnUnr. Afloat. AVERA.GI: ll'finc rm Is L. Kemmer PA 22 yn exp call me tt,r1t, 173-8067, b&l.l $12. Add1Uonal room 2110 Harbor, 0,,( Ml-UM CARPENTl!ft wanta wol£ N . m-ona or 640-1777. New or remod•llne· Ev-. .LI.-lrenl"ll 6755 6f6-H08. Gerdenlftl --======::;x: _ _....._________ IRONING/ MY HOME Job Wanted L-.a.. 7020 HERRING'S 642-4021 11 -hr. 25~·C Santa Ani ' -F Complete prdenln~ aerv. C.M. 6·U·~l8. ~.' EXECUTIVE Posmo)'( Expert clean-up, rtgular IRONI NG/ MY HOME t!emalel Nurse admin0- ma lnL Rca11. reliable tl'ator. roruiullant. M.A .. Reas! 10200 Cardinal, FV • J i 'P AN E s E G'&l'dcner 962.l !HO aft 5:30. rllvc·~tf1ed blC'kgrnund, Rull. pt ICC'-'. Cl tan • up ----t o1 lits. 11nglt . ~tek.s su~- • Spacious 2 BR. a.pu FROM $94.50 * I BR dptx nr downto"'Wii. ffCt' to Kay 31. Hwy front-* 2 BR nr Kaiser School. agt •· next to Su'a. For Nn docs. · ~tS-2720 appt: 876-38.22 or aet lu · -========::,-:--:. ===== ~ TRUST DEEDS IAONlNG done--10-my abl "'' t i \d stry p-rvice ta my job. t r v!I • r u. • ~· 4.~3. home. Reasonable! ftrred. Emplpytd wi~ bor Re~t Cemetery $270 at bolh. 431·5788 84 "" Fumlahed 1' Unfumlabed 1"' ChUdrena playrround ""' :Swimming pool .,,, w;w carpettnr .,, Cloled PJ"&l'l• .,, Bullt-tna . 11' Private paU01 11' School bu• stop ) 11' Separate adult bldg sor. Holl.ff Of Mer 'Ung, Rent1l1 Wented 5990 3:119 E. Cout Hwy, Cd.M. COUPLZ deal.res to rent Cot~e type hOUM ln Corona del Mar. 2 Br., cpll, drpa, trpl, 1t.ove, pr. Have no children or peta. Bott. worklQS. Would like yrs. leaM for &round $1~ per mo. Cal.I alter II :30 642-0903. . WILL rent clean 4& x 12' ape. 1110 mo. Good for ehop or beauty parlor. ... w ltth, Cll 142--0ICK, MJ4228 . ' RK ofltc• blq. bUL It 11•. quart.era. ')U, park!QS, 114 W. ltth, C..M. oft Placentia. U 1-8165. Augus t rental AND 1hore m-OQring tor 11' center· boarder. Need 2 BR. Pre· f'l blockl West of Beach fer location aoulh s ide ot Blvd. between Adami " Bay or Cha.nnds. Ph: Summer rental available STORE or office, lit tloor. 17th It Irvine. 17x23' $120. 673·6!174. CUTE house. 141th large paved, fncd yd. Jacob91!n, lff..7Ha. ~4&-8081. Yorktown' 213 797·651&. Mr. A Mn. Walt.I ·--------- 2208 Delaware FAMILY wan~ hOUM or ouiAA R I f ,L Hlmt. Beach ~6•0382 apt. leue with renewal n.-ente U , option. Min • bdrm 2 b&. - •••••••• • 1 Wrltt B~ M·l 53 DAIILY l .&.. 8TORJ:a on Nnrport =-..::::..-=.-=;,..,.;::;._;::::.....:.~=--= PILOT. 1SJvd dli-.ctly a croaa from Deluxe ·LfvntcJ . Newport Bea~b City Hall ii youra In these NEW 1· Rooms for Rent 5995 and RN~ch.ard'a Lldol dM&rbll· levt.l or 1tudio apts. 2 Bd· •t. ow occup e Y rm11 with trpl. It extra W A.N'l' congenial woman DAILY PILOT. bath from 1110 companion to ahare my 2 AV AII..ABLE NOW 7811 TALBERT bd modem luxury prden WU! sublet unlll Ma7 1&. 8t7-1019 apt. I have car. 847-7269 lM5 ID cma, two or three puula. or •ill a.u:&at In SPARKLING.• DELUXE 5 Point. Apt1 2 It 3 Bdrm • 1"' bath $99.50 up Corner Ellt. It Delaware ( 14 blk to 1tore8' .tr theatre) 847-of52 l BR Townbo11.1e. refrir . 1 r&nge, wuh/ dry,· cpt, dps, patio, pool. Quiet. $l29. 942·469~. 11 AT THE .BEACH! N ew lge 2·Br. ,.Ba 11~. 214-U th/ HB/ M1-2848 2 • BR 189. Cpt.a, Drps, Bllns. 7772 Glmcoe • &48·0341/ .8H ·9420 eves. LGE rm/ Pvt • b&Qi for emp -man. Quiet adult home. Xlnt: Joe! MM121. FURN. room, kit. priv. Pvt. e.nt. 275 Broadway, CM. 642·2227. y VERY NICE ROOM Pvt·entr It bath. ~nUe­ m.ii pref. 3U ·9MJ NICE sleeplnf rm. P\·t home It entr. Monthly H O. lS.3 Orance. CM. 110 WK W/KJTCB $11.60 WK -UP APTS 23881,; Newport 6U-t7S5 DesotJatm. DtW .... with cnmer. For turtlaer tntormatlon contact Mr. Jack R. Cur· ley, Bualneu Manager, DAILY PILOT, Phone .. 2 .. 321. ••••••••• Store ot Offtct Spece now ava il. for leue In H a r b o r Baker Center. 3011 Harbor Blvd., C.><. TllACH RWTY NICE ROOM for MAN 3021 Harbor Blvd. C.M. Costa Mesa Area LI 8·8207 5t5·8421 CUTE, clean, close-in. 2 ••••••••• bdrm. Stove. g-arb dll!p. Guest Homes • 5009 O&rag-e. $9~. 962·2003. L PRESTIGE ovncE t' S90 • 1 -BR. FRPLC STANLEY GUZST HOME ava.llable. OUtalde u -n t1 81'77 GARFIELD Ul02 BPRINGDALI! a..., lobby .rntn.nct. Dl\'td- \ 11 8H·39i6 WESTMINSTER ed Into recepUon 4r 2 of· I 89!-0026 893-4t11 fice~. 1200 mo. tncludn fountain V•llty 5410 uUl!lles. air cond. ntfhtly REAL ESTATE maintenance. LESS THAii· RENT $87 a mo. Carden Patio Homt1 w1th bu1lt·tn electric Mlllge and oven, washer, •dryer, d1shwMhCr. double (It • ai;e, fenced patio, 1wlm· ming pool a nd recrea· t1on r11c-1lllic~. FHA INSURED 511,•;. LOANS \II exterior ma intenance Lnd lawn cart done for you and covered by 1ep· arate monthly p11yment. WINDSOR SQUARE l:i7~ OrchA rrf 111'1\,. 546-6261 H<-l'r ot Sant.3 i\ na (,)nun. Lr}· Cluh on Orchard j1ut '-' block off !';llnta Ana 9t. between Men Dr It Pallu dea Rd ) Gener•I BAY LIDO BLDG. it 305 3700 Npt Blvd 673·1930 VERY !';ice, mal\Y extras. Income Property 6000 s~o mo Incl ullls Ir Jan. --· ----1335 Ba'ker. 546·4890. FIXER UPPER With a lltUt paint It fixing ~ $&,000 down you own this Cine 8·untt bid(. G1vu 15r~ spend too• 5"1 ·:1Z21 DELlJXE. cptd~ wood pan· elled otricet from $50. 17th It Irvine. 873~7t ...-OFFICES $65 UP • M6-2130, 646·2910 forest E. Olson, Inc. commerc111 6015 2140 N. Main, SA P.ealt.ol'I .....,_,___ ·-.... ~-- "SYNDICATE" J . 6230 -10% NET RETURN 20-unit. with poot Qu&llly conat.rucUon. '116,000. Grma iDOalM PUM. mx- chanp •iot,000 equity for com.aarctal. -C. ZONE ' • adjotn1nc .C· lola ID El- condldo. No encumbrance.. Exchanre tor Oranre County Income. Eutslde custom duplu • 3 bdrm • 2 f•lll baths, flre· place, elect built Ins, W.W. carpet It drapee each unit. ICxcbanp equity tor two bedroom~. Contact Rickard or Lcwlt Phone LI 8·8638 t.nytlme VlST A -a br $16,9SO, J:qulty 17 ,000. SAN BERNARDINO -l acre near ICbool, bor~ OK. 16,000. DESERT HOT SPRING! Area -5 acree plua rood cabin $6,500. cdSTA M p; s A • Triplex. 14,140 Income, Sll.000 ~qulty .. NEWPORT HEIGHTS • 3 br, &'ood view. Fee price U5,000. Submit Vac. SERVICE DIRICTORY W• buy, eell or trade for ~ J:etat.a. lrlck~ Ma...,,.,, etc. Call Norm at 648·1111. 65'0 Evmlnp 638· 7431 CAJ\PllNTRT Call. blt.-lna JDcl JUddle, Inc. flOOt' 6 wall We, paUoe, WANT i!iiOO . 2nd ffi P~. p&lntlnf, elec:L Oft Cl .. family T'tl. 1% • work. 64&-1&811, tu-3189 tnL Call 111·7M8. FINISH CARPJCNT&T Money W1nted Cabinets/ Bltln1/ Minor 6350 Alltrallon1. 64&-!>583. WTD! 110,000 • S12,000 BPJCK, block. concrete. W/ •Ive 2nd TD on well and carpentry. No job securr. leased com'I prop. too 11mall. 673-7812. CM. ay 10', lnl. For Expert 875-4747. WOIUCMA.l\lSHIP ANNOUNCEMENTS Call Dick 847-9739 •nd NOTICES C.rpenterlnt 6590 Pound (FrM Ada) 6400 - -'.AJl!.ENIU-W09"C-1966 Newport1fcrMf g Remodel. ~pair. 54~·7887 School ring, I (1rla 1 Laun. dromat of\ Aratt St. BaJ. Cement Concrete . 6600 boa Ltland Identify by Inl· I ' ___ Uala. 175-4998 _ I SHAW & SONS FOUND, watch, nr Sant& SPECLALIZDiG IN Ana Ave A Meu Dr, EXPOSED AGGR!:GA TE 548-3146. Youndallon1/Patloe/ a..t 6401 5f6·0660 Free-E1t. Terma "-Com'!. RETRIEVER, Tan/ Male. PATIOS-~ aq. tt. $99.60. EXPER. J~paneH Garden· Complete yard • Mr. er. 1'ree •at. Me.02U * )..,._ Gardener * Expert cleu • up. ~. matnL 192-1110. MAJUO'B La.ndlc:. Clean • weed kill, rot.otlUlnr • w lawn1. Rua. Hl·3829. up, ne G ma ENERAL rardenlnr It Jot lntenanct. Rubbish • rbag• haul. 642·0776. p FA RMER BOY Comp!. rd "rv. Job oi mo. ee est. No joD too lg• Y• Fr or •mall. Cuar, 842.0873. T LD LANDSCAPD:G- MAINTENANCE Fr ee est/ 114~·4887 aft t c--co Ice * ~O. YEARS~ ~J. Ga.rdenlnr Serv- a. n-u atlm. ec&,.4717. Ha un,. 6730 LIG RT HAULING A c L.EANUP. REASON· A BLE. e 4.2--072' or SU-8112 CLEANUP L&r •• or Small. 2 Truclt1. Call 531·1307 LJ!TI' GEORGE DO IT! Name "Tag". Vic : G&.r!leld A Golida Weal/ H.BJ Lic Brick Planter•. La.nd.lcp •• BA tJLING/ CLEANUP LI 1-1207 #711M. Belo!''' to 6 child· ftn wtio miN him. 147·2864 . ifliGZNT . Iv. area &DX· loua to find Slames~ cat. Lost 3/31. Me11 Verdt. N. Gl1ler. Rwd. M5·8648 anytime day/ IHie Ptf"IOft•I• 6405 . A Sprlnklera. All Cult.om Dulrned. 636-HU. PATIOS, Drive w.,._ -1. or lar1• t'onente job1. Allo Nwin&' • bMa.klni Free E11tlmatu. S38·1383. CEMENT 30c rt A BLOCK work * ALL TYPES * MT 8·4871 CEMENT work. No job too •mall. Reas. Stumck. BO USECLEANING, Wbi· w wuhtng', floor WU• r. wall wuhln,.. Prot-. do In 110 nal. ruar. work. Ml tchell'• Hou1ecleant.Dr rv1c1. &31.0571. Se co, It MPLET!: houaecl~ rv1c1 • c~rpetA, floora, Kl 3-~261. ffVCID hours' nyi~ u~. t1 IRONING 11 • HR "'f of Callt~la. Reloc4t1 2641 ORANGll A VJ:. c&litorni&. eon.ider all.M MMUI field.I, cbaqtnC prat• mo=~.NfN-.""G,__,iD--m-y_,,hom--e,.. ;.:-t. Box ll16J ~ B&kv at., C:O.ta MNa, M6-2N3. . 1'RIZ lance J:Xl!JC jR. '8nltorlal Rln'ARY anilabl• • da7, week, month, vac.-67'0 uon11 Npt Bch u.a. Will · ---------conaldv ~rmanmt ~-WJNDOWS • WALLS ployment. Inquire Pl.116 waabed. Floor• 1lrlpped1 Dall.y Piiot. waxed. Free eit. 646-02H. 2 L&dlet wlit do your W'(){i 6110 Landacapinr • &prtnklera Roto • 1ID1ns M2·27SS or Nt-8715 while you work. 6 hN. uperh!1nce, rete~nces. 14f·M611 or M6·t 53t a!ltt 4 P..JI. TYPING • Medical, lepl t.rana.. reaumes, manu• acrlpta. 8l«lo~tte ~quip. Pick-up, Dellv. Call col· 1~ tso-t'773 <&.rU 213. PAINTING, JScenMd, tnaur-: LADY wialte11 days work. ed. Let u1 make your Good and reliable. Retv· hoUN llDU. apJa. lnV encee. Kl 1·5003. Ext. Wm Bean, P&t.al BABYSI'ITING, rea.s. wbo Contr. N6-IM6 IOft School area. 646·1~ PAl.NTG/· Int • Sitt/ 2 LADIES want day wor"- Bdrme • $20, Batlt • rma KI &·1039, KI 3·1183. , $16, Uv • "" tao. Ext • tttrn • 11.UCCo 11'4. 14.2-64tl. P AJNTING • Jnaide or out.- aide. Profuaional worll. ,..... eat1m&t.M. ·n6-0IW or MT-tHI. CONTR. UC .. INS- P&t.at'r * H. Wolte.rmann 641-2141, evn only Pat.attns * n. a..t * v er, nu. * 20 yn.-exp. NJ Mttl "' HS.1670 Help ~•nted, Man 7200 HELP US FIND THIS TEACHER ruD or Pa.rt·Tlm• PosillOct t INCOME UNITS • $1 MO annual c r o 1 1. '15,000 equity. Eves. 644-3000. Daya 6(6·0261 "SMILING SERVICE" BOYS CLUB MOTHERS • ~ come to our rescue. Wt .,, LI 8·8613 ALL TYPES! .,, wtndowa, wa.Ue. KI .. UJa. ,.....,...., lt .. lr 6llO Pleue pa~ Chit ad on to an amb1tlou1 teacher or principal. We hive an un- usual .. ummer position foi- 111 ambitious ma.ii or WO· man wllh a minimum ot two years of te.at'hll\I qc.. pen ence. Earnings wlll nenge Crom $1,000 to 12.000 dtpendlnr on Ult Jeng1h of Lime a vallabW. Write In confidence, ,.iv-. In~ are. educauon, phou• number, 1Ubject1 you ha,,. taUl'ht. and utra cum· cular ectMUes, t.o BOX M·lSt Oatly Pilot. hav~ many basel>tlll uni· PatJo1-Drlvewa.ya etc. I forms'· turned in by our No job t~ .small! 5u:2943 boys who played lut year which need mendlnr be· Child Cue, t ore we can l'lve out thl1 Llctnted "'° (3 year. Pleue call oar bue- '740 GLENN C. JONU i i Public Accountant Ottlcu to Serw Yoiu) 1873 Barbor Blvd.. C.M. HU.N'I'lNGTON BEACH PLA8Tl:lt A l'l"OOCO RllFAIR CALL: Ml-4503 llemMel'* 1te,.1r · 6940 ball 0!'1re at 1713 Mon· CBJLD CUE ... -' 111 rovia !''Teet. Phone eoatal• tM hMe a .. t.u r DEVELOPER'S DREA.'I 11 Beach a.7·30Cll TU.Z..n.oQR.CERAMIC EARN $75 A WEEK Under construction. ~omes, NEWPORT BEACH M.1Df11t -brick -block In your 1pare ti~. N .. t 14.2-:121~ We will be most of tbe M vercs..... Fer fer. Ll happy lo receive tller .., ......... Cl9lltMt apt• sh pping t d p f--... na1 lllA• -ren. repair -plaiter. ~. . o cen er, rec· o ro ..,..,o -· appe&ranct. nice per90n- reatlon. bridle paths . .ISOO U66 Via Lido 116-0002 ltt·9124. allty, car neceasary. For a cau from )'OU. the UdW Welfare.,.,... .. . ALCOHOLICS A nony. aa.ta.laa.NT.-1. acrs. P rlC'ed 8 million. IAN CLEMl:JllTll • a w•lthJ pedfttr\a.L appointment Eq. 4 mtllton. Rlver11ldt Mil Mo. D Camillo R..i .. tbt oW "beep wltla 182 or 6«-Mtf mou1. Harbor A.re&. Phone C.nrdltlea • ..... • y tTl-8724. U Boun. County. Submit. n ....... <>nap CG, a DAILY PILOT W.L''T { 180 a.en on K1Df'1 River PJ:lf I te I. T 1>4TI AD! M!..al71 fer ....iw. J'ULLllR Bnllb 8al9 rlliMIU...~. 0 to be dneloped tnto water + per wk. 16 • hrl/ Call aporta retreat. Priced .IOIS I EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMINT JOU & IM'LOYMINT Joas & IM'LOYMINT Mon l ·lO pm/ u.un. S1200 acr. Clear. U• DiiLf fltOT ,t 18 unit J'!)Otet.., Paeo Help W1ntM, Men 7200Helft WantM, Men 7200 Help WenW, Melt 7200Help WentM, Meft 7200 aa•ftet Roble,. PMced $134,000. ·~jijjiiijjiiijijjiijjijiij _________ ., ____ .,~~--~M--~M---~M----iiiiiijiiijiij~jiiijiiiiiiii Eq. U 0,000. , { 10 acr1 near Rimel I 120,000. Cleared. y 4 acr1 Richey Canyon 111.000. Loan Heoo. I D. E. MORRIS REA.LTT 548·9905 '64 2·2340 evea. I LAUNDROMAT, or all equpt. comp!. 22 Mayta.g1, 8 Hueb!!ch' dryer1 ( compl over hAuled) tor Ml• or trade 'for am. beach hm. WIU pay extra on house. OX 2·308~ between 12 A 3 P .M., or write Montoya, • 1826 I/Irene, Whittler . liCJ Bear Mt. Home ,,., ASSEMBLE"S MALE & FEMALE . 0 • IS the time for Wiii lr&d1 up tor Coeta Men. lnoome. Sl 1.600 de&r STUDENTS -(AIRCRAFT) ASSEMBLERS -~tr ~48·9Mt at DOUGLAS MSSD .Requires thre~o five years experience on struc:ture~ l!;~cmhly. Must be able to make. ptrU and assemblies where crit ical toler· anees require precise hand loc:ating and positioning. Also layollt coordinated hdle pattema, cutout.I, trim lineJ and assemble lou- tioll! from dimensiona obtained from production blueprint& and engineerin1 chan11 dnwtnea . PLIASI APPLY IN PllSON AT DOUGLAS MISSILE AID SPACE SYSTEMS DIVISION 2702 OCEAN PARK ILYD., SANTA MONICA, CALIF. • AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I .. . ~ I "-• ,, ,- - l --r .- . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . -· .. . . ' .. . ... ... ~. , • I -.. --6 .. . . ' . ~ ~, .. . "; '/ ~ ,. " .. I ... , I .. '\ j - .... ,_"" • . . I f . . . \ .. ,/ ' . \ .. s •• ~. -~· -. ' . v ' . .... ~ . ) . · You ··ia-' Sell It Wilh ~· • . . • ~ ...... ·-~ _, \ . J ( '" . • • 4. • . , . ----.. . --- ./ . " I -· . I -. . · FASTER SERVICE EXPERT HEl.P ·. . · AND SAY ·. . CHARGE IT! ' . .. .. "'.. . '\.. . .. . . .. .. . .. ·. ·~ NEW DIRECT PHONE · . :" • - ) DIAL DIRECT . · · ·~ • -' ••••.. J·' • ·-•• .. ••• . . . . . .. •I , .. -.... ·-. . .. . . .. .., . , ... JOU & IM'LOYMINT ""JOU & 1Mf9LOYMINT tW, WMIM, Min 7200 A....-., W.._ nG0 JOU & IMPLOYMINT JOll & ~LOYMINT "1.:. ....... · 7• ~::-1• T'" --Drafting Checker llectrical mechanical cbeckina of comput.. m • auodated pound support eqalpmeat. 11Xp la dM«*'ar ot m~ .. ~~ ... _.,..,, electrict.l .-~ _..... 1eh11Dalle .... ... Mull alee be ca,pUla ol .., di.ftm,. Min ol , ,.. ... ~. kaoWI.; • fJI Mwtalt' ..... i.-d. poelUon. Dldl6oaa1 Control Inc. Mawportlkada for ..,pl pho"• it Kr. 8aock 14-11 'wavtH ................. t.o 1111 ..... Ca.dlllace, MW Ot I ¢$'W le UM4 tan ta •-.Ulifal &outll OMA ..... SA USMAN Mult ... lxperletlc.cl t. ..U ...., Cadlllacl, new ~le u.ed can ln be9Qt.lt\ll • 0 u t ll Oout Ana. AllBI MOTOR CO. OWemelNl..c.dlllac 1160 8o Cout Hhvay LAOUNA·Bl:ACH HT f..1084 KI 1·3103 EXECUTIVE CAR Ml~ EXEC, A6EMCY .:x. ~1 ... -·-·--to aaoo W/DllT Up. ~ -··-·-·-a6CMOO PIT IKJ -···-·-··-UO hr HOW. 0.. Hwy. 8UlleD -••• ~ -..r.ll It)' Appombnlal RUTH RY AN AGENcY Ccmletn t4*.J . lat \18 fin.Cl JOI& Ull&t JUl'1' IUGHT ,_tiaa. 1711 Npt.. Cll. ... &114 1 Tla1 lteedl 81..t. MT.-.i T lOU W. 17t.b IA. 147 ...... 1 TYP18T1 • itifioa All lbttta le Week·~ TA8K ~ M1.f»l Hel,WentM, w....... 7400 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR av ......... IUT P• Bour. A.beut ....... ••enSnc' work. Sxperi· enced Only. Appl1: COUNTY OF ORANGE PERSONNEL DEPT. 801.C N. Bro&dway, Santa A.Da (714) M7--0M7 LEASING COMPANY SECY TO PUBUSRER Needl youns. clMno<ul men t. 1-.rn lll• automobile ........ buCJMa Opportu• Dlt.J tor ............ mMlL lllt.e.rview9 daily trem t am • U am. · A.ak for Ward Reynolda. UH ... Kala It., I .A.. cballq1ns work tor ..S- m.tn aecy wtUa 10 yra exp. prel ~ adYwtiatftl. Mu.t \e able to writ& ewn OOlllef .... .,. A.ttant.loa to detaU -t.lal. -1IO, type 10, Ian ·-•• alar7 open. Wrtt& Advertw.n,. Box mt' Nefport Bw:L P1rt Tille Wiit. New Car Salesnan AVON ottuw on excellent -.m1nc opportunity la aa J:xapUonaJ opiLtwutf for •t.abllab'4 ltnttory n.,. u up«teoced •"""NL your bome. Free lrtJai.11' AD uauaJ benefit.I plua and beauty CIOUfM. U.. ,_...by Jelllnc for ~. w.u .iabu.hed, btsbJy ___ W_ANTl ______ D __ _ lfl'OWinr. Colt& a matun women plllt IO. Newport .,.._ eo. We lraln. Pleaa&Dt work· Frank l.Awil at tnr condlUcna. B o u r l 1 1·'7TU. wqe. Full or ~Ume. DE.SIGNERS C&Jl Mr. CedUt at &41-175', DRArl'SMEN 9·1l:IO A .M. ~t.ed c:l.tcUlt Ja,yout <>ranie County 1ocl&lloft . ba Oolta x-call 6'6-11'1 Of' &ecntart .. Comp. Operal.oft Dictaphone a.cret&rW 2 yn up. No he Wesleli &ii, lie. * mNO * HS pad, 2 to 4 yn UJ* i1nce.. SH 80. type ao wpm on elect typewriter. • t.fs. Citlzenabip &tqu1red Cdl.UNS RADIO-CO. 19700 Jamboree Rold Newport Betch 11 9-2911 An Equal Opportunity Employer "l":' • -·· ··-··· -------·-- ACCOUNTING CLlltK Must be KS arid. 1 to 2 yean recent exp6ia ence with calculator and .addina rQachine, lite to work wtttt mathemaUca. U.S. Clti•nablp Required COWNS RADIO CO. 19700 Jamboree Road Newport Buch Kl 9-2911 An Equal Opportunity Employer . . --. .. ... -. . -. ----- Help Wattt.11 a.. !5 '!f l!!J'!! •11 w.... 7400 (I) TBllJUIO . ra COJ>Y· m'VllNIMO euw. K.atwe tnc macbO-,.o.oo ea. woma.a, for w or Irr l •I ( 1 l 'Ibermo • Fu copy. molMr. m.tt21 ms machine '3().00 (1) HSl:KPR for Queal Home. Un In/Good h.oura It waiea. M~·2'40. KA.ID • :wieral ~ work A cookln(. Live la. l In famlly. 17S·9S4S. OormM COl'Y•ll• copyl.n1 machine $SO.OO. Call Pur- chu&q Department '42-4121, DAILY PILOT, Bay It Ttuuill SL,' Colt& x .... 11 OAU.OJf -.uartwn $16, .... u.. iibl ;&rallllet wl th u.,e and atr&i. a1. f46·6412- ADtffi1' ~hut.chu. "· JtUIM.t ,,,..,... $2. Small .... ~12.~1 Cypi'e9, BA lhls hta. OAft<;ll 10' rod and"Mit'= c:Mll # JOI r.a.Jt w11ter 'eplnnlNf .... 1 uaed once. Both for only 120. Front. onl.Y ot euaom bl!'d 1:a11 37" x 13" Best otf,r. M•.fHI. YltA.R okl mIDJ&ture poodle male llllN all but toddlf.,, 8aerlftce 110. Ml 6·1734. VW Ure and rim S20. In· L•nt ...a. 1lroller and walker SU. Double bed box iprit\I and mattreM HO call •6"-4781 ~ore 2 p.m. an' day. AlRCl\AJ'T periaco~ &Vt· tant A .,..yin,. cue Ir mount -..c:keL 125. lt2-IMJ WMkdaya. TftOPBT ~. 1UdlnJ rta. doon. adjuat&ble abelv•, au. Large con- l.empo. adkt du k,. fUe and llt&tionary doora type ah1lf ttc, 12~ Matchlnr twlA .,~. duet ,ruftlee, ~pm. Sl5. matchhlJ double bedllprt&d, dual n.1!- flN, drapee 115.' OR I-TIM. YOUTH ... • W ....,_ OftAU ..UI .. hll'A ... •rtnr 16, Bar ltooll • 6 2 burnu camp ltove IUO. wicker bu •tool• UO. Blue cha1t 16 Orans• uu· w 1-tOM. phyct. Uair 115. J\att.an lZA VINO COUl\lry. !:fee· ,,antiw .._, 12, ~ table lnlnlc IHll'i. lncludlnr 110. R.etripratar 120. 2 1M>tne home par. Jl'lxed fre· p&lr Sold llillrt.p ~ 13' quency tnuwmlUer rec.Av· x 81" SU/pa.Ir 24' tnverM er, 17 .50. llurplua 2" pul.M l'Oda 116. W&ldNbe chN\. ~. st. Part.a, meten It 120. Mvble 20" x 62'' 16. po~r , euppllu. l Oc to Fiber rlua twllt l&nk 115. 14.110. A pod chance to Ba.It. tank pump 116. Rat· till up your Junk bc>JI. Ta-tan deek S17.60. J\all&n ble under, table A ~ HP d!Alr 14. Old rocker 14. 3 moldt, $25. 417 Macnolla, panel foldtn1 .creen 11. C.M. Jeep C&ll T3c. White uni· tonn alae U Uc. t floor COINS, Norway mint H t.a aboe rac~a 2&c euh., Old It O. B. 13, 10 Krona 11Ultcue aoc. Yellow nau· crown.e ot Norway lHI Jah)'de and wood Cha ir Olympic comm. Flnl&nd 13. ll2.50. Can• b&Ck black ai.o that nice.. 1~ one leather .. t chair 110. l:l&rk.lc.a ot Finland u ,_ 25 Twtn matt.reu, box 1prlni PHO ot Artmllna 12, and frame U& eac.h. Udo OR ~~. 1ifJe, calJ ltl~ BAJ\ atool1, IKriftM. IMv· _......._ _______ _ inc .,.., 6 tall cuaom, APAJi1XJ;lllT atove 120. llp&niab, wrou«M Iron, A.DUq\le .a.o" $20. Bot ll -1"1, ~blue, UNd c:Man, pa, w.>rtl. Lill• aew I mon~ 112 each. M2~{tT 17M12t.s _A_CRIFJ ___ CE-.-G-rtien--Lou-ni-• MAGNAVOX 24" T.V. Ola.ir llS. 2 • Sl" equate W'Ork iq 125. ApL Ilse ,.. low t.ablN 110 each. Old at.ove Sl~. 30 yuda carpet Cheny rocker Sil. Blrdlt- paddln( '5, _ 2t19 Ocean eye maple R.oc~r 1111. Blvd., Corona del Mar. Sturdy maple •~ra-r OR 3·90H chut 125. Tiit-i.op card 15 Doore tor Ml• 13 table 120. 2 • Armlua up· apiece, '1703 w. Baltio. hol1tered red chalr1 U IS Blvd. 61!1-t304 each, Room divider acrMn DPll 8&.UUTllU8 PART TIMll t71-Wl O.r ... Sale I022 OOXO: llp&)'ed female 10 ~ mantb. all ahot, 110. $15. ~na. '8•·77M. JUNIOR four dra-rt.A.eek DINGHY dolly d K Girl• *'· Baby buket• wtth pad ,. 12. Wonder borM 10 0 d bike U&. Wat.r h•ler SlO. iAitarrriii my 11ome 2· sfrl.a Mon·Frt T... Orn tra.M.146-Ste5. Wli• • a.U>ama Make to ... Jl&rVI Mo 611. ool .,. dip. "' Ult dEN'L Raelrpr. lome ;a. tnc. llt.ay or l'O· l\et. 142-W.. R.H needed for lNly GP offtce. lluat be ap. CGlta Kua. Ml M4t2. ~ dlrome cliMtte, I TW T-NIO.. matcb.. ct..lrs. blonde 1*t· _H_O_b'811l ____ y_oo_l_S_36_ ..... -•• rm · • w/dlllte bed. I ,,_. --lftOdlra u ..,,,_ traall and M(lne ))Mc» -.,-v. 110. llJMll en'1n• a5 cars COlldlUnn tarir• 112; klddy Oalt rocker 1115-671-8796, car 12. Child'• ~r 311 JC. u,.water, Bal· boa.. rm . ..._ ~ lbl(&J caMnet. Mf..t11f. 11 .. ~14.22. ch&lr U . Traqloll.ne. llmall chtld lndoot' • out FIUGmADUll wuh« 125. 5'8~939 UT It IUN. 10 A.K .. ,PM. mrialdut Ml, bar, iro• ,,, m.tac. 1200 Dover Dr, NB. MOvtHG, bouaebold ltem.t le Jud toolL tot Narcl .. a1.1 CdM S.t 6 Sun 10 to I . BABY S-11 each Baby wtth aalety ber $10. dueb IO eent1. Ju8t rite CbUd'a Colding chair P . for .....-. W 8·5703, Safe 1wini ..al 12. LI ....... Wffkday... 648-8"9. ~·a btrc.h chlfferobe SMALL table uw with mo- $20. Boyl 20" SchWlnn tor $23, AltT akl rack tor blke PO. Oilld'1 Tol·Rod .port car 115. OR 3M76 10 Callon Xarlne -tu huter, operatea on 110 or eng1n• cooll~ ay1tem. Thia la a raney maid a.nd ha.I newr been ueed. Value l!t!I for $25, Oft S~7 13. Lawn mower ~. i'or-mka dinette t.abl• u . 24" Quan Yen wall plaque, GARDEN and bulldlni rock Cbalr S-4. !H9·340fl. 1111. Chandelier 12" aphere • many cok>ra U> cJ\OMa an11en!!' 1100 brw, hand cut open work trom. 125 U>n. See wall al· O'....,.A a Kenttt late LUIO'I' cttnpy, $l6. with 42" ol chatn and eJec· re.cty nnlahed. Do It your· llAUTYONR. •win&' &bln/6 nlta ""· lt.Mdy. Quar. A Comm. Paid n.caboa It .U..r ~ .till. Na-Mlt · model double oven JU ~. l.rlc oord, UO, 3 cbow ta· Ml! ~d •v~. S pe llvinr T I: L L 0 W N •ucahyde blu w1 th tn verCI ne mar· l'OOft\ •t cklr and ouo-raqe, 1eu Uwl 1i9 price, __... dill $2 Couch .~ <on on 5. ble to,,.., 110 eac.b. Old man male• .i .. -4. bed; di· 1190. 171-4141 CVIL LI ... ---1 .... -·· __. · hand urved wood book· van makee double. Needa '14 itilbi.ORJ: Cower I CALIJ'OftN1A rtrt. beige enda: 11!1. Mlnr dynuty ~vered. LI 8·21N. 1"5 browa aulo. wubtr 1150 Cl09tun'la: Mohair coat hoiw. l!'i. AnUque brau Panona St. CM :13~~. $125. Excel coad with lb•th ctreu, 11tze um. 11" high, 14" wtde, S.'5. 3 x 5 K.>JWJCX tit• 11:1 t-10-ll, 7 1ii J lovu, 125. Bonn.I l~ lonl' and oar-ea. 2 tranalitorlsed bat· AUTO • Kenmore wsbr I Room divider • l'loragf • row for m•ntle. 61" lonr. u ry powered Hottm&n ortc aold for 1175. Uaed double headboud 125. 14" h•Kh. 110. Glul vue tape ~rd•n .,1lft foot I • me». $100 sin>-rai.d or Pwnplctn color doublt cot. .., .. l" •· .... _ .. -· • x • or .arrer 0 •nu· and mJke ntlnOlee 120 -. 180 cub, 142-59H. ton belhprud, with atnp-__ .. h '"' .,_,., 'mp rur . ..,, GP.: roll-a-way vuuum •1". ,..., ~-DISH ed e&t• U . 'rwo cot..lon 2 •" .. ....,, .. -.u"""' • 64 ·0239 Lov• -l and chalr u Ill WABRJ:R/ UMd 10.mOI. dreun, ntw #• S2 t~h. H. L. YOH CO. llQ2 a&nt.a Manka Blvd. BoUywood JI, a.ut. ~ 7550 Sac! 1100. 837--0M3. B&th ihelt Sl. ,LI 8·~32. 8~7" ...... ~rt,.erator I~. ~151 ~· .. N!: 031~ .. how -.r}d tTOO Barbor m..s.. C.K. l\~Pm ... ranie. Af\lll COCA Cola machint, ,1;c. u .,.,.,.,.., .. , ·~· ........ - MATUU WOMIN Cllllco&t. • lt i.-,• .... Good candlUon. t.ric, with water fou.n· 6 SLOT can 15 + pvt.a. SOFA bed, IOCJd eondtUcm Wanted tot p'--nt put. TYPING SCHOOL MJ..lt71 or Ma.2607. t&1n. MO'rint 1115. 2~2t -One elect.rle l&Wl\ edrer but Medi· new tiovu 16. Ulnl'wortr tram oar eihc.. 171DelKar,1"' -... Ca~. CM. M6·tt21. 110, lady'• ak l boota RWI· 2 nylon fr\oe occuklnAJ BO t-a661 Hourty ..,-e, ne experl· MIRCHANDISI ~ ......... 1110 KAND operated food Ilic-eke •iu 6, food condition ch.aln Neb 110. Hooked ence nee r/ u _.train. SAL'I AND...TaADI ----er. s:i. Older Servel ru 110. After 10 Lm. Sund&y. rug 6'xt ' 115. Ml·232' a very ectl99 .me.. Call 8"-llM Mt.._ f A.NTIQUU refnc-ator. 120. !130.lllS. =44=8..,,,·7,.,.26_7.,.._.. ____ ~ 8 rr redwood tence. 10 rt. M .. 11 ~ &m • 1. furniture IDOO II pc Bavartu china, Ravi· COSCO combination crib RESIN tor lrlultl'.ll' IW'f· pt.e • JIOl(a m otr .1-t w ANTED a "'•ry acU•e Bal~laJeenufO!,. ' • BOYS + Swtm'c pool land, vuu, l&mPI. pie- or youth bed Sl~. P'lrt· boarda Ir boat• u l'&lJoa offer Ul1a wk .rid. Al90 11th It Oranp 7 Med ua't motlMI', bonor-H.UUmOCIC KA.Pl.a t.ure fram•. · radioe. etc. ptu. a<-reen u. Typewrlt· 15. 1005 W. Bay, NB. boy1 dl"MI cJot~ t It a ary aunt or baby. lltw/ MAMD NEW MSYlllR 1777 ~. CM. er It. Ovwatul'fed !lnltlah 675·0241 11 lo 13. ErmJne cape 125. Counter J:? USED m,. -·""•-...._ .. _. •11: W __ ....,, ••• ....... llell Ute h.Mwk// Uve tn or KOD•L B""'U'WI ·~"a ·----.......,.... rhalr ..,. &.ehlnr ,....,.une BABY Nttde: Stroller, 0no-• ...., D91 le e'VdJ.nl Part Ume. out/Wlrr • encb ott. 'W .. .._ pltcber A })oWl, .mooU!J.na $20. 2 free couch Met.Ion· -..-.. not pr'lllerrM.. • rt[RNl'l'UU •-· ~"'•"-llorw, IC&i· ...... Cuco car bed, Meah play -..-r Sept Jal Write P ·151 Incl t pe muter bdrm, ;.~~ri mac ,__a1_~_. _eau __ ......-__ m_1_. --~n. and accu.orl•. Near ~ •1•· APP!!_ tn-pe~~ Dally Pi.lot. 1-uutuJ 41n rm, 1Dcl. i.ta, ....:....... •7& ,..7,. • CUTE a man breed male new. 120 taku all. Phone ·-oUJ'l'tr, 4""1 "'' ~ BiiKPR/ Uve in or out. ' chain, buffet It but.ch, •""""" · " ....,. "· Doxtt It Searl• mixed 11:18-1177 H.B. Hwy, Newport lte&ch 3 • lkhl aa• chlldren. IWlteUI lJy rm Mt. eota, ANTIQUU. old turn. col· pupr,·. 4 mo old, adullll JllS utaMd, anru-. 8a1ary open. 1\e!. !t.eq. I cbalrt, 2 md W., coif• lector9 ILllU. 104 IC. 19th pre!m ed. S.~ to iooct F'~1R_.Q18 ~~ epet!db k J .• C. ltYe, wUJtns to work. To Call Mra. Wbytl>ck table. 2 beaut lamp1. Ind at. .. CK. Open T da,yL Dir. homt TW 1·MIO. " &.·n• rac nr 1 • •1/j· KI 6 9047 aft and a G<>Utam portable rtl'bl Jl!&ll.. builder will Ml-2Ml, · bdr bu twin beda,115 del • B1KES. I bova, 1 rtrl1 29", ,.lereo S20, mwit &ell lm- tUnd W91kly. Bonua1...Mr. 11:30. -a.ii. Wu SUH, DOW only "•Ml 1130 Good rnndlllon 11• ~ch. I W ==,,,...,..=---~~--,,..,,.........., u .... mediatf ly, l'Avlng 11.Ate. UIOJ\ Mf..2112• MEDICAL A.11't. Must $/jM, Ill per mo "/Mp Ml-490~ Call OR 5-5383 or come FRY OOOK have bad exper ln Cen'l tor quick l&le, Opea evea Beat Plano Bu71 in Town: ------.._Sun.•~.. 9..i ... t, mah"', F/P Pt5 MAY"l'A°<': "'Uber 6 yean to 1112 83lbo11 Apt :l. D., 6 tvtl\. Put A full PractlUonen ottlu. • --.,._ .... Ume. EXP. Call 176-4348 Ml-1193 btwn 1-1 pm 8 SANTA A.NA. IS&ml1D 8tudio '"6, ai. old. ntHta mioor repall'9 DRAPES.. cu1lom m&M, JIW .,.pt. Mon tllru Frl acept FURNITUU KAKT COD80I••. lf&l'da 6 playen $1~. 2M8 ~land1 Drive, n oral cr,lonne. almoet _,.. ut W. 'th St. luata An& lo cboole from, Rent.all • MI 6-1734 new. 2 pair 72" x U ", 1 (Mh 0.lly _Thur~=L"""'"'=--==--~-= JDat out of State cred oil. J:Z terma. BDGE N·,,_.,-• llOf& pa.Ir 64 x 60". U .50. pair 01 .. oul candy aampla lfw ObDAL ottice, t..... ... ... ~o~ ... CORON• _ _,,,.. lo KJ , ~ * PUINfTUltl .t. .,.._D_ v .a.;..,.= ...... ,._: 125. Mt.tdl.blC chair 113. ~ly tor lnuler. tcb• a&Jee. Report 10 am only flle, order, follow up • ~ --. ...,. .. ~ chair IWWel hardwood *' Newport ams., C.K 1ood 'bommon aenae. ~ lmaD It.on ... V Btway-• OR J.INO. 549-35418. pl t I ..,. h t ,,.._ ..... ........_ ..,..,.._ back. $3.~. MS.7983 WA NT Ct> : Part time ay Inn. 1·"" r 1 • -.----• -"-~ TWO • piece Daniah mod· cUutttm'. K.ttr.n<*. _M_t-02M_..,......· __ _,,~=---ckleeeui._ delDoDlltraton, 6GllD MUSI( (0, t m ~ecllonal 125. +arm· VALIANT 3-speed boya 21" -.. t t•• Boo'"... ~ lle ...,ar1111tom It ue4. Ott·-to -t a .._ __ •• chair 110. Oeod ..... -. bike, chrome tenden It .,, •. ""· . -eeper ~ ie r J •~• J'OR It.at -· ·-.----...,.. whllt'wall tlru 125. S L ----------, &xpertenced. Apply tn P91' ..._.. .... "' mo. New or uMd Spinet -~-!\_.o_sn_!I _____ _ NO DOWN PAYMllJllT ~rp1 ruitar 112. Girl.a 7300 aon. U s National a.nx. Ratrll Ra.Dau. TV• plano w/opUon to bQ. FOUR. po11t~r bed 1 15. blkf s12 113~_4887 302 5th 8t. HUJ\Uqtofl A.PPROvmo J'URN. We ·a.ito buy U...S pl&DOL Dre!l!er SI!\. 2 nirht • Beach ll&t Barltor LI I-IMO 1'01 Newport CM ltl-1119 •lllnd" I I!\. 5ce.2~98. :I CR.AFTSMA=" hand mow- 226 Un In, A.D&heim "'' S4 and S3. Comer l&ble, REAL Eat.ate Salea People ' iOOki (oompleee ..._.. co · O. E. eleclric dryer. ne~1 blond. very nf~ U O. Child• Free tralnl~ for llcenae. .. •• , bldudlns __. ...., KNA.1111 oONOle piano. heal f'lem..,l, U."> or d · bl 2 d CIUMs •tartln.r NOW! &.. Frend\ ProYinclaJ. Uke ~rnf l& '· rawen ., .Admtnl ---t.or A make offer. '42·5308. s• .. ~ .. a'>fl.f! ~· Coaat Realty famou.I m•i:.:;. .-... a-. 8" ... 380. eve•. "· .....,. •vv· CUTE rocker 136. 2 pr. W'Ood louver doorw 8'8" x 22" and 28" wid•. Model ahlp1 11 up. Coetume jew- elry 25c up. Plcturu, .,... tel and palnUnp. prlnll S~ up. Wattle Iron 111. Mexlcan peuant. dlahM 2!\c llp1 U " by 20'' lr&)'I copper a.nd bra.u";' one 11J! ver well and lrM •lY" 4 15 up. T• cart. 110. Star pint 12.~. 2 matcMtlck llhadee 5•" x 7' 110. H•l lamp 12. Peart handle Iii· vtr U ea. Antique carvlni 9et 17. Hand knit aw•~r •t.olff, .tiaWI allrUp, beau· UtuJ new U up. New robe and 1llppera u 18. IT. GI: pop up touter 16. 4 al· (haJUI mu11t Mt I!\ ''P· Yarda~ :IOc up. Juicer ftne motor S7.l0. LI 8-8207 ROT ARY mower auy pull lftlllr new US. 4 .tt•I• and tu-for Chev pickup 110 .. 841·2"0 l.Ne~finM T ~· u. ttweoo. or private budneu mey O.ulAOS door,--it', '25. U.. these coiwnnL • P.aclWd a.tl TV, maple 2. EACH ITEM fot tUle n.)Odtal. Medi tube, m . Guitar, a&. Wall P'c-wa. must be priced - tun 2· " •'. 16. Ktrunore no price over $25. ... room heater, IC.&rcely ]. DJME • A • L I N E uMCI, 120. '"" table lamp, 110. Swivel d .. k chair, .cK •r• eccepted end 15. Croquet aet, u. Tent, pub&1hed 11 e unique 16, TraverM rodl, lto''. • t t sa. R~rd player, vm service o our p• ron1 automauc. u~. HtUnper, and the DAILY PILOT, u . MJ •·1803. •S3 Wood-reserves the ri9ht to land. r.mit their pubt.c.tion ~-~.f~~lll 3 1t1elvf8 110. to on• day Heh WHk. DROPLZAr table, 126. 4 DIME-A-LINE ede •r• c.u lra. 120. Contour cha.lr. strictly cash with copy. $20, Cha.AM IOUl\(e, 115. ~ &re Vfled to ,.._ tt2-M7a. port p r o • p \ 1 '1 to Uta CH1L0'8 formJca table and ch&ln eui'lom W&JI apke lplael cel>lnet 110. • drawer wl\ll• chut 14. DAIL T PILOT C1&allt1ed Depa• tll' =\ .a.iq violatlctia ot u.e. Dlm•A.-LIM rep lation.a: Hob-nail pull~wn llp l BOYS 24'' Schwlnn Bike Ill t\Jltur117-"°. Ml-8.182. like new. 125. 5411-7323 .. FORMAL ttrht blue. full S URF'BOARD f25. Hl P'I len~ u . 12 nn-er wom Amphfier 16. Kenmore I~. 148·7078. htaler Sl~. LI 11-1245. icra.uum freer.er electric, 1 Ill SU. Boat atove alco- hol 118. BlOW'ff• 12v n. Ola.la altower 4'oof' It.ISO. 300 Popular Sclenct A Ill u11 t re t ed fl\ll&'U1 nea 1H1 • ltM 6c. MM21 1. TWIN beda 125 •· 20 l.n. a1rl'1 blke 110. Ph. 112-IMT. H.B. 2 BICTCLU, 3 •s-d, boya and rttt.. 123 Mdl, Kl • ,, epeaker ubtnet, Walnut. 123. Phone 67~H7t. BJUDJ:l5MAID dNN Up t l'1'MA 130. 81.M t-10 . ... •• 021 . W!l8TINGKOU81"i twins l MO wuher and dryer US each. 53t-MISO. WOOD~ olflce deek 126. .Mla.n' • bawunr MU sa. 2 Wooden ltlaJpt cbalra $2 -. lypewrtter In s.ioct condiUon S25. ~ equlpm•t OC\.. IUod -aa. 228 Knoit llL C.M. . LI 1..()682. HEYWOOD Wallett.Id din· · Inc' talUe. with ur· teat, 12:1. 4 matchlnr uplaol· 1ttred chair11. 110 .... 1 dark man·a 1ult, 44, 14. 1 brown lult, 4t, 13. Sport Jadiel. 4', 12. 81ack•. 38 H . 1223 Dor..t U.., CM. Nr B&ker • h ll"'lew. BJ;!fDIX Duom&Uc US. IDD4 t..abln aa. Projectlon ICrMll 15. K..i.q alu ~ 17. Dl.Jbmuter 110. ,..-a llunt. ~ iiliCHINc dra1>1rte.. otr- ""1il• colt.on boucJe. 108 x 14" 115, 14 x M'' ~. Jtedwood pk:olc table a.ad b9Clcbn UO. Blonde mod· em dllik $4. 11542 Kettler L&ne Runu.n,toe Bads IM7-tl0ft. WOOL rur. tweed, • foam p&d I Z5. Gu fireplace lot'9 118. OeMral l:leclrfc built-IA dl.abwuher 1.26. CU.tbm IMled wa.lnut cof· fee table 123. New whlu drapu, t#n fett wide $8. Lui'• oval braided ru111 110 &nd SIS. Ooul$1e, pad- ded vinyl hH.dboud $8. Malfrnlty clolhe1, lllz.e 5- 7 •• oomplt le 11~. Square da.nce lklrt 12. Phone !IM-9266 Hunt. S.d1. BOTS llni&'Hlh aport Jack- et, 11111 12, 17. N.w 4 '1" wide "'1TI• UO. Ct\a!Lnr di.ah, electric, S2.~. Ice bucket. 11. Shrimp r lua, u .. ,_ 75c -.ch. 142·230. A HTIQUE carnival 1tau. IJ7 and leM. 231' Elden Ave. C.M. 2 STUDIO beds foe cor- ner arransement, near M'W. and e:xceUent condl· lion, 125 Mch. !\•5·6732. BOWLING ball ti.&. lhou 118.&0. Wason wheel• 126- 115. CMopy • coverltl • WtiiiG back couch, 110. A.ntlqu• Sln1er .ewll\1 machine cabtnet, 11&. LI 8-2120. -2 TWIN beet. 115 .ch. Bet beadboarda 12 M Cb. I quilted becbpreadJI 15 each. Blond• wood corner tllble ~ matchtnr end table 13. La.rs• 4 cir&• .. ('hut $.'\. 8ma11 a dN~ cht11l S3. 2 mn&ll dreue.r lamp11 Sl-"° •cb. 5'6-2t3a. Bl:AUTI'P"UL 10 mo Male Corker; a.ii 11\ots, 110. TW 7-5480. 2° 29" BJKI!, 15. 24 .,, 17. Hand m01Ner, 14. Ortb a.nd mattr-. ~. Coftte table, 75<'.. Nursery cot.I. SOc. Clotllef, 50c. Doll• trtkf'. U.50. Auto ndc, ... .&<> • ~ .,... aoc. ~tT77. -Liii .... ~ ..... 18 ._., Iba JO an WMfer 110. UIOO Rlltt-s. ..... 7321. • YiIJi cru. 110. Ke'• llp&Jdtq Solt clubt ~eel· J.nt ClOftctiUon at&l'ter H t $2&. Sun .ledrlc t&cho. meter, 8500 RP)l 12 volt· ~ C)'llnder 125. Chrnolet 283 4 barrel carbur•lor, manifold and aJr cleeJ'ler $25. Pa.cka.rd t:ranam11- 810n 120. Kl t-OIN. . FLOOR model manc1• 16. Sm pa htr 11-"°. Gu ato•• no teca. u . A.spl\alt and vinyl &.lbeatoe Ult , 6c ea. Heavy round p.tto ~· I mirror &Ot-. 1 p l therm01 ISOc. Old Ume acalt U . &x3 woric t&.ble $3. Flower Pots 6c .._ Sm vanity d.X 13. 127 ea . bnlJo CM. Ph &U-5887 Sal and 8un only. FR&E Guinea plJ. 148-67!)9. . MGTD motor and body pe.rta. Frame, ~ wheel, f&.4 t.ank, rtm1, etc., none over 125. Tnunpet. U S'. GS m&nKle Iron, eoc- rellent condition, llS, I mm movie cam1-ra, 112./j(), 847·4937. 2' BARKER BROS. twin bed trallre111 box 1pn.n.11 S20, Set W1llel cMIT)' drop tear •nd table 11~. Oa11 87a-m1 atter • p:m. P'IRll brick 7 c. Red UMttt brick 5<:. Hand crochet bed 1p,..d 126. Box mprin.p 11~ M&ttr... $15. Book C&H 117.50. Maple din.in( M l 123. l.a!Ta ~ $25. Oak lJb,..,ry table 12~. 2 new whit.a uniform• 12 u . OR 3·4668, 310 P'trnleat. ' WEDDlNG ctr~a &11e 111 125. Blue ChJp Book.I $3 t:a . 641-4211. '41-3923 anytime Pay caly ss.ao-9;.;'. I' WURLITZDt llaaJei& maatltCI"" .. BABY (etlM! $2. Flnchee illUllAJD8; Wear C09-Out ~ towll cndlt .... ~T CR.A.ND tow.. fte DAILY PILOT ll.23. Canary •lnpn 110. BOYS I • apeed bicycle, ruttlt douMe bed 1tff 12S. ·A.QUAIUA tor W.. T fWo lll p.Jlon, 120 each. 1 12 pllon wtth ·~ 115. M6-t673 IVM. • ~/I M.s.at70 Mt-27'3 leech.,. ....... S.... fH SanM Free Penonal Secy. u /40, mu1t be free lo travel 1400 lnl Girl Frl W/l ll'Ol'\I' qcy txp ... . lo IMO Lepl NOY, tax• oorp 500 !lxec RC:)', 1.nt -........ •ISO Exec MCY. cMI qr or COftlltr 1XP .......... ·-··· to 600 Glrl 1"11 • Bkkpr. 1 rtrl otc. nice bOM _ ........... 400 A•Y eecy ..... .: ................. •ISO Sal• 11cy -········-····-··· 450 P'C Bkkpr .. . ....•....•• to •~ tume A: dance. Top ea.I-oma .. 111:79 ~ 1366. &•S.0988 ~ ....._ Saft Baby parakeet.3 11.50. ary + bonua. Bt.a&'e t>ool' 1TM K..,.t. c.ta mo11ey, UIM • ett.t. Loek 17692 eam.rnn 8t. H. B. J27t2 Brookhunt/ t;.,.. x.a. M-Olll. WURLlTZlm elet piano. MWl!I 847-3101 W/peda.11. Xlnl cond! 1200. ....... --.. _. ... (ten Gron. filLT AililildcAN 549-0190. a.alta _,. --y .. ,_ &ASTER bUMitl, 12. Ban· ll!lCRl!TART. txecuUv1, FUMI'l'UR.Z llALI: DAILY PILOT ,. .. , ad&. Uea $1.S(I. Baby puakeeC.. BA.LOWIN Acro90nlc spln-1•• "'"•t th t...._ • mu1t have --' tel. per· April 2·3·5-6 A 7 a. ••,... • --. ..... 11.60. Gttlle $5. 17171 A•h .~ et .,l&no, blond oak. Xlnt ~71 llOl\allly It be able to mMt J)yery St.em tn our I:. A. Dtal 14!-Avenue, Hunt. ~ach. cond. 1450. 962-4~. _ -------public. Mr. Londa,y, 0.pL rtduced for thla IS YOUA AD Df CLASSI· 847-1807 '42·2215 TUeL..thru lat. ala. TM ~er~ eal1 nED! II••••• wt8 IM LA.RGS: ~urll• 1hell ~.Bed OOUN'IWlt GIRL Howie ot Otaln TM ....., 7 .. .a IMkM1 for la. DI.a Ml-a71 divan A chair IJ~. Roul\d Day A: even. Part A tun &U W ltth, Co.ta M.. ---------~ llghl w&Jnut coff.e table Ume. &XP. C.U t71-4Ut. ____ Ml-__ 1_~----$8. Olaltee It knl,c.k·knack• ror appt. dlvtNt TIM/ Mm.,! ST' &R GA,...,."D~._.._ 26c-12. Pole lamp 12. 8A.BTUniik wanted. My WtoQlltt ll'oft afn•s .. l -" M~...,._ '1' 962-ft2M Hunt. Beh. .. _ " ... k t ·-t.o w/t • cbra. Wehr le ~ ~~:=,;~---er <lAT I. llQl.l.4.N---.._---uvme. " ._y w . _,, 175. B irch hutdl l&O, TWtn ~ Y.. W,....., ~ ~ SLOT car, Kemlron Wa.p, :~i3~ lrana. ' bed• extra lonr 170. Lawn ~ ._ -. '""· 8-voll control lncfuded 113. f'...Onnel Alllt ···· .... 3M µPT to care tor 2 c:.hll&. Reefpt. lYPI ISO wpm · 300 ren la home. WMkd&y Lesa.! Me)' trMe, M SR. attemooiu only. 1100 ptr 16 lypllt ....... ·-· . -300 mo. 673-1780. K1nr ...,.. ...e-116. Ex· To ~lop _ _,. f~ Su,.ffy, C11ll ~36·9255 H.B. •• r-• ~· ..ad~tcorrtspal'ldt"Qlo~ pand'f diJl'I table '60. ol your Zodo« bo,.., s9', SUNBltAM touter S.'. 2 62• A111elita Or. 1 a-c .Jt T.-".. light tlxluru SM It 125. l SOFA 6 chr, rwllner chr, ~~·, U ~:'.,-:~t:...-~ n TV 11 2. I door 40 x 80" lfi. Dent&.I t.ech ........... 300 -EX.P-~ER--Be-wtnc ___ ma_c_h_· Aat lab t.ectl, ( HJJ chtm 0 opera. reuea, Steady. educ) ......... p .............. 300 Top Pay!· 2032 A • Pla- Our 19th Year cafttia <rea.r). w. tltlp ~ calll>re peo-omN'i"AL ASSIST. iiii*. JM tln4 .. '-'" Job. Ga1y. ~ -ra.ya A tte. Part • U.• onlf. Nt-tMd. ' I • I ' I I I l I I I ' I . ' l ' Mevflow•r A .. ncy MUSH DOMESTICS Carefully S.ltctt4 (NO Allt FAlti) D U T·61M. OR 1-5481 - • I r &A.ariiHW & Ji&Ul&i1DO __. ........ c..ta ..... &4'·54M. WANTib full Um• denl&I aN1l•t1nt • rectptlonJ1t 648·l~M HOUSEKEEP ER, 2 child- ren In family. Uve IJ\. Der • ref. n1e. 173--0IU D• DAILY Piibf a-"hf rui. 2 anUque occ:1111lonal "'''"" • r-~! ~·.·,_ ._ 7• Ph 673·11704 Monit.y. I " 3 !.-1 ,.. """"' ~ lb 11 .t co ee tbl, din t~I '". 6 ~ .. w.... 71 YOUNG g•r\• tonnal1, all A t cbn, ~ftet, Al tldnn 7 '"' JT ,., •7 c;,-aize.t. 1hort, 16 each. • •~e·2,.... I C'.e'"f JI~ .. r,..11c ""· '" • ,_,. fW•llt Jt~ .. °"" 813·6704. Call Monday _, • ..,,,_...,.., tr 2 8 ttT-1 ' «IHlw ·'01• 11uo.. ... ,v...... om Ill ,,.._.. 41 ..... -,,.._ _..,~l>o:m..slfjU •nVJNE Ttna.ce movl,.•, 4 .... 9ed1, tabla, ehalr•. U:-' ~c ~~ .. bar atGOll. Sold v1nyi .. 120 ~.~J!.11 W. kl•, ~~ ~.,,..._..... 1•c-each, 1 maple chair 17.60, ..... ·-· !:; 4;,;::' m:-1 bl~ Sllfht lt&.nM IJO Ldl 511~ "Mr. i Rra. ,,....., "7Mev n c;w each. 1 bl&dt oooulon&J • dr dlut • mirror ITI. m:· :::::;. ~6:-cb&lr 120. l pilr neut:ral 6 I dr cbut • nlle 1t&IMI lOO-»OI '°"" tone rtr-apee l-over 13• w1n· ~. OR 3·78M. ~?';: ~~~ :;;~.. 11ow 12~. 2 travu'M rod• LltA VrNG·S•crtflct . P'nr· u o-,. "" "' •l'·-30 to @6 · 13 50 tach. ~d· 2• ()ao,, !• 0 • If r """'"I"' ld1lre 10 • 112.> TV 23" u-,.. \S~ , •• ,...... w ooci tablf S7.~. r.!lectot Zenith 1143. All Excel "' lt •~ h ""' 111mn S.'!. Iara• fl()(M1 hs ht d Ml I .. ,. 27 T• $1 T• 1· ••• • r· ('Of! • ....., • MOI ""-H •... 13, 2 J &rdtn hrtt&I SI. Anl1 3 • PC modtm i1· •«lion· :®~:~ f/J)f~= ~,;:_ S2 ~. mlllC ht nt1 &lid f &r· al/ Cclet 110001 Sell 12-'0 . ,.__ _ '·~'~ df n ~11 26c to $3, U&.uol. 87H3~ " , I excellent 11&. Cfrl1 29" 548-8858. Uchtweirtst bike 110. )l'"'· ""6""0-=1::-::R.N,.,..,--w.,...ltt'"'"t.--,,d-~-- •·eutry" electrtc MWYI 126. 2 tnd t.ablH matcb- moww 115. Po'"r mower '"' s~ eutt. Bookcue bed U S. 2 9Pled •lectr\c drtlJ, 110. 3 tablt lamp• 13 each. hke new 110. Deflr!c Umbrella clothe1 polt $!), a.Uer ~w. Ilk• new 110. Pole lamp 13, 8~ rec- Hand l&wn.mowtr 14. TR-ord.• ~c • 11. Two black S IRJJM!n rain cover 110. · poodlt3 115 eac.ll. Oo&t $8. Kenm0tt automatic lroo-Nearly new clolhH 2~ • er, excellent condition 120. It 147 .. 733 12" ft.C.A. TV. 110, Ad· ,.-==:-~"=:-.-:::--::·--:---...,.,...­juatU!e bcby IC.roller 13. .'~3 P'ORD 125. I.Awn roller Car·bed nJce $3. Ca.II H. 9lrd cap 13. Baby lt7·4Mt. cu Wet 11.&0. 17" T,V, SXCiiLiiiT COftdiUol\, I~. 146-&nl. C.M. twin Met and ftamt, 11~. ll.AITl:ft BUM.la. L&1- Lovely White r~k•r. wtth lnJ bar~ rock pullet• purple c:ollhlone, ~. ror 12.&0. &by ctuclcii 12. baby pl&lltk duC'll rockrr Ba.by chJcit. ~. Ftrtll• ronvert.a to Jumper. never "''• Uk. Duck• 13. ~b- hffll UHd, '3. 541-N3~ Mt11 M. Pair bob WhltH LrK1: nt"W. maple dlt11tt1 table, no. • matr hini <'hair1, 126. Mapi. 1h11tter door. KiP'l TV e&IKlltl, 126. 2() 1aJ aquarium W1lh ftller, pump, aiater. acceuoriee, S2'. maldllnJ c:.b.rom• •land. 110. LI 1-330. ROTAJ(f' mower iHI; COf. fee table JS; at1p table S3: lamp 12.50; 1marty bird ~; roe.kins hortt 17 ~41-07(1. REP'JUO excel condition bot.JI mech a.ncl appear. r<:o do« $~. Mal'I• dinette lablt I.~. Maple coffft table $6 Nth ,.,ed. P!I. 64()..0711. 110. Armadillo be•lilet 14..')(). 13292 Buch B lvd, Midway City by K ·Mart. 3 •PIIX;J; aecUonal, IU. Kl M702. HAii\ dryer, 17. 2 foldlns chairs, 76c u ch. FUJI l•nJth lace formal. lllae 1·9, 110. a.Jty abrll~ outfit. complet•. 14. LI 8-9801 KA YID Halhtrt TV 120. M&11 ~ b9whn( ba.11 $10. .i. 1( 12 O\'l i ll!'lld~tl l'lil' ""Jin. :'llt1• undn "' ler pUOlJl SIO ~l~·~:ll9 after s & tft.91 ·.n 2 MAr..t=-purrbrfd-Ch1· llll&Jl ua pupa. 123 u c.b &12• ftedl&l\da 4 ve . NB DRAPE!, CUit.on\ T made, nora1 crelohne. almo t new, % p&lr1, 72 x «. l pair 64 x 60. $4.ISO p&ir. Lovely for traUer. Kitchen •tool, 8Wivel, hardwood Mck, $3.ISO. ~48· 791&. DROP leaf L&ble 2 '-vH blonde Ae&l.A 12 people 120. 10 cu. fl.. Philco ~ f rlc 120. Tank type V'aeU· wn S7. Port&bl• MWfnl machine 110. Jloyal port.- able typewrt~ Sl5. 648·1837. FORMICA. tabM, 2 le&ftl, rood r.ondltlon, . v.ry •hlr'l!y, 8 rh&lrt1 mu.t. be repair~. 12/j, !)utAJr bun· nl". 11.~ft. 2%10 C&nyen Dr. C'M after I. ilRCH beb • Ht • chair 14.~. BBQ rnn. n. c ali • 847·3163 ,,r 8M1 Glucow Ctrc.le, H..B. TH.A YJliift. ca.m..e, m&l• t.reaa, lhwt• S111: B&Ull· nelte 112: Intant.Mat 13: .... nett•. mat.traa, llft•r. thMlll 112; 12 eventlo bolllH 12; Hunt vapo•• 111~r 11: rntty ~tal $J ; r~11I car SJ . T'lay fti e t n;;int S1. Ro11nt1 r• ~ .. 1111JllfJI \I ~l'W ll'll\ • • ~•I "'affl' irnll $~0. i \ ntw f lffn k rinklf 1:111· • f# 3 lllZf'.11 J IO. Bookc~ '" 3 it tn Sl:I. ~·nldtn1 ~1 118. Ml·37U i L \ \ ,. ) • .. . ... .. . . ' - ( .. ·-.. - • ..., ,...,. .._ MllCHANDlll POI • . ...._ ...,.._ a. *' IALI AttD ftADI lliacHANiilll ..C. Ml111Aan11n ... :w.~ AND 11AD1 ! * AUCftON * ..... YACHT •ODIAGI ~~ 1111 If 1W WW ..n • "'1 ~ tM WlllllJ a tq. tilANUAL~ A_...""-f p.a. • S.. It lileu' to lflPl'IC· 20Tt~ N..,ort la ..... te· I ta-lT6I Wincfy'1 Auction lem _. ,' SlbiiWAU litif ~ •"'$ r FRI. NlTS •. •· 2537 W. Coeat Hwy. Newport a..ch · -~---... 1111 HlW'G M.A21/ VA.Cl IAIMANN GHIA --Tlll--MPH--- :: tH 2ua Nwpt/ CM/ MMT'2 S.twcllly, April 3, 1965 1H1 Kenn.nn Gh!. POOL tahlM/New It UMd. ""-rtible '13 TR 4. UNO. Wiiit.e w/ ~· ne&rly MW, rebuilt BN.llno'kk "46 • HW/ LI M1'2 LI M1'l 0.. ow:'~m Puadena. red lntr, black top A too- , .... color TV1, pbOnoe, M&U.:Mlcla X U...... baned Wuhen, dryera. lrone:n. J'rM del 6 lutall/100" ;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:======--======== M,000 MtuaJ mtlu. u:hafill, new link• 6 ..,,..., 1tov... Rent i.t, flK. W-lNI 9000 .... !r-.•_._ .. _Sk_l_loett __ ,.,_ '1~9~ abocltl. CompL ...... , bJa. ltiy later, if you wtlll. C'BROM& CU81om trailer Dir. '""""'t1'P'Y. tT5-12H. JbL ltOt. 'ifo Depoelt/No Conlrub bitcll • J'\ta lMl-G a... ca8fr; ~~~~~ ~.~tl~ ..... 1-C_ID_E_S_l_E_NZ_ llvu. MMIJl. Jilr'M Bemce It Delivery · Coll ~ -ukUlc '10. u TR ..a ~ Yn. Appl. R•IJ&blllty C&ll IU-32Jt alter l :IO. ~. bp motor. l:qutpmmt -:-1w=7~1 .. --b-. -X'l':"ln..,..t_co_od.~ ·--+ trailer. Muat Mll! WiD D ~ LI .. H .. Jeue.'s Kl 3-8341 D~. l.LHd.. 184'4" x eom6da' any otter. ...,~, -.oot. Must •ll. -----------J~S s. Main SL Santa Ana 87 • LU.e peal. N.,.l)' SELL-OUT Kl MS17. t~ ITW620. YAUXHALL new. ~. M0-1211. ..,...,..,,=-""'-..,._.,--,....,,,,..-IU-6111. Oil wuher, provtncial n&I CAT. type twta . eQC-Two --------'M VAUXHAU. SlOO HI-Fl & Stereo 1210 40 • Merca. Xlnt cond. MG GOOD RUN'O OOND! , 12 x 11. O'Keefe A Mer· Sl260. 8TS-4e00 141-1211 :~ *SALE* .• rill etove. 641414'. f Kl f..U02 all t pm. ANTIQUJ: .Uver, t\&l1L ea1·1 om·1a •• , YOLISWA5EN Ladiee cloth's u • u . leets W•ntM 9050 Mile. OR 3--7151. • I &Lr .. ~ G B. .• Bold SU. • New Pnc. PSmt •teftO rec.._ 230 '7t aim-J'N AX tuner J-BR011D:R4 >ookillC It T~ rvi. , "~:~~:I!; CHRIS CRAFT =-~,!n~~ Al8o !:!~!k °' _. ...--. fer 41...a. Not bl~ ~ 8prlt.es. fPON .:.--··-·--Ht 1')sier de1 KU cu ... t Buy -·····-· tt.60 ~portpbono 11 6 CANm a.ck Bat • wood .... ll!UllW"'\RT BEACH bl chrome • .,.,.,..._ ..._ It Autin He&Jeya. 2t Innenprtns bu atoob "'1:;nrv Prtn. only. Mt-IOM alt 1. A.T EAOI Cost $60 • .. 11-. kD Dem Lewis Co. for •10 ... 143.oat. aoses its doors!! Flylftl LelMM '150 ltM Hanor Ml 679303 CM • 11Y • -:!--··--·····-·-··--180 2t fiJ E. 11th St. Ooeta M-ROLEX watcll MO. 12 cu. ft Coldapot cllest ~ OUR LOS8 . YOUJ\ '83 Piper Colt J3 dry!! r' ':ii llG · n-00-CHICK IVERSON J:IC). Crib 15. 112·2331. T·Blrda. Fun. economy. r BLK w/RED l.PHOL. He's your only aulhortJled ~tudenu 15 • 20'1 MMS.16 V.W. Dealer ln the balbor tJ11an11c ST A UP'rmR t.ahi. A equip- ...... 9 _ MM.212, 1-3 Airport Cen· ':17 MGA. R..c"nl ovrrhaul UH. only be CAn rl•• lbe ment _, or -t otter. H-1•· .. " ria.. Ballalar ._ BIA• .. •--b--.1 V W f to • 64a.otll. .... ... IUJ ~r .... nCl'OU ........ 6 Painted. M6·7i20 Wk· ...... new . . ac ry 11' SAU.BOAT • need.I l>Kr011 ..U.. at.alaJw _o=·=c::: . .Ai=rpo=rt.==== ends or .,,... warrant~ .. A.114 "°" doll'l music wen. ~ MW me.in M..a Jis, complete PM. -1951 MGA. JWADSTER .... b&ft to aak for It. n ,. Jilt ..u. ... MT-UST. ir n.pu. ~. Mobile..tton. '200 TOP OOHD! '89~. comee wt~ all OW' Ult.le ........ ,.. UGO ...-ITAL Bed/ Colll WO ...._ cabin. .it l.nmc aAUJ. Jeue. ..-L r.uy _PVT __ ~_P_l -'.·_w8_7J_.~_1_ bup. Pl!flRRID .• a.£ • flOO. .....i1 oodqltt. d & C• r 0. a1Ja, fUnl. modlnl tzaDer ' ~ • & Ulr a&TIS _. ---Ot.bana. Patio, prt be9da, ~_..,,,,~..._,,,,.._.... ---_,." -~ OUT • Oal.1 a t• CASH In JO MINUTU ..,...,,_ .ceeJ Jiabar. boat ~ 1r lumc:Moe. '6t fLiT WoodY wacon. 22nd It Newport Bl"- ;,,., • ord..S ~ cl tor J'Unl/Appl Nl-lllO tJ2t6 Sleepa &. Newport Beada Rec:et o"blml. Very nne Newport Beacb OR J.()900 . ~·~-== FREE TO YOU 2a' OtNIY -raa crm.tr. • 7 Mttt. :-:.a.~~:·" ()ye: C:.0 ~ :-~ • su:s -.cb. ~ -r ~UK. Tnnl Trailer, -t"'" .d bound, ~ l'ftl:ll to .,.a.a boJne. le V-1 .,.,... .A at.I at CUit.om tnt.erlor. 5500 « !:... -:::;:~! 837-38 '65 Y.W.'s $1675 fl1ced at UJIO,, can at tnbl ,cl. A..1LC. Mk t.. sa2l5 , trade for ? ! ! SU Der-•• _, O..Oy Pilot'• eo.la Kea mu. Aflllu Bound. J P~ Pl., CM an. &:30 OPEL 12 month, 12,000 mu. wu-Ba.r at. ud ~ )T8 old. m-11• a.rt. 1 2a' can1.1er v .a powu, -. _._ ranty. Ave., or Newport OI· p.m. ......,. 4-1 dean boat. $1496. "TRAILOR.AKA Ill X 60. DOa:DI.ATJ: DICLIVDT Balboa m... hUi!NDLT Mack Jl'&l't 2. BR, J • BL WW. Cpta,. ·~ OPEL at&Uon w~on. Uled V.W.'a tr-ca '416. .......... ' ...U. o6d, S5' °"'9118 1Ml HardtDp. Drpe, Wlb.r .. Dryer, Bit· ft--1.a-1.. Co Jon. clt.Ddna. • feced 11.0V. LIP1 »'&Dt. NIUo. 111111, Lota of atrUl Ell-Runa UJLe a lop A cuta .,.... WA • JUd. TW T-6&80. t.s elect. pller, alaoftr, all pellltft, ~ 1* Hut.or KI MaOa CK 1-"" _,,.'""'7 .. 8...,. Oct too. Sl~ 148-9303 Dir. YOUJfO Kus,_,. cat. t.ak decb, twtn v;a pow--..-u.......-. __, .m. .....t ldtta, T Wb • A·l Oaad. SH.915. 'U. 1 1C9 .dr 13700. old. TW T-MIO. '4 . M6-2et2 aft 0:30, ~ { '51 OPEL $100 Hai iii iiiia, 6 ...a Only u N... ltM Cllria _or=S&t==A..K.==·=aa..=== { NJ:W MOTOR ·~ V.W. R&dio, bteter, JlUlfroOf. Lota of l'OOd m1la left. H75. 141-taol. Dlr. old. .-.~ -----{ 4.N-1797 -• -Craft Jett to be Miid at ll~CLIS ms -~~~,--------~ ·* Will * ~ Reen c•1111s IM Ult. ~ dealer ClOll' POISCHE i iaCi • wlltt.e aHend . 2r 10 BP hike, J mo old. --------~ mU, _. % a. ~10 W. OOAft BIWAT Like new. MO-Jal or ~7DL w. TW T-MIO. ..S Newport Bw:1a Ml-UTT ~ b1onM • 1 nehopft7 PAiii. _. ( ..... ) dwt ()pea 7 da1'1 a ..,,.. POIUICHE 1100 S Coup« '81 v .w. Ruby red. radio K .. , lllt.erior, new Urn • h•ter. Micbe.Un X urea'. .• UUI -.c:1t• ._,.. HI Ga W + w~,...;. .PITS a LrYiifiki ~ ............ -~lrnD FABRICS .· * SELUNG A.LL!!! r n>R &ABTal •' ••.• frOm Funt to can. ('65'f, For that IPllC. 90IMOll8! IJtrd '59 Waf)-631-8011.. Wbite Poodle Pafp1e1 LORR.AJHJ:'a llDn wtU. Woller POODLI: p ABLOll .. pl Aquarium w 1 l b 121 .AG.U'S ;ump, rut.er • ute a10. BaDloa i.. sra.m2 -.natl mech&nlcally ' LoU of ext.ru. Ellcel19r1t '"5. 141-8303. Dir. ~Uoa "9:1. Mt-ROI. iPORT i'iiiiiii M' fl7r '&S 10%UKI J:10 ~ 1JOI llndp, twta Clu7. tut, miles. Ml down, S%U2 IOO pl pa taUI. like .,._, IDOllda baadJf.I co.anc:t ~ eqatpt. ..... et.c. '-lance o.A..C. Trade Olt. ·a POR8Cll& Cab. Beat •EN=cno=,...,f:-or-=vw=...,..,,111..,_. ---·y ti* '*--r' A DeereM-Cal 0e0r.,. Wbeeler Dir. offer! Aft« t :30 1un lllr1l ,..... ... OI. PTteed to ..U. ~ Wed. Call 17~ t:w>o ml.. Bit. by Rn • SUMO. m-i-. ,... Mutft'I ("' • Ponche --· -11'4 B8A w oc. MOO. IENAULT apecialtata) RJ• ..... --LI U\Cf. -il&a J61t9i ---~ o.n. •ay Jood coadi-:-::,a=-=REM=~.a.=UL::-:~=--.-11=-o-cw-._..-==--=------ ... ~ -. ~;: tkn 112.-1074. Jae ...._ .. Radio, a..&.. '57 VW IV.Dl"OO( MdUI ,eJnd or 1WM*'led by ,--.... --flt dolna. $23.M znoMa. BSW, radio. Good cond ~ ~ .lllaoel. ~ y-bsndMia COlltr"act b&L '500. 494·3301. ..C. JUT "~ & Cout -.• -1-CBEVT---'7'-ton--p-a.,-0.A.G. Trade OK. CaU NEW 'IS VW Deluu ..,.,~ Ms.atJ or V/~ 8&and U...., R .. II. G«orp Wbeeler Dir. Vlnyt -Wuranty Uetl. Ml-IOU. ~ • Pvt. pty. 9&2.-3803, HA w.., ~ bed, + many ~-.,,,....,...,,.,,:,,,...,..,.=--- 10' iii aurr ca11ia atru. Looka and nm1 'IO DAUPHINZ R1tR I -' NEW '65 VW'S aw--, ._,. I, p.O:ry, like MW. 8-Dutut cced. 8UDTOO(, WW/2. ..,.,_/ 11' $1575 _,_ 4.5 pl. per 9*r .at Wu $1":1, tpeela.I $1360. Clean: Gd • cood! POO. 531~US, Ast 11 biota. J46oo boaL 9ROY CAJlVEH Day~ 54t..O~:S. eva ·94 VW ......... R B&la•-· Owner-muat llll imm.ed-..--t&( 873-201'--.. ---.......... r-vn • ~ blue, lop condtUon. -1· SlNI. 6'MJll. HOO W. Cal Rwy. LI a.MM MTIJ NUJ0D 7H 128-05'71 ~ I pm. 1" GLAii 0.Uld .0 • BP. NEWP\JllT BEACH ... fut _._.._ Trtr/ 1'lklraaP1 ._......._..=--=-_..,....---._.. ':17 VW excel cond. Radio, ,...... tor _ .. 1 • ~1• 'IS DOOOZ plcll up Bwept. Ml-Mil. wbita wa111. t73-024t. _.. &-. .. liDe • ft. M2 dowa '61.lt ~=======:.:..:=======-or .a '*' ITM.511. mo llu:dleil coatnct ~-u.t C.n .!IOO UMd C.n 9900 if OC &luM ply lallll, ance. 0..A..C Trade OK. ---------..;..;...;,_,;;.;;.;..;;.. __ __;:...:::.:: l"«'d va. J pl/llr 114, aJpa Call Georrt W!Mtler Dlr. ·-------11111!1••·----· t, ball taak. ·•uot. ~ MCMJIN. wtmda l'f~UOI.. •• ======== 11' JDA VT dat7 liliti, 2.:J ... ~ ....... t:nDer '41G.UMm. ' 9520 ~ble bed wttll Nil fpr1nrw It matt.NM '25.00. A.KC ~. U )'087 ======== • in rood CODdtU... ehUdlWl .,.. too o1i11 ffW S.. •lfl 9010 ·a r A.LCOlf pue1 de1uu Low mfla. a.. •nn& IUck ...... 22 mJIS. UM· MANDI .CS USEiD CAR BUYS aoeo A.tt a ~ Bult.ta Uw:n u..,. pm. are Jun rtcllt few a rectater, 8m.1Ua Cor· L'J'a7a toy poodle. .. mamaaJ.. lib ..... 02Mlll. ~· Le dl1cJLen BllQa', :.-:--= .. ai=&R~~,......_---­foll f760 new. ..U for .-..n.o TOTS. Siner CMG. •· x 5' plullc hlP poodle pupJlfea. Malee - lat.ena!ty 11p, $US. MO: f~. '75.' wka. jao-uaa. A.KC. Mut MD bdon 6UQ \Mandartn Cbaln I -:-A•pr=·~· :-;,~-::-.:-..,..· --Jir. Xlnl • cond! Mile Al'OllA.N Bound pupe I ~ Good! Alm.oat new A.KC • iifomen•a cloth's T -10. C'BAll:PlON SIU-DAX -en11 · 31. 75 • Jda l'OOd KUIT e..crtnce ! SUI pUe cott.OD cpt•s. TermJ '• IU NII Uil! 4."-'.lat. WE are t Jlialt..tandard wtua Matda· Poodle ~ • w-u old. a c:ba1r. Good condl + f...... • malea ••• 15 • c\ll'tom made allp ccrren, ;;:S:;:;::lO;:;:;.::::OR=f..;...-04-.,..70_. ---~. ntl Porwnoutb POODLES, to)'. wlllte. Jl.B. -..at21 aft I or AKC, lovable. Six weeJU -rkenda. old. a ma1... 1 fem. 11 THlCRXA.DOR cook 6'5-n.I. ~t.er, Senel "'"'· w/ ~ rPl. • Jiie maker, aewins ~ Wit&. AKC. Q&nllp stock. pun.. mJ.acL JU vaa 0r. Alt •:JO. m.aieo. r· Udo Ila. lat. 10 • TOY pooc11M • ftma1e J '*= m,, maJ.e I mo'a. AXC. n91w J month old Ka-MO .._ Ne ••. alt a. ~ Wlbr •1.a: ... '46: DOUllH BuJJdDc pup.. 5 .,,.; lraYU'll rodl; r'OUIMt wlul. A.KC. Wiil ~ lU =l!l&k lbl UO: ~ De. ........ 1115. ~70. 7-f'133. -r™ruh KllTIU ...,. P9dipMd. No....,.,.. E• Wuuap.e ~ '60. MMIM , Spd • Q\*8 _.r • Port oe cWawr saoi ., scon11 PUH AICC/lll:O/IH-laJI BILIEV ABLI:! Port pt7. S7t6. KI &-Wl or OR 1-6921. CUBTOM foldinJ camp trlr, topped W/Bonda mowata • cradle w/12' boat • motor. am compl. 142.-*4. l'INM earur P7ie #111, V. W. Stetion w..- R.-cly to race. 8lq>et' a -9550 eel. CGDd. Trlr. Tn.ct. or --------ottn. ~. VW '14 Mlcrotnu 1500 DOlACULA TE! AQUA Cat No. UM•. prac. $%Ht e7l-TTt4 MW, tall nda&' par, It Xtlu, tlleldnc .traaL I __.... a........... ~ u 1-112'7. ""'"--~ PIVD dellped Trtmu-For n. .• a&.. Imports Ml. lfOYa -Tecb uo VV-'f X.,.,. ~. ftMondo Cbedt JDf BLDIONS Bch. m. nt-Tne. Diamond Value Ueed Cara 1 .. 8U1' CLiiii ILOOP IO Da7 Wananly on All J1befll&a bull. Dacron U02 Bo. Main S&Jtt.a Ana aaJla. All aecee&. eo.er. Ml-TIM Tn.Oer. Wll. 111.an. AusnN HI.ALEY 11' 1m11a..,. XJnt • condl 1'\al1 ~. -.,. I/ SllOO/ .MT ..... , 'Lfi)() 1' ..... '15 AUSTtN H•le7, t cyt. 15';{, reetonct. AIJ mecb1 work done. Newly upbol A paint. LI 1-ttU. r' ~ • OOND! ITJ.1TU, tn.•U 1tll7 AU8TIN Real7, 8 cyl. °"" drtv• -wire wheel•. __ ,._....___ . _ 36,500 ml. )cl. cond. $895. ~ -. .__ IT5-44oe. - 22' OWDI cabin crut.r. ENC.USM FORD lUoud · VI. rtaphtp, r '59 CONSUL CONV~ n.dae, -.CS. P...tect lhape. Otlcy 21,.000 • ml. Pvt pty. (la water DOW), MWta. NGO. OR 3-ttllO. 0 O• ITUO Henee IUO pc (Jluropeu cnn..< ... II. lld ..... fOIO FIAT ) ..::::. ~= BORa• \oarde4. tao a M nA T 1100.D ' dr Mdall. _..I-MDIII. ~ boar ltaDa. WlCIUiitl -Cracker Boa IAlxW7 model all ext.ru .KN. =::±c:= 0 beau. • Ml 1M1at • n...,uatnr bl Incl RAH,' Ip, tull "-· 6_ lWUIUaDUI&' .. ft..t ..... --Ill ... ua.r:. w/1/w, ttc. Very lo ,...Uque sna. whtla • ........_.a. v··-L..&.. :r:: ... ,_ ............ .,. x .,. .,.,1d tc. •--•---·~ _..._ 9lll8U tlat ~ • all n.w parta ml, looka It rutll like new. •v • • .... _... cloM &0-eo mph. WU1t... Wu S12tll, 1peclal $991'1. <Il4S..ll711· 21' cABJN crul1tr M . pi-to appreciate. Oot.q in eltOY CAltVERe M.Ml!:RCIAL dtlwi d-a ley, ab>a 2. S1500. 'Rlci-.rcl-11rvtce IO mull Hiii A•k· PONTIAC ._ l fryer 86 pd cap, sod. eon'• Ta.clll Andlorqt, tits $1200 or make otter. HOO W. Cat Hwy LI g.:flge ..., .. h&mburrer rrm, •~. B&l. la. -Call 842·3139. After 8:IO. NEWPORT BEACH JU-30!17. Ir x I' beam flalliJls boat 11' IK New IOO HP equJp. '14 P'IAT 11000. Ono own· I" GOLD SICTIONAL w/ moot'inr· 1ome work Marauder cua • lrlr A er. 19!H>. See at 488 ' plec. 115. Mt.aae2 11800. • etl·aaa8 equip. Otter/ Kl a.eou. Mpt.le, Lacuna. 494-1'20. '64 PlymcMlftl . . . . . . Save SIOO Sport F'ury.--ExttUtlve car, new cu warranty, fully equipped. I 63 Hillman . . . . . . . . . . . . . $995 4 door aedan. Uke new. One owner. Bladt w/ red interior. '62 Chevrolet ........... $1695 Impala Sport Coupe. Red, auto., Riff.. llln't rood., ~ mllf.I. '58 M•cmy Wat. . ........ $395 Automatic, radio, heater. '64 Chrysler . .. . . . Save $ 1000 New Yorker 4 dr. bdtp. Tan w/maroon lnt.. buck~ 11eat1. Executive car. New cu war· ranty. '60 FalCoa 4 ............ $645 ~edan. Stick, ndio, heater. '60 T·linl .......... ' ... $1595 Full pwr .. factory alr. Drive It • you'll buy 11. • '60 Mercwy w .......... $995 l\utornaUc. radio, heater. '59 Ford ' pau. .. ........ $795 Wap. Auto .. radio. beater. '61 Ra111Wer 2 •· ......... $595 ~ Sedan. Aueo .• R/H, tutone lft>'· Ex~-ellent. 61 Ply ................. $195 2 dr. Hardtop. Auto .. IVH, MW paint. Xl:nt. cond. Local ear. '62 Fonl 'pan. ......... $1595 Wqon. Tan. auto., Jl/H. power ateertns. CHRYSLER .. DEALER Mandic&Motors CllRYSLER " 1>LYM0UTH VALIANT 424 M1ln I t. ..._. .. Q;ewfttiewn Huntlftfteft llotl. --------- \ . . . ,, ... TIANSPORTAT10N. TUNSltOITATIGN -. · ... ,,. THE DUNTON . SOCIETY , IS ON THE MOVE ' to take adnntap of Dun~ J:ord'1 eztranpnt ~ Get OD the JDOY• yoane11 ~ ~ve out In a .apentaJJ7 prloecl Qelmrle i..TD, l'atrlane, PalaaD, T·Blrcl ae llamn1,, • UJOll A'.I' '.1'818 ONlll New 1965 Galaxie 500 LTD F 100 ~ ton pickup. Standard tl'llllmll9- eion. For 1bort lq haW.. 2 door .. ,.., 'nuMSert>lrd m V-1 .. cine. CndJe. 0. Kdc tnn.mduloa, '1.71 s 11 WSW tlrel, power .-... , ing, select air~ ing, rlldlo, heater, tmt.- ed IJua all arolald. pedded .dalb and YiMn. 5595 1961 T ·llrcl . c.n ........ Automatic tJ'anlmia.. lion, rwUo, tw.ur. nan power for euy dmtnc. '1395 · A ., AM Bia Dec Are Ahra71 Weame At 0... Ferd New 1965 Ford Custom 1964 Ford Falrtane "500" Station WGCJOll 4~. Radio, heater, alandard tramrnl.11ion. Beaulllul blue with plenty ot d)rome trim· minp, A cluly lookins car. 5199 1962 ·Forcl ,.,,. .... '*500" Auto. tranL. 260 V-8 enc.. bucbt _.u, R lcH, Burrund.Y color w/vtnyl fuCtJrior. AJr cond. Low mile-ace. ~1395 . Opt•N DAILY 'TIL 8 pt.M • .., . . ') .aATU"DAY AND auNDAY 'TIL 8 pt.M. 1964 Ford F•lrlane Sport eou,. v ·8 ft\llM. '·speed t:ranmllalon. buclcet aeat1, radio, hMter. Sporty u 1t1 name. s2195 1962 Ford Felrlene "500'' C • door. Automatic tl'9rwnl .. lon, ·heater, WSW tires, ~· air cooditlonlns. A terrific ear and a ter- rific de&J. s1095 ' outa1de rear view mir- ror, att no. l2IZ. .._ up to lUJ.UrJ. 53199. .1960 Ford 1959 Ford v.a...- Autanat1e trammt.- 1ion, power ~rtn1. radio, b:Nter, WSW tlrel. A low price ot only $695 , 1953 Olds 2 ... A transportation ape. dal Unbellevableiow p.rice. 1956 lulck s,.cw Pov.oft' at.eerlflc. r.dl&. e 'la t e r. automlldc tranlll\laion. 1'1Ctor7 new. s395 DUNTO.N FO'RD '2240 80. ft1AIN -SANTA ·ANA . WHl!RI! BftOADWAY Ml!l!T8 MAIN ST. AT WARNl!R . NIW CA" D~lll9T. Me-7070 • U8lt0 CAR Dl,.T • ...._7079 I . .. r :.J . . -· . ' ( "' ....... .,.. . -.. .. . . . .. . .... ,.. ....... , I TIANIPOITATION UMtl C.rt o '900u.M Cert '900 TltANSllORTATION NOi p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ... =;;;;;;,1 _______ _ TRANS'°'TATIC>t( TltANS.-ORTATION . : IOLISWAGIN ~-'65 VW's llMIO'• v A.~ $2,llO ~-a»li41Mt-1'ull Factory ,...... · Warranty •% ,,_..., c!AM crom mUROr• la2WO~ .uabetm . tal ... Uc. 8ond9d, ~ 1 I (I VOLtKiW.\d& STANSBURY . ------BUii . · ....... ; ... ·.~ ~c.... . IHEST VALUES I LOWllT PRICES " eam,.r. Nl factory cam.-equipped. Hu 1 ... than t,000 Kllu. 11196 00.~ M.-. Cbryaler I PIYtllOUU.. H25 B&ktr, " · ~:;m:!a&N .1 door , tH2 ~ DeVllll • • • $3~•5 -S... ...... beater $U den SO.et bandlu eon· tract ti.lane. 0 .A.C. Trade OK. Call Georre Wbteler 91.r ""'°394. 'II VW. COmpietely ~ llullt •ftllna. Make ott•r. 142-4111. fW 'M Mlorobua 1300 DQ(ACIJI.,.A Tll! UHi 1\1--'M'N ·d vw IUNWf RAB. CLEAN, PVT. PTT. '960. OR 1-70&• 'Ii tw -$750. lunroof, MH~ on,. . ownr. Good meeb cond! Kl 6-M70. lacie Can. ... 9620 .,, IACING INOINI ~ JUNK~ wanted. N~ ya.rd lt&rtin&'· Top S$ paid. 147-t721 167-tMI f21a> SM-:mt. a-t·~.IUNK CAU w.rDI WW plckllp e MMl2T .. TAD ANY JUST onu ONE. DODGE· JluW Blvd. c.x. ., ~ )[[ MOt1 . IUICK '57 Roe.dmast.er Grandma doem't -ppreclat• all th• chrome on thl11 red ti.by. P'rom th• loolu of adnlir..Uon from the YOUD&• 1enlr&Uon Cfor th• ear), I t lrml7 believe I ahould have a more con· aervaUYe mode1. lbe (th• car) bu chromtee, cu1tom head rut.a, full power. I onlr· want 1400. 545-4381 after 8~00. '84 BUICK Wag. 8 • pu1. Xlnt -cond! 18.000 -ml. 12•95. Call KI 5·3129. CADILLAC 1963 CADILLAC Conv't. arclic white wilb red t lealber lnter1or, auto, R /H, ·fl.JU power, factory air. Sh&rput one any- where ln the County. 187 0 .A.C. and make pymll. Fot det.alla Call M.r. WU· i1am1. M3·076 Dlr. 169 SJ:DAN • dr, beautiful, Le.wlnr June 11 for Europe. M.uat Mil. "Give awa,Y" price of $995. 252& Caraegle, CM ~ff.Hll. "1515 Cad'!<::::: Coupe. dll . Ville. 2 dr. H.T. full ptwer, Sood condlUon. '$199 -646·4398 ~HMOLET +lll't CO ELL CHIVltOLET Tb• y A.uthorilled Cb«IV• roltf Dee.IN 1a th Jlarbqf EV Nomad wa,on. d with xtra.111 XIDt $1450. MI 6·1135 SAie ! '!ff Chevy St.a. wa new tlru . 14~. - Ca 548--0291. °&9-CH&ifY __ !:_I $:=-&m-ln-o-. tt-11 nr l r11 de for nlotorc7clt: 19'3 Buick Wlklclf • • • • $2795 I 2..0r. H.T. Factory air condJtk>nint-.l pleuun to driv•. 1H2 T-llN I I • • I $2U~ t962 ... SQl1rt • ' • • $2075 Factory air condlUonlna-best buy. 1962 laid Wible • • • . sio•s Factory air condlt1onln1-recal beauty. t H2. Cllenolel lmPll• • • s 19•5 81Jper Sport. Factory alr eonditi<>nin&-above averac-.· ,, '19'2 Ford &1111ie • • , • • $1695 500 ' Dr.' Hardtop. Factory air condltionJna. Low mUH. 1963 Ford F11co1 • • • ._ • $1695 2 Dr. Hardtop. v ..... Lo!-of pep and economy. 1 Hl luld Speci1I • • • • • $1595 'Door. V6-eeonomy ehamp. t962 Polllllc T1111pesf I • • $1"5 LeManl. P.rtonnanc.. ehamp. 1961 Mercury Monterey •• $1320 ' Dr. H.T. F.a.ory a1r aondlt.lonin1-s.t of C&ft, tt62 Mercury Mlleor t I I $1275 I 19'1 ... Electra I I e t • $1115 'Dr. Hardtop. All power' awn. -Com- ..-..1.Y ~ 19'0 ONs .• • ~· • • • • $1095 ) 4 Dr. W... Factory aJr con4itQG J:}very nice. I 1959 Ol4s 91 • • • • • • $195 ' Dr. Hanltiap. Factory,t; ee~-Prlced way below m.irket. 1951 CMllllC fleelwtH • • $195 hdory air conditjonlnf. lmpreulve. .. 1959 laiick • Dr. Win • • S,95 Power. 9leerln1-V «Y low miles. 1959 foN • Dr. lllrdtop • • $595 1960 1110 • Dr. Sedln t I I ,,. . $220 Radio 4': he9ler. 1?56 Buick 2 Dr. H1rdtop • • $195 Runa rood. Power 1t~rln1. TRUCKS 1965 GMC 'h Ton Plck·Up $1195 4000 miles -Factory warranty -wide side bed -n~ver r'ctStered. 1961 rtrd 'h Ton . • • • • $1395 " VR with automatic-excellent condition. ,. 1t60·ford 'h Ton . • • • • $995 ~dio A heat.er. Reconditioned and rf!ady. 1960 .CbeJrolet !1 Ton • • • $995 6-CyJ, Very rood condl~on. 1959 ford +l Ton . • , • ~ $195 Very clean. Radio. heater, automatic. STANSBURY . . BUICK 1920 Newport Blvd.-C.M. 646-9022 8:~11-277•. ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~'!!!!!! UM Can MOO ~ C.ra FOID CHlftOLIT COIYAll eo Ford, V .a; · oounlry ... ·eo OIUV I lm-1& con· 1"2 ~ Monu d 1 _._ · 1 r-,...,._ an, J*ll, -t .,.... Al Vert. -AU •t.ru. 4De-, R It ....... extru. lnel RltJl: Cnlll- H, pow•rU., power ' lpMd trana., rat1lo • omatlc. power eteer, •te .. i i.er, etc., etc. OULllt.&Dd-b....,, 102 lftlln•. C 0 o·d etc. 1 owner, lo mi. *"• lnl cm4. Lo ml. 1 o.mer, Cl,.,..... Uln1-out. utul cfond. new ca.r trade. MW cu trade, abow1 fin· $1CIH Waa $1213, apectal $1096. ..t· of ,ca.re. Wu $Ht6, Dir. •94:1139 eROY CAIVllte ~ an•. DODGE ftONTIAC . . •ROY CARVIR• HOO w. Cat HWJ. 1J a.a .. ltONTIAC '81 DODOS Lancer, 2 dr NllWPORT BJ:A ltoll W. Cat Hwy. LI 8·HM bdtop IP cpe~ All e.xtru, , NZWPORT BEACH loci R Ir H, • auto, etc. 14 . FORD Galaxla XL lMa ~vrole.t Impala Con-J.,.oola 6 n&aa llke new 1 It wh1t1 6 blu. interior, verUble, full power, low owno, ta.• act ml. n~w auto, R/H, power •leer· car UMe. Wu $12115 inc It bra.ku. Thil one La ....... a ,196. 1peclal snao. . 1Uper lharp •• clau .. a All8I MOTOR (0, elOY CARVE Re pln. You wont have to • PONTIAC look further. ST6 0.A.C. ,......__ ._... and ma.ke paymenll. ror __.,..lt.Ceditlac HOO W. CR Hwy. LI 8·3•M det.alla call Mr. WUU&ma 1180 lo Cout Hlwiy NEWPORT BEACH 543.4170 Dir., LAQIJNA BEA.Cl{ DOE t dr :-::,--:-'=--~-HT t-10•• KI 7·3103 'IO DO • hdlop 1963 Ford-bnchero sedan/ Matador. All ex. -'rt. Ji'OrdamaUc, rad.lo It 'M Cllevroa.t Impala Super tru Incl, V /I , R&.H, auto, llport. tlO ·a .P. pwr elide, pow .• st.er Ir IN'ake11. etc. heater. 17,000 actual mil.._ )wr It.I', Jt/H. i.e.._ than Beautltul cond, Shows fin-De.luxdlU• lntvlor. Perfect U:GOO mil• J:x.cuUve car eat ol ca.re. Wu S1295, con on. UT~. , tpeelal St915... $14915 • ._ eROY CARVE Re Dir. .•H-1139 •M Mator Co. PONTIAC· '61 FORD J'aloon 2 dr, e 1ll01 N9Wp0r't Blvd. 1400 W. C.t Hwy. LI 8·34M eyl stick shift, R/H. J"or ea.ta W.... ~2 NllWPOltT BEACH milea It mlle1 of economl· CRiV' f957 4 door ataiiOli 1983 DODGE Dart 270"""'2. eat tr&NpOrtaUon. $155 mo. wa,on 283 V-8 Wllb new Door. Radio. he<1ter. auto· 0 .A.C. with no caAb "°wn. auto Exc&'lent dJtlon For det&Jl1 call Mr. Wll· · ""· CQn m.aU c. bi' ~ngrnr. bright throughout.· Private own-red. IHN Co~lll Meaa lla!!'t1 ~43-41715 Dir. er. $660 will trade Chryaler/ Plymouth. 14~ '57 FORD retractable bud-~· Baker. C.M. 646·193 4. lop • oullt.andlng condl· '6l<;Hi!V 2 • dr hdtp. 327 FALCON Uon one owner· Priced to ""· a • Ip 1Uck, RIB, . ~ Mil. FlnanCta&' avallable. J!WIY xtre,. Xlnt cond. 1"4 flLCON . 11.000 ·,59 CambtidJ• Circle, Coa· $750. M6·7005 mlln excellent cond1lion ta Mel& •i• CHEV Nova station R/H, automatic .. Taki """"·59~FQ-=-RD,.,..,_.-G-alal-x-ie-co-nv-e-rt. Wa&'. Like new, wsw, R over payments It r ive Auto, w rw, R 4' l{, I d A: H,, excel gu ml. Pvt pwner 11' ol eq4ity. cond. $8~. S• a t cor pty. 12080. 846-7953. 675-0397 · Bol8a 4 Goldenwu t or '56 CHEVROLET 2 door FALCON '11, 2 dr sed, 897·6046. V-t, autam&Uc, ~ en· 101 hp. h~ Cl --------ean. ·Jina It Ur ... Needa body prty. ~· f rlv '57 FORD Wa&"on. Pwr S '46-2635. 6 B. R/H. New Urea. T· woek. u:M>. Oa1J 631-t215. 'IO CiliVT BtaUon Waaon. Mick llbltt, new bka, enc reblt. LOOKS BHARP. $973 Mt-Wl. '57 CHlCV. New eng. 3 1pd tram, brka. RltH. MUST SJILL. $750 or beat offer. 641-2871. '54 CHi'V wqon, clean, ' door, Cood tlru. Pvt party. Ml-2•H. FORD · hirtane -allck 116'7 Ford i abitt. v tranaport.a USS. Call 6:30. .. R&H . Good Uon. A!ktni; &42·3239 after Country Sedan, 'tl FORD 33,000 ml radios. 0th or trade 175-612L . AM • FM er extra11. 18715 tor Econoline. . Bird enc. Pert cond. 841-51\1~ . ~' '56 FORD 4.Dft " AS IS • 1125 " ii 6•2·1410 MERCURY "9" PASS. WAGON '80 MJCRCURY V-1 STA- TION WAG. .A.IT. Pwr. ataer, R/H, •tc. ate. Beaut milt blue w/pl~ blue CR£>J,f PUFF ·a CllEVT·D • door "100". A UAL auto. Sharp! Pvt pty. ·u ll'ord Only $9SO. 5•8·8747. PS, PB, Galax!• ~ ,convt J;W, at. am-fm. naurahyde inter. .A. "bil'' war on "barpin." -., $9951 , dk blue, •&.11; ~; • 2100 ml ...,.. ... .n.... Impala cpe. air 873_4932 Sl950 . oancl; .a • ff; 6000 mi, lilt• -· ---new. 175-6TM. 84 FORD or 673-1182. Ctry Sed Sta- lr ,...,. V wac. A .,.. ciu;V I "°°· A.uto. p g.If Load ~S.B, R.ltB. Mt-llOTI aft 648-7863 cond. Cruiao . ed! $2800, . • wxday1. • lMO Olav. iiili Air, 2 dr, ~er xlnt. oond. auto. ftlsB prtv. '59 FORD ABLE HDTP . 173-7212 pty '12215, 162·1992 ,56 WAG MUST Mil DOW! •iO Impela brtu, radio conv. Maka ofttr! 636-6713 batt. ~ r d tiru. new . clock, htr, A: after 6 pm . 'to J'OfU) . 536-9777. Fairl&M, 4 dr '56 CHEV Hdtrp, blc VI Hdq. a EXCL. SHAPE. '300. Xlnt coo uto, R./H, WSW, d ».,2_5. LI 8-8~95. I fe.•7878 'IJ Fa!r1ada '57 ci'fi'V 2 • dr va luto. over pmta RltH/ WW I Vy aean! c;ood ... , •Low -ml. '435. M7-t993. MlJST SE 'M IMPALA 2 -dr hdtp Fairlane $ l:ICJ • rid tllCi tit UT mo. 9d_ -MS5 I LL '80 Ford '575. RltH, New U..... $500. M MU1t Mll! MS-8537. rood condition. 5·76M. CHIYSLEI 1964 CHRYSLl:R 300K Sport Coupe. Full poww, factory air, 'io.ooo wlea 1tlll left an Jl'&ctory War· ranty. $3&915 Cost.a Meaa Cbryaler/ Plymouttl. 142S Bal<er, C.M. 548-1934. '53 FORD convertlblt. RIK, auto. 11 after 3. 00. Call M5-ITOI I · 4 BAARIL ror 280 838-2774 carbul"IUr'I It 211 Ford. , Cobra powered '83 FORD ~chf'ro motnrr'" . sell or trade f(>.r Ir. 838-27H. -. Best GMAC terma! Ne a. Caut Hwy., Lapn&. HYatt '-7744 64 Mercury Colony_ Park 1t.alion waron, loaded w I every • extra, 9000 act. ml-. (factory wa~ty). ~Ulul cond. thruout. New car trade, Waa $8215. lpeciaJ 53095. eROY CARVIRe PONTIAC 1400 W. Cit Rwy. LI l ·HM l'f1lWPORT BEACH 1861 Mercury Monterey dait bard top fully equip-ar-; very clean. $995. AWll MOTOR CO. Olclsmobi t.Cedill•c 1150 So Cou( Hlway LAGUNA. BEACH HY 4-1084 KI '7-110& 62 COLONY Park wacoa', air cond, F.P. 48,000 ~- $1795. 6"·0982 '54 MONTEREY, 2 door. Cl~. Ru111 good. 1225. ·"·i·~103 alt 8:30 PM. -1983 CHRYSLER 2 Door hardtop. F\IU power, air Used Cua 9900 Used Cui 9900 conditloninc. Take over ••llli•••lllillil•••••••• .. J>&xmenta. ~ance ap- pt'OX. 12200 Coet& Kesa Cbryaler/ Plym.outtl 1U5 Baker, C.M. 6ff.1t3.4. COMET 82 Mercury Comet, 8-22 Ip cpe. All extru, Incl Rldl, bucket eeata, full leather, e tc. etc. (both 1tand tr&n1 It a uto In •lock I. Beaut cond, 1 ow~r. new car trade. 1Uck 11 $1396, auto $149&. eROY CARV!Re PONTIAC 1400 W . Ci t Hwy. U l·HH NEWPORT BEACH ·ei. COMET • CU1t • 2 dr wai. c&mival red. Only 1•.000 mt. Orig. owner. ~ Mercomatlc tran1. 170 • eJ'\6. w -11mpc re- duction. WSW. Elec t.aJl- p te window A: WS/wuh· It wipe. Full tinted 1 lu11, Jt&dded duh, back-up lites, Ne~ Batt. 3'' cust· toam pad incl. $1275. 8'73·21158. 'CONTINENTAL 1 964 CONTINENTAL Fuh factory power. Air con- ditioning. Special dual front ~als with Individual 8 • way control. One own- er. Abaolutrly rerfect~ 14395 Dir. 494·1131 I ·~SLAND.-::.A-:-:U:-,•:-- 1 Pvl-pty/Perfect! FM. 1'\Jll pw1-. A: Air. $6000 or le&H $160·mo. OR 3-64.60 '81 CONTIN~NTAL. w/ air, leather, all pwr, exc cond, 'M lie. No tu. ori1 owner. S24ll0. 47a-tl76. COIYAll ''3 SpWer cen .. rt power top, radio, tonneau cover, nr new bra.ku 6 tit~•. Kl 8•9089 JOHNSON & SON NEWPORT BEACH H•s The finest Selection of Super Cle1n Used C1r1 -AND- WE SELL FOR LESS! • BETIER TRADES • EASIER TERMS • FINEST SERVIGE '61 Lincoln I '64 Comet Cont, 4 dr. f'l!11 power, Catalina 2 dr. Hardtop. a n d 1 I r conditionint V -8. bucket 8(',at s. auto. Sh · trans.. pwr. ·~~tr .. pwr. arp! brakes. Likt-nl'w-<>nly $2595 $2095 '63 c .... , .Coupe De Ville. FulJ power .It air. LHthtr in· tenor. ~lu1rp lnt'al car. $4195 '63 Olds F-85 C111l11~s V-S power atr .. ndiO. autl) .. tinted glass. ·sm5 '62 Continental J '63 Buick Convf Sil\'1'1' b)ue, blur Skyl<1rk Sport CJ>t. leather. while top. New • 1 Auto. powrr ~tr.. air tire!, full pwr .. fact. a ir. cond. $3345 $2295 Wtt Ali;o Have Dozens or F 111r U~NI C11n A,t Trcmendow Savini• Priced f'rom .s.·10 Up =JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN • MERCURY . • COMET 100 w. Coast Hwy. •~u 1·7751 NEWPORT BEACH · .. • DRIVI IN TO.DAY SEE us NOW ON DISPLAY LARGEST SELECn~N OF HAND PICKID COMPACT CAISI CORVAtRS * FALCONS COMETS * F-85'1 * BUICK Sp._* TEMPESJS They're All Here * * * * * * CHEVROLElS ~!,!!e.~~ .. ~&H, p. 1tMr. s1195 51595 ~1595 ' ~ c~!~lue, ltand. tr~nL '1595 63 MONZA 63 MONZA c,._ White w/-.lue Int. auto . Der. 4 Dr. H.T. Aut• .. "'"· 5695 OLDSMOBILES Cpe. Auto., "AH, pwr. 1t11rlng. S2695 Cpe, 41pd., big e~glna, •harp car. 52695 52195 63 F-85 Cull111 Cpe. Auto., " & H. ~~:.~RAH. • $895 PONTI ACS ~~. ~.~~~d~~blk. bkt .... t~2195 63 TEMPEST 51595 5995 MISCtLLANEOUS 2 Dr. Auto. "&H. 62 TEMPEST 4 Dr. led. Auto., "&H. -~a!~~~~~~~ p. atr .• va~1995 ~u~er~,?c~~!., "&H. s1595 . ~p~c.~k~~r~~ct. air, •uto .• "&H~1895 61 YOLKS lun ,. .. f. Nlee GOndltloi.. 62 ~OLKS l~ECIAL 1 DAY ONLY. "&H. "WE ARE NEVER SATISFIED IJNTIL l"Oll A.Id'' -SALES & . SERVICE I i I t ,1 ( . .,. ..., N111 .... P-TRANSPORTATION TIANSPOltTATIOM ·~ ..... •· a.1111. TV~TATION "°' -.._;. c .. T1tAHSflOllTA110N Uted Can u.I can 9'00 U... Cell --..;..;;:;z.. __ _...._~---~-~-~ .. NlwC.. • PLYMOUTH ----------.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_.iiiiiiili ..... ~_. .. ._ ......... _. .... ~111(1!1!1--.. ~~~lillll~~~ u...t c.. · "°° ·a PLriiiOUTii l'\&J7 " PONftAC STUD8Am amlCUIY ~ci,.~~1~ ·~rm:f~ Jti=wtat:i:_i;: Will 1\1&1'· $16TIL. ........ w/.,_., au._ ~ , , iiii iddl.'lJif W IOOd OR 6-0969. lAcL tuU ,.,.._. file. ab'. • ' Oort. ptlle RAH r/lpe&k· . PO ....... ,c •tc:. ·~ BeauWw ~ .. tat'' bCRli a-, le&Uw lnt. $16, .. "" JS 000 act mL n.m., ....r onD Ml-UGO. _ _ ---...'.U.PQHTI•C,_(.Ar. Jldtop. _..:........,....,_ bJ ~ Mi-4117 ~o eafa.11na VIA&, an uuu ... wtt .. h.Q&.or:J wuna. 'WW?Ca• "'511l incl R Is B, ti,dro, power t7. lfew-Vope WWW U,... ,__. 'I • ·12 iii'i"fto •Uck abitt. Radio, beat. Cute little car tutone • all. Hu to ·be a winner. S•li mo. O.A..C. wtt.b no cuh down. 7or detall8 ceJ1 )(r. WU· llama Ma--076 Dlr. ateer • aruea. tull Jeath· J&W pric• aaaa .-.a ·a PONTIAC 1'W8iPMit L! er Ventura trim, lo mDe&. ea19 price SUN. Mana ipOlt .CIM· All _. Sold MW Is eeniced here. eROY CARVIRe lru tncl R It H. &1116. Wu U496, 8J*lal '1211t. PONTIAC wcket .-.ta. tuU ._.._., eROY CARVER• HOOW calhrJ Lii-Mai .,.., ...,...,_ 1a.. etc. PONTtAC ~RT Ji&Aria OU~ OODIL u.n.. HOO W. c.t Hwy. LI 8-Met T out. 8old MW and ......tcet NEWPORT BEACH 'ft PONTIAC JlounilJe, hen. Wu SllN, lpedal OLDSMOllLE , cir Mt.op, tpn't cpe. All Sl 7H. ,...._,..,,..,,...,..._,.,,...,:-:-:-:".,..--:--:-62 Pontiac St.&rchlet. ' cir utru I.Del. R It R, hydro, eROY CARYlle •u OLl>8 81 Holiday ' cir eed&ft, all extru Incl R • power It.Mr It brak-. PONTIAC bdtop, 1o&ded w/every ex· H hydro, power ateertnr JIOl"I' window•, f\all l•th· HOO W. Oat HW)'. LI I-SHI tra Incl tull power, l•th· bra.ke1, full leather e~ er, etc., e~ Lo ml Ulle NllWPORT BliCB er, tac aJr, lo m1. Showa Look• A rum like new, new cond. DemoDltrator, ...__ ---JO.. , dr out.lt.andlnJ care, looka A aboW9 flneet of ~ Wu never IOld or rectftered '2 ;:ull&C nu•,.-.. rune llke new. Wu 52296, 51896. Special $1~. (under tac wa.rrantJ). at&l wacon, c1bt eerie1. all apeclal 12096· eROY CARVER• L&bel pnce MUG, apecJaJ utru lnclu R • H. aato eROY CARVERe PONTIAC .ie prtce '3295. dlx trim tuU leather ..w PONTIAC HOO w. Cat Hwy. LI 8~61 elOY CARVEle etc. Bdut cond. aeel ftl.. HOO W. ca Hwy. LI 8-MM NJ:WPORT BEACH PONTIAC ue, wu $1516. 8peda1 · NmWPO~T ~CH ''3 PONTIAC CatallDa HOO W. Cat Hwy. LI~ Jl~ -. 93 OLDS, 81 Holiday ap epe. at&t. wac. All accaeorta, ~WPORT BEACH eROY CARVla~ All extra lncl, RAH, hydro. incl R A H )lydro power '61 PONT a.tart C.taliDa PONTIAC pow. ateer 6 b~a. tull ate~r brak~ ~ t.aJJ • atat ... all atru iDd HOO W. Ot Rwy. LI ....... leather, etc, etc. Excel pte.' Beautitlll c:ond. R .ll a: )lydro, power NJ:'WPORT DACH : •111111 PVT A TIGER IN YOVR G.4.R..4GE FOR '65! OUR CAGIS ~RI FULL · OF ALL SIDS AND ~.COLORS • cond thruout. Out.tandlnc thruouL Sold new and steer a~ etc. Beau-'11 TEMPJ:ST t • DI: • value. Wu ~. apeclaJ eervlced here. Wu S~. Wu1 coad, abowa ftn.t AUTO. am. _ $23915. Special $2396. Of can wu 11211, lpecial A1tA1r' 6, IU·l•T · HERE'S YOVR-~EHANCE TO TEST DRIYE A FEROCIOUS C.4T . ' eROY CARVERe eROY CARVERe 51150. T _ _. ftONTIAC PONTIAC eROY CARVDe ...., HOO W. Qt Hwy. LI I-UM HOO W. Cat Hwy. LI l·HM PONTIAC eo T·Blrd coo~ IClitljO OR SOMETHING ;fAMER, W,ffAT EVER YOURt CHOICE • • NmwPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACll HOO W. ca HWy. LI....... .ct w all atru, beul 61 OLDS, 81, Fleet& at&l '60 PONTJ.'C Bonneville NJ:WPORT BEACH coad, 1 owner, low lllJ1-, wacon, all extru incl, R Ir Viata, • dr bdtop. Fully 'IS PONTIAC, Grand Prta. 'llew car trade, Excel ftl.. H, ·Hydro, power ateer • equip, w nery uaeu, 2 dr bdtop, 9porU Cl" ue, Wu SUll. 8peclal bra.kee, full leather lr1m incl R • H, hydro; power loaded w/all atru. 1 •1m. beauUtul c.nd thnlouL .teer, Is braltea. Full Ju-owner, new car trade. eROY CAIYlle Wu $1296, ~ '1050. f,Jler lr1m .cc. Excel cOnd "LooU and rum like' new, PONTIAC eROY CARVERe thruouL Out.atandlnc nlue Wu UllG, Special 12316. • u- PONTIAC .... SUN aped&l awo. •ROY UIVIR• H~:w~:i..,ui.:c;- uoo w. e.t HWJ. LI 8-3•11 eROY CARVERe PONTIAC lMI T-IDN> &ilriitillll: . NJ:'WPORT BEACH PONTIAC ltOO W. ca Hwy. LI 1-3'81 J'\111 pGWW'. factGl7 air 1 'tO . CONV. Maroon red, 1.00 W. Oat Hwy. LI 8-MM NEWPORT B&ACR O'llP1MI', Wt~ MW condlb w./whlte t.op. P/8, A P/B ~RT BEACH TU• Oftr pa,m.t& take 09er payment. of '82 PONTIAC, t cir, bdtop, ea.ta X.. Cllr7*' / '51 a 1100 equity. 1610 Catalina Vi.ta. Every a-·:11 PONTIAC Bonneville P1ymoat1a. 1ua J!."l'-w. Balboa Blvd. 17J·sM9. tra lDcl tun power, tac Coupe. Radio. beater, C.X. M&-111.14. ' '•5'f OU>S % • Dr hdtp. Full air, tun Je&Ule.r trim, etc. power at.eerln(, w-e-w. 81 T·BIRI>, OlllJ if,900 ia( $300 See . LooJu It NM like new. A. '11lia one la lllwp. Ml6. Pa, PB, Ilk . c:ead. :;r~ Rubf/ .,,..,,;,-::· =5~~ ~,!.WU '"-930S. Dir. Stm. 80 ia:. ::rrw. 'al OLDS II H&rdtp. eROY CARVER• '12 T-BUU>. Xlnt • ccmd! Aut.am. pwr brk1 Ir •tr. PONTIAC atmra UP. 1157 PUil.iac BabJ blue w/bDl • lat. $!18. M8-M5t HOOW.OltRW)'.Lll-Mll ~ 8afart W~ ~ UtN. 9741.21. lllO ...... 'door RT. l'ull Nl:WPOJlT BEACH Dr .. auto .. n. PB, air, VALIANT \ Otllw ltMMrd •"""'9t: 1911111111 l-Sllftd s,,uwst wit.It Hurtt ftoor INft", ~J ·~. lltawy-MJ st.Mn.. blr, dual ""-ts, 7.75 I 14 nd drclt tiger PNS-<tlm, tMt Is). COfllt Oii 'flt 1?' lib tMs Wide-Tract Tiger by tllt Ull Y• WOll'L Waitt t.t let ... . ,-JIG"', U,000 ml Oric· CliiANI 'U Cataba (. dlnmle ........_ Hu MW'. ===-~~='='"~~-I . °'"*'· SlJll6. Ml-2121. dr. BU)' my equity. see • Mf..1111 .,... Kl!l t.....a 'IO V AI..U.!tT · ' • ._. i PACl.UD =~Jib~~~~-.... ~ . .u! :-,... ~ lbm CilliOm>, &Ir : .. oilift> PRIX/ air ·• -IA-a Small ID~ -coad. all pow, 16,000 ml, __. -.n .,..., W · d19tdeftd8 Mt IQO. 0.A.C. ROY CARVER 'IT. ~ 1w 11 tor ~ ., ... pwr. •~OJ ar-R•MN.l!ft 'Ill a..-eoua-wtth no CUii needed f« llmepe, mmt ..U. OnlJ nnly. Ml-11'7S. b'J llt&tbl ...,.. medt-clcPn. Far dd.aDa c.n ..... Camq1e. C.•w ?' -..... ... .,.ml sioo. Mr. Wllliama Ml-4.lTI PONTIAC• TEMPEST M&-Mll. .._. -t116t7. ~ Dir. ======= 1400 W. COAST HIWAY NEWPORT IEACH LI 8-3466 ,_....,can AT .· COllELL CHEVIOLET WE ASK. YOU : To· PICK-. YOUR OWi DOWI PMT. 48 MONTH FINANCING AVAILABlE "' Tremendous ~ \ Come on in today and ·drive home in a brand HW 1965 Chevr• with NO DOWN PAYMENT , ~rv s6 5 PER MONTH o.A.c. IMPALAS CORVAIRS ... COllELL CliEVIOLET ~en lometli11 Special 'OU A LI TY' JFJRJEJE ~11)~ ·~~UE! >'IOO~ Muman \,air. • · ,ttke fil\e&t of quality. ;. Ml Mt beautiful colors to ckoose from. ~~ {or sty li~g by your kairdresser. . -FREE FASHION . WIG With p1rc~111 o~ any ~ew · 1985 COl·VAll 11 stock .a.a ANY USED CAR $995 01 tlGHER '60 IMPALA '63 IMPALA ·'63 CHEVROLET '62 IMPALA '62 CHEVROLET '62 PONTIAC '63 MERCURY '62 BUICK ELEC~ '64 CHEVROLET . '65 IMPALA . . . '65 IMPALA '64 YOLKS. v.a • H.T. c,t. Am· btr -MftdUI YlftYI lnttr .. ~Mnk. ~. s2495 ~ti:"·· ttc. •lat Cl9-' • ==~=:s1195 ut. Clrtt!MI llltlrltr. • Spcirt Coupe. v.a, Holldur· • ::-~o.::. ~ s1995 R&H. Loul l OWMr· lmpela ·v..s. ~ pass., sla. s2295 Wiii· Vtr1 nlc:t ar! Auto. tl'IM., P.S., R&H., etc. Sport eo.ip.. V-8, ~­ vlldt, air cond., P .S., R & H. Lib MW, l loc.i __,I Nowa. 6 cyl., 4 clow sta-tiell ..... , ........ R&H. All °"911111. cat.llM lf. T. C9f. HJ*a, P .S., R & H., beartlful F 1W11 Beltt. Sl!Mp! Comtt Del1111t 4 doat Su- tlon Wfll . Economy stall~ dard shlftf l119919t rack. R&H. s1795 s1595 · s1795 : 51695 225 Cpe. OM owner. Like new. White w-l'fd leather • butliet seats. Air , condl· s2495 tloned. E wry powtr assist. , R4H •• etc. Malibu. SuPft' Sport Coupe. Whitt with Dowe s2395 wtlltt buck~. 'Air cond., PCIWllf'Vlldt', rldlo, llNUr, "QUALITY ~S THE REASON WHY-: CONNE,LL IS THE PLACE TO BUY" . 2828 ·HARiOR BLVD. ' . . ' --------~ 011110 IF IDllS M•ny More Used C•rs ! o Choose From . ( 'I I I ·: I · 1: I JI . 1~. 1 · OPEN EVES. , & SUNDAYS COSTA MESA • PH. 546-1200 .( , l_ • ,! • • . .