HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-01 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa, • • • • , ... -' • - 1 I ' l I ' ~ . • • '· .. --. . . , r ' •' } ... ~ .. ·a .. " ' .-. - .. :...· . .. 1 •• .. • I ·./ ' ·, .. ' . Senator · EJles . ·- Scandal'in-Theft -. Of Jet Fuel Oil Nixon to Stay Neutral In Rose Bowl, Not Pat Mystery Shrouds Disappearance of Star's Daughter WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. W111lam LOS ANGELES (AP) -Presid••t.,I~ WEST HOLLYwoOD. (UPI) -)llarlna Pro w.• =~ and he's not lakina either side ..-he's 011-beth llabe 17 old d .. ~. unire says he want. to know wbat Nn.M goa . •:. ... _ n--· Bbwl today r.UMG . • 1• -year · a\46' .... r •-~ to mlIUom "' all 'of fuel --w "~ ~ taking both. o! actress Elolae Hardt m! """" wri..,. • ..,.,...~ I .,. · to watch Oblo State University play Jn a display of neulrality, he plans Hans Habe, w., fepoN,d nilaalnri '1'11<>-~"'::.i U~ ~ ~ lbe 11nlvenlty or Solithern 'Calllornia, to spend the 11 ... 1 haU or the gllne • day under p>Yl\<ri°"! ~es, "'ao;Alr_ ·roree-,lltJ""l!Mloa w . ..,._•: '.i _ '!-*· * .Jc,:•;i· •""••·0.'llM Oblo State side of Ille ·Sber(!\'• dej)utles·~ • seareh ~·\O) • ;,. ~'l .. ~ j >< ...,,,... -• •' • · !or tji~ black$red ~ beauty ~1n:.~.~,w~~~"),;t~o · ualtet · rr:.fu~.~·~~~,u ~.::Tm.~:r~::,~.= jjjl .. ::=r-;r'L~;;IO_,;;qj~;:i~lt;i';OPJ~ " • .. 1V.U :: 41 1'-'. ' , ·Ni ~n told it when be ne..-Into early Monday morning. "' ... -•liililf ~ " ' .... .. " j. r. Misl· lilbe, ~~tee&· I and weJgblng ~~tF~, . -• ib;> ·-:w.• • - . ~ Lqs All&eltao 'fulP..l!J. .. a1itgl fo 111-pOunds, wu 1IMrillg a """"' cloth ~"1'1i!'ll!O • , 1, _,, _ · 1 _ ~ .• ·'. !:":=!.:.'hi, ~J:f coal with fur tttnro'* a ·whlta turtle who ·'~ 1tra. -' ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~ u& U.: ·~" p ·"·'\·.--, -.: . atiUnl_ mlud up lD one about a,oni: ' neck sweater and white pl.nsJrJped capri11 and 'Clo!Jl!I be ~ •,.':f_:r'i'Jed ·WJ "~.l:U' 81'.en...., Nlxoo, •• avid !ootbail fill' and'.... when •ho drove away from the bome flun.'lloriP>!< 19 ·a . Job In " " •. ' ... . time Whittler Coll<ge Uneman. said '1e or John Hornj>urg, ZI, al about 3•15 Ille 11'""""""',illlburl>L · " . . WEST PALM BEACH. Fla. (AP)-was spending part of lhe.l.ii!~Y in a.m ,.Monday. ~-~trema the dvtliln petroleam Ending their houiekeeplng hone)'moon front of a television set ai ~tury She wu beaded for home, Homburg ""'*"""~-lolm lfdloe. to~ 11'11· at a si!duded '¥i<l"well-gu.rded <Ottage Plua Hotel , walclting OklaJjonia and · sa!J;.. mother re-".., lhe besrd a c;om· ~1111 ~ Olllce II> on the pmds Ol'ih exclusive i:h!I> near 6oullJern Methodlal Unlveral\y In the .--Yi•!liitliiJt lbol -"!"" t6t ....iva here, ·Dovtd and Julie ElaellJ>ower !lo\t biuibonnet Bowl. , , · • moUon ·outside · her home about 3•30 ,_, .. ..,.. to PeM1Ylvaoia ;Tuesday to celal>ralO · a.m. Mill.Hardi· said she looked -""I ·~,---\ · · the new )'tar lritlJ-bis ~ f. He apparently saw only the clb81na: the window and saw.her daughter'• small ~ '_ · V • -m~ ::' dT:;.r ~~'f!.t ~ ~~~ ~~::;i:~~ri= ~gc~n ~i~. driveway and a man ""t.-VJ" ans icto)'I . Club, Aid ,Wililm RobinsoDt "but mast;. Boulevard restaurant. ~ • .;.._ • There WIS also a black sedan in the ly their did their own h~. ~ But the Rose Bo'l'fl, he said, \YouJd driveway and it began moving in reverse. • ··-·8 -· B Robfhsdri; former publlsber <1f the be the prize match of the hollda~football The man ran to Ute car and jumped ID,.•r ,ug' ftr 0Wl-Ne~w Y«k ::;~1;;i';:t:·~~ i(· gam... _in_to_i_t,_1_be_..,_.d_. --,..----- .. anted H to be veey quiet," be N.:lf ~ !AP~ ,.;.,., dldo1 nnt aD1 puhllcllt larnlA'Clllfured 'fliJI 'l'lleldat jo ~ or ceremony." " • -,. taM '!lliDe aad-.. a ~ ..io. 11o1>1nson said, secret Service •,;: i..,.-tlle G-Wive Jn die~ wblaked the~ couple 'IWl\l'.. • ' ~. • MpUa_ oa h h 'New )'«IL-lhortJT.ollft .their~· 13 --, ~ mi l1id thl!m n...,; ....... Tl\eY · -beld ,;. a.,.lnt lead ov~ .UllC loll IO ll>tlMlcNew'.Year's ·DIJ' with. hU ~·--1·1 oompetltloo bu\ Pl1<llll In Phoeninllle, Pa. , ID =="'°'.°' aad i mlh -• * ' : * "'tr • · uac.!litoi•flll' 'liltll'il poln\l .... a sy1--• le!n'-lllllorebr the-JU~ firn.her 1n a f'rota · r.,e · J =.:w..=.iu::_i...inumbero!~ INAUGURA· L.: r Yale """1'ed eo, followed by Son llleilo • ' Stata with 75, Navy 'It, The Citadel Ill, Georli• Tech 13, Indiana 108 ond llllcbl· can 111. DAILY PILO T =-.:::'. ";'tr.:~ I C.0-CALJH)INIA lo\t•;, N. W•M 'ral°"'' •1111 l'ublllfltr Jeck a. C11rl.., VICI ..,._~ 11'11 0.-11 "'-"'"' ~' IC•••ll ...... Tho11111 A. M111phh1e MMHllll IE41tw ,,., Nttltll -=--c.:..;j=~·it-:F'-"" -I ,,_ ·-... . "'!f•4 """"\" -.... l -as soon 11 their lnvltaUons arrive. , The cost per penon· u a ;uest ,al the l!all without the· bo1 ii 135 uch. Amona UKM obta1nin& ~ are Dr. and )\In. Arnold Beciman, Mr. i!ld Ill'?· Charles Tbomas, Mr. m! ')lln, Clelnenl •Hinch; Mr. llDd Mn. Diet Anclrew1 and J\Ct, and )lln, Wolter llchmldt. . _ More than · ~00 birbor area. residents already have reaeiVecl a Chifter' filght · to Wublngton, D.C., f0< the fete. Many others are eipected to Dy on rtflllarlf scheduled filghts to the capital. Those havir11 rtaervaUons ror the cllarlu fil&bl Ill• Mr. ond )lln, Bewley Allen, Mr. and Mn. Victor Andrews, Mr. and 1.fn. R. s. Bame1, Mr. and Mn. Robert F. Beaver, Dr. and Mn. Arllold Beckman, Mr~ and Mrs. Frank Booth. Capt llld Mn. George w. Bronte, Mr, ...! )lln, Edward Bumett. \\Ir. ond )lln, llennll Carpilller, Mr. and Mn. Jolin cun:1, Jod&O mi Mn. Tbunnood Clare, Mr. m! Mn. w. Edward Crane, Mr. oad Mn. Joo DeJ'nmeo, Mr. llDd Mn. llorr7 Emrich. · J. S. riuor, Mr. and )lln. llldlan1 F-. 'Mr. and Mn. Keith o-. Mr •. m! )\In. Robert Gufi«>he!m, Mr. and Mn. Jock He1111111~ Mr, lllCI )lln. Qement L. ~ F. 0eo<te llerll"1, lolr. Jll!f All'i· Jo{m Keloey, John KluJ, Mr. aad Mn. John McLood. Rulh McLood, Mr. and Mn. Frank G. Mfchelena, llr.,ud Mn. lll'1d lllelloo. llr. Jud ao,. 8tr1 Ooluu, Mr. and Mra. -o:-W: ... "'Dtck"''""BJChard, Mr arid Mn. Jeml T. Rlchordl, llr. and Mn. Waller Schmid, Mr. and Mn .. ll'llllaln mi-, Mn. PM1111-81• oood, llr. llld Mn. Robert li.lllfleld, r.tr. and Mn. Doa -· Mr. and Mn. Ollrles ~ llr. Mid Mn. 1.oull ~ Mm w-. Mr. !"'!! Mra. ll'!llirll voJ! "··--. ~ • .. . Reigning in P"'adelta , Her Majesty Pamela Ann Anlclcb, U, rel1n1 today over 80th annual Tuumament of Roses .,,_11o&e~eel1. Pasadena City College freshman Is 5-8, weighs 129 pounds and has brown hair and blue eyes. She 11 50th girl to pmlde nvU:New Year's Day even\a In Pass· ...... noyalty was lint cho&en In l!IOS, but aelectioo of Rose Queen dld not become ennual eveul unW JJ30. .I .· . ' --:"-..i,.~.,; . • • . HOP, Sl(IP -~i>illn.concentratU!n and bangs flying as she ~s. Marden,Sclao!>I pupil Patti Blirt, 6, goes through hopscotch alphabet tralhhit 1fillt -clasmiate Jason Albany, 8, and instructor, Wendy Bock. ., " - -'. ~I " N ewpori.l;ATV Progress , -. Stalled by·Bad Weather Unanticipated prghlo!\lll. caw!'ll ~ ~Y rainy wealher and delaY.1 in crouing major slreeta have slaited ~ or,. the Newport !Ital!\ ~an Inc. lines, Station. Manager Frank Herman said today, " PU'tlons of lhe cable television ~k had been iclied~ !or ~ Jn November. Tblt Hate was po;tplllieif iii favor or a December target., Naw Michigan Claims Trio Accused • For Shoplifting A prior claim by Michigan authorities has thwarted Orange County moves to prosecute three New York City women who allegedly picked. up more than $1,fm worth of merchandise in a county-wide ahopllf.tiftg spree. Bernice Mitchell, 25, Inez Brangman, 35 and Lois Schumate, 34, were arrested by Newport Beach police one mooth ago near the Irvine Coe.lit Country Club after the officers aald they saw the trio pick up several items of merchandise during a tour of Robinson 's Fashlon Island store. Ot:Ucers aaid a check of the atolen property held by the three women in- dicated that they had pursued their alleg. ed shopWt\ng campaign in stores throughout the county. Michigan author:IUes notified county jail officers that the three women were wanted In that state on theft charges. They were shipped to the eastern state on an extradition order. .., Herman sai~ he wouldn't predict Ju~ when the Sf5tem would be ready &o KO· • , ' . -J Crews and!1fl'Clllnding the TV cabla will be ~ ID the v!dnJIY .C Irvlni and Pali~ Road for the neit two weeks. ~IJiat, they Will movt bock Into lhr..Jiov~· Shores .,.., .B..mn 11lcf., -,_.,~!.., .-.... -4 •• ~-:-.:-~ r:ie1aysln the beginning or ~"Jon_ were "nobody '4 fault," Henrian saJd. He .qt th~ system has been -uvl dergolng ~testirfg at the cable 1ystem~ studio at "2624 w. Coast Highw'ay. .-.i The $1.2 million project iuvolve11 thJl undergroWld placement of . more the 100 miles in cable. ~·; When operable, the system will provtdlt clear TV viewing of all LoS Angele; an<t San Diego channels for cus'tomer4f who will pay about '6 a month If' the service, plus an installaUon fee. Cablevision last spring was awarded a hotly contested franchise by the CJ~ Council. The franchise permit.! them ~ serVe all parts of the city not ~ .. b.Y the Irvine Company's own cable TV: flnn. ·• Cablevision ls a subsidiary of Foote, Cone and Belding, the nation'1 a1Jtb largest advertising finn. The Newport cable TV system on completion, will be the largest in Or~ge County. Sentence Upset OAKLAND !AP)' - A penalty trial jury's decision to send Fr.ed Williams. 42, to the gas chamber for murder in aa $80 robbery was overturned . Tutlday by an Alameda Col.Inly Superior Court ju~e who made the penaJty life im· pr1SOnment. . De·aths· Unsolved Clues Sparse in 2 Murders . ' Two murders in Huntington Beach and one In Fountain Valley will still dot the headlines from time to time Jn 1989, as police coritlnue eUort.s to clear up 1968'1 beat known unsolved crimes. 1be body of "Jane Doe" lles unclaimed today ir. the Orange County Mi!d!Cal Center's morgue. She was found in a drl:Unage ditch near Yorktown Avenue and Newland Street oo Moreb It with her lllroal lllL 'She had been raped, police said. ~ lhoogh HunUnatoo Beach police sent out 11,000 ctrculan In the U.S • and ,5,000 to l\lollco and Clllada with the JPim delaD. ol the Incident, no one bu been-able •to Identify "J,.. Doe." . Capt. Earl llobllallle, head o1 Ibo i.. vesllpllonl dlvfalon of the llimllDaton Bead! Police Departmen4 reports that "Jane Doe probably 'wUl never be Iden· Ufied." "We talk to at least 20 people each month concernina: the caat," he added, "but no detail.I baye appeared," Soon the Oran .. _County Conmer wm hive to make a decialon on burial ol the body, fln1ber precludlng lden- U!lcaUon. "R ...,,, be preaerVed much longer,• Robltallle e,Plalned. 'I1fe 1edhl unSotved murder In Hun. Unrton Beacb at leul has an ldenU!ied vlcllm. ~ I . He was 39-yeBI' ord CtclJ T. CaldWeJi, a Camp Pendleton Marjne who apented a gas station on Springdale street. 11 He was shot to death on April ~ while workina aJone in bJ1 iten1oe staW.. "The cue 1s wide <>Peri." ... Robitaille, "we have. no weapon, no suspect and no moUVe." About 40 individual! are interviewed and re;intervlewed each mbnth as fftm.r lington Beach detectivta try to cUg wt the sllmmest clue to the ddllet ·<II Caldwell. Robitaille oould recall lid otber lllllOI+' ed murders In Hllllllnaloa _._ #; and the Jane Doe ln)'lter)' hu alnliilY tal<en i0111er than any other cue be could rememl>or. Fountain Vllley'o lln&Je alaylnl ID- vol•ed • rreew., llllper. " On Alig .. 71 Jam.. M. Glnlner fl Sonia Ana·wu alrJt oil cf hta ~· whlie on the Son Diel" Freeway otlo' Euclid Street. "The ,_ 111 lllll open. Wt''" Chee~ 011 • ....,. .-Ible lead we can ieL then hu """ nothlna llgnl!lcant • far:: say1 LI. Marvin F<rlln, dtle<t!vli WVICOI! conunandtr ol the F~ V•lloY Pollco DeJ>lllmenL ' Fountain VaUey, Ilka Hun 11 n It~ Stach, hu no other UlllOlved murit!N curled over from yean P8'L ' I l l 1 !C-llH .... tlle DlllN "" s,..; ?G1ry Allen Dawson was tO start' , ~as the new pOUce chief of .La Pl>rl8'·C(ty, 1owa, Instead, 'he •pl pliared in MuncipaHlourt In Walel'- lqo· on charges of lntoxlcatiOn and olistruding jll!llice. ' ' ' . • . ' 1 "Everything mu.st go,"·d.ediifed Ile sign in the· window of a Wol· . v'lfhampton, England JewtlrY store qinducting a sale. H o w e v e r, . taieves took only 18 watches· anil two diamond rings when they broke into the window. · ' ' • ...... - 1 Ohio swte Untve)'sity Preiidtnt ' Novice G. 1''awcttt didft't. make f She. •troveUttg\ team~ for this t rear'1 trip to the Rose Bowl. A . "1ivffsity spokesma1\ said Faw- ( utt who .hos betn ui with the .,jzu U.. past few dayJ, u follow- , ing orden and will llOt.GiUnd · I/I< gome today. • The New York City superinten .. detlt of schools says that principal~ do not have the right to bar girls wearing slacks from school. But many high schools insist t.hat girls wearing slacks to schoo1 change . into a skirt for classes. Some school officials have termed slacks "erotic stimulants." i ••• • Muet Work Left 1Fre;eway Opening . ' ~~ . ~ . -N~~Mid~Janua,ry · -·~ • 1: .. ' .. _ I 1 Jiql ima' ilo iot(j!I ni!lU<li.~ Dlatrlct 7 of the Slate ~-of ft-ay and .~ • ·!>!dl'•8 ; blip< . Hlgbwaya, tho ,.,_1 from Jamboree baliJecue'ptt-iliore lo <Oll!I""'! " Road to the lianto Ana, ,rr-111' ol 'J)io!e rew. )lllle ~ and ~ ·~ ~~ ~~d'':k bys~'::7in. alw111 remain to i,, wrapgod ap, when formaUon ofllcer. )'OU 1hillt lhlnp ue llo>ool . 'llnlibed "It'a jUst ooe ~ -Illa. IDllltlm1Ulon ..; tt's mJy a matter o1 mlpltude.j ' __ dollar joba wltli a ,,lot o1 little IXida HapOwny foncastlng at one P.>int • and end• to wrap up, be. aplall!Od. • Actuany, lltarlt'a """"'"1llnl of jol>I ~ Eve opeolng of U. -l .S. yet to be done oo tho aootherly segment mile San Diego "-IY .!jnk completing of Roate 405, construcUd jolntl;f by two tho ~·Route a tbor'Ougbfare, state contractors, reads like an original wort nff!c:fal• .bave a new timetable. ~ order. . Pi><ll!bl)', ecconlin& to apo.ktsmOD for Odds and ends left before the atato will a c c e p t the recently dedicated 1968 BIOOdiest Year of Truce On Korea Front freeway as Us own property Include: -Construction ol steel guild ralla. . , -InstallaUon of lllgbway llgnl, -Sowing of tbe slapeJi with a pro- tecUve straw covering to prevent rain erosion, plus general cleanup. -Completion of grading for drainage, both along the right-of-way and ln ,the median divider. · -Grading of freeway sbou1ders in -. -· many spots. PANMUNJOM, Korea (UPl) -Thi! -Construction ol the raised asphal~ United ·lifaUons Command (UNC) today molded curbings, called berms. said North Korea todcbed ' off MS. in.--Seal coating of all the freeway cidenls l!1orig tbe Korean truce front concrete. during the put year and "made 1968 -Obtaining ol translormen for the the -bloodiest. moat vlOleot year" since vast electrical system, because the the end of tbe Korean W1r. manufacturer and supplier bas 10 far ••1be ·violation of the armlsUce failed to make delivery. agr0ement by Nor th Korea In 1968 -Pulling down tbermoplasllc striping bordered on-open . warfare," said the -that thick stuff that loob lite vanilla UNC. "Don~ mllr.ole11!1to the patlmice lee cream full of ground gla!ll -to of the lletJ\lbU. of (Sooth) Korea and Une out on-ramp and oll-<amp ap- the UNC tq exercise.conUnual reetralnl praochea • in the la<e ol lllCb oulrlght aggression." -Runnin8 of the spagbetli-like elec- The UNC otatemem was made by · lrlcal wiring through protective conduita U S Army Maj Gen GUl>ert' "Ii . along the freeway route. W..;.iward, senior. UNC .spokesman at -Telillng of tbe entire UgbUng _systom, this lruce v1llage, when _ the 283rd full w~ihe wiring i! compt~. session of the KOrean armistice com-We have ~. lot .of incidental work mission was held. yet to be done, S~k r~pe~ted. . .Woodwird sa4_d, "It was a year In Most of the relhalning : work. I& 'On which North Korea thrashed about wildly the farthest s o u th portlOn of the 88 desperately looking for a tactic which mile stretch built by Ma_U~ Construction might offer it a chalice to completely Cc_J., and the W. F. Muwell ~~~ In subjugate the.. ~pie of the Republic jolllRaint .eff~r:: .. 1,.,. bee 'b' for of' Korea 1143 ~ n responm ,,e "YbU failed " miserably because you the loss of 90me vital workdays, Stark miscalculated the will and detennlnaUon noted, and weaU:im: becomes an tn- of the UNC and the ~e of the creasing threat durmg winter mcmtbs Republlc of Korea to realJI form of the year. of ~ from the North.', Sully-Miller ~ Co~~ The Ainertcan general 1 a I d North awulled tbe contract for the . ay Korean Communlstl caused a total of =~~ !\:; 't 543 lncldenta along tbe demllllarbtd zooe . Southland ~ • separating South and North Korea during m:r~ expected to tu. tW..ireds iJ1 the pas! year,· reoultlng In th• tulfiii ~ of mot.rlit. off the S1JU of·320 tforth Korean inva!'.len:. 1 -. . Tllere"were North Korean commando Ana freeway whoa .opened. Invasion.!!' including the intrusion into Seoul by 31 North Korean Army officers, the landing of 14 North Korean agents on U!f .southern island ol Cheju last summer; and the Infiltration of South Korea's eastern coast by some 110 North Korean guerrillaa early in November, Woodwull aaid. Woodward said the January invasion or Seoul re3Ulted in the death of 21 commandos, tncluding 1Z lnfiltraton shot dead on Cheju island. He aaid 107 North Korean lnlOtraton have been killed on South Kor9'11 eastern coast since November. Seven others were captured or 11\ln"endered. Rare Blood Units Again Flown to Laguna Hospital For tbe second time thla month 'unita . of rare type blood Tueoday were flown from l'1o Angeles by he!loopter to'Soulll Coast Community Hoopital in South Laguna. A hospital spokesman said five unita of B negative blood were needed for a male jJatlent Wbo wu llemlDorbaglng -Sere..-lt9 in Newport .. Barbor . ... . -. ~ . Youth in outboard genUy ripples olherwise calm waters of Newj>ort Hart>or il> this wew from ·the Harbor Island bridge .looidng toward Linda late, !\OW development of lhe Irvine Company, long known as Shark Isla!ld. Wig Burn Suspect : Freed . ' . . _ Hairpiece Not on Anyone When Burned . A Newport :Beach -man. ianed ~er ·: si.}.~i tile: w~ iD~aJI.. liuti'~ <M m ti.J?~ -'lou:.O..L :\m IJrUm a penal code section on arson, after Orange Countj District ~1 office .~th the law,. O'Neil m:;~ be faced alleijedlY IQ<Chlng his estrRllged wile's ri:sed to is.ue ,,. complaint agalnat ·;: ~· ~· ~ :"!'!"'! -~ bnmette wig, . bas been released .:from •• • Officer 'Dave Dye " 'tei!t IQ ~. Costa Mesa Ftre Qeportmenl ,....,,_ Costa Mesa City .Tllil IV!tho!A IJfO.'ecllUo~-_ : O'Nell'~ Konlo at 11111,~ :An~ Av<!, Chief Biib Beau~. e.timalecl;i;;;&ij The hairpjece waa not on ~ woman 1 Friday aftemcm. and arrested her bus-tji the "U~ ~ wt.ti: "\Jue at bead when It burned. band oo llUlplclon of burning 1"0Perty a $180 Dilnimum, due to clOtbliJc IDd ·Henry F. O'Neil II, 46, of 113 15th be191111ln1to·~perioo.-CirjJet !corching. " ' . ... " ~ Pretty girls like the!e bundled up for cold weather in Chicago as tem- perature& 1 k t d d e d to below zero "CJi.roiighout ·the Midwest. The weath- ennan said today may bt' a record ~qw temperature for New Year'! Day. . · · Sufficient Rainfall Opens Up Mountains du(h!& aurg~. He wU oot ·ldmtllltcl. • One wUt of the blood was obtained from Hoag Mmor!al Hoapltal and another was obtaineid from Santa Ana' berore tbe blood bani: In· Loi Anietes • · ··charles V. W 11 son has been tiamed. the World's Champion Liar of 1968 for describing his home- town as "so small we had' to e'x- tend the town 1imits, so that there would be room in town for a phone booth." Wilson, of Ethel, La., was accorded the honor by the Burling· ton, Wis. Liars Club. • Rainfall has been sufficient to date to alleviate danger of fires in the moun- tainous areas of the county and Black Star Canyon Road will open today and remain open until April 30. County Fire Warden Elmer Osterman advised the supervisors Tuesday that not only would the roadway open but smoking will be allowed ln the wooded. areas . Gets Joh Baek. was contacted. ' Hospital spoke8Jllen aaid there ta I critical shortage of blood In the cowrty due to tbe Ou !'Pldemic. lt-h81-tendeif to cut oU n«ma"! donor lourcea. In a prevlOUJ emergency Dec. I, .aeven pints of o neg_atlve blood were: flown to the hospital when ~ etderly.JNriical · pallf:Djl begl!!I to bleed m:ealver,. • -· B9atle John Lennon'• ex-wife Cynthia and Italian p I a y b o y, Roberto Ba11•1]inl have denied that they wouJd marry. The two came froni Lcmdon lo ·~ the New Year lio~y 1n seotiillnl, Italy, a winter resort. Mesa ijF email'"· Catrier Fire Protection ; Wins Sex Bias Hass'le {\rea Approved In South ~guna The country Barbara F. Scanlan oerved four -years u a woman Marine bu finally served her .In return, by ordertnc the Costa Mesa Post .J)fftce to take Full-time fire protection for South back the novice Jetler 6rrfer fired 36S Llg\IDa and Monarch Bay la~ assured days ago. • with county ~· -· Tue> Mias Scanlan, 30, of 1515 lledland> mry o1 1 meaaure forming the South Pla<o, mums to wort on Jan. 7, with IJaguna Coonty Servlce..V.a. back pay and commensurate placemenl Obj«:llooa to tbe .u.trk:t by tbe Oii the o111ce seniority lilt. Monarch Bay .AuociaUoo we r e "It's gratifying to aee ~we've J:Onl': 'f!ilbdraim, Superviaor Alton E. Allen out on top," declllml Frllll: "Blac1:te" ~ removing the 11 11 roadblock Vulrollc, a union t-and fellow ~JonnaUon ol the qency. employe who Wt Janua!'J' staged 1 -1>1an1 call for the hiring of four full-man irotesL march in ber auppart. time flttmen at on eltlmaled cost ol 'We hold no bard leellnp 1gainlt '49.tIJ a year. The tu: rate ol the anyooe," added Vilkoslc, president ol """ dlJtrict II tlllmlted 1t 24 or 25 the local chapter ol the Nalional Alaocla· ~-Present ltre protectlon is a liWe lion of Letter Cerrlen, "and .. hope e..-m;.flve cenll. no ooe ahowl any to ber." Formation o( the new nrt protectioo Scheduled to go back to work one ¥$\IP was urged by Fite Warden Elmer year and three days after she wu fired Q;lljorman and South Laguna Volunteer for alleged lack of elllclency, Mlu (\l)lel Arthur L. Pollard . Both polnled Scanlan woo her point Wt July 5, the ~~ jhat there are no volunteer firemen day after Independence Day. vaUable during dayllJhl hour~ MIM--Soanlan cootended that 11 lhe The pre11tnt 1taUoo at Pacific Coast lDlleed wu inef:tlcleot. It waa due only IV&hway and 2nd Street has two pumpero to the lad thal llhe bid been given and c• rescue uniL The South Laguna no roujlne ...U.job training and ln- Volunt,.r Fire Deplf1ntent , has been In llnlction llDCO beln& hlnld IOYenl emlence for !O years. I monthl be!""'-. ~ "It wu 1 clear cut cUe of dilcrlmlna· tlon agalnsl her bec8111'1 lhe II 1 women," Vul:oolc charged. An Olfloe of Ecooomlc OppcrtunllJ hearing officer agreed that Mia SClnlan ... ousted from her job In vtolallon ~~iM~:'ru::'~um ~ ol Olllclal -ol the Poot Ollice'• mllldatory obllptlon to -her, however, -appannlly -la WaslJln&lon, D.C. red llpo lot llx moolho, but -•• .., 8-"'"' Year-L Hopeful ol a IWlll ......... 111111 reversal ol ~ l!riq, Jlllt - lived m sa11np -and ""'ulted !Gr a time unW she ,... bnl!IO, llnllb' ltldnc a none-too-lucraijve job with a"1lllO> llngton s-IJ plullcl·llrm. . ' ' T!JroUilioul the-~uni--llil; .• C'111tended oho -... tiled and -vlcted without tbe rtahl ol defending her 0!01 viewpoint IDd lntenott In • fair, American fasbloo. One of the prime -la the ca1e .suhlequenlfJ ruled anlalr bJ tbe OEO, Vulm!llc has pointed opt, 11 that the oupervlaor who llred Niii Scanlan later quit hJt OWD lllDll•lotr.U.. job to tab • lower pool. He too, -blct IO~ wi.s. I } '. .. • ' •l Ys new Golden Passbook SIYiars AcCOllnt will dtaw the' hl&fltst bank rata of im.rest avalable anyw ! . \ -· • .. '" • .. ( I I j • • • • • !4 w......,,.....,1,1914 Death Strikes ~13 ~·Ti1Des. on C~~~iy Roads . ~ . ' .. .' ..), ' -. -'" -'lbt 1Jat ol -cm llill -II ol pie.-. ConlUU,1 -. tl>t1" lolal . m.. >I\ 11 nat a Y--IY 1111. ,,_ ·"l*llilt ..... -In OnnCe CGooty. : &Un -but In can -cm bleyclet ...... ~. i• TM DAILY PD.m lllblilhol - names uJ warolnl lo Ill ~IUCI 'to the hope that !iii wtiJ DOI bt· llldl •• bloody ,... .. the couoty bla!Jwt11. ' For -porll<n, the Iola! ol Sii II ts 'more tlw! the 1111 toll. Bui, unleA u.er. hm JtKie ~ on New Year'• Evtt 'the figure II not a rec:ord. 1111"1 loll - Sii. • HIGHWAY TRAGEDY STRUCK IN MANY FORMS IN 1961 CLAIMING 211 LIVES IN ONE OF THE COUNTY 'S WORST YEARS Awnue et tllt' H-1 "~r. lff. 111 -Anlhon'I' Aw1l1, ,1, 71112 Glrlftld SI., Huntlr\tllon l!IMCh, dl9CI J111V 70 whtln l>e WI\ fl1.-n ,....., 1111 air In llMdon coll11lon on P1cUlc: Coe1t HhrhW9Y In MtpJon l1y. No. lit-Jo. Contrtr1s. 17, of l1 Mlr1d1 July 71 eu«umbed to lnlurln 111ffertod In 1 car e<:d· <l!lnt July • 11 Golden Wftl Ind ..,..nllof! 1trnt .. HunlintlOn llHdl. He. 1,.._Tanvn" C1rttr, t, IUIJ 8111wood St .• FIM'llaln v11i.,o. w11 dffd on 1rrl\l1I 11 ric.llhl Juty 21 '"'• bt!11t knolO.rd frwn Mr blcvtle br 1 ur on TDUColn Sin.I. l+e. 111-MlcllMI C. l"llelall. 71, 1 C.""" P1ndlt-ton m.1rl!lf, ...,., deitd on 1rrl111I 11 11(9pl"I 111er 1 ur 119 Will In colllded with • ll'Vdl P9rltH °" E\l'Ctkl srniet, G9rde!I Grw. J11ty n . .... 1n:.c.ro1 Rllffffltr, l'--1 Ori"" dlld J11ly 7:1 al lnl~ IUfttNd Jull' :n In ""' Glnl111 Gf0\f9 cr1PI wf!ICll •bo toailt the 11'9 f/fl M~ C. Pr..t1n. PMl•n ~..,.,_ w-. bf//111 ~ In 11'19 nr .,,..lcll · !ht d\ml11 1nKk. ,. .. ln-Mn. ' -!lrklllllmen, 4t. al H_.llr w11 killed J11ty 2s wllef> 1 car kl wtilcl! Ille ._., tldl!ltl plulll'td OVff '" ....-iblnk"'9rlt on S1nt1 AN C•n'l'Oll Hl91\.,..v, Al\llll'lm. N1, l24-01nl.i II. Gr1~ lt. f/fl S1nt1 Ma died 111of1ty 1ner til• rnolotty(le WI• 1trvdl: bY • car J11lv V Oii 81111111 .Stfett. N., 1ll-llr\9n G. F.--n, ft. 5112 Ha<kfld1 OrlV1', Hviollnftorl "9d'I. wn 1111 ... JutJ 21 wfltlt tilt ~ cnlllecl Oii H.cllrdl Or'tw, .... 1~. ...,,,, .. Sldltfl, SI. 11" Oorltl l1,., COll1 Mesi, wat tilled J111Y :'I ......... Nr cir f~ (II'! the S.11 Dino ,.,.._,y 11 Herbof' 80<1ie-v1rd ""' 1ielllt'ne'!I 11111 1 CCll'IC,.._ 111111 .... nr. Mo. 117-C•""' ~lelon Ml;rlM GlrY J . z.-:. 11, .,.., kll!N """ti' w. ~r. to. w.1 • 011-r '" II~ oll .......... d ,, Olli Viti• Strtel Ind e .... ~~ Sll'ftl, Sin Cltmtnfe, Jvly JCI, Ind landed Oii 1 l1wn. w .. ,,._..,tlll'llnle J.,,..•, 17,.cif 111¥tnk» <1lrd In halpllll tc111r llollf1I •"-r I colll1loio """'"" I u.h ar •rid ITVd: •• lht ..,IT-., Ito Albo 9"<11. Solrlll LI.UM. N.. 12'-Rotltn flrwt"lk Netiw. 2S. r1' ,......It died 1t er."'* c-tv" Medlail Clfttw Aw. 1"3 ftom ""d lnl11rlet 1wtr.Nd J111't' 1 It! .uto .c<:lffnl Oii l'ldfle COit! H'9tlWWY, HunttMtan Rud!. HI$ Iulo 1lrvdi; I Plll'Ud vtl'llCle. ,.., 1---.Wll!ll.., H1rrl...i. ». • S.n Di.M bolted 11llor, w11 ltllled Aw. lS 111 twa-ar crwl't Oii ,.,. s.1111 A111 F,_.y '°""' d t__,. eanvon Ro.cl • ,... 1J1-l'Al'ltlt E. Ca'"-'• 4 f/fl GlrdtN w11 llflled "'-=•· 11 "'*' .. ,.., 1trvdt' .., • ctr .,,..II• (1\11111'1111 1 tire on 11'4 P'Rra ''"'" _,.. "' ... 0."'91'1 Gnwe I'~ • ..... ,.....,'"-c. ......... -AAllll:lm "'" lllllld Allf. 11 wfleft "'-Cllr N W.1 IA ~ C11t ltw (let c..Y911 111:..., !\illlf l!I T-ftoM. ,.._ 1D-Wt!ldfor'd D. J-,., fll lM .,~ $,,....., H..,..., R..ai. •ltd Aw. 11 It Or•-c-ry Mldk91 Clolltw d WI""'" ,_........ J111'f ,, .... ~.. trvdl lllt ... .....1r1.11 ........... Mii'"*" ...... Ck~ 0-frwwtY. Ma. IM, 1~ L. N..-C. 17, lrtQ OllW..• Aw.,. ,......, .,... lll:Mrt I • ~lltn:ifn, 17. ,. ~ w.-,, lrvtne. ... """' 1f """" "'9 nr on-1r¥ 1tlt llw bleW • ·""' • .. ,,,_,. ll:llM ftffP Cu ...... ortw . .... 1-....UU,_~ H. Rtk"tr", 1 .. lf'lt SI._ SI .. F-'-ln V1Jllrr, Will 9'M 1111'1 t"""91 ti ..... •lt•I Aw. If ttlflr 1 "'°"' Gr ~ ll'f fill br'Oltltr 1·•"""911 , """" 1'"40 ,. h Sott1 DleM ,.,......., Ill COllll "'-'· flM, 1174./C.I. JI"'""' .. lllufVf!I, JCI, d 0.1111. T .. , ._ ltlllld Aw. • whtft l'llt ctr ''" Olll f1f COftl'r"ol ..., llW! illnlt ..,,.. ,..,..... ... bl~ '"""' on.... lflllll Jlffrft' ll:llM lflllll lll"llCll • ""· ,..._ la -A,..,, LW cett-tJ'. tJI T\lttlll Iott "'ll"' "' • ,..,,._ .. ...,, ""1"°"'..!'!...tifiutld H-' rwwlll' l .... Allt. 1t NI ..... ifl-iii " .,,, . . . '\ ... lll, 1.. -Jah~ l'llltfl, ll. llf S11'1!1 AM lflllll .;1ll!n'fl ·-· .u1 llt H. J11mhw AW.., ,_ ili.! Mtr, -· 11111• Allt. 4 11 11WY _.. 11«1 '""" CllHlflftt Cl'I •I Dl'er A..-lflllll lt9d H 1 llMll 'Tu.tlft. • .... 141 -#41Ylfl c. ~';. ~ 1'4~-..11111 r..-r::; rr: r ~ . ., __, ........ "'of ... ~ 1969 • , ' • Auxiety Not Necessary; .... QUllNI~ • Baby's Flat Feet Natur~ • 8 7 PETER STEINCROHN, M.D. , Dear Dr. steincrohn : 1 llopO you'll pon!oa'me for·~ to be otupid: lt'1 tbout my baby. A< he la our llrst cllild 1-ruille I may be UndulJI "''"°"' about him. • ti Nevertheleaa, here's the problem. He ls all</Ut Ill Diaaihf-014. I've ooUced that Ms led! are awfully Oil Jle aeemi fo lla•t.JIA arches 11 all. II thla w!Olllt ·Cllll we do a~ to ....... 1 more trouble u he erowi! -Ml'I. Y. _,, ~ ,; , • • By Phil lnterlancll ... • -. ~--• ' c. • . . . DAILY I'll.OT Johnson to Emula Ike • • , Pal~ Spri-,igs_ V acatiori 1 Due 4fte Jar:-. 20 SAN ANTONIO. Tes' (UPI) 'met the Arkwalgo-1 ellcl ·~M.l'iluo-J"'-'a-memoirs and the -Pmldenl '""'-wW tear and his !II• al 1. parlf In Into the Wblt8 lfoule. Finl LatlJ''s diary. i. page out ol former ~-New York more than• monl,t: · '!be JahOlons ' will give ~ 11le Johnlonl will leave , ll(O· dinner In honor ·ol Vice Pre"' Capitol Hui 1[1er an 10.moon denl il¥dllhl :Ill ,.ll<lnhowor I •U) lo now, Jolnuilo edl\d ' aenl'tn4 Mn.. Huboit K. Hum-gallJer!nc al the home o! ~ f"1 hoall,tpr • vaca\!On never be perouadect.b)''Mri plU'I)' Jaa.·.JO.al the Wh!le Defense Secrttm and Mrs. al Paun 8~ In February Jolwl>n, ~ daup!C:I , Of. llottlt, Wiii> lq, Jdmlnislralloo Clark CUflonl en lnaugur1Uon when his Whlle i!A>Ull da.11 . lrkn4a to VICBUM .. .i "'fl!• ol!lc!-1J In allendance. d17 Jan. 20. are over. , ·spot other· than tbe LB.r ranch. · The JohnaoDI wW be saluted After 1:11ilc aome soodb)'e1 l;<llUll~h I wonder II there ls a mother who ~'I bod' simllar llJJletY at one Ume 0< .,,other! II la a !ICI lhel JDOll bablu oeem to have Oat !eel because ol lhe ~ ol boby lal whlch II a part of O.ery llati1'1 fool arcbel. -· •• ,.:. ' ' 'Johmoo 111d b!a.wife ~y. lie lhouihl it would •PJ><ll' al an ele~a: farewell party to Cli!!Onr, other cabinet Blrd who'neyer could tet. .him be waa "goofing off." at the P hotel in New members and old friends, the .. to take area~ vaciUon before', Ttfere will be a rowll$ o( ~ID., lS iw'Ab mllUoaal.ra Jobuona will depart for will be ll\ltlts a'l t!le Spenlah-parli'5 and !arowelll rbelore , Arlbm' Krlm tnd Mary Andnw1 Air r .... Bale tn4 lltyle vi~ ol· (Joy, W1nlhrop ; I'll e J 0 hq I On 8 hi., WWr piQJDI ,up the lab, lnim. there for the LBJ ranch Rockelallei' ol Arl<IDIU al the-Wubhiglon and Pmfden~, K'rlm 11 -lwli!ilof the aale ol !or the lul l!me. .· 11'1111-1111 <kill DOI C<llll- DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE ~·dlaappeer 11!1111 lbe """' ol the thlr'<l 1-..-1lie ._. . ance of !lalolfi II uqgera"' ted When tne ~cnlld firat Jearm 19 .. alk. . J:bt tee.t pomt outwardl ln order to l>altnCe tumaell Incl tnere seeina to be no arcn-curvaturt ai au. AJttt a rew monw.. ~ IJ •·•"" / u he becomes more sure ot bimaeJf, Uus exaggerated Out'1'ard l----!::~:.=:~~":"--::-_; ..J..-~;:::~ ~~;;=.:...;:;;.......i atance of the feet dl.lippears. ' .. · Some otben become So worried thit they; buy ~11 . cw- rective shoes for their youngster1 to ••preverlt flatfootedness:" -----~------------­These may be of JJOme use if Indicated later-On, but treaUng 1 young child 's fiat feet when they arc not really flat is wasted effort and produeta needlesa amlety. I have thi! suggesUon: the best \exercise to stre'ngt,ben and •lkiw norma1 development of a child'& arches is to allow titm to be barefooted for quite a few houi every day. Constant 1hoe: constriction is often a hindrance to normal arch development. Incidentally, I don't want to appear to be m1nmiz.lng tho im- portance of proper foot care. The 28 bones in the foot and Jta two main arches deserve all the care we can give them. U there h any doubt in a mother's mind that her child {especially by the age of 3 or 4) bu weak arch~. she should coJl!Ult a r:eco£· nized podiatrist or a bone specialist. Pt1eanwhlle, during the (trst two years or so, let him roam. barefooted, to strengthen his feet~ • • • • For ~lr. C.: Sinus trouble is often an indefinite terw . Of course, in manY patients, chronic infection in the i!ihu1ses is the actual cause oI postnasal drip, stuffy nose and occulonal p~. However, not having been to a doctor, you may l>e only guessing. Selr-treatment with nose sp_rays, tablet! and va~ers have not helped . It's possible that you may have a deviated i;eptum in your nose; or a polyp obstructing your air passage; or, even more likely, yOu may be allergic. · Arter years of suffering, I think you'll agree that it't time for a change: let a.,..nose specialist or an aller&is;t do the treating and what's more important, the diagnosing). * ' • • Deir Dr. Stelncrob.D.: I am 86. I have never smoked and lleep with my window open. Sometimes I have wheezJng and lhortnes.!1 of breath when I wa1k qp hill. C2n this be emphy· cema? -Mrs. B. Comm·ent: It's possible. But it's al.so likel_y that there may be some beginning heart 'A'eakness causing the difficulty ·in breathing -rather than emphysema Itself. H to, your doctor can prescribe a heart medicine that will help your breathing. Don't let your calendar age keep you aw11y from 1 doctor. At 86 or 8, the patient deserves equal time. .Former Postman Blasts 'Junk Mail' Procedure WASHING TON (UPI) -An Ithaca, N.Y. letter carrier who was flred in November for refusing to deliver "junk mall" cootended tod.ly that bulkmail advertisers are giv- en special privileges which are dooied people who send their letters first class. The Post Offlct, said John P. Slark, a mailman fot JO yeafs be(ore his disml.ssal, "tells corporaUons, 'we'll give you such a good deal on distributing your advertising matter and your free samples that .YOU cannot afford to pass us up' and then tells the public, owing to it! deficit, 'you have got to pay another penny for each Cbdstmas card this year.' " Stark said he would "never know for sure" what made him decide on Nov. 9 to refuse to deliver a pUe of third cla!s samples. "Perhaps s imp I e ex· uperalion, after a heavy day, at seeing s~veral trays of lhoae half-.incb-thlck, !IBlllPle- and't<. c·o up o n-aammed en- velopes neatly stacked under my case by an obHgtng clerk,'' he said. ''To come ofl the route, tired and wet, and face a bulk mailing for the next day's delivery is always trying." In an article in the Nation magazine, Stark called for a con~ional invesUgation cf bulkma!J rile!, which he· said accounted for most of the post -office's deficit. He !aid bulk maileri could mike demands on the Post Offlce that would be rejected by citizens paying for first claSI delivery. He said circulars addressed lD "occupant" come to the Post Office with a delivery deadline. "What bmlneu or lndlvldual can send out a batch of first class letters with 1t,tch a stipulation?" he asked. Slark, -who ls ._... h~ dil!nlsui. llid fl""'-he WU paid overtime wh1lo lie wilrl<ed for the Post Offk8:dellvertng free samp1el sent .... at. low bulkmail rates. We interrupt.the NewYear to bring you a clearanee of floor models and . demonstt-ators at Singer. 1969 JANUARY 1969 I' ' ' ' 5 12 SAVE$50 WiJEO. -... -n-t:.""• ...... ., .... tr D ....... With adn· ""·sn«JBI.• pmb-buttol. ~ Wa ..... -rilbl lolldo ... .....WO.: EllctnMicaIJy adfusts powc.r.-b&t a built-in buuon· -·- IUINA PAlK &Jio Oft n. Mall .......... lu1ft1 Patk c.,,,_, COSTA MUA 2100 HI~ llvll. Kl ... llS [,._ H•rber CeftMr ANAHllM 111 N ..... ,. SIJ..1111 Aftaholm C9"fff HUNTINIHON HACH Hu1111tl~t ... lo9Ch C.,.,., .. ,;; .. '!-..~ . .., .. , 4 11 • 18 425 liAlDIN CllOYI COSTA l!IUA mt Char.• -· l rlatol A IVftflewor -2QI Orantt Ctv1111ty Pl111 Sovth C••t ''''' SANTA ANA U. MIU.DA D,wtl ..... 11124 L Lwl;fwofler ... w. 4th., . LA1.UU "' ,._ LoM- .... desert rt.art. The....,. Is no I l"lallal tnd II localed in t reaidonlla1 arq ol Palm Pprlnp. But the IAIIl Ind dry climate tlj! a lure !or Jolm!on, plqlltd with "'l!lr•loly ailmenla and tJiod a/l<t nve yean In the FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINllG s•'SAVllGS ACCOUNT. White~ House. · PRODUCllR'8 HOUSE The Rockefeller house once belonged lo the late Broadway musical producer Moss Hart and his wile, singer Kitty Carllsle. The. re.oorl ls a p!aylf<lllll4 for Hollywo·od movie celebrities bul E!J<lihower pul H on the map by Uving on lhe edge ol the El DoradO Country Club dilrlnl winier! monlha ilfler bii retirement from the Whtie "°""· Johnson w11l follow 1 D Eisenhower's footatepa b y trying to Improve his ;ou game at Palm Springs. He h a s always been a little bit in awe of Eisenhower and hil golfing habits. The Johnsons are high on all the RockefeUers and SOWl- dings were made about the CaW~mla house when they Kida Uke to Ask Anay Hours: 9:30. 1.m. tO 9130 p.m.i Stl. 10 a.m. lo 6 p.rn. LECTRIC ·& ·LIGHTING GIGANTIC ONCl·A· YIAR ' - SAVINGS FROM 50%" .~ 70% :::. ON ALL OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS IMPORTED . and "DOMESTICS: .. ·' • CHANDELIERS • HANGING !:AMPS • WALL l=IXTUR ES .• SCONCES • FIN.E TABLE (AMPS ' NOTHING HELD BACK. YOU SIMl'l. Y CANNOT .. ' AFFORD TO MISS THE EXCITING AND INTRIGUING VALUES YOU WILL RND SALi STARTS1 THURS. JANUARY .2 SALE INDSs THURS. JA~UARY 31 1 l . ELECTRIC & LIGHTING -. , . ' 22J Viotoria SJreet, Colla Mesa (Acrois from NunerylallCIJ • • S.pecial Courtesy to Bullderi & ·Interior Decoretori 646-3737 ...... . . " .. . -. • I I I l • [PIA llL y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE i ·Happy N~~ _Y.~a~ .to All • ;~ l ' I !. • • f ~ "' ' ' :' Woking up and down Ult Orang• <:out thla -New " i h"!" ~ actlcc k~ lhem away durln( Hl9. Year'a Day, Ille DAILY PILOT --oo-needl, -· \ ·By the alate of =rnla, to comlder .aky ~ -!>opes and "°""'·goals fllr Ult 11111 oflera.th-g...Ue • " to auj>port a ...,llO ay roult that·a;.agr-~, suggestions to some of our ~Willie1 aild,llle ~ ;· ':re\ convement to ~ve OM In the county. '· · In ih:""'· · • , · • · ,. By the City ol. Fouotail! Valley, to coasldu ,care1uJ.. RESOLVED: l,y Its dallgeroua lllrlaUOn with tlte oU tndllllry before cob>milllll&_ Itself ID ~tat!Oll •. By Ille Ca1ilomla Dtvt..ion of Highways, to finW! . By the people of Cotta l!esa and Newport Beach, widening Ille Santa Ana Freeway ~ of. Et Toro be-to tete a mll!llc look 'at,llje comequences of. a second· fore the o;tgilial four lanes iD Illa~ Mctor have lm>k~ • rate scbool' a)'!(eui in a 'wea!ihi commUiilly .before d6' 'llJI frOm 8'•· ' · nylng 8DQther school bond lsaue. · ' By Oranae CoaJ\ ~· truatees, to find a ""'Ill-·· • • By jhe city of Newport Beach, to cooaider a 40-foot ' .olretclier f1Jr all ot.' the mi.Jeats'they mual educate un· wall around West Newport and largetttng about Its sea· der stete law wben people of-the dl.stricl ~ to pro-, aide attraction before tides wasb It all to Baja cailfor- vide money for Ille blllldilll( jllo ... am. · · . · nla -an annexation anrequeetecl by any govwrunent By the City ol. Newport-~ to reJOlv~ tlte. civic ' below Ille border. center location question ~ Ibo-CC.NJ Freelray allgll-By Ille people of Orange Coonty, JlOt to ask for too men~ .. mean(ngfill plannilig C8ll be a big and need,ed many fetleral funds just beca1IJe they haw a bomet<>wn atep ahead. . • boy In th~ Wbile HOll3e. · • By Leguna Beach, to find a "111 to put !lve'fOW!ds By Hun&gton Beedh voters, el!her to support the In a one poand sact -a way-to provide 1(8Jtln1 tor lr,...;ctf needs of the high school district iD April, or 1,000 can ID the &pact fot'l,000 . • • lo tllfPW out the trustees and sell the diJtrict to Howerd . •. By ti!• city o1. Colla Mesa, 1o rO!rain from,attemp\o : · " llils...,. · • Iii• luinexatton of. toreip countrieo wllllout 'llllor con. · •· _ .llY l!Je citizens of Newport Beach, to refrain from · lultation with the Secretary' o!'Sla~ and tlle'·Unlll'tl ~g antl-alrcrpll mi.spes·or deploying retaliatory '{ Nal!ons. , · 1 ~ • .. • ~o raid! on .jet operations at Orange Comity By the ct~ of Huntington Bead!, tither to late • Alrp(i)t-between 1 a.m. and 11 p.m. lllOGJlingfu] steps toward ttally C!earlnjt up'1he bli&bl By the city of Costa Mesa, to settle al long laal the .. of. Its dOwntown or to consider deeding It tq Ibo gov·. Newport Fre<:w~y alignnieqt so meaningful planning emment of Beja Caillonda. • ~ . •. · ~ , . and devtlopmenl·fer•the centrlll city area can proceed By tlt.e Orenge County AjrpQrt Commtss!Oi/, 14. con-. before f)trlher blight sets In. sider llky boob to lllppOrt an.airport site agreeable rel, · By the DAILY PILOT, to bring a ye.ar of news 11 COllVeriient to ewryone in {be county. · ·.' brinunlng with prosperity and happy reading to its By Laguna Beacb City Co!Jllcllmen, to coD1lder ~· readers fi> 11169. ,• 'hippie problem tnapproprta~ apc!'OUI of oido_r -and • ~PPY l'l•w-Yeer! t_ · .. : '!..·' I' ' . '• .. .. , ' . ' . . ~Jdiag -Baekat'd ·~' 1888 . . . Many Gho·sts Snail Crawl So, tbf New Year bu come -bas begun. Before committing oun;')ffa to ,lt. Jet us look back one mare Ume at the )"'&r now packed In the,...,.,~· (It is lneyila~. of oounli!, we -shall in 1969 look backward many times at 1968.) We shall seek Ii-om it answers and explanations. Many gbolta ahaO crawl from its tomb to frighten~ WI. '1'tle portents of 1968 may fade or nower. Only the three sisters who spin the thread of life can answer, and ~ .... myths. . The decade's end is two years aw_,.. . possibility, the Kttmlln could not perptit its Western bloc of allied Communist states. lo erode away the Communist jtarty hold In any one of U.em. IT WAS THE Soviet confrontation wilh .~ puJlla aM -ol'Ollna that lee! them lo 1eod ... _, preaure oo Norlh Vlelnam In 1911 lo begin ~about VldDanL BUT EVEN SO, It may be said that . Tied clOoe)J lo 1llb WU a rillnt! fear, 1968.) We !hall s e e k from it ar:ners as 1111 wa .nn,, ln JrpU. ·lndiinelJa, JftViOUl•Y<US at lasl limlt..i lbe BritJsh ,anil .other Alla Iii.fa. Tbey begaD lo Empire to ill legendary aad maplfkent see that a United Stotes ibanclooplent lalBnds, bereft of military power and of Ila .pmence aod lnflu...,.· jh~· weakened politically. An old, even an. might lead to a milch mofe disturbed •. clent, order of paternalistic, parliamen-Eastern world. In time, ()f 'C()Ufle, two tary autocracy had ended with dignity great powers, the U.S.A. and the and honor. U.S.S.R., would be Involved. · It was in 1968 that Mao's out-of~trol In June 1967, Egypt be&an ai war n:voluUoo and his pos.session of a few with tSrael. It was over In six days nuclear devices convinced the Soviets with Egyptian ~er shattered and that war was a posai.~ty. Strell buDJDlated. It was · wh.!n the Soviet.s between the Kremlin and ~Peking wu movfld a· forntida ·fleet and airforce Very, Vf!fy persistent. ' ftlio t!Je.Jlediterr~ I Soviet military intervention t n . "' This maneuver I moved tbe Russian Czechoslovakia was a product cf 1988. "sbcre0 into Africa,• It toaqbed Europe That move, skillfully made, r~ling ~ Spaln:. 'I'hll mlhtllVer nujde possible, to Western observers a wen.trained army perhaps probable,1a~11ow 'push of SGviet and l~c readiness, was lied_ to the ~ do~~Jbe inlerIDr of Africa Sino-Soviet dilemma. 111111 war a '1oiiird1be atr01"11!¥:Cliad.dimgo area. ~ ~· I 0 •j •· . THE DEAR, j\JBl.departed 1968 wu also the year when the adolescent revolt against the old world reached .a new, r!wl.trljonary peak. Change, er revolu- tionary forces, brOtJ&ht on actJon in educaUon, the social crder, and In the Christian church. Civil right!: and voting rights were net really well established until 11164-fS. In 19118 there were more than 500 elected black officials, in the Scuthem ltatel, aome of lhem legislators, city and COWJty offiett1. But 1968 alBC was the ·peat )"'Br of mllltBncy against the •lowness with whlcl:: Amer1can1 were moving to make their society a truly open one. · IN SOME ClTIES and in many areas ol the SGuth 'there were still communhles wblch foogljt lo keep the Negro In the hiataric "Place" of inferiority and dlscrlmlnaUon. Their folly aad blindness ls one of the fearful portenll fGr 1989. Murder cf Dr. Marlin Luther King and Sen. Robert Kennedy aad Ute omioous auguries therein we!'! 1968 events. A new national administration ls: a product pf 1968. El~ last November, it will take office January 20. Hope goes with it -also fear and coocem it may have misread the past -and future. 'Mlere is more to the stGry of 1968 •.. It WB.!I, any way one looks at It, quite a year. Th~ C~ou11~~' Crystal Ball Will everything 6e fine ln 1969? Our annual peek into.. the .c~uclftj crystal bell or the (uture doesn't pennit us to be unyieldingly aUirmative. But, oo the other band, we can't be altogether negative. It looks like a roller coaster yt&r, characteriz.ed by UPI and downs and emergent uncertainties. The biggest questioii ii what will tiap- . pen tG money. For tears · the value • of money has been trOOlng and the value cf credit lw ~. M car gallop Into lnflatJGn gains hea<ht'a'y many cf oor more serious mind!: may be faced with a crisis Cf--decisioo: Whether to give up on money as a lost cause and depend totally upc>n credit, which ii more fun anyway. THE MOON WILL become a vain.I problem to geographers. Soviet Russia will put live rosmonauts and a poet Jn lunar orbit. The cosmonauts will methodlcatly rename every crater named by the three American astronaut.s. The poM wlll return with the first ode to tbe proletariat C0111posed in l r u e mooqlow. Its title, translated lDto • ---W- We0nesday, Jan, I, 1969 ' ,.,.. dlfOrlal -of llwl Dollv Pllol .. .,.. lo ""-•nd .u ... .-~ &N>r.0.•thig tltu _.. .,,,,.,.,-and • .,,.. _,.,.,, oJ' jijlla' •I !Wllr•rt aJtd lfgnfl'°""'"· bJ protildl•g • I forMtA (01 tAI aprndon Of ""' -· opmlonr. 01ld bit prmntfftg Ur• <11-u .,,.,. polUU of hlJorme<i qbr.,,,.,1 nm! 1poktnion •• ~ of. I/If dov. RDl><ri II. Wood. Publllbtr ~bi,, '.;,m be: Jb.1'& ft.. Workin~. Man withoot ·M~f". ,Tbe Unlted Nations .will CUltlnue ii& Wenllao liir 'qalnsl. ma la r la thi.agboot the ...,:Id bot !Urn Its back ·-, ..... ~--the · uDclirbed iinii'li ~ political malarkey. -F;la.ewl... OD Ille "lnfa .. llbu.il f!fDl UW. tldnp will occur: ~ IN BlUTAIN, Queen Elir.abeth will calJ1l a. paru.mtotaey c:rllil over lite tralllc prvbleai by "'litsllng lbal, while the rtst of the world drives on the right side of the road and BrJtom tradl· Uonally on the left side, in the future everyone should be free IG drive dowo the middle of the road. In France, Gen. Charlee de Gaulle will l!UCCUIDb lo hJJ physician'• advice aad ·buy a pair !II blloc:al gJ--. I& lint rematl: upon ptttlna ~ lbem: "Eb, blen la man COllDOI." • In China, home !II the llr<crlCker, largs aploolono will enoue. llElU! IN AMERICA, look for thete poosibllltlel: Lyndon B. J-will become ..., leading pollUcal -In -· He w\11 turn down oft'm to "become • columnllt l<r both the New> York Times ml Ram- parts maglllne. Pmident Nbm w1D appoint ,,.. com- mittees to find new 10luUonl ror old problems that Fonner Prmdent J- •Pl'Oint..i esru., """'"1-lo aolve. They wtll r<port back unanlmoualy : "Scimething ought to be done womeUme by l!Omebody about everythlna." • THE cOs1' OF Uvin1 wW 10 up and .the joy in Uvlorr st.17 aw the 111M. --..... wtJJ • ·111mae11 11111 age--0ld middle-fged question, "When does the fun begin?" • Ip a rtvolutionary-experiment financed by the Ford and Carnegie foundati<>n1, tetn.q:ers will launch an ezperlmental unMntty with themselves as faculty. Anyone over 6S will be able tG attend tuition free . Science will develGp a birth control pill ror men. Most men 1rill brunedlltely decJde this is more thm!: they'll swallow . NEWS ODDIT\' of the year: An ol>- scure cow tn Iowi will deliver rive live calves. 'Mle u ;s. Department of Agricul- ture will hail her as "bovine mother of the year" and send her, the proud father and their small herd on a tu-paid round trip tG Hawaii As to the weather : Soow ln widespread areas in January, inte nnittent swishine and rain east and ft.'Jl !lf the Mississippi Rivet from April to November. SUMMARY : All in all. a year the human race can put up with but cne in which mmt will Inescapably be<ome il6S days olljcr. Dear Gloomy Gus: Why Iha big ruah lo g<I to the ,,_ anfway! Why can'l. rn<n jliit otay home and wal<h televll- lon the way God Intended! -J. R. C. !"' ---.. - -... ... ~ . ,... _. "' """' . _, .... ..., ...... DA.R~s Drive: 'Make Sex Dirty A gain' '~ Herewith Is another unwritten chapter from. that unpublished text, A History of tho'World, 1950 lo 1999. Its tiUe: "The Dirty Ser: Drive." By tbe late 1980! the public was well on the "Way to being emancipated from what was usually referred to as its "Vk:torian bang-ups" on sei:. Ladies of fashion were using foor·letter words in mb:ed company. Movies were franker than ever. And to liberalize public atutudes, even further, crusades were being launched under IUch slogans as, "Support Necrophilia b e t we en Consenting Adults." A breakthrough came in the mid-seven- tle.s with the historic Dread Sot Decision. This involved a foreign film which depicted a 143-minute drunken carnal orgy with a :IQ ·'second shot ()f a leAf fluttering lo U.. ground. THE COURTS HELD the film did not appeal "solely tG prurient Interests" ~s there was obviously something in It for botanist.a and other leaf lovers. And sG the hut taboos were shattered. Psychologistll, s o c I o I o g I st s and philosophers were ecstatic. "At last," they said, "mankind bas rid himself of his age-aid fears and complexes about sex. At last, he will have the same healthy attitudes toward sex as be hu toward, say, jogging." And they proved absolutely right. The public came to look on sex precisely as it had looked upon jogging. The eifecls were disastrous. FIRST HIT WERE the foreign art films. Who wanted to watch 143 minutes of uninterrupted jogging? And they were attended only by dedicated botanists hopeful of catching a glimpse of a falling leaf. Topless reviews went bust. Bottomlesa reviews hit bcrttom. Playboy merged wllb the Eversnen Review. And the unem- . ployment rate oo Madison Avenue, where voyeurism bad been the prime stock in trade, reached 63.7 percent The economy lqltttea. Worst of all, preclsely the same p~ porUon of the public now practiced sex as had practiced jogging - .OB percent. LADIES CONCEDED It was obviously a healthy, stimulating acUvity -but it absolutely ruined tbe1r hair-dos. Gentlemen admJtted that it \f3S sure good for the ok1 waisWne and had its iiteasurable effect.s -tMJt It waa sweaty , unUdy and definitely. undilJllfled. And llwl the future !II the human race ban& In the balanc<. It was saved b)' the DAR, which had """" given up. Socrelly financed by the mom -· the magulne magnates aad Madl>oa A ... ue tw:oooa. the DAR launched a maul,. Dirty SU Drive under the linpn: "Cberlsb lbe Heritage of Our Forefathen -Make s.. Dirty Aglin ... "SEX U ILLICIT?" cried the Iadie&. ·-.... --"Sa ii dirty?" cried the aentteme:o, • gleam In their .,... Once qaln ~t<ry flourished. love nests were band, '°feurism lhrlved. the economy proaptred Ind humanity survived, A similar attempt by .. The President's Physical Fltnm Committee to create a salaclclJI --4 Uctnliolla lmqe of Joi· gin& In the 1'Ub1I< mind -for rtaaons DOI ,.t <Iii_... li7 IOClolocllls - failed~. • Education Works --. In Darkness Speaking of eduCatloo, as I was yester- day. reminded me that recenUy I beard a noted researcher in the field remark that "we have no reliable data on the general level of education in the United States." For the flrsl lime, a study Is beginning tG be made, through private grants, c( true educational aptitudes, at different ages, in dltrerent parts. of the country, and of different socio-economic groups. UnW now, all our comment and crlUclsm and aMJysis and evaluatioo have been mostly guesswork and pal· chwork. 'lb!n bas been aboohrtely no overall isae.ssment G( the level cf school- ing in the U.S. even though education is our largest "industry" in term! of public expenditure. AND THIS IS the only area in which we ,do not ha~such figures on which to base fillure adlca. In public health, we -know 'alm6st all the· relevant facts about concer aod heart mse.se aad other important ailments -bciw many have them, how they ~ spread in the popula· lion. and therefore the b e s t way cf mounting prevenUon and therapy to com- bat them. We have a wealth of demographic facts, of economic and production facts, of statistics in agriculture and employ· menl and infant mortality and family structure and marriage and divGree and crime and accidents. BUT IN THE MOST baaic and crucial area ol all -in knowing bow well, bow fast, aad bow. efeoly we are educating, or not eclucallng, olzr chlldr<n . -we are litUe better Gff than the under-developed countries, in terms of bard' facts and valid•comparisons. We are WGrlting in the darkne!s - a darkriess of our own contrlving. For one o( the main reasons we are so backward In making .an objectlvo naUGoal evaluation of cur educational 1 sta.ndlrds is the fear and competitlvmm on the part . ol the ochool ll)'sleml, ID the towns, the countries and the states. EVEN .THOUGH this new study will not ''grade" schools. or 11ehool syirtems individually, the officials have been frightened that the results might refled adverse!)' upon them, ()r that some enomtou! discrepancies and dericiencies in our educational structure might be discJGsed. But this attitude is as9 much blind fGlly as a community refusing to cooperate In a survey of venereal disease for fear that its high rate might bring shame or obloquy upc>n it. We have largely gotten over that old taboo, and we recognize that social disease cannot be improved, or even attacked ef. fective:ly, until we know where it is and how widespread it is. Exactly the same is true or public education, which will remain a subject of ignorant and lmpassiooed de b a t e as loog as we don't have the facts for a fair, rational aad constructive dialog to take place. Preserving Open Space .? To the F.fitor: I lhlnk It ts very la>porlant tbal lbe DAILY PILOT devole spaco lo an ... planaUGn ol. the Wllllem300 Act, whlcb ropresen1s a great step forward In lbe preservaUon of ·open space. However, so far the ei:planations appear tG omit some very slgnJflcant tnfonnation. to which the cilizena shwld be alei1ed. The ae1 does Nor specuy that the iaad defin4lely bu lo mnaln In the reserve fo('lO,ura:Jt.eootaJnsloopholes which allow a. -licl (between the city IDlkr' ""1llly 11111 the iandownen) -to be written ,,nlch may or may not bind the landowner to lb years. In other Won!!,• coolnet could -be written which would specify that if In the interest of the coo.nty, the Board of Supervisors decides that land should be taken out of the reserve and developed (for any number o( reasons), it {1181 \lot' to have it taken out prior to the 10-year period. In addWoo, althooih a penalty payment fornwla ii menilooed in tbe Will!ammn Act, the cootract between the 'Counly aad laodowner may make the t>Qmart of a penalty ciepend>ol Oii a vote of the supmllon. Ill other .. on11, ll•llOllld be waived! I AM Nar qgeslhi( lbal h lnloe Company, Rancho Viejo, rr Other l...p landownen ani a\tempting: to utllbe the act for lP shelter purpoees i boJm'er, it dlsturbl me that me lmle &ail coin. pany lo 1Ubm1Wn8 l1s land .. •parate porc<ls, rather than an tocether. This suggests thel it may anUdpate tatlng tbe parttls out of tbe preserve at dlf· ferent times prior tG the "e'ld of lht 10.ytlr period. It behooV<I the ciliunry lo -acquainted with all aspects of the Wiiiia~ Ac\, aad to ult the supervlaon to make a CODttact ,.-hlcb binds landowners lo Iha ~ !II ponaltiea llllould they .. n ... ~ laad II U.11_,. prior to Illa I.,_ -. . ' . ' -~-~· •.. l.,. '. ~, ~· ·,;<l .. • • -~ Letters from readerr art wtlcomt. Normally writerr should conve11 thtf.r meslCIQt in 300 word.I or less. Xht right to C01ldem1 letterr to fit ipac. or tliminat.t libtl is rtstrt1td. All letttr1 must includt sigmtturc and mailing addrtu, but namt1 ma11 be withh~ld on f"tquest if Sllfficient reo· 1,gn ft appartnt. periJ. If not, lhe lilUe laxpayer wlll conUn1.1t to support the .school districts and water ·districts which se rve tG make lhe land of the large landGwners more valuable, while at the same Ume allowing ., lax relief as that land appreciates. Jf lllfflcient penalties are imposed, am if a Ught contract ii drawn, tbea 111 ' tact. the WilliamJGn Act will bave aerved Jti purpose u an ope.n spac11 ~ rather than as • sophllllcated las '114lter for large landowners who want tu ftllef wblle waiting for the right Ume to eelll JUDY B. ROSENER B11Georwe~ Dear ytorae: l Jlli l1ortplao but Hortense lll<OJ Gabriel Md Gabri•! -.·t like dial dumb H-but likes lhll sllly Victoria who litn Sebasllan and Ursula told me Gabriel would like mt U tt wtren't for Tom. How can f get Tom to like me? ADLEBURT Dear Adlebon: It's gGi"8 to be tough -I've only gotttn one letter from )'GU aad t don't Ute you. I ' -~ .h p u C' Ii d cl <I .-" u \I di " p di u di ol "' ·" Is B Ir p hi b " d• 'C• • i'. ... ;;i ]Jj h• " • IV •• of h' H rn dJ " Jo A u w l' •• r. d· o: d· rr ,, It b p n n ti ;, • !1 u L t 8 • ' I c ! t I • r t r ' t I I I I I ( / • -......... ·~·--'·' ·~-- Relations with Fraace have Improved somewhat 11 l n c e President Jahnspn announced his d#ch:ioo to stop the born. bi111 of North Vietnam. The United States eave substantial support to France during its recent mooetaey •crisis through a ravotable ~tatement by Treasury iiecretary Henry Jl Fowler -~n De Gaulle's austerity pro- t;ram:. "'-, ,.. Addit.ionaUy, 3 number Of 1Yib:tank1'1t...[rench...officials have recently v i s i t e d · Washington-and conferred • with American authorities. A meellng between Johnson and De Gaulle before the end of the Johnson administration has ·not been ru led out. However. hopes for such a meeUng have' faded with the diqtln1ah1Dgi.. prospects f o r .suinmit conference between Jollnson •nd Soviet Premier Ale.el N. K,.Ygin. IDEAL CHANCE The Nixon administration will also have an Ideal oppt>r· tunity to takt steps to further ease relations with two Euro- Cftt~.~trl~, Spain ~d ~ •. ·.J Relation·• with Spain , '! deleriorated O\ler the .question 1 of renewing lhe agreement un- der "hich the -United States lllSintalns several military in- stallaUon1, there. Spain upped Its ·price !or provldina: the bases;, demailding ae· ex- penslve list of military equip.. men&· the United States wu u not prepared t1> provide. DlplODlatlc sources report · that Spain ls now reconsider- ing tts request and prospect!! appear •favorable for reopen. in«' ileiOUatiolill l!lorU, affer U!C N i x o n Admintstratlon takes office. I.o _Sweden, U.S. relatiOM ...-:;- haVe been stialned over the grapting of asylwn to de(cc- tors f'rom t.be U.S. mWtary services. U:SS·,CRITil:AL , As a resdlt of the ceasaUon Of bombing of North Vletn1tri, Sweilish' high· officials haVe modt!aled lheir crltlclsrn a( the war and relations have <Oled. It 11 Lhou1ht llktlY Lhat Nlxqn Will appobt\ a llew am- bauador · to · Stocltholm ·to replace William \V. Heath, a Johnson appointee. /llxao wOllld probably li ke to ease telaUons with Como mwiitt China but the ouUi>ok. bere is unarta in. But the two nations hive aateed to another meeUna: of thetr ambasudors in Warsaw Feb·. 20, Lile 13Sth '11Ch meeting. Nixon rea:arda Communist China as potentl1ll,y a 5er:IOUS threal lo world pcaei! during the.1970's. Peklng'a apparently intransigent hostility toward the NaUona\ist Chinese relbne on Ta i w a n and toward the United States is still a ~ormidable obstacle. P1:of's Book ·Published · HUard Adams, chalttnin oj Lhe .£na11sh Department &I UC Irvine, is author of a onew novel tilled .. The Horses of lnai!uct!on," pubUllled b y Harcourt.. Brace and World. nie novel, Adams' fint publilhed, II aboul young pro- feuors in a college Engll&h department and tllelr •trut- 11.. aplnat • precoocelved notion of bow they oo&)ot to IC\, ' . I , ! ; , l . ; ' ~· ' girla' plaid jumper& with t~e sweaters 8.99 to 9.99 value 11.00 Id 14.00 - • ' t• ' • ., Perk up the school year with a jumper set of Orlon® acrylic. Each jumper comes wilh its own turtle sweater. Choose from many styles and colors. Sizes 3-Sx. 7-14. .may co girls' dresses 56 famous maker men's suits 79.00 reg.100.o0.10S:oo Ali wool and wool worsted with silk. Shc;ped or forward fashion mod4fl .1n a Wide choice o( oolo~ Ouile d value al these llCIV!ngol • may co men's suill 21 l . . l . ... . . ... . . .. ' • ' • . ~ . • • . · .. ; . • 4 ' .. .. . - ' ' " •• -,• ·• " ·. .. girla!i skirts and : c~tll! knit ccrrdigana _. 3'.9'& to 5.4~ · valli• 7.octto 8.00 P~stel plaid . s\ir.ls of Orlon® acrylic, .7:14, 3.99. Cable-front cardigans o! ~sy­ care Orlon® acrylic .. White, yellow, or red. Sizes 4.Sx, 4.49, 7-14, 5.'9. m!JYco11irls' sportswear 77 ,. no-iron sport shirts from famous makers . 3~39 Ni· 5.p(J.$,OlJ . • ) ~ ~ . . . . ' .• B_uy 3 for 10.00 and •ave even motel·· : Spread 't>r l>ul\On down collar atyf .. ~· ; . :·· Wide Vttiialy of eolids. atr1P6& ancC · ' 1ems. Sizes S through XL ' · "~ may co men'. tlpO!'tswear 84 •• • • ' ~ .. ' • • . . • DAILY mor 7 ' • .J, . • .... . •• . • • • . ' • )• • . "< ' ' .' .. , • ' • • . . ' • • ~ ... I • . famou• name foundcitions . .. . ; at ~C•Cf·l'!'Of ,11~91 ~. ;• '' · ::3.99 to 7.99 reg. 5.00.to l~.00 .. • Ii-... .. ··-·· . . . -. :· - •'-. . ''Sel<1et-a<1hape'~ •bras, while. 'Regiilar, ·~ ··,·contour, .or padde\{ styles. Red. 5.00, tfff. -. . :r "Select.a-shape" 'pantie girdle in w\iite ···' · AverQQe1 long, extra long. Reg-. I 0.00, 7 .99. • · may co foundations 44 j . ; may-co amiual . t . ,,. " ., : ~elftDer Jewelry' saie · 99c ' . '· ! '· ' ,,, ~ • · · Our counters are packed. with ~~­ ., Jqr .Jewelry ~ •• , pins, ~·· 'n.ck!aces, bl'aCflletli, . pandants. · 'F.v•rj: •(j)\lllgY911~llS9F:n•9Cll'lyl ' ~ • . " • may co fashl~ jewiel'f 22 .. . . • • •• • • • ' • ~ .• , ' . . . ' , ' A rtvlewer tor the st. Louil atobc Democrat i•d&ed "A! a lir!t novtJ It 11 a YCJ'1 l~ piece of work." • ~ previously bis 'Writ· 1tn1 mottl y poel.., a1tld1111, 1111 bll .u.. ao4 1 ... -livc ll:i Newport Beach. may co · south .coast plaza; san dl•to fyty at 111'1.+ol, costf!I !!M•!l t.~9~1 shop mon.,r thNUCJh satur~J-'10 e1m to t:~_JT · · .. · ... .. ---------- j ' ' . ' ' ·, .. ) • 1 ., 1· . I I • i I I • I J l l ., .!_ - ' I I I I. I ;o .• ' • I • ) I I ' ' - -= .. ·lil1'4AMDSAYll2c ~ 1'1-i -~ ot Cook· ' s..at loweet prlcel ill town! A variety to aUlt 61 lute! ;~!\!'\~.~ ...... ~tJ :. , ... Jmacb. ~. Jm.trt CUI. ---··tic -' --w·.$!1• . . -'t ' -·-~.. ' . -' 'I. ' .. ' '· ' • 12.99 VafU.l. µfi Top -Wcilte '.lilsfets .IA7Jt ~Xi,;'1!1H~ Garden· Hoe, Rake Qolc• ' Df1e•nt Price '99' ~" _.., 1.19 Aiac111111 -~"'--__.._ . Y•cuum BOtHe l'h1t Siu •• • •t M1Q a--A•• .. •I' Ou ii ~ ............ I •12•• Valuel .fra1lr& Utllffy ContaJner ~.:"'::':i $99·9 ·er '..t&undry caTt. .Wll l · J&andl • t o ~IO 1be. t3t• Val. Pladlc slt-onHan••r · $')47" .. ,,, ... · ' Strong, V61U· Ia·ted b a-ek. Will h old & ' lot. 111 popu· la1',AV'OC&d.o &rid white. ... v.1 .. 1 11Qt.'JWlll ·-•p•Ut ..-..n -POur !pOUt Oil both en&. stur dl". yt"lra handle, 6ftl! Colors. 7 _ ~ !.. . . '; -. -q,. .# -' .... 91• .Easy Way Spraj Paint ~lwckfnolol-•• ......... 4. Jde&l for 68 1'tlrnlt9r.. ( toya, apptt· ancu. lt"' .. ........... ' -. llH.Val. 54 lne ......... .... ~97c KJl'!.bcmecl · YlDyl ,.... ....... ..,, &nd front. He&'t'Y duty a h aok~ fram e. · 1lewl a.Ila ,.. ...... --tuh · • cl-..... ffcY ..... v ........ .... 2 .. ttc st..cu. •a••• ..pace. l'lixh'r' ... $149 ., ...... M .. ' r:· - -. . -; ' -Op•111111:s.-.aa1: Houeholcl Brooms start~New Year· with a ·77 cleon ;aweep. •· -_.. (. Buy a n•'I¥" . broom. for the k l tc.hen, one ill the pa& • ..,.,._ ~0cv.ia.aw ...... I ' ' ,. ·r.01r _ .Qolci. :.,; ' J .......... Soap · a,.. ' Sc · -.., . ' ' -oR.;fa,n . "a"'•~ .Pan~ ' - --' •1 Shont•~ Sltli1ap •• -.... ' M--'---== • 1 Value La11oll11 1'191 ..:..: ..... : .. : .. : .... ..::.a• ' S..7M ,, •121 Y .... ey falc .-... ·:·. :. -' ---127•Valuel 'r...Tllp Ila f lap Met., 'JOO ···~liln•; --39' ":Asel C1s2• I -' -'llJI:"" ........ •too Hair R -' \. ' ' ( .. -. I ... ,~ .... :....... .... -... r 1 I h ' ' ., .. ...,.... ' ·1 ' '1 • , • , liei.'•ctr islher 4 ~·~~-i ,_a. ?~-.... ~ +~,. aMon Mo~cello No Iron S~eb fiit~Ji.w Ro•ll•id!.)1111,hi '. i; .• •' -· . :· ~,' . $1.lt flrloi W 19! szn I =$4.lt D•.Wi:.=' Silo s3n a..--, ,. . _6 -t ·~· ..... ·-· 1 ... ,, ' --• .... ........ . ·i· . -$1.tl .... w J • .. .... $1.6t ' ·.,... ..... ··-~' • • ~~~~~~~~"----'-~~·~---~ ~~~~~~·~,~ ' ----"''--------~·-· ~~~~~~~~~---·--~-=-:-::::::::::::::=·='~·-·~_j_j_ • • ~ ! • . . ,,, .• ~· . Lo.fl.•~-... DoWri•td· :; ' . - . , ,c C•N . W .$.ls~ ........ _ _,~9•· 69 llqd-...... ~ ... c ........... .:: •1 22 · . 39 _...::,77' ,.ft9or ..:....:...= ....... :.:.~ .. :-l ff• .• < :. ' ~·· •• . ... , .• \{.,:;,,. H...,., ··$ ......... ""'- , ............. " ........ ... "' air llfTl>Pl!llSPlMK'I' _., s ,· ·-· oc ~ .. .• ... ·~ DTP 0 -J.tr..e-,$UI ......... ,~ c1111.- • """"'"" •3•0 er,... . . ~ . . ' WEmbrotdeftd · · ·· :lcrylli · . Ski;\ . Sweaters • : in assorted styles · • $12.95 YalH! • EverydGy Low Price .1s $9.97· _ ··~-d 99 .. Qp•tifnt . Seile · Prkt - .JVa Or......,., !ltY,., •• 24c -60~V0·5 Creme Rinse _ .. 10........ .. ·, '~ ~ ~1 21 Vitalis Hair Toni~_. 88' $111ea!f0r. ,.,c ··· Jl 00 M' p > AllOSOL --: . an .o;wet. ~-· . _,,_. _ . I .l , .. 63c°iespond ~ , · 1 'c: .. ....... k : ...... ,-. I I ~: ' hftfe'M 1oo'T..... ·~ 8 · •149 Caroid .& Biie ....... ':: ....... 9c r "" • ' \ ...,.. • _,, • ~;.<~ ' • . ..... ,..,....., ...... , ,r I ' ' ._ t . . . • r I ' • ' . -. • I , I I I • ' " ' • • . . ,._.,._ ·~1'1!11'~·:: .. '. ;··.r"" ... , ........... "'1lfl;.,,_\~ ·~· .8 ,~f01J..08Lla,• : •... :·;' '!ljly_ifl,.-lot tho~ spocl(ltlllorpomait ~Ii\ 'lowft! Y0.11 gOi an tit 0 for you to * # 11>1.,u.t.abe to .,_,W,ltl),famo'ly and ~" A )IMly poibalt of Yfl"I chllcl 1s a-'\'iiocl.,..,.11!11 olfl f_~t;a~nY. ~ l•~1r11bet ••• )'Q'I con charge ft at Penuey'•I .... '.'r . . ... , ,, .... ' ..• •'Ai .. . ,., . '\ " •• - . - 10PS·, WE GOOF~D! IMAGINEt! We Showed A Profit in 1968 J ~ Our Tax Consultant Sqys,: . · •"f•u' Must Give Some Back This Week'' s~·; .. FOR FIVE .DAYS .ONLY · ·. BEGINNING .. tQIJjJ:...NEW YEAR'S . . ... REG. SI NOW.: .. , ·" ... ,/~. · . . 0o -_"FULL > . -if ~11·1 · . 't "" · • · -1c1 2;' ·' ";"'."" • ' I• . r:ft .... , .I. 'l:"'i' • ' .. •• . .. • '"" ~ . .• ,.,. ·:: "'E;x.,, • )1'1i·'., •" .. R~~i :·PATIO ... , .... ,,.~.~-... _ •I I.Aid -"" P1us1 compter.1 Ser.en ln / j RE•. $895 . . ' ···s· . 500 FULL ~ NOV( ONLY: s ~ " . · , PRICE ! •• fl~~ ~UST Si.SO, PER WEEK 1, ., 'I .. i CA ;~ .. 546•9973 I .. "",OR 894-4441 • 0 ' j .,_ ~CALIFORNIA PATIO SUPPLY -{' . Now Wortel's Lar9nt Manut.cturtr l · , PAY~HGTHING TILL JUNll I . ' ; Ul"I T•llc>Mlt Ken~11 Coulns · . . . , r Courtney Kenn~y, 11, daughter of the Jatt.R<il>ert F. Kermedy, !likes a st.toll With Caroline'Keiiiiedy (left), 10, on Arlstotle Onaaa!a' Skorpiils Island. The two girls an4 Jobn Kennedy Jr. are spending the holidays on the Island with Mrs. Jacqueline Ona!Sis. 100% Financing .. COSTA ME~A . LACYWlllDPWNOllU.POI QOMIOITAHD UAUTY ... -. $4 iOf M..t.ttrl\,..• ·~ HOW --··-'"3 . ""9• Ja .~ .. _.... • ·---A.l.C. I ,' HUNTINGTON BEACH ·~ .,,.._ s,..w, M..., T.W.l•lhltk IM- !'"'hii!r I ' ' ' ·. ·1 ,• · . FRiii 1 . " Tabll' Tennis Top with DELUXE SLATE TA· BLES and FREE lnst1ll1tionl SEE IT NOW ! · · llf1tlm!.JGu1r1nteed SUTE POOL 1lBLES $369 <';j " "' ~ FROM -~-------. ' ·PiMf 7 Day•.1.1. to a.; !.\.'Call Now . ". ·~~ f• • I 532..1992 --... ., ~· NEWPORT BEACH " " • Harbor Shopping Center IN""11 ·ttl.nil) .. · ·!Huntln<jton C.nterJ -C\ ' ;3: "c -~·--·~ .. ,.....-•1--"'--~~·-.. -.. ~·~·~'"""'-::::::=:!::::::::::;::e"'°'~-~~ ......... ,,.,..~.~-:--------.:..........:l:::.... ______ .:___~j ~·· ..__ ... ,.,.. .. r -' -..-:>.. -·-..... ~ ..... -~ l -4~; ... ... , ... ' I I I t I " ' ". ;,:~ .. ~ ;!! ~ -• "'! 1 • Senior.ity System Stridiid. • ' , • WASHINGToN (AP).,...· A group ol lihm1 aod moderate Houle Democnll ~ try J.o ~ eome ol lhe riglillty Gilt . ' , . of the seoiorUy SJs1em before the new Cooil<!I convenes Jen. I. But the 140-member Jlemoa11lc Study Gto<u> hu - .. -lrJ>l;l\ll to allempl • cl\Ol\l• ill uw -leadenbip o111 _., e ·~-o Id §peat,.. John W. Mc:COmlacl: ·~mad• ~vatclY ~ .. .. " , ( I ' l ' .! ' • ' • • • ' 1 ·: • • It's at 7891 Talbert Avenue. The Auto Club's new "castle" In Huntington Booc:h. . , fully ataffed. And fully equipped. Starffng.Monday, January 6, providing more tharf700 services to Auto Club membe_rs and ~e community. Everything from Weii.'enCrVOcoKM to WorlCtWid• travel planning, ·~·~·l!"l(~¥f><1mol ~"°"'°l.lhe tun 1\lal'r'qolng on r._s...thont£olfr0..1cumd.l>Oyond. Stof) by.and-let Ed&lliwiri; tlle Mw mol'dger,-'showyou ·oi;ft,11 thl·Atito Club's i\ey;;!'&mfe" In HlmtinOJOft Beech. • j • ! ... ' ' "·;~•,A'i'HE'AUTOMOBILE ·CtUB OF ' W ·SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DSQ m<IOben ,.,. llmld al modifying lhe ..-1 ,,_ '" ol •Pooinµnl commit.tee dlaitliilt) 'anil ,_,ben on lhe -or time aerved In lhe Jfodae. ')1·':. ''\ -~ ' .. llaey pllM would Iii•• the' "' beinocriUe caucus ~ 111 ' . . · h. committee .. •n&.mmeots, : ~ ~ ,4~ ~,,. ·"' Uf '64' :.,;.. ..; o Yhlch are DOW made by the , * '~• 'I.~·: ~ ~ Democratic Committee on 1 i 't ~ ~ · cWnmftbra1 on the basil of 'J t , ·. ~ ·~ . } , , senior!!¥ aod a1m .. t alwil: .... ;.. ' ; •. ·~ ~ .. by . ~ _. , .,:tl., .,o;i· t· ~~~F HOU8e. ' ' • ' ._ \. ~ ~aUc -Committee · J! '# .,.. ;.,u ·-:""'1 ~ • on' Cclf/>llll-II !'OP'poaed tf:' l ' · ": • ' ol lhe JI llemocnllMnem~ . ~ .•'• .. "" of the w,ya ~ u~ C4m-· 1 · • .'{ ~· mjttee, most of wliom go! on · • ~ -· lhe powerful grobp UuWgh " I ,, ' . ·, I ' the senior!~ lllOCtra. The ,~!'Jl:v~~!·';;-~~~~~~~...:..;...~~ , committee ~ are .. , ' cho8ep II)' lhe party oaucus. • . 1 • ; 1 • ~ •• The 4$l;~ to meet to M ' Bl r N' ed H d .: , , . , ; work i"'t· ~ V~ ad-esa· S' . um · 11J11 . ea ~ve've built.a·newoftic1in : ··:a~~ltblfil i~:t~~;£rd!~ , r Huntington :· i 1 ~.~~-~~ch~~ ~ ... ~~ =:r.i -.. ::$Al.E: , • 1 pqsett of the 243 House h i s SouUtland prof~M>nal ~ Beach ' I ~~~~." a DSG member 0::inu;·presiden~ Ja:ph A" r ,\J 1 said, "is to get at least a C. Rooban, Los Angeles Coun-- start in the aru• of deciding ty employe, handed Blum the advancement more On the gavel u chief of tbe Southern bas.is of performance and California Chapter, Interna- ' ,.. ahillty liisiead 'of political tiooa1 Association ol Electrteal Here's Where It's At! JongeVity. ' lilspedAJ<s. "In all probability, lhe Blum was installed !luring . senior member would qualify the l.«lg Beach meeting by J EOJr\ tnhi for 4dvancement in most Wally Reed. chief e1ectrlca1 · ,. -, I .. ' ,,,....._, .. . '. ~ -. . '~ ·~ ' .• ; . \ _qJlt~on ell cur fdm°'fl ; · brands tncludln1to111_ own ToP 'n ~.sh~ • . ! • • • ' 'f J ,. ' ? Tremendous.vafues·dh hahdllogs and hos~ ~J,f/ J ~lY PUI' II .. • • 'l i l \ , cases. Wben he-~ · Wpeclor (LClrange C<lonty _ • , : !boulcl .IJe .. a WS'1 fol "1!1 .. -"·andpresldentofti»flliedrical W-:':w-Plaai ~ ll,o•a:;,-: · ~ ~ )or!t1~1'la: party .coQ4., , i~li~11~1~p~e~c;l·:•z:·•~IB~ttn=Ydlona::'.'~~~~~·~~~~~N~1w~po~rt~,~2~1~F:•~•h~lo~n~l:il~1~nd~;:==:;:~t =:==:~.,.~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~ _/ \) to bYpim • '; stoe:_ . 1tle asaodation. proposals suggested SQ far in-_ __ _ _ __ _ r--_ -~-.:.-_ ... ~~ 1-~:-"':'.!'- ctude! . , . -Allow the speaker to I , '. • • 1 • "I. nominate committee chairmen, subject to approval by the party caucus. . . \, I • ' • '< -'I· All Penney Stores Open Every Nigtit ,Mg"dli¥:7~rough,~.O.,~- •. r-JANU· ' ·y . ~. ·:· ":·: ·,«• '._ReqWre the caucus to select the chairmen, with the choice limited to Ule three 1, senior · committee memberst. ' ~e a new Co~iUee ,ALW~Y8 FIRST on Committees compoSed of 1-• _ one member from each st.ate .~ b8vtp1 at least one ~at ln'tbe House. The Republlcana now follow this J:lrocedqre. .. Each member whould have as many votes as there are erVtp, .. WDiJ ottrn @'· o-'·@lID~. ... . ~--, DemocraUc rnentben: from his ... _ state. ~ ' -, •. ,. ~~ ,,-~~~1:~ -i .J8R;Aq1Ml1ED TIME ONLY'! , • Ways and,. Mum Commit.tee , • ..... ~·-· .. AGood:fri•..!.J11r.;;,~1r1:..s,~,.E.,i,1;.-. : ~'!t"~ .. ~~tii·::;i:i: :, 5liiiPIR JS1.zE;BEDDING BUYS! ------.>..:.'-·;..... _____ ~_·....;.•---'I state; 'iben It comes to mat.! Iii • ~ . Ing ~ttee('-~!~w ~ ,J_ •. • .. t~ " .. • • • ·,FASHION FABRlt. We're ringing in t~e new year by ~!earing out s1u· . last.year's stock. So come in today and let our . . · · cash register ring up savings for you. • •• • • • SIHSER* SUPER PRINTS A SINGER.exclusive. 50% easy-caraZANTR,EL polynosic rayon, 50% cotton .. SANFORIZED • PLUS. 45" wide. Originally $1.29-yd. . WAIKIKI PRllllS Exotic scnien pri~ts designed axcluslvety for SINGER. 100 % actylic. 45 • wide. OriliNlly $2.49.Jd. . SUNFROST Delightfully taxt\lrlld fabric in briih!. · sunny colors. 70% rayon. 30% ecelale. 44/45" wld8. Orliln1lly $1.98 )II. PAGODA SHANTUNG Beautiful for sUrts"and dresses. 100% DACRON polyester. 4~· wide. Onflinally $~98 Jd. ·-IUEllA PA•K lilO 0.. The htoll TA ... 7540 111•110 fllerk C•1tt.t HUNT1N6TON HACH !4111tor 1t ... ,i. HJ.fb.41 HJ11tinff'!'I C.11tot .. COSTA MISA 2JOO H1rffr 11¥4. GAUllN GROVI • NOW $198 ONLY Jd. LA lllWADA I I024°S.:Lili+-ller LA 1-JJJI L• 4• c..rfot CO'SJ A-MESA ...... ...... ... _. .. . ~~~l· ';;:~ -·· ' t ' t' ' ....... -"t .... sl1e Mill JtiU.W · 10.98 Choose · yottn I" toft, .~ ... -....... Oft .,,., Off tkkint " fll01o dW ._.,,ab,. and l'w ~. IM1tripe1.2,!'a:)6" • " . , ......... , , ....... _ ... lllrillllllt ·-~-... -· ~;.~;..--;;-?~·-·~, ~., '1":.I' . ............. , . 9 • .. • ' , 1Wa11Pllll• .. • , w................ '., ' .' _,· , ... , ...... ,... .r.wc_.-.-_,_~·-·-· .___ _, ' ,, . ~ . ~ , .. • ' • , ' '·' • • " Kl 9°1195 H1rbor Co11t;r ANAHEIM Ill N. L.u1 ttJI Ch1pm111 5JO.•OIO Oron91 Co1111ty Pl111 SANTA ANA s..ttic.... .... HUNTINGTON BEACH NI"""•.._. n7-1M1/ l . ...2.~~~~~~-:-----'-;-':-~;__~----='--~.;-:--~..._.....,, ' ' 111.112• ~· ' A111llol111 Ce~t.r Dow11tow11 JOI W. 4th St. ICI 2·lt41 H• ......... c.t. COSTA M'f!?A · ~ ~, _, HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT1 ' . (Horbor Shopp!~g 0C.,.~or); (Huntington Center) · ion hlWJ r ( , • I l I I l } -;;;:;~~-~-~-~~~~===:=.~~=--~--~ --·-\' ---.--~ ..... -·~·~·---------------.,...._ -~ -_ ... ·--•'"------·-···---··-.. ·-··-- ' ' • • I Ii I ·1 L l • • ' ' • • Royal· Vacationef's • Queen Elizabeth, accompanied by her youngest son, Prince Edward, (Center) and bis cousins Lady Sarah Annstmng Jones (lei!) and Vl!COll!ll Linley, leave LiverpoOl Street Station in London on their way to a vacation spot. The royal families will con- tinue their Christmas holiday at Sandriniham. Youngsters are children of Princess Margaret. I ' Engi,~er-Solves Cal,elulnr Mixup . ANN AllBoll. lllldl. (UPI) days. •lib u Ulra cla7 In j day and race I>aa, bul of !OJI' to !Ive ...;...,.uve -4"Jw17 you loot at H, Ille ~ ~ lllil two u-1.f! .would lie .. ldnntqe worldiii daJJ not lnlemlpted !be GNawfan and ·J~llan lrl cla~, on Ulp year. Th to Industry with tho crutlon by the mld·...U bollQ1t. •• ~ •• :.: __ .;_. co~ Is \Wv.,..l'(ar each · . ·~· ... .._. "P lllClll!h, •t&!tlol .on Tuudayll. moclerti lodui\ry . and · the 'J'lie ami\e caleudar woold 1 private Uv,. of mil~ o/ have llfll• cl»nce In the lrldl· Amarleana -when holidays ti~. 1¥>lidayll qelebroted on fill In the middle of the week •pecifro r d.!IY• · Ji.~ than · dale8. Good.Friday and.j;;utcr Wlth all due respect.s . to SUnday; woUld be on ~ same Julius Caesar, whose Juhan day and date every year ,with calendar wu insUtl.lted in 46 , tbe pew calendar. , B. C, and !be r e II n e d . Beca"" the •Incle caleodar . ONorian ca)cndar, m a d • hu only 36' day1, Int com· allai. )'ope Gregory XID, puter-enctue<r b11 addeci a ai&rlej .H. Single of Aon "wild card cloy.~ called New ,AJl>c!r, ~ 11 1s tin\• for Yeir'• o.y 1t 1n1ota--'·•·· I ~ m the lotuetls of d ,_.:_ l ba •<o-tbe ~lne e and tit 1be 11 nor -t ~ a date • ~ o1"fh. lndivldual Under !be •Incle co'lendar, Slniio. 1 CQlllputer CQlineer every. legal holiday w"'1d al Aon Arbor wbo ~--Jy ....Wt In a tllree<la,y -kend. -f IWUn;I" Because of the improved •II'/¥ 2.1...5l Joseph, Mich., butiness olllclency achieved hu p;vwoed a calendar - b ,._ I • •• aJded by Illa com ler Y we ~ ca ender, an ad4 .~•-• -• •pui -dltlonal holiday, "New Yar's wu.iu1 pull au holidays on Eve," Dec. 28 Is prOposed. e~ the first or last day This rtllllts iii I minimum of ~'le week; . . of five , daya off between Smgle b. starting a national Christmas and Jan. t. On leap movement for adoplloi\ of year lt would be sil da,Ys ''!bal ht calla the "13 by 28 Sin"' ---' · J?IU! i calendar." The caleodi.r •• e -.id the calendar has 1! months each with 2a would be an advantage to the • worklng .man who has to take his family vJsjUng or 1 ·on BRING THE CHILDREN ' TO SEE THI PU,,IT SHOW _ I thfwl ... 11, PIJI on tJ1e l\(all. ?i.tttch•ll Marionettet preMnt ''CDtCUS'" o" thunday, fridq, aaturday, J•n. 24-4 at 11 &rn·l pm· ' 3.pm-4 pn-1:30 pm except sat~ .only 1t 11 am-l·:Z+f pm HUNTINGTON CENTER ' Bt1c:h 1nd Ed inger •t Sen Qlego Fte•w•y CUSTOM MADE FIREPLACE SCREENS INS IDE AND COftNEA MOUNTS ' ComPltte line of FlrtpJ•ce Acc .. sories ................... " ONE WEEK DEUVERY C1ll for free lltim.at• • CC?mplete Line of Gas Flame Lots - ,CdM High Lists . 31 7 Honor Students Corona del Mar H.lgh school K.en Nei~. Pamela Osmus has-relea5ed its first ·quailer and"Janet Statiton; freshmen honor roll, listing 317 honor Eliz.abeth Brimer, Va I er i e students, Dardeiro, James Cote, Karin Seventeen students received Feldman, Linda J a c ob u 1 , A'1 iii. all subject9, e~luding Valerie Kria, Gillian SymOruis physical education. They are and Maria White. senior Jan Traphagen and The other 3oo '119n9r atlldenta Robert Williams; junior 1 received at least two A'1.and R06lyn Rawlings and Suun a B Jn academJe subj.etta:. Thompson; sophomores Marlr: They are: .All Penney, Storts Open Every Night ·Monday Through Saturd enne~f ALWAYS l'IRBT G.UAUTY . , ' ' I SAVE NOW AT OUR B•GGEST SHEET .EVENT-OF THE-YEAR Aldnch, Charle.11 Grimshaw, ... ' • Pe911 Adlimi su ~ r~P-f!tt="j•ll·-¥1dl.r.~~ DEATH NOTICES • .•. "i;kii "r,t,.,,-:t:: ------...:.'--·~--· ., 1ro.•q'!.111tY~.L. ':11 ~ 'f1111!"jh~~~rver, A1ne. cAMM . I 0l•l'llltz~ SI;;' C r :::I'• ' . ' It· ,, 'l ~ ' I l I J....,oh It. C..mtll, "'1 ~ C.,, It .,. :•n..!!!. t="3F t¥fl on• ~t Mer. D'-1 Clii:. 7': ~ iW ' ~Jff '\Ilk-..~ Wi!f, Ce<lll<I; d"lth~• .... IOll-IA.llw, '1 Cl""" G-.!•rl•n. k•lhleerl S•llY ll\CI ll'.o!N5 J, Corcori ni t\lto GI I d.1. l lnila Glll1 (ynlhl1 Gr1h1m, 1r1111kl11id...... krvlctl ""'"' lleld Lr1':f: ... r..wr, Lethe G•ffnw11d, Ll r· l\fndlY •I 2 1>.m. •! SI. MictlMh ilild "ewa:.-:'\u.,,_, P•trki1 Hllll!ll~ AJI ""9115 Eoltc~f Church, ltw. Jllfln AllM Hlllk, Oonn. Hofm11, lllch1,_ A. D1vla ,off)CllllN. ln~rmtnt 11 P•· H~ ~11Ncl lrwln, Ool.o!ilol1 Jemn, C~t<: View' MllrTIOl'll1 "•f'k. f"1111l1V tu. • ~"-"-"°""""i: lrlonnln Jcrflnlon,, •t1h lrllnll1 """' w!1h ro contrlllut9 Sit.,_" Jump, 11.obeM Kllfhl'I, llobl'rt m1v ~ •••• ""C F .. ' ,11 l1ev, Le.ur• Ll-n~'1!. Lt1i.1 Lit-. • vv .., 1rw::1r u . •< c lltJOlln, Kllhrvn LI,~· V•t• Mwf-A"1 dlrtcrlfll, Oorothy MKMll 1n, N1rw::y Mck1111t 01'..SON t,11:~. ~~"'~1~1r.1 11~hc~e1~.1~:,";". G1ry NtHl<li, K11t1ry11 N-. Cathy SHAW Etlz1t.11t Shlw. Ate '"' t JID M1n11,.. i!1 ,,,..., Al>Ple '11lley. DIH Oecem- btt 21. survlYtd by two d.1Utht1rs. Jull1 lllftt Ind H•nl McC1Mlty, bolt! of AP•I• \'1lll:J'1 l(ln, Htrold ,.,. ..... N-t 8"c~; lwo 1ls!1r1, N10frll Sllulr, 1M111i.k1 C..ny11t1. •nd Ru"y Shtw, C.11 Mttt1 t lth! 1r1Mlchlldo ~n: tWIJ 1,...l .. r•nOcllllcl,..... Mra. Shu" WIJ I lor""r rt11dtnl al Or1nte (11Unly, boMl I" o.wntr. si.. l'ftfdwcf In LH\lnl IMCl'I for m1ny re1rs ..,.. lore tolllf 111 AHie \111i.y, S.rvlces wllt be Mid 11 ! 11.m. ThurSd1r. J1,.. llll'Y J, 11 Wl"ffrfy Chl/rcti, 1'1lrh1v1n Memorl1I "'"'· J. l . Forundtr clflt• 11111111. w;n1111i.r F1mlty M011u1rv d~ recllntr. STROUP E lnor1 lllle" Sir-. C01!1 MUI rttl- .te.ll from lfa It !NI. 0111! of d111h. De<emlllt" 1l 11 St. Htltna, C.llfornle. SYrvf~ 11'1' '°"' avu11 H. Sllbrrl1 1..i 1r1ndi.on, Dr. Jlltln II. Sl!IMT'I. S.rvlcn ""'"' Miii -lmbtt" U. !"* 11 Forti! L1•n, lllendllt. YOUNG Glen I . Younv. 22l M1rou1rl1e. Co•· -1111 Mir. SUrvlwd by Wlf<I M . \/-Y-1 dllltlller, Mlldl'flld I . Fid<Olt/ ton, DoNild 11-YUll J two t r1ncldllklren, Mt1. l1rtr1•1 Fldlttt Fii...-. tnd ~let F!d<tll1 1MI 1'1rw 1rMt-t1r1ndcillld,...,,. S..VICll • wlU Dt Fridll' 11 1 P.rn. pf "•Clfk \I'"' Cri.pel.., Rev. l .... D. P:1klllflltr ef. foc l<llint. lrw~ et ....._lt\lfll of """ "Kiiie, "•lfk Vltw Mtrnorl1! l"1f'k. l"adfk ..... Mowtv•l'Y tllr'KlllM. BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona dtl Mar.OR S.Hlt Coste Mts1 Ml W4U BELL BROADWAY MORT\1ARY 111 Broadway,,eo.t. rt1en u Wiii . J>ILDAY BIU7l'llEM HuUn""° VOiiey P!fortUlf')' 17111 Beach Blvd. HIUIUD&toD Btacb m-m1 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemeler}' e Mt<lla117 CUpel • N=-=.:~.:::. 144-!7tt l'UK rAMILY OOCONIAi. nlNDAL ... --·· .. w 11iWowi - llUDl'E MOlmlARY -........... '5r..:-' ~jimJARY crrs.11~.~­~· · ,, , • ~::r. it"!Jif!?1:":.o1;'1l!~':. Al~~r 11_,hl 1!1 n R~t. a1t1l1n untl~ __ R_e~ Snyittr, Cynthia ,.., Jll'll Sn1••"· N.lllC:Y Slr•llon, -~lltr, c,ry Symes, ll:tlhleen "lflNlll', ''lwll ... r, 11,iwn WKl!t{:, W= t f'I', Suttn Webb nn W tr , tlChetll WUIOfl, '"d C~rl11 nt W Ill • Jlilft\tn -P11rlcil Auvtruhlftl, ~111r11 &lrr11rd , Traev B e 1 c fl . '"""" !tlllfller, artt Btrntrd ulte 41ac , Ct rol Bll "oled, Ptf l otton, Marv Bt.cht, Mark lniwtr ~lcob lrftrtl, Cllucilt B u ck 1 y, hrlitln1 Bum1>11, k1lll\H" C1rnt , Grn tllln', l"lmtlt C11qrty. """"'d Cl1rk, Mt!lnd1 CorleY, $l1nltY OCCChapter ~rl-, (lm!IJI DIY, 01vlcl Ou_11!"'i 1nit1lr11 Eon. 011<11 tills. Hiid vtrtOfl, EltHI F1k1~, Leslie Ftm. ,_ """'°°· ltnadlcl Fr11H, L1urll ~'~.·r.,~;,,,·~ ~· Sets Revise "'*":l'~~-·rw.=,.~rf:: .. Le.url1 H~'"iwlll J•mt. t~ '""'-k 1t1Wr1 K1tr:. Jltltf Ktl1. A ta•• --~'tullon' fo L••flt 11t11, B••d Klu-. ~ new I 1e .. v uow r Kournl!\, 11111<1o1't L•Ftrr. ri;•rr.:. the junior coUeae business a.9li'r.'71ii'<tr'i'.!ft'.t'11 Im•, K..,,.. ~ Ll11--•'atlon Phi Beta Lamdba Juh1 L~Ylfiiiiori, Nency ~w.· Mm ~caow.11. cv"t~• Nhll , wu '1ll"eseJJ. ted by Orange JtM er, Jcrfln i · el y '-~ MurOl'IY. a!Nl1 Murt n. ~· t Coast. College Stud en ls at the Newton, ,.... H"twtlln, /Nry ' cl b' f II onJ kr.!!'1 l"•Nilflll. J1n11 P1m-. u 1 recent 1 c erenct "Y°l::.:J. ~1Wrltl Rowt1l'ICI. w1y1arn 1n Merced. ~~Y E~ vi:!~::~.'.f,111= · N~ membe~ of the OCC Wood, •"II 11.oe" Y1rnt11. chapter, Nu Upsilon, attended se1Mmtr11 -Mer11" ,., tr •". with more than 100 students thr1i+1n1 -B1t.,., or.id eero~•on, Jqe 'Rom 11 coll••es thr••••out C. llr11t~. Dl•t Y llld<, irln U .,. ,,....., lle~w.U, Lutlndl IDttort. Ar1hur the state. Cold Bothers Neil Mayfield 0£ Newport Beach, CX:C representative, prepared and presented the • revised constitution. A f t e r Polar Bears Too minor changes, it. WU ac- SEATrLE (UPI) ~ It was ao cold here Moodaf QM! _polar bean at the_ Woodland 1'ark 100 were goin1 lnaide to get •W&rm. Zoo dlnetor Frank Vincenil said the bear1 occuJonally left ~ their outdoor cq:e areas to avoid the temperatures of 10 'to 15 dear-brought by an arctic cold wave which bas hit Jhe 11rea. cepted by Ule general membership. Other OCC students takitig part included Doug Crowe of Co!te Mess:, who chaired the Pot Pourri workshop; SaTI. dy KaWmenn of Costa Mesa, who chalN!d the Constitutional Revlalon Workshop ; and Paul Jalbert of Anaheim, state treasurer, who chaired the State and Local Fund Raising Workshop. I See by Today's Want Ads -- 9 t p h I ............ t I ! "' . Manor sheets ·'I . • • FOR ' A LIMITED .. TIME ONLY " • ( --- ...... ........... _____ ~,. ..... _________ ..,,,, .. ""*"""• :.::.:-3.67 .. ._...__,,_R--~MT .., ... _______ .Sfl,.77 . ......, ..... ____ ,. ... ILEACHID PINN PtlST' NIYll.flON WY CAii rtlCALI ....... 1 .. ......... 2.11 ............. w.""'~----' ....... •·•·--------S/t.n ·- • 1'LOIAL PAH1Al'r', PINN IUST" NMl-flOH PltNftO SHHn ,, ....... ........ _ 11.1 .... 1'.67 ............. _. _____ ... , "'"'·-----·---:111.2• c...,... ..... COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping C.nt.r) THI!: PBNNJn' ll'l'ORY Wh,ymake auc(a a bi6 deal oat of quality? Br a;oaBl.TA N.\SH I 1.tbcl t P•KJ 9Ulrt muqerdll!qllQlim00tt 1114 'llt'hewht fiMUJ de· cl ... J ... ~rr.o-, he 1114, "tf I cwld • 011l7 --".., d..aibe the phi; •wot~·., I'd pid:dle word, p•lil1, •Mr. Pe•1q Ii•• ti· W1Jf bra 111/MttlicOll thlll fuhjtet,." h• c:Mti••ed. "'Tber ., die t111!7 lhi.1 Wt Miu_... Mr. r- 11q •a.sr1it11t'hm-- 09C tuuai-.. lallpto- mhc Pe••~ l(•!llty to mike 1 J.,..rer priot. • HUNTINGTON BEACH (Hunt'f!9fo.ri:. Center) out ~ONE ~PIO PllCAlll il-OOlllOIMOSS-n1•llf• ~ ---2.93 81•111 ..... ..--------'"" ···-•fl,.H ~ NiVHo&ION a&IAOtlD MUSI.IN SHllJ'S ••• SNOWY WNITEI ,.. .... ---199 ~....... . . ... --------'"" ....... ~----:l/'IA4 ,, .... "' ---2.54 ........ ..--------LH 41••------~fl-- PUCAll lllAClilll WHlll SllHIS, ....., GUAUTY; LOW, LOW PllCll ,, ...... ---1.85 .,.,.. .. .. .. .... _. ______ ...,. ···:~:::::::::::~:Ill .... ........... s.u ............ -2..99 ---lfflf!S Hfl#A1 .... tc SAVINClll . ,,... .. !" ---IA5 . ...... ..-.. -----~"~I ... ····-~-----:1/U- NEWPORT BEACH (F11hi0fl 1.J.nd) ---· _, ___ ,.... ----~ -·---·--~ ~I . . . ·' ' -t Pl Teacher Studies , .. . I ·Dead Civilization Imqioe an a n c 1 e n l the area is aJinost un- . : atdleolo~I alle, practlcally believable, Payne iald. · ' . untouched, filled with the "Every footstep covera frorD · arlifacb of a dttd clvlllzatlon, three to 10 pot shards oo and coveriQ&.·• full 25 acres. the surface, and they are WWlam 0 P Or fouod in the ' same qoanUty . . •Y"<. ange . · "···• r.n.-art 1nalru tor from a foot to three feet : ~ ..;;;;t'l: pre-O>lum~lan ~."he said. "One wonden , ,,ottery, Is wwkin& • on such U it was the custom to bring . a dig in the blck country pots filled with something to '. of Medco wbUe on sabbaUcal ~ temples, graves or olazas : , leave. just to break them lor a : ••1 am •l a place Called reason as yet unknown. The . Lambityeco .. ·Payne writes area covered by broken pots :-uvou oq4 ,11o4 It 00 · at th1a dig Is $xrt 25 acres." tmill :... ICll the mme 11t"%-: PBJDO said there. ore more ' • · ,J!jo the group ol mound& ju.st t1!an 12 big moull<ls vWhle li_west of the towQ: <If 'l1acOtsiia >I' from the . 0~ OD Which he ,.. P said ,,. ·•·· located ls'Worldng. ayne • .., .• ..., ovAch ---• · · I '"11111 ... he ~ ,of· Clar ~ in • -u~ ·~·· •.• s,.,. he potter; p1eCes fouiid In temples W1Ut ~fine, carvings, omb.s in the area. The amount stairways. reh~ ~ptures, . f pottery shards found in large urns and fire pots, plus ==='==''=====.! several tombs each, not all . . ' SALE of which have been looted by ancient or colonial grave rob- bers. I have also been able to find the techniques by which the pottery here whs ANCIENT METHOD -Mexican pottery make'n in )be ".filpge of Atzompa, Oaxaca, still make their W8f88 in the ,ancient manner. :nus primitive kiln is being emptied by ~ec jlO!'tl!ra !!) tho aroo In which Wlllia!la Payne,. Orange Coast College art instrnctor, son ,81l"arcbeological dig ~fu dis&iver Jost Indian artifacts. -_. · '"' '-~ made, and bave duplicated-------------------------1 some of the ancient wares." Payne said that all of~ N f B • • finds OD the dig go-into state e'W ear ringing More Money woes or national museums in. Mex- ico. The laws of Mexico are WASHINGTON (AP) -The al>artroent.s and homes will tion of the cost patients must Here's Where It's At! very strict and carry heavy new year 's arrival today will have to start abiding by the pay for longer hospital slays. penalties for flaking any of Open Hnncrina Law. And Secretary of WeUare · ... •~•-out ·of ... --try bring an increase in Social ¥--.., J ""~' 1.11~ u.ac '-'IMU • For medicare patients, 1969 Wilbur J. Cohen was schedul-C II aiA.. ~ L ft Payne will be in Mexico Security taxes for w a g e mean:; that they will have ed to announce later today \AAl'I I l.U J\X f o r the remaindet1 of t h e earners and in hospital bills to pay the ftrSt $44 of their whether: there will be an in-"=:.:'... N-::_~ •• school year, retunllng to OCC for medicare patients. hospital bills iristead of the crease In · the $4-a-month • Wtdotldq, J'"'ary 1, 1969 WARNING! .: Thesej Pins , Contain . f • • "I\-• ~ ~· ' .,· -.-.P()isonpus Beans· · · . ' •• ' 'J:be·beon, lmDWll u • "Jequirlty Bem" or~ "Roi!ary l'ea, ~ k '81..ii.i.t .,..ilhiilJ', witJ! I t,d 'or •raJIP body llnd bltcl:tip Ill-· oni!-!limo'·. beem may bo dilcolond lllld oppear blown or black and lhiny. If you puidWed or ncoitecl1 any <>I th• pins oont.mlrts tbeN beam, pi-' return them imnw!ia\&y to tho tit.ore for nluiod.\I •• , • ~=======::!!...fn:::_::Se~p::l•:::;m:::he::_:r·.,.....-°'"""---l:.n_:•d:.d:_iti:::•n::_, :::owners:::::.::•l.'.'.m:::anr~. firSt·-$40. ·Moreover, there will premium for those taking part "!->· --·..:... -: ...,..~ __ . _ 1_he.c_·· _s.l!..:;. g)l_t_Jn_cre_ase_. _~_in_.1be_.po;__r·_in--'m_edl_c_are_'•_doc-'-l9r_·f_ee..:p_ian_._;:::._ __ _;:=.-''"''·----==----'-''--=·'---=-------=- • , , Stuling tomorrow ••• \ THE SALE IS ON! (You.can.~ that again!) . . ~ ... ·-' ... .. ·; .. ""' , .. :;-rt . ~. .. • ~ESMOND'S 107th JBuARY SALE ... one of oply two storewide ~es a year on men's, young men's and · · women's quality apparel. £ntlrt stock not lndudtd •• . ~ ' ' . I .... _, fl. • DESMOND'S -.. . .. SOiid colOr tit.tone tow,J• ...• .. :ir . ~'1· 24" ..... . -- All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday ,, ·:·JANUARY ;WO{] o-Lr rn ®®® ®IB .. Sophistication bath towel ensemble 22"x4411 bath towel 1.75- , 16"x~6"hano1towe195c 12111112" ... hclolh 55c Tabad1a•ci;o 11owrof ...... .s-y~ .. ......,__ goklw"" • Pe"neyi . tile "'to~• iacquard en1emble ."' • •.t _ 7 T} i:.:-.::.. . " 1s·.2~.._.....-. ............ 60• ....... -............. ,.,, ... 30• Do11•t fllhl thl; gr.ot vofu• on eorto11 ftilTy tow.la 11'1 becMifVI ·tonll of f.nt, plllli or bluittt.1-.itify )'Mir' "°"•ODl'l'o4 -of low, low prbl! n.... ..... ~ ..... lllrty ....... lnlwmh ....... .... ....... ..., ... OOdl.s..thll ...... "Sf: llff"I "Fame" .OHd color towel en1emble .... w . 2 2$ ld ..... Mth.......' 14'· ... --........ ~.l.75 look""'1• ........ ' \ I ' ~ I I r I I • , , , • , . Campus, Reyolution Might ·.End W.here.Jt ~eg~n,-:·A.t :liJC j , I , . Dramatic Changes Put Into Effect ' . Bli:llKl!IEt-(llPI) -'llll! In ~.Jl!!:lnl ol IJl7 with with pride to OOounued efforts ocrullnWng minority atudent.o t.Tni"'11:il7 ol Ca I i r o r n l a , four courses, the ce:irter thJa: to lncrtaae Ute number of. emerging witb a r a d u ate • when the -I~ campus !all olfortd II COU!WI Ill< -•·-! degrees from N-colleges rc~utlon of the !tee's beg• credit and tour tor non<ffdlt. ....... ..,. ty racea 1 m 0 n I and unlv~lilies, and perhapa may be whtrec U ends. Courses baff ranged &om nonacademic e m P J 0 Y e • · also faculty member• at such Four ,..i. q1>. ca111ht Iii observing the Poor People's Ethnic minority em?loyes Jn. ~llluUOlll fer pooa!ble ap the throeo o1 •Joi.at iludent campaip in Wuhlngton to creased D perceot Ja:il year. pointmcnt at Berkeley." rebe.U.i91t cturtnc-ihe .M~ working with poverty officials About 10 percent ol the wort Heyns, who came to Bute- Speech Movement," t b e In San Franctsco'g Miuloo force ii Negro, 8 percent ley ln 19115 from University Ber1'tley campus wu nearly district. Oriental and 2 percent Spanish of Mkblgan, ts ·a lllockI, ll!'Y· immobilized. ••Another The Eldridge CI eave r surname. haired administrator wbo_"lllf Berkeley" !.$ter: beelpie tbe course, an e.tperimental ol-Despite the improvement,~ a reputation among si~enta Cljdi-1!firase to \I e'at r Ib a fering, w., denled credU' .. rter He)'llll bu O<dered greater In-· lnr beliw a~ to dl!ialss waves ct , student protestl the ~ of. ·reget\ts @P}>Osed creues in' 1Jllnorlty ~ploy-unlversfty ~!ems. around the natiotl. • a SUQ:ested lecture series by menl and ctted an "~ IVERY cAainn.• Today, u the resuli ¢' the Black Panther. Gov. representatioil"'of Ne~ in He 15 1 ~ve 'speater dramatic chanpt put it;to ef. Ronald Rug.an ca 11 e d the management, profe.ssttmal ··1 -nd has J>een: e x·t'r em e J y feet qule&ly and ·wtlbout fan-Cleaver's ~net .on campus and skUled trades group." careful~ safeguard student l'f'; a relaqve tranquility an "affront lo the ta>j>ayen BIG PROBLEM _rlgbU. d ill8 jlllclnllnarv pro-~ails '"' Uie ':ia,llOktudent ~ 1:1 =-:::~·"of. Perhaj>s the thorniest pro-eeedinia,. • • r ~· -pus. Alli! llerbley, llW11 -· blem Is the search for • AltJxiulh Hlofns' p o 11 c y obsenerl· believe. «dd weQ. ficlal ,t, Ber~y., however, quaJ.ilied members of minority · chllnges are ne• am the long-&lg~ . the metbodl higher said the courSe as given wa1 ' races to fill j>OiJtions on the' range eflec;t will n9t be known education must adopt to put <taeademically impeccable" faculty. Out of J,151 full time for a cmslderablt lime, . it ila house in ordee and efforts are. still under way academic stall membeni, for ii obviM they 'haVe trouibt to change the regents' iullng. eiarnple, only four are Negro at least a temporary potential \ SOME STR.IFE Hefnihasal~·acted~g-and Heyns ,feels ·the school for peace: ~t the troubled To be sure, this ' tree-line4 Jy to increaae,'raclal minollty inust "greatly expand our el-school • campus has not totally a voi~ r e pr e s e n t a t j o n among forts ." "There ts alwaya the chance ed strife alnce that day in studenll, faculty members \'Eventually irtudenl5 from of a renewed outbreak," an 1964. when FSM 1dder Mario · and non-academic empliyes. minority backgrounds -now aide to Heyns said ju.st before · .!..# Savio ieaped atop a police · 1be · ch8ncel.lor otilled· for or~ shortly to be introduced Christmas vacation. "That's , " ·• .~ car .an4..·urged UC studen" "dlrectinvolvementlnmU!ng intogra'duateprograms-wllt the nature of students today. THESE"Wl!RE i LQ.,DAYS' ON UNIVERSITY OF CJILIFORNIA CAMPUS AT BERKELEY to "~as.! down Ul/S great and the Berkeley caml>'?. a com-be avail~le for appointment," \But most seem to agree that . , .-~T :<..:,.,..,..~ 1 · prosperous imtltutlon." muni!f wbere there is mean-Heym: Said. "But meantime we are working on our pro-R•llftillke1'ltll~One Ltcf by Mario S•Vio Hav~ Giv.n Way to Relative Tranqulltty Just this October, 16 8 ingful, dignified and satisfying _ _:we::_:"""'::::':d_::be::._.:aggr~""=i::.•el::Yc.__:h::le::ms:::..·"_· _.;_ __ ~------'·.:·..,..,_..,·....__.·:...·~-· -----------------------------,;,:; studenb were arrested during participation of all people ~ • \ ~ two days of sit-ins oYer -the • regardless of race_, C9lot, 1• ~:t <t .,. tT~ I\ issue of whether Credit should creed or national origin." · be given for an QPerimental ''This campus bas become eoune on racism taught large:-directly involved," He)'IU!I said Jy ~ Black Panlher"Eldridge "There has been progress." Clea~. So far, "Berbley MANY CHANGES ~ Roger Heym bu-. not ·• n no u n c e d ·what The most. dramatic cJianges dbcipllnazy measure he haC' have:_ occtnnd u a ~t .of decided Upon , the educatio~· oppbrturUty -There-liav~ 'been other J!{pgram e sJ a ~Ii a.h eJi._ in. abortive demonstrations and January, 1966. U~er thls several occasions ·on which plan, some 415 mino r ity police have been calJed to students have been ~pted restore order. But none at-. at Berkeley, even though many tr acted the th. f . would not normally have Jn.el sympa •es o strict academic standardf1or more "'than a few hundred admission. st~.denls. Although Ji:ludents enroUed Mlat has happened here under this progr•m riluit mett ~nd made a big ~ dlfferencc the same standards as all 1s the re8:1~tion Lhe .universi· students for graduation, they ty a d m 1 n 1 s t r a t 1 o n has are given special tutoring and basically come around to the I ~· So successful has ~tudents' point of view on the the program been, acCordinc 1ss~es that really matter," ex-to director Wllllam H. Sh'errlll, plains Ed Segel, a young in-lh.3t rT percent are already struct.or ia'h.lstory. ,achieVing . .an aver&Je grad! of "C" oi: better,.in the.fr MAJOR. ~UES . courSes ~ a pertent have Th~ ,mues, accord~g to a "B" average or 'better - Segel aftd others dose t, ctil· considerably above the gradea lege-age ·)'outh, are race,' the-of nonruilly enronea; studentt. Vietnam war and the Im-'i personal qualities of b I g HELP MINORITY · · university education. "The protection of academic During the "Free Speech'' standards need not prevent fracas, the underlying bones ·the development of programs of contention ·were the to help minority student.. demands that students be overcome their educational given a larger share in disadvantages," Hey~µi~. determining new courses of ••Jt may well be that ~ onty instruction and in .shaping successful antidote to dlsad- general university policy. vantage is advantage." Policy d e c i s i o n s by As a result of the outstan- Chancel1or Heyns and the ding success of the disad- acadezn.ic senate resulted in v'antaged student program, formation of the center for Heyns has ordered the number participant education, a stu· of enrolles expanded to 4 per- dent group which develops, cent of Jhe undergraduate stu- wi.lh-facultY approval, new ex-dent body. perimentaJ courses. Starting The chancellor also point& .. Russians Start Early On Military Training MOSCO\V (AP) -Military alongside the military com· training in the Soviet Union manders, jllm as in the Soviet now :;tarts at the age of 1~. armed forces. They also have their military newspapers and Schoolboys lhroughout the political information classes. country are organized into From the start boys are squads, detachments a n d told how they should think battalions. Under adult com-and instilled with patr:loUc manders they practice drill, feelings. firing, the use of ias masks, One of their tasks aa "young other military skills and armymen," the term used rendering medical aid . here, l.!1 to vl.U ·1 i g ht s The program introduced by assoc~ted with lhe heroes or the Kremlin leadership i.s communism in the Revolution being wide~ .... !. year. and World War II. Marshal Ivan Bagramyan, the On military holidays, of World War 11 hero who has which there are many, the charge, this month ordered boys.' units are inspected as Pioneer units which had not they drill and march. Each taken part before to do so has Its own bugler and drum- in J.....~9. mer. The "young armymen" Soiriet children from IO to wear their red Pioneer scarfs IS belong to the Pioneer in lieu of a uniform, and the organi.r.atiou, which provides ofUC!llJ have insignia of slars group activities and Com-like · those of the re,ular munlat indoctrination. -;:::b~ra~n~cbe~s~o~l the~~-~i~ce. ~~J Older boys get m o r e 1; aophisticaled military training S:~LE the tut two years before beint drafted at 18. The Kremlin decreed this in 1967, also reducing the draft age one you. 'l'be defense m 1 DrJ s l er , Mlhl\al ~ Grechko, OX· plllnod jNt Iha Soviet Union wtl /1atfQg all l .t e p I MCI ''WJ lo strengthen ita -·· 'Ille 8ovlel Union dropped Here'• Where It's Atl odloolbo1 IOldler pro1Vam 11~ "=!'~ unlll, J tlJ,,rt ln hA t\'eD for the joungeat, have ••tdtn "•u ,,._,,.,, ""' t b• Jr P1"*•1 commlaarsiiL•"'·····~~~~-~·,.~~j ~ -. " 1'1:1 . ' •'. ~· , .. -, " .. ,. ' ., »:·! All Penney Stores ·open Every Night Monday Through Saturday • I> I ~.~ '· ' \ Fashion Manor deluxe,,quilttkt mattress or box spring.~ • .Win i or full :·s.ii~s! • SAVE $24 ON THE SET. Real oomlo<t 1or htalthy, mtful sleop is buib right inlo tt-clolun qulhd-firm -1111111 n.... en 612 ooilo In "'9 lul! t!D mathw, 4"2 In tho twin, 720 Ill the qUW1·and 936 In the king ••• l\O ;,,._ 1.-yoo sloop, ywr bady ,_,,. the ovpport It noods. To "!91' IM turfaCt ""'°""'and povw!clo oxtra-9, tt..cn 12 ,...,.y Edgo"tlde-1S. 4aoeacli tide, 2 on oadi wl olOOlpl forlho !dog lbll'Whlch has 16. Fuft lle.uilotorlop and baltom ·-padofar ........... and"""""'"' .......... ~ fo\a"' ,...o1ott: Al~uo:llw rayon-...... """' -· .., the loax ...... ....i. tloe --• the .. -tfnlt for ihil Allooali lo""""°" and r-o of duralollty at a_....~. •• SA VE '30 ON 2 PC. QUEEN sm:. SET, REG. •179 ... • • SAVE 150 ON 3 PC. igr.1G SIZE SET, REG. '249 • • • NOW • '149 .~· *'199 REG. •65 EACH, NOW 'OIQ-P~ llB>-RAME 16.98 . oauxe METAL BB> FRAME 9.98 ,....,M,_Ato ' NO DOWlt PAY_,-, .• ~ PlljlllYI -PA'-r PWil ' . , . ·~:.f \:<; (.> , .... ~i lfll· ,~, . ~n/ \ ,. ; .:.,,. " '""; .... .11.1 ,~ •' .., ~! ·, ,. 1 " •i)r. "' .,. L' " .~.1 '· •• ,,.,) "' • ,:;')': ., .:,.j~ '{\. _{ )· i ,,. •(· • . , . ,,; ,, '-.· i>: 11:. :oii• Ji. J> .i:. I -. "r!'l . . ,, ,, 1· .. ·iw: :.i( ,, ,, "' l•1t '.' •• ... • Q' "' ill' • !I""' 15!>1° l 91\; J.it " •6 ·~j '"' r!1J " . ' jJ! !.-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. • NEWPORT BEACH lsl1nd ...... ",, ..... ---......... .. ' HUNTINGTON BEACH Huntinqton C.ntor ''".!-..."" _. C'~~r:-="-_.::_=_=-_-~.-~~: ___ _:=::::::---~---·· _-_·_· _· ---~·-·_·_··_-_-_ .. ~·-·_-_·_· _·_·_-_~_·_:_ ' I .. -...- • Ill ~~ I ~ ~ ~·ill ii ~ .. "' :'! ·~ ~ th E· th -fo "[ d< "' · fa SI to lo pi "' " ct tr ,, lh A E d• ••• m w P• b< le OJ of T " e: a IT II IT .. t< fl h • . a ' . r b p S' ~ , - .. .. Tllursd.,, .1111tt1rY f, 1969 l'ILOT.AOVlltTISllt-~ . Fashion SEW NICE. Some designers have their own pattern cuters and sample-mak:en, w h i I e others must whlp up the samples t h emselves. • Destrners may or may not be Involved In all prodllctJon phases : some des Jg 11 er s supervise workrooms a n d Bee Stings Can Be Fatal S~ FRANC I SCO - ''Wasps and bees are ac- countable for up to 40 percent of deallu caused by venomous animals in the U.S.," sayg Peter Horen. a parasitologist at the Univeraity of Caillomia Medical Center here. "Even if the first sting causes little trouble, the ne1t can be life-threatenlna. If there is breathing difficulty, muJCle pain, severe swelling, abdominal cramps, nausea or hives, Bee a physician im· mediately/' Horen adviaes. Particularly susceptible to the lnskt's venom a r e children, the elderly and perllnS with allergies or a history of allergy in the fami· ly, he say1. Immunizing in- jections are TtCOmmended for iliese individual.I and othm often ex~ t.o bees and wasps. ' ' T b e agerelllve yellow· jacket, a me1teat.tr whose venom b men potent than a bee's, ii the most dangerous ol the stinPf'lnle<IS·" Horen cootinues. The Oower..JO'ftna bee usually attacks out ol. 1elf. defen1e. However. iL wlD tale the offenaive on warm, ·sunny day1 follawlnl a r>in which has wubed 1wa1 the pollen. B r 11 b t , flower.patwnod clothing and fr11r1nL perfumu art I I I 0 lln- tallztnc." l1aren aays that mom people develop a toler•nce to biting insec&I audl 11 fleu, mo. .. 'Ill!!~. llct, and bedbug•. : Give to Your • :.~nited. fund ~ / ' ' EYEJ',ILOOMINC " lj T11" ROSE Bushes 1 ~ C}Jlf1r1l1. CreW1. 2 Y11r ·Dlf ~ rJnr llht1re• -ll&tist1rlztf ~~NNri11• Ptcklq . · E~16iin Stl!Ctlll # 2 Crdt Clloo;fliioiroseblohes1<~l,m• 69c int rases-ill llllJ!li·tolots,~ed. piM;,. y!'llolf Id .tlite. 11. ' SuojarHaritlJ#ICr~ ChaOOtte Annstro11, pimo1 Glo,,s.._,Sno>o.,. gac 1111ny others. • . el. Pat11t bus CHess l.O'tt-ClrristiM l>Or-Dt,lomit-ltister l itcalt -) C-d l!ll8J oDlers. u . • • -~~~ ... ~~! fti"6ilat 10 .U.~wiltlfllll flow • ..., lllss O>Jlll•I' ..,, 4 98 ged and strong witti t fO . year gunltt. ltt. 5.St 1 ~.~~,.~s~ I ~:: ~~. Helps to keep · &b'olS!f IR'l1b. ..::::i:.<l soft. moist btthr 'i ,JllJT. J t1. ft. 9 C ·~: 1.39· ·11 a. · 71/2" P111ning Shen Sllflla lf.'1 1111 1 ~ 1_, ~ IStillltatts le1f emJW!;>ls~.._ fldl n as. . 8~~~ .. ~"' 771} \.,~~~~~ IAINIS 1110 Wetting Solution hr Cutact ltms ••. Sterilt, isofOnic. ~ic. Aptly , 98C evenly to •II lens stu"ftees llld insert. • l IL • -.........~-~ "'"'"' or Super I " Reel & Can • I ,.,, --· . ,, '._ '-~-·--· -:::·~ .:.. ---~~,.. w~.~l.1'69 D.\!LY PILOT JIJ said ·· F ickl~ 'Heads-up'· Business "Pracess" If CAlt1IOlt Thick, thirsty 100: col- toR witl'I super4sGfteocy. Solid -""" dobO) boO.r. 1 49 latll Tn1I ffl. J.51 ., I "Gladi'' All fllSlllNEI S"1J •Id: 11 1nert1• tt0Pt1 UllbJ et: Cu . 3i$) ' WNATION Instant Breakfast NO-IRON "Sweet 'n Lovely" SHEETS . rapid to the {lllddlo r•O&t. - up to awO&lmatily $300 week1y. A few ma}on pull down f2$,000 armually, or a lot more. FASHION FORECAST' Good designers are always in demand. However, no big boost in numbers is an· ticipated in future years. Today's lreod ls to blre young designers for lhe "now" look and young markets. SCOTT Tissue Asl't C1l1n l Wtiite. Maxwell 7i House NSTANT COFFEE Ile I U. Jlf 69( · JOBS AND SCHOO!.S. P'or pwe ~~format ion, two "Mademoiselle" reprinl.S are available at 35 cents each: "Fashion Design Schools.'' and .. If It Sells." From Ult Al~ Advisory Center, 541. Madison Ave., New York. N.Y. co= 1':. ~'r"1..l~ 'ffu::i;"' Conwr, DAILY l'ILOT, l'.O. BOX 1 $1. LOUlt. -· 4oaMl. Sorry, no ,.,_; •-• aon bll elYM. """" ,...., -lett•r b lhl bM.11 of a futw• CC!lumn wtll r_.iw • trN llOY•I MwaKY POl'f•blt IY-rllll", "Maalox'' -"' ae ntf et castric ~r1ei11z. 1.4 2 IL ill 97c "Vitalis" 11r llAll CIOOMINC Tube formult for ""' •/the.,.... ""'"'"' ~~dis- """Y Yl. 1.U 4~ tz. Sitt § 79c . . ·~UlM1Mli:nitin11 ..... ~k•"'" ., w .. 1 •..•. 1n111•UD••11t1Dilll-IOUlll•H1 FABULOUS COLORS •r CAMMlll -S.Pfin1· fresh flower mott1-print sparkle$ M JUl! wllite. All cottoR 110IJtsttr .for Ion& seMct. - ;:.w:::s"~· .:;~ ~ Shelf Paper I· setl'!dges fer Rili'oretme11t • satiny linisb nrrr time. T1pe I ,.11• BARGAIN" 1 98 llrc•l?'xlllfl Sheared "Ylltlr',. Bed Pillow . 11! ClllMOR filled with shredded pol1- ethylene for lu1wioll'; comfort Cllm1se from a~­ ~orted colorful prints. 98c·· 11r13" , Bed Pillow:: • It's fll!ilted -• -f~IH witll lilt skedcll!d Oiti- ortffiane !Oll'll. Colritl llor'I prilTts . lo[. HI 2 29 . 2tx11'1 • ~'\:(~ ~- Bed Pillow klilln, foam slays re· fres.bi111ty coo~ cotllfort· ahle and constantfy buoy· ~nt. 111-2.ll lll2r 2!5.00 TWIN SIZE rolls ill decorator PILLOW CASES nrn1 or rur , colon or whit<. TWIN Sil£ · 3 39 FITTU If FUT . .. .. . . . . I 2: 2 49 :~~£,:Ilk 2.191 14"9· 5~ / 1 • PILLOW 2 98 • · ems : C!il IGUIU Sil£ . 4· 3· 9 11m1trrur......... • ,.;; ....... . . ... -~'" ' ~· Sttfpit SHEElS-,; 11 W1ttll Stripes ar1 'today. They'1e goinr. they're in. Cotton mu$Jil wit!! • 130 111r..,;"' frn. tYertJe. { ;. ~ .·~ -• ~ .r~ "' llWlli 'SIZE '> m119 FITffD tr nAT ,,, ..... , l,c;f IDUllE S1ZE 4 3 39 flTTUI tr FUT,.,,,,.,. 1 "Tllilor Rose.'! SHEETS lyCAJlllOM £11lsli !t<dell ''"" covtr I fresh wtli~ l!H!lllGW on all IV!f' punted bottol'I sheet TWIN SIZE 2 79 ·rrmotrFUT •........ • IOUIL[ SIZE 3 39 r1nu., rur ······-.. • · Head Rest . . PILLOW CASES 2!1.59 PILLOW CASES 42x31i" 2i 1.69 ·lVd~ filled, lar1t size bed p1I· Jaw w11b colc.rfml lk'lal print MU.es nllila, uti.'11 ill bed more ~-2 69 fW.le. PerrnlnenllJ buoy1nt, it keeps it~shapt. • Kitchen Towels All cotton witll es.sorted desi,. ~~i:: 2'1 DO ll(.51c r • 41"131'".. ••• t P11i1Hm01nmm11ran""""'im "Water Pik" ORAL NYBIENE APPLIANCE ~ & AUTOMATIC TOOTHBRUSH One product gives cGmplete home oral cll!ltllircs. ~tao~ . operalts directly fiom the Waler -=oi==n ~k AppliarotL 29 84 ' lttli Ulfts fi r I ''Broxoclenf'' AUTOMATIC A"llN BRUSK fer TEETH an CUMS •• :11 SQUIBB ~~~ ':sr, ~~ r~~ 12 88 clein. #1 51! Sl11•1r• 1 Ivery W•m•11• W•11t1 · Thl1 li r.t1ctle11 . "Takara" 'Pursettes' G;;! EE! Dt11ckt Ptw•rr fir Ft111l•i1t Hy1ie1t ••• Used by millrons of women since 1915, .. bu1 t~kara {11 0ie 101d gee Ol<llp). 115 31' .I!. Si'! I ""PIH' , __ 11· r -11 ••• ~11o1er, 1' .;,inlier t1m,on, w!lh [I ''~I~""'°""· losl>nt l J S and complal:e sanitary pro- 1 tr. Sin tectlon. • 1. 79 ... 1111 1.69 "That's My Color!;' •r TICNlllE ••• At last! A pWl'lllDellt m11»-iQ hair 2 25 .... !lat "'~,.."""' color ••• riever a tinled look. 1 _,., --"Ayds" IEllUClllC Plll CllOY tb:lose from ass't4 llavor!. J.ll Sin 5.lt Sin 2.49 4.29 Flavihist P-A* • PIOlOlflm..t.m111 Cold Capsules ~ ~ 1 ,. • I I I I L i • • I • I j 11 I • .. . • • • • ....._ r, ---~~=~-. -- ' • , . • > • . Jf DAILY PILOT Wtdotsdq, Jin-I. 1969 ·' -., • • •· ' • FAMOUS "!.ADY" SHIRT GROUP. ' ~ .. 'ii " • • , Reg. $b~7 : , · 2·:99 ~L1 ' : •• ,· ( • 1 • • -.1 .. 'I Jo -· ,Tailored favorites 'include"""lon9. ·.o~ roll -_,leeves, square bottoms or tuck- ins; whit8s, pastels in nO-iron Dac- ron• polyesterfcotton, sizes 8-20. Blouses, Shirts, 66 FAMOUS MAKER WOOL COORDINATES Reg. $11'·$ I 9 7.99-10.99 --r-. ---~ Group includes crew or turtleneck · pullovers, cttrdigans, 36-40 and plaid pants, 8-14 .. Dill, lemon. blue, novv. clove, camel, white, sprout, g~r~n-_ 1um. Hurry! Misses' Sportsw.aOr, 40 TOP LABEL ORLONs. ·KN!rs '" Reg:·$8·$ Io . 4;99-5.99 • .. ., . • ,r ' . •· _. Sove 35'/;·'40% on Wintukll Orlon• acrylic tops, 3b-40; Orlon• ocrylic double.knit skirts, pents, 8· 16, to co· ordinate in corol, beige, light blue, mint grE1en. Street Floor Budget Spomwear. 65 FAMOUS MAKER KNIT SEPARATES ' Orig. $15.$50 7.99-23.99 Choose from a great selection of shifts, pents, skirts, blouses, suits in waheble polyester knits or Arnel• triecetote knits. Greet colors, too! Misses' Spomweer, 89 FAMOUS NAME PLAYWEAR $9·$17 velues 5.99-8.99 Savings to '40% from this top Cali- fornia · new.e. Choose from bright print pant tops end matching scilid stretch copris, sizes 8-18. Scoop them up at greet savings. Misses' Sportswear, 78 JRS.' BONDED COATDRESS Reg. $.28 17.99 '· - A greet date.look for iuniors, sizes S-13. Smart cootdress styling with ruffled jebot, glittery buttons in pes· ' tor onon• ecrylic bonded to eco- tote. Junior World Dresses, M ~ f ANAHEIM • • • •• . ,. • • ! •. ,,. ,.: ..... ,,, I"} • r f ~'iJ ;•.;.iy;_, . .., ,, • .._,~GI·\'~>., 11 ..... ' 4-• ... t .. , • • •. ~ • • .,. l ·" ' lf ) \' . ' '1 . ~· .. ~·. '1 y "' '.I • , I' '('. ' . •\"··~-·,. ,, ' . I ' :,1 l> ,. . {\ ' , ' ~. ~~ ~ • ' "'-}_'I' I • !.;.... !. I t,/-,-t j ~ ... ,., ... ~ .) . -. ' . . . • '• . ... ' . " • ' ' '•.1~ " ... '.· ' " • • . •/ • • • • . ' TEXTURED • DOUBLE-KNITS .. . . . ,. 14.99 ,' J ' .. . · :MANDBAG' .... : ·' ..• . ~ . ' ' VARIEIY. -·_};· l. ""'" .-. ; ' • 1 .'2~<-4.99 I •' "" I "1. •..,~· *' I '1 ·•1 -/"' ",. .,4 ·,,._ l;osy-on stepin skimln~rs style<! ln , , Choose Sr0m .. e• gooil selectia> of machine-washable Oec<on5 polyes• casual an~.4r•!'Y: st:yles in ple,stic. · ter or Fortrel5 polyester never need " end plaslic-patent. ·~ots of tc>te~; ironing, Assorted styl~s in novy. or · handbags-, sotchels, dutches, should. - blue, i 2-20, I 41/i-221f2. ers, meny one·of·a,kind. ' , ~ '. Budget Dresse s, 27 Hoodbogs, 37 ., .;· ;< . " , • l •• ~~ FAMOUS MAKER, CASUAL DRESSES F{MoiJs NAM~·· ., -": · , FOUNDATIONS >~t· c ~:,,fENITH 172 sq. • In. Reg. $15 -$17 ' 9.99' ' ·Great savings on the .pa~y~cer11-0'.ac­ ron•. polyester/cottoh style$ you love to wear while hobn~bbing ; -. through busy days. s·+ripes,' checks, ,' .';tolids, I 0· 18. Paste ls, brights, many · ,j:tyles. Daytime Dresses, 7~ ~ \ ' t .. "' MISSESt· · · CARCO~JS· ,., I Hondsome stylings ineluqo wool{"1el. fon pee coats, wool plaids, sca·rf coats, cotton corduroys, checks. Some with fluffy "trims. Misses' sizes. Hurry for these great values. Misses' Coats, 25 LUXURIOUS LEATHER GLOVES Reg. $8·$ I 0 . 5.99-6.99 Save now on luscious kidskin or cape- skin gloves. Choose from classic ond novelty styles, unlined or rayon or sil<·rined in block, white or bone. Gloves, 6 LEATHER ORGANIZERS Reg. $3·3.50 ' 1.99 Hurry in end scoop up lots of clutch· es, French purses end billfolds in · leathers. Good color selection in the qroup. Great values! Personel Leet~ ... er Goods, Sb NA T\JRALIZER BONANZA Rog. $17-$20 11.99-13.99 Sove now on fl great' essortment of comfort·plus·feshion shoes. )' ou'll find e handsome array.of colors end leathers, distinctive trims. Fashion Shoes, 8 · Rl'<l. 3.00-$1 ~ I , • 2.39-'12.49 ---·--.. ..,....., Select from an ~ oU.tstanding, cOllec- tion of !of> .label 'shapers and~;sli/11· ~· mers, all at great soVings. G¢:qU sizfl.,,_. .~,... ·'"·"!_ i ')'~ ra~ge, white.-Sor;Y• ~9.. mail ot ,cS~'onB orders.)'oundoti9,Mi~<? .;J,';, :'. ; .. · ' ' PORT ABLE TV , . . . ' , 119.88 : ... ' ' ·-Has oll-the built in Zenitlrfeotuile.• ,,. to· ·produce a clear, sharp .Ri~!u~. -. 18" d' I "' ·-' ·~, 1egone • meosllrement ·ljcceen. '3-1,Great as a second set. T elev~~; 72 ' • '•<f"~" • ' ~· ' ·.' •: -,., ~c '" ;c;:; ;.+<~ .. ~ ~"'{ .... '"''· lo. '" ' .... ·•''•.</., . ~ . ~ ' "" FESTlvPR'ORAL -'LOUNGER .,. ·~9 J~ '"\'·V :;+· ·~lf~ .. '. . -.. '. ~ . Choose Olll' now~·sPlashed rob~ in pink. or blue, 'touched with loce' of the collar end pockets. Cozy' 'end warm in cotton _quilt interfinecf with polyester, sizes S·M·L. Rpbes. 51 .. . MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS, TURTLENECKS $S-$7 values ,. 2.99-'3.99 Wide selection incluaes assorted turtle.types, 3.99 or short sleeve sport shirts in no-iron fobrics, regular or button·down collars, 2.99. Sizes M·L-XL Men's Sportswear, 50 FAMOUS MAKER MEN'S PAJAMAS Rog. $5-$7 3.99 · Coat ond middy style pejamas make sound sleeping in washable cotton broadcloth. Choice of designer pal· terns. Reg. A.B.C.o. Long B-C.o. Men's Furnishings, 91 SAVE ON MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, TIES Reg. $5·5.!0 shirts 3.59 or 3110.50 ~eg. 2 .. 50-3.50 ties 1.39 or 212.50 You'll find your favorite shirts, many in permonent-press febrics . Short·sleeved in white, colors, I 41fi. i7. Greet assortment of ties, some we5heble. Men's Furnishings, 7 NEWPORT , \ BOXED CHRISTMAS .CARDS AT SAVINGS Reg. 1.50-5.00 SAVE ·1 I~. Twent y five alike to a box. A greot opportunity to save, look ahead to next year. Choose from religious, traditional end more. Stationery, 15 Royal Ouiet Qeluxe · . . Portable T ypew.riter . l Reg. 69.95 Now 39.95 .. • less 10.00 for acceptable trade you poy 29. 95 Royal Q~ieJ with tabulation, I st tilne et this priCe. Trode must be U.S. make in wo0rking condition, less then 20 yrs.'old with case. Stationery, 15 ' BOXED STATIONERY .. i -....( BY NOTED MAKERS ' 'I • Reg. I .OO·l.00 SAVE 112 Assorted styles, soma in colors . Stool< up for e whole yeor of writ- ing. Come 9aMy for best selection. Mopy outstan~ing ;.-elues in group. Stationeiy, 15 -... . ., . ' ,, KROEHLER 8 FT. ·-.. f . '.QUILTED SOFA Reg. 2.7~.95 23$:00 Avocado print, design · on e !lafuroT· color fockground; ~nclUdeS ~fl" coPJ {j end brass bell cesters,. Furn•ture, 38 - not at Wilshite or Westchester. i STRATORESTER FUTORIAN CHAIR . . Reg.,'H9.95 118.00 I ·-·~ "' Jn leather look vinyl. Your choice .of gold. black or avocado. Lets you re· lax while watching tv: Furniture, 33 not ot Wilshire, Westchester. HABACHI SUSAN FOR ENTERTAINING reg. $10 6.99 I In ·decorator orange, avocado or yellow with block metal Habechi. Greot for hot hors d'oeuvres. Won- derful gift idee. Gifts, 70 CURTAINS AT SAVINGS, ~ Many Colors, Sizes . Reg. $4-$6 2.49 . " .. Kitchen curteins, bedroom end beth curtains. Charming cefes or new idees .•. mostly 30" length. Motch· ing velaTices, 1.29 ee., Draperies, 10 7 PC. WEAREVER COOKWARE SET · open stock volue 34.75 l.5.99 Crefted of aluminum for eVen heat- ing, lined with Teflor:"!> for no stick cooking, easy C~dning. Wonderful ' for the new ho;nemoker , House~~es. 39 ,, .., .. 444.frl; ~ 1)1·1121 MM. tt.r, Sit, IO;e.1111. t. ,:)0 It·"'• 47 f '1tlile11 hl•11' 644-11:11: Mo11. thn1 Sit. IG.1.m. te ':10 It·"'· 1 . l I' HUl'!JINGTON BEACH . 1111 f4i1191r ~..... 1•2-))Jt Mo11 . thr11 Sit. 10 1,1n, fo t :JO 11·""' ..... ·/< ... ' ' ---"-"-""-----------·--- - • • : 'B<>WLJED OVER -Three out Of nine eligible Orange Coast bachelors ::have been "'bowled over" by romance and have ."fallen" ••• in love, that is. s.•tar. Mike Muller and Leo. Benz Jr, (left tO. right) are still ... standing, but Bob Skinner was ·the first to be caught. · • I T endel" T r ... ap _ Sna ~r .. es El"1g1"bles _!·. l ::: By JUDY HURST At that time the bride-elect .. : was impressed when : • , h ~ Of IM 0111y P11o1 s111t was atteading the University first met B o n n l e on ·1 : : :Within six months most of Southern C&lifomia and Bob Thanksgiving a year ago. She : ~erything happened. was earolled at Southwestern is a very fine person," he • : ::A President was elected. University. "We dated praised. The Colboumes, 1ike l : ~tronauts circled the moon. regularly when we returned the Skinners, were married :Jthc Olympics were staged. to school in Los Angeles." in August. And both couples ; ~!days came and went. The Bob, who is employed with chose Ha wail for their honey· :"1.lll ass is -Ken n e d y and the Orange County Public moons. : ~senhower. Nixon weddings Defenders O(Clce, gave up his Today Phil Is employed In : ipade headlines. membership in the Bachelor's Westwood with~ a home :-:And wedding bells took their Club or San Diego when he building , company and U>e : ~II" of eligible bachelors and Sandra Lee Stuhnnan newlyweds are making tbt1r from the Orange Coast. were married Aug .. 3 .~on his home in Lona Beach. (-.=:Last June they were all 2.9tb birthday. . o.N HP~N , t. r . I and M~g their r1rst hi>lne In sun lbelr ....... !ri , • ~e ree, smg e ~ very Me:sa Verde, Bob d~, on . w.,........, P l : c'D"ch In socialqrculation. To-, "l-,,u rildy;1o pl _ _._. ~.I~ ~ are newjy ~ t oy, with a DO!f,..,. da""1ng, and"'..... -1,.~ ... .i..-;.).j7. Mr. and ifn,.lact·McKeown.; ll"ee out of the --,......,,,..,,_ •...-'-""· · · Jict, former1l' wllb P<tetr. ipen achangec! ·the !llle' 'oi. Allothet ~ rof '. IJlilJ & ...-ra1e1 In "'C:: ' bochelor for wed"'•• r'••s. · '_ found her ~·fmai.;dd; Pbll ' · ' •1 t """ ... Coll!oume, loriMrly Gl;Corclla ~ Ud ~ ol lboa THREE FALL ' _!le[ Mar and )4aCco Really ~ la enJ.,r., a leave AKhough Bob. Skinner did -Ci!., In Newport Beadt. turl!"fi:°1ni:oaanP~hlt"" not know ii at the lime, he Phil, a purchasing:!.:'. · Rlet his future bride a couple year-round spcrts 'Ibe Un!veral.ty Of ci.Womia, ~ years ago at a Palm was searching Jor ~ l'~ Berkeley ifaduak wla lookize _Springs country club. "\\'e tractive, iQtelligent, dowo to for a· girl WKo -J)OlleSSed •ere both on vacation from earth girl." His searCb stop. l}onesly and , natural beauty. ; cellege," the young. attorney ·ped late ii;t June w~ he· Last June he claimed, "I - ; rimembered.·' became engag~. haven't round the right gtrl ~ -:· Y~t.· I am taking steps but .. maybe l'in too ·cauUous ..• -~ a girl would have to pu t up with a lot because I ha~e formed certain hablta n o " at 'ii." 1be mlY aingletm who .... mains 1n a "llmbO" betWeft& -.bachel<rbood and married life Is lf.J'IHld German bom Michael Muller ol Newport Beach. • ·T b e Mammoth aklar an d !eon!• club member mel l>ll fJancee at a Cbrlltlnas party in Newport Belch. ..We lol- . engaged last November and will be married ...,.lime lo February." Mite's future bride is the Wrd use alumna wbo will say "I do" to a Newport Buch eligible. She also Is an elementary achool teachfr in Costa Mesa and 11pea):1 German nuent!y. The design engineer ',; fiancee enjoys s p o r t s , languages and traveling ... the big three he was· looking for in a wife. The rem31ning five bachelors made it through Leap Year ... alone. Their New Year's resolutions are, to remain single "as long as possible." KEEP MOVING They all seemed to agree on the secret of remaining &lngle. Burlie. SaW)lO' ill LlciCl"Isle and polnli oiound-~ globe has vi!lted ¥Jami, Nuaau, Chlca10, ~' England, 1'1exico and1 Sin Jl'rlDCilc:o ' a. couple of-tlmls 1 within' the 1u1s1x-. · His job as ••general manager" of a saJlmaking company in Torrance allows hlm to '!move with the wiJk" · Burke sells sails, constructs and designs them and races boats. 1be 26-year-old' 0 rang ( Coast College graduate. LI seatch!ni for I git\ ·Who ~ jOys sailing and undentaodl. his traveling fe~er •. He1i It.St unman1ed bec!auae ·"I need lime lo myaell Ud olon, ...,i to&elqeddownlo .... ·penm and pike." ... Leo Bem Jr., Munich bom reoident . ., Balliot ltlaod, bas been trllllllerred bact lo his .-.a.rmM bomt by hi• elec-. tronk:a Qnn In ColCa Meaa. • Tiie 1alea11111fqtr J>•U.... "staying. out of towb" bas been hls 111ingle" .ecret. D.lr· ing the la.st aeven1 mcmths.- lhe tennis and llOCO!r player vSit.ed Mexico and Canada. Alter the first story ap-eeartd about hts eliglbilit1, Leo laughingly noled Illa< several people called hbn, "Lob ol people ""°gn!Jed me on the street and eftn my bar)>tr remembered mo." Don Cameron received a lot of "static" after the first in- terview was published. "I received copies of the article wilh humorous notes attached to it. Aad I got several pro- posals." , Cameron maintains lhat a "strong determina.Uooi'.• 'bas. made his bachelorhood' &Uc· cessful, so far. "Forty ~ like a good .. llge to marry and I'm 38 now and clote to that critical ·area." ResidlJtl in Los Angeles and ow{ling )l sunimer ~ • in Lquna ~. the a<ChUOc· tural plinner foi:,Perttra & -~ llao,been lo Europe • on ball>iila llilce theae plat ~ix moithl and .. lllflll the bollday1lln M!!llco. . · ' "Europeon prls are lovely and terribly clll(Oren!," the Stanford alumnus indicated. "J!elna s!Jlile. ~-111. •. more · ~le. An4 being !dngle Is' ooe of, the-.......,. the coippauy can ·send me ~ f' Ill ever rtllli'WOl'ld.~ oil JI~~ < jec.1.1." ~ was tlie qecuUve . planner.for UCI an~. ~u a resident ruearcher !of• !Us ' firm ad' the Ivory cO>ll , ol ) \AtricL ··~ ' ... /Jao toePlnl On the • olo.. Is Dr.~-Sl!IP!q, Ole former fnayor OI HUJ>linl!on Bead>. 111" biology prolwor at Cal State at ~ Beach now is a Huntington BeaCh councilman. The dl&tlngulshed looking beach resident has fllWld "women too "-dilcrimlnaUnc." , Re is waiUng rot ·a woman w~ fairly reatonable. .. with br1ln<1.'' • The last bachelor, D can Dorn, has not been in the Unlled States long eoou&h the last 1lx months to get engaged let alone married. June thf'O\lgh September he (See TENDER TRAP, Pllf II) , ,. • • • ' ' , • •• 'I· .r .f • 'I • ... { '! ' t, ) -: ; ' .. ' ' • • ., "'" . .-., \ I "J l .J ' ~ ..... . ' • • • . . •• ... <rt I-'.._. -• •I.' • ' . ,. -· .. . .' ' , . • • ( ... ~- • I ~ j I . ' ' J' • :-.... ,..,,I!'"'"~-:-.------------- ' • JJ D.\ILY PILOT Wtd.itsdu, J•""" l , 1969 cfi·ic:·k Should Fly the ~~eupe'· DEAR ANN LANDERSo l am a , .. _ year~ld gtrl. with a great big problern. ~ . I bope y°" can L'Ome up with an answer . : because I am not the only ooe who , •b bugged by, trus. About half the guys ln our t'rO\\'d · · are careful driven. The olher half are ; like manfac1 behind the wheel. They ' try to PJ'OVI!. they artn't chicken by ~ rUMing red lights, zooming through stop ·.signs and pasalng cars with Jess than an inch to spare. One kid was going 110 miles an hour '." on a gr~vel road when he missed a turn and ended up in a terrible accident. "'·, But it was hW &U'l. DOt him, who spent ·~ th:'ee monthl in the hospital with a · broken back ~and horrible scars on her lace. ~ I don't want to be a bum sport, .AM, but l don't want to end up as · .. a statistic, either. What sbould a girl • ·do when her date drives crazily? - ·1 LOVE LIFE ~· · DEAR LOVE: Doa't confuse rtskl.ng . ,:V-Ufe will beiJlg • good spur!. Any . lftt who rides wlila • rec.klesa drt"¥er it Jut plall •umb. 11,r odvito ' fl IWI: U yow boyfrfaad (W 10mebody tlM.'1 bo)frield) II bebav- la1 W.e • olio....,, idll! belifad &-. "wMtl ~ Ute car, .,et oat at the very • flnC oppiortamty. Gt to a phone and ' call your ,ptieats or the police and -a1t them to come and 1et yon. When tJte luaaUcs g:et 1.be mesuge that their peen think Ibey are dangerous fools Executives Introduced J instead of brave heroes, they'll knock it •ff. DEAR ANN LANDERS : A few month! ago we placed our mental!} retard~ child in an institution. This was the most dtrficull thing we've ever had to do. We realize Lisa is better off in a place wbere ~ can &J'OW up with children like herself. It took a long time for the doctor to persuade us but we know OO\V he is right. My eroblem : We have pictures of all our children in the Jiving room. Twice this past week our youngsters have brought home little friends who had not been here before. They have asked who the little girl in the picture ls. Our children explain that lhelr little sister ~·u bern "not just rl&ht" and she Js very ·1Jow .to learn things. They take great pains to erp1ain Lisa's pro- blem apd, I mJght add , they do it · beautifully. Latenlng to the e1plaoation breaks my heart. l know it mu!t bo terrible difficult for them, tao. I have tried to put LISa's picture away seVeral times but somet.hiQi ina.ide won"t let me. Lasl night 1 asked my husband what to do. , He Aid be dldni Iulo•" We ~ve all'ffd to. let you c11CJ4e. ·-fO< llO!plna us. -DES MOINES PAllENTS • . DllAB PARENTI: Liu 11 'your chlld wMk: IM' Is Uvlq 1l Mme • •••>'· lier ........ --Wltll Ille -. ' . ~ . ' ' It fl· coed tllat yoor c'"'1ml' hove sucla • UattQ auttudt toward Qlelr little slateo;'• handicap. They ore doing • splendfd jab -ol educotlllJ their pl•r· m-. 0..'J «<111 diem tbe pr:Mteae. · • CONF!DEN'l'JAL TO AM l!: H.W do I know? I'in not a doctor and even If I were I couldn't !ell from a letter. Wlllt lo Fnacll ldulllr? II It Wroaf! --IOI &-. -· Umlfl -tile bor or tile slrl! Cu a lholpa weddfla ....eed? Rud Allll Luden' brloklett "Teal10 Bu -Ten Wayt to Cool It." Bead It ttats In cola ud a Joq, Hl.f-.adrened, t&lmped eaveJope. Ana Lluulen will be flld l<I· help you wltll your problems. Send tJtem • to lier t:a c:are of Ute DAILY PD.DI', enclo•inc • stamped, 1elf-adm11td envelope. Laguna Be.a.ch Cb apter, ~ ~~! Order of the Eastern Star ,, .. ~...,. Potluck Adds Spice To Installation Rites A potluck luncheon will add additional flavor. to the in- stallation or officers taking place during the meeUng of the California Natl on a I Fuchsia Society's board of directors. Arley Butler, membership, and Eldqn Kidder and Mrs. Robert K. Hall, public rela· members are invUed to meet ~. ·"' .• • their new officers at 8 p.m. t~....,, next Friday in Laguna BeacD t · ( Muonic Hall. '·· Mr. iand Mrs. Arthur Stead, worthy patron and matron, will lead the · group's first meeting of the new year. The, Star Club Will meet 1n Laguna Federal Savings · and Loan bullding at 7:SO p.m. Wednesday, .Jan. a. Mrs.· Stewardess Phyllis Williams will preside and new projecta for the com- in& year will be d.Jacussed. -.. Lagunans Eye -New Zealand A luncheon and talk about New Zealand awall3 th e . ·-woman's Club of Laguna Buch meeting In t }\. e Woman's Clubhouse at 12:30 · p.m. next Friday. The .speaker, Max Cryer, • fs a television personality Miss Nikki Kimble, daughter -Of the Rich· an! Kimbles of Costa Mesa, is a rtewardess with Trans World Air· lines. from Page 17 • • • The group will gather at noon Sunday, Jan. 5, in the Dana School, Hawthorne. Mr. and Mr~. Joe Cole, In charge of the event, will be assisted by Mrs. Jamer Enia: and Mrs. Herb Logue as master or ceremonies and ln· stalling officer. To be seated are. Earl Hough, president ; Cole and Jotut Martin, vice prealdentl; Mrs. Myrtle Bell, secretary; Lloyd Barger, treasurer: Mrs. tlona. . Mllllcal eat.rtalruneot and the plant toble wW conclude tbe pro11um. Secretaries At 6:iJO ·p.m. every second Thursday women of 'Bahia Chapter of National Secretaries' Association International assemble in dU· rerent locatiom to attend meetings. Mrs. Sallie Fleming at 673-3360 may be telepbonid for additional information. Tender Trap • .~ from New 7.ealand who allo performs as a singer and pianist. wu "1ervlng" In Vielntm. "l years have we he·ard from '!BS a combat motion picture the girls." 17. l know myaeU •ll&hUy and others thoroughly. It you know somelhtng of reality, you hesitate lo add to your pro-During his t.alk, U You Haven't Seen New Zealand, Yoq Have Only Halt Lived, he will ~nt his audience with the qualities of his cou~ 117. Lunc~n reservations may be obtained by calling 1itrs. . Charles. Muller, 494-4332 or Mrs. L. J. Thomas, 4M91l by nm Wednesday. NB Auxiliary Newport Beach Police Aux· · Diary gathers the last Tuesday of the month at 7:» p.m. Location is available with Mrs. Robert Wh!eler, 87S-lt29. camermnen with ABC news." He continued, "I like ex· CurrenUy he is employed at elUng women, wh9 talk, who blems ." -really make an effort to move Univeriat City Studios in the the evening. women wllb p.1blkHy department ·and is spirit, style and showmanship. independently producing and A tasteful, extensive wardrobe Mesa League diHcling a motion picture en· is very impressive. ~1ore in1- Utled, "Unclaimed Blessina:." portantly, good grooming says La Leche League meets the' The ever buiY anii ambttioos you care and especially that second Tuesday at 7:30 p.m . 24-yearg>ld USC &._1',~duate you are trying." Mrs. H. W. Moore, 545-4359, remeinOOred of ma travels The sometimes Lido Isle will answer que st i o 01 that "Vietnamese · &lrll are resldtflt said, "I've been will· regarding location and mem· thin and tbe women posses ing to marry since • I was bership. a qUality wblcb la lllusive in -~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i America -charm. "Women are airnply .too practical and unbn1gtnatlve. You know we (men) reaJly don't know much about \\'omen. Only in the last 50 Semi-Annual QualiCraft clearance! 8.99-9.99 dress styles • Horoscope : . ·scarp· io: Seer-et Rev ea led 'i ,THURSbAY', formed. Mellll take ..:11h ·'_-'-~Q.Uiu1 (Jin. ZO.Feb. oroun~ you I: , arotn ol IOll IUfe'fire odieme. · liJ: Ohllln hjnt f r o m 111perlal .. men. Be cnterts . JANUAflY 2 ' Declde I or your,.u, Be In-CAPIIJ(IQllN mewge. Be wttho<ll emJi!Yillll your poq~ By SYDNEY OMA1U1 dependent lo llJOIJibl, acllcio. • Ile~. YOI! moy hove l<I book. 9·· ''--, '-· troll bis r•0 RIOORN (Doe. !Wan. ~-Some r:t,reJI'' IF TODAY ts Y 0 11111: Wi..c _.,.., ..,..... -"::. _. .. ._ = ~ TJU>AY "~ •· ....... "'"" lf): You can see what Y°':I upoa .-vt --"' BIR alnve .., ex desUny .-. • Altroloa point. want L but ae1Un1 It fl cupy • them. Be Pl • hut your11U. G<t whot'• " tbe way," I • lno<ber i(oty. Beal l<I will alert for breal!Uvough." 1 '.·Don't· permit others to I AlllES (Marth 21·Aprll ti): G.,., f ii ct I{ lnf~llon. Plli'1Etl (Feb. l .. Mmh 20): .., you. Be kind wlthoo\ Buie luuea domlllll<I -oot Compile !'l>l14 Day'l<I pi.nt Conl<Ol ,.oniottonL Glvt Ioli< loolllll. Recent new start wr.. 111 sliJI .popen com-teedl for futun. • QIV11 11-• chon<e. Avoid londency to , ... frulUul U you ire mltJlni you .~ loni-unie pro-tenUon l<I !IUl!e, partiJer. rupond oO lmflolae .. ~ ieot. cram. Doa't make trqubt. -==:::.::.:=:;::,:;:::::::.:..., __ :.:;:::.::....::::...:::.:::::::::::..=~...:;:=-------,=:;:,. _ ;~lh ':'ti~o;nn/~= ' ' · · '---.--ber lo llubborn today. ' ..,, , JAUBUS (April ZO.May.20): , , Wgbt touch it dealroble. Study """"'"'------•.,. , ARIES mesaa11e. Doa~ 117 too much, too. -.on. · Patience becom" llJ'Ul Olly. Know this and play· wlltlllJ -•· Fun Indicated lhrollgb aoclal to. volvement tonight;. GEMINI (May Zl.June 20): Avoid ertravaganct. G J v e pleasure to children without overspending. Check detatla. One who ts being subtle tries to tell yoo something. Be a IIOOCI. attentive listener. You'll fearn. CANCER (June 21.July 22)' Sharp changes Jn d 1 cat ed . Streu original a p p r o a c b . Make most of new contaCts. Expre.sa ideas. Let others know you are capable of mov· Ing Wllh the times. Loved one makes you feel go<id. LEO (July U-Aug. 22): What appears solid is apt to be Jacking in foundation. Be skeptical of I'f:poita, rumors. Get at the facta. Much today happeM behind the scenea:, on: dereover. Be alert, obaer;vant. · VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221, · Gain indicated lhrouih advict of friends. 'iou •rec et' e privileged infonnatloo. Act on it without abualng_ a c<>n· fidence. Be analytical. Avoid UMecessary delay. Pounce on Op)Xlr!Unily. · LIBRA IS.pt. 23-0ct. 22)' Don't rock the boat. One In authority hit• definite pl8ru!1. Show that . YO.\I can accept responsibility. Unique auJgn. ment could result in rise of pestige. Don'•flgbl city hall. SCORPIO (Oct. U-Nov. 2l)o A secret connected with trayel plan• could be revealed: You a1mplete a project. A burden is lifted. You .feel free. Fine to change routine, get away. Enlarge horlz.ons. SAG!TrARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Som! who are well· me~ alao are little-In-- Here's Where / It's At! Wnkllll l'l•u .. 1., .... Newit0mr IM '44·1'• FINE FURNITURE, CARPETS, LAMPS & ACCESSOBIES BIGGAltS TWICE-YEARLY SALE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK OF QUALITY MERCHAN:PISl!l CRAFTED' BY THE NATION"S FORE~d$T MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1926 ·a~·:~~--...... ' : ..,,. J • " .. ' ·_ .~.? ':-:~ -_,... ' . .-·, ...... -:~.~"!I....... ~ ... · ,; FO.lt FINE HOM!! FUJINiflHINGS · AND IN.TEBIOB DECORATION PASADENA POf,\ONA SANTA· ANA MAIN !lt ·ELIVENTH • ..'" ;.... s,... .o,. ... .., .... ,.. • . I .. -..... -... _, , ... ?;;~ ~· ' •'l•-·· 1 ---- . ' ---:4 ,\i:: ~ll ~~:· .:!Jit: .~ :\1~: --4-1:-'• ... ~­' . v. 4.98 5;99 to 7.99 casua:Zs • socks it to you with thousandS of the swingingest shoe styles ev~r sold at such wild reductions! ' ' ! I : l I " ' :· l i 2.99 P~td for plentlful pie.king! Dr•is styl•s 111 many heel h•Johta. daytlm• or play1ime co1uol1 wiih ihe fun loot •• ,.,,, •• efeaN...,fll MRllfl ., ..... 1.97 ,. 4.97 I ,.._,.rt ,.,,i. C•d• Met• SevlJi CM•• Ill••• H11nHn9!0" lo1ch H1,1nl in9lo11 Ce,.l1 r P1-M•11 1.ie110 every color, every style, every size! $ $ $ come and get 'eltl! • Brc1dw1y Shopping C;ent1r, An1h•im: South Co1st Pl•t•, Cost• Motl ---_j l (, . ·-. - .-~·. ... • -• d " ~ II b .. ' '~ ft •• • l • l • l . r .. • ~· 1:. .. .; r . 1 ' ; I I ' ~ ; .. . ' . ••• _, ... -t .... ---~ --;;r;; Exclusive A,.. Run NOW DAILY FROM NOW-INDS TUESDAY ONI SHOW NIGHn Y SHOm 7:JO flATUll 1:00 IT IS LIFE ITTElf • ,. IAW IEAUTY IN ALL ITT AWAKENING~ ~ - Pl• ''YOYAGI FIOM TAHITI• • '"TAPISTIY Of THAILAND" J\1ernesa ",;.',i' ·,1 1,;. :.' 'J : .... ,:.. ,-JOBl!I WAl'JllB ,.,., .. , .- •AIU JOBNWAYNE· . JIM B0010:N · MBPS !!l &ml T~NtCOLOR • PANA.VlStON ·~ • ALSO gONTINUOUS Tllil ffUUllDIA llNJANET1E IDIR SH4W FROM 2 PM • ... _____ ...... 1 ... Skw s .... I P.M. Cotit11t .... SMw W#fJ., Thurs., Fri., "IN ENEMY COUNIRY" ht. n4 Sn,. WM. h• 11:10 . Sat. and Sun. l <9 TECllNKlll.OR 1!11 Ends January 7 • -. - . . • . . . STEREO SENSATIOM! .,. ·: Tiie colorful sound. of . . -: Orange County Music ·'. : RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM l From Fashion Island, Newport Beach I '• .. ------· --· -----... ·---------- r... are vilal. BUI -m only If C011tesla foe -h II"' team during the yolr. and every one-of them 11 im· portant. "Baseball doesn't have tbe same impact" Among Role's bretllr"tn behind tht micropjlooel art lbe likes of Frank G<flMI, Paul Christman, Al Dervptla, Charlie Coruierly, l'at &mo merall and T~ Broobbhe. In compariSOD. to tbl ald Graham McNamee.Blll stem achoo! of bysterlcal eledron1c reportjng, the ez.footballen are a cool bunch who diagnose plays expertly, rev ea 1 in g details of tht game lbat Im- prove the vi~ing lne.stimably. "I think former playen pro- vide more Insight and 1esa guesswork &]>out Whal Is bap- penlng d9WD OD the field," Rote ~d. 11Gradually football fans are watching _ the line play, the fakes and bloctlng aslignments which are u in- ter..tlng u anything Iba! bap- pepa Jn football. They're also aware of pass patterns. 'l'he1itd lfotes -'Just· Between Us~ I ., . Opens 'in Newport Orange ~0ounty·1 wa New Year'• Nby, tbe Oten End Tbeltrleal Wort 1 la op ol Newport Belch, rbWI In 119 ' Frtday wllh Its premiere I'"> dlldioa, ".TU§t Between Ua." . The. show, to be slaged. In the former Second S t e p Tbea~ vacated by South Ooul Repertory tarlier lbts year, ii a one-woman effort amopd and adapted by Marpret Cowles and her bus- ~' Danlel Stein,' artl&Uc ad-vilcir to the new t,be\;ter. The perlonnan<e w 111 feature adaptations of warb by GUJ de Maupassan~ Rulh Draper .ad Jerome Kiss, and wlll conclude with an origlnal experlmenW piece by Miss Cowles featuring the uae of mask• and mime. Mm Cowles, who earlier presented another one.woman sbOw, "Farewells,'' at the same theater for South Coa3t Repertory, hu been active in several major theaters on the East &last. She Is a member of the Open End faculty which is offering courses in dramatic STAGING SHOW Mergaret Cowles arts in conjund.ion with the th9ter. "Just Between Us,'' will be staged Fridays, Saturdays a Sundays at the theater, 2815 Villa Way, Newport Beach, through March 2. Resetvatiorul for the performances are availi ble by callin& flS.11%0. 'Forty Carats' Mixes Bote admits the game Is much better now than when be retired seven years ago. Players are bigger and faster. A f _ ..J _ G "It's true of bolh college ge, --e1urer aps and the professiona.JI," Rote --~ .. ~ " I I • W1dllfli!1Y, "r"f!J. 1969 DAl~Y PILOT 0J() Cfossword .Puzzk -·· AC,OSS 1 BN;~ Zool. ,,, .. 9 Ulllut city 14 U.S. Al'llly Reserve: Abbr. U Draft anlmals ll luslc11I «o111lz1· ''!·Abbr. Uff 11 .. ..., -· 1' M!Ol cut 20 Gtan and fttd for a Jee n llxtur• of soll and water 23 Jug 24 Don SOllt--.. ,,, 'i''' 27 lndefin tely loo!""" ...... 29 Reinovtd bonds n FortY wloks 35 Servlce staUon product 37 Beene a cendldate · 3' Word In Y•I• IOflll .0 Stet91 ruvtH roe;t 42 lass of tissue 44 Cl1ssof f1Clo0 sloops 45 Absolute '47 OOMlnlon -49 N01thwest T1rrllotl1s: Abbr. 50 Kind of show 52Se.18 Down • 5-4 Y omg fish '6 lltrrlts ' ' l •', ..... 5'1' ... lcol olant 62 ~enus to which 15 ....... belon11 64 Otsclpllnt to .. , .. 1 SCllldhfng 65 Rejoice I 7 B191mlng Sl-i;J a I• sub-31 Crw exctfdlngly 61 Bird ' ftlahlftltt 70 .... dlft1mt 71 Rllllan philosopher 7t Fredoil from wony 73 Prepared far laaedllt• ... 74 Count111ance 75 Pt11S11 DOU Slqlllftt et 41 ,...,.. 9 Co•H to Do 4J Df .... , •• tftlckly 46 "-._... io ~:'et!.': ca~'!:"' lllfnwtl flbtt 11 Cartotml• 51 Patti 12 Senslbl1 a,_ 13 Copycot SS Soc1a1 J.• u.s; affalrt pollUtsl .15 o .... of iubdl•lllOll 1900 ll~~!.,_. . 51-• pr .. u~-· DO~ arc..._. _,.. 21 Color 51Dkl- 26 011011zatloa - 21 C&pllr• " '= 1 Cattio~ate 30 Unclt• 60 Ant 2 RlvwtD tbe spirit Dirt "'"'*' 3ZSynthttlc: a_., 3 lnllutnn 2 words flilllls hY•"M .338,...,_mlt ., ... _ sklll mese'lt: M 4._ • '4 Asc111ded , 2 words ~-1111 S Gained 34 Go stpltltl ll IODI.' posseulon R1I mlfll of 35 Numerfcll 6t ~ 6 Cllltlag tool prefix ..__. sai.!l~an<l-c;qu\d.mlJ><l1L_,e7 .wJLLIAM -OLOVER but de!ec! a note of relief NEW YORK (AP) G. wtth -.. un11.mu-t1, -,. l,;.-l--1-4--+~ some quips twinkle, others thud and once &he resorts to jarring crudity. Most of lbe dialogue glides alooi wilb pr~ctable amiability. ____.,_ that he . . the broa -ive · bOoth 1:u:!'d of in th~ the ~Id boy-meet-girl . rouUne with the wild · als a mild little age twist and arum · you get a moderately p~asant dive called ' 'F/o rt y Lo R ls rats," whJch opened Thurs· u . aw day night at Broadway'• . MorosCo theater. The story twlru Include lbe C!)Unterpoint p a i r • o f f of Gretchen Corbett, a mascara· eyed adolescent who wie1ds T, .-,,• • Romance this time involves op vocalist ' a Prince Charming of.22 who • . geta all wow about a twice- U Uted · who divorced dilm.!el of .a, with the =.1'PoP u.s11:tten a subplot hooking up 1 Jab Fnnklin Cover, a breezy a mean pool cue, withlrd=~~~~:~~~~~==~~=~;~~ =i:: i::\':~ r:i~; ~Fiii1souT~= m c , ol 17 to a big daddy of 45 woald name as the world s jwt to keep the gender num¥r one vocalilt. yeu'd genuation ga~. Hamilton, an ever-present ex-PLAZA spouse of Miss Harris; and San Diep F,....Y at Bristol • 546-2712 J)'.l'oblbly guess Frank Slnatra,i• Since the heroine of the Utle right! h. h · wrong. It's Lou Rawls. -w 1c rather desperately That's right: Lou Rawls _ ~uates years some~ow with according to a recent Down di.amo~ facet;s -JS _ played Beat magazine poll tn wblcb by Julie Harris, the Charade Sinatra placed Number Two main~ an. e n g a g i n g ·. plausibility. Miss Harris pro. the ~ronlc confusion of Glen- da Farrell, as a hip gralidrna trying to figure out who loves whom. Otherz in the cast tnclude PolJy Rowli.s, a wis.cracklng friend of all , and Nancy Marchand as the lad's mot.her who !las a boy-friend of her own. "Llve !or now" ls the Jhow's message, which seems to be becoming the motto oI the current &ea!Oll. Rawls, who appears , in jecta a neat combination of person. ,next weekend a t uptight old-fashioned morality Anaheim s M e l o d Y I an d and new-fangled complacenty ~eater~ placed second . !o aboot changing attitudes. Smatra tn Playboy MagaDne s Having met her on a Greek reade:s poll but the yoong island holiday, the swain soul sn:iger took the lead again (Marco SL John) pursues her "Forty Carats" d o e s n ' t by winning Billboard magazine's· top artist award. through 1 • the sleek ~d . sw· weigh in on tbe theatricaJ And early this year, Rawls Mngtng byways or fashionable scales at anYlltlna' nelJ' that won his own recording pro-anhattan, so tha.t we can value, but it Is -an affable, fesslon's coveted Grammy get Jn some quips about amusing pastime . award for the year'• best everrthlng from a.p~ent-.J;=====:====ll rhythm and blues single, hunting to psychedelic Jazz. , AC<., • ,.. ·A~·"-•N "Dead End Street." The comedy was adapted by Jay Atlen from a French • • . • • • • ""' ...... Tillfr UitiM ""'' • OX.Oil • "' ....... _.. .. 'Ai.11.(°ldll • COi.Oil e l l -UW' ....,,..,....o'j ~11 11 '-t l 'il ~ ,',, \1 ..i_:·. •••••.AdtMt .... ""' • COt.CMI:. ............. .,. T.,.., lftMC!ou • COi.Ott • .. .. ...,c......, .. ·' 'I ~ . HI -WA Y 39 ' --·-........ ··-"~ ... ,., ......... i Mii Farrt/# • COlOlll e .. ls 3 .,,.. ... , .. piece written by P l e r re Barillet ....00 Jean Pieft'e Grody, who previously pro- vided Producer David Merrick with the source material that became his long.run "Cactus Flower." Mrs. Allen doesn't write l\trf r1um ~,,,., WTCWJJ-AT ·-.~Mt. .... .,..., .. Phone t7Ui60 EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT Showings Nightly IU.TUS • 7: • 101 HERMANS HERMIT~ ........... ,,, ..... LLWLt1z ~ ; " . -· .lfflMMI W..n-4 "RACHEL, RACHEL" •'· "I LOVE YOU ALICE B. TOKLAS" w1ni · ,...,~ s.n ... • -NOW PLAYING - SHOWING TIMES !lo ...... .-.. 500 .......... 1.0110.am -· ,._ -..... IOOOf - ---~ uaM'JlU. ---..,.. lalm.I"•• .... '· -~-.-...-: ............ ...... ................. -..-.... .. -----~~:~ ., ................. --...t-· '*" '1 .. J-il'Of1611 e COlOlll • &dusiye AJe• Runs BoTif THEATRES FJtEEWAY CLOSE TO ORANGE COUNTY : ............ ! !~~~~~~~~~ ACOl"_ • ...__liJ ================t: I .·--~ %l > clen-'"'Ill' llln1 )mpt 1low ·Tc.eh 'I of ·nied _.with d lo J OC:· .uu .. , I ll\a .; ff· • .p by ;1fm 'the ' that .-wa., ·?mbs "the ··and I tht .liical 1nitd \bat ) the il:cur :hael :.::airo light " the I end 'East lealh 1ated uuon lib ll'ltr, d by I !he )·the Lord "ct d , ne:nt, lieve ·there from . lb." rays, . solve .'Cler · tvely : <I of Tul" I his ... ' the lhich \shtd 1 for ditd ago ·icon· ·e~ Pl • .. ~ .... Ill 'ipecl . IUC· ·,ipltal ,_ l pro- • Y $4 locial I an· k of J:J ' but '. firs! ear, .lbe ent fn ut c ~ in Olber • IDS ay ~ard won ~.,, "lil ... I I • • I I 11 [ ' • • ' • • y .. • •. I fl · ; be<: ,·1$1~ A '" ard• '~ likf . by .. .. rurr:. ,_,•.1ig1 an 0 ;:· on .:- .. 1ur1 -~ BUI· .• ·th.'"•" '· br<t faci • ...__ I :, • .Aru ~ .. ·a i ·.'do • ''I IJ " , ll -~ . ...,, .. ' ·It ~ Ill- '· (•." 1.,. 'W~" '.lino ' ' call .. -.• ' · tlle · .. . , ..... .. I· r Or • mt. ·' •. tht,. "" Mt. . " l ..... wth w : i In .... Wt Ph 8111 Inf L: . ,.. . A N•· Wo Bel Wo p.n · 1 ... ,: fro pei'. pta {. Hr y~ he wil t1'7. be~ a.I Mn by· ~ . lli& -of 'Lo! .!'.!!: -- .. .. .. . . . .; ~ lo.i.1 ~---~--. : . • 1 Pari~ians .\~ .; ,1' • Urih I • 'appy At Change PAlllS (AP) -Tbe lll·mile <llampo El,_ wilb tis ahocdac ctlleries, m 0 v i e baulel, afdewalt cares and a ~ p1iu parlor, is beglnnlns to look like the rebuUt stretchta of New York'111ilrd Avenue. And like lots ol New Yorkers, many Parisians are- nl pleased bf the plate-glass blankneu of auto showrooms, banks and airline ticket offices lbat is replacing t h e Boardwalk mood. A new Pan American Airways otnce stares across the street at a Renault showroom. Closer to the Arc De Triqmpbe,. Air France and Fiat are fMe to face acrou llz lanes ol traffic. Abpyt ilO llllle shopo have cloMd in the last few years, according to a merchants' assqcla~n. They c a n n o I rhatch what blg flnns are will· Ing to offer for a place on such prime tourist turf. Didier Neveur, president of a gi:oup called Friends ()f the Champs Elysees, said: "We're moving, slowly and certainly, toward the phasing out ol 1be . boutique.. Com· mercial rents are going right throu&h·tlle ~g. I've been told about people paying from $40,000 to '180,000 a year for 300 iquafe ± yards of noor space. Some rent Increases are '\lP by 800 'percent. Pan ;.m~lcan a~ to pay •oao 'for l80 sqllare yards." _ • A Pan American spokesm _ said thll was exaggerated but conceded lbal . 1be new office JJ "the most exJ>ensive ticket office rental paid by Pan American anywhere In the world." Several blllioeasmen have pointed to ae 1rnny here. Tbey say that wUh the departure or the boutiques, tourists wtlJ have less '&Dd less Interest fn a stroll on the Champa El-. Thus, Ibey contend, lbe tremendous rent. will pro- ve out <lf1 pr1)por~oD tG the lourlst traffic. • At least thrte' projects are under way to 'add a little _ chic and protect tile smaller shop ()Wners. One involves t h e con- struction -with funds from a real estate group attached to the VaUc.an, the Soclete ImmobWere di Roma -of an tndoor arcade wlth shop!! represerilini;i: sucb hill'. names as Glvenchy, Dior, Pucci and Charles Jourdan lboes. ' Tbe ...:o¢' It a Jl?OUP of new mQ\'fe hou1e1, 1ncludln1J one Mowing only Swedish ru,.. and anqlber w I t h · ulherettes In Bermuda shorts. Along with the uaual candv bars and Ice cream, they'll serve llard liquor to the . Ctlltomers. A law also is before the NaUonal Assembly to partecl the Avenue's small businessmen. Its sponsor ls 1taymond Bousquet. former French ambassador to Canada and Belgium. whG says: .. We would like to put our best .W~'d like to have mort on thl5 internationally. famoua boulevard ~1h·~ Franct does best. We'd ilb to have more or the fashion and art world there and we mUst keep to a minimum this thrust of big busine6!1 on our stteet. "I'm sorry to say It's no longer my favorite place for a walk." Envoy to Japan, Rogers Confer WASlllNGTON (UP!) -U. Alexis Jobnllon, U. S. am· ba.M.adar to Japan, conferred Monday with . Secretary of State-designate William P. Rogen:, who ls believed' con- sidering him for an uo- dersec:rttary of state post in the NI.Jon admin!stratlon. Johnson, a caretr dlplomat and former d e p u t y un· dersecret.ary of !tale, also met ,.ilh Secret81'1 ol Sl8te Dean Rusk. . : .. Here~• Where :IJllljt'• Atl 11 ''7 SALE ' . ' ' "'l . ' ' ., . . . ·' ~· l • ' •, ... • ' j ... {;u .. ' .. l' . . • 1.. • . I~ ~I· I • , . ' •• • . ' ,• - • r-ti' ., • .. • . ' ' . ·- • • . ' . • ... . '. 'I ' . I Cotton shifts and pant 1hfft1 for sp ... r1~"n"'jt~...:J~·~ made especially for us in colorful print• . .'. 8.99 .. Rqularly lS.00 •hllbl Biid pant ahltla .... C<llflllabla lo,ftilfc ~ aolJ.c>dlti fllol1aloa ohort llleeved and •leo..i.r.1.l\Jl&1, pleilocl lldrto, blcbd Miio al dlmdl'i&irll·ia •ll aa llep-in pmt shlll°llld oklrtal pmt Alft ~ CoklM priala, oolldi 11111 llfdllel: •izea 8tn16. Accee&111~ -· • ' \. ·.· . . Designer collection o_f costumejewelry . ' ·~·c:.1 ·Our collection of Lewis handbags 12.99 and·14,99 Jr.aal1<]7 l6.00t.o 2.1.00 c!eaiener haD<Uiap, Jmo..n •I'« their hand acme de!Biling. Each me ia richly appointed with unique golden cla8p, Biid _gold piped •atin lining. Our coi.lecticn includes· boxea1 envelopes, classic top handle bagl', vanities and bags with oingle er dooble handles. ill patent, obining .Uigator- P•tlml!ed !lllmlt. lllack •. white, or booe. l!ADdbag9 '.Special 1avin g1 bn famous nam·e slippers 2.99 ~tl'llarlY 15.00 and 6.00 alippere in many of JOUt-la ~. -II exceptiarlli ll.tnp. W.,., clillln>t and miuaulli fahdo1 to geJect -. Sir.ea. S. M, lilL. L, Biid XL in thio groop. SliJ!llOl' Bar ' ' NEWPORT CENTER • 11 FASHION ISLAND • • l~DAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • Oll!ER DAYS lOiOO TILL 5: • ~· : ... ' . } ' ' i . ' ' • • , . . ' . . • • • l • • . . • . : • I t ' ,.,__~ t l ' ! • • l • ! t l • ! l I l ' i : • ' ' • ! • : . • . . • • . • . . . • . • . . . t . I_. . . S: , \ ·' I • . . ' ,. ~-.. t • ' • :.. .... ' •, .. --· ~ ·:· ,. ) ' . • • ' • . • • . • • . • ' • • • . . • • .. . • • • • ' • • 1 • • t 1 J ,..._ .... _ ' i ! • • ·l • • i ~ f f i 0 ' . ~ ,,, . ,, '; i .,. • ; • ! : . . . • . • • . . . • . • • • . . t . . . t.-- : •. 1· • ;/ J I ' ' NEWPORT CENTER / ~I ... _.,. ...... ~_,,..­,.. •• 'ti-.. , ,. I ,.:~ \ S' {! :··I ' ' l ' '· . 11,,,: • . ,. ~ : ; • I ' ~ • • ,, Ourcollectid'n' of spring dresses 19.99 Reg. 40.00-113.00. Jt's not too early lo start •happing for your !pring outfit, especial1y at thi11 tiny price! CbOose from wool knits, wool jersies, bonded Orlcin.'1 acrylics and wool, rayon crepes and easy-care synthetics. ' All the 1ovelieet new colors in solids, print11 and check!. 8·20. Dres15 Shop • fl FAS!ilON ISLAND • 644-2200 . ' ,. ' \ • .. ' ......... .,.., I Half-size dresses in spring fabrics 15.99 '. ® Reg. 28.!l0-40;00. We have Alnel ·tr~late jersiell. And wnhable palye.ters. And, a lowly •elect!"' of obeer wool and ace!aj<> knits. !l!<in~..,J1 colorings, ·too,.u\l.2!'h • Dress Shop. * Our natural mink 3/4 coat 666.00 A classicly beaulifl!l mink coat at such. a great Bavlng lo you! It bas a d~ble fur collar wjth a smart border trea~ent, And,· a fa'.mous label, of co.urse. ·Choose eit.her pa11tel, fawn or dark rancli . An exquisite yet pract.ical coat fQr the on-the-go California woman. Use Buff'wtis' Special Fur Purchase Plan ••• take up to 24 ti:tolttbs to fey. Fur Saloo All tur p(od1.£ts labiled to.show e<11Jlt1)' of aricin of Imported fLts. .. • • MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY lQ:OO TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5130 • • • DAILY PILOT 21 Egyptian Pharaoh ; Poisoned? LONDON (UPI) -Seier> Usts are examlnln( 50 x..,ay platea of the ,mummy qt King Tutankhamep in an attempt to !Olve the. mystery of~ the leen-age Egyptian pbaro&h died. Prof. R. G. HaJTl5on of LiverpoOI uruvetlity returned to London from Cairo with the X-rays and referred to strange happe'nings which oc· curred during his erped!Uon to ,.King Tut's" tomb. Harrlso'n•s references ta the strange events revived 1 46- year-old fable dreamed up by enterprising joUrnalista ln 1922 about a curse sUITounding the tomb. The professor said that while his eight-man team wu at the Valley of the Tombs of the kings of Luxor, "the lights we·nt out in Cairo :and somebgdy connected with the research . team died." In C a i r o , ~ljChaelo&Jcal sources w h o accompanied Ha.ff.ison to the tpmb said lhat if any deaths occurred on the expedition they did not occur in Eg)'pt . UP{ corresPondent Michael Dennigan reported from Cairo there have been no light failures or blackouts In the Egyptian capital aince the end of the June, 1967, Middle East war. The legend of the de,ath curse on the tomb originated in 1923 during the expedition by the late Bri.tlth archaeologist Howard Carter, who discovered It . The curse was invented by journalists who connected the discovery of the tomb to ·the death in Cairo ·of Lord Carnarvon, who ·fl n a n·c e d Carter's expedition. Harrison, in his statement, siid ·fffilt bTOia not ·believe in the curse. He said there "'is nolhing about a curse from the inscriptions in the tomb." . '-By studying the X-raYs. · Harrison may be able .to solve a 3,000-year.old mu rd e r m,ystery, or prove conclusively that the young king died of a .brain tumor. The fame ot-''King Tut" has nothing to do with hi.s 'brief and ineffective rule as pharoah but because of the vast wealth of gOld with which his tomb was 1Ull furnished when it was discovered. . Tutankhamen r u I e d for about nine years and died around 1352 B.C. at the age of 18·. 'There has been .con· siderable 'speculation that he was killed, but other educated opinions say he dJed · of a brain tumor. If the X·rays show hl!l ·Was murdered, the obvieus suspect would be Horemheb, who IUC· ceeded him: Medicare Cost Rises Persons seeking hospital care under the Medicare pro- gram will have to pay $4 more starting Jan. 1, Social Security officials have an- nounced. , Prior to the beginning . of the year patients will still pay the first $40 of their bill, with MedJcare paying the rest, but after the program's first evaluation earlier thi& year, federal officiala decided on. the 10 percent increase in paJient costs. Patients who stay t n hospitals after their Meclare- paid period i1 up will also have to pay 10 percent more. More information a b o u t hospitals afteT their Medicare,. progranls is available through the 'Social Se<:mity Office in Santa Ana . The phone nwnber is 836--2252. ·' . .Mesa Teen Wins $100 for Essay Vic Blake, of Bricker-Ward School, Cost.a Mesa, hu won $100 for his easay "What an Education Means to Me.1• Harbor Forum gave the award to Blake, an 11-year~kl senior at the private ICbool of 25 studentl. Students of Harbor Area pu&t.lc lhcooiJ also competed 1n the usay contest SALE H .. rt'• Whore It's All ' . I I I • • j • ---·~-----------.. ·~ :s,.~:;-~ - W-.,, ..._ 1. I"' i • .... "" • Annual New Y 01·k Stocks ~I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • ' •I •I " " •I " " " " .. .. ' " ' " • " " " • " .. .. " ' ' " " ' " .. " "" " ' '" " " " " " ' '" "' " ' " '" .. " ,, '" :n1 " " " .. ,. .. '" •• " ,. "' " " ' . ·~ ... "' " ~ft '" ,.. •• '" " " ' ' . '"' '" '" '"' '"' ... •• ·~ " '" ... " " .. "" '" "' "' '" '"' ... ... ,. "" " " ' '" ' ' '"" ,., ,, l!•tl ' " " '" " ·~ ·~ ·~ l!ct1 ... ,_ '" ' . ,. "' " ' . ' . '' ,, '' ' ' . . .. , . •• '• "" '" '"' ' . '" ',. ' ' "v" '" ' . < ' " ' . td~I "" ''" "" "" "" "" r ""' "" t IQ! , .. "" .. "' ,, ' "' t .,, '' " " "' .,, ., . • '" •• "' • ' . '" ... s . ' • ~· • • •• • , . • < 11 •• r:~Sll:llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!_~_~_t:.~ .... _ ... !'!.~-~,,_._ ..... ,_:-:,.~·~""'"""""'"""""liiiiiilli'!li;lli~;;illlllllll'llii!;;;iiiiiiiillllliilllllllliil'jlll.jliiiliiilill;;;;i;Ollll ......... ;i;;;1;;1~-............. 'f':IC:lll ... lllllllllC=lll:ll;lllllll.,. .............. ~~-.,.~_~.~~l!:'l.~.· ... 'Oll!!"llllll • 19~8 Ameriemi Exchange ·-·€omplete Year~s High, Low, Cl_qse ( ' • ' " • • • •• • • • • 1 ,_ • • • ' I '! J ~ •· ! t .. .... -... ----... r ' ,. II o.111.V PILOT I ~-u~c, B·uckeye·s • • National :.f,itle Show.down I ' I 1 1 !" ... I· I I "t .... : . . • Ill •• .. ,,. ... , .... \'f•: -,.., --.. • -- UP'ITt ...... MR. TROJAN -O. J. Slmpso~ makes his final appearance as USC this afternoon in the Rose Bowl. Simpson bo'Ws out as an All-Ameri· It:;,-can, the Reisman Trophy winner and the certain No. l· pro draft pick. ~ ··- I I • .. .. ' ./ Explosive Attacks At Orange ~-Bowl MIAMI (AP) -Qulck .. trikln& Penn State and Kansas, a pair of 10-for-broke football twns ambitious for higher na· tional rankings, clash in the Orange Bowl tonight in whaf could be the IIl-Olt fre&ec:oring of the bowl games. "Let's face it ," said Coach Pepper Rodgers, who brought the Kansas Jayhawks from obscurity to No. 6 in the nation in two years, "we can't stop Orange Bo"'I 5 p.m., €han11el 4.. Penn State. Ni:>body can. And nobody cari. ·stop llli, eiUler. ''We Obly bope that we can slow them down enough to wm. •• Coach Joe Pateroo1 whose Nittany lJona W?re the class of the Ea.st and No. S in the naUon at the close of the regular season, agreed. "If I bad to rnake a prediction," be said, "I would predict a lot o( scoring. Bobby Doo.glass, Kansas quarterback is ping to give WI a lot of anguish." Outwardly, attitudes in the two training camJ>I differed sharply. Paterno worked -the Uons in iecret, introducing new fonnaUons to meet the Kansas threat. The happy·go-lucky Rodgers thr ew the gates wide-open to all comers. But both coaches v.·ere deadly serious oo µie eve of the baltte that could project one' ol them into the No. 2. •pot in the final national football pool, behind the winner of the Rose Bowl struggle between No. 1 Ohio State and No. I Southern California. ... Paterno wouldn'\ even diM:Uss it. but there was for him a fa.int hope of aometblng even better. •f• A Southern Calilorn!a win over Ohio State thla aftttooon would leave Penn State lo.tl, the only major perfect-record team in the nation going into the night- time confronlation with Kansas. Thus, a dec~ive victory for Penn State in the Orange Bowl might persuade voters to go for the Lions for No. !. Penn State, with an apparent e<lge over Kansas on defense, keyed Its pre- game planning on Douglass, the powerful 6-foot-4, 220-pound southpaw who broke the Jayhawk total offense record for a career with 3,832 yards. "He's a quarterback in the class of Roger Staubach, 1963 Heisman Trophy v.•inner from Navy," Paterno said. "He's a slrong, squirming runner, a team leader, and throws a pass like a bullet." ~! .... fA K•n .. s t nd ,..,,,. Stitt, wtllch will PllY In Ill• 0!'1noe llowl 1un1: ·-· No ........ 10 Pout1l10 1l Elllnotr 1J 6tll 1! Huld'llnl 11 Hvnl 1' Holl ,. 8111 ]I R1$91M. J. 1l Sht/\klln :ll Lif1ol>men 11 J1rnn ~1~ Jf JKklOll ll Mor;ln ~2 Rl•~h,., Jo .a ,t.mlton •l H1ltl'ler 15 R'tYfl !l •~•n•thy lS t , .. .,. 60 Hlck1 •1 ll,ll"-~1 Oort. '5 , Wllf'lllltt'lltr 66 McCey ,, ........ ~ ~F 73 L•-1' Jfl(O¥iclc 16 Chrb~11 II G•-71' $alb 11 ~ ... '2 Ml•llrwltlf: ~ ,_ ·~ 'V1ntJ'f 11 C1•mlcht~l • Me,ler ·~ " " • " " .. " • • " " " ' " ' • • ' " ' '" ' " ' • • ' I ' ' • ' • ' • • " .. .. • PIOll SI ... .. .. """' 1t SIN!h, M. 12 Sh;mo H $1>Stltnl 11 Plnelldtl Z2 llurkhtrl 21 C1m~U 21 PllfrNri 1l COOH'\' 76 Smith, N. l2 (l!t•rt 33 H1m 35 <>Moir l6 •llb!1 JI c;art"'"1t11 ..0 Jolon.on, Pt. •t Genlff •l Deut! 41> Remit~ .i J~l'ISOllo P1. JI Hull # R1d1~0Vlcil jj K1lf.s 6n ZtPIK '1 JKllto" 64 11. ... iKki .u 11 ... m. 41 Hclubl .. ll:tkl 72 Et:erso!t1 71 (l r1d1ty JS (1r1"11r " ..... 11 Mlrtlnk• i'I !Will• ., An~1M IJ K'"llU, M ·-16 Hcr1I " E°d!T'Ollt .. •1111t .... .. .. .. .. .. ' • .. " • " " ' • " ' ' ' .. " " " • • ,1 • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • " • • .. Ohio State Tabbed "bv11JJ.··'· ~-" In Rose Bowl Class it;f1 -, . . . PASADENA Ohio State and the University of SOuthem California clash today for the naUonal ""college football championship in the first game between two unbeaten teams alnce the Big Ten and Paclljc-8 signed their poat·sea!OO bowl pact. in 1947. A throng in e.xcess of 102,000 is ex-· pect<d. The Buclleyes !rom the Midwest re- main favored by 3 polnl.ll in the 1989 Rose Bowl batUe, which gets under way at 2. ,Southern Cal, whose lone blemish was a 21·21 tie with Notre Dame. is defending Rose Bo"'I 2 p.m., €lie-el 4. . . national champion and is making its' third straight appearance In the Rose Bowl. Trojan coach John McKay is 2-1 in the bowl while Woody Hayes, coach of Ohio State, i1 a winner ln his two appearances here, the last in 1958. The pros~ of a wild struggle in· volving All-~ 0. J . Simf>SC!n and his talenlecl quarterback,..83:. v So11&e. and an exciting soPhomore-st squad !rom Columbus, baa created Inter· est thin any of recent years. Quarterback Rex. Kern, a sophomore, is ibe ltader o( tbe attack. Hayea and P4c1Cay are lavl.ah ln praise of the ooachin& abiliUea of the other .. Hayes credits McKay with o~ning up college fOOibaD offenses M mucb Hlll"l'lbet1, ~ •rid "°5llloM of "* Ohio $tsl1 Ind Sol/11'1'1'11 Cllllor11l1 foOftlllU pi.r.r1 _.,.. pi.,y Ill the Ros. &oWI 111m1: S."""'11 Call191'11i. 01111 Stilt N .. N_ .... HI. N11111 ...... " J ~IDIUlllh ·-~ ... 10 K..-11 • Ai'al• .. 11 G!lll111 t ~nclkr .. n sn11191llll ,, :!ti " is Poi.ski .lS Y ·, " 16 Ztll!WI , 16 OUrlle " 11 Mlt!fleWtkl 17 ••ttlt .. ?I 81,11"!011 11 Dl(brMl'I • n H1Vdtll tt DtKr-• 2'J R111n#; " """ " 14 Lo"' 1' Robl,_' .. 14 ,t...O.ri.on 2t Lew~ " lf EhrMm " llO'll'll " 32 T1tum ... ,_ " " ""' " ..... " lS Olli 3' -..Covl11iton " '1 !lroall;l!'rllloll .. _ " .A& Pro"°"' " Ill~ " SO Smith » H. ik " SJ Mlllllt>edl s.t lllnd'll " !.4 S!ltr " ).5 Rldll<I " .... M R'6dll>f • j6 Worden 57 McCOlllWll ' 51 8ttkhUi SI ,t.llnlgn ' 41 JK~ 61 Melillo • 6l ,t.d•IN 64 ICl>al91•11 ' 61 !UllW9g0fl 61 Letlmlt • , '9 SlottlemYK 70 MtArlllur ' 7~ F~ " -• 7'f H l'IOll ~ ClllW11 .... ' 7J M1vn O'M111"' • 74 idllnldlln 74 TKiif: ' 75 ClleMY 7• Mull 1111 ' 71 NltlU!t ,., $1'11111 ' 71 Urb41nilt ~ ..,, .. ., w111!1 14 Kltln • l'l J1nkowt.kl "·-.. IJ Dt!INC 16 Mnl~r • U W~ltlleld II Grluum .. 9C1 Etttmtnt Sailors Open Tow·ney Play .... " .. ,, •• .. •• " " " " ,, .. .. .. " " •• " ' ' " " " • • • • • • • ' • • • t • • .. .. .. The Newport Harbor High Optimist basketball tournament, still short one team, gets under way Thursday. Tournament director Jules Gage of the Sailors is still trying to corral another team to fill a berth created by the sudden pullout of a Mexican team. The tournament originally included El ~1odena, lt1onte Vista, Kings of Arizona (Yuma), Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa, Yuma, Newport and Chihuahua. But the Chihuahua coach phoned Jules Gage late last week and told him most of his players were over 19. CIF regula- tions prohibit competition that includes athletes over 18. Chihuahua was then dropped and Gage has since been contact.ing dozens of schools, trying to fill the berth. Gage said Tuesday if he isn't able to round up a late entry, he'll put a Newport alumni leam,in the first round. Action starts at 4 p.m. Thursday with El 1'1odena playing Monte Vista. KofA and Corona del Mar play at 5:30,.Costa Me68 plays Yuma \ at 7 and nobody knows who Newport plays in the 8:30 game. SMU Wins, 28-27 HOUSTON -Southern ¥etbodisl Uni- versity's pass-happy Mus~ exploded for 22 points in the last ~er to out· duel Oklahoma, 28-27, in Tue8day night's Bluebonnet Bowl football clash at the Astrodome. The Sooners alm06t pulled it out the l~t 19 seconds after recovering an on- side kick at the SMU 47 with 1: 16 left to p1ay. as any coath in the country~ frankly says he borrowed heavily floll\ McKay sirategy in fashlonin( lhil 1-. · "We know Oh1o State has a fine lotl~ ball team and is deservtng of ita No. l · · ranting. We'll play our bea:rta cut to \ win," McKay declam. "'Southern Cal is I good uample of a footbaD team that ties you up with its passing and running,.. Hayes aaid earlier Utis week. '"They've got real coot operatora at the quarterback and tallbaok ppsttiona:, .. Hayes said, referrin; to Sogge and Simpson. The BuCkeyu geoerally compared . Southern Cal 1'I Purdue. a Big Tm rival they mastered and abut out. 13.0. In the procea the B1JCkeyu throtUed Leroy Key<s to It yards rushing. Can t h e y bottle up Simpson, the nation'• leading rusher in 1968? "Ohio State is comparabl,e to <;>i-eaon State in our conference" McKay' com- mented. In that key game, USC prevail· ed, 17·13, and Simpson gained 238 yards in 47 carries. Notre Dame, however, cont a 1 n e d Simpson but a second half aurce earned the Trojans a Zl·Zl lie. · Longhorns Favored Over ·vols DALLAS. Te<. (AP) -The 33rd annual .Cotmn.-BowL ~We today is ..a clas.1ic C~tion· ol Texas' high-powered or· feJi6e against 4hf itingy defensive muscle of .Tennessee. . T'exas is a touchdown· favorite -the first time in 17 games that Tenne.Mee bas been a bowl Wlderdog. Teus' "flying foursome" of All· ~icaD Chris Gilbert, Ted Koy, Steve Worster and quarterback James S~ cover.ed almost hvo miles Of grass in €otton Bo"'I 11 a.~., €hannel 2 beCoriiing the highest scoring Longhorn machine in 50 years • Tens, co-chamJlion of the Southwest Confertnee, averaged 34 points and 331 yards per game on the gz:ound. Gilbert gained 1.13:1 yards for a 6.2 average. He became the only player in major college history to rush for more than I,000 yards in each of his varsity seasons. Koy ran for &01 yards, Worster for 806, and Street for 340. But Tennessee'• rugged defense- aochored by All-American linebacker Sleve Kiner and rugged Jack Reynolds -allowed only an average t:l 11 polnts per· game· and a meager 93 yards per contest on the ground. F'.dtb-ranked Te1as and eighth-ranked Tennessee., a Southe~ Conference titan, completed the season with identical 8-1·1 records. A capac!Ly crowd of 72,<0'.l i1 expected although temperatures in the high 30s at game lime may keep some spectators home. Tennessee and Texas have met twice before in the Cotton Bowl with the Volunteers .prevailing 20·14 in 1951 and the Longhorns ;aining revenae 16-0 two years later. ' Texas coach Darrell Royal has in- dicated the Longborrui: will stick to their unique "Wlshbone-T" or "Y'' formation. The Volunteers operate from the 1- formallon built around the passing and running of fiery quarterback Bubby Wyche. rugged fullback Richan! Pick<ns and swift tallback Richmond Flowers. Vol coecb Doug Dickey baa promised a "new wrinkle or two" for the game. Roallrs If the Tn.-·T~ tooltllA ... N whicJ\ \tUI mttl In !ht Collen ilOWt: T••• T-...... _ '"· H•. N1111t • •• ~ ftll ... .. t HURi .. 10 Non¥VOd •• 10 $C.oN •• " ,., • 14 Youlll " ,, Phrm.t •• 15 ll!llJ'-.. 1~ AldrldH " 11 WYChl .. 16 Slrllf •• l'O Blltr •• 11 llrllll~V "' " c.11 • ....., -· 1t Krhtvnlk " 71 Flowlrs .. " Joll!"llllfl " Jl Jf'l'rlltllt .. 22 Ol!t • 16 Pr111! .. '3 lt1I..-' 11 Prlet -" '" • 311 W•ll'ltll'f0r1I .. ZS GUblrl • » w .. .. " ... ~ • ~ "'""' .. " St11nm1r~ • .. , .. _ .. JO Wonllll" • 21 c.111-.v .. " Plot!J " ,. Nl(Le1ry " 3' Rlch•rlhlln " J? ~ .. .. 31 LIV~ .. ·-.. ll Cormlflr • 42 Pllret .. '60 .PMC!ttl ' • ...i !ltv•r .. " W•• •• 4-1 $"""11Mr -,, Nici(!,_-, " 411o Ml•Ofl -.. El'lrlt • lO Kill ' ~ <•llllOft • .. ,_ .. <17 ll:obktwlu • U Plllorl • .. ,,._ " " ..... .. UPIT•llttMtt MR. BUCKEYE -Ohio State's J im Otis is Woody Hayes' bread- and-butter fullback . Otis scor.d the final touchdown against Michi- gan last. month, his lath of the season -an Ohio State record. In Sugar Bowl Arkansas Throws SQphs At Awesome Georgia NEW ORLEANS, La. !AP) Georgia's balanced offensive attack and stingy defense collide today in the 3Sth anniversary Sugar Bowl football classic with Arkansas, a sophomore-dominated •team that surprised even its coach, smooth-talking Frank Broyles. The game matches the Southeastern Sugar Bowl 11 a.ta., €h4nnel 4 Conference champlcn against. the co- titlist from the Southwest. Conference. Georgia, 84-Z under Vi.nee Dooley, cap- tured the SEC drown and earned the No. 4 ranking in The Asaoclated Press poll. Arkan583 finished t-J, rewrote its record book with a high-powered offense Md shared the SWC cbampionship with Texas. A record crows of nearly 85,000 ~HI witness the match. ) Oddnnakera have made Georgia's Bulldogs a seven-point favorite , • role Dooley doesn't relish • Broyles hopes the old maxim about the third time being the charm will hold true for his Razorbacks. This is his third visit to tbe Sugar Bowl and he has yet to taste victory. The Razorbacks bowed 1~ to Alabama In 1962 and 17·13 to Mississippi the followina: year. ~., played in tho 1944 Sugar Bowl as a fullback for Georgia Tech, which beat Tulsa 20-18. Georgia's last visit to the Sugar Bowl was for the 1947 game -which matched the Bulldogs' Charlie Trippi and North Carolina's Charlie "Choo Choo'' Justice. Georgia won that thriller 20-10. American defensive performers in tack· American del'ensive performers in tackle Bill Stanfill, a 6-foot-S senior, and safety Jake &ott, a junior speedster who led the SEC in p a s s interceptions -10 -and punt returns -440 yards. Senior offensive guard Jim Barnes, a superb blocker, is Arkansas' At!· Americm. Both teamJ are qum:ter&acked by sophomores and both earned accolades in their conferences as "sophomore of the year.11 Georgia*s Mike Cavan. threw nine touchdown passes, completing 116 of 207 tosses for 1,619 yards . Bill Montgomery. Cavan 's counterpart with the Razorbacks, hurled 1 O touchdown strikes. He gained 1,595 yards through the air, connecting on 134 of the 234 passes. R•!tts • ,t.'11:111111 ... "-•ii. wllldl Wtll p!IY Ill 1"" S\lotr llowl H ITll: """ • '"""''' ••• ....... ... . " .. Gllbllrt .. M-" " ,_ • ..... .. " C1vtn " " Ok~ " " k'" " " -~ .. " Grl"ln " " S-•rt " " ......... .. " Dl~on .. " $,.,...lrt " " ·~-' " .... .. " ,,.,. ..... 11 ' • Dickson Eyes SoCal Open .5f W lllU'ltdl ' $2 WltMllf ' .. -' "·-• f7 A.tNlln ' M H•l!'li ' .. "*" • .. H_,.,_ • u M<lo\•r ' l1 K._. M-·-.. K-41ef " ·-" ....... ......... " ._....., .. -M .. •• -" .. " .. " - Crandall Named To Manager's Joh " " .. .. ~ .. 4 " " L1Wf'lll<• .. , ...... ' " p-1"9TOll .. .. ,,. ' " ..... .. $10d;dell • ~ .. _ ' ""'" ' n w"°""'''' ' ,_ • • McCwlloutn • ·-· • " """' • ·-" " , ....... ' f ltlct .. • Huntns " Bob Dickloa hopes to make It two Orqe Cioun\V told victories in a row tJdl week when he tees off 'J'hunJday la it.. IJ.hole Sotlthm! Colifornia Optn al Loo G>yotM Country Club in Buena Park. • llk:bOll -the winner Qf the $110,000 !Illa )'liUooal ·0poo In C<lC!lo M,.. in tJclcibtt, He picked up I check for IZ2.000 (or t.T.t o:ic. 1bc Jlr!t prize in the --: ""IN: Coyotes toomamept iii te1000. . r::;!'.:',:1 wilf 'h3\'e to · contend with Ulo tame type ol compan7 lhil week ..... \ as he dkf 1t Co.sla Mesa -Billy Casper, Bob Murphy, Lee Trevino, Al Geiberger, Bob Lunn and a host of other~. M an amateur, Dickson first gained the eye of the gol£ world when he became the rirst. man since Lawson Little 30 years ago to win both the national and British amateur cham- pionships. Hi1 Haig \l'\n enabled him to finish among tht top 60 money winners for the year. That me&ns he'll be exempt from qualifying in the PGA tournaments ' this year. A darkhorse for the top prlie money at Im Coyotes might be Ron Cerrudo, the former San Jose State golf star. Cerrudo was 14th at the Los Coyote,; event last year and W8.'I a high finisher at the Haig. He has finished fifth :u>d mth at past So-Cal loumaments. The tournament will have an in· te.rnallooal navor, with Italian champ Roberto Bernardino on hand. Only 1-4, ht'11 a three-time winner ot the JtalllD Open. ~ Mltt:Mll '5 P11«11r .. .,.., '1 Hlb .. I '' llll9ff' 70 Gremmtl " ...... n wrni.n- 74 '"""'' 7! Cr_,...~ H YOllrll ,., ... ._. n ......,. m """' • -.. Rctllflwn "c-:t C1~I Mluldlri " ... ~ .. IC•1tle'r • ",._ t •• !'W!t1t • 1' C81TI111 " n ·-• n ·-' n ·-' 1( WMll1'"' • " i.llO ... Y ' . ._, ' nv-' . ,,_ ' • -· ' .. ..... 1.1 MIGll:Mll • .. _,, • " "''"'" • :~ • • .. ' • " .,.,..._, • .. _ ::~ .. :.T .. ' • .. .. • • .. .. " .. " .. " .. • .. .. • .. LOS ANGELES - Former major league catcher Del Crandall of Fullerton has returned to baseball and will manage the Los Anples Dodgers' fann club at Albuquerque In the Texas League. vice president WUllam P. Schweppe o! the parent team announced . 'Crandall, who spent most of his playi ng Cll'ffl' with UM! Bnivea al Boston and Milwaukee.. two fel.1"1 a.go had been a scout for the Dodgers but dropped out of bueball last 1euon to devote hil ~ to a ratllD"l.nt he OWJll io Fullmon. " " " p ~ .. .. M " n " n " " " n • n .. " • ·~~ G1mt:r ··-. ...... loKIWtfl Bun.•• !rnllll 1'11111111'1 Mn Hl.,,,...,.I Mc.Nulty ·~ .. ·-· .._., Sl1'*°""dl ·-Sl-11 ·-· ,,_ Dow -·- " .. , .. " " • F.,.fl!IW«lh ' • " '~ ' ' " Tarr ti' " " M Wlllh ' • p Dlt•t " ' ~ Gr•r • ' " "'""" • • .. V1wft • ' il l•rllfld • ' " C1111•1'1' • • • Jll>clfllltr ' ' " M<Onl • • " S!lftllll ' ' • "~ • ' • ·-• • n ...... ' -M Mcl(lli..,, .. ~ D . ... • ~ n ,.,.. .. • • ·-.. " w,,,,_ • " .... , • I, -···-~·--.... -~ . • ~~~~111111!1111!11 .......... !::e~~~~~...,.,..-:-~· .~,..,..,....,.... .... ~-...,.-o;-.-............................................................................ ~ .................................... '"':' .... r: ., '• , ~ .,., --,, .. • ... , ··- ,_ ... ... ~· ..... ....... .... -· r::· •.. 7.; ... ~ ..... --..... , • ... -;..-.. .. ~ .,. :: .,. ;: .... .., ~ '--' ... ..,,.,. -~ • .. ·~ w ,.. ~ •.. ~· ·-..... ... -· ~-· r-· .... .... ,.. ' ... .... .... ··-· ... ,. . ,, .. '" ·' ·~·· " , . .. ' , .. ~ •• -'. ( .. •• • ' ·' .. •' • • 'WJff1Ell .ART 11,EGfllS. -Watercj>lor stu!lents Fran Paulson, Jeft,.and Valerie : ~htol are shown wlUi, iellclier j\oger Annstrong 'at Leguna Beach School ol A"!t and De1ign, The w111t•r ~uarter -begins at the ~chooi Jan. 6. Scots Don't Accept New Ti1ne ' ' STORNOWAY, Scot I an tt ~ si11y. We are going back absurd experiment ln time ..,JAP ) -The sturdy Scots of to sensibl: hou~ of d~rllJht." keep!~i·" , the town or Stornoway on 'The Daily Erpress in LOh· OCU!t the . government cease • . ' don supported the islanders • Its nonsensical study and drop the Island o( L6w1' o~ saying their lives u.m-among jt ·~th," the editartll northwest Scotland, have had _ those ~oSt .affected by aq ; 'decljled. · @ lenough of Britain's'ne'lf tlmt. · ... . I They are pltUi.nJ: lheir ,c)~k:i . . ... '.. ' emo• back one, hour to .Greenwich \ ~ or· . ' . ':ft!ean T\Jftd j'Q glv:e'thtntitlves . I an hour more 0£ light in the --;-... . . morning.:::: __ . . ·-. _ _. Britain used to do the same ' every year but this year stim· mer time is Continuing , through the winter as an ex· ;periment. This puts Britain . on the same time as the rest ol Western Europe and is ex· pect.ed to help businessmen 1in their telephone deals wlth the continent. · The e:a:perlment Is under heavy fire fr0m sd!qob and •parents Who comptain1childrtn are going to · achoof in the dar~ and br_avµig lncreaed traffJe haiardl. At Stornoway1 4'5 mileo >OUtlt ,Of tlje Arel Circle, It WI! itight -until 11 a.m. · "We·ve had enough of th is darkness," Gaid Mayor Donald Stewart~ "Everyone kno"'s it! . . ' . Tails Y.o~win~tool' EDcutivElls Ideal Lease says you poc~ 'th.i ~ , profit if yOur car's t&sale value is high atJeU1.lbd, . _ . -Or j( the l'/'l•rke t is dqwn, yoti r~tum 'the car with · no obllgetion. E!ther WW'f, ybU win! Call Executive ~~y .10'.'11;~·· .. and the top c11h price for , ... ·~·· ' . :Ex'·cuTIVE CAR LEASING COMPANY 2202 E. Id Slr11I, 5111!1 A111 lo The Valloy Kl 7 3011 lo Los Ao9•IH ST l -3220 " CL 4.5~0.o .•• Jove us for their money l There 1.t 1om1thloa about • 1ki triP. you have rcaJly earned, ud deserve becattae'~ eaved tlle money. (Yaa. might eay we adTOcate aaving.)·We f urnisb frM trlTelen checb for your convenie11ce. And ftH 1af1 depo.tt boxes, of courae. There la cue thina that mtkea us truly d1111CJ.t -Olll' n.tronme:nt for dolnt busineN. Comt In alli!,.. I.or 7ourae1t • • 0 M.ARINERS SAVINGS RDd Loan Association We1tcllfr 11t Dover, Newpo rt Beach • .,. .. • . NEWPORT BEACH Fashibn Island ' • • . . ' ·'1t_ _._t .. ~ White tubeless ' • .Size ·735-14 Fed. Tix • r • 2.07 775-14 2.20 '21· plua foci. tllC' 775-15 2,21 and old tire . CAR: Jlebel, A111bJ1111'dor, Javelin, Buick Special, Chevy II, Chevelle, C1maro, Dodge Ch1rger, Torino, Ford, Mercury Meteor, Montego, · Comet White tubeleso; Size Fed. Tax '24 1125-14 2.36 . 855-14 2.57 815-15 2.38 plus· Itel. iax and ol~ tire ' 845-15 2.57 CAR: Amb1111dor W 1gon, B11Jck . ' . Wildc1t, Le S1bre, Thunderbird, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Mercury ' • HUNTINGTON BEACH .~ Huntington C.ntor r - : \. --~-.. -'---~-- 1tJ3:E---ll....__IA I ANAHEIM. 535-8121 JIRE ~ OPl;N DAILY AT a,30 A.H. evenrngs anfl19'30·p.m. Monaay thrv ftlday, .Sa!ur<!crys Ut>lit.6 p.m. ~ . . •••••••• NEWPORT ••• ! ._ .•.••• ~·---..,,_._,._ ____ .. -----·----· " ·•' ' \. NATIONWIDE TIRo· GUARANTEE . Against defects in workmo.ship and moterials\Clrt6=i du• to oil normal load rd' for the life of the tir.. lfl*• foils, we will repair w11h~ charge or replace at our option charging only a pro rata 1har•, ~ on tread w.ar, of ngu!ar nlling price pJus applkabl• .Oes. TREAD WEAR-OUT GUARANTEE For the-nu111b•r of moath1 spedflod. If Ille -ii dooig11 weor1 out we wi"1 repJdc:e It, charging the arrrtnt regular s•lling price les1 a ..t doHor ailowont9 plus applicable tax.,, • SILVER FALCON 6.50-13 7.75-U 1.25-U JANUARY 7.35-15 7.75-15 8..45-15 8.85,19.00-15 SHOCK ABSORBER JANUARY BRAKE SYSTEM SPECIAL '· I SPEOAL TWO FOR • oU U.S. can except d*tSC • install-our best &ning on on~ wheels. • owirhaul al qlincS.rs. ·-d-to-$10 -·-°"""'"' -choct.-- 28.88 INSTALLED 20,000 mne guarantee, double action airptane type, halts sideswoy and tire •nc:•. liret. 816 " '· -... .. ' ~-· l ' ' : " I l .................... ~-- WE D N ESDAY . . PEANUTS IT'S Nl!U! ll)lllU! . - 1111118 llH <lli,/laJ IT.'s I' 80!~.w 111.1,1. MUii 11U5 I• Mli ml!! _ ' I • '.~ • . t:tt.• lt'l1r11 IUll•lllltt (C) t•t. liiibr DfJldali ii )tiled· .hf ~· P11rtln1 c,.ftrt, .rwtllll licftUllll" •!IC Elt/ Mtf• ...... Mir ll Jtthro'1 b11tll. 111t Hlltlillet iW11wt homt: to fllld Vitt OryaAle 11 _. &mitt btti nur HooteMnt.' 11Mf pl)oM .. ,. <$ant ~·ID i.,11 Ill"' tut •• wlflal .. must ltct J'*t · Jtr" J~llilo· hltes bf; .... ~ · DR. KILDARE ' 1 . ' . 6:00 fJ111• •• ,..,..\ (C) (60) ltrry Dunphy • • Qit.lo'Nr. \1ttw (C),(IO) k · 11111 01111. Rich Little, let11 Mbulu and Frtnkie Valli ruest. fJ SiJ O'Cl&ck Movie; "lrtth 11 a loJ" (ccm1d~) '60 r Barry Fitz· ger1!d, June Th11rnburn, t rs. , , ' llMo~ll: ......_, ...... _. • (westtrn) 6Z-lllrk DIMIKl•a. Wtlltr M1tltl1u, Mich111 Kane. Cowboy wilt tXl~S l1om jtil llNda for tht m~untains with his l1ithlul llllr•. Ht Is PllQUtd ., tbt alleriff •nd his "°"'' until trt1lc flMlt. " 11 Spf (C) (60) lrU!JM. (C) (30) ....... ,...., (30) OD D11U111 11 C1tri1 Q)KPlM Mm (CJ G:JO Q)YOfll• to th• loltot1 or tM Sea IC} (60) o IHI m 111 uc .,..,,_,, ifitll: ("C) "tide t-. W1W ..,. {!Mnllt 14Y111tur1) 'ii-fllill,n, . ~ Shelley FOi"'-Tlb Kufttf, laf' " bar• Eden, Ptt11 lrown~ S1111n tfttt. ' i (D R1111 for , .. J; (C) (60) ID Mort fer Yw M""1 (JO) "Family RICltltlolt." M•rlon Mar· ~k•ll lQliortt th• """' typa of !amll, rtemllon and SUIPSb ••ys1 of dtcklin1 on 1 Yt~titn. mmm• .... ~ ; >O 0 ll!l m CIS "'""' N ... (CJ, 'Ill tIJ 1111 ,_, m NlT flltinl (6Cl)•"Tht Way Wt St• It" A &t\ldf el comrnu11l!1 fllm 1·1~rk&hops, FHrnt tr1 atlow11 frM a;rool'S In poveriJ ,,.. acroa the - United !tttn. (30) W1llir ~to,iiift. ' GWll•t'•,,, n..t . .tC)' (3tl) .mn. nld: "foxU ar HttM.''' ID P~ IC) (!OJ • m Mtk~n'r :tt:; Mist ti Mttvlib . . .. • tTO) "livi111 1 Full Life." M1rion ~.:;II Qj m liirNn Acttt (() (3Q) M1rsh1JI asU MYtrll (1141sb how Of~r r1iii111cls Lita htr hlrtbdlY Is older adults can ent1£ into c1e1liYt nut week 111d 1fte1 she MYI llll'• gro11pJ wort.inr In tht community. lo11Gtt1n 1Dout it Jht htnds )llm g) W111dlrl11rt ,, !0111 list ol it11ns tl)t'll like to rt· c~W• IS 1tttL Mr. [d, llorst•stlr Q) Truth If ConYqutncH (C) ol IOflfltf tt:m.lon ltl'its, 1"9tls. 7:30 fJ Daktlrl (C) (60) A chiera 1111 D""" (C) (30) lt.ii! Meyert. with a r111 hlood i)'pe Ii" ln uitica! condition and Or. Mtrtll Tracy is unable to ope11te until pllS!ll is .flown In from a diM:anl lO·DO 11rt M Afnu. Chet W1slllnrton, Ed · hlplen, Mirt. 0ym,u, tunt. . G HAWAII FIVE-0 D@ @!!;lhwt ''"' Hill' *NOW A NEY{ lf!GHT tiiioti JC> <30l AND A NEW TIME FOR QWl• Wit> '"' "'" <Cl <30> GREAT NEW ACTION O@Cil&IM•r• C1111 tllt '°"' (~ ~(00) ,."Aft« • Drum n 9 IJJ -• fht.O (CJ= ~ .. llol.rrnlq. Bi4dle Cloorn. JOiin Hqts, a btlrty ·tthtttie· "fl'~ II wrftln1 • hlltoty of Slltt!e, W~O '* • dudtnt It th• Unlms lll!f to Cl•nctY for Ill• tr.ii• story of Haw1ir1 Ettt-WtA C.11t11, Mo --of;-wh1t-lllppnd-'llle-, . --eoma·thT)rfflil'i.....,._-wteilrhlt · bndt:t 1rri¥1d 1boe_rd . h,1 lll1p. lndon11l1n 1Mfltlletrl ls found mur· Suun Tolsky plays 81dd1e. d1r&d bllicfl 1 fish 'pond at tht Q Millian $ Mwit: "Operitili Center.' H.yu,.. pl1)'1d b, . tut14 SllClet" (mpt1iy) '5Z-SlM Cocb· . Denllf MUlll'. had luoken h11 lftoo 11n Oan O'Htrllhr e•remtnt With tht 1lr1. .Mira hi, ' • 2nd thlt circurnsbnce, plu1 1 l1r11 m Truth .« CtlllqlllllCll (C) {30) fcotprlnt m1tthl111 Ills own Sill A nia:htcli4 ~lntr ,.Dndln& 141~ allots. ltuli to his ~rrtlt. to te • ~ frtlll Souti Amer· _ a itt provokeS llHtritJ wMn llt 1sk1 1 _i_. N• (C) (!iO) two wonwin to 1tsist'tilm •itfl ••ri· l)UI rtvolutionar, olectrieel U~ri-G MIPt It•• (30) ments. di Tlilt ... IC) (30) Ill . FffS . ·~" Al'IJI• Ntffo, Alu:andtt ,...,-.... , (60) . M1)'u ru~ fl!t Ctn~ Ill II •aa,...(3(1) ii Mella ltkll1. @:DU11A1111"•tif~ , t¥ . "-,' I ' 1' I <• "'g~·"11-. ~J.' ll:JO·~····: fC) "'"".....,,. • 1:00111.,i!IC!g I lllU and \flnte ctlll Sliall" (a1Matur1) '~Yul (C) ~) A Ml-~IU' ••I Bnftlttf, st•. ........ Qlal1ts .,. l. RfAl,1.Y MUST GfT SACtC'l'O -: -nlfM051rfAt,STELIA.tn5-~!lfN'E~ i ' l'ERKINS JUDGE PARKER ""ESot.UTTO)il -TIME, WILLIE •• sr~N. ' ·• l OKAY •• 50 t (;IVE 'rOll THE IEAL E5TATE FOCN AN~ WO Tai PEI!: MMil 6.-.vs Tt4E CEtlT' TO GIVE THE PIOl'llTV'6 wornt MIPPL& IM.N ! NTWEEN NFTY ANO $o!XTV THO!JSA)IP! fmtlnna: l~. Al• iut1Un1 8r9Mflfl, hbtrt V1111ll1ft, Junes 1r1 Don ltlcldn, 01t111 Dort In htr Coburn. ,., !inJing debut, ind nin•111r.old Racina Dlmedio in t pil!'IO duel wittt Liber1ce. U ROSE PARADE's most * complttf covor1pl Set it with' STEVE. ALLEN & JAYNE MEADOWS! 'Copter color debut! 0 1969 T Olll'lllflltnl 1f llOMI P• rld1 (Cl (2 hf} (R) m Hazll (C) (30) f]) lnttrnJtio1&1 M1pzl11t (60) el) Miercoles Mu1iq_I m w111d1rtust (~ 1:30 8 Tiit liiood liillfl (C) (30) A com· putlr matchm1kin1 11r&t, ~rt· 1r1mm&d to llnd tltt· ~.1~rt f4r Rufus, comes up ! With np; IMlt friend's wilt, 011udl1 '''lllUL 8111 Gur1hoff is te1tur1d 1s Ruhlt\S ycun11er broth..-, Mike-. 1 compirltr Iii "'"' (C) (30) Q) Drtras 1111 Mn n,oo 11 DD llil.,.. <C> acu., __ ,,, <C> GI llM ""' tHICU <Cl Ill MM: "tirde .. Du1tl'" (mys- lt!J) 'M -lltf MHl•nd, <l7J (J)@ (JJ ai-(Cl SIJJGll.,.. 11:30 8 MR: (Cl "Clli~lt Coa• ...r• (tdvant11r1) '52 -Cornel Wll4J, Ttr111 Wri&fll D 111 _CJJ Ill f-st.~ (CJ S!!!IJJlll..., '""" (C) •xPtrt. Kt ·01iti111tld tt1t 11ol• •u·oomn s.111 .._ Chlrlie Bro'#lt .Ii\" lh• off-lroffwlf ' productic~ or . "YOu'rt • ~-M111. • Ch1r1lt Brown." • , 12:30 ID Actl1n Dutr•: "lhe W1ddin1 D @rn fl) Ptylen P.llcl (C) oTLitli Mulent." (30) LfW is ,roe kid br !he 1rriv11 of Vickie Rtlch11·ffcm Haw York; Susan atm ~odM, cllaturlll11& ""'" 1:00 II Mt'tif: ....... Ovtl n~ .... ahout BtttJ and Sll'llll; Merman (dr11N) '52-Re.i: ll1190n, Myro11 •nd Rita plOt to fil\d 1 m•n for Httl••· M1gi1; Mtrslll tills Dr. Ro»i Jht w7 to elQJlt. icfi D11111• &'to.nor (C) (90) ind Hendnln.·1illlY faylor, LOl!b .lflurdtn, Cltrll$le fttl:lan IUllL !JI"" ii. DdOI (C) (30) .., ....... T HU RSDAY DUN.., <C> 1J C...1i111~ l111eti' IOIN (C) a Clttl ....... : (C) "Old Dir~ Ho1111," "Colt Vounpr, Gul!filhter," "fN Que.Ill fOI' 111 la,~ "Afto'I la. tlM Dutt." m ""' .. ,_ !!it <Cl • turt) '51 -Jotl McC111, r~uest Tucker. !:DOii (C) "Ok, S-n111il" (drama} •JJ..-Rod C.marGn, Adrian Booth, Fonut Tucktr. lt-.00. (C) "lttll• If 1111 1ttut• DAYTIME unVJ£S (TratN) '5i-V1n Jo1111111n, Jouph ""' cotton. Rllth 111m11\ it:ao m "Qllcbtnr <"'111•1'Yl ·so-1:00 g (C) ...... tl ...... {m,. MJi;Uy ROOftlY, "'Ya ....... (dt1· !117) •54--e1u.n Mltdl•H, I.ff 11'11) 'M-Emr-. 5. ltlblnson. J. Cobb, Annt a.rert. 1:00 '8 "ha 1111t tf M1rtt11111" (dr•· ' fllt) 'St--.Sttphtl! llyf, MN GIJ- 1:30 n ''¥1Uit" <mrsttrJl '53-Jtm• iot. • tiiln. Rlchlrd loOnt. 4:JO 8 (C) "Hertuln AJ•ifttt ttN MeH Mun AND JEFF WW ·&10 w• Jl,A.'V#. ~~ )iwr ._,155 !'EACH KNUa<lisl WHAr IN ~LAZES WERE YOO WIN& HIDING-Jl£1-(IND lt!E OllMNEY ON NEW YEARS EVE?! . Y'OU OµGi.tT'lO BE ASHAMEO OF YOURSEl,F, )'OU DIWNKEN . FOOL.! IF I WERE IN YOUR CONPITION l'O SM ~YSEl..F/ By Cliarles M. Schulz By Jolin Miits By Harold Le Doux By Ferd· Johnsiln • • lJL'T tMATLJMIN();,,-• II II ' ., ~ , Gy Tom !(\ ·Ryan 1 . . .:.~:::r:.. ,,,~"{· NO WO~ER . "" SANTY N VER t.,:r-.... SHOW UP! ./ . ' ·I By Al Smith " T • li•<iV I . ,0 .. .-. I .w~~·~~· I " , 1f1'0i.o .. -"1lllt'I .... -...... • -' P'M ' . ,, .• ' ' . • ' ' <---" ''· •, PROBLEM -Bobby Sherinan. left, 8Jld R~rt-: Brow.n .co-slar on "Here Come the Brides" tonight ·~ ;> < • in .color.at 7:30 on Channel 7. Tbe1duo is !aced with!.\~ : ... ,', the prOblerri: of building a '¥donnatorrto hou~e pros.;,:~,:·.: -~~~~ peetive brides \bey'.have in\ported to tlieir western;;• ·; (;'~' . . ' . ' town ' •t . • .•• , •• ' • I ' ' ' • ' • '"; I ; 1 • ~ •, ,, . llv , ________ ... __________ .... ._, ''·~ II' . , w~. , . . TELEVISION VIEWS • • Year's 'End . I • . Look .at TV • •• ,. . . ' . I .. ~ .. •' ... • "'! .. •• f(J' .. , .. ' •' ' ' ,, •.... .,-t'---..., ... .... '), - ' ' NEW .YORK CAP) -The-most dramatic~'. , ' moment <if televiston in 1968 came not in . iti show _ · · ; ,,..,~ bUsfness 1tunction ·but in its neWs '~verage. '..·"." ~;;"'­ ' TelelvisiQll came.ras pennitled a nation to sbar<f.: .• -o. in 'lhe:tragedy .ot .. two ·~s~assinatlons; tO react Ill '· -- disti.tri.anc'el on 'clty streets; td 1ee wer and fight-:· 11ll' -ing ·menili' close-'uP,,SM ·w ·gtOryl In an acr~f:-;·llA ; • that took men around the moon.··. .,;:-.. , ;··;~ l : ~~ IT WAS A year jjl 'Whicl! most Am.,icans attenct;;. • ·. ..~ • e.i. throug~ televi•.IDll. ~ f(metJ!l ~ervices of~,;· .. :·' :.', J Martin Lu<iier King Jr: We shar)!d' the vlg11 outaide .. , ;, · the bos-"·I where Sen .. Robert ·F. KO!llledY Jay ... ; ·• ' t'1"" .3 .. , 'dyi ng.'.We ,saw the President of the "Unit~ State$' 7 ; ·:~· • ·a·s he told us he would. not seek j re-election. And'.." · ·11, ... ~levision took ~ 1~ou@ every ~ti!J? of the com:, -i,,,: i>Ilcati\d and so~l!l)e!11jl'bulentip~ocess 1bat led·. ·;:, to the election: of hi s successor. · . .,_. THE NATION and 'the worl~ ,~tln ·~arver:: ,; .. '', ing .. at: the ,way, 'tel~iA.~9 permlJ " .us io. follow.: : ~. the astronauts a quarter~million miles into spac1;1.~., · , ~: and back. · · '. . ~ ~ ~ "" . ':,." · . '. Television also presented lhoushtfµJ and.." · • thought-provoking documentaries oii 'tljll problems· ' ·· -~ o( the Negro arid the troubles of the cities. A ropott · , .. , on hunger in America was a s)loc~er. 'nay in an4.: ·1~:·. day out we saw the agony of, Vielnam. And tber.e . '" "· was ba se ball, hockey, baJikelball, g_oll /l"d footbalt ,1 ': .:.; ' · and mbre football. -· ' " • " !';&; There· were some eswiaUy happy events oi.;~ ~- the entertainment side. -There was, for instan~e: · 1:1'~ that fiiie adaptation Of t,he stage Pt~y. "A Case or · . ~~·· . Libel ," some ·absorbing original drama, inaluding '" ,,,. · "'" "The. People N;xt Dou"r,'~· V)adimir Jfon>witz was :· . ·:: · presented in a glorious hour o! music and · we ·11a'!·· . · " · ,:'., ·1 Barbara Streisand giving il c<incert-in Central Park. · _. ·'.';.· There were many more: : ·~ :. ~ . A SLAM·BANG, last.paced comedy hour ma<U ''. .: .. · its debut last' ianuary and soon "Laugh·ln" 'bad .: become the nation's most popular Weekly program .. ·. l' A siluatioh com'e,lly w,ith. two' attr;iplive Negro pct:;~ : . .,.. .. formers, Diahailn Carroll and 1\1arc Copage, mad~.. _ · ·• ' tts 'debut · in Septem:r,,er and soon 11Julia''··,vas the..,._. season·~ triost solid hit. '• . · There . was nothing particularly . memorable,..__ sad tO relate, &bout the buJk of the year's regular.:. : •. ;.~1 • "' ' ~· 'I entertainment shOws, and, as· always, some shows -·: •· · •1 ,._ ,I T,•' were dreadful. c. • ·• • Pei-haps the worst w,as the industry'• Own, t~. -~~: ~ Emmy Awards. · .. .;;o , " ' ·~ ,.! :What kind of a year hasJt been? A year when,:': , .• : ~ for all tb_e griping, controversary. and fall-<>ut. th£· ~: ~.,. ;.' overage television set was . turped ~n ,for almost·· , ... six hours a day, · ·,\· ~ · -~ .. · :·; · :~ ~ . fl ' ~· ....... . i • 4 ''··' ",1 "' ., ' . . ... ..,1 • .. De11nls the Mmlace _,. ..... . ~ ·1"1 ' " I' • •) ~ -. ·.-! .. ; . ' '• . H -• •1• ~ ... : .:~·: y " '. "•. -·· 'O .. ' . ~ ... " ..~; ~ .... ~,,, •. , Cl I •-" 1~ ~~~·; IA. i'>I ' .. • .. ···i· ~ .: .. ,. ,, ) ... ,of • I ' ''· ' .,., ,,.I •),--. Q (C} "ftrt M1111ctt" (tdwil· Mi-" {tci-fi) '64--Altn Stell. OICAY. • llHLWl!IAT " 00115 "ANNllAI!. ..................... "" ~it CAse;. "!1 I~ I• • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS / ~EWSPAPERS '(E!ll OT PR1i.TING ' . Z%1 I WCST rAtlOA llvt. NIWPOaT llACH \. • ' . ' ,. ,'MfAN? .• ' ' . ' ., '. FAANl<.L V,, 1r _ ......_ M~S'Ml<YI . 1WO PAYS ... ' .. :; , .. 'I Wl~JOIJ'o!. UPlllllRMINP.1i1$MIJNN'~· ~. AW~Al'W)Sfl,.IH'~'Allll~t.t 1 ~.: . I ., I . l ~ •. . . . -· ·-' . . •• t \ t ~· .~ ·:;~ , . ' .. 1 . . , , ' ,, ' . ' , ' ' • ' N •• ' J '• I : I I l • • ' "'• • • c • • • ; • c • • • • • • • ' I , ' • • < ' ' I • • • ' • • ' c • • • • • ~ a • • a ./ • • • • • • • : : I • • • • c •• c fl • " • G • • c L N H • c • • T • D • • • c • • • • • c • H • • E ' • • < • • F • .; < ~ • ' ' • ' .. •• I ' ou•• COUNTM •·>·I LAllOIST VOLUMI DIALIR • • • I • OPll ILL ·DAT WID. .int .Ru'S DAY ' , ......,, .. ,,"' • • ilil••mllflWICll-,, 1-----.... 1969 STARTS OUR B.IG<iEST -. DAY .SAtE ' ~ EVER HELD .AT HARBOR.· ... OQGE : .· . . , , :>PEN 9 AM TO MIDNIGHT (5) CONSECUTIVf DAYS 'FOR YOU · SHOPPING .. C~NYENIENCI $,HOP WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY,-FRIDAY.; SATURDAY & SllND,AY~ANUARY 1.t, d;-3rd, eth, aftcl.5th OPEN 9 AM.TO MIDNlGHT ANOTHER HARBOR DODGJ FIRST"~~NDIVIDU L MERCHANDISING" . HUGE DISCOUN 1TS1 RE YOVER1$Ai:ooo:ooo'YWiiit~i ·'iRiND1NNEW AooDGEsffAT 0H1 UGE DISCOUNTS All MODELS-ALL COLORS-All EQUIPPED AS YOU ~Al!IT-All SERVICED AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . 1 SOUTHERN CALIFOflNIA tHARGElr 'HEADQUARTERS-LARGEST SELECTION OF CHARGERS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA • ·a::~I . ·t -.POL4RAS -·:-~.,., 1.969 DO'D~E ·:a~D1'.969 . WAG·ON$ NEW·~ -,~RDt~·souns ~Rt-I ~PQRTS SPECIAL NEw CO.R~NET 4-DR. STATION WAGONS I Full loet..., •quipped; • 1·•'J1t V8 Engine 9'Vinyl ;,m;.,e·p,4. ' . IJIEW, 2·~R HARDTbP COUPE Choice of color~ Full factory equipped including heater, defroster, rte. 4.d do1h • Hoofer• Do tor, ate. Motor No1. DL23F90175110 l Fully oqurPl'Od '"'~(.":;l;,.r:,'• WSW tires, full whHI discs, remole eonlrol .M t #Wl4589E123047 Wl4589E123751 ""~""'.5 2 88 ·-·-s22aa·~••»m °'' s2s88 .TOTAL PRICE , t !::., · IMMEDIATE DILIVIRY .TOTAL PRICE ,t,!:'. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TOTAL PRICE ,t,!::. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .1969 CORONR SUPER ·BEE 1969 . DART SWINGER Fully eqtiipped wi~h perfo'l""nce .axl•'f>B<ka!l", Torquellite .•uto. 1rans., 2 DOOR HARDTOP COUPE 383 V~ ~lne, !rnt~ gl•!S, redio/Sler"? tape w//W. radio,_ rear seat _ . • 19 9 CHARGER • 2-DOOR HARDTOP . Fully equipped wiih power steering, power brakes, aU!omalic transmission, speobr, tachomeler ..v1/claff. power-sle.\lng,-$ports lype steenn~ whee~ Full 1 . d . L d 1 11 -. 1 • .. luU dded ~--L 2.tone ~;bumblltlit~,-.dlrome ~""'d ·wheels, noise~educ-c '· Y actory equ1~ wrtn . e uxe. a YJoy rnt_~·~ll!-..:.... pa·" .. '"''"• -pedijigtt, turn-sig11ols,-oxlt<roli0--3-.5-S;\•ir-scoop-quarteF-panel, etc. .l!~J~,.Mfwt.~~~d.!l'!!!Y,.,q!Jler fine .f!atunL _ -· __ _ --'-- ~ Motor #WM21H9E115109. USEl> LOW MILEAGE • (YCM329) USED, LOW MILEAGE vinyl roof, rad io; h~ater, finted glass, deluxe wheel ~vers, wsw tires, buck el seats, full vinyl interior, electrle .:lock. bumper .guards (front . & ·re11r);'lltdeoway tieadttgh!s;nylo~ing; futlTacing-inS!rument•tio' n;,-etc:-1--- ·-~!!T:!!~s2 :3 a.a ··· ~D~~T:!!o!.s ·~ 8 : PAYMlllT · PAYMENT PAYMENT . ' , <XIH376J USED, LOW MILEAGE ~O!~ T:~O!J $2·48.8 ,PAYMENT PAYMENT _ I 1 l~TI DEUYIRY TOTAL. PRICE 't l:t..,, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ';JOTAC-PRICE "t;1ti\.n "'-" lillClflllt fa l !k.-l flnerxt dl.19'1 .. It -"I """""' N~~ tl'ldlt IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TOTAL PRICE t,::,., :v4. "'°"'"'r. ................... -.. .......... nCM7. '1 &.:.08 = s57= s571.'J.t\. UV .TW•UC. . ..""'· PfMt. · '67 111.YMOUTH ULYIDIU ........ _____ .... ., .... ' (SH ... W101511699) s11·18· :r.: s40= s40:.w,~. T tAX & uc. . mrr. mn. '65 DODGI COROND-440 2·df H1nllQ11. Fac!Ory 111' V.f. pwr 1~lnt, 1\llO. trMll., R&H, wtw, (llGVa.) $1088 TOTA' $36"'"' s36Tim Plll(I DOWN MTWl.f. +TAX & lit. nMT. .,.., • 161· POllllAC GUND PRIX M ......, .. ,_,.,, ........... ,._....,._....,, ..,,._ mn.. tk..<F~I ·s10·81 = s36= s36:.v.:.~. !+TAX &llC. mo. nMt. 51088 :::: s36:r.:: s361."4\. ------------.-----· +TAX&LIC. mn. nan . 166 PLYMOUTH FURY II M ...... .,,..,.,., ltldl., """"· ~ t-. <SVft51I '988 *:~~ 533w:i s33~~· '66 MlllCUllY COMIT ......... ,,.........,.,........ .... Miil llMtw,-• n.r ..... ~2'91) s918 = s33= s33~~1-,.. TAX & UC. mil. mQ'. 'ti DODGI POLA~ 2·DR. tt.T. Aa>...._ llllw. trtM., ,..., .,_llnl.,..,.... ~ ... rMJt tnd htltu. , fie,, Hca. Dl~ll~ s888 :'.:.' s29= s291Nrti. +JAJI & \IC. -mn'. ,,.,_ 161 CHIYROUT IMPALA f" ....... V ........ tt.L.lM.P.S..wnr.OIOX~ s7·88 ...... s26m" $26m"· . +~lK. = ~Tr!· 'M DODGI liOLARA 100 2 DR. H.J. M ..... tl'lll&. .......... P.S..--tiocbt~ (lSI: IOtl s'f'iaa :r.: s26= s26::.:.\ . I 4 +TAX lo UC. "'fMT. n•r • 161 ClllYIUI llDAN ' Y .. .,........ 11.11-!lc ffSl-..lt'*'-'-'"· *fnltter, """'" t k. ll'GIC1U) $788 :'.:.' s26:::.'l $26:.WC\. I .fo TAX & llC. nMT. "Mt. '64 THUNDIUIRD 2·DR. H.T. '"'°" A1f OlNOlllONING, M-tlc tr"'!:.! iHll • htrfff, Mi,.....,. (Str. Ito. 4YIS32Jl;J'<'S9) '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP 'I.illy fld'Oiry ~uip,.d_ "°"9 '"' ht.tH. tiudtl Mil, •il!JI lft!ll'lw. (WWII'! $888 ·~ $29""' -s29~w.~. + :! 11.tt. = n•n. '66 liODGE DART 2-dr. Au!L ,, .. wt«. nUlM.5171351) s733 :::: $4'6::::: 526 ~w.\. · +TAX & UC. .iii nllll. _ ""'· . '65 PLYMOillTH FURY H ...... !Mlt. llNl.r, tvlwtk INllAhlirl,,...... """"" ti«D-.i s7g3 ~~ s26= s2· 6=k + TAll & UC.. -nMT.', "Ml. ' '66 PONTIAC TEMPEST CUltom 2 doOr. V!nyl lnfW!or, wlllhl tldt wt111 llru. rtd!D, liii!er. (TIHliiJ s7a· 8 = $26""' s26=· +TA.JI & UC. .. ,,._ '65; DODGI D'l.1'T Htet.r, 'lh!t• 1iMIJ1 11.-. flolrtt2al s53a ":.::. s19::11.l 519~~\l\. +TAll &llC. """'· nMT. 163 PONllAC .... PRIX '64 DODGI DART 270 ,., ........... ,,__, ,_ .. , ........ , ...... ,...,,....--... ... «ICl511t . S588 ~'?. ... s1 . ,!'£. s19~ .. ' AU. PAYMINIS Oii USB> CAI$ "1NCl.UDE TAX & '06-HJITIAC GUND PRIX ~fief. tlf-'. fliM. ....._ ,..,, lttw,. ..W..,.. ~ l .... 1 top. (U.D.J11) FOR YOUR· PROtECTION sl 688 = s57=:: s57~~--+UXUK. n111t. P'fMf. > .'.65 .atRY.JUR NEW YORKll . 2~r. lt1tdt1111 ~ A-M..1,.1'1$., poWtr J!nrifl\I & bnltt. Ylrryi ~ltriof. (11;£M1"' $1188 ~~::: s40= s40~'\1.:.\ . + TAX & UC. n•1• """· '65 CHIVILU·MAUBU CPI. .v..a. •ut1111'191Jc ltal'll., llHIH, ftctory •lr tond.,.....,. .,~ ........ CllP'I$. (RFX.5Q51_ $1088 ·.:~oc S36im. si6~~- '65<,PONT1AC CATAl:INA HARDTOP All~. 1111a. lr1U... l&ll. P.S,. wsw. f"IC1431 1 $988 :~ s33::~ s3·3:.wc~. +TAX & Lit. PJMT. nlllf. '66 DODGI DART GT 0 U:.'°~a:· IN 1HI WINDllllll.D 100% UNCONDmONAL .GUARAllTH-THIS STAI STATES IN WlllTING THAT HAllOI DODGE GuAJ • ANTIU THE W 100% AGAlllST M~ DEFEcTS FOR 100 QAYS OR 4,000 .MD.JS' WHJCH MR COMES FIRST ' AFTER PU I C ~AS l THIS · INCLUDES All. MEotANKAL PAIT$,' ELECTlltcAL ' IQUIPMBIT, I AT T II Y, SJEIDOMEltl, llDIO, HEATll ON ..w. ws. THIS GUUAllTEE coms All. PARTS AND LAIOl FIEE TO JOUI ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST TRUCK, C.AMPER & VAN HEADQ.UARTERS BRAND NEW · 1969 DODGE 'Is TON PICKUP . ' l11r(lh)it CPI Wllh 1ulo. trlf'll .• r•Olo, he•lrr. WIW, Vllty1 lnltr., blldltl Wiii. • Fully Factory Equipped ln~fuding Heater, etc. Motor #1161876320 (Tl.Jllll ' $988 """ s33· ""' s33'"" fl'a~ ton M'"lT. +TAX & UC. n.!J!T. nMT. -'65 ·DODGS POLARA ttARDTOP Ob..,.. •/l9cfi0ty '''· .................. ~ 1-...1,&H. -ttrn. ..... ._ IY'#Sl61t • $.888 """-s2ft!?l.I s29=~-·--+~.c. .. '7"if. '66CHIYRO~ 'fCfoftJll.ftftfl~ ., Mii .. , u 1) s 7-88 -='~' .. s26=· .. + v.x & llC. mn. s26::.:.i. ""'· s 561 ~~':~. 561 = 520-11 ='~ 'YMT. '™'· ,, +TM. ~rnh. lr•d. T&l & fll'll!ICI chi"" 1111 41 JllOI. •FIO-' ... eifflt BRAND NEW 1969 DODGE" PAMILT WAGON 'I ' Whhtampw~ ·.!_ ... ""•• l~,, · -.. .k tAlltml•'-....... , .. "'-...., ., : ,_, • 1.., •t r • °"'"' 111llilta rt..C 11~ • l uflt-h! wt'*'M • ""' 4 • 1tc.. Molf!f #19111l71915 • IMMOIATI llunt'r • -:Nrt~cS9~:::.'.l s341·1'.w:; n11n. '7 "''"· ,, + 'JlL Prlllh. lllct T&l & Fl11111tt thaf9H • 4111111. ..,_. Mi.t. crM1t DODll '66 l-100 PICIUP ~~~1~f,!.9i:~~!Jl 543 ~\. s43 = s·l 211' l:rtl n•r. -"MT. + t&l '"""*'Incl. Tl.L & P:lneno ctieren en3'-...., .... ~It HARBOR DOKE ·2 ... KUIOR 11.Yll. COSTAllW' , . . , • ' .. , ,._,ILOT-ADVBRTl~ID WednfSdar, Janu.vy I, 1969, :1 ' r:----· I I ' ;. I . ~ ' ( ' .~. ' , .,. .. . •' \ -- \ . ' . \ ·-" ., . .. ' . . JOHNSOR.ISOWSj.·:0~· • / " ~ ,.. ,t r o. j • • ·-.;. .. ~;,;, ... +. . .;..,.....,.~-~im~!"'"'""-!!!" .... _ .... N ~"'•'".,.'"'•!""", ~...,..,,._...io ..... --------' . 'YEAR ~E .!!!".'·-· _'!'!-~·~· ,...;·-.111:l:.; .. · ....... ·.:., -..... -----i--· ,_· ..,' -"'°"'~·-i·-~·r_H_A_r~_A_,o~ ... ·~~· Le .. 'i,.&~;;~;.,H-~~~;;;....N,.s_e ,.c~ .. -~-~-r;-v '_5:M_qs,_r..,'R-Es ... r~~ TEO •• • ~ I ·-, ,, -~ ... .,. 7 t--r •... ·• -~ .,... •-• ri , .. t. _,.-.., . $ AlE ·· '• 'viHtN ~e SA v -s.i.~ewe MEAN 'JUsT :r\.i~n ·EVE~Y' NEVi:.t.tlo useo c>.t !!Ride 'ADiklsTED<FOR THIS vEi'R.&ii>·sA~ s~r~c11 w 1i ~ . ·• J ' , . l ~ l _.(ONJINUE·S·!· _ ___..._.....-.-.-~. _1 1~-c ~Lo~-PRce._s -.~ .••. '.·.~-- THE YEAR END Sil.LE Will: CONTINUE THROUGH THIS COMING SUNPA Y, JAN. 5 • • -• • J J • . . / , .. , . ' " •• .i .. ' _.... I THE iBEAUTll=U[, ' CONTINENT AL.-INSPIRED MARQUIS:. " . ' ' • AT 2616 HARBOR BOULEVARD LOCAJ.ION • I • AT 1941 HARBOR :BOULEVA.-WCATION • . . ·~.. ... . -' " . ' . ... ~ '63.CONTINENTAt 4 .i:>r. Sedan Enir.111• whit. flnidt with be1u.tif11I tvrqr.iois• l11th•r int.rlOt', Auto. fr•n1., RIH, full power equ.ip,.d I f~t. 1lr eonf •. _ On• of the 'l>ttt.r one OWft•r '1'1cl1-lns. Li~ FNz1lO '67 MERCU Y Montclair l4' Dr. lt.T •. Nt.C 9old finish with m1tc"hlnt int•rlor, •uto, tr•t1t;, RIH; P.S., P'.I. fectory elr conditloni119, Uc.·TUV319 . . '66 MERCURY Montclair 4 Dr. H.T. .Fu.lly po~•r •qulpt,. Jt het 1ftreo tip• sy1t1m. '-wder blue with 1"ediuM 1:.11• int. Fie, 1ir cond., l111d11 roof, Shows wond.rful cere. lie. TAW514, '68 MUST ANG 2 Dr. H.T. lrlfht· hirq11oke erlerior with mekhin9 lnl•rior. Furty l1etory eq1ipP,.d 111d 111to. tr1111,. ltlH, pvif. steer., 1te. Attrectiv1 ind economlc1!. lie, VCKl77 166 THUNDERBIRD Hardtop Coupe a.•utilul gold bronie 1rlerlor with conlt11tin9 'Mi91 lnhrior. funry •qulpp1d ~rougho11t, Mill jiow•r lnelvding ••ton;,itie tr1n1,, RIH, fie. 1lr, I 0W11er, c•refully drinn. lie, SIN529 '67 MERCURY Colony Park f p111. tf•, w9n. Strlkin9 1reti1 white W/Tur1111l1• lnt.1 auto, tr1111., RAH, eir corHi., P.S,. P.L, tilttd whl. Ctr. lee. W ... t, 11199. rick, dnl ect. t•ilget., I _,.., c:•r, mutt ••• to 1 -!'··lie. UIH.751 · '67COUGAR 2 Dr. Hardtop . botic: turquolM 'finf1h 'with yjnyf lnfotlor <with ~tchin9 l1nd11 roof, · lo.1ded .W.tk •irh-•s. 1uto, tr1111,. P.S., P.I ., redio w/1t1reo t1pe, h11t.r, lie. 1lr, a..rihilly m•in, lie. TRH721 '66 COLONY PARK • t p111, 1t._ w9n. Fi ll pwr equ ip., 1uto. tr•n1., l1otory 1ir, RIH, le1u· tHul 1rcth: wlrih w/cont~11tln9 vinyl lnt.rlor. 31,0!)0 eel. mil•1, I owner, c1refully m•lllf1l11d. Uc. SlU155. !68 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 2 Dr. H.T. h•atllul 1191 gold bhrfot" with m1tchb19 buck1t •••h ind bleck l•nd111 rnf. Fully lie. eqalppff pfu1 •ufo, fr1111., RIH. P.S., P'.I., fee. iilr. Driven oily 16,000 mile1 I ce,..fully 8Hll11t1i11 .. lty orf1ln1I owner, lie. X0A'4i2 • . '67 TORONADO .(Deluxe) 6recl1_. 9old.iinl1h w/11ffn bl1ck· Int. D1I••• 'Pl·• full pwr., fie, 1ir ~·~· J, .-.;. lib "-· Sh-• l•rlfdlo11 ur., ~t•k Hurnbor <4244A, ':67 CO~TINENTAL H:r. C~upe . ' Attr1dift Co'"'o gm. fin, w/co11tr. drk. t.,., 911d le•th.,. Int. All lb, fe1.: 1uto. tr1111., R I 1tr, t1p1, htr, •trto. +.mp. cont. 1ir cend .. P.S., P'.I .. P.W .. 6-w1Y pwr, 1..t I ..,,. 20,00 ml. TlYtlO , ' ' • I 1 • \ $2695 .. .. ,, ' . : ~.'5i-REt4Aut'f'..tor.'-Se'd'b",.._ · Thri~y 4 clyinder: with 3 ~peed. Lie. QIE191 ' ; .. ' '' -f .-. . · '62 RAMB~,R' Statio11 Wagon • '62 COMET Del. Station. WaQon . Wbit•,~~ .. bl•ck vlnyl interior, •utomnefiC.'.FiJi ·ind"heater, LI.' ... .-:' --r~rt-' -"f-~ • ""' -• .' ,i. '' r , ' ; 1 \ ' '.59 LINCOl:N,.2 DR. SPCf>RT OPE. ,$porldint~i9, ti.I:~· Aitow . .;,11.09• ... ~"'" owoer." JPG-. ~OS · . ',.. · · .. =---------"~._..__.. _______ ..,... __ ...,. __ _ • ~62 PLYMOUTH Fury Stat)on Wc:i§On $695' Automatic, V.8, power steering, radio & heater. LiC: •. FViv594 '62 f(ARMEN GHIA Convertible . New top, r•dio end he•ter. Silver blut. Lie. WAB651 '64. RONTIAC Catalina Convertible Autom•tic,' power stetringt power br&bi, ·r•Cfio and' heater; Lie •. OLE917 1 1 •. ' '62 MERCURY STATION WAGON f•d. air cond. Pwr. eq. IRec,nt valve job by our shop). Arc\ tic· White w/blaclc vinyl inter. Chrome roof top lu99agt rack. etc. · . i63 CHRYSLER 300 2 ·Dr. Coupe •. Automatie_ air~ power 1teerin9, .power brakes, NYD2l4 '64 CHEV Impala Autom•tic, air, pow•~ steering! power br•kes. Lie. "IZ745 '64 MERCURY Montclair H;T. Cpe. . Autllmatic, air, power steering, power br•lce1, Lie. IOXJ67 '63 THUNDERBIRD HDTOP Just 3417« miles! Sp•rlcling Sierra Gold. Ever Styli•JI. GBE. 005 '64 ll'NCOLN. Continental i!ui1 pow•' ~ith l•ef;,ry ~ir. lie. IOZ637 '65 OtDS 98 4 Pr. !"f,T. FUU power •.nd factory •ir~ Lie, NBR792 '651 Cc;>NTl~ENTALSPOR! S~~A!'1 .. ~ Bear~. Antiqu• .&i'ee.1)1 naturel leather inter.; air 'Concl. + .. . full power equip.' ~Kl-954 ' $895 · ~.1095 ;;j $1195.: . .s1195 · $1195 ' ' $1195 ' !1.695 • • 'AL~ PRICES PLUS LIC. & TAX· ,.. t ( ' ., \ I • .__,~ '.(,, I t . , ' .. ··- j J'I • ' , -~ ..... _, . ' 1 , ' .. ·~ .. ~ )~t ., I , - .. I .I I, ' " .. I '' ., .. i ;1 'J " .~ •• .• ' ' ... ,., • .. ' ~ • ·-~ ' .. • " .... . , ' ·" ' • '" ·' .; ' ~ ... ' ' • .,, ,,, • ... • ,,1 ' I 'j ·~ •• ., •• •" "' ~ ,r. • .. • • ~ • '• ' ---· .. -... ~. ' . ....... ~ . . .. ··:~~~;, ... ~cl iij~~::sf~j ~ r , , ' I r I l l I • • I • ' • ' ( • • ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' ( ' • ' • • i • • i • ' • : • : i • • • • c • • • • G ' • c ' H H • c • • ' • t • " • c • • • • • c ' H • H ' • ~ L • = " ; • • " .-- -• • I • • 'IOUSES FOR ~ALI }IOUS•S FOi. SALE . HOUSIS POlt SALE FOR sALlt " HOUSili FOlt sALt Gener el 111111 o...m1 1000 <!i!!••• ' ' loM Geitoral ( JllOO °""''"I 1 : HARBOR ESTAJU =11~=. ==l=k;;; f;·Va· fl.O DOWN< .... wa11e !,Ip J11. A BAY VIEW Auum• m;mo P!lA ~ .-.,wQ$U a e ~.1 ~J . ·''.ft.it ill , From Galatea Teruce the entire harbor iJ .. 1100 -, .. ~ , l • I mo~,. Ibero for your dilly inspection. 3 bedrooll!S, 'bedroom 111 '1>atll !' 11 . " · • I baths. QUlot 1le1anoe le pleBBe the 'dje. :i.i.o1 ,,.;,,. ,.,·-..,,,;i; . 4 MA't ASU * .:. BR .....;..,;;.i : ~n. trlminating. This ully$Ual pool home is priced i on lar1:e cul-dH&c kit:,Clole .~ • E a;crvlce pore/ ·h, up ~-at $115,000. l I f-0 -public ~ ;.• .Nijith ltatft lot, W .Y' ""1"'-~· ._ . :a,.~ . ....i "'°!,"'"" 0 tY .. ~·1<i:;,;.;-ca~-: ~;,~. ~ .fu!!'~ Coleswo~hy · & Co.· ...... ~ (US;.miles ct shore-NHON Vf· N~~ listing. 1904 H1rb0r Blvd., C.M. 6'.2·7777 I WTSfD£ wuANCE line) " hwflng.. Im')', ....,... Qi>on. Ev ... wen comtructed, well plan-the lake. WITH .VIEW. & ' ., 0n .. 01e c4torn11. side ot • COATS nec1 u..e bedroont~wo b&th Lott '3100 to $4200 WALLACE -I home with dining rOOm and '(all improvement are in · , REALTOIU O.n1r1I 1000 Genera 1000 SIX DHUXE 3 BEDROOM UNITS modem Jdtcben with built· & paid for.) 546 4141-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil tns. Two cu 1arqe • •.P-I"--. ....._,_, · o-n DaUy t-=:=::::::::::=:: on.le_,,,. drlw and,,.., Sho!nrby appolntmeot,ooly. ....,...., ~~-r-I• '°' boat and ........ ...... I."'-~· • Jock.... 2421 Tustin Ave. BAYCREST LOTS ;!"&. "bJ:i. ~ == . *'liffA1ASU * . 10•;0 Down ao fl. x no fl. and beautllu! landscapJns. 'Ndith Esfatts •'LOI.· 11 '!'G"'",ab BIG, BIG, BIG OPPOR'IVN· foe lot In AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY lfi80 'j'jiR,.ort mvd., CM rr•1.1 ~· m ~To own a beautlfUl 3 =v~ -=~· AT ONLY SZl.500. Lei UI ....... or 54&,1a3 Bkr. or 4 bedroom execut!Ye arrange the terms. .._ · VIEW home with la.r&e Lthaped Evenlrw1 Call 642-9192 op;n Sun. 1-5 250f>:Wavec:reat Dr. lraadmoar Hori.or Vi•w, CdM New cuatom Spanisll home pool. and move rfa'.ht in for with room for a pool. Spac-t b e boij4ays. Near Back ~ Spt.n.iah tile gallery Bay. Horne clear • d e a I • . o~nlne to Iarp view 11..,.q with owner. ' ·room, formal dining rm, ii~hly panelled family rm wittl y,·et bar, 2 ffrl'placc1 and 11. ,\'Onder kitchen in wal- nut. 4 bedrooms, 3~~ baths. REALTORS 673-4400 Havasu lake on the Callfomia sicle af Jtav- asu Lake. "All year" vaca· lion home in the waler/ descrl plavi::-round. LOTS $3500 to $4200 All improvement are in &: paid for. Sho\vn by appolnt.mt•111 only. E. J. Ntve & J•ck Bal• *HAVASU* North Estates LIVE IN YOUR OWN FOREST 5.jR Model 5PUT LEYH Call for 11.ppointmcnt (714 ) 642-1235 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 29_3 _E. _1_7t_h_S_t._64 __ M4_9_4 [ !!!!!!!!!!J![!!!!!!!J!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I [ 1::~e~~~dB~~1 1,000 Down Money Mtkers Near Beach, partlal C1Cean ..... 2 ~ 2 bdnna each and l°"t apts. $34.500 s. EHi c .... - Ranch Style hon'le 2 bdnns. den. 2 balhl + ' 2 bdrm rental un!t. $36,500 Near NB Post Ofc. 64&-2414 ·~-. --- john macnab NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL ~~~ ·_, J 1 ~,000 Ntw,Orl Booe!\ 1100 OPIN 'Tilt. SOLD · MAGNIFICINT I MUil ..... 1d! .TelTlfle b , ib Baycrcst area. 4 bedm( BA YFRONT " -••I• .i.a • Hue< Prtohlte dock'lor tarre erui. lbing o.r family reom. °!'fY. er i:acb Br bu owo balb one or ill kind at ~ +' hu&t lam rm • powdtt ~ ~· Try ~?00-,. i ...om--..,.--,. t• (lllg I patio ••••· ... ·•• ·•• SW.IOO ..,~SPRING w. H.... . ' •"''i':REALTY ' ...... _._.___ ~-''an~time" I ~ 2629 llarbor Blvd., C.M. Coldwell, Banker & Co. !We L Cent M ...... ty fll.-tlMCll.< .. ~ .. k l f.W1 DS.Hlt . HAPPY NEW YEAR 143 Br01dwoy 645.0111 1100 Wolk to looch Nc,,·er ultra sharp 3 Bedmi- 2 baths -Coey Uvtng room \Vllh \llood burnins:· firtpla~: \\•all • wall car[ietl.ng -hug dble garage le (Milo. terms at $26,950, 2629 111lrbor BJ.\ld., C.l\f. -Exclusiv• Ll1ting in best Bay area cul-dt"-s&c. Garden atrium1 ~ur best Door. plan. . 646-4414 .Dtlt• Jin\ Est•tt , Jn 1.1e1a. Vetde surrounded by a fantuy of landSClll)tit plus all of the ria'ht tn,re-. dients. 4 Bedrooma, 3 Jux. uriou.s b&U. &nd muter bu free .11tandine fittJPoe, built In atereo. gas IJlreplt In 881 Dover Drive, Suite 101 JDiJo-... -ft of luxury Uvlng .' !\laCOO RealJ, C.. 814 1'~ d.lnlne'. larle mll.ltl!r . ~ · Newport Beacb ~... family nn. 15'35 room. Split level yud with .llbuf!le WUh or without er- P1int•r·Upper Good F.utnde Joca.tion 3 Bedmul. Needs paint _and elbow greue. Sl.9,950 J.oc19, or Church Bldg. IT WON'T WT I Eastside Spec.· Buy $13,500 Thia M ... Vmle 3 +family WHY PAY RENT! ~~~~ ~1¥ $7SG~OOWNJI -·--~=r "WARNER • 1"0tJN. room home bu all electric 1 block lrom ioU course. l TAirf, VALLEY • ~ Jot CM!D I: n.nire and 2 Ba~ BR fixer upper on '1500 JQ. ft, • Neil-·Green VaJJ9yilll Brick fWplace. Tcd9y'• R-1 lot. .l'!lli<>~ J··-~-'·"<"!! -yard and PJay tiouae. :Yuit --. jlgUJ!ue ;._p°""' below . "*1.,·soo--market at Onty $25.950. \Vnlk · .,., • •• -$42.500 wit! 10% dlnm. 546-2313 646-7171 ·recreation are&. :lVE GAMBILL 644-0020 Yes, ifs true -. own )'our 143 Bro•dwty 645.0181 Ol'{n home for a tOlaf invest-rver. '42-84S3 646-4579 me.nt of only $750. This spot-1ii:Eli======= to 1 h 0 Pp in g &: schools. 10% dn or make offer.; ' Sprinklers front &. rear. Ca'll ,.•wport for showing,. T Hf: ~J EAL E STATER:; 1 10 UNITS ':'J~· Adjacent to Ocean- You Wan't Belle~'·: lltlU~!':: E••••• co. A h COuid be thl . pt 700"~ ·Balboa. Blvd., Balboa ome s ~··· 67,, 0 maculatc. From the ale ' ~} · .,.....,14 ing hanf ...... fJDarl' .. ,-!£ __ . -park like rear yan1 · 2Jlxtr1 LIDO LOTS home """"· Trafllc .BUILDER'S PRICES "'""" ""' a .,,... to Ol'POltTUNITY NOW I little one1. Two Iarpt •, Call fen' lnfonnation '°"""'· --·~ '' . W-5200 Place. double de~· ~ ·· e;Je"Lrr•tt Realty Agt", and bright ~~~,,..::;,,°':,~~ .. , . DAVIDSON .Realty • TRADE Colesworllly · &t Co. 642-7777 1904 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Open Eves. ::ivtrside loll! • $12,000 . San Oementc lot • $20,(0) Eltinore house • lots • $12.500 each for local. 546-5460 Eves. 546-8169 Jes:s, newly conditiQned 31• - Bedroom home owned by e•"'ADMOOR tho VA l• ready for occ"· llV pancy. GOOl;I. neighborhood. lK'M 11ehool3. Hurry -full :ris-'t" only $1S,450. tl• 1093 ~er, C.M. 546-M40 HAPPY ·NEW YEAR HARBOR VIEW CORONA DEL J'i,fAR Open Sun. 1 to S 2500 W1vecr91t Or. TRf·LEVEL ?.10DEL EXECUTIVE 5 BEDROOM Div~ G,mbill ' ~ ' 64+al20 W•1tside Brand new listing • ininiacu- lale l 'bdrm fN!shly painted. Lots o( extras, such as fire- place & BBQ on patio, dou- ble gRte boat entry, etc. "'·"""· ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293E:17th St. 6'6-4494 OceanYiew Income • COATS WALLACE {nearcintm1 thul!!!) ing distance to Ocean, all REALTORS lLEGE REALTY with ""'""· • . ~ 546·5110 s Unit! on 2 R-J lots, Walk· --.S4Ml41-1soo""""""''"'·"" CORBIN-MARTIN Gonorol .,· . . .· ..• 1000 Gon,eto.I '•' 1000 ("-E I ) [~~~~-~:~·i·~·~-~~~~-~,~--~~~~~-·''~:..,..:.;·~·~··:·;~:·~~"e'~·,1=:;;~~~~~==1 · REALTORS !I t. COUNTRY STYLE 3036 E. Coast Hw'(, CdM Happy New Year M. M.' µBQROE, R~ltor c ~· IF. · and AllOCll!f•t ' . ~·· . CLYDB McKAY • . ROO CALDERHEAO ORDIN FLOGSTAD RON HENRY WAYO MILLER TOM LEWIS RICK RICKARO BERNIE STEL~INI' . . GEORGE BUXTbN PAM CONNOR - l 'f4M555 " ' JJI I. lefaa1 .... St. fl. 1M St. ........ C.-1 c:.nw- you'ff7ike our friertdfy.service • ,. 1, • ...... ' ; *CLOSE OUTS* Aoail. now. 3 bdnn, 2 b& 675-1662 Anytime Newport Beac:h Oc:ean View t: '.l n de rs reposse.llS:lon ln family home. Beamed ceil- sdenic San Oemente. Prlc· Ires &. firep!aCl', 3 car gar----2600 Square Feet es ~ashed, 3 & 4 BRs 21N age -room for camper or . Duplex $24 950 SPJC and SPA_N • 3 bedioom, battui, low down -§1,.S% in-boat Easily tnalntained 1 2 slory, family hon1c, cov- terest. 30 years, no polnts yard, Vista &ya, Back Bay Eutside Co1ta l\fc!IA. Hard-cred pa!io and 150 FOOT to pay. New carpets & drap-looatiOll. \11ood 1loors & double car DEEP wr. This is a cus- ts, completely redecorated. f'et• Barr•tt R•alty garage aepa:rallng unit.II (2 tom built home \vith hard- Somc v.ith ocean View. OU· 1600 Westclit.f Dr, NB 6(2.5200 bdnni e. ch). Extra Jarre wood noors. OUcred at ice 518 San Jwui. Sah Ce-· kitchen area in 1 unit. $42,500. . 'lente (Models open d&lly.) GUARANTEED--W•lll<Mc:C1rdl•, Rltra. Phone 492-9288 or 50«1!8 INCOME 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. W. E. L1ch•nmy•r, R:ltr. For Real Estate licenaees 1,548-,..Tl'l9'""'""'"""E""".,'.,· .,-,...,. 1 d""--•-•-riod l I' ORANGE COUNTY'S FABULOUS u~~,;;;;.:;" omce~;; Corona del Mar lARGEST 4,!~ ~~~=edi:: :~=~= !::ckground Prime beach location. No 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 room and b~t room. SAL.ES TRAINEE fmancine fleCe.llSIU'y. 3 BRloii ..................... .., 0wne. 1 ............ Prioed BOx p "' 'ba•h~ large Hving + tam-Year End Spec'1al · ily room, built-ins, tl.repJ.ace. for quick sale. DAILY PILOT J F d 3 car rarage. O.W.C. 2nd •rry reu Lea TD or ttade for income. No down to veteran&. $173 Ch1rl•1 Arnold Se Rltr, 646-3928 Eve. 54()..0(& mo payn1enls. '4 BP. 2 ba1l1 . 388 E. 171h St .. C~f.7155 or LeaM Option *LACHENMYER family home wlih l a'<' RcaJtCll"'S ~ 3 Bedroom. 2 bath home plwi yanf. WRAP IT UP 2 Bedroom view apt. S52,750 Joyous Living FOR the NEW YEAR George Willi•m•on Relax & enjoy Ille tn this 3 4 bdrm 3 ba, Jam nn borne. Realtor BR 2 bath horn~ with latl• AtriUm, panoramic vtew. 673-4350 Evti: 67J..l564 family room. $31.500. llulltbyIVANWEW!-o.v-WANTED ro BUY 3 0,, DAVIDSON Realty er Shores. HAPPY HAPPY. bedroom houle, take Rltr. 2750 J~arbor lB, CM Roy J, Ward Co. Joan • payments u:i: 546-5460 Eves. SC5-510 1842 Santiago Dr. &16-1550 ius..oO. Have cash for eqp,1-t CHAIR Beauty Shop in $21,500 N•wport •• Victeria 646-8111 4 BEORM-$23,750 ty. Coll 548-8!115 a1ttt '''° lowly hon". 3 BR. 2 BA. J'ruU trees, lulh p1ant1. PM Room for boat Fcrttn Co.I~""'~""""'!'~""!!"'"" lbnlb& Lunnoul w.w..n PJ..&CS._pwr _ ... .0 ...... GG-5000 ™ dind MMm. DYlqe EJeiant ftrtplace. 540-11'.IJ thl:r' an....., -DA.ILY , DAILY PILOT WANT ADS JVC1r ed. Ula lit back and TARBELL 2955 Harbor PIL0r duoUled 8Coffl1I BRlljG RESULTS! lllt"' to ... -"""' lOOOGener1I LARGE Liv rm I din rm irplc, crpts, drps, elec kltd! 2 bdr, den. Can bid a.no unit. LoW dn F1tA or VA, $231500. Owner 00-#il. BEAUTIFUL & Cullom buil Lg 2 r-& Fam rm, ba le room for addi · w/love1¥ view. 2518 v· Marina. Owner. &G-3219 W•1tcftff BY OWNER, 3 BR 2 ba, excel. cond. 2 bill Wesctlifl shops: &: IChools. Ml-8281 Unlvtr1ity P1rk BRANO NEW Yllloge 11 Hanover hou ... 3 BR1 2 BA. Xlnt financing .• 833.0300 ' ' • 1000 General 1000 ------------..... -$©\\~}A-r!£ ~~s· ' ·' ' ' Solve a S~mple Scrambled Word Puzzle for 4 ChuckZ. 0 Reorro11ge J.tterJ of the lour x rombi.d words be.-low 10 farm four simple wordJ, ILAt>MET I I I I I I 1F1w ,. , I ISEEAT I r-r 1 .....,, 1 ,.-.. 1 --,-i Hu•bond lo friend1 "No- . • . body con cook Ilk!! Mabe!, -;:::;:;:;:;:;;:::::::::::....., but they corne-pretty clos• rRAYLEN 1 when l wos-rhe-." l·l. hsr- 1 .--., 1 -,. 1 -,.-- 1 ., O Conipltit• tM chuck!. quo!ecl ti.,. fUlin11 In th. mining '¥0rd1 --yov d.wilop from ltep No. 3 below. & PR~s~~~~~s LETIEllS 1N 11 11 , jl J' j' I' , . 0 9tFA~j;, lflTElS TO I I ~HI l I IH I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9300 l, General 1000 Gtn•r•I 1000Genorol I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY • o"l"os1n 0 1 1 HUNTINGTON t•Nllll Pff Ytft '"JI ..---""'-'------1682 ldln1it $147.00 PM'MINTI Includft all on ~oan anyonr can aaunm without quallfyinc! No Do\vn G.I. Lown Down F eaturlna 3 Kini SUe 8edrooml. 2 Luxw1oua beths. :P.lod· em B/J'~ Huae U , with romantic Brick F1rePlacf'. De9p Pk ca.rpetlng. Double G&raae. run $22,250. Sill~ ... ~,' tncludN all on o.Sltina lan &n)'tlne can UIUme without qmlifylftll No down G.L '1"r)' '100 Down to anyone! FHturlng-: 3 lovely Bedrooms! 2 ~ BaU.I Owinlol Kltcbent Spadoul UYing Room! Ankle d"p cvpeUl\&I Shake Rooll'I Double Guqel AaJd:na $2),000! Huny this one won't Wt. · WOUU YOU lllUIYlll H ' l'OOL NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE-646-7711 2043 W•1tcllff Dr_ 1t Jrvine YllW OF IAl' AND OCEAN Much chum bu bten used in this dellR'httul tbrtt level home, which takes •d· vantage or a m&gnlftcent 180 decree unobstructed view. !Um beam ceilin~bfte brick ~aide )lard i;..Uo. Vrry secluded. hntatlc l!Othe for only 000. w1u le:Me ~~ mo. s~~l.t ~ lllWler home on OUf ruara.rttee plan. 9UllT NTllY IN NlWPOIT lllAC:H Cl.itt Haven is oftrrln&' YOU OM o! the f.INt pool homes In thll lkalrab1e area. Tb1a Pool. wu buUt by an ~tive ot AntbonT Poob for hll own use. Hu.ted ancl 1Uttted with utra deck1nl 1et on a home size 1ot. Brand ..., carpeUI and dtlpes. Two queen meet baths, with m .. w dressing' rOom hkvlnr tremendous clme!L Ffroplaee ,., In mammoth uv1.,. room wtlh aUdfn• pa doors I....., to .pool arft. OM of a ktM. $34,9SO. QUICK OCCUPANCY! COIONA DEL MAI DUPLIX COST A MESA OFFICE · 545-9491 2790 HARIOlt IL VD; OpM ........ '!ft t P .M. JV.% INT111ST AND ONLY $TIO PH MONTH tr.r a C'o:Q' 3 bedroom, 2 bath home tn choicest Costa M~ Joc:atlon. Cupbd,. firepla~, all built-ins, bardwood noon and swdom nnt Wi\b tnrt.rlnr: aUdt trfta. All tbSI can be JOUn. Mr. Qual.ltytni V'eteran. Ca.U tbll wry mlnut.., YOU1t$ Km A HAPPY NIW YIAll $1t.SOO • 4 RDlooMS plua BIO t5J0.5 FAMILY ROOM, plus DEN, amrice POl'Ch. CIU'PN I: dl"lil*olw~ tlm oo larD lf5 foot dMp lot ln p:oellent nelahbOrhood wtth &oWl".J:ln& 1 trttf. Nothlna Down to Veterans or l600 Down FHA. NEAi THE HACH AND NOTHINl'o DOWN to Vets fer thl.11 MODEL like 3 BOR?.1~ :l BATH Cttam PuU in most desittd Itta 1urrounded by expensive homes. Lovt'ly <'Ustom d?'ll_pts, carpets, warm uffd lwtck ~!'!?!~~l hi.~ family dinin« room and Qul:'tn-1;b;cd kitchen. NMr 1hopp{nc and ~ school. $155 per month plum tue1. FHA Temu Sl,400 DOWN. Walk to beach and shops. Coq front home neYt"l;y decorated with btenw-d ct!ll· 1np and fireplace. Larse 2 bedroom ap&rtm~t abo bag be&rMd c:dllnp A eom- pleteJ.y ~led. PJua nice guest room and bath. Double _pr~ac, each unit 11 compfeteJ.y_..!umlshed. Owner leaving area. ~1ust sell Only $35,900. DICUTIYE MANSION IUILDEl'S CLOSE OUT 111 3.200 square f~l of rraclou11 couritty gentleman llvin(. Four large bedrooms. 3 14 ele~t 3 and 4 BEDR001't homr 1111d MODELS In rholcnt ll11nlingto11 Bf•ch bttlhs, famlly room, dlni"J{ room, and den, ~us huge kcluded lot "'Ith mammoth location NEAR TI-IE BEACI-f. Brauliful 11.ppolntmrnT.s lncll,lde choiC't' of ot.rptU., swimming pool and plenly of room left oWr for croQUet. badminton. or whAt cl~trlc built Ins, BEAf\tED C1':JLINGS, f!replaC'f' In lillrgc P'Allll..Y ROO,,f, 2 A 3 3 MASTER B6Dft00MS.. Separate OPn ~k~ nr\\' (1!,rp('I$ end d~ through· hue you! You wtll Ilk~ the Eutem flavor of Bl'cllltectutt the towerlna lretl 811.t.M. f'ORP.fAL OrNtNG ft00P.1S 11nd 8 f('w LARGE 200 foot Iota. AJI hamf'A OUL Brtdl'".PJftP .. A~ ~m. G J. s NO CASH n~td. $23,9!50 run Price. that provide lhillt •·country feelinl{'' &I woll (I.I privacy ind 1eclw,lon.. Thi.I U'· orrcrcd NO DOWN GI. ntA Ttma and VERY ATTRACTIVE Conv~ntlonal Tums. ~ J ... .. ceptlonal home i8 on land you OWN In the tily or N'e'\\lf>Ort Beach, "1lb..unusU.111lly f'rom $32.400. , ~ ~ •• rood "f'l!Je at only f,52,000. Submit your '1Tl&ller home on our auaranttt sale plan. ::3:& i.. ---------HAPPY NEW YEAR--------· --=-----.... ... ---------------' , __ ...._ _____ -:---·· -' -· ' ' -• 0 I l '' -, m m :.; ' l iC. ... " l + n . - J m cl! ,. ·RI ' -· ' • • • • -i 4 .. I,,• -1'-PILQT.,,.DVl!lTISER . • 111~, ""'""" 2, l96t fil!li.0 ~R EfL~. Rti= fljl'llit..... nl>~S'ES F~ll ~ALI RE::J.!!! Unfuinlohlcl 11:~~~= .... lohW Rl~L~nlum...... ·~~:l~T .. _,,, ,,,,,.,., !, 1969 D.111. v I'll.• II I C:-.. I Mar 1...,0 .. , . . eor.n. o1o1 Mor. IUO l:-:--:--:--:---:-'.=!l!".-:--'--=--:-_,,~,_,.--...,..---1:---::"'-'.""'l=~:I krMhl M,••twsl L111;1Mjff ;i ': @ .t;.f!t. l:t.~~~ ...... a:...~ H•ltf""'"" • ......... ~ "';;;;;;';;;;;100., 11.,.·,.,..W.W; ~ p tho j . .z....s· -I~ A WA~ _, "' l>"I bdy tn iwtne T~.' ~me...... ll!Y CoioM Hfltl)o 121S/MO. l><'Or I• 6 &..,... bdtm ,f dtn. WO. ~ o . . I I'll J BA, din. "": llrepl., Y ant Lot • tlU!!ll ar ~. 2 BedlOOl!I -·wttll Pool. • lmall boat lllt>. W1illli lie. .....,,.,.. for -" nll""' 12 Unlh -I rood New pollO. Sjobt1eoa. N f1r1co . 0C . • •. Gl'O&t Par\y S-.... 2flOO ( · • ~ ... ct a CllJtl. ~ "'!IM·~ wltq 131,m 10,.. ,,., Uuo ""' Groat -.;-• N"' -Pll1 ~uno -fi 2705 at nso Po• """"" Good • r-Dllcn,....u .. Taluto ~ pi.Uoo, double ......, -. e.n .....,., '°" -ol £Ml\lr.>'• ,..., to l!eoch. uo· ,_MOON loco...._ • .._ .. Mor 4250 1. 2 A s BD1UI. APrS. ea walll. • Top .,..U17 -$39,000 , ''"""" c.o tl •I e . POOL. NO anLDJlEN .tNcU0a thrqhout. • Ofm.. • 11D {ARPO • ..... 11au11ton -1 oetttnr. _, ...... Walker & Lee 'soR1o< """"'""" -· .. 'RnN1"'UE .. w111""'"',....... ...... i 1 BR. l 'Ai BA. ~c. Pt.Ho. $165: Pff month. AJV!t s. ~ ....., at., ~ R!J ot JM loCs. tblit o µo .o!J!o< ... ._,_. ,...> -·"°°Ind. 4119-191& 71112 E<lln&<o• .J •61S&ii• . · GARDEN APT$. ,. TDI-• l'.P. 11t1.!01.. ll!l5 W, )lalboa BIV<I., Ill!. Duplel11 furn. 2975' ~·Open Ev ... ""'51«\ I BR co~le"" !11m •>' 18th 6 6lnto Mo; C.M. ,!54W3L! · -"Nf.61£.'lln ' ~ ·-" • • -8 ::t. r_ . I.SE 3' 1'r .. lam. rm., 2\1 vl/P,. Woe. '1145 •mo. Clll Mn. l!~ ·-01'1:11.:&\'ES. , I , BY OlihitR;i'3'11t ..... _.,,_. ..... DUPLEX' II Blocldo·beloh. ha. Din ""~""1"' ....... Adulta. ~ im ..... -·~ W, c.11. ' • ' JUST SAY. CHARGE ITI • r .. , ' ,.,.,, ' r,;)l"f. • . .. .;, ... ' . ' • " • I hwy. &pi., ~ ~ ~t-..::t,,-:, ~ ~tlo. OU 1treet parking, tiltns. Grdnr. RJ"V, Xlnt! BACH So. of High~. Pri, ! ' .... "'l ""'11> ir i!ldlttonal .. -..... -· -· 122 847..ml • ' . ~.... Qean. Hot ..... , , unit. Xlnl ~ act Illar S9tb SL 11.8. <Utl PR 4-l917 . •""'." · Newport lllach 0200 ~Lilsl2m-.tt. 5 PM· H1ndymon 51M!<lolt or <n<J LA~ L19un1 Be1ch 3705 .,;'"'~i,;~"~·,;:..,....~;;;,,an~~~==t-'-----=.o --------·~ \ .. !•cornt·Unll1. BAYVIEW,' B~ .p..,, opra, ABOVE u;gi. """"'· ' BR, Bel., 4300 W•ntld: Youn9 c..,pi. ...;:::=>; .Lldo·"li · ' .. 1J51 Loe. ,on Oceamlde or Hwy; au .. 1145. 417 Hlrdtng St. tt ••·-n•• , ___ Who ~ und ..... ~~;.;.;.,~.:...,_..,;.;.:.:; .. ' H·;;;;;;.~~5i:i~:;;;;1 150 . ..ii. trom~Beach. 4 Jee Bat 5t0-954S rus c ...._.... ""' ..-, $ll5 MO. )ll'ly cl»t 1 bedrm ·~ yellM'O • :-:: 1-reta. Show Jan. 3. 825 La ' """ t 2 bdr unfum apt cloae to NEW hnlldt-for ltue .. Apt unitl, needi paint I «~WITAL~ Vkta Drive gas incl, No .pets . ...ul• W. swlmmine be cheL $175 on PHm9 ~ h\ ~ • • .... ;:: """' ...,.ra1 cteawp . .ro · Hou111 Unfurnl1hod Balboa. -· 8"f!l38 ' ' t-'! e.: 2101' -ft, with or l -. . TEHtI.<L-.JNCOME EX· • LGE. 2% BR. blk to ff. 3 ROOMS •fii '""' 11oo:'MO. BURR WHITe _l2.._. M .. ~ 3 BR, 2 bj> CEEDING~'bllo A1'NIJAL. Gori. I 3000 s. M. •"'1Ung ,._ Incl ulil'• 119 Fm>ando-St. .., RMltor ... ......,.... -· "8A down, 2 frplca, Ba.yfont L~ ~~CKll ri Jftf'd. Water pd. S1SO mo. 2901 N'cwport mvd NB .. to.aPlftlU:tt. pati<> wilh _..,to eni.r.., ... ,......, · 613-0805 · I 675-4630 EVlt. 642.22$3 1" '9<-I0.16 -t W Ir.... a.It · MtSSt . . :TY• · $4131 $225; 4 'BR., lam. rm ., 2 494-8178 , CLEAN Bachelor Apta. •"'9"1·., •• Y. •· 985So.eout.~ be. Fncd yd. Stove, rer., OC~NT.~~ir 1 e, All·uW1ndfl'5up ·~ front 2 BR apt.1 m9e.s . , a3336'!!!!l!v!i.!Lld..~~·!!!·~·~<=!!~ WES,'f~R~.o\VfARO frp!. Cbildron. ,' pet O.K. . ~' 3 ·.111'• ~,a.<1 I">.. 315 E. Balboa BIV<I. , •pslaln, bl£.1n.. Adu>,. on-. !V· 11-·fle!: I' II ,.. S ·.1:-4 St. Semi Cwitom 534-6980 ~ . ' Le&Ae. 0Wner1 ~7 BALBOA . m.sds ly. $250/mo. 673--0808 Rib'.' • ~ .Hi.Jritl'!lt! 1 1 '5' -1400 Hom'!a from '85-450.00 Now $1311; ,J Bdi'ril. clu.plb. Gar., · ., ---·-~ ., , 11 • .,,~WATER Front, 1 br, boat 2,000 SP. Ft. oceantront. urwJer construction. Located w/w, bltns, children & pet La,una. Niguel · 3707 Huntington Mach 44& dock. bit-ins, Util paid. $165. downtown Hunt. tleach. $300 1 OL.E~R." on Mountain View Drive, oU Q;K. Broker 534-6980 ' 675-5028, 67l-9060 mo. Ted W13 Rlty, 536-2579 . moo -tal..s tlJi' ¢<arm· ~-· Ori,. • BR .• ,. • .now 1265 ind UTILITIES PAID NEW 3 -. 2 Ba .••• 38th C-1 ' BR HOUR. ev .. ltlll ;,..... .t BR 2"ba.lh home. Shin-'1 '"'" S«t: 1 • BR..,, tlx:d. yipd, water & trash.. Principals 2 BR f Htd pool Pl u <HM -.., "\ A.P.I. SALE.$ AGENTS 'Retng. Oilldren & · pets onQ.. lit &:· iUt mo 's rent urn. · st., Newport Isl&nd. $225 Estate ot ? -Palisades a:le '?l¥>{.top11~~r~ll115 cl~an Phone 714-J92.-'l'/'O.l for O.K. Broker~, +cleaning deposit. 962~ 802 Knoxville. Apt. D, H.B. Mo. 673-6433;·675-5161 Rd, nrairoirt. 5U-5IH4 wt;ll ' Jandacaiiedt'M \ &: fUrther lnfo?'flMtlon =,;,·;.·~~,,,._~,.~H'.;.•~=-1:=:=:===='=:=: home. 'Brl&~fk!t<l«•.wilh * lOT R·2 * Coote Mou 3100. RENTALS . QUIET & BEAUTIFIJL Bock Boy S240 Office ROl)lal . 6070 alt·· 'ltlodern ,conveniertts, ,.. ___ 10 be•<• & "~. Apts. Furn1sh9d Adi.lits only. 2 BR, pooil"'=-"';.:....---=-"' ____ ,__,...,...-- avocado carpeting, drapes ~ •. ~--. _ ~1-.~ 2 BR, gar, patio, crpts, c1rps, ~ooo 17676 c.arneron. 347...n:z, View, 2 BR, crpts, drpli, LAGUNA IE'ACH -included !Jt.•a truly charm-~ ... u ... vwuc• _,.... stove, refrlg. Tropical set-Gtner1I ~ bit-ins, pool. S145 mo. Air ConcfftlOntd ins -home. $173/111(). includ· i BDRM, 3 bath. Top ot ting. For adults, 1 blk. to l BR furn MOBD..E HOME. . • 673-3690 ON J'ORn'/ AVENUE ·•-h•v-World. n-an ·& -·-In -~ .. • ~--p. m •. Mo. RENT Ad,uJ.ts.,, no pets .. ~mo. ....,_~•--n·"'-'.~., .. =.~-.·.:*'Ii·;± v1ew.i.n~.540-73'is...,.... ...... s;.,.780 .. .._..,, • ._.... 3 Room1 Furniture ~1674 1 • E1st_!!uff 5242 ~estlPI~ •=: __ -._ 5 BR 2 bl. opta/drps, ""·""· $25 ·Month L · •. •-L • 4705 . I prime loc•""" 1n downtown Duplex., For Sal• 19~ Lease 1210/mo. call M•. ·•~· "'!'"~" . Prest na location Lqlma"'-ach. Air - '$1 l "AM:o: Nelaon 54()..ll51 Heritaa:e FULL OPTION TO BUY M6DERN y~w r,t· north 11v ~ carpeted. be&UtitW ,uvv ' NEWPORT Duplex for sale. (IU!frigerators Available) ...;.-!..1...1 .... ..Ut1 .... 1 ... «BR 1% m~ .. ~L ~I-.....,, to be•nl), Or will trade Real Estate. ,., .:i...-. •1 end, 2 story, BR, llAI For leaae, deluxe 1888 sq. ft. ~r t"'-'"~· Tw.o d1shwub-~ -3 BDJUi.f •~o uqoouSl o.a.c: &, 2 aundecks, gar, l 1blk 4 BR .. 2\i ba. Apt. F'rplc., mll'&DCH: J'Jioatap on in range._~ 0:-:~_,, equity for &ood l.4una to fJ, p!acarpe~ dra~s. H.F~.C. shoppir¥-blkb.~efl1'phlah. drapes, carpets, \\.'et bar, Fortst A•e., reAr leada: to , "" Jlt,l1 .. ,,, _.__.. ... car-rukkntial lot. P. 0. Box •S w, re ce. 0 u e Furniture Rent1ls MILCll:aR'h rt bal · dbl --MW>cl"'•1 -loto. ~ ts le dra~ Double a..ar-1423, Huntington 'B •a c b . garage, $190. 545-2813 $260 mo. ~ P v. comes; · a:a.-.¥ _. ._ ~: ~ .. plet~tbany fenoedt • (7141 84&0045. OWner 01 2 ·BR Garqe. $150. 2lS2 ~ '~.1~:·~~hni ~ZS: l<ENTALS . :n~ttoi~~~~t~~ :s :: ~'!;" ~ .... -...,roeri... SI . ren • • Palisades Rd. Nr: Airport. ~ Aph. Unfurf\lthed' shop'g., schools &: ~rea-Busfne!I boun llllWtrina ,$156 per m9. Ap1rtment1 Dogs OK. 548-5044 HOLIDAY PLAZA l ·"·bl t llD ' •.u11' •llll 3 BR House $140. Gar., tiny l''uni. apl. $l3S Plus util. . ONLY $325 MONTH AU ,ulllltte1 pajd QOtllt • - For Sil. 1980 · DELUXE, Spacious I-Bdrm. Gener•l 5000 lion. aerv ce av.,.... e « . . -~0>U: AptstorSale-·ByO\vner tnc'd. yd. 2 kids OK. Heated pool Ampl• parldne 83Ns.~~~i,"!~y ~~":ny. PILOT ~ I,-=:-==:--=.~::·:-:-:-8 Uol ... 3 BR'• .. ,. EasuKje. 642-0583 No chlll!renoN• pet.. VEN DOME . , -,.... ' ,.. ,n ~ £ND seKl.Al F&eeUent ~lion NEW 2 Bedroom, carpeted, 1965 Pomol'li'! CP.t 60--5858 Mgr. Apt. 9 • 221~8~ ~--- - -............ -.--. '!_raped. l!l!l ___ -~135, ..l-Jlll.,-1-j>alh.-UtJI. -~:>ATE ....,.. I===''=""'""== r 6(\ ' ~-, ..• I 5 Bedroom -:: only $26,995. ALi-4 1 A.L') Adults * 543-S572 paid. Children &. pet o .K. · -QOCUP-'NcY Coron• de1 Mir 5250 Desirable area, ·school and HOUMI Fumllhld REDECORATED spacious 1 'Broker~ c)ii; to $.heppJni,·Park . Deluxe Offlcff , . lhopping clqae. FHA or·GI. Br, unf duplex. Vacant $ll5. • ,::;pacioua 3 Br's, 2 Ba stJITES or lina:le outces from Act qUick! ~ Rerit1l1 to Sh1r1 2005 288 Knox St., Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa 4100 • 2 BR. widen or'olc-: ~· ..,: • $55. Csnieta. air concU~ HAFFDAL REALTY LARGE 2 BR. Garage, patio. e Swim Poal, Putl&reen fl,. . mi. 'lleCretanaJ I er v'i Ce. "40 Warner, FV 842-4405 DISCRIMINATING, working SUS mo. ' ~·· ,. S. SA~ LARK e Frpl, Indiv/lnck:7 fac'll · •rt• CMtral location. On'.'nre •irl to share Span. decor, * «03•0 7 * ~ I A CoW>~ Bank BJ•-2311 E No Do·"'N GI -~ , ".'·.•. U•Q•T"L 114S An•ho m vo. ON TEN ACRFS ~ ~· · , , . ?" 2 BR apt. w/ same. Pool, .. _ ~ ~ C.OSTA MESA 642-2824 17th St., CM. UZ.lts:; Sharp.Sol Vls\a.,large eover-pk&:, nr Frwys, ex: airport. Newport Beach 3200 WEEKL y RATES 1 &: 1 BR. Furn le Untum · block f shak Bet 8 AM or alt 7 PM. Frplcs I Pri I Patios I . . ed patio, ence, e ,,.., .,"'94 2301-Newport Btvd., CM $120; 2 BR. triplex, fncd. p-•s. Tennil • Contnt'I Bk· NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER 'roof. Close to acbools & ma-,,..,.,...,., B/B 6.,7,,. e d & bi I """' OttCte! sulflble tor Com-jot shoi,i~I~. J~~~uced YOlJNG MAN 32, will share • "'Y" ~,.. . Y ·· stove re g, w w 1st. 9 hole ?utVGNfn. ~1\'Medicaf, Dental. 0 $24.5001or qUlct snl~ 2 BR~ w. 0oea;iron1, --. o::~"~~~ $2S "Y/.k.. Up ~ Broker 534-mlO ~~Lane,~~~ ~-~-~ir'·c9nd .. crptJ, P•ul J9n!S R••lty ~~•i"0o·· S ~ :,.~~ 3 Br, 2',i BA, 2 car Carport •Studio & ...ar.h aptt. ,_ Costa Men 5100 ur nr. as wy etevatbr. 847-~ _:E~s. ·530-m.i YU ug~ 9 lflCI Utils & Phone seN~ 541-5032 or 675-2464 DIVORa 2100 Pool ~d~o. Ont • f\1aid Service. TV avail. "THE GABLES" DUPLEX 4 Bedroonl., 2%. 696-S880 •. Cost• Mes,• . -ts Y • New Cate &: B..r Spac. 2 Br., l~ ha.. w/priv. batmi, fireplace, c~. -1-co=MJ.<ERC.=,,.-,-.~..,-Sq-. ~fl. 2-nR & d~n. Eastside, close Bay & Beach 'la76 Ne1vriort Blvd. ~8-97!6 pr •. adult&. cptJ, drps,. bit· d1J:!PC5• ~~~~'!!~· bl ~~,1,t·lnl. l INi>tm! ... WO lq. tt. esurne,?~% lo¥· $178 total ,;'shopping. $200/mo com--F -''f•ltyi-..C:-. tHATEAU L• POINTE ns; priv. patios. $135. ~'"mo . .rt\/"u.-.n ex .... . • 64s.'.:2130 • per month, lovely 3 BR. ror-I .o.. ru 'sbed A U J 1 901~Dover Dr.1.NB'Sui c 221 .2437 ORANGE LGE 2 bdr view So. Hwy. IM!l"; -~I h9at 191 trailer P cl~ rm . va an 645-2000 • 'Eves. ~.696G Lovely furn. 2 BR apts. 0£(. • 636-4120 e '' Frplc 'blt-lns, c rpts/drps-lndus~I Prop. 60IO ~te. ~~J,iw; . -Perron Rlty 642-lm "!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~!reel parking, carpom. lltil sioo. 67J.-6904 alt 5 HAFFDAL ·REALTY lBR•UJ>ltain DUPLEX, deluxe upper, pool. AduJt., no pets. $150 BERMUDA VIII.AGE WANTED: Factory bull~. 8'lf8 ·\vamtr,· :r.v.' 842-Mlli Sl20 ooean front view. 3 BA 1941 POMONA AVE .. C.M. SpacJOUS 2 4: 3 Br. Apts. Huntington Beech 5400 apprw. 50,000 aq. ft.·~ ' , LE f E OR • 6C4789 • 1 BA, one year lease with 2 BR' ~et. Adults, NO Crpta, drp1, \ltlns. Oose to qulttd tor mfi. of rec:;rea- ' .. ,Le au: ,OP,'t,ION,. . Bachelor utiit 1st & last. $225 mo. Avail PETS.' ltio. 768 Sc o I l shp"r & schls. Otlldren OK. EXCLUSI. ...... tioMt vehlcle1. Wilt"'leue. ~om~ullt :. l,)oWritown. 3 Fireplace. $85. Feb 1st. References re-r1. C~M_. f4&-~23c • $110 up. YI: S47-~l;'. ask 'fs)r .. Marty BR" 11m.m:1)., an,,.., • 642-4789 • ....... 0wne, <2m ......,.. Bli!AUTIFUu.'l -ea. ""'CoUe&o .... Apt. 2. M..-ON· THE-BEACH Rovner.. u · ldt~ben, wi.1(1tpo. . No-rt .Beech 1200 °"""pant ITI41 64>-6981 oowty '""'·· 2 BR, bit·""· NEWLY DErORATED 2 & 3 llod"'°"'p1Apll;~ ....,,afrl•• R.,t1I 6090 BRASHEAR REAL TY -r-LEASE. Lease · / option or pool. AA,Pts. Walk to shops. ,... · LuxutY living to east """ ..:''-'""·"'""'"'"""-"'' '--~- 847-8531 Eves. 968-1178 OC&\NFRONT ! bdrms, 2 Sell. 4 BR, 2 BA Luxury 2272 ~ St." Gtl-4801 2 BR. sep. ho~ w/~. 'al09t dlscrtminaling. NO¥' *°1 SQ'.tt..)Vlft.hou.le A oWce BY ownq. 3--uR .~ 8/\ TWtt-. baths, \'\T&D, wi1Jler rental condominium, Back Bay. Amt: '3" BR. ·ipt,'2 ba.. $1~. Disp~lter paid. 1h available at + 600> &q ft paved Ii: fenced hae.' $17,100.'"'950' dn. $1S2 $200. 8'13-t362 (714) 755-8004 eves tor app'I w/w carp., drps, attr. yd. Blk. from 'P ti . 'OI H nt'ngl(ln yard. 1855 Lquna Canyon . -•All .~-' PILOT o .. ~. BLUFFS Condominiums for 548-3481~ 540--0154·. 646-6922 219-1. "8" lacen a e u I Rd. 714-494 -8066 (l!' mo pl)'l·au•, "!_. .. _ DAILY uru:.· • • 636-4120 • , ~ LINES-You caa UH them lease. 2 BR, 1 tia, $225 $60. BACHELOR apt. men . tt4-540-7680 'For Daily Pnot-Want•Ads. for just ptilnlN a day. Dial mo. 3 BR, 1% ha S250 mo. only, 133 -16th St. Space SQUEAKY Clean Eutslde Pacific ~ R"ENT=::-:M"'-"'1.-600=...,"",.,..-'"1.-=110 Dial 642-567B far RESULTS 60.Q6TS Eastbluff tlealty. 644-113.l 5. C.M. apt. 2 BR, J bath, built-in U!:J alllO .850 l<I ft, store front, ii;i;;;iii;iiiii;;;iii;;iiiiiiiii.;..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. 3 BR, 2 Ba, trplc, drps, $72.50 Very nice l-bdrm. kitchen, fu11y «;arpeted & $95. 2944 Randolph. C.M. w/w, w/d, B/J, $235. ganl. ..._.1 133 E l61h C Al draped. J111t paint~ inside 711 Ocean Ave 11 Ii' 6'15-5ll6 . . NO .. MATTER WM.AT j . IT IS •••• inc. 1812 Dover Or. 548-f,640 ''"1 er. · ' · · & out. 1135/mo. Ed Riddle · ·• · '-========== 64l-J2S5 Rltr. 64&-81111 (714) 536-1487 I 6100 Newport Heights 3210 * 3 BR. 2 Ba. H11e &: 2 Br. Ocean Vu apt. Xlnl loc. TU'. schl1 It: trans. 548-7249 3 BR, ""' yanf, "'"' drps, blt-ina, xlnt view of harbor $225. ~1277 avail Jan. 6. • NASSAU PALMS • ~::..;~~-.-=-;;o;;o I~~~~"'!'~~~ I L.;.•;.;.";o....,-----.,..; -l iL.-2 BR .• Pool Dlx. 1 BR pat. apt. $135. $125 & $150: 2 &: .3 BR. ADJACENT 88 x lli' \Veit- lTI E. ·22nd St. · M2-3645 Want MATURE, RELi· apts. Newly decor., cpts. J.... ABLE COUPLE ~o asst. &: rlrps. Bltns. Refrig. avail. cliff lots So. ~tif:IO JN, mgr. or 10-1 BR units. Rent 2 Chlldten OK. Nr. Beach N.B:ea. $35,0<n 6464565 r $125. NJCELY furn. pV1. cot- tqe w/utilitles. Bachelor, no · pets. 548-002'l all. 646-1798 Blvd. I.: Main, close to Stewn Villa Aptl schools & shopping. 8411905 Cit,,,. GNYH Newport BtKh 4200 Lr& 2 BR. Crpll, drps. LARGE 2 Bdrnu., like ..w; -6175 -~--------dshwr, gar. No chldrn, no nig1, slove, drapes; bUr. to RIVERSIDE Newport Shorn ._3_22_0 1 BEDROOM turn .. l blk. pets: 642--2864 ocean. No smog! $125 Mo. COUNTY' _ to ocean. Pool. $125 mo, 2 BR stove gar patio 1 GM. waler paid. • LEASE OPTION $265 mo. Call 548-2035 or 644-0637 child' ok m' pets.' $'125, i-et. 222 8th St., Hunt. Beach. 15 Acre: yoq' AJ~ tj~, 3 Bdrm ... A" Fram~, 2 BR, 2 BA furn apt.,% req,s.;'.1076 2BR.Upstain.Stove,~. ifOVeC1nllpprowd root1toCk , un~ comer .lot. Intenor block to beach. Winter. $165 2 BR, triln apt. 1pl, cptl. $125. Adults only, Avatl Jan. ln tbe ~ Mathewl .,._; patio •• atrium • , double uW pd. -49'-6189 .. drps bltrui Ho ......,., 1 * 816 Palm. 536-8523 • all under permanem: ~· gvaee ,, boat port. 316 • • pa • l""'"· . lers system. co~ ~ar st 646-6729 OCEANFRONT apt lst floOr Adlls, no pets. $145. 546-5163 2 "'· 3 BR., 2 baths, pnv. fl'Ollt-free; Priced a• Oll),y 2 la:e &. 2 Im bdrm, lndry, to LIKE NEW 2 iir., new cpts., patio; hea~ J::...I. "~ llXJ·-.. acre. l'vr fnrthoo• OON'T JUSl' WISH fer IUUlt:l-/I 1165 ...,., --· """"1'J';>'I -_. --r.: WDa to turnlah your borne 6 5 . "'""·'''·"· .drps_. blt·lnl. carport; no . ~~.,pleas• ,q.11 •••• tfnd areat buYI tn to-ITS Beach boUN ttpie. Bit;· pets: adults $125. 54!Hl'169 l BDR apt. Stove, refrl1. $65 Walter Frick \!(lib · .'( d1.1'• ClaaUJed Ada. 1eat aelecdon ~t See tbt 1 BR. All elecirlc bltns. Prv month. Call 847..:tle5. Eckhoff,& Alsoc., Inc. DAILY PILOT C ualfled patio. WIW crpts, drp1. 1811· W. <llapman A\itti\ Rdior ''f '! sm. MS-1322 L:!fUne ... m 5705 ~"'Calif. · •·• ': RENTALS .~ .. rAL~ . 100 CLIFF DRIVE 541·2621. "'""'~47 ----- YOU CAN SEL~ It H9ullt Unfurnished Houses Unfurnished •LUXURY FURN!UNFURN 3000Gon1nil • 3000 General 3 Yeorly Leue. 1 A 2 """"'· R...,-t Pl'lpOl'ly -~ . _ . slept t.o ShoN 6 SboOI e 'FOR ~nt ~. ~-• • ' ., ' Wll'H ·A· : DAILY PILOT WANT AD For Fast Service & Expert As1ill•n<• DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT Sol•• a Si1npl~ Sermnbl~d Word Pu:flt,for •Chuck" o •earronge i.tters of th. lour 1UC1mblad words h.- Jow '° form lout &Imp!. WOl'ds. IKAGNIT . 3 I I I 1 I I ~AUFA I I I I ' Girl about her bos1: ''YO'J con't keep from admiring him. ' I If you don't, y9u get -·" IVEEHAB;' . · 1-1 t-Ti--ri-,1,.._T, -.rr-1 O co"""" ,,. clwd<la ·~ ' by lill"° ~ !M ml,.,,. ""'' • • -• -VOi.i d.wlop f!Q'll ttep No. 3 b.low. ~i[]j i PR~~s~~~~slfTiflS IN I' r 1:~ r I' I· 6 ,...SCRAMllf' •aovt um as I I : I I' , . ~ TO GET J.NSWEt • • !f . . . ~ O«anview from every Apt. moth. Mtn.. O>ndo. poo1_, ·1' , _ from ~ mo up. leaM ·launa ilelpl r; ~· t ........ I==·====;;=;:: aEAL ESTATE Moun.I •• ,~ ~~1~ , !· ~rel ~ ·;= d ·r -e- l "-"'i" w.-, 5990 CANYON ·CAIJDI· ·: ~wa,y mountain cabttl D E PENDA.BI;E executlvt on, S ~ The c1b1111 11 nilf. . Widower c a p .a b l e ~ ed, plqmbed a wind, hut .la maintenance, demel redui:> not oompletN. PSam l' Co ·~ -deluxe """"" wdl ..iua -NI -'$11> lm-'8Ioly for ..,.,,..... 000. r.r -~ duUes. oam n~ please call Glenn Tbompa . \. ,F;MPLOYEO lady nntt 1 with BR unrum Apt belch ... a Eckhell .. ~. Inc. to SllO. Gar or carport nee. 1111 w. c;2lapin&a .lvt. 842-Qll& aft/~ ' ' On.¥~ Calif, e LANDLORDS e 5114121. .-.., ..... ~ • FREE RENTAL SERVICE IUllNllS .... """"' 53U982 FINANCIAL ' Roorn1 for 111111 '5'95 JUI, .~'o~ 6* ~-Q. mwv ~!al ~1\fuOO, ~!"''°. Quid\, T. V. adj ba1ll. $11. ~ for ;:,.:;::, Oln- week J )'. $:ll-t!i?l tACt S.B.D.C. CSm&ll WettmJnlttr. Buaiotu Development ())) Room wllh Jrivate Utruaii for~ c·o •-11 1 • l I D,. ~ batll. ~dpra; $15 Wo.i ~· a•~tya!I a world .. mu ""'··-°"""""-t t a~ n t • 1 1 BOii, ld>ont,., , 49M7o70l'- ' '-~' ,.,t ._,~ . ..........,:--,.,· _ ... -ll!!!llli,_ _ _.1• SCltAM-if!S ANSWER IN. Cl:AS~CA.TION t6!1P heafod pot, 1'!~ s.rv. $25. SMALJo. JI.JS. . ~ rY~. ..-,, ... iMc: -Gilb'.~l.tll .. ' ' it .. . . ~ -,.,,. .. ,:' .J. • I~ '\. ," •· ,, I o .. .. -~ ___ YON ~-C/tN , '-'I ' ' . ' ·• ' . , '· ' ' SE.L·L. ·fJ • " WITH A .. ' . ,.. . ~· " . ' CO ' ITI . ... ~ ' I . ......... • ' I ' I • . " , . ' ' • . I it• .. . ,., ... ,.. ,. •·' I I 1· I . I ' • I I · ; ' .I I' I . I .1 I l l : • • ' 1 ' 1 - , ' • • < l • • • • ' • • • • c ' ' ' • • i ~ ~ i • • • • • • ' i • • • • c • c • • " • G • • c L N H • c • • T • 0 • " • c • • • • • c • H • • E s • • L • = H • ! • ·' • • '· 1· ! , I • OAl\.V l'ILOT , • • • , ' • • • • • • • • , ' ' • • ... .. J • • ) ·-·••'-4•• " , 'I •• • < f • .... t .. , ...... ,, _ ......... ,_ • • l...: • .. . ' . ' Ara ··you Letting Cash . . • Slip Through Your Fingers? . . . 5ee If You Have Any ·Of Th~se Things A I ,\ • -D.411Y~ PILO_J~. o.WANT-A'D ~ Will Sell . Fast! ,, 1. 51.V. 2. Gvl 4',£ • 3. Biby Crib 4. Electric s._ 5. C1mo1p .. ·-• 6. W.liiir ~ ! · 7. Out....,.. Motor 8. Steree Stt 9. Couch 10. Clarinet 11. Rolrlfer•l•r 12. Pickup Truck 13, so& Machin• 14. Sur~rd \. 15. Mochl/4 T 0011 16. 01"'-"•f' 17. Puppy 11. C1bln CruiMr 19. Golf Cort 20. B1romete.r ,4 21. Stomp ,CoUactlon 22-Din~ Sot 23. Ploy Pon 24. Bowling Ball 25. Wat1r·Skl1 26. Frener 27. Suitces,. 21. Clock 29. Bicycla _ 30. Typewriter 31 . Bar Stools 32. Encyclopedi1 ::S,3. V1cu'6n Cl1an1r ic. Tropical F!;i. 35. Hot Rod Equlpm't 36. File C•blnet 37. Golf (:lubs 38. Sterling Sliver 39. Vlctorlln Mirror 40. Bedroam Stt 41. Slida Rrojactor 42. L1wn Mow1r 43. Pool T1blo 44. Tir11 45. Pi1no 46. Fur Coit 47. tir1pe1 48. Linens. 4'9. Horse· 50. A1r,l1llo 51 . Organ 52. Ex1rcycle 53. R1re Books S4. Ski Boots 55. High Cho ir 56. Coins 57. Electric Tr1ln 5a. Kitten 59. CIM1lc .lute ~. CoffH 1'1bla 61 . Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skit 64. TV Sot 65. Workbench 66. Dl1mond Witch 67. '~Kort 61, Ironer ~9. Cl[nplniJ Triller 70. · Antlqut F11r"ltur1 71 . T•pe Record•r 72~Ub01t 73,porti C•r 74. M1ttres1, Box Spg• 75. lnbo1rd Spaodbo1t 76. Shotgun 77. Siddle 71 01rt G1m1 - 79. Punchlnt 819 80. 81by C1rrl1g1 11 . Drums 82. Rlfl1 13. Oosk 84. SCUBA Ga1r / '111es• or any ottier extra things around th• house may v J \ IM tumid into cash with a ~ DAILY. PILOT WANT-AD -so I e e Don't -Just Sit There1 • DIAL DIRECT 642-56·7 •• lYOUR CREDJT IS GOOD> ' · DA!l T PILOT WANT ADS.~ WILL WORK FOR YOU! '."Get In On . The i Action. Today! ... • - • • < .T-, ~ 2, 1969 PILOT-'DVIRTISlll-17 2¥ SERVICI DIUCTe~v siitVICI DIRECTO~· ™'• ...,...:.,..1 ........ ~ .. ... ' c_,,t, c.._ncr;tl* MOO P11it.rlna, Rto11lr 41110 HI/I' W•nltd. - f I f-'"" ' .;. 5 _:z:; * * .. Cl:KENT .wl<, no ""' too ••PAT'& P1111 ..... • all u..td p' mnall, reUonable. P" re e '?me." rre. •Um&le· C.U VWV' NII """"'-H. s•1111c1<. -lll6'Cs · · ' Sett '1\IOiYr-0!.....e; no'l6i __ If! .. "":'.=.er-"ilfllli!! :t"O ~:and~ ,, ·• BEST llUX>NCRETE Plumblni W hr. ~· ,.,..,. q, -GI - Wall<s, pool dedcl, iloari, ...,, Lie. -.. ""'°"''' •tu .... '"'-'Jnaln...,_, • 'Pltlolr-MUSlt ..,U,rocMlr-.SIJ..'ISll ResponoU>lo far llqt u<)d. O job ""''larP 0. -1!. PLUMBING REPAl!t u.....Wll1 ........ ~ lo • ...,,_ •• 1Nillecl: n.. No lob too llnlll pooplt. Excelletll ~ . Whoddy1 Want? Whad<iY1 GotJ eat.. 1193-2900 ,_; -9M2'13U8a "'""'!Ion-Small ~· ._. SPECIAL CLASSIFICAtlON FOR CONCR>:l'E WOllr, all -h1'1•1i. ltoiNlr<' ~ •< "IATURAL BORN SWA'~·~ • Pool ~ 4, --Call '" ' '-~· STACO,"llC, : SJ*lll Ra.. •' : -132t D' You' -~· , ' $ Lin•• -5 ,,_, ·~ 5 bucks . • • CUSTOM1PATJ()S. palnlli>r .. ~ Call . 1119 labr It. T -II·-• --• Dick. '°"1191 . ~. U....o ltUl.ES -AD MUST lHCLUOI! _....... • • ....-.... "'919J ~ t...Wlllt w. M"9 h lrHL )-.Wfl•t \'Oil Wint kl trMt. state Lf,o... e 'tn.1010 549-3041 · ....... Oltlt .... VMl/ ... tllllnl$. ' -s ._ .. Mvlr+lt• s.ws.. ~ "'° """'-· ~OTHINQ l'"Olt &AL! -TltAOlt OHL YI -An tQual opportui.v PHONE •642-5671 Clt)tr-'6lO ALTERATION! .. Olloom em~ ,. To ~!,Ice Your Tr!ader'1 P1rad!M Ad e ROOMS .u>DrtroNS e Dftmn•ld ... Vµ, 11 ae N'eWt>ott Duplex, 200' to corona del Mat. Steps to L.T. CcutNction wot'!& Ap~;t..~not beicb. ·w!lf trade eqi.ilty beach. 3 BR 2 ba. Vac 15M Famll7 roomt; ldtcbeD or • DnMrMld111..Altaationl ror , ~· urunai. re11den-equity. Want clear lot or W\llJ. s1nsi. ator'1~ «' 2; F~ ~'!18 ~ lot. P ·O. Box 1423. smaJl 2 BR home CM area. plans cu1l0Dl dt1iped. J'or =,,,._· ,_;:,.;;;:,::.,:,+;:;,:+,.:;,..~~ llunttngtorl Beach. (71.4) 546.3928 Eve. 642..0185 Bkr. e1Umates & la,yout, phone DRE.8sMAKING:bltt., b.at· £16.(lOOi C>ivnr. . • • 841..J.51]. • tol\I, button holea. Cuatom \\'lfu trad.;·11.ft Perfonner Shp home W~t eovtM., Additions * ~ bikbrla. 646-0851 outboard, Call fibe.1 tau:I leued w/good income, 3 br. ~ H. Gerw1dc. Uc. AJhrltlon;=&iliUMS for 1ull or part payment fm rm, bit-ins, crpl!, drps, 6'13-tlCKl * 5$1170 Neat, accurjttt, .20 yn. exp. on oow f&l""Pt!I, drspe&. etc. Val $2.8. ·M. Trade etf. A: ======== ===~==== lan4Jcapittg, block. fencine S for 35-40 cab cruiser. C _.Cl I 66U TILE, Cer1mlc ~6'74 ~ ? ?. Phone &l2-4980 after !168-4257 ~ a....... Mn nt 7 p.m. Trade $:20;000 equity tn 20· CARPET I& ~ cleanine: * Vmw, U>e Tile Man * 29' Cent~ Twin screw 'iama 1tti.ncbo Call.fornia foe 1 day SC!1'\" &: quallcy eu.t. work. INtall A: · I v · work, call Ster\irc for n!pail"I. No job too amall. cruiser w 2lS hp G~y -8. (Gov Reagarl country). For '-1" .. hmes , . •M -- Perl cond. Boat + cash for lnlllt deeds or '! '! '! Box 6T6i! ,::~::::~=::;':;· =-==== Plaiter patch. Le a k I n I tneomc prop. Tustin. 544-3666 EVES. I· shower rip air. M1·195i/ -. DRAFTSMAlt·I · . Minlni'mn 3 ).;.. experftncl in the Jqout pd lapins (If artwork, for printed dn:uit board•· . C1ll Pol'IOMOI Dept, (71fl 4~1 · IllONIC ENGffERING CO. LAGUllA BEACH • fll 827-0968 ';;~'c;:q;;~'Jr~iii~l!E~lact~r~lco:!!.I ___ _!. 6~6~i4C~O I~-~~=;:===== I C.bin Crqi.se:r, 31', 1960. rtun1 _, __ Ocea.nlrorrt lot for income Excellent, sleeps 6, twin FLAG Electric, pn'I elec-UphOtsN.ry ,'-__ ..;;6;o'1.;.,90, 1 Equal oppo ty "'"'l-'""'1 "'' • Apple Vlly ~Jot for TD, v .s·1, radio phone, auto pl· trlcians. Comc'l, re•.• - ca.r/moble flm • l2/Unitt lot etc. Want vacant lot or Ma.int. Sm jobs we I c . C'ZYKOSKI'S Olatom Uphol· WATER ,METER MAN $49Uo5 per '"'!• !or hae or duplex. 548-l168 ? Value Sll,000. 613-2431 ~llMS ltery. European Craftsman.. Doyle 'tc., eVea 675-197'7 . E'L E CTRICIAN Llctnted ihip. 1009' nn.nctns. Furn . · · Beaut wooded bldg lot!, fr. ' boats• ktlto'1. 642-145'. 1131 Mod 20 &C'hcrie .ranch, ful· on yr..round mer, pvd rds, bonded. Small johl M.aint. N mvd CM ly dev l;r' 'track, 2 wells, 3 pwr Lake Succeu Porter-&: repalr. 5tl-S2tXJ ewport ·• • • houses, 14!atalb, 9M ft barn vill~ area. Trade ~ 6 placel.:::=:;;:==:66IO= .1\Jli~ ~ ~PLOY MENl CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 95M, ~ f'I • for houllt', G rdenklg comm or·'! Own~. airplane, Agent 642-5495 I Deme1tlc Help ,7035 Requil'H complettan at CABIN, Big Bear City. fire-330 Ft frontage, $40,00> JAPANESE G ~rd en• r OrlnHe 't!ve-lnl. CheerfUl ela;bth srade, on11 year place, slpa 8, g~e. Trade equity, opposite Yucca Val-Complete . Servlce. E:Kp. Permanent. Experienced of experlence Iii thl equity for lclCal income ley Golf ColllV for income Reliable. 642-4389 Far East Aancy ~ mall'ltenance and repair properly or ? ? ! propertt Orange QJ. Box Cut &: Edge Lawn _ of mechanical dnicea. * 531-7636 * 676 Tumn. 544-3666 EVES. Maintenance. Lk::im9ed Apply bdn 5 P.lof.... 54M808i&U-2310 alt t "'"'cl•" .Mon 7100 W«L. Jan. 1. 196!1 ll !ho' * * *' ''"·'*-· · * Clll' & ..,.. lawn compl Corbldo Dlom1kor 0"1 llall, ....om..J·(ll. service. I.J.c. 546-6261 eves , ~ · to $5 hr. fice, 3300 Ni!WpOt't Bhtd., SUSlf!IEn and FINANCIAL-•• ANNOUNCEMEN.TS & ...,,""" &•" "-.·. to u hr •. N ....... s-h. 6'IUGS -in.r-Norrci:r --··t========-1 ~tW'iiii'iL .r-:0..i------- _. -~ ~ Ganor1I Servi-6612 .,.taJ. °' cold hea41no aRQllfR 8u1. OppOrt'unltln. 6'SDO Lost ' 6401 HEATING &: Air Cond. Serv tooUnc. All C.O. <tltli'a. . . •• & . also Wuber A: Call Mr. Anderson, 54&-7796 Candy Supply II-LOS')' Fri Nile or. 28th & Bal-....... . ARGUS ·AGENCIES COOK (part Full T. ) ~ I · dryer rep&U'. 24 hr lel'V. •-C N -~ ••·• CM or une ~ B ., ~ temer type 8.fl-T23T or MT-5681 ,,.,,_ e .. ....,... o.vu., · - Excellent ''income for Jew dog whit~ Ir: re<ldi&b brown ·' · · ~ hn. wiekfy work (days or ~ed tur, 2 ctillan. No tail HAULING, Cle an up eves.) refilli~ and collect-Reward 546?966 garages, odd jobs etc. Free Inc money from cOin oper-· est Jim 5'8-5325, anytime ated dlaperuers in Costa P•nonal• 6405 Hiulo'n• Me s a and SWTotmiUng • 41~ ...... <Handl" name brand LICENS_ED 1 • . candy and snacks) $1350 to-$plritual reading& advice CLEAN Lob, l'l.ralell etc. tal cub required. For: Per-on' in matters. i8o S, El Tree re01ov~!, dunlp, skip aona.I intervlew in Costa Camino Real, San Clemente. back~, fill, I' r •de· t.Tesa: 5end name~ addrt!ss 492-9136. 10 AM -10 PM 962-874:> and phOne number lo: G' I G C I HAULING, gardening & "RO~,D~UT?.~T" ir.i, uys, oup •• general maintenance bf col- 1'-P· Box "3846 I.f ~a $\VINGER~ are Jege student , Mewpoz:t & Anaheim, Ca,. 92803 ~ for _your brand of Costa Mesa ~ .. 613-nll fun people, call the Jte&lstry TRIM ~-_ ,_ Going ·lnto,Busineu? 870-l210 · • u..._,.., """s . ....,n. Golden opportunity in bead! clean-up, name i\! I haul, al"l!a. PhilllPI 66 Service Attr1ctlve Expert reasonable. 64i.4030 YOUNG WOMAN ::;i:: Station f . -~; 1101 Bay-LIGHT ha ..... qi., day or nisht. side &: Mb.rlne Dr., Newport dani;:er will teach nn all 545-5490 Beach. Contact: latest steps. Call Ardell 1 ,:;~=======-I CHUCK CROWDER ·"'ll.l: 59l-4538. l-lO PM Housec:IHnlng 6715 n4o m mo mo 774-1043 PACIFIC SINGLES JACK'S hskp'g. Flr buttinz, crpt cle11ufg. windoWa, etc:. Comp hAe clean'g. 548-720 Money ta Loan 6320 RETIRED COUPL·E Has montY to lend on lit & 2nd mortgages. cau Broker 54.1:1333 Reil Eltat• Loans 6340 . Where the attractive, p&rucular iingles att. 5'5-1»4. Costa Mesa. $:m MO~ ::! "e:na: Ironing 6755 Sep. apts.; in Ro8arita IROMlNG dooe in my home • Beach. 548-9755 Bring own hangers • SELECTIVE SING.LES * 531-8188 * Has eligible men &: women, Our Best HOME LOAN 21-50 642--9676, 3 to 8. ln1ur1nc• 6770 · TERMS Todly ALOOHOLll!) Anonymous MEDICAL iruiurances to do 1st TDs 6.9% -30 years Phone 542-1217 or write to in my home, pick-up Ii: AND 6%. %. case basis. P.0, ~ 1223 Costa Meu. delivery. All phaae1. Pvt. Call for del&ils. 2nd TD• ind, Medicare, Necli-Cal etc. 8% Int. FIVE years and all Funerals 6412 ~p'd 6 yrs w/1 spedalillt other typt1 of real ettate -;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;I 642-9533 aft 6 p.m. ·-SttVinr °"""" • County 18 years. Sattler Mortgage Co., Jnc, 336 E . 17th St.. Costa Mesa oo.21n. ""':u Eves. 6'!3-786SJ &e-.1157 ANNOUNCEMENTS end NOTICES FOUND Man's blk &c gold rtri,J, initials' '1111idc. Vic . COest Hwy &: Wave, Lo.iiuna Bch. -497-1~ ··---·~· Jt&llR! XLTERlTJOAS CABINf.'tS, Air:/ aii< job. %i 11'1· e:c:}Jer, 5CM'1U A•l ' c.,,.n.,.. tJ1l' '"" Jobi t •• H1lp Wantod, Mon 7200 J.C. PENNEY CO. FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH H11 full time po11tion open for BUFF£RS A JANJ·TOIUAL MAINTINANCI-' Recent, aucceutul ex- perience in all pbue1 preferred. Competitive wqe1, ouutandinl ben- e.filt lncludine p r o l l t -· J. C. Penney Co. 24 F11hiori Island Nawporl Baach, Calif. An Equal Opportunity Employer Part Ume man to do Store Room Dutl" 6 &m to 11 am. Alf' no bar- rier Retired or Semi Retired person OK, or anyone who wants part time momlna:1. Evening Shill SEAFOOD RESTAURANT REllBElt E. lE£ 151 E. Coo1t HlghwllJ Nowl"'rl Baoch * * CAREER OPPORTUJtlTYI Joln..S.,..~­,..,.-.M.,....l\illd W.. No expcience ~ We train· tuD o(put tim1 Muli11I l'und Advi;;;, 1n~ Npt B. 1603 WOl!clllf MUG2 8.A.1.21lN.8- :547-81'11 ARCHl1ECIURAL DRAmMAN Exp'd ..... ""' 1pply. Min. 3 yrs Retidential • Com· mercW. Anrple overtime. Salary $444.25 hr. ' WALTERS · & SON 540-3180 APPLY $18,000 IS NOT TOO MU . Ontra Cafetlri8 1' -man -'°' with ear, .,. to tab abort auto trips near F1shion Island Beach citiH. Air mall F. E. Newport Ctnter Sean:, Pn!s., Amerlcan Lu. Pacitk Cst Hv.')' at McArthur brlcant. Co., Box 67&. 0ay. 644-1601 ~'°"""''=O~hf~o·~~----11 DOORMAN • Partlna At. EXP~-Sf:Tv. Sta. AU:ndnt; tendant. Start at once. full Perm., full time, new-mod. or pt. time. Own tnt1". '!11. statiOn. Gd ~'-contt·•~ Pbon& 6"-1100, Ext +H Hr'b' wa&e. + comm . •ASSEMBLY TRAINEJ:B E. Cout HWJ'. at 1am~ MacG~ Yacht COrp NB : 1665 Babcock, C.~f. REAL ~ATE. Shouldn't ALL round !ler\fice station man. 3100 E. Coast Hl1hway, Corena del Mar. MAlNT. Man. lift-in, apt. Included. Applyo 2376 Newport Blvd., CM , . ' you be selliw the hottest area Huntington Beath? Vlllace Real :&!ti.le 962-MTl .....__ WANTEDo Exp. IUll -Service Station h e Ip l Richfield, 19th A NOW,~11 SU--1532 ' ' l •• I • • It r , * • la • .. l In. ... "'· "· "' El. -·· ... nt; >d. ,., n' Ht :h'!' m -me p ' SI ' • • " .. ··-· --~-. ···-... -·~-.. -----···· ----.,.-·-·----· ----·····---• -• -=c.;::.-;::=:;:.=;.,_ ..... __ ~-· -· .... ---*•,.....-• • .. • .. ~ . ' 1~iLOT.A ~1'1$,Ell , . ,~ ~ 2,~ . , , . . , ~ . ~ • • • •, . •. W-11,Jiolll!Yl, \'69 iOIS & IMPLO'iMINT Jllil> • """"~ ... ~i~, ..Ull• I IMPLOY/ollln IOli I 'IMPLOYtAIN1 OIS I ~tOYMllfT MlllCHANOISI l'Oll ftl!llCHANOISI !Mio Woolld.· -non, X'." ,,;-' '. tftl• W.-ilfol. SALE AND Tit.ADI SALE AND Tit.AD I -, w--7400 lltlP .w .. tt11 Jolpo -, w-. 7sot l'wnl...,. IOGO/lui'nltwa aooa Womlft •· ..i 7400 W1-7400 ·• • , • . · • IUILD 'N SAVI / W ~ TEl\,4ND SEW.fR . II• ' .. cit. ,__ . -r-i ottAHG• . MAINTENANCE --r--···llt·ma=.-" ----·~ ll'>I<-~- ,, MA~ \WET SUI.I o.,_"' (UIKmUT 1 'DtrT,"'~"· $49U05 per mo. win poo1 rn..n1o17 O<lntrd. , ' • CA iff1iiti" · . . ,· MAKEi ~'t ~-~=·~""'a . . SAL1iS'1 - CITY OP • , . ,..<Pl,.·-. Th th wpn'ek<t. ~-· • ' NEWPOtT llEACH . •---~I-" -r=:i::.1o-~ Coll Pe..:... Dopt, '.,~ Requlm complellon of _,,, ··r·· cc.1,'":' · (7141 4'4-9401 ./ HOUSEWAllES ~~-re ·:r: . =ny •::::,: . sr•co, at . nlON·. ic ., BUIWING MATERIALS maintenance ot wa~ or Good futur8 for qua~ Fa at mavlnc. pn:cfttlM .. wer 1-In .,...,,... lfled worker. Apply • 1 Ut ... br St. choln o1 <1c>i.,.....u ...,,. -In bu\(llll>tl .nWn-to: : c--. 1m • .,,.. ..... -.., ....... """"""· or ~tile· -549-3041 E-lnffl'lng Co. -........ WW ...... relaletl..JUadl. A~ be-• ..,. IOm8 who want lo atut lo for'!! 5 P.m.. :Wed. Jan. &. ~ ·Personnel Offl~ An equal opportun.il~Y retaillns as a. career. No 1969, II the ·City RIJl, • • • •mP1P><r LAGUNA llEACH .. uonar Joy oil. c.mp1 ... Penonml Office, !3tWJ u s n• · ~ benefits plual Growth Newport Blvd .. Newport avers "" -.... :i:~" """"" ........,., " -BeaCb •• Si'3-G6U . ? .• • * _.,... tunlt;v. Ttira ~ train& Sc-.Machine HOSTESS We Wish You vldual,.wardaforcxtra•f· One of Ollr M111Y. Billlllsl MEDITERRA'NEAN' SPANISH New Show"'°"' Samples Will Soll Aoy fl*t 1..ilvl\tuolly r Co·mp···· ·ny' MEWPORTUITTE at .n i...1a. P!onty o! lndl- • • ...-fort, Interviews at 1t1n lo- •. Ope1a. tor 33ll W. Warner '"'"""'-..,. .., et-* H--.... calion ,._, J.....,. ' "'-A -,..... .... '!Ith ........, In -anc1 TuudAy J.....,. .... nta na ---olN ..... *'"'.......... 1969 T,1969. 9 AM 'ttl 4 .... Irrlivklual to .eh.Ip and !)lltt- ata B IE S # 00 llCftW ma· chine, ._,.r. of approvin& IU'6c1!:S a a d m-lnt.!nlng proctuction 1 nm on amall port Beach and ·~, ... WllillTR • • • • An .,.uai opportunity .,.,... * Happiness IUILD 'N SAVE 8' Wood W'led 11'111 dlvall, I(. man'• cbalr or love seal 5 Pt Octagon dark oolr din set w I black or avocado !Wned ~ a Pc BR sel M Mr. 4 Mrs. d1'eller, lg mlror, 2 com- • mod.., decorative heldboud In Spanish oak deolflll with matchint box ~rlllp, mattresa & frame. ..-puti. ·Smoll """'" D:cellent worklnl condi- ttom. Staco, Inc:. 1ft9 Baker st. Coeta Meu 92626 5<"10!1 An equal opportunity employer emplcyt'r Newporterette tt&U will Cor ~ I: CbQman ___ , __ • ___ , wdcome hotel eur :ta 1UIOO Orarwe n4: 5M-5lm. Rfl'.S . OB ... 3 to 11:30 M·S ... 3to 11:30 ICU ... 11to7:30 Exc~llent working conditions 1.n new b~pital. Contact: om""' ••lobby or"-" I • Fun Tlmo Apply In ..,... only, ~ 11t1 rf ._ Room Clerk ::,''h;:, ~~;;.~ --·--~ Exp'd p,..1, Po•Hlon opon Anaheim 1-.. w UR-•-now. Apply In penon, No aaer. IO'I • '""""'' phone calls. NEWPORTER INN ' Santa Ano 225 N. Bdwy. SADOl.EIACK INN 1107 Jam.lxlrff Road Costa Mesa 2'JIXI Harbor N"'POrl Beach An equal opportunity Lagun• luch em player ---'=='---At11nclH, 0Moo & Women 7550 • Secretary ONLY $529.95 1$1095.95 Value! °" TEii.MS "'low 11 $4.66 Wiik No down -use ou 1toro charge pl1n Approved Furniture lookkHping Machine Operator * Direct S.losmen Director of Nur~es Opportunit;v for vtnatlle tn- I need 4 men immed. to till <PART TIMEl dMdual posseuin& aood newport , personnel _ag8ncy (No Foney Fronl-BUT Quollty Veluu Inside) 2159 Horbor Blvd., Coste Mio• 541-9660 Open 9-9 D1lly-Sundoy 11.S 12 Yea rs u~oc1tlon--411me owners new aalel"1 positions bl the Cotti Mell Variety ot work in accounta: shorthand, typJng, dlcta- Orange County area. 9eWna u~ I payable, receivable, cost in-phone akilla. MUllt like var-. -----~ --- .. " H.-.. -·· .. •~ mwmorial Hos.Jta • reot ....... UMllCUl-I..... t"' ventory. E:xperienee on book· ied dutiell, phone contact, Tbret Rada per day. Our 642·2734 mpq machine, prtier. heavy work toad. Fumlture ::wa::~=I--------~~on BurroughaEUOOor n . SPANISl:IFURNITURE ,ONCE-A-YEAR b; 11m1 wo.......,. W.bes• L•dl11A;es24 plllf STACO, INC. 1-eace . R ETURNED FROM ALL FLOOR MODELS pay .in the business. 100% IMMED. OPENINGS 5 I 1139 Baker St., CM ,.--......._ MODEL HOMES. SAVINGS .OJnn, • Wuditztr •Knabe 11nanc1ng, mod. Ins., •tc. FOii ronJRE' FOON:l'AIN taco, nc:. 549-3041 'ro 80%. -qulllod PIANOS end ORGANS c'.all mominp 9 to 12, after-VALLE'l OFFICE 1139 Bailer St. An equal opportunl.t;v .ofai:lovettat.3c.l1Uvini "' ''One-o!-t·J:Ctnd'1· noons 3 to s. M&-661&. Will train. :t'x:Cellent oppt1r-Colta Mesi 92626 em .. 1....... · • ~oates..~ • Watt,..ea. room table•, 2 li~~ ,.. ·~OUI CHOICI eao.t carpenters e Mill Man e Woodshop AIHmbly e Flberglu molders {L•min•tonl e Painters helper w/exp. ~ 5"JO<I . ......-' • °""" °"""' w.iter • ··-• ~-··· "--~~~adiea _ . .AIJ..r.gl.aj_~~ lOtchtn workers.Call'Bem-'~s.ld;ktntaW -p 10°/o OFF Extensive benefltl'lnc1ude: ~· emplayer --·---':".:. 1'".~~ ·~ bedtoo1u su:I~-· · P-&ARLrV.J e CompreheMive Mediml ~VN's -ARGUS AG~NCIES c:lftuer a mirror, ktng No down a Easy tenna Plan 3 to 11 & 11 to 7 1869 C Newport Blvd., ,C..f.-1. headboard, 2 commodes, ~ e Delivery a • • Group Life Imar. RN LYN and Relief ktnaalze mattress &. b;r.JI: GOuld Mu.le Comptny a Prolit sharing retire-. Of New convalescent hospital School•lndrudlon .7600 aprinp, 2 ~lr lam(lll. ; "Since im·· : me.nt trwlt Scheduled to open end cf f piece Spanish wrought 20GN. Ma1n. Santa Ana a Employees savinp plan NEEDED FULL TIME Jan. Apply in perMlll. 393 To Women iron. dlnln& set. Only $467. So. of Freeway, 547-0081 • Profit sharlna: bonus ' Hospital . Rd. comer New· of All· Ages l'J. down &: $4.50 weckJy, Mon. lc-.Fri. 'tll 9 ' JENSEN MARINE CoRP. Please call MR REED '' Apply port & Hoapl~ Rd, N.B. :a:~h;::~~ ~~ely~= ~ Daily to 5:39 m==~ C~. Full Saf-G1~ .. ~ Corp. . Newport Harbor SEIL TV • adv e rt 11 e d 'r!m'!r ~ ~.~ =:an=.s~ v.1~1~~ WT DAYS 111 N t "''"" ·~---.. (CHtvalescerit Hospital PRO UCJ'S ~ or/an! part time. ea ap-ll55 E. San Antonio 646-7764 D · The way ta comullatlon by appointment. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sat Higher pricel ue comh!a _ ~~ M;!. be wi~ble.u: Lon& Beach, caw. r,:ct ~d~ ~ NEWPORT 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., SUn. bvt we ara still dilcounthll -Equal opportunity employer a • r School of -Bualneu l2 p.m. to 5 p.m. all plaooa • orpru1 1n the , fub:;.:1 =· :=~ ACCOUNTING Clefk. Ex· EXPERIENCED Avon Product$. 8l3 Dover Dr •• N.B. .J'Umlture r;tUl'Dle& from dlJt. lut day1 ol the great MOYJ- Spa.. 2300 Harbor Blvd.. peri~ in a c'{6 u n ts H.PER.MANENT 54G-1'04l s.&-s.;&1 6464153 play itudiol, model hmpe:.. bw-Sale. lt will COit )'OU c.M. .. , •• ,.. 1"""';"" ""'"' e. ourly Teller e . owtmu atn. -ting. o1ocoraton ......na-""""" to wa1~ Shoo & i... ::;:,,:~ .... ~~~. ' MondB klY & Frldoy ~ A•ic:::,v: ~ ~ rrandchµ.tren. or """"RDoh &FMUodlRN.......,.ITUenRE•to ~~~BALDWIN SruruO an of America kOOwledp of automotive yguraell. ~ tutor-• 1801 N rt CM. MU4U ask _for Jim Hyams. NT&SA ....,....,_, l""-er tbru tJnan... edQiilcoatlOleaom.t;vpin&, 114CNewportBlvd.,CM ewpo' · Servonic Divi.sk>n ot Gulton 18691 Mal H B 5"-'""'.... ~ 9Chool. 113 Del 1.r--OI Y1-·L-ALLt=.Y WEST n, · · _cial statement neoesaary. ....... ' ever; nilht tn 9 .. _rM 2106 W~OCean ~t Indii.striea, Inc. 1644 Whit· 847-3541 Ext. 34 H.B. area. Call Mr . 5f8..2859 Wed., Sat I: Sun. 'ti I.. Pl1no1 & Orflnl Newport Beach tier. AYe., Costa Mesa. An Equal opportunity •mployer Rtibinson M2-7781 MERCHANDISE FOi See them no,. at UNG mao to , , ., • • .... opportuolty •mployer. • COSMETOLOGIST • SECREl'ARY • SALE AND TRADI Ger ... s.1. 1022 Coast Music: ~~i~~ ~~-e ~ ? -HO,UMkHpen s Days. Pref~r with clientele, 1:~ce!,~=t ~~pe= Furniture · IOOO AIR modltionen stave, miac. 1839 N64-6 0rt2B711Yd, CM Full time . Day Shlft bot not necnnry. Apply in Good -.. 1-..-fttftci. RA-AN -la & Joun-items. 10052 CUtty Sark. • I th:pe, must have car. Hagen per80n .a........... .-~ • • -·-.~ 962--164 I Auto Radiator 646-4788 or Apply in Peraon TO H App I y RADIATRONICS, chair, Co&e, I: end tabld Huntlniton Beach 2 .....,,, '°""· eo":!::i"-Beecl> al SHERA N ,BEAC · 1"42 T.Uer Avo., Npt Bch. $511 l<r all. 2 . a...te o1 •-n 1100 FREE TO YOU SERVICE Station attendant. n eacent HOllplt INN 833-2lOO ._ draw• r I S l 0 ea c b " l..,.,.-"''-'-nc_11 ___ ,..:..._ IMuat have e x p er I e nc.e lS79'J Delaware St., Hnli: Bch 21112 Ocean AvenUe SWITCHBOARD Nauphyde 1ounp .~tr I: ic!:NMORE e1ectrte ranee REFRIGERATOR IE eledrtc '"-""'"'"'"!. Xlot LAUNDRESS H lingt .,;, OPERATOR ottomlU $15. ·Port ..,. ' dlyer · """' 0>m• work. . work!na conditions. Union F I un on Bea WITH TYPING SKIU.S. Ex-cooler SlS. NarWe eoffee 2dl-)'l'I !,d· -~~ent con-Abo range &: oven. Take ·~ S ,,__ta u I timo pd _..,. T te thl! 555 " 2 eDd tablel po. Twin ••v. llOO"'Wio• all 3. 1919 Santa Ana Ave, OU. 393 E. llth t., ~ Apply in Person COOKS ~'S~tc~= for busy Rivl.l!ra aofa beds, p), Fin 16 CU FI' C oJ,d 1 pot Costa Meu.. 646-8Z'l6 or 'Mesa. · Huntington Beach First I: Second Cqoka ottitt in N.B. area. Call screen set $5. 2 mack ftflla:e>:ator -f.reeRr com-5'8-"'560 1/3 ort:~~·c~K l879'l ~;L~=:i Bch for new convalescent hospi. 642·9360. Salary open. llberglaa chain, $5. 968-49111 l;lo. SlflO. MMf7l MOST lovin&kl, loudest purrlnc APPLY ta! to .... ""' of J.,,, Ap. TRAINEES, .................. HAPPY NEW Vllbl Anti 8110 & lattat u .. In town. •'~ANTED ply 393 Hospitel Rd., New-tory. X l nt opportunl.t;v. . ...,... quest 5 inos old. To good home. 619 Slttpy Hollow Ln, port Beach com.r NtwpOt't Knowl~ of sewing euen-y · VAST 1toclr Amer I. Eur Part Silver Per• I an· Laguna Beach 8 Exp'd only Blvd . .l Hospital Rd. tiaL 4001 Unit G, Birch St.., Thank OU for tum ' 1: clocb. La < r y ~97-1458 112 · t NEW CAR * • APPLY , . . j · Town & Country Im SECRETARY Nowport Bead>. ""' oc Your PatronacJe -· Antlquos. 21 ~ FEMALE, hallGmnan, hall • t Ready Mech1nic 18582 Beach mvd airport. _.__,.. ~~ F 1 Newport mvd., C. M. Collie -1 mos. Good wlt!:i AnnJy 29'25 Harbor Blvd., H .i--~ e:.1N\ to $550 ~"--ur ri fure kids ._ .-..:i watch ~ .. rr,. \,\11.......,...,n Beach ..--v NEEDED: Ex per I f: n f: fi 2159 Harbo Costa M "' •"""' ""'5 1c.M. See Mr. Hinman. • · 2 Position. Xlnt cpportunit;v Seamab'esa. Call 497_13$. r, esa s.wl~ Mlchlnet 8120 66-2565 113 SlJPT. for JU, k apt. oonat., NURSES AIDES ~ec ~r~~ between 11 I: 5 PM for QUICK* -,l.:U '&T SINGER with walnut con-FREE rabbits, Du t c b :Npr\ Bch ar e a . Ex· 4 to 12 Shift • Min 2 yrs ottice exp, Full a.n Interview. \AMI IOle. Wlll aacrl6oe far ·Dwarla, 3 black does, 1 1perienoed! Send full reM1me Apply in PerlOfl benefits. call 540-29!0. Mr. balance $39.'fS or a.uume brown buck. Ca1•1 :to B0x M 465• Daily Pilot. Huntintfon Beach ·Sllveste;r. arrWDLfRS ( FOR FURNITURE $192 mo. Feb 10, 1969 next aVllO&.ble. m.om 112 iJXPfR1ENCED M"'hank. Co°"""""nt Hoopltol IU.Kl'IU APPUANCES OR ,.,.,....oL Guaront<e OK. ADORABLE PUppy, bull col-:FuU Ume, daya. 16 4 S 1879'.2 Delaware St., Hntg Bch SHARP GAL! ANTIOUES. DAY Ott Button holn, zia:·zaa: etc. or, 4 mo'1 old, small treed, 'Adarri!!, c.osta Mes a. REFINED Lady tor child ~":.a~~ : ~~ El~ uaembb NIGHT 636-3620 No attach needed. CIJl m:..ed. m.m6 aft 7:!0 ;540-UJS ~ to altm.te with pa.ndine boutique Muat be of microwave componentL BAMBOO fum. ~ -6.1>-1.212 or 893-4f44 p. 112 : ·• Saning tnatruetor ' tm0ttier lady or uve tn. experien«d m tui:b 1aah1on-Requires medwdcal dexti:r-cmbm •t 'incl 2 arm smcer. repowwd. 1968 v,::__ ~ ~· • ~ 'Good pay ·• benefits Jrf,eA Del Mar area. Call ed sportawear, dMaea and tty. WW train. c:haira. 1 couch. 1 copper toucb-o-matlc. P&1 ott bal -""" ;;~ .... ,.1,; 60{~ BOATS ~3558 noon-to 8 PM, own dllplayL 1U?face 99l'Yiqr bar. VerJ al $U.Z or I pymnts of e....... n. -..., .,._,... tra.... -only'""'' Coll Personnel Dopf. aood condl-us 5. 15.45. Call nt: l3S-8l21 PARAKEET ·• c.,., wttll lolfXHANIC, comm!Dlon or BABYSITI'ER Dttdod by THE LOOK .... 2400 for appL (714) 494-9401 64Mm food A -·to &<>Oii home. lia1iry 3100 J;. Co a 1 t teacher for an illla.nt 4 mos HOSPITALITY' HOSTESS is LARGE 4 pc. MCtioral $20. PllMI ~ ()rpM 8130 9fl3..211Sl 112 *. tbOlt .* ' ' ~ , I • platu&~ i"i D.O . on ·approved Cncllt The All ·New 1969 :~Renault f • • ~ 1 ,;.:..,1' .. • • '--"Ht!&-i:GAF. OllOMY-- UNLftUD. "'1E4Gf WARRANTY Jtl\Y 'FJTORY EOUIPPED 1 A~l NOW LIMITED " OFf'IJ No Payments 'Iii J~. 1969 . ToyOta $:' . ( plus tax & nc:ensi DOW .. DELIVERS ·ANY NEW O~ USED Toyota in St~k on approved credit NO. PAYMENT ~TIL FEB. ·i1969 Hlch~.CoronadelMar. cld. Lite hlki>'r. ~lmt have looking Jor mature women JELONIC End tb2a $15 each.1eortee WM Knabe 5 ft.3 .. Grm:I GERMAN Shepherd dofi 2 . own trans. 642-46'12 to welcome newcomen to tbl S1 .50. 1 bdnq .eet $lit. plam. Xbrt cond. ttmiout, yr. old male. 6'5-28G afW.t J ~Ago;;;nc;I"~· ;W;•~'"';;;"~7300;;;;· • WAITRESS a Exp'°d., the community. Must have 1 lamp fl.50. ~ , walnut f1Dl.lh. $950. 6'n-2996, S:» 112 Fantastic ·-SAVINGS ·-:n. Apply Flying typowrlt<r, .... ml ti..... Engl-rilM) Co. ·~-Lido 1 ~•n Otd ma! r---&u.r. lW N-..t Blvd. dable. Appl.• Xi E. Main, GOLD couch a chair, walmt µ ft.I~-" wa,. .l.LIUlo e ~· See Bett;v Bruce at "'""'I ..... • v L19una Botch eDd .It coffee ~ 5 mp. ;pt., NB Shepherd. 545-<£13 113 N.8. 61s-o9'TI ~· Tultin. Ca I If' padded bU 1foola. 67>322.1 BEAUT Padol' Grand Piano, JS YOUR AD IN a.ASS1· . m fl ) sxPERJ.ENCED' Sew in 1 An e(Jua1 opportunity ,....",__ OU ru , •--> ~ W I C M hi 0 tin F WORK IN CdM ployo 1'llE ~u·~ X -exqulst.. ton<, Lia -l'lllDf _,. will be tr!~ ~ ~pt:. SECRET. :ARY for i..e-1 Jn. em r THE QUJacJ:R YOU· IEIL $1600. MS--0625 lookhul' for ,tt, Dill MUi818. -Ait!fll:Y for career Girls _ ,_ .. ,. ..... 410 W.<l>Ht Hwy., N. B. 2007 S. Oax, S. A. 7•30'1•"· :::l' ...!i..M~""': * DRIVERS * 8' appoint. 64&-3939 MANAGER &; Sale 1 lady mUlt ta&-rts'D"-lbW .. ., Sal. N 1:.--a 1~,,;,o"'!""~~!"l"l~' I """"" .,. .._ ..-. A.,. ·-~-" o ""'f"""enc:e .r~,.l•rr:•I frldly ply Marlatln'> Fa.ruon., No. .,,. open. Write P.O. """ N~-1 t ofc'. at MIR to 14 Fuhk>n laland. 8, 0nu. dd Mar, Callf. ----1 92m Must have clean California , AIHrotlDd -· BAllYl!IT1'ER, -bome, ==-~-"~---~ l'OOClrd. A-•· lla-to-lorbea. a.ta M..._ .... ., llo!'r• GENERAL -310 •~ jCaJI Mr. .._, Hl''l'll& ...... trutlmOtier tne. ...,.. a w1o. -. w..i, Fri. LOW CAI CO. • AR.GU AGENCIES can ~um • to L Mo """ <>wn Ull E. Uih St. c -Blvd., CM. EXPER. -~ .. --1be BIOlllo, N. B., ___ a..._ .. ____ •I •~ ' 541090'l . I' • ma. ll:30 to 1:00 Benton'• . He1P Wtntetl Colf<!o 'Sbot :W S. Oout WANJ'ED: PVt time t}ltt :/W-7400 H'"Y., LB. ' • .,._, ""' -""" e .M11U e • A n.q, 1:1! to !•al P .JI. BABYSITI'SR.·l..... ......... ~ ftlleltle p or"' n ,._.. Llahtlng Flxbn "'" Pirt TJme ~ ldm~ ~ Wanted. B'rookb 11r1 t I: SholmXlllL Slits aperlence U to 7:30 am Mon. "Tuu. area. · Garftelif.amL 9d-258S nee. Salary pldi cornrm. •evu. UV&-IN 81,by Sitter '80 ,_ Don. Parle Udo . JOO:., &;XI A.M • .f:lO P.M., wPYWRl'l'ER needed . °"""""""' °"'"' ..O..Fri --All .,_ Flair .,, ..... Stull. -• • -• --... ... ti.me OI'" M-68 (L,qunl) Nowport _,,....... -.ll,<llYSl'lTER to.,... h lo> It .... ~ ~-·'~-· • 547-6351 • -~-----·-< ,l\<iltf&.22lt.' . llA1IYSnTER, s ........... ' HOUSEKEEPER WAJ:ITED 1W1n111m • ~r:' U p.m. lab Men, Wom. 7500 •New Convaloctnt Hoepl1-l 1ft1 ~. f'UU ~t M~ DOC10R'S Otftat l'ront Of WANTED: Exper1enclcl tP Apply 393 ltoephlil Rd. lffw. Yetdt"l.rea. 5t6-Gl64 • • return Jl'tfper'erl t:r wmk port Beach. Comer ~ OClCKEN O:lop, Ja4'1 tab .,. Jrllldkel A• a I 1 ta. II t • dUrtrc tax .eum. stat. J!tW, A Hoc~lal· Rd. • Alt IWt-39<1. 2131 San .. Ant lff..ll41 lor ..... quallllcetlono tn .. P'>. Box aouSEKfuiit· ll:v-t" 10 .-!>'"'· <C.JI. ,. 112 ~ '·""" -~ MG D<lll' Pilot • /o>uple With 1 · J/f Clil -· &WY~ · far ~•iiildii ~ JllQV!n MIL Dart OOUPLES ... I&.< Ito r Io 1 ' iJ'vt ""· ..._.t.,1'..a..to -~---. .... -.......... ...... w .. _ ~-~~·-~· • llXXIT TQ 'E11t ...:_· _ _!IG~lllf!!!__::_.'._ __ _!!:!!!!!!::::::::::=::::::~~~~-- ' ' . . l I • ON LOW MILEAGE · De...nhrators ' I MUST ·SEE . ' ....... • i' 1 I t ' : I : I ! I , I . f 1 [ -. l ' ' l .. I 1· I ; ·• I 11 I I . I i I l : T • l ' • • • ' \ ---· T c ' ' ' • ' " • • • • H • ' ' c • " " • • ! ~ ~ • • " • • ' • • • • •• • • • • ~ 0 ~ 0 • •• " .. G p w < c N H • < • • T, • • M " • < • • N w .. < • H • N E fl " N L M ... ' H • • ' ,, • • '· ' • . • • I,,' • ! • .. ' • .--s~sc;;s •• -·--- ' • ~·. ---'-. ...--·-· 1' . • I ' PILOT' 'DVE •• T1$l•-19 '.IL DAILY l'IUIT Wtdottdq,~ 1, lM ,. . •.•••• 1_. _ • _ , • • , , •• Tllundq, JlftUuy 2, 1969 -" " ~111iW;i;... ..... Cii-.. ---·--9~iOO~N~.w~c.-.. -.--""-""'•"'@c--;NtW':;:::. c"' ... "'' ;.._ __ ... ~IOO;.;,.;..-'-'New_.;.Ca=":...--'..:.':;;eoo:;;, MIRCHANDISE FOR TRANSPORTATION TWANSPORTATti1o01o;;::"°iutrn~i'fl'fRj~ITITRAWNiiS~POR'i'lAffiim- -$Al.I AND TRADE 1' 1--------111oo;.;.;;;.;11;..;&;;,..l.~=:.:..-.....:9GC=OO Molor~l" 9300 1..,.rtwc1 A-9600 lmportwd A- IANUARl R£0 lAG US£0 CAR SAL£ THE PRICE ON ·EACH AND):VEltY USED cAR IN OUR GIANT INYENTORY HAS BEEN 5LASHED. WE MUST 00 THIS TO MAKE ROOM....l':QR 0.U.& .RECORD BREAKING NEW CAR TRADE-INS.-START THE .NEW YEAR RIGi-!T IN A DEPEND- ABLE LATl MODEL USED CAR OR BRAND NEW 1969 PLY. MOUTH, CHRYSLER OR lt;ifPERIAL. THE BEST CAR AT THE' BEST PRICE •••• ·• THAT'5;·ATLAS-CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH . •67 DODGE DART 'f~. 111to., ll&H , power l Door herdtop. ,~· (T6Xli601 ,, .. ,;.,.,11· BB SJ.J88 ' '67 CHEVROLET ~~: itlil";7" '65 DODGE DART •. Door, VI, •Ufoll'letic .,,. ••r confilf • • '•1110 ,114 h •on1n9. f.fs1211 eeter, s1oss · NEW CAR SAVINGS TOO !! ., BRAND NEW 1969 VALIANT 2-DR. SED>..N FULl FACTORY EQUIPPfD s,.1,1 No. Vl21A9El21936 S"lol No, PE21F90 116140 --·· BRAND NEW 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED 2396 Al,..._ ,._T _ _. Uut• --· ... --.-· I ~---·----- ,.._ & 0.,.M 1130 1, rr. "'-,,_ beer. ru~-1114 ao1.t. •HONDA• lW4MOND ' -' Y• tr.u.. • , Jio<t lreehly .DllM -mw 6 UMd -p•hll~. New white M·INI BIKES « all· .in.a-. Best bl.o's n a u r a h y 4· e . UllbOllWY SCRAM-LETS ·ANSWERS So. c.ui. npt ..... ' 'lbm 16\i bp CbamploD satMlDt wmc co., cn&lneL Olm~ w 1 t' '''' 'tO' oa .,,. Taldnl..:. FaWJI -RacUo - 190'f N. MaJn. ....,.._tu.I tanb, ....... * $239 * ...,.,. .:. rmED Sonia Ana and °"'tn>ll. S.. at 2IOI LIERB FRIEDLANDER Clrl about be• bosso "YQll ~. Newpart S.... n can't keep from admlring Television 8205 B.!TN. WJIPer lfl' d8ct '6'7 11710 •E.A.eH llYD. HW. Jt him. If you don't, YQU 1et wr.;·~o ~~'sFr~ sclll~i.in f.i~~-:..1= ltl:A Color TV, wood. Special $llOll 01b -). Cl?-'1549 ANS.WEIS ~ ol' yfu, mike ll7T or eonditlon.• 11')' U1 befin pritr $100. Henderton'1 ~ -\ yoo lell. E L M 0 RE Harbor, C.M. 548-6013 S.llboata " 9010 Malt@d _ Fruit _ Tease _ MCJl.'ORS. ts:n> Beach ~vd. " COLOR. Zenith Portable COL UMB1A DEFENDER Ne8Ji¥ -11" the ARMY Wfftminat~. ~ RAT -·--'67 Jo'IAT 850 Spider, Britiab racing green and ilie onlJ thlnaa "'°"' -body 4">11 -)'Ott can aee. Aoqulrina 1936 Woody Wl&'Oft, IO ,.,.., pttfe.r an oldtt-ne~r car. Juat lf!rviced by a mectia.nkl on Bruce Mc.Lare.n's ~ tacular and winnlJ:ll m. tP.maUonal ncirc team. Runs smoothly. F.quity Dl>W $900, but what would "')'OU olfer!' Call 6C-C2l, Ekt 281\ olt~ TV. $550 New. Sell $.1CIO. (29') Sleep. 6 30 HP Jn-HOli.nd to trlend: "No-I===~===== Maple ""'1m "" 616-21163 boud, lull ;acino: ••ar. body ""' """ lll<e Mabe~ AUSTIN' HEA,LEY USE;Q_jVJ $Zi 4 up.~~ Loaded w/optionall. It but they came pretty do« -:-:::::-:::"':"::-:~"::"."--"t tn_lhop or home. 20'Jl xtru. xint cond. D~ wbm I waa IN the ARMY." NEW YEARS 6PmAL ·· -BL. QI. tUs.Jtm ., outboud t • cl. d • d : '61 llODAK.<. •• p ••• I 0. '69 Allll1'n ·-··ca $12,lfiO. .. ms or "6-6047 chamber 1ibeq.lul;. t&J1k &: .AIH"li1 Hi-Fi & Steno 1210 PENGUIN Sailboat wt t b fender, rake b&r It fork STIRID • 1968 SoUd state, trailu'. New ull&. $350. b~. Tbe aood tire&. Make i 4, '.apd, 4 speaket audio 631-'1519 otter. 546-1716 .,.,.,. In walnut comole. Boot Molntlfta-9033 '67 11llUMPH Ldt on .lay away. Pay T-100 C 500 C.C. ~t cond. I ~ ot J79 cub er low EXPERIENCED Low ml!....,, 1825. Pvt. pty. j ·*""""W.,.houre. SJ>.7'89 SKIPPER • "'1-8387 • $88 DN. $57 MO. +Tax A Lie. For 36 mo. O.A.C. All Carry Olarges Jncl. <- All MOOelll Available For Immediate Delivery HILLMAN ·Soul Car $100 call a1t 1 PM, 6'f5.3830 KARMANN GHIA. 1500 Want. work. 548-3;i61. 1968 350 CC Yama.ba. 358 Sporting Good• f.Ctual miles. Llke new. SPORTS EQUIPMENT Bosio Wani.d 9050 "'6. 20082 Coobawk Lane, _•1rtuµo11 31111 po rr s 1963 Karmonn Ghia '. Convertible SACRIFICE -lloble 9'8" 9 CASH far best \uy. on Huntington Beach. 536-1600 Speed board. Thrte string~ 2i ta 50, 12 .\ lt' flberglu: 1967 YAMAJIA 1100 W. Coast H"'l· en, sood material I.or mini rowboats, complete Write 305 CC, 4,500 miles, $3J> and , Newi>ort Beach model. A rood buy at $35. full info, Mr. Sielei, 470 take o'pymnts, ~1351 642-!M<li 50-1764 New paint, new top, ne\f tires. RWIS 1ood. $895. · 534-2284 or Cl) 89'l-5551 Call 49H747 S. Beverly ~. Beverly BSA Victor '68-2700 ~ /'62 SPRITE SURF 8 0 ARD, DEWEY Hills. CallL GU W/trade for smaller bike. as is, $100 WEBER Tip top condition. 96l-4018 e 548-2.580 aJter 6 e 9' 6"' $00 Aircrah · 9100 SKIS· Head 2lD downhills Pri. Piiot Course used 1 teaaOfl. Excell cond'. $15 dn, S20.I&-tno. Mooney · 6'&Dl1 Alrcr&ft SaleL F M Pardo I='='=="""===== I Oran&• c 0 u D t y Airport Miscelli~us ~ 8600 5'19-86 er st>-1610 Trucks 9500 Austin-Healey 3000 '61 $1100. *SPORTSMENS VAN* '-==·=64"31=;•:=•== * TRUCKS * 1· Thoy A'° All Hora At Fantastic Discounts DATSUN PVT. pty. baa 2-1967 Datsun GOOD K~nmore Late Model Mobile Homes 92oo Ready tar immediate 4 dr. sedans. White w/96 C.oppert:one Pl 11ia n Ce• Skyll i delivery hp le Beige w/00 hp. $1225 1=='======;;:1 snvertone TV (map I e) • ne 69 $6999 each. 838-3524 cabinet) Workll. Chain, foot New double wide 2 bdrm., BEACH CITY MUST sell • '64 Datsun MG atools, kitchen stool, sports center kitcbeD. Pa Im DODGE · SIW~ clean! lew --------.,1 equipment -Box JCOUt Sprin&a ~· ~ furn.. 16555 Beach Blvd., (Hwy. 39) 1 :m:"::'"':=':m.o:;,:;:161::::== MG uniform • Miloella8eoua llhed ind I· d ldtch. a~ 540-2660 I' cir l's c Io ti la a:, pllances, cpts., drps. 20% Hunfin&ton Beach m.1.s.c....Ua..n.e.o ~b&Y~ dn. ~! ~de or ~ . clolhlrc. Dbbes,.'li'b-P<k 177 mo. 0.A.c.--5S ·f'ORD·-.V<J;-!'IJI) -·-,.rRRAll r - knackll, heater (electric) Rick B1ldlno'1 M. isi MUST SEU.! Newport Imports Ltd Or- lrons, wattl~ Iron. Good Mobil• World S4!}-Tl57 ange County's on1y a~thor· chrome towel raclm:,.curta.ln 1!1432 Beach BL, H.B. 962-lm Ca--ra 9S20 !zed dealer. rods. L&1'se slabl marble. 436 S. Harbor Bl, SA 531..s770 .. .,.... SALES. SERVICE • PARTS 642-3526 SEE the Dual Wide Road-3100 W. Coest Hwy . R Y ti CAMPEil CLEA.11.A.NCE •• F IDA liner Pan American, Para-,,mport Beach YARDAGE D Y' •• , lllOWll, Elite a.nd General cif 1961 El Ooredo, four 642-006 50-l?M In. Costa M~ mobile homei now at Wlnd1, Scohmen end Gold· Authorized MG Dealer lin• mod•I• •t New aeloettoo, 1.. >ri.. Dual Wide Sales ,:;BIG DISCOUNTS,:; FIAT esPJVeryFridaylOAMat: . ••1 , 9 , I ; · ~RARI ., Sain, Service, Parts :~ ""®l<l<..oo-,»G.~~ -See the new Austin ~..,. Her• Now! , : j INTERNATIONAL Chapman Mobila Homes Joe. "' 6 mooe • 11•w •r•. 1 ___ ..;,_:;_;_ __ Y •-n •~E 520 N. H1rbor, S.A. Seve ••tr•$ ci11 our Trlol(:k· 1--::=======tll l'-6\.UM.I 531-8571 Cemp•r Price•. '63 FIAT, 4 dr. nw tltts 2'1SO Harbor Blvd. 1·9·11 ft. Modeli, Ch111;• Xlnt. corx1. less than 40,IXKI C.0.ta Meas Holidqy Snet?:ial Mod1l1. Self Cont•in1d ml. $.150. 847~ * New MG * GET A -UCTION * r---Unih, All Cemper Acee'" HOW'S THE * A. 20' wide $1599 down -$98.89 1ori" 111 Stock. BETTER DEAL 1 ll ......,, -.:.n -n er"--· mo. lncl. tax. le., det am * CAMPER. c.-;:;i'Wtnd;' • try~ aet-up -3 Y·•· lns, TIME FOR HE RB FRIEDLANDER I 11750 B~aclt 81vi:I I H "'Y , Auctlorls l'rtd'17'30 p.m. BAY HAUOR RENTALS * WindJ's Auction Barn Mobile Homes Show 5 Teer Fi'""cirtt On 2 blk, s~ c;. c;. F'"v 89).7566 537-16~ 9UICK CASH Behind Tony's BldJ', Mat1 1425 Baku St., Costa Mesa Appr•v•lf CreJit ~ Newpcrt, CM 646-ll686 (at Harbor) MG '52 TD Red w I whl.ti 541J.911U THEODORE THROUGH A ""'"•las !Dp, interi« -~ Klllllm FABRICS 9225 R b f d cellent, engine reblt, JDql 0 ins or DAIL y PILOT ~~!~--OWL ... ~ ...,FOR SALE 2 MEN-SIZED BICYCLES 2060 HAll.1011. ILVD. '62 MG Midget; new datciH 1::":&~ C::~'!.! ~,._ __ 115_~_00_EacJL_____ "42-009~,sTA ME~!o.1211' WANT AD :!!· -:Ji~; M'= :{ 1 . p.m.. 9'J9 Baker, Costa Me.:L SOCK IT TO 'EM! OIARGE >WI' want ad ;;;;. 53&-3497 ! ELECTRIC Ranae ' $10 . -=======.,,.====="'==============='===============~=============111 Fmdln& ~um!num Wbeel ~U~sad~C~a~ro~;;;;;9900~~~U~1ad~C~•;"~;;;;;9'00;;;;;U;sed;;;;C;•n;;;;;;;;;9900;;;U;sed;;;;C;an~;;;;~990CJ~I Cha!r $10. Box spring &. Mattress $10. Double kit~ chen sink $5. Camper Bink $2. Deep Waah room Bipk $2. 545-M90, Art. 5 e REGISTER Now! Free ~ after J&?: 1• t ! Cay·koabl' · Custom u~ Scl>J. European Crattsmanahip. 1831 Newport mvd, Costa Mesa. W-1'51 KIRBY Vacuwn cleaner &. attachmer1tll. Ortginaliy aold for over $300. Take over small pymntll or WI.GO cash. Credit dept. 535--7289 COMPLETE Baby shoe bronzing outfit. alflt $600, will WI $350 or offer. 540-1998 POOL TABLES.SLATE From 1198.-1~ f1nancU><. lmmed. .. ._. 6<1-4236 16 CUT FT. Coldapot refrlgeraWr Freeziet Combo. $1!50. can Ms-6473 DRY n Wood, eucalyptua. ~ and mbmcL Free delivery. 54tr 'l544 KENMORE auto washer . late model. Etctllent eond. $45. MT--8115 Misc:. Wonted 1610 WANTED radial arm or table ...... •545-60• PETS and LIVESTOCK Dogs IB25 2 LOVABLE puppies for saJe. Smt.ll breed. 6 wkl md. -tnlnod. ss. w/puppie ahott:, free witbout. 56-11.'2 ~· RARE. Ault Slllde terr. pJp&. AKC, ockrleu, neYe1' shed, amall, smart. lovin&. m. cn-7805 AKC-. ll1lb Setter Puppies. 5 .. oJd. 846-1738 LAB Ret pups, black, AKC. ~ ped, 10 wks. . ~ 9000 \1 IT. J>e1b:mtt. lllander Delus:e model {all t l ber1la1•l outbo&t cu.tom am.p down cover. Blc Wheel Wt trailer. $700 phbne..,....., after 7 pm. 13\i' IJOllY, -· &lautd .. ras.., 11111-tlotatlon ; •crtnoe $250. S0-5321 ' ANCHOR MOTORS . . ' 2150 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 546M3050 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, JAN. I st NO REASONA.BLE OFFER REFUSED ·NO CREDIT PROB EMS FANTASTIC •WE CARRY OUR OWN SAVINGS CONTRACTS e MN IF YOU HA VE BEEN BANKRUPT e MM If YOU HAD A REPOSSESSION e MN IF YOU ARE NEW IN AREA Many Other Mak.s & Moftls At Low Pay Day Paymltnts '59 DODGE -IT l..J:':' n.l:'."ft.. '\ft r,- .. SID SID :w .. "1'il.. .:.~ .... ~. '61 OlDSMOBIU '63 FORD MU.XII M om.r4. A.t., ... I. Ilk. Ke. $399 T ... I Pri'" +Tu I Ut. '59 RAMBLER 1\1 .... • DOllf'" Sldto!. llM!t I. toetr... Ille. lfo. lU" 1'11 $49 TOTAL PllCE +Tax & Uc. '59 FORD 4 DOOll "·'· Y,~ r' =~ ~ m-·:: GT" •1•1 $199 Toto! Priao ~ +TU& Uc. '62 CHMOllT '61 THUNDERllRD t DOOl M.t.llDTW s499 T ... l Prtco · +Tax & Lk. • EVEN IF YOU HA VE NO (RJDIT • DIVORCED • NO RED TAPE '57 MERCURY '56 CHRYSUR M0"1'ftlY WIMOIOI: t.1n~&~ ... ~... ...... 1Htr,,.sr-""' A.T., '°·1~· •a.tt. ' s49 TOTAL PRICE s49 TOTAL PllCI + Tox & Uc. + Tmr & Uc. '59 DODGE '61 CHEVROUT '63 STUDEBAKER '62 DODGE f 000. lh.u ... , :.~1~.t.~~',..... tl:r.".I'm<. i..~.r.i~- $299 Total Price +Tox&Uc, $]99 Tatal Price +Tax I Ur. '62 THUNDERBIRD '63 MERCURY .... .m -· -~ "1i':: _,, ft I ----· (L wn ........ A~ f!WL, ,_IW, -·I I&, Ne. ' . s599 T ... I Prlet +Tax & Uc. $599/;:'~ .. ---------------- I ' '• . · • TRANSl'ORTATION TllANS.l'OllTATION • . ·~ . " Ovifl~ • . . . ON' DISPLAY ~ND.~READY FOR DELIVEiv;.;roDAY!. ~ • • '. '. •• ' • • t .. ~ .. , '· OVER . 80 QUALITY .. AUTOMOBllES TO SELECT FROM~. ~.~.~; • \ 1 I ':- ,. ' '68 CAMARO ·Absolutely the abarpeat one in town. A local 8,000 mUe autoinObllt. l'ini$hed in tanKerlne \\'Ith black vinyl roof an4 matching lnferlor •. 327 V8 engine,. aufoma'tic, poWer ateertng and brB.ke11, factory \tr conditionJna:. Beautltul condition. tWWC965J , · .. SALE PRICED '67 CONTINENTAL ~beautlful-~-f~wt&b.4w'Quo leather lnterlQr, All the popular power an.lats Including power 1teerlng -brak~. wlndowt, seats, factory alr condittonine. Thit' ca? 11 ab-' aolutel1 &Olle,tlS. <TGMTil) ULE. $3555PRICE '67 CADI LLAC Fleetwood Brougham. Shlmmerine rea;al ailver . exterior with black padded top and black tap- a.atry and leather interior. All the power equipment lncludin1 steering, brakes, win· dows, vent windows. trunk lid ttleue. Stereo radio, tilt and telescopic steering wb~l (llUI ·cadllll.c's famous factory air condltionlni. (UKV239) • SALE ~4777 PRICE .:M • -~"iffCADILLAC . • 'I ~ ' .. • The ever Pojlu1'r El Dorado. P'ln&hed 1n Ermine ~hl~th' black and white howJd&. loolh Cl9lh a.a ~ .. -lnr.rlor. Equipped with -.......... power brtkff, "°""' windows. power seat, factory air condition-• tni, AM-FM radio, automatic crulae-control 11.nd other Cadillac.acce11orles. LOw mnes and strictly original. Show1 finest car. (No. 23441 SALE $6222 PllCI " • I . ' '67 CADILLAC • Thia lovely Coupe DeVUJ• his aJ.f power uab:ta lnclud!Oi power ·-bnk ... ~ aeat and Cadillac'• famowi factory" air con· • ditioning, &ttte0 ~-FM, tilt-wbertJ. twW&ht ·ent.. }>tell)1um Double F.&&le t:inL Bouutu,J. local ·1 owner automobile. (V AT.110) ' .. '68 CADILLAC De Ville Convertible fl.nlshed In beautttul Ivan- hoe creen wth black top and blade leather lnt.rlO<. Fully _power equlppod lncl"'1!ni .... tory ,.air conaJ~ning, stereo AM-1'.M radio, automa:tJc. Crulle--control, Ult·telesooplc ltffr· Ing wheel and even power vent wlnj!OWI. This Cadillac is 1n 1upertluo~ cont!ition .• (XSP-694} SALi $5222 PRICI ·:· --'6reADtttAC • .--· ... ' .. Convertible coupe. Fin1ahed tn medium blue "~xterlor wtth ·&lack top· and full leather interior. All power assists plus many o~r ·cadiUac factory optlom. You must see and drive thil one. (0HY76.2) SALi $555 PIUCI . '61 CONTINENTAL Powder blue with black 11.nd white Ie•ttte n- terior. Factory air Cbndjtloned a fully equipped with PQWtt w Ind ow a. steerin1, brak@S, seal _Fine tranaportatlon. See and drive to appreciate. SALl.$888 PRICE '65 "FLEETWOOD Broua:ham. The epitome ot fine automobile tintabed in Grecian white. wlth blaclc P*diled root a n d beautiful embroldered Devereux cloth and leather interior. Factory iir concli· ' tion, fuU power and all the extru to compl~ ment this car of cars. (HPD501) SALE PRICED . -., . ' . w. •IM havii •n •Xc•ll•nt ••lectlon of.0th., PtpUl•r m~•••. ! • '·· '68 TORINb ._ '61 CAMAR6. '65 OLDS VISTA CRUl~ER; < '61 FIREBIRD -'64 OLDS SED./-N '6l PONTIAC COUPE-'60 T.BIRD . . 167' CADILLAC \ --·~-:~ -------SALES DEPARTMENT SALE PRICE~ EfFECTM THROUGH SUN DA \I, JANUARY 5,' 1969 - 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDA y thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and :suNDAY . '{ ' -' ' ' ' ( PllCI YOUR FACTORY AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER SERVING THE ORANGE COAST •HARBOll AREA . ! Impo rted Autos ; ' MGB : '66 MG&GT BLUE w/wlre : whttls, xlnt cond. $2500. : j4>-'681 PORSCHE ·1+------:-; f I 968 PORSCH E. ; ' ;\ 91 IT t. aumoof, red w /black : 5 speed trans. m a I : Is, -UJ·FM radio. $5,995 : 114-2m br (1) 892-5551 • 1968 PORSCH E 911 F NABERS 2600 . Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa . ' . , • • .. ' . 5~9100 . ·~ : ' I_ • ' i • • 1 ' • " • " 'i!I OLlll, ·412. a.a ml, "'1"· .P~ P/8, llllchelln . -• -.. 613-23116 all j.. PM. • ~,.. as . , PLYMOUTH ! • I , .. l < 1 ;.1 • ' • t--+- I .1 j ., I. l ' ' I • •• l • ' • • • • • • I ' ~ " 1 · I I ! ' • T < • • • L ,, • • • • " • • • c A • • • • ' ' ~ 3 ~ ., 1. h • • • •• • • : • • • • • • • 0 ~ Co "' w " . " G • w Cl Lo " " .. <• A .. To .. D .. " • 0 A A N .. " c • " ' " •· " .. " " x .. " • • ll ·j ' n • • " I 3 f · t: < • I . ! r 11 ~ I l ' .. ; • i ' ' ' • i ' • , . \ ' ' ·~ I -' ' • \ . • ,, • .!'°"' . ': N • if. • ·• • . •• ' .. ·1 • ' . I I I I 1 ·s1"'6"'88Hl'ITl'_.AT. •lts<Mtd5 .. 9~·Mr;:,:::"'· S5™'91l, Total 1 . ·Down ( Month . P'ull P'rlt9 + T•• t. Lie. , I '66 IMPALA CPE • Toto I Month '64 PONTIAC CA 1'.ALINA -_______ .... • • '65 LINCO.LN. . . . . COtf1 CONV, "'<!•I-. 1lr cond. CSOG fU). 51788 . ', 563 =·· . 563 ~::h Full ,.,.lm+Tt~l.L"i· · \.' • ·I OLDSMOBILE ' I 00011 OE.LUX!. It .... .vl9 .. "'"'" ....,.,.,, rHll. htnlr, WM Ul'S MS. , $1s·aa s55· ,TO..I s55 Talol · . Down . Month 'wll l'J1a + 1'~ 1.'U::. ·o; . ;I' " -. c .. .. • . BUND NEW '68 MERCtlRY CblonY "J:'k ~II, WOii. ,'.tt1tr., ii~ cond., 11 P&U., •!M., r1dlo, l'lt11tr. tow 1111111. w !I.I. .. . $3588 . FU!t ' . . •. , PRICI • ' (· .1 '65 CHEVROLET ' IMl'ALA Sl'OllT S!OAN, l'-tll ... rldle, l'·ltlff., bt<ll'tr. NOi' 111: s1088. t'lS T·•·' ,38 T ... , 1'f, Down Month l"ull l'rt. ,+-Tu:.., Llf. '66 PLYMOUTH ,.,,., 4 door. Atto. ,...,_.,,., v~ RMt lllN ns. $1488 s5· 2· .T .. al $52 Total Down Month ' , ,, ' ' . ., '68 PONTIAC ' . . L• ,MWlt -· V4. •u!o., -Jltwll'll, ,..._ ~"""' 1orw mll•. ~ Jult l•t -· VAY-720. • s2588· Fun . ,,,c. ' ... ' .. \ . ,,. . ' r • ' . , '65 PLY Barrac'da Radio, heater, many other ex- tras. I IQN-6481 . ·• f 't! . ..,. $29 Down & $29 Monthly '66. PLYM Sp Fury Rad io,: heater, power steering, automatic, power brakes. ISVU-6501 $49 Down & $49 Monthly T6tel Price + T& L :~72 ~~.~~,.~~~. '" ... $13·-iz· metic,1 ~po?J.,et ·'lteering, radio ~~ .,_ -~ ood ~•ll~(oi~ULY-l 8bl : " ~1. tl6 Down & c..u-Monthly T ·1~---· -----~ ot•rrn;e+T&L :~ h~~.~p~J;~~~, .. ~~.~ 2·l ·7· ·1 htr., P/S, fct. •ir. IVRC-7501 .. . $80 Down & ---· . $80 Monthly _ : ' Total·,rke + -T&L . ~ .-....-. cg I + ·--• -. .. PL YMOUT:H · CHRJSt.l:D .: , ·'IMl!ElflA~~ .. · ·'65 MUSTANG H·T Coup• • .PCiwa) 1teering, , i1ufo· .. matic, radio, heater. A real ·bu'f. IPCR-3151 --"31· Down & $33 Mortthty · '67 •~Y Fury . $1 ·]· ·7· 1; , ~, Factory eir cond., power 1tHr.1 ' 1-• euto., R&H, Out1t1ndlnt vtlue. . • · -f~US-844J .. , · .. -· • • · .. • • . -~·. . ' •. $46 Down & $46 Monthly " .. T ... I ""' + ..... LT ... . I ---... =---. It -......... ' i I I r.: I . .. • l ' :i I . [ I ' I i ,, I t 1 .I . ' i • 't r. I . ' • • • 'I ~I d • L " • • • • H • • • -Cl "' • ~ • ~ ~ h . , • • ' ' • . • • • • . ' . • • • I ., • .. - a " ~ " fl• • n ~ G p w M " .. " • .. T. .. • M " .. " ., • •• .. " ~\ ~ M . ., ~ ::1 w :1 .. " ' ' 1.1 • . ' ~ • i • ~-"""""'?o'.l?f!t ' ~1111.0f#Y~~ ..-~t- .; ... \ -' ~ i. -- ' . .. .. • .. . . • ·-• J kJ.UllST. '.ANG ' -.... ~. J •'"4 tr•fl1milllM..hct.ry w""f .. +,. -11.000·..n., IWTflJI) ·. ,:.; s2577 ·NO~ s2m: '65 PONnAC GTO ., • t •. • • -•61 '7"......u.c tl·MANS -~!.'!'.,.~ ~ I. ... ._,.,_..,..., ,.,.,., lherillf, ra4ie, ,, .... ... ws '''""l 'Iii'' ....... ·s2 . . -. FUU. NICI '65 MUST~NG .,. ' ' ';'. . .. ; -, I ·,' . I . . . ' . . ,,. • '. l - • 67 F,ll~RD: 4ii0 ''· ...... , ' ...... ~llf· ,..... llHt.r, '" rlfl• firM. lfltt•• f . -53071 ilow 5281/. . '66 PONTIAC GTO • :r.tt ... ,.. Vt. ""' thlft, r1cli•, h1.ter .. wnr. llDW· ~ .. ~~· ..... ,tic. recn ........ wtW, .. 2,714 ' mll••· Trf.p-•r $ ..... .,ct ... pwr ........ •l•S;'!~· cP.H:~711 -s1277 NOW UJ77 -s1477 NOW $1177 -' 2677 ~W 2377 '67 MERCURY COUGAR '68 PONTIAC GTO '66 IONNEYIW . VI. 4 ,,. ... lrtn., ,1~10, 'tt'··, t,ooo mlloo. IV''IJOI va' ~ ~ ~ '"'"'H, WSW I 1 1_.171 4 .or. H.T. Hyilr11111tkt ,_..,., ~hMJiM.w.. -lZJi7" :W $2477 . ·:"sjjjff NOW• $]3T/ •to:WSs2;11~::~1S sz477 '66 OLDS CUTLASS • '68 CATALINA WAGON . '68 VOLKSWAGEN . 2 Ot. H.T. VI, hydr1m1tic., ~•r ·•t.trf"f, r14i1, h .. t. Hy4r11111ffc., '"''" .-.. .. l&H, WS'N. f1•. air. IYRHJ441 Wio 11M1 h•itef, 4 ,,..;: trin111t~ l·T41tt: ~··:w·$fj,'TJ"~~w $2277 . ~ $3977 Now $lGf7 _: $1977 _. i1m·· '68 PONnAC LE MANS --'65 . GRAND PRIX '64 PL YM0"'1'H SI~~~ 2 °';...· .H.Ts. ;~;:rj'i•N•OMW ·"s"'2· ~. Hydr1m.+tC. poww tfMri ... ,. ............. reJt .. "'"'· • cyl. ,.,•••flit•, =-:.fffr., UH, ·wsw. CSD&1ts1 ~-I I ;/ / / wsw, f•ctory •ir. IN0?97t) . -'~ $14/-/ ~~w ' $1Ni2) .. 7. '68 PON'"' .. C LE MANS · -52477 NOW "$217l '65 I ';;•• " '·. · ....... PLYMOUTH ........ '"'UDA ,,.. '64 PONTIAC GTO 4 tlr, H.T.'VI. .,.,.....;.. ,.....: • ........,, ,:ns., hHhr, .. VV " #'Ill\""',;-. , I <f Or. H.T. V...,,.,,_ _,,.,,;,,ft ,.._... btaH., r.wdia, lt.1+. ,,,.... • ., Ir (NOl7661 VI, te~..ntte. po.ff m.rtltfo rMI.., h.tw, WSW, 1r, WSW, faetfft 1lr. IVVU790l . 2 dr, H.J. VI. ltydr1m1tTo,, ,_.,. ltMrfnf, rffie, '"•fef, • ,_ 1177 .. ll~ $&77 -. 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