HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa.. .. .,,..; • • • .~ •• t • : • ... ii: ''. J' ) ... . -. • . . . . . " , . ' . ! . ···f. • . • ·' '.' •• '- -· ' • a . ·-· .. , . _.., ... ' :;A; •• .... • ,. ..... ;- ___ ·r t~ :..;,,, •...: • "l)o{" ·~1 ){ • ~ . ' . ... ' - _. .. _ .-.-.. ,,_ ·~ . r .: ~ -· .. ' , : -. -. .. ' -·. ; .. ·-. ' . , 'J: .. ~1.l q~~:::~ :~~-:~ ... ·'-~.·.· . . " " ...... • • • ~ ;_/;; ... -.... '= )(-~ .. 't( . ·-' ·-· . . . . r .... • -~· . -- ... . ---~­-· ·-;. .. _,.,...._..,...... .. -....... -· ... 4 ••• ·-... .. . -·..... . . 1 . , . . .. ·'"' . ' ~-- ·• 1t 41.,., ' ./ ' • . . l l. ' ;: . ~ -................ .,.. .............................................................. , " .. • , . ' -. ., ' .. • ~i~k .. -.P , ..... : -l(ennedy Oust~ ::L~ng··_ . i : • I •·l • • • ,. I , ' ) ~l .,;~i~ v~~fei~~~Se~ De:ut:,,'W.hip'P·t · . . . . '. ~Jt'111~..fi ~11'1: legillate dlZUiC ~ tint two years of the Nixon -with Sen. E:dward . "', K.,.iey victorl00$ In .hl• bid 'to, l!lPl>liutf Sen. Russell B: Long u .Sehate ;~ whip. . :~1 lut of the Kennedy brothers defeated 1-by a vote ·m 31 to 26 to pin a nmk 'on the Senate!a leadership laddef.1wlth the strong backing of the DehiOcrat!c liberal bloc. In another rebuff to the old guArd, 5ef!&le Republicans elected Sen. Hugh . Scott, a moderate Pennsylvanian, a.. ~etr party• whip over · Sen. ·Roman HtUska, a more conservative N'braskln. Seal Beach Teen ' 'l,'be ·..W lo ScoU'• "fkv.iif ':q ',13. to. 20. "" . . ·n.e ltoqnody anil Scott vlct\*jet ~ re. than' an hollr before · ilie· J!Wle and Senate con~ened at noon 1BT1w:tth bblh cHamberl under Demd<ralld i!lntroI. . Both 1Slinl!f wblp ell<>!~· iiirlled ;: l>realrthtoligll) for tho . msera! fiit\o ol the two pen1... llllwever; 'tli& J other major coogtesS!onal lcadersblp-postri'e-' malned In famlllar hands. 5eo. Gordon AjloU (R-O>lo,), ,de(ealtd Sen. 11o6eJt · Grllfln (ll-lil!ili.!~a~1o 18 in' their contest for the nwnbe» Une GOP alb!, chairmao o(' the llep\ibllcan Policy Committee. • · \. Vice Presidcot .. lecl Spiro T. Agnew aa1 In on ,Ibo GOP .,Ion. He, u1d ~.;,ms·~. ·~.;-::.:•111e ~ weJI." Scott ..... aiwwan!i, be. booed '!iii electf'on r"lhnn. we' can broaclen ttie base of the oartv, llrcogthco and enlarge Jlsappeal.'i"-.-·.' i • • .. ;' i However,-be l&ld.i was •'not·a vldtlr-f. ol Ideological character." !Werring to Kebi:iedy•s ~. be'llid,•''Botlt pUties have ,.r..tvad; ..-an11 ·- thelr apect,!f , '\ ·' I Kennedy'a \'Jckry WU" cmaln1 to be lnlerprm•f 'u ' iii llnporilnt step In· a possllll• !I'll' ~l bid •by the · 1(i!le•Oi>NGUZI, Pap I)• 2, -S~-r County .. A ·thlet:es,~: .. t~ ".• .•.. ) ..•.••. , .. '(, Viilfiry Youth IJie: in Fi"re~ . . . F11 .. !'1!8le<1~$ii. ··~o·~·~<~·~lt' . nejll' J)lgiBea:r 'l'fWrli:lpy)~1,twol1tar ' Otange County hlib llChool 41thldel aDd a Fountain Valley lllgb SCboOl junlt&- from Htmtington Btacb. The tragedy took oo addlUonal ·trap: overtones with the arrest Qf tbe twp lone sun:lv!>fS of the blaze, one from Westminster, on 1uspicion .of burglary, Interfering with rue.men, and being drunk. Victims of the predawn blue are: ~g Beckmeyer, la~ soa of Mr. and Mrs. Homtr Giles, of 16592 Don Drive, HunUngtoo lleacl1, a junior ,, Foun\ain V,alley Hlgb School. -,!Mrl ~!de~, 14, of 739 N. Phl!l<felflhll ·Ave., . Mi~ ........ . Hoc .. , ... ~ 11117 ~ eoliiriii&· ~ cilln1plonahlp', ~; -!or ~ '( , • ' .. ' ' ' l . I l i l I I ' ' . • I l s I Flfdll', J...., J, l'M -• Calls-Draft, War.. : I. ' li .. TM •s <•1· ,_. I Lel>looa'I def,.. min-aid fGd'1 ... lll'dnmoal J>l¥I ;a lllllltary drall Ind .... ~ l!'h' 11111 ....... )'ill """"' • llllnl ---. • ·---0uwe1n1 · f;i~~~J: ~~ .. -e11;. fa~::= .. ~. It will ftgbt wfth every m.W al Ill dllposal, eveo .Ueki. 1 '"111< au.ck on Belrul bu streflllhened ear reaiataucc and atlffened OW' ' 1 • ' ~ Suzie'' Heart I • ~u~gery 'On'· For Jan.1·0 '!bot qn.agojn, oil-again beart' lll!i"1 for "Smle'' la on again. • Cblldrem Hospital surgeons Thursdlly delmnlnal!On to right on/' he said. Ouwelnl denied reporb In Beirut newspapen that the government had ~..t-to pe(11lll a yiltt by the SOViot ~iittr fleet. 0'Ibere'J:" been ablolWely ne request ellher ~ the U.S. Ith Fleet or by the SoriOI 'Deel to V\lll Lebanoo and :-.~~'.'°"' baa not been ~ 'I)!< l"porU 11111 the gnvemmenl ioid the Sov1et ll~lllat llualan shlpo,could vlllt·Beltut·lf'MOl!x>w a•i...t. T!ie S<IY!et • rfeet, believed to total about :Kl ships ln the Mediterranean, has never vi.sited Lebanoo. .. ·5f1t~i'~w~N . .;.,. die . -· ..... _....._}· .E.,!EJ$ i3;~Jt: ~!] '~~j rflll ! ri*~~:-:11tv :, . litlleft Ibo! ft'I! be l'b1e to mob !Jl'Ctal arranganents to get the blpod lhat will be need.eel for Suzie." > The Hoq KouJ nu epidemic 11 'nspooslble fe< the blood shortqe that ts limlUng many b>spital operaUng ~ throughout the nation to emergen- ~ llur(ery ooly. And Ou wu dlftct!J "responalble lot the -.! cancellation ... bf. BW-gdj f«' allinc-NiuJen Tbl-ftaM:. -· ·l'huong when a m<mber ol the iurgery 1.eam contracted the rampant virus. Suzie failed .. mm lhe fU'Bl scheduled "lrlp IO the operating room when llbe :,contracted a ~ fever ~ a persiltent ear ln!eotlou sborlly aftir llbe uT!ved . at lhe Orange facility from her Da Nang home last Nov. 27. '!be rllbt;Wlnt newspapm Al Nahat artillery duel Thunday nlibt, and the and Al Jarlda oaid Premier Abdulla lllg Four powers cootlnued lalklna ~t Yail expressed lhe view that U.S. Navy a Sovi.t proposal for joint peace actloo. lhips would be unwelcome becauaa o! O>lel Rabid Yltd!P. Nwtm, heod•of Washington 's· r.-deCWon IO ldl IO hrllel'• Sepilirdlc CC11111Dunlly, crlllcltod Phantom jet. IO FaeJ-Thi& woulcl be tbe Pope for bis message tO Lebaoon a revenal of Lebiaon'' traditioul i,-ap:...... -µ,, ~at tbe ro,, of Weslem policy. la Commerd.tl alrcrlfl ~ed 117 the llraeli anr-r at the" world's cooconi" '1-ll _.wido .;Jd on iielnit i1ij>ort for Lebanon Increased. Foreign Mlnlat<r Jo!' Saturday. • · · Abbe Eban assailed lhe U.N. SOcutjty · In tc broadcall over lhe stale radio, COOncil and lhe Sepl!anllc chief rabbi l!abbl Nlaalm aald the Pope had kepi criticized Pope PauJ VI. aileot aft~r· the Nov. 2% bomblng that Meanwhile. the once quiet Lebaneset-killed 13 IsraeliJ in •·Jerusalem market Israeli border erupted again in an a.act aft.er the Dec., 1.6 Arab attack on an El Al airliner In Alhenl In whlcb ..,. Israeli died. "'Here," be ~ ''are de&r l1gnl of lwo tendenc:les cm ~ ~ ol the paolJll: A d>rnprd!enslve,wir aplnlt lhe Jowllh Wlla .and agalnll Ille aamby whlcb "°" .... to Bil ~-• • . . ""Ille Pope waa'DOI llbocied .,.. tlle lbeclcung ol blood. • · .btjl ntblr onr · "IDllterial thlap.,, . ' - . ~ II was lhe aeconcl au.ct "' the Pope In as many daya. Ilr. 1Anh Warbaftla; minister of religious affairs, made a aimilar complainl • At a news conference in Tel Aviv, _, Eban dtnounced · "" Securtl1 Pouodl molul!On coodemnilll ui. i..11 raid and 11Uueat1ni 1-II mtJllod IO ---. "U llrael Wlft -.lped out ~f by tbe Arabi, !be lll<utlty ~ WoUJd do and aay notlllnc." Eball • dodlnld, nferrlq IQ .1111 Soviet velO wldc:b. llas btoel:Od evir;-attempt to -~the AraJM:, . ( Aalced il>out Ille reco~ far -peoaatlon, Eban said, "WI".!! ~ 9 gelled by the Becurlty Council 1iY wily ol redreu for the family of the JU• murdered in Athens?" Scare Hits ~~· .. . ' .. County · ·Airport- 0.-.-~ ·~-~; ... ~!fl~.9<-t ~~ii#.~' . -. ....-mmauc 'Sei?Ch'lor a IMiifl 1n· 1toppt:U at we'i00t6 enu Ul nanway. ~ an Air West DC9 plane ThU:rsday night T b e y used emergency chutes to 8 e. t ~ ~g an anonymous telephone threat out of the plane. The.re were. 57 ._ rtce1ved at the airline oWce at Los pasaen.gen on the flight which arrived , · T:.!~ "::at Or~e at 8:08 p.tn. from Las V'lJU. ;.- c.ounty or Loa AngeleS airports. Two ~blea from. the Nimn rally Pa.ssengen hurriedly left Air West's at A~un ~vention Center were ~ Frqm Pqe J CABIN FIRE. delayed m leavmg the airport because of the one hour tleup. Lt. Gov. Robert Finch was scheduled: to fly to Sacramento 1n a private plane t. and TV pa-aonallty Ari Llnkelette<,( • • master of ceremonies at the NWwi affair, • we.re held at the terminal building. . ! burned beyond recognition _ were found First word of the bohTb threat. was jJalbgpjl;,ir~ ~ '"'' received at the Orange County Airport • •• r'blh\t-two -~ ,'\1pei!: ...,,,, .. "·filiil"l!iJti!·the ihJlelt'• liicurity -~an Bernardino Coun~inv~atan about 20 minutes ~ore the Air West DAILY PILOT Ul'fl !>~~·~ ·d th ab' · ed b Earl L. plane was due to arrive. aai e c Ill lS own Y . lnglewood detectives seMched three lleuuey, of IWi !!). Burtoo st.,~ Air Well p1ane1 at. lhe .Loa Angeles wbo :S a~ainted with the. vi~·-~'_ ai.Qlort .without result. ~e~~ = ~:~v~ 11t;;ied ·--'tlie· oomb thii&f-was re~· by- 1 · · · a reservation agent for the lltline at n the kitchen area of . strueture and LA International The Orange County Sf!10ke accum~l8ted enough tu ~waken fllght took ff f Phoenix with 19 Pina, who was quoted as saying he 0 or f hour tried to help the others but u wu passengers after a delay o ·an . too late . lloopltal officials deocrlbed 'tbe atUtude ol Smle'1 molber, to· Tl1I Lau, .. ••eantloi;Wy optimlgtic" following the an- ....-t ol Ille new dllle for her IT WAS A CROWDED SCENE AT ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER FOR NOSTALGIC NIXON NIGl·iT Ahout 10,000 Friends •nd Supporttir.a T~rn-Out for Show t:tonorln; Orange County's N11tlvt Son One lheory is that sparks from a fireplac~ may have ignJl.ed a can 1of lighter fluid set dangfl'O\l.Sb' near ~ks of newspapers and magazines while the Market Employe Fires at Bandit From Pqe 1 child'( desperlllely needed 111rgery. The attractive VietnamHI! woman, the wife of an officer tn the South ~b•""' !:;eya:'~:-1"~.= .NIXON HAILED IN ANAHEIM time. • . • • • MissiOJJ¥.Y GJ:oop From Fullerton Di~ in -frash ' A CWwllan pilot Ind ft,. memben ol 111 air m~~--~ 1n Fullerton were '-uuno..J, when their Pla!liO • erubeci 1n ·a deop ,..... near lhe border ol New Gu1oea •and tbe lndonealan tmllory ol Wst ~ The MJakrwy Avlatlcn FdloWsb!p' headquartera In Fullerton today ldllllllled the vlcllms aa Meno Voth, the pllol. of Brllllh Columbia, Canada; Gene Newma~ 3$; hiJ Wife, Loll, and three of the.tr foUr ·chlldrtn, stepben, 5; Joyce, 3, and Jonathan, 1, all of Amity, Ore. The family's Io.year.old son, Paul, survived the crash of the Cetlna 105 and was ctred for by trtbesmin tmtil a rescue party reached the area in a helicopter. The Fullerton missionary headquarters oaid the Plane waa flying inside the preclpitowl gorge before the crash. Newman wu a field bookkeeper for the fellowship, a nondenominational service agency which supplies ait µuaport for i:nmlonariu. DAILY PILOT Ne•p .. .._. H ............ ( ---... _ ... ..., c..-C.WFqlNIA OUHGI Co.i.sT f'UILl~INO COMPANY Robert N. Woo• ,.rulDerll .,.. ~llllhtr Jock l. cvr1., Vlclt ,.,..klllnt 111111 0.. .. ,,,_._ Tho1r101 KooylJ ·-Tho11111 A. M1rJhln1 """'"',. Hlliw P••' t-lln11 "t"1~.,. ·-, .. "-: Q W.I..,"""' ~ Miid!: r!'ll •• , ....... 11111~ l•tiUN •t1t111 m ,,._, •-Huntt~ 9"ICJ'l1 '°' 11111"911 • , . Mrs. N'llon wil.b an honorary mem· bershlp 1n t11e +II.Club, ao bonoi alrudy ' . held by the new President. He cocked his finger at the new First · Lady aod beckaoed her to walk towards him to rece.ive lbe gilt. He brought an even bigger roar from the convenUon center crowd a minute later when her did ei:actly tbe same thing to lhe grinning Nixon. lll'I T1 ....... te WINS FOURTH TERM House Spe11k•r McCormack From Page 1 CONGRESS ... Maeachusetts senator. Long, 50, wu cast by observers as symbolic old·llne Southern Senate power althwgh his record has been more moderate than that of many other Soutbemen, particularly on economic lllua!. Kennedy 1pumed a chance to compele ror the 1958 Democratic presidential nomination ari.r bis brother. s.n. Robert F. ~. wu assassinated last Jun.e Long bad bden whip slnc9 196.l and ·k.ennedy'1 surprise annauncement last weet that be would try to unseat the Loulaianan caught most S e n a t e Democrats by surpri.!e. , .AU 57 .J>emocratic senator.!! turned up tor the caqcus. Sen. John Sparkman ([).AIL), announced the Kennedy victory ~ «I mtnutes aft.er the cauCU! begM. Lc>og said the J:tennedy family political organtuUon ''turned a Jot of votes to hi!: ~van\age." "1 think I hid Senator KeMedy out1un- ned ln the U.S. Senate, but across the country he waa more popuJar than 1 was," Loni lokl newsmen. He said the political organiiation put loeetJier by the late Pmrident .lohn F. J<ennedy and the late Sen. Robert F, Kennedy h11d strong lnnuence with tiw.lnea and labor throughout the nation. And the President~lecl kept the act going b,1 then chasing afler Sutherlin ..,,,,. .ll!e. st.!ile JVJl/IJ!le gilt wrapping that the youi>1 farmer.had dropped. ' . GREAT PROP MAN "My. what a greit prop man ,UU.. new President would have made," quip- ped the laughing Lliikletter. "And did you see the way that kid bJl)Ught bl.m running tl> the microphone? U he can do that to a President what . a businessinan he's going. to turn out to be." Among an array or gifts presented to Nixon was lbe bench on which he spent !IO much of his tlme while his Whittler College teammatea won lame on the gridiron. But compensation came In the same moment when 25 of his former team and classmates flied on stage to present to Nixon the football letter that was, said Dr. Paul Smith, college pesident, "35 years overdue." · OTHER FLASHBACKS Further f\ashbackll to the early years of Orange County'.!! nauve son came from : -California's Lt. Gov. Robert Finch, who will be secretary of health, education and wellare in Ni.J:on's cabinet. "I've known him for 22 years," recalled FlnclJ, "22 years in which he's known the agony of defeat and the ecstasy of victory. It ha.!I been my privilege to know this great man." -Mrs. Ella Furnas, 92, of Lodi. ··t "as there when he was born and I reckon t was the first one to hold hlrn. Bu~ I never really did get a good look ut hirr. then. '1 -Mrs. Cecil "Ma" Pickering of Fo~ taln Valley. "Sure, I spanked him good and hard when he was abO\lt 8. He asked for it because he would keep teasing my lltlle girls." -Mrs. Evelyn Dom of Whittier, ~elary to the young Niion when be opened his first law pracUce.. "1 well remember that he always said 'never make a statement that you <:a!l't live up to'." And in a grand climax to the two-hour show a birthday cake bearing 56 candle.. was wheeled on stage while tlle audience sang "Happy Birthday to you" to the happy Presiden~lect. Nixon blew them all out in one bttath. "Keep on snuffing things out as fast as that while you're In the White House and you'll never have any problons,'' quipped LinkJeUer. Freed GI Prisoner Too Ill for Travel WASHINGTON (UPI) -Anny Pie. Donald G. Sm It b ol Akron. Pa., one or three U.S. iwt-n released by the Viet Cong on New Yt.ar's Day, todly' was reported too Ill for immediate ~ tum to the United Statel. . The Pentagon II.Id Smith ii under treatment for a fever •l the 14th MMllcal Evacuation Hospital In Long Blnb In Vietnam. Gunmen· Ru.hi Home Of ''.&-t Dealer, Wife l!ELMOlj'I' !lJl'Jl ;;; A San Mateo art dealer and his wife'~ robbed of more than $10,000 wotth of 'valuables Thursday by two gunmen who tied up the couple and ra'nsacked their home tor three hours. Buford Seals and his wife Jean told police th.e robben,broke into lheir house in the. remote Belmont Hills through a back door. 'the husband said he was struck in the face with a pistol when he initially refused to tell where the valuables were located. a 2 five youths .!llept. • Beckmeyer·a .s t e pf at h er, Homer Giles, sald Craig had planoed 10 opeod Wednesday night a1 W~'s bolde. "He badn't mentioned any plans to go lo Big Bear," Glleii addO<I. · The coroner's office in s&n Bernardino said apparently three of the boys arrived in Big Bear Wednesdiey nlgbt, and asMd the oUiw; l~o .)l they 'COlild stay oyer nhi:ht ·1nthe.cabln. . Becimeyer's family was notified of the tragedy about noon Thursday. In addi~on to his step.falheP and his mother, Mn. Wilm3. B. Giles, Beckmeyer is survJved by three bothter!!, Ron of Las Vegas, Duane of Buena Park, nn:J David, 13, of the home, and a sister, Mrs. Linda Hare of Stockton. '11le body will be brought to Peek Fam- lly Co1onlal Funeral Home in Westmin· ste.r for funeral .arrangements. All three ~ies are c~y at Sh~w Mortu'ary tn San Bernardlno. • a In Westminster A Wes-neighbor-· marl:et .employe Wednesday nlgbt grabbed hit own.aUlomaU. p!lto~ followed m ~'l! bandit out of the store and blued " .. .,... with three lhoti at the fleeing robbU. The empl.,., 'Bob Wright, appirtntly missed with all three &hots. The blndlt escaped' from the stare with an estimated !200. polit1! reported today. Officer1 sakl the unidentified suspect entered the store on the comer of \Vestmlnster Avenue and MllaD Street about !:15 p.m. Wdgbt told police tbe )landit br,an- dished a pistol and demanded ~ When the robber .fled, WrfPt followed h1JQ Into lhe street with bi.I own IUD A°'f fired three tllne1. . . I JANUARY SALE · ~~-, llRITAGf GRAND TOUR '>...... R19. $265. SALE $219. FEATURING: . HENREDON-Folio Thre.-Fontaint Uphol1tory IS'/• Off , HlllTAGl-Grand Tour--Uphol1tery 20•/e OFF i DllXEL-French Country Mann1r--Colla9.-0imod1 ...... R19. $299. SALE $~39. ACCESSORIES -LAMPS -PICTURES EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOlb . HENREDOH -DRIXEL -HERITAGE 90 DAYS .NO INTEREST-LONGlll TIRMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT • -~--' ·.· ,,.,.. NEWPORT UACH 1727 Wutcllff Dr, 612·2050 OfDI NIDAY 'l1L t r \ IN1BIORS Pre'-lonol 1-hor _....,. Avallolll-.AID-NSID , 1.AOUNA BIACH MSNmltC:-Hwy. ONM lllDAT "T1L t • I. I. • I I I, I: ----~-------• ----# -. ___ .,......,._ -,.;...---, ...... ; -o:r;X • x-;,• • • I .. .. ' ·-.'"··'' , ""· ·'¥~~:~,:ny.;.~~NI~ .... , , : .. ,.;JiNC!N'fS ~,,_,._,,,....~.~~~~~~.,....~--,:.-..-.,-.,.......,.~i-.;.,,,....;..,_;.,;...;,....._~·:.,......-T'---.,.....,......:.·.....i~...t'"""".._"""' • .,.....,.....,....~.,.....,....~.-.~ .... ~~~.,....~~~_;__;;~.;..,_.._.,....~~.,.....,.....,.....,..,.,.......,,.:..,,_.,...._, -' By TOM BAllLEY OI 111t Dmlb' Plltt llatf Fqurte<n .l!IPJ>y ghosts from Richard =:·• formative years came back lo him Tbunday nigh! lii a bomecom· inc;.~oir tll!al llllrned .ofit. ~ be •.µ~pJ.kpd wD!IJy · ~ed "Thia ls Y.out IJle." -~ . Dran from the Orange County and • ., clamoom !"I" of . th e ~11!e\;1. ·~Y Waded ~ lhe deJi6jed Nlzom an<h capldty aiiillence Youth Held I In Slaying . Of Countian An unusual newa blackout tcxlay sur· rounded the arr..t of a Seal Beach teenager on suspicion of murder Tbura- day, aftu another man WI! gmmed down oullidO a Fullerton medical ceoter • . Vincent R. Otfemln, %1, ol ~ w . La Palma Ave., Anaheim, was dead on arrival at St. Jude Hoeplt.al, with ~ ~.<;ll)lber m,ol!er alug)n )Ii< rlg!l\_. Disarmed by physicians from the center at 1321 N. Harbor Blvd., and calm and cooperative, William L. Fll>gltald. 17, of 1006 Ocean Ave., Seal Beae~ WU booked on suspicion of IQtqder. Little more .was revealed about the myst.eliouscase. lle\«tlve c,pt. wµIiam Seymour said. he cannot &1ve tbe motive f6r the shooting, n<U". can a woinan 1q1d, small· boy iitai>dlng with ottenuin ·at the Ume be ldenUfied. · ' lnV~ll<il'.I uid otlo!Dan WU atan• ding b0blnd·11·car Uled bJllthe-.... Iii ifllii ......... .,.the .. ~~·---:-pt -~--..Y--..c ~ , PhJilalcfans --"'l "Y"·abl" O;!llM fir ~<wounded ~ . ~a; .2t -nvolVl'f awa7 Looking back at the palntlnf cl the from a small town." old Yorba Linda home pres;ented to him Young Sutherlin• a bowrof.dellaht · by Howard Suthfrllfl.. ·leader of that from the audience and from Nixog_ wbql community'• L<>s VecinOo f.H Club, Nixon he stepped to the microphone to present deCtared HJ ain proud • to have come~ Mrs. Ni.J:911 wfth an bonoraq mftit,. ~ ::11~~ ~hlon theae diyl ~~~u:.".!i::r~IXM'~ ·to ~ In condeacendlnl tenna cl rural He cocked his finger at tho .-'llnll • 4nd aiUJJ town America," the· Pres!•t.-Lady and beckoned her to walk' .... ., elecl llQfed. "Buj I tell you ton1a1¢ blm to rec<fte the glfL thal I aeek no olber lckntiflcatlon ll>a1I He b~hl in even b roti frOlll to be ~ u the Prosldent wbo diillo' ' (See NIXO!l, Page i) Star A.thktes Three County Youths D.ie· In Cabin Fire ·~· --- Fire roared through a wooden cabin near Big Bear Thursday kUllng two star Orange County high school athlete. and a Fountain Valley High Si:hool junior irom Huntington Beach. The trigedy took on addiUonal tragic overtones wllb the arrest or the two lone survivors of the blaze, one from Westminster. on suspicion of boJ'&1ary, Interfering with firemen, ~ being drunk. Victims·of the predawn blaze are: . :--0a1c Beckmeytt, 1&; .""1 ·of ll!r •. Key Cong· res' s·· ll,ll\l;Mrs.'Ho\Dt(plles, of.l!Q2bon . ~·" Huntl!lllM Beach• a JUDlor at .· . . · · •' ~ '· : ll~V~JllinSchooL ·,' · ; ,~~·'· 'fi~·, l)qdl' ··· !).J.~•"-J..;.t, ·, ~ ·~· . I!, of ... N. , p, , ·~11-'1 J P~'·· . , .rt'. , • ~ , · • W' , · 1 , , • ,,.' • • r ~1 il.,.'1 ~Q8b§UD, Llf.ar. • ' • 1w • ' ~ ~m ·•·--:.~ ,....,.S...t~ t ' .'···. •~;r ,J'il•'•'•' ,. ' .. ,. .. ~~ 'f)i(; ' ,.,, ... ~--. . -·~~· -~ · e · ~iii !l o1 - ' • •1~ •• • .., • ~ :~DOUa4 ~ ii Gf s.1s s.' Lemon ,, ,~ ..... , , WABlllNGTON {UPI). -nO 8111 SL, Anaheim, 1lip . buOball pltchit In . 111tzgiri!il too tutned ii °''' to PJU!1e. fl-' . Tbe ,., .. 'Patrolman on the B«De placed ~ under. ure!I and Capt &eymoor aald lhe teenager oetther tried l!I> flee -mi.sled being taken Into eustiidy. DELIGHTED NIXoHS Glj:'EET 'OlilE ~p 14•HAPP)' GHOSTS FROM PRESJDjiNT'.E'L;c'T':S~RtvYfARS '1 ·S.,k No Other 1-lflcatian Than To Bo ,l(~n ••IM P~1lclonf WhoClimoflrom •Smell Town' Congr... formally convened IOdly to the BllllSOI Lilq.ie during t1io 1118· ...... leaialate · during the 'lrrit two yeirs o! and a. Fulldtqn Jwilar Collge studenl the Nixon admlnlatratlon wUh, $en. at the Ume of his death. · E<lwilid M.. Kenndey : vic:tor!"lif Jn his 11>e two !!thei: youtlis ..,. ~ and t bid to mpPlant Seri. RuSlell II. I.Ong Inl<>xicated according to lherlfl'1 depuliea as Senate Democr11;tlc. whtp. · ..:..Were arreSted at the scene. 5u.l Beach police juvenile authoritie,, ileclin~ &oclay to give any informatioh ~ Fitzgerald unw they could better dlec1lss the case with Fullerton Jn. tesligators. 2 Teen Joy Riders Taken Co.1111ty. Allport . , · • Scene . of Bomb The last of the KeMedy brothers They are ·Kevin M. Woodson, 17, of defeated Long by a vote -of< 31 to llS 13853 La Pat Place Westminster and to gain a rung on the Senate's l!adership ~ruce P. Pi.aa, 18, oi. 1670 W. Btoadw11. ladder with the stro;ng . backing ·of the Anaheim. · ' : NEW ·voRK (AP) -An •i!Iy rally "u blunlod and !he stock market closed mlzed to<1ar u. fairlJ' ac!We · tndlng. .(See qualailons, Pagea ~10) ... Prfcea aoftened llfter Sel;retary of state Deao. Rusk issued a warning about the Aral>lsraell violence In the Middle East. • After Five·city Chas.e ' . .. Two t.e.asers. were arresh!d In Seal Beach -eirly Thursday moming on charges that they were Joyrldinf In a lpOl'tS Clr and eludtd police ln 'five cities and i'wo countlu at. speeds of Ma111ie ID .Conrt Star Sheds Latest Mate in The new Orange County courthouse had lts most glamorous c:ustomer to date"today when movie star Mimie Van Dortn of Newport Beach a~ for ber ·divorce. Mlu Van Doren. ;trbo Uva-at the Balboa Bay Club, ·ah~ former An&el orp!lzation ba!ef>all pitcher Lee !(.,..... llOWJetl<ed from the diamond and living *ith·hls partnta, Mr. and Mrs; Paul ldeytn, 19941 Plcadilly Lane, Hunun,ton --Ung blonde-tressed Miss Van Doren, npmented by attorney Joe .M. Agapay Jr. cl Los An&eles l<>ld 8'lperlor Judi• Jl'illWt! C. Speirs that l\leyera stayed nv from their home for a week at a 'tline 1ritb no e~lanaUon. sie &aid lda:. absencel made her very nenOus and !be found ·it necessary to be under a doctor'• , care. Appeerlng et Ille default hearlng In ber behal! !...~l.~, busJrtess man.aaer Kenn.etb K. '"'17 cl Dll Anielea. . Miyers and Mias Van Doren were lllU'lled Mar1;!r C,. 1111. at. Bolae, Idaho .... oeparalod last September. 'Ilia plalJltlff, -bu a liklnf· for ...... yers -ohe WU once --"*' • ed ·a lmowled;e of the game In County ~,.......,. pitcher BO-lleliiiil1'= - witb reporfors. ;--.:..,;:~.:.;~~~~;-• Siie lllld Meyers, who hun'I ~ ·:-· ball for a year, had trouble ,wtth IVs CUJYf, He was last wJth the Pboenb: <liaata. "1u Van Doren was 'Pftviously mar· rled to on:hestra leader Ray Anthony. Slit· hae a !).year-old ""' bjl that mar- riage; : SllUu jllll flntslled a IQ.week eng- menf:ln New 'York ~ clubl and leavet..llll' day for »· more -"' In DemOCPatic liberal bloc: Bodies of the three dead yOuths - In another ~ebuff to · tll.e Old guard, burned beyond reCognition -were found Sehate Re~blicans. elec~. 5':!1·, .Hus~. near ,a bathroom windOW from whlcb SCott, a · 1'n9derate Pennsylv~an, :as the othB•two1apparenµy,epcaped. their party whip ·over Sen,· Roman San Bernvdino County ~ · ·Orange. County Airport was the scene JVuska, a~ more ~a~lve ~ebr~kan. said the cabin Is owned by F.arl L. of ,a .drama~c search for a bOmb In The vofe In 1 lavor was a3 to Denney, of 1"'5.~·Burton St., AMbehil, 20. wbo'la ~led wllh tbe vlctima but an Alr: West llC9 plane Thursday night The Kennedy and Scott victories came hadn't reoled tliem hb cabin. ' ' fOUowing an anonymoua ,telepbone threat less thai;i ~ hour before the House The blaze a~ to have started received at the airline office at w and Senate convened at noon Efi with 1n tbe k;i~eri ~ . of atructure and Angelell International Airport. • both chambers und~ Democratic control. smote accumulated .enough to awaken N '---'-# found elthe Or Both .Senate whip chc?lces marked a Pina, who was quoted as ... .1.... he o uuuUiRJ were · t at ange breakthrough .for the liberal wings of tried to help the others but 'it6 wu County or Loa Angeles airports. the two parties. However, the other too late Passenger• hurriedly left Air West 's major congressional lead~shJp posts re-One iheory ls that sparks from a ffight 963 at Orange County which was maJned in familiar hands. fireplace may have ignited a can of stopped at lhe south end of the runway. Sen. Gordon AlloU (R-Co~). defeated lighter fiuid aet dangerously near atacta They used emergency chutes to get Sen. Robert Griffin (ft..Micb.), 25 to of newspapers and magazines while the out of , the plane. There were 57 IG08 in their cohalrmntest forolthethenuz:!!t:bthreeli fiye youths slept _ ~ slot, c . an ""'"I"' can Beckmeyer's ~ t e pf at her, Homer passengers on the fll,ght which arrived Pol~cy Committee. Gile&, said eri¥g had planned to spend at 8;08 p.m. from Las Vegas. Vice PresldeoHlect Spiro T. Agnew Wednesday iuglit at W~'a house. Tw tab! f . th N. all sat In on the GOP seoslon. He lllld · "H hadn't "-·• '··· to o no es . rom e a:on r y he was only an observer , and "juSt e !Pen ... uut:U any P.~ · a,t Anahe.pn CCnv~Uon Center were wanted to gel to know the senators· 10 to Big eem;. GUes added. . delayr.f Jn leaving the airport because well " I The -• olllco ln San J!emardino o'f t\ie Onenout ·1ieup. ~tt aaid afterwards he hoped his said apparentlY,-tbrei of the~• arrived Lt. .Gov. Robert Finch was scheduled elecllon "mcana . we ·can ~· the In Big Bear Willnesday night, and uked , io· fly to ~Cramen~o in a privat,e plm)e ~of the party, strengthen and enJlfae ~e other .two ~ they could stay over and TV personality Art , Llnkeletter,. its appeal." . . · D1ghl In the ~abln. , master ot ~monies at .the Niton affair, . However, be said it was "nbt a victory ' Beclan~yer s f~nlily w~ notlfied of were beld 'at the terminal bulldlng. (See CONGRl!85, Pqe I) the tragedy about ~oon Tbursdlly. Seare ·Search ·' . . . . -- I I I I I • f" ·-- I Last Aides UlS ANGELES (AP) -Presiden!,<lect Ric!md · Nl.x:an, judged In °full good hialth to asaume the challenges" of office, is preparing to fill out the top JeveJ roilter of his new administration. Ni.Jon plans to announce Saturday the selectlon of Elliot L. Rlchardson, a~ tpy gneral "' MUa.cbu.eua, to be Ulldenecretary of 11ate, Ille No. Z posi- tion In that department. U. Alul.s Johnson, now U. S. am- )¥ssador to Japan, fJ to be named """1enecretary for -poUtical affairs, WasbJoiton sources reported . n-appolntmenti, to be allllOUliCed formally by tbe Preatdent .. lect aod ~of State<le~gnate Wllllam P. ·1leogers, lead Off a serieS of sub-Cabinet 1ielections to be made Defore the Jan . 1o inauguration. ' .. -~ Tilt rlPI ........ ,.~"' ~ . 41 --~ Ylll '*"' · u I j?m :r~U:.i, "'!1. s1ifps ~ unwe com"e h«awie Ot Wa!hlngton's recent decision to sen ' &O Phantom jots lb ltrael. Thil would be a reversal of Lebanon's traditional pro- Western Polley. JsraaU anger at the world's concern for Lebanon increased. Forel&n MinJ1ter Abba Eban asaa.lled the U.N. Security Council and the Sephardic chl~f rabbi criticized Pope Paul VL Meanwhile, the onct quiet Lebaneset· IKraeli border erupted again in an DAILY ll'ILOT Stiff ll'~ot. • Israeli War • • • irllDori ~:nu .. iiliM. 1111 .... .. El "' alrlbler Ill ~ Ill -- Ille ,.... """' ...,.,_, tilkfilc -.. °"' llraell died. •~ea:-llllr.JolntpeaceacUon. • "Here," he sald.' "are clw' algns al • Chlil .Rabbi Ylfzh>k NJ.aslln, head of twn tendenclea on tlie part ol ttie ponlllf' llriel'.t 1sepbarcuc 'commUiilty, crttlcbed A camprehen.tlve war q:al.na:t the Jtwllh the Pope for his ......,ge to Lebanon faith and aplmt the counlry which expressing sympathy for the loa of God pve to Ills people. •• 13 commetclal aircraft destroyed by the '"The Pope was not shocked aver the Israeli commando raid oD Beirut airport shedding of blqod: , .but rather over last Saturday. m1t~al lh!ng1." In a broadcatt over the slate radio, It was the second attack on lhe Pope Rabbi Nlssim said the Pope had kept in as many days. Dr. Zerah Warhaltig, silent aft~r the Nov . 22 bombing that minister of religious affairs, made a killed 13 Israelis in a Jerusalem market simlla.r comp)Jint. and after the Dec. 26 Arab attack on At a news conference In Tel Aviv, * • Eblln ·, ~ tlW OoaDd? reaoluUon condam~1111i' 1srull raid aod •uaestint Lebanel1 ~ eoUUecl to COmptllSAtion. "II lsrael were wiped out completely by tbe Araill, tbe SeeurttrCOlmcll would do and say nothing," Eban declared. n!ferrtng to the Soviet veto 1rhlch • blocked evwy atlelJlpt to ~ ·tht Aratit. ..... Aaked about the ~endaUon for compensation, Eban said, "What Ls sug· gested by the Security Council by way of f edre&S for the family of 'the man murdered in Athens?" *· Soviet Peace Plan Rejected Israel, 'Big Three' Won't Support Mideast Proposal ~1 United Proia lolenaUooal · 16l'ael and the western "JUs Three" failed today lb support Soviet lnftlaUv., to put t.oaeU)er a big four MJddJe .East peace guarantee. The Soviets Jawiched their Middle East "peace offensive" 'Illursday in meeUnga with top American, French and Brltlah olllciala to suaest a Mldeast settlement. The Soviet plan was n!port· ed to call for an initlal withdrawal of IJ<aell forcu from occupied t.mtory folli>wed by Arab .tennlnaUon of their slate ol war with larael and concluding with a bl& foor guarantee of tbe reiJcm'a bor<lers. llraell Foreign Minister Abba Eban . From Page l CONGRESS ..• -Of Ideological ebaraeter." Referring to Kennedy's vlttory, he .!il id, "Both parties have ·revived, rerre.,hed and restored qukkly denooncecl tha soviet plu u a ••phoney peace offensive and an impoa.- ed aoluUon." In Parts, a communique following to- day'• French cabinet meeting made it clear that Presldent Charles tie Gaulle'• government had relinquiahed ils earlier hopes that a big four peace conference could conv~e to solve the MiddJe Eaat eris!!. ;a· The · cab1ilet communique aaJd the French felt 1 dllcu!alon of the crlals should be ca\tlnµed _wltllln the U.N. Sec- urity Council but "believes there will be no b1g foor power conference" u IOOgbt by De Gaulle earller. W..tem cllplomata In LCllldm Aid to- day they considered a four power guar· antee to the Middle E~t'ern powel'3 full or pitfalls -and highly doubtful. , Westem dJplomats tn cJ01e h>uch with the late,st Middle Eastern diplomatic: maneuvering said the UnHed Nation! and probably the major powers would most likely have to endorse any Middle Eastern settlement. , But that settletJlent would first have to be reached by the powers involved, either by direct or Indirect negotiations, they said. They dlscollllted the probability rt a blanket four·pcwer guarantee becaUM' the guaranteeing powert: would be bard put to act swiftly ll!lll fonclully enough to pUlliall violatm. . Soon to follow : Nomin8Uons to top '10bs in lhe AgricufluJ'!' Department apd . ~ Pentagon. A WHITTIER BENCHWARMER WINS HIS LETTER Nixon, Former CNch Wallace "Chief" Newman their aspect." Kennedy's vicl:iry \Vas certain to be Suzie's Heart Surgery On Again -for Ja1!· 10 Interpreted as an important step In a That on·again1 off.again heart surgery of SULie's mother, Le Thi Lan, as "cautiously optimistic" following the an· nouncement of the new dale for her child's desperately needed surgery. Thi attractive Vietnamese woman, the wife of an officer in the-South Vietnamese Anny, almost collapsed Sunday wben surgery was called off for: the third time. J>O"ible 1972 presidential bid by the for "Suzie" ls on again. Masaachusetts senator. · Nllon aldes wooJd ntrt confirm the ~late Department choices. But Nb:on seemed to do so obliquely in a bantering exchange with Robert H. Finch, who Fron& Page l Long, SO, was cast by obiervers as Chlldrens Hospital surgeons Thursday symbolic old-line Southern Senate power scheduled Jan. 10 u the date on which • • • ~to ~~a:i~ ~;..": NIXON HAILED IN ANAHEIM to enllll lllchard.i u • top d~ . aJthough his record has been more they will rebuild the two-year-old Viel· moderate than that of many other namese child's faltering heart -the Southerners, particularly-on economic fourth Ume that the little girl'a name for bk department, but tm't _. to the convention center crowd a minute aet hllb. later when he did exactly the same Tbo Prealdeiiklecl allo-'i·tbftl&lll lhlng to the grinning Nizon. be allr,' perbapo 11manyel10~ And the Presldent..iect kept the act nlans. In lhe ranb ~ti and 1olng 1>y> then chasing after Sutherlin ~"rl'!tobe ".' A"'1r',1 =.t111.atU~tt~pplng being made In the · · to '~ . provide geographic , balance," be said GREAT PROP MAN at a Tbunday Juncblon bonorfnc Finch, "My, what a great prop man this lieutenant eovunor'4j(Callforn1a. new President would have made," qulp- ''Tbere Js a t~ in Wuhiogton ped the laughing LIDkletter. "And did for executive and ·administraUve officials you see the way that ltid brought him to be· selected too much from the New running to the microphone? If he can York, New England and Washington, D. C .• part of the country," he said. " . . • We have tended to look to the M1dwe&t and the far West .'' 'lbat way, he said, the new ad· ministration can seek out the top talent In all sectlons ri. llie naUon. Rams 'Tee Off In Beach MQnday Los Angeles Rams bumun•tes Raman Gabriel and BruCe Gouett will ti)' to match golf swings al 1 p.m., Mohday. In the lobby of Mercury Savings' 11ew Huntington Beach office on Edi111er Avenue near Belich Boulevard. The golf swing game is part of a free a:ou clinic initiated Jan. 2 to celebrate the opening of Mercu ry Sav- ings' new branch. Tbe coif clinic will run through Jao. 17, with a golf pro from one of the local . chlbl present each day to give tips on bow to improve your game. DA ILY PILOT • OltANClil! COA$T "-'1LISH1H0 COMll'ANY l.Mrt N. W11d """lftnt '"" ~bll~ J1clr Jt. Curl:T Vlt1 Praldmt and r;_,. MlntPH Thorr111 K11•il Edll'lll' Thom•• A. M11rphin1 Mlllltll'lf f.dllot AIMrt W. l1t11 Wltli1191 R11d A-'tlll H~ lllllCPI Eo11111r cny Edllw H• ........ ..._Oflklt lot 5th Str11t M1ilin9 ~4,..u: ,.0. 101 1tO, 1ZMI .,,.,._ Ntwerf llffdl ~ nil W.t ..... .__,.. COl11 Mew: »t W•I 1.., $1r'Wf Mideast, Viet 'Peace Push' Told by Rusk WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary of State Dean Rusk said today the Johnson adminl.ltration will ei:pand its efforts "between now and Jan. 20 to improve the prOI~ for }?'!Bee in Vletnam and the Middle East. ' . In perhaps hlB final news conrere~e after eight years in office, Rusk em· phaslzed the threat to world peace posed by increasing violence in lhe ~fiddle East. And he called upon both Israel and the Arab goverrunents to exercise re· strainl. Arab governments, he said. should recognize that they "mu.st do their utmost to restrain terrorili activity." He added: "We call upon Isra el to recognize that a policy of excessive retaliation will not produce the peace that Israel surely desim." 'Ille secretary reaffirmed the U.S. position thai a peaceful solution in the Middle East can be found in the U.N. Security Councll resolution which he said established "the real beginnings of a just and lasting peace.'' Although he did not rule out U.S. CO!'ISU!tatlons with the Soviet Union, France, Britain and other major pow· ers, he declared that "we do nol 00. lieve that peace can be foond outside" the MlddJe East area. The United Stale!, he said, would con· suit with other governments In an effort to help U.N. Ambassador Gunnar Jar· ring find a "lastlnc peace in a..'l area that bas known no real peace for so Jong." Rusk said the present Middle East prospects are "serious and require the immediate and prudent attention of all 1taders OD both aides. "'lben fJ lilUe question but that a breatdown of the _present tmuous ar- r~tl \fOUJOlJe caWtrophlc for Ill lllo peoples ol the area," be sale!. On vtetnim, Rusk empliastied that there Dta;Y be two or three stages that can be anticipated berore a seWement can be addtved. .. We are atOOou& to cut through pr&- cedural matters to get to more l)'lttm· atJc dil<:tlJllont,'' he 1ald. The United Sta.tu has put forward a great many 1ltemative1 to get the pro- cedural questions settled and I.ht serious business of talkl under wa y. RoAk was questioned about reporttd dllfereuoes with Secretiry of Def~ Clark M. Cll!ford on the conduct ol the Patl! negotiations. Calling the report speculatlvr, Rusk smlled and 18id : "I don't rec.1111 r evtr wmtled on the rug with Secretary ClWord." .. do that to a President what a buB1nemnan he's going lo turn out lo be • . . Among an array of gifts presented to Nixon was the bench on which he spent so much or his time while hls Whittier College teammates won famt on the gridiron. But compensation came in the same moment when 25 or his former team and ~lassmates' filed on stage t.o present to Nixon the football' •le\ter that wa!, said Dr. Paul Srnitht college pesident, "35 years overdue." J.uues. hu appeared on the operating room K.....t, spumed a chance to compete bulletin board. for Ille 11968. i ~ ,Pi'.esldentlal Tbe critical blood shortage that led nomlnaUon after h1I fritlle'it, &en. Robert the -heart tUrieey team to cancel an F. Kennedy, waa auasslnlted Jut Jun.e operation slated for Thursday atmuld Looi bad .... tf~.inceI1163 and ,be alleviated In a week's time', a hoop!tal JCen~) ~~ent Iut spokesman commented. "And if it Isn't," wiekthat ht ·~tlbtd try'to unseat the he said, "we believe that we'll be able Louisianan calliht most Sen ate to make special arrangements to get 5 Held on Vice Rap in · Newport Democrats by surprise. the blood that will be needed for Suzie." All 57 Democratic senators turned up The Hong KonG: flu e9ide111ic Iii: Five Jiollywood area women In their for the caucus. Sen. John Sparkman responsible for the bloo·l s'·ortrgc that early 20s were arrested In Newport (0.Ala.)1 announced the Kennedy victory is limiting many hosµ:t:::.l o::i::ratlng , B:!ach this moning on conspiracy to about 80 minutes alter the caucus began. rooms throughout the n21ir:.1 !Cl c1ncrt;c'l· commit prostitution charges after New· Long said the Kennedy family politica l cy surgery only. And flu 1":is t!ircc:ly port Beach detectives arranged a meet· OTHER FLASHBACKS organizaUon "turned a Jot of voles to responsible for the sec~nd c·:nc::ll r t·o·1 ing through a phone call. Furlhe.r flashbackl to the early yeara his advantage." of surgery for ailing Nguyen Tbi Th3?·:1 The women, one of them a topless of Orange County 's native !on came "I think I h<id Senator Kennedy outgun-Phuong when a member of the S!lr!'.;cl'y dancer. were arrested after the meeting from : ned in the U.S. Senate, but across the team contracted the rampant virus. in a Harbor area motel. -Calllornla's Li. Gov. Robert Finch, country he was more popular than t Suzie failed to make the first scheduled Police Identified the suspects as Tina who wlll be secretary of health. educaUon was,'' Long told new1rnen. trip to the operating room 1•:hen she Lo:ii:;c Clark, 23, of Los Anseles, the and welfare in Nixon's cabinet. "I've He said the political organization put contracted a high fever and a persistent topless dancer ; Eva Leigh Stratton, 20, known him for 22 years," recalled Finch, together by the late Presidenf John F. ear infection shortly after she arrived of Hollywood; Carol Davis, 20, of "22 years in whlch he's known the agony Kennedy and tht late Sen. Robert F. at the Orange facility from her Da Hollywood; Lynda Dolores Arellu!o, 22, or defeat and the ecstasy of victory. Kennedy had strong influence with Nang home last Nov. 27. of Hollywood and Aniiie Pearl Seyniore, It has been my privilege lo know Utls 1..:b::usmeso:·~~and~l~a~borii;ithro~u~gh~ou~t~th~e~n~aiUoini.iiiiHios~pi;tail;ioiffijiCJii·a~ls~qiie~sc~rlibe~d~lh~e~at~U~tu~d.c -ii23ii,iiiofiiLoiiiisiiiAln~ge!ilejjs;. ;;;;;;;:---great man." -Mrs. Ella Furnas, 92, of Lodi. "l 0 q I \ ~ was there when he was born and I , 'S ~:;,ko~ui I w!~e;h:e:i\~'\u~n;et1~ :: t, f JANUARY ALE look al Mno then ." ~.._y~ -Mrs. Cecil "Ma" Pick ering of Foun· c, tain Valley. "Sure, I spanked him good and hard when he 'vas about 8. He v asked for it be<:ause he would keep teasing my little girls." -Mrs. f;velyn Dom or Whittier, secretary to the young Nixon when he opened his first law practice. "I well re member that he always sa.ld 'never make a statement that you ca:i't live up to'." And in a grand clima,: to the lw!Hiour show a birthday cake bearing 56 candles was wheeled on sta1e while the audience sang "Happy Birthday to you" to the happy President.elect Nixon blew them all out In one breath. "Keep on snuffing things out as fast as that while you 're In the White House and you'll never have any problems," quipped Linkletter. Match Play Cause Of $10,000 Fire Children playing w\tb matche8 were blamed by fire officers today for start.inc a $10,000 fire lhat gutted the bedrooms oC apartment C, 2202 Delaware St., llllD- tlngton Beac«i: Thtll'11day afternoon. HERITAGE GRAHD TOUR Reg. $265. SALE $219. FEATURING: HINREDON--f.olio Thr•-Fontein• Uphoht•ry 1sve OFF Hlln'AA &rand Tour-Uphol1tery 20~ OA' PIDll Fnndt Country M1nn•...c.11.9, Dlooeil• Huntington Beach firemen battled the blaie for 10 mlnul<s bef~ brtnstng It undor cootrol. Reg. $299. SALE .$139. >.CCESSOIUES -LAMPS -PICTUkES Investigators l!ald the fin! 1Started in a closet in the rear bedroom, where I'll' boys, both qe 4, one the child of Uie occupant, 1'1ri;. Noran Oliver, and the other • neighbor 's child, were playlna with matches. The rear ~rooms wert C'Omplelely destroyed and llmoke and heat ruined the Uvins room furniture, in\'eJtlgators said. No other aputmtnls were dlm1ged. Twenty.five men wttb two en&'net, one KnOrkel unit and a reaeue truck responded to the fire. Two chief omcen directed lhe operaUon. '· IXCl.UStvl DU.LIU -HIHIWIOll-DUlCIL-HlalTAGf 90 DAYS NO INTlltlST-LOHOD TlllMS AVAILULl 'ON APPROVID tUDl:J'. NEWPORT llACH 1727 Wllttllff Dr. '42-2050 ONW ,.,.., 'Tft. t INTERIORS Profeulonar lnt.rl9r ~ .. A .. Ual>l.-Al~ID LAGUNA BEACH 30 North CoHI Hwy. 494-4$5 I Of'M ..... , '1'1l' • , . I l ----------. ··--·. ---- For The Record Meetingi Births MOAG MIMORIAL HOS,ITAL Mr Ind Mr~ /Nrk $tovi:::, 114.S .WMJm A~°I:-~ ,,,.r 1nd Mn. John N.wton, ''" Commodor1 Cln:hl. H u n Ir n 'ton -·"" .... Mr Md Mn. llobbY Mc:Nt.11~ ~ ~ 1tw1 .. Coll• Mew, t!rt 1.,,, Mr lftd Mn. Dennlt Roven. ~. HunfJngtoll a..c11. 11r1 m Mr 111d Mr.. B1rrv Kt~. H.mlliw. st., eo.11 .v..., bo't ''' Mt,. 1nd Mrs. J-$wr-• ,.ord Rd •• C<W1 Mf1M, tlr Fire Calls W"tmlnfl.r •:06 1.m. Wt<fnndrlY, med!tlll 1k1, 8311 15111 ""'· 13 1,12 1.m .. llructur1 flrt. Sm G1nlrn Gnwe, $p. 3l't !1:24 1.m., slrudurt flu, ffCll Homer f,:11 1>.m .. orvs flt'I'. w..tmrnsttt 11\d -1ricl &olH Cli'lc.1 • 10:"11 J1.m., car nr1, W"tmlnsi. 1rnd Retarded Now Get More Aid Abou.l • three percent of Amtrlca's population falla Into · the mentally retarded category a n d half o !tbooe cases could have been prevented with sci e !I: t 1 I c knowledge available loday, says Dr. Anthony N. Toto, med1cal director at Fairview State Hospital 1n Costa Mesa. "Today," be says, •jthe pic- ture looks brighter, as the mentally retarded and their problems are finally taken from the seclusion of the bedroom closet into t b e sun11ght of the community." The secret i s com· municatton, believes Dr. Toto. He said Fairview's staff is trying tu a variety of ways to make the C<¥IUDunity aware of the problems of the men- tally retarded. The newest effort ls a series of 1.2 public lectures organiud by University Eitenslon lo be offered at the hospita1 for credit beginning Tuesday. -.. ' Convicted Rapist Due Exam Alienation Topic at Extension The many f.aees that allena· tion wears in modern American life will be ex· amined in a new Unlvendty Extension public lecture tSeries beginolng Monday. "Lonellneos and Alienation In Modem Society" will be given on 12 Monday evenings at 7:30 pm. in 178 Fine Arts on the UC Irvine campus. Cost will be $4Z. Apathy a n d withdrawal, ''dropping out" from family, school and society -these are symptoms of alienation, says C. Ray Fowler, pro. fessional family and marriage counselor who ls coordinating the series. And what are the face5 of alienation? "They're the ghetto school SANTA ANA -Convicted child who feels he's geWng burglar-rapist Ronald L. Hall the only edueation that really was committed Thursday to counts out in the streets," Atascade:o State H05pital for says Fowler. possible certification as a "They're the senior cUUens mentally disordered sex of· 'Who have been made to feel fender. usele$ by our modern Superior C.Ourt Judge technology; the men and Howard Cameron ordered a women out of prism strug.. 90-day dlagnost.ic study for the gllng to make a go of it Santa Ana man and withheld on the outside; the bafll-core~ sentencing pending reports of drug add.lets and people who psychiatrists at the state are turning away f M m · facility. Hall, 27, was con-establlsbed churches because victed by a jury last Dec. they don't provide any help 13 of 10 felony counts -five in solving today's problems. burglaries, four rapes and an "Hippies and YI pp i e I, armed robbery. rebellious youth, e:rt:remists of Hall's countywide crime the right and left, Mexican- spree ended last Oct. 5 when Americans with cultural con· he was c a pl u r e d by flicU and language 'hangups' Westniinster police officer and the cop on the beat In Charles Tharpe in Thorpe's a hostile neighborhood-these apartment. The o ff l c e r , disparate groups share one returning home from duty, thing io common -the maal: surprised Hall from whom he or alienation," he said. 1 Mttllblll took two guns after a struggle. How does alienation ooze in- wntr11111tttr A Westminster woman and to the famllJ, the c:hurcll. the : 12:10 ,,.m. s.turd•v. media! •Id. a Huntington Beach housewife school, into politics and the •1•1 Ch'-• 11. In u.m fl _. ·"er :-.... ;-i ....... which ·-·~ ''" p.m., fire ln~"tlNOon, tZSI testified dur g no.u S v...-...ay ,,..,u Wl>W•WWVI"" ... ., ) ,,~ .. rucu.. "32 ainnoc11: ltD9d trial that he bad bound theJll part and parcel tA. our!.~ ~ l :XI 1.m. SuP1111v. c.r !Ire, Neowlllld to their beds, taped their society? Are we prVU&YWU& south "' Mcf'.aclen -A• .. i.A and raped them in alienation when we make it ! f :J7 1.m., e1r fl~, G1rden G~ 111\N....,. F-v •' Goldeol west offnm~ addition to ransacking their all but impossible for people 10:02 p.m., er1n flrt, 157n Ault• t f' d litud ' 1o:si 111.m., meo:11at1 •let, 1012 Alt• st. __ hom __ es_. __________ •_m __ 80 ___ •_· -----I F011llt1l11 V1ti.y . " 1· I 6:35 p.m. htunl1y, rescue, TOlt-1 EllWI sr . 1:16 •.m. $ulld1y, ~. 1"5f P-....., t2:1S p.m .• fir• lri-tlHtlO!I, 1°'462 W1.....-AW. DEATH NOTICES DESATOFF .. 1119 .. ~ 0..totf. AM U. of ~ 1!11• W. OC>Nnfronf, NewJIOl'1 Beotcll. t 0.Te cl deooltl. J1-ry 1. lNt. $11,.. 1 vlved bV llulblfld, Morris M. Oft. ..... 1tot11 mother, Mn. si.n.n1 o-~. •• N-9 Sndu bro!hen. Georlle P. -7. George, C.-1 P1tti., 1nd J1mes P. ·~ George. UP11nd1 sitter, IMrv Ter· tllf, V1lleio. Sen<lcet., S.turdllv, ll::ID AM, ••ttr Chl1>1!. 3520 e , Cl!ll5f H!el'l- WIY• O:or\W'll 11"4 Mir. lnfermefll, P• c!rle VJ"" ~morlat P1tti.. Olrecled bY 111117 .Mortu1rv. .. . •· • " GUTH P..-cy Jlobert <:itlltl. Rt111denl of Ap!QOI., CltlfDrni.. D1!1 at d-11'1, J1n. 2. Sur· Ylwd by wlf<t, GtrTrudll JOn, LIU• ~ It. GIJ!h; Qu11h~r. a1rbe,. L • S!tbltl', Ind 1'lrM 11.-.lldd!Ud,."· Fu- M ... I ffl'Vll:ft wm be twlvai.. Flmlly ,_is floll&e wllhlno to mW me- morl1I c:onlr1bultcn1, pl"M c:ontrlbute to !ti& A...ncan C.-$Ddl!Y. DTI· lllY B'"°""'" Ho.tnlll"lffon V11Wv Mor· f\Hlry, Oll'l!'C'!crs. CUFT M1M11 R.lv c~n. mt Pllc"ln!it, C(ll. fl "'-9. $Uf'Y!Yed bY Wiit, Mn. Mlrt,,,,_ Clln1 ttlrM tcnl, Mld'IMt Clift, U.S. Army1 J1mes P. 9fld 8rvc.1 E. Clffl, IK#l'I cl S."11 Al'lll Jlatef", WWnd9 Pu11ev, UTlf'I. ~ p1Ntlrt1. 8911 8f'OldWrf Mortulry, 11• '"'*'" w , ec.11 .MeM. BALTZ MOR1VAIUES Ceroaa del Mar.OR Ul50 Colla Mesa Ml wet " BELL BROADWAY .. ' • • MOR1VARY 111 Broadway, Coda Mesa 1J "3433 DILDAY BROTHERS Hanthlgtoo Valley Mortuary 17111 Beacll Blvd. Hanllngloo Beacll W-'1171 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Ccmemy e Morlaary Cbapel 3519 Padllc View Drive Newport Beacll, Calllonda M+l7tl I PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 Boln Ave. Westmlm:&v ttWSU SMJTH'f MOR1VARY C1 Mala St. llullqtoo Beacll LEMPI WESl'CLIFF MOR1VARY U7 E. 17tlt SI., Colla MeA - Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Units of 11lecttlcal rtluctance 5 l11ltate 9 Consign to 11'111 Jirik 14t~ suitable for pubticatlon 15 European 16 Increase In amount 17 Girl's nlcknt111e 11-bag 19 Mold in which cetal Is cast ZO Compound with dtri09'" tnl taste 21 Tum aw•\· 23 Luncheon 24 r.i.:. .... of time 26 Co•.vnlc .. Uons word for "L'' 28 One wbO excels Z9 Covered._,. with a t1m11 of grant 33 Perloll of ""' 36 Tree "e,., 38 Fiiiy's relatlve 39C-•d 40 Lel It stand Al Cont by 42 llllHladl flb .. 43 Business establlstmelt • "' 44 ,.It's a --1": 2 words 46 It• or equestrian .... 47 River of Eltl'opt 48 Notsy dis-turbances 5Z Bubbllnt sound 55 Siesta · taller 51 Bovines 58 Kind of protective cover 60 water body 61 MlnllOMl 62 Whert Bangalore ,, 63 Het"aldtc bearing 64 Having wings 65 PIPates' quest ''Set up on end . 67 Calendar abbmlatlon DOIN l Do a roof repair Job 2· Roman maglslrlte 3 PeanulS cartoon c:h••clet' 4 Enactment of 176S: 2 words 5 Station 1nllft '$pk:• 1 An e111oUoa l/3A9 8 Having too 36 Rodeo great a performer: btrtlea 2 words 9 Hindu tlUe: 39 True's 10 Dance: companion 11 Seat of 4Q Oatsio city: Latvian 2 words University 4Z Exceeding I U --now: speclfltd At this llllf: 191 2 words 43 Hold • 13 lan.'s lthlon nlcbi•• 45 Pl'O'Ylded 2.2 One of a 'ltt that of giants Archaic 25 -A9e 46 The 49!11 27 ltdltm. PWlllcl, ..... I> portly Frendl•• · 41 Jf••ICll 29 o,.,,, -prlll• 30 In-: 49 EXJ1.1lllf0111 Altoo-........ 31 At 1rz 50 Tltt 32 History 51 IClnd of student's drink tOfle«n 52 Cuual 33 L•ae 53 PrfnUng ..... u., ~ ...... , )4 Co•IC strip Colloq. cti."Kler SC BrklO to 35 SlHpl.. 56 ..... _. Ilk•·-: End 2 words " Fiiia . CopiJ) ll"sy in 1968 Businesses Canvassed By ~ess0r SANTA ANA -Orange County buslness fmna are the targets of assessor Andrew J. Hin.shaw's forces who have fanned out 1n their annual door-to-door fleld canvass. Hinshaw said the field can· vass bad two purposes; to complete the appraisal of smaller businesses and to Identify the loc:aUon of larger businesses so they coold be maned a property statement. 'lbe assessor said the line his office uses to divide small and other buslnes!es is 15.000 assessed valuation. 'lbe assessment program in- volves the use of a simplified property statement for reporting taxable a s s e t 1 1 Hinshaw said. ANOTHER SPECIAL SERVICE for CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS COMF. IN AND PICK UP YOUR COPY JAN. 2 lhru JAN. 10 .. t:J#ere 'l(}f,{ 4tJ/lle ~ mtde a dvrer8Hee 5% per annum compounded dally current rate on passbook savings 5 25% on minimum tenn accounts • In multiples of $1,000. MUTUAL SAVINGS ' -N o ~~~~; ~E~ ~c~ TI o., ~ • 2aa1 L!AST COAST HtQ)IWAY CORONA D!I. MAii, CALIFORNIA 82825 TELEPllONEi l75o5010 HEADOff!CE 315 E. Colorado Blvd. P•sadena, ~· 91109 tel•Pl>one7 •• 9-2345 ASSETS OVER $425,000.000.00 OPEN SATIJROAY, JAN. 4 OTHER BRANCH OFFICES Glendale1 West Arcadia Corona Def Mar • OA!l.Y PllOT JJ LEGAil NOTICE LEOALN0'11CE • • (HI WASlllNQll'O!I (UPO ,,.._ Is etldence ol 111 wlog ~ ol lnllatlcn wb!ch lhrealell6 to came the biggest year-toog ~llt of living increase In 17 ·IA!GAL NOTICE NOTICI TO U:SOITOU S.Ul"l:llOll COi.ia' Olll '1'• ITAT9 Of' U.Ut'091NIA flot: Tiii OIMIWYY Of OUHOa "'-IW11 .. S:1l•" ol ELMER I. $,¥!TM, 0.C:ttilf!'I • ttOtlCE II HElllEl'f' OIV'llil to Tiit u.d""' .. "" •bellilt lllmtd Otadenl tl\lf •II ,..,_ No""" clflll'lf "'IM1 ""' Mlf ~t ,,.. r-lroct to 11141 ~ Wl'lfl .. fltC9™"' YOllC!ltta. "' t!lo elfle9 Ill "" cltrk « !tie UOYt ~ eourt, Of' to _, ....,..., wtlh "" ......,.,,. YWCl'lef.. to ti'MI ""' _......, al ,rllllkllfl •ncl Ft11'1kl1"' At-"°"'"" 11 l1w. 1117 E. 1&111 St., Cost1 ~ Clillf. 11'27. whleh 1• tl\t !Illa ., .,.,_. "' the ~l•lllCI 111 .u """'-.... 1.1111.., '° !ht """ of ••If -..n1, wHl'lhl lOlll' inonin. llfler tfl9 11"1 11Ubllc::1l\oll flf "'II notlu. Pt* Die. ,., , ... • Crecbr-Cttl-N1~1 h,_ tineUtor or ftll Wiit of the •bow lltmed cltC.edtnl 11l.t.tOU.IN & •RAHICLIM IW •· 11111 St., c.1a --.. C..IN-la. nur T .. 1'4NU1 "".....,... .... ft( ..... ltiubtl-'*I ()f11191 Co.11 OfllV Pllol, t>eC'trnber 2'J, Im Ind Jlf\~11' 3, 1~. 1t: 1Hf 2271"8 LEGAL NOTICE ---· ~----·------- .. Asian Auto Field Contested DETROIT (UPI) -'Ille American auto Industry bas a few aces up its sleeve in trying to crack Japanese domination of tbe auto lield in the Orienl And it ha.s some of the Japanese automakers worried. Japan now has the second largest auto industry ln the world. This year, Japanese plants turned out a record number o( cars •.• topping 3.3-million units. DominaUng this market are Japan's two largest automakers, Datsun and ToYQta. which have gob- bled up sOtne smaller Japanese autornakm tn their drive to become the Ford and c..neraJ Moton cl Ille Far East Anothtr company, Honda. which became bl& p:vduc!nlJ motoreycles, Is branching Into the auto Oeld and could become the Chrysler of Japan. J 3 p aneae manufacturers have grown uDder an umbrella Cl t sovemment protection foreign maker& and gO\'trnments tolerated wbtn the Japanei;e Industry WU struggllna to ma.kc Its way. Tiiey stood by whlle the Japanese porle<ltd tbtlr horn< Industry wtl.b exorbitant tarl!lt and olll<r mlrlctlons on forelgn !m?0<1J wt permll· t"1 the J-to npcri to other countrlts without rtlallatory taxes. Now that hos chang<d. The Japanese auto industry is the giant of the Orient, but it and the government still pro- tect themselves a g a in s t foreign incursions into their markets. Henry Ford It, board chairman of Ford f\totor Co., recently assailed Japane~e policy as "stupid" a n d shortsighted, and said lt could invite worldwide retaliation and a move toward i.solaUon by other c:ountries. However, there'• evldeoct that Mlerican, and perhapc European, automakers have other ideas to combat the ··-Ward'• wtomotl .. ?!p(rll, the llau.tlcll •loncJ GI the American auto lndOslry, "YI tbor• are -.1 ,..,... one new tack. l1 says, would be for U.S. pro&ieers to buy Into tht: J apanae industry as lhey have done successfully tn Europe. It quotes the Orle!rt>l Economist. a m.-a g.a % i n e published In Engll3h In Tol\Yo, aa &u.ggestln1 It is poqlble for Gtnera1 Moton or any other big U.S. automobile manutactum to tab a breather on inv8tmentl ln !.'\irope: and co ncent r 1 t• onraw8CIM(JlaJ._ 'l1le bli .......... In Japan woald, ol coune, rolus< --· .. ----------- - .. . ' " " ' , . .. • Friday's "Closing Prices -Complete ------~~-----·-----~---~--- DAILY l'llDI' JS' New Stock Exchange List •, ' ' J 4 DAILY PllOT 'ridlf, .i....,. '· 1M ' New Angle: Mrs. Allen Wants George to Q·uit UJ5 "ANGELES (UPI) -II ....,. like everybody except the coach's wife was unavailable for comment and. she doesn't want the coach to coach anymore. 1bat's about the way things stood today in the burning question of the new year: will George Allen return as head coach of the i.s Angel., Rams next season? Ram owner Daa Reeves tired Allen last week because of ra personality clash" bu1 bas now changed his miod and wanti Allen beet, a""'"1lq in Mrs. Allen and othen. Allen's wl!e, Etty, talted ln an in· terview with a Chicago radio staUon Thursday and sald Reeves wanted to rehire her buab&nd; her husband ""aa undecided about going back to the Rama; and she, Mrs. Allen, want!: him lo stay out ot coaching. Reeves issued a statement like 'jno comment" through the Ram publl<:ity stall. Allen did not'......,. bit lelepboae. Mrs. Allen didn't a n aw e 'r her lelei>t-after she talked on the air. Reeves apparenUy bowed to the pressure of irate fans and many of hia players ln mak1n,g an attempt to recooclJe wilh Allen. Allen and the Rams finished second lo Baltb;nore .in the coastal division of tbe National Football League with a 11).3..1 record for 1958. Beamon Envisio~ The players fcnsee a league tiUe nest season and with it about $25,000.in bonus money. They know Allen is a winning coach and they know if they get a new one he'U take some lime to install his system and a champiooshlp will be that much firther away. . Allen has often said coaching takes him away from hJJ family. He said he works a 16 to 18 hour day. When he's home, he's looking at game mo'9ies most of the time. 30-foot Jump He doea not eat at the family training table but prefers milt shakes which M>Olbe hit atomaeb ulcer. SAN FRANCISCO (UPf) -Bob Beamon, who jumped to track 1m~ mortality at the Olympic Games only three months ago, isn't sitting home these days poliahing his medal!. He's on the road again and thinking about another world record. "J honestly feel I can do 30 feet, if all the cood.itioos are right" said Beamon on the even of the All·American Games, which on Satunlay open the 1960 track and field ......... Beaman sailed an tocredible 29 feel, 21' Inches in Ibo Olympic loog jump last Oc1nber to abatter the world record by nearly two feel (I loot, 9% inches). Both the international amateur alhletic federation and the Portuguese scoring tables rate the leap as the single greatest achievement in all track and field and one that may t1ever be topped . And, it is primarily for that reason that-followeni·-of track and -Oeld-arenl.t-· ready -if they ever will be -to let 1968 rest in peace. "Everything went right for me at Me:r:ico City," said Beamon. "The runaway was just perfect, wind con- ditions were as good as you would want and I got a tttmendous -maybe my best -kick off." Beamon said he will start shooting fOf' 30 feet at the all-American games, wb1cb will be held indoors at the Co w Palac<. "I doo't say I can do It here, but rm sure ooe ol. tiimM! days I will go to ~ feel In fact, I leaped 39 feet ~ my record jump at Medco City bot bow far you go In the air doesn't always determine the length ol. the leap. Mexico With lJ.S. It's where your feet land that they measure." As things stand now, Beamon, who lost a semester. at the University or Texas at El Paso because of the Olym· pies, plans to compete in from eight to IZ indoor meets this winter. He lists the Los Angele& Garnes and three indoor meets In New York as "de.finite" along wilh a meet at Van. couver. "On tbe othen: I'll pick as 1 go along," he said. ••1 really haven't lost much Mrs. Allen and the four Alleo kids -George, 16; Gregory, 14; Gerald, 9, and Jennifer, 7 -dine alone in football season. They au want to stay permanently in their new home in the suburban Palos Verdes Pen ins u I a overlooking the Pacific. Money is no problem for a few yean anyway. Reeves has said be will pay oU Allen on the two remaining years of his contract at about $50,000 a year. Allen has written four books on football and he could sit home, watch the waves lapping on tbe shore and turn out another ooe. of my edge and bave been playing a T G H p lot of basketball since the Olympica. op 0 roS' So, I feel I'm in good enough shape to be thinking about another record." Asked u competing indoors made a Play Saturday difference· as compared to outdoor com-_ :_ __ _ __ perruon, Beamon-saia: - "I honesuy don't know ;r there ;, At Buena Park a difference and if there is, how much. To do well eilher indoors or outdoors you just have to put everything together and all lhe conditions have to be eight.'' Ralph Boston, the only man in history to win an Olympic gold, silver and bronze medal, and one of Beamon'• biggest boosters, also will compete in the All-American. "Ralph has helped me from time to time, especially when I first was starting out," said Beamon. "I like to compete against him because that means rm going against ooe of the world's best." BUENA PARK -The first section ot the first round of the 36-hole $31,000 Southern California Open starts today at the Los Coyotes Country Club, with defending champion Billy Casper and five other 1968 tour winners on hand. Casper and tbe other champions won't start swinging in earnest until Saturday. The final round oo the par 36-36-72 course will be held Sunday. Prominent golfers who tee off today lncJIX!e Dave Stockton of San Bernardino; Jerry Barber, the Los Angeles veteran; Ausb"alia's Bruce Crampton; and Billy Maxwell, Odessa, Tex. After Casper won th.is tournament In 1968, he w.ent on to acquire a total of $205,168 and took six PGA tour events. International Prep Loop Being Studied by CIF The other 1968 winners here, all scheduled to start Saturday, are: U.S. Open champion Lee Trevino; Bob Murphy who won the Philadelphia Classie and the Thunderbird: Bob Lunn, back-to- bac k winner of the Memphis and Atlanta tournaments; Steve Reid, .A!a1ea cham- pion: a n d Bob Dickson, who collected $22,000 in bis first pro victory in the Haigh National at Costa Mesa. : • PoesibllWes of .an internatlooal high : lcttool sports league being formed in : Ce next four or five years are being : «riwsly explored by CIF commissioner · "J. Kenneth Fagans, a resident of Balboa Island. Fagarui: is working in cooperation with ~ U.S. State Department project to im· ~e United States.Mexico relation! ' :µ.rough interscholastic competition in all QJC>rU but football. , Obviously, if the light.er, less talented Meiicans tried their luck against Yankee . grid forces, U.S.·Melican relations would , ~estionably be worsened, ralher than . Improved. ' However. gelling the countries together .. .. WHITE WASH fn basketball, baseball, etc .. sounds like I winner. Fagans points out that the Imperial Valley League of the ClF Southern Sec~ tion has only four member schools, pav· · tng the way for additional entries - \ike from across the border in Mexicali, etc. "'It would be similar to lhe old Tri.State Ltai'ae," Fagans points out, recalling the t1me when California, Nevada and ~ IChools were In tbe same circuiL between them while on an excursion to La Paz, Baja California. Corona del Mar's Larry and Simon Watson bagged ZO dolphin on their outing In the warm Baja California waters. BiU . Redding, lbe. daudout defensive middle guard on USC's \'l.Dqulsbed Rose Bowl forces, was credited with 14 assisted and anassbted tackles In Wednesday's %7·11 Ion to Ohio S&at.e. Mate Jim Snow bad II and Mike Battle 15. Snow and Batlle are the only seniors on the SC defensive align· rnenL Possibly tlte Trojans wUI be mat. Ing an unprecede1:1&ed fou.r1b 1tralrht Rose Bowl appearlDCe In 1170. Dave Kamanskl, head linesman at the Rose Bowl and a former Newport Harbor High gridder (1939) explains that con- troversial secood SC touchdown Wed-nesday. "As long as bolh players had the baU simultaneously, lhe play was dead im.mediately, according to rules," he prunts out. "What happens to the ball after that -even if they are still falling to the ground and the defensive man takes the ball away from the other guy -is immaterial" Kamansk.i got f250 for working the tiff -his firat-ever Rose Bowl match. He's also officiated tbe East-We!t game (19&5) In San Francisco. In an 18--hole pro-amateur prelude Thursday , George Bayer and Monty Sanders tied for low ·individual honors with five-under-par 67s. Two teams tied for first at 12.1 on two best balls in the flvesomes of one pro and four amateur. They were headed by Lee Elder, Loa Angeles, who had an individual card of 35-34--69, and Bob McCallister, Corona, who shot 34-36-70. Bayer's team tied for third at 124 and be won a total of $425. Sander1, the former national Public Links cham· pion now playing out of Santa Barbara, collected a total of $385. His team tied for fifth at 125. Tied at 124 with Bayer's team was a fi~me headed by Casper who shot ~-Dicbon had 35-33-a and John Schlee and Crampton both lhot'IO. Sehl,. carded 3™ and Crampton 35-35. Lunn was able to match par n with a card of 3W6 while Stockton was four over with 39-37-76. SC Hosts Utah The University of Southern California Trojans, forced to take a back seat in basketball to UCLA, swing into action tonight against the Redskins or the University o( Utah at the Sports An:na. UCLA gets back Into competition at Pauley Pavilion Saturday night against Tulane. Bowl Atter11ia1h Ul'I TtltpM!t DETERM INATION'S REWARD -Penn Stale hero Bob Campbell (rieht) relaxes on Miariii's beach with teammate Mike Smith after the Nittany Lions' thrilling J.5..14 Orange Bowl win over Kansas Wed .. nesday. It was Campbell's tw~point conversion with only seconds left that beat Kansas. Ul"I Tti.pllttt • WINNERS AT TRACK, TDD -Members of the Arkansas football team Were guests Thursday at New Orleans' Fairgrounds Race Track. Here, end Cbuck Dicus (left), Mike Sigman (C1llller) and Dave Dickey (right) discuss their picks for the sixth race. Dicus's horse won. They celebrated their 11>2 win over Georgia. • UCI at Rhode Island, Lo ses to Friars, 85-77 PROVIDENCE, R.I. -The question of the day for UCl basketball coach Dick Davis Is: "Who was the fink at the Irvine tournament?" The Anteater coach can only conclude that Providence College had a scout In the stands during UCI's recent tourna- ment. At least, it sure looked that way Thw's- day night when Providence posted an ~77 win over UCI in Irvine's opening game of an eight-day eastern roa<ftrip. "The way they handled WI I know they had someone watching us at our tournament," said Davis. · It wasn't even close. Providence ran up a 50.29 lead at halftime, much lo the delight of the 3,300 spectators. Jn a losi ng effort, Jeff Cunningham broke UCI's single game scoring record with 34 points. Mike Heckman, who bad eight. held lhe fonner record of 33. UCI goes against Rhode Island University tonight in K i n g s t o n . Providence heat Rhode Island last week by 9:H.1. The Friars used a matchup zone against Irvine. "For us, that's just about the toughest kind of defense for us to play against with the type of players we have," Davis commented. Providence shot 60.7 percent for the game while ll'\'ine made eradly half its shots. Providence coach Joe Mullaney told Davis afterward that it wu the best shooting nigbt bit team bad record- ed. '.'Their shooters bad surprising range: against ue," Davis said ... Shots that we would normally give other teams they we.re drilling." In Rhode bland tonight, The Anteaten will be facing one of the east's leading rebounders, Don English (M). Irvine beat Rhode Island last season io campus Hall, 98-34. UC lltVIN• lnl ""''hi 11I0 4:M C\i""!nglltm S1ndln Hed<mln .. _ ""'~ Gl•"'l'IO'tldl 2 4 I I • 0 2 • ] 2 l • 1 I 1 15 I 2 0 4 ttltU T1 ~•ov10•111ca c•1 <•N Mc:,...I, ,_ LIN•-• Clolluttl ....... Ctlltn w11111 Tott ho .. ""' ,.. ' t I 20 1 I I ' s I l 11 11 , • u ' I I I • ' 1 10 t e t • 0 ll l l )7111JU Rustler Five At Riverside For Opener. Golden West College's basketball team hopes to make a clean break with tht past-stirting tonight when it open! Eastern Conference basketball action with what looks like a genuine title contender. For its first two seasons, Golden West was ~7 but coach Dick Stricklin Is only future-oriented these days. "We've forgotten all about that," he says. "I've been asked what our record tbe first two years was about 350 times." Golden West is 7-2 now and opens Eastern Conference play at Riverside tonlghL Saturday night, the Rustlers duel Rio Hondo at -cx::c Stricklin has been working bis tall, ta1ented cagers oo the fuU court press and free throws this week. "We had been a good tree throw shooting team but against Ohlone last week we missed 20 of them." Golden West won that one, llZ..56. Stricklin hopes his guards c a n penetrate Riverside's press tonight. He "has a theory that pressing defenses are more effective at t h e beginning of lhe season than at the end. "By the time you get halfway through the league schedule everybody has seen the press and most have adjusted to it. I hope we have." Golden West figures to beat Riverside. After dominating California junior col· lege basketball for years, Riverside's talent well has dried up and lhe Tigers, who four years ago would've been ll-0 now, are 4-7. Tiger coach Bill Mulligan played a ball~trol style of offense earlier In the year but has junked it In favor of the running attack. Stricklin will start Brian Ambrozich Allan Robinson and Dave Prather f~ the front court and Ollie Martin and Mark Campbell at guards tonight. UCI Swimm ers Topple Davis, Eyeing Bruins UC Irvine's swimming forces are training their wobbly sighls on UCLA today after posting a narrow 62-47 win over UC Davis Thursday in the Irvine pool. Several of coach Al Irwin's stalwart! are bedded down with the flu. Still, the Anteaters won eight of 11 events Thursday. UCI meets UCLA Thursday. Jan. 111, Jn Westwood. Rich Eason recorded a swift 43 flat clocking on his leg of UCl's winning 400 yard relay team. Irwin's team hosted the all-UC relays today. Matlnl up that now-defunct loop were loalder City (Nevada), Kingman '.(Arisooa), Basic (Nevada) a n d ·California'• Blythe and Needles. In 1964 8adc lost to Hawthorne, 39--13, for a CIP lootball champl<>Mhlp. And in 1949 ~ City topped Paso Robles, 19·7, for • CJF grid title. occ, Fullerton Collide Tonight Corona del Mar High graduate Mike Martin was a triple winner for the Anteaters, laking blue ribbon1 In the n individual medley, 500 free and the 1,000 free. *· CM.I Meli.· ID&b nimnMb St.eve and • Bnwl came ap wtO. • priie kill receG •utlq erped]Uon at But. • LUe bl IOUUI JUvt:nkte County. ! ,..,. -P U-pouod, t.o.nce Cana· ii-J::.;•• ..-. biJPSI cake• tbls ~ --.. fodllly. I * * * f '1 1 !' r tol a.°'t lllbin( fronl . Harold Jr: p _, .• ~.:.. dol~ ol Laguna ..., c..,pt..,.. ,..w. and a cabrlllo L ----·-~ -~-· Orange Coast College opens defense of Its East.em Conference basketball cham· pionship tonight at 3 when Fullerton's Hornets arrive at OCC carrying the fav- orite's banner for the EC crown. It was the Horneui who took Cout down to the wire last year and faded In the UUe-defending gamt, ~ But lhb time, il is Fullerton who appears to have I.he edge ar>d coach Bob Wttul'• Pirates hope to avoid a sttback in their fir!l conference game. "We're going to try and run hard agalnst. Fullerton for the whole a•mt.," Wetz<I "1d Thltl'lld1y. "FuUerton has big men up front but they're no\ loo fast. Wt"d like to t.ke advanlal' ol that because we figure we're muclt quicker than they are." Wetzel, whose Pirates have accumu- laltd a H l«Ot1I: wUI otsrt a !rqnt line couisUna of PhD Jordan, Mike McCAr- Un and Rick SUcklemai<r. In Ibo bock· court are Steve Turley and Mike Flaher· ty. Tbe Bucs have faced Fullerton once l h I• KUOn. 1bey lost a 90-76 decls.l.on in the Chaffey tournament in a game that was clo&er than the score indicates -the Pirale:!I were down by onty five with 2,30 lo play and had lo foul Fuller· ton lo fet the ball. .. We found .out in that game that we could play with Fullerton,·· Wdzel 1aid. 11We've really been out of only one or t h e games we've lost, the Long Be'ch City (~) game." The Pirates h&d their final pre-confer. ence workout T h u r s d a y afternoon. Welzel 5ent the Bua through drills agaimt Fullerton's man-to..man defeMC. After the Hornet lid-lifter, the Sues travel to Riv~side Saturday nighL lf Fullerton was an imposing sight to EC coaches last year It has to look evtn more frightening this time. Van Bye (Ml and Ted Harper (6-5) are baCk In the ftoot line, and coach Moe Radovldl has added fre>hplan 1kyscraper (&-9) Jerry Brucks trom Anaheim. Fullerton Is W, ha ving lost to Long Beach, Venlura and Pi-Ix. While Wet· zeJ. fears his team might be cri the stale sld< f0< not having had • game In II· most two weeks, Radovk:b's juggernaut played Monday ni(bt, bdtiog the Col Stale (F"1!erlon) !Rllh, IOM1l. Asked If he WU u 1tro,n1 .., last sea· 50l'l, Radovich ttpljed: "We aren 't right now but t think wt will be lattr · t h e season.,, OCC·Fullcrton lineups: , Otan&t Cout Fv.llerton 6--3 Jordan F Bye 6-1 MCC.rtin F Harper H Slloklemller C Brucb :;.10 Turi~ G Chlldrao 6-0 Flahorly G Smith Eason won twice, in the 50 free and the 100 free. Bob Wilhite was the one- meter diving winner. UCI •I. UC Dl 'tll 41. too"'"""" ~ -1, UC D1vl•. T ..... -1·JI 0. 7m Ir~ -I. Otso.i (UCt) J. t1•1'1r1 IUCI) a, C1ir.t fUCOl. ~ -t :DI. JI) ff'flt -I, E•-IUCll t. Tl'lfY"" (0(:1) a, Hlff 1uco1. r1 ... -n.•. 100 lnoS, l'IWCI. -I. Mlrtlfl IUC.O 2. Uf..,_ lU«lt 1 H11111'11 IUC.1). Tllhll -1.11'.0. ,......,..... Cit"" -1 W!lllile CUC!\ ) Ev1111 !UCO} ,. "" -I. Hflllll HKO) 1 Lfftl'I 1uco1" l !IN -2:11 ' ue "" -1. E•-1uc1) 2. Oh4n ruc11 J.. Ntff tUCO>. lime -.ft,,, . IM blodl -I, Olltt fUC.I ) 1. G1w IUCOI 2. V1nc..W HICO). Tllhll -1 1• 0. 9111 lf"M -I. M.lnl" IUCll 2. l •Yl fUCDI &. ~trt IUCOl. XIII 111'-t -l. Cllmtvr (U(OJ 2. u.co.r IUCI) &. "MM'n {UCll. I.• h'M -I. Mtrtlfl IVCll 1. ltvt lUCD) t Mc~ld IUCI ), Tllflt -10.ll.Cr ,........,. dlW -l. fYll,. IUCO l • . ' • . -· Today's Flilal · N~Y. Steeb .. . VOL 62, NO. 3, 4 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES • ORAl\lGE COUNTY, CAUl'ORNIA FRIDAY, JANUARY i. '1969 TEN CENTS . ' ' ' ' .; ' 1. . •• • Nixons _R¢Cieive Ndstklgic County ' ' Receptio:ll By TOM BARLEY OI 1119 ~" Pn.t llttt Fourteen happy ghosts from .Rlchard Nixon's formative years came back to flaunt h.im Thursday night In a homtcom-in& celebration 'that, turned out to, be • r.eYamp and wildly acclaimed "This ls Your Life.." Drawn from the .Orange County and Whitiier classroom years ol t h e pr..idenl-elect, Ibey paraded before llJe de~ NiJ:ons and a capacity audience Youth Held In Slaying Of Countian An unusual news blackout today sur- rounded the arrest or a Seal Beach teenager on suspicion o{ murder Thurs. day, after another man was gunned down outside a Fullerton medical center. Vincent R. Otteman, 2'l,"" of 9%5 ·w. La Palma Ave., Anaheim, was dead on arrival at St. Jude Hospital, with a -.22-calibet.-revol\rer slug in his right chest Disarmed by physicians from the center at 1321 N. Harbor Blvd., and cahn and cooperative, William L. Fitzgerald, 17, of 1006 Ocean Ave., Seal Beach, was booked on suspicion of murder. Little more was revealed about the mysterious case. . Detej:live Capt. William $eymour said he cannot give the motive far the shooting, nor can a woman and small boy standing with Otteman at the time be lderitilled. . Investigators said Otteman waa Blan~ ding behind a =~ !!l' l!ie ~aid youlb 'at Ille lime ol lbe ~!Qg. - Physicians who rus~ out-ftl'! able to do litUe for the wounded Otteman, but took · a .22 caliber revolver away from Fitzgerald and turned Jt over to police. 1be first patrolman on the ~ne placed Fitzgerald under arrest and Capl Seymour said the teenager neither tried to flee nor resisted be.i.nc taken into custody. Seal' Beach police juvenile 11uthorities itecllned today to give any information about Fitzgerald until they could better dbcU8S the case with Fullerton in- vesUgatora. Stock Jtfarr...ts '. NEW YORK (AP) -An early rally was blunted and the stock mark.et closed mi.led today in . fairly active trading. ,(See quota*1ons. Pages 9-10). Prices soflened after Secretary of State Dean Rusk issued a warning about the Arab-Israeli violence in the Middle East. • ' ~· the Rlble that was so much a part of Ille Nlxoo family Ille. '"Ibis has been one of the greatest .-tad my )Ile," he said. "W~!'f else may. come to me 1 ten you ~ that noth1ng can surpass lhll"'~wondertuJ evinlaa you bave given me.,,. ;-'" N1xon 1Jent on to pledge that' 11r Will d0.m1 Utmost u President ol llie UlliiOcl Sta* to . )rin( peace to @a ni&On anil;to.lll nations. I can1 le1'1l!U down anll I -1 let yoo down.'' 2 T een.J oyRid,ers Take.n· county AirpOrt · · . . Scene of Bomb Atter Five-.city Chase Scare Search Two lee"'!gera ·-~~ in Seal .. Beach early Thursday morning on charps· Iba! they were jofr14">g In a 8"""" car and elU<1e4. police ·In live cities and two counties at speedJ 'of -· Ujan,\10 JDU" pet hour. Patrick. D. J>heTah; 1', er Long Beach, Thursday was turned ever to Orange County jail and booted on suspicion of grand theft auf.o. Hi.I I7·yW-old glrl companion is being held in. Juvenile Hall. ' Orange County Airport wa,s the sceori of, a dramatic search for a bomb in an Air West · DC9 plane Thursday night following an anonymous telephooe threat received a1 the airline office at Los Angeles lntemaUonal Airport. Mamie ID The suspects begin the chase in Placentia, when a p~tfql car was follow· ing them on routihe tr8tflc surveillance. No bombs were found eilher at.Orange County or Los An1eles airports. Passengers hurriedly Jett Air West's flight 963 at Orange County which was stopped al the solith end of the runway. Star Slieds Latest Mate in The new Orange County courthouse had its most glamorous customer to date today when movie star Mamie Van Doftn of Newport Beach appeared for her dJvorce. County They then spe<I (brough Anaheim, Buena Park, ~ and La Palma. Orango antt Los Allie!., County sherurs deputles also pY .. dlUe. The car was belltved taken from a Garden Grove used car lot, pOllce cbarg· ed. Sheriff'• <leputlel rodJoed Seal Beadi poUO<, who .chued· lbe pa": when they came off the San Diego Freeway .at Los Alaalltot Boulevanl. AP1n !be drlVermaaaged to 1 ... llje poDce. Howerir1,tbe pt wu found laU:r abandoned · orl" a residential street a1*lt four blocb from the beach, at 2 a.In. Thursday. T h e y used emergency chutes to g e t out of the plane. There were 57 passengm on . lhe flight wltith arrived al 8:M p.m. from Las Vegas. Two notables from the Nixon rally at Anaheim Conventlon Center Were delayed · in leaving the airporl, becauae of the one hour Ueup. . , Lt. Gov, Robert Finch was scheduled to fly ~ Sacramento in a private plane and TV peraonality An Llnkeletter, master or cffemonies ,at Uie-Ni~on affair, were held at the t~ building. Looking baclt at Ille PlllntliW ol lhe old Yorba Linda home piesented to h1m by Howard Sutherlin, 1eader of that COIXllllWlity's Loo V.ecil\oS •H Cl!!!>, Nb:qn declared "I am proud to baye come from• small town America. '•Jt has &ecome \be !~on theao dly1 lo tallt In C<llldescOndlng terms ol rural and small town America,'' the Prealdent- efect . noled. "But I tell yoo looiPI lhlt I IOdc no other ldentlllcatlon thin to be known aa Ille Preatdeol who came Star Athl.etes ~ from a llD&ll town. .. Yoong Sutherlin drew a howl ol dellcbt .... from the audience and from N!Jtn when be stepped to the microphone to prtsenl Mn. Nixon wltb· an .bonoror>; ,.mem- bership In llJe •H Club, iin>l!Onor alreod1, held by the new President. He cocked his finger at the new Finl Lady and beck~ to walk towarda him to receive the L , · He bn>qg1lt an bigger roar from (!ff NIXON, P11e Z) Thr~e County ·vou·ths Die .. In Cabin Fire . . __ . ___ -.;:, -""" Fire roared through a wooden cabin near BJg Bear Thursday ldipllg two star Orange County high achOol athletes and a Fountain Valley High School junior from Huntington Beach. The tragedy took on additional tragic Key Congress P. PAt~ GM~ ... ~"' I . . . . ' T~ennitlr .,. WASll!NGTON (UPI) -'!'hf ti<! Congnm formally convened today to legialale during the first· iwo y~ of the !'Ilion adminlstralloi! , wjlb .~. f!'.d'l'ar~ M. Kenndey . YI~~ . Jn his bid to supplant Sen. l\tisiell B: Long as Senate Democratic whip, The last of the Kellllldy brothers defeated Long by a .. v9te ~of Sl ~lo 16 to gain a rung on the Senale'1 ·teadership ladder with llJe slroni· baclclng ol llJe Democratic liberal bloc. In another rebuff to the old guard, Senate Republicaos eleclejl Sen. Hugh Scott, a· moderate ~Ivaniao, as' lbelr party whip . over Sen. llotnan Hruska, a more conservative Nebra,skap. nie vote in Scott's favor was 23 '1o 20. ' The Kennedy and Scott Victories cazri:e Jess than an hour before the House and Senate convened at noon EST with both chambers under DemocraUc control. Both Senate wbip choices marked a breakthrough for the liberal wlnp of the two partiea. However, the othu major congressional leadershlp posts re- mained in familiar bands. Sen. Gordon Allott (&Colo.), defeated Sen. Robert Griffin (R·Mlch.), 25 to 18 In their contest for the nmnber three GOP slot, chairman ol llJe Republican Policy Committee. Vice Pre1ldent-e\ecl Spiro T. Agnew sat in on the GOP session. He said' he waa only an obserYer and "just wanted to set to know the senators well." S<olt said afterwards he hoped his election "means we can broaden the base ol the party, strengthen and erilarge Jts appeal." . However, he s1tJd It w.aa 14not a vlctory (See CONGREM, P11e I) \l ~ --• ov¢ones with the arrest of U. two lone survivon of tbe blaze; .One, from Westminster, on suspicion of burglary; interfering I With firenlm, and beln& drunk. Victims of the predawn b~ are: -Craig Becknieyer, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. ~omer Giles, ~ 11582 Orn Drive, llwltlngloo Beach, a junior al Fouii!iln Viilley ·Jlllh School. • ~·~· 11, al. 7119 N.· ~phi ,i.,., .. f.nalfelm.. ,•,all( linepi'" ~..t::f.bei!D ~· CJF'~~· :-t.i tho 111114Qt fn>m '!tit Unlvenll>' ol Co.,._ --'hlople, IJ, " 535 8. Lemon St., Anaheim, lop baseball pitcher In llJe Sunset League during Ille tl!dl swon and a Ful!erlon Junior· C.llge student at the time of bis death. . Th,e, twG othep yout)ls, -dazed and Intoxicated acoonllng to shefilr1,depµtlea -were arrested at the scene, They are Kevin M. Woodson, 17, of 13853 La Pal Pllce, Westm!mter, aiid Bruce P. Pini, IJ, d 1670 W. BrOadny, Anal>tlm. . ' Bodi•• of \he lhree dead youths -burned beyond recogntilon -were found near a bathroom window from whlcll the o~,two1 apparently acaped. • San l!mwtt!Do County In~ said the cabin ls oWned by Eerl L. Denney, of 144'·E. Burton St., Anabel~ wliO ix' acquainted wllb 'Ille victims, bul badn 't reoted them b~ cabin. The bW. appeared to have ltartad In Ille ldlchen area 'ol stnicblre aod smoke accumulated enough to ankn Pina, "bo WU quoted as uytni hi lrled to help llJe others bul ll .... too w.. One theory ls that sparks from • fireplace may have ignited a can of Ugbter lluid set 'daqeroualy near -kl of newspapers and mapzines wblle ta.. five youthl slept. · Beckmeyer's 1 t e pf at her, Hornet GU.., ,aaid Craig bad planned to spend Wedneoday night at WoodlOll'B hol!M- "lle. hadn't m<ntlooed any fll!"I to go lo BJg Bear," Giles added. • The coroaer'I olllce ln Sin 1lernardlno said appanmlly -ol lhe bciys urlved In Big U.ar W-.Y nfCbl,land wed llJe other two U Ibey could stay over night .In the cabin. , • Beckmeyer'• family was notlfied ol the tragedy •bout !'CIOl1 Tbllni\1ay. '• • Miss Van Doren, who lives at the Balboa Bay Club, shed fonner Angel organizaUon baseball pitcber"Lee Meyen M'ol' .retired from the diamond and living with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.• Paul Meyers, 19941 Picadilly LaQe, Huntington Belch. Long blonde-tressed Miss Van Doren, rei:resented by attorney Joe M. Agapay Jr. of LOs Angeles told Superior Judge WiWarn C. Speirs that Meyers stayed away from their home for a week at a thne with no explanation. She said his. absences made her very nervous and she found It necessary to be under a doct«'s care.. Appearing at the default hearing in her behalf wu her buslneu manager Kenneth K. Tracy bf Loo Angeles. Seal Beach officers Ben Gaza and Jact Oweu staked out the car for ICNr hours. ' Tbe pair . .,... Dnally 1potted walking up lla)'Od Waj 11111 ~de Drive, about 'Ode b)QCIC ,,_I!'." ahlndooed car. Tiiey wm FTtlied 11 5:JI 1.m, . , Market ' Employe ·Fired CHP·Officerllejects -CourtD~nialof;JohReturn Ora age ' "'"""-Wealller ft' s ronna be a rtal groovy weekend, the wea~aq· JrCIDto. rs.a, willJ' lbeM IUriny sides ata,Y- lng around lo matcll • the - gree tempenlur'8. Meyers and Miss Van Doren were mvried March 4, 1161 at Bobe, Idaho and aeparated last Sep.ember. The plaintiff, who ha! a llt1ng for ballplayers -she wu once engqed to playboy pitcher Bo Bellns;y - ditplayed a knowledge or the game in taJtlng with reporten. She said Meyers, who hasn't. plafed baQ for a year, had trouble wUh bi! cU(Ve.. He was last with the PbolDix Gllr>ta. Mias Van Doren WU previoully mar- ried lo orcbe!tra leader Illy Anthony. She he a )).year-old llOrl tJr lhot Mir' rl~Jiu JU!! finished • IO-....it engage- ment ·tn New York night clubs and leaver any day for 20 more weeks In ' \. ----. . Fir ..... a-r-Bandit A .former Cali!ornia Highway. """° a. , , Patrolman who claims l;>e was flred A WestmlilltOi: -~hood · mahet , ~l\lle ht didn't iJIUe enough lralllc employe Wednesd>y nigh\ grabbed his citalionl todoy mllled to a«epl u own aulomallc pllto~ followed an armed final a Superior C-OUrl jodge's rtjectlon bmlll out.ol lbe 1tore and blazed a,.ay of Illa bid foe relnatatemenl . wllb lhree lllOts ii the neelng robber. Burton J. lledenschati. iZ, of Garden The emplO)'<, Bob Wrlgllt, appar..Uy Grove, lnltrucied his attorney to file mlsoed l!ili ... U ,_ lhota. The bOodlt , o a~ 'f!llll lhl Fourlh .D~ Q>\lrl HC1pedfronrthe f¥ii,..iuun ~ ~ A 'I ii\· ~ Dlqo : . · 'li!eli -. 'pollao roported \oWf. t · aIW udll" 1a..r1e1 saue-. -~ 'lb• , ~Aid the \JnidOntllied Wl!l*t I stata!• cue aa•lnal the veted!l»fljcen ..und' the' lllon! on llie coa>ef' ol · ·J~ hllft' 1Ude b!a1'UlJnc 'flunday W-AYtllll' and Milin -• 111jr-«wlyln( I'!' ,f04lt ~ \eSlllll"O~ lbout 1:15 p.m. ' prOducod h7 I bearin( Jn.hlsp>iirt. willbl tolcf ~ M blndlt _.,.. 1 • ~ta'• 11rote1Hphf1HD llrlng ._,...r 1 pJ..r Ud ~ilicled tllh. lihen on •Dec:....IL 111'1 wu wlier rejected the .-8'111,-lhlobt lo~ , 111 ·ilo --.me! ~BiJIJhat Into Ille street wllli'lils -own aua,1onc1 ""* ooll'l"flhelit ch..,. ol 1llellk:lency fired three llmu. ,· , : • • '-1_. It·, ~~ttlet, pittolman ~ ~ltfonal ·ii· ~ ' "~:...:'ll:j,_.,. • l L ,.. .. , '":l1t ... ... • ,i --• •, • I INSmE TODAY It'• not qullf a "Califomla mafia" bu£ tM1e'1 a distinct Gold•• stat• flavor lo the a<f. minlltrouO.. of Pr.,ftltnt.-aie<I ~I.ion. PaQt 5, ..... 11 .... :;-11 ~ ............ , f~· ... 'l':t·· ~" !! I ...... -::. ·1~· .. ,. --... ,, 1>11 ••• Lllll~•~ .. Q ,.,.. ~ ,, . . "* I tt """*'-It ,.. ...-. . ._. . ...... . ......... .. ........ u..... .......... .., ....., nW•--- i\ \~ • 'I I -------·----------·----. --------------.. ~ ___ --· ·-::---=--::'!:-:::'.".-=-==---=--===:===-----.. ~ J DAILY Pll.OT I+ ftf4o. """"7,,1'69 ! fLehanon. Calls • Israeli War I ~ ~ 1:.~ ..;:_ 2.tu,1,=:, _,., ~ aovemment J:::: a rnl1ltar1 dtalt t:rt~or~ar~t Israel will I Defeme lllnbW lluaseln Ouwdnl Jdloc:loood ol a -· <OOlerol>ce plans ~or COlllttfpllon. He appealed lo afl na- (tlona lo join In lrylJ>i lo head oil a wJobal confllcL I:" C.-tin& on llrad's COIDllllndo hJ.i nil Btltul olrport i..t Sawnlay. ~ aald that 11 lAbonon II attacked Nam. It will nght wllh every means )it Ill dlJposal, even 1Ucka. "The attack on Beirut has gtrengthened 'pJ1 re 1 I 1 tan c e' and atiffened our Nixon Set ;To Appoint ' Last.Aides LOS ANGELES (AP) -Presidenwlecl lllcbanl Nixon, ludctd In "fuD lond health to uiume the cballeoges" of office, II pni>arlnl to OU oot the top Jtvel roster of his new administration. Nixon plans to announce Saturday the selection of Elliot L. IUcbardlon, at- torney 1111tral of Maaaaclwetts, to be liJldersecretary of state, the No. 2 pooi- tioo In that department. U. Alesia Johnson, now U. S. am- bas.mdor to Japan, is to be named ~ndersecretary for political a!fair1, Washlni!ton sources reported. 'l'bel9 appolnbnents, to be announced JonnaIJy by the ~dent-elect and :&cretary of stale<lealgnate William P. '·'Rog<nt; lead'"o!l"B serle< cif IUIM'.:ablnet .ielecUoos to be made before the Jan. ·:io bwJ&m'allmt. Soon lo follow: NoininaUons to l\>P . jobs In !be Alrlculture Department and .Jhe Pentqon. ,, Nixon aidea would not eooflnn the State Department choices. But Nb:on -aemed to do so obliquely in a banterlRg exchange with Robert H. Finch, who Is to be secretary of health, education and welfare. He saiOFlilcb bad tiled to enlilt Rlcbardaoo as a lop deputy for hilt departmen~ but lm't IO!ni to IOI him. The President-elect also said U.. will be .a, perhaps .. many .. 10 Clllftlo nfana In the ranka ol -and undmocretarles yet to be ..-. • "Tbe reasm ls a co09lllout elliilt lf• being' made In the admlnlstrati<I> to provide 1-aphlc baiaol:<," he· aaid at a Thunday luncheon honorlJ>i Finch, lieutenant 1overnor qi. California. • '"lllere ls a tendency In Waabiniton for eucuUve and admlnlltrative oUSciala to be adecled ton much from lhO New York, New Eni!land and Wuhlngtoo, D. C., part of Ole COlmtry," he said. " ••• We have tended to loot lo the M!dwelt and the fir Weit." Thal woy, he said, the new ad- mini.!tration can seek out the top talent In all -of the nation. Rams 'Tee Off' 1n Beach Monday Los Angeles Rams tl!lmmates Roman Gal>rlel and Bruoe Gaosett will try to match golf swings at 1 p.m., Monday/ In the lobby of Mercury Savings' new ~Hnntington Beach ofnee on Edinger Avenue near Beach Boulevard. ·The golf swing game i& part ot a free golf ,Clinic inlUated Jan. I to celebrate !Xe opening or Mercury Sav- ings' new branch. The goll clinic will run through Jan. 17, with a golf pro from one of the local clubs present each day to give Ups on bow to improve your game. DAILY PILOT ORANGE CO.UT l"UILISH1NG COMl"ANY R•lt-rt N. W•etl ""-lrMnf ...... '"1Atlllfl« J•clr II:. C•rlf'Y Vice il'TwllOlnl •Ml Gotntf .. M1111ttr lho11111 K••"ll IEdlNf Thom•• A. M11rphi11• llWl-"'t Edllw Albtrt W, loltt WHlltM RMd A1110tlft1 Hllflt!Mtlln llltdl Editor City fdltor H11Jttt ....... Offtle J09 Ith Str11t Molllnt Adcfre1u P.O. 101 7'0, •2MI OtW""'- "._., lt1C11: nn wnt a.1tio1 kllr/9,.. Ca&!• Me .. : »0 W•I l•Y Slrwl . . t ~to npt oa.~ i.1114, -dooled r.pri. lo .... ,ne~pers M Ille ~ .llld decldii! lo permit 1 vlsll by lhe Soviet Meduerra.nean fletl . "Thue has been absolutely no request either by the U.S. 6th ~'leet or by the Soviet fleet to visit Lebanon and the q4'S'l1on has not been dJscussed," he said. The reports said the tovemmt!!l told the Soviet Uni9n that Russian lhipa could visit Beirut U Moscow asked. The Soviet fleet, believed to tola\ about fJCl ships in the Mediterranean, has never visited Lebanoo. • Tbe~ue-M-'" ~--1114 ,, ... ..-Ylfl .upieaed. ti,. ~ ~t tl,J. lloty ships wOuld be u'nw~tCome because of Wash.ington's recant decision to sell 50 Phantom jets to !&rat!. TbiJ would be a reversal of Lebanon's trad.iUonaJ pro. Western policy. Israeli anger at lhe world's con~rn for Leblnon increased. Foreign Minister Abba Ebao assailed the U.N. SecurJty Council and the Sephardic chief rabbi criticized Pope Paul VI. 1'.1eanwhile, the once quiet Lebaneset- Israeli border erupted again in a11 OAIL Y PILOT Sllft ~ .. , r·, artlllerJ dllel ?llundq -.. the 1111 rour ,...... -uiiued talllnc about .,~ ,..,..i fGr joint peace action. Clilel llabbl YUlbat Nlaalm, head of Israel'• Sephardic community, cr!Ui!zed the Pope for hb ~e to Lebanmt expressing sympathy for the Joss of 13 commercial aircraft destroyed· by the Isradl commando raid <11 Btlnlt airport laat Saturday. In a broadcast over lhe sta~ radio, RabbJ Nlssim said the Pope had kept silent alter the Nov. 22 bombing that killed 13 Israelis in a Jerusalem market and alter the Dec. 26 Arab attack on -~ -~ an El Al alrlloer In Atha lo wllldl on•!lirieU died. "Here," he said, "art clear slam ol ' two tendentles on the part of the PonUff: A comprehensive war against the Jewish fa11h and agalnst the country which God gave lo llJJ people .. , "The fope .was not lhocked over thfl sheddil!I ol blond ••. but rather over material thlng1." It wa~. the stCOlld attack on the Pope In as many d~s. Dr. Zerah Warhaftlg, minister of religious affairs made a similar complab\t. ' Ai a new1 conference in Tel Aviv, EllOn cr,!>mted it,. ~ Coomcll resofuti.O condea>plor the laratU raid and 11111eotlnf Lebanon la enliUed to compensaUOn. ••u Iareel were wiped out completely by the Arabs, tbe Security Council would do and say nothing," Eban declared, referrina to the Soviet veto wbkh bu blocked every attempt to censure tbt Arabi. ' ' Asked aboot the recnmmendaUon !or comptnsation, Eban saJd, "What is sug· gested by the Security Council by war of redres.1 for the family of the man murdered In Athens?" *** ***· *** Soviet Peace Plan Rejected • Israel; 'Big Three' Won't Support Mideast Proposal Br un1tec1 PA•• 1ntunat1ona1 Isr.ae and lhe we.stern "BJg Three'' l~ed today lo support Soviet lnlU.Uves to p.it together a big four Middle East peace 111arantee.' 1'le Soviets launched their Middle E~t "peace offensive" Thuraday in meetlnp with top American,'French and Britllh ofllclala to auueat a Mideast settlemenL The Soviet plan was report- ed to call for an initial withdrawal of 1.....U forces lro111 occupied terrilory followed by Aral> tennlnaUon ol their ~ of. war wltll Israel and concludini With a bis four euarantee of the region'• -.. 'ilraell Foreign Minlmr Abba Eban _From Page l CONGRESS •.. of ideological character." Referring to Kennedy's victory, he said, "Both parties have rtvlved, refrtished and restored quickly denoonced the Soviot plan u a "phoney peace olleoalve and an lmpoo- ed aoJuUon." In Paris, a commljllique followin& to- day's l'rench cabfhet meeting made it cle'ar that President Charles de Gaulle's government had relinquiahed ils earlier hopes that a big four peace conference CQU)d convene to solve the Middle East crisis. The cabinet communique ~ the French !di discuaaloa ol the .crlail should be continued within the U.N. Sec- urity CouDcil but "believes there will be no big four power coriference" u sougbt by De Gaulle earlier. Western diplomata in London Aid to- day they considered a four power guar· antee to the Middle Easiern powers full of ptlfalll -ind highly doublful. ; Western diplomats ln close &ouch with the latest Middle Eastern diplomatic maneuvering said the United Nations and probably the major powers woolcl most likely have to endorse any Middle Eastern setUi:ment. But that settlement would first have to be reached by the powers involved, either by direct or indirect negotiations, they said. They discounted the probability of a blanket four.power guarantee becaUM the guaranteeing powers would be hml put to ad swiftly and forecfully enough to puniab viollton. A WHITTIER BENCHWARMER WIN~ HIS LETTER Nixon, Former CCNch Wallace ''Chief'' Newman tbeJr aspect." · Suzie's Heart Surgery On :Again for Jan.10 KennedY's victory was certain to be Jnterpreted as an important itep in a That on-again, o(f.~g~ heart surgery of Suzie's mother, Le Thi Lan. as "cautiously optimistic" following the an- nouncement of the new date for her child's desperately needed surgery. The attractive Vietnamese woman, the wifa of an officer in the South Vltt:nameu Army, almost collapsed Sunday when surgery was called off for the third time. paaslble 1972 pres!denti81 bid by the for "Suzie" ls on aoain. Massachuseta senator. • Fro111 Pflfle l Long, SO, was cast by observers as Chlldrens Hospital :Surgeon1 Thursday symbolic old-tine Southern Senate po·.rer ·scheduled Jan. 10 U the date on whlch allhough his record has. been more they wllJ rebuild the two-year-aid Viet- moderate than ·lhat of many other _ namese child's faltering heart -the NIXON HAILED IN ANAHEIM • • • Southerners, particularly on economic fourth tim~ that the little girl's name tbe convention center crowd a minute Jater when he did exactly the same thing to the grinning Nixon. And the Prtsldent-elect kept the act going b~ then chasing after Sutherlin across the -e with the lift wrapping lhal tlMi)'olmJ ~bad dropped. GREAT 'PROP MAN "My, what a great prop man this new President would have made," quip- ped the laughing Linkletter. "And did you see the way that kid brought him nmning to the microphone? lf he can Mideast, Viet 'Peace P11sh' Told by Rusk WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary of State Dean RU3k said today the Johnson administration will expand its efforts "between now and Jan. 20 to improve the pros~ts for peace 1n Vietnam and the Mlddii East." In perhaps his final news confere:lce after eight years in office, Rusk em- pbasit:e<f the threat to world peace po.sed by increasing violence in the Middle East. And he called upon both Israel and the Arab governments to exercise re- straint. Arab governments, he said, should recognire that they "must do their utmost to restrak1 terrorist' activity." He added: "We call upon Israel to reco~ that a policy of excessive retahation will not produce the peace that Israel surely desires." The secretary reaffirmed the U.S. positMxl that a peaoeful solution in the Middle East can be found In the U.N. Security Council resolution which he said established "lhe real beginnlng1 of a just and lasting pea Cf!.." Althou~h he did not rule out U.S. coosultattons with the Soviet Union, France, Britain and other major pow· l!rs, he declared that ''we do not be- lieve that peace can be found outside" the MJddle East area. The United States, be said, would con- sult with other governments in an effort to help U.N. Ambassador Gunnar Jar· ring find a "lasting peace in 8'1 area that has known no real peace for &o loog." Rusk said tbe 9resent Middle Ea11t prospects are "serious and require the nnmediate and prudent attention of all leaden on both sides. "There is little question but that a breakdown of the presen( tenuous 81'- rangenients would be catastrophic for aJI the peoples of the area," bf: said. On Vietnam, Rutk emphasized that there may be two or three stqes that can be anticipated before a settlement can be achleved. .. We are amioua to cut through pro- cedural malt.en to get to more l}'ltem· aUc discusslom," he said. The United States bu put forward a l?ffl many a!WnatiTtS lo pt the pro- cedural questtono oetlled and the w1ous business of LalU \L'lder way. Rusk wu questioned about reported differences with Secrttary of Defente Clark M. Clifford on the conduct of the Paris nea:otlatlon.~. C1\1ing lhe report s~lallve, Rusk smiled and said: ''1 don 't recall I ever wrestled on the rug wiU1 Sec retary CliUord." do that to a President what 1 Wues. has appeared on the operating room businessman he's going to turn out to Kennedy spurned a chan~ to compete bulletin board. be." for the 1968 DemocraUc presidential The critical blood shortage that led Among an array of gills presented J)ODlfnaUon after bl•.~. Sen. Robert tlK: heart surgery team to cancel an to Nixon was the bench on which he 'F. Kennedy, was usWlnated l'ast Jun.e operati$)1f · s1a~ for Thursday should spent so much of his time while his Long had been~ sJnce USS and be ~eviated in a wtek's time, a hospital Whittier College teammates won fame Kenoedy't ~ amtllmcemeni Jut spotesman commented. "And If if isn't," on the gridiron. w~k lh2't he would W to unseat the he Said, "we believe that we'll be able But compensation came in the same Louisianan caught most Sen ate to make special arrangements to get moment when 2~ of his former team Democratl by surprise. the blood that will ·be needed for Suzie.'' and classmatM filed on ·&tage to present All 57 Democratlc senators turned up The Hong KOn!J . au epidemic Is to Nixon the football letter that wu. for the caucua. Sen. John Sparkman responsible for the blooj s··ort:::gc thzt said Dr. Paul Sm!lb, college pesident, (0.Ala.), announced the Kennedy victory is limiting many ho3pital or~raling "35 years overdue." about 80 minutei alter the caucus began. rooms throughout the nation to einerg!.:!l· Long said the Kennedy family political cy surgery only. And flu 1·:as directly OTHER FLASHBACKS organization "turned a lot of votes to res ponsible for the second c.Jncc!lo.lio'l Further flashback& to the early years his advantage." of surgery for ailing Nguyen Thi Thar.ii of Orange County's naUve son came "I think I had· Senator Kennedy outgun-Phuong when a member of the surce1 Y from : ned in the U.S. Senate, but across the team contracted the rampant virus. -CalUornia's u. Gov, Robert Finch, country he was more popular than I Suzie failed to make the first scheduled who will be secretary of health, education was." Long told newsmen. trip to the operating room when she and welfare in Nixon's cabinet. "I've He said the poliUcal organization put contracted a high fever and a persi~tert known him for 22 years," recalled Finch, together by the late President John F. ear infection shortly after she ar1·i\·cJ "22 years in which he's known the agony Kennedy and the late Sen. Robert F. at the Orange facility from her D.:1 of defeat and the ecstasy of victory. Kennedy had strong influence with Nang home last Nov. 27. It has been my privilege lo know this business and labor throughout the nation. Hospital officials described the alt;tuLc 5 Held on Vice Rap in Newport Five Hollywood area women tn their early 20s were arrested in Newport Beach this mor.iing on conspiracy to commit prostltutlon charges after New· port Beach detectives arranged a meet- ing through a phone call. The women, one of them a topless dancer. were arrested after the meeting in a Harbor area motel. Police identified the suspecta u Tina Louise Clark, 23, of Los Angela, the topless dancer; Eva Leigh Strattoo, 20. of Hollywood; Carol Davia, 20, of Hollywood; Lynda Dolores Arellano. IZ, of Hollywood and Annie Pearl Seymore, 23, of Los Angeles . great man." 1--:::;ijjl;mmiiiiiii~---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;!~:{hs~~eE::~:n:~:~;:·o~rn1::~i~j , ~& JAN2 UA0 RY S1A' LE him. But I never re.ally did get a good ~· ~ look at hirr. then." ~.._y -Mrs. Cecil "Ma" Pickering of Foun-" taln Valley. "Sure, I spanked him good and hard when he was about 8. He asked for it because he would keep teasing my little girls." -Mrs. Evelyn Dorn of Whittier, secretary to the young Nixon when he opened h1s first law practice. "I well remember that he always said 'never make a statement that you cr.i't live up to'." And in a grand climax lo the two-hour show a birthday cake bearing 56 candles «ras wheeled on gtage while the audJence sang "Happy Birthday to you" to the happy President-elect. Nixon blew them all out in one breath. "Keep on snuffing things out as fast as lhat while you're in the White House and you'll never have any problertll!I," quipped Llnkletter. ·' IBITAGE GRANO TOUR __.,._g ·.~-SALE $219. Req. $269. ht· $265. SALE $219. Match Play Cause Of $10,000 Fire Children playing with matchts were blamed by fu-e officers today for starting a SI0,000 fire that gutted the bedrooms of apartment C, 2202 Delaware St., Hun- Uniton Beadi, Thursday afternoon. Hunlinlllon Beach firemen batu~ blaze for 101 minutes before brtn&lni Jt under control. Investigators said the fi~ started In a closet in the: rear bedroom, where two bOya, both age 4, one the chtld cf the occupant,· Mrs. Noran Ollver, and the Olbtr a neighbor's chHd, were pl>ylnii with matdles. 1be rur bedrooms were completely destrnyed and smoke and beat ruined the living room fW"llilure. ln\'esUgators IAld. No other apartments were damaged . Twenty-five men With lwo englnta, one anorkel unit and a rescue truck responded to the fire. Two chief officers directed lbe operation. • FEATURING: HINRIDON-Folio Thr•t-Font1in1 Uphol1t1ry 1111'" OFF DllXll Fr.nc.h Country M1nn1r-Colltt--Olmff1 --Req . $299. SALE $239. ACCESSORIES -LAMPS -PICTURES EXCLUSIVE DEALIU l'Olt: HINU--DllDEL-HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONG'1! TlllMS AVAIL.AILI ON APPROVED tllEDtT NEWPORT llACH 1121 w .. 1d111 Dr. 642-2050 OflM RrMY ft t . INTERIOIS Prof1t.1lonat lnt.rhtr Deoftnon A•allo~lo-AID-NSID LAGUNA ll!ACH ~ North CNot Hwy. 494-6SJ1 OP8f MIO.AT 'T'IL t ...... , ........ et 0.-.-c....., a.t16J I I I I I • ·1 " .. ' . •r •• • . -~•et. Totla7's ,,,. .. ii ~ . •. _N.Y. Steeb ~011.ION • . • ~ > ' c ,i • "'"·" •• YOt: ~2, NO. 3,. 4" SECTIONS, 3'2 PA61:S . ' . ' ' ' I ~ • ' ••• u ' ORAN6E ,t . ' • • • ' • ' • • -.,, • j. • • ' • Can~n B.es~dents Get c1tance to Ciirh Road~ By RICHARD P. NALL Of tM O.W PUii lkiff Residents pf Lal)IDR;. C&ly<>n Acrf3 Drive"il>urailoY• tpPeaiid.for mora.tlme to try.W .. liedliiite plans !or eveotliat meMloil of their &lrett to Top ot the World. . •• ' After a lel>ltliy bearlnc"""'!!!Cil acUod eave _. ·-ttae 1tln}e-ijbweVer~ eouu. cilmen iniuc.ted .the l'Joposed exlellflon would:be 8Plll'QVed ~ 'l!Je , ~~·~•'"~~ ' ' --~ the planning staff had reconunended adoption of the entire alignment. Charles E. Colhw;o, 32'1 Canyon Acres Drive,., objected \o any ~t~n of the l'.llBtil: road. He said realdeoto bl the area bad written letters and signed pedUona aojd\ni. "I don't !mow what elae wO can Ny.'' • . Wayi)e Moor:e, 447 Canyon Acria Drive, asked for more time, a month or ail weep •for · hll ll'O<IP to · l'lher in- formation. .. " . .. " He mentioned the ''Boston Tea P8.rty" and , being deprlved 9f homes. Moore said tilt ~p knew the~ are alternate routtt·to Toj> of the World. 'He-rtlen'ed to the ~·u·a 49-fOot bittering ram "kD~ at the upper doOr 'of 8 -»foot·wlda -caizyoo Acree Roact." Vlei> Mayor Jpaepb O'Suillvan Mid road wklerung WU alr<ill~-inclllljed' b\ tlio , -plan' and_:~ why·-,~ waa lleed!"lf "Tlit '.win-d!d .,,mo • .. . • .._. ,..! ... .:::-- ,. ~.. . ,:. -..... . . . . . . . -· . !-: !IX'Ob 1·0 '· --·.--- Kennedy Elected -.. ~ To Major _Post WASHINGTON ·(UPI) -The 91st CongmB formally convtn<d today to legia:late dwing the first two years of the NiJ:on administration with Sen. EdWard M, Kenndey victorious In hll bid to 1Upplant Sen. Russell B. Long as Senate Democratic whip. The last of ~ Kennedy brothers . delealf4 E' ' , vole of 31 to 26 to galii * . Senate's leadership laddi.r wl1li backing of the ~~'eJil• iu~;t A. Se!1ale· RopuhlJcai ~ SOL H*ah S!lott, a . -~-Yflllan, u . ~"""' ~= 1'le. wti ~Scoli:(/ :Ou 23 1o 29. . The Keme<ly. and·Scoll· vlctoriea came Jeu than an hour before the House and Senoto convened at nopn EST with both chambert uhder Demooratlc control. · • Both Senate whip cbOICei marked • breaktbrougb !or the liberal wings of the two·. parties. Ho-#ever, the Qtber major congressional leaderahlp posts re- mained in famlllar bands. Sen. Gordon ADOtt CR.!Colo.), defeated Se!' RObert Griffin (R-Mlch.), 2S to 18 irl their' contest for the number three GOP. slot; -.cbairmall •of the Republican • ' ill' ' ~ '!' . · HOlDS WHIP .HAND . · . S.nat~~,J.C.~lfi 1. , ~ . .. . . . .. ·-.,~.-..... Lag.~a ~~~ll . Okays Purchase Of 'ltoad Chunk' Policy Committee. -. . Vice President-elect ·Spiro T. /lgoew sat In «>-111' QOP· ~· He said he was , onlY ad ·o~ am "Just wanted to get to know the senators wt1L" Scqtt Mid alterwardl be hoped his election 'fmeans we can. broaden the base of the party, strengthen and enlarge Its appeal." However, he &aid It wu "not a victory (See CONGRESS, Page Z) q£ciil11tEll'°~rxoNs G~s11:i;·11N~· of: 14 ~~!'Pv-GHoST~·f:RoM l"REs1oeN'r'.'El'E'cr:S'U&Lv'VE'ARs . ic . ~·(~uH! ~·~·~d~n;~~a~TJ?•-,.~ . .Bi ~nowr a1 'flle Prul.d1n~ Who C•"\• From a Smlti-Tow"' ,s; . , ,, ...... ~,-· . ' ~..,S.~t:'~FY:l_',...,",:. ~ .. ,,' : ; ,~I "t1 ( , • ',." ; , CRVSTY ~L'WHA.'L'E : Byla~s Altered SCRAPES LAGUNA A crusty old gray whale· attempting to scrape barnacles from his thick , hide bellied up to Laguna's· Main Beach this morning and for about 15 minutes thrash· llllguna Beach Is buying a chunk of La N ed about in chest deep· water. gUila tO Ote A aiJable crowd' that gathered al90g road. the beach everm.,ally disturbed the visitor Festival Members Okay Board-posed Changes. cOuncilmen Thursday nigh' authori7.ed who took off for calmer shores. preparation of an agreement lo purchase March of Dimes The FestlvaJ·ol Arts niembeishlp has other directors. The change 8Pd a09lher Brupe Countryman'• portion of Summit overwhelmingly apP.fOVed changes Pt UJe change for Jega1 purposes were approved Dn.•• (about 1550-feetJ for '30.0llO plus La~a $each Mayor Glerui E. Vedder Bl·-st,' Fire IDJ .. ilre articles: olb ln~arduon<lf-J~-1'11.Ws " 228 to 5. · esdoow costs up to fi,000. · , • "' has proclabnf.d January as "March of JJ;1 proposed 1 tbe:bda "~ rs.· ' A bylaw section on removal of a ·The project was .worked out with Coun-,Dunes l!i.onth" in the city. Ballots 1 o.f the;252 rrtember.s rt!$0fldtng director .:... elliitlnaftng: Conflict in the -o.·n•SuDI . 'J'l>e'.DllljlOr's proclamation noted the Four in R. estaurant were·oounf<;i Thur<day. There were,1,280 tryman by Vice Mayof J"":-:1: .. :VL van. March A){ Dimes Foundation's efforts Orange COOnty, members ellgib,le to :vote., articles and -bylaw• ··-~wu . •P.Jll;OVed Coonttymao bad orfiil>ally IJffered the to prevent birth defect& whlclf affect <;ULVER CLTY (UPI) ~ Ao explosion Fourteen ballots were voided because 11~ ~It . . ' city' his portion of the hall·mlle road over 250,000 American bablet every year. and -~ fU'e rip~ through a sm,all they were late. The ballot mailinp to the membership to •Arch Beach Heights f..-ll!b.ooo and "Our community of ..u,J>tened citizens reatsuraot Thur&iay night injuring. four Chang ea tn the articles of Incorporation Include 1 otateri>ent favoring the cbinges lndfcated he would put-~ gale -across cannot in etod consclence close its eyes tee~·age. employes,.one critically. , make ;11 necessary to have 1 a maJority , by' wimam D. M .... u .. , Fes_t1Val boafd •· a -·"··•·g tr••edy of Sllch The b'·-.....,bly caused by a lea"' vote of the entire membershlp to remove ... '1!'' it 11 the city di<jn't buy. ;;;agn1tuci';:'·~v';dd.,. ..W: h,. 8 ~~ ~~. blew out ~ a director. , president. Clarence Upson :YOUD&', former O'Sullivan said a soi!J engineer had He urpc1 Lagunus t.r contribute to of the roOI and the lronl wall of the 'Formerly the · bylaws specified that board member and aomillme crltJc· of esthnaiM it would cost $10,000 to repair the March's Dpt apjnlt l*tb. ~-Chicken Delight stand, poUoe aald. a director could be removed by the the Festival, had oppo.sed many of the a fault In the road. He said JQlepb changes in a stalem!nt that went out Sftany, city public works director, ·-• with the ballot.I. . estimated it would take another ,,o.ooo Co.u·n .. ~1. y T·e~ns'. Di·. _e 1 •. n Blaze Another by!Jw Change .approved tlO to put on new asphalt and bring the to 3 makes technICal changes .'in the road up to Nndard. procedure for the annual ettc:UOn of . O'Sullivan said Countryman had agreed offJcers. .. to aubtract th• $20,000 frnm .,hts •!king . • A ,bylaw re¥proved .111 to 1 prlte ii the ' city' would pick up th> ch:fes. the · of , the F..UY&l ~~ wd there .... •good 2-Star. Ath_ ~~s, Beach Boy. Perish in Cabin Fire ~~. ·t~:""~ 111 po9ihlllty the city wollld recover ball -.. 14 2· It J!I& innuil-<>f, · !hi> road ~ fi'om , the coonlJ .via ~it. roared through a-~ cabin Phlla<lelphli Ave .. Aniiheim, a w bumedbeYcindrecOgniUoo:...:W<!rel~: berslll'llid boardl«NoVin '-i.;:d ~ ~""!!· ..di.n-of SUmmll • near llla-'.'l'llundaJ tlWntl i.. -~an_ ~1§,1.Aoal>Olm Colonilla' near ,a: batlJtoOm ·WindoW Jrom whlcll : ol ~I\<>'-~ -·cill1et teclmleal oij;; baa width varylnc-,_ ••te ·~~.....,illcl' Clf cham P tOlm;)iome ·lorJt 'thOothertwoapparetitfyielCap..t,"' . ~~ 1 ''".. " · · fO.leetaiidrepmmta-t6,0llf_..., ·~~,1~_MMl•ji!>iGr'11 ~~·~~11ol,Color o. ! San~ Oow1ty hitestlgalcn v!terCJll;,=i.."'.'°~~:~ fe;: =.1e11:upperrfgbt ~!'J'W ";',_ ~ i.:~ ..._.....1 tr•-'• St,.~~~~~~~ ~~;_!!le .~~. b owi>ed ',~y, ~ L., . ~Sa]y,1 ~-~ erid ,lli,lft .... ~J¥naF •-.-. ~-.. ~ "·S·-~•••M~d · "·I...--·-·-=·of ,.,.E Qurton,S~~~· I_.. _ _ •. H!flhlaatLaMiradawlthSummllDrive ~ wtt11 tM """"l'f the l)liq "": ··---.~ "'me•~--· ,wj>oJs a lll!e<l 'wttli)pr 'blll " :,n;rrn-•• ·~· · '"" '" near the liltersectlon of Diinnoncr_, lone -•• ti 'tllt 'llliae, -.frilln Uil a i'Dllel'ton ,Jwuor Coll&e •\¥en1 hadn't · ·diem' his Cabin · ' , -· Aclqulsillon had been dl,..'5d. !or W-a;ar, w1a11c•,OI ~. al the lime of bis d..U.'. .. ' ' .'ll!e bl~.apptafed to hive .tarl<ii Slec!Jc /1141f>h~~· several years. ln!.rf.niw~willi llrtmeo, and ·11e1oa The' two olhei ~Iha,.... ¥!eel aiul . In the ~ ma ·of otruclure ·alid ' """ - After hearing O'Sullivan, the council dnmL t.· · '" lntoxlcale;daCcon;d"*tosherffl'i ' sl)l<lke a<ci,mlilated eneugb to Watfll NEW YOllK'l<\l'l&;~·••lf rally aW<>ved the purch°"' and also adQoted VlctlmJ o1 the predaWll bllJA! .,., -were arrelJ>ll;f!I ~, ~ , Pini, 'l'1'o 'Iii -quoted as saying )le w .. bluotecl ,.i<llie' mar!M,cloled resoluti,,,. -~g the county Jo lncWde -Cr:all Boch' ;.t, •1', "" ol Mr. T~ey are•~~· · .. I tiled '~ help 'the olliero bul ll .-.:!".: mi~·~~-~4 In. '!11 · .a#l"l''<'l'adina- Summit Drivt in thl! arterlal 1ireet plan. and 'Mn. ll4awr Gila, cl llltl Don 13853 Laf..,.1. •. ~· too~J:.o...,·" ,.. 1 ($ee _ p ~t.-lOl.., , , Anolber adopted reaolutlon ul:ed Jn. Driva, Huollnflol! Beacll, • JunJOr at Bi'uce P. l'tllA, iit1 . , . Dile '"'11'1' fs ·tJial apaf~.tioli>.a ·~uir .. _. , · ci:I~, clq ol Del Mar and Utah Streets F.....W. ~lllab~ ,Anaheim. .,o: t 'lirep~ nlN.~• lil)l\f!d ·a .Cao of . Ar°"a~'"'"""~vlo'···•'•!.•~,· ,,, M",!'!!Jf.·111t , in the,lllerial plan. ~ "Cloldea, "It, 'ot' 7311 N. Bodi" bl the three dead .;lllollls -, (Bet ~IN rD\E, P1&• 1) · ~-•ru ,~~ ...,-,. -.. ' ' ' ' . . -. -" ,c . " ' a bit of work and came uf, with thilt . route ; you wouldn't be ab e to ccme , up with a study of this magnitude would you?" he said. _ Richard ElllCh told councilmen be ba,s acquittd r.roperly llJld Ibo , rell estate · me hadn t iold him part bl It would~ taken for a road. 'Mayor -Olenn Vedder aakt he dldn1 feel the road would become a JUlll -.. -....... llldaald-(S.0 Jl:iTENlllON, •fql II . ·, Dick, Pat Get .Warm Reception -·---By TOM BARLEY -, Of ftttl 0.llJ ,I. llatf Fourteen happy ghosts !tom Richard NiJ:on's fonnaUve years came back to haunt him Thursday night In a bomecom,' ing celebration that turned out to be a revamri and wildly acclaimed "11lil Js Your Life." Drawn from the Orange County and Whittier claasroom years of t b • _ presl~~t-elecl, the~ paraded before Iha dllijgb!fd Nlf9n• el)il a capadty audience Gill'• ~,Jn the 'Anaheim eon. ~l\)!li!j"Cinltf; . Xnl'!llldel''the smooth, ihJ,1ng ol show buslnesl peraonallty Art l.lnkletter they ""8Ded' !hi jouog days of Richard MUMu ~ with rembliJcen<es that ~ lnP+ ~-!room f~ to ttil · umsh.iJbed serulmentality ot their cberlsbed memorfet Of NJ:ron family life . lil Ille old Yorba ~ home, There w~'t ·toom in the bup Anaheim facllity for everyone who wanted to· see this colorfuJ recreaUon of the old Ralph Ed!rards show. A fUrlher 4,000 disappointed NW.. rooters bad to be seated in the ·nearby exhlbltlan hall where they listened to the proceedings over loud speaktn. Nixon, obvloualy deulhtett as each of th< prfnclpall recalled' b~ association with Orange County's famous aon, was deeply moved when painter Jobn Orth presented him with a picture of bis late mother. Hnrima Nixon Ja. depicted readlna the JW>le that waa 10 much a part of the l'IW>n family IUe. ' "This his blen ..,. of tile .... ~ ~entl of IQ1'life," be ufd, *'Whatever elae may come to me I toll )'.OU tonliht. thal'aotblllg can ...,.... this wmcferlul · even:tnC you·blve given me.1' Nixon went on to pledge that •f wU1 (lleo NIXON, Pap Z) Plan · App.roved On Development A revised development plln for 108 actea of the Laguna Niguel area wis approved by: the _,,, of .Supervlaon Thursday. .. I --7\" The plan calls'1« m ~<Ill units ' In the· area north of· the !n-o! Niguel Road llJld crown Valley~ Parkway. . Plans call for a· areenf>ett uu on 1, the east side. of tile obbtl developmeo~ , ..------------...... Weati.er ' . . It's gonna be a ; real arOOVJ we<iteod, 'the weatherman _. Isa, with these sunny aides stay. "Ii . around to match the 'll;d• gree temperatures. • INSmE TODAY lt't "°' q1111t a11'Califomla mafia'~ but· tMN'1 a difdtact G•14t11 ~ .f/lltlor t~ u;. .. ~ mml,,tr-H"". "' Pr,<sidtn~ltcl Ru;o,;: y";J; .• :• • r J • • • , • ' , , .,.... ,.. "'*"""' ' . ti --.. =--" C""1,.._ n.at • .,_ .. c-ic. n ~ rt ·-·l'' . =--.. . ,,.. .... JWic. . ' . f\lftw tt ...... ..... • t.ctlt....... ,. .. .,. ......... .,.~, lM'I . ..... ' , ••• I ...... ft.IS . SIMI ---.... .... ~ " .... ~ .. --... .. ,........, ... I ,,,....__,. ... ...,..._ • ~ . ..,....,,...., ,. I-~~ .'\, :r:-,... ~ • • l ' .. > .. ~-~-'a -·-··-~-------·-· ---~----•-•·-·-------··--------- , I l I --------------.. ---------- ii OAILY PILOT L ' I ~Lebanon..· ,.Calls Dr . ft .. ' ISraeli If M11rlt*td PRU ·-····--'"Int""' ..w todl)' hil government plans a military draft and tzpiuoed lean !bat Imel will -&.-. jhlrdworld war. Dtreme Minister Huuein Ouwe.ini dlldoted at a news oonfertnee plans ,l(lt conacription. He appealed tr> all n•-»m.w .1o join in lr)'in& to bead off a .. ~ cooflicl, Commenting on IJrael's comllllndo raid .. Beinlt airport 'la&t Saturday, • o.weilll sild !bat tt Lebanon Is attacked again, it will fight wllh every means .. t its disposal, even stick&. ' "' .. ' . ...... ... • ' 1 • ';t'bt alllcl .., Belrul f!IJ llrmlatl>oDod nett. bellmd 14 jolal alloiat IO lblp,j aur ·..rt•i staa o'• ind Siii! .... INt o in tbf ~ 1111 °""' •llllod ~Ill llt!it flG/' .. ml ,l.6binOB, • • • • . -..... NPOlls In -·nit rt,IMllic -1--..\1 "•' -~ i1>4t tile ptnunen! hid and Al Jarid& slid Pr<mler Abdulla decided &o perrhlt' a visit by the Soviet Yafi exprea&ed the view that U.S. Navy Mediierranean fleet. ships would be unweJ.ci:nne became ol "There hu been absolutely no request Washlnaton's recent decision to sell 50 either by tbe U.S. 6th Fleet or by Phantom jets to Israel. This woukl be the Soviet fleet to visit Lebanoo and a reversal of Lebanon's traditional rro- tbl question hu not been dlJCulsed." Western polJcy. he aid. Israeli anger at lhe world's conctrn ftf' rep>rts lllid lhe government told for Lebanon Increased. Jl'orttgn Minister the Soviet Union that Russian ships could Abba Eban assailed the U.N. Security visjt Beirut if Moscow asked. The Soviet Council and lhe Sephardic chief rabbi er~ POI'" l'IDI VI. • l,leanw~ !he """" qu1o1 seaneMt,. -II. bonier et:UP(ed again In ao ~ duel !nianday nigh~ and the BJ& Pwt"powen·eonUnued talking~ a Soviet proposol for Joint peace action. Ollel Rabbi Yitmal: Nlslim, head of Israel's Sephardic community, cril.ici:.ed the Pope for his message to Lebanon express.lng sympathy for the lo.ss of 13 commercial aira'aft <testJwed by· the Isr1eli commando raid oTi. Beirut airport last Saturday . In a broadcast over the stale radio, Rabbi Nissim said the Pope had kept allat afler the N~. IS bomblnf tMt klllod u llir..U.'111 a J......iem mmet and alter the Dec. 26 Arab attack on I/I El Al ojrlioer Jn Albtns in which. one Israeli died. ··~'-be aa1d. "at& clf.ar slim· ol two tendelict .. on the part of the ponUll: A compr'11"'1'1".• war against the Jewish faith end agalnsl the cOUlltry which G1ld pve lO ll!a peop!J. •• "l'be P\iP.6 wu nol shocked OYtr lhe shedding ot blood. • .but' nther over material things." It was the second attack on the Pope ------------------------~-- in a D\1111 dafl. .llr. 1Mall W...,.._ mfnlaler <ii ,nli&lous attain, madoJ1 ollnllar com~ At a tieWI ·conterence in Tel Avi• . Ebia. deu0i1ocal'. tbe Securi\j Codool re~ioo cmctemnm1 the Iaraell nit and sugg..ung Lebanoo Is eoUUed b compensation. · "If laael were wiped out compklelj by,the Anba, the SecurJttr,.~I wouM do and "11 nothing,'• declared relenJnc to the Soviet •elo wlllcb. hal blocked every attempt to censure thl Arabs. 'Bomb Scare Hits Motel Change Hearing Set Appeal Brings Counc:il Okay For Variance I ,County Airport 0r<Ulgt County Airport was the scene .of a dramatic search for a bomb in an Air 'West DCI plane Thursday night Auto Fire Cause Of Home Blaze Fire which may have started in a defective e.lectr1ca1 1ystem in a car caus- ed an estimated $5,5001m damage Thurs- ~day night to the home of John B. Bies, .mg1 Big Sur Sl, Dona Point "' Damage to the $§,000 home was listed as $2,f,ICIO 1o ~ structure, $3,000 to the cootents and $500 to the car, which ~as lotal!y destroyed. -Bies told Orani;e County firemen he )lad experienced electrical trouble With .yie car ~ before the fire. He uid J>e waa watching television when a pus- Jng motoris~ ri!Jli t{le doorbell and told _ Jilin his house was on fire. The car ~as parked in a garage attached to the house when the fire broke out. D i following an &nOllYJllOU5 telephone threat received at the alrtme ot.nce at Los Ange!t11 Jntemational Airport. No bombs were found eilher·at Orqe Collnty or Los Angeles airports. Passengers hurrJedly left Air West's night 96.1 at Orange County which was stopped at the south end of the runway. T h e y used emergency chutes to g e t out of the plane. There were 57 passengers (Ill the fli&bt which arrived at l :Ol p.m. from Las Vegas. Two notables from the lfuoo rally at Auhelm Coovendoo Center were dellyed in leaving the alrporl becluse of the ooe boor lieup. IL-Gov. RdJert Finch WU llCheduled to fly to Sacramento in a private plane and TV peraooality Art IJnbleller, master ol cmmonies at the Naoo affair, were beld at the terminal INlldJnl. $65,QOO Fire Damage SOUTBEI.MONTE (UPI) -An hour· ~ Jong fire -caused damage estimated at $66,000 late TI!ursday at a South El MIXlte pluUc !inn. ConUnuina: development of a Leguna Beach motel owned by Loren and Elizabeth Haneline is scheduled for a public hearing by Laguna Beach plamtlng conu:nissioners meeting Monday at 7:30 p;m. in city hall. Haneline has asked for a variance permitting him to add It units to-his 16 unit \'acaUon Village property on Sleepy Hollow Lane. Permiak>n for the addition had previously been denied Haneline by the commissioners who said they needed some indicaUon of what would be done to the property on a long range baliJ. Haneline'• prt1t11taUon MonUy will outline development nl the motel complex for ~ nm five yeara, plannlnc staff members llkL 1 The mmml-will alJo bold public hearlnp on'two other matten: -A cbaage of 10bbJC roquest by Lawmlce G. Adami at 'IOI Catalina Sl . -A requ..t by J. M. Gooley for a condilUloal use pennlt for two single family units at UJS and U29 La Mirada in Arch Beach Heights. ' From· Page l NIXON ... Sntla Caast's First Laguna Beach councilmen ThurldaJ overturned an earUer Boa.rd of Ad justment decision to deny a propert] owners' variance application. Dr. Michael Yessis and Thomas L Brown , owners of property at 861 Parl Ave., were su,ccessfu,I in their appea from the board's denial. The property. toned R·2, is more thar 10,000 square feet' on a steep hillside It is occupied by a single family dwellinl and a three-car garage · T e n d e r e unusable by improvements to Parl Avenue. The applicants has asked permlasioij -alter the city issued to stop worl order -to convert the garage lrtc. a dwelling and to provide addltioM parking at a new location on the lot. The board expi-essed concern aboul a second family unit at that locatiot on Park Avenue and indicated they wett not satisfied that the work would nol be detrimental to the neighborhood. Councilman Richard Goldberg asked why the wor~ would be detrimental. · ctty Planner Al Autry said the plan CGntained problems of ingress and egress. He said making a 90-degrec tur{ Mrs. ~uis Gutierrez of Capistrano Beach admires her new son, lnto the proposed garage from Park Daniel Hurtado Gutierrez, first baby of new year born at South Coast Avenue would be "practically suicide." do my utmost as n-...R1"ent of the United Coin.mi.Inity Hospital in South Laguna. Mother and son are doing Yessis maintained that improvement! "-fin lb~--~ would be safer as far as access anG Stat.. to bring peace to this naUoo e, ~~ you. uld be •·-·" ·a1 •· the · -"borhood and to all naUoos. I can't let you down wo ,,,..u~uCI w neJau and 1 won't let you do9in." because of ~ed. landscaping, curbs Looking ba·• t the = nl the and sidewalt:a. . .,. ..... I ~ a From Pnne j Chari" F. DeKeyser, 900 Part Ave.J old Yorba Linda home pr to.him -.. by Howard •SUtbedln, leader of tbal G~-oppoeed tbe action. He said It 'llOll! ctm11D1mlty'1·Lo1VeclQtm .. HClub.NIDJn , ..-....... oppmed the action. He aald It woa1d declared "I am JrOUd to have come /_ -\• • • increase the street'• parking problem. ~ aJ1 .._ •--'-kE.~~ DeKeyser bas eight oll-str.d parldnl u~ :', ~·~ these day0' " ol ~·, Jlelerring to w .. k tlllt be would try to Ullleal the spaces on hil Jot. to talk in condeteendtng tetms of rural K~' Ylctciry, be llkf, ''Both parties Loui!lanan caught most Sen ate He said the city Jn"past yean wldened ~small town America," the President-have revived, ~ •restored Democrats by surprise. P.ark Avenue and then allowed parking ~elect noted. "JJul I tell you tonight their aspect." · . ., . ,( All 57 Democratic senators turned up on lt which did not in the Jong run that I seek nn Other. tden1iflc U than "(-_ improve tbe street. to be known -rg Jbe Preildent ~h!° came Kennedy's vi~~· was certain to be for the caucus. Sen. John Sparkman OeKeyser also said he understood that from a small town." Interpreted as an unportant step Jn a (0.Ala.), announced the Kennedy victory work on the project had been ac- Young Suthulln drew a howl of delight ~slble 1972 presidential bid by the about 80 minutes after the caucus began. compllshed unlawfully prior to making from the aud.lence and from Nixon when Massachusetts senator. Long said the Kennedy family political application to the city for a variance. he stepped to the microphone to present Long, 50, was cast by observers as organization "turned a lot of votes to DeKeyse.r said he understood the hro • Mrs. Nixon w1Ui.· an honorary mem-symbolic old-line .Southern Senate power hi d ta ., men also owned the adjacem property bership In the 4-H Club, an hooor alrtady s a van ge. at 871 Park Ave. with four un!ta and .... ~t.I AMENDMENT TO REVISED PREC.I SE PLA"1 OF' ART£R1AL S.TltEE TS CITV DI' LAIWNA aEAClt CALl~D-NIA DAILY PILOT OllANE;E COAST PVllL1SHING COMl"ANY llobett N. W11d Pr111den1 ~ Publlaher J1clr JI. CYrl1y Vltt '°""'°"'' Ind Gl!"'rtl ""'-111ttr Thom11 K11vi1 Editor Thom11 /... Mu rphin1 ~llllllnt1 Edllor Riclttrd P', Nell '•wl Ni11tn lffuN 9"<11 Ad,,.r1"lng City Edltw Dl~1Cll' Lqti..-leeclli Office 222 For11t AYI. M11Unt Addr1u1 P.O. 1011 666, '26S2 OIW.,_ C.0.11 Melt: DI W"I e.., lfl'ftt M.._.,, 9eedl: ?111 Wt1! S.lboto 8oullv1rd H1111t11111ori k.ai: JDJ lffl ltrwt Fron1 Page 1 EXTENSION. • • one always suffers w h e n exlsting routes are widened. He asked i! Ensch's question had been answered. Ensch said, ''I don't know If I'm happy at all the things you've said. You say all kinds of things." Wheaton told Ensch if a proptrly owner came i:i to subdivide along the proposed alignment It would be more difricult to get the route changed. Said Ensch, "What you're saying is lonlghl'.s. the night ... help," Boyd fav- ore<f g1vmg the group more time. Sculptor Peterpaul Ott, 237 Canyon Acres Drive, sald be had not heard of the RUie ldoption of 198! an<! utod U lt could be appealed. Vodder sild It mfpt be bot was already on county maps. E\l'entualt1 councilmen sent tbe matter back to planners for a report and defer.., red councll action unUI Feb. 19. Said the mayor, "You have 40 days to come In with a ne" method of ctrculaUon and as someone sajd, a good solid one.'' Fro111 Pqe 1 CABIN FIRE. •• lighter nuid set danguomly near st1clts of newspapers and magazines while the Uvt youtN slept. Becbneyer's stepfather, Homer Giles, said Craig httd planned to spend Wednesday night al Woodson'• houle. t held by the new Prel1dent. although his record haa been more "I think I had Senator Kennedy outgun· 90 degree access to the street. He mtn- Ue cocked hiJ finger at the new First moderate than that of many other ned in the U.S. Senate, but across the tioned trash and garbage overflow that Lady and beckoned ber to wait towards Southemers, particularly on economic country he was more popular than I forced children to leave the narrow him to -1·ve tbe "''l issues sldewalk and walk in the street. • ......... au · · was," Long told newsmen. He brought an even bluer roar from Kennedy spurned a chance to compete Councilmen indicated they felt the work the convention center crowd a minute for the 1968 Democratic presidential He said the political organization put would increase safety and be estbeUcally later when he did exactly the same nominaUon after his brother, Sen. Robert together by the late President John F. beneficial. In overturning tbe board, thing to the grinninl Nixon. F. Kennedy, was aasasslnated last Jun.e Kennedy and tbe late Sen. Robert F. however, tbef sUpulated several im· And the President-elect kept lhe act Long had been whfp since 1963 and Kennedy had strong influence with provements including replacing a aide going by then chasiDg after Sutherlin Kennedy's surprise !Jmouncement last business and labor throughout the nation. or the old garage with a new wall. :~~;:;::== h: d~~~~•pping --,~~--·~•siiiii••••iiiiiiiiJiiiiiAiiii NsiiiiiUiis•iiiAaiicij;iiRiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiliiiiSiiiriiAili~Liiiii;E~;;;:~~-1 n::'~es~~~t ~o~:.~a!:0~a~/? q~~: ~~~ ped the laughing Llnkletter. "And did c, you see the way !bat kid brought him -~~5 -HERIJA"-" t'.Jlllll\ JOUR running lo lhe micropho"'' If he can II Ill; lllUlft2I do that to a President what a businessman he 's going to turn out lo be." Among an ar ray of gilts presented to Nixon was the bench on which he spent so much of his time while his Whittier CoUege teammates won fame on the gridiron. But compensation came in the same moment when 25 of his fonner team and classmates filed on sta,e to present to Nixon the football Jetter that was, sald Dr. Paul SmJlh, coUege pesident, "35 years overdue." OTHER FLASHBACKS Further flashback! to lhe early years of Orange ColUlty's native son came from : -California's LL Gov. Robert Finch, who will be secrelsry of health. education and welfare in Nixon's cabinet. "I've known him for 22 years," recalled Finch, "22 years in which he 's known lhe agony or defeat and the ecstasy of victory. ll has been my privilege to know this great man." -Mrs. Ella Furnas, 92, of Lodi. "1 was there when he was born and I reckon I was lhe first one to hold him. But I never really did get 1 good look at h1n: then." --Mrs. Cecil "Ma" Pickering n1 Foun- tain Valley. ''Sure, 1 spanked him good and hard when he wu about 8. He aliked for il because lie would t .. p teasing my UtUe girls." -Mrs. Evelfn Dorn of Whilller, 6'Crdary to the 4'0lllli Nlron when be opened his first law practk:t. "I well rtmember that he always aafd 'never mate a statement that you caa'l live up to'." And In a grand climax to the twi>-hour show a birthday cake baa.ring 56 candJea wa wheeled on st.age while the audience sang "Happy Birthday lo you" to the' happy President-elect. Nixon blew them all out in Ont brt.alh. "Keep on 111uffln1 thin«• out u f&!t as that whUe you're In lhe White Hou.'le and you'll never have 1ny problttn!," quipped Unkletter. t , Req. $269. ~;!.~ SALE $21!. Req. $265. SALE Si19, FEATURING: 1 HINllDON-Folio Thr•--Fontaina Uphohtary 15% OFF HllRAGE-Grand Tour-Upholstery 20%' Off --DIDll--Franch Country M1nne~oll191--Dimodc R99. $299. SALE $239. ~ ACCESSORIES -LAMPS -PICTURES EXCLUSIVI DE!ALIRI l'Olt: HENJtJDON-D•IDCEL-HIRITACll 90 DAYS NO lNTIRIST-LONCllR TIRMS AVAIL.QLI ON APPROVED C•IDIT NEWPORT BEACH 1727 W•tcllll Dr. 642-2050 °"" , .... , ..... , INTtlllORS Prof11tiontl ln .. rler LAGUNA IEACH Doslt.... l4S North COQf Hwy. Avallabl.-.\10-NSID Ol'VI RltAY 'JU. t ..... f .. PfM ..... al 0..,.. c..r, H .. ~, ( 494-65!1 ~--·--------~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .......................................... ~~~~~-~ I I ' I ' I W.IL '(PU.OT st1ft PM .. A WHITTIE I! 8ENCHWARMEI! WINS. HIS LETTER , Nixon, Former Coach Wallite• ''Chief" Newman Nixon Ready to Fill Out Administration Top Level LOO ANGELES (AP) -Presldent..iect Stole Ile~ cbolces. Bui Nlr<n lllchanl Nlxoft, judged In "lull good seemed to do IC! ClllllqllOjy In a banterlnC health to assume the challenges" of -ncbange wtlb Rebert H. Finch, who ffi·. ls . . t fill .• the to .. to be oecretary of beallh, educallon O ce, prepanng o Ou• P and welfare. Be lald: F1Dcb had tried level rosier of blo new administration. to enlist Rlchmlson:·u a top dapoly Nixon plans to announce Saturday the for tifJl 'departmelit,·'but lan1 going to telection of Elliot L. Richardson, at-get him. torney gneral of Massachusetts to be ~President-elect also said there .will • be stx, perhaps as many as 10 Califor- lmdersecretary of state, the No. 2 posl-mans in· the ranks of assistants and lion in that department. undersecretaries yet to be named. U. Alexis Johnson, now U. S. 3lll-· "The reason is a conscious effort ·1s bassador to Japan is to be named being made in the administration to andersecretary for' political affairs provide geographic balance,''. he said • at a Tburaday luncheon bononng Flnob, Wasbl.ngton sources reported. lieuten8ht governor of California. These appointments, ,~ be announced "'lllere is a tendency lo Wasblngton formally by the President-elect and for executive and admlnlstrative officlall Secretary of State-designate William P • to be selected too much from tbe New ~ers, lead off a series of BUb-Cabinet York, New England and W~ &elections to be made before the Jan. n. c., part of the country," be aaM. to inauguraUon. " ••• We have tended to look to the Soon to follow: Nominations to top Mfdwest and the far West." lobs ln the Agricu1ture Department and That way, he said, the new ad- Lhe Pentagon. ministration can RP <1at tbe top talent lfuon aides would nol coollrm tho in all sectlom of tho naUon. Suzie's Heart Surgery On Again for Jan.10 'l'bat on-again, aH-again heart surgery for "Suz.ie" is an again. Childrens H09pital surgeons Tburaday leheduled Jan. 10 as the date on which they will rebuild the two-year-old Viet- n4mes.e child's !all<ting heart -the fourth time that the Utile girl's name has appeared on thei operaUng room bulletin board. . ,. The · ¢Ucal blood shortage that led the heart sur~ery team to cancel an operation slated for ·:Thursday should be alleviated in a week's time, a1lospital spokesman commented. "And if it isn't," he saJd, "we believe , Ulat we'll be able to make special arrangements to get lhe' blood that wlll be needed for Suzie." The Hong Kong ,flu. epidemic iJ responsible for the blood' sfJortage that ls limiting many hospital operating rooms throughout the flltlon to .emergen- ~Y ·surgery only. And 011 was directly responsible for the secood cancellatioo. of ""rerY for ailing Nguyen Thi Thanh P'tliong when a member ot the surgerr team contracted the·rampant 'ftcaa. Suzie !ailed to mab thoiirll'schedll1'd trip to the o~ roolll. when she cootracted a high lever anc! a penistent ear Infection shortly after llhe alTived at. the orange facility from her n. Nang home last Nov. 27. • Hospital offlcials described the attitude of Smle's mother, Le Thi Lan. as "cautiously aptiin$ic" following the an· nouncement of Ute.-neW date for her child'• deapetatelY needed llW'gery. The attracUve Vietnamese woman, the wife of an officei in the South Vietnamese Congress Asked Jf or 'Souped-Up' U.S. Shipbuilding WASlllNGTON CUPU -Rep. J;. M..,.ieI Riven (l>S.C.), -~ a massive, IU billion obipboildlng ptiJgram to add 70 new obipo, Including a nuclear+pOWered aircraft. cariler, to tho U.S. Oeet. lllvers, chairman o! tho lr~Arined -Commltleet, said hii --· the biggest in recent yean, WBJ necessary to heJp "the sad shape" of the Navy. Hi! plan includes 19 warsblpe. Hi11 proposal calls for authOrization ol 13.8 billion to start coostructlon In f~.lf70. tho 12-month period starting lulf, Congms would have to pass later make adaal •Po .,_Ibo_~ itOliarA. ; ~ ' t Army, almoat coilapaed Sunday when surgery was called off for the third lim . e. Former CHP Officer Rejects Judge's Ruling A former California H lg h w a y Patrolman who claims be was fired because he didn't issue enou.gh traffic citations today refused to accept as final a Superior Court judge's rejecUon of his bid for reinstatement. Burton J. BodenBCbatz, llZ, o! Gan!en Grove, instructed hls: attorney to fl1e an llP}leal with tho Fourth District Court o! ~peal in San JJ;ego lmmedlataty after Judge Charles Bauer uph•ld !lie Btate's case against the veteran dflcer. . Judge Bauer made blo ruling 1buraday after BIUdylng !or four weeks ~ .produced by • bearing In blo court. . Bodemcbm'• pm.st agalnsl blo llrln& OD Dec. S, 1917 WU earlier rejected by the State Pereomlel Board. But that body only upheld charg .. of lnef!lclency against the patrolman -addiUonal charges o! "in .. CllSabie neglect.of duty, insubordination and willfu1 dilobedlen~" were rejected by the board. Attorney Cecil lllcl<s argues thal BodeMChatz is the victhµ o( an "unlawful quote system" Imposed by CB P aupenrisors "who are well aware Uiit no l!1lch nqutrementa can lie lePll1 enforced and the! state cadet. do . licit spectfy tile tlcbl IJl'lductl!>O that ~ bemaintainedbylll)'olllCer,": ' Alld ·lllcb·mi-to &:all' ..... 1n wblcll lbe ttd:et .,...i-a1 "Im ~~--<Ompoted to Ille -al dlatl<m -"1 Bodenscbatz. ~·~ -~~ . BOdonachab --tolbe CllP .. al Dec. 3, 1187 and pq-1 al bode !>11 from that.elate. Tbe o111 .... ..,.ad l!I' II yeah u a lllOlort!7dt patrolman. Israel, West , Reject Russ Peace Plan , 87 Ull!l«I ~ ln-don'1' Israel and the western '1BJg' Tbret" failed tod., to ~·Soviet lnltlaUves to put together a big lour Middle Eut -guarantee. The Soviet. launched their Middle East "peace offensive" Thursday in -.S·wlth top ~erlcan. French and Britlsb offldals to wggeal a Mideast settl.....ql, 'lbjt-Soviel·Plan WU roport. ecl to qll lorc lD lnltla1 with4rawll of laraell ,_ from' oceupiecl tarritory follolied., by Arll> Je,'mlnallon of their otate al war with. m"MI and ""°'*'4llnll wtth I big lout _..tee al tile rqloo'I borden. lsr~ Foreign Mlnixter Abba Eban quickly .,_,the SOvict piu .. Ii "ph(l)ey -o!femlye and :~. ljilpoo- ed soluUon." In Paril, a communique !o!lowl!!a to- day'• French cabinet meeting :Dlllle It clear that Pmldent Oiarlea do Gaulle's government bad rellnqnlBh«I !ta eiriltr hopes that a big four peace Con!<rence could convene to IOJ.ve the Middle East crisis. '. The cabinet ....,muafquo. -Biid -the French felt '""""-• al tl!e. ertlii should be _,,,,..,,withfitlbe U:N, lleoo urity ~ but ·-there irlD be no big four power --· u oouchl by De Gaulla earu,r. · w-.,, dlplomata flt.Lonclan lfld,lc>o day the1 --a.lout ............ anleo to .Uw~,--full al pitfalla -and lilallty doubtful. Wenern dh>lomall In clole touch wltb tho lateat Mlddla Eutern dlplomallc maneuvering aald tho United lfall11111 and J)robahly tho major powers would most likely have to andone .., Mlddle Eaatern eelllernenL But that --1 ·would. llnt have to be -by the _,. liivoived, either by dlroct or tndfrid nigotlalicins, thoy said. They discounted the probabllity of • blanket four-power guarantee because the gnarantee!n( powera would be hard put to act IWl!tfy and !orecfully enough lo punish vtolatora. fridll!', J...,..,. '· l~ . "' ,{.!,) DAILY r!LOT 3 ~_.~lie in-~opr-f .. Wd~e~Easi,· Star Sheds Latest Mate in County Tba .... °"""' County ~ had Ill IDOll 11amonJu1 .,_. to elate lodaJ wbm movie llar·Mamla Vao Daren of Jiewporl Beach appelrOd fQr ber dfvor<e. Mias Vao Doren, who uv.. at the Balboa Bay cr;ub. oh<!d I~ Angel oreanlptlQD baseball pitcher 1-Meyen now retired from tho dlamond and 11'1111 with his parenta, Mr. and Mra. Paul Meyers, 19Hl Pieadilly Lane, Huntington Beach. Lang blondHreased ~ Van Doren, repr<Unted by attorney Joe M. Agapay Jr. of Loa Angel., told Super!« Judge W!Dlam C. Spe\n that, Meyera 1la3'ed •-lrom tbeti' home· (or a week .at a tlm<I with no nplanation. She said blo absences made ber v<ry nervous and llhe loond It necesaary to be under a doctor'• care. A~ at the de!anll bOaring in bU -.biball waa her business manqer Kellneth K. Traey of Loa Angeles. Meyers and Miss Vaa . Doren wm married Mon:h f, 19116 at-Boise, Idaho and separated list September. The plalnliH, who bas a lltlng !or ballJllayen: -she was once ~gaged to playboy pitdier Bo BellnskY - displayed a tnowledge of the 1ame ln talking with reporters. • She said Meyers, who hasn't played ball for a year, bad trouble with his curve. He wu last witlt--the Pboeniz Glan&s. Mlaa v., Doren was previously ...,. r1ec1 to ~ Juder Ray Anthony, She bas • lifeaM!d .... by the! ..... rlage. She bas jual flnla!wl a 20-week engag .. men! In New Ycrt !!lgbt clubs and ~vea ..,. dl\Y 10< :io mono weeks in DI.IL Y PlLOT Slltft '""°"' SHEDS MATE Newport's Van Doren Miaml enteriainment spota. l\llss Van Doren said she was eulted about her new television aerie. coming up, UUed, "A Mouse Is Born" wblch she said was set in the 1920s and 1900s. There's· Nothing Oriental About Flu WASlllNGTON (AP) -Despite being tagged as the 11Hon.g Kong ,fiu," there's nothing espedally Oriental about the nature of the new stra1o of Jnfiuenza now sweeping the_ country •• And the aame goes for the so-called 0 Aslan flu," that first appeared ln epidemic form In 1957. In both fnstanct.11, say experts on com- municable dileuell, the two straln! were simply 1eneUc mutations of a form of Influenza virus called lnflue~ Type-Al that bas been known for years. 1be new strains got their names because tliey first p0pped up In Asia, but the Initial mutations mlgbi just as easily have occurred in ~Y other part of the world, aaid re11earchera of the army surgeon general's office and the U.S. Public Health Service. Viet Peace • 'Push' seen · -'l'ABlllNGTON (AP) -5eere1a1f W Slate llelD llmt ..td toclaf the J .... admlnlatratlon will eipand Ill ell.rt. "bet'""'I" ""11' and Jan. Iii to lmprova the pro11pects !er peace In Vielrlam and the Middle East." ; • In perhaps blo final -conf""'" after eight yean In of!lct, Rust em- pbaatzed the threat to -....world peace pc....r by ln<:reaaln( vtolibce In .Ibo • Middle East. And he callecl Upoll both !anieJ and ~ govenmfenta lo eurclie re- Arab govemmenlB, he sald.. """11d ,_gn1xe that they "mUBt do lhett utmost to restrab terrorin•adlvity." _ He added: "We call upc11 1lrael lo re<o<nize that a pOl1ey al ex'eeliivo ntafiatlon will not. prnduce the peace that Israel surely de.;ires._, The oecretary reaf!lrmed tho U.S. pos!Uon that a peaceful solution In the. Middle East can be found In the U .N. Security Council ..... 1uuon which be said established "tho nai beglnnlnp of a just and lasting peace." Althou<lt be did not rule-out U JI. coosulteilons with the Soviet Unlm, France, Britain and other maJ« -en; be ·declared tl>at "we do DOI lie-, lieve that peace can be found out&lda" l the Middle ·Eut area. · Tho United States, be aald, wonld ._ 11n11· with other govermnenls In an ellcd to help U.N. Ambuoador Gunnar JU' ring find a 1'lutlng peace in aa area that bu known no real peace fir 10 long" . Rusk said tho preseo1· 114lddle Ealt prospecta are "sertoua and 1'!iulre the !mmOdlate and prudeot atteiidOa al all leaden on both llldeB. 1 "There ls: little question but that a breakdown of the )ftSeD't temaus .r. raligemento would be catulnlP!lc lo< all Ufe -1ea of the am.." lift ukL Oil Vietoain, Rusk empbaohrfil · .tliil there ma,y be two or thNe -that' can be anticipated before a aehlement can be achieved. 1 "We are amtous to eut throngb pro- cedurll mat(en to get to more lyltem- atic discussions," be said. r,· . ~: ,. f ! ' I' • •· I 1 - I ' ' . Tiie newest Junior Chamber of Commerce~lnT~ubouts, oue oC Ibo bell 1111eDdanco ~ In Ill• COUl!lry. All ol tho members are jprnai.,. at the Seagoville Fed- eral Correcti«!81 lnsUtute. ••• n.z.,yeal'Old P•ul Nlcholla ol Bln:uingbam. England, woke up willl a hangover New Yeor'1 Day. Paul WU l'ulbed to the hospital after JU modler fwnd blm slam!" ed ta • sofa wHh 811 empty boll!• "'partnert to him. • 1LIM Oniodtf,. toho earn-for Mr aiUno parentl and four brother•, 10G1 namid br a. panel of judg., h<re .. "Tll< Nkerl Girl bl Ifait1." Litti. Lina. who lion in f'iu.re, tOGI' declared wi"" ftP' of tht 1961 "'Goldftl Angtl" tllOOl'il g;..,. am111<1Uu to tll< c/llld Juc!Q<d lhc but be- <lftd, leall oelfit.11. In 111< courv. • ManJIA Pollca Chia! Garordo G. Tamaya reported on New Yellf's Ilay ll!at Illa crime rate ln Manila dlpped by 33 percent ln IB68. • Hapjly New Yeor, 1aid R. S.· Boaltw to the taxpayers of Tyler, Tei., u he fulfil!ed his campaign pnmlae and abolished his job, Boulter had nm on a platform con- tending the post was superfluous~ And he vowed to eliminate it after half his four year tenn. He did .it at an estimated $13,000 a year sav· ings to Ille \upayen, • Skimip dipping I PA!llB 1APJ Thi N1tlonll Libera- tion Flont today II would be "dU· llcull lo ectepl" the -Amerleu -"to -the ........ uni ...... menl iiaiuna Illa --tail:a. Bui an NII ....... al""1*I lhort al l'jecUai. Tru Boal Nam, dopllJ dllel al the l'n'.mt'1 .,.,., dellPtloa, Aid tbe U.S. ,._.. .... _ .. ond nl*lld Illa ·-Idea" Iha! the Perla \alb ... tobeatwocldld-. Thi ..-i --'ll>andlJ nlPI "* * * . U.S. Boost,s B52 Strikes Against Rem IAIGON (AP) -'Ille U.S. {'mm!a!Mj .._ roporled the ,__ BU a1r1ke1 la ·-Vlelnam In Uno. -a. wtlh ...... ,. -ol ._, dropped -al Safp end nearly IOO -oo the matted U Minh Foresl deep in the Mekobg Delio. Gooimd · aCllon remained 11 g h t lhroogbout the nallon, oltbough a!Ued sw~ contfn1"!4 from the eouthem delta to an area llOUthWest of Da Nang where American Marines and South Vietnamese troops were grinding away at Vlel·Cooi and North Vietnamese forces. SlgJll ol fresh l!nelllY movemeol also ........ plrted from two ""'"' old baWe areas -'Ille A Shau Valley west of Hue and the demllltariied '°"" ~ Norlb and Soulb Vietnam. Fliera from the carriera Coral Sea 1nd CcmleDallon bit the 4 Sbau Valley 'fllb st sorties 'llrundaj, the heaviest coooentration o( Naval aJr ~ reported in ooe day since lhe liombing ol Norlb Vietnam wu balled oo Nov, I. : A m)lllory apol<esman Aid the taraet lnclµded-eamouOqed roadl. dumps and-- ~VOU:aca .lhe Viel Cong end Nori!! Vie~ ....,.,. baVe ' been steadily rebuilding 'Ill the Yalle;'. which la a major supply 'hue ·l<r operation• against allied Qefemea lo the northern part ol Soulb :Vietnam. U.S. lleadquarW1 raported also Uuil i$ the MmC of the oanic ac1 membtrt of lhc Polar Bear Club ill Lok< JllolL- lgon, (Wfi), - the Pnqllift Club in· v...... Oalif. (b<lour) k .. p up ITadlliou bu lalo. ing .. lnolgomti11Q dip into th• ier enemy lldivity In the DMZ had lncrea!ed al1arpJ,i' In the Cbrlstmu.ljew Year period; wilb more than IOO "lndlcaUON d enemy activity" in the 12 daya since ~ 22.. Ill the 53 days before followln& ~ IM bombing bait, ahoul 1,000 lllfcll .fn. blue. Gaorp Hiiis, who !J 19 and bold, won a 'free ~and aet at a Wokingham beauty par· !or in a ;;;fhe, Hills went along lo tho beauty shop anyway and 1at under the drier for a while. • Last year was Leap Year, and oh, bow lhooe New York gals took ad· vantage of il There were 75,U'l marriage licenses issued ln 1968 ln New York Clty, and Increase ol 6 percent over 1967 and tho highest total llnce 1951. Soviet Soldiers · Face Trial Over Czech 'Incident' PRAGUE (UPI) -Clechoalovu of. ~~,.,:'J<1~~ resulting from an 1'1ncldmt" between them and lwo Czecbollont dtbem Dec. ZI, tbl nattorwJ news q:ency ceteb said today. II was Ille fin! ol!ldal dloclooure 111 such lrlclloo With lhe lovulon force -the beg!nnhw ol "DOl'lllalizalion" of relatlom 'lollowlng lhe Aug. 21 in- yufm. The truly goftl'Dlng stotlonlog ol Soviet lroopo on Czecbollovat ooll oUpnlMM lbal the oUenoes commlu.d bJ So1del penonnel apinal Czecbolilovak citlzem: Cll' tbeJr property come under Czecbo8lovat lepl Jwisdlclloo. 'llte rqulalion Ill similar to Iha! applied to U.S. forcq_.iQ West Germany since World War J( '\ Ceteka quoted a brief re~ in the newspaper Mlada Fronta which said the incident occurred the night of Dec. 28-29 in the town of Usti Nad Labem, in oortbem Bohemia. II said lhe local military dlalrict pro. 1ee11lor had opened prooecuUon agaloal an unideoUfied number ol Russians "fOI' restricting penooal freedom and (doing) bodily lnJurl' •• Everywhere It's by U.S. Diliiollat« Cyru R. Vace al • metllua Wllb N<Jtll -Cql. H1 Ven tau. VIDel propoeeil m dlf. lerenl !orme the ...,,.,.... tltile' mljhl tolle, ........ Liu --,... -11ora.....Slallle, 'llte NLF spo\...,.,. told a D1W1 ...,_ ,_ lbal all or· v~·~ t@le. lhapea reDected the. ''unaccepClble.. American Idea Iha! oo!y lwo aides would be toting pit ID Iba dllcuaalons. North Vlelnam and the NII 1Ni1t lbal the eonlennco 11 to be • louM>anY allalr al wbltb the NLF Ill lo ba,;, lull alalua. • to .,.ballli the -al tilt -_. we r a Mii to be • D d 1 r 1111<11 -1> ol Mt. VIDCI beca11e thty l~~~·· .. llltotwo"lldel." !>ltlle--porUclplnla. I reflect the -Ida. al two lldel." v-. -lbla monlaC wtlb -' Liu dlcllDod lo .... the fell olr!p ! Nam aid. Wboa a .. .._ <>lied 1i. ---odor l'!llm 1/11111 -1 <r U1 al Vanoo'a Ova o111or I a ... 1o 1111wordlnf-.-.. -1o """',., • ·-.. _. llbn.t11e lohl&.dolip '1111ndq,·1u1heu1o1111 I accept" -end aal'ed U 1111 clelfptlon dellfll al Ill-.. wllb 1-'1'bn would ca•'llr the prvpollll •. '1'1*1 he 1 rejected I b. u. s. -1J, Nam Aid WU .. """D!"!i bJ eliher -. pil flpanl thll counlerpropolll: willu amlle : "I Ila•• aJmdy ,.plied." The M """"-ID a ...,,. U Iii;-llCCOlll a nflllld111111 1 v .... al his meelll!i wtlb I.a• Aid mUDlque, Aki V-hloi not )'et .,. "!Iii lial!illl IQ. ...Utel dlvlml, 11*1 I the United statee end Soul2I Vltlllo!n cel!(ed Ill ·~ end n1aablo proo NGrth \'.leloam .w!Jhdrop Ill c1e!MM , woold ...... to alt at the roapd toblo poul." II llCCUaed the An1<rie1U al · tar _. flap ODd NmopJ• lll 1 propooec1 bJ Hanoi u a felt llrlp ...., _.,. dellylnc the -........ . the""""'°'" room for the lour...,.._ t llllddled acroos the cenltr ol the table Bolb U.S. apd North -.... lloo&. . 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .! . . HI~ APOLLO I CAPSULE BACK IN DOWNEY North Alfterllll\ -•II Offlclal1 to Examine Lunor Craft Apollo 8 Craft Returns ro 'Home' in Southland DOWNEY (AP) -Tbe ApollO ·a lpaceenl~ !mle to three U.S. aalnllaut. during moo'• nm orbil ol Ille moon. 111 hack al !be Norlb 'Amorican -.U plan\ Where II was mamil.ciured: The capoule was Down 'lltursdaj from Hawaii. Immediately, eq1neers beg111 test& to analyze bow well II ltood up In 147 """' In •pace end Ille bllaleriog return throush the earth's atmosphere. Alt.er a preliminary eum.lnation, a spokesman said be wu elated that the bottom of the craft WIS charrtd 10 11tt1• by 111e "-.... 1alirenheit temperature It ~ reentering the earth's atmosphere. In the next two monthl. certain J.n.. slrument lyllems will be removed and tested to aee bow m u c b fllgtit t I m e they have left In them, lhe plant apokNman said. Then b craft will Subzero Flat Earth Club Losing Members ,Thanks ro Apollo DOVER, Eoglend CAP) -Tb a American utn:muta' trip to tbl moon ahoanl Apollo I Ilea beoomo a heldacbe !or lhe -Flllt Earth Society. II be1levea the world II :lhaped Hka a dinner plale hul ,_ IOIDO members aren't so sure. . ~ 1889'• First Skyjacked Jet, Returns to U.S. MI~ CAPl-'llte cmr ol an East-ern Air LtnlS llrelcl>Jel bllacked to Cuba Tbunday Dew the big plane baclt to Ml&nl today with 14 ol !be HO pas- sengers, including 'ieveral childrea. Two Eastern turboprop planes were sent to th8 alrport at Varadero, Cuba, to retrieve the remainder of the kid- naped passengers, according to John Graffius, acting area manager !or the Fecleral Aviation Administration. No uplanatlon wu glvm Immediately for Cuba's unusual action in allowing some of the pas.1e!lger3 to return with the crew. On previous hljacldnp, Cuba bas nqulred all _ ... lo remain at Varadero until 11111Dtr p~ were oent !run Miami llX' them, aaylng the airport runways W'ef9 too short for afe (aboff al 'the big COIDJllerel.al Jelll. W. J. Dane. reglooal manager for Eulem In Miami, said an ambulance wu standing by for a woman ~r * * * ond a. lli<lt balQr. 'llte jet WU the lint plane to be hi· jacked to Cuba this year. Last year there were 20 hijackings to Cuba, 14 ot lhem from lhe \/nited Slateo. About an hour before lhe jet · wu scheduled to 1aod at Mlam.J Internation- al Airpoit, Capl Dernils VanhUM radioed the Federal AviaUon AdmJnlstratlon at Jacksonville, Fla. FAA supervisor Har· old Jensen said Vanhuss reported. "I am going to Havana." 'llte'Jlane at that point was «t miles east Jacksonville. 'lbere was no im- mediate word on whit went on abolrd the plane. Moot hila<kinas have lealured a mao with a ~ wllo threatened a crew member and ordered the plkit to 111·1o Havana. None bas redsted. · 'llte FAA aald !be Eulem p!ano wu cleared direct to Cuba IOOll afta' the hijacting WU repori<d. * * Egypt to Trade Greek Hijacker for 2 Arabs? ATHENS (AP) -There was apecu1a. tlon In Atheol today lh ... the ~ govemmenl mlibl o11.r 1&a.1um,. Iba Greet who hlj1<:ted a Greet airliner for the two Arab terrorlst.s who abot up an Israeli airliner at Athens airport. lb< plane and 102 of lhe ·persom aboerd II relurnllCI lafely lo Athens Thursday, but Egyptian autborilies· were holding the hJJacker in Cairo. A govern- ment source aaid the Greek Embassy in Cairo was belq kept informed of his interrogation. There is no extradlUon treaty between Greece and Egypt, and It was not known i! Greece would make an offk:ial request fCir the man'• return. The two Arabs who shot up the El Al airliner last week, killing an hraell passena:er, are held in Athens on a variety ot. chargea Including bomldde. The Olympic Airways DC6 wu diverted over the eutem Mediterranean Thursday by a gunman who j]red a warning shot through a cockpit window and -the pilot lo fly lo Cairo. Olymptc Alrwayt, owoed by ArlstO!Ie Onassis, sent a jetliner to pick up the 97 other pusengers, who included seven Americans. The plane window was repaired, and after refueling the crew Dew lhe alreraft to Athens Thursday night. The Greek government said the hJ. jacker was George Flamourides, 30, a former army deserter from Crete who was jailed in 1N7 for disobedience and lnlurbordlnation. He was freed bJ a 1* New Year'1 lmnelty. Jtopllu -aald F1amouridel loid. lbem ho diverted the p1ene 1o ca1ro beeanse he had been 11baunded and persecuted" as an oppaoe:nt ol. the military regime In Groece. Slain Hollywood, Coed Stabbed But Not Raped LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Marina Elizabeth Habt, 17. was 1 tabbed repeatedly in the chest before her tiller dumped her ~Y down a brushcovered slope off a loven1 lane whettl lhe bled to death, an autopsy showed today, But the coroner's office reported the blue-eyed University ol Hawaii eoed was not assaulted by her al.ayer. 1-r1>efe Lt no evidence ol fGreible rape," Dr. Russell C. Henry 1aid Tbunday, M- ditlooal teots were orilered. 'Ibere were tru1aes on the face oC the attract.Ive teen-ager, ind!c•ting lbe w_aS beaten by the pmoo who apparently kidnaped her from ool!ide her Hollywood home early Monday. The sheriff's homldde bureau reported no finn leads or suspecta in the brutal crime. "We wish we had," &aid lJ. Harold White. Autbcrities were lnvesligaUng the J>OS.!ibllllr Iha! Miss Rabe wu abducted with tht Intent of rape and 1he was killed when she mJsted the attack. The home where lbe girl lived wtlb her actreos mother, Elollle Hardt, 111 located lbree blocU below lllttortna au-t Boulevanl In an area wlllcb police "*"' bas · been plegued by raplala In recenlneb. ' I i • I 1 Only Southland, Southwest Climat.e Comfortable "We'va loal a IOI ol membel'I becaw1 ol lhU abwrd Apollo trip," Aid Ibo chief flat earthmen Samael Shenton. LOI AMQll'I AHO VICINITY -'"•Ir ........ .....,.,. Lltlt. ~ 111 ....... .-... Uw tlllllthl A. Hlth _ ... (OASfAL AND INTIUl'.DIATI! 'f'AU.rtl -f'•lt ...... s.tunlllt. Llttlll ._,....._ chll.... Hin n .. .. .... tllllllht 11 .... MOUlfTAIM A•l.U -1"111' """"" ......,_ Llltle .._..tu,.. m.r.e. 1"'8KMI ANO DESe•T •EGIOHS bi~~f-?l ;e:.~u.= i::o""' • r.:n= ...... _. ..... ,. .. ...... dMN -....,_ ..... .,. Lat ,,,.._ ....... '9 '11, .. ....,. _..,,.,. I • 11 M#JI. T...,._ 'll!" -· ... ... -....... • C;...tllM ..... wlll Y_,.,.W"a ........... r• fl••f 1"9ITI I M9fl flt 1' ill I .... flt ft,• .,.. ......,. ~ a111 tDr ... l!t19N --.-. ,..... -n '-.._ ...... ~ .................... '"""'" T"9 ............. hire ......... .. _ .. .,... ....... --I. - ..:."'I Ir .l:"t/:'.:;:, ::-= S•-. M-, TWes 11, f'alMY ........................ 1112, ....... , llicDftrll 11• ... ,, . . . . It: tt 1>.M. U U.TVIDAY "'"'' -............... ,, ....... t.J ~'tf llllfl ,. ..... , .. ,, .• 1:4" I.I'll. 1.1 tlDlllf 11111' ••••••••••••• •1a '""· u ,_.. fl• .. iUafD.i.T .• ,.:• fl.Ill. ,,, '"""" """ ............... I:••·"'-t.J "'"' """ .............. fill ·-J.f t.e.ICI ....,, ............. •:a'·"'·"' ~ ............ , .. U :" '·"'-s• , """ Uiw ,.,_ .... • • .. •. .. . . ·• » .. .. " u ' . " " " .. " ... •• 17 ,, .... .. ., .. .. " " .. . ... ,. '1 ,_,, • 411 .JI .... .. . H ft " .. " . 11 ·11 .. ..... .. " . .. .. " ..... " " . .. " " " .... n l Al II M •• .. q ~ ~ H U .... ... " "' lf 11 .. . " .... "I llhould think wo're down to !ewer than 100 members now.•• He dldn1 aay what the memberahip WU before Apollo I beian """""' pie· tum al earlb -dmllar piclurea, But the realpa-doo1 alarm Sbeno too 11>1eaMid former tlgn wriltr . "II their oplnlm can be nr01ed bJ llUCb lllmoY evidence,.. be laid, "lben lboy'n no use lo me er the IOCloly." Albcl wil1 the lpllCOlblp ~ -ed a round tlltb Sbentoo 1 a Id: "I'm glad ,.. --lbal 'lbat'I --tbl»rl AIDerit:a ... Ba-'-l1't II) -amnln(. For --... other Ibey oboloclQ waDI Ill to lhlnt Ille wwld II round. Some ol Iba pictures h a' • beOn lllUatlJ -Studio lbotl probably -or ''-from &be camera .... " Bucher Still Reiling • SAN DIEGO CAP) -OI the D l!oed UM Pueblo cnwmea, ooly the ll:IPf<I', Cmdr. Uoyd M. ~ns ,.. lltrictedlorniodlcol lnlb• San Diep Naval Hoopltal. "He was CUT)1nc a bf& load and JUll noodl-. • aald aNa91 opoamnao. I, Heart Beats On Dr. Philip and Eileen Bleiberg are all smiles as Uley leave fur a "b~" djnner !n Cape Town, s, Africa, celellrallng Ille llrst an- nl"""lliY ol hll aucceaalul heart transpw.t. Dr. Blaiberc, a rettred dentist, ls Ille world's loosest 111rvlvlng heart tnmsplant recipient. ~ . . , . • :..: ill " ~ • J ' ' I!! ' • < , I t. I k ' I I l I ' --, -______ ,, , ' DAILY PILOT 11 Nixon's 'California M-afia' Takes -Shape ' . . . llACIW4ENTO (AP) -You •Iliana have been PlcUd for :,):= Ca 111 or n la ... ~ qlllte call It t h e Important Jobi and advllory ~ becauae of "Cllll<nla Molla" yet, bot posl~om. • . lhe lltlle't -..lotr of talent. tboltit ~ dlollacl G9l<len Slate M.,. · ih in line for Hert are other PY Nixon &,.,. lo lhe ~ Washinglon Jobi, Finch utd people plWd from Callfomlt Pnddent-eltct Nlion t s ln an interview, IO fl!': membllng. The m.-..p of 'lhe late -B. IL "Bob" B•_., Nlxoo bat chosen LI. c;lov. 1'™.ictent John F. Kennedt• .. 111IJIOI lo t11e preoldenl- pr-. aecntary In lhe 1 .. • ford UDIVVllly ~ wu acUvo Secrtloq-detJinlte M 1 Iv l n -•IJeutlaJ umpoW\ and • tn Nlxoo'o ~. campatp l0< Laird • -~-4lnc1er_ ~O<lllo 111.1~) -Diii-AUy. -I, In lhe 1111 campalp. -Ro7 l.a1moce AA, • Viaqtr of Loo AnceJa, _ R4ukl ZI<&J<r, It, an Pftlldenl of Litton Industries headloa Nl1011'1 IUtt forco on uaislanl 'frllo la lhe equivalent Inc., Loo Anplel, named an crilne Ind law ent......n..i. of WllJte HOUie pr t I I advtler lo lmpme ml-iiiiiiiil • eec:relary. He wu an. aide ment and etf1clency iltlOV'tfll: ~·••••• • Robert H. Finch, a long time ilaff Jed· _obaervers I o elect. Htlllebwt, 41, wu an 111 friend ud poliilcal advi.aer, nickname it "the lrLsh Mafia." execu.Uve of the J. Walter to lfaldeman at J. Walter ment. .· ..... -·~ 111om-. -.... Afvla D1Br11111• fl, " t11Mft11£' COi.ORi Dwlpt Ck.,.., a p-of Callf'orola MIWllllV. No Dramatic Plans · Johnson Eases Way For Nixon Take~over SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (UPI) he had ordered on an .edict -President Johnson who won from Congress. his I ... , ~ _;.tlo · So .oul of lhe picture does eawaawve rei"'... n as he feel, Johnson said be dkl a masterful compromiser, ap-not lake a squint at the ta.I p;ll'tntly will try to ease the revision package. He aim.ply way for hiJ Republican sue-served notice that it ii up cessor by making no new to Congress and Nl:xm to ex· dramatic proposals to the amine the proposals on their own terms. Democratic Congre!I. JoblllOD bu lllw&)'l slrea<d The word tn Tew Whi\• a poUUcal pbJloSOplzy tliaflie House CU'cles ii Ulat Johnson s is an American first and a farewell messages to Congress Democrat second As he wind! will-seek conUnuatiOfl· of-P• up ·bfs-prestdenCr,-he-shuns grams he sponsored. partisanship and exhoris his But he ls not about to push lollowers to do the same. · for new "Great Soclety"f,=========;I legislative directions as h1I admlniJtraUon nears an end. nie 'method reflects J~'• aWlude toward the adminiatration d. Richard M. Nlxoo. He also ia a political realist who does not believe In aeutng guldellnes far bis ~. The tipoff tbal he would not rock the boat, or the na· Uon, with any far-reaching Here's Whefe It's Atl' ........... ·hi the ebbill& clay ' 01 bis Jl<esldency came with Jc. 11 -~:L, A bfs teller lo Cooweu sidestep. lli.U't I W f\X ping any recommeqdati9DJ on · Wettdlff ..._ Treasury department. studiea: ..,.,... . ..,..,. .. .... u. of ta1: Rl<rJ:PS --proposals It's at 7891 Tatbert Avenue. TM Auto Ctub'1 new "castle" In HunrlngTOn·Berxh. Fully staffed. And fully equlpped. Storflng-Monday, January 6, providing more than 700 seritces to Auto Club members and the commUnay. Everything from weekend vo,cation. to worklwlde travel planning. · Everything to he!p you get out ond follow oll the fun that's going on in Southern Colifomlo and beyond, Stop by ond let fd Sullivan, the now manoger, >how ycu around the Auto Club's new "'costle" fn Huntington' Beach. ' ~THE AUTOMOBILE QUB OF ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 7m'1 T11Mf! M., Hulotlfi91• '-1>, Cellf., ...... ICJ?ll ..... We've buiH a new office in • Huntington . Beach u IOCl'ellrl' of heallb, edu<a-Some applied lhe "Tens Thom-advmlllng agency don end weUare. Fihch Is ex· Malla" IabeJ ol the _cotpi!-ol In Loll ~ Ind· ii a pectod 14 play 1 l!lljor role ln&sled .-tates of "IM'd<nl Unlvently of C a I I f o r n l a In ..., .. 11 domesllc pollcy. Johll!Oll. npnl University of Southern lllalttute of TeclmolOIY •P" t\VI( A BUNDLE ON California man, a specllll pointed Nlxoo'a lcltnutk ad. Cj)LoA FILM PflOC!SSING ~ auia1aD1 lo the pruldenl In vtaer. AiDAVE'S 474 E. 17th St. At · least five key White Floch said It wu natllral -Herbert G. Klell., former Route aWJ' members have for California to provide 1 editor of the San Diqo Union, CIU!ornla bacQroudds and core of high official• for the DIJDed a top a:ecuUve branch •6 1 i16:tlcm.-otbar Califor-tdministraUon-both bec1uit aulltipL ~ WU Nizoo'I the Oehl of appnlntmenll. -David p~ se, board Cotto Mota -646-21'6 2666 HARBOR, BLV~ : 546·7080 COSTA MESA • WDDAYS 9to9 SAMDAY ·919 5t30 SUNDAY 10 to 5100 -fl•xil»• hOM fer 1•tH111 t14 ef t+.1. Jl11t •114 fvu ftoM th1 ilryllf, K11p1 fh~ 1ir clt1111r. 44cLIN.· FT. FURNACE FILTERS Choice ft.r1 ef th1 ,.,.,t popwl1r 1i1t1 lfor 1111p1pul1r 01111, 1111d for 011r fu ll col.,. brochur1 l. Ch1n1• tlr111t1 ~vtr1I till'ltl 1 ,..,, for cl11111r 1ir 1..d le~1r fu1l bU.11. STUNNING SWAG LAMP A r11I bt11ty h•N by T1mpo (,.,,.,, lt.11' 1f tfi11t1), 111 bl1• 1M 1mbtr1 l11clucift iltf111r l111i41, aw•1 hoeks, 1w11 ch1i11. Till lltht bwlb 11 ,..., ,,,bl1111. . 17~2 10 Year Guaronteecl WATER HEATERS MtiOf" Al!t9riw11 W.rHI', fully 1l1t1 ll111i, 111to rH1p(ifttt-ceff'olilll roJ, t.111,.r1t11r1 c:111trol. JO.&AUON ·--..... 44.95 -ALLON ........... 49.95 TY UAD'!'IN WIU If tt.o ,ktttr9 11 ttttf11t fnsy M4 ..... f1111t iMildlltl I ~ ,... •"-" ,.. h MfM ,_.. 19'hflN •"-try ff, If fttat 4M .. 't w.,k. fttr- tM ••f e•t 1114 ,. f• ft!• 11'1....tff. -J ... D. Ecllcllman, 43, cbtinnan of Hewl<tl·Pacbrlf a Seatile attorney who ii a Co., Palo Alto, named deputy .pduale .of UCLA Ind Stan-.,._ aamtarJ u D de r .. JUST A DRIP ,.\ft•rtl ... 1p.cl1T1 t.H thr1 Janu1ry I. 1969, (11114 l\tw that "'•'ve .-1"4 flto_fll-•ptobl.iii 11111ybt 101t11thi111111111 bt dtn• .... tk ,.,kt., llhl•tl ... ) ' BLACK A· BRA$S LOG BAS Kn . ' -,..~.w. , •• 11. "-,., h11fitl11t tlto lot• '" •i11411119 ""'ii ,..1y ,., the fl,., AHr11cfl•o '""th for 1111'( fiNpl1t11, hll lll'llrt ltr111 h-111'1 '"' ""'' , •••• EUCTRIC GLUE GUN Jud l11111ff th. 4ry · th11stlck altll tll. 1lectrl1 91111 tvr111 ft ... J.1t. Sttc•1 lik• 11.ttllfltl y••'" • .,., lffll ,,_, ,, ..... .. 11111 ttlowtlil. •111 1M ,,,,., tttcU incl11i1d. ' 5'' DRIVEWAY COATING AND SIAUR Se•I yew irfMwtf, r111ew tli• ••rfeu, pr•+.ct yHr l11HlhMllf ell hf ttc. They l••t dM't me•• b•'t•I•• hke thet . .,...... . LIQUID PLUMR The 1t1M•r11 w1y f• clNr the lllr1f1t withe~t l11currl111 eitP9f!li•• ,i..'"bi111 c11h, w.t.. fMd eitd w1rk1 f11f, GRAVITY GAn i.Aic:H '" .. '"'-" !.+ch ...... ,...,,., l1tchet thllf whe11 t•llt cl ..... ,.,..4rifW .. t•h • feclr. IH'-_,.w-111ft .. ttii1 ......... 111..,..1 ' ' " " . AWAY • GALVANIZED RAIN GUnER ~-· 10 Ft. Length 31 88 2 WAY SANDIR . . ' . °"' •• th. Mtt ... ~ 111ekl1•.t1tpl•the~· Nri1.d. I wey 1ti1Mfw t iV,I ilthef' itiiMtif ~ I afrefthf flto Nfflnt • •••• GLIDDIN ANTJQUltiG KIT A. lfMll •lllfflt.Mtrt ti 'ff• •'"' M•lley" wfJI frlt'1l e1 •"111•7."'Ke •• f•nilt.r• litf• ·• edll•11•W• ertlfed~ eo...,, .... ,,, cl!Mt• •• MlllJ ..... . 2'' l 3A9 4.09 ) ' • .. .. • • I . I l : • . . ,. ·" ) .. '\• ,:, ,~ "' "' , -,, I . ~ ~ t I f •• •• ' , .. •' ) , ' • I I •I I l I ' • • I I l ' I DAD1Y PILOT 1 EDrrOBIAL PAG~] / Fairne·s·s to . Surfers One by oae Orani• County IUJf.eri ba•e .-their favorlte shoreline lost to tbem. Moat rec<!lllly it was Salt Creek •\licb local surfing fans rated bigb. The land was pu~ for residential d .. elopment tb at is pert of Ille b o o·m pndicled for Soutbern Orange County. , Access, it seems, will be only for tile fflidetts of the area when it is developed and a cootiderable nwn- ber ¢ lbose is expected -80,000. ·Prior to that, tbe surfers saw Daile Pobrt given qver to a big breakwater and muilve'boatint facility now under construction. ' Hallod as a major recroalloml ~,o;,. 8!ll It la - the fact remains tbat another ,... .,... Jolt to the &• sport cl=iblg. As the sport of surfing mer-es In number cl par· ticipants and respectability, l"1llically the area whera it may be applied continueo to~ County . authorities should take a new look Ill tbe situation and so should city officials. Laguna Beach Is a case in point. The city has stringent surfing rules that were pushed through when surfers had about the same lack o! public acceptance that hippies now have. However, surling bas cleaned up ii& reputation. It's a thrilling, body·buildlng aport will! none ether quite like it. In Laguna, slllfen are limited to ~ beach """' during tile four·swmner JDOllllla beglm•ng June 1. Aho, they are llmltod to the off boars. They nmy surf at these three areu 1111111 U a.m. and after 5 p.m. Excep- tioos can be made by tho bead Jlfeguanl on claY! when Inclement weather has ea111ed IWimmers to lose Inlet· est. The effect of this is to ban surfers lll>ltt tbe water during a good many hours of prime surfiDg time. Tbis Joss of recreational use is underscored liY tbe fact that many Lagunans !eel the dty ts deficient In recreetloul facilities. Lagqna Beacb coWldlmen should take another look at the r11tber stringent surllng ordinance with an eye lo revising it so !!lat slllfers get a fair share of both space and prime time. . Funding Laguna's'.',SChools · · Laguna Beach Unified School Dillr!ci <4fid•ls are looking Into a plan f<r creation cl an endowment fund to bend.It local public schools by prlnte financing. The plan would be similar to the meihod used to help finance American colleges and universities. Local citizens, fontier student.S...;3lld fim of com- munity schools would be asked to contribute, donate, en· dow, lend, deed or will funds, propetties, arl works, stocks, bonds or other income or funds. School aulhoriti>I are currenll)'. seeking private funds to finance the legal groWJdwork for such a pr0o gram. '!'be Idea is an lntereoting concept, certainly one wottb testing. f • ( • (L) . Onward and Vpward Pressure• I -I ·I .. ... '" ' ,, , . Child Most Often Knows . Dear Gloomy Gus: Vitality Vnsurpassed, Unquench8-l;>le The Molest(fr By NORMAN NIXON, M. D. Seldom ls the problem o! the cbild molester brought lnlo locus ucept throustb headline stories of the occa· sionaf sex deviate who mutilates or murders a child in the course of a ae:i· ual' offense. Like the tragic abduction on Chri!t· mas Eve of 10-year-old Pamela Powers f.rom the Des Moines YMCA, where she bad gooe with her family to watch her brother cmnpete in a wrestling match. Pamela went to the lobby to blf a candy bar and was not ~ again; her body, nude from the waist down, was found In a aoow-drilled dltcli ll miles away after an escaped mental patient,. with a record of two previous aex of· looses against young girls, led poUce to the scene. THE ACCUSED, a mild-mannered, sell-ordained vagabond piucber, -had been living in the "Y" dormJtory for several Ill001bs, reportedly uted Pamela to go with him to hil room where she was raped and murdered. A3 in similar situations elsewbett, Des Moines citizens have projected their coDCern and anger io demands for swift action to exact retribution from the guilty man-even with threats of mass J,ynclling. Since most cex offenses against cbil· dren are not generally publicized, there is little awareness of the enormity of the prOblem. But studies kl Boston, Los Angeles and New York indicate that sex crimes against girls, as well as boys, occur far more frequently than most people realize. Police record! are miJ.. leading, since relatively few child mo- lesters are ever reported, let alone ap- prtilended. INSTEAD OF BEING ltnngen who lurk lo alleys and dark street.a as many people think, most offendtn are individ- uals the cbild has known. Often they art family friends or blood relatives. A recent three-year sb1dy by the Brook· .----B11 George --1 Dear George: I see some noted Brilisher has now come out as the originator of "Sidewa ys Thinking." 1've been reading about "Sideways Thinking" in your column for eight yeara and you even had it in a book you wrote. Didn't you really invent Ule phrase, "Sideways "lbinking,'f and doesn't this Britisher Mll01 ;rou? toNt-TJME FAN Jle<r Fan: Sure, I Invented "Siden.11 'Jbinking" years ago. I've gotta loll ol Jett.rs pointing out 101D1 Britisher bu picked up on it. No, it doesn't bother me and r hope he writes a book about It -b:fbe l can find out what , I've talking about all thtse ,ears, u I certainly never hid ,. 8nJ' Idea. CONFIDENTIAL TO SPIRO AGNEli': BJ all means, change Ji --would that look 00 • bumpor _, (Hope this - JOU In time -I'm bdllnd m ., mall) ~fl)HOWA!lll Jll!llllll: """"-. ·- Laguna Beach driven' bt>t aa!e- ty device is a rear view mirror wllb a patrol car In It. K. T. A. nil ............ ,_... .,...,. ... -...-.._"..,. •••••11r ...... ,....,_, • ...., ... Deir ...... Iyo Society !or the PreveollGn of Cruelty to Oilldnn, lhowed that fl perceol o! the known molesWI In their aeries were !rtends U'ring with the family, while a atartHng 31 percem were blood relatives: only 25 percent were strangers to the cblld. AllhoQl!l hro ... t ol three o! !he-&IJj vk:tlmi Ia the-ldyn study camo ~ Intact , fomiliee. . I!"" or -parenlJ usualbHlld a.1 ~ ol dnJ( ,ol/use, ··-· ,irollllscuJ!y, ~ • gamliJlbl'ot>olbet'mderice of problinil. ' ClllLD MOLES'l'Elltl are not limited to leel>age -or -y. elderly men, u many .bell .... '!'bey can be any· body -!ht teens to. th• 70'1 and !ram an nib ol ll!e, Usoally, they are .....U, lnadequaio 1nm (or more ntely WOIDeill who reaorl to 1ofaotlle ... play, !eellog unchaJlenred with chlldren -eirls or boys. Many are "situational affenden,'' men who are not predispoled to committing smial offeues but who succumb to a tempt.. ing siWation. For some youogstm, like Lolita, are really the seducers of the "nice men" they meet. In case5 of child molestation, every effort should be made: (1) to reduce the child's remorse and guilt; (2) to min· imize the amiely·produclng effects of police investigations and mat proceed- ings subsequent to the crime, and (3) to determine the need for psychiatric or casework servlce1 for both child aad parents. SOME COMMUNITIES now provide cueworl< se"1COI, IUbetltutlnf a Jln>' tact1vo ll(eney'I llafl for the fJO)ice In questloolng lht cblldnll In lbelr Jwmes O< the ageocy'I ofllce, and rtprel.mtng them In heorlnp held privately In the judge's ch~ tong In c:omiog. Bui without poycbolheraP)', Irrepar- able damage to the girl'• (or boy's) per- sonality development often leads to mounting confusion and guilt, disturbed relationship with paren ts , family and friends, and ihe likelihood of unsatlsfac· tory semal adjustment in adu1thood. Quotes Joel M. IAwla, 8cL. IJUF, ~ -"If -ta ... wlll!ng lo be ...- ""'""" by • fnr q:llatn, they lboold drop out to inan nam !« lht man who fl wlWnl lo lllJMI tip for his dlanlty and won ror an ectuc:atm." Cmttm i.uar., s. r. -"The hlpplt1 ond :rtppla, el al, will ranaln. l!ilnClrtty lll'lUP 1111111 they learn the munlng o! ccuunca, RnM and its 1pplleaUoo to lht poulne American way of life." Get. A. Bea•trl, Jr., t.. A. -"Jn the llgbt of the worldwide urge for tttfdom and the determined fight in our country for one clus of citizenship to all, we cannot justify indifference or refusal to vote." WASHINGTON -Whatever else may be sald-of'! this country we Cilntinue· to have a vitality unsurpassed and un- quenchable. What other state in the history of nations would seek to conquer poverty, conduct a cosUy war for prin· ciple, explore the moon and tbe planets, try to reconcile the alavlstic: hatred& o! race ond the tradittonal rel>elllon ol youtli, all al olie ond the wne Ume in an 1nctt.dible burst of falth, bope and holllbast? II ts well known that L)'lldon Jobnson bas tried to do too much too !ast and sometimes in the wrong way but when the blstorical score ls totted up the fulsome dreamer from the southwestern hills may have come close to the genius of America. In comparison to the United States other leading nations of the world seem to stand sWI, aome retrogressing, others par~ In wlilicel dogma, .others -to Jot well'tnough ali>ne. NOT. AMERICA.. We would tear down our ewes and build them new. We would ~ every ~ a decent living. vie WOUld make· Uifi~black and white' lo•e· .el.ch otber1. /JJ.e woli)d thwart """"°"'" We wW!Hly Into the reaches of the universe. We would moderate the nature of man. We would clean -···------ up the earth, water and air we have befouled. We are still searching for paradise on earth and are somewhat embarrassed because we have botched ~upabil We have become, fW'thennore, highly critical o! ounelves, DOI yleldlng an inch to our tradltlonal European critics. We can even find faultl where the Kremlin has not yet found them. Nothing that Mao says can exceed our · own sel!-crUici.sm. Supposedly we have learned some JeSsons, We will not try to do so much. We will slow down the war on poverty. We will be' more selective in where and when we &top aggression. Going beyond the 'moon cotf.s:· too much. Every man cannot live in paraelise on our part of the earth. We will alter our values from dedicated materialism to give greater weight to more spiritual values. ALL SUCH CONCLUSIONS are to he questioned as we finish oU the last )rear of 'the -''IQ8li.ng slxtiea" and bead for the aoberlni'aeventle.1. Values haven't changed that much despite the yearnings of the flower <$lldttn. who must be dilllressed that Ille vast majority of their cootemporfiri~ are launcbtd on the age<>ld onward and upward climb within the syllWn cr<ated by their predecessors. t 'lbe onward ODd ~ . syndrome seems lneradlcahle iD American ll!e and It ii for this reilOn that the mmmura !rom the Nixoo people about not pg so rar so fast can be regarded w1th some skepticism. It would, for example, be a brave admlnistration wblch would try to cut bacl:. on spice exploration in the present aura of national pride and awe over the triumph of A~o 8. The planets beckon to us from the farther reaches of space and tt Is a call to which we are likely to respond regardless of cost. THE CONQUEST o! poverty, erratic .. have been the opening campa!gna, is a challenge reaching deep into the American sense of fairness and fitness. Nor is Ibis challenge likely to be met merely by tax ....Ut.s to bu.oti>esa !Ol'. new training programs to show the unskilled how to make a living. Loqk deep enough into the criticisms ljlf President-elect Nixon's urban affairs •d- viser, Daniel P: Moynihan, and behind bis condemnation of the Johnson anU- poverty programs lies the concept of a guaranteed mlnlmwn tncome. Defense Secy. Melvin R. Laird will bo concleoce-bouDd, u he ts conslstonl .with bl! coogresaional record, to replace the immense stores of military hardware which have been depleted by the Vietnam War. Nixon, if he is to be consistent wlth bis campaign pledges, will n.x- amine our nuclear strength to see i! it provides a necessary margin. TlllS IS TO MENTION by .. ay. o! illustration only a few of the onward and upward pressures on the Nixon ad- ministration. ll he should wish to defer what is not necessary a Democraticallf· controlled Congress will be ready tG hold him responsible for lagging behind clamoring national needs. There may be no great novelty In the early Nixon days -no "one hundred days" o( new proposals to Congress -but the momentum of expanding 'Old programs alone will carry Nixon onward and upward. Challenge to Adam Clayton Powell W ASIDNGTON -House RepubUcsn leader11 are en emphatic noUct that the issue of opposing the seating of Adam Clayton Powell will be raised at lhe party's formal caucus en January 2 -the day before the new Congress convenes. Jn preparation for waging a determined fight to bar the bombastic Harlemite, a group of veteran legialators have drafted a · resolution t.o be offered at the opening session of the new House -when the eoUre membership takes .the oath cl. offlce in a mass ceremony. Only iloe challenge la necessary lo force a seat datmam to ''atep ulde.'' Such a demand ts dellnJteJy alaled to be made qal11lt Powell. UNDER THE oppoalUon resolution, he would tben be "excbJded from mem· berahip Iii the (llsl) House ol Reptaen. tatives," and his seat declared vacant . The Speaker cf ~ tbe Ho~ would be directed to "notify the governor cf' the state of New York of the existing vacan- cy." The backstage plan contemplates setk· Ing a record vote on thls proposed ex- pulsion. The aim is to require every lfwse member to take a public stand on the issue. Hoose leaden ol both parties are known t.o be "unhappy" aboot these Intentions. Speaker Jolm McOxmact, D-MISI., bas llttady -he will ouport Powell'• rtstoraUoa to ~p. Tbe Democrallc leadtt declllil!d to coinmeot 00 Whal .. be thou&hl abquld. be clme about the $!0,000 ID federal Jundt two commltleea IA the r«art COngrea cH;:lared Pawell had mt.sapproprialed and should be compelled to repay before btlng seated. FROM THE 11 • VEAR • OW McConnack'a nonchalant at t It u d e regarding thla ofUclal accusaUon and demand. It would appear he is rl'ady to "forget it." Republican 1eaden are scarcely more enthusiastic about havtna a ahowdoWn ao the pollllcally uploslve Powell q.,.. tlon at the star\ ol the new -· 'l1wy have .,.... prlvatel,J lr1lnl to pomade !be oppoottJao to drop lht ~ .......... ..u. Not only have they gotten nowhere, but blunt notice has been served on them that the issue will be raised at the party's January 2 caucus. Present oppasiUon strategy Js not to ·seek a record vote in the GOP caucus. IT IS FELT this shou1d be avoided so as not to put the fight against Powell on a partilaD basis. There ls equally otnJi>1! Democratic opposition lo the flam. boyanl Harlemlle, parUcularly among Southerners who constitute a con- s.iderable bloc. The expu!Jlon J'OSO!uUon that will be offered stresses the principal grounds on which the fight against him will be made, as foUOws : (I) That he ':improperly maintained on his clerk·bire payroll Y. Marjorie Flores (Mrs. Adam C. Powell) from August 14., 1964~· to December 31, 1966, during which pef!od either she performed no official duties'.whaiever fir such duties were not performed In, Wasblngtbo, D.C., or tile State ol New York u requtnod by law." (Z) THAT IE "pennllled on d parUclpated In tin-expmdltmes of , government flmdJ ror JW'fvate purpoRI In a series ol aci. clearly deJllOlllltlltq hiJ unworthiness to be a member, and that the aggregate amount ~ public funds whi ch he wrongfully and willfully appropriated to his own use ,exceeded '40,000." (3) That Powell refused to "cooperate with the Select Committee of the House cf Representatives and the Special Sub- committee on Contracts of the House Admlnistration Committee in their lawful toquirles authorized by the House of Representatives and was contemptuous and &WJty o! conduct WJWorlhy of a meinber." THESE CBARG:D are similar to tbbse that led lo his being kicked oul · of ~ Bouse eMly in 1967 by ·Bn overwhelcming WI to 116 vote. Hippie Shops vs. 'Square' Ones To the Editor: Last week I spent three days in your beautiful Laguna Beach. with a friend who owns a hillside home there, though she resides near me in Ventura County. On the drive down she was telling 1110 llW11 people In Laguna were dlslurl> ed by the Influx of youthful loog-bair<d residents and that measures had -tak<n lo try atld discourage them !l'om appearing oa the street& We ""1ftd about two Ill lht alter.- and wblle she lhopped In I supermarket on the edge o! -., I went to a nearby can! and glfl shop to do a bit of Chr.lstm.u shopping. Jt waa: a bustling place with t fe"rkl-working en the shelves. I u ked two of them dlrec-- tiou and was curtly answered, • though lhty wert Irritated with bclng .ln- temipted. The first smile atven. wu by the one whc worked the caSh repter. WE WENT TO seven other stores that allemoon and the oext morning, receiving cool courtesy !l'om moot o! them, exoept for a Ja-11or6. 'Ibo lhoJ*eeper there ..... sracloul atld ....... ed to m)o1 hll -k. Bowe..,, 11ro sbopo, (one, a<Dl'dlnc to rrt1 lrfeod; "Iha -hool< ahop Ill 1-"l and -,..._"'"8111 . dprottes, ..... cold ad 'ODIJlllbli, respecllvelJ. Tiil !all tbreo jibopl wo·-lo Wen retumlng -.., the llllnl do m "hippie" --' Jn 09IJ'i.C. -ol'-tbele shops did ... buf, anYthhw. ytl .u.. derlls were waqn aliil frledt)> ond the ahoppen ...-llmliet and ' 'min rewed, lhoagll 1)11111 iii !hem ..,.. eoi. orful In their lln,a. ' . I MENTION TBiS beca-~ has always bteo . noted !or Ito colori! both in people """ -· and uni ,_ I have al"*>'• fell ii made -and vtslton ........,., belna noted !« lta llWI)' atld nllod-lllolo. . llowenr, ~ril)' ll'lend uil I 11'1 Ill our flfliel, -and "aquen.." ....... the ...... who -oo ... IL ,,11r:111o ·,_ _.. I -·-· ------------------------------------------~~---- } ----,--- . ., •• l' ! .. .. ' ( Art ·. EolomY · Res ' - . ' • Light. were .bright 1llrougllo4it ~ Art CClmy Tueeclay evening 11 Lll\IDIDI, at 1mall end lar&e prartle&, 8IJd roodbye to the old YN!' and wefcomed the 'IJHW. • • • o'R. AND MRS. ZACHARY T. l'dlleby'1 Legllllll bome WU as busy .. 111, fn!eway duri!)g l'llSll:bours wllm lbout 70 al Uielr frlencll gatherod ftlr •li!&lng, dlanclllg; ~ and • mldMCh\ llaftel oupper. • · L8cunam seen. weiCOlii!ni Ille new ;yMr. wen tile Mmee. Doris Auer- bacll, Violet Adams, Elsa Gleechen, I>-. Joneo(, Jobn Grier, Adele lpoll!!, Betty M_., Vivian Myen, Helm Vall and Stena Woll . · . Ol!len. mjoying the la.t o! 1M8 wore ~ the Messrs. ancl ,._ Mmes. Rudy Buzton, Ortllo Blldd, Denn!J Ballarit, Robert Cotterdl, Ho-waro Carrtgan, 'Phil Dennis, Leonard 08vll, Peter Ji'ulmer, Howard "Hap" Graham, Vernon Grant, Uoyd Milne, Ed·Nofzlger, Fel.lz Pregg, William. Shields and Ed. Van' Deusen. · • · • More guests at the. Malabyi' party•lncluded South Lagunans Mr1. Karla Allen, Miss Verna Bowman; Mrs. Nell Berbour, Mr. ~ Mrs. Mil• ton Hansoo, Mr. and Mrs. Jaclt L)'Ull, Mrs. Barbera P114lliPs, • .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Surerus and Miss Mildred Jolins. . ' Additlooal party-goers were Col. and ·Mrs. Wllllam H. Bruggere And Uie Messrs. and Mmes. George Cunnfugbam, James Gormsen, J. L. c;~. • WlJliam lllnwood, Sidney Johnstlin, Joe strumm, George Seel• aloog .wltb• Mrs, Louiae_ <Ax, 'Charles Oolgen, Dou,Herbel:t .and llezt Pettey. MEANWHILE, In the Emerald Ternce home ol Doug and S8lly Reeve, tilings al~ were noisy, Gu~hrlng tile Reevee for a 7 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Cocktail' party lnclU!le and Mrs. Stuan Belrd, Dr. and Mrs. Norman Nixon, Mrs. George pson, Q)i. and Mrs. Donald B. :Vanderbllt and Prof. and Mrs. ~c ~ood. , · MR. 'AND ,MRS. ROOert ~·1 l,agw.a Beacll borne was Ille ~- ting for another New Year's Eve ceiebnilloo. ' . Guests e11joylng cocktails and a bufiet dinner incluaed Laguna resi- dents Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Painter, Dr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Jones Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Covington. THE PAUL THOMPSONS celebrated the new year with friends and neighbors over cocktails in their Laguna Niguel home. Neighbors attending Included the Messrs, and Mm ... William Crapo, Fran Pieri, Joel Shapiro, Douglas Johns\_oo, Lloyd Petrash and Nick Phelps. MRS. PAT-NEEDERMAN of Laguna Beach -a cocktail parly Tuesday night whidl Included many people w)lo participete·ill -commullity , lh ... ter. Mrs. Neederman recently was-named by DAILY PILOT columnist Tom Titus as the liest SUJ>POrlll!g actreu In Orange County. Guests Included LaiuJians l)avid.' and Betsy Paul, RA>sy and Bill ' Henry, PauI and Lareese Toft and tbell"soo, Kevin, Mr. a,nd Mn. Char!H De Keyser, Mrs. Andree Davidson, Allied Rosenberg, Mrs. Jerry· Quigley and fmn) pana Point, >Mr. e1Jd Mr~.,-~ GOuJd . ., ·-----. ---· ---- - - .. . ' . . .. ,...,. '-"' . '"'.. ... "-·' JEAN• COX. 4No91'6 / 1, •• •• -=.........:.= -·· ------- Desig .ners Revive Shirtwaists :raw YORK (UPI) -Fashion-designers final- ly ,,,.ardlcl. all 1Jio<e·-wemen Wh!>Se love for the , sl!iltWaist look.lll'i>'ei: faltered, eo'efl•though the past ~' lflunda'tions of skirnml!t end chemise and ; walstle0s silhouettes. <: For ~ tt'a, the ta10 ct tlia1ahirt,: frolll the ~ canal: lOokiJtg. clotlles .i<i IU, most. &ilttering for evenin&. lt"IS a fUll-scale comeback· tnr wbat stuted ~ .. a bntton-front stjle th'si copied from men'• apparel. The shlrtwalsl reaclied·its peak In ,.women's apparel durlng -.and lmmedia~ a_fter ''Wotld War ll'when it was .as.much the office girl's unifonn as coverails~ were for Rosie the Riveter. Tho 1969 sblrf look · comes In about as many versions as there-are designers to sketch it, and in .• a mUltitude of fabrics from sheer wools, silk prints and knits for daytime and afternoon to the sheerest of organzas and crepes for evenihg. One trademark I of so many'of 1969's shirts: the exaggeratedly full '. sleeves, gathered into tight cuffs at the wrists. Soma of the shirts still are lilloicalty as simple as those of the lHOs. But more typical are those with the billowing sleeves, bloused tops, waisUines, sashes, skirts fn Uy gathered. The shirt al!o comes sleeveless and the neckllnes vary from convention- al shirt collar to collars cut low and wide on the shoulder bones. !ldrts are Just:..,at.Jl!e--nw . .ty!es.nvlv- ed !<>< spring ln;collections 'OI NOif York manufac- turers and designers who yesterday began a mara- tboo series of-fasbion shows for visiting 'ftporlen. The New Yorlt Cooture Business .Council opened the series With it.JI 52nd "National Press Week,"'. These shows will be followed by tbe American J.'les1gners Group runninc_.throogp Jan. 10. Back also'ln dooens of versions for both day and evemltJ:· are jumpers. Sometimes theoe have ) ' " \ . ,, shirt touches too. The jumper's for day, with separ-. ate blouses or ooe-piecers cut to look like separates. They're for late day and evening, too, in crepes and organdies, some of them with jew~lled touches. And back, dnlihing the retum of the waist, are belta , • , : belts to-~go with the sbirtwaisters, the pants, -They come ~ the form ~ daytime suits, as fabrics, a1m06t scarves in their size, wrapped, crushed, string;tled with tassel ends, made of me- tallic chains. Belts are beaded, are Hlf-fabrtcs. cummer- bunds, are stone-studded cummerbunds, ~ey're ropes and cords. It will be a spring fUll of wbite collars, full of lightly belted silhouettes, full of wbite and 'sharp, clear pastels, full of prints (big, splashy color com- binations) and full of pants. And that's for sure, on the statement about pants. They came in the form of daytime suits, as separates, as culotte legged numbers. for daytime and evening -wear, and., illc evenioJ -<rilriali<>l!I. as· opulent o! fabric and jewelling as any ball goW1). Some deslgnen do pants for evening with hipster heights, the wafstllnes ~ared, lhe bosom barely covered, About the only limit oo ~ Is -that they?re never leg-hugging. -- It_ will be.a •prlng of Ibo costume or all-togeth- er'IoC>l Or·ll'll'be a ~pring when t(le woman loolts on the costume as ''old hat.'' The case of popular· ity of costumes (dress-coot, dress-packet, or suit• blouse c:oordinatlon)I depends on. the New York manufacturer with whom you talk. And as for hemlines for spring and summer: the we!Mbove-the-lmee lengths prevail. It prom· ises to be another blissful season for the nation's grrlwatchen. ' -. The ·Lost Toast to a Grdnd "Old Year •• . ,~ . . Douglas and Sally Reeve opened their Emerald Terrace home to a few frienda who joined lllem·ln toaating !be new year Tu...iay nigbt .. .EnJoylnf-the festivities ere. (left to tight) Reeve, Mrs. Stuart ' Beird, Mn· Reev .. aad Cepl Belrd. ' Boss':~-Daug·hter' s Theme: #". t• '. • . '. .. 'I'm Forever Blow·ing, 'StJ.bble~. ---DEAR ANN LANDERS: if'n'1 cm tu-bet you'Ye ....,. bad beloro. Wbat can we do about • •,....id--.; (mother ol lhr<e, .,-ol two> who worn In an alnce, -Ill ~ S7 ,000 a yw and Iii never w1thoUt· a tremeodoW: wad or bubble cum 1n ber mouth? All day long we lilteo ~ 11119, ..c;r,ack)e t.nd pop. But that's not the W'Ol'lt d. lt. Sbe miles ~ bubbler; - the size ol • fOlleyboll. When <Mlt&iden -lnlo the -l!ld ... Uils, they ----.. ~ ' 'lllli ~I ..U --lil IOllM! _..._...,-111111-1111 -"""' "Help!• I dn>ppOd eVerJlhlni ud rill bualneas • ..,J.L.K. DEAR J.L.lt:: 'l\uU for llle·-P-A I wtnkl uy )'Oii alM are .stick. -,.., want to do, IUCb u take a nap or put her toys aw11, she becontes very aogcy aocl infllc:ll paln on benell. . Thia child~ bangtd her liead ~ tile Door, bitlen bortelf 1mtll her lip bkd. and 1"J]Jed <11unu ol lidr out or her head. Yesttrday I left her with a _sitter because 1 had to go tee my molher In the hospital. Lorraine scratcll- ed her face with a barrette uAUI tbe blood ran. . · _\. ,- DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am the Sball 1 lljJllnk her O< lgm hir! PIWe mother ol a nonnaJi_ beallh)', happy, adYtle me. -SAN JUAN; -PUERTO wdl-adJUll"1 little p-L Lorraine ll I RIOO . . yws old and u pretty 11 a pie.. .DEAR SAN JVANr Y• 1PEE'r1 :':'11tr 1r~.o:=.i:r=t1 :.·~ .. !:J•:o t.:-.:-= I ... I " / Six Decades ol Marria°Qe · Gardeners Dreaming Of Spring •• l!outh Coast Garden Club • . membon will bejln . ll!lnl:ln1 ol IJ>rit>I plantlng dining thelT meettac In ,,,,.. An:h Bay Cannnmfly Clubbouoe at 2 p.m. Wednelday, Jan. 8. Wl1llam Tolle, landscape •. architect and owner of the '. • Garden Shack In · Laguna · Beach will present the p~ . sram. ·: i:n:,~u~ ~ig~ plants, bulbs and cuUlnp may bt 1>nJu8bt by members for Ibo plant m:banp table. Coaatal r..tdeola Interested In • club wbJch seeks plant ca1ture !nformat!on and the LandvapN, le8IClpel ad m1n1llurea by lllrr. Cloyd (Lucy) ........ Colla Mao Ari~~ fiJr Aru. of-l!Je.lnqath; ....,. bt -In c..ter Slre<!t Lltnry, ~ M ... , l1llw8bc!JI January. Mr.i.' ianlml bu exblblt.d in the Laguna•Beacb Festival ()f Am 'and while 'Jiving In Seattle, studied ·with Frank Tabor. Other Instructors Included California artists John Hilton, Frederick Taubes and William FHzRay. Varied wor~ of art league medll>erl are being emibiled for aal.e at Costa Mesa comervation of naUvt · trees · · W · and wild life 11111. obtain . • om en _, lnfonnalkla by col1!q • Ibo pra!denl. 199-lJl3L Mn. George llankes will -a-... loll6w!ng the pro. :: ...... Workshop Scheduled HATC~S Hallmark FASHION .ISLAND NE'fll'ORT BEACH Wi'I( Hear ·' Member STORE• WIDE IANUARV -I . • IN PROGRESS ENTIRE STOCK XMAS PARTY GOODS ... XMAS CARDS 1/2 PRICE Discontinued Patterns in Party Goods 1/2 PRICE AS IS damaged shopworn stock m.ow I /2 PRICE AS MARKED Some C.ndles, Much Gift Ware, Few SMfed Animals, Bar Items, A Little Stationery,. Deco"" at.cl S.thr<>om Waste Baskets, ltefien G.loS1W1rt, s.c:1Ntt•1 ••• A .. L I /2 PRICE T~e ·oaily PilotC~vers Boating ,.. ,j. ' , '. . • Best In The West MRS, JOHN FRANCIS.HENNING JR. C1rm1). H""""'°"" Gellerlea, 5U Center Slreet. League headquarters are apen from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Further information about in- ltraction and elhiblta inay be obtained by calling Mrs. Richard lngrmn', 543-90!9 or 549-1667. Overflow Promised · ... love us for their moneyt Th.er~.-II aomethJng about a tld trlP. you ban really earned, and deserve because-you saved the money. (You might say we advocate saving.} We fumiah free travelers check• for your convenience. And free tafe deposit boxes, of course. Tb.ore ls one thing that makes u1 truly difl'erent -our environment for doing business. Come in and aee for yourself. <O MARINERS SAVINGS and Loan Aa1oc!atinn Wllldll ti Dtmr, N""JIOTI Beech • Horoscope .. ·Pisees: Be Sensible SATURDAY''' outllJie,. plab, rormal . Heed Inner voice. One who JANUARv 4 Cooperate In cbnrch, group, aided you In post could mak• •• community pcojeot. Y o u r reappearance. II)' llYDNEY OMAllll !deu click. SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov. :Z. AJ11E8 (Ilardi ll·April lJ): . LEO (July 23-AQI. tl): Ob-Dec. 11): You mey llav" 0> JI,...~ to ...ui. lllroaeh laln b!nt llom CANCER dl!oli>llne favorite •1\!ld. Be clay wllboul poblema ;._ l!Jlnll ma-•· Spiritual fnal&bl 'IC' fiet!ble. Many d~ npoii -----"-• curt !I JOU IO _permit II. S<llile you today for . relaul!on, •pin. ·~· are ··--·-·toc1Ao1 lfll1 -Ii> entertalru!lent. u venaU!e, nlaed about bome, popesl!', dlf1 rallonal <Jll!an•lloQI ypo are rewarded. put prvm1-, rapoas1bllltlea. n--•--•"• • ,.., X., ii to bt t!xmJ81! and --• ....., ..,.._-· CAPIUCIO"" (Doc. llWm slni!ere. · . even thoqh qidel. . < I!): ObUpllom. dutlea,.~ TAmWs (April :11).May SO): ' VlllGO (All(, Sl-&pt. tl): and rettrlclloos a~ to Older lod!vidiJel pro Po It I Jl.,,.,,. wbal 1"11 want to domlnate. ·Mwll ·""' h(joo to reatrlctlve plan. G<l ¢!1nal' ·~.~coonnfld••ma•.te•, ad1>n to regulallonr. DonH_1 -Realize ..... nnl ,..._..... • -cautloo .... .,. - 1.., lo be feerful. Be 0 p 1 0 Tryfnl lo go U lime could voice .it gper!mce. Older to ...,...u.o.: But doo1 feel lead to .mmece&1817 dlfflClllty. -iloes -bell nladves mull kPoll' bell :... . LIBRA (Sept :13-0<t. ZI): · AQilAllllJB (Jan: »Fob. not always. Your relallons with public are 18): Buie duties require al> GEMINI (May 21.June SO): emphasl...t. Some. are apl to tentlon. Neglect could be ..,._ On& who b a lr!end ii apt conaiderJOUloomodern,pr .. tly.Yourecenilymadere!Olu· today to act Uke , ' • we t paalve. Don't permit this to lion cancernfng be a 1 t b ;- blankel" Be dlplomat!c. Don1 clampenplooeerlogsplril You remem~ It ·-follow force Issues. Be a -pathOUc are due 1<r new project. G<t through. Avoid .... .,. Key listener. But don1 gel caughl . started. ts moderation. lnmldd!eoflamllyquarrel SCORPIO (Oct :13-Nov. 21): PISCES (Feb. JJ.March:IO)l CANCER (June 11.Jutr ZI): You· mlQ' DOI be able to pro. Jlemanda made by )'OUlli _. You can. seek perfei:tlon -~ coed 111· pllce that b ao> may bo emavapllj. Be 1l1nd, but tt ii not likely JOU'D reach ce!erated. X., ls timing. but aerudb!e. Strive tor lam!!l IL Today settle for a workable Follow lbroogb on bunch. unity. Know that .-Pl be llmlted. Don~ inm- mtre than can be dellnncL . Dl•moncl Snlnp - For•ftf)' llmlted tlm1h1Moffer1yiou a rare opportunity to own a fully guar- ant.d diamond m llale prtcw. Al diamonds ll•ted.,.. total welghl Dla- mond Solftaft, Viet. Reo.S1UIALE S1H , •• Pr1nc.& Rlnq_, V.ct. Riel. 1121 • IAL& t'IOI .,. wecscung Bend;: Mi cl. ~ 1241 IALE l20I ••• lkklll1 s.t. " ... ~138 IAU Sl11 ••• Bridal s.t.1 & "481ALA8M ••• e.... ringl. "'OI. 1248 pr. IAU: 1201 pr ••• , P9ndMt. V.cLReg.S128SALE t10I ••• MM'1 Ring, ~ct. R9g. pq SAL.I-... 1'9ndantl.~ 'nl 'T-., .... 10'Mo on~ llY"9 • • • l#Q9 .....,.. d blttl-.. ringl ......... Director To Discuss Welfare ~~~ ...... ~~~~~~- T,......HoUllWWSftlngil S-.IUlon ........ 1'1' t '*'--•IUllfl°""W'lpWe..-v!oe for e&ght ••• ·~ .............. , ............. . s.Nba• ........,,,.._eta&_,.,...., ........... ... mine Dll,.....,..1peo1111.,.,. ...toe for ab: •• , .... II.Olli on.._.. EJectrlc c.rwt..g Klllet'I0.11, ..... llMld nll'll cup Al' T ......., tor,nowtU111 ..... 1ne1aon~MdlmliaaaT ... era .... 8iwvlcafol"elgtlt Malad•• Dlia•••a. .... 1K., ...... VS al .......... , ......... a-.. ........ ,...,. ........ _,. a-. Ngul#ly $49.95 . .. . SOundY.-otlllgR- _. .... n I lz•a~1~1-=•P*••• .... Ml/N ........ ........ ~ .... ,, ... wi--.. •Clam .... lit OftfYIDM .... : I. tut.Md ouddty ............ NdUOadlO .,.,. ..,. II.It ....... •to ID"lt Gfl l9Rul# Pl'°9 on NnJ ftoor wnpl8'otro a ........ Md .............. ,l..die' Md !Mn'I ....... --"'···----""'-···--All/Al .................. ltldlloadlnn ...... '' I- .I . ··~~-~·..---· ' ' e'lfl"'~t Darh~~ EDITION ' ~· ~ . V()l...l.?, ,..0. l, 4 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES . ' . • -_ TEN aNtS .. .... .. 't .. (prona del Mar May', . • Revise Par}4ng Curbs ' N~ ~ress Opens Kennedy Elec.ted To Maj -or Post WASHINGTON (UPI) -TI1e 91st Congress formally · convened today to legislate during the first two years of the Nixon admioistrallon with Sen. F..dward M. Kenridey victorious in his bid lo supplant Sen. Russell B. Loog as Senate DemocraUc whip • ThO las! of the Keonedy brothers defeated 1-by a vole of 31 lo 26 to gain a l1lDI on the Senate's leadership ladder with the strong blclling ol th• Demooralic Dberll bloe, . In. lllOther rebuff lo the old ~ard, . . Sml'4I Rtii!INfcan• ~ Sen. Bql) scott; a <-te ~. _. • their party w~p ovtr Sen. Roman Hruska, a more consttTatin Nebraskan. Tbe vote in Scott's favor was 23 to ,.._ HOLDS WHIP HAND Senator Kannady •• -Seal Beach Teen Held in Murder Of Anaheim Man An unUS\lal news blackout today sur- rounded the arrest of a Seal Beach teeneger on suspicion of murder Thurs· day, alter another man was gunn<d dawn outside a Fullerton medical cenw. ~V1ncent R. 00eman, 221 of t25 W. ~ Palma Ave., Anaheim, WU dead '*1 arrival at st. •Jude llolplW, With a .. n caliber revoiver slug In ms right ., I ~. . : lllaarmed by physicians lrOm • the Celter at 132l N. Harbor Blvd., and ,j,Jm and cooperaUve, William L. Jfftq:erald, IT, of 1006 Ocean Ave., Seal Beach, WU booked on ruspicion 0£ murder. 20. Tbe Kennedy and Scott victories came less than an boor before the House and Senate convened at noon ESI' with both Cham.hen under DemocraUc cOntroL BoUl Senate whip choices marked a IJreiktlirough for the liberal wings ol the two parties. However, the olber major congressional leader!hip posts re- mained in familiar haods. Sen. Gordon Allott (R-Colo.), deleated Sen. Robert Griffin (ft.Mich.), 25 lo 18 in their contest for the number three GOP slo~ cllalnnan of the Reyublic>n Policy Committee. Vice President-elect Spiro T. Agnew sat ·in on the GOP aession. Re ftld. he was only an observer and "just wanted to . get to kno! ,the senators well." '· Scott said afterwards be hoped his election "mean! we can broaden the base of the party, streogtbeo and enlar11,e its appeal." 1 However, he said it was "not a victory of ideological character." Referring to Kennedy's victory, he said, "Both parUes have revived, relreshed end restored their aspect." Kennedy 'a victory was certain to be Interpreted as an important step ln a possible tm presldenUal bid by the Massadwsetts senatar. Long, 50, was ca.st by f 0Wrver1 as (See CONGRESS, ffre-Z) NEW YORK CAP) -An \!arly rally was blunted and the stock market closed mixed today in fairb' active trading. (See quotations, Pages 9-10). Price& lloltened alter Sec\'<Wl' of State Dean Rusk Issued' a wernln1 about the Ara~ls:raell viol~ tn the~· Kut. ' ... f ' 'J . . -- , , : . , ;. . , ·r DELlGHTlil»NIXONS GltEEIT ON& 'I Seek.No 0ti. ldarit~IU!jln· -' . -.. " • , . ' • J· -• ' . . . .. "There appean lo be IOOd -to ~ C1Jm!11 wutafd nawa- 10 every da'y durinK the ......,. ," J: said. "Ev~ -depeDds .. ~ we g.t Imm the pri>patt owntfi involved.'' ' · ll there 11 DO·llcnlfi<anl proteol, J. indlett.d the council lll'IY be ubd to malte a Ona! dedalon oo the ~ before the end of March. "We haft to make a move by then H the new plan .is to be Jn effect by May lS," be aplained. ·;oun . ·-.. ·- Dirk, Pat Get .Warm • ~eception - By TOM BARLEY Of "' Dlih' 1'1111 ,,.,, F~n happy ghoats from Rlchlrd Nl%on'1 formative years came blck ~ haunt him Thursday night in I bolnecom- ing celebration that turned out' to be a revamp and wi1dlJ •cclalmod ''Thia Is Your IJfe." Drawn from the Orange County and ~ c.,. yeen or the I'! iillftt.el.jf. *' paraded before tho ~ NiflDsod t-111 ~ ilf 10,0eo -Ip the Anal>eba Can-·• ·~center . ~~11/t=ir"~'l:; " . ';::n:;i 1114. ,..., dlyl ol llll!boril Ml!&one Nh<on with r<miniacenoea tllll rqed-from --ICbooln>Qm -10 tho unashamod ... ~lly of tbelr cherllbod memories ol Nh<on llJDlly lift in the old Yorba Linda.home, There wun1 room In the buge An.abtlm . faciUtJ' filr .,.1m1e 11 wbo wanted to tee th1I cobful recreation of the old Ralpb Edwlnll lhow. A further 4,000"dlapplAnltd'Nillll _..bad lo be teit.d.Jn 'Ille nWl>y ablbltlon lllll wb<D they 1iltenod 10 tho proceodinp over loud •lplUen. -. obvjaall)o del1glilod u -ol the 'princlpalo r9calltd" bll --wtUI Ot-Connlt'1 I..--,,wu doeply, 'movtd wben 'painter Jolla Orth P'..,ied..blm wtlh • pic:lon! ti. h19 late mother. --.. 4ljJlt:ted reading the 11Jb1e 11111 was eo..."lllllch a part ol the -flJDlly life. "'!bit bu i. ona or tllO lll'Ulelt moment.I of my Jlf-," lie iald. "WW....er ·~-m11 come lo me I te'll JOll lllllh! thel nothinc can _...tbll __ al 5 Held on Vice Ra_e i,Ii Newport Five Holfy)v.oOd' area women ·in tbei r early 20s were arrested in Newport Beach this morning on. conspiracy to J et~·at C(Junty Airport . . evening you hlYI ilvtn me;" • NIXon went 0. 10 •plodp that "I will do my utmost as Prulaent ol. the. United Slatea 10 bring peace lo thll ~ lod· 10 all oaUOO.. I can't let )Oli tlOwll commit 1,>rosl'.ltuilon .charges after New-Orange County ~·was lhe ~ene ~rt Beach d.e!ecUvea arranged a meet-of a . dram~Uc ~ch for a , borilb ln , mg through a phone ~I. an ,Ur w · DCi plane 'l'buroday night The women, one~·~ them a top1eiis . rouoW~g anoilym~ teJepborie threat dancer, ,..ere anested after the meeting receivM . the-airline ·offloe at Loi in a Harbor area motel. Angel tional Airport. ., Poltce idenUfied tbe suspects as Tina No bom,bl were found either at Orange Loul.oe, Clari<, ~. of Los Angeles, the County or Loo ,\111clea alrporl.t. topJeu dlnd!r; Eva Lelglt Stratton,. 20, , P.-geh ·l!oi:t1edlY· lelt A1r West's of ~; Carol . Davil, 20 of 1 flight ~ at Orange County which was Holll'WllOd; 'i.ynda Dolora Arellano, %2, •tdWell -1 ll)l soulb·edl.ol.llWI rumr,ay,' of !loliywood and Annie Pearl Seyidore, •Th-. f useil -illlCJ'.dNjes to 1-e t 23, of Los Angeles. out of the plane. Tll!rt were 57 The arrests were made at 2:40 1.m. passengen on the·· Qi.gbt wNcb arrived at tbe large motel. Detective! ~ at l :OS.p.m. froni Lal Vegas: ' tbe women br-caJlini a phone number Two notlblet from the Mi:on rally in the Las ~es area, reports said, 1t ""Anabeim' ·ConvenUon ~tar were delayed in leaving the ~ ~,,_ of the one hour Ueup. · Lt., Gov. Robert Finch waa acbedllled lo nY in Sacramento in • pri~ete plue and ·Tv peraooallty Ari U.kelett<r, master-of ceremonies at the NiJ:Od affair, were heW al the •-•··• buUdlng. Finl Wonf. ol the~ lbtUt WU received at the °"""" Coul!ty . Airport lower 1-the alni:ri'1 ~l)'i afl1Cj! about 20 inJnutea: tie/on tlle1 Air welt plane was due II> arrive. Inglewdod 'd~v" IW'Cbed three Air ·We.! p1al\ft •I the iAia 'Angeiei llrporl 'wlthout resu!L I · and I won't let you dawn." · Looking hick et the painting ol Ille old Yorbl ~ home pieaented IO blnl by Boward Sutherlin, leader· of thl communlty'1 Los Veclnos 4-B Club, Nbioo declared "I em prowl 10 heYO como from lllllall tawn America. "It bu -the-·-dlyl lo talk Ill -odlns ~ ol nnl and small town America," the Pretiden" elect ,DOied. "But I tell JOU lonllr. thal I seek M other ldentllk:atlon l1IO to be known • tho Proaldenl who came (!lot NIXON, P ... 11 Little more was revealed about the mysterious case. . :., .• ... The " bomb. threll • WU• i;tporte4 , by a reservaUon agent for tM atrllne at LA International. The Orange County Dfihl'"tbOt off for Pboen!X with Ill pwengtlrl'lller 1 delay of' an hour. · -oeiecuve CapL William Seymour said be cannot give the mOtlve for the sbootlng, bor can a womah and amall ~ llla!idlng with Olteman at the time be ldenUllod. • ~tors said Otteman was stan-«ol ~ a car usec! by the Filzgerald ~ llltiie Utile of the alaylllg. · Plo'lld1111 who ruabed oul were able lb cio Hille for the wounded Otteman, ilut 1oot a ..22 caliber revolver away -Fillprlld and tamed ti ...... 10 = flril patrolman on ti!<'~ Pltilltn\I under arrest and .Capt. ~ said the -., .. neik ~ ,. (fee oor reailted IM;lng tUm into •. _, Seal Beoch police juvenile 1ujhorlties M<llned todey lo Ii .. any lhfonnetion obaul P'itigerald until they could better dt-=uss lbe cue with FUiierton 1n- ftltlplorL '111..._ reoorteilly told ,police that and h1a accused afl.yer were in the paikln1 lot just before . , . . \ . ' . County,·r.~ens -Die iu Blaze • ' Weedier M · k E It'• koooa 'be a real 1fOOV1 : . ar et-. mploye weekeod• the-weatherman pro.,. , Ia, w1Ul 'thele llUIUlY ui.. llq. • 1 • ·FU'' "" ~t Ba,n· · · .;1:l Ing uoond to malcb the 7S<le-2 Star A.fhwtes, Beach Boy Rerish in ~a!?in Fire ""' µ.o ..... 1empel'atur ... • . . INSIDE TODA 'l' Fir< roared through • wooden •cabin DfM Ilic Boer TbllndaJ killing two star ~ C«lilJ !dill -lthlelel'and •· roidalia "\'.., m111 ·School junior from illlnlingloo. BeadL The treaed.Y W oo il!d!Uonal !rape oYe{lanel wtlh lbe ..,... of the two ··-·of Illa llim; -!n>m w~, .., ~ o1 ....,.,.,,_ Ill Wilh 'llnmen, aod 'tielni drurik. # ... ~'f ' , . Philadelphia Av .. ; Anaheim, a, otar bume\tti.,.adrec;ocnJt!<11-·wS.!vuod ,..,.A.p1!,~1ne1:;.d:~ lineman on the 1967 Anaheim Cololiicta' neir 1 'blllilo6m WlndoW \iim wh1ch .,. " • Il't~I quite a •callfomlti · "'"*"·-"'P team home for the ' own -llllC )Ulol. l • am\ld ,..,,... bul Iller<'• a dltll!ltl · ---~ ' theothort~app~escaped, , bendJl-111\ollbelflanud~OWIJ ,_ ho 1 !"'ID the University of.COiorado. 5111 llemanllno' Cowll1 ·lovestlc•ton with.three obotl at.lbO ~.~bller.; . Gold<fl Stole 1"""" la U.. o6- -'Doneld .T'11QU, II, of 53> S. WDMlll said thl tllllll .10 -br Eu! I. · Tlieeipploye,,Bob 'llrll!Jt, ..ou<at!t mmialralioio of· Pr<ftd .. Hltct St., .W'rci'11, ...,._baseball pilcbir In • Dtni>IJ, cil-144&,". lluttoo ~ .,,.brim; mitaed ~all t1n1•-.l'1'fi0 .loudlt Nl=o. Pag< $, 1fl;:~the~~f:-~::" ! .=..t.=:i~.:,Z~;:" -~~' -~~~ E,= ~·1" ~,,~'. JJn • I "° -...,._ to. 111 .. -. tU!I.'. .:..., . , yout.hl,.7.:~• and f ln1 ti».~ ·art• ol ;~.. . ltoic1. . ="'' "' ' ' ... glo}ll0nlf'1A.l.1t1u . 111111*1 --••led -h 10,owelia . ~ A ..... '1nd Mlllil 'Slitll .-:'.I':, 'l -•= 1 -~~ t 11...-"'Tr --.,...... -:.v •=u ...... ,, ' • "4111 ..... ..... -were ••~--1 •"'!' ICtfte. 1 1 Pina, who wa ~.>as ..yq. hi : p.m: 11 r . .,, • 1 ....... i>11 E:="" -.i• Thef eiorJl:i\11> If, Woodlon, 17. of ' ,lrlod lo belp the ofllerl blll-11 ,YM Wr 111111. poll!>J 11)1 1~·~ ::::.,"::' :l • 1llS3 La P.al Pi-, VIHliilnlt<ll\ aod ' too late:· , ·.·-"-. dlahecl'•pi#ol..-....... ~v--._ • -j Vlctime ol tliipftd•wn blaze are: -Cn11 -..,!'J II, eun di Mr. and Mn. Homer uueo, of 165112 Don Drl•e, HuntlilaDi ~ a Junior at rounllin Valley llJih School. _...,, GoMea, 11, of 7311 N, !.~ 1'1111;-!ll"Jl>lt'IU W, 8-ifey, I ·i:;..~lfa:U~i':\'.•; ~!~1"!>i!f'g ~~~:.. -55:'-U p ~ _,,j, Bod.Jes of the three dead J'llllilul -i • ,i (lelCAIJN~J)' , ·fiftd·W -6't.,, 'ir": ~ 1~1 ! 'i--·;_·:,._;;.·_.._,_,.;•-:..,.;•:.:.·.;;.-.--1 . ~. I .. ' ': J ,._ ' ! I • " • ' 1 ' . • . . -... . . .. I .\ ., • II I i ' 1' • ·-' IWlV '!LOT -- N Plans ·Draft. ... ' ~Lebanon Minuter Fears ·Israel ·May Spar'/C .~W~r ... . . _;: B1 no AllOClalad Pnu ,,;;.J~anean /led. !or i.eban0n lnctUNd. r• lllallUr Lebanon"• dtftnse mlnisler aaJd today •'There bis t>een .lblohttely no requeat Abba Eban assailed the U.N. Security hil ~t plana a mUit&r7 dr.alt. either ~Y the U.S. ~~ Fleet or by Council and the Sephardic chlef rabbi ~ expreUed feats tblit Jllrltl will the Soviet fleet to v1s1t Lebanon and .1. lzed p p 1 VI • the q esUon has not been discussed " cri ic ope au · eiparJc a third 'tforld war. .11 ' Meanwhile the once quiet Leban~ ~ /;)efenoe. ~ H.-!Q O.welnl be said. • ~ at a ,,... eonf«W"tnCe Plans 'J\e report.I aaid tht goverllll)ent told Israeli border erupteq aaain ln an JQt -~oa. Rt 1pPealed. to ail na-1he ~t U11ion. that Ruul1n ships co~ld artillery dutl Thuraday night, and tbe lion• to' jlln In trJlnl IO llead off a ~ !ldtut lf Moscow asked. The Sov.tet Big Four powers conUnued talklna abollt .. 1,,,bal Confllcl f!eet. believed to total about 50 ships . . ""' · • I' and In ••· 'lediterranean has never visited a Soviet proposal for 1olnt peace action. • '0Jmmenting on lsrae a comm o uftl " • · bbl y·•·'-· · h ad f raid , on Beirut airport last Saturday, lAbanQn. Chief Ra 1""".ak N1ss1m, e o -dnl uJd that il Lebonoo II attacked Tht rl&ht-wlng neWlpapers Al Nlhar Israel '• Sephardic community, crlUctzed ,.in. it wW fiabt with e:z and AJ Jarlda a:ajd l>remler Abd\1111 the Pope for his messaae to Ltbanon at it. d1fpou.I, even .UCka. Yaft eqiresMd the vlew that U.S .. Navy exprese:lng aympat.hy for the loa of "The au.ck oo Be1nd hu ened ships w_puld be unwelcome beca\l!e or .. '. ..... r r e l s t a n c e and stWened our W~'J recent decllion to sell 50 ll commerc.W aircraft deltroyed ~ lhe ~~tion to fl&bt on," be said. ~ jetr to l!rli'I. This would be Israeli commando ·r~ on Belrut airport e denJed reportl 1n Beirut a reversal of Lebanon1s trad1Uona1 pro-last Saturday. . . that the · 1oveminent had Wellem policy. In a broadcast over the atate radio, · permit a vlllt by the Soviet Israeli inltr at the world 's concern Rabbi Nlssim said the · Pope had kept .~ ' silent af!er the Nov. 22 bombln& that J'olice Seeking Driver · . Jn Try to Ram Officer ' "" A search ls on today for a wrcGf'W*Y • Iver who barely missed running down · a..CaliforDla Highway Patrol officer who detained him at a Costa Mesa service '-tlaUon Tbunday. • 'Patrolinan Ralph B. Wood. 2S, ol CO.ta "'Mtsa, Je.aped back as the cursing ~otorist rammed hi! black, 1961 Chrysler sedan into gear and escaped. c '·Patrolman Wood told Coot& Mell · Poli.. omcer llllTy -.,, tile l<ft 'tur wlieel ml.md him by a mufmum of two inches. · 1 Strong Jeads and witness statements .:,resented a 1• possi)?.!llty today Qlat O.e SUSjlflCl, •-:IO, Will be pl~ed ._.;p and. booked on sll!jilcloil of as11ult -~th a deadly weapon •. ' .• ·.o;. He could also face <;bar1es or assault -on a police officer, anoijlU 1Uff rap. -=..-:The CHP officer aai4 be was off-duty 1n the Ume, about 2:30 p.m., and rkUng with hUI wife Kathleen,· when he ·NW the auapect on Harbor Boulevard at Date Street, northbound . Sitting jn a left turn pocket, Officer Wood said, the motorist failed to turn, but drove straight into oncoming sout.h- botmd cart, -camlnl a trafltc dllrui>' tion-.and Ol)·lntb ·• service atatlon . · 1be CHP officer followed by proper means into the ata:Uoa, at 3131 Harbor Blvd., where be approached the violator and ldellllfled hlmaell by badi• and idmtlfloalton card, prior to b1ulng a citation. 'l'llii driver 'illd he had forgotten ht• wallet 8111 carried no other ldtnWlcatlon, at wblch time he wu asked to IU:p from Jili car for turther inve!llgaUon. ••Hell no •• he told Wood, add1n& anO!fiU inofe· pungent obscenity and the rt roarfld away. lnfOnnatlon tublequently gathered ·at the taene ·by: Officer Bowen led to a Lona Beach bullneas which could involve the auto usruU .auspect. Music and 'T'tae Coconut Prophet' killed 13 laraella ln a Jenualem market and after the Dec. 26 Arab attack on an El Al airliner in Athens ln which one Israeli died . "Here," he said, "3re clear signs of two tendencies qn the part of the pontiff: A comprehensive war against the Jewllh fallh and agalnat the country which God gave to Hil people. •• "The Pope was not shocked over the shedding of blood ... but rather over material things." It was the second attack on the Pope In u many day1. Dr. Zorah Warba!U,, m1n.lattr of rellgioua llfairt, made a almllar ·compla!nll At • DeWI conference In Tel Aviv, Eban denounced Ute Security Councll ret0lullon condemntna the Inell raid and lllQestlng Lebanon II enUUed to compenuUon. "U lnel were wiped. out completely by the Arabr, the Security Council would do and. aay noUilnl," Ebo declared, refuHn1 to Uie Sovtet veto which" has blocked every attempt to censure the Aribr: . Aiked about the recommendation !or co111pen1aUon, Eban said, "What 111 sug· lested by Ute Security Council by way of redteas _for the famlly of the man murdered In.Athena?". IJll'I •H~tl\I john Steinbeck Jr., 22, son of the late author, (with dor Ellsworth Bunker at U.S. Embassy in Saigon. flute) acccmpanles Buddhist monk, Nguyen Tranh Embassy political officer accepted petition. Young Nam -know as the "The Coconut Prophet" -dur-Steinbeck 5erved with U.S. Army in Vietnam two ing attempt to present peace petition ~o Ambassa-years ego. ~~~~~~"---~--'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~- DAILY PILOT OIU.NG£ COAST "UI LISH ING COM,.A/N Rob1rt N. W11d ...... ldtl'\I Ind ll'~blltfllr J 1,fc Jt. C11rl1y Vice ,,_lde11I ind G!M'l'I! M1111•r Thor111• ~ .... a liclllDr Thom•• A. M11rphin1 ""'""'"' ldllor J1r111M F. Coll1n1 P•11I Ni111n N-rl 111(/11 A~rlltl.., Cl!Y Eal!or Dlrei;tw Newporf lo.ch Offlce 2211 W11t l1lbo1 lo11lav1ril M1lll111 Acldr1u 1 P.O. le• 1171, t2l•J .,_ °""" c. ... 11 ~w: »O W..1 NY lll'ff1 l11UM lffcll: 20 f'tfttl A- Hllft!l!lltvll .. Kh I M llfl SJrtt! From Page J CONGRESS .•. aymbolic old-line Southern Senate power althou1h his record hu been more moderate than that of many oUler Southerners, particularly on economic Issues. Kennedy spurned a chance to compete for the 1968 DtmocraUc prealdenUal nomination after ttis brother, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, was assassinated last Jun.e Long had been whip alnce 1981 and Kennedy's surprist announcement lest week that ho woold try to unseat the lAiuill1anan caught moet Sen ate Democrats by surprise. AU 67 DemocraUc 1e11aton turned up for tile """""'· Sen. John Sputmu (D-Ala.), all!10llnOod tile Kennedy victory about ao minutes after the caucua bepn. Long salt!' tile Kl!Mod,y flJl\!11 pollUc.J cqanlzaflon "turn6d 1 lot of votea to his ad vantage." "I thlnlt I had s. .. tor Kennedy outrun- ned In the U.S. Seutte, but acrou the country he was more popular tbap I wa1," Long told new1men. He laid Ute political or1antsatlon put toteUter by the lat& Pr..tdent John f'. Kennedy and the late Sen. Robert F. KcnnOOy had strong influence with businesa and labor throughout the nation. • I 1 W. German Court To Question U.S. Space Scientist ESSEN, Germany (UPI) -A WM! German court today decided to question German·bom U. S. space scientist Wernher Von Braun a1 a witnes1 In the wAr crimes trial of three former Nazi SS men acc\Jled 0£ hanging: at least 70 slave laborers from a bulldln& crane. The defendants, former SS Lt. Col. llelmut Bischof, 59, and SS Sergeants Ernst Sander, '4, and Erwin Bulla, 63, maintain the vicUm.s were executed In 11115 for sabotaglftl Ute Nul V2 rocket J>Nllram ID which Von BralDI. Wal a key figure . But Friedrich Kaul, an Eut Gmnan la~ reprosenUng c»<lefendoell ln Ute trlel, contend• faults in the V1I wm caUled by defectJvt material and not aabotqe. Kaul arsue<I Von Braun could prove no nbota1e was committed. Today the court granted hi• requett that the dettgne.r of Amerlca'1 Saturn and other 1pace rockett bt queatlooed In the Unltld Stata by the E11en pruldtng Judi•, a pr01ttutor and a defense lawyer. A...rotng to court offtctalJ, a Wiit Gennan repreaentaUve will arranae a date and place whb Braun and the three-man paoel will Oy to the Unitad Slates later this month. ' . ' 1 DAll:Y ,ILO't Sl1H 1'M!• IT WAS A CROWDED SCENE AT ANAH!IM CONVENTION CENTER FOR NOSTA~GIC NIXON NIGHT About 10,000 Friends and Supporters TLh'n Out for Show Honoring Orange County's Native Son From Page 1 Bryant G. Hall, Longtime Mesa Resident, Dies NIXON HAILED IN ANAHEIM • • • from 1 small town." Youn1 Sutherlin drew a bowl Of d•lll!>t from the audience and from Nixon when be ltappod to the mlcrophone to pment Mrs. N11on with an honorary mem- benhtp In the f.H Club, an honor alreadf be\d by Ute new President. He cocked bJa tlnpr at the new Flnt Lady and beckoned Jler to walk tow'1ds him to receive the gift. He bro'u1ht an even bl11.er roar from the convention center crowd a minute later when he. d!d exactly the nme lh1na ta lhe grinning Nixon. And the President.elect kept the act aoJ.na: by then chuing after Sutherlin IC1'1111 the •tage with the gift wrapping that ,Ute youn1 farmer bad dropped. "My, what a gnat prop man Ulis new President wOtl!d have madt," Qui!>' pod Ute lmtilJtrc Llnkleller. "'And did YGtl ,.. the way that llld. btoqbt him runilln1 to Ute micro~! U be can do that to , a Pr"1clent what a ~ea;rtan he'• f>in& ...io(. turn out to lie." Amona an -arrl)' of~ta presented to Nl1on was the ~ on whlcb be ' From Page 1 .:CABIN FIRE . •• Ulhter fiuld tel dan1erously near stac"k1 of newiplpefl· "1td magazines while tile five youthl alept., , Beckmeyer'a lte p ! at her, Homer Glle1, eald cral1 had planned to spend Wedneaday ftlght at Woodaon'1 house. "He hadn't mentloned any plans to 10 to·Bls Bear," Olle1 added. The coroner'• offlct 1n San Bernardino said apparently lhm ol the boye errtved Jn Big Bear Wednuday niiht, and asked the other two If they could atay ovu night Jn the cabin. --- spent so much of his time while his Whittier Collqe teammates won fame on Ute rrtdtrOn. But compematlon came ln the same moment when 25 of his former team and classmates filed on stage to present to Nixon the football Jetter that was, said Dr. Paul Smith, colleee pesident, "35 years overdue." Further f111hback1 to the early years of Orange County's nalive son came fro1n : -California's Lt". Gov. Robert Finch, who will be secretary of health, education and welfare In NI.Ion 's cabinet. "I've known him for 22 years," recalled Finch, ''22 years In whlc~ be'• knoWn the agony of defeat and tbe ecatuy of victory. It ha.11 'been my pr1vlle1e to know this great man ." -Mr.11. Ella Furna!, 92, of Lodi. "l was there when he was born and l reckon I was the first one to hold him. But t never really did get a good look at hltr. then." ' -Mrs. Cecil "Ma" Pickering of Foun- tain Valley. "Sure, l spanked him good and hard when he was about 8. He aaked for Jf because ~e would keep teasing my little girls.'' -Mrs. Evelyn Dorn or \Vhiltier, secretary to the young Nl:::1n \l'h"Jn he opened his first law pr::cl!cc. "I \Vell remember that he alwayii sJid 'never make a statehient that you ca~'t live up to'." And Jn a granC..climax to the t1vo-hour show a birthday cake bearing 63 canC:lcs was wheeled on It.age while the audience A 2$-year Harbor Area resident who made his living both on the sea and in the sky d1ed suddenly New Year'1 Day in Santa Barbara, it was reported today. . A funeral service for Bryant G. Hall, 61 , of 2217 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, is scheduled Saturday at 2 p.m. in All Sainl.ll by the Sea Episcopal Church, Santa Barbara . Burial will be at Mountain View Cemetery lli Altadena, accordift1 to a spokeMDan for the Welch-Rice Mortuary. in Santa Barbara. • A Costa M.., ruident !or tile put 25 years, Mr. Hall Wll • tut pilot: for the former Vultee Corp., 1n Downey, and new for the Fairchild Aerial SUrveJ; Company, a Southland firm . Durlng the early 3011, be "u W strumental in foundini the Cai-plnteria Airport . ' He alao once owned and operated • charter flihlng . boat out of Newport Beach and was employed at the tlmt of his death by the J.C. Carter Co .• Cosla Mesa. Survivors Jnclude a son,. Donald ~ Hall of Santa Margarita; a brother John M. Hall of Santa Barbara, ,;;J two sisters, Mrs. Charle.a Kauebaum of Pa.11adena and Mr's. Elizabeth Ros.I of Lake FQre•t, 111. sang "Happy Birthday to you" to tho $ • happy Pre1tdent .. 1ect. 6;i,OOO Fire Drunage Nixon blew them all out In one brer.th. "Keep on snuffing thing• out as fcsl SOUTH EL MONTE (UPI) -An holJr.. as thal while you 're In the White Hou:.:c long fire caused damage estimated at and you'll nevtr have any prohl-:ms." $!i5.000 late Thursday at a South E) quipped Lln~lette;;riii. iiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiii.iiiiii'iiliioniiite~pilasjjujj'ciifeir~mjj. 1;;;;;;~=--3 7 4 l JANUARY SALE '1 IBITAGE GRANO TOUll .... $265. SALE $219. FEATURING: HINR!DON-Folio Thre.-Font1ino Uphol1tery 11% OllF HlRITACK-Grencl T our-Upholitery 20•/e ()pf DllXll--French Country M•nn•r-Coll•9t-Oimoda ...,_ $299. SALE $Zl9. ACCESSORIES -LAM'S -PICTUUS IXCLUllVI DIALIU POii HINUDON-DRIXIL-HlRITAGl tO DAYS NO INTIRIST-LOHRlt TlltMS AVAILAILI ON Al'PROVlll CAIDtT \7a1., 1 INTIRIOIS N~POlT llACH Profuoltn1I tntorltr LAGUNA BEACH 1727 ·WM11tlff Pr. '42-20$0 o."'*' :MS North COllt Hwy. 49f.4SS1 \ ........ T'flLt Av1lltW.-AID-NSID MUI •lftAY "flL J · -r• --" -.......... ,... . ................... 91!!Jl ............. \ ........ ----. ... s .a 1 ' • .... j ~· . ' . ' I . ' I I I II ; -' No-Dram.afte Plans . - ' r .... '• Joh~on .E,ases 'Way For Nixo.n Take-:over . . . . ' " -SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (UPI) he had onlmd <m ID edict -Prosldent JohnlOll. who won from Congress. ~-' ' -·• !!o ool ol the pidaro -bil lqlolou-reputat!Oa U be feel, Jolmsoil Aid be clld • muterful <lOl11prolTUW • 1P-· not take a-. squhit at the tu parently will try to ease the revislon package. He atmply way for hlJ Republican sue-tetVed ~ce. that it Is up cesaor by making no new to Congress and'N-lo.ft- clnmallc propoa1o to tbe amine lhe propoal! on 'their own terms. Democratic eoncr:w-J~a ·-The waro In Tens White 1 ~ . y that he Home ctrclff 11 that Johnsan's is IA AmeM:clm ii'st and 1 farewell messages to Congress Democrat secQnd. ~ be winds will .1tet continuation of P"t up his plfSidency, he shuns crama be ._ed. ·· pa(llsanshlp and'ezhorb bb . But he b not about 1o ~ · followers to do tbe ..me. for _._ 9ew "Greai -Society" legisllUve di,.ctionl u bi1 administration nelµ'I an~· The method reflects JobDlob'I attitude '<towanl the admlnfltrltion of IU@u'd M. NISon. He alao II a·pou11ca1 rullat wllo doea not believe tn ..utnc guidelines for bU Here's Where It.' I At! u:cesscr. '!be tipoll that he woold not rock the boat, or the na- tioil, wilh any lllM'tlchlllg pnilrams ln the' '1>blrig ~YI o1·bil preoldeiicy came Wttb bil letter lo Con~ .00-J> plng llf! ..... nnieoilallciiii <11' ,J.f.Qlo ·lnht ' · Treuury deportment studies of tu nl~ -proposals ·--- It'& at 7891 Tolbert Avenue. 'Thl·Autc. Oub'1NW .. cCstle" in Hunllngfon BeOch. Fully staffed. And.fullyoquipp.d. Start;,; Monday, Ja~ry6, prcytdlng lftore than 70019rvfcu·to Auto Oub marnbers and the coml'llVnity. Everything from weekend vocation tO worldwlde travel planning. Everythll'lg to help you get oot and follow an·the fun that's going on In Southem California and bi,yond. Stop by ond let Ed SufUvon. the new manager, ahowyou around the Auto Club'Jlftt'W "castf•"' Jn Huntington Beoeh. ~ THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 119'1 1'o!Mrt Jwe.. ~a-do, c.llf., "'-' &Q.1711 We've buiH a naw.offica in , f Huntington B•h • • ' ' • ="lft · -·-·· . . . .-. _,. .. ------------------- ----.. ------------.-----·--------~---------...,--...,~ • F~dor. ~ 1.1969 DAILY flLOT II Nix.on's '(:~lifo~nia Miµ~a' T.a}{es. ~hape .. :j MCIWIENTO(AP)-You nlw have .'*'! Jlkl<ld '1oo: flt NllW• Calll;rola ~_..,.Ill.,. Ulll 1on1um,.o11t'at-ku.a ~-1.,j.J Mal•la. ~ _, .,ii. can, ti •t b •· 1mpor1oo1 JoN Uil' lldvllor7 INldplod and .,__ of _.i.nual compalp and tn lilmn'• 1111 campalip tor Lllrd. ' -• " · "Colfmnla MaftaV •ye~ but poolllw. Jhe lllale'I reauvolr.of lal'°L WU -uolctllooo-4il'ICIGr ~ pvernor1 ·~ , . -idol. lllif. -:t. 1hn'la dlllblc(Golden Sfale More are_ ,1rii . ~ tor Hett .,. -"'1 Nw.i ID llit1118 c:ampttp. -..: 'liJ w..-.,._ : Y...,.. of . Loo ~.,. a..-to Ille llllllolllnpob \v~ *' F1acb WI ~ lllcaid ll'om cali!Omla --r.ie,..., it, an pmfdeal o1. uu.., lndlWleo beidlOl'Hlloo"·tMI: loroo • • Pl,.._.Wlecl ~ 11 1n .. ·Jntervlft. _, IO 'fa: , ••"'•• i. 111e equtvaltol Inc.. Loo Anp!er, IWllld an c:r11ne and i... lolm __ ~· • The m••q ef iu. late -H. a. '1JM" H•'fmn. of._ WblJe House p _re a 1 advlaer \o tmprove ~ Nlllia bu .-. 'Q, Gov., !'resident John r. Xe11ne41'1 an •llllnt to Ille prtE-. IOCltllry. He was an aide -t lad ellldeacy In,....... ••••• • lloben H. Finch, • lciii( tlJru! iltaff lect '°'ti,., to elecL ""*"'""· 42, w11 u to Holdeman at J. Waller menL • · 1 -. "ii._ lr1end and p>llllcal adviser, nlckruune u ''Ille 1rilh lllfla." mcullvt ol Ille -J. Waller ,.,__ -Loa AMII ~. fl, ;, .lf001m COLOR! u ...,.1ary of beallh, educa· ;>ome applied lhe ''Te..a Thompeon adwrtia1ng .,.ncy -Dwlpl CUplo, a ~ of . Ca 11'1 or DI• • ~ : lloo and welrare. F\n<;h is er-Malla" label o1 lhe C<lflll of In' Loo ~ and ii a Unlvenily of S outhern lmllluU ol Tecl>llolco, IP-SA~ A1, .. ~UN1DLOC, IESONSINO J pected to. play a l\lljor role lrusled associates of President Unlvenlty of C 1111 or n la Calllorn!a man, •· IPOClll polDtod Nina'• ocleolllic ad-COL,.,. P ""' P ·" ' j In .......U -c.pOlicy. Johnson. repnt. uai5tant to the pnoldenl tn vllilr. ' AT DAVE'S.4741. 17th St. - Al i.,.t five key While Ftncb said It wu.natiiia! ~11ar11ertG;llell,_1onntr lhefieldola~•~· -Da.WP-,51.board C0111Mooa-616-21M Houle llall members have for Calilomia to provide a editor of the San Diep Union, -Job/D. Erlkhlan, 43, ~ o! lleWllll-l'atbr • Ca111<n1a ~ ~ core ol blah olflcl•I• for Ille named a top -ve brwb . a Suttle attorney whtl b a Co., PlllO AJ!o, .-dopJly -· Oilier calllor-admlnistrallon-bojh ....... ........ llai!o WU Hlloo'1 ,l'Jdiale ,ol UCLA ml lllan--.'-..,. ·( U ad er I -\ 2666 HARBOR 'BLVD. 5'6~080 COSTA MESA . WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATUIDA1 9 to St30 SUN~Y 10 to 5100 ~e;_:::jDRft~ ... !!!'!..1i~•~~.~ tfit lint •Ml fun~ ·tt.1 4ry1r, Kup1 ~· t lr cl11111r. 44cLIN. I "· " FURNACE FIL ftRS Cltolc• h•~ ~ tho 1f101t pop11l•r 1i1n (for ~l"pulir on ... 1111d fltt yr fiill ctl., br•ch1re >. a •• t+t1111 •-•I H1M1 • yotr for cl1t11tr tlr 111.! lowtr futl bill•. .,.) STUNNING SWAG LAMP • A ,..f M•wty htr• lty T1inp• l11ner k11N •f th1111l, l11 bhl• 111d omi.1r, i11clud11 d•fu,tr l11d41, 1w11 llt•li" •••t ch1J11. TM l11ht b1lb It .,..,, ,,..1 •. 10 Year Guaranhied • WAnR HUnU t.4•1• ~· "'•"'· hlfy tlut "'"'· •• ,,...,, 4Jtft...,... .. '94, ..... ,., ... ,. ...... ,. 3~AIJ.9N .......... 44.95 4~.AU.~ ·---49.95 tv LIAD~ltf WIU • If tht picht9 11 t•tft111 fusrr _ 1114 •r!" ~·It ,,,,..,~ 1, IMlyk .,.. i&o11W 1111t 111 IOfllll 11ow '"""•• ?,,., r,., "· H fft•t '"'"''wet\, throw tk tit Mt 1114 .. to thp _...1 ••• ! " •LAeK ·a· au$s LdG BASKD ,,.,,...... t ' . S' .. : . I.'' " . . rt~ !A ......,1, •• 11. 11.,. - • . 11.t..., tM 1.,. •" lrill4llllf 1111HI ,..iy f•r ttt. fi,.. Attr•ctl" "••tll f.,. r .,,., flre,l•c., 1111 t1111rt bc-11• +rim •IMI llttl• f.tt. 411 1. • • ' ' J ' - ILICTRIC . OLUI GUN Just 111 .. rt th1 4ry 1'4i11tlc~ 1114 tMi 11 .. ftlc lllll·hltflt It evt kt. Stick• liU 11ethl111 r:::°'' ,...., •••11 le-. c · "'' f• tlu,tft.11111. Gin 1114 Mtlff 1flcli1 i11cl1dtd. 5'' • DRIYIVIAY COATlftO ~D ·· . SUL•R S••f Y•wr 4rf.ttwcy, P•ll-tht •• rf ... , , ...... , .. , ,,. l"•NhMnt 111 f11r ttc, Tlity lu•t tlo111t 1111li• b1r91l111 lllit tll•t •"Y"'•r•. LIQUID PLUMR · Tiit mo41m wcy ft cl"r tfiie 4r•l11 with•of '"''"'111 ..,.,,m • ..iltfllW111 c•lb. W.-•• ,...,.,.., • .mr .. 1. GRAVITY OAQ LATCH $tl'tl11h:N l1Nh t~lfy lmhH ltttlf •htll ttto .i...s, ""'"I" ........ '"·· (H'11t#Ull 1t¥1,.,tM111 11 oo tho t1k. thtM ,,.,.,, .I : ...... ""'-· ·- ·-: . ' \ . ' . . G.ALVANIZED RAIN ounER .. -' 10 Ft. Ll11tlll . "~'· 'C' ~~WAY .SANDO ' 0111 •f ............ .., ,,. ·,u ... , .,. '• •.,.. Nri1~1f, I _, M~er t i.-11 •ltkretWt.t ., tfttltht lf11•' u'"'1111 ••••• 2" 3.49 ..... . --~---" ' ., , ' • '. ~· ' • ' I 1 •• .. --· •' --- I DAD·Y PD.OT EDl'l'O~ .PAGE] I Mail· Box .No Ballot Box Newpcrt Bea<ll dty o!fld1la ~Ille put :iwr came up with 1 new IDOIDI of ~linl with tbe public. It Is called the U. S. Mall. The wator bill malling lilt provideo Ille llddreola. The oystem bas obvloua ~· homeowners can be -and have been -of ncM&tlonal programs, tra&h pickup IChed , budget breUdowm and other purely lnfonnaliooal dty data. - But the eystan also baa an olwioua dladHnla&o: It could be misused to promote one llde of a controvOnlal l!sue. City councilmen be\:anie. ..,.. of 11111 1everal month.I~. when the qinnklP'! llaU, .ithqut -1tlnc tl>e malled ,out a.pnblbt"\il ~Ibo adVln-tagea, but not the cil'aidnntii,.,;•<il.&M;~ed police tel..U!cm aurve1111nce J>fOpoal. The man"'# was an embolnlm!etlt to munldpol ..,_..,,.... , . ~ ..imruslng,.. the Ill-timed .,,uia, of a dt1 tu ~ on the ' ... of tut Jlllr'• nmu"'*"'1\l N!Owport:.-ectioo1 bond election. n bll'illy lielped the bond issue. Safeguards against similar blunders hav~ since been established by the City Coondl. The city sUll must now cloor all mailings wilh tho cOuncll and may .....i out nothing C1f a controv,enlal nature, unless both '8ides are cllOarly presented. Is it poosible to achieve tho latter? Yes. An excellent example was the recent rilailln« ot material on tbe proposed on&-way street system in Cor· ona del Jrlar. Councilmen knew tlley were delllng with a poten. lially explosive oubjeet: driving bablta C1f thoUllDdl would be da!ged. So they ...,g1ita teedbacl: from -who would be affected, and !1Je1 OOUCl>t it with as un· biased a preoentation as Cble. And they got lhohoct, It waa mMl1 lllatic. Few of the tbouPnda who rec:e!Wld the "pro" and "con" Information Diced the ldel. So It ,.. junked. In tlhat fnstlance, the mallil!g ~ well served ' !ta purpose. It II hoped, bl>wevor, that the procedwe for Nleb- ln& I decls!On '"1 the °""'way .-., -not become routine with our elected oftlclala. Occastonally It mlg4Jt be ID order. But It should no-ba llllld 11 a meons ct abdicating councllnw.nic responsibility. Coundlmen w•e olected to nip......,t tho peop!!, aod to decide munlclpal tarues on tlietr. behalf. rne mall box should not be looked upon and on· llated, dlm:Uy or Indirectly, 11 a ballot box. Three Good Leaders Newport.Meea ldiool oftld!il• ·trave In • Robert Unger, Robert 91eltllft • and James Wood, tho three named to head the school bmd C$!Dp81gn, the makings C1f a winnblg team. Unger, former Cotta)*& dly !ll8D8&,.., and 91el· ton. fonuer Newpcrt BoilJdl city manoger and now a Newport councilmen, ate lnUmat81y'lamUlar wlll! Ille needs of tile two dUoil 'Ibey helped blilld 11!eni ao4 were In on the planning for the clUe1' fulure. It is significant that Unger and SheHon now are wolting with the school district. In years put city go.v· emment stood back and In efiect told sdlool oif1cials "You have your prob I ems and we have ours." Now there seems to be recognition in city ball that it ts in he best dvic and economic interest C1f the community to provide b<!tter schools. · James Wood was a school bond campaign leader In the losing effort last time around. All organizer C1f tbo ''Commun.it)' Forum on Schools,'' Wood has ebown bJ.m. self to be a dedicated worll:er '"' behalf ol tile commun- ity at large and partlcalm1y the scboo1& In enllltlog three mea wtlh soUd """'11& C1f com· mllllity action, 8d!ool alllllorities have made a good be- ginning toward actnevlng community und.,.~ C1f, and support for, tbo $15.9 mllllon ecbool bmd program come Febnwy 11. r .. N 1 ... 'il ,, .l • '~ , " Child Most Dear Gloomy GOB: Readers Want Land Kept Open for Youth By NORMAN jlXON, M. D. Seldom Is lhe problem of the child malester brougbt into focus ei:cept tru:ough headJine stories of lhe occa- slaha.1 sex deviate who mutilates or mW"Clers a child in the course of a su- ual offense. Like the tragic abduction on Chrlst-m.as Eve of J&.year-old Pamela Powers from the Des Moines YMCA, where lhe had gooe with her family to wolch -., brother compete in a wnotling mat&. Pamela went to tbe lobby to buy-a candy bar aod was not ~ agaln1 her body, nude from the waist down, wu fOUDd lo • -dllcb 15 mllel away after ao escaped meota1 potlat, .with I record ol lwo previoul aex d· f<mel against yoong girls, led pollco to the scene. mE ACCUSED, a mild-mannered, self-ordained vagabond preacher, who had been living in !he "Y'' donnltory for several months, reportedly asked Pamela to go wilh him to his room where she was raped -and murdered. M in similar situations elsewhere, ~ Moines citizens have projected their concern and anger io dem,imds for swift action to ei:act retribullon from the guihy marl-even with threats of mass lynching. Si.nee most :;ei: offenses =t chil· dren are oot g.nerally pubU there Is little awareness of the enormity of the problem. But studies lo Boston, Los ~eles and New York Indicate that ses crimes against girls, aa well as ~. occur far more frequently than most' people realize. Police records are mis- leading, since relatively few child ~ Jesters are ever reported, Jet alone ap- ptd>ended. INSTEAD OF BEING strangers who lurk in alleys and dart streets as many people think, mo.st offenders are individ- uals the child has known. Often they are family friends ()r blood relatives. A receilt three-year study by the Brook- ..---B11 6eorge --~ Dear George: l see .some noted Brilisher has now come out as the ori.ginator of "Sideways Thinling." I've been reading about "Sideways 'nlinting" tn your colwno f.. eight ,.an and you even had It tn a book you wrolo. Didn't you rully tn ... t the phrase, ••sideways 'l111nklng," and doesn't !hi> Brilisber aoooy you? LONG-TIME FAN Dear Fan : Sure, l Invented 1'Sldew1y1 Thlnting" years ago. I've gotten Jots of Jell.en pointing out some Brit.iJher has picked up on il No, it doesn't bother me and I hope he writes a book about 1t -maybe J can find oot what I've been talking about all these years, as I certainly never had any Idea. CONFIDENTIAL TO SPIRO 4GNEW: By all means, cbanp It -... wool<! tbal loot ... .... 'IW -1 (Hope !hi>- ,.. Ill 111J>e -I'm bebtnd oo llV' 111111.) A ,_ banana to the gGrl1la at MacArt1mr llDd C-lltPw•Y '*•'* I ..-a lignal walcbo Inc blm. -T. R. lyn Society !or the Prewmlon of cruelty to Cblldren, ohowed !bat '¥/ percent of the !mown molelten In their series wera -Uvtng with the family, wblle a llartl1nr II perctll( were blood relattves; onlJ sJ-were straogen to Ibo cbi1d. -\. ' AHllalia twO JIU! of -ol ltio. Jlrl -10 the 11rtoid111 stu<ly-flllal Intact lamDiel, -' or bolh ~ ~ba4. tilltor1 d .<lrUC •. abale. ~.r:::;.of~ prob!api-- CHILD llOLESTBllS ore not llmlted to -..,. ~or nuty, elderly moo, u ....,. belleve. TlleJ ... he any- body from the teens to tbe. 19'1 and from an walb ol ltte, Ullllllfy, tbe1 art ......U, Inadequate mm (or mMe rarely women) who resort to infantile ... play, feeling uncbaDenged wllh children -girls or boys. Maoy are •'situatiooal offenders," men who are not prodlspoood to commlltlng auual ofteme1 but who succumb to a tempt. !_ng.•""••tlm FOi' some yooopters, lib LoUta, are ru11y the seducers of !he ••n1ce men" they meel In ..... ol child molestation, ...,,. effort llhould be made: (IJ to reduce the chlld'1remone11Dd guilt; (2J to mtn- lmhe the anslely-producln( effedl of =vestlpllans llDd court proceed- IUbloquenl to the c:rlme, and (3) to tba need for poychiabic or caaewort serrica for both child aod parents. 8011B COMMUNl'l1E8 llOW provide ...... t -.Ices, IUbltltuling • pro- tec:Uv• qtnc)"1 llaff for the police in queolloolng lhe children In their homes ot the agency's office, and representing them in belring:s held privaU!ly in the judge'• chamben-ctepo long tn comiog. But without poycbolherapy, lrrepar· ahlo -..., to !he girl's (or boy'•) per- sonality development often leads to mounting oonfuslon and guilt, disturbed relationship with parents, family and friend!, and tbe lltellbood of unsatisfac- l«Y oexual adjustment In adulthood. Quotes Jool M. Lnta, 8at. USAF, .... ~ -uu ..... u. wtlllnc to bl ,..... alOllDd by a low qltatGn. lhey - drop out to mah ,_ for Iha man wbo II wUllnc to llllnd up for his dlanlty and work for an educatkn." Carl!oa ~ S. F. -"The htpplea Ind Jlppleo, et al, will remain a mlaartty poop until lhey learn !he mellllnf of common ...,.. llDd !ta appllcattoo to the 1enuine Anaeriean way of ura." Gee. A. Bea•era, Jr., L A. -"tn the UaJU ol !he -ldwide "'I' fir f..-n llDd !he determined flibt In our country for one clan of cltizenlbtp to an. we cannot justify tndl!fennce Cl" refusal to YOte ... Monll M. Fl<ld, li!ltnnu Oab - '"I ..... tba -to be kltallotJc, but 1 olao WIJll tbem ID be noliltk - llDd !bat doolni mesn to ,..._... ltme1111toworttold!loft1D,.. bPe the pmt!n to effod ~ 11111 plan for -.. •. L I 'Crew Base Should Be Expanded" To the Editor: I wish to' COJDlll"1t 00 your editorial · tn the DAILY PILOT of ile«mber 20 entiUed "OC:X:'1 Coveted But." This land wblch OCC Is now using fir the cmr baae, and the adJ<>lnlnc land wb1c11 II used by !he Sea 5coota, very d<flnllely ahould remain open far'· the nae fJl qur 1Qllb. 111111)' young people woold have no eaperlonee wilh water actlviUes If it were not for these. NQlblng has been aid about !he sum· mer c:lassea Under the S)JOlllOnhlp ol the city of Newport Beach, teachiJ'.IC sailiug to both young and ord, which are held there. This ts a marvelous activity llDd ooe which Is oot very blgbly pubUc:lz<d, but truly beoeflting all those parilcipotinc. TWO YOUNG PEOPLE tn our family have -'Ill -~of the al1lq P<Oll'llD foP a•'mtmllor CIC years In the put, and the ''IMmn1 lnterest.'1 stories wb1ch '!i>"Y have ~;<)>uld llll a boot. So· 11111111' -18 ·CC!iD!iil to !his area fai'\l ........ tate}ilillljJt -dmllii the time that tber: -here. Many fl Jheie jilople have ... __ slaltl w1"n lhey have no opporluntly to learn oaWng, ....... to aalL OJl'commaatty has~u.i roe goed, bealtbful, eated ac-- Ul'IUea ftr both young and old, but tt has UtUe else to offer the young people. What a pity U WI were to be taken frOm them ! I UNDERSTAND !bat the Balboa Bay Club bas said that an arrangement could be made for· the conUnued use of the college crew and sa1ling teams if they -!he Bay Club -were to be granted a lea!e. With all due· respod for the . tntenl ol the Bay Club, I nally caoi see !hem opening their gates to lhe many people who avail tbemllelves of. this oalllng _ .... -!hi> pro- perty the city ol Newport would have to curtail Ifie al1lq prognm, because every available area In the bay ls now used foe lhe c1asoes. The crew baae should be allowed to expaod Its pniperty for lhe very exciting crew acUvttj. u well as the In- tercollegiate 1aIt1 o g, and the oceanography programa as suggested. THE SEA SCOUT BASE needs to he developed. too, to provJde p-eater ac-- tivity for OW' yooth, !Ince ~ from all over the slate, and perhaps every father, come here to learn abollt boating. Al for the Bay Club developing the land by building more apartmenla atmllar to lhe ones lhey now have -HEAVEN FQRBIDI Would you really waot them to utend tbal OW-Wall? ELAINE P. EASTMAN 'Keep 1fltlll•., -B•11' To the Edll«: Your recent edltorlal (Dec. 20) •howioc the .-! fir conllnlled -of the Boy Seout and a.mp Coal! Colle1e w11otfront property fir lhe purpoee ol -and -actlvitla la moot appreciated. The writer is serving as the official coordlnal« for !he UC! aaillng program, which up to date iJ of the hightA quall!y in the U.S.A., yet Is maintained wt!hoot espense ID lhe tupe,yen. A> the founder ol tnteroollegiate ""2Utlonol saUtnc on lhe Pacific Coast llDd ben at Ntwpe)rt some 30 yYJ'1I ago, It bu Indeed been a ""'1llwblle veoture. llOWBVEJI, 'l1IE gniwth d waterfnlat acttrillel bu made It -.i that tbl edacatloaa1 -· the -:i""~~~"":"..';..:r"'= CJUClff!f•le to "bell a ....... an tbl by,.. the puhllo and--· ------- ' "' ;;~· ' . .. ; '; t ' ......... ' . . ' ' ' \ ' '-~~, . '. ' . !< " Letten from reaMr• are welcome. Normcnu tDriten 1hotlld conoeu thti,. ~uage in 300 word.I Of' 'kU. The right to cond<me let!«s to fit space or eliminate libel is t'e.served. AU ~ttm must fnclud« signature and mailing address, but t1Clt'nel mat1 be withheld on reqWst if .sufficient rea· 1cm i.s apparent. We hope for early favorable action and conUnued C09peration by a 11 "hands." Your . bolp In k<eplng things moving Is Indeed •Jlllncl.ated. ' ROBERT M. ALLAN JR. (US Olympic Yachling Committee) ' Posltl"e and Decent To the F.dltor: M a ,citizen Interested In the wellare of YOON people llDd tn the equitable use of. four waterfroot resources, I was pleased by your December 20 editorial on use of the OCC crew base. For a number of years now, Utls base with Its very rr.odest building and pier bu ~de possible a fine program of training and recreation, not only for Orange Coasr college students but for young people from other schools in the county. I understand that a wider use of the base is planned for the future, involving saillng and other water ac- tivities, wilh the parUclpaUon of UC[ and olher local colleges. This future sports and recreation center could, and should, become a .showplace that everyone in the county would be proud of. THI! BALBOA BAY CLUB Is a ""' cessful and aUractive eaterprlse, and no one would want to deprive it of any privilege or resourre it now enjoys. But Slft}y. it has enough waterfrontage now to carry out its programs and el'IBW't the profit of its venture. The crew base should be defended against the expansion plans of lhe BBC. In adult clr<Jea today !hen! Is a good deal of criticism of the way some young people talk, behave, dress themselves, and wear their hair. U adu1ts deny young people the chance for wholesome outdoor recreation -the same kind of recreation &hit affluent adults enjoy In clubs like the BBC -Ibey should oot be surprio<d H """" yoong people, at least, become bitter llDd anil«K!la1. 1be continuation and developmeot d the OCC crew baae u .. lntercolleclale """' llDd rocrea- UOll center II !he boot Wlr/ I ilnow of ahl1wlng that we have ecwnethlng ))Ollllve lllil doceot to offer 10UJ1i peoplo lo p1aco d the kind CIC -vior Iha! Is being .. wtdely depl...n these da)'I. DONALD HEINEY Wlott1' WUI It Be? To lhe Edil«: The Ume has come, to paraphrnse an old e~ for all community. minded ciU:wu lo awaken to tbelr own Interests. I I speak of tbal last remainlna "window on the hay" at lhe Oraoge Coast eon.,e boa!howse property which the Balboa Bl)' Club has every lnlentlon d ll1llUing llDd buildlnl yet another high rlao. Tho coJlqe has pi._..i • plan, lo -wttb UC!, tbal would pi-.. i, t;l:"Otx:~-an:::-~ not prloate, -ol the b fell dwaterfnlotbywr""""""'11For • a year, OCC baa aougbt an extenakm d lb n!malo ... Jl>oyear leaae with the county. IT ENY181<JNi that the bnlkbeaded •ii!> llDd . allpo will be abared by all !he colleges In Southern Calllornla u a baae for the ,_ lntercolleglate ll8iJ. Ing center tn Jho~nlted Statea. It would abo cootinoe to he ll8ed by Jho rowing crews, by biindndo ol reatdeots OVfl'Y summer in tbe recreation department'• sailing lnstrudloo> program, llDd by many civic organizaUodl throughout the year who seek some adcess to the bay. It would also. mean that thoae allp.s of the Balboii Bay Club, which now encroach on 11111 Itel d tllo-QCC ~ (by virtue d a l!klayi~ llotk\o pennltJ would have to go,, so !bat the properly could 11' used fir !he purpooo for which the lease W&S; odginally writ- ten: lnten:ollegiale compet!Uon. 'l1IE CBOICE, IS, fellow citlt;ens: another private high rise on public waterfnmt laodl, 0< the development of !bat property as a multl-purpooe fadll- ty foi all <:itDenl of this area. Wblch will it be? Your cmcern would appropriately be "'Pressed to the«Jraoge Coonty Harbor Commission, 1901 Bayside Dr J v e 1 Newport Beach, California, 12MO. That is the organizatlpn wbJch w1ll make a final recommendation to the Orange County Board of Supervisors. DAVID A. GRANT Resolutions To the Editor: Your recent publicaUon of m y husband's letter In praise ol Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, acting JnSldeot of San Francisco State College, p r o m p t e d sevmil upbeat l"8pOnSe3 -oot the least of which may ht a praiseworthy ..... m. tion to be pruented for the Newport Beach City Council's approval Jan. II. I am encwraged to urp the -council members to approve '"Ibank You Resolutions" to tbe owners and/or ~ pen who parllctpated In the dellllitlil Xmas boat parade -in the sp!rit of. good fellowshlp and unselfish citlam)'I This kind of activity b an antklote to the sickening effect or the lick segments of our llOdety. ANN M. WEISSMAN Festl1>11l of Llglots To the Editor: Al the cl-ol another IUCCOMfu1 holiday seuan, we of the Harbor Area have many people to thank in· me •IY ,.. aootber !or ·!belt efforts. time llDd --apeot for the beoefll ol people In ,,......, Tho aonua1 · Jl'eltln1 of . Llcbla II I good example ol. ttneelflsb efbt to IQlke the hoUdaya I Diiie' man -fut 11111 pleaant for -ndl d poopla. llJ1he 11 would be d acme -·to - how much t4fari. time and ,~ ·II spent each year ... tills holldaJ' ~ ' THE AVERAGg boat .. ~ approi:imately 15 bouts ; average boat ules approzlmattl)t llghts pl111 • ~ , .. -- .system to pt'O'flillt .the drdric:ltJ tar same. APJ11111ln;ae1' IO bqats = 10 miles each 1 for Ill: making ·a grand! of S,llllO . traveled. The City d Newport Buch Em,,io,..t ::-:~loo .::"tna ~ .r:·::·~~ ChriMw -... -of -· ferry boots !bat's -.led -• ,,_, A crew rr.m lhl OtJ -oJao _.. tbl flootllc ~ --)Ur without --!loo d · 1Ul1.m.f. Thi Newport -Cllambet d Own-. . I merce toes tn apiro>fmately 3,500 to 4,000 tele~ calll from people tn Newport Beach and people many mlles away utma for best area to view parade, time, route, etc. etc. TO 'l1IE CBBW of NBC TelevlllOn that taped the parade In color llDd put ti on cout.tc>a>ut TV fir a~ II> to S mlnutea al prime time ·'- a thank you. ' Y "'• II takes lots of effort, time llDd money tn make lhe anoual Feslival ol Lights an enjoyable event, but it '1 worth every ctDI ol II. Our ,bats are off ID the many boat owners, water front homes In the bubor, llDd all the people \hat • g1.._ "°"y ol tbelr lime, effort .and I lunda !Or'the elljoyment d olber8. ' I JACK BARNETr Executive Secretary Newport Harbor Chambqof~ ltfOOtl Q.eatlmu To the Editor: In the wake ol the lllupe!ldouJ flight to the "'°""' aome ratber lm!levlllli questions ame to mind •blcb. maybe, other people have wondered about. Flnt, whatever happened to "The Man tn the Moon?" Second, In view of the reports from the astronauts about "3---ct.az'k and fonboding llDd unlnvitiiii t;rrilory," won't it be ftltt('tsaaty for the_soogwritenl to revile tome of their now-nonsense lyrics about "moon, croon, spoon, tuqe, June," etc? And bow about the song which wu quite popuJar not so vezy (OIJi ago !bat """1 lil!e this: "11.Y ME TO THE moon and let me play amoog the atan, Jet me seo what love la lil!e oo Jupiter llDd Mars." Moi"be tills IO!lg-writer bad mare vllloos than moot! But I cao't help but wOllder II "the Ugbt o1 the sil..ry moaa... wbme llDf.:e loob lite gray. d!Jty, bultlf-beach lllld, wlU f\111 c:onllol the romaoc:es ol an people? It will be Interesting to ... what IYric wr11m and poets wrn find 'to r<plac:e the changed Image of lhe lnOO)i. MRS. KAREN MOWER D,ecoratlons Contest To•the Editor: Qn . -U of lhe Coste Mesa Com· munlty l'n>j<ctl Committee, w h I c h -ed -lllh Annna1 Chrlstnw i-at1cm Cooteet, I wish to lhanl: the DAILY PILOT lllafl for tho coopera- tloo and publlclty atvm to our project. ,,,. people d c..ia· -... .. ..... d the hlCb collln ol dal1.1 paNlcollca wldda .. aD mio,. LOU l1IN 0 n • • n It y d ll :h ,. ,. •t d :T :y r :e bl nl e, .. m nd " , ... .. i:g ry let .. , ... ~p "Y. 1y. "" m- J h ... '11; ra- I ! • . • ~ ... • • ~ ' .<:orrce·rt GroWP :-• • l Soundt l>at have enlnmco41Udl-around Ille~ w!II be 1*rd · on the C>rani• Coaat.lt 3:111 p.m. &mc1ay1Ja1%, In C>rani• CoutColle&e auditorium. ., '" Appearing 0081sge tilJl be the Ool1""""' Boydlolr a( Princlotoa," N. J ., and following the concen the oetlre· mtmbenblp oi the sponlO<!JIC Harqo. Area CommW11ty Concert AladclaUmi'•ilfbe w.!llcomed at .a ba~·. stage pookoncert reception. • ComlJ!ning their talents· to plan ttie -nception, ·which will feature a YaJ.enUne's ·Day ·th11ne, will be the Mm ... no,. Harvey, Leny Blcon;, ' James Eubank, Jimmie Kramer, G. I. &Mranee, Clannce ~ Ray· \ • • 1 • mood Teys and Daniel W1lllf. , Reservatlona may be made by•cal""' Mrs. Harvey, 671-'IOS6, or the assoclatioo'• secretary, Mn. Kurt K111'fenDan. at CKUIM. The Boycholr ha• llldMred llHlf to mtD!ona during annual tiours, playing to packed bclllSes tJuwe)loat Ille· UllltC Bia tee lll4 Callada. concerts have been liven in Carnegie Hall, the Academy d. MU1lc in Plllladelphla and vlrtuaDi Miry pr!Dclpoi audllorlum In the country, The boys have sung with the New York Pbllharmonlc and1he~ Orchestra, the NBC Symphcay under 'l'>leanh!I and the Baell Arla Group. · 'n!ey filmed "America'• Singing Boyt" ~ the lllory o! the Boyo choir since ltJ founding in lMO and ltJ school. 'n!e RKO !llm was lhown ID 8,000 theaters at home and abl'QllCL IA addltl<m the Stats Department In- cluded the Boychoir School In me a( Its films lot' worldwide distribution. . A major recognition tot the r'P eame in l.9Ci7 when the Boycholr w.~ chosen bf itie State ~I an«>American Nallonal .'!beat.er and Academ)'·as· the !rel youth group tO repioient this country abPOad. under President Eisenhower's International Program fnr Cultural Presentslioos. Traveling by p11tne, Ille ch<llr toured 17 South and Central Americao countri.O in 11 weeks, oinging to more than 40,000 people not including radio and television audleDcel. !Ugh point in the tour occurred when the 'l1 young people, directed by Donald Bryant, appeared in Buenos Aires in a joint concert with Argentina's NatiClllal Symphony Orchestra and received a standing ova· Uon. Last August the choir made Its second tour o! South AmericL The beys sang at the '15th birthday dinner fnr former presldenl Harry S. Truman, aod have entertained iUOSls of New Jeraey's govemo?I at the mansion. They have appeared on televlsloo u gnests of Steve Allen, Arthur Godfrey and the Bell Telepbone Honr, and their Qirlatmas carols on lllm and record have been broadcast by scoree °' stations across the country. Their latest ~ ri.leen' featuns the d.lumbua B!IYch<llr slnginf Renaissance, Baroque and contemporary music. '·-:\., ~ .. ·-·· ., . .. MUSIC -FOR tHll Jci.t·OP IJ -~ f'BghUul llOIDld!i ~.the. Cc>1_mnbus lloycbO!t .Will~ membei'l o« Ille Hart>or ~ Community c...,.n Auotlollcab ~. -'an: 12, IJld Ill• ~. m.-..iilp la lnvlte4 lo lt.·'baetatate ncepllon-to meet tbe gmup ~ ~ lingers.· AnUcipatlng a. llarmnnious eftetn0<!'1 ll'e (left lo i1&ht) Mark Mamilm, ·Mrs. Victor Malzahn an4 Mrs. Clarence· SUl:llkl. Mrs. SUzukl will assist wit!! receptioo arrangements. Designe;rs .Revi.ve Shirtw~.ists , ·' . . . I . , . /; NEW YQRK (UPI) ..:, F~·(esi~ final.. '.tv rewarded all those women. ll'lio&e lmie for tile } shirtwaist look never fallerOd, even 'though the past ~· ~o.ns ot .iikimmer, 8¢ cb~ise and -ess silboµettes ., , . . . : . . For spring;•it'a the tale.of tho· ~-fl'Om.-the most .casual looklllg clothell'to 'Ilia· ~littering for ev<!lliJ!g. It.ls a full.lcala cooiebadr,-for what e out aa a lllltloll·fropt at;fla first copied IIWl • apparel. ~ ·ablrtllfliiBt.-00 ii.< peek in ·~· _appanl dudDg an4 · lmmedlalely after World WIJr ll w!IO!t it'Wa& as'!µuch the· oHlce girl'• unltorm as coveralls were ..... Rooie the Riveter. • The 1969 sbirt ·look ·comeo in about u many >-'Versionl es there are designers to sketch it, and in 1 a multitude ol fabtica from sb.eer. wools, silk prints l and knits for daytime and afternoon to the sheerest of organzas and crepes for evenlng.-One· trademark -<>! so many.of 1969's shirts: the 0%8ggeratedly full ·-sleeves,. gathered 1n1o tight«:Ulfa,at • .*ba wiiaU. . Some of the shirts sUll are basically as simple aS' those of the 1940s. But more typicel are those with the billowing sleeves; bloused tops, waistlines, sosbes, skirts fu lly gathered. The shirt also comes slOljveless and the necklineo vary from oonventioo- al "1Jrt tollar lo collars cut low an4 wide on the shoulder bones. . . swts are just ode· of 11re-'fmniliar styles-nm· · ed for spring ill' collecttooo ol New York manufao. : tlJl'l!rl an4 designers who.yesterday llegl!D.& mara• thon series of fashion shows for visiting reporters. The New Yorl<'Couture Business Council ojlimed-the series with ill\'152nd "National ~s Weet." l'bese shows will be'followed by the American Designers shirt touches too. The jumpe<'s for day, with separ- ate blouses or one-piecen cut to looklike separates. They're for late 1111}' and ·evemng, lo!>. In crepes and organdies, some of lllem with jewelled tpucbes. . And back, cinchii>g the Mum of the waist, are be!\& • • • belts to-:;.> with the shirtwaist.era, the pants. 'Ibey come in the• form of daytime suits, as fabrics, almost scarves in· their size, """l'l'"!i" crushed, string, tied with tassel ends, mede·of me- tallic dlains. · Belts att beaded, are oelf-fabrica CUllllllO"' bunds, are stone-studded "'"""''"'INDll:i, they'nl ropes and cords, I rt will be a spring full of wti!W" CClil!liw, flill a( lightly belted ailhouettes, full o! wllli, aid &ban>. clear .past.e)J, full of prints (big,. sp~-color com- binations) and full ol pents. And. that's tor sure, on the statement about ~ pants. They came in !he form of daytime suits, as sej>arat.es~ as ~le lel(ed,~~!~ daytime and evenmg wear, and in ev g .vUiatiortJ as opulent of fabric and jewelling as any ball JOWD. Some designers do pents for evening with hipster heights, the waistlines ~ the booOm b8rely covered. About Ille ollly limit en J18111s u !bat they're never le&-llugiilJg. II/will be •'.iprlhg of Ille cootume or all-logeth· er look. Or It'll be ·a-apring when..tbe woman looks· on. the costume 11 "old hat." '11"1 cue ol J>OllUlar· ity ol C<>Slumeo (dniss<eet, cJteoa-pactet, or IU!t- blouse coonlinatlon)' 'depends m -the New Yort manufi!cturer with Whom you talk. ,,...,.,~·-.• P•• BIA. ANDlllUON. Editor , Milady's Endless Goal Defined for Lidoites ' . Glamour • • • a popular aubject of numen1111 · comcarsatioos and w<>ulen'• magazine art1c1 ..... la IQll!ething every wllliion wants but few tnow Jui! wflal It is.-, Defining Ure &UbJed for Udo !lie Woman'• Club members will be' a former Nelmm Marca.I model, Mlsa Shirley Vc>risek ll'ho ha• -.ti.. .·=. _.,, for Ille P4;t 10 ye8n on the IJllUlri' · Sbe ..m·~,J!l\1'·1ules rellllng 1o crace, per-'. ODllll .appaorillice, 'lillDPinesa and charm. Ala scrutinized during dls<llisslon will be ~ hair llyllng, the gracellll way lo &et "1 and !>1!1 '°' atdlllllobll01, lntricac!ei of the new lingerie .ci~sfgr>­ ed for .Jaw-cut necklinee, how to live lllllger, loot younger and eo,joy life more. , The pmgra,m. . will follow a socjsJ hour and I~ Tu_.,., Jan. 14, in-ttie ·Udo·lsJe .. Club- house. Also on the agenda will be a fashion show from A·~, arrallged by Mn. Sluart SWld!irr, modellnC'dlalhmm. Members will serve as ,,,_ quins. ' •• Background mUJ!c will be lllmlsbed by Mrr. Morgan Quinn, wblle decorations are being Cl'9illld by Ille Mmes. John Davit, PhDllp WWs, Mi1toD lor<nz and Joo ~llbepardJoo. . In cha1l18 Ii Iha menu are Mrs. Jack Man!f1aJ1 and Mrs. Matt-66ef:-·Mn. Loyd McCnlley la ~ gram chalr1118JJ, .and conducting the meel!ng Will be Mrs. TerrallCe" Moran. Group runnlnt through Jan. 10. Back &lso-in dOllOll6 of versioos for -day and evenillg'are jumpers .. · Sl>lnetim!" th ... have And as for hemlines for ~g and summer: the well-above-the-knee lengthi 'privail. It pJ'Om. ises to be another bllsdul seuon for the naliOll'• girt waf¥:bers. GbAMOROl/S. PROGRAM • - , . Ml11 Shh'loy Vorlook Reserv-• are being taken by Mn. Ted Hinsb.aw at 67~1· and . Mrs. Harold """''-• 675-3408. • ........ ' B . I ass DE;\!\ ANN ~ERS: Here'• me I'll btt l'OO've neV<l' bad,~ '.If'!"! can we do about a ti:yesr-old 'llOllllll (mother of three, Ill'-ol two) 1lllo wom bl an cfllce. -It lout fl l#J a ye1r and ii 'neftf , wltlklut ll tremendous wad or bubble gum in her mouth? All day long we listen to map, cractle and pop. But that'• not tbe worst....Gl It. She makes enormous bubbles, IOl'ne tile lite of a volleyball. Wben outalders """° Into the office and see thit, Ille)' olten·are lao 11boctecl to opeak. '1'1111 lllQ<!lflJl,I w~lo.­ tedlout tabohltlftg and this ·nut :Jtlll, "Help!" l dropped everything and ran . -. .... .. . .. to her desk. Apparoolly ooe ol her m,.. bubbles had bunt. She bad sum in her llalr, 00 her gls.uel, in her beadt and .,.. on her esrringa. Tho entire office WU dlsrupled lo< IS mlnuta lryhol to llOf>ll'lle her fl1lm the ,.., with apot -. ·fol< eradicator and liahlfr 0111d • 1lbat en he done about thll 11diculous lituation l P .S. Her lather .,... this .. .. . '... . .•·, Fo,rever W"ant to do, mcb u take a nap OC' put her loyB •""1, abe becoloea very anfl1'J 1111,lnlllctl pojJ\ oe benelf,, -·-·hu ~·ber'Jit.d 'rabiot the DQ:cr,;bltten_ ~ 111t11 her Up bled, illd Pull<d -of baJr OIJI of her bud. Y eaterdiy I left her with 1 ~uet because I had in !fO ,.. my -In the hoop!t.a!. Lorraine tcratcho ·ec1 her la« with a barrttte llDlil the blood 'ran. • ;, '· Shall I 11paok her or t..,.,. her? Please odvile me. -SAN JUAN, PUliRTO RlCO • DBAll BAN IUAN1 v-'f ,,,, ... ....... __ ...,_.,,_,. leller. A Qlld wllo baqJ lier laeod . ·, .. tlle -· -llor lift tlD ~ bleed ad flllll -" llolr .. ,., lier -·. --~ "" ........ --. upy, -... ,., .. • ...... "1 &luW. paa1qme1t b a die .,... Tldl UUle ...,_... .. ..._.,a_. "*,... ped!atrldu te dlnd ,.._ OONFID~ TO SOClt IT TO ME: You -wulh!.I your tfnM and moaey. Any llmllarUy bet,.... love and wbal ,.,. 111 between you two Is lllricllY mln<l!loul.Lllft.,....eonlJdmce, lnlsl and ....._var r'11'MIJ ~ nowhen. · '"Trudl la: Stran&«' • , • n u rwln ~-·.ir In""' Laeden' -""'* Wi!h lltfl Ude.~-at all -. . Ann • l.aoden will ... Clad to .... you~-· your ..--.... to her 1n catt o1 t11a llAILv · PllDl'I ....... a «"""""" al'C't I ....... \ ) L.. ------. ---~:-:-:-:~~-=-~~=-=:::::::-:-====:::===~~~----------~~-' • -., • • • • ----~-a;; •• 'P' 4.. ·- ' ! f JO llAJl.V 'IL.OT frldoJ, J....,. S, 1969 . Six Decades of Marriage Horoscope •. -----.-- I ·_Mes_ans Mark ~Annjversary '" ··Pisces: Be Se"nsibl • I SATURDAY ouUllll. plu, tor m 11 . Heed -Ono wlie ... " Miit. Altll·MRS.. JOHN WORLEY ' 6Gth Annlvel'Hry Gardeners MarlOni III -ol mu- rlage on Olrlstmlf Eve~m 1\11'. .... Mn. Jolin -ley, c..ta 111 ... nsldent. for the past eeven years. 'l1lo <CUplo --married In Dlyton, Obin when he .... an engraver for the Dayton J oumaL Two years later they moved lo Jndl•!!ljWlJI where Worley served as head of the eQll'llVlq cleparlmenl for lhe Jndlana,poUa Thnel fer 40 Jeon. • In Jndlanapolb. he became a member ol the Mastmlc Lodp· where he -• so. yeor pin and eerved as -· A> loog u bll health permllled, he pll,..i roquo and WU cb•mpioo in the older men's division at a touroa· ment tn Kansas. Mn. Worley did vohmteer w<rt at the General Hospital 1 in Indianapolis. An av Id reader, she also stud 1 e d astrology and bas written a number of poems. The Worleys have a aoa, R. Gordon Worley of Cullman, AIL and a daogbter, Mn. lllClwd Rapier of Colla Mesa. MRS, JOHN FRANCIS llENNING JR. .Corm•I"- Vows Repeated JANUARY 4 !::l'.t.:ty ID :3l' r:::'; llJ. SYDNEY OMARB -clkL ABm (lllardl II-'_. II): LBO (JlllJ zs.~aa. II): Ob-..,..u 111n hint from CANCER u ,.. aped lo IWfnl lhr«llh moasap. Splrlluaf fnllibt ... day -pn1blo1111 -fblnlc <Uri u ,.. .. _ .. It. Some apln. Then ... quest!-.... -ralled abouj llame, property, tftllts· today ...,. appear to put pn>m1.oe1, reapoN!blllUes. ddy n)looal oplanaU0118. ls i.... n.---... h A .. .a Reallre eome really care -::.,., to ~ -~... NN .... lhQucb quiet. TAURUS (AprlllD-MIJJll): VQOO (q. ~pt. 22 ): Olderlndlvldualpr~p'Oiei • ~what :IOI! want lo .-icuve plan. Get ll(llrliul · lpeod. 1ave. Tab male, coaoseL Realile eome 1rlDt pmtnw IDto e o n f J d e n c e . ,.. lo he lealf1il. Be, • p • • Tl7lac lo (0 fl aJoae could lo ..,,...uon.. Bui donl &el !old lo -dllllculty. ..wr ... most -best -UD.t. (llopl. »-Oct. D): not alnyl., . y-refldbil -publlc .... .GElllNI (lllay II.June JO): ~-SOmo aro apt lo Ono ..ti. II a friend II apt CW!lkia' 1"U too modern, pro- loday to act like ' ' we I ~ ... Don' permit lhll lo blanket:" Be diplomat.le. Dool daJQpen plnoeerfnl lplrfl. You force lallles. Be a O)'lllp&lllelfc ""' doe for new pn>jed; Get llltener. But don't gel caqltt sllrled. - lnmlddleoflamll;yquarrel. • SCORPIO (Oct. ZS.Nov. II): CAN.CEil (Jano II.July :II): Yoo may not• be able lo pro- Yoo can IOek porloclloo -ceed at pace that Is oc- bal 1111 not likely you'll teacll celerated, Key II timln&. It. Today ldlle f<r a workable Follow thnJullb oo liuD:!L Speaker Yi~ws Forests For DAR -Gathering . Charles Fltcll of lhe U.S. natural mources and stresses ~ ;;"' il-.-.i mato reaf!A~S (Nov. Do Doc. 21): Yoo may hav• lo dlsdpllne favorite chlld. Be Ooxlble. Many depend upon you today for ' "'lauUon. eotertaimnen:L U veraaute. y o u are rewarded. .CAPRICORN (Dec, 22.Jan. 19): Obligations, dutlea, rules and restrict.ion• appear to dominate. Means you have to adhere to regulations. Doa't throw cauUon away. Heed voice of eiperleoce. o~ .. --~--,\QUAIUUll (Jan. :In-Feb • 'U): Buie dutlel require at,. -Neglect couI4 he coo-tly. You ...,.n11y mode ,...Ju. tlon cmcem!ng b , .. 11 h : remember .Jt -follow throogh. Avoid euess. Key ii moderaUon. · PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) :' Demands made by young ones may be extravagan~ Bo kind, but oenslble. Strlvefor family unity. Know that uaell fllllY he limited. Dool promlao more than can he delivered. Director To Discuss Welfare D rea . . I B c . ty Forest Service will speak to the need for preservation of . ming n ay I PaUence Wright .chapter , redwood forests ln California, Of S . . Daughterll of the American ~"";'~,.!:"Bini. a senior Current ~es and prvblems prtng Lancf.wpeo. ... scapeo and Galleries, su eeoter su.et. lllarrled 1n st. Vlncent de organd, bloo!es....., Lauro !:~=~.m.lhe=~ a1 Laguna Beadi Hlgb School 1n coonty welfare will be ... ,_. miniatures by lllrr. c:!oyd League bead qua r le rs Paul Qwrcb, San Frandlco and Carla Fnc:cbla, Dower ?. • and wtimer of the Good .CW... plorod by lls director, Gran. • 5outll ~ Garden c:!ub (Lucy) Banford, c..ta Mesa are open from 1 lo 5 p.m. ,,_ ·pauJa Katber1oo Sb<o glrll. Anni gbm by the diopter, "!""hers will begin thinking Art·League'1choicef,..Artflt. on SaWnfay and Sunday. andJolmFranclsllennlngJr., AUe!cllng bis brother u Fitch will be lnlroducod by lw-lnvlleduuhoilond ville C. Peoples when be ad- .•. ol sfX'lo8 plantlni *1rtnl lhelr . ol-lhe-moatb, ...,. be -In Fur1her lnformallon about In-both o1 thal dty. best man wu Brian llftinfng, Mn. Fred C. RGa, !Int vice guest. Sbo will receive lhe . dresses lhe Lquu l!eaCli D!"'&l ·la .lbroo Meli 881 Center stnel LlbnrJ, c..ta strudionandezhlblt.maybe n. bride ls the dllllllds wblle Dlhers were Paul .....,i.and.iterblllall<wlD nardlallllm:b. . Bnncl! Ct lhe AmmclD C'mmnmlty <:I·~ al i ·:.u..,Uiroapoui.JUU!lry. ohlalned by calling Mn. ,oflllr.and ·Mn.LeoWil!fam lllaun,'l'fmothyReanl<JDand .,.. u ....-during• During lhe 1atharln1 A!aodadonofUnherolly p!m. W~, J1111-I. . 111n. Sanford bu .;.1hlted RiChard Ingram, 6l8-90l9 or ~ of Nowpofl Bead!. and POfa' Shea, the b r Ide • 1 ~ ol the alldo ·oerles, d!apler deleptea lo attend women. Willlam Tone;. land!Cape In the Laguna Beecb Festival 54&-1116'1. hb'-'1 pmea m U.S. -· 0or Nallm!al JI'..-_ Ii ltale CW!fermco In Fresno, 'l1lo mooting will lab plate ardlllocl .and ~ ol the of Aris and wlille '1lvlng-In Ambeisador. and Mn. Jolin A noeptfan foDond In the TM ~ Is a iwee lllan:b 1-7, aDd the Conunenlal tooimrO.. at a ...., hmc:heou . Gorden Shack la Laguna s..!Ue, studied with Frank Francll Henning, Welllngbi, Prolfdlo O!ftcen .club. 8pedaJ -·t for the 'l'rabuco ~ 1n WllSblnglon D.C. ln Clubboulll! I, Leisure Work!. • Beocb will present the fJlO-' Tabor. Overflow Nei~oland. gueole,..... !lln. Jame> J. D!.trtct, .c!oveland Nattonal Aprllll-11,wlllheelected. Peoples also will dlscusl . • . .,.,._ ~-. ~. . '· either fnstructon lncloded GI-hi marriage by her Hoas of W-. Masi., lhe FOl'<SI. llDsteasel for the meeting •ome of the decisions tho ·• In addlUon, lf!'s. George California artists John Hilton, father, the hrllle wore an Ivory brldo'1 fll'8Ddm«'her; and Mn. Tbe Dougbten of I be will he the Mmes. Edpr H. public will he called upon lo · Rowllm, ~;--.. a Id. Frederick Taubes and WUU.m prom 1• sed . pe .. de oole and laco empire F.dgll' lllc<:Ioory Jr. and llllss American RevofnU..'1 pro-ADell, James Bell, Lee Cbllds make during the 'nut !ew planta. bulbs and:Cirtiings may FitzRay. gown featuring olencon W:e Sara Ami McCleory of Ladue, grani lnclU<les a c:oncmi far and Leo F. Foller. yoors. be bnlugbt by ~ for Varied wort of ort league H .,__ B h app!lqoea and,_ tnln. !'~."'1!1e'~ ~and ber1------------------------~-- the plant exchanln' table. Pmben are beina: uhibited an.......... eac O d d tWhHelormed,....ber ~ ~ _ ___...._ ~·-~-• __ ,. __ ._ In'·~• I.or sale ot Costa Mesa Fellon Hall will be overflow· --.-· Aft«wllrd lhe bridal couple ~~ •=~ ~=-Ing with nice thing, when the 8um Sbea WU her mler'I lelt111aQlrmel.....,_ ID a club wiilcb~l!eeks plant Emblem Club apon.sors 111 maid of honor, and 11>1 bride, o -Iii San "'1ture Information and the first rummage sale of the y<oar brldolmaldl were Mn. lllarc _,.,..,,......, II a .,-of ..._ .. u .. of Dalfve tn:eJ Women tomorrow. Puqu1n1andM111Na11<1tHm-lhe c:oa.m o1 1111 - and wild life ·'lnaf oblala " Tbe sale will begin at 8 Ding, lhe bridegroom'• -· llarl 11111 San ,.,-., fmtber lnformatl!rl by call!ng·: , ~ a:m. 11111 coollnue throogb lhe Miss Leslie Sl¥a, -Cof1ege f,.. Wcmen. Her rm. the lftl(dent. 49WOSL : ..• w1· 1· 1 Hea· dq -din,! ID Mrs. Roger abler of the brile, WU lhe -· • dopJty -altornOY .. Mn. George -will ' . Oloilon~ prooldent. junior bl1d ..... ld. genoral In San Frend.C., .. oliolr a tee IOUoWlng (be Pl:O',. · · . . ·. ~ lnfannalton may Eacliworeadnmof-ua!M a graduate ol SL JailaUm ·.,.,.. Member ~noc1~~g :!: =~~~~CC:: ~se~.::.·r.;; . Arthur Wblltm, 1138-1538. red lklr1s and white ruffled School Dlacuasing lhe W~~ ~'.~-----'----------------------! Workshop Scheduled Scuipll]re and dllplayfna """" . - of bet -will he . Mn. Jane Poyer, member ol. the Laguna Beach Bnncl! of lhe · N1Uono,f League. di Amorican Gm'•J0p:aJ Socle:t;y. will Pen Women. have Its rm ""'l:sbop of 11169 Sbe will ""P'"''"'"-t the 1"">' In the Margaret MorriJon gram for her own grqop at County Reterence Lnnry, 111 a.m. Monday, Jan. 6, 1n Orange. from 10:30 a.m. to the Unl&d Scbool Dtmfcra ~lo~~ ~~-::~y .... pi'Mdooi -~ • ll<rieo ol the 17 . ~ ooclety has grown to Preoldmb of tho United Dftr' 200 memben. bu an St.ates ilnd ol Pesldml-elect mem:lve J 1 bra r y and Ntioo. 'fbMe. are btO rtllef publishes a q u a r t e r 1 y porcela.inl wblcb ltie Ur; poea!oglcal magm:foo with warted 111 over the years and !11n. Harry O'llalr of .co.ta will he di8played ln the lllesa as edifor. Laguna Federal Savlnp and The public Is Invited lo join Loan bnlldlng llOCll. the group In the library, Mrs. P.,.r II na(!gmlq localed.al !JI S. Mancbesler. known for her worti In bnliR !lefmlhmentl wtll be ......i. and ceramlal. HATCH'S Hallmark FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH STORE· WIDE JANUARY IN PROGRESS ENTIRE STOCK XMAS PARTY GOODS ... . XMAS CARDS 1/2 PRICE Discontinued Patterns in Party Goods 1/2 PRICE AS IS damaged shopworn stock -.OW I /2 PRICE AS MARKED Some C.nclleo, Much Gift Ware, Few Stuffed Animals, S.r !toms, A Little Stationary., Decor- ••• love us for their moneyl n.... II 101Delhlilg-aboat o'ald lllP.'J11B lino "'ally el"!ed. and ~ boca111<f JOU oa'VICI the money. (You mlght oay wa adYOCale 1&vlng.) We fnrniU free travelnt ckecb lor~ aonytnlenQlt And fno ,.,. depollt baxa of coma.. ___ ... _Caro_ ...... an Udr¥...,1Wll Mii "* c.,., now ,_t11• ••• PclplJo ._......_._..tl*C.W..suo.dtol1Z..-••. Plof 1'citlll,..._ w • '*"' ..etti I t 1 •• 7' ' llllo now ti..i: ttt.77, ~..a. '°' '22.81 •• , la9W ............. ..., ~ ... .-1nc1 ...... lcllllall ........ ..... Trwm•m.ttou.ewarwlnlftll ......... an..,...M1l1•'1M1 DllFI •••iulttl ..... ccmp!N ..... ..a tot _ ..... , .... Md 0..-........ , .. ti.DO M'ltng9 ••• .. l rr lllllWIDT Ir-., t'IUI. a,, now end .w ... ......_. ..._ JllllleDllla:aa..,.....,17•.w.tcwm ........... on._.. ~CW'lllfll .... tl ...... Wlll .. nlneaupk:? Ill ........ tor, MW)ull .......... 1KOl'l 9 11rll!J11Wlom'Mtt.:el:11•T .... ...... ·&nalorllghCD' • • n 1 ·~._.1,,,. ... .....,, , •.. , ..... "' ~ ............................. .... _....... . Qocliwl-•Y--aa..11p1o-Stoc*..,...,. tor IW -Gift OCCll6oM..,.. .. ,...... prtc19 an 11 .............. lsgl ..e.ciloftalf ............. indddlng •• I I -· 1 ·1 ..... , ... ..,, ...... OotnpWt..tilclcMd ...... tnd -lndudlnao-.1 ~ ...... Ind..,_, .... ~ ... Ilea;' ,,,....,.DllM9••*1=•w:11 ....... --.onftocll' ...................... 1 t°"""9..._. ......... duCled .................. -9= ... v--.-..-......... s dOia .. •z:Mfr.... $4.15 ... ltoMt...., ...-OC-.Klon!J11 .............. htt19Wc.n..r.k1SK.a. .... TodaJand--Zalooc-.llftlT.._ :; ..f*i S.lhi-.i W•st• Basltah, Italian Glosswaro, 'l1iera II nn• thing that mabo m trulJ dll!umt -onr envlromnont for dolnl bualneu. Come ln. and tee for 7oanelf. CMa.' °" ......... lml9d and ~ ..... af • Mnd. Shatt ==----.. -=-... ...., ............ ~-z~. ,. 's.chtt~s . • . ~ · ALL I /2 PRICE The Daily Pilot Covers Boating : ~-'' · ~lfe.st In The West • 0 MARINERS SAVINGS and Loan Aalodatloa W•tcllll at D<mr, Nnpcd 8-1 --......... JEWELERS --F.1hioft lsl•nd • • Op•n Fri. and Mon. til 9:30 p.m • 'I •• • . . - . • ~osta · ¥es~ El>IJ.ION ver.:. 62, NO. 3, • SECTIONS, 32 PAGES • ,' • :. .• --- ' a ,J • .. IVew €ongre•• O.pen• Kennedy Elect~d . As Demo Whip; L~ng O~sted • WASHING TON (UPI) -Tiie 9lsl Congress formally convened today to legislate during the first two years of the Nil:on adm.lnistratklo with Sen. F..dward M. Kenndey victoriou.s in his bid to supplant Sen. Russell B. Long as Senate Democratic whip. Tiie last ol the Kennedy brothers defeated Long · by a . vote of 31 to 26 -• -• I. -- • • .. --.. - ---. to gain a rung on the Senate's leadership-'' ladder with the strong bocking of the HOLDS WHIP HAND Senator Kennedy Seeond Telegram Not So Tragic; .! Soldier Wounded ' · 1: Costa Mesa nurse who lost a PfRlrOoper husband in World War II l;'OIDbat,.lhen lat.er .wed a career soldier, ,-ellved old, but vivid meniorlea on New Ylar's Eve when handed a sealed ~egram. ~ Democratic liberal bloc. - In anOQler rebuff lo the old guard, Senate Republlcans elected Sen. llllgb Scott, a moderate Pennsylvanian, u their party whip over Sen. Roman Hruska, a more cooservative Nebraskan. The vote in Scott's favor wrus ?J to 20. Tbe Kennedy and ~ victories came less than an hour before the House and Senate' codvened at noon ~T with both c.hambers under Democratic control. Both Senate whip choices marked a breatthrQugb lor the Ubei>I wings of the' two ·parties, ffo\Y~er. the other major.-t I~ posta r'° malnedJn lamlll&r l\aod8.. -(jordod' Allott (Jl.Coloe. defeated sen. Roberl, Qrilllll ), 2S to IS Id their c&tk flt IUID1ber lhr<e GOP alo~ dlaimW1 of tbe Republlcal1 Polley Commlttee. Vice PreSfdenH:tect Spiro T. Agnew sat in on the GOP sessJon. He said he was only an observe! and "just wanted to get to kno.w the senators well" Scott said afterwarda he hoped his election "me.ans we can broaden the base of the party, strengthen and enlar11e its appeal." However, he said it was "not a victory of Ideological character." !Werring to Kennedy' a victory, be said, 1'.Both parties have revived, refreshed and restored their aspect." . ~ ':<!; ..... -~·1{- D~LIGKrE~ 'Ni:~Oti~ .. R~E.'1' oNe oF 1~,HA~~.r. o~Dsrs~FROM PRESJDEt;!~;E'L'";.~n•RrvmRs · 'l"S..k' No". Identification Thin To .a., n 11th' Pro•.~;V(ho 'tamo l'rom 1 $Mall T•.m•·· . · ; I •'"NI Al I~\ ' 'fl ·-t T'*.,.· .. . . ' ' . . ·second AirHunt ·fal:~: - To -Turn Vp :Lost PJane . . . . . Search Nwnl>il" 231, the secood. of ho!ne in l'tugb ""8.t11er. two unclosed bunts f<r vanished 8!rcraft -their fpur diµdren refused to give in ,Calilorni~ last .year haS t~ up. up ' bOpe that the coople wop1d "be found no, clues to.~ fate of ~ C?-ta Mesa , allve·ln the ·~ mowrt:&.and desert m~chlne ~ ~r arx! his wile. terrain. but ·cb'ances r:I. survival by now Mr. and .Mrs. Ge9rge W. Pape, 1$01 appear ce~y·sU.m. ,. • , Skyline ,Drive, -~mon Hei,ghts, disflp-The coUple bad Down .to ~tbe. Nevada peared Dec. 1 on a fllgbt Crom Lake · resort cltj'•to·W1ttb:a boat•ract, HA'iBSU City, Ariz. to Orange COUnty Airport: I Truck Hits Car; . . ' •' • • f· • ~' I ~y.W~·: J:-.....& _f"fi. I I Seene' of. ltonili . " . . . ' . Seate Seat¢h ' ! ; .. · · era.go · County ~ .:.;. ~ Seen. of 'a , dr.Al&Uc search 'for a bomb; in an . Alr. wesi oo pi>,;. 'riwrac!a7 .n1~bt lollowil1(an ano!l)'lllOUI ~1~"'*1• l!Jreat , r~lveil .•t the airline 'Offlcti \at -Los ' . Angelea International,~ ljo liom!is were found' either at Orange eoimt ' • Li>I Angeles .,..J:.,, · .. Y <If . 7 rv• .,.1 . e.._... lwrrl"9y left Air w .. 1•; lll&ht '1163 at Oringe ~/y wblcli wu , ltopped at the south end of the runway. __ ... ~ I Toda'""• :t1u1· r ~. s'~ t£N CINTS • • l)iCk, .r.a:t ·' ' "'t" • -·~te1 ·.warm . . . .. . -~ ·1· -.1. · Reception ·,'· '.• , ·By TOM .BARLEY . T I Of .. DllfrPllllt ..... , • • F-happy. gbosla frGii ftldmd ~lxon't fo.rmaUve yean canMI ._..,to badnt b11D Tbunday night ID a~ big celelftlloo !hit '~ .. Gui. ID be, a teVil!lP llDCI wildly ""<lahnod j"'ll!ll 11 Yp;ur·Llle." • • 'Dtawu 1rom:u.r Or1D1e r»Wf,c and \Vllltlfer c~ yeir1. r!_ It k e prelldeni..elecl, th'Oy patlded -. Ille d~ N~ !!J!! a capadty aoll!M'O ol )0,000 ...,-ln the AMMht 'Oll-vdoo. eenw: .. Alil! Ullder tho -Pnibmc "ili9w • buaineal! ,-u!l!Y Art, l.lntltllor ..., ncalled .... __ dl71 " ~ Miuioiio NIJotl wllb ri1P}oj~)bal rq iiiliU ~ factl lo tlie· 1111R811lmid ·~ • .,..theft ~lslled -~"iii·~~ ... •In lb<.oJd Yorl>I IJncla''-0. \t"-' . T!iere. wasn't rOOm in ihe hop Anahelm faclllty for e\!el'Y90', , whl wanted to aee this · colcirful' fa:reatlou o1 the •Id Ralph Edwmlr.iboW. A further 4,000 disappointed NJ.on TOoten bad to be seated In the nearby ublbltfon hall where • they listened to the proceedlnp over l'oUd speaker!. 1j~n,1ohvtooa!y delll!hled aa,eacb of . the ptU!Cipala recalled bis. lllOdatfon with Onlnie County's famous son, wu , deeply lnoved when pa!iltfr Jolla, Orlll presep!ed him with a picture ~ , his llte. -.. llamll NJ.on Is dePlct<d reidf4 •the BlblO !hat WU 90 ll!licJI I (>11'1 of tho NDoo lamfly Hie. "Thll baa -ooe ol tbe geateat momenta of my life." be said. "Wbatever eis;e inay coi;n4i to me I tell you tmJaht that nOthing Cail ' 11!'1'888 this Wondtrful evening you ha Ve given me." r · : Nixon .went oa 'to pledge! that •111wm do my ulmos>u ~~·~ofthe·Uplted Steles , kl bril1I peflce to )bla nation and to all oaUOoa., I ~·t .let you down and I won't let ~ down." llooktng baCl:I 0t 'lb</."~ ol lbO old Yorba Lindi bome to him by Howard Sutherlin, leader <t the! cOllUillDlty'• Loi. v'°"""' 4-H Club, Nioia declared "I am proud to have come from anall town America. " · 4 '0b Lord. Not .again. . • " said Mrs. Veda W)gner, who .Is living with her ~ta.~Mr. and Mrs. OUs Teague, 2124 nurtn.Ave., Costa Mesa, until Uie Army Kennedy's victory was certain to be Interpreted as an important step in a pooslble 1117% presidential bid by the Maaacltwletts ltn&tor. . . . Civil Air Patrol Col. Paul Jµng said Thursday the aerial hunt for the Papes' Cessna Skyhawk was called off at 14 days, but their devoted children con- tinued to look alone. T h e y used emergency 'Chutes to g e t 1.._ P .. a. ir In). ured_ ooe of the ·plane. Tl!ero ...,. 57 '.'It ~ )>ecpme tho lublon these,c!Va to talk In coodeacelllfn(.tenns ol nrd and llJl\8ll town Amufca," lb<~ elect noted. "But I tell you &onlMllt that I oeelt DO other ldentlllcltton , thalJ to be known &I lb< Presldenl Who ._ • la reunited by a new usignmenl Dews was bad, but ft oould have ....... gt f/C Joseph J. Wagner, 37, ""- ~: career in the AfT/.ly Corps o( · etrs never included a combat .zone, ~Ul Vietnam duty, is in a ~larY bciopltal with shell fragm<nt ~ In the lower left side. -Nothing was said about seriousness, bat the veteran nurse. -who!le parents work at Costa Mesa Memorial Bcwpltal, knows that little news is ofien good ~s iD such cases. 'l\ ~am lrom Maj? Gen. Kenneth Wlc~ aaid simply wt lb< p!Jtoon o.heant bad been wounded ln a mortar lilict! .on his base Camp, which i! at l16ii Tlaig, 35 )lllles northwest of•Sa!gon. ~·MrsJ Wagner said the attack occurred al ·Dec. 29, in lb< flral duty tour In Wfuch •her husband has been exposed !_q_-fightlng. : Tho Corps ol Engineers' job Is ...... --than d ... tructlon. .:nie Wagner family, actually of lndlo, lto:lud• a daughter J ackle, 24, adopted lo' the career 10ldler 1fho married her 1'fl>tbet' after the child's father was tilled ~ Into Germany. '"' I ""' . euninen Ruin Home '" -~ 'Art Dealer, Wife '~ONT CUP!) -A San Matto ~ a.ier and hil wHe were robbed "' llKft than 110,000 worth of valuables 'llilll'lilly by two gunmen who tied "P the ccqile and ransacked theJr.. bome .lir !hr.. boun. . ~ Bu!lfcl Seals and his wire· Jean toJd P1llce the n>bben broke Into their hoo!e ' .Ill, lb< remote Behnont Hilla throllgb • -door. Tiie -aaid he ... Rruct Jn lbe face with a pistol when Jlf. Jnltialb' ref-to tell where the ·~-...,. loc>led. .. , 5 Held on Vice Rap in Newport Five Hollywood area women In their earty 209 were arrested in Newport Beach this morning on conspiracy to commit prusdtatlon charges after New- , Beach detectives arranged a meet- thrnugb a phone call women, one of them a topless' dabcer, were anested after the meeting in a Barbor area motel. PoUce Identified the wspects as Tina LouiJe Cla{k, 23, of Lot Angeles, the topless dancer ; Eva Leigh Stratton, 20, of Hollywood ; Carol Davis, %0, of Hollywood; Lynda Dolores Arellano, 22, of Hollywood and AmUe Pearl Seymore,· 23, of Los Angeles. The amsta were made· at 2:40 a.m. at the large motel. Detectives obtaiDed the women by calllng a phone number in the Los Angelea ana: nporll laid. pasaeogen on· the ilJshl wblcb arrlm "It's probably ID · IO!De remote God· lro Lu•' forsaken place not "'° viaible fr6nl RnmbUng Into a Colla Mesa boulevard at l :OI p.m. m vegaa. the air," said Col. Xlnf, "1ome day intersection, a ·lo..:ied cement-truck today Two notables from the Ni.Jon rally a hunter will probably llwnble ontD crashed · into a lnfall Imported car, in-at Anaheim ConvenUon Center were It " · Jurlng a Huntington Beach woman and delayed In leaving the airport becaU!e .Oiiiy <me other m1ll1ne plane was ber·lO-)'ear-old ,grandlon. · · of the one hour tieup. not fOIJlld .In 1!168 by mllltMy. and CAP Oamaged ;by. the bnpact, the giant jol-Q.t searches, while Qne whlcb vanished , vehicle'• . turning , drum ' slapped to a Lt. Gov. Robert Finch was scheduled ln"1987 .. ls still unaccounled for. standstill; cammg cement·lmlde to oet to fly to Sacwnento In a'privato ell'!"' DoubUal, bat willing to poraue any and ~ to•ballfen0 a calamity feared and TV peraona!fly Art · Lintel-, clue, Col. King said he penonally check-by every construction company tnlcter. master of ceremooiea at the Nixon fff.aJi, ed out a mld-o...mber r~ by one The collla!on at 17th Street and were held at the lmnlnal bulldbla- pilot ct a fiery object plunglng to earth Monrovia Avenue, however, could have · First word Of the bomb £hreit •wa1 the Sunday night tho Pipes vanished been lar. woqe, •"!<! Traffic'Sgl. John In late November. Regan who waa at.tho..,..., received al tho Orange .Coonly . .llrporl . "I worked_ olho San Gabriel Canyon • Mrs . Doris F. Frazier, 81, of 11381 tower 1rom llie alrport'I iec!uril1 oillit tot three hcul," pape said, 1jsometlmes Brookhurst st., Hw~ ·~ and about 20 minutei before the Air West J was *" low that I was looting up • Steven FraR, io;wVe treited: at Hoa, pllne waa due to arrtVe. · · '• · at.!"°ple oo the ground." ' Memorial Hocpltal fo/ lnj~e1 llllffered ~wood dettctlVeo .idrehed three , But ·I found J\olhlnl, not even a • In tho crash and relea..d. · • " "-W •••• :... at · ••· , -•···•-bum !pot " he said . ---DanJ,1~ IG' Stj.tjhp"' 3&,'.t of-«ltJ>-Lemon -IUI;.... est_.,...._ -_, _....,. ""'6_. Pape, 0, Wbo ~ted tbe ,George Ave., eyprel,, drtv:r of itie trUci owned ~rt wltbout re9Ult. • W. P'!P' Madllne Co .. 70t Rbdolph . 1!Y , Cl~ . Tru<tlni Co:, . lleleda, The J>onib lhrest WM nporied ..,. , AVe,. ColtaM•r lnd bllwlfe Gr-., tsc1pOd,lnJll'1!n.lb<morni111Nilibalr •"""Ilion agent lor'~.alrllne 11 46, ·filed no flllbl plan befon bead\ng erUll. ' " LA inlernatlonal. The OiOnl• ·Cl>unly ..,. . . . fllaf¢ locit oil for • l'llooDb: with • , ~ lftei I delorDI ID hour. ' Brid8i~g ·Lang~age · ... ~ .. • • ..~---------------------------------------------------..... ------ lrom 11111111l town." . Young 5"tbetlln drelf.a bowl.of dolflht from tbe.1udim::e· and from Msob-wtten be stepped to the mfcrooboae to -1 Mn. Nixon with an honorary mm:n· bersblp In the 4-H Club, 111 booor already held by the new President. _ .~ H.e cocked bis finger at the na•.l'ltst Lady and beclwned her to walk low,lrda (See NIXON, Pap I) • NEW YOjllt (.\2) -All om:ly rally was blunted llicl tho lltotk mlQel clooed mlsed today In fairly active lrldln(. (See quotatlnna, Pages HO). Prices aoltened altei Secretary o1 Stale Dean Rusk Issued a wamlng about the Arab:.hraell violence 1n the Middle East. . ' It's gonna ~ a real l?001'1 w,U811'f, ,llie weatherman _. lses, with lheoe '111111)' akles itq- tna arounc1 to mali:h tho -gree. temP.,.lureo. • . INSmE ·TODAY It's not quit.. ! "Cali/ondo: mt>fio" but ~· • dillintt Golden Stoll 'ftoHt I<>· th< ad- r m{!li.llnllio!t qf l'r•~ltct Nii=-P411~ 6. . ' . . *""' (: .. :z:.i: ..... ·1 =""' "11 == " ~ ,, ...,.._ .... I .... ........ It ..,..,.. ,...., • 1', ...... ,... •1 .~ .... :!'! ._...!'(14111 IWI -~ ;:l; i :::-Cllf ,,.~ ' ·= . I ""I II If .. """' u.i.n • ii ................ ,,,_.,,...~ ,, .... .... .. -1• ... ,.,,...., . , r • ' I I . ·•:;.,;::;;;;;;:::-, .. . ~ r . • • .. -'9•• ., • .. ,. ___ - t OAllY I'll.OT c Lebanon . • • ' ~~~~~:-::::.:.... , . L .•'11 .W~ hll -.-plw a mWlary drall Ind ._-lean that !Mae! wlll ~a third world war. Def"'" MJnlltu Hlll&ein OUweinl Jtllacload. 1t a news conference plans ;fir CONCription. ff• --lo all "-' :;l,ioDI lo join in trying lo head Off a pibll qmfUct. . • <;aa>menllnc .. brae!'• """'"lndo ."14 "' lelnJt llr!m 1111 Satunlliy. OUwelnl Did that U teblnoo) ls alt.eked 'qaln, 11 will f1PI with evvy meana tll 111 clllpolal; .... - '. " .. .,,,. alllck'oo llolnll bu~ CIUf rf1f1tinCa..,ud ltWened U' -..-to ftllll 111, :· be Aid, OUWllnl denlad 'reports In Beirut newspapen that Ille gdvernmont had decided lo permit ~ vl!it by the Soviet Mediitrrantan fleet "There hu been absolutely no request either by the U.S. 6th Fleet or by the Soviet Bttt to \'lait Lebanon and the question has nol been dllcussed," ,,. U!d. .'l'tie reportJ said tbe 1overruqent told U\f.,vt~ tfrilon that Russian ahtpi could vlilt Beliut U lllOiC:O"' uked. The Sovie! - • ( • ' lleot, ~ to lollOI about 141 lhlM .. !Wllmtl""°" jMI --Le-. • I Tbe ~ .....,.,._ Al Nallar and Al Jarida sald Premier Abdulla Yali erp.......t the view that U.S. Navy ships would be unwelcome because of Washington's recent deciaion to sell 50 Phantom jets to Isr,el. This would be a reversal. of Lebanon's lradiUoaal pro-- Western policy . Israeli ana:er 1i the world'• coocem for Lebanon Increased. Ford .. Mln!M Abba Eban aS!llled the U.N. Security Oow>cil and the S.phardic clliel rabbi . ' 'DAll.Y .. ILOT tttft ....... IT WAS A CROWDED $CENE AT ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER FOR t«>STALOIC NIXON !:lfOHT About 10.000 Frlancl1 •nd SupporlllJ'I Turn Out fw Show Honorlns Orango COUC!'Y'a l.i•ffva Sell ' 1 From .P .. e l NIXON HAILED IN ANAHEIM ••• him Id receive the gilt. He ~ght an even big:er roar1 from the c:cmvention ctci,r crowd I: ·Duute later when he dkl exactly the same thing to the grinning Nixon. And the Pmident .. lect kepi the act going by then ch.ufng after Sutherlin across the atage with the gilt wrapplna that the young farmer had dropped . .. My, what a erea.t prop, man this new Prtaident would have nilde,'' qui~ pe<1 llie laughing Llnkleuer. "And . did you -the way ~ ldd bnlughl him nmnlng lo the mlcraphone! u be can do that to a PrelldenC what a bwJIDeuman. be'• 1otna to tum out to be." ' ADlOll& an array al · gllta preoented to Nllon wu the bench on which he opent .,•inuch of bis linM while Ju. ~er COiiege ' teammaiel won fame on the lfrid!ron. • But compensation came 1n the same moment when 25 of bls former team and e~tes filed on atqo to pr...nt to Nlmn the footb1U letter that was, said Dr. Paul Smith, colleje pesldont, "'35 ya.rt iwerdue." Further fluhbacb to the early years of Orange County's native ton came from: -California'• u. Gov. Robert Finch, who will be sec:retary ol ~ edU<aUon and welfare in Nixon's cabinet. "I've known him for 22 yean," recalled Finch, DAllY PllOT ov.HGI COAST PUILISHING COM,AN't ~•l-t N. W • .4 ,~ -"*llhlr J••• It C•rl•y Vic. PralWlll 11\d c;_,111 MllllW Tho1'"' x .... a .... T~•l'l'l•t A. M111rplih" M•11~Hllll 111111• ••• 1 Ni1M11 -·-c ... w ... Oflke JJt. W•lf l1y Str• .. M•nl111 Ail'rffl: ,.0, to. 1160, '2'2' --,....,_. 9ffdi, mi W•t ... '°"'"'"' LA..,... lleKll: '11 .. _, AW!Ue HUllTlnllwo .. .,. : M 1111 llrtfl ''22 years in which he's known the agony ol defeat and the ecstasy or victory. It bas been my privilege to know this . great man." -Mrs. Ella Furnas, 92, of LodL "I wu thml when be was born and I reckon I was the first one to hold him. But I neVer really did get a good loot-at bin: then." -Mra. Cecil "Ma" Pickering of Foun- tain Valley. "Sure, I spanked him good and hard when he was about 8. He asked for It because he would keep tea,,ing my UWe girls." -Mrs. Evelyn Dorn of Whittier, s~tary to the young Nixon when he opened hia tint law practice. "I well remember. that )Je always said 'never make a statement that you ca'l't live up to'." And in a grand. climax to the two-bour show a birtbdl)' cake bearing 56 candler wu wheeled oo. stage while llie audience sang "Happy Birthday to you" to the happy President-elect. Nixon blew them all out in one breath. ''Keep on muffing things out as fast as that while you're in the White House and you'll never have any problems," quipped Lillkletter. Coskl Mesa CD Offering Class In Medical Aid A valuable, free class covering every medical emergency from childbirth to monitoring radioactive fallout begins Tuesday, sponsored by the Costa Mesa Civil Defense Department'. Reserv1tions shoold be made by lelet>bone to enroll in the rm aid and medical self-help coune, scheduled each Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. for seven weeks. The Costa Mesa Pollce Department Auditorium at 77 Fair Drive will be used for the class, which graduated 72 per~ sons during ils last series of instructlo..1. Instructor for the newest repeUUon wilt be by Aul. Clvll ll<f-Director Richard T. "Tom" Knight. alon( with 1.:iali111 In the city police and lire r= but outright surgery and sophilt1clled medical treatmenta and care wW be covered durini' the IJOoCOSt course. which CIQ be priceless in time ol crl1ts. Offlcilla rec:Ommend that at least one member ol. each famUy enroll and i'ldualo f/o =icil I coune. Toplcl lo be dilcuJsed and taugbt In- clude bum treatment, hemorrhage, nurt- ing and convale.scent care, penonal hY&elne a n d the techniques for emer~ 1eoey borM delivery of babies. Knlghtl 11U that anyone plaMlng to enroll for the series of l'W'trhour cluses notify his office 1t l3UW so advance plana can be made for lhe course INCL So 1ar he aald 'Thun<l>y, "''r 10 per-.... hid called, wllUe the Idea numbtr for most efnclent iMtruction ll 3$ IDd a total of 71 personll tumed up unan- noonced for the last series. Bryant G. Hall, Longtime Mesa Resid~'1' Dies ' /\ 25-yea r Harbor Area resident who made his living both on the sea and in the sky died suddfUy New Year'• Day in sani. Barbara, it was reported today. A funeral service for Bryant G. Hall, 61, of %217 Harbor · Blvd., Costa MeSC'1 is scheduled Saturday at 2 p.m. in All Saints by -the Sea Ep!ICOpal 'Church, Santa Barbara. emal will be at Mountain View Cemetery in Altadena, 1ecording to a spokesman for the Welch-Rice Mortuary in Santa Barbara. A Costa Mesa resident for •the past 25 years, hfr. Ha!J was a test pilot for the former Vultee Corp., in Downey and flew for the Fairchild Aerial Survey COmpanjr, a Southlahd firm . During the early 30's, he was irt- s~ental in found.inc , the c.&lpiuteria Airport . He also once owned and operated a charter fishing boat out of Newport Beach and was e.mplbyed at the Ume of his dealh by the J .C. Carter Co., Costa Mesa. · Survivors include a aoo, Donald B. Hall of Santa Marearita; a brother, John M. Hall of Santa Barbara, and two sisters, Mrs. Charles Kauebaum of Pasadena and Mrs. Ellubetb Rosa of Lake Forest, lU. Burglars Grab $400 in Loot On Mesa Sweep. Marauding burglan took nearly ~ in ·loot thur.:tay on a sweep throUJb Costa Mesa, but broke into several homes where they only ransacked everything, leaving valuables undisturbed. Two garage burg.larie& in the Meaa Verde resldlntlal area appeared related, while three Jobs where nothing was taken were committed in an almost idenUcal manner. Dale H. Black, 2011 Lemnos Dr ol v e, told police hi~ son, Rod, went to the garaae to work Thursday nisJll and found assorted power tools worth Sl!M> mlssing. M o t far any, at the Don E. Wallen home, 2013 Komat Drive, a quntity of wrench all and 30 drill bit.II, worth $60, were taken about the aame Woe from an unlocked garage. Real estate m1n Frank V. Szabo, 217 Sletk• St., told police 1 burglar pried a rear door and took $184 in valuable• Lncludlng two stereo speakers and el,itt mounted coin sets. Nothing at all was taktn from three other Costa Mesa homes, where lntrudn prled open doon and scattered belon&· Inga around the lnl<rlct1. Victbns were Eva F'urtlcella, 303 Alva St.; Harold Collier, 2077 Orange Ave., a n d Eatber L. Wright, ISI Buoy St., according to police. ' ' ' ' . sraeli War • crllldzecl Pope Piii! VI. • . M ... w,hllt, Ibo -Cl'dll "4be n~ ~ -...-qalll 'ID an arlllltr)' I dUll ''lllanitay nilJ>t,, and the Bill J'o\lr powon "'"tlnu!d ll!WI about a Soviet _.i fer joint peace ..uoo. Cbiel Rabbi Y~ Nlulm, head of Israel'• Stpbardjc community. crtUclzed the Pope for bit· ,.._, lo Lebanon _....., sympetlly ' I-Or the loot ol II commen:lal olrtralt deotroyad by . lhe !Maell ocmmazido raid on Beirut llrJ)Ott Jul SaluldlJ. • ln a broadcast over the *late· ndlo, Rabbi Nllllm lald · the Pope had kepi lilmit after the Nov. Z3 'bambl"' lhll' • ' . ld».d II i-.wi. ID a J....-.q .... ~ 1111 Doc. • AtU illldr .. ' ID J!:1 Al llrU-,!ii Athens In wblcll Giie .llraeli died. • "Ht;re," he said, "are clear ~ ol two tendenc1es on the part of the •paoWI: A c:omprebomjve •or qaJwl the J~ falth Ind qllioal the COWJlry wblcb God gave lo llll people. J • '"11w ~"WU net lhocked over the ahoddlq ol blood ••• but-nl!Mr f1fft materltl. thlnaL" - ll wu Ibo -alt.ck on Ibo 1!ai* 111 u IDllll' c1111-Dr. Znh wa111111i • -'of NIJllOUJ llfaln, made.·• lllD#Jlr coonplalnl. County Teens Die in Blaze 1'._2 Swr Athletes,. Beach Boy P.erisli in Cabin Fire Fire roared throuih a wooden cabin · • live youU>; liept. nut BJ.I Bear Thurlda)' killing two atar Beckmeyer's ate pf a 't be r, Homer Orange County high acbool atblelel Ind Giles, said Craig had planned lo •pend . . Wednesday night at Woodsoo's house. a FounWn Valley lllsh _School Junior "He hadn't mentiCllled any piano to from Huntinglon Beach. go to Bis Bear," GU.a added. The trqedy took on adcliUonal traeic The coronll''I office in 'San Bernardino ovutonel with tbe ·arrest of the two said apparently three of the boys anived lone mtvon ot lbe blau, one from in Big Bear Wednt!day night, and ailed waunlnat:er, Oil ... -1 .. 100 of ""._.1 .. -... the other two if they could stay over ·-...,... ., ... r;~,. night in the cabin. tnterfer!Qa: with firemen. and belna: Beckmeyer's family was notified of clnml. the tragedy about"l10<81 ThUl'lday. In ·addition to his ste~father and his mother, Mrs. Wilma B. Giles, Beckmeyer UI survived by three bothters, Ron 0£ Las Vegas, Duaoe of Buena Park, and David, J3, of tbe home, and a sister, Mrs. Linda Hare of Stockton. The body will I>< bl'Ollght to Peek Fam· Uy Colonial Funeral Home in We.rtmin· ster for funeral arrangement.a. All three bodlea are currently at Shaw Mortuary in San Bernardino. Vldlma of Ibo predawn bllze ore: -6ai& IWb.,.., 11, IOD cl. Mt. and Mn. Homer Giles, of 18l81 Don Drive, Hunttnctoo Beach, ·a junior al FCIUIJlafu Valley-m,b ~~ ~ Golda, 11, of 711 N. Pblladelpbla Ave., Allahalm, a star llnenuin on the 1167 Anaheim Colonllll' CIF champlcmblp ~ home for tha ~from Ibo Unlvmlty of Colorado. Police Seeking Driver In Try to Ram Officer , -lllmld Temib, II, el 535 S. Lemon SI., Anabdm, lop bueball pfttber In the 1'UlllOI Leque during the 11118 ...... and a Fullerton Junior Colli• tliidebt at the time of bis death. ot5er y01111i1 -alzed· and Jn!p>Jc!ated according to sheriff'• depulle1 -were arrested at the scene. . 'Ibey ore Kevin M. Woodson, 17, of 1SllU .i. Pat Place, Westminater, and Bruce P. Pina. 18, of 1670 W. Broadway, Amh«dm. .. Bocila of the three dead youths - burned beyond recognillcn -were found near a batbroom window from wblch the other tifo·1pparenUy eacaped. San Bernardino Oow>IJ' lnve8tlgalon said the cabin Is oWned by Earl L. Denney, of lffi E. Burtm St., Anaheim , who is ' acquainted wilh the victims, but hadn'I reoted them hll ,cabi'n. The blaze appeared to have started in the kitchen area .ot: structure and amoke accumulated enough to awaken Pina, who was quoted as laying be tried to help the others but it was too late. One theory is that sparks from a fireplace may have igJUted .a can of lighter fluid set d81J1erously near atacks of newspapers and magazines while the Agency 'Bombed' LONDON (AP) - A man threw a smoke bomb into thl tsraell tourist office in London's West End today and escaped into the crowds on St. James St. A 11pokesman said no one was hurt and there was no dlma&e. -·"'~ A search is on today for a wrong·way driver who barely missed running down a Call{ornla Highway Patrol officer who detained him at ..a. CO:lta .M~ _jen'i,ct b'tation Thursday. Patrolman Ralph B. Wood, 25, of Cotila Mesa, leaped baclr: as the cursing motori!t rammed hiJ black, 1961 Chrysler sedan into gear and escaped. Patrolman Wood told Costa Mesa Police Officer Harry Bowen the left rear wheel miMed him by a maximum of two inchu. Strong leads and witneM statements presented • good -1J>llity loday that the suspect, aboul :io, will be picked up and booked on SWlpicion of assault with a deadly napOn. He could also face charges of assault on a police officer, another stiff rap. The CHP officer said be was off-duty at the time, about 2:30 p.m., and riding with his wife Kathleen, when he saw the suspett on Harbor Boulevard at Date Street, northbound. Sitting In a left tum packet, Officer Wood said, the motorist failed to turn. but drove straight into oncoming south- bound cars, -causing a traffic disru~ tion -and on into a service station. The CHP officer followed by proper means into the staUon, at 3131 Harbor Blvd., where he approached the violator and ldenUDed himself by badge and identification card, prior to lisuing a citation. The driver said he had foreotten his wallet and carried no other identification, at whlch time he wu uked to step from his car for further investigation. "Hell no,• he· lold Wood, addlnl another more pungent obacenJty and &hen roared away. Information IUbsequ'!'l_l)I galberod at __ the scene by Officer Bowen led to a Long Beach businw whicb could involve the auto usault smpect. From Pagel FIRST BABY • • red light.I and sirem. ~.\::', Leoo In the laolltion of strangen only 1'111 enough to scrub down and nitc:b lnto a. sterile gown, Officer Camarillo quietly returned. "I was-tbere for about 4S minutes I aueso,'.' ~ the onetime asplrlnc bJib 1c:bool iosttuctor whose career prepara- tions at CaDiornia State College, Long Beach, seldom go one week without u~e. "It really comes in han~," said Camarillo, who took police scienct: courses at Orange Coast f C61Jege ant;t... choge to go on to graduate\.1nd_..beeonfe a lawman. For those mothers and grandmothers who would wurry and wonder if the fact were left out, it was indeed the closest the officer hu come in 21,!: ytars on the force to helping out Jn an emergency delivery. To. balance the possibility, however, he JS married and the father of a 16-month-old girl. a s c I JANUARY SALE . ._. IBITAGE GRANO TOUR R19. $265. SALE $219. FIATVRING: ~ HINRIDON-J!.olio Thr•.....,font1in• Uphol1tery 1 l't.' OFP • 1 HDfTA~rand Tour-Uphol1fery 20% OFF , DllXlt--Fr•nc:h Country ~1nn•r-C•ll19.-0imocl1 R19. $299. SALE $239. ACCESSORIES -LAMPS -PICTURES EXCLUSIVE DIALERS POii: HINltlDOH-DltlXIL-HllllTAGE 90 DAYS NO INTlltlST-LONOllt TlllMS AVAILAILI ON APPltOVED CltiDlT INllllORS NIWPOllT lllACH f'rlfl•ional 1-LAGUNA lllACH 172:7 Wootcflff Dr. ~ 11oa1.,.,. J45 -h tow Hwy. 494.6551 \ ON1 NINt"""' • .,.u1w.-..AJD--NS10 °"" ,.,.., m , I ...... y.,,_.,__,~~ .... 1161 ... .... a ................... 1!11 .... lll ........ ,&'714 ................... . ! I I I No Dramade Plans Johnson Eases .Way For Nixon Take-over SAN ANTONIO , Tex. (UPI) -Pre6ident Johnson, .who won his tegislltiVe re}>Utation as a masterful compromiser, ap- parently will try to ease the way for his Republican suc- cessor by making no new dramatic proposals to the Den>ocratlc .Coogres!. . " . The .. word in Ta.u White House circles is that Johnson's farewell messages to Congress will seek continuation of pro- 1!!111~ he -ed. -· But he Is oot aboot lo push ' he had ordered on an edict from Congress. So .Ut o1 the pktuie doe3 he. feel, Johnson said he did not take a squint at the ta1 revision package. He simply serveq • nqtice that" it is up to Congress and Nixon to ei:- amine the propo.W! on their own terms. Jf>hnson .has alw&ys stresaed • Polftlcat· philosopllJ that be . is an j.merican first and a Democrat second. As be winds up his presidency, he abun.s parijsansb;lp._ .and. ezbor.ts bJ.s folloWen to do the same. for new "Great Society"l.==========;I legislative directions as his adrninisttaUoo nears an erid. The method reflects JOOnson's atUtude toward the administration of Richard M. Nixon. He also is a political realist who does not believe in setting guidelines for his 1uccessor. '11l:e tipoff that he would not rock the boat, or the na- tion, with anY far-reachiilg programs in the ebbin&." days of bis presidency came with Iii• letter lo GooV<ss sides\ep- ping any recommendationi on Treuury department studies of tax refonps -proposals Here;s Where It's Atl It's at 7891 Talbert Avenue. TM Auto Club's new "cmtle" ln t1untington Beach. folly ~offed. And fully equ;pped. Storting Monday, January 6, providing mot• than 700 services to Auto Oub members and the community. Everything from weekend vocation to worldwide travel p~ning. Everything to help you get out and foHow all the fun that's going on in SoUthem Colifomio and beyond. Stop by and let Ed Sullivan, the rwmmonoger, showyov around the Auto Club's new "caslle"' In Huntington Beach. & THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1191 T11Wt 4#.,~a..o,, Calif., l'i-e.to.71\1 We've built a new office in ""' .. ··~·.. . . -· Huntington Beach -• A Good Friend of I~• Fom ify (or $irjy..Eigh1Y.ari. ' DAILY l'll.01' 5 Nixon's 'C(llifor.nia ·Mafia' Takes· Shap~ I IACRAMENTO (APl -You cn't quite call it t he •'Callknla Mafia" yet, but tbero'1 a dlltlnd Golden State Davor to tbe admlnlltraUon -..1ec1 Nixon I 1 -ling. l'llton bu chosen Lt. Gov. Rober! H. Finch, a long lime friend and political adviser, u Meretary of health, educa· tlon and welfare. Finch is ex- pectod lo play a maJor role In .......n domestic policy. At least five key White House ~f members have Callknla ba~ and -· ~ Calllor- nla., have been picked f.. lmporlant )obi and advisory posiUons. ,, More art. iP liJ!ci r o r Wasbll1jltoa )obi, Finch Hid bJ an interview. The makeup of the late President JQIUI F. Kennedy's staff led obsemr> Io nickname lt 111he Irish Mafia." Some applied the "Texas Malla" label ol the ~ of trusted IS30CiateB of Preildent Johnson. Finch said it was natural for California to provid(e a core of bi.eh officials for the admlnillraUon-boll>becauoo 2666 HARBOR. BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5a30 SUNDAY 10 to SsOO ~~;::i DRYE~ .. ;!~!',! .. ~.~~.~ • tfi• lil'lt1it1d fwu fr•111 th• flry••· K•"• tfi1 iir cl111'11•. 44cLIN. FT. FURNACE FILTERS " ' • • • I 0 !•• ~ • I . . Ch1ic1 hit• of the 111otf popul1r 11111 lf•t unp1pul1r ol'lll, 111'1d for our full col1r broch11r. l. Ch1n91 th1n1 ll"ltll ti111•I I Vllr for cl11111r 1ir ind lower fu1I bilJ1. ' . ' • ' . sTUNNING SWAG LAMP ;., , •• 1 be111ty ...... •Y Tempo (111v11 h11tcl' •f tliem), il'I bl111 ind 1mit1r, inc/11411 f11f1111r ln1id1, 1w1t ho1k1, 1wo19 ch1i1'1. Tl.1 li9lit bulb II y111t probt11t1. 10 Year Guara.nte1d WATER HEAftU M•lor Atll.rlce11 t.t"", fully tl•••'lll'IM, 1111• NCllJ, o111fioeon.-Jel'I roJ, hmper1hlr1 c111tr.t. JO.GAi.LON ........ 44.95 40.GALLDN ... ,._ .. 49.95 TV LIAD•IN WIRE 3'n. • • . ' ol Nllon'• California .,_ ~ In Iha Itel> background and beta""' of pr<sldeollll camplllgn and the ltate'a.reservolr of talent wu communlcatlons d!rector Here 'I'• oilier key Nixon In lhe ,1118 camP41gn. PcOPlo plcbd !rom ClllUomla . -a.uN zte1ler, II, an ·ao far: , wlllalllwbo la the equivalent -R. •ft. "Bob" lllldeiaa1, (I( White House p re I I an .uslslanl lo the ...-ldeilt-_..wi. •. De wa> an aide elect. l!llldernan, U. wu an lo Haldeman al J . Wlllter encuUvo ol Iha J, Wiiiier ,,...__ 1bompeon fdvertillnl agencr Dw!Pt Cllapla, a in Loi Anlelea and is a ' Univenity of S out b er n Unlveralty of Ca 11 f o r-n ta California man, a apeclaJ regent. asal.sfant lo the pmldent In -Herbert G. Jllela, former the field ol appoinbneota. editor of the San Diego. Union, -Jolm D. Erllc ... an, 43, named a top eiecuUve branch a SeatUe attorney who is a wlalant. 151ofn waa Nixon's lfaduale ol UCLA and Stan- Advor.tl ... 1p.d1lt 911d th~ J111Ul"f I, ''''· f11'td llW tli1t ., •• .,, 1•ltff tti1 1110011 problem 1111yb1 1on11thi~9 1111 b1 d1n1 ••+ th1 ,.rkil'lt tih11tio11.I BLACK & BRASS . LOG BASK IT A p•rt••I• J1oli• h•• for hoJali.t tllo 1091 ,,.4 ki11fllll'lt 1111til ...... ., ,,, th• fir1, AHT1ctlv• ll'l•u9h fir 1ny fir1pl1c1, h11 11t11r+ bro111 trim •1'14 llffl1 f11t. 4•• ILICTRIC GLUI GUN Ju1t ln11rt +!11 4ry 9lu11tick 11'111 th• •'••Irle 9u11 turn• It eut het. Sticks Ilk• 11ethfl'lt y•u'"• '"'' tllfl (1111111 clo111t ''11111 th•u9llJ. ~lu1 1n 111l1r 1tick1 inelud1d. 5'' DRIVIWAY COATING AND SEALER S.11 y111r 4rlv•w1y, renew th1 1urf1u, protect your fl'l.,•1tll'l11'1f 111 for ''c· Th.., ju1f d1n't 1111ko •• ,,.,.,. llk1 tli1t LIQUID PLUMR Tit• 111•ll1rl'I w1y t• clfft th• Jr1ll'I wlth•11t l11c111rri111 ••lil•l'l1h•1 plu1111ioi11t •••h. WerW t•O' .!Ml ••'*• f11t. GUVl.JY ·GAR_ LAT~" e,1 ... ,.,.-' 11+t:'.h •tf•Ntr~ ' l1fdi" lholf wh111 9ot. cf...t. pre4rillM to toh 1 J.c•. IH'111111M rrorytt..l11t It ff th .... tftMo ... ., •• ' ford. University and 1111 active la ~-, lllel campalp for Clllfornia gover.oor. -Rt7 i....-AU, • Pftlllclenl ol LlttoO -Inc., Loo Anpld, aamed au adl'lser to tmprovt manaP- ,...t and..itlciencY In pven> melt. · ~ -Lee AIYl/I i>olld4p, f7, 'Sll001116' COlOR! =If Call!orn;:. 'sAVI A.IUMDLI DN polnteCI. Nlxoo~ ad-COi.Pi' PILM P~OCESSIN~ riaer. AT DAVE'S 4741. 17th St. -DavW Pacjlar:d, 11,.boord Caota Mou _:646-21'4 chainllan ·of Hewld~Pacbrd Co., Piiio Allo, urned deputy defente HCtttary u n d e r -. GALVANIZED . RAIN GUTTER Siert th9 N1., Y••• right by 1t11tint up.th1,Mflt tllffli• y111 ~olftf1te, f•k• Cl ... of tliit tlM• ll1t Yfff. 0111.1tvff .. t•l.,-.ilbM, 1.ll41rl111, ind 1lip!olnt. ln1t11!1tio11 h • 11'11p (ctlj'f•>&i!fl pop If you t•t 1 rickety l1dfl•r), 111d .,., .. n tt..-~tt• for cli11p t•o. ' ' c 10 Ff. Lengtll DRlnwOOD . LOG' sn ,Le.kt lik• ., •• '"'' • hip t, th9 IM•c• o&d W.111ht Meli tt.o fftt. CocM1tlr-4rlh•M lit 11t 11 0011tpl1+. with JrOfe OM !Mil'fllf'o ·31 81 RAM 2 WAY SANDIR • I o ... •f..,. '"'' ...... "' Ill •Id f9tif •p f11·the •lt Northff,tt. 2 way .. "'4or ti"" •ithet ... ~1t1I or 1tr1i9ht 11,.. 1111flll'l9 • •••• 1788 GLIDDIN ANTIQUING KIT A 1Jt11ll fJrl'Uhno11t 111 tllM •l'ld lfl•llly will fvnt 111 •'1ill'll"f p1eco of fwr11lhl,. into 1 f1shlo1'111iol1 1rtif11t, Compll:k..ldt, ch.tu ef ll'llllJ celort. 2'' COLOUD . SHILVING 3.29 3M 4.09 • " ' _It :1 '• •• i~ !• •• ( •I I ·~ '1 ~ ' . • . ' .. .. ·- " •' ~ --~ . . .. " -;; .. -: ;l •, ; ' • ,.: . .t: '· . ( .. i ~ '. ' . • • l J l I • , lDt\ILY PILOT EDn'OBIAL PAGE I A Regional Library? Serious tB1lu are oet within seven deys .., dfflelop- ment of a regional library and lDlmir:lpol ""'1rt 1ile on Orange Couaty Fairgrounds property In Costa Mua. Newport Beach al3o wantt to land the coon com- plex. NeWJ>Ort councilmen are scheduled Jan. 13 to make an altrectlve proposal for a Newport Center site. Now, howfNer, with falrirowxls land lying vacent In a !Olle whose lnstilutiooal and recreaUooal zoolDg is carefully engineered and prolllcted, the C..ta Mesa site wW seem treineodously at&ractlve. Shculd negotiations with the Orange Co\mly ~ Property Setvlces depart- lll<ltrt lead to success, the library would be a real att· vantage. Here's why. Under a reduced 1969 countl library tax rate of ;l713UDb pol: $100 of Ulelaed vaJ11 ... oa, it COSll £osta M ... tam Iii es '5 to '10 yearcy m1ae cl i.vo1oc81 bnlll<!h faclliti!IO, -near the dOW11t0wn dtj P8'irth• other .in·M-VenU.' . , · - Only as much as you pay for a ff!W good paperback editions, the figure is !Ull not tho wildest bargaln since Manhattan was bought wllh beads, but certainly through !"'faUitOI~ bhmcb libNry staffs. , It's 1ust a mattet of sjze and service ablliey. The regional Jlblary Is 9ble lo bouse far more vol· um es in greater selection and 1divenlty, from tJJe most contemporary fiction and ,.,.,.ficUon literature lo dlffi. cult technical woru. VoraciOU$ local readers w o u I d find a bonimza at their own bacl< dO!!I', while studeata at all levels up through the unlvenlly pd have new horizons In researdl and study ina\li1lllt. The selectiOll. of books at to.ta Mesa's county branch llbrartes Is not always terribly good and ~Y ere further handicapped in a way ttllll doesn't apply to a big regional facility. Costa Mesa would benefit greaUy from a regional libraryfac!Utyand all it offers. For the same price of paperback editions ol the two· volumes of Don· R<lbertaon'a "Pandlse Fells," Joseph Heller's "C&tcb-22," and JI Dell cookbook, thou· sands of boolu -tho woalth of Ille world -would be available lo Costa Mesens. r-._ Even i! Costa Mesa 's courtbouse-llbra:ty bid should I · not be ae<epted by the county, fN&ry effort should con- tinue to obtain tho reglooal library. It would do ' lot lo ·improve tho educational and recreallonal reading available to the city's citlze11'. Three Good Leaders Newport-Mesa school offJdals have in Robert Unger, Robert Shelton and James Wood, the three named to bead the school bond campaign, the makings of a winning team. 1 · llnger, fomlcr c~ r.i .. a·dly manager, and Shel· '.t&i. former Newporflleach .. ~ .nt•gel' ~ now"• Newport coun~. are.lntimiilel7 fJ!Dlllar'Wlth the needs of the two cities. 'They hel)iedid them and were in on the planning for the clties' re. , It is significant that Unger and ~ton: now are ·work!ng with the 'School district. In i<IBh ·11,a,t city gov· ernment stood back and in effect told se!bOol officials uvou have your prob i em s and w~ )µ\ve ours." Now there seems to be recognition in city' hJfil that it is in he be~~ · ·ic and economic mterest qf the community to pro\ '!tter schools. ,.q Jan:_; Wood was a school bond e>µnPalfln leader in the losing effort last time around. An organizer of the 11Community Forum on Schools," Wood baa shown him· self to be a dedicated worker on behalf of the commun .. ity at large and particularly the school!. In enlliting three men with solid records o! com· munity action, school authorities have made a good be-- gi/mlng toward achieving community understanding o!, and support for, tile $lS.9 million school bond program ~February 11. · I • c Child Most Often Knows T1ie Molester. Dear Gloomy Gus: Readers Want Land Kept Open for Youth By NORMAN NIXON, M. D. Seldom is the problem of the child 111olester brought into foa.ts ucept through headline stories of the occa- sicmaf sex deviate wbo mtJ1llatel or twrders a chUd io the course of a sex- lal <>Hense. Like lhe tragic abduction on Cbrilt· mu Eve of JG-year-old Pamela Powers 1n11n lhe Des Moines YMCA, when lhe bad gooe with her f.amily to watch bu, 1Jrotber compete in a wftsUing match. Pamela went to the Jobby to buy a eaody bar and was not seen again; her IOdy, nude from the waist down, wu fwnd in a lllDW-drifled dilcb U miles •Wl1 afttt an escaped mental patient, with a record of two previaus aa of- !...,.. against young girls, led pollco lo the scene. THE ACCUSED, a mild-mannered, self-ordained vagabond Dre&.cber, who tlad been living in the 1'Y" dormitory (or several months, reportedly asked Pamela tC> gc> with him to his room where she was raped and murdered. As in similar situations elsewhere, Des Moines citizens have projected their concern and anger in demands for swift action to exact retribution from the guilty man--even with threats of mass lynching. Since most sex offenses _against chil- dren are not geoerally publlclud, 'there Is litUe awareness of the enonnity of the problem. But studies la Boston, Los Angeles and New York indicate that sex crimes against girls, as well u boys, occur far more frequently than mos( people realize. Police records are mis~ leading, since relatively few child m~ testers are ever reported, let alone ap- prehended. INb"'TEAD OP' BEING strangers who lurk in alleys and dark streets as many people ihlnk. most offenders are individ- ualJi the child has knoW'!l. Orten they are family lriends or blood relatives. A recent three-year study by the Brook- ~--B11 George Dear George : I see some noted Britisher has now come out as the originator of "Sideways Thinking.'' I've been reading about "Sideways Thinking" in your e<1lumn for eight years and you even had It in a book you wrote. Didn't you really invent the phrase, "Sideways Thfuking," and doesn't th.is Britisher annoy you ? LONG-TIME FAN Dear Fan: Sure, I invented i•Sidewaya Thinking" years ago. I've gotten 10\l of letters pointing out some ~Bdlilher bu picked up on it. No, it doesn't bother me apd I hope he writes a book about It -maybe I can find out what I've been talking about all these years. as I cert.ainJy never had uy idea. 'CONFIDENTIAL TO SPIRO AGNEW: By all mean•. ciw!,!e ii -how woWd that look on a hamper-! (Hope this reaches J'OU la time -f'm behind on "" mall) OOICFIDllll:rlA TO HOWARD UOOBlll: I.ma ilnie, ao -- Whl!urlll we .co! city olllciak wbo . wiD be concerned with the problema at band -lil:e no side- walks In most al Costa Mesa, forclnl GUr childr<o to walk the -to gel to lldlool, IMtead o! polltlcilDI dreaming of 1 Mexican empire? -R. l'. c .. lyn Society for the Pm"1\loo or Cruelty to Cblldren, abowed lblt 1:1 perceot or the li:nown moleslen in the1r oeri" were lriends living with the family, while • lllrtlmlr 18 pon:ell't were blood n!aUv11; ooly 35 perceot were ltrlllgers to the d>lld. AltlJou&h 'l'wo out of .three of the girl victims· to the~ lludy...., from intaci families, ooe Gr both parent:s uaually bad • h!lt«J of drug .-. ~.c~of°':=· ~i:il , CHILD MOl.En'EIUI are not limited to teen-age dellDGuenta or nasty, elderly men, u many believe. They can be any· body from . the teens .. to the .70'• and rrom ·au wallq,ol llfe;Umally, lhey are semally intdequaie mea (or more rarely womeo) who mart to lnlanUle sex play, feeling uocballenged with children -girls or boy1. Many are "sltuattonal offenders," men who are not predbpooed to committing sexual offenses but who succumb to a tempt- !ng _ situatlon. For aome youngsters, like Lolita, are really the seducers of the "nice men" they meet. In"' cases cl child molestation, every effort should be made: (1) to reduce the child's remorse and guilt; (2) to mln- imlu the anxlety-produclng effects or police investigations and court proceed- ings subsequent to the crime, and (3) to determine the need for psychiatric or casework services for both child &."ld parents. SOME CO~ now provide casework aervict11, substituting a pro- tective agency's staff for the police in questlooblg the children in tbelr homes or the agency's olfice, and representing them in hearinp held privately in lhe judge'• chambera-otepo long In comiag. But w!thout poyc:holherapy, lmpar· able damage to the girl'• (or boy's) per- sooallty development often leads to mounting coolusion and gull~ disturbed relationship With parents, family and friends, and tbt Ukellbood of unsatisfac- tory sexual adjustment in adulthood. Quotes Joel M. Lewin, Sit-, USAF, Montetty -"H lltudents are willing to be pJlhe<I around by a few a&itatora, they tboUla drop out to make room for the man who Is wi1llng to stand up for his dignity and work for an tducaUon." Carltso ~ S. F. -"'lbe hippies and ylppiH, et al, will remain a mlDorlty group uoW tbey learn tho meanlna ol common aense and tta appllcati<m to the genuine American way of We." Geo. A. Btavtr1, Jr., L A. -"In tht light of the worldwide urge for r..-. and th• detennlned fiaJ!t in our country for one claa of dtiunablp to an. we cannot justity tndlfference or rtfuW to vott. •• Merrit M. Field, llbennan Oab - "l want the youn1 to be Idealistic, but I allo want them to be realiJUc - and lblt doml't moan to compn>mlle. It IDUDI to wort lO acbie'tl eo J'Oa ..... the -~e to tl!ect chanp ... plan !or Olhen.' 'Crew Base Should Be Expanded" To the Editor: I wish lo comment on your editoiial in the DAILY PILOT. of December 20 entitled "OCC'.11 Coveted Base." This land which OCC is now using for the crew base, and the adjoining land which is used by the Sea Scouts, very definitely should remain open for lhe use al our youth. lllany young people would have no ezperience wilh water activities if it were not for these. Nothing bas been said about the awn- mer classes under the sponsorship of the city of Newport Beach, teaching sailing to both young and old, which are held there. Thia is a marvelous activity and one which is not very bigbly publicized, but truly benefiting all those participating. TWO YOVNG PEOPLE in our family have been an active part of the selling . program for a number ·or . years 1n the past, and the "hWIWi Interest'' ltories which they have told could fill a book. So many people coming to tbil area far \'11taU0111 tab ulllng 1.-.. during lhe tllne that tbey are here. Many al these i;ec>ple have eorqe from other states where they have no Opportunity to Jeam sailing, or even to sail. Our community has many opportunities for good, healthful, water-oriented ac- tiviUes for both young and old, but it has litUe else to Offer , the young people. What a pity tf thi.11 were to be taken from them! I UNDERSTAND that the Balboa Bay Club has said that an arrangement could be made for the conUnued use of the college crew and sailing teams tr they -Lhe Bay Club. -were to be granted • lease. With an due rtspecl !or lhe Intent or the Bay Club, I really can't see them opening their gates to the many people who avail themstlves. of this sailing program. Without thil pro- perty the city of Newport would have to curtail the sailing program, because every available area in the bay Is now used for tbe classes. The crew base should be allowed to expand its property for the very exciting crew activity, as well as the in- tercollegiate s a I J l n g , and the oceanography prograrru: as suggested. THE SEA SCOUT BASE needs to be developed, too, to provide greater ac- tivity !or Our youth, .inc. ·boy1 'froin all over the state. and perhaps every · father., come here to learn about boating. AJ for the Bay Club developing the land by building more apartments aimilar to the ones they now have -HEAVEN, FORBID! Would you really want them to extend that Chinese Wall! . ELAINE P. EASTMAN 'Keep Wind'"" °" Bau' To lhe Edlto" Your recent editorial (Dec. 20) showing the need for conUnued use of the Boy Soout· and"°"'1P Coos! c 0IIe1 e waterfront property for lhe purpose al roc:ruUonal and edu<atlonaJ actMUes ts most tpprecJated: The wrlttt 18 wvlng .. lhe official coordinator !or the UC! uiling program. which up to date Js ot the highest quality in the U.S.A., ye! ts maln!Alned without expense to the tupai:ers. Al lhe founder or intercollegiate recruUonal saillng on lht Pacltk: Coast IDid here at Newport ®me 30 yean qo, it bU Jndffd been a worlhwhlle venture. HOWEVER, THE growtb al waterfront acUvlUtt has made it essuUal that the educational lMtituUons, the Harbcw ~mlaloo, lhe "lnlalxl" lll~i.o,t, .,,,-tha privllt -CJiil>liiilil oiqm. eoopel'lte to ... 'keep I W~ «I tbl bay for !ht public and educaUonal use. Let~r• from readlrs are welcome. Normallu writer• should convey their meuage in 300 words or less. The right to condense letter1 to fit space or eliminate libel' is reserved. AU Jett.en mUJ't inctudt signaturt a11d Mling 4ddrts.r, but names may be withhtld on request if sufficient rea· son b apparent. We hope for early favorable action and conlinued cooperation by a l t "hands." Your help in keeping th.ings mo\'ing ls indeed appnclated. ROBERT M. ALLAN JR. (US Olympic Yachting Committee) Poslth•e and Decent To tbe Editor: AJ a ciUzen interested in the welfare of young people and in the equitable use of our waterfront resources, I was pleased by your December 20 editorial on use of the OCC crew base. For a number of years now, this base with jts very modest building and pier baa made possible a fine program of tralnlng and recreation, not only for Orange Cout College students but for young people from other schools in the county. I understand that a wider use of the base is planned for the future, involving sailing and other water ac- tivities, with the participation o! UCI and other local colleges. This futurt sports and recreation center could, and should, become a showplace that everyone in the county would be proud or. THE BALBOA BAY CLUB is a suc· cesSruI and ~ttracUve enterprise, and no one would want to deprive it of any privilege or resource It now enjoys. But llll'ely It ha.!! eoough waterf.rontage now to carry out its programs and ensure the profit of its venture. The crew base should be defended against the expansion plans of the BBC. In adult clrdes 16day there is a good deal of criticism of the way some young people talk, behave, dress themselves, and wear their hair. U adults deny young people the chance for wholesome outdoor recreaUon ..... the same kind of recreation that affluent adults enjoy in clubs like lhe BBC -they should not be surprised U some young people, at least, become bitter and anti-social. The continuation and development of the OCC crew base a.s an intercotl'll'giate spam and recrea- tion center ts the best way I know of sbowing that we have something postthte and decent lo offer young people lo place or the kind of behavior that 18 being ao widely deplored these days. DONALD HEINEY Wlllcll WUI It Be'! To the Editor: "Mle ti.me has come, to paraphrase an old expreS!lon, for all community· minded citilens to awaken to their own Intereats. I speak ot that last remaining ••wfndow on tbe bay" at the~ange Coast College hoalbouse property whtch the Balboa Bay Club bu every intenUon ol annexing and bulldlnl Jel 1nother hlib rise. • a year, OCC .hi\• l!Ollgbt an .•-of its remainln& JO.year lease with the county. IT ENVl810NS that the bcdkh<""ed site and sU~ wiD be shared by all the colleges Jn ~them CalJ!ornia u a base for U)e finest intercollegiate &ail· ing center Jn the United States. It would also conUnue to·be used by the rowtna crews, by hundreds of residents evf!!IY swnmer in the · s;crtation deparrment's sailing instructioo.program, and'by many civic Ol'ganizaUOOB throUghout the year who seek some aCftsa to the bay. It would also mean that those alips of the Balboa Bay Club, which now eocroacb OD 200 foiet of the 0CC properly (by virtue of a 30-day ,nYOCable notice permit) would ldlye to go, so that the property could bf; used for lhe purpose for which the Jeaie· was originally writ- ten: intercollegiate competition. ' THE CHOICBj IS, fellow ciUze1111: another private 4tdgh rise on public waterfront J~ or the developme:nt or that property .. ,. multi-purpose facfil. ty for all citiledl or thiJ area. Wblcb will it be? ~ ' Your concern wouJd appropriately be expressed to tbe•Orange County Harbor Commission, 19@ Bayside · Dr I v e , Newpurt Beacli,,j'.:allfomla,. 92660. That is the organizauan which will make a final recommendation to the orange County Board of Supervisors. DAVID·A. GRANT Reaplutloas To the Editor: Your recent I.. publlcaUon of m y husband's letter ~ li:I praise of Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, adtlhg president of San Francisco State 'College, pr om p t e d several upbeat responses -not the 1ellt of which may be •a·praisewortby resolu- tion to be presented for the Newport Beach City Council's approval Jan. 13. I am encouraged to urge the same council membera to approve ''Thank You Resolutions" to P.te O"'.Dtfl and/or Pip- pen who participated in lhe dellibtM Xmas boat parade -in the spirit of good fellowship and unselfish citilenry! This kind of activity b an antidote to the sickening effect of the alck segments of our IOC!ety. ANN M. WEISSMAN Futl~al of Liflllts . ;. To the Editor : · At the dote d another succeulul holiday season, we of the Harbor Area have many people to thank 1n one way or another for their efforts, time and considerable money spent for the benefit of people in general The annual Ftllivsl of Llibta ii a good eumple of unselfish e!!ort ·to mate lhe holiday• a UW. more cbeerlul and pleasant !or~ ol p,qple. ~be It would be ol """'° ,fu-· to bow how much ~ tltoe and IDOlll)' 11 spent each year "' this holiday parade. THE A VERA.GB boat. OWDf/ .,a appto>lmately . IS houri ~tlnf: average boat u.ie. wndmjltlJ .. llghta plus a tg>aH.tt pa poerator system to ~.\ P>e dectrtc:ltJ for sam•. A~ &O ·boots tra\'el 10 mlles ucll ~ for six nJOts mailing a 1r•11cf toCaf ol UGI uilleo traveled. 1be City ol Neciport Beoclt Enlploy,.. Association crew spmla . a.....imately 18 hours uedl., the 1finulited The college h8S propcoecl a plan, In Cbriltmas tne "" ooe ol Beek'• !erry , oe<ord with UCI, that would preserve boats that'1 -•tee! each yur. A and lminve thil llJllUlar view or the .,.... from Ille (:tty Auoclatlon also .,,,,. 'Tbe occ plM -Ille -tell '\pmiiolllo lloatinc Chrlstmu tne ..... pobUc!; not private, .,. ol the loll Itel year 'Withoot eomptnutloo or any kind. al water!root by oar communlUes. For Thi Newport Ila<bor Cbambt< o1 Olm- met<J logs In approximately 3,500 fo 4:000 ·tiJ.epbone calls from people 1n Newport Beach aQ\I people many m116 away a'llking for best area to ikw ·parade, ti}ne:, route, etc. etc. · TO THE CREW o! NBC TeJevisjbh that taped the parade in color and P,t · u on oout.11><:oast TV !or ap~y 114 to · 2 minutes at prime time ~~ a thank. you. . 1~ Yes, 1t takes lots of effort, time and money to make the annual Festival of Lights an enjoyable event, but it'a wqrth every cent of it. Our ,..hats are oft to the many boat owners, water front homes in ·the ·harbor, and all the people that g1,.. freely of tbelr ~e, effort f>d funds for-tbe)enjoyment of others. ~ JACK BARNEIT Executive Secretary Newp(>rt Harbor Chamber of Commette Moon questions To the Editor: ' In the wake or the stupendous flight to the mooW, some rather irrelevant questions come to mind which, maybe, other people have wondered about. Fifst,;wbatever happened to ''The Man in the Moon?" Second, In view o1 . the reports !~m the astronauta about "a dark and forebodlng and wiinviUng territott," won't it be necessary for the songwriteni to revise some of their now-nonsense lyrica •about "moon, croon, spoon, tune, June," etc! And how about the ~g which was quite popular not so very long ago that went like this : "FLY ME TO THE moon and let me play among the stars, let me !'te what love is like on Jupiter and Mars." Maybe tbil song-writer had more vistoos than most! But I can't help but wonder if "the light of the silv~ry moon," whole turface 1ook5 like gr~. dirty, bwlly-lrodden beach sand, wll! sUll control the romances of all people?" It wtJI be Interesting to see whst lyric writers and poets will find J .to replace the <:banged image of the moon. MRS. KAREN MOWl!R Deeoratlotu Contest To the Editor: , Oo bebalf o! the Coota Mesa Com- munity Projedl Committee, w h I ch apl)DIOl'td our lltb Annual Christniu Decoralloos Coolest, f wi!h to thank Ille DAILY PILOT stall !or lhe coopera. tJon and pubUdty given to our project. The ~le of Costa Mesa can if" be prood or the htgh calibre o! dally publicatloo whtch we all enjoy. LOU DlNG OoorillDil I f --·--Friday, Jaii 3, lUU T7lc "1ftorlol -Of the Dollp Pilol acckl 1o mform cmd '""" "'4lc 'l'ffClaa bv ,,,.,.,.ung thll ~· opintonr cmd con!-~ '""'""' Otl lopb of lntm1i Clftd rigN/ita!lcf, bv Jl'ovfdhlg • f°""" far Che c:qir.,rio!I of ovr ttodn1' opiniom, mid bN praettdno th• drver11 vii pofftll of lnf<>f'ffltd ob1 ...S IJlO""""" OJI toplci Of dcri. Robert N. Weecl, Publl.iiar - BY WILLIAM REED ••••• ••• In the .Wind PubllcaUon of the " P u b II c Papen of the President of the United States" has been announced by Lawson B. Knott Jr., ad• mlnistrator of Gooeral Services of the federal government. Tbe wltune c6ntains verl>allm transcripts· of the news con· ferences, public messages and 1tatements and other selected papers Issued from the White House. , Among:' the 577 Items in the vollUJle are the President'& state of the union message, special messages on consumer protection, education and health, and crime control; items relaUng to the President's · DK!eUng with Soviet Premier Kosygin at Glassboro, N.J., meeUngi with VI et n am leaders in Guam, and the Latin American summit conlerencol at PuDta de! Estc, Uruguay; and speeches made by the President while on his five-day around the world tour. * Tbe 1,228-page volume consists of two bookS. Tbe first, priced at '8:75 ·covers from Jan. 1 through June 30, 1967. The second covers the balance of 1967 and costs $8. Similar volumes are available covering the administrations of Presidents Truman, Eisenhower end Kennedy and the first three years of the JoBnson ad· ministration. A volume covering 1968 ts In preparation. All volumes are sold by the Superintendent o f Documents, Government PrlnUng O f fi c e , Washington, D.C., 20402. Prices vary for the Individual volnmes, 10 send for information oli prices. * All that land carving seen from Beach Boulevard south of In~ dianap6lis Avenue and to the West is the Macco Co. building its new 18-acre trailer park, or whatever they are called these days, at Delaware Street and Frankfort Avenue. Tbe half·million dollar project will provide 113 trailer lots and comp!ete recreational facJJIUes. The future Pacific Coast Freeway is to be built just east of the pro- ject. * Bill Peterson, who operates a IllODe')' lhop at Flve Points has lust celebrated 30 years with the bank. His is a .success story with a rise from messenger in 1938 to manager of the bank. There's Nothing • Oriental About ; :Jfong Kong Flu ~ WASHINGTON (AP) -Despite being &agged as the "Hong Kong Ou," there'• llOlhlng espe<:iJlly Oriental aboot the nature of the new strain o( tnfluema now sweeping the country. ~ And the same goes for the ~ ffAsian flu,'' that first appeared in !1.ldemlc form In 1957. . In both Instances, say experts on com-~untcable diseases, the two strains were ~ply genetic mutations of a form of uenza virus called lnflaenza Type-Al t bas been known for ,yur •. S The ll<W strains got JbeJr names llecause they first popped up In Asia, lait the lnllia\ Jl)Ulatlooa JDlibl just u l!bily have mted In ..,. other part the world, ll8ld rtseardJera of the surgeon general'• olOce and the Public Health Service. These ume experts llald that wblle t·ag• travel bas Jnmased the -lblJl. of bnlJOl'llng<:<lltsglous -lmn a and othei parta of the world, there no • evidence to lndlcale that Hong fi• ,-brought lllto the country air travelen. The re-of thoosandl of Amerlcu fnmi Vietnam bas oiaenled. an l!l<llUooal health factor, 1uthorttles aid, l!Pt, al -. they ,.. poalbWIJes of !IPIY -adlc catu and localiled OIJI. ~ fJ definitely ad a DI a r of'lin- on lncre.ulnC an>otmt of-." David J. Sencer, -of the tklnal Communicable lllleuO. llllltet A1Jan1a, Ga., said 1!! aa lnlenlew. 11"11'• • IJDlplom of the fad ... -Id .. (ln>'lllnf mnalllr. Bui ... -'t -JllDIC In the otrOeb; and we -~ bt ~ with epidemics of pi...., llballpoi:, or malaria." •The publlc health --and tho armed forces -have been lsaulni . alerts, lhroUgb medfcal joumalo othe< ......... -general p-ac- and public health ofllctall of the pOlllO>fllty that they IJIJ&IJI w froni..I ... iJa1 wlltl I'~ ........ -mlhttellborel. f'edeNIF•nCfs ~ ; • '1' · · P~t Projects· Get· Demo $·Farewell . WASlllNGTON (Al')-la Ult twlllihl -ot tho J-pttaldeney, Democratic "Clmf•lstralorl '"" feeding lartwell -of ledfl:al fU!xls .. ~ Great Soclely pn>Srlllll. The ·objectlve, uya one depm1ln1 Demotta~ ts to create ''planlJ' ol _ _. ... propel the prosrllDI put -'ble budget slalbes · In the early lll<lllllls of Richard M. Nlx<>n'1 Republican .,:lmlnfstratlon. The latest eicample came thlJ wiet and Involved one of tho ..Jo\ina<li' id- mfnlstratioo's faVllitte urban._.... -Model Cltiel. Oflldall dlrlnoed lbal Seattle, Wash., 11 receiving a flt mllllce bundle of federal IJ'lllts to move Ill Model Clliell pn>gnu11 oil the drawtnc board• and Into adloo. . Tbl.s wu the 11n1:11me the.baJl-l>JJUoo. dollar fUnd for 111pplemeotal Model CIU .. grants had been lapped, bot - C. Wood, acting secretary of Housing and Urban Developmen~ llald "other dUes with plaDI under mlew can ezpect a dedsioo shortly." GEr GRANTS Before Nixon moves lnlo the Wbite ~ on Jan. 20, dflclal• aald. it'• P.OOSible that nearly I ~ of other cities wUI receive a1mUar grants. Tbeae lnclOde Atlanta; Baltimore; Bolton and Cambridge, Mus.; Qaarlotte, N.C.: Denver, Cola.; Detroit and 'Highland Park, Micb..; Huntavllle, Al a. ;· Pblladelp!Ua; Porllllld, Maine; Porlland, Ore.; Reai:llng, Pa.; St. Louia, Mo.; Sm!tbville-.DeKalb, Tenn.: Tampa, Fla.;· and Waco. Tex. Funds for prelbnlna:y planning of Model Cities projects were ezbauSted a month ago when D dtles were added .. the 125 eomrimnltlel already cbarllng federally llpoD!i>red atlacbl en urbtn blight, While Great Society pllimen say 11>11- surge ol grants was moUvaled by their belief lhal the Model Clli" approadl ts the best way to u~ <:ity llums, they concede Jt will have the effect of flnnly enlrenchlng the program before :eue~:onm and~nts 1:fi feel compened to continue ailocatlons under slandanl.s set by the JJemocrats. The momentum theory ts being applied to other Great Society programs, too. ~ Take the Concentrated Employment Program. On De<. 8, Socretary ol Labor Willard Wirt% announced that bl& depart· menl and the Pentagon had agreed to ezpand thlJ pn>gnu11 to train 1,600 bard- SanDiegoSeu 200th Year Celebrations SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Dlqo'1 200IJi anniversary celebration got underway Wedneaday with the trad!Uonal ringing- of the bell.s at the old mllsloo and 1 rare 200-gun aalule. Tbe celebrallon, delfined to mark tho founding of the <:ity by Francllcan Father Junfpero Serra in 1'189, includes a yur .. long parade of events wbicb range from an okJ.time tDovie fesUval to the in- auguration ln the tprlng of the San Diego Padr<s as a Nallonal Leque baseball lwn. Catholic sisters al the old -San Diego de Alcala rang the belll at mldDighl to 1l!ber in the New Year and the observance of San Diego'• blcent.nnlal. At noon New Year's Day, the mighty 2QO.gun salute boomed oul. Firing all at the same Ume were BO guns at the North hland Naval Air Station and 40 gun& each al the Marine Corps Recruit Depot. the Naval Tl'alnll!g Center and the Naval amphibious bue. A three<lay party al Balboa Put kicked off the celebration. Acllvlilea will Include a film festival and ground break· tng for new bai.ldlnga. Hundreds of San Dit&O C o u n t y organiutiona have been preparbq: for the celebration for the put three )'ears. Sailboat raw, art lihowl, hlatorltal .........ciment and dramatic prod1lcllona are a ff.!W of. the eWiitl·Khed~ . The San ~ Sq Brldp wtll be opened In September. ' Spain and Me>lco, bolb ~ facton In the el!Y'• blslocT. Will •1*1ldpite acllvely 1n· the celebration. A W1ll'ld trade fair will bring (OOCls and ahlblts lmn other countries. Tourism play& I major Iola· In S... Diego'• economy. The famed San Dieao 1Alo, Sea World, -Bay, tllo beaches, the mounta1m. nearby Meslco, are just a few of the YW'ftlW1ll -Uonal •faci11Uet wbk:h anm11U, dnw mttu... of vllltm. 1lle . mDlll.tY -to bt ID lnl-IJOl'falil locaf. Sevirili major Nl'I)' and lolitlne Corpt lrllnlns !mW'-an Jocai..I here and lbt poii,IJ -- for many W>lla al ... ·-Fleet. All !D!111atJ laclllllel m IUlnr an active piit tO lht«elotnlf• · ··~ ___ ., ,-.-\. . ,. Huntington Realtors • • To Bear SCEManager llJJph c. K!Mr, dlllrlcl -of tho Southom Calltomla -C.O., will opealc Jan. I to the Huntlqton Btacb Bcmt1 of·-1rlll(fllilliME lleii:ll • ton, 2112 Coast Hlghw.,-, I a.m. s DEPlOYME~ ·qf U.S.·TROOPS ~ • I' I I llllill '•u•••.•nr -· 11111 NATIONS ........ -·=···· ........ ~ . ........ .,., ' . ~' :.•::·:::. .,. I . Troops Deployed Around World Map spota deployment of U.S. military personnel outside, the country as of Jan. 1. P~gon figures show greatest troop concentrallom, to be In Viel· nam '"'1!f Western Europe.!l'otal fiaure.to~Vieblam is 53$,l!QO, w\j\le Pentag<m figures!ihoW. 320,000 U.S. troops depl<>yed In Western Europe. . ' Military Wants Minorities \ WASHINGTON (AP) -The Pentsgon ·ls ;m•tlng a bid for more quallfied N..,,. aDd other f$orlty group youth& i:opresen!s • ocly about i ])el'Ctn!,of the current total enh>llmMt of · 11;137 · The Pentafon llald L. Howard -~ Its civil rights director, had wrt1te1r to educators tl!rougboul the un11e11·statea 1!5klng their help. uwe are ~y Interested' • • • In having Negro; Puerto Rican, MeSJoan. American and other mll!or1ly . group youths know that UJe;. ' Carier op- partunltles are open to. tbem,''·Bemett wrote. He asked each ol Iha educaf<ln k !Onrard to the Defense De~ th( -of al least els mlnorily,,ll'Ol!I youths "of ,blgb ocholaslic aclllif,ei~f4 excellent health and charactir, lnil 41?1\'d Ieacitnhlp potenUal." .• Students In 1be 11th al!d utb~== ..-coosid~ as prospedlve IOI' c:Jasses entertog the three nm Juli' and Julf mo. SPINETS/COHS01~ " New artd Pre0 0wr1ed/ wuRIJTZO SPllllT , $395 Oeod C!Ofldll\Oll, n ... 1or ~ ,, 5425 5495 5495 • j I ----·-~ - ' NLF .Ca·lls -U.S. Table Plans. 'Torluous:r PARIS (AP) -The Nallooal Llllerl· t1oa Float aid today it would be "dll· llcull to accept• the ialal Amerlcan pr_.. lo ..W. lbe ~ural argu- -ata1l1nc Ibo VletDam peace talk&. 11111 an NII lpOil...,.. •toPPed short ol ~I llal!>, deputy chief ol the lJ:j)ol'I peace delegation, said the. U.S. ~,......._ .. and rdlecled 'tbt ••al)lunt Jdu'~ that the Paris talka -lo bl. -aflllr. nie -1 will mad• Thursday niglll *" * *, '111e nowelt Junior Chamber ol :cmm.rot_rhaplar!nTllUboaltl 11¥1 <il Ille belt lllteodllllee records o Iha ~. Allloi the memban "Ti s B ts 1re Ill-* al the Seagoville FOd-U o o 008 n1 Cornctlonel Institute. · • B52 Strikes Tlu:-yeal'<ll4 Paul NICholl1 of liJmjngbam, Elilland. wote up vtlh a hangover New Year's Day. 'au! was ru5bed to the boopilal Liter bl& molller found him slum!" .i In a aofa with an empty bottle rf port nert1o him. • ·UM Omodti, who care1 for her ailing parni.tl and four brothn1, wai ncmtd by a panel 1 o/ judge• here a.a "The 'Nicest Cllrl> "' 11o1v. • Llltk u... ..... lit>t• in F~ue, 1DC1 dtclar«t wiJt.. I ,..,. of the 196! "Golden Alll1d" atDJlfd given annuaUv to tM child judged the be1t l><hav•d ~ kall ulfilh m the counl7'1/,, . Against Reds SAIGON (AP) -'!be U.S. Command today ropcrled Ibo heavletl 13$2 llrlkes In South Vietnam In ~ weeka, with almcet 1,000 tons ot bombs dropped nortltwtlt ot Salgoo and nearly !00 -en the matted U Minh Forest deep In !he M~°"' Delta. Ground actlon remained 11 g h I lbn!ughoul the naUon, although allied 1weepe -from the southern delta 16"111 area llOllthwest of Da Nang where Amerlean Marine! and South Vietnamese troop! were grinding aw8y at Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces . Signs o[ fresh enemy movement alllO were rtported from two more old battle areas -The A Shau Valley west of Hue and the demllltarued r.one between North and South Vlelnam. Mantia Police Chief Ger•rdo G. Flien from the carriers Coral Sea (arnayo .reported oo New Year's -.id Coostellatioa hit the A Shau Valley )"'1 that the crlJlle rate in Manila .. 1 t b 11 llOl'lles Tbunda)', the heaviest opped by 33 ~-t in 196S. cooceotrati"'1 ot· Naval air sftngth ~--reported in ooe day alnce the bombing • cl NO<th Vietnam was baited on Nov. ' HIJIPY N"" Year, aaid R. 5; 1. lou""r to the ••-u•-'o! .,..,.;.. , . ~. '!'1f!WY opokesman said the target _....,_, .,._, • mcruaea c"l"!!"flalled roada dumps and !'ex., ~· he fulfilled hlB ""!"palgn blvowks the 'Viet Cong and' North Vl•t-'""1lise and abolished.'h!S )Qb., ,nameS& have been 1tudlly rebuilding ~had run Oil a pla!fonn con-· '!ii the valley, "hlch Ia a major supply iendlni the post was 111pOrfiuous, baae 1<r operations against allled U>d he vowed to eliminate It alter clef.ma In tlie -part of SOuth ialf hJJJ foot year term. He di4 It .Vietnam.. ' 11 an .. timated '13,000 a year sav· U.S. beadquartera reported also that ags to the taxpayers. enemy activity in the DMZ had increased • alwply in the Cbristm,...New Yesr porlod: with more than !00 "lndlcationa Slcimay dipping of enemy activity" in the 12 days sinee • th< name of th< Die. :11. In the U daya before following ~,,.. ond ...,,.,,ers the bombing bal~ about 1,000 sud> in: Soviet Soldiers . by U.S. ....,uator CynJI R. Vance at a meotlnK with Nar1h Vletoameae Col. Ila Van tau. Vance propoeed Ill• dll· fenmt r.nn. tlie coolerenoo table mtgbt take, Willie Ln M9anced another IW'O" posal fO< • round table. Tbt NU' ipOkaman told a DIWI COQ. terooce tbal all ol Vance'• tab'lo ahapes reflected the 'iunaoceptable'• American Idea that .only two llfdel would be taking 'part In, the dllcuaaloDI. North Vietnam and the NLF ins!$ that .the conference Is to be a' lour-party alfair al wblcb the NLF Is to have lull status. .. "It Is very dUUcult lo accept the proposals of Mr. Vence because they nOed Ille absurd Idea ot two ~· Nam Aid. Wben a DOWflllAD called air i;;no. to hll wordJnl -"~ to aecept" -and laked U hl.s d&gatlon rejected t he u. S. proposals, N a m said with a smUe: "1 have already replied." V ancti at hll m<et1ng with I.Of! said' the United Stalq and South Vietnam would agree to lllt at the fOllDd table propoaed by Hanoi U a fell atrtp waa stretdled """'"' the ceoler of tlie table • T 1/ th.I Polar Bear :lub iJI Lake Mich- gan, .(i<f!}, and he Po!lqllln Club n V<tllct, Calif. b<lo10) Juep up radldo!u b~ falo. oganl1i~ Up into the ley 1hu. .Face Trial Over HISTORIC APOLLO I CAPSULE BACK IN .DOWNIY North Arnerfcen Rockwell Offlclal1 to Examine LUMr Craft Czech 'Incident' PRAGUE (UPI) -Clecboaloval: ol· liciala today opened Ieaal P"'C""'flnp again!t • number of Soviet llOldlers l'flfltJting from an ''iocldent" between lbem and tll'o Caechoslovak cltfJena Dec. :ra, Ibo national ...,.. ageocy Celeka oald today. Apollo 8 Craft Returns ~o 'BQme' in Southland Goorp Hiiis, wbo ii 69 and bald, rnn a free abampoo and Ht at a Vol<ingham, England beauty par· or in a raffle. Hil!J went aloog to he beauty shop anyway and sat Older the drier for a while. • Lest year was Leap Year, and oh, t<>W those New York gals took ad· rantage ol it. There were 75,497 oarriage licenses issued in 1968 in Jew York City, and increase of 6 oercent over 1967 and the highest olal llince 195L It WU tbe first official dilclosure of such friction with the tnvuton force stnce lbe be~ of "oormaliatlon" of relatlonl lollo!viJli the Alli. 21 . ln- .vaslcn. The treaty governing stationing of Soviet troops on Czechoslovak soil .Upulata !bat the offen,.. cammltted by Sovlel pmoonel agaln5t ez.dlosloval: citbens or tbe1r propnt.y come under ""'cbooloval: lecal jurladlctlon. '!be regnlatloo Is similar lo that applied to U.S. forcu to West Germany since World War D. Ceteka quoted a brief report In the newspaper Mlada Fronta which laid the incident occurred the night of Dec. 21-29 in the tovm of UsU Nad Labem, in northern Bohemia. Jt said the local military district pro- secutor had opened proaecuUon against an unidentified number of Russians "for ..... tricting per80llal freedom and (doing) bodily Injury •• DOWNEY (AP) -'!be Apollo a &paceoraft, home to three U.S. -ui.. during man'1 first orbit of the moon, ls back at.the North American Rockwell plant where It was manuf~tured. · The capsule was fiown Thursday from Hawaii, Ipimediately, engineers began fests to analyze bow well it stood up in 147 hours In space and tbe blistering relurn through the earth's atmosphere. After a PrWm1narY examination, a spokesman aald he was elated lhat the bottom of the craft was chamd 110 liWe by the UOlkfegrte labrenhell temperature it encountered l"ffDterinl the earth's atmosphere. In the next two montbl. certain in- strument systems will be removed and tested to aee how m u c h flight t I m e they have left in them, the plant spokesman aaid. Then the craft will Everywhere It's Subzero I Only Southland, Southwest Climate Comfortable -U•DllllUlllllWM-111l:•P.llUT I •1-• v.s. s ...... .,, A--dNdlCe1r~'" ._. tllt (llllf,.I ....... 911111 M~t ..,.,, Mndl... .....,..""'-....... '" ...._ .... lW9 nwk .. many ,...na, a.N _.,.. • .,.,.,.. --. hlWll frOll'I _,,_ ICMIMf; '9 ...,.., T.U.. ~ '""""' --""""' • '""" Ullrloil. '-· ...... ...... Wromlnt. II Ml 1-S1111 lfl '*""'trll Karltfl fl'lol •"-~ wlllll -. c1111l1111 Mclwt!le ,,... -""""" s-........ , ,.11 .... Ill !!It .,_, Llkft "'91on wt>lle 111 "" .. ,..,,.,., ,1, ....... al IM cold Inf!! '11!1 t:itwnOtol '"'"' IM euH ,,... It l1'lf ""9r Mlt- 'lllel•I v1llty 111111 IU-rt.. ~ HI!. I! Wll (N ... -.... fe 11\11111' lft T-erM$ Kei1""*1. nw. ............... ,..,.__..,_ ,Kllk. ltortttwM!. ,,,. IOllll'lwtll H<llcwl. ,... f9.i~lrt ••• ....... u,, cw ..-. wtnn. ........ _ ,, 75 ' . • n " " ' . . " ,. 21 " ' " " 11 ,, u " .et " . l, 11 ... " " " " .. ~ ,. ' ... 7l ., 1.fS 50 46 .JI .. " u " M " " .. " . 11 ·II " "' ·" " .. " " .. .. .. " " , . .. " n " " .... n ' ., " . ... . " 17 " .. " " " u " .. . .... ,, ,, ... .. " " .. be returned to the NJUona) Aeronautics and Spae< A-on. The capsule carnied utronauta Frank Borman, James A. Lovell Jr. and Wllllam A. Anden throlJlh a W.hour flight to \be moon'• orbit, 20 hours encircling the moon. and a 58-hoar return flight Christmas week. Fl,at Earth Club Losing Members .Thanks w Apollo DOVER, England (AP) -Th t American astronauts' trip to the moon aboard Apollo I baa"'become a headache IOI' the International Flat Earth Soclely. lt believes the world ls shaped like a dinner plait but now aome members aren't so sure. "We've 1oet a lot of members because of this absurd Apollo trip," aaid the chief Ital urthman Samuel Shenton. "] should think we're down to fewer than 100 members now." He didn't say what the membership was before Apollo I began sending pie. turn of earth -clmilar pictures. But the reslgnatioos don't alarm Shen- ton 6$.)'W'-<>ld former sign wriler. 0 U their opinion can be swayed by such D.imsy evidence," he said. "then they're no use to me or the society." Aal:ed wby Ibo spaceship pl10loo •bow· ed a rmod earth Shenton 1a1 d: "J'rn glad you mmtlooed thal That'll wbere UM>16 Americans afKI Russlam are M damned CIDlD1n&. For 101De reason or other they obvlOOaly want ua to think the WO<ld Ii rouod. S..e ol the pictures h a • e been blatantly doctored. Sludlo shots probably -or t'1..torUon from the camera Jena." Bucher Still Resting SAN.Dll!lGO (AP) -Of tho a freed USS Pueblo .,.,..,.., 0!1ly the &tipper, cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher, remains ~ llrlcled for medical lreltmenl In t h e San Dle&O lla,tal'llo1plW, . "He wM ca!T)'lng a big load and Just needs re.st." llld a NIVJ' spokesman • ' to l)'lllb!>ll&e tlie dlv!llon of Ille •con- f tn!Oele putlclpanta !nto two "akiel." Vance mtl lhla mornlllg with South --Phun i>ang Lam for IO -lo give him Ille deWll of hll meetlq wttll Lau. '!bore waa no comment by eJther aide. The Norlh Vietnamese, in a com .. munlque , said Vance bu not yet ac- ceplod lta "loslcal and reuooable pro- posal.'' It accused tlie Amerlcans of dellb«ately tkla.vtng tlie conference. Both U.S. and North v--.. pro- 1969'• f'ir•t I ' I ' ' I! ~we re'sald to be under study' by the l:oohi'ence parlldpanla. Lau declined to .....,i Ille loll olrlp proposal or any of Vance'• five other table de&iiN Thunday, bul be said be I would consider the proiioula. Then be I put forward lhla ~' If the Americans accept a rd.Uld tablt will! •otll\Dll to iuggest dlv!lloo, then r North Vit1JW11 wlll drop lta demlnd for _.a1e lloCs and llllllOPW.· In I ~conference room for the four delep. f l t f Skyjacked Jet j Returns to U.S. M1AMI CAP>-'lbe crew of an East· ern Air Linel. stretch-jet hijacked to Cuba Tb~ new the big plane back • to Miami todliy with 1' of the 11-0 pas- sengers, including several childreo. ' Two Eastern turboprop planes were seat to the airport at Varadero1 Cuba, tO retrieve 'the remainder of UM! kid- naped passengers, according to John Graffius, acting area manager far the Federal AvlatiOb Admi.nistration. No explanation wu giv«i immediately for Cuba's unumal action in allowing scme of .the pasaengers to returp with the crew. On previous hijackings, Cuba ~ required all passellgers to remain at Varadero until unaller planes were sent from Miami for them. saying the alrport runways were too short for safe lal:eotf of the big commercial )eta. W. J. Dane, regtooal manage!' for Eastern ln Miami, said an ambulance wu standing by fOr a woman ~nger and a sick baby. The jet wu the lint plane to be hi- jacked to Cuba OW year. La.st year 1hefe were 20 hijackings to Cuba, 14 of them from the United States. About an hour before the jet wu scheduled to land at M1aml Internation-al Airport, Capt. °"1nla Vonbuss radioed the Federal AviaU~ Administration at Jacksonville, Fla. FAA 5Upervisot Har· old Jemen said Vanhusa reported. "I am going to Havana," The plane al that point was 60 miles east of Jacksonville. There was no im· mediate word on what went on aboard the plane. Most hijacklluls have featured a ma:t with a gun, who threatened a crew member and ordered the pilot to fl7. to Havana. None has resisted. · The FAA said die Eastern plane WU cleared direct to Cuba .... after the hijacking was reported. Egypt to .Trade Greek Hijacker for 2 Arabs? ATHENS (AP) -There was speoula- tion in Athem today that the Egyptian government might offer to acbange the Greek who hijacked a Greek airliner for the two Arab terrorists who shot up an Israeli airliner at Athens airport. The plane and lO'l of the persons aboard it returned safely · to· Atheris 'llluraday, but El1Jlllan authorities were holding the hijacker in Cairo. A govern· ment source said tbe Greek Embassy in Cairo was being kept informed oC his interrogation. There ls no extradition treaty between Greece and Egyp~ and It was not knowo if Greece would make an official request for the man's return. The two Arabs who shot up the El Al airliner last week, killing an Israeli passenger, are held in Athens on a variety or charge. including homicide. The Olympic Airways1 DC6 was diverted over the eastern Mediterranean '{'hursday by a gunman who fired a warning shot lhrougb a cockpit window aod O<dered the pilot to fly to Cairo. Olympic Airways, owned by Aristotle Onassis, sent a jetliner to pjck up the 97 other passengers, who included seven 4-mericans. The plane window wu repaired, and after refueling the crew Oew the ain:raft to Athens Thursday night. The Greek government said the hi- jacker wm George Flamourides, 30, a former army deserter from Crete who was jailed in 1967 for disobedience and insurbordination. He was freed by a 1968 New Year's amnesty. Egyptian authorlilea said Flamourides told them he diverted the plane to Cairo Heart Beats On because he had been "bounded and persecuted" as an opponent of the military regime in Greece. Slain Hollywood COed Stabbed But Not Raped LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Marina Elizabeth Habe, 17, was stab bed repeatedly in the chest before her killer dumped her body down a brush.covered slope off a lr>Vers' lane where she bled ·to deatb, an autopsy showed today. But the coroner's office reported the blue-eyed University of Hawaii coed was 1 not assaulted by her slayer. '"nlere i!I no evidence of forcible rape," Dr. Russell C. Henry said Thursday. Ad- ditional tests were ordered. There were bruises on the face of 1 the al tractive teen-ager, indicating she was beaten by the person who apparently kidnaped her from outside her Hollywood home early Monday. The sheriff's homicide bureau repcried no firm leads or suspects in the brutal crime. "We wish we had," said LL Harokl. White. Authorities were lnvestigating the possibility that Miss Habe was abducted with the. intent of rape and she was killed when she resisted the attack. The home where the girl lived with her actress mother, Eloise Hardt, is located three "blocks below glittering Sunset Boulevard In an area which police said has been plagued by raplsta: in 1 recent weels. ' Dr. Philip and Eileen Blaiberg are all smiles as U1ey leave for a 11bl.rthd1¥" dinner in Cape Town,, s. Africa, celebrating the first 8J'l-o nlvenary of fib successful heart transplant Dr. Blalberg, a retired dentist, is the world's longest surviving heart transplant recipient. --===-~~~---=---=~---=-----~------ By Phll flittilanclf ~ _F_rida~,~·~'""7'--i-'J~,1~'169..;._...,.,------~DA!c.:.:L~Y~P~IL~DT:......:G~ • ·i.Nixon'·s 'Calif~rni~.l\J~f~a·' T~~es , Shape j flAilBAMENTo (AP) ..:. You ea\ 1p2lte call it t h •· ·~ Mafia" yet, but -·a a 41ottnct-Golden State flavor , t& the admiDlstraUon 'Pnoldeni-<lect Nti<n is uaembllng. nlw have 'been picked "' ·ol Nixon 's C 1111oral1 prw ~ In the tleo font Unlvenlty. Ind wu acllv1 .Soctolary~lgnate Me I v I n l Important jobs and advl&Qry bacqrauoct and becauae ol prtttdentlal campalrand tn Nbton'1 t862 campaign !or Laird. ' pooiUON. ; • • ' the lllate'• ttMrYolr o1:Weo1. . ,. ... ciimmunlcaUnna ea~i 1ovarnor. ..... 'Diil. Ail¥-Evdle 1. I More . are In line t o r Hero are other illY lllsOa -ID Ibo 11111 campal . -Roy Lawreoce Alli, • •\' oiulpr cl. Los Angeles, II ll'aabioJWD Jobs.-Finch laid · paopJe ~ !rom·,c;aJilomlt ,_ llould Zie&Jer, it, an pruldent ot Lltton lndllltrlel' headiq NllOll't laak loreo on , Nlzon llllS chosen Lt. Gov. In an mtel" ... • ao tu: . , 1111111ao1 -.bo is the equtvellllt Inc., Los Angeles, ......S an crime ~ law eriloreoment. I The makeup ol Ibo. late -ff.• a. "Bell" 11aJ8-of . W)>lle Howe p.r e 11 ldvlatr to Improve _.. '!l!IJ!ll!!' · • • !91 President John·F. Kenned,)''• an wlstant 'to·tbe ~· aecretary. He was an aide mentandefflclencyln10V.m.. ..., ____ • .,. •• staU led' qbltrvers to elect. Haldeman, a, wu u , to · Batlleman at J. Walter ment. ' -..,.. •-... --••,. Rohen lL Finch, a long time . friensl and poliUcal adviser, . as ~tary of health, educa· !iop and ,..u.,., Flncb is ex- • ~ 10 play a mllfOr role ID over-.n· domestic policy. hickname I!"!he lrliliMi(ta.• • uecuUVe ol the' ~; 1'1lter 'lllolnploO. • · -Lee Alvin DuBrld(e, 87, ' SllOOTAl6 COLOR!. 1 . Some apPUed' Ille "Tuu Tbompsoit advei:tl!lol 1JLOnCii ~ DW!pt Clilfla, a (ll'eJ!de!JI olofT:.~~.?!.".\!· .S•Vli A'IUNDLE ON Mafia" latieJ OI 111' ~ · ol In LOI . Angelei ' and It 'a · Ulilvenlty of Sou I~ er n lnstJtUte _....,,., ~-~ trusted uaodata of Praldenl' 'Unlverallf ;( Cal 11 o •n la C&llornlt man, a IJIOCfal pointed Nbtoo'a scleJilllic adl COLOll FILM PROCESSING , No Dramatic Plans Johl)Son Emes ,Way For Nixon .Take-aver •. SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (UPI) he had ordered on an edicl -President Johnson, who won from, <;on~ess. . his legis1atlve reputation as So1out, Of the picture does he fei:I. Jotm..on said .he did a masterful -compromiser, ap-not take a squint at the tax parently will try to ease the revisioa package. He simply way for his Re,publican sue-· served notice that it ii up cessor by making no new to Congress and Nixon to ei:- dramaUc. n..n.vv.ats to the amine the proposals on their ,..... .. Y"M o n terms. DemocraUc Congress. " , r -· word In'"':.... .... White · JOhnsoobis always.stre ·~ ··--. Polllic81-Jihllos9phy that he House circles is that Johnson's is an American 'first and a fareweII messages to Congress Democrat second. As he winds will seek continuation of prcr up his presidency, ~e shuns grams be sponsor~., · partisanship and e.ihorts his Jol!nson. ' regent. . " aaa111an1 ·to Ille president In ".i&er· AT DAVE'S 474 E. 17th St. Finch said 11 wu nitural -llerberl •G. l!Jel8, fbnner Ille lleld·ol appolntmenlt. ' -David Pac~ Sf, boan! Coota Mou -6*2136 Al I.qt five key While Bouae staff members have qlllforn11 .b~ and ,.-; Olher Clllfor- for Callfornia to provide a editor of the 'San D1eJO Union, -J• D. ErUcllman, 4S, chairman of Hewlett-Packard •• _: ' ••• ••• •••• core of high offlclals tor the named a top eldt!ve branch a 5eattle attorney who ls a C.O., Palo Alto, named «Jtputy ~-•• •• administrallDn-.both ·because willll!l Klelll Wli Nlnn'• lfllNala •ol UCLA and sta .. de!enae ...,...ry under ' ~ • <, I 2666 HARBOR ·l~ . ; 1546·7080 · ClOSTA ,.ESA~ WUOAYS .9to 9 SATURDAY ' ••'5ao SUIDAY 10 to $100 . . . " ... ·~ .... JUST A DRIP . ' AWAY GALVANIZED RAIN GUTTER Start tfre New y,,, right hy pi.rtlrtt ur, the ral11 91i1ttot yeu 111••ltf t• t•k• c.•r• of thi• timo •rt year, Ollf •tuff .. t•lve11i1M, 1ol.terl•11, end 1lipjoi11t, ln1t•1l•tio11 h • •n•ll' lcrNkle1e11d pop if you !lot a ric.k•ty l•dderl, •11d we Hll ~ flttf11t1 for c.h11p too. -c-But he is not abOut to push follotyers to do the same. for new "Great Soclety"l;:;:=========;I legislaUve directions as his administration nears an end. . 10 Ft. The method. 1r e f I e ct s JohnSQl'l's attitude ~ard tb.e administration of Richard M. Nixon. He also is a political realist who does not believe in setUng guidelipes for hi5. successor. The tipof( that he would not rock the boat, or the na- tion, with any far-reachitig programs in the ebbing days of hlsi. presidency came with his letter to·Congress sidestep- ping any recollimti;JdatiOns on Treasury department . studies of tax refonps -proposala Here's It's Where At! lt's ot7891 Talbert Avenue. The Auto Cltib'Jnew .. castle" In Hunlington Beach. fully staffed. And fullyequ;pped. Slar!lng Monday. Januory 6, providing more than 700 .services lo Auto Club members and the community. Everythlng'from weekend vacation to worldwk.le travel plonntng. Everything to help you gel out and follow o!I the fun fhot's going on in Southern California and beyond, Stop by a~d let Ed Sullivan, the neyt'monaser, ~you around the Auto Club's new"cos~~ .. in Huntington Beoc~ ~ THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 78P1TofbeftA.,..,Hui111ngi.a-..c.111.,n-,142.ml We've built a new off ice in Huntington Beath • -_ ...... ,,. .. A Good Fri•nd ol lh• Fomny for SiJtty.£Tgftt Yeari.. ' ' . -:e~DRYER VENT HOSE ~ , Fl•xll:.I• hoM fw tettfn9 rid ef • ti.• l~nt a11d firu from fl• dry•r. KHp1 th• •Ir c.l••111r. 44cLIN. FT. FURNACE FILTERS Choice h•r• of the ino1t pop11l•r ..1iz11 (for 1i111popul•r on•1. 1•nd for 011r f11lt c.olor broeh11r1 l. c1 .. n1• "'''" 11v•r1I til'J'lll • Y•M for cl••n•r •Ir''"' lew•r fu•I biU1, STUNNING SWAG LAMP 1.t .. \ .. A ;eal ai.auty h•re l:.y Tempo (n•v•r h .. rd of th•ll'!l, 111 blu• entl emb.r, inc:lude1 dofu1w 111dcl•, •••t hook1, 1w19 ch•in. The l19ht l:.ull:. i• yeur preb'em. 10 Year Guarcinteecl WAHR .. IATIRS Ma!or' AMOrl••n lweH, f11\fr tint ll&H, • ., ...... c.•p, '•11fl-con""'•P1 ·Htd, t.in,.,ratvr• fftltrel, lO·GAUON .......... 44e95, 40-GALLD~ ........... 49e95 TY LEA~!"IN Wll.1 3 c. . pf, 8LACK &: BRASS LOG' IASKO ;., ,ortalii\1 cl111ie hero for ltelc6111t the let• e11d li:irtdlinf\lntil reed., for the fi,., Attr1c.tive ~•uth for en., firl)l1c1, ~·• 11ntrt brau trlin a11d littlo feet. 411 Ji.rd inMrt the .try 9l1i1•1tic.k e11d the el•ctM• gun tvr111 It liut hot. Stic.k1 like 11othl119 r.;:·~ '"' 1"11 (c.ent11 c. 0111t ••11111 thou9li), &fue •n ••• 1,, 1tic.k1 i11cl11d1d. 5'' .DlllYEWAY COATING AND SEAUR Seal your 41ti'f'eway, r•n•w the 1wrf-1u, prohic.t your liw11tinent ell for '''· They j111t den't in,pke l:.1r9•ln1 fl"• th1f 99~ •AL ·' ' .. " tlQU'ID ' PLUMR '· •' The inodorn wey te cle•r ttie tlraln wlthe•f l11e1n'tln1 ••p1111lv• iafulll'llllA1 ceth. Werkt ...... .;_4• werk1 f•1t, • • -,~ ... .~Y.: • GUYJrf GATI LATCH W•fw111kH le+eh •ltkftlitl•tftf l•tdlff lholf wh•n ,,;, 1le111, ,,..lrlll.if h tek• • le•k. • I H'mmM evMythl119 It 011 +Ii• t•k• tM .. tlayf;) 19' ' . ' ,, Lengtll DRlnwOOD 100 . sn . . ' . ·,_ ' ! ' ' lo•k•1filc9 -Y~!t l!lade • . 'tri, to' tlliM•c.il oN •routht kc':tlie Mtt. Decer•tln .trlftweod lot kt 19. 90111,let. witft fl'-" •IHI butntt. RAM 2 WAY SANDR ' . • • , Ont of t\11 be1t Jflade '-f •n old fo•t 0 up fri th, t.lt North•••f, 2 way Uncl" tlv•• •lther orbital I! 1tral1ht, llnt Hndillt O•••· '17 88 ~ GLIDDIN ANTIQUING ' KIT A 1m•ll hrn.~tinent 111 time •nd lfl•••'( wfll t11r11 an orcll11ery piec.e or fumiture i11to • f•1ltion1Ll1 art/feat. Complete kit, cho1ff of '"'"Y col«1. ,, I 2'' .. . 3.29 3.49 .. 4.09 4 ' ; \ ., I ) I I • I DAQ."Y PILOT EDD'OBIAL PAGE I • She Still Ha·s · the Soot I Htl!IWlPJn Beech faces a cruclal y.r during lllllO. Voler's elected men to Ille coundl In 11116 and 111611 pleilged to modemze the city. The city now ii f!lllering Ila fourlll year •Ince the Urilan Led hlltllute (UfJ) panel urged apeedy action to redevelop the old, bllgbted ck>wnlDwn and to change the lmqe of lbe clly. De!lplte electlon ot leaden pled(ed to hnplement the UU nccumtt11•laU0111, clelMQ on civic centM I"" cation rages oo. junk still cluUers the oil llelds and new lndllslry is still• di11Bnt '-"81· AdmlnhtraUon of oty govtn11Dft!l has been !er than dynamic efficient or modern. The admlnlstratio .. has-falled to· inake Hantlngtoll Beech go and for Ibis Cl>e COUllcll ·11 ·~e In !lat the council hires and flret the tap admiDlstraton. Bild produce tu revenue lo keep the propeity lax down for Ille IDclivldual ~. '' · Or. Ooaeld O. Sllljlley, l'Hlected In 1911 on a pro- gram ol pub, """811on Bild promoUm of cullilre, called for action downloWn and In the oilfields. , Ev~ry CCWlcllman hi11 voJced bis good ·1ntenU0111, bilt In an e!fwt to lake ~ c h a r g e of bringing progress to the city DM11 llli"* J>eccme so iDVolved Ind• tails that they •eem UDable to COOj:en!;fate oo aettlng and enforc!ng policy. Delalla have loomed large enougb to blot out the larger picture. That larger picture ts jtll!t a-u gloomy u It wu wbeo th .. e men were elected to otflce and unle" councilmen are able to delegate the detella to those cep- able ol Implementing tlle polldes they set, Cinderella Is going to gather ooly more ooo¢. ThlS must be the year for villble action and strong ... ' Clnderella with ooot on her face, as Ille city wu cbaraclert.ed )>y the UL! panel, .!las ~ dusted .u6t!Y. llllt cl..eltttte .,.ilell ~ llOlln upon •. ~of Wt,,.a.t pi,omJse1 plore, ebiaii.Ua sun· bu I ' the IOOt. .':.. ~ ' . l .• , leadenlllp j>otb =t ~ ICKei BDd wl,tlila ,the lld-• · ~·,tratloll .o<, · ll.,a'11'111'...,.di•e·eo .iUp ; a..,.y~betlilll/lbd . • ._ .• · ..... ·• ' ' • 1 .. .., Tu re'venues are being toot beceuse 1he hOpe es- tablllhed by the UU r<pOrt has been "comml~ed to death,•• to quote CotinctJman George McCracken on downtown economic condit!oos. In 1966 Mayor Alvin .M. Coen campaigned for ol!ice with a pledge "lo lmplemml the UL! recommendations for modernizing the downtown and bea~g the beach with a mulu.Ievel civic coaler as a foeal point." Councilman Jack Green that year called for his "sbc giant steps" wblclt begin with 11aCtlon," action aimed at cleaning up the downtown, for example. Councilman Hemy Kaufman In 11116 called for acUon to "clean up oil blighted areas." Councilman Ted Bartlett that year called for pn>- motion of industry and continued growtll. "It's your city and mine," he reminded. In 111611, Jerry Matney came to the cowicil with an action program. "Get the civic center built. The down- town mus\ be able to produce prol!ts for Jandownen • Growling at the; Bc)ard "Why did you build that school Ill lite middle ol no. where and wlll>out students to llll ltt Wliy Jll'll you u.k· ing our cblldren to fill an empty ~you built by mll- take?" Th,.e angry 'f<>rd& have beei .L114 et the gov· · emlng board of Huntlngtoo Beach "iidi0n High Scboo1 District over a new boundary plan. - While the current problem concerm opening Edison High School, the words quoted were spoken THREE YEARS AGO over Foontain Valley High Scbool. They are being spoken again u ~ try to take lhe load· off an overcrowded Foumatn Valley High Scbool and likely will be ll)lOken agala as trustee. som .. day take the load off an overcto'#ded Edison High School. (5) -, Chi'ld Most Onward and IJpward Pressures l .. ., , " Dear Gl90my Gus: Vitality l;Jnsurpassed, :Unqu~nchahle ... By NORMAN NIXON, M. D. litldom Is the problem of the child mcUlt.er brought into focus except thrclWl hudline stmes of the occa-lkmf" leJ: deviate who mutUates or murders a child in the course of a su- ul off-. Like the tragic ahduclloo Oil Christ· bill Eve of IO.year-old Pamtla Powers fnm the Des MDlnes YMCA, where abe bad gooe with her family to watch her l>rother compete Jn a wr..tllng inatch. Pamela went to the lobby to b!ij' a rand)1 bar and wu no( seen again; her bod)t, nude from tbe waist down, was found Jn a ._<lrifted ditch JS miles ....,. alter ao elCipOCI ·mental pou..t; lrilb a r.cord of two ........... of- ...... agaWI young slrls. Jed polJce lo the acene. THE ACCUSED, a mild-nwmmd. IOlt-anlalned vagabond D1Ucber, wbo bad been living in the ''Y'' donnlt«y Jcr aevoral lllOlllhs, repoftedly asked Pamela to go with him to his room lrbtre lhe wu raped and murdered. M ln sJmllar situations elsewhere, Dea Moines citizens have projected their toacem and anger la demands for IWUt M:tJon to u.act ·retribution from the ~~ven w1tb threats of. mass Since most sex offenses against chi1- .,. not generally rnbllclxad, there liWe awareness of the enonnlty of P!'Oblem. But studies io Boston, Los and New York indicate that aei: aiaJ.nst girls, as well as boys, far more frequently than mos( realize. Police records are mis. , aince relatively few child mer are ever reported, Jet alone &Jr" pnlteoded. INSTEAD OF BEING strangen who bit in alleys and dark streets as many ~ think, most cifender& are in<ilvld- lall tho child bu -Often they are family friends or blood relaUves. l ncenl three-year study by the Brook- ,..-.-Bt1 George ---, Drear George: I aee acme noted BriWhu has now come out as the originator fl "Sideways Thinking." l've been teading about "Sideways Thinking" In your eohunn for eight yean and you even had It in • book JOU wrote. Didn't you really lnvent ·the phrase, "Sideways Thinking," aM doem't this Britisbtr annoy . ' ,.,.,. Deer Fan: LONG-TIME FAN Sure, I invented "Sideways ~" years ago. I've gotten I ·Iola cl -i.u.r, pointins out ,..,. ltrrttiahor bu plcted up oo IL . No, it doeln't bother me and t hope he writea • boot about 'II -maybe I can find out what .r.. been talldo( about all the,. ~' u I ca1alnl7 never had f'O'-· OONl'IDENTIAL TO SPIRO '6NXW : By all means, cbanll II -i--1t1 thal 1oo1t oo a .,......,...,.,_?(Dope lhll reachel • "8 to time -I'm beblDd oo I ., lllllll.) : .minDBlnw. TO -WI . ,~·a..-..-. ~'! I Hanllqton Beach driven' best llfety device ls a rear view nJir. ror with a patrol car in iL --J. J. J. .. 1:,•T --liit.: ..... ~ ....... '._..,;--. .. _..,..., ............. -..... ,...... "' "'" • .._ 0... D911r PM !Yo Society for the Provention or Cruelly to Children, abowed tlW 'ZI permit of the known molesten: in their series were lrlendl living with the family, wblle a startllnl II ~ were blood relatives: ooi, 23 pen:ent were strangers to the chlld. AllltooP lwo out ol three of the Bir! victims io .theBn>oklyn study cam•Jrom lnlact !amlli..; ooe « both parents usually bad a blttcry of druC abuae, alcoholism, vrombcuity, compalstle pmblllil<l'..,,evtdence of-· proble!lll. cen.o MOLESTEllB are not limited to !em-age dellnquenlt or nasty, elderly men, aa maoy bellevo. 'Ibey cao be l!lY· body from the ..... to lb• 70'• and from all walb of Ille. lJtually, the7 are semally inadequate · meo (or more rarely women) who resort to WanUle ... play, feellq uncballenged with children -girls or bofa. M .. y are "situaUonal offenders," m~ who are not predlapoled to committing 1UUal ofiemes but who auccum.b to a tempt.. ing aituaUoo. For some youag!t.ef1, lib Lolita, are really the seducers of the "nice men" tbey meeL ht ._ cl dtlld..molfUtlon, . .,.,..., effort should he mad" (I) to reduce the child'• remorse and goll1: (2) to min- imize the amiety-pniducing effect& of police investlgallom and court~ mgs subsequent to the crime, and (3) to determine the need for Jll)'Chiatrlc or cuework servlce.s IOI' bolb child and parents. SOME COMMUNITJE'J now provide casework aervlces, substituting a pro- tedlve qeney'1 staff for the police in questiming the chUdrm in tbef:r homes oc the agency's offtce, and .._Ung them in bearing:t held prtvat<Jy In the judge's chambers-ctlepl Jong in comiog. But without JJSYCbotbenP)', ~par· . %~~!r·~::;~J.111[;· m COQfus)on 111111 goll~ disturbed relaU p with parents, family aod friends, and lhe likelfbood of unsatbfac- lory l<IUal ailJulllmql In adolthood. ' Quotes Joel M. Lewht, Sst.. IJSAF, Ill.....,. -"If !!ludenta are willing to M ,)llllbed around by a few agltaton, thi7 lhould drop out to make room for the man wbo Is wlJiing to II.Ind up for bit dignity and work for an educatlon." ' Cadtao Ltbud, S. P. -"'.Ille blpple1 and ylpples, et al, will nmaln a mlaorily l!'DllP until they leam the meanina of comtJIClll -and flt appltcatloa to the genuine Amerf<ao WSJ cl Ille." Geo. A. Bunn, Jr.. L. A. -"In the li,C)>t cl the worldwide llfle for -and the -.nined fight In our C«!lltry for one ofa,. cl clthenlhlp to al~ we cannot J1!lll!)r lndlffmnce (lf rt!fu&aJ to \'Olf:. II Mll'ril M. Jlleld, Sltennaa 0Ut - "I wan\ the young to be kfealbllc. b!ll I alao want them to be realistic - and that -·t 111ea• to compnimile. "'~lo Work ta~-.. ,,. liift ihi onitln lo iflad ......... plan "" oiiltii.~- y.. WASllJNGTON -Whatever else may~ he said cl lhll C0W1try we cooUnuo!. to bave ·a vitality unsurpuaec!'and 'un-•: quencbab1e. What other state in tbi~ history cl -would eeek to~ poverty, conduct a cosUy war for pnn.;; i: · clple, aplore the mooo and the_p!Mda,f .up ~ earth, water and air we have try to r<COOCile the atav{ltlc ~ befooled. We are llfiU seard1lng for ol. nee and the tradltiodal rtbeUklia ~ al yO!lllt, 111 M. <111 mi )Iii . ...-'tliile paradiH oo earth and are oomewbat Jn ao liicn!dJble 'bum al follb; bopo ' embarrassed b«allle we have botched and bombast? thinp up a bit. It it well known that Lyndon John!on We have become, furthermore, highly has tried to do too much too fast and crllkal of ounelves, not yielding ao sometimes in the wrong way but when inch to our traditlonal European critics. the blstorlcal score is totted up the We , can even find faults wbtre the !ulaome dreamtr from the l!OUthwesleni Kremlln bu not ,.t found them. Nothing hilll may have come clo8e to the geniua that Mao l&YI can exceed our own of AmericL ht comparlsoo to the·Unlted sell-<ritlclsm. Statea other leading nallons cl the world SUpposedJy we have learned some .eem to lland !!till, -~ J......,, We will not try to do ao DlllCh. others paralyz<d In political dogma, We will slow dowo the war oo poverty. others content to let nil -.git aJtoe. We will . be more ..iktive Jn where · , and wllen ,.. ltop,;-euloo. Going NOT AMERICA. 'We,would 1'u down beyODd the 11!00!! colls too much. Every ourcitleland build·tbemnew. W•1t0Uld' man !Cannot live in paradiae ()n our gummtee every min a decent· ·Jtvtnc. part of the ·earth. We will':alter oor WI l"tftlCdd make tbe black ... r.1d:llte ..J "Vlloes frail ? Mltlcated m'lterla)ism to Jove each other. We'. would ·thwUf give greater weight to more 1plritual aggresi<n. We woaltUIJ lnto Ille reachel values. of the univene. We would moderate the nature of man. We woald clean ALL llUCll CONCLUSIONS are to be qneatloned u we flnllh ell the last )'ear of the "IDAl'lng Bhtles" and bead ' 1. • ' fer the IOberlnc·~. Values haven't ~ Iha\·~ despite the yearnlnp of the °""'!I' ddldttn, wbo mus\ be distrcmed that . lite vast majority ol their con~es are launched en the ag~ld and upward cllmb wilhin the ayat8n created by their predeceaors. The onward 'llid upward syndrome seems lneradictb)ie in American llfe and it ls for tbis r"+i that ·Ole murmurs from the Nbc1111 people al>oul not going so far so fast can be regarded wttb some stepUcl.im. it would, for example, be a brave ectmtDt.tration wbicb would try to c1ll -"" -.~l_or,atlon IQ the pment tiira of 'm!fiNJ Pride and awe OVS' "'· triumph cl Apollo I. '.Ille planeit bjclm to us from tho farther reaches or spoce and It it a call to which ft• are likely to nspmd regard!.., of cM. . THE CONQUJ!iT of poverty, emtlc u bave been the opening CA!llpalpl, is a challenge ~ dftp Into the American l!ell8e Of faJmas and -· Nor is thla chalJcDge lltely to be met merely by tu cndHs to h!ml'INI fer I -trainlnll procraml to -llte !l!llkllled bow to make, a living. Look deep enough Into the eriUclsms of Presldtnt..eled Ni:zon'• urban affairs ad· vis<r, Daniel P. Moyolhao, and behind bil condenmaUon « the Johnson anti- poverty l'"'l<Ulll Iles the concept of a IUaraoteed mlnlmwn income. Defense Secy. Melvin R. Laird will be conclence-bound, If be Is coos~t with his CODll'=ional record, to replai:e the lmmcme stores of milltary hardwate which have been depleted by the Vietnam War. Niloo, ll he Is to be consiatent with hla campaign pledges, will re-ex· amine our nuclear strength to aee if It pro¥ldes a nece.oaary margin. ~-IS TO !IBNTION by wq. ol -ool1 a , ... al tho ommd and upward ~ on tho Nlxoo ad- mlnlstnUon. U he !!hooJd with to defer whit II not neces1ary a Democ:ratlcal.17· cootrolled Congress will be ready to bold bhn respD!l81ble for lagging behJ'!" clamoring naUonal needs. · . Tbere may he no gnat novelly In the early Nixon dlyl -M "one hundred dayl" cl new prDpJOala to Congresa -bu\ Iha momnttum of expanding old Jlr'llJ"""' alone will rnry N-ooward and upward. Challenge to Adam Clayton Powell WASIIlNGTON -ODUM Republlcao leaden are on emphatic oatlce that the Issue of oPpoolng the oeallng of Adam Claytoo Powell will be raiaed at the ~·· formaj. caucus .on January 2 -the day before the II ... Congress conv...,. In preparation for waging a det.enninea fight to bar the bombastic Harlem1te, a group or veteran leglalaton have drafted a resolution to be ottered at the opening session d. the new House -when the eoUre memberabip tatea the oalb of office in a mass ceremony. Only one challenge is neceuary to rorce. a seat cla1mant to "step uldt." Such a demand Is definitely alated to be made against Powell. Not only have they gotten nowben:, but blunt notice bu been served on them that the issue will be raised at the party'• January 2 caucu1. Present opposition strategy ls not to seek a record vote In the GOP caucua:. IT IS FELT this should be avoided so as not to put the fight against Powell on a partisan buis. There is equally strong Democratic opposition to the flam. 00yaot Uarlemlte, particularly among Soutberner1 who constitute -a con- siderable bloc. ' The expulalon i:-Julion that will bo offered 11r._ :P."" principal l"Olll"I• on whicb the flilltt agalmt bhn will be made, u follon: (1) That he 11m.properly maintained on bis clerk·bft payroll Y. Marjorie Flores (Mrs. Adam C. Powell) from A6,wtt 14, 19$4, f!o December 31, 1161, during which perfiid eithu abe performed no official duties Whatever or IUCh duties were nol perfonned in W!!Shiogton, D.C., or the State of ~ew York u nqu1red by law." (J) THAT .. "permitted a a<I participated In.,.._ expeDdl-cl government fandf ·for private - in a series cl acta 'clwly cienMJlli1llfnl hit --to bo a -· aod that the aure1ate amount of public funds wblcb he wrongluJJy and willlo!ly a~llled to his own use exceeded ft0,000." (I) 'lbal Powell refused to "cooperata with the SeJecl CommlU.. of the BOOM of Repreeent&Uves and the Special Subo committee on Contracts ot the House Admini!traUon Committee in tbelr lawful Inquiries authorized by the HOU!e ol Representatlva and was <XlDlemptuoul and IUiltY cl conduct unworthy of a "membe'.'' TllDE CllARGl!l! are similar lo U- lbat led to his being kicked out or the U.U.. early In J967 by •Cl overwbelcming I07 to 111 vote. UNDER THE opposiUon resolution. he would then be "ucluded from mem-~ benblP In U!o (9111) • .0.-cl Re-,-tatlVei," arla fi1s seat declared vacanL The Speaker of the HllQle would bo -to "notify the flOVemDr of the state of New York ol. the ulrUng vacan- cy ." A Quizon . ' O~'gins of Words The backslage plan contamplatea eeek· Ing a reconf vol< oo lhll proposed el· pulaloo. 'lbe aim Is to "'!ulre eVf!rf lf°"'8 member to take a public ltaDd on~ lasue. House leaden cl both parties are known to be 10 unbappy" about these m~UO!ll. · Speaker Jolm McCormack, D-M111., bu already announced he will suport Powell'• restoraUon to membenblp. 1be Doo>oc:ratlCiJead<r docJined to aimmertl on what he thought abould be done about the '40,000 In federal flmds hro commltt<a In the recent ~ declar.d Powtll had misappropriated and eh®ld bo compelled to npay belcn being ... ted • FROM THE 71 • YEAR • OLD McCormack'• noncba!ant a t t I t u d e .... ardlng this ofllclal !ICa!UUoo •nd demand, It would a_, he It ready to "!erg<! It." Republlcao Jeadm ara acamly mon enlbutlutk obout having a obowdown on the polltlcally u:plostve Powell qu .. Uoo at the l!tart ol the ,,.,. -. '11'"1 !Mtve \blll!l ptnlal)' lrytns • • """'* Ibo oppoottfoo to drop tho "''~ ier, but to no avalt. Since !111 !ftVlou• wcrd qulues have intrtgoed (and Infuriated) ao rnaoy readers, I've decided to offer aodher one today -only lhll one will deal uclualvely with the ortstu of WGrdS and names, and should be a lltUe e.a.sier to look up Ulan the others. 1. Where dl'd tne word "qub" come froml 2. To what characler In history Is fint autlbuted the pbrue, "It'a all Greek to me?" 3. What it the odiin of the -Vale "Wblllenpoof""""' !llld wbo\W?Olt the wOf'dl. bectnning: .. We're pool'ilWe lambs wbo've loctt our "11 ••. 1" 4. WHY IS A Loodon pollcemao called a "Bobby0 ? a. What aoun:e do these pbrasa have In common: "the bitter end," "by and large," 11cut and run." "hard and fut,11 and ''touch and 80"? •• Wby Is • -·· OU)' 1o1Jop caJJed • "canter"? 7. Fer two modem d.nvatlons, wbor'o did the war-words "radsr" and "fill" come from! (Al a hint, they are both ocron)'ml.) .. What b the origin of tho chlldrm'• \-~ .. _ .... ~ -·· May,"-thmanno-tnV"1'/ L Wby 11,a ~of r,Ja ~ called • "ciuaCk"l JI, ROW DDi "VAUDJMU.E'• - to muo a vule\Jj.haw! : · JI. u you . --Ibo '"""" cl Ula word .. cbeater,"'i~ woallt tt tll;l1Jl'DU • aiot •biut ttle...., govaah-M dftcjm uaed to fle<el 1111~! u. What doof1 Ibo .-,.;... i '" a llrdcknlme" lllDll lart i ~ JI. We beat a• J0t ahtibl '"alltlllolti" thele tfaya; wtoo 'w• Ibo flrll nlllllial, .. 11en and l'll-·~ 'bo llvt, and ..... fin\ eoloed Ibo loiml • J4. AJP...,P ~ belltved to bo cocnata ~'JP.I".., "pend!" ..... from quite I <aollmll and -no connection; !lid eacb crt,i.au, ..... In Ettililb! J5. WHY IS A PBllSON wbo runt for public omc:. r caUed a ''candidlte:," and .;:.,,.11 ... !l!!lhod of ""Ins called lii "f .> II. Rtw did WI sd 111<h a wcrd .. ""'-"---'-''?· . ~ 17. ht ~·· famous phrase. "boll! with his own petanl," what It a ·~?" 11. uo.. did a married wunao teparaled -btr -coma to be *''°ina widow"? II. WhJ flll't I "l"fltound" trey? to. Whlil )'OU .. for • 0 rttptt -.,., llow !!lllCb lhould,..,. get! 1 ' , .. .r-. . -· Q • ---· -- F'1da>', Janu1ry J, lM ~en Does Woinan , v.s. Cuts l '' . . ' ,. ·~se Her App·~~J? ·. N~vy Fuel ~ict Seen Leveling Flu Deaths Continue Rise 7 Children Die 'in Fire · ·~· -·· -: ·Oil Role 'ByLM.BOYD '•!,.4 ' ; RESEARCHERS In sorority ,'c WASHINGTON (AP) I houaes foond out "damn" Is 1 llelwe olflclab ha" re!~ l among the 20 words most ~. the Navy of all further commooly used by coeds • • • nspomlblllty for lhe a1110WJt l YOU'."£" READ Mr. E!jgar ~.ape! quallJ1 of fuol ,ll\tended AJJea Poe"'• "The Raven/' matron. He aaumes .-be ~1 .. t,gr tt:taJ:P;S. mlll~ ~ 11avo you not! He oilginall,y • talking f~ that tlnlO' wbol' 1 ·~ ~\beut Aila. the I U~ II~" .. h. • 1t a lady ...,u ¥> lose her iblllt,". ~uol ':;".,..,,!: lhal ·I!·-' It wu a 0uW ::,.,. · !!_~ad-!''f.'!";:.•f .. ~ -al ~ 'l.f mU11111 callcm ~•~ · , """'"'""~-_,. r · ·-ol,,_encl_doltlned nl!""" .Patrick Brelll!U who · •piclal age. It QOed naver bap-i.; u,s Ann encl Air Force •• -~ !Jam with eu• for , ~· But, wbeq it iloes. It b unili ..; ~ tdoJon v s Adm ut.. ; . ONE OF TOM ule~bfi a<e~ by .. In 11&7 ai.... ' .""!"' ~ph Nader h: been sr~ ·~~ br~bt. \nclfll8Wln ~;tbe 1.iy•a part Gene?l·~tl!il Ollko appointed !o tbe 22- : b ue, coancoann1tJnr....r" .·tO~~:i!h"t:!..i_~ce." · nveatJg~, in=iil. t'to member National Motor .. . . ~·v•"'"""'' In · r,,.,,.,......,,. s..,.ni;g· q .i-s-en. WWWn IW·(!)-.i MUico Clty .11111"blltitl>on ts:,\°"!o ~people· come -w'la)· ·bleied 11>0 -Vehicle Safety Advls· ::seWng tb$ lib• j0r'·$!5.11 M'O\>tana~l>d9frlend'a lboiti'oobrlbery forM ~ ory Council for a three- llllll!-•. " ·~ .o_· ,tl>eoPle <ome. 'fli>!n• "!'~ li!oloti-aDd ~Jailty_:• year term. Nader will l :;il)Ti;:,A CO!iTEMl'OllJlllY, Well my fol)s ,_,.",;_rpp Jn n..,. aid spot cll'CU in-now have opportunity .!'~·"'.f!>t ·llOlll /<OR& !Ii\ )!~ encl 'Jll1 •i!>'li·folU dJcaled , $1 pex...t of . all to present his views on .o•P.'::i~ .has ~bl °I~ S"" •Jl lft.T~,,IO<f. What CllOllde ·llld labfi·ca~"ts au\o safety to long·time ~· •• l;O p D 0 I ' liq; 19ll ...... ~ ,, thol!" A. "<ltli ....... lo --· -.a. tar t I "t ' . J'lllumlolt!Jte.··<!u> Lwuaf!O . ~~t pradieally .tlmi ;;'.., b';°'tl.&:.J>lll!W'7 _.....;g_e_s_or_c_n_tc_is_m_._ <man says ·that's '*8? ol ...,.._.,,_...._,~,,. ,,__. -"·"· ~ ~-·~ ......_ AT).ANTA, Ca. (AP) -. ll<•lh/ clllted by !Dfl.-a and pMunlocla conllmled m rise for , lhe fourth coosecu· Uve week'of a natJonwide epi- demic" of ·1_1a1s Kong nu, '!>< 'National Communicable Di>- eaae Center reported today. · However, there are indica- Uons that the epidemic will level ott within the nut week or ftro, a spokeaman aaid. For lhe week oodiJll Dec. SI, ttie number ol deaiha ~ ported ~ LIZ cilteo atands at 1,18& Tbls compared with an eipected death tall of 516, lhe NCDC reported. During lhe past 'weelc, there were 'i.1ilieatloDS tba( the epi- demic of Hol:tg Kon& flu 11 &sing in major citleis qf the East. A apokesman for the NCOC said .. .,.,. influ~ nia deaths have been repocted in every geographic region eicept for the east south cen- Heart Surgery for Puppy :dtseue:"·Doo't ~ .. t the nu'o.,~.;:,".;"'o.'.7-'.: "".'.:.!!'! v'"""':"' ".:l'."·'-'' •. __ .,per-•. "'"ti' • . . JOI>..,...., -~ n)• ,...,•-• -t ol ... dlelel fUel sent .. scaros mal!y. "nla,l'i>qlophobt' f~ Qn'~!' .. Q.r"ROW fo one air -aioM D.ver :;1s pretty ~mmoa. Once 1<new; BJt:l 'OliE ti>J ·r1S,pa1d_ lo '..-ilved, tbtyrepcirte.k'. ::•ho~uff-j'"'!!' ln-~An,. !b• BeaUes . .men llley "!.~' 'l'beGAOuidllieNavy)'Utl .. w s -...~~..i.~m;,ume. at their ~?" A. biuest =Office h..:I 1 o I e ;:rna~<salesmaJ!, h!o-~ He "as lll!0,111111 lot 'a~:balf-l>our blllly Jn Bangkok for :;manipwated m!n. He could . Show in Manhattan fow ~ears ·· · petrolelim products NEW YORK (AP) -The directed a ~man team in that their hearts are 11almost :7 ~ork a ·.cornznltl4& meetihg ago. 'nlat's about $:1~000 a delivered by private con-surgeon who directed a heart tran!planting the heart and identical" to the human heart .. like a milker w~ks a cow· mihu.\e. Fair wage, what~ tractors complied in quanUty and kidney transplant on New kidneys of a 4 I · y e a r -o J d Dr. Llllehei read about the ' Old WorT.d Mediterranean Spanilli Furniture Received concellotlon of $22,000.00 Sp1nl1h tnd Mtdlterraneen Furniture All .... ,..,°"'"' ... ..... DHonltor'1 g,... H ... 0. ~ ltj!ms as follows: Ceor2eous 8 It. custom quilted aofa with separate i<>oot!J.lllows with heavy <>alt trim decor and ma g chair, 3 1natching oak occasional tablea, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain •l"•g lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterran- ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dinln2 set. etc. · WHle ............ ,..,, ... $1111.00 . Except In one instance. If TURN .,_. 'CHICKEN and a and quality with standardJ set ~:anybody ooughed, sneezed, or pigeon loose 10 mi)es from by the government. Year's Eve has agreed to psychoanalyst to three reci· dog's pllght in a letter to ~blew a nose, he got up and their coops and the pigeon A Navy source said Defense perform open-heart surgery on pients. The Daily News from Kai's ~fo~~~~~~~···-········-· $698.00 : left the room. . is far more apt to get home. Department supply officials a Germ.an shepherd puppy as Dr. LilleheJ, a former owners. Any 1'.leco Can Bo Purchaoad Individually Ttrms Avalleble -Newcemtrt to Cellf. Credit Approwtd lmmodlatoly ........ ·-SOME OF CALWORNIA is That.. you know. But turn a ordenld the Army to replace a gesture of gratitude to the teacher pf Dr_,, Christiun In the letter, the young boys farther north than some of chicken and a pigeon loose the Navy's fueJ inspection many ailimals used in heart Barnard who performed the said their veterinarian had Canada. Detroit is to the west in one ot those trlcky litUe functions in Southeast Aala ef· research. first human heart transplant, told them that ~ai mu:!t be of any part of South America. trapdoor puzr.tes called a maze. feqtive tart Wed,,,.tay. Dr. C. Walton ·Lillehei, volunteered to perform the put to sleep because he had None of England i.!I 'as far and the chicken is ·rar more The IUbstitutl.on wu not an-surgeon·in<hief at New York open.heart operation "on a congenital heart defect Ft1rt1itt1re south '-· any of the .United apt to g~ all the way through nowiced publicly by the Hospita.l..COmell Med I ca I behalf of the many dogs who which can be cured only by Statta. 'SeaUJe is m'or ,e iLResearchersdi.scovered\he Defense Department, but a Center, plans to make X·ray have served to benefit surgery. -~ llum all, of Maine. f~e-•••. And • 0 nc I ~ •• d Pentagon .Jofomiallon -studies today of Kai. lhe four· rnanJdnd ' Jn helping develop Kai was examined by Dr. . At Harbor Blvd. So notes a .gqrapller . .. . ~ U: cblclen". b c.ooflrmed It. rnonlh-<>ld pet of Allap and these techniques." Lillehei and admitted to lhe SWANS MATE for life. ,rnarter than lhe .pig.On: Just Det.noe Department supply Kevin Fogel, I-year-old twins "Dogs have been th• hospital'• k""1el for ex· 1844 .. Newport llvd. Costa Mesa only That's common knowl.edge. a minute, mister. II you jlon't officials ~ ~ the change of Brooklyn. backbone of ope o. ·bear t perimental animals Thursday Every night 'HJ 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'tit 6.. ;ti9Qet.blless, ·an, I nd.i a.n a think .it's. news~a ch.lcten .m1...:w:!:as~.bnmlneat.!!!!!!!!'!~-----_:On~~TU<!~~sd~a~y,~Dr~. _!Li::l!llleh~e!C...:'~ur!:!gery!!".J!.:.':C'.be~a~d~ded~,~upla~~loln~g!_•~fe<l•~m~oo""n'=.------~""""""'""""'""""""'""""''"'"""'m""'O!.!!!!!!!! .... .J *1b8crlber Sf.ys be owns .a .smarter than,so .. m.e lhtD J ,· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••1!11••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1' t1Pns-manied cob that oc· you've never-rauecfcblc"ke'rui. .II •. . ~sionally sneaks. out at night · * -.lo meet a flirtatious lltUe peo. Your ~'~ and ieomi .on the other side of the cat· ments are ~lc.omed and 1Lail.!J, the renegade. Highly will be used w11trever pos· unu sual, if true. sible . in "'C~e·~Jcfng Up:" ' AT WHAT AGE does a Address mail Ui)..M. Ba¢, '.~oman start to slip? That 'in care of th.e QAJLY ~Question is posed to· our Love PILOT, Box 1875, Newport "and War man by a Missouri Beach> Calif. 92663 ~Wife Gives Up 'Mini' ~-For 12th Century Gari) ~ -. . - •· SAN GABRIEL (AP) -For the new year, Marilyn Co~ ~neuy decided to give up the >· . miniskirt and wear a l2lh cen- tury dress -a floor-length '.loose medieval gannent. l · · "I'm hoping it won 't in-,. terfere with my j ob," said Mn. Connelly, a ~year-<1ld hou,,ewlie who teaches at St. Luke's Catholic elementary school. But her new clothing, she said Thursday -on the 11&- cond day -is "the most practical thing women ever 'Austerity :E:~ '!'un~'"':ta11;[ Luke'3 in their long habits. Call Issued Hers is a floor-length loose bell-sleeved affair in bright print, cinched in at tbe waist By Castr.O with a leather belt. Over this , she has a bright green, flap- ., like overgarment. On her feet -.,.i HAVANA (UPI) -Premier are bright pink sneakers. ·~ P'idel Castro Thursday oatlin-There are no zippers, snaps eel a future course of con-or buttons . . ~tfnued austerity for Cuba, in· ~use she has two babies eluding sugar t<!lioning and in diapers, Mrs. Connelly said ~ft~"year to 18 months of hard she had complained about the .~work" during 1969. short tight skirts, high heels " Castro spoke at ceremohles and convention a 1 un- '-lnarking the 10th year or the derpinnings while tending to "Cuban Revolulion . The usual a mother's chores. •'military parade was cancelled What is tbe effect on others? •t6 save gasoline under his new "i went to the post office -.._u!ter:lty proqam. and nobody even noticed me," He said suair would have she laid, aligbtly diaappolnt.ed. to be rationed to six pounds "You can hardl)' complain per · person a month and when a woman doem't want 'tst.im.ated this would save to spend any more money • 200,ooO tons for export. Cuba on clothes," said M:r husband depends on sugar for 85 per· :::J=obns==on='='=teacher==·===.I cent of its ex ports. r His 21h hour speech by im· plication committed Cuba to a Jong.range program to deveJop agriculture, tneaning his hoped for program of in· dusµialization wou1d have to -watt. QUICK Cakh' up qulc•fy ~n loc•I •••nh.. R••d yo11r coinp•d, ~01npr•h1n1iv1 hom1kw11 141. lion of tti. DAILY PILOT. , . . 'COUECiE OF LAW 'II\ • ' -,. ~ .' • Vincent S. Dolsimer, Dean •l...,. a.n-i,....._ ... ,..,19. ~ ....._ ._ .. e.u..,. .. ·~il!i4;''1 ........................ ~-u.. ..... ttkc.t.oi.t t l~ '1 .. C:.llltn~ ..._a... l"I r..;v ... ~ .. ,.,._ \'( ~ ........ (.1 .... 0-.) °"'" C<ll or.&11"" ...,,. (7141531-1511 123115 wmMltllm AVINUE, ~A Al!A -. YOUR DIVIDEND-PRODUCIN& PORTFOLIO . SAVINGS KEPT HERE WILL DO IT An eccount at Newport Balboa Savings ls an addition to your investment portfolio-end 1 very attmctlvo addition. Consider what $1,000 kept at Newport Balboa Savinga would earn In dividends. A regular passbook accoun~ main· loined onoyear, would return to you $51.30 at our current annual ·rate. A Bonus Account of the same amount, malntalned three years, would relurn $58.95 a year or $176.85 for tho three year period. In contrast, a like amount of savings would return only $40.60 a year If kept In a bank. A "good'' atock would ratum e~en less. A stock selling at $50 a share and peylng a dividend of $2.40 ls considered an attractive buy, Yet In dividends $1,000 Invested In \hot stock would pay you only $48 annually. Investment counselors know the wisdom of maintaining a blOad portfollo. For there's truth In tho homely warning that It Isn't always wise lo put "ell your eggs In one basket." Or even a relatively few baskets. Make a senai,b1e addition ta¥1)urpreeent Invest- ment portfolio. Open an account at Newport Balboa Savings today! Our current rate of 5.00% is an annual yield of 5.13% when compounded daily and maintained for one year. Our%% bonus certificates In mulUples of $1000, CtJm!ntly earn 5.25% per IMtllJ!, the hlghelt In the l1lllon. - ., NEWPORT BAL90A SAVINGS ANO LDAN ASSOCIATION ,,...,.., .. Mliln Offtct: e • • ' e 33B6 YI• µdo, NMport 8-ch, Call(omfa '*3 Ph'tiM 714 m.!i31> ' Coron.I d•I M1r0fflcr. 2168 Ea1t Cout Highway mB2$ Phon• 6'1$.6850 AelCJIUl'CU In &ceM of One ttindr9d Mllllon Oollm ' . p. Jt. PALMER. ChalnMti ar the Bo11td ll.!lNf6 0 flLOM9UlSr, -ldtot • ,. • ' , ' .. ' ! ' I l -----.. . .. .. . ---. ··-f • OAJ\.Y PILOT Yorty Will Run _/'"" MR.MUM Burns 'Sure.'. of Senate. Jpb for Mayor Again ' ffutb~M. Bur11._ the But ~ne s:ild tt ·~ld veloran !Mltor'• aipport of hls refusal lo 1upport Democratlc.-ldent pro t.m bt inlll""l!>I• !o<-blm tO vole .R•publ~ Richard M. Nixon Democrat Alan CtWIGo '°' of lb! Sellllt, iJ ...ndent .::'"':....:B::m::•:.~ _:beca:==uie::._:ol:_°"::::.....:l.::or_pt<ll:::.;:::;;deql::r...:::J,ut::..;'Y<:.;;ar::.:..• .:;aDd;:.___the~U_.s_. s..r.-1-_1e_. _4 '1"-f' ol bold!D( biJ job d!IPlte . - LOS ANGELES (AP) - Mi/yoi Sam Yort1 bu 1111- nounctd pl.w to leek • tbint (Olll'j'Oll'term. Yarly, at• news~~ ~-~--said • .,,,. derelic-. ...-.....,-. ' ' tioilll of a few people lhoU!do't be UJed to blacken the o&l)le of U\e c;:lty. • .or to atllck me." ,Severaf ol hil aRPOfntees have been named in crimina1 Negr().~~ts freinoni Top Spot LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The Board of Education suspended Ua own r u I e s 'Iburaday to give Ne g r o Dooald llolloo a permanent appoblbnent aa principal or tadally troubled F r e m o n t HJgh School Boltoo became acli!1f prin· cipal · of the predominantly Nep-o IChool three weeks ago. His predeceMOJ', R o b e r t Malcolm, a Caucasian, was granted leave on grounds of -bulth. Fremont'a·cbapter ol the Black Student Union bad ask· ed that Bolton be retained on a permanent buia. In making the appointment, the board bypassed its re· quirema>l !bat principals be- appointed from lists of. can- didates W..blished by e x- amination aod evaluation by thar suporlon. Ia ~ lha~ preceded the .appointment, two board members charged t h a t Negroes and Mexican- .Americans regularly a r e illorl:garded in liUIDg ad- mlniStrattve posts in the Los Ana<Jes City School System. •'Membership in minority IJ'GUPll bas made it implicitly mxl explicitly impossible "\o pin certain pos!Uons." said Dr. Julian Nava. a Mexican- American. He said minority applicant.a have to be "super qualllied" to get such 1'?'1'· The board's Negro • presi- dent. the Rev. James Jones, said school administralon get ••shoot up and up t1gbt when 1aced with change." '!be board postponed !or :!O days a proposal t h a t Superintendent J a c k P. Crowthel' be given grealel' flerlblllty in appointing ad- mlniitratcn to meet special ....,. ol individual school!. William Forbes, secrelary of the Los Angeles Association or Elementary School Ad- minWators, said the change wwld lead to "administrative ...,.gallon," and would "ctt- ate more problems t b a n jt would solve." Daughter Clears Dad on Drugs SAN RAFAEL (UPI) - Marin County officials said Thursday charges of possess- ihg marijuana will be filed 1g&inst the 16-year-old daughter of banter Byron Leydecker. Probation officer Walter Busher said the charges would be based oo the testimony of Caroline Leydecker. 16, who cleared her father o f a n d c o D f II c l.of·jJll<rest charges. Ycriy, 59, won the non- partlsan mayor's job ln 191!11 by ousting Norris Poulson and won re-election over Rep. James Roosevelt, (D-CaW.) Al least six others say they ml\)' oppose him in the cJec- tion Aprll l. Cooncilmao Robtrl F . ,-WlJ.tensen and Tb Om 11 Bradley, attorney Lawreoce "'· Sdru!nor and Don F<dmck have also announced plans to rnn for mayor. Bell and television newscuter Baxter Ward also have hinted at mak- ing tbe race. Yorty said the issue of cor- ruption in his adm.inistraUon has been "greaUy over-stre.IS- ed -palticularly by the Los -~~~¥.~,,~~;;;============~~ Angeles Times." _ No Progress Yet SF Negotiations Continue was disappointed with negotia- tions with State C o 11 e g e Committee on San Francisco State, a 39-member group. llll-'<al Republlclll cooltol ll( tbro -bouae, I rtbelJb> In biJ own party and _,. cr1t1dlln or blJ buslnHe dtal· ings. And; the most v o c a l Democratic rebel, Ben. G<Grge l!(oecQoe or San ftrmcl!co, said ''I suspect'' ·Burm ~ be rHlected wheil I h o leglalature convenes lllonday. ~on Jock'l'll!c over lq!llatlve leadenlllp pools W a I under• "YI with cl-i caucusts scoeawed fcr Sun- da~ .. Most of the attention cen- tered on Burns, and hJs future in a Senate changed by the death Wednesday of Sen. George MiUer Jr., ( D - Martinez.) It cut t be Democratic ranks to 1 9 member s, with the Republicans having 20. That's still one short of the 21 needed in the 40-seat chamber to pau a bill, or elect a pI?..aident pro tern, but it is the first time the GOP has had even numerical control of the -upper house in IS years. . FREE SAFE DEPOSIT IOX FOR MAINTAINING ·s· SAYJNGS ACCOUNT. HDUn: 9:30 • .ln. to 9!30 k-.1 Sill 10 a.m, lo 6 p,m. . ) . ~· SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Negotiations cootim.le today in efforts to prevent a teachers strike at San Francisco State Cvllege and end a walkout called two months ago by the Black Students Union. Talk! on 'I1lursday proved unprodu1tive. -· "(cao only hope that these talks will be more posiUve in the future," he said. Auxiliary Bishop Mark J. Hurley of the Roman Catholic Church said progress by a citizens committee trying to end the student unrest "is problematical at this point." The bishop heads tbe Cilizens The AFT is seeking union recognition, ''relevant educa- tional programs to serve the edl.lcatiooal needs of th! whole coinmunity" and a voice · in developing such programs. Bums told newsmen Thurs· day that he expects to be re-elected to the leadership post be has held since 1967. ''The Republican leadership!-----------------------:--~--~~ advised me !bat they will sup-ft , All Penney St-Open Every Ni;ht Mooday ThroVllh SahlnlaJ port DO ODe else." sald Bums. "No Democrat Indicated a desire for any chan'gt." enne••J Reagan Pick ALWAYS FIRST ou•.;.,-. Gary Hawkirul, pre&ident of the AFL-CIO American Federation of Teachers cam- pus local, said hil organhation Striking students are demanding the admission of all Negro applicants, regardless of a c a d e m I c qualifications, and retnrtate- ment of Blllck Panther George Seen Soon Edgewater Inns Sold; Hyatt House to Lease - MUrTay, instructor who was SACRAMENTO (AP) suspended after advocating Gov. Reagan lm'.t likelf to that Negroes bring guns onto announce his choice for a new the campus. lieutenant governor unUI next Classes are scheduled to week, his execuUve secretary resume Monday and acting said today . president S.L Hay aka w a Wllllam P. Clart Jr. aafd declared he would keep the the governor still hasn't decid- LONG BEACH (UPI) -A syndicate ol private investi- gators bas p.irchased Edge- water Inn Hotels in three Cali- fornia cities, and will lease them to the natioowide Hyatt House Hotel chain, it was an- nounced Thursday. The sale was disclosed by J. 'Richard Finnegan, presi- dent of California Financial Corp., which has b e e n operating the three hotels in l.oog Beach, Oakland and Co•· le._ Madera . Finnegan's announcement was confirmed by a ~ !or lhe Hayatt Corp. The sale price was campus open "come hell or ed who will succeed Rollert high water." H. Finch, who is leaving to reported to be about $5 Befatt the holidays, police become secretary of health, million. were needed to keep classes education and weUare in the H. M. Friend, vice pres~dent vperating. Ni.J:on administration. and managing director for the President Robert D. Clark Speculation has centered Hyatt Cvrp., said 200 rooms ol San Jose Stale Cvllege told around Gordon P. Luce, chief will be added to the Oakland students that "all appropriate of the transportation agency; means'.' .would be used to Sen. George Deukmejian, (R· Edgewater. resum~classes despite a Long Beach). Ca s Par The Long Beach Hotel, strike threat by the AFT, Weinberger, state director of which has b e e n in financial which is making similar finance, and Rep. Ed Reinecke difficulties since it opeednedtbein demands there. (R-Calif.) 195.1, will be renam ,--------------------! Edgewater Hyatt House. The Hyatt chain has ex· panded rapidly in recent months, acquiring hotels in Miami and Atlanta. --,-~ SERVING THE PUBLIC ~ND TRADE . The only medicatlon."that Gets to a ·Major ~ause of Hemorrhoids COMPLETE PRINTING: 'SERVICE e Lott1rhnd1 e Business C1rd1 e Menus e Tlekah e Businen Form• e lnvft1tion1 e Poaten e House Or91n1 642-4321 2211 West Balbol Boulevard, Ntwport 8e1ch Now! Most complete 3-way relief! This important d1welopment in !lemorrhoid treatment com1s to ·ou after fivt years of scientific .id clinical testing. Not only does ounlernold• work by le1sening 1in fast. ind by coatint soothing. 1d ptolecUng injured tiss11t .. Jut unlike every other helllOfrboil product Counternoid also ·works : third way. Thanks to an exclusive r01mulz: with OSS30 n1 only CounternoiL gets to 1 major cause of hemor· rhoids: Painful hard constipation. Without irrlt1tin1 lax1tiv1 effect. Here's how: hthosplt1I X-rjy tests doctors have demonstrated th.11 the remmk1bte t'.ollnlt~ld formu· ration with DSSJ1 ptnetr1tes in minutes to the top of the· reclill area to soften the stool and ease the bowel movement. It is this unique Kl ion that does so much lo mak1 natural heeling possible. So, if you live with lhe pain and feat of recurt in& 111inor hemorrhoid trcubles, get tempotary relief with medially-tested Countemoid. Actually, used as directed, Caun- lemoid offers the most complete 3-way relief you can 1e1 wit1111ut a prescription or without surgery. In stainless cream or suppositories. Al all drug counters. j • ' ' Fill' your linen closet with these fabulous towels! ' Solid color towel ensembles in a rainbow of color1 Ho. ii ....... 1oi..,.,.,.. -............ -.,tilul oolld colo .. d 1o,..1--a1 .. 1 y.,..11 find 111111 th., tr-. 11 "' ,....,., ........ fluffy .......... i...cio... ---prbd llt 0 "-wh.-....... ~ - 1Pklol ~ii• gooch ""II l"JI -"" .......... ..,. ........ ,_,.._~. .,.... ...... .._,. ~ -... todioy- )'Oll -ft"! be obi• lo r.sis1 -king your ~o .......... olOllktr! bath ~ize har.::'. · wa1h doth ft UHYDUR EN NEY CHARGE ACCOUNT TOCA YI COSTA MESA !Harbor Shopping Cent•r) ... Ii-1 t ~~ .... ~-~ · ... \ .. t, ' 1, '• '· ·~\ •'.'.:\\ ,\, \\\ ~ ' ' • possession charges. !'!'!'••••••••llf!~llllfltlll••••-------- I • ... 9tart 7lte !flew-lf ear Jaght I Open your new savings account or add to your savings where you earn the natiol\'.s highest rate of interest on insured savings ••• Anaheim Savings and Loan Association. Interest is compounded daily end paid from the 1st when funds ore received by the 10th. Funds earn to date of withdraw11I when held for 90 days. 5% current annual rate yields 5.13% on funds held for one year. 5.25% on bonus accounts held for 3 years-$ I 000.00 minimum amount. Accounts are insurad to $15,000.00 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation and pr<>tected by Anaheim's 100% record of safety since founding in 1921. Serving the Orange County area from Ollr three offices ..• Anaheim, Huntington Beach and B"''· ANAHEIM SAVINGS incites you to trntc/r ,/;il/etl craftsmen display th eir rare talent• .in tlie THE ART OF GLA~SBLOWING £du'bit & O.monslr•tlon )anu..,. 2nd. th11110th. 5.003 5.2!5% ANAHEIM !~~!~!!! Earn 5.13% when our current annual rate is compaunded daily and maintained for a year. current annual rate on 3-year bonus accounts. Minimum $1000 ... ...., ANAHEIM 1a1 w u .. c:otn 1..w. PR ,1§~2 I lllEA " I HUNTINGTON IEACll 770 S. ltfM 8IYd. 4t1 Mllfl.$net JAM9n LEO-Mil SINCE 19JI f r;Er: t..JN VINlrNTMIUUNCll AT ALLI LOtt ••. -.. .:l • ' ,. ' " ' I ~----------• . . ' l . '" .... ' es C'onceff :,Gr0UTJD ' t,\USIC -FOR THE JOY OP IT -Th~;dellghtful l!OO!lds of. the Colmnbus Bo)'diolr will -nt JD<mbllni of tile Harll<lr :Area C«nmun\IY. CO!ic?ert Assoclat!on Spn&y, ,i'an. 12, end the ~ memllenblp la l!>vlted to« 1*kst.g• rece(Jlillll to meet Ille gnjup of ~ singers. AilllclpatihJi' a barnllln!oos afternoon ere Oeft to ·~) Mark MBlzahn, Mra. Y.ictor M-and Mrs. Clarence siizukt. Mrs. Suzuki will assist wilb reception arrangel!lents. Desig·ners Revive Shirtwaists .~ ' , • .l'!EW YORK {UPI) -Fasllion designers final- ; ty.·:rqwarded.' all those women. :whose love for · the ;· .shirtwaist look never falt.ered1·-even though the past -seaooos' liiundations of skimmer and chemise and ·-. • waistle58 silhouettes. For spclng, it's the tale.' of the shirt; from the most cas""1 looking· clothm IO·lhe most glittering for evening. 1t i.o a full~o. ccmeback for wbal •tarted out as a button-~t style first copied from -:< men's apparel. The shir!Waist reached its' peak in W<llllllll'S apparel duri.Dg aDd immediately after World War· ll wh"!l it·was as much tile office girl's uniform as coveralls were..for Rosie the Riveter. The 1969 shirt look CODle6 in about as many 1 ~ versions as there are designers to sketch it, and in • a m-e of fabri<:s from sheer wools,.silk prints l and knits fur daytime and afternoon to the sheereot i of organzas and crepes for evening. 01,)e trademark I . of •O many of 1969's shirts: the exaggeratedly full -sleeves, gathered into tight .cuffs at the . wrisjs, . . Some of the shirts still are basically as simple es those of the 1940s. But more typical are those with the billowing sleeves, bloused tops, waisUiues, sashes, skirts fu Uy gathered. The sbirt also comes sleeveless and the necklines vary from convention~ al shirt collar to collars cut low and wide oo the obouldei;, bones. . shirt touches 1x>o. The jumper's fur day, with separ- ate bl011Ses ar ooe-piecers cut to look like separate.. They're for late day and evelling, roo, in crepes ·and organdies, some of them with jewelled touches. And back, cin<!hing the retuni of the waist, are belts • • • belts to· go with the sbirtwaisters, the pants, 'Ibey come in the form of daytime suits, as fabrics, almost scarves in their size, wrapped, crushed, string, tied with tassel ends, made of · me- tallic chains. Belts are beaded, are self-fabrics cummer- bunds, are stonMtudded cumlllerl>unds, lhey~re ropeo and cords. It will be a aprlng full of white. collar>s, full of lightty belted silkiuettes, tun of while and A1lerp, cl'"" ~ iull of prints (big, splastly eolar com- biDaUom) and full of pents. ' And that's for sure, on the stat£ment about pants. They oame in the form of dayUme suits, as separai..._ as culotte .1uge,d ~ for danJa>JI . and evenmg w...,, antf lli Wriatid<ls"'M · opulent of fabric and jewelling as any ball gown. Some designers do pants for evening with hipster heights, the waisl!fnes bared, the booom l!arely covered. •, • , • ... About the only limit oo . j)ai1s ,fs that··!hey're never leg..Jiugging. Soun!l4 Uiat ~ve ~ •ucliellcel around lbe 'l'!)dd wlll be hem! OD the Orange C®:st at 3: IS p.m. Sunday, Jan. 12, In Oral!&• Coast poD.ega auditorium. I • -~ l · Appearing OllOlage· wlll be tile C4lomlrul Borchalr Of Pr!Dcebln, N. J ,, and following lhe conceit Ibo dn• membenblp ·Of ,Ill• lpOllllOrlng Hartior Area 'Community COoce!t ~Uoct wlll be rii:oaled at .• beet~ •tage posk<>ncen recepticft. · ~ · Combinln'g their tal...U to plcl .lbe reception, 'Whldi wUl fwlin a yai-·s Day ihf!'ll", will be the Mmei. !lay Harvey; Larry Bacon, , .. Jan>e$ ,Eubank, Jimmie KJ:amer, G, L. Severance, Clarence Suzuld, Ray· mond Teys and· Daniel Wu!H. .' · · ReservatiOll8 may be made 'by calllng Mrs. Harvw, f/3-70li6, 01' the association's aecretary, Mrs •. Kun· ~uptmrum, at MU\86: The BoY,cllolr bas ende8red IUelf lo. mllllon.s during~ tours, playing to packed houses thrauglaout llle'Unlled SIBtee and • · Concerts have been given 1n Caniegle IJall, the Acadey lltut!c'' In Philadelphia and virtually every prlDclpal audltortmn In Ibo country, The boysbave sung wilh tb9 New York Phllbarmoolc ancl·~e.l!lllladelpllla Orchestra, the NBC Sympilony .under '1'l>scanll>l •and the lladi Aria Grdoip'. They filmed "Amertca's Singing Boys" t.elling lbe s!Ory of the Boy· choir since its fowlding In 1940 and Its llCbool. The RKO mm ..... al!own In 8,000 theaters at home and a~ In acldlUOll lbe .state Department In- cluded lhe Boycholr School In ooe ol Its rum. tor wOrldwlde 'dl.rtrl)lutloll.. A major "'!-'(>gnition tor th' group came In 1967 when the BoychQ!r was chosen by the State ~ent and American NaUonal Th..,ter and . . I Academy as the !irot yooth group to ~resent this country abroad under President Eise'1hower's l!llernatiooal Program fur Cultural Presentation.!. Traveling by plane, the choir toured 17 South and Centre! American countries in 11 weeks, singing to more than ·40,000 people not including . radio and television audiences. High point in the tour oceurred when the 27 yoong people, directed by Donald Bryan!, appeared In BWlllOS Aires in a joint ~ with Argentina's N.Uooa! Symphony Orehestra and received a standing ova· . tion. Last August the choir made its second tour of South America. The boys sang at the 75th birthday dinner fur former president Harry S. Truman, and have entertained. guests of New Jersey's governors at the mansion. They have appeared on television as guests of Steve Allen, Arthur Godfrey and the Bell Telephone Hour, and their Chrl.mruls carols on film and record have been,broadcast by scores of sljltions across the countcy, Thiir latest recon1 re1mse teatur.s .u.e Columbus lioycho1r s1ngliig Renaissance, Baroque and coolmnporary music. · . -< .. ,.... ,,....,. 'lHf • ... ' JODUK.HASJ'INGS, 604121 . ' ' . . Shirts are. just··one·lli' tbe•fmnilllll'·•~viv· ..i for spring ,Ill colletttoiiS of New York ufac- turers and designers who yesterday began am.,,,. thoo serleo of• fashion shows far visiting ,.,P,,rters. The New Yori< Couture Business Council~ the series with its· 52nd "National Press Week." These shows will lie.';followed by the American ·Designer• Groop running tbroogb Jan. 10. · 'll>Will ·be;l>'•pring of Ibo costume or all-logetb· er !Pok.' Or It'll ~:a spring when tbe, woman looks , .. . . . ,, .. e . .. .,. . . . , .· on lhe costume as ''old hat." The Cde of popUl8i' 'B. . k B k Boo' .k·J Open F. •1"endJ New _v.,,;,,, ., Back also. in dozens of venioos for -cJa'y and eveail!c <are jumpers. Sometimes ~e have •· . ' " ·' tty of costumeo (dil!os-coet, dress-packet, or !Uit. 00 S, 00 s, ~ ,. ~ .! ""' .. blouse coordlnatioo) depends OD ·111• .New York , , • · ·' · ·· manufacturer witl>-)obom yoo talk. .!lac!\ jor 8!l enrore • ~h at the !irst meeting of Mrs. James Dick,and Mrs. James Schendel. A.·tun ·; And as for hemlines for spring and summer: the year fur Fountain Valley's Friend3 of the calendar of .ai!tlvfclles is phinned for lhe group with . the well-ebove-th&ilnee lengttls: prevail. It prom· Llbraiy."wlll• be· 'Chris Creeley,-and arranging the a double celel>rallon <lf ·the library' a birthd.,..tea · ises to be anotherO.lissful """"'"'tor tbe nation's.. piygram tO be presented,..Fr!day; J~. IT, ~:(left and uper>sioo,4ed!callan .ceremoa1es taking plaee :: girl watchen. '{:) , to l'f"1t) Mrs . .Toseph Dille, t.ilsa Vlrilnla·!l'.ellliec!Y, IOOll. · · -· I .. .' .. . B . I oss P~ug.hter' s -~T~eme: Forever ,Bt.9~i .ng · .Bubbles .. . . DEAR ANN LANDER!: Here's one I'D bet you've neftr bad before. What c6n we do about a ~4'-7t'Br:ala ·Woman · (molber of three, grandmother of two) wbo works in an office, makes •t .ieast $7',GOO a year Mii/ iJ .. ,.. wllhwi-• lr1mendoua wad ill bubble gum In her id.db? "11 day long we llJteo to snap, crackle . and pop. But thsl'• not the _... of It. She makes enormous bubbles, Qne Ult size of a volleyball. When outslden Cd'ne into the office and ~ this, they are too shocked to speak. · morning, I was engrossed tn some talluiotin( and tbla DUI yells, "Helpl* I dropped everything and ran ANN LANDERS want to do, eucb u take 1 nap Cl? put her toys away, she become.s very anJ?l and infllcts pain on herself.. , 1hli Cliiti·i... bMgeci'bei iierui'ap!Ml the JJoor. bitten ~ll untµ 'lier ll..P bled, ... pulled .cllUnks •' 1\air dill of her bead. Yesterday I left her with . ,.. . tO',ber desk. Apparent!)' one of her larger bubbles had bur1t. Sbe had gum In ber balr, .. her glasses, In ber beads and even on her earringa. The enUre office was disnlpted for 15 minutes trying to aeparate her from the gum with spot. remover, ink eradicator and llgbt<r Ouid. What can be dolle·about lhil ridic:ulou1 situaUonr P.S. Her father owns thll bulineSI. -J.L.K.. ' J a sitter because I had to go 11ee my· DEAR l.Llt.1 'ftiub for lhe P.S, . molber In the hospital. Lorraine llCl'ltci> I woald ss7 fG" a11t .. 1tiiclc. ed her face with a barretle IDllil lhe • .. blOod ran. · · . ~ DEAR ANN LAllDERS: I am the .Sbali I spank her or igMre.her? Pleue mother of a normal, . healthy, happy, odviJe me. -SAN JUAN, PUERTO wei~adjUJted little girl Lorraine la S RICO yean old 8lld ... pretty u a pie-DEA& SAN JUAN: Y-....... lure. " '11&,._..,_ .. -[ .. -........... Ille nsl el -18k bei to do 10methfug· abe •doeon't ·Jetter. A child wbo ~P her bead ... oa !lie n-, lilte1 'lior· Mpr lift "lbet bleed ud pulia cllomb ... bafr ... "' , ber llead,,.,, adlber -Jilllecl - ,,bppy.;lilldi lrulrated, 1111'>'· ~ 1D4 ~ em-.ily di~ Paalobmeal 11 Ml Ibo -· nu HUle 11<1 -be on!IWM 1tJ a· -· All<.,. pedlalrldu It dhel JOL . ~tmDENTIAL TO SOCK rr TO ME: You are wutlng your time and money. Any llmiiarity between love and what goes on between you two la str1ctly inln<uloul. &on means conllden<e. tr1llt and ~ Your ~II-Ip II nowhere. . ,\ J l .. I II I I \ • .. Je. DAILY I'll.OT Six Decades of Marriage ' Horoscope Mesans Mark Anniversary Pisces: Be ·sensible MR. AND MRS. JOHN WORLEY 60th Anniverwry Markiq m decades of mar- riage m Qu1.stmas Eve were ~ Mr. and Mn. John Worley, f'J!l·I!< Coeta Mesa -II fer the past teven years. '!be c:aaple ...... married In Doytoo, Oblo ...... be ., ... an ""'"'..,. for the Dayton Journal. Two years 1aler Ibey moved to IndiaDapolil wber! Worley aerved u bead d the engravfnt department for the lodlanapolls Times for 40 years. In lndlanapoliJ, he became a membe,f of the Masoolc Lodge where be earned a 50- year pin and served as master. Al loog as bis health permitted, be played roque and wu champion in the older men'a division at a tourna· menl In Kansas. Mrs. W<rley did volunteer work at the General Hospital · in Indlanapoli.!I. An .! v l d reader, ahe also stud I e d astrology and has written a number of poems. The Worleys have a son, R. Gordon Worley of Qillman, Ala. and a daughter, Mrs. Richard Rapier of Coeta Mesa. MRS. JOHN FRANCIS HENNING JR. Carmel Honeymoon SATURDAY outline, ~ format. Cooperate In church, group, JANUARY 4 community project your BY SYDNEY OMARI\ JdW click. A111111 (lbn:h II-A-'' 11): LEO (JalY II-Aug. II): 01>- n '"* taln blDI from CANCER )'OU apeet to IWlq u..up memqe. Spiritual lnBlgbt oo- dq wltbout probleml -think cun If -10 -•t IL Some ap1n. There are questlool ,_ ..-~ nilod about home. property, eventa today may appear to past promlaeJ, respoosibWUOI. defy raUooal eiplanaUons. J(ey Is to be tboreull! and lleaUze IOme really care --•---even tbougb quiet. -~e. TAURUS (April 20-May IO): VDlGO (Au(. 23-Sept. 21 ): Older individual pro po 1 e 1 ~ what )'OU •iiDt to restrictive plan. Get fpbitul ~ save. TU:e mate. counJeL Real1ie IOllle wlDt ~ pariper 1oto con ride D c e . )'OU to be fearful ee o p e n Teying to 10 tt alone could to ll<l(pllloni. But don't feel lead to unnecessary dlfflculty. relaUvea must linow bell -LlllRA (SepL ZS-Oct. 21): not at;rlq'll. Your relail0111 with public are GEMINI (May 21.June :!O): empbas!..-< Some are apt to One ,.00 ta a friend 11 apt ccmlder )""! too modern, pro- tocjay to act like ••"et 11...ive. Doo1 permit thll to blanteL" l!e diplomaUc .. Doo't dampen pklleering oplriL You !Ol'Ce laau(oll. Be a sympatbeUc are due lot ..,. project. Gel llat.ner. a.rt don't Id ~ughl otartod. In middle of famlly quarlel. SCORPIO (Oct. ZS.Nov. 21): CANCER (June 21.July II): You may not be abla to pro- You can leek perfed.lon -ceed at pace that is ac- but It Is not likely l'Oll'll reach celerated. Key ta Umfnl, tL Today settle for a wart.able Follow throush on bunch. Heed Inner volct. Olle wllo aided you in past could mate reappearance. SAGrlTAilllJS (Nov. ZS. Dec. II): You may ba"' to dlldplloe favorite c:hl1d. Be flexlblo. Many depeod upon you today for relautJon. enltttaloment. If veraatlle, y o u are rewarded. CAPRICORN (Dec. 12-Jan. 18): OblJiallool, dutlea, rulea and nstnctlonJ appear to domliiat.. Means you haw to adhml to rqulaUonr. Don't throw cautioo away. Heed wo1ce of uperteoce. Older person does know bell. AQUAB.IUS (Jan, 20-Feb. ta): Bulc duiles ,.quire at- i.ntion. Negled coold be .... tly. You rewiily made moJu. Uon ~ health:· remember it · -follow lhrougb. Avoid u-. K~ ls moderaUon. PJ.SC&'l (Feb. l•Man:h 20) ~ Demands made by young ones may be extravagant. Be kind, but sensible. Strive for family unity. Know that laaell IJllY be limited. Don~ promiM more than can be dellvered. Gardeners Dreaming Of Spring Costa Mesa Art league Vows R·epeated Speaker Vie~~ Forests For DAR Gathering . Charles Fitch of the U.S. natural resources and .st:reaes Forest Service will speak to the need for preservaUon of PaUence Wrlpt c b a pt er ' redwood forests In Callfomla, Director To Discuss Welfare Names Artist of Month . I~ · Bay City said Mn. Roes. Dauplen of the American Mi!s Laurie Bird, a senior Current Issues and problems Soutll eo..t Garden Club ··membel'll wfll betln thinking d sprlor planUnt during their meettnr In Three Arch Bay . Cbnmuntty Clubhouse at 2 p.m. WMpeed•y, Jan. 8. · Wllllam Tolle, bndocape ;ucbited ·and owner of the • Garden · Shack In Laruna' . Beach will present the pro-. aram. · In addltl.on. Mrs. George 'Bawllm, president, 1 a J d plants, bulb.1 and cuttings may be brought by members for the plant exchanp table. Coa!tal realdents Interested . In a club wblch oeek! plant . culture Information and the ccmervatloo of naUve trees and wild life may obtain fmtber Information by calllnt the president, filt-103L Mn. George -will . elialr a tea followlng the pio. aram. Landscapes, seascapes and mtntatures by MIT. Cloyd (Lucy) Sanford, Coota Mesa Art League's choice for Artist~ of-the-molllb, may be aeen in Center Street Library, Coota M..a, throughout January. Mrs. Santoni has ublblled In the Laguna Beach Frst!val of Arts and while living in Seattle, studied wilh Frank Tabor. Other ~ ·fnclnded California artists John muon, Frederick Taubes and William Fitz.Ray. Varied work of art league members are being exhibited for sale at Costa Mesa Women Will Hear Member Galleries, 513 Center Street. League headquart e rs are open from 1 to 5 p.m. on SatLUllay and Sunday. Furlber lnformallon aboot In· struction and exhibits may be obtained by calllnl Mn. Richard Ingram, 548-9049 or 56-11167. Overflow Promised Huntlntton Beach 0 d d Fellows Hall will be overflow. ing with nice things when the Emblem Club sponsors its first rummage lale of the year tomorrow. 'lbe Ille wiU begin at 8 a.m. and continue througb the day acconflnt to Mre. Rorer Coonan~ president. Married In SL Vincent de Paul Church, San Franclsco- were Paula Katberine Shea and John Francll Henning Jr., both of that c1ly. Tbe bride ta the danpler of Mr. and Mn. Leo WU!Jam Shea of Newport Beach, and her buaband'• parenll are·u.s. '1.mbasaador and Mre. John Francia Benning, Wellfntlon, New Zealand • Given In marrlqe by her father, the bride wore an lvory peau de sole aocl lace empire ,.... featurtnr alencon lace appliques and a watteau train. White _, and llepbanotls formed her bouquet Susan .Shea was her slster'a maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Mr& Marc Paaquini and Ml8I Nancy Hen-nfnl, the bridegroom'• sister. Miss Leslie Shea, another sister of the bride, was the junior bridesmaid. Each wore a dress of ualea pink silk and wool and carried pale pink roses. ln green and red skirts and white ruffled ortandy blousea were ,Laura RevoluUoo In the llotel Lagu. al Laguna Beach mp Scboo1 In county wellare wfll be ex· and Carla Fracchia, flower na at l.2:lli p.m. 'I'Uesday, Jan. and winner of the Good Cltlzen plored by its dlredor, Grano llrl!. 7. Award pveo by the chapter, vWe C. Peoples wben bO acf. AU..dfnl bJ5 brother as Fitch wW be Introduced by has been tnvttod u an booored bell man was Brloci llennlnl. Mrs. Fred C. Roes, flnt vice guest. She wfll receive the dresses the Laruna Beach while ushers were P a u I regent, and after b15 talk wfll award In Marth. Branch of the American Moora, Timothy Reordoo and serve u narrator during a Durlnt the cat be r In 1 Aasoclatloo <t Un 1•er1 lt y Peter Sbea,. the b r Id e ' a ~ of the allde series, cbapttt cfelep... to attend Women. brother. OUr Natfonal Foresta. a Ital< confmnoe In Fr<mo, Tbe meeUnt wfll 'lake place A_nceptloa followed In the 'Ille apealzr I! a reeauree Mareb f.7, andlbe Continental tomorrow at a 110011 luncheon Prealdlo Officen Club.-Speelal asslltanl for the Trabaco Collgresl In Waablntton D.C. In Clubhou!e 2, Lebw'e World. rueata were Mn.. Jamea J. ,J)lslrlcl, Cle,.land Nailooal April If.ta, wfll be elected. Peoples also will discusa Hoar of Worcealer, M111., the Forest. Hostesses for the meeting . some of the declllOlla the bride's graodmotber: and Mre. . 'Ille Daupten of I h e wfll be the Mmes. Edjar IL public wW be called upcn to Edgar McCleery Jr. and Miss American Revolulloo's pro-AzteJJ, Jamea Bell, Loe Childs make during the nert few Sata ,\!Ill McCleery d Ladue, rram Includes a concern for aod L<o F. Fnoter. years. Mo., the bride's aunt and ber1---------------------------- daugbler. Afterward the bridal couple left .., a Carmel honeymoon. The bride, • teacher In San Francfsco, ta a rra<fuate d the C<ment of the Samii Heart and San Fnnctaco College for Women. Her mi. baml, a deputy stale attcrney general In San Francisco, ta a graduate of SL 11J1811ao H1gb School, St. Mar 1 ':• College and Georgetown Law School. Workshop Scheduled AddUJmal Information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Coonanl, 536-478S, or ?tfrL Arthur Whitten, 536-15.18, Dbcusslng the Wot~ d.-~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Gmealoelcol Society w I I I have HI lint wc:cbbop of 1999 In the Marpret Mcmaoo ~ -Library, anm.,, !run 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. nut Satmday, ae-canllnl ID Harry D. Roberta, vfoepr-L 'l1la aoclely has -to onr D membren, bu an a:ltmtte llbrar7 ud pnNJtdw a quarterly ll""'llotlbl ......... with Mn. Harry O'll>lr of Coeta Mesa u editor. '!be public II Invited to join the group In the library. located at 431 S. Manchester, -wlll be telVed. MATCH'S Hallmark FASHION ISLAND NEWPOllT BEACH Sculpture and dllplaytnc lmlle d bet worlm will be Mra. Jane Poyer, member of the Laguna Beach Branch of the National ~ of American Pen Women. ' She wfll present th<! pio. rram for lier own -a1 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 1,. In the Unified School Dltlrlcl's •dmlnlllralfon lnfld!n8. 'Ille aculptresa bu reeenUy completed a llerles d the 17 Presldenll d the United states and d Pesldmt-eled Nhon. '11-are blgb relief porcelalna -lbe baa worked Oii ...., the ,..n and will be diaplayed In the Laguna Federal Savlnp and Loon building ..... Mrs. Poyer b naiLwullly known for her works In bronze and ceramiCs. STORE· WIDE JANUARY IN PROGRESS ENTIRE STOCK XMAS PARTY GOODS ... XMAS CARDS 1/2 PRICE Discontinued Patterns in Party Goods 1/2 PRICE AS IS damaged shopworn stock I /2 PRICE AS MARKED IELOW Some Candles, Much Gift Were, F.w Stuffed Anim.ls, Ber lhtms, A Little Stetionery,. Decor. eted Bathroom Waste Baskets, ltor.an Glauwere, s.chet's • • • ALL I /2 PRIC• The Daily Pilot Covers Boating Best In The West I • ••• Jove us for their money 1 Then1 b something about a a1d trip_ yon ba?e really earned, an d deserve because-you saved tha money, (You might say we advocate aaving.) We ·f urniah free travel en checks for your convenienco. And free &ale depoaJt boxes, of course. There ls on e thing that mabt: us truly dilfarent -our environment for doing bnalneu. Come in and ae1 for youraelf. <O MARINERS SAVINGS and Lau Auodatlon · Wetlcllff at Dovwr, Newport Beach .. ClocltlllCIGlllw .. V--SanUpto- stod: a., now kw l'IOM ,_ orf! OCOMIOI-.. "°"' e11 '9Qula' p11c9 °" .. ..,..,. ....... L-.Mitctionof .......... lndudlng '-*•-Md W ; I , .... tft kt 1K .•• CompWe..i.c:tion of_. d0dc9 ll'ld -. inciudlng a...I u.c:trtD. W..edos: ll'ld .. ,_, .... 2"",,, ::;:-11 f IMli DWl99 Ill I WW)'~ llo ..... ,. an. 20'9'on flODI' of..,. ............. ""''"'"" Oneld9 RftW9 ..... ... ca.o.d to ........ , ............. Ind Crntlll •• Y~ now .. ••• 11w .. 111 ... dC1•..,.a.tnow....,n1gurartyl4.116, .• KodM1im.. ...ecC..... IOlonlyl1 ••• l'ol9rOkr181glwlngwC--Ul24.& tlllo!IT-,endS..a--ConwnlenlTe- o.ltllll on "-"" lntd -lfftltld mnd ~ in one of a kind. a. ::::r.."--"'-c...-... --...... ·~ -z~. CIDllMl.IUCTIUC J E w Jll L E R s IWllDllYU Fe1hion laland • • Op•n Fri. and Mon. til 9:l0 p.m. For The Record . ··--------· Meetings Births Retarded Now Get More Aid About three percent ol America's population lalJJ IJdo the menlally retarded category a n d ba1f o ftboee case! could ha\•e bee a prevented with aci en t 1 1 c knowledge avalloble todoy, says Dr. Anthony N. Toto, medlcal director al Fairview Stale Hospital in Com Mesa. "Today," be says, 0 Lbe pte- ture looks brighter, as the mentally ffiarded ml their problem1 are finally twn from the seclusion of. the bedroom closet into t h e llllnlight of the community." The secret i S COID• municatioo, believes Dr. Toto. He said Fairview's staff ta trying in a variety of ways to mate the community aware of the problems of the men-tally · retarded. The newest effort ts a series of IZ public lectures organbecl by University Emnslon to be offered at the hospttal for credit begbming Tuesday. Convicted Rapist Due Exam 0tc:_.... tt SANTA ANA -Convicted M~it.=,, ~:i.~i Kull, t•n Ho. burglar-rapist Ronald L. Hall Mr. Md Ma. "'"'"' Oos'.f.i Jr., no was ,.,. ....... itted Thursday to Vldorlt $t., Cost. Mt..~ •-••- Mr. •nd Mri. L•wnena> itr, .t»-B Atascadero State Hrwnital for Ford Rel., eo.i. ~. elr ~r '*-"lltf' u possible cerUficatloo as a Mr. ll'd Mrs. J•,,..... J. llr&Ckett( mentally disordered SU of. Jr,. 11m Srtoir.w Or., fl'YI,.., elr Mr. tM Mrs.. l><lnltl R. Burt.ku, ' fender. ::' E. Borcti.rd s1.. Sllnl• ""'' Superior Court J o d g e Mr. •rd Mt~~.l4 L••· n1 Howard Cameron ordered a M~~::; P~~rv1J':Ck •11. Wffl, 411,11 90-day diagnostic study for the Nlln:IMll•• caron. Ml ~r. bor Santa Ana man and withheld Mr. trod Ml"li. 01rrvl Scott, 170n Wflllbr Qn:le, Tullln, olrl sentencing pending reports Of M'.ia.:'St .MC!it. J=.. ~ To1h, m . psychiatrists at the state Mr. •"" Ml"li. "91111 l . Geret'l!I, 1602 Hall -No. K11111 s1., 1.-i. s.11t11 ,.,,.., bar facllity. , "'• was con- Mr. •!Id M~~es u Cowen, 2250 victed by a jury last Dec. M?~ OrAA~~~t~. 1"" 13 of 10 felony counts -five S.rtt. R1mon1, Founhlln Va119'¥', girt burglaries, four rapes and an MRa~ ~{.!·~ti.ii':m~~n, 119 armed robbery. Fire Calls Hall's countywide crime spree ended last Oct. 5 when he was captured by W""'°lftllW 6:9' 1.m. W~y, IMdlC1l '3fl 1511l ~'-13 9:12 •·"'·• llructure flrt, 1772 G1rdt" Gmte. SI>. 311 ,Id, Westminster police officer Charles ThO<pe In Thorpe's apartment. The off 1 c er, returning home from duty, surprised Hall from whom be took two guns after a struggle. $)24 p.m., 1trvd'llre nr.. 6'01 1-fo!Mr 1:17 p."' .. IJt1IS$ flrt, W•tmlnslff 1rod .-ncf 6olsl Chlgi 10:4' p,m., ar tlre, weshntn'te ••nd MQnolla DEATH NOTICES DESATOFF 91rt>er. Gearw O..toff ....... "' of 1Sll W. OcNnfnlnt, NN'POrt hlch. o.•~ of dell!!, J-.rr i, 1Ht. sur. vlved b<1r h""blind, MOn"lt M. Des-> lhlffl rnoll!et", Mrs. Sh-IMIH11 ~t. ~ Betidll IJrotMn, ~ P, Gtortle, C.nooe P.rk, •nd' J•mtt. P. Geor11e, UPMindJ ti.tel", Miry T••· rel!. 'Y•n.ID.. 5ervk:e1, $.lllu"'". 11:.KI AM. 91llt Cl'll"I' :mll E. C<Nll Nlell-w.y, c_._ dr4 Moir. lnlttment, P1- clflc: Vlftrf Memorl•I Pal1t. Dlrtal!d br lhlti M011111rv. GUTH Pen:r ltoberl Glll!I. Rnlclenl ol AplOI, c.ilfomi.. Dale d dHfh, J•n. Z. Sur- vlYl'ld by wi1., ~rtrodel -.. U.11-nnc:. R. Guth; "-"llhltf', l1rbers L, Stlblw, •nd lhl'M •rlnddi!ktren. fu- rier1I ,ervlcei WUI ti. prlve'9. F1mllY euo-tt ttiai.e wlllhlno to m.k1 mt-morlel ctllltrlbullon1, plftse c:ontrlbutt to n.. Arnerlc.ln C.~ 5ot!ety, Dll-n.., 81'11'PMn Hunlln9'cn V1tleY Mflf'· tulrY1 Dlnc'lon.. CLIFT ,,,,...,," ltlly Cl!ft. mt p~11, c,,.. t1 MIMI, SUrvtwd by wlft, Mrs. Merl!IN (llft1 thre. -. Mk:Mel Ctltl, U.S. Anny/ JenMll P. •nd 8rw. E. Clift, bolt! ol S."I• AMI •"*• w ..... l"Ullev. Utah. ~ ..-dlno. 8t"ll lll'OlldwlY MorhH!rv. 110 Brwd- ...,, C.0.11 M .... BALTZ MORTUABJES C-0 del Mar .OR MUG Cotti Mesa MI 1-UU BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Cotta Mesa u J.3433 DILDAY BROTIIERS Hnellllgtoo Valley M-ary 11111 Beach Blvd. HDDllllg1on Beach SC.'1771 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK C<metuy e Mo'1Dary Chapel 3580 Pacific Vltw Drt-,e Newporl Beach, Callfonla 14U1M PEEK FAMILY alLONIAL FUNEML HOME 71tl Bolu Ave. Westmlnlter llWSZS SMITH'!: MORTUARY C'/ •tabl SL HnellllllfGo -· LEMDI WESTCLIFF MORTUARY C2'1 E. 17th st., Costa Mesa - A Westminster woman and a Huntington Beach housewife testified during Hall's llve-<lay trW tbat he bad bound them to their beds, taped tbefr mouths and raped lhem In arldltlon to ranaacklng tbelr bomea. ACROSS 1 Units of electrical reluctance 5 Imitate 9 Consign to the Jimt: heap 14 llat:e suitable for pubtlcaUon 15 European 16 Increase In 1111ount 17 Girl's nlctname 18-bag 19 lold In ·• which •It.a Is cast 20 Cllfllpound with astrlog.- oot tule 2-1 Tlln awar 2) LunCb«lll 24~•1o• of time 26 Com•unlca-tlon• wOfd for "'L" 2\1 One wbo excels 29 Covered with a kind ....... 33 Ptrlod of tl111e 3" Tree )7Eaos )8 Flllv's rel alive '9Cap ... ed 40 Let It stand •t Goae by 4?1m .. lde flhtf 44 "'It's a ,. __ ,, 2 words 46 It. of equestrian .... 47 Rlwer of Europe 48 Noisy d1s·1 turbances 52 Bubbling sound 55 Siesta ..... 57 Bowlnes 58 Kind of protecUff ..... 60W""body 6ll1t11oset 6l lhete BangalOfe ,, 63 Heraldlc beating 64 Hnlng wings 65 Plratel' qUtst 66 Set op on end. 67 Calendar abbrtvlatlOI ODIN 1 Do a roof repair Job 2 Roman 111qlstndt 3 Peanul$ ....... ch•acter 4 Enactmtnl of 1765! 2: words 5 Station In llfe 'Solce 43 Business -·-7 An e111otiol lO .. ' Alienation Topic at Extension 'Ibe many fa'c:es that aliena- tion wears In moder~ AmeHcall life will be ex- amined In a new University -public lecture series beginning Monday. 1'Looeliness and Alienation in Modem Soclety0 will be given on U Mcmday evenlnp at '1 :30 p.m. in 171 Fine Arts on the UC Irvine campu.1. Cofit will be 142- Apathy and witMrawal, .. dropping out" from family, ..i.oo1 and society -these are aymptoms of alienation, says C. Ray F.,,ler, pro. resmooai lemily and marriage coun.selor wbo is coordinating lhe sems. And what art the faces of alienation? "They're tbe ghetto tchool child who feels be'a getting the only education that really counts out in the streets,'' :says Fowler. 0 They're the senior citizens who have been made to feel useless by our modern technology; the men and women out of prison strug- gling to make a go of it on the outside; the bard-eore drug addict. and people who are turning away from established cburcbes beca.,. they don't provide any belp in solving today's probfems. "Hippies and Ylpplea, rebellious youth, extremlsU ol the right and left, Mexican-- Americans with cultural con· fllcts and language ' 'hangups' and the cop on the beat In a hostile neighborhood -these disparate group11 share o n e thing in common -the mask of alienation," be said. How ~ allenati<m ooze in- to the family' lhe cburcb, !be school, Into politics and the other lnatitiSiolll wblcb are part and parcel of ·-modern society? Are we promoting alieulion when we inake U all but Impossible for ~ to find IOlitude? 8 Rawllfg too 36 Rodeo =~· r:::.er. 9 Hindu tltle 39 TNt'S 10 Dance cornpmdon U Seat of 40 Orrbirio city: Latvian 2 words UniYffsltr 42 Eneedi,. a 12 - -now: spedfled At lbls llOll ... 2 .:it'dS C Hold I U 1111111 seulon nltbwat 45 PrtYldtd 22 One d a ra tfttt: of giants Archaic 25 -Age 46 Tllo 49lb 27 lt"dlterra-,.,..,,.,, nean, to plftlv Frtnc:Um · 41 ll•irlcal 29 D1•o•-prettx 30 In-; 49 Exsrulllcn Aliog-N-31 At an 50 Tlr. 3Z Hlstcw_t. .51 IClnd of stlldem. s . drlnt conttn1 52 C.uaf 33 Laro• » PrlnUng ••UIJ •""''"" 34 Coolc J!~p Colloq. chm'acttt 54 Brina to 35 Slttplng ...... llkt • - : 5' Encl -2 ..ords st Fllh C·np~d -Qu,y in 1968· ' By TOM BARU!Y or .. '*",.... • ..., SANTA ANA -Or-Cotmty'a ...,. flag, complains Du CUpld, mlglll well hive tocluded the aml'IO-pierced bear! lhat'a Iba legendary symbol ol love. And the buly UW. 1-man has • pob>t. IDs well •imed sballa hJl Iba bullseye 10,717 times in !Ka to seed Iha! record number of lovelorn couplet trooping into County Clerk Wlllilm St John 'A bustJ. in& marr!ai• Uoenses division. That's almost 11 pereent up 1111 the 1967 tally of 1,4!2. And Iha! huge percentage bike hu only beeo eclipeed once in Or-Oounty history - iD ltsS wben that year's total ol 7,KJ m:eeded lhe 1IGI tally Businesses Canvassed By Assessor SANTA ANA -Orange c.ounty buaineu firm.a are the targets of B.Me&W' Andrew J. Hinshaw's forces wbo have fanned out in their armual -door·to-door field canvass. Hinshaw aald !be field can- vass bad two purposes; to complete the apprai!al of smaller businesses and to tdentj!y the location ol larger businesses so they could be mailed a property statement. The assessor said the line his office uses to divide small and other businesses is $5,000 assessed valuation. The assessment program In- volves the use of a simplified property statement fllf reporting taxable a as et 1 , Hinshaw said. ol 1,'IM by 17 per«nt. But bltJablng ,cup14 hU 111u1. fed a cer1all! vital atatlatle behind the arrows tn bla buJ&- lng qUlver. For every 10 starry")'ed future portnen who awlltly signed fonnJ in St John'• marriage bureau, e 1 g b t d-couples declded to shed tbe halter that cllinaz:- ed the mmb to the altar. St John's 1918 tally of 1,1161 divorce actlon.s filed would •Po J>l'Ar to lnd.lcat.e tha& some 80 percent of Cupid'• honey· tipped arrows tuta out' t.o be b-(t teM.astlng boomerancs. That totaJ ls also a new record as is the almost 80 perctn& aUrilioD rate of marriages in Ierms ol divorce actiool med. SANT A ANA -Jim Duncan ol the Santa Ana Register is president-elect of t h e Orange County Press Club, according to a tally of mail ballots completed here Thurs- dap nlght at the club's monthly board meeting. Other officers d e c 1 a r e d elected: Bob Ziebell, Ful/erlxm Daily News Tribune city editor, vice president; ?•lrs. Wllliam Reed. Huntington Beach edlUon of lhe Orange County Evening News, secretary; Ted James, The Register, treasurer; Carl SaWj<r, Tbe .Begister sports staff, two-year director; Hub- bard Keavy, Laguna Beach \ ANOTHER SPECIAL SERVICE for CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS COME IN AND PICK UP YOUR COPY JAN. 2 thru JAN. 10 5% per annum compounded dally current rate on passbook savings 5 25% on minimum term accounts • in multiples of $1,000. MUTUAL SAVINGS -N o ~~~~; ~E~ ~~.; T 1 o. • 2N1EASTCOASTHIOHWAY • CORONA Dl!l. llAR, CALIFORNIA 12125 T!IJ!'.PHONE: 115-5010 HEADOmCE 315 E. Colorado Blvd. J>asadena,.C.111. 91109 tektPf>one: 449·2345 ASSETS OVER •425,000,000,00 OTHEI! IRANCH OfflCES Glendale, West Arca<lia Corona Del Mar LEGAL NOTICE ·-ca•n111C.t.T• 01' •UllHISI l'IC'TITIOUI MAMI n. undlnl9Md ... QrlftY flt 11 conclUdlNil • QI-at 74' W. 17ttl St.. I~. I!, CO.I• Mell, C.llfoml1, tMldtf' h flc1tllow firm M1M of CON- ClllETE AlllT FOllMI. end that Hid ftrm It cornpOllld o1 t11e fl:itlowl._ --· ..._. n.rM 111 fl.In •lld ,r_ o1 r.lcletiot .... fl:illowt: St!Hrt NfWCOl'llb. 11'\\ ...,,,., 8.lrtio. hi.net, c.m. '""2 01tM o-nti.r 2'. 1Nf 11"'-rt NIW'ttlfnb ITATe OP CAlll'ORNIA. ORANG£ COUNTY; Ool ~ M, 19'1, r..tor9 IM, I Nofll'Y Publk: 111 •nO fol' Mid Stet.. ""°"'llY -•1111 $tl1'rt Ht'JPOllll'lb, .,_,. I'll -.., a. ... ,.,_ """°" MIM Iii tublalbtd I'll tlle wtt!ll!I ft. 1"-t Ind •ck,_lefftd !Ito trX«UIH ltllMIM. (Ofl'ld•l '911) JOMOlt 11!.. D-vlt NotlrY Pvlllk • Cll!tof'nll Pflric1"1 Offlo9 In Or•nff COUntr My COIM!fltlllll lllllrw Juiw !l, 1'10 l"ublllfMd ar.,,.. COllf OlllY Piiot, Oac:trnbtf rl, IHI .....:! .H"'*Y l. 11, 17, 1,., ,,.,..... LEGALNO'l1CE DAILY l'ILOT JJ LEGAL NOTICE I I 1 I • I • • I ]f DAllVl'MT (S) Spiral ~ Prices May Be Easing Off WASillNG'l'Olf (UPI) - -.. evfdeMo of .tn wlQI alf of lnOatlon wtoch tbrut"" lo Clllll 111o bl(CMt yur-lon& coot .of Uflng h>crUa In 17 U!XlAL NC111CE ........ c••r1 .. 1GATl'I Of' evso••n "ICT"10US .. AM. T'" ~1111"911 de C"'1fY M m con&uctl,.. • M1-ti 1t27 HtrtlOr t.oule¥ard. CMM> ,,_, Calffromle. Ufldtr ftlt flctltkMI firm -of HA•ao• LIQUOR ..... INI .. Id ""'' II -~ rl tM frollo#llW "r.onlo ......_ '*""' II\ full •nd ,i.tn of rhlOl'nce an •• fi:llh:IM; Curt11 A. Htr'*"9 "Id Vlnllnl• t.. Hffbem., 7'4' CH" Orl\19, N--1 9"dl. C..1lfonll• o.ttd DlcMnlllr "' ""' ciirn. "'~ Vll"llllle L 1-*Wr'lt STATE OP CALll'"Ofl:NIA,, OMlrtGI! COUNTY' On ~ 20, \NI, Mfot'e '"'· 1 Notary l"ubllC hi 91111 tor Mid Mtht, --11Y .,....rw1 Curll• A. Mmllf'h ...a~lel..~t-ta ,,,. h fie h .. ,_.. -'-,.._. ,,. ..-.Ulto.d lo fl'l9 wltlllfl 1,..1....,,.,,i •11111 ~ledrotd n..... ~ 11'11 ....... (Offlclll S.ll J_.,.. I!. fl.9Ylt. 1<1..t1rv Public • C.lllorlllt PrlnclHI Offlc. !ft 0fll'lllt Counlv MY COll'lmlulOll l!ulni• J~M 21 , lt10 l'Ubllthtd Ortnlt Cool Dt111 ,llot, O«tm~ 27, IHI l r.ol Jtl!lle"t ~. 10, 17. ,,., tt1Mf LEGAL NOTICE tlllaLIC MRAlllMO. WILL SI MICD aY TMI COJTl Mt.U PU.MMIMG COMMISllOtt 1t 11'11 City Kt!U, n l""tlr Dr!Yt, eo.11 .u.u. Ca11tot11l1, fM'I Mondrl, J-l'Y \J, '"'· tf'7~ P.M. 11r .. -n -lbi. ft'MrHn.r, .... trdlM IM fl!llowlM -!ICAOOM: 1. CWllll"'•' ....... _It '""·Col.ft fb<' l'aul •l'9dlt Ordllcl C_lt!IY, 1"' W.rtDr llloJ1tv1rd. c.c.t1 Mnt, C.tifot'll:t. 1or -mluloft liD .. 1oc1t.. • u • J "W ~ WoiH.e "' tM ,., "' rn I!.. Wlllon Strwt, COS'11 Mftl, Cllffonl1-. """ "'' .ii._. of , ...... 1 .. ,_ 11'4 unusuel ordllclT. ...., 1ln.d •llnl'll lllt l'Oltnflll '"""" 11 1,. H1rtocw BollleY•nl orll!o 110 .... II Mitt on .... PAf"llt.e. ,.,,,. wm tc1111llY bl 1 HDrN Oc.cu.1"°" on e,._.., loclt.d 11 ll'l E. Wl\1171 ~ttwl. (111111 MH1, C1Htomle. In 1n RJ-. 1. \1-'-"9 .U.k•tM Me. \1•1-'t "" Slnct.lr !'11nt c_, 1nd-or Al Slnc:le!r. l'60 W11of!l"llOll Irv.I , L"' Nlfeln . C.llWl'lll , tor Nfm!U IOll fo cm.ITI.lcf • SlneWJr l'llftl SIMt CQ!'.1!P1"11M d 1,JJj II. fl. rJflll Ind J;lOO ... ti o1 ""°"'""W1rtl\ouw. wftll 1 tot11 o1 1.us t<t. n. el tiulldl..., ,, ... 111ow~ • rld..,.;tlcn of H pert!"9 ll>IC" In II" ot •"''"" .... 11'1d Hrm1rt!"' l'lfisllT Nrltltll for fl ... -loYMI. Slld ,..._tfv ta loulld lit UGI H1rber i11111ln1M1, ca.11 MM.a, C1 ~fonll1. In .a-. I. V'"911t• A"llc1llefl Ne.. \1·14t ~ Ml•• Lou Mc!C••"'· ""' flunb1 l:lrt.,., Coltl ,,,,.... C1llfom11. for Plm!IHlon to •llclw I l'O' IMrllldlmlnl '""' rtOUl•llll t.r' '"' "'"' Rfllltil "' 1lklw llWi ddltlofl "' two '*'·-.... btlltl•"""'· ._ tlttlnt ·-IM I ""*le 1<1•-· ..... Ille CIJll.,.,,iofl ol ,.,. t'~ltfl1'4 ''''" "" 1 ,_ room oo< 111 -•r~tv loQ... 11 7'# P~btl Ori.... CCIII "-< C111fom'11 . •. y .. _ ~Ito! ,.. .......... .,,. ,,,.._,, A. Cru.M, 7dl Ori .... ..,,,...._.., c..... Mew. Clllfonll1. ...., P11'11'1ltilloll .. CMtfllrd I tlMlt flmtlY f'911<1toa WI"' lfll I~ tWI U r l tr-l!ld ...., I detidlld fWe (I' IM'-. II\ "*"""" i. '" "'"'"' FftNMci. "'lkllll 1 ""' of ,.. f"llliftfofl1I 1111111 on ttill ·-M. II. !ti let, wtrfoo 1 10' -M~I· I '"" ,_I.... ll' "'' .. ,.. Mtllllck. .. i.i ,,,_,,., .. loc.i'9f ,, ,.. ~ ..__ c..11 M.foM. "-• ,... M'flW ..,..,_"°" ~ "-.o.r. .. n • • ,.....,. 1:)1..nq: or "" ..... llffkl " .. ~"' ~. =:: ~;.,,,::: cm. ~. , ~NJflilrfO COMM1UIOH ~",!.IADI. w11n .. "' o.ri. .....,., ... OI,...,. ,,...,,.,., .. tf:::t•°""' Dtlfr ....... ,.,,,,,.., .. ... wt I ( ... -,.·: "' -..,_ . --· . ,.. " Sales Manager Chri1topher W. Rose of Corona del Mar bu been 1p- pointed 11Ie1 manapr for m Jablco, a unit ol the !lllld handling dtvlaton for the Jnt.trnaUonal Telephone and . ;elegraph Corp. . Ro!ftt wbo joined the pump rirni u a aalesman !II llM, ls a graduate of Qi:remtmt Men'• CoUtgt. Before hll mOlt recent promotion he -.. •·product opeclallal. Steel Hiked Kaller Steel Corp. lhll ,...k announced • price lncnue ol eiiht clollan a too .., galvanised lhetta, elfectm with oblpmenll on and •lier Monday, Dec. JI. Tho o, • .,. C..st'• Most Complete PRINTING SERVICE • I _.....__--~~ .--,.,.._ ·--~ -----.---.. .__. . -"'-------. . ... . . JI !WLY l'!l0T rridlif, .IMllllry J, 1M New Angle: Mrs. Allen • ' Wants George to Quit • LOS ANGELES (UPI) -It _,,,, like · everybody e.1:cept the coach's wUe was unavallabJe for comment and the doul' want the coadl to coach anymore. Tbltt'a about the way thlnp 1tood tod11 Ill the burning question of the new year: will George Allen return as head c:oac:h of the Los Angeles Rams next .eani.t Rlln owner Dan Reeves !lrod Allen Jut week be<aule ol "a peraonalJly cluh" but bu .... c:lwlgod his mind ond Wanli Allen bocl<, accordin& to J\!rL Allen add other1. Allen's wUe, Etty, talked in an ln- terriew with a Chlcqo radio station 1burlday and aakl Reeves wantfld. to tthire ber husband; her husband was undecided about going bact to the Rama ; and she, Mr1. A.Den.-wanta him to st.ly .out of coacblog. Reeves lllsued a statement like "no comment" through the Ram pubUcity stall. Beamon Envisions 30-foot Jump SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Bob Beamon, who jtDDped to track lm- mortollty al the Olympic Games only three months ago, isn't sitilng home these days polilhing hil medals. He's oo the road again and lblnking about another world record. "I honestly feel I can do 30 feet, H all the coodilioos are right," laid Be8lDOn oo the even of the AU-American Games, which on Saturday open the 1969 tract and field season. Beamon aalled an Incredible 29 feet, 21> inches Ill the Olympic loog jump last Octo1"'" to shatter the llorld record by nearly two feet (I loot, 9% inches). Both the intematiooal am(lteur athletic federation and the Portuguese scoring tables rate the leap ss the single grutesi: achievement In all tract and field and ooe that may never be topped. And, it ii primarily for that reason that followers of tract and field aren't ready -if they ever will be -to letl961h'al'ln peace. ----~ "Everything went right for me at Medco City." said Beamon. "The nmaway was just perfect. wind con- ditions were as good as you would want and I got a tremendolll! -maybe my best -tick cff." Beamon aa1d he will start ibooting for 30 feet at the all-American games, 'Wbich wUl be held indoors at the C ow P'""'"-"l don't say I can do it here, but I'm sure one cf these days I will go to 30 le<!. In !act, I leaped 30 feet on lJl1 record jump at Maico City but hair far you go In the air doe.n 't alw.,a delmnlne Ibo lmgth GI the leap. Jtl~o -With lf.S. It's where ylllll' let! land that tbry measure." As things stand now, Beamon, who lost a semester at the Un.'vers.lty cf Texas at El Puo because of the Olym- pics, plans to ccmpete in from eight to U indoor meets thi5 winter. He lists the Lo.s Angeles Games and three indoor meets in New York as "definite" aloog with a meet at Van- coover. "On the others I'll pict u I go along," he said. "I really haven't lost much cf my edge and have been playing a lot cf basketball since the Olympics. Sc, I feel I'm in good enough shape to be thinking about another recent" Asked if compelir.ig indoors made a difference as compared to outdoor com- petitioo, Beamoo said' -'~l ... booestly ..dm:ll know ii .there...Js a difference and if there is, how much. To do well either indoors or outdoors you just have to put everything together and all the conditions have to be right." Ralph Boston, the only man in history to win an Olympic gold, silver and bronze mtdaJ, and one of Beamon's biggest boosters, also will compete in the All-American. "Ra1ph bas helped me from lime to time, upecially when I first was starting oot," laid Beamon. "I like to compete against him because that means I'm going apiDst one of tbl world'• but." International Prep Loop Being Studied by CIF Posaibilitlea of an lntemational high 1ebool spmts league being formed in Ult nat four or five years are being llUioosly e<plcnd by CIF commissioner J. Kenneth Fagans, a resident of Balboa Lsland. Fqans ls working in cooperation with • u .s. State Department project to im- jnve United Stales-Mexico relations tbrou&h intenK:bol.astic compeUtion in all 1porta but football. Obvloosly, il the llgbter, less talented Mcaicana tried their luck against Yankee grid forces, U.S.-Mexican relations would uncpationably be worsened, rather than Improved. However, getting tbt countria together WHITE WASH In baU:elball, bueball, etc., aouod3 like a winntr. Fapna polnt.s OU! that the Imperial Villey League GI the CIF Southern Sec- tion bu only f01D" member schools, pav- mg the way for additional entries - like from across the border in Mexicali, etc. "It wouJd be similar Lo the old Tri-State l.equit." Fagans points oot, recalling tne .tltnl when California, Nevada and Ntmna r.boo11 were in the same cirruiL between them while on an ei:cursion to La Paz, Baja California. Corona del Mar's Larry and Simon Watson bagged 20 dolphin an their ooting in the warm Baja California waters. Bill Reddlq, tht standout defe.ntlve mJddle guard on USC's vanquished Rote Bowl force1, wu credited wt&h 14 aulsted and 1111aubted tackles ln Wednesday's %7-11 lost to Ohio State. Afate Jim Snow had 11 and MJke Battle 15. Snow and BaUle are the oa.ly aenion oa tlte SC defemlve aU1n- meaL Poulbly tile Trojans will be mak· lng an unprecedented fow1b atralll'ht Rose Bowl appearance In 1970. Da ve Kamanski. bead linesman at the Rose Bowl and a former Newport Harbor High gridder (1939) uplalna that con- troversial second SC touchdown Wed- nesday. "M. long as both players bad the ball simultaneously. the play was dead immediately, according to rules," he points out. "What happens to the ban after that -even If they are still falling to the ground and the defensive man takes the ball away from the other guy -is immaterial." Kamanski got $250 for working the tiff -his ftrsWvcr Ro5e Bowl match. He's also officiated the East-West game (1165) In San Franclsco. Allen clld oat ..... ., Ilia telepbon<. Mn. Allen didn't .answer her lelopbooe after &be talked oo lbe air. RoeYOI appmnlly bowed to the pl'elSUre ol Jrate fan,, and many of his players In making an attempt to rtie0nctle with AlletL Alleo and lbe Rams flni&bed secnnd lo ~ Ill t h e coulal division of lbe Nalloaal Football League wllb a Il).3.l ..-nl for 1961. The ptayen for.... a league title oext season and with it about $25,000 in bonus money. They know Allen is a winning coacb and they know il Ibey get a new one he'll take some time to imtall his system and a cbampiombip will be that much farther away. Allen has often aaid coaching takes him away from his family. He said he worts a 18 to 18 hour day. When tie's home, he's looting at game movies most of the time. He does not eat at the family training table but prefers milk shakes wruch iOOtbe his stomach ulcer. Mrs. Allen and the four Allen kids -George, 16; Gregoey, 14; GeraJd, SI, and Jennifer, 7 -dine alone in football season. They all want ~:'.' stay wnnanenUy in their new home in the suburb!ln Palos Verdes Pen in s u I a overlooking the Pacific. Money is no problem for a few years anyway. Reeves has said tie will pay oll Allen on the two rema.inlng years of his contract at about $50,000 a year. Allen has written fwr boob on football and he could sit home, watch the waves lapping on the shore and turn out another one. Top Golf Pros Play Satur~ay At-Buena Park"" BUENA PARK -The Urst section of the first round of the 36-hole $31,000 Southern California Open starts today at the Los Coyotes Country Club, with defending champion Billy Casper and five other 1968 tour winners on hand. Casper and the ether champions won't start swinging in earnest until Saturday. The final round en the par 36-36--72 course will be held Sunday. Prominent gollers who tee oU today Include Dave Stockton of San Bernardino; Jerry Barber, the Los Angeles veteran; Australia's Bruce Crampton; and Billy Muwell, Odessa, Tex. Aller Casper won this tournament Jn 1968, tie went on to acquire a tolal of $205,168 and took six PGA .tour events. The ether 1968 winners here, all scheduled to start Saturday, are : U.S. Open champion Lee Trevino; Bob Murphy who won the Philadelphia Classic and the Thunderbird: Bob Lunn, back-to. back winner of the Memphis and Atlanta tournaments; Steve Reid, Azalea cham- pion; and Bob Dickson, who collected $22,000 ln bis first pro victory in the Haigh National at Costa Mesa. In an 18-hole pro-amateur prelude Thut'$day, George Bayer and Monty Sanders tied for low individual honors with five-under-par 67s. Two teams tied for first at 123 en two best balls in the fivesomes of one pro and four amateur. They were headed by Lee Elder, Los Angeles, who bad an individual card of JS..M--69, and Bob McCallister, Corona, who shot 34-36---70. Bayer's team tied for third at 12t and he won a total of $425. Sanders. the former nationaJ Public Links cham- pion now playing out of Santa Barbara, collected a total of $385. His team tied for fifth al 125. Tied at 124 with Bayer's team was a fivesome headed by Casper who shot 34-~9. Dickson had 35-33--M and John Schlee and Crampton both shot 70. Schlee carded 34-36 and Cramptop 35-35. Lunn was able to match par 72 with a card cf 36-36 while Stockton was four over with 39-31-76. SC Hosts Utah The University of Southern California Trojans, forced to take a back seat in basketball to UCLA. swing into action tonight against tbe Redskins of the University of Utah at the Sports Arena. UCLA gets back into competition al Pauley Pavilion Saturday night against Tulane. • ' 1Bowl After11iath DETERMINATION'S REWARD -Penn State hero Bob Campbell (right) relaxes on Miami's beach with teammate Mike Smith after the Nittany Lions ' thrilling 15-H Orange Bowl win over Kansas Wed· nesday. It was Campbell's tw~point conversion with only seconds left that beat Kansas. ~ Ru stler Five ·1 At Riverside WINN ERS AT TRACK, TOO -Members of the Arkansas football team were guests Thursday at New Orleans' Fairgrounds Race Track. Here, end Chuck Dicus (left), Mike Sigman (center) and Dave Dickey (right) discuss their p!drs for the sixth race. Dicus's horse won. They celebrated their 16-2 win (Ner Georgia. UCI at Rhode Island, Lo ses to Friars, 85-77 PROVIDENCE, R.I. -The question of the day for UCI basketball coach Dick Davis is: "Who was the fmk at the Irvine tournament?" The Anteater coach can only conclude that Providence College had a scout in the stands during UCl's recent tourna- roent. At least, it sure looked that way Thurs- day night when Providence posted an 8.')-77 win over UCI in Irvine's opening game of an eight-day eastern road trip. "The way they handled us I know they had someone watching us at our tournament," said Davis. It wasn't even close. Providence ran up a 50-29 lead at haUUme, much to the delight of the 3,300 spectators. In a losing effort, Jeff Cunningham broke UCl's single game scoring record with 34 points. Mike Heckman. who had eight, held the former record of 33. UCI goes against Rhode Island University tonight in K i n g s to n . Providence beat Rhode Island last week by 9U3. The Friars used a matchup zone against Irvine. "'For us, that's just aboot the toughest kind of defense for us to play against with the type cf players we have," Davis commented. Providence shot 60.7 percent for the game while Irvine made exactly half its shot s. Providence coach Joe Mullaney told Davis afterward that it was the best shooting night his team had record- ed. "Their shooters had surprising range against us," Davis said. "Shots that we would normally give other teams they were drilling." In Rhode Island tonight, The Anteaters will be facing one cf the east's leading rebounders, Doo English (&-4). Irvine beat Rhode Island last season in Campus Hall,-· UC IR\tlNI Im fl",, b f'•OVIOl:JltCI I•) "'""" ' t 1 '° 2 I I • S 1 I 11 11 ) ( u ' • 1 • ( t l 10 CU<111ll>Wfl•rn '""'" .... _ ··-S1bln1 Gl1VINW1cfl Tol1l1 1210 • :w ci.rv 2 I l I McJq1r ' 0 2 • Jolnoll J 2 3 I L1rr1111~1 1 1 2 15 CIDllllCCI ltOIVINf'ld c.u ... Wil1ll l't lt It T1 Tot1ll 1 ' 1 • ' , 1 J 11111311 For Opener Golden West College's basketball team hopes to make a clean break with tht JM" tlarllng tonight when ti opens Eutem---Conference.-basketball action with what looks like a genuine tiUe. contender. FOl' its first two seasons, Golden West was 9-47 but coach Dick Stricklin I! only futureo()rlented these days. "We've forgotten all about that," he says. "I've been asked what our record the first two years was about 350 times.'" Gciden West ts 7-2 now and Open! Eastern Conferenc~ play at Rivenlde tonight Saturday night, the Rustlers duel Rio Hondo at OC:C Strick.Un has been working his tall, talented cagers oo the full court press and free throws this weei.. 1'We had been a good free throw shooting team but against Ohlooe tut week we missed 20 of them." Golden West won that one, 112-56. Stricklin hopes his guards c 1 n penetrate Riverside's press tonighL He has a theory that pressing defenses are more effective at t b e beginning of the season than at the end. "By the time you get halfway through the league schedule everybody has teen the press and most have adjusted to it. I hope we have." Golden West figures to beat Riverside. Alter dominating Ca1ifomia junior col· Jege basketball for years, RJverslde'1 talent well bas dried up and the Tigen;, who four years ago would've been ll-0 now, are 4-7. Tiger coach Bill Mulligan played a ball-<!ootrol style of offense earner Ir\ the year but has junked It in favor cf the running attack. Stricklin will start Brian Ambr'O'llch Allan Robinson and Dave Prather I~ the front court and Ollie Martin and Mark Campbell at guards tonight. UCI Swimmers Topple Davis, Eyeing Bn1 ins UC Irvine's swimming forces are training their wobbly s.igbts on UCLA today alter posting a narrow 62-47 win over UC Davis Thursday In the Irvine pool. Several ol coech AI lrwin"s slalwarls are bedded down with the flu. Still, the Anteatera won eight of 11 events Thunday. UCl meets UCLA Thursday, Jan. 18, in Westwood. Rich Eason recorded a 1wift 41 flat clocking on his leg cf UCl's winning 400 yard relay team. Irwin's team hosted the all-UC relays today. Malina ap that now-defunct loop Wt:re Boulder City (Nevada), K Jn gm an (Arbooa), Basic (Nevada) and C&Ufomla'• Blythe and Needles. In 1954 8lldc: Jost to Hawthorne, lS-13, for a CD' foatbal1 championship. And in It4t -aty topped p.,. Robles, 19-7, 1•.a CIF grid UUe. Fullerton Collide Tonight Corona del Mar High graduate Mike Martin was a triple winner for the Anteaters, taking blue ribbons in the 200 individual medley, 500 free and the l,000 free. Qlodl!tc au! the flohlnf Iron~ Harold rl • oad E. L. Linen of Laguna lleodl . ..,.!li-<folpbln ond a cabrtllo ' Orange Coast College openo defense of Its Eastern Con!'erenci! basketball cham- pionship tonight at a when Fullerton'• Hornets arrive at OCC carrying the fav- orite's banner for the EC crown. It was the: Hornets who took Coast down to the wire last year and faded in the UUe-defeoding game, 9$..a?. But this tlme, it is Fullerton who appears to have the edp and coach Bob Wetze1'1 Plrlllca hope to avoid a 1etbacll: in their flrst t:onference game. "We're going to try arid run hard against Fullerton for the "'hole game " Wetzel said Thursday. ' "Fullerton has big men up front but they're not too fast. \'t'e'd like ta take ·, advantage of that because we !lguro we're much quicker than they are." Wetzel, whose 'Pirates have accumu- lated a U reco<d, will start a !root line consisting of Phil Jordan, Mite AicCar- tin and Rick stkklemaiex. Io the back- court art Steve Turley and Mike Flaher- ty. - The Bucs have !aced Fall"10o once l h 11 season. Tbey lost a l>-71 declslon in the Qiafley tournament ln 1 game that was clcaer than the score indicates -the Pirates went down by only five wUh 2o:IO to play and had to foul Fuller· ton to 1et the balI. "We found out in thal ~ame that we could play with Fulltrion,' Wet2cl said. "We've really been out of only one of the games we"ve lost, the Loog Beach City (8U6) game." The Pirates bad their final pr«onfer- ence workout Thu rs day afternoon. Wetzel sent the Bucs through drills against Fullerton's man·to-man defense. ,Arter tile Hornet lld·U!ter, \be Bucs travel to RJvenide Saturday night. II Fullerton ..,.. an Imposing sight to EC coaches Jut year Jt has lo Jook even more frightening this time. Van Bye (M) 11nd Ted Harper (6-5) arc back tn the front line, and COICh Mae Radovich has add<d !rahman aty&eraper (l·i) Jerry Brucb from Anahtbn. f'uUl!l'ton ts 8-3, having lost to Long Beach, Ventura and Pboenb. Wb1le Wet- zel fears h1I team might be oo the at.ale aide for not having had a game 1n al- most two wttb, Radovich'• juggernaut played Monday nJ&hl, besUng lbe Cal State (Fullerton) frosh, tot-70. Asked if he was as strong as last aea- sm, Radovich replied : "We aren't riiht now but I th1nk we wlll be later ' · t fl e seA!IOR .•• OCC.Fullerton lineupo o Oranp eoa.t 6-3 Jordan ~2 McCarUn M Stlcklemaitt ft-10 Tur~y ~ Flaherty Fullertoa F Bye F Harper C Brucks G Child,.,. G Smith Eason won twice. In the 50 fret and the UXI free. Bob Wilhite wu the one- mettr diving winner. ' UCI 4t. UC Dnll "· a"""'"" """" -I. UC Drtll. ,,.,,. -a·J'I o, -'"" -I. °"°" CUCll J. Hlllll 1uci1 's. C•W. (VCDI. Tlmt -1:5:1.1, JI l'r'lt -I. E•tooi IUCll J. Tl'Ml,ltf IUCIJ a, N9f'I {UCDJ. TlrN -tl.(. 700 ""· ...... -I. IMrtlll /UCI) L un-tuta 1. ......., ~UC!), T1"'s -t;Of.e. I_,.,_.,.. -I. WINN IUCI) J IE\lffll IUC:D1 'lGI fl, -I. ......ti IUCDj 2. Ll'M:ll futD)' ,,,.,. -t :l1 • 11111 ft'w -I. IE1ta11 IUCI) I. O!ta11 /UCJ) t. N.-ff /UCCI!. Tlmt -ft 1. M bfctl -1. Dllr.1 (U(t) f, GI'# !IJCD) a, Vlroc~ IVCDI, l"'--J;1'.t . * trN -I. M9rlln CUCU J. lt•I CUCDI a, SCflWfllltrt /UCDI. 3't IW'HJI -1, Gll"'°"r CUCDI t l-(UCI > ). "-*" (U(I), IAll fl'W -1. M1rll11 IUCll t, L ... ! (UCO) J. ~d CUCll , TllN -lfiJ1,4l. ,,_,.., dtYe -1. IE~ (UCD\. \ I ' ' I ' t ' ' I ' I • ' ' t I I ' ' I I ) I Can't Escape Mustangs By JOEL SCHWARZ or lfle D1J1t '11ot '"'" lt'• rare indeed that a t.emn Jives up to Its nickname, 1oot the Yuma Jii8h ''s ch 10 OJ Criminal! did just that in the opening round of the seventh annual Newport Harbor OpUmisl lnvilatlooal ·l!a"et. ball tourqamenl Th Uri d a 7 night. '" The way ~,Yuma !tam played in lls 68-36 1.., lo Costa Mesa High School ""' Crimlnal. By virtue of its easy victory, Costa Mesa moved 1 D to today's semi·linal r o u n d agalnst Newport Harbor at 8:30 p.m. The Mustangs destroyed Yuma in the second period of their game by outscoring the bewildered Arizonans SH. Yuma made countless ball handling errors in that el&bt-- minute period and w as , thoroughly dismayed by a pair of zone defenses thrown up by Costa Mesa. "Sure, they made a lot of mistakes in the game,n Costa M..,. coach Herb Livsey said afterwards, "but I like to think that ·our defense had something _fo,do.witb-tt.!'-- The Mtritangs' defense m. deed did have · eomeWng to do with IL ID. the flnl period, Costa Mesa operated out ol a man-to man alignment and Yuma was able to wort against it with fair success. lt WIS only l'-11 Costa Mesa afla' the opentng~uarter. Bu\ in the aecond quarter, when the Mustanp esploded; Livsey moved his forces lnto .. ~ DAILY PILOT ...... .., atdt.n JC•W a 3-1 zooe defense and then TWO FOR LEECH -Corona de! Mar forward Steve Leech banks In a· shot . • U zone, boUi of whkb com· in the Sea Kings' Newport tournament game with Kofa of Arizona Thursd~y. plettly throttled Yuma. Tbe Arizona club couldn't Corona de! Mar Jost, 61~54. Artzona players are Dan Smith (14), Vic-Ellis (44), get free for good pen:entage Jeff Deyo (12) and Derryf McCliip. shots when t.bey weren't ----------·-·-· -'------------------fumbling the ball and saw both bac'kbomfs dominated b7 lhe Mustan&s. In the flnl five and a half minutes "' the quarter, Costa Mesa outscored Yuma, 19-2, to put the game In the refrigerator. After that, the Mustangs slowly padded their lead unttl the clock mercl.f\llly nn out two periods later. Gregg Erskine aod Chuck Yerkey did most of. the scor· tng and rebounding damage for Costa Me!a. Erskine scored 21 points and Yerkey added 13 more. Eag-WS Rout Hawks In 74 .. 55 Breather Tars Face Mustangs After Loss BREA -Eslancia High Sdlool barges Into the second round of the ·rourth annual . BreA basketball tournament tonight with a test with Mission Viejo at 8 o'clock after whipping El Dorado Thursday Dish~ 74-55. '!be win was the second sLraight for coach B i 11 Wetzel's quintet and it upped the overall season mark to 5-5. It was purel y an exhibiUon The 19-point spread doesn't game, but it was quite an accurately describe the game, exhibti.ion as an Alumni team A full-coort pressure defense beat Newport Harbor High completely wrecked the El School, 66-62, in the final game Dorado offense with Bill Dugas and Gary Orgill leading . of the opening round in the Wetzel 's wrecking orew, seventh Bilf!Ua.1 ~ e ~ P.o rt ""' Mlllff Elli• McCll~ """ .... M'°""" Tof•b Guard Gary Cortes, Sparked the ball-hawking defense, with mrmerous steals and deflec· tions, particularly In the key second perlod. ""''"" Whollll" .... T"'l'l'll'Mll ··-W•-Olxtll'I Yum.1 (3'J FCI l'T PP: Tl> 3 0 I ' 5 I 3 11 ) • 1 ' I 1 A J , , 1 s 1 • 5 7 0 1 t I 0 0 3 0 0 t • 7 15 ' 2D )I El Modena Nips Monte' Vista Monte Vista High's Monarchs put on a remarkable comeback Thursday afternoon in the opening rwnd of the seventh annual N e w p o r t Optimist basketball tourney but fell short by four points, 18-54, to El Modena al Newport Harbor Higb's gym. Il was a mismatch of tlie 4arbor Optimist 1nv1tat1onal first magnitude. Estancia Jed basketb~ tournament Thurs- the Golden Hawks by u much day. as 21 as early as 4:09 into Newport was scheduled to the second period {29-8). , meet a team from Chihuahua, Wetzel pulled bis first team Me:rico, but the Mexican club and ended up in a 10.point was forced to drop out of lead at the half. the tournament b e c a u s e Last-second Bucket Saves Diab'los, 46-44 ·-Mllrl• Totals Verto:w ~l>ell<MYW Erskl.- '""• "''" 01l-W1!11ft ·~ <•• ••• Tlllll• Cost• Mel.a I'll FG rT PP Tl" • 2 ) 13 3 2 3 • 101221 J 2 1 I 1 0 • 7 (I 0 2 • l t l .. :t A 2 I 2 0 3' .. I 0 t 2 ~1 ,.. 11 " Down by as much as 17 In the third period, the Monarchs rallied to within two at 4M4 with 33 sewnds to , ... Barons Test Lynwood , '111e third quarter was more several of l~ player~ ~ere BREA -Tom Gardner's of the same wjlh the margin over the CIF s age limit of six.foot bank ahot with two swelling to 20 at the end of 18. seconds left gained a 46-44 the period. Thereto:r-e. the Tars_ . ad-victory for Minion Viejo High Orgill led the scoring parade vanced II!to the senu·f1n~I School Thursday night ln the for Estancia with 2l paints round against Costa Mesa 1n opening round of the fourth 00 seven from Uie field and a .game scheduled for 8:30 aMual Brea b a 1tetba1 J another seven at the gratis Uus evening.. . . t.ournament. stripe while three 0 th er _In lhe exbib1bon, t~e alum-The 'win sends coach Pat Eagles were tn double figures. ru, coached by athletic direc· Roberts' crew into a second Those were Skip Williams tor and former basketball round match with Estancia (12), Dugas (IO) and Mike coach Jul~ Gage, overca~e tonight at B. Hays (10) a 48-47 third quarter lead m Gardner'! bucket was the · the final perhxl with a wild on!y polnt.s put on the board 'k 'k 'k burst of scoclng thal shot In the ·fourth quarter by the shots f<X the '!'ilY polnla from 'that fJ>'Jte for the Tigen. Only,11 personal fouls were called In the game. Gardner and Jerry Gloster Jed Mlss'lon Vlejo's scoring wllh II points .apiece. , o .. '11,,., GIOlll't Kr1TZ ··-""' Ttf1lr After 56-52 S~thack ..... ,,,_ E•l•nel• 15 11 21 U-74 tbem apparently comfortably Dlablos of Mission Viejo In in front, 0-51, with just 2:46 perhaps the ttrangest contest :,:ro , left tn the contest. of the year. Nraom 1 Foonlaln Valley Higb School dropped IU third llralghl varsity ba&ketbell leol Thun- da1 night, !Illa time a !e-52 venllct to Tustin In the open- ing night of action tn the Santiago Invttatlanal basket- ball tournament at SantlagO mgb. Tbe loso dropped the Baro111 to a 6-6 overall mark and puta them Into a CGMOIAUon bracket leol wltb Lynwood al 5 p.m. today. 'ftlO latter bowed lo I h e bo<t oohool, 71·71. In ~ duda Boena Park lopped B9lu Onande, 80-62; Foollilll downed La Quinta. u.-13. 'l'llltln succeeafllllJ -keel • fut.llrelk ol!enat In the tinal minutes to break away afla' trailing bJ two at lhe encl of three quarters. Fount.aln Valley was in It op to the Unal minul!S ol !ht lourlll quart<r -foul trouble cut lnto tbe starting five. Steve Hatch went out on foull midway through the final period and Duane Dllfie went the sune route momeo~ later to hamper the Bar~n s' chances. . Dif:tle bad 8COl'ed 16 on seven fit1d coalt and two free tlu'ows. • Guy Redmond led the BCOr· Ing column for Fountaln Valley with Ill enoounters. ----l'tlUlthilll v .. ..,. ,. ,, ,, ll-!J T11tlln '' I IJ U-.Y ,_,.. .,.,..,. '"' ..... ··--·-v-w .... , ... ..... ..... ktlvlfl ...... ....... --,_ ,.G l'T ,.,. Tl" 1 , $ 1• 0 1 • l 2 • J • ' 2 a 20 I 0 f A ~ f 1 1 n ' ,, s1 T.,.11• CU) ,.. PT ,.,. TP 0 I • I ' ' 1 • l f ' • 1 • • , • 4 ' ,, ' t J ,, f 1 ) ' 1• 11 u .. El PorMo S 11 11 l~S w1ui.rnr. .,,,., "'" On;illl .... ·-v.11 ... ,.. S!Yu.,.uv ,_ .... ..... Tol•I• E•l•ndl 04) ,G ,T Pl' TP • 0 ) 17 • 2 (I 10 ' , (I 10 1 1 I 21 I ' I • 4 ' l • 1 (I 2 2 I 2 0 4 0 0 2 0 (I 0 1 0 0 I , I 0 :a 11 11 14 El Oorffo (Jf1 FG l'T ,.,. T" I 1 4 I ' 2 4 10 0 0 • • .. J 2 11 J ' l 7 0 2 1 I t 0 1 4 .. J 1 ti l 0 l t 21 lJ XI S$ Prep W~estIU.g However, cWTent crop of Mission Viejo failed to score ~~ .: Newport cagen put on a a fret throw while Valencia'&· G•rd• 1 tenacious full-court press and; ,_s.;.t_ev_e_Ny:..cum ___ h1_1 _1oor_.,:gr:....at1.s __ ".;.;c;r~C:':1'1'-----'"'-' ...::.-.:-= the tired Alumni were forced into countless errors in th e closing minutes as the score was narrowed •to 66-62. A free thfow by ,Bob Hancock with two leCOndJ left clinched the victory for the AlumnL L<e Haven toppe'd the Tan with 12 points· wlllle lllch Stlckelmaitr had 16 for the Alumni. ....... •-' ....... == """"'Ill '"' "ll •r ,.,. T' 1 .1 1 ' . . ) .. /t, 7 I ll • • • ' 0 2 ! • .. 1 •• ,. • 1 .. "' • 1 • I 0 o ' ,.,,, .. ....... (Ml.' -......rr ,. .. TP • ' t I • . • • l • • ' ,23 .-~ I I' U ·1 1 '" ,..., t .. , .J ' Toll1* tf t1 • 1 a ..... .,....,... AllllMI 12 lt 16 1...._ Hlfflllll't Hmlw 1l P • 1.._.. J--------------------J • . ·' ' CresJview Favorite ifJ3FlC>.A.D'WAY AUTO CENTERS ' notice to tire ~~rs 10.-hour tire event1 '; Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. This will be an unusua( a~4.,Pet­ tacular 10 hour tire eve'lit that you won't want to miss . Saturday from 8:00 to 6:00 at all 18 . Brocidway tire ce11ters,-·· · ' • 'I t ' -You will find exceptional varues in the size and type of tire you need -blackwalls, whitewalls, tubeleu, and con¥entio.nal treads. . ' · ' Soiiy we are not able to accept phone or mail orders for this .event. AIJ tires will be moJnted free of charge. Visit any of our auto centers for your share of tire v11lue1. Remember, our tires qre',etig'! • neered for us by one of Amer· ica's leading tire manufacturers. Use your Btocdway Charlie Card · Tires,816 , H :.. 1 \ ANA EIM ·---·--····-··-535-8121 . NEWPORT _· _. ---644-1212 " HUl':{flNGTON BEACH ......... 892-3331' I I i ' • ' ---~---·-- If bAll." Pu.or \' V-1, wt..-.,......,.,_. ~I.!"' ;oLD STAL cs.r. ,.._ 1121m1 ........ , '11S8 TOTAL $40"'" $40'°"' . . + ~LIC. = ~~~· '65 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX V.f, f1~111fr.ait C*lf.. Undi9 tClfl, PtWer 1lllfi"I. '"9QI, ....... f~~ •"-(AIC6a) s1o·aa = 1 36= s36~-' . +w&uc. nan. nwr. '66 PLYMOUTH FURY II '61 DODOI C~OlllT '1l40 ~ H11rdlop. F11clury ill!" V-t pWr lllfflllt. illllO. frlnl., R&H, w.w, -(RGV~ $10SS TOTA!. $36'"" $36m" +:~1uc. ~ . w:l: '61 OLD$ CUIUSS 1-4aor Ill,_, '4..,... ..-. il!ld heft.-,~ .,_1'1111. ._... _ .. )&. (Sor. II.. ~111) $108·8 ·.:-r: $36= $36=' =~: • ' + T.U & UC. "IQ· . . • V-l. PRiii" llhllrl":l-_ lildlo. hnltr, ~Dl!llf)c tr1111. aYYl67I : '"88 :': s33w.1.1 . s33· i'I':. ·· ...... +TAX . UC. nan. tTMt •• ' , '.64 TH~DIUllD .2•DR. H.T~ Flil:lory Al, CONDITIONl'llG, I D!antlc mm., radie & M•er, full llO'Mtt· ' (Sir. No: 4¥832113959) s9ss. = s3· ~= s33::.4~. . '66 MDCURT COMET . ~-,,,__ .............. '"'° tnd "'-'"· W1W. rs.t •.... 6.I02C5123'17) . '988 '= s3·3= s33~\. +TAX & LI(. mn. . t TMT. --r : '61 DODOI POLAP..A2·•··11.T. • Alt teM., 91.Q. "1illl., po-llHTlllQ, ....., \obi,. r.1111 end Mlt1t. (kt ..... 01551199966J sass TOTA!. s29:w. $29'°'" . ~ . +~uc. n•:. w:'f~· '65 CHIVRoUT IMPALA ·•M DODOl·POLARA 500 2 DR. H.T, Y4...,,.. tnlnl., Mio • Mtltr, ,.S., conlOlt. MAI ae•ll. (ISi 309) s7ss ..... $26"'" $26'°"' ~ ,.ICI Mn MTJll.T. _ • . :.f-lAX & UC. mil. nlllt, '65 ClllYllM' llDAll .. ,. ........ .,_.le ~Aloi\, irlHlll", ~. WJlll', tff. (l'GOlll '788 . IOTAL s26 = s26~ .. • ~ • • , ~LIC. nMl. nMT. 'A PONTIAC GRAND PRIX +v.x•uc. , . .an111t. "MJ. ' .. ' '66 PONTIAC . TEMPEST C111fQm 2 door, V l11~I l11l1rlor, white •Ide will fl.-.., r.Olo, hQt..-. :TllHlSll s79s ::.: s26= s26=· +. l.u ._ uc. nllt. nllf. '65 DODGI DART llHI .. , wllite lidew•ll lll'IL (lllP!tnO) s5 9s '.:': s19~ . +tAI&LIC. mtt. $19=-""'· '64 DODGI DART 270 I .. ··~;~ .._D PRIX . -FOR YOUR PROTECTION ~-fld..·~~-~,.,,..-.. MW .. h.~._...,_«IQSnf • $1681 . =~·$5· 7=r s57£i.-· 6 ~'°:~' :+v.ll&UC. . -. ..,.,.. -IN Tiii .. Dll"9 '66 F011D COUlll'RY SQUIB-100% liNc:ONDITIOiw. GUwmE-THIS STAI STATES II WllTllG 111AT WllOI DODGI -lllTllS TllE CAI 100%. AGAllST MIQ\llllCAl DIFK!l FOi 100 DAYS OR 4,oqo MIUS WlllCll MR COMES FllST AFTER PURCHASt THIS ,._......,. .... __ ,_, ......... ~ .... ,...... ............. A20I) s15ss IOTAL $5. 3"'" $53mAL ,_ ~tlC. = W.:l· . . 161 CHlt•ILIR NIW YOllJ(IR · ''t · CHIYILLI MAUIU CPI. v.:e, ~,Jitlt.t. f~Ol'fllt ced., pwr. m.rlnt. "'""• ctrPtlJ. ~ s10·88 · ::: $3. 6= s36=~-. ' + wt • LI(.. nMt. nllT. '65 ~'PON11A~ CATALINA HARDTOP A11 --.,eai\_r-_1M, P.S..-. (PIV4J s9s9 TOTAL' s33..... s33 ..... . ' +.:':'l1t.\'1 . = =~· '65.--DODGl POLARA HARDTOP au. v .. ..,.....,-.i,, ,...,..,..,~ ~ 911ft.·tT-.. ~•it. -11,.,, ....... ii!ICI. ~·11'~1~ sssa. = s29= 529~~-. . , + YA1C & lit, nMT. '1MT, ' . . '66 ClllYROUT '65 PLYMOUTH SAnwn COUPI v.-Dix. Mt,.-. ... -"" mrt..., '9111'1,,... ..,ff, etc. rw'IA"1J SJS8 '= s26= '26. =\. +TAX & lit. ma. "111". '64 COMIT CAUDiil llUDTOll' COU ... • 1NCLIJDE5 ·ALL MECHAHICAL PAITS, IUCRICAL EQUIPMENT, liTTEIT, SPEEDOMETER, RADIO, HEATER ON m CAR$, THIS GUARANTEE covas ALL PUTS MD !AIOI FIQ .TO TOUI ORANGE COUNfY'S . \ . LARGEST TRUCK, CAMPER & YAN HEADQUARTERS . ------ .BRAND NEW .1969 .DODGE . ,VI TON lllCKUP • Fully Factory Equipped Including Heater, et~ Motor #1161 876320 $61 ~~-561 = ~2088 lr.fi nMT. nm. _ _ ,·+ T&L h'nr!t. ...... T&l & ,;_ dll1911 Oii 4-. .,._., ""'"' 1rtdlt BRAND NEW 1969 DODGE PAMILY WAOOll I -Cam-eom....i ... • Y-1 tntlM • A'"'-llc t1Msmh1i.. • MMhi" • ._.,., 4uty ~ llOll • StiWMH' bu • Slwl • 1111"'-ltlet 111111: • I Wlll-111 ~ • si.,, 4 • ek. IMtw #1"701192' • -•1&n Mtmn • s99 l'.\l:.~.s99 = 53411W~ "Mt. nlf!'. + TIJ, """"'-llw:L T&l • flolella • .,.. • --................ '· • I .. • ~·Ki J f ' ' •t:•·Jli ;., . A:. C.0)11·1 le .1·:1 ·.-~6viti~1 : •. ~.· . ' • , • t ·• . ,,.,, . ....,,,,1969 •• \ 1 , .. ,. .! •j .a•· 1"''."0l •1 ·.~ l''J!AJJJ\ , tit.: L. •· ,...,,~ 6J!.l •)t \~ , .. ,, ·~t 'i1 t:UI•' •, I ... 1 J 'f ·· .I -to ( . do ••• I t ") 1 DAlhY PILOT " • . ' . ' • • •• • .· .. •. Weekend Highlights · N a.U~:::o111~~i S;ta~s1!.·. !: • '2an ·Yoo . . ...... :~, ; ' • I, WHALE WATCHING -Slm'tin« ·5a1un1ay, juuary 4, on· weekends ~. the Island Holiday Boal will leaft the BalbOa Pav1J101>, 400 Main S~ in Bal- bOa on a whale watching milae between the mainland ·and' cataUna hland. T~ schedule will be for I a.m. ml.1 p.m. ....i the boib.wlll nm· as·loog u . the , migration ottbe great m!'mipats ~. TiCbta Ire '. fm" adult! dit$1 .for' children. Even If. you don"t see a whale it is a fine trip oi.Jt on the water far ~ few bouts. Phone 67S-5245 for more tnfOrmaUon. ' ·· • · ~:"-~~·. '" . . •. l . ..r. THE DUKE -Duke Ellington and Illa Orcbeslra pllis singer Lou Rawlea will be performing al.""!IO<ll!land.'l'beel/il •jbiaofr!!llY. ~t~ ~ ~·· Pcrformaoces are scheduled for 8:30 p.in.. Friday; t11i1UO. p.m..~, ~ Sand 8:30 p.m. on Sunday. The theater is located across from·~lQd • 19 Freedman Way, A!iaheint, Phone 176-7440 for furtber infor~tlon. Tickets a,i W allicbs Music City ~· . '· I , ' ' _' ICE SHOW -"Holiday OD lee,., an ice show featuring in~ etat-- ing stars and world champions will be at the Forum in Inglewood throqb Jal}. l uary 12. Performances .wjth seven dazzling prod~ will be ~~at 8 p.m. Monday through'Fitday-wltb. shows ft I, i ·ud 9 p.m. on Saturdl:j Ind at 1:30 and 5:30 p.m. on S\mday. 'Ticketl: at ,W~Muslc1City stores. (See Gulde lo Fan, Pqe ZI) ... INTERMISSION ~ ~ By TOM TITUS < Out with the o)d and in with the new. It's.,time' to s.1l\" alloV:~ again. . There'll something. about. tbe wiqding up of one yeM and the..' beginning of anotber that give:-•·a ~.renewed feeling of anticip&.tton. 'Tliat bolds true for all phases of life, whether it be government -particularly ~ year - or business, sports or the realm of entertainment. That feeling filters down to community theaters as they jluf fiiilshlng touches on their new year offerings. Sdon the county's Btages1wUJTbe·alive again, elcb playhouse hoping to surpass i ts achievements of'"past years. THE NEW YEAR also will bring ne.w theaters to the Orange Coast One, which will be born tonigh\ in Newport Beach, is the Open End Workshop in the old Second Step Theater vacated by South COast Repertory. The Open End, which will acctnt theatrical training and wW showcase il5 students in public productions, presents a one-WQ..Il\8n shaw in Its in- augural tonight. That woman ls pro- fessional actress Margaret Cowles, whose "Just Between Us" will run through March 2. . Four othera climb onto 'the llieatrical· bandwagon next week, beginning Wednes- day with the Laguna P!aYl»US<! pro-. duttion of "The Star Span«Ied Girl," another in a long list of Neil Simon comedies and the first appeollfance of tbJI one in Orange County. Kent Johnson ia directiog, with volup~us Toni Shearer cast In the Utle role. ' ORANGE COAST College's new student repertory company opens its second pro-- ducUon on Thursday, the British f~ "See How They Run," for a three-day &linL Then.. .. 'Frl!fay -' eoa,i Repertory and the Huntington B<ach Playhouse put their new ones: on the boards. For SCR it will be a world" r,emlere of a ·new mixed inedia mu~ca_ entiUed ... ~ ~'~ ·af ·'""" llbu." ~ 1llotl"'-1ioo bas ~led-the ··.crtpt.-an •tir avant gprde play, "'Ubu ROI" by .. ~Jarre. It's being ·tooted aa a aort~.cnios belweeo SCR'f poJl'erful~ "~ Hamb''· and the less imprtssiVe "Adventures in a ·paper Bag." THE POimCAL season is over, but It's dµe for one last flli:ig at Huntington Beach Where "Tbe Best Mait" opens a 11v~eru1. run. Diieded·by Anabelle Qvigiey, the play focma oo the ballle between two candidates (llon 'llhoades and Joseph Carr) far the pr<Sldential nomln;lUoo. On the night of ' Jan. . 16, the Weatminster Community ~ will observe the date by openiliam Rand'.• "Night of January 16th." Ron Fllian and James E: smith .are the courtroom aotagoo!Bts while ·Nancy Wells Is the defendant whose fate will be decided by · 12 jurors from the audleoce. Sally Crowley la dif<CUng. Upcoming on Jan. 24 is the bippie- establishment Comedy "GeneraUon" at the Costa Mes.a Civic '.elaybouae under. the guidance of glie!I director Marthella Randa!L Bob, Engman and Francy Walah are the father-daughter combo in this ooe. That's the January .agenda for the · lacal theate(a. Due . in February are five more produ~ -all crammed into a three-day opening period. More about that later, and happy New Year to you too. • Jf. • BACKSTAGE -Foutaio, Valley's Don .. Lucas, heretofore a travlln,..comedlan. has setUed down u a beadUner at Robin'• Restaurant in Anaheim •• , ' Jennifer Warnes, an Orange County entertainer who cbanged her ·name . to Warren be!<n beln( CMl..Jn· the Los Angeles productk>n of "Hait," now bas dropped. the · aurname enllrely and Is billed liinpq aa Jennifer.,. . ., . , -'l:. I :, ' t . FOR ANSWERS TO' IDElilTIFICATION OF· STARS, MOVIES OF YEST.ERYEAR1·SEE;PAOl · JI· ' . l_~' ,, • ' ' Your · Weekend Guide to :·Moyje.s • • ~ • .f -• ' ' ' • -' ~-·· ' ! I • I , .. ' . ' .. ,, .~ '• I ·--. : .. ... • • • I I I I I ' it • ---~ ______ ,,_,.._. ________ ...__ ___ ... ~--------~-~-·----._........._..~~ -.~---~--.. ------ . ·-. . "' . '*"'· JW.,,, - · Wotld , :Travel or a tnqnth over 1(1 Mexico for love, ' ere booked solid. ·,....,-1 Hotels·· ' THIS LITILE COCO palm beach town Is 150 mile$, 11111U1 of Acapulco -125 P@Ved. 1be last 25 u the -ii is not another PnelW Valla'ffa. "Not mudt better than riding In ;: cNek bed," l'epOrtl a friend of mine wllo blew a tin 'lrithin the ~ live miles. . But -il'• eot th,.. fairish h<IWI. A beaulm~ blae liq. G.-.M .aklndlvlnc and Jamt·tlMl"'°.And mt tcurllta. 1bey b __ up llle.$0Wn ud,t111:11·CIU D.Afl..Y PILOT iletf """' 'the el~y at.in!dn!lbl,' · '.·, . ' .. *' .. · wl•·~nc ~;a~l'!4:ct to -~ ~bo\11•. ut'• 'Be Nett,-hllors And lll~~J>l.ati of -view Jbel. One pee OD a J>Ob!t ....... tlie 1iay for $4GI).. , • • . -. • ""'-: ··;-; ' . ... . . ' 01' COURSI, lhtrt'• a calcl!. Fort!lpen can't owii land In Jilulco WWllll lll&lit Iii •.-X rr bord- ier. Bat there ue loUini ~-a ·Mulco )_,.. .,.. won:. oat for 1"11-All llrtlne>;rnm Jn, ' ' ~-.. ·-~-~~~ . . . . . ~ ':~t::'1t all. And·· the Hil1lii. be. . gin bn4Jdlng In the nut live or tc ,._., yvn're a mWlonajre. , Tool sheorer offers a bowl Ol fn1lt to )ier new neiib· '. bor, ~Randell Cobb, who is mQre· entranced With Tool henelf in this scene from "Tlie star Spangled Girl," opening Weclnelidlt for three weeks at the ~Playhouse. . • .. • O.~ppe~ Broadway '• " ... ~ .. Buyer Gets Payoff By JACK GAVER Aqu.it.a.ine, have a showdown UPI Drama Editor about which ()f three sons NEW .YORK (UPI) sh•uld succeed to the crown. Mptlo Pollds edapper ,10CJCI. "Aile< buyJns the ,rights lor· ., • .. · .. • a .quite reasonable sum -_looli!•~J.-!Ji<l1fii> .fell~--wl!<> · ... yoo know, iio--one else ~ ~ers tlle · lfroadWay, wanted it _, I had trouble tbeliter pay -:.off ~aodsomely «getting it financed. After for him without-gomg through several tW'lldoWn11 by qiaJor the ~J>f,Jnvesting a peMy Orms, I gave a acrJpt . to Joe ln tllal ~ areoa. · · Levine of Avco-i!:intiany. lie ,. .... J On ooe al lh111 """ rOjld Joi>• between Taxco . : and I=--.For 100 -· ('8 U.S.) tbe rood ·• ;' crew la a"calerpJllar .alld -BUILT I!'• a : =: .tel!IJl!\fl!7 coanect1nf ~ ~ I coold get • • • ''If we t•b • treller Into Muko. wh•t do we : do •bout purlfled w•Mrt•• · · ' · . ., You buy it by the five-pllon bottie. That'• what : householders do. (Though the papers a yeor ago : reported tbe arrest at ....,. rite< selletll who were ·, refilling from fire hydrant..) Most householdeti in : Mexico also wash selads and fruits in a mild anti· : ~eptic yoo can. bu,y In all dlugatores. * Poll '"'!' it' Jjy buyJns the salil so ahead!' Bini' ri,llts "" a Broadway · bne reason Poll bad !rouble pl&)' ol lhNi._ 8"' an. elsewhere wu lbat be II not ed '"Ille' Lim· tn _Wmler." No . il!il an Independent producer, one ,e)le, w~ 1t. He tamed .but an Ind e pendent in-. it IDte.~~·Jiof t~e i:iost dependent p~. · ~~t!\b" fmancially,· "I don'( just buy a property ~ ... !."w;ms .now ~ · and go to backers and uy de~*wide release. J would like to make this 'll!lo'.\l-·~1dman, pla7, · pfctUre and work out Ille which was one of the very detallil with them " he ex-f~ fOOd on~ ~f ,_the l~, .p~ed. "When ' r get s e a • o n • ran Cf~Jy 92' SO@elhing T want to do, I performances, 90 fl:ad · '°:'be ·work out every detail myself accounted a B,rqadw~ Iai!Ar.e _ casting, wriling and so on., from the money s~pomt. , That is what J ask the backers If playgoer• wouldh't .bt'ly B · to finance, a compjete pro- scr1pt about old _King Henry ·position. J find il is the only I~ °! Englan~; circa 1183; ·_it way 1 can work becauie I . d1drf t ~ likely .t~t. movie cootrol the whole artistic e!- . fans wouJ4 .~ lo it. fort. No one else can tell "I uted the writing," wu me how it. should be written : "I don't ...m 19 pcall _,,. the jlumu you , Poll'• ,olmpla uplanaUoo of or "'1o shoold be 1n It." I ... , bis •tlraction lo Ille play. ,phll w~ l•cky ln a sense. ~ mentlontll ft Ma: ·"' • • • . ~ __ . , "And I didn't aee Jt as simply He wanted Peter O'Toole lo Atnearlyovmyllfroetllaildwbenit's'ln1euon. • lt<rl' ·~1 -l!"li>• ~ YWS play Heney, and it just hap- : !l's a crui>chy juicy roo! n&eteble. CbiMoe lllten · ago about 1 ting not many pened 1bat O"l'qole is a nw : use tt as a 1~ for water chestnut. Looks llte • kno" abouL It. ltf:mM ~ me about that period in Briti!h · an oversized niw pOtato ··.::. i • that,· no nti1tter w~t the h1story and wu free. Poll . , • · ,: , period W"llltlq, this could felt lbat ii Katharine Hepburn '. *' · • bavelllllyerlfi,aPJ>eal bO<ouae wouldn1 ·111ay Eleanor, be . · · It Is lbolt a iamb)' in turmoil. · didn't want to do the picture. Now here's one place where I don'• buy them : , Whal l,tmllJ' bun't been at Hebappened to approach her :ready cut oft the .wld. I buy a whole 00elnd aHce , : oome Ume or otllor?" , at just ti>e right moment. !I-you lhould olW11fcal'1o/ a Boy 9c0tit-l)pe knife· , ·~. ''The Lion Jn So, with Goldmart suc- m MWco. S11ce It Squeeze lime Juice,cm; jt And , Wll!ter" calcllei llenrr lriJ >la , c;eo!fully tran~ bla play ult ml cblll powder It you can. 11}. -~.aild ~ · Iola ,..,. when he °"" hit · Into a scenario, bla llnl sucb · trMMng. (Pronaanco It HEE-kah-mlhl.)' ~ ~-, ••Ira~ 1,.e~:· qu~ IJie~ job. a hit motion pictun was · , ·., * ·:, ~-· 1 •• \~ · formtdtble1 Eleanor. of1-~ ~· -' ' ' ) ~' TRY SOMI ceYlcbe wlllle~'ln llle ~ul· ,, co .-. 'lbla 11 i)lcecl red .,,a ·raw. :aat dOn't let lbat -you. 1bey -t'lt lime ,luliie '!Iii.ch ''coots" It. lt11 'served u . a eocJc1:all wlth tom~ onion, bot sauce. . · · ' J ·' Osc.pr's _:Sjster 21 . . *' And you Dll,l'.be offered lmtlo ega •. Sbe, ihape • ~-appmranoe of • Plnf.poli1 bell. Thtf breat tills , In • giall ml duh It With .. lllucll hot -and · lime juice you don't know what yoo'n ..-,. (But . u all Mmco wm ten you, lmtllf eus .. are ,.pbro- , Arid Cont,roversial By CYl'mllA LOWl\Y Wbi1e there wai a lot or : dlllac. 01 cow-.., of coune.) · . NEW YORI( (AP) _: Em' srwnbllnt, the first real ac- my' ~---•i hard-lu".. ·plain ti!"'. WU, taken by an ABC ~ ..... vice president whacomplained Jane little aJster, will be 21 thal network executives were ( _________________ .,. next Pltay -if she makes given no <'ha.net to discuss It I ·t the changes before they were ART EXHfBr'fS . . ~. :: $~ ~ ~;~; .i:~ t~OOJ1r:. coming-<ll·age ~-The Na-fac:t that several programs , ZULCH G.\LLEllY -1135 Newporl Blvd.; Costa r.i..., Cur-Uooal ~-·ii Television. and performers have been rtnl.ly on o:hlblt oil palntinfs by Harland YOUD(. Haun: 10 to Arta~sed~twfaiam nominatro for Emmy awards I p.m., Tu~. through Sat.; 1 to 5 p.m. Sun., closed Mon. There d" d ~ f "ts o'llZes .;rw~': in seasoos past but never won ~ no .admillkln charge. . ~'Ji w:~ ~ paa~tlng ~ · the ballbUng. N~w they are • C.M ART LEAGUE GALLERY -$13 Cen'-St .,.. ..... 6 crttie1 r Its awards """'-a~tomoa.Ucally out of ~e run-U"...... • l.Q .? 1-NllL.a 0 r· ~ rung. A good example 18 MN'lo P~ Houri.: Sal and Sun, 1 to 5 p.m. Coo.UnuOlll eiblbit of art ~urea, the 8*emy fmd s Thomas and her show "That wart in vanous media by Art League memben. No admiutoo 1t.9eU in the cen .. of a new, Girl" ' ~barge.. bider controvel'SJ'; · B · ,._ -• y .-.. Vel'f nature of COFFEE GARDEN GAu.EllY -1825 E. Cout ffllbway, THE EMJff awards, ·TV's televisloit, there are loo many Corula dd Mar. Houri: 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mon. throu,p Sat. way of ~'ft&~ at categoriM ud loo · many l!o ldmlalon cbarg~ Currtnily on u!Jilltt prints by pbotosrapb-lei!ll in "-f, _,,. doqed perlonnj'n 'fl• to , make •an & Beth Koch. The gallery is apanJCred by the Newport J:larlu hr dluenst.oo and dtaasttr. A awards contest very me.,..· Stnict l.eque. few lel.IOnt tJtcS ,pWe WU ingfui. And,. Oil the other aide • a big ,.bellion wbeo CBS of the coin, networu and ln-' SO, CAUF. nDIT NAT'L B&Nlt -171D Beach Blvd., Ihm~ N81 led a walk<>llt la a. dtpendent prodU<:<n -who Beadl. On ahlblt during ncuiar i.•1Jntg boun, oU -..ver.y cwer.J u d 1 r n'a privately ti.. off the Jilmm1' • by Ella Fl<berf. motbodl. Eventaau, thto wu• u meanJnsleu, 1U want to : • IWllND'8 LIBIWIY -:1011u>ovu Drive, Newport Buch. oort ol lllllOolMd' .Ver. Then •In Emmys became' they 1111_ cl ~dur!!.._ ncu_ lar Ubrary houri. oil p11nt1t1p and por-last opring ... \hat em-have a ca1aln upt~latlon 1$11 •w-bllTuatogly 8~ and publicity value. ' awanta lhow ~ wu l!terally ~ !! l8Cl1lUTY rutlT NAT'L BANI -111 E. 17th Sl, Colla a lragocly o1 ...., and THIS YEl& the number ol lllot. Oii ...._J!r LM llutPrldee •·-LIMM'dt and mllha~ , h , '"" cates""-'bal b!<» <JiopJ!Od -.ii t.,111;rw. c..mmlq .., ediiblt .i.:bic .... .....,iar bu11nesa NWthe awards comm1ti.t! • -.-;"bit -bot· n ilut ..... • " ' ·' , hu mod< _,. iilOre cbancu ts more tll111 30 and ts !jJO • r<tau1111 to tile ~auaoau,.,. b111i>r cGm/ort. · aA*'.11 llOl!S!!._ICL!llMI -J0111 N. Main St., Santa Ana. o1 nomlnltloos ~ J>Olabt1 1 one thin.I ls certain: Tbla ~: ru.. a.-Ill., 11 a.m. to t :IO p.m.; Sun. 1 to$ rule lbat bara·~1ro1111· tncl sprJns'• tiiim~' awards allow ..... • Wad. 11811 Tbn. ••Bli"I!. 7 to I p.m. ~ a_dml .. ioo tllolt. u· ......... ~ wt" · · will ~ •~•·· 1-~ •-·- ..... Olliiif R>*i 'Ft;? r TtWd~·a.,.eru.~ granfl tim'"i;:bttsi ~~~ or u:':;;iv.1 o1 it:·::;;; ~ lneJdenta. air for two years or more. themselves will be on the line. ) I ' I ----•-- . ' . B1 VEaNON SCO'!T ln thto <OUDtry," Emo aald. "Maybe UPI Hotlywoocl CGmapoodeat I an ba,llle !Int, no! 'llOLL"'"ooD _ Elllo .ce...tco, who "I un oo lllUCh thll languqe and • ~ make tnlotaba all tl>e lime trylng to Jiii will atar ln a new televlalon ..-leJ this lole tills -. 'llll !Int thrff mootbs "'.....,, • "lnllr, opoke ooly ill< words ol Eoe1iab tn· t!Jf.g country l 'IJ>Olll ln my house · ·,na · <I 117 ii klD U. 11!'-llio.f!TlvtdlntboUnit.dSllta: · ~TV ind tranalalin& books Iidii' ......... ~ •1.:...~.-.. •• ,~•~1our-·-.• by -.,~lllUl\OIEnslishveralo~ an tilt ...,,.,_.all Ibo.-..--.....,_, · J........ 'ot. the same • ' · ttme. We are a ~ geMratJon wlthou~ • C'"'*°' will ,play ~ tlUe role In "Then I talk to -In the streets. Ille black mustache and tbe &old tooth." "My Friend TOQY," an Itallan lmmlgrat1t Now that I wort in the seriet 1 take And Enzo ls a prhne example rJI who lftl Into Ille detective buslneaa • tape recorder to ..Wk and oak Ille tbe .,.,. breed. He ii supercharged with 1n a co~4r'ama of misadventures c:rtt bow to say cerUin llnM. Then tlllfl)' and hu ooe of those faces that tnvoJvlna footpads, scolllaw1 and other 1 llalen to the tapea nvrr and .,..., ooe lnatlncUvely Ukea and trusts. felons. again." He ha.I worked in Italian movies, Success or failure of the new NBC .... Enzo sUll sounds as if be just got television and theat~, but h~ would se.riei, which replaces "The Beautiful off the boat. like to brell I.be pma barrier and Pb,ylDs Diller Show," rests with public become the firat. Jtallau hero on acceptance of Enzo, an ebulllmt JOUDg "I'M SURE in two years I can Jeam American televillon. man whose llaiblns white teeth and to speak ,Eqllab wttllaut an ac:ceDI. "I'm p:na' try," aald Emo. charm are altosetl>er new to American It depends on how !Jad1y yoll 111111 to * tclevillon. learn. u I am auoceuful I will mnaJn BIT :PARTS: The "Gomer Pyle Show" IN ms FRACTUJlED Engll&h1 F.oao explalna be'• trying to l>r<ak tho im.e of the Italian u a leerti>g lotbario wftb otlve oil in bis hair llld a l:nlle up li1a 1leeve. ln tills country. II not, l return to zoomed to the top in the latut NeilB<n Italy." , TV Ratlaga. • .Bob Crane of "Hogan'• Emo, in bis lOI, eiplalned lbat most Heroes" bu _Jlsned for eJabl weeks on Italian 1Ctor1, unllP actreuea Gina Ila&• at )l!e Drury Lane in <lllcago Lollobriclda and Sophia L«en. ore too ln "Send .M• No Floftrs. •. 20th Ceulury· lazy to learn to speak Et:cllsh. For Fox bu bou1bt an original sc:reen play '"nlere ""' no Italian televlllon stan that reason there are no major Jtallan called "The Utimat.e Victim" ••• . CoitiFlip Was Key For Star Two Singers In Bi11ings At Anaheim Singen 0. C. Smith and the Omn<>nd Brothen ""' Jn. eluded tli the llneup of llar1 who will oppear at Melodylancl thls tnOllth u 1>1rt or its winter ctlebrity series. Smith, whose recording of "Uttle Green Apples" has alrMCtr IOkl mont lban a mlllloo coplel, will be -.. special guest atar 'lrith '"l'be JUUet ProWle Show," opening Tuesday, Jan. H. Allo featuring comedienne ilart>ln Heller, the ProWIO show plays tliraO(lb SundaJ, Jan. 11. t.hea comet Jimmy Dural)te1 Wbo J.Ltts II hi.I 1peclal ~ lllal'1I the (lo. mond BrOtbe!s. Al Melodylaod lot a -Jan. 2146, Durante will also lea-Illa pereonlal sidekick, Eddie Jao.:bon, and Ille llWe Pearce Sisters. Year Reviewed OassicalMusic '68 Mirrors of Past Vladimir Horowits played the first uninterrupted piano recilal on television. Charles Munch, 77, wbo led the Boston Symphony (rom 1949-&1, with the symphony usually und.errebeaned. but someUmes inspired in perfonnance, came out ot retirement 1ast year to lead the newly created Orchestra de Paris. He died i n November, on a tour, in Ri ch· mond. Va. Howard Lebow, 32, one of the m~t promising of the young American pianists, died ln January iu an automobile accident. Compose! William Schuman announced h1a: resignation as president of Lincoln Center. after seven years, saying it needed a money raiser. And directorship of the Vienna State Opera ls still open. The Mel's Vienna-born Rudolf Bing· told them he'd stay where he is. Movie Answers Daily Crur .. -2 p.m. Fun Zone Boat Company * Balboa-673·0240 * NEWPORTS RESTAURANT ROW NOW UNPARAWD! AMERICA'S GOURMET WONDERLAND! -fr'((-fr-(( ALLEY WEST **** HOWARDS ANCIENT MARINER HENRYS **** ARTS LANDING **** INDONESIA ****ARCHES ****JOLLY ROGER ~ BAL BEACH BROASTER ~ JOSEFS ****BALBOA BAY CLUB ****PIRATES INN **** BALBOA PAVILLION NEWPORTER INN ~ IELLA!-IY 'S NEWPORT GRono **** BERKSHIRES OBERHANSLIS CHART HOUSE REUBENS ~ CHINESE CASINO STUFT SHIRT **** CHARLIES CHILI i:rtrlrlf SURF l SIRLOIN CRAB COOKER **'I!-(, VILLAGE INN **** DILLMANS ~VILLA MARINA DRYOOCK ***'*VILLA NOVA **** ELKS LODGE ****WHITE HORSE INN IN OUI fUAlrPllD OPINJOtf THI ldTAUIANTS IMC>,WINe 4 ITAlll SIRYI THI flNm INTlm Wl"fl .... IMJOTD. CONMATUU.nONll FOR OUR RITAIL CUSTOMllS -----.,~-----,~-----. I llD-SIDUSS JIAWIL I NIW CIOP I GRAPEFRUIT t I ORANGES l t TOMATOES I I Sc... 11 10 .... 95c 11 10c .._ I Uolil I .......... .... .... , • :' ~ !:9: .;.I • :': !-:: _ 1 L .:"'-na._ C.: • .I PHONI: 673-1715 COVPOHI DPIH JAJI. I HOW ABOUT YOU CALLING US? NEWPORT PRODUCE J6U N•wport -. ..... , ...... •ii!s, )U]d and on >w" ... ""' :' 00 qo lr'/• >lay B 'yed ... led rom ,ony but in ot .ead ;tra in ich· 32, ;ing an · in nan •• ter, r it I.lid, nna !be ling· ,.,. old lam !be key ' in1 ·cer: ! " ' I ' ' WEEKENDER ORANGE COUNTY'S' Sometiql,~~ Uapp~ Ooctfb.-~'whlte apace!iniltauons (,el in the way o~ om: COYel'ing, a ,...caurant. 'lbls wiu the case on la!t week's lnlonnation on the Coral Reef. To con- tinue after aucb a rude IDterruptioo - ·, One sboold JJQl:overlook P,o1yneslan chef Dallny TaJ'CO'• fiawrsome cllltbes like mahi mah!, almond, $2.65; teryak1 steak, Molokai, $4.65; wild wild steak, Walllne, '3.65; Polyntolan ehrimp, '1J.25. All dinners are served with a small shrimp cock1ail, soup salad a,nd choice of potato or rice. A. chilled re!iSb dim consist. ol\rlpe olives, seal· lions, radlsnes, celery hearts, carrot sticks and cherry peppers. The Coral Reef's decor is more a suggestion of Polynesian 'rather than all the thetcbed roofs, bamboo and tapa cloth usually essoclat.ed with the concept. Attractive beige tablecloths add a very contemporary touch to the comfortable sur· roundings. / LOTS OF MUS.IC TOO By no means confined to the family dinner trade there's also much to recommend it for any twosOme on the town. Larry Rodgers provides tuneful cocktail entertainment at the lounge piano bar from 5 to 8:30 p.m . • ' .... --27, 1911 . . ' DAILY I'll~ Jt ' " ' 'N' Rf STA URAN7', NIGHT CLUB ~ E'NTE 'RT'Al,NME NT SCENE ot Corona lie! Mar's new AI•ll!Ddro's, which opened Decembe~ U. :U Interior ·decor measures up to the <iutside, It should ttglster an all-around blgb trafllc count. · Ale~andro Maytorena, the familiar 11Alex'' to Perino s customers in Los Angeles for the past 26 years, ls operating the restaurant in association with Ray Oliphant, Laguna Beach restaurateur. The latter also owns the Wooden Shoe coffee shops in Santa Ana and Torrance. TRANSFORMED AGAIN Serving what be describes es the "finest Mexican cuisine 1n America,'' Maytorena bas completely remodeled the former Chef's Inn property at 8201 ~t Pacific Coast Highway. And an amszlng trapsformaUon· It has been, as you'll note on your fir~t1visit. , Head chef Abel Santana bails from Guadala· lara and has come stateside to institute a promised 'Completely new and unusual menu". Aiong with Mexican dishes, Alejaildro's also offers favorite American foods, all at reportedly popular prices. The restaurant will be open daily fur lunch from 11 to 4; dinner from 4 until midnight, coclrtalls from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Ample parking bas been provided for all patrons. . ' . ' ~ -·-· Lee's art work, ulllblted 1>1.· !I'll" 'Pifer Hyun, lncludea an llldent form Of Cbllifte cam. grai>l>Y and dasslc Cblneoe bl'Ulh paintlngo. AI· dlougll quite yqung, Lee bu travele\I ~ely throughout Ohlna and, alnCe eerly )'lllltb, .otudied lhe tradlUonal aty!e of pelnUng wi1ll 1mllll and band-ground Ink. ' 1,000 CHARACTERS When not cnetlng ooperlatlve OrientlJ.culJiilo In the mnaurant, ho aPl!llds all of bla , IP"ff ll.1'ie wi1ll bit other love -bis art. His skill In tho,~ is dearly demonstrated In "The Study of One Thousand Cbaracter1.1' ' . In this Incredibly detalled palntill(, Mt-\bous- and c b I n e 1 e characters are written .in lhe an- cient form of calligraphy. TbLI la the basic ltudy of the Chinese classics, which every .1tutlent of the subject must master. · lmp0N!I custom-made cbandeilerr that can provide dl,tfUHd llghUng ol. oil brigbtnNS, U Well as l}ltltllJbtl, blend -lhe -decor .,. bac:ed by bule molded doon, specUil wall papers and l.>eamed ceilings. Sound-pniofed movablt·partiliOOB allow groups of all"11%es from 10 to llOO, and COl!lPlete IOUnd and video equipment la. available, -and 1>evera1• ~ Tol;ly Bll!basar can hendle BD1 type of meetma, from a amall lnfonnal lancbeon to a ,.... ceptlon comi>ltte with.fresh tlowera and ~ra. . IEN IROWH'S Also ln....Ugate the banquet facilities offered by Ille new Ben Brown'• Restaunnt at Ille Leguna Beach Coo!ntrY Club In South Laguna. 'Two large banquet rooms are available with one capable of lland.llng over 200 and the other groups up to 1511. In the adjoining bDte1 complex are five smartir appointed coofe""1ce and meeting rooms in addi- tion, general manager. Roy Moes provides IOUnd ayltems, cba!k boards and special menus for bnalt· fast, lund! and dinner. . I At 9 p.m., the swinging Cal Ross Trio takes to the bandstand and demonstrates its versatility along with playing top-notch listening and dancing music. New Management , On•lhe xecieatlonal llde l!lere'1 a popular gclf coane and' a short five-minute walk to cme ol. La-cuna'• best beaches. Located at 2645 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa. the Coral Reef is open nighUy exceP,t Sunday. Whether -you're in -the company of the famliy . or a steady date, it's bound to win favor. . Alejandro's Looks like the Mexican Olympics fever bes carried north of the border from the appearance ®. ~ THRU SAT., JAN. 4 ~ 1•• Tommy Mullinix Trend OPENING MONDAY, JANUARY 6 JOHNNl VANELLI AND THE JACK LAWRENCE TRIO Coclct•il Dencing-!5:10-7:30 P:-m~ Dancing and listening-7':30-Closing CLOSED SUNDAY 516-1421: 21112 OCEAN AVENUE HUNTINGTON IEACH I lunches from ·1 f:lO Daily exceP.t Sunday Dinner from 4:30 N;9htly ENTERTAINMENT Nightly except Sunday TONY . FLORES His Songs and Guiter 2607 W. c-t Highway -N...,... -64M201 . WEEKEND BREAKFAST SPECIAL Hotcakn, SauM.9-. 95¢ EgCJS and Coffee ••••• , 2691 Newport Blvd. • " 1320 l!dlnlf*r Ave. Cotta ·MIN S1nta AN 1101 ..... 11t0t,... ~AILY-, • lill ..... tiff,.._ Recent sale of the Versailles Restaurant, 1617 W~lill Drive, Newport Beach, bas resulted in ·tbe new management of Newport South Bay, Inc., beaded by_Fresident Cha;Jes ll.reyer, .. Doing business as Feliciano's, South Bay bas announced plans to undertake numerous changes in operating l?"licy. First of these is notice of honoring Amencan Express, Carte Blanche, Diners, Bankamericard and Master Charge credit cards. out 'n' abouter will survey the new operation and report other changes. in an upcoming col1:1JI10. Dining With an Ocean View SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTREES * FROM $2.95 * Entertainment and Danci119 Nightly ' ' AT THE PIANO BOB PERGRIM 8:30 to I :30 a.m. 11ANQOET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHOM! IJW151 317 OCIAN An. HUNTIN5TON llACH OVERLOOKINt; THi PACIFIC OClAN AT THE PIEl 540 ·3641 OPEN FOR LUNCH ~,:-11:30 to 2 p.m. DINNERS ;:.., .... 5.30to10 p.m. 9!:!~~u!NT _., .............. c-- NOW OPEN IN NEWPORT'S NEWEST Hl6H RISE LOOKIN6 DOWN ON THE BAY FEATURING SEA FOOD AND LIVE . MAINE LOBSTER LUNCH -DINNER SUNDAY BRUNCH ACROSS FROM THE ARCHES AND NEXT DOOR TO VILLA NOVA · 142-4291 NOW OPEN UNOER NEW MANAGEMENT • IN THE DRIFTWOOD LOUN/;E NIGHllY THE KEN CERVI nuo IN JHE VELVET KNIGHT ROOM ltfE SILER BROTHERS t:lO P.M. to 1 :30 A.M. WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY WEEKLY STARTING JANUARY 7th 95¢ BUFFET LUNCHEON .................. . .. Clooetl Mondays For RtHrv1tlon1 C1ll -67~ 1 045 Bayside Drive, Newport ' Lee's ctudy tells tho atory of tho creatfuit ol heaven and earth and man'4 toil in.J>uilclto& a cl.\'ll· !zed society. Today tills !Orm of calligraphy is be- ing preserved through a nla1ively amaJI number of scholars and their followers. His delicate bruab paintings are enlltled -"Lobul Blossoms, 11 uBam.boo,'' "Iris'' and ''Chryaanthe- mum." All are on a par with bla Cantone•• paper chicken, ginger beef and l~ DlllDtlepn. ~-·'*' ....... ,., ,, ... _ ... c. c.. ~ POI -JWlllB VU.~ ..... ........... ,.,.. .......... nirst .. mm ~ e e DINNDS e e •111 • f P.M. Top Slrloll Stoolt ---.. ,, .. ................... CHATIAUlllAllQ :s'. FOi TWO $A21 T1ble Senice ~..:-..::. .. Pit. MW 111 u.G••• .,....., 111»""" ... ..,. ..-. 5174 IW=.; • • HiilflittM ..... · -M •MSprlntAlt . . "Where It's Happening!" llLL MARTINI COCKTAIL LOUH&l 1-':'""':'"":-=~1 111 I. IM COITA MBA 'JM "Balton T• Party" °'""" C.Unty I HNdquorton For All Olympic Boxing Tlcbhl . a.I .... i101tle'1 SPAGHETTI DINNER AU. YOU 1~~ CAii 14T ~ mn MOMMY " ...... . llLLIARD R0QM LADllS WILc;OMI Reading Material --·-· ---. '-· --' Must reading for Ille ban vivant ii Rll article in Ute Jaunary Elqulre by Roy Andrleo de Groot. Entitled "How to .Get ·a Gnat Meal et a G!at nm..urantt" a IUb;llealllng,aau1 ''My God, tlO you itlil timlk flamh!g """'11.1; at music, fancy lllfllm and fussy nrvlet have 'anyt111ng ·to do with lt7" IContln...I lft P ... 201 IN THE · l:/DO LOUNGE Continuous music fiom 5:00 P.M. . BY . 'The Bill McClure anCI The Tony Lobo Duo M.U • aS,1tt el It-Di:tt ht ...... tutif.I MARINE RESTAURANT . 644-1700, Ext. 445 for roNrv~len1 ffJ 07 Jamboree Rd., Newport Beacll ' 1111 C1atoMS1 FoOll .......... fib .home. STAG CHINESE CASIO DON JOSE pnRllh ' • . ' ' . "°U. NORRIS ~ .TRIO . , . . ' .. INC:HUD•.&TACO ••..•...• $1.JO'· . . . . . CHIU lP'Dlo.INCHILADA •• $1.41 " ) . . . .......................... I ; ------- -----------. ----··-------__ _..._ ___ • _____ ....c>,. ___________ ------- ' • .... . • J JI 'IM!l.Y .ii.OT frilt.lt, Otc*'*" 27,t.1968 • • ' ""1'. ~ir~ !801 f.A$l' Coit.sT HtCll\\'AY CoRQN4 Pit MA.. C\U~NIA PHONB: (714) 6;'5-1374 I'---.: THE MARINE RESTAURANT • • • w * Excellent Menu * Fin• s,rvice LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS from 11 :JO A.M. Reservations recommended 644-.1700, Eat. 445 MUSIC FO,R YOUlt LISTENING ~ND ,DANCING PlEASUllf:1 NIGHTLY, FROM 5:00 ,.M, IN ! THE J,IJ)O WllNGE ' ' , Th, Ted R•w• duo which 1! Cl/r"')llY •pjloul"t In tho · f..,,111.. Mltll)ll Ot Jooof's In co....,. dol Mar. makes It Hem Ilk• old homo -k. Tod hH been • grNt f11vorite •t this spot over the Y••n and looks just fine a911lrut the new decor. Del Nash i' the other half of the duo. I The Slier Brothers, Rick •irMI Buzz, from left, k-th1119s rompl119 right along in the V • I y • t Knight Room •t tho· Ville Marii1• in N • w po rt Beach. Their return en- gagement has met with grMt enthu1l•1m. , , I :1107 Jamboree Your Guide to Fun ···········~········· At the outs::::n~::,:•:t:·.~~A19famous Bn'ti'sh THE DUKE Duk ~m.J~UARY S.I T~'TER Tw .JANUfARY 1~imll ta! th t<r 111 be .• ' • rec1·pe for rabbi'! p1·e begins·. ,•Fi•rst catch your ra'--e .&:..llli'fi..,n and his orchestra plus singer Lou ~....,..... ·-o everungs o exper en ea w J:ft" "" Rawla wW perform at Melodyland Theater 10 Freedman Way sented by the Newport Harbor Art Museum in the Bal~ Pavi-• B · • bit ••. ' The problem is the same in getting a g!"eat Anaheim. Performances: Jan: 3 at 8:30 p.~.· Jan 4 at 7 and 10 lion, 400 Main SL, Balboa. Curt.am time 8:30 p.m. '-rhe Trial ri • meal. First find your great re§tautant.'' p.m., and Jan. 5 at 5 and 8:30 p.m. Ticket.\. 13.50 1o $&.50 oo Anne·Opie Wehrer and UnknOwn Accomplices for Crimes A.gains& • • R~d Q!!_from there. Many ipsights in di_ning sale at the box office and Wallichs Music City store. Phone 'Tl&-Humanity,'" a social comment play, will be performed Fri., Jan. .I .•. out will be gained not to mention numerou. 5 7490. . IO~·"nie Wolfman·Motor City Review" complete with'llgbtlhow, folk, hard rock and country music, will be staged Sat., Jan. 11.. • chuckles. JANUARY 3-11 Tickets, $3 for adults, $2.50 for Museum members, $2 for stud· · -~ e Ditto in the reading departmmt: The Saturday MEXICAN CHIUSTMAS DRAMA -. The Mexican Players al ents, on sale al the Museum. Phone 61.5-31166. • , , ~ • Evening Post for December 14, 1968;' "That Anony. Padua Hiiis Thealre in Claremoot present their trad!Uonal s00g JANUARY 1 • Pftll bl I • moos Man in the Corner Can Make or Break _tms and danco drama of OlriBtmas in Mexico lhroogh Jan 11 Per· I • n Restaurant.'' formances: W.ed. 2:30 and 8:00 p.m.; Thurs. and Fri .• S:ao'p.m., UCI B~ALL-UCI vs. Westmont ~ll· Sat.,.Jan. ll·1t • Here's a truly revealing story aboot the coun. and Sat 3:30 and 8:30 p.m. !'hone 1 (714) 68.1-0380 for further In-8:15 p.m. m Campus Hall at UC!, 7601 Irvine Are., Irvine. Pbone e ... JimMiC ""vil'!Dn e . try's rop out 'N' About man -Craig Claiborne, formation. 83U931. , • Hiii iilllU {Q • food e,l)to;.oittbe.N,e'll! York Times. Learn how the JANUARY s.u JANUARY 16 ·• S\vings Again • good wbc:d ,friim Cl'aiborne can swamp a restaurant ICE SHOW H lid .. . . . MASTER PIANIST -Leonard Pennario per!Ol'!lll in recital Jan. with mOre reservBtions in one night then can be -0 .8Y on Ice, an ice show featuring mtemation-16 at 8:30 p.m. in Campus Hall at UCI, 7801 Irvine A·ve;, Imne. .•• . "• • bandied 1n a mon(h. al staling stars. will be at the Focum, Manchester at Prairie, 0..,..al admission tickets, $3.50, oo aale at the UC! Fine Atta • And feel the tremors of a restaurat..ur to whom lnglew?"", tbrougb Jan. 12. Performances Mon. through Fq. al box office and, H.aVJilable, will be !Old at the dO<r. ~ 831- • WITH I p.m., Sal, I, 5 and 9 p.m., and Sun., 1::11 and 5:30 p.m. Tick· 6017 • Craig 'fPves. a bad review. ets, $2.50 to $5, on sale at WallichJ Music City store and the · : CARROLL: COATES •1,....---'-'"---~~*-· ________ .....,i:~~ ~°:1.~)~';!1:'." for juniors al selected per· • AT THE PIANO ••• : Out 'n' Abooter solicits comments, criticiam . JANUARY 3. APRIL I; JIU ' : 1 Playing your favorile tunes and requests, Wednesday • end praise about Orange Coest restaurants alid HORSE RACE'! -Thoroughbred boroe racing at Sanla Anila thru Saturday nights. . flight clubs. If you have something you wooJd Race Part, 285 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia. First Post time • like to say, write Out 'n' Abouter, Weekender, Tues. lllnlugh Sat., 12:30 p.m, Phone J-(213) 447-2171. I ... dinner with the most ~Jar harbor view Jn •. Box 1875, Newport Beach, California, 92663 , Newport •. from 5;00 each everung. llir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WHALE WATCHINC -The.Island Holiday boat will leave·from .•. . " Davey's Locker at the Balboa Pavilion, 400 Main St., Balboa· on • • whale Watcbinl tour between the mainland and Catalina during '• II 11.rf on s ' . ,. · •· -.-• . the great mammals' mlgraliqn season. Boats will depart 00 Sat. , . IA,. •\AO ,..,.. I fl>. • ~ Sun. at 9 am. and 1 p.m. Trips will continue as Joog as the ~. •rnere •'."' .. SINCE 1905 v/,t+ •• inlgration of the wb!lles conUnues. Phone 673-0215. Tickets '3 lor adults, !; for-.blldren, . ' • • JANUARY< • IEM? ma • ULDDA HllllUl.A. • UCLA ~KEl'B.W. -UCLA vs. Tulane Sal., Jan. ' al 8 p.m. • LookfortheLjghtedCunnl• · •. fAMllY STEAK HOUSES. In Pauley Pavilion at ·UCLA, l-05 Hil~ard Ave., West Los An· e (we're di!lctfy under ft)-• gelea. Phone J.(1!3).IZ$.432t. • ..... JANUARY7 ••••••••••••••• •••• HUNTINCOTON BEACH I COSTA MESA RECITAL -Soprano ljonnie Shelley .accompanied by pianist i;owN & COUNTlY .. ·. IU!H~~'-J-Gt~"x'icsa1uf,.~¥1oN Kate Wbilney will perfunn works by.Handel, Faure, Puccini, 1m1 ~ •1¥., ,..,,,, E. 11111 a ""'• AM w.1m Schumann and Duke Jan. 7 in Music Studio No. 1 at Orange ,, TOP SIRLOIN STEAK NEW YORK STEAK $.139 '.1" lncl11d11 lak1d or Fr1nch Fri1d PDtato11, Ron I l11tt1r. CHIUtUN'S PORTION \.'1 PllCI MAXI MONDAY Nl•HT YOUI •AMILY Hl5HT TOP SIRLOIN STEAK $1·°' Only lnduda1 Bak1d or Frtnch Ftitd Potato11, Roll I l11tt.r. CHILDalN'S PORTION •12 PllCI .----Luncheon Specials---~ 1 I :00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. ROAST Bm OR HAM SAHDWKH · 1r · Including French fri•1 Served on S.Ume Roll TO. GO ORDERS .. Coast College, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Cmcert begins at 11 a.m. There ls no admission charge. RMEU tut&'l'AUUNT Continental Cuisine Cockt11ls Servipg Luncheon and Dfnner Monday through Sa!Unlat/. Clo1ed Sundo~s Opt11 for Private Partlu Oftl11 We •re loc1ted on the Bri1tol Street side b ... tween Mullen and Bluett •nd the May Co. WIL ...... c....... 1401141 .... ...-, 542-3595 (a-I Sundoy) Robin's Rest.aurant 2970 We•t Lincoln et Beech, Anaheim Telephone 127·7330 • luncheon with Entertainment • Dinner & Dino Out • CocktaOs -Hfcl Russ Critic Hits ·Czech 'Crudity' MOSCOW (AP) - A leading Soviet film · criUc assailed Czecholovakia's leading mo- viemakers todaf and accused them of . "impudent and crude" attempts to stir up haired of the Ru.sian people and the Soviet government. presence of. the Soviet troop in Czecholovakla ls no dif ferent from the Nazi cupation during World W II. Bol!bakov said Forman' •1Fireman'1 Ball" 1trvea: a "graphic 11lustratlon for coonterrevolutionary d ment '2,000 words.• " The critk' said: "The Vladimir Bolshakov, who spent several days in Prague watching new productions, at. tacked directors Milos For· man, Jlrt Monzel and Jan Ne- mec by name. dent, crude lnocklDj! of o.t soldiers of warsae ' Nemec's "Prague Oratorio," Bolshakov wrote in the Youth newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, "boils down to a very simple anti-Soviet formula." He said it is a "blasphemous attempl" to show that the tries is an attempt to fan tred for the Russian and the Soviet governm among the Czechoslovak pie. This is an indispensi feature of the many docum tary films being shown in Prague." DINE ON THE BAY FRONT STEAKS -SEAFOOD -RACK OF LAMB BUDDY ROHNER AT THE PIANO BAR NIGHTLY OPEN DAILY 11 :30 A.M. lo 2:00 A.M. ~:ls--'-"----~ l\'OW APPEARING AUTHENTIC. EXOTIC MIDEAST HAREM DANCERS FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS NO COYER -NO MINIMUM THE CASPIAN U70 Newport --C-M--642.mJ Dine and Dance ••• Floor $.hows 10 p.m.-12 p.m. WMkdays F•ld•y & S.turd•y 1()._11:30 p.m.-1 •.m. TOPS in FOOD AND ENTERTAINMENT WHERE THE ELITE ALL MEET Presents Don Lucas COMIDIAH, ACTOI ... wt.nw • ' BOBBY CHARLES TRIO ., • ,_, ....__,_ __ ..._, .. --_... _____ .a. ____________________________________________ _,,__.. + •• ·-·'--- ... . ~ ., IOI Jl. •• IL d· al ,. •• ' f -- • ---,--~--·-""""=--=---• SIR LANCELOT IN FUL L ARMOR Franco Nero Stars as Knight Adam 12's Rookie Once Gridiron Star By VERNON SCOTI HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Kent McCord, the rookie cop in "Adam-12," became an ac- tor by virtue of his football talents on Rick Nelson's team Jn a game against Elvis Presley's squad several years ago. away until midnight trying to ingore the knots or curious onlookers who gather when their scenes are played on public streets. · Saturdays, Sundays a n d Mondays belong to McCord, who usually heads for the beach with his family. As a youngster he worked as a lineboy at an airpori in Pomona, where his boss paid him off with flying lessons. A high school and junior college grid flash, McCord became a close friend of Nelson; first visiting the a~r on the "Ozr.ie and Harr1et"1 r:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;j show, and then playing minor roles. Now he co-stars with Martin Milner in the police-oriented series for NBC-TV. McCord shares many of the ' qualiUes of policeman Jim Reed, whom he plays on the show. He is reserved, thoughtful, and by the stan- dards of most young actors, , square. His hair is •shorn SOUTH SW TROPICAL FISH Largest Selection of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. Now 2 locot10111 !II W. WILSON, COSTA MISA {off FlicYlew ll:O.. .S0-7~1 ln·G. Rlft<"11de Dr. -NewPOr! BNch tbdllnd t~ Pmt otflctj '"'6-t"6 · regularly, he works hard and hasn't time to hang out on1~~~~;:;:;~~~;:;:;~1 the Sunset Strip. !r McCord -whose r e a 1 1 surname is McWhirter -and his wife Cynthla, live in a · white frame bungalow near Hollywood Boulevard. T h e house has two bedrooms and · a small office where the youthful actor studies his ' scripts. The McCords are l h e parents of Kristen, 5, named for Rick Nelson's wife. Also 1 occupying the McCord home is a puppy who manages to keep things lively when Kent returns from Universal Jiludios. , McCord generally works four days a week. Two days are spent on the streets of North Hollywoo9 where much 1 of the action takes place. Tbe I remainder of the work week is spent on a sound stage 1 at the studio. I On a typical work day I McCord reports to makeup at 7:30 a.m. and Is busy before the cameras unlit J in the evening. Frequently, when night scenes are called for, Milner and McCord grind UY LttQC STUCIC • Cftninp 'W 10 ICKWICK ~ o.r..!!'.!>.~ ,, __ --~•Hltl 1!(1}TID!9J!f NEWPORT !EACH • OR.3.fll5b' SOUTHERN CALIF. , EXCLUSIVE rn--soieiidar .•. n..-~, pidare ..... ! - Ol\'.OQ~-lllllril'IE ~ -CLARKGABlE ~VMENLEIGll ·LFSUEllOIVARD j' I~~~ ,,. .......... , .... c ........ ..... Sst ..... ha.. Wt4. h• 1 :1111 -- Enck January 7 WARNER SPARED nothing to create a worthy successOr !O his "My. Fair Lady,'1 another acclauned Alan Jay L e r n e r -Frederick Loewe musical romance, which won eight Academy Awards, in· eluding the best-picture award • "Camelot" was fashioned with painstaking care from a screenplay and lyrics by Lerner and music b y Frederick Loewe. It is based on their acclaimed stage stic- cess, in turn derived from T. H. White's epic romantic noyel, ~'The Once and Future King." • Reaching deeper. for h Ill to r I c a 1 accreditation, .. Camelot" may be traced to Allred Lord Tennyson's "Idyllli of tlie -King," Sir Thomas Malory's •'Mort e d'Arthur," Nennius' "Historia Brittonum" of the year A.D. 830, and innwnerable medievaJ minstrels who perfonned nar- rative songs of Arthur ·and his court. SETS AND COSTUMES for ''Camelot" make a breathtak- ing tapestry. John Truscott i.ff VNI Clltf e COLOlt • .,....,, ......... -·~ I .... ,.., ....... , . , Jd!n .~.:;..:,:';.°« • , ' tMi. Pr~ e cM• e ~ 1 "I• IMMY C...trf' . ,. . ",r"hlllfiie. ....... •• ._.... hr """"' Mlt t:1rrt1Wr e COi.OR e . . ._..._ -· J~l'-onda • COlOI • r.........., cNOW-INDS TU!SDAY ONE SHOW NIG-HTLY SHORTS 7:30 FIATUWI 1:00 IT IS LI FE ITSELF •• , RAW BEAUTY IN ALL ITS - AWAKENING ! l'El'!PHONI ~·155~ PO!;INFOIMA~O!I' I I TWO f lnT ~UN. ~•ATUREs • \ . ..JtJiDI :el -·-· r ---~":"-- • ... ... -' -----------_..,.,.,,,.---- ' . '1ldaf, ~"" '· 1969 ' DAIL V I'll.OT IJ I ·LIVE THEAJ.ER ,tr•· "' •d • "'' f "i'" r. Ltv.iLi1z 1"' • '·'-'. r, • . , *HEY KIDSI* Just Lookii Herel P•I S!Mw S.-., ft 1:00 CtM'tOO...CotM4lel-""" frM ..., hp wltll SSS Pl11 tW1 hot Morie BEHOLD I 1111 n11&11ues1 11141, • who mr lmd! ~ .. ,.,\..,, C9Mf ,...~., -......... _ ... " ,_ 673-6260 liJICLUSIVE ARIA ENGAGEMINT '. Showlftlll, Nightly llA'IUS • ft •. 1tt ' Hermans Hormlto-1:20 -.............. . • Mrs.Brown. you've get a lov ely d aughter Exclu1lv1 Arw• Run NOW DAILY FROM lLauit,., .... .. l500 ......... &.llCQ;llQI -· ...... .... ·-JOOOI - t • --~ '.• .. ",/C~N'nNUOUS ·D~ILY AT IOTH ~HEATIES ;.,,...'. ( . .I _.,.., • /' , RICHARD -VANES$A · OAVID . . • UONEl FREDERICK LOEWE: N ~AYlfRNER~JOOHUNl.OOAN-· JACK L.WARNER~ ---................. .. b 1~.lft,'A;J .Runs l 7"'~wnti.o ....... c_ , IO'TH TH EATRI~· , ' f .. IWAY CLOSE· ; TO ORANGE COUNTY """"....,,. \ . ---....... • -- . ' • I I I - TELEVISION VIEWS .-' " 1 Peering fui~ . ' CrystalBaU By CYNTHIA LOWRY m:w YORK (AP) -Thi> iJ the time of the year ilrhen predict!on ii popular, when peering ln- 10 !Iii 'cryslal ball is part ot the fun of beginning: a new.rear· I Is harmless enough: If you guess right, you can:a:iy ••1 told you so," and if you are wrong, you can JW2et the whole thing. But predict!o11 in the ·area ';Of television ii really quite eesy simply be-ca~it really doesn't cTuUfge muQll except ill its extemala from year IP yeai\ . · · • 'Oils SAGE, for' 'lnStail'ce, feariessly predicls :u.at"'Wlt!iln tlfe nm 12 ·months the three television - net-its will be preoccupied by midwifing into extstebce a clutch of half-hour situation comedies aboUt a beautiful widow and her bright, cute son. After.U, the big bit of this •O!'SOO has.been "Julia," about' a beauUful widow with a bright, cute son. • .. MOON MUWNs' ' ii' Is written he .. -that .U three networks will try to come up wi\11 variations on the "Laugh-in" theme, and will 'tirocl•im e<leh·nrlet!on to be a "bold new coocept ¥! television entertainment." Seine network;' Wlll bravely dedde to drop one of tlloie nightly two-hour movie reruns: Good old movlel !or TV are'gettlng scan:e and the public Is nol lill)'Where near as en•m«><ecl a( Ille lel4!" JDl)vies aa It onct was. The time will probably .be _filled with two half·hour situation comedies plus a one-hour vartety show headlined by a very )'Ollllg singer with a Soulhern accent'arid a guitar. ~' " A NUMBER' of C!l»hour Westerm will be intlll" red in TV's Boot Hill come spring while an equal number will be horn next September. 'lbe heroes will change, but the scripts and the hones will loo!< awfully familiar. There will be numerous statements from the· better-broadcast organiz4tions decrying TV's ex· cesslve amount of viQlence. Network spokesmen will assert that they are being extra careful about that sort of thing -long fillh\I and. wholesale kill- ings -'but the regular viewers won't notice 11DY real diHerence. A show with low ratings but critical acclaim will be canceled and, immediately, there will be a well.organized protest with letters to the networks and to TV columnists and perhaps even same equal· ly well.organized demonstrations before network headquarters. I! the protest attracls much atten- tion, it may even k~ the show on the air -any·'. way, for a little while. · ESTABLISHED variety shows will try desper· tely 1o insert outrageous po)itk:al commentary and be late evening conyersation shows will try to sleer the talk into daring areas in hope& of stlmula'ling controveny over at least some publicity. Appronmately ha!! the viewing audience will j complain to friends that "whenever I llli:e a show, they cancel It." The other ha!! will conlide that all they ever watch on TV are sports mid the·educa· , tiooal stations -but somehow are able to report the moit recent plot tams'to "Peyton· Place" or the gags of Rowan. and Martin. RECDMMENDED WEEKEND VIEWING : Tonight -"Male of the Species," NBC, 8:30- . ' ' 10 PST, apec!al consisting of thne short playa with Laurene.. Olivier as narrator and starring Sean 1 Connely, Michael Caine and Paul SCo!leld. • l Dennis t'lae Menace . , • • • TU~BLEWEEDS • • • • Mun AND Jm: • --------·-·· ~ . -....-........__ --------~--------------- - . ' ' ' .. ". ~ J ... • •• -----· .. ' ' •;, ., Tom K. Rya11 -" ly Al~· • • • Al! -..,. .• (Ill) . iil'rr ,, "',,;, tc> ~ 9 RtCHflw> PREstN~ * LOS ANGELES LAKERS1 _ VS. PHii.A. 76'ERS -~TUROAY • .IAlftJMY ' , e JOB PRltmNG A F T [ R N 0 0 r~ • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS ' . ff• t ' wwrr 'IAllOa ·•n. ------------------ I ' • -""! -----"-<!' -·~·----~----·-:-:-----/ I -· ,.: r~!;., ....., .. ;' 1'.•~t \ ' ., J,;· I -.~· r <'-t '"'' r ~ • -• ,. ; , ·~-:-r "".,._·· : • ' t 1."r ~:"d\1; 1ft~i ·~-~;..~~ ~·-!-·-~ -+-_.._..._ '· ,.~ ... ~1'l;:-."" ti".r ~. '-fl""'~-·-» .• -"'·""--.... 1.... ..·1 ... .r ,_ .. ,,..J.:r.'4 '•"1' ~ 1 ~ .. ,,. . .-•'' .... ~,,,,;· .. z:. RAY v-il11·.:.,1~ui·~1o»1 ~j a· · 1 .. '." ·'·" .... ''W'l";·YO'O. !~-·~· ~-;~ ~: :·-. :Jc·~\~· NEW,.1.969 1TX ... · · ,:;.;::. -'""· ' ., <.; ,:_ ~~'-" ' ~ I'".:-~ . ' •. $ NOT· A sntlP~D MQl.'ll!l..U ,. tOMES ~091PPEl>..Wl~l;f AL1. THIS; , . , "' '"· ' \'.,'. ' Trecil: l"adl;. PM~, l*dretlt,· frtUr _.i, bifl 440 CID '"81M. \ti , 4 .blrl'l!I urr., IWlo. ~..,.llU hood paint, lted 11rMk tlf'H, ttNVY' duh' 1wpen1~. 11.V;'I bl'Mlrt9 ,.,.....,, -Ill.WI MhlllSI, fulS.volilme fcMlm bUdtft Matl, bl•tk k!IWr body N ini ffMTment wllll reflectlWI II~. Si.wJl!ff hood l k' ~. Fl'llnt dOOI' e11urhl1y light 1wltd'IM, tll tftlt pll/J more. $tit;. $22'- .$· ' .-. .. I '56BUICI . Automatic traiiSmission , pewer · steering, power brak~, ·radio; heater, white walls. Uc. OIA948 '63 CHRYSLER 2-Door Hardtop. Full power, fac- tory air, white sidewalls. Lie. 5518. $695 '59·FORD ·· STATION ·W A G-0 N, Automatic tran.mission, v..a, radio, heater, white wall tires. · · · 5155 ' '' ... '. ' ;_ . _., ... ,~ ·can·••:m-11 . I ·w;: . ·&Slit.>/· • • ... • : , •• ,· J • ..... J · N,ewp'o·rt · Cotmtible;, ·aalll.1 trans., radio and;')ie,ter, .t>'!>weri · steerlllg. Lie. ffPC, 982" · · · ' . ' ' ~· . -'. $, .. ·z9··.·· ·s· ·;: ..... < • .' : • I ' ~ -'4--•• ·.-.r .. '·""·. --~-:. . ..... •A10VE _CA:1ti~\l?° ... ·~L'4c. ; -. >' •. ! ·:" ,,. ·r " .. ------ . ·' . - . "l '"! .. ' ' . ' . . . . . • ·-·~· .;. ,. .. ,.l • " ' . ·~·,.,; . .... ·- . .... . . ·~· ·1 '. '" .• /1. ~ : .i:·~· ,. ;' .<J'·~··. ;; • ' .'I 11!;;1t • • ·-:i ' l •·. ' .' 1:~ -~· ' . -1 ..... ~ " • ' . I ,.: , . ., •' :'. . ' ' " ""r":. ' :, 'f ·~· .. _., , r • ' ' • " . -. -~. ' ,39 PER MONTH !'!)R •ONtY 3' MONTHS 0.A.C. ',-"' .. . . . --. ' . ··1· ..... . . ,. . .. . t:COlttlN.EN.'fAL · I • ' ' Flill· po11;et, fac!Hg, ~. leather .. ·interior, La~daQ< tw.· Lie: J\TJ· . 207. '" t) Full power, electric windows & sea·t. air· conditioning. A' nice car at a r~I Dice price. Lie. CSG 096. • I,_ -1 ·199 ' '45" .... lJOw11 . . ,., ~4 M•. O.A.C. · .. · s•s: · .... ~~. ," F:!JRY .ui. Automatic , lransmi .. .. sion; radio,· heater, a:ir c:\>ndition- itigM white 'Side wall ·lites: Lie: , . TC 1'7.5 . . . . . . · · ,.·-' '159:5 ~I • __._ ... -.., . . .. ci . ?; • ' ... I. • , • ' . l i ' • . • \ I I ( I I I t - .. "10 UNm ..,s1o1s.-1oo-.. miot.· $155,® , IJJlboo RMI IEl!llo C.. E. Bilbo-. Bhd., Bllboa 6'lJ.4llO · 4 BEDRM-$23,750 Fruit trees, lusb plants, ahrubs. Luxurious kitchen. Eloganl -· 51NnD TARBELL 2955 Jlorbor -----~ -- ; . Coldwell, Banker ·.OFFERS: Udo Townhouse : Custom designed 4 Bedroom home. Formal . ·dining room, convertible den/family room, . w/wet bar. Swimming pool. 50 ft lot An elegant borne.· ................ $117,500 Mrs. Raulston Udo 3 BR + Fam. Rm. . ·3 BR - 3 ba plus huge upstairs !am rm -plus sep/din rm, immac cond, w/w new cpta: thruout. Vacant -and ready to move in. Asking .................... $59,500 · "Joe Clatrkson BallMMr Modern 4 Plex Exceptio~ Apt on 2 lots, close to Ckean . & Bay. f,ach Studio Apt 2 BR p!Us l 'h baths -fully oe<:Upied. Priced .............. ', .... .. Walter Haase Build on View Lot .gg Ft. frontage with outstanding Ocea n _View. OWner will trade. Fee Land . F\J.11 : price $25,950 -$6,000 equily. Charlott Loog Westcliff-$45,000 Brisbt and cheet>ful 3 Bedrooms..panelled den ~tb built-ins, 2 baths, family room, higlb beamed ceilings, 2 fireplaces, covered ~Uo. Vacant -pos:.ession close of esoro'v. Mary Lou Marion ---Beautiful China Ccwe 4 Bedrooms. 2 baths, huge living rm, car- l>"ll, drapes, gourmet ldlchen, alm06t 2 . Jots -room to expand ........ $110,000 ..• Mary Lou MJrlon --- OFFICE OPEN SATURDAYS COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH "Kl "3111 !• ... ...,. Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ."' "" '-'Y" • ...,..., wftll ,.. ............. r-11 ......... .w ... All ... leutl•111 ,..,.. ltelew -..,....., •• .,...., -.r1 ..., ................ , ....... ~ . ..-rs DAILY PILOT WANT ADI~ ......... ................ -..... , .. '"' ....... '9 d.t ... Wer-'k• Sil tWI eel•• ..di ltiffY . HOUSES FOR SALE (3 BR & Family or Den) 1129 Pembroke Lane (We!l<liff) NB 548-8281 !Sat & Sun 12·4) 2187 Irvine, Newport Beach 646-7171 or 546-2313 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 815 Camphor (Eastblu10 Newport Beach 540.1720 (Sun l -l;) (4 Bedroom) 2278 ~ ~liege Park, Costa Mesa 646-2'0t ."'. (Daily I ·5) 2153 National Ave., Costa Mesa 642-6442 · (Open Sat & Sun 11-5) (4 BR & Family Rm. or Don) 1375 Galule, oOver Shores 646-7171 or 546-2313 (Sat &-Sun 1·5l 2882 Stromboli (Mesa Verde) Costa Mesa 54-0-1720 (Sun 1 ·5) 1324 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB (714) 64UZS5 (Sat & Sun) (5 Bedroom) 136 Via Trieste. Lido I.lie 676-1936 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2500 Wavecrert Dr., Corona de! Mar 644-0020 (Sun 1-6) ..... **w...,.,. .. • ' $21,500 Newport It Victoria 646-8811 ' ·Easlside.Spec. Buy ll1lt• 11,.1 Esuu Coron• del Mar 1250 Bar9ain Hunten!· Here's your chance for the beat buy in lrvioe Terrace. 3 BR 2 BA. din. rm., ti.rep}., patio. Spotless. Full price $38,500. 10% dn, Lease op. tion. Call today for appL • RED CARPET • FHA/VA -NO DOWN. Name your terms. Im· maculate S BR home Mtb gorgeous carpeting, 2 sparkling baths, cozy fireplace & family room. Large covered patio with B-B-Q. All built ins and (30 of!i~s to serve you) elec garage door opener. 202S \V. Balboa Blvd., N.B: Hard to believe at only I :c,.-,"*='"°o--cooo'"""~~­$24,650. C&ll 540-ll51 (open B'f OWNER, 3 Br, So, of eves) Heritage Real Estate. hWf. Crpts, drps, !rplc, bit· 5~% LOAN • Mo NE y lnl.' R-2 room for additional TALKS. Payments $162 mo unit. Xlnt C.orona del ft1ar incl taxes A Insurance. Well Location. 675--2379 att. 5 PN: kept 4 BR home, in beauti- ful Mesa Verde. Laive farn· Lido Isle 1351 1 block frol:n IOU roune. l ily room, all built-Ins, huge I '°-=-"'"'----..C:::.;; BR fixer upper on 7500 sq Jt. fireplace &: close to schools. OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN R.-.1 lot. ...., AL 0 Asking ...,,900 CALL: l to 5 PM $12,50 BLACK541J.1151 (open...,•} 136 VIA TRIESTE 10% dn or make oUer. Heritage Real Estate. Lovely, year around, 2 story I •iiiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.., I home nr. Club & TcnniJ. , ~•l'po'~ College Park Area "'.,,,"" """ ai• modom Duplex $24,950 at conv,ehiences for enjoyment 1 of re.rt living and graciOUI EaslBide C06ta Mesa. Hard· Vtctorll 4 BR, 1 ~ ha, Z! fl living rm. e n t er t a. i n i n g: Liv rm wood fioon & double car SALE OR. LEASE blt·ins, w/w carpe ts, drapes, w/stone firepl, lg Jcitch. wet prqe teP,Ua~ uni.ts (2 Maplfloent • Do\ler. Sborea. 64Ul11 Jenced. Walk to all .c.booli bar. 5 BR. secluded patio. bdrma: e. ch), Extra Jara• Full·view, 4 BR bOme. Will &: sbopplfll, $26,500. Comp!. re-dee. Ne\V crpts tl.tcben area ln 1 unit. sell on mod"'t down at " 2278 CORNELL &: drapes. By owner $87,500. . Woll..McCordle, Rllrs. $ll5,D<Xl. " '"'" lum. $850 I ""~W~ES!'!'T'!'C'!'!'U~F~F11'"" I """"' Agt. m<l 67>-1936 lB10 Newport Blvd., C.M. mo. RI/ER LO J '"""''°!'i;;iioii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiii..,J 548-1129 Ewa. 644-0684 LH Schonek POOL HOME co T 74 x IO'l, • BAYFRONT !!!!!!~~ .... 1!1!1~!!!!""' I Br, 2 Ba, FHA. lO% down, sklng $115,00l DUPLEX wilh GUARANTEED REALTOR Dellgbllully brlght 3 Bed-G.J. no down. l.a>'g< ''"' 3 BR. 2 •-••-2 INCOME 673-3585 room • 2 bath in exclusive & pleaty or space for boat un.ulll up. BR I.: l il C n.R, BA down, 2 Frplcs, Bayforrt 'fl!'!!~~-~~~~ I area. New living room car-or tra er. A.B. • ....., .... iy. li with For Real Estate licensees I 'J.(l'IWftn _ "POOL" pet. Large H•lid'a;, rDter-$21 ,225. 642-6442 • Eve pa o room lo enlarge, during trainiQ& period in ac-' • .,~,-:1 "O$" DOWN ed Pool OODllllelel,y -aur· 548-6997 .Walker Realty tive Harbor Area Office. For ..,., ,.,.,....._ rounded by dtcl<lag, ~.500 =~=:;---:;:----3338 Vla Lid.... 61~5200 interviow, ...., ha-to • G.I. 2 ""'"'· Famil>' 6-46-7171 546-2313 10°/o Down ".··-""--..:.. ... •-· room. Quality new carpet. ~ BR. 2 •-ts •-1--------·I ~.-.. ..._ '--n--tor mtJ-. OPEN EVES. 'Tij.. 9 ~ , ua., cp , "'Y"·• SAu:s TRAINEE ..... ..._..... built-Ins. Xlnt Joe. $25,0CK>. Hun tington Beach 1400 ~ .. ,aox.p &·. •t1 A ~ IiAVJb<. f¥ialed & filter-Call Mr. Nel!lOn DAILY PILOT td Pobf •. oec:king & patio. lleritage Real Estate RIPE! st0--17:.> t ~1151 For Quick Sale. $138 per 1 CHAm. &auty Shop in TARBELL 2955 Harbor I=====:=:===.! month includes all on lhl& loveb' home. 3 BR, 2 BA. I ' 3 ~d j ~ Room for boat. Fortin Co. DAn..Y PnDt WANT ADS 1--..:=r===-uw:-M11a Del Mar 1105 gorgeous '"" room ew,., Ml-6000 Al"nYS it Go-Go! Nffr Elf1ncia High Featuring formal dinifW IODOGonor1I . . . SALES MANAGJR REAL ESTATE · 1000 Spring Realty expanding again, opened No. 4 office on l!Jrbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa, need experienced l!eal Estate Salu Associate who could quali(J for management position to lead an aggresaive sales st.all. For ezceDent caree< oppottuni(J in a dynamic sales atmos- phere, phone or send resume to Mr. Gardner,, all, Information held lnatrlctest cofidence. Spring. Realty ::~.•!._ 2629 ' Harbor Blvd. .-.· Co.ta Me•• (t . •---r•.,.. -- $23,750 ANXIOUS owner must sell! room! GracloU.!1 living room Decorator's dl"l'am! Kl n I 3 BR, 2 BA home. $1500 with brick fireplace. Lut· .sized bedrooma. 2 bath&. ~ Below market. S 3 0 0 0 arbll carpeting and drape&. duded living room ovedoolCI Auume exiating 6*% l'*ft. Aak1ns $19,COO. I fruit trees & lush plantltp. TotaJ pymntl $100. 56-7822 w lk & L All built·in lti"h''" Patio. ______ 1 a er ee· 541).1120 TARBELL 2955 Horbor Mose Verde 1110 '11112 Eding<r , Lease BY OWTiet". 3 BR. 2 BA, ~ Open Eves, 540.51f) hid. pool, la !Am nn 2/bar, $111 l'ER MONTH I or Lease Option ""' din. .211111 "" '" ,....,,. 2 BR Towntxm,.,, Upgndtll S B«troom, 2 beth home plt11 $41,CD>. 54IMi43S ca r p e t 1, custom drape1 2 Bedroom view apt. $52. 750 --------~t. all on 1 floor. George Wll llamson Encloled patio. 2 c!tl' Pf" Realtor Newport Btach 1200 lgll!. Vacant & under ttw 61J.4350 Evet: 673-1564 OPEN 'TILL SOLD market at S19,500. _O_P_E_N_S_A_T_&_S,-U-,-N ~."'~~~;;..,': ., .... ,.r.iil""",m-m"ll•• 2* J'ldtral Avt. A ~ -den • J{• '\lalf 5Z1iD 3 811, 2 BA, CIPts. drpo. ...... °' family roam. Only l\IUMn · Vaeant Only llB,11111 one o1 111 kind 1t ,.,.....,. Ill IVK" DAVIDSON, R11e11ty >ow prtce. Tl')' ~·950·• .....,,, •li; toan, 1118 10.:i !Ulr. 21tiO Hubor IB, CM t'~ ring pe' month, lovely 3 BR. cot. ......, E""• 548-8584 • .., SPRING "''· with boa! °' trail~ ;c Bod"" -$22,7so • REALTY ..... Like new. NO DOWN G! __ , w "anl/fim<" 8740 =AL· F.~842TY,.: 2 llpU"lt~ batl'll. I~-~ dlnlllc roctn. :t'Yll!ry room Z2I Harbor Blvd., CM. CORNER, 3 BR, 2 BA, f&JI. ta ottnbied. car,..tect. Im-BEAVI'lFUL 6 OWom built nn .• pr, ftrepl, c:rpts, d~ maculate! ~1~ Le 2 ,.._ tl Flm rm, 2 hlt·lns. stttooo, inlen:'O!fj TAR.BE LL 2955 Harbor ha .l room for addition flrt' t.: burglAr al~rm. '- w/lowl,y view. 2SU VI.I owocr. $.12.500. 8182 Ho~ Dial 6(2..56~ !or RESULTS M&rbl&. Owner. &Q..3111 Dr., H.B. 847~41 ~~--~-'·-'"~-'-"""-~- I ' DAll.V I'll.OT 15 1 ,H.;.;O:..;U;..:;S.=E.:..S .:..l'O.:..R=SA.;.;l:.:E;._..;H.;.;O:..;U:.:Sc:.ES;:..;..l'O.:..lt=SA:::"-::1:_ 1 It INT A LS lllNTAlS . llJNT All U NTALS ltlAL ISTATI Unl .. ralty Park 1237 Unlvonlty Park 1237 H-Unfumlohod "°"'"' Unlvrn1"'"" .,.,.. Fu"'l-Apt!. U..fvmlihool . Otrloral * NEAR U.C.L ENJOY "RELAXED LIVING" ,._ PLAN NED COMMUNITY, WlllltE WE HAVE 4 SWIMMING POOL5;°Tl.NNIS COURTS, BICYCLING & WALKING TRAILS, ACRES OF GREEN PARK AREAS , SHOPPING CENTER A EVEN AN 18 HOLE GOLF COURSE ACROSS THE STREET! WE PROUOL Y OFFER THE FOL- LOWING PROPERTIES FOR YOUR INSPECTION: 2 Bdrm. 2 bath townhouse In ViiJage I. Bet- ter than new cond. Extensive landscaping & cement work in both front & reu yards. BeauL carpets & drapes. !Mil-in range & . oven & dishwasoor. Fireplace. This property could n<>t be ~laced tooay for the asking price of $25,9M. 3 Bdnn. & family rm. 21'. Baths. Fireplace. Built-in kitch. Larger tlian avenge rear yard. Many extras & in immac. condition, at $28,500. Another 2 Bdrm. wiUt 2 l\JlJ baths. Only 6 moo. old. Up-graded carpet & drapes. L~e. lW. rm. with frplc. Ohoice lot location wtth green belt in rear & on one side. Xlnt value at $25,950. Quick poss. Popular "Kendall" plan. 4 Bdrms: 21'. baths. Firepla<es in both living rm. & master bdrm. ABUNDANCE of closet & cabinet space. In top cond. & an Ideal family borne at '291500. This 3 Bdrm., 2¥.o bath home is Joe. on a Y"'"f desirable lot-backs up to a wide'green bell & pool area. Lots of extras incl fine quality carpets & drapes & elec. garage door opener. Shows like brand new & represents real value at $27,950! Ceot1 -1100 Huntl ............. 3400 c-4el Mir 4250 kP l1y 5240 Mo!o!'i Trlr, Crfl, 5997 J•llqpla.o0.n.ndoar, Y~~·I!' a ;J• l BR -1111111111• .... \'\lwi,2!lll.~ P, nwi.ER&>ooo~~ Pool, Qodot • "'"" Joe. Gor, ~ 8"' -· .w/w w/p;t, J..we. ~ mo. J1!...._o60(t1A..,, pvtlq·pii.,!- -dilld OJ<.-= _,,.'""" b114nt, Ill -Adulla. ~ -'.· -,nn. ~ .. <>lily; ... lU:AR Ootla&e. 1 BR. DH1n ed. TradtwlDila R l t 1 • BAQl So. qi. Rl&tlwq Prt. pet.a. 1"tadewtnd TT a J l e r -.i.-"""'.!llJOontttSt. "°""U. au.sou « QulOt, a..n.•JIOt p..,.1 Ea11Bluff 5242 vw.a.. :1191 Hubor BJv, ~Mou=~v"' • ..s':'.F==~3~11~0 I ~:-~.!:::~Prt"'".-ocyt-=-~~.,.._.~. I ...... -aft ~ Presti"" Locilion C.M. ' l BR'a NR OCEAN lllbol 4300 •• I-l'l-1'( 6'lOO SPACOUS. 5 BR. l BA. $1.2'1' mo <Ua l'ura) pn.p For Jeue, dtluu 1888 lq. tt. lam rm. .._ to M-:m • 14111. 5.11-Ult 113-111< $1IS MO, "'1, do. 1 bedrm 4 BR., 2\0 bL ApL Fqi1c., Vttdt Country Cub. Awll J.lE l Br.. tam. rm.. 2~ ~ps ~'!_.~ ~ W, drapm, carpets, wet bar, $128 .... -· lne.; 158.SOO 1 Uni ... 1 b1k. Stalml -· Feb. 1 ~ mo. Bn·'IOOI ha. Din nn:. cptr. drp9., ---'--.s:.¥119. _........... prlv, bU.conin.; dbl prap ::•:=alJlll:=;.to==:-:;;· ==="'I bltni.· Grdnr~ ..-. •• X1m:1 , BllcMor Atta. ott .kltcb. ~ dhL -ta!, bul. E. -SL -&'JO!ou.No QUall. M'7..m7 All utll tnC:l $'l$ up OVfm, pool. Cortw.lllent to 1 N;"!l'°;;;;;;~:=·;;;;oc:lt;:;;;;;;;3;200;; I ' BR, 2 a.•~ -· -· 315 E. Balboa Blvd. ahop'<, """"'°"' & ...,.... I• ..., --· --· BALOOA 673o99C5 lion. patio; lnccl yd., btMN; ONL y $32> MONTit t)1nc, ro polntl. Tnde for rancb N,W..U.s.A. Lemmer, Bkr. ~ 6 Clean Units, Ea.at 18th. 8/8 TOWNHOUSE 0111¥ one Vaearqo 3 Br, 2~ BA, 2 cu Carport ""'mo. Pool • Adults Only Bay & Beach Re1lty., Inc. 901 Dovfto Dr., NB Suite 221 645-2000 Ewa. 5'8-6966 l2lO -th. SU<OJI Huntington Beach 4400 835 AMIGOS WAY ·-ia.,.. -1st Lemmtt. Broker. 64s.37SO L19un1 llNch 3705 UTILITIES PAID N~'?°rtA S..ch 2 BR !um. Hid. pool .. .,,r. pt. 9 Buslno11 llontal ,.,. ABOVE Hlah ocbool, 2 BR. """" nmtlc cband. $ll0. Leue, 8Q2 Knoxville, ApL D, H.B. C°"'no del Mir 5150 NEW buitdq far 1e .... ms. Show Jan. 3, 825 La • 538-2914 • 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Prime Socation in Lquna Vi.tao.;,. QUIET & BEAUTIFUL II Beach. :ru;o _, 1t, with ,.. OCEANFRONT. Large , Adult.I only, 2 BR. pool .,, w!tboUt equlpmeDt. Must cborm. 3 BR. 3 BA. $350. 11616 Cameron. 847.:125 "f£:lz~""V/' ... to a.-... Lttee. Owner. 494-6057 1 BR D.&rn. MOBILE HOME. ory•' * Gf..1036 *' RENTALS • Adu! ... no pel>. J]2l/mo. QN-· ·~-SHOPS ""' Wboddy1 Want? Whodclya Got? SPECIAL CLA$SIFICA TION FOlt NATURAL IORN SWAPPERS Spoclal R1to S Lfnq-5 ti--5 bucks •ui.es -AD MUIT INCLUOI! 1-WNt t'C¥ ........ to "'61, 1-WMt 'rGV ""' ._ tr ... ~YOUlt "'-MlllW ~ '-I U'-t flf '°"'rtlli,. ._.,OTHINO '°It. SALE -TllADf.I ONLYI PHONE 642-S678 To Place Your Treder'• P1radis. Ad ... NNPOrt ~ 7:11 to Trade $20,IXXJ equity in '20 • beach. Will trade equity ac.tts Rancho Callftnia for eood Laguna resklen-(Gov Reagan country). For tia1 kll P-0. Boie 1423. trust deeds or t t ! Box 576 ' Hunttngton Beach. Cn4> Tultin. 544-3666 EVES. -Ow!tr. ~,;ex:fi.on~~~w~ Pl e:.,: Apts. Furnished 536-16'1.C 1 6 2 sa:~;.:i~Untum Nr. Newport Pier 1 BA. one ..,..ar lease wlth L •--ch •705 / Prl Rltr. 673-(16(1 Will trade 17 ft Performer ,. 1 ,::Go::::n•:;r~a::.1 ____ 4000::::::'1:'.:a:'.g'.::un::::a-:-7.:=-:-~~~I Frplcs I Patioll I 2,000 SP. Ft. A~---• outboard, (all fiberala&.1)' lat • last. $225 mo. Avall 1, Pooh. Tmnia .. Ooatnt'l Bk· ~.,,,... for full ........ • .. Cabin Cruiser, 31 ', l!id. ' Excellent, sleeps 6, twin V-8's, radio phone, auto J>l-• lot etc. Want vacant lot·or !? Value fll,tm. 673-24ll Feb ht Referencfll re-MODERN \Flew apt, north 1st. 9 bole Putt/Grffn downtown Hwrt. Beach, $300 or .-. • payment qU.lred. Owner (213) 464-&:118 RENT end, 2 rtory, 2 BR. t" 000 •-Lane """'' .. .,~~ -~ mo. Ted Way Rlty, ~2579 on new carpet, drapes, ~. ,~,, ·--• R F I •-2 ..-1 ..... .,.,.. • """"'"' _.,-....., e-lazxbcapln&, block !encirc '""""'upant '"' ~ • oomt um ture u-. ~ gar, ... CMacA.rtbur nr O:lest Hwy) 1 2 BR. Houae. Gar. Real ar 1 1 Pbooe K!..t!lfD att.ef LEASE, Leaoe I option OT $25 Month --· Very pl""'-• .,...,. or ' 2192 "'"'""" 1 • $260 mo. 494-9982 Rd, nr -1--548-6044 • l!.·m. Sell. 4 BR, 2 BA l..uxucy FULL OPnOll TO BUY DUPLEX 4 Bedroom, 214 \_,;:~~-~~;;.:·;;;;~=or;:;:;-;;;;-::-;::::-:::::;--::;- condominium. Back Bay. ,(Retrlgerators Available) 1 BR ~ d~'.':.,~::'.. ho~6S· ~ths, fireplace, carpets. Office Rental 6070 Mod 20 ac bone ranch, fu1. (Ili) ~ e~ for app't No deposit o.a.c. aep. en .. , c.;a '""""'n ..,. , ...... pes, ~. built-ins. Jy dev tr tnlck, 2 wells. 3 BLUFFS Coodom.iniwns for H.F.~.C. ut inc. 499--3803 $215 nw. 54()..123.4 est 421. LAGUNA BEACH ~~stalls, ~M ft barn leue. 2 BR. 1 ba. $225 FumJture Rantala ltENTALS LARGE l Br. apt; newcpt., Air Conditioned com'.mor 1~~· mo. a BR. 1~ ba $250 mo. 517 w. 19th, C.M. 548-3481 Apta. Unfurnlllhed stove, re.trig., garage; $160. ON FORES'/ AVENUE Eutblutt ReAlty. 644-1133 1568 w. Lnclo, Anlm Tlf..2800 701~ Avocado 673-9221 Desk ape.eel available In CABIN, Big Bear City, :fire. 330 Ft trontage, $40,«io equity, opposite Yucca Val- ley Goll CoUJ"S@ !or tncoine property Onlnge Co •. Box · 676 Twitin. 544-3666 EVES. PRIV. home nr. U.C.I.; 3 HOLIDAY PLAZA General 5000 BACH. apt. near beach. 1 newest oft1CI bui1d1nc at pla~. alps 8, ~·Trade 4 Bdrm., 2-story 11Chancellor" home conven• Br. 2 Ba.; cpts, drps., bltns; DELUXE Spadous iBdrm Ad.It, ro pets. $127, ut:IL prime location In downtown eqwty for local income ientTy located nr. pools & only Y.i block to 1se $275 Mo. No pets, Furn. aPt $135 Plus utti VEN DOM£. pd. 644-4299; 642-S8l5 Lqlma Beach. Air coodi-property or ? ? '!' . -. Lahaina, laland of Mam; beach front. 5 Years old.•3 BR, blt-IM_ architect iJe;. signed, 3 blks to sbop1. Trade Ior boat, view lot,, or J 61S-4421 shopping center. 2lh Baths. Dining rm. PLUS Children O.K. 833-2493 Heated poot Ample perkiQa LGE 2 bdr view So. Hwy, th::ned. c&rpeted, beautiful * Sll-7636 * f~y rm. Nicely landscaped yard w /sprink-BLUFFS P• 2.-Sty, condo. No cblldrer>-No pets , Frple , blt·lns. c rpb/drps-paneled partition.Ing. Two 3 BR 2 BA Monticello cond, ling system in front. Tile roof. A fine Dome 3 BR. 1%1'&. Priv. patio. 1965 Pomona. CM 642..s858 IMMActr.' .A.TE APTS! SlSO. 673-6904 aft!i eotn.ncs: Frontap m c:rpts, drps, blt·lns, dbl gar, offered at tihe realistic price ot '33, 750. Choice site. 5t6-99'l6 $135· 2 BR.. 1 bath. Utll. IMMEi>. ocx."UPANC't' F<rl!Sf: An., rear leadl to 2 p;iols, clb bse. $2{1,500. BOB PEmT. Rea....._f 3 BR, 2 Ba. 1'!>1c. drps, pa;d Chll-& t OK. Close to Shopping, Park H ti _, Beach 5400 Mundpal -Iola. !50 .,.,... In >oor a °' < BR IJV w/w, w/d, BII. ;23a, gard. Broker 534-6980 pe · • ~doul l Br's. 2 Ba un n •• on ::;; = for space. &-Delk home. Owner, agl 54&-5580 833-01 O 1 inc. 1812 Dover Dr. 548-0040 • 2 BR. widen or ofc. available :wr $5. What do you have to trade'? ''=================I Costa Moso 4100 • SW!m Pool, PuV....., EXCLUSIVE BUllnou boura ....,ortna Llat it here -in Orange I". Newport Heights 3210 • Frpl Indlv/lrKky fac'ls ON THE BEACH a:e!'Vice •vallable 1or $IO. C.0Unt,y'11 largest read trad· Huntington Beach 1400 RENTALS •-SEA LARK 1845 Anaheim Avo. • • All atllltlel pald -tnaP"'t-andmakeadeal. No DOWN GI HoUMS Fumlshod 3 BEDROOM, 11' baths, ~. aJSl'A ME8A 642-2824 2 & 3 Bodroon\ Apts. "-· llttplaoe, F.A. h e a t , ~ MOTEL 1..uxucy li""'1: to please the DAILY PILOT * 'Ji * Trade $3000 equity in 3 BR. 2 BA, Mesa Verde Homo. For late model car er truck. 6Y..% Loan. Pymnts mo; 545-7822 •• * Sharp Sol Vista, large ~ Coron• del Mar 2250 dlabwuber, dbL g&l'll8e, $.120· 2 BR. triplex. tnod. most discriminating. Nw m FOREST AVENUE l!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!~ ed pati block "' ,,,,... ,.,.,.,. yard. Clean "'pets. WEEKL y RATES ~. ~--.. -~-I ail bl t LAGUNA BEAQI o, nee, 2 BR 1% baths, tum or 4225. 673-9125 ' 2301 Newport BfYcl." CM J"·• • ....,,,., "~'6• w w av 8 ea , °'-9ta5 ANNOUNCl:MENTS ;:··.~.: ~ ..:.= ~= ~~rl~tio. 3 Bl\, lge yud, cpts, drps. •·646-74.fS •• -534.0980 -The Huntington Deluxe Offices au:i~:~~IA~ and NOTICES to $24,500 '°' quiok we. '42-5355 ..,_ · -mo. btt·tn.. xlnt view of harbor $25 un. U Coat1 MMI 5100 SUITES · Loa 6'ol P•ul Jones RHlty or 2"IO ·$225. 6'6-127'1 avail Jan. 6. , • • .,.,. P PacifiJC ~ $S11. .,;;.~~ Bua. OpportunlH" 6300 t 847-1266 Eves.536-7124 L •• h 270 * 3 BR. 2 Ba. u •• "'. e studlo ... uachapts. ..,.__,, ,. .._ .......... 1 --,. · REWARD .. wbite -.--n.i., •gun• D'lllC 5 ~ • e IDcl Utlll.A Phone ~eot. park· like sur-... ,., leC!'elllnAI •er• ce, PLANNING on going into ...,; ....-- LEASE OR Br. Ocean V11 apt' Xlnt loc. e Maid Service. TV·a'::: rounclinp for lldulQI ftlluiJ. central location.· On.nge business for )W1"Self! Con-Long hair. Jan 1st Between LEASE/OPTION H~NEYMpical ,.oott~ng, :._~.tbet-:_~e nr. scbls & trans.. MS-7249 e New Citfe I: Bar iDg peace &-quiet. . 711 Oce~ Ave .• H.B. Coual;y Bank ffidg. 230 E. tact s.ao.c. (sma ll llH~~ Padftc,_APL_!' Custom built -Downtown. 3 ·~ ~ 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9'755 Discriminative Tenantl ('n.4) SJS.1487 17th St, CM. 6'2-1485 Business Developmei:it Co) un ... 'A ...... ,Bch p .. r. 1.w: BR & fam rm, 2 ba, all elec 1 BR. 1 % BA. !rplc, Jl8.tio. t.4•wport Shores 3220 1, 2 & 3 BDRM. API'S. for expert c o u n s e 1 J, n g , ~1024. n 4• 962-2341. kitchen, cpts/drps. garage. $200 incl. 499-191& CHATEAU La POINTE ~ NO am.DR.EN'· $125 &: $150; 2 &. 3 BR. NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER franchise an a I y 1 i a le WST • .maµ blood mutt BRASHEAR REALTY y 1 3~0".:l~N~:::°;, Lovely!um.2BRap1>.ou. ·MARTINl"'UE . apt.. N ... 1y de«>r., cpl>. Ottclos .Wt.ble tnr Com-o,..an;,.tionaJplan n l n & • allhuabua k P<- 84'7-853! Eves. 968-ll7S •cat on Rent1Js 2900 meet parkin&, carports. Htd T & drps. mtna. Refrie. avail. rnttda1, Med1cal. Dental. 494-9707 or SU-0950 mix. Pregnant! 13th -.llR: BYowne•.SBR2\0BATwn-YUCCA van.,. hld•eway "":"1 "";" lot.1: pool. Adulla..., pela.,$150 GARDEN Am. 2 Chlldftn OK. Nr. Beadl ~rm./Jr.cnnd.,"""' SMALL U.B .. ~m ..... N.B.CallBob.11l>f711 hlle. $17,700. $950 dn. $152 for rmt, fumlsbed. 2 BR, ~· .~ t!: Port. ~ l94l POMONA AVE., C.M. lBth 6 Santa Ana. C.M. Blvd. &: Main, close to elevator. Jl"OOO')', bldg. onl,y, avail u:-rns -.. mo pays an. All xtras. $75. lncL watt!?', electridty, Cedar SL 646-6729 2 BR. Quiet. Adults, NO Call Mn. ~ 64&.sstl BCbools &. llhopping. 841~ 541-5032 or 675-M&t Jan n. 1·5 yr .1ae· 213• ST: Lad 1 e• watdl 962-6864 First, la.st months. 646-2200 PETS. $140. 'lfi8 S co tt im Santa Ara. Apt UJ, C.M. LARGE .2 Bdrms.., like new: 898-9880 896-9880 • w/silver mesh band. ~ . WA~~· -4 ~ ~ Pl. C.M. 646-2323 rugs, stove, drapes; blk. to EXro..l'I'IVE office Approx GIFT & Home Decor shop, Balboa. hlaod. Rewad. L•guna Beach 1705 RENTALS r ~cs;A I B~. 2 &._ ~ BEAtrrIFUILY decorated, ''THE GABLES'' -ocean. No .smog!, $125 Mo. 100 sq. tt. in new bldg. must aelL Sec . Make offer! 673-5999 ... Housu Unfumilhed rm. Lease or sell 81&«Xl1 newly t'um., 2 Jm. bit.ins. Spac. 2 Br-. l~ ba. w/prtv. Gu, water ~ . by Orang. Counl;y Alrp:n1:. e 548-1914 e MATURE blk. mixed JemaJe WESTERN AWARD pool. Adults. Walk to aho,,.. ..,, adulla. cpt.. drps bl• 2Zl 8th St, Hunt Beach. Avall lmmeoll ""'1:11 Lab.-Shophenl, -:to s & c. Br. Semi OJstom. Gener1I 3000 Back Bay 3240 2272 Map!• St. 642-4801 mi priv. patios. $135. 1 $125 MO., l..up 2 'BR apt. l d>MMERC. -300 Sq. tt.' Money tO LCMn 6320 "Ra.isln", H.B.• C.!4. Ara. Homcsfrom$35,4SCJ.00 Now $255· 4 BR. tam. A'M'R.3 BR.apt.,2ba., 2437 0RANGE Closed rarage a, No l lNDUSl'.-8Xlsq.ft, Reward.~1 under construction. Located ' ' nn., 2 5 BR f4 BR + Library) w/w carp .• drps, attr. )'d. e 636-4120 e children. 536-9593, !&QC. • 646-2130 e RETIRED COUPLE LOST: ~ 1JOWD. ~ on M-.... ~; .. View Drive. oH ba. Fncd yd. Stove, rd'., 3 BA. ·--·St """ 0-·~· ~L ~"•--• 0 K. % lg. plQ nn. c:rpta, MS-3481: S«MJ154; 646-6S'lZ EllgLtUu • Ras: money to lend on bt & brown cat. v1c. 2500 ~ Tyrol Drive. .. ., ......,w;-.:.u ac: pet · ~-to BERMUD ~•A Bl · 534-6980 Bkr drps, u..hw:sbr. Walle new e NASSAU PALMS e . A VIlLAGE 1 BDRM, d owntown , Industrial Prop. vvov 200 mortpges. Call N'pt. vd., C.M. Reward A.';;~A~~~~E!'rTS $130; 2 Bdrm. auplex. Gar., ~ $325. Mo. No pets. 1 I: 2 BR. • Pool ~C::-mis &bl~ Br~':; upstall'S, $75 a mo. lncluding WANTED: Factory building, Broker 547-1333 543-&587 further information w/w, bltns, ch~n & pet 117 E. 22Dd St 642-3645 ab , I: • · utilitie11, Adults on I y . approx. SO,COJ eq. ft. re-R LOST Siame~ kitten ~~ o K. B k 53f.6980 Large Bachelor apt timi. P & schls. OrlJdren OK. 536-1062 .... ;-..1 for mfg, 01 recrea-eal Estate Loans 6340 5 mo., vie 17th &: Tuitin * LOT R·2 * . ro er Coron.11 def Mir 3250 Preter business man. 221, ~"-$13<1A up,,. L 2 2 BR. Upstairs. Stove, refrig, ij,,...~ hlcl Will 1 543-7037 Close to beach & shops. $60; l •BR., fncd. yard, e •~~·e -.........uqoe ve. P ,Mgr $125.Adulta 'only,A--"J '"" 0 ve es. ease. OurBastHOMELOAN -;;;=-===--.,.-•! Retrig. Children &: pets 3 BR, s ba.. 2 frplcs. house ~·...., va.u ..... 547-5581., ask IDr Mart1 TERMS Tod1y Black miniature p:iocile, Terms. Owner. 893-7637 NEW 1 * 816 Pabn 536-8523 n-. violet collar. Name ,·,a ... _..._ .. _ OJ(. Broker 534-6980 on 1 or 2 yr lease. Can $85 CLEAN furn Bachelor LY DE CORA TED • nuvner. lit 1'DI 1.9% _ 30 years .._,,.,1~ 4. BDRM, 3 bath. Top ol part furn. Near beaches. w/ utils. No pets. 548-0)52 2 BR. sep. home w/carport. 2 &_ 3 BR., 2 bath.!. priv. 6090 AND S'N,%, ease buis. Vic. Westclifl. ~ • World. Ocean & mountain l-C-os_t_a_M-.,.---- 3 -1- 00 -1 $275 per mo. 673-8889 $105. Disp.; water pa.id. ~ patiO; heated pooL lndu1tri1I Rental Call for details. 2nd 'l'D:I 1,,;•=''=w=. 137:;;;·500=·=54(1.=T.166:=== I::-=.;;..;=:.:.-_,,...::::.:::: 2 BR. clean as a whisUe Newport Beach 4200 Blk. from school. ' 962-8994 WANTED to lease, 5 1o 8% int. l'lVE years and all :P.;;•non:..::::a::lo=.. ___ :.::;~I 19SO 2 BR, gar, patio, crpts, drps, walk to ~hopping & beach, 2llK • "B" Placentia 1 BDR apt. Stove, retrig. $65 10,000 sq. It. plant apace other typn of . real estate I. ~QO°'D stove, retrig. Tropical set-Don v. l'ranklin. Realtor WATERFRONT Spac. 3 • 636-4120 e month. Call 847.JCB) suita ble f o r hea vy ·financlDe, aetVlD&: ~ rs. 4 BR, 2 Ba Condominium ting. For adults, 1 blk. to 673-2222 ~~+ t!:1"s~W~: SQUEAKY Clean East.side L •--ch . 5705 machinery in Orange Co. County 18 :yeara. Private party ·bOu&ht some'. on Fairview, C.M. $22.cnl. shops & transp, $100. Mo. Balboa lslind 3355 642-8790 apt. 2 BR. 1 bath,. bullt·in 1gun1 De9 7c per sq fl Box 3862 Sattler Mortgage Co., Ioc.. name bl' and EXERCISE w I $2400. down. 121 Mor-~544-=="'~o_____ ::.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 BEDROOM !urn., 1 b"· kitchen, fully ~t~ & lOO CLIFF DRIVE Fullerton, Cal. .336 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa LOUNGES (Adv, on T.V.)~ Condominium ristown Lane. 540-6976 eves. 5 BR 2 ba, cpts/drps, blt-ins. • .... draped. Just painted inside LUXURY FURN/UNFURN 3000 SQ ft warehouse & ottice 6'2-21n, 54Ulli with the idea ot becomirw • & week-ends. 543-7322 days. Lease i210imo. Call Mr. Chinning 2-Story to ocean. Pool. $125 mo. & out $13.5/mo. Ed Riddle + 6000 11<1 n paved A: fenced Eves. 673-7865, 642-1157 dealer. I find I don't havt; Duplex•• For Sale 1975 Nelson 540-llSl Heritage 3 Bedroom, 3 bath owners Call 548-2035 or 644--0637 Rltr. 646-88ll· Yearl,y Lease. 1 lc 2 8drma. ard 1855 Laguna Canyo time to demorm:rate. Mun Real Estate. home. Lovely lanat room, 2 BR, 2 BA furn apt., % DELUXE 1 BR. l tio steps i:O. Shorw . ~ Shope i'w. ·1,1 4 _494 _80 ,8 0: ~NNOUNCEMENTS sell 1 or all at wbolesahe, NE\VPORT ~lex for sale. 200' to beach. Ol' will trade eqUlty for good Laguna 3 BDRM, carpets, drapes. stove, fireplace, doub l e garage, $190. 545-2813 residential lot. P. 0. Box C·l 2 BR Garage. $150. 2192 1423, J{untington B t a c b • Palisades Rd. Nr. Airport. (n4l 84&.oo6. Owner })og3 OK. 548.{j()f( 1-'========I NEW2Bedroom.caipel<d, Apartments draped. $150 covered patio, near South block to beach. Winter. $165 $135 Want MAro&:;; .~ OceanvWw from n rcy Apt. 7l4-54G-7680 , ·. ind NOTICES $4S. ea. ~ $89.95: ~-& sbopplng. Yearly util pd. 494-5189 ~~~of~~~ urui ~~ from ~Mo~~· lease r::,1;1'~ Be~ De~~~ :;i:: ;Found CF .... AdJJ 6400 ~. =~ Ask tor Mnl. Williams Newport Hgts. 4210 allowance. 646-1798 2 BDR, 2 ba dplx !acing warebo~ "Adj UPS. 0wnr: BLOND t em a I e dog' LICENSED . Pete Barrett Re1lty ocean. few steps to sand. bl .......... ~.. Spiritual readings, advk.., 1605 Westclitt Dr, NB 642-5200 1 BR furn., pool, util's pd. DUPLEX sns mo. 49'-2157 (213) 941-1368 resem es U<!U ..... und, well Qll an matten. 180 s. El • H.S. age OK. $13'.t mo. 3226 $145: 2 BR., carp., drpc. RENT M·l. 600 sq ft, f10 cal' e d for. C 0 r n er Camino Real, San Cemente.' Huntl_..,.n •-··h ••"" Clay st. 548-1325 NRelJii; .• stow. Patio, gar. ·ttEAL ESTATE aJ90 850 aq ft, store ~t, ~~~/Adams, Jan. l 49'2-9136. 10 AM·lO PM : .... -~ .-vu o ctlildren or pets. -$95. 2944 Randolph. C.M. ' -- FREE RENTAL BOOK Coron1 del Mir 4250 2244--A State 642-747'l Gener11 615-5116 "'SMALL=~.-.... -,-,-oo~io-red-,-nux-· • Glrla, Guys, COUP.I• REDECORATED spacious 1 Dror In & Browse UNFURN 3 BR, 2 BA apt Rent1I• W1nted 5990 ed Beagle-type male dog, U your a SWINGER a.iid .~ Br, unf duplex. Vacant $115. 2 Bedroom home with Pool. 2 BDRM duplex near beach. near Westchff, pool & -Lotl 6100 with blue collar &. no tags, looking ,for your brand of '288 Knox SL , Costa Mesa. Great Party llouse. Rent $165. per month. After 5. private patio, $165 mo RESPONSIBLE couple with v:lc. 16th It. Newport, c.M. :_~r· call the Reciltr)'. For Sale 1980 Adults* 543-aSTl at $150 per month. Good *675-3153* 64&-..l'.>20 • child seek 2 Bdrm. house ADJACENT 88 x w• West. t 6'2-0336 HO~SE din court; 2 Br., location. NEWLY decorated furn 2 Steven Vllla Apts w/atJ:Jve & refrtg. Willing dill Iota So. Santiaco Dr. Yo~u~N~G~-.. -,-.,-b"°la-,ok/-whi-·-1e Attractive Expert K~NT ALS ~Q W.r;ftt:~~~tio. w lk & L bdrm, front apt, trplc, close Lrg 2 BR. Crpts drps to pay up to $150 per rno. N.B. ea. $35,(01. 6f6-8S6S . i markinp, ~aring Dea col· YOUNG WOMAN Houns Fumished a er ee to beach. (213) 431-1195 dshwr. gar. No chlctrn, ,_; Have good refe!'\"nces. Call 175. ! lar. Vic Atlanta &: Beach dancer will teach you. all ---------LARGE 2 BR. Garage, patio. 7 . pcta. &c.2-21!64 rolled 1213) 790-3221. Citrus GrovH 6 ,. ·Blvd., H.B. 536-700f latest steps. Call AnieU Apts for Sale · By Owner 8 Units, 3 BR's each Excellent condition 54$-3481; 54().-0154; 646-6922 Rentals to Shire 2005 $ll5 mo. , 682 Echnger nn: QtnCKER YOU CAIL. RELIABLE mature window 'LI'ITLE black 213: 591"'538 1-10 PM. DISCRlMINATING. working ===*~5'8-=!3!97=~*=":'=:-';84M455;;~~0pen~::Eva;;·:,,S40.s~~l:IO~THE~~Q~UI~CKER~~Y~OU~~SEl~~J.1;1!~~n~1 1=: ~ needs 2 Br. unturn. apt'. RIVERSIDE puppy, male. ~~~ = PACIFIC PARTNERS · · 1 •• hare s d-• : M ... w/compensatlon for mgml ....... , .A...._, "'·-ta Ana. I 1969 •·t bel .... gir ...... s pan. =.u' Lon9 Beach 2500 Lona Beach 2500Long Beech 2500 onua. 54l-«i61 aervlooi. ~14 COUNn ~·1a.1ull ~ '3Cll> n a: UI p yoU LL.!., 2 BR apt. w/ same. Pool, =-: . QUIET Apt ICR" couple or IS A veJ --...... 545-1240 that speda1 person )'OU'w pkg, nr 1'~rv.'YS. OC airport. -------------------lady past 50. 265 E. 16th :EMPLOYED lady wanta l ere )'Ollll&' na ~v;,,.. BLACK/white Manx with been looking for. 56-1M1 Bel 8 AM or aft 7 PM. Pl. Avail now See M BR Unfum Apt beach area grove on approved root Stz:d: long Angora.type hair & flea $100 MO.; want writer . 546-3594 d.fiQ-Q ..&\"'t.. I D-C: ~Q.9 · gr. to $110. Gar or carport nee. in the Lake Mathews area; MAN to 11hare home with p'!;:a· ~""U ~). ... (.!I J,:I(/• p 2 BR. grdn apt tpl, cpts. 642-0086 e.ft/5 all under permanent sprink. :_~vie. Orchid in CdM. artist to ahant badencta. pooL Call before 12 & after Soltte.a.Simple ScrambltdWon!PuzzleforctChue'·'-~~. r:,1mspei.. ~45~~ e LANDLOR.05 e ~.~• .... _ ... """""""'. at -.i.. KITI'EN, Halt ll'OWn. ~b.a~ in ~ 8, except wkncls. C al I 1r.1e •• FREE RENTAL SERVICE -·-~-642-131.3 rdrig ta. $100 $4,000 per acre. For~ Bobtalled Manx ,,,_~;·.-.11.o~GLES , • .... I;. lenen: of fhe ' ., ca.rpe Brottr 534-6982 infonnation, p 1 ea I e n1I ~7 n&111 ~-_... • Wllrt'll!!l'lt YOUNG man. 32, will Ahare four ·~rabltd words b.-l·BR., garage, stove. ' 21-50 50-8676. a to &. --~ his 3 BR home in Hun-low to fOl'tll foUr tlmple wardr. 240 Avocado 544-8612 Walter Frick with • SOUND Set Men'1 keys on tington Bcb with same. Joe LlKE NEW 2 Br., new cpts.~ Rooms for Rent 5995 Eckhoff & Aatoc., Inc. ' Newport Bea'ch In ·sand. ALOOHOLlCJ Ami\flbOILt 968-4710 ltO E'N U D I ~rps. bit-Ins, carport; r» 1818 w. ~pman Aveo '646-9524 PboM 531217 ar wttt. to YOUNG MAN 32, will share II II I I I ' pets1 adults $125. 548-6769 GE.. king sized bedroom Oranae. Calif. BLACK. part SI am es e, P.O. Box 1223 Coda ~ h-anfro L 1 BR. All el..,.tric bl'-•. Prv le adjoining bath, TV. $15 5'1·2621, Evff.wknda 538-5741' ' female cat, vie Seavicw I: 2 BR house, W. vu: n ...... u,. ~1!:...., Huntlngtnn Beach. ' Polfl9ettia, CdM. 8T.H889 N. e .. $125. mo., w/samc. ~ patio. WfW crpts, drps. ~,0, ~~ Funerals 6412 CAii """"' 8J3.<IOOO ext m; HAG UL' I SlUl. 5<&-1322 ROOM FOR RENT, !00 R-rt Property 42G.$ r:,::._~ Black Rabbit mo ========1 Cost1 Mesa 2100 I I" I Newport Beach 5200 Lrg muter bdnn, pvt e,.. • FOR Rent l'Um. Mam, Bayside Dr .• CdM WESTMINSllR .: -· . . f l-'--''-'--';.::.:.:;._.::.;:.:;:1/ trance .&: ha. Furn or un-moth Mtn. Condo. poci ·' I OCEANFlU>NT '!urn. ""-""" ... ,. ,._ alee,. a. 5").2130 • Lort . MCI MEMORIAL PARK 1 BR • upstairs $1» • 664789 . 3 BR. 2 BA. furn. part er complete. $195 lease * 546-2499 * Bachelor unit }'irepJn,ce. $85. • 642-4189 • RATltY I ~-LJan·~ ~ ---Lower' BR. bl>tn.. ,....,: COLLEGE or wortong..,.. N Mo<tva~ & c.iMNrr . • .-.....,, ......... ,...,,oc:o ,...,, (l()ll8 to .. ..Mu.I ... __.._ " LOSTFrt it.rw28th4Ba1· ·r I' I l r a.... ahould bo tight •nough. Yearly --~~·;;:;: I-;:,,;:: s!:.' :;. : ~ Mount. " -6210 boa Bl. amall ......... -c.mr,:· ~" • • . _ _ to show Yoll't• a woman and 673-0057 or m.8577 S15-36l3 doe:. white • n.-ddi.th brown ..- .--------loose •nough lo "--a DELUXE 2 8'.. 2% ba., 1vEsrcuFF---R~.-.-m-I CANYON CAilN 'tklg<d~'";},~ No tall .i;af~~l~ rH_E~Y'"S~E~R"'---r--'l-···"°""'t.t. ..,_ dndlol'...,·3 ..s "''"" -1 w tcl'" ' -~ ~-· ·-.. • -• .._, .. .,., " au ara.. private Hlde+wa,y mount&.ln ci;.blq •nsr 1 black '"'-tor lndudet Eodowment Cira I 17 I'' I Adult1. S2'J5 Mooth. Agt. bath fOT emplo•--'' sing•• 3 Iott --bl la rool ~ ~ Ev-'"'"-~ '"" ~ by filllnv lrt "-lllhllnO words ~2629 ,.._.,., on · 1'"" ca n · i Jwallet 7" appmx Has 10 ~1 ........ w ~UUll • yao ctw.lcp from ""P Na. 3 II.low. lady· Re1a requtred MG-.2863 ed, plumbed &: Wired, but la' card & $500 cash, yoo may pl.i.ce means leu cwt. 6 r~NT.,,NtMrno 1• 1• r ,. I' I' I' I' r I WATER Fnml, l hr, boat l BDR. ldtchMette 1V not complet2d. PW. ~ 'kffp the money, ftlum Che ·No trllfJc. Pl'Oblmw. Newport Buch 'Q' .,.._,, • • -• . . . . dock. bll-1111, Utll paid, $1SS:. , heated pool, Maid ~-~ with place. Full ~ SU,.: pune &: cardt: by mall. P.O. ltlKll 8e&c:b, West:mfnltl!I> QCE.AN1'"RONT S bdrma. 2 615-«128, m..9060 , wk up. ~2129 000. For turthtt lntonmtkn Box :rn4 Newport Beach !m-1T25 l93.:M2l ""'"" WlD. wintu rental e :ruM.U! I I I I' I I A I I I I I NEW' "'· 2 Ba. 119 38th ...... oall Glenn ThompooO•i.===-==-=='-'"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I l!ffies . . . . . . . . . . . st., Newport laland. S225 BUSIEZT mart:dplaca ta with ~ black Labrador'"" $200. gn.....u62 • • ,..........,. ......, ..._ 1.fo. 673-6433; 675-5l61. town. 1119 DAILY PILOT Eckhoff I A1toe., lrtc. 1 tnAle with tloxer t.ace. MANY 9l"OND~ op. DIAL dU't'Cl 64l~ ~ JOIN ._ OlolllOtd ~ San 1118 w. Qiapma:n Aw.. 1 tName lkrwl. 8 Dli0-.1 old. POJl1'tJNl'Tm M:'I. belm J'OlZI' .d, ttJ!D stt bade end awacaa m etfbr\. • Ori""'"' OWf. M,l••l•t ·da)r lldoh! dilioovtndtDCh-med Aclll. ... -..... SCRAM I """' ANSWBS IN CWSIFICATION 9000 DAILY PllD? WANr ADS/ ....... .... • ..... .... 1.,u.._-. • ~ N ·----· .. ' """'~ 1-~~~ow;~~··~----~:.;:_;.:.;_....::;::.;;~:.:.:::::.;:.:::~.:.::..:::._1 MMm--=:::..~~~~~·...,~'~",~·~~·~~-•!Mt121.i!!!1!!!!!!!!1..,_~!!!!1!!·1md!!!!!!••S38oml"'""~I ~~~·~·~Pot.~.-.~ .. ~·:.~·~~_!~;;;:;...~~...-~~~llOW~.,.~\•::~~~°";J· ' . ------~C-"==°'.:.:. ~ ~ '!'"-"'"~------------------------------ I I \ , •• ........ ~---~ . . . .. ' ·~ : , I ,,,;i,,;.»,,;,;, l* ·' . , . . . ">"• &.l'MPh'iYM;i~ Joat!!p~o~$Qr'"101$ a.ri.o·~~{.l~f!f! ·!o~-~,..PJ.~l't -i!!':".·,-:-:-':-·. -:--.~'"''·~· "':'8"':·-:,~" ... ··•2 ~:;.;~·:,;._•u._.___.:---·----·I ~~ , ... lt.!"'lod'~~ .H•lPYf°"~,.~!}99 Httlp ,W1ntod , •-"' Hll1!Wlntlc( .··,·::;:~ .~':. ·_: .·-··· ·.· "'.~.IJ. Pilot Cl~~iified !!"1-.... ==' ~ [ . . . ·w-o . . ·1-w-. ,,_ ·"" " . ---cfAsstFIEO--INDEX ..,. -SUS hr.; -:~ -1 'MAN i ,,.,. ~ 'f'.;;r-.,J lr • .-5• Im INTER o< & l>Aiiri'i!ic;, Must bo ""P"•i<onced In ,.I ;~5 ' • '"' · i " Shor1lo•n hlcil Inn ' ~~ • --sa:RVICE, ' -and Injection mold-' nu per mo. ' "A KCD• :, •' llchvcen'9 ~ ... Moi>Frl :": -·"""' m.rRE£•-""' -o1 -own I · · nl '°lit· ~-°"'"""" .r '!'n!IT •tupe:, ~ ~ ~trv Of , J · ~ 1 1 Hunlfilalbn Beach ~--ij!J!ll': ~ 'laslorlne.._R...:.ir 6'80 ~i;;:.~:, ~. .NE~PORT •BEAC~ , , •, ... , . 1'SElicil1iii'li' exper'd: '.Intanttofi1"ft.~ e PATS P!utedas. all~. 'Exoelleht YntidtW ~..:.i --. Some eaper-len~e r• towor~on.naupb.1deboat a.ta X.. eo.oal1 Tuel;.· Dee, esUmate. Call condition. &nail thop, .... 'tu1.tt1 eomplttion ol quired. ~ E«teile"'nt . cu&liions; ,P:leUl.nt wofklnc YSl'I'n:NG hoa'l,e 15i)..G · • ... . . the· tenth pv.dt and ,.,.,,o cOmpliny ~a'11tt. cond. ~&Ith Jnaur,, Pakl ~-•·l-' . STACO Ill.I' """ "'-~ 1• 1"" Good lutulo11or qilol-botlda';l-.-vac\o."°"": .,,p1y -Pl~--w..i.. ., .. ~ ft\. maint.enance ol water or 111_.,. -•· A-. 1.. ht ~ Joba4Jaien & ~~E;i:;;i;:;;w;;::';f,"ij'-Ji-'i:...._~ ~ ,.......... ' • sewer ll"!' in. conctele -WOnlff •. _,.p~ chrlitinmeb, '& W. 16th SL, "' 1139 llOkor St. wdol<.,1n .b•Jldl..r....,,. lo: · · • .Nl>JCor.-lllth>&.......ia) Cott Mela ternal'\CC.1 en: oq.er doeel1 a · related tilt.Cb. Apply be-· .: TYPIST· 549..scMl {oro 5,J).!lt., Wed., Jan. s, Peraonntl '•Offlci' Required· lqr '·htl.'11 typilla: An equal opportunity 1969, al the City Ila.II. ~· ·m~ with, o.Uttt ._..,. emplo)w PetlOllnd Oif:ice. :ooo u s o· eral office V.'Ofk • .stx girl Now.port Blvd . .,..Nc:\vl)Orl • ~ avers otll.ce in N.B. pall _Mr! An- Beacb. ~ dreW1 ; . Co ' n JOHN BARRY & ASSOC'S * DiroH Sal.omen m pa . y . (n41 615J55< I need 4 men imlncd .. 10 fiU 113z3 w.· Wamtr NEEOED:·"Experienc:e °"""" ... ~..;. ~ CllblDeU. Sm• II Remodel.; llopalr, 6 Screw Mcithlnt OKFroobt.!16U915 IF You need~ 0 · '' 1-m.rl-6590 pain.._, "' l'tpalei, CID perah!r new sales jiositlbns 111 the ~ .. _ ..... Call ·~ ,,,. 0 "-·-•· 11· .,.,ams; ..... $6, ..,,-.&.w;.JO, ranae ......-·~area, se. Jllg Santa ' Ana 151!1\Yt(n -i1· &" 5 PM for stereos 4 aewang mactunes. an int.rv)l.w -· ••• Dick. ~1797 ' . :::::::;:::::;:::;::;:· ===:::llDdiv1dual to ~tup a.OO QPCr- CARPENTRY Sowl"!! 6960 ,aw B" s ·# 00 """w ~-l'----~-----..;.;.;;.;.1 chine. capable ot approvlll& Three leads, per day. Our · · · ' c:ustonutrS #!llil , uis. No Eim-M ·equal opportunit)I BAB~TI'ER. -~ home. OR REPAIRS. No. Job .AL~TIO?:<IS..·&i . Cua~' Qticles and matnt.iinltla: . Small. Cabinet in P"' ~. Vu:r . fine production runs on spiall mi$!.P or p.tts. Honest sales " employer Cotta Mesa, • 5 . .,J)a.fl f by hard wcri<en. Hi&""" · )·. week., G~, Y,P°; & Is other ~~ .wOrt. "App't:. 5471.0t preclP)n; parts. Small a.hop. 15 E?es. ~ Dlyl • .,_.,_ .......... AlteraUo . Dccelltnt workill& condi· pay .~ tile ~S.incss. :1009' . r! Call 833-tlf¥-* , : ~ ~.; nnancma:. med. Ins., etc, ~ . Dll•s HOUSEKi£Pii: ':'i:\ v ~·.'in Call mo.mLrwt 9 to 12, alter-... 1JJ1 "{·· co~ ~thrl· ~·.~1 baby. noons 3 to 5,..536-6616. " Pyt . tn;. .. 18.:T, V. ·~ .• to , Anden;on. . ' -·-·-RS ti()ll5. "~" Fut &: Reuonable. IW'All<S. ALt'ERATloNS * """"6 * · ·'CAB!NErS. Mi o1ze !nb. oli¢1lWKiNa. belts. ·..,., Staco, Inc. 1139 Baktr St. Co&ta Meu 926'6 08 .. 3 to 11:30 oo,,;.Prtl-. -· M, S 3' to 11 •30 WOMAN !or O~\llDi A !ro'~ }TL aper: S&U'll3 hl9f1t button holes. Custom • ,hikl»I>. 646--08>7 • Boat Ci,.,.nt1r1 e Miii Mm • • • ' • ing Mondq, Wed &: ,Fri ICU ... 11 to 7:30 9 • 4 p.m. No lllll&l1 dillclren, • A-1 ;,CarpenlrJ. 8'\Y,.,. Jobi Alloratlons-442-SUS :: ,Call Gordon 847-6745 Neat, accurate, XI yrs. exp. i;..-i, Coner.to 6600 TILE, Coromlc 6974 549-:1041 An equal opportunity employer • e Woodshop·A11ombly e Flbergl1,1 ~ldtr1 : (L1mln1tor1) e P1inter1 faelper _.w/txp •. .i. wwt. no job too . ;pnaU. ttuonable. Free *Verne, the Tile Man* .JENSEN MAJUNE CORP. ·~ a s--·~-... -· Cust. ~ W1lill & · · • · 235 ~~-·c M ~-Lw.uca. .no'<JWJ repair&. No job loo Jm8).L ~ ......,r, · · DRAASMAN B .:'l)lorykConcrete,nojob Plaater patch. L•akingMinlmmn3 yr;. ~petie_nce * BElLMAN1 ..-to small. Free estimates. sbOwer r8patr. 847-1957/ in the layout and taptne of NO EXPEru'E.NCE e &46-1234 • 84&-02(I artwo,rk. for pririted circuit · NEctssARY ~Uent wortfrc conditions in new hospital. CoataCt: Director of Nur111, Costa Mesi Mtmori1I H01pif1J 642-2734 :~. m:Sr lN OONCiiE=rE . . ' . boards. . Appl,y ·; wana, poo1 dedm. lloon, UpholU.ey 6990 Call Pononnor Dept. Sheraton a...h Inn L1dlas AV" 24 plus !; Patio&. J?'boDe "2-8514 , (714) 494-9401 Between 9 am.J pm Mon-Frl IMMED. OPENINGS ' CZYKOSKl'S Olamm Uphol· TELONIC 2ll12 Ooean Ave. ,FOii FUTURE FOUN;<UN ;~tools~.~ :::·1~ HUllfulatonBeach VAU.EYOFFlCE ' ~,Ol' .52&-(756 boa.fa & auto's. 642-1454. 1831 Wm train. ExceDent OPl>Ol" ™ * C""" * tonity for qual1fied ladif.a ............. ~ ~ all IJPea. Newpi>rt m..i., C.M. ENGlllERING co . ",.v,.> with. mathematical apt! ..... tt..:m .i. -. Call JOBS & EMPLOYMEN1. ' ALL~· y' ~ST Exi.n.ive .,....,. Include: I ""• LAGUNA BEACH .•1"' w. • ' Fron! • Comprehensive Med!cal : • CUSTOM PATIOS, Dom!llflc Help 7-. ' Ne'.. · lieaoh P!Ju> "'6cftle •-a, .....a.at ,,.,..,.. •~;,,,. ~., Equal rJulriru "'= · · . . e Group Liie ~ .. · ' staM.Uee..~.ll:Q-:ug,_-ll. ~ ~~.-.. ~ ......... ~-oppp . 'Jeqn><llr YOUf'.'lG: 1!1d · J'u learn· •RrotLt.&barlnarelire.. ~ -~ ra,diator b~~tness, ment trust "!'. 6620 Far~ Agency · 642-8100 WATER ~ETER , MAN michanlcally lriclined. Full • Employee& uv!.P plan · W · time,rmust b&vt;. car. Hagen • Profit -"-.:.i~ bonus.. . 1WOMS AmiiTIONS e Help linttid, Min 7200 $498-605 per mo. ' Aulo Radia!or G4&-<188 or --- ~ L.T ... OlDltruetkll :; , -tr " . t ''·<l :i, . , • ' ,,. ' _642-<225c....,.;=-'"Eve,.,,. .. 'f-o~.,-~-Please'G~ ~~.I Safeco InauranCe Corp. 115.S E. San Antonio Lon< -Call!. . ..0.... kitchen oe CITY Of' ' Ex""r.=·' .' __,~ S . J.C. PENNEY CO. ~1 !9111"- --story oe 2; • NEWPORT BEACH DINNER COOK ~am.tom designed. For FASlUON ISLAND , ··~ APPLY -~ A-Iayout. pbon• NpPORT BEACH Reqtii.reS complftl6a• 1or 619 Sleepy Rollow Ll .• • • Ul-l51l • • .... eighth grade, 'one year Lqun& Beach tionl * Remodellrw; Hu full time of experience in the NEW ·w * • Fred JI. Gerwk:k. Lie.. po•ition •" maintenance and repair * · * $&9.217& for of mechanical devices. Get Ready Mtch1nic • CINnlnv 6625 6680 AP~ Gardener 'Ojmplol> -· Exp. :RO!lahle. llG<389 A •·· be! • P.M Apply 2925 Harbor Blvd., BUFFERS & PPv. ore , ·• JANiTORIAL ~:·~ ::.=:. c.~.~nvi!:::r MAINTENANCE tice, S300 Newport Bl'-":!., To ap 30. ~Pf,)'&: benefit& N""l>Ori Beach. <B$l33 SCHOCK· BOA TS J. C. Penney Co. , 24 FHhion lsltJ1d · · Newport Beach, Csllf,·. "" Equal Opportunlcy Employl!!I" •Busboys • Dishwashers APPLY 1N PERSON TO MGR. 9 TO 5 P.M, BROllfR COOK Evenin·g $.hlft SEAFOOD ' RESTAURANT REUBfN E. lll 6i3"¥ SUP!', !or~ ~~t. const., Nprt Bch irf ea. Ex· perienced! ~:MI resume to Box M 4611, DJil:IY' Pilot. EXPERIENCED Mechanic. mu time, da)>I. 1645 Adams,· Costa Mes a. 541)..1206 t : MECHANIC. comnUssion er salary. 3100 E. Co a at Highway, eorona del Mar, WANTED: i&P.l fuU time Serv Sta help.> Richfield, l9tb & Newport. 645-1532 * * A90nclu, W.m.n 7300 I'-'-------'-' ATT: EXP. Ol:NTAL 151 E. Coast Highw1y Newport Baich CAREER OPPORTUNrrY! PERSON1'1El. Office Ma.riaaer • • • • to S700 Cbair A.oJst •• ·-· •• ; • • • to $600 Join todays fastest pow1n,a: No saturdays Equa1 oppOrtunlty em'ployer ACCOUNTING Clerk. Ex· perienced ln account• payable. Intervien rr.Jda,Y and Monday . a.m. 'Call 642-2400 or eves. ~. ask for .Jim H.yam1. ServoWc • DiviAion ot Gulton Indu.strles. Inc. 164C Whit· tier Ave •• Costa Mesa. An equal cpport!J.nicy-employer. 2 · HouSekHpers Full i1,;,.;·; Doy 'hlft Apply in. ~IOn Huntington Beacb Cor:rvalesCent Hospital 18792 De18.~ St., Hnta Bcb LAUNDRESS Full timt Apply in Person Huntington Beach Convmscent Hospital 18792 DelaWa.r St., Hnt& Bch WAITRE= WANTED ·e Food A Cocldall • E:q>'d only APPLY Town & Country Inn 18582 Beach Blvd Hun--proleaslon-Mutual Fund ala NEWPORT rat Services 6612 Noaper:iencenece!SIU'J"' Ptraonnel Agency GROWTHop9ortunity. We train. run or part tinw i.13 Dover nr1 N.B, Secretary with credit exper, RfUBEH E. LEE STERNWHHl.ER TlNG A Air c.ond. Serv Mutv1I Fund Advisors, 642.317u pleasant \loice, neat a~ & repair. allo Washer ti: Inc. ---iiii-----• I · pearance, capable of hand!· drytt repair. 24 hr serv. 151 EC tH'gh N)>tB 1603W tclillu""--".,., SeeBettyBroct:at tng one cirl office and 80-12.'n or 8f'1-s681 · • Oii 1 way. · es ~ responsibillfy. Box -M.610 'l<~ii?';'ii;-;i''-'ii'i-:== I Newport Beach ' • S.A. .1212 N. ~roadway m Ex The De.ii" Pilot.' • • Ul.ING, Cleanup 547-833l • " -odd jot. .... Free·•~--~-~~--,,,,~ ec RN P•rl Tim• ..._Jim SCI 5325, -NABERS CADILLAC · 11 to 7:30 am Uon. & Tuu Janitor and ARCHITECTURAL Agency'"' c.....,, Girl• Ii 30 -Oil \V. Coast Hwy,. N. B. 1~~nvF'i;;::-;;;;;0~7~ General Cleonup DRAmMAN By awoint. 64SJ939 _ t.ots. p.rqe1 "tc. Man Exp'd ntt<1 oniy apply. MiJt. or-orot•ry ~-i ~-ld•y "n'ee removal. ~ aldp . l )Tl Residential &: e.om_. -""" rT ~ till r r a de Excellent company benefits. mercial. Ample overtime. Front ofc. Type at least 80. :,a..rr~· ' ' 5 Day week. Contact Mr. Salary $4-$4 2S hr wpm. All-arouIXI assistant -Robert Rogalski WALTE.RS a· SON to pleasant to 'WOrk for boss. llAULING, gardening & NABERS CADILLAC Call M>-. Ande=d 543-7196 ,.......i malntena""' by «>1· $40.3lBO ARGUS.AGE.,CIES ;1ote .-. "......,.. • Draftsmen " . -Q:llta Mesa area. 673:-'TTll ELECTRO.MEOIANICAL PART TIME. NIGIITS l869 C Newport Blvd .• C.M. tiiji£ hedge, trees. Gen. Bring recent sample or work Di1hw11her & Bus Boy deao-Op, name it! I haul, PARA.METRICS Help W1nted eves. Park Udo Convalescent Center ... Fla&sh4> Newport Beach 642-8044 HOUSEKEEPER New Convalescent Hospital A11ply 393 HMpital Rd., New· port Beach. Carner Newport Blwl. &: Ho.spital Rd. NURSES AIDES e. 6G-tll30 929 &ker st., Costa Mesa APPLY IN PERSON 3-5 PM Women 7400 haullna. day"' Jtiahl YOUNG man "'-""" I• Snock Shop' No. 1 WANTED: Au-ve olfic:e ':.~ ~ :.i::. _;;~======I permanent job with 2305 E Co.st H manager. Complete HunH....+ .... Be&ch -establl.sbed boat dealer In • VfY· knowledge f tcmottve ..... ..... ,ttowedunlnn 6735 San ca~-· Vall•Y ·-a. Coron1 dtl Mar, C1I. 0 au Convaleacen~ Hospital • .,.""' ... ~ &eneral ledger thru 1inan-l.S79'l Delaware St., Hntg Sch Acx's h:skp'g. Fir butting, Excellent ~ty. Write • INSTRUCTORS -Full clal statement necessary. C1fetert1 Count.,-Glrl erpt dean'g, Wlndom, etc. P. o. Box 238 Balboa Island or/ant part tirrw. Neat . ap. H.B. area. Call Mr, Comp bse cleoan'g. SCS.'1243 Full Time Elrp'd. pearance. Must be able to Robinson 142-7781 Some ~liter exp. preferred. JANITOR meet and dea1 wtth the e SECRETARY e Working hrL 7-l Mon-Fri. 6755 Good be fita F I bli ,......... 11-·-A 1 lnWligen• fast with r--C&ll 833-0600 Ext 2036, Ask m, ne . or app . pu c. t1 .......... ~ ... "'. pp y ., ~vo;:.o-lP' tor. Mn. P!!nnington. call Sf()..5000 ext. 30. ln person. Holiday llealtb ~ent contract experience, •. G done ln my home. Equal opportunity employer Spa, 2300 HUixlr Blvd,, Good organiz.er prefmnd; FAST, neat, dependable .~ OW1l bu'llfn. UTJt.ITY. MAN C.M. AP p I y RADIATRONICS, woman needed tmmed over '!I'" • * 531A78I * wanted tn tbt Galt Shop,~ SlB.~ IS NOT TOO MUCH 18842 TeUer A~ .. kpt Bell. 2L ll:30 a.m. • 8 p.m. Cash· 25-511; 40 Hr' ~k. 1nine: fl .. man over 40, with car. 833-2100 ' ier A wailre&s exp. belplul :::::;.:;::::;...,~-...:6::.77:.0.:.1 Coast GoU Shop, 675-0610 ask lo take short auto trips near UVE-lN ho u • e k t!I e per ; 4MM!K == . ·bmranoe9 tn de fat Idr. Eyahs. , Beach cities. Air mail f'. E. mother 1 es• home, 2 • WAITiiiiS • Exp'd., '"'"':;::_,,;:;.-·b-. fl.*'4JP & SUPERVISqR. for dect ao1l Sean, Pres., Ameriean Lu-tenagers, full c!iatgt': Pr!V. .over 21. N>pbo FI )tt ll 1 ,~ 4J. ,......._ Pvt. ..art "l"'fttiOll, G ..... • N;c&nh Co .• Box 67~ Ile>" mom, S\i da.Y>: $"°. Call Butler, 3101 NewpOrt Bl..i. 549-1008 HOU~ER or Babysit· ter Wanted •• Tusttn. ·Call after g PM. * SU-8266 SAYE ~ASH! ' . l\ea.d 'i ; __ rilhe , 'DA:ltY PILOT L A ·5 5 I ' F I · D •• -.,. , ! ~.'II""• ,il"J!11<.i..at11•yu11,,.._ 1 ~V'f,r l,t •1 ,· tl ti~' ·. • ""'-'', ~; p~n._ ~00 a.111. -1~:30 p.111. ~--fo .NOOft'.S•turil•y, Closed Sun<loy · ·:•DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 . . WESTMINsTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAr: FREE. 540.'.f220 Huntlnpn luch 540-1220 L"911no luch · 494-'466 ; 1 , -i:.LJ.li111:1t-O couNTeRa -.... 1-..ttd .. r.n~. ZJ11 W.. ..,._ IMN•u,.,N..,.., ..... IJI w .. hf~ C... ..... J" JIM...._, H•l ... tM ...._ tzl ........ A .. 11•. ytllM ..... -l1IM ....... ht.&S.. •••. , .. Mall Addre•: •ox 1171. ".'f•wptrt aaaoll, Cal .. ' . ' Houn-Regulatlons-Deedlln•s IRflOR'aJ A~~IMrs sttou'i check tfte..-ad• i1111,. atMf ,.,.rt lmmedlat.IJ' .,,..,. er mltcl1ulfioatton .. THE DAILY ,ILOT allUmet llablllty for •rNrt ... t:t tlMI 1xtent ot publilhlng tha 1dwirt.1Mment oornotly ollt tlma. ~~L!NE .F~l! .• l?O~Y .~.N.'? ~Kl.LUI·=~ P.M. tft•·•u Mfore pubUoatloft,UMpt .. , : · -. w .. ktnd Edlth~1t -.nd 'Monda1 -.otflM when olNfqa ti,.,,. II l:IO P.M. , .... ..,. ' ' YOU MUl'f HAYE KILL: NUfl\llEftt When kllllnt an ad hca.UN ef flUIOk ..... lh. ~-autt to 'fttlk•:• rt00rd of tha klll numbtr given ,..u i.1 )'OUI' ad takor a1 vlrlflol~lfn of riur oall. ' Evff)' •ffort ·10· madti • klll or correot •now ad tltat Ila ... ,. •"9•red, bllt W. .,... l'lot guarant" to do IO until th• i.d hal appNNd In tho 1t1P1r. DIM~A~LIPJIJ 'Adt ii:nt lllrlotly cub In advano. DY man er 1t any en• or eur Offfola. NO pt\tno .'ordtra. Tha DAILY ,PILOT NMl'Vll tM.right to ei .. tty, odlt, cion10r ., ,..... ... ,, ~ tlNmont, and t• ohango Its ra~ and rogulatfona wtth'llt prior -- HOUSES FOR, SALE,., NSWl"OIT aucM -DRAnttt• Slavteli ••NllUL NaWPOiU Na .. Nn 4111 aLSCTtlCA&. COSTA MIU ~ n• """"' IMOIU . .. •au1PMlllT alNTAU MllA DaL MA• 11• AITCLIPP flll PaMCINe UNIY1:llSITT PAI( •UJ f'LOOU MSIA .YalDS 1111 UCK IAV 441 f'UINACa aaPAllS, ate. COLLI .. PA•IC --'1111 UST'"""" ...., JIUIJUTU•• ••SToau .. NSWPOllT alM:H t• O HWrolT NalOMTS gn1 COllOM& U. ~ aJI A llf'IM MtNe ""' IAUOA .o. • 4111 eAllDaNlllO ... IALaOA COVIi >tall IAV tsi..AWDI • .... OINllUL lllYKU Ma , NIWPORT IHOJ:ll LIOO tSLI G1 Oa.Alllll .. DllClllO ... 1 8.AYQafT Int llAVJllOl:ll Uf bl.lo.A ISLAlfD GI 01.MS &191 DOYll IMOlll ~m NUJfTINeTC* OIA(M ... 011111 TM\IMI tN WlfTCLIPP IUI POUNT}illl VAU.IV Mii ::L~W~il IUI HAllOl HllHUNDt Int =~ ::!~: = HAULINe :: ~."y~·:sm ~AJllC' ~:: OIAJllOI cou'll'n .... HOUJICLUlll,.. u. UCK UT 1Mt O.U:DIN OltOYI 4'11 IMnllOI Dl(OJIATINO Im' IAITILUP' ISO walTMINSTM 4111 IMCOMll TAX .,. llYINI TllU.C:I 1141 MIDWAY CITY 4'11 1aoN, ~ at.. '1lf C~A OIL MAit -1211 SANTA ANA 40t llOfrUNO '111 8.ALIOA l'INIMIUU. 1• SANTA ANA MllOHTS .... INlllLATfM .,_ • ... TUITfM .... INIUllUIC• tn1 IOACOlf aA. COAlli'AI.. ' •1'11 lllYllTl•ATrtf'lii Dlfildl'9 '* U.Y SIU.MDI ,' ... , LAeUJilA ObCM •NI JANITOlltlAL "" LIDO ISLI L,AGUNA NIOUIL 4M' JSW9Ul.Y llP.f.tl, It-. -91<LIOA llUHD llP SAti1 fLIMaNTI mt LAllOICUINt llM IWNTINITON 8.IA(M 'MM NUfllTINITON Nnaou• ... DAN """ "1• LOCKSMITH .. POUNTAIN YALLIY , 1411 fflPJ.9lCf, lfc;.' ""' MAIONaY, •lfCll: tm JaAI. •UCH 1olll COkil:OMf!UU~ · • '"' MOYIN• I STOMe• .... IUNllT UACll 1'51 RIEN-?Als ""INTIN .. p.,.,...... .. IAlll:NN DIOYI 1m · . PAINTlll.. .... , ·~-... LoN1·1aAcN '* Apb.. ~fuml1hed '"Tto• .... LAr:9WOOD 11M llNllll:AL • .... 'HOT~ ... OIUJlll COUNTY ,.., COSTA MISA 11• 'pLAJTlafllli hfdri, .._. ,_ UT, • <O'-,.. PLUMllNO ... D Q ,.. .. • Y MllA Ylal>I llll POCDU OlltOOMlllt ... OUT O" ITATa 1"ijlf NIWP'Ollfl'!" •~ '* POOL SllVl(I "11 ITAWTOft 1111 NOWPOllT' "'"'"' m• rown IWlll'IMO "" w1n1i11111TQ •• ' 1111 NIWOAT IHOIYI IQI ll'UMP SllYICI .,.. MIDWAY C'" lilt WISTCLIJrll , . . JUI IOOll'OIO "" IAMTA AHA UH UNIVlllllTY'l'Alttt IUI' IADIO. iltlfllln. lft. .,. IANTA ANA NITS. 11M IACI( 8.AY 12• 01.t.tlll 14111 IAJT ltUP' na laMOOlllND ••• ,All .,. nit'TfN \'41 COlll:ONA OIC MAii SHI ltlMOCll.nM. IUTCMIJll .. -··r ,..,, ....,_ .. 111oaTK ·-1111 --·1':41 aAUOA "" 1 .. ,... .... :,~t,~ 'CA.lfYOM _ ,14.M IAY llLANDI Pll lllWINO MACHllll ltll'AIU - LAO\INA MILU ~= ~~Tl~~TOll. llACK = latTIC TNUtS. .......... LAGUNA llACll 11'1 l'DUN:rAIM !tlLLIY 9411 w.::=·COllTIOl. = LAGUNA NllUll. 1711 11.LIOA Ill.AND U0 TILi. C..19 eM SAN CUM....,. )nl llAL aaACM fQf TIU, U..... 6 ....... .m s.111 '""" cutmANc 1n1 LON• auc11 ,,. T1t•• 11avtc• .,.. CAPlfl'lt.u'IO IUCH Int OllANla CDUll'TY 144' TILIWIOIL ......... 91-. .... DANA POllfT 11M IAaDIN llltOYI 1611 UPHOUTllY ..,. t.t.•U•AD . .' 11• WISTMINSTl!I Nit WILDING #H ::":.~:: · · ~;: =:~Ne;" = JOBS A EMPLOYMENT a1v1a11D11 COUNTY ,... IANT.t.. ANA MlltMTS "*' ,o. WAll'Tlltt -... MCMISft TO 01 MO'(IO , ,.. TUITM" ... J09 WAJllTllDI. ...... ,_ COlfDOMtMIUM ' ' 1tM COAIT.U. 11'1 JOa W#fTD. OUftUIUI POii· Ul.a. 1'11 LAOUNA ISACH •1t1 MaN I WOMIN ,_ APAITMlln'I Pb• Q\I ..,. LAGUNA NIOUJEL 1111' DOMamc M•LP ,. RENTALS .,,,. CLIMallf9 1111 ao1Nc11s. MM "" · SAN JUAN CAPllTlANO •ns H8.LP WANTIDo MM 1111 Housn Fural1hod DANA POINT 11• A11NC1as. w-· nee OINlllAL "" REAL ESTATE, H•LI' WAIM'SD. ..... , ... llllJTAU TO IHA•I -,.,__ I JO•~ .. ·-,... COITA MIU. ' "" vwMrl AQIN(IU. -• w-JUI MalA DIL M.ll 11• ~i:::.z..,.~ : , = SC:HOCLI I INmUCTIOll 1611 ~~.::-:~ : . lllt alNTALI WAMTID I"' .r::.:::~~TION = NawPO•T ••AcN ~ ==~ a".-O:.•:T :;: MERCHANDISE FOR ===~ :.::., ~ MOTf:U. TIAUI COUITI "" SALE AND TRAD! IAYSHOAIS nu-IUlfST MCMll .... PUllllrru•• - OOVlll IMOltll 2117 Ml~ ltlNTALI "" OPl'ICI Plll:lmtlta "" WllTCLll'LI' , 2U1 INCCMI f'ttOHllT"I' -Ol'PICI IOUIPMSlllT •II UNIVlltrn PAllC ttn au1110ss PltOPl•TY .... STOlll IOUIPMINT ant lltVIMI ". ll:JI TUJLal f'AltKI 'Ml CAP&. aa1TAUIUltT "14 aACK OAY 21• aUSll'llSI llNTAL ...e IAI IOUll'Ml:NT "11 IA.IT aLUPI' UCl Ol'PICa alNTAL .. ,. ttoUllHOLD ..OM - llVIMI Tlal.t.CI ttU IHCUITlllAL PllOPllTY llM MIMI SAU MZt ~ONA DS' ..... .... COMMlaCIAL tllS P'UlNfTUll AUCTION ttn o"; ' ,_ INOUITllAL l•NT.t.t. .... APPUANCD fl• .tAUOA , "Tl fl• O>ll U.Y llUICDt ml i.i:wcHll 11541 =~:~·:....(NINll .,,. ~~~U,,.D = CITltUI llDVlt 1111 MUllCAl INITIUMIN'J lltt KUNTINftOlf '8. .. CM t4M A(lllAOI · tHf l'IANOI 6 oatANI 11• POUNTAIN VAU.aY 2411 .LAltf aUINOal l:itt ILACHO 1211 IU.L alt.ACM 14541 ltaSOltT ftaOl'•llT'I' ... TaUVlllOll - LONG auc11 Ull CMNOl;CO. PllOl'lltTY '"' HM"I • ITllOO ... ou'woa C:CVNN HM OUT 01' ITATI ,..... ,. TAP• llKO••••• -SANTA IUfA · Ht• MOUNTAIN I DlllltT '211 C.t.MSlt.U 6 SQUILl'MllHT .. W.'-·••ni• "'' suaolYJllON LAND Wt NOSIY IV•PLlat .... Ml.WAY Ctn" ' tf14 a•At. ISTATS t•IYK• '111 IPOlTINI OOCCI .. SANTA """ Na11wn ...... •XCMAd• 'HI llNOCUt.Aas. SCOPIS UK COASTAL · ~ 2111 lit, I, WAllT'OD 4241 MllCau..ANIOUS NOi LAGUNA auc: 1111 BUSINESS end MISC. WAMTID ..,. ~!:u:'t.::•N~IL :ri! FINANCIAL t'i:~~ ... aaT, •~ ::: SUI JUAlll CAf..tlf'ltANO ms aus1Nalt OPPOITU1Cm11 "" ITOllAOI .,,. CAPtn"IANO laACN Jnt IUllNSll WA!n'OD · 6* 8.UILOLNe MATlltLt.U SHI OAllA POJllT • ''"' IHYllTMINT °"......m.t Ule SWAl'I "" aivs•11a1·ftV'ltr'Y · _,,. •-NV•,~MTO•"~...,wANT•D 1111 PETS end llVESTOCK YACATIOll 111,WtAU • • mt COllDOMIJllUM • • me PSltollAL ·LOAJIJ IJ:U PITI, ffNllUL - DUPLIXIS f'U'Jilt. .,. JaWIUl.T LOAMI me CATS 1111 COLLATlliL 4.0AJll ml DOOi -RiNT ALS lllAL ISTATS l.OANS Utt HO•••• ..,. HouM1 Unfumishtd ,.,. .......... T'Nll .,..... •MS L1va1roc1t .. ""'ltAL __ ANNoUNCiMENTS All ~~~J~~RNIA LIVING.,,. COSTA MIU 11• •OOU Mau DIL MA• 11• ind NOTICES swiMMING ... MUA VW•Dll hll l'OUND (Pl'M MIJ .... :~~:.. :: , ~~ ~~~ 1111 LOIT 64tl YKATtOtlt ... NaWLl'011tT Hin. = :.iS:!°J:~MaNTI ::. TRANSPORTATION NIW'O.:T roast IJlt 111TNI 1411 IOAft & T.\CNTJ -IAYfNOlll mf, •UNall.AU '41t IAILIOATI Hll DOY••....... nu ,.,. OllT1IAIY ... ,, POWI• ClUllalltt ... WllTCt.1111' at• Ll'UNllUL DlllSCTOat '4'14 S-,.110-SICI aoATS ... UNIY'OllJT'r PAltC ttl, l't.Cfl:llTI '4'11 aOAT T1tAILa1t1 "2 llVftrt• J:QI u.ao ... TMANKI ""' IOllT M.llNT•NANCI ... SACK ....... JM IN MSMOlllAM '411 M>AT U.UNCHINO N4 SMT 1'Mfl:LI »II CaMSTaay LOTI •411 MM:!Na IOUlf', ""' llYIN' T••W• n4f CIMn••Y caYPTJ "" .IOAT ILIP, MOOlllN• ,.,. COll:OMA DIL: MMt· CM C•llMATOIUll •o• 10 .. T 11av1c1s Wit aAUOA SM1 MllMOlllAL PAaKI lffl IOAT llll'ITALS ... •A1'' m..t.NDt '' Ult &UCTIONI IUf IOAT CNAlll:Taa ... LIDO Ill.I .Pl' AVIATION lllVICI ltf> PllHING lo.ATS ... IALllOA 111.AHD S3Q TU.V.L IQS IOAT MOYINI ... N•WPOllT wn1 UN All TtlAflllPOllTA.TlON '4oft IOAT ITOIUI• .... HUNTINGTON laACH MW .t.UT'D TIUllSPOITATIOJI &6U IC .. 'JS WAMTaP ... HUNTINOTON NAlllCMl8. MIS LIOAL MCTICll •ut AlllCIAPT f1tl ttOUNTAOt VALLILT Jell OlllMAlll • TUTOllNO ... P'LYIH• LSISOftl tlSll :~\,•Nuoc:'ova :';; SERVtCI OIRECTORY =~• .. ::_:• = LONS atACH "" ACCOUffTIHO ... llc;TCLlt fU1 n :wit ANlftatNI •••VtC'I "" ILICTlfC CA.Ill "" :...~:'...:UM Nlf APPLIAHC•· alPAlllS. P•"' "1• MINI lllClll • fin WllTMlllllTla Nl1 Al"ftl_Al .. ,.O lllJ MOTOlll:CYCLU ... MIDWAY CITY Nlf ASPHALT, 0.. 6$2f MOTNICOOTIQ ,_ AUTO llf'Alltl ml AVT'D IPYICal I JIAltft ,. JAHTA AMA MllOlfT) .. -AUTO. ........ TIHo SIC. .... AUTO T'DOL1 I ll8UI-,.. Hit Co.MT•L tA•"nnTIMO dM tltAILla. TllAYIL Mii .~IUNA a1AC" , •..,* llOA1' MAllllTINUICa 4311 Tl:AILlltS. llfllltY ._ U.OUNA lltoUlt aJtlCJt. MA:::ay, tt'C. ..U. CAMll'lll MN (LIM•lfTI #If • I -CAPISTllANO , IJ'lf •1111111111. I Ytc:I 6Jll Tlluatl ntt CAPtn--...o aUCN ml aUILDlllt.I ,,,. ,,..,.. ..,. OAICA l"OtllT l1• ~TllllNO ~7' DUNI IUOllll tn11 CONDOMllHUM ,.. CMINITMAKtJll• •511 IMPOlll:TIC >W'TOS Nit 1,1 U ,Lt wn tMIPIMTllt.e ""' '"4tT e.t.al tr'1t 0 PUIXSI Iii ... CIMlflf, ,__.... ... AMTMtVaS, CLUllCt KlJ RENTALS CMILO CAii. ~ ..... ttACI CAllt. .... '°' F L-...11 COll1UCTOltl "" A\n'O svam ,. " Apb.. vrnl1n.. CM,..,. a.UN•"• ... AllTot •MfTI• ,,. -----,.,, .lfid.:~¥edl4aletc. ""-Santa. ~ ~ ~ dhlo. Mr. T., 546-43'to . days; N.B. 673--0917 lllp'd I Jn W/l ~ Oub. 545--'1211) EXPER. Serv. Sta. Attndnt. 6(2...1)816 e~s MANAGER I: Sa le alady tO&l1 aft I p.m. PART-Time help wanted for Perm., full time, new mod. TRAINEES, sp:irts~ar tac-needed for dreu stcn. Ap-•-·-----.. llNIU1, . -CAl'ST l.ATfNO a llPAlll Wt NOW CAltl ._ eolTA .... '* CMU#ll... Ma AA.IT'D LllAJI.. t11t MSIA v1aD1 . . ftlf ft..unoef ... UINI CA•• "" 1~~~~~~=~~;1 Garden Gl"C\lt_ restaurant. 11tatlon. Gd 'M'.lrldng cona·•. fill')', ~Int opPQrtunity. ply Mariann'• FubfOnll, No. ~ Appiy: ShaJcey•a p 11 ta lfr1y wage + comm. 990 Koowlt'dge o1 ee?finc uscn. 1.f ·FUhioif Island. Ill D, UT , 1 -=-----228$ Newport Bl• E. Coett Hwy. at Jam-. tlal. <001 Unit G, Bte<h Sl, EXPER. waitms. lull lime. ll ID D HAYE. JOU . LOOKED FOR 'S A-.-. .. NB : Newport Beach. near oc Rn. ]]:3> to l :llO Denten"• J>llilp. tnlltAll • ll\a!lblin. ALL round RNict -station REAL ESTATE Shouldn't airport. Coffee Shop, 133 s. Col.It H '' ,. a I Jfto--~1:.~M~HiaJlway, "'""' "'""" ·,., hot ... t FULL or pert time Hwy.,L.8. D THE HIDD'EN DOLLARS =:=:---.o;"=';;;.;~;:::;.:·=~--1 area 1-luntington Beach? aaleswoman. S t u d e n t • ~W;ANTE:;;;;,;;D:..:::B;,.AB=Y~s=1=-r=1ER=-. ----....... 6ISO PRODUCTION FOREMAN Village Real Eatate 962-6471 pttferred. my ~. M ttme •. Mesa 'i~'.:~!ii~~;j CALL:""""" or546-8l03 -v .......... --~"-. IN ·vouR H.OME LATELY' I . .i'51!:1or Mao G ..... Ya<:ht """'· WANTED' Expff. up .......... WANTED c..ru"' pirl ' troUSEK£EPER; • s· ...... .,..A,;_ ·T . ' . . . • "-~· ·TOOL & DIE MAKER "·lull or port-time; <1o11 or day& -k. lo 'tU J. Own week, UV.in ,..r. C\eod .., l=~°:'WJ-~~~~~-!~~_l!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 ta '* ' App).f 'f9tr f"alttmta, C.M. nu. Call: &U-1404---~ traMpot"hltlon. LI 8-090 plus.rm. ll boud. ~ I. ,) ---I • • • SJACO, INC. 1139 Baker St. Coeta Meta 54"3041 An equal opportunity •m- * ,NEWPORTERETTE HOSTESS InterviewUI& now tar at. tractive, )'OUfll ladies with ' Newpert l1.1cll · 2607 w .. Coat Hwy. • . ' " --... . ' tA.fCIH.~ »PUC'AnoNS .. . ' Waltrtu .. . . ' ~nHllp FOR . . . Hoit..-.s Dllhwit••rs --------------tboroua:h knowledge of New- pQrt Beach and adjacent ..,..~ · Help WanlM . ~!"! . ~· Wi;n!. 7SOl . Newporterette rtatt will Women 7400 4• Welcome hotf!I p r-:&. upon 1-..:.:..==---..;..,_ '1 8UILD ·.n .SAVI arrival at lobby or airport. OllA~- Apply In ....... only, bo-1'11:1111 TYPIST -...... a-tloNo Men « p.m., MondaY \.;LUU\ thN Friday· Geoerol Man-bll'T. MAN~Olll .,.,. CASHIERS NEWPORTER INN Di....ui.d dutlH In ..,.... SAL.ES 1107 Jamboi-ee Road net departmelit. Type iO Newport Beach wpm elect. t7Pewriter. Bookkeeping Mac:hine Operator <PART TIME) Variety of work in accounU payable, rreetvable, mat in- ventory. Experience oa book- keeping machine, prefer- ably on Burroughs EllOO or NCR. Stac:o, Inc:. ll39 Baker St. Costa Mesa 92626 549-3041 An equal opportunity emplO)'t'r RH,or LYN NEEDED FULL Tllt\_E Apply Newport Harbor Convalescent Hospital 646-7764 e COSMETOLOGIST Coll Po....,nel Dept. (714) 494-9401 TELONIC · Engineering Co. ' -.. LA~UNA \8EACH An oqua! opportunity employer • Secretary ()pp)rtunity for versatile JD. dividual posseMiJ\c eood -typing, dicla-phiine sldlls. Millt Ii.le *"' led ....... --heavy work load. •( t' I STACQ1)!14c; 1139 labr-St.; CM· 549,-3041 An equal opportunity • ·- TRAYR' • AGBITS I HARDWARE 'LU>IBER· I HOUSEWARES ~ BUILDING MATERIALS Fa• t movine, Procreuive cbain of do.it-~ home Improvement center needs quaJiflod peop!&.'W"lll accept .m. .wbo. want to ,lltart in retallbic u a · career. No ........ lay ol!. a.mpletr frlnle b!Wtlt's phia!~rowth meana prombtion' .,.. ~ tunity. 'l'bil company tn.inl at, all level.I. Plenty of indi. Yi'dual rewards for extra et'· fort. In~ at..1.•tcn • cation MoniiQ, Juuary •• 1969 and Tueldl:)i January 7,_1!69. 9 AM"'llt·t .PM. • • . l ,BlllLD-:N~ $4.V,E . ;..,..~~ ... ~ .... "'"r.•~' " . , ~ ~ .. . ' Electro-mechMictl1assembl1 of microwave ~· Reqllita: m~nipQ·dexler­tty. \\'ii. tram. ... Call. l'enonMJ<Dapt. (714) 494-9401 .... rnltvre 1000 ~llancao 1100 SPANI!iJ)FURNJTURE MOVING. must tell Satur. RETlltlN ,ED FROM cbJ'; GE.. Washer $13 G.E. MODEL HOMES. SAVINGS Pl dryer $60 both tcr sioo. TO. ~%. Span!Sh quilted G.E. Mobil Maid ....... aOfc 6 love seat. 3 oak ~ dilhwUher S65. All like room tabl8, 2 livb!& room new! Sat. only J.G.5; 1112 lbnps 'I: Spanish,.~· Not tt n sham , Newport El Pttsldente k l Jl I 1 i z e Beach. '6-0962 ' PUBLIC · ;NollCE Furniiare & Applia1•es AUCTION Sit.,:.lia. 4111, 7 p.m. S"-rp $50.000 INVENTORY UCj)UIDA.TION Mart Samples ' Jlepoal- ~tory Close-Outs Spa~loh, Madltarro-n, Mopi., Prwlncl1I, Medam, Contarnparary * "40 .... ~mSata-Naw&IJHol * 15 Dining Roomo -New & UMd * 50 Ll'Jng R...,,. -Ne!' & UMd * W1ohtir & Dryor, Matchlnt Sato * 70 ltofrl .. ntoro, All Sina • * Ra-& O..p fl'M-* 15 Relao1111MC1 Color TV's, L•t• Models * 1.L•rve C.nopyThomovllla 6 PIK• lladriom Sat ln Mint C-tton * 9 Place Birch Dining Room Sat A-OK Commission Gallery 7722 O.rden Grov1 Btvd., Weitmln1t1r 1/1 11 .... Wlllt .t ..... ea .... .._. "'4. . bedroom 11.litr, oak triple F RI G IDAIRE automatic dreaer. &. mirrw, . k;\n& wubPr; GE ~tor, beadboerd. 2 ~. $50 each or list Gtter.i========= = ;-=.,, ';...':,: 894-l<n Pl1noa & Orpno 1130 Mlocalllnaouo ------------- ·&-~ Spanleb , wrought KENMORE electric ~e, ONC&A-YEAR Iron ...... "l Only $46'!. '· ?"' old. Excellent ~n-ALL FLOOR MODELS •'111'1 .,, ___ , • ........ --1.1.. d1tion . $TO. 968-5075 -· .....wu c -r-~ "'""""'V• __ Conn. e Wurlitzer e Knabe ~~~ ~!Mu• ,110 PIAN.~~n_<!.~~ANS ~--=!~ •.:,;y VJ.Sr •tock Amer ._ Eur 'YOUR CHOICE JD a.m. to ' p.m., Sat ~· ~L~~~~ 10°/o OFF JO LDL ... p.m.. Sun. -Blvd. c. ... $HOP EARL YI ll p.m. "to 5 p.m. = · No down e Easy terms Fl>m!bn .........i from .... • Oeliv<>')I • play -niOdd. -.,. !-:!II'!!! MochiMO 1120 G..,ld. Music Company deean.ton ~tiall.. ·:since 1911'' ~_.Jltil,~n etc '6'1 SINGER-with walnut con-20&5•N.'·M"l:tn, Santa Ana RD FURNITURE so1e. Will -aacrificie· far · ha!""'" $39,11 or '...W.. So. o! Freeway, 547.(1681 t'M4-N.wPlrf1•hd., CM $3.92 mo. Feb 10, 1969 next Mon. I: P'rt. •tn 9 evn-.:1 -Jlt&bt til 9 PILYnlent. Guan.nteti OK. oany ro 5:30 Wa.j,;.a,t. .. -'.t!l'I BuUon ...... lir-"11 •to. WT . DAYS 111 No · attach . needed. Call RAftAN .,-.• aGfa .. ,C lounce 536-1212 or m..4444 chair;-~ ... 1:· eftd· ~bleA -=.,---.---~= Hieber prices are comill& -~ , ~ ~~·. 2 Oles~ of -~ • repoaeaed, 1968 but .'ft are sWI discountin& d.-r•wer• $11> each , ·touch+matic. Pay oft bll all pianos Ir. organs in the NGO I GOOFED Private party bought some name bran d EXERCISE LOUNGES {Adv. on T.V.). with the idea or becombr: a dealer. I find I don't have time to demonstrate. Must sell 1 or all at whol~e. $45. ea. Regularly $89.!li. Orliinal cartolll. 542-5356. 2314 No. Borutie Brea. S.A. *AUCTION* It you ·w;.11 aeU or buy (ive WJndy a try Auctions Friday 7: 30 p.m. Windy's Auction Barn Behind Tony'• Bldg. Mat'l 2a75% Newport, Of 646-86116 KJUmJ) FABRICS Nnaa~ lounge chair & of $41.25 or g PYJUl11.g of J.ut dayt ol the areat Mov- ottoman $15: Port evap $5:'5. Call n-i: 635-8521 in&: Sa.le. It will cost you Remnants, samples I: itill cooler $15.. Mar&le colt~ ·--------1 money to wait. Shop Ir. buy ends Sat. Only 8 a.m. to 2 "'FOR SALE &:· 2 end tabltB ·$2o. 'Twin u .. _. I I _. 1125 now •J: p.m. 929 Baker, Costa Mesa.· S Days. Pttfer with clientele, but not necessary. Apply a ,,...,., SHERATON BEACH INN Rivlera sofa ~di, $~: Fire nnn;ICI ·"••· WARD 'S BALDWIN STUDIO . TEio~.1c · screen set $5. 2 · mack UP.RIGHT piano $125.1801 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 ELECTRIC Range $10 . ' " 1ooi.; .. _ t tw """-~--Folding aluminum \Vbeel ... e are ........ or 11 fiberilaschairs,$5.-J. Colltello Accordion 120 Ya-•hi Chair SlO. Box 1....;.1 •. qent.s with minimum 2 E ( ri C ASH ~Ilk!! ~ $250 548-63)0 .... ,... µ• • 21112 Ocean Avenue Huntington Beach yrs. actual agency exp!r. nq n.. ftCJ . o. OUKK ( w . • Pianos & Organs Mattress no. Double kit- Be1t pay in the county. L19un1 l91ch AC(X)RDIO~ 120 basl, &"OOd See them no1v at cnen •ink $5. camper sink Call Ron Pfahler at . • . FOR FUitNITUllE condi~. Call Coast Music $2. Deep Wa.sh room link COOKS TRANS GWBE TRA· Ao oq"'1 "l'PDrturuly APPLIANCES OR 1839 N-port 'Blvd, CM ~S2,...,54.,""'=!10"',"'Alt.""""S=--=c VEL, . <:?, t • Me... <mp!oy" Al'll'IQUES. DA y OR 64 ,0271 e REGISrER Nowt Free Fi,.t " S=md Cooks ""5006 -HIGHT · 636-3620 FREE TO YOU "" "'-" altu J"' "t! tor l'IC}V convalescent bospi-C 1 y k o 1 h j ' · Cu 1 tom tal to open end of Jan. A~ N. URSES c k BAMBOO furn., ii:iDenprlna: ---------I HAMMOND -Ste.inway • Y... Upbolst.ecy Sehl. Epropean I 393 !! 'ta! Rd N 00 S CUlhio!'ll set lDcl .2 arm ORGANIC Fertilizer, qed maha. new 4 Wied pianos CraftimanibJp. 1831 P Y · ospi " ew-chain, l -.· ..... ~ 1 copper hone mllJIUI'e combined of all make•. Best buya In )'.Mltl Beach corner Newport e RN'S. Part time. n.... .. ;....... ,. • ~~.. 'th wood h . Good ,,_,., ""-Newport Blvt!, Olsta Mesa. I d & 1-1 U I Rd vi-... ,.., 1urlaoe Rtvine bar. Very W1 I avmgs. So ................ t bm!. 642-1454 B v · , osp a · i to 3:30, llnd U to 7:30. APPLY IN PERSON iQOd condition. S 13 5. multlh. 833-5332 trr 54&-4931 SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., SECRETARY • AIDES. Expel'. ,..rd. 6'S-m:I betw I A 5 Moo lhN l9aT N. Moln, $400 to $550 Openinas 7 to 3:30 and 11 COCO'S 64." rn hutch -$715. hi 1/31 Santa Ana 2 Position. Xlnt opportunity to T:30. 3 piece sofa • $175. King MOST lovinat, loudest punini: WM Knabe 5 ft 3" Grand for sharp yng girl Friday. Park Lido aitt bed, campl. -$150. '= fattest ·kitten 1n town, piano. Xlnt cond. thruoot, Elcc type1vriler. shorthand. Convall:scent ('.enter Upholatered .chair $75. All 5 mo& old. To rood homt. walnut finish. $000. 673-2896, Mio , "" o!fire e>p. Full "' -ship F1111ous H1.mbur.gers like'>-. 546-5113 . Part S!Mr p ... I an . A-3 .......... Way. Udo benefits. Call 540-2910, Mr. Newpor:t, Be~cb. 642-3044 • ROOMS full furn; .incl. 49'1-1458 112 Pk., NB Sit"'"'"· • w·....._... • 1555 W. Ad11111 ro!or TV, all ..... rond. BEAtrrlFUL 6 moo. ma!e 1 ~M~.JOO~~lli-ammond ___ Orpn. __ SHARP GAL! ..,,,.......s Cana -By ""'' or pack a I e. opotted Ge.. Shep. ·mix, Reuonab!•. lOnt aind. Interested In a ma.nager'1 18-J5 Full , time 60-7497 ' med. brd. Loves child, nda 64&al88 position with a rapidly ex· N~l appearance, no experi-R1•I . Est•t• S.ln 32" i:lua top_ Pt.!:.io _ gd hm •. 5'2!-2J02 . 1/6 BEAUT Parlor GraDd Piano, pa.nding boutique, Must be ence necessary. Apply in Min & WOrMn table Ii 4 'ebairs.130· FEMALE, half German, half exquisite "tone-; Like new experienced in high fashion-person. Expandlna: apin. 'Offjce # M2-3772 Collie -7 mot. Good with $1600. 546-0625 ed sportswear, dresses and 4 -· aYl.ilable for DBLE matt • box' .-km &: aood watch ' dog. •• p1 BOB'S BIG BOY • ···-•g ~·· 1131--~----..... s ayg. licemed men • ·woriien. In-$25 met, dining tble w/ 4 .._...._.., I 120S Experienced only apply . 154 E. 17th St. stant mcome a: traiJlinl. Mr cbn $15. S1MZIO POODLE mix, 3 yn. old. IT._e_e_v_ltl_on_ •----- THE LOOK 644-2400 for appt. c.o.ta Mesa -Gudner. £ -TdiiN Blaclc, medium sz. male. RINT TV $10 ORIG Oil Paintinp by Can- non a: Duuo Sac $75 each. Modem Upbol chair, like new $60. (C.Ost S 14 O ) 54&<J62S KIRBY Vtcuum cleaner " attachmenta. Originally told for o~ $300. Take over unall pynmts or $4.9.60 cub. Credit dept. 535-7289 COMPLETE Baby shoe bronz.ln1 ouUlt, cost $600, will tell $350 or offer. 540-1998 NAUGAHYDE divan, 11vivel chairs, ottoman. Ex- ceUent condition. 833-ZMS eves. HOSPITAWTY HOS'I'ES5 is .. ~ , MA G· IOI.I. &: chair, To &"OOd home. 2?.111 Cl1y, No Depomt . Free delivery lookiUI '°' mature ""me" LVN's .cn>nT.UG Pr<Mnda!..-.~ .. ~M"', =1J.... NB. l/6 534<111J "' msno POOL TABLES.SLATE flt "'~come neweomen to ~r AU1I <nl\;uu -From $198.-100% ~. lhe community. Mmt have 'DmiAT-..., BLACK poodle, male, 11 ~RCA~ TV, used. Special Immed. delivery. 642-4236 typewriter, car and be hon--3 to 11 & · -11 to 7 ~""-.I. Store• E41Ulpment·. I012 old. to rood home. 1666 price $100. Hendenloft'• 1871 dsble. Apply 2S5 E-Main, lind ·Relilf 2629 Harbor BlVd;~· 0.M. Monrovia Ave, Apt B. p:!Rta Hatbor CM 548-6013 DINING table 45" opens to N ·va1 t •··p•'tal SHOWCASES &: islands, .$5 Mesa 1/6 ' · ' 911'. walnut 91:11: 6 mat .. i.i. ... Suite 7, Tustin, Ca Ii I , ew-con escen ....,. -* BUSD.RJVIRJ · to•".:; 5X12 two-faced, back 20" Q)LOR, Zenith Portable chain llD e:."'" 60-3939 ...... ,. 544-6925 Scheduled to open end or Part. time, 10 month potitiob. .-Comm EXCELLENT watchdog. 3 TV. $550 N.ew • Sell $300. WORK IN CdM Jan. Apply in penon. 393 s.iary nrwe $111 to $3..39 ~~.ai:.~ elecn:: yn. old. has shots. Blklwht Map]e 'Bedrm set 646-2863 TRC-ts Cltlitns Ba.nd equip. SECRETARY for Legal Jn-Hospital Rd. corner New-hourb .. Oolinl" date for.fil-timer 646:-6153 female, mtxed terr I er USED TV $25 Repaln Comp. w/mobile set-up; surance & Mqtual Fund I ="°"=~=H=oop'=':;ital=ltd,=N=.B=. : j ln&: Jan. 10-69, Newport--::""'"==!er===·=· =· ==· =. I btftd. 54&-3195 11, · • 6: up. call afl 6 PM. 548--2!kl9 work. Require shorthand &I· -Mesa Unified School Dill-Sale I022 ANYONE inlttuted m'.a 3 ~~Bl .. orCM~imarll 16 CUT FT. Cold1pot must take responalbillty. Sal-Jot.-Men, Worn. 7500 trlct, aauified Pmmmel G......-year recipe e o 11 e ct ton . ------...,...-refrlKen,tor Freezer Combo. BI1 open. Write P.O. Box OUice 1901 Newport Bivd.. Garap Sale-. Sat ,&:; Sun M~y in m a Caz f'tl e • . $150. Call MS-MT3 8, Corona df!l Mar, Cal.it Colllta Mua .. -~ Maple clbla bed with mat-673-1133 . 113 Hl·FI & Stweo 1210 DRY Fi· Wood. eucalyptus, 92625 WES * DR ...... " * -n!r. -.. -· FREE .abblts, D. I c b ~~ -·-Solid , •• ,.. oranp and mixed. ..... • • · ~· l'W&~ Blrch droplW tabl.e, walnut Dwu1J 3 black doe 1 °'~ -.. deJJvery. 546-7544 PART time. Hold Genie: No .ui.e b.dfet, bftakfut room ut, • 1• 4 1pc1, 4 speaker audio --------ltosiery Plan partiea 1n your Wholeu.le ,f" .. Mh'o• .Fixture N , .. ~,,.I --~TV, and misc. 493 br~wn back . C1ce1 l)lltem 1n walnut eon90le. own home. Make up to $10 ._........ ~ACClll'V .,.,,_,.., available. 862-0:mt 112 Left on Jay a~. Pay Ml Wm~~ per hour u holteu. Choo8e Showroom. Salcil:wpesience ----·• • E.1.Btb St., C.¥· 64Z-il18 DARLING 4\9 mos cld baJanoe at $19 cull al low -"'----------1 your own hours. Ca I I ·nee. Salary. pill& <XlftllDi9. Must have Clean Calltmorda ·. BIG G~ Sale: k'lmale pup. ~i ~ ~~ pymnts.Wl.ft.boQ.N. 535--12119 WANTED &ood stove ~ re- ,....... alter 3 ""' ..,..nar "°"· ""'"'f LO"'nl. c:Ta"' C Sa-A . ......,,. ·se Grey......, Beaut dJipoot. ADMIRAL -·~ Maplo ,,,,......,.. Pn!uab!y Now. Interview. e S47"351 e YI 18& ':!_ lltb ~ 0. OM:Yy W8!°'"_.:.__~-°.. w l ~ tlob! 67l-'l2SO e~. 1IS AM-FM .. ~ .... ,._.., $115. pm't. CdM are L (2JJ} PERMANENT, Part time ,..r,;_ ,..,_,_ ma~. ~. t • ADORABLE P\qllpy, buff°* S46-Sll3 4n-11!15 Mike McCarthy Gives You MORE!'. 1969 OPEL s35~0NTH 51873 FUU PllCJ _ l11cl11llll11 f11ll fecJOl"f ~11lp111111t ... u~ •II the 11eW• S1fety f,.._,.,. Whit.w1ll1· 1111111 hen1 cl11ty l:i1tt.ry.: ON1t "'"· "~ .IUST ARllVi:DI LARGE SHIPMENT OF lt6t OPEL$" ... • MQST WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS.-COME IH TODAYJ ,., 1t6t IUICI SPl~IAL DILUn 4 DI. llDAN S11p1r f11,l:ii111 111forn1tic fr11urn iu lon. Sonorn1tic ,,.~. fllo. Ti11lecl tl111. DOOf' eclt• 9111rd1. Del1111 'W~e•f· lllli1c1. Appe1r1nc1 9ro11p. OR.DEil NOW, New c•r p1yrne11'1 l:ie..d .,. <41 rno1. pl111 t11 & 114~ c11111 witlt no-rrnel 1/3 dow11 on 1pprow1d cr1dit. . Irresistible SJtper Spec:ials! • PRICED SO LOW IT HURTS • , USl,: '67 CONTINENTAL $ -~'. full pow1r end f1~tory 1ir condi-32QO; ti111 in9. L11th1r lrirn, Vinyl roof. 77: Ev1ry conc1lwebl1 option. Nici · - 0111, l r1nd n1w whit1w1U1, Lie, TSHS55, BELOW WHOLESALE BLUE BOOK! ': ";::.:• USE·D CARS · ' ... ............... '63 CONTINENT AL hll powll', f1ct1ry •ir, "'hit1w•ll1. St1i1I No. ltSJ:--$44 D1t. $44 Me. ~"':. $999··· fw 0.ly 11 Moetb '61 RAMBLER AMERICAN . C111foPl'I l·door. A11to .. redio l h11t1r, ...,.,., PWlODI.'" • $22 $22 "" s39f· D1. Me. Prlw • .. fetl4 - '64 PONTIAC CATALINA H1rlltop Coup1. V-1, Stick. PS, RAH. l ie. NYN670 •• s55 •·· 555 "'· ~ 5999 '65 CHEVROLET MALIBU "•die 1n4 he1t1r, Stick 1hift, l icen11 No. m 160: '52 •~ 552 "'· ~ sl 199': Fet lO Mis. '66 FORD 10.PASS. WAGON ''""" ........... "" ...... " 52099 .. · .... , ....... tr1 .... UH PS I Pl, l•t· :,. .,.a, -· Uc. N1. IPK IU. - '65 BUICK ELECTRA lll Cnt, H.T, Pill ,_,., I: hie. elr, -· rNI• a....__ Mot.f N1. IOI. '68 FIREBIRD H.T. C,.. Alte. trua., rs, YI 911f., $29ftft-. UH, lrwH ..w ww. C.U.N. lllCUt 77• _.... 11,61J •t. 1111. Uc. Ne. XClllJ. o..- 1 ,t..U p1yrn1nh lncl11cle t1x '69 licen•• end 111 u,,.;t• 1111 cll•'1•• , , • on 1ppro•ed c;ritclit. ::., All c1rt 111bj1ct to prior 11 le. ,4.U pric11 1ff1ctivr ttir11 Sund1y, J1n111ry lilt, ' cn.tden Grove Freewa ·--· -·-·-· In --.. .... 1 , ......... -furniture ~ miJceOaneouL • ' _,, ..... ~ •===,_--.,.-=---.. .,. ....... ~ ~., ...... _ ar, mo• """'t -~ WANTED: uted Quiatznu ""'" o!flce ol .,,_., OPEii.i.TORS FOR DRIU. 8111 Wtot ""' St., <Mta mixed. !10>-3126 alt 7,30 t::..I:: -· .. _ -~---to -.~• ·-""=S'f===~ krown nrm. Mu.st like l'Jill Tlmit PJtJlXO:S. Lite ~ Mela.· ~ -~ ......... .r.oornM.; r RHm ci.,k -1<. AoPlY bk 1 .\ 4 PM ."-'.c'=~.,.--.,...,,..--1 p.m. 112 ' T•!ep1'>ne Co. ......... ol· variety and worlL: with 'ARMALITE"INC. OLDER refric., eust:. drapes, fittE electric rdriienttr. SUR 1' B 0 ARD , DEWEY fice, 1798 On.np Ave., CM. •--''----..,--"-~.,..,,,_ __ ~ fia\lres & bavt! accurate Exp'd pref. Position open lamps, outdoor" C:h.aiM: auto. W01'kttlg cond!Uon. Ca 11 WEBtR WANTED radial arm or &kills. Please can sa-ma now. Apply In .person. No 113 E. J$ttt. Coat& Mesa. Wu~ a: 'other howlebold Uf-21.5? 118 9' I" $60 tablt-aaw. WANTED: .Part ti m 4!!! phone calls. it4!!!tnR. See Sat.' " Sun. at CHICKEN Coop. 2x4's take G(6..4720 95t5-640lle ba""lttor, my "°""· Tue• SADDLEllACK INN Sclle~...,U.lhi,; 7400 "'1%1 Santa Aan. Apt. !HI, all. ""'39<1. 2636 Santa Ana REMINGTON «10 Pu m P !-======== le Thurs, 8:30 to 3:3G. P.M. LegVM IMch Santa Ana Hejpta Avt., C.M. 1/C lhottUn. new 'condition $54. MKhlntry, etc. Mature, ftllable per 1 on AIDS. ORDERLYS I: LVN'1 Te Wft!SWn AIR ccnlltlenen.atove, miac. YOUNG female cat 1, 53Wll! twanted. Bro o t bars t '= want4!!!d for · convalnoent 9f All ~ ttemS. 100U 1 c.tty Sark, I=========-;c..r&ld area. 9C-Z66 lwxne, da.Ys. top ......, tor A brtahQt ~ BeMit 96:J.-4H2 :::~ = Mltalfl8"11YI l600 $75, &rinder I poliaber SSS. RN • curmit ri!gistralion. employN Ulitt ve wilBrw can bl'JQUn . . . . ~ ""'.., 11m1~ moot1y littlns. to wort. -RN -. w. on.. a a1mple, ...,,.,. Appllancat llDO PARAKEli!J' '" c.,., with 'PRIDAY IS s o., -•. s.t l Sun -Em"°""'""' In a.ta folmula .... -. r... . . -lt"'4 • '°l'~. to ""°" bome. Y 41tDAGI DAY , , • ·off. Write Box M (l)f Daib' Mee& and Gtrde'il Grove. CCl\lultanon b)t;a-ppc:dnbnent. GE ~. _1~ flll ft., 168-mI 1/2 In c.o.ta Mesa Pilot Clll momlnp on!y. 6*4ld1 NEWPOIT Cfou-'DR .trttter. Cirten. GERMAN Sbrpbetd q, 2 New -,1eet1on, ,ttnwtie Pt» BABYSmER. 3 IChOolen. TAX PlTparerr, fllll I. put. ScMol .I BYllntu GOod ~-$85. o,t-.a:m · yr, old male. ~2849 after es every f'ridl110 AM lh own tranL Hakps U p.m, time; must be~ US DoWrDr .. N.B. POJt-TAB·LJildiiltwubtr, 5:30 112 INTERNATIONAi. 962-8123 alt 6 pm all ........ _,., Income 646-lllU G.E. Mobil ·MUI dd-1 U!AR Old male o.n,ian YAIU>AG& DOCTOR'S OOlce Fron! Of. tax .......... -In o.ta a.n.tmaa .in.' ll'PIWritq. rnodd. l'J>, -. • Sbepbml. 56-0633 113 mo llubor Blw. ficeAtedica1Asi.i1tant. ~ N~Mar~e~; Oltldrtn. ~or l' CU l'T ,C-Oldl'poft POODLE · llUPO'es free . Calta Meaa 644-1641 for appt. Hit.It · u1....._ .. "i Harbor )'OCttll)fl lDJMduaJJy tutor-~tor • freeJtr c:oait--M&-3790 , • vs SACJUnCEI 1'\ne oriental PETS end UVESTIX:K Dage ll2S PooDLE -AKC, lmall cttam eokftd toys. ·--.. ~ <XlOKER -......... black, male. I Weeks okl. v.,,,...........__ ~ -·· .. a.a-t '.lo--bo. $150. 51M4.1J• ~hi.... -. Dowey HSKPR 6 di)' Wffk, SUMt.ys Blv., Costa Mesa. ldlDol. 1'13 Del ¥up CM, DOUBLE Ille 1Mtt?eo a: .., china cablntt, dtfihw Ake Rtlllttred. off. InqUire Mn. Dart CO\TPLl!::&·b'Ja~it•rial M.-""'"'""'"-.t..•Want .U.tl 'Pft• Ml-6711 1/8 ::i..ehaln. c r)'ttal, 1rilh Setter Puppia SJS.llSl. ..,.... •""' ~ • I wka old .... 1131 wft, Put th5e evenfnp. _,...,a (Jchi1 tt' .... f ' M.4CAZ_[NES, Tlma • t e , lJ cb!M, M.llC teema. ---;=-:=,-:-:-- OA!LY PIIDT WAm ADSI -l!OCKIT'IUOZM! .fti4e_a_.., l1J-U3) 113 ~-lO'AM. Wlllto!lepltamT 15551 Buch Boulevard Westminster 11 Son Diogo frww1y ..:.· .. ·' ' • • ., . ' - ------'-'-.;.;:.....;....;..__-"-------~-'-~--· .. I' t _I • ---~~-·-·-·------ ) ( I ' • I J . ( U llAI\. Y PILDT r ~1111. J .. ""1 :I. 1969 ;.:fill=NOOlt=='.::A;;Tl:;:ON:.:,..__:T.::ll:;:N:;:l:.:.PO=RT.:.:A.::T:.::IO:::N,:_..,:T:.::llA=N:::SPO=:R:.::TA:.:.T.:.:l~QN~:".:T.;.;R~AN=-S-PO;..;.R'-iT.;..;A"-Tl;.;ON~~TllAN'F°"S':-P.;.O;;.RT"'A;.;T..;;ION""':-:::Tc;;RAo=NJ'-:PO:=lt.;.;TA..;.T;..;.ION==TRAHS~ l'ORTATION TllANIPOllTATION TRANll'OllTATION 11..,i C... -~ Cart -Uaod ~ars1 9!00Uw1 Ca Cart 9900 Utod Cara 9900Uaool Cn ·noD Uaod Cart 9'00 Uaod Cara 9900 - • . , • • CONNEll C.HEVRO T'S ' USED CAR CENTER SPECIALS •· • . , ·: . " \ TRUCK " '67 MUSTANG Hardtop CO\U)t. V..S cnginl!, floar l&hift. ~ ateerpJ,,lfl Gold wlbladG \rim., 0. uo . . ~7.95 II ; . . . '64 CORVETTE . F&lltback. Automatic trans., powt>r win· ,. dows, fac::irc air oond., power steering, AM~FM o. Ermlne white with red • interior. i.lc. No. UVR386 . ~2595 . . '66 FORD Country Sedan, 10 pauenger. V-8, A.T., P.S., RIH. Diamond blue with matching vinyl interior. Lie. No. RRY390 . '$1695 . . . . . '68 IM ALA CU.tom Colipe. Supf!r Sport equipment, t.actory air cond., "PO"'er strg., automatic trana., radio A heater-erotto blue with. black vinyl interior, Uc. No. VRC413 , $2995 New Car F•c= Warranh . '62 V-W PICKUP . Lie. No. QYH872 . SPECIAL . 1495 . I ' "66 DODGE Sport Va• ~to. ~·· radio, b~r. alr done<!, UC. No. TGll310 . $1995 • '63 DART G.T. ·' Jlardlop coupe, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio. heater, medlwn bll.10 with bJ.ua vinyl lrlm. $1095 '67 Convertible. 427 V-8 en1., 4 speed trans.; AM-F?.t radio,1 low mileage with factoQ' nl'!w cat warranty. Red with white top, red Interior. Uc. No. UES361 · $3295 '66 RIVIERA Custorn coupe. Full powl'r and factory e.ir conditlonlni. Rad.lo and heater. $2995 '68 IMPALA 4 Door hardtop. VS, automatic, power steering, radio, heater . $2595 . e CENTiR • • I ' '67 CHEV•OLET 1h ton pickup -etep bump.,--beater -ermine white -blue Interior · - Factory Warranty. Lie.' No. 8488A. $1295 ~ '68 CHEVY VAN 108 Serles (Long Van), V-8 engine, 2 seats, side doors, rear windows -low mileage, still under neJV car warranty •. Lie. No. V94883 ~2295 '~L Pickup -V-8, Std. Shut -Lie. No . .531194. $1195 '66 CHEV. 1/2•Ton Pickup. V-8 eng.; automatic trans, fac· tory air oond., radio & heater, extra nice. Lie. No. U41818. $1995 '67Ciii~n Pickup. · 327-VB, turbohydramalic, H.D. camper equipment, custom it1terlor, air condition, radio & heater. $A VE! 1495 =·=· =====! '65 '. ·bLDS "98" w...r,. Sedan. FUll power, factory air condltlon, rad.lo A hats. Stock No. P1743B $1895 '65 FORD GALAXIE 000 H.T. c.upi. VS. oum.. PS. ,,._ air. RAH. Yellow with black vlD)'l ln· ... -. !RUC!e3l .$1495 '67 CAMARO RT. Cpe. 4 •l*d trans., ~ ens .• _ ~ euaa:es, disc brake1, Gothic iold with black landau root. (337A) 1395 '65 RAMBLER 770 4 Door. VB, automatic, powa 1teerlna. radio.· heater, wblte wliitten trim. (FBB511) $795 . ' . '67 IMPALA -.... lWL ....... h blac ~ Cou.-371 V-8. AT, P~ ntmor. Uc. No. 'l"UX459 . , •. I '''2195 • '63 FALCON . Statton Wqon. fiir. deluxe. AutomaHc trans.. radio ~ ~1'!'.-l>eaert ~tb wettem vb:l7l ifttfrior. lJc. No. $695 '65 THUNDERBIRD Landau Hardtop CoUpe. Full poWer, fae- tory air condit1onfna. 'l\u'quoise with black vinyl roof. Lie. No. NN~ $1895 "64 CHRYSLER 300 Hardtop Coupe. Auto. tranl., power atf!er., factory air cond. ~e wltb parchment in· , tmor. Uc. No. 11 • ·s.m495 '64 MALIBU Convt. Convertible V-8, auto. trans., power 1teer., radio and heater. Gothic Gold with saddle tntertor. Uc. No. OMH557 ~295 -11 ·2121 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA ~!:546·1·203 c~546•1200 Boal Slip Mooring 9036 Mobile 8-9200 Motorcyclft 9300 Trvcb 9500 JOHNSON &. SON'S 1125 DOCK apace for 25' """"' e SlcyllM .'6f $6999 -'"-------boat: $1.35 Ett ft. N'pt Ne" double wide J bdrm. BOXER. female, 1payed, Beach loc. 675-1355 ce!lter ldtcben p a J ~ lawn wtlh white markings. Springs Manor 'fully furn- • HONDA • MINI BIKES *SpPRT5MENS VAN* * TRUCKS * Thay Ara All Hora Al P•ntettlc Discounts YEAR-END SALE ( CONTINtlES! CONTINENTAL INSPIRED MARQUIS . • '61 MUSTANG 2 Dr. H.T. &right ti11q . ••I. w/mtch119. i11t. F~lly f•cl. equip!., 1. "•"•·• RIH. PS, •le. Attr1c. I •conom. VCl<877 'H THUNDERBIRD H.T. Cpe l1•ut. 9•ld bron1• ••'· w/conlr. b•i91 int., lu1. •quipl. thruoul. Full pwr. incl.•· h1n1., R&H, fie. •ir, I own., c•r•fully dri w1n. lie. SIN529 $2595 '63 CONTINENTAL ~-dr Sod $1695 Ermi11• whf. fi11. w/b11ut. turq. lthr. · . int.,•· tr•n1., R&H, full pwr. •quipt I fee. •fr cond. On• of th• betl•r on• •wn1r tr•d1-in1. lie. FNZl6D '67 PLYMOUTH Fury Ill 2 dr. H.T. l••ut. Azl•e gold, w/blk vinyl uphol1t. Fully f•c, •quip!, •ulo., RIH, PS, PB, fie. •ir, lvw mi. ---------------.Tr•d•d by orig. •wn•r. lie. 077 '67 MERCURY Colony Pork $2795 9 P"''· •'•· w9n. 'itr~nq ••ctic wht '65 ·T-llRO COUPE $1995 w/turq. '."'·· •· fr1n1., R&H, •ir con., Ait•c gold 8Jt. w/m•tch. int., e. PS, ''· l1lt1d whl., ctr. ~ec. lrd 111t, trins., R&H, fu1 pwr. 1tr, brk1, wind, lu9q. reek, du1I Del, t11l9•I•, I own. •••I. V•ry eltt•c. mein. S•• lo •ppr. ci r, mu1t 1e1 to 1ppr1ci 1l1. Lie. UBH757 OWWl69. s.t. luy Crat Wartottty • '67 COUGAR 2 Dr. H.T. $2695 botlc turq. fin, w/ .. iny l lnl, w/mlch l•nd•u roof, l••d•d w! .. tr•1, •· Irani., PS, Pl, r•d w/1te1•0 l1p1, ht r, fac. t ir. B••ulifutly main, TRH72B '66 COLONY PARK .. ·$2695 'p11•. 111. wgn. Full pw•. •quip., •· tr•n1., f•c. Dir, R&H. l•1ut. •relic wj,il• w/conlr, vinyl int. 31,000 acl. mil•s, I ow111r, c•r•fu11y rn•in, SLU855 '68 OLDS Cutlass Sup 2 Dr HT s3195 l•1utiful lof9• 9old ••I. w/mlchn9 buc••t 11•h, blk l1nd•u roof, Fully f•c. •quip! ~ 1. t•1n1., R&H, PS, ,,, fDc. Dir, Q,j"l'I J 6,000 "Ii., Coft•· '67 MERCURY Mont. 4-dr HT $2095 Aif•c 9•ld fin. w/rntch. int., 1. ' tr1n1., R&H, PS, PB, fee. •ir cond. Lie. TUVJ I' ·:~ •• ~~y~wG~"R w/blk •ioyl i•l • • $3095 h•n1., R&H, PS, P di1c I, driw•n •nl'I' 17.000 mi. l111m1c. Lie, VTM516 _,,_,,,_._·'_"'_· ,_,_._''_• _ •• _._··-'- 0 -'-"_' ______ ·:~,.·~.~~: •• ='.~?.:~.~ddl. int., s1295 Gr.ti•n 901~ fin. "'/l•fin blk. int. whl., • re•I buy. PCT575 '67 TORONADO IDalH•I s3295 ,,11y , ••. ,,,1,1, 1 .. 1. ,;,, "" '"· Dtl. cp•., full pwr., fie. •ir cond. I '""·· '"' "'"· '"••• '"""•" '65 CHEYROLn $1495 <•••· Stock Nurnb1r ol 244A SI•. Wgn. Imp el•. B•rm11cl1 bl111 ••'•'" ""· •/blk .,.,, '"'·· •. '""'· '67 CONTINENTAL H.T. Cpo s3795 R&H, PS. PO,'"·''' •'••• '"'' Altr•c. C•rn•o grn fin. w/conlr. c•••· lie. WFT982 drk. ;.,y qold lthr int All 111•. 111.: --------------~ •·'""'·RI•"-"''·"'·'"•· '67 COUGAR $2295 hmp, c•nl. •it cond., PS, PB, PW, 6·w•y pwr. 1111, I M d bl t 1· fl / l h I l / ,0 000 • T>Yt • . u• ~• • •< n. w 111 c , n , •wn.. • rni. 60 e. tr1n1., RIH, PS, •It. V•ry cl1•n. 1 ---------------Ilic. UDRtt9 1 'H CNrYY Impala SS Cpo $1595 lw•ttd• hl11• r111t1lic .irt. w/..,tch. '63 MERCURY $695 ' ... ck1t •••t-. Fiilly f•ct. •quipt + 1. C•l•ny P•rk St1. W911. A. tr•n1., fr••"' UH, PS, Pl, f•c. 1ir c•ncf. R&H, PS, Pl, PW. luy •f th• Y•••· ,Uif:o. NAlfi . • N•. 6262 Johnson .. son LllCCL.m f ·zn>1:i¥;:~. l!Hl n. 11n:=n . CQIUI ,,,, MAllOI SOU\IVA••. <on• •n• \\'onde rful pet with children. B~t R•nt1l1 9038 ished incl'i· ah kitch. ap. $35. 962-7® Call 5 to 7 PM .. u .... ~ .a.-2{)"' WANT Sailboat 30' or more ,,._,n.es, cpta., ... ~s. 70 BASENJ( barkle11 d91 from Multi hull f d · dn., cash, trade or equity. Al.rica, quiet, odorleu, AKC .,..... ~005 ~l25e r r e · $77 mo. O.A.C. champ line. TermlJ. 642-4350 v•,,..... or Rick B1ldlno'1 lt6t 'to' Olt '65' * $239 * HERB fRIEDLANDER aft 6 8olfl Wented 905g Mobile World 11750 IEACH ILVD. HW. 39 LAB Ret pups, black, AKC, 19432 Beach Bl., H.B. 962-1371 (2 ll•ckt So."· Grov• fwy.I Clulmp ped, 10 wks. e CASH for best buy on ~ S. Harbor m .. SA 531-8170 494-81.1s 25 to 50' 12 & w ti-. BAY HARBOR rowboats complete Wrlte TRANSPORTATION lull ,..,: Mr. m.j.i, c10 Mobllo Hamn Show 9000 S. Beverly Dr, Beverly 196910 & 12 WIDE SALE Hilla, callf. 902U 40 ft • 60 ft & 64 ft. '67 HODAK.A, ex pan 1 lo n chamber fibergla.s1 tank I: tender, rake b&r & fork brace. The good tires. Make offer. 546-8776 '67 TRIUMPH Ready for Immediate deliVU')' BEACH CITY DODGE 16555 Beach ffivd., (Hwy. 39) '41>2660 Huntington Beach '58 FORD Truck; V-8; $1001 M is. MUST SELL! 540-7257 SCRAM LETS l OR 2 BEDROOMS -Aircraft 9100 $1196 Daw~~~ Per Mo. ANSWERS Prl. Piiot CourM Incl. tax. lie., ~el. and"'""' T-100 C 500 CC. Xlnt oond. JMps 9510 Low rnllea&e, $825. Pvt pty. I ---------:, e 5.11.a387 e '63 STATION Wagon, 4 WD,' $75 dn $20 16 Mooney and 3 yea.n: lnlurance. V-8, OD, ?tfany extras 67>-00!6 Nodule -LalJl:h·-Ta.ny _ A1rcraft Saiu. ~o.M Pardo 1425 Baker St, at Harbor Heresy -YOU'RE a LADY Orana:e C 0 u n t y Airi>OJ1 Costa Mesa 714 540-9479 '64 HONDA Suj:ler Hawk; eu1t -.t & pipes; new e n &' I n e. Must tell $190. I--------- Faabion newa note: "Your 549-2666 er 546-1610 '65: lOX50 Lakewood Lido; 646-J104 drea abould be ti&ht enough f\irn.; adult park. nr. lhopl. HONDA, 150, xlnt to show yau're a woman and Mobile Homes 9200 $4,000. Sp. A-16, 2191 Harbor Metallic blue, $175. Campo" 9520 I eond. \--'------- ~.R;~~~· •how COSTA mvd., c.M. 6'6-&374 * s.ll84 * 1. Fl'. Olatom :n~ Mot I 9300 Racer. Blue and rotd. orcyc ff Triller, Travel 9425 Trailer & boat freehly 1967 TRIUMPH Motorcycle, 4'X7' WARDS TENT TRAIL- pa 1 n t ed. New white MESA'S 650. New motor. Xlnt ooncl. ER. When Ht up with side- n au i a h y d e . Vpholllteni $850. 548-1037 room lt la 7• x 15'. There is Three 161~ hp Cbainl)lon a double 1..... .. 4• x 7' 00 top '" s Co I t I t h '68 YA MAHA 305; brand new ..-... en,..ne . mp e e w ot tr&ller. Extras inclllde several fuel tanlaJ1 1teerlng OWN condition.~ new llceme platea, 3" foam and controls. See at 2808 mattreu. trailer hitch & Lafayette, Newport Beach. Honda '68, 125 cc Scrambler ball. ovenlze new tires' and 17 FT. Perton:ner. lalander Mobile Home Show low mileage. Excell · cond. eleclrtc hookup tor turn I.la:· Ce luxe mode I (a 11 l2'• •16,8 • 20•1 ,. 24 widea: Private party. 64l-3601 nall. 'I'l'aller is in exce~nt t t be r 1ta1 I) outboar to 60. Soon a 34• wlde 1967 YAMAHA concUtion and must be aee.n ~~na~t =er~ CARIB.BEE • CASA LOMA 3115 CC, f,500 milff, $330 and to be ~~637ted~~ CAMrtl CWIANCI of lt61 El D•r•d'o, F•11• WJ,,d,, Scohm111 and s.14. tl11• m.d•l1 •I * llG DISCOUNTS * All '6t m•d1!1 11•w h•r•. S•v• •xtr1 $ on •ur Truck• C•mp1r P1IC•1. 1·9·11 Ft. Mod•l1, Ch11tl• Mocl•lt, S•lf Cont1ln1d Unih, All C1mp1r Ace••· 1ori11 In Stock. 5 Y••r Fln•ncll\t On Approv•d Cr•dlt CAMPER RENTAIS Specfel •liter ......_ lil•lllt ""' 1WMn.t~111 tM.JI &'"' '"'"" CElEBRITY cc·-rNEN takeo'pJmlltl. ~1351 ...... ......_ phone 642-49!!0 after 11 pm, TAL .• FASHION l\IANOR: '61 SUZUKI x.O Scrambler 14~' SCOTSMAN 1964. ex-THEODORE 13~' OORY, \\000, &'iaued CX>RNELL • 'l:'AJl' 600 actual mlltt, like new ttllent ccndition. Extra R b' F d outold'-IUll fl o ta tt o"; VfEW • RO'..LAWAY $425. 96l-7693 clean. $565. CaD after < 0 ins or sacrillce $250. 548-StJS · PM 8'7-Q(B 31' TROJAN $3995 to $30,000 ": ... ';.~ '6!!ii:>., ";,'!:;: -N-... -.-~----,-206~.~~·~~s~VD. Ex~ent cond. 847-200 HOLIDAY SPECIAL Ttp·top condltkm. 962-4018 Find tt wttti a want ad! MZ.0010 , 20 wide $1599 down·$98.S9 mol-=========-========='===;;;:=;,;=='-S.lllioat1 9010 lncL tax. lie .• de!. A oet-up • ---------1 3 )Tl.' Ins, c 0 L-UMBIA DEFENDER •-H bo t29'J stee,. " ,. HP in. -Y ar r board, full racing ,ear1 Mobile Home Show Loaded w/opUonals &: 1425 Baker St., -Gata Meu. :xt.ras. Xlnt cond. D!nehy ' 't Harbor) & outboard I n c I u d e d . 540-9470 $12,950. 494-7'735 or 646--6047 SEE the Dual WJde Road. 12' Catamaran. Jae coclqlll liner Pan American, Para· Good family bol.L New aalls. mount Ill~ and Genenl Fiberglas hulls. TnJler $300 mobile bome1 now at or he•t oHor. 894-1'31 D I Wld Sal LIDO 14, 2 yr new. t'Jo. UG • " ff 2434 Full race. Bow Flot lll.aprnan Mobile Homes lftc. "" b'tr $1.!SO. 516-.!225 eve. 520 N. Harbor, S.A. 531-1571 13' METCALF No. 43; trlr,I:::===,,.,.,...,,,..-,,,....,.. Baxter & Cicero Aili; MOBD...E Home with cab&na romp. riairla. $125. 6t6-37Q4 • deck. 2 Bedroom, 1% Cal 24. full rice, cniiae. Pu1plt, IUe llnn. dt~. 1<995. 64f.al63 I Columbia 22. atru, 111)1 4. $3400. or partner to up trade. 6'ffi.S281 be.th. CarpetJ, d r a p e 1 , relrlierator, ltOVe. BeautlfUI view, ocean side of hl.gtn••'&y. Reduced to $6500. 499-1779 or 49k915C PILGRAM 10x51 2 Bdrm. Center kitchen awnin& & Boat Malnlananco 9033 &JN"""'· 646-<693 -'T JUSI' WJSH ........ EXPERIENCED lhJllao to furallh ,_ lloo>e SKIPPER .•.. find .,..t ""'" m to- Want1 work. M8-3S61 ~·1 OUllll.fted Adi. ., -I ~ TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION '-'---~-~---l··~-~--·-·--------tamp1rs 9520 tmpO.;od Autos 9600 lmoorted Adtos 9600 lmoortld Auto1 9600 Im......., Autos 9600 • CAMnR SHELLll ...... POI.SCH! TOYOTA YOLICIWAGEN . t.i-st m ll2"bl&h-·-No -poy1 o.a.e. ruu.,.i----,----·c WITll. onl)I l.!.080· :?. Ull8 TOYOTA, Oonno. .3 · SALE Camper -"' w. MG' . .. """' .. ..,.., """" .... ·~ ,.... ........ -.. vw wu.on, c.>1. 5'S-lOO , peru,ct., -pain~ .,. ,retlable por\y. ~~ aft lus a Cim--•• 1 r-eepoon11. Mu.I:-. C&J1 for G PM r-• • Imported Autoo 9600 .. 11, -n1lce, P1rtl delllill< Pntale p\y. -======= 1111 V.W. o Pul 8111 l-"-------1Comp1e1e aew M'G tnv"''°"' -IUMPH · · '6.'S v.w. BUo • • e Spot CUb for lm;iorU See the new Austl.n America '62 PORSCHE Coupe. Im· II\ '&fV.W. Bus SUnroo( wo...,. more""..,...,,.,, Here Now! ~;:..q. "'~1:''>. '66 TRIUMPH TR4A '61 v.w.""' •Pua 8111 reprdiell of year, make 'UhJ•·,..-•, Eves. ---·black /black le tber 'M v.w. Camper ar o:mdition. 1ry us btfore SUBARU ...,...,..,. w a '66 V.W. Dix i Paa Bm -..U. E L >I 0 R E Inter, All TR emu lndd. '61 V W Csmp<r ,, ... -wtr. wbetll and tl:lrlDeau. OW• • ' >IOTOl!S, 15300 Beoch BIW. 1969 SUBARU ,., 141 locollnflel. T,.,..,,.. ~ w_, ... 8'1<-3322. trom $1297/ " MPG Jalo In.,,.;,, detail 0 · - AUSTIN HEALEY llOl It, Cout llwf, O>mplele lol'elan ... ..... ~ · .11.--· Killfa l<lstom Kan · -· ~* .. s /'62 SPRITE Authorizod>IGDe<J" Jim llarlxr BIYd. ~ ·~ . -·; . --~ ~~p • 548-""' all" 6 • . SUNBEAM 3100 W. ~-~ H~. "\ Auatin-Healey 0000 '81 ...._.... -or tllOO. '6T SUNBEAM Alpine, small Newport Beach 149.00J-671-11tO e 642-8310 e equity, &llUJtle balance. 6G-!M05 5t0-1'16t 1'10 HAUOI II.YO. CORTINA B-V214 Wknd9 or aft 4:30 Auttubed MG ~alef' COSTA MllA PM · · '67 TRIUMPH '60 vw"'$79S Black Beauty. 4A·l.R.S. Dir. Recently ~built Cftllne and Wtre whla, AM-FM ra.Co. complete new interior! Ra-TOYOTA English Ford Complete sales -service 100 MPH, 32 ml per gal. Fulf" five pass. sports styling. -owned by Uttle, oia. ICbool dlo 1: beatei-. An exceptlonal-IM~;;:;:G:;;'.,~TD~Red7'-w-/;-.,whi.,,te' I PUT YOURSELF teoch<r. Lo -· 1185 J,y _, buy. : ·-.... inl•rior ex-IN OUR PLACE = orpvt.olderp~.~ = . CORTINA * Deluxe 2 Door * $1883 Immediate Delivery Over 50 2 doors, 4 doors, GTs, station wagons in stock. Fully automatic or 4 speed. TOP TRADE FOR, YOUR PRES.ENT CAR THEODORE Robins Ford 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 642-0010 cellent, engine reblt, $l2XJ • 494-9m ...,. or . ~ cash. M7~10L or 6'B-6Hi J1rlupor1 31111 po r l ~· .:;e~e;ooMidget; new clutch, BILL MAXEY ~ ~oond~.S:: R&H be! good nd mileage. 642-8399 ~" oe11"' Mak• : .. : ITIOIYIQ!TJA! VOLKSWAGEN ... MGB-GT BLUE w/witt 18881 .BEACH BLVD. . 3100 W. Coe.st Hwy. Newport Beach 642.s.ta) 5f0..1764 wbeela, xlnt cond. $2500. Hunt. Be1ch 847-8555 1968 vw, beige w/sunrool, Authoriied MG Dt!!aler or best offer. 645-268l. ! ml N. ul Coast Hwy. on Bdt must saerillce • eoln& ln · '63 VW SUNROOF service $1695. 497-1692 eves. 1967 eng, plua $1200 "WOrth of • '65 VW, AM!}'M., IWll'OOf, extras. Price total $1295. For Good c:ond, $950. Ca 11 details call: PORSCl:tE '66 Pon<he "912" 4 1pd FACTORY AIR OONDITIONING State grey w/contrasting all vinyl interior, AM I FM. chrome wheels. etc. Lo TOYOTA! We Have 'Em Alll 673-3465 James Ltd. SEE US lST OR LAST VW 1964 • Very clean, must 1584 Newport Blvd., CM BUT SEE ULS!! • ~17.:nvate party. $850. \..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!64>-0040!!!!!"""""'""''\ fall tanA '61. VW, ""'pti<>oally d•an. '66 VW, AM·FM, d>rome $500 ~uity, take over bank wbls, wood ilr whl, big -------·I mlles, Pl!-rfl!ct thru-oot. IMPORTS !!nanclnr. 841-<011 '""· sunroot. Xlnt "'""· 11,300. 544-0176. . DATSUN PVT. pty. has 2-1967 Datsun 4 dr. sedans. \Vhite w/00 hp & Beige w/fJJ hp. $1225 each. 838-3524 J1rtuµort 31111por1s OYOTA·VOLVO '67 VW Sundial Camper. Xlnt l 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 cond. Low ml. $2500 or best 1966 VW Bus, $1700 firm. A o!fer. 546-4166 Ex. cond. caplattano TOY OT •63 VW BuJ, lSOlkc. N•w • 496-2833 • tires $1095. Ask Glen. 2 VW Dune Bu1a:ies, 3100 w. Coast Hwy. HEADQUARTERS 673-3852 or 73S-16ll fiberglaa & alum, licensed Ni!wport Beach ELMORE '64 vw. Orig ownl!r. Xlnt sacrifice! 642-7369 FERRARI 642-9405 540-1764 "'""· Sw.oot !950. Eve" '64 VW Bua. Xlnt CX>nd. w/ 1---c;;;;;;;;;;;:;---\._2.A~utho~med~!M~G~Deal~•~'-15X10 Bead!. Blvd., Wrtmnst:r 64&-300! dbL bed &: 2 aeata ln rear. 'FERRARI SOCK rr TO 'EM.I Phone 8M-3m ~CHARG==E°",....=w=an=t ad=n=ow. Gd tlretl. $1200. 536-7465 Newport Import.I Ltd. Oro(~~~~:;,~~~~~~;=:==~~~~;;~~===-~~~~~=====:~ anga County'• caJy autbor-I New Can: -9800 New C•n 9800New Cara ~~~;fRVICE . ~ARTs . q '· • , j iilliiliiiiiii ~iii·iii· iiiiii~iiiii~•-:==~~~~~=- 3100 W. Coost Hwy. Newport Beach 642-91'6 540-1761 Authorized MG Dealer FIAT '63 FIAT, 4 dr. nw tires Xlnt. cond. Ii!!! than 40,000 ml. m. 847-6135 '67 FIAT Spider; xlnt c:ond. Red~; R&H; 15,000 ml 615-2658 HILLMAN Soul Cir $100 Call alt 7 PM, 675-3830 JAGUAR '67 JAGUAR XKE 2+2, FACTORY AlR CONDmONING Primerose yellow w /black l!ather inter., chrome wires, AM/FM. A perfect Jag thru- out. Rellects meticulous catt by previowJ owner. J1rtuport 311upor1s 3100 W. Coast 1-lwy. Newport Beach . 642-9405 540-l'IM Authorlttd MG ~a1t!!r MERCEDES BENZ '66 Mercedes Ben1 230 S.L. White w I black Interior. C.oupe w/auto trans. pow, stieer, AM/FM radlo, prim. Wu, l!tc., etc. A beauWbl car In evuy rnpect. 12 month. warranty. l}rlllp Llrl )illlP Lli l •:, '63 MG MJdlel; _, oond. >luat ~· ~ -HOW'S THE TIM! FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 'SERVICE IS OUR MAIN CONCERN" BUICI{ (THE BUICK CORNER) AUTHORIZED JAGUAR OPEL Sales.• S..Vlce WHY NOT STEP UP TO A Brand New 1969 BUICK $2988 ~ $199 DOWN VI, 1utomatic., pow1r 1f1•rin9, r1dio, h11t0 •r, cft lu~1 wh•1I C.O'ftrJ, h11d r11h ind rn1ny, many mor1l '9ZIOSl II IMMEDIATf DELIVUT ... Plos Tax and Uoenso on App•o ... d Credit, GMAC or Benk F1nenc1n9. BRAND NEW 1969 OPEL ONLY $1919 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Fully equipp•d ineludin9 duel me1ter cylinder breke syst•m , heater, white we\11, duel speed wind- shield 'wipers, warning flasher, radio, efe. 9103418 fl.ill power, factory air, low mll1•ta. ITHB521 I '64 CHIVlllOLO S.S. Co11p1. R•dio, h1attr, awtom•tic, powor 1f11rin9, oir, IOOJllll '67 PLYMOUTH fUIY II 4 Or. R1dio, haat1r, a•fo1111fic, ,._., 1t1ori119, 1Tr. IVCJ~211 · ''' OLDS DYNAMIC 11 4 Dr. H.T. R1clle, .._1t1r1 111to., PS, 1lr c.01111. IMOYl46l '" cHm 11 coun Recfie, heater, t111fofftatic., ,_., 1t.erh19. ITEYlt41 s1395 '61 THUNDIUllD LANDAU full pow1r, fact1ry air, I 0,000 mll11, IXSlll t 11 '60 CHRIOLIT 4 door harcft1p. R•dlo, h1at1r, a11toM1tlc, pow1r 1t11ri119. lfXXl51 I '66 IUICI. CUSTOM 9 p111, wa9011. llladio, h11t1r, auto., PS, air c.111cf. ''7 IUICI SITL.UI s2595 Sport c:oupa, R1d io, h1at1r, 111to.1 PS, 1lr c.1ncf. ITU2119 I '66 DODM MONA.CO 4 Dr, H.T. Radio, hoat.r, •11f6o metic, PS, 1lr c.ortcf, ITPUOl2 I JAGUAR HEADQUARTERS COMPlfTE SALES • SERVICE AND PARTS D£PARTMENT FOR JAGUARS "SDYICI II OUI MAIN CONCllN" 234 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA Sales0 S.rvice-Rentals-Leaslng 548• 77 65 OPEN: Mond1y·Frld1y I 1.m. to 9 p.m. S1turday1 I 1.m. to 6 p.m. Sund1ys 10 1.rn. lo 6 p.rn. l' ' ' trl<lof, ......,, J, 1'169 f~UAR~ RlU lAG USlU CAR SALE. . THE PRICE ON EACH AND EVERY USED CAR IN OUR GIANT INVENTORY HAS SEEN SLASHED. WE MUST DO THIS TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR RECORD BREAKING NEW CAR TRADE.INS. -START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT IN A DEPEND- ABLE LATE MODEL USED CAR OR 8RAND NliW 1969 PtY- MOUTH, CHRYSLER OR IMPERIAL. THE BEST CAR AT THE 8EST PRICE ••••• THAT'S ATLAS-CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH. '67 OLDS DELTA 88 H1riltop. VI , i11to., P,lH, PS, Pl, elr con• dltionin9, 'finyl top. ITPK~161 ~-'.26;8.8. '68 HONDA 'Approaifnat1\y ]~0 Sc.ramDl1r, like "'w. 1.000 mU"'68B '66 THUNDERBIRD L•ncf•v. VI, awto., R&H PS , clit/011inf. ITPl.2441 ' • Pl, •it c.orto $2488 . BRAND NEW 1969 VALIANT 2.DR. SEDAN FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED . 2027 Ser;o! No. VL21A9E1219l6 •67 DODGE DART -YI ,11to., RlH, pow•r 2 Door h1tcltop., , ' tTGX660l t. . 'II i ir c.ond1ho11l119. ...... '1788 '66 CONTINENTAL 1 t Door h•rcffop. Vt, lllfe., RIH '•nd•1,1 op, s2·5~1·3~·;6) '63 . GRAND PRIX ' I •w111r. VI, •lltom•tlc! 11.lH PS J llltio11rn 9, IKQf.6751 ' ' • • r con. s11aa $1088 BRAND NEW 1969 PLYMOUTH RJRY. FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED 2396 All ...... Pin Ta lllHI U11•1 --· .. --.-...· I . ~ ! I I ~-------"~---· "·-,.,·c::-:o·=--------.. . ~ -"-.... -...... .-~~~ -· "··. ". "·'c.'·'--'-'-'==--'-'-~"-'--'--"''.:::~;.:-'-'-=:::...--·:..i•c:.;··:..:· ______ .....;..:..:......:.. __ :._• ..:.·...:·c.=~--==~ I . .. ;. TRANSPORTATION i{tADILLAC ... • . , .. •: I -... . \ I ! 'FROJvl1HE CRllF13ME.N ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! I -------OVER 80 QUA~ITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM--- ' '67 CADlllAC • '67 CADILLAC This lovely Coupe DeVille has all wwer assists Eldorado. Beautiful ermine white w1th black padded top and bla.ck leather interior, fully Cad.iliac equipped with factory alr condition· ing, J)O\Ver steering, brakes, windows, AM-FM stereo t:adlo, premium tires, power door locks, tw:ili&ht aentinal. (1'QX518) SALE $4333 PRICE . looludtng power steering, brakes, windows, M!S.t and Cadillac's famous factory air con- ditioning, stereo AM-tM, tilt wheel, twilight sent., Premium Double' Eagle tires. Beautiful local 1 owner automobile. IVAY.710) PRICE '68 CAMARO '68 CADILLAC Absolutely the sharpest one in town. A local De Ville Convertible finished in beautiful Ivan- 8,000 mile automobile. Finished in tangertne hoe green wth black top and black leather with black vin,yl roof ~d matching l.!'teriorJ.t interior. F\tlly J>(J'WC?t equipped Including fae- 327 vs «ng1ne, automatic, power fiteeMng-ana:·· tory air condltionI.ng, stereo AM-F?.t radio. brake:t., factory air conditioning. Beautttul automatic cruise-control, tllt-tele!'>COpic fiteer- condltJon. (WWC965) ing wheel and e~n power vent windowi'I. Thia: SALE PRICED _ ~c is In aupei:fluous condition. <XSP-694) 1 .• , p,,-.: •. SALE l~--!~2 PRICE 0 • 67;CON't;1NENTAL :..· . •·-~IA, .· A beauHtul tm·quoloe.JI. _, with "''""•"'!• , · '6'1~' ' · I LLAC I ' lee.thel" lnterlQr •. All !fie popular power a'8i8tl ' 'r ;· : ·'.I' . , . . Including "'J)OWer steering ·brakes, windo'ws; ~ tfonvertible·\iOupe;. hid' in -medium bluf! aeata. factoey alr cpnditlonigg._ Th1s C!ll' ia: a~ , e:<teripr ·with blacJ< _top an4 full lea~her solutf!b' i'Mi'.eous. (TGM771) ·· interior. All po~er e.ssistll plus many other ", $ .. ·~5 CS.dUlac factory,~o&;. You must sec and SAii , ..... ill-PRICE" drive this o~ ( , . ) ~ ~.. I ,,;.:c ~1\l 'A.,,. . . SAU!\ $555 11lci '. 01 ~"'' "~"'· .. -.. -'~ I ~ fleet"·ood Brougham. Sh~ regal silver exterior with black padded lop and black tap.. '61 CONTINENTAL L<Uy. and · '~·'·" '"'"~'-·· All .••· """"' equipment lnCluding steeroii, btakes, win-Powder blue Wllh ""black and white leather ln· dows, Vf!nt Vltt\aows, trunk M release. Ste~ terior. Factory •air conditioned and • fully radio, tilt and telescopic steering whttl plus equipped with power windows, steering, Cadillac's famous factory air conditionin&". brakes. seat. Fine transportation. ~ and (UKV239) . drive to appre;clatf. SALE ~.4=7=-=-7-=-7-"'l'll=ICE '68 CADILLAC SALE $888 PRICE '65 FLEETWOOD Brougham. The epitome ot fine automobile fihlshed ln Grecian white with black padded root a n d bc!autllul embroidered DeV£11'UX cloth and leather interior. Factory air condi- . tion, full power and all the extras to comple· ment this car ot cars. (HPD501) LARGEST SELECTION OF LA TE MODEL , PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLAC$ IN ORANGE . C()UNTY FlfETWOOD BROUGHAMS RDORADOS COUPE DE VILUS SEDAM DE VIUES CONVERllBW • '64 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. A beautiful ermine \Yhlte auto- mobile with black and white cloth and leather interior. Power steering, power brakes, power seats, power windows, signal set"king radio, and of course Cadillac's factory air condition-ing. (RPJ-488) SALE $1999 PRICE '65 THUNDERBIRD Landau. A beauillul powder blue T -Bird with the white landau root all vinyl interior. Full power equJpment including power brakes. Jl')wer 1teering.· power .windows .. power seat and ot eoune-1actory air coodltloning. Thll.·11 an outstandirlg car at outstanding aaviriP. Better hurry an this one. (MPP121) $1888 '66 BUICK custom LeSabre 4 Door hardtop. Teal blu!! with matching interior. Factory air condi-~ionl'tig, automatic transmission, power steer- ing, pov•er brakes, radlo, heater, etc. Truly a fine automobile. (SIW499J SALE $2333 PRICE '65 CADILLAC W• also have •n excellent selection of other popula r ma kes . , • Coupe DeVille. Olympic bronze exterior with cloth and leather interior. This 24,000 mile '68 TORI NO _ '68 CAMARO automobile haa all of C&dlllac's power fe&tures Including power steering, brakes, windows, '65 OLD$ VISTA CRUISER 1;eat, and factory air conditioning, Also h11.s '68 FIREB lRD -'64 OLDS SEDAN brand Jle\v Oval 90 tires. Simply gorgeous. '66 CAD+LLAC De Ville convertible. Lusterous autumn i:old finish with black top and black leather in· terlol'. Fully power equlpped including factory air condjtioning, AM-FM radio and many oth· er cadillac accessories.. (SQV-9131 SALE $2999 PRICE '67 CADILLAC DeVille converti.Dle. Beautiful Camf!o beige with matching top and leather interior. This low mileage ce.r is exceptionally equipped with factory air C011ditionlng, power steering, r power br8.kes, power seats, pow<'r windoM, Ult and telescopic wheel, AM • FM radio and much more. (XSP6921 SALE $4333 PRICE '65 BUICK \Vildcat 4 door hardtop. Spanish Silver finish with red vinyl interior. Equipped with Ai'of-F1.l radio, tilt steering wheel. power truck lid re· lease, "'ire wheel covers, radio, heater, auto- matic transmisson, power steering and power brakes. Very low miles. (RRY-376) SALE PRICED '66 THUNDERBIRD The sporty 2 door hardtop fully equipped with power steering, power brakes, power wfn. dows, power seat and Ford's famous factory alr COl'lditioning. A beautiful satin sliver e!· terior with black vinyl interior. CRTU339) The evu popolar El Dorado. Finished in Ermine white with black a.nd white hounds .. tooth Clo lb and leather interior. Equipped with power steering, power brakes, poo,wr windows, power seat, factoey air condition· Ing, AM-FM radio, automatic cruise+control and other Cadillac accessories. Low miles and fitrlctly orJzj.nal. Sho\\·s finest car. (No. 2344J SALE $6222 PRICE {3619) SALE PRICED '63 PONTIAC COUPE-'60 T-BIRD SALE PRICED SALE $2333 PRICE ' ' SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN-------- SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY-9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY YOUR FACTORY AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER SERVING THE ORA NGE COAST HARBOR AREA I NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 2Q3a Harbor Bl\·d. ~ a<lll-8511 'fi6 EL Camino 396 cu In., 4 spd, red/rNI. itnmai;u\atc. 847-6247 CHRYSLER CONTINENTAL '63 CONT. C.Onvert. Full po\\·er; lthr. inter; all ex· tras. Xlnt cond. 1.-Just sell. $1300. 540-0'116: 646-3704 eve. CORVAIR --NEWCASTLE MOTORS 2186 Hubor Blvd. Co1t1 Men '63 Corvair Spider $599 642-4666 540-9100 DODGE FORD '65 DART. hi performance, '57 FORD Wagon: needs new eng., litts. paint, trans. work. Top appearance, xlnt p\vr. steer., brkfi. 545-7913 pa.Int & interior. $ 7 5. PLYMOUTH SACRAFICE 1967 Fury JI! hardtop IJCdan. Lil«! rn?\Y. One owner. $1950. 675--625.~ eve. ,;54&--0819,:.:..~=....,.=-c--'65 roRo LTD, <. ""'" PONTIAC sedan. 32.000· miles. Good 1---------· FALCON ---------; oond! 549-2126 '62 FALCON w....,, lj-=="'-="===='i owner. low mlleaa:e. good OLDSMOBILE oondltloo, cloao. 165 0 . -==-===-545-:1611 FORD FOlD '64 OLDS. Jet Star coupe, Power steering, r & b, auto trans, just o'hauled. Good rubber. Blue Book $1l00. &ell $.!fill or best ofter, 6'l3-84'lS aft 6 PM '68 OLDS, '42. 23,800 ml, · air, P/$. P/B, Michelin tire!, Ocan! ~2366 aft 6 PM 1961 OLDS 98, full power, air, low mileage, clean. $SSO. 968-2897 aft 6 P .M. AV.AIL Jan 6. 1966 Toronado $1415. Well maiotained Co. car.~· . J ~ r\ll pl' rl ~1111 ~1 Lll l ~i PLYM_OUTH .. '51 COUNTRY Squlro """'°'111--------waion: One owrll'J'. Fair ·eo j DR.I •tn.. waion: iood -. .,-Stud-.... --,-,-La-,..-. -,-,,,-1.1 STUDEBAKER • 3lO<I w. Cout "">· Nev.-port Beach &42·9f05 540-1764 Autborittd MG DMJer COUGAR t'ONT '61.. .full pwr,_,&lt, ~ ---·------ cent eni. O/Jt. wtdte, '88 COUGAR. lime' ttoct. air "''1111· leath«, -1550 : C9'1d.,• power st e ~T"I fl 1 . "1..18.18 c:.or.ia Ile. -· 96H015 I """"""" $1115. 6'&.0290 tftt, tunod, R&ll, P"'· 4 d ~ '59 J'ORD with '82 35i bl'il .Ir: atr. $150 er wm beatr ;,,~';'.""' ~ $.250. or cu. motor. $.150. trade Jot.mini bib of equal ===:::::::====I * 673--6881 • va.1. 847-.5735 ... roRD Econol;oo, New "1962="v'i.IL!~ANT="'w=-.-... -. •"'tk-,-k. T-BIRD eng. Need• trans. work. Good cond. $42). 673-8&17, -------- AJ3..2lfl6 aft g p.m./Mmds. .m-........ 1J04.._______ 1964 T·BIRD. Like new. fl _ pwr. 1 OWJ'l('r. 640-G.233. 22~~ rrs. WONl>ERl"UL tbt mall)' '6' VALIAN,T Sianet V-8, HarOOr BM:t, C.M. buy1 1n app"Uancel )'OU find auto. bucket .eats, $897. 1958 T-BIJU>, Jal SJ2S takes. 1n the QuaUSed Ms. °*"'* Phone 6+l-.o438 Gd rubber. Cllll t1Rm now! tK>C!K IT!TO "Dr! 540-8220 I· ·1 j. { • • • ' ' ·: • • • • • • • ~ . .. .. ' ,•' -------. -- - -----~-------------0,--...,--,.,,..--:-:---:::-----------:------..,.------.-------- ....... ~::· r ,,. .. ' ._ .. .-· .•. •.. , .. ' ... .. . ·' .. .-·. . . ..... ; ·-. .. • .. . . .. ·. ,. "'ILY 'ILOT ff ROY CARVER IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS TODAY , .. • ' <Jc o•) • • , l:oiEW. YEARS DAl'f, _,, -:r · 1 . . • • • TO iUY THE '· MOST EXCIJIN8· CAR OF 1•. AT THE . l ' LOWEST PRICE YET OF~ RED! • • FOR ~ WELL-EQbt I . O•! ~ . ' . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ITS EASY TO PUT 'A LOW PRICE ON A SlRIPPED·DOWN CAR ••• BUT .. ~T, l HE ECj)~_NT ON THIS NEW : ,,. GRAND PRIX! Beautiful Liberty Blue t-!afdtop _ Coup'. is , eq~ipped witli Cordovan·top, Hydramat1c, push button radio, power steer• ing, power disc brakes, power windows, air conditioning, white side wall tires, deluxe seat belts, hea'drests, visor mir- rors. soft-ray glass, front floor mats, remote control outside mirror, hidden windshield antenna, 400ri,ul!if ,inch,,.e,ngine ,. ( 350 hp, that is I. and all the standard ;crefuie;Glfnd Prix accessories.,Nci. 276579Pl82715 . "' \,...A\ • PLUS LICENSE & TAX '64 CHEVROLET IMi'ALA 2 Dr. H.T. VILP-•rtll4e., P.S4llH, WSW. IOXH9191 ~· lJ677 ·~ow 51377 '65 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 Dr. H.f. VI, power9Ucle, ·P•w•r lt•.•rin-g, r1dio.-he1ter1 WSW, f;;etory lll!t. (PIJ1471. · _ s2177 HOW 5lm '61J ·CMEVROLIJ· CAPRICE 2 Dr •. H.T, VI, po.,...rolicle, power riMring, r1dio, heeter, w•:·:12m:;~~:"s2377 '67 c~mg~T CAPRICE 4 Dr. H.T. 'f'I, h.,Jr1tri•fic.-pow•r steerin9°breke1-weh- window1, f1otory eir, ITSS6JI) · ;;., 53>l'17-~;1~~w 52877 '67 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 Dr. H.T,'t'#~ hydr~e, pow1r 1teerin9, power br1ke1, r1dio, heifer, WSW. fXS'Pl43 ) ·-\~2J77 NOW 52377 '6SBON EVILLE 4 dr. H.T. VI, hydremetK. power 1teerin9, redio, he1t.r, wow,:·11·1w~'.HOW s977 .· '67 CADILLAC ' SEDAN DE VILLE Hydr11T11tic, power 1teerln9, power windows, radio, heet- i I ''J',:~"'f1~4977Af'~OW 54577 '66,-MUST4NG 2 Dr, VI, crultometle. pow1r 1teeri119, r1d ie, h11!1 r, WSW, fectory eir, IRSHl2ll w~ ,$2377 ' HOW 51977 '66 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE VI, er1,1ho"'etle, &T equipped. IRSH5621 _ 52277 HOW 51877 1 ' ''B MUSTANG Reel!• end h••f.,, i 1'"411 ~1nunls1i11;n, f1ct97 ,.,.,,,,._ ty. 11,000 WI•• IWfUJIJ ' ' -52577 NOW 52277 . '65 PONTIAC GTO Spor;t ~••P9• VI, floH dilft, rHt•1 h"e1hf', WIWo '(IDW. ""-51277 . NOW 5977 '66 PONTIAC BONNEVIW . W111. LMal I oft, io,ooo Ml. Hy.Ire., PS, Pl, PW, fie. 1ir, AM·FM red., vlnyl top, Ab1'1'tely 9'ro'ou1 (llllY441) ... 53177 ' ~o;,. 51,877 '66 OLDS cilfllAls 2 Dr. H.T. VI, hytlre111etic, p•w•r 1fffrinf, reclie, heet. er, WSWof•ehry '•lr. IRSC6721 -52671 HOW 52277 '64 PLYMOIJii"SIGNET . '• . ' cyl. torqveflite, pwr, 1f••r., R&H, WSW. ISCWltSJ $" 77 5 wn 14 MOW -1277 '67 VOLKSWAGEN f•,tb•ck. RAH, 4 •I"'•' f••n1111i11lo11. ITIOI.\_) w°' 518RNOW 51677 '63 VOLKSWAGEN 1119. Redio •nd he.Jer, 4 •p••ii tr•111ml11len. IVZSSl l l -s1277 N010 5977 HERE IS GREAT YAU!l IN ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR PONTIAC$ OF. A;~~~~·.~ ~LE EXECmNGMA''N' s·. I ; L ·~ ~ , . ' , • -" ~-r ... ' . . . .. ~ , . ~~ • ' ... , . . • ~ ,( . t. . . ,~, ~~ Herdlop Coupe. Verdoro 9rffn exterior with black int.nor. Decor......,, •u!om1!ic, ijush'liutton Ndio, kffter, power s!Mri119, tinted ~. etc. Serial num~ 237379R600324 .• '6B PONTIAC LE MANS Chole• ef J, VI, hy4rem1tl11 p,o.-.r th•ri1t9. r141•1 h•1t- er, WSW, ferl.,y •Ir. CVSll061. lt•rt 1t s29 77 •ULL PllCI '65 MUSTANG -, cyllf1ler, a.t.J.•tle, r141•, h..W, wtW1 42,714 ..Niu. CPll'Jt71 -51477 HOW 51177 . '68 PONTIAC ~TO VI, fty4r• .. P*f, 1t.'.r" -IH, WSW, fee. •It. tWIC0671 ,._ 53677. HOW 53377 '68 CATALINA WAGON Hytlr•m•tic. '""• riffr,, l&H, WSW, f•e. 1ir. IVRHJ"'41 wn 53971 NOW $]677 '68 PONTIAC LE MANS 2 Dr. H.T. VI, 4 1pee4, r1tll1 1M Meter. IWWNJl31 • .. s3277 HOW 52m . '68 pc)liflAC LE MANS 4 Dr. H.T. YI, ,.,.,.r 1 .. •rlnt, p•w•r llreke1, radio, he•f· er, WSW, f1et.ry •Ir. IVVU7t0 ) -53477 HOW 52977 '67 Fl 400 2 Dr, VI, r•utl1o f19w•r 1leerin9, r•lfle, heet.r, W•:·:~) NOW 52m '67 LE 2 De., h•rtlN,. VI, hytlr•m•tie. l'•w•r 1leeti11t I tuek11, r•41•, tt.ettr, W')W. tM7ttl '67-P-~T~w 52477 VI, lriy4r11111~er.,1 UM,. -WSW. tVCJ lOlJ __ 5-1,711 . ~ '$2777 '67 FIREllU 400 1"1 -~· , ,;. • VI, "'-'ff~ ....... •~OW..,_ • '"f ]ha '> ·N·~·s3o11 ~ :_'s1ifl~ 4_ '66 PONTIAC ·GTO. . T~-Vt. '4""'• ,..,. -· ""t Ntl.'ISIHHtl: -52617.-~-$2371· '66 IONNIYIW . . 4 C.. H.T. --ttO; -...........,,.......,._ •••h. WSW, (1ctety,alr, •lllJf hp. CtfMJ " - -5J.J71 . NQW • 2477 '61,MOW<SWAGIN U .i.#1teo1tfr, 4 1peH +r•111111lu1••· lT411J _ s1977 HOW s1m '65 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS J f.", 1 l • 'A11t......H .. ~-ftHrllff, tH'J.t. h••t•r, f1ct.~~ ... ·~ '51"n.,., 516""' .-, 7##. NOW ##1 '68 THUNDERll!tD . . . :;, . 2 Dr. H.T, Lu4H w/•U ,_.,., •••· + fee. •" -~ ~ , } ~ tlrfl aM •lJ IJtl act, •L (WICIJIJ , ~;-'t, s4995 · Now·f4m· · '69 DATSUN 4 DOOi SEDAN , VitrYI .._,. tffl• •.114 H•hf, -4 ''"' tr-.it-'n~it. ' IXWit711 -s2177 NOW S'JOn . ; ' '67 BENJifi . · ·• t 'C~ ,. i-•~sfs'"95b~i4'·9~" · ,, -I -I~ . . ' .. I I 1 < • • , ' ., I : ... .. ; . ' • ' ' 1 I jl •~~:'!:.....:::.:.:·-::..:·~·· . .. ·------·----~-----__ ......__._._ -...---·-~ ------·---·-·. ----------..---~ _,,.___.._,. ---· ............ "" ___ ,, 0 --·---·"'--..--------~--~ -.. .... -· ::::......___ -----------'--------=---------------'-'--'-1..J I • :· • • • r . . .. ' .. .. . . .. 8 ~· .... 'STATION · WAGONS YOUR OIOICl ' • . . . - • -,_ ,i: •• .. ... . . • -', ' .. ·'· . ' . ' ,· ... ·. ~ . \; ~· · .. ,,._· ... ~ .. ' · · · · : -.. :w ... ,, · ·s,a· ., s . . ~-) . . • ~.!'I.•, \ ~· • y ' '• :-.· • • PRICE ,INCluP&Blildci·~ALfs~ · AND STANDARD iiua :CAfS: ORDER t ODAYI . , ..... . .. ' . . . SAvt ON . li.DoAADo. FOUR Wl~DS GOUHJHt ~OTSMAN ' • • • • { • ' , ' ~: 1 ' ,., • ' ' ' ' •i1. ~ttte Hardtop . • Wll:ttf:. w(l!I--~·· (GONQWJ 200!' Daw!! or Tr.clll • • ,,.-.. u s49 ... " . .. t.f.'.7°1J~PRICI Molldll '67'Aiiln••tlor 990 H.T. =-·='~~:_..,;.,.,Ir -.it"'°"'"' CUEX .an ... . .-~tlillll-!! IUu . $5" 3 p., 26 . rT.'7~ PRICE MontM • ''•'6.-fWt17 LlfM . ··"""""-··---... -..... " UWn or ;~ alw ,"""' . . . $41 .r.. 36 . Months . ' . . • "4~D 9.u.AXI• ... 4 DOOR • V ... ~ ftllr' ~. (TWll. 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