HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' \ ,.., l . ' :..:.. ' ' ' --.. '.... .~ -' • • .. ' • ---- :. i .. " ' . •t .. ~ .. :: ; ~.,J ;.,, Today~~-:~: F~~~_Mt·1 :···. . ~.. . ,~~ ~ DAU. Y PILoT ,...,. Iii I.tit 'P•Y• ' Wea~tniaµ sys lb~t.'~~\11 li-ce 1111',e.tlti~')l'.eelilµ!d'jl'.i!U; \11th tcen-ery_"lille' Cmdy1 Fusco a , 'Wlio'l·goliha' argufilJllt~i~ pt'olP.""ti· ~align fo~. this January w en!f is fo_r f~r ~eather,;with,.C(bA~U,ed , w.,m· tem~ratures. Wlitl!r' miy ~·;,.'bit C.Ol; biit dtl!er+Jise ' it'i · Jlifle-in';Janul..ry; Hlgp'1'10ng•titast wlll'b .. 'abOut 78''~1h'"'"";;:iAelih · peratures ns\rig ~s'lil"" a• .. ,. ' ' .... " . . 1 ....... 'I"'.·· . f' ' ' ..-&" ""'""! f. ·''·. ·~ . . ' •. , . ' •• . ID • I ' . , ---- . . .. -... ~-- .,, ... ,.~-.::.""' • "' . j i • < .!: • I ."'"'"°I '" ' . . . . ·' ......... ·-"' ', ..... 1~-=· ' J .*( .. ' . . . . . . . . -~ ,-.... . . . . . J -' ... "'. -,., . . . . "" _.._ . ., •• --· • r • . - --- . • ··- _. ,_ . . . ... --:r:. .. lteta · ----. •• ' -.. .~ ..... •-J.-•• ..... ~ -· ... --·~ ;, :,.--.. ... ---·-• • ----.... Preserve ·~,.. ' ': ! ' -- . . ~· . ' . . - • -·-· . '. ' I . -~--+f I - ··--.... O&ILY PILOT s ~;=~~iii!:i.·· :S~~ Ter., to torn i1n that tliey Hod been defraud ·by a mari,who told them he was selling them five }iound s of peyote, the cactus but· ton Lhat produces hallucinalions. 'they paid the man $50. they said, 'l)ld waited until he had left to open the bag he gave them. Inside, they found Irish potatoes. ::-r • John R. Higginf of Grand Island, Neb., had two reasons for going-.(or going to Police Court. He had been designated acting police judge. and he ah10 had to. appear to answer a charge ,of a~ow\ng his.dog t ... l!IO < at.large. J~ Hl .. lns flp.ed dei',_ ~ . • . -• , ,-,,, , . t 'i ·. fendant UlgliJjf 8 .. -COSti.·+_;.. -_:; . ~-. ~-DAl\.T.,P.11.0T ll•tf ' ,, : _:x_0-;ry:~-~;: ' .-~ · : 8us · SToP_:;:-Re!urllbled bus proved to be vehicle tliat brolllltl • 1,. ........ .f!.."r~7 fanillles to_i~er for~day season in Fountain VallA}':-Ftoni :1'11 · are f~;Martain, Lowlill Ahlers, bis wile, Linda, and Martain "°71 t>J. ~:~ e#iNI• l>o!:flo.. Bryan, U; and Kevin, 9. ~le Ahlen' home on wheels. · ' ' • J"11"'3i;rtlll ~-"'1d fancu ~ 'frtt .. 'Primt ·~inistifr Pim-t ~l· liott Trodtau said ~e was "dts· " pondgt tha.t-Leap Year should ..,. llaae passiid-11:1itli.out ~n1t really l'; :, having 1,Pd ti~e J.o make the · kihd of deal I would have liJc.. ed!' But. he • vromfs~. "This • year 1 wiLt be taking the initia· tive." \ ... ,... . . •. . . .. . .. _...,.. .,,_ t ' . • ::"' !_ ..... !!l'he S~ta'Fe Railroad, protested · ati!o~rt order thal it pay $102,000 to 1ld P. Ruckm•n a conductor claimed he .suffered spinal, n k and bead injuries \vhen a fi;eight train he was on struck a b9ulder in 1963. The railroad went tO court and won a ne\V trial. When ~e' trial was over it was ordered by a An eles jury to pay Ruck- 14an, damages, " . 'Driving ls .Left to Vs,'· , Declares Owner of , Bils ·~ 117 TERRY COVILLE HPeople give UI a feW '1 °' '" .,..., ""' itttt-said Lowell, "bit We~ ~ d Lo1(f.ll AJa1e(I 'weot Greyhound one any-problema while· · in better. · the J>u' "-'" Jo...-~ He not only · accepted the bus line's ' The o~ly maiOr proble"'1:iily eOC:,unter idea of "comfort," he took an old tattle· now, is the gas bill. "It only gets 5-7 trap bus and made a palace on wheels miles to the gallon,'' said Lo\vell, "but out of it. it has a 150 gallon tank." "The driving,'' he said, "is definitely left to U3." The big bus also has a 707-cublc inch The giant gray hulk-<in-wheels is cur· motor which bolds five gallons of oil renUy parked in front of !0264 SwallO\V The Ahlers arrived in Fountain Valley Ave., Fountain Valley, the home of from Chicago ·on Christmas EYe. They Laweil'• mtu, Mn. John Martain. Zt}on!ra: 51'..~~. down in Sou\htrn It im'lmucb oo. tbe outside, but inside ... , l..oftll and 1Us wife, Linda, have Bat they ~·t flnished traveling yet. recomlnll:ted u.. --... turning the Next li:a&IS';ll)ey pJlilj to l()jd Mr •. and velllde 1P1o a -mobile bo!ne. Mn: Mart_aln, ·and the MPMIP's :tm.e _ 1'be bedroom plftilm in lbe reti-COit'. -Y~S ~Jn, K~yi,n _a.D«':Aanetle, ,. -.-be*. ~ mcftiliiimlll:L~Jn!O l~bl!s fcr:a,.vaoati-. -al lb! tmdt m a -Jiitton ~.. . . --:..--~-..,.._w.r.~ ~---1MC.- "r,r~ ":~::Jd..i .iu.,buln:'in . .i ~-.(i-".~:L~·· lb;;'< • \V ith New Year's babies highlight- ed iii t.very newspaper across the land tliis mama llama 9ot into the ace, too. Lansing, Mich., Potter Park Zoo got its own Nt.w Year'.s baby to coo over Jan . 1. Standing on hi.s ow11, the new arrival is .the apple of · his n1ot/ler's South Amnicdn ruminant eye. DAILY PILOT Ntwpcott leocll Hntlllfha IMch L•11111• lfcldi '•1111t.111 Yoll•y 9\ , C•sl• ,.._ CALIFOlNIA Rob••t N. W11d Prt1ldeftl itN Publlilltr Til•fl'l•I K•1¥il Editor Tllom•• A. M11r11hi"1 M•~lln9 fd!lor p,,1 N!11111 .... ...,,1,1,.. Dlreclor t ,, • cedar che.W. ~. -.. • •' I 'D~~ ~ Up front. soft aiudltS line bo(6 ildts.: , ,... ~ • ·1 • ~ .j · ·>;5f.~:-· : m':: " • table that !olds down , • Aide Sent'eliced ·i The unit is self contained with .• · , , · -f furnace. gas water heater. electric F E b . · z·· ~ ~ ~te;:~~lt ~ range anct toilet or m ezz ing, Lowell bought the bu& from Wheaton College near Chicago for $500 when it wasn't running. A year and a half of labor and about $4,000 later he and Linda are traveling around the country In il. He estimate! the bus' value at $10,000 now, and maybe $12,0ClG-414,000 when they refinish the exterior. Last 5ummer Linda soaked up a lot of sun while she scraped the enUre surface of the bus down to its pnsent grey coating. The project, Linda observed, "helped us lo get to know each other better." They've bten married ju.st two years. Fro1n Page 1 BRIDGE ... approved freeway plans ea.st o( the bay and through Corona de! Mar. The new highway bridge, according to state plans, will rise 40 feet above mean higb tide. The .deck of tpe pre.senl, span is only 13 reet above tile' 9i'ater. The higher level will mean that about 80 percent of the masted vessels now using the Jov.·er bay will ·be ·able to enter the Upper Bay. The new bridge, which division architecti said utilizes a "graceful" con- cept uniquely designed for Newport. WUI be more than twice the width of the present structure. Its deck wUI be 100 feet wide. Principle need for the new · bridlfl city officials said, i11 the width problem'. More than 50,000 vehiclea on an average summer's day now use the present bridge. "That's just about maximum capaci- ty," said City Engineer Ben Nolan. "We can't 1quee:r.e any more toolhpute in that tube." The new bridge, he said. should fm· pressively smooth the flow nf traffic along the highway. City aides also noted that the prtsent structure, constructed 30 years ago, wa!: built °" limber pilings with Umber beams. Signs of dtttrioratJon are begin· ning to show. The new, 1,200.tool Jona. luah-ltvel brict,e will be a conmte structure. Christmas Tree Burn Scheduled Tonight 'lllerl:ll bl a hot lime In lhe University Park Shopping Center tonlaht That's whtn rt!lldtnts or University Park and Turtla Rock Homes will have their annual Christmas trte bur'Jllng ceremony. The blate, supervised by the county fire marshal, will 11tort at 7:30 p,m. ( An attractive blonde bookkttptr who was found guilty ·of embeallria an estimated $24,000 from three Qrange County doctors was sentenced ,Friday to one to five years in state prison on one of three grand theft charje!. Superior Judge Byron K. McMillan suspended sentence on the nmaffting two charges and. recommmded' ..uiat Gayle Nagel, 23, of Orange, se&e:·1ier sentence in the Department of MiDtal Hygiene. The tall, good-looking woman wu returned for sentencing from the State Prison for Women at Frontera where she has been 1PJdergoing p.syclliatric treatment. Mrs. Nagel was ccnvicted of defrauding three doctors -one of them wll1 I~ tifled u: Dr. Irving M. Cyril, 0131 Adams Ave .• Huntington Beach -by diverting payments made by patients into her own bank account. Her bwiband, Robert, 2&, was similarly acaiaed but "as r~ently acquitted in Superior Court. Accor'd Reached . In 'ParIS Dispute Over Furniture PARIS (UPI) -W.,tem diplomata said today aU four sld" had ~ .., a rounct table lor the expanded Vietnam war talks. ' But' Ibey ·ttiJI dis.,..... wbetlw lhe table. wauld be divided. Diplomats clote to the st.ailed talP expressed opumism the long hus)e o_ver pn>ceduru for the openlnc ol the confer- ence may be retching Its final stace. Tho COmmuru..te Fr1d1Y announced their willlngnea to drop all remalnlna: · prOCfl:lural lssue.s deadlocking the talks, Including officially callln& the confer. encse a "four-party" meetJna, If the al· lies would agru to a 90lld clttular table. The surprise move bf North VMt1}1m and the Viet Cong 1en the sllape.ol·lhe- iable illue the on!)< one dtlaylO( slllt al the confert:nee. And with both lldu w11nna to olt at a circular table, the only luae tJfat tt- malMd wu whether tt win be '""'bolt· c&lly marked off or divided t6 ~fl U. S. and ~th Vletnamoe dt'm#ld• the con!.,...,. be "two Plrll'" r*&<illa· Uon1. l The dlpl<>)11all said theno lied liffn '""' progr.., tow•rd brn11Jn1 the .U.d· lock tbtt h11 held up the Slltl al the WI<& since No•. I that a ftnaJ a.,--tnt c:Guld comt aa e1rly 11 next -~· Row· evtr, the fb\al I.due 11 toi.rd'tY· ahd 'lhe start of Q>e talu cou]4 11! .ll~lfOCI for some time. • ~4y~· Powell Wins .. -· ~ .. r ~ " --. -. .. r Top ' ;a D.~_y, of .Drama~ ' • ' . ,, ,!:; __ ,, I .. ; ''!'8HIN*"' !~U' , tJi4 1111 C4n· ~· ~ laet ~ -"'·, ' • ...., " ••• ,,.. .-! ~ ~i4ct···· ~ .... Wltb a I . I . tiftcllN lhil ht ;a " ~ bid !°'-.. ~ .. I) youlldulc~iadll'uftllro'torun11y, hafl pi\; .il!ll(\en·!be pa)'l'Oll wbili·' ,u;lar1111m. , gav• sen. Edw.,-d M. Kamedr •·pl1tt1 obi !llll :s~ 11111 .ht l!ld ai.i;.i ' .•. · ' ~Ill I" , In Ill leadership and .Adam Cla)'IOO fuqcll cl . lleel.~ -~ ._ " · ·II! ) • : §' Powell a measure ol IN~v<ne.,,. mllf.o!.111 • lit wu Cbilnilp; apd , '" I ~ with .the 1 cl ~·Mrfy,ol~a~~~ l>IJlc~ ~:::~~ ... 11;··'~:::::.r-~ --n- -·survl•llll Ktili!MY llnilhtr. u thelt aflalra';-::;...J.l. , , ,._..~ Hliiata ol.llilnob !Or the "Whl{>;• aaslstaiil Plr!1 lelidir1 .~r In ~ u.-C&\ui>!ltee aJ1e1ed he mis-~ Mpullllean No. 2 ludcrilllp post, . 111e ,111cum1>ent Sen. ruia.u B.·Lirl11 ot ~~.'4tlllll o1the1Up1Yot1' .• K~r .~m 11oroldtd "''" JIO'I•~ LotMana. The H-'volid '16 ·,....,. -· • ' . ror.:oie-te llbetal facllon. I the 1<1t It denied A4Ani 'Cliyloo Powell "09 JO!I, plan IQ, behave 10J dlller· · -WOl\'"11 a II to 20 vote. -subject to a itlU rme anti lou ol ent?" ht wu -...11, f..MWJ ~tr· Senalo ~auc leader Mill• ~ senlortt1. ence alter hll INIJnl. , · fiald ofMontana anti the 5elJ4le DC!i .. .lj...,11, the controversW New Yori "tllal'a like a.-iaa me U I pie to cr•b' third In command, ~ c. N..,.,•preacheJ'1lOllUClan banished from slop beallng my ...... " hi ttplfed.· 'Tll Bynt or Weal Vlr&lnla, ..... ,..iect«I the HOl\!e in oo, took the oath o! office behave the SllJ16 Ila I alwya tlld." wi1boo1 oppoalll•. at wu Scn:·_E~ a11u dari at.the ...i al ·a h<ctlo neor Kenn<dy's wln,-:Oii'.a ll IO ~'"Velo ·in · M. l>tiUen ol llllnGlt,.Stn•ll.GOI' let<!' flpt on his bid to be &ealed f<r a Uth cauoua P'lof, ~ ~-~':l-OP.OOh>llof er. · _ · ·~ two-year conire~ion1ll ~~ ... :.... .. • ,1 ~ .... " " ·- -But--under the cocdJUons impoiotd by fl · .;J ~ · · · •i• colleagues,' on a 2M to l!f'".Ote.-u;,; ~Rr•!!fl• ,. ... ,, DemocraUc. lawmaker will be dented the , ...... , .. . "' .. JI • • henell!I ol tho oenlority '!l'il<m and "" ' r! '·sh . . .. . s ~~'!:i1:i:=b·=i~ ~:: · :o_ofout us.pects D1:..W ol·-·.~., total ' ~ . • For a man cl Pono'•~ .~::.~~.::.~ J·ail: n.d. · m·· :Lieu. of Bail .td 11,~llld ~ ~~ to be Ci •WCl'a Jnto ~ -tlJ Jobn Mew / • =k·~":.~='!:;~ Flvemmcharpdwltholleneealeadinl pat two years of the 90th Omgreu on to the rlfJe klIUng of 1 companion lut a Caribbean Island v.·ilhout pay and with Sunday UJ due for pre1.tmbwy hwinp very little attention. Monda Yin West Orange County Judicial Sli!J, some Qf the oil. Adam . flashed Dtatrict Court. at ••new• cooferenco ;oHtr .tllO Joni All were sllll held .at Orang• County day Iii ddilllo slid wt~11Je C'alW the in lt«i of '6~ ball each on ~. pmiel1meil J'radil'" 1114 !l)d he winiecl booked on cbara.. ol ildnaplng and to tali ld·bls laWy,ra ~· ~ being anned with a l~eenn In _. ·1o •coePI ll wltheuf a '.f!ttit. l mlulon ol a lelooy. , .. "''~ · .. • , ..... ·ex.~ .. /,'~··, . _Deputy .Dillrict.A!Mrney Jo1in.- .,, '..A. ._,,_,,_.~•:,;;(;, ,:~·. ·said a day earller,'bowever, lliat•\li; H J-;;w: ' * .. t . suspeeta m11 face addlUonal cbatges ~ ' )» '( ... ... .... i6-~ .. \"0 ' ahead ' Keifued·y'-)~r-Ne~:· · 0ne· man °rlllnlliY arruted. -L Pittman, 21, a1· 7fC -TrUI< Ave., Westminlter, WU rtJeued wheal it WU Bl. g Foe . to Be det«mlned he ldDod .. a 11e 1 e d ,..,...., raider In oelf-delenoe. Albert Shirley, 20, ol Ill HunUnaton NIX' 0 'i: T -St., Huntlnaton Beach, wu 1bot In the n, ~ays J.AJQg chlel -111e 11ome o1 Pittman'• , , -•net dill! 1n the auu.. a11o<11y )VASHINGTQN_(QPl) -Tl\e.man Seo. before mldnlcht SUnday. P.clward fd. ltenlfldy .d~™ 'In 1\.1 s The amateea Include; ~nt Setjjle ~p bid. seti a \iii--DoaaW D .. Uiiclla, 24, o1 Wbl!Uer. ..., In il'lor ·~ _M. ~txoa. · ~-A. Uiiclla, u, La Habra. "I would suggP;tl," Sen •. RQlidl B, ~ G: ......_ZS, P\lllerton. LoN! said a bit ~ully, af!U .!lie , v o le . -""~ .M. lqna, 11, Or-. Ftldly;''i!taJ Mr 1'1Ji6n sh&iJd be v<r; ·~·E. MCGm, it, La Habra. camul _a~d_ ;w11c~ bipl1<)l lo; ~ fUf)lC• Another youth pz-.t at lhe iunfiJhf, ~in·all pi'obabll)ij''.l)f"~·a'V'tty Gary D. Rudo'""'' 11 of WeitiDlililif. 6f•·~ ~I '""" , ' , ,,.., ' ' .k vr,rv~ .. n ,~ ,.?':.,..°"W~•,,.{ •)I, ~~booancl~•OQtutpicild ODollflndtheft enilech d .oQ ·~11 Vb -~ be In u.. ol llt10 bill, lory," ..a llld his .31·!4 •licUDn ...... ,, pendlnl pttlhnlnl!Y btarlnl. I He II scheduled to appear beltr< Juqe Walter Cbaramza Jan. 10 to enter a pleai in the case. lnvesUa:;iUon bJ Weatininster pllice , aiippo~ stories by Mn. Lull Pittman, of tm·Atma St., and other witneuet lhat gun-wleJdinl raiders sparked the fatal shootoul Shirley ~egedly abducted Jim Pit• tmen.. 21,. of tbe Ana Street addra.s earlier Suadey a1oO( wllbtwo of Ills com- panlone In a btzam !femand that the~ turn over a Jtolen IU!tcue full of drop. P~lman and hll boddles denied In- volvement with Shlrley'a allapl Jou and. ·liter escaped from a pool hall where they eeld they were held qslnit their will, btaten and forced &o take drup. Pittman had asked !or pollce protacllon and Ills mother had called earlllr to report he "u drlQed from tbe home. bl!I lnvesU11ton l<llt to the Alla Street addrus arrived too !alt to prevent bloodtbed. Two ol lhe five auspects la<lnl cba,... as &be mult of tbe1r ttieod11 death ,.... a1Jo wounded wbao the eldee I'll· Iman brother opened up from ""1da bis mother'• boUle with a .ao ca.Uber rifle. The alleged drug cache bu never !urned up. sl&tant· Sinate Democrat~ luder or whip meant a "commtsment *° senate buslneil," nol It rate f<ir lhe preeld<ncy. But, Lona, (0.La.), ""' Kennedy got help in depOSin& him)frorn a "nationwide or1ani:r.aUon which had ibfltn orpnilld to help IUJ!ll!'rl his brother for President of the tlnltad Sitt ... " Smokers Fade · ••1 don't think J could· have been de- feated by anybody slse In the United Stat.ea Senatfl aad my guus Js I would have taken any other oppOnent by about a two to one margin," LODI nick . ~ ' •' . Black Panthers To Give Boot To Hoidup Men .. .OAKt.AND. CalU. (UPll -Tia Black Panthei-Party mo¥ed , tod8y , to .. dl,... soelate lllelf from". plraou,. Who, rob gas .st1tkm1 and taverns .ui1na the mIUtant. ortanizaUon u ·• base. Bobby Seale,.nallonal chalrnlan of hte Panu,tr Party, aald a. ~umber of per. SM11 have betn e:ipelled from tbe orpn- t&atlon Jor gettlag -Involved as ctlmlnal ~-1ther l~er Nld ''pr9Vocaleur aaenll. kook• and avaricious fools" tiavt Infiltrated Ille organliation and aUempl· ed to US6.ll as a -lo< privalt ercur· &ion• in\Q crime. · "Ille party baa a <111< lorblddinl ,Jllem· btr1 from comm1tUnc steaftu :•tven a needle or • plece of thread," ne said. Stale said many persot\S had joined the party as "coru:plraton .and o-pportu- nl11o" to !Ike tdVll!\IP Of II· !or Ibo~ own purpoes. He called them "tounter-- revolutlon1rJe1. n The Panther apol..,... lllcf <Vtn ef. fort would be made to pr<!hd tile par· ty'• trna&e a• the. ••1n1e repretefltaUve o1 the -dOWJM>dtlto or oqr· blaet sncl oporesaed peopltt ttVln1 In the - nnu 01 thl1 reclat, aploltJvt, dtcadtnt America." · l I Billion Fewer Cigarets in '68 WASHINGTON, (AP) -The dlr<clOr of the government'• antismoklng cam- paign says a dtcttue afttr the &W'1eon general's 1964 report, is the slart of a snowballing trend to avoid the habit. Dr. Daniel HOrn said he 's been con· vinced for a long tirrie "once it started to go down, it would be Ulte pushing a big snGWblll o.vtr a bill-It would ~ck up spe<d." . Horn, director of the National Clear· lnghouse for Smokin& and Health, made the anaJyaLI in an. interview Jl'riday after lb• Department al A.,-lculture dlsclOoed cigarette consumption for 1M& wu 128.S billlon, down lrom 527.1 billion In !MT. It wu lbe firat drop llDCt one on the heels of the sura:eon general's report cit- ing mnoking as a health h.nard. Horn .slid a survey indicates that tetn· age smoking is on the declln.e far the first time in yeah. Horn Aid the national dectlne WIS particularly sighlficatlt because lhe nor- mal populaUon increaat: means an in- crtase of 2.5 per cent in ci«'rette amok· int would have indicated the proportion ol smollen in tile populaUGo btld ateady. 'I'm Alive Again,' Says Ex .. Viet Cong Captive SAN ANTONIO, Tu. (AP) -Maj. Jam., A. ROwe, wbo eoca~ from· the Viet Colli titer fl•• yean' captivity, says he can hardly btlleve he ii back in the UllllOll Slltts. "I'm still hick On tlit chopper," Rowe Mid Friday, ttferrlnl to Ille hellcopter lb.tt ttlCUed him. "I haven't rully caught up with what's baP'Otftin«. 11 "ft:• lite being alive 11alri," the Spec- ial P'orct.s ofrlttr !lid on bis arrtvtl at Kelly Atr rorce Bue in his n1Uve Tu11. After 1 news coofertfl«, he was tll<en lo B~~ Army MoctlUl Center wr..re iloct.n Will eWnint lilm. "I never htllltd hcnr valuable frtt-- dom wa1 until I lost it," Rowe teld news- men. He recalled how he was COnfintd 1t night to small thakfl-rooftd prisons With bars for wa\11. "All the. hoocbes shkk.s yOu live In art oaaes." he said Of the boildlnp he oecupled dUtlna Illa captivity. ff• lllld be u,..i lntlde lht "•aatt" .. 11111e .. poalble. "Darlna the .iar." he $1ld, "I wu aut al lq lrolJI and I could move frtely." ,,,. 5-looW\O alftctr said he wtllMd about Ill poundl ..m.n captur.d along with two other American llOldlen on Oct. It, llA. Ht said hi ,.,,. •elaba about 140 pounda but 1111 well!lt dloppod to •bout JiS durinl tbt flnt all Milltha al ~11 lmprllcinme•t. Atn.I WJlr ~ti wtl&hl dropped, ftowe , ,.,Utd: "lnablllly to eat rlct.'' Ht 1114 hit diet for the fiVt )Ura pr]m••lltn• """ and flth 1w1ct a dai'.' ~ 111d .,,,... ........... UJ1 ·~ unaia'~ an hit 'ltft:. · The ll!O Weal Pob>l .,-adulll -111· \ not 10 Into detlils about hit eacape . "'lbfl (U&rd became unCODICioul," be said. Th<n he ran to a Mllcopter ~ heard near where he wu belD& htld in tht Mekong Delta and WU WhlUtd away. "I ce:Jebrated Christm11, New Yur'f and everythin1 el.e on tht 31st when I 1ot away," he aid. Rowe 1aid he already hu uted to be rel.urntd to Vietnam. "I fttl that the e1perience l have 1aJDed over the past five yeara ~ be beneficial and would Onahle me tO do _,elhln1 ol benefit In the effort which i1 beln; mid< In South Vldnam " he said, · ' "I've 1a1nec1 a W'81th al inolrMqe which t never would havt had and 1ev· er ""'1d have lalned In any other mL,. fttr." Newport Sw's Aide Succumbs Barben Stllabury l'mo, for II= :~J!~ .... W~ay ln ~m ~ a ai tendtd Ulnell. Siie WU 4'. ~ Nldent al Cypraa and -11.n,weod tlirltl, Mrs. l'radola Rlfl"d by lier hullband. Richard, and ,..-. Mr. And Mra. Francia Fk al C,,..... Funeral servlcu will be btld Mifljllt. al ,_ 11 P'onst Lown Mlillorlal hit, Cyprus. • . .. ~ -·"' ,, ~ .. .. ~ I Fl • "' ID, .. hO •• In. ... all lit b .Ori to 1e, !et mt l.S M ;1. In· he ,., or- in· •k-ion ly. pe. be h~ old led ;f'S l I lo •v• 1 ort !," I&• ... .. ,. .. . -I ' J 0 I ' ~ I ' . V~'~2.·.l\IQ. ~.).~~!C>N$, ·'6 ;PA,G~ -' •I '. j. • • ..... . .. ·-I ' ' . ' . 'r , ·" ~~ .... ·•'t '' . ' '"l(t' t)~~n~~-,. , I, L r 1..: ' . . . ,. ' 'O '. I ' I • • ~grieUI~e ~ . ' ' . ' . ' . . . eser.ves . · ·· """ •• ~·i) OppoO!Uon to qricultural pmerves 'bu been vok:N by a.new dtllel'll·,com- . nllttee of re&id .. ts or . the soulh · part ol Orange Olunly. · The. Irvine ComP.rtnY abd ·tlfe Mission Viejo Corp. got'. a~ovef\ol ""''~ Planning Commuislbn nec.·1 JI' f<i more lhlll 100,000 acres. to be: !fl'c;Un in egrietiltural use for 10 'yean witl); ac· companying lower ~ rates. , Final de$ioq will ~ made . soon :, by lhe Board of SupOtvlsor>. . • - Heading the anti-ptese~ group is Charles Waltman, El Tdro businessman. "'The burden will fall on all ~ayel's in ·Orange County, but . most heavily, On southern JandJWoers," Waltman·Salif. "We•ve rouDd the · cost to ~Yers In the Mission Viejo and University Park artip will be up 3& cents per troo asseased valuation j~t to· maintain the present level of edu$:ation," ·Waltman complained. • · · · He said the committee's. figutt.1 slmr taxes on. a $32,000. home woµld s:o 'JP $:4 with the. installation of the. preserve itatus. . • }Valtman said the argument set out br, the b.ig landowners. for creation ol the preserves might work the otber way. ''Their argument that preserves pro- Vide a time for planning might reSult lfl the opposite," the committee-chairman said. · "If theit_ .lands are exempted from taxes, the small landowner will have to pay more l and it might cause .them to develOp faster. The result would be &ht opposite of What ttier"'Pbm'.." , Watt.man said ' a lQ-nlem~r steering eomnuttee · Was Jtllding · meetinu ' in prepafation for appearanc.:s befote the Board of· Suptrvisdn·when the-PreserVe pl_'OpO(litlons CC111e up. · . ' ' M-OrUi 'an~la -"' il~pp;:. Re~gtitt . lgno':ing-. Hun SACRAMENTO (AP) -Robert T. Mona~. -cheduled to be the ~bly'1 Dew R~&lican speaker, ba&n't been ~onsulted by GOP ~v. Reagan oil the adi'fiinistration1s legislative Pi'oira:m or 5'1ection of a lieutenant.governor, M:oOO- Un's associates report. • . . An<I w~ile lhe Tracy legialator ~s lo eventually meet with the goV'el'nOr·on ~e ma.j~ is.m,es, t)e'1 un~ppy •at not ~Ing invited for a persona] chat,. b i 1 frimds say. · .. Signs of tension between tM GOP Jead- f!nlhlp, Of the Asaemblf, now 41-31 Re- publican, ud the· governor Caine with t.be opening of the 196t leglslS:ttire 'just a day awa)'. · , · i For Reagan, it's a big session. He's ~uiiting on the new Republi~n strellith • ~o give him .a bri&!)t tecOrd in case. he runs for re-electiOn Jn 1970, and the Dew COP speaker· wobld be 1l 'powerfui' ally. Monagan declined to comment for pub- JicaUon on his relations with the gover-JJOr. • But Ed Gray,·Rea1an's·uaistant pre!s 8'Cretary, confirmed Reagan .hasn't yet ~et face-to-face with Mon*lan on t h e ~ming ·l~gisla.Uve. program -, to be ·)litsenfed to the lawmakers Tuesday in the goveriior'a ~~ of the state message. ,: He ~ lite only· meeting ·that bas tak· ~·Placo hllll been betw.en top Reigan ..,4taff inembers and Monagan; Sen. ~ ,4ld Gl'\lllsky, (R-Walaonv\lle), Ind other ~p leg!&lative leaden about two wee.ks ago. .Alu gra~ng on Monagan'~ nerves, his frienct! say, is . Reagan's , failure to dis- "Cuss. wjth, him his .. cm.ice .for, a replace- inent for Lt. Go·v. Rr.beij H .. FlnCh, who 'fs ioh:j.iqg the Nixon adminWraUon as , .. t:~laff~Of health, ed~C8Uon and wel- ·LON~QN'S Jf:All DAYS RECALLED " •. , f• .. •)o, ' .#' ;j ' ..... • I .. •. ~ DAILY PILOT ,_,. ": ~ ....,..._ Today's Forecast . . . . Weatherman says tbal's the place to be this we.ekeQd .aad,_Wil!>, ~COl!­ ety like Clildy .Fusco_ around, who's . gol"'~· argue?, La~~t P,l'l!C!'O•ll-. catioµ.1or tlµ, January weekend is for. fair weaUier, wi~ C0;9.~~ . \JI~, !e!l)lle,r!Uures, . .Water .. ma~1be., a :·bit <!>01; ~µ!~='Le; ,i• _ . ~ll!11!!!'Y.;llJi!l;.f!l9ng ·~ "'"'~,..,JA> If . p.,..!jlres.rlsiog ~· hlg!ras es .. -. . ' .. •. . . . "'. :• " ,,-,y1- ' 1fi· ·1.-r:. • ··ff\-11 ~~ ·w~·ita-'"'~5Jl'·d4f . .o; ••1· , r 1 i~r ~ • .. • i · • • •W: H~yaka~a _Gets Tbrigh.e~: .. As New Strike Looms SAN FRANCISCO <AP) ~ Faced with a Jbldents &hike and threatened teach· ers walkout, Dr. S. I. Hayal:awa, act- ing. president of Sah Francisco State college, was expected to draiv ne·w battle lloes·today. · · 11a1111<awF.l»>jntlid •cliltg president Nov. 28, w'as to· meet with nf)wsmen to outline !l tough_ pro~am aimed at cur- tailing the turmoil when classes resume. M0!1illly. · Hayakawa's office and school officials declined ·Friday to say if the president planned an even harder line toward strikers and dissidents.thar. he did last . n;ionth. , , ~ -~w~ve!r, .one .~pokf:sm_an ~id, "I~'s n·o secret that tf111 hu been his pattern of operation. He1s clamped down ever since he's.,been acting ,president" . There .has been speculaUort that Haya- kawa 'pl.Ins 1fo Place ·strlcl limltalions on pTCtellilg, ratnes;' march~ and other campus ·~~ratiorui. Campus access is expec~·· to be limited to 11.udents, facuHy · lolh<r~-utMl)ied P.,,.ni: A 'e itiati)lg , C,am~Ittee, beaded ~Y-the ack ~lu~enls Union and nurd World• L~betaUon Front, call- ed the ,s\rlk~_Nov. I,, deinaqdlng, at that time the .relnst&tefllerit, of George Mur- ray, a part-Um~.English. h1structor and member or the Black PanLher party. '4urray, wa1 su,spended after he urged shident8 to bring guns to class. , The list of Strike demands grew to 50000 ~ ' : . . . ' ... '.'. ' . 15, niinY <of which _were emboalid 'In the new' etluiic studJeJ de~eni which Wyalcawa annolin~ more than'~~ ago. ·The school also fam,a str~e Mb!"llJ by the 'San ·Fr'1tciq State ~­ the AllrertcaJr FtderaUM ill , The AFT is seeking official r~tton by school .officials, "releveo( educati<il programs," and a greater voice in icbool policy. It also supporlt_the yet unmet de· mandl ,of student atrlkera. Hayakawa said eatller Ulls week he plans to keep the qmpus1 open.fpr: ~s month's 11eitiester. examinations ·cOme "hell or hiih "iter." . .. Natural G~s ·Le~k ' ' . . ' .. ' Seal~ Alter W~Jt1 " GJIANA,i!f-HILLS (Af') ~ Oi!'w~s .., tliey Jiit•• ~ly. eealedo.& ,;o..1>:10.-•omO. .r.tI lliat leO~ed.' nail!'~,~·_;!,.. a. ·'fqk ". a(ter .ttreriian e1wicu1.ne~r ,a, five-day fire. .•. : . The workers dum~ water ~,mud ' dow"n ·the .-well'e 8100)..foot ahaft:'1iday in .a. 6'ld .1ealed by !he Getty -Oii Cq, 1n IM footlllll• n<ll')h <!I hm., . Tbey--sald 500,flOO cubic leet nf:natur.al ga., had" been escaping :from the well daily. · ; • ID Hole . " : .. ' .:, • 'Skid,l~.:Slayipg Su~~t Fre~d,. 2 Others Held •' • T' ' •. c• . K~s,' Two D~gs,. T ea(iher.. Jaikd · ~ .. .. -·· . ,· N ew,pO.~~, ;,,to . G.et:·: 'Free~: Bridge? f Hf r" ! ) -· Bpm'b Dis.covered ' •_&'<N, FRANCISCO (Al') -,A, Ume bomb wu found only eight minulel be- fore .Jt waa1 aet· to ~np1Pde in · BiuJri!s Re&tlwrant. l!ld poll.. wondered today why II V/aa placed ~ • ; Allee Brdtm, restlutant·maftager said ·~~·dldnl '!mbw wh,i'.lritone wanted to lllow ·llP' llie "1nleo-~'ealtl1': The expertly-made dtvise WaS 'fO\llld by Jes!e Lara, a }ahltor, wlille he was cleaning the men's 'rest room Friiiay .. The ·12-inch, exploiive-fllled plpe had· been placed in a wastebaiket. An Anny dfsposaJ aquact .trom the Pre· aidio dis1rmed the . ~b. which WIJS !:;~ ove! ~ th,e ~q~ ~e.~ l~bOr.. . '" ·' ~ .. -. --: • t • ---------~~ ----·· ------.. "' ---· I s >.Kennedy,. Powell Wins · ) tcMIPI• _,, flll OIW PM ltetiJ ' , !J,.bf•• ~roclalmed hippies $M;... up et pol\~ =•arlerf ill.?:.&, · o, Tex., lo llUl that ~ ltld been defl'allded by• man''!to t{lld then\ he was sellillg them five · pounds of peyote, the c@ctus but- tpn that produces hallucinations. 'nley J"'!d the man $50, th ey said. '1\d wlite<I unW he had left to • qpen tho bag he nVll them. l!lsldo, Ibey found l<ish potatoes. ••• ·John R. Hlfflne .of Grand lolalld, Neb., had two reason• lot·lolnc lw (oln& to Police Court. lfe had been ll»•i&nated ectinc police judf~ and ht •ho had \o appellr to ans\Vtr' a ch•rce of allowl!'t Ji.ls ~og to run : "* large. J.,.Jge-Hifflnf fined de- fendant lllggb>s '5 and coat~. · •• h Canada's mo.st iliOtbl.e 'belehc~: 1 (. lo,.. U atiJl f~ aria fanct1 • frtt. Prlmt. Miui&ttr f>Xrre Et. ' , liotl T~au silkt h'l tDQ3 "dt1· 1 ponde'nt thot Lcop Ytor sho\dd ' ho.vt patstd toit1'owt mt 1'follV ' hGol., .luid li!!ie to '"41<• lit< -~11\'f-of <kal l would have lik- ed.'' But, Plt promittd, ''This ' l- 11e~ i.unu be taking the initia- tive." ''l'JI•· Sll!lta Fe Railroad protested alcourt order that it pay $102,000 to D0otol4 p, .Ru<km•n· a conductor ~o claimed be suHered spinal, 111Ck rand head injuries when a fteliht ttain he was.. on struck a b\luf.;.r !Ii, 11163 •.. THe railroad went to court al1d woi\1' new trial. Wben ~e·-.ami wu -over it was ordered ~ ilioOf ~'ll••*lllrY to pay Ruck· ~-w~n·· • .. •f ····-......... . l . . .. -'. ,,...._ -· ·' . ..; ··-.... . ' ... -• .J, •• ... .. CAii. Y PILOT tllff ,.._. ·llOS STOP -Refurbished bus proved lo .be vehicle that brought families totetl!•r for holiday seaso~ in Fountain Valley. From left are-JJoh11 Martain, I.iowell Ahler111, his wife, Linda , and Martain boys Bryan, 11, and Kevin, 9. Bus is Ahlers' home on wheels. ·'Driving ls Left to Us,' Declares Owner of Bus Br Tnl\Y ~~ "People aive uo a few strangt ltattt," Of-....., ...., • said Lowell, "but Wi bivQ!t.nau;rnad Lowell Ahltn went Greyhound one any problems while rtdtni at«lbd in better. tbe bus.'' He not only accepted the hos line's ne only mljor probh!ri-i thef'tricoUnttr idea of "'comfort," he t6ok an old rattle· now, is the gas bill. "It only .iels 5-7 trap bUs and made a palace on wheels mlles to the gallon," said Lowell, ."but out of it. it bas a 160 gallon tank." · "The driving," he said, "ls definltely The big bus also has a 707-c""""" t.:...h I!ft to us." ·• . 'U.I"' "'"' The giant gray hulk-on-wbeell la cur· motor which holds five gallom a{ oil.~ rently ·_parke4 ·in ,frOfl~. of 10:2f' Swallow The Ahlers arrived in Foll'ntaln Valley Ave.., Fountain Va!Ry, the home of from Ctticaso on Chrlatmas Eve. They :.1 r-... __ , j-•--~-~ h~ lO settle down in Soutbern Loweu'• •~ter, MTJ. ~ Mu-•. C · · · It isn't mach on tht outald" bUt lniide orrua. · LOweU ond hlr· '!if•, I.Inda, liove But Ibey aren~· l.lniabed travelln& yet. reeoutNcted lhe ·fnltrlor, ~ lhO . Nut Euler tbey plan to load Mr. and vehlela Into • comltvtoble mobile home. Mrs. Mlrllip, IJll\ tho Mll'laln's .tllree -~ bedroom por1!on In the;rear COi> rounfslm Btytn, KAvlo Ulf. ~lie, • talnA tw)ll beds, 11111 .,...; _...,_ il)to the _-buury ~ r~ • •llClllO!'·ltlP. ---~'·°'· "Jttloo~ ;-.;; •.. ..,,.., l:. ·-··i. Pf-1 queen lfzl:' bed. , ~ . • ... -,. .. ~~~·~r:~, .. ~Q$t~ . , .. , ·. pp rrojlt, .. n c uir-;--.. . ~ .)1., .. :n. _, >"y :!" .:.fi. 1r , ta .. 111a 1o1aa. a..,. Ai.de· Sentt?ficfjd; ~ With Ntw Yttir'1 babies highligh~ ed in every ntwspaper across the land this moma UarM got into the act, too. Lqnsing, Mich ., Potter Park Zoo got its own N1w Yur'.s baby to coo ouer Jan. 1. Stisndt"f on hi3' Own, the new flrriUJl U the GJ'ple of hit mothtr'1 Sou.ti\ Amtricon rum.Jnont eye. llllllY l'ILOT N..,.n-H•--............. ...-.. ,., CMM- C41iJfOlNIA Rol.111 N. W114 l"rt1•llft11t •M l'utllltlllr J•ck R. C11rl11 \.11;9 .. , .. .....,. •Ml c; ....... ,,.._ ....... Tlilll'll• k•••ll lll'49r Th111111 A. M11rphi~• Ma1Mt11'19 I l l• P111I NIH•• Afwrtlilt .. ··-0-C.19 M-1 W W•t 1tW 11 ... 1 NftlPOl't ~ 'Jll W.I ......... ll Vl fl 1.1....,.. tNt11 1 m ....,.., ,....,. M1111t1111Nfl ._., • Ill\'""' The u nit is self contained with a t t tUrnace. gas water heater. electric F E · b z · ... refrigerator, gu ...... and IOilll or m ezz in·D'. fadHll" built In. . · · · · l' LoW'tll bouaht the bus from Wheaton Coll•f.• DHr Chlcaio for l500 when II wam t rurirtln1. A )'tar and a half of labor and about $4,00lt la ter he and Linda art travelina around the country In It. . He estimates tlWI bus' value at $10.000 now, and maybe •tZ.OOH14,000 when tbey refinilh the exterior. Last aummer Linda 508kM up a lot cf ND while she scraped the entire surfaee of the bus down to ltt present grey coaliftl. The project. Linda observed, "helped os· to get to know each otht.r better." Thty've been manied juat two ytua. l'ro111 Pege 1 BRIDGE •.. apProvtd frttway plans ta5l of tbe bay and throuah Corona de! Mar. · Th• new hlghw1y bridge, 1-g to 1W. plw, wlll rise 40 feel obove ....., hlp tide. The de<:k ol the pr111enl '1"11 ii coly 11 lee! obove lhe wolli. The hlsher level will mean th1t a'&out llO percent or the muted vwels now uein&: the lower bay will be Ible to aiter tbe Upper Bay. Tht new brld&e, which dlvlsion orollllecll Ald uU!IJa a "araetful" con· copl uniquely dellgned !or Newport, will be more than tWlce the width of the pmenl structure. 1" dt<k wlll be 100 feet wide. Prbtciple need for lhe new brld1e, city ol!lcials sald, Is the widlh problem. MOfe then 50,000 vehicles oo an averaie summer's day now UM the preseitt brld • -"~1t11 jw:t about malimum capaei· ty," said City El\lhlotr Bin Nolin. "We Cilll &qUMZI 111.Y more tootltpute In that tube." The new brldft, he Hid, llbouJd hn· prwlv1Jy omoolh lhe now ol lnfllc a1on1 lhe ltl&h"ll'. City aldel -also noted lhal the -t strucfJlre, CDMltQclal IO )'111'1 .... WU bltllt on linUlet pUlnp with ltlnbor beoml. SilM ct delerlorollcm are bolt<>-' nlng to almr. Tiit ..... l~ool """ blPloft1 brlql will be • concntt ~ Chrietma& Tree Burn Scheduled Tonight There'll be • hol lime in the Unlvenlty Pllfk Sl>ow!ng Center tonl&ht. That's "·hen rtsident.J l)f Univer~lty P8rk and Turlle Roc;k Hornei; will bl\'C Lhelr annual Christmas tree 'bumtng ceremony. The blaie, 1uptrvl.std by the . ~nty fire m1rghal, will Nrt at 7:3q .l'p.m. ' An attracUve blonde ~ Jbo Wal found IUihy 9(-_ tmbeizlmf jln e1t1m1ted . 124,llOO h'otn.". ~ ·-~' County doCtora was sentel.lbd' rt).!Say to one to five years in state · ~n on one of three grand thelt chiri9*: Superior Judge Byron K. McMillan suspended sentence on the remalrting two charaes tnd recommended that Gayle Naiel, 23, ol ,oralife, ~,Jler sentence in the Dep'artmenl of Mllital Hygiene. The tall, good -looking woman-w11 returned ·for sentencina: from the State Prison , for ~Women &t Frontera where she bu been undergoing paychiatric tr1abnent. ri.trs. Nq el was convicted of defraudln& three doctors -one or them wi.s Jden· tified as Dr. Irving M. Cyril, 0131 Adams Ave., HunUngton Beach -by dlvtrUng ~ments made by patient& into her own bank account. Her busbwid, Robert, 28, wu iimllarly accused but wu recently ac_quitted in Superior Court. Accord Reached In Paris Dispute Over Furniture PARIS (UPI) -W!stem diplomats s,1id today all lour &ides had agr~ oo a round table for the expended Vietnam war talks. But they sUll disagreed whether the table would be divided. Diplomats close to the stalled talk!! expre5lled optimism the lolli has1le over proctdUN!s for the opening of the confer· ence may be reachJng tta final allge. The Communists Frid1y anl'IOUnced their wlllln111tu to drop all romalnlng procedural l1tues deadlockinl tho talks, lncludlng ctfld1Uy calling lhe cooler· encse a "four-party'" metUna1 tf thti •I· lies would aaree to a aolld· circular table. The 1urprlse move by North Vietnam and the Viet Cong lefl the lhope.ol·tlte- t1ble 1!11i1· the oo)f DOI clelOJinl ltort ct the confertnce. And with IM1th a1dn ..imnc to lit ,t , circular tab!ei. the orily 1nu1 t.hat re-- m1lned wu wbtthtr It Will be symboli· colly marked off or dlvlded to preserve U. S. and South VletTllTMIO demlftd! the conftreO(t be "two party" nqotla· Uons. . The dlplomai. uld thore hod tiffn ~uch progress tow1rd bre1ktng the dead· lock that h111 held up the rt.111 of the 1an1s since Nov. 8 that a fln11 agrtef'!'lent could come as early as ne1t week. Haw· ever, the rtn81 Issue Is touchy and the •!Ml or the talks could be dela)"d for some time. \ ~ . ' . .'T~p :a Day of Drama W ASH)NGTON (UPJ) -'llle 9llt Con· CJ'tll, Confronted. as tbe naUon with yoothfu1ehallenge1U1d a des~~ for unity, gave B<ti. l!dwanl M-.KeniiedY • ploee In Us · leadershi p and Adam Clayton Powell a meaaure of for&ivenesa . In a day of cVamaUc capitol hill ac- lioll f(ldoy, Senate Demo<rals picked Ibo surviving Kenoed1 brother u lhe!r "wtJp," IJ!lh:tant party leader, over lho Incumbent Sen. Rul&eU B. Lcmi, ol Loulli1IJ.na. The Houae vct.ed to return the 1e1t It denied Adam Clayton Powell -tubjtct to a •lifl llne end IOIS of aenloril)'. · Powell, lhe cootrovm!Jl New Y,..k Nocn> preacbor--pollUclan banl!btcl from the Route In 1967, took lhe oath of ofljce after dark at the and ct a hecUc !lo« fighl oo hls bid to be" aealbl for • 1Jtlt tw~ytar c~onal term. But under the COQll!Uons Imposed by ~II colltque1, on a 2'1 to 160 vote, the DemocraUc lawmaJctr will be·denied the beneflla of the seniority mtem and his $3,liOO monthly salary , check will be docked In equal 81i150 installments until December of 1970 -a total of $26,llOO. For a man of P~U 'a put hlgh-etep- Plng ltyle the punishment might have seemed too humlllatibg. But he swallow· ed it, and came forwilrd at once to be sworn ihto office by Speaker Johft Mc· Cormack, apparenlly reconciled to Pl& lshment after eltUng out most of the put two year1 pf the 9>tb COngreu on a Caribbean loland wilhout pay and wltlt - v~ry Utile attention. SUU, 11D10e of lhe old Aclom .flaobed at • .... confetence alter lhe toac day ct debote one! votJni. Ho called the J>llllilhm«it "l'oclsl" and Ald ho wanted to talk to bis lowym before decldlog to occept ii wtlhout 1 fight. , * * * Ke~edy's Next Big Foe to Be ·Nixon, Says Long WASHINGTON (U PI) -·The man Sen. Edw'ard M. Kennedy defeated in hi s firs t Senate leadership bid sees a Jes· .son in tt for Richard M. Nixon. "I would suggest,'" Sen. Russell B. Long "1ald a bit ruefully after the v o t e Frlc19, "that Mr. Nixon should be very c;arlflll 'ind watch himself for the future ~use In All probability' be has ~ vtry a~I~ 0Pl!'!"CJ!t ready _I~ him." ' Kennedy denied My "per&0nal vic- tory" and said his 31·26 election as as- sist.ant Senate Democratic leader or whip meant a "corrunltment to seoate business," not a race for the presidency. But, Long, (l)..La.), sai d Kennedy got help Jn deposing him from a "nationwide organization which had been organized to help Support hia brother for Prealdent of t~ United St.ates." "I don't think I could have been de· feated by anybody else in the United St.ates Senate and my euua is I would have taken any other opponent by about a· two to one margin," Long saJd. Black Panthel's To Give Boot To Holdup Men OAKLAND, Colli. CUP!) -The Black Panther Party moved todsy t.o disas- sociate it~tf from persons who rob gas slatk>ns and taverns uting the mlllJlnt organizalion as a bale. !lobby Seale, notional cholrman ol hie Panther Party, said a number of per· sons have been ex:pelled from the organ. ltaUon for getting involved 11 criminal autpecll. The Panther leader said "provocateur qenta1 kookt and avartclous fooll" have lnrlltrated the organi11tion and •ttempt. ed to u11; It as a base for private ncur· sioris Into crime. The party has a rule forbiddlni mtm· hers from committing steallna ••even a needle or a piece of thread," "'he u.ld. Seale said many persons had joined the p1rty as "conspirators and opporlu· nist.s" lo take advaptage of it for their own purpo11e1. Ht called them "counter· rtvolutionarles. '' The Pauther spokesman said every er- rort would be made to protect the par· ty's !mace as the "true representaUve of the most downtrodden or our blaclr and oppressed peoples living in lhe con· fines of this racist, e1ploitive, decadent America." CA.USE OF FLU: COMMIE SWINE UN!'TED NATIONS (UP!l -lnler· n1UoMI health invt1utator1 !IUlped Commwlllt Chinete nine were the M· llinal oource of tho HOlll Kong Flu swetJ)lna NM1.h Amer}ca. Tht tl\eory 11 thot pip on tho pork· lov~ Cbina mtU.nland are a unctuary for t~ oriental acour1e, which from tim to Ume emtrgea trom Hong Koor. cut.a ' awalh around the world abd dig.. appurL • Scitntlab know It as "myx~\tln.s in- nuenza". In one form or another Jt can Infect but\i11n1, .boreu, J>ilo, bird& and oU>ee anlmala. • ( Powell's uclu,fon l1~t time waa on a •pecl•I commlltff'a finding Iha! ho · had pul his wjlo an th• payniU when · she did .,...,,.,_,_ thlt he had ahuMd funds of th~ . educeUon and laboi' com- m.\tl,ee et which he wu chairman; and tblt be "" contemptuouJ or the com· m""' in 111 lllempt to Jnveallpte bis o!falrl. 1e ·11~ lhe commltlff alle1ed he miJ. und mll'!· lllan MO.llOO ol lho tupayera' oi.oney. 'Do you plan lo behave any dlfler· ent?" he waa uked at a oew1 confer· eoce ~ bis 1t1tlng. "That'• Uh asking me il I plan to atop beating my wtte,'' he repHed. "I'll behave tbe aame u I always did. 0 KeMedy'1 win, on a 31 to 28 -yote tn callOUI prior to tho olflclal openlq of Bearing .Mt,mdalf. the new aena1e, was re&arded by rnati1. m to,a bid for noUonal toldar- ' pl o, early 11 11172, llllloolili tho ,_ old Ma111acniselll lawmll!lei: denied IL But,1' to1elber with the $' ol m~·8'1· HuJb i5coll ol p VIII< ia Mr ~IUvt.. Seo.' · .t... HntSka of Ntbrull:a for the c~d· ing Republlcon N•-2 leadership JOSI, the &enne<!Y victory ber•lded new powec for ,Ill• IOl\aJe •liberal locUoo. . I SCO$t ~ op(a, 21 to st vote. J Sei>ote Democrallc leader Min ¥'~ field or Mantano and tho Senali - crals' third In command, ~ Byrd or Weft Vir&lnll, ·~-wltJ\OUl oppoatUon, u WU S... l!lT M. DjrkRn ol1Ulnols. Sen•te GOP Mod' er. 5 Shootout Suspects Jailed in Lieu of Bail ,· Five men charged with offenses leading to the rifle killing of a companion tut Sunday an due for preliminary bearings Monda yin West orange County Judldol District Court. AU were !110 held II orange County In lieu of $a,l!O ball each on Frldoy, booked on chsr1eo ol lddnaplng and btlng armed with a firearm in com- m11slon of a felony. Deputy Dbtrlct Altorney John Krooin 1aid a day earlier, however, that \he llUJpecta may race additional charl:es ohead. One man originally aTnllted, Everett L. Pittman, 24, of 7682 Trask Ave., Weatmlnster, was released when it wal'i determined he killed an a 11 e c e d vengeance raider in self-defe nse. Albert Shirley, 20, of 614 Huntington St., Huntington Beach, was shot in thio,. chest outside the home of Pittman's mother ind died in the gutter shortly before midnight Sunday. The arr~tees include: -Donald D. Llncohl, 24, of Whittier. -Rlcbord A. Uocola, 21, La Habro. -Georse G. Broot!IU, 23, Fullerton. -Guy M. Iniram, 19, Orange. -Ru1teU E. McGrew, 19, La Habra. Anolher youth pr.sent rt lhe fUllflght, Gary D. Rudolph, 19, of Westmimte:r, W'8 booked on "'5pielon of grand t"'fl auto and i.s held in lieu of 8500 bail, pending preUmlnary heorlng. He Is scheduled to appear !>titre Judi~ Walter Charamz.a Jan. 10 to enter Iii plea in the case. I InvestilaUcm b1 Westminster pUiCll supportfd .storlel by Mn. Lula Pitbftln1 of lUM Alma St., and o~ wi-.i that iun·wleldlog raiders sparked lbd fatal shootout. Shirley allegedly abducted Jim Pit- tman, 21. of the Alta Street addrtPI earlier Sunday along wlthtwo of hi1 com• pinions in a bizarre demand that tht)'i turn over a stoltD auilcaae full of dru&!I. Pittman and his buddies denied in-- volvement with Shirley's alleged 16111 and later e!icaped from a pool hall where they said they were held qainst their will, beaten and forced to ta.kl drugs. Pittman had asked for police protection and Jlis mother hid called earllu to report he was dragged from the home, but investigators sent to the Alta Street addreas arrived too late to prevent bloodJbod. Two of the five suspecta facing char,e5 as tbe result or their friend'• death "~;ere also wounded when the elder Pit.. tman brother opened up from inside his mother's house with a .30 caliber rifle. The allegM drug cache has never turned up. Smokers Fade 1 Billion Fewer Cigarets in '68 WASHINGTON (AP) -The director-.cigaretlfl consumption for 1988 wu '28.5 of. the government's antlsmoklng cam· billion, down from 527.8 billion in 1987. Pllill l'ilYI B decrease after the 1urgeon It was the first drop since one on tJle general's 1964 report, is the start of a heels or the JUrgeon general's report cit- snow~alllll.fi: trend lo ~void the habit. ing smoking as a health hatard. . Dr. Darnel Horn said he's been con~ Hom said a survey indicates that tetn· v1nced for a .long time "o~ce it ~ age smoking Ls on the deeline for the t~ a:o down, 1t would be like pustUne a first time in years. big snow~all over a hill-It would pick Hom 1aid the national decline was up speed. ' . particularly significant becaute the nor· Horn, director o~ the National Ck!ar· ma! population increase mean1 an in· lnghouse f?r .smo~ng IJ)d Health, rne,de crease of 2.5 per cent in cigarette 1molc· the analysis Jn an interview triday after ing would have indicated the proportion the Department of Aarlculture dlscloaed of smokers in the population held lteady. 'I'm Alive Again,' Says Ex-Viet Cong Cap.tive SAN ANTONIO, Tez. (AP) -MtJ. James A. Rowe, who esca-ped from the Viet Cong alter five years' captivity, •S'J'S tie can hardly believe he is back in the Unlled Sta.tea. "I'm still back on the chopper,'' Rowe said Friday, referrlr11 to the hellcopter that rescued him. "I haven't really caught up with what's happeninJ." "lt's like bch11alive11aln," the Spec· ial Forcts officer said on his arriv1l at Kelly Air Force Base in his native Texas. Art~r a news conference, he was taken to Brooke Army Medic.al Center whe~ dOctors will examine tum. "I never reallied how valu1ble frte- clom was until I lost it, 11 Rowe told news- men. He recalled how he wa11 confined at night to small tltatth·rooled prlmit with bars for wells. "All the hooches shacks you live in ore """·" he Ald of lhe boildlnp he oe<upled durlng hit cop~v!ty. fie laid he stayed inllde tho "capt" as little at poulblt: "Dm1n1 tht day,'' he Hid, "I WU out "' lee Irons and ! could moTt freely." The $-loot-Ill ofllcer said he welghtd about 115 pouod• when copturod alon( with two other American 1eldler1 on Oct. 29, 1983. He 11ld be now wela;hl about 140 pound> hut hll weliht dropped 10 •bout 1%5 during the first sll months or hlr Imprisonment. As~ why hla weight dropped, Rowe rt'plled : "Inability to eat rice." lie aaid his dlet for the tlve years prim1r1ly "''rice ind H1h twlct a d1y. 11t, 1ald "There. wm never any o\'Ut tlnatJ" on hls life. 'The tt!Kt W~st Polnt a:r11duate would · not a:o fnlo deW11 •bout hit Qeapt. "The ruard became uncomcloua," M sald. Then he ran to • helicopter he heard near where he wu be.lni held in the Mekong Delta and wu whlUed away. "I celebrated Chri1tm11, New Ye1r's and everything else on the 3111t when J cot away," he said. Rowe said he already bas asked to be returned to Vietnam. "T feel that tbe experience I have glined 9ver the pa1t five year1 would be beneflci1l and would enable me to do tomething of benefit In the effort whi ch is belna made in South Vietnam,'' he Raid. "I've ga.ined a wealth of knowled1e which J never would have had and DIV· er could have 1linM In any other ma~ ner." Newport Star'B Aide Succumbs Borbart SIU.bury Plrdo, !or JS _. penonal """""" to Newport -motion picture a~ss June Allymn. dW Wednffdoy In Anohelm alter ea ..- tended Uh>e ... She WU 45. A reoldent of ~ and lom>et Hollywood llarlet, Mn. Prldo 11 surv!"" by her lm3band. Rlchord, one! e Mr. Ind Mr1. P'r1nd1 For. of ' Funerol oervl"' •111 he-ht14 fll'AaY .,t noon 1t Fortst Lawn Memorial Pin, cypress. I ~ ' ~ !· ,. !l\ .. .. ~ I ,. • I :t •• "' .. It- " •• •Y, " .. •• 111 >I ,. '" to •• et nl .. lh it- 1• 11' ,,s le it- n· ,. " ,,. n· k· ,. y. •• .. ,. 14 !d ,,, I lo '" Id to .. ,. ,. 1e ,y. 16i er "' ~. Ill oy t, ... ·-r-'f · I. • "'· f . .... ~! • ~ ' J .jS. A ~ t . ' • ~ f' -t { ,, "}" .. ~. ., .. . .. . .. • • .;;i ~ ... ,. ' ... • • CAIL Y rlLOT lt..,,rlloh ~ JtllR 'lllhru LIKE PULLING TEETH -DECKHAND THEA UNHO!>KS t14LIBUT ' " • 'I • ;Programmed for ~ati~11e.e· Computers to Bridge Gap Between SI.ow, Fast ·Learners By THOMAS FORTUNE ot tlll 0.llY l'lltl lllff · The grammar ~hool student sits ~t the rilagic typewriter and watches 1t, cOntroTied by a remote computer brain, -type "Who was the fifteenth President?" The student types back "Lincoln." - "No Lincoln was the sixteenth," the comp~ter chides. "Who preceded him?'' When the student admits he doesn't know, the computer responds with a hint :· . "J. B. v.•as the only bachelor Prest· dent " Thts is a glimpse of the direction UC Irvine reseaichers believe education is going to take in the not so distant !Uture. . ' MANY EXPERIMENTS "The use of computers for education Is going to explode," says Ralph W. Gerard, dean of the UCI graduate division . "There are surely dozens, maybe hundreds of ·experiments going · on around the country. i:Verything is coming a~' at once; nothing works. Then it an fits· tOgether ·and "blng," it is like Apollo to the moo11." Robert M. Gordon, _director of com· puter facilities at UCI, pr.edicts that by 1975 the desirability of -using com· puters as stand·in teachers will be demonstrated indisputably. He expects computer terminals to move into the classroom and the bottle and in 20 to 50 years become as common as the tefeptione; It could ' happen in a. shor(er time, in a decade, be said, if corhputer education becomes a national imperative. :bean Gerard foresees "a school without walls'! with individual students ccmnected to , a central computer from Lhhlr horn-es, clubs or places of work. He eye11 dreams of an all encompassing edtication 'arrangement that takes in the whole comm\Jnity, REFORM NEEDED Gordon sees a need to refqnp an educational system that graduates young persons "unable to read to understand, to write to be understood, or to do elementary calculations:" Both look to ·. the ~ornputer to personalize instruction for students who they expect will as a result be more likely to learn. "A computer is tlie nlost patient in- structor in the world ," says Jack King, director of Orange' Coast Junior College DistriCt's computer program. :Alluding to a payoff for patience, Klng commented that one child normally Jearns no more than twice as fast as New Supervisor '.aattm Takes · Office in Court .' \n a precedent-breaking mowe,Q First Distrid Supervisor-elect Robert W. Bat- tin was sworn in by Superior Judge Sam· uel Oreizen Friday. For 7S years new county officers ·have been s\vorn in by the county clerk in the supervisors' chamber!.· Judge Dreizen said he assumed Battin preferred a courtroom ceremony because or his leeal bacQround. The new &upervisor is ah attome_y. . ? FoUowing the swearing '" ceremony \h Depar1ment 1 of Superior Court. a '100 per coup~e reception and d_lnm;r "1ill be hekl 1n the new supervisor s bonor at a Santa Ana restaurant. Battin's assoc.iatu uld they expected 'PS to 100 per&ODs to attend. Proceeds re.,.,n.q!y will be.used lo pay ofl .BaUln'• <"l"l"lin •JIJIW" from the @rim•ry and pral eleedons. · Batti!l. i!UI . .assurv-e . 1¥• dutlea a1 tupervlsor next Tuesday morning. . . ' \ another and mually 'the difference ls a good deal less: He sald teachers often have to trick students to get a grade spread on tests. · Computers, these men point out, permit each stud~t to move as fast or slowly as his needs require and al.So provlde opportunity for students. to , Cfl.lch · up with work they might have missed. The computer men say the branching capacity of computers dfrects students who· have trouble at one level of difficu1ty to easier problems until they have mastered them. Conversely, studehts who breeze through their Jessom 8.re branch- ed ·to ever more difficult 'problems to challe.nge them to the limit ·oe .their ability. . -•\ , . PERSONAL ATIEN<JON A U~S. government educatiOn expert estimates that in today's crowded classrooms teachers can give ~rsonal attention only to the top five percent and the bottom five perceiit of their students., · 1be computer system :c·an. offer in- divklual instruction to every child in the classroom throughout the day, the compu~ advocates sfiy. Magic typewriters· are wired, by telephone, to a remote Computer that operates so fast it api)ears to each student to be teaching only him. 'ftte first thing the stud~l)t does is peek out his name on the ·typewriter. The co;nputer then seclrcbes its memory to dete'l'mine what Uie student did on his)ast fesSOn and wtyrt his lesson sh~ be this time. · The mltro$econd switching spud 'ot the computer's .mernory all9ws Jt , to teach whole classrooms of students, each a d_ifferent lesson, at bnce. ' The system is variously called "com- puter assisted instrudion," "computer aided learning" and derivatives. The term "teaching · machine" ts t~ because ·it implies teachers a.re to be replaced. They won 't be replaced, they'll be freed of much of the task o t . dissemiriating information, Gordon' s~. They then ~!II be able to concentrate an tea,chivg ·students 1','how to reasQD by sy"nthesizing information" -. lo short, how lo think. At µCI, which has a reputation for pioneering in computer instruction, com· puter tessona have been written Jn American biltory, mat be mat i c 1, genetics, taxonomy of fishes, 411d molecular biqlogy. ·A 11 introductory course! In llOCial sciences oiler some study units on the computer. ' Gordon •atect that last 1rprlng each UCl student had 0(1 the average IS minutes &I .aC«SS to a Computer·termlnal each week.' 'Qle aver:age time -has drop. pod some since, he said, becau•e. f\1• campus still Js 1n the t,broea of coaverttJ)g to a new thihf:generatkln coIDpultr lbi.l tia3 10 times the computlJlg capability of the qld one. . .• "Tile hardware chlngeover is ac· complilhed," he said, "but we'te still wrU1ng and depugging new pr~ams.·"; He said lhe computing facility sl&ff began tooling up for, the Changeover aJ.mO§t three years agp, soon after tbe first computer was lnstaDed. Bet'f~ UCI staff and employes of. the computu maiwfacturer, he uld, IO man yeara of work have gone b1to developln& .tbf Spiritual R~earch Lecture Scheduled • A t?ilrd and nnal lkturt ot a 8e1'1ea sponsored by the Splrttual Researfh Associates of Laguna ~ch will be :gtven a p.m., Jan, 10: al the women·• Club, 288 St. Ann'• Ortve, ~iuna Beach. Dr. Patricia Roclilaiid wW !P"'k '"' ''How to Break the Kinnie CyCle." Thi publlc Is lilvll<d. A dooidon II aaltecl. : .. . ' . progranui .. UCJ'• . investment, much . ot It· ·un- derwritten by the Camegit·<;oreoraUoo, ESSO Foundation, ·alid .IBM Corp., may be sprea<f to other !dlools: Iii U.. ·area. .A Ue.Jn· 'with· C>range · Coast Junior College District to form a rtoonaf com· puter edu~Uon servlct hu: been . ·~ proved ·and aq lppUcatl.on fOr a. federal grant soon . will be sub.milted, Gonion saJd. . . . OCC ii getting its own tbir.d=a:e~8tion computer. allliough I~ , sopl)lltjcated • than UCl'S .. U the grant is ~groved t~e two ..computing ~illtJes wm ~ avaJtabte: to· ·Oranae ·County a.;hool d!Stri~·91 ail !<v~!'o.ilCcpnnnt 10 !lliii. Teachers ~I Estfn<i• Hlgh. Schoo), in <;i>f\a ~;,and Lincolii lntennedlale SchOot, tn· carOna' dtt Mar, hav.t'.' ~" experii:n~tlng wlth coil)p¢er ln,itry.~011. Bui ii haa not .very Wldoly .pen<fiafed ~ow the college level in the OranaO Coast area yet. . INDMDUAL STYLES An advantege of compUier. lnstfuCtkin seen by Gerard· ii' ldiptablllty of Jeuo.111 to 'students•: individual· teamtng styles. Alternative tesaona can be wrttten presenting. the .niaterial ·vtrbaUyJor lhe analytically minded or graphically for those who lij(e pictures, by rtpeUtlon or by inviting , the student to take the Jead, in sm~ r;teps !>?'· by gr~ jlJJ:qps. Each stuQent ~n could· have 1n in- finitely·patierit tutor best suited to teach him acoordlng lo his lwn.lnl sti:l~. Gerard figures no one bas even remote- ly develojle•H1is mm pot¢faljllfi. lie said he )"ould guw maybe qnlY ~ ol human ,poteoUal has been reallied.· Specil/i\'lili;, lie said' fldier leamlng experiences such u can result from <omJIU!et. inst~· f!ifiht '~ increase: 1.he aiz~ of the bumm brain and \urn man· i,nlo a 1upe:nnln. GordOh · look! aliead · 10 the dily -of wrilt<fiieil con1putera for evuyoh.!.: 0 peopJe .wbuldn't:}\ave ta: lmow .. hd'w they work to wear them," he said. "How an automObile works Is ot no cop~· at: aJI . to· us "W~ ·we Want ~: !o ~~If;~' !'e.Juit 11•1 ll\ and Wbeth'er wrtst compu\er:1 ,ever ~ a reality or -not, ~rdon Is . COJ(\'hx;td some.aort of comput.tr 11.g9lpg to relle~ the aVerace min of many pedutnan task!. ' ' • . ' ' I ''. ·"That's one of ~the purposes. ot .educa-uoo -to enlarge· the: ·a:tena ol things we can 1lo Without think1nC ·about them," Gordon . 111.d. ' ., ' ; i ... , - I": ·z· " . T . • " f, . !.It' ;'.UJJne :. · ,o~ . .,. ~·.. I :, i,e~sy .. ~ • •• :-::. J ,!~--. • .1 ., • t~~·\nan,.w'1 the .Ian~~ li\e's;·.,i!i,\~ ·7 .. and. m~f~ly w!ll~ -wk 1n a1r1~. : .. I'! ~ the kldt,'-Mcl: .the. "-~ ·1t ,tbe. ~t , I hive tun wllb :, , . ·" 1 kl".~ how to 'flih , ~ ... :S~"··· .. _µ,.1r book~· .. ,..., ' 'I'\'~· ""'· . w uae ~,-. f ''-"·"'~' ~· • ,,,,;;, ,~.. . -' ~1 m · . .-.~t .".,..' so many· i-.~iM.JW:.IP 're alrakl to ·a•k qliellJOril 'sbmt----·· . ' q • ,, • "_, • The:,.~b .of the ~.lial .,~·-•mb;ed.wlth p&!bllo . relaUillli: patJeote'li!jll!ood i..nw-· , ,' ·: '"''"t'.~~·~!Jller, lo j>I~ '~' ' "~~.. . . · ' I .• 60Meolle on board t'1fl. . ~t .. \ "CoY hell> from a kli4<1. •It I' Ily 'the older' man · .... "'" .. ~ -~---"1F.'. r C ,~x,. ....... ._, •l\1cfs"':i:t ':' '~bin;:· One ••~ tb14:· ·,at me each llmo · I . ~·fl> . ht -" . ...<.-k """.'" a!ii'~d:1~1y:_•··' . -~".': ~ ."'\ : ·.~",iii,~ llil)~.~ ..... : ,~ .... ~ .... . al• •., {."', ~~ '1..:. ln-:..-t.'..A.' • ' '""v.e. .. m1u~""l'""··to"'" · hilr ·ll!Jik'.!. "P-. ·ia .th.ey''lm•U>een' · on. dl:4n't ·~Ve,a glfl ror a -deckhand. · ne, 11p8Ls ' her· day between studi~! at 1.N~wpqrt: ~arbor . High -School and .. fr: the other. bal,f. That's the 0.St ha .. : . · · i • • • .· • tJle,. Siudies are over she and her fanµly, Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Johnston a~a ybungtr brother, have a collective dream·., ~ ~ant to sail • S~uette around lbe· worJd. • . -· 1 . ''.Afttr t~ .I. ':".ai}t to l:!lv,e my own-· boat ...:...maybe a charter business. That would. be, really nice.", • ·' I l I • • ' ' • • ' ! Thea JQhnatoq will probably never stop dodglng'tho••,.ffying bus. SCRUBBING BOAT ALL IN DAY'S·WORK FPR THEA J6HNSTON l ' . -~ ........ · Jaek Bidwell's . l ) • ' L , ,, ·.:start-19()9-(Jff -wrong 'Clearance Sale! l . . ' ' -Muk-doW111 In ~'l""'°og .wlth 1969 abieadyf'\Vell,·mark·' -"191¥)i11Uke thete could ruin me. Ne:ver mind. In woman.'i thoj: · ~969--}1.;..m ·nothlog lo my •lore but 1969 $136dressesndW '$90 .goc>d'.:11iai1o why I've reduced every 1966 item ~ 120 drosses now $80 ''I it~J!:·(P,eeptst~plte, llko ..;hlte •hir!', blaek ll~ ~;::::·:: m . . -u...•~l; AU 11emo subject to pnor oale., $ 76 d'9sse .. now $50· .. Men'• doOUng, no charge for nomial. altera· $ 60 d"5;~ n.W'W>· tio111. ' ' _ .-::-' $ SO 'dresses ' now $30 . ~ton!Wiile elearince for men: • $ 40 dresses now l27 . ... :-· ··$ 33 dresses now $21 $ 30 drm&s now $19 $ 28 dresses n_o'I( $11 $28 tennis dresses $18 $2'6 tennis dresses $16 . $20 te(l<lis dresies.$13 $18 tennls dresses $11 .. . . ' ' . . ., . , " '. . - .... . • • .. ,J ' ' . .. " ' j ' • I ------------. ' 4 DAILY Pll.OT . Pulpit and _ Pew Discussrtio E Earn Halo, Follow Free Clinia . ' 1111o New Yw'1 oennoa olalod It -CllriJU.. Clnrdt, thJi Wool\ ls "A Day at a Time ln 1961," to be deli-by Dr. D. W. ~. Tbe _,au.., moela. at llatper Eltmen!JrY S<boo1. as E. latb SI., Coota M ... day evtnlnc, Jan. 17, with a bullet dinner. The camp conlinuet -untll Sunday neon, J8j1. 19. ble cluleo will meet at .1,111 a.m. Series Set On Ra~ism These Resolutions Proposed ·~ In Laguna·~~ Church IChool II held al 1:41' &.Jll. and wonhl_. munloo aervl<t bqW ~at 11:11. NuntrY care Is I'll> •lded. 1 1~ Road to New Adven-ture" .la the eennon for 10 o'clock Sundl1 m o r D l n I eenlce:I at Pl1m•1t• c.cnca-Qlardl • I N...,.n Bartlor, :na Broad St., Newport Beach. Sunday llChool II held at the -time. Babysitting aervl<t II provided. Rqu1ar Sabbath services for temple Belli David al Onap C.Uty, Will be held Friday, 1:15 p.m. at the c.m. m U n I I y Coopqatiooal C2>urdl. KaleDa llJd llloom-fleld, Loo Alamltoo. Jlabbl Bernard B. Goldamlth wm apeu on Mordecai Kaplan and -Jlldalan. SUadaJ, ''Life Beglnl at IO" Club meets at t p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mra. Mu Nudebllan, -A •• DI d a Clrmel, Cyprffa. A bnmch and bowllni m,.... Ing II allo iet for '!'ample Beth David famllle1, Sunday, t : 46 a.m. JWervationa can be placed with J o r d a a Ehnllkranz, 431-llll, A l Selnick, $17.elo7 or Seymour Plur, 431-8711. David Wood, 111l1tant pestofr ol Wa.ristr .,\Yeaue Bap. Ult Cll'llralt. Warner Avenue and Gothard street, Hun- tiJlllon BM. wUl direct the Junior High Wtnterama Camp at Forest Home in the San Bemardlno Mountains. Jlllllor lUgh aged . YOUJlil"'1 will begin their camp aeaaioa Fri- Niner Winter Camp for ninth grade otudenll will be held Jan. 10-ll. Re&latratioo fee for eacb camp II $11.50 which lQCJuda .a meala, lodging eM lnlurance. For further ln- lcnnatlcn ·call the cburch of· flee 111-'IGIO. Mcrnlils worship al II o'clock at Fbi& B a 't t 1 t Clwdl and day school, 301 MllJ'IOJJ.a, Coltl Mesa, will be hlghllgblld by the aermon "Watch Your Btgirurlnp~' "The Great White Throne Judgment" is the sermon topic for the evening service, 7 o'clock. Thll Sunday evening Is youth nlpt and tbe mvi<e will fealllH special music aod 1esumoo1 .. by young people. C.lebraUnc the Epiphany, mtmbe:ra of. auttt Luta.eru Chudl, 760 Victoria, Costa Mesa, wW be suved com- munion at the 8: 15 and 11 a.m. services Sunday. The Rev. Lothar V. Tornow will addreu tbe congregaUon on "We Have Seen His Star." New church officers will be lnatalled at the II o'clock service. Sunday school and Bi- Sunday worBhlp at the l:lun- u.,toa-Valley Bapllst Clluldl, '179 Slaw Ave., Founlain Valley, be&IJ!I with Suoday ICbool cluael for all qe1 at 9:'5 a.m. Eleven o'cloci: wonhlp oervlce follows. Youth choir meeta 11t 4 p.m., youth hour la held at I p.m. and evcninl wonhlp II at I p.m. Mid-week aervl<t 11 held Wedneaday, 7 p.m. Nursery care la provided for all servlcea. Comrpunlan services will he beld Sunday, ' a. d 10,30 a.m. with Put« Henry E. J-speaking on ' •A Minister'• Credential&" a t Ceatral Bible CbwU, 23rd Strett and Orange Avenue, Costa Mesa. At the evening service, 7 p.m., Pastor Jones will conWnue h1a studies on th• Book of Acta. Communion will be olfertd at both the 1:30 and 11 a.m. worship services Sunday at the Newport Harbor Lutlttran Cllurc._ wi th Pastor George J. Busdlecker dtllvtrlng the communion meditation. The newly elected church council will be inltalled at both hoW'I. (Sff PULPIT, Pa1e S) . By J,OUIS CASSELS "Racism and U1,"· an tn. u'• ••11• ....... depth studr and clilcuii1cm Ntw Year'• NIOIUtlom for a mtddle-aged aerlel baaed on the Kf,1W linner: CQnunllllon Report, will lltflbl , During the Wednetday, Jan. I at '7:30 coming year, p.m. at St. Mlcbael'• and All I w 111 no1 Angel' Episcopal Cb u re b, speak audely 3323 Pacific View Drive, or bru.squelf Corcm del Mar. lo 81\Y person -such-as a Open lo all, the too-week waller or buo PN>lr&m will offer qutllfled driver -who 1peakm from a cross section can't amwer me In klftd -.-fth. of races and backgrouncls who <>11 Jepol'dlslni his Uvellbood.' will give their analyses of the -I wW try at leut once each racism Issue. Each session day to offer an unexpected will consist or 1 play, lecture, complimtot to aomeooe who or panel u a springboard to can't do me any good. group dJacussion. I will bear with my wife'1 annoying bablta U P'ICiOUllJ' Opening the series will be as I ezpect bet to bear w:ltb Mafcom Boyds' play, "A Study my· minor imperfectloos. in Color." Subsequent Wedn~ ·· I will not eondlmn a fihole day evenings will deal with class of people (atudtnls, teen- !UCh topics as "Cause of Ghet· agers, i·u•-. government to c.mdltions," "Discontent in ..... workers, docton, preacben, the Ghetto," "Nature of Civil television newsmen} for the Disorder," "White Racbm -outrageous acts of speclfi.c ln- AWtudts and Institutions," dlvidual!. I , will remmber • • B I a c k History a n d that the.re are. student.s ~ho Conlclousne!S/' i.!Future of don't riot, teen-agen wbo don't Race Relations," "Con.slruc· smoke pot, government work· t i v e AlternaUvee," and en who don't loaf, doctors "l"uture of God '• People." who don't overcharge, p~ en who aren't hypocrites, tel- evl.sion newsmen who are res- ponsible reporters lns1ead al earn.Iva! performers. I 'Will stop telling" younc people their m113lc Is a clang· ~noise and ad!nlt It mlabt be at leul on a par with llich eultural treuures of my youth .. '"lbree IJttle Fllhei ln in !tty.Bitty Pool" .. ,,,. Music Goel Rouod and """"'1" and "Malrzy dolt.a." Wbeoever I am templed lo cr1llclze anyone -and in pub- lic life or among my )X'ivate uqualntanc:a -I'll remem· ber "1:at JOS\11 1ald about God Judlln&· uo with uaclly the aame leniency and cbarity we UM In OU7 Jud&menls of oth-en. I will resist tbe sin of glut- looy by rl(oroua!Y enforclnc • five-mtnute Interval between the Ume ·t clean my plate and the time I decide whether I really want a second helping. Wiien Negron say harsh Plans to open a free In Laguna Beach f ... people of the Soutb will be dlacuaseil at tbe SU d1,y momJng meeting of Unltarlan-Uniwnat f Fellowahlp ol !.a""'8 • The meeting will 'be ~ at 10:~ a.m.· at tbe ~ Auoclatlon Gallery. Dr. Arnold Hoffmin, a nl- dent of Laguna Beach, wllo practices medicine In Bellllower. and David Wlllte. allo a realdenl of ''Lquu Beach, will tell of the planr •• 1o The propooall not only ... volve a free medical · cllrlld; but a cuUural center for i:irea ject.s IUCb p · art. cl•""' mua:ic and rellgiOUI aervicel.4 The publlc II tuvlled to the meeting. , 'l'bere will be· na evening meeting thiJ weeb Evening meetlnp wm "°°"" mence nut Sunday, Jan. lt. !bing• about while people and ... ,._, v• .4:..::. make mreme demands or r ..., 11S·•-•· S tht<ata, I will bear In mind . that they have endured great TOlll'I ,,. condudeO ~ .,. U lo l•-· I ,,,..n tw tct1oo1 ci..-flf flfll'I provoca. on for a ng uuc. ,,_. ""'1 .,... ~ • °"*' •· will keep remloding myself 1...iu~ t1' '' "'8t n.t -......, ... '"'""""" ....... _., c-lf ""'· {See CASSEJ3. Pac:e 5) Dud'-" 1tldl, '4Mllll. •xt. 111 • ORA NGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY . : FAIRVIEW IAPTIST CHURCH ,.,..,_ hH _, Pill' ~ C.M. 10 A.M. WORSlllP SERVICE t A.M. SUNDAY (HUll:CH SCHOOL f.:• p~ Jr, HI a Sr, HI l•ttsf Ytoitll F•ltwtlllp 81!wl ,.,.,. W .. J:OO • 111$ PJA. ....,, ... "·,..,.., _ ..__, cw. -...... ,. (A.l.C.J ' HAUOR TRINITY IAPTISl CHURCH IDa -If, • -· C:.. -am '°9LTAJICL ...... ·I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES HllNC"d OP '"' M01NP !:llUICH THI flW CHU-CH OP CHlllT, ICllHTtlT IN IOITON, MAllACH~ITTI ''GOD" Subject of Lesson-January 5 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH W1lcames You. ST. JAMIS, J20f Yi. Ullo, Newpert ..... SulHloy S-kn-7:JO, 9:00, 11 :00 Tllftday 101JO-n.nffy 1:00 '·"'· ".., ............ __ lecter, T• ln. Jo .. P. AUley II: Aue., 1\e -..,, h'fW er..., Phone: 675-0210 ST. MICHAEL I. ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del 1tlar Sundays: 8'00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy-Days as announced ,1 ' Lutheran Church of the Master 2900 Pacific View Dr. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2501 Clllf Dr. LI 11-4293 1\e ....... Je .... G. llal1, Pat•• ........ -J.-I CORONA DEL MAR DR. WILLIAM R. ELLIR Phone OR W022 --W•~· ... ,,,Ice """ •1»t1Jt •·"'-I ,.....,_ kMM ...... t14l-ll'U t.111. •-1111 WYke .... 111 .. ltt• Nursery care available 1! at all aervices 1 1 WELCOME 1 1:45 A."'4 • ...:.F•rnify Wenhi, 9:45 A.M.-S1111d1Y Cht.treh Sch••' 11 :00 A.M.-ftrli'f'• Wenlti, N.,_, PrnhW &undo1 School t :'5 a.m. Mon>lng Wcr1hfp ll:OO a.m. Baplflt Tralnlnl Ulll.cm 8 p.m. Evenln1 service 7 p.m. We4nuda1 Bllllt Studl a. Prayer ........... 7,00 p.m, I hctw, TM ....... .I••• • ...,. Dnlt -....... 644..o46J COiia Meta -Finl Church of Christ, Selaol11t Sf. JbHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. •'. CHRIST LUTHIRAN CHUICH 211o .... ,.,. Dr., CNhl .... Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Missouri Synod S.fl4kr SdtHl-t11J A.M. Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.·, Holy Days.., anno"nced 11 760 Victoria St.., Coetl Meq ca.cli Ser+i11 11 A.M. " I Lothar V. TorMW, Pa1tor a.Mlitt lMa. 2111 ..... Y.rM Dr. Yfur, TM lft'. Je•• W. Doul41e1 -,.o,.. 14l•IJ26 54l4404 · 'RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH . ~"';' 01 HAMl'-TON, COITA l!IUA i r:orT -a... lo!. Sch"'1lt1kopl I 1 EPISCOPAL W1nM" Sinlcu1 1111 a 11 A.Ill. s-..w lcMef: t;M A.M. Huntington Buch-First Church of ~hrlat, Scl1ntl1t 1 Adv11 11111t c1 •• , ti>e A.M. i;i 1 110 OIM "'::::::::::::::::::::=:::===========I CH•ISTIAN ILIMINTAaY SCHOOL 14Mla&· '""" w .. 1 , ••• , •• •:41 Trth1l"'t Union • , , , •••• , 6:00 W ~ l-t•nll'lt. Wonhlp , •••••• , 7:00 M.,.lttt •n"lll • • • • 11 :OD WH. hol'll119 Strvl1• , , , , 7i00 , ,._ MJ..n11 ,._, AtnJt ..,.....,_:. • I C...... I S..., klleel-9:JI I 1 I :00 r -.. ,. 111 """ ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 11 I L111un1 Btach -First Church of Christ, Sciontl•t 1111 st • ., c11...i .._ -'""_,",.iv. ""'" ' • Mlll'Jl .......... ell. Clllftnlt 611 H$p Dr. n. 11:..,, ,.,,. c. c.tf.-, l"Mttr C1Mc• • ....., Sctieel •ill • 11 :00 , Sunday Se-1•11 ...... , ..... 2 .. hmtitn. I ... l :lf A.M. Mlfr t'-UlllR ''" A.M. ,-lll'lllT StnlCI a ClllWtll ·,~i"''•....-1 .a _rir CHURCH Newport· hach-First Church of Christ, Scl1ntl1t I, ~·1: :·,:: := 11, .. A.M. .=:!, w....., UI I I llllf"" I lkil I 110 Yh I.We I y_,. Q....a.-H"'"" cart l'mfflll I Gt -.. .. uu ... L PAUIADIS ••• I a... ' s..., ...... t 111 • 11:00 1=:::::=================='.ill • --. SAttl'A AMA lfll•HTS a..4tllt -.. -. JJ11 Vie Liff rj a .. sc::r...,;; .. ;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.''~ ~.:; / Newport Beaeh-Second Church of Christ, Scl1nll1t I Fint Assembly of God Church · '" ._.,.,,. .................................... ' P.M. JIOO h&lfk Yhw Dr., c.r.11 4lel M• 146 E. 22nd St., COiia MHa 54'3761 MeDWaU 1•1tVJC• WWNllOAT , .. " ........... 111f l".M. v- IUllT Mourne· c:HllltCM PMOttl ~" 1! Chrdi I ......, Sc...._11 A.M. M. c. Cronic, Piator ~;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;i-;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j ...... •M--2161 I. c ..... Hwy. It 1\1 ' I PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN .CHURCH M11• y,,4, Dri"' I l•ktr Str1et, C111d1 M•t•, Ct lif. 4H01t•w. C. AHO•ll:JOH, ~-IW Morn l1'19 WDr~Jp; I I. 11 :15 1.m, Sundll' Sd!Oo!: t 1U a lC:IS •·"'· Prine;• 1f P1•ci• l11tf11r1n Sehool -Mi1t E1th1r Olien, Prlnc lp•I Offict Ph1nt : 549-0521 School 'h•n•: 149·01.2 HUNTINGTON HACH UNITED CHURCH Of RWGIOUS SCIBICE 420 10th St., Huntlnflon 8Hch h1My Menifl'lf S...lul u4 Y••t• Qu,.lt--11:00 •·"'· Wtclnt1clty f¥tl'lint Sl11dy Gr111up-7:l0 p.m. 1nint r.te, wr,.1sm ..._: 1Ja..2121 FIUT WTIST CHUICH FIRST CHRISTIAN I All.:.i•:~~~~~!~~·~eth:e~"::'a':!ces I ,.,,,r-e..,.. ·~~:,:~:'.'..~~~~'.~~:~.~:·.-..... ''" ..... CHURCH I .,..,. c.. ....... AT ALL SllYICIS '/ .... ,, w ................ "'" ...... ''" •··· Victoria & Placentia Ave. =;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]! Ch11reh Ch111ir -Sh•ri1 P111l1•11, Dir•cl111r :~~ A Cordial Welcome from ·-· .... --· 17411 .......... -·-• .,,. DMe ....... S."4tY Sdteel •• , • , , f:Jt AM M..-.ih11 Wer•htp •• 11tH AM P'rtyw Swvlce • , , , 6tll PM f,11'11111 Wenhh• , • , • 7!00 PM FIRST CHRISTIAN ~ YWNn WefcelM -NIHWf'Y Attftdol'll Costa Mesa CHURCH OF CHRIST I STATI UCINSU PH.SCHOOL-h•I wuu..., "''"'"' "-:""~,,...., I ,.He: 641·2323 • ...... "-I 217 w. WILSON ST. COSTA MESA ....... Mlllllftr ,.,.., w.,... .... ·· · · · · · •:• • ..,.. lnwDN HAUOI •IHI fAllYllW :.!":'.ni.i;··:::::.:: 1::: ~:: SUNDAY MOkNING lllLE STUDY ••• , ••••• , •••••• 9:45 AM JN=?.;-,°""',,ry· ... c:::a;,::.::::P::,.:.:vl: d; !:T: I suHDAY Mo,,NtN• woRsH1P 1 coMt.1uN10N •• 10:•5 At.t .._. cu SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP •••••••••••• ,.•••·• 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING. lllLE STUDY , ••• ·•••••••• 7:30 PM 14M771 14MJ41 NUISllY CAii HOYID•D O•eae 0 . Mqfl914 Mh1bter Phone: 548-5711 D. G. Hint Aueci.te Ml11l..., Day or Night m11tlnt It EJ Harbor Area Reform Temple St. J1m11 Epi1cop1I Church 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beech SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL U.a11 laH L•IHOW FOii IJlll'OtlMATIOH1 CALL '7J.MCI I THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH lttb1• l1l111d COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 1t5 At••• 675-o•so l ;IS lnform1I W111rihip 9:]0 Tr1clition1I W111t1h ip I S1111cl1y Scho•I Cotti Mt1• H1111tingto11 l111111eft-Nerl~ • COMMUNITY MnHODIST CHURCH 6662 Htll ""•·• .142 ... 461 Worthip I Chwtth Seheof 9 I 10:30 AM lrvlne-E1rl lluff UNIVERSITY MnHODIST CHURCH OIURCH Mein & Ad1m1 Str•1ts Huntington Bo•ch Morl'lf111 W1nhl, •• 1:)0 10145 li•I• $theef , •••• .911 0 Ii Wt 1,11,,,, 111 Y&11 ... UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH CORONA DEL MAR I GLAD TIDINGS i ASSEMBLY OF GOD FIRST UNIRD MnHODIST CHURCH 19th St I Httbor 1!1,,d. Wouhip I Ch1rch Scho111I 9:10 I I I AJ.4 541-7127 Wor1hip •••• l :lO AM 1ll-121l t.111tin9 t•111p111rttliy 111 St. Marlr Ptt1byttri111 Church E•tlbluff Dr. I Jtmbot•• Rd. I 1259 Viet111ti• Su<w:11vs 10:30 A.N,. St,. C1111t1 Mt1i 646-4652 ~lYo~o~n~5<!'!''!'~"~'~''!'o~oiP!M~j~~~~~~~~~!~~ f't•11l111 W-.hl, •• 7:00 PM ............ _ ..... _,, ... """'"' eo... ....,..., • '' """" (mphostilo1 Oftlc:er m..-.. OIM ~ The Plln of God TM Ptnon of Christ The ro~ of the Holy Spiiit ,1 GO AHEAD! SLEEI' IN SUNDAY MORNING! ,... ........ 2tll ........... ,.,.,.... • CALVARY CHAPEL " .............. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 1111 Cltlt om... ~ at1dl v.. 1191 fllt Glrtl4fllll UW. S.... l.i. TIMMlt9. ... lflVfriltl OWHt M9ik. ,.....,. Ql-.4 .... ltFI I ttllt '"'*"*""' Cllwc• ...... "" CM_, ............ ~ .... 642.671l 646-9512 Clr.ri.6lian I Sund1y Sdlool ') Ml I Mornin1 Wor1hlp ! •rid 'W>:)O AM lwn.lna Stmtw 7 PM \VttlnHdl)' l!ble St!ldy 1rtd P1.ryer 7 PM I NIIMI}' d11rln1 MrviW A fwll Youth Program Cm. of Orange and llnl. SL 1,1 eo. .. Ma.o ru1« H. t. JOMli ua. Mir. 1~ COMMUNIJY COllGRE6ATIOIW. • 611 HELIOTROPE Wel'llllp-IOIOI A.M. Chtcli ll••el 1 tM A.M. Or • ...,., .. -.... ..... Miit ......, ..... o..c .. . 6n.4000 S.v•nth·Day Adventist Chmrchs • , ., ' ' 15th & Monrovia , Newport Beach I fil IJih Wftf _., ... ., Ht1•ft11l 646-6620 or 546-7866 Ce1te M111 North L1.,w111 leteh LAGUNA HACH MITHOOIST CHURCH 216J2 w.,1.., 0r 111 ''*"'' atllVtl\ltl, l"•tw -""' Mii"'• Mwlcel Oll'fUll' I 9:41 A.M. -11...,. kliffl MESA VERDE MnHODIST CHURCH 11:10 A.M. -"llile DMrty ~ ...... ef tk Len! .. SI•,,_ Or Ptrtlllr at..wnlrtl 1:'10 P.M. -YHtll Stnlc•, De1 M""'9y, Dlrwcter 7:00 P.M. -"1.-t•'• •reet.1t ,,....,. .. St,,1'1011 by P1dor li11¥tn11tl W"1. 71JO -IH 1"4 cntlluN •• ,.,.._.,.. WltMul11t • Cr.Ir will M Sltttlfll tt Miii 1....r11 S•rwlc .. ,.,,.,.,, M•ttin9, S1turdty, 7:10 P.M HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD I · 740 W. Wilson, C01t11 Mesa Y. L HllTWICL ...,_ •· UI DON COffll'. 14M714 M51W. ef Male & YMft . MO•NIN• WOlSHIP 10:10 A.M.-"Wl .. let TN Prbe 11 lf69" St t11111111 by Pttler 1tff P.M-"Te Tell .... TNtti -,, •• Ulit tllhl" S''""'" by F'1tl1r COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ,,,..Sdltel -~...-. -I...., -ClllN C.rt M11111 V..-de I ltk•r St, 149-2119 Wonhip I Ch11tch Seh111tl 9100 I IO:JO AM St. Ltg11ne Worship 9:10 I 11 AM Ch11reh Scht111I •:lO AM 4''·lOlt H11ntin9t11111 lt1ch Newpert l1teh FIRST UNITED CHRIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH IY THE SIA 2121 17til St ..... iJ6.JSl7 1400 W. l11b,, 11.c1. Set,,ic..1 -f:JO I 11 '·""· 671-JIO& N11r11ry tfl tu 2nd t r•d• • I I W111t1:h!p I Chv•ch Scheel • Ch11rch Sehotl -9:30 1.m. •:10 I 11 :00 AM 1r-===-~~--~=~ , PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES ' ! of the Coastal Areas Christ Ch11rch Presbyterian 2DTIJ .. ...., .. fN ... MeNJ Hntiltf'H .._. Dr. "-tch Ml.Ole*, ..... ,.,., 111Hfey Wentil,: 9:l0 AM Ctlwdl StH.11 10141 A.M. Offke JI 5 Jl"lll St. PkM: IJM1J9 Church of the Covenant ZllO Ile'"'" IMll, C.n .. ._ "'"· Dt1111114 I. "'41cl~"''· lnttrlm Pt1f1t • Su-4ey W.,,..t, & C.....U s.c...i: t :IO p••1111 14MJl4 St. Andrew's Pre1bvterlan Church ,,. $t ............ """"' ..... CHAaLIS HlllllY DllalN,.ILI, PAITOI: W ... I QwU ..._,,I. t1JI I 11 AM • '46--TI47 St. Mark Presbyterian Church Ce,.., .......... 1...Wltft' "'"· c ......... Jallln .... "' lflfl. ~ w ...... ,. c-... ~, .... "'4-1141 Community l'resbyterlan Chllrch 411 ,.,.. A--1 .. 2Mf St.J, L.tJtue ...... DALLAS TUINll, ,AJToa Wrilf I Clllnll lchel t ill AN W.....,_11 AM 49Wlll '· ~ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... -~----~---·~ ..................... ~ .................... ___ Saturdty, JltlUl/Y 4, 1969 VULRIT AND PEW .•• Religious Scientists Pl~Meet Horoscop e Lectures (c..tla ... fr. Pqe I) '1'1>e d1arck.l• localed al ltll Cliff Drlvl . Dr llillon. ........... w1t11' tlW :ii 11 ltu r• ~-Of The<apeuUc oycbolotlY Iii illluta Ana, will speak on ~llellgloo and Esperlence ln Creative lmecurity" Sunday. 10:30 Lm. at S•atl•1• \Jaltarlu Ua.lvera1ll1t l'eUonblp, 2025 N. Broa'dwiy, santa Ana. • ·Church acllool also meets it thla hour. An Informal iilacuasion and coffee hour will f!Jllow the aervlce. v " "Peace?" ls the sermon aubject at St. Mkb1el'1 ud .. Aqela' Epbctpll ~urdl. 3233 Pacific View Drive, Carma del Mar this week. '1'he Rev. John Boge.rs Davis, will preach at both com- tnunlon ~ricu, I and 9: 30 a.m. ~ Manday, a special com- munion will be oUere:J,,at 7:30 p.m. aa part of the Pew;t cf Epiphany. Communion will be celebrated at 8:45 and 11 a.m. Sunday flt the Lui•eran Church of the Ma1ter, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Dr. William R. Eller will deliver a message tilled "From Rags to Riches" based on Samuel 2: 1-10. Officer• and e om mitt e chairmen ·for the Litthtran Church women -will be m. stalled at the 11 o'clock iervice. group me<ts at I •'cloct; and at 7 p.m. the evenlog RCVica begln.s. • The 'Womel\'i club will ... a film on llalU'9! !to•t"1J p.m. Monday mj<tlq. 11ie . members wW •lsll.llillUlll""J l--11~ Buch Convale,...t Hnopltal Tuesda)'.. The Rev. R11&er G • Be!aworlb wm preacli ii botJi t and 10;30. a.m. communion services Sunday at Co.ID· mWlltj UaJt.ed Mel la od l1 t Chu.rda; 662 }!ell Ave'"' ffi.m. ttngton ll<ach .. Cburcb IChool and nursery care .are held at. both how'1: ' ' Tb e Architects" contlnues: to meet at 10:30 a.m. in the church chapel • Meeting at· 7 p-.m., the Methodist youth fellowablp groups have a program of devotions, service, educaUon, music, fellowship and recrea· llJ'4.! ti on. ,...'-'.1 Preaching. at 9:30 and 11 ~=~==~=:::~:::::::::::::=::::::::::'.::::~ a.m., the Rev. G. Russell Shaw will ipeak on "The Cynic's New Year" Sunday at First Ulll&ed Me.Utoctist Chu.rcb, 2721 17th St., Hun- tington .Beath. Church school meets at both hours. Nursery care is also provided at both services. Colle ge S tudents Like To Study Religion tibra: ~Remember ·ser for ·Pledge on BUdget W 9men . The First Cbriltlan Church .. The 1969 National Coo· venllon of the United Church SUND. A Y, Don't compourul error. Loot of Jlellglous S<ltnee w1U con-vene 1n Los Angeles, Jan. 6-9. beyond lmmedJat.e tndicaUon."I'. The Rev. Erneat pa 1 e, :JANUARY 5 Your potential ta .,.at enpug1t mJpJster: of the Huntlo.gton to arouse envy. 1 Beach United Church of By SYDNEY OMAllll • .i~ Religious Science, will be ••The wise man control• his SAGm'AAaull' (Nov •. Ji. among . the c 1 er l .Y.m en Dec. ll): Good lunar a!pect throughout the coontry who destiny .•• Astrology points today colncldes with clla~ wllt attend. the way.'' to break ·from~ -restrictionl, What was unknown c a n Accompanying lbe Rev. ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19): become cryBtal.cleat. Move Pate as ConvenUon delegates AcUve day. Your opinions are with con!Jdeftce.-Build, strive and alternates from the con-........ ~,. Chana es occur. n.... for advancement. gregalion will be Mn. William """&'' ''6 ""'Y" Bruce, Mrs. Roy Walburg, pos)te &el" finds you attractive. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Mrs. James Starr, and Mrs. Children depend upon you for 19): 'Aggressive friend could Viola Williams. ~ entertainment People look to attempt to rush you into The convention center will you as eXample. Be confident. be Founder's Cburth, • Los decision. Don't do anything Angeles, home of one; of the TAURUS (Aprll 21).May 21)) ~ lo oUend mate, partner. Show I Ji r g e s t metaphyslcal con-Argument about domestic con-consideration for one who has grtgations in the world. d1Uons should not be permit.-displayed loyalty. You_'U feel Meetings, workshops, and led to get oUt of hand. Means better. exploratory ses&ions will be control emot.ions. Adhere to held in the Holmes Memorial facts, not fantasies. Strive for AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Chapel and .the large social harmony. Make concession to 18): Obtain hint from center or Hornaday Hall. Also family member. CAPRICORN message. Accent otlllzed will be the Yooth and on public re I at lo n s, ar- AcUvllies ~ter, and various GEMINl (May 2l.June 20): rangement and plan made assembly rooms in the Study TAURUS mes 1 age· witlt loved one. A!fection 1 n ternalional Headquarters Slight confusion exists due to displayed by one who means of HunUngton Beach, llD'1 Main St, will p,....,,t a 1- ture series by educator Dr. Dorothy Kelater as part of Jts "Miulon to Women" pro- gram, beginning Jan. 12. Following is a list of the lectures and timel!I tlfey will be presented ' Sunday, Jan. 11 -8:30 and 10:4S a.m. church gervlce.s - "Human Price Tags." 2~ p • m • 1'Christfanity· and Juvenile Delinquency.'' A1onday, Jan. 13 -1 :45 p.m., "How We Foster Delin· quency in Our Homes," 7:30 p.m., "The Best Dressed Woman." Tuesday, J an. 14 -1:45 p.m .. "How \Ve Foster. Delln· quency in Qu'r Churches," 7:30 p.m., ''Priceless AnUt1ues.'' Wednesday, Jan. 15 -1:4S p.m., ''Proble,m Parents : Problem Children." 7:30 p.m., "The Bargain Counter." Thursday, Jan. 16 -6 :45 p.m., "A Woman's Hand." B ·idin u n sub 11 ta ntiated report. h to ee·1 brat afUutllfl tttwt Wvk• clergymen," he said, "but w g. I · wh · ·1 ·led muc you. e e.- There will be luncheons Monday ,lbrough Wednesday, 1 to J :4S p.m. OUier activities for the church include: youth groups, Swxiay, 6:30 p.m.; board of ~cation, Monday, 6:4.5 p.m.; •diilisila~ve board, Monday, 7:30 p.m.; Bible study and prayer group, Tuesday, 9:30 a.m.; Marjorie 11iomp!CJIICir· cle, Thursd,y, 7:30 p.m. The theme of the convenUon Re ative o 15 east y exc1 College students may not most take courses in religion Is "The Age for Truth.'' makes miscue. Main ta In PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) =,1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;miJ be going to church as much ~thuse ~~eir fascinaUon The formal banquet, on the balance. Av l> id wild-goose Neighbor may remind you of a1 thel( have in past years WI Ute ·" eventng of Jan. 9, will con-chase. promise or borrowed product. but they seem to be more Dr. Cante~on ad?~ that he elude this year's convention. Give benefit of doubt. Spiritual interested in religion, ac-doe& not believe this tncreased CANCER (Jllfle 21-July 22); insight obtainable. Adhete to conting to Dr. John __&. ~·lntelJecijial interest in religk>n You c:ould receive investment golden rule. Wile person takes Cantelon chaplain and direc-means increased church af· L h tTp of value. Young person you lnto his confidence. tor of the School of Reliaion filiation and attendance by ut erans is creative and deserves AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEMS? A service will be cooducted at IO a.m. Sunday at C«oaa del Mar Community Cburcb Congregational, 611 Heliotrope Ave. Dr. Pbllip G. Murray will pre&ent a sennon titled "Where Do We Go From Beginning the E p i p h a n y season with morning worship at 10;30 a.m. Sunday, the Lutheran Chur<?b of die Rtsar· rectton, 981% Hamilton, Hun- tington Beach, congregation will bear Pastor Arthur R. Tingley speak an 1 ' T h e Wisdom of Re ve.re n c e .' Nursery car• is provided. Church school meets at 9 a.m. With classes for all ages. ~ . Std ARIES IF TODAY IS YOUR al the University of Southern college students. Rather, he pr31se. u Y message. California. believes, church attendance by Off . N Be understanding_ You are in BIRTHDAY l-'OU are due to,\1.---------,lf! Dr. Cantelon, in a USC press coll~ge 1~ents is on the . er ew pasition to better yoursell make adjustmerit which works CAL L 67~650 - release, says that nearly every decline largely because the financially. to yoor advantage. Could m-11 ,_H_&_H_l_N_S_U_RA_N_C_E_, I major college and university churches have proven so Sched ule LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You volve Property value. in the country reports ''a monumentally resistant to are able to shake of restric-w Hl!ltOTlloP11 -co.-. ... M•Msr H , •• ' -' .... ChJld care and Sunday acbool will be available at the 11ame hour. ch" ... "e and are regarded as GENERAL TENDENCIES: c11111111<1 Port TllNteJJ startling" increase in the ....... 16 • • .. Uoru. Burden you have been I!~~:;;;~;;::;~:;;;~;;::;~ number of studenta registered JU.st plai.n bormg . ..J Starting !;unday, Prince <If carrying is lifted. Finish pro-Cycle high for LEO, VIRGO. in credit and non~ credi t Peace Lutheran Church ject. Avoid premature start. Special word to AQUARIUS: The arinual congregational meeUng. will be held Jan. 12, 7 p.m. courses in religion studies, located at 2987 Mesa Verde Fulfill promises, obligatiQns. You get boost ·rrom one who BUSINESS AND "Young people have con-CA.SS ELS Dr!,ye, Costa Mesa, goes into Red tape due to be cleared. only recently opposed YO:U· E S ONAl t'·nued to show an increasing 1 • • a four-service schedule, three Be oplimistic. To i1nd' out Who'• luckv 1or vou PR.OF S I I th ' 8 9 30 d 111 moner. .\lld '°"'• ordef" 5Ydnl!Y · Interest in religion since the n e mom1ng, , : an OM11rr'1 ll(IOl!lll, "S«r1t 11111ts '°' GUIDE (ConUnued from Page 4) 11 o'clock and an evening VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): M,: ~n0,,;:-~:·0~~ ,tU,~11ate · end o{ World War II," Dr. th 1 ·r 1 bl k I'd -• serva·ce at 7 o'cl-k. Tendency is to be lighthearted. l~cr~11. ,,.,. oA''i~ PILOT, B~ :n'T.1._ ___ ..,,.~~~-""':! Cantelon said. "Now, with the a 1 were ac • pruu-""' · S 1 1 kl ~r9f\d c1fltr11 110011. N1w YorM.f• ably be pretty angry and ob-There will be three Sunday ome accuse you o ac pg N. v. 10011. e MATTRESSES • deve.loplng new freedom al · f K 1,::::::=======:;1;~-;~~;;;;:;...-;· streperous myself. school sessions during the seriousness o purpose. ey C o m m u n l on will be spirit and with intellectual I will keep a tight grip on worship h o u r s to ac· is to be charming. Display MATTRESSES celebrated at both the 6:30 curiosity 1ar1 ousedstudm~~ than my temper when someone in commodate the grow Ing talents. Be original. Have faith BOATS. HOMES. Tfl&D.nvl The annual Epiphany page.ant will be presented at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at St. Wtlfrld's Episcopal Cburch, • Ellis Avenue, Huntington Beach. A communion service will be held at 8 a.m. and morning worship at 11 o'clock. Evensong will begin at 7 o'clock. · AU Sunday school classes will ,be held at 9:30 a.m., not at the usual hours of 9:30 and 11 a.m. and 10 a.m. services at St. ever, co ege e,_ are social conversation expresses number of members. in your own motives, goals. ,J(i,iiij4iiilljf, IJTeplar SbaPN _ John the Divine Episcopal plunging into deeper, mTbore what I regard as a stupid The church was organized UBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): •••• ••••••••••-Coeta l\,Jeu M11~Co. l Church. 2043 • Orange Ave., probing religious study. ~ opinion -about Vietnam, re-in May 1960 and has now Follow hunch pertaining to c..,i... Prtltfttt II.Ml Ntwport:.ft\ta. Costa Mesa. Sunday achoo! are seeking the answer,i ligioo, pro football Of' any oth-grown over a thousand strong favor for fr iend. Remember s-k• I Liberty 8-1303 classes ate at 9:30 a.m. two all-important questions: er subject I take seriously. I with a Christian day school J ti bout b d t Sh Monda)', communion 'Who am I' and 'What ~ the will count to'ten before reply· or Z53. The church and school nso u on a u ge · are SERVING "THE j • UPHOLSTERY e services will be held at the meahin·i:"heof mdidy I!?' '.' iDg to give myself time to re-has a.paid staff of 24. =~~~~~~· ~;:id ::lis~ea~f; PUBLIC 41. the Bible l e s s .D ,ii. • ·setrJ'tOP. tJ.tled 11G9d" to be read in all . Orange County art1tlan Science churches thts Sunday are found familiar passages from the accowtt of Daniel. "T!)en the . king com· manded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him Into the den of lions. Now the king •pake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver sam.e.,1!1nes1_, . • W e give any member tbat it is Just barely Besides Pastor Andrew cares does nol want you to i ·na1tiooal,..~~s~~cs, 1Dr ~ -~t po11ible be may be right and Anderson there are two youth . overs~-' A~DTRADE "Tell it Lik; 'tt y " ·11 .. te on n......,.. ."'l"'t a .P~ l may be wrong. directors, Ray Rempt of .,... ..... . e s WI more than 8 percent ol the UCLA and Kenn Gulliksen of SCORPIO (Oct. ZS.Nov. 21): Phone 642-4321 be the title of the message 6 000 studenli enrolled irl ju!t ~~~d:~u~{ee~al~ k= Southern California College. Sense of humor is great ally 2211 W. Balbot Blvd. to be delive~ed by the Rev. Usc•s College of Letters, Arts ing even half or these resolu· Miss Esther Olson is principa] today. Many you are in con· James. E. Piercy to the con-and Sciences ar.fl, taking elec-f of the day school. tact with display temper. Newport 8'ach gregat1on of First Cbrtstlan live religion courses. ,_cc'""'=·------------'-------~urc~ of Costa ~esa, .• At the beginning ot this",--------------------,1 V1ctor1a at Placentia th_is semester, he said, 541 studenbll: week. Pastor Piercy will enrolled In these cour~s. and 1.1peak at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. many others had to be turned thee ••• "So Danlel was taken up During the v~sper hour at away. By comparison, IS ?. p.m. he will ~~ on years ago USC had only 35 Wort.by of Our Calling. student& in its f e 1 i g i o n out of lhe den, and no manner The Church of t b e of hurt was found upon Wn,. er IJ'Oad · ti ·11 •··au•• he believed in his °' '· congrega on wi courses. "A ! e. w Wldergraduate students will &o on t o 11eminaries and b e c o m e Lii:\; ""' J'lear the Rev. Dr. Vincent God." Gottuso Jr., preach on "The Related passages from the Life of Faith" Sunday, 11 a.m. denominational textbook will The church meets at tile include the f o 11 o w i n g : Chapel, 3500 Pacific View "Citizens of the world, accept Drive, Corona del Mar. the 'glorious liberty of the ---------- 'Bea Mo nk Fo r Month' GRAFFIT I by Leary ' children of God,• and be free! 'Thil is your devine right" '(Science and Healtl), with Key to the Scriptures by Mary GLASGOW, Scotland (UPI) Balter Eddy). -A "be-a-monk-for-month" plan 11 to be introduced next Meeting at the S en I or summer at a 13th-Century CiUzem Center, 15th and -Benedictine monaitery in the Irvine, Newport Beach, the ScotUoh hlgltlandll Newport; Unity C b a r e b · The Catholic Press Office con~atlon will hear the announced PIUscaiden Priory Rev. Loren Dale Flickinger would open its doors .to men 8peak on "The New You" Sun· "to help them decide whether day al 10 a.m. God ls calling them to the monutic order." ''What Religious Science ""i¥%J~ For periods up lo a month 'Teaches'' Is the sermon slat.ed r newcomers w o u I d live by Dr. Henry Gerhard this alongside Plu9Carden monks, week at Cllarcb of ReUgfou1 the announcement said, rising Scteoce, 2006% Laguna Canyon for breakfast at 5 a.m., Road, Laeuna Be a c h • rtceiving prayer in!trudion Desigo.aled as New . Member and helping grow fruit and Sunday, services will be held' iiiii~iiii:;;;;;;ii;;;;;==;:;:;:w';al;;se;--hee;--'-;· ;=-------•t 9 and 11 a.m. II Jlllllor church. and the high ~ { school youth Jl!OUP me<I dur- ing the t o'clock aervt:ce. '111• dmcb .i.o spooson a Thunday lecture a t ClubhoUJe Two in Leisure .World, 10 a.m. 'Ibis week "Behold All Things New" la the 1ubject.. Split services, one at Peek 's Chapel, 7101 Bois•, ' ~·foi ··awn 'tfemoricd Jlodt TIH 5'ndhlmul'1 Most Bea;,Jiful MemorU.11 . ll.AU90t1UM • COWM&llk.IM • ClMll8Y "t~ TREES of the WORLD Wtttmlnster and the other at o. ,.....,,, ~ Hunrtnaton Beach Chapel, 6th ....._ s.... .u.-' a._,. . and Oranie, are ' 11ated for -------------------- Sunday, 9:30 and 11 a.m .. fr-------------·--------respedlvely fer the Finl .. ,. Ulll !)aar<l of Hutlqlm lludl.!l'bolle•. WllJll J. Loaf wiD pruch on ''Twelllh Night, or Eplpl\Onyl" Chur<h acbool for all •ca Js at 9:30 a.m. at the downtown chapel. SQllday · everung the 10'ltb FAVORITES N1tlot11I 111d f1,1I r11tlM• 1hT'r ··n. pr•~ f\1 D'AllY ,ILO ... itr.1 1;ftrl1 •f th• ,...... ,., .. .,.. ... t.11111• 111.i fs1tur11 ... n11tll t. '•"T "'w''''°' ht ..,, U11it.4 St1t1t. 1--.... ~ .................... __ ,, THE BOAT BEAT ).llfffl loch....,, t11ti1111f 1w1t4 wfit111t ._ ti;. 9""'191 ef y1th+il'lf, ''"'" ttt. ff.t M.t l1t th• DAILY PfLOT.1Ho'1 th• ' 111ly fu1lfl1t11 llo1fl111 rsport•r 111 111y Ot•flt• Cecloty l'l•w.ps,., tf1ff. For Stronger Families, Happier Yourigsfers and Belter Health, Give lo Your United Fund It's at 7891 Talbert Avenue, The Aulo Club's new "castle" In Hvntington Beach. fully sloHed. And fully equipped. Starting Monday, January 6, providing more !hon 700 services to Auto Club members and lhe community. Everyihing from weekend vocolion lo worldwide lravel planning. Everything to help you gel out and follow all the fun thot'a going on in Souihern California and beyond. Stop by and let Ed Sullivan, !ho new monoger, show you around lhe Auto Club's new "cosl!e" In Huntington Beach. ~ THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ~SOUTH ER N CALI FORNIA 7191 Tollttfl Ava., H...,l ... Oll a...i., Co~f .. ~"°"" IQ-1711 We've built a new ·office in lfJ Huntington \ ·Beach ---~ -~ A ~od FrTencl of Iha FOmlfy for Slxry.f7g~/ Years. r I ' '• x..; Your Sallil Set. tot Blgher Ean!illp at LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVIN~l:.· ~ ;.,r •. WatcliJW?tressnredmingsgrull'witJnv!nd't!Peecl tmderthebrlght,"Protectlvebanner ofthela?g<sl;andoldestlndependen~ Federal ll&vino and Loan Association In 0raJll19 Comity. FnMa ~t~ei~ed bu the tenth ermi't11mtt~Jirat of tTlefl!O?tl~ Don'hnlu tho treamoahip to security. llook paaaare toda;y l SAYmGS INSURED TO $15,000.00 by a permauent agency (If the Federal Govermnent. .. , I ' I -- 1 •. .. '. --··--• • .. --f;ommeni Pap " . ' ... ' - -, . . .. .. . .. . .. • I ' fStatus C.an B·e That Boy • Ill a Purple Beret1 -· •"HE l'i!:LU YOU .he's a vice pre11<!ent i6-bJf ~I. He ~1 tell you lllat j1.T other-men a'lso -are vice presidentl ai i$.1evel. ~ i:Dan fa I ltatu1 seeker. He can bo .. obomed In · ont social drcle 'liK>nopoliliq the convenaijon. Subject : hlmael!. .. · No Deed to .llialf&n fl>• poor man, ' . -· tbouih, beauM all tf UI are ltatui see.ken. We care whit people lhink of us. Of course, m06t of us don't pu.rsut the Goddess Esteem with U'9 Ame lllameless anlor uoor ocbemlng friend. • Status '""1111 proved 1o be an -that alfilcta all ages, all aoctat classes. · ·Soalologiat Robert ~· Park I.I quoted as saying: '!Everyone i! always and everywhere ~ or Jess conacloualy playing a role" in atUmptinj: to maintain or ratse his 11a.tua. Business and government hive becoi:ne accessories in the role playing ·1ame by endowing employes with pretentious Utles , paying them ·off with titles, Some say. Coo)s become execuUve chefs; ·gi.i:t)eke cbllfil:tors become sanitations · ..gm..,., by edict of the MllwiuJ<,. City C<KmclJ: Janil<n become custodial engineus; and order-taken bealme sales eo.gineen. In this way p e r f e c t 1 y honorable occupations are given .extra preatige by a.play on wOrds. - Some people· 'ca.try status seekinC to ,prePoSterolll-1 e n ·gt b s . Midwesterners rnove. to 1Ub\ltban neighborhoods of ...... . . . $U.OOO -and llUddenly beiln pro-.nounclng "tomalO" and "either" the way movie stars do. "'Project'' acquires a long "o" in the vocabu:lary of a YOWll n:eartive. ALLEN COREN, a writer for Punch magazine, would have us believe that In Enjfland highborn ollsprlng are 1111alclt- ed from their cribl at birth, and a ceremonl.11 peb~. In the lamllj' llnce the.•Nonnan conquest, is sUpped under the infant's tongue. "The lips are sewed together to leave a m.iniacuJe gap, and the cblld is fon:ed to read the llOCial columna ol the Times for the next 10 years in a hlgh, clear voice/' writes Coren. ' tn Pbnadelpbia, "upper-uppers" COil· llnn their status by cloalng a bi& d<al with an "All righty-roo'' and they take }eave o£ their hosts with "Nlgbtie- noodles." Really. For unmitlpled pomposity, lint prize goes to the people ta ·the small frame howe on • z very modest-size lot who ~PS FOR PARENTS ' . .. ' ertel • larl• alp ol ~ "'1tl0td beartna; the bout 1'Smit& J\lnCh. II on aecond tl>ouih~ !lo# ..,, lhl lllllllbl be blamed wbeo tho aame aoddy that calla them prdeotloul aowl..,. lonr st.alua with bnout le<41ni. U you ci,Jm hlP alalul lo your commuqlty, be '""' to let It be known that you don\ bruit feed your babies. JUST AS unexplainable as a statua scale based upon breut leedinl I.I a relatloo bet.ween sta~-and 1tature. A psycliology prolealOI', ilitroducilli a gutll to Ove dlilemit student groopo, uslped him a higher acadtmlc rlllt In each succeeding. lotrodUctlon. Wiien •-nta wm aalred to estimale tho man's IJtlibt. they made him taller u hla ronl< -· The very act ol !1!!!111 setklni hu be<:ome a presUge fa~. ll you prcless disinterest· in slltw:, tubtrtct one Brownle poinl Op thla ·tiuis, Glenn Ropra, the hemilt ol }fodoe County, Calif., hu a mlnU5 sein. "To hell with everybody/' says ftOien. fl, who bu llnd ~for u yeara hi a IJ.bf·lf. loot -Iii • mllHllP mountain vallt7. Soma ~ers, too, are wpre:mel;r ._.... with lllltqa. 'l)ey -to a dllterait dnllnmef: 'Ille ..,.. II the -.... ""1'I"" c:utaldt an audltor)um ~ Jlml Hendrix will 11perform.11 a haH hour from now. 1'4tter· Inc tho audl1ortum I.I • --ol •ppmlllono thal would mil<• lflDdma , .. p. 11ll!llE'I a tall, pimply boy -rtnc a Llncoln-tfyle top bat and J>la1lnc a mouth orpn; a Pi -no, k'1 a boy -wearing a nUn blouae, lfOlll llanneJ slacka and a J1ID:)lle beftl A few atepo behind him I.I a tall &Jtl In psycbedollc pajamu and a ,.ict aatln cape. A &tr! in atocldnf feet Is weartnc a peaaant ,,_.,. 81\d clrl')llng a pilchlork. None of them would be welcome •t the Gn>OVenor Ball. Wl:lch brlnp up another point: one thing alalua ... ma hav~ Jn oommon, besides ltatul aeeJdnc. i& cllBdaln !or people wbo bave recenlly ' I attained llabla, for ~ wilo "alwayl1 had It /lflll ~ lbe ~ Bal •V<rl ,.., -espedallJ If they ~ liDObl. • I 11'1 • --ol the -batUe btt11een the "haves'' ad the "bave-noll'' -the Mrfs: ind the Lordi, lbe ootcut> and the Bnhmlns. tht coollea and the tandlordl. Olily bad lucl<; or a lllver spoon, Uea between tbe ip1lt.-• kYel home and tho manoJon. you .... ' Tho pucklljl John O'Hara, DOYe11at. apraaod a coaunoo ·-towar4 flUppel'I" when be Wf'Ote: ••J try not to let lll}'Hlf lqtl that the II Eng1lah dulcel ar• oubjed to tho common col<I and biccooPs and mooqulto ·bltea, and l\lihlmarts and ingrown hair& In lbe same degree u 2' descendlnta ol. Ir1sh n>yalty (O'Hara amot1( them) and 21 mtn cholen at random •moaa the cltlana of SOUth Nall File, N.D.'" Token from 4 survtu bu Northt0t1t· mi National Lif~ lnruTGnce C°""' pcn11'1 FamU11 lconomica Burtau. No. 7 D~s Ii. • . Some Lasting Things You Can Give ¥our Kids At what point ln his er her day'1 drlnJdna doe.! the averaa:e. m1ture. otherwise nonna1 American driver take enough to become a legal and epldemiologic menace on the road? In a special report bein& prepared lot C4ngnss. tho Nallooal m,hway Safety Bureau dellned this point u llle 1eventh cae-ounce abot of. ~ wbi&key, which produces the federal limit ol 0.10% a!eohol concentraion In the blood ol a l:JO.poond penon If thll perlOO bu had nothing to eat !or the lut boor and has downed thti liquor within the hour. llJ C1JABLES F. KENNEY . .. 1'erenta. usually deSiUVe far more i 1h8n they receive. 'lbe home plays all·lmportan.t role, Iii fl\e development tlilldtt!I al .lladltl, produotive adultL need ooi, to .look .. t the raPid t4 be.Ing made in the world to & that OW' young people are moving aflead. But we must do better. As we count •ur auccesse., we must also count our tallures. About hall the arrests in this country tod•y are young people under II. Olien theae arrests represent a feakdown of family life, in one way ti" another. Many of the }:lroblems ~•cu:ounter in school are definite· treJa~home. .. ,,~ ti , WOlml! TJ:IE to offer a number • "ti~lor pare/Ill that will help ;, . ' " ' their children through I m po r t a n t formauve yean: -Be appreclaUve of each other. Parents should concentrate upon sµ-engUu: rather than weaknesses, accept Advice to parenti on rearing children ·to become responsible adult.! is of· fered by CharU1 F. Kenney, suptrin· tendtnt of Capistrano Unified School DistrU:t. Hi! com~nt.! on this ve.i;. ing aubjtct are from one of his recent new1letttr1 called "Our Public School!." Irritations gracefully and consult together frequenUy, sharing views with opermw and oympathy. -Encourage rather than discourage. Parents who stress "do's", with their children find they develop and mature more quickly. Young people long for reassurance. Ask the best from them and you may be surprised at the results. -Gear children to live in a changing world. If we expect our children to make their rightful"' contribution, we must : ·t. Teach them to treat all people with respect. 2. Encourage their idealism. 3. PraU!e their efforts on behaU of others. 4. Place a value on healthy com- petition. 5. Point out that new ideas are rooted In honored traditions of the past. -Set the right example. Children's moral values are affected when we 1;lander a neighbor, jugcle a tax state- ment, or acctpt with a grin more change Citie:s. · Rotten t o the Core , .·:. ... ifnd Automobile Did It, Historian Maintains -~ "' ... ~ ,,,.,., ... . ~· -• -By HAROLD HOSTE11.ER Aqterica generally has made a mes.s 1" .bet cities -there a Wears to be ~ agreement on that. But there mms to be little agreement OD the ~architect blames zoning laws, the Sty offlclal blames Jack of funds, and if,; civil fi&bts worker blames segrega· ~aWtudes. ~ the opinion of an historian the ~l,ame can be la.id to a combination ti. the automobile, private tnterpriae and ., underlying public !ear ol city living. .... That opinion comes from Henry Steele tf:~M~=~1 th=: lj fll<n than 20 books. •1'The rot of our cities can be traced ~ the aulomoblJe ·and tO the poftl' e( private enterprue in requiring city eqvernments to protide highways and *1-ldng laclllll .. ," he said. ..!'Jn America, the arnuent people nee • city and turn it over to the poor. Aley abandon their re!pOnSiblllties, rimovi their taxes, and then demand the govmunent build eight-lane highways i.tJ take them back In to work." To alleviate part of the urban crilis, CommllJJler recommended b a n n i n g aui;omobile.1 from central city areas. .. 11'1ert'1 no reason for automobiles on Manhattan," he saJd. "Exclude private automobiles from the heart or the city and provide good pubUc transportalioo. "If we spent one-tenth of what we spend on highways to rehabilitate our railroada, we wouldn't be in the fi:r we're in now. We have an insane eicOnOm.y dependent on the automobile. No sane society WOQld permit it. ''OUR RAILROADS are a n In· ternational diagrace," he said. "There's no reasoo why we can't have railroads as good as Germany. A train can get you into the city faster and safer than an automobile, We would save money and land that we waste on highways, and cut down pollution of our air and streams." Commanger alao lelt that "oor high· rise architecture ls a catut.rophe. Most European cities have m.anqed to get along wl.thoat"tbem. London had a million people before It built llB flnt blgh riae. "Except for cities with limited land area, such as New York , I think we could do withoul those towerln!I stru<> lures. F.conorniqlilly they're viij. pro- fitable. Tfiey reflect social vanity and individual greed. But they creale tremen- dOU1 traffic problems." Commager disagreed that the United States has a "hilh standard of living. It's a myth. We have a very spotty standard of living. Only the wealthier claues have a high standard of living. We have many visually poor areas. 1'0TlllCR COUNTRIF.s have a higher .standard of Jiving," he said. "Scan· dinavia lw very litUe poverty. ''The 1lmplest method of equalizing the standard of living is thrOUJh tax· aUon," he said. "Ta:r away the 1urplus wealth and redistribute it to the mt of society." Commager also disagreed t h a t America has a "free-enterprise system." He said it is "one of the cllcbes people have hit upon." Instead, the wealth and power of the country is cont.rolled by the relatively few large corporations, he said. "You can't start a newspaper today without '5 million or $6 million," he said. "There's very litUe free enterprise left in the United States -or anywhere Pies in lbe world, in fact. 0 Commager said he didn't think it was the duty of the universltJes to try to solve the problems of the urban crili.s, but instead to train the people who in turn could solve them. "The university is there to Identify the problems," he said. "The gove.rmnent has to aoJve them -that's what Jt's there for." than we are entitled to. -Promote resj)ect for authority. Children, deep in their hearts, Uke laws. Authority implies an orderly world . Jn Jaw there Is freedom. Be tQO permlfl:ive and they feel loat. -STIMULATE CBILDREN to ba creaUve. Parents should fan every apart of passing . intenet in ldtnce, art. literature, or similar activities. This in· terest may s.lgnify 1 potent.1&1 for futw-e development. -Don'f overlook the need for perseverance. Achievement r e q u l r e s sacrifice. Nobody knows this better than the dedicated father or mother. Children must learn it is worth the effort. -Keep communication lints open. Especially as children get older, one ol the moot perpleainf problems i• that ol rnalntanlng a frank, mpectful, and unlnhlblled e.1change of tdeu with tbei.; parents. . ~ Tal:e tint< to lillen. Not evtfyant can be a brilliant talbr, but IDOit people can be 1ooct 1lllen<rs -and that'• half of 'any converaaUoo. Attentive parent> can help children throulh cruclaJ teen-age years by !Imply lb:tening. -Point out one's civic responslbllltia. Through 80Und respect for public autbori-o ty, the lamlly lays th• loundatlona !or good citizenship. Young people net.d to know that with every civic rtcht there is an acCQmpanylna: responsibility. -GIVE THEM a z e s t for learning. Children love to be taught. El!ler 11}'111· pathetically into your children's rtudy plans; eQCOUrqe them whtn disburtm- ed ; temper e:ii;cesslve enthuSlllDI: help them set realistic goals, and removt dim actions. -Let them share in family duties. Show yourtg pgople how to keep the house in order, hAndle tools, follow lhrouch on tasks, offer assistance without being uked, take part-time or summer jobs. -Assist them to make the most or free. time. There ls much to learn in this world. There are many way• children can accomplish thiS without turning their backs on fun. -Form Rnsible aWtltdes toward money. A sound approach to money management can aid your children to realiu their ambiUoOI. Clllldren mual learn to steer a moderate course, being neither spendthrlfll nor mlatrs. Parents can offer much aa.sistance by aetUng good examples. These and other "tips," ll practiced by parents, can help children u they prepare for adulthood at home and at school. A spokesman Nfll, "We brelleve that the 0.10% ltandard allows Jeewa1 for social drinking and keepo: peopi• from being wrongly convicted !or drunk drMng. A peraon may nach the danger point long before ...,.,, ahota, but the 1.10% level I.I primHade evldenc. ol the driver's being under the Influence and con.stltutel a tpeetlic cuJde for 11fe driving and law m- forcemenL" Grab a Nickel's Worth O f One Man's Nostalgia B1 CllAllLES MeCABE ·What Ulil country once had, u IOlnt ol us lon&·in·tbe-teeth codJ:er1 are first to remember, was a 1ood , five-cent nickel. During tha days ol the Depression, I nw more nickels than any other eoin, and to did many other people, not all of them Icici<. I aimolt thoul):t it wu the only form of legal tender. Fotdlng m-y was somethln& you heard about. Four bits meant you wue tn the money. Today, there Is ahnoot nothing you can buy for a nickel, u the Department of Agriculture recent1y pointed out. "TJIE CONFECTIONAllY market has 1on1 continued it.! five-ant candy bar, even though It has betn red®td in alu:,'1 a department report 1ald. .. A cup of collee or tu, a IOft drink, a pact of rum. • douctmut, • clpr' a newapaper, a telephone call and a subway ride were all ooce lt.tms that could be purchased !or a nlcbl. Now onJy the candy bar and IUlll mnaln1 II the report added. And the nickel candy bar ts 'on the way out, the report conUnued. what with the rise in cocoa prices, and other manufacturing and dellvtry cooto. SOon only chewing sum will be loft, and that will c!oubtlW be b1ca111o Mr. P. K. Wr1&Jey, wbo mUu molt o1 I~ I.I an •-ordinarly stubborn mao. MR-WRIGLEY permlll hi.I r:tub- bornneu to affect h1a pocketbook, even. He OWM I baseball team in Cblcap. For years he bu known he eould m. cruse the club'• revenue by mtnxtuctna night baoeball. But Mr. Wria:ley just doean't LIKE rtlj:ht buebaD, and 10 there iln't any In hla aladlum. AppannUy he does llkl nickel gum, eo it wlll Ukely remaia with us ao Jong as P. K. ataya alive. My mother used 1o paek me oil to high acl:ool with a lat sandwich In my pocke~ and a quarter In rny clenched fist. Thi.5 quarter wu five nlckell, and WIS SO trea~. Two of the t:tlcbls Jot me by the 1ubw1y to and from the lowrr Eut Side, where my school wu. Another got me a pint of milk, which washed down my aandwich for lunch. Another, when school 1ot out, bouJht me 1 hambur1er in a place up OD lath Strtet. I can 1Ull savor the lute. There WU more thin a due Share or bread crumba In I~ or It couldn't posaibly bave been ao bli, but il wu aott. and meaty. You could bave all lbe gravy ! you wanted with iL YOU COULD vary this with a 1:ot dos bought from an old llallan with a corner street cart flauntln& a lttUt blue and yellow umbrtlll. COMMANGER compared American cities wi\h UloR in Europe and lhtre 11 a sharp contrast 1n public attiludes I.award cities. In Europe, people klve lblir cilia and Uve right tn the heart tlf them. doing a great deaJ to keep t6ern livable. In America, people are 'till tied to the land, and when cris11 comes to a city, its people Dee to !he suburbs. ....---------------Our M;_,. fn S•n f'rallclleo ---------------i You cot a long dog, and muattrd, and tort, aucadent aauerkraut that wu in the crock in a German llUSIC' llllrftt tho day before. on wintry daya, you acattertd l:ot Italian peppers atop lbe muatard and 11uertraut. The situation has become so bad that In some American · ciUes 1'society no lciicer functions.'' Commanger said. He said that, allhougb New York City i& •· prtine eumple, others such as Wuhin&too, Philadelphia and Chicago .,.. just .. bad. ·Re did. however, exempt Honolulu [(U11. hil list. pointing out that Hooolulans we coofined to one Wand and thus c,,...i flee their responilbiliUea to the city. ...... lililliili- 5 at u rd a y. Jan. 4, 1969 Tbe Comment Page ol the Dally Pilot seeks to Inform and. 1Umulate readers by preH,Dtllli a variety ol coJJ>. inMtarY 0n top!CJ of lnter-at and llplllcance from 11lformed' obtervert a n d fPObmm - ltoborl N, Weo4 Pilbllaher f I At the Root of the N ation's Woes: Hair By HERB CA.EN SAN FRANCISCO -Tbe thing lhaL's tearing up this country U>ese days Is not Left vs Right (old hat) or even Youth vs. Age. Jt's hair. The people who equate a short haircut with God and Mom'a apple strudel go absolutely ape at the sight of yOUf18 men with long hair, and vice- '"~: if you effect a~ you're a potential storm trooper. Everybody talks about bait but nobody does anythlq about I~ U«pl mt. lltir being the root Q( our natlonlJ problems, 1 lhink the Govmunent should pay YOU"l! people not lo grow It. the way lhey pay fannen oot to crow wheat, earn « "hatnw. Since hippies will do anyWnc for a buck, eV<n panhandle, they -.Id -beaabalduYul~ Uitnby. ending the G<nttallila. ~ - onee and !or au , moot ol the Old SlralPtlt< ""' bald themlelws. ... cloae to it. and it is well kDown that bald people feel a great tfftcUQn for one another. At. for the "Aw, go lake a bath" prob!'"', I'm sure aomethlng equally remunerative f~ the bippla can be worked out with the SOU Bank. FURTHER FOLLICLE FOOIJllHNl!llSr 'Ille abo9e aoltdion brilliant aa It la, might take - tint< to wot'I: out -"' -lang)ed ~ ... lla!llla -servative ~ over ....,. locb. sud! Establfaliment ellabllitunonll u Joe Magnln'I and Gnldln'1an: maklor a fO<tune Lleltlng wtp and lalte Llldol:ama, moumchel anct beards to Straf&l:tt wbo 111 thO)' want them !or -parties. Actuallj', hey WMr lhrm on weekend.1 and try to old< up hlJdihllring hippie atrls In thtlr TR-ls and MG1. COJllP\J610N AND C 11 A N G I!: ' a oo1t. -· pork that II -1be roof of a 1araae1 hard and 1'modtrn." Robert Louis StevtnlOft UMd lo tit there, bul lf be were alive today, be.d be dead from the CMl:on ._,. Ide: be'dld have a lung problem. A COUPLE OF SUNDAVI AGO, I depknd the 1uddln 11d.ark" look ol lbe ooce "Wlllte City," aa epltorniz. ed by tho .... Bank ol Amorica bearlqoartera. Alcot aod lbe Chcl:er t:ull<llnl. but rny lean th a t Embalt.ldoto (lloelooleller) Ceoler wtll 'bt dlllr, loo, an allqtd bf Jal:n llanlYU. lbe rnJtcl an:hllact. "We wtn me a. Vf!r'/ ll&!!t. warm lflY," be ...... "well 1" .kfttllnl with t11o overlll na .... o1 Ban r._n- clloO'• Medlletraneanlah p&otol~ Ban ,.._ llli1 bt your -Wt othel1 Joft btr, teo.11 Alllr their °"" lalblon. .._ little cart.I atlll emt In the men rr:odtat ne!Pborlloodl ol New York. Tho hot dos now -a quarttr; but It II lllll a pod valut. Thi Wb1ta ,..,,... cbaln not only aold baml:urcm lor a nlcttl each. You could pt III !or a quarter, II J<LU Wirt lit tbat ldnd ol lilcll bracket -or U a baakttball team cblpped In, and tonld a coin to see who would win ll:t dividend. IN THE MIDWEST I am told, lclds wm llOI off 1o IC~ with a aandwjch and two nickel.I. one bought milk. Tho otlltt bou.i>t a dlah ol maal:ed potatou, with a bli eavtty In the middle l10ed with • -"' baaY)I brown grlf'J. Guya IN hid to think cl thoM r:choolbouOI potaloto lbe "11 lbe1 rtmember Ibo -"a lint~ 1'h6 nlcbl 11 mw -WO, J<LU -two ol to boy a ... ._. A ptMY hu mon uM ln our tcObC1fft1, liDCe ao many thinp art priced at It call or Ill and •contL 'Ille nlcktl, with Ill piclure o1 ltlleraon on one aide tad hi.I ptd, MonU..Uo. .. the olhlr. will probably -,. ll:t aarnt routo aa ll:t woodtrfbl thl>p It ulOd to bur· 'Mlla wto U-. pnawnably, q<lita ooin after Mr. P. K. Wtlitv .... lo Illa .... an1. -------------------------------------------·-----~ • IWl.Y. P!Lft' 1 .. Beal . Estate HomesDuein'Dome' =.;:: UCIALwN01ICll -· · .. .. · -.. -· ~ .... • ·~ IU'••HM .,.eonI,4 .. J."' n.ua ..,,..P-cocrn~""' • .. ii Jlt• TMI fOOUWTT ff ffMll •JeJ;m•IA -Two Turtle _R,ock ir1.ode1.s Featurefl ~ ....... ·~.= ~· ........... .:-. · " :tt:. &: .. =:"" , .. • 1 ~'mt ,:u:lf.n =-"°'='= •·,;..,_ill 0raoo-C«in1.1•1 Ilia ctUd pttle tn tbe' 2.o(lo upawlntl'Uftl:redaeatued J:.~';/•,,:•:= ,:,..:,.:, tw ·.., :!r: ::W =.'Sa " 'molt~ IOCll1med bomel lllU.-e foot Ind a D d • r atrium, an unusual plan which !Ml •" -,......,.. , .. 1 ... ...w1 .,. .... -..-i .,.. '""""" lit • •• ~o11s · . " •nd i ! ,...c-both ...sdl m:U.· ,.uru: Cltlltr1· U ts· a '-1 lllllrig separates acUvtty areas from L"~•;!•~;,--..=.,.: .. 11: ~ "'.,.tttt""'::r .. ~ Boct HIBi eommunHy ."-Mld-model Jn the new home com· 11eepm.g ar.u fOt privacy. a "" fffD ., .,.. ,..,. " ,.. ,.... ._. CONt. ., lit ~ --. ... .111.:.i..:....a. .. -..a-.......:... ..... ,..., lar •-1111 lib Mtl!Md awt, tt It .,_..... IMll'I, w"" ~ ,.......,,. ~ lit Ww _. • Comment ~-.. AlWIOD \.IQ&Dj)llJY mWll•.1· ~mu-te w com--.,.. ~ -...,.. lit .,.. -..,.. .. ,... 1tt "" .-.. ......, .._ .. m be loolunld on 1'rge It woo ... ,_ .,..J •for ented bath d'--walled .,.._ .. "" ..,_ "' ~ .,.. ~ .....,,..,. ,. ...,.. '"""'* , • •• ; -1, "t ,f 0t• • '"=' 6l ...._,.... .~t.... .:..,. WJV ...... -\I J ..... lfwMr, .,,..,....,.,, t•l• lrMrfft .!Miii ltlliw.t'f, hltt IN. .... ~ .v • ..... '"~ quUtv and ucelleDce of llvin& and d1nlng room, famlly · ""'*'•· ""'-111. ...,,. """ e.1H11n111, c..~. ....-. wMcti " "'-..... · J .. • -· li' the Nat Ion a I deal.P bee uie. of tftcrtued l'OOPl, tltchen and nook, and ""'· 'Mlkfl " tt1t "'"' " """*'-" ...._ • ""' ••".,.... Iii •111 • ..--a.•1-· -.v-.-. .n-11.11-U bW fll'la IOllllilUclllan two •~•·•t --•-1-., ""' ""'llMf lfl .i1 ..,.....,, ..,.. .....,. ...,,.1t11,. " ._ _.... .,,, R~ .Lt.-. --\It. :DUlllllJ _... VI "" ..... ~, ,...,..wa "' """'-tt 1tlt ...... flt ""' .._nt, Ml4I ~. "'*'" 1'VI' """""' .,. ...,.,. ' In Ibo -.... In iloullou _.,.:I 11y ~.~, ...u. famil3' nlualioo er formal - ---.. '"' _,.. '",.,.=':" ""'" -·• ''-"~..IL. . J IJ , •• P"''"..,_ .,...___ ._,,.1.,1.... "-' .ir ...... ' II.-. 1' ,.. 1 ~ R1nd1l·""l'-u• · ,u. IO-: ·.• ·• ol 11aM s...i:::·po!lo --en-~,.. ...,._ ... ,,,,,.. ,....., o..,,... · • • 4 ' • •• ~ f« lbftlDc tbt Dao tbmuab ' ilul doon The grand pti.ze for "ft· =GA ,AMMO.I ~-:.:;.. fll :~ _ ' • u_o.,11 IWll'd wtaaJDc' ~ from living !'OCll1, dhdna area, ctllence fl deal 11l , con-"' h W11 If • •teffAl: f::.;gr' .....,.. ·' ·'to the MllJOt home t...ru.:... 16.-11 .. ·roam and 'trutfaat atruction and val&le'' wu LBGALNOTICE Mnu";°t'r_..~ .............. , ''*' tDITOR'S NOTE: TllU is tlie /iflh in a reric1.of col.,.., ''l!lioW!ii'iitemJ lbeCClll~ ~~a spodoul-eulte awarded thll model by lhe """'-... -i:.=--·; tr om Rondall McCordte dealing with tht nal e1tott tiCV. wert ~ bete yelttf.. with . twin wardnlbel and Pac:lflc Coast Builders COO-· 1141111 = ':., ea.........,,,.. flW 'r__. ... tion in various Eur........,01~ countrit'1. d•v ..._. """--1--P. Ml' private. ttm .. •..__'-' bath. ference in san Fraociaco 1n Ct•n•tcAn., •v1u11t1 nt1 ...,,.... ......._ °"'"" c.t Dellr HM. .,,.,.... '"V "'.1 WMU-<.r --..,_ ... ..,,.._ •KTITIOtff llAMI Ml'lfttr' tw •-"Ill ~ 11, JI. 'tM tilit ~ . . . Coun 1 Call ... dlebrook and J. Ket& Ii. 1 Ttie' aame ' enriched UvJng June in the Gold Nuuet con-Tiit "'*-i.nM ,.. Ctt"trfY 11e i. '"""'"'" o.r.,.... c.... °'"' ,1..,, .. 11, lM : A progess1ve Scandmavian try the sile o -AndlrlOn, prlnclpali '~"·'l~ta are ·pnwJded fn the test conducted for Weatern WIWl11Ct111S • ~ •1 361 t.•'°«lt o...i .. r 21 ... 11M •INll J, ..... ,., fomia that has 96,000 Jakes. and a population tlle •ir.e of Mlddlebrbok . AnderaQ) CoJn. ~i -.,ilch won tile runner. home builders. i:nt,;Cflf:: "~~ca~eW.; '11• 1• • z»a LEGALNO'ftCZ Los Angeles -That's Sweden. One .thousand mile• long p&n)r,' Anaheim. . ·. • . _ . _ . . -~" ~':l :..,. tt1":!..:w_:=. LEGALNOnCE ....,. d 300 mil id •th and Oll .. balf mfillOD ' . . .....,.. ,,._In full l"ll tli.ct crf mldot!Q ClllTIPtc:ATI 01' IU11.,_ .. ,. an es w e Wl seven The two bullden will attend la •• follows : .MOTICI TO C•IDITO•• P'ICTITIOUI ..... swinaing Swedes. the convention to reCefVe..Aa_-THOMAS "'· w4l.011:0H. ,., L•Pff1e -.. ~1.., The "'"'-"ltfled • ......, ...,. .,.. o -· LIM, C01t1 Meu, C.ll,.,1'111, IUP'•lll09: COU'ltT OP TMI nATI condudlll9 1 bwl-tt ...... .,,......., The Swedes are a strong, happy, vigorous people Uonal awards for quality and 04.19c1°'""""'11,,,.. op uL1f'o•M1a '°" '"' 1,,..,, Hl.ll'IW.ton IMdt. c..,,,.,.. whose zest for life communicates itself to Y®~inuned-ucellence frcm ~oe W. 'IGpJ,li, "'"' crf T~= .. ~ ::.:;~~: E•'* ":u~eO:r °e:'":i~HOllON, 'llt:ION fM , .. ~Tw. "'altY';;' a" iately. Cleanliness and efficiency-(neither one·ot·thetn editor of Amenc1n Builder on 0e«m.,.,. 12. 1 .... ~ -· ~. ""' .. 1111 11"" " _.,..... ., -~-Old W ld • Nohlry Public '" MW fW ..... lltN. Nltkt i. .._,..,, ''"" "' uMlilf't .......,.. ...,....,.. ....._ "*"* llt obstrusive) are notable instantly here in Sweden. . mThag-te. odels ·or ._rlY' •l'Hll'td THOMA• 1o..111v111t Cl9""' ... lflst,.,. .... ......,,fllf""-"'"kMM't'"'""'':!~ Sweden found herself l·n an ~mi·c dep-sion . . ~ wo m are open: M d. w•LOllOH k_,, " "" "' • tM "' ,... ..1111 ci.lf'lla .,. 11111 "'kl ., ....,. D, tnc1 v.,.. a. v wuv ._. d fJ[ 10 00 •• d ~ e 1terrann.n..-. M,_ ..._. Mf'M h I~ • tht Clerk 9' the .tor ..... COurf, flt llOI lrolldll>lffl Strwt. ............ between 1860 and 1900. Dunn· g this time over h•ff·· Of 1 ~,xvm : ~ ·a.m. '"" \Ula ·~• .... •1"'1" lnstn.rtn.nt ''"' -*-..,.... 11:1 "~ ""'" .. t11t 11flftf'll..., lffd'I, C.tlfwnit. · " at e n~'-tnn-...:ij•-~ S •' h F • r. exto.1"'4 tl'lt """'· 11 tlll otfla crf """'""" f:. ....,_.,,., t1t11 w. D--. MllA ,.......,... her entire P. opulation _moved to the United Sta,_ 1... to ... U-niver·al~ty of-Irvin-~·.· panu umiture Miry K. He!lt'Y '"° No. VllM St., Slllte 1212. '" "" Strlott, """'" ... '°" lnctl. C•ll-1111;, ~ Wllll" Nol•rY P111tl11><1ntw11i. Cll"I' crf HllllYW!lod. (•Ill. "*"· """ld'I Dlt.11 ~ , .. ,,... . l_ndustr1al1sm arnved iate_ here, no_t until . the be--cam ... , •. 'Ibey are in tbe e"'bt Rtc:eived canc:ellatlon of •22,000.00 PrlTl(INI oma 1n i.tter 01t1u 1 ..... 11111a ~ 1111111neu -R•rt o. D•-11 ia f th 20th t did kind f indust , ,,_ •e • 01"91111 Cwnl"I' of tl'l9 llftffr•ltfMll tn 1n rr+afttrt .. ,. Vll'lll If. D•-g1nn 1ng 0 e cen ury any . 0 ry. oome ---model irea (If' the Sp1nl1h ind Mediterranean Furntture MY c-~·lon e ... lr• l•lnlM .. Mid .. ,.,.. llld'I clllll'IS, ''" w. °'- make a toe hold, mostly, the living came from the land. development on Amalli Drive AU""',., 9 ... tty.., H.... COFFtc~ ... ~i:[12" 1m ~/: : ,=:;:..,.,. .~~1c1";'":i"'':: '': :_~~·~ ~= =•-. Sweden has come on strong especially since 1946. NO\V near tht intersection of Cam-hl•rt1t•'• DrMM H-Oa D..,._, P111t11""" Ot•M• co.st 01111 '11o1. tovr fllOl'!tftt .tt.r ,,,. ""'' 11111blkfhorl • Nottn r..onc 111 .a .., ..w: """' these thriving poop le are enjoying one of. ~e tV.gbest pu..s and .Culyer !)rives, reach· Items as follows: Geora:eoua 8 fl custom .., °fffrr>e' u. 21• 11' 1"' ''"' J;~:~ °' :;:... ~·,., 1,... ;a::?•~.:' ... D. '=i standards of living in the World. One important reason: ed by turning off the Santa quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with ~C:.,0w~~ ..... :.._ ...._ :::: ~-.::.~ • Sweden has managed to avoid becoming involved 1n Ana Freeway or the San Diego heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 LEGAL NOTICE :':..~"':,"'WM tm wtttill'i •==::._ w ......... 10 • ..., any W&r for over 150 years FJ'ee,W&J at CuJver Drive and matching Oak OCCasional tables, (2) 58" tall .,.. 1...,,, es& C11f. fW rowrlAfo. SU.lo.) T hnl al kn h ·d dvanced o1·•• to · procfieding south, or by turn-d •--lam ha•"'• bain g lam ""'""" ..... ~. lhft-. '°"' .ec. . c ow ow. an a s, ~~ lD" q off Pacific Coast Highway ecoral.W" pl~. ·~g c IWI ps T ..,. ""41Wi '"''" ~lflttd9 dustr1al probJems are, perhaps, SWeden s chief aaset. ·at MacArthur Boulevard and in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size muter suit••1::T~~Ji::!:~O:' STAT• o!:;-2t. "": .:-'l.n:!:' [11fi: :::'T..~MY .. .,...,.. Without them not even the huge natural resourses to proceeding north. ' bedroom suite in pecan rane)led Mediterran· roll TH• COUNTY Ofl ,,........ It, lfft n17'41 ..._, .. ,, ,.,,,. timber, iron, or~~ a~d hy~roelectric power could have Tbi.s display of ·0r~e: ean style with top qua ty 15 yr. warranty Esi.i. of ~~~~e: Mlltte:. LEGAL NO'ltCE ~n.~eo:.= J.!l-t4"',:. Sweden so swiftly rrioved from the poor and backward County's advanced b o' me king size ma\tres.S & box 'springs. Spatmh 0ec~•1ed. "°" I I b t Int . dJ is nf •·-•t d dinln. t ( NOTICE IS HEllEaY GtVEN to 1M . Po#ltl and, which she was at the turn o t e cen ury, o bull ng u que LIC\:auae 1 ecor J? se . e c. cr9d11on ot t1t1 111ove natnH llKt11tftl' c••r1P1c..n °" 1u11te1u one o( the most prosperous countries in Europe. All will f_eatllre the flnt build.er WMte -..... ... ,..,,., SI 121.ao 11111 .n Hrion1 111,-1119 c111,.. .,.1 ... 1 PICTITtoUs MAM• LEGAL NO'l1CE to bolll •• and ltll Uld dKedtnl .... rMIUlttd fl:> flit Thi lll'llllrtlltllill llDn Cltl'tMr fll !, ....,11 her factories were in tact and ready to go in 1946. wm uie .gr pru;e MUST SACRIFICE $698 00 111em, wnl'I tM llKffllry ¥0\ldMr .. 111 Cllldll<tl111 • """"'" •t't1tl....,.,.... C•llTIPiui:·· .. Ulll"OUTIOM -...:.1 and ~··-·.up ID a major 1111 on1c1 crf ni.-ci.rk of t1t1 1bov• ww. te.11 "'--c.1!fllmi., ~ tht "VIII Sweden's main natural resources .are forests, iron ._....~ FOi ONLY • .,.111i.ci couri . .,. 1o __. """"wim r1tt1n'"" firm· nlltM ., HAttoll TUNtACT "°' 1u11N•U uNDU din rts f t clail1flcation of lhe com-.............................. tlll necUHry YOUd!trs. .. tl'll Vlfo ... INS APA•TMINTS COM,AN v l'tC'hTtOVl MA.¥1' ore and water power The lea · g expo are ores . Any Piece C1n Bt Purcha..d lndlvldu1lly c11,..111n111 ,1 thl onru of JOHN '· iHAAtoll oRl•N• 1o.li"1o.RTMIMT1 co.1 TM• UNotu1GN10 COllJICttATIM P od cts . -b··p .... _ obiles and st-1 Ma petition conducted by Terms Available -u·wco-·rs to Calif. HoF,......,.H, "~· •1 Uk• ... •nil tMt .. 10 fir,,.. .. _....... °',,,... """' drtlfY .... " • '"*:Mi9 r. u , iron o, .,! s J s, l.l'w:n , ""'" . ~ American Builder magazine nw .... coi.rldO •"'-~ P...itn•. c.•flllrftr... !flt .. 1.....,. ,..,., ....... -'" I "'""" loelNtll .i • hl;f ~ chinery1 coal and oil are the mam Imports. • for bullden ln North America. Credit Approved lmmedl1tely to010 wt.Id'! 11 .,.. ... u ., 11ut11111¥ 11.111 •rid ... " "' ,.;ie-. " .. ,.,,.... '·• c.r. ~. c.OM11e ~ -::0Lii1 Real estate is relativeiy inexpensive here in Swe-It will be an all-Orange ~1n~ ':..*~·=~" J" .. 'r:"=.a:: ,.:;:;: :iv..~ ar~ ~S''1: ~i:"fr~:_:~ den. Most 'people in the villageis and towns own ttaeir COunty exhibit because the. =:1:,1::: :c,.~""' ._ •1n1 t111M1t> =~. lNt. . _ ~~'. 11111a ., ~ • own homes and farms. You can buy a comfortable homes were designed bf. FUrniture °"*' Ja"..,.-'l a."'* ' · ITtflt _.=-:i..'t.~~. JtOVAi. e:NOl11H llNTIU•..,ai home .just outside Gothenburg witl;l three bedrooms, · an:bitect Ricbard. R. Leitcb GllOYi Mc:Nl\llMIOll 0ri °"'"""" , .. 11& hfitJ. -. INC.. or.. °""""' ~ one bath, a finished ba sement for •10,000. About one ol Newport Beach.. !r~~ ::..n, :.:i ""'~~.:~ :':11':~111'';: 0:.'ait:,,::,.,.,.. t1ils 11111 .., 11 million Swedes drive cars, so if vnu like, iMt1 can have . cauiorn1a, Uvlngtur ~ -~ ~ At Harbor Blvd. .IOHN .. MOPP'MAN 9"\ICPM11'1$1 l!illOWll ,. "" IO ... the (Coa TE 'I.ALI ; ... ; --ts n.i1 .... v ea e IS auOWft •1 wi 11Mi NwMt ..... ,.,..., whol• n.me 11 tllOKrlbld te =~:k,.\~~:_;'~NC. .• a carport for just a few kroi1ermore. 1 .:-Y 5 I l44 N , •L-d C ._.___ Iv t11U01M. c.~ ... ,.,, :'.~!...'I\$,.."'""'"' •1111 •cttnow••" 11 oifOF•tlY,.,. cou.111 .... I th . . h . b. h d . l f mil at ttl most advanced state ewport .,.., • OS ta wnr.KI on T11r rt,_lftoo.,1oU, <M;iCi~ si•ri"'*· ~,.,......,. n e c1t1es t e pr1_ces ~re ig ~r, an smg e a y in the single level home at E , ..... •tJI 9 w-, S I & S .,,, 6 ~.-• ~vtrtx ..... , •••• .,.... M•,.,. '· a.,_., ITATI o., CAL•f'O•JuA. 1 ..• hon1es fewer . I! you hve m the city, the chances are Turtle Rock Hilla which won Vt'r'f n .,.. --.. 1 • un. • J,';i';',., • 11 "it.Ts. 1tff ,.. Wt Not•,., f'11t11c..c111,.'"1' covHTV °' 01tAHG1, 1-. ~· You will live in a governmelJt..built, government-owned, ' ' · · "'IM'"1 Ot11':9 in Ofl "'II lOlll ••v ., ~. A.O. o ....... CllllllY !Ml, ..... ,.. 11'11 ll'tlll M. ......... . government-managed apartment house. The govern· M., comm1 .. 1on •.,i,... Htt•,.,. rllbMc 111 ,,... 1rw .... c... d d iJ eed f ~ .. M. H ,,_ 1. 1'71 .......... NININ ... .., .... ment can eci e there is a n or 'JYUMllg; ,._...,.. or ..... c...t .,.1.., ""· flllallMll .... -• •• ..... housing is necessary, they then have the ~ ..... to con--DIC. 14 21• • 1* .,.. Ja "' " t10PP•rr A. aiu.1e• ~ • dem and use whatever land they contid~ .... ~sary ~.1 Gle M w~ ,,. ... n •• -,,,,.. = :.:.-:-""~:.. =-= and Well-located for the ~ulJding pi:ojecta, '!be go>:em-1' n . ar "31L ~AVU~ --M -"4'11&- ment may then build ten or a thousand (or more) h c••T•PJCAt."'a': •VliMm ::_::...:=t:.':!£.:; .J li ving units. . 1• • I •ttnTIOUI lllAMll ,..,..... Nt ""' ....,. n ,._. fftY' archy. onit meqc cal\ Dci:il>y t.tie1~(&olt dv._g .Q ~ • ..,, UA.U st .. c.t.~~~~w:tr. 1t1t <01"•ic11o.L suL> , / \_. In government Sweden is a constitutional mon-~-ri· ~ ..... ,, .. " .e llJ a •llWll•ry , 011.1e._ ..::_~::::,.!:" .. ~ ~ =...-• .:-.:::.-:.: ~"" Clirtslina ar.e rememiiet«iJ. A'prfiile'~ hsB, ' on•J.en1ent ... -... mun1ty. -.. = ,,MJ::,\,.";":::~..=. -~~·-,' 11 a king~ppoirlted cabinet. which is respoiisible to the 1 ..,, llUlll • 11 .,_ 111,.,. in Nn w ,1tct "'"""" M., ~·~--._,. two-chambered "riksdag," the Swedish parliament. Here • 1 de 11 .. wtt':'Vl: ve•HON HOVT, tt• a.. ,... .. l"U.l7Y~:12 it is called "progressive democracy." J\ creal1ona pa•a . 1se lroffWl'I If., s.n~ AM, C..llflnllt, .. ::rL. ' · Controversial, the contradictions that are Sweden re • . • I • &7:.~rL~~ ve:NOH HOYT ~ ... E!•tin:u, """'· are quickly apparent. Why is a basically conservative J\ d b s111w., c.Nt0m11, en.1111 C.Ulll'f: ~ u. 21, ., JHI ... ,,._,., country a leader in cradl&to-tb.e-grave social weliare, n I I rg I Hle ,.::C !1!: . ..,": s':.. ~ 41 .,. ' . .., ., .. Prison reform and laws regarding sex? .....,., wuu1 YIRNOH ·-at.--.-k_,. .. -.. M tf1t ..,_ ..._ __, ARU&IV.D A few things the Swedes are not ••• They are not ,,_. " ....-,.,.. " 111e """'"' .,.. "°"'' ., MAitMAL'I '"'"' . unbendingly formal. The Swedes do not eat smorgas--...._, 811111 .canow..._ 11t ..-..,, 11:5t:-.. , c...,... """' bo d d '!'be d .,,. ........ ....... .. .. ....... Hi'llt -r every ay. y 0 not go around in "typical (01'PICIAL SIALJ it'll. ~ ........ tot ........ Swedish costume." They are oottied to tradition. They 3&4bed'"OOm homes from a low -$21,350 ~""~-· ........ H ---... lik h . d.ti b and • . ..r1nc7 .. 1 " °"'"*"" 14 ,.. -.. MunldJ~ e t e1r own tra 1 on, owever one of these tra-~ ~ c.vrt • ., w ...,.. ... Jldlclltl *""'· ditions is being helpful to strangers. We can continue Te,.!';:';'~; £vim !='~., .. ~· =~.:; to expect god things from ~e Swedes. Le1's takefirstthlnOsflrst Glen Mar West homes ..... ,....,. °''"" c-t ca.1tt "'"'· c....,_.. ...,"""""-• ~ ·1··"·•-oentra1 forced ail-. helling, ..... 10 kitchens with D1ai11111r 21• .. ,,.. w ,,.....,. °"""' • •'"" ,,.,.,. """' w EOITOR'S NOTE : ltind1I R. M~nlll Is 111 111...ilTltftf 11111<nt, ,.,,..""" 1"""1UV t'9"' 4 11, 1M ....... I~ ..,.., ......... • • "' lht! Real El titer ... co•• ltclUNr, • dlreefol' crf ,.,. C•llfomll A•NClttlll'I family-_ _...... flre;.J:aCes. d8ns and a song llst of •• "'.... NOTICE l=llflilit flt--... • .. ~ ......... ---fll Rt1I Eslltt Teac~ers. llUll'loor of "R"I li1Mlt In C1Uf0f"nil". Slnd """' Cl\leS• !"')'l!KJt ~ ~ ....,._,., _, ,. lions 11<-.d tomment~ IO ll:M:ftll It. McC1nll•. c/o Ille OIJIY Pilot, aoii: 1.UO, OiherJUX\JfYfft8fu"8yQUmUS;fS89fobeliev&.AsfOf" et MN .......... I ...,,. .... ::3 tosi• Mfllo'I ?2626 · ; • P.antr •If tM tltftl, tltlt .,... llltWtlt convenience. one of Orange County's most extensive CllTlf'IUT• .... •vtHllll "" """"*" ..... Ill .. Home Boom Due County Crowtk Leads U.S. Orange County's housing boom rata of JllU3. At the market wiU show the biggest th~ua$ mark, the tatal growth in tbe nation this year. of 17,597 permitl iasued wu A total of nearly 24,000 above any of the three permits is projected for the previous full years. full year, a more than to The biggest pin la comin1 per:cent increase .Q v er las~ in apartment pennita which ye3r. Oi the COO!Jiry's other are more than tripling lut major markets, only Dallas year'• rate. This. will be the and Sa n Jose, with 70 percent .second best apartment year gains, will come close to doing in local history, oo1y a few as well. hundred units behind the 1982 These are findings of the boom. Economic Research Bureau of However. only aome 4,000 Advance Mortgage Corpora-apartments were complned · tion in a quarterly report . this year. about half u many issued Ibis week . as were started. Another 5,000- Despite this year's upturn. odd are now under COD· the Advance bureau notes, this struction. County remains one of the Greater availability of two er three lightest housing money for new construction markets in the land. Only New helped spark this yw'a up. Yer~ and San Jose are under turn, says Earl Gt b 1 o a , comparable pressures. Orange County area manager · The current vacancy rate for Advance Mwtc111. Stnce -an esUmated 2.t perce'lt 1pring, tract and a~ -ls the lowest since separate financing has become mucb Orange County records have easier, at least for builder! been tepi. (ln comparison, the with strong credit. Los Angeles vacancy rate. a Though new boua. prlce8 nearly 20-year low, is 3.2 pet· have bltn f&L.-ly lltlble IO far cent, ~e average Western -this ts one of the ·few rate S.'l percent. markets in the countf)'.wbere The 1ocal inventory has this ll true -. bl.a ~ declined by, ntarly a thi.rd are in pl'OI~ Glbton aay1. in the past year. ln the entire Builders report COltl · have County. only t ,cni, uruu ~re risen nine to ur petcent .fQ1f. availa ble for ule or rent. in the Jut four montbl· ad That's barely ~ to Ille Ille trend lllll CDllllnuel. number of new f~lles who Rents have incrtutd aa will be moving into d\11 area much 11 10 or 15 percttlt. within the next 11ix monlhl. Orange County' at u r rent This situation i!I expected empl9yment lf'OW(b is the to ease by next spring, as • 'tijr;best in the nation, althou1h Ule units currentl y bilnc Jt' -isn't the boom· rate we sfarted are complettd. were experiencing 1 few ye1n This year·s housing pro-. 110. Other 1rw wttb employ· duction will be abQve the . ment booms, tuCb u SUWe average for this detade, ' lftd San ·.JOM, Mft'....., although nowhere near lhe down even men. shoPPinQ'centetsiSnearby.So.,eschoolsfor ,,.. ..::::.!....,..._MAM~ ,. 1e ~n::.. .. C:.: .°':;., .... '1t allag~OQ.eby~and.~~pUtyouminutes ::J:.•,.:'.":.:.:'.:': .,1o.1t~·•.:.-J:.,111-t9:..= -"--cent ofr......._r,....m. tM ftdlttlut flrnl '*"" M' •H.CO·aM Sttl9fltC........ ............. ,..... tranlhemalne,,.,.,.,,.,.ent 9" ~---~... ... u• ..... -.... " -.... -... '" = and __,.llanLosA~(-1'!-f-lhefunNll't ftl!OWI,. tlltMI\< wlllM llllM tlti fllll flt MllClllll1•u ..,._...,..., """'",.,.,..... ,....._,... v.,. ,... .... ""' t-.. lflll •ct 11,.....,..,. 11 !!..flllt!!!= ......... _ ...,.... flt •If ...-il'r, Lit/I Parka.1Choo11andrecreatiOnal'areasareall . . .~~c!..:-:.:...~~ =.+.oe":....-W~~ .... " -rlheneJ'"'-.._.._,. v •• '.r&5mJn•rte. .. '--fhie O.•No1.,, .. H."IMI WOTICI: II Hl•UY •IYIM""' v•v V,......,., .............. JVU .,'¥'"llVltl CLYOI A.. GILMA wt ,.,....,., _,.,.., M. U., Ill,. ... beach-andmostofthitJ)le&SU'r9polntsthat~Otaig+ •' st=.--:"~~21.°'r: =' .... c..r~·~~flt-~ 'D CountyeoPopulai:Yfith ~~e:'~len M~We&t. · ... ·· , :.=;. ~ ~V:. ~".~ w111 ........ ~ .=. ~ ~'=-t. A ... _M...__..anv-'ntofvla.u · ........ " -"'bl' flll ,..,._ .._. .....,. ,.,. Cllllt"' "';;,Si'' ., --"""'"-"""' ..• u. -• •"""!'.'_,!! __ !" -· ..... ~:.:::..·-•• ... • -...,,,,,... _. _,__ .......... *"' .. .... ....,..., .(j1,........ m·~n ,~,,..M"-' .... ..,.,.. !fl flll • ...,. ..,.... .....,.,, ~ !Xii I ·~K VV~ll '°'''c~~~ ; :=..":°:'.:.:: :;_ .. !ll Htl•tY '~"""'" llllmlt .... ,..., .• --- '" Huntington Beach "l'lflCIJiel' omc:. ... o..... .. c..tl .... c."""""' Or.,.. ~ DlofJIW' • ..... 'i .. . -.... ._ . .. '• " M1 CM!lflldlon lul,.. t':t'~,~, L ·~ Mnal Mltdl , .. lf72 ,....., Jlfla:J'o:;;;;d ..., :=· A. MIWIU. .,, L H, o.r-. ..,...,,, , ', 4" ... ,,..... ....... .......... o.i. .... c...r-...., t ... r=-..... ~ ............ .,,...... °"' Dt,,.. ...... t;:..= .:::::"* ·, ~·:;;.,... 14 11' "" ltill 111111 "a · ,..,"..,. OnllM c.t •nr 'lltl'I' -----------fOteMMr .. lHf -.....,,.. ... 1 ~ LEGAL NGTICE -' ,TN , Ot111911~1 Most Col'i!ller. PRINTING , SIRVIC. ' 1 \ \ I \ ' I ! I I , ' f ' I, I I I I I • • • ~ -• --.,.~ ~ 't I ... ~·'iw1.v P11.0r --... . ' 1 ~$~t~,·Housing Booin Seen • ... I , . . . , ::: ~1.'be nm •ven yun will • wl!Mls the llft•lest real :. ~· "°""' la the history ., call!mila. :: • '_1bat WU the .predlcUon last "' wtet d John J. Lumbleau, 7 prQ!denl ol L u m b I e 1 u SdioOls, the ··-.net 1"'1!esl naJ "1ate traininc organiza· tioft In CoDlqrnla. .. ·LwhblPa said that the ~hooaln& boom GI 1161-lllll will • poll in compaNon lo the ~boom he fottseell fer ltrl-75. • .During the _..1965 petiod • some ~ifcrnia communities . cnw u much u 50 percent. .. Vast tracts of homes were developed. Land values doubl- ed. then tripled in an upward spiral unUI the reef.Sidon of lle6. Lumbleau made his jftdic1 lion while elpoundlng .bl.t Seven-Ye~cie 11-y •al the rtcent Minnesota Real Estaite AMoclatkm con•entiotj in MinneapoUS. ·According lo . Lumbleall'~ theory, the Go-State'nw estate activity ebbfl and flows every seven yean, stVefl )'tars of boom followed by one lO twti years of recession. CUrrea&lr, be says, we're ln the b11Uf1 stages ol a IJowlh period lie 14eoUfie<I u 196M5. -.. As such. he cl'aims, c.lifornla ls now experiencing a,..lltllui'a "matket. with de- niand for 1-1114 outatripping the 11upply. During 1969 and 1970, he expecll expansion of housing ~ to continue their upward climb. "Shoe- string aintractors" can be ex· peeled to enter tbe market with their two to four starts per year. He confidently predicts that real utate ac- tivity throughout the state will '1... .... ·1962 -1965 -.. -..... -.. \. -• •1966. 1968·. -·i I IUl'Pt.T IXCIUS ww.im I IJ!MAHD EXC!!D~ S\IPPt.'f llml ' ' 40,000 >O Opa' ' ,• --Demand . ' 20,000 SupplJ lo;ooo • 1962 1963 1964 196.5 1966 1967 1968 :County BIA C9nducts Survey ' ' ' or HQitIBbuilders' 1969 Plans 'Jbe brance GDunly Chapter cellent re.spo~. the BIA The survey projection, ac· cf the ~dfptng ID do 1 ~r y survey was vuy suceessfUI cording to Bob Dunham, BIA 4 A..ociaUon.OI c:ODducthig the -aild a prediclion 'waS m&de research direetor, represented · iecon4 . ~ , ltln'ey o t for IZ,500 bql}lliag ·starts tJilii a year-to-year gain of 65. per- hcmebullder's plam for the year. Assuming a "'(lelay of ! cent -al a time when most "'comiflg year ~ "Prtv,iew no ~e tbail 90 ~ 1bet,ee:n 1 ln~us~ analysts foreca s t Itet'' -annoullCed Georae dwelfing unit· .authoiisaUGrJS , gains 1n the l>-20 percent Fu?ton. PubUclfy 'iand Educa4 ·lbil the :11tattol..dlns~ I range. However, the study; lion Comnµttee ·Qi.airman. lilt.~ wil\'lotll p riuai; concluded that market support -- Last yeu, • 'lo an-a-~!'dOae a,:.t : .. ~.:: I",.,. was adequate for the pt'O- . ~-· · · ' jected new supply . And, from LaFJ.)t ·S~lds Cited . WiihBu iYJingAward: . . . I•~ 'I' _ _,_ "'· "·'· Pioneer OriU~I C 4) u Ji\ 1 , tington Beach. , b.u.11 die r -d~bper Urry ' Prior to fonnine bis oWl"I Shi I•• h__;_. lly O>nslrildlon or~tlon a e = was Ufl\Ul;\.I .recen few years' ago Shields was as the rirlt recipient. of New a principal.ol I>Oxie a Sbield.5, Homes Magazine of and · ~1 more than c a! 1 fornia's ~el)ulldlng 1,500 homes m Qrange pounty Achievement Awaril. Presen-iD the.course of a doien ye&rs. ta.ti.on of the 1'1'~. S)'m· In , l dcliUon 10 ·.'his . home boli:.ed by a handsome plaque, bullaing actiYilies Slliel:ds-is w~ mad~ by ~ ·mag~1s alaO 11 df!Velo-,. 'and oWner editor 8111 Desmond, ·with I '-··-:-a r:--:"nd' -~-1 -~ Fraoj< fllcFetland &r., head ·o ' ~"· 1 -~ ' ~uu of the !llcFatland Company. commetcial projects. spoppllli salel Sgentl ror Shields' center.s and-SJl&:riments. d t •• 1 " nd. Over the yean, bomeJ and eve ol"!'en.,., a !JO a-.e 1ng developments of Shieltb · ha•e the ceremonies. ~ numef®S .aw~rde Shields wu st1eCted for the and citaliOJlS from 9rganiza. a\\lard bY the combined liops aud-~ations wit~in · bomeownera and boinebui1ders the ind~try. for d~tgn quality research panel of l h e ron1trucUon, overall planning, maguine " .. · . in recognition Jand.9Caplng and many ottier of contributing 1tandards in calegorits. American hou!ing." The Homebuilders .Achievi· At present, Shields, as head ment Award ol. New Honies of tbt Shields, Development Magazine was presented to Co,. lnc., is building two Shields personally, and as muter-planned eommunities editor Desmond pointed out in t11t ccurity; the 800-bome is " ..• a fitting honor to Westhaven project in the an individual who has con- Westminliter·Fowllaln Valley tributed so much to the na- Area, and Yorktowne, a 91-tion's home bu i 1 ding in· home developpieni in Hun· dustry." all indications, the market has remained strong as predicted. Looking towards 1969, there ls every reason to expect another good year. As shown on the attached graph, total housing demand (single and multiple units) was below the rate of production in the 1962· 1965 period -resulting in a surplus or units . However, since 1965,. the market balance h&!I changed CQmpletely -with estimated demand far above supply. The gap is nam>wing, however, due primarily to a slowed· rate o! employment expan!ion in the aerospace industry and the indicated rise in production. Nevertheless, the I 9 6 9 market could well exceed the levels attained in 1968. The 1969 sUrvey will provide data to rneas'Ure tht planned development activity b y builders in relation to pro- jected demand. Questions to be answered Include, "Are we planning a reasonable total number of units? Are these units in appropriate locatlom? Are the units in a price range that can meet the mass market?" Each homebuilder \viii have an "overview" of all Ora~e County building acUvity m 1969 agabul which lo meaiure his own plans. FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINING $500 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Set. 10 •·'11· to 6 p.m. reach Its highest polnl tn· history during thil period. AcCordtng to Lumble1u•1· theory, the boom ..in flower Into full·lledged matwil)' dur· ing 1971-1'73 and llll an all-' time high. HMlng wUl catch1 up with demand during, this thr9e-ye·ar pertcd, be notu, as builders caught up in their · own momentum will continue a fast building pace through 1973. Lumbleau sees. 197~1975 as years o f oveHUpply, resulting in a buyer's market and, eventually, a slump. . ' ' Lwnbleau says that seven years of fluctuation bu been the hallmark cf California real ellate acllT!ly aJnce World War JL The flnt cf the aeven- yur periodl,occurred in lfM3- 1950. M building supplies beclme avililable after lhe War, Contractors anxious to supply · pent-up buyer demand for-housing produced large numbers of hOmes in tract developments. T h e con..- sfruction industry c a r r i e d buUdlng inventory past the ONE .OF MANY MODELS·NOW BE ING SHOWN AT RANCHO LA QUESTA HOMES -·; . ,~ ,. New Tl'aile}f " ' ' • 11,.n~~n n eit;ch "" : '"'· " ' Fil'm Ope1is , point of demand during 1950, Sectionar Str:uc:tures, Inc., a creating a buyer's market in new firm v.•hich will assist '<New -La Cuesta Tract Due 1951 and a short -1 iv e d with developme_nt of mobile ' i Construdion 'is· under way lnclude,rana., oven. dishwash· recess on. home parks. h'-begun opera· -~-The t boom · od t u on a new unit ol Rancho La er, stainless stel sink, kitchen from l; to 1957~~:i::u lions in Co~ona. del'Mar unde~ •Cue!ta h•o ia es, Huntington p~tritfS, shake roofs, heavy recalls, with a recession c.aus-~ 1 1 P rl::e s 1 d e·n t,' P. ~ Beach, acccrdJng itO' 1 sale! tleam eOnstr;uctioo and all util· ed by overbuilding occurring 9 f«ra n. • . dlanager Bud Frick't;~ ·; : · jties 'ate undet'ground. during 1957·1958. The next ,•Tfie r: porauon offert . ~e .will be 92 ~'in "Ma~ ramilies have spurt in real estate growth Uallbility . studlti, I a D d ·the" oew \section wht!n CQJJI· discovered the beach \Vay of manifested itself from 1958-pirchiie, parJr 'deiign, linaU-: ·.pleted by Frank· H. Ayres 0& life and enjoy Rancho La 1965, followed by a slump in clog and cons t·r--uc I i o,rf Son, bilild"er-developers sirn:e ' Cuesta's proxim ity -walking 1966. supervision. .. 1905. · ' · distance · -to Huntington Aa he11d, of a statewide The firm 's head is a former . One 'of thP. new p}ans now State Beach, considered one network of 18 offices from manager for lhe ·Nelfpori sellihg has three · bedr_ooms. or Southern California's fine.!t Sacramento to San Diego, Beach really . firm of two . bathroom,s. larg,·_faoiily recreation. areas," Fricker Lumbleau1 bas a firm hand Richardson and ' CO. · · room and fomlal dining room. sa}'s. on the pulse Of real estate The firm's o(fices are ar · This model sells for $28,800. Like the fir~ two Rancho activity in the 'GoJ(!en '.State. 2865 East Co.as~,Highway. The fully carpeted~.11omes ~ Cueata :uajts, -the ne1.,.. • homes feature SPanish style stucoo aod attraclive exterior styling. The ,.\yre&. firm's custo1niz- ing plan allows buye1·s to order homes built to their own specifications at production prices. During construction or the new model!! a sales-i n- formation center is open daily and may be visited by driving south from the Santa Ana or San Diego freeways o n Btoo.khlir!lt' Street and 1\'e!lt on ·Hamilton to Bushard. _............__,_.___ ' DECISIONS ... DECISIONS ·. • • DECISIONS Visitors at IRVINE RANCH find it's Jove at first site, second site, third site ... shall we con tinue? The variety . of quality homes at IRVINE RANCH is a source of constant amazement to visitors. Houses, apartnients· and town houses ..• scores of floor plans and dozens of styles, rhaking up hun- dreds of choices ... make IRVINE RANCH the mosl diversiried ofrering of home s in California ... if not in the nation. "' And, as for the weekends at lRVINE RANCH ... do you prefer golfing, riding, tennis, swimming, boating, fishing (by surf or by boat, by gosh). water-skiing, watcHing pro baseball or surring? They're <rll minutes (rom your doorstep, no ma·tter wh~ch of the sites you fall in Jove with. Homes · in every price range now under construction.in 5 individual communiti.es. Come visit the good life. First, set your' sights on the IRVINE RANCH INFORMATION CENTER, Santa Ana Freeway at Myford Road in Orange County; two miles east of Tuslln. ~ , 9Jlen daily 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ' IRVINE RANCH • ... • \.,; ' \ .. • • ' , ~ • • • I • I o, f, I ,. I ,. -- • -·-1 r ' • I .~ .,. • 7' J . .. __ . . • DAILY PILOT f\ . . ~· --• •• ·' _r,t .. • , I ·• I , ' -1 ~ . . ' • i l ... • ,·. '.. ;.. ~ 'Ir' ,!" r.· · ..... :-..,...•; · ' , 1 re~ ~~!f ago, Ra~e,llo Missipn_Yi_Gib 1561onged o,. , · • r-.~"""':-'-~:-:--~~-=--~,....,,..,.,.:Rr-;,:.::ir..-.;....+;. •. M' • 'f. · it e P!lst.T~y;its 8,09P;people have confirmed the ·, .f'. 1 ·: ' l. ·,Tolling hills. Bu; !~ster~il}''.will f&moin. Jh~ early-day .·.· ;;:. ~ · · , , .,: .. .,,J~V ,,, gy, ·. ~·:fan~~ h~us.e_ is as old ~~~e eucalyptus Hialtower.pver -' :~~i. \ ,.;~ I~· . ·' · 0 . l·_c~rb. . ;ct~e ~~rv1ng int~rchang4~f the new Crown Valley Park • . ..,, v. VJ ,{·, '· q .-f lv~Y, " -'. ~y. jt:wassc~i.9ule~to?e demolished, and the valle y "· ' · : . .+rf\AA~\,,f~W· .: · .;,\filjJJ;/.o ~11ke~):oe111 ~gn a regional shopping center I ~. l~l ,lt~I I-'::-' . 1· ~~gn~~,t~}~.rve a quarter-million.people. But the , • ,. ..l.. ,i;..,7~. . , ,.· shopP!.~1Jf ~"ter was mo.ved instea d. And so wa~ the ., · ! .. ~, · , Parkway~ J'he ·old rahd) house will be bra ced and • • '--' ' '.!;. , , , p'ai,nf'.e.d...,and .the r~f restored. The toll trees will be ,,..,; · '· pres~rved imd cultivated. ,And very soon this natural little park, with its playhouse from the pa st, will become .home to "Old MacDonald's Farm," thewodd famous .ildren 's attraction from Knott's eerry ",farm. It will be a la ndmork to the ',second major entry into America's most successful community. That is the way we're building Mission Viejo . There ·was always beauty here , and it will' remain. The things , ,. · 'w; add to ser.ve the needs of people are being pa in stakingly c.ra fted to blend with, and en- rich, the work ol n at ~r-~.._ _,. ..:. The~e is news f .. h Mission Vie jo. The be~'~tiful Crown Volley Park- d IS 'now open,' hera ld ing on entirely new 'generation of growth .,Sadd leba ck Junior College . . .-..:is holding classes in its.~lrst full seme ste r. A second, •, ··:. -'' ele gantly-Spanish styleci neighb orhood shopping plaza . . . will be under way soon;:~"-~: an entir ely new gro up of homes is being i)itrodu~ '!' the high ground over•' looking th'e foiJWa ys oft '·' ' ·ssion Viejo golf cours e,' ' kal1;5 riljlftJ ••• ' . ,. > _,. • . ' . ... ~" i I . : ' . ' ' " ' ' ;. Grana da Homes. Heavy wood· beam s, rusj ic black iron balustrades, nat ive stones and rough-hew n sid· ing retain ihe flavor of the· most eloquent-of eail17 Cal• ilornio homes, and lend ageless chara ct~r to the 'best of contemporary de signs. You r home at Granada ca~ be one ' _ c, de signed to grow wi th yo.~r fom·,' .. . ":.::'.= ily, or to pr ovide extra r9om far · . · ·· • ~~ your special need s. G ranada , Homes are priced from $25,990to $37,990 . You will agree they are an outstandi ng value. "f'day, when. you come to Mission Viejo, look for the new Crown ' Va lley Parkway turnoff fr om the San Diego Freeway • (just past Lo Paz Road ). Turn left, cr oss the bridge, and see Colilornia's yesterdays be coming even better. BEJlUT'l-FUl--· M15-SION VIEJO ... .-.., ... , .1·~ . .... .,., .. ,, Cl ~l!SICN 'ill.JO l'.t? ,, , :;,,'! " .; noLlr:.:. br, · :iuds : 111 . ''· "'" • ..i. ' r ~ ' ' ' ' " ___ -._,,, - • I \ I I . ' f I I . I I I J I I ' . l I I I • I f '. I I \ . - f. DAll Y PILOT llello once a1ab1, boys and 11r1s, and welcome back to anot.ber Saturday session in Uncle Len'& c.ome.r. Well, the South Larunans are re11Jy do~ weU thi• week. They won two out of the t~ contests in today'a corner -Karen Avers for her prlr.e winning drawing and Liu Gates for her poem. ac· tually the only one submitted I.his week. UNCLE LEN wanlS to re· mind some of his newer con- tributors to ~ the rules in the art coot.ell before StJb- mitling )'OUr entries. Two good pictures came in this week drawn the wrong size, and hJd to be diltQualifiCd. Many of you boys and girls are senC:l.ing in questions to Ask Andy in the mail to Uncle ~-----------------------------.! Len. Andy d~sn't work in r Uncle Len's Corner and his Jett.en have to be mailed separately to Ask Andy, 801 1560, Colla Mesa. * PRIZE WINNER * Next week, boys and girls, Uncle Ltn ii going lo ask yoo lo draw your favorite character from cartoons ap. pearing In the DAILY PlWT. And , because we've had so many of U>tm in the past, no Peanuta cartoons for this This week's contest winner is Karen Avers , 1011:.i, 30252 Benecia Ave., South Laguna time, please: My child under 12 can enter Uncle U:n'~ Art Contest Here's all you do: (1). Draw picture on ~iece of plain, white paper 51h: inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black 1nk and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put ybur name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest. Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. HONORABLE mention win- ners in this week's art contest West, 91.':i, Newport Beach ; are: Julie O'Brien, 9, Costa Mesa; Oteryl Grandusky, JI, Jean Wonderlich, 10, Corona Laguna Beach; Cheryl Talley, de! Mar, and Lisa Gates, 11, 12, Huntington Btaeh;--Ann---SOUth--1:.aguna .. p · IJ' p •-----carol" Corne..-----, RIDDLES AND JOKES * PRIZE WINll.ER Big sister: Ask mother if we can go to the movies. Little sister: Why don't you ask her? You've known her longer than I have. -~rtl ,,..r..._ f, U1 VI• U. SM. ~ 1.-dl Teacher: Spell 'Mississippi." PupiJ : The river Of the state? pt · -•11Mri 11-. 1L C..--Ml ~' "-Dear Carol~Is a zebra a whtte horse With black 1 '-stripes or a black horse with white stripes? ~ ·etJO'l If '°u '·'' ''•'ll!•N :JeM.tuy I ~ '' -19'MI,. Celi.<, 11, N"'"" .. HI! oraJ : What. did the rusty car say to the ? .. ·ur••• P91to 'lllJftJ :JIM.SUV : -Cllerrl 9r..wlllil!J, 11, LHVM .._. 'l.f Carol: ~ should a policeman be the strongest man in town? 'pu9'f •uo 'lllM IJI:» dn 'pta., Ultet •1.1 ••n•a; :J•M•UV -CllerY't Tdlr, 1t. MlllltfDIM a-11 f:rossword Puzzle ACltOSS 49 Contpass Ytst.r(iJ'c Puule Solyed: l Min --: r.'"' 50 rison 2 wotds 54 Flsher1u1n f> H1r11sts 55 Dlfficult 11 M1llc lous ~ .. ~. child 56. rottctive 14 W. He•i-sheatlllng sphtrt 51 ProJ1Cti1t9 island -· l!i llllss TtfTJ ~ FOltlf lht 16. FH1lnlne ~of fll•e " ""'r-l7flndof &6 Utensl '"" 67 H1tlcw. 11 FOl'm'r C1n, In B•t of 1/4161 Prim' Revelations lillni,le1: bl PHL to 11 Grttk 41 Sho• 2 words body of ~ ... SUIPflH 20 lil1kt 1!:011a11 IZ rlut1 44 Su~1I 2Z Jinn ~'"" 1} Saint in ment 2} Novttist's 6J nit of arn 19 Col« 47 Bred: c:onctm 7 f'1y divine 21 Tow1rd one's word 25 Strat~ht , hOllOfS lo th! stern •I Absolute to 2 ot"Se 71 Tt•tllt 21 Put in cgs llftll pl1yl!f pl1nt the earth 50 Greet letltr 2f-· Si~: t•PIO)'ftS "ti 51 Ruling In 2 Old 811lg .... 26 lnburglt buet>all flan coin DOWN nallvt 52 TNow a JO N,tltt,lallds 27 God of "':,{ tily 1 Slit;!• Olll -· SJ Drln 3Z Par -··-·! 2 S.tltrr'~ 30 Jol11 55 klsh C'OunlJ By tit mlf ..... 31 v:M.,. 57 Ants of J4 "r.':"" 3 rwt. to a Jl Su a: Vishnu p toe or U.S.S.R. tltMting St Head tht •• opt11lng ,,., or~ llst Jt Protection against 4 Fail in tht 35 Ed e Sttd 61 Word of early stages 3•.t.atdlattty surprlst •osqulton S Strle d•onslta-62 Give It --: 4Z fllfO"an 6 ROU5t Into 11¥1! , ..... se2ri:l action 37 Shorthand 64 Dtlrolt or 4) Tai less 7 lodlfled tlttf: Windsor •pilblan: I Undrr tht Abbr. pr«luc:t Z Wot'dS weather JI Bellef httd LS Aullograph 45 Thin fltt1! 9 Ceylon to be true disk ltltff shrub •o Far north ''it"' 46 l'ltalms 10 Comforlalllt U.S. seaport • • I .. • THE NEW YEAR Cl1ristrnas Day has come and gone And New Yee.r's Day too, Now we're off to a brand new start To find out more things new. A lt-edJI h1lf Hlllr 18" M L111 Gii"', Jl4JI Mo..l1rr1 Av1., SWiii L1111111 for th<I wlnnl111 ""Irv 111 !hi 1r.rr •n• --1111. Mall 1011r _,.., •• story to un,i. Lin, h~ !Uf, CIJI• ,,.,. .. , C1HI. SeH ,._ 41Mltlen t. A .. Altefy, c/e Or-.. c ... hly rtlet, I•• 1 llt, C.1r. ...._, Cellf. Al'ldy "91'1111 I '10-vol11m. SI! of the W~ •• •nc:rc'-41• lo Joel Wlt· fltr, IM U, of Aflen!own, PennJy~ v1nl1, lor hi1 <1w1llpn: ltlJl1h IMi What happened when they changed to our pre1ent caleD· d11? History reveals interesting things about basic human nature. Changing calendars could have been a simple mal· ter, but certain countTies refused to accept the im· proved Idea ror several cen· turies. This resulted in a lot or unnecessary historic corl- fusion. George Washington w a s born on February 11, 1732, and the historic date is mark* ed "o.s.," meaning the old style Julian Calendar used by England and the American Colonie.s. We celebrate his birthday on February Z2, - becau,. In 1751, England and the Coloni~ changed to the Gregorian c&lendar and droir ped 11 days. This is a small example 9f the counUeim con- ful.lng happenings that follow- ed the adoption of our present calendar. It is even more con- fusing when you learn that our calendar was first in. traduced in 1582. Most if it happened because ·h u m a n nature, as we know, has a definite streak of mulishness. Julius Caesar decreed the old style calender in 47 B.C. It was about JI minutes and 14 secoods lonier than the true solar year. So year by year the Julian Calendar lag· ged behind the true seasons. Chrl.stlans figure the date for Easter from March 21. This Is the vernal equioox. when the sun crosses the equator on its way north. After 16 centuries, the t r. u e sp"ring equinox wu 10 days ahead or the old calendar. With the h<lpoof AIO)'llno LlliUI, Pope Gregory XIII devised a plan lo correct the error ai1d avoid it in the future. The Gregorian calendar Wit~ introduced in 1511. In lhal year. October 5 became Oct.ober IS, and ema leap year days were eliminated from certain cenltrullal years In the fulln. Th< calendar 11 accur1te to within one day in 4,000 JU11. You woold lbln1! that netJbody would hive wlkomed IL Bui remember man '1 stubborn 1treak - especJ11ly In matttrt o f .. u,1... oplnlD!L s pa I n , Porwgal and parta (II Italy accept.eel the new calendar In October and France i n Dtcembtr of 1.512. 'lbe.y were catholic coontriu. But the Protellam and other non- CathoUc countrlu rejc<led It I -no doubt because it was a Catholic idea. These countries con tinued to lag behind with the old-style Julian Calendar. In 1752, when England gol around to changing styles, 11 days had to be. dropped. September 3 or that year became Sep- tember 13. Denmark, Sweael' and parts of Germany made the change in 1774, but Ru ssla did not adopt the Gregorian Calend ar until 1918 • n d Turkey lagged behind until 1928. All this confusion could have been settled way back in 1582 if only people had judged the new idea on its merits. As we oow know . ' every new idea should be viewed with a shrewd eye. If it proved workable it ahould be adopted -no matter who thought of it. The reluctant adoption of the Gegorian Calendar is very hard on historians. They must check their dates on charts of old-1tyle and new-atyle calendars. S I n c e different countrie1 changed styles at different times, this calls for a Jot ol checking and cross· checking. S~~ we have had time to moat • of lhe dates In Ensl1ah ttference books, but there will always be some confusion remaining. All(ly Miids • W.W 9"11 At111 t. Ellutlltfl'I MUM. •ee a. ol l'NIHrk*, New 8r\ln1Wtdl, C1n.de, lor Mr ..,.. liol'I: Whtre do )'OU filtd the Uianb called sklnk1! About 20 dillerent skinb Jive in North America. They are found almost all over the 1 United States. And a few of them tive just across · the border in central Canada and western Canada. The skin.ks are charming 11tUe lizards. Most of them are small enough to stretch full lenglll in the plam of your hand . All liiards have scaly :sklrui, but the scales of a :skink are fjither special. They are flat and smoothly fitted together, M>d this &ivea 1 glossy ahh'lt:. A stink loots u tbougll somebody hu cattful(y poll<b- ed his coat from the tlp of his ..,. to Ille Up ol hls long, tapmd tall. Tbal •hil\y coat i& 1 sure aJan that be " • ·-and noC any ...... kind o! lizlrd. The mother 1kint 11)'1 her egp ia e a r I y lpflng. She wrap_, ht-ntlf around lbem to shleld them and keep them wr.rm for six or Mvtn ton& weeks. Then lhe eaga hatch. Each baby is about an inch long and ht ls born with a wdl·poli,lhed akin, Ju.I like hi• mother's, only smaller. PERKINS . JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS JI ., ,. ., Mun AND JEFF MISS PEACH , ' ? By John Mile~. By Harold Le Doux 11:: 'l'OI ICMOW OF ~E 6'1F, TMi\T VOESN'r Mi\kE M*OV PA.V 'sqooo FOR SENSE! EVEN IF WE HAD A JT;LET HIM HAYE rT! I ~ITWOllLt>T-'l<ESEVEW. NEEP THE it\ONE¥ ~'1"5 riU-011'.E WE C.OULP -TOPAY ! "*51M.IAATE THE PEA.L! By Ferd Johnson lly Tom K. Ryan HE COOi.PA AT I.EAST SAID "Pt.EASE'! By Al Smith GOOO! MAY I BORROW 11~··1"0LIKE1'0 MARRY ~R llAUGHTER· --1'W IS IF )'l:JU !\AVE ONE.' By Mell WeLL.-1-iE HASN'r ~EFRIENDLY WITH Me I YF:T ••• I I l I , ' I Cowsills ' Cancel • Ann Landers J>rogram " ' Stf t I Reisman :=:?:nie -ru,111 enc•rement cl ":JliO otnclng ~lilla I ~ MoloolYland Saturday, Jan. 11, -11u bftn canceled due to Ill· ~ curmit at~actlnn at tlhf> Anaheim abowotace Is II"" Rawla and Duke Ellington .,i bi• ...,he11r1. \,hich open. • Fr~ and wJll pla,y toda,y, d Sundly. ·llll'lbeY will be followed Jan. It by "1'le Juliet Prowse ~ ... featm'lng Barbar a -.i1er. wJUi apecJaJ ru .. t star > :I C. SmJlll. GflT PLAY, RONG DA.TES Tryouts for "The Night of January 16th,0 the Rancho Community Players' next pro- duction, will be held Monday and Tue&day nighla -not Sunday and Monday as was announced in Thursday's paper. ,, Tbe readings will be held at 7:30 p.m. both days in the Mission Viejo High School Little Theater. WILL THE Rl;AL Runt! lsuzzr PLEASE ·STAND UP? 1!'1 Not Gl1dy1 Om\phbY ((oft), But Attroctlvo Lody •I :Right ' ' A Real . Sa~rifi~e Laugh-In's Rut~ Buzzi Not That Ugly By VERNON SCOT\' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The most eouragenous woman in all of show buJinesa is Ruth Buzzi, the mllbegotton old baggage of the "Rowan and Martin Laugh-In" show. The NBC-TV top rated series features MW Buui as: a forelorn old maid ln futile search of a man -any man. without style. And you'd ht: surprised how many people think that's the real me." "QUEENl'E '" But even the Boston strangler would recoil at sight of Gladys Ormphby, I be character played by Miu Bun!. By comparison, Phyllis Diller 'ia: a bewitching beauty. Ruth invented Gladys when sbe was playing the role of Agnes Gooch in a road com- pany version of " A u n t I e Mame" i n Pennsylvania. When she appeared on staa:e for the first time 1n her revolting costume she stopped the show cold. The audience laughed for 10 minutes. l Gladys has a flee that would stop a sundial. The thought of her in a bikini would sicken a maroon- ed sailor. She is th; coir swnmate female loser, a modem Medusa. While Miu Ormphby Is a real dog, Miss Buz.zl is an attractive, channing young lady f r om Wequetequock, Conn.. who frets at the thought v i e w e r s think Ormphby ls the real Buzzi. "Gladys is so repulsive I can barely watch her on the show," Ruth said the other day. ''She wears a tight hairnet and is completely stripped of makeup. To malte her even more convlnclng I brush my eyebrows together so lhey meet above m)' nose. 'Iben I dreu in a ba1gy dttss. a boy's swealhtr, brown lisle cotton stockings for women over 90 aod .black oxfords with laces and'Ciltian lalli. "Glacys Ormphby is utltrly Beautiful Downtown Birini'!fllaam1 "I had to turn my back to the audience in every performance to stop t h e laughter," Ruth said with pride. "\Vhen I left the show I decided to keep the character, but I had to give her a new name. I was working at my de1k 111 a secretary betwUn acting jobs and I dreamed up Gladys Ormphby. "I played the character a couple of years qo on the old Carol Burnett 1bow, 'The entertain.es! But she didn't speak." Ruth was l:lked why, if Gladys is so man-hungry, she repulses the passes of Arte Johnson who plays the old Iech in the park bench skteches on "Lauah-tn." "Look," Ruth aaid, "no woman, no matter b o w deaperate, would alklw that dirty old mu to get near her -not evey Glady1." Alabama Bids for Culture Orlnll;!nt1 may be "I~" lo Ille kldl YOU """ wltll -but II tin PU! YOU "our• tor k-1. You tin CIOI ti lftll ., • .,. 110pul1r. llted "BNlf •NI YO<J -l'or T"" A11n Drll1." 5lnd l.k In coin ind 1 loflll, U ll...odr....O, Segal Stars HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Gtori• Sqal landed th< lead in Columbia'• "Brooks Wilson. Ltd.," about a philandering advertising artist. ,, <' I•' • •'f•' N ' { U"1lt.Jl ~·' By WILLIAA-1 GLOVER million was ca u t Io us I y 1970. llttle theater companle11. BIRMINGHAM, A!a. (AP) earmarked to underwrite The b I g g est unanswered "We s-.t down with all of """" W"4ww4 - -Alabama is bidding bold operaUn.g deficit once ac-question about Birmingham-them to check out need1 "RACHEL, RACHEL" CLARKGABLE for the cultural spotlight. tivlties begin. Jefferson Js : what sort of sus. before the architectural plana ,,.. VIVIENIEIGH A f.34.million program Jor To give the venture wider talned creative activity will were worked out," 1ays Lacy. "I LOVE YOU LF.SUEHOW\RD construcUon by 1972 of a appeal its name embraces be on view ? "We would hope they will ALICE 8. TOKLAS'' '"'' 1~ performing arts center puts surrounding rural Jefferson 1 Main thinking so far has share in th• programmed ac-wltti,.,. ~..,. IJVJAdc1"\J.UM11.U1 the state well in the forefront Couniy as well as the city. been about lhe plant. Nothing tivttie.s." l~iii~~~~~~~~ll =~....._. of major cross -country en-· And an arch1tectural com-hu bffn decided about 1el«-To let the five drama! --------- deavor. petition was stipulated which Uon of a permanent business groups to 1b.,-e the 800-uat I••· sa..w Sf9rh 1 r.M. How fully the eventual quali-brought in a record rn design m&nll1er or artistic director. theater may be complicated C:•"""'"' Shew ty of fare comes up to the entries. Lacy hlrtuseU plans to step by the circumstance that three s.r. •114 S111 .. W-4. tr.... tJ:JO potential quantity of facility With almnst $5 million aside "aa soon as the last nf them are connected with is right now a tantalizing im· already in the bank, ground. ribbon is cut." colleges, and that the one at ponderable. breaking for the firlil of four The situation contrasts with Birmingham-Southern receq&ly "You don't create interest buildings is due soon. what was done in AUanla, opened a highly attractive and in arti~tic,,activity by having Impetus for creation nf a Ga., where a more modest unusual theater of its own. an edifice, Alexander S. Lacy Parnaaaus in this industrial -$13 million -culture center "The dramatic arta in Binn· pi11Polnts the vital factor, "but complex _ metropolitan pop: opened a few months ago. in i ham have been what you do do Is vastly aug-700 000 _ someUmes known Parallel with constructlon fragmented," says Dr. Arnold ment that interest." as hie Pittsburgh of the South went a five-year program of F. Powell, bead of Binn· Lacy Is . the suave, high-developed in the wake of 1963 developing three resident pro-ingham-5outbem'1 th e at e r entrgy chairman of the Binn-racial turmoil fea1lonal comp an i e 1 to department. "Each group has ingham.Jefferson Civic Center · . perform· opera, ballet and had a separate audience.'' Authority which the state A many-faceted ca_mpaign drama. Powell is strlvlng now to legislature created to build the has ~ on ever s~ce to Birmingham'• p 0 tent I a I develop foundation support for gleamh~g. many • fountained, create a. new national unage. f*1.iclpants include t b e a creative playwriting pro- multi--.lructure plant for In thetr enthusium for the symphony orchestra that was gram that would stimulate optra. mU!ic, ballet, theater arts as a status-enbancer, the founded in 1929 and ranb spectator intere1t a.s well aa and c 0 n v t n t i o n s in a sponsors omitted one usual modestly on the national scene further education. downtown eyesore zone of planning precaution of having with a ll-week seaaon; a go. Several groups are con· slum w a r e h o u s e and a 1urvey made of lhe potenUAI yeaN>ld mUJic club that centrating on hiah school :slauihterhoulie. audience. But expectatlona an: averages a haU-doien concerts pupils as prospecUve patrona Three tai1:e.s were enacted encouraged by two sizable aMually; two amateur ballet of the performing arta. The to provide the Lacy com· boom in the white collar troupes; a chamber music Unl_versity of Alabama'• Town mission with annual revenue population at a teltpbone group w h I c h occasionally and Gown company la led bf of $2.4-million -thenby center that will create 2,Jll bookl dlltlngu1shed vilitor15; Jame.a Hatcher on wkle at.lte guaranteeing any Inter I in jobs., and aL the Un.1ver&ltJ an optll'a UIOciaUon; and five circutta annually. aulhoril,r bond Wue. Of the of Alabama's medical center,";====::::;:;:;;-""'-~~=---~11 yearly Income, a quarter-lhat will employ 30,000 byll I See By Today's nt ....... • Tfllolr Letwt Mn1 e COLOll • "Y.rlew S.~ ..... AJ11> AJd9 • COlOI; e --u..· Ends January 7 • lrr;.;~·HlY KfDSI * •Juot Looklo Horol ... ,...., • '* . c.m ... c......,,.._r . ................. ,,\ " ... till •reet ..... , DAILY PILOT J J ,_ 67U:MO' EXCLUSIVE ARIA ENGAGEMINT Showlnt1 Nlthlly llATUS • 71 6 111 Hermans Hermlt....a:30 M •• Sii•. Mly I P.M. Ut ta ot#,11 ,. __ liletlchi• t. w..,. u..10•0.hp •"' • ,__tic Sliew .""'"' Act ..... ...., ... Don't Ml11 Ill tlCMllCO.DI" • l'IUIUIOUllt l'tT1.I£ ..... ""-I ~---=w~-· .... ..,, NdeP , .. ~ti 11. ...... ...... l500 ....... ~ -· ,._ ... ...... JOOOf Give Your Fair Share to the United Fund Winner~f 3 Academy Awards! t .... ,-. ctASSIFIED NOW-INDS TVDDAY ONI IHOW·lflatmY SHOm 7:Jt PUTUU 1100 CONTINUOUS DAILY AT BOTH THEATRES I • • • • • • '· THAT 1rs DIME A LINE DAY ' ' w PS S SW±~~~<e------------ IT IS LIFE ITSELF ... RAW IEAUTY IN ALL ITS AWAKENING! ~ - '( ••au::: 9 '.W Ullftll Mii l'trrw • COl.01 e ...... ...,.. . .., .. Jent,..... e COlOJI e ............. /, ,, bclusiwe Arn Runs BOTH THEATUS FR!!WAY CLOSE TO OllANGI CO\IN'fY IN TH• WDTMIH.,... Cs.NTD I I ... , • .,. ..... ---·· • i ..... ·-· • l \ 1 ( ( l l ' I .{ ' I '· ' } ""-• .-..., 4, lM z: • ' \ I ••• . ,.~, I • -·----- ' ' ,, " -------· ---------.. ----- --------------,.-.----- • II •! • ' I I I t ( -· I ( • Ii< • • . . .......... . ....... ,, .. J4 DAILY PIW . . . Rust lel-S Rally to Mo w Do wn ,Riverside, 7 4-731 , ., . . ' ' q GWC Tests Rw Hondo Tonight with 25 se<!onds to go and then got 0 ball with one second left in the game when Olsoo missed a free throw. By JOEL SCHWARZ Of "'9 DIJb' PHlft tttH RIVERSIDE -It's back to the pru. sure cooker known as the Eaatem Con- ference basketball race tonl,gbt for Gold· en West College after the Ru!Ptrs l\1"1- ed ,in probably Ille b!Ueat Victory of their young caae history Friday night by holding orr Riverside City College in · a 74-7S thriller at R,CC's gym. Tonjgbt Golden West is at home in tbe Orange Coast College gym against lUo Hood.o and hopefully coach Dick Strick- lin won't have to resort to the four-guard offense that turned the tide against Riv- erside. Stricklin was forctd to use the unusuaJ offense iu. an attempt to shake his club out of a dismal shooUng shunp and to badger Riverside out of a semi-stall of· fense. So with his club down by 13 pointa, , ( !Ml, and oply 10,31 ldl in the ganie, f . · I :-' - • ·o«l"'l' ~ILOT l'MI• '°'>' •lctMri'll K...,_. TIEO UP -Orange Coast College's Rick Stickel- maier (50) ties up Fullerton JCts Ted Harper \Vhile . OCC mate Rich 1-Iardgrove (44) look~ ~n·. Van Bye of Fulerton is seen al 'the.right. Fullerton exploited its superior beef an4~~gbt to muscle out a 71-59. win)~ the conferen<f1• 2ener. ·, ' •, .rr S-ports i n Bri"f Jordan Says Dallas . . . W ill Ma k e Comeback MIAMI -Lee Roy J0rdan says he has to prove something to himself. He says the Dallas Cowboys have to pr9ve somelhing 1o themselves. Jordan, a 225-pound linebacker for the Cowboys. figures Sunday against the Minnesota Vikings in the National Foot- ball League's playoff game is as good Lime as · any to find some answers. The 27-year-old Jordan, in his sixth year of professional football, admits he still is a little numb from losing the Eastern Conference title playoff to Cleveland two ""'eeks ago. "We've got to win this one the Play- off Bowl to prove to ourselves and oth- er people we have what it takes to come back.'' PHILADEi.fliIA. -'Tbe Philadelpb1a 76ers buill a ~7-polnl haULlme lead anll continued a second hall assault in rout- ing tbe Los Angeles Lakers 130-101 Fri- day night in the National Basketball As- ~ociation. In the second period Philadelphia out- scored Los Angeles 44-!7 to lead 74-0 al halftime. LOS ANGELES -Sophomore guard Mike Newlin hit six straight free thro .... ·s in the last 51 seconds Friday night to halt a Southern Calirornia rally and give Utah an 30-T.! basketball victory over the Trojans. Newlin scored 32 points for high hon- ac.s in the game. The Troians trailed by 16 points al one point but narrowed the gap to four with I :03 left. door reception at tlfe Cbl umbus Airport. Some 1,500-2,000 happy fans and a high school band crowded into the airport terminal in .17-degr"ee weather to Wel- come the happy warriors. Numerous signs proclaimed, "Ohio SI.ale Takes The Cake," "Numero U110," and "National Champs," as the victori- 001 Buckeyes filed off a chartered plane. SoCal Open Telecast Set Orange County is the focal point for the golf fan's TV highlight this weekend. Channel 11 will beam the Southern California Open from Los Coyotes in Buena Park loday and Sunday at 3 p.m. The football highlight is the Hula Bowl game from Honolulu at I :3o over Chan- nel 4 in color. Today •.iO f,m, (ll) Cl -ALL·SlAR BOWL -North v• Soulh '""'°"· trcM TeMl>f (FIA.J $!td11!m. l1N (4) CL -B-'Sl(ETllALL -High Kl>ool o•me of w~. Ro" Po•!er. s.in,,., ~'-• (OUrtsicle. l 1>.m. nl CL -HOCKEY -Chlct90 Bl Manlrtt l. O&n Kelly, ll lH M••"' ICeslde er Tiit F11r11m. 1;:10 p,m. 1•! CL -HULA BOWL -From Hon· 1>lulv. 1:lcr P.m, (!) (L -BASKETBALL -BVU 11 !Tenfora. l p.m. <II) CL -PGA GOLF -Ul,OQO S0.•(8111. Or>tn, lri;>m Lo~ Covotts CC in Buena Plrk. J P.m. (JJ) CF -BASKETllALL -USF It S.nlt Cifff, will\ Mon!• Moore end Pele Pfllell coun1lde. 4 ·~ P "'· !•I CL -~ANTA ANITA -l-I0.000 Mtllbu Sl•ke•. Ed Reirriers, Harry HtnMfl trKk&lde In Arcedl•. · •:JO p.m. (!J CT -llOWL!NG -C~r1 Scl'lmlot. P•1t T°"nla• "'· Ed 8ou•Oa!e. JiM Goodman. S p.m (•\CF -WORlO OF GOLF -8111y Cit· P•• ~· G•n• li""' JimMY ~~·"'· G""' SM'lt(ltl li!111;1,oe tor •19 dell\I! of 1111, ~l<lbe!rollln9 0011 1110 .... !nHlal ol•v It Mini!• Golt fnd COUnlfY Cl11D "'· clvdel I~ lo<:~I ore, Ben Arai s OM. {S! CF -GRANO PRIX -Auto ••Cl/\9 tilm•. 5 "·"' (ll) CF -COMMENlltitlY -UPI <Pvltwl t~~ 111.11 W>a.11 ...... ' 1.;; J, ,., ... Rli ode Island Rolls, 81'-7 6, Over lr¥ine Special i-0 Dally Pilot PROVIDENCE, R.l -UC Irvine drop- ped its second sl_raight match on its eastern road trip, suffering an 81-76 selback at the University of Rhode Island Friday night after bowing to Providence the previous evening. Now coach Dick Davls' Anteaters have three days to regroup before tackling their toughest opponent yet -Bostoo College -Tuesday night ucr was in the thick of hostilities with Rhode Island bllt wound up short· changed at the chlirity 'line .•the last hair. gettini; only six, grails trie'I .while the hosts were being accorded 17 by friendly officials. The Anteaters were nursing a 57-54 ad~antage with nine minutes to go and they held the ball. They took a shot and missed. Then they tried to. put it through the hOop .on the ensuing four rebounds and again came up · wilhout a score. Then Rhode Island took over and blitz- ed to nine points in a row to take a lead which it never rellnqui!lhed, although UCI trim.med the defjcit to one point later in the going. Jeff Cunningham was again the star for UCI, trltting 23 pojnts to go w'lh his school record 34 set the night before. And Steve Sabins contributed· 13. Super star Mike Heckman was again held under double figures, settling for six. UC .,...IM 111) ,, fl ,, ,. cvn~!Mham 1 I 1 4 11, S11!dt11 7 l t U He.:~m111 J t I ' llarntt • 0 J I Sfb!1q j3lU !ll1•l"'vkh J 1 l HoWM•tti'lt 2 0 , 'A Font!ul• 1 0 0 1 ............ {ll)l , "" .. "' !'VIII ' I J,_,LtJ Erielllh t l ! IT Htnirtl "'I • I .. 11 M-'I''" 1'1"11\11:1 l , 1 ... }-fNl!1rt ,o 1 1 t B~•n '• 1·1,.,? •J' To!t~ 31 H 2C 7' T1>!1ls ,P 17Al II tlalllllt'lllt It~ l<l[•l"ICI lt. U' lrvlnl 3t. FJC Muscles l -- - By Pirate Five, 71-59 · By GLENN WIUTE Of Ille Dtllr Plltt lteH Plagued by cold shooting and the in· ' ability. to cash in so~e ,fine defensive steak did in defending Eastern Confer- enc~ champion Orange Coast College. Friday oight as Fullerton Junior Col· lege's legion of · musclemen outscored the .Pirates, '11-59, in the latter's gym. Now Ct>ach Bob Wetzel must guide his w Golik" West ' C1!11fey ' C'fPffH ' Fvllenon ' Sen .8•rn•"llfl0 ' ........ • 0.-•nD• (C..$1 • Clll"\I, • Mt. SAC • 111,ivtrilde ' Senlo '"' • Prld.IY'• IC•rtl Floll•r!o" 11, Or1n•t Cofr'I St Oolden Wesr 14. Rlveulde 13 San B•rnardlna l"J, M!. SAC 14 Cl\eHl!v 10, S•nla AM 6S Cypr.,. 61, C!lr11s 6" (OVHf!me) T•ltht's Ot- Or1nn Ccesi 11 RJver~ldt Rlio Nonao •' Golden Wnt Cypre.ss 11 Mt.SAC CtwrlltY '11 Citrus San lern1rd1Jio 11 Fulltrlo" ' .. .. • " ,, • .. .. • .. .. • " ... • u " • • • ' .. " ' .. .. ' " u ' ,, " ' .. .. 1968 EC titlists to Riverside City College tonight at 8. for game two of the lengthly '69 loop menu. Orange Coast had a gross of opportun- ities to knock off the tall, brawny Horn· els. But when you shoot 31 percent from the Ooor, are outweighed 1.00 pounds per man and give up six inches per· inan in height, you don't figure to be in · the running for victory __ • unless the <>P.- ponent plays as poorly as Fullerton did. Tabbed by all the conference coaches as the EC's leading choice for tiUe hon- ors, Fullerton was a first class disap- pointment. Orange Coast smoked to a 22-14 lead early in the first hall against the flound· ering intruders. But then the Sues went cold from the floor while Fullerton flick- ed up the garbage shots underneath. Orange Coast was able to get only one basket the last five minutes of the first half while the HornetS were plucking away. Then FJC's Jerry Brucks hits a couple of short hooks and a fret throw to put his mates into a 29-28 le.itd at in- termisston. · Wetzel's group remained icy into the second half while Fullerton went on a spree, moving to a 47-37 bulge. However, the Pirates made a come- back with a couple of nice steals by Rick Stickelmaler an<! key points by Rich Hardgrove, Steve Jacobsen, Jim Kindelon and Stickelmaier. They hacked the deficit to 4M6 with 9:52 remaining in the game. But then they went back to the old routine of taking bad shots -and miss· ing -while Fullerton picked up more junk underneath. Brucks' bucket from underneath with 3:29 left made it 63-52 and Fullerton had it in the biag. Steve Turley led OCC scoring with 14. Or•lttt C•l1 Un l•C'ObMA JOl"(llA Sllcelm.11ler F11htrty Tur..., < S11V"er l(lndtlOll Mietrtln f1 II l'f '-' 1 J I $ 1 II l 2 l 1 l I ] 1 , , • 2 t )<I • 0 , 2 1 ' 0 1 • l • l 10 , , 0 ... 0 , l 1· 2111Hst f'111tr1111 1n1 #tftiH"lf ' I J '' <I I • II klntr aw •rvc:k• O!lldreu ""'" W1!111"t WU!Kltl Tol11t • 2 ',. • 1 • ' ,. I I, JJ 0 l 0 ' I t J I ,,IJ7l71 StrlckJio sent guards Mark-Campbell, Olllo Martin, Mark Mllltr and Randy OJ. son along with forward Brian Ambrc>- zich onto the floor. 1n four and a balC minutes ot sustain- ed ball-liawklng, Ught defense and a fast breakirig attack, the RusUers blasted Riverside ou\ of its slOw-down ta.ctlc.!1 with a 17-1 ocoring bUlz that sbot GOiden West in· froot far good, 60-57. Olson was particuJuJy effective tn the pressing Rustler defense, s~allng t h e ball three times and causing a fourth Riverside turnover. Martin (ired in eight poinll during the big spree. However, the Rustlers weren't out of lhe woods yet in the game that w a 1 destined to go down to the, final buuer. Golden West led 74-69 with 81 seConds to go, but Riverside started its own scramble and a pair of missed one-and· one opportunities kept Riverside alive. '01' Tlgera 11ariowed the ' pp lo .7H3 Riverskle gambled on a rebound shot to win It. After a ·Umeout, Dan Arellano threw a three-quarters of the court pt.is off the backboard, but Miller reboupth;t ed for the RusUers to protect their 1· ,. The first baU was a nightmare for .G ~ en West. The Rustlers turned the · over six .times in the first five minut • hit on only 11 of 43 field goal attem~' and couldn't work lhe ball into pivotmWt1• Dave Prather, th-eir leading 1cortr. 1'>'11 . 11' ~ Wttl (H) IU'ffi'IM lUI • ...1 1 ft II,., I• fl n ""' (•moti.11 7 o 1 l' StrOlher o I l• i'i M1r!111 5' 116 IC,.._plk 3 J 1 < Miiie< 2 O l ' Jonet l t U,' ' Ptynter 1 2 0 ' \\ut~IWS t ' ' Prulher ? s ' t •rell•no J ! I Ol•on ' 1 I ll lluktr 0 1 • I" RoblnK>n ?-O ? ' Norris l 0 0 ~urdl"t 2 o o ' Citric 7 2 ~,. "mDro•lt~ l 2 5 6 Vtn<lerpool S 4 I j( 'TOllls 29 U 11 74 Toi•~ 21 U 2f.,,f; H.ittlme M:W•; Rl~erJ1"' 41, Goldtll Wet! 32. -' ,[,(11 To Rams' Job • ,rJi1 Allen Undecided ~~ '~!to I About Returning ~'. •rl1 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Fired head he said he wanted to come back. He still , coach George Allen hU been offered hJs .... ·anls to come back. That's what ht job back with the Loa Angeles Rams wants most. "but he will make his ,own decision u a "But bow can they possibly expect hira 1 football coach and not a~ anything e~," to go back under the same old contract bis_ wife says. conditions?" In any arrangement ~r. Etty ·AQen told" The ASsoclated Press tween two human beings," she said, 'jthe Friday itigbt that Allen ls conaldering i-e-most important things to CQ11Sider a r •\ '. ·turning to-tbe._.ftams as well-as weighing~~· their intentions." \I offers· (roni at le&st two other teams -"George is one of the world's grea,_. Buffalo ~f the·Americ~ Football Leaaue coaches," she said. "He iir now between and an unidentified NaUonal club. · jobs because the Rams wanted it that Allen ail~ the llams owner and presl-way. To get one or the world's greatest dent,. Daniel F. R~ves, have agreed on coaches, they sho.uld make an appropri· a no-cpmment poh.cy by each at this ate offer. Isn't that logical?" time. it was . al.so le~ed . "f'in 09t the coach, I'm just a wife and a lnotber, not a .football strategist ~ n wlil be 'George as a football co~ch to decide. what he will do," Mrs. Allen sakl, speaking from their· home in su- burban Palos Verdes. Buffalo has been Jn 'the picture silice the day after Christmas when Alleh was dismissed. · · Mrs. Allen said she believes her hwr band would prefer to eOach tbe Rams to any ·other team. ' "Tbe firiilg," she said, 0 bas changed things a little. It hasn't changed his feel· ing for the players. That love affair is still on, and those are the players he wants to lead to a chainpionshiP." Numerous stars supported Allen a n d showed up at a . news conferen~ · t h e coach called the day after the firing. Many said if Allen went, they would ·re- tire. Others said they would follow Allen if he went to another team. "George was still under &tress at his news· conference," she said. "You can't imagine the strain he was under -a coach with an outstanding record sudden- ly fired. He meant it, of cour9e, w h e n UCl Diver Stops Bruins UCLA walked off with the champion- !hip of the fifth aMual All-University of California Swimming Relays and Div- ing. The Bruins won nine or the 10 events Friday at the UC lrvlne pool witb only Bob Wilhite, the Anteaters' stellar dlv- ar, able to nab a first place from the Uclaos. Wilhite set a meet record in the three- meter diving event with 213.CIS points. He finished second in the one-meter diving event with 227 .15 points to UCL"A's Gordon Creed's meet record of 232.50. SeCond place went to UC Berkeley (73) with ·host UC Irvine third with 68 points and UC Davis and Santa Barbara tied for fourth with SS. , meier dlvinct -I. Creed IUCLAl 2. Wllhl!• tUCIJ J. Ro_. (UC8) t. A~IOI" CUC8). Polnt1: 232,50. (~91 r.i::ord) ' x 100 fly -1. UCLA 1 UCll 1rocl UCO. '· UCI (H•h"· H•iHI, 01kt, M1nl11). lime: l;Jl,t (Mftt recotd) • x 100 br'Htl -1. UCLA 7. UCSI ). UCS '· UCO. Tlmr: 4:11.0 CMHI rtCl>r111 '~ fr-I. UCLA J. UCI (M1r1L11, H1hn, EtMlll, 01 ..... 1 ). uc• .. UCO. Tl""; 1:27.7. ' 11 100 mldlf'y -1. UCLA l , UCO l . UCSI I. UCt fOlk•, ·'-r• Hlhn. Ftrt111l. Tl!'IW! J:.O.t. (Mitt tfOl>rdJ '. • ) llW!tr dh<lf!I -I. Wlll'llle lUCll 2. Cf~ (UCLA) l. Ev1"1 !UCOJ '· Rowt {UC8). Polnfl; 21):aJ. (MHt rtcOf'd) ' • lOO beck -· L UCL" 1. UC& J; ucn .C.' U(I ' (MC.!\l'O"lld. OIQ, Emtr-.) Th!W' l ;JJ.J, 111"~ rl'Cord/,... -1. UCLA '· .\!Cl (Flll'l'l•ir. Tfl'1er, .,,_, ot-l. J. UCS8 '· ucs. TllN' l :Jf,,, .. ' ~ • l'ldo mtdln -1. UOLA 1. UCS, '· UCS8. •.UCO. llfM: 1;?5.J. (MMI rKord) ' • 100 , ... -I. UCL.I J. ui:t {Flrmtr. Oloon, f:aNI. Mlrtln) 3. UCI 4, UCil. llmt ~ l : lt.•. It's Official! Bucks No. l ; USC Fourth By The Associated Press , Ohio State's potent young BuekeyesJ firmly en.trenched atop the college footl. ball world after their Rose Bowl tri- umph over Southern California, looked .. forw"ard today fo a year ••• or possiblf two , .• of continued dominance. . The Buckeyes named national cham- pions by a wide margin Friday in the fi- nal Associated Press poll of sports writ-.. ers and sportscasters will return all but ~ three of the 22 starters who paved the· 't\'ay to a 10-0 finish capped by a 27-16 conquest of then No. 2 Southern Cal. Ohio Slate, which last won the nation- al championship 15 years ago, receiv· ~ ed 44 of the 49 first place votes cast in the final AP ballot. 1 The Buckeyes got 968 points, to 782 for , 1 runner-up Penn State, the only other un· ~ beaten, untied major team. s Texas, 9-1-1 after trouncing Tennes· see 36-13 in the Cotton Bowl, nailed the ' third s1>9t, with Southern California, 9-1· 1 1, falling to fourth. TOOMEY ENTERS I NDOOR MEET SAN FRANCISCO !AP) -The 1969" U.S. indoor track and field season gets off to a Dying start tonight wheu a paw erfu1 lfQtzp of Olympians and wwld r'ec onfboll:ter&·compete in the Examiner AU American Garnes. Gold mMal winners are Bob Bea long .i-; Ok:k FOllbury, blgh . jump Bob Seagren, pole vanlt; Lee Evans, meter dash, and Bill Toomey, of Lai!Wlll Beach, decathlon. BERCHT~GAOEN, German y -Kiki evuer, lt-.ye.ar~ld college student from Beo4, 01'1:., made her first European ski te.i of die IUIOD .a 1ucc:e11 Friday, wt••i tile women's giant slalom in W.W. ea, competition la t.be Bavarian A/pt. l.1f p,m I!) CT -81lll .... RO$ -Mlnr~!Oll F1i. ~' MO<'t\' i\M>ltrdfm 11 1>m. (!l Cl -BASKElll,l,LL -lulu•e Gre<lll W1vt It UCLA e.v;"I. Sunday ~le • m U\ (l -COMMENT"lfV -For""' R•m ""'"Ml• Gflc•O. Allen '"evi.w. 1i.. 111.unrielVp 60...I. Wllic.h hi• tll.1<911 ""'" lltl Ve.Jr, 1)1.lw~ Dall11 •~ Mln.,.sol• I McLendon Sets Pace at SoCal Op~·.aq' _ .... , A.lbed MaU of Aunria won the men's •pedal ' slalom In wJdc~ s1J American mea were ,dl&cau'"8ed· .. '. M111 CuUflr J wbo aUtllds the Univer- •ftJ of .Dn1eo, ...on at nearby Oberitau- fti .W. a tWH11D dme Of oae minute, 13.IJM«adJ. ' ' .... ,,, .,., ' . ,, COLUMBUS, Olllo -ne Oklo SUie Bot..,.. ...... -~ ..... Roi• -·;Yli;l«t '""" ........ ._ . .Ill: ' • •J • ;,1 I' I 10 • m. (l) CL -PL,1,YOFF BOWL -Ollla• vS. Ml11<1e.JOl!1, tl•Y Scol!, Pf<ll c"rr11man mll<•lde Jn Ml•rni Frank Glllo•a "'ii/\ pre incl 001t•9',... *'''""'· 1 P.M (91 Cl' -HOR SE RACING -Ooublt•fl! .. hirt on ~00<! of l(.,IQ.J. "~'"'""~" '"" ''Trlllllf!-p,.1-1, \1•(1(>!-y .. 1 )I) II"'· !11 -NHL CLIPS -f rOM l1U HISOl"l"I 5!1<111-y C"p 1>!•vO!! bflwttn St. LOI.tit 81ut1 .Ul(I Mof\lr~~! (lf\ld~lll, 1 I>"'· OJ CL -!IASKETB.-,ll -&olkln •T ~ • ., F••r>eh{'Q (/\flt 5dotnltel. Jfdt Twyr•"n (0Ur1 t ldr t! '"-Cow P1J1'e l Pm, 1!1) CL -PGA. C.0LF -SJl,OCCI !o C.ill. Ol>fn. ''""' Lm CO'l'Ok'• cc Oontld O'"Con11o1r. · Tom Kttt~ lln1t11dt. S li,m, Ill CF -SKIING -J••~·C lfltcle Kiii~ <hlll}tllffiJ '"' llMkied 1tco., of M•. llu-Pfllu 1n H.w 1•14!Wl, 1 • ""· !51 l -1-iO[l(fV -LA Kl.,.. ti 0111--*id Sftl, JI ... M(C>o<lt!d ic•llat 11 ~-!,"II AttN t j3"'•...lft> tUJ (T -4KllNG -CllPA "1d ..... ~ ff w. tei, ...... ~; • BUENA PARK -Mac Mcl.endon, 23, of Birmiqgham, Ala., set a bliltering pace in the nm half of \Re: first round of the Southern C.lifornia open IQlf tou(-. nameot Friday with a seve~ 65. • . '' Mct.ebdOn; a form!I' ciptain of..-lhe Louioial>A State Unlvorslly goll loam '!Iii> turned :Pl'O eJC)tt m~ ago, sbot .,. •• en b1rdltt ot~ the par-72, l ,90f.yard course, Defending thampion BUly C.sptio ,. na.. I • lional open champion lAe Trevino, Bob Murphy and a number of Mhtt stars ol the PGA tour 1,. off In the ae<on<I . l>a1t of lb• first roond early toda;'. ' ).lcLendon came in two -ep betl<r tflao bl! closeat compeUtors,,forq>fr l'<IA champloo Jerey Barber and lotlt ,can. fomlans. Stevo. Bogan, Q>uct ~on\al. band, 11ou Randall and Jim cpbert. Tbree other ea11rom1.... Rusty uhl, C\lrtla SUford and Diet Lotz, were in with f·undcr·par eas. i . Bobby Rosber1, former natfonal'PXlA champl,on, and veteron Blllr ~ wort the ool)' seasone<i lounllm«ri <lllW PA1snm ·to ·st.,. near th< -: : · ™'Y """' utit at .!-undtt>~ •• wlUJ two Sou~ CA!Komla p;or~ Eddie Merulis and Monte Sanders, t I\ e low i>r" in Thunday's pro ·~-w1qi a 17. - Tbe 36-hol• c.'ompetldon tonch1dt1 . dn Sunday, aner the J~ajler fltld ii 'cut to the IO low professl~aJs and 1$ I o w amateurs for tbe final 'l!'Jlld. .~; --------·--------------------------------.,..-~----------- -- ------ . ·--DAILY fill.OT If I~ • Jt:e~ n»-ow~ .... .~ftPtQi:~.~ f.~t~ M:~~'-~lt 1iJW:~ ,,., .Copies Riegels' , Di8hlps Vie ' j '· 1 • ~ .Y!kes · Mesa11. Run Fo~ Title Ou~ 70-00. ''"" By STEVE 4NDREWS "".. Of .. °'"" ..... lf\lff Ii 'TN! thick black lint at the top ol the 11"'' 1$ feel from the basket, can )ilay arftmportant part in the outcome of any b. tball .gime. · • .• · . . 'fld fuit that Friday evening u 'Ma-r~.• Vlklnp li!nll•cH.oara to O,nJy 13 fliflt:tbrow •tt.em~, ea route to • 1o-eo decfslon over -the viaiUn& saxw. Both ~ batUed on even ter.m.s Jrom theiit1d, the Vtke1notching25 field goals td t;h e Saxons' 26. However, the gratis. l.iJle· [QAde the dUferenee., l.Oara led the. entire·, first quarter by ~ in any as nine Points, 19-10, but it was· all M8rlna in the second eight min-uUs. · Coach Lute Olson's crew outacor<ed their coUnterparts 22-10 during thls per- iod, running off 10-strai&ht poin_Js in a ... thrtt-mlnute ~~· ' , The Saxons made another run at Ma- rina midway in the third stanza, behind the !,haTp1hooUng and tough niboundlng of aellfor Ralph:·Redington. The bUrly center m5.· M);_ k~tld ti"! game Jt JI, but. receipted.\lt!Pa teclmlcal rdul~ana. also his fourth personal. -- With Rtd1ngton out of the lineup the Closest his teammates could come was four points, 60-M, late in the lut quar· ter. ' • · ,, · •· . Bull.ta by Vince Moll, '·Buddy Moen .11nd l\t6k Mosier and a stall made sure the Saxons got no closer. Dick Ivie, one of the Vikings leading rc!"bounders, missed the eRCOUnter be-- ciuse of illness. Olson hopes the 6-5 s~ nior will be ready tor Tuesday's Sunset League opener against Newport Harbor. -Taking up the slack for Ivie was 6-1 Mosier and sOphomort Kipp Baird. ' . . BY RQ!l,:R,C"1\l.Sl)N away .to earn,a Ibo! at got~ of Arizona perlodl, and It waa .ze.au ,t thO el)d of -"";".':',. ...,, -""' oi ... Dtltr '"" Aaff ,, in \oni1ht's tJUe match. • the second quarter. . 1.1Mt1iMt ' 1 s s YM.., 7' f-J: Shades of &7 Rlegelsl TlpoJt Ja at 1:30 (mqre, Utan ltkety It .~ ,at tb"_·~tsie\ of ·~ :thlrd .,taDza ·::t'., : 1: : J · :=...,. : , t 1:. wUI be al 9). , a ~QIO\'l l'IP,,;,.o fulkol/rl preq,llnd "'"""' •••ii c-• • •" Foi;y years after thO Cal back' made Kofa gained' J¥ 'finals whh a aMI thi ,µddei> bO. ~ otll• trmlllne . ::=' l 1': l ""~ l :' :, !' his wrorig~way run in the 'Ro!e Bowl, a verdict. over El ~odena' in the other half at the :netl ~·' Its toU. T11111 • • 1 • ti;IWYtr I ·~ i ••• Costa Mesa H1gh . basketball player du· of lhe semifinals. . Wlthln ~ti t wp a .~·point lead Ttot111 2' o 11 ., r 11 ti • 1t.., pli~ I.be performance... by gqinfi ~he The ~ven~ $-41 victory for coa<;b and; ev~ tbe "IF~-were -leading ' t( """'.,,..,.,..... •11 1........, wrong w•• and hittina a liuiket for New· Dave Wuman'i ile~t ~l' gives the ~~; 11,t, ~' ctr:"' ... ":"" !} 'I " ,,_ "' . Tars a clear·cul 5"ol at lll tlral ~-1¥,11\>16' Wt desperate rush at port Harbe'r' Higb Ill I~ 1emdlnab of , menr cilh1>•1'!!1'!Jlt! mnce J"4 wheh !be tl1' ' ~~··In wllhllt two the N"'P"'t OpUm1it balitlball toun1ey .host' S<ho111'clip~'Lon& ':se&cb Joluan •. at Ith 1:4T ·nfn(: · ·se&1 Kings Friday nlJ!ll. ' • ' • 'fof thi uue.: .~.. -· , ' ;llooi°""', 'a bukel by Jeff 'll!allnoff And ts was tl)t case'm''the'l9211 Rose . ~eaa coach jlerb.Llvsey, forcing It ll:ln eel !lie.,. .tor the·g-tiTtaller a ft 4 Bowl strun~e. tho play wps 'a ·cru~lal. alter the bitter det>at, said, "We mlsiad thin be ..ic!ed'two more bucbts for 1 I .. Ii t11me witb. Newport nuni\18 ~ 47-43 IOllle sbo,ts il\.o;. sei:ond hall and th!'D petnt,Jldvamqe. • w• 0 ' lead and Mesa had the ball,• Hii' mis-atarted gratW!Of.fOt slraws/' Lee..Ji!Wa•'W .. deadly for the WinneN, )llP. uli 1 l\lkled effort gave ·the Tan .a ~· ed1e klJ, quintef$id'.Jiyen ~vo~ed Newport tan~~ 1r1b. the ata•of 12 lree throwt. · r :-' .-~ _ 1 ~ andstf.,tbetempoforpiesailorsto spurt all it ~d bindle thrq~.lh~'first two M~ . ...,li~ · ., , .. . .. ,. , 'l' .. • ~ ~ · · ·· Monareli~; ' .... · . . . . ' y ~~'· .. •• What do y0u 1en your,~ club at ha\fUmO .,,.bell JtU'.!"c ~ ,117 a 1 44-11 count? ~ . ' That WU the p<Obltm lhM ~ coach Fells ·Rotm of Milate \>W llfib School Friday afttfMM In a -d round 1ilne '!11th ~ dtl Mat In the .. -"::!J'•wport ~ Invite· ,. •. llOllal bu •HO~ ...... lt lltril*I . Jl.irbor lllclt --r·~·· ' ., · Wbat he did do, :fpalently, wu· to lake bll quintet out 1be iellt 4'1- ft !lad employotl In tile Oral bali aJid Into a nwHo-man delea... Corona del Mar, Wlth I l 1 in- 1unnoontablt 1e1d, -ll blndll1. n-31, , ~Ill the Monarclla did p!i,t the Wltlrlus ·even the final two pet\odl. Vlotory ,.ndl coach Bill Bloom's Corona .del Mar five Into tfte C6nl01ailon finals qalnM the Cflmblal! from Ywna •I 5,30 IQday. Aad, II moved !be Sea Klnp Into a 6-5 overall mart. . · ;in.·Tourney · .tf .8'.m'I DOvwB ..... ..._ "'* tf!H lri 1114, end 11 WU lllatloe Viejo on lop. -·. • 1be t<llfld· lllabjol -Ued UtemH!vtf lf!to in-llnall cl tile lMth annual Bno:o!lidlo llUlcatb<ll Touma· m4nt by ~ lltancla Frltl1y nltJ!I II 'rel !11(11. ) c, , "Evtl)'boilY •Jiu.. free throw• but llll ". ~ent6d ~ Hip buketball coach !llU Wttzel wltlt lilt crew b4hlnd . by 111 points in !be Wlllfill 1econdJ, of a Mf'nlClnal encounter. The EaJlet hit • dismal 40.7 percent from lhe lfltll lf!lt, Ind in Ibo JJnal ..,. alyitt It WU their fallur• to c611ecl !\Ore that lad lo the 90-63 Eslancla downWI. M6anrlbJle, Mluloo Viejo'• ~ Int DiiblOs travel io the flna!S . to bijll• Sttvl!O ·tonfihl at I In tbe Brei· tym. El!ltancla will face Btta at 4:30 ln a 1arne lo ~ecj~e .Wrd. In other Frld.ly hoop acliqn Laau,na Beach oped by Neff in the second ·half to nail a U-42 win. The Arll•ta duel Va· Jenda at 1,30 In th<; OONO!atlon flnali. E<tancla fell bOllln4 by four polnta in the flfll quarltf " the O,iablel<rac<d . to a IW !fad G!1 1bi ~it Iii TOl!I Gard· nlr'• flll<lY •boollntl """' Olltllde. The Eqlu•c·ut the Dlablo Jqd.to thtee at 'the bill, lf.11, .Ind kept ..-ce Ill the tlllrd · qua!M. matcblnc Mlaslen . Viejo'• J7 pelnt&, but It took Wdul's battlett m inlnutes of the lut quarler, IO reglater <illr 111 points . In the meantime. it wu Gll'dnU aeain pulvtrlllns thO !!;este defen,. from the outside u he potted one bucket tiler an- other without a miss. . EstanCla manqed to pull within four with l :31 ltft in the game, but the Dia· bloa werett't CWng to bt put down aft.er comlnc th1" flor u they drew a bevy of crucial foula Ind turned them Into points at tfte line. 'll!o~er scored most of his 16 polntB frt.m in close, as did Blird. Moll added 17 poh:ill to the Viking cawie, with Moen ciritrl6uttrtf 12 ... , .~ • ~--__ .,... --= ftedlngton led all scorers with 23 points. The . first half waa a lllldy In how to romp throuCh a zone dtltme u ti"! Sea Klnp ripped Ille Sprlns Valley qulnl•LwllllouLlll . '--- fl WU a 114 'Z" the and ot !be f~M quarter Ind the marlbl 1tmply kept wfdenJni. 1. .. r1 ( .. ) N1a.ol11 ~, ... ow"' ftedlnt!on fr1n1111 ~rl~lol P•!.Hr9lll Tot1b ,, fl " ,. 7 J 2 11 0 0 ' o, 1 0 2 4 10J~1l I 0 1 1 J 2 2 • l 0 s ' 26 170.0 M1rl111 171) •01rd l,\Qlllet Str•tlord ""'" .. , 01vldMW1 tot1ls ''"'''' ' 7 1 1' s ' s 16 J 0 1 ' J ' 3 11 I 1 2 I~ 0 0 J: 0 SctN '' Qvarltn lt••• lt 10 11 ,..:., M1rl1111 lJ 21 1 0-7$ Mate'r Dei Ignites, Cops Title, 60-41 Slow-starting Mater Dei ignited its oU· ence after the flrat quarter and went on to bury Saddlebatk High's Roadrunners, 60-41, to earn the unof£iclal Santa Ana city high school basketball champion- ship Friday night at the losers' gym. Mater Dti was down, 10.9, after a ghastly first frame. But aft.er that the Red and White got Into gear with Ralph Chandos· leading the way. He petted stven )X>ints the second quarter as Mater Dei moved into a 26-21 halftime lead. After that coach Jerry Tardie's out· fit conUnued to pick up momentwn , con- trolling the boards as Chandos JX>Pped in one rebound shot alter another. Too, Saddleback got in foul trouble while Maler Dei was amuingly cl~an of infractions, ha.ving only eight fouls charg- ed to its players for the evening. Chandos and Tom Walker w&e the only Monarchs in double figures, slicing the nets for 26 and 10. Both are juniors. Mater Dei, now 10-4 for the· season, rolls out the welcome mat for Fountain Valley Tuesday at z o'clock. Mtllt' Dtl f6') """'' s 0 1 10' Wtl-1r (111 .... , M~,,,11'1 ''" GIM •t Frllt Nor1on l~r!JCht H1vfltrl Tottls ' • 1 u 0 1 0 ' 3 3 l • 1 1 0 5 0 2 0 2 ~ 3 J 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 D !111160 S1l!CleO.ck (•I) KtlL ' 1 1~ ~.: St.,..rd 0010 VOl!f'I !007 Gomtt tOJ I W1rren ~ 2 S 10 V11111ool 0. I 1 I Gr11 3~11 Tft1'1• 0010 MCK!t 0102 Tot1rs JI 1 H 11 s-. ty h1ri.n t 11 11 11-40 10 " 7 f3..o;.jl I CLUTCH REBOUNO -Lee Haven (55) ot Newport takes_in rebound from Costa Mesa's Pres Spellmey. er (44) as mate Paul Holmes (~I) looks on Ill ~C· tion at the seventh annual New port Optimist tour- DAILY PILOT ,,,.t. h' Dtiit UiMettt" nament Friday night. Tars took 62-48 decision to advance to finals tonight against Kofa High of Yuma, Ariz. Haven Jed all scorers with 28. GAUCHOS TOPPED BY DESERT, 79-77 Colloge of the Desert, trajling through· out most of J.be game, took a four point lead with a minute and a half remain- . ing and held on to trim Saddleback's Gauchos, 79-77, Friday evening at the desert schoo\ 's confines. It was a combination of turnovers and missed buckets that caused the eventual downfall of the Gauchos, w~ missed three of their players with the fiu, one being starter Randy Lawrence. BiH Noorr lead the Saddleback scoring with 27 points, followed by Mark Hardy with 17. S1d1lltNtk IJH ,, fl ,, " -~~l'llt.ln I 2 ) 4 H1rper Collffl ol tflt o-1 Of) .. ",,,. ~ 10 2 211 • J l 1} S 0 I 10 } t I U 7 2 l I' 'l 0 2 ~ » I' 10 7t 8(1jtd I 0 ~ 10 Sllflflt~ H11'd1 I l 4 J1 $1H>l>lllS Noon 12 l 1 11 Wvrlck Metrlll 2 I 2 J On1ry Winier 7 o l u s..-~111 To!1lr. 35 7 ll T1 To11ls H11'llmt: Slddltbeck 37, De!ltrt l•. Sunday Race Action Corvettes ·Vie at OCIR Over 250 Che rofet Corvettes will stream Into Orange County In- ternational Racew y Sunday for the second annual all.Corvette meet. The eV. -will also lnClU:de a series of exhibition runs by the ''Mako Shark," 1969 cOrvE.itte funny car. Driver Don Cullinan has recorded several ruib of 180 mph speeds to earn the title of the nation's fastest Corvette. • . , S.n<:tioned by the Western States Corvette Council and tile Nation· al flat ltod ' Association, this year's race has attracted entries from Oregon, Texas, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada. Admission is $2. Gates open at 9 a.m. for time tlia1s and competition starts at 2 p.m. 1'le-'Corvette meet is the ·first major event on OCIR's 1969 .log. Nexl up ·wUI 6e the All-pro championship serles race for top fuel drag· step and, f>mny cars Sunday, Jan. 19. Corvette drag racing show. It's the largest gathering of Corvtttes ever in the )Vest. The Mako Shark can bit 180 mph In the quarter mile, I' In the ~ Cilrlt·~psen WU bJall· point man for the. pint wllh U ;oltita whllt Steve IMcb (II), Kinl Wll&reehl (13) and Gary Netu .. (JI) added to the cam. cw .... tt1 w~on ...... " J s '1• I J 111 l I I 2 I I J 1 6 I 1 ll I I I l 1 •• 2 • .. J 12 21171171 """ Thim- Occ MCWllll-• WllbrKht w•-°'-"~ t411!1n Tol1l1 M..,. Vim tMI 1'111<'-k Etrlt S-l'l'ltra Kr.ttll ""'" "'"' ·--lttttol TMll• .. ,,~,. I I 2 2 •• 1 • I I I 6 l • l ' 2 l ' 7 l • I 4 1 • t I I I A f lJ 1 11 31 ,.,.., .......... Cwont •I Mar 17 'P ll l._n MO!ll9 VIJii S • 11' 11-31 ltlllN tOI flfftf" Jtlltt t t It ·w~• , ,,, t ~ A I Ill ¥••"'""1'1 7 ... 14 ll~l,11 2· I t S ,..., tftl J~1r.· W•tlNll _,_ ""'" .... """' ..... C111r .. ,. " ,. "' J • ) ' 1 ' 1 ' t I t .f 0 • 2 ' J t , 1 ' lt t I '1 Ttf•l1 0 1 ' 1 I I t A J .. J 14 1 t 1 2 11 tl44 . .. .,~ • ' -)J • MQlltll '¥It" 14'1 """,. 10 ' l ,., Gt...intl' Gl_,.r Krtlt HOllMt ""' Htl ll'+ ••• ""'''""°"' ' 1 2 ' I I J l 2 t I A ' .. J 12 2 ·• .. ' I 1 l I t S 0 I 11 11 17 l}-17 . ,_,, ..... -,. .. t. ttrntlt _ A t 4 I Wltllt"'• t I S 21 "'" ,.., .,, ~-Ill • ~~ 2 J HWt , ..... \"~lltr• 1 • 1 ' T•111 22 1• '1 ilO Ta"lt 21112t'3 Mlultn VIMt BtftrKll ·-· b liwtrtln 12 n 11 -~~ i • 13 • 't1it.q ~ -"O.... In United State. . , . . , \ Gurney Ranked Fifth · , ' Among Top$$ Winners Dan Gu~y. with 111,llO won In Jiii, ranlr1 11 the Of\h lttdln& mDMY wiMll" on the United State AuiG Cl11b's 'It racing circuit. The Corona de! Mir driver won thrae rac,. !all year, lncltJ41ni a aeeond P'-" finish at lodlanlpcdll. The top D>lDIY winner 1111 !lobby un,..., who hlulM In .UJ,114 wllh five Vlctotfet, lncludfnll llldltli•ll"ll4. A.J. Foyt, wllo W11 Ne. I fqt the year with $1lt,4IO, 11111 ralp H 11"! all·llme ,.,.,, ..-d holdet wllh $1,1%3,271. And thll fl .... d-'l lnolual Income h'm> dri•lnl CIM;acla, Ure IJld acceaaory contractl and 4.PP61f'MC6 money. • Ut11er won •11124 oo the USAC chlm· plonllilp clrallt u the club'• top -.y wlnnlr of Jiii., Ulllll' had filO fllll, five second Ind one tb!t1$flace llalsllea to become the cllllnplenilllp clrcaft'1 champion. Foyt's wlnnlna1 came on both t"9 champlonahlp and lh• ltock car diluita. ~ !>ad four fil'lt, four aecond ud •• third place In the · dlampl•nlhlp' cltl Ind four f!rtt, thrae aecondJ Aile! one thltd to ,.In the 11oc1t cir cbampl•nthfp. Marlo Androltf, who came In ...md on the champloolllip· clrciult, was the clul>'• third place mobey winner with '101,102. He WOil four '!1"1i. u - and ... 11>1n1 Ill cllJm]llCmGlp can at111 ... third place 111 .tocli ..... . The top II drl-, their total Wlnllfnp and lhe -of flrll, -lllld lhlrd·)ilace f1nllbu In the vadowl .IJMC cateaorles are , . Bobby Unw, 1111,llt; ch&tn!llenship -5, •5, I. flnt place 111 clamJlonalllp otandlngs. A.J. Foy!, $114,450; ~hip - •• 4. t: --4, !, t. !Int pllCe in stock atand.ln1s Mirto An<lffl:J'ot,111;; damplOl\lhlp -4, 11, 1, -0, 0, 1. llCdnd plaee Jn t~~ Llofd Ruby, $tt,llt; •lllmpllellllp - 2, 3, l Dan Gurney, .,t,ll0i1 ebampl61'11btp -s, 1, o. Al 1111111', ....... ; cb1111plensh19 - 5, I, S: llocll -1, t1.l. Mel KCll':, ,,.!; clllmOlbnfl\lt -o, 0, 2: t -11, 14: 16. lint pl•ct ln.nlldit atandlnp. Gary a.tlanhauscn, 182,let; cllam· pionMIP -I, J, l: qorlhl -!, S, 2; llfld,.i '-I, t 1. cricoM plad In sprinf stand!JIU. ftoler l\f~uskty, '51.iel: cllJm· plonahip -J, I, J; llOct -.. •, 2. ""'°nd place In 1toCk standlnls. Joe Leinird $11,tll; chinljilOtioftip -e, e, 1. 8111 Vukovich, '5t,IOI; cbampionahip· -o, 0, 2; sprint -1, t, 1; ml4pt -~2.l . Larry Dicbon, "8,MO; cltanlpionlllip -0, 1, O; sprint -12, S, 7. tint pllct ID lprili1 llandln11. BarQns Snap Loss String, Win, 68-55 · . Fountain Valley HJrh llltpPed Its 3-. ..... IOlfnc sttat, dOwJ1ln& l,ynwood . Hifh's Dona, IWl;Ftk!iy nfCht In con-. aolatiml play of the sanu110 Invttltton- al baakolball tourney at the Gardeo, Grove tcbool'a gym. , Thus ~John Kauer'• Barons inove Into 5'ndago toil!Jh! al 5 to bl!Ue La Quinta ·for the C1UOl1tloa trophy alter the laUOr Jmoclied off llolla <lrai>de on Friday. Finally aetlt!Jit over a -lek boul• with tilt flu, Fountalo Valle, rtlalned .. Iii IOucb, hitllnl .fl -t from out-~ aid! 11alnil L~'I IOlle defense. Founlaltl Valley tot Its usual slurdy ,ame !?om 8'nier <lary Redmond is 1"! ' lluff'4 2t polnta tlriul)l lhe beOp, 1ei:·. 11111 16 the first hill. When Ute Dani llfltd off on him !be fin.ti two quartars Brad Veaoh picked up the· slack ajlll pUt In JO polnta f6r the ., 81rona. Arid, rellal\)e Dll..,. Dfllle con- tilbu!0$1 a to the whinm' CllllO. • The BatoOI >O<imtd to a C-11 lead ~ • hilfll!\16. l)ltn movl>d out by 11 with four - nllnil.,. lffl .. It.-orc11ftd hll ,,euw lofo d~ tactlCI. ' K ..... llahtd l hll')'. 1 I i h of rellef wi"!n he w a a tblo io bold m6!t titan,. five •atlllY "111"' for the pme. Flu , wlp6d his Ml• oil! wlUI W~ th1a wen. ....... Vl'll' 111. Hfldl 2,4f Htf'M'ltr l ••• ':i:t:t Jt,lf • ·1••2• 'I • I • ••• 'I "I W.ltltr • f 'IMtla a 411 • _,,_ 1,Yf!WM 11, • n FWnft• Vtller .. If If r .. .... .... -·~·-·-.. . -. ·-·~--·~··---·-.. -·--· ····· ' .... -· _ ... _~_,,. __ ,...._~-·--·'.'' , .... ·--- l I I l ) I t ! ' ' 1 ., I j ( I , I \ .'( ) ' ' t r ' S1t1td11i """"'1 4, 1'61 l • t 1· '• • . ·; l -'•' O'Hare\Still Busiest U.S. Air Center ClllCAGO (UPIJ Th< • Chicago area bas maintained 1 Its position as t.h e nation's ~ busiest air . travel center; log- ging mort than 1.6 million night regulation operations during 11!68. Avialion · lltratidn tfaf. An orJ;:.at the "Federal fie con centei\.at Aurora Thursday said t" c~ntet•s operations over an iuzht-state I area ~·ere up JS.4 pelint over 1967. -. i O'Hare International airport recorded ~~ or e inatrlunent nigh~ t4ifts 'lW\ways • 1968 than toi\111 seyen ..U-iOrts ~ under ft urisdictlon ~· the 'r: previous ar. the ayokesman .,, said. 1: ~ Almost 61ll;OOO sut\11 fights ,. 1 v.•ere logg~ in an4 out of .\ O'Hare this year, while o n I y ~-;i 1111,%39 were recorded by all . .,, seven facilities durin&,. 1967. ~ A RMJkesman said lh~-seveo • oum-fafcllit.ies \ad '-IOl,ooo tligftts thfs year. - t • " DEATH NOTffES ,. BEcKEMEYER , C••i. A. ~enwvtr. Ao• 1•. ot 16.Sft Don orlvt. Hu!ltlnll• a...:11. 01i. 1111 dulll.. JenueN . t. SIJtvlvtil b• ,,,...,,,, Mr. Mod """· Homer Git" Mdleme'f'tr; bro1"\tr1. Ronnl1 L., ~ A . ....i'~ld It. ld-ve•; lltMr, L.~ L · Hllr-Senllcel, 11-- day, I •M..' Pc-et: ''"'II' C.Jc.n!1I f11ner1 I HOme. · " 8.\L'l'L MORnlAl\lE'l Corona dtl Polar OR 3-MSI Cosla Mtsa P.U '-%424 BELL BROADWAY ~IORTUARY 1111 Broadway, Costa ftleu µum DILDAY BR0111ERS Uuidln(!Go Valley Mortury 17'11 Beatll Blvd. Uuntla!ll<>a Bt1dl IC.1'171 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAlllt Cemttfry • ~tonaary Olapel U. Padfk Vlew DriYt N...,.n,~C&llfonla .. . PSll:ll FllMILY OOfAlMAL FUNERAL .•. UOME :i..tJlttotA ... w"*"""' llf3.W ... ~~~y a rt J11iMIUdi ~ ... wm ~.uiv 411 E: J-~~~-' ' ~'-...;il..l.l.,;~~·;...:"-:....rl .. \. t • • I ' , " .DWARI Hllpful llt,.. fort-1 .. 1-m -Tax Record · NIK ror so1es .... Ex• Cl!lives and~ • ' • Helps )Oii le<p'traol at 1tl la~ dedVtlilile ilefN', tllit yn~ spe"d lftllM1 o~ t¥ety day: . • 1.25 ' Horne Budget Book .. ltMl'S" -Mikes tetpirtr · back ol llousehol6 expet15e$ 1s my as ABC. Kelpfwll ltlflt! ~ how lo save interest costs, ""' """ kind! ""' " .... en }'OUf la.t!i. 1.95 '. . '' -' . , ·' . , PAP~l-MAT{ , 91' lall hint Pu will ran '"11..n..·1·~' YICK'S -' ;111111ul -"; Ni1btimeC11' MtdicfM Reliefs major cold ,-.41' ''Flair" PEN Bf symptoll'IS Sil weU it-flelvs vide · the test yo:U body , not~. 1.ne1~1• ggc MU Halli Active Moisbiizer "pHiSilHex" SUDSIN& A daytim1. leaitj 1rea1meo1 u.t lltllacterial Sli1 Clu111r • , • protm;:ts, softeDS. smoothts , , • For tlM efltire.fiaiilyl Clan holl> o6d 'IOI lrOJd · . • skin better 1'an ,.;;,,.y 1 g· 8 rrmsr.:t:.r~ 2.50 soap. Used ~2~~.L • '----~---- fMllMOS "Astringent" Reliai111 ·lati>l ·ot oity---skilf ••• ' "'" k '"""' lire ., 75· texture el yolll" skin. l.511211.'Slz1' • Snak Jar · · ~,- 1~.li!ed ;.r ;;;~ "".., 100 &&c l·lll teep,s lunch snacks COid, cm,· ' · fOf boors. .~~ tr.. Size " • .t .,. _.'~ '• I • :Ii.,. .•• " ' ·1 I ' '. '· -·'! • '· ,. . ~ ... • . '. '\' --t· ' -----------------------~ - . .. ,, •< •l ,. • . , 0 • • ·. . i ' ; '65 PlY Ba'rrac~da · it~;~, h~at~r. min~.-oth~t ••· tru. llON-6481 .. .. ,,, . $29 Down & $29· Monthly ., '." , I ., ' ' '66 PL YM Sp .F~ry Rad io, heater; ,pow1er .ste9rifll,, aut.omatic, power brakes. ISVU-650 1 ' $49 Down & $49 Monthly . ... ~ .. ~ ..... , ... . I ~FREE"' . . ~11· . '.~'CH,,_YS N.y. ·$15· 1·· ., -,,, 2 , Or. H.J':~ F~ot.Y air,'-pdwef · • ! ste!tf', t.yk>,;, "Rf~. fvlf vinyl int. . ·' i•· ·s·IOGY-66'4~-··, ;_ . ' . ' · _.. ' '"\i , .. ~ ~?t ~-~ ,". . "l • . J '{.;,., t.»• l" $53 P.,wn 1 $53 Monthly T 1 I p .,~ r' a·,!-· -<e +T~ ..'i ,_. 01 r1U + · 1111 '' . . . . ' . ··1· ·rt· ~ '6JIAMBLER · $131··-. ., .. ··: . ;65· Mtst~sa:,;t I ' ; ' , ;. ' • , .. · ..• Coupe. Pow•r tteen'!9• ··~ufo. . ' . .... d. • . . -i -,m•tic..i'a' t~~ .;~t.r:'~r,e1I buy. IPCR-3151 ' sso . 2 door sedan. v.a, •uto--~· " " ~ : trlff\~~P4i'IW•r steering, rad io r • , ; and heater, IUL:Y-186 ) Tot•I Price+ T & l;,t. ,$46 Down & $46 Monthly ' Tot•I Price + T & L '$33 Down ·&. $33 Monthly !6-:p,~ YM F'u'ry 111 2. ·3-7 7· ~. ?~r.·"'1ttp., sparklin9 red, r1d io, .,t'tr .• P/S, fct. air: IVRC-750 l . '·:· ·. $80 Down & ·. · ' . ' . $80· Monthly . • . I -· ... T4't~ij.:,1c. +' T. L ' • •• .. , .... , . ~ ' .· ~ . . , ·~ 1 3ni .. llo '' rrotJGI ' •010" ...e't ~11 I naff~ ; is hnu aw .l(r,1q .f(t.,...! .:;i. . - ' 1, ' I I I " ' I •, I ( ' • HOVS!S FOii SAL! HOUllS 'OR SALE 1000 °"'"'"'1 1000 O.norol 1111 · I ' 21 . 1 ..,, ' ;: -·1-Jtl:f(I, JES lA:t&RS Pete BalWlll 'JZ~"fi'J 1'100 Newport 2790 Hlrbor MESA VER· $16,SOO . I ONLY $1,650 DOWll ' . ' ' . Hard to find 2 •bedroom eaataide home on fH6Jn U . 6"-7171 5'6-2313 1° IXC1TINOL "/'. DlfFIRINT Custom desi(Ded Sharp Pac:...tter Just lilted, very slurp. 2 Ci!feted-•,patios, block wall fence. All el~c bl~'lna l~d dl!h· wuher. Separate ownen sullf. Bel~tlful wafi to wall c1rpetinf over delue foim pa~cllng. A mwt see home. Full price $32,VllO. quiet ·street. Huge muter bO<lroom, large family klteben & formll dining area. 1 bed· room apt. that b always rented to pay taxes and give a little spendable • .Periloet In law set up. Bring a paint brush , & save big. $24,llOO. 'I'hrfe bedroom. 1% mu.. Bullt·In eledrle n.np anl oven, dlshwuher, torceo. air heat, attr&ctive wall lo wall c:arpe!J. Two car 1areae. J.arp lot. ldea.ted bi! a 13Ultl cul • de · sae street. Owner movi~ to San DietO a n d 'vants quick aale. T h e fin- ancina: is all set. AU 'Wt need ill )'OW: down ~ -ACT NOW! contempo"."P' home. Glass walled to luge I, sunny patio and pool. 4 spacious bedl'aollll, 1 formal dlnlns rm. and large living rm. Taste- ' ful built.in conveniences shows like a model home ' I IAYClllST most inviting French Proyincial 3 Bed~ 2.balh home on 1 large tree shad·. ed comer Jot. Center hall, Inviting family rm. Bright and cheerfu!! Office Open Sat-. Ir Sun. :· 1605 ~ISTCLIFf DR., NI 64.2·S2QO OFFEIS: i.w,.~ .... ' ' Custom desi gnt.l'illedfPOm home. Formal dining room. c'!bfertlb\1(den/fimlly raom, w/wel bar. ~w~g \>'l<>l· 5(1 ft. !¢. An elegant home .. :: .......... , •. $117;500 Airs. Raulston 1 '"" Udo-3 BR + Fam. Rm . 3 BR -3 ba plus'huge upstairs !am rm· plus sep/din nn, immac cond, W/w 'new' cpts thruout. Vacant -and ready to move ~~ ~~~~~........ . .. S59,500 lalbqa Modern 4 Pltx · Exceptional Apt on. 2 lots, c!oi;e lo Os~ & Bay. Ea ch Studw Apt 2 BR p!Us l'Ai baths -'fully occupied. : " Priced .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. $52,500 Walter Haase · Build on View Lot 99 Ft. frontage with out.standi ng Ocean View. Owner will trade. Fee Land. price '25,950 -$6.000 equity. Charlott Long Westcliff-$45,000 Brlghl and cheerful 3 Bedrooms, panelled den with built-ins, 2 bath!, family room, high beamed ceiling6, 2 fireplaces, covered patio. Vacant -pas.session close of escrow. Mary Lou Marion --- leautiful China Cove 4 Bedroo ms, 2 baths. huge living rm, car· ~u. drapes. gourmet ldtchen, almoot 2 Jou -room lo Oipand ........ Ul0,000 Mary Lou Mario n --- lrvlne T errac:e OPIN HOUSE (Ccrrntr Oolithln Tlrr. & Bonnie DMM) NNr new 3 ~edroo;n wilh separate dining rm and family r~ wei bar. Panoramic View of Bay & Ocean . . . . .. $74,500 Mary Hlrvey OFFICE OPEH SATURDAYS CQl.JWELL, llANKIR & CQ. 2)eO ~.'<~ST HIGHWAY NIWPORT &EACH ICJ ""'' ' '· EASTSIDE • $21,500 Charmin& home with large living room with fireplace, nicely land3<apid 50x1S5 Jot. Hard· wood flool'!-<!ouble gar1ge, try 10% down . 41EDIOOMI Mr. & Mrs. Executive NIWPORT HllGHTS Prin1e area makes this 3 bedroom & bath lfamily hotne an excellent value-Hardwood floors & plaster interior -Double garage with ex~ l()x20 wrUhop p!UI 1 double COY. ered carf>ort with alley accua-428,500 ' ' , ... COLLEGE PARK fHA/VA Hardwood FIMrs NO DOWN VA, LOW DOWN FHA, beautiful condition. New listing, quick 1eller .. New dish· washer. large rear yard, palio and much more. Full price S23,950. . • . COATS & WAl1ACE lfALTORS · 1491 BAKIR STREET Here iJ; the home you have been looking for. Designed for formal as well as casual enter· taining at its best Large living room, family room, dining room, and breakfast area. 2 bed· rooms plus luxurious muter suite. Guest powder room. Heated and filtered pool , 21h car garlge. Finest Bayer.est area. See all this value for SM,MO. BE A WIDl.ORD 0\VN TWO SHARP TRI· PLEXES. Eastslde Colta Meu. Two and thrt'e lied· roon1 anartmentc: , ... ,., 1 • · baths, bullt·in r&ni;e a n d oven and fOl'L'CJ -"' ........ Located ntar Bast 17th Street llhOpping, l...olY Ya.cah- cy factor, substantial rehp'!I on your investme11t. Priold to sell. CALL TOpA '!. . 5<16-4141 3 luge bedrooms, 2 baths and a dandy lam· ily room, 2 fireplaces, ex b"a Iarse patio and service J>OfCh -Just a low steps from .au schoola-S27 ,500. .. lic:luslve COSTA MESA, CALIF. ~· -rt-I ' •• Cofotwotthy & Co. I ----·--··--1904 H.,bor Blvd,~ CM. 642-7777 Q,.n EvtL MESA VERDE 5 IEDROOM The IargeM home in Repubic Homes area ..... Room to spare with every bullt·in cooven. ience -3 luxurious bath&, party size patio, large Sunaet pool complttey wrought-Iron fenced R2,500-0wner may b"ade for small· er home-'42,500 WESTCUff IEAUTY--$40,910 You'll marvel at the beamed ceiling l1vipg with all bulll·ins. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Carpets and drape&-We believe thi& to be an outstanding buy all because owner is leaving the state. DOVER SHORES SPECTACULAR! Over3100 square feet of luxurious Uvlne In this cus tom b'1llt 4 bedroom 3 batb-Exb"a larSe Hvlni: room, formal dining room coin· pletely refinished. Owner hla moved and will gi ve imm ediate possession-$73,500- INCOME MONEY MAKERS 12 UNITS BRAND NEW -$168,500. OWN· ER WILL TRADE-HOUSE-LO'J'S.TDS ·3 UNITS - 2 BDRMS EACH -GARAGES ALL RENTED -TOP AREA -$33,500 DUPLEX -2 BEDROOMS EACH SPOTI.ESS -EASTSIDE LO CATION -S28,500 2 HOUSES - 2 GARAGES -REMODELED NEWPORT HGllTS. DIST. -$29,500 646·7171·0PIN SUNDAY-546°2313 with Jean Smith -CU.tom built 4 bdnn. -tamily rm - flowin& 1loor »1M Pus Pl• Beautilul 4 bdrm. 4 bath. tic elitetUim'derrt area. Sid· lam. room w/wet bu A ~ pa doOfs ft'Dln a 11 BBQ, electric blt·in'a. w/w bdnru -klWer 2 bdrmt lead" & draPea. 1f) ft. aandy bet.ch to aarden • Muter bdrm. • PIER , SJ.JP • Sllil,000. and thin! bdrm. upaialn ad· N J h joining blacony. Back Bay, •wport eac .:: $42,500. Excellent VIEW of bay• I. * .t * mcuntains -~ 4 1*'m- Slttlng on 211 """"· :,.. ''"'· nn. w1 Uttplace, 1&e. llv. rm. ~· Top of the World •1n . ....., "11h _,.. •""' With 180. view or the ocan. dooni to huse patio, extra 4 b:lnna., J baths, 2 room 1,e. muter bdrm. openifle &: bath aueat apt., pool &nd to patio, coverM b~ --·· F .. oimple on • ':ic·"! THOMAS' two Iota. $97,500. • • * Immediate Oc:c:upanc:y Open Sat. .t Sun. 1 to .f 423 Lu&onia, Newport Shoret Ni91Y palnled . 3 bedrm., 2 bath!. Community pool '· near ocean. Phone 673-4008. S2515(XI. * * * OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. 1 to 5 469 E11t 18th California living. Immediate occupancy. 2 bdnnll. • pooll in best eastmde area. Boal yard. Owned patio. Dou- ble garqe o!f alley. S23,950 JEAN SMITH, Realtor 400 Ea.st 17th Colla ~lcsa REALTOR 22".. W. Coal! Hwy 54845Z7 Newport Beach Eve. 545-6&13 TRANSIHRED \Vlll sll this 5 BR. 3 Ra hame at below market price. Im· mac. b1 • level Republic home, 2f00 !Q. ft.; lush w/w carp. &: drapes. Sep. family rm. w/lrplc. Owr -sized IDlllJ'. bdrm. has own bath; choice loc. Owner's anxious; price. $39,950. 1 · \I I • '' 111 I I ~4 \tf\\I!\\ ~ ! \ ' ' l ' ' So E11t Cotta Men RMch style horlie 2 bdnns. d~. 2 bl.Uur + 2 bdrm rental unit. $36,500 E1111td0 I, 1.-br Units Income $660 mo. Mkll11 ""·""· ~ .. l l ALTY Near NB Post Ofc. 646-2414 Tµ SljlLTIRS Plus iriflaUon hedae , Real Estate Is the one oorninod.lt;y where value rtrnaiM coh- 1tant witb the dollar. 6 Unit& EIS.CM -$600 mo 10 Units EIS CM -$1305 ,no 12 Units E /S CM -S17cri mo 36 Unit$ WIS CM -$4800 mo There has never been a lime when ret\tah wttt in more demand,,..and with bldg I: land costs 1ncttam. replace- ment OOlb could never ~tch UIHe al'la.rp units. Please call lod~ for &p- pointmenl to !lee. CHIL T ROBINETT REALTOR 66-0128 646-3255 1003 Baker, C.M. lll!!F!!llin•est~Oc!iilea-n l!l!lvi"'ew• I l/B ""BAY ""l&ACH ""I ETTER ""IUYS I An f'Xlra sharp Duplex on Orchid In Coroha del Mar. Spaclowl 2 Bdrme each unit. Ground level. $43.500 I C a m e o HJa:hlandl, 3 Bdrms. + Fam. Rm. Home. JJl. Eke. Kitchen. Quick ~on! Freshly Paint- ed' $38,750 , I Corol\I. Highlands, Early Amertcan 3 Bdrm.. &: Din- ing Rm. 2 81.lhll. Frplc. adwood Firs. Vacant! $41,900 ':" ~ -= --=---:o-. Palnt...Upper Good F.utakle-b:ation l 84klrms. Needs J)llint and elbow pase. $19,950 OP!N tl!IS W!.KEND 139. ~oanne. St. (Sun only! Brl;ht. treahly painted "Sntt. shine" home with outdoor fJlllc & BBQ etc. Boat I. trailer .ecceM. 143 B• .. dway AA111 1878 Moul Circle &vet. 642-14$3 646-4579 Lovely custon1. trl·level on lay le hac:h ~"1'!"'!"!!!!!1~~~~1 cul<l .. uo. """ M•1a V•nl• ./ ~t Side C.0..ta h'leu. Two Twin Triplexes. 3-3-2 Bdrmll each unit. Top Con- dllion. Good lucome. s&l.000 .. Roolty l~c. 4f fvACANl • • Cou""" Club 1a:nvay. 'cu pr., many extru. "Must ~ 2407 E. c.out Hwy., 001 4 Bclnns., 1% ba., forced air. See''. 675-3000 $23.500 • $2.200 Down. Owtw'r ~ 546·5HO 9~!!!!!"!'!!!'!·!'!-~!""!!!'i will carry 2nd T.D. Near E. CnurcNNti.tte) NEED IJCl:NSl!D !Sth A San:a A"". µ,EGE REALTY MAN or WOMAN ~EVES. J500Adnl a1Hirii-,CM. to fa1ana,e our rapidly l:!X· .IOlN tbt IWlQpn m Ull panding R~ntal Dept. l>Att.Y 'PILOT •A!'(f ADI! I .,.,.. .... ""'1ty 541-1290 - ~;;;;;;;;;;;~1~100;G;•;-;;'';;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;i New Oc:ean Front • lalboa hnln1ula SALES MANACHR REAL ESTATE Spring Realty expandlna: again, opened No. 4 office on Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, need e.iperienced Rea l Estate Sales Associate who could qualify for management position to lead an aggresaive sales staff. For ei:cellent career opportunity in a dynamic s11ea atmos- phere, phone or sand resume to Mr. Gardner, all information ~tld in strictest confidence. Spring Realty ~ .• ~ .. 2629 Herbor Blvd. ' '-• Cost• M••• •• - ) 1350 I . Oceanfront Open Dally 1-5 P .M. 5 bedrooms, den. JU1h car- pellf'll, radian( hei1 and all electric bullt·ln1. $99.500 lay & Beach A.11 lty Inc. 901 Dover Dr .. NB Su1rr 221 645-2000/ 675-6000 EVIL 673-8016 PRIME WTSIDE lOC.-<OSTA MESA 2 BR.. frpl: k>t 105 :x 143. wit. for addl'I. unit with vari- uce. Priced ta .ell $21.500. Newport et . Viftorl• 646.ftn Open Houses THIS WEEKEND K•p this Mindy tllrec:Mry with Y'Mll thlt W9tk· entl a1 yeu 1• hou.,.untln1. All th• loutlen•, 1l1hll IMlllW are dncrllted In trMt•r ti.tell •1 ~'ltrtillng elHWh.,. In today's DAI LY PILOT WANT ADS. Patrons sh .. lnt open hou .. fer .. 1. or t. ""' ,,.. •Jttecf to list 1vch Int.rm ... tlen In this celvmn Mch Frltlay. HOUSES FOR SALE {2 Bedroom•] 469 E. 18th , Costa Mesa 646-3255 . (Sat & Sun 1-5) {2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 2518 Via Marina, Newport Beach 64,2-3219 (Sat & Sun) . 535 Ha zel Drive, Corona de! Mar 642-1711-(Sat & Sun 1·5) {3 Bedroom•) 452 Esther St., Costa Mesa 646--0555, 646-7887 (Sun 1·5) 423 Lugonia, Newport Shores 646-3255. 673-4089 (Sot & Sun 14) 531 De Anza, Corona Highlands, CdM 675-3000 eveo., 548-7962 (Sat 1-5) **271 6 Shell, Chin• Coye; CdM 675-3000 evee. 548-8868 (S un 1·5) {3 Bedroom & Family or Don) 1129 Pembrolre Lane (Westclifn NB 548-8281 !Sat & Sun 12-41 2187 Irvine, Newport Beach 646-7171 or 54fl.23U (Sat & Sun 1·5) 815 Camphor (Eastblufn Newport Beacb 540.1720 (Sun 1·51 206 Villanova. College Park 646-7171 , 546-2513 (Sat & SUn 1·5) 2187 Tustin, Newpon Beach 64fl.7171 , 546-2313 (Sal.le Sun 1·5) 1003 Bonnie Doone, Irvine Terrace 675-2000 (Sit & Sun 1-5) 4061 Germalnder Way, Unlvertlty Park 646-8811 (Sun 1-3) 2016 Paloma Drive (near 20th & !Miine) 646-7755 (Sat & Sun t-5) I ,, 7 Four. ledroom- $19,500 Move •into· !hi& J.arae lamllJI home too.y. aoee to shop. ~. achoolli and churches. JUlt put on the market; thll5 one won't .lul. .Sl5J per month Includes taxes and lnauta~. 0 N L Y $700 DOWN lot.al t?llh required!! 2!lll wµrctm l!RlVE 648-Tlll Open Evea. 4 leclroems GI or FHA NO DOWN GI • LOW DOWN' FHA -Large family home, new carpetirc. hu.ge 20x30 nunpia room, fenced yard. JV'RD TO FIND AT $26,950. LARGEST 293 IE. 171h St. ~94 ORANGE COUNTY'S 4 ltdrm -"POOL'' $24,'W-"0$" DOWN to a G.L 2 baths. Family room. Quality new cafopet· ire, drape:oi. Deeorator mlt· rors. Lovely tJea.ted &: filter· cd pool. Deekina: & patio. S«l-1720 TARBELL 2955 Ha•bor Evenlngs can 646-1000 View of Bay anll Oc:tan Much charm ha~ been Ultd in thill delij;bUul three level home, which takes advam. age oI a mqnllicent 180 de- IJff unobstructed yit!w. Jflth beam cellmcs. white britk fireplace, side )'ard patio. Very secluded. Fantuij<: home for only sU.IXXl. Will Jeue for $300 per month. Submit your smaller home on our guararftee We plan. ExclusiYe China Cove home • year around Jiving • belt Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Bf,, priced to RU fut at . $69,500 By appt only CORllN·MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. Co11t Hwy, CdM 671-1662 {3 Bedroom & Family or Oen) 433 Tusti n, Newport Beach 64fl. 7171 , 546-2313 (Sal 1·5) 232 Even ing Canyon, Shorecliff CdM 675-3000 eves 673-0554 (Sat & Sun J-5) 7i9 Cameo Highl&nds Corona del Mar 675-3000 eves 673-0554 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 14 Bedroom) 2278 Cornell, College Park, Costa M ... 646·2309 !Daily 1-5) 2153 National Ave .. Costa Mesa 642-6442 (Open Sat & Sun 11-5) " 1207 Sussex, Newport Beach 642-4686 (Sat & Sun 1-5) {4 Bedroom & Fam ily Room or Den) 1375 Gelaxie, Dover Shores 646-7171 or 546-2313 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1324 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *1720 Candlestick Lane, Baycrest, NB 675-3000, 548-8868 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1'1'118 South Bayfront, Balboa Island 675-3331 (Sat & Sun J-5) 507 Avocado, Irvine II Corona de! !\far 875-3000. eves 673-0°554 (Sun 1·5) *2215 Irvine, (corner of Heather) NB 646-7755 . . (Sat & Sun 11-4) 2982 Java, Me!a Verde, Costa ~lesa 64fl.7171, 54fl.2313 (Sun 1-5) (5 Beqroom) 136 Via Thi,.te. Lido Ule 675-1936 !Sat & Sun 1·5) *2730 Albatro.s, C..la Mesa 646-717j, 546·2313 (Su n 1·5) (5 Bedroom & F1mily Roo m) 1815 Santiago Drive, Baycreat, ~B 64fl.7755 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 2500 \Vavecrest Dr., Corona Cl.el Mar 644--0200 · (Sun 1·5) CONDOMINIUM FOR SALE {l + F1mny or Den) 17661 Qu""ns Wreath, Irvine VWage 47~009 eves 6TS·0564 <Sun 1·5) *'"' "* ., ... , ............ .. * * * '"' eilMf Wit•• ft Mt f -------~--------------------~--.---·~----...... ·-.. ··-----· DAJl.Y "LOT HOUSES FOR SAlE HOUSES FOR SAlE HOUSES FOR SAl! HOUSES FOR SALE ~USES !OR SAL~ "IOUfES FOR SALi HOUS&S FOR SAL lllN A "Cf1 1i'L.) _ •1 Gtnerat 1000 Generat 1000 General 1000Gtntral 1000 Cott• 1Ae1• 1100 . H....., Fu,,,lolllll Ntwpo<t HgtL 1210 Hunllntlon Buch 1400 ~---:---:--= Ho-Univ..,,.,. ·-:-.-:-:-=- . WE'RE •f,1ovlNGll I, • ! ~NCHO LA CUESTA .. choice bcecinfron, ':Qup el:' • ' 1 . .~.c::r~.tiU~· in prime ioc;..uOI\> Ha~ .to find tbls much propercy. at amaWw low p1ice plwi house • Cqrnplete paclw.;c urxkr $20,QOO •• 1 5, ~ l!L . l!R-, ._4:.,... ~. _,. ~ch 1~00 ~. ~.,.,.. mo CLIFFu•y~ bl.•-'•firv!il. °?~ 2 B~ Hou.. l \o LEAS& OPTION !XS a>o. ''" ~ tfl7!0. ........ .,_ .. ~ti:.=-Oowt, mGlno S Bdnn. '"A'" Fr11,11e . ( ll~, l-~th. I.Ji.ie. COl'nt:l' ~ ¥.l ha .... ai.nu,, '8t' >'f1. I unusu.l ('Ol:'tltl·lot.. Jottrltr at ffainllton ·& B.ushard in Huntington Beaeb · sold 98 homes in six months. our new on.it Is about to open and we must .. n 1he last two homes here at generous discounts. 4 Bedroom Up -2 BtdrOom Down' tot. Room for bOAt ·cam.pe.r owner. $32,500, 8182 Holland Bkr. 1J7$.CUO pt.tlo •• atrium •• cloo* pr tt.·aJ~r. Clote., ttt.leboola Dr .. H.B.rM~ J praa:t •. boat p:rl 3l6 MODE L HOME: 2 BR, 2 BA, bug<> rumpus can be converted to 2 1 more bedrooms. Exquisitely decor· ated & landscaped. $29,700- discounted $2500. corner location afto'rds · exPansi'f'e vi e w, cedar shingle exterior. ?!fin / maintenance, roof patio, excellent rental 16caUon. $85,500. f "ring" , ... \SPRING .-•. REALTV a..J WppJna. $41,.., • •111 'jjy s ! BR'" ' . _,_ ' c ... oa >.I u., 2250 C>04r St &J>.m9 take s1nall loc:al houle, 'du. owner. • BA 1wn--m. . plu or Income In tn1.i.. ... $17, 100· S9GO dn. 1l52 I --N-EW..,_ •• l_ll_T_O_W_fj? Open bou.te Sat, Sun 1-5 mo pa.ya all. All XU.a. Nffd tiniie 1@ ctt locatecl per. WATERPRONT, tennll (c pool. 2 Avail: • Bl'. 3 Ba. 2 trplct; 3 Br. 2 Ba., taat. nn. uue· or IM'll m.ttm. • RED CARPET • ~· "crnutinle" (30 officn to s9rve you) 2629 ttarbor mvd., C.M. INVE.NTORY: 3 BR, 2 BA, dining room, car· • · 202S W. Balboa Blvd., N.6, .• 67S-6000 Reti ... meftt SP.cial \Valk lb all abo'pplng. Quaint, cozy home tn A·l cond. Near oow carpets, 11tivice porch. immaculate yard. plenty or room for additional Unit or Income. Priced for quick ..... •1 peted thruout. $25,050 -discounted $1600. 10% Down Conventlon1I loan1 TWO HOMES FOR $31 ,950 C1ll 968-2929 b.tween 10 end 6 any day. ;;,,,;;:::. ::.,.;jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu;;;;;-:-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~-1 IN EAST COST A MESA! FINER HOMES Havasu Lake Thi• may .... ., ... d"· DOVER SHORES -definitely the finest viev1 buy in Newport Harbor. 4 Bedrooms, 4 baths, Vie\v living rm, Vie\9 dining rm, Vie\V family rm. Try $95,000 OPEN DAILY 1324 G1l1xy Dr. PR.IME VIEW LOT ~ 4 Dover ~ores cor· ner of Gaia:ly & ~1arin· ers. Lo\v leasehold. $26,000 COZY plex but don't be fooled. En· * HAVASU * joy a comfol'!able h o m e. SIZEABLE THREE BED- North ·Estates ROO~fS: 1~ Baths. An all electric kitchen thar's run CALIFORNIA to be in, forCt'd air to keep .. "All year .. vacation honle you 1varn1. An additional in the \Valer/desert play. tv.•n bedroon1 · honic 11•ilh ground. l"on1parablc convenienres * Boating • (l2J n1iles oJ and private putio. CAN RE- shorclincl & skiing FUND $1800 -annually. \Veil * l''ishing landscaped front and rear • llunting (no Buffalo) but yards -Ni<.-c play yard. l<•ls of s111all game LIVE \VEL!'... \VHlLE PRE-* VIEW LOTS PARING FOR YOUR FU- !"hown bv appointmt"!nl 11nly TURE! Cail 1101v [or ;your E. J. Neve & Jack Bale inspeetion. 186() B Newport Blvd., C!\1 Sk.r•. 6-12-4994 or 5-15-348.1 SIX DELUXE OPEN HOUSES 2215 Irvine,. (Cor. of H .. ther) Open Sat/Sun 11-4 Split level, 4 BR home \l'ith large palio & pool. Vacant, cau Ray Gault S4().U51 (Open Eves.) , Heritage Real E11tate CLOSE OUT On Poof Home -large 3 Bedrooni family room, big pool & diving board. See this fine home and make offer. S1nall down or Jargl' 2016 Paloma Dr. TION! Excellen1 location- "acant. niove l'lO\\'. CALL: (Near 20th & Ir vine) ri1r. 111yhre (540-1151 (open Open Sat/Sun 1-5 eves\' Heritage Real Estate. Charming 3 BR hon1e, lovely j \~ % LOAN • MON E:Y1 Yar:' \Vitl11 omnge & other TALKS. Payments $li:l.mo 1ru1t trees'? Vacant soon. incl taxes & insura.nct. \veu kept 4 BR ho1ne, in beauti· 18.1 ~ SaJ1,i,99p Dr. '"1 Me"' Venle. Lru-ge lam- B ily room, 8lI btil.lt:ins, huge aycrest fireplace & close to Schools. Open S·at /Sun 1 ·5 Asking $25,900 CALL: AL Brand new 5 BR home. Spac-BLACK 540.1151 (open eves) ious roon1s. tl1any delu.xe Heritage Real Estate. fealw'Cs. \iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO Jerry Freud Charles Arnold College Park Area or by appt, Mr, RoblDllOD, 962-6861 mantnUY!-Spac.kNa 'i BR, DAVIS REALTY 642-7000 ~y •-private home tn-la9una Beach 17~ ·--Wostclllf 1230 udlna ca<d•ner. Walk to a.ct< Bay .3~40 •Y OWNER. 3 BR ' ... L~o·rs: o~oHuo"(WuHsE SC~J:~f.f ~""i"' ' BR « •R + w,,,.,,, c.xccl. oond. 2 bib WeactllU 332 ~uert~ ~ ~ BA, Ir. play ~ crpta, shopt &. schools. ~ Sprawline eontentpOrary d~ drpr, dlah\Vlibr. Walk to new sign (BUILT ON 2 LO'rS), Laguna !leach 2705 YMCA. $325. Mo. No pell. University Park 1237 Un\Ulual 2 lewl architecture HONETI.fOON cottare l=~==1======cl ---..:..-----'with itxterior ol. W 0 O O, •--• tin .~ BRANO NEW Villap GLASS, MASONRY STAm troplQU .et 1• neu bt.u:u. Corone del Mir 3250 II Hanover house. 3 BR, COLUJ.fN. SUPPORTED BY !~~~2008trl. ~~=:· 2 BA. Xlnt flruinclng. \VROUCIIT moN RAILS, ==""'======= 13 BR. 3 ba. 2 trplcs. ho111t 833.0300 lt!ad!i-to entry landing. Vacation lll•nt•lt 2900 ~l !::rn.2 ~arlt~~ Coron11 d•I Mar 1250 Bargain Hunters! Here's your chi-nee for the best buy in Irvine Terra~. 3 BR 2 BA, din. nn .. fi.rept, pntio. Spotles.<i. Full priC"l! $38,500. lO~o dn. Lease op- tion. Call today for &Jlpl. • RfD CARPET • (30 offices 10 ~rve ;you! 2025 \V. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 615-6000 ON THE BEACH! Corona de! Mar 2 BR Furn home • owner v.•W catTy lsl TO. 6.6<;~ interesl, $15,000 Do\vn. Orange Coast Property 332 Ma1"guerile 673-35;)() Unique 2 BDRM. k D E N FLOOR PLAN, SERVICED BY 2 BATHROOMS, w/w carpetil)g thro11ghout. Sunk· en stairwdl steps down to 2nd level w/huge Jiv. rm. le OVER-POWER.ING \VAUS OF GLASS .Jetd to masaiw sun deek & pool site arounds. Open type kitchen, modern as tomorro1v, has BILT·IN RM!CE & OVEN, DISP .. REFRIGERATOR, SNACK BAR, ETC. The den is all \VOOD PANELLED \VITH A VIE\V OF THE ROCK RIBBED IULLS. This better quality home has been neglected. N E E D S YARD WORK. AND A LIT· YUCCA Valley, hlde-a-wa,y 1 _12'1'l_~pc_r_m_o_._613-8889 ___ _ for rent, turnbhed. 2 BR, 2 BR, clean as a whlstlt: $75. incl water, electrlclly, walk to shopping It beach. First, list months. ~2290 Don V. Franklin, Realior DuplexH Furn. 2975 673-2222 2 BR. 1% ba.., tum. or partly furn. Ocean view. L«e $~ Mo. 642-5355; 646-2290 3355 TLE OF nus & TllAT. l !:!~!!:!"~~~~~~I Built to sell in the $30,000 $190; 3 BR., fncd. yd .• bltns, I: .....,.... 3 Be dJ' o <»m hon1c ideally located to shop· ping ~nte:r, huge built· 1n kitchen, lots of stor· age, $42,500. Call l Or Appt. 3 BEDR·OOM UNITS '••"•''•'•"i•"ii"'•' iiCiiotliil ii"4iiS.Siiii72ii"iiio 388 E. lith St.. C.M. r. ~BR, l·~ ba, 2'2 ft living rn1, Likl' ne1v on '~ acl'C COlll· i 1 r ~R~.a!H~o~z·s-~!:~!!!~64!~!1!155![ blt·ins, w/w carpets, drapes, BY O\VNER. 3 Br. So. 11f hwy. Crpts. drps. frplc b!t- ins. R-2 l'OOn1 for addlfonal unit. Xlnt Corona de! llln.r Location. 67>2379 att. 5 PM PLUS BRACKET, OFFER-\V/.w, lrplc. Children O.K. ED AS IS for ~8c;"';=k'=i'..;,,.._;;;;.=i'-.,,,..--;::::: $27,950 FULL PRICE 1335: 3 BR., 3 ba., foneed Huntington Beech 3400 FREE RENTAL BOOK p\etcly block wall fenced. B/B fenced. Walk t11 all schools A REAL STEAL! SEE NO\V! yd. Children & pet O.K. MISSION REAL TY Broker 5J4.69lltl Dror In & Browse MEDITERRANEAN -4 BedTooms, fantily rnt ·dihing r1n, heated and filtered poor \vith spacious decking. Large master suite. 3200 sq ft Fee simple .. $105,000 Sprinklers systc1n and lusl1 & shopping, $26,500. l'"d"apiog. Eaoh "nil ""' ONLY ON£ LEFT! UNIVERSITY PARK ms CORNELL 2 full balhs. FA heat & fully 646-2309 Agt. carpeted. Call fot• details. 4061 Germainder Way 985 So. Coast Hwy. Laguna Balboa Peninsula 1300 __ P_"°-,."".-m_41_,_ ... _013_i _ Cotta Mn• 3100 -·-----2 BR. 1ar, patio, crpjl, dr'pl>, stove, retrtr1 IJ'roplcal set· ting. For 11.dult!I, 1 blk. to shops &: transp. $160. i10. 544--4780 2 Bedroom home 1vtth Pool. Great Party House. Rent at S150 per month. Good . location. john macnab P.ea!ty Con1pany 881 Dover Dr., Suite 101 Marco Realtv Co. Bldg. 642-823S ·~.<.!<I'~ c;.,_ , -. -. 3~2o0-squa;; Feet- Executive Mansion $840 Mo. Income DUPLEX ! Open Daily 1 to 5 P.M. 13S9 E. Balboa !i!l!!l!iM!!"i!~~~ijl lone house .U:o1n ocean. Up- REALTY COMPANY per unit has 3 bedrooms, 2 * 642·1771, Anytime * baths plus den. Lo1ver unit has 2 beclroon1s, 2 ba(hs plus CORONO DEL MAR R-2 Jot + house. Rare avail- ability, high investinent pc>< tential: elose lo Ocran Blvd. & beach. 3 BR .. 1% bathi-;; sorne vie1v. Ahvays rented. Priced 10 sell, S.37,500. po1\'dC!' roon1 and den. Also 11·ct bar and laundry roon1. Apptu~. ;)500 Sq. ft. Double garage plus exlra parking. $77,500. Excellent lerms. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr. Suite '.t21 Ne1vport Bearh CORNER LOT 74 x 107, 4 Br, 2 Ba, FHA, 10'/c do1vn, G.L no down. Large trees & plenty of space for boat 3 + Family 1m. Prime Joe. or trailer. A.B.C. Realty, on lge. greenbrlt ne.11:1 to $21,225. 642--fi..142 ~ Eve adult pool. Popular Edinburg 548--6997 modoJ. "'·500• Open 8""· 1-~l~O~•~v.-D~o-w_n __ 1-5. Newport at 3 BR., 2 ba., cpls, drps., built.ins.' Xlnt loc. $25,00CI. Call Mi·. Nelson Heritage Rt'al Estatc- 540-1151 Victoria 2 STORY -FORECLOSURE 646°8811 TRADE 11 T11'0 vacant lo!s, good location, near Bay and Ocean. Possible trade for Duplex_ $42,500 R. C. GREER, Realty 3416 Via Lido 673-9300 lido Isle 1351 -~·--- OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN l to 5 Pr.I 136 Vl,\ TRIESTE for ~racious country gentle- man living. 4 Tr.l~!ENSE BEDROOM~. 3 Baths, lux- urious fan1ily roo1n. a n cl FORr.tAL DJNJNG R00!\1, pJU! den. Secluded lot 'vith Newport Lovely, year around, 2 story No\v vacant. $1100 Doivn. home nr. Club & Tennis. Move in 10 days. Not many Designed with all n1odern like this. Call 5'ID-ll5l (open conveniences for enjoyment eves) Heritage Real Estate. of resort living and gracious IN MESA VERDE e n I c rt a in in g: Liv nn 64S.2000 Eves: S48-6966 1,. .... ,...,..,...., ... ...,..,.., manimoth• POOL & lovely at side yard. You 'll love the Immediate Occupancy CAPE COD architecture and Victorioa •I bedrooms, 2 ·baths, large to1\•ering shade t.rees !hat 646-8811 living roo1n. fan1i!y ·dining offers privacy ideal for en-roo111. Large yard \\•ith roon1 tertai.ning and real COUN-for boat and pool. Near TRY LIVING in , lhe city.1 ,;;;,;;,;;;;;,.;,,.....,.....,.....,"""' schools and shopping. \Vest· Offered for as11ttlc as $5,200 B h cliff. Subn\it lease • option. clOl\'11 in one of the areas Newport eac $49.500. hl'lE'st locations 11•here YOU Ocean View "Like New" O\VN THE LAND. F fvan \\'ells built Baycrest 2190 Harbor Blvd. 545-9491 Open lilt 9 Pl\.Y 2600 Square eet home. 3 bedroon1s. 3 baths, SPIC and SPAN · 3 bedroom, dining area, family rooin. 2 story, fan1ily hon1e, COV· large recrealion room. ered patio and 150 FOOT Sparkling pool and lovely DEEP LOT. This is a cus-c;overed patio. Man.v extras. ton1 built hon1e 1vith hard-Beloiv markc!. $57,500. \VOCKl Ooors. Offered al JEAN SMITH, $42.~. Realtor 400 E. 17th. C.M. 646-3255 2905 Ellesmere Ave. Mesa Del _M_or ___ n_o_s w/stOJl(.' firep\, lg kitch. \\'Ct -· bar. 5 BR, secluded patio. Ne1.vly redecorated Me s a ANXIOUS owner must St'l\! Comp!. re-dee. New crpts Verde Cambridge home with 3 BR. 2 BA home. $1500 & drapes. By 011'11er S,S7,500. 3 big bedrooms & formal Belo\v market. S 3 0 0 0 {714) 675-1936 din. rm. + dual frplcs in !iv, Assume existing 6»o/,, loan. THIS IS UNUSUAL rru. & (am. rni. Total pymnts ~100. 54:;..7822 2946 Mlliui Place ==· "'====== 75· on Udo. Saud. ~ Jot.;, Excil-l""' 2-LeYel. brand ne1v, Mesa Verd• 1110 °2 Plers!~PS: ~e ·Qfl -.... 1& 45' Jot. Gueat'~ arid custom w i t h •·Cathedral . Ceiling", 4 big bedrooni's, Golf C~~r.se Specia l pool on 30· $250.000 formal clin rni., activity Just a. "9 uun fron1 ~he 341:y~· B~0EER. ~~ room 1vith 1\·et bar etc. golf course. Sprawling , ,.._,.. __ ..,.,...,_ 5\4% LOAN ranch style estate on huge I ' grounds. 4 Bedrms 3 baths. No1v only $40,950. l!\s;r;;~G BAYFRONT sking $115,000 DUPLEX with 3 BR, 2 baths up. 2 BR & 1 BA down, 2 Frplcs, Bayfont patio 1vitl1 room to enlarge. Walker Realty «"" • REALTY ~-"anytime" 3336 Via Lid.... 675-5200 2629 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. • 'Iw, AUL llTATI tlU_M __ ....... .ua-· •494.1177 MESA VE.RPE, 3 BR, 2 BA, good location. Available now. S220. month.. Family only •. Aaent 546-4141 \. 5 BR·2 ba, cpts/drps, blt·lns. IRVINE COVE-Charming & Uase $210/mo. Call Mr. spacious hoine with many Nelson ~ll51 Heritqe deluxe features. Built-in I =Re="="'~"-l~'·=-~--1valnul buffet & cabinets, $100 MO. 1 Bdrm pill!; or tile flooring in entry, open Unfurn SBO. Close in Costa beam Living rm, separate Mesa. 54&-9081 dining rm, 4 bedrooms, J G baths, top quality~.500 3 BDR~t. house -$140. ar., tiny fenced yd. 2 Kids O.K. ON N I G U E L G 0 L F .E=u=ts;;'ld;ie:C. ;i-64=;2-;,i558'10:=:o:-- COURSE -mellowed wood REAR COTTAGE Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 842-4455 Open Eves. 540-51~ V AC.ANT • Immed poi&easlofl 4 ·BR, 2 baths, W/"1 carpeting, bit-ins, all fenc- ed: Tradewlnds RI t y , 84J..50U, 8 42-5 01 2 or 536-7661 W•nt Privacy? New I I BR's NR OCEAN n21 mo ($142 Furn) garage 202 • 14.th. 536-1319 613-1784 LSE 3 Br., fam. rm., 21,V ba. Olli nn; cpts. drps. bltn11. "Grdnr. serv. Xlnt! 841""927 3 BR, 2 Bath!!, (ijiU\· drpa; patio: fncd yd.,v~tns; i200 Month. xn1v11 •942-4014 ·interior, panoramic View, 1 BR. Desire elderly lady and enj11yable 4 BR home. I ;;.,.;-;,';;"o'Ce'=o::t',:'-St.~r;;;;; Large family nn, 3 baths, Cl 2 BR Gange. i150. 2192 1-------"'"-9-+ I enclO&ed patio. wood aiding Palisades Rd. Nr. Airport. Orang• County 3609 and fencing-$62.SQO. · ' Dogs OK. 548-5044 -· • TU.RNER .ASS~}4:tES NEW 2 Bedroom ---led 5 B(\l"I., ! bath.-~ ' 682 No. Coll.st RJVd:" draped Si.50.,... • Orar!gf', avail. J an. 16. ~dill LaiµM SMch. (11.4). 494-U77 .AduJtl , 543-8512 ~/mo. ~t. Inst, and....deanl R * 1ng required 497-'IM"- WESTE N AWARD REDECORATED spacious· 1 I ~1uaQ: 3 & 4 Br, Semi Custom Br. unl duplex. Vacant $115. : ;~ :-r:-: Hom'!s from $35,450.00 Now 288 Knox St., Costa Mesa. Santa Ana ne1gntt ;,630 under construetlon. Locattd HOUSE in court; 2 Br., ~ on Mouatain View Driv~. ofJ. ...... ..i-rl 1. BR house, 1 ,_ horse Cl'"'•• .... peJ!I; . p V. pa IO, 1lnch, Santa Ana, •-IJ, Tyrol Drive. 976-D W.,17th St. 548-2839 ,. .. A.P.I. SALES AGENTS 1 ;::;;45~mo~: """=';;,· :"";;:4519~=;'.I Phone n 4-892-770l for 2 BR Duplex. Clean, redecor. I • further information Quiet It. conv loc. Gar, L1guna le1ch., -3101 """"°'""'-.,...,...,,.-o,-~.1 ~P='"=··~·=c=btl=d==O=.K=·="=~=353=-='::.: • i BDRM. 3 bath. Top of ABOVE High achoo[, 2 BR! World. Ocean k mountain Mes• Verda 3110 , rustle chann. $140. Lease; view. S37,500. 546-7366 refs. Show Jan. 3, 825' La, VACANT-3 plus FAMILY ROOM Desperate 01vner says "sc-11 today"; ln1111ac. hon1e \\'/ ·like ne1v 1v/1v carp. & drap- es; 1v~ll planned kltch. 11·/ ronnica splash & bit-ins: manicured dichondra la111ns 1Y/1nany expensive plants. All tenced. \\'ill sell VA, Fi!A or JO<;Q do111n, al onl;y , $24,900. Atake your oUer! ORANGE COUNTY'S Harbor View Hills LARGEST Corona del Mar 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 OCEAN VIE\V -2600 sq. fl. PAYMTS. of only $152 a mo. BY , 3 BR 2 BA Balboa Island 1355 ~~cl. all; att( .. 3 ~R. plus htd. ~~rig fan1 r~1 w/bar: I;;;;;;;;;:;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; !Condominium "1" 1'"&1.j ch io1i..: oc11"d 'd1r ~ep din. 2100 sry It. Asking Pr1•ca Reduced 1950 $PACIOUS, 5 BR, 3 BA, 1-:V:i'=ta=Drl='=ve'=:c-:===; tam nn. close to Mesa I · · ~ Verde Country Club. Avail Ouplexu Unfurft. 397~ OPEN SA t & SUN -3 bedroom• pl"' """""' SC 100 s opp1ng. . IV . $41 000 540-643· ... firs .. 1~4 baths; step-Mver · · J 4 BR Provincial hon1e, bit· ru1npus room or room for 10 to 5 • 4tll and 5th bedroom, Strict-kitch. Spac. !iv. rm. iv/Hag-N B h 1200 in kitchen, fireplace, OO\V stone fr·plc. Beaut yard 1\•/ ewport eac reduced to $56.500 cov. patio. Only $23,950. E·Z Walk to Beach ' Orange Coast Property Tci•rns. Nei\•er ulb'H sbarp.3 Bedrm 332 J\.1argucritc, C.dM 6TJ-8550 219 Jasmine Jy custon1 built. FANTAS- c d I M TIC VIEW O>" BAY noo orona e ar OCEAN. PRICE S4ti,6a6. Steps lo beach. P1·ime loca- liolll' Large 3 Bedrooin, 2 Bath. Huge livl11g & family roon1 1\•ith fireplace. Over- )Pie 2 baths • Cozy living room -l"ll.l.·11111'1 I: 1._ CIH\ Ill\\ R f Al l,CO :®-~ized kitchen 1vith all the ORANGE COUNTY'S bit-ins. Carpets & drapes. LARGEST wi1h wood burning fireplace 1va.ll • y,·aJI carpeting • huge dble garage &. patio. EZ HID. Baker, C.M. 546-5440 terms at $26,950. Double garage 011 alley. 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 1,000 Down Lodge or Church Bldg. l!\sPRING }093 BakGr, C.M. 54.6-5-140 Large loL --N EAR-PARK :iiiiiiiii;:iiij;[Rltr. &16-3928 r::vc. 5·10.00SS POOL & TENNIS «"" • REALTY . Best Vi'ew 1•0 Area *LACHENMYER $2 3,9so , il1ost desirable area. Mesa ~-"ANYTIME"' $1 J,500 2629 """'" Blvd . C.M. 4 BR 3 baths. pier & float $1~.000 11 8 South Bayfront Balboa l1l1nd OPEN SAT/SUN 1-S Wm. Winton Realtor 229 M1rine, Balboa Island 67S03331 Open 'tll 9 Every Night --··-----. BROADMOOR HARBOR VIE\'<. CORONA DEL 1'1AR Open Sun, 1 to S 2500 Wavecrest Dr. TRI-LEVl::L ?ttOOEL EXECUTIVE 5 BEDROOil·I Dave Gambill 644-00'10 DAll..Y PU..CYf WANT ADS Alwa.vs a Go.Go! Del Mar • i{ing sized bed· rooms, 2 baths, family room. tlo1nen1aker's cli'l'an1 kitch- en. built-in efficiency appli- ances. Elegant fircpla(."t' set.s-oU large isolated Jiving room. \Valk to all schools. 54.0-li20 TARBELL 29SS Harbo r Duplex $24, 950 Eastside Costa Mesa. llard· wood floors & double car gatage separating units (2 NEAR \VARNER • FOUN-CASUAL LIVING! TAIN VALLEY • 50x150 lo! CAN be yours in the Ua.ck • Near Green Valley. Bay. Atrium Door plan + -Farr~W-library for dad. 646-441-1 ORANGE COUNTY'S Dtlt• JI,.\ fst•U LARGEST • 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 B~A~TI;~L&& ~:~om..:.ull; $23~950 ba & roon1 for addition 1000 G•neral JOOO General bdnns c. chi. Exha large !~;;;;;;;;;.;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~[ kitchen area in 1 uni!. Pridt" Of 01vne1'Ship! S11ac· ,v/lovely view. 2518 Via ious bE!drooms, 2 baths. Ele-Marina. Owner. 642-3219 gant 11•ood burning fireplace. ELEGANT. "·ell bit & only U•xurious built-in range & $22,900. FHA or VA. l.oned oven .. Landscaped lo perfec· R2, firepl., crpts, drps, elect tlon! 54().1110 ltitch. 2 BR, den. O~·ner. TARBELL 29SS Harbor 642-4441 f1 Well1-McCardle, Rltrs. THIS IS SPRING l8l0 Newport Bl,d. CM. Th;, ;, ASGER JENSEN. He h as chosen rea l estate as his life-time ca reer. He has a n exteni.ive back· qround in real estate he v· inq worked for more than ten years in the f ield. He it associat ed with SPRING REA LTY-COSTA MES A because he knows SPRING stand~ behind h im offerin9 the most up-to-date mer• ketin~ data an selei techniques ava ilable in today s real estate f ield, He i5 an e xpert. in applying specitliztd methods for scrten1n9 a nd 1tlectin9 property for homdbuyers. Ma y he' be of service in helping you to sell yovr home? ASGER plays e vital pert in SPRING'S grow. ing succe1s. , Spring Realty Lompany , Inc .••• ~ "ring tpnnu·· • 540• - !-> 2629 Ha rbor Blvd . 411' • C·osta Me1a ••• 548.'1'119 Eves. 644-0M4 Spanish Condominium You own land next door 10 tl.1e!la Verdc golf course!! 3 BR.s :ti..,. baths, f'a.'!y fun living only $34,400. DAVIDSON Realty 546-5460 Eves. 545-3851 ~~~~~~~~~ Lease GARDEN ATRIUM or Lease Option FLOOR PLAN with ove< 2400 sq ft. Best back bay area 3 Bedroo n1, 2 .bath home plus with view. 6464414 2 Red1uon1 vu~1v apt, $5'2. 7".)() George Wiiiiamson l1,.eal1or Dtlt• Jl11\ fst•tt 673-4350 Eves: 673-1564 i '"""""'""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio BY OWNER 3 BR 2 ha. BEACH BARGAIN lO UNITS Exoel. .,,,.1, 2 bUa w .. tcliH ti.todl!m 3 BR. 2 ba "A .. on 3 Iott~. Adjacent to CkeM· shop& 4 !Chools. SfS.8281 Tramr. stept to Ocean • frunt .. SL').l,OOO. BLUFFS Condo • 2 BR. I S11.500 • lemi~. Balboa Real Estate Co. BA, llplit Jewl. nreplace. C•ywood Rlty 548-1 290 700 t::. B11lhM Blvd .. Balboa view. By owner. 644--0801 G;:;At40 ·2 STV FARMHOUSE 4 Bedrm -$23,750 \VANTED TO BUY 3 or 4 Net1Ued on lre& 1ined &I. Cl· NO DOWN Gt bedroom hou~. take over i:iantlc newer unique type 2 separa!c baths. Forrnal loon • payment• under home. S la bednns 2 be.th• dining room. Every room Sll5.00. Havf' cai;h for f'quj-& hUge nimpus rm. Park is ovel'!il?X'd. Carpeted. Im· ty. Cfl.il 54~ alter ~:30 like grounds. ASk $38,000. n1acuh1t c.! :.40-17'20 TARBELL 29SS Harbor _P_,_i______ ••• "RING'" 4BEDRM=$23,7so 1--~----1 6"~. SPRING Fzillt t11't~. lush pl11.nts, Costa Me1a 1100 ·~fl' RE .. ANAf':fJ• shrub!!. Luxuriom1 kih·hrn. 3 B" •· 123 ~ !~. f~'«!Nlppe?'; ,OMI: Elt'ganl fireplac:"C. 540-1720 $ZJ(](] f\own; 1242 litJfut. ·~~ ;.;.\ TARBELL 29S5 Harbor 114<•1!43 QWNER . '62!J Ila-Blvd., C.M. Huntington Beach 1400 Would You Believe? 38' POOL 3 Ma1t er 8edroom1 Separate Den. Likl' ne1v car- pets and drapes throughout. Brick Fireplace. A Living Dream. GI's NO CA S tf needed. $23,9'.iO Full Price. Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 842-4455 Open Eves. 540-5140 $13,7SO FULL PRICE 2 BR, mcxlem electric. built· in range &. oven, plenty of cupboards, new nylon shag carpets, drapes, large dou- ble garage. con1pletely fenc- ed. Net>ds sorne work. Good location. ~"f"lr.;l!'®",•11W;l!I• !l!p• NO DOWN GI Sharp Sol Vista, large cover- ed patio, block re~, shake roof. aose to schools & ma· jo1 shoppUW. Just reduced to $24,500 for quick &ail'.'. Paul Jones Realty 847-1266 Eves. 5J6.7124 YEAR END SPEOAL 5 "£k!<iroom -only $26,995. Dcairable area. 11ehooJ. and shopping cloac. FHA or CI. Acr quick! HAFFDAL REALTY 87.CO Warner, FV 842-4400 RIPO $795 DOWN Vacant 4 BR, iroo4 area, no second. New palnt. 1800 eq. tt. Quick pouetiion. HAFFDAL REALTY 8740 \Varner, .F. V. 842""'400 LEA~E OR t EASE/OP'flON Custom built • t*.'1110\\•n. 3 en li')am m'l~)2. ha.. 11.ll elct kilC'heh. ~·' . . 8RASHE'AR EAL TY 841-11531 E""'. "!'-1118 • 4 BR, . 2 B~ Condominium on Fall'Vle11·, C.M. $22.000. \V I 32400. do1vn. 121 Mor- risto\Vll Lane. 540-6976 eves. & 1veek-ends. 543-7322 days. Duplex•• For Safe 197~ NEWPORT Duple" for aale. 200' to beach. Or will trade equity for 1'ood Laiuna residential lot. P. 0. Bo" 1423, Huntington B ta ch. (714) 846--004.5, Owner Apartments For S•le 1910 Apts for Sale • By Owner 8 Units, 3 BR·s each Excellent cond!Uon 54S-:f481; 546-0154: 646-6922 l\C1 .. I ALS· House• Furnished Rentals to Shire 2005 ~Feb. 1 $350 mo. 847-70IM -'!r appt to Btt. 2 BR Duplex. Gar. pvt. pa~ 16th P l. $135. Roomy ; ,...ewport leech 3200 5'3-5218 or 548--7673 -::~ ;;;;;-;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;-;;; RENTALS -Aph. Furnithld l/B = TOWNHOUSE Genar1I 40UQ Only one Vacancy 3 Br, 2!-S BA, 2 car Carport .. 1250 F.1•· • Pool • Adillf$ Only ' Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dovtt Dr., NB Sulit 221 ~2000 Eves. ~ 3 BE~DR~OO~M~.~2 ~b"'•~tb~. fireplace, patio, carpets & . drapes, double garage 1 blk to bay k the beach. No peta or small chlldrtn, • l;euo 6 months. $250 pr, 'vacabl. Spring Re 111 y - RENT l; Rooms Furniture $25 Month FULL OPTION TO BUY (Refrigerators Available) No deposit o..a.c. H.F.R.C. Fur niture Rentals Sl,1 .w, llltjl:,C.M. 543-31 !WI \Y. LOCln, Anhm n<- BOLIDll PLAZA. DELUXE, Spacious. l·Bdrm •. Furn. apt. $135 Plus utll, &attd pool. Ample parkin& No childn!~No pets · 1965 Pomona, CM 642-585& DlSCRI?i-lJNATING .. l\'Ofkin& 0,UPLEX, deluxe upper, gil'l to share Span. deco!', ocean front vle111. 3 BA $145; 2 BR., healed pool. 2 BR apt. w/ &ame. Pool, , .1 BA, one year lease with Infant 0.K. pkg, nr Fnvys, OC airport. 111t &. last. $2Zj mo. Avail I ===B='°=k'='=534-<980=="==-I Bel 8 Ail1 or aft 7 PM. Feb 1st. Refcrtnces re· 546-:1594 .quired. Owner (213) 464-3088 Coste Mau 4100 ~ to share honre with , Occupant (n4> 642:-5981 SEA LARK pool. Call before 12 Ii: after LEASE, Lea.&C I option Cit ~ · 8, ""''' wknd.s. Ca II Sell. • BR. 2 .B,4 Luxur> ...,.. MOTEL 642-1313 ciiodomlnltua, S.ek Bay, WEIKL Y RATES YOUNG man, 32, will share ('1.() 7?6-8004 eves tor app't hi!'l 3 BR home In Hun-LAJ\.GE. 3 BR. 1: Fam. Dble. 2301 N~rt Blvd., CM tlnglon Bch with same. Joe trp1c. upper Newport Bay. • 7445 • 96&-4110 $'l75 mo ....... Avail. Feb. $25 Wk. Up YOUNG f.IAN 32, 1vill shart , laL 642-0096 owner, a;t. e Studio 1: ...am apts. 2 BR house, W. Oce1SJ1front. Pk.IV. home nr. U.C.I.; 3 e ,Incl'Otila A Phone 1trv, N. B., $125. mo., wfsame: l"Br. 2 Ba.: cpts, drp8.: bltnli •·Maid Service. TV avail. Call Doug; 833-0600 txt :rli6 '<be S2'1'J Mo. No pets, e New Cale " e...r ~Children O.K. 83.l-2493 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-97SG Costa Meso 2~ BLUTFS Pl"" z.s<y. condo. CHATEAU La POINTE: 3 BEDROOMS. Ille new COTt--l BR. l~) Ba. Priv. patio. LoveJ,y furn. 2 BR aptll. Off· dlllon. CompletelY furu~ : Cfbolce •lie. 546--9936 •~t ~kil'la. carports. Hid ~. Adulta only or rnaybi 3. -BR. 2 Ba, Lrplc. ~ pooL Adult$, no pets. $154 Ollf! child. Swimmiffe pooli W/w. w/d. Bil. f.t35. gard. 194J. PQMONA AVE., C.M; recreation center· a.t nq ex·. •· 18~ ~ Dr, S"8-66«l $105 MO. 1 BR. eJ1 utllii tnt charae. $235. mo. Asent { ':JlR. 3 Ba. JUr.w. drps, 1ric1. I priv/paUo, q u t e t ; :M6-4141 .~.Near bt'aeh ti:.pool. c::ltt;n, •dults, no pets., 1 BR • updaft . ·-. m.8134 646-61\1_ , 11"' · · 2 Bil~ Qillet Ad\l!U. 1<!1 • 642-4119 • Nawpert He'9111t 3210 P}!'TS, Sl40. 168 Seo I! 3 BR. 2 BA, !um. part ... 1 'B!:OROOM, 11i """"· fl· c.~,. ~ complete. $196 leue ftfepla.ce, .f .A. heat, BEAUTIFUU.Y ctecor.tfd * !WG-2499 .,, dlati~""her, dbl. P,..p, newly tum., 2 BR. blt-!na.; N _,, 2200 fonced yaN. <;ltan. no pt~. f')OI. Adulll. Walk to -owpert _ p:is. '7).9125 , 2712 Maple St. - OCEANfRQNT 3 bdtml, 2 l ·l!N ll<t. hNl'-.~ , <Ai'fll:·~-lll!-it>l>\)•f>o.. bath&. w•o. wjnlu ttntJ '"!ii.fOo. ~orliarliti' Wlil'~ .. ....,, ~.,.. "'- l"'O--• • .. ,.~!\¥"1elt.'f .; (~' ·~ .. . . I I I I • ' ' \ -------------------------~--·--~-·---· -· I r •• • . ·~-;r;·~r~~!!.;!~~~~~~.~~r .. A.:S __ .. ~ft~. -dlL-il~tt :.~ ·-~ illiaL·i;T•T,~ ·'. ,.,.MimctN"OT. -·,c~,"-li¢•-•llli*i!ll'il.'•.•."i*iji·i·fi1ilii,•»111'•'~i--~·--.•'••'lliiu,·1 1 Jou' N~tiU~ -AillL Ullfvr'n ~ A11ft. ~ . GIMral ' Clonorol . aod --!!.,....,.:_ ~ '1'f --· ·* • · * Jtb W1nfecl1 LM)< . '100 C1111 M'.i..:9 · " •110o i;J 11.li t' 5242 ltthlll• w •• , ... ?'•fft61ildiitr1a1 Rlniil'·-~ ftiilNI (,,..A(•) ~-., WPMAll woUlil-..."11 F===_, ..... ._.. p....i l••"'i EMPLOYED !.ldli wonm l WANTED to ru.e, 5 10 BiXcK Kittan, hill .,....,. m.nt to,,,.,,..., .., -·· ,... .1 ........ [VJllG• Vldll on 8' tlolUno;.lill ~ ~ to.cm "i !~ ... ~·-·-found Hui/Or Shop pin& -=ed=-=======I ~g odolm ~ t• ', n ... tt to$ll~c;.r,..'l"'fl"l'_ ••flt'l i fo'1-11aavy Cen1<1"£:1d'--1_, ln&·peace'.A 'l\ll<I. , Tl' l"Ot "'"'·~,..."I· · -·~ m.chln<Ty t• Clrall&' Oo. LJ'f1ii ~ck Alb.lit -mo Dometllc Htl' .... -Uvo T,...m ' BR. 211 ,\ptw.i'e: e LAND~OllDS e 7o per ',14 It. , -3862 Beyolde Dr., C<f~ Ollnelt u-. Ote<dllt ~POOt ~IN~ ~~~dbl. lana< ~RENTAL sERVIC!: N~PT'rt:'.:: ~-bl n-L I I t l "';~•1 •-~~:_~ .... o(f kltch. 'DWtwuher, dbl. Broker $3482 . · PIOl'.h ......... & t.~ '6, OI -.,._ -· ,.. ... -.. -·- imlll' !:· £·,:»~~ MA111NlqU """': pool. Conv<nltnt to "'·-lo a.•• ~s ::.....! ~~ ~: L_O_sr_r_n_· N-1-te-n-, 281_h_&_Bal-. ·--·-GARDIN APTS. ~·" ochOola .................. r m ~.,..,, (213lM1·13f! boa Bl., "l'"!.'"!i",'>l" HolpW••""'·-7200 CLEAN !um llodlelor Uth A Seta ~ C.M. '"'LT ~ MONTH LARGE, kfnr "1ed bedioot11 RENT MJ;T"tllltl' ,q. <t, 170 dot. v.M. ~ ti<!dfsll ln-oWn """ . ' w/D!IL Ne -S4sU C&U Mn. Heocl.-$1&-'llli2 lis A/i\ICIOI WAY • adjoint._ bath, :rv. 115 .... 850 " .. ·-front. tln<i\1""·2 roll•~· No tau Wh1ddyl Wont?· Whaddy• Got? J .C. PENNE• co. 1~~~~~;:::~200~ 1m9lnt1 Ana,'Apt u!;' C.>t. N -rt hech ,.,.. H .. tJnalon .,Beach. 195. 2914 Randoll>ll. C.M. R~O! "4!!~966· ' , SPECIAL CLASSl!ilCATION FOR II!'!:?!"! -·-·-' ~ . ~llS . . . LOS!" '1 ...... 'killit0r NAYURf<~.BORN SWAPPERS =o::/~J{ -·-~RON'!'. <...., 3 BERMUDA V"' M• Mfr. Apt. ' ROOM FOi\ RENT, $&l walltll'I" •1'1*0X Hu''lll ' $wlal -' llU.wadi•;;;-._... ...._.,.,.. S"•" r -mutu, .bofrm .• pvt en-Ltt1 6100 card &:: $500 cash, YoU may ..-+ dfn. $190. tnd util Sllaclous .,...., 3 Br. A'ptl: C-.n1' clel Mir ~ ...... k t•· turn ,.... 5 Lines·-5 timu -S bucks H11 full tflM ~iiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil tnnet & :~ Furn or un-ADJACENT u, ti?.' W«t-tep ,.., money, rt '"" • ,. ..U tio.t &Up. Wlntr lit. Crpta, drps, bltiM. 0.0 to furn. 646-2600 evt1. • . r;X ... . purse & cani1 by mail. P.O. 1-Wl\lt ..;i 't14!u't!~rd.-~ ~L.IST~vi::. ,..11, 111 ".., potltiOft Gptn "°"790 ahp'c 4 achl&. Q.lldren K. COLLEGE kiDf. ' 1 clilf lot.I $).-.;Sa uaio Dr. Box Z11'4 New\'Qrt Beach )-YOU" l>llOnf •114/0r •dd""I. +.4 "~ Gf l'f'l•Nlllnt. fff ,• i-BEDROOM ft.lm., 1 bUt. WO up. ~-II :i_ ~or Kit '1f N.B. ea. '35,000. f46-&565 REWARD. white toy poQd]e. s-110,r.t1:1t!c;tH•o•N• E"'"'64;; !"6•1•1•• LYI . IUFFEltS l . 1xl ..,.an. Pool $l2S mo 2211 Co!Uge Aw. Apt. %, 11"1' " "' on " " ~ '~ "~ 'it -'•""' "'·•-p ~ JANITO'RIAL . ' ..,. ,"",. '.':;3 lncl, $50 mo_ ~P Citrus oN~t. .. ' 16175 Long baiJ'. .it-\"".5t. )Jel~n • To Pl1c1 .. Your ,Tr1der'1 P•rtdiM Ad Call 548-2035 or_,, NEWLY DiCOllATID ~· Hunti"'1brt PaCillc Apt, & ., . ' MAINTENANCE fi2i 2 Bedroom duplex. I ONT""' ACRU n""MV"'I ""'"' R Huntington Beh plerv 714 : Newport Duplex, ~ t<> Tr11.de $20,0IXI equtty in 20 t "'bean No kids or pets. UUL 2J:" ;Jp.t.o::te; :;r.'~ 1 i 2 Sa 'Funt "a .Utl!um "~~w1F.iv~lf! 0 ~ m' · RIYllSIDE ' ~l!Jf p~: ~~. J beach. Will tri:de., equity acres Rancho caiifornia i ·t · Balboa JQ 7~1155 Blk. from school. Frplcs I Pli I Patio! I bath for emploYecl, ainglf! co' UNTY PLEASE RETUR" I [or good Laguna ttslden-(Gov Reqan country). For N rt ClO 2194 • "B" Placentia Pooh:. Tennis • Contnt'I Bk· lady. Rets requlttd 6f6...2863 Belre pmte from '66 DatlUD tial •lot. p ,o, Box 1«23, tru1t ~a<ir TT T Box 676 i;,;:.::;i;;;;c:.,.:.:1;::, _ _;= e 63M120 e fat. 9 hole i\Jtt/Gn.e.n. EMP. i:nen; ~p. entry, quiet. ~6nyo~a~t= Vic. Wifso~fi.eward. =r~~eacb. <n4> Tuatin. ~ EVF;S.. i 'BR turn., pool, ut.II'• pd. SQUEAKY Clean ' Eu~ •·SN .. t.ue.. ~ 6"-2'11 $5P A . .$S5 Mo. or wkly; in the ~'Ma ""' arta· 1 ~=~-.C...~--~ Cabin Cruis~r. 31', 1960. H..S. qe OK. $12) mo. 3226 apt. z BR~ 1 bath, bu!Jt·in IMacArthur nr. \;Qut HWJ) S70 Mo. w/}Otcben. 54M986 all WlCl:er pe~t aprtnk. 8 MO. Female Siamese. Flea Will trade 17 tt. Perlonner Excellent>, sleeps 6. t-.vin ~ ~St. 548-nz kitchen. fully carpeted & DUPLEX 4 ·~-211 BDRM. In new G e .l d len s y 1 t e in. considerod collar. Vic Ll~be12•g30.ohool21 outboard, (all fibt.'Klau) V-3's, radio phone, auto pi- draped. Juat painted inlide --.... ..... m. ;\Ii ·Medallion pvt.'hom. SGO Mo. frost.free; priced at .only & Santa Ann. I l for full or ,part payment lot etc. Want vacant Jot or C..1\1 cfel Mlr 1" 4250 & out. $135/mo. Ed Riddle hathi, fireplace, ~ts, or $15 weett. i4&-2042 $4,000. per, acre .. For further Albert Pl. 548-8249 on new carpet, drapes, ~ Value $11,000, 673-2431 Rltr. ~11 drapes, garage, bu.i\t-w. • infomla.lion, p Jo• 1 e call LOST; La 4i es , watch landscaping, block fencing 12 l!DltM' d .. -1au .......... be""h >rnr"""'f •.....: -.... 540-1~34 t){t~. S.O. 1'Wy, ~1 a g no Ii a, ., ., p .~ "'I""" ·~ .... ' DELUXE 1 BR pat. patio .,.,., .,.., v · • ~ w 1 ll Quiel TV d watter Frick lvith , , lv/sUver meah band, vie. or · ·. hone °"'-4980 aJter $165. per monllL ~ S. $135. \Vant MATURE, RELl· BACH. apt. ne&r beach .. 1 ba~ ~~s ~y. ~~--457~,' a J. Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. Balboa Island. Reward. 7 p.m. ' , I ' •&7S-3l5J• ' ABLE COUPLE to asat. Adlt. no pets. S1'!7, uW. 1818 W. Chapman Ave. 673-59M 'J14S 't§.PAC. q:l.e.; trplc .. mgr, or 10-1 BR unit!. Rent pd. G44-4299; 642-5&15 Room & 801rd 5996 ·:'P~e. q.!Af. t ·M-AT~U~R~E~.-.-,.-,-m-... -,-,-!-omaf~c ~~e~ ~c :::: f1:!ti:.ulj Privacy; S. of. Hwy. No allowance. 646-)198 LARGE I Br. apt; ntw cpt., -541-2621, ~lf'~Slf-57<17 Lab . .Shephel'd, answers to houses, 14 stalls, 9M ft barn pets. Buliness man. 67rM859 $160. 2 BR new individual stove, re[rig., garage; $160. ROD~ -.Board Ior older , ::i;aisin'l~~·e,21"1C.J'Yl. Area. 95M, 55M eq • for houae, WLY dtc0tated furn 2 un-its .. rlrela.cet, 702~ Avocado · 673-9221 ienUeman~i4bath. R ..... :...:,,.~_ l..~~ :~2•5 ru:ward . .,...,,.. comm or'! Own675-6259. b\iml. front apt, frplc, close dishwasher, stoves, drapes. ._,... -."1 LOSf: Grey.green yWng tD btach. <U3l 431-U95 Adults 316 E 18th St Huntington le1ch 5400 lr\otol6, Tiir. Crtt. 5n7 • FOR Rent Furn. Mam· parrot; vie. Harbor Sehl., Cf\BIN, Big Bear City. lh-e· 4300 6f2.-53.io. or (213~.838-765,2 . ·--moth, fdtll.. Condo. pool A Fountain Valley 962-3024 ' plai;e. sJps 8, 1~e: Trade • • · · ' equity for local rncome ;;;;:;;;.;":-'"'."':-~-'= UNFURN 3 BR, a BA apt EXCLUSIVE TRA~ Spe.ct avail. POOi:; sauna, '*PB & 54()..2730 LOST Siamese kitte.n female property or ? ? ? Bachelor Apta. near Westcl!Q, pool & 0,., THE .•. EACH putting gm., shufDeboard, 5 mo., vie )7th. & Tustin · _ * 531·7~ * All utU tncl $75 up private patio. $165 mo. n• • rec. rm. AduJts only; no Mount. & Peaert 6210 :>43-7b37 3 BR 2 BA ?-.tootictllo cond. 315 t. Balboa Blvd. 646-302) 2 & 3 Bedroom Aptl. pets. Tradewind T r a i I e r · d bl . dbl th VII)... 2191 H••bo• Blv • p 1 u•5 C""ls~ rps, t-tns, gar, 8AL80A 673-9945 2 BDRM, carpeted, range, Lw.-ury livi~ to pie~ c ' . ... • ., CANYON CABIN 1rtonl I -2 •· .. pools, clb h&e. $21),500. R Apts, uW paid. oven, disposal. $120 p/mo most dlscnmlnattng. No"' C.M. Trade in ""ur 3 or 4 BR · "" E Ba s A A available at Hide·a·lvay mounlain cabin I GOOFED ~~ v$T5 or $78 mo. 310 E. Balboa ..,., . Y I, pt. ' • Mite. Rentals 5999 on 3 lots. The cabin is rool· home. Owner, agt. 546-5580 LBlvd., Balboa, Cal. 494-279'1 lhe Hunl1nglf'n ed. plumbed & Wired, but is Private party bought sonic What do you have ta lrade? ' Stcveri Villa Apts •Garage For Rent• not conipl'eled: Plans go nanic brand EXERCISE List it here -in Orange j Jiuntlngten Beech~ Lrg 2 BR. Crpts, drpa. PICl'fi'• ~ Single • $20 Month with place. Full pnc'c $p.-L?UNG~ (Ad1v· on ~.V.). County's larges! read trad· I 1 UTILITIES PAID dsh1\T, gar. No chldrn, oo " e 642-.3645e 000. For further inrormation with the 1 ea 0 beco!'llfll • ing'J)Olit ·-and make a deal 2864 l all GI Th dealer. I find I don t·have, ==~~--~~~ l · 2 BR fum. Hid. pool pets. 642-Pease c enn ampson time to demonstrate. Must TRADE 20 Ac. agricultural o,,,. v-M--..:n A D ff B POMONA St.·. 1 Bd-. un· lncomt Property 6C)OO with I nd 600 I . H -nl"""Y .... e, pt. , . . "" 7ll n-an A·-H s E khoff & A 1 sell 1 .or all a~· ~hO\e~,, a . ,· t. on marn \vy., . • ·~ -14 • fUrn. "··tral"· loca"'. •;~ ..,.._,.. ... ., · c 1aoc., nc. · · i::. · ~"' "-"'" '.:I I.CU -ITI4l """1'"1 $1'8 Mo pre ent tn •u. Ull'I $45. ...: R: . ~; •. v .mt. to neare!lt sm. tO\vn, ' Mo•th. "'l •~1 wv "° · s c.; ~.olVY 18J&.<.\V. Chapman Ave. ....., · "~" .,_,. R N •-d r LGE. Bach., uW. paid. Ideal " '" ...,..., 7 Units, 1 blk. Staten Mid., Orange,-ca.lU'. Original c ons. ~~. nr. eno, ev. \ ~· ~ 9r I for qle., mature adult $90. ALSO FURN'. Clean 2 BR. $12J & '150; 2 &: 3 -BR. hollpilal, bu!. E. 22nd $1. 541.26211 Evts·wkndJ 538-6121 2314 ·.No, Bonnie' Brea, S.A. what have you? 546- "' alk to s Points Shopping. cpts, drpt:-blt-imi,--gar. Ex .• apts:. Newly-decor:;-cpl!:. -Am:ume 6% loan. No qua.11. t:ICENSED * * * Beaut woodecj bldg Jots, fr. on yr-round river, pvd n:ls, pwr, Lake Success. Porter· ville area. Trade for 6 place airplane. ~gent 642-5495 330 Ft frontage, $40,000 equity, oppoe.lte Yucca Val· ley GoU C.Oune for income pr()perty Orange Co. Box 676 Tustin. 544-3666 EVES. . . Lahaina,. . island ol Maui, beach front. S Years old, 3 BR, blt·iM', architect de- signed, 3 blks to shof.s. Tr.t'cle for boat, view Joi, or ? 675-4421 . Trade $3000 equity in 3 BR, 2 BA, Mesa Verde Home. For !ale model car or truck. 61h'l,, Loan. Pymnts $lfl9. ,...,.,, HA VE gen. antique 4 X 8 pool table, or 6Xl2 Enalish Snooker tble, full slates: lrade for late model 10' Cabover camper. 536-2964 * * * l MZ-2219 location $135 545-9187 &. drp.!;. mtns. Refrlg. avail. fy~g. no poln~s. Trade for l!USINES$i ind Spiritual readings, advice I. 1-BFL condo., beaut. furn. QUIET Apt for couple or 2 Children OK. Nr. Beach ranch N.W.-U.S.A. • FINANCIAL on a.II matters. 18trs. El .!!!!!!li!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ll!!!!~"!'~!!-~- 1 •Nr. Atlanta &: Beach Blvd. lady pa.st 50. 265 E. 16th Blvd. & ~fain, close to ;_Lt;:m:::m:::';:'·,_":;,"''"'· ;""'~~750'.'--1 ::--:::~==7:7-=:: Can,iino Real, San Oemente. SERVICE DIRECTOR'f SER:VICE DIRECTORY ' 1Cple, "nly. $160. Pl. Avail now. See ?-.1gr. schools & shopping. 347~905 -6 Cleai1 u~t;;·Eest 18th. Bua. Opporlunlllll 6300 . 40?·9136. 10 At-.f _. 10 .PM: , , --'-"-====;:;,,,:..::.::.; "r CerM:nt, Concrete 6600 Ironing 6755 , 96J....6984 OR 962..(i683 2 BR. stove, gar, patio, 1 LARGE 2 Bdrms., like new; Assume large existing 1st. 1-C d S Girls, Guys, Couples --~----- ' :QUll!T & BEAUTIFUL child ok. no pets, Sl2ii. ref. rugs, stove, drapes; blk. to Lemmer. Broker, 646-3750 in Y upply Route If your e. SWJNGER and a.re CEMENT work, no job too IRONING -80c an hour ! Adults only. 2 BR, pool required. Call: 546-1076 oc~an. No smog! Sl25 Mo. (Part or Full Tlnie1 looking for your-brand cof small, reasonable. Free Plea.Be bring hangan; 1-1~ "·-847 212. Gas, waler paid. 8uslne11 ll•nlil 6060 Excellent income for fe1v f ,_ -11 ••·-11• · + ... , eslim. ff. Stufiic!c. 548-8615 251-B Avocado, Cr-.1 548-8227 1 11•<:1 \.Aluei'On. · ;i 2 BR, grdn apt, fpl, cpts. 222 8th St., Hunt. Beach. hrs. weekly work ldays or un peoplf, ,. ..... WF • ...,g15'"'1 J 1 BR htm MOBILE HOME. drps, bltns, patio. pool. $l2S MO, Large 2 BR apt. NEW building for lease. eves.) refilling and collect-87°'1210 l Adu1t1s-!llO pets. $120/mo. Adlts, no pell!. $l-45. 546-5l63 Closed 1 ara 1 es . No Prime location in Laguna ing money from coin oper· Attr•cJive Expert 1 -536-1'14-=--1-BR .. garage, stove. children. 536-9593, 2604 Beach. 2160 1q fl. \vith or ated dispensers in Costa YOUNG WOMAN refrig .. carpets. SlOO Ena:land St. \vitMut equipment. Mll!I Mesa and sWTOunding area. dancer' will teacti yoU all e1ch 4705 240 Avocado 544-8612 1 BDMI d 1 see to apprecla!e. · No selling. (Uand1f$ name latest steps, call Ardell I LIKE NEW 2 Br .. new cplll., 1.1pstain, $Ta a ':n: ~nc~u~I~~ * 494·1036 * brand candY ~rid snacks) 213: 591.Q l-10 PM View apt, north dJ'1)s bll·lns carport: 1» ulllitles, Adults 0 n1 y, NEWPORT , SHORES Shop. ~l~afc~~h1·~~:.F0~~ .. · PACIFIC PARTNERS tcd.m.2 story, 2 BR, 1~1 '(leis; adults Sus. :54841769 ·~~"l""" ping Center; dttss shop: son .•'"' &ry),t!w. rn ""'9 In 1969 lei 01s help yoU lfnd , 8't.)\1sundecks, gar, 1 blk .....,.... """" Mesa Send name dd-.., • -beach. v_.., •'""'·I ·l BR. All electric bltns. Prv no l*&lll" .req. Beaut. fix. · • a • ..,a that special person ymi've _, . 1. WfW ,. d 2·BR. Up1tairs. Stove, re.frig. t . s ,....., mirron ta k ~ pbo~ number ,Jo: ~-on fookina for. 545-1543' '· pa io. · c:rp,,.., rps. Garage. Sl25. Adult.I only UJe., c~,... • ' c s "ROUTE DEPARTMENT" "" ,.., r $llO. s.48-l322 816 Palm 538-8523 & etc. 6"2-394a P.O. Box 3846 $100 MO.: U'anl writer or ' I 5~00 R 2 bo'"· pri SHOPS Anaheim, Calif. 92803 artist to share hacienda. Newport IHch ' 2 & 3 8 " "''" v. Nr. Newport Pier Sep. apts.: in Rosarita patio; heated pool. Rltr. . 613-0860 GIFT & ·Home Decor shop, Beach. 543-9755 OCEANFRONT 962-8994. must sell. See • Make ofter! 2,000 SP. rt. ~a.nfront, • 54&.1914 • SELECTIVE SINGLES ---------1 downtown Hunt. Beach. $300 '-::::==--=:::=====-Jfas eligible men & lvomen, 1 Lower 2 BR, blt·imi, frp\c. CI08e to school, churches, L;;..-'-------'I Yearly lcue. Sl8S, ·garage, 673-0057 or 67~n L11un1 Retch 5705 mo. Ted Way Rlfy, 536-25791"M 1 L ,.20 21-50 642-9676, 3 to 8. •n•y o 01 n -..::,;.:,.c-=,,;,;,c:..;._c __ _ 100 CllP:F DRIVE C·l 2 B~._ ~OUM. G~ .. Real '-· ALCQHOLlllt . AnonymCILIS DELUXE 2 Br., 2* ba., b\tn9, frpl .. Westclill area. Adults. $225 Month. Agt. 646-2629 LUXURY FURN/UNFURN Em.le D! .. 2192 Pahsade1 $10,000 Phonl'.' 50-7217 or wr.l.te to Yearly Lease. 1" 2 Bdrms. Rd, nr airoprt. 541-56« . Available for good real P.O. Soi 1223 Coirta Mesa. 11trp9 to ShoN A Shops Wholesale nursery, equi~. estate loan, vacant OK. Oceanvle.w from every Apt. S300 fll(I. Cypre~ St. Nr att· ?\tr. Adams, Bkr 714: 494-6650 Funeral& _ 6412 iJ IMMAet.r ATE APTS! 'VATER Frortt. I br, boat fron\ $150 mo up. lease pprt, House avail. 548-50« RETIRED COUPLE I:=====;;::::;;::;;;;; ---- lMMEO. OCCUPANCY I 1 "" CIOH t• Shopping, P1rk dock, ~It-ins, Utl paid. lw. 494-Ul9 Has money to lend on 1st & ~•Spacious 3 Br'i, 2 Ba tiT"a-502S, 6?3-9060 2 BDR, 2 _ba dplx facing Office lttnt1I 6070 O?nd mortgages. Call NE\V 3 Br. 2 Ba. 419 38th f t t nd Broker 547.1333 ,-e 2 BR. widen. or oft', St., Newport Island. lt.?5 ~an~.e~~;:~ 0 sa . LAGUNA IEACH I •Swim Pool., PuViretn fl-1o. 673-64~; 675-516.I A.Ir CendltleMd I e Frp1, Indlvllndry fac'IJ REAL ESTATE ON FORESJ' AVENUE I 1845 An1heim Ave. Back • .., sm Gentr•I , Desk apacee aw..ilable tn HOME LOANS I STA MESA 642-2824 newest office buUdins at J!ave 90o/~ financing at 7%: % View, ' BR, C:l'l)ts, drps, Rentals W1nted 5990 prime loca.tion in d~1ntown interest. Check our 6.9% l "150; 2 BR., llAi b&. studio. blt-iqs, Jl90l~ St~S mq. ---------1 Latuna Bei.ch. IJr cond~ program&: 2nd TD terms. tns, w/w; children OK 6~3690 RESPONSffiLE ~uple ,1\'ilh ticifted. carpeted, bM.utituJ Sattler Mortaage Co. Inc. l Bro. ktr 5J4..6990 MANY WONi>JfJUi.JL UP· chlld &etk 2 Bdnn. house paneled partltlontna. T w 0 336 E. 11th St. POR'l'U?UTIES N•e beeo w/stove & refr\g. \Villing entrance&: Frontai• on 642-2171 ~0611 WESTMINSTER MEMORIAL PARK Mortuary & Cemetery Complet1 funer1l1 from $245 Cemetery lots '""" $130 Includet Endowment care Everythlnc in·. ~It , beautiful place means Jess cost. No trafll.c problems. 1'801 Beacli, Westminster l Mell SlOO dbcovertiltnC1ul1ti9dAda. to pay up to $150 per mo. Forst Ave., rell? lead.a to Eves. 673-7865 642-1151 , 1 Tum back ~ .·~ Op-Have good references. CaJI ·Muncipal p11rkinJ lou. SSO ANNOUNCEMENTS ., ~ DUPLEX oortuntt:t,", NOW! ,,'°,,u~ec,,,1,,r,,21"'3"'1 ,.'90-3,.,,,. ,."'==-I ~ month tor spl«. Desk ind NOTICES " 531.1725 893-2421 ~ ~~~~. ~e.. c;:ti~. d:.: ~~A b~1!0~ ": 1;;!°JfBiEs;1a~furn~d:;: :'s:~lrsh::!11:.W~ ,.~.(tFrM' Adsf ' Mb() SER VIC~ OIREt Io~' Thoryk C.Oncrete, no job to small. Frtt ezti(jlates. lendsc1ping 6110 ==~·=64&~1234~-·~~-I BOR'S Landscape Service. CONCRETE work, all types. Design, install & maintain. Pool dee.ks & cusrom. Call Free e.st. 642-2633 548-1324 Paperhanging P1intln9 6150 P AINTER From Europe 30 Contrlctori '6620 Years exp. Paint average ..;,.;.;;...;,....;...;._ ____ .I 3 BR house, ext or int. e GIWOJI'! ~lol!IO~:. c:onctt~ sawing ~~al ~late Liq. e 842-1010 .. e ROOMS ADDITIONS e L":T. Cor:istruction Famlly rooms, kitchen or units. 'Single story· or 2; plans aistom designtd. For estimates &: layout, phone • 841-1511 • Additions I Remodeling Fred H. Gerwick, Lie. 673-6041 * 549-2170 C1tp11t Cle1nlng · 6625 CARPET &: furn. cleaning: for 1 day srr1 & quality \\'Ork, call Sterlin&: for btjghtness! 642-8520 NO Glmlcs! Best expert cpt & fUrn clng. at loweilt prices. 546-1486, 646-2'f17 Electrl~I 6640 $250. Free Est. Please call 54().{)895 VET'S Bonded Painting. Free Est. Lic'd & insured. ·small jobs tvelcome. * 64J.-0.!27 VINYL wall covering specialist . kit. &. baths< Material & labor. Est. 847-1659 INTERIOR, EXTERIOR Average 1 BR apt. $71-50 labor & material. 642-7528 e JNT ·-EXT. ANY SIZE JOB. Xlnt \rork, refs. free esL JIM. 642-4669 P AINTING, inter.-exterior State lie. . bonded. Free estimates 642--0238 INTER or fXt. PAINT!~. IMMED. SERVICE. LocaJ ref. FREE est. 548·1627 FLAG Electric, ,gen'.1 elec-1--------- tricians. Comc'l, "r e,s., Maint. · Sm' jobs · we I c . 549-1045 EL E arRICIAN Licensed, bonded. Small jobs t.Iaint. & repair. 548-5203 Pl11ter inq, Rf!.,:o ir ul'\80 • PAT'S Plastering • all Types. Free estimate. Ca~ 540-682~ ·No c:bildttn or ptt&. ClauWed Adi. <l>eek them lY/.compensation for rngrnt. service availi.ble tor $10. · · • b • 655 ; 2244-A Stare 142-7'72 now! services. 646-6314 All udllties paict except BLOND fem al c do I, gl y11ttlnt 0 Gardening 6680 Plumbing 6890 Recent, 1ucce14fuh ex· perien<;'e .in. all phuea prefen-ed. Competitive wages, outstanding ben- efits includin& p rot I C abort ... J. c. Penney Co. 24 F11hlon Island Newport 8e1ch, C1Uf. An Equal OpportWlity En1p19yer FULL Tl~tE HELP WANTED LARGE CO. EXPANDING. IN ANAHEThf NOW HIRING PERMANENT WORK. NO EXP. NEC. IN · •S'O M E DEPTS. AS WE HAVE A TRAINING PR.OGRAM. F01t YOUNG MEN 13-45. TOP WAGES PROFIT SliARING P LAN FOR QUALIFIED MEN. START WORK IMMEDIATELY CALL FOR APPOINTMENT SAT., MON., & TUES. PR. 4.7253 • Busboys • Dishwashers APPLY IN PERSON ' TO MGR. 9 TO 5 P.M. REUBEN E. LEE STERNWHEELER 151 E. Co11t Hlghw1y Newport Be1ch EXPERIENCED e COMMERCIAL TELLER . UNITED CALIFORNIA '.BANK 3029 Htrbcor Blvd, Colf1 Mes• 546-2033 An cquaJ opportunity employer PART OR FULL TIME position no1v avail for sev· era! ambitious men, 20-40. Flexible hrs, 1" m e eves. pref. Ca r nee. Prestige work 1vith above average tarnings. Oppty Jor Manat· er pos. \\'e train. For introd. interview call. MR. \VHIT· NEY 544-85.Slf NABERS CADILLAC Janitor and General Cleanup Man E11:cellent company benetitl. 5 Day week. 'Contact Mr. Robert Rogalski · NABERS CADILLAC SERV1CE Station salesman, Exp'd, Salary + c:ont· mission. apply in person. MOBIL STATION. 24085 or 24362 El Toro Rel., Laguna Hills. 1~1;·~~~~;~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~=~~1 telepholie rtRmblez Dac:hsbund. wdl OI '&;:; · ___ _,, ____ _ al •0tn1r1J 5000 General 5000 DAiLY PILOT cared 'for. Corner ILD my ho~e week JAPANESE Gi.rd-e.nfir m FO'ftl3r AvmtJE Brookttqrstl.\darnt, Jan. l day~. Large yard-with pJay Q:>mplete Service.· Exp. Or1ft1men LAOUNA .. ~Di . 962--08ti2 . . ~m~ 5'~ C 0 at ~liable. 642-4389 ELECTRO.MECHANICAL PLUMBING .REPAIR No job too small • 642-3128 • ! ' ! ., ~ ~; '' l . f 'I l 1 • ' , . ,. I • ' - •• ,. -" - S@\t~~-ltt-~s· Solve a Simpl• S=~bl<f W;;uPv~jor a Clluckl• 0Rtorronot 1f.e 6 aromb'-d wotdl below lo mokt 6 lirnpi.. words. Prll'lf lttt.ra of eoch In Ira UM of tqVO:f91. ISUTLYS ' 1 r 1 491.MJO SMAIL. sandy colored, mix· . Cut & Edge Lawn Remodel., Reptlr, 6940 Brlng recent a.m.pie of work . ffl •d Da ... 1 .. __ --·· ~. BABY NURSE, stt my home.. . PARAM~·cs D.I .... Q ""'-.uo::.....,...J.,.. .,..., -"5 kl 1.. Maintena~, .LK:eMed IF Yoa need remodeling. ~··u ~ · .. -. , ,. •• , :· with blue collar I: no tags, w~ y, hour..,. L 0 v e ~/645-2310 aft 4 painting or repairs, Call 929 Baker St, Cotta Mesa SUITES or shlltt ottloet from vie, 16th l: Newport, C.M. ch!ldren. Gd care C, "'' o,·,k. 64" 11"7 YOUNG m•• ,·.-,..~ in $55. Cl1'pets, ·air condition-64U336 _64~~~11!~"-~----cur & edge rawn comt" .,. .... '"' "'""' 1.... t:arlal \' t L • =-service. Lie. 546-5261 e.ves -=========-p c r m a n e n t joh with ~~: toC:atw! 1tr n....~!; BLONDE Female PUP!JY. e,ABvhsm, 1~.. nc,· ' Wbnklyt " \VC€'kendz • S.WI . 6960 established boat dealer ln '"''""'6 about 3 mo vir Newport unc • £'""""' Y · -========"":I ~="-""!!'--·-----Sa G ~ I Vall c.?unty Bank Blda. 230 E. Riwria Ne'~ Y~ar·s Eve. rate!!. C.lf. area. 045-2719 -ALTERATIONS & C\Jstom n au••' ey an!a. 11th St., Q.f . 6UJ.485 64_..,.1 WI" boby•lt iv YOUR .0.Mrll Services 6612 1 Excellent opportunity. Write ~ ....., ,~ Dressmaking. Very I n e P. o. Bo:< 238 Balboa Island YOUNG cat. black/wt\ite HOME any 'hciur fl.25 hr.; HEATU'IG & Air Cond .. Serv \\'Orlt..AIIP't. MS-71M FRY COOK gfj~~~°I~Je:JC i;~ m.arkinp, wearing tlea col-24 hr. ratea. ?18-t38!l & ttpalr. alsd' Wuhet' & • Dreumakfui-Alterations Fast & efficient; above av· m@rcial, Medical, Dental. Jar. Vic ;_\Uanta & Beach BABYSI'T"MNG -My Mesa dryer repair. 24 hr ~· , Fast & Rea11>nable erage wages; medical ins. FN>m S70. Air. cond., crpta, mvd., H.B. 536-7091 . Verde home. d&)'I. 841-7i'l:T or 847...MSl * 646-6446 • Apply 2-4 PM. l>enny'a, elevator. FOUND -Colker -Po malt 546-7887 · 3 DREs.SMAKING. belts, but· 18477 Be~ Blvd, Hunt Bdt su-0032 or 615-2-IM q, beip; colOf', vicinity Babysittiog, tn my home HiUllng o7 0 tons. button boles. Cuatrun UTILITY MAN 198-9880 Gtten Valley area af Faun-Infant to 6,yeai's. Fen~ CLEAN Lou,. aaraaes etc. hlldnl&. 646-0857 wanted In the Goll Shop, qt EXiCVi'fVE OWQt Approx tain Valley. 963-t019. yard. ea.ta MeAA. 64UH23 Tree mnov11l, dump. skip Altiratlont--642-5845 25-50. 40 Hr week. Inrinf! 700 1q, rt. In new bldg, LITrLE black toy poodle BABYSmtNG my home backhoe, fill, i r ad e · Neat. aceun.te, 20 yn. exP. Coast Goll Shoti 675-06ll) uJc by Oran&e County Airport. puppy, male, Vic:. Glenn Mesa del Mar any age "'el· 962-8745 ror Mr. Evans. Avail immtd! 61Ml30 h-tartin sel\001. Santa Ana. come. &16-300.t HAULriJG, &ardening I: TILE, Ceramic 6974 SUPERVISOR for elect aoU OFnCE or ~ i: apt. ~1240 . general maintenance by cot. cart operation. 6 days a 510 !lat st., Newport, BLACK/white . Manx with Irick, M1sonry, etc. Jege student, Newport A * vunc. \ht.Tile lda.n * wk. Santa Ana Country Near Udo Bridrt 496-1513 lone Anitora·typt hair l: Ota 6560 Olsta Me111. area. 673--m1 Cust. work. Install k Oub. 54.5-1200 ll V" ~••d CdM repaln. No job too small. 1 <X>MMERC. -300 Sq. n. ~ r..:... KO. V IVIU in . BRICK. Conaete. Carpentry tRIM. hedae. trees. ~. Plaster patch. Le a kt n g PART-Time hdp wanted far 1 INOUST. -.:.> Ill· ft. ::··,,.,.,·~,.,-.....,=..,.....,,......,~-. CU.atom C.binets. Sm. a If <'lean-up, name it! I haul, shoMr' rep a Ir. 847-1957/ Garden Crow restaun.nt. e Mfi..21.J) e SMALL Blk i: tan female joba OK F\'ee Eat. 962-690 reasonable. 64:z....40.'ll 846-0'206 Apply : Shakey'1 pit ta · •J -dog, ftathery tall, vie. Santa LIGHT haulina. day,°" nij:ht. Pa.rlof. 2285 Ne",,ort Blv., ln-111! ........ 60IG Ana St .. C.M. 86-WG ~!,_rponlorl'!f 6$90 """'° U~holatory 6990 SERVICE Sl<llo" atttndlnt. --~ ,_ . ·---~-Bobtall«t Manx A-l.H -•coOUMC=~lot;;;.,;n.1.~o.::I'---'-'-~ CZ'YXOSKI S CUstorn ...,.,....... cond. Da¥t Union OU :m &pfl"OX. 50,000 sq, ft. tt-~1 , Carpentry,,aey •lie job! -ztery. European Cra.ftmna.J>. E . 17th CM qulttd tor mfl. of fterea·1~=~-="C.,,~-,--Call Gordon 141-8745 MESA Otanl.ng Ser v I c ~ Ahl.p. J009' Ftna.nclnc. Furn. =====_,.,..,.....~ UQna1 whldta. Will lffle, FOUND Set ~en'• keys oo I :::========~ I Complete cleaning, carpets, boat! & .. uto'L 642-J4M. l83l EXPDUENCED Medanic. 541-Mal, Rik b' Mart)' NttllflOl't Belch in MM. C I C I J1JN1 flooi-., etc . Realde.ntial· N--•Bl · c•r FUii timt, day&. llfS Rovnt:r. 648-SSM '""" ' · •ncre • ~.. 'Commerctal. SJll'Cial n.lu ,c)IS'i ·&MpL~~·MENl. Adams. Cott& Mt• t.. h"""";z=;;;_;,,,., =====-*'" liailtA~O!K.. ii,,.rt6rt'"1sii1iiaiimne•I,.;, • UST tN C:ONCRE't'E for •flt. c!Mnin&. Man¥ rer. 546-1216 l•4u~rlt!, !~~I 6090 =.:'~. = A ~~poc~~= ln:e '" 548-4111 300D !Q p •1rtbou.M I. ofCct WALLET found V\e.. Karbat NC jOb toe l&rglll or 1m1ll. lronln9 ~:." H:t&".,,"'! A= S-bol C.nlor: Call to Llceneed' &. ..,....., 'rn. IRbNING dofll'!' ht 'mt home. 6755 Job Wanted, Lady 7020 ALL round MrVitt station m11.n . .3100 E. Cout H\ahWa,y, HOUSE\\'ORK Wanted. M.· Coton& de.I Mar. ~need. $2.Z r hr. plus PJJ,ODUCTION f'OR.EMAN Rd. n f • 4 9 f .. t D 11 ot kltnttfy • 64M263 est. ~ or 52M'lfi6 1..-!.'-.:j:;..l _:l:;C::•::.A;;::::;M:.Ll;;;;f;.:S;...;..A;;.N,;,;S~=...;.;.;....;.,;_ ______ , '1f..540.1'!0 Wlllta'flejhllbr llhn .. .,... CHARGE m .Brlri own hangtts. • ' '* sn.ms ··· ln.nlfllll'l&tlon. M5-942lf c).u.: IO-l*3o , OOCK rr TO "EM! Mac Grep Yt.eM Orp. I ~ ., --~--------------~ . •• " '> " .. ' ' " 'I . " ' . " ' '• I " I il ' ' ' ,~( " ·~ ' ,j , Jl 'I :1 " " -" ' • • .. ' . . ' .. .. .. " • ' ' " I I •• ,, ' :1 , I ~ ·• .. •• " .. • ' " .. " • " " ' " •' • ' .. I il ' ' ·:1 " ·t ' ,/• ~j ' :1 . • • " • • • • " " • " " ' • . " " " " • " " " • " • . ' -::::::-'"':"."'~"::"::--:-:"".':':::::-::::~:--":'.".::::::'::-::-:-~';'7~:-7.".""'.-:"~-:-:-:--:-:---:-:-::-:-:-;:-::-:-:;:--::--;-:-;;-~-·~·~~· .............. ··-··---···: ... ..._,._. __ .................................................... -...... . ........ .._ ............ -................... . . --. . • ••••• 7 ' " ' llUllD " "'• ' --• ~ ~t .,.,.,... ., Mllll be -"' •• ,....Uc.n.. Ill ' ::.-_-: ~ "!! ~~N'l!Y ' .... ndw ,.,?. ... p,.. .. --,.. l!rtt ... °""'· o.N-cs. WIB .. 11\ltlrl S to ~ MEN A:ftE ~Ow ll:EJNC JllllSll-. Dtta.t Wlnillli: JNTERVIEWED, l:IDla> _,...,_ sm.l l1lop. AHi> TRAINED 'IO 1111.L St<HJOY STACO, lie. lllt W.., St. Cett•MIM. 54"3041 ' An '4'!11 -17 - GOOD POSITIONS WITH TOP STAltTJNG P.Al:. $512. mo~. & IP Al ptl' wrtttim qtWmlllll "---.. ..... _ .... _ Both akWed and. 11mlrf!led .................. _ ,.,_ .. 1 Olflca U.S. Diven Company ... ...... 1 Offl .. llfYPUllOI OPllATOR 1119 laU..St. Cetl•Meoe 54"3041 TAKING . Al'l'UCA TIONS POI ----''-'"'---I t.n't MCUIU')', and ,,. art 3323 w. w.,_. U.S. Diven Comp1.ny * NIWl'ORTllllTTI Wo~ Kitchen Help ' Screw Moclllne Opero1or an eqU&l opportunlt~ ap. ..-. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Santa A• HOSTUS . Dllhwlllher1 • Ar.20 ...... , llldWldllll"' ..... and'""'" e H oc'-1 trod or ate B 6 S # 00 ICftW ma--ulvelent A<XXlUNTANT 33Z3 W. Womer Sa1"9 A11• PIX OPERATOI ----..... ........ "'-~ utlcln an 0 "'*"1Wnlnr e °'""'" County THE IRYINE COMPANY ptutuetSon n&nl Clll am.au. ........ , _..... porU. Small ohop. • Mochanlcally -.11en1 -caodi-lncllnod Sl ur Lodi" A ... 24 plus •·.Secret9ry __ • SAits • Hom. • Altl• to 1t1rt wrk llJT IMMED. OPENINGS Staco, Inc. lll9 Bakf'r st. Com M'""~ -1 An <quo! .,..1"tun117 new FOR nrrtrRE 1'0UNTAIN INTERVIE\VS A'COIJtlT'llJ v~ omCE MONDAY ONLY ~ AR Will trtln. Excellent _.. Kl 3.9219, ut. 2S twdl1 tor -Wlln .. _ Hill We are a n:Jidb' expand1nl with mathtm.atie&I ~--..a-, AU for m.<. . • n--eowiL-non-deteme _ ...... Penonnel Dt--.... ............ ~· Exttmln benefits lndude: _ .. __... compan;y, aetklnl a reottlt coi~INI RADIO CO. ·~ Llahlinl ..,._ Opportunity tor vehll.tile ~ Showroom. Sales experience ==""-"==;c;:;::::,:,~I dlvidual popeulns soo4 nee ~ plut c:onunis-BAMBOO Jurn., innen lhorthand. typq, dicta-~ · CUlhiona set incl 2 ..... lldllL M"" Ilk> ...,. ' cbaln. 1 """"' 1 coiiii!I led ...... .,.... cont&cl, • 547.Q.51 • ""'""" -tnc ..... y 1--------1 coUete ip'aduatt wl.tll 3 to 4 • Comprehensive Mtdk:al yean exper. in l'nual P1ln -~==='"'R::--IWATER AND SEWER ·-· we ottor • cllllle!W· • Group Lil• lnlllr. PARTICULA tnc pooitton with excellent e Prollt •hullW rotiro-·-lt700 Jemllorae llae4 Newport loach heavy work load. aood condition. S 13\ l•"!"'!"'!!~~a.-... 1-~-'-----~---· STACO, INC. RHI l•l•I• S•lo• '1400. MAPLE -Iii 113' lak1r St •• CM Man & Wom1n Incl. ktncw hetdboud; TYH PIRSON MAINTENANCE u1uy """ ext.-e ..,.. • :.':.\.';:: '"vtncs plan "AN "'"" Pleue,... ,....,. with e Prottt -~~-..... 549-3041 ,,., Exp&b4trc ap1n.. OWct # nite atanda, dble drelm' All .-.ii-....., --~--(PART TIMI:) An -. .... , _""",.,.. 4 optnlrlo avalltNe for mlrrar chest on chtst. Sid __._.-~ .......... ...,.,. on Vuitty ot 1'0l't in aceounts ..,.~ .. ·-v licensed men It wcmen, I~ for '100.. 646-0623 • ' I want 90Dleone who WW. work for me u they would for thernlelvt's. MU&t be Un· bltio\a. $750. MO. GUAR. U you meet our requi..ft'- mentB, we Mve men I: WO.- men who eun Si exct11 of 11000. per mo. w~ eompa.,, belltfita, ........ ance, bolPitalizatlon. etc. 642..$110 WATER METER MAN $498-605 por mo. CITY OF NEWPORT IEACH BROllfR COOK E•anlnt Shift SIAFOOD RESTAUllANT m salary l"tq\lirtnvrrtl. You _._ .. ,. ~t ~~·~ P91•ble, recetva~e. COit In-atant lncome • trainina:· Mr 64" MAPLE butch • ' $498-606 per mo. will be "'"!acted by moJI. ' 00..NOT contact UI by pMne: or in penotl. Pie.,. call Mk REED _..., M' """-•.• or:.~ ..... nto~.~"•-on•-", G·~ CITY OF N!WPORT BEACH Requires completion ol the tenth an,de -.nd two years experienot in the maintenance of nttt or .....er lines, in concrete work, in buildb:w m.atn- tel'lance, or other clorltl1 related fileda. APPIY be. 1ore 5 p.m., Wed,. Jan. I, 1"9,~t the a17 H'11. ....... Ollico. 3300 Newpo mw .• Newport Beoc HOUSE TO HOUSE SAWMiii- .... .,, '"'"""~' ._,., UUUA B'"Y"~R • uuntr. 3 pl.ett aora -n'lS. ' GA 2.Q8l1 kHp'-• mac"--. p-...... l\.D .:u • • .i:. , my o me, u,. ruu1:: •••••-"RlNG" aize bed, compl. • Safeco lnsun.N:e Corp. * ably on BwTouabs EllOO or Co.ta f\Ie-u.. • s Days a W6 E San Antoni 0,.. I w.,k Grandmothu !)'Pt SPRING Uphol•t•ffil cha~ 175. . THE IRYINE Lone;.,..._ Callf,0 s;~:• NCR. eau ;,,_1050 . ' like now . 54Wll3 .. COMPANY Equal oppol'tunlt; •mployor Racaptlanltl S._ I EXPER. Count., Gkl. Apply REALTY 4 ROOMS full -; ~ * ••C01 ftC. in persoii, Ku 1 ter •1 2629 Harbor mvd., C.M. color TV, all good ~l IRYINE, CALIF. 92664 ADVIRTISING Fo• beouty ..ion W9 BW• St. etewn, 1534 Newpo.t * IUSDRIVlllS By P""' •• pack•&• Proerealve mam.dactur-in lrvtne A Newport Cotta~ 92825 Blvd., CM. Part time, 10 month i-IUob-;.."'-_149'! _____ ....._.1 ~~~='= SECRETAIY/ n::h:_o~. An~b' HC::=~~~~~~ =::;.=..$2.:tetoU:r: :;~~1a;s~:;~1 :;..;::r~:: BOOKllEEPR u_:·:: CoUtum :a==~~ ~~Jog~:~ D:X .. t~~:: w/! .Mlch. °"""'""· J,,..,. 133-0'llO ror ..,.. • TRAVEL • In& Mono.,, Wed ~ Fl't OUloe 1901 N.,...n Blw., chn 115. 548-6200 mlntmurt'l aptriel1ce. =iltl11 tep lrfel 9 • 4 p.m. No 1mall children, er.ta Mesa. ~ MATCHING llOfa A: ct.!ri 8 . -Exp'd Hand -!Ian for ..... ,, l•k• Rll or l VII AGBITS 540-1058 * DRIVERS * PnMnctal, ......... - M•otllne ":.'""" '"' "'°" eherp girl. -hen HOUSEKEEPER o• ea.,..,. No Ex-rl•nc• •tructio•. SlOO. 61>-05!3 · l ond .,..._ worl<. oxnllent •Hlo Incl. NllDID.FULL TIMI '" want«!. TuoUn. can ,.-• I A~•~ STs!n~~ St.INC., 1hortharwl; h1ndl1 llt1 we are looklna; for two after 6 PM. • 541-8266 Necessary! Offlte Equipment IO~~ Santa Ana bkkH., ltllllnt. Undtr Apply qentl with min1m\IJI\ 2 NURSES nttded for private MWll have clean California I==-=======• I U. ·c.11 11,.,.r•. (714) yn.. act\lll apney exper. duly. Every type, all 1hillt. drivtrc rt<:onl. AppJ.y Eun $200 a _. ....... '42-3t10 Newport Horlior ...., pay In the '°""'Y· Call ony "°""" ...._ YELLOW CAI CO. home Ownm to .... pt ... IUSIOY s1cm•1y c ............ Heapll•I can fton -•t WANTED' girl '°' olllc< ,,. E. 16th St. Ansa-pbone Jor aaJe, ~new. SZO. • 8'7-1658. ble viaion M'Vioe free of " '46--77'4 TRANS GLOBE TR.A· work Ir tome drivina:: 15-~ Coata Mel& Chup. No cuh· collected. U or alder $400 te $J50 VEL. Coit a Mea. hn. a w~k 67Ul38 aft 4. AIDS. ORDERLY$ A LVN'a ~;,~~;;_; no ..,.,....._ no -Apply In,..... ',:-'...!::: :r:::::. •COSMETOLOGIST -WOMAN to clQn home on ,,..,... '°' ""''oletoeftt SHOWCASES~ , •. Houri I to 9 PM dafb' fir t Elec. ~W. lbarOlani:L S DQs. Pnfer wltb dlenttle, Thun., 6: a officetl on Sal home, dlyl, top .ai.ry for to $25; 5X12 two-f&aed. montho. N.,.,... _ l'Ul-llEUIEN l lfE Min 2 ~ ofllce -l'ltll ~ "" --. ·-~ In NUllllS 11.50 ...., "'· '"""'19 en1pi.,.., th&t "" wllllnc llahttd t1ln ISOO; Oo · , dent• with Newport e.cb ~--uui .... ,,,__,,.,,. ,.,,..., to ~'Ol'k. AJ.o RN nttded, '1ot car track le el , 90liclton licenae prtfalftd. berdta. can 541).2910, Mr. pemn • .RN'S. Pvt Ume. ()pt~ Jelle Men, Wom. 7500 dql. Employment in O.tlj counter timer. 64l'im.J...n1 I Reply by lett" to eo. m. Ul NE. c ... , :~·~WIJ sn....... SHERATON BEACH 7 to 3:30, ... ll .. ,,30, Meaa ml Gard•• G"""·I ' ,., 2 1 j I Newport Beach,'''"" ewpert c SHARP GALI INN eAIDES. ExJ>er. prel'd. IUILD 'N SAVE Call ......... only."""°8Qli G°'111Sai.,. nt l8ill!, eJONE'se Interested in a manacer'•. e>penqs 7 to 3:30 and 11 Cl.ANOE TAX Preperen• full i'P8it I Wllllt5 a£ t I TIRE SERVICE * COOKS * posl.&n with • ~ ft· 21112 Ooeu AvmhM to 7:30. Now takina applications time; IDUll ~ operie~ GARAGCL : ~ I• expanding and p&nd1nc boutlquf, MUlt be Huntinrton ISudl all phues bUvidua.I income' After 2 p.m.., Sla_T ~ ! requitt1 experienced One full Time expttlenced in h11:h fuJrlon. lridal Cen1ult1nt eonv:::. ~& tar DEPT. MANAGER. tax return.. \Vork in Coa~ ALL DAY SOfl t~ l'I r , enre Service t'en One P•rt Time ~ar, dreuei and Attractive woman, ambl~ 461 ~n CASHIERS Men, Newport Be a ch~ 2 vacuum clffnen • ~ · 8Front i:_~-.. ~-bra lr.e Exper. pretured but 110t ...__---..1 only op"''.. .ioUI, sood putOftll.ity, Ult N---""·acb .. ~ .. •iu~ SALIS Corona dtl Mat. Apply: $20; kodak projeciar~ ' meu ... '""" A-1v in _..~__,~ vv of car, over 21. Some eva ..... ...,... _. ~ !UR Block. 18'75 Harbor lamps $15 pr. MaJ:11 Company paid benefit& and .... ._.•~ pmon. THELOOK'"'24'01oroppl ...-. A_,,. P••t • Walfnl•ff • IPAINT m,.,CoNM.,. ilemo,ol!xtnt<Ond. u opportunity '"' od· Snack Sli9p PIX OPIUTOlt time $3t. -I<. lull -11-35 Full tfu>a I HARDWARE OPERATORS FOR DRILL ' 2383 F_,,, n.., CK · vancement ~ E. ~Hwy., OOt: EXPERttNPR__....,.~ $lA Wftk. No exptr1ence Nut apptaruce, no exper1.. ./ WMBER PRESSES. Lite product.ion _ 1 . 151 I. Ce1st Hl9hw1y Apply:~ n&L-v Serv Sta Mlp. Ritbfltld AppJy e&Il Mr. Whitney 5t+l550 per90n. ./ Bun.DING MATERIALS ARMALITE INC. Maple dble bed with rm "··bor Bl d. WAN'l'ED' Exp. lull time ~·~~ neoeu...,. For In--. ........... Apply In I HOUSEWARES work. Apply bot 8 & 4 PM G ...... Sale-Sot ::1 h C.M. See Mr. Jones 19th A: Ntwport 115-1532 ' Sheraton leach Inn 118 E. 16th. Costa Mesa. cblna nlte standl A 1 Newport looc * Dl•acl s.1 .. man MECHANIC, -Ion .. llel>lffn • ""'" pm Moo-Fri COOKS 101'1 llG IOY F. It m"'""". p...,..U"" c 0 uPLES:!MMED. open-""""-w tab!•, • * * l ---• 4 tmmed to .nn 2Ull Oce-an Aw. •c• E l!th St _,__,_ of do-it·younell home . N 8 buffet, hnak:fut room •i=u men · i.w; ••1·-· 3100 E Co a 1 t F•-t •-•-~ ,..__,__ 4"" • • \.:IMW• ,....,, Pt time ~a pool•--· In the _,. · Hun••-on ~-•ch ... • ~.., .......,_ imp--mont -·t•• need• .. ,. ' · ' · · • coneol.e TV a.nd -•-new. --•ea ....,..,. u1 .. h-•, ~-no d•I M••, -•• ~ ~--ta Mesa "'""' ~· A •09 N H••bo• Bl"d ' ~ 0~ County area., aeWna: •ug ··-v ....uni ... 2 SEAMSTRESSES, exptr'd; for new convalesctnt hoBPl· ......,.. qualified people. ww accept s:f:ia ~na · ..... • · E. 19th St.. C.M. 642-1111 CA.REEi ttWiJ'll' chinta. to work ahyd boat tal to open end.of Jan. Apo some who want to It.art in BIG Ge.rare Sate· I stereos I: ma AieMi• WerMft 1300 Oft ftl.\JI e ply 39.1 HQIPital Rd., NtW• retafllna u a catftr. No COUPLES far j a c i tori a 1 Saturday I. SUndi.y: OPl'OltTUNITY Thtte 1 ' ... "' """" ()qr • -; -t -Port Beocll"'""' Newport LYN'I oeuonol toy oil. Cmnplote •wk. Put -""'nlnp. Chevy w....,_ bowlllC Join ...... lutellt pwtna """°'""' ~';"" uo. No~ ATT: EXP. DENTAL c:ond., haallb "'°"'" -~ Blw ., l!Gopltol Rd. • lo l I & I l to 7 '"·----•to pluo! 0 ,_.. 962-lM7 -·~·-. -~~., -• -•-mlcl<o "' •·'"" H°"'" -PERSONNIL -4 vacol1oN: -~ -=;,:::..· ,;,,:===;__,.,--• •••· ~~ ~--~ fl'Clftllk:&Mataal •YDll -by hard worktta. HJabest 0t0ce Manapr •••• to $100 in pawon. JohaNen. A GR6wnt op por t11 n It y. •nd ltellef mtlDI promotion &: opp.or-fumiture A: ·~;;.Ji-· No aprer1alCI 11~-pay in the bu1ine11. 1009' C!ha1r Allt. •••••••••• to MOO Od'llte111tn, 191 W. llth St, Sealtary with credit exptr, New conva1t110ent holptt&l. twlity. 1'h1ll oompaey trabll Afentlel, Men & 110 West · 19th St., We tn!n • td er ~ liW9 financin&, med. lnl., etc. 1 No Saturday1 NB (Car. 11th a: Monnrria) pltuant voice, nnt ap-Scheduled to open end or at all ltte\a. Piety of ind~ Women 7550 Mesa. Mutual Fund Mv .. ,., eau momlntp • tD 12, .-NIWPOllT TYPIST .....,..., '"p&ble °' bondl· Jon. Apply In penon. 393 ;:_ua11n= ~ ::;: ;!: OPENING o-"w"'."'ER~-=-.. -QI0!.=-:--;,-11 IM. noons 3 to 5, 526-fillS. Pe--nal A .. n-n-.1-.1 for bu."" ... _1.... inl Ol'le Pi oftioe and HOIPttal Rd. comer Nft. lamps. outdoor cbaHie• Npt B. 11m Wat.cllll 5'UIZI .,;o;;.... n.. N.i'. ·;;;:,",";:;;. .. wtth ~;;: '"POOliblllt;. a.. MflO I'!"~ 51o1ptta1 Rd. N.B. ~· ... ~~ MONDAY -4 olbOr IK>W',iiiij S.A. W N. -.,. e Boot C°'ponlan 642-3170 en! o11ko won<. Six rlrl Tbe Dally Pllol. PIT "*-s;;\y. to belp 7 1919 • S AM 'Ul ' PM JANUARY 61h ltomo. Seo Sol I< SUn. 5474331 e Miii Men oH1ct in N.B. c:au Mr. All-Ntlrtd [Awyer "'Beat tbt ' · 20122 Santa Aan, ApL 1-------• Woodohop -~1, Set --.. .,..,.., HOUSllJllPll . •loci< ........ An"'"" pl IUILD 'N SAVE "MERCHANTS Santa Ano u ...... PART TIME. NIGHTS • flbergl• moltlers m ~ .JOHN BARRY A ASSOC'S Nirw Convaletotat-Hotpltal Fri. Will fizlid It flan and Cor Tustin ii Ow.pman AIR coDdltlonen atoft, DlohwHher&.lwley CLomlnatonl :,, m<> ~ AmmH-.to!M.,Ntw· profttoble to -• o...n.e nc, !IU-!IXl1 nmrMllll~l -.. 10052 eutt; • Point"'' helpor ...., 'c WOltK 1;; &M Port a.ad>. Corntt N...,... <but -. """ """' too "PiRiON.NIL lilN6 ruuv""' ".._......,..,.ISO' APPLY!NPERSON,.PM w/oxp. -ro.c.._Glrlo SIX:UTARY lat Ltpl ll> Bhd.•Hooptto!Rd. :'. ;i-; ! ~ ACCIPTID & 39 Yaoro Sal'Vlnt Snack Shop No. 1 JENSEN MARINE CORP. 87'10 ..:.:-" Hw7. ~ :"' ~ ":.::,,...~ LIVE-IN h 0 "' ••••Per' ...,,.... 54&-7331 0.. m-1122 TllAINID SautM"' Collfornl• 2305 E. C..tt Hwy. 235 """'·CM. mast-.._illllll)r.9'1-~l.:i-~.'EliPERJENm> rort WeC:O.fjljllTlze c.,.,na dol Mer, Col. * IELLMAiii ..., open. Wltto P.O. Box ......_ 511 ..,,., SJOO. cari ~ MANAGEMEN1' II ht Spot fo You • lNSTRUCl'ORS _ NI NO EXPERIENCE Ho~.:.-:i-7400 ~ °"""" o.J Mu, CW. Mr. T., SIS-a!~ """" • Ho.rly Tel.;·· Ntw loc:1Uon. -plua ,?11,1 Not Lll~k" N t · NECESSARY 6C-08JO ""•'. Monday & Prj4ay odded planned -1on. :'~M:'8~ :.e •t Apply PART time. Rold Genie Clfet1rl1 c..,nter Girt link .. Amell•• provides immediate employ-''It'• Kwow Hew1' meet and dHl with tbt Sh.,.aton leHh Inn ITI JW(O Hotlery Plan l*l1* ln your Same rwpttr exp. pret.rnd. NTUA ment and excltlna' varied fu. nn tmmf!:. Mllae up tD SUI 1'rl ture -'.\ WRCffA""' publie. pod ...... Apply a.-.. Sam..! pm Mbn-Fri por "°"'.,hoot .... Chooot W-hn. 7-.l Mon-. 111111 M&ln. H.B. .• PlllSOJ'INEL rn; nlJ In Ptl"D'I. HolidQ Hetllb nu2 Ocean Aw. ~-... own houn. cal J Call IU-OIOO Ext 203&. Ask UT-35'1 Ext. 34 e c•IDIT Spa, 231'.XJ Harbor mvd., Hwrtinston Beach .. iw-for Mta. Penn!JWton, Eq\lal opportunlf.1 employer " c S4-f0'8 a!ttr 3 tor personal • SALIS .M. YOUNG MAN'S BILLING CLIRK In-. rAST, ···~ ....... Ilk 2 HeuMkffperl • SlllYICI . PERSOllllB. • Appllancn MOVING, muat tell S. day; GE .. w.-l&I G ... ...,.,. sai both lat O.E. Mobil Maid dilbwaaher $65. All new! Sat. only J.0.5; Nottlncham, N;..;;;jf Beach.ll<>-0962 F RI Ci IDAIRE. automa ....... ;GE_ ... $50 each or best Oner lll.000 IS NOT TOO MUOI DREAM PERMANENT Put time woman ...... lmmOd ant hlft 21113 Wettclllf °""' r ... man owr 40. .wttb car, u you ~ under 2' and like Prtfer aomeoat with Frldon wotnan ~ in ~nal 2L ll:IO a.m. ·I J.m. Cub-Pull flfftl •Dar I $500. + per me. Lobby Office KENMORE electric rs,. "'tako _, uto "4>o"'"' · Wldnc to a1r1o. """""'pt copytype• -· but _. at11ct "" ,..,_117 ~ ...i ... , ap. ~ ~ ":::, TO START , C.rntr 17th A '"""" I l"' old. !:ta:oUe>t IH-1431 Bwb cltlH. Air mall J'. E. ~ for lt ! A .w type ad-will train it wry rapid. and 1mown firm, Must uu c.om.lt19Ctbt Hotpltal u ptr written oontrut. Don't Newport Beach dltbi. f70, 9Sl-S0'15 Sean. Pru., ~ La-vmilinc procram ~ wry accurate typl.lt. van.~ ud work w1tll t.rn: Ofc ..Wnt,.-, onct U1l2 0.law&N St., ffntc Bcb let Jack of upl1ienOe Jtold otflotll in all of REl'RiGERATOR For 8" brk:alttl: Q., Box fl\ ,nq. with •Incle skb. 6tut at ttsuNa A have accun,te weeld.y, • bn ST. HOUlewUt )'GU b&ck, u " tlaw -.. en. County g yean old. worn tine too. Ohio. M wk. C&ll 5lf..lOll An equol opportunll)r aldllo. Pie'"' c'1l 54-illl (lfd. IOO E. Ot Hwy. N.B. NUltHS AIDU pl•" trslnlnc In e&l'h ol the I ===,;,6'5..m;::o;:9==::::. $50. MM50I EXPDt. Sm'Y. Sta. Attn:fnl. P'llll Ttrne Ex;p'd. ~ployer WANTll>: Pvt t Im e 5411--00 or l13-!J:12 ~ Appt)t 1n Pel'IOn above fte\d.L ' Schoolo-lnltnlctlen 7600 LATE Mockl Au tom at I Pmn .. lull -· new mod. JANITOR b&bytl...,, my """1e, Tuet wA1Tllii8i8 wa-. ftill>t H-_,. PERSONNEL wube•. Exc:ellent oondl station. Gd ~ cond.'1. Good at. ~11ta. For appL 1485 Dale Wa:t, Costa Kea .. nun, 1:30 to 3:3o P.M. lhlft: appty bttntn U at Conva1llctnt Holpjtal DEPARTMENT To Wtn11n $43. SfT-3115 »r'Jy Wale + comm. 900 call M().5050 ext, 30. Maturt, reliable p • r 1 0 a Howard Johnaon',. 2 T S 0 11712 Dllawan St •• Hnte Bch WILL BE INTERVIEWING ;....-'-------~• E. 0>ut Hwy. a1 Jamboree, Joseph M11111ln WANTED: AutolftOtivt oWet wanted. Bro 0 khur1 t 4 Harlm mvd., Cotta 7'1eta =:!:::3"J;:;:::;o, ~·-~~.. MONDAY of All Apl G1f Retrtauatort 14 cu ft. NB •·· I OPEM'"'Nll ~·•IWl%0 Ask lor Mar Mr Bond /\ bri1hte1· 1ut~ Crou-1op freezer. •·-rfenced Equal opportunlt;y employer manqer. Com P et t Gufteld arta. 96Z-2S6I EXPER. W&ltretll fl.Ill time. 1n alnclt nettile A-ovtrlGC:k. 5u.f2&o . can be yours . . . Good cond. 1§. 49M323 Dl-....NNIR COOK lmow.':i1"~ .. ~RN . <ttlftnt ............. Rn. ll:!O to 1'00 lieol""'' .... piece w<>rl< -Wt ollb • -prqW>n PORTABLE._ * COOK * -tbN ... m ltmll, _.,, otutnc. °""" lhop, 1S3 S. °"" ~ -. WlD W. • fWmull toi, -,,_. G'.!. Mobil Maid APPLY c1o1 ... ---.. s .... -Sot • SUn HW) .. i.. a ,... -uoa l.ooult Cook .............. --l - llJ llMpy Honow Ln. ALLIY WIST ::Ot1noo11 "i:;.Tlllc.n '" • <>11. wn .. a.. M '°' lllli1 WAlfl'ED iAiYiiTiiil , · St. w~, 5IHl1I I NIWitORT ino<iol. "'-5'MICI 2.op1a -211111 w. °'*""""' WW wAii' i6 ~ . 11>1 homo, lull -lliil ADfillmlNO • tdll S~hoel el lutlnou ~.:;'" =••• . E$TATS. -·• N...,...-. •rooc1•~• . ' iiiAiWliii\asalula41 ,__ _ &.u.Ea, l'IOltllO .._.., APPLY m ft:RslN 111 IJOw. Dr.:J. N'.a. llo.$111. ..Mm ,.. be ..nnc Iha .......,SH!PPEJt..Olln& 4 1 11t1•SQ'4-tllilJ' , ,...,.,,..._..._~ l!Oiii•xo:lpdl; i diji -. ...-.. cbt to ..Utn .... =: = -,_ -°' Al'ft.y ,..,-.,~No. -i..Uw-lllpnl.Good,... -.. -111 + COCO'S ~ 1£111.'-.... 111 Vlll&ao Reol to IM w. 111!1 -°"'" Town '4 -ho U -JotanC. p1., rm. 4 looard. NO 18151 ~ .C:.U IM-11111 "I·~ ..__,.. • orlilMULI M-~ ,_.;;;,i'".... iA'ifiillm. S-.., DJ:NTAL AfifAllT l>AY WlH.,u , -;;.Ill~ 111...r; Yim -Jogm • WAllTED:Ji>l1tt.~ * NIWCAi * H .. _"""1! """-R'1tlc:r.fp.fl>. Expo---·· "°''""· 1)111 .. an f u ... ~ .. '"4.a.n-tlO_)l'P.,.. -• -·Lau "·llAlc:;.~~dal'O• Oot Rudy Machenlc fuLL ., ,.,. 11:.. -a1t1,.. •-•• > -·an~ Btlbeo lllOUI ,__..,,, -~TtDll Mlt'.111; = .\ntlqlloa, su .-. • l . """' 2025 -m.... ._ I t. 4 I. t. D&ii61l'1 ~ ..... °" OPl:llATO!Ei ilQ iilid> m¥1!., ~~ . • ' ,... '. " -.. c. II. iOIJNG Mall!.._~~ C.M. S..111'. Ill....,._ prdn>od. tkeMfdlcalAulollnl. ---'"°' ~flb£6: ExpHleaco 1555 W. AH1111 iUiiliii _.o;.,. • PR&'llIED • Oolnl~=~ ••~ • •• ,... ~ ..... SOPT. 1nr ,,..~ • :,._ -. • -• "'""'1 fl!r ont. ...., -· -K.,_ ~ . Call -Cettt,Meoe -. n.e l!,Ul.t PlLl1I 11an4 ~chino. l~P,O'Jl,W--Bm orol. ~.w•~ft ~-~Girl I u-cd•-~ ._.._ =~ .. -->:. bel<1•_, n • S Pll tor 11t's111t ...... llH ~ -I n'llSL & 'Dil ~ill ~-1 -"'° ,_;; .;;.·-J;'':'ia o. o.. 7.-~M>..!.;;t" ':;.";'i;20 Jc..c,so ... ~ u _,reo. hilLY Pitlii'tilft' Alli -~ ~-. l"!'f ~== -= A"'1lll!Pllall\ilo.Clt. IOlloxM .. Do!tJPllot. -.u..--M-nt.-All. .. lt , OWIGllll't UlNOJailnMit ~'-' -fl •' .IMiiT~WAm'Atll! I • . i I ' ( ( • I .. " j . • • • ' ' !. I I i I . , . . ' •I • " ) I 'l l ' { • • ) \• ... ~ L O"CE.-•. t. ,k YEAR I STORE Cl.£AR~NC( it .Savill<JI .up to 0 80°/o ~;71 . Spanilll & Medltemanean. * EXTl\A SPECIAi: '* •< • 3 Rool'llS of Furniture 1. FREE TO YOU ' ORGANIC fertilizer, .a:cd JU&e manure ron1bined .-Ith 1rood shavings. Good tnulcb. 833-53.12 or 5464931 bt.tw 8 &. 5 ,Mon thru ;·n. 1131 TO Kind. penn. hon1e ol)I)•, ~ndoned boy ca1 , Ocaut. c.arked. a.llecOonate.. A real ilp lover. 642-!>334 keep f.inc. l/& AUTll'~UL 6 mos. m~r. ·~tcd Ger. Shep. nnx . ~-brd. Love!\ 'Cl\Ud. nd~ ~m. 542-200'2 1/6 DLE mix. 3 yrs. old: ck, m~ium sz. n1all". aooc:1 homr. n!ll Cl~)·. . . 1/6 ... EU.ENT "'a lchdog, :'. • . old, has shots. Blk/whl , mixed •e rr )4'r -~ 1(6 old DA-ILY . . PILOT ORANGE ... COAST'S .. I • leading ' for --·~-~~----------·-:-.:-:--::-::-:~·-:·~:-.:-:""":::::;:::;::::-:--:·:·:·::::'.::':"'"-:-::"":"':'.":-".":·:--~-:-:-:::-::·~-::".:-:":"-~"'.""~"':'."":"":-~'··~~'"'."'.::-:::::=:=:::::::"'.";: -· ., ....... ········ ..... -~.... .. .... ._...,,.. .. ,.. ... . ... ,.. ... .. ···-----~-.. r , w__~~-'--~~~J ~--...J~~ ........... ~~~~~~~~~~' -----------------~---- ' '· • ! I ' ' ( f I F J ll D i ' JI G < ' -• •I I ,, I ESl'· · -,· · • · .. o·w·iN ·1:..;;;:;:=='-"' ""=-1 ~.In~ •rig\nO. . ' • . ' ' « -• troni<l, Ute line, 'bof ~ 'bo&t: 11.35 ""' ft. N t. • . _Applianc~~ .. · 11!1!.... · · ~~ , ... '1'1:IMll. • ~~ .,.~ ,1 ; ,, -·I.'*"" ·s~. . ,. Bdiiii. .-..... ~ 47 -....... 1 .. .a '°" ll!f't!! r e u~· ,.,. -._,_ ,'. .. .N .:~ ~ :ttli ,.,=. ~vk(td1" •L.:J.lrJJ» ••. ,J!J!. . • · · ~ ~ .' ~ '• 34· Wide · ": ~, v IU"<11:"' WANT •Sailboat 30' 01' more, CA.RIBBEE .. CASA LOMA ', -, 13!-962-WC&ll•to?PM , .~U,., CIJucl<'.'\•"· )lulll INll•'P~:·~~rred, cz~·.-OO!ft11«!1!. · ;i 'J, JjW•:i,p;m: SillrP "f'~J!u~=r ,4W}='~·· ·~or~ ;T~~~~· !' . $50,000 INYINTQRY ; .• ~ 11ne -~· ~ FREE! . llo,lt ~tor~., 1:~. ··'11W -._~µ...wA~)'«-· I ; '"'ttl!KJID.&Tlntoli '. .. • • h;; R.,1 -black AKt il.11< IOttllng Cl..,.., BQAT STOJl.\.Gfi . . CJ995 !;o: S'lq, 'O I . <t.-.11 ~T.,., ; ... l~--~.. -.. l,' .•. ~ • ' • l ~ tD Jf\ibltc by Sail or power up .. q~ $'. , "'l sp""'IAL . Olamp ped, 10 wks. lalL--n----c:.. .. ...1 ___ _, ~-" N t ~~ · '. M' .., .. ; :17•'1£; 'lfOiil ·~ . , ""llJ6, uue r~r -.•-11>n ~.:::;:.'Me.\;:;~ ,20.~ide 115111,dowD-lll!.i&J)lO . t ... ..,.. .• ~-" • ~o·~ . AKC' -TPM"Mon.~ Clii*""'·-:-·-. ..... u<L.•, .Jnd.w,lk,~•l.t. .. 1 .... , tat.y: • • ' -•" -·--•-• IO ,. ,_...,.. ,i W ',' ".;..:....;;""' I -~ .... nL • • I <, • fl:ic • , ~IOie-Ollts ~ ~ pupp>H. • •.~ N~"·"'-."' ,iii<> ""'w ,..,... • I J ~ ' I Silfn~~ '. ~-•r Mipit·;:. 1· .-.-,.u;;·:,..coou;.. ,.. ~~' 'l2o • ~~V:ki • <;tJI~;;. '. llQy f14irbo( . 1 • I Prerinda\' •·c.nlem!lor•'l..' ~· · CXJQK>;R Spanl•I .., ... .-..) • 11Ea1 , · i· ~ · qHIBl ··, • ~ 1 J .MoWle HO... 5helJ'.. • r · 1 • • t4ck. male. 5 \\lttk!I old. SARY, EMJWU.·~!-~ ·1CfS'~erSt.11 CoaOL~,a-. • -40-~~'\'J!!!'~-~'1' ~ U1,iof ••• '.,,, v!'R' "uonabl•. 615-2!164 • .....,, orl'm-'llOlS "'" m.,.. Alrtroi. ; :. ' .. i ti 00 's•!.~70 l -. j 1$Dl~-~'~New a UMCI 11' '1-4 ~ AKC Re(istued, • lptp, ·' ' i . ·-----I ' ••• _..._ ·~ ~ SOilYI~ '~Now&UMc! · · • • ;blll\ Setter Pupplee. •.. , EXP. SKIPPER · · iirt.'pttet .. ~1 :. ~· 'iX':i ·.1.~'.2 ,Bdhn. ~ W..,_. , · ... khlnt..S.U r· ~-;) ' 5 wka old. 646-1733 Wants y."Ofk. ~ ;'15 /dn, d)'.1s ;mo. ~1 1~kilf~_'.awrit""i.>1t , ~ 71tllifri ' 'atorl,IA11·s1,... · "' '"' tllANSPORTATIDN ·31."TROJAN Alrci'att w ... F M'Pirdo ni<Oya:Ol MS-l'llJ' .. ..,,. .. ,.. f*' R1nge1, Dff;~F,.,... ,, " ~ .~.'ts' ~.~-a.:1s'. 90QO .Ex~nt ~. SU-*2 Orana:e• ·C'o.1.111 II)'. ~ 1 * · 15 ltopo110~ Color'TV'1, Lolo Medel~ . ;o. c..,• . ~·or .146,1SIO · ,' ~ · M!itor H~ ??i\S * l Ler .. Cinopy'l'~tlin.11vlllo 6'Ploc1 .,,, i; 'Ff. CU.ihm Flom1n<o ~1ilboa11 '610 · · """•• . .., •~-. Mint Condltl • 1 · -9200 CORJ'EZ..)'."'. ">""'~ .....,.,., · ·· ·-•-~•"' on Ra.,..,. Blue" and ""'•· c QI. UMBIA lii;;i'EiitJl:R Mobl • Hot\111 . . Ila ~ 'GG-lo~. mileage (~c , * 9 Piece' l,1!'Ch·10J~i~~~ Roem S.t~ ',} • ·' frailer !: boat fre&Jity '(~'i s'""p. .~ 30 HP in· a!f ~ pvt ,Ply ofig I p~I n t ed. d Now wmto board, ·1u11 n<:lng iiear. ·BAY ,,AlllOR,.. ow.Or. ,..'.n33 -, At1M.,."°"'9rt1ist'k,.W,fw•fff'efftf .li!I~, ,na·ugaby e .Upholsterv Loaded w/optionals .r. MobJI• Mmel Sh11'. 11r..-.1tt..PIHM:..,.-,_,.,W.,lf"•.._.it9'~·· 'l'hr.ee ·l~1Ai hp Champion xtras. X1ot oond. ·Oineby i9691o&l:ltWIDESALE MotorcYcl" -,30o 111 ltettt9hl, ..,."t ..m ~· t.lt-tk •Htfe11f · • · ttif!nes. · Complete w 1.t h & outboard inc I u de d.. <fiO ft.-43 ft,-45 ft. 50 ft . • ·several fuel tanks, stee.rmg $12,850. 494-1135 or 6f6....QH7 ss ft. in ft -64 fl lD6'I' T~lUMPH 11-'lotorcyd~. · ~·~ -' ~ · · and controls. See at ~ ""' ~ '.Ii.OK (o~-~~:..;.n· 6alla.u1 :-Lafayette. Ntwp0rt Beach. l,2' Catamaran, l&t. coclq)it 1 OJt 2 JU;oROOMS . ~-N~ motor. Xlnt .. '! ..... · ~· lllfl"WIU IVI ,, · GoOd farftlly boat. New sails. Al U:iw Aa $t'i0. ~1037 1122.G"arcfttt ~flfvd.,. WNtmhtater-· lhFl\ P&broer. Wander Ftbergias hulls. Traaer .~ nigg·oown-$69.01 Per r..ro. '68 YAMAHA~; b.=aoo nt1v l r y, ......................... ~ _ .J::eluxe model (all Ol'beat~r.894-lUJ..l .. , ·m'*'·M.. ..,_t""' tondltlon.li)50. .. ;\ · \I~~.~---.-· · • • ~J, t1ter1las•> outboar UDd 14 2 .,·;·, .-N · '· f.t. · 842-6530 Custom .map down cover. ' yr ne~ .. .,,,.~· · B&Ker at } ari>or [ Big \\"bee! tilt trailer. $100 24~ Full _race. Bow rwt Costw~fili m•ft470 Honda '68. 125 cc Scram.bier Sf'!rtlnt·Geo~1: ·. 1500 Mitcell•neous. phone 643-4980 afler 7 pn1. Rd trlr $1350. ~3225 eve. V'iXit'\1Jt ~ . ._flt lo\v nlileagf', Excell cond. [ . ' --cffARACTER Boat 2D' ln· 13' J\1ETCALF No. 43;. trlr, SEE ' Je ad-Private party. 642-3601 • RElflNGTON 410 p ti m p Im • 8a.'<ter & Cicero sell&; liner Pan A~can. Para· l9&7 YAMAHA , ~~ ... new condition ~ ' War'-e -iiis·e board grey maril1(! molor. comp. rigging. $12.i. 64&-tiOf mount, Ellt• and General Jllj' cc 4 500 lies. $330 a'nd ~......... •U Nc\11ly overhauled $2200. mobile homes 00,11 at •. • in • 673-4020 Cal 24, full race, ~-D I Wide Sol take o pym11.L!. ~1351 :+ SUf'ER ·&.lrfboard,. ~ • Pulpit. life lines. dinghy. llG ff '67 SUZUKI x-6 &rambler == ~"·;·*SAL~*,~~~~~:~ -~g~;';;;~~ ~;;o·~5:~m·ms¥"<· 1:;J1Tu~:w 1---__,_ __ _......,..~.-~.1 Sund1y ..::: 'J'oliti11y ·S . · 642"9<7 · -· u• · • r; : ·~· , .. ~.·.....,., co · FRIDAY IS 8 A.M. TO 4 PM. tum.; •dull ,&rl<, nr.~. ..._µ08 YAR. DAGE DAY For Daily Pilot \Van1 Aris. DAlLY PILOI' WANE ADS $4,000. Sp. A·l6, 219r m.ibof • • • • 200 Tl~.·uSTlenGOj/<!Stock! Dial 642-5678 Bru;NG1RES1JLTS! . Blvd .. C.M. 64&.4314 SOCK r.r TO 'EM! Jn Costa Mesa , · " New selecUon, ranta.st.i<; ~c-$1..45 Atl SIZES New C•rs 9800 tuW'C•n · · 9800 . ..,NeW 1C•r1 :. "9IOO'NtW Cin •. 980o eseverYFHdaylOAMat: Incl. mouflring, ha.lancing, --------------__,.,.,,.-:,-,.-. -··· -----'-------------INTERNA'MONAL ; valve stem, FETJ Full euar· YARDAGE antee. Only extras:· sales . ~.i(I Harbor Blvd. tax & casing. Costa Mesa U.7"W. 17th ·St., CM SACRIFICE! Fine orienlaI fulnisbings, desk, Dowey d;pt, chlna cabinet, ~ table, chain, c ryalal , 545-4144 i GOOFED ·Litn~ clilna, MisC lti!nis: name brand EXERCISE 49'..3033 after \O>AM.' .I U>UNGES .C,M\f,,&a\. .. T.va~ plJNCAN Phyfe din14tte . ~t ; ~ the idea ol ~~ • d ; l;:e. 6 drawer o;~· df&ler. I find.~c1ilit.'t ~' . $1'; 3 Dnv"er . ·cnes'C $3;. 1 time lo demonstrate. M~t 6 .,;ahelf metal acb. $10;·. sell .. 1 or all at "'.hole~e, . nif:ny l]'\ifc;J.te,~ ~;. t'IS: ea. Regularly ~.95. KIRiiY VacUwn cleaMt ~&~ Original ~-· '542-6851, attachmenl<l:. Originally SOld 231'4 No. Bonn_1e !Jrea, S.A. ' ....... $l)O. --'* AUCTION * . small,PYmnts or $49.60 ca.sh.. .,~ 11 you wiJl..lell or buy ere'dit dept. 53fr7289 ' . un~~.. """· ===='-'°-=-· ~-~-I ltlVC .-. .. ....,. a -..¥. COMPLETE Baby I hoe Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. -outtu. '°" "°'•· w· d ' A. "t· B ' will . 'tre..11 .~ or C1Uer, · 1n y s u~ 1Qn ,~m 540-1998 Behirid Tony'• Bkigs= NAUGmYDE divan, 2 21m~ NeWport, CM swivel ~ ~ttomln. "Ex,-ceI!ent uiDl!itkin. 833-3)46. KNllJfD f,tBRICS ' . eves. PLklFW Beagl~ J>tip, 1 mo_-:-·Old male. AK C Remnants, samplec &: t.till Regi1t'll. had all »io~ $5(). coda Sat. Only 8 •Jn.' to 2 545-8992-• p.m. 929 Baker, Cost&•Mesa. POOL TAILIJi.SLATE ELECTRIC l\anllo . 110. From ~~!JI'. 1in&ncing. · . Foldlni a1Lllllinum · \Vheel Jmriied..:~--• IU-4236 Chair no. Box '«Pring & INT'L HliWftirt' Oab Cade' Mat~ n~. Double ~t· JG "Jtp ltri_~ ~r; like chien sink $5-. C,,amper aio~ lleW;' 1990, 645:-HJ.4 . $2. Deep Wash room ~ OINING.?aJ>le .«"'op>ns .; j2. 545-5490, Al!:.5 91"' wfilriit irJII 6, ma(c'hing ORIG Oil Paintings by Can. Ch&1n SlO 642--3939 non &: OullllO Sac fl5 eabh .. .r ea. , , , Modern Uphol 1 Chair; like ·rtt0.1S ctttz.etis Band--equip. new $60. (Cost S 14 O ) , Comp. w'/Tf1dbile" ·set.up;· ~ · cail aft. 6 PM. MS--2809 • · . ·------~~ WH. Antlq\ie twin •b:cll'm. set. exc, cond., table top witlnut. Mile. W•nted JilfDltY, m~ 8'2--179' ;. 1 WANTED rood stQVe ·4: ye:. 16 CUT ~. :co l·d·.A p o.t ftiaerator. Prt:ferabl;y <New. Jtr,i.pra\Ql' rretm-Co~OO~ ~. CdM are a. C2UJ .' $1!0. Call S48-6473. r 431'-U9S DRY Fl' wCiOd: '"""-""' w'"Akr7r;;;;:;ED~' -:u;;i;=c-;;a.rutmu=· =·l wince .&I mixed. Free ~-Bring fo I .~ ,· 411U~··5"--~ ·. ~· Tdepbone Co. Busme1B .'f11.~ WA'l'Ol -10UI ·rv lboWa oa ttce, 1796 Oranae Ave:; .£M! ''ht~ <1et you ~d ID .,tJli! \Y.ANTEO radial ·&(Jll 'U''. b~ Ac\I. Qieck , tllem table aaw •. . nm+' . ' •r,.ts-GP• . . TM~~T~!ICi!1 TRANSPORTA'TIO" . · ·. 11•1 "' ~;--Au» .S.nri-. Auto s.nr1-· ·... . · · ""•"' , , , . 9400 & Pom j i I F GE \'..:l~N .~UTO PARTS • & ~ERVICE · . > ~ • "lir..V&··OF VPLK~WA<il:N , ' . tl.tt;i<S ·,).¢1~1c cOAST HIGHWAY . • ' l~ IEA<;li;.CALl~IA 9otO• . . • PHONE 4li·9l65 .. ,. . 'tyf ... _ NOT ~ .......... '. • • I ftll· .. ~~ ..... .. 'c.--.... • ' . ·':'. 't [jJ " 1 - EADSTART SALE !--"'"------.-··-~--~---..... 1t6a w11 :,ur-t.lft~f yaw ~¥•1 ~ .;,.~,; .1969 .'-!1>1 ""'$' "98'·',' ._ ', 1...,.,,, ...... 1,.. .... ll'Mfio1.•1t11'-U.fliio VIOU-. • ·,.,.~i. .. >'"!'.111' '-~'Dli't W.11. tonti /ii'• ' -• . ' • .. "'f'! ..-r. ~··· . . ~ .• "I!";":. · · ~· ll"· ,.11, ., ' ' ' '; ...Wf!'t~1iw,,CC11.StintM8ywltllt 4 door Town s.dan. Air cond., 1utomatic transmis- sion,·powtr brtkH, power steering, deluxe radio with rtar ' speaker, heater, white sfdewall tires; tinted· glass, ett. Order you'rs today. Specially priced at . . NO ~~ALER' ANYWHERE CAN •OFFER ·.:v:ou· ' ·,EASJER TER~S THAN Ol!RS!" . ~· " ' o+ss 1u 1, A..T. •&.H~ l'.S .. "·•·Al• Ollflll. .·.,..,fnli.ll.u""'• --;-·tt ,,.,. ' •• .-..... 1 .. " . IEW . "19· F-15 Spt. c,.,. .. AUToMA'flc°TRANS. A.ND FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT 1s.i;,1 No. 141161) $ ' 1 00 ... ,· ,,.,. 24· · . FULL , ""' . ..... .r1·~ · · ··· -saott ---... • ........ .. ... _ ·-·-' v . . '67 llU)S. DILTl CUSTOM CPI. ~1 • t -.. ' lfUJ 1121. A.T., 1:&.~.r~it:? U . -~· '" C«<d. l.d:tl -b:. ... $295 --,,,._ • ' I . ' 2 -'6S 'IDl.KSWAGiNS '6S MllUN COiin,. . . 11141.• 1:1.H,, AIT<t'.11.J" W 1_ ...,_ "1 ~ 91tl 11 • ,... . .,, ••· m• '"' kM • $1S99 " '6S FOID LTD COUPI ,W~I-Autt..• Ii'-~ 1t•H .• 11'-~ .. '·'- $.599. . ~t ~~ ,~ ... t: AM ..,_ lllll'l'lf. YOV-W " , ·rJ.t ~r.--· . ~ . , . . . ··~--""!... ·~ I • - 1969 FAIRLANE 2 DOOR HARDTOI' '2325-"wfu . . .• u., " NEW •:1969' '~ALAXIE 500 NEW 1969 t-&IRD -I DOOR HARDTOP I s3999 •wrn .-& Ut. ORDER YOUR CHOiCE .TODAY! ' ~· . . ' ... ·Fj(TORY. .CL •. ARA~(E.J SA\.I ' 1-------0F 5H!tlY-Ci8RASf·GT:.351t/Gf:SOO ---·· " · The '6'11, A" 'Omjngl . • AS ORANG! COUHTl'$ ONLY SHnlY AM~ICAN DEAW, WI ARI COOPERATING.WITH THl FACTO«Y TO CLIAR THI ~t · Of THI '61'! "AT · " .• ' DISCOUNTS NMR·llfOH bfllRlll ON AIA!W'! MUMifl~ 1 . HIGH"PHFORMANCI CARI tHICl lODAYf ' ' Oit4MOICOUNTY'I . VOLUME ::fOll>.'.'DIA~ .uo' • · TWOACMS.Oft iiDUISTOCllOO$iflOM .-· • 0\:'JIS, < ' '66 FDRD 7 LITR!r·, ' I , I '•IMftf., H•nlf•P· lit •"ti"•· •irloll'ltfle, •ir eortditionin9, pO'Wtt 1t••,in9. fSVX. '4611. 20S -'"'11., ftttll, 1111• look prlet $2215. -t- • $T595 FULL PRrct $48 "' H M~NTHI . '61 ~t>Rlt~F3~0 C1b & Ch1,1i1, I GISI 1 I I. 20 % down • r trotlt. $695 PUU PllCI $29· Pll. 24 MO;,.... '64 CHEVROLET.M,clj;IBU . WAGON . ' k1J1., ht•t•r, pow1r.1lt •rin9. 1d~J 7t' I. 20'1:. tlt1W•·er tr-0.~•· $795 PUL; ..... . $29 .... JO MONTHS '67 SUNBEAM ALPINE l riti1k Atcin 9 Grtt n. 'f.117p•4,, ~~OV •Sil, JO% do":'-" or1trttlt, $1495 PULL PR~ ~ 1 \,, Pll H MONTHS '64 .ME~. rWA~ (\)0. l'AS$, Colony 11'1rk. F11lt powtr, t fr. (JZY 711 L 20 % down •• frt4•. $1195 PULL PRIGI .. ,, JSQ Pll JO MOilTld · · . '65 ~JJJ~"'':{lirL .. 'h' T,of\ ll'ickup~Nq~JI I. J.o do"w11 or frtdo. ; $895,U!J. Pl!CI '" • $ 1 PIR 24 MO!fTHS .' ", '63 MERCURY· WAGON Coltny Po'rk f 11'MMJ1t6t. fully •11.•if!_P•d, powtr ftorl11t. f'telory •ir. f'UOf. 7511. · ... 2n v, ",.. ~~· · $895 ·~f \JM i PUU Pllcf ~~ ... JI MONTICS '63 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 Dt•' T ,,dtop, V •I, tulo,,.tlle, rt4fo, hut•, poww tfttri11t . fKFZt I])". 20 % !o- ff .... , •• $895 ~ULL PRICI ... I .~ ..... · llONlNS '67 THUNDE-BIRD LA"DAU 12! T,.o lo eheot• fre191. Full pow•r, ftctory t i,, ftctory wtrrtnfy. (TEY f]O) ITXU 71tl ~ 20 % 4~~~1·er frtd . $3195 PULL PllClc · '• ,~ Pll J6 MONTHS . . '64: liORD SAL~ ( 13 T q, Choose From) 2 Dri,•4, Dr1.o1 t.U111, .Ht.rdt!U'•• Co•Ytitlblos, Wtt''"• ''"'° ,.-/tlr I ,; 1tr119 • · ~MPLE1 '64-G~LA~IE-500 4 DpOR ~.v;, Mfffl•tl•. f.iu., '""''""l {-n'Wl(,;u11. 25 % ~•wn.".O, +re.I~ • , / < $695 .. )U '. PllCI $21. m JO MO~ y ' • ! I I ---·-~-1- ' • . • I ' BR U.S. a., --C:.n -I' 111>1 11651 1145 Prtv, ..... ·---.... ~ - L . , ( ,.. -I , I ,,. •• ,. • .. I ' I ' 1 ' ·; ! ! I I I 'l • ' l j 1 .\ l ,, • I i ·t ! • I • I " ' J l " • • ._ : • .: ,-;; -:-;;-;:::::. ; . .;.;,;:::;:r,;::.,;:;,_.;:; .. ..,.;::.:._ =:-:-:~ _:;:;;:;;;:;;;;:::·:--.-----.-,-.. -.. -._-_--_.-_.·-, -._-.-.. .-.:-:_::~:_::~-:.~.:--:--:~·~~:.~.~•~• ::·:·::;:~;;;J•I • ol1Lf.flLOT .. .. i· ....... "-"I• - • , ·-.IRANSPO~I A TION ~ rSPECIALS;.9 · NO REAS'ONA'Bt~B OF.FER' .RiFUSED. · ·~:;·..,__·-·w""1.lf.! ...... 'C....,~.._RY,__1 -. ,eMNlfYOUHAVEIEntlANKIWT ·e~MN'1F · ou'AiE :ifriv.iiiAfu .~ \vlN tF ·YOU HAVE NO CREDlf 'ni CO, .N:Of*A. •c' .TS e MN IF YOU' HAD A RIPOssiSSIONe NO RID TAPE ' e DIVORUD • ., ' I NfW 2nd :LOC '..IQ .. iH S~wt1 .. , :90.1·~w.' Fltsf · · t. : · ·ta · 1:n GRAND· 'l • . ~ ~. • . ' ' .... . . . .. . . ~·~--~•·"-~Ja.f AOIJJTIES -. oun cosri !E'' .a.wcH . . · . • . . . . ;. _ , . . , ~COME-·fN~M·IS WEEK-END FOR OUR GRAND · OPENl·NG· SP,ECIA~S. ' . . . ,, .. ~ ·. . . . . r '59 liMBLER SUPER I • , I ".' , ~ ~·&.·n. Rtdi~& Ae1r1r. n.ic. No. ruP~798). '" ... :,, .. ' .. TOTAi. PRICI · + T•x~ &·LI' .. • J ,,~49 , · : '61 COMET " .. ' Auro. trans., r11dio &·heater. (IGV 921 ) ., , • ; : ~ ,1 • • j '199 TOTAL PRICE J .. • • + Tax. & Lie. '61 OLDSMO.IJ.,~ SU~ER 88 4 Doat Hird top V-1, A. T., RM!, P.S:; P.I• . \ · (tic. No.· R8Z 39'9) '57 MERCURY MONTEREY 2 Door Hardtop. V-8; auto: trans.,~&~. (QOA 038)° ., •49 TOTAL PRICI .. ·+ Tax. & Uc. '59 FORD 4 DR •. H.T. V-8, ai r cond., auto. trans., r11dio f.: healer, P.S. n.ic. No."GW 419) 1 f 1 99 TOTAL PRICE +Tax. & Uc. '62 CHEV NOVA II 4 Door ~taii~ W1~.; A. T., RAH, luggage rack, etc. (tic. No. N<R 516! '56 CHRYSLER WiNDSOR 4 Door Stdon. A. T., P.S., R&H. !HOG 796! . ' ' ' . ' TOTAL PRICI + Tax. & lie. •49 . '59 DODGE STATION WGN. 9 Pass. 4 Door. V-8,auto lrans.•R.&H, P.S., P.B. ' I (ti« No. IHG 562) ' '199 Toltl "'Ice + T1• .1. lie. •19 To!tl Dn. Pl'ltf. •19 TOI t i Ma. Pm!. .. '63 STUDE~~!i~"'.''~SED. ... . ' " . '.62 CHEV.' iMPlLA ' . AutO. trans.,'rad io & healer, W/s/w. (flH 1 SJ) f 19""' TOTAL PllCE . ll"f .f' r..i •'ut . '62 .c;,QllVAIR S.TA.:WGN • . Auto~ trans., rad io & heater. Wt~fvi. (FXV 615) '299 TOTAL PRICE , + Tax. & Lie. '62 DODG~.D4RT . . . , ' ·; • • :·' -'29.-0-____ ., ____ f'~-- ' ' --·209--·-•2·-----·2• TOftl "Price v..a, au to. trans., radio & h~ttt.11.it..Ho.JillL.6.?.S'l- •29·9 .fOT,AL PRl~E '399 TOTAL PRICl • To!tl ~k9 ' +Tt•.l.llc. , ... Mo.'"''· '63 FORD GALAXIE 500 4 Door. V-1. A. T., P.S. (lie. No. OKM 5481 '399 TOTAL PRICE , , ' + Tax. & lie. I +Tt.111:.l.L.k.. <1 Tlllt! On. 'ml. ltlll Mo. Pmt. '61 T0 BIRD Z•DR.:HARDTOP . 1 ' J ' • ~.,, . . v-a, air cond . 1uto., R.&H, P.S., P:B., bucket seats, tilt wheel. -~ (Lie. No. H¥D 882) '" f ;,o AA TOrM l'l!Ci •Y"! +.:T ... & Uc. + to ... & Lie. -.. . . . . ·~ Jtl~NDE"°BIRD V-8, auto"trans., j.fdio & haater• bucke t seit1, WSW. 11;·' .. ' Ilk. No. H,YN 3'1' I I'' , • '599 TOTAL HICE , .. + Tu&Uc. + Tax. & lie. '63 MERCURY COMET 2 Door Hardtop, Auto. trans., radio & heater, wsw . (lie. No. m · 566) ·s· a9 TOTAL PRICE ,. + Tax. & Lie. ~:150 ·:_IJ~41••_:·~-i~Q.~~:COSTA ;~ESA .. _546-3058 • •••· ,~1 ••• i.' ., , ,. , , ! _ • '. : . '.' • All cont.~~!!• ''\..~2 mos. All ptymtnl1on12 mos. Include t1x, llc. & canylng chlrg~ on ~p~~ tffh, • . · ' · · _ , -'600 'I 9600 AUtos Wanted 970il Uoad Cars 9900 ==;.;:.;=~..::.:: . I VOLKSWAGEN C:.~~ :,,.~~. TRANSPORTATION ! , .. SALE ' •Baakn!ptT ·~· CAR SALE '' •Bad C'edlt? • DtYOl'Qed? eM11Jtary eNew ht .&ftaT Cttdit problem? Set' us for Make Payday PQllWlltll instant delivery, low prloes, u-CARlHY MOTORS easy terms. We decide on -So. .. v.u-your credit Call or come 1420 Main ~er in toda,y. 12 blocks N. o( S.on) • . 540-4392 Santa Ana Pb -• JLUE CHIP WE PAY WK FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL - CHEVROLET AUTO SALES 2145 IJarbor, Costa Mesa WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR PAID FOR OR NOT! . BUICK 2828 ,liarbor Blvd. '57 8UlCK Super, 2 dr, P.S., Costa Mesa 546-1200 PB., R/H, $295. 1 owner. --. ~W""i"'Jl""B"'UJ-· --1 And<J>on Union s.rv1« 1645 • Adams, c.osta Me1111. CADILLAC HOLIDAY SA.US • SllVICI : 1tlf H.t-IW. c-. ..... c.Rf, tJ6J1 n.... TI4 MJ..MlJ ~ HAPPY HOLIDAY SALE ' ~ PU.OWHU CUI '66 AMUICAN ao.U'I 2 dr. H.T. A11ta. trttfl1,, ra• dia, h••t.r. TFC070. 51675°0 "'7 YOLY0·144S 4 dr., r•dio, htr. TAl(t76. 52300°0 '61 AMIRICAN 6 cyl., e ut•. h-1"'" P.S. IHY972, $29900 '65 IAMILIR Cl111ic 4 dr., •ut•, tr1n1., red., htr., I'S. Nl'FOl I 51236°0 .,, CHm IMPALA 2 dr. H.T. 21J VI. PS. $llt746 $2022°' .. ,. u ....... St., Wfll, J:4cl,, hh-, OSTJJ I 599700 'ii IA.Mall 4 cir. 1cl11 , ltffl..-htr, TF.At•4 . 5118600 HOUDAY SAUi • SlntOf---r ,,,," ........... ~ • .,..... -c.111. tun ..... 714642 .... RAMBlEI OPEN SUNDAY i - L ... ---------~--------------·-·-· ___________ !.__'--------• --··-------- s , m = ···t -,-... -= -- . , . I I . . . . .. , . . ... ' -.. -·· ....._ S.lllNq, .lanully 4, IM -~ 11.n If. taANSl!ORT-'TI !\Tl.Tl TIWISPORT,ATION -Tll~ATIOlf fiiANll'OITlTION " '""~"6.iflfiM o / . tllO C'tN ....... Ct,. f2 •• • C ~ . '"°'ms(. • 'Ml -W '"' N.wc~·ae5~~~~~~~~==3i=:;;:;~~;;;;~;5; ·-·-. :··, !J!!,.~ I l • !!f!c ,. + ••• ···---' ~ '• ~ • .f ~ / p .'J .' ' ~ ;J · • ' t · · · ~··EADittA:C (or·N, NEi-itEt~· ·stXTY-NINE · • J • . ------.::----•+~ • . ' ..: ... , ' ORANGE COUNTY'S J; LA•GlST SlllCTION Of CAPllLACI I QUALITY TIADE4NS· All SALE HICIDI 1"7 CADILLAC . ••a ,\~~~h~=-Wjj~ii t::::. ''1id."1; !f,-~~ I """" "'""' ...... , ' 1111111 -~'""-" *"'" flilt ll'Alltl ,,.5 Cio1LLic · S.i; Prl•4 """"" .. -... fl• •• , ..... ,, fl .. -· fiMhtt ht Miflle _.,.. with Mtc• J1"*4 ·Ntf .,.. _,..,, ... -. -........... -.. •r. fHtfry tit IHlltfllbtt, fvf ~-111 ttll 1.tn1 tt ... ,i.MtM Rll q, ef un. ~-~Mt, i96s iiiuN10111i .. ''* ~ -• --""", ..... wlfti the whltt i. ... ,..,, 111 .,,.,. '""""· "" ~ ........... l-W.• ............... ... -"41"1 ,._.r ..., aM ftitttr * .. ~-All ..,...,,;i .. c•r •' tllffttHlfll ·"""t. (MH:11ll. 1tat·CADJLtAC :~· ...... '"-'' ,,.,., llo•htl It *"'~' Nlw'°" Mu1 t1ttrMir wltlrl ~tck t.p ••4 fll"JI II fMI> '""""· AN -'""" --""' 4 ..... ti.. ~,., .... , c. .. , .. "'"" .. 11ou. , .. -·" "' . .., " Y6 "'' ..... hllly ··~'~•II (tMTJl21 SALES DEPARTMiNT OPEN 1130 •m t• 910t pm M•fl••J' tllru ;rl!l•J' 9.00 a111 I• 6.00 pm Htur4•7 a lun49J' Solt ,~cto llftcttri ~ TllWiJ, ,,. .. ,., 7, 1.., • i ...... Cl i ,~ I }A . .. I J ~ • " ' A ' Masterpiece from ... _,, t t t '] ~ I -It ... The .Matter · Craftainln ' • c • • On. Dl•itl•y ··~ lt_.y ~ b•Jlvtry 19tiaJI. LEASE DIRECT . _;( . OIDll YQUI 1 •t• CAlllUAC TODATI L~rge Selection • Choice of Colors, Models & Eq~ipmeot. FAST D£LIVE~Y I FAST SERVICE Lar1e Sel~tion of '68's at TREMENDOUS SAVINGS " .1 '61 CONVllTl•U $5222 .. ·~ ' ............. ., .,,.~ . 340·9100 SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 11ao •m ,. ttOO ,iii MeftHJ' thru ""'"" ' •a00 •hi I• 6tOO pm htu"'q a Su11•.y lilt ""°' llhcH11 Tin ... Twi4ay,-,., 7, 1fH '· l ·ABERS CADILLAC " 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa _ • j ___ _ ' • j I • • . 1 l • • • ' I j ! I j ' ' l l I I ! I I ' I J _t .. I -. ., • • • ;. NEW,.2·D~ .M~RDJO'-!=OUPES , Full f• tofy eqbi~~.~ iri~'fiiding ~ 3 I I V8. Eng in• e -Vinyl inkrior e Pad- ded d •h •;tjtitu e Defr.,t•t• 1etc. MO~•r tl••· 'DL23F90175810 & DL23 1 01~1·n•zsaa . TOTAL PRICfl;.t ?" ,. 0IMM ~An',,ELIVERY • r • • ' • ' •" ' . ''WtStERN SPORTS-SPECfA(~' -. . . ·.· ., ' ''NEW"'7.-DC>q1t ... 4aD.TQWCOU '/'; !· Fully equ1~; Including v]Dy~'~· 1~ tire$ full ~lel d" ' "' ote ~oL • tol'Ai .. PRICI'. 'f,!::; iMMIDIATI .DILIVIRY. I •; 2·DOOR HAJIDtoP . ' Futty equippe8 with power .stteripg, power ~rakes, eutomatic trans missiohJ viny! .roof, radio, heater, tinted glass, d&!uxe wheel cpvers, wsw lires,J ~~et seats, full ·~nyl interior.-.lectric -clock,·bumper guards (front ·& .~.h1deawjy h!!adnghts,.qylon carpeting, full racing instru111entation, et<:. ~ ~t~ ~ ', ~.(XfH376) USED, LOW 'MILEAGE • I $84 $~84 · s· A·. 8·t TOTAL DO~ TOTAL MONlljll , • ". • PAYMDn.1 :·~PA~, . ~ , , 1 IMMIDl-.TE. DWYER'\" TOTAL ·PRICE t,r;:. .. ,w.knt1·1 ..... &~l'f11111'1U dl . tr111196 1111 1 1 • blflt' . s9aa , TOTAL $33"'" lf33';,,, NICI DOWN ., , MTlll T, +TAX & ll(. '™'· nMT. • !;,, '66'.DODql DART ( ~-dr. Au11. ,,_ """'· n1.21A6517USO 1M ·"iiii1' DART GT . .-~~'--' +?1~·:~26~~ !26~~!· ~::;;:;;::,.;;.s-s·ccHHIYltOllTMKMJnllMmPiAiiLAl-=:; .• ~11 • ' -.,, PON11.tC TEMPEST QlllOl'll S cloOr. V1rrr1 lllttrlor. w111i. Mcl9 w•ll·!Mln. rid.lo. -1..-. fTaN UO ;'188 T••••. c.16'°'" SJ.6W!' ' . ' "IQI ) t,.. .... ' ' • +TAX.& uc. . . "!!''· an.' '65 DODGE ·D~ltT , 270 ') • • -··-'• ~ • ~ 7 • • . . •• - I I I . ------,. ·---~------------------------~--...------.-·---·· -·· -...... . ----·--. ' !Fa.ini1y .~eldy DAILY PILOT JANUARY 5, 1969 SCIENCE TELLS WliAT YOUR AilMENTS RevEAl AbouT You .. WkEN 1ltE Bo.MbiNG S1opped, I HEARd A SONG of PEACE By MACKINLAY KANTOR ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 4 , 1969 EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS A 12-WAy WARdRobe ~OR Tlie .Nor .. So--SliM-------------------------.......... ~~~-......... ,,,,...-~-.... --.... -...-..... _......-.~ ----- I ' (• ,. ' I I • I 1----------- 1 l .. Ask Them Yourself POR SEN. EDF .4RD KENNEDY C.A • priaa o/ IM Robert lCfnUMfly •• ........, ~ U.0.0.. •• alN Demoer•lk CORHAlioA H obufltN /or •"°'""I '° ftOllJWO~ 1r.,.,,,.t--L. D-. Luuiaw, Mit:A. • Unfortunately, it is not available for distribution.. Only one copy of the film was made, and it ha been .ent to the John F. Kennedy Library. FOR CUY LEFIS, boslutlxdl coed, Vlliffnily of H0tuto,. I••• •lt•t are Eltti• Rayua du.~ of bee.•· iA6 • pro baalceaboll au- peralar t-R ot111U. LeH, ~a.r,N.l'. e It wouldn't aurpriee me ii Elvin is among the NBA'a scoring and rebounding leaders at the end of thls season. He has am, speed, strength, great jumping and shooting ability, and a tremendous desire to excel. The only great college playen who don't become great players in pro ball are thO!le who are limited by siz.e or who don't have ~at great desire. ..... POR BOB HOPE BOtJO loaf lur11e Y'* 6eea lfUlrrW, and to ..,,._ tlo you ollrihule IM 1re•I a..eeeae o/ Y'*' ,,,..,rillpP Mklwael B. Maler, /tla,.,._ ~IJ., Olaio e Dolores and I have been married 34 years. As to the aucceu of the .marriage, it's all a matter of understanding the im· portance of give and take. I give, and Doloree and the Government split the take. C.R .4CNES MOOREBE.4D .. ,,, ia it ,,.., ol11WH& .u tlae •Iara c:M ... e IMir na•e1P-Claire PIO, ltfempla&a, ltlkla.. • Some change to a stage name they be- lieve easier to remember or to have a more beautiful sound or to honor some· one they admire. FOR COY. RONALD RE.4C.4N I• ii ,,.ue alMrt yo11 UW>e a co,....,..w. .... collec- •lo•l'-Joel l••e•on , JJ'ab01t11Ule, C•U/. e Being a rancher, I have eeveral riAes and hand pna, as well aa one or two col· lectors' items. but th•t ia the extent of iL I might add that while not a .erioua bunter, I enjoy target shooting. FOil MRS. L'f NDON B. JOHNSON .4/-.r "-U.. •uela • N.,. ..a.J Ufe la F .,w,....,_, D.C., ~ will yoa ..er oeeapy yotar.aelf u. resat •M• Praide..a Joluuo11 rellrtul'-Jeltllie Claar,_, K.Lt"""1a '•~Ore. • I am looking forward to life in Tena. 1 will continue to pursue my intereet in each activities aa education. beauti6ca· tion. and comcrvation. In addition, I look forward to visiting with old friends and spendipg ti.me with my family, including my two small grandchil~ POR JUDGE ROl' HOFHEINZ, ,,,.,,,w.HoHu"' A1trod.o1M la your .htr01100rltl A•,.... · ... .., Ce..a.r la Bo..,.. alailar to DUiwylGll41 0. yoa ""'" IHld esp11A· •io11 U. 11.e f,.,.,..t--L. F. Herran., N ett0bern, ..4i.. • The Astroworld Amusement Park in Hou.ton haa the buic design and format of Disneyland, and we plan to expand the park each year, as did Disney. FOR ART MODEU, OWMT, C~Br .. u la ii "''" llurt tu &er111 "•a.d aqutlll" .,,.,,_.,.,, .... )'Olll'eJabto~ pi.ye, • .-.., c,., fro• tJ.e .. ..., atiU tf10l'luul Old •itA die Br°"' ... t---E. JI. Miller, L._., Olaio • The original owner of the Browns, Arthur McBride, owned a taxi-cab com- pany. In the team's eatly years, some re· eerve players, not on the official roster, were placed on the payroll of the ta.xi-eab company. Hence, the term 44tui squad." FOR EYEL'fN M.4RSH,tU, be#l6f1 ~put FiU ala.e llH o/ eoe....ua ~ laorlftC>llU or ftlrOJf!llft CGl&H ,,,,...,. o/ /tU:illl la.fr, f/OfU'ly or ecrUo.. vo.llu, or e1te0-.r•1• Ult· aupeeted •kia caneerl'-S. McCuyre, p,,,.,_ Corn, Pia. • I know. of no case where these ingredi· ents cou.Jd cause growth of facial hajr from topical applications. If this were true, I am aun they would be used in the treatment. of baldn& Even though face creams containing steroids, hormone1, and estrogena have been proved bene6cial in improvin1 the moisture retention of the skin, there remains doubta among emi· nent medical authorities u to their aafe use in coemetic preparations. 1faat ..... a ta-...-a ....... , Y-Hft ......... tlillt eea.... ... -'D pt ... -,,.. ... .....-... ...,_ ,... ...... le. s... ........ pref-W, -• ,_, al4, .. Aak Tlw. Y-lt, F~ 1'-"t1, '41 Lal..-.. A .... l'4ew Y~ N.Y. 10022. We « ..... .._...... ..-........ IS wiU a.e .... I• e.di --... ~ I WHAT ~E WORLD! Footnoe. If some of you lodia hove a slze.-10 foot and are •H-eonacioua about it, you have notable compony. One of England's top rnoclek, Carrie- Ann StMle, is runnlne around porks barefooted trylne to reduce the she of her number 10. That's good exer- dse, tay the experts, but won't make feet daintier. Besides, odds an Amerio con modeling agency, size lO's ore perfectly normal-If you're five..fMt· nine or ewer. Speeders Can't Argue In 3" states o .molt computer catted VASCAR (V .. aual ·AvercigrSpeed C-omputer-and RF corder) is installed on police-car dosh- boords to clock speeders. Operating on the principle that speed equols d• Clock cops tance divided by time, dodcines ore "lodced'' into the computer. The Indi- ana State Police in one three-month period reported 15 accidents with 23 dead. After VASCAR, o year toter, the ~ures dropped to Wten wrecks and eight lives lost. Would-be speeders oho should note that convictions stand at 100 percent. Thin Ice Skaters should know what to do if tMy sflp through the ac.. a.cl Croea rules ore1 l) do not try to dlmb out; 2) Instead, e.JMnd both arma along the aurfoct of the IUn'OUnding k:e ond Crowl to IOhly kl4 legs vigorously (this action should robe the body and help propel you out of the water); 3) don't atand up but roll to safety. We might odd, know your pond-and don't skate alone. Chat with Two 6-Y......Olcls Here'• how sbc·yeor-olds Michael Link and Marc Copage, the boys from NIC's "Jufla," respond to some youth-on· ented questions. What do you wont to be when you grow up? Michael: "SO. entist." Marc: "A movie atar!' favorite pets? Marc: "I'm olJervlc to cats and other furry animals. I have to keep out of their way, but (wftilpering) I like them anyhow." Whkh lt better, being oldest or youngest In the family? MJ. choel: 110klest." (He Is.) Marc: "YOUft9" est." (He Is.) That baby on the show-- is it ta boy or a girl? Michoel1 '1 don't know. (An adult prompts him.) A boy- oh, I knew, but I just forgot what she (sic) was." Palsano If you wont to know why Lou D' An- gelo wrote the spoof, "How to Be on Italian," he'd tell you some advantages of being one: 1) You won't have to read movie subtitles; 2) You con talk bodt to your barber; 3) You c:on P.~ch girls and be "simpatico" (if you're a Uthuonion mon and pinch girls, you're o sex maniac); 4) tf you're on Italian girt, you won't have ta wear o girdle and comb your hair. Also, you'll have Columbus Day off, and you con be Invited to Frank Sinatra's house. Ftottll Sinotro UONA9 I. DAV.OW~ WIOMW~ WAl.nl c. _,,.. ..... c. It • W. PAOl lttalllPIGll ..t....,.W...~ ,...... a. --·o • ..._ .. ,-r~ ,,,_,,_ .-i L IPAmCI .,...._Ail ...... 11._.w Jo"'"'~ 6, 1919 IOeRf R1'ZGlllON ~ MCkRYAlt••.....,..._ MAltuS M. TllNQUI Aft Di~ Mii *Mi DI Pl.On ,_, S... A-'ek • ......_ ........ A~as ,.. ..._..,, .... "'-"" ,.,,.. -,_'-On *kt•, .. C... A"""W.. O~ 6iQ &..~ .._. .._ Y... •ilit.ort.l O/IW.: 641 &.r'· ..._, ~-..... ..... ~~~1~,-:; .._YM,M..Y.Mm - Mh11,atle tUll; lrt1 ._,,..., lhr4., '" ~ © 1'6$. '""-Y wml.Y, lilC. ..._ ........................ .. .... __. ~----~ -------"--------------------~---- . .. ... I t ~ Now Introduce your ~to ~year-old to the I CAN READ Book Club Sponsored by the Editors of My Weekiy Rader """'' ·''F r ree. $2.50 Retail Value • WOULD .. T"TOtTrtl'.B-yo-. HELP your child learn to rud etUller and /tUter .•. to acquire an eagemeu for readin1 that could be a real advantqe in the ICbool yeara ahead? Now you C111-willwU1 "sking a pe111ryl Just print your child'• name and add.reas oa the coupon below and mail it today. We will 1end you .. BIO MAX"' free-as a sample ol t.be many wonderful boots olfercd to your child throu1h the I CAN READ Boot Oub for Boya and Oirla. Why we make this unusual offer Frankly, dais /re• boot ii an unusual oiler. It ii c:olorfully illuatr'&Ced and Jaand. IOCDdy bound in dW"&We 6~.. Jl ·~ .. cown. We are aure your child will be thrilled at bavinl it for his very own. But it'a not the beauty of the boot that la important .•. we want you to aeo bow qldd:'7 your child will be readiq the deliahtful 6'-paF story of Bia Mu-all by hlmul/I Leami.q new worda. Puttin1 pbrues a.nd lellteocet toaether. ReadJq aloud without any help from you. All thia is pom"ble-becaule I CAN READ boob are DOC ordinary boob. What makes theae books so different? TCAN"READlloob1m~• liutl111 qual- ity. They are read. rc-f'e&d and talk.eel about by children became''"' can i4•11-tify wltlt 1/te story and tit• clui110Clen. Helps y01,1n1sters learn on their own Membenhip in the I CAN RBAD ~ Club will increue your child'adoaireand ability to read on hla o'fllD-tUUI,,.., /flmp him yun oMtul In rat/U.. •kllbl Be- came the ltoriea are let in Wee type and iUuaarated ia briabt colon bJ priawia- nin1 anilta, even Ii.Ult ooea are attnc:ted to the picturel and IOOft bociD uaodat· Ina them with the wOl'da. As T~ New Y ort TIJM• said of the first I CAN READ Boot, ·"'One loot at the illustntlom and cbildfen will arab for it. A eecoad loot at the abort easy aentences ... and the cbJldreo will U. they can rud it tbemlelvea. Mall Coupon for your free bootl today! You will receive yaur tr. copy of BIO MAX plus your ftnt Club 1electlon -the rollict.ina 1tory DANNY AND TifE DINOSAOR by the inimitable Syd Ho«. lle*"1 both boob with your child. look at the charmiq pktwa Oil almolt every pap. Watch u your child bepna to rad the atoriea all by hlnuelf. Then, If you wish to continue your child'• mem- benhip, merely remit Sl.'49 plua poa- &IC and handlinl for DANNY AND THE DINOSAU ($2 . .50 rewl value). Simply thla. The I CAN llEAD Boot Club aa IPODIORd by the Editon of M1 Wttkly. ke.Mr, the well-known cl.-. room paper loved by millioas of boys and prla from kinderprten to 6th arade. These Editon know how to interest and Another encbantfna I CAN READ ae- teach children. They have chosen boob lection will be mailod each month for written by the ma.t lifted children's writ-ten daya' free eumi.nation.. For ~ en in America. Boob which have 1 boot you decide to keep you pay the charm that younpters '4 to 8 find inaia-special memtler'a price of oaly Sl.'49 tible. Tbe stories are written In worda plua thippin4 •.. n:prdleaa o1. the hfaber children understand or can recopir.e. boobtore price! HoftVer, you are never The plou are so entertainio1 that any obUpted to buy a 1election, and you may child becomes easer to read each story cancel member- rrom besinnin1 to end-all by hltn.ulf I ahfp at any time. And then. just as eaterly, be loves to Whatevet your tell the atory to someone else. Unlike deciaion, BIO other boob for beaionin1 readers that MAX la youn are rud OllCe and quktly for1otten, the to bep ftw. • Mail COUllOft below or write to I CAN READ soot< a.ua Dept. Al2. EducMlon c.nt.r, Columbus Ohio 43216 r - - - -- ---•-•lii-iiiililiii•iiiiiiiiiiiiilii ------------------------------------------------~--~--~---- l l, I ,• I ... • l--l t I ~ 1 lip Family Heek.(y; )MHUJ,r1J 5, 1989 A Nightingale Sang! The horrors of war were all around this famous author-then the trilling . OM of A..no.'1. mott diri~la«J avtlon, Jla.cKinlo.r Ka1'tor waa otaan.Ud tile PwliUM Priu '"" lu Citlil Wor ~. "A~ftlle." -A"'ottO -A~~ .oW'-~-•,,,,W =t4-~ Mili4r titlu °' "Spirit Lalu," "Tiu Voiu Of lhlot. A,..,,, "IAftg RtmeMbrr." om "H.,,-, """""'· .. Jlr • .KnUW''• "'°'' runt to0rk 10Ga "TM Dor I Met o Liora," 4 tt>lUdim1 of ~. aaeodoU., au u•r•. Tlc titlf Jrl•c• of tltot tH>lv-. csp- f*Jred ftr•t i• tl. f1411U of FAKD.t WDXLY. T1'• i~ nlot-4 lwr•, altl&ovg~ it ~d lau dvritlo World W or II, la a contemporarr ''""'~'""· RwmtA it u UdlcoC•d to tM lt.ofH tM.t tlu Nno Year will lwi•11 11 tlidoriou trr- miMti<m to tM tragic tCICW it& Vt.tMM -TM Editor• V -2s had stopped during the month just pasl It was April of 1945: and the V-ls had stopped also, and Lon· don l~y stretched at night, awaiting more wounds. There was the long habit: how many die tomorrow? Detonation of a V-2 rocket wu a mighty b~ eometimea too heavy for eara to accept. Many folb who had been near when one went off, and who had survived the concuMion, swore that they had heard not a eound. The killed Jay undistul'bed throqh alow-eettlinr brick-and-plaster dost, and many times were not torn at all. They'd dJed from the audden extinction of their own hearta and breathlq. V-le aounded like scooter-bikes. They popped and burbled. they went chop-chop and putt-putt. Then the enainea cut out, and you'd wait for them to come down, and wonder In which direc- tion their stubby winp would bear them as they swooped to buret. And th.ere bad been that raaed hi.story of numbers.. aerial bombard.men ta; carwoee of bombs elnklnr from planes, the aclc-ack answer- 1.q, batterlee over In Hyde Park and Regenta Park and all thoee other parka, batteries banaiD.I at the haunted aky. Straqe new miuilee reeem- bliq old-fa.ahioned ftreworlm: fun-dnrona or •bootins at.&ra, oran•e cones api nniDa' up, and all the aearchllrhtl aweeptng. Thia.,.. no more. People opened their mouth.I u if to speak about It and then wiaely decided to wait, to aay nothin•. Becauae nobody could be quite sure. I had ftown my Ni mJ11lon oa April 18. Nowa- • Jf'atfliq WHklw, Jo~ 6, 1111 of a bird foretold the gentler blessings of peace By MacKINLA. Y KANTOR d.Qa l wu ahuttti.q constantly back and forth between London and France. conaultiq with hia- ioriana of both the Ei,s"hth and Ninth Air Forces ·and oMeera-..U88TAi' H~ {r.jiq-to:"- ·do a job for General Sputs. Niahttimee I played booby. The Honorable Theodora Ben.son and l had cl.lnner tocether. that evenina of April 19, and we talked late In front of her H&mpetead ftr&- place.. The Honorable Theodora wu and ia an impreaein woman, not only becaoae she ia the daurhter of Lord Chamwood (be wrote the only de1lnitive biocraph1 of Abraham Lincoln which wu ever publiahed, I think, by a Britisher) or becaae of her own numeroua accompliahmenta in the literary fteld, but also becauae ahe waa a wheel in the Miniatry of Information and WN reprded there with trust. So it was m}abty late, and I aaid that.I'd better ro buntiq for a taxicab, and the Honorable The- odora aaid that there wun't a taxicab to be had for love or money-not in all HampeteaG--.nd please to remember aleo that the Underground had stopped runnl.nr aaea ago. He.r modeat st.aft of one had loq since retired, but there waa a room ready and waiting. The room had been pre- pared for Theodora's brother-in-law, newly liber- ated from a priaoner-of-war camp, bot he wun•t due for a few days ,.et. Everything ready, even to f reab tootbbruahea, soap, and a razor. She MCOrted me up to the third ftoor of that hoaae at No. 10 Down.shire Hill. She expJa1ned the ~ateri• of liabt switches and blackout cur- tains and wi.ahed me a rood night. Soon 1 waa fast asleep and dreaming of hom~which meant, in that season, Plorlda and mockingbird.a. Never had I heard a ni~htinple. (But l knew our own ugly-named Mi1"u Polrglotto• and had heard people who knew both birds arsue e:xten- eively aa to which wu their favorite. Some said the mocker, some aa.id the nirhtinaale; some had no fa ult to bd with either IOQl'8ter and were on11 thankful that America owned the mocking- bird and Europe the ni~htinple, and God pity all rel'iona of the earth where neither of these maaiciana mirbt ply h.ia wn !) A.a for our my mocken in Sarasota CoQnty, I'd rrown famJUar with dozens of them through the yean. PerpetuallJ they neated in bushes aloq the eds-of our lawn and spouted their trilla from the hue branchee of tallest pi.neL Some were Uke pet.a and followed us down to our beach or to tbe mailbox. Some were more adept at mlmk,., than others (or elM more willing to Imitate). Jn addition to native ftuency, they'd try to be the children's bicycle bells or the yard- man'• bymn-whiaWng. Other indiYidvaJs leelDed to foilie&r-to *> demMif GlemWJOL.. _ Why, after all. ahould any bird copy the con- duct or utterance of man.kind? They lived aloof in their old-Quakerish clotbee but with another garb of pure melody to haq around them almoet visibly when the mating eeuon came. Tran.sported thoWl&Dda of miles out of mid- night London, J ftoated to Siesta Key ..• hibiacus wu thick., ao were olean.den. Shell lilies would be bendiq their weight of gold and piDk bloeaoma when day came. But juat now? Dream or no dream, it wu tbe middle of the n}aht and the middle of mockbig- birda' inexplicable joy. Chuck-will'a.-widowa (our Southern whippoorwills) may have been chanting their own plaint beforehand, but it seemed that they bad stopped to-listen. So had any gull or heroD, come croald.ng in from the Gulf. They'd surrendered, cloeed their beaks. The mockingbird ruled. It wu u if he conned from hiah limb to blab limb iii moonlight, and the imagination aourht to f o11ow and to tnck him. Yet be wu too remote and high, too spectral, and too eluaive. I found myaelf atttlng up In bed. The world around me was still the London world. I hadn't been whiaked miraculou.s)y to our American Jive oab and aabal palma. But the universe nDI' with insane music beyond thoee open windows. All the blackout drapes bad been opened before I went to bed. Tbua, even in aleep, J migbt ob- ee"e the weary pulae -of a long-hammered m&- tropolis. the little moan or mutter It made ... alow ploughlna' of some vehicle (military, prob- ably) along Hampstead High ... footfalla of lovers creepiq home, a lane or two away . . . eteady steps of the doctor who went to help a lite in ita homing or ita vanishment. I threw my shirt around my shoulders, made my way to the window, leaned there. Mocldn•- bird? A mockingbird in London 1 Jlisht we para.. phrue an old popular tune and. tell that a mock- ingbird sans in Berkeley Square? The moet tender and intrepid poetry wu beinr cried aloud. I tried to spot the location, liateninr lllld tenae with that fte.ree desire to hold, to ovp, to retain f ort1ver-the desire which overwhelm• an individual in his moment of anapected en- counter with a beauty be cannot even reckon. Yes, yea, acroea Downahire Hill. acrou the pavement; but farther away, below the elope, f t t a b ti fl tl le tb ( pl W' m ae ye farther down, away beyond the incline. Over there the moonlit treee were thick; I remembered them in late dayli1ht. A wall? Some sort of wall, and trees beyond-: ft waa like a park. and no bombs bad mutilated that particular arbored thickness, no runs had ftaahed there. I ocmMt i u wMt ftotoen cif'e cit mw feet, Nor 10Mt 10/t i11UMe MftU• "P<>" tlu bovoM- l had been druned with sleep, I wu put 40, I waa anesthetized with middle-aged slumber be- cauae I had been trying to keep up with men who were young enough to be my eona. The body bAd balked and groaned, eo had the brain. Nor can I now identify the moment in which I first realized the nature of the fluting and knew that I wu listening to a ntghtinp)e ... I" •emu '#MlodioQ ·plot 0 f beecM. gretna, ad •l&adow Mmbni&u My banda and feet were trembling, anna and lep jellied. There waa one awful moment when I thoqht that I had leaned too far and mi1ht top. ( pie out of the window. BecaUAe emotion waa warmi. with memory; and both emotion and memory were beinr called to account by common eenae. No, no, it couldn't be a nia'htingale, thl1 wun't yetaummerl Hold on, wait a minute. Yes, there wu the recollection of aomethin1 read, one time, barely L .. retained • . . nirhtlnples were apt to reach En- gland by mid-April. but Mldom ~ after mld- J une: and alwaya were sone back to Africa by the end of summer. Yet I wondered apin: "Am I imacining, after all? la it because the weapon. were too feanome, too ealamitoua and bus-voiced? Misht not a man be demanding nirhtinplea merely beeauee the cruel monstrosities have ceased? Could there be a more luxurious eoutTut T" And I remembered how the ftak wu still red- hot when it came down, epittins and boundln1 off the pavement; and thoee sloping Httliq piles of structural prbace, with raw lathe aticldna' up, holdiq aerape of worn lace curtalna and eab- bqea and broken bottlee and wrecbd portrait., all amoldns topther; volcee of the ARP men '-fins, "Quick. Geordie. Thoqht I 'eard 80lll&- one under 'ere . . ." Had thi.t •wareu.1 Hilt me butterfty-chaalns after moetiqbirda and nla'htlnplea? There, there t Over amonl' the treel ... it WU movinl'. sinlina' on the wins. It yodeled a vrqer and exultation, It cbeerib' ICftalll«l ita apolosy for the wictedneu of a war now endins. "I am openiq a door for you," cried the nt1ht- fnple. "A very sentle door, and you must man with tendemeaa and appreciation u you come through; or elee I ahall s o on and on. and leave you; and never fty and never liq for you ... in.'' I could quote from the poem, but only in frq- menta; couldn't put the thina tosetbet u wu netala ·· aore1y. lluaic had ceued. "upon the mJdni.bt. with no pain." Finally aftu tryiq to lleep apin, I Sot up, drew the curtainl, turned on the lamp, and hunted amoq l'eJlel'OUS boohbelvee linina' the walla. Soon I found the poem; it bad to be there, I had to ftnd it. I lay upon the bed and felt the reliaioua experience of readfna tlowly that en- tire ode in ita antique type. And witneued the dat&-1819--and marveled apln; and knew that it wu aprfnl when Keat.a wrote thOM lines u lf a nishtinple were tina'ina them outaide. PouiblT a couple of yean before he made hit sombre journey to Rome . . . conalder an incon- apfcuoua rrave near the pyramid of Caiua C.tiua. H.n Liu 0... WMle No.., Wa Writ ia Wat.,-. Lisht oozed around eqee of the curtaina. I'd fallen a.sleep apin, with the volume of poetry be- tide me and draperies still drawn. I barely had manaaed to turn out the lamp, that wu all. So I climbed up, d.raa'sed heavy cloth away from the window., and aaw aunrlee. A thought came: If I were to IO out and walk theee alopee, I mJl'ht hear it apin. The nishtin- ple doee •Ina' In u,time, too, they aaj, juat u our moddn•birda at home •ins both by day and by nisht. And alwayt when their hearta tell them to." Perhaip9 rd meet the creature and could fall down and bleu it.a Md and patient colon. Then, so help me, enaued one of thoee momenta which sparkle like mqic metal tbroush the heavy ore of a lifetime. For after I'd tiptoed down Ions atai~ and let m.yaelf out at the front door and arranpd the locb ao that I ml1ht set back in qain; aft.er rd cut diqonally acroea a com- pletely empty .treat and atote:n alons a wall, I came to a tumJq. And distant color of a boue could be Hen throush the pteway, treee, and unkempt buahes. There wu a llDall plaque. I bent to read it, and 1uddenly the world wu swimmlnr. Here stood, bravely unhurt, the bou1e of John Kea ta. Bombl and roeketa bad spared thJa shrine. It. · lived. with it.a line of aolotlta protraded and re- joiclq throush 126 yean. A nisbtlqale in- habited John Keata' own prden, and it bad flown and 1u111 and wu th. ftnt ni1htlqale I ever knew. T Aoti toaat Mt bonl I or deat~ •. iMfltOrlal Bird.I • •I .. "" ---·------~---....--------------------,..........~~..,...-,.--· I I 1: Look what Plymouth's up to now: I I I I I I I ' Sewn Atta, tnc. Great news! Right now, your Plymouth Dealer's oJferlng special savings on apecialty- equlpped Fury, Belvedere, B41rracuda and Valiant models. You save on popular extras such as vinyl roof, wheel covers, white sidewall tires, all·vlnyt Interiors and many others. So, for great buys on speclally·equlpped Plymouths, head down to your Plymouth Dealer's Great r Plymouth Sale. When Plymouth holds a sale, It Isn't just ~rs greatl 0 CHRYBLEA ...,._...,... Plymoulfi GREAT! Specially-Equipped Plymouths. GREAT! Special Prices. Now .. JO'lf """°""' .,. ........ Watch Senior Bowl and Super Bowl on NBC-TV. Ji JEAN-CLAUDE KU.I.Y: How He Became the Glamour Boy of Sports This handsome French ski whiz has parlayed three Olympic gold medals into a million-dollar bonanza "H B WON'T leave Holly- wood as long as a fa- mous actress (married) is there," says one movie gossip columnist. Another · spotted him-with-the-estranged""wtf e- of one of the world's richest men, and now he is being ro- mantically linked with her. Thu kind of attention i1 usually reeerved for the auperrich and f OY auperatan--.nd that about de- acribea Jean-Claude Killy, France'• Olympic triple gold-medal skiing marvel. For Killy ia the hottest property in the world of 11porlll 11ince l'Olf'• Arnold Palmer. He i.a even being manaaed by Mark McCormack, the Cleveland lawyer who made Palmer and Jack Nicklaus millionairea. Loaded down with endoraem~t of- fers. movies, tv, mapzine o«en. and newspaper interviewa, Killy h.aa lit- tle time for the thousands of girla, most of them teen-a.rera. who besiege him wherever be 1oe9 be•a jult too busy makiq a million dollara. The Madison Avenue personifica- tion of youth and speed, the aymbol of the "ro" generation, Killy the ) By BEN MATI'HEWS supen)der baa become Killy the auperaaleeman. Thia l'lamoroua tran- 1itlon i.a the 1ubject of a David Wolper tv documentary which baa Killy fta'htina' bulla. bicycling In Cen- tral Park, driving a souped-up dune buaY...in Nevada, water 1kiins.-i1Urf ftng, and swinging in New York City's newest diecotMque. When not in front of Wolper'a cameraa, lean-Claude ia In front of someone elae'a. Killy i.a tlmm. a US- week tv aerlea at the world'a areat aid reeorb for CBS (It starts today);..... General Moton hu him lieddllng a Cam.aro. the aut.o manufacturer's aporta model; Clairol ia launchiq a new line of men•a beauty product.- with Jean-Claude aa Mr. Clairol, of course; Tiu LG4ie11 Homa lott.nal bu alped a $260,000 contract with him for a fashion feature, hi.a auto- biography, and various other .. Killy byline" atoriee. All thia plua the obvious ski-apparel endorsement.a. ._. of the explanation for hia fabulous aucceu lies in the l'ood fortune of hia timiq. Killy arrh~ed on the top level of the aki ecene at juat the right moment. Inter- national ski racing became a resular feature on the American akiins cir- cuit in 1964-juat aa Killy and hia French teammates were beginning to dominate the sport. Killy's exploits in such American aJci areaa aa Franconia, N.H., Vall. Colo., and Sun Valley were widely reported and televised. He won race after tace--and anyone watchin• him -vondered-MW-1le manajijCI tO c10 it. In becomlnl' the world•• beat alder, be had developed such a breakneck, acrobatic raciq 1tyle that be always seemed on the brink of dleaater. He alded with abandon, eeemJqly carinl' little for lite or limb. Thia atyle en- 4eared him t.o _aporta buJfa of all qu-and particularly to women. ll•lehawdedly he brlcll'ea the generation pp. He Joob frail. aa though be doesn't have the atrenrth to slide on hia alda for two miles, much leu to travel 80 mph on them. With close-knit eyebrows and cool l'f&Y eyea, be usually appears &lil'htly embarraaaed and shy. He's wildly popular with men, too ~auae he doean't look ao darned capable, like a Joe Namath or a Johnny Unitaa looka capable. He doesn't overpower you but aeema about aa incapable of ltar perform- ances aa YoU are. By tbe time he won the world 1k:i- raciq championahipe in Portillo, Chile, in 1966, he already waa be- cominl' the sort of cult fta'ure that found airline atewardeleee carryins hia photograph in their watleta and secretariea pasting maruine coven of him above their deeb. Then came the Grenoble Olympics lut winter and, while watched by 50 million Americana, Jean-Claude Killy won threeao~medala-afutachieved just once before, by Toni Sailer of Austria at the Cortina Olymplca in 1966. "*'-Is more to the XiD1 charta- ma than thfJ, of courae. He 1°"8 ~nd it ahowa. His belt frie.nda on the aid circuit have been membera of the U.S. aid t.eam. •'They are more relaxed than the Aua- trians,'' Killy aaya. "They don't take everythlnl' ao aerioualy. They know how to laul'h when they loee and lauth when they win and to relax In between times. I learned a lot from them about reluin&'. That baa helped me in radq." Nat to hla home in Val d' Iaere, France, Killy lovea the American Weet belt. The ftnt thlnp he puts on when he pt.I to the Bockie9 for aJci ·competition, for ex.am ~ are a cowboy liaT and liOot.I. Then he bead.a for town to look for antique Ameri- can pm to add to hia collection. He wu almoet involved in a W e1t- ern melodrama after the World Cup races (which he won) in Jacbon Hole. Wyo., in 1967. Killy and the whole French team took over an an- tique stasecoach that waa the alsn- poet and prise of a local motel and bea'an pullinr it tbrou1h the atreeta at mldnisht, playinl' a ecene from a W eetem fthn. The town sherUr and his deputie1 arrived, and it bqan to look • like a showdown at the OK Corral. The F,rench alalomed out of trouble, doin&' DO damage except leaviq a few lawmen, not ao dexterous, lyinl' in the mud. for relut~ Jean-Claude ni- treata to Vat d'here, tbe aimple mountain town where he baa lived since be waa three. There much of his time la spent anaweriq tan mall 4e reeelvee aome 60 letten a day, ~from teeJa..age girla. ''The Jet- t.en come from all Offr the wor~.'' Killy says, "even from behind the.• Iron Curtain. Usually the letters are addrelaed with just 'Jean-Claude Killy, France• or 'The Sider, Val d'llere.•" Every letter wets an.awend and la accompanied by a aiped photo of the .world'• areateat alder. Killy au- tographs the pictures while eating an apple. He eats an apple betore every meal. So it won't be lonl' be- fore some food company jumpa at the ebance to put out "Killy appleeauce- favorite of champ Iona!' • AMerica'• Pavorite .... Sport B.aMn toAo toovJ.d UU to JHJrtWepau "'°"• ttt &A. ''°""°"" utt ~ •I elriiAg car• w.rgod to HJ&d /M" &A. 1%" «ll ~· illudnae.d "Book of A---" Slrii'll{I," °""'"""" .. ,._to-bu ttt/""*4-tio1' Ot& toeA,.iqMe, rNOt"U, ,,.,._,.., ~. OU /M/Wnu. (~ pt&bU,1. .,.., pric• 111.60) lloil 11.16 to D~f..A 101 F. W. Boob, Bos 101, Grated c..,. tral Statio1', Nftl York, N.Y . 1001'!. , . • I . .,,, ' ' I IUS-TIC TOO nANTR Imagine nW!ing t>Nutiful things lib lhese worth up to $4.95 eMh - for only $1 Everything you need to make this charming "Rus-Tic Tock" Planter , when you join the Amous NatiorW Handcrah Society. I MAGI NE this artistic Rus-Tic Tock Planter contributing its old world charm to your home ... perhaps cheering a kitchen wall, or hanging gracefully above a credenza or end table. It's fashioned after the famous old cuckoo dodcs of Germany. And It's so beautiful -we'd like you to have It as a FREE gift to Introduce you to the' benefits o1 - membership in the National Handcraft Society. A Surprise for you every month As a Society member, you re<eive a delightful surprise package every month. And every pack- age contains a new Handcraft Kit with every- thing you need to make a charming keepsake for yourself, your home ... or to give as ii gift. One month you may fashion a beautiful "Partridge In a Peilr Tree" to add a lu!lurious touch to a wall. Another month you may easily assemble a rich looking jewel bo". Or perhaps it will be a Ritzy Pig bank or a breathtaking centerpiece to grace your table. Whatever your surprise Handcraft Kit con- Llins, you know it will make up into something beautiful, something usable . . something you. can be proud to show your friends. Kits available only to members These Handcraft Kits are never sold in stores. They are exclusive creations 1vailable 10 Soci- ety members only. You'd expect to pily be- tween $2.98 and $4.96 in ii store-but the cost to you is just $1. Yes, $1 a month (plus 2S• to cover s,hipping and insurance) is all you pay. Assembling Handcraft Kils is easy -and such fun. Each Kil contains everything you need, from a generous supply of milterials to easy-to- follow instructions. Join the fun of membership -share the thrill of opening each month's exciting "surprise package". Experience the pride of making beautiful, useful things with your own hands. Why lose another minute! Mail the member- ship certificate today! ,,, • ....._ 0 -~ ...... , I • NATI NAL HANDCRAFT SOCIETY '-_,, d f :.--~--A-519 H<m er.a t Bldg .. Ou Moines,lo~.a 50~ ·-· QUIPS AND QUOTES 11 ........ w.w ..... My brand.new wuher doeea't raa No matter how laud I .Uke lt. rd sh• die thing a pod, awUt lr.iek U I dJdn't tlalak rd break It. l'•e lipped each mtda ( abo .. ,. lid). rve poked ., all lta Mdiom. Oh, poc1a .. •e, all elN hu faJlecl- NOW I'll read tlae dlreetloaal --Laooa1'8 /flalAUort ~ Wec:irw motA.r to pediatriciat&: "Tiu kW• fuliflo bett.r-rm tolriJtg Oftlf sis or eigh.t upiriM a d4fl MW." --S~ 1'0ft E1ae Two bu.eineea aasociatea, one an inveterate golfer, were havinl' lunch when the nongoJf er aaked hia friend, "Why do you play so much rol17" "To keep ftt," wu the. answer. "For what?" countered the non- rolfer. Without blinking the player re- plied. "For more rolf, naturally.'' -He'l""M AU>right Y0tc we to of{w frindahip ftr.t to make frinadahip l&t. -Bill C()f)l4tad A 12-year-old boy waa having a diftlcult time leading his stocky, aggreuive partner at danctnr school When the teacher o«ered some friendly criticism, he re- aponded with. ''Yea, but what do you do il the &'irl baa power steer- ing?" -DorotMa Kn&t The line at the supermarket waa long when an a~lve--Jooking woman baraed ahead of the ftrat '"'&hoPPilfl ·cart.-«Tou· do'i't mma my going ftnt, do you, dear? I'm in a rush, and this is all I need." she announced complacently, hold- insr aloft a can of cat food. "Go ahead," aald the woman she diapllleed, "if you're in such a hur- ry to eat." -Cl&mtG Alkft Domitum"fl huba"4 to tiMid wife tt'YiJaO to get o 10ord in e4ge- wiae: "I'm a tier, fair man. l'U lutm to 11our opiniOtU oJar time. I'U -""' tell WDM 10/uJt tl&.q are." -Al Roberu Aatemettve ...... o ....... '' On ,a catering 1jruck In Brook- lyn, N.Y.: "Snu Fifth Avenue" ... On a aervicei station In the mountaiu near Rolet, W10. : .. Buzz twice for nil'ht aenice. Tben keep 1our shirt on while I pt my panta on."-M. W. Marti,. "AU rigl&t, "°'° botla th4 pl&ofte otld doorbell riJtO, Gftd tlae babv •t<lrta tf'Jri1111. w~ do r0tc do''' • Fa,,.iJw Wuklw, Ja'""'f'Y 6, lill .· ' • I ti $ • s 5 &.! c R d1 SU w in. TI ' n Vt va Pl 22 °' Cc Pr Re He yo ~ to n SA up SA inf to evi m ANNOUNCING- YU!'" HAVl HfJ M JACIPIT. 1111 .. C11111 Die* C...- IMIN fir ,_ llillrt tf tllt $19,511 lla1f)-'1 llnlnJ. ....... IUt "" ..as ........ " ....... tf tlt PUCTIW. llAllYMAn lltCYClOPUIA (1 1111.,,1q $99.500 allt) .......... ...," .... 'p ,,.. .... wlwts AISOUl1D.Y flH AID WIYRUT OMJUTIGI! Send low your Free volume today with more than 000 giant 7~" x 11 ~" pages, filled to overflowing with more than 400 "bow-to" pictures and projects! 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YOUR CHILD llAY HAVE PIN-WORMS t OUT OP a DOES Fi~, ao.of mp and a tAlrmentr Ina lt.cb -are often telltale lirna of Pln-Worma ... qaly puuita Uiat medlea1 experta ay Inf• l out of • ....,. • penonau:amlned. Entire lam-me. may be victhD8 and not Imo• It. To set rid of Pln-Wonna, they mu.t be ld1W la t.he la,.. lntatine where they Uva and multiply. Tbat'Hxact\y wbat ,.,.. •• P-W tablet. do ... and bere'a how they do it: Finl-. edend lie coa&. came. the tableta Into the bowelii before they d'->lve.. Thea-Ja)'l!le'• mod- em. medlea~proved lqrecUent soea rtaht to -ldll. Pln-WOMDll qlllcldy, eu1l7. AM,._ JfllMr-'et. Don't take ebanc:.w with danpr--. hlchlY con~ Pln-Womw which bi.feet mtlrti lamiliea. Get ren- ulne layne'• P-W Vermifu,. • • . IUIWl. ~tablets •.• llPtdal ._for e'blldNn and adala " Van W-mkle Couldn't Sleep witll Nagging Backache PATTERNS ~~~-SIZE: The 12-Way Wardrobe 9010· A b«iutifvU11 baa~ coot or jacbt and dru1 are all. 1tmi11lt.t-1ea.m ieaoing. 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FOLDING BACK REST New -. .. 1v. eold and bledl ..... eddt ......... to ttlll ......,. gteiMd ~ plywood f.o&dlrl9 led! llalt. S...,- elu 16 a 24" high to support both heM ettd bedt. S edjwlllble' pot.ii~ in..,,. ~ _.;_ OD!Wfott. 3 eMetk tlrepa hold YONlr OWft pillow. Andlorect by IMllHlld b.--folds flat - $S.tl OI CHOOSE St-*d Moct.t, i edllllfable J'Olki«M, I el.tic "'IP• 16 11• 22" high, 11/lenollb Alrciel ~d -$UL . -s "" ~\ ~.~. BED EXTENDER ~ ~ :~ Add 6 lnchet of lu11url-rnett,... length with •Wf"'°4ttedl led bl9nder. lnner1"flng, f-pedded, edj\Mtt IO eny met· ..,_ thlckMM. hwl1ible wti.n bed le !Nde. Allows hNlthfvl, ,_., •'-'>· U.. It .. tQne, on vec.etioN, et CDl!ege ot fot tell gwm. Twin bed tlie -$11.tS, Oauba. bed .q. -tt.tS. Side Ltll btenden, wood-f8Ced steel con.trvctlon,. to -14rnethen wood bed fr-6 lndtet -U.fS •,._Jr. '' .,,. ·ec ~·· ... ·•. ' ~ ' .,, • i~::--~· _,"" •· TWIN-REST SEAT CUSHION+ N-cuthlon ~ .-ltlve • ._ Rghta f11'9ve Md -• nea.. 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SCIENCE has eome ·tn the conclusion that your ailments ~11 as much about the inner you as about your body~en how good a marital risk you are I Here are eome common pbJaica1 problema whJch often are aymp- tomatlc of 80Jlle pyecbological problems: Nearalslhhcl--. fanlght..tn... ancl anxiety Marilyn Blitzer Bosanea of Yeahiva Univenity, for example, conduct.eel a atudy in which she diYided 1tudenta-in-three ate-- .. irorie&-the neanlgbted, the far- sighted, and thoee with perfect vi~ion. All 1'ere then aiffll a standard personality test. The group with the perf ectb' norm.al Yiaion did not ahare any specific peraonality traita ln common. bot the other two groups very de6nitely did. Nearsighted persona bad a htP tolerance for anxiety and could take a considerable amount of preeaure in ltresa aituatJona with- out blowing up or Soinl' to pieces. Teata showed they were pneral- ly l'Uided. by caution, inclined to be co11Senative, and not Ubly to pioneer new project& Farst.hted people, on the other hand, t.ended. to display completely opposite trait.a. They were talk&- tive rather than quiet, prone to reatleaaneas and impatience, vocal about their likes and dillikee- aometimea without too much re- gard for tact and diplomacy. They had a low tolerance for anxiety. Self-eonftdent and couraseoua, they were generally the doers. Uken, arthritis-and marriage At the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, in- vestigatora have shown that hue- band-wife f nftgbting is directly related to the development of ul- cen and arthritis among many marriqe partnen-witb the wom- an settins arthritis and the man getting ulcen. The study made ft clear that "the aame hostility which contributes to ulcera in the buaband contributes to arthritia in the wife." What to do? In many caaea, juat the realization on the part of husband and 1'ife that un- reaolvecl hoetilltiee may be the vil- lain responalble for hil ulcers and It Familr W•iw, J&f&11M1rf 5, 1111 her arthritia can provide them with enough incentive to convert motud°'N!ilentmelitlfilto eOO'jiifi:- tive undentanding. lloocl pNISU~nd.loft Dr. Robert E. Barria of the University of California atndied the relationship between blood pressure and penonality by cqm- pari~ 60 coed.a who were subject to high blood preuun when un- der atre. with 1' control -.roup of 60 l'irle with normal blood preaore. It wu found that coeda 'with norm.al blood preeeure had leq dimculty ftnding a suitable mate and had happier marri~. "The onea with ~h blood prea- aure were much leu attractive ao- clally," aaya Dr. Barria. "Their peraonalitiea were chanct.erized by hostility, inner turmoil. anx- iety, resentment, and tension. They are the types who have a chip on their shoulder." So if you have a blood-pressure problem, it's likely you also have a problem in your personal rela- tionships. You can lighten both probJema by cultivating a more underatandin&' and charitable at- titude toward youraelt and otbera. Incidentally, Pennsylvania State University reaearchera made a study of coed ~olor pref erencee in clothing. The co eds who made the highest ecores on aelf-con1l~ dence and ero streqtb showed a marked pref e~ce for subtle col- on-neutral grays.. beiges, and cooler colon. Coeda wfth the atronreat feellnp of imecurity showed the sreatest preferenee for bri&'ht colon. . So the wtae college man who's looking for a wife might pay at- tention to what his sirl friend wear&-but bow can he ask her what her blood preuure is? • ~OBN E. GIBSON •"'819~,....._ ..... .-t' .......... ....-i ... ~..::.·;:m ~...::.-,_ • ;=.: ::!.!•..: ........ .._.. ... **-· .. cllallell ,._ -• a.wan=····· ··~· =-::..• .r:=-.: = . .. ........ Here's the most advanced, most c::onwnient, molt troubf•fnte way for you and your family to enjoy stereo music in your home -a way that frees you forwar fr9m records that scrwtc:h, warp and wear out •.• from reel·to-r• tapes that tancte and bfuk. It's the famous Columbia 8-Track TAPE CARTRIOG£ PLAYER ... now yours, in a once·ln·•·ltfetime offer, at • truly fabulous barpln pricef With the Coiuml>NI 8-Track Pla)'W, you'll be able to enjoy fuH stereo fidelity, plus the efforttesa conven- ience of I-track cartridl9S In ~ hornet Cattridp tapes play conttn~ -switch automatically from trad to tracl( ••• and the .,.... provides superb ster· eophonic sound reproduction rtctlt throu8h ~ pres- ent home stereo record systeml Our resular price for the 8-Track C.rtridl• Player is $69.95-yet now. as part of this special tntroductof'y offer, you mq take the Aa~r for only $14.95 when you join the new Columbla Stereo Tape C.rbidle Service and buy three cartrid191 of your choice et the 1"98ular Se1"vice price of $6.95 each .. Your only obllptlon • • member of the Colurnble Stereo Tape Cartriclp Service is to pw"CheM 11x eddl- tk>nal ca~ durifta the comtnc ~ •.. musk you'd probebly buy ~ The SeMc:e will off9r '°" hundreds of cartridps to dM>OH from ••• all described In the monthly Buyi"8 GulcM which you will rec91ve freet You'll find 8-tnck c:artrtcteM from .wry field of musl: -popular, dasaat, folk, rock, BroactMly, etc. -the best Miiers from many dtffeNnt labels! You may accept the ,..ular monthly Hl•ctlo«I ... or -. any of the other catb kteN off9ted ..• or take NO cattrtdp at all that month -the dMHce is entiNly up to '°"' Yow OWn a-p Acaultl Upon enre>il1nent, the Servtc:. will open • charp ac:· count In your name. You pey for '°"' cartricfen only after you've ~ them and pla~ them. They wlU be mailed and billed to you at the replw Service price of $6.95 (<:imiclll 8Dd spedal cartridps somewMt hilhef), plus • small maitlnc and handlinl cha,... ~~ FreeC.ta....,_, You'll ,.t an additional cartrid19 of your choice FREE for wel"J two CM1ridl9s you buy, once you've com-P'eted ~ enn>Nment acnement. That's Mu ldlnc • 33~% dllc:ount on all the 8-track cartridaes you want, for • Ions • you wentl Start enjoylnc the advent.a.-of listenlna to all ~ favorita musk on I-track caf'tiidCesl flit In th• coupon now, and mall It with your chedl or money order for only $14.95. Your Pla~r and the thrM st.No car· tridp9 of your choice wm be sent to you promptly (•lone with• bill to cover malllna •nd handlln1cha,... and )IOU' first three cartrida'H). COLUMBIA STEREO TAPE CAR I RIDGE SERVICE Terre Haute, Indiana ..................................................................... ( ..... .,..., ~.... ....... LMt .... ................................................................... CJtr ............................. 9-................. a, ........... . u rvu WIM to cbiaNe ur.e oan ot ur.e """' and rour Arai ...... ~ phil IMWnl aD4 bandJlDC, to J'OUI eredl' OUll, -.-one and au 1D JOUI' llOOOUD' number below: 0 DlD99 Chait 0 .,..... Obup I a~ a~ (Oallfom1ANll&dataonJ1> o,...., .. ...._ o ......... -.uOliN I I ................................................................ . I ..._.... ........................................................... . ·-----------------~~-~ ' • I I l • t f --~~~~~~--------------------------------~ t t t I t . NEWI SATIN REGANCE All OCCASIOll ASSOITIDT 20rullyMat c.a. &dtilllJ . .,. .. • NEW! LOVELY EVERYDAY Girt WRAPPING ASSOITllDIT 11 py, Cllefflt lMlt sl!Mtl. Ttnttlc NEWI ROSE REMEMBRANCE All OCCASION ASSOITllOO 11 .... latte Cll'8 •• trittul, artistic ae •f celer St1H111 NEW! FESTIVE FAVORITES All OCCASIOll ASSOllllOO 18 Mlltffwt ens. 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Pill ;,, your ,,.,,,e """ ""4re11 below -No sl'""P 11ecesurz IUAll """' Alt. ---------------·"··- --BUSINESS REPLY MAil ---Pint Cleit ,.,_.~ •. Slf, M ite fteliu, N ... Y9tk ---CHEERFUL CARD COMPANY ---20 Bank Street --White Plains, New York 10606 ---'31 I .,... U-40 --- ~ --------~--~----~------~ ~~~~~~------------------~ .... ..-..._ ....... _________ .._ __________________ ,_,, ________ .......................... -. .... -...-..-........ ... FAMILY WllXJ.Y COODOOK Enjog tne Ever-Popuiar Pasta MELANIE DI PROPT Ji'ood-Bdi&or • Packagea of spaghetti and noodlee may be .f oand in the ldtehen of j .. t about every good cook. Using those puta pJ'Od. um in these interesting recipe& will add pleui.ag variety to f am Uy meals. Cottage Noodle Casserole 8 oa. wide e11 noocUe. 1 tup water I enT. (1 % oa.) onion eoap mix % tup butter or marrariae % teaapooa dr1 austanl 2 c:upe larse card cre .. ·•t1le cottagec.._.. 1 CH (J Jb.) appJeuOtt % cap dark..aeedlea raiai-. Jlaaped I eup altredded .. arp Cheddar daeeee 1. Cook noodles in boiling ·salted water as directed on package; drain. 2. Meanwhile, bring the 1 cup water to boiling in a saucepan. Reduce heat and stir in the onion soup mix. butter or mar- garine, and must.rd. Cover and cook the onion soup 10 min. 3. Toss noodles with the onion mixture, cottage cheese, applesauce, raisins, and half of the shredded cheese. 4. Turn into a ~1h-qt. casserole. Sprinkle top with remaining cheese. 5. Set in a 350°F. oven SO min. or until thoroughly heated. 8 to 1 O 1Jen1i•ge Spaghetti Supreme 7 oa. •saa1betti a tablespoom olne or other cooldn1 oil 2 tablespoons ilnipped panle1 1 teupoo• basil leans, cf\Lllaed 3 clona 1arlic, •illCecl 2 teupooDS Dijoa mutanl 1 teaspoon aDChoT.J' pule or 3 anchovy &Ilda, muhed % teupoon aalt % teupoon Acceat % teaapooa pepper ~ cup water Yi up ahreclded Pannesaa chene Yi c•p hea•y aeam 1. Cook spaghetti in boiling salted water as directed on package; drain. Cottage N oodU Caa•erole u o meUo1C1 blnd of noodlu, cottage cluue, and GJ>f'k~e, ftatJor.JteighteMd wntll ~ .. O'Mp •iz-.. 2. Meanwhile, add parsley, basil, and garlic to hot oil in skillet and cook about S min., stirring occasionally. 3. Mix in the mustard. anchovy paste, seuoninp, and water and simmer the sauce about 6 min. 4. While sauce is heati~. alternate lay- ers of hot spaghetti and cheese on a plat- ter kept hot in oven. 6. Stir cream into the sauce, heat thor- oughly (do not boil), and pour over the spaghetti. Serve immediately. About 4 1ervinge Orange Noodle Dessert 1 lb. wide egg noodlea 5 or 6 Nani Or&lll'H ~ to ~ cup li1htl1 packed browancar 5 en• (about 1 cup) 1 cap .. 1ar 2 teupooaa pound cinnamon 1 \Ii tablespoou Jn1oa juice 1 cup coanel7 chopl)M wain.ta Yi cup dark aeeclleea raiaiaa. plu•ped Y, teaspoon 1rouad cinnamon Yi cup butter or marprine, melted I. Cook noodles in boiling salted water as directed on package; drain. 2. Meanwhile, grate enough peel from the oranges to make l tablespoon and set aside. Pare oranges and section them. Toss sections with brown sugar and set sugar mixture uide. 3. Put eggl9, grated peel, sugar, 2 tea- spoons cinnamon, and lemon juice into a large mixing bowl: beat well. Mix in noodles, llut.s, and raisins. 4. Tum one half of the mixture evenly into a well-greased S-qt. shallow bakinc dish. Spoon orange aectiona over ftrat layer. Top with remainins noodle mix- ture. Sprinkle with % teaspoon cinna- mon. Pour melted butter or marrarine evenly over all. S. Bake at 350°F. 46 min. Remove from oven and cool. ' ' 6. Cut slightly warm or chilled dessert into squares and serve with whipped clea- eert topplns. 8 to 1 O aertri•o• Science Finds J1by To Shrink Painful Hemorrhoids And Promptly Stop The Itching, Relieve Pain In Most Gases. A ecientiftc research inatitute baa diacovered a medication 'With the ability, in most ca.eea- to promptly atop burnins itch and actually shrink hemor- rhoids. In one hemorrhoid oaae after "anOther. very striking improve- ment wu reported by doctora who conducted the testa. Pain and it.chin• were promptly re- lieved. And while sently reliev- i nl' pain, actual reduction ( ehrinbae) took place. Thate conducted on hund?eds oflSidtelita1>Y'aoctotsm-NeW PHOTO CUDITS C....nftM~ ..... 21 AIC1 WW. WOIW. Poe-~. Doww.ctay & c~. tllC. ,..._, 5& 71WW.WOtW. ..... '12r Proa Lopl119 for D.P.1. W•n YM ~-By llail Fre• F•ilJ Weekly ... Pl-1llow Ull to fow wetts for dtlhttf. Tiit ids -pllUd br ..,....., cempHlts. Tiit lt.tms llld cttlf ll"t clltcbd for rtll· abill\f 11J fMllly Wfttly, too. If JWft any qillfttiotl IMt llllil ~. just Wl'IU: SeftlQ ~. F11111tr Wttt.,, 641 Ltlltl9ttft A-... Votll N.V. 10022. ===-1 TallGitk Only ...,..,,.n.,... --of .. MOit Hcitilll contctioll ff 1prlftJ•Hm111tr ap. ,.., llJ Ult wotld'1 lat'lfft IMdalllt .. Tiff Glrf F11fllona (5'7" Hd over). o,...... • ..... 2'4 ,,. '3..91 to $25. Alto n-1111 lllitl, tllort•, ••IM••ar. ~~': .. ~ c:dil -Mlllllle. Mill COllfO'I todlJ. ------~------I '-f1ftS... ..... ll9l. J-6 I l111R81"9111. ...... 412t1 I 1 1 Plait H•d FRIE ""' Till F11hl011 II Cmlol I I I ._ IPl<IOM "''•'' I lililiiA I I !!'! iMii itili !' I l ----------1 York Cit;r, in Wuhlnston, D.C. and at a )(Jdweat Medical Cen- ter proved this so. And It wu all done without narcotics or atlnsins astrinsenta of any kind. The secret ia Prqorattot.H• There ia no other formula for the treatment of hemorrhoids like it r Preparation H alao lubricates, aoothea irritated tieauea and helps prevent fur- ther infection. Preparation B com•• in oi.1,tment or sup- pository form. No preacription _ -18 JiRi:led. # -_., "problem" • • perspiration solved ., .. ~, t•11111ds wllt ''""" lltaYllJ An antiperspirant that really works! SoJvea underarm problem• for many who had deapaired of effective help. M-Ucbum Antl-Penplrant keePI WMleran:n9 ab.olutely dry for tbOUMDda of grateful Ullel'a, with comnlete 1entleneM to normal ekGi and d~. This unmual formW. from a~ worthy fWS.yea-old laboratory ia guaranteed to aatiafy or dealer will refund ~urchaae price. So ·~~ the pomtive pro-tection of llHchmn And-Pn- ldrant.=uid or cream. '3.00, 80-da).'tu y.Availableatyour favonte ortoileteycounter. WOMEI OfTEll HAYE llADDEI BITATION Common Kldne7 o:r Bladcltt Irrtt. Uom a11ect twkit u many women u ~n often caualna te.MtnMI and ntnOuane. trom frecluent. b\lrnlq, ltcblbl urlnatJon. Secondartb'. you JJ1a)' lOM sleep and baft Hn&ichH. Back.ch" and !eel ol~ de-presaed. In aucb CUM. ~i: ;u ~ Ul\r iallY brlno relaxlnl comlMt by c:urt>-ln1 1ema In add urtiw, and nalftl 9Aln. Get CYSTEX at dn&sll* tocla.J. Let us send )'OU, for the cokm price oE $1, three books that have served as c:omentones in many a 6ne home libruy. The-complete MHks fl -- --~~·---~-·-- This beautiful 1300-pege vol· ume aintains every word Shakespeue ever wioce. All 3 7 oE his plays. All ol hisoomedies, tngedies and historical dramas including Hamlet. Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, etc. Aho all ol his poems and IODDets. The wons of lipliog .Actually eight boob in one. A complete novel and 139 stories, ballads and verses loved the w.orld over . . . including Fuzzy-Wuzzy, Mandalay, Gunga Din, The Phantom Rickshaw and othct5. The wons of De Maupas.wtt 128 matchless tales by the great· est master oE the short story the world bas ever known. Every story complete and u::r;;gated. Includes The Diamond N , A Piece oE String, A Wife's C.Onfessioo. YOU will enjoy reading these books, ju.st as millions before you have. Your friends will admire them, perhaps even envy you for owning them. 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Now all three for $1. absolutely complete, including A Doll's House, Ghosts, Hedda Gabler, Peer Gynt, andothen. Doyle. All die best of Sherlock Holmes -Tf.e Sign of the Four, Red· Headed League, plus many other great works. Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Gra£~Y Windermere'• Fan, The Ballad ol ing Gaol and many more. 9) tales, essays and plays in all . The full 9Cries will also include the works oE c.ellini, Browning, l.onK· fellow, Emerson, Dostoevsky, Byron anJ manyothen. Normally, you would expect to pay a high price (perhaps $5 to $10 each) for deluxe editions oE boob like tbcle. But throucr direct-to-the-public method ol book · 'bution (which we have special- ized in £or 09er 30 years) we are sti1l able to make these volumes available to you Eor only $3.39 e.ch, plus few cerils pc>llagC· Send no money now. Simply mail the coupon at right to get your 6nt three volumes for only $I and to reserve the yrivilege of examining future volumes as they come fmn the press. You will receive advance descrip- tion oE all upcoming volumes. You may reject any books before or aft.er you receive them. And you may cancel your reserva- tion any time you wish. Black's Readers Service Co., Roslyn, Long Island, New York 11576. ;--w~-~-s;~ ~-1 ROSLYN, LONG ISLAND, NiW YORI 11576 ! PlllNTNAMll~--------------------------~ ' I ' I I I I I ' I I I I I I l I ' I ' l ' ' I .,..... l l I an. ST.ATS DP ' -------------------------------------~----------~-~---) l ~ I • COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY WESTMINSTER Full Prlu+ Tu I Lie m.n FCf' OnlY " Mila. On~ tel* Crtdlt. H~. ,,..... air Miter llltl ~. tieck-w, dolM and ccurtny 1191\b, an wlrWI ~ nrloll etrPeb, S*f-*ict...,. •ftd vltcrw, ..,._,... Wllllen and 2 ...-_....,,. + hood ICIOOP. MOW uonc oaa.s ,., **'' ................................. 1i1t1aailt1 lfJM4 C.tdeya OrUW ..._, ...... ,.., ....... , la'• ........ ,.. ........... 1\ia .. 111'1dwpllatf19' ........... ,.... .............. llfcier..-.., ..... am ~·• Y .. .._,_.........., ..... ..., .. .u,.., ........ c--......... .-. ................ , .. ,,..,.,,,,.,,, ONlt O::MI,._ ........ SI.II CO,HIOlff • l .. f . IUNHJ lfOUH ! .... , ...... Full Price+ T •• I Uc. 10:00 fJ Pia 1:000 fea pri· am am rat 1:30~ Mc 2:000 Ce Sci 3:oom gol Lo: tos Sa PUo COi tol mi qu 5:000 Je1 6:050 Ch 6:00IJ at 8:300 Mi 11:00 A~ stl An Sir 2:000 2:3011 an Mi IJ St 3:00 IE Pe 3 :30fJ th1 du Bil 4:0011 hi! Lo pu fin 4:300 at !5:00~ Cc 11 To fl B:OOGI 11:0011 He SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 LO:OO IJ 9 Cl) NFL Today (C) Dallas Cowboys vs. Minn. Vikings in Pfay-off bowl game in Miami. 1:00 O Sports Special (C) "Racing Horse at Saratoga." A doubJe feature about two diffttrent worlds of racing: A visit to the private stables of the million-dollar thoroughbreds at Saratoga, and filmed highlights of the 1967 Pan American Games (track and field events) held in Winnipeg, Canada. Bill Mercer nar- rates the second segment. 1:30 ft Sports Special (C) "The Valiant Challenge." Highlights Of the 1968 final NHL Hockey Stanley Cup series between the Montreal Canadiens and the St. Louis Blues. 2:00 0 @ (ID NBA Basketball (C) The World Champion Boston Celtics vs. San Francisco Warriors at San Francisco. Chris Schenkel and former NBA star Jack Twyman describe the action. 3:00 m Southern California Open Golf (C) The $31,000 four-day golf tournament is held for the fourth year at Buena Park's Los Coyotes Country Club, with defending champion and 1968 ·top money-winner Billy Casper, former PGA king Al Geiberger, San Bernardino standout Dave Stockton and Bob Murphy, the pudgy all-time rookie sensation of pro-golf, among the 350 competitors for the $6,000 first prize. Donald O'Connor is the tournament's official host, with Pat Boone as honorary chair· man and Sandy Camp, an Atlanta, Ga. beauty, as reigning queen. Tom Kelly, Don Lamond call the action. 5:00 O DEBUT Skiing (C) Three-time Olympic Gold·Medal Winner, Jean-Claude Kil~ guests. ___ _ _ ___ _ _ TUES~Y, JANUARY 7 6:05 U Lakers Basketball (C) L.A. Lakers vs. Baltimore Bullets. Chick Hearn calls the action. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 6:00 U Kings Hockey (C) Los Angeles Kings vs. Detroit Redwings at Detroit. Jiggs McDona!d calls the action. 8:30 O Boxing (C) Welterweight bout between Hedgemon Lewis and Miguel Hernandez. Dick Enberg and Mickey Davies are ringside. FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 6:05 O Lakers Basketball (C) Los Angeles vs. Boston Celtics at Bos· ton. Chick Hearn calls the action. 8:00 m College Basketball · (C) USC Trojans vs. Oregon State Beav- ers at Corvallis. Tom Kelly reports. SATURDAY, JANUARY 11 11:00 AM D Q3 @ Senior Bowl Football (C) North and South all· star teams (made up graduating college stars, mostly All· Americans) compete at Ladd Stadium in Mobile, Alabama. Jim Simpson and Elmer Angsman commentate. 2:00 D High School Basketball Game of the Week (C) 2:30 IJ RETURN CBS Golf Classic (C) Leading pros compete in the annual classic for a purse of $225,000. Jack Whitaker and Cary Middlecoff commentate. O @ @ Pacific 8 Conference Basketball (C) UCLA vs. Oregon State at Corvallis. 3:00 ID Basketball (C) University of California at Santa Barbara vs. Pepperdine College at the L.A. Sports Arena. 3:30 0 (f7J@ RETURN Pro Bowlers' Tour (C) From Los Angeles, the first match pits the bowlers who finished fourth and fifth during a week-long qualifying competition. Chris Schenkel and Billy Welu commentate. 4:00 O Los Angeles Open Golf Tournament (C) Billy Casper defends his title at the Rancho Park Municipal Golf Course in West Los Angeles. The 43rd annual tourney has a $100,000-Added purse, with top prize money to the winner at $20,000. The final round is shown tomorrow between 2:00 and 4:30 P.M. 4;30 D Santa Anita Race (C) The $50,000 San Carlos Handicap at seven furlongs for four-year·olds. • 5:00 D @ @ Shell's Wonderful Wor1d of Golf (C) Arnold Palmer, Gay Brewer and Juan "Chi Chi" Rodriquez compete at the El Conquistador Hotel and Club in Lps Croebas, Puerto Rico. O Kings Hockey (C) L.A. Kings )IS. Toronto Maple Leafs at Toronto. ' d @ (})ABC's Wide Worid of Sports (C) 8:00 m Saturday Ntehts Fights (C) Chuck Hall is ringside. 11:00 0 UCLA Basketball (C) The 1968 NCAA Semifinals. UCLA vs. Houston Cougars at the Astrodome in Texas. Ken Curtis: The Man Who Replaced Sinatra ..• Almost It is a little difficult for even the most erudite TV viewer to look at Ken Curtis as Gunsmoke's Festus and realize that this is the very same Ken Curtis who once was called in by the late Tommy Dorsey to replace Frank Sinatra as his featured vocalist. Difficult, perhaps ... but absolutely true. Under that weatherbeaten mul- er's hat and those grayer whiskers sits a very handsome fac.e with a great set of vocal chords to boot!! Go back a few years (yes FEW!) and you will find that Curtis be- gan his career as a singer ... and a darn good one too. So good, that when Sinatra told Dorsey be was 'leaving the band after their New York Paramount engage- ment,_Dorsex ~t for K~n_. ___ _ Ken "It was a little sticky,'' recalls. "Frank was still singing with the band and I was there too. He didn't seem to mind my being there . . . but I was slightly nervous. Before it was all over, though, we became friendly enough. He decided to stay with Tommy . . . and I went over to Shep Fields' orchestra." Ken M Ft11Uf. Curtis was in the Army during World War II, and when be got out, be was "hell bent on being an actor." Starting in motion pic- tures, be eventually wound up in TV and the Gunsmoke family where he has remained for five years. Does he stiJJ sing? "Sure I do," he drawls. "Every summer I play the rodeos and fairs. And this Spring had a new album come out. Course, I don't think Sinatra's exactly worried." Plee 3 Ill YlllB ac1t1111 • iMas ,,. Smit ....... NIW PIUOWCAll IAYll HAtaDOSI 1t•1 ... a.dcl Jwt •• k ""'~ ~ pi.._ .... _ ... .......,,.......,.. ,11s lM EXTRA SIH GREEI STAMPS witll your order! Yo•'H IM *>ubtJ..,,... =toolYM .... M • _ ..... 1111.i ........ ,_ buy CK JOUr ....., le , ... ,...., ........... ·-................ .. ,... ........ , ...................... ...................... ....... ..., ....... ,. ,..,. ..... ,.. Molt ., ... .. ....,. ill,__......, •..• ...we ..... ...., er c.,.t 'nil ..Ulr-«nlllN faWe •dUllJ ........ Ddc llectncltJ (tM .O· w. ... _,.., .... ,, .... ,... ...... ,..r Mir......._ ud alidae Mtlmlly,,.. ...,.. euedJ. k -......... fer tfDll. ·--~ ............ ...... .SW" an". ll1......., d. cme '-• ,.-.w..1AiMIW1•,,..••I Ofl•I H1WA ...... a 1 •• ttn u ... ..., ..... IAll -CADS Ale Pm-make aa ~ .,...,_,, ,._..._. pua ... Jllilcit -w.th-1 ~· ..~ ..... --.... ., tt'wc:au. ~-,,.._ ....... ..... ..... -... (Nit~ .... ...... .. tMIAef .... 'leke ......... .... ....... s,=-........... , ......... , ........ . , ... -.. ~:::=-.a•• •W'...,. .... ,...: .......... .., ...... --·· i_,... ..... s.. ~= :it:.1·~.~::::::1: 01 ............................ 1 ... 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON WELS $1.00 .. ..., ••• Moy be used on envelopes os return address 1obels. Also very hondy es identification lobels for marking personal items such as books, records, photos, etc. Labels sticlc on glass ond may be used fo r marking home conned food items. All labels ere printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed poper ond packed in reusable magic seal top contlliner. Mn. cmmn. &town 969 Pott RCM1d Cott• Mese, C.lif. 92626 r---------- I I I R"'" this coupon, cllp end mall wit+. $ 1.00 to: Pilot hintng, label Div., lox 1175, Newport IHch, Cellf. 9266l I -········-·······························--·----------· I .............. ·--·-······-·····--·------------------····· I . I ····································---------------····· I le sure to use your Zip Code I ' I I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ...._ ___ , L __________ __._ ·FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE RD SET OF PACKAGE MAILING LABELS. Te ............. _ ..... COMM> MITR IOX 'N a.AMP at.In weed ,,.., * perfect •hen nWJ amel IC..,. .-ia • elMdal cli.uM1 for pndaa, ....... C1lll. Adj ..... _, ...... n.e. . ... ..... .,..., ..... ...a llf"9 •• c.. ... , 0... • ...W -t la Pee wWla.,.. al-. ..... tcreW, er asil. .... fer lrt.. KS-. f.-, _. ... ., • s• wWe. PrecW..· ............. _._ .n.,. Cu be, ... ._..,o,..,~ . 0 ............ c. .... a-.. $1.19 OMI WtPI NIYINU '°91 Fe1 Miu dMn ,.., wiacllhield widMHll ~• wlp- iac ..... _,. ......,. driwiq •,.. try te aaiatal=· •WWllr,. Wipe j ... -willl tW1 · ' l,..._. Min .. ..... Md ..... •p.0..-~ ..... ,_ .. ,... H.ui'1-t11,. llY'tl' ~;; fer ........ &..., -....... .._. ... -_. ..... , .. ~.........,dt.uaileef .............. O ttll he Mitt .............. 11 ,,.....,tt.n -' fii!l Maries ol tile Week J SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 9:00 fJ @CV ''Th•t Kind of Wom•n." The 1959 romantic drama starring Sophia Loren and Tab Hunter was produced by Carlo Ponti and Marcello Girosi. Sidney Lumet directed from a screen· • play by Watter Berstein. The film, shot entirely in New Yor1t, also features George Sanders, Jack Warden and Barbara Nichols. Kay, an expensive and glamorous woman whose "protector," a millionaire. gives her everything a woman could want--ex· cept love and marriage, meets a naive young man from Ver· mont, and the meeting precipitates an emotional crisis that changes all their lives. MONDAY, JANUARY 6 9:00 O ~ 00 "Jumping J•cks." The 1952 Paramount comedy pro· duced by Hal Wallis and directed by Norman Taurog stars Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Supporting players are Mona Freeman, Robert Strauss, Dick Erdman and Ray Teal. Paratrooper Chick Allen calls on his old vaudeville partner, Hap Smith, to rescue the camp shows. The soldiers, afraid of what the commanding OffR!e'r""h'llgflT'"tfO lf"?1l! ... lt~~ovets·1-fap 1s not a Gt,-keep htnr under lock and key. and the enforced enlistee turns the Anny upside-down. \ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8 9:00 fJ (j1) CV "Compulsion." The 1950 drama stars Orson Welles, E. G. Marshall, Dean Stockwell, Bradford Dillman and Diane Varsi in the story of a sensational murder trial, based on the Loeb·Leopold murder of a boy for thrills, in which a humane courtroom lawyer makes a powerful plea for understanding. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 9:00 11 Qt)' Cl) "Kisses for My President." Fred MacMurray, Polly Bergen, Arlene Dahl, Edward Andrews, and Eli Wallach star In the 1964 comedy. When Mrs. Thad McCloud is elected the first woman President of the United States, her husband re· luctantly takes on the role of prince consort and becomes involved in a series of sticky situations with hilarious results. FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 9:00 II a (j) (C) "Where the Boys Are ... The movie has been re· scheduled so many times, we doubt that it really will be shown tonight, but if it is, it will star Connie Francis, Delores Hart, George Hamilton, Yvette Mimieux, Jim Hutton, Barbara Nichols and Paula Prentiss in t he story of four gir1s and their experi· ences In their search for the men of their dreams. SATURDAY, JANUARY 11 9:00 O @ 00 "Blrdm•n of Alcatraz." Burt Lancaster, Karl Malden, Thelma Ritter and Neville Brand star in the 1962 drama about Robert Stroud, a life·sentence convict who made something of himself. While spending his life in prison, Stroud became a self·taught and prominent authority on birds and bird diseases. 11:15 II (C) "Rio Br•vo." John Wayne, Dean Martin, Rick Nels0n, Angle Dickinson and Walter Brennan star in the 1959 western about an Incorruptible sheriff who fought to maintain law and order In spite of influential and corrupt persons in his town. • ':tOI P.11 ton, tu re ~~I Mill 7~1 I: "We mwc * ~ Rill ers of Hen and Rib chh 7~1 "Lo 8 s in II em Blc u (C) Bro Brit fJ (dr Ra1 IE Git ful Jay mo ,,..,i • UH 99 ·~ bul rli a Fat ~~I M1 p$! Ca de Gu f; M1 I SATURDAY rVfNING 1st when he joins youna trumpet pl1yer D1vld Joy In some DlxJt11nd music. II) IUI Alldlrton Sltow (C) (30) Ill Al..,U. Adam 9:00 tJ I Cl) Hopn'1 Htroa (C) (30) a @m NIC s.turct.J Mov-•:001• lie N ... (C) (60) le: ( UfdMr CooW' (comedy) . ID CJ) m Huntl.,.lrinkley (C) '64-Cary Grant, Leslie Caron, Tr• . loll ~ltJ (C) (60) vor Howard. Cmd Olt Opry (C) (30) Biiiy I stoneman flmllJ Show (C) (30) alker, Coonle Smith, David Ho~· NET Fativil (60) (R) Nodlts T1patiu ton, and Billy Ed Wheeler 1re fee· 9:30 ~ ~ ITI Pettkelt Junction (C) tu red. uu I The lnndn (C) (60) ( 0) hen it appears that Steve Is lntemitlonil Miaazine (60) (R) beglnninr to take his wife for 6:30 News (C) (30) Peter Bums aranted, Bobbie Jo tries tD make him be more demonstrative Jn his MelodJ Ranch (C) (60) Jody IOYe for her sister. Eva Gabor ruest. Miller guests. 0 (i7J (1) &) Holl,woocl Palaa I Suspense Theah (C) (60) (Cl) {60) Bing Crosby end Bob Hope I Lowe Lucy (30) 1 Entertainment Specials •re the winners in the f rst annual Sim Famr (C) election of the Show Business Hall of Fame at the Hollywood Palace. 7:00 9 CI> CBS Evenlna News (C) Presentation of the awards Is made ( ) Roaer Mudd. ·st Eari Wll I KNBC Sul'Vtf (C) (30) toniaht by columni son. Dtatb Val•-Dip (C) (30) The program also celebrates Its .. , sixth anniversary with auem Judy Jlroflles In Coirr11• (C) (60) Carne, Stu Gilliam, Bobble Gentrv, "Woodrow Wilson." •1 Tiny Tim and the Dovtkyo Troupe, ID WONDERS Of THE WORLD a Russiln acrobatic team. * NEW TIME! I""" (C) (30) m Wonchrs of tM World (C) (30) ErMSt Tubb .. (C) (30) ''The Delights of Denmark." Hal, La Tonnenta • RilT8ilfo'DaViif-UrmrtaU"-VTR· o:GO ~ 00 M111ntx (C) -~ Man· ers into the romantic countryside nix aoes to the aid of a k1dnaped of Denmark to visit the home of po!iceman and finds himself cor· Hans Christian Andersen at Odense nered In a booby-trap where one and to explore charming towns like felse move could bring instant de· Ribe with Its stork nests In the struction. chimneys. B Chamber of Opens (C) (60) I P111ln1 the Guitar (30) (R) History of the Los Angeles Open Exltontetro Golf Touma ment. 7:30 ~ w .. ~ Gleason (C) (60) fJ Movie: "HHYll\S Above" (com· ~a;, Adam-12 (C) (30) edy) '63-Robert Mitchum, Robert "lot· 1. Malloy and Reed answer Wagner, Richard Egan, Mal Britt. a silent buralar alarm and wind up m Nm (C) (30) in a shoot·out with three suspects. Cars Coml (C) (30) 8 Movie: "Tiit Plalns1Hn" (west· Critique (C) (60) A filmed visit em) '36 -Gery Cooper Charles to "The Machine as Seen at the Bickford, Jean Arthur. ' End of the Mechanical A&e." fJ (t1J (]) t!) The D1tin1 Game fl) Box de Mexico (C) (JO) Jim Lange hosts. Robert 10:30 I RoseJ Grier (C) (30) Brown, star of Here Come the Jot Pyne (C) (2 hr) Brides auests. Country·Westem Show (C) (30) D Miiiion $ Movie: "Moon~lltr" • HollJWOOd and the stars (drama) '57-George Baker, Gary 11:00 I fJ m ""' (C) Raymond. .. Ua.A latttball (C) The Green ID World of WotDtn (C) (30) A ave of Tulane University of New Gift From Java." Exotic and .beeuti· Orleans, Louisiana meets the UCLA ful Therry Keas~erry, natrve of Bruins at Pauley Pavilion. Java a~d . profe~onal dancer and ID Movie: "GulltJ BptanW' (mys. model, ~u1des v1ewlfS on a tour of tlfY) 'SQ-..Zachary Scott. Faye Em· Indonesia. erson. I The World Wt live In (C) (30) 11.15 ~ flbulous 52 Movie· "Operation Estalar11 Mldero • ~ . " • · 8:00 @ (i) m Get Smart (C) (30) Mad B11I . (comedy) 57-Jack Lem· • "HOOfay Tor Hollywood." Smart and mon, Ernie Kovacs, Mickey Rooney. 99 pose as actors for a spying Im ~ (C) ) assignment. but their theatrical de-, Movie. 'Cape Feat" (su~pense but Is nearly ruined by KAOS. -Gregory Peck., Robert Mitchum, 0 @ CI) aJ The NewlJwtd Game Polly Bergen. Lori Martin. ~ (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. 11:30 fl) Teebo Familiar m SlturdlJ Nlalrt Fipts (C) (2 hr) 11:45 0 m Tonlafrt Show (C) ID Amslnn ~~. (C) (30) "Four 12:00 fJ tolort>rltion: (C) "The Hunters," Faces of Yosemite. (R) "I CM.d 8 Thousand Times," "Our I Bl.a Jo1mal (C) (60) (R) A&ent Tlaer." and "Wind Across the Nuw1 Cit1 Mllliul Everglades." 8:30 9 Ci) ~ Thr" Soll1 (C) <30) 12"30 0 Movie· "HooclhUI Empire" (mys. @ @ m The Ghost and Mrs. • ) '51 • Bri Donl Cl I Muir (C) (30) "Dear Delusion." A ~~~or -an WJ, a re psychiatrist convinces Carolyn that m 1i Sunset Strip Captain Gre~ths thoodost idocs mtoreral~ . .! ft:'\ Cln-• Sa.......... "Meet Mr delusion until e g V1s1i.. ..u "'".. -·-1· · Gull Cottaae. Dan Tobin guests. Callaahan. 0 (i7) Cl) m Lawrence Welk (C) 1:00 f) Movie: "Bad for Eldl Other" (&O)Ttd M.ck and David JtrJ iuest. (dram•) ·~arfton Hulon, Liz· Mick reveals his tllents as darinet· •beth Scott. 'Solomon, The Sea Turtle' ln the ~dition of the much-honored true-life nature series, Walt Disney's Wonde;ful World of Color presents a semi-documeOta.ry blend of live-aclion and natural photography in "Solomo)i, the Sea Turtle," on NBC, Sunday at 7 :30 PM. ~ __. " Of the many turtle species which roam the world's oceam, the · most important is the green sea turtle. Besides being of com- mercial value for its shell and as a source of food, it is used in marine research because the sea turtle perfonns the most complex navigational maneuver known in the animal world. It bas the ability to return from anywhere in the world to its birthplace, sometimes over 1500 miles of open sea, without the aid of land- marks. \ The mystery of how the turtle is able to home in on the eighth of a mile stretch of beach where he was born after many years of wandering the sea is one of the great mysteries of animal behavior. This mystery furnishes the basis of the action in the Disney show. A naturalist, Dr. Hamilton (Henry del Guidice) and his nephew. Mark (Steve Weinstock) track. a turtle, Solomon, by means of a small transmitter attached to its shell, from the Virgin Islands to ' the Caribbean, to determine if he indeed navigates without landmarks. Along the way, the success of the experiment is threatened by a tropical storm, a tiger shark and turtle poachers. (Top ltfl) A Costa Rican diver luui1s on to Solomon, tht sta turtk, and Mads him toward th• camera. (Top rl1hl) Ht I.I jolMd by GllOther divtr and tht two of thtm JO throuP, tht motions of naJlachin1 tit. truddnr litw to rlt. turtlt. ..JBottom It/I) Yount Stevt Wtirutock and Hart1 d•l Gu/die• ulu IM 1,;;11F7i"""'n4iiilemptio II'Ol1ies aine-1111ifj11ilU71fTllMrn10'iml 11mrt.--- (Bottom ritht) Somthow, Solomon didn't 11t hi.I cutJ rltht and 1tarttd to swim otJ dra11tn1 thtm both away from tht camtra. Aft•r s•vtral trlal-and~rror atttmptJ, th• sctne wat complettd, looklnt as 1pontan11ous and fruit "" If thty hadn't lnstructtd th• turtk at all. CBS Television Network 8Ur Jonathan Winters this week In Hollywood will cut the second side of his new, soon-to-be releued comedy album for Columbia Records. The album•• first side w• ,.ecwded recently before an audience at San Frandsco•s hungry I, where Wlnten performed ad Ub for four boon for the platter. A beaodful oiJ palntinc of Bob Hope, done on commltslon for Southern Methodist University, was sent to the NBC-TV star In gratitude for Im kindness to the scbooL Wife Dolores wu .0 Impressed at the Rembrandt-style painting, she lnsllted It w• not to join the stack& of memorabUJa Bob bas In storage, and bad it bung In the library of their Toluca Lake home. Hope hhmeH w• appalled-be doesn't go for oO pot1ralts of hlm•lf, enn wbeA they make him look like a Supreme Court justice. lnevennt Robert, ID fact, refen to the pbotopapb of bbmdf which NBC leDdl to TV ecllton • "my Chae-Manhattan picture." ,... 5 ICI llUe MADI YOUI WALD INI I N• tU,.. .. MM., .. ,...,_ , .. wt-,_ ........... IJ.INt ..--. ... 9't'r icy frM& ..,. U4 •trHoe •alli••J· Raa ..... rbWe ............ ...,. ..... .. k• ..... nr..u .......,,,, _. .... --.,.. ..,..., ,, ... ,.,... .. ..., , .•. ............. ,.,, ......... s...~ .,.., .................... .,. ... -~ .. -lef e.e ...... .... ,...~ 01041 ................. $1. .. u ..... ., ... I I I I• I I I I l I . Paulsen's Political Farewell Pat Paulsen, m what might be termed his "fare- well" performance on the show, bids adieu to the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour Sunday, 9 PM, CBS. The deadpan comic. whose Presidential Campaign as the standard-bearer of the Straight Talking American Government (Sf AG) Party shook up the politicians and gave TV audiences a goodly number of laughs, is in the process of determining which direction his civic responsi- bilities will lead him next. In the meantime, after his- .. farcwell" appearance with the Smothers Brothers.. he will start work on the ""Glen Campbell Good Time Hour ... January 7. also on CBS. For Paulsen aficionados, it will be good news that Pat bas been signed to star in eight of the Glen Campbell shows. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEJ(, JANUARY 4, 1969 SUNDAY nator of the National Catholic Of· fice for Radio and Television, nar- rates the January series. "'NUARY 5 11 :00 Movie Four , J" Homebuyers' Gulde (C) I @ 00 (!J 10n1 Ilona (C) MORNING @ (}) (!J Bullwinkle (C) Movie: "A Letter to Tllree Wlwes" (drama) '49-Jeanne Crain, All stations reserve the Linda Darnell, Ann Sothem. right to change program-I Churcll in the. Ho11e (C) ming without advance no-(6) First Baptist Church . Future tice. 11:10 • Colorbration (C) "Tiie Kentud· 6:151 The Cllristophers Ian" (adventure) '55-Burt Lancas· 6:30 Tiie Bible Answers ter, Walter Matthau. 5:40 • Colorbration (C) "Powder River" 11:30 0@ C1) (!J Discovery (C) "The (adventure) '53 -Rory Calhoun, BackyardOdyssey." A two·part study Cameron Mitchell. uploring the wondrous miniature 6:50 Give Us This Day/News (C) world of insect and animal life 7:00 To• aad Jerry (C) that can be found in the confines Slnclay Funnies (C) of the average backyard. 7:JO Allu•M (C) m Sunday Matinee Mof90fl Tabemade Cboir (C) 7:45 11le ClwisloP'ws a:oo ~ oo 1 sHcac 1 Sistln 1n tit• W..W (C) The departure by some 12:00 IJ IUpDnpr Report (C)/P11sln1 Catholic nuns from tr1ditional struc· Pim ture. nWuion and life style is ex-fJ M9rie: "Son of Ute Reneelde" plored. Joseph Senti nal'Tlltes. (adventure) '53 -John Carpenter. l.5Tlle Qristlltlllen (C) lntelli&ent Parent CltMdral If y...,.. (C) ~ Anldlair Adventure (C) Celeftntioft ('C) °'lad If tM 6 Feature (adventure) '55 -Jack .. _. $11 Clsa Ha.tins. Joan Collins. Armed FOIUS Hi&hlifhts (C) I w.dtn• (C) 12:30 liet11 Autry Alletl Rfttnl Ho• (C) 1V Wonllip of ttle West (C) ~ Y'ldeo Diced (C) lnsipt (C) Cod Is tM Aaswt-('C) m Meet the Press (C) .tau Sein los Hijes Movie: "Deadline U.S.A." (dra- l:lO Sbltil9t-t.SbtiH (C) "The ma) '52 -Humphrey Bogart, Ethel Youn& 'uns." A study of Appalachia. Banymore. I ._. Witll I Cnse (C) fJ @ @ (!J Directions (C) llllllJ9 bllaa. (C} 0 Sports Sped1I (C) "Racing fl) llillistmill AliallCll Horse at Saratoga." A double fea- &e.A. DID CC> ture about two different wortds of Tlle Aaswt-(t) racing: thoroughbreds and track 9:m c-a nr.. (t) ind field events . AFTERNOON .., F...nta s.... (t) I Co•bat Dl7 el Disc:wey (C) hvivll Fires (C) Q1l1ap 1:30 ~{!)Sports Speci1I (C) "The c..trJ llaic (C) V1liant Challenge." Highlights of the ~A. A.~ . 1962 final NHL Hockey Stanley Cup I 1e1iew • llindes (C) series between the Montreal Cl· T .. * Jerry (C) n1diens and the St. Louis Blues. n•111n CC> o ~ @m Soutt1em a1pt11t ... fest 11t * .._ Hoer (C) "Ecce Homo." ("Behold F-~ (C) This Man") A program on the his· t-.JOIS...,_ h6ll (C) tory of man as revealed in arti· ,..... (C) facts from the British Museum and lllllie: "'9&d ...,.-(d&ssic) luding arthaeological si1es. Norman • OM Freeman. Richard Dea· Rose is principal narrator. nine. O Willil• F. Bactley Sllow (C) U@(l) EE 1lle 1e111a (C) "The American Challenge." Guest Is Q) lllllia: •Air Slrilll" (.tveahut) French publishing tycoon and au- ·~rd Deuiq. Gloria Jun.. thor, J. J. Servan·Schreiber. a (i) ....-= (C) fJ@ @ (!J Imes and AnSWWI m nils b ttie ur. <t> ~a c.. .. -. (C) ..... .,..... Iv.a of Cawalry (C) (westem) '57 -La Bat\er. Joan l:OO FKt tile Nation (C) llytor. @@ (!J NBA Basketball (C} ll:OO 8 Qi (j) .i. r-., (C) TM ,,. Boston at San FranciSC11. ner-up °' n.e Easten ~ 1..,.. Dtrtly (C) 1aeets the rvlntMrp ol ttie Westin (j) Ton Hiii Meetin1 Coldelwe in the Nfl P\ay-Glf U. All~ et1 el fanp 8Gllt ie Miami ~I Cleru and th News (C) 8 lllis b .. Ult (C) • Alriatt.re USA (C) i Cl) EE u.s .. 111 • 11,..-• lliltiM $ Movie: '1\t ~ Out· • ,.,... (western) '51-Ronald Rea11n, 16 F• .. T..., CC> Rhondl Aemin1. .._...... ~@ l>Mblt Femn: "Ta!'let Un· hllln known .. ind "Dlte at Midniaht.' la:JIBtil@ ll)C ., f I CC> for. 8'FNtwts -.1J ..._ as n. Catbolic Hour, l:GD 81...,/0utsider (C) Mexican· U. pnienm feltwa n illttniN American employment problems •rt will ta. llosa Rew • .W. F. Deardea. discu:s:sed. Afdlbistllf .. OltJoit. n.e Aft. fl-1 R '""' and r.aice (C) t11w 0..1111 F. l. Ceuolly, Cooni· Tilts of Ult liokltn West (C) NEXT SUNDAY I BONUS I STARTING AT 6 PM ... 90 MINUTES OF NON-STOP ACTION RAT PATROL moJesto a new time slot: 6 PM to be followed by a Special, S11day se111eat of your Monday-Friday favorite, I SPY ••. You've been told ... now don't blow it! COLOR! llLl-11 <C~ '( 4, 1969 DL by , ite, !D 1't m SouUltrn Cllifonlla Open· ''" (~ The 76th annual tournament la played for the fourth year at Los Coyotes Country Club In Buena P111t. with $6,000 going to the first place winner. I Honlf West (j) f•tures U.s. Navy flint 3:30 Btlitf (C) Theodore Sebern, Music Director of Columbia Pictures Association. guests. 0 Pat Brown ON CAMPUS * at WHITTIER COLLEGE • On Clmpu1 (C) Colt .45 : R&D Rtvitw (R) • lite Dallotas 4:00 Viewpoint (C) • lnte111ational Zone (C) Press Conference (C) Have Gun, Will Travel 1 (3) Video Digest (C) • Ventana Sohre los Hijos Armed forces Highligtrts (C) 4:30 Newsmallm (C) Hip and Wild (C) II Mondo (C) Newt (C) Bronco. : Misterogers' Nei&ftborhood 00 WresUing I Muaica J Palabras Mckeever and-the Coloatl S:OO News (C) Clete Roberts. Speall Up (C) Bill Leyden hosts. 0 CHEVROLET PRESENTS * JEAN-CLAUDE KILLY Skiing Killy Style in NEW ZEALAND 1J DEBUT The Killy Way (C) Jean· Cli:ude Killy hosts a program on skiing. 0 Movie: "Mr. !Je'vedere Rings thel Bell" (drama) '51 -Clifton Webb, Joanne Dru. m County Carousel (C) I Love Lucy (1) Seven Arts Theatre: "Bab· ette Goes to War." 0 @@ m RETURN Wiid llq- do111 (C) (30) "Hippol" Martin Per· kins hosts 1 pro1ram detailing Kruger National Park's (South Afrl· ca) project to relocate its hippo· potamus population to an area ufe from poachers: D Four Winds to Adventure (C) (30) 11 Spy (C) (60) Hazel (C) (30) M1rquee 22 7:00 89 (j) Lault (C) (30) Hide· and-seek turns into a deadly iame and nea~ costs Lassie her life. 0 ta) ~ m Hudl Flan (C) (30) 'The Mission of Captain Mordecai." The youngsters are lost at sea when they find and board a whalln1 ship that is pursuing a &iant whale. 0 RICHFIELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES KINGS vs. OAKLAND SEALS 1J Kings Hoclley (C) (21/z hr) L.A. Kings vs. Oakland Seals. Jiggs Mc· Donald calls the action. 0 (fl) CV (E Land of the Giants (C) (60) "The Lost Ones." Four Earthling delinquents, castaways on the giant planet, capture Steve and the others. '° Truth or C~nsequenca (C) (30) P1Ss9ort to Travel (C) (30) 1 o¥eTy T and of Chile." Hal Saw· yer visits the "Swillerland of South America." EI> Specul1tion (60) (R) @II Domineos Herdez 7:30 fJ ®) 00 GenUe Ben (C) (30) Wedloe's boss sends his son into the Ever&lades to learn about bein1 a wildlife officer Michael Bums guests. I 00 Meet the Press (C) , Music Power Special (R) 00 feature Toros Rat Patrol Run for Your Lite (C) 0 ~ @ a;, Walt Disney (C) (60) "Solomon, the Sea Turtle." A zoolo· gist tracks a giant sea turtle across 1,500 miles of open sea to test the turtle's navigational ability. Henry Del Guidice plays Or. Hamilton. Steve Weinstock, Or. Archie Carr, and Arthur Holgate are featured. O Million $ Movie: (C) "Tlar1 Ta- hiti" (drama) '63 -James Mason, John Mills, Claude Dauphin. m Merv Griffin (C) (90) m The Challenging Sta (C) (30) "Pacific Memories." 5:30fJ~(i)!s'IC1Al! Meet the New Senators (C) An introduction to the men newly elected to the United States Senate. 0 ~ @ m franll McGee (C) 0 Polka Parade (C) Julie Hand, Watter Ekard, Phil Gray, Ole Sven· son, The Singalongers perform. 0 PREMIERE Skippy, the Bush Klnearoo (C) "The Surf King." A new family show. filmed in Austra· lia, revolving around the exploits and adventures of a young boy, his family and his pets. m McHale's NIYJ EVENING &:oo o fa oo m G.E. eo11ea• l(C) {30) Bowl 6:30 Rat Patrol (C) (30) Pay Cards (C) (30) The lnv1ders (C) (60) Gospel of Christ Man from UNCLE (C) 0 PREMIERE! * Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom-"Hippo" EE The Big l"icturt 8:00 fJ ~ 00 Ed Sullivan (C} (60) Diana Ross and The Supremes. Johnny Mathis, Henry Mancini iuest. fJ FORD MOTOR COMPANY * presents THE FBI fJ @ rn m Th• FBI (C) (60) "Eye of the storm." Erskine and Colby search for the kidnaper of the infant daughter of crusadin& publisher John Sheppard. Moses Gunn is special guest. Also iuest· ing are Billy Dee Williams, Denise Nicholas and Don Dubbins. m Wandtr1uat (C) (30) "European Honeymoon: $5.00 a Day." Bill Bur· rud visits Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna, Rome and London. m The fisher family EI1.) PBL (C) (90) @II Cuatro Eves Para un A.dim 8:30 0 @@ m Mothen-ln·law (C) (30) "Make Room for Baby." Eve and Kaye's plan to have a room added to Jerry and Suzie's apart· ment backfires. m Slli Show (C) (30) EE World Tomorrow (C) • . TV SERVICE DAYS-NIGHTS-SUNDAY ~CALL 646-7500 = INCIALIZlHG IN COl.01 'fV ~ YIAJtl GOA&.ITY SllMCI BAY CENTER TY C,_..,fy .... I Dua I 2052 NEWPORT ILVD._ COSTA MESA • • • The initial special in Wolper Productions' "Adventures in Un- conquered Worlds," series of hour-long reality-adventure programs s1arring and hosted by William Holden, will be telecast March 26 on CBS under the sponsorship of Westinghouse .Electric Corp., according to Bud Rifkin, president of the Metromedia comp&.I\Y. The program, which marks Holden's TY debut, was filmed en- tirely on location in the remote wilderness surrounding' Lake Ru- dolph in the-African Republic of Kenya. Executive producer of the series is Alan Landsburg. Pr~ucer­ director is David-Seltzer. • • • Approximately 80 percent of all the speaking roles on Hawaii Five--0, hour-long adventure series starring Jack Lord on CBS, are cast in the island state itself. Ted Thorpe, casting director for the Thursday-night series, has interviewed and/ or auditioned nearly two thousand local residents for possible speaking roles. A number of Honolulu's professional entertainers play guest roles on the series. 9:00 8 Cit (j) Smotllen Brothers (C} 1lobe-straddlln& corporations. In the (60) Nanette Febray, Pat Paulsen first episode, "Corey Doesn't live and Steppenwolf guest. Here Anymore." Mark Richman and 0 ID (6) m Bonanza (C) (60) Brooke Bundy are guests. "Sweet Annie Laurie." Hoss takes 0 m Ntw1 (t) (30) a frightened young wife (Joan Van 0 MOvle: (C) "Tht fabuloul lartft Ark) to the Ponderosa to protect Munchausen" (drama) '62 -Miios her from her estranged outlaw hus· Kopecky, Jana Brajova. band (James Olson). m NEW LABOR SHOW AIRS 0 @ (I) m AIC Sunday Movie: * FACTS, CONTROVERSY ''That Kind of Woman" (romance) m Public Service (C) (30) The Re- '59 -Sophia Loren, Tab Hunter, tail Clerb Union talks. Georie Sanders, Jack Warden. Bar· EI> David Suulllnd (C) (2 hr) Two hara Nichols, Keenan Wynn. Kay Is segments are: "My Son and His an expensive and alamorous woman Friends" end "Actors Talk About whose "protector," a million.ire, Actln&." gives her everything a woman could , ClrrouMf Meliane want-except love and marriaae. 10:30 success Story (C) (30) m Profiles In Cour11e (C) (60) lnsf Pt (C) (30) "John Quincy Adams." 100 Mualcal Memories (C) m Faith tor Today (C) (30) 10:50 @~ aJ News (C) EE Peter Gunn 11:00 0 · (j) a;, News (C) 9:30 0 One Step Beyond (30) Cit al of Tomorrow (C) O New1 (C) (30) Larry Burrell. Theatre Elenn (C) "The Ml· m World of Youth (C) kado." Ei) Sunday Looll/Manlon forum tBJ (i) Public Service/News m feature (30) "USA-The NOYel " 11:05 0 Movie: (C) "Two Wttb Wltll A · · · · · · Love" (romance) '50-Jane Powell, n interview with Vladimir Nabokov. Debbie Reynolds, Ricardo Montalban. @II La Tormenta 11:15 m flmous Sdtools (C) 10:00 fJ ®Ci) Mission: Impossible (C) 11:30 8 Movie: "The Last Humb" (dre· (60) Cinnamon is captured and the ma) '58 -Spencer Tracy Basil enemy discovers the one thing that Rathbone. ' would unmask her Identity and ex· O Movie four pose the IMF. G) Movie: "Hella1ta" (mystery) '53 0 @ @ m PREMIERE My friend -Sterling Hayden, Joan Leslie. Tony (C) (60) A new mystery-com· I (6) lnslpt (C) edy series starrina James Whitmore 11:45 · Fiiturt/Wortd of Youtlt (C} as scientific crime combatant John 1:00 Movie: (C) ''Tht Paraon and tlM Woodruff and Enzo Cerusico as his Outln" (western) '57 -Anthony legman. Tony. The two serve as Dexter, Sonny Tufts. consultants to local police depart· m Cinema Sunday: "Please, Mr. ments. loreiin governments and Balzac." Pac• 7 11acaw ••••• i... • ...,_ .................... ,...... ..... ...,.,~ .............. . ... Sean ........... ,... ., ,...uy ,.... .... ,s.....1a.w..,.w--. ........ fdl•' ....... .... ---.w.. ................. ,.., ., ......--......... ,.. ...... ,... ...... .......,~ .. . a 111 •• .... ., 11 ••••• "·" a.Yo.CAT ... ~ ... ....,..._ ........... , ........ -...... c ., • 9 , .... ,... ..... ... =: ...... -· Lt.,.._ ..... ._ ,.__,_.._..,_,c,ww ............................ -~ .................. ,lit .. ................ _. .......... .... ..... Mot ................ , 0 9114(' d ,, ............... .. cat.c1••• ......... .., l.ONet ...... ., ......... ,...-..... ..... ..... .,,... ...... , o-w .. 1'4iM'1M ............. ~MI ., .......... = ............. ....,. ....., .... _ .. __ ... ...,_ .. , ................. ...,.Or ................................ -U.10 ..... ... 8111-a.-c1a ..... w ...... .,. m ........ c."~·····,.. ......... RING IN THE NEW-Bob Clayton (right) will replace Hugh Downs as host of NBC's Concentration, network television's longest-running daytime game show, beginning Monday (10:30 AM). Clayton has bun the show's regular announcer ftJr the past five years, as well as substitute host during Down's vaca- tions. Downs has been the host of Concentration since its premiere in August, 1958. DANIE.L BOONE'S DIARY After check In at bis hotel while on an out-of-town personal appearance engagement, Feu Parker picks up the telephone to Mk where the nearest chlldren's hospital ~ orphanage is located. The star of 20th Century-Fox Television's Daniel Boone series doesn't do this for publicity. He just wants to be with kids ••• especially needy and lonely ones. And Parlett doesn't travel to these places accompanied by a news photographer. Rather, he politely disappears after his work ls done, to visit with the chUdren. I EVIDENCE ON JUDD FOR THE DEFENSE Carl Betz, who stars in the title role of 20th Century-Fox Tele. vision's critically acclajmed courtroom drama, Judd for the De- fense, is building a reputadon for hitting a homerun every time at bat. The actor's first Broadway role, with Walter Abel In "The Long Watch,'' so impressed Hollywood talent scouts that Betz was signed to h1s first screen contract by 20th-Fox. His first co-staning role in a television series, ''The Donna Reed Show," was an immediate succes.§ and he played the lovely Donna's husband, Dr. Alex Stone, for eight years. Now top-lining a television series for the first time, Carl Betz bas run true to form. His dramadc portrayal of the flamboyant and unorthodox lawyer, Clinton Judd, in the ABC-TV, Friday night show is almost certain to receive an Emmy nomination to underline Carl's succ~ in the series. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEX, JANUARY 4, 1969 Q)Robin Hood 11:001 u Lon of Lift (C) ' 6 m JeopardJ (C) 6:10 1J Cin Us 1'11 Day /N ... (C) S . .loh1t (C) 6:30 • S.Mist s....mr (C) Enelish Ro11per Roo• (C) Literature Is the subject for M011· 11:25 IJ 9 (j) CBS lftm (C) day, Wednesd1y and Friday. "The· 11:30 I a Cil Stardl for Tomorrow (C) ism, Atheism and Humanism" Is • @ 00 m EJt Cutu (C) Biii the course for Tuesday and Thurs-ullen hosts. • ia . Q) Favorite Story (C) Education Excflan1• (C) 11 :45 O Ntws (C) Ttadttr ln·StrYiu Educational Features 11:55 0 @ 00 m NBC News (C) Ttdlnlcal Corner M 0 RN IN c; 1:00 I Odptey ~> • 9 Ci) m Tht TodaJ Show (C) Hugh Downs hosts. 12:00 IJ ~ut (C) I Morwlnts It 7 (C) 0 @ 00 m Hidd• Facts (C) Mr. Wishbone (C) Conrad Fowkes and Gretchen Wal-Fttix Ult Cat (C) ther star. C..lllOdltJ Report D Cartoons (C); Cookln1 Witts Cor· 1:15 El) Stoct Maritt rli, ~ Wednesday. -7:301 C8S News (~) Jouph Benti. --8 Tempo~ •:e;m1111~~1;:•11 an; Bob -• llomin1 Mtclitation The Flintstones (C) Doman host. Advtntllres of Gua1bf (C) W ~ :::; J~ith 1:00 I~ (f) Capt.tin Kan1aroo (C) 12·3011 fE As tllt Wortd Tums (C) • 811 libJSftttf . -. Wlnc:hell-Maboney Show (C) · 6 ~ Dap of Our Llvt1 Rodtt Robin Hood (C) BC Macdonald Carey stars. Stin~ (C) 1:25 0 Co•111unitJ Bull.tin Board @ ~ a) FunnJ You Slloald l:30 I Cartllons (C) As11 (C) Lloyd Thaxton hosts. Movie: See Daytime Movies. m Movie: See Daytime Movies. Advtnturts of Qumby (C) m Dialine for Dollars (C) 1:45@ (})Video Dl1tst (C) 12:55 0 @ (3) a) Clllldren's Doctor 9:00 ! Cf) The Lucy Show (C) (C) TueSday·Thursday. Lendon H. 00 Snap Judlft'ltnt (C) Smith, M.D. ovlt: See Daytime Movies. l:OO -lllMil '"" lo 1 M s , .... • Tht Rul McCop · ~ 1BJ 1.2.1 ve s a altJ P .... Jadl La Lann• Exerdses (C) dored Thine (C) R!CkJ and His Friends (C) 0 @ 00 m Tht Doctors (C) CI) Webster Webfoot (C) O Leave It to Staver Ci) Ann Qutdler Show, Friday 0 @ CI) a) Drum HoUM (C) only. Mike Darow hosts. 9:25 0@ CI) m NBC Ntn (C) 1:301J 9 (j) Tht Quidlnf Uatrt (C) 9-.30 1J ~ Cl) 8Mt1J Hillbllllts CJ 13J 00 m AnoUttr World (C) 0 00 m Conr.entntion (C) 0 Dobie 1nr Bob layton replaces Hueti Downs 1 11 as host Clayton has been the 0 @ CI) aJ ltt's Malt a Deal show's reiular announcer for the (C) Monty Hall hosts. last five years, u well H substi· Q) World Adwtftturt, (C) Monday, tute host whenever Huch has been Wednesday, Friday; Trwtl WIUI Do11 Ill or on vacation. and Bettina, (C) Tuesday and Thurs· I Marslutl Dillon day. hnora'!la (C) &> Office of the Pruideat ~nal Futvr• • (j) Jadl La Lannt (C) 2.00 IJ a (I) Stem Storm (C) 10:001 ~ Qrfffltfl 0 @ 00 m You Don't S., (C) • tj1 (I) m p.,....lltJ (C) Larry Host Tom Kennedy .welcomes Bar· lyden hosts. Gordon MacRae Totle hara Stuart. and Dick Gautier es Fields and Jack Cassldy attempt to iuest panelists. iuess the inner per10nallties of 0 love Thlt Bob Alan Kine. Rocky Graziano, Hedy 0@ (I) a) NtwlJftd Qamt (C) Lamarr, Georee Hamilton, and Con· Bob Eubanks hosts. nie Francis. . m Movit: See Daytime Movies. O Movie: See Daytime Movies. El) Ttdlnlcal Comw ()1) (j) Panorama Babrsfltld 2:30 1J fa CiJ Tht Edit of NIPt (C) l3J @SUnftJ TodaJ (C) 0 9 (j) m Mltdt Came (C) 10:301J QI Cl) Didi Van o,llt Show GeneRajburn hosts. Joanne CarJOn 0@ @ m Hollywood Squal'll and Hugh O'Brian auest. (C) Peter Marshell hosts. O Fath• Knows Bat; Cookln1 0 (HJ (j) a> Didi Cavett (C) Around the World, (C) Wednesday. m Frt• ... Inside Out (C) u ()1) @ m Ddn1 Qa•• (C) f\fTfRNO<lN J t 2:55 1 3:00 I i I ' • 3:151 3:301 I I I I I I I I _J 4:00 1 I I 4:30 I u *' 5:00 5:30 I a.a. An11 dtll• addi ...,, Vlf M Ti ~ Tl F UNUSUAL SUBJECTS ON FIRST TUESDAY Jim Llnre hosts. fJ) C:O.lleditJ lll*t 2:55 D 9 Cl) m NIC Ntws (C) 3:00 Viewers will meet some young people of the radical left - Americans included-for whom Fidel Castro is a revolutionary demi-god, Cuba the promised land, and Havana the new Jeru- salem. Cuban refugees now living in Florida are the subject of an- other feature. -~------------,1 ln-.Sdlool Pfotrul•lq-IC(T To keep up with the fast- Qanntl 21 often llr u .. fw tllt Loi changing world is a big part of Anpla CitJ iad C.UlltJ Set.II for the aim of First Tuesday. cllildr111'1 ln·ldlMI Pl'Ol'l••lq.. In But in its search it has come 1dditlon, tllt ltltioe broldcaltl In-upon one of the world 's few un-servlce pro&J'lllll fW tNdttrL ,..... (rims .,, adltdaltd u followl: changing verities: the life of a Mondaf l:JO All·Z:JO gentle strongman called Charles TuttdlJ l0:20 All..S:lO Atlas. Forty-six years ago, At- WtdnadlJ t-.AS All..S:lO las-or Angelo Siciliano-began Tlturld., t:AS All-4:30 a mail-order course on body- building based on his technique, Friday 10:00 All·2:30 '-------------... · dynamic tension, designed to THE SOVIETS IN CUBA-A SoYkt lhlp PU1eS old MorTO Cude, 11pproecll1a die but>or In lbftDll, Caba, Ud II llmed by NBC NeM f« dlt Int edttloa ol lta aew moat111 ~ur TV auisaztae, Pint Tuesday, J11a. 1 oa NBC. ne ICale appean .. • propam lf:llllflll tJtled "llulldlu die list CeaCm)' M1111," 11 portrait of Flclel Cutro'1 Cuba 10 yun after die Castro takeonr. dynamic tension course is flour-in the movies at 16--is looking ishing on three continents and for movie roles at 50. the Charles Atl as viewers will Eliot Frankel is executive meet-grayer and older at 76--producer of First Tuesday. Rob- is in fine shape. ert Rogers produced and direct- Oae of the most uncomfort-ed "Building the 2 lst Century able and dangerous rides in the Mao." Pa1e 9 COIDLllS LAMP OOH ANYWHllll lt't a Junp dYt JOC.,...., pNc la-)"tt h pr. "*" iM&anl liOt ......... , Md wtie.e..r ,.. Med ill Idea.I for c ......... ., beea-ucl lnffllildh for ._ i. power ieD· aral s..rtly411ed aetal llue ••d fllMr. ,... ..... llclcl ........... tCMICll .... , decor. No -.,.,-, for aak:het-• _,. _,,' ....... ea•• •I• 11111 briplHW~l J .. ~0,..-.ta Oii ....,.,., bahlny ••allable •• ,,,. .... O~&.-p ......... M BUOY IOUMD lllff IVHY NtOHtl -r.,. • a rduiaa ......,. trab9elll IMt ......... ,,., ......... ,.. ........ llllabn dfert1-ly. , ... t.dlacr ,, ... bmh1a ~ ...... ...,wall .... For elnado9 oe)y, -order die W Yad1e wltMul .U.rator feahll'L Slo~ •Jport ,...,. ,_.. Med for .., tit.IMq ... cu -.......... 1ea ........... _,. ~· ••.. ta~,.... n.·. Cottoe a...... Iii.pl .. "' ..... OU717-WW .............. .. QX.ft17·V. all c .... W ..... $t4.H [ • ' • ~ t r FASTEST NEWS INTHE WEST Bill Bonds takes command of a team that hustles ... with Stu Nahan and Carl George out in front of f.ast-breaking news and features ... Jim Healy is one jump ahead in sports ... Rona Barrett, first to put Hollywood's private secrets on public rec- ord. Our field reporters and cameramen give you an eyewitness view of what's happening now. thev check in with vau daiy KABC-TV 4:30 & 11:00 p.m. nma N'flOMS CAN'T IUN--if,.. ,.te. uilile di,.,... di.ii v .. _.,. ,..r ....., b9ck if llley .-c1o nia I Tiiey will MtlMt uy ,.. ... wora '° P"~ W. -1.ap. Alld llley're ..,_ .Anr I 11ie I~ •11-le• very latteriq. Euct •t ... -·t Ne. WM, or wriakJe. S .a.. 2 fMltieuWe ....... S...1-, ._..... rdafeft:ed toe. 0 ... ,,.., ...,.._ ............. $1 ... ~-· _._......_, ... , ....... -~ ............. _"" ........ -.. -.... ...... -~ .. .-...... , ...... "" ,.. ''a -11 ..._.....,. .. ,, .,..,. .. ..., ...... NO MOU NOlllD WtNDIHlllDSI c,.t .... 1 N-F..-·fl'ft Coe\ ~b kT· iaaeH• ~ Ell•i.-. -.l -tcr'• ..... 4rffl ...... ,.. ,,,__,.. .... • qwic* ,et .... ., ... eold _, .... Jut ntb -,.., ear wlaclo--ieide amd out-ud ,,.... iee, ud llttt c....c Jena. 11ils *9t-mlly lna"'4 ... ,._ ...... ,,_.., _ lf,..pukdiltCM ........ aft---1 0..., ..,, ...... a... I•• • • • • • ... TH.E DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JA1'4UARV 4, 1969 MONDAY JANUARY 6 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 1:30 O (C) us.ddle Tn1mp" (western) 'SO.-:.Joel McCrea, Wanda Hendrix. 9:00 D "federal Man" (mystery) '56- Wfiliam Henry, Pamela Blake. "For- bidden Jun,ie" (adventure) '50 - Don Harvey, Forrest Taylor. lO:OO O "T1lt BIKll Widow" (mystery) '54--Ginger Roaers. Van Heflin. 12:30 m "RouplJ SpMkln&" (comedy) '45-Jack Carson, Rosalind Russell. 2:00 m "Rlttrt Hand of tht Dtwlr (mys· tery) '63-Aram Katcher, Lisa Mc· ~·lit. -----1:30 O (C) "Tiie Sllllkfllhtm" (dra· ma) '56-Victor Mature. 4:30 6 (C) '"BeJond Mombasa" (ad· venture) '57-tomel Wilde, Donna Reed, Leo Genn. EVEN I NG 6:00 6 n.t lit News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 a;, HunUIJ·lrfnkley (C) (30) 0 St1¥1 Allen Show (C) (90) Pro· fessor Irwin Corey, Bill Russell and lee Meza auest. fJ Sil craoct llowll: (C) uc.ttit Drive" (western) '51-Joel McCrea, Dean Stockwell, Chlll Wills. 11 Spy (C) (60) ...... (C) (30) Merv lirtffln (C) ~s N•? (30) Film features about New Orleans, the surprises in the animal world. and camen1 anales.. m Dtstillo 1a c1oria m Krul News <C> 6:30 0 IOllC N ... rvice (C) (60) m v.,... '° u.e lotto• ., ._ Sui) (60) 6 HRtllJ-lrinklty (C) SJ Teo, ts A.rica (30) "land of the Guarani." Ramiro Garcia looks at the history, people and industries of Pan11uay. ~ Cl) '""1y Hillbillies (C) m mm""" <C> 7:00 6 ~ (I) CBS Evt11in& News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. The program will oriainate for the next three weeks from Washlnaton, D.C.. from the first wortina dly after the of. ficlal convenina of the 9lst Con· gress through the week of the inauaun1tion of Richard M. Nixon as the 37th President of the United Stites. 0 WUt's lltJ U9f? CC) (30) Host Wally Bruner and Arlene Francis welcome Soupy Sales, Bert Convey and Anita Gillette. m Pmwd (C) (30) Claire Bloom and Barry Nelson auest. ~ (]) lllleUy Morie: ''Voice in the Mirror." Richard Eaan and Julle London star. • I Unu Abltrta (30) Cesar's Wortd Trvtll or Coat1C11tt1a1 C) 7:30 QI CJ) GUllSllOtt (C) (~) Kit· ty takes the reins In a desperate sta1ecoach race across the pn1lrie to save the life of a wounded pas- senaer. rancher Blaine Coppenon, after the stace Is held up and the driver killed. John Ericson KUests. B m I Drum or Jtannll (C) (30) ,.111eCase of My Vanishin& Master." Part I of two parts. Tony Is whisked away on a secret project while his double goes home to Jeannie, who accepb his confused proposal or marriage. § lost ia SplCll (C) (60) @ (I) ti!) The Avenpn (C) ( ) O Million $ Movie: "llJ Colllln Rachel" (drama) '53-Ridmd Bur· ton, Olivia deHavllland. Heir to a fortune attempb to discooler If the woman he loves is a schemer and a murderess or true to h1r declare· tions of love. m Trvtta or Conttqueaca (C) (30) A contestant in a bathing suit is dunked in a hu&e cup-shaped water tank during a wacky contest to de· termj ne Y(lWlteutJw:. c:ontastan -in y dunking doughnuts In coffee. Ptny M .. n (60) : Cancioa cit la Raza (30) Un Anitl en II Fanp 8:00 0 a;, Rowan l Martin Lauati-in (C) (60) Peter Falk guests as a coach of campus demonstrators, a penniless duke and as Tonto in a full·hour of comedy. m Hazel (C) (30) m Oat.lint: Souttllut Asia c&o> Four distinguished joumallsts with experience in Southeast Asian affairs discuss the probable and possible future in that part of the world. Charles Mohr. stanley Kamow, Den· is Warner and Robert Shaplen au est m eo .. 1cos , candoa11 l :JO 6 9 (j) .......,, Lucy (C) (30) Taking to heart Uncle Harry's econ· omy move at the office, Lucy tries to save him money at home by attempting to repair an electrical problem. O Colden YOJlll (C) (30) ''Swit· zerland, First Time Journey." o @ rn m hJtDa ..,.. <C> (30) Paralysis again strikes Rodney; Manie wins $500 in 1 bakina con· test; Lew takes Vicllie to his home; Alma tells Dr. Miles disturbina news about Vickie; Steven brines Betty word that the deal to buy the P_!Yton house Is off. W Donald O'Cotll10f (C) (90) Rip Taylor, Anne Jeffries, Gordon Li&hl· foot and Bobby Unser ruest. m Belt the Odds (C) (30) Johnny Gilbert hosts. 6Il TY MusicaJ Os-1 9:00 ea oo lhJbtnJ RA> <C> <JO> Richard Erdman and Emmaline Henry play 1 writer and his wife who seek literary inspiration by movina to M1ybeny. a@ oo m NBC ...... ., Mo¥M: "Ja•pin& Jac:b" (comedy) '52 - Dean Martin, Jeny lewis. Ray Teal, Mona Freeman, Robert Strauss. Didi Erdman. Paratrooper Chick Al· len sends for his old vaudeville partner. Hap Smith, when a crumpy ieneral threatens to do away with the the e Ag! De Ste No bel en1 ~ Da In no I A sio tlo sta pn @I 9:30E Afr Un tor m fl e lO:OOE Tin 11 fJ (61 lift to he ert fl t! Mc an lnforn IS not A tiserr 28 bo are l Chlint s Chant s Chan• t This dlvlsll tlon • to thl e e e the soldiers' camp shows unless f1i) The Qrut Wu (30) !'Opportu· they are improwd. nity." The time Is February 25. 0 Hll't Colllt tilt Sbrs (C) (60) 1915 to January 1, 1916. Sir Ml· Agnes Moorehead Is guest of honor. chael Red1rave narrates the hilfl· Debbie Reynolds, Ann Sothern, Jan lllhts of the Gallipoli campal111. Sterling, Gig Young, Lita Baron, Enaland tries to mobilize again. Norm Crosby, Jan Daley, Paul Gil· but fails. bert end Will Jordon provide the @I) Dldta Robacl1 entertainment. 10:30 fJ Movie: "Brt1Wtroaafl" (adven· 0 @ CV Ql The Olltclstl (C) t ) '63 "'"' Sch M rl (60) ''They Shall Rise Up." Jemal :07tier -u1c uman. a a David is sentenced to hard labor OJ N.;,,. (C) (30) In a ~et .BOid mine from which fll) Innovations (30) "Teflon Appli- no pnsoner is ever. released. cations." Three authorities on the &J lhlN.ETn foJour Your1 (UfC)t(60<C)) ~~B)f .. u~ for teflon discuss Its appli· m m• 1a ra. cattons for the future. A. r~port . on the tragedy of seces· @I) Dttru del Muro S1on1st 81afra and on the interna-ll:OOI DD @I) Ql N (C) tional effort to combat the total • AihdHitda.:om ews sta~ation in the East Nigerian Min From UNCU (C) province. • 111 ... "T • " ( ) @I) LI Brvja Malditl ov .. : ampico suspense 9:301J fAjJ (j) Family Affllr (C) (30) '44-£dward ~ ~o:son, Lynn Bari. Afraid he's been neglecting Buffy, I fJ5 I ~ (C) Uncle Bill takes her to Puerto Rico • • • , . for a grownup holiday at 1 plush 11.30 ft Movtt. 'Th~ Girl In 1111 Krtll· resort hotel. Im (mystery) 57 -Lex Barker, fJ N~ (C) (30) Ted MeyeB. zu! ii ti)~ TOlll&flt Sltow (C) @I) Revisbt Muical Mevlr. "Sword of Monte Cristo" 10:001J Qt' (j) Carol Bumtlt (C) (60) adventure) '51-George Montaom· Tim Conway guests. ~. Paula Corday. 11 m News (C) (60) U (i1J (}) Ql Joer Billlotl (C) --O~V.llJIJ .(C)!£:00Gl]7~~~Strl _ ~-__ (60) "Top of the stairs." YICtoria's OJ Action Theatre: "Abilene Town." life !s endangered when she tries 12:15 fJ Movie: "1'1le Slpaf" (drama) to discover what has happened to '62 -Alexander Gavric. Maria Ta-her brother-In-law. Ron Harper, Rob· sinkl ert Ellenstein guest. 1:00 e Movie: "'Beloved Enemy" (dra· 0 Marshal Dillon (30) ma) '36-0avid Niven. Merle Oberon. m That Show (C) (30) ''Out of the I Sptalln1 Fr•IJ (C) Mouths of Stars." Sheila Graham Community Bulletin Bo•d (C) and Tom Burke guest. News (C) CHANNEL LISTINGS Information for these I~ Is furnished by the television stations. TV WEEK is not responsible for last-minute changes In prosram listings. e KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles 0 KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles 0 KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles 0 KABC (ABC) Los Angeles fJ KHJ (Ind.) Los Angeles m KTIV (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCOP (Ind.) Los Angeles m KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCET· (NET) Los Angeles m KMEX (Ind.) Los Angeles m KMIR (NBC) Palm Springs Ql KPLM (ABC) Palm Springs CV KLYD (ABC) Cable Bakersfield 00 KERO (NBC) Cable Bakersfield (j) KBAK (CBS) Cable Bakersfield cm KLYD (ABC) Bakersfield fa) KERO (NBC) Bakersfield Q.?} KBAK (CBS) Bakersfield A star (*) preceding a log listing indicates it is a paid adver· tisement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF in Los Angeles, with 28 being the educational (ETV) station. Channels 17. 23, and 29 are UHF in Bakersfield. SIGN ONS (TEST PATIERNS) Chllnnel 2--6:48 AM Sunday, 6:08 AM Monday through Friday, 7:18 AM Saturday. Chennel 4-7:00 AM Sunday, 6:00 AM Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM Saturday. Channel 7-Programmlns mrta at 8:30 on Sunday, 7:00 AM Monday through Friday and 7:30 AM on Saturday. This magazine la published ~)' for .this n-apeper by TV WEEK1 a division of Qrttftn Pt1ntlnc _end Lltft0Cr8ph Co., Inc., edltof1al and proouc· tlon officea1 P.O. Box 11901 Glendale, Cellf. Address advertlalna Inquiries to the diap ay advertialna aepertment of this newspaper. ....... Wtftl, .... ..,,,. .......... Of""' ...... , .... w..c ..... nw Ate a., ........, a a.- Werll ec. ........ ,....,...., .. ._. ttlas..,. ................ .... trl9k ........ --.... .... ~ ttn10•n ....... .. .. .... ICl IR'dCLI ........... -....... ( .......... , HEAtHKIT® To rHch H11Ht1clt llectr .. lc Ce11ter telie Hut.or llvd. to lelt Ave. oHt 011 a.II • fow short t.loclt& tt UO E .. t lell or telie Sefttt A"• Fr.e~y to Hort.or llv4., Harl»or llvd. to lall, • fow 1hort Mockt 0114 yov'ro hore SALIS I PAim 176-t4JI MIATNllf Ht IAIT AU.. NtAN•M 11.mCI 716-t41J IOOIW'lll fOI CANC1LllD CNICDt ,,. liucl• dieek 6le ... , ..... ...... ................... pec1 .... .. ... lib ................. , Sllp it la whli .. ..._ Mltiem oe ,_, booblletf or ...... " .. ,..., ..... * ·-ma.c. .... ,... .... ~ ................ .. .mfy ~ ,.,_..&. Beell«t W. • J.,ear ill .. cMela. ..._, .,, -tit Md ,..., h•as..• • N•. onm-o.••u•,. ...... $1.te . MANe WMll •••• W1D....,.. a ..,,,...ll'talwo,.cmo ............. ... _, ..... .., .... atl -..... ...... .............. Jllo ....... d ... ... .. ...__,_ S.."'1 ...... ....., ..... ..... ........... ,.., ..... ~ • ...wr lllldl ,.. .,. ,..., It -k. Pfta .. ..,.. .. , ........... c-.............. wall. A ,,,,.,.,. • .-• aed I a ftH Ir I a .......... $1.Jt TUESDAY JANUARY 7 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tlons reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 1:30 fJ "Sll1dow In tllt ~ (drama) '52 -Ralph Meeker, Haney Davis, James Whitmore. 9:00 fJ "Heaven 0111J knon" (comedy) '47-Robert Cumminp, Brian Don· levy, Marjorie Reynolds. 10:00 fJ "U(lrtnin1 Stribl Twrice" (dra· ma) 'SI-Richard Todd, Ruth Roman. 12:30 m "Batue of BroldwlJ'' (com· edy) '38 -Brian Donlevy, Gypsy Rose Lee. "M1nll1 Callint' (1dven· ture) '42 -Lloyd Nolan, Carole Landis. --2:00.ID "NN4ll1' -tor-..ffeewett"~ edy) '47 -Stuart Erwin, Glenda Farrell. 3:30 D "Ol*ltion PKific" (adventure) •SI-John Wayne. 4:30 R .. Alllanment P1ril" (mystery) '52-Dana Andrews, George Sanders, Audrey Totter. THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEJ<. JANUARY 4, 19651 I hawofd CC) (30) 0) Ru for Your Ufo (C) (60) (1) Aaoricll (C) EJl) NET FtstiVll (C) (60) "film De Frondl Cllof (30) Julia Child G~r1tion." Arst of 1n tllht·part 1:00 IJ Tiit 111 flltn (C) (60) Jerry prepares 1 Queen of Sheba aille. series mminina the ptl'IORll WI· Dunphy. Paul Udtfl beslns 1 stria m llllDd1 ht the Sn lion Of today's Independent film· of special ln·dtpth reports on the &> Trulll or Couequ111a1 (C) makers. Demonstr1tin1 sianiflcant Sirhan trial. 7:30 fJ 9 Ci) Uncet' (C) (60) Hopina trends, the provam Includes Gtorfe D SE H•Dtlof-lrilkltJ (C) (30) to spare tht feellnp of Josh, the Lucas' ''THX-1138-4£8" ind 1n U · 0 RICHFIELD PRESENTS bridearoom·to·be. Scott withholds cerpt (rom Donn Penneblkar's * LOS ANGELES LAKERS information about the future bride "Don't Look Back." CR> vs. BAL T. BULLETS and livu to regret tt when some· e> Las H••it.u V1¥1na ! l.Mtrs W••·up (C) one out of her past disrupts the 9:30 fJ Qj CJ) Dof'is Day (C) (30) After Six O'Clocll MG¥i« T M" weddinf at the Lancer ranch. the boys lrnd 1 wounded duck, Doris "Tiit I'll D @ @ m Jerry lftll (C) (~) Martin tries to trap I l>OfCher who ystery) '61-Phll Carey, Julie Ar· Nanette Fabr1y, Ed Platt ind Bnt· is shootinr birds on her father's lnall.1 ~~(~ ~~~· ish.Jineer En1lebert Humperdinck ranch. Bit.• (C) (30) lj @ (]) m Mod Squd (C) (60) fJ EXCELLENT POLICE (])Merv &riffin (C) "The sundayDrivers." Linc Joins 1n * ACTION MELODRAMA Mat's N..i (30) Problems of automobile. thrill circus In Las Veras fJ (i1) (}) &> NYPD (C) (30) "The steamboatlni In 1850, how animals to investigate the "accidental" Body in a Trunk." Mike Haines, fit the environment, 1nd1rood tlch· death of a stunt·drlver friend. Jeff Ward and John Corso are COO· i ues of photolhphy ire studied. Q Millien • lloN: (C) '1'i;fPG11" fronted with a frifhtened boyfriend, • Dutino JI &loria (adventure) SO-Maureen 0 Hara, irate parents and an abortionist • KPlM News (C) John Payne, Howard da Sliva. War when they investigate the mystefi· 6:05 ft llb11 lubtball (C) (2 hr between the U.S. and the Tripoli Ol.IS death of a 10une rirt IT min) L.A. Lakers vs. Baltimore P!rates in 1805 sets ~e ~ne for ~ Ntws (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Bullets. Chidl Heam calls the vtolence as the Mannes f11ht to :.= .._ ection. raise the American flae in North ~ ·-1 6:30 0 IUIBC Ntwurvia (C) (60) Africa. 10:00 R QI (j) 60 Minutes (C) (60) 0) Vorap to the Botto• of tM m Truth or c:cms.quenca (C) (30) CBs News' m11azine of the air. Ste ~) (60) Three mothers compete in I contest a m News (C) (60) 9 (!) HlllltleJ·Bri.U., (C) to teach their YoUnf children how D (i1) (]) m llllt'1 Ufe (C) (60) eil) Readlll1 Wltla Your Qlld (30) to say "Barker." • ·~ ancLtha...MarUtd -MaA.~ie- .!!Rtadiltl Witft. Yettr Eif11Mar11:11""818lldcd ..... " t----t-t1l'il"t1111T1JrwrM11rrr-{80) ---Hawn stars as a sexy ao·go dancer A demonstration of techniques used · C.ndon de 11 Rm (30) and former eir1friend of Robert in teachina re1din1 in thlrd·grade • Un An101 en el f1nio Dickson. Dick Shawn and Norm classes. 1:00 m Hazel (C) (30) Crosby also auest. 9 (j) Mdt .... s NaJ fJi) World Press (C) (60) Q Mirsbll Dillon (30) @!) m &>News (C) fl> Prewler Orfeon C~ 0) n.t Sbow (C) (30) "Meat the 7:00 R QI Ci) CIS ENU11 News (C) 1:201J Uten Wrap-up (C) People!--Or The Secrets of a Rare {30) Walter Cronkite. 1:30 JJ a (j) Reef Sblton (C) (60) ~ BUtdler." Ed Fudim and Marty Q Md's MJ Unt? (C) (30) Lana Cantrell euests. Allen euest. rvrN1Nr. INNOCENT "PATSY" Robert Wagner (right), who stars as master-thief-turned-secret-agent Alexander Mundy, is framed by Alejandro Rey, who guests as Brazilian agent Mendosa, for a murder he did not commit, in "Guess Who's Coming to Rio?" on ABC's It Takes a Thief, Tue~ay at 8:30 PM. D tU (i) m Julia (C) (30) "How m Bia Penpective (30) A ...Plntl Sharper Than 1 Baby's Tooth." Julia of newsmen question James 4Jones, erows suspicious when son Corey president of the Board of Education over-panics at hiving a tooth pulled. in Los Aneeles. A dress rehearsal in Dr. Chealey's fl) Dldla Robida chair brinp out the real problem. l0:30 Q Movie: "The Wrong Min" (dra-g Bnlins in Action (C) (30) ma) '57 -Henry Fonda Alfred l'l~llS! SUNSET HOUSE ~@Cl) Ql It TMts I T1Uef (C) Hitchcock. • ~Ja;~~:5Mu~~;·~~m;:1Rr~ ~~-~ ~News cc> (30) vacation, but becomes unwillingly Ell) RNpn News Conf .. nct (30) embroiled with the various factions m Detru del Muro seekina Russian defector Katrina 11:00 fJ D fJ m EE News (C) Malenski. Dana Wynter, Alejandro 1J Alfred Hitdlcoct Rey, Michael Ansara and John Rus· m Min From UNCLE (C) sell ruut. , QJ Movie: '11l1ctout" (mystery) m ~nalct 0 Connor (C) (90) Gad· '50-Dinah Sheridan, Maxwell Reed. aets inventor Rowland Emmett, Les· ,.... ~ lii'll '6' News (C) lie Nielsen and Maureen Arthur, \UJ \.3U 16311 ~ comedian Jackie Kahane and exotic a (j) m ..... dancer Nil Bonet auest. 11:30 fJ Movie: "Cry Danaer'' (mystery) OJ Beet the Odds (C) (30) '51-Dick Powell, Rhonda Fleming. 9:00 S QJ Ci) m PREMIERE Fir 1 t 0@@ m Tonia:ht Sho• (C) fuetdlJ 1t) (2 hr) Sander Vanocur O Movie: "All Act of Murder'' is anchorman for NBC News's new (mystery) '48-fredric March, Flor· monthly TV magazine. Features to· ence Eldrldre. nieht are "Buildine the 2lst·Cen· fJ@ Cl)&> Joer Blallop (C) tury Man," which shows Fidel . Castro's method of expor1ina Cu· 12:00 m n Sunset Strip ban com?.'unism . throu~hout Latin 12:10 Q Movie: "Trapped bJ Fur" (ad· America; Dynamic Tension ind the venture) '60-Jean·Paul Belmondo Spirit of '76," a visit with body· Sylva Koscina. ' buildine expert Charles Atlas, who . . is now 76-years..old· "A Tour 12:30 OJ Action llleatre: "Confirm or Throu1h the Sinai Peninsula" with Deny." author Meyer Levin; "Baton Twirl· 1:00 fJ Movie: "Go for Brollt'' (com- ers," a feature on the feat IS edy) 'SI-Van Johnson. practiced by five million female D fJ News (C) fans; "Rita Hayworth," a close-up IJ Community Bulletin Board (C) ~. the Hollywood love·eoddess at m From tile Inside Out (C) 1J SllowuM 5 (C) (60) Jane Mor· gan and The Ooodletown Pipers guest. 1:30 m All-NlaM Sbow: "The lod1er," ''Wintertime," "The Shocklna Miss Pilgrim." RUSH TO ME THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW. I llUST BE PWSED OR MY llOIEY Will IE REFUllDED. CITY-----------STATE-------ZIP COOE------ AIR MAIL REACHES US OVERNIGHT ~ .... • ' • l ' 'I· . - Tl Mac ism ye~ JaJH fro11 Mr. WE: Dail Hay the a Cent Dail~ n Mexi draw 10 be Le a ski a Pktw 'Ille ! Jaoet MISS The pretty bady on the Cover i.a MISS TV WEEK, lovely Janet Machado. The blue-eyed brunette is S' tall, weighs 110 pounds, is married and bas a 6-month-old son named Richard. She is 23 years old and works as a beauty operator. Jt required 31 hours to · make her dre~ out of 40 TV Jud Mad.ado recefn1 award from die pabUdier of TV WEEK. Mr. llan':J Grtlha, • M• TV WEEK In a cootat for Miii Daily Rntew tide bdd recently In fla7wud. California. WEEK supplements and no other materials were used~xcept for rolls and rolls of scotch tape! Janet's hobbies are water skiing and fishing. Janet won the title of MISS TV WEEK in a contest sponsored by The Daily Review, of Hay- ward, California, as part of the Daily Review's annual Newspaper Week promotion in the Southern Alameda County Trading Area. --· ·-i--- The Dally Review's annual promotion of Newspaper Week gets better and better each year. The J 968 version, concluded re- cently, turned out to be a wingdinger-according to Floyd Sparks, publisher of the Daily Review. Free publicity for the two weeks before the event, staged in the area's largest air-conditioned shopping mall (Southland Sboppiog Center). included TV spots on Bay Area channels, and the Miss Daily Review Newspaper Dress Contest. The Mexican F iesta theme was publicized through photos of Mexican entertainers, cooking schools, free trips to Mexico through drawings, and in-store displays of trophies, plaques and awards to be woo during the event. Letters were directed to a complete list of Mexican newspapers asking for their participation in the week by sending copies of their publications, pictures of their publishers and their plants. Letters to Mexican tour bureaus, airlines and magazines brought a grati- fying response through posters, travel banners and sundry material used in decorating store windows of tbc participating merchanta in the Center. A cocktail party on the k.ick-off evening stepped up enthl1siasm for the promotion locally, and was attended by over seven hundred city officials, store managers, key personnel and Daily Review employees. The party was emceed by Bud Foster, a local radio and tv personality and the selection of Miss Daily Review, Miss Daily Review Comics, Miss TV WEEK, Miss Family Weekly, and Miss Daily Review Shopper was finalized. A Sped.ml NtWSpapU Week supplement was prepared for dis- tribution in the Daily Review. It carried no display advertising but was devoted to the history of the area, Mexican feature stories, lots of pictures of entertainment, and-most important-publicity as to the origi11 at-the mercinmt firms-in 'the SOtlthThna Shopping Center. During the week. 24 booths were manned in the new Center, with those of the Daily Review featuring the Associated Press wire and photo receiving machines, pulp mills and classified ad desk. Newspaper-boy-opportunity displays, as well as newspaper dis- plays from local high schools and colleges, were also featured. Over 300,000 people were tabbed through the park.ing lots of the Center during the event. The Impact of Newspaper-Week on the community solidified more than ever the importance of the local newspaper in the com- munity, as evidenced by the great number of school classes who visited the exhibits; record attendance at the cooking school by groups of home economics and nursing classes, where Mexican dishes were prepared by Esther Drell Day, the home economics advisor with Pacific Gas and Electric Co., and an address by the San Francisco Consul General of Mexico given at one of the local service clubs. Plctuttd below displaylaa tbdr frodts from spedal 1ttdom or tbe Daily Review, Hayward, California are Mi. Dally Review ud members of ber cour1. Tlae Soulbem Belle frock lo tbe t'.enlU pktu~ Is wom by Scbeny Sulton, wbo woo tbt Mm Dally Review dde. Olbtr wlnnen were, from left to npt, Juet Mildlado, Miss TV WEEK; B~oda Miller, Miss Daily Review Comkl; Joan Root, M• FamJly Weekly and Catlay Laurentt, Mi. Dally Review Sbopper. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8 For mornin1 and afternoon listings, please ::ee DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenierft:e, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programminc with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 1:30 O "The Milkmen" (comedy) '51- Donald O'Connor, Jimmy Durante, Piper Laurie. 9:00 D "fun on 1 We.tend" (romance) '47-Priscilla Lane, Eddie Albert. 10:00 O "f'lve 8atu tD Ht1r• (drama)' '59--Neville Brand, Shirley Kniaht. 12:30 m "The H1ppJ land" (drama) '43 -Don Ameche, Frances Dee. "Tiit Green Scarf" (mystery) '54 -Ml· chael Redgrave. Ann Todd. 2;00 m "Stllnfl Holiday" (fantasy) '46 -Claude Rains, Gloria Holden. 3:30 0 (C) "fJipt of the loat lalloff" (adventure) '60 -Marshall Thomp· son. 4:00 B (C) "The H1n&in1 TrN" (west· ern) '59 -Gary Cooper, Marie Schell. EVfNING 1:00 a Tiie ... ..... (C) (60) Jerry Dun pi:. I H11""9J lrtnkley (C) (30) Alltft Slllow (C) (90) Jayne 1dows, Femendo Lunaa. Ad1m Keefe, Tim Buckley guest. 0 Sh O'Clcd Movi.: (C) "TIM Sound and tile Fwy" Part I (drama) ·s~Yul Brynner, Joanne Wood· ward, Stuart Whitman. 0 I SpJ (C) (60) OJ l1tia1D <C) (30) · (ll) (]) Merv 8riffln (C) f]l) WMt's Ntwl (30) steamboatina after 1864. the fish·eatm, and catchin& the moving subject with a camera are studied. el Destino la Cklril Ef)IPl.M News (C) 1:30 Q OBC lhwterllce (C) (60) OJ Yorate tD tM BtU.M of tM Se• (C) (60) @ (]) HvnlleJ·lriHSeJ (C) f]l) Mtn for Yw MoMJ (30) "Purchasin& Appllancea." QICl)MdlaJe't Nny m mm ..... <C> 7:00 IJ a Ci) cas &enlq ..... (C) (30) Wailir Cronkite. 0 Wlaars MJ lll .. 1 (C) (30) m Pltllilid ('C) (30) @(j)Ye1 AsMd tw It fll) MK1111 tlae Most of Ma1urftJ (30) "The Volunteeta Rewerd." Merion Marshell and 1uest.s talk about various volunteer service or- 1anlz1t.ions lffkln1 senio< members. mw .... ONE-SHOT REUNION-A/an Hale (right) and Bob Dmver are reunited in an episode of The GOQd Guys, Wednesday at 8:30 PM, in color on CBS. In this one-shot appearance, Hale is seen as a trucker who leads a group of drivers to Bert's Diner. Denver and Hale starred in the long-running Gilligan's Island series on the Network. hge 14 TitE DAILY PILOT, TV WEV<. JANUAR"t' 4, 1969 ED Trvttt or Contequenae (C) 7:30 R Dlttlrf (Cl (60) Sebrina, • lltn1a1 t11er who h•d deserted tht compound Iona •io, mums to lead Dakt.ari Into the bush to minister to her Jtriously ill cub, Marshall Thompson Is c:o-1uthor of tile epl· sodt, with Wallace c. Bennett. 0@@ @m The Ylr1inl1n (C) "Stopover." Hert) .i.ttries 1uests as a 1uMlin1er who upsets the seren· ity of Medicine Bow when he arrives In town, eausina several citizens to examine guilty consciences. 1J loat In Sp-. (C) (60) O @Cil EEHere Coat th Brides (C) (60) "The Loa Jam" Jeremy Bolt rings the logaina camp alarm bell to announce that he and Candy Pruitt are engaaed. When the other girls become hopeful for proposals. Lew Harper, who prizes his bachelorhood, plants doubts in Jeremy's mind. Sam Melville 1uests as Lew and Pamela Dunlap as Abi&ail. fJ Million S Movie: ''The Geora• Rift stofy'' (bioiraphy) '61 -Ray Danton, Jayne Mansfield, Julie Lon· don, Barrie Chase. m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) Thr'ee children outline to emcee Bob Barter the dilly housihold chores- and activities of their mother- which becomes an 1musin1 stunt. 18 Peny Muon (60) f]l) C1nclon de la Raza (30) t.i!) Cl) OAK Movie el Un An,.. en el f1n10 8:00 ID Hutl (C) (30) EJ!) The World Wt Live In (C) (30) ''Water--Old Problems, New Meth· ods." A review of the importance of water-how it is made, used and being wasted. el Mlercolts Musical 1:30 IJ 'The Good Guys' Comedy * HIT OF THE SEASON! II The Good CllJI (C) (30) To at· tract truck drivers to Bert's Place, Rufus persuades Claudia, Bert's wife, to pose IS Frisco frltzi, a hip·swin1· ine. 1um·chew1ng, sharp·tongued waitress. Alan Hale auests IS trucit driver Big Tom. U Win With the Stars (C) (30) Jonathan Harris euests.. 0 frn (]).(!) PeJtOn Pl let (C) {30) Rodney Is hospitalized aaain; Maule buys new wardrobe; the Mlleses learn Lew plans to many V'ddt; steven ioes to Boston on Peyton business; Norman confront.a Betty. ID Ootlald O'Connoc (C) (90) AdDf Edd Byrnes, 1etor·sin1er Don Franckl. actress-sinaer Meredith M1eR11, rock perf0<mers Nitty Grit· ty Dirt Band, and comic Don Sher· man guest. m .... u.. Odds (C) c3o> m 1ook 1eet (30) @!)S.nrim 9:00 1J hwttty Hlllbtllltl (C) (30) Bank· er Drysdale comes down with the flu, and "Doctor" Granny tries to tre1t him with moonshine "aerum." Harriet MacGibbon plays Mf"I. Drys· dale. Norma Verden Is Mrs. Van Ransohotf. 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Nancy Sinatra swings in ttie New Year. 0 9@@m Kratt Musk Hall (C) (60) Nancy Sinatra stars. U Wres11in& (C) (60) Dick Lane calls the action. O @ !J.HEABC Wednesd11 Mov~ 'IC:ompulslon" (drama) '50 --Orson Welles, E. G. Marshall, Dean Stodlwell, Bradford Dillman, Diane Varsi. Story of a sensational trial in the 1920's. based on Loeb· Leopold murder of • boy for a thrill, in which a humane courtroom lawyer makes a powerful plea for understandina. I Run for Your LHe (C) (60) Ntwa In Pen,ective (C) (60) S,Ma J Enrique 9:3019 Cl) 8rten Aerts (C) (30) • News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. • l11p1ctor "4uslcales 10:00 IJ 9 Cl) H1waU flv.O (C) (60) Guest Y1phet Kotto plays • men· tally-disturbed Vietnam war veteran who shoots Danny Williams and holds him prisoner. 0 @@ ~The Outsider (C) (60) "The Girt from Missouri." A naive alrt from the Midwest is ~ught up in the violence of tilt under#Orlcf lnher search for a miss· ing brother. Rick Jason, Marlette Hartley, Mickey Manners and Jaye P. Morgan guest. 0 m News (C) (60) 0 M1ntlal Dillon (30) Q) That Show (C) (30) "Shhh! Rov· er Really Thinks He's People!" Joan Fontaine and John Higgins, D.V.M., auest. f]l) Guten Taa (30) el Diehl Robida 10:30 0 Movie: (C) "Bia Jim McClain" {drama) '52 -John Wayne, Jam~ Arness, Hans Conried. OJ News (C) (30) EJ!) Yorty News Conference (30) m Dttraa del Muro 11:00 II 0 0 el m News (C) 0 Alfred Hitchcock m Min from UNCU (C) Q) Movie: 'IC:ouraaeous Mr. Penn" (drama) '42-Clitford Evans. Deborah Kerr. @(I)@@News (C) ~(l)mNews 11:30 B Movie: (C) "UnholJ Wife" (dra· t ma) '57-Rod Stei1er, Diana Dors. 0 ID 00 m Toniatrt Sllow (C) U Movie: "A Thousan6 and One Nl(hts" (fantasy) '45-Cornel Wildt, Evelyn Keyes. 0 @ (]) al Joey Bishop (C) ll:OO m n Sunaet Strip 12:20 0 Movie: "Opentlon Elch111n" (drama) '61 -Werner l(Jemperer, Ruta Lee. 12.:30 m Actlo• n.n: "Stranae lllu· slon." 1:00 IJ Movie: "Cell 2455, Dtltlt Rn'' (drama) '55 -Wiiiiam Campbell, Marian Carr. OONws (C) IJ CMMunltJ lull.Un Board (~ m f,.11 tlae Inside Otlt (C) l:lO OJ All-NiPt Aow: "B1ndldo," "A Bullet fM Joey," and "The Naked Street" Hi9 lane 1d11 I '5() shall, lm1n, llonal Loeb· or a room I for •) (60) ~0) (60) men· :enn and (C) ." A I i! Ult niSS· iette Jaye Rov· loan '.M .. 1in" mes ~n" rah Ira· )r'S. I '"' de. •ft" 'ef, IU· ... ttl, • • • NO BUFFALO! But there are quail and Cottontails and the prettiest purple mountains ever! And skies are never cloudy all day! CONSIDER THIS: 1. A 45 111Ue lollCJ lake of dem, frnlt My blue water loaded wltt. ~11Cludl119 strtpen muftt·,_.d catfhlt, pllll 2 lb. ...~ at mer latalle. 2~ 125 ....... of .... n •• wfttl secluded COftl. ., •at ,_ ccn ......................... p1or1..,,, aM .... reaclles of perfect sldllMJ water. J. 10 ml•utes (by boat) from famed ._knltlp bftcl. wWdi mmy call '°1'11• Uttte Grmd C-JOll ef tt.e Colorado." See tt.e ''Petrotlypln." or plctwe wrttt.g, of • "&.o.cJ A90" ....._ C......_. $16,500 BRAND NEW 2 Bedroom, 11;, bath home on I OOx 120' tot. Bu ilt-ins, firepl•c:e, fenced •nd l•ndsc•ped. VIEW OF LAKE. THIS IS HAVAS·U NORTH ESTATES TH very llOrthet'll encl of FAMED HAVASU LAKE ._..,.. 1M Colorado becomes Hawa111, -.I• th CALI· FORNIA SHORE, martcs th locatioll of tt.e oaly lcmd of It's klMI cmalloble fw ,.wac psclMme. ESTATE SIZED LOTS-UP TO 100 FUT FRONTAGE-$3500 19 $4200 WIDE PAYED STIEETS -ELECTllC POWIR -WATU TITLE POLICY AND DEIDS • SERVICE TO EACH PAICEL SMALL DOWN-EAsY TERMS By Appointment Only -Ask for E. J. Neve or Jack Bale HAVASU NORTH ESTATES 1860 B, NIWPORT BLVD., CM -BROKER 642-4994 ·Res. (714) 838-1650 Paae 15 THURSDAY . JANUARY 9 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 8:30 O (C) "N1ktd Dnn" (drama) '56 -Arthur Kennedy, Betta St. John. 9:00 O ''Youn1 Widow'' (romance) '46 -Jane Russell, Louis Hayward. 10:00 fJ (C) "April love" (romance) '57 -Pat Boone, Shirley Jones. 12:30 m "I Wll In Advtnturps" (drl· rna) '40-Vera Zorina, Peter Lorre. "Tonllflt Wt R1ld C.l1ls" (adven· ture) '43-lee J. Cobb, Annabella. 2:00 ID "No W•J Id'' (drama) ·~ Ivan Desny, Ruth Niehaus 3:30 0 "Desert Attlcl" (drama) '60- • John Mills._ .C:30 IJ ''The Lost Moment" (drama) 'U -Susan Hayward, Robert Cum- mings. EVENING 6:00 IJ The Bi1 News (C) (60) Jerry Oun~. 0 W Huna.,.arlnkltJ (C) (30) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 4. 1969 It RICHFIELD PRESENTS creaslng speed and a1lllty in the 9:00 IJ 9 (I) ca s nuncla, Mowle: * Los ANGELES KINGS rlaht hand are explained by Fred· "Kmu fOf My Prtsldeftr (comedy) erick Noad. He also assigns an al-'64 -Fred MacMurr1Y. Polly Ber· vs. DET. REDWINGS le1ro by Glul1nl for next week. pn, Arlene Dahl, Edward Andrewa. IJ Kinp HocteJ (C) (2 hr 20 All' Trlli Advtntln Bi Wall1ch. When Mre.. Thad Me· min) Los Anaeles Kinas vs. Detroit ~ Cloud is elected the first wom1n Redwinp. Jigs McDonald calls the • aJ Trudi 04' ConMl!utnen (C) President of the United Stites, htf action. 7:30 II 9 Cl) Blondie (C) (30) The husband reluctantly takes on the 0 Sb O'QoQ MMI: (C) "Tllt I rt f If d-' · · ro!e of prince consort and becomn Sourid aid tlle f....,,. Part II (dr•· man Y 1 0 se · .,.ense is given a lnvolnd In a series of stici... situ•· "'7 stauering setback when Darwood ft, ma) '59-Yul Brynner, Joanne Wood· leaches Alexander how to defeat tions wtth hilarious results. ward. Stuart Whitman. the town bully. 0 @ (]) G) That Girt (C} (30) 11 Spy (C) (60) O @@ m Danltl BoHt (C) "The Eye of the Beholder." An ab· lat.an (C} (30) (60) "lo Slay a Giant" Gideon Is stmt sculpture sent to Ann by Don (1) Mtl'Y Griffin (C) accu5'd of murder and a ven"eful precipitates an argument that In· nars New? (30) Tonl1ht's • volves the Baumans. films explore the golden year of mob sets out to lynch him. Daniel I Run fOf Your lift (C} (60) 1870 on the Mississippi, hopping Boone tries to persuade the angry F..ture (30) animals. and the use of flash at· crowd that Gideon must be given a El Mundo Esta Loce tachments and natural light with fair trial. Don Pedro Colley is lea· .-(C) (30 tured. Torin Thatchet and Lee Jay 9:30 O@ Ci)~ Dr11n•t ) your camera. Lambert guest "Homicide-OR-22." A 9l·year·old fll Destlno la Qloria man amazes Friday and Gannon aJ KPLM Newa (C) 0 Ci7J (]) Gl I iflc!A( I Tiiis II with his lnvestlaative knowledge aa 6:30 0 KNBC Nfwstrvlct (C) (60) fOm -.On• <C) (60) Tom Jones, the he helps them solve the murder of ID V01a1e to the Bottom of tlle sensational British sln&ing star with a young girt Burt Mustin guests. Sea~ (60) the high-powered voice and dynamic O li"ill ~~Jo tit the u style, avrates Into American televl· \U.J ' urner n-9 6 Huntley-BrlnkleJ (C) .., known ( ( ) EJl) ondtrful World of Clllldrtn sion. The Welsh entertainer recel~es 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. (30) "Helping Your Chlld DeYelop able variety assistance from Dick EJl) Wulliniton In Review (C) (30) Through Creativity." Emma Jiminez Cavett Juliet Prowse, The Fifttl ~ r.n .i:n ....., __ h I rt I Olmen.:on and Mireille Mathieu. 10:00 0 ~ l.3U ~Dean M .. un -reviews t e ways a ch Id's cu os ty ... (60) o w 11 N a-~ -111· $ M ........ un._ ru'I E ., rson e es. ancy ,,.,~, can be channeled into creative ways -M IOn, -~ •m: ul J9 Ben Blue. Hendra and Ullett, and of playina aames, making toys and (mystery) ~etitla Roman, John Jerry Shane guest. Jouin>vi$.iJli JQQIS..._ Sal.On, Val(lltin Co~.--BiDihws-(C)--(~ 9 Cl) Mcffalt's Navy m Trutll OC' Consequene91 (C) (30) • Maf'Shll Dlllon (30) fl) @m al News (C) Television experts Vernon Scott of ID TI11t Show (C) (30) "High Style 7:00 IJ ~Cl) CIS Ewtlln& News (C) UPI, Don Paig.e of the L.A Times on the High Slopes." Ski instructor (30) Walter Cronkite. and John Austin of the Hollywood Jean Anwylle 2nd Skitch Hender10n I Wltlfs MJ Line! (C) (30) Reporter appear as a panel to an-~esl 'mword (C> (30) swer questions pertaining to te!evi· w Theatre Be1t (30) A look at Ci) HIP and Wild (C) sion. some scenes from Nell Simon·s PiiJin1 the Guitar (30) "In· ID "'1y MllOll (60) "Star-Spangled Girt," as performed creasing Speed." Methods of In· tJi) C.ndon de Ii RIZI (30) by th~ Lafuna Community Players. el Un Anpl tn ti f11119 fl) Didl1 Robad1 HUDDLE-Dean Martin and Nancy Ames collaborate in .wng on NBC's The Dean Martin Show, Thursday at 10 PM. a 00 .:.. lllMl ""' Jon ... WI t (C) 10:30 8 T.H.E. Cit (C) (30) : ~ IDJ l -LJ luiln . n trs . . M~: "YOW11 Min Witll a (60) .wortd . heavyweiaht . bo1!ng Hom" (drama) 'SO-Doris Day, Kirk ch~~p1on ~hs and. The R~verview Douglas Lauren B.acall, Hogey Cer· ,.,. 16 spmtual Singers. Dick Curtis, and michel ' Cliff Arquette guest. Also on the ~ Nm (C) (30) program are Edgar Buc~anan, B~r-1 (]) PUSCM>rt to Travel (C) bara Eden, The. Four Kmg Cousms : SlcnnMnto flle (30) and The Establishment. fl) Dttru dtl Muro m Hazel (C) (30) aJ Twlli&lrt l.one EI!) NET Playhouse (C) (60) "The 11:00 1J 0 0 fl) aJ News (C) Tin Whistle." Richard S. Burdick's • -Alfred HltdK:ocl prlze-winnine play about an adoles· ~ cent boy who uses ancient witch· m Man From UNCLE (C) croft to put a curse on two of his ID Movie: "Lu Veps Shakedown" class teachers is shown tonlaht (mystery) '55 -Dennis O'Keefe, fl) Ftlld1no! (C) Coleen Gray. 1:20 IJ ltlnp Wrap-up (C) @ (I) Q) @ NIWI (C) 1:30 0 9@ m I ronslde (t) (60) ~ (j) @m News . "Up,Down and Even." Chief Iron· 11:30 IJ Morie: {C) "The f°nt Trntlm& side is heartbroken when Eve Whit· Saleslld(' (comedy) '56 -Ginger field's teenage niece Is arrested on Rogers, Carol Channing, James Ar· narcotics charges. Susan O'Connell, ness. Richud Anderson, Alfred Ryder a 0 @(I) m Tonllflt .,_ (C) Rachel Ames auest . 0 Movie: "Brute Foret" (drama) 0 Bo1ln1 (C) (90) Welteryweigtit '47-Burt Lancaster, Hume Cronyn· bout between Hedgemon Lewis and O li"ill f'i"'I '.!:\ a-Bi*lp (C) Miguel Hern.andez. Dick Enberg and u.tJ I.JU ~ ~ Mickey Davies are ringside. 12:00 m 77 Sunttt S'bip 0 (ill (3) aJ BtwitdMd (C) (30) 12:25 fJ Movie: (C) "The New Wotld'' "Cousin "Serena Strikes Again." Part (drama) 'SO-Arturo Arais. Lorena I of two parts. Sam and Darrin are Velazquez. Unceremoniously routed from sleep 12:30 ID Action Theatre: "Eighteen and at 3 AM by Serena's arrival on a Anxious." motorcycle. r..ancy Kovack guests. 1:00 IJ Morie: "Nl&lltJurt" (suspense) m Donald 0 Conn« (C) (90) Sue '64--0avid Kniaht, Moira Redmond. Lyon, Ben AleKander, Bessie Griffin, -O News (C) Don Alan, Jay Livingston and Ray mu Evans guest. From tht Inside Out (C) ID Beat the Odds (C) (30) Johnny 1:301J CommunitJ Bulletin Boanl (C) Gilbert guests. m All·Nlpt Sllow: "Timbuktu," el Music• y Estrtllu Ml&llrt "Flamingo," and "Cry Tough." nation' It is a tirely 1 near tl (now 1 !be cu an inu wr1ter I I televis public were t Of a D cussla. Irate I Lucy.' "I societ) a goo death Se In of sta: of mi: Tt series, ha pies Al ten, fc froth~ n to be n not u mlnde than i P• tertai1 count! ram iii REAL T• Skelta under w needs D I . or ot: medil R ence'! enjoy. T• Ills. w ; . J ... ·,:-~~""---- Allen Rich Among the more popular current pastimes indulged tn by the natioo's intelligentsia il8 m rake poor old television '1V6f the ooais. It i6 a mass Of mediocrity they will tell you and this, If not en- tirely true, has Ellougb validity gooing for k to bit somewhere near me llnJtb. Television columnists and professional critics are supposed to forever carp about the medium In an effort to raise its standards. Writers, who have left the medium for greener pasn,ires, are almost unanimous in declar- ing the reason they have done so is because of restrictions placed upon them by the networks. This is probably true. Rod Serllng, for instance, ALLEN RICH one of the all-time greats in the field of television scripting. (now UJ3bappily far US missing mxn die medium). Writln8 in the current Journal ol the Producers Guild of America makes an interesting point -concerning the televiskln audience, not the writers or networks. -I quote-a parqraph: "In ttie masa media, the -wrtJtnc for television clearly reOects the escapist mood of tbe Amerteu public. When the sessiom ot the Foreign Reladaas Com.mfttee were televised during the afternoon, when literally the survival ol a nadon and a world was very much on tbe line in tbe cllso- c~lon of Vietnam, tbe networks were besetged by caDs from irate housewives who missed 'As the Wortd Tums' and '1 Love Lucy.' "I must admit to a sense of dismay when I contemplate a society whidl makes a daily idol out of 4buslness as usual' while a goodly section of the earth dies of starvation, and bleeds to death in battles." Unquote. Serling's statement is, es usual, entirely perceptive. Interrupt a football game, as was the case recently, In favor of starting a children's class'c on time, and you incur the wrath of millioos. The mas9ive convention coverage, which pre-empted favorite series, brought further heaping of coals fuun many areas on the hapless heeds of the networlcs. And the latest Nielsen rating available, as l1his column is writ- ten, found Gomer Pyle the No. 1 attraction, seven of the top 10 frothy comedies, and 12 of ,tfle top 20 were comedy series. The conclusions to be drawn from the above facts would seem to be inescapable and conclusive. That coocluslon: The vast majority of tbe vtewfng public does not take teltmslon as seriously as the medhlm's more ldP minded crldcs. It Is Indeed tar more Interested in escapism rather than guidance Mld the socially slgnlficanL Perhaps in the final an~ysis televiSion is merely ~ tertainment. A small screen within the American home which to countless weary millions represents something normal, somelhin8 familiar, something they can count on to forget tor a while the REAL problems of the world outside the home. To these a beer and Dean Martin, a fOOLball game, a Red Skelton bring the kind of involvement and identlficatioo they can understand. Who ls to say that in relation to their own particular blDer needs that they are wrong? Do not misunderstand me. This is oo plea for for mediocrity. I would give anything fur another series such as Playhouse 90, or other meaningful drama and a general upgrading of the medium. Rather this ls a defense ol the majortty of the mass auclJa ence's attitude toward current fa.re and" Its rtgbt to see what It enjoys most. Television is not, and can never be, a panacea tor the world's ills. THIS IS TOM JONES Just a few years ago Tom Jones was a construction laborer who was getting bis start in show business by singing in local pubs a.od in working-men's clubs at night in has native Wales. Now he's the star of a special and a new series on ABC, both titled This la Tom Jones. The special airs Thursday at 7 : 30 PM. and his weekly series premieres Feb. 7. Jones, born Thomas Jones Woodward, the son of a coal miner, is regarded as one of the brightest stars in the British entertainment world. Like most Welshmen, be sang almost as soon as he could speak. Prom the chapel choir he progressed to Saturday nisht sing-songs with boys in the local pub. He took a jo\> as a construction laborer, then learned to play the drums and sat in with local groups. When he fanned his own group, Tom Jones and the Playboys. be started ectting a reputation beyond his native Pontypndd in South Wales. Before long be was a polished professional with TV dates, stage engagements and recordings. His first record was "Chills of Fever," followed by such successes as "What's New, Pussycat?," ''The Green, Green Grass of Home" and "It's Not Unusual." His 1V and radio appearances in Britain include "Beat Room," ''Thank Your Lucky Stars," ''Top Gear" and "Delaney's Dcli~hL" Ed Sullivan saw him on "Sunday Night at the London Palladium" and signed him for his show. A vigorous entertainer with~ apparently endless source of energy, Jones has delivered ~on two-and-one-half hour acts, leaving his audience in a state of frenzy on a par with that of devoted Beatles fans. Qvep. 24 million of his records have been sold. Among the awards be has garnered are: Best Vocalist of the Year, Best Record of the Year~ a Grammy, Britain's Number One Vocalist, Best Foreign Vocalist (in a Scandinavian contest). The hit numben so closely associated with him are "J Can't Stop Lovin& You," • "Delilah" and "Laod of a Thousand Dances." Paa• 17 James Whitmore and Italian newcomer Enzo Cerusico co.-star as criminology professor John Woodruff and legman Tony No.- vello, partnered as a private in- vestigative team, in Sheldon Leon- ard's new hour-long mystery-sus- pense series that debuts on NBC. Sunday at 10 PM. Enzo Cerusico -as Tony -is Italian, and a charmer. An impetu- ous young man who thrives on action. When be was a young street urchin in post-war Italy, he almost succeeded in lifting John Woodruff's wallet. Naturally, John spanked the boy, but found him disarming. Years later, when Tony arrived in America and showed up at- John 's doorstep, the professor hit upon the idea for their unlikely partnership. Tony's leg work, plus John's own work in the criminolo.- gy laboratory add up to the basic ingredients for the private investi- gative team. The professor, John Woodruff, is everything his friend and part- ner is not: a solid, practical man who has earned the respect of the community in which he lives as Professor of Criminology at the local university. He has put his scientific and technical background to work as a private investigator to augment his academic salary, but secretly likes getting out of the classroom once in a while and into the thick of things. The thick of things being murder, blackmail, kidnapping, extortion and missing persons, among other items. Sheldon Leonard bas come up with another highly polished vari- ation on the timeless Damon and Pythias theme, and again, as in I Spy, comedy overtones are a vital element in the basically re- alistic and believable whodunit episodes. ................ • • • • • t E tc at VI ir B al at aJ G w Of R fc ct in be EJ u tar ho lo- in- tn- lS- c. is u- ::>n ng be 10 10 m ~ at 1it ly JS ::>- k i- f, t- n lC lS 1e is d If (. ,f d le I, g :1 l l t Enzo Cerusico Tampered with Tradition In Italian. the name Cerusioo means .. surgeon" and ever aince the t3th Century some member of the Cerusioo family traditionally had beJonaed to the medical profcssioa. Family tradition, cspc:cially among the Italians is .amethias sac~ with which there is to be DO tamperins. It fell upan ~g, good looting F.mo to be bis poeradon'• representabve resadcot surgeon. But Emo wanted to be an Ktor. So, not unlike the fwHoving. typically obitreperow yet ~ Tony Novella character be plays on NBCs new My Priead Toay (Sundays at 10 PM), be tampered with tradition and Jtayed with thetbca.trc. · Fortunately, be also was able lO Jtay with the family, dmllkl to his brother Naz.:zarco<), who fiDed the breach and is now a prxCidns physician in their native Rome. CIUME TE.All-I-......_ ,.,,,,., _, ,,..., ~ ~ c,.,..... C»4MT -c:»" I D p;Ja;w> -" ~ 7(fllfJJ ~ flOllJa>N -a ll"9W .... 7!'WI W. ils ~ ~$> .... "'7Sln7 ....... -.,,a, llq ,,,,. 7 _., Ea:zo .. jmt l.S wbaa produm ~ .....,, == to a small pat .. bis pic:1Dre Lil' I I -# r widli GUl n.~ and V-dlDrio De Sica. ~~ &JD .. ~ .mlttfting d ~ VC1enD ia die ~ bnillc tUrlal • 6t ~ at agtUI mi~ in Parodml School dnm:as abclllll ck lioa. d .u:u:at aa:dl ddnlir BibUcal cb:m.Xlti~ A SD-.-r ~ ~ &m adbliftl tfbul. "JI I alwa~~ lried IO '*1 die plfl of lflr 11'ICtC ~ ~" Al 19. Vlllcl.. a major ...._ 8u. con~. ~ Ihm m.. attend a •ht aojcal rwwwcb tdlocll. lk •» amnq: JOO ~ aum and womaa c:haliea br sm:!a ll1lp ftafiam 4lln IDldtdm a. ~~ Gamw:a.. -.,,,,; and ~ Ire lfia eromt ~ IJlllY, IX1 v.cre w 9 w4 Gal al lhe ocigsawL ~ 111 eontb1Wt amt lblmJ ~ ooe o( tbaa. Tbe ,..... a.c-. 'IODa cmc ID di& aaanttoo: <J1l Fadimoo Nllm who b:ind flilm ID puebay ck taCit of "'h.parruqnl' lU Iha fhmdU.I M<bt:roCaam .._ 1.a D*c Yara.. .. He ma •a& ~ es,-b6anJ ~ and GmsdJ ltt' two• spccWI.. -nie ft:ba ~ amt ''Ol»idl ~·· ln l~ S9C>"JV aa1•• pr,gc61CJ1r !hldd.bn Ua.nd w. m Rome Oii r.-.., i•'U f« I !pf. 1k a!llo watt ._.ng, an:· lballan, auro.rr ror the pan al .. 'Gtimt"' ia ck "~ spiaodk. ot tha -1& 1&. cOO.C Emm ban, ~ 50 ~ Imp<~ •• t6c 10llllS llUllV' !Rimm .IIAon:ard ~ tom rtta Oprpcll tumty D aa& • Amaii:::a amf ~ fbl1' ~ ~t1f' title roC ID flilt, tfDm ftujec:et ~ ef• ~ JrriendJ Toa,. Lri laftwuiy. 11~7. &iiD aadl llm aararait.14 ..wiU 11iriana. amvect in Hoa.~ ID c...c -. ~ . .Jbma \\lliittnOJ't'l, wittt wbum ~ •as cn IDllk die ,aoe llrm a~ sqµully 1mvumun. to lam Enifmh. Tbe Ccmuir:a .... in aaI ~ID l!lbtl~ Ma•dd:11 Oryw e A<if°"'"'i~ ~ C.,~18-~ 1611' l(e.Mt'y ~~ ~~. «<~ ..... ~~ ..... ~-s. • ~I ~ ~1111J. ~M -WMtll' ~" #t(lllf/#f. • ~ Adl~ ~tft#ldlt' ~U'f~ 4~~ '*"' "~ cd~ 1'"'6 ~ '*~ l<9f dfMw ----~ • -ir~ .Jltd.,J<w~ ~ ... ~ ~ ff!~ 6' ""' ..... ~ ~~ ~ ~v ~.,·§ ,,-.s ~ ~ ~ ''t(' w •. • Ced~ WI~ W#t:ff ~~ ~~ k~ .,,.~, ~ df~ ~cStfl" dfl'IK~114' IJ!tf~ f-M$~ 1-. llADO-WAIUMY '91 "'--di Ill p I • ., ..... lef\..._,..._.,._rJl/itW Cl"* ... ~ 11lUU.-fP.~ ""~-"-*'· 4IT'fl ... ~ ~·-· c.-. ..... ••• , ••• FRIDAY JANUARY 10 For morning "and afternoon If stings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 8:30 fJ "The Ptrlte" (romance) '48-Gene Kelly, Judy Gut1nd. 9:00 IJ "Tiie Awfal Trvth" (drama) '37 -Irene Dunne, Cary Grant. 10:00 O (C) "Marefe" (comedy) '46 - Jeanne Crain, Alan Young, 12:30 m (C) "Annapolis Story" (drama) 'SS.-:.John Derek. Diana Lynn, Kevin McCarthy. ''Colonel Efflnifiam's Raid" (com~dy) '46-Joan Berlnett. Charles Coburn. 2:00 m "The Rossiter Cue" (mystery) 'SI-Helen Shingler, Stanley Baker. 3:30 fJ (C) "Bounty H11nter" (western) '54-Randolph Scott. ---4!30 Biet-"'Jotscm-Slnp-~111""" (drF • ma) 'SO-tarry Parks, Barbara Hale, Wllllam Demarest. fVFNING 6:00 IJ The Big News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. B ltc'ftr.m'P'RnE~T~3of * LOS ANGELES LAKERS vs. BOSTON CELTICS ! Lakin Warm-up (C) Sta O'Clock Mme: .. Follow tile n" (drama) '51 -Glenn Ford, Anne Butef, Dennis O'Keef t . 11 Spy (C) (60) lab11n CC) (30) Merv 8riffln (C) ~s N..r? (30) Alms on rtvtl'IRJa1s and entertainment. the temperaQlffrt of "zoo babies," and how to manac• action and trick photography. @!) Dtsllnt la Gk>rta ti» KPLM News (C) 6:05 n Liken Babtball (C) (2 hr 15 riiTn) Los Anctles Lakers va.. Boston Celtics. Chick H11m Is mlkesldt. 6:30 0 KNBC NNllf'Vlct (C) (60) &> Voyap to tile Bottom of tllt Sea~) (60) ~ 6 Huntley-Brinkley (C) fil) UT Tiit Absurd Ar1s (30) "The Absurd Hypothesis." Arat In a series featuring Or. Clarence San· delln, professor of English at Cal State LA. The initial program ~ai­ lences the notion that the m11s media, music, TV end movies are friVl>lous entertainment. ---9.(j)Jklllll'~JlavJ.----mma>News <C> 7:00 R Qt Ci) CBS Evening News (C) (JO) Waller Cronkite. H What's MJ Unt? (C) (30) Pu:sword (C) (30) (6) Cinema Showcase (C) "Meet Me Mter the Show." Betty Grable and Macdonald Carey star. MUTUAL ADMIRATION-Linda Kaye Henning as Betty lo and her infant daughter exchange loving looks on the day of the baby's christening, on Petticoat Junction, Saturday at 9:30 PM, in color on CBS. ..... 20 ... THE DAILY PILO ... TV WEEK. JANUARY 4, 1969 fii) Makln1 t11t MOit of MaturitJ Los Anceles Timu talks with Gordon 10) Davidson of the Mark Taper foNm American West about The New Theatre for Now Trutll or Consequenca (C) productions to be shown tonlatlt It 7:30 9 (j) Tiie Wild. Wiid Wiit 9;30 PM. ( ) ~)A dying man's request to 9:30 0 (jJ) (]) &)Tiie Quns ot Wiii prestfYe a lecacy for his 10un1 Sonnett (t) (30) "Time Is the Rid· ward sends James West to Calllope, er." Jeff Joins up with three men Kansas. where he discovers a who claim to be partners ot his wholesale conspiracy amonc the father. James Griffith guests. townspeople to steal the inheritance. fJ NIWS (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Jim Backus cuests.. fil) New T1111tr1 fw Now (C) (90) CJ fD Hip Chaparnl CC) (60) Five plays taped by KCET performed "Shadow of the Wind." Scalp hunt· by the Center Theatre Group of the era dlscuised as lawmen di¥upt an Mark Taper Forum. ''The Golden Apache peace treaty. Luke Askew fleece," by A. R. Gurney Jr., fee· and Fabrizio Mlonl guest. tures Tim O'Connor and Helen fJ @ (}) G) Operation: Enter· Westcott. "Wandering" by Lansford iiTnment (C) (60) Ed Ames hosts Wilson features Gail Kobe and EAf from Pensacola Naval Air station, Flanders. "Chuck" by Jack Lar10n Florida. Dusty Sprlncfield, Colvin & features Maree Champion and Jo9e11h Wildlf', The Kane Triplets and Pro-Reale. "Thoughts on the Instant fessor Irwin Corey guest. of Greetinc a friend on the Street" 0 Miiiion $ Mme: "fourtieeft features Sharon Thie and was wrlt- ll0u11" (drama) '51--Graee Kelly, ten by Jean·Claude van ltaltle. Paul Douglas. Agnes Moorehead, "Camera Obscul'I" by Robert Pat- Richard Basehart. rick features Marge Champion and m Trutta or Conteq91MeS (C) (30) Ed Flanders. Card shark TC?AY ~ entertains 10:00 0 9 (!) m Sbf Trel (C) (60) with card tricks. while two con· "let"lhat Be Your Last Battlefield." testants try to auess the outcome The Enterprise becomes the battl• of the stunt cround for two aliens who have I Peny ,....., (60) chased each other throulfl •ce Candotl di la Raza (30) fQf 50,_000 years._ frank Gorshlo. U. Mttl • --Nftl'I -Lou Antonio guest 8:00 ID Coll... lasbtball (C) (2 hr) B m News (C) (60) USC Trojans vs. the Oregon State (jJ) (]) aJ Judd for Utt 0... Beavers of Cofvallls. Tom Kelly calls t.nse (C) (60) "Bordefllne Girt" the action. Judd aids in the defense of a child· fil) Rainbow Quest (60) German-like younc woman on a murder born Martha Schlamme guests.. charge. Geraldine Brooks and Brooke g) Nodle de &treno Bundy guest. 1:201J Liters Wrap.up (C) fJ 111111111 Diiion (30) 8:30 1J 9 (f) Go•tr Pyle (C) (30) &l Tllrt. ~ <C>. (30) "The Scrawl Gomer, O'bservlna that Sat. C.rtef's of the Wild. Hemet yan Home and tattoo has Increased his masculine author Norton Mockndge guest. appeal decides to become slmllarly el Dlct11 Robada decorated as a surprise for Lou Ann. 10:30 O Movie: (C} "DoctDr at Ste .. 0 fa@ a;, Name of the '111t1t (comedy) '56--0irk Botarde, Bri- (C) (§0) "SWingers Only." Dan Far-gitte Bardot rell trln to defend a fellow editor Q) News (C) (30) who has been accused of the mur· @!) Detras def Muro der of a youna woman. The airl 11 :00 I D 0 @!) m News (C) lived in a wild "for swinaers only" Alfred Hltdlcod apartment house In Hollywood, and Man from UNCU (C) the man's wife is angered by the Movie: (C) "Home In Indiana" news of her husband's affair with (drama) '44-lon McAllister, Jeanne the young woman. and refuses to Crain. he:p Dan solve the case. Ann Blyth, @(I)~@ News (C) Robert Lansinc, Jacll Klucman and ~ Cl) a;, News Clu Gulager guest. 11:30 IJ Movie: "Han cover Squart" IJ Steve Allen ~· (C) (90) B~ck (mystery) '45-laird Cregar. Linda Henry, Anna Mana Alberghetti, Mm· Darnell. nle Peart and Brendon Hanlon 0 Ii)(!) m Tonl&frt Show (C) gue.st 0 Movie: (C) "ladJ in the Dart" O @CV m felonJ Squad (C) (musical) '44-{;inger Rogers, Ray (30) "Conspiracy of Power:: Pa~ I Milland. ot two parts. Stone and Bnggs in· 0 (fi'J (])&)Joey Bishop (C) vestigate the slayinc of the wife 12•00 m 77 Sunset Strip of Nicky Bender, head of a power· • . , ful publishing syndicate. Fritz Weav· 12:25 0 Movtt:, (C) 'fUl'J ~ Smq· er and Richard Anderson guest ll•rs' Bay' (adventure) 63-Peter Q) But the Odds (C) (30) Johnny Cushing, John Fraser. Gilbert hosts. 12:30 m Action Thl'atre: "Chinese Bun· 9:00 IJ ~Ci) CBS fridlJ Movie: (C) galow." ''Whtf9 tllt Boys Ale" (romance) 1:00 S Movie: "Manhunt In Utt Jun-'60-0elores Hart. George Hamilton, e" (adventure) '~Robin Hughes. Yvette Mimieux, Jim Hutton, Bar-• O News (C) hara Nk:hols, Paula Prentiss, Con· 1J Movie: 1'Tht HoUM of Sffen nie Francis. The story traces the Cables" (classic) '40 -Nan Grey, experiences of four girls in their George Sanders. quest to find the man of their m from the Inside Out (C) dreams. (Rescheduled) • ., l @(I)(D Don Rickles (C) (30) 1:30 m All-N1g1tt Show: A Yank in the Run for Your Life (C) (60) RAF," "British ~gent," and "The A Converuhn With (30) "Gor-Bloody Vampire. don Davidson." Cecll Smith Of the 2:45 0 C.111.untty l1lletln Board (C) 'Ne' - Pub to see which the t\\ ning 1 sion ~ Da' of the based with d New Edwa1 tcrvie\ 90-mil varlet) works playw: "So dersta David don't· neat just ai The season by th Theyl affiliat first t series. Gail ford ma tic playle house gram play"" ish m their l audier will sh Jason tion a With stage numer on Pe: The of one TV ac Cham; scura,' tronic the St two pc 'New Theatre for Now' Public 1V viewers of KCET, Channel 28 will have the chance to sec if they "are ready or not" for new Ditty gritty drama. plays which offer no solutions to problems, and give no pat answers in the two hours of New Theatre for Now-Friday at 9 PM, begin- ning with an interpretive discus- sion with Gordon Davidson. Davidson, the artistic director of the Los Angeles Music Center- based Mark TatJCr Forum, speaks with drama crittc Cecil Smith and New Theatre for Now director Edward Parone in a half-hour in- terview-prior to the full-color 90-minute telecast by KCET of variety drama of uoproduced works of new and mostly young playwrights. "Some people don't like or un- derstand the new theatre work,•• Davidson points out. "These plays don't wrap up a story with a nice, neat ending and some people just aren't ready for that." The plays seen represent this season's Monday night offerings by the Center Theatre Group. They have been-adapted-for NE'F- affiliate stations by Parone as the first production of NET's new series. "Theatre America," drama Actress/danur Marf.• Champum in NET':t _play/et ·Camera Ob-scura," Robert Pa/rick's story of a computer-age romance, part of the 90-minute color 3f'ecial, New Thea/re for Now,J. sun Friday at 9:JU-1*M o,,-Kt:ET-elttmnn '"18. CCNtarrlng with Marge is Ed Flanders as the lovu-/!y-com- puter. presentations devoted to the U.S. regional theatre movement Gail Kobe plays five roles In Lan- ford Wilson's three-minute dra- matic vignette "Wandering." The play/et u part of the NET Play- house N~ Thealre for Now pro- gram of plays by n~ American playwrights. The program includes four dra- matic playlets and the one-hour- long "The Golden Fleece" (re- cently recorded before a live aud- ience in KCET's Hollywood stu- dios). Parone states the imagin~tive new techniques be employs for the 90-minute telecast are similar to many used in 1V commercials, and outstanding popular shows such as Laugh-In. He receives effective results by using the split screen. speeded- action filming, image inserts and superimposition. "The Golden Fleece," written by M.l.T. professor A. R. Gur- ney, Jr., is produced for NET by Jae Venza with well-known 1V director Richard Dunl~p. The drama concerns a typical forty- ish married couple, Betty and Bill~nsidered conventional by their friends. They rush into a television studio to report to the audience (in this instance a real one at Channel 28) that they will share a look at the Golden Fleece, owned by their close friends Jason and Medea. As they wait in the studio, nervous conversa- tion and telephone calls culminate in shocking off-stage events. With only two performers, the stars are Helen Westcott, veteran stage actress, and Tim O'Connor. O'Connor has appeared on numerous 1V series and is recognized for his former regular role on Peyton Place. The miniature dramas to be seen include "Wandering," a story of one man's life told in three minutes; "Chuck," the story of a 1V addicted housewife and a magazine salesman-starring Marge Champion (from the Gower Champion dance team); "Camera Ob- scura," a clever glimpse into a man-woman encounter in the elec- tronic age; and "Thoughts on the Instant of Greeting a Friend on the Street"-a startling commentary on the modern anxieties of two people meeting in a casual manner. Marto lbomas, ABC's That Girl, scbedultd to star la ber Int feature film, "Did You Har About Jenny Shapiro?" upeds to go to ~ew Yortl City to make It during the •fies' hiatus beg:lnnlna In February. • • .. Otk Y oons, starrinc with Don Morny in ABC's The Outcasts, 1ened as impromptu technical acMsor du.rt.ng the filming of an upcoming epleod.e, WJ'be Candidates." After tbe first u~cessful take of a scene of a formal dinner, Otis rose from bis seat and demonstrated to tbe actor In the role of a waiter the correct serving procedure. Otis picked up hi1 knowhow when working as a waiter In a posh New York restaurant. • • • Stefan Amgrim, young star of ABC's Land of the Giants, b~ formed a teenage lnstrumental group in which be plays the drums. Their fint enpgement was for a school group and for no money. • • • Whenever Barbara Parkins, who stars in ABC's Peyton Place, strolls with her dog she causes a stir not only for her beauty but because people want to know what breed her pet is. She has a Cockapoo, a cross between a Cocker and a poodle. Fairly new in the canine world, it is not yet a recognized breed by the Amer- ican Kennel Club. • • "Any man who thinks he's more intelligent than bis wi fe is married to a very smart woman," says Art Linkletter, star of Art Link.letter's House Party on CBS. • • • "No one knows for sure just what comedy is," says Jack Dono- liue;-direc1on5f-Hete's"Lucy, Monday-riignr series on ·cas. "Only the audience decides; if they laugh, it's funny." • • • Arlene Golonka. featured as Millie on Mayberry RFD, pre- sented Monday nights on CBS, was uncenain as a cbjld whether to become an actress or a dancer. But at 12 she tore a knee liga- ment while dancing, and that decided her on acting. • • • Nancy Kulp, of The Beverly Hillbillies on CBS, is happy with her. success as an actress but her real ambition is to be a television news reporter. • • • NBC's Star Trek and Laugh-Jn get dual publicity ->n latest bumper sticker which reads, "Spock It To Me." ALIEN HATRED-Two aliens climax a 50,000-year hatred aboard the USS Enterprise when Bele (Frank Gorshin, left) endangers Captain Kirk's (William Shatner) ship by attacking Lokai (Lou Antonio, right) in "Let That Be Your Last Battle- field .. on NBC's Star Trek, Friday (10 PM). ,... 21 , . KTLA 5 Covers Los Angeles Open Continuing to be the number one Sports Station ·tr. Los Angeles, KTLA S coven the 43rd annual Los Angeles Open Golf TOUf!>~· ment from Rancho Park Mun1ca- pal Golf Course in West Los Angeles, Saturday afternoon at 4 PM. Looking for the SJ 00,000 ad- ded purse will be J 0 of the top 13 money winners from the world of golf and 40 of the top golfers, including the defending titlist Billy Casper, who won $200,000 to lead the national golfing trail in 1968 and also led with six tourna- ment victories. Top prize money to the winner will be $20,000. Using color cameras at van- tage points and KTLA's color from the Tclecopter piloted by Larry Scheer, anchorman and sports great Tom Hannon leads the coverage, assisted by· veteran sports announcers Dick Boberg, Keith Jackson and Dick Garton. Coverage continues the next day for the final round with the KTLA cameras moving into ac- tion Sunday at 2 PM. BUI CM~r /,. u tluJ tkferul~ tillut /or tlt6 4Jrd tmJW4I SI00,-000 Lot Anpln Golf TountllllUnJ at Rtmclio Park Municipal COIU# in We.rt Lot An1elu. KTLA. j coven IM e11ent Salurday al 4 PM, and aiaJn on Sunday al 1 PM. IN A.DAM-12 DRAMA-Jenny Sullivan (daughter of actor Barry Sullivan) portrays a distraught mother lost in Los An- geles with her daughter (Sheryl Sue Jones) in "Jimmy Eisley's Dealing Smack/" on NBC's Adam-12. Saturday at 7:30 PM. raae 22 THE DAILY P1LOT, TV WEEK. JANUARY 4, 1969 The CBS Television Net- work has presented bound play volumes and brochures of "CBS Pfayhouse" to the theatre collection of the New York Public Library of the research library of the Per- forming Arts at Lincoln Cen· ter. The materials presented to the library cover the distin- guished television dramatic series from its inception in June 1966, when it was launched as a major step in bringing meaningful original drama to television. Included in the "CBS Playhouse" man- uscript collection are the works of such outstanding dramatists as Reginald Rose, Loring Mandel and J. P. Mil- r, _and young playwrights introduced to television by "CBS Playhouse," such as Ronald Ribman and Ron Cowen. • • • Federico Fellini, world-re- nowned Italian film director, is making a film about him- self for NBC Experiment in Television. This will be the first time that Fellini has worked for television and his first time doing a film for the U.S. The program will be a study of Fellini preparing to make a movie. It was evolved in conversations between Pe· ter Goldfarb, coordinator of NBC Experiment in Televi- sion, who is producer of this program, and Fellini. Accord· ing to Goldfarb, "Thi.s. is . not a preview of any spec1f1c frlm, but a study of a great di· rector and his fantastic im- agination. We will see Fellini, not only preparing to make his current film 'The Saty- ricon.' but also recalling his first awareness of films as a child, with recollections of past films and even of proj- ects started and then put aside. You might call this program a documentary-fan- tasy." In the course of the pro· gram the noted performers Guilietta Masina (Mrs. Fel · lini) and Marcello Mastroi- anni will be seen. A regular series of out- door Amateur Athletic Union Track and Field Meets held in the United States and Eu- rope, featuring the world.s top men and women compet1- tors--many of them 1968 Olympic medal winners--will be presented in color on the CBS Television Network starting in May. The meets will be broad- cast virtually every weekend through August. With two ex- ceptions, all will be present· ed on Sunday afternoons. The exceptions are the Na- tional AAU Championships in Miami Beach, Fla. in June and a world triangular meet in July for which arrange- ments are about to be com- pleted.-These-two-meets wilt- be broadcast live on both Saturdays and Sundays. This will be the first regu - lar series of AAU track and field meets ever presented on network television. While the full schedule has not been completed, a program of six consecutive European events will begin with the Western Hemisphere vs. Eu- ropean games in West Ger- many on August 3. • • • Executive producer Bob Finkel describes the changes in NBC's Jerry lewis Show by saying, "I wouldn't go as far as calling it 'The New Jerry Lewis Show'-but I will say that we're doing the show a new way. "The main change comes from the fact that, instead of taping the acts and skits piece by piece over a period of several days-in an empty studio, we now have Jerry working live in a one-hour show in front of an audi- ence," says Finkel. "It's amazing what a 'live' feeling and on -the-spot audi-. ence reaction c~n do for an artist like Jerry. I think the difference in the shows will be very apparent to viewers, and they'll quickly recognize Jerry Lewis at his very best." I I 7:0. 7:34 7:4! 1:0. 1:34 9:0. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. l"E8RVAR't' 2.2, 19&9 I &tlldio Ra6oi8'1 12:30 ! ta Cl) Je1111 Qltll (C) D (i'fj (J) OJ IETUIN Pre .....:. 9:30 IL-(C) ---·-... T .. ~ m lbftan1 Spllll (C) wtSttmL_'~Ruth Rom1n. ., 111 Plchn El) Futatic v.,._ (C) IJ~ CJ) &Ura H .. 1111-. (C) 3:55 fJ Ntw1 (C) JANUARY 11 (C) "SlmlDll ind iiliwli: ~ '""'-"' (drama) 4:00 a lllowlt: "1'1m1'a llllClt feu. t Slave Queen" and "Pardon MJ ' Vlc;tor Mclatltn, Huthtl Anpl. tilii" (1dvtntur1) '49--4.• Barter, French." &) ........ Tllulrt: ''Tht Sun I laltarru set. 1t Dawn." II L.A. OPEN GOLF! 10:00 ~Cl)Tllt Arc1111 ._ (C) l:0089Cl)MebJ Diet (C) *Today & Tomorrow 7:001 Mta Sit•• Mllltr (C) . (]) &> ..._.., tit lie C.. liilwti: .....,.,..,. (d11m1) '44 with Tom Harmon I Uvel Delip M l.elmln& t1r lie E.at111 (C) -Robert Mltdlum. D TH Les ~ o,. Qe1f Mr. WilllboM (C) fJ Mwit: "Rider •n • Deed .....,. • Mewll: "Wlq ud • Pnytl" fina..t (C) Bllt, Claper dt· 7:30 SnriM s...taf (C) (western) '62-John Vivyan, Lisa Lu. •dwnturt) '44--0on Amedlt. ftnda hb tltlt 1plnat top money- Movie: (C) "hwW' (we$lem) , ,..,.. for LJviq Dldal ..._. Winners In pro aolf. • -Georie Mont(omery. La &trllla J llAld ~ Ferell Hl&lllldlb (C) I W T-'-(C) ~ Cl•pus '"''"· 10:30 I Cil ...... ,..,... (C) 1:30 ta (I). Ltlle ..... (C) =. ·-• M1kln1 Utt Most of MlhlrltJ: • @ a;, UJ!ClerdOI (C) 2.1>0 1'rt Tew SedetJ (C) lroMe-., " ife Is for livln1." owlt: "FlPtinl Mtn of lie Hip Sdlool ......_,, I•• of 4:30 II s.m Antta bee (C) Thi $50, Ef) ~ In Education (C) Plains" (westem) '49 -Randolph W.. (C) 000 Sin Carlos Handicap 1t sewn 7:45 m Sacred Htlrt (C) Scott. Victor Jor, I Mowtt: (C) "Tiit llan Fr9• furlonas for four·rur-olda. 8:0011 ~ I.CO lopti.s (C) fi Ci7J (!) &) F~lltastic Fo• (C) ear:!r, =:n <::::~; '55-lu 5:00 II 9 CJ) m s .... ra Wondtrflll . t111 S4lper 6 (C) I) nit Blblt Aaswtra m CoroMt Thutrt: "Curse of the Wiito oflti (C) • 1nba, i.. c::; ~~n (C) 11:00 0 ~ci')d~ Senior Bowl Ftotbttl flCetess "11n." II RICHFIELD PRESENTS Tata of Wells Fqo (C) Jrm Simpson and Elmer Anp· I Hol~riffl · * LOS ANGELES KINGS Satard•J M1tlnw. "The Shadow" man call the action between North 2:30 ;'Cl) .Ju~ CBS 8olf ci... v~. TORONTO and "Bombay Waterfronl" and South all-star teams (m1de le (C) II Kh1p HocteJ (C) Los Anrtlu 8' Cool Md:otl CC) up of rradu1t1n1 collep stars. aa ALCIN DOR & CO Kriias take on the Toronto Maple 1:30 fJ 9 Cl) Bup Bunn,/Road Rn-mostly All·Americans) from Ladd .a . Leafs 1t the Maple L•f 01rdtna ner HOur (i Stadium In Mobile, Alabama. * vs. OREGON ST.! In Toronto. Jlas McDonald com-1 U . Top Cit (C} I (il) CI> m horp .. lie J.,.. II 9 CJ) Pacific I C.fwllCt menb. (]) • blllwtr (C) ~ (C) ua.A vs.. Ortaon D @ (I) EE ABC's Wide World of "See w.tr' (dram.a) '41 Anni TllUtn: "Blonde Bait" Stall. from Corvallis. IE ~ -Edward G. RobinJOn. 11:30 I tu(I) TII• Hol'Clllelcla (C) I Stra•p ,... Z....U (C) tD-BnttMlld--EE~ ........ (C) Cllllll' -. l•H•llceic: (~) • -fE &c.la KMEX (C) ' : ~ Bl'Hcl" (west· S. lie USA Flltl*..socat 9:00 0 9 @ iE Fllntltltttt1 (C) em) '57 -Joseph Cotten. 3:00 lall•lll•ll (C) Monte Moore 5:301J blll' hy (C) (R) D Mowie: M'f ncllsalllona of 11 ind Pett Ptlttta e1ll tht tctlon D Al~n celltp Sllew (C) ~n Wife" (drama) '54-Jtn-bttwttn USC8 11d P1ppenllnt. Dennis James hosts, niter Jones, Mont(omery Qifl I De.a. II 111111 I Ila.. Frem UNCU (C) I (il) m EE Spider Man (C) 12:00 I a (I) Sllazml! (C) Qwt ,.,. ....... ..... ... ., J.t Ta Linne (C) Qiliaiil: w~ (C) 3:30 s.. Hut : ,.._ ii ,.,.,... (C) (R) ~ Tlleltre 8r111 Tutro Ftebrrt • 11 ... (C) SATURDAY M 0 f? N I N L e 12" CO-AXIAL LANCER SPEAKER SYSTEM OILEC WALNUT EN CLOSURES e 12'" CO-AXIAL LANCER SPEAKER SYSTEM OILED WALNUT ENCLOSU RES ~ ft6t ~ARRARD AUTOMATIC TURN . TABLE PLUS STEREO CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS •ltd ~UTOMATIC TURNTABLE PLUS STEREO 16981 CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND e 2S WATT SOLID STATE STEREO AMPLIFIER & PRE-AMP ~ e FISHEa 160-T LAtett '''' J ell ,olicl-•tete 40 weft ~M-Stereo Receiver. Fu- turH "4icroclrcuif~ encl Field Effect tuntittor1. Tune-0 -Metlc tuni119 1elech your f,.v-0ri+e FM •••tlon et the puth of • butto11. Re,. $199.95 t e GARRARD AUTOMATIC TURN· TABLE PLUS STER E 0 CART- RIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS e FISHER FREE-PISTON SPEAKER SYSTEM -Oil WALNUT EN- CLOSURES R99uler $119.00 • p•ir 29968 STYLUS e 40 WATT AM .FM SOLID STATE STEREO RECEIVER --·~-.......-~~ ..... ~ .. 160-WAn SYSTEM e AR 4X SP EA KER FEA - TURING AR ', FAMOU S ACOUSTIC SUSPENSION DESIGN e GARRARD SYNCRO-LAB AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE WITH SHURE DI AM OND STYLUS •NEW SHER- WOOD S8 800A H1~~~;fgi:~~49927 ER lwood use option•I COMPLETE SELECTION OF SONY TAPE RECORDERS PRICES ST ART AS LOW A1S s69so