HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-06 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-----..-----------~----~-. •• -• • • • • • • • • • County . 'l •Dtan 'lleld iu~· llurying ' B .ahy • 1 -0 n :aek ~ard .. "' -... -. ·- -... .·-. ~ -ff -"' ~· .,-~ -~~" 'ri-~-w~ -ti. "' , . .. cream " • , • Congres5fu.an Asl,is . ' ' .. Atolnic ~xplosives . . I ' '. For Aussie Barbor .. f , " DAILY PILOT Lodge Appointment Dims' , ... 1_.,,. " .. • u-noe r...t c.t· .. a· ·r ·t .. 1• ng· · r'.':P.·0 lks ·:; .~~o/'Y~~!l~~~~!"'': ,-·10, l·:l~ r . ...;:,-~ "· .. ~ .· . ' , ." • :-~:u. • · :. , : . . ' :,. .. . ' ,{,.._ Beld . -. .... . ., . , PariS Parley __..~___._----.-..--'----__-.,.. . ...,.., --., . ....- ,,, ·~ , " • • · -· · 1 .. ...... • r .. ('; · . · · · stil.ieats Retldia · , .{~~~u n~ (QffiC,e~~g·_ To Start ~ter sF·Siate ReopeTIS A ~u· }~--~: ·· . • ··· · ·: ··· · buguration? . . W1f e K1dnaped· ~=:!his~::i~= Shouts of 'ReaganLooer' By AllTHVR R.. VINSEL Of "" Daltt' , .... SllH A complaint charging a Costa Mesa eoot in .the tidn.apin& of a Laguna Beach pOliceman's pretty wife -who fired. &bots • ..fn a str.uggle for . bet' husband's r~u -fl' ._,be2'>,8,: SOUll)li. fl'OJ!l '.the· Oi'inp County"""'"" ,<;ttomey'today .•. ~l\!l!tn E. .Altunller, 29, • cl 2100 · P"~ Way,. is held in Costa Mesa. City Jlll in lletl of $50,000 bail, ·foUowiog his afrest 5atun:liay. ,It .. was not implf!liialely determined · U addJUonal charges . would be sought againlt the .suspect, who also allegedly · cboked a neighbor staylrig with the vie-- Lim, a co-worker of the suspect. . -JJolb Aleunder, a cook, and Mrs. Dianne Carter, 28., a waitress, are employed at Reuben's restaurant, 1555 W. Adams Ave., Costa Mesa. The victim had prefiously e1pressed feps for her safety, police said today. am:. Carter, wife of Laguna Beach Palice Officer Kermeth Carter, • former <Jiimge County Shullf's deputy, was tt.ealed at Bristol Part Medical Cenler afler the altack and released. • Costa Mesa Police Capl Ed Glasgow aaid ·today that Mn. Carter firod at Jeut two and perhaps three shots from cne of her bUsband's .SI caliber aerv:lce revolnn during tbe predan atiact. Details of the .,_, bandied by Detie- tiv.e Gerry 'I'b!mpaoo, were being kept · oonfid~ ·~·;>Jntea!IPloO ., be g,a•n: bulldtng their-case against Al""""1er.. . . <:&pl GI-· lllld Mn., Cartar's ........ nel.!bbor -not Identified ' In· c:ompliance with . department ··policy. on naming wllne81es -made the tnlUal teporl of the tidn.apin&. : She told OffiCer. Al Muir-·aod Deteclive 'llllOmpson, that tbe .tn\armed • Aluallder came :to 'the Carters' Victoria Street apartment abwt 5:3t l :m.,..·and events there culminated ln a struggle . Mrs. cartef, ftporta . aaid, WU a~ ducted and spent ·about one hour at "1exander's Peterson Way aparbnent, during which, sbe w¥ ..,.ulted. The vldim· n stnM:I tn the head while firestl1na dver her o n .. d u t 1 husband's aun. Either of the Incidents could re-"llt In a d.eath penalty tn cue of conviction. Under C&lifornil'1 JO.Called LitUe (See KIDllAP, Pact I~ " ~xplosives for Harbor u'ae of atomic ei:ploaives to carve a neW harbor in Austnlla some 1,IOO feet wlee. 200 to IOO'feet deep alil more then oil mile long b being propooed today by Ril>-craig. 11oomer <R-Loo& Beach). -Called '" -oft b. halt>or this Ytlr In a r.tt<r to President Ja6mon whlcb uted f« $3111,COO for the : ::.~ ~"" tn ~log~ .... !la IAld !bet U.S, and Australian -JC~ oflldall ..... ~ tbet the'-• lhot could ~ate Ille nMr blrllor al c;.,. Keraudna tn Wesl-thi -alil this ,..,, .. '"ll>tll eool of tho prtjoct Is ,.timated at'between Ill mllllon and '1 t million. 'All eool, --l'o Hcomer, of !Ile nBlag lleplbtm -" t b. hlllt Comm-on Atomlc Energy, ...uJd bo ....... by the --" ~-··by-prlYlll mlnlnC • •• peace talta, bu named ii his· chief Parts negotiator Henry Cabot Loctse. who bu a reputation for takiDg a hlrd- llne Yiew of tbe war. In Paris tlle IQ>poinlment dimmed . 1--tbefilbe 'talta I<> end ,lbe-~i<tnam waanrould, 1t1irt before President.elect Nixon's lnluguration Ju. 20. Nef'th Vietnam however warned that the nomina~on of Lod.1e will not change the issues ln the Vletnam negoUatlom. Nguyen Thanh Le, the North Vietnam elegaUon spokesman. flatly dlsmlssed tbe appointrnenl u "an internal U.S. problem." • But in Satcon - a member of the South Vietnamese delegation to the Parl1 talks said he hoped tbe appolnbnent ot Loci(• woold "make. tlle negollltlorul wc.-t oUt m<n in our tivOr." . -" The dciegate,.Prof•Nguyen Ngoc Huy, who returned with Vice President N&Uf'Jl cao K¥ to Saigon two weeta ago, said: I t!>!nl: he (Lodge) ~ been tn Vietnam ' lq OllOOlb to have sympathy far our ....... ,'~ hope his appointment -will mate the negotia.Uons wort out more ln our favor." • u•I ' ' ' 'J'd,H14\D PEACE TAL.KS ,, ; ' "!>'!"!·"" .... i.-. ~· : -, ~ty Wom~ Held ·in Bury4tg Of Newborn Baby -A young Mexican women charged with burytng ber newborn baby alive in the backyard of a Garden Grova bollle.wbiri she works u a• maid ill held today on suspicion of murder. Valen<Ja M: Abril, 21, of Tijuana, ls tn the prlaoo ward of Qnnge Counly Medlc:al Cent.er', recoverhlg ~rom ·com-- pllc.U...· of the Saturday birth, In which sbe waa-evldently alone. • "Tbe beby 11 in the backyard," she ' ezplatned lllrOQlh an tnt«pr-, after I being boopllallaed·al the COWllY faclHty. 1 Ganten Grove police and members , of the Vlc!\ol'llomlllen family, who Uve ' at 1545 Skylark Afe., eearched and foulJ!f the tnfat Clrl buried In' a fralily dllll lflYI. • • "· C.-'a depu~ said the cblld ..... burled alln arid died of sulfocatloo; Delplio llllll· -to Sinon Aklr~-~ .... 11-.:. Glirden'Gnm polloor"*1d tod>y'that. Ille oaipec( lnallts 8"' II a single ~. ' . U.S •. 'GllJJl.es' P,repared ' 1'RMlll7VllT, Ge'lnlnY' (AP) -Tho edVlllCI party for 12,811 U.S.. J.ntl1 , I ~ · II-bo\'t lod•X to P!-ftJarte«ali lnlnlUttn at&rtinl tater • I tbll--tblCliecllollovUbatd«•' '· , " SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Teachert ' ~ UScabJ II "Stay out of achool" and ~iReiaan lover," greeted studentJ returirlng 'fo, teme Sal\ Franclaco State college today. Aho¢ lsiJ olpketl' represenllog a atrit· Ing teacberl"iin!on·and atrittng minority students · scr"'"°" at the thouAoda of nonatrlken who ctOISed the lines to resume clulu al the strUe-rocked cam- pua. ' Slartlng with about 125, the plck<t line 't U)e. ma1n entrance rwelled as the chill, fogy morning wore on. .' A ""'1Unaenl of about 75 from · San Jooe 8taJe Collece, IO mlle1 aW•l" Jlilned the·~· .:· \ Violence WU coallned tq a few Ii>' divklull ~..aa a. ICOl'e of hehnrllid pollc<mm otAiocl eybrc the ploteto. Bnndlablog ....... the· plcbl! cried, "Pip' off tan1~1 at· the PQUdl mxl' ''Scab!'~ out of ICbool,11 ID4 "B•pn lover" at.~ students. A lew.alber pk!kell _. oil the ·CIDIJl'll al bllllillilc entrancea. · ' Tbe college ended Ill 'U....week boll- day ~ with memben of. the tacberl unlon joining -llrlken. Gov. Reqan threatened. to -bayooetJ · U neceuary to 'pro t 1 c t classroom operltlou far· tb& v• mi:-· jorlty ·"'students and •facalty who ""'· not atriklng. Tbe collea• hu about 11,llllO students · and l~OO lnatrui:lon. • II WU lmpoulble to toll how, many ' allended the a. a.m . ..,..... oeulom, a1 no.rolll are called. . Acting . Pn!o14eo1 S." L lflJlkwa,. e--.i by two ~ ,...._ went cllnclly tO IU .illco Ii,,. LID. Plcteb """f411,"Scal>I i111U.wa ll &1 acab," ..... i~ tbl C8ftlllm. : 1 HoywwaJUI tba llickellol -lclll · Federllllon .ol :'hocllin , locOl -DCll· 'MONEY ·PRJMER, SERIES . DEB'CJXS ·/ . . What'• all tho "balfllpb" about UP.I •• "'°""'·and -ra ... t Sylv)a l'<ii· "" DAIL'll' PJWI' OaW!ol coh,anllt,. tt..Iatu " all W.o flldrNt llMuaei In a aeries Gt ...._ Cl°"l 1Jfooa1 P.f.!!ner for ... .. • "fl'I' lltll ·~~ .. -today <>d ' P.Pll. ''. ·. r• ~. ' .. h4,ve strike sanctlon. . Gary' i!awtlns, local ltFT 11";~t,. said it dou, "but 11 just DOW' takinl actlon." j ' 'the unJon·voted lmmldiate l\rlke ac-ti/m Sunday night in .. iupport of hi domuds for unloo r=gii!Uon, hlcber ; wage,; a voice tn admlnlltrative JJl"O"; cedurtJ, removal of police from tbt 1 campus, and administration compllance · with the student strikers' demaDda. ' Reagan;· in Saci:amei;ito, aa.ld, "Thpee; , who want to get an edUcaUoo, tbole1 who want to teach, shoultl be· pr- lri lhet . at the point cl ba~ K/ , . necea:Sary." . He said Hayatawa "imwl he lw ' my moral sUJIPorf all the way:• All cJa.... resumed today, ..... picketing t..d.en plaobd at' -· atm.~u ,tbey Wiikec1 onSo tbe,qmp.11. aiid lmpimOd.lhem to i.ave. "Stay out. Dcn't scab ror Ronnie," 1 tliey called. "Don1 boa llupo-lcmir." 11-city .po!ioe ,...,. villllll on 1j stfewalb around the_ CIJllPW- . Weatlter ' . That palchy !qi rolla-back tn to- nlgh~ shoving the -clown a ) few-· Coull!~ I ri'tsbbed al ft ....... ,_., Wlth .. overnllht· lew "'"' . INSm E TODA 'l' Wilh hoo ~ It/I of hil term, -Pr•-lolmlon ;>lam ' a flock of . soda! ~ in • ancl out of Ille WMtt y..,, lo 1 .. 1 ~v<· EIOQt JO. , -.. ---· ·-, -.. :.:::---r, =-=-: ~ 1 Ot#aat Jll ..._ I --. !'I .,. ' -!"". • .... , .. ,. '~ . l• --·r-. na ' ,...... ,..,, ~-" '"" c.-. • 1r ............. ,. . ~ i\1111 _........,. ,. .,....,. 1 ! •• ---' ' 'I .... ""!"' ~ .. I I t - . { ·-------- • ,.-----'-- t DAll.Y l'l}OT I ,.....,, Jllll!VY 6. 1169 'TICi-ro:r · Attack Kills : Saigoir ~duCation Chief 1 • ,, .. t~• . . . "'' ............. SOUTH VIET MINISTER Ot' EDUCATION LIES COVERED WITH BLOOD NEAR ·HIS BURNING CAR Dr. Le Minh Tri and Bodyguard Wounded, Driver Kiiied u Viet Cong To'rrorl1t1 S~rlke ' Burns ~.·Retaln~ Senate ·Post DAILY PllOT .. ..,.,. h 9di I H•11tl.I,... IHtlt ........ ..a . ,.. ....... , ..... c ......... CAUJOINIA 011.&.NGIE (C),t,lf •UILllHING COMl"Alt't J.•l>•rt H. W114 l"n!1lftnt .~ '""'°"""r Tk1111•1 k •1vil 2fillr n111111 A. MYrpkiftt M&natlfll EtlilCr P•YI Niu•" .......... 11""' OlrK.tw °""" C:.." JMM! J» Wftl In St,..., '4_.,..... a.tcti: till~,.,.,,,..,.. '°"''"'rd ... ....,.. ••ac~1 m ,_11 ,._....... /Wftttn.IOll lffUI; lit Jiii l!r"I I UPI T•ll!lllflt TO AID LODGE . Doputy W1l1h . . . i I. · Ul"I T ........ JOINS PEACE TALK TEAM A.rnb11s1dor Gr .. n From Page l LODGE APPOINTMENT. • • Joot at their view more sympatbelically. On Saturday, Nixon had told newsmen he wanted Ellsworth Bunker -another American who seems able to talk to the Saigon chiefs -to remain indefinitely as ambassador to South Vietnam. Ron Ziegler, Ntr:on'a press spokesman said 1n announcing the Lodge aP: pointment that the President-elect phoned Bunker Saturday night and got a personal assurance the envoy would do what Nixon judges to be in the naUonal interest. ln other words, Bunker would remain in Saigon. In addition to naming Lodge his personal representative and chief Paris negotiator -to replace the veteran W. Averell Harriman -Nixon through Ziegler signaled these other choices for the Paria delegaUon: -Lawrence E. Walsb, 57, a Manhattan attorney, will be deputy to LodJe. Walsh was a federal district judge before serv- ing as de(AJty attorney general In the EJsenhower administration u n d e r Socretary of Stal&<le!lgnate Wllll1111 P. Rogers. -Career diplomat Manhall Green, si. .. will be deta.c:lled from hi3 duUes as • ambassador lo lndonesta "to give ad· ditional profeulonal competence and SUI>' port to the negotiating team." -Philip Habib, ta, another career foreign service officer who Once served with Lodi• In Saigon, wUI remain a member of the U.S. delq:aUon. From P .. e J KIDNAP ... ~.indbergh Lew, the dealh penalty can be impoMd lp a kidnap case when a vi ctim la aqaulted. Mrs, carter's husband was sent home from hi.I aniveyar_d shUt patrol duUts with the Lagtina Beach Police Depart. ment after his wlfe'1 abducUoo was reportad. ""'" former orange County a11er11r1 del>Olty hQ been with tile -cl'l' roree for nwlt five year1. HIJ Wlfei'• alleced abductor •u .,.. rtlled ti 1>11 apartment 5"turda1 ~ lnl bJ Olllcer Moir and DMolm ThomP*>ll, aecon!lnt to C&pt. GJu,ow. SAIGON (AP) -EducaUon Mlni>ter since !he enemy's Tet offenalve list Le Minh Tri, 46, died In a hospital winter. loday; victim ol lbe (!IS 101 ,_. a~ 4 IOVernmeol 11"'™~0 Aid Ibo at.. qa)nst a major SOuth Vlelnaniese ~!;:t~~~ act ol terrwm by the ~cal figure in mo~e than a year. The bomJ>.wu reported fashioned lrom Be was cut down· by a. gr1!1U1d• ex· a U,S. Mi. &nOade fortified with plaJtic ploelon that demoliJ\bed llll ear "9 a ' ~loilve. WU.-aald 11 waa loaed ~pwntown Saigon~ , . • " Into Tri'• car al a traUlc li&hl by Across the counlry, the Viet Cong two youths, wbo then escaped on a and North Vietnamese generally avoided motorcycle. blttle, as they have done for several CriUcally wowided, Trl was rulbed months. to Saigon'• ~run Grall HospltaJ. Tri was an Am'!!Can-tralned phyllQ>n · Guardl weoo j>Olited !here to prevept who had held 1)11 Cabinet post only a further atttmpt on hit life wblle about three months. surgeons operated. A hospllal spokesman Ht$'. driver was killed instantly and said Tri died at 6:45 p.m. , two ~yauanh and a ~by were Tri had &tudied at Jefferson Medical woundDU 1>Y the b1a:3t, lhe most spec-College in Philadelphia. Dfrecting lhe tacu!ar Incident" ol jtl kind Ill Saif!on EducaUon Mlnlatry ii COllSidered """ sea: ·te11ai Franc.a Yettori,.,16, smiles aft:-er winniilg legdllreooJOll!!>lt«>f .• her change of sex· from Pisa, Italy, court. Fntnca·, once known as Franco, underwent sex change operation in Casa- blanca, Morocco, in 1966. • t of the nallon'• most d!Wcui\ jobo. Mal>i studenta are Viet Cong acf;lvistl or sym.i . .. ___ . . pa-~ • -. _,J. U.S. and "·Soutb Vlelname,. !::'":"I reported more small clashes, arms finds,1 air strikes and light ,shelllngs. Fift)"i· to 60 large-scale aWed 8\feepfng opera tin We.re under way, including a drive{ b1. 5,000 \l.S. Marines and govemmen~1 ~ around the a~andoned lortresotj oC Kh'e Sanb and a U.S. Army-Navyf puah in the Plain of Reeds west ot Saigon. -. . - Spokesmen eaid the big sweep opera- liooi are deaigned to keep the North Vietnamese and Viel Cong off baJance, to ferret out their supplies and to prevent any massing of the enemy for an of• tensive. So far they have encountered llttle resiatance. Laird, Hardirj, Choose A ides . . For Cabinet · ·~ ... tintted Preis ~htemational ':"' Two of Prealdent~ect Richard M. Nix4- on's cat>J,ne~ appointees today named aides .in their departments. j In Washington; Defense Secretary· designate Melvin· R. Laird announced that Stanley R. Resor would be retaind! as Army secretary, and announced th'~ appointments of Gov. John H. Chafie of Rhode I.sland as NaV) secretary ~ the former No, 2 space agency official. Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Jr., as bead of the Air Force. ,. Seamans formerly was deputy af rninistrator of the ·National Aeronautit.i and Space Administration. In New York, Agriculture Secretary. designate Clifford M. Hardin named J. Phil Campbell Jr., Georgia commisslone!' of agriculture, as his under secretary~ and appointed Clarence D. Palmby ct Arlingkln; Va., as-an assistanr--seeretary: Palmby forme rly served as director of the agriculture department's ·grain dlvillon a n d comm!)dJly stabUlzatlciii 1ervice. · -p . 1•' .. GOP Chooses Tower To Direct Campaign!! WASllillGTON (AP) -Sen. John G: Tower of Texas· was named chairman of the Republican Senate Campaign Corn· mittee today. Sen. John J. Williams of Delaware was chosen as chairman 0£ the GQP COmmittee c;in Committees, w h 1 c h handles party assignments to the varlow: Senate panels dealing with legislation. Leaking Gas, Cigarette Blamed for Fatal Blaze Carlo Chris tened GENEVA (UPJ) --Italian film star Sophia Loren's week..,ld boy was christened Carle Ponti Jr., at a privale ceremony here Sunday, it was announced today. Gas leaking from a butane tank and a smoldering cigarette which ignited the gas with blowtorch intensity were blamed for the Big Bear cabin fire early Thurs- day which killed three Orange County youths. Lt. Ernie deLaurie of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's department said the gas escaping from a butane tank resulted in the explosion which tore the cabin apart and burned it to the ground. Funeral rites for Crain A. Beckemeyer, 16; of 18592 Don Drive, Huntington Beach, were conducted today. Also killed in the explosion and fire were Larry Lynn Golden, 18, of Anaheim, a member of the 1967 All-CIF football team, and Donald Lee Temple, 18, of $35 Lemon St., Anaheim, a top pit.cher in Sunset League baseball last year. Also in the cabin \Vere Kevin M. \Voodson, 17, of 13853 LaPat Place Westminster, and Bruce P. Pina, 1a: of Anaheim. Pina was charged by sher· iffs deputies with interfering with the firemen. Possible additional charges include B·j Jegal entry, the deputies said, becauke. the cabin owner, Earl L. Denney of Anaheim, apparently did not give the youths permission to use the cabin. , I The invesigators said that Denney ad- mitted he knew the youths, but ha<(, not rented the cabin to them. Pi:la is scheduled for arraignment In Bear Valley Justice Court at 9 a.m. Jan. 13. Woodson had been held in custody of the San Bernardino juvenile hall. l'Allll!llJl.IMl!ll'lllla,11••-t•w•irm••• , I' • ' '• • • • " • ~ ,, n OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE· COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings siied a nd re paired • diamonds and precious stones re mounted • pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES Qf JEWELRY HAUOa SHOPPINI CIM1U 2JOO HAHOa II.VII. COSTA llUA M'"'411 ' ' -, ' . ~ ' ' ' HUNTINIHON CINTll nACH r. IDtNIR HUNTJNlfON H ACH nz.1101 ' .. • ,, '. • J ,, ,. " l -. I l 11 I ' I, l-- ' ' --. ., . -• Huntington &each. " N.Y. 81•$• • Yol: 62, NO. 5, 3 SEcTlO!'lS, 30 P,A6ES -. ·-I ' ' . ' ORAt!GI: C(?uNTY, CALIFORNIA ' MONDAY, i!AN\iARY ~. '196. , . '. ~ . Pickets Screairi" ~'Scab' ' • • -. · SE State Students Called' R~aga~ Lover_s' by Profs ~ . . ~ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Teacben divldual llCUlfle> as a score of helmeted 11° wu lmposalb!e-16 !ell "'1.i many codurel, removal ol "911<e ~.Qi;! scrwn1ng "Scab!" "stay out ol school" policemen llood eying the picke!I. attended Ille I a.m. openK •-..., c.mpus, and adminlilraUon COriipU-. and "lleopn l'lft'," greeted llhldenU Braodilblng alps, the pldets med, u no rolll .. c~ . • • wllh the student strikm' demanda. retumi!11 In tense 5an -,...ancllCo state "Pigs oft campus," at lhli. police and Acllll& Presldfnl. S. I. ffalakwa, 'Reqaa, ln Sacramento, aald, •'Tliooo college today. "Scab! Sjay out of school," and "Reagan ~ bY two molm:yclt ·pollcomoo,; wbo want to gel an· educotloo, U- About 350 pickets representing a strlk· lover" at arriving studenl.5. A few other went d1recUJ to hll ~ 1t·1:ota.m. '\. who want to teach, lhould be projectld Jng teachers' union and slriking minority pickets were "1 tpe campus at building Pie~ abouled1 "Scab! llayuaw~ \I. In lhat al Ille point <Jf bayoaell If students scre,imied at. the tboosandJ of entfances. a scab,'' u be croued ~ .caalpua. necesaary." nonstrikers who crossed the lines to The college ended Its three-week holi-Hayakawa uld tbe•plcketlng AlMriclD lfe aald Hayafawa "tnowl h& bu rMume classes at the strife-rocked earn· dQ receas with. members of the teachers Federation of-TeaOherl local-Cfou. not my moraJ 11.1pport all,the.WQ." p.µi . union Joining student strlken. have strike JJnCUm.· , AB cluses resumed tod~. ~ Slarting with about 12S, the picket Gov. Reagan threatened to use Gary Haw\ina" local AF'r ~ent, pictf.tini Jeacberll plucked at lbldeota" line at the main entrance swelled as bayoneta U neceuary to protect said It dOU. 'u~Jt ii j!Jlt oW takinc .. anna u 'they: walked-onto tbe caoipua the cbill, foggy f®l'Dlng wore on. clulroom operaUons for the vast ma· acUop." .. . and implored them to leave. , A conUngent of about 75 from San jorlty ol ltudenta and faculty who are The unIOri voted ltnmediate striki ac-· , '"Stay out Don't ecab for Ronnh!,"' Jose State c.ollege, 50 miles away, joined not drlking. lion SUrll;lay. nllbl in support of its they called. "Don't be a Reaa.,..lntr." tbe demonstrators. Tbe college has about 18,000 students demands for un1C'Al recocntttoa, ~ Helmeted city police were Y1llble OD Vlolence was CODfined to a few ln· and 1,100 instructors. wages, a voice tn admbdatraUve pro-lldewalb around the campus. SF STATE PRESIDENT POSTS 0 WARNiNG Hayakawa Draws the Line Burns Retains In Australia ' Gas Leak Set . Hosmer Propo~es ,As Cause of -; Cabin Blaze Council Controver$f1 : p T S t ·, . ro em po BeachPlanning,Building In Senate . . Reorganization-Talk Set SACRAMENTO lAPl _: ··The 1969 legislatUre opened today wilh Senate Republicans refusing to use their new control of the upper house to dump Democratic President pro tern Hugh M. Burns. AJ a result, Bums w1ll remain er. the job. 'Atomic·-·-Harbor· A controversial reorganization plan of the Planning and Building Department functions in Huntington Beach could come before the Huntington Beach City Cooncll toolght. bers of the building department: Use of atomlc explosives to c.arve a and shipping companlea ln both countrtea. new harbor in Australla tome 1,600 feet !lbe project would cooslst ol tbe simul· Counclimen meet in councU chambers of Memorial Hall, 5lh strftt and Pecan Avenue at 4:30 p.m. and again at 7:30 wtde, 200 to 400 feet deep and more than taneous detonation of Ove $kiloton one mile long ii being proposed today by. nuclear u:ploslves un'derWater at the Rep. CntJC Hpsmer (R·Lon& Beach). cape. The explosion would result in the p.m. .. The Senat'e, 29-19 Republican with one vacancy, met in a cloled caucus some two hours before the session began without coming to a deciaion on the future of Bians, the veteran who bas held Ille pr<aiding ol!Jctr'• job alnce 19$7. . . .j • Hoimer called for coostrocUoa of th e hyge crater which would thc;n be the new harbor this year in a letter to. President deep water harbor. Although not lJat.d oo Ille agenda, City Attorney Don Boofa was asked last month to ru1e whether or not council discussion of the rm-ganizatim plali could be held in q:ecuµve eeaion. Johnson which asUd for !300,000 for Ille tt.mier propooed lhat lhe. Australian initial 1WOfk-involved ln plannil\£ the nu-uperiment cooduded instead ol a , Valley Council 1' o .Review 'l;.ot Y aril.ulct · Den'ial clear &bot. . =r ocb\<lWod eipetjulept called ~.eP-~ jWi:Fili~b= Baofa waa apedfilil to bave a report ready fQt the .......,U lodof · Tiie ~.plan~ Jn. volves bRnblC """ lo Ille ~<le­ partment some <Jf the :;:m:\i.Jli>o. tiorui " the 'building de bas been crtUcized ·aeverely by tOme mem~ 'Iii •a!llaliln deC\diil not to •ote ..... a ~~tem when they eonvent. '11-op\!' v Will ).e to "fill Ille vacant Jialtlf.• . iif'.ibl •ate, Y!· • ~ · Bq iilli! ~· a)tdet ihe Seoall rules, he irtll .....a!D u ·pro 1"11 unlil ...,.. .. lrld to cbalJenge him. E .. ~~ln ~ lloll lo•anl~-·w ~~·" .~l';,"'1 ' •. 111%W 'l'OC'.11 lbO • ~Ii~ .ocrou r-A'l!IN-• at ~ Jll ::.&:: ml •• H . -lfial',..,. J !'i!\CI Tbe ..., • ......., lo HGl!Der, of (tho ti*, Union and olhet' ~ J. Ray Construct1on Co.1 Ioc.1 will ask Fountain Valley Cll)' Councll Tuelday night to reverse a Planning Commllll<lll denial orf a variance for smaller-than- standard lots in 1 tract on the northwest earner of Newbope Street and Warner Avenue. Tb! Alllembly, meanwhile, wu Rt to . elect . Aaemblyman Robert T. Monagan (ft..Tracy), as speaker -the li...t member of Ille GOP to bold the Important job tinct 1958. He replaces Democrat Jease M. Unruh of lngleWOOd, who .steps dOW?l to minority leader in a house that ii now tl-39 Republlcan. ranlllng Hopobllcaa memller of he _. gel,together ·to daill1~tbi ·,,... Joint Comm!U.. oo Atomic Energy, •11Pll~Q11y of the Limlte<f'Teat - w<R1Ic1-11e·-IJ1-the --of Tr.al1 • rutralnl:I on nuclw' eql-bolh oatkioa.aild bY 10111e private mining· 11\f peac<ful purpoota. Teens for Christ Appear in Court, Face New Date The regular council meeUng wm open at 8 p.m., Tuesday, in council chamben, 10200 Slater Aveni;e. Although 1n numerical control of Uie Senate, .Ille Repibllcans lacked the 20 votes »eeded to oust Burns. Lodge Appointment Seen ' . ' A brier appearance Jn West Orange County MunJclpal Court Friday by five Teens for Christ brought no setUement cf charges against them for unlawful entrance on Golden West College. The small lot request was denied Dec. 18 by the Planning Cornmi.ssion becaue in the commiss)on'1 oplnJon the developer failed to provide any innovaUOll!I or distinctive house desig:nl to merit con- sideraUon for a variece. Sen. Dbnald "Gnmsky (R·Watsonvllle ), cha,innan of the Senate Republican caUC\lS, told newsm~. "We are not going to propose a Republican for pro lem •t this tj.me. We do not have 20 votes for a Republican pro tem." Delaying Sta~~.of Talks Huntington Beach police arrested the fi ve teens Dec. 6, after they had been cnlered olf the college campus "by dean cf students Dale A. Miller. The hippie-style Christian revolu- tionaries have been held in West Orange County Jail 1n lieu of $125 bond set on each. They pleaded innocent to the charges · and are ach<'Cluled to appear for a preliminary hearing Jan. 9 in West Orange County MunJcipal Counrt. ScheduJed to appear Jan. 9 are: -Nancy Dewar, 18, 6271 Myrtle St., Huntington Beach. Jonalhan Berg, 19, 605~ IIH.h St., Hun- tington Beach. J... Laqlori, I~ !05 !oth St., Huntington Beach. -Doaglu Toerp<r, 19, !OS 10th St., Hootington Beach. -Jama; Burke, 'IT, 805 10th St., Hun- tington Beach. Frkiay'1 court appearance was a routine matter, designed to see if a setUement could be made between the public defender and the distri ct attorney on what cbatges would be -.rougbt agalnit Ille defenders. . The TetnS for Christ. however, refused to compromiR. The developer planned to place 81 Jobi on 16'h acres. with lot areas ranging from a minimum of 5, 100 aquare feet and lhe majority with 1,000 equare feet. Tbe standard city Jot ls 7,200 oquare feet. In other acUon the Council will : -Set a public hearing on an &mend· rnent to Ordinance No. 66, conctrnlng provisions for uses requiring condiUonal use pemUts. -set a public hearing on the precl.!e plan fo.r Strett No. 118-1 for alli'hment of the street for a portion cl Dally and GardeNa Avenues. -Set a public hearing on the flnaJ weed abatement charges for phaae Illa Ii l9llH8 Weed Abet.meal "-""1. Jan. 21 is the recommeOded date for this public bearing. Measures on ~genda Tiie Seal Beach Cl\)' Council will tab up tt10luUons supporting the action of Dr. S.t. Hayakawa at Sao Francilco state CoOqe and on cloolng Ille Matcan bordtt to ,mlnon during Ille I o'clock meeting tOlllgbt at City !WI. But he said that U Ille GOP wins a special election to fill the vacancy creat.d by Ille death of Sen. George Miller Jr. (D-Martinei), "that will be a new ball game and we will re-evaluate our position at that Ume. 11 Burns viewed &be Republican failure to support tum u a sign of Republican mU9Cle fleling. "But the Republlcan1 ha\'e the right to ne:r. thdr muscles if they have the muscles to nu and to a certain extent they do," Burils aald. But some Democrats were also unhap- py with BllnUI. Sen. George Moscone (l>San Francisco), said he and pos~bly 1Q of his colleagues opposed Bum1 because of lhe 1tnator'1 support of Republican Richard M. Nii:on for Pru!· dent and refuaal to back Democrat Alan Cranatoa lor the U.S. Seoate. Bu( leglslalioo WU ahoved to the backgroWI until leadersblp · q\le>llons were lettle(t. GOP -'1Jblym<o caUCUJed , Sunday and ermorged llO!ldly beblod tbeJr choice for lpeOker, Aasemblyman Rd>ert T. Monapan of Tracy. 'lbal Wllred hJI election as the lint .Re~blican 1peaku (Bee LEGISLATIJM, hi•_ II Viet Officia·I Murdered ' . . . ,_ _ Str•llet NEW YORK -Prestdeni..tect Nixon, wllhout 1taUng hi.I own views on Vietnam peace WU, IW named u hJI chief Paria negouator Henry Cabot· Lodge, who bas a reputaUon lo< taking a bard- llne view of the war. In Paris the appointment dimmed hopea lhlt Ille talk.t to end Ille Vielnaro war would start before President-elect Nlxon'1 ioauguratton Jan. 20. North Vietnam however warned that the nomination of Lodge will not change the bsues 1n the VletMm negotiations. Nllllyen Thanh Le, Ille North Vietnam elegatlon spokesman, flatly dismissed the appolntme~t u "an internal U.S. problem." But in Saigon - a l)'l!mber of the Sooth Vlelnamae, delegation to Ille Partl talk.t said he hoped lhe appointment ol Lodi• would •:mue Ille negotiaUonJ wort out more 1D our favor." The dele1ate, Prof. Ngiiyeo Ngoc Huy, who returned with Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky to Saicon two weeks ago, ·said : I think he <Lodi•) bas been In Vietnam Iona enough to have ll'lllPlthy I~ our ...... "I hope his appointment will make the neaotlaliona work out mote in 'o.ur favor." · Lodge, 61 'and t'fl.ce ambusador lo Saigon, will head iii almo1t·new negoUalin11 team that, by lta makeup. Jeavn in quesUon NlJ.on'• own policy attitude tt>wU'd ~ peace effortl ln :;-~·· ••• • ·-1 Pa:rt&.. Terrorist GrenadeB Demolish EdUcaiion Chief's Car Dur~ two sa1ion toon, Loda• . ., ' . ' - . . . . . . " . -llT mlm>rod Ille lhlftjng but , • · ., lllually· optlmlatlc .. appralsala of Ille SAIGON (AP) -EducatiOG Mini-• aloce the ~...m,•a i et .~ve. lall of the oallnn'a m0ot dlllkult jobo. lllally J-,....-. Le Minh Tri, 46 died in a bolpltll winter. • students are Viet Caog actlvtata or .,,... Bill In a -bsued SUnday today, vtcUm of th. lint temJrtat attact A go•«~ .111>'•1,..,aolol the at-pathlun. In _, where he cumnli)' I! am- _,_.. ,..jar -Vletnameae tact Wll "' ldo'el>llOU«lilo loJ ·the U.S. and SGlllll --ba-,to Welt GermaiiJ', µ;d(e aild a.--a Conm-W." npoliedmort1-.~ ....... lbocli, --·-----------polltlcal (igln In mon -,a y..... ' Tiie ...,.. -"'*""' , ... 9111 lrom llr lllrlkea and ·lfalot obelllnp. flll1 • , t . He wu cal down b)' a gr<nade a · •J1.S. IOl11"--WJlll.p1-to• Iara-It~~...,,,,..! 'MlJNf:Y.• PRJMElf.' · ploolon that domollahed lib car OG • .,q,looi"-,,....... aald IMllU -tlaol were .-. WIY; lnc1uClini a ~ • · ' ' • , downtown Saigon street. . _ _,. Trl'I ..,. al a..~ llPt 1oJ • .by i.ooo u.s. Marines anc1 ~ 1 l.,.,.. .. .,:5 r.EBUTS ~"""~let..= .... ,...., 9"',0.'111...., •.• ~"'°"""the abadoned I~/· "'Dn,i-1:. U , and Nortll • •• tJeL • , of Kbe Sarob ad a ,II:& 41 ~ --• . • balU•. aa they ha•• done f0< severol ~ """"'1ed, 'M ,wu 1"llled paah In 'the Plain ot.:Jle<cll weJI of Wbll'• all Ille "ba!Oeg1b" about 1lahl mcJflthl. • to Seip 1 -Grill 1fo11o1ta1. Saigon. manoy ind dlacount rateat Sylvia Port· Tri Wll Ill Amerlcmlrabtd )lhyllclan ~ ............ llli'lad -.. pn-SpokeBnlOll •id.the biC ~opera-.~.?.a~Ytt, _P.ILO'l'n lnto·flnre~l.~ W1llo had held hl1 C.blnet poot eol)' a ·~ ape&ai::f Oft loll Ille wldle Uon1 are d"1goed to ~eep "" North , -~---· 1bout three monthl. ..,,...., • A.....,.lal OJioltmnan V-and Viet c.ng 'l>(t balando, 1 Jn. a aerleo . fl! columns called " oney• flla driver wu kllJed lnstanUJ and lilld l'!I died ~t •:16 p.ID. to !erret oot tbeJr auppU.. and)& pr.wDi j l'rlM!r tir'it." •· ' two l>odyguano and a ·...-bY -. 'ffl lilll lludled •at Jell....., Med1'al any massing of the mmy ~ 1lie 'llht ·'1-i" aPJIUll1 todait CID -oded .,, the . blut, the --llolJfcr.. PhlladelPlofo. Dlroctlllf the IOllllYV So far 1lolJ -. -. '"t'1' '!' .. ' '' ' ' ' . . I t.cular lnddent of ill tlnd In Salton EducltJon Mlnlatiy la CClllild<recf one llWe rulalancO. ,., ' , 'f. ' - ... "To"Hi~o 'l'i°Atl Y,(~KS ~lxon Appoint~. -.. Gis l~akiilg from -a:butane. tank and - a :111110lderlng cigarette which f&nlt.d the gas with bl-lntelllrlty...,. blamed for the Big Bear cabin fire-early Thurs- day which killed thn:e Oraage Cou11t1 youths. Lt. Ernie deLaurie of the Sob Bernardino County Sherlf1'1 departm...t said Ille gu escaping lrom a bulano tank result.<! ln the eaploslOG which ~ the cabin &part and burned tt to the l'QUild. ' !l'lm<lalrilfl for ~A. ... .....,.., 11; of 111&92 lloll Dr!Yt, lllmllngton Beach, ,.. .... ~ "'°"· Allo _,.,;,· U.,-~ -.I !Ii"·_.. Larey Lynn - Golden, 11, " Allahetm, •• member of IHe lilll7 All-CIP' foolboD team.. and Dpnald Lee Temple, 18, of 535 Lemon St, Anaheim, a top pitcher ln Sunaet League baseboD last year. Also in the cabin were Kevin M. Woodson, 17, <Jf 13853 LaPaf Pike, Weatmlnster, and Bruce P. Pina,' 18, of Anaheim. PJna was charged by sher· :i:::.,:puuea with Interfering wllh Ille n. Poaible additional chargea include II· legal entry, the deputiet sald, becaUR the clbln owner, Earl L. Oennty or Anaheim, apparenUy , did oot glva the youllls permJasion to uae lbe cabbJ. The invesigaton said that Denney ad· mJu.a 'he -Ille youtba, but had not·rented the cabin t.o them . Pioa l.s scheduled for arraignment In Bear Valley JUBtlce COllJ1 It 9. LID. Jan. 13. Woodson bad been beld In custody of the San Bernanllno juvenile ball. Pearl Romney Rites Tuesday Mrs. Pearl M. Romney, atm~ of Mn. Harry Buffum ol BuflumJ' Deparlmeit Stores, died Sunday at Ille SI. Cbrtstopher Convaleoc«tt Hospt1al In Long Beach. She was 83. Mn. Romney WU a SeaJ Buch reef. dent for Ille put 40 yeara, Private lamlly iemca "111· be held Tueoday at ll:IO µi. al Pitt Family Cofunial Funeral Home. Bwial will be in M.t. Olivet c.emetery, Salt Lab City, Utab. Besides her neloe, Jibe leaves a nephew, Lee Layno, a resident of I.u Vegu, Nev. ' tt:eliiller ' 'rhit pa!cby IOI rolta back. In to- nf&bt, sbovlnB the men:airy down a !Oji notcbo;I. Co8ltaJ tmpetllurel are tabbed at 74 d..,.... Tuesday with an ovomlgbt low <Jf 16. INSmB ftDAY Wltlo · ttoo 10<t1il fefl of hia tom. Prlri4nl '°""""' *"' <> floek of ~ !llltJ\<tiftll• lo Ond out of Illa ~Ito H..,. to .., Qoodb¥f. Pogt !O. ' -n --: c....,. , ........ C......... tHf ...... It t.t':. ' ,, ,...... .... , .. ,. -~ . Dltllilt ....... • .... ,.... J ',' ~ ..... ' ...... ..,... u.J• •1n11rnn• 1t ..,,.: ~1 ... .i1.b ......... 1 ............ ~. ,,.,.c..,· • ~ ,, -"= 'I ~ ....... 11 ..... ' ........... • • I • I ~ • I Dome at Last Spec 4 James Brigham one of three Gls released by Viet Cong New Year;• Day, geta bug tr:.m Illa molher, lllr!. Mary Brlgllam of Ocala, F1a upon his arrival Saturday at Andrews AFB, Washington, D.C. Brigham went. to Walter Reed Army Medic:ll Center for treatment after reunion with family. • • ·~ . . l ·Mesaln ·Held li.n Kidnaping Case· -~. (,~9.f>~ "A.;rr:esfed;,;.in .Attack »n Laguna Polweman~8 .W_ite .., All'T9ul 'Ill.,_ , . Dlli# can.r, '1f. · a waitress, ,,. ~ Of ... Mll1 ''"' '"" employed at Reuben's resllurant, 1555 A complaint charginJ a Costa Mesa W. Matot Ave., Costa:Mesa. cool< In the lddnaplni of a Laguna Buch The victim had prevt..,.Jy npresoed pollctman's pretty wife -who fired fean for her l!la!ety, poUee said today. shots in a rrtruggle for her husband's Mrs. Carter, wlre of Laguna Buch revolver -.lJ being sought from the Police orncer Kenneth Carter, a former Orange County District Attorney today.' Orange Coun\y Sber\ll'i ·deputy, w" Marvin E. Aleunder. 29, ·ot :mo treat«! at Brillo! Pm "Medical Center Peterson Way, i1 .held in COlta •Mell after the attack and released. City Jail In lieu ol llO.OOO ball. follo"1nlJ Cc6t.a Meaa Poll,. «;apt Ed Glasgow hla arrest Saturday. said today that Mrs. Carter fired at It was not immediately determined least two and perhaps three shots from If additional charges would be sought one of ner hu1band'1 ,38 caliber service against the suspect, who also allegedly revolvers during the prf.dawn attack. choked a neighbor staying with the vie-Details of the cue, handled by Detec- tim, a co-worker or the ruspect. Uve Gerry 1'ho~psot1, ..were being kept Both Alexander, a cook, and Mrs. confidential as-investigators b e g a o Tou~hy Mo1neni' Officer Threatened by Speeder Jf Newport Beach-police officer-James Bradley ever writes a book about hls career in law enforcement, be would be sure to Include a confrontaUon Satur- day night with a mentally ID traffic suspect. Bradley, on his beat near West Pacific Coast Highway and Orange Avenue at about a p.m. Satw-day, observed a car run the in tersection against the red light and gave chase. A short distance later. near Coast Highway and Brookhurst Street, the suspect finally ran off the road · and emerged from hi:s car, fists ciincbed and shouting. As the officer got out of his patrol car the suspect shouted, "You •.. I'm going to kill you !" Bradles-reacht:d into his unit Ind took out hia ~too, thow~ it to th~ sus~t and lfvarTied him to stop. "If.:you didn 't have that club I'd kill you.•:tibe driver shouted and ran back to his" panel truck and opened the rear door. He thrust both hands Into a brown suitcase, his back turned to 'the policeman. The oUicer'1 report said at that point Bradley drew his service revolver and told the man to back away from the van slowly. , "He paid no attention,'' the report continued, "and I ~ked my pistol.'' The suspect then wheeled and shouted again, "I'll kill you," then collapsed to his knees an<J "said softly, '10 ahead and ldll me. I don't care'," the report added . The suspect, who, reports said, had recently been discharged from a hospital; was taken to the mental ward of '011111ge County Hospital for observation .. building their eue ligalnlt Aluandtr. ;. Capt. G~ .aid Mn. Cartu'1 l¥ODllO nelgbbor -not -tHled In complianct with deparlm<nt polley on naming --~ mad• the lnlllal report of the tfdnaplng. She told Offl<er Al Muir and DetectJvo Thompson that the -Alennder came to the Carters' Victoria Street apartment about 5:30 a.m., and evenis !hero culminated !n • •truflle. Mr1. Carter, reports asJd, was ab- ducted and spent about one hour at A1eunder'1 Peterson Way apartment. during which lbe wu usau!ted. , The victim Wll struck in the i:.ead while wrest1lng over her o n • d u l y h11>band'1 p . Either of the !Qcldenla ,could result in a death penalty In case of conv1ctlon. Und,. Calllomla's ~ed LllU• 'Jndberp Law, the death -penalty can bft imposed ln a kidnap caae wheri a victim Is assaulted. Mrl. Caner'• bulband wu sent home from hia graveyard shift · patrol duties ,with the Lquna Beach Police Depart· ment after hia wife's abduction was reported. The fonner Orange County sheriff's deputy bu been with the beach city force for nearly five yearll. His wUe's alleged abducior was ar- rested at his apartment Saturday morn- ing by Officer Muir Md Delectiv1 Tbompaon, according to Capt. Glasgow. Frona Page 1 LEGISLATURE .•. slnoe 1958, ending the long reign ot Jesse M. Unruh, ([).Inglewood.) Assemblyman Robert Badham (R· Newp6rt Beach) who ·bad wanted to dew feat Charles A. OY.trad (R-Sherman Oaks) for speaker pro tern, dropped his challenge. But in the Senate, some Democrats 1ald they didn't want to vote for Bul'M, expressing unhappiness with his sup- port of Republican Richard ?-.1. Nixon for president, and bis refusal to support Democrat Alan Cranston for the U.S. Senate in 1968. .A!ld a few Republicans said they were unwilling to vote for a Democrat for the Senate's presiding officer. After a meeting of Republican sen- ators Sundly night, GOP ~aucus chair· man Donald ... Grunsky of · W1t.1onvilll! refused to rule out a challenge of Buins. Congress -Counts · Nixon W. Chall D f to Hong Kong Flu Relaxes in, enges e ec r. , • · , --· ,,.,. ... "We are not at this time proposing a Republican ca:ididate for president pro tern," he told newsmen-emphasizing the words "at this time ." In past weeks, Grunsky had said he would support Burns, although he ran against him un- successfully at the start of the 19€3 session. WASHINGTON '(UP!l In 1 ceremoni.a1 jolnt session, C o n g r e 1 s tabulated Richard M. Nbon's Electoral College presidential victacy today, The ritual wu beaded for a temporary mar over a challenge to the vote of a maverick North Carolina electot. The Rouse and Senate convened In the House chamber at 10:01 a.m. PST to fonnally COWJt the Electoral Qillea:e votes and proclaim Ni.Ion the winner of last November's presidential contest. But two Democrats were challenging the acUon of one of North Clrollna'a Sol Vista Tract Group Organized Residents of the central area of Hmt- tir:.gton Beach have fonned the SoJ Vista Homeowners Association for tbose llviDI within the SOI Vista tracll and have elected a full slate of officers. Herk McDonald, president; Mel XJm. meI. vice president; Louis Grillo. treasurer; Jerry Schmutz., secretary; Bob Brown , sergeant at arms; Hank Todd, membership committee chalhnan, and Pat McGinnis, communications chairman were elected. The group also voted to affiliate wilh the HOME Council. First projects of the organiz.ation include appointment or members to attend sessions of lbe HOME Council, City Council and other governmental boards and cornmisstoDJ, lia id the new president. Next general meeting ls· Thursday beginning at 7: ts p.m. at Ma.tine View School, SW: Tilberg Drive. Second DiJtrict County Supervisor David L. Baker is scheduled as the speaker for the program. , OAllY PllOT ()llAt.IGE CGA!T l'IJILl11HHG tOM,.AHY leliert N. 'Wee4 1'•11•..t •llCI l'l<Dlltllt• J1c~ •• c •• 1 • ., Vi(.f ,.,,,,<If~• '"" Gf'<lf••I M11t1!1'1'r l~'"''' KeeYil E..,,,., T~o ... 11 A Mur,.~i~• Ml ....... t E l li.<' AID••* W. l1t11 Willi •"' l111d At-•111 t<\1111-~ lt_.11 E011W Clly l!fltor tt ....... ._.Offk. JOt Siii S1111t M1i\i•t hl4r1111 r.o. ••• 1tO, fJ,41 --H..,.rt "'°'"' m1 Wftl .. ._. 9-1 .... tre (1111 McWi J)f Wt1I l1y $lfll!I L"""'9 .,.,...: ,_., "-ti •-OAILY I'll.OT,_,., _.ldl It t_...,IW'f tt.e ... ,....,._, ,. ,...1111-.IN~t fW<flll I""' -lfl _,.,. """ .... l .. -iltt(fl, Ne-1 ... ldl. (t\11 M•... H ...... ..,..... .. _.. -'"-11111 Vt !lfy. a*'9 wl"' I tt91tM1 t'tll.. Or-(MU ,. ......... C-"lflliflf """'" t t • 11 ttll Wr•I .... alft.. ~ IMC~, Ind 1ll ............. ,.,.,,...., ,., I • f714J '41..tlll ..... ..,. I ,. C4f ..... ,,,. c• M:A~•••W.1 MJ.Hfl ~ '~ °' ..... Celt• ~ ...... c-.-......... ,., .... '"'""el·-~ --... ..,_.~ .... "' ...,. .. ,~ WffMllC """"' -111111• -----~ .__, , ......... ~ .. ...._. .... ..,.. CM'lt IN.ta. C.~ kelc:ri.KM "' umtt Jl.'t ......,., .., 111111 a .» 1r1e111M"' ......,., ...... ,1 • ., ... n """""""· 13 electors who cast his ballot for George C. Wallace rather than Nixon who won the state's popular vote. 'Tho Interruption •u expected Jo delay final certification ol.J11>0n;u ~~I President o1 the United Sllle.s unW Joie altemoon at -lea.st. ·One of tfie Challengers on NIIon 's behalf waa Sen. Edmund S. Muskie CO. Maine), the losing Democratic vlce presidenUal nominee. Nixon'& defeated rival, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, normally would have the job of formally declaring Nix- on's election -as President of the Senate. But Humphrey was in Oslo, Norway today as U.S. representative to the funeral of Trygve Lie, the first U.N. 6eCn!lary·generaL The tally of the electoral votes cast In meetings of state -electors at state ·capitals in nild·December could not be completed quietly as it usually is "done because of the challenge of the vote of Dr. Lloyd W. Bailey, Rocky lofount. N.C., for Wallace. -· Jopther with Rep. Jl!DOI G. O'Hara ([).Mich.), prepared a written ol>jecllon Jo be submitted as soon as the North Carolina tally of JZ vote. for Niron and 1 for Wallace was ari- nowx:ed. This meant that the joint se11ion had to be recessed while the House and Senate went into separate meetlnp to debate the objection. Bolh cblmbm would have Jo upbold. !be objectlon by a majority vote in order to void the Bryant vote for Wallace. Mamie Great Wife, Declares Former Hubby Actrw Mamie Van Doren -old enough to be his big sister -wu sWI a"wondeful wife, according to former professlonll baseball pitcher Leo Meyer, who la now also Miss Van Ooren's former hwiband. Superior Cow1 Judge William Speirs Friday called Strike Three on the glamorous couple's 2'ii-year marriage. "I wiah her all the luck in the world:' Meyer said Saturday in a telephoned statemeot, following Miaa Van Doten's post~vorce interview Friday. <l'l'h!np 1ust dkln't work oul," be added somewhat superfluoosly, but failed to elaborate. Mias Van Doren, 34, who lives at the Bllboa Bay Club, told COW1houae report.en: Friday she plans to do a teltvt:Aoo 1triea and Is booked for a 16-...U show ot the Miami Caribbean HcM!. Meyer, 24, 11ld he i1 working wilb oU and land development companlet, but may go bad Jo pro baaeball. \.. "Dn not sure Just wnere," uld the l1Jl'iiilt. phOl!er Oii the CalUornlo Angoll' minor INJUt circuit. Meyer, whose partTitt live at 19941 Piccadilly Line, Huntlngt.on Bea.ch, h11s rented a Newport Beach apartmtot now that be I• once agaln a bachelor. 1bt d1vorce ls bi.I am, while it is Number Twtl for Mamie, who ahed bandieader 11"'1 AnthOlly eliJ>l ,..n ago. 1be Van flottn..Meyer union was chOdM, a11Jxiucb Ant.honJ fathered a 12-yoar.o\d ""' dwiq his morrbge to lbe blonde st.a.r. Grip on Orange Coast Grunsky also produced a legislative counsel's opinion spelling out the prcr cedures in case of a Senate deadlock that failed to elect a pro tem. U!gisla- ti ve Colmel George Murphy said Burn.t would continue in the job. Hong Kong nu todsy appeared to be ajuing the rclenUess grip it has held on 10range County for the past two months. • Th.at diagno&is wu offered by Dr, County Woman Held in Burying Of Newborn Baby; A young Me.i:lcan women charged with burying her newborn baby alive in the backyard of a Garden Grove home where ahe work! as a maid is held today on liUlpicJon of murder. Valenicla M. Alcaraz, 22, of Tijuana, ls in the prl.aon ward of Orange County Medical Center, recovering from com· plications Qt the Saturday birth, in which she wu evidently alone. '1'The baby Is in the backyard," she explained , through an interpreter, after being boSJJitalized at the county facility. · Garden Grove JX!lice and members of the Victor Sommers fam1Jy, who live at 9545 Skylark Ave.,. searched and found the infant 'girl burled in a freshly dug grave. Coroner's deputies said the child was buried allve and died of suffocation. Despite maU addreaed to Senora Alcaru -Indicating she ll married -Gardtn Grovo police .aid loday thal the ~ imiatl she is a single girl. From Page I WDGE· •.• as ambass1dor ,to South Vietnam. Ron Zle11let, Nixon's P.f'SS spokesman, said in announcl.1111 the Lodge ap- pointment th1l the fresjdent-tlect phoned Bunker Saturd.aJ ni&bt and got 1 personal usurance the envay troUld do what Nixon judges to be In the national Interest. ln other words, Bunker would remain in Saigon. In addition to naming Lodge his persona.I representative and chief Paris: negotiator -to replace the veteran \V. Averell Harriman -Ni10n through Ziegler signaled tbe9e other choices for th• Paris de!epUon: -Lawrence E. Wallh, 11, a Manhattan ot\omey, will be deputy Jo Lodge. Wlllh was a fedenl district Judp before terv· Ing as dep.ily attorney general tn the Eisenhower-adm1nlltntton u n d e r Se<retary of Stat<Hlesilnate Wllllam P. Rogera. -Career diplomat Manh•TI Green, 5.1, wHI be dttl~ from his duties u ambassador to lnc:tonesla "to give 1d- ditional profelliOIW competence and sup- port to the negol\aliitt team-" -Philip H1b!b. 48, another carter forei~ ltt\'lct officer who once: served with lf.odgt I~ !Aipl. will remain • mmber of Ole U.S. dtlegaUon. Carlo Christened GEN!!;)l.I. .UPI) -Italian II1m •tar ~ Lorm't w.U-old boy was christened Carlo PonU Jr., at a private , «remooy h<ro SUnday, It wu ll!lllOUll<Od tod•?. John R. Philp, the county's chief medical officer. In the light of surveys that showed a decline in absenteeism during the past week. "But We'll have a much claarer picture when we can examine the Jehool abaent.eelsm situation," Philp addt.d. "Our present conclusion is based on Industry only. Now that the children have returned to school we can examine the county picture in more depth." Several county hospitals Y."hich last week cut oper1tlng room schedules to emergency sur1ery only, today had ex- panded their activities to include "a limited number" of non~mergency cases, a health department spokesman said. "Some hospHals are still hit hard by the Ou, particularly amoog their nursing staff," he said. "But the situation seems to be appreciably better than it was at this time last week." Hospital blood banks, reduced last week to critical levels because of the ravages of flu, were reported today to be in a better position. "But it vdll take some time to restore our blood supplies to pre-flu leve1s," an Orange County Medical Center physician com- mented. Train Derailed GARDEN CITY. Kan. (UPI) -Twelve cars of the Santa Fe Railway's crack extra fare train El Capitan, carrying :;70 passengers, derailed early today at Holcomb, seven miles west of here. Nobody was hurt. I Sex Legal Franca Vettori, 36, smiles aft- er \vinnipg legal recognition of her change or sex from Pisa, Italy, court. Francn, once knov.•n .:s T·'r<.:nco, L:n1cr,~·cn~ sex change opcr~tlon i:1 Casa- blanca, Morocco, in l~::;_ Bandits Hold Up Two Restaurants Two Santa Ana eating establishments were held up by armed robbers Sunday night, losing a total of $266. First hit was the Taco Bell at 1604 W. 1st St. Three young girls1 Kathy Smith, Theresa Smith and Fran Ofualo were held up by two men who entered the back door of the eatery. They threatened the girls with a revolver and escaped with $89. Also robbed was the Der Fritz restaurant. 1212 S. Bristol St. BarteOder Richard R. Fender of Santa Ana said a man entered the bar, displayed a revolver and ordered him into the rear. The robber took $177 from the cash register. :Jine Sen.: Howard ?fay (ft-Exeter), said It would be difficult to vote for Burns be- cause of disclorures that he carried legislation helping insurance Companies while he was an ctfieer and a main stookbotder d another insuranCe. com- paoy. • .; Leading 'l.he. Democratic oppooltio:i to Burns witS Sen. George Moscone of San Francisco, Democratic caucus chairman in the Senate. fl.foscone said he would abstain from voting, and claimed the support of 10 Democratic colleagues. It lakes 21 votes in the 4-0-seat Senate h> cl ~ct a pres_ident pro tern. rn the Assembly, Republicans reaped the rewards of the November e1ecti<r.1! "·hich gave them control of the lower house for the first time in a decade. '"It wu a love feast," Assemblyman Eugene Chappie (R . said f the year·s first Republican eus. Assemblyman Paul r· lo, (R-P cific Palisades), who had te chal- lenge the long-time cau cbainnan, Don Mulford of Piedmont, opped his fight. . Among Assemblyman · mocrats, Un- ruh prepared to step down to minority learler-a job that could provide him with a political forum for a possible ru~ for governor in 1970. Reagan. meanwhile finished work on the "stale of the state·' speech to be given to the legislature Tuesday. and continued to remain sllcnt on his choice of a lieutenant governor lo succeed Robert H. Finch, lhe new secretary of health, education and \fClfare . Reagan said "I hope to have it before" Friday, but said he hasn"t yet made up his mind. f2 OMEGA -ACCUTRON-BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REP~IR •rings sized and rep~ired .e diamonds and precious stones remounted •pearls restrung . . WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AL( TYPES OF JEWELRY HAllOI SHOfl'ING c11nn ZIOO HAllOI II.YD. eo~JA MUA Jl4&.'4U . 1 ·, ,· · ..•. :.· ( .,., .•. _., ' ) t I I ~ HUNTINGTON clNTll \llACH & !DINGH HUNTINGTON llACH nz.sHt ' • I I l l I ' ) ' ' • t • ) .I I I ti H R t ' --- ' ' MONDAY, JAllUAllY • .... !::. lie -IC) ttOI ··---(Cl Qa) ·-~1"'11 ...... -(C) l:llD._ k•: ... CC><.,, l!';l,'T..," ... -ol "' ......... ~ -(30) .,... Of tht GU1ml." R1111ho 61rdl loob It tht hie)', .-opl1 ind lndllltl1tl " hrtlUIJ'. e 1 ••• a (IO) .,.,.. ,.... Cldn. .. nrw ldamlll 11 1111 1119 tor bllDI ~ ...... udn tor e. Mtn. ., ...... _ lllCIJll-.... llll-1 Mdl ._11,.._ ............. -(Q {t)) ,... hlk .... • • fi" (.,...,, '9l -... ... coed! of Cllllll'll d•1•11t111Dr1, • .,_ '9...... ..... • • 11111 ..._ 111111 n Tonto II I ....-w. " r::• d """"· a 111 C1J • •• -tc1 m .... l<l (10) Wllil-___ , , ·u -...,... ll'trk. ..... ,,. -u a am....., ...., l<l (10) . 1ii1111 ~ Uldt KlnJ'•-. ia•11111s ..._. ...,-CD 111111 -It tht atnc:e. l.1113' 11'111 Ii) .................. °"""' ,,_ ... _ .. _., _,,...,,,,,_ ·--(Q -., ---" ·--(C) (10).-· ·--....... Finl """ '"'""" ·~ TUE SD AY ll:IO ..... '"" 'll----.,.. __ .. ,__ ............. ... .... -- • JOB ·PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Dll WllT IWIOA IL'9. NnnOllTllACH --- PERKINS TUMBLEWEEDS GORDO (.I t 1llAT'S us "°"' MEATMEAD1~ HAM AN' IM BEANS J ·----- By John Miies By Harold Le Don l'. L&T CC1U EAllY MID WAS ON MY WA.V Mott.E- lHOll!H!' %"P NOP Pit TO U.'I HEW:\ _.F! 8y Tom K. Ryan j KNOY/ED WE WAS AAOON' HERE S<:l'i\EWHEl\Ef By Gus Anlola , .. I •• MoM•Y, JMuary 6, 1969 • ' • • FUNNY MAN -Comedian Tim Con"l, abovt. , guest llars on the "Carol Burnett Show" lonltbt In cclor at 10 p.m. on Channel 2. Otller guatla inclull• flarvey Korman, Viki Lawrence aDd tho itm.t Flatt Dancers. Conway is featured In a .skit u a comedian too shy to face his audience. TELEVISION VIEWS New Show Seeks Charm ' ' By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -Charm la an eluaivo qua!· · lty that practically defies commercial pacbilnf. Therein Iles NBC's big problem with Its new Miioi, · "My Friend Tony." The program, which had its premiere Sunday . ; night started off as a routine crime doteotlon 1eriaa • -and precious short on detection at that -deolp -: ed lo .showcase the appeal of a young Italian actor, , . ' . Enzo Ceru.sico •. -· _ .. Cerusico ls indeed a charming young man with :~ ' a nice smile, a gfntle manner and an tntere~& : 1 accent but that is hardly enough on which to COii• .. ' . . struct a weekly action senes. • • JAMES WHITMORE plays a professor of ~ criminology with a young partner -tho charmlna: • Cerusico -who together take on out.side jobs. In • the premler show they were having trouble with : the police commi&sioner, wllllng to do anything t~ ... eliminate a syndicate boss. The story moved lightly into the romance de-,· partment -there was a pretty blonde around -:. · and included a bit of gunslinging and even a body in the car trunk. It woUnd up with the police cam-·~ missioner in the final 50ene revealing blmsell to be _: an insane 'fanatic, a pretty tired device. . · Through ii all, Tony, our hero, never loot bla · cool, tbal winning smile or his apologetic way With : the EngliJh language. · · Whitmore, an ezcellent actor, bu the , Uwlk .. : less role of the senior, the man with the 1cidflc: : mind and the one whose prectlcal altltudOI are d.,. -· signed to contrast sharply with the intuitive and ;' emotional operations of Tony. ~~l THE NEW SERIES has been placed In one ot::l J NBC's weaker positions, and, 1l its firrt 1how ii a ;\I sample of things lo come, probably won't make ; much of a dent in the competition. ·,.. , Most Interesting lelevlalon of tho weell:md, far J and away, was NBC'• dramatic special Friday ~ night, 11'lbe Male of the Specte1,'' which carried i · one glrl tllrough aome dllAcult e:q>erlenca wllh_l, three men In her life. J THE GIRL WAS played with l!lirll and wit by:} a young Englllb actress, Anna Calilel'Manllall. ~- In the !int act Ibo suffared b!Uer dltillu.lion-~. ment from her lather, Sean Connecy, a '!'ldower in~f a walrus moustache who had an e10 for tbe lldlu. ~; He was, she llnally reallzed, an Incorrigible ~ 1j compulsive liar. ·~ In the second act sh.e encountered a merry ;r young man who loved 'em and left 'em, and on :~ whom she sought to avenge her disappointment :• about her phllandertng lather. The young man was '.: ollectlvely played by Michael Caine. · THEN THERE was her thlrd·acl ......m.r, :: . In wbld! she fell madly In love with an older man, : beal\t!MI¥ played by Paul Scofield: Aller their el· . lair, be turnea away coldly, leaving oaiy a curt note " ' Thee W.. &It epllogµe of oorts when, wller and ' mOre: tolerant, she retraced her llAlpl Net to ' ... number two •. Detanis the Menace -•• z. ( . ' ~= .. • • II w.vmor (H) • • ~-• ·- ' . Packard: ls He • .lltJOllNCUNNIFF lronlca ....im-, Ille U.S. ND YORlt (AP) -David govtnllllfll!. Perhaps u much I /o PICbnl, hlll1td to be clepuly as ..,..tblnl .of tt1 aales In- ~ ol. ddeme Jn the volve pvenuneot purcbasea. l~·':)lb:oa aclmlnlll1atx.., Is .. Somel\ow, as seems true al ' JiDeb' -led, btoadly R· maar u..utt...; Poctard ~ ~...:i.:.. ~liel~ found Ume allo .to -· .. i · .eouJd be fCM.md tor the apot. a ·director of Ge n e r a I I • 'Ibis, howev<t mlgbl not Dynamlcl, , U.S. l!>leeJ, 8lld ' -to ·~ .:..... ~... PllCillc Gu and Ele(tr!c. He ;" !lnOlll •~ -t<, w•~ . ;· mut pm on bis aeleciloo,, wu aaociated . allo witb ~ that PllCSVd is the man flX' Cbiue Manhattan Bank. one • tllo job. At. -may view of tllo world's largest. • b!a appoinlmeat, u-vezy H• allo coolributed U111t to ··~ could croato aeUv1u .. thal b~t no~lm- J .,. ' SPORTV CHEVELLE -Tho line was ·expanded thlt year to coupe and convertible. Big 396 clll11c incb- V-8, front disc brakes, special sport wheels, special In High Gear ' • • 1t1S~lon compooenl& come as standard equip- ment Billed-as a sports·car, the Ss.3911 iB a respect.- able cbilllenger for most competitloa. ·conlllctl. medial<, bi<ome, such as Ille This II the background : , , American M a n a.£ e m e ~ t • -David P><bnl was , a rt· Aasodaliml' 8lld · tlle Japan-. Yea,r-o!d former "!II-!pr· caIUa!ma •A>aodaUon,' .an ill- ;.,.General, -back in uet-t.nia\ionelcgtOtlp. that·eeeks 1969 Chevelle Plays Role fu Hilt ". w· •-be -~ n•••·-"-)-lni--' tnde•relatioaa. · -NN n•~ -Q• .-••-By·CARL.CARSTENSEN deddell to ·CO ilito bus(nM.' ·He •becanle a ~othi1 CN ... 0.UJ,llofSlllf -Jor themaelVes. Tbty begali · alma ~ • well u of When the 1969 Chevelle SS- in a prqe ~ a few bun-C.Olorado College and ID ez. 396 was introduced last fall, ··::dred do1lan. ecufJve of the St a a ford Chevrolet Division took a ~ 1be two men had bra ~arch~. whe.re raw · 80ll'lewbat daring approach to · .classmates a few years earlier research II turned into useful the new year an~ Insisted thal ': -at Stanford, where Packard prOOucts and aervlcts. it be called a "sports car". · fwas Phi Beta Kappa anct a As ., low key, soft spoken AJthough the terminology , .member of the foolball and adminldrator • SOrM consider might be questioned there . :basketball teams. Hew I et t Packard • model Those who isn't any doubt that the SS-396 · \vent on to Massachusetts know him consider him also is a respectable challenger for .·';Institute of Tech no 1 o g y . to eb a thoroughly modem most competition. · •Packard went on to Colorado man, aware of the problems~ Chevrolet's continuing denial .• CGDege and then took a of workers and of studesnt of having anything to do with iraduate de~ in electrical who 8000 will be his employts; racing certainly hasn 't hurt engineering at stanford. unafraid of change and not . imag It' 11 Imo -'·ked In an 1n•-..:ew·i L., overly impressed by hi s its· e. s a w~ . wn n...-1.o;1 v• wn_, fact that Chevy's high· >·De wanted to.go into bu81neu · millions~ ed · od ·• for himself Packard gne In order.to take the defense power engmes a cars, . ·a ,...... · ~ COtJ•--~ job Padard bas devlaed this whelll<r factory SJlOll."ftd or -......,.._, not, ""' amoog the b¢ In •· ywng -le will recognize. plan: speed circles and the Cbe..U. He did DOI fee~ he aaid, that -Plate 111s QlO mDIIoo ol 8$-3915 pll}'ll ii! role .to the he could _.., bimlelf In· stock · in a charitable trust hilt. 'lbe 58-396 is a oportll a large COl'1JOratlon 11 well: fer the· entire period of hls option package available on .u ln bis .,.. bwllnese. ·stay la govemmeul Resign !lie Malibu Sport Coupe 8lld He JrOVed bis pohlt. From as bead 9f bis company.-'Sevet Convertible, 300 Delu"le Sport · ~939 to 1947 be and HewleU tiea with other corporations. Coupe and the "poet" 2 door. 1'.>penlted-a -succ-e-s·af·ul-Sell stock in companies with SUll '684!b in-appearance partnerihlp in the · manufac-eovemmenl business. with only slight front and rear ture ol. electronic measuring It W'Ollld seem, then, that end exteMor styling changes devicel. • Tben t b e Y in-this ~y qualified man would that include new black grille, corporated and began. an ex-be ide.ail foc:.tbe job. Or would new tail lights, venUess side lraordinary expansion. he? Nagging doubts will be windows, the new ss-396 By 1956 their annual sales expressed· by some senators. paekage includes s p e.c i a I ._were $31 million and net iJl... As a member of the military· heavy duty bee.f,ed-up full coil come close to $1.8 million. industrial'con:iptex , they might suspension, power disc br;1kes, •. Sales have risen in every year ask Packard ifDe : special spcrt wheels with radio. New Interior features in- clude instrument cluster angl- ed to the drivers view, and a wide choice of trim and color combinations. Surprisingly, the Chevelle is much rDOmier than tt appears and is comfortable e v e n though the ride b quite firm . Front seat leg room is abun· dant while ba ck seat space is average for t h e in· termediate. Personality of the SS-396 is distinctive with performance the objective. Below average gas mileage doesn't seem lo be any deterrtnt to those who want the power as 881es « the SS-398 are booming in Southern California. As one Detroit-er aaid after testing the SS-396, "not only are you getUng what you asked !or this year, bat It's here with more power and. jpeed than ever before and It even looks good.'._' GM OPERATIONS REACH NEW IDGH IN SO. CAL. General Motors production operations io Californla reach· ed an historic milestone in 1958 and set all-time produc- tion records for local econom- ic impact, a year-end report since then. ~g $209 Sbou\d sell all his stock In seven inch rims and wide oval .million by 1166 and $2186 Hewlett-Packard? Can be im-white lettemftires. million last year, when $20.1 partial even with his stock -other improved ch ass Is . .:'.milnm.-wu1eamed. held in trust? Would find it compOnents make steering First in Series ;.; .He.w·lett•Packard now possible to be impartial 'tG and handling good and stabili· , imploJ"I aboot Jl,000. worken his own firm even if he sold tyiis nearly perfect this year. ~In Ibo Umi.d· states, Japan, an lib stock! Our test car, a bright blue · , Swlberland. Germany, IIie TbcJ!!e -ask the quosllon sport Coupe with wltlto vinyl Money Primer f.or 1969 Netherlands, Mesico I n d the mast ask perhaps even roof was equipped •Ith the .several South Amerlcaocoun-. Jarier GOeSI Turbo-Jet 396 V-1 350 By SY!.VU. PORTER · t.ries. It ii a nrld Jealler sbouJd•tbe U:S. government hofaepower en Ii n e and· Dismayed by1 tile 'failure of -in preclaJm eleetronlcL and ita .people be denied the numerous_ transmission com-tht income 1-x increase to As one of the fmemost com· services cl so accomplis~ binations. There are loads .of . .paniel in Us field, Hewlett.-an...es.eautive? What penalties accessories available but our .f!lOW ·the economy an.d r j'ackard n at u r a 11 y did m.ust an individual accept car was equipped only with-frighte~ by t h e upsurge _ 10 . btlainesa with the biggest elee-because.o(Jlls success in life? air conditioning and AM·FM ez:pectatiom of continued ur ;--------='---------'----------....;;._____ flation, the Federal Reserve f .. _ System at the start or 1969 ".°'' •• Joye us for their moneyl ln>orl.11 ~ lhant. old IJIP.,... •• '' ntAr ....... nd de rve became-700 aaved. the ' ~· (Toa misbt RI we edweate oavlng.J We ' fm'!lall.fJlo-c:hOCJbforJUUranmmleaCO. .... Ami fno -dopealt -. of "'"''"'· 1'1Nio au thing that mal:es 111 l1Ul)-dlflmmt •• ·• -oar ~t for doing business. Come In ·~-... ind .. farJ'OU!telt. ··-..• ... ~1 -~~!e!m.~VINGS - , • _,... 1:19ftt, ·n_.i Beach is returning to a tough tight mooey policy. Interest rates have climbed through the bigh!I reached in mid-1968 lo new historic peaks; the availability of credit is shrink· ing ; the squeeze i.!. on: another credit "crunch" similar to that whjcb brought t b e economy to a near-standstill in late 1966 is widely feared. In everyday language, what do the bafflegab words in the above paragraph mean to you? What is being dooe, why, and how will it affect our LEGAL NOTICE FAVORITES N1tio111I 1114 l1c;1I r11d1r· 11\Tp polh-p,_.. +111 DAJl-Y PILOT c...rtet HIM of ·~· l'ltolt p1p111l1r c1lu1r1'111 1114 f,,.,,,., .... n.~i. .. .., 111wtp1p1t i• ffl1 U11it1d St1t11. , economy and you? TBl8 IS . the mn:nber one ~c-financlal story Jn our land as the new year begins. Thus, I'll try to answer your .questiom in a series of five coltmlllS and by so doing, I hope I 'll tear apart the baf· flega)>. Q. What is behind the new tight money policy? , A. SIMPLY the fact that inflation and an inflationary psychology have become so d e e p J y entrenched in ,Cur economy that neither has yielded to the restraints tried so far: passage of an·· Income tax surcharge in mkl·1968 and the turn in our Federal budget fro m an enormous $25.2 billion deficit in fiscal year 1968 lo a minor deficit or even a smali. surplus in the current fiscal year 1969. The cost of living, measured by the Consumer Price lodex jumped around 41Jri percent in 1968. bringing to 12 cents the loss in the dollar's purchasing power during the Johnson Administrati on: unemploy- ment among married men practically disappeared and the OV!¥"&11 unemployment rate dropped to 3.3 percent, about as low as it can get; wage Increases last year averaged more than 68 percent ; in- dustrial production reached new peab; installment credit &Oared. Thls ls not Just a boom; this is a super·boom. Moreover, while inflation is bad enough, even worse is the spreading psychology that inflation is out or control, that our authorities ha\'e lost the will and-or tl,ie abllHy to curb lhe wage-prict spiral. THERE HAS been a rush to &11 out of ca!h money and into things: goodS, buildings.. stocks, land, inYenlories, etc.· BusiDessmen ha~ actelera~ their spending on new planta and equipment on the premilt tUt if they wait, the planb: and equipment will cost Moch more: tllls yur, this type of spending i8 scheduled to rise 8 percent above 1111 . DemaDds fer Jqiln.s 1 r e ~~.all·~ and ~-.lt ~J; _ /,•'" .r. Q. \Vhat'i ·.o lerrlble aboul 11.Jper-boom! ' A. The cfanpr " 1hat • bobm whlcb lel.I wl' of hand can ooiy end .._eveilt~y in a bust -wllh an lhe misery of unemployment, banknlptcies and -· retreat. WI implie$. ~ poycbolQID' el continued In· n.aUon &tao pr ofound ly threatens the U.S. dollar B!I tbe &0Ud pivot of tht world 'i monetary system. Q. WASN'T the tu hikt supposed to prevent this! Don Downey of lfunt- ington Beach has been named manager -of en- gineering for the As- sembly-Overland Ojvi- s1on of The Ruclter-Co.,, Los Angeles based pn>< ducer of Olght controls for the aircraft and aerospace industries. --- • "' I "' .. I I I I i I l ' H I .. _ I • 1. • Mon«lay's 9~sing - Pri~es -Complete New York • !H) -.. • til!L v mer Jfl I ••• .... .. • -- ':2 I • ~.I .. :t-j -~-, p, .· =·- ; )'I , .. ·G ... .• w . "" .;-.Jo I . iJI ·")Ii r c1 -~·at ··1w P. .. I: ?,: .:;ti . •P .:. c I: g, f. ~ :,,,, -; f . ... .. )'I . B .. h ,. •• . ·• •'. .,l.! ~ p • d ... . 11 ,· ._v; c ' ... s • • • . D . . .,.JI ... .-: . .. ti ·.:s .. ~ ' . b -ii . -~:·. ... .. . .. • ; ' '• ·. " .. .. .. .. .. . .. 1 j .. • . . .. .. ' • • •• • ff DAILY PILOT ,_, . .. .. " ' . • lllildo1i ,_, . ., 196\, 11' ~ • iJIJ Sa,S·1t lf ar~w~)~ ;:, First Family Plans 'f.social Affairs • . ~.A{' • ~ WASl!INGTO!( CUffl -~i (/~J . ~'nd ,~n.•l.......i 'l'rttldeol ud Mn. Ljndim MOit cf the -memne ol lbolr . ,loboloo wi\f . IJ>Olld several family ~ ' lo the . • . will fl)' lo New ~ In, the Whlte -1111\114! pilforl• 1-tp l)!lilf llonot ·it,!he PlaJ.l. ..,.,. ptdbye '° gwenmenl. """":a . Ill-'. • ' bite~ • . :. . . • olftdall ud ftlendl. JOhfilon'. lliil·iiiiv'!I Alliolfl Ibo!' hooll ·II ai., ,,,,, _,have much pack· °' ~ m~\llliltflUJI( . .la:: ... "-o( llio ' fnrlo.do."llri.J_...,.. cablntll ,w.ii ~'DI -'<!"Alihleol -Je.!n:the i,,.,. 1o the White -.. DOJ:. . the at mlllli!n a1 e111c1a1 u..,; 1nc1uo11.,. 111r. \lild )II(,, T,UU,carrylngSpaWSam -~·Ula& ,ilfiloille :tMrazi<e llockef!Der, MrL 'Jloyl>m11'1 partralt and Iba LBJ U1irar7 a~ 'l!iil-1/' "..., t.aotu. Ind Mrs. Vln- irlll probabl1 luve that "1.'I ol Teul. ~epl Altlir, wbo ,be!ped t!>e iild her press ...,..1ar7, Mrs. The Johnoonl' knoed ·l'ii>t i:ady pUt over bu 'na· l!:U..belh Carpenter. · an inUma~ d!Jlner' y In doml heauttncaUon program. .: Many ol J-·· petlOlll\ the 'famlly aun. Frill! ..... -CN1 bind will he J>t'*'l'Qp,-andpldur.a lq!n-olVlco~'t. ~ White Houae lo-. almM\:r ·haft heea sh!pp!d lo Ind Mrs. HQ)>ert ll. . · · . , .\ r t h u r Krlm, ·111e · LBJ Ranch. 'But the pil!ey, wilh memberl lb< -~f the board o1 J-""' keepiq a few cabbiet and their' '!IV., ~ lJn1tOd Ar\Jm, who ii handlJnc m.-... around unt1l t ~ • · Ing up moot ol llie pot Jill; '~ Ale , ol Jobnaon't ·I""~ . ~\lvlUlllOkeept!Je.place Nett l\lpnday ~aifng , ,·:J"ioldency wfwngs. No Changes Sen. Ken~y .Likely In Relati911~ Demo 1972;candidate ".:With Cubans . WAsmNGTON °(UPI) -i Muskie said regarding • • t 8'nlte Democratic J e ad e r ~Ible rivalry between him , · WASHINGTON (UPI) -Mike Mansfield "would~ be amr KeMedy for the next The chanj(e In 1ilmlnlslraUons in the least IUl')lriaed" If Sen. •-"d u I · t' "! oilers little hoDe that rel.a· Edward M. ~ennedy emerged .,. ~ en a nomina ion, lfoill. bet~ the UAJted Stat· With the DemoCraUc pre.idea--tbi~t you have got to wait ·eS ana.c.uba will i~prove; in tial nomirultjoo.Jn ·1971. Until that comes ... at least ---.,,·---.. • • Vl'ITI~ Trouble·pf.a911ed Ship RetJirns The Queen Elizabeth JI noses her way into the Ocean Tenninal at ·Southampton, England last week after a 10-day shakedown cru ise with her fa ulty turbines runnin.~ a t half speed. More thB.n 1,000 \Vorkmen are to start work immediately on the tor.- bines in the bope they can get the $72 million vessel sea\\•o rthy iri two weeks. School . ' Luirehes -• , Criticized SAN FRANCISCO -1 "Luncbea served at Saa Fran-1 claco'• elelnentary and junior high achooil ... lllarmlqly high In fat.I Ind 1Wd>el," aal~ Dr. RudoU E. Noble '!f the obes(ty clinic at "" 1 UrUveraity of California's San Francbco .Medical C e n t e r after a_ recent survey of the school'• tuncb progam I "A typlcal meat amounts to a walloping 2000 calorlel," I he ta.id. "A girl, age U to 15, needa only 2500 calories for the entire day, a boy, 3000 calories. u'I'be weekly menu. includes too many potatOf.11 -eerved , dally at m011t elanentary \ . --Ind t911-much ·bread, P.Qta, and gra\lies. Ptrti.om: 'of meat are sma:U, and there is not. enou1h ·of \ other foods rich in protein, vitamins, and minera11. In ad· di'\ion to the dessert l>cluded in the lunch. ice cream and cake are available for an a · lra nickel." Dr. Noble also confirmed complaints that high acbool cafeteria food ·Is h I g h 11, caloric. -the'YleW of some JtrtU:Amer-Mansfie\d'ai.QthfnUHubert t ·want to eiplore it." lean alfaJn. experu. H. Humplny will he a powerl----------------------------------,----------------------- • -Teo yean 'a(ler the fa c t. in the Par& and ·could · get ·W"8hlnllon stlll'loob oil Fidel a MCOtid cbince aHhe ,Wbiie ca.tro Ind hil Cuban govern-Houle. """'as on outcast.JI·•-Seti. EdmuM ·s. Muakie, the advent of Presldent-eled who' l'll'WWed. an attracUve can- llldiard M. Nhmn'1 admlnis· dldai;; Humphrey'• rmmlng &ratlOn •HI do little to cliaqe mate In 1968, wu asked if lbat vlewDDlnt. he might try for .the top ol I I I I I I Jlemispllmc observers IDd the ticket nut time oot. Hil of.her!! in Wlllhlnl!lon helleve reply: that·Nbon, H an)'thlnR. • U l .. At Ieaat, I want to explore -=~~~~~ ~;--lL "~_. ,--: - -dent JohJllCNI toot. TV INTERVIEWS ... There 111 little expectation. With~ lnauguraUon ol h>wever, that NIMD will D'.IOl1-JUcha M. Nixon still two _Uy Johmon's basle condl-weeks af, Mansfield ahd tlons for resuming diplomatic Mu 1 k I e ma d"e the 1 e Jl)a~ wi~ the isl~ 'lbose 11peculaUve !llatements Sunday cond1tionl included an end to on separate televis!on in· ·Ci.ma's subversive act1oo in tervie"ols. Utin America and the serev-Mansfield asked twice if he tng of Cuba'• official ties with saw Kenn~y 81 the 1971 the Soviet Union. nominee, replied both timea: ·U.S .. officlaJs indicate then "I wouJd not be in the leut ls' little cJumce ca.tro will ""'ml! lo either condition. ;-; "'Iben ls no reason to doubt .fhat Castro la flrmly In power . And la 1ind ... any aort of pr& .ore to 1llJ(e · ragprocbement '9ith 1he. United State!:," o n e llemilpherlc affairs upert Mid. Castro had at least one JIOll· live imDad on U.S. "DQIJey. The Uolted states and Its La- lin American neiabhors atart- ed the Alli"""' for l'n>gnll hec-ol the Cam> cha!· Ienge. The alliance bas tried to eliminate tbO poverty a D d di!<onteot on which Castro lw been trading. WIFE DIDN'T BELIEVE IT LONDON (AP) -A Loodon hooUeller said today h e received the foUowing Jetter from a customer: "I am returning the book about ~ over women wb1cb I ordered 10 days ago. Unfortunately, my wife woold not let me keep it" surprised." But Manafield said he pid not believe the Massachusetts 1enltor'1 seisure of the um. tent Senato _party leaden!>lp froin Sen. 'Russell B. ~ was a first step toward seek- ing the presidential no~­ t.ioo. "I think It is an indic&Uon of Sen. Ted Kennedy 's dedica· tlon lo the Senate add the fact that. he wants t o participate mOfe actively in Its affairs," he said • ANOTHER CHANCE >.. ror whether Humphrey might get another chanc< at t h e oomlnaUon, MansfJeld said: "Ht may. He will be in there. He will be a power in the party In the year. ahead, and what Hubert will do, Huber' wlll decide." For his part. Muskie said that be previoualy entertained hope ol winn1Dg a spot In the Seriate leadership, ·but bad decided Instead to accept fn. vitaUons, stemming from h1a campal8Dlng, lo speak around the countries oo ghetto and other problems. -N. Vietnam Building Supplies During Halt .WASHINGTON (UPI) - Hort!> Vietnam Is using the bombing halt to Improve II.I mllltary position by lhlpplng huge quantittes of 111111 and other war materials to South VJetnam, a H o u 1 e sub- committee contends. Further, it concluded, the war wlll he prolonged because of the new IUpplJ .. , should the Paris peace talks fail, ailil U that happena nothing &hort of an ''all out mililary Cl(ort" woold he needed to brlng the conflict lo an end. . These coocluslons w e r e tucbed hy a speclal sub- ciicmnittee ol the Houae Ann· .. Ser'rica committee, which lo6li testJmoriy lnim military ._ta lallt lllOllth. It ailo eipl<l'ed aerial photographs made during the fin_\ II days aC HOftlllblr, alts t1io Uolted S\alta stopped hombfng the -,"AD majcr roadl In North Vlituam are now open Ind r10l end ....... """"""' ladfnr lo 1-and toward ~ JlKZ (demlllllrlaed """') ~ bofng npo1red and ... l9'ded .t a rapid rite, .. the .,.-report uld. .. :. • JI -that the Nlitb Vletaam11e are eiMW11 a IUlllve JoetlUc l!JIUnl -could he llled .. ,41 lrild ... lar-... ... I.= t!n,"luld. · ::11no1: • J, It .wed. "'In Hollll VleCaam lltort ... """' . -.i.-11 a five-4"oid increase in the southward f1oW of suppltea ..• tons have come down the road! lnlo the panhlDdle . , . tons have moved to the Laos border area ••. 11 More petlOleum and sup- plies were spotted on film in the first half of November than "had been seen col- lectively In the paat 12 months," the panel said. Communist China and the Soviet Union have been pre> vldlng the North Vietnamese with the new supplies, fhe report said . "Large numben of penon- nel have been J>!!oloirapbed moving llOU!b. Traffic .. 1111- jor routes ls now movtn& 10Utli in lqe coo~ cln a bumher· b>bwnper has;, • . • In Looa the total ~ed vehicle ac- tMty !Or the Ont half of NO\'elolier .,..11 doubled that aeen ln the previous period)' Chicago Opens Furniture Show CIUCAGO (UPI) -An ..Umated 4 o , o o o fumilu,. malm Ind .. 11ers 1athered In Chicago today f0< the Winier International Home Fumlshfnp Maitet. Mediterranean styla dominate the appc:oxlmal<!l7 S,GOI dlaplays of Wlllllr !Iii fumfture 11... 111 the American Furn!-l\lall IDd the Merd>andilo Man. -IL---··-- • • veyears o 0 Appreciation can cover the spectrum of man and nature- a.ppreciation of life, appreciation of a friendly smile, appreciation of a r ainy day, the aroma of steaming coffee, the vibrant coior blending of flowers, the mischievous giggle of a small child, the breath-taking beauty of fluffy clouds, and eren the myst.e:tiaus sparkle of a.n evening star. Here are simple, everyday sights that can 1nakc a day rich and enjoyable. Jn the mixed pool of human nature, appreci~ ation has become a way of life for us, and is something that we believe in and practice . Appreciation can make a day rich, pleasant, and enjoyable. Why not use this every day? To us, appreciation is a very real force, strong and vital to our everyday l ives. It is governed by a law that is almost as direct as the la\vs of physics-"'We draw to ourselves the good of everything we appreciate, but the evil of everything we belittle.• •. We know that in banking, people represent the very core of · success or :failure, and there is always something to ap- preciate Iii all people ••• ;f we look fur it/ ~~ppredate, and you prosper. Belittle, and you lose", BecaU.e of this time· proven prlnc:iple, each person's fate is in his o'lVD hands. We appreciat~ each employee in hls own way, and they, in tum, appreciate each depositor that entc", our bank . .< reciatio This month marks the culmination of five years of applying this vital force. Five years ago this month, our doors opened for business, and it was a challenge for us, a very competitive challenge, at that, We bad a roof, fioor, 41V"alls, and a small safe. But, we realized then' that these material assets were nOt going to be enough, if we were to be suc- cessful We needed to have that something extra ••• the "Art of Appreciation·. We started by hiring that certain kind of employee who had this basic quality inherent in bis personality. Thr. people of Orange County have responded to our kind of appreciation. In :five short years, our success is being real· iud because it is based on this strong and vital force. Our asMt.s have grown from zero to over 55 m.llllon dollars 1a that time. Certainly we appreciate this growth. However, we appreciate even more the fact that our depositors lpp!e' elate our many services and how our people ha.Ye warked with them. The "Art of Appredalion" really worn. Let any man try 1t for one ordinary day, and that day wlll be c!Uf.,.. ent and more rewanllnglhan any he has experienced bef-. l f you are not appreciated where you now do your banking. please pay us a visit and try our brand of approciatkln. We'd apprtciafeitl ----/"--. ------- /-.: ~tWPOR 7' ~\\ I·' i . !';i\TIONl\L ~ ·. I -~~B !\NK _...,.'A.! ~ ,(·~ • , I _,/ -', - ' .. { I i I I· I I I [ • I ' . . • .I ·Fou:D aiii .. Valley EDITION • -YOt:. 6l, NO. S, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES "_ ·-• 1 • • ... _ •• • -_, . -...... • . . ORANGE COUfrtY, CALl~R~f~".' MONDAY, JAtnJ~RY0 li, '1969 ;TEN CENTS • ' ' PicketS ' ' Scream · 'S.cah' • '• • SFStateStuden~Called'Reagan Lov.ers' by Pr9fs ' ~ # . /. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Teacben dlvlduaJ·.llCllflla u a score of helmeted It wu ltnpaalble to leD boW llWIY cedum, "'moval of poUco 6'Gili ,Ibo ' """8ll1lni "Scab!" "Stay out of school" pollcemen llloOd ll!'lng the pickets. attend<d lhe I a.in: oJ>1111na -""· CADlpwl, and admlnlllratlon compll- and "Rolprlowr;" ..,,.i..i •tudeq!I ~ the p~ts erted. as no roJla ..,, called. wl!h the atudeot ll<!Un' deman!• returnlnt to. tease Sin F'ranclll<o Stale "Pigs Gil at the police and Actlna Prtlldmt S. I. Ha7Ua'a, e.ajin. In Sacr-t•>, aald, ,.,_ collego today. "Selah! Slly ol ICbooi," and "Reagan escorted by two .molo(cytle poU-, who Want to get ae edueatloo, · - About 350 pickets representing a sbit-lover" at arriving students. A few other went directly to hls office at 8:06 1.m. • 'who want to teach, lhoulil be proleded Ing teacben' anion and striking mlnodly .pic~ets _,.,,on the campw1 al building Pickets abouted,-"Scabl llaJaUTnl II In lhat at the polnl el be,-0 If students &creamed at lhe thOusands d.. entrances, a scab_,:_u be croued the campus. aecaaary.'' noostrikers wbo crossed the lines to The college ended its three-week holi-Hayuawa said tbe picketing Ainer1can He said Hayabwa "knon lile hu resume classes at the strife-rocked cam-day recea 11lth membert of the teachers Federallon Of Teachers 10cal does not tnJ moral support all ~ way.'' pus. uni~ jofrung student strlken. have slrike aanction. . Al claasea mumed todat, - Startin& with about 125, the picket GOv. Reagan threatened to use Gary Hawkins, local AFT praldear_ p!cUting teachers plucked at ltudebtl' line at the main enlrance swelled as bayOneta if neceesary to Pr o t e c t said It does, "but la just DOW .tikln.C arma u they walked. anto the CIDl,pul the chill, foggy morning wore on. classroom operationa for the vast ma· acUon.0 and implored them to ~Ve. A contingent oI about 7a from San jorjty of studentll and faculty who are The unloo voted Unmedlate.atrQ;e ac--'0 Stay out. Don't IClb fot Rannll," Jose State College, SO miles away, Joined not striking. tion Sunday n1gbt in arpport of tt.s they called. "Dml't be a Reqai:>lm"•.'!.. ~. ,·_ 1 the' dem005trators. The college .has about 18,000 students demand! for union recognition, h1&htr' II~ cl!J police werie YlllbJI m .... Violence wu confined to a few in-and lJOO inJtructon, wages, a voice in actmlnlntatlve pro.. aidewalkl arouDd tbe camput. SF STAtE PRESIDENT POSTS WARNING Hay•k.aw• Dr•w• *'9· LI.JM Burns Retains Jia Australia Council Controversy · . . p T S t . ·· ro em po Hosmer Propo~es 'Atomic'· Harbot Beach Planning, Building In Senate • Reorganization '.'Talk-Set A controversial reorganization plan of the Planning and Building Department lunctioos In Huntington Beach could coma before the Huntington Beach City Council tooight. AJtboo.gh DOt listed on the agenda, City Attorney Don Boufa was asked last month to rule whether or not council dilcussion. of the 'reorganizatimi plan could be held in execuUve leBIJon. Bonfa was expected to have a reptl't ready loc the COUl)Cll today. The ft!OrllOi'ltion. 1)1111 ·= '"' volves turning over to the ~ de- partmeot some of tlleA!l~t fl!Do- Uooa4 the llalldibC,~L ft 11111 been <rllldzed aeviN!y by ...., miill- Teens for Christ Appear in Ceurt, Face New Da~ A brief appearance ta ·w..i Oran&• County Municipal Court~ )'1 five Teens for Christ brouabt<•,rfJirent of charges against u..n~,~ bers of the buildlni deparln(mt. Counclimeo meet 1n COUD!'il cbamben of Memorial Hall; 5th Street and Pecan Avenue at 4:30 p.m. and again at ?:30 p.m. V~1· Cnuncil 'l'r:fJ\1 ~ T .,·, ~· '· Lot . 0 . .. "' • •. ,_. ... ,..... • W-' vai-· • ·. · mial ,•~1 I 1 l:T~ J, · ·on phc&a &.. ., WDt ull FqoiitllirViJle1 ClV Cdancil Tueodly nifbt vne1e• a· Pllumlllc C<mmJ- delUI' of • •arlmot"fo/ -ataoaanrlotaJn,a tract-Oil ~est · • conier of Newbope Slreel ind Warner . A . ' , ~· •· The regular council meeting will open at·l .p,m.. Tu;ldly, in councll·cbambers, IOIQO Sla!S'IA-. The small lot requM ... u denied Dee. 18 by the·1'1am11Di, ~ 11eca ... In tile commlliloa's opinion tile.developer lolled tO JrO'ide any lnDov•ilOll,I or -... h!>!iae d"""8 to merit -aiileritd<in for-a • var!a&o. SACRAMENTO (AP) .The 1969 legislature Opened tocliy with -senate Republicans refusing to use their new control of the upper house to dump Democratic President pro tem Hugh M. Burns. As a result, Bums will remain on the job. The Senate, 20-19 Republican with one vacancy, met in a closed caucus some two hour11 befort the session began without coming to a decision on the future of Bums, the veteran who -his hold the preaidin&~.'a jql>i. 1~7. ' . '-l' The senators ""' to • . I preaid"'1 pro fel!I wl\!D Ibey c:o# • 'fllcN!olt-wlll,lie.'to ~ tbt post of """" or lhe Seiiate. ' . -" 'SeDUe Use of atomic explosives to carve a end shipping com~es in both countries. new harbor ln Australia some 1,600 feet The project would CQn&ilt of the almv.l· wide, 2;01J to 400 feet deep and more than tane<MJ!I -detonation· of .five 200-tiioton one mile IGpg is being propo!led today by nuclear explosives underwater at the Rep. ~I' HollJner (R·l.Amg Beach ). cape. '11le explosion would result in the Hosmer ailed for construction of t h e hu,e crater which ·wol.lkl. then be the new harbor this year in a letter to President deep water harbor. Johnson which asked for $300 000 for lhe Ho.!mer ·proposed that the Australlan initial wort involved in plann1ing the nu· experiment condllcted instead of a clear silo~ E"'!ouif heduled experiment called He said U..t U.S l!id A>p~ Atom• ~· ey in Nevada. ..1..C.. , ic enerl)' .wcllob '(re "~. \]\af • ·~ 1 that "tbe Australian e.,.. ,. ~iQ1=';'~~;:\: ~=I~ 4•;\~;l~~t. ern Australia tb11 year." dllllcol'-lo cooitriic\ I...,,~ ol llie II . led_ .~...:::-Cliltral , ''. (~'I Tlie' --~Wu,;.!'~ ai the _._,ll'liocelberto, to •• ~, .• ip ~ .~' T. J"'1! ' "' Alcalc _.11,· ~lli!JI ~ the Lliillted . 1laD ~·-· ~)." ~;:--lbe --' .., .. .,.. ... of ~~,.. .. ~~ fi!Jt. ·~ cif'Jlio. WI' ~ ~-,lbe botll mcl ·-jdwili mlolnB lot . .....,.. .. ~.. , ·I i"'"""-' li>b -Ula. lie o;Jg . . . ' ' . . . . ~,:S1~~V:~r~ L. · ,, , · · i · .. -, · >t~;~. tSe'~ ~~..Etm~~ · , . ! ". e.1t1.ppoin. .. ~··~n ·,. ·~~··" ~!1[$;:~.$. D~Tro1ng Sta~t of Ta .lks tq pi;o-a llel>Uhilcan la< 111'9 !<111 ( • Gas Leak Set -. 4.s Cause of Cabin Blaze Gas leaking from a butane tant and a smo!doring-clpnlt.•llichJplta1Mlwr• , .. with blowtorch Intensity ....... blamed for the Big Bear cabin file Wly 'J'hur&. day which tilled three Orange County )'oulhs. Ll Ernie deLaurl.e of the San Bernardino County Sherifrs department said the gu escaping from a butane tank resulted in the exploe.ion which '°"' the~ apac:t and . hi.med it to tbt l10lind 'Flliioial l9f !;rain ·A. Beckemeyer, 1r, el l8191 ~ Prtve, llllntlngtob Seach, ,.., ~. IOdoy, Alail ldlle4 In Ibo ftllloi,.,._ '" .... i....,. Lfm· Goldoa, JI,"··-···-"' tM 'liilll-dt!P·-9 ._ ... Iiinild Lee ~ It, of SlS Lemon st., ~ a top pild>er In Sunaet League'beeeball lut year. Alic> In the cabin """' Kevin M. Woedlllil,• '17, II I_, ~i t'JocO.• W..iml.U, and --P. 'Pini, JJ.' of .Anabelm. Pina -~ -r:!;!1•'-wia .W~ ~ PQ9Ulle lddltiooal ........ a. lopl ~;eie. ~ aaw: ~""'10.: ;.:,oy. d!d~~-il~,-iiii~i. ::. ' 1"<ltlis Pemillllod lo -.. -' • 'J11e. f,Y~ Wct1* ~ad.. en::;..Go~W~~ the live IOell8 Dec. &, .aft<r tbeJ bail looen onlered oil the coUete.ampw1 by - of students Dale A. Jiii! .... The dev~ JiWmed to · pllee &! · loti'onlfl>~ with 1ot.area1Rllliiil · f!Uir 'a Jm ........ , of 5,D clCQll't~ ~ · and tile inajority with 1,000 -Joel. The -<tl1 lot is 1.11111 oquare at thla Ume .. 1•e ·do not ,have 20 ·votes Fmd Wlte Se~ ldr a·RepOblitin pro tem." _.~Ew yo»r I rre-••-~..Jed N'--n, Jluf be aald lhat if the GOP wins " --r--~ ~ ~ ... -· the y-. lio* lild. ' Dlil hi!"'1 1110lca111D to.tlJom. · · . '.llili!i· la ocMiiuled for ~ tn1 -'Valloy . JUstlce Ooart ·at • ' .... Jip., U. Woodoen bad been beld In' CllllOdy ol"lha 8ao Bem&rdlno juvenile . n.e hlppiHtyle Christian .......,_ tion&1es have been held In -·Oilmp County Jail in lieu of fllf . bond aet · on each. They pleaded. -to tl)e cbirBtt an<I are llCbeduled tp ~.for a preliminary heaJ1ng c~lin. f in West Orange COunty Muo!Clpil ·Olunrt. Scheduled to appear Jan. 9 are: -Nancy Dewar, 18, 6211 Myrtle St., Huntington Beach. Jouthan Berg, 19, 6051A loth St., Hun- tJogton Beach. . . J~ Leagleid, 18, &05 loth . st, Hunliogton Beach. -Olap.1 Ton-per, 19, 605 10th St., Hootlngtoo Beacll. -J~ Bvke, .27, 605 10th St., ·Hun- tington Beaeb. • ' \ Friday'• court appearance was a rout.toe matte~\. designed to see lf a .&etUement-"COUKI tie--made between the public defender and the dlltrict attorney .., w11at ·c:borgos wolllil' w blOuihl, against the defebderS. · The 7eeM ldr Christ, boWever, relusM to compromise. feet. · ~ In other action tbe Council will: -Set a pib!lc belriq oo an amend- ment to Ordln&nce No. IS, COnoerainC J>IQVWool lor uses requlrlng conditional use perm!Ja. -Set 1 publlc hearing oo the preciae plan ,far ~t No. 81-1 for aligbuient of the street ror a portion of Daisy ad-Gardenia Avenue&. -Set • publlc bearing on the final "! .... · ol><-t cbar&ea f« phue Illa r4 nlUI Weed' A-"-""'· Jan. 21 ii the recommended d1te for lhia public hearing. ., ' ' ,, Mea_sures on Agenda ...,,.. lleal<Beocb aty-Olundl wlll<lll<e up reeolutiool IUIJPCl1i9g the action of Dr,j .s:n lla)'atawa 'Oi Siu\ Francla<o, 'Stale Collip-lmd on· doilng Ille Mexican ~~~~ 8 o'clock ' ' a. special election to fill the vacancy without atatlng its own views on Vieblam created by the death of Sen. George peace tal.U, bU named as his chief Miller Jr. (!).Martinez), "lhat wlll l>e Paris -uegollator Henry Cabot Lodge, a new ball game and we will rHValuate who bu a ·l't'l>Ulatk>n for taking a bard·• our position at that•time." line view of the war. Burns viewed the Republican lailuro Jn ' Parll the •ppcinlcnt•t dimmed to support him as a sign of Republican hopes that the lflka to end the Vietnam , muscle flexing. war 'would ltal1 .. before President-elect "But the Republlcam have the right Nixon's inapguraUon Jan. 20. to flex their rnuacle1 If they have the North Vt~ however warned that, muscles to nex aod to a certain extent the nomJnl&n of Lodge wW not change · they do,'' Burns said. the lssuel tn the' Vietnam negotiatiom. But some Democrats were also unha~ Nguyen Thanh Le, the North Vietnam py with burns. Sen. Georee Moscone elegation spoksman, nauy dismissed (l>San Francisco), aald he and pooalbly, the appollltinenl 81, "an internal U.S. ID of hll colieoguea o..-i Burns prolijem." because of tbe senator's support of But in Saig<m _ a member of the Rl!J>llbllcao Ricbanl M. Nixon for Preli-South Vie-deleptlcn to the Paris dent and reluaal to beet DemlUit Alan talkll said he hoped the oppointrn<nt Crwtoo for the U.S. Senate. of Lodge ·-·"mott .lhe negotiations • Bui leglalatlon was aboved to the wor1< out . .,... In Our ravM." ~uniil leaderlhip questions . ..,., dllepte,1J'rof, ljguyeo .Ngoc Huy. we~p ..inblymen caucuaed Sunday who returmd wilh Vice Preailiec>I Nguyen and_..,.. solidly behind their~ Cao Iqooto•~ two w,.,ta .ago, Bald: for 1peaker, Al!emblyman Robert ·T. Jolhlnt he (LocJie) bu been In Vietnam MooagJ>an of Tracy. That muted bk kmf ,~ to llove IJ'DI"'thY for our electl<i!f as the fin{ Reonbllcan -cauae. (l!eo LmlBLATIJl\E, Pap I) · "I hope hil appomtment will moke the · negOUaliona trort oat more in our Viet Offieial :·-.M·urdered ' .) . ,. . . .. favor." .;' Lodge Ill! anclo>tw!ce · am-r to ~ 1wtn bell an almo'at·new n.gotliune · t<am> Iha~ by its mateup, J~vta Ip, '1\JeaUCln Nllon'1 own poUcy aUUUde ~-~rd ~tht peace efforts in . ' ' :. I:~ );': I ; • Terrorist Gr~~P.~1,f\~~4~n~~~~fs Car 7 • ----........--.. · ...... Parlr. .. ' two on ~; 1'ld&e· the ,lhiltkig ' tiu• ' ii!UM ' . . Ill '°"' . .. i . ·····~· lie !:.=~ ~Lildl':ald. " -,.._ • e TO. H&AD PEACE TALKS NI--~pp>lnt.o Lodp " M • ball . Pearl Romney Rites . TuesdaY. : Mn. Pearl M: llomnOy;~ Harry ~Buffum of Buffuma' ~ ~~. d!flll.Sundl!' at tbO st:~ Convaleacert 11'..p!tll In Loog · JIUdi, She WU 13. ------} • Mn:"Rmnney WU a 'SeaJ 1lelcli raf. den! for the"poot • -• . I Privata fllllllr -will be held ,.._.ay atolt:a...m. a& M Famllll Colonial Funeral Home. Burial will b9 In M~ Ollvet Cemetorv, Salt I.,ate Cltyl Utah ' -"I 1 ' ' ' l ne;idel her nelct, .be leavu a nepbewl Lee Layoe, a reaidint of Lu Vegas Nev. ' 0r .... - Et -te I DAii. ~ PILOT - Dome at l.Mst Spec 4 James Brigham one of three Gls released by Viet Cong New Yea~'• Day, &etl hug 1%{,m his mother, Mrs. Mary Brigham of Ocala, Fla upon bis arrival Satunlay at Andrews AFB, Washington, D.C. Brigham went to Walter Reed Army Medical Center for treatment alter reunioo with family. Mesan Held in Kidnaping Case l ' • ' Cciik"'Arfes~.iJi 4t~k .on' Laguna Policeman's Wit~ ' ) . "' . . Ill' .uiriint ti.. \1NlllL • lllaDo eon., II, a waltr<a, ar< building lhelr case qalnat Alennder. could result In a deatll penalty In .,.,. °' tM Mitt.._ s''" em~::. at Reuben'• restaurant, 155$ Capt. Glaqow &aid Mrt. Carter's of convlction. A complaint chargJnc a 'Cc&ll Mesa w. Ave., Colts M-· WOlllll:I neJglibor -not ldeotillod lo • Under Calllornla'1 ,....Ued . Little ; cook in the kldnapin& ol • Lquna ·ll<lch The mum had prevlou1I)' u]ftlled compliance with department policy on 'Jndberlh 1.a ... tile deatll penalty can • policeman's pretty wife -. who "-fftd fean for her qfety, police u1d toc:1v. nambig wtbteae1 -· made the iftlllal be lmpoeed ln a kidnap cue when a ~ shot! in a struggle for her husband's Mn. Carttr, wife of La.guna Buch report ol the rddnaplng. •victim-la auauUed. • ; revolver -11 being sou,ht from the Police otrlcer Kenneth Carter, a former She told Offictt Al Muir and Detective Mn. carter'• buJband was sent home 1 ~ Orange County D!Jtrict Attorney today. r Orange County 'Shtrifl'• cleputJ, was 'IlMlmpeoa tbal the unarmed ~ from hla graveyard lhtlt patrol duU.. l Marvin E. Alexinder, 29, rof ,~ treated -at .8rialOl Part Medtcal Ctnter came to the Carten'· Victoria street wttb the Lquna Beach Police Depart. t PeterJOn lfay, ls held In ~ Mesa ' after the attack and ~ea&ed. , apartment about 5:30 a.m., ,Md events ment after his wile's abducUon was - CUy Jail In Uou ol ll0,000 ball, followin( Coota Meu PoUoe Copt. Ed Glugow tll.,.. culmlnlted In a otrugle. r<ported. his arrest Saturday. Aid today that Mrs. carter fired at Mn. c.arter, ftporU Aid, wu a~ The former Orange f,ounly shertfr1 It was not immediately determined least two and perhaps three shots from ducted and spent about one hour at deputy bu been, wlth the beach city lf additional charges would be soupt one of tier husband's .38 caliber service Alexander'• Petenon WQ apartment, force for nearly five years. against the suspect, who also allegedly revolven during the predawn auack. during wtilch Ille was uuulted. Hll wife's alleged abductor was ar· .. , choked a neighbor staying wltll the vie· Detat!J o/ the cue. liaodled by Delao-The victim WU ltruck In the bead • '...tad at hla aparlment Saturday morn- Um, a co-wOl'ker of the auspect. live Gerry 'J'hompaon, were belhl kept while wreatllng over her on· duty -in& by Of!Jcer Muir and Detective Both Alexander, a cook, and Mrs. confidential as lnvesllgaton beg a o hu.sband't gun. Either of the incldents TbomPl'>O, according to Capt. Glasgow. 1 .Tou~hy Mo111ent_ Officer Tht-eatened oy Speeder If Newport Beach police officer James Bradley ever writes a book about his career In law enforcement, he would be sure to include a confrontation Satur· day night with a mentally ru traffic: suspect. Bradley, on his beat near West Pacific Coast Highway and Orange Avenue at about 8 p.m. Saturday, observed a car run lhe inter.section against the red light and gave chue. A short distance later 1 near Coast Righway and Brookburst Street, the suspect finally ran off the road aod emerged from bis car, fhta clinched and shouting. As the officer got out or his patrol car the suspect shouted, "You ••• l'm going to kill you!" Bradley reached into his unit and took t1Ut bls..baton. showed.it to the suspect • and warned hlm to stop. "lf you didn't have that club I'd kill you," the ttriver shouted and ran back to his panel truck and opened Uie rear door. He thrust both hands into a brown suitcase, his back turned to the pol.iceman. The o!ficer's report said at that point Bradley drew h.ls service revolver and told the man to back away from the van slowly. "He paid no attention," the report continued, "and l cocked my pistol" The suspect then wheeled and shouted again, "I'll kill you," then collapsed to his knees and "said BOJ'Uy, 'go ahead and kill me. I don't care'," the report added. The suspect, who, reports said, had recently been discharged from a hospital, was taken to the mental ward of Orange County Hospi!li f.Qt,observatjop. ' ' From Pflfie 1 LEGISLATURE ... " • alnce 1968, ending tile Ion& reign ol J .... M. Unruh, (J).Inglewood.) Assemblyman Robert Badham (R· : Newport Beach) who had wanted tq c;le.. _·· feat Charles A. .Co!u'ad (R-Sherman oaks) for speaker pro tern, dropped hi.! challenge. But in the Senate, some Democrats Aid they ~·t '?Jll to vote for Bums, expressing unhappiness with his sup- port of Republican Richard M. Nixon for president. and his relu:sal to support Democrat Alan Cranston for the U.S. Senate In 1963. And a few Republicans said they were unwilling to vote for a Democrat for .:· the Senate's presiding officer. After a meetin&' of Republican sen-;• ators Sunday night, GOP caucus chair· man Donald Gnmsky of Watsonville refused to rule out a challenge of Burns. "We are not at this time proposing a -·congr~ss Counts Nixon ~- w. Cha.-ll D f t Hong. l(ong Flu Relaxes . in, enges e ec o': . . . · . 13e;ectorowhoca•thisballotlorGeorg• Grip on Orange Coast ~: ... 1 l_tep~lican e~idate !cr~-president-~r.o­ lpt f _-,tem;i he-told -ne.wsmen-.empha.sizilll ,. .)f ,...'l the word! "at this time." In past weeks. Grunsky had said he would support Burns, although he ran against him un· succtSSfully at the start of the 19£3 session. WASHINGTON (UPI) -In a ceremonial joint session, Con I r e 1 s tabulaled Riehard M. Ni.loo's Elect.oral College presidential victory today. The ritual was headed for a temporary-.· over a challenge to the vote of a maverick North Carolina elector. The Howe and Senate convened In the House chamber at 10:01 a.m. PS:r to formally count lhe Electoral College votes and proclaim Nl.son. tbe w.inner. of last November'• presidenilal contest. But two Democrats were challenging the action of one of 'North Carolina'• Sol Vista Tract Group Organized Residents of the central area of Hm- tir.gton Beach have formed tbe Sol Vl5ta Homeowners All80Ciation for lbo;se living within the Sol Vista tracbl: and have elected a full slate of officers. Hert McDonald, president; Mel Kim- mel, vice president; Louis Grillo. lrta!urer: Jerry Schmuls, secretary; Bob Brown, sergeant at anm; Hank· Todd, membership IX!mmittee chalnnan, and Pal McGinnis, communicatloM chairman were elected. The group also voted to affiliate wilh the HOME Council. First projects of the organization include appointment of members to attend sesslOQli of the HOME Council, City Council and o t h e r governmental boards and commissions, 63 id the new president. Next general meeting ls Thursday beginning at 7:i.5 p.m. at Marine View School, 5682 Tilberg Drive. Second Dialrlct Counly Supervisor David L. Baker is scheduled u the speak~ for the program. OAllY PILOT 01t"HG£ C0"5T l>UILISHIHC (Olol~"'jY R.\.,rl fol. w,,, P°'1lftftl .... Pultll"""t J•<~ R. CY•l•v - Vitt l'rt••Ot~I l"CI GoNr•I Ml"llff Eo11or ,.,.,,.,., A. t.Au,,~;,,, IAl""'illt E••'-' Alla••• w. 1.1,, w;u;,.., 11 •• .1 ,l.•-"'I 1-i""'"''""' lfKll Edlit>< • C••y E•ltor H••~ ...... 9-~ Offlc• JOt Sth Strttl M1 ili119 Arlrl1111 ~ l'.O. 101 7tO, t264l °""' 0 ..... N""''' lkKll: ,111 Wrtl ltltlllll 11"-'""'". (Mlt Mell: 2Jf Wfll l•r ''""' c. Wallace rather than Nlxon who won the state's popu]ar vote. The tnterruptlon was expected to delay Hong Kong flu today appeared to be final certification of Nixon ul\tm.'nut . relaxing the relenUw grip it has held Pruident of the United Stales until late · on Orange County for the past two months. aftemoon at least. That diagno.si! was offered by Dr. One of the ch.allengers on Nlxon's behalf W83 Sen. Edmund S. Muskie ([). Maine), .. the l<Wng Democratic vice presidential nomlnee. Ni.Ion'• defeated rival, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, normally 'vould have the job of formally declaring Nix· on's election -as President of the Senate. But Humphrey was in Oslo, Norway today as U.S. representative to the funeral o/ Trygve Lie, Jbe first U.N. secretary-general. The tally of the electoral votes cast In meetings of state electors at state capitals in mid-Deoember COi.lid not be completed quickly ii it usually is done because of the challenge of the vote or Dr. Lloyd W. Bailey, Rocky Mount. N.C., for Wallace. Muskie, toptber with Rep. James G. O'Hara (J).Mlch.), prepared a written objectlon to be submitted as soon as the North Carolina tally of 11 votes for Nixon and 1 for Wallace was an· noanced. Th.is meant that the joint sessJon had to be recessed while the House and Senate went into separate meetings to debate the objection. Both chamben would have to uphold tile objectlon by a majority vote In order to void the Bryant vote for Wallace. Mamie Great Wife, Declares Former Hubby Actrtss Mamie Van Doren -old enough to be his big sister -wu sUU a wondeful wife. according to former professional baseball pitcher Lee Meyu. who Is now also Miss Van Doren's former h1.11band. Superior Court Judge William Speirs Friday called Strike Three on lhe glamoroua couple's 2~·year marriage. "I wish her all the luck in the world." lo.feyer said Saturday in a telephoned slalement, following Mjss Van Doren 's post-dlvorce interview Friday. "Things just didn't work out," he added somewhat superfluously, but failed to elaborate. Miss Van Doren, 34, who lives at the Balboa Bay Club. told courthouse report.en Friday she plans to do a televiskin 9tJ'iel and Is booked for a 16-week sboW at the Miami Caribbean Hotel. Meytt, 24, said he Is working 'fVith oil and land development companies, but may go back to pro baseball. "I'm n:ot sure just where," .said the former pitcher on the Callfornla Angels' minor league circuit. Meyer, whose parents live at 19941 Piccadilly Lane, Huntington Beach, has rented a Newport Beach apartment now Uu1t he LI once again a bachtlor. The divorce Is his first, while it is Number Two for Mamie, •ho shed bandltadtr Ray Anthony tight yean ago. The Van Doreft.Meyer unkln \\'IS chlldloa, althou&h Anlhonr lalhertd a J:Z..)'tar-old son dUrlng hil marrlage to the blonde It.at. County Woman - Held in Burying Of Newborn Baby, A young Mexican women charged with burying her newborn baby alive in the backyard of a Garden Grove home where she works as a maid is held today <»l'iruaplcion of murder. 1 Valencia M. Alcaru, 22, of Tijuana, Is in the prison ward of Orange County Medical Center. recoverii_w from com· plications or the Saturday birth, in which. abe waa evidently alone. "The baby is in the backyard," she explained through an inttrpreler, after being hospitalized at the county facility. Garden Grove police and members of the Victor Sommers family, who live at~ Skylark Av~ .• JearCbed and found the Want girl buried in a freshly dug grave. Coroner's deputies uid the child was buried alive and died ol sulfocation. Despite mail addressed to Senora Atcaru -ind1cating &he ls married -Garden Grove police aaJd todsy lhat the suspect insists ibe js· a single girl. ' From Pafe l WDGE .. as ambassador to Soutb Vietnam. Ron Ziegler, Nlxon'a press spokesman, said in announcing the Lodge ap- pointment tllat the Pl'elldent.<lect phoned Bunker Saturday night and got a penonal assurance the envoy Would do what Nllcp judges to be in lhe national interesL In other words, Bunker would remain in Saigon. . Jn addition to naming Lodge his personal representative and chief Paris negotiator -lo replace the veteran W. Averell Harriman -Nlzon through Ziegler signaled these other choices for lht-Paris delegation: -Lawrence E. \val.sh" 57, a Manhatlan attorney, will be deputy to Lodge. Walsh was a rednl dlstrtct judge be£ort serv· Ing as deputy attome)' general in the E.iaenbower administration u n d e r s.cretary ol Sta....iealpate William P. Hogen. ~ ~areer diplomat Manhall Green, II, wW be detached 1mni bit dutlea u ambuaador' to 1ndonelia "to give ad- ditional professJonal competence and sup- port lo the neaod•Una ttlD'I." -Philip Hlblb, '"8, pather caretr foreign ten'lee officer who once strved \\'i!h Lodge In Saigon~ will rtma1n a member or the U.S. delesallon. Carlo Christened ' GENEVA. (UPI) -It>.llan lllin •tar Sophia Loren'• weet--0\d boy wu chrlltened Carlo Ponti Jr .. at a private ceremony here Sunday, it was announced today. ' John R. Philp, the county's chief medical officer; tn• the light of sun'ey1 that showed a decline in absenteel3m during the·pa:st week. 1 "BQt we'll have a much. clearer picture when we· can examine the schOOI absenteeism situation," Pbj.Jp added. "Our present conclusion ).( based on Industry only. Now that the' cl!Udttn have returned to &ehool we can examine lhe county picture in more depth." Several county hospitals which last week cut operatina: room schedules to emergency surgery only, today had ex· paneled their activities to include "a limited number" of non-emergency cases, a health department spokesman said. "Some hospitals are still hit hard by the flu, particularly among their nursing staff.'' he said. "But the situation Sttm.! lo be appreciably better than it was at this time last week." llospital blood banks, reduced last week to critical levels because of the ravages of flu, were reported today to be in a better position. "But il will take some time to restore our blood supplles to pre-flu levels." an Orange County Medical Center physician com- mented. Train Derailed .\_, ___ l' Sex Legal , Franca Vettori, 36, smiles 3ft. er winning legal recognition of her change of sex from Pisa, Italy, court. Franca, once known as Franco, underwent sex change operation in Casa- blanca, Morocco, in 1966. Gnms.ky also produced a legislative counsel's opinion spelling out the pro- cedures in case of a Senate deadlock that failed to elect a pro tem. Legisla· tive Couosel George Murphy said Burns would continue in the job. Sen. Howard 'Nay (R·E%eter), :.aid It would be di!flcult to vote for Burns be· cause of disclosures that he carried legislation helping insurance companies while he was. an orncer and a main stockholder of another in.surance com- pany. I • • , I Lea4'og the DemocraUc oppo.silio..-;t to .• Bums was Sen. George Moscone of San Frantisco, Democratic caucus chainnan •r: in the Senate. Moscone said he would abstain from voting, and claimed the support of 10 Democratic colleagues. It takes 21 votes in Lile 40-seat Senate to · elect a president pro tern. '· Bandits Hold Up, In tile Assembly, Republicans reaped the re11Jards of the November electlcm which gave them control of the lower house for the first time in a decade. Two Restaurants Two Santa Ana eating establishment.! were held up by armed robbers Sunday night, losing a tola1 of $266. First hit was the Taco Bell al 1604 "I( was a love feast," Assemblyman Eugene Chappie (R-Cool), said of the year's first Republi91n caucus. 2 Assemblyman Paul Priolo, CR-Pacific Palisades), who had threatened to cha!· lenge the long-time caucus chainnan, Don Mulford of Piedmont, dropped His \V, Jst St. Three young girls, Kathy fight. · · Among Assemblyman Democrats, Un· Smith, Theresa Smith and Fran Ofualo ruh prepared to step down to minority were held up by two men who entered leader-a job that could provide him • the ba'ck door of lhe eatery. They with a political forum for a possible run '= threatened the girls with a revolver for governor in 1970. Reagan, meanwhile finished work on and escaped with $89. the "state of the state" speech to be Al.so robbed was the Der Fritz given to the legislature Tuesday, and restaurant, 1212 S. Bristol St. Bartender continued to remain silent on his choice GARDEN CITY. Kan. (UPI) -Twelve of a lieutenant governor to succeed cars of the Santa Fe Railway's crack Richard R. Fender of Santa Ana said Robert H. Finch, the riew secretary ot • e1tra fare train El Capitan, carrying a man entered the bar, displayed a health, education and welfare. - 570 passengers, derailed early today at revolver and ordered him Into the rear. Reagan said "I hope to have it before" Holcomb, seven miles west of here. The rol>ber took $177 from the cash Friday, but said be hasn't yet made up Nobody was hurt. register. his mind. ~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'· • !', -• • : •), • '. • • • • OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE • COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized and repaired • diamonds and precious stones remounted •pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AL( TYPES OF JEWELRY HAllOl SHOPPINIJ CENTll 2l00 llAllOI ILVD. COSTA MISA 145·'4fl ' 0,.. ...... .,.... "'· T1I ' ,.... HUNTIN6TON CINTll MACH • IDINGO HUNTINIJTON llAC:H nZ-5501 , .. · · , ..... ~( ..... __ ._. .... '·' v•k· .... _.1 ( ., .. I I I ·I. I r.----·-........ ----' .. ..-...... , .. _, .. i ,I l " • Lagwia. --=~u~lJeh - .• : EP~JlON -TN8Y'ln.J • • • ·;N.Y. Si~ j VOL 62, NO. S, l SECTIONS, lO PAGES " ·,~,.,~ " r J. .TEN CENTS J<. ' • Ram·s Give ·Jn, ·R~hj-re Allen as. ,lI~ad Coach :· . . , , '(; • *" * ' . ;; ~ • -. ' I . . na Laguna Link? Purse Found Near Dend Coed • (Special to the DAILY Pll.OT) Ave. She had bc,>rrowed , the car from HOLLYWOOD -A stolen Laguna owner, Raymond Burton of 1345 Lewellyn Beach car and purse ma.y be linked Dri to the brutal murder of 17-year-cld ve. Marina Elizabeth Habe whose stabbed Ofllcen said $20 had been taken from body was founded in wooded Mulholland the putse but Mrs. Prath.er's personal Drive New Year's Day. ' beloogings were intact. The car, wbicll The purse was found in the vicinity had a .faulty exhauit, still had not been of the girl's body during a detailed recovered. today. 2Gunmen Add Insult To Robbery The proprietor o1 a Laguna Beach inod shop and his wife were lured to their business by two gunmen Saturday night, .. aearcb ot the area, said homicide of-Lt .. Harold White of sheriff'& homicide licers. said a ~bility existed that the purse bound and robbed of more than $2;600 • The 'purse belonged to Ruth Prather was-reI&ted to1tbe crime. of 330 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. It The University of Hawaii coed had in merchandise and money. , 1 The gunmen added insult to ro:bbery . \f ·-was-·on"' tne-s-..at ·oi· a~1958'-ctievrolet·-.. ~ stabbed mmy -thnes 1n ·1he· neck ltoten ~-11 in·Ute--200 block 'Of Ocean aQd.cbest and beaten on-the face-· when thl!y' unUed Jotm· R. Hume, 1st· .. "f"!-IJLJ!~!.' Nyes .-Place, and forced him to carry ·"¥1 ni cartons of clothing to his car which they , \J\t: also sto:le. , 't , Lodge Appointment Seen Delaying Start of .Talks Police Lt. Jo:hn Zelko: said Hume re- ceived a call from a man Saturday night who told a tale abouL being unable to purchase leather pants he had ordered in San Clemente. Hume and his wile, Bonita, went to the Blue Beard Shop, 656 S. Coast High- way. A gunman with an automatic told them, "This ls a stickup; do as I say and no one will get hurt." From Wire Strvicta NEW YORK -President-elect N'u9n, without stating his own views on Vietnam peace tali>, lips named " '""·~ Paris negotiator Henry Cabot tod;e; who bas a reputatiw:Uor taking. a bard· i line view of the wai. Jn Paris the appointment dimmed hopes that the talks to. end the Vietnam war would start before President.elect Nixon's inauguraUon Jan. 20. North Vietnam hlwever warned that the nomination of Lodge will not change the issues in the Vietnam oegotlatlons. Nguyen Thanh Le, the North Vietnam elegation spokesman, flatly dismissed the appointment as "an internal U.S. problem." But in Saigon - a member of the South Vietnamese delegation to the Paris talks said he hoped the appointment of LOOge would "make the negotiations work out more in our favor." ··The delegate, Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Huy, who returned wilh Vice President Nguyen Cao ·Ky to Saigon two weeks ago, said: I think he (Lodge) has been in Vietnam long enough to have sympathy for our cause. ''I hope his appointment will . make the negotiatiOM work out more 1n our favor." Lodge, 66 and twice ambassador to Saigon, will head an a Im. o st-new negoUaUng team that, by its make~p, Jejves in question Nixon's own polio/ attitude toward the peace efforts m Paris. During two Saigon tours. Lodge generally mirrored the shifting but usually optimistic appraisals of the Johnson administration. But in a statement issued Sunda·y In Bonn, where he curreotly ls am- bassador to West GermaJIY, Lodi~ said negotlaton in.Paris MllSt,have not only a strong desire for peace ·but also recognition of "the profound and painful 1acriflcts which have to be made." Tmck Hits Striker CONCORD, cam. (UPI) -Rlfhard Jones a striking oil worker, was injured early Sunday when he fell under the wheels of a truck as it passed through a pi<:ket line at the Standard on co. plan~ according to Contra Cool!' COunty Sheriff'• deputies. . TO HEAD PEACE TALKS . · Nixon ~lntH Lodge Rams · Rehire Coach Allen • LOS ANGELES (AP)-The Los Ange- 1es Rams rehired today head coach George Allen, fired Dec. 26 due to a "personallty confiict" with Preside!it Dan R<e"8. ' The-terse announcement from the Na- tional FootbaJI League club saitf only, "Geor.. Allen is coming back to the Ranu."·- No further details were divu1ged with the JnJttal statement but a news con- ference wu called for later in lbe an.rnoolL ~ of Allen, who had a winning recordln his three yean with the c1ub, came .u .a aboc:k. Players came to h1s stC>POrt immediately, several stars say- ing their \rould t.tlre U Allen '"" not rehired. 'The couple were ta.ken into a restroom where they were bound with tape and blindfolded. The ~gan remov-lnjlj ~....... ...... finery and otliOr goods. , ill!!lle.S !Ul!iod 8"" forced ta.load ~w ·\iil' '1!1111 ~-f2,ooo merclulJiiflSi. The bondlU olso look about l500 In ,.._ ceipts • .,Al!o stolen waa a 1125 stereo tape player. Firemen Quench Brush Fire at . Top of World Laguna Beach and county firemen bat- tled a wind-whipped brush fire to a standstill Saturday below Top of the World-elementary school. AJthough the fire burned only about three-quarters of an acre of brush, il posed a serious threat because of dry Santa Ana wind conditions. Firemen were looking into the possibill· ty today that the blaze may have been started by two boys seen running from the area. Despite changing wind coodJUons, said Laguna Fire Chief Homer Mann, the fire was cornered against a county fire break and an outcropping of boulders. Firemen fought it with shove.ls for about 11i2 hours. During the busy weekend, firemen also: -Reported a freak fire Friday af· ternoon at the home ol. Police Lt. Robert McMurray, 131 Chiquita St. The sun shining Uu'ough a water bottle ignited a baCk porch rug which touched off the side of the sWngled house, causing an esUmated $30 lo.damage. -Doused a $.100 roof blaze Friday at 12:55 p.m. at the residence of L. R. ParkenSGn, 1076 Glenneyre St. Fltemen said the fire was caused by the hot updraft of a Christmas tree burned in the fire place. -Re5ponded lo wall heater fire Satur· d;iy night at the bome of Larry Gladwell, 435 Anita St. 'It was caused by a gas 1ine becoming disconnected, firemen said. Burns ·Retains Senate Post GOP Refuses to Uxe:.N~;Control' to Oust Pre.Ulent . ·--...-.--· . SACRAMENTO (AP) -_, The iJ1t Iegf.olature opened toilay ~Ith Senate Republicans reflllhlg to 1111< their no1r control ol the upper hous<! to duuip DeiDocrattc Pmident pro le!D• Hugh II. Bums. As a result, Burns will remain or. !he job. The Senate, :IG-11 &tjl<lbllcaD wllh one vacancy, met In a clOsed cauCUJ some two houn before t.bt , Rbion began wtt>Kiut coming to a declllon on the futl.IN of Burns, the veteran who has he.Id the presiding officer'• job alnc.~ IWI. Tiie -...,.;,,. ~ Mt to vote for , a hous<! thal la DOW fl-31 llePW>Ucan. a pnoldlllt pro ma wl)oD tbeJ ........ Although in numerical cOlltrol of the no Qllly -Will lie W lll1 Ille vacant Sfnalt. the RepoblJcons Iacbd the IO .... ~ o1 tbe S...tt. •ot.0 needed to ouat Burno. L ... 'lllt•• -tlw-"""' 1\111· Donald Gnmskr (11-W.-vtlle); nl ...... laift Ian UBUI -chl!rman of the Stnatt l!epdbUcan · tri.llC"lllm. ·-UU<U8,loldne'f~J.'harenotaoiDJ 'The wdi1'. wn M\ ~·to ~ a ~.~.lot pro tem to e1e<t ~ Robert T-. at Wi -· We do not ha"" ltl votea M-an (11.Troey). ., ~· -the for a fl:ePubllcan pro t~"'.J ...; flrtt member of Ille GOP to bold the But be said that lt !be GO wlna hr~ Jo' lblte ~ He rtplacet a special eltctlon to tl11 the vac.ncy I>emoctll J-I.I, Unruh of Ingltwood, created by the ~th~efi 'Sen. GtQfge who.._: dowO to IDinotlty loider IJI (S.. LllGIBLA,v..., ..... ll • , ' ~o~ [• UPIT ......... SF STATE PRESIDENT POSTS WARNING H1y•k•w• Drew• the Line · • Sfflt=:~~ ,,e~=~·-..-•~ . " -riJ!·Stat;erHeopens 4.•,. Shouts of 'Reagan L"1)er' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Teacl'jera screaming "Scab!" "Stay out of school'' and ''Reagan Jover," greeted 1tudent1 returning' to tense San Francisco Staie college to:day • About 350 pickets representing a .strlk- lng teachers' union and strOOng mlnority students screamed at lhe thousand• Of nonstrikers who crossed tbe lines to resume classes at the strile-rocked cam· pus. Starting with about 12S, the plcRt line at the main entrance 1Welled as the; chlll, f~ morning wore on. A conUngent of about 75 from San Jose State College, 50 miles away, Toined the demonstrators. Violence was confined to a few fn. dividual scuffles u a score o:f. helmeted poliCeinen Blood eying the pi<:keta. Brandi.bing 1lgni, the plckt!)I ' cried, "Pip, oU campus," at the poUce and "~I Stay out o:f scqdol," and '"Reigaia lover'~ at arrtving students, A 1ew other picketl, were on the campus. at building '!1~... . .. · ~ iopege ~ed Ila three-week boll-. day recess wiUI members of the teachers ' union J.oinlng ~dent atrlkera. Gov. ReaPn threatened to use. bayone14 if ,necessary to p r o t e c t ~ operaUODI for the vast ma- jority of tlu!lenla and faculty wbo are not atrtklng. The coU'fe ljas about 18,000 studenta and 1,100 lllltructon. Laguna Connci¥tenDelar: Action on Harhbr District .'i{ By ·JACK CHAPPElL . ~Harbour ln'the ~Beech Of tlll Olltr Pllft,lflff Nlind u._ ... •-·1.-1-JI · cUmen • "'""' •~ ~~ • ay., entrance Laguna Beach city COUil ..... and' bav• abo built • ne\v pubuC water delayed until Feb. 51Jn taittlg • pl>slUon ~ In S\lfl80I Aquauc-Park ~t liun- for Of against ,dlaoluUon .of· the much-u..-..-Be h debated Oran«•·County·Harbor District., .. .,... ac · , ...: CJUea throoghoul lhe county ere cur· ~ dtatrlcl has In past yeen . pold• rently being uted to take a position Rveral thousand dbDart amwally to on the Harbor lliatrlct Issue by the ~guard aervlceS et coutal clUe( ior orange County .Cbqter of the J.eaiue ~erage of county biaches. I •--· of Calilornla cltlea. · • -.-The league, which meelB .•fain Feb. ach, San Clemento, 'Ne!!IJOl1 Beach JS, hu -eited a ~le which ind Huntington Beach all rei>etve( iuch would, IOad toward eiirnlnaUon of the .funda. · , Harbor Dtatrtct. Opponents of the --The ~ Diatrlct waa created ~ genorally believe thal the' ·e·11·1Lr • a aeparate Wing.arm of or.,,.. County populated porUooa of the-a!roulila't gOT-t In the mld-ll!Oa. for . 1he be tued for operatlooa euetrilallf'alGq -cl bulldlntf, devcioplnJ and main-the coastline. . talnilll Newpi>l't harbor. ( • Tbey alJo -1 that !be county Slnco then, the district'• role !II couta/ dlatrlct expanded 1111n1uai ll>IF.-ip.il alfah;a 'hu ),..11 gruUy e1pljlded. The in Ntirpor! Harbor .,.i t1!a1 tt !tu no district Ia' loYemed by ~.harbor """' ; (See DllTB!cr, Pap I) qrllaloo wltlch ·oo most ma~ Ia -... , ;;,~~=-to the oounly ,s.t, 'Ibo -Dtatrtct WU ~ )11> the Cautonila Lqlllatoro and ~ 11 1 oejrorlle .IUJnc aaency, At-~ 111&-<IUltlct '11.W ·~ 1c er 1.111 ~ P."t 1100 •1iill! •aluatkin °'""""9Ut tire--~wtlir--Uemptlori of. lbO Cl6"'land NitlOIUll'Foreat ma. , In addtUOn to operations In ~lfport Harbor,-the county distrtd-~ ~ r-1ble jointly with the ~al govm"'I 101' c:reaUon of ~l>olnt Hatb<r. r:.. , ~ ~, P'l'°""d olto pali1 ~ ~ ' ----"-'--"--~- '~lONEY PRIMER' SERIES •DEBUTS .. . MesanHeld Iii Attack On Woman By ARTHUR IL VINSEL Of 1t1t OlllY Pllft Staff A complaint charging il Costa Mesa cook in the kldnaping of a Lquna ~ pollceoian's preUy wife -wbo fired sl)ots Jn a _struggle for her husband'• revolver -is belng sougJtt from ~ Orange c.wity District Altomey today. .. Marviti. i;:, .AI"811dl!L...29~ o(Jl~ Peterson · Way, is held in Coeta Mesa Clly Jail In lieu ol $00;000 ball, following his amst· Seturd;iy. · · It was not l!hmedlately determined If additional charg" would be aought agalnit the suspect, who abo alle;iodly choked a neighbor staying with the vlC-: tim, a co-worker of tlM! suspect. Both Ales:ander, a ~cook, and Mrs. Dianne Carter, 26, a waitttss, are employed at ~lien'• restaurant .. 1555 W. Adams Ave.,. Costa Mesa. The victbn bad, previously expressed fears for her safetj, ti01'ce,1aid ~)'. ·lira.. Carter,_~il ... of ~ J!iocli PoUce Officer M!lDllll Cilner:, • 'termer Orange COUnty Sheriff's 'deputy, was : ,~ 11 Bristol Part Medical c.ater ..... the attacl: llid ·rtleaJed. • Costa M ... Pl>Uce Capt. Ed Glasgow said' today that Mr1. Carter fired at least two and perhaps three shotl from one of her husband'• .38 ciUbt.r ltl'V1ce revdlvers· during the predawn attac~ Details of \be w<i'bandled by 1Jeteo. tive Gerry Thom-.', were ~-kepi' confldenUa! as tDveSttgator;' 'be i an bllildlng their case against .Aleunder. Capl ~= aald ~;. Carter's · wwnaa r -nOI Id~ in compllance with deparlmOilt policy on naming witnessea -mad• the tnJtial report of the kldnaping. She told. Officer Al Muir and Dete¢1:ve 1bompoon that the unarmed Aru.hcler came' to:-the Carten' Victoria Street apartment aboµt1 5:~ a.m., and eveml tbeTe. "1lminated in a struggle. Mrs. Cai'ter,' r'eports said, WU ab- ducted and • spent about one boor at Alellllder'a. Petmoll W;iy apertmen~ during which sbe"was as38Ulted.' The victim was struck in the head while Wreatling over her 0 n • 'd u t 1 husbapd.'• gun. Either of the lncld~ta couJd . .resJilt in a death penalty 'In cue of convlcUon. .Under Callfoml11-'1 so-called LiUle 1.indbergh Lew, Ibo death penalty can be imposed in a kidnap cue when a (See KIDNAP, Pap II : Stork ~arlceu l'j}lW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed with a thumping foss Monday In fairly acdye ,trllillJl,!See 91otations, Pages 18-19). ' '\* 'i. The drop to Ille .DQw J-Industrial average approeched tJte · 15.M decline of J1U1e 5, J.961 oo the. outbreak of tbe six-day Arab-lataell war -a loss fi<>rn which the market rallied sharply !hereafter. · Orange Coast Weadroer, .Tbat palohy log rolls bacl< in !!'< night, shoving the m~CIP'Y down 'a few ll'!l'h .. ,.i.:oa~I temperatures are •tabbed at 74: degrees Tuesday with an overnight Jew ()f 55. l!YSmE1 TODAY With two . we~' l.tft of his tenn, Pnridene .Jo~ plam · a f!Ock Of tocfal fl'llhtrtnr/I ill' and out of I/If Whit< H"""1 lo /Ov ooodbl'f. Pog• ao . I ....... JS ~ LliMite. t I ~:.= ..J :r .. 11111\ ' I 12 CeMlct .,,, .. , ................ . =:--..... 1: ==--,: • .,,.,.....,.,. • :· • ledlil ..,_. t>ts 1 .......... , -1 ... .. . ....... ...,, ,,.. ~ ... ,,, "" cdl ' f ,,......,.. tr ' --..... ,4 ,....... ,. .. . ...... ~ lJ ..... , .• -. .,.. ,... ... ---. I OA!lV I'll.OT Bu\kli!'I. to Lquna Beach 1aal year rtacttod on all time hlcb !or the d!J, toppJnl ~ ~ tolal by more lllln $1.,lqifJ1iiji. ' Tilt-mluallon of l&.13tt74 l.r con- ArucUon 1n 1988 wu more than doubt• tbe -In 1167, $2,512,229. 'Ille jn- CN&R came while the actual number ol bulldi!l8 pennlll Issued deeilned lrom N7 ii> Ill'/ to SOI in 1988. Clydi Z.' Springe, dty planning and bulldlltl lllroctor, aald tbe incre.,. 'In dollar .......... due to the ~ 'of conat:ructm. ~ I He Aid more .commerclti;type buildlnp were coostructed In ll&f than In Ill'/ wjlon •ri>ost permlll were IAued for sfn&le family dweDings. · 'Ille Swi and Sand Towers &!!dlllo!i. which cost about $1 million, wu the largest bolldln( project In tbe dlJ In Jiii. ' ~ aald tbe clly doq nol expect a '!Verj _..,table" Increase In 1169 ovtt last year. A tight money market wu -for. tbe situaUoc. Tblrly permill were illUed I n December accounting for jUll under '450,000 In """1rudlon. From P .. e l LEGISLATURE .. Miller Jr. (0.Martlnei), "that will be a ne\f ball came and we will tHVatuate our poeJUon tt that tlmt." Bum viewed the Republican 1111""' to ,.pport lllm u • liCD ol Republlcau muaclO~. "But the RepubllcaDI have the rlcl>l to flex their muaclta IJ they have the muacles to fiez and to a certaln extent tbly>do,'\.oBuma ,~-~·· . ' Bui .... Democrall ..... allo unhap- py with Burn1. Sen. Georp Moacone ([).San Francl!co), sald ha and poulbly 10 of bl.I colleaauu oppoead Bum becallle of the aenalor'I IUppor\ of Republican lUc:hard M. Nixon for Preli· deot and ralusal to back Democrat Alan Cranston for the U.S. Senate. Bui leaJalaUon "" lhoved to the ~ WIUI leadtnblp questlona "ere aettlad. GOP uaemhllJ!len CAUClllOd SWlday and emerpl IOll4l1 beblnd their choice for apeabr, AllelilblymlJl Robert T. _..,...of Tracy. Tbal -hll eleclton u the !Inf lleplbll<An apeaker •Ince 1111, endh!J the 11111/1 nip of J..,. M. Unruh, (l).lnllewnod.) -lymao RGller{ Badham (R· Newport Beach) who had wanted to dt- feat Chari• A. Coorad (R.&erman OW) lot spaakar pro lem, cboppad bl.I ~·!be Stoalt, ...,. Democrall sald tbeJ didn't Wllll to Yolo for Burlll, -~-with hla -. port o! 1llchard M. lllzon !or preslden llld Illa raluAI to aup Democrat er ... to. for the r;r. Senalt In !Del.' And 1 few Rel>llbllCAna aald Ibey ·....e unwillln( to volo for a Domocflt lot the Senate'• pmldlng officer. ' Aller a meeting o! Republlcin · ..,. alors Sunday nip~ GOP CIUCllJ chafr. man Donald Gi\maky of Walloo911le relUaad to rule out a challenge ol Burn&. "We are not 1t Urta tlme proPolinl a Republican caodldate for pnalaenl J: tern," he told newsmen-empbaal the words "at this time." la i>Ut weekl, GtWlsky had said be would support Burna, lilhough ho nn qahut bim un- fiUcctssf\llly at the ltait of the 1MI uuion. GNnaky also produced a leglalaUVI cOW11el's opinion aoelll!)c out the _pro- cedw'ea In case of a senate deadlock that failed to elect a pro tern. te1l!l1· tive Counsel George Murphy uld Bums would conUnue In the Job. Sen. Howard 7/ay (ft.Exeter), u.ld It would be dllflcult to vote for Burns be- cause of dllcloaure1 that be carried lellll>Uoo helpl111 lnaurance companies while he wu an olflcer and a main stoctbolder of anolher inaurance com· pany. , ' ' DAILY PllOT ••ltt•I N. w,,, '"o"41M iflll ~ti"'" J•c~ II:, c •• 1.y V•<I f'rt11ftnl tno Gtl\f>•t• M•~•v•t L.,... .... Offk• 211: ,.,.,, "'"'· • M•llit11f M411u: P.O. ltc '''· 91411: -"""" (&1•1 Mt11· l• Wfll 11 .. S1~t N....., at•cfl· '111 *"' ••-ltullv1•• tlvntl~t!Ol'I lfadl. 1't Jiii S1rtt1 DAILY ,ILOT Phttt b1 RkMrd ICNllltl' Beading Back to Classes ~osmer ' , ' l I I Prop~fies ' ,. .. f • 'Atdmic', Harbor -~ Use or atomic exploaives to carve a new harbor tp Austral.la some 1,600 feet wide, 200 to a feet deep a~ more than ..,. mlle lonJ fl being propoieCI lodu by Hop. Cra!J--~ (l!-Qllg •BOacli). Holmer called for conotrucllon of th e harbor this year lo a letter to President Johnson which ask'ed for $300.000 for the initial work involved in planning the nu· San Clemente Mother, Son Hurt in W reek A San Clemente mother and her young son suffered critical injuries in an auto crash Sunday morning on Pacific Coast Highway ape mUe south of cameo Highlands In Newport !leach. . '• cl801: sbot. ; If! said that U.S. and All!lrlii•n atomJ "' le energy offlciala are "optimildc that the demoMUatloii ·lhot could create the -harbor It Clpe Kl!ll'llldn<l ln Weal-em Australia t.hbl .year.'' Total cost of the project is estima~ at between $12 milhon and $14 million. The cost, according to Hosmer, of the ranklng Republican member or t h t Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. would be shared by the governments of both nations and by some private m.ining and shipping compani~ in both countries. The project would consist of the atnlul· taneOut detonation of . live 200--kiloton nuq1ear uploelves underwater at the cape. The eq>losion would result la tlle ~e crater whlch would then be the .,.,, deep waltr harbor. Hosmer proPoSed that the Australian experiment._ conducted instead of a previously scheduled experiment called Project Galley in Nevada. He added that "the Australian experi· ment would provide valuable informa• tion toward the planned use of nuclear devices to construct a new tnter-Ameri· can canaJ across Central Ametlca." Joe 'Caroli.n, crossing guard for Mariners School in Newport Beach, appears to be modern day Pied Plper as be leads school-bound children safely across street. School resumed along Orange Coast today, with 120,000 youngsters returning to class· rooms they left two weeks ago for Christmas holi· days. Next e:rlended vacation will be annual Easter break, 13 wee-ks from now . Mrs. Roberta MarkWJ, 32, of 123 Calle Ponlente, San Clemente, is in a coma in the intensive car:e uni& of Hoag Memorili Hospllll with crlUcal bead injurle.1. Her IOO, Dwight, 2, la in 1erious COO· ditlon at the same hospital with head injuries. Hosmer suggetted that the · U.S. and the Soviet Union and other appropriate countries get together to clarily the non· appllcablllly of the Uml~ Test Ban Treaty's restraints on nuclear explosion; for pu.ceful purposes. Leqking Gas, Cigarette Blumed ·for Fatal Blaze .• -. *-·--_,__ __ Gu le&klri1 from a butane t~-and a mnolderllii dgantte which lgnltecl ihe gal with blowloi<b lntenalty ..... blamed for the Bl& Bear cabin fire early Thun- day which killed three Orange County youths. Lt. Ernie deLaurie of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's department said the gas escaping from a butane tank resulted in the explosion which tore the cabin apart and burned it to the ground. Funeral rites for Crain A. Beckemeyer, 16, of 16592 Don Drive, Huntington Beach, were conducted today. Also killed in W onian's Mistake Causes Accident Distracted by a small child in the rear seat, a woman told Laguna Beach police Sunday, she accelerated her car inatead of applying the brakes and caused a reaMJld colllaion. . 'J'1let L. SOI.Ider, 36, Long Beach told pOllce the ml!talte cau~ her to Strike tl'le rear or a car driven on South Coast Hflhway by Fay T. Jnmaq, 26, Dearfield Belch, Fla. • Pollet said three . occur.~nts of the can complained of paln Md were to see tbelr own 'J)hy11lclans. · i • Home at Last the explosion and fire weft Lini Lynn Golden, 18, of Anaheim, a member or the 1967 All-ClF football team, and Donald Lee Temple, 18, of 535 Lemon St., Anaheim, a top pitcher in Sunset League blaeball last year. Also In the cabin were Kevin M. Woodson, 17, of 13853 LaPat Place, West.minster, and Bruce P. Pina, 18, of Anaheim. Pina was charged by sher- iff':t deputies with interfering with the firemen. Possible additional charges include ii· legal entry, the deputies said, becau:ic the cabin owner, Earl L. Denney of Anaheim, apparently did not give the youths permission to use the cabin. The in vesigators said that Denney ad- mitted he knew the youths, but had not rented the cabin to them. Pi!'la is scheduled for arraign1nenl in Bear Valley Justice Court al 9 a.m. Jan .. 13. \Voodson had been held in custody of the San Bernardino juvenile hall . Two of Brazilian Quadruplets Succumb NITEJtOI, Brazil (AP) -Two of four quadruplet girls born Saturday to Mrs. Ari da Costa Ferreira have died and a ~ird is in critk:al condition. -The Jourth of lhe qu.ad5, was pro-- nounced out of danger. I ·' • , Spec. 4 James Brigham, one of three Gls released by VJet Cong Ne\v Year's Day, _gets h_ug from his mother, ·Mrs. Mary Brigham of Ocala, Flc_t., upon his arrival Saturday at :\ndrews AFB, Washington, D.C. Bngham went to Walter Reed Anny l\!edlcal Center for treatment after reunio n with family. • I From Page 1 DISTRICT. • • business operating within Incorporated cities. Proponents of retaining the,. d1strict iuggest that it has done a good job along th_e coastline: that Inland users of· coastal faciffiies should be taxed tor recreational facl!ltics they enjoy and that costs to coa r-tal c!ty taxpayers will Increase if the district is dissolved. Against this background, the Laguna City Council is being asked to 5tand across the line on one side of the debate or lhe other . Accord ing to the time schedule offered by the League of Cities. the district's dl!lloluUon will be implemented next November following public hearings. a special election, and supervisorlal action. JOINT AGREEMENTS The county department of parks, beaches and recreation would b e responsible for unincorporated areas and county property under the plan. Con- tractural agreements and Joint . powers a g e n c J e s could modify these responslbllltie:i. The amount of aid tha t would be given harbor cilies is still a question mark. Newport Beach Vice Mayor Lindsley Parson1 urged a committee to determine what Newport Beach should receive when the plan goes through. That committee has been set up and wi!l report back to the full council J11n. 13. UTILE EFFECT Laguna Beach City Manager James D. Wheaton said there would be little effect on his city should the district be dissolved. "The effect on Laguna would be much like the effect on some of the i!lland cities,'' he said. Only a lifeguard subsidy is alven the city and this has been ended pending a review. Wheaton noted that because of the limite<I service the district performs for the city, "it's something we've never really gotten very excited about.·' In JD66, the cities of Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley aaked to withdraw from the talting district because they questioned the benefit.a being received. They were not allowed to withdraw and have been pushing since for the district's death . The California Highway Pal r o I reparted that Mrs. Markus' auto began weaving at es mile• per hour on the highway, crossed the center divider, traveled into a field, then rolled over. Both the mother and child were ejected, repor,ts aaid . The auto also slruck a reoce and a post. The -accident occurred at 9:40 a.m. Antique German· Beer Mugs Stolen T\l'O antique German beer steins were stolen from a Laguna Beach antique shop et 1235 N. Coast Highway Saturday. Robert Ro~rtaon told pollce the suspect, a man SS or &O yem old, apparently tucked the mugs under his overcoat. ·) 1 · In two other Scturday theft reporti::, Janlce L. Churchill and JudiJh R. Undsey, both of 436 Oak St., told pOllce that about $13 had b~n take:i frorn their purses after a burgll:r cn'iered a sliding glau door. Their neighbor In a duplell:, Hele n B. Gontarz, 438 Oak st.: alerted thc1n· after ahe dlacovered S30 mlaslng from her purse. Veteran Countia11 ' Rites Conducted Funeral aervlcea for Alpheua Hayma n Arnette, who died Wedneld&y at the age of 89, were held today In the chapel of LaiUna Beach Funeral Home. Mr. Arnette, a reUred auditor,· had been a re11ldent of the county for 25 years. He died at the Beverly Manor, Capistrano Beach. Services were! conducted by the Rev. Robert L. Cornelison. Interment v"ill be at El Toro Cemetery. Survivors include tbe widow, Kattie Belle ; a son, Harral Arnette, and two grandchildren, all of the family home, 325 Holly St. Laguna Beach. County Woman Held in Burying : Of Newborn Bahy1 A young Mexican women charged with , burying her newborn baby alive in the· -backyard of.a-Garden-Grove home where".:!'.-. she works as a maid is held today: on suspicion of murder. '. Valencia M. Alcaraz, 22, of Tijuana. l!: in th'e prison ward of Orange eo~:r.: Medical Center, recoverln' .frOm cciin2 plications of the Saturday birth, in which"' she was evidently alone. "The baby is in the backyard," lllt explained· throuah an jnterpreter, aftq being hospitalized at the county facllity. Garden Grove police and member1 of the Victor Sommers family, who live at 9545 Skylark Ave., searched and found the infant girl buried in a freshly dug grave. Coroner's deputies sald the child wu burled alive end died of suffocation. •· De1plte mail tiddressed to Senora Alcaraz -indicating she is married · -Garden Grove police uid today that the suspec' insists she Is a 11lngle Cir!.· '· From Pflf#e J KIDNAP ... victim Is assaulted. t.~rs. Carter's husband was sent horn~ fro1n his graveyard shift patrol duUe.~' wlth the Laguna Beach Police Depart- ment after h1a wlfe'a abduct.1on wu reported. . The former Orang~ County sherlff'a .. deputy has been with the beach dly force for nearly five yeara. Hla wife's alleged abductor w11 ar~ rested at his apartment Saturday morn-- Ing by OU!cer Muir and Detectlvo Thompson, according to Capt. Glasgow. Train De1·ailed GARDEN CITY, Kan . (UPI) -Twelve cara of the Santa Fe Railway's crack extra tare train El Capitan, c1rrylng 570 passengers, derailed early today at Holcomb, seven miles we~t of here . Nobody was hurt. : ·I· • '• ~ • ' . •, n OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repaired • diamonds and precious stones remounted . • pearls restrung WE CUSTOM-DESIGN & MANUFACTURE ALL TYPES OF JEWELRY E3 HARIOR SHOl'l'INI CINTU 1100 HAHOR ILYD. · COSTA M.ISA 14S....t411 HUllTIN•TON CINTIR lllACH & IDINGoll HUNTINOTON HACH Hl·liOl , .. ••,• ~ ' I. _, • f •• ' •, 0 • '' (' I '' " • • ., I ' ,, - -------------------------------- I I I I • ------.. ~.-. u, .... ..,....,. ,SOUTH VIET MINISTER OF EDUCATION LIES COVERED WITH BLOOD NEAR HIS BURNING CAR Or. Le Minh Tri end Bodyguard Woundld, Driver Killed es Viet Con.g Terrorl1t1 Strike '. Viet Official Murdered Terrorist Grenades Demolish Education Chiefs Car SAIGON (AP) -Education MlnLsttr Le Minh Tri, 46, died in a hospital todax, victim of the first terrorist attack against a major South Vietnamese political figure in more than a year. He was cut down by a grenade O· plosion that demolished his car on a downtovm Saigoo street. · .Across the country, the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese generally avoided bat.lle, as they have done for several months: Tri was an American-trained physician who had held his Cabinet post only about three morilhs. His driver waa killed inst.anUy and two bodyguards and a passerby were wounded by the blast, the most spec- tacular incident or its kind in Saigon since the enemy's Tet offensive last winter. A government spokesman said the at- tack y,·as "an act of terrorism by lhe Communists." The bomb was reported fashioned from a U.S. M26 grenade.forf.,ified "'ilh plast!c explosive. Witnesses said it was tossed Into Tri's car at a traffic light by two youths, who then escaped on a motorcycle. Critically wounded, Tri was rushed to Saigon's French-run Grall Hospital. Guards were posted there to prevent a further attempt on his life while surgeons operated. A hospital spokesman said Tri died at 15:45 p.m. Congress Counts Nixon ~in, Challenges Defector Tri bad studied at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. Directing Uie EduCation ~1irtistry is considered one oC the nation's most difficult jobs. Many students are Viet Cang activists or sym- pathizers. U.S. and South Vietnamese forcts reported more small clashes, arms finds, air strikes. and light shellings. fifty to 60 large-scale allied sweeping opera· tions were under way, including a drive by 5,000 U.S. Marines and government troops around the abandoned fortress of Khe Sanh and a U.S. Army·Navy push in the Plain of Reeds \Yest of Saigon. ·WASHINGTON (UPI) In a ceremonial joint session, Congress tabulated Richard l\1. Nixon's Electoral College presidential victory today. The ritual was headed for a temporar.y snag over a challenge t.o the vote of a meverick North Carolina elector. The House and Senate convened in the House chamber at 10 :01 a.m, PST to formally count the Electoral College votes and proclaim Nixon lhe winner of last November's presidential contest. But two Democrats were challenging the action of one 0£ North Carolina's 13 electors who cast his ballot for George c .. Wallace rather than Nixon who won the state's popular vote. The interruption wa s expected to delay final certification of Nixon as the next President of the United States until late afternoon at least. One of the challengers .on Nixon's behalf was Sen. Edmund S. Muskie (0. Maine), the losing Democratic vice presidential nominee. Nil:on's defeated rival, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, nonnally would .. 1 have lhe job of formally declaring Nix- on's election -as President of the Senate. Bul Humphrey was in Oslo, Nono.•ay today as U.S. representative to the funeral of Trygve Lie, the first U.N. secretary-general. The tally of the electoral votes cast in meetings of state electors at state capitals in mid-December could not be completed quickly as it usually is done because of the challenge of the vote of Dr. Lloyd W. Bailey, Rocky Moimt, N.C., for Wallace. Muskie, together with Rep. James G. O'Hara (P.Mich.), prepared a written objection to be submitted as soon as the North Carolina tally of 12 votes for Nixon and 1 for Wallace was an- nounced. This meant that the joint session had to be recessed while the House and Senate went into separate meetings to debate the objection. Both chambers would have to uphold the objection by a majority vote in order to void the Bryant vote for Wallace. In the Nov. 5 election Nixon carried states with 302 electoral votes, Humphrey 191 and Wallace, the independent party candidate, 45. Muskie said that lbe challenge even tr successful would leave NiJon'a final Electoral College tally at J:ll votes because the motion wouJd merely void the vote for Wallace and not transfer it to lhe Nixon column. Freeway Traffic , Frozen 5 Hours Traffic was blockecj for five, hours this morning on the connector road between the Santa Ana and Garden Grove freeways when a truck and trailer overturned. California Highway Patrol officer said truck driver Robert Cnne, 28, of I&SSZ Terrel SL, Fountain Valley, told them the driver of a car In front of bim suddenly hit lbe brakes. Crane did the same and· the big truck hit the guard rail and a retaining wall. The trailer overturned and was suspended ··above the eastbound lants of the Garden Grove Freeway. Its load of empty cardboard boxes was strewn on the freeway. Crane was not injlll'ed. Sen. Russell Spokesmen said the big 11wetp opera· lions are designed to keep lhe North Vietnamese and Viet Cong off balance, to ferret out their supplies and to prevent any massing of the enemy for an of· fensive. So far they have encoW1tered little resistance. Mamie Great Wife, Declares Former Hubby Actress Mamie Vsn Doren -old enough to be his big sister -was still a wondeful wife, according to former profess.lanai baseba11 pitcher Lee Meyer, who I! now alao MW Van Doren's fonner husbaiid. Superior Court Judge William Speirs Friday called Slrik:e Three on the glamorott1 coople's 2lii·year marriage. "I wish ~ aJI the luck 1n the world," Meyer said Saturday in a telephoned statement, following Mis! Van Dorei'1 post-divorce interview Friday . "Things just didn't wort out," he added somewhat supe:rflaouslJ. but failed to eJ3borate. . Miss Van Dottn, ,., who lives ai the Balboa Bay ·Club,' told courthoase reporte" Friday oho plalll to do a television series and Is booked for a 16-weet show at 1tbe Miami Cltlbbean Hotel. Meyu, 14; IOlld he Is W«ldnfl with oU and land development companies, but may go back to pro baseball. "I'm not sure just where," aid the fonner piU:her on the California Angell' minor league circu.Jt. Meyer, whole parents live at 11Ml Plccadllly Lane, Hunungton BNcb, bas rented a Newport Beach apartmeot - that be is once again a bacbielor. The divorce la hia first. while it ls Nwnber Two for Mamie, who shed bandleader Ray Anthony eltJll :run ago. The Van Deren-Meyer union. was childless, although Anthony fathered a U.year-old 11011 during hi.< marriage to the blonde star. Nuclear Plants Fish T/ueq.t-·UN ~ In Senior Post ROME (AP) --nter lllb IA· being lncreASlng)J threatened by the dllcharge ol hot e!fiueols from Ind.., Se.it Let.al· Franca Vettori, 36, smiles aft· er winning legal recognition o! her change of se1' from Pisa, rtaiy. court. Franca, once kno"ln as Ftanco, undOfWent sex change operation in Ca.Sa·· blanca, Morocco, ln 11166. • WASlllllGTOH (UPO -11eo. Jllchord • frlol pbntl, lbe U.N. Food and Agricu~ B. ~ (l)OI.~ fodf1 -....,; 1lh OrpnlutloD f<pClrted Friday. In .,. 9Jldl!lll jlro'lem ol'111o -' Thennonuel .. r plants, whldl p!1el' Tbe po«p to•lbe lll!llator With the ate very hllh temperatum, are a Pl" mosl W'Vice ...oor!lji. · Ucular threat to fl.oh, their •Iii and the 11umn, fli:lttl~ lnJ~~ orgAllilllll• ?"which they feed, It said. Sen. Carl Hayden (o!Aib.);wli> iOUred. A commlMloirolll Elfdjle• llllkN, Ruaaell w11 flanMd at the cm!lll0l1)' ,..lrlng to prunoto Inland fl&beriq, Is by Sen. George D. Allbn ol Vermont, drallio& lntemaUooal w-...Uallty crl· the BeoJor Ropubllcan. The oalb ,.., terla. Tbe doCUineol wlU 1111 lbe dlfl<I' edmlnlstored by Senate DemocraUc ent tolerance level• of eacll spocles to leader MlU MwCU!ld aboormal tGDperalurl lDcreueL Hong Kong Flu Declines·~ • In Coqnty ... llOlll Kong nu loda1 appearocl to be relalinl the relenU... grip tt Ila• hold on Or""" County for the past two JllOl!llla. That dl•llllOll• ... offer«! by Dr. John R. Pbtlp, the counti'a chief medical ollloer, In the Ucht ol surveys that obon4 a decline In aboenleeism clurlnl the pul-k. ••But we'll have a much clearer picture when we can examine the school absenteeism situation," Philp added. "Our pre.sent conclusion is based on Industry only. Now that the children havt returned to school we can examine the county picture in more depth." Several couDty hospitals which last w~ cut operating room schedules to emergency surgery only, today had ex- panded their activities to include "a limited number" ol non-emergency cases, a health department Spokesman said. "Some hospitals are still hit hard by the flu , partlcu1arly among their nuning staff," he saJd. "But the situation seems to be appreciably better than it was at this time last week." Hospital blood banks, reduced last week to critical levela because of the ravages of nu, were reported today to be in a better position. "But it will take some time to restore our blood supplies to pre-flu levels,•• an Orange County Medical Center physician com· mented. Authorities Push Search for Slayer HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Authorities to- day pressed their search tor claes m- the death of Marina Elizabeth Habe, J7-year-old daughter of writer Hans Habe. About 350 personJ, Including Habe and his ex-wife. actress Eloise Hardt, at- tended the girl's funeral Sunday. THIS IS WHAT FLU BUG DID TO FLORIDA STUDENTS 'Wild Mouse' Wins Delay Frank "Wild Pttouse'' Rundle today won a lhree.,veek delay of his Superior Court trial with acceptance of his at- torney's plea that more time was needed to pnpare the defense of the lles&an Motorcycle Club's leader. • Rundle, 24, of 136 Albert Place, Costa Mesa, must return to court Jan. 29 to face charges of asault with Intent to kill, assault with a deadly weapon and. burglary. The charges stem from his · aJleged leadership last Aug. 7 of a mass Hessian assault on former amateur boxing lfllt Robert G,az.ier. · Glazier, 30,, of 2224 PlacenUa Ave.· Costa Mesa, was beaten with ~ chains and shot' in the-left hand wbeil · a group of suspects. r'1ded his , holp& Police allege the lncidtRt to be a reprfal by the He&!ians for.. an earlier-bar lQOID _ _ brawl In which Gluier Jqiocted down a member of \the motorcycle dub. · Rundle, no-· anger, !pJt'ting the mDi dlll'in4ype beard-be wore at tbe ·- of arres~. was returned to his .. ~ County jail cell. Bail l.uet at '37,IOO. • •• S'kifJpar,,1tt1 • :Se·au.ty Salons ON OUR NEW "CA~OUSEI.!' CUT .• :;- . ' . topped with your CUSTOM·CREATED COLOR I Thankll to ingenious Roux, out· new push-button dispenaer le ta us create.a Ii teral kaleidoscope of hair oolors-so we achieve precisely the shade you want. And then k91!~ uncha?ged , retouch a!ter l'l!touch I The perfectJl!llsh·to our style artistry in creat!ngalOfter ~ng, younger looking you. J • ' ' ' .:.. CREME HAIR Tlll'I" COMPLETE with • ....._ And set ' ~h,Callf. Costa -., Calif. 111 IE, 1791 -... M..,_., ctnftl' Cotta Me .. , C1llf. 1200 .,.,bor .,., •. IC-NI.rt "lllU Cotto Meoa,l:alll. ,.. w. lt111· '""' Pount~alloy, t:iiOf. .... . JllS tiw. ~ ... .-. . ..,. ,,_. '1J.1'1• Artoola, Cafff. lt11S ,.,.._, Mlf'bt ..... c ... --· , .. --Or•-· C1Uf. llM \I, CM"""" ----- Santa Ana, C1Jlf, I .... .,,,.tmlftltw T"fl'" C8!1tw ,,.. 111.n. -- S1nt1 Ana, Calif. nst He. F1fntiew fl11N1 ... Ge11tw I f'ltolll '3Wt1 I 1 VII .... Ctfltwr --· , l T. ·-I .-: ~ Founia1~ Vil~. C.llf, ......... ~ Vl"'1' C= -· ' . • • . I / ' 111 Pro\lldlnct, R. I. reporten on lbe Jbs.1Ml'Old Brown Dally Her· al4 will tor the lint Ume be aaylng ''1W Diam'' to their new editor. ... ,.1y Hoeft-. 20, who a*nds l'elUrote, Brown's wcmen's lffll· illle Aid Ille does not anliclpate "IO' problem.t with her staff, wlficn ia primarily male. "Joumallam comes 1lnt at tho Herald," she aid. . • WIMll Gonion Perkins, 35, show. • Plattttlllfl Callllp • • ' ~hanon Boosts, . ' ' Border · .Defenses u...,.....,In~ The Letiinae hlCh comma.a today ordered the ltrenalhenlnl of Lebanoo's military defenses Ilona the border with Israel while 1"' Lebanese aovernment began stlld,y of' • compullory mllitory ..me. bill, that could bring 100,000 new men into the Amlj' thla year. The two movet followed tncreasing tension an~ a 1etlea of clashes along the border between Lebanon and hrael followiruc the Israeli attack .on the Beirut Intematlonal Afrporl. Lebanon baa ac- Cllled Israel of frequent vlolaUorui of the border area by send.Ing in fighter· bombers. Lebanon reported its representaUves held a recent border meeting with Israeli ttJft:SeftlaUves but called lt a "technical meeUng" whlch had nothing to do with efforts to lower tensions along the fron- tier. lsraell government sourees ln Jerusalem also reported such a meetinc. Israel and Lebanon did not fight during the 1967 June War but there have been a series of border skinnishes and arUllery duels. The border has been quiet for three days but Israeli sources eEpreued fear Arab guerrillas miaht be preparing a new onslaught from the 1heavlly wooded border area that is honeycombed with caves. The Anny said JI ~d on!~ ~l't shelters along the border to defend 'Lebanese fGrces against laraell a 1 r at~ tacks and said a maze of trenches would be dug and !orUlied. Vlll.agors will be trained in the use f>f anrui1 the Anny said. The Military ConscripUon Bill reauU.td in part from unrest ,a,mong ~denll in Lebanon. At least 15,00Q have gooe on strike to dramatize demand!: fiJr' a toughter · line against Israel. The new bill would make possible the callup of 70,000 to 100,000 draftees the first ye.ar. Youths reaching 18 would be eligible lor 12 months, service. Israel reported the situation nearing normal in the town of Nablus in occupied Jordan where 400 Jordanian 8Choolgirls demonstrated this weekend to rally sup. port for the Arab cause. lsra(:l deported two men accused of instigating the unrest Egypt meanwhile joined Jordan in seeking help from the United States, the Soviet Union and ol.ber' major powers in bringing peace to the 'Middle East. But at the same time diplomatic source& reported Russia, despite a reported peace offensive, was not prepared to impose an nrms embargo on the Middle East. ed up to COUit In Frome, England to face a dwi• of driving his car -lnaurance, the judge saw red-4lld 01'81111e and black and add, Pert:lns was wearing orange and illack trousers, a red.cape with a hQR orange collar, and carried a 8'114 cane. "Unhefitting the dig· nity of the court," sllid the magis- trate of Perkins' attire, and order· ed the delendant to nturn in two weeks t'more soberly attired." • lt MM" ;ust rain1 in Qutti- ault, Wash. It alwayJ pours. ~ult, situated in the foot- hilll 01' the southeast ride of tht' Olympic Mount.aim, was the Wtt- test place in th• United Stotts Zart titer. Tht U.S. Wcathn BunaM satd a record 175.48 m.- cMt -more them 14 feet -of rain feU theu in 1968. :200 Expected to Testify In 2-month Sirhan Trial Several blocks of Sutoo Place luxury ~ in New York have been inundated for a month in a flDw of raw sewage Into base-'!'en!a of buildings where live-room apartments sell for $70,000 and carry monthly milintenance char· ges of up to $600. And while many residents worry about the sewage, they hesitate to speak out, for feer that publicity will lower the value of their apartments. But complainlll of the stench have come from resi~ denlll as high as the 12th floor. • LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sirhan Bishara strhan. a :U.year~ld Jordanian charged with mQrdering Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, goes on trial Tuesday in a heavily guard· ed.-eourtroom where windows b._ave Peen relnforc'4-with steel as a security measure.· Sirhan, dark and &light. is accused of lhooting Kennedy in a narrow kitchen <orrldor of tbe Ambassador Hotel June 5 riiinutts ~ the New York Democrat Soviets Set 2nd Landing on Venus MOSCOW (ufl) -The Sovlels' Venus s s~aft today enter:td the second day or Us four-month flight across 200 milllm mUes to Venus, .one of nature 's moet ·neysteriou.s ~ets. U auccea&ful tn i1z planned soft landing, the craft will l'>e the second Soviet apaceshlp to blv8 aetUed softly on the cloud4lroUded p~ on which Russia hopes to put a man' by 1980. Venus 4, ,jta predecesaor, conlinned that temperatures (Ji Venua can rucb Al ~ llOCOlllpanled by wind• six ·-time• bUrricane f.-oa and an at-·~C· -ptellUtt ZI timu that of Prooing ,,.. "'°"' i"'' .. good Ill a.Id t.oo• and gogglu as in a bikfni. French """'"' lir<11 Brigitte Bordol lilkN to 1kl inllructor Edmond Don- ia: in Aooriat, France-a luck11 tnatrMc-- tor indeed. • Jorry Komody of Cincinnau be- came quite attached to a new steer· ing wheel oo her boyfriend's car. Aa the IS.year-old drove the auto into a restaurant parking lot, her linger became lodged in a porthole of the steering wheel brace. She trted unsuccessfully for half an hour to free il A waitress called the llie Squad wblch took 15 min- utes to ease her linger out of the porthole by using a bar of soap. ·Tributes Paid .To Trygve Lie OSLO. Nnay (UPll -Dlolomall, heada of state and mooarchs allb today paid linll tribute to Trygve Lie, the first IJ.N • ..cietary general. He was eulogized for his "superhuman fight for world peace and justice.'' Vice Preaidenl Hubert H. Hwnpbrey and Ralph Bunche, deputy &eeretary aeneral of th.e United NaUons, both at- tended tbe state funeral al Oslo's Trtnlty Church. Bunche Aid lJe was "the piOllOOl'ini chief pilot" of the United Nations. "He was the fil'lt great lnterpational activist and a cnuader for peace and freedom," Bunche llkL I proclain1ed victory in C a l i f o r n I a ' s presidenlial primary. The trial may last more than two mont~1s. Both the defense and the pro- -~,ubon estimate nearly_ 200 wi_tne~es._ 1nay be called. !;I e c a u s e the small courtroom in the Los Angeles Hall of Justice can acco.mmodate only 75 spectators, ac· cred1~~ newsmen will view a videotaped recotd1ng oC the proceedings in a room four floors be tow. The defendant's mother, Mary, and l\Vo brothers in the Los Angeles area plan to attend the trial. The father is staying near Jerusalem. Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walker, 69, dean of Los Angeles Cri1nina\ Division, will be on the bench. Twenty. one years ago, he decreed the death penalty for Caryl Chessman, who died in the gas. c!1ambcr in 1960 on kidnatr rape convictions after a 12-year legal battle. There will ht three prosecuting at- torneys and three for the defense. The chief advocate for Sirhan is Grant B. Cooper, GS, a former president of the Los Angele1 Coun\y Bar AssociaUon and . an aluml}us of the .Los Angeles dletrict attorney'& office. His greatest reputaUon 1J u a crimhl8J lawyer. In a relatf.d. developmeat Cooper, who recently de{ended one of five meo con· Yided of conspiracy to cheat wealthy memben of the Friar's Club at cards, lw been ordered by tbe judge in tbat trial to explain how be obtained a secret lramcripl d grand jury testimony in the Friar'• we. Azul,rey Hepburn To .Wed Italian TOLOt;llENAZ, Switzerland (AP) Actreia Audr<y Hepburn and Italian psyhclalrisl Andrea Dolli filed ID ln- tep.t!on to marry today in this lakeside bamleL No date was set. She 1139: he la 29. 'Ibe announcement came through the publlcatlon of the wedding banrui; at a separate &Ian board of the Tolochenu poat office reserved for official publica- tions of the amall township of Morges, d wbich Tolochenu ii part. Snow Blankets Northeast U.S. H"gh. Temperatures Recorded at Northridge., El Toro "'la AHD VICINITY- ' Low lllll'llltrT n. wtlfl hlltt 71. INTl!ltMl!DIATE tt>r-91 T..-~. Coutal V.S. Summ•r11 """ 1. ... ,rt(, .. . 10 .u J7 15 .. .. -tO ' .OS .. ~ " " n '° ·" ]J ,. .Dl 11 11 ·°' p " a n n 11 .01 " .. g ~ " x !IQ 30 .Id ,, " .M ~ .. '° J.4 .ot .... U A ,, $l .75 n '' ·" 11 '' .n "'''"' •!IC ... r wllll v1..tt&lt hi.ti Clout'-1'11'-,,,.,..,_, Wlftd1 ..,...... -.t.rt'I, I to 14 fn.p,11, TOO.'l't 111111, 14 lo"· Wit MtlMI' With htlYY~Wi.wt,111 ttl1'*"'" m\ld'I Ill t111t ~ ~II ,,, ,.. ,.,.... ,..., ""11t. ... '°""" _,,, Mlf ""lcrwocl fl'IOllly WNIY ll!lt,, .. " ~ .. " 0 ,, » .1, Y~• ..,,....,,"'-r•11••d '""" • 1111111 fill t• lo • '"" fill 5J. 1111.nd ..._..""'9 ,.,_ W.-t II to ~ ,,.. _..,. ""*NIW. wn M.1 ... _ '"'"" ... &«OM 111911 l'lttl '°"' ~Int """' ..... .. TUltDAY ' 5:02 "·'"· 0' 11'.SJ p '"· ,,7 •:fi It.ft\, 5.7 lO:fJ a.m. J.) S·» "·'"·I.I l.ltll e. N-•Int 0. Pwll J111. 11 Jt11. M J111. 15 Pe~ I 4 V\forel.ll5 9"0Wllom brOllOt ....,,.. , to • '""'-ef --IMWt11o11t tile Mi...1t •NI lr1ww" ,..,.,1.,., ....,,., "°''"" """ • ..1,.. .,.. • ... frarn WIKfinsln to ft"lll'•!U<!'I! 110d NII lo "'ew Yottt. Si.tot lflf fl"ffJiflt r1lrl contlnlltld M T.-... ltl'ld lt"'ll.ldf'f· \I TM1 /,rr>ornl .... 5 1.,... .....,.,.,,Nm, ..,.,.. II .. iew r~•o 11 G-m .. Mt .. •"II 10 bllow u ro 11 ~! JOJWll;tlt,ono, VI. 0 ........ 1.. 1!00 ttcOrotd 1M ... "'"' -°""'h with 15 flt( ...... A 11-1"' CO'~ 1.,,..1 -.. $0utl'tMJI tro6lKod """" ,..,. tow '-'-'"''" tie-eon!\ 1~ NorlPI cir• 11twi .,,. nor""r11 F'0!•01. .. H " .... '1 ,, • $1 ·" " " A a .. " .... Iii II ,0.S .... .. " u .. " " n " 11 4r .ft ~t Joi .OI " 0 . .. • • .,,_ ____ . • ;.: .. ., • .-..... .... oe..,,..,. • ccrdlfell 11" liq Co .. a;:,pdo..t nkia t ..,...~ ..i,.,. ol • leen 20" • 11s;:eilk16rc."a~bc~1ce •...:Gw-.'-t;aa var 1r Mty c., -B8NAPIDE" BI • ' ! ;,,.. MEH'S ZIP·LIHEI) ALL-WEATHER COATS 17.99 27.00 comp. val. Single-breasted, fly-front, split raglan shoulder styles with full zip-out liner. Of water-repellent, wrinkle-resistant poly- ester and cotton. Machine washable, dry- able. Black, tan, olive; 36.46 regs., shorts, longs. men's clothes 814, except Wilshire FAMOUS MAKER BOYS' JACKETS 10.99 16.99-19.99valuH A handsome collection for boys on the go! All nylons, mid-wale cotton corduroys, I 00% wools, permanent pres5 polyester Jnd cotton, each with acrylic pile or quilt lining in a l!l'eat seleetion of bold colors. Not every style in every color. In sizes 8-20. budget scores, boys'wear, except Wil$hirL· ' SAVE 33%! MEH's ACRYLIC SHJRTS 3.99 reg. 5.99 We've dashing selections in smart ring mock-turtle neck .styles, all full.fash· ioned, all with shore sleeves. Washable, shapc-retaioable 100% acrylic in hand- some J.11-over stripes or solids, sizes small to extra-large. men's furnishings 806, except Wilshire SAVE30%1o47% MEM'S JACKETS 12.00 Nlfl 16.00-22.99 Westerns, revers.ibl~ ski's, tows, clickers, s ur~coats, ell-weather shells; wools, wool· blends; acrylic pile or quilt Jininss .•. wanted fabrics, great colo1s! Sizes 36-46, some longs and extra sizes to 54. Not every style in every color. For mail and phone, srate 2nd style and color. men's clothes 817, except Wilshire MAYCO_o~~9et ~tores may co south coast plaza, 111111 dletO fj-.wey at bristol, costa mna: 546-9321 shop monday ""°"9h ~. 10:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. I 11 I I f l I 1' \\ •, -. BED SNATOfERS -When it comes to coll~g items for the Laguna Beach Junior Woman's Club l)llllJD31(e 18le;Mrs. Clifton Nichols ("""ter) and Mrs. James Cowan; (rlg!rt)·are entirely with· out scruples. 'Ibey would even take a Cijb £tu.n a baby. Young Kristin7Stepbens, a little over two weeks old , and her mother, Mrs. Ron Stephens, are unaware of the crime which· is taking place behind . their bocks. Queen's Crown Awaits Owner Mystick Krewe of Komu.s members are await- ing the disclosure of their new queen and·her co\Jrt at the Twelfth Night Ball which will. take place in the Mesa Verde Country Qub .. Satiu;day night, Jan. 11. The ball, named !or ·the< festit~ markinll, th~. 12th night after Christmas, officially opens the gala Mardi Gras season for pie soci8lly minded group. The queen and her royal Court are selected· via secret ballots cast by riiembers, and their identity ts a closely guarded secret. Even the contestants do not know who has been selected until the evelllng's festivities. ' · Roses will be presented to the new court as they are formally introduced, and a majestic crown will be placed on the head of the new queen who wil! lead the krewe in an evening of dancing. Prior to the ball, Mr, and Mrs. Merrill Hastings will host a 7 p.m. cocktail party in their Huntington Beach home. Mrs. Hastings was named queen last year and has reigned over social activities dllring 1968. Invitations, designed in the krewe's royal colors, call members to the dinner dance. Golden cro\\·ns will adorn the tables where party-goers wi!J line at 9 p.m., and the official crest will decoraie the stage . Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane are ball host-and hostess. They will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Richard S&ugert. Music for the dancing will be furnished by the Society Four Combo. ' Res'ervaUons for members and their guests are being taken by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trujillo until tonight. ROYAL SECRET -Mystick Krewe o! Komus members (left to right,) the Mmes. Waltef Thoma1, Timothy Kratt and Virgil Knotts wonder who will wear the queen's crown held by Robert G. Reines . -.. ~ .. Ghost From Romance _ Past Big Star DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've been married 11 yws to a wonderful man and wt hlvt a blauilful family. t know I must be crazy or J wouldn't be wrlUng to you. I am hoping you'll print my letter and lhe puro diqult al reading II ill tllo 1!!11!1! ,.Ul.J:ure me once ond for all. These put few ~Uii I've been hav· Mnr tbue wlkl d1ydream1 aboat a former ""iove whom 1 have not .een in 10 years. He was a handsome heel. a heavy drinker, an inveterate liar, and I have congratulated myself a doien tlmei for havln1 had the 1ood sense not to marry Jilm. . 1 These ridicu.Jow: dliydrtams .t.arled to ANN LANDERS [il . haunt me about tine months ago when. t heard .. aur"'aona" on the rac.tio. I began to relive the eJorlOWI moments we shared. All thoae dead passions. long forgotten, began to sUr anew. Now I can't ttt the rotter off my mind. Pleast tell mt how to rid myself al this ghoot from the pasl ! -J'AITTY .,..DEAR NtJT1'Y: Wbe1 yot fttl a da)'drea~ comhlf.,ot, ll.l!mJhlte la I~ lplact a rt:al Uft epiaode -Ole of lbOle beauta tbat made yoa decide aet to marry &he loue. Rtmember ta.at a mental rent1 ti a nma.ut fantasy CID be lwfct &I &ood U &be real W.nJ. ADd keep this eohunn UMy, II • rtmhtdtr tbat your UH ~ wrtle ltr llelp. .. ·: ,· j I ~., ;• 1 l l • • r 'f ' " ,. , .. . , .., . , • .. .......,, ,_.,,, 4.. L ,_ ,, JEAN COX.4'4otw • • I' • • ·socks, ·'· :sa.1~.es c.ltib c :o·n·ce.rn ' • •' • : ·'· I ' ' ' • ' ' • • . • , Socln', sales and schools are juat a few o( the · thin&• which will keep Laguna Beach ·Junior Woman's Club members from napplll& during 1969. ' , • ', '!be club ~ill begin the new yMrby Aci41Di fqqr new .m~rs· to its ranks during a dessert meeting and Installation tomom>w eve-• . Ding a~ 7:30 in Laguna Beach W~'I 'Clubf!ouse., / . ,-· . InWates will be the Mmea. J . E.-May,.llobet:t lliever, R .. Bl'JI~• · Stevens and Ernie Quigley. . • , ·'lb~ lielt date circll<l.<lll their wendar j.I Satlltllay, JAi). 18,_. .. when they will "!>Onsor a rummaao.Nle frl>ln .t :a:m. to •.p.m. In th• clubb<>use. Under '!he leadership ol Mrs. May; the Jroup .iao ii co1: lectlng clothing and toys which will be ltlit \0 111<111' ol a U.S. AJr Force Squadron to be distributed to a village In Vietnaln. According to. Mrs. Clifton Niclio!s, pres~~nt, ihe club will con- tinue to iwortiwith the city to complete Blu~ Park.and_ill _qten, , .. ~-~-__ __, ~ sion. "Juniors have been bebind>the drive to create.and improve· Ille , .. ~ for several. y~a_~," ·she.,~plalned. ~ .. ;. ~ __ 7 _ ,.._ ;.,; ______ _ , · · Dl\lini' 19'11rj~on ~ wAU be spomorlni l'!."lecll.1\'hl!=b will · · help meet the·$1000 pledge llify 'made ·to -Sollth Coast COmiDl!llfty . ·Hospital'• expens)on.fund drt.ve 191tfall.: . · · . · . · , . ; .. I "' I "• In addition, they will •J>ODIOr the appearance o( an X-iay .. Clieor. mobile in Laguna' Beach next Feb~ and will collect oocb,lbi ~ tribuUl>n to patients ir> Fairview State• Hospital, · , , The Laguna group .iso sponaon four·projecll ot. the Gtnel'll " Federal16h 'Of"Women'i''Cfubs, "Jdlll6r· Mi!mbeiihli>'• p'rojecll. ·'!bes• are Project Concern, Project Hope, .operation H.,;Jtby Babies and the National Association for Retarded Children. . ·. lndividualiy,•with the encouragem1nt·o£'1he'club, 'memb~r. do volunteer work t<ir Laguna Beacb public -schools u • teaChtfs . aides ·a1111 lil'lh~'libNrtes. '! .. . . . I ,.,. I\ ~'\' -'t..'. •, ) ', I ~j· '' ' '.'.. ~ . ·•\'·.it..,,i1Q '·:1·· I --1 Mincl Probed -. • • "' .. .. I • • " ~ -.. ... • ' • • F. DAil V l'llOT Horoscope ,. libra: Gua ,rd · Yo.ur Tongue ,TUESDAY JANUARY 7 B7 SYDNEY OMARR AlllES (March 21-Aprll 19): If You i.$at on quick action, dlu.ppoiDb'Dent ls invited. Key is study approach. 0 n e behind the scenes leans on your side. Accent on work, health, relations with co- workers. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): II 'affectiOlllle, ~· ~. •enallle. ;w.,_ 111\'i!l acuvlty. ~ tnTllallliL Answer m-Como oUt of shell. Have !Un. LIBRA (Sepl. ti-Oct. 11):• Be subU.. Nol wile to till all you mow. Pll.y Clrda c1ote to cbest. Moch today occura undercover. Elcellent f o r participating tn I be• le r ,.· charitable acUvttj. l!CORPIO (flcl. ~ov. Zl): What you oeet lo dooe - although you may hive to write, communicate or telepbone. Key 11 corn~ .-....,.....3-. -------- Huntington Beach Home . Vows, Rings Exchanged LI. (j ... ) and Mn. C'"1ton , AlkG Adll1UI U. who were; manltd. durtq • cloolb11 ""' Cll'ID)OQ1 la All 8 1 l n t ' • Eplocopol ~ are-·"'•• ~~~~-~. ... 'l1le tllilfl l\ltl. Adami, the lwmer Cblrlene lloa1nre, 11 • di..,.., ol Mn. Cbarlea w; Bol\ynp ol c.lar . Glen and the late Mr. ~. Ber buaband b the -of . Dr. and Mrt. Cla7loD •. Adami o1 New Port R!d1t7, Fla. . Gl•c lo. marrlap by J. A. Gilchrlll, the bride _, Ill epiplre . gown lubloMd wfth a ICOOP neck, .abort aleev .. or·wblte aleocm lace ' f.'l \\1· I,''• - HAS THE NEW MIGIDAIRE FLIP TQt.. DISHWASHER! $l111tff '••1111 ··-" froet for •• ,1., l11cli111. ·: •• ~ t: Don't shirk obU,aUons -jn- cludes promltes made to .allildren. '°rie~ you need does not press. Don't mistake this lcr -.mess. Be considerate . GEMINI {May 21.June 20): beaded wilh seed purlo an.i'•j;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ll aequlna, a puu di sole A·llneli slclrt lubloned with wblte lace Dipond on Davl .. lrown muolcaUon.Comewtdabell. MRS. ADAMS 11 SAGmARIUS (NoY~ ZZ.. Carmel Honeymoon t ~· f-· f:. ·-l ~MRS. jO~N MART N BLAND Berkeley Hom• (. ~· t · ~-$. Balboa Island Chapel ~ .s~tting for Wedding ~ . SL John Vlanney Chapel, brtdesnWd, and Rita Theresa ~' Balboa Island wu the aettlo( · Bland;.aoother lllster, wa !be ~ for the doub1' rlna nnpllols · flonr girl. . .:;.. llnklng Margaret A. n.. Riclwd w~ Bland II .JY" Thorson and John Martin was his brother 1 best man. ,.;. Bland Ushers were Robert Alan .~ · , 1borson. tbe bride's brother ~ Tbe Rev. Herbert Plllenon and Robert Winston Bland, the Accent on essential!. Don't leave before project is com-~ted. Some may want you it). slip, be carets. Key is tO be thorough. Premature ac· tlpn now could cost you emo- Uonally-and monetarily. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Emphasis on travel, cor- rtlpODdenct, 1oals which are at a diltance. Be crtative, original and independent. New contact could change your direction. Be rtady and will- ing. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Hunch pays oft. Don't be diacouraged by ooe who is food of losing. Money comes your way. Accept. Don't be excessively shy. Your usell lncrtue. Be confident. VDIGO (Aug. ZS-Sept. 22): Cycle high. One you care for Dec. 21): You breal: lbrongh ---------to s o 11 d accomplllbment. aod beooll and I chapel lraln. A eamel61 cap crowned ber a1llt ll1ualoo vtlL Family member becomel 1111. CAPRICORN (Dec. !!Wan. 19): Empiwil on abl)lly to reach people with apedal measage. Escellent ·for creative acUvlly, tndudlnJ IC· Ung. Hlgbllgbl Imagination, il· lualon. Take a bruk from routine. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 11}: Stress on wbat you own -useb and dellclta. Time to coDIOlldate gaina. Power on your aide. UWize ex· perjence, judjment. Keynote 11 nln. You emerge 1 winner, I"l8CEll (Feb. l .. Man:h 201: Your appearance lntrtguea. You receive compllmenta. Comes from a kind of inner beauty. Some conflde. You al· tract an'd lmpire confidence . Gardeners Advised By Expert One or the Southland'• M1!1 Nancy May B<mynge, the bride'• •liter, ·wu maid of honor. She wcn a !loo< l<ncth "een •<!•el empire gown and carrted red ,,_, 1--YARDAGE SALE! -- UP TO 1 / J OFFI foremost garden authorlUes • lond•cl w,011 • Po1y11f1r D•11lill• Knlh will address the Laguna Beach e V1IY1h e S1tln1 e lr1c1d11 e A 1111ny 111•r• 1e11ct f1brlc1I Garden Club at its first 8ank1rnerlc1rd Master CMrge meeting of 1969, scheduled f,., 1:30 p.m. Friday, Jan: 10, lo The FABRIC CENTER the Woman's QubhoUBe. Speaker J 0 e LitUefield, 411 E. 17th St. 11 lnrl......Costo Mna famous !or giving practical , In The Cre1tvl1w Center 646-4544 advice, will discuss How tol~t~==~;;;;;;;;~~~~~~ Do. Opening Night Dinner '(;: performed the -for bridegroom'• brotbe< • .Another ·Ob !be daughter of Mr. and Mn. brother Edp< Timolby Bland ,,:: .... M-1r-vi11 A:.-..-~'lboraon · of wu ~ rin& b:e.nr and 1uu L • · f · Newport Beach and, tbe aon other brothers, n.Vui Lee and e1sure ,:.; d Mr. ind Mn. RIChard W. Peter Wlleol Bland were altar :'--:Bland of South Pasadena. boy1. Philip Evans was the World Honored Through his lectures and articles he contributes to garden magazines and , new.apers, Littlefield weaves hiL own home.pun Barden philosophy. He regard 1 a:ardening u an adventure 1n enjoyment, not a taat. and maintaln.s, "Anyone can become a suc:Ceuful gardener by merely following througb conscienUoualy on a few basic BE FREE OF fAC~LHAIR FOREVER •••• Let us show you how easy l t Is to remove excess hair with modem electrolysis, medically appr-oved •• , safe, fast, gentle. You' re invited to consult with our licensed technician, • Given tn marriage by bet · organlsl. ' · falher1 the -brfcle ware a vie. • l' A chami)egne breakfast for ::lorian style batiste bridal lJO guests followed in the Flve ·:·,.... which ii 11 yun old er..... restaurant, eoroo. del ··:and beloogod to bez''patm>al MM wb>re 111111 Jean Pipal lfandmotber. . circulated !be J!!1es1 book. A salute to the 500 Leisurt World members ol Laguna Community Players will mark the Fir.st Nighters' dinner par- ty next Wednesday nlgbt in Laguna Beach Country Club'• Ben Brown'• rtstaurant. principles." Delicate lace inserts ac-Special guests were the cented_ her enaembte, and her bride'• lfllldparenb, Mr. and Communication on1y Jewelry was 1 cameo Mn:. Bert E. Smtth of :: Which was woTn bjr her Langford, S. D. · OUt«-town Tbe dJnner party will lake place before the opening nllht performance of Ntll Slmoo'• ''The Siar Spangled Girl" In the Laguna Buch Playhouse at 1:30 p.m. Speaker Named ~· Beach Chamber of Commerce President Warren Roger Arm s l r on g, car. Morgan and his wile will host toonist, arlist and teacher the affair with Mr. and Mrs. from the Lag\,lfla School of Robert Price.· Art and Design, will present a 1-motber and her maternal relatives included Mrs. Discussions Scheduled H-..1 peats Joinlnc the prosram for UC! Town ind <:ommunication _ ·On the hosts and bDstelles in the Gown's A.rt Interest Groof>. Surfact and &hind the Cur· receiving line during the 6 Prior lo the meeting, coffee taln! will be the title of three p.m. cocktail hour will be the will be served at IO a.m. dtJculaiom qic:mond bJ Meara. ud Mmea. Wallace Wednesday, Jan. 8, in the In our-Beauty Salon, :· ~ oo their weddina: Anthony Cammilleri and son ;'._cfal'I.-A crowu ol wi...<11-lbe-Malt.from r.u,.ne. Ore., Mr. '. . ..U., cauibt her m.m.·...n and Mn. F. J. Smith and -.and lilies-Of·tbe-•alleY, cama-faintly of Danville, Mr. and :· tiom and rosebuds formed her Mfl. Ml!llin Siebe and Marian -. bouquel of $lilwl City and 0r: -~ ; ~ Pale blue velveteen Ooor Mt'Carin of 'Washington. D.C. · • ~ lenith gowru1 and colonial F'iiltOWing a motor trip' to .:nosegays of ~ and nortbem California, the ·'."pink rosebudl w~ IOJ~ .ll!!Vlfll'ec1$ "ill reside in :~:forheren~(. · ; A,l}r~e'i..-1 :wbere the :· Mrs. Craig Haugen served bridegroom is attending the :_;1s matron of boner: Mias University of California, the .. Mary Elizabeth Bland, the alma mater of his bride who ~ partnet1 ol HarreJl, E. J. McGraw, Louil Dover Shores home or Mrs. Newport Center 'knerica .. ,.. Bm'lk and Jolm S1ckenber1er. Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. L:m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J ,.,_;, •• to ,. L Goll AD are redlenta ol Lelaurel--------- . --F~. I prialdent, membon w 11 · World ·an.i the men are dlrec- J&Uael' at a p.m.. on J,.an. a, ton of Leilure World Auocla-Ju. II and Feb. 5. rJ'be llrat Uon. ·:;brideJllOOlll'I sbter,'w~.i tbe J"-!!'ln·Eqi\IJb. · -.O will t¥e place lo the Dinner will be served at Loe Aiamltol llome of Merl l:U p.m., and reaervaUooa Sbleldl, edueatlcmal .ice pru1. llllJ' be oblaJned by calltn& dat. Mrs. Georr• Tbompaon, ctJn. ... ...... ,, ·.• • •.• ·'•' ,, ... ··-· ,, ... ,, .. .. . , • " ... ... ..... ..... ·.• • ... ., . . . ·. . -~= ... .• ·!~ '" .. . :. ..• .•. • -:--.. . :· ... ,.,. .•. ,, ... rurther l a f o r m 1 t l o n ner cbalrman. fiM.Gl5 or Mr1. ~ !be -}J formed Dooald Vallderbllt, 49Ul'll, orjalaailan for' divorced or · tool(bt. w1ilowed penoo1 who hive remarried -be obtained by wrttlnll P.O. Boz ?II, Santa Ant.P. LOCAL N• •tkt etwt,.''"" f1lt1 '" '""· ••• ,,. cley, ........... . ' ... llf •• 111 tl.1 ~ ..... Or••t• e...t .tll.11 flrtt DAILY ,ILOT. ·• SAVE 1/2 ON DUART COLD WAVES Softly feminine •.. that's Duert end you. Treat yourself to a bit of feminine mystique with this super special Duert r • cplcj 11' Vf COf!'plete Wit~ qit H• 1 l • ; dn .. the 'salo~·'·: .'t'9· 20.00 10.00 re9. 25.00 12.liO In the S!udio .•• reg. 30.00 15.00 reg. 35.00 17.50 Ap,.intm•nt1 not •lw•ys n•c•s••ry. Phone your n••re•t lroedway • from .4uhehn, 535-1121: from, Newport, 644-1212; from Hunthtt· INch, m.JJ] I . n.. INuly So loo, 60 I Harbor forum Hears Chaplain John l)ol1gba11, a U.S. MMtne Corps chaplain who IOOO leaves for Vietnam, will be \be speaker at Harbor. Forum meet.in& in laland HlJule, Fuhion I a 11 n d , Wednelday, Jan. I . Durlna hll talk Dola(han . wlD uplaln work being clon!i by bia fellow chaplains overeeu and tn thta' eountry. The meeting Will be(ln at to a.m., followod by salad and coffee at 11:45 a.m. El:~ ecuttve bolnl inemben Will meet II U:IO p.m . .. a.rY"auon. w -.,. farmolloo m•f' bo obtalnod tiY CiDtni Mn; Fletdier ~ r MMS!t or Ml'i . Julhll·atrlstemcm1 -l ' Juniors Open Another Year A atop-watch 1 u p p e r demonsifaUon will blghlleht the apelllng meeting of 1969 for Juntora of lbe Wednesday Morning Qub of Costa Mesa . 111e group wW gather at 10:30 a.m. Wed.Delday, Jan. I, in the Southern Calitomla • EdiJon Co. '1 Electric Livin1 Cmter. llontiJlllon Beach, for tho Jll'OVll1I lo be presented by Mrs. Carol Heb>1, home economist. other plans on tht. new calendar are a bridie session with Mrs. Hank Lel.IUkow as holteM and a progressive din- -party In February. ! ; • . ,. ·-·· • . .. WINTER WAVE EVENT: SAVE ON • ~'· OUR SALON FORMULA PERMANENTS! "~ ~ . .-THE LOOK OF NOW; SHORT AND SHAPELY• SOFT ANO ·' I " , BOUNCV. AT SAVINGS LIKE THESE, IT PAYS TO BC : • • 'VOUR LOVEl.IEST • OUR VERY OWN SALON PERMANENT :" • • . i . • FO~MULA WtLL MAKE YOUR HAIR MARVELOUSLY • MANAGEABl..E, ADDING TliE BOUNCE AND BEAUTY • TOOAY16 SHORTER STYLES DEMAND. IN OUR FRENCH ROOM: REG. 300 00 VALUE, HOW15.00coM~LETE. IN OUft ROBINAlftE SALON! REG. 2.5 0 00 YAt.UI', Now'12.SO COMPLE.TE. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. OR COME IH. BEAUTY sALoN. NEWPOltT CINTCR ft0BIHSON19 NEWPORT CEHTE" e ,.AIHJOH ISL.AND e "'10NI 644-2800 • • ' ~· ------------------------ • • J 1c:k0ln°t+to-b1z r•dn rl10 9111tly t1 m11t yo1i. In Our 22nd Y11r 'Even the boft•m roe:• rb11, Yo11 lo 1d ft•t.r, 1'e11d i ncl 1lrotc:h 1111. WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL! H"1'1 th• ttrl•in9 Flipto, Oi1h111olilU1 •xl•rior d11i9" by Gonor1I Molori 1tyli•h, 10 FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM- Priced As Low As • • • EASY TERMS UNDER.COUNTER MOOELS -LOW AS $14888 l!ICCLUIM! l'IYE-YDll WAllftANTY by ~ld1lre II Good wt.... r;ier )'OU 11vt or mow fn tM U.S.A. B1cktd by aenerel Motors, loo, D.,.ncl On: DAVIS · BROWN 411 E. 17th St. Costa Mon-646-16M Dally 9·9; Sat. 9-6 Ne""1Jort .~Barbor EDITION .. '· : • •• ' I . . .·.~·~-- • p., ,Y...,.·rr ~ -J! ' \-:: Y,<)I.: 62, NO. S, 3 SECTIONS, 30 P~ -· :-..c: ... -,_ . ' ,,"t"f~ ••• , - WIT.._... ' J SF STATE PRESIDENT POSTS WARNING H•y411k11w1 Dr•w-fhe. LI~ • .. ' ~ewport Tomorrow Group Slates Meet '."Die Bay Area Clti<eo's Coondl and the Harbor study Groop di Newport 'l'«norrow will have 1 join! meellng at I p.m. Wednesday •t I.be Mariaen lllllflr)'. 1 '!'be m .. ung will be open to the public, accordlnJ to Mn. Patrick Shepherd, member ot I.be Citl!en's Council . Qf;Jll.parties bwolved aed !Dr the daip or agieemem. ·to meet thoeelnterests." .While ini-8aigan • .d.odge ;~wiJ -seen as clooe .to the-personalities leading the ~ V,ietnamese government w1¥J, of lale, Ila .. l>een. caumie some dl.!gulet among a number of high federal officials, notably Secretary of Defense Clark Clif· fonl, by ,balling at "'the shape ·of the table" in the ParlJ ·tatu in whlch they are invited to ~cipate. · This famillai'Jly might enable Lodge to exert ·lreatet Influence on the men or Saigon, . or it could Jl'OIQpt him to loo~ at their view more sympathetically. Ori Saturday, Nixon had told newsmen he wanted Ellsworth Bunker -another American who seellli able to talk to ·the Sa'8on dliefs -to remain lndelinit.ly as atnbassador to'South Vietnam. Ron Ziegler, Nixon's pros spokemnan, said In announcing the Lodge ap- pointment ttuit the Presldeoi-eled phoned Bunler Salunfay ntgbl aed (Ol a penooal -assarance the envoy wou1d do wbat Nlr'on judges to be In the national lnler..t. In otbet words, Bunter woWd remain in Saigon. In addition to naming Lodge his penonal l"fpre!entaUve and chief Paris (See LODGE, Pate I) , ORANGe.coumy,;('cAilFGRNIA, ~ ,. ,... Burns to Retain Senate Reins as Legisl,a.ture Opens SACRAMENTO (AP) -The lllt legislature ~ today with Senate Republicans refusing to me their new control of the upper bou&e to dump Democratic Prtlident pro tem Hulb M. Burn!. As a result, Burns will remain or. the job. The Senate, 20-19 Republican with one vacancy, met in a closed caucus 8!Jme two hours before the iession began Without coming to a decision on the future of Burns, the veteran who has held the presiding officer's job aince 1957. The senators decided not to vote far a prMldent pro tern whea they tonftlll. The only vote will be to fill the vacapt post of secretary of thl! Senate, Bumnald 11111.-the -nilea, he wtll Hmaln u pro tem 1111111 - · 1r1 .. to c:ballenge him. • Tbe,, Aamlbljo, meanwhlJt; WU oe\ to elect AS9e!Dbl)'man RobSt '.I' • MonaPn (R-Tlacy), u Rieabr -the lint momber cl the GOP· to bold the imporilnt job since 1!151. He repl..a Democrat J .... M. Ullnlh cl lql<wvod, who' st."' dowii to mi-III leodel' In ' a houle that II now tl-39 ReP<\bllcan. Jleverse'Fingers? . ' , ' .. ,.- Reset Odmeter Ta!g~t of i!ill . Although in numerical c<lhtrol •of the Senate, the Republlcanl -the JO ~ votes needed to oust Burns. · , Sen. DoQl}d Gnmsky (R·Wallonvtll6), chalnnan of the Senate Republlcin caUCUI, told nehlllen, "We are not going to propoae a Republican for pro tern at this Ume. -We do not have 20 vota fPi'"8 mjiil)llCiD pro i.m." ~ SACllAYENTO (UPI) -.Sen~1~; ~~~enson, ,(D-Los Angele<~ foday P"Ol!""ecl legblltlon ropWhig ,~ la\r'"whkh won tne Jegma~ lne oubious ''lickle...tlnget;atlllte" · . ' , Thi award wu bMlowed ~ '.Wm.ion comediam Don Rowan and ~ Mfdla:oii'tlMll'~ pro. cram . ·-. -~ ... - The el!trilners bombed U. X.~1111'1 for )IUllng 1 bill In 11168 which permila new cu deaila tb dlitonnect tile jnllelge Indicator on ffhide! before Ibey ... -..a · . · oaid .• ~c:; ~"'llt°a':e I~ ~;cf~~' t:e buy are, In fact, new." _ • Bellenaon't bill would return the law lo .Ila 1967 IOl'm. At that time, legilllUon authored by Be~I\ ma4e ii illegal to "dil- connoct, turn back or •¥•t" an. odometer. ' . , "' • But be said ·that ·If the GOP wlnl a special tiecl!OO lo f!D the VICUl!J created b1 the dOith "of Sen. Georat Miller Jr. U>·Marllnel), "llllt will ie • new ball came and .. wUl re-nahllle our poaition «i..M ~ -.. JlurM viewad the 11epulillcsn fallan to support hllD U a alp ol RepubU..0 .-le Oexq. . , • "But the Repu~li<lill have the rfjlrt to flu thelr ........ lt".0.1--~ ._ l'DOkles to flu':"..xf .. a Ctrtain. .. 1111y-c1e,"~ $,"'•· .. A' .Boit-llocM~"'" a11o ~ PY with ~;,i-s.a:,, Geer_BO;,; ~ CD-San Fr~)f"'1d he ~'lloui 10 of bll .......... ""-'~ .... because of the ,.... • .., IU-1 Of Republican ~It ~a,,.. den! and 41111 (lloe'LIO l , . • . ' • .. 'JIONEY PRiMER' . . . StlUES DEBUTS ' . . Wh~·· !il the "bafflegab" abM tight .,..., .aed 1dbcount rates! Sylvia Port- er, llAlLY PILOT flnlllC!al colunmlll, ~la"'· Jt all Into reallable lancuaco in a series of colt1111m ·called "Money, Primer fDt '69." ·The first "lesson" appears today on Page!!. ' NEW YORK (AP) -The lloct market ,clo&ed with a thumping Joa Monda1 ln-wrly active trading. (See quolaUons, P'ioie's ·IS.11); ' • \ [The drop ln'lbopi>w·J-lndullrlal ayerage approacllod the 11.154 decline of J-5, '1117 on the outbn!ak of tbe six~ay Anb-I.craell war - a IOS1 f~ wbk:b lbe market rallied abarply ll)erea!ter. • \Oruae Coast ' . Weatlav ' I '!'hal patqy log rolls ba<k In Jo. nigh~ shoving the mercury doWn a few noldleo. CoostaI temperatures I are tabbed at 71 .ie.,... Tuooda1 1 wllb an' overnfght low tJ 55. I INSIDE TODAY .. I With two 10.,1' f</I of ht. 141'11, Prtridtnl Jolnuon p'4m a ·flock of IO<ial fl<llherino• m ' and out of tM While H..,1 &o 14~ goodbrc. PQflt IO. -·-·-T -' ~·· --' ......... ... ------- II ..,,._ UC...I ' -. Mon .... ,. ,,_,....... ....... II or..~ I I ............ II ..... ...., ..... 11 ...,..._ n• '"" ' ..... M9WI , • ., \ • ~ lt M ·~ N 11 ...... . . .......... .. ' ' I ' II • DAILYPIUT9'11ft"°" Bicyclist Injured Mark Brousard, 16, Is comlortal by mother while awaiting trip to hoopital. Young Brousard, ~ of. Orange Coast .YMCA. Dlnctor Rollie Brousard, suffered brol<Oll left leg In blcycle-euto colllslon Sunday afternoon near the ,family heme, 2139 Annlvoraary Lane, Newport Beech.. Boy was reported fl! satisfactory condition today at Hoeg Memorial Hospital. · · Harbor Engineer Becomes First 1969 Road Victim A 30-year-Orange County H a r b or District engineer who suffered ~ In- juries Jn a rlngle-car accident in N~ Beach Dee. 30, died Saturday, becoming the city'1 first 1969 traffic fatality, ae- cording to the County Coroner's office. , Thomas Edgerley, 30, .of WhitUer, died Jn Hoag Memorial Hospital from the fatal injuries suffered on Jamboree Road between San Joaquin Road and FO{d Road .. the rnoming of Dee. 30. Police reports &aid the engineer's 1mall foreign sedan apparently blt the center divider with its rear wheel and rolled several times . Edgerley. who was wearing seat belts, was lwisted nearly upside down in the driver's seat, sti.U strapped in. Services win be held at Rost . Hills f\1emorial Park in Whittier Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. Friends who wish may make contributiom to lhl Hoag Memorial Hospital Development Fund. ' DAILY PILOT C~.t.NGE co•~T PUll.llH!NG COM•t.••NY llo\itd N, Vl114 "'"""'' .,,, .... ~·Jl'>t• J •• ~ It Cwrl•r fl•lof 1 ~'"'"' A. J,.4,.,,~;ft, "'·'""°"' 1E111tt J,, • .,.. F, Con;., '•wl Niu t ft ~-'·~Kl\ "dvt••ot• ... CITY' 1i:tll• 0'""C:1't.f IMwpett lfftll Offk1 2211 w.,, l1l\i11 ··~'•¥••• Mait.11t1 Ailr•n: r.o. lo• 111s, ,,,,l --Coot1 .l!Ww: m Wed In ,,,,.., l-•-lffd>r m 1'1!tPI ..,_ H""l"'tlOll .. WI: JOt ,ilh SIO"HI Mother, Son Hurt in Crash A San Clemente mother and .her Yount· aoa ·111fferec1 crlllcol lnJurlft In 111 auto crub Sunday morning on Pactno COut fflihwaY me mile IOllth ol Cameo Highlands 1n Newport Beach. Piirs. Roberta Markus, 32, of 1.2.1 Cllle Ponitnt'" San Clemente, J1 in • coma in the intensive care unif of Hoag ti.femorial Horpltal with c:rttlcal be.ad injuries. Her son, Owighl, 2, la ln seriow con- dition et the same holpttal with be.ad injuries. Tbe California Highway P 1 t r o I reported that Mn. Markus' auto be1an weaving at 16 mUes per .hoar on the hlgl!woy, Cl'Oaed tbe centd divider, traveled loto I field, then rolled ~. Both tbe molher and child were ejected, reports llld. The auto 1llo struck a fence IDd 1 poll. Tiie ac:ddent occurred at 1:40 a.m. Surprise Birthday Staged for Dirk.sen LEESBURG. VL (UPI) -Family and lrtendl 11ve • llllrpilo 'l3rd blrtl!day party fer -Ropubllcan ludtr Enrdt M. Dtrben 11 hia .. burban Wuhln&too -. here Sa!Drdly .. enJnc. """"' illt ........... Pruldent..iect JUchud M. Nlsoa and v,.. Pr- tlect 5pfro T. Ain<"· -- .Coo~ 4'r~ted· in ·~Hack qn fia8u~.Policeman's Wife · . ~ • ' . ' ~ . . . .,.Joll'llitla& ,.-· Jliimo Clltt, .. a waltma, an bulldlni tJw:& caaa taatnst Aleunder. cculd mull In • death penalty In '""'° °' ., - -'"" .. PloYod II ~~ ~an~ 1151 c.pi. Glaqow aaJd Vta. c,rtu'• of convlclloo. • A complaint charlinl a Colla M-W. -~A.ft. eoU M-• " womao nefsl>bor -not 'ldenWlad In Uod(i' . ~-·· .aoql\e<I !.IUJi. cook In the klclnapln& ol a Lquna ~ Tht ·'f.kllm hid pmlouaty e&Jl<essed c:ot1ll'IJanC:O wllb depaz:lQ)enl policy on '.liidilerch Law, the death penalty Clj. policeman'• pretty wU• -who -ffi.ed fem for her Ulety, pollc:o Mid today. oalllfn& wltnes1t1 -made the Initial be linJ>osed 1n a kldna~ caoe Wheh It shots in a atoiule for htr buaband'1 Mn. carter, wUe ol LMun• Beach report or ·the kJdnaping. victim la uuulted. '* revolver -u· bttng sought from .the Police otacer Kenneth c.utir,_~fonrltr She told OfOCer lJ MW and Detective Mr1. Carter'• h!JJband wu sent homt Or1111e County Dtatrfct Attorney ~y. Orani• County S1!erilf• cft1NIY, was 'lbompaoo that the IOl&nlled Alenoder from hia sraveyud lhllt patrol duOea Marvin ii;. Aleaancler, ZI, ol t7llO !luted at Brlltol Plrli "edl<al Center came to the Carl<n' Victoria Street "1th tbe Lqwui Beach Police Depart· Pateraon Way ls held In Colla MNI an.r the attaclt and ft!eased. apartment oboul 5:111 a.m., and ••-""'nl alter hia wife's 1bductlon wu City Jail In u.;. ,ol !$0,0llO ball, lollawlng Costa Mesa f'ollto Capt Ed 'Glasgow tbere clllmlnaled In , etntule. reported. . • his arreat Saturday. ald today that Mn. Carter li1'd at Mn. Cartor, nporta aald, wu al>-Tht former Or1111e Cowity oherilf 1 It wu not inunediately determined leut two and perhaps three obota from ducte<I and 111*11 lllioul ... hour at deputy hll beeJI with the beach city If add!Uonal charges would be !OlJlht one ot ber husband '• .31 caliber Rrvice Alua.nder't Pete-Ian Wq-. apartment, force for nearly five years. aplnst the 111Spect, who allo allepdly revolftrl dur1"' the prellawn attack. dllrinl wbicb 11>1 wu U11ultec!. Hla wife's alleied abductor wu .,. cbolle<I a ne1J!>bor alllllll with the vie-Dotalla ol the cue. bandied by Delee-'!be vtOum 1'a.I! struck In the bead raled JI hia opulment Saturday morn- tim a co-worler ol th .. uspecl. Uve Gery Thompeon, were being kept while • wreatllnl over-her on· d d t 1 lnC by omcer Muir and Detectlvt &th Ale1ander, ·· a cook', and Mr1. confideriUal u 1nve1Ugators be I • n hlllblnd'1 aun. Either of the ln~dcmtl TbamJ)IOb, accordln& to Cl.pt. Glugow. -i Laird, Hardin Clwose Aitks For Cabinet Mcu:keting Group Plans Discussion Oranre Cool! 'eon;.e'• newly lonne<I College M1rllJllnl -Ion will bold a '·thlrt sleeve" .panel dilcuUICll'I on marketing from 10 1.m. unUI noon Tuel· da.y ln Room I of the Busineal Educ1tion Department. Paoel membm will mclude Brad Chamolln. direct« ol mm.tine. All American Nut Co.; Wayne Specht, pttsl- dent ol Hy Lo Drug; Bob Glickman, manqer of advertllinl ,..._, Norton Slmoo ~ ad 119""1 Vlneyud, pc.,ld,.t ol Viney.;,, Advirtlllna Inc. All 1nltteated collqe -ls In the areaarelavllldto.-, Cigarette Cited As Blaze Cause Follow-ap ~ bu conllnnod that a tis.-fin at a Corona lie! Mar home New Year'• Day wu Clued by • llOIOd cflm!U. ,,,. .... -aat • bedroom and cauaod llDOh ad hut dam&Ce to other -ol $<-al 131 P'1'91 AY<. ,,,. -ol the -la -E. Wlllllma. S. ..... 1111. -Kdlp, WU ---.... , ... 11 ... _ ,,,. -· rMl•e<I ·~ In dam. Olllilmol.....,_alll at ....t. ~ flre daparlmlml tn- ftlllpton. " ' Fre11t P .. e l LEGISLATURE •. 0 OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repaired e diamonds end precious •+ones remounted •pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: JYPES OF JEWELRY HAuot SHClrP!Ne ClllTU uoo HAUO• aw. COSTAMllA 14M411 ' . ~ HUNTINeTON CINTU llACH • ID!Nell HUNTIN6TON llACH lfJ.llt1 ' , ',,f • ' .• .• ' ........ ,, ' ' ' '. -· '. .. l .. -'·-.... ·-------.... -. .. ' . - • • .. -. . • • ,.,.....,, 1.-,y .. ,. ... • .. u BEA ANDERSON, Editor • • ·Gilded . . • As 19691opened, it found the 0 golden ange1s'' bard at \Vork at a very worthwhile down-to-eartlt projeCt - raising funds for the Big Brothers of Orange County. An'gelitos de Oro are in the throes of gilding their eighth edition o! the Gold Book, a pictorial appointment ~-1endar which is their main fund-raising prOject .. Ml!tcbing their lofty mooetary goal, which Ls re'acbed and. usually exceeded ead1 year, Is their office · ·ll>hlc!l i• .located atop the 'towers at 3121 Pacific Coast HJiilrway;NO)VJIOrt Beach. Although the view of the' hey Is magnificent, these . ~getlc 1"0!1ien have no time to enjoy it lo~. it Ls all work while selling ads to area businessmen and compU.. Ing data for the publication. .. • • . . r· ~ .. ~) . ~ rf~fS .~~adline is ~e~rinB, .so Mrs. Albert; Maxted, ~ '---~ed!Wl!..Jlas..as~~&tatt..to complete all details· soon . ' ... ., ........... ~ ~·. 'SOFT SELL -Recei~ ess!grimepts from Mrs. Al- bert Maxted (right), edit« of 'lhfl elgll'th.annual Gold ~ ,8N 8Ulff membel'>'· (left:» iiijht), Mrs. Hugh Wright ~d .. ~rs. Paul.~~~~? v~r:t· touch is em- . hf J Queen 's· Cro_wn Awaits Owner ~ Mystick Krewe of Komus members llre await.. ing the disclosure of their new· queen and her coyrt at the Twelfth Night Ball which will take place in , the Mesa Verde Country Club Saturday night, Jan. ·· 11. •· .. -... "· The ball, namfd .. for the' f~stlviJ '1Darkiiig ih.e ~ 12th night after Christmas, oJfi~ ppep•.tlle. ~a Mardi Gras season for' the socfally-IDinded group. The queen and her royal 'cqutt are selected via secret ballots cast by members, and tlleil'ideulity !1 a closely guarded secret. Even ,Ille c0n~ r • ' ~ not know who bas been selected until. the everung'l festivities. 1 · ' • • :...,: , Roses wih be presented to the new' court as 'they are formally introduced, and a majestic crown..WUI be pla,ced on the Head of the new queen who :Will lead the krewe in an evening qf dancipg. . ,,. 'Prior to the ball, Mr. and Mn. Merrill Hastings will host a 7 p.m. cocktail ~arty in their Hunting\on Beach home. Mrs. Hasting4 was named queen last Year and has reigned over social activities during 1968. Invitations, designed in the krewe's royal ~olors, call members to the dinner dance. Golden crowns will adorn the tables where party-goers will line at 9 p:m., and the official crest will decorate the stage. Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane are ball host and hostess. They will be assisted by Mr. and Mr s. Richard Sbugert. I phasi;ed·wllile aSkilig'aroe -mel'Cbants toouy aav.n1S-· in( space in their publication, the•major !llhd'Hiiing proJ.ei,l«>l Angelitos de Oro, auxiliaty of Omnge C6unty Big.'.Br<itben. . ., . " . .. -. . · The' soUveni_r booJ.c 's Ptesented to party-goers at the arutual spring ball ,· which aJso is sponsored. by. the aux- iliary. New members, Mrs. Joseph L. Carver and Mrs. R. J. Stoddard have been introduced to the Gold Book operation-by. Mn. Mazted.., . 1 Serving on the staff are the Mmes. Hug~ Wright Edll(ard Sharp, Wilfred Berls, Wendell Jones and Paui Rogers: , . .. ' Mind Probed · -' Rivierans Chart .,, . · · • £JIYQ10:t Mystery Journey " "~l".'. . ' .. ~ . Riviera Club m!'!!iberi will take their own lout· i ney into the unknown .during !heir first luncheon l program ol 191111 in tlle" .. Billlloa Bay Club,next Wed, · d I• . . I nesay~. ,, J • · The Journey' will talte them into' mylterious pol'-' •\lions of the mind as they ta.te ,a look at extra seo-; j~;ory perception (ESP,) and the psychieal phe-' ~ .. :~nomena. r " • ~ . . . .' l : Leading the jo"!"~"wll! be 1.ii'ss Joycelyn Nor-j . ; !\ill; an instrucjor of parapsychology at UCLA. Miss' , Nqrtpn is a professional medical hypnotist and a ;J?!&m,b;er of the American Physical Research · .sOCre'I+. . ' ' \· " ~··t~ . 1 ,. w...~ ' • \»~~ .• ,.,.}nformal social hpur at 11 •30 a.m. will be , ~<by luncheon ~i ~:SO p.111. A short business · · , m~,~ by Mn. i\'e'f CbAbot will take place ' j\e~~ ~frogram. '. , · 'ifi!llPkl~· llooa may i>e fobtained by calling Mrs. I , ~.'or Mrs._ Frederick Rich-"man , ·by 1or11-. "' :4; ·''~ff,· ' ....... ' . . .,. :~, ·, brl94e s~tl® members will wish they · knew Ii t more aboljt ESP wben they bid their bands at a card parly:'lomorto'! in "8guna Beach . £oµntry Club's Ben aroWn:s restauraDt. ·; Festivities will conimence it 11 a.m. when : ·players gather for a social 'hoUr. • . . r Music for the dancing will be furnished by the Society Four Combo. . -. . Reservations for fr!,embers and their guests are belng taken by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trujillo until tonight. ROYAL SECRET -Mystick Krewe of Komus members (left to right.} the Mmes. Walter Tbomu, , . Tlinothy Kraft and Virgil Knotts wonder who will,.. wear the queen's crown held by Robert G. Reines'!"" The n~w queen and her rojal court will be revealed during the kri<We's gala Twelfth 'l'llght Ball, Satur- day, Jan. II. _Luncheon,)Vlll be ·serv~ at noon and an after· IJ.OOll of bridge plaYtng will follow. Mrs. Joseph Nemecek , section chainnan, said ·· all club women are invited to participate in.the card parUes. •• ·Ghost From -:Ro ~:a nce P·asf' Sig St-~·r. ·in' DEAR ANN I.ANDERS• !'ft been married u . yean to a wonderfUl man and we have a beautiful family. I know r must bt crazy or I wouldn't be writing to you. I am hopinr you'll prmt my letter and Ille pure disgust of ttadlng tt in tbe 'paper will cure me o~ and for Ill. The9t p1st few months J'\re been hav• 1n1 U.--wlld dllydrwnl about a lonner loiio wllmn I, Ila .. 1"' -lo 10 years. .. WU a handsome 6eef, • 1hea.vy drinl:er, an m~le liar, and I hove """IJ'llnlated myaelf a dozen Umes f0< bavllll llad Ille CoOd -not to marry lllm. Tbele rldlculowi dllydrwnl started to .-l ' haunt 1114..tllQ!lt If*'" lllflllhl ago ,when I heard. ~1Gllr. IODC" oo the radio. I began to relive the glorious moments . " we oharod. All ._ dead passions, long t...,uon, bepn lo llllr anew. -Now I ... ,.pt the rotter <if nl1 mind. Pleue 'telj me bow to rid m,.eU of this thool lrom the past! -Nl/l'l'Y . ... ,. DEAll. ANN LANDERS • Tbe olher eventns thr<e cooples ·(tncludinl my h111- band and me) were tuv~ a rutattrant.~ One of the men was wearing a bulky DEAR NU1TY: Wllu 1"' Itel 1 lw-.1 jacket. He -!,O be ha vine uydmm comlq oa, slllllUMlte la Ill ' ~ell~~:! ~.r~i:tt::a::.= ~lace 1 rul IU• eplaode - -of btllde lllm llld Ille -· lliiiic 10' ' i-. belull tut made rM decide • J dO, l lllOupi, w~ lo ' 1"1P /1llll-3o lo~· loue. -·-tmt I dld. • . a l'U'1ll If a nmaatlc flMuJ The man'• •lie pn me lllCb •-4irtf <ll be' ' ·u ,...i·u ... nil *"I· look 1 ltU lJl1 fac;e pt rid.' i.. Aad k"P Wt columa lludJ, u a thal ev'enJnc I uked my ISulbud ·(In reminder that yoar une tttf wrete ftr private, of coune) U I had done the • • . ' . . f" .... Jt.' 1: ,, D ~g'.~fous .: Reruns 7 . -. """" thlllr.' lfe lllld, "~·• woman your lio.... U..t you ... 1 tnvite a boy. should neur hitP a niail\wl!b hll cost In! A car Is for lrllllPGNtklo, nO!" unlal llbe le a oervant." a placo to enterWn compony. And lit • I 111roltll uriCotlvtnced. I& he right! the '11ey yet~ U 1W w"4o In me for . . ' . • ~YA. Ii'ROM PA. approval; ,... rattll!I the -care. • DEAR VA.: Munefl art 10Wq more tUll C«DJD• llellte ud tclUkleratlll fw1 ,......._ Y• med otW:t& ·KM __ ,,_ .,...,1* , ......... Ill• -..... •1 -. 1"'!' -• ... Ible. ~TO. SAu.Y IN THE AUEY:-llaY«' mind aboul wllll'•-willl JOW' mother. Wlllt'• ....., with .. 1 Au Luclen' .,, ~ '"l'ntk I,[. ~· ... ..," tdla. ~I"-..,.,_ II ,_,. a ad-la Ill-. fl.• 11-. - Ann Llllden will ..... ,llad to hell! you wUll )'our ~ ·-to Iler In on of 1llo D.\11.T lllCloolna' • aolf.-,. •• ,, ..... ~-..... envelope.. ' l .. . I I ' - -- . " ... . ··-. ' ·. . ·' .·• .. •. . .-. ... .. ·.· ... •.• .-.-... · .. · .... .. , -.. ·. ---· -... ... ·. :-.· ... ·•· .•. ... ' " ::·-... : ..... ·' ·:: ·" ... .. . ·, • Horoscope "LOCAL N• .+liw .. __.,..,., f1ll1 y.v !MN. ..,,,., 41y, •lt•11t wh1t'1 e " '" ... ,.,.. .. ., °' .... I t:fh •• ftl. DAlll1 PILOT. . . . -'" SAVE 1/2 ON DUART COLD WAVES Softly feminine .•. that's Duart and you. Treat yourself to • bit of feminine mystique with th1s super special Duart cold wave complete with cul. . In the Se Ion . , . , re;. 20.00 10.00 reg. 25.00 lZ.50 In the Studio .. , reg. 30.00 15.00 reg. 35.00 17.50 Appointments not 1lw•y1 neceis•ry. Phon• your n••r•1t lro•dw•Y· from Anah•lm1 llS-1121 : from N•wjiort, 644-1 212 1 from Huntin9. lttch, 8'2-llll Th• B•auty S•lon , 60 1 ·---- , ' Harbor Forum ' . . Hears Chpplain John Dolapu, a U.S. Marine Corps chaplain who aoon leaves for VJetnam. will be the speaker at Harbor Fonim meel!ni In Islaod House, Fuhlon Is I and, Wadllesday, Jan, 8. ' Dur1ng hlJ talk Dolaghan . will explain work being done by hls _fellO'f chaplains overaw aod In Ui1a CGUntry. nie meet1n1 will beJln a1 10 un., followed by salad and colfee II. ll:U a.m. Ex ecuUve' boUld membe!'ll wW . -at IJ:ld p.m. R....ilGa. 11114 lllriher "" 1oilllltli11L may ba obtained · bt ~ ' Mn. Flek:bar Stenr!.; ~1' or Mn . .J.U,,.,Crlltenlon, 51Ntll .. • ~ · :Junio~s Open · Another Yeo r A 1~w1tch supper demonilraUon wlll highlight 1he opei>l•1 "1,eotlng of 11119 for Junlcrs oi !he Wednesday Mornfnl Club ol c.eta Mesa. 1be group will gather at 10:30 1.m. Wednesday, Jan. I , in the SOUthern California Edison Co. 'a _Electric Living C..ter, HUlllflll!Gn Beacll, for the Pl'lil:•m to be Pfelellted by Mn. .Cfr<I Helni, home economist. other plam on the new calendar are a bridge sesaion with Mrs. Hank Leislikow as •boat.Ml IJ1d • piogresalve din- ner party In February. -' ' .. _.,,_ -'· j .. ,,_ --·-- Huntington Beach Home Vows, Rings Exchanged BE FREE OF -·· FACIAL HAIR -·FOREVER_.,_,. Let us"show you how easy It Is to remove Speaker Named excess hair wlth modem electrolysis, medl<;ally approyed,,, safe, fast, gentle, You're Invited to consult With our \lcensed technician, ..... ,, ,, : : . . .... • • In our Beauty Salon. .. ~ . . . . • • " I ~ WINT'ER WAVE EVENT: SAVE ON · ·-'. OUR SALON FORMULA PERMANENTS! .. ·-~· ... ··'IJ • THE LOOK Of' NOW! SHORT ANO SHAPELY, SOFT AND IOUHCV • AT SAVIHca5 LIK£ THES£, IT PAYS TO BE YoUR: L.OVELI EST• OUR VdY OWN SALOH PEftMANENT FC1'MUL.A WILi. MAKE VOUll HAIR MAftVEL.CUSLY • • • .: :)' ;· :: ~··· ' '·~ -' MANAGE.AL•• ADDING THE"DCUNCE AHD aEN.ITY TODAY'S SHORTER STYLES DEMMD. IN CUR a:ftatCH ROOM: Rl!Go 30,00 VAl.llE._HOWf$.00COMPLCrE, IN Ot1R ROlllNA111K SALO!!: ,._ 25,00 VALUE, NOW 12.50'-COMPLrrE. CALL FO" APPOINTMENT• OR COME IH, BEAUTY SAL.ON .. lrfEW~OR'T CCNTER ROllNSOft.'5 NEWPORT CINTIJI e • ~I \\ '' Hl\l~\\ '. HAS tHE NEW FRIGIDAIRE FLIP TOP DISHWASHER! s1.11t.4 lll•1i911 lowor11 front for 101i1r lotdint. Jack-111-fflo·bos r1ck1 rbo 9111tly fo 1n11t you. In Our 22nd Ye•r Ew111 tho bottom rock ri111. Ytitl lood fothf, bond ond 1lr1tck 1 •••• WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELLI Here's tho 1trllr.i1u11 Fliptoit Dithrnoltilo 011i1rior d11i9n by Gon1r1l M'olori 1tyli1h. 10 FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM- Priced As low A. •• • EASY TERMS - UNDER-COUNTER MODELS-LOW AS $14888 DCWIM FIVl·Ynll WARRAllTT by ,rtgklal .. " --..... JOU llwOf ... ll'ltt. U.S.A. 81ck1d by General -!2£, Depend On : DAVIS BROWN 411 E. 17th St. Coata Mou-6<46-16'4 Daily 9-9; Sat. U I ' I " I I •• ~COsi~ Mesa --. ·-.:. \ '. ~DITION • • • . ~ • .4 a .,_ YRL. 62,_ ij(). 5,· 3 SECTtO~S-( 30 , PAf~ ., . .. . -. - -- ·.,ws AN.CELES (AP)-Th< Los:An&o- ltll Rims · r<blted· lodly head cooch morge Allell,':11"4 Dec, 16 due lo • ''l!er>OMtity· conl)lq" with J'mideot l1in Reeves. .. 'lbe tene announcement from the Na-«enaJ • J!'oqtball).eague club said onlJ, :'lleore """" ;. ~ back 1o lhe ~;.iru,.. .ikiaU.1 w~ divl!)g~ wllh lhe · lnlilal oia!<meril. but a ..,.. coll- . ' esa. ' - . ' .. ·SF State Reopens Students Greeted With Cries of ·'Scab' -. . .. . -. . . .. . -..... -~-,lllANCISCO-!API -Teaohero.-1-WIMl..,,ain...,....,.·IW~plcttm ~c;mpas-at·1"iltdiJig .cfeamlng "Scab!" "Stay_ out of school" Llie chill. fogy ~I wore on. , entran~. . , apd "Reagan Jover," greet~ students A ~inge,pt of .about 75 from .San Tbe college ended Ill 'tbrte-wttk holl- riturning to tense San Francisco state Jose ~i. ColJ.ege, 50 miles away, Joined day recess with members of the teachers "l'llege today. the cloDjQllllra.toa... uni-On joining -slriken. ,.About l,IXMI pickets representing a slrlk· · Vloleace· .... confined to a few ii> Gov. Reqan lhralened lo use J,ig teachers' union and. striking minority divldual 8C'Uffles as a score of helmeted bayonets if oecessary to protect !tudents screamed at the thousanda or policemen stood eyin& the pickets. classroom nperatlool for the vast ma· nanstrikers who crosaed the lines to Bzyindishing signs; the pickets cried, jority ol studenta and flculty wlm are nrsume cl.,... at the slr~e-roclred oam· "Plp .off: ·campus." at lhe .police and not strildng. pas. . "Scab! Stay out of school," and "Reagan The college has about 11,000 students Starting with about 125, the picket lover" at arriving studenls. A few other (See SF STATE, Pqe Z) • . . ' f .. . Lodge 1ppoi~t ~~·-~~ ... '~"~~ell Qelayihg SJJitt.-bf.r'.ittks From Wlre ~ices NEW YORK -Prestdtnt .. lecl Nixon, writhout stating his own vltw1 on Vietnam talks, bas named as his chief negotiator Henry Cabot Lodge, bas a reputation for taking a bard· line view of the war. - Jn Paris the appointlnent dimmed hQpes that the talks lo end the Vlebwn ~r would start before President-erect N11on'1 inanguraUon Jan. 120. , florth Vietnam however warned that tbt nomination of Lodge 'Will llOt chaDJe the issues in the Vietnam 'negotiations. •Nguyen Thanh Le, the ~?rth Vietnam efegatlbh spokesman, n~ dlsm!Sflll11 t!it appointment is "an ,Internal U.S.· problem." 1 --But in Saigon -a member of the South .Vietnamese delegation to the Paris talks said he hoped the appointment of Lodge would "make the negotiation.'! work out more in our favor." The delegalC', Prof. Ngufen Ngoc Huy, who retiuned with Vk:e Pmldent Nguyen cliQ Ky to Saigon two weeks ago, said: I".lldnk he (Lodge) has ~nJn-Vietnam Jong enough to have sympathy !or our .,..,.., ' .. ~I hope hla 1ppointmeut will make ~ rlegotiatlons work out more in our favor'' · vr1,T........,. ~. 66 and twice ambassador to Saigon, will head an a I m o s t -'n e w nego~Ung team that, by its I!141keup, leaves in quesUon Nlron'1 own policy aWtude · toward the· peace efforts in PariJ. TO_ ltEAD P!ACE 't'LKS . ·N1"!.'!:~!l•lff ~ 1.i>uring two Saigon tours, Lodge _.ny 'mittored the ahUllng but ..,.a11y optimlaltc apprabala of the J-administration. I '18ut in ,a statement ~ &mdit ----· ----... ~.·-T. .. ' --. ~ver~e •FiiiJet~?· ·Reset Odme~r Ta~~~~: ~i Bill. . . . sACRAMENTO (UP.I) -,Sen.,~· . ~JI!:µ>s · AJlielesl, 10day ~ Jelllslatlon re . · ., , YI Ch' won Ult legtsla~ Ute aub1ous •"fi.ci:Ie iinger~~ -=· · Tb{awatd. was ·.bestowed u(JOI)-th£~ 11';.~on, ~ Dan :lloWlll and Die~ ll'••jOli llllk -~~ . ---·--· rfl'tllm, ·~ --"'I -· ... _.... ~ . -. . 1968Th:b~~U=~ ~;'~ =ti~~Ttl~~I~ Indicator on vehicles ~on; they are • " • "Car buyer$ are left Unl>l'Ot-.b~,'tr.lucl •· •Jlo!1'D!9ri ' llid. "'They should have the right to iDll;i· · · s;:bu'.Y art:·-JD-lld, new."· ~-~ .._, .~ • · BeilelllOll'• bill would return the. 111>1' lo j~ ,a,7 form. Al • thol lime legisllltlon authored by BellelllOn llJOde 1t 1lfepl to "411-~ (9nnect. iurn back or reset" an:OOo~eter. ~· · - I l ' 4 .. • 1.eg'iliia · · ,opt;i ·~Se . ·~ Seit. BtirnS •. .,.......,, . ~ ... lt~tams ;Position SACRAMENTO (AP) -'!he 1981 1.,.bl&ture · op0no;d today with Senate Republicans refusing to use lheir new control of the upper house to dump Democratic Presjdenl pro tem Hugh M. Bums. As a teault, Bums wUl remain or. lhe job. The S,..le, llH11 ilel'lblican with one vacancy, met in a closed cauCUJ IOnlfl two · h:xirSi-before the session began wftHOut comiDg to a decision on the rutare of Bums, the veteran who hu held the p/Wding officer's job 1lnco 111$7. ' The senators decided not to vote for a president pro tern when they convene. The only vote wlll be to fill the vacant post of ie.cr•tary of the :!enate. Bums said that under tbe Senate rules, he will remain u pro ·tem until someone tries to challenge him. Thf Assembly, m~while, wa1 set tl) elect Assemblyman Robert T • Mcoagan (It-Tracy), as speaker.-the lint m"'1j>el' .of the OOP lo;boli!-'.1111 important job since 1958. He replacet Democrat Jesse M. UDfllb ol Inglewood, who llepl dciwn lo mlnodlJ leader ln a hoole that Ii llO'lf fl:a R<publlcan. ' AltbOUgh In llUlllflical -of Ille Senate, the Rej>ubllcam ladled" Ibo • votes~ lo -Dami. ' -Sen. -Gnillllt (R-Wajmlville), chalrman' of Ille Senate .Republlcn caUCU1, told· neWnnen, ••we are not &oinc lo propolt a{ l\§llbliClll for Pro tem at this time. We do JIOl ,have 111 -voln for a llePubllcu bro tern.'' " But he aaid ·that ll the OOP winl a special clecUon lo IW the •IC&Dfl' created ~Y the death of Sen. Georia MJlltt Jr ~l>MarllnezJ, "that ;rtn lie a lfeW bail'gaMe and wt will rt-eYaluate oar p;11IUon. at that time." Burils vl'ewed' ~ Republican fail I.ft to support blm as '• sign of Republlcto ~~ . "~al tM·Jl<f>U~ have. the rigM to fld tWr ~:!'(they ha•• ti,, .-. .,.. ........ ,Cll'\llD - lhey do," J!µml ... . '~lONEY"PRlJl-ER' ' SERIES DEBUTS • -- • -. -:-:.... .• -. ·~~1n ~ ... 't -· - ' .Tatlay'•'Fl•al ! IW.Y~ ~9flM ~as· ·-Head .-Coach • Allen'• O<i&!nal wnlia.1 wllh lhe club was for five. rears at an abni'J&I lllary estimated. at ff),000. Reeves had lt1d the. lla1111 Would pay oil lhe remalnln( two years. A~ 4iie time of Ibo. Doc. f1 ...., conftrfDCt Allen sa}d..&beft ·may, hive been"'iridl.,;, -.. -. he . h •• d le d ~ a1111'trad ... He con· •••t:.t111t·lhlngl -lo~ --In -. ..... -· ·--I .. . - ·---- na • a blllT)' and loo' -lie couJd nq! contao& Reeves, nor could t&,o.,ner•• -flncl hlDi. lleev9 had -\U 1111· ,_ and spent extende<! periods of ~ in N~ Yark. • ... During lhe Interim -Ille llriDI and r<hlrlng .. .Wen reportedly had .,..,. ferences both with olllclala of Balfalo o! Ille American Poothlll J.<ague and a:JtaUOllll FOOll>alt;.<ague Cbib. • • • .. 1n Policeman's Wife Victim Of Attack 1-~--..y>flii'l'lit!ll~EL---- or t11e o.f,._ •11iit...., 1. .. ' ' A cnmplainl c:barPi!i. a Coola M- cook In lhe tidnaping·of I Llguna Beecb policeman's pretty' wife -wlio fired shots In a struggle fOr her b111band'1 revolver -is being ~t from the Orange Coonty District Attorney toQy. Marvin E. Aleaander, 29, of 2100 Peteraon Way, la held In Colla Mt11 Qty Jail In Ueu of ISQ,080 IN!ll. fpllenrq hll 1"'8\ SalarcJay. , •. ~ "" ~--lololy delamjnOd If ·.~ -~ ba.-aoapi aplqlt-the • m, ·r .. 1111 . . , , , ... \l.~.~ .. tilll~wr;., ~~~~re- .. , , . sir-sd .... '~· ~:~R~ ,f~ l' ·;• ·-=!l~~~a•J::S !; ' , W. Adami Ave., COiii! Miu. . ' , . . -The -had ... riomly ......... ~· C'adap -f~~ .. ~~.~i:.~ 1 " , > • .> ..... • PoUce'OfDcer Kennetb·-carw • .a !aimer ll~sa · t>tlkwl$illwMte ._ 5=du:~:::!~~ , , .,,, • • , . Coola M ... , Police Capl. Bd· "'•"-- . 'I - said today that Mn. CUfir 'ii.V".t . least two and JIOl'hall""tllieo ...... ·-... of her hul&and'• ....... _... revolm. dtirlng ilie pndawn ~'.:::' • DeWlsoflbo-. blndled bJllllee-. Uve ·Gerry 'l'bompllon, were ba1ni bpi confldenl1al u Jnvesllp-be1·~• bulldinc tbelr cue aiall1ll /Jeca•>len <;Jipl Clalpw said ·""'-;~a -"'lllilllir -not ldenllllad . In = ..... 1ri@i de..-U-1 .,.uey. ... --. -made 1be lnlllal ~ of lbo·kldnaplng. . • • l!l)e !old Olllcer Al Mair 11!i Detedlte 'lllcmpoon that the lllla!IMd AJe111•ler came lo the Carlen' Vlctotla Stred apartment about 5:111 a.m., l8d evenil Iller< culminated In a lir)!Qie. Mn. C&rler, reporls ~d, wu -al> ducted and apenl ibout ... "hi>ur al Aleunder'1 peteraon Way a~t. durlng·wblch Ille wa> aaaulted. ,.,,. . vlcllm "14 llruck·1n the bead ·while · wrestlln& over'~1ber' on~ d at y hwillend'• gun. -of the !Dddents COllld IU1IL In a dealll penolly In -of convlcUon. • • _ Under Callfonda'a a>a1led lJttle • Jndbergh tn; Ille ~ penalty can be Im-' Jn,.a, klclnap CU8 'f'llen a vlcllm la .... IWll: Mr1. Carter'• hbablnd WU sent home from hll 111anyord· ~ patrol dutlea with the LqunA Beach Pollce Depart· (See lllllNAP, Pqe I) Weadlier Tb&t' patchy fog rolla back In t .. night. ahovlni tbe fD1t1WFY down a 1..,. -· ColSW tempera~ are tabbed at 71 _..., Tuesday • with an ovtmfghr 1"" of 55. INSIDE,. TODAY Wi&h two wt11'1 "\ltft t I his . tmn, Preridnlf.-Jq/mlor; plonr o .jWck of 10<lol Q<JlliflillQI ;,., I ·~ out ot the' Whl!• lfolil• to ,., poodbv<. Pcoo SO. -.. ---· ~=== ... .: -=-,1, -" ---.. ~ '' °"""' c.illrf' • _..,...._. , ...... .... ........,., .... ---.,. .. .... , ..... ,. ...... . .. "IMllla.. '"'I ~ ,..... , ... ~.:~ w i= :;. ,_ """""" IJ ...... • ...... . ...,.. ..... .. l I ~ Jr DAIL~ PILOT c • Hosmer ~r ·pose~ , . . . '. . -. -. '. ·, ' . -b . , .. .Atom1c Ht.r or. Use of atomic explosives to carve a ne• bift>or In Amtralla some 1,600 feet w~~to «JO ,eet.d;eflp and more than one l•lll II lie1ng prop<>Sed to<lay by Rep; '" lloomer (l\.ung Bead>). Hoamtr called for construction cf t b e harbor this year in a letter to Pre&ident Joru-whid\ asked !or $300,000 for Ille lnlllal irort tmolved In pl11mlng Ille nu· clear·~. He said thlt U.S. and Australian atom-ic enttl)' oUlclala are "opOmistic that lbe denionstration shot. cou1d crut.e. the new harbor at Cape Keraudrtn in West- e:ra Australia tbil )'W." Laird, Hardin Choose Aides ~ For:. Cabinet U.t&ed Preis International Two ot. Pnsldent-elect Richard M. Nb:· on'• cabinet appointees today named aides in their department!. In Wuhlngton, Def..,. Secretary. designate Melvin R. Laird announced that Stan]ey R. Resor wou1d be retaJned u Army secretary, and announced the appointmenta ·of Gov. John l_f. Chafee of .Rhode U:laod as Navy secretary and the former No. 2 space agency official, Dr. JWbert C. Seamans, Jr., as head of the Air Force. Seamans torinerly WU' deput): ad- mln1strator of the National AeronluUcs and Space AdministraUon. c• _lnJlew. York, Agrk:ullllte..~lar)'.~ designate Cllfford M. Hardln named J, Phil Campbell Jr., Georgli. commissioner of. agrtcu)ture, a11 his under secretary, and appointed Clarence ~-Palmby af Arlington, Va., u an ~t aecntary. Palmby !onnerly aerv«I u director. of lhe agriculture deparvnent's grain division a n d commodity 1tabilliaUOn service. -... Total cost ol the project la esllmoled at l'letween •iz million and •11 mtlllon. the c.,i, -~ lo .U,mer, ol jhe nnklnt ~l,lcali m-r or t b e Joint · Comintttee :on l\tornlc El'IM'g)', would be $hared by the governments 'bf bolh nations and by some private mining and shlppiq companlea In both cumtr1es. The prejed -.Id conallt ol !he stmu~ taneoua de&aaatton of tive 200-kiloton nuclear aplO&lves underwater a\. the cape. The explosion would rt:sult hs the huge crater whloh would then be tbe new deep water harbor. Hosmer proposed that the Australian experiment conducted imtead of a 1>feviously scheduled experiment called Project Galley in Nevada. He added that "the Australian e1perl· ment wouJd provide va1uable infonna· tion toward the planned use of nuclear devices to construct a new inter-Ameri· can canal acroA Central America." • Hosmer sug~ that the U.S. and lhe Soviet •Union-and Other a.ppropriate countries . get together ta clarify the non· applleabUlty of tJio Limited Test Ban Treaty's restraints on nuclear e1J1losions for peaCeful purposes. From Page I KIDNAP ... ment after hill wile's abduction. wu reported. The former Orange County sheriff's deputy has been wttll the beach city force for nearly five years. . ma wife'•, ~ted abductor w11 ar· rated at bit apartment Saturday morn- ing by Olllcer Moir and Detoc\IV• 'I'bompoon. accon1iDi lo Capt. Gl&qow. Carlo Christened GENEVA (UPO -Italian f!lm llar Sophia Loren'• w'eek-old . bciY ifu cllrlltened Carlo Pontt Jr.,· 1\ a priv~ta ceremooy bm Sunday, II --today. . . . ,. .. Picnicker Protection •• ...... "'"' I £1) . . . -- • • private organizations fl'Oiu ua1iof1 IUCIP campus !aciliUOI and DO way could !Ml amoctdto..... ...... ' • ~ P!akle1 ~· . .... lie .... pected IOl'OUll -.-1 ol a doal al Qi< ct!y CooncU 111eettng, but ti>! GIWIC• or concluaion or ....,uauo .. ~ ts rather remote . ... _ , " Mdst:ly routine Items are listed~ a Ove-page agenda to be covered oouncilmen during thieir 0:30 bus .... ro. and 7:!q lagialaUye meeting to. day. t · Many •re tarryoven from the h<lllda)l- lull and some were delaytd in December by Hong Kong flu atlacka on those applY,ing !or the various pennlts and. prejecta. . Oae item scheduled ls a cond.IUooa~ ""permit for SOuthem Calllornia'1 plali- ned seven·story girls' dormitory to W ceed the two.atory limit on Costa Mesa construction developments. A condJtional use permit 11 abo uP fCX' cons.lderation allowing the Elite ~una, 262.6 Newport Blvd., to conduct its advertised business, but di!approvaJ ta tlkely by the council. The wife of the owner pleaded no contest to charges of operating a house of prostitution there in Harbor Diltrlct Judicial Court, whUe cases agaiMt two massi:usea are still pending. , Russ~U .Bp.iley, of 10272 Pua Dri vt, Huntington -Beach, ill the ~lic~t Heading Back to Classes ~ public hearin&, date is t.o be set on abatement of public nuisances at 286 and 288 Victoria St., the latter ad- dress being a onetime hippie communal apartment . Joe Carolan, crossing guard for Mariners School in Newport Beach, appean to be modem day Pied Piper as he leads school·bound children safely across street. School resumed along Orange Coast today, with 120,000 youngsters returning to class· rooms they left two W(!eks ago for Christmas holi· days. Next extended vacation will be annual EAster break, 13 weeks from now, Police raided the residence last spring in a tv.·o-pronged city sweep on narcotics offenders and just last week someone reported finding marijuana on the pre:g:tises, according to investigators. From Pqe I SF STATE. •• and 1,100 instructors. ActlnJ_ ~ ~~ident S. I. Hayakwt, acorted 1'Y two motorcycle policemen, __ Wen!direcib'_to Jtl11 off!ct a~:05 a.m. --Tl>ieK'ltl~. 115CibT'Hay·uawlb• a ·lcd,i• as_ he crowd. the campus. · HayakaWa ·said the picket.lrlg American JrederaUon of Teachers local dOel not have stt1ke aaricuon. Gary iiawkln1, local AF:r.'p10Bident, aaid it does.-"but Ja: jwst now taking action." ' " .. In Good Hu111or? -Former Market .. Ice Cream Vendor Booked as 'Drunk' Operator Dies MrS. Ricci Ricard , the rormer owner· tee cream truck driver Beaumont T. Walter F. Smith, 41, of 17290 Oak operator of Ricci's Market and a Cosl.ft' Townaend-may or. may ,not,,J>e. in a = St., Fount.a.in..Valley,-said ~ :~-11.alowing ~ Mesa res.iden.l for.. 20~ears, died-Fridat; good humor today. hi• luxury sedan for a red llgbt at at a . Long Beacl) convale11CeRt home It all depends on what he hall to 2300 Harbor Blvd., when the Freddie's after a one-week illnesss. tell the judge and what the judge· has lee Cream truck bumped the rear twice. Mrs. Ricard, 70, lived at 330 Ramona to tell ·him. · Lltile damage reaulted, but orncer Place. Townsend, 41, of m E. 20th St., Costa James Farley said Tjwn11end ·affR!e<I Retired from \he operation of tha Mesa, was drivlng north on Harbor in no c<Y.ldition to drive and wu booted market 10 years· ago, she had bee• Boulevard near Wilson Street SUndat on suspicion of drunken driving and active in the Night Owls and the night, according to police, when ~e was llt!ing drunk in public. GrarutJ:nothe~'s Club. involved in two colllsioM -w1tl1 the He was scheduled . lo euter a plea Surv1v,ors 1nclutje a daughter, Garnetie same car. In Harbor District Judicial Court today. Fredriksen of ~osta Mesa ; th re~ grandchildren and four g r e a f\. grandchildren. 85 kl, 6 ld Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. ... •year•O . •year.•O Wednesday at Weslclif! Chapel Mortuary . Burial will be in· Harbor Rest Memori4J Park. Hurt in Weekend Traffic An SS.year-0ld woman riding in a car wbJch ramme<I one driven by a Mormon missionary and • lltUe girl who ran out Into the path of a car were injured Mesa Man Loses To Car Burglar A weekend return from the holidays was marred for a Coata Mesa collegian Saturday When a car burflar stole his suitcase and belongings worth $475. James W. Hanshaw, 22, of 275 E. 18th St., listed his loss mostly in clothing. a camera, and shaving kit following the predawn theft. Police said Haoshaw's new car was parked and locked in the Kona Lanes lot at 2699 Harbor Blvd., but the burglar qulokly opened it wl\h a piece of wire. The thoughUul thief re-locked the vettl· cle. in separate Costa Mesa weekend traffic accidents. Mrs. Delia Hughes, 2653 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa, ls in fair condition at Co$ Melia Memorial Hoapital today, following surgery for a fractured hip. Janet Helton, 6, of 827 Coronado Drivt, Costa Mesa, was treated at a family medical clinic for scrapes and bru18es and sent home to convalesce. Mrs. Hughes was injured Saturday a[ternoon when a car driven by her husband Elmer, also 85, collliied WJth one driven bj Boyd R. Poulton, 20, of 339 Del Mar Ave., Cost.a Mesa. Polict said Hughe1 was ealtbound Oil Mesa Drive at Newport Boulevard.--wherl his car collided with Poulton'• church· owned vehicle. . The Helton girl wa11 hurt a~ noon Saturday when, police said, abe dubed from behind a parked ~Uon wa&On on Coronado Drlve near her home and into the path of a passing car. · ' Deadline Tuesday,,, For CD Course Cost a Mesans have just 24 hours to register for a Civil Dclense medical aid and self.help course beginning Tues- day night in-the city police departmeftt• auditorium. '' All contingencies from childbirth to measurement of radioactive fallout - and lw frequent cal"amities -w!U be taught by specialists in the field. . Scheduled for 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday,. the classes are two hours long anO will run for seven weeks, with pre.-· registration advWble. Interested persons should telephone ti!> Costa eMsa Civil Defeme office ~ the Civic Center, so organizers can ptu .. for the size of the enrollment. 'Peril' Over in NY Frank Bissell and son, Jim, spray aluminum-fiber· ed asbestos on roof of picnic shelter near kiddie playground in Costa Mesa's Te Winkle Park. Ac- cording to city officials, new pro"tective coating will add life to mo! and belp plcnickeMI who might be caught In 1udden shower avoid.displeasure of soggy sandwfdMs. Listed among the stolen items was a checkbook from the Bank of Bozeman, Mont., the Victim's home. Paul F, Getchell, 16, of 1378 Shlnnon Lane, Costa Mesa, slammed on his brakes, but the car'a; front bumper knocked the victlm sprawling to the pavement. Getchell wu not cited. NEW YORK (UPI) -The City Board of Health today lifted the "state or great peril" ,,-hich had been declared last month ~ause of a combination of cold weetijer1 the Hong Kong nu and the fuel strike. 'JJRllWXllll:IU!UUHllU_'._..IP? .ll•ll-lllllW•lllfl!llWI .... ' f OAltY PllOI OllAl.IG[ (O•ST "Ull.ISH I~ COM•4!.IY k•l.ert N. w,,, ......... t .... """'""' J.,. k. c,,1..,. Y1cc "'";ff~• '"" O~•ll "'•~•1tr Th1..,•• Ktewil ft1l0t l~o"''' A. l.4~rp~iftt ~~"'!'' et.tor ,,~1 Nln•11 A ...... 1111119 Olrti:!Gt Cflt. w ... OHie• lJO W11t 11., Str:e+ M1ill111 Mdr•UI r.o. 1111 I S•o. 'J•2• OtMr Offtut N•-' letc": 1'11 Wn• lllOH .... ~Y••• ·u-&eK"' 7n '".,.,, ·-"""''l!leliill &fKft. lOf )!~$ .. HI _A .. • ~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Pqe J LODGE ••• sacrifices whlcb have to be made." He said the lalk11 "offer a hope.fut forum for the definition of tlfe interest of all partiea Involved and ftlr the deaiipt of agre:?ment.s to meet those Interests." While in Saigon, Lodge was seen as close to the personalities leading the South Vietnamese government who, of late, have been causing some disquiet among a number of high federal officials, notably Secrelary o( DefOIU!e Clark cur- ford, by balking at "the ahq>e of the table" in the Paril talks in which Oley are invited lo participate. This familiarity mighL , enable Lodae to exert greater influtnef; on the men or Saigon, or it CQUld prompt him to look at their view mare sympatbeUcally. On Saturday, Nixon had told newsmen he wanted Ellsworth Bunker -another American who teema able to talk t.o the Saigon cbida -to remain indellnltely as ambassador t.o South Vietnam. Ron Zle&Jer, Ni1on'a pnu apokeaman, aald In announcing Ille Loda• ap- pointment that the Pmldent..iect phoned Bwtker Saturday ni1ht and eot a person1I allUl'IJ'K.'e the envoy would do whit Nixon j\ldfll to be In tho natioe.al lnteroat. ln 'other WO('ds, Bunker would nmatn in Salaon. W <>man qtarged With Burglary At Mesa Store A WeatminSter woman was jailed Saturday after she allegedly made two ~i~ into a Costa Mesa department store a'nd loaded two dlUereot pune1 with $108 worth of toys. · ' 1'.1rs. Carol A. Herd, 33, of 8902 Pebble Beach Circle, was booked into Orange County Jail on suaplclon Of burglary after being arrested by store guards. InvesUgaton a.aid one count would amount to lhopllfUnt bUt the fact that guards char&ed her with going back into the 1tpre at 3333 S. Bristol St., a ....00 time conslltulel burglary. The difference in dep ol charie -that of ml!ldemu:nor ah'6plifUng, which is frequeaUy an impulsive thing, versus burglary, L felony crime -lies ia plan or Intent. Guarda Clarence Bradley a n d Frederick Coburn told O!Ocer .Jamea hticbael t.het wa~ Mrs. Herd leave the ..... wtth one puroa tun or •Jectric cara, motoreycla and accwortot1 They 11ld In a ~ thll she put tho handblf In her CV, then look anothtr pur80 ftol\I tho iruDk Ind repealed lhe process. ' I n . OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repaired • diemonds end precious stones remounted I e pearls restrung [ WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE ALr TYPES OF JEWELRY HAllOl SHorrtN~ Clllllt DOO HAllOl ILVD, COSTA MISA 14 .. 9411 0,.. MM-, TIMI., !'ti. T1I t ,_,., HUNTI~TON CINm llACH & IDINIHl HUNTIN~TON llACH H2-H01 "' . ) . .. ' • I.... ~ '. • ... ' • -' :"'. ' ' . (.• • i' ..• ' • !!!'. .... ~----------.... ----.-~.;.. ---------~---:::.,,:;:.;::=:~-=====.,,.=="""""'"" ________________________________ "!!'~-~ ----- • ar WILLIAM REED ......... In the Wincl · Sln<:e Huntington Beach bas two •late paiks witllln its boundaries residents might like to know that they are a part of a ~ million system of Janda and facJJltles ad- ministered by the state Depart- ment of Parks and Recr'"'tloo. In 1967-68 fiscil year the state spent roore than a half million dol- lars of our money to pick up litter In the parks ad another $48,00ILto repair damag<o ~aused by vandals. During the year over $17.5 mll- lion was spent to buy 17,740 acres of new park lands. Some $2.35 mll· lion was spent for new camir groun[lis, picnic areas, roads, brid· ges and water and sewer systems. * The department'• $47.87 million budget included nearly $23 million from the 1964 state park bond act fund and over $4.4 million from federal Land and Water Conserva· tion Fund. Revenue from park user fees, concessions and similar sources netted $5.2 million and the state general fund contributed $13.5 mil- lion. .Bea~h ' . Hong Kong Flu ' 'Combat' Plans Not Followed WASIIlNGTON (AP ) -The surgeon general aays attemps to combat the Hong Kong flu epidemic are being frustrated by doctors who use limited supplia; of va<icine on low priority pa· tienta and people who need the vaccine but won't ask for it. -.., public helltli officials realized early !Illa winter there wooldn i be "'10Q8b vaccine lo go around, they 1111g- geoted Iba! most of it go lo the elderly and the cbrooicany· ill, especlaDy tho6e will> resplratOry illnesses. "A lot of people just won't go Jn for ll," said Dr. W'tlliam H. Si.wart Thtasday. He said elderly persons are the most reluclanl st.wart said be didn't know how muclt vaccine bad been given to. pe(lple not seriously threateMI by the disease. But he said it's clear all of the vaccine Is not going lo the high risk gnJUJll. Officials estimate there are 25 million people In the high rbk group,.oot only was passed out to local govem-zo million doses of vaccine are available. m~ for local projects. Some $12 Eveft ao, exi)erience in past Ou million was spent for park ot>t;ra· epidemics indica~ only half the dost.S tions to maintain nearly 1;1)01>'!nil~--wm beilsed~ -~· ~ -~­ of roads and take care of 7,374 ''One of the big problems is for physi· campsites for the more .than 36 cians and health institutions to notify million visitor days use experien-so many people in so sb?r:t a time," ced by the park systems units in said Stew~. He said. officials needed 1967-68 two more months' warning to be properly '-Over $11 millioo of this money · prepared. * But Stewart said the epidemic has about pee.W He said there probably won't be a reCUITence of the epidemic next year . A new campsite reservation sys- tem was tried during the yeer and more than 50,000 reservations were were made by campers who found it a better way to assure themsel- ves a place to camp. Looking to the future, the year- end report notes plans ranging from 1.\a.yside camps to undersea parks where divers, underwater irebicles and closed circuit television m8ke available t.o evecyone the wonders of the depths. Choice dates and cam~g sites are available for reservatiOn now. Reservation forms are available at state park units and by mail from the department. office at 14253 Sun- set Blvd., Pacific Palisades, 90272, telephone 454-7323. campers should send the full camping fee plus the $1 reservation charge. Missing Harbour Residents Ask Traffic Control About US letters asking for traffic control on streets near Harbour View School In the Huntington Harbour ma of Huntington Beach have been referred lo the city tralllc engineer. Parents in the area are asking for controls at Davenport Drive an d Saybrook Lane, F.dgewater Lane and Baruna Lane and at Saybrook Lane and Boardwalk Street and Morning Star Drive. The matter will be brought befcre the city council Monday at a 4:30 p.rn. session In Council chamben at Memorial Hall, 5th Street and Pecan Avenue. Hubby Wife Asks LBJ w Semi Bac_k Husbaml PERTH, Amtralia (UPI) -Mrs. Imie Arnold today appealed to Presld<nt Johnson lo send back ber husband who was drafted into the U.S. Anny last August when they had been married 11 days aod then discharged as modically unlit. The Army refnsed to pay his way borne, she said. "I have received a couple o t heartbreaking letten from btm" blonde Mn. Arnold said In her letter to Johnlon. "But it is impossible for me to send hiin bis fare borne." She said her husband, a native-born American, wu stranded and broke in Fortuna, Ca!U. /<mold was flowo lo New Y~k by the U.S. Anny last August for milllary Bel'Yice and after his discharge ln N~ sent lo Fortuna, his last listed uJ bomelown. iirs. Arnold works as a bus conductor illA Perth but said the $6S8 air fare from the United States to western AlllD'alia was too much·for her to raise. Altlold was a Eius dthrer before be was drafted, ~l>e llOUgbt help from the U.S. Consul in~ Perth.. ~· A. Cleveland, who Did -- Nuclear Plants ' Eish Tlireat -UN v ROME (AP) -Fresh waler fish are l>@lo( Incttaslngly threalened by the dilcbarge ol hot elllueoll from lndul- trlal planll, the U.N. Food aod Agrtcu~ tuft OrganiJaUoo reported Friday. :bemi<iouciear plants, which --•Jt:mr. high IA!mpondunl, ... a por- tlOilllr threat 1o llah, lhelr eu• 1J1c1 the oijmllms on which they feed, It said. ,;:t::""lalon ol 11 European natlom, to --Inland lbheria, Is dralllna intemattonal •lleMjuallty cri- teria. Tile documait will illl the diUe!" tllt' loleruce level• ol .,.,h lp«\el to abncrml1 temperature Increases. he had been 1168Ul'ed Arnold would be flown back oq the rim military lUgbt available. "It bas been eight weeks sio::e then.'' Mrs . Arnold said. "I know there is a flight back bere. ..ery week. The Army Is just doing nothing lo help him." ftp.., •11• Snow tiHliI cold bavt1>een • in abundance thb year, caus- ing grief for many peop.le, but not for' Chtls Borey, ·Albany, N.Y. Lqolting like altl>ome masked marvel, ChJU enjoy. oold and l!llOW by lllrult!Jlg oll hill near bis home. ' ' . DAILY PILOT ttafl ...... HEADED FOR ARGENTINA Student Whal1n Cer:isus . JJurfalJ~~ Reports Small Population Gain WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Cl!lll1ll bureau bas estimated that there were only 2,006,000 more Americlns on bed to welcome 1969 lhan 1961-the man.st gain since 1945.. The overall i.ncnase bl U.S. popuWlon, the bureau said, was a l percent 'pin over Jast New Year's Day and •u tht S]t)i;\ftst growth rate 1tnce the lMO record low of .92 percent. It esllmaled that thert ore :IOZ,:M,000 Americans today, The bureau uld tho population Increase ...,. 198'1 wu the result ol appmimalel)> 3,18'7,000 blrtlla, 1,929,000 deaths and 448,000 Immigration arrivals. GROW YOUNGER The bureau also uid that the aver1p statistical American in 1989 will conUnue to grow younger, move to the West and the South, set up a houlebold earlier and have smaller families. In 1968 the average American was '11. 7 ·years old -almost two years 7ounger than be WU in 1960. Women continue 1to ouilive men. the bureau said. 'lbe average 1ge of women ls 2't )"tlll'I while the averq:e man ls bul JU years ol qe. There were nearlf 50 million family unill In the Unlled states In 11168 and the census bureau uid the number ol people In thole units declined from U In 1964 lo !.S last year. The decline in family size was at- tributed lo the la!llng birth rale. Americans continued to be cm the move during 1961, the bureau reported, with the West and Sooth drawing the tnOll people. It said that although the West cootlnued to have the faslell growth rate, the South got the -new people. weatarn stales cimJ u millltll1 people In 111111 lor a growth rata ol •It.f. pen:ent while the SOulh received 7.1 mlilloa ..,. people fer a U.S pemml growth rate. Ca!Uomll led the nailm In the ..... ol new _., In 1119 -3 million -but WU edpd Oljt by Nevada, Arlr60o, Aluka, Hawati and Florida for the five laslesl growing stales. But California did have three of the fastest growing metropolitan arus dur-Ini 1911. . The bureau lllled the five futall ,,.,.,_ Ing urban areu u An&belm-Santa Ana, Calll.; San Jooe, Ca!U.; Fl Laudmlale- Hollywood, Fla.; San Bem&rdtno1 CIDL; and the Wuhlnilon, D.C. am. Ocean View Team Sign , Ups Begin The OCean View Utile League In Hun- tington Beach will be .aJcnlng •P playen !or the t969 8'ason dUrlng the next two weekends. Reglstralloo will be cmducted at the ballfieldt 11 Hell A venot llld Graham Street. , ~ th!m -from 10 a.m. ~· p.m. .. ~ llld.,.... llOClll lo 4 p.m. on 8undOfl. Bo)'I muat bring a pareol and I birth certiflcola. Bo1w' who will be a ,.... old before At>a. I, but Ml 13 •ntll after Aua. I m eUc!ble fer the bueball llfOll'llD· ~ Oil -llld ellilbllltY will i>e """""" by Jim Gifford, telephone 847-841!. , Post ·Filled /•s, lrulrutry w City L~Gtr•. Huntilf;gton HS Student . . . . . . . Ge'ts AFS Argentioo·Trip By TERRY coviLtE Of IM ltillf ,"9t ttefl Krll Wllelin, l&.year old l{nnthiglon BOach lllib School •tudenl. will ha .. achancolopr~ber~ ol SpanUh -. llOOD In Argentina. Kris, daughter ol Mr.' llld Mn. Robert Whelan, 11111 Amhenrict Lane, will leave Feb. 11 for one year of. ltudy In Saotlqo del Estero, Argentina. She will Uve with the family of Mr. llld Mra. Corlos llal>r• as a . winning llnallJI In the American& Abroad -gram apoosored by the American Field s..vtce. and a· member of the Girts' Athletic All<!datlon (GAA). She ·also does 'VOhinteer wotk at Hoag Mmoorlal Hospital aod al Falrvtew State Hospital Kris' adopled lather In Argentina Is a representaUve for a dairy .company. In addllloo lo Mal1a. there are three other girl.I In the Habra family, Graciela, Adriana and Susanna. But that won't be new to Kris, she hu seven brothers and sisters in Hun- tington Beach. ' ECONOMIC ADVISER Wllllom J, Bock Behind Headlines Forum at OCC Books on Sale Registration boots for the spring semester "Behind the Headlines Forum'' at Orange Coast Colle;ge will be ti.vailablt January seventh, Tuesday. "'It WU quite I Cbristm'5 present," ukl Krfs while ezplalnlng ber pendi\l&' trip. . 1'I WIS told just before Christmas that I would be going," she said. In cue bor Spanish lm'l loo polished. Kris can ut for help 1n English from one . of l>or _.,loplec[ olsW:<, Mirta, who was a student in the. U.S. two years -qo.JllV!er thell!lllLl!lllll~ •. -· - Valley Invites Teens To Play for Dances Teen-bands looking for an opportunity to. be beard are invited to part.lcipate lo series ol junior high school age dances spOnsored by the . Fowilaln VJ!fey Recreation Depaf\ment. -The ·rim of uie 'dinc.s-!S SCiieifu!Od- for ValenUne's Day wilh the date of other dances to be announced. The books, costing $S. will be on sate fn the Forum: froin 6:30 ·to 7:30 p.m. The foruin is alWaye a· sellout and a waiting list is maintained. Dr. Giles T. Brown, moderatOr -oC the forum , •ai<I 'that the Jan. 7 program will be a two-part presentation. Judith Gra:nnum, an . American Field ~ student 1rom· Panama Clly, will be h>o terviewed by Dr. Brown about her ewn. try and her ~ns. lo the U.S.,. w~ <he l!i>.bj!en slM<lyingJor_~IDOUlill. . ·, "I'm reaDy looltlng forward lo the upooure lo olber people and other customs."' sa1d Krla, wbo wu cbolen to "l'!"""t the U.S. !or ber character, maturity and ICbollstlc.llandlnJ. At Ilunilnglon Beach lllib School ehe It pbolocrapber fer tho ocliool nspaper Groups who wouJd lite to volunteer their services should contact the deparl- menC at lOZOO Slater Ave. or call 96'l-2424 extension 111. Jn addhion, Norman Fox of Switzerland will speak on -a. recent trip oo which' he drove' a can:iper from the cape of Good Hope to Cairo. Dr. IJroWn will also n!Vftnf world trends ·and· events ;Which have taken place In the last three weeka. • ?ki/JpV•dtl Beauty Salons " ON OUR.NEW "CAROUSEL:' cur~ .. ' . . . topped with your CUSTOM·CREA'l'ED COLOR! Thanks to ingenious Rpux, ou1'rnew push-button ' .. dispenser lets us create a literal kaleido~pe of haircolon-aowe achieve precisely the shade you want. And then keep it uncl!linged, retouch after retmJch ! 'nie ~11nlshtoour sfyle artistcy in creating a l!O!ter IOoking, younger looking you., • CREME HAIR TINT' COMPLETE With Shlmitoo 511 And Sot -c.. INch, C.llf. Costa Mou, C1flf, Fount1Jn Valley, C.111. ,,,.,. Ml«lllltl 1111 atvcl. ............... ....... fn.l"t Arleol1, C.111. 1D1Jfll' ...... ....... __ --· " 7lf W. lfth S!tfff -- S.nt1 An1, C11lf. mt ('llO. .... ,.,,i.w .-.im.w """" ,..... f»)l1' .I Vllfloll•ct.ltw p~~l · Foul'foln V111w1,Ciliftf. •. Edi,..,,., Ml-. V.-lllf C~ _.,, . ' - • • Planning Callelp Lebanon Boosts I I Border Defenses · la PnMdeDce, R. I. reporten OD tU JOS.)'Ml'Old Brown Dally Hor· akl Wiil for U.e llnt Ume be saying · •'yea m'am" to their new editor. a.wrly Hod11Di'i, 20, who attends Peml>rake, Brown'& women's affil .. l.U. Aid Ibo d<* DOI anUclpete 8111 problem1 with her staff, whlch is primarily male. "JOW'Dallsm comes llnt at tho Herald,.. she •aid. • When Gordon Perkins, 35, show- ed up lo court lu Frome, England lo fllce a charie ol. driving biJ car without insurance, the judge saw red-Gd onmge and black and gold. Perkins wu wearing orange and black.trousers, a red cape with a huge orange collar, and cerrted a gold ·cane. "Unbef!Uing the dig· nit.y of the court," said the magis- trate of Perkins' attire, and onler· ed tho deltndant lo return In two ween ''more soberly attired." IJnlled ._ .._.llooal The LebaMM bllh ~ lodt)' crdered· Ille ltrqtlliolJlc ol Lebanon'• mllitary defWOI al ... lhe border wilh Jarad while the Lebantle> government he11n study ol a ,compu!Jory military service bill lhal could brlq 100,000 new men into the Army thlJ year. The two moves followed increasing tension and a series of clashes along the border between Lebanon and Israel following the Israeli attack on the Beirut International Airport. Lebanon hu ac- cURd Isr1el of frequent vlolltiona of lhe bordtr' area b1 oending In IJi!iler· bombers. Lebanon reported ils representatives held a recent border meeting wiUt Israeli represmtativea but called it a "tectmical meollnl" wblch had nolhlnl to do wilh efforts to lower tensions along the fron. tier. IsraeJI government sources in Jerusalem also reporled ouch a meelinl· Israel and Lebaoon did not flll>l cluriU the 11167 June War but there have bef:ii a serlea of. border 1klrm1she1 and artillery duels. The border bu been quiet 1..-U... dO)'I but. iaraell sources espressed fear Arab guerrillu m!Pt be preparing a new onalaughl.lrom lhe hesvily wooded bonier area lhat IJ honeycombed with caves. The ~ aald tt had ord«td oew 1heller1 alq lhe bonier to delend Leb....e lorces qali>st llr..U air al' lacb and aald • nwe ol tnnchol would he dug and lo11111ed. Vlllapn wlll be trained In lhe use ol 111'1111, lhe i1rm1 said. The Military Comcripllon Bill resulled in part from unrest among 1tudentl in Lebanon. At leut 15,000 bna cone on strike to dramat.ise demandl for a looghler line qaWI llrael. The new bill would make pooaible lhe callup o! 70,000 to 100,000 draftees the nm year. Youlhl reachlnl U 'woald. be eligible !or IZ monlhl service. Israel reported the aitu~ nearing normal in !he town ol Nabl,a in occilplod Jordan wbtre 400 Jonlanlan lclloolg!r!J demonstrated this weekend to rally sup- port for the Arab cause. IMael deported two ~· aCCUled of .instigating the unrest , Egypt meanwblle joined Jordan in ieekinli help from lhe Unlled Slat.,, the SoVlel IJnlon and other mlJor powera In brlqjftg -to lhe Middle Eul. But at the ume time dlplomaUc ~ reported Rullia, d01plle 1 reporled peace odenslve, wu not prepared to lmpoee an arms embargo on the MJddle East. • It ...,,.,. 1 .. 1 """' .. QW. '1uU. WGlh. II alwoUI poun. Qulnaul~ <ituaUd In th• too~ llllll on the so•U..0.1 dde of the Ol(lrllplc MOllllfai.,, '°"'the ... ~ tul place m thc United States lat rtar. TM U.S. Weathf1' 200 Expecwd to Testify In 2-month Sirhan Trial B.,.... "°" o .....,,..i 175.fB Jn,. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sirhan Blabara """' -mor1 thtm 14 f<rt -of Sirhan, a U.)'OOMld Jordanl1n clmged ~ f a••-I 1~• wUll murderin& Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, """-~ --· _•_~:; JI~ on trial Tueoday in a hesvily pant-"'!!""••• .. -ea ooUrttoom where windows have been -reinforced with steel as a security h· Several b!ocb of Sul.on Place JllOl4Ur<. luxury apartment. In New York . stman,. dark and lllghl, IJ acOlied hove been Inundated flOr a 'pionth Ol lhooling Kennedy in a narrow kllchen . In a flow of raw ••Wiil' mt.. bu'" con1dor ol the Amba .. ador Hotel June meata ol. buildings wl!m l!VHOOlll. $ mlnuleo after the New York Democrat _,tmeai.. sell for fl0,000 , and cany moothly mainteaance. char- ges of up lo $600. And while many residents wony about the 1ew11e~ they hesitate to 5peU Qlll, for foor that publicity will lower the .vaJuo ol their apartments. But """'l'Wnu of the stench bave c;ome ~resl, dents as bigh as the 12th floof. • Promo ,,., looks jut .. good "' 1Jd toga cmd go011lu .. In • bllrllli, Fr""'h "'°'"' <irm ·Brigitte Bardol lisklll to •Id lmtroclor Jdtllotld l)n, u m A""""'-Fnmc:e-<1 llldtV f>utrUo. !of Indeed. • Jeny K••Mldy of Cincinnati be-came quite attached lo a new steer• lng wheel on her boy!ril!!ld'1 car. As the 18-year-old drove the auto into a restaurant parldng lot, ber finger became lodged In a porthole o! the steering wheel brace. Sh' tried nnsuccessfully for balf an hour to free ll A waimss celled tho Lile Squad wblch look 15 min· utes to ease her !Inger out o! the porthole by using a bar o! 1osp. Soviets Set 2nd Landing on Venus MOSCOW (UPI) -The SoVitts' Venlll $ spiiceora!t today entend lhe second day of its four-month flight acrOS! 200 ,. nilJ\!oB mijes to Venus, one of nature'• -~pllnetl. . U lluceaolul 111 lti plm\od soft landing. the craft wW, bl the second Soviet opa<elblp to lilft llelUid softly on lhe doud4hroQdod ~ on which RU!lla bopeo to put a man bf 1980. Y111111 f1 Ill ,inci--, conlinned that i.mwau-m Vmllll can ruch UI desrMf, ·-puled by winds six t 1m1 • IU1k:aw lcrce an d an at-::f*"' pr_,,. II -lhlt ol ' ' Tributes Paid To Trygve Lie OllLO, NGrway (UPI) -r111, headl ol ·llale and -today paid llnal tribute to TrJm Lie, the -IJ.N. oecr.wy _.i." lie -tulolliod for his "....,.._ llgbt f<r · World peace and justice." Vice President Hubert H. Hmnplny IDd Ralph Bunche, deputy ~ general of the United Nations, both at. tended lhe stale funeral at Oolo'• 'l'rlnll1 ctmn:h. Bunche uld Ue WU "the J>l"""'1nl chief pilot" ol lhe IJnlled Nallooa. "He WU lhe !Int irea• lntematlooal acUvilt and a C1'lll8der !or .,.... and lreedom,. Bunche llld. proclaijned vjctory in Ca 11rornIa1 1 pmidenUal primary. The trial may last more than two months. Both the defense and the pro- secuttorr estimate nearly too ~s may be called. B e c a u 1 e the small cwrtn>om In the Loa Angeles Rall of JU!tice can accommodate only 75 spectators. ac· credijed·newamen will view a videotaped rocordJnr ol'lh• proceedingl In 1 room four -below. 'J1ie def&aant's mother, Mary, and two brot.bera in the Los Angeles area plan to attend the trial. The father 1' staying near Jerusalem. Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walker, 69, dean of Los Angeles Criminal DiviJion, will be on the bench. Twenty· one years ago, he decreed the death penalty for Caryl Chessman, who died in the gas chamber in 1960 on kidnap.. rape convictions l,fter a 12-year legal baWe. There Will he tbr« proaeculinl a~ tomeys and lhr« !0< lhe de! ..... The chief advocate for Sirhan ii Grant B. Cooper, 66, a former pru:ldent of lhe Loo Anleles County Bar AuoclaUon and an alumnus of the Los Ana;elea district altomey'1 o!llct. Ilia put.,i repulaUon is as a criminal lawyer. In a related development Cooper, who recently defended one cl five men con· vlcled o! <Oll8pincy to chest weallhy members ol lhe l'rtar'1 Club al cuds, hu been ordend bJ the judge In lhlt trial to aplaln bow he obtained a secret tramcrlpt ol «rand jury testimony Ill the Frlir'1 case. Ar¥irey Hepburn To ·; Wed Italian TOLQCRENAZ, Swtt:erland (AP) Aelrea Alldrey Hepburn and lllllan . psybclalrllt Andrea Dotu llled an In· teoUon to many tod1y in lhls lakeside bamJet. No date WU set. She i. n; he 11 n. The announcement came through the publlcaUon ol lhe wedding blDns ••• separate alp ~ ol lhe Tolochenu pool ofllce ~ tor offtclal publlca· tlonl ol lhe llDall lownlhlp of Mor1ea, ol wblcll Tolecbenn ls part. Snow Blankets Northeast U.S. High Temperatures Recorded at Northridge., El Toro \ I • w,,.., eNI 191r wllll v1r1tbit fllth cllMll-11111 ,,..,,_, Wll'dl toll"" -tettv. I le 14 "'"'·"· TOdlY'1 111111. 14 .. n.. v .-niov•1 """"''"'"' r1 11 1•4I ,..,,, • lllOll d 1' ,. • low -"· 1 ~IMlll "'""-'•Ill"' -Wll II lo S1. l llil W41lilf' "'"""""""' - A I ........ S11K, M--, n.le• MOllDA]' ..__, low ., ............ S:et "·'"· 1.4 s.a.w """ ....... 11;111..111. J.I TU•tDAY l'lr1I IClw • • .. • • . •• • •::M '·'"· S 1 ''"' """ • . .. .•. .. . ll::ts '·"'· ... ..._ 1i11W ...... , • S;ll J.11'1. 1.1 ....... ..... .... , .. """ J.,.,11 _..n.lf Jt11.U ,. .... , u.s. s .... _,,, Wtt -rtltr Wiii! ,.._..., --9•11• bl~ ftWdl ti "" -m.,11 M lt fl tM flellOll ,_., ....,.. IN """'~ t!'11 Mlf -~ MMtf'I' 1411111'1' lklet. A ,, ...... -"'""' .,,,._, ffWR l te 4 lllcl'>IS d llftl -!!Ir°"""°"' llMI Midwest '"" tni...itn ""''"""' _.. _.., ,.. • """' •left .,... '""" wi.e-111 te T-'"" Mii te Nn Yn MMt •11111 ll'ftrh•o ,.Ill c91111lllM Ill , __ '""' tc.tflt'llet'r. Tiii• 11\erlllM'I ltW ~~ _.. 11 ...... ltrll •I G,.,.,..., M9., ..... 10 ...... lt'l'D •I St. Jd't!lili,in, Vt, GrlllftY!tlt t llO _.,.. flM lffflMI ,,,... Offlh wtrri .a '"°"" A H"-1111 cold INl'lt f#W fllo ~It l!'afucfd -""" ... --.iw. ~ In """' ce.. II,.. aflll _,,,,,II l'lorlH, ""' .... ""' u • '' ·l( J1 15 u • • • .o.s ... ,. . ll '° .n ,, '6 .OI t i II .M p p . " 1'2 II .11' .... v .. " . JO JO •• ,. .. ·" J4 '' ..0 Joi .&2 ~ » " .. ., jll ·'' " 11 ·" 11 " .,, • n . " " . ,, . ·" .. - H " .. ,. fl 11 . ~ ... " " • • .. " .. . • S) ·" ... : u • • n " J} ~ ~ • a . " ----- r ' I •fwr099o/a•D' ...... _..el.,.,_ •cenifaH.bJW.r Co•~TlkKt • ..,,.ONM.,.MlfCot.aL ~J;.~ ~fv-,nlffd .. .i.,.oI•"-2°" ' ·~tl0fl:lor.10••1•11V..rc,. -- • " ~- -MEN'S ZIP·LJNED ~ . . . 1 ;,·ALL· WEATHER COATS : "17 .99 27.00 comp. ya], " ... t' Single-breasted, fly.fr ont, split raglan - ·shoulder scyles with full zip-o ut liner. O f ..... water-repellent, wrinkle·resistant poly- es ter and cotton. Machine washable, dry- " . able. Black, ran, olive; 36-46 regs., shoris; long1 . • men's clolhe>814, ex<cpt Wilshire FAMOUS MAKER BOYS' JACKETS 10:99 16.99-19.99Yaluea A handsome jpllecrion for boys on the ,go ! All nylons, mid-wal e cotton corduroys, 100% wools, permanent press polyester Jnd cotton, each with acrylic pile or quilt lining in a great selection of bold colors. Not every scylc in every color. In sizes 8-20. budget stores, boys' wear. except Wilshire- SAVE 33%! MEN's ACRYLIC SHIRTS 3.99 reg. S.99 We've dashing selections in smart tin& mock-turtle neck .scyles, all fulJ.fuh- ioned, all with short sleeves. Washabl~. shape-retainable I 00% acrylic in hand· some all-over stripes or so lids, sizes small to extra-large. men's furnishings 806, except Wihhire SAVE 30% lo 47% MEN'S JACKETS 12.00 reg. !6,Q0.22.99 Westerns, reve rsib le ski'i , tows, clickers. sur<oats, all-weather shells; wools, wool· blends; ac rylic pile or quilt linings ... wanted fabrics, great colors! Sizes 36-46, some Jonss and extra. sizes to .54. Not every style in every color. For mail and phone, swe 2nd style an d color . men's cloth es 81 7; except Wilshire ; '·· " may oo south coast plaa, wn · clleto freeway at bristol, costa m-: 54613Jf sllop monclay , lfirougli ICltlmlay. 10:00 a.m. to t:30 p.m. , Ul'IT•""°"' Protests .-. ' • Iii Weiand Near Crisis. LONDONDERRY. Norlbom li'eland (AP) -,''We are sick of marthen and eountennar- chera,.. said Northem tre- Jand1!l premier, Capt. Terence O'Neill, as he threatened SuQ- day, night to ""' riot polke to qUell the rellgiOlls warfare raging In his territory, O'Neill oalled a meeting of his Cabinet today. 'Ibefe(Were indications it would co~ider a ban on all political parades and demOll!lratiom. HUnless these warri,rig ml· noritles Tapidly return to their senses," O'NeUI said, "we will have to constder • furth- er reinforcement of the regu-lar po11c.. · · SIAMESE SISTERS. FOUNP DEAD AT 60 "We must als(>' have an ur- p:ent took ·at the Public Order Act ·itself to see· whether we ouglit ·10 ask Parliament for further powers to control these element.! which are seeking to hold the entire community Vloltl and D.aity Hilton Shown in 1955 File Photo Famed Siamese Twins to ransom." . O'Nelll's wamin1t came alt- er a weekend of riol.ll be- tween Roman Catholic civil rights demoristrators and mili- tant Protestants. More th an 200 persons, including 22: po- licemen, have been injure(!. The Catholics contend that they are discriminated agai~t In housing, jobs and votmg rights. ' Found:Dead at Home • CHARLOTTE, N.C. (UPI) -Fame and fortune had p4.id modest court to the sisters in adversity, too, and in their twilight years ~y labored at the pbscure job of weighing produce at a suburban grocery store. 1.'he sisters, Daisy and Violet Hilton, probably the most famous siames.e twins in the naUon, were found dead Satur~ day night by police Who had gone to their modest home after they failed to·report for work for several days. Cause of death of the ~ year-old twins was not im- mediately known. T b e i r employers S.N. Reed iakt he understood one or the twins had been sick with the flu, and police theorized they had died of Hong Koog flu com~ plications. Medical examiner Robert Wood or'dered an au· topsy. The twins kept pretty much to themselves refusing to give interviews or permission to have their pictures taken. That was why it was several daya before .Reed became worried and called police. Reed made the funeral ar- rangements with the twins' pastor, the Rev. J obn Sills of the Purcell Methodist Church. "We don't even know if they have any living relatives," Sills said. The Hilton sisters, joined S at the rups, were born in Pope tatement England and abandoned in this d country by their mother. Rais· 'Misinterprete ' ed by a Texas woman and then turned over to the VATICAN CITY (UPI) -Pope Paul VI received a top woman's SOllt the twins were Jewish leader ~ and ex· .. put on the stage by a carnival pressed regret'hll recent Midi- o~rator at the age or 15. die East statement w a s -i.s thiy -moved into "misinterp-reted" as taking ~ vaudeville, their fame spread. sides against Israel. Their singing and saxophone Dr. Nahum Goldmann of act grossed $5,0QO.weekly, a Paris, presidE;ft1 of the World lot of money in the early Jewish Congress ( W JC ) , 1950's. reported after his audience Each was married once. with the pontiff that the Pope They made a movie called, expressed his regret.I and ••chained for Life." "emphasized that he was op. The twins retired from show posed to all acts of violence, business in 1955, giving their _w_b_oe_v_er_w_.a_s_re..cspo_nSJ_'b_le_.'_' _1 last performance at Key West , I~=======~?! Fla. They-opened a snack bar in Miami. But they ~ade a public 8p- pearance five years ago at a Charlotte drive-in theater, billed as an added attraction tO a "Creak show" movie. They told Reed they were stranded alter the sbow. "'I.Ji!~~~~===~~! hired them fur hi! grocery. Xeep Yoar Salls Set. for IDM Emii~gs ·at LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGSi< --· ~ ~~- Wateh3'0lll'treaaundtl8'rillpgrowwith'Wind-3Pll0d 'll!lderthebright,pmtecllvebamierof.thelargestandoldestlndependent Federal &'rings and Loan.Association 1n 0range County. Funds receioed by tlul tenU. .,,,,. from fh/J firat ·~month. Don'tim... the treasure ship to security. Book passage today! SA VIN GS INSURED TO $15,000.00 by a permanent agency of l!Je Federal Govermnent. 5 % CunnT ANNU,\l. DIVIDEND RAT£. PAID QUAllW1l ~ CUlRENT ANNUAL R4TI 511 /.%'llllEll'IWAllOOUl.25ll 74 IOIU.JS DIVUUDTO DN $1,tllll NIJCIJ1U1Ml-TUI CEITiflc.\Ti ACOOUNTll WHERE YOU SAVI! DOES MAKE A DIFl'l!RDICEI , ~· . . . . . . ' ... • ,. ,. - J_onuar Bright Nights lively print cotton velour towels in cool blue or warm orange combinations. 3.50 balh Jewel •• 2.49 2.00 hand towel .. 1.79 .80 wash cloth ..•.• 69 Samarkand collob velour. antique gold/ve!r· dian green, Siamese pink/bittersweet. verdian green/turquoise, Brisiol blue/spearmin~ black/ Spanish straw. Beautiful combinations. 5.50 bath. towel .. 4.49 J.00 wash cloth .. .89 2.80 hand towel . 2.49 I.IO guest towel .99 25.00 jacket-I size fits aU. .................. 19.99 Lu1tr• 1olid color cotton velvurs, verdian green, gold, billersweet, Siamese pink, blue, lemon ice or Spanish straw lo coordinate with pallems. 3.50 bath ·towel •• 2.49 .80 wash cloth ••• 69 2.00 hand towel .. 1.79 .90 guest towel . . .79 6.50 bath sheet .. 5.99 Shalimar cottob velour, a panel floral arrange- ment. Antique gold and biltersweet, black and spearminl, Siamese pink and billersweet. 6.50 26"x52" balh towel •...•••••.. , ....... , .. 5.49 3.50 18"x30" l)and towel., ................... , 2.99 1.10 13"xl3" wash cloth ...................... 99 may co towels 30 ' < ' w·, .. ite -s.a.e • every Surety down pillow reduced! 13.99 2l"x27"reg.11.99"' . ' • • king size bolster; 2 fit king bed. reg-. 23.99 ••••••••••••••••• 19.99 Deluxe white goose down ••• the fiuff' dreams are made ofl Luxuri- ously soft all goose down·-or. for a more firm pil]ow, choose ihe half down, half white goose feather filling. Boih plumply filled and covered wiih downproof. cot· tpn ticking. Get pairs at savings. m;,,, co dom~stics 34 • every Lady Pepperell cotton percale. sheet is reduced! Bridal Bouquet has luscious rose and daisy bouquets on blue, pink or gold. Royalty Slrlpes with solid color hems. on top sheels, pillow · cases. Colonial pink. yellow, delph blue, green or gold. 4.49 72"xl08" twin top or lilted bottom •. 3.79 5.498J"xl08" f,ull top or fitted bottom •. 4.79 8.49 90"xl20" queen top .or filled bottom 7.49 (this size in Bridal Bouquel only) 11.99 l08"xl20" or king size lilted boltom 9.99 3.29 42"x38" standard pillow cases, pair 2.79 3.79 42"x'48" king size pillow cases, pair 3.29 Solid color. Pink. yellow, blue, green, antique gold and basil green in twin and full sizes. Qt.ieen and king in pink. yellow, bhie,or mint green. 3.99 72"xl08" twin top or fitted bottom •. 3.59 4.69 8l"xl08" full top or lilted botlom •• 3.99 6.99 90"xi20" 9ueen top or lilted boltom 5.99 10.99 !08"xl20' king size top sheel .••• 9.99 10:99 lcing size filled botlom sheet , , .•• 8.99 2.39 42"x38" standard pillow cases, pair 1.99 3.59 42"x48" king size pillow cases, pair 2.99 l,ady Pepperell white cotlon percale sheets als0 at savings during White Sale. may co sheets 34 may co south coast plaza, sall dle90 · fWy at ltristol, C:osta mesa; 546-9~ shop monday through · saturclay 10 am to 9:30 pm • f I • v • • I '• ) l i I i ~~==~~=~~-=~~-~:::::=~-=·:::;::::::;;::::;;-~~~;::;::;~~:::::::::::::::::~~=:::;:;::;:;:;;;;E~SF.~::;::z;;:;:;:;~:;...:;~:;;--i91iiiiiiiii1• ----·-·,.-.·-----·-·_;·,:_-~_,..._-_-•'L u s•a•a .:;ace _ C: 'i':i ii 'l"A' -:••: :;;..;;:::-= .. ~-· _ .----------~ • • -• • -• wsaa W• >VP••-·--• P ez•jCFAll pp pc_..,;;;..._~-.!_%';.i':l-*'.J l!W~ ' • I DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I c -' 'At-2800 ·mph we moved from lunar orbit , A Fre·sh Perspective I ' ' • towards the sph..-e of gravitati,onal Influence.' · ' '; "nls 11 Your Life," tho old tHr-Jwldn1 Ralph Ed- wardo 'l'V lllow, wu brought !*ck lnllim\lla\ed fonn at ADllNlm Cooventlon Center last Thursday evening. This performallce flew more unlla ~ leal1, holnver, 11 Orange.Countlans turned out to honor the ...um. Yori>& Linda boy who made &~ Nlxoo and bis modeat, charming wife Patricia.· TV stat Art Linkletter handled the format a.s 1mootbly as ever did Ralph Edward&, and the capaclly crowd of 10,000 in the Anaheim center, plus 4,000 over· flow in the nearby exhibition ball; warmed to the richly human senllment of the numerous tributes and gilts. Partisan politics aside, every Orange County resi· dent can be proud to have one of Its own in the White House. The new President faces one of the rnost difii· cult challeuges in the bl.story ol th.al world's most pow· erlul ofllce. Orange County, often thought by !ta detractors to be 10 reactionary as to be out.aide the main stream of American politics, will be viewed in a different light now. ·And U's faif to us0me that the county's citlzeru Will be '""'mg 'lheir~ederal government from a fresb- and perhaps friendlier-;ierspective. 'Junk Mail' - a Scandal A letter carrier in Jlbaca, N. Y. wu fired last No•· ember for refusing to deliver "junk mt1U!' Last weet the DUillman, JOhn P. Stark, a JO.year postal veteran, Charged in an article in a national mag· azine that bultmail rates account for mcst of the Post Office's ddlcil He .called for a congressional invesU· gation. Whether or DOI be i& correct in allrlbuting most ol the scandalous Post Office deficit to "junk mail," IHI has a strong point.-And be i&· right in calling for con- gressional acti~. Only One Reason Justifie-s-Stang - Hanlly 1 molllb -tblt ~-' rective a letter from IOme · teacher l<llll<Wben, wandng to what J lhlnt about usiD( olln&: in.- ..,..,, these teacben would llkJ. me to buttress their -to lbe Use of slan( erpresaiooa by tljelr pupils. But I'm afraid I can't ohlice them. My attitude toward slan& .11 ,tbe -. as my 1ttitude toward ant ot.her"klnd ol speeeh' One shoold .... lbe -littine wont for the 111bjed 11111 1111 occalfon, and il a slq pbrue bappeDI to Ill ~ H sbould be uaod. ACl'IJALLY, TllEllE ore three pr!J>. cipal'l'UIODI for usiD( sling, and oalJ one of them Lt Jqfllmate. The !Int reason ts mental '•"nea: It l.t often easier to use a slang word, u a kind ol verbal alathlDd, thin to uoe aiJolber, The second ruaoo la llDObNitwa: th< desire to oean au -to bO with H in terms of lbe lateat .,ma-, to show !hot you are DOI mmty and dusty and doted. CBu~ lroDlcally, nothillS dates futer thon lDOll alani, 11111 by the time ·a phrase receives wide cur- rency, it is already pasBt with the raJ ln-ll"'llJ>.) THE TIDRO REASON, which t men- tioned above, is the only good one that julUfies 1l1n1: if the word or expression fils a Dttd that is not met by any other word in standard English. And, or course, this is precisely lhe . tesl by which wordl either die out or pap Into lbe permanent body of ~·· llundredl, llDCI even thousands, of wordl tblt bqon 11 slq found llleir W,IY Into. the dlclfonari.. because llioy !flied a real verbal need. ' "Mob;" fer ~ WU attacked by leltcofll'ljlbe u • cheap adaptation of the Latlu pbr-.; "mobUe vulgum." But the Eoglllb 1-needed 1 word I.lb "mob," and quil.I leMlbly adopted It ond mode II rdpectable. R MA.Y SURPIUSE ma.ny to team that ·"11 Did" WU a llq word, and la aaJy aboul 100 yean old. People Ulld to II)' 01Frtda,y-to-Mooday," which wu a c1um1J moathftlli and "weekend," at llnl --4 al bY purists, !JI now a -nql aaJy of Englisb, but of ~. mqe.. Yet ita origin WU dflpirqed by Enclisb teachers of the mlcl-llth c.ntu17. 1be cblef offenst ol slq Is Ha fld· dilbnea: ·mOlt slang ia not more ac- curate, •U.. colorful oc more Ir~ with cr«mrl.atlcm than standard EDgHiwh, but limply more "current" And when it is uaed just for faabion. it dtbues la?1fUage more than augmenting it. 'What Are They, Dear?' Dirt !ortbodinp have been expressed over Mr. Nlion'• plan to give wives oC Cabinet memben top security clearan- ce. So they can attend top-secret security brielinp. And learn all our NaUon's top secrets. "NG lady can keep· a secrel," predicts one crotchety WaShlngton observer gloomily. NODleMe. All ladies can keep secrets. One need only envision the we e k I y Cabinet Wives' Hl&b Tea &: Top Secret Swapplnc Session. SCENE : The Bcrgia Room oi lhe Bide· .a-Wee Tu Shoppe. The doien Cabinet wives are gathered around I.he table. Hovedna nearby is the waller, that cievetty<li&guiMd masler!py from Hanoi, Wola llbu. Ml'lo 0-mcru! Girls, j u s t wait till 1 .. n y0o the top se<ret I practically pried GUI of mr butband lost night! Mn. &.E.W.: What? Oh, pleaae ten. Jioveoocr.u. Mn.. Coalmmo' Con yoo lmogine. at llrtl be wouldn't tell me. "JuJi dull old tailnttu, dtu," he said. And l hid to remind him what Mr. NlJ:on Aid about telling us wives eecre.l& bectml be wanted us "there on the tat.di. 10 t h a t we might avoid a cnoh lmflnC a little later." Mn.1\w sanatt.; Now don·t keep us on p.. and needlet a minute longer. DNr G«qe: Te what do yau owe your stature aa an adTk:e cohmmill ! E.D. DNr E.E.: Well, lo -to bod luck I've pt UU lfle a v1rua. (Send your '·problana to Geora• .... laoa ucb daJ w1tll a lllDllo. -.)'Ol-butamfle.) What WU it? Mn. Commerce: Can you keep a top seem? Mn. Labor (ldffly): We all have Q clearancta, you know. Mn. Commerce: AH tight. We 11, he t o I d me the projected figures for non- ferrous metals production in the 11 Western States for fiscal 1919-19701 Mn. Dtfente (powdering her no 1 e): 01\-And what are they, dear! M"rs. C.nunerce (triumphantly): Ten millloo bushels! (frowning) Or WU it ten tbouaand liters? Or .•• Oh, bother. Mrs. State (U Wot s Nhu makes a stranglir\g eound): That reminds me, I beard on tile highest authoritr that we are going to ship transmoerified rheoatats to Smyrna! Or Is it Sardinia? Rbeoltata! J think m8ybe it was thennoltata. Not that It matters, I IUJr pose. Mn. H.U.D. (tentatively): Well, girls, I certa1nly don 't want to lnterrupt our important dbcuaiion of top secrebl, but I did want to mention whom l nw that handaomt Undersecretary of Sttte -I'm IW'e you know the one J mean -havlna luDcb with the ojber clay. All (...,.rtr): Wbo? Whert! Wllotl Why! When! Mn. B.11.D.: Well , In llrictffl con· ,_, U .,., tbal bnuy blonde from Ftoun Aas&. Now he wu wearing ••• And she wu wurtnc ... And she llid .. . And be llid .. . And they uJd ••• SO I SAY Mr. Nixon's con.Elden« In the loyalty and dlac:rttion of hla Cabinet memben' 'trlv11 fa thoroughly )Ulllfled. Any lldy can keep 1 secret -u lona u lf1 ooe ahe doesn·t •ant ' I Start clled the fact that bulkmail adverliJer• are given ~ privileges which are ~people who •end their letters flrrl clu&. lie &ald.drcU1an addres .. ed to "occupanl" come to the poi1 olllce with a delivery deadlln&-a demand that would be rejected If It were ma41 by cltuen& paying ille much higher llr1t clau rate: Thl.t practice is fostered by the Post Office, Stark charged. He said postal officials teU corporations, uwe1ll give you such a good deal OP distributing your adver- tising matter and your lree samples that you cannot afford to pus us up." And then tells the public, "Owing to the postal deficit, you have got to pay another penny for each Christmas card Ibis year." Al; the DAILY.PILOT pointed out editorially Dec. 16, a major soep manufactum-paid the post office 11 .2 cents each to mail a new soep sample to 90 percent of all homes in the United statea. But the Post Office De- partment Itself e1timaled the coot of eecb delivery at 14.5 cents. So tupeyers subsidized the malling to the tune of 3.3 centa each on many millions of ban of a soap the recipients might not care to have. Now that the Christmas mall flood bas subsided, arid C011gres1 iJ meeting, lt'1 a good time to start a new rmUI !food -vigoroos letters of protest to Congress against the bulk mall rate discrlmlnaUon and the wholly l\QlusUl!able subsidy to purely commercial activities. Fear Should Deter Threatl of renewed all~ut Arab--Israeli warfare in the Middle East finds England selling arms to Jordan, the United States selling warplanes to Israel and Russia rearming the defeated Arabs. Palenlly, thts situation will DOI end until the two areet powers, the U.S. and RuJSia, become sUttictenUy feulul of a nuclear holocauSt to move in and stop the aabre rattling. · Best Since Colunibus Conservatives Pronwte True Progress A .Sublime Human Drama To the Edllor: IJbenlU1111 ~fer mlll)I good thlna•· ~ -..... humlD!larilllism, in-dividual llbert11 self-nl!IDCe, lniUatlve, mati•lty, true progrea and reform, and a Umited penuMnt u the servant (DO! the muter) of the people. Some polltlelom diclni sland for tbele values. But they wanted to capitalize on liberali1m'1 good name. Humanltarianimn ~ progress were about the ODly aspects ol liberali.un they promoted -often In such hypoc:my and llllNl<lfllni estreroe that more harm -flood -- THIJll, VOT&-'!EEKING pollllci1111 corrupted the good name of liberallam much like aome irresponglble campUs agllatoro corrupt the noble, Ideal ol academic freedom. These false (radical or modem) liberals olten make unsound pOmiaea: in uchanae for votea. They ctve a voting bloc a ratlonalizaUon to vote for them: "It's for the good of the common man!" 1'You deserve it!" etc. Tim, -people become lalle Uberall becauoe Ibey "wont to Jet theln no · matter whatn -.00 a poUUclan . promfsld It lo them. These false liberals vlgoroull)' and emotionally defend any criUcl!m of modem liberal tenets. For if some things their politicians advocate are wrong, then the promises made to them may also be unjustified. And they "mlghl DO! get theirs." A 'J'.lllRD TYPE of modern liberal is an idealist. He truly want:s to help mankind. The other modern liberals have deceived h l m. Upon realWng this, he may keep hlB humanitarian ide.ali.sm and join the true liberals -the constrv8tive liberals. Today the false liber•l and con- servaUve liberal art called "liberal" and "COn!ttVaUve," reapec:Uvely. Modem llberals have a strong ad- vantage with their often false emotlonal appeals of hwnMlU.arlanlsm. Th e I r hypocrisy becomes obvious when some smear responsible people as being racist, against the common man, etc. Reactionaries (towarda the other ex- t.re.me) fal.sdy clalm to be c:onse.rv1tJves. Reactionaries sometimes try to juJll!y eJ:cesslve le.lfWmess and calloumess by corrupting COl\lm'atJve prlnciplea. Some want to get rid of public educatJon. Others favor JetUng each citizen decide if he wanta to finaoce roads, pcllce and lire deparimtDLt or an army. CONSERVATIVES ore the mod«alel. They. prol1)Qle . tNe progreos • n d freedom. Modem liberals would havt us slllTendtt our freedoms, would make govmunent our master. Some ruc- Uonartes would do away with government and bring anarcby. In llUCh a jungle you 're not fret slnce no one protecb your rl&hta. , Let'1 dfallnplalt wbo pnmotea -Pl'Oirus -who doesn't un}ustly take any lreodom i.,.. -penon to If,. more-lolliolber. We'll 111 haft .,._ tnle J>"llft" if we support conservative principles and our dynamk private en~ e<ooollOI'· . LEONARD WRIGHT -. ~· Rarely has Mcient old earth been tnateil ao well in the English tongue ~ by tbe Ap<Mlo crew .• Perhaps the bnt1 dllcuAioo of man' am his round ·piece ~ the universe is to be found in tbe't beUtr tran.sJaUOOJ of the old Helrild .:and Aramalc text. The book Chrfltiadl. call the Old Testament is ner; tlii,best known of lheoe . tt wU from Geneslsf tbat the three a~ read on Chris~as Day to give ... ~ of AmericaN·~.very mean· iagfUl M. The venerable rabbi! in the t111]J centuries we lump together as B~made a magnificent contribution: lo the IMaoesa aod the imagery of words u Ibey wrote of man and God. IF ONE ACCEPTS lbe thesis of univer· Ill law, or mind, or God the Creator. then the.uplanatloci of creation in Gene- alll Ls not loo far out of line with the aeveral theories cast in scientific language. lt Is not possible to cooceive the "DOthlng" of "nothingness." What was there before the universe of e.arth, moon, planet. known and unknown, the sun, and all else that is part of the mystery of creation had their begin- nings? Then " ..• the earth was without form and void ... " That will do until someone says Jt better. Captain Lovell, turnln& from the forebodlne lqnellneas of the bleak dust- awept ni.oon, said of earth, then almost 200,000 miles away, that our "planet Ls a grand oasll in the vastness of space." CERTAlNLY THE story of the three men who went exploring so close to the planet moon is one of the most sublime and moving of human dramas. It is the best since Columbus and the unsung adventurers who befare hlm pushed out into a world much less known than the mooP and its du!ty aeas and · mountaUt ranges. The difference is technology -the most spectacular of technology in the Jong history of man, tools and machines. Columbus at least had a deck and a sea beneath him, but his navigators. peering into the unknown , had only primitive instnunents for ni.vfgatloo. The doubters -who are always with u• -said then that the world was fiat. They conlldenUy predicted the shipi would fall off the edge and carry the crews down to nameless terror and death. THERE WAS IN THE astronaljll' craft, in addlUon to marvelous ne.ver- before-tnown l n strum en ts and mechanisms, a computer. It could be: led a questlon that would require matbemaliclaos, pbyalcists and ld..usts · . many discipllned, Jong hours to figure out with oJd.fashioned pencils and paper. The computer, that upstart know-it-alt. produces answers almost th e instant the query is received. The ghosts of old Christopher CohunbuS, Eric the Red, and their crews must have peered from their ghostly ramparts with an awe equal to that of earth1s present mortal!, and if lhey were envious of the technology, we will understand. Man's future inevitably Is to be based largely on inereasing knowledge .and technological advances. The carping ln· tellectuals and the alienated )'OUDI who do not like things technical may well c;onsldef a truce. Jf our "grand Ollis" is to survive, it will be by the uses ol technology. Jt Js up to tbe poets, writers, teachers, ph!losopbln: and humanists to give it balance. JUST HOW FAR this country's general technology Is ahead of the remainder oi the world is not possible to estimate. In space the Soviets are close. But the American technology, In part because of apact explorationl, is much more comprehensive than that . of any other lndustrialized nali<>n. Teclmology, teamed with humanism, c:an make obsolete the ghettos and the poverty of man and . lifJ. Such ol>lole>cence moy DO! be bad with medilailon and wishes. ·The grand<ur of man and the Apollo flight, therefore was matched by the magnlllcence of his technology. It ts necasary to remember !hot truth. New Tanks Draw Inquiry WASHINGTON -The Army's MBT-70 (for Main :QatUe Tank) may be the next major weapons system to become embroiled in intense and critical con- gressional inquiry. Such a spodightlng by Congress could have touchy international overtone!. The MBT, envisioned as the principal batUe tank for the 1970s, is being jolnily developed by the Uniled States and West Gennany. The United States is said to want 1,000 to 1,500 of the new tanks to replace its M-60 tank. The Germans are believed planning ror 8bout 500 MBT-70s to sup- plant their Leopard tank. Now the MDT development is running at leut two ye.an behind schedule. ae-cordlna: to unofficial estimates. Costs are 50IJ'ing too, and the devtlopment outlay is preaently eirtbnated at more than three Umes the $80 million agreed U'fK1.I In 196.1. BEFORE CONGR&SS lldjourned. a quiet inqalr)' into MBT costs and Dear Gloomy Gus: My hll3band II auch a loosy. drtf. er the police aave hlm a Mll<I\ ticket! -Mrs. S. R. R. TMI ....... ~ ................. -_..,..., ,.... ., n. -· .... ,... .., -.. .._, ..... OMfy l'Dft. schedules was ordered· by Rep. George H. Mabon, D-Tex.; who heads the HOUie AppropriaUons Committee and I t s 4eleose subcormniUee. V"Y litUe has been said in· pllbUc about the matter so far. Senate military erperb:, are becoming interested too, however, and the whole project could get a public atrijlg on the floor of the House or senate when Congress debates military authorizations early in lhe new year. · Rep. ?.1elvin Laird, R-Wls., Who ·win head tile Defense Department for President~lect Nb:on is well acquainted with MST problems. Laird has been top-ranking GOP member of Mahon's defense appropriatlona subcommittee. TES!' MODEi.'! -'lllree pilot mode!J of the MBT-70. have been undergoing tests for nearly a year. Generally, the tank is believed to perform up to ill des~ speclncaUOhS. So far, there have been no complaints ol a tack ol cooperation in the U.S.-West German dndopment, but th< joint pro- ject has 1~Uy produced oome technic1l ~· - For e:ra!Jlple, a U.S. engine and • German transmission have been planned. Tbe eJlline WU cletip>ed by the inch and the transmission by the metric -and lllere ha .. been -· dlf· r.lcultles Ill matlnc lbe -· COST INCREASES an Ilk! to Include hta'fJ us-••• tor Uae ~ of "bla.vp" c:amponeatt, mch u • German entdne an4'11 U.S. U-ObslGft, wldeh wwlil. be ..e.t_ U lnsormc>ollllable dlffku!Ue1 -• to bl ebaluntered later. A.II in an, the experts u.y, evtry effort has b«n 1ak~ to mlntmlu risk in the pro Jed' 1 final sllges. A major feature of the new tank ls a revoluUonary suspension system, aOO to be ,produced in West Gennany, which will enable tbe tank to change ita profile, from higb to Jow silhouette, and to remain level regardless of th'! terrain it is crossing. THE r.IBT-71 IS to be armed with an autGrTiaUcally loaded S h 111 e I 1 I h' missile and Ui2mm gun system aimed by a hlghlJ sophisticated fire control system. . I The MBT program is the last venture In weapons cooperation pressed by former Oe!eMe Secy. R o b e r t S. McNamara. A U.S.-German project for: developing a short take-off short.Jandint; ain;raft was capcelled early in 1968. It. could therefore be a real hi· ternation81 embarrassment i( Congrelli should decide that the admitted ad- vao\ages of the MIU·70 can not justify: Its Increasing costs. By Robert S. AI1n And Jolm A. Goldmillll --~-- Monday, January 6, 1969 Thi editorial page of tht DaU.r Piloi scckl to inform and rtimo· tdaW rtadnt by prcscnUng Usfa MIOIJ;IOPfr'I OJ)t>fNM ad ~ ......torr ... toJ)lcr o/ -""" dgm/iCOfl«, bf pt--. ,_,.,Ill<~.., .... ,......,,, oplalOaa._ """ ~ ~ "'.i-.. -poil!lr of la/omted ~ and ~ ... topjcl o/ °" doJI. • Robert N. Weed. Publisher Whale Well? • F~Sbmip Use in LA • Fl u Bug Bites P~rf'!rmer SAN DIEGO · <UPn -'!be -wbal ... Shamu ·Top m· · U S Kilroy one of three perform-and Ramu, llill 1 how e d · • •, . ,:.,,__ ~-•-..a.ring •l'lDploma of lhe HQlli Kong Ull -........ nu.re~Dt-0.vld~nt\Y. L(IS . ANGELES (AP),'- lrom tllO flu Ill Sea World, vetmnarW\ tor the ~ More residents of 1"' Aniela bu .-vered IUfllcllnUy to · part. · Couoly tap advantage of tl:e &Ive b1a trolner • ride around ' "There are two woys we aovernment load lllaJnp 'p<O- lbe &ant. will bt able to tall il the gam Iha• people lo any •'* Kilroy alto·· ltU able to whala have recov~" he county in the na.Uon. per1trm ._ ldcb S... uid. "We cu laloe blood or Ellis P. Murpbr, county day IUdl aa blab Ieo111 lo we cu tell by lbe -w ell 1 re director, released tho a1r· but lie waa'<Ollllnulng of 1 h e 'whal11. Trai-can I~ on the program at a ad, .0.1men o1 dead ltll bow lhey ~ b)I. what lhe conclUl!oo or Food Stamp macbre1 llUl!ed wilh MO an-ldcb lhey wfil doc IQd bow Week S~ay. He said i..i tlblGllc pills well they do them.'' , Angeles 11 ahead of other · " '· counties by at least 20 percent . · , , The nt!l't most' active is Cook Coonty, m., he said. LA to Seek Laws ~19 December 1 total or !!114«!0 petlOll8 participated in the money-saving program in Los Anceles. Most w e r e weHare recipients, s 1 i d Murphy, aDd others had ei:- tr<mely low Incomes. On J~t Exhaust Under the pmgram ad- mmbtered by lhe U.S. Depart· ment of Agricu l ture , partlcipents agrie lo spend a certain amount of their money each month for food. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A county air pollufion ~ officer says slate JegislaUod will be spu&ht 'to contfol ex- haust ~~issioos of pas&engef airliners ·win& the city's airport. The orncer, .Louil J, Fuller, said Sunday, ""1be smoke emitted (frnm the planes) does constitute a considerable nuisance in the vicinity of the airport." He added. "It ia: very con- spicuous to·· observers over an extensive area." Fuller said t h e amount of contaminants, however, did not "make a substantial con- tribution to the bum-wide photochemical a m o g pro. blem." Jet traffic at Lo! Angeles Jnlernlllooal Airport, be said, is ei:pected to double in the nut 11 yurt lrom Its present 1,000 fllghts • day. Bay Rescue , Hero Dies SAN FHANCll!CO (AP) - John Angelo Napoli, whose h~ one man rescue opera· tion saved 10 penons from the slnkin&N•VY hospital shi p Benevolence Aug. 25, 195(1, will be burled here Tuesday. . Napoli, who died Saturday at a hospital in Terra Linda They pay that amount in rttum f<r stampo or equal value plus a bonus. The ttamps are used as n1oney at participating supermarkets Ind groceries. Food stamp use in Los Angeles County baa increased ateadily since 1966 when 102,000 persons participated and 1967 when 105,000 were on the roll!. LA State Gets 2 New Studi~s at 64, had to empty his tiny LOS ANGELES (UPli - flShlng boat, Flora, of its Los Anaeles State College valuable salmon catch to • mate room for the sw-vivors opened today with two new ftoaUnj 'IP ~ mooth msan !~~i:-!1::~:: Francisco Bay. studies. 00N::!· :V! .= ~ • Coones will be offer~ in Flora. threw a fine into Ille' S w a b l l i , Mr~Amer~can water and towed anotbet 1• cu I t u r e , Afro--Amer1can persons to ' safetj. Th e history, ethnic J>?litics in the atremKluJ rescue w o r II: Southwest and htslory of the pennanently injlll'tld N1poll'1 ~American people in back. tbe United States. 'AS.l!!!!vlfl sh-op .at home! · Free consultotion! We bring samples! No obligation! Free estimate! all collect (714) 523-6511 hoose from over 300 colors ••. 4 styles! 'Reaar rayu/catote. Thinlclng about •ad-.ting? Now'• tho ...... , -.... -yoar off ...... _ dni.,.... '°'yow"' ...... lh!s Mn'ifk' ~ l.. UI C\ltfroM ma cfroparMI u"iq1.11ly yovtL Coll Ol'lcl &et Gt.It troii.ct decorctor COMliltiont ahow youlh!si...tl!vland colo.fvfcolio<Hon. Reg. 2.49 yd. NOW2.12 yd 1Riviera' '9J'•"/9Wt•t•. Reg. 2.79 yd. NOW2.37 yd. 'Samoa' nirctn/Mef919/Antt9h • -Reg. 2.98 yd. NOW2.51 yd. 'Ceylon' ..,.., __ Reg. 3.29 yd . Now2.79 yd. ' • lllVICI AVAll.UU IN OllATD LOI AHODI~ OIAHOI AN D VIHl'UU. COVNn' Citize ns Build 'Lure' For Doctor MOJAVE (AP) -Wanted ' a doctor. Ready: a $50,000 medical center built lo attract one. The 7,000 people or Mojave, 100 miles north of l:.os Angeles, are the first in California to build such a center as a means of luring a doctor. Now, tbe nearest doctors are 21 miles away at Tehachapi Jlnd 24 miles away at Lancastec. The plan to build the medical center first was work- ed out by Sears, Roebuck Foundation and the American Medical AMoclation. ' Across the nation, 187 isolated con:i· munltie! have done likewise. A young doctor unable to build hl$ own medical center will pay back the $50,000 which Mojave's building cost in a way that won't prove burdensome to him. -~AtLY l'M1' ';: LOS ANGELES (AP) -The maintain sell!<g•tl<¥1. _ U.S. J" It I c • llo!llrtmeht'I . Tiii Ju tltce neptrt01ent d_.t!oa ..ii I 11 e d contmda minority tchools a!Jo ..-the Puadeoa Scllool re<olvt • ~ ... Dlttrtct --mlnorlly -. ol .... quallfied and teacltera have heeo 11!111*1 ttoi nperlenced teachers. to predomlnanlly mlDorlty '!be dlilrlcl ii alao dlarpd .,..,.II In lhe 11111 with falling to Detolla of the suit filed Nov. provide langul@e -•g It bt u.s. DI.strict Court.,.,. serv.lce to Tdmcon·Americao made public Saturda1. It ls children; the llnt school deae;egatlon A couri lloding agalnsl the lull llled by -lhe federal district could endaoier 12 governmeot GO the West mfilloo Jn federal !Undo It Coast. . 11:>eeivu ,aµnuaDy, a Justice The suit clahns fnlerlor Department' 9eamao said. clamoom facillUes have been provided at mloorlly IChools and that the Puadena'distrtcl has gerrymandered J('hool boundarleF lr:. an effort to • Bell Enters Ma yor Race ' LOS ANGELES (AP) - Rep. Alphonzo Bell ' (R-caUf.), who won re-eleclion to a fifth term in November, is the ninth and latest candidate to announctl for mayor of Los Ange!es. Mayor · Sam Yorty said last week, he would .seek a third four-year term. A n o t h e r congressman, Thomas Rees (0.Clllf.), is reported considering a-try. ...... ... ........• -··· ·•-..: PB1NY PINCHING PICTURE TAKIR.S ·PREfER PRKES AT DAVE'S 474 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa -646-2136' -= FREE· .. SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINING $500 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. · H°""' ?:lO a.m. to 9:30 p.m.i Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. , ,_.--er--'"-... _ __.1 __ ~ .. ~-..-c..-.., ... ~---.-;.---- ' What are all these go9d magazines doing tn an ao for a newspaper? I ,. ,, ' ,, ., ... J " . ' ·' • :: . .. .. I ! Th• 'r• hel ing mtlre th • pol11t that It ta11" •to+ of mege1i11e1 -1p.cieli1i"9 In a tot of fi eld1 -fo covtt al the ylr1teres~ng ttiings the DAILY l'ILOT tetl1 you about every day. Wa cov•t 1port1,. fashions, t•v•rnmi"·~ bustness and fi ar1t.9 •nd oth~ th inq1 yoµ won 't even find ,ht tho.• slick netio11il m"9•11ne1, ur O'llfn spK • ists track down't th• fac:ts on lhe local ti:ene •net • 9lobal te•m of 1killtd reporters covtr the rest •! tfi t w.,.W . ' -for aur daily 11ma9t1lne." -~J - I '1 1 I i • I , I I l ! l l - I l' • ' • ~ILV P1lGT OCC Classes Helpi.ng Nationals, Refugee~ For the ·Record ROMNEY f"qrl M. ltoml!l'Y. 4SO Ol:Hn Avt .. Se.1 had!. SllfY/.....t· irt nle<e, Mn;. .... ,,.,. allffum; nes>lww. LM '''"'· """''' tu"'"'I ...... 1as Ind Interment wtll be held ti PHI< FtmllY Colonial FUNtll Home. VETRO Am.1111do Johll Vtlro. 1290 N. Wood 51., Seti 8NCll, 0.!t d dNlfl, Jtn- Ull'Y S....S9rv~ Pft'ldlne.. Dlldu. Srq. H111'f11"111on VtlltY Mortuary, M?-7771. OSBORNE leawnl Osborne. Daito d dNlti, J1n.- u1ry S. Se<vk~ ~Inv. Dlkl•r 1,.,., Huntlnvl!ltl V1llev Monwn, a.a-mi, HEATH 1.-M. HNTll. 1't ~loo SI., COi- t& Meu. SUr\ll'lld b'I two IOlll, aienn. d Ce1111 Mna. atld H•rrT, S.n11 Alw. ~ ... kit 9«'11c;et., Tiie. Ill.Ir. J '""" Hilr11or Rftl Meonot-111 P1r11:. Dll'9d9d bV led tr0Mtw1r Mottuary, llt lr'Dldwar, Gmt. Mirts-. SHEPHERD Id• A. "'-'*d· m 11"1lmx Drive.• Cc.ti Mita. Slll'¥1¥H 11'1' twa tim!Wra. Fire Calls DEATH NOTICES t.nd. Ard!ler 4-llllhttr, 1"1trkle Phllbln1 -. CNortls t,.i,,1 bnifNn. H1rr•1" H-rd, Jetnn 111111 WllllAm avi ... 1 "'""· Mii• M9ry av_un 'IM\ Mrs. I, E. ~midi l lll el9lit ,,...._ dllldAon.. ROWirr w. ncltM s..,,.,.., _,,., 7:30 PM. Slftlrhl c111o,.1. RMllllm Ma-. Ml:nS.,, lllb mamlrw, I AM, fl S.S Slll'GI Mid Jude C1tl'l- ollc C ..... rdt. lnttrmtnl, Goad {"'9- 1\trd c~. SmHhs Mortu1rv. Dlnc:lon. . DAVIS willl11n S. 0.\111. 102M Ol1ney, Hunt- 1not.in 11"9d'I. SurYlwd by Min, Rlcl'l- 1rd. Gfaveslde MNlcH, Wednesdllv, 10 AM, All Souls C~, L- lleotdl. Dlrtded bY Smiths Mortv1ry, SHULTS L'°"'rd Stwll1.. 132 Cirnllnel11, 1"'81e- WOClll. 541rvlwd by ICIM, Leciner<I, Tlleodcn 111d JOll'i>h Slwll11 '"" five ..-.ndd'llldra11. Serviqfi, Tuetd1y, 1 l"M. Srtilt111 (lypel, wt!h G. 1tu1oen ,...... atfkletlnt. lnlet'TMnl, Good ~ Ctfneftry. Smllll1 Morfv1ry, .......... Mr, •· N. R"'1. of er-1 Mr. Lua. llaftdl Mn1.all. &elcwftl molMr WIY1-lleld, Modl!llof ...,.. tlaftra. vi TYrVS C .. ltabeff D. Mnsalh Mfl. Mn.. Didi WI""'*'-HllnfN.tOll limle A. Keftn!Mef 1rid Mn. Melllne P1rt1 Mn. MAPlllt Wl'llOll. AMM!ml ' M. Him-. Abo wrvlved bV u Mn. S.Hy Tllmtt', Fart Smith. Ar-••eftdcNlclren ... 7 ll•NH••nddill- llnMI. Stfvlcn, )t.)sd 1 " 11 l>Nt. -4-. ~ Tunday, 1:30 PM, ltU '"*"""'" Noortu.l'Y, Ill ,,..... Cllurd! « °"'" FllM<"lo Fonlf l1wn, .....,., c.i. MIN. l11l9rnlelll, KM'W ~ F-' Lii""' Mortl.11/'Y, Dl- ltnt MemGrltol Perk. iwefors, llACKENYOS H11M E. Hid.....,._ Ullt c.lll,,;rt1t line, Sul 8ftdl. Oto'-" f/I ...... J1n.-11arv 4. SUrvtvld .., two ~mra. MPtt I. Hed:tr'lnfo 5wl a.di. 1nd Mn. ,,.,..,,, llrl_,_., Jr .. SIMt'llMn o.u. F-.1 UNlcel, Tllftdrr, J, .. M, 8•11t 0..pel, lUl '-tlor1 Cm!• JMM, wnh ltl'f'. Fr1M. Fortun. o111- cl111 .... RJCAllD ltlc:d H. It~"'-AM 70, fll Df Ito- -l"loc:9, CC1119 llWM. Sunrl* by __,..., Gan.n. FndrllMlll """" .,.,..,,lldrwft. Fanf B-.. ~ MDrflll. Md °""' Fredrlcben1 olllf fl:IUr _, .. Aftdchllcl~. 5orYlcft Wiii be held Wf:dlln¢ly, 10:30 I.No, w .. tdlff ClllJlitl. I~!, H1rflor ltest ~I ,,,_, Olf"lded by w .. t<llff S'l'JUEBY o.u.! Mortu1rv. MMSa. Or. Rldi1rd o. Slri.tw. 1'll'l $, SlllW" -'-'----------------------I .,... Ortw, .S.nt11 A.11e. P"Nd '"'"'"l r-----------------------,1 Jll'IUl'"I' J. SuNtved by wlh!, M1r•IM R. Slrirt>v; ~. Frtl'lk M. Strleby, Quincy, llllMh1 !WO 1111er., C1rot1ne o. strlelrr" 1nd Ni .... W!lll1m Mleti1n. bol!I ol TOl>ek1, ICtfllll. Or. Slrltb\I w11 I member ol Omicron IC111D1 Upsilon 1rc1 Oen1 S1Dn11 Oe!ll, ,.me•· lc1n Oenlll .U.OCl1lloto, ,.cadfo<ny ol OH1tl1try, Ind 1t>e Or11111e CD11n!J Oent1t ,.uocllffon. F11ner1! "'""~ 1nd lnlennent ... 111 be held In N II,. Ian, IC111111. ll•lh MorlU9rv. 17(1 Su-lor. (0$tl Mew, fll"W9rdl"' dl- reclori. FREY rrn• L. Frn. 1..0 10 ... llllort tMI., Cml• Mew. 0111! ol -lh, J.,,, l . Survlwd by ol1119hl9r, Oonithy l . Ea..n, N-1 8eadl1 1l1ter. Lu• Ett. Crtt. W11111"floll1 Ind leWfl •fMlkrl!ld"1!. Seolk:n ... 111 be i.lf todl,., ,_.,,..,, 1 . PM, PKlflc Vle'oo c,._., wtth 1tev. L0ten e. Flldi1,.. !lei'" ol'lld9!1111. Olrtd't'd try P1clflc View Mortu10. DAV W1ll9r W. DIY, 20.101 S. W. 81rch, S1nt1 ... ,,... Dile of """'' J111U1rv 4, Survhrl'll by wife, M9rv It. 0.y; d111~1,,., C1mlll1 E. ind K1lllle'l!n L. Div, ol The "-' brolhrrs. l-l<> f'N'I', cl L-8Mdl; Chin.it. ol MlllOUrl. 1nd ~e. of T..,.111ee : l ll!er, ... ~ JH1nlnv1, of 0.nkn Gl'OYt; FritnOH Robtrls, Ml11ourl1 Delcie Jann, W11hl"flon. !.er"o1lc11 Wiii .. Mid Wfdnei.d1v, J1n. •• • PM, P.c:lllc Vlrto Clllpel, with F1tll- 1r JGl\ll P. Alhw. ol St. J•mn EPI• c-1 Olurefl, atftclll11111. lntwm..nl, Ptldflc VIN ""'"-fol P1A;. DI~· I'd by PKlllc View Monwry. Ftmlly •-h ..._. wl1h!1>11 to m1te ..,.. mor111 arnlrlbvllonl, Plffl4 cantrlbult I lo ..... Al'r>erlc•n C1ncer Soi;letv. CRAIN ,,...,_..l!t Cr11n. 111.ll lekllr l11'11., ._......., 8Hdl. $1/rvlvl'd by 1111 .. \ BALTZ AfORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR 3-MSO Coit.a A1tsa AU 6-!Ut BELL BROADWAY MORnJARY 111 Broadway, Colta &1esa u~ DILDAY BROTHERS HWIUngtoo v.n.y Mortuary 17111 Buell Blvd. llu.nllngt.oa Btacb l<!-7771 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cent•..., e Moriauy Cllapd 3511 Pactfk: View Drive Newport Bold, c.Jll'"'1a -PEEK. FAMILY COLONUL FUNERA!. ROME lll!BolAAft. West.mlnl&er m.ml SMJTH'f MOR'nJA.RY fZ7 Mala St. Hutlqloo Bole~ Lf:Mut It's at 7891 Talbert Avenue. The Avto Club's new "cmtle" In Huntington Beach. Fully .staffed. And fully equipped, Starting Monday, January 6, providing more than 700 .services to Aulo Ck>b meinbers and the community. Everything from weekend YOeotion to worldwide travel planning. Everything to help YOIJ get out and follow oll !he fon that's going on in Southem California and beyond. Stop by and let.Ed Sunivan, the new manager, show you crovnd the Auto Oub'.s new "castle" 1n Hunlinglon Beach. ~ THE AUTOMOB ILE CLUB OF ~SOUTHERN CALI FORNIA 7"1 T•l\ilot ,__ H.tl..:tlOll koQ;, c.IU., ,..._, &G.T,111 We've built a new off ice in f1 Huntington ,-Beach • ..m.talod, .. ,in, be dlddl reaUJe bow much It mt.dt to blm. Now be la ~ '1 u.. best lllldenls," ower said. Owtns said the probltm nol. Is flnd1D( enouC)I .,.. tn ~ Mexican barrios to take lbe • ·A . · AH ·Penney Stores-Open-Every-Night Mondoy-lhrough Saturday - AL!!.~!!~n· JANUARY --Group I Orig. '6 a nd •7 NOW 4.88 Giri'• dr.u iavi"9• nowl ·A.~a1..,i.nao1cn Ori1.$44S Now :S.22' Girl'• bloutet. linit toptl . ...........,""""_. ..... ........... _ on,. $l-$4 Now 2.22 Girl'• onkM pant1 t• deorl • A_-.,. el o:olora, ·~ • lrtilowi U. °"9· P..$4 -2.22 • Girt't nrrMter d..,.nc.l . ._.......,. ...... ·--_ .. -:a.66 s.rw-en ti*• llttml . ...__. ~ ...... ............ ....... ..,..:a.22 . REDUCED FROM STOCK! LIMITED QUANTITIES! Huge assortment of girl's knee socks .•. ,, clearance priced! , .... llikloed, -"· ono..•· acrylic, nylon. ka pott.med, cuffH lop ... ploO.. """""" dam, nnd-W ,.........., ........ . ,.....,_from DU ti-in ;;.r. bnili;.,m •. No...11tt.11 ... toi.v,o !hi1 foWiicin ~ lo <~ wi!h ..... sports cwrfit'I ... D lf.......00U. ..,.;"II' ID )'0!>1 Group I Orig. '1 NOW 66' _.,..., G roup II Orig. •a and •9 NOW ·6.88 Women'• handbot clMNncel • ...,_,... .tfloo. .._ DNI ""°" • C--tr lar ..... ..i.tliooo °"'""·" °"" 2.tt NOW 3,66 NOW 1,66 Jcrw new en cothlrM f4nwlryl •A.--.1 ....... lll'ldmlon • ..,., ;,, 'fl'Mlily at hip ....... on1• s:i Or11. s1 NOW f9' Now 2/ff' Wemen't W.-, apert toptl • ~.,,.....fabrb. .... •w ... .i-_,. -:a.ff .sew. rww en w.men's lltirhl •A.-"'1•~--... ....... "_ _ ... , -4.H lh"('•'"" lhlrt ltvyt ........ ..,....-..i._,.., .......... Orlf,l:.4f.2.M -1.aa Group II Orig. 69'-79' NOW 2/$1 __ ...,. Group Ill Orig. 'JO and •n NOW 8 Men'• •nl'9an ......... .......... otyt..,.., ..... • ........ .i ... °"9-14.tl NOW 10.99 Men'1pul....,nie11Jtn ·......w..,...w.n ;.;;;.=" _ .. " Men"• tf*f thlrtt •KNh,.-~ . ........ ,. °"'"'·" ..,,.2.10 M.n'•~..., .... • A--.!..,......, . ......... --" -a.so " l Misses ankle pants recf uced for clearance! You laff the fit ••• 1'91yHt01r'1 the knit Color, colet _, .... "' ......... of .u,,:. 1tyl1 --,... 'lll'lth ~ ....,,_ ..... ,_ ,._,. _.,...._m-1-'-111 tM wo1h•• D..d "'"'"'• tfty. ll"'•• -di~fll blue, Dr111111• ond lllM. In a....,.i.n;lh,Ji_ .. , .. Orig. $10 NOW S.M WElll'CUFF MORnJARY G7 £. 17~ l!I., Ctclo M"" ~ ... ._.. .,..,_ llr----------------=-:--:-=-:=--:-:-::-=-:-:::-:------::-;:::::::=-:::-:=-:--:-::::--:---i ·-COSTA MESA HUN TINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH --A Good fr iond ol 1h11 fomTly for Sixty.fight Yt:ors. (Harbor Shopping Center) (Huntington Center) (Fashion Island) -"'I~----------------·--~-..;...-._ _ _;q:.;:>.;;;:oo;•:..,;;.-,.;;-.;;•:.;--;::..;;:-e:;.0, .• :--.:::-_e:,-:_:-, -~~-=-:::"!-"'--'-'"'"'-"'""'-"•::"""'!..~.,.,-::'"-"''""""'-..,.....,,"""""""""'"""'.,._;"" ______ ~----------------~~~~~ Mond11, January 6, 1969 DAILY PILOT I) 1 . . .. MR.MUM._ ' . Senator 1Jurns ~ti~l Likely to Hold JQb .-~ SACRAMEN'l,'O (UPI) -Al Calllomla ll't ol a nonpll'tban the lmack In I be 1111 le w prelldent pro lempore," be seaslon for lbe aovernot'• ,.. coup. lie oll<n la at •.aa. M1 Hugh M. Burna runs the nature," aay1 the bu r J y , ~ elecUom: to defeat aays. "U a Democrat wlnl, called merit J a d 1 c I a I •Po \¥1~ Bumi on poUq declslons " qalllOt'Jlla Senate with the balding !lurna. llemocrall. I would upoet no :=.. ~tm<ntte, bupltan.dlledt pulnll«I !!."'e andh1'm 1",.."'!~e !',_kp•,· :!!."""u-llrm hand ol a lbe•'-'"' ten-But 11811 coo1d <bani• all . Wllb a 11.tpobllcan' vl<tory, G1'11N'7, U. b 111 ~ "' "' w ,... r-• that Bums hu buUL And it tbe 8elllte would nJos away wbo lw --oolY ..,. Allembl7. But M....,.• -that dlna bis fioc:k. would "°'"' throU&h the death lr<lal Iii curreo1 -11pllt -11 1'llclfr It the OOP O..plte h l 1 .... Bum> hu there reall)' Jlll1 11111 cbanco He 1\11 been Senate _leader of one ol his friends, I mem· betwaeo the' parll<I lnlo lbe mln<ritJ Ill the -wlllle not ar......S I lllCCellCll' -. be could succeed • . ao 1oa1· -lined 111!7 -Uiit ber of the ao -ca 11 t d GOP'• r.avw, 21-11. alao _., lbt~ boale at leut not an ol>VIOUI one, 1--------- not many can romember when "Eatablliflmenti" s.n. a..... Ii «1111c1 give ~ the JudlcllrJr ..... m1._. attboo&ll hit party b11 several I ~===~=r::.==~ lbeupperboultwuobtunder MlllerJr.,(D-Marllnez.) 2111 vote be would ,,...i._to . Like Gov: &uJll ll.tqan, brilblYOUlllotn•lor" rL-'f.J-. hll IUidance. Few men have Miller died New Year's Doy CKllt Bumi II Sellate ~. Q~ ..._ ID 1bt 1o1111 Sen. °""111 S. M01C0114!, ([). . ~to''"""'"".......-cballeo&ed the Fr• 1 0 0 of an apporent bear1 atlaok. lie lllYll be would teelt tbe «Jlll"*b io i>oUllcs. wllll tbe S.. Fnmcllco), II ienerally Democrat's paternal -'p. A speclal elecllon will be call-Job. but · bis dedlllia pl-OOP .. ..,. lldt a1lped tbouabl to be tbo bead. of 1YJD "'' eel to-tlecl 11uc:c:wor. .on lbe -ol lbt ll*lal qalnll lbt Oomocrab on lbt a "YOUDI Turks" aroup hop- Burnl II Calllomla's 1tnlor Altboqh b11 Contra Colllll electloa C<ir MJDer'11111. othar. '-In& to o""1luvw lbe llurnl' legl.sla14r. He hu held olflce county dbtrlct Is •heavily "I would el)Jecl, IDlt l U· And Ute l\lapll, one o! "Eatabllolgi)enL" -~~ 1!137, l~ngbiser than anyoneand Democ:raUc In voter regl.stra· Jlecl Burm does IOo, Iba! II GnlnUY'• 1Uln llpabtlve However', MOICOlll, 39, bu ~ m uoe stete s tory -lion, a Republican coilld win the , RepubllCIN . win, a (Olli b judicial rt!<lrm. lie not been able to round up br.W hll own ™"'11 each ilbe~1e~a~l~Tbe~~GO~P~bll~~!ound~~~llopu~.~bUo§.,,~~would~~be~eloctecl~~~w;u~S..~1~to~!IOir~-~m~-~~lu~tjlUlll~~cl~"'°~t i•~up!po1~r1£;:1o~st~11~•~1~~~~:::~~::~~ year. . 1· The 19159 legi.alative session marks BUfllS' 33rd year as a legislator, six u a n assemblyman and 'l1 aa a aenator. Six governors have been elected while he wu ln office. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday1 When he was first elected to the No. 1 job of the Senate t in it& day-to-day operaUorui, : the house was evenly split • F Sha k s nds »-20 between Democrats and : or r s, 0 u Republicans. Ironically; bis ~ opposition then was Sen. ~ Dooald L. Grunsky, ( R • ! Ei•the D • D th Watsonville .) 1 r inner' ea Gnmoky tried again lalit • year to oust Burns from the 1 ~ SYDNEY, Australia (UPI) sonar combinations which will . post, but fell far short of THRU SATURDAY ONLY ·' -To sharks, . some sounds frighten away every one of the necessary votes to stage are a dinner bell. others • the more than 250 varieties the revolt. known to the world." Burns' secret in garnering death knell. 1· The bubble studies indicate support from both Repub.1can .r Au s tralian ichthyologists that und~ater fences can aod Democrats has been to • said that during one un· be built by laying pipes across meld both sides of the aisle denrater experiment off the the bottom of harbor en· into a near-nonpartisan house. New Guinea coast. 8 loudly· trances or around bathing Unlike the assembly, where ; played Bealle recording sent beaches and pum ping com· most members wear their I , the monsters fleeing. Brahm's pressed air lhrouglru.he lines. party labels with the pr:ide ~ lullaby seemed to mesmerize The curtain of air bubbles of partisanship, the Senate has ·: them. &eem1 to repel sharks, and become a large nonpartisan : Another series of tests show· as a fringe benefit4 prevents "club." ' ed. that a curtain C?f air bub-pollution. No woman has ever been Save $20 on our Med1•terra nean ~1:i;= th~2!"!:er ~::J at~co~n :lie~:n:t =~ ~1:1b1:0 cu~~n::~· u!~ . . -· · .. . might~ the long-sought shark mainly becauae the killers female members. __ prote<Uon !~aches and ~lbe~'1l!l!!Lol~~ ~·· sleek de d • tte-ets • h>rborr."-. swlmmei'~ik'. •• bis stew8'dsbl1 of lb• uPP*'h--. ~-ft-m!I'---. 111 o· .... I, 111 e s . :-. •. ...:- The eqM!~ements are part wounded fiah and easy prey. · chamber bu been aimed at V i · I or an aotHbark campaign 1 being waged in the South Seas Austra 1, ,an ' , ~ps . fusing botb Democrats and , • . • d f f h ,, fight o11 lbe klllen who =...!'::~ii .. ec1 , ~i:,.w 1n1o • nonpa111_:. _1"''1·" All~1nettes del1vered an set up ree o c arge. have made•! least 370 attacks ttan.mrltted ' to "PractiCany all the pro-.~'[.., if~ _.,,._, ·., ~ on hwnan beina• In Australian thole made of'• wOOnded fhh blems of the state of · '~' l "~ ' w~~ during ,the Pls,t few .~or ·~· , llliii~.~ , . >:~!,. y~... · S«ooda.: ·~w.,,..1 Iii:·:· =:::::i""":'l:===:iil Aaatrallan di._. T b e o wilb .ifiitu jt .n• ·""" " ' : · Brown 11 coovin<ed lbal the ·a11 -·~-· =0~ • • ,.rL-7.1_., key to shar-k control la ·llOUDd. tic y -.1111 f~ ''"' ,~ ~ w .unw1u1i ~ "Certain comb1naticm of 1be mem,ent B r\,~ n . sounds drove '"" sbaru Uito. •bee! off ,0. tho no ~ a suicidal 1eecJ11 lrellSJ!<diii'-lb• ol\ar~'j:ol · ·~ ing some tests we conaucted he changed•tq. a '1lJll off Ranglrol llland in French frequen<;r. sever~ varle~ Polynesia,'"BfOWll ialil. fled as if bit. by lilgb .vo!taie, . • ,Othu. nollel fCll"ed oil. but tthenl just ~ly nam · :.·=· 3'=cibl some varteties of .im-t, but.1-;a;;:w;;:a;;:y ·::;;=::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;:;· j bad litUe elfecl m others. I ' I'm <ertelll that there are Five Large Districts Join Plans LOS ANGELES (UPl) The five largest s c h o o I districts In the state will join forces to try to improve the quality of education in urban areas of CIHfornia. Dr. Jack P. Crowther, superintendent of the Los Angeles City School system, said Thursctay this city would join with San Francisco, Oakland, Long Beach and San Diego to form the California Alliance of Urban School Districts. The boards of .education in each of the five districts must still ratify the joint powers agreement before it becomes effective. Other cities were welcome to join the alliance, Crowther said. Accordina; to Crowther, the purpose of the alliance is to "provide a means by which Califomla's five large school distrjcts can channel U!eir combined resources in a direct way." * "Qur problems ate similar 1 in nature," he continued. "The time hla come when we can no Jonget go it alooe. If we are to meet the needs of a~ ' childttn in our schools -and ' \\1e aun't doing it now -1 we mUst do eve r ything humlnl)' 'possible as a group · to tell the people of California \vhat Is needed to provide · quality education." .. , '"' ·-·WAHR ffiRSllll , .. or-----( REDUCED FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! The New Year starts best with a Penney fashion perm at very special savings! Reg.12.50 NOW 8.88 Shampoo and set $3 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ONLT W. tpeciottU In the core af fGlhion wig1 USI YOUl 'nNNIY CllAllOI CARD- NO APJ!OINTMENT - • ... .. • • . I ' . .. SAVE $20 PJy ~' 11111r •. ·, ~o pc1 ·11011th 5 pc. Mediterranean style reg. sn~, now $99 A decorator's dellghtl WHthetM oak ftnhhecf, hi§h ,,,._ure lcmlf.o noNd table top oncl choir head· bl~ wrought iron on the chair bocb and let btoc:k metal fromes on th• chail'I and tablt. Oc111••' 1abl136"xa· • .-1ow...,.. i..1.1..-''"""' SAVE s20 f',1 j I 'lj r ' ', 'ilo , I l,Jll1h 5 pc. octagonal set reg. '119, now $99 Slffk pedutol 1tyUnel OoldlOI•• pod-I ba• and wa!Mst tnllhetl high _.,... lamlnalH lop on tho odaQonol tabl•. 36 .. •xt.nd• to 4• with leaf. TM smart chain ~ a woodgrain dnign on tt. bode oncl • COllfta!!lne d""9n on ""' ,....,. MOt and hack: s ... 1 fl'OfM'· SAVE s20 l'.•i 1,, r:1l ,1:, )b n• • olll] !I• 7 pc. oval set reg. s129, now $109 O.corativt touche• dominate! lea11o #lul Mo'lo beige quilt ... -.. the • / ch•lra, a tovely dec:orot"9 tlte¥e ' Oii ""' tobi< leg, -llnbh "' ""' : ' high -· 1am; ..... tobho lop, ~~ ~ jOfd Mykrr• pottdi\19 bllill en tht . ' ' • ., ~'· adgo Giid bioq .. _ ,__ ' 1 ?~ elegance In yow cnr.tftel '1., t f I ) • ~===~~.,,,, ..... 1'hnut-lect C.,lot' " ' 'i-' , ' 1 1 I ( TOILIT TANK 8ALL NO DOWN PAYMENT •• , USE PENNEY5 TIME PAYMENT PLAN ....................... '~!:::==========::::::::::::::::!::::::::::::::::!,,Ir--....::... _________________ _:-~----------------------~.., ,,,.....,.._ ..... ......., ..... 11 ...... _,._._ .... ......... NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH ·H)llltinglon C.nt.r 711 AT '9Al•WAll STOllS Fashion Island •• It • I I I \ I I l -- 1 --· -----"t • ~ . Je IWlY PILOT Now Holf' About _ Agression Pill? . We blV• a birth control pill. alld lriei'!laJllp~ '1'liere II !i: Now how about an aggression anssioo tritbout l@ve, but no control pUI! love without -aigrbsion. ,; "Nest to birth cootrol, ag· The p1i;laidan Contends that gressjon controJ is probably ·=· ioa hu I ·" v: e r 1 1 the most urgent problem fad-"I ino the workl today," says Stich U, ·•',the -· the neurol<>gical aggcesaloo ceoter a physician-educator at ot , n.... . b r 110 :·•, tbe University of california's san . ~·"' Francisco Medical Center. . ci-.1 ;15pect uwhere Dr T 1 d Lowenstein an extra • •y chromosorne • • e r. 0. ' · causes some . men to become a~ clinical professor•ol violent ~jrrLipals;" ~ tbt medicine, quotes philosopher sexual aspect,. i..--a .. •· "male Konrad Lorenz: "only those I.IQ; ....., animals which are the most se~ bonnooes ~ .~wn to aggressive have bonds of love pr uce aggression. "Given all these ·chemical fac~:~wollk! seem poealble 19 d~· Btu an~ pill tn much the same way we produced the birth control pill," says Dr. Lowenstein. He concludes that even the fer- vent slogan .. rn&;ke Jove, not -· Inspectors' General . Vem C. mum (left), senior deputy bui!ping official for Cfty·of Costa Mesa, is new president of Southern California ~haPter, International Association of Electrical Inspectors. Turning over gavel is Past President Joseph C. Roohan, supervising electrical engineer, Los Angeles County. war" doesn't appear to work,------------------ even for the hipples. •.•we do ·On ··el 8.nr_ Agent!ies Gone n.. ,· . . ' " f . ' flor.iµa to Aboluk 'Phem, If They're Found . . . TAU.AiiASSEE •. ~.'.(,\P.) are not vital ·to Florida's H ·~· .cbe .~ta •-'-Floridi'• -ConsUtutlon ~ I • ,OU!M; ,-' ' I , ' .. --I '1 ·oo1. Uiat the IG, lllita governmenl ~ • · • • • .. cludo lbe' Armory Board, th&: oa...iei, "Ille • F1ori<!a •HqUae . Oneqftbe!Gag~lefllit<il -~ the 'Confedtrate Interstate Cooperation Com- Reergllllsatlon Committee as .mlss!ni by 'the coJlllllittee Pei>Slons Boerd, wblch badn1 mlsalon, Board ol Dralnage aald it couldn1titlod".¥1Jtmis&-was 1bi Bond Review BOard, met,for two ye{ltS, teeps bUQ' Commisslonen, HI & b way Ing -they're ju>t, .wen, hof1l meeting at lllat moment · in Pl)'ing lll&-Hnontb pensions Secondary Tr u • t Fund,, to find. . : i ., . the Capitol .across the street to the S1 surviving widows Trustees, ar)d the Board ~ + 'lbere are aupposed to be and· )ap;:roving $76 '1illion of Florida veterans of the Vocational Edqcallon. 1 200 age.nc.le•a, .BJ.it the worth ol bonds. Among the Conred~ate.~y. 'I'btn there are the three legislaUve , conunlttee . ~ board's members are the Otbor l!ba!low ogencies on boards. relating· to eecurtues voters• ord,rs to trim ijlat govei-nor,· two members ol his tbe roll, call of· the committee and bond&. A spokesman fee to 1$ came up . empty In the Cabinet. the •peak.er o1 the c~ ,out· the mandala of the Florida Secilrlti.. eoin.,, aearcb fQr 18UCb ·groups as the nWWon. aald ~ · never bead1 , COnfedera\e , P.$1110jls 1 ~d, of them. . the Water ~~ Appetl Ain n' s kin· T ' ---State ComplroU.r Fred. Boerd, aod ·tlie Board for the • e . . can. ~ IDO g ~ Dickln>on s aid, "lt'I like, Supervislon and Registration most thihg~, it's better oti1, of !be Form of Bond of Surety 1 . WASHING'l'ON (AP) -on smoking anil health. the less it .meet..." ., . Companies. AnieriCans Puqed more tAan Tf!e -.. department estimated!---------, "We know they're.out there. I one. billion fewer ·cigarettes domellie 1c lga re t te con-1~=~:1<~===~~ They're on tbe1,books,'' said j !UDlPtiOn in 1968 at 526.5 · F'L--'fJ_ , Gene Hutsell, Staff director , last Year -the .firSt reduction billion, cun~ with 527 .! . f'l'lflW, tD·""""1'"' ~ ' of the committee. "Given In' domestic ' cl8:arette con-bllJlon amoked 'tbe year '-"''";:;. . , ,, enough time, we cdn find SWJ\PUOn since 1964, t h e before. ~ them.'' Agri¢u1ture Department says. "Jn tbe months ahead,'' the ~ Miami),,clJairinan of the com-significant Srpo~g gain tlµs report, "recent price advances not, at preJeDt, have a choice between love and aggression. Rep. IUCbard PeUlgrew, ([). 'Officl$ also predicttd no department said In a quarterly YJ//I mittee said, the absence of year in what they interpret~ and ,the smoking-health Nuclear Pact Caughtt_:.::;,spo_ .. _J.._-_._ .... .::;gges=-·f_0~_th_th_e._m_~_·te_ry_..:~_·_._._;Y_°:_-_1~_cr_~_ .. _ed_~;..1_blici_1:'_':'-;_i;_~~-~-clty-cig_·'"'~-·-u_~_~_e1..:Y'-·':°_ .. _1n-~Jl_l:i_~ _______ _ ' I See by Today's Want Ads In Senate Whirlpool WASHINGTON (UPI) - e PARTICULAR PERSON: When President Johnson sent Needed by employer who the nuclear non-proliferation wants soml!OJ1t!'· wbo:will treaty to the Senate1ast Ju]y, worlc lor him as . they heralding it as the grea~ would for themselves. . disarmament step in 'hisUrY, • Snooker For Your. SQook· ff'J. had·any reason to believe um.s: A .&enulne an~ ~•tifica~on would be anything E»gllah -ta!>I•, but prOllipt and routine. with tull slates, to be. There was practically no traded tor a late model Cabover c:amper. conlroversy. OnJy marginal from acqulrlng the bomb, has become trapped in a whirlpool of legislative iuerUa caused by the presidential ,election and the transfer of power to a new administration.. i NOT RATIFIED , . 'Almost no one~ fl But it bas not btien ratified and no one can say for certain when it will be. ~ e Pony wants Her Parrot: opposition ha d developed, mostly from a small gronp The Senate is in the em· A young a:rey-green par-i..,;-· · · ol I t lo6t in the 'vicin-of rigorous anti~ommunisl;s ~.' aSSlllg postUon ho ding ~ ~Harbor Sc:booL -and even that · was not LtP for six months a treaty e DOck fbe .HUils: as noisY as usual. Only tWo if requested. And the ad- ••••••••••••••••••••••• • , EL RANCHO: the supermarket ·:. ·.~ where the price is always right! • • • • ,, • ALL MEAT! 5 VARIETIES! D:ick for a power boat to years before, tbe Senate ,had m.4tlstratiion is trying to ex· is'. at ;i per ioot, water passed a resolution 84 .io · 0-plain the delay to the ~lies • , and electric included. urging Johnson to negotiate whose arms had been tw1Sted -• Bustlliig-Beatttldans: Uie treaty' he-Was now,-siib-~'-for·support at'Genevir.-~ ~--- Here's the shop lor you, mitting. Foreign signators to the e brand new, 'Md in a going But somewhere along the pact may have difficulty section ol the city-near waY.,'tbe treabr, designed , to understanding wby. . • ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~t~he~U~·~""~"'~·1y~-~~~!!C,_::di:::·sco::::ur:.:a~ge:.•...:t "':::'°'~'_:_C<Jllll:::::::trt.::es ~treaty, 11!Jell. does · not = ~ require the Uruted States to give up anything except the • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • right to supply n u c I e a r weapons to other countries - which already is expressly barred by the Atomic Energy -. ANOTHER SPECIAL SERVICE for CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS COME IN ANO PICK UP YOUR COPY JAN. 2 thnr JAN. 10 t.Jiere lf tJtt /.Jtl///e abe.1 mt.de a dilrer4!1fce_ 5% per annum compounded t;laily CUrTent rate on passbook savi~gs 5 25 % on minimum tenn accoums • in multiples of $1,000. MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOA~ ASSOCIATION e CORONA DEL MAR 2M7 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEi. MAR, CALIFORNIA,_ TEllEPHON~' '15·501D ·-~ • • • •• • ,,, HEAD OFFICE 315 E. Colorado Blvd . Pasodena, CaHf. 91109 telephone: 449.2r' ASSETS OVER S425,ooo,ooo.or- OTHER BRANCH . ·OFFICES Glendale, West Arcad ia Coron! Del Mar I Act. Nothing In it would .prevent .,. the United States, Russia or •--~ ~ any other nuclear pow,er from ·AX.1 placing their own weapons on ~•b foreign soil as long as they ., • •r have absolute control over • 9 · · them. GIYE UP.Most Non·nuetear nations particularly those like West Germany and India which are on the thresbhold of nuclear breakthroughs, would give up the most. They renounce for all time the right to prod.lice or receive nuclear weapons. Nothing would bar them from using or manufacturing nuclear devices for peaceful purposes. Bpt to ma:arantee that no orie cW:ats, the treaty gives the hiternaliop.al Atomic Energy Agency (:t'AEA) power to make OM!libt q,.,pections of such facilities. Although such inspections do not apply to nuclear. miti.Qqs, the United States volm!t,ar!ly has agl'eed to permit lAEA inspection of its ·nuclear plarui as an act of good faith . • • • • • • CANS -~ When hearings were con· ducted Jast summer, few members of the senate foi:ejgn relations committee lodged any major objection. There was some grumbling that the treaty was worth Jess than the paper it was written on because of the untried in· spection functions or the infant IAEA. Others contended it - would perpetuate and expand the unwanted U.S. role or the free world's protector. Aiid some questioned whether the treaty's requirement of peaceful nuclear s b a r l n g would force the nation to pro- vide an unlimited subsidy to industry abroaq. More first of the week specials! Compared · tb the ; intense controversy over the 1963 nuclear test ban treaty, which barred· atmoSpheric nuclear explosions , the non· prolileration treaty ha s ' virtually escaped concerted opposition. Why, then, hasn't it been ratified? For one thing, it was aent to Capitol Hill in midJummer to an edjournment..mlnded Congress which was having difficulty keeping Its members in town becl'USe of the coming election. Now, Senate leaders have all bUt abandoned hopes of raUficatloo befort Nixon ls in· abguratea Jan. 20 because of aesalon-opening problems !bat clog the legislative machinery almost as badly aa at ad· joununenL Some believe It may be spring before a vote ia taken. Scooter Pies .......................... 39J ·Flank Steak ...................... s1J9 lb. Chocolate, Strawberry or Vanilla.,_, 14 oz. pkg. Welch's Preserves ........ J,., sl.00 . ' Fruit of the Vine, Grapeladc or Jelly , •. ZO oz. Variety Tomato Sauce 8 tot sl.oo Hunt'!! •.. witlt Cheese, Onions Mushrooms or Tomato Bits .•. 8 oz. ' Beef Stroganoff .................... 69j Lipton's •.• main course pieasure in a pacl(age? LeSeur Peas ................. 4 ... stoo So tiny, so s\\·eet, so tender .•. No. ·303 .cans. Maxim .................................. sl.59 The freer.e dried ln"St.ant Coffee , • , 8 oz. jar. C.lgdnite ...................... : ......... sr For 'automatic dishwash<'rs ..• big 36 oi:. pkg. ' Price a in ef feet at aU 1toru Mon., Tuu., Wed.,Jo.n..'6, 7,1 . ' . · BraL.e it-or broil it.-.!io very flavorful ! Beef Tongue ........................ 49~ Young tender beef . , . serve a change of pace! Ox Tails .................................. 49~ Gourmet's, take note! ••• your kind o! valuel Fresher Produce T1ngerines ....... .. ............ 2 !IL 29t 01'1"..hard fresh! Sweet, juicy, ripe! . Fresh Broccoli ....................... 19~ So tender all the way through! Delicatessen Special Beef Tamales ......................... « Alex's , •. 3 oz. each , • , package ot aiJC, ------·------------------------------ • • • • • • • • • " ·, .. ----· .. -~-~-~--------------·~-~--:-··-:--~·~-~"':'"~-:""'.""~-:"'!:'""~--~~":"~""'" ... ~'"!""'"' ..... "!"'!'!'l!!'!"" ............... "!"' ..... ""' .. ~1111111""""" .......................... .. ... ·-~-·-·-... -. . . . . . . . . . --· . :.-:... . . ... . .. . Nixon's Majority Over Half-million . FireEf Kill 12,100 lri.1968 • , B06TON (UPI) -Fire k!IJ· WASHINGTON (AP)-Corrected poplllar VO\•' ed '°"'" 12,1119 )*ml In the returna froin the Nov. 5 presidential eltctlon put' United . Slalel. Jn Itel and President..,lect Nixon's tead over Democrat 'Hubert <(tstroyed 12.2 blllloo worth H. HuQ)!'lul'Y at slightly more tban half a million oc property, the National Fire votes. 1 ' ' Protection · Association an-. Recbeeks qf totals ft'Om eh: statei lncrened Nlxon'l •vofe. tO 31,770,222, compa111d With a total nounced. lor Humphrey of 3l,26?,744, an edge fflr the 'R.. The l86t fatality toil waa pUbUcan candidate of 502,478. sll&hUy less Lhan the IZ,200 Most of the changes from figures carried recorded in 1967. Deaths in earlier this month by The Associated Press were Uwelling fires rose to &,600, very small, but the rechecks added 2,291 votes to however, an increase of about J-lumphrey's totaI in Alabama, while subtracting 100 over the previous year. 5,000 votes from his earlier total in Oklahoma. The The assoc i al I on said re~heck left the total for third perty nominee preliminary estimates sho1ved GeOrge C. \Vallace at 9,897,141. Another 240,593 property damage due to fire votes were cast for other candidates. was al a record high this T:1e total number of ballots cast in theJ'resi· year. The increase over 1961 dential election was 73,175,700, a new recor . "'as listed as $63.8 million. c-~~,_.. ....... ....,_ll<!_llf(Jll!:..,.,9r. Of the property loss total, $1.8 billion represented Nixon to Cope With 'E1iemy' Cong ress damage to buildings and con· tents, while non-building fires. such as aircraft. ships and forests, cost about $ 3 8 O million. The association, an in· dependent, nonprofit technical and educational agency, said the worst loss oI life from fire in 1968 occurred at Farm- ington, W. Va., Nov. 20, whet! fire and explosion in a coal mine killed 78 peraoos. WASHINGTON (UPI] - President-elect Richard M. Nixon built much o( his political career on Capitol Hiil, but it must look like enemy- occupied territory to him now , One of the few recor& NiJ:- on set in his precarious elec· tion victory two months ago v.·as the dubious di,stlnction of being the first President to come to office without his party in control oI at least one house of Congress. Eisenhower years but fell into a bitter and lengthy strugg!e wilh Congress after h e became PM!ident As he prepared to leave In Richmond, Ind., .f. l government, Johnson advised per&Olls died In an uploaiOn his 'fell~ DemoCrall to avoid and fire in t he downtown narrow partisanship In their businea dlltrlct April I, while relations with Nixon and to 2! were tilled on March 5 support him "whenever the in a salt m.Loe fire at Belle ne\V administration proposes 1al La •• • sound and acceptable pro-ne worst pro-.ty }oa fire, irams.'', acccrding to u:;.;lj\llation, "But when we feel that the was the tIJ million blau administration is moving too which deatroyed former texWe slowly in certain areas -or mill buildlD.Ja boua.iQI several not moving at all -the tndU!trlea In B on d 1 v 111 e , DAILY PllO'r JJ ' . I ' . ' The Democrats control the house 243 to 19% and the Senate 57 to 43 -meaning that they will take the con· gress.ional leadership . ~ .• hold voting majorities in ·all the -commill'ees 1'1"\d q~ide what legislation will move and . Democrats must take the in-Mass., Oct. 4. , it.ie~v~ just, fl we,;4j~ i~ \he . A high school fin!' in ·N~ • · II---~ 1950 s, ! JohilSon,saJ<l·Jn.:• ~;---F.oehelle, N:Y.,-Mar 1T-c ~ what Stand still. ; ASK OPPOSITION And that means that Nixon and his new administrat.ion team will have to app]y-to the opposition to get UH!ir pro- grams through CongtW. ty magl.zibe ·artl~t · .• ;~¢' .· S9 mllllon. At Atlantic City, J!J$t ·Wbe.n : ConJ~sa-. Will, N.J., oil Aprll 28, Ore following :ebel can't. tie J>l'e41i,1:~d,,buf\,...,the crash ot a Dou.g1u ~ 11 probably -·~ Jtappen W)I . all'liner being uoed for pilot and unless Nix~ takes· "'"· training coat ts mUJlon. initiative. BaslC.1!1, niem~I ol; CO!lgress ~ .. reactlvo • politiclAiu . and . won't flil!I " unless they ale 'pushed -hit. Jt by their-leader,. th$r con- Divided party control Cf the slitut.nts or the Pl'tildinL · Mesa._ijoy Plays Bass for UCSB government Is far from •new VOID CONFLICT · ; -the President and .~es_, ~ . . . , Larry MorP.n-student frolll have been at poliUcal odds 1 • Coogni!:3looll·1eadel'lhlp ts Costa Mesa, plays bus for at least a dozen Umes jn the very im~t 1n UJ.is al?Ja-tfle UC . SID1a B a r b 1 l' 1 last century. Bul ·the split up tion. Johrison andtHe late stm Sym~. usually cam~ in a mid-term Rayburn didn't fight much MOrpn, rm 8iml.f' Driv~. election after a new Presldenl .With ~~they Is an Ejtancia \liJp Scl>ooJ has had at ·lea'M two years ~ld cto'·bttsiness 'WiUi bim graduate. He WU· cboeen for to work with a congress con--pass legislation with the AD Southern IDgh School trolled by his own party. Republican Ia.be l 1 and Orchestra. On Ule surface the situation Democratic contents. 1~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;::;;;4 j of a Republic~ pre!ideilcy -'Spea'ker John 'W.1 1 and Democratic Congress McCormack and Sen ate would seem to be made to Democratic leader M i k e order for deadlock, And there Mansfield learned their jobs probably w o u Id be a at the knees o~ Ra}'.bum. ~ stalemate, not to mention a Johnson. If Nixon ts willing few brawls, if the partisan to compromise with the con- oratory o! the 1968 campaign gressional leaders -in~luding was carried over into the 1969 the powerful comm 1 t tee session. chairmen -open conflict may NOT LIKELY However, tbal does not seem likely. Politicians usually are the first to rorgct political speechs and if past per- formance is any guide, there will be a presidential.con- gressional "honeymoon." . W h i I e it lasts, relations between the White House and lhe Capitol will be polite, n1aybe even cordial, and there \viii be statements issued from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue about the need ror unity in the national interest and bipartisan cooperation for the public good. The usual explanation for this is that senators and House members either s i n c ' r e I y v.•ant to give the new Presi- dent a chance or want to avoJd trouble with a man who presumably is riding on a crest of public affection and trust. Tbe mort: cynical o I Washington observers see this eta of good feeling as a mere period of probing for weak spots and getting organized for the legislative-executive connlct that always seems to come. No one knows more about all thi s than Lyndon B. Johnson, who led the Senate masterfully during moat of the be avoided for some time. Interest per year on $5.IDJ Full· Paid Investment Certificates and • Interest on $5.<XX> Full-Paid Thri~ Certiftca'91 is paid by check al the end of each catendar quarter. Interest on the Passbook Accooots Is computed monthly, credited and compotmed quartelly. • These lnvestmenls are ll'#allable. to indiWJ.. uals, associations and c«p0r3tions-4'\ Cltifor- nia only. • Since its founding Jn 1916, Monrs A81 has promptly met ewery request for withdrawal. Assets exceed one hundred mnuon doUars. "Fur?ds pl•ced through Jan. 15 ••m lnter"9f ..,,. .. t. PERSONAL LOOS. TOO BK! Con9olidatlon •Travel• Tuet • Al'flt good ttuon • Morris Plan 673-3700 • Newport S.tch-:' 37/)0 ·~lll'ct ·~~~. ' machine washable knit turtlenecks 4.99 • 6.00-8.00 Ttdues Now's the time to save on handsome full tur- tles and mock-turtles in a big variety of solids, stripes and fancy.fronts. All machine wash· able. ;Manycolors. s.xr.. ln9YCOmen'ssports\'Vear 84 the classic: coat of luxurious cashmere 53.99 was Be.OD A classic cashmere coat, impeccably styl9cl to give you seasons of wearing pleasure. Choose from black. beige, nude, red or green. Misses sizes 8 to 16. may co-m.tsses coats 27 . .. ., ' I ' ' tw0=piece traveler of polyester knit 25.00 For busy travelers ... and busy stay·al·homes. A !rim two-piece knit of textured polyester. ~ Wrinkle.free wearability. In peach or aqua. 'Sizes JO.ls or 12h lo 22%. By ForeY•rlolm;. 1>oulevard dresses 95, womeq's world 120 -. famous for quality and fit ' No. Mend panty hose Sci-re 25% to 33% rfo M<jlld pantyhose is famous for long wear. ,And you'll love the comfort and freedom from garters. Choose from beige, tan, taupe, or brown. Order by height and weight. may co hooiery 7 po " .,, ). may co· soilth coast pkaa, 3333 brlitol st., costa m ... : 546°9321 , 675°3418 • ' shop 111 auto centen hlelday through friday, t;lO a.lll. to 9:30 p.m., soturday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 ,..._ l • f ' I I JI IW1 y PR.OT f • ' ( ' Negroes Named Colonels WASHINGTON (AP) -The Amr/ bu lllJlected :t7 N~ oflloen I« promotion to full colooel 111 • ...... to eocoorage ~N-10• make the sertice I career, 1"" -will double tho numtier ol Negroes now rated "bird" colonel and set the atqe for pos1ible ad-· varwmmt of more Negroem to tbe rank of general. In its 1oog history the Amr! h as had only t w o NegrQ generals -Brig. Gen. Fredie E. Davison, deputy com- maader of the t9'Jth Light lnfantry Brigade in Vietnam, and retired Brig. Gen. Ben- jamin 0. Da vis Sr. A Pentagon spokesman said the %7 Negroes were among 1,053 Army officers selected for avdancement bey o.n d "light" colonel in a list drawn up last Nov. 6. Jack M011kowitz, a deputy secretary of de!ense specializ. ing in civil rights matters, hailed the move as "bound to encourage" more Negr°"' to aim for careers jn the ~ He said in an in- terview it is "proof" there is equality in the armed forces." Moskowitz acknowledged that the services have been re1atively slow e I e v a t i n g Negro officers to higher ranks since segregated units were ~ in 1948, but "there's been a lot of spurring goiilg on," he said. When President Harry S. Truman ordered the ~gregation .of military units Jn lm, the Army bad only one Negro colonel among its 1,306 black officer!. 1 ) I • } ' Famous make dress and casual shoes '··-reduced from stock 1/3 off Regularly H.00 to 36.00 famons labeldms ahoes in new fashion st;,yles ·and a goal selecti~ of cotoni, 1.9111 23.97 . Regul11ly 14.00 to 23.00 casu(ll eboes from makers you know for quality. Good selection of st,yles , 8.!l It 1'.97, Shoe Saloo. Save on Buffums' Own cold water soap .99 3/2.85 ieg. 1.50 • Io 1962, when, President HiiblY caicenlmled f~--t• milil·lllj,_t(fec'liw, .m ' ;:' ~ K:~~ ~' _n~~-. 1«·&1! ~falziq,especiaJJTdj.~· --~ -serflees;-tHere iiilly""'"i':l>'..-'1--llll&<lrie, nylan slockinp 1111 JaCos, 32 ozJ., JOf. Negro colonels. The number rose lo 10 io 2.50, l.U t/&.SD; Lingerie, J 964, dropped to nine in J 965, then rose again to 16 in 1966. and lo 27 by the end of 1917, "We used to get complaints from Negroes and civil righa. organizations that t b e r e weren't enough Negro officers in the higher levels,'' Moskowitz said. "We to1d them it was simply a matter of time aod numbers." The Army Timea, .. unof. ficial. m i I i t a T y newspaper, predicted the Negro colooels' selection Would have a ''ripple effect clear down to company grade officus." The Times quoted one black officer as saying the action wouJd compare with "General Eltetric or another major U. S. corporation picking 15 Negro vice presidents at one tinle. '' 1st Edition Document Discovered PIDLADELPHIA (AP) - A rare, first-edition printing of the Declaration of Independen- ce has been discovered In · a Philadelphia book store. The copy was printed in straightllne fonn by John Dunlap and dated July 4, rn&. lt . was authenticated as ge- nume by the American Philosophical Society, which also owns -0ne of lhe Dunlap prints. The Society said the copy is only the sixth known one. The document was di!COvered in a scrapbook at Leary's. a 132-year-old downtown book store which closed recenlly. Employes now are preparing to auction away its st.ock. F.dward R. Poole. Leary's manager, said Thursday the scrapbook was in a sixth-Door corner -a jumbled collection of unlisted documents, papers and scrapbooks known to employes as "that corner." "I always had a hunch &Omething valuable was in there," said Poole. "But I was thinking more in tenns of plates of books Leary's published many years ago." The copy. believed worth more than $30,000, was turned OYtr to an auctioneer, who wiU sell it. In 1951 a similar copy turned over to ~ Na- tional Park Service now is dilplayed al Independence Hall Official! say it was then va.kled at $%7,500. Natural mink cape, doU.ble fur collar in pas tel and lush dark ran~h 333.00 Other marvelous saving9 from our selectiM of beautiful mink i ackel.8, stole1 and coal.8. include: Natural min1' jackets with nattering ~'cddingring collars in pastel and dark ranch, 11!.0I. Naluial mink designer stoles in Autumn Haze•, TotnJal.ine•.ud dar~ 1'8.llch, 5&1.M. N"tural mink J/4 1troller Coats widi double fur collar1 and emart border ""'treatment, HI.•. Special! Natural mink boas, 29,M. Fur SalO[l, •r .M. Elllbl Mink flre1~1 Auoc,,lion A_n fUf lhducts libeled to shawtOll'ltry of Olitul .r....., Ms •. ' . ' • : •• ~t .. j'. ~ ,_. .. • • > I · 1 l , ' " .. " ' ~ - ~· l l Very Famous make ,,. bras and girdles 1/3 to 1/2 off \\'ondcrful savings on discontinued style lxas and girdles fot every figure type. Bra styles include lace bandeaus in ·soft cup, f1berftll or padded styles and nylon tricots fOJ th.e 8Qft smooth look. Also, in the .,., QOll~~ is • decolle!e In-in lace with , push-up pads.and wW.....t straps. And, a !i."!i,ted_ quanlity of lace long lines;·Jeg. J.oo:G.OO. Ll!-5.99. Gin!lea in all types_ ll&bt to flllD conlroll .. s. BeleoliCll :i;.c1w1e~ t.:w •. average leg and !mg "'' · ·penty girdles end straight siolles. ll) nylon -~ . . ' . an~ Ly.era spandex-~ reg. 6.00-11.50, a.4•11.U. !D. fun colin of Coral Mom and. M<lmnc Star Blae ml bulc co!e, black r~·;::'>"«1'fh:itL ~ . dat• I ---. OQll KJ! •I Barbizon F·eathair: flannel long gown 6.99 if perfect 10.00 Featluliree; is a wonderfully. son blend of palye8ter,acrylic,· rayon and nylcn trimmed with em~idery and nylon lace. Irregularities are &l.ight and \vilJ not affect ...... Reg. 11.00 p~jamae, oizes 10-20, l .99 Reg. 9.00 slecpcoat, S-~f-L, 5,99 ·Reg. 9.00 shilt gov.n, P·s-M'L, 5,99 Lingerie, • .. , "I ., !" ' ~ : '' • }j ti •l' I l i l ' ' ' ' ' '" " ' ' " 'I ' ' !, r! ' I , . ' " 11 ~ I ' ' ' "' • ' " ' ' ' ·, --------------------1-------------------------_J,. . ~ •, •t • NEWPORT CENTER • #I FASHION ISl.AHD • • .llOHDAY, ntURsoAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:l0 • • • " Oll!ER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5'.30 j .l ' -. ... -... - I • 'l '' I I ·~ -' • ' .I ':, .-;-_ ;,_-:: ·~ --.. " .. I I' • ! . • . ,. ' ,_..,,......., t. .,_ I ·-ti • • JODEAN HASTINGS; MMUI' Minds Grow· With.-· Li.brary Providing addltiOllAI room !pr young minds to grow is. the ex- panolpn program being-carriod·cm,ln'lhe F~taln _V~ey 146r••·l'-\ When the pl'Ofr&m is finis~~ :-.. bY Frida~, Jan. 31, acco~g to the current schedule -the pfe1ent accommo4ations: will 'liave doubled in lize. Encouraging the creative talent. of the commuhity's youth as well as stlniulatin('lnterest in the library was the cbil~ren's-wri\Uig contest sponsored by Friends of the Library. · · · · •· , Entries ·.in three categories of stories , poems ~ ~says by age groups were judged by community re1ident.• Hllicted for .their knowledge of children's literature and writing. . . 1 . . _ . Selecting the winners were Mrs. Lylab R;· Silruners, authc!f>-ol children and adult stories and articles; Mn. Robel't {)ale, coordlnafor of Library Services for the Fountain V~ey sChoof Dislr!ct, aDd MIS9 Virginia Kennedy, children's librarian. Winners in the kindergarten through second grade a&e .Jlllll~~·'!"" included Linda Slonez, first; Dawn M.ello, second._ and K.My:Ohrig; · thlrd, in poetry. . ~ Story winnerS Wefe~ Laut re· Wotf~, DaIDel ·gsprn~"'xa,.-.,"irid""''"'' T"'~"r"'es"'a,...--· Marie Wycinowski._ while essilyists · selecteil were Tjna Wiltz, S"ean · Dick and -John Daiuel. . • •. . Third .thJOugb fifth grad~ ,YO!llllt•W• awarded honors includ..i. Karen Wglemmer, Greg· Scott and Pam,ia Jaeger, poetry; Jeanne Revoir, Suzie Wemejl .and Tami Fields, slory;and 'Jefl.Eymon, Steve Morlan and Sberyi Nehrer, essays._ . · -. . • ' L • • -. Rlbb<ms In the sixth through eighth. grades were awarded lo Jenny Walker. Shelly Seymour and Jeff Clark, poetry; C..thy C~ thers,.-Candl Copeland and Woody,Wi>odgard, story, and an honorable mention was presented to Kathy Good.Win for her essay. ROOM TO GR,OW: GROWING -Sean-Dlclo..happily assist. Miss -~ ·-fo r -at least fiv0>-yeers;· should be completed by the end of tbi: Virginia 'Kermedy, children's librarian," fill shelv:es .in th e fp,cilily month . Young Sean is one of the winners in the recent childreri'(' Mn. James Schendel serv~ as --contest chairman. Queen's ~rown Awaits Own.er Mystick Krewe of Komua·m~bers .are aw.ail· Ing the disclosure of their new queen and -er court at the Twellth Night Ball wbieb will take place in the Me&a Verde Country Club Saturday night, Jan. 11. """' The ball, named for the festival marking tho 12th nigh! afte~ Christmas, •otficla111 opens tbe gala Mardi Gr•• season for the socially minded group. The queen and her royal court are selected via secret ballots cast by members, and. tbelr Jdentity Is a cloeely guarded secret. Ji;ven the contestants do not know who bas been selected until the -evemn~·s festivities. Roses will be presented ·1o the new court as they are formally introduced, and a majestic crown will be placed on the head Of the· new queen who will lead the krewe In an evening ot·danclng. Prior to the ball, Mr. and Mrs. Merrtil Hastings will host a 7 p.m. cocktail party in their Huntington Beach homt. Mrs. Hastings was named queen last year and has reigned over social activities during 11168. JnVitations, designe<t in the krewe's royal colors, call members to the di.oner dance. Golden crowns will adom the tables where party-goers will line at t p.m., and the official crest will decorate the stage. \ which is being expanded to keep paoe with the grqwth ofiFouht2lln ,w.rfting Con test sponsored by FriendS of the F ountain Valley· Valley. The expansion program, which hadn't been' contemplated Library. .. •. ·1 -r · Surf Sounds ' Valleyites Try To Do~ge Flu Bv JODEAN, HASTINGS ' t Of lllt 0.llJ !fOlt St.ff GOING ,TO ANY leng\lls to avoid the,flu bug were Bob and Pat Holman of Hunttngl<>n Beach, Th ey tried io slip out of town very qul8Uy for '- brlef vecaUon -their first tour• of Death Valley, GRADUALLY ,GETTING settled in their new i home in Sun Valley are Paul· and Gef.rt Phillips; I~ formerly of Huntington Beach: Gerri, vivactOus and .. f busy former president of ·Goiden Key Auxiliary,, re-. 11 ports that while' everything is~nice "in bealijlful ~ ~ownt!>wn Bu~li.nk~' ~e still misses all b'er frit??ds. 111.Huntlngton .Valley. . . .-. ANTICIPATING FINALS is Cheryl Bauer. ~~ughter of Judge and Mrs. Charles Bauer, who ··&glim l•·cracking ,the ,books at use where she i~ ~P:lt!Ul:&g her·senior high scb·oot year simulta nt-' . f/Us!y )lilth her freshman fear of college. (·"c)Wblle home for holiday va~on she tried to d11 'in \U!lqgs sh• )las ,to fl>rsake for studies, inc lud- ' ing botlqeback:ndlng, and :a short trip over to the Salton sea. ., • Chetyt ·discovered' th~I she and another attrac- , tlVF ~g~ from Huntington Beach are sharing' ·,ui, •llll'M!. dorm :.... Julie Peek, ·daughter of Marnette · f:lt ~e room is a couple of. stories up in Birn-\ u ' . ' ... ~, .' , ' • CELl!IRATING BOTH New Year's Eve and thOlr '13th wedding :aiiniversary very quietly this 1y...-were Gil and ~e Turnbull ,-recent nu· •'Vicfims along with almott everybody else in Hunt· , lngton Valley. They bad' planned. a short trip but postponed it until they feel more ambitious. The Turnbull s were married in Howe ·Chapel on the Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane are ball host and boslel1. They will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Blcbard Sbugert. Music for the daDciJle will be furnish~ by the ' • • • • I • I• • ROYAL SECRET -Mystick Krewe · of 1\:omus The new queen and her roy al court wlll be revealed. mepibers (left I<> rigb~) the Mmes. Walter Thomas, • during the krewe'1 gala Twelfth Night Ball, Satur. • campus of Northwestern University in Evanston, •· . . } F,ERNE Wl~LIAMS will ' be displaying her Society Four Combo. . Reservatlom for members and tbeir cuesU are being taken by Mr. and Mn. Wcbael Trujillo until toalgbt. Timouiy Krall and Virgil Knotis wond er who will day, Jan: II. 'Watercolors ln the Sec:urity Fir st National Bank , \bis·Jl!Ol\th, and the Ppla,tee(s Art Clu~.'j'.DI feature wear the queen's crown held by Robert G. Reines. / • • ,, olls and tlcrylics in the U.S. National Blbli' -both dowritOwn. Ghost From Roman.~e Past Big St.ar . in Dqngerous Reruns ! DEAR ANN LANDERS : I've been manied U tuJ1 &o a woodetful man and wo lion a -ul laml!J. I - ·J must be ttUJ er I wouldn' lie writing to -I• am lqill1( you'll p1nl my lell<r ml Ille pn dlqult of radio( Jt in the piptr '"will cure me once and fer llL . ,_ put low moolhl I've been blv· IJll -wild daydreams ·-a,lonner ,_ '!hDm l -not ""° In 'II )'WI. ff• 'WU 8 handlOrDe heel, l 1 beaVJ <lrlnUr, an ln-ato liar, and I hive ....,..tubllll m,..i! a dol<n times lcr ""'"" ~ lhe ......... not to marry him. ',_ rlcllcuJoos ~-lllrted " blunt • ·-lint -tbs &(O'wllen J beard "our 1q" «1 tbe radio. I began to relive Ibo llorioul momenb we aharod. AU -dead piulon1, looJ fcrpttoa, bepn to altr anew. Now I can~ JIOl lhe rotter oil 1111 mind. Pl..,. 1t11 me how to r1d mylOlf ol lhla Jro.t from the putf -liUTIY • (\ -klp. wrong ., e' s!!id, "Yes, a woman should ncvtr--ht\~ a man with bis toat DEAR ANN LANDERS : The other unJ•'she iJ 1 ter.vant." evenlll( tllree COOplea '(lncludini my hiJ>. ·I Im Riil unaloYlriii!<I. I! no rlgbl' band and me) were leavh"' a restaurant. -VA. FROM PA. • One or the l'l)en 'fU wearing a bulky DEAR VA.: Mannen are Hlldq more DEAR Nt.nTY · Wbt1 yoo reti 1 1 lweed ·!atket,' He eeerned to be having than commoo 1enae and coult1etatlol .. ,..... -01; HbtUbtle la 111 ~l!.il.'!-1!: ~liJgel:tcll/'.;;; ·= flP\_--ro\ --.. ...... "1oce 1 rul Ille tpltode - -Of 1 hsl;ir!h '-.OOL~~ienalblf, thing to ..... "9 llelped'yoif I-wllll W1 tlteee belatlt Oat mlde ya. decide not dO. 1 ~ ~ 1 to help him. So coat, and la my book, yoar mauen lo llWQ Ille loose. Remembq Illa!. I did._ are line. a mel&al rem of • romutlt Jutuy The man's wJre.aa:va .. me sriel\J " ~ cu lie lwl<e ·11 pd 11 Ille real IMq. look I loll my 'ltto _gel ~ .IAlir ~..JO SALLY 11'1 THE Aid keep thl1 column handy, 11 • that evening I asked my h~nd,tn --Ai::L-IW;"Nem"Jntnd about what's WfOr11 rtmlader thal your saae N1I' wroie ltr private, of course) il I had done the with your moc.hu. What'• wrong with I ' your house that you can'l Jnvile a bOJ in? A 0 car is .for 1 transportation, nDt I place' to "1\erloin -.. And Ill the ' •net )'1111 • n )'1IU ·-to me !cit approval, ,.U rattleil the-, nge. • ' J' A1J1 Lbden' DflW boot,• ''Th~ ia ~-., .. ,1o11o .... r..._ • ...," u -u .ad•llot • aw .... "-"'' ., bookaklre1. : AM Landers will be 1bd to help you will! your probllmt. 11"'11 111af1 to ber In . -of lllLDAIL Y P1LOt encloslng a seu...i-. stampl!' envelope. ~ . f l I llAILV flll.OT ' ' Horoscope Libra: Guard Your ·Tongue . TUESDA.Y JANUARY 7 •1 flYDICBY - fl' _.,,..,w;1111 ... .. .. !Qe .... IOdal adtfllr, ""'--AmRrm11,r '(meM <1.W._,.... AmD (lllarcllSlo;Aj1111 U): •-• <-. II :rm looltl cm qafdt llClloa, "";i;J.. NGt IM>cl. JI): :~~OKn'! :;,... __ PIQ-::~ boldlld'"""" -1.... 00 to cbeol. Kucll \odl1 occun ~. lklt. Aocenc • wwk, uadlrton:r. £iceDent r or lleallb, nllllkllll whll co-~llnl In I h •a le r, -acllvfl)'. • TAUllll (April~ JO): ICOIPIO (Ool. IN!ov. ll): ·Huntington Beach Home Vows, Rings Exchanged Lt. (J.1.) 11111 Mrs. Clayton jlrldamaids, drwed iden· Alton Adams 1 II. wbo were tically, were Mr!, John D. -= ~fi ~b~n ~~ llaYIL MiJi' Arlene Kriz and , ,_,_., ¥JR-I Suafll Hol'maM, the "'~" an mllllN ......... ....i.m. tbelr new 11omo ·1n H~ _.,.. --,- Beacb. Dl1b WU beat !DID alljl '!be new Miw. ~O, tllo Ulb<n wen U. ~ 111"" former Charlene Boo,ynp, It ril, Dr. C. J.'l':i'! J-11111 the daugbler al ll!1'L Cbarlel Cborlu W. ao.ale. 'tbe W. Bonynge of Cedar Clen bride'• bro&het, ~ ' and the late Mr. Bonynge. The bride 11 a graduate of Her huaband 11 the -ol the Univenlty ol Southel'll Dr. and Mrs. Claytm Alton California where abe afflllated Adams of New Port I Richer, wJth. Alpha G~ Delta Fla. IOl"Orlty. Her hliiband Is tn Given in marriage by J. alumnus of Mercer UnJvcrsity, A. Gilchrist, the bride wore Georgia . an empire gown fashioned ~ .. The newlyweds have return· with a -p , ...... "' .. i..A... ed frilm honeymoon trip to sleeves of•wtitte ;k~ b; Cmnel. • •. ~ ' HAS THE NEW lRIGIDAIRE FUP TOP DISHwAS~IRI s1J11t•cl cf•1i911 low•n fro11t for 1t1i•t lo1clin9. Don, -oblle>lkllll -.... Wllal l"" .... .. cloot -clodoo ..-Diido i. .. ......, :rm may uve to chDdNa. Prtead JOU Dlld dotll wrt&e. e o m m u n J c a t e er DGt ..-. Don, mllllb tblt ,.....,., !llf I 1 c<111- for we•tmm. Be <""~ rnqnlcatkp CGaM eut of lheU. . MitS. ADAMS II ODllNI (ilaJ 11.J-•>: IAClllTAJlllJI (Nof. zi. Carmel H1100,...0•1. A<eenl Oii --Don, Dee. 11): y.., -· tbroulb -----~-.:._ beaded with teed pearls and' i;;;;;;:;_;~;:;;;;~~ll sequins, a peau de soie A~unel C skirt fashioned with white lace 1 rrttnL, to G. htvron 'f../ ___ • ' Depend on Davii·Brown and beads and a chapel train. tr"';~ L'XU/14 leave before Jll'OJocl It <Gm-lo 1 o II d · IC<OlllpH!hment. .:~· pletocl. 5ame may wllll :rm J'amll1--allJ. :-: ~~~~-~ 11 CAPlllCOllN (Dec. JI.Jan. Gardeners ~.. . ..,_..... w.,. ..--.,..... ..-~. ac-11): EmpN11• cm abl.llty to -::; tlon -could -:rm emo-rudi people with opecW .•·· MRS. JOHN MARTIN IL.AND Uooafly-lllllmonolarlq. -•op. Escelhnl for d t i a.rkfl1Homo .,:c:i\:"'1r~1111 :!.: s:_'~~.:.=':l':!."t. A vised {-~ r-:_ ~aro a lnU fl'om ~~ 8 lb I I d Ch I ..i:.aiu.-:i.....-.m;:; "=mu. (Jan. •r•b. By Expert i!~ a oa s an ape =._';"'~~ 0>=.::=:u~ . ' . : A camelot cap crowned her silk illusion veiL ~ fl.1iss Nancy May Booynge, ~ the bride's sister; was maid ~ -0f hooor. She wore a noor ~ length green velvet empire gown and carried. red rose1. 1--YARDAGE SALE! --.. 11 UP TO 1/3 OFF' ::~; s . I w 'dd. ~ (July U.AIJi. JI): :. -1.., ... .::.. plna.UUllr.e~ f~~ of~ Soi •• '~'.! ::" I ••---... · bo • lllrlance, jud-t KO)'llO!t wm-...lheUaUUBucli • v.1 .... • ''"" • ''""'" • • ""' """ "'""''''"1 ettl ng Or e ng Hunch~ oft Doa't b -..-~ •-~ iu.-1.-• len9td We•I• e Pelye•l•r Deubl• Knill / •• ••• ~ •1 one w 11 .l.o pin. You 1111"'1• a wfnDor Gll'doo Club at U.s flnl B k • d ;_. food ol ~oaey comu . PllCD (Jeb.11-Marclllil); meeUna ol 1111, ICheduled for •n amer1c1r Ma1t•r CMrge it 11. Jolin V1amJe1 Ciape1, brldnmaid, 11111 Rita -: .. r:;; 1111• Y!"'!.':: i::' :-.... =· 1 '~1.m. ~.Jan. 10• 1n The FABRIC CENTER • •• 8alhoo 11111111 wu lhe Miiin& Bland, another alaler, wu lhe --Be conlldonl. c-Ira a kind cl lnnef U..· cman'•Clu-. 488 E. r7th St. at frvln.-Coot• -· <: ltlr lhe <blhle ..-.. -""'•'• llow<r pt. 'l'IllOO (A•w ......,. JI): ..._ __ •--~~ You o•-Speaker Joe ~ -.,... -.....-n•~-~ w--•-• B'·-• D ~ -..---. --• f•-•• f-...... In Tho Croatvlow C.ntor 64' •544 r. llUlnl Marpret "n n. -v ~~ -CJ<lo bJll>. One ,... .... fir trocl Iii! lnlplN coolldeDct. --. ....... 11rri:::~;;;;;;~~~~;~~ll .;-;, '1bonon and Jolin Martln WU bla bnJlher'1 boat man. , · adDovlce;. · Will dllcuu H°" to - ,.. Ullhen wet. Robert Alan .;. Blind. Tbonoo, tbe bride~ brother I Thr<Nlh bla lectlD'll and >::. 'lbeRev.HerllerlPllltenoo andRobor!Wlnstoollllllll,lhe Opening Nignt Dinner articles l!O conlrlbutet to ~-:: perknned the eeremaw for briclei'OQID'1brotbtr.Anotber 1ardm :ma1·a1Jne1 and £-·· Illa .....,,..... ol Mr. 11111 Mn. brother Eqar '1'lmoley Bland • · __. Lllllef1eld ....... ..• :_lllar•ln A. 'llloncl!> ol wu~rln&bearerlllllllllll • · \A./ ·.l':f L.J __ .:..) b1a""" hameapan ·&ai<lel --~-~~~,...~ ... .-. .... ben,.Davld.Leo• e1sur.a-V.Y_or1CLD.OOOr.eu..:.pbl~.,:.. lie. re11rdi ..-:-Bllllll 0 al !IGulb PuadeM • ·~ ==-::. ~ A ~to the 100 • ~:._ = ~.:"=~ ~-;,. . Glvm In DWTlqe br ber ..-1.cla. -~ Lquna lleaoh Couniey Club'a !!1'111& ~la ':.·:; (iilher, lhe bride '""" a Vic-A .. ._ -fir Wirld JllllDborl cl Lquna .... llmnl'1 reatauranL , . · prc1oner ;. · lorlan atyle ~ bridal 1~ ..-lolloncl In 1111 rm ~mnnilllfl11'111on will mark •• ~.:;: .. ~.will~ -I •. ·,jhnouib --ta fl 1"l'I aid en.ma hllallralll, Colma clel lhe ·rtnt NJPlon' dinner plr-,._. --1nl _., . _ ., ·• fft,•bailc ; ~ belonged lo her pat.ma! Mar where Miu Jean Pfpol ly •next Wednesd17 nf.... In perf«mance. ol Noa fiimmi'I llifiielPJii. -,_ • ;;jrudmolher. circulated lhe IUeal boolt. .,.. "The Siar S-led Girl" in · • • Delicate lace insertl ac· Special guesti were the the Lapna Buda .Pll)'lioute · ~ ~ · , ienled. her .... mble, and her bride'• grandparenta, Mr. and Commun'1cat1'on at l :IO p.m. Speaker Named only Jewelry was a cameo Mrs. Bert E. Smith of LllUDI Beach Chamber of which was worn by her Langford. s. o. Out-of·town Cammtrce Prllldent Warren RailP Arm at r on· a. car· •• mother a.nd her maternal relatives included Mrs . Discussions Morgan and his wife will ho.!t t~t: clrtist and teacher .. Jr11idmc4bermthelrweddlnc Anthony C,mm!!Jeri and ICIQ the affair with Mr. and Mrs. from the Laguna School of :::<iaJL A crown ol lllfeM-the-Mart ln>m Eillf"'"' Ore., Mr. Scheduled lllmt "1ce-Ari and Dealp. wW preaenl a ;valley CIDgbi lier lflmloa ""il and Mrs. F. J. Smith and Hooored sueau joining the program for UC! Town and ;;.~ Jllles-ol-the-valley, cama· fJUDi]y of DlnvUJe, ·Mr. and Communication _ Ou lhe hosts and .bolt.esaes in the Gown's Art Interest Group. BE FREE O F FACIAL HAIR FORE\/ ER •• 1 • Letus shew you how easy it is to remove excess ha\l"'wlth modem etectrolysis, medically approved •• 1 safe, F,ast, gentle. You1·re invited to consult wt th our licensed technician, in our Beauty Salon. ·!lloos and rosebuds formed her Mrs. Martin Siebe and Mirian Surface and Behind the Cur-receiving line during the g Prior to the meeting, coffee ;:bouquet. of Suisun Cl\y 11111 Dr. ldar,f 1a1na will be 111111111 al llno p.m. cocklall llour wm be the will be wved at 10 a.m • •• : Pale blue velveteen floor McCann of Washington, D.C. -lcaa _ _. by MMCI. and lfmel. Wallact WlidnUday, Jan. t, In the :Iength gown1 and colonial Following o motor trip to llomirrlod par In er 1 al Hamll, J:. J . lllcGraw, IA>ula-Dover llborel -. ol .Mn. ..~~---------;;-;; ...... ;;;Jiii .,liosepJa al camatlom and northern Calilornla the America. llurtl: 11111 John Slckenl>orJar. · Danlel G. AldrlCh Jr. ';')>ink rooebolclt were aelected newl)"ftda will r~lde in AccmtlnC to Foreal I. Golf, All an rodlenlt al Le1turel------'---- •. Jor her entourage. Berke I e y· where the president, members w 111 World ud tbl men ll'I dine-- . ;" Mn. Craig Haugen served bridegroom ls attending the 1ather at I p.m. O!D Jan. a, tori ol Ltllure World Auocla- .·.as matron of honor; Mias University of CaHfonda. the Jan. J2 and Fib. 5. The flrat Uon. ' :;°1>1ary Elizabeth Bland, the alma maier of b~ bride who ....ion will tan p .... In tbe Dinner wm be wved at .•.bridqroom'• sister, wu the majored in English. Loi Alamltol home cl Merl 1:45 p.m., and ruerndom Shleldl, Mlucallonal Ylce preli· may be oblalned bJ calllns dent Mra. Ootrp Tbom(>IOll, dln- ... •'· •' .. "· ' ' • ·. • ., ' , .. " ... .. • .. ... ... ,. " i~· ... r~ . ' ... ··--.-' --•r •• ,. -.-• t ~ ... .-c :t ., .,. ,, ... • • Furtber l n for mat lo n ntr chalrmu, UMlll or Mn. rtlll'dln& the new)J formed Dcaald Vanderbilt, 4M#/I, 011anfuUon fir dlvorood or tonfeht wldowMI pa-IOlll who uvo remarrlld lD01 be -. ~f!P.0.Bn7G,8anla LOCAL. N• ether 11ew1,.,.,. kllt yev MitN, •"'1' tiay, •lt.vt wHt'1 t•lttt •A 11 th• $r•riw Ot••t• CH1t .. ,. tti1 OAILY PILOT. SAVE 1/2 ON DUART COLD WAVES Softly fominino •.• that's Duart and you. Treat yourself to • bit of feminine mystique with this super specitl Ou1rt cold wave complete with cul. In the Salon .•.. reg. 20.po 10.00 reg . 25.00 12.50 In the Studio ..• reg. 30.00 15.00 reg. 35.00 17.50 AHMtintmenft ftOt 1l•1y1 nec.111•ry. Phon• your near11t lroe.lway, f,.... An.helm, 115.1121 : ft'Om N1wport1 6'4-1212: from Hunting· I01ch, ffJ.JJJ f Thi l11uty S1lon, 60 I • Harbor Forum Hears Chaplain Jolin Dolqhan, a U.S. Madne Corpt chaplain who IOOD leava for Vietnam, wll1 be tbe apoaker at Harbor Forum meetlq In 11111111 House, Faablon l 1 l 1 n d , Wlldnelday;Jan. I. Dllrlnl hll lalk Dolalhan will el()la!D work beln& clooo "1 bla fellow chaplafna ovaneu 11111 In lbla country • '!be mealmr will bqln at 10 a.m.1 followed by ulad aac1 collee at 11:46 un. Ex· ecuUva boor<! members will meal al IJ :IO p.m. llllorvaUom mid lur'.her ln- formaUon may be' oblalned "" cal1lq ""'· . Sttwort. 14N171 or Miw. lullua ~ 148-1111. Juniors Open Another Year A ltop-W'ltcb I u p p e r demonllraUon ·will' hflhilght Ille opening meetlnl of 1119 for Juniors of the Wednesday Morning Club ()f Costa Mesa. The lfOUP will ga1her at J0:30 a.m. Wednuday, Jan. I, In tbe Southern California Edisoo Co. '1 Electric Livln& Cfnt.r, Hllllllnflon 11 .. ch, for the prosr1m to be pretented by Mra. Carol Heinz, home economlat. Other plans on the new calendar are 1 brid&e Bellion with Mn. Hink Leialik()W u holtm ud 1 P1'0Cl'!lliYe din· • oer perlJ In Februory. ' . .. ")' .-::: ·~ ' ., ._, . • ! ' ... · .... ... . .' ,. .... ! • . . . .. , l ••• ._, • • • WINTER WAVE EVENT: SAVE Ott ·. -:.: OUR SALON FORMULA PERMANENTSI • . . ·._ .... • \ • ,-HE LOOK OF NOW: SH01fr AND SHAPft.V, SOl'T AND BOUNCY. AT SAVINGS LIKE THESE', IT PAYS TO BE' YOUR LOVELIEST• OUR VERY OWN SALOH ~EftMAHINT FORMULA WILL MAKE YOUR HAIR MARVELOUSLY M ... NAGEAa.E, ADDING.. "nfE BOUNCE AND BEAUTY TODAY1S SHORTER STYLES DEMAND. IM OUR FRENCH ROOM: REG, 300 00 V~E, NOV<' \$.00 c;oMP~E\t, • • IH OUR ROBlllAI"" •Al:."l': Rf" .. ~.oo VALUE, to/OW 12.so:COMPL!TE. CALL FOR APPOl~~ENT I OR COME IN. BEAUTY SAL.ON'., H~01'T Cl!HTEJt ft011 NSOH'5 NIWPOftT Ci:NTlft • P"AIHION llu.HO e PHONE 84.C-2800 • -- J1ck•in·th11.bo• ,1ck1 ri11 91ntly to meet you. In Our 22nd Yt•r (ft11 #le botto111 r11k ri111. Yov 1014 f1tf1r, IJ1nd tftd 1lr1tch 11111 • WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELLI Hor•'• tho rtrik1nt Fllpio~ Di1hrnobil• 1~t1rior cl11i911 by G•n1r1I Motor1 1tyli1h, Mod.r OW-CIT~. ,,, ... 10 FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM- Priced As Low A.$ ••• EASY TERMS - UNDER-COUNTER MODELS -LOW AS $14888 IXa..-E FJ'/E·YIAR WARRANTY by P"rtglda!N II good wwt'ltl'o ..,., YoU llv. or ll'I0\'9 fn ttl9 U.S.A. B1ck1d by 01Mrtf MotoB, too . DAVIS BROWN 411 E. 17th St. Cotta Mola -6-46-1614 Dally 9-91 Sat. 94 . f • i I I • • f • • • ,. ' f f • '· I ; l I t t [ f • ! t • I I I .f I l 1 t ' • l ' • I ! 1 I ' • , I • I • • I I I I • l -1• • ..r. I I • t.J If , I Mesa Baptist Church .eo P.I~ Set-- -~etting · ·for Nuptials • " •ft 1 ·1 ·q+·· . :. Afo•·•r.r : 1 4 : :ti I I ~I,·! 'l.·.'. j :·1 1•, t•'f 'f' Reno Rites A w.r.ti!lrur .In.. SL J~I ~ Presby~' Qlur<ll.' ' will uh!le ·Aline Marl e i.e,perance and John Utler ct Las Vegas •. TR£' ., , , 1.clt~r .. ~;. _ Yellow and white gialn.u, pompona and itoct in wicker buket. -""' altar ol the First Saulhern Baptist Cburch of Celt.a Mesa when ·Kathleen Lool.se Wright and Ste!lhez), Thomas Nash ex· clw>8ed W<ddlng pledges Ind rlnp. . ·Tb!e 'Rev. Brian Cr ow perfarmed ""' .-. 1111]>-tiala for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ward Wript Jr. ol Newport Beach and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie L. Nash .ol Sanla Ana. For her wedding the new Mra. Naab selected a flom' ~ empire style gown of white brocade wjllt a ruffled neckline. A chapel length train was attached to her gown and a halo bqw of silk caught her full shoulder l<ngth pure 11.lt Wuai.oo veiling. 'the bride canled a bouquet or while roses, baby's breath and an· orchid. She also wore an 1181 heirloom gold bracelet given by her mother. AttendJng as matron of hoop< w.q Mn. Carl DenUnier of San Diego, the brkle's coualn. ~ds were Mn. •Jahn KlinbeU Jr .1 Miss Linda Steel, Mia Lynda Gordoo Ind Miss Aatra Alwin, all of Costa Mesa. The attendanta donned em- pire style gO'WDI ci. avocado green with 11Un skirta and velvet bodices. Velvet and peorls lined tllelr beadplects · and they helB bouquets of gladioli. Miss Jonlce .LYM Wrigpt a~ed her 11Ster In a white dreSs with a flowered crown .Jioldlllg-her -velllng...She -car ried white carnations. Ring bearer was . Jeffrey Jay Wright, the bride's brother. 11,1,\: .. :.,,, ... :, . Jo~ in Air 1 N ·enlqtmtnt was an-. .niiilricOa . i>t •piiont. ol the brillHlec~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leiperance ol Newport Beach. Miu Luper~ ' la a sraduate ol lieWJ>Ort Barbor 'High School and II•,. Unlversl· ·ty c:t·Nevada, where lhe ltf'V· ed " llU<lent body vice preal-dent and was affiliated with Kllppa Alpha 'lllela and Phi Kappa Pbl .. · Her !lance i. the son ol Mr. Ind Mrs. Jeck Utter ol Miss S a n d r a Hill, Ren H atiended MaQOCUt AN OPEN house boooring daught..r of Mr. and HJgbo. ~I and the Unlveral· '·' ···'OONTQ • ·:.'. '>. , , ~ _,., , J. • I , · JOSEPKMACNI :1-: · · •· . MASNWMA,' " ' I .; • , SOllTll COAST PUZK~; Dou& StevtllDI, New Yort Mrs. Joe S. HID of ty of Nevada where be w.., reinai>tattve ol Amertc.n· Westminster, is a new a member o! Sigma Alpha • ••• •• ·~ -Internattonai, ·st-an!ess lw Amer-Epsilon fratemlty. • . . . . . · was hoslod by, Mra. Jamel lean Airlines. based out A June weddlni Is planned. • TH .. I: . '6loddud Ip her Corona d<!l o! Bos too. Miss Hill ~ T ' MAll\':l>oine. , ... all:~·~.: was gi;aduated ·from Kids Like to e . KNI WIT ANNOUNCES ·• Attend}.ng we -~ UUllUI~ Westminster Hi g b • 1 ~·='"Iller ~~ab: School. Ask Ani:ly e ITS COMPLETE SERVICES , f~gn exchapge 1Iudents ":~1p;==============;;;;;;~1. • Exclusive Franchise on ··their famlll .. : · CJ / e "Brothers" Lace Maker 0 -.).: d• e • Me.chine Instructions (all mekes) Docto~·sp.ak~ an 'If e • Hand Knit Instructions At Meeting h h •. • Personalized Charting Formerly wit t e Hand and Machine 'lbe Association· ol. • e R h k Operating Room Nur,.. will • ugs-Bot Latch, Hoo and • gather for the f1l'!l meeUng Hair Hut • "Montell" P11nch Hook ·. ~·· tan. t11e1.~::., w=~ e • Needle Pdint-Crewel · o~J 9 ~Presbyterian at 7:30 has now joined the e :tG'°' ~tt\tl6 e DI'. Nuroia Edalatpour o1 s'taff here at • 'ff~ "'"O · • Newpcri Beach wllhpeat: e c;,..,-THE • . ~ . • KNIT··· WIT• -~· e ~~~.,....,_3-3-MRISTOI:~ ... SOUTH COAST ~. ·• COSTA MESA . : Asked to stand as best man was William Dwight Nash, the benedlct's brother. Seating guests were Terry and Jim Lambert of Garden Grove, Warren Shephard o! Costa Mesa, Steve Wright. the bride's brother, and Denlinger . IN WESTCLIFF PLAZA P!tone §4S.J&l Z • ....• ~~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~7 =·======·==·======~;;:;:;·;·;·;·;·;·;·;·;·;·:·~·!'!•·:·~·~, Miss Billie Miller at the guest I ~ book. Bob Beardsley, the bride's uncle was the organist wbie hi! wife served u soloist. .. ~ 'lbe reception, following the ceremony, took place in the church hall. Assisting were the Mmes. -L. Giles, the bride'• aunt from Oxnard; Roe;er Gosser, the bride's cousin, Oxnard ; R o b e r t Gcnlon, Corona del Mar; Gus Slater and John Allison, Costa Mesa; Blake Milne a o d Howard Milne, N e w p o rt Beach; Miss May Vaught, and. CM Coed To Study In London After receiving con- gratulations the newlyweds left on a weddinlf trip to Big Bear. Upon their return 'they will make their first borne in Orange. A secilnd reception took place in the bride'& parents bome. Att.ndillg the.buffet af. fair were close relatives and out-of-town. guests. Spedal guests at the 'lffd. ding were the bride's gtandpmO!a,' Mr. •nd Mts. Jay Be8rdeJeyoand Mr!. Harry Wrigb~ an <ii Costa· Mesa, • The !..,,,.... Miss Wrlldil. IS ' ~~or Qrooa def Mar ·""'1 · School and attended 'l!iJila College, 'La Mlrads Ind ~Orange CoaSt College. Her ibmbarid is a· graduate of Foothill High Scbool, Tustin arid. "\'\"" is -In the .pollliW ·science program at OCC. • He also is serYing in the Marine Corps Reserve&. : · Auxiliary ANNUAL _ CE Starts Monday, Jan. 6 20%-50% .OFF ' Entire Stock • SPORTSWEAR • DRESSES • ACCESSORIES • GIFT ITEMS • .. WHITE-HAU 305 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach • 4 -' . · WHY LOSE 7 INCHF.iS ()F WATER IN 40 MINl)TES ••• only to Pin it back the aame day! . . Everyone knows that when you use diure1;ic. Pills, a. sweat suit, or a sauna bath, the weight loss is wat.er. It is Not Permanent. With each and every glaSs of water or liquid, the weight comes right back; mit, '.l'HERE :IS A WAY! . . . Lo.s ·E SOLID WEIGHT • • ~ . I , ' ti r1 I ••• . ... I I ' I I . ' .•• tliti ·way! I • • . l I i ' I ~ .is ' Gloria Marshall No:l (26 locati9M in .<Jo.li· fomia a1one) 1. Results, without messy sweat suita or strenuous p cise. No disrOOing. We are not a om. • 2. At Gloria :Mar- shall's '""''If · toee , -'·;'-more inches and pounds for lees tlian_ you.'d pay with any other program. -~. Special· machines milda\ignedtoban. ish eveey correct· able filUre fault.. • '. . ! ·--. .,.......------------...... SPECIAL THIS WEEK FREE ••• Facial Contouring with every Pmgram. N.ow, this week, at no additional •pbarge, with your individual Program of. weight reducti0n, you receive 12 visits for , . 1!'acial Cont.ouring. This is a special offer .••.. -be sure and call your nearest Gloria Mar- shali'il while.this offer is still in effect! . . . ' .. ! . Modern scfenee elec· • :l'J&llP. t;UNTBOL S~NS 111J 1J, Ill. N • lllll•ute.i 1!1111 ..... CUii Wlli1•1 (! . . fC~At 1111 G1orf4 Mll'Moll Jlft. C.. lM I •' -• --· ...... ---~- ' . ' • . I l 1 ( I .,. llAl.Y PUT . . Mon&UJ, .,,_, 6. , ..... . " . 'Walt 1Jadl Dark' . Long Betit;hSuspelisePlay . I ;:Swps Slwrt of .;Potential .. 'roM '111\JS .... ,...., ........ "Wall 'Qlllll Dark" - I .... -Jndoed If Ill chllJ. 1,,. eJlmaa -not dellvtt the-IDI abock pro- .,.... "' Ila ....iuqy COil· ~aorlllir-~ -ol the moot ~"'f,..,..~ thrillers, -·~-= -•fewpoak-whm .. a>:-Cl' failure ml1 be -"' thl -al ·lll ~ 19 the blbiol -·a lentblnl pU&llL lo lhll nspect. lb. pro- duction at the Looi Beach Community Playhouse fails to measure up. The gl0111h11 over al It. moot lmpor1ant ... quencesrdllJctaa~ tlmSdlty w h I c h neutrallzes -• fine acting by Its prtn. dpals. There are, at the very least, ~ eloctrlc ....,,_ In the -to Jut ....... the lallt . "WA.CT UMTA. ~ -~.::..Frau··~· ... lw KM!! IN/l'lit#, ... _..., Mict..1 II-. ........... l"nl*-'n ..... II""*"' """"" lr6. t •t ttle L°"" tMdl Ci91NI~ ~~ JQ21 £. ANiltlm ....... ,_ Tlla WT ~ s...,. .-..mi .......... -oi.m· Mb T•Wlen ....... , ~. ~IT'I' llotl Jt •.......... !:>' .... "-S.f. Ct .................. S" ....... Gllot'l9 , •••••••• ,.,, ... ; ., W... ._........ .......... Hirt ............. Old!°"*· ........ ~ . of wlllch -. ~ --·'"'-)kw· Ing Iha movie .......... 'llldlt -are not euclq MJOd clown In !be 1-!lOacls jiro. ductlon, nelthtr are Ibey Ila&· ed to maximum advantqe. POlllbly .motivated by the cumnt dHl!lplwl.o on viol.,,. ce, director Jame1 Brittain bas cboeen to enact two stage stabblop almost In the wfnll, devoid al any overt emphul.o. Thus, the first b Without singular effect and the second cwld well be mlMed by an inattentive audience. Crossword Puzzl,e ACROlli 04 -ff • 45 F1brlc 1 Tll--47 Hllf: 6 HIMfOtl Comb. form 11r:-::r=" •'" ·w.. 51 Sea fa lllt •t• Alltwellc 14 Sbtlter 5l '"" .. 1J 8-.tatn: 54 Trt1 c.a .... 57-l&OM•-59P-11t ••Ill prtfOlltfeft 17 ll"'"ut 61 Old T- St.....,,I hnlt Solwd: -. ---_......,. -----------11 i:"".::-~:.'o lAAt' fllt M ,,..., of S' llnslttl 38 Coa•-111 ,]' lal':r. 67 ~~Of .:a~... :U"i1J(fw. AlrKtJOI ·iiift ' Al•ta... 2 ... 'lbe ........ ·--...11 .11.-1-L...JI II N• • " Vlotaat ... Yu.,_, 39 StoMll• -. ~ -,...,..._ 1o1•1t1 .... ,... 41Pirltl ~~.~ ... ~ttalo,~and the Dlarta-., • ., IEm«ol 1n1-~ ...,.,... U.S.'-:• 1D Strll •ff swflff ••tflolece are ,on the whole, te well n r=... 11 ;:::r-'f1::;.:· n ~=i:-=-~ inllla1 ~.. .. ~ •Jld U09'l 10 ltmt •VIP SO llu.sul just when the stage is suPl)Ol- ZS J':, n =• 11 f:" '-sz =~lo ad to be ''tolally" dark and 26 w• CtlUc UllMllf..., r1,9'tne1 when a thnzH o1 llght lll aup- l71111tlol• ch•lot vessel · ·54 Aftlcwl posed to be emanallng from tiU• 73 Lctll1 U Kind of •....S bJ, an 10e0vtred *®f'tt. tt Vol'• bats berr 55 lu slct Overall, the -•·g nl""t J:llJ!pllloo 74 Hold lract· U H•tltf' 56 Alsmt ~·uu &<• Jl •iaor 75 ltlltw.. z41;:...,. SI l,1.:0~a• i :'J'd;.zulr:s ~ 3j=~I DOH ZIWootln 60Plunl two nmedles It undoabladly ..... ·--will r<celvt In the -al JS l"dol 1 A~~-ZI Ga""" loll '2 Stl,.,...I Ila llbi·Weekend run. The ,1 :!!f.., ~ckal 30 Unit of concern ;1 _ 2 "~' 32 ~~~11tf 6J VIiiain la ~lmadlcy tat:'='~ 11~-s Caught odf..:10 6' ~ .... at.!!P..'n · scmtJ .. wUi 34 Wort on ;i:cei1 ~Wall Untll Dark"~.-1 4 Locll• af llOV'I• fU• n•s I ~-C II In a l"•I 3' ICllld of 16 C•la ... ~ Frld41 and Saturday eve.nlnp Compttltfon actJOn cMdf •tablrs · throulh Feb. 8 at the c.om- " . . • .. : . ·. • . ' :d·· " • • • • ... , t t ' ' 1 m.Jnlfy Playhouse, I OJI '--"HHH Anaheim SL, Lona Buch. "7 it------- PLAYHOUSE'S 'GIRL' ON TV Orange ""8111 TV viowors who don't visit the Laguna Plsybouse on Thundly m1y catcb &be &hcater'a current ,.,. .. Channel •. Scenea lrom tbe Nell SlmOll comed,y "'i'be Siar S-'"'! Girl" will be pmtnl<d on Hal Marientbll'a Theater Bat procram from 11 to !Oo30 p.m. Dinctor Kant Joblml and f,~. pneral manqer rma N""""1' will bo In- terviewed on the telocul, while cool members Toni ~.Joel -and RlndaII CObb will· prllOllt -from tbe produotlon. STEREO SENSATIONI Tiie eolOl'flll sound or Ora111• County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .,. · From Fashion Island, Newport Beach Plenty of Tur~~,,-·~·~-=·:.:.-·~ ·· p ,·I' t·ur e· . lFig Leave1' Lacking in Wit, Taite • ::·1a.~:.:. ~ /I . e e k ~ : hcl111l.e ,.,.. Run NoW DAILY FROM l"'Y IUe ol .euburbla IOd the I kooky charma ol a min!lkirl ~y M-YI• • • • • •a Jw with bls lllllillar low-llty authority, pantin( u p U 11 'lbt "ll"'e!Gwi mOlloo plc- ot.adllf ap1nll the weal< Utt1t lln 0... 'Willi Tbe Wind, Jok,. Ind ob V h U I com-adopted lnim Marpnt Mllcl>- plleaU0111. ell'• best-tcl.J.lng novel 'way Tho wlaner, by the way, back In Ille, hu been conslll· ol Iha lllbbowl drawln1 tor ere<! one ol the all-time ,....1s . l111a1 plalUc wrapped chicken, And now, today, alt.r th... fwa1 J41]dred Hunter 0 f many yean the current, ezclu- ~ Fla. T1le eplaode had slve showing 11 Newport Lido nnethtna to do wtth the plot. is u modern m 111 presm.ta- lotqraled lnwlvemenl, JOU don as U It had beeo !limed mllbl .. ,. <Jiily ye.terday! AN.mTIE CDl:R .,INENllMY COUNIRY" 0 TEOl!tlCWlll -111 CONTINUOUS SHOW FRl.·SAT,0 SUN. FROM 2 P.M. Ew. ltte'# lt9tl I P.M. c..1 .... sa..w The entire motion picture irulultry lw beai lood in Its praise of MGM technlcians who have achieved such terrlflc technical and electronic im- provements. Now you see Golie WW. Tbe Wind kt new Wide- ' Screen and Metrocolor splendor. Actually, tbe movie is a rlf"I treat in story, plot, acting, ac· Uon, romance, humaneneu, thrills and sensational repro- ductive !uccesaes. Gone With T1le Wind ts oho•" Ing uclualvely in aouthern Orange County at. the J!arbor ...... favorite ohow plaoe, Newport Lido, Iona·tlm• land- mark at the entrance to fabu- lous Lido Isle. Looi: to lJdo for good film treats! Look for Rolemary'1 Baby, a Paramount prodUctlon ln Technicolor. Mia Fartow and John Cauavetes top a cast that Includes &th Gordon, Sidney Blackmer, Maurice Evans and Ralph Bellamy. From a best-aelling novel, this movie deals with a abocking subject, hallucloatlOOI at wltch- crafl! In Jl"'goaocy Lo this lorlhcomlng mother In the grip ol """"' llOl1 of witchcraft slwl- duggery, "' ;., abe 1lmply auf. leriog from Induced hallucina- tions? As the film unfolds in dra· matic sequences one follows the sufferings of the 900D·lo-be- mother and shares in her fears and misgivk1gs. It's a grippin& movie. Try it for 1ize. Sot. 914 s. .. w ........ 12:10 - Ends January 7 Speaking of l!llze, there ls a large one going at the Mesa. Il i3 lhat big, nice guy John Wayne, resident of Newport Beach. Orange County, Calilor· nia. He portrayl!l a big, big man who fights big fires. Cast in t b 11 lhrilllng movie Wayae again brlnp to the screen a top.cotch performance. See Htll F1gllten at ihe Mesa. 1.a EDttny Country, a World War II espionage ltory, ii the accompanying fllm of the dual bW at M!sa. Tony Francloaa plays a French officer who • assigned to a dangerous mis- sion. " 1 • CONTINUOUS DAILY AT BOTH ThEATRES MESA MATINEES bring the " week'a new movies to .. flrsl ~ aftemoonen" who get.the-jump on "nrst-nlghters," when a new week'• schedule opens al the Mesa. Eacli Wednesday al,... ~~--~·l·~™T~-J~IB ~~;;;~ .. .... .; r~G:iAY'oo-Fm'RffiKloEwE ... ~!LWJ Jim~ R. B. Michener, lllt-F Orange, .-...., L ,_"M••F¥1WmF'fl•..W Cosll Mesa, Helen Bamh@r, 131 -• ....__,...... ......... _., Amigos Way, Newport Bolich, FREDmCK lDEWE·AIANJAY LERNER·JOOHUA LOOAN·JACK LWARNER· v. Woodruff, Ill Ramona i&U:=<.-=n&11mrn·u••-•m-..1neu1111P Drive, eoro .. d<I Mar and A. _ .... _ _ mJ( ..._ D. PmhlJI, IMS Ocun. BalbaL I &elusive Area Runs BOTH THEATRES FREEWAY CLOSE TO ORANGE COUNTY la the new year 1969 you nMCI not be COllc:tl'IJed about read1 cash when you want to 10 to the movla. For lnsl&nt ldm'-"., alOn at the Lido or Mesa me~ ly pruent your Bankamtticanl or your Master Charce Card. • -- :i ·~ • .. ' • • • M ') N U ti. V JANUAllY I .-. ..., (lO) """ .... ·-°""' .. ., ..,,,.. "' tM 111111:1 ••• :ltd Cl'llllltl --·-·-..... -(C) l:JO 8 me I ad IM fQ (m) !~ .... -.... ' -"" 11-!!0l "Loftl a;" .............. ... _,, .. _._ ... -"-· ···-(Q ' :r:s e 1111m1 t tc> (&I) "'· ty tiTll the nlllS "' ....... mrecoO rlCI ...... ,,.. ID ll'fll the 111 IA I ...... ,_. Slt'llllf, tlftCllW .... c.,, ....... .tnir tltt: m,. .. 11114 " and Ott drhef t!IW. ,. EJboll pat&. Ill 11'1 I -ol -(C) (lO) •'Tft. C.. of Illy Vlftidtiftl lllut.." Pert I at tao pifh. TOllf LI llhlsll;ld •hf on u 3'Crel pnJied wtilll his dlluble fO'll llomt ID .ltlllflie, who 1CC411ts Ms COfl!uted pnifnll ol ........ • Loll" -ti') (OJ) :l,lDJ(J)llnt -(Q __ ,_...,_ ....... (m.) '5S-flldtft' lhlr· ton. OIMI dltlnfllMd.. Htlr to I fG!tllM IBlfnpb to dllml.tcr " the womllt .. kwes b • adlblll« and amt,.,_Wtnlttlllr~ lions of • ID,,.. • __ ,. IC! (lO) A contlctM II I Mltlllll .it It ftlllltd hi ......... ., .. - ·--....... '1•411*( ..... ' ...., 'G -... tilrllJlllll, ...... ..... 111-(C) (30) m1--~ .,_ '"'° catiDlll.'" 1'tril I tftlM M flll .. tot Wloll .... b ..... ... ........ . .,_.,_ J:,:..r:;.. ~ __ ,,_ .. t1UM•eae11-tc> """ -_,,," -·--111 .... -faJ) .... ·-_. (CJ ·-··-(30) mu.,... ... ,,. TUE SDAY • •. ---111 ·-(C) • JOB PRINTING . • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS 2211 WIST IAUOA ILYD. NllWPOIT IU.CH . 11 • 4 ... = • • 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 • 4 • • 0 PERKINS TUMILEWEEDS GORDO ._.__ ...... • • •• ., 0 0 ty Tom K. Ryan I KNOWEDWE P*\S PiDJtl HEllE Sl't\EWH EllEl ly Gus Arriola fol t , 5 5 6 I Moni11, J.....,. I. IM c"iiLY PILOT • • ... •l . ' .. 1 " " • fUNNY MAN -Comedian Tim Conway, above, guest stars on the "Carol Burnett Shaw" IOlll&!Jt In color at 10 p.m. on Channel 2. Other gueall include Harvey Korman, Vtld Lawrence and the Emllll F1att Dancers. Conway ls featured in a Ult as a comedian too shy to face his audience. , _________ ....., .. TELEVl810N VIEWS New Show Seeks Charm By CYNTHIA LOWRY . NEW YORK (AP) -Charm 11 an eliiJlve qual· lty that practically defies commerciaj packalhl&. Therein Iles· NBC's big problem ,with ill new 1erlel, H My Friend Tony ." '. I The program, which bad ill preml~ &m41Y : ·: · night started oft as a·routlne crime detec:t!on MrMI 1 -and precious· short on detection at that :--deol1111-• ..; ed to showcase the appeal ol a young Italian actor, , ; Enzcrt:eruslco'. ~ ~-c----····------· ...., •.... . . Cerusico is indeed a charming YOlllll man· with :: :· · a nice smile, a genUe ~er and an tntertltlnl . :"" accent, but that is hardly enough on which to""!"· struct a weekly action sertet. ~. JAMES WHITMORE play• a professor of . criminology wi\h a )"'ung·partner--the cbarmlnl· ;. ~ Cenislco -who together take on. oulllde jobs. In : .,. the premier show they were having trouble with · the poljce commissioner, wllllng to do anything to ., eliminate a syndicate boss. The story moved tightly into the romance de-- partment -there was a pretty blonde around -.. ~ and included a bit of gunslinging and even a body in the car trunk. It wound up with the ·police com- missioner in the final scene revealing himself to be > an insane fan.Uc. a pretty tired deylce. ; Througll it all, Tony, our hero, never !oat bis cool, that winning smile or bis apolog.UC ftY with .· the EnlllW> language. . . . ., Wliltmore, an excellent actor, bas the t!iank· • Jess role of the senior, the man with the 1cieQUflc • mind and the one whose practical attltud., 81'9 d.. . ·: signed to contrast sharply with the intuitive llld • emotional operations of Tony. , "l ,; THE NEW SERIES has been placed Ill oae of . · ~l, NBC'• weeker pooittOO<I, and, if ill !Int &bow ii a ·l ; sample ol . things to come. probably won't make . , : much of e dent In the competition. · :ij l Most Interesting television of the weekend, far and away, was NBC'• dramatic special Fridey nigbt, "'!be Male of the Sped ea," which carrtod one girl through some difficult experience• with three men in .her life. THE GIRL WAS played with Sllirtt ml wit by a yO\Dlg Engitalr actress, Anna Calaer-Manhall. In the flM act sbe suffered bitter dllllllllloo- menl from ber.!ather>'Seai! 'Connery, a widower Ill a waJrus mousllche who had an eye for the ladtel. He was, she finally realized , an Jnc:orrlgible iln4 compulsjve liar. In the Second act she encountered a merry young man who loved 'em and Jett 'em, and on wbom she sought to avenge her dlseppolntment abO,ut her pbllanderlng lather. The young man was .; effectively played by Michael Caine. " THIN THIRE was her third-act OllCOUllter, · · In wblclt she fell madly in love with an older man, beautlflllly played by Paul Scofield. Aller their of. fair. be turned away coldly, leaving only a curt note• . nlere wu an epilogue of sorts when, wiser and m0re ·tolerant, she retraced her steps baek to nulnber two.. · 1 I ' ' . . . • • I ··ia~ 'Q r· •. - l ' - ' 1 I • • I \ .. ' . rt ··-... ·- • . .. , I I I ' -~ ... -I ~· "" .... , Je DAILY I'll.OT (SI Packard: Is· He ~an for, tJu;· Joh? f ••• love us for U.eir money:l Tbare Is eomethfq lhoul • lld tz1R JDll line Jall7 -oc1. and desem! 'bocaufr:rou oned th• money. (You might aay •• adYOC1.te lll'ring.} We f umlah mo tnftfom cbecb for 1'N ta11>1,.li•nc.,. ~ -.,. deposit-. of coane. '!1Mn II ODO thing that mobe us lla!J dill-I -om edbmmot for dolar baaiDas. Que 1o. """-""~ ... --.-.. .......... ._ ____ .,.,.__...._. ~ ... -· ~·· ......... . ·-' suspension .~ ~:as .Cendard'e<julp- ment. BD\td u.a~:car,lhe SS-396 ls a·~I able challenger'fllr·m..t ""'1tpetillon. i ... • .First in Serie• Money Primer for 1969 FAVORITES , N•ti•11•I •11d loc•I rt•d•r- 1hlp l"•llt pt••• Ht. DAILY rlLOT c•"''' ''"'' ,f th1 111••• p•p•l•r c1!1111u11 ind fe•tvn• '"'""'' •• '"" 11ewt;1pw i11 th, U11a14 lt1tn. economy and you? , A. Yes. but the tax increues TRIS IS the number one ~ and the restraints on ecro:mlc-flnancial story in Federal Government spending our~ llDd aa the new year -apparently came too .late ~gba. n., I'll try to answer and wert too mild to do the your~ in a series of job quietly. ' · five c'oltrinns and by so doing, c!ls th~~eu~ci~: J hope I'll tear apart the baf-year, the nigbtmar~ com· flegab. ~lnatioo of -inflauon·ctmd.Woos Q; Whit. is hlhlDd the new ' d.esmibed in .this column; had upit 111pqey polij:y! taken firm hold,. A8 1i63 clrew A\ .snmtY ;the fact that to a clo&t, . the-F~ · n 1· and '·"·"--..:. · Reserv• • Sy-was I In a IOR . .an ..... ..........,.., • to the 't. •• ~.,. al psychology llave becorhe 'so . ~~wmon _ ""\"" , 9C d , • p 1 y eDtmidied ;a our policy (tu and spelidinS economy that new& bu curbs) needed a omijor asaist yielded. to the resiralnts trJed from monetary policy ( credil so far: pusage of an tncome curbs). tax aurcbarge 1n mid·1* ·and _ THE FEDERAL Reaerve the tum ln our F*al bud.get ~·s governon decided from an enormous $!5.2 blnfon they could not wait any long- deficit in filcal · year 19U to ~,tor;, the tu increase to a minor deficit 'or even a b1!e, for tt1e ~lem ~ in- smali surplus in the current fiation ~tat~ons had be- fiscal year 1969. come too immediate. The g?v- The cost of living, measured en:ion agreed they had to nsk by t.he Consumer Price Inde'r doing tocrmuch and tilting the jumped around 4~ percent in economy to~ recessibn 1968, bringing to 12 cents the rather than nsk doh~ too ~L­ I°" In the·dollar's purchasing tie and letting the mflation power during the Johnson P I~ c ho I o a: y grow evtn Administra t 1 on; unemploy· atroriger. meot among married men The Central Bank ended. the practically disappeared and YW: by taking maj~ actiona the overall tznemployment rate to signal a new ~licy to cut dropped to 3.3 percent, about the supply ol credit. . as low as it can get; wage The ~ high cost 1ncttases Jut year averaged of loans _is ~ary to the more thin 68 perctnt; in-f~that1tw1llbe1ncreu1na:ly dusVial production reached difficult to get the loans al new ...... 1no. tnstanment ctedit all. Th.is is what "light soar:;-· money" means. This· 15 not just a boom; -Nut: M,oaey Primer this is a super·boom. for It-Il Moreover, while iilflaUon ii bed enough, even wane iS the sprudlng psyi!hology tllat inflation is oot of control, that our authbrlties hive ,Jost thtt . wUI ,and-or the abWly to curb · )be wag .. prlce spiral. TllERE HAS been a rush to get itlt of cas6 money and Into thJngg, goods, buildings, St~ks. ·land, lnventorle1, etc. Businessmen have accelerated tbeJr spending on new plants and equipment on the premlae tll1t H they wait, the pianb and equipment will coot much more: this y.ar, this type ol speoding la ICbeduled· to rlso I percent 1 boYe 1 I • a . Dtmandl fOI' '°8111 a r e baUooninl an all aides and rrmoa11 ......... Q. Wbal'.! so terrible: about ouper-boom! A. The !lancer lo lhat .a a-n wblcb &ell oot ol band can only end eventually in • bull -will! all the misery Doo Downey of Hunt· o f ~ n e mp I o 1 ~.}.;-1n.gton Beech bas been bonllrQptcleo Ind. named manager of ..,.. "'treat ' this implles. 'l)le g!AeertDg for the M-, poychology ol cootlnoed 111-semblY-Overland Div!· O.Uon 1180 P r 0 1 0 u n d 1 Y Ston ol The Rucker Co threatens lht U.S. dollar as ., tht solid pivot of the world's Los Angel•.• based pro- monet1ry nstem. ducer of n1~bt controls Q. w ASN'f tht tn hike for the an'cralt and auppoaed to prevent this? aerospace indwtries. THE 'NEEDtE ' '. , .. I J J ' : ::. : IS ·MIGHYIER -T)wtTHE PEN .. I ' Af'MI the ma" tcho • kllo1DI, jJlll hotD IO twm . Ill< phrac IO got CM molt Ollt'Of CM bari> la . DA/1'Y PIW2".- lll ·s¢Mfl H<mit. ff• ,.., i;..., calUd. .u.. modern .. dar H •11 ~ V Mencken. lf you're nadv for hll 111• of CM aCid .adjecfjoe and · lhoughl, ~ • pro" IO g;v. 11"" U.. .. tdk .•• if-- IO find aomcihlttg lo think about m what Vo" read ••• If I/OU have o seme of humor, you b1long tmth ttodns who •l<ll{l•t in tell!ttg others tohat .. Sud taid'" tll one of the nation'• mo.II • QllOUd col....,. Some Sample Biir/J~;: ___ Retently Tbrotlln __ -._. --I . .• -y.Sydney HarriS:,) "Ona .r·tti. hlghoat p1ld lobs In Amorico consloll .r lf1ndlng up In fNnt of • mlc· rophone, Hp1rat(ng the good records fro"' the bed o"" -ind pl1ying the bad ....... 11It's sad but true that while alcoholics .. , are the.best argument for abstinence, so many •bst.ainers are equally effective u. gwnent for a little drillk now and then.• ., ''Molt of tM to<alled 'incomp1tlbUlty' In marriage springs. from the f1ct that to most men, ¥X Is an' act; whJI• to 111 women, It It •n emotl9"1. And thia,dlffer· · onca In attitude can be 'bridged .,,Jy by lava." .. .. ''The SQle difference between a 'dedi'ca. ·~ ted crusader' and a 'n~sy re:!onner' con-. :t sists in our agreemebt or disagreement wit.h his objectives.•• "The most exploaive combln1tlon In the world con1i1t1 of sincerity added to ignorance." "\Vbenever I am the recipient of an e:r· cessively hearty handshake, I suspect !\fr. i\tuscles is trying to sell something, hide something, or prove aomethirlg." .. .. .. Check The Editorill Page For This Signature .. It'll llelp Yo1 Find Th~ Latest Q1otabl~ Created By 'The Needler' For His Col- umti, A Regular Feature of the DAILY PILOT ' ' Your ~In.town Dilly Ntw1popor -' ·---·~~~~~~~~~~ .... --~_.. __ _..._ .... ..__... ........ _. .......................................... .. ;1 All -1,000 of Us .:Had a Busy _pay Today .. ' J ~, l ' .. ' ' . . fl ,W~·l!r:~ated .and deli~et~d aiwiMr.fresh edition.-.ot rf~ D.AliY .PIL9Ti . ' ' •• . . . :): TEAMWOllK ~ ucb day'1 ol1'llew DAILY PILOT. Often special· :; iltl 1~ TborDil F)X'tune {iett), whose beat is education, wor~ wi~ a -: ·~l llke•Patrick O'Qonnell lo get the slocy-both m words "~' plMGe& Th UH shOt 70,000 pictures Jast year to Ulustrate the ~ variei!· otoey of Oraup Coat life, Nobocjy tnowo how many local •lories "' we wrote. Not even 111. · . :l -, i CREA'l'IVlTY helps advertisers tell their starieS and sell their goods In the affiuent market served by the DAILY · PILOT. Gordon Crawford 1 (left) of the display advertising department watches staff artist Les 1 McCray put final touches an an ad which will be ready to 4,PPU! in tbe i. newspaper only hours after the artwork is nnl.sbed and approved by the ~ advertiser, a local retail merchant. -· ·' J 1 ' . ' ~ l . t ! r .. ' • . ' . ~ QUICK HANDS place lines of type, ad& and cuts (the metal plates UJfJd ~ to reproduce pictures) into page forms u the day'• product begtna to · take &hape. Compositor Arden Malsbury is only one or a platoon of { printers who "build" the news pages under pressure of deadlines, work- ~ ing against the clock to bring readers the latest available information in 1 each edition during the day. . . ·; , 1 • . 1 t ' i .. • ' ! ~ -"DELIVERY o1 the newsaper Is a speed event, too. Conveyor bel carry 1 ·the papers through the mailroom where they are automaticalJ Ued in , btmdles ol SO and tossed to waiting circulation district m (like j 'Blaine Roberts , shown here, right ) who speed them via 4G-vehicle :1 fleet to carriers for delivery. Mailroom foreman Gtorg•1Ar~UJ (left) ) and his crew can move 20,000 newspapers an hour . • • • VOLUME is the word at the Copy Desk. DAILY PILOT COpy Desk Chlo! Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Titll8 (background) and other e<>pyriadera IVot'f day 111111, checkl and lllltl more wire r'110<tl f?<>ru worldwtde news serv1cea than the average weetly news magulne pub- lishes. Editor. 11CaJ1 enoulh tolepboloa lo wlllpapor a llvlnl .-i ev.,., 21 hours. Speed, bom ol experience, helps them keep II all fresh, too. THE .WORDS are ready. Marjorie Jacklon feed• them into a $25,000 computer, a DAILY PR.01' investment in speed and accuracy, which uses a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of 1,000 a second~ punches a new tape which wU1 activate another machine for au\omatically 1etUna type at high speed. The machines can let type at the nte of e,ooo linetl per hour. ' . MACHINES h....,, the proceaa of preparing ptlles lot printing the P,ges of the new1paper. Here, Charlu ·i!aubrick (forqround) and Ed· ward Quinn oper1te a CUli.ni m1chine which molds curved plates to fit onto high l!lpeed preMes. The DAILY PILOT keeps in stock more than 40 tons of type metal which is used, melted down and used again in the continuous job of printing 100,<KK> .words a day . MODlll{ equlpmtnt beli>o the ICCOllllting department keep up with the "lodq" paco at the DAILY PILOT. Even as the day's newspaper Is bebii aped lo ltl rtaden, Bonnie Chauvin begins feeding figures Into a -trvrdc bookkeeping machine that helps keep track of billlnga for ads and subscriptions. The machine, forerunner ol a brace of eomputen 10on to be added, handles 5,000 account.I a montb. .. • . . ~ -llAPID coaununlcaUOll Is tbe\name·of the game. Supervilor Juanlta n.y and her crew of "ad-viaora" handle 1,000 transactions a week by pbaae. ruulUng In publlcallpn of 1,000 d&llllied ads -w6rdl which help people bu1 • ..u. ~or le. I ........ find loot clop. Many ol the DAILY . PILQT'S llO ~ 11Du are P1uaod In here, the ellllJfled adverllll!tl de- parlineot, -ol "Want Ma""lnd Dime-A-Linea. - PICTUll1!3, loo, 1et the benefit. ol ildiJed, elllci!"t handling by mUter craftsmen who re-photograph them and then trinrfe.r the lmagei tO a sensitized metal plata which are \I.led to repl'Qduce the· photo• u read· ers will see them 1n the newsp1plr. Here, Chilek Ryan ta)cU a reaJly close look at a n•aUve whlcb will be used to etch the Image on the metal plate. ' . · · ' ' FlNISHED PRODuCr is ,~ bY.El~ood ~~;-~~c'r!!i' ~"· even as biib-speed presses conUDut 10 roar at &0,000 lmpreurona per hour completing. the day'• run on prus unita which represent an investnien~ of IU ~. Eleven-man pran crn-will feed Into Jhea mochlnl!l,~tfle equivalent· or· •' roU of ' pa~ """ Jllie: Wide and llO;ll(JO m11 .. Ione •in printing tha llollLY PILO'I' lbl.-)'<!ar. · • · ALMOST balare ·iJii Int ta dry, lhe product ol our buoy, day la0 - dellly "" -tar wm er porc1t bl' one o1 ... 7111 ~ w11o are important llnb lo lhe a.am ol ....i. tt takll lo brlna ,... iodlJ'• - and f~ todo1 In the DAILY PILOT. And-as oor young lnl!ependollt m<rchantl, like John Melton bert, mate their dellveriu, wo'n Cearlni up·!or.anoGJtr .lluaJ·dli -fll 1,GOO ol UL • l , I l The •Now!) Newspaper for All The Co111111uniti~s ) j Of Th~·:.Growing Orange Coast 1 .l }_ ·-' .,.. -I.. • I I I ' --.i..--. -. ---19 DAll.Y PIUIT -..,., ,,.,.,,, 6. 1'169 .LBJ Says F~~~well . Schoql -..-... Llinches · Criticized ;: • SAN FR411Cl5CO ... "LllncllM -al Saa rraiY ' cflco'1 olaneotary and junkl' hlcb acbooll are alarmlnlll! hlcb In fall and • 1tard111.-\~ Ille! Dr. Rudoll E. Nolllt tt Ille Obe•llY cllnJc al tho ,Unlverall)' o1 Cllif""1li'1 s.ij Fnnc1s<o MOJll<al C e n te l; after a recent IUl'Vey of the 1Cliool'1 Juntb procram 1.: "A l1Plcal meal amounl& to a walloping 2000 calories, K he Jllc!. "A girl, age U fJ · is; needl only 2500 calories for the eoUre day, a boy." JlllOcalorles. ·~ No -Changes Sen; Kennedy Likely In Relations Demo 19.72 Candida:t'e •"'Jbe weetly menu includes too many potatoes -oemd dally al most elementary ICllooli · -and too, mucjl -lftad. paa1a, and er•• Portlods-ol mut are amall. With Cubans WASHINGTON (UPI) - . The diange in admlnistntions 'olfen little ~ that ...ia. tiom bet....., the United Slat· . es and Cuba will Im~. in the view of some inter-Amer- Jcan affairs aprerts. Ten ,..,. an.r the fa c ~ Wellington still loob on Fidel -Castro and his Cuban govern· •ment u an autcut. It appears the adverit cl. President.elect ·Richard M. N1xon'1 adminis-- . -will do little to change • that vlnJ>olnt. · Hemispheric observers and ~others in Washlnirton believe · thal Nixon, il anything, w I II -toughen his approach to Cuba. • and there la not ....... ol ' . . . 1....... ' -if-rid; .In. 'JriUln. ' ' • J , • !; 1~ · ;. ' · i . ~ • ' • ; T1.tamlnl, 1aad mirierall.tln .._ •. !~~!!lll:'(UPle~d;; Muskje said <egardlng a Tr0tible~J1hi9~1J Slaip .Returns .,, ;· dlllnn,tolhoclewlt...-~~ -·~ • poiqlble. rivalry between 1rlm in ·!ht bmcb, Ice -~ :'i:e ~~·tS:. and Kennedy for the next · The Queen .i!:Uzab.eth: II noses her way into the workmen are to start work imnlediately on ·the tur· ·f:..~i:!.t~able ftr II• Edward M. Kennedy emetged presidential nomination,. "I · Ocean Tenrunai al Soiithampton, England last week bines in the hope they can get the $72 million vessel Dr. Noble alao confll'med with the De:mocutic prealden-think you have got to w1;it after a lG-day shakedtrwn cruise with her, faultu seaworthy in two weeks. complatnts that .. : ..... ICbaol ti,a1 nominaUon In 197J until that comes ... at least ' t ~ uq~uJ b Mamlleld a1an lhlnu Hubert I want to·upl.,. It.'' ~ines rwinlilg at hall speed. More tban 1,000 · = load II b I I l H.llumpllrey·Mllbeapowul--~~;,_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~-~-'-~~~~~-~~~~~.....::::::.::::..~~~~~~ In the party and oould get a second chance at the White House. Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, who proved an aUracUve can- didale aa H-brey'1 nmnlng mate In 1161, .... asked u he m1&l>t try for the top of the Uctet next time out. Hi• reply: 1,, '1At least, I want to explore 1t."..I ' • ·, ... • ' . - ' • • -pored to the stance Presi· ·-~---;,d~~"i.'"..nJ:.Lexpect-, TVW~~-a ~--~-Jlb'i7il·~~-jr- liowever, that NIInn will mod-lllcliard M. Nixon still two """"'' 4 I I · lfy Jol!nson's baslC cqndl--:-n. away, Manafleld ilhd Dom for resumlng dlptorriatic M u s t t e m a d e t h e r e rtlalions wllh the bland. Tbooe I speculatJw llalm!enll Sunday :Conditions Included an end to nn separale lelmsloo ;n. Cuba's subvenJve action in teme:wa. ~Latin ~ca 'Bod th!, aer~-Mansfield, asked twice ii he Ing o( CUba s official tles with aaw Kennedy as tbe 1972 the Soviet Union. nominee replied both times · U:S. officials indicate the~e "I would not be in the 1eui ts 1Jttle chance Castro will surprised ,, ·submit to either condiUon. · "There Is no reason to doubt But Mansfield said be ~Id "Iha! Castro Is finnly Jn paw<r not bell.eve the M .... cl!W!etll end is under .any sort ~ pres-senator • seizure of the asst. sure to slage raoprochoment tan! Senale party leadmhlp ,-with the United States," one from Sen. Russell B. loQg hemispheric affairs e>perl -• flnl llep toward --said. Ing the pmldenUal nomlna· Castro bad al least one J>Olf· tion. live lmoact on U.S. Jlllliey. "I th1nt it ia ID lndlcatlon The United States and Its LO-ol Sen. Ted Kenned,y"1 declJca. tin American ~ start-t1on to ·the Senale add the ed. the Alliance for · Progress fact that he wanta t o became of the Castre chal· partlclpate more acUvely in Jeoge. The alliance baa bied !ta affaln," he .. Id. to ollmlnale the pcmrly In d ANOTHER CHANCE discontent ex:' which Castro Al for whether Humphrey .has b«litrading. mllht 1et .-.r chance at WIFE DIDN'T BELIEVE IT LONDON (AP) - A London boobeller said today h e received the following letter from a customer: "I om returning the book about mastery over women which I ordered 10 days ago. Unfortunately, my wife would not let me keep it." the nomination, Mansfield saldi "He may. He wlll be in there. He will be a power in the party in the yu.i1 ahead, and what Hubert will do, Hu~ will decide." For his part, Muskie aald that be previously entertained hope of wbming a spot in the Senate 1eadenblp, but bad decided inste.ad to accept in- vltatlons, stemming from hls campalgn!Qg, to speak around the countries on 1hetto and other problems. N. Vietnam Building Supplies During Halt WASllINGTON (UPI) - North Vietnam Is W!ing the bombln1 ha1t to improve H.s mllltaiy position by sbl[l!E>g lruge quantlU.. ol guns and other war materials to South Vietnam, a Hou a e sub- committee -· Further, tt concluded, the Wlll" will be prolonged becaUR ol the -supplies, abould the Paris peace talb fail, and U that happens nothing tbort oi an "all out military effort" would be needed to bring 1lle conlJlct to ID .00. a five-lold increase in the southward Oow of supplies ••. tons have come down the roads into the panhandle . • • tom have moved to the Laos border area ... " More petroleum and sup- plies were spotted on film 1n \be first hall of November than "had been seen col· lectively in the past 12 months," the panel uid. Communist Ollna and the Soviet Union have been pro- viding the North Vietnames< Mlh the new supplies, the ~ 'Ibese concJusions w e r e nached by I special au)>. l'\)lllmW.., ol 111e H..,.. Ann· od Senlces committee, which report said. . "Large numben ol -nel have been photographed moving ...,lh. Traffic on ma- jor n>uta 11-movfnl -In large convoyo nn a bumher· h>bumper bub . • . In Laoo the total ~ wblcle ac- tivity ror lht first. half of November nearly doubled that Sttn In tM previous period." loot --&.m military ~ 1111 IDOlllh. lt Ibo espland oorial photographs mode during the first 15 days If llowmbel", after the United -ltopped bombing the llitlh. "All major mads In NOrth vw-. ........ .,,.. and 1111 and wai.r crooslngs ....., to taos and toward Ille DllZ ( dornllUarb:..i -) ... bola( repolnd and ... ,.._.at a rapid rate," the ...... ~ .., ~, Jl "' llFI that the .... 'fltl•••••• .... .-•·•=a '" taptlc .,.. ._ ... _ ••• Fr --... :'I:' •11• . • i. .. -. "Iii ""*.-a.on --.) • Chicago Opens Furniture Show CHJCAGO (UPI) -An tslimated 4 0 , O O O f\lrnlture maken and eelltn gathered In Oiicago today for the Wlni.r !nternaUnnal Home Jl'urnllhJnp Mart.I. M1dlterranean styles -lnlle the lpp'Glllmately ._ dllpa,. ol lrfnt.r Jlltlll !llndbn linel In th. -.., Famlturo Mart and lho'Mm:handbe Mort. . . Ii. •• Appreciation can cover the spectrum of man and ~tUre­ appredatlon of life, apprcclallon of a friendly smile, appreciation of a rainy day, the aroma of steaming coffee, the vi"brant color blending of flowers , the mischievoils giggle of a small cblld, tjie breath·taking beauty of fluffy clouds, and even the mysterious sparkle of an evening star. Here ate simple, everyday sights tlfat can make a day rich and enjoyable. In the miXed pool of human nature, appreci· ation has become a way of life for us, and is something that we believe in and pracUce. Appreciation can make a day rich, pleasant, and enjoyable. Why not use th~ every day ? To us, appreciation is a very real farce, strmg and vital to our everyday lives. lt is gaverned by a law thiltJs almost as direct as the Jaws of physics-"We draw io oulire!ves the .good of everything we · appreciate, but the evU,~f everything we bell\tle." We know thltln·banlciog, peoplerepreserit the vety core of success or f,ilure, and there is alway• som<tbing lo ap-, preclale In all people ••• # we looh for itl ".Ap~ate, and you prosper: Belittle, and you Jose•. Because of ~ llm<:· ptaven plndple; each penon's fate is in his <1W!' hand We a~ eaeh·employee In hi•·own way, ancf they, ID, . -. tam, lf'P'lclale each tlepo5ilor that enters \)Ur.'bank. • • . -.. _~-··. • reciatio This month marks the c:ulmlnallon cf ht,_. tJl ~ this vital force. Flve years ago this month, our doors opened for business, and it was a cbaJ~ge far ua, a very competitive challenge, at that We had a roof, flocr, 4 wall9. aftd a small safe. But, we rea!IU!d then that tbele materlal assets were not going to be enougb, if we were to be SW> cessfui. We needed to have that something extra.,. the "Art of Appreciation". We started by biting that certain kind of employee who bad this basic quality inherent in his personality. The people of Orange County have responded to our kind oC appreciation. ln five short years, our success is being real· ized because it is based Qn this strong and vital force. Our assets have grown from :iero to over 55 million doDa:ra iJl ,piat time. CertaJnly we appreciate this growth. Howetet, w~ appreciate even more the fact that our c:iepm!tms1~ elate our many services :and how our pecpJe ba.e ~ with them. The"Art of Appeclalkln"reallTW<llb.L!lt any man try it for one ordinary day, and that day wlll~ ~ ent and more rewarding than any he bas erperiencw1 bdo<e. 1£ you are not appreciated where you now do :r-baotlng. please pay us a visit and try OCll' brllld of appredllkm. .. We'd appreciaU It! ---- ' . ,----~tWPQi7; ~ "" . : .' · . NATION AL .# j;, I \ ~~B A N K '1lr>'~ ', --i\~ - ~i'. t -~ • ' ' •• J f ·: ,. •• . . . ' ' 1- , '. , . • ' I . I ·' ti I -~ -----------------.--~-"t •'" '"'",. '*"* •w '",. • o u • • • • u • • "u o • ••• •-W ; :; • a o o : ••a• u .,..,.., .. , ;: :o:s aeow: p;sz s a • a : • 'I ~ -\ • MMdlf, ~ 6, }969 DAILY P11f , 1J Y~u~g ·Lion Lunn , Devours So~al Open Field ' . ' u,,, ..... NEATNESS COUNTS -~ta end Gene Washington paid the price Sunday for not having his shirt tucked in during "Runnerup Bowl" in Miami. Here, Dallas defensive b1ick Mel-Ren!ro pulls him to a stop using Washington'• shirt tail. J;>allas won,.17-13. Playoff Bowl Dallas in 11-13 Win; . . ·i' • - New Sire ls Sought M!A141 (AP) -The Dallas ea.toy• beat the Minnesota Vikings 17-13 Sunday In -t could be the last National Foot- ball League playoU bowl game as il b now comtituted -at least in Miami. The contract between the NFL and the Orange Bowl ended with Sunday's dull game before 22,961 rain dm.cbed fam. Bowl officials apparently feel the game between second place finishers In the NFL's two conferences lacks ~ terest. for ram and players. As presently constituted, the game Bruins, Broncs Keep Rolling Untied Preti laterutioaal No qu..Uon about tt, UCLA and Santa Clara are the "class" te1m1~on tbe West Coast -and certalnly anioog the best In the nation -and ~ the unexpected they'll meet In Mu<h to d<clde wbo will go on to play In the NCAA llnals. WJth each game more and more observers jump the Santa Clara band wagon as the Broncos keep right on rolllng along. Thelr high standing - fifth in the nation -comes as somewhat o( a smprise. UCLA's No. I ranking ls llrictly h<>lmm llufl. Santa Clara helped launch the West Coat A1bJeUc Conference season Satur- day with a ridlculously ouy, -. vlo- toiy over the Unlventty ol San Francis- co ,once the top team In the WCAC and now one ol 111 also rana. Tb e Btutns completed I he pre«>no ference portlm of their season with a M-44 rout of Tulane to boost their record to M, which is DOt quite as gaudy u Santa Clara'• 12-0 mark. UCLll m.,. iQlo Padllc 8 Conf..-ence play 11111 -· aa do an the otber PACI turns. Frmn here on ou1 the PAC. land WCAC ocbool& play n>Ollly loaglle aamu, and lhlls the """1idown already ls In -lot UCLA ud Santa QarL Stanlorll and Wublngton Stale _.. the only .U..-PACI te.ma btlldel UCLA In -Salurdq. Tbe 1i1c1ian8 -.itd llrljJ)lam Young, M-7', and the O>d&•n bea lllallo, -. UCIA lnltUlel PAC-I play on the "8<1, ....u., ilngo!I Friday nlCbt and Chaon Stale Saturday an.-.. The leaven ate M and the Ducb are W. .... .. hu nothing al ltake, except the $1,200 share per player on tbe winning team and $500 !or looing players. Dallas Coach Tom Landry said last week that this 11 a fun.wort weet and teams don'I give the game the 2°4-bour ~at.ion needed for a t o p perf~e. Minnesota, winner of the Central Divi!ion tJtfe, jumped to a 13-0 lead in the first period. Bob Bryaol ran back a )Ult 81 yards for a touchdown -loogest return In the n1n .. year history ol the series -and Fred Cox kicked lwo field goals. Landry had high praise lot quarlerback Don Meredith. He rallied the Cowboys from a 13-0 nm quarter deficit to lS..10 at halltime. Mtndith completed 15 of 24 passes for ,%43 yards and me touchdown and and was voted the outatandlng player of the game. Trallill( JU, 11,ettdllh fired a 51-yard touchdown i:esa: ·to Oeet Bob Hayes. Mlke Clari: ~ the -· point and it .... JJ.7. Tbeo, he led the Cowboya to the -lour-yard line, wbero Clark boolod a'lleld goal with 115 IHXW!ds remaining to making U 13-10 at balltlme. Laiidry sent cra1g M«ton In at quarlerbaclt for the """'1 ball. Aller Dallas llnel>acbn Chuck Howlay and Lee Roy .Jordan pressured -punter King Hill Into a U-yard punt ~ third period, Morion wrnt to lie QJlllpleled a 11-yard pau to traig Bl,fllham !Gr a first down al the IS. Aller ~to the 20, Morton hit Be,ynham for the :JO.yard winning - St. John'• Stum Davuuon, 75-74 Tbe Redmen of SL John'I don't qua!!!Y . .. &Lml-klllen but they ate doln& their b o I I lo make thlnp dl!IIcult for I h e -ol the ellle ol the coUeae baUetball WO(Jd. The Redmen from New York, wbo loot to No. I ranked UCLA In tho 11na1a ol tho llDllday Feollval baftlboll-... ment Jut week, abocked No. J ranked illlvidlon In ov.riJme S&tunlay, 7$-74, ao a I 81 I IM!C:llOd jmnp shot by B II I Paola. 11 wu the aecond upiet Iha! SL Jolin'• hu pulled off thlt -~ --llCCOd-raoDd North °""1lna Ill the llml.flnal round ol Ille lfolldaJ Feativa~ '12-70. ~et Says rfeam Must Control Ball FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) - Middle linebacker Al Attmon isn't awed by the 1&-point odda spread and tho smart money boys who say the BaIUmore Colts will beat his New York Jets In the Jan. 12 Super Bowl game, "Bullalo won only one game this TRAP SHOOTER -Billy C&sper, who won over $2111);000 in 11!63, blasts out of a sand trap on the 18th fairway during final rounds of the Southern California Open at Buena Park Sunday. Casper shot a 140 for the tourney, tying for ninth place. Hil' ~71 rounds earned him $550. Winner Bob Lumt won '6,000, aeuoo.." recalled AtkiMDll after sweating ' =·==~~~; Large, Small School.s Disagree 'Ism us ana ft~JJ'OOlpTfa~vOihi~~.~ .. -' ---, ~f=s~=~ Frosh·· Eligibility ~Deb?-ted "I know this: We're going to try and do what only one team in the National Football League could do, beal the Cotta." Atldmon, an All-AFL linebacker, refer- red to the recent playoffs In which the Colts won tbek cooferenct• In ·a tough game with Minnesota, and then blasted Cleveland in tbe championship game. "If we come 8.fter theialike Cleveland did we'll get b ea t and get beat bad. We'll make the lt point spread look small. But If we cutne at them the WIJ' -clid, we'll win. 'l'llol Mino -lrool loor did • erttl job. They gol Earl,Motrall Ii .. tlmel In tho llrsl ball. We're gOJng to llavo to gel lbal kind of play from our front fOur." Atkinson said Mlnneaola might have beaten Ba1ttmore 11 Ille Vikings bad, managed monr offensive punch; "Aller watching the films, if we can come on defensively lite Minnesota and give our offense the ball, we'll ecore.. Our offense is better than Minnesota'•· tr Joe Namath gets the ball enough, he'll ........ The 25-year.old Altinson laid the chances of the tmderdog AFL team also rest in ball control I "In the first two Super Bowl games, Green Bay controlled the ball against Oakland and Kanaas City. We can't al· ford to give the ball to BalUmore. Even if we don't acore we have to move the ball." . .. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ellglbilily of freshmen . for varsity competition poses a knotty problem for the National Colle- giate AthleUc Association convention with smaller schools saying "yes" and major universities "no." Officially, the convention opens today but already the frosh have drawn at~ ten lion. The college committee voted Sunday to support a proposal that freshmen be ellgible le< all lntercollegiale llJIOrls, ......... the preoenl --against thelt .compe11uao In football and baste~ ball Several majo< conlerences Including the Eut Coast, Big Ten and Pacific.a have gone .oi1 rec«d favoring no varsity, competfUon for the first-year students. A rule passed last year by the margin ol three votes, made frosh eligible f o r vanity ccmpetition in all spOrts except lootllall and baakethalL Some conferences have their own rules fUrther lqlrlctlng,fr"hman competiUon. James H. Witham 'of Northern Iowa, chali'man of the c o 11 e g e committee. reported Sunday the group "ts going to recommend lbal ellglblllty be ap- proved for all freshmen." He said this would include those in both college and university division schools. "I am surt some conferences will oppose thil," he said with conviction. Witham aald that particularly with ~~~--~~~~~~~~- Ott to tlae Penalt" Box Ted Hanis (10) of Montreal an4 Bill Orban of Chicago were sen\ lo the penalty box for 1even minutes each Sunday for tbiJ light during their game at Cblcago, MOlllreel won, 4-2. college schools, the ecooomlc factor ls a problem. There a r e only so many grants-in-aid available and also !e'Veral colleges have found It difficult to have freshman squads because of the ever-increasing junior college compeUUon for athletes. Witham also reported his committ~ will push forward with plans to create a third dlviaJon ol competition for smaller four-year colleges. Currenlly, the NCAA ha! only · the Sports In Brief ' eoll'8< and unlvenlty dlvl!lorls and many of the state-suppdrted colleges h a v e shown lremendous llfOWlh, nie infractions commiltee lifted - . bations on the Univenity ot SouUi Carolina and" )I~. Houston .had ~ on probatim three years !or irrqulorllles in Its football program. Soulb Carolina ll6Ved • -year ~ probation In both football and -etball. Palmer in LA Open; Wooden Benches Lew LOS ANGELES -Qualifying ope09 today for the 4.1rd annual •too,ooo Las Angeles Open, first tour tournament of the year on the goU circuit, with 189 pros and amateurs seeking 24 positions in the tourney which geb uader way with a pro-am round Wednesday. Golilng great Arnold Palmer, who has won the tournament three times, just did beat the deadline for ent'.ering Sunday. Palmer will be trying to become the third man tn history to capture the tournament four times. LetD Bio"'• Cool Large Lew Alclodor blew· bl.s top, unaccountably, during another predict- able UCLA basketball triumph. Alclndor, UCLA's ll!llally gonllo gianl, loMed In M points and then threw a temper tantrum lo the mldsl ol the top. ranked JJruin,,' 96--64 romp over 'l\llaDe Saturday night Coach John Wooden benched Alclndor with IJ;t minutes pm•tning wben the 7-foot-111 All-American m... ,a ledllllcal !o<ll for Heaving the ball In the air in protullog a penooal loW WI. Stars Bost 0.1141• LOS ANGELES-Cliff lli.gan'1 Dallu Chaparrals meel lhe Los Angeles, Stan looight al the 8porta Arena In an Mner- ican Bubthall Aaodatlon - Dailu curren~ in tll&d """"' In the Western Dl followed "liy New Qrleanl and Loo Angeles, Spike Results SAN FRANCISOO -Bcib BHmaa - the 1oolllahled -Saturday nJibl in the !Im-major American tract iDIOt alnco the Olympics. lleam'!",jumpod :IS feet, 11 lnchea to win the long Jump at lho All-American Tract aDd Field Gamea. Other field event ;rinnen were Nell Steinhauser (•bot, M:lly.j, Beamon (lriple Jump, IM), Ed Canllhln (hllh jump, i.10), and RJdc Sleall (v&lll~ lH\I). Tract winners ,,.... Wllllo illaftllpart (IOHll, 7J), Bill Gai-(IO dalll, 1.1)1 llGn Whllney (IOO, l :IU), Jim l\'aru (100, az.4), Wade Bell (1,000, S:lU), Leo EvllN (~, e.tlj Genl .. YOWIC (kllle, 1:4S.0) and """' BOlr (nlf]e, 4:0l.5). BuUets 6Ntl1Mid BALTIMORE -Tho Balilmin &lo 11!11, hard to llop lhlJ 1<11Dn u lhoy took over flnt place ln tlie Nallonal Jlallethall Alloclallcsi'• Eaatern Divi- sion, were stopped Sunday by med>aP.. ical failure on the airplane. stranded al Balllmore's Friendship lntemallonal Airport more th"1 ais hours, tho Bullets finally lll>(lfled tho Mllwankee Bucks they Couldn'I -.e for Sunday night's game in Milwaukee, Wis. . ' Neui PIU a. .. PITl'SBURGH -rranl: Kush, ol Ari· !Olla Stale, regarded u -of the -and moot au..-W young ~ coaches In the United Slit.., has a<:<epl- ed the challenge at die Unlvenlty of Pitlsburgh. ' E~ PrC!IHU.' HONOLULU -Tbere'1 no IUbstltute: for experi~ eveo when it com.s 191 muddy IOOU1811 fielils, unleas )'OUr ._ ls 0, J. Slmpaon. ThO 23rd Hula Bowl game WU play.d, Salurday on a Deld r<rider<CI iracllcally lmpusable by two days ol lroplcal clownpour, and the -ploytn In Honolulu stadtnm wtre fellows wbo'T.e seen mud before. I Wat.r bu11a1o Bll1 Eqyart, <>recoii Stale'• 236-pouod lullbact, .... back.<I· the-game honors by a narrow mara.Q over USC's Simpson and said that Qe1 credited 11 to the lacl thal he ii Uled to moddy llelda In Orogoo. . , Enyart .scored both touchdowns r..-, the North All&'.an In a lH ~ In the naUonally televlaell pme. I Slmpsao got ~ only _. for the, -In a dmllng 111-jard -, re-' tmn for a toucbd9WD- Joyal lnjiµ-ed In 0..() Tie 'I J r I \ it/ •I • ' ... . .. ....... ft OAl1. Y l'!LOT Missed · Tip Tops Rustlers 11J JOICL llCllW AltZ ..... ....., ....... u the llnt -of -°""'"""" action Is .,, ........... of lbtap to --Dick . Slricklin ad Ille ....u bandflll of ~ Wiii Collqe basket· boll -... likely ulcer ~ llma. Tbo J!mllen ate ..,,, H In _,......,. after dropping an 17-11 dodlloo 14 Rio lloodo Collep Saturday nilbt at Orup Caoll Collec•· .&n<t jull like the -· 1'lida1 ntil>t vict«y, 1'-'IS, ..., Jtfvtnkle, the coatat wu in doobt until tbl rtna! .,,_. "We jull -~ get any bnaU," ~ StrlciUn. "If Brian Anlbro&tcb'• tip wtnt In .... mlsbt bo.. pWled It out." 'lbat tip came ·with 13 -· ldt In the pme after -Campbell made • i... throw and then m1ale4 a ee- cmd attempt. Am brosJcb mode • fine tip, bul Ille ball ..... 'Gil the rim and .then dropped back In play. That tip woalll haft nar- ""'ed a fOUJ'i)Olnt Rio Hondo margin to 17-85 and, con- sidering tbe way the Roadnm- nen bandied the ball In I b e last seconds, Golden West might have tied the score. After galnlng possession of the ball on the missed tip, the Roadrunners bod the boll batted out of bounds, and then cot.ldn't inbound the ball in ~ " .... ·Pirates, Hondo ·Collide By EARL GUSTKEY Of"" Dalt-, "'"' .... It wun't so Ion&. ago ~t wh~ -a team beat Rtven!de ctty College in Wheelock Gyrn'*"1m it was a f e a t worthy ol a Ucker tape paradJ:. But the ball d-'t bounc. right for the Tigtr1. tbtse days, u Oran1t Cout proved Saturday night when it humbl- IUJl&llH «l"'l&IMC!I w I. ........ F1llfrton 2 I l•l W Ctwffw t I ,19 1.tt ltloH..... I I fT Q Ml. IAC I I 152 145 °"'"'" coe,r 1 1 1n 1 It MV Finds A Winner At Last Goldlft Wltrl I I ll7 lto By STEVE EKOVICH sin a.rNrtino t 1 ls• 1f4 or .,.. 0.fly Plitt ••• S.11!1 AM 0 1 '5 IO c11rv1 o 2 10 l•.S ~oa VJejo Hi1h bu not R"-•ld• o 2 112 111 be.en particular"' known tor ~tuNn'I~ v 0r1"" eo.11 11s. """""w. " its athletic proweu, but coach 1111:io Hondo 11, Oddfll Wttt tJ Pat n_ .. _ _._ "-.n--11y Full"'1an 'I!, Sen let11Udlr>0 76 ~ ... may .... ve UU. c11111fV 1•. c1'"'' n come up with a wJ.noer as Mt. SAC :;..;.YP~ his Df1blo ba.Q:Jtball tum 111..-io. •' ~·" •-re1tn11 steirqed to the chamhloDlhlp Mt. IA( 11 0.fftv of •· ~ '-Ort""' coet1 ,, 11:i. Hondo lite Bra"Unda Touma- l'111i.non "" c~res.1 '' Los a 1.. ment by edm ... Servlte Si''"' mltu Hl111 Scharn 1!"'6 ..... ~-Wff_,.f day night. flB.58. • C1tni1 11 511111 "'"" The Dlablos opened the ed Riverside by a 113-911 score. bomb bay doors right from The Pirates, now 1-1 in , the beginning and dropped in Eastern Conference p I a y , their payload from the outaide travel to Rio Hondo Tuesday to grab the lead wllh 6:08 night. left in the second quarter, "This was by far our best 18-17. . ) game of Uie year," declared Mission Vlejy' Jost the Jud a h a pp y Bob Wetzel after momentarJly J few HCODda the Riven.Ide rout. later, .bwt1llablot Dan Jtrat.I "You can't imagine what aod Tom Gardner hit oo a this kind of a win dots for couple of quick ones to '~t us. It's been the pressure their teammate:& into an edit defenses that've been hurting they ne ver agp.ln rtll.nquiahed, us thil year but we shot UJe Servite missed 1.. cbance to eyea out ol Riverside'a:'' take over •lt!r 3:S6 Jett in Coast beat Riverside at lhe the game, but a miiaed one- Tritons, Diahlos Collide In Crestview Opener the Crestview circult, tnb to El Modena for a 3: ts en- counter. Tht ArtJsil f1n1ahed. the preleague season with a 2-1 mark. Two prtp IGutnamenl cham· plOOI hllbllpl the Oj>ening round of Crestview League bUteU,..11 actJon T u e a d a y when Mllalon Viejo and San Clemeate tanglt. .--------- M!Woo rVlejo. recent wlnnerJ~==::JO==""==~ ol1 the fourth annual Brea baatetbaU tourney, will be travellng to the tr i t o n 1 • bardwoodl at 7 p.m. to meet Saa Olomeate, willner of tis own invttatlonal in December • San Clemente ii CWT<ntly 7-4 wblle the Dtabtoo are 7-3. Laguna Beach, the other Orange Coe.st area team inlcjj!=:i~~~====~ A TllU FOR EVERY DRIVING NEED !' ONE $40-4343 646-4421 2049 HAIJIOR ILV!). lat ·lay) COSTA MESA N_IW CAI CHANllOYllS 8. F. Goadrlch-Flrestone Goadyear-General ·-------i.·Ye-fleeOftder tWins..it °" lbe tumovtr to the RusUers. ...._...., __ _,ow_lill<..XbLBuu.~ .,il1jJ)!Qll lnrnod .lhe'tt-1--- on a spectacular 35 of 41 free ball over to Miasion Viejo. 0--- f • • • I i ' i • Miller missed a hurried' ' Jumper, Rio Hondo rebwnded but loot the boll ...... ,tbia time on a lra~ling lloJation. But again Golden w'e s t couldn't score as time ran out. ' In many respects, the con- test wu a near rerun o! the Rustlen' win over Riverside. Only this time, Golden West ' OAIL Y r1LOT l'llol1 • ., 011t SllNllttf' REBOUND WRECKAGE -Rio Hondo College guard Dave Walters (33) looks like he's .perform~ a gymnasti cs routine after being knocked off his feet in battle under the ba~kboatds. Still contesting for the ball are Rio Hondo's Skip Kennady and Golden \Vest's Brian Ambrozich. Rio Hondo rallied from 12- point' deficit to whip Rustler!, 87-a.J. had tbe big lead, 48-38, and ------------------------------ blew tt alW-center Dave Prather fouled out with 16:45 rF· .. left in the game and the . • Ire Rwrtlera suffered through five Opens Tuesday and a half minutes without a field goal. ·--Gr•-Wille~ Gr1Mdol Qu1m.,,. '~ ...... F•"""""'• Tol11H ......... (17) FG ,.T ~F TP 0 0 2 0 1 2 I 6 10J41l 2 0 ' • l I 1 1 ' 0 1 • ' u 2 17 J 4 5 10 :Jill 21 n 11 G9IHtl WKl 1a1 P.0 ,T rr: TP (111'\Pbell 1 l 0 J JGIM>IOfl 0 0 1 0 Mllrtl11 J 1 1 1J Miiier • 3 J JJ Pt.,...ll!r 2 1 0 • ,. .. ,hat 2 • l ' OISOtl " ' J 12 lltobllllOrl 1 24 • Htrdiflt J o 3 10 Ambrlllldl ' • ' II T ... 11 :Ill 1l H SJ Malnlme 1tor1: Goldeft We•I n. llt!a _ .. Lions Drop 99-58 Rout To 'Babes Followers of Westminster High School basketball must be wondering why the Lions didn't tettle for their 34-point defeat at the bands o( migbty Compton in the Huntington Beach Invitational basket.ball tounwne.nt (71-4.5) and Jet it 10 1t that. Erpecially aft.er the un- defeated Tarbabes gol lhrough w:ltb the Uons Saturday night w I t h their "-58 rout in the final prtle.ague match for the Llono. The defending CIF cham- piCll and currently undefeated CGmpton crtw wreaked havoc with the hosts' defense, run- ning up an 88-38 margin after • three quarters. JeU Powers was the lone brtJ:ht spot for Westminster, tanking 28 points. The Tarbabes had s i x players in double figures Jn attalftlr11 the victory. Wmtminstt:r moves i n t o Sublel Le.ague action Tuesday altemoon with a test at home qabt higb.ly regard ed Anaheim. ....... _ w.tln.,_.. II 11 11 ~ ",.. --_,, .... .. _ ., ...... --· ,_ W__.WUIJ l'ell'Tl'l'TP • • J • ti•~" I I 4 7 I I I I J ' 1 11 1 J 0 J I 1 I J I t I t 1f•1tSf _,.,.., ,. rT f'P T~ 'I I 4 IS J .. ' ,. , • .. 1• tt I t: • It 1 ' " • I I I I I I t I • 0 lf ' ' 0 ] ... ,1J,, In Sunset It's round one of a scheduled 14-round Sunset League bask- etball bout' as the ~tent Or- ange County loop opens fire Tueaday. And already followi!rs are alerted for possible knock- downs of the title favorites. In fact, with five likely championship contenders, it appears that crucial games and upsets will be the nonn every Tuesday and Friday un- til Feb. 2Q when hostilities cease. Two rugged tests highlight Tuesday action with Marina at Newport Harbor a n d Ana- heim invading Westminster. Other games involve Hunt- ington Beach at Santa An a and Santa Ana Valley at Wcst- em. The latter is a 7 o'clock game ·while the other three are at 3: 15. Marina, conquerors of New- port Harbor in the recent Huntington Beach invitational, 71-57, is considered the favo- rite, but must overcome the home coort advantage enjoy- ed by Newport Harbor a n d the possible momentum car- ried over from the Tars' championship victorv o~r Kofa High f50-48) Saturday night in the Newport Optimist Tourney . Anaheim. now tG-1. meets Westminster in the other cru- cial, with the Lions or West- minster working on a f o u r- game losing streak. Huntington Beach does n o t figure to be in loo deep with host Santa Ana and Western is a heavy favorite against Valley. SoCal Cagers At Cal Tech Southern CaUfomia College travels to Cal Tech I n Pasadena Tuesday night in qut'Sl of getting back on the winning tract in non-con- Ierence basketball action after absorbing a 101-3.1 defeat Saturday night at the hands of in viding College of !he Desert. a.l!lff"lt C.I•. C•ll"' (HI Allbrlllon Shull' ·-.... ~ ""''" ...... Mo""'° -"""' '"'" T"•tl\ KIUll!N "'"'' ,0 l'T ~, TP S 1 ; 11 , ' ' , 1 ' ' . . ' . " ' " . ' ' , ' ' . 1 ' s h 0 l 1 I I ft < 10 :~ " 11 'l C.00 ~ ~t(. JI Tars Win Tourney Little Time Left To Savor Victory By ROGER CARLSON OI !IN O•llf Pllfll 511ff Coach Dave Waxman and his ·Newport Harbor High School basketball squii.d may have the first tournament championship since 1964 safely locked away in the school's Al~TOWN-9 T~"I Clludt Y1rlc1y. CHI• Me .. 51-wt Lt11;h, Cw11111 fft Mir Ett ~l"llMI, Ill M9"111 Johll MehM, kllfl ln Mt-. N•wHrt Htrllw trophy case but they have precious little time to savor the glory. For less than 24 hours from now the Sailors will be opening lheir initial Sunset League test of the year, hosting Marina. That 's how it stal'lds for the Tars after they came £rom behind and then had to hang on for a narrow 50-48 decision over Kofa High of Yuma, Ariz., Saturday .. night for the championship of the seventh annual Newport H a r b o r Optimist basketball tourna- ment. Cosla f\iesa and Corona del Mar made it a complete Orange Coast area sweep on the final night of action with victories over El Modena and Yuma . f\1 csa upset El ~1odena, 65- SS. for third place in the Mira Costa Rips Gauchos SAN DIEGO -ti.1ira Costa College shredded Saddleba.ck College's t~·c>-game basketball winning sln!ak Saturday night 'A·ith an easy 91--45 victory in t h e San Diego Sports Arena. f\f ost of whal little ICOring the Gauchos managed wu supplied by guard Tom Noon and center Marc Hardy, who tallied 14 and 13 points. Saddlcback. now J-7 on the season, returns to action Wednesday night at ?\fission Viejo High School against the Cht1 pman College Frosh. 5tdtt"*lr 141 1 ('11 Mlrl C•I• ""'•111!• !OJ " j ltl Goowr flo,>d Ill ' p t ) L•"9111n tl~nlv Ph C illl Jt\lftn Noon 110 f~ l1') Wtlwn M1•rlU !01 G 111 NthOf' k11tln1 tub•· ~•!ldlt'btt~-s....,.., tO """ C111>t• Ct~, 1-tt1nlonl .._ "' ....... ' !j '"' •!'• O{('I' ft '""'ti:• 1' tourney while Corona del Mar wa s dismantling Yuma, 71-33, for consolation honors. In the c hampion s hip decider, the Arizonans led by as much as eight early in the third period before Lee Ha ven of Newport started a rally to pull the Tars into contention. Finally, with 4:1& to go In the game, Dan Lindstedt hit a six-footer to put the Tars into a 42-41 lead. The champions pushed the lead to 50-42 before Kofa roared back to nearly evf.11 it at the buzzer. However, Nels Tahtl's in- terception of a Kofa fast-break in the closing seconds sealed the verdlct. _,,_ ,,.....,... ttt~ t 1$ II kol• 11 11 • .......... """" (If) ,,_,. ....... Ll!W!Jledl ••• .. .,.. """"" -Tlllll , ... -~r ""~ G11y "'°""" Tot1r. N PT ~II' TP t: J I t I t t 2 $ I 4 II I I 4 6 4 2 ' 1D 2 I 2 J 17 11 u • (ICtftJ 41 ,. PT Piii TP t s l I • 2 J '° 4 I I I 1 1 s J 1 I • J r 1 s s 1110214 sc-..,Oul,,.,. COii• ,..,_. t2 M lJ l!:I Modin. 14 1' 11 ...... , ,....., Ytr\n S11Urney.,r en1o;1,.. ...... _ ·~ ICtUw f0f1I• "~ """'~ ,._ C1•1torl ••• TO-T1t1r. C•lt Mua U•J ,. l'T PP TP • t s '° 1 J J 17 ' ' . '' 0 0 ' 0 l J J I 2 4 1 I 7i 11 11 4.5 ··~MOii) 'Glll'Tr,TP 7 ' J 11 . ' ' . J 0 J • J J ' ' ' J • " • ' 1 ' Jl lJ ,, 1S _,,_ c~ dtl Mii' " '' t• "'"""' ,, J • c-..-.. MM-1n1 ,_ -...... ""'"'"~ "' """" ""'" °" O'LH.., , ... Mttli""' Wlnl!ll'! .... '~' lt•lflMr M11r!J Mo!~lln• 01•!11'! H11Q'l'l~t Mll!O" ,. " ,., l' , J J 11 • 1 t: JJ I S" t 7 ' • 2 It ' • t •• • ' 1 ' t ' 2 I I I J t ,,,,,.,. "''""' ,., Ille ,T ,, T,. 1 I I IJ I 1 I I J I ' J l I S J 1 a J t • • J 0 0 • 1 • I I I J ' l ' ' I I I J 0 0 ' 0 U t t4 ll .,......,. •• m·•wtta• ti?:fT'v*..z6-£a£"NT3 == - throws. Riverside had the After G a r d n e r collected edge in field goals, 41-39. three gratia ~ and There were no individual pumped In a bucket with 30 super stars for the Pirates, seconds left the Diabloa only although t R ct StJckelmsier had to play it tJght de!enaive- scored 21 and teamed with ly. Phil Jordan to gfve Coast Gardner ended the night as dominance ol the backboards. high JCOrer with 2.1 polntl and OC:C had six shooters in was voted the tournament's doul;He fJrure.s. out.standing player. Wetzel'a troops dashed away Kratz and Steve West also to a S-0 lead in the opening hit into the double figures as mlnuNl_.._and owned the lead the pa ir struck for 15 and in ,Ole ..,-st half all the way. 12. RJversidi crept to •ithin 25-13 In other tournament action but tr&lled at the half by Estancia sv•iped third place 58-49. as the Eagles cut down Brea, Coast briefly lost the lead 52-41. Skip Williams, voted to early in the second half but the all tournament team, bag- even then you had the feelinr ged 10, while Bill Dlllas, it was the Buca' ball game. recovered from the flu, hit for 13. i:f i:f 'f.r Laguna Beach was pinned 0r1111t c.est inti with another loss as the I '~ '~ '~ 11~ Artists dropped a consolalion Jordt II J'1ccl:IM!I SllCkt lm1l1r Turlty Flat..rtw M<C.rtln H1rdtrowe ........ Salrtr Kll'ICklotl :s.dlt""'!rhorn ' ' 1 n contest to El Dorado. 6<1.4 1. : ; i 2~ Brian Jones and t-.1ike Hefty ' ' ' • both potted 10 for t h e ! ~ ~ i! Lagunans. 4 I 0 ' 0 0 0 0 l ' • ,. 1 0 0 2 T0'.11!1 ll:l2U113 •l"'rt* In) 11'0 ll'T rll' TP Jontl 6 221• Vtndilnlool 1 l 2 11 (larlc 34 •12 M411W"'1 ' 1 2 • DtrtM ll27 Norrl1 2 o 2 ' Ar'911t llll 41Jt SlrolNr J I ' 4 Kllllllcl 10 2 ' 22 Blklll' 0 I I I TG1t l1 41 l2 H " Htltfl~ ~: OCC .N. R.l~rsh:le '' FV Seeks 3rd Hoop Win in Row FOWl!ain Valley HI g h School'• butetball team will be trying for a flip.flop Tues- day afternoon when it travels lo Mater Det tn quest of its third atratpt win. 1be Barona, u, had lost three Jn a row befo~ racking up two stralght wins in the Santiago toarnamen~ the last one a ea..55 verdid over La Quinta for the coneolailoo Utle of that tourney Saturday nl(ht. Ap(llrenU, -..rod from flu attaeb, the llarnnl had four playen tn double flgur<s. Eric Hammer waa blah for the ntpt with 11 while Steve Haldi added 17. Coach JOhn Kuaer's Foun- tain Valley crew won It In the thlrd period wben a fut· break ollwe Ignited a 21-U margin. Jew• ~, Ou1!1111'1 Mlulorl Vlelo 1s l1 j' s. .... 1i. '' n ' Girdner Gloster .... .. ,,,_ Wtol Hlitfl Toitls 81rt1w Elllot St1fllll'1 F•!t Wll!te (1r119tl T .. 111 Mlulll Vitti 1611) 11'0 l'T ,, . , ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . ' . . ' . ' . " n u Senllt IN! P'G PT PP' ' ' . . . ' . ' ' • • • . ' . ' ' ' 24 10 ll "I " • " • " ' ~ "• ' • " " " ' ~ Sc.,. h OU1riw1 Etttnelt H 1J 14 ,....., 11-0 11.--01lnd1 ' 11 t Willl1m1 Hon Ortlll """ Jh111ne1My ..... '"""' ,,. To11r. Jtldl'Nn ~""'" ..... OQndtbourt -·-· --""" .... koel'i.• Tol'•lt e1t111c11 1u1 POrT .. P'T, 5 D ' 10 1 1 1 J ' 1 1 ' 0 l 3 I l 0 3 ' J 7 1 13 1 s 4 ' ' l • 1 11 11 11 52 .,.. (41) ll'G ll'T ,,. rr I I I 0 • • 1 0 0 • 1 0 0 1 0 1 , 1 s J 1 2 I 4 • ' • ' " ' ' . . . ' ' ' ' J ' 11 ' 21 " sc-• ., Otl•,,..,.. l.t111"1 Bftdl 11 t ' , ..... , ..... El Dcntlo I lt 1'1 ,_, WllOowlkl "'"' Ktc.lt'l"l'lllfl ....... ....... ··-Tolt1t l1111M 0 1) l'O '1" rr TP 4 ! 1 ,. I 1 J ' .. ' J 11 <I • ' • a 1 s J , 0 0 • 1 • l 0 11 I 16 ., 1:1 Dlf"IM 1'41 11'0 ,T Pll TP 1 ' 1 u ' J ' 1 I 2 ' • l I I 1 s , J 11 ' 0 1 • ' • • 2 , 0 ' 2 , • • 2 1 1 a ~ l 0 ' • 711011 .. 11.al<h scond II of the 21 th ll in lhe decisive thlrd frame. ·JV Beske a ktl'lh'..... ..._. tUI (HJ ..... f"lllftl11!1 Vtlln II II ti 1,_.. N~ fS) re fJ1) l•I L• Git"'.. 11 u 11 1.....u ~ 1n 1 ,. ,,1 1111u1i.11y ,._,.. VI.,, l•fl Mt"" (DJ C Ill Ti.oor..1 ,. " P'P TP w• (ti 0 111 Mc0.11,. ...... ..... ..... W•-Ho~ v .... ,._,. ·-k.11 ... t Totelt N1wtrl"lti. """ k-llf!9• H-nttfr M-'"'""' o ... """ - ' • ' 11 it.Mlity Ill G 1•1 "'""' 7 , J u ...... ..,._. ... -'Cl; (7), .,,.., l : ~ ,: UI. ~rlrll ..,---.CNllll"" (~. Mllnl""' ~rllll "111 l.M,_ 1:5 • ' 1 11 ,_..;;.;coo...,:. ________ u ' J • 7 I I 1 1l1l:::;:e:::;::J;;!::::;i:;""C:::::;t==jfi 1 • 1 11~ • I • 1 f71'15M ~ 0.1"'9 IUI ... ",,. ' . ' . ' . • • • ' . ' I ' ' • • • ' I ' ' ' ' . . ' ' . ' ft u ,.. OFF EXC. Most 51111 LIMITED QUANTITY Pl\11 r'.E.T. F..,., I.SJ kl 2.'7 B.EGoodrich NIW TRIADS WITH NIW GUAaANTO WHITE1 WALLS TUBLELESS e ANY SIZE GIUAllANTEll. f¥trf roew a.re, o-ftk~ N-fl·•· ,,. lite P!Ot brltl(led "He-" 15 ,...,. .. fl.la.ct for Ille llfe OI !ht Cll'l1l111I ITt.td, tt11t111et1 If H• or m"••ee. 111ln1! d~ls Jn ..,.ltrl11 1nct workme,..!llp, tnd In _.,.... -mlrt!ll PIUttnver ( ... t•rvlot, 10tln1t ll!IUl'ft Cll/Hd bv ~d '14:.rdl 11111 ln<ludlng ~ltlbfe p.unc111rftl. 11 Juell 11,. 1•11• llnCMI'" 11'111 OUWllTI" Ind Is .o dtl'N~ bl'l'Onll rfPl!r, tl>e own" •Ill re<tiYI 11111 t llowtnc:. tor "'711fnlf11 trfld lOWl rd "'' Plltd!Ut el • """" tire of our .... 111111etur1 •I tl>e wrrtr11 ret111 "lr•dt-irl" prlt>t. BALANCE WHEEL 99 euh WEIGH.TS INCLUDED (with this odl BRAKE RELINE JD,000 MIUS J TIS. GUAIANTll LINING and LABOR 1995 q -Wt 9111 r1nl•1 owr -~~br1k• 11rvic1 fw ~ .. c.,, H...,, Dirty Uidttt--lh-"'°" ., 11""4 D1-.tk n4 f1,.1p C.. · · th1 1p•cifi1d ~"'­ b1r of mile• •r "l'••r• f,,,,. J1t1 or 'in1!11l1tio11, which- 1v11 (011'111 n,.1. Aclju1f1111flh ,, .. rtt•d on ,,.;11•9• i nd b11•d '"' ptic- 11 '""'"' .. , ,;,.., of •dfw 1l"lt nl. Join lhe R1dl1I Aae Sllvertown R1dill 990 Tllllls up to 15,000 mila fuf1bl£fhlll tins A• Lew • 1hlt come"' -can Amtrica'1 mim 2768 11fv1nud tirrl • ,,.. OPEN 8 am to 9 pm • MONDAY THRU FRIDAY • SATURDAY TILL S PM • UM Your Credit e Ovr Own Budget Pion BlnkAmerlc1rd • Mlattr Ch1rge JONES TIRE SERVICE 2049 Harbor Blvd. I at Bay) ,._ ,.,,.,., COSTA MESA ,..,. ...... n • ......... le rob , ... llled th a I I ., ' ,. ' f " '· • • • -------------~------......~------.-. ............ .....---~..---~~-----~--·~--------------,.....--·----~--~---- No.fte•all Windless Skies Halt BYC Race The wind gocb l<lt nearly 50 sailboe&s stranded in the ocean off Balboa Sunday as the sec- ond race ol Balboa Y i c b t Club's Sunkiat Series came to a nulet halt. When it became apparent that they would not be Ible to finish the race under the time 11 m I t sklppen atar1ed their motors and came home. BYC race officials said the r a c e would not be ....Ued and that results would be based on two races. Small boats racing on inside courses had a better time or it oo Saturday as the wind held long el)OUJb for tOOn to finish the race. Leaden In the lmlde cl.,.. es after two races : , METCALF ...: Scoot, . Ed Weber. BYC. I LIDCH4A -Rea\l-Jt.up- Hoaey, Oared Srullb, BYC. LIIXH4B -Deuces Wild. Leonard Pemlclt, Santa Bar· bara Sailln& Club. KITE-A -Fugtt.ive U, Pe- ter Parter, NHYC. KITE-8 -No. '13S, Steve Ross, BYC. SABOT A -Breezy, Mary Ano Sigler, BYC. SABOT B -What, Jim Nu- gent, BYC. SABOT C -Aloha Maru, steve Ross, SSSC. Windjammer to Host Dinghies Jan. 11-12 Windjammer Yacht Ct u b will be official host to the annual Manning Series for undeeked dinghies Jan. 11-12. The racing will be out of King Harbor Yacht Club, Redondo Beach. the series has been sailed In Naples Sabots, WI n d ward Sabots, Metcalf, Lehman-10, Lehman-11 Penguin and Omega dinghies. The series is open to skip- Dl.tl.Y Pll.\lT ,._.."" ,_ Y•lf- Fitting Out for New Season • .... ~., .. ''"""' 6. 1'6t Dates Set For Races In Harbor Coronado Fleet Ten!!tUvt claltt for three Partnership Wins 2nd Top . Honors major yacht racing 1<rlea Richard C.ppes 100 Larry have been announced by the ipoosorlng yacbl clubs In Mal,.. ol Balboa Yacht Club Newport Beach. salled their Coronado-l$ sloop Ne..-.... Harbo< y 1 c b t Parlnenblp to IJle.fleet cbanl· .. ,..... ~ pLomhip for the second con· Club'a Ahmanson Series will aecutlve year in December. get under way April 25 with 1be men'a dwnpionshlp the aaillng of the S 1 n r~ completed one or the Clemente laland race starting molt active years in the local al Loa Aogelea Harbor lllld Cqronacfo.25 lleot. fio"•"·• at Ne--' • llwmlr-op for the ......00 ... ~ .. r-.. straight year Wll Ray Garra Other Ahmanson races are of Bahia Corinthian Yacht the Ship Rock Race, M., 1'1; Club in Joie de Vtvre. 'fhird Huntington Tidelands, June.'1; place went to Bob Darnell Long Point, June 14; Coast of Voyagen Yacht Club in Channel, Aug. 23, and th< BYC BebolOO. Hlg)illJht ol 19111 will be the holding or the fourth annual national chatnplonahip regatt.a for men In Newport. Team raclne will bt ei· panded to lncbM:Se a cballen1e from t))e Loi Alamitos Coronado Oeet, aod local rac- ing will add a novk:e dlvision to lbe calendar. A cbaqe In the BCYC Cup proeram will take t h a t particular match ncinc event from the local fleet level and expand it to cover entries from all Coronado-25 fleets in Southern California. Catalina race, Sept. S. The year long aeries -com·11===::x;:=====iP Balboa Yac;bt Club's f56 pleted in December -wul~ Serles is sched11led to start a best 1il: out of eight races March 22: with the Drilling which included b o t b class tslanda race. Other features : participation in regattas and Dana Point, April tJ: Hun-individual class races. tlngton 20-Fathoms, May 2S ; Another repeat in the fina1 Huntington Go-Around, June fleet standings, previously an- 28; Laguna Beach, July 19, nounced, was Sany Garra tak- and hte Long Point race, Aug. Ing first place in the women'a-111- 16-17. ~ champlon.shlp. Voyagers Yacht CI u b•l-;jjiiiijii~jiijiiiiiimiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij. sponsors the Lloyd Masaeyl 1 Series for Pacinc Handicap Racing Fleet yachts and the Midget Perpetual for MORF on the same wtekendJ. Flnt race is the Slllp Rock race, April 26. 836-6218 The aeries is traditionally a five-race series for di.ngb)es under 14 feet. In the past pers from all Southern Shipyards are busy places this time of year as yachtsmen haul out to prepare Calilomia Yachting Associa-boats for a new season of activity. On the ways at Lido Shipyard, Newport lion clubs. The M 8 nn 1 n g Beach, is Dick Dwyer's Norwegian Trawler, Sea Quest, recently returned from Trothphylargg~ 9to the winner a tour of duty as U.S. OJvmpic committee boat in Acapulco and finish line boat m e ~ eet. ,,-- The Manning Series _ for the Los Angeles to Mazat1an race. In a slip ready to be hauled is Llewellyn If by the late E. E. Manning _...:Pc...la_c_ed_s_e_co_n_d_. ------,---------------- -was first sailed in 1939. Al· UCI Gets First Win In Regatta featuring a perpetual trophy Bixby's 47-foot yawl Typee, back f!'Om the Mazatlan campaign in which she yo· u amitos Bay Yacht Club ha s ~~:~:;.::--~~~;_:~:!!::~i~ ~-·Cwsel~•g:_za;_"~~1 ..... ·ona11..,,__-o.•..9ll-th~ ·1nl'--------- ver award weighing 21 pounds. spring boating class in small The Balboa Power Squadron organ1:talion in lh.e world. Sue-,..-_;;I "- Through the yeera h 'has been boat handling and piloting will runs three free boating classes cessful compl~t~o~ of .t~e won by Balboa Yacht Club, . course orfers eligibility to JOID , b UCI sailors came up with Newport Harbor Yacht Club, begin today at 7 p.m. at a year .-one l_n the fall, the USPS. ' t their first sailing victory Los Angeles Yacht Club. Newport Harbor Yacht Club, another in the spr1pg and one Subjects covered Include you can uy Thursday and Friday when Cabrillo ~h Y:,acht Club. 720 W. Bay Ave. Balboa. during the summer monUis. s are t y afloat, I e g a I re-· they out-pointed live other col· King Harbor Yacht Club and No advance registration is BPS is a unit of the United qulrements, e I em en tar y legiate teams in the All-I _;cAB=Y:.:.C.:_ _______ n_ec:.:.ess:.:.:..ary.::.._T_he_cou_,,._1_a_sts __ sta_t_es_P_ow_er_s_q.:.u_•_d_' o_n_s_.c_,.._m_a_ns_h...:ip_a_n_d .:.pil_oti_.og...::.... --I :;:;: Regatta In Newport property The regatta was sailed In All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday Shields Class sloops. UCI won . the Dave Grant Perpetual with a low score of ISo/, points. The UCI team was skippered by Carl Reinhardt with Greg Mai:well and Larry .Glarum as Cf'tW. Second with 1611.t points was Slanford, with Ray Wilde as skipper, snd third was use with Lance McCabe. Winds Good In Winter Series Race Winds held ftrm Sunday for the second set of races In Cabrillo Beach Yacht C1ub's Winter Serles. Leaders alter Sunday's two races: CAIAO (6) Joker Ill, Bob Leslie, LBYC. P!1RF (23) -El Tigre, Bill Petersen, CBYC. MERCURY (7) -Tilt, George Patterson. CBYC. CA1.r20 (10) -Tie betwe·en Cherokee, Ed ShekeU. CBYC .and Camelot, Jack Kavanaugh, CBYC. S.0-S (IS) -Super Log, James Hobson, CBYC. SMALL BOAT ARB. ( 10) -Barnacle, Bob Taylor, CBYC. High Seas Halt Race MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -Rougl1 .... forced c:ancellallon Sun- day ol Oranp Bowl Regllta compet!llOO. lncludlllg I b e Govem<n Cup for bydnll and the Oranp Bowl for nm- aboull. There were northerly 15 to 2S mile winds, with no letup in sight. AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEMS? CALL 673-8650 J H & H INSURANC~ °' N•UOf1HMt• -c.... • _. 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These cov-1 cn.gcs protect against direct lo&s from fire, windstorm. I hail, aircrat't, explosk>n, riot. riot attcodiog a strike, I civil commotion, vandalism and malicious miscltier. I I This is a $Ctvi:ec for those businessmen and residential I property owocn who may have had difficulty obtaining I property Jnsur~. Rates charged are those which have I been approved by the California Insurance Commissioner • I The procedlJtC i11 simple. Your own apt, broker or I I USbll inmnnc.e reprt!IClltalive will uranie a free inspec-I lion o!_your property. 'Ibo purpose is to cletmninc: 1he I lair -of imorm:e IJld, hopefully, 10 cncounge dim!-I 1 nation of hazanls to Hie and proporty. I You will be Ulld just what clelcc:b must be correcud I to reduce the COil of your insurance-or to make your I I property insurable iC there arc excessive fue hazards. I Detailed inloonllioo ..-ming 1he operation ol lhiJ I PlanianowbeioJ:distrillaledto_ace..,ts,b!oters I aod company repnwntativc:s. You can obtaia 1sdstanct I rrom your ttplar inaorancc repmenWive, or Inn: • I QalifcniaFAIR Piao I I 1930Wibhittl!nd. I Loa AneeJea. Calif. 90057 I I I I •••••••••••••••• A pubno-rvtce of the PROPERTY INSURANCE pc>MPANIES SERVING THE PEOPLE OF CALIFOl!Nl4 ·1 ------~~-'---------------~-~~----....... • " ·' -, ., ' .. •; ,, ' , ' .... ~ "'· :'* -• .-.~. ~ .~ ~ ., •• ! ~:. .•.• -.-: .•. -. .,-.. -. r.••~ • .,. .. ,-:;-. -:.C-:'. ---------.,.c:.c:_;• .,..::.~~';'l.t':-. -.·. ~.:-.... :--.-. ~:'.'.""'!". •• --=:-. -:•.•.:-.,-..".'."".,.....""'''!", '!f~•-••:i-v,;st!:!l:'e>.~.:"•".'. '":",~•-• .,.~. 'I#,":'". L'S ":!". ".'.".:"".'. '!s.~'":s~a'"".'S:"''~. 5!-!!¥1!1!WW!!l!l!l!lll!ll!!XJtJSQ)L'l!ll!llll!l!!!lllGllll!$ llS1!$$1110•S&SC! ll$$111ll!l!ll£!11¢!1 '• ~ ' ' ' ' • • • • • ' • •• •' ' • • • . I '' ' • • • • 1" ._ .,...-.. ; • • ' I ' • • I ' •' ' •• '' #-- !j DAll.V Ptl01 ears _.. ..... l ' • Available at Sears •.. Steel Cord Radial Tires Ask Any Sean ALISTATE Tire Saleam1n About Them! • • 36-Month Nationwide Guarantee Full 4-Ply Nylon Silent Goard II Buy lat Tire at Regular Low Tracie-In Price of 126. 95 Get 2nd Tire for ONLY,., Pa1e:11ced Silnar Jinn Lo. Pdile B1ul'Da1 •ln111.Jly .peed~ cllmm.cur.ri11&: •ad llfabill'CJ adtr 1q11Ul 1.11d ktq ••f road c:o11d i· &fOOYft oprn for 1ionL po1ili" tn<;rioll, ALLSTATE Paesenger Tire Guarantee TREAD LIFE GUARANTEE GunntMd A&almt: All &i.1- u.m of the tire tttu.11l111 from normal ro.d hwnh or dcf«u iq ma1erial or wockmlllShip. For Un l..01111: For 1he lifeoi dleoriai.ul tretd What Sun WUI Do: llepair nail punt• rutts ac no ch1rsc, 111. the case of failure, in cxdiangc for the tire, repi.ce it, cblrgi111 oaly the proportion of currmtrqularxlling price pliu Federal Ccix Tu 1hac rcprncnu 1rcad used. TREAD WEAR·OIJI' GU:\RA:'l:TEE Gu1r1nlecd ~a&l: Trc.d "WCU-OUt. 1-'or How T..oo,;: ne number ol mon1hJ ·~ificd. Wli11 Se•~ Will Do: 111 euhaage foe the 1ire, replace ic, chu1iq 1h1t cunenr rqular selliOI price plus Federal EzciJC Tu lcu rhe follolri111 alJO'filnce. Month' C•1ranteed 12 to24 27 ro 39 Mol.nire Dam•: l.epcl• aioi1tvrc fri>e Din,~ ind u.frllll!'ds rout lire cord. TiresSm.ia.i:Tl.lrllll 111Mi !lldde:n HDJll •re firm.Ir ..,ppr1r· 1cd witll ruMC<l nr- lon. 6.50xl3 Tnheleu Whitewall Plua l.81 Fed.Exe. Tu and Old Tire Express ylon Truck Tires 6.;0x15 • ,.,.. 44 Tube-Type f ~~E'.£"' 7.00slSTU.Type 21,t.t .... UllF.K.T. 6.00i.16 Tube-Type • 1.-t.t p1-U1F.LT. 6.S0.:16'fube-TJ'P" •9.t.t ,i.ZMr.l.T. • All nylon eonetn:iction • Recommended for normal 11ervice • Full 1i1e, full depth in de• i.ign •For panct. and pick-ap '"""' No Tnde-in Required Avoid Cold Wet Winter Car Failure! Auto Needs and Services at NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan BATTERY GUARANTEE r"" ""'"__,. wt1i.. i11 '9 ~ e( ,.-n.i.-If htl1.o:ry ~eo4ef->"" Af1ertod1)"h -~I•• the lw111~ry. if ...,,ectl,,., •..d r hlfllt Y•• o•IY r..-1h~ P<'riM er ewnerohfp, hltoed .. 11M "'J•hr pri-. '-tnc»bl • IM ...... __ -·-•ii--.... - Nationwide Guaranteed Sears Allstate Batteries 12-Month Guaranlc~ Fits Most 6-Voh Cara 18-Montb Guaranlee Fi18 Many 12-Volt Cars 6 99 No.54 ~'ith Tr1de·ln Sears Has a Battery for Every Car, Evory Budget! f.REE Testing! No Obligation! When You Pay Too Little For A Brake Job •.• You Get TOO LllTLE! St1n "''ill not &i't. yo.a 1 "Too Little" BnU Job •I •nJ pri«! Yo•r driving SAt'ETY i1 too i111porllnt. Sein will prlee 10.r Bnike Job .u re ... 01bly • pn,.. •ible ••• c0Mi1WH wilh SAFETY. Sean Br1ke Johe provide -·Ut_1'011 lbo•ld ~ '° aakt,..... bn.W wtrk 1*t aod latt lonpr. tr ,.... 'Wiii\ .. men. .. lbetrw ndl&blt 1t aln COil. Yo....,.. S.-. _,.. UM .t-s.tWHtt.a Gftnnteed • Y.-r M-1 Bl'tlr.". Doa' wait! Lal Sean illlpMll ,_r hrll.H ror 11reff ••• 11 ao eldtp. "'lmpect M-Cyllnde< Jiii Bonded Linlnp lmtalled on all 4 Wheel• Y' Rebuild All Wheel Cylinders "'An: Grind Bnke Shoes Y' Reaurf1oe All 4 Bnke Drama "' lrupect Bnke Hoeet Y' Inspect and Acijntl P•rkinr; Brak .. "'Bleed All Uneo and Add f'lnid ,,,,_c .. -s..i.' 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I I ii • • A 1 • ._, .. • .. -•••·• ~ , • .... • • , .,__,. .-..--....---.-.. --....,. .. -. .,-....--,.-,...-~--··•~•-•-•-;o~o~••"• .. •~•~•u-•~•w~--·~••~¢~""'F-~-~·~·~•-••-·~• .. -•n••~~~,..,_,,..,.,._...,..,. __________ ""I • • I . . ORANGE COUNTY TODAY: DOES FUTURE HOLD ·MORE OF THE SAME UNINSPIRED DEVl;LOPMENT? • ' By TOM BARLEY Of f1M 0.llY """ Slaff Tait about the Orange County :of 1985 In any public or private forum and you're 8Ufe to hear the harbingers of doom trotUng out thelr Orwelliin theories on what we'll be living in 17 years hence. They could be right. It may well be that the 2.7 million persons who will predictably inhabit· the onetime c i t r u s heart.land in · 1985 will exist in a smog.filled, lfaltlo-<hoked megalopolis Btudded wilh thousands of uninspiring and almost identical housing tracti and riddled with "boJ:Y,'" sprawling com· merclal development that now scars ao many California cities. Nothing, they will tell you, is being done toward any coordinated planning effort. We'll be sending our cbidren - if we can get them 'there -to crowded schools in a county that has become the graveyard of agriculture and a carbon · copy of conditions that exist In many areas north of the county line. i ' . 4,. developmental &.! representing "µie very latest thinking'' :in the field of planned ruJden~~C9¥~lies. And the Leisure . World ~t communities a r e •·models. qf ·~1~d, he adds, ad!flitably geared to attUrie to whatever changes 1985 may bring. · "And we have the forerunners of en- tertainment centers that will have to cater _to more tha.p double our present population with Disneyland, Anaheim .Forest Dicka3on. ;oi~d t'lit Orange County Planning Department tn 1953 and became the planning director in 1963. ' He is a native Californian, a grad· uate of UCLA and has served in the V. S. Navy. A former president of the Orange County Employes Asso- ciation, IJ,e WO;S also president of the Planning Director• Associatiun of Orange County for two years. County Planning ~ector F o r e s t Dickason doesn't buy thaL He welcomes those opinions and he wishes that the Dickason lives at 1984 Lemnos . ~ '. . . • \$.;: .• • ' .. .. :i<:.."~ ., . '}~ ~·~\&... .. ;~ . . . . . -., ' ~ ~ \ ' overall planning pictur.e,.Dickason Insists, is the , d~elopnient ~·of the county's shoreline. His · dep.ent recenUy con- veyed µ, tbinkil!I Jn this regaro to· County ~ ·it ,i~e form bf a 64--page·Diaatet ~~Of ib(>rellne devtl~ .. ment. , .. . That proposal calls·· for county ac· quisition of all rem.aining beach areas on the Orange County coastline. It asks for immediate county action to ensure the provispm. for fqlijre generations of recreation areas, perll:s, ll)lrine and wild life preserves and the type of cartfully thought out development that 1s going to ensure the preservation and nurturing of natural resources side by side· with the populatiOfl-flerving developments that must exi!t. by 19$S. , Tbat shoreline plan ball is · currently In the county supervisors' coUrt. They have not yet officially responc181 : tci Dickasoo's plea to acQuire all remaining non-public beach areas from Seal Beach to San Clemente, SHOREIJNE lfllANGING ' • ' Beauty Or Blight? Choice Is OuTs, Insuts County Planning Chief, But the Time Is ·short ,j..' I .. . ' ' ' , , '• , ,. . , ~ NILY"'1LOf ,_..,Let PIYM t I ·1 holders of those views wouJd just pass Drive, Costa Mesa, tbith· his : Wife, And Dickason has warned the board that we c.an expect ln'lminent dramatic transfonnation of the 42.7 miles ol shoreline terrain now in private .han<ls. And those changes, he says, wfil.~ply affect the open space and sea viatal that now eJ:ist . • • perhaps Mt fully appreciated until lost" THIS, TOO, IS ORANGE COUNTY TODAY: ' ! ' • LATEST. THINKING, IN PLANNEJ>-CoMMUNl'l'.llS them on to him in writing. ~· Dixlt, and two children.' WEAVING OPINIONS. He wants to add them to his bulky dossiers and weave those opinions Into a project that is today claiming the major portion of his time -the three- phase countywide general plan. For Dickason believes and intends to prove that Orange County will be the nation's showplace in all phases of civic and urban development by 1985. Many of his answers at this early stage of his mammoth general plan task are simply questions, be frankly admits. , "But we know enough to ~k: those quesUons," he says. "Those questions, In the form of our brochures, are already in many county homes. And the answers that stem lrom out queries will, we think, help us to avoid the piUallil that crowd in on any area faced with the tremendous population surge t h a t we are aperlencing hert. "I know this",'' Dickason said. "Orange County will be an exciting and a vastly different pJace ,in which to 1 l v e. And many of the trends th~t we hQpe wfil be Qtablished hallmarks of our county In 19115 are beginning to draw attention today." GOOD EXAMPLE'l Dickason pdints to the Laguna Niguel; MiMion Viejo, Lake Forest, University Park and TUrtle Rock h o u s I n g Sladium and the upcoming Lion· Country Safari," (a planned African wild animal preserve for tourist viewing · in the Laguna Canyon· area) he &aid. Dickason predicts a shift ·of the major population areas to ijte presently lightly · populaled south arid east of the ·county. "That will l1e the focal point in 1985," he forecasts, '~and the shape ~of develop- ment in that area very ,much ·occupies 1>llr thinking today." Plannin1 (or 1985 ls going to mean a sustained joiqt .e/~ort by both the countf and the cities, Dickason believes. And city-county unity coo.Jd do much, he adds, to remove some present eyesores on the county horizon -"pover· ty pocket;S." LISTEN TO POOR Dickason insisted that one of the "prime concerns" of any concerted plan· ning effort in this county must be carelul consideration of the role played by "lower and fixed income groups.'' HistOrically, he says, "not eneiUlh at- tenUon bas been paid to a facet of soci~' that must figure Prominently U( o0r approach w•ll: to the countywide general plan." Another vital feature 1n the county's What is needed first, Dickaaon str~. is the creation of a committee drawn (rom many professions and disciplines and including oceanographers and marine authorities. This group, he says, would "particularly establish p r i o r i ti e 1 , methods of funding and determination of which projects need intensive sb.ldy." Methods ot funding? Dickason bas no idea what acquisition wou1d cost in these days ol !piralling land values other tban to concede that Jt wouJd be "absolutely fantastic." He wistfully refers to a shoreline.acquiai.tkm plan that,, if .carried oilt, would have obtained for the county 24 and one-haH miles of coastal frontage at less than $8 million. "But that," he griruJ;, "was in 194.t." Looldpg at the countywlde p~ Dickason stresses that the increased demands o.f ~ COW)ty's surging ex· pansion between now and 1985 "will require enprmoat • QUµBy1 or public money. ' GROWTH COSTS 11$ "When we 1hink of 0 c<1nmunity £rowtb, we think of more jobs, homes and shop- ping center1. This, 1n ~ means more roads, brl,, wa~r and sewer ~ PLAN~•R DICKASON: HIS JOB ~ riilN ING AHEAD fire stations, schools, parks a n d liL....l.-! " orarte!. , These basic local public facilitieS, DlckaSon ha! calculated, cost the com· munlty 113,000 per femlly, And If the present standard of Public faclllUes in Orange County ill maintained, "it wlll require local public facility expenditures in Orange County of· more than $5.5 billion by 1!1115." Dickason looked carefolly at the paperwork that com'prisea his efforU thus far towards a countywide general plan. '"nle mind boggles at the thought of. thlJ · expenditure on deveiopment without a comprehensive plan," he 1Said. ''The general plan can give all develop- ment activity a focal point and sense of direction." What role will the county's 25 ciUes play in this sweeping plan! "We can't do a thing without. them," Dickason quickly answered. ' ' In fact. much of our work right no~ is telling them, through luncheon meetings and forums, just what we have in mlnd. And their response, at thtt vital stage, has been one · of complete and utter cooperation." STUDY IN PROGl\EBS Right now, the Redondo B e a c h ,_arch firm of Tbom-. Ramo and Woolridge (TRW) Ji in tht second month of a four to six.!rnonth study which will, Dfctasm inSists, "give u1 a clear plcttJre of what we IShould do and how we ihould do It" ' ' ! Tbe TRW •· l1 working tloaely with Dlct,...·1~1 bl all pbaJel of Its llM!eplh, coun\1Wldt study. Populr. Uon ahlftl, futw-e geogi=apbic centers, the likely lOcauoo of, new industry, the preauna plaeed upoo community ldtn- Uty . by denllty factont...-theae will all be placed belore ~Y supervisors early nert year in the team's report. "We are in the lllOll inleoolve phaoe of our pl~,'' Dickason aald •• "A great deal depends on what we can IOCOIJlp!Jlh in these coming montha....W• <l<m'I wan~ bl our Mure planning, lo repeat put. ml&takil." Anll-mllllm? "Well, I'm •OOI· ~ porllculorly o1 OrJllll• Caunty • D-llld "We ... Ml• aii1iile llonitiub .... ~ by )1111 looldng ni11t11 to' U.. Angele& Bui if I wat uhd •bit J twouldn't want to ,.. repeated ben lhoo I'd point to the -.in . -ol ' '"1f tolllllY - -.. _.,,._ --------------------------------~~~-------- ~· -the dense, Wtidentlfiable 1JW1 of development, the khtd of situaUon where lbe motorist doesn't· know that he's gnnt from Stanton into Garden Grove." But wrona1 can be righted, Dlok•son is quick to add. ''Thue factors . wUI all be brought out in our plannfna," lie sa~d. "Redevelopment will be .a vital feature of everythirtg we have to say when we:. have tliia genera.I plan wrapped up and ready fOr de~very." DICkuon picked.up hla pbma and paper work end prepared to ,llead for one o1 fhe mant g-.,J pin aeasllilll that take up so much of h1I time today. He P.BlJ.Sed. "But what we do here mustn't be everything~" he said. ''This is a county plan and it calls ror a county effort at every level, cltizezi, public and non-public. "You know," he mused, 0 we may never get a second chance." L•nd Is Grand ' (From an article appearing in the October issue of Fortu'!t Magatine} The mushrooming of governmental Jurlldlcllom (In Orange Coonly) reflects a ceaaelessly expanding need f o r services. The bizarre 1hapes many cities take reflect the seafcb for developed land by which to ezpand the tu base to pay for the services. Jn the p&st it hat led to inUrcity uannexatlon wars, perverUng a bealthy Impulse toward growlh Into mlndl.,. ~lam -_big· ger ls better. A fut..n.year ,..i~te binge under thete cond!Uons ' bu given ID8J\Y e member of Ille clly ; council, where varianceJ In zoriiiil codes must be ap~roved, good reason to rtgret the lim•• he caved In If ~v'1ol>trL "Some of tnem thirill: city c:Owicifs. Were created to ~a):.,,~ world t:afe tor lind specula- tiO(l,. IBY.I: Cliftq~ . ~ l campus archil«Uor the Unlv~ty ,ot ~ at ,kvine. !'They .talk about. ftee en. tervrJH In relaUon !O i!!!rblr a sign a 1u 1latlpn can put up. ' How Orange C<;n~nty Land Is Used Pr~partd by Orange County Planning Deportment Total~ Urbanlad Ana N•vbanlud L'A ND U 8 E Acra Perc'eol A era Pertea& Aent Pemot ReaidenUal (SFD & Dupleres) 68,~.17 )3.51 68,121).17 31.91 RaldenUal (Mll!Uple). t,21().a I.JI 1,m.a 4.31 Commercial ··~·°' . i:io 9,635.0ll I.II lndtiatrlal 7)i5:0I 1.15 7,S35.0l I.II Exlr_actlve (Quarriea, etc.) ' ·~lli.it. 1.17 8,'181.IM 1.08 l,2tll.15 .... Tr1111. Ir UUUtiel '1,903.10>' L51 . 7,90.1.10 :ua 8cboolJ t,Mi.11' : U:I . t,141.11 us Publlc &, Quul-Publlc 1,a5S . . .31 • J,8&1155 .16 )lilllary 11,alt.09 UI 11,139.01 Ul Conimercial RecreaUon 1,511.71 .31 1,511.71 .71 Opel) Space a,!63.11 1.87 8,113.tl l.M Alrf<UllUre (Crops) sa,oil.91 IO.fl 32,399.M" 11.rr-11,Mt.ll ·•.n ' . ~lure (Open Rural) . ,, '"' ... IU! 11,010.It I.II 111,llL• 11.15 lnelVda Cl~ NaL For. JI0,921.0I Waler ;. ' ' i,185.tl I.I& S,817.91 !.'JI 1,0l7.t3 •• 7'1 llrtian VICIJll D,O'IUO U& . 22,0'7'.50 JO.fl ) roTAL soa,m.11 100.00 211c1161.ao 100.00 191,llO.OI 100.11 , . -' . ,. ___ ,. I j ~-..._ ___ --_ ...... __ ._!_ _______ -'-___ .. • . ··-... -··------------~~~~~~~~:::::::-:--;-:-;::---~~~~~~ ...... ...... .... . .•.•. -.... =···=·=·= • 111.t•r~· .. • ........................ -_4 , •• --· •·• • • • • • • • • , ••••• , , _._., ~ , , ,1 ',* • ... ,'.,.,' •• ' a a a a s ~ • ,,. ..... ,, ••••. ~.-.-~ .......... ,. • ......... ' ••••• , .• --·· -~ .......... ·-··.. • • •·•••••• • ....... --" «;i" ....... J;l -• • '" ,. • •-• fo,~, ,.. ,.,o • .,..,." o • bouSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HQUSES FOR 'sALE HOUSES FOR SALi ' ~SIS '°' SALi HOUllS ,OR SALi HOUSll l'OR IALa HOIJSIS l'OR SALi RENTALS r•I 1000 Gonorol 1000 Gonerol 1000 Gonor•I 10000....,.i 1000 -r.i. '* l:l!WJl!lf ....., .1• ~.. .... . 1705 Hon t U-1- E.st Side Home & lnc:ome , Hard to ti.ad 2 b«lroom eastslde hQllle on' quiet -atreeL Huge niUU.r bedroom, tar1e !. family ltit'tcthben .& alfonual dlnit'edng area. 1 bed· room ap . at IS ways ren to pay taxes and give a littJe spendatile. Perfect In law r set up. Bring a paint brush & save big. r $24,500. Mr. & Mrs. Executive -WE'RE M~YiNGfl WM!lllle CAsUAL LIVINOI Hen:lylnon sp.c1111 -" 1 3000 Money Mok-" • 8n:n4 new llltq. -CAN b< ,_; Jo ... lllcli ,._ Ui1111 4 Bedroom home,' lal mo. Nou ........ par1W oceao RANCHO LA CUESTA Joto ~bdrm --... A*"41m -1'lo!O :+-Uc. Oii °'""-<I Hwy, S BR -........ 1211 - ""'"· 2 """''· 2 l>dmu at Hamilton & Bushard In HunUnl14n Beoch Lota o1 -lild> u -ID>nr> "" did. -• W ,... !ram 8eadi. 4 IP. Y"1 ....., Nowpool -. •och a.id l"'"t •pt& IJ.1.500 911ld 98 homes in six -months. Our n4w unit p1oc< A V1!Q oa patio, dou-r; '.:';".' "1 Apt Willi, --lo c......i Rlty 1111-lllO is about to open and we must "lll tl!e lut two ble pto l>ool "'""· •te IP•lt• ~ lsul!J ~ ~"t ~ IUO: l'BR., bled. "'· ......_ So East Cost• M.11 homes here al generous .ills~. U... · _ ~500. -- - -~ Cl:li:DING SID.«X> ANNUAL ~ ... trplc. ~ O.X. Ranch Stylo homo 2 bdrm" MODEL HOME 2 R, "!' -·~·lllO BEAUTll'll1-lo o.bo bullt LY. """ ltll,lll50. --~ don. 2 batha + 2 bdrn> : B 2 BA, huge rumpus r-~-1<I 2 ,_ lo Ihm rm. 2 llllSSION REALTY '9l-O'l3l 1135: S BR.. 1 ltL, - rental unit. $36,~ can 1!>! cottvertld to 2 more G! wm ba 6 rocm ._. addltiaa •So. O;Ut. 1..quna yd. Oilldrt:n a. pet OJt. ·bedrooms. Elqulsi\elY decor-r1 --E .. nido 8, l ·br Units ated le landl<Jil>K. '29,700-. • . w~ view. 1511 Via WESTlilJI AWARD Income $660 1110 Asking discou.nted 1f2500. l4lrtn&. ~· tcW21I 3 1 • C Br. 'semi cu.tom Cotta Miu It• 159,500. $750 DOWll BLUJ'FS OoMi> • 2 BR. 1 IJom., !ram $35.«IO.Oll Now - Here is the home you have been looking !or. INVENTORY: 3 BR, 2 BA', dining room, car-• nn BA. l!llll IMI.. U..place, 4lllder -Located 2 BR. pr, patio, erpts. dfpl. Designed for formal aa well as casual enter-9: ,..._ pet~d tbruout. ~·· BJ owner:'"~ ·on Mount.Jn View Drive, oU atow:, nfrla, Tropical mt. · · · \:I"' $25 050 d' t d •!600 Yea, that'• in to own thll . ..,,.-.1 Drive. t.l.na:· J'or adults. t bl1c. to taming al.its best Large living room, fanuly ~dlJdc. • -acoun • • · \,eu "'°"'· s er. hom•. N•. WM1cnff 1230 A'..O".i. SALES AGENTS -6 tranlp. 1111!. ,Jlo. room, dinmg room, and breakfast area. 2 bed-1 E A L 1 Y 109/. Down Gonventlonal Lo.ni an IChooll. Mmthly PQint. PbDDll nf.882.7'1Ul tor 5U-f1!0 rooms plus Ju.z.urious master suite. Guest C 11 96 $lli7, incl. -ortnc.. int, taxn BY OWNER. S BR 2 hi. fl.v'ther 'llSonl'latlon l •imu""~.VERD"==E.~l"'BR.~~2~BA.- i powder room. Heated and filtered pool, 21'. Near NB "°'t Ok &1&-2414 • B-2929 l:otwHn 10 ·""' 6 •ny doy. • '"-· °"1 $1J,4IO. O:ll """'-~-~ • llDRll. 3 ·ltado. Tap "' aood lncatloo. A_,,.. I Ctr garage. Finest B1ycrest area.•See au um. _Cholc:e TWO UIWH ""'~. -w-""'"" ................ $2IO. mood:. -I value for $56,950. Ql'EN DAILY IJVl'IU ___.. onr,, ·-~ 54Ml41 1 10 to s . Oceanfront . · • Lido hit 1351 .iew.131,500. 51>'1386 • --· ' FOR. $31,9.50 .. . .. _, BR .... epW--f Colesworthy & Co. 219 Jasmine . Duplex l!AYFltONT' Con!lomlnlunl 1950 '-' $210-can 111r: 1904 Harbor Blvd.. CM. 642·7777 Corona del Mor 4 BR U,t; 2 BR Down IN EASI' COSTA MESA! ltill3 uq$1B.OOODUPIZXwlO. ' BR. • 8& Qmdoml•lum :::" Eota5:.°lllil Hailop • 1 Open Evei: Step$ to beach. Prime loca· Cor. loca a&rdl expan. ~ m.11 appear u a du-S BR. 2 be.th& ap. .2 Bl\ a 1 on Falmew, CM. $22.000. sif.o MO 1 pNa; , ~. ~ l~:i&"7a~! :!~~ ~ XU:W~ plex hut don't~ fooled. ED-::tlo~~ ~ = ~~~ = Unfum )aO. = tn a;.: liii ~ with fireplace. Over-root patio, excellent retital ~~~ho~· Wilker RNlty & week.ends. 5C-T322: dl,yL M~ 54MIOSI. !:AREER OPPORMrrlfS Finest Ocean View '""' kitdtco with all tho location • jaS,SllO. ROOMS: "' B&lbs. An all ' -Via Lido ..,._ 3 BDRM. --11•>. Gu., !TOP REAL ESTATE blt-m.. Carpol• & drapo•. • RfD .. CARPET• ''"""'kitchen that'•..,. MONEY · Dup••l'orS•lt 1975 • .,,......,·,.i,,l<kho.x. IPR.OFESSIONAL FOR. in exclusive cameo Shoret Double garage on alley. to be-in, forced air to keep a.a..aK UNIQUE LIDO -Eutaide. ~ EXPANDING lu.xurious 4 Bedroom home Large lot. (:ll ollicea to ~ youl you watm. A.II additional '""" ER 70' Nortb Bay w/pitr, slip NEWPORT Duplex lot sale. REAR COTrAGE ~r CORPORATION large family room Rl*b'.LA646-3928CHEENv.M. -y 2025 W; Balboa. Blvd., N.B. two bedroom tpne wtth Catttree, Jr. abop-Bjc' Bet. 3 ba. ~te ~~ be9cb.1 .... ~ wilJ .. ~~ 1 BR. Desire~ lady Y °"'"""' '" _.,,... !onnal dining "'°m ER · ~ oompuabl< · ..... .._ G-lld/ba + 2 Bd Apt. -~v -•-.__ 512 C..:.r St. --~----·""th the .. ·-~ .. ~ .... ~~~ .... -·I~ ..... -·-'"'~ .... ..-.Low-G-~--'·-' -ooo iftldenttol lot. P. o ..... ceuocu .............. ~ ... exciting , ..... u with s.uu va.., P& \An~ down. Proven M.ea arucwu;~~-car. -1C23. Huntlnatm Beach. REDECORATED apacloul 1 al estatC' marke~ sub-mOOern water fountain wes~._. la•uty $1800~ annually. Well IL C. GREER, Realty <~•l • ..., -......__ Br •. ..1 A..-1-V·-~ ~·• ;sidiary or a divemtied anc1 swimming pOOJ • h b "'°''"" ,_. ~ped tront and _rear Verde location. 3416 Via Udo fi73.9300 '" -· uwuu 2s8 K:;r,eos~;_-- growth company. homo wto!ully d"'°"'ted 10 ft mGCftG .$40,950 yan1, • Nlc:o play yud. A rime 11 HOUSE •· t \VE PROVIDE OUR i.mmaculate thnlout You'll marvel at lhe beamed LIVE WELL WHILE PRE-Belbo• l1l1nd 1355 pa " J.IJ court: 2 Br., t STAIT \VITJ:I: $l28500 PAR.ING FOR YOUR FlJ· For Sale 1980 cpts., drapes: priv. paUo. •Property l!COOOlllJC .... Call Jim Cobb , • Meclitenanean . ceiling liv~,Jl!Qm & 2. brick TURET Call now for.~ 976-D w. 11th st. ~2833 I reaaearch D-_,. ,...,_. 4 b-"----,,._;i., ..,,_ tlreplaCQ&. n:wJber's kitchen . . Prlc:e Reduced Apb tor Sale · By Owner --------.,,.._ Pl'UI~, _,_, nn. .... ~ With.all built-in&. 3 Bedroom inspection. ., · · 8 Units, 3 BR'• each M.11 v.rcr. Financial .l account.aw: •. 1 lac "1!· hea~ A. fil~. : 11.1.'4 . 2 bathi. 'Qi,rpets and 4 BR Provincl.al home, blt-Excellent condftion 3110 .., ___ .....,. .anab'£i.r. __ · HAlt80R with !e!£..~ d . ~.;}fj:.:Jr)tye..J,b.i.L_ in kitchen, fireplace, now 548-348l; 540-0l54; 646-6922 FOR rtnt-leaae 3 Rr, , Ba, e Real time computinc muter . sq )>e an -1~ bui, all GMta MeM .IOI· o~;!itl0---1,;;i;;;;;;:...;;;;,;;;:.::..,;;;.;;;;._I ~Full """" wpport It. 'FH •lmple. IJir;,ooo. ~a:Jli'qwhej .i." l•ll.vinl .1r.:E a· i'-ACRE Or1n91 c .. 1t Proportv RENTALS ·~"fuom, . ' • AND '· Call for Appt. ', h• 'ojat'o. , · nQM Y:.I 332 u--·tttte CdM i73.855o trplc, bit-ins, dilbwUber, Income potential -; 1 NesUed on almom '1' acre ,....., r;u ' HDUHI Furnllhed crpts I: dms throo&bout. 1 . Ul,cm+/yr. (714) 642-1235 646-~7.l' U -, y"\~~13 -·~ d.:.0 •· in prime location. liard to Rent1l1 to Share 2005 child only. $200 Mo. t U~ borlPI plan -• 8Sl nowr Drtve1.' · 2ZDL11111 ........ fuxl .i.ru. much property at Huntington Be1ch 1400 540-4938. r""'"' -1 " -Realty c.. """" ,,,. • ..., ean ~' """""' 1ow ..... plus YOUNG ..... 32. will ..,.,. 1 ========~I .1.. ~ fund J'i N--. .BUc11-i:;TP1 bouR 71 ~~te pacimge GLEN MAR bl.I 3 BR home in Hun-......... Buch 3200 • Insuruce'prosmm ~ .. ...--. . , undv1R01cm. $1900 down takes this charm-1;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 • PUI Hons .. Ha l k '"rl ., ing 4 BR 2 bath home. Shin-tincfon Bcb with same. Joce ,LandliT:llJ!Oo" , amROOMS''~~ 'NEAll·Tli£'•EACH .. vasu "·· e. 1:)sPRma ~':.""'..'..::.: ~~i..:1,y;;;~:;,UN;.;,~"'0!t!AN==32-.will~..,...,.-1 Mr. OllYe:r i\ • . ID ::> M~ ... ~ ~ '.:._.. ~ nD • T rrv home. Bright kite.hen with 2 BR house, w. Oceanfront, t PROPERTIES WEST · . Hardwood Floors .!mn,!2 blfh~."'"' PUP'. F on.lheC.alUornlasldeal't'lav· ..,., ~ ., a ll modem conveniences, N. B .• $lZ. mo., w/same. 1028 o ... -LU Dri NO uu Lake. "All year" 'nca· anw~ime avocado carpeting, drapes call Doug; 833--0600 ext 2266 I/I TOWNHOUSE Only one Vacancy 3 Br, 2'ii BA, 2 car Carport l2SO mo. ~-vt.-2 BR., trpl; lot 11:6 x 143,..sult. DOWN VA, LOW DOWN 1n beautiful qUiet al'Q llll'-tion home in the water/ 11251 li&.rbor. ijlvd.. C.M. included in a truly c~ ~~ ~ f« addt1. unit with van-FHA. beautiful condition. f'OW'ded by e~ve born-desert p1aygrouod. , Retl,..m•nt Spec1el 1111; home. f17l/mo. includ-C~oo=t•::..;.A:.:;-'te;;:"o:..-__;2100 Pool • Adults Only I ,ance. Priced-to .en $21,500. New~Jistin&. quick Mllet. "· L(lYely cuatom drapes, LOTS $3500 to $4200 Wal.k to all IJloppin&-Quaint, irv taxes. - ---Ne. diahwub!r, larle rear evpets, cozy uaed . ~ ' •n•m•• 3 BEDROOMS, like O!W con-•ac1c lay Mansion NearpofjJ =-.:!"_:vi ,_much mottl ~place, andlarJt family din-All impro;;;e,r;:_ are ia " ::; = =:~~ If •4•D.lfi!BI dltion. Completely :furn1.!lh- lay & lleoc:li RHlly, Inc. :f, bedrooms. 3 batba, Dream .... • .. _.,;Mr. m ~ ..E..U_!EH-SIZ-Sbo\vn by appointment only. fmmaculate yard, plenty ol ~--=--ed. Adu1ts only or maybe txme baill tor a di8criminat· • ~"OATS ·~ E. J. Nev• & J1ck S.le room tor additional Un!t or ~= ~ ~'. 901 Dover Dr., NB SUlte 2Zl -"""·-~'and """:.!i Vlc!W · '" :: ~ :!':." i'C: * HAVASU * Incom<. ™"" ""' qu!cli DIVORCE tn. chup. 1235. mo. Aaent DUPLEX. ""™ •PP u • o-. wt< llWc ""'°" 646-lfll·~ ' WALLACE mwn FHA. ' North Estans "'&i Ray Gault 540-lllil """"'' 51<% loan, 1178 to-546-41'1 ~ .:::;.:~..:::. ~ugefamilyroom.LanrDcep. • · .• ~. '; ....... "lEALTORS 1860 B Newport mvd., CM (Open Eves.) tal per month, lovely 3 BR. 3 BR, 2 BA, furn. put ot lit• 1ut $225 mo. Avail td with an eye towanla • • ..... ~ .,...141-642-49!M or 545-3483 Bkr. Heritage Real Estate corner, with boat or trailer complete. $195 lease Feb lat. Refertnces re- l>eauly and ...,, mainten-,. ·a..:.;.00_ · ~o,..n Ewnlng0l . . .CLOSE OUT gat•. Lik• ••w. -===*=.Ml>;::,;;2499=::*:==:.. quked. Owne• 1213) '64-3088 t.nce. Loca~ on quiet cul· " • ••NII H HAFFDAL REALTY ... 2200 Occupant Cn4) oo..5981 • ...,, 1b'oel. l! you can GI or ·FHA ' J : FOiir ·~. 2190 -Bl... arbor View HUis' On Pool Hom• -""" 3 8740 w.,,,,,, F.V. 142-Newport S.Och LEASE, Loue I option "' aOon! • $36,IXll °""" · ' 54$IM91 Open till 9 PM COIW del Mar Bedroom family room, big Would You Bol11vo? QCEAl<FROr<r 3 bdrml. 2 Sell. 4 BR. 2 BA Lwauy H-. you'd hon.."' thll NO !>OWN GI .i.ow DOWN \' • $17,250 ,: ..... _...,iii;imalil.;I pool & diving boant. 5" 31' POOL bat!u, W•i>. wint" ftnlll a>ndomialum, Bad< llo1. ~-GI NO DOWN!!! Sub-FHA • i.rp 1amilJ' homa. ·~-,..._ .a..1. ,,._ , __ ,._ SIX. DBUXf 'OCEAN VIEW -2600 91. ft this fine home and make 3 "··tor •·•roorN 1200 -~-(nt> 'ffi6..80Dfi eWI for a-·1 ~•t mnan ho new cupeUQc. qe 2QdO ~ ,.._,..., ..,... -•" ~ -3 bedrooms plus covered otter. Small down or Jarse ~ -· .,,........,..,.. rr "'" )'CJUr rr me on "''"'"',. .......... ..___.., ..,._. ...__ -· ·• ~~. •· -~ 2 BEDROOM " ' '""E. 3 BR .l F Our cuanntre sale plan. ·--.--·--~ ,, ... _ _.... """"#t-..._ ..u _,..... rum,pul room or room for TION! Excellent locaUon-Separate Den. Ute new cir-Home In ..-n.u am. Obie:. '.I HARD TO FIND A.T-B. Pb:s and. Just put 3 D.ENMVIU Ullns fth and 5th bedroom. Strict-·--"• move now. CALL: pets and dra-..___.__·t blockl from Ocean, $150 mo frplc. upper Newport Bay. . -· cm the mam(. . this: onll! IKUllVUl'I ly. custom built. FANTAS-;;:-M,m.e (540.ll51 (open Brick Firepb,;.,~ yrly. $275 mo. le~. Avail. Feb. ~ won't iUt. S135 ptt mttnth TIC VIEW OF BAY and ewa) Herttqe Rn1 F.sta.te. Dream. GI'1 NO CA SH -===-==· =675-<=130=== 1st. 642-«i96 owner, qt. ' joi: WESl'CLIIT DRIVE tilG-ml Open Eves. l lnc:ome 1 Money Miikers 12 UNITS BRANO NEW S166.500. 0 W NE R WILL tR.ADE • HOUSE -LOTS • ros. ~ Units -2 Bdrma each • parages -All rented • Top ~a • $3.1,500 Iluplex • 2 Bedrooms each ~Uess Eastslde location ' $28,500. :z; Houses • 2 Garages • Re· .,odeled Ne'A-port Hahts. bist .• #9,500. . 446-7171 546-2313 ~PEN ALL DAY SUNDAY THE' ~EAL 1:,~:T.l\.fER.::..: includes taxes and insur-LUce new on % acre com-OCEAN. PRICE$46,650. S%% LOAN. MONEY needed.$23,1150F\111Price. ... 4 BR. 3 Ba. BJt·inl. drpa. """'· ONLY !:500 DOWN. pie:.Iy bloCk 'wall '""""· TALKS. -111162 mo Walker & Le·e Conln• dol Mor 2250 Carp. N<ar booob .. pool. LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ORANGE COUNTY'S P•lnt•r-UPJ>9r Good Eastside location 3 Bedrms. Needs paint and elbow grease. $19.~ Udo Townhouse Custom de~ 4 Bedroom home. Formal dining room, convertible den/farnil,y room, w/1vet bar. Swimming pool. 143 Broadway 645.0181 50 ft. Jot. An ~legant Eves. 642-8453 646-4579 hon1e · ·· · · · · ·· ..... $U7,500 "'!'!!"'"'!""''""""'!!"'~•IMrs. Raulston Near Estancia Hiih-....... $23,7SO ~corator's dream! K ing ''""' b<droom•. 2 hotM. s.-Coldwell, Banker & Co. duded liVJ.ng room overlooks .,.. ~ c.-"........, (ruil trees & lush plantings. ,..__, ... u. c.1.....,._ All buill·in kitchen. Patio. Kl ,.m, O• 1-:11n 540-lTlO TARBELL 29S5 Horbo• Sprinklers system and lush Incl taxes A tn.urance. Well NEW IN TOWN? 67Hll4 la.ndscapin&. Each unit has 2 full baths, FA heat a:. fully ORANGE COUNTY'S "'>hol tM4 BRV~~ !°_ ~.~ 7682 Edln&er Nttd time to get located per-BLUFFS Plaza J.sty. condo. ted can fo detail.I ea u ...... ~.,e ...... 842-4455 Open Eva. 540-51«1 mane-1 .. '!' Spacious 2 BR. 3 BR. llAr: Ba. Pvt patiO. carpe · r · LARGEST Uy roam. all built·inl. huae ---~----.. ...., baice -'•-"~" --• & . $840 Mo. lnc:ome 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 riiepi...""""' to""'°""· NO DOWN GI ~'!,:.i.:!:~ ':,:;~ ;::; c ··~· --1. · ... PERRON ;.1 .. .,.. ......... ?, ... * 642·1771 Anytime* CORONO Dfl MAR R·2 lot + houte. Rare avail- ability, hlgh invtttment JM> tential: cloee to Drean Blvd. I: beach. 3 BR., 1%. baths: some view. Always rented. Priced to sell. $37.500. 1 Aikin& S25.!IOO CALL• AL Sbat'p Sol Vbta, """co.... CdM S.ooh, $300 mo. Newport Heights 3210 ,000 Down BLACK 540-lllil topon ""''> "' patio, block ,...,., obalre Or c 1 p Lod Heritage Real Eitate. roof, Clolle la ICbooll" ma· ange HI roperty 3 BEDROOM }11. baU. .. CJe OI" · 332 Marruerite 673-8550 ' ,. ..-. POOL. wey wait unW the jot lhoppir&. Juat reduced .;::;=:=:;;;,,,=='==: · fireplace, F.A. heat, Chllrc:h Bldg. """'"" . thlnk • •' • d. to 124.!iOO ,,. .-"'" Loguno IMch 2705 .... ......,., dbl. ..,..,., $13 500 Beautiful 2 stocy, 4 BR P•ul Jon• RNlty fenced yard. Oean, no pets. • home, 2,,_. Batha, lam rm, 847-1266 EvtL ~7114 HONEYMOON cot ta 1 e ;-$ZIS-;;;;.,..'-;:'13-9ll5~::,,,.-""".....,.- NEAR WARNER • FOUN· patio, and pl.easarit res.Iden· LEASE OR tropieal aettlng, neAr beach. 3 BR. lge yard, cpts, drps, TAIN VAU.EY -50x:150 lot tW area. Owner leaving LEASE/OPTION 1 BR, 1~~ BA, frplc. patio, b!t·ina. xlrlt view of harbor · Near Green Valley. :!:" 1'1£1\. ~-to sell at Custom built _ Downtown.. 3 pnae. $3» ind. 499--1S16 $225. 646-1277 avail Jan. 6. ...... ~. """' ......,..ll51 (open evnJ Heritage Real Est:at.. BR&: tam nn,'l ba, all elec V•utlon R•nt II 2900 1.11--rt Sho 3220 kitchen, cpts/drpL a :=:_•t"' rn 10°/o Down BRASHEAR REAL TY YUCCA va11ey, ....... ...,, LEASE OPTION 1265--'mo.= ORANGE COUNTY'S s BR., 2 ba.., cpta, drpl., 847-&31 Eves. 9fi8.ll'll kr ttnt, furni.!lhed. 2 BR. 3 Bdrm. "A"' Frame LARGEST built·lns.. Xlnt 1oc. $25,000. BY owner. 3 BR 21,1 BA Twn-$15. Incl water, electricity, unuaual earner Jot ~ 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Call Mr. Nel800 hse. $17,700. $950 dn. $1" finl. last months. 646--m> patio •• atrium •• do11ble -rarr~»·- 1 __ Hcritqe Real Estate mo pays an. All xtras. &&nae •• boat port. 316 Newport ..... se 540-1151 9ti2-S864 ~D;;;U:.i:;P.:.:l•.;;.-;;;..F:...•;;m..;.::._.;;.29;.;7.;:.51 ~""""=='Sl='~===='-1 at or lease Option S BR. .......,_, $21.!itlO; BUSIE.W .,.......... .. DUPLEX• % Block II> boach. Corona dol Mor 3250 ; Exdusive,(.'hina Cove home • Vlctorlti 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home plwi S2500:;.~1;12~l town. ~ DAILY PD.O'I' Pi.Ho. Ott street parking. -----'--="I ~ •VACANT• • FALL IN LOVE ,..,. "'°""" livma • ""t 2 B<dmom v1ow apt 15>.1'0•i--------0 •"'"" -. •••• """"""" """""'· 122 2 BR. ti> b&., 1urn. "' -Bdrma., 111. ha., forced air. with tbll new 2 story 4 bdnn Harbor area. 2 BR, 2 Ba. 646-lll I George Witll1mson IDOiM7 tbM 6 efbt. Loaa 39th St. NB. Cn4) PR. turn. Ocftn \'il!w, la $225 • $2.200 Down. Owntt 3 bathil, family room moitel priced to sen fut at -$69,500 Realtor Meta Dtl Mer TlDI "-=="='======J..;';::Sat;;:T:,:'"':=l;;n:;'l:,,LA:=;:5'624S;;;=.J.::":;:'·:;61>4155=:;:;;;:' =-=~=:.I carry 2nd T.D. Hear E. home Oftrl~ Back Bay By appt only ~~!9!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!"'IS73-.aso E~s: 673-1564 -.~ -'!'--'" ,,_,, '"'°""' ·-•= CORllN·MARTIN Newport Beoc:h SPLIT LEVEL ANXIOUS owner muat ""' _.;;.Gonor=;;;1:;..1 -===:;1;;:00;:'°;G;•;:":;'•:;'===: 1:*::Goo;:-:""=1=::;--..;t:;:C>::OO:.I -· ~·~ Roy J. Wud Co. ~ u ual 4 :.. •--3 BR. 2 BA "°""· S1SOO t.t=======:k~:;=:;:;=:=::I REALTORS · Oc:ean View ""' ~"""' ~~ 11e1ow -l 13000 ~ '-~--•I IOOO 3036 E. CoHt Hwy, CdM with 1""" ""'"' .l -........., ,._ 6%% loon. s~~4'}}1\. ~13.f}s• ~·· _. v....... 67•1662 2600 Square FMt Vacant _ l·-p;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!~ SPIC •nd SPAN· l b<droo:n, Jorry Froud Total pymnb ll.JO. 56-78:12 Ii ---2 story. Iamily home, mv· Chirles Arnold Solt1t1aSUAplcSCNmbled WordPuzzleforsChuc1clc SiHirtcJ on ered palio and 150 FOOT 3&8 E. 17th St., C.f\f. N•\rport Beach 1209 SALES MANAGER REAL ESTATE . Spring Realty expanding again, opened No. 4 office on Harbor Blvd., Costa M~. need experienced Real EslaU. Sal .. AssoclaU. who could qu.aWy for managemenl posit.ion to lead an aggressive sales staff. For excellent , career opportunity in a dynamic sales atmos· pbere, phone or send resume t.o Mr. Gardner, all information held in stricteet confidence. Spring Realty :;:::p. •! .. •• 2629. Herbor l:llvd. , ..... Costa Mese . *. Top of The World DEEP wr. Tllll ... cu• a.a11o... 64t>TIS5 Wilk to llffdl 0 1'0 "'"1•• ~ ..... of ... 1.om built home with hard-N~ ulb'a -·-3 ft.....,_ . four KtOlllbW wonk .,._ Wilh 180' view of I.hr: ocean. wood noon. Olferm at 10 UNITS ,._., -v .ginu:m '-to fqrm low..,,.,__., 4 bdrnu .. 3 baths, 1 room 500 2 1:11&111 • Oily Uvq roam r &: bath guest apt., pool and $42· · on l lot&. Ad;&Cftlt to Ocean-with wood bmq ftrep&act 1111 I I G -'I l"08I! garden. Fee simple 011 fronl $15S,OOO. . Will -nll CUl)eti.QIJ • !net I I I I I two ., ... m .500. a.1boo RHI E1t1t1 Co. dble ...... .. pallo. EZ • . • • JEAN SMITH, ORANGE COUNTY'S 700 E. Balboa mw.: Balboa ..,,,,. at 1211.960. 67:14140 LNISOE • l Realtor 293 E. ~:i~~~.5~94 ~ ~~ ~ f, ~i~..s r I I I' I ' COSTA MESA loan • ,,.,..-OOOd<r ._ A1>1U.O• i cw "' .. , """ -w. 1135.00. Haw cul: .., ...,. "Al<T'IDIS" IS HI CS . I Duplex $24, 950 F.AStskie Costa Mcu,.. I-lard· wood 1Joon1 &: double car garage separating units (2 lxlrms e. cltl. Eltn lar&e kHcht'n area 1n t unl!. Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport BJYd .• C.M. 543.7729 l.'vel. &M-0084 NEED LlC'ENSED- MAN or WOMAN lo ~111.na,gr our rspidly f'X• panrhng R<!nllll Ikpl. Cal""'IJOl'I RrAl!y ~12911 Uuye 2 bedl"OOn\, hu,e fAm· ~Call 50-8995 afttlr 5:30 ~ Harbor Blvd., CM. - -r a.a,.. Wikle onct Wrof.: ily mt, dining rm. Vtty It. DtH. I I I 'Women's styloo may er..., 1a,..oyard,newty"""""'t· $121 PAYSALL · s.t ronttt...I !=·==·=·==~b:it !Mfr -.....,., ~ ed and carpeted. An .out. Alltlme the 5"%~ ic.n on aflU1 A dilUDet .from, ·-··-, ... ,. ~1ancttrw hoWle In an excti-thll 3 BR 2 bath bome with ottm-bouaes tn belt Back IVITlll! , IGml.... 14. ''"t--. _ .... _..,,,.s., ..... -1111. '·I I I' 11 •-"'"-... Peto Barrott RNlty -nt.toO. too. MMUC _ _ . _ -:: :i::. ~ .z.r.f- 1..,; we11<1.r "'· NB 6C4m Davidson RMlty ? ~ ., ~ ·--. ===1-,,,... ~ ~·'t. B:'e."~ • ~~~~ r r r r r ·r I' J BEACH IARGA!N 4 BEDRM ib-'JO :.• iiit1 7,::. ~.:,i'· ,0 1 ~A''. ~-·~ = ~.fTritl"! ~i •,;: • lWC:~l, lflTUS to ., I J I I I l f $23,500 • lflm>L EJta:ant fl.replace. S.tm fU. L&tle ll._ nD., ftrtpl., ......... ~ - C•JWOOd Rlty S4a.t290 TARBELL 2955 Harlior :'.'d~"O;.,!"' .:J:i. 2 SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICAnoN IOOO -~~~~::..:..:..:~:...:.:.:~=-=~=..:.=:.:....=.:::..:.:.._1 • I • ) • • • • I ' . ' I· • ' • • , • t. • . ~ • .. t .. " 0 I , r, 1 - r • • -IO • n .. .. '· IA "' ill ... a "' l'Y "" ;i't "· ;y, •b. ... lo. IO. 6. 10 ,., t' "· ts. -"'· "' 10 ' •• .. ... ru; 10 ' ii> ' !25 0 - ' .. ' .. ' ' •• lllNTAL' R~NTALS ~E NTALS U!ifALS lllAL UTATI 'IAL UTATt Hou,.. Unfumtslltcl Houses Unfurnlthotl A~!t FurnlllMd APto. Un~ -.1 .Owaol, Coron• ~•I Mor 3250 ~~··• llotill' »05 . SEA 1-A'.I~ Coat-, Mto;. • • SlCl!I a-hi.,.W '";,,. •-,.,.!o!J i20I 2 BR. deo.n ... whlo\lo AJ!OVE lfigh ICboot, ' BR. ~ ' Mom . ~~u:NT. •. •) J!la -.._. _ ~· • ~.;:;.1 ....... - wallt 'to lhopptor • beaoh. rustic cJwm. $140 • ....., • ...,. llDllUDA '/lLLAGE Lis wiiit;~ p -Jllll. °""" ""' • Don v. >'rankllo, Realtor ..is. Show JIO. ~ ~ U: WEEKLY RATES lil>odoua 2 • s 13<. APlll. -· · t.n. ..--. .......... 1;-........ l!rt, n..eo1.- m.2221 vt.ta Dr1.o 2301 Nftjloft Blvd., CM erpg, &,>a. >ltlnt. a... lo !urn. -...,, e 646-7441 e tl>p's 6 ldlll. Otlldna OS. COfiilGt: ., ~ pi ....,, & Owlwt-all ............. ......... HunH"91on Booch 3400 Duplues Unfvm. '975 $2$ Wk. U _..,. tt.o • l!lol ;;:JIH ,.1;;;;::;==:=:;1 FREE RENTAL BOOK 7BRDupl"dlu.J>Yt.11t11>. p 22llOollapAvt.Al>t-~Mcr n<Jrm b:I. llO -.. C•...,QN ..,._,. 16th Pi. $ll"li. R oom y . • Shltio ~ ..M.h apt& mad ~ An • ~ Dror In ~Browse 543-S218 or 548-?6'73 •Incl Ulill Is Phone aerv. 2 BDRM, wtiettd. ruct. it::= • --Hide·~ ...,.... Cldlll 2 Bedroom home wilA Pool. e ~ Service • TV avail. O'o'el\ dllpou.1. $UO p/rtll LMY. mm; 11P-• • S lot.. nt C!llt*l 11 ...,. Great Party House. Rent RENTALS · e New care & &r 132 !:.. 81,1 St, A1f. A, "'° • "5 Me. GF fttT; ti.'Jllma.bld 6'1drld. bat 11 t ~.J'. ; • • at Sl~ per month. Good Apts. Furnlahed 2376 Nq.'POrt Blvd. 548-9755 494.-2792 rt0 MO. w/ldtcben.. --Id ~ J11a111 l'D Vl:l"S lleMld P a I • t t a I 1 ..... J:lt. !Jlt'• • -locatloo. G.neral 4000 CHATEAU L1 POINTE POMONA St.: l lldim. up-BDRM. In -·Gold with pWt •• NI -sU,, Wlw•Ilp ,W.,\,rt -Gott W!lllker & L Lovely lum. , BR .. ta. OU· lunt. Ct•-1oc11ec1. • ~~~,... ...... --11o11 s"clAL cv.ss1f1CA1 "*, ~ ee RENT '""'t parking, c-rll. Hid Month. -.. ----coll Glotlll'Tl>cMt-t ~TUllA!. -N SWA • ~""" -·. LSE 3 Br., lam. nn., 2% ha. Din rm: cpts, dtl>fi, bU.ns. Grdnr. scrv. Xlnl! MT....,, 3 Rooms Furniture pool. Adults. no pets. $150 AUO JVRN, <lean 2 mt. S.D. ""7. Ma1eoll 1, 1w,.lth~~ a~ . "' sp.dtl' II• ' $2 19U POMONA AVE., C. ""'9 blt..lnl pr EL WobnJtt ... Quiet; TV,~ _,_., ....... Inc. ~ Ll--ffflMl...,f aiucb 5 Month s100 Mo-. 1 BR, a11 u ms -'in · .... 115 Wkly. m-4m w ~~Aft. • .__ _..:,'"i:'.:e.. .. """..:~ _ • ._ FUU. OPnON TO BUY Incl, pnv/paUO, q u I et , QUIET Apt for · couple 91' R & ... ~ 5,,. Nb'CI, E\ltl wtmd:I S3l.ft2'f ~You• .....,.. Mii• .-... .... ._ fll .... , ...... (Refrigerators Available) clean, adult!, no pets. lady put 50. a; ·E., 18tb oom ni Iii ' .....,..;;.o°Nf't.2J67i''*'""'' No ~r'~t (·'·'· 646-0m . Pl. Avall now. ~ Msr. ROOM -!loud *" .-IOslNID ...,. · T• .. .._ Y-Tr.....-.·P•-M F • .. 'R · I 2 BR. Quiet. Adulb, NO 2 BR ,.,.. pr petlo 1 pntlemln; """·both. PllfANCt&I · • urn1ture . •nta • P£1'S. $140. 768 sco t t hild, ok: 'petl' 1125 ;. 6t6-&IM · -.. · Newpwt ht..... '¥1f to ~ ~ i;:clnc.!hm ~~-:.:, Pl. C.M. 646-2323 ~ired. OOi: 5'6-1016 . .... Opp•utvnl~ ... btl.eh. ·~""&td. 9qult)f . ' • NASSAU PALMS e 2 BR .... apt 1p1, cptl. Mollll, Trlr. Crtt. 5"7 r... -tquoa ~..,. HOLIDAY PLAZA 1 & 2 BR.~ Pool ' bltr-. • tu. -...i Cindy S"'9fY levte till 10t P.Q. 8(ICI ~:tC!, DELUXE, Spacious 1-Bdrm. 177 E. 22nd St. 642-3645 drpa, pa...., .,._. TR.AtLEa Space avail. Pool, .<Put or Nl Tlp'lt). Hunttnstan Bel.ch. (n4) Furn. apt. $135 Plus util. Ad!tt. m pets. $1«1 5M-5U3 P!Jttin& em. lhuttltboud, DcceDtnt llCioiM lor -mr MMOO °"111'. Orange County 3600 Heated pool Ample paridna FURN. J Br. apt., Sll.5: 1 LIKE NEW 2 Br., ntW cptL, rec. nn. Adulta only: no )ft. Wttld1 wort Cctan or , • No children-No pets small child OK. No pets.. drp.. blt·inl. carport: Dt peta. Tradewind Trailer ...,_) J'lfUJinl udl coDtd-Will tnilt'lf'Jt'Pelbtuer 5 BDRM., 2 bath, No . Oran&e. avail. Jllll. 16. S25(l p/mo. 1st, last, and clean- ing required 497-1181 1965 Pomona. CM 64Ui858 ~9402 evts It wkenda. pet!; adults $125. $C8119 Vlllap, 2191 Harbor Blv., lrw moaq.,fna cU ope!"-outboard. <Ill abtqlau) n45: 2 BR., heated pool, Newport Beoch 4200 Now-rt Belch 5200 C.M. =. ::r-'· tD Co* for 1u11 · "'' pert _ .. Infant O.K. -· Misc. .Rentals 5'99 ~.,.. en new car;et. drapes. Broker ~ \VATERFRONT Spac. 3 OCEANFRONT :r O!udlll DUllli9 landtcapq_ .. bJoek f~ bdrm + den. $190. incl utll Lowtt 2 BR. blt·hls.. frplc. ·~ For Rtnte .. _._ candy , al!4 madct) or T ! · Plxdi ~ alter S1nt1 Ana Heights 3630 Cost• Mesa 4100 -small boat allp. Wintr be. 0ose to ICbool. churchN. 51nale· .. 12) Month ~cubrequirt4.'J'orper-T p.m. --------oo...8790 Yearly lease. $185. Cara&t· e80-36ee 90Dal interview ln Colla ' 2 BR house, 1 acre horse ATI'R 3 BR apt 2 b" Mesa· Send --·-"·Bit 2-•·••MOntiCello conil. · · " "" $125. 2 Bedroom duplex. ti'13-00.57 or 673-8577 __ ,. .J._. ... ~ tD·. ::....,. ,.=. ·"''t.•·-, d" -•, ranch. Santt Ana Heights, \v/v.' carp., drps, attr. yd. · ..-. ........... -UllT -..-..... .-.... .... .... .-Slof5 mo. Eves. M&-4519 5-18-3481: 5tO-Ol54; 646-6922 Clean No kids or pets. Util. DELUXE 2 Bl'., ~ -ha., lull,... Rental 4060 ''ROUTE J)EP.ur:rME:rrr• t ~ c1b . bte,. $20,SOO. No Matter What It Is JUST SAY CHARGE IT! pd. Balboa KI 7-1155 bltns. trpl, WW'clW atta. NE\V .... n .. t-...._ ,_ P'.0. Box sit& Trade In )'GUI" S or 4 Bit Adult& .$225 Month. ~ Prime~ :'° i: Anaheim, CaW. t280S horM. ~.'qt.~~ Corona del Mair 4250 ~ BeadL -Zl9) " ft, with or GIM' • Home Deaw lhap, wi.t do l.'OlZ have to trade T 2 BDRM duplex near beach. WATER Flont, 1 br, boat without eqWpment. Mull mut .ell. See· Make ofttrt Litt it here -in Oranie $165. per month. After 5. dock. blt·inl. Utll paid. $1ti5. let to apindate. e-5a-1Jl4 • Cl:Nnb''• ~ ftM trad· *6'1S-3153* 67S-5028, ti73-!IOOO * CM-1038 * lni pott-and makit a dW. $145 SPAC. ,.1e., f<plc. Back Boy 5240 NEWPORT . 8110RE8 Shop-Monoy·le·Lotn 6129 TRADE )I""--- Privacy; S. of Hwy. No plna: Center; dreu lhop: · land, flOO ft. on main HW)' .. pcl'I. Business man. ti"15-4859 View, 2 BR, crpt1, drps, no leue nq. 1 e.au.t. fix-Aftila:~...:.... ~ I m1 to nearest llDo town; NE\VLY decorated furn 2 blt-inl, pool, $145 mo. tuJea. carp •• mlmn. raclu estate mn. .,:;;rOJt, nr. a.no. Nev.: trade fast bdrm, lront apt, t-lc, close li73-3690 Ii etc. 8G-39t5 , what have :yo11f 5*m "' Mt--llflr tt4; --... 10 beach f213) 431-1195 SHOPS Mod -a,c,~.ranch. 1U1· Batbo• -4300 •_ ~~ rutr. m.aieo Hu manq ., lm4 Oil lit A bouaH. tf stans. er n tiam Pr . ~ 2,lllO SP. Ft. -"l" "W" ... ~m llW.c ~ ... for -· BACHELOR' Aptl, utll pakl. ""-•--H··'"" n-..i. --.,..t caai!a or ! Own 61$4Zl9. . E "!iii~ •. • · Nr. Newport Pier , RITIRll> COllPLI 1y .,. t"triCk, 2 ,,.n., 3 'S75or'mmo.310E.Ba1boa -· -,rs~":""'" ....... __ • · · ~--t,<;;Bl:,"'1,,,.;,;· Bal~ooa5,o;eao;to;. =:==o::j FQt 1..,., dohD<o 1888 ... ft. -.NW.,. IUI;y, ":!!1'· a.il .htlle LMIL 6i40 OO!j'T JUSr WISH ll" -"* ~~ •ettttnc fn ......... • Hunlington Beach 4400 .,..,,.;, ...,,,.11, "'!t '11'• ~~,.t';~.2' HOMI LOANS i.-.. ~.g:iJ:'"''""'°' ..,, 1 •• prlv. balrorues; dbl taNl'9 a-•· a _._ Have-,9010 financbw at 71'9' In~ ed Ads. ·"UTILITIES PAID oil kitch. Dt.hwuw.·dbL ........... O>eck our 1.9% " ' " YOU CAN SELL IT WITH 'A DAILY Pl.LOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 C.HARGE IT! ,• 2 BR lorn, Hid. pool OVM, pool c.nv.ntenl ' .. Office ltllltt~ 6070 -• Ind TD ........ * fr.~ ' :Jc s6:t Knoxville, Apt. D, H.B. shop'g., schools 'A recrea-1 .aftuu.a i••"H S&ttllr Modpct Ot. Inc. • 536-291.f e tion. ~ ,.~-~ D5 E. 11th St. ----------- ONLY $325 MONTH -r ...,...,,_ oa.nn ll6Gll1l ANNCIUlilCIMINTS LGE. Bad>., ntU. paid, ldool 835 AMIGOS WAY 00 l"ORIS'l AVENUE Ewl. 113-11111 ' .0.lll! 111111.'NOnCU: •V-. tlto'l'llt<lfon • for sgle., mature adult. $90. .,. Did: , e:pac'tl ~ tn ="'-'==-'-'==.: Cull Md. btall Walk to 5 Points Shopping, Newport Btac" t, amc. baMlic """~-~~· ~II npain.. No Job too miaU. '42-2219 Mgr. A'.pt,•'9 · I :;::\\:,...,In c1on..:.! ANNOUNCllMINTS i; • 6405 CEllENT-. "'Job tDo Pluttt ptldL Le1Un1 I-BR. coooo., beaoL turn. . · Lqnno Beld>. Air -ind NOTICI$ I GOQHD omoll.· ft-bit. Free thower etpalr. 117-11&'1/ Nr. AU•nta & Beach 81,d. Coron• d1l Mor·~,~ ~ _,....i, -l'eun41 'Cf!M ·MI)· '400 -.,. . ..,.,, .. _ _,. -ll.SOdltdi.54M615 1=-=======·f C11le. only. SHil). ~ pai'tidontns. Two nam,· b·rand EXEJtaSE Tbol')'k Concrete, no job 962-6984 OR 9ti2-6683 entranctt: Frontqe .. BLOND•ftm.·•••,~os, LOUNG2S •(Adv. on•T..V.). toamall.'Fl'Westtmaflea. QUIET & BEAUTIFUL ~W l'\rtst, A'fe .. rear Judi to Mtmbles .De.~\llld, ·Mll wtttt tbe kit& of•becomlnc a e ~UW e Adulll only. 2 BR. p oo l q. Mtmdpllpatinalotl. cared lar'. C,srntr deller.,{•ftndl.don'thlw CONCRETEwodc,ellflpea. 11616 Cameron 84T-212:i --· .... .....0. Jor -Dolle ·~~-Ju. l tlml to demomtnto """ Pool decltl 6 -. Call '"""""='===· ===I ...i -•ftlloblt"" a. ' -. -· ' _., t ~:._._ ~ ·-·· I · ONTEN' ACRES a...tn. boara q msw or -a ,,._, _.._ Laguna Baach 4705 1 • J BR. Furn. • unturn ~ anilahM -:;•s;: SllAt'~ lllllb'·eoknd. mb.· M5. ea..~ Slt.95.. """ie:-CUSTOJl;;i;==P"'><nos==e- / ~ I -"-I _... fd ~ Jllllt die, Ori&lftll . -MM!OO. -•to -• ---• MODERN View apt. mrth FrplCI •n ""...,. All ut:llltiel ..-. .... wttb blue mllar' I: no tap. 2114 No. Bomdl ar.. U ..--• :QWWYU !:!f!1!111tory 6990 t:ZYXOSI<rS ~ Upiiol· 1te1Y. E_. .<:'."~~ tltlp. 11119' --· ....... ' boa'8 A .-uto'L I0-1& Newport BMI.. Cl(. . , JDIS • IMPLOYMlf.fl I eoo, 2 ,1ory, 2 BR. 11> p-Temits • Omlnt'l m. tel-. "1c. 11th • -CJI. , 'LIC•MCID , 1 Stolt tic. e 10'1010 Ba, 2 sundeckB. gar, 1 blk fst. g bole flutt/Grten. DAILY PII.Or MU33I t """'!':• ' ., Job Wlftt9d I ..... -ping-be•cl>. Very plulb. 000 Seo Lue. Olli JIU.2llll 212 FORDl' AVEl<UZ -·-t-ldllee Contr.... 6620 ' _, S2tiO mo. 49'-9982 (MacArthur nr. Coe!t Hwy) LAGUN.t,.. BEAal ·=D~ .!_~ N= ~.:l~~te. e ROOMS"A17DmONS e HOUSEWORK Wanted. Ex. -~~~;.;..c,=,.--• I IUwr!O N"' y-~ ~ -.-:;:-:.1:> ··•· L.T ~~.~-pertenced. $2.Z hr. piUI RENTALS DUPLEX 4 Bedroom, 214 Def Offices . _, ~~· """IJ0.10 AM·lO PM · ~·~---12 Apia. Unfurnlthld baths, liftplaoe, carpeull .~ SUITESl!lar-· ~--y~ = ~--•'..~ ... · Glrlo, OUvl. Cevpll! ';::' .!!'.."' ~ ;'. BKKPR/Soc, F/C, drapes, p.ragt, b t·..._ -"""-'' ~ ..._waa U )'Otll' a swfNGEJt and are ..,..._. • -1 ' tnced conrtr COit • IGiieiiniieiiroiil~~~!!5~000jjjjj $275mo.50-12Mext0a::: ~~~t~ ~~·A=Alea~ ~~~ :i:~=-:-~~or WO~.~~~,~ II Huntington -h 54UQ e<nlnl loca-0..... 81"'1., H.B.. 53&-'IOll ll0-1210 ' • • 117-l511 • ~ ·-- VEN DOME 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;1CountyBl1tltBldr·2311 E. FOIJND.---Pomale Altr-li<jiirt Addltlono· * -menttomamp.!lq,.riO~ EXCLUSIVE llth st.. CM. IQ.HIS .......... -.. -YOONG WOMAN ,...... II. -Uc. 1="'=-====-1 11\oJMACU"" .ATE APTS! Green Valliq ll'M Of 1'oun-dancer will tqicb )'OG aJ1 l7MOG. * SO.:.U.70 ""'!ED. OCCUPANCY ON-THE-BEACH NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER taln Vllloy. 91M019. """' -CID AidtD Cloe• to Shopping, Pork 2 & 3 Bedroom Apia. C:::.. tu!:.:_/•• 0::::-LlTI'LE >lack toy pcod1e 2U• 1111-1-io PM • Spaokm 3 """ 2 Ba Luxury uvlng top ........ From iio. AJr.a8! .. ctpll: .....,., mole, Vie. Glmn PACIPIC PARTNIRS e 2 ~R. wi den or ofc. 11101t dllcrlminatln&· Nwr elevator. ~ ~ Santa Ana. In •·let ·111 ·t»eJp )'Otl ftDd l~~~~~~~~I • Swim PooL PuVgreen available at 5'1-5(112 or 175-%tU lstll • ht lpllCiaJ: penrlb. Y'OU've work. c:ill ~ f« • r<pt, 1o•1,11n..,. 1ac·11 lh H nl' IAn -BLA~ ,.... .... btm -tor -~ ~ -Help Wenlld. Mon 1845 An1heim Ave. 8 U fRg ,. EXECUl'IVE tlloe AliXOX """'-balrA ... ALCOllO~ • 110 Glmlc:at --opt CAii COSfA MESA """" • 7111 .... IL ~ .... bid&· ~'?'-Oft:hld In ow. -Nf.'1211 !"'::"~ • -cJor. al -NAj!:~ ~';!tc r $150; 2 BR .. 1% .... ltlldlo. P1c1fic rm ~vall~~-iliiAiL Jiiii ~;.. iioi& P.0 ; -=°"'"!lea. -. ... , .. '4Wl!T General c1ea- BllM, w/w: ohlldren OK W OmCE ar -A •M ..,.,. ... ....,.tall.""-Slnto 1-1 t640 M ·-r llroko• ™9llll m O<nn Aw., 11.D 510 3bt St. No..,.;t Ana St., C.111. 16-132& P-lt t412 . all Costa Mesa 5100 cn 4> 536-l48'l Near Lido~ ,..151S l'OUND Stt: ~·· bJl.-on · n.:AG ~ p11'l eJeo. Exctllent company benefit.a. N-.lloocll bl -· ·m:sm·' -Olmc'l, r ti., > Dey -"' Coollct Jll\J $125 • $150; 2 •I BR. lCOMMERC.-IOOl!q.IL lllMtlU M'"UOl'"L '"RK Malnt. Sm jobo welc. Robe«-I Excellent. park • like 11Ur-apts. Newly decor., cpfl. 1 ~u~n: ell.I· ft. BLACK, put 51 ,. II 1 at l:Jl'I M!ll ~ 549--11M5 NABERS CADILLAC rowidings for adults requir-&: drpll. BlbUI. Refr1&:.4a vaD.. fernalt m.t. vie SM'Yltw 6 Mertuary I Cemetefy !!L'EC'J'RICJAN , Llcui.I, SERVICE Statkla sa1nman. In& pea" 4 quiet. 2 Cblldm> OK. Nr. Bead> Ind-I •~ I MIN -ttla. ow, 113-1189 Cot"'f.~:'f!lllW1lt -. ~ Jobi· Jfaln• Exp'd. Sal a r 1 + "''"" • Discriminative Tenants BJvd. & Main, cloee to IWIDI -'9"I ~'245 A N}l&lr. MMlOJ, miukln. allllb' in pmon. ~ 2 4 3 BDRM. AP1'S. -............. NT-<9115 WANTtll .. -.... w.uu:r -~ tJt"' c~ loll MOBIL STATION. --.. POOL. NO CHlWREN LARGE 2 Bdrmt., lllm new; 10,000 ... IL ~ ...., = .=· "' frw11·fl:IO Gtnlwilne , 66IO _, El Taro lid., Lqune MARTINl9UE rugs, stNaw, dra~;,~Moto au I ta bl• for lte&•,7 '",,,,..,,. .V'ltte.,-s....w -Indlldel Endowment ca. JAPANESE Gard.•n•r _Hilts __ . ------1 ocean. o smog. -, mochb\ery In Ortnp Co. -•• -P··~ Eril,7tltlttc Ill I 1lfOI "--.h..--·-GARDEN APTS. Gu,w.i.,pald. Tc per,. IL -WJ ldun!llleltorShof,.1)11 -~·=l "° °""fleto -· Exp. ......,,,..,,... 18th A Santa Ana, C.M. 222 8th St., Hunt. e.dl. i'\IDerton, Cal. Otnta,-cM' . ......., No . ' ..a;. Relialie. llU3l9 ELF.CrftO.KEOIANICAL CalIMn.Hendencm646.5'42 W1ntPrlncy? Newl 3000S!Q1t-•o1Gco LITIU Blacklleb!it :mo 1 ul;.t.:t_~ · 0.1•.FA&oLown ~ 811jw.....,'_ot...tt 1m Santa Ana,AptU3,C.M. ONE BR'• NEAR OCEAN +«KD111ftpavecf.A,1m4*9 8-YsldeDr.,ODI.. . DJ..JTi!I ,• li34m ~~cemed PARAMEl'RlC8 ' l~l!l"!!!l'!'!"!!'~~~-1$127 mo ($14' Furnl ..,... rvct: Ull5 1-~ -e1t 4 9211 Babr St., Ooeta - NEWLY DECORATED 2lll . 14th. 536-1319 m.1114 lid. 7U-4tc-1n1 .. '*'·" ,,.. ' ...... , llRY1c;1~nctORY Clif_. ""''l&Wn """"' YOIJNG -illtei'itiOd' •• 2 BR. 8!P· home w/carport. $125 MO .• Larie 2 BR apt. n...ae..• . .::r 1 lllaelr ... m!.... . -I ' ~-·Uc.·~ .... permanent job wit.II Sl05. Dh~p.; water paid.~ Clo6ed carages. ,No N'PT. Belt. Dafrable.c:ontr. ~ r1 ~JD IHnft'IM '550 l:wtektnds: elltabllsbed_ D.t dealer In Blk. from khool. children. S36-Q583, 21 O' ottkle A · II 'Jti» 9fll'l4r ~ ~ San Gabriel Valley U'la. 21>1 • "B" Pl""'nHa -St. -Ml..,. VPS.° o!!: =~ c:ult,;!t,..,.. am.D.'cu.>..,..._ -· °"""' ....,.... 6612 Euollent-""'1\>', W>tto • 63M 120 • 2 BR. u-..,..., -· 12lll NI-1311 · • -a C:·..,.n.,P.o. -.'::!" ""'-~·Jillli RZATJllG.•·Mr °""· ~ P. 0· -1!1 Balbci& JJlend I l;QUEAKY a .... Eulolde G ...... $125. Adulu --221<11ewi1or<'a.di., .... •!o!d. lliMlt C•• 1 ' ....... -w-• FRY COOK .,1. 2 BR. 1 bath, ruilt·in 816 Palm >!&4523 LAie •IOI R!f1iAJU>·"'""..,.;oo&. --5j8oq ~ ..,.rr. :II hr -Fut A e~t, .-. , .. kltohoo, !ully '"''"""' • 2 ~ 3 BR.. 2 botltt. ,.,,,, ADJACENT A s.112' W... r...:.thllr. JM!ltt. Be-n ~ ~~"11' ~· ilcilnl7ar117_., 'I""' :nit."'• modlcol U.. draped. Just painted ln~cle patio· heated pool. dltt ·Joea Set. Santillo Dr ~i_P&Clae ",.,,._ .. =-._..,.. ,Lovf . "APOlY,.:C PM. DemTlt & oot. $13S/mo. Ed Riddle ' ""'994 N.B. •L $35.000. -• K-l!dt ptl.r. 'TH: . Od em. C • ll'uN'!f • lnD 114711loeth -. ,_ - Rllr. 64"""1 llll'Wi !U; -' ~ • I • • . , ' .UTILITY MAN DELUXE 1 BR pet. patio L ...... 1 Botch 5705 CllrUa ..... , ,· 6171 ........ · ltlT™ I ~~£&ii! IN~ !Ollll e"~• --,!'! -"<!'in ... GClll ... IP . $135 Want MATURE, RELi· " · r .,_,,... . VIVI '. nu-. MY bear ....-•Ill',; ~--r 25-IO. «I Hr week. lrtb ABU; ooUl'LE to aat. 100 CLIFF DRM ------~ 9'hr•--· lllddloe. 1111. .rrade. Q>utGClllShop.fll.«llOut m.,.. ol 1~1 BR untla. Rent LUXURY F11RN/IJNJ'1JllK IMISIDI ~~;'!!.~ ~'lo,lll -.~ .... ~· · ' lar'Mr. - '""'""'" Ji46.1T!lll Yesd, Lew. 1 • 2 Sdnm. COUNTY ·J:Mo-=' Jiilut .,.,.,._ r.--=:a • iJriRV1110R "" ilOCi ilOll $160. 2 Bit new indMdual -to Slxn • Si1oiJ1 ~ 1~ """-J;;o ~ OoOfa .__ -~ --· c:ol-----I 4111 a u n I l 1 . FI re I ace a, Ocearrvtew Crom tvtt'I ~ 15 Aen JWQS -""' dtrw .. a.Ma., I 'oa ... leboDI .... :: -· • C::: kit ...,, · t ~ ft Sota ,,_, c.untr, dlahwaaber, stoves, drapes. f:rQCD mo mo qp.--ll""i::'"~:==~ ~~-WJO Im ~Ma1·12ar.• COiia ....... f7S:or77ll Cwb.16-19 Adulll. al& E. 18th St. •ute ill Iba ..i... • ' ~ • ' • ... 6MO TRiii, bed&e, trw. Gn. P'"'n..---~ ... 1 .. -fOr .n w.tit ptf&Jll 'I!. ~ ... _,bill. -tlrnile I f ... .....-Mint tu J lilUI. 4fi"'"&Wl'll -.... lill2-5340 or (213) &-1&52 # ,_ • ··= ·~~ 1 ''• • --:'.rwt'I Gardtn Grove rutaarant. UNF\JRN 3 BR, 2 BA ..... REAL ESTATE. ... •1•t:=;.'*-b.-.ti1r4., WWln~•trr '~ •mnble. IO-e · '• ... _._ ...... -., Pi1sa ~· · I -· ll • ._.. JU. Cl!-•--1 au ' ... ...,. ~-""" WestdIH. pool a GOntlfl $4.000 ~ "'ll-For~ -•MT ,--. , LmffflUJltr, ""1al'qbt -· 22115 _,,.. Bly., • private patio. $165 mo. Rent1l1 W1nted 59'0 tnfonn.a.q. P ~ ¥& •• C4 . Cl'OCi'tim ~ *'* iERVD staUOD aamdUf, , Ji46..J020 We!W-l"di.ti·-*""i Ii. iliRor. II lo ~ o.u Ellp -Good ~ DUPLEX REl JAm.r, mature windoW, ... ...., a,A11si..•1M. . ' 'fk.~ ~ • i ' ••c a~!! 1F oond. DQI Ulloft IOU 81: $~2 ~ ~Uo,d:: ~Hon'":"~ 1111.~~·-~IV l ~·'I ~f.;,;;.~~ ig.IA,~~~~ ~·-- No cruid..n or peta. "-_,4 Mt.a2I. ~·-11N'M !!'!!!!.'< , .. , ~oiJiM ~-..i, t tc : !IM-t\111 -· -UH DH-A Sta\e &G-7411. EMPLOYm ladJ wants 1 '111 .;_,._,...,._\ ee b 12 1 G"i ~ .. ·Mi . o ,. dll ..... ~ ~Mama, ~ M ••-a . 1BR.AJJ e1'clrlc:blU..PrY BRllldtlrn4'tbelch.,. , ~-····~"I •o ft , ~~NI. !511-lD • pelio. wrw crpb, ._ to 111D-Ge>oe...,,....,...-.._ -, _,,.i.,;_.,-:onta 'eJalt:U.~' I Al.I. 'iil!iiii -.,.... 1UO. 548-UZl -lM l 14 DoWo. M ..,. ----' · Wlllf9.,J!lll--'-' " -.net1';,.,,__.,.,, DAILY PllDT WANT All6 e LANDLORDS e • tull priot -lf!i'•o<., Iii ·Diiili:irM: iiii&#· l'lllfl. 1!lltttO : ' IV"""<, 1k,/ '?!f ~ llillltr. 1.1...,. a Go-Ool FREE RENTAL .sERVlCE So. COLL. Sbtwfelt. •W. U.0 elli1'10 -··-ml\lt>' 'Iii> iiiji,. llilili: IRONJNG-111!; 111.-Pl!CDUCTIOll FOllEIWf w ADii · Bnlltu -lrd0 L.A.!Sll)m.5101 ,1• !f!..,._J,to... ·-~.• &M.,,_ .,._ltltW.,.,.." cw.; -DAIL~Jtll!VL~ l!OCKl'fTO 'E!!fl DAILTPllDTWANTAllSI ·lllUllGJliikt'rii •-ormM!ll•, ~-BA="'°1Cll !!!T lllacG ...... l"tdolOO... ~ 6625 I I ' -H --:-·~-;;:":-:::..·~-~~--.. ;--;-~.::-: ~,-:;.~· 7. -;:-_-;:~.:-:--: ~~-.;-: :::.:~·~-;;.;:--:: .• ::;.~:--.;;-;.::--.::-~-;;-,;.· ·":i"ii~:-;;1;;";';:;;;-;;:;.:-:-: o;:-..::-: -:;-:,::-· ':i"'.-."'.':':":;~;'"'..';"" ':""':,..,:=.~. ~ •• ~' .~. "': .• ~. -..~' ~ .. ~: .. ;-:.•, ·.-.. •• •,•2 .•.• .. -.·.--"!$lfllj!l'l?i . I JOU " EMl}OYMeNT JOIS a IMP\.OYMINf JOU a IMPLO'l'MIH1 JOBS a IMPl.Q.Y""NT JOBS a EMPLOYl:\liNT Apncl11, Mtn .. Help Wonted, "'°" 7200 H.lp Wlliled, -7200 Help WOll!td, "'°" 7200 Atoncl-. W-7100 Help Wonted • w_,, HE~£w~NTED MiiW.;;.. .. re.t Miss mc ·lav WPmon . 7~ , LARG~N ~;.:i'ING ~ 0 ho Pold' ITT JABS<O : NOW HIRING MUSI be ---le per1ton . : PERMANENT \WlllK. NO. lralllfer aa1 -lloo ..al-• ' . bllllot • ..,. ...... . Eue S«ty ••• :,.~ •• l. - Contra! C\'.d< BILLING CLERI< EXP. NEC. IN SOME ""' CO(IOi,io 0. --OEPI'S. AS ~\l'E HAVE A ... inlncr m11ntgquav TRAINING PROGRAM FOR ~ tor fil'll artld-"""'· °""' ... .,,,.. "''"· _..,,~ ""~· Good..._.y ~ ~tt ·~ .. , .. ,:.\:j io~ Exec~ !.•·•••'••••• *3 Prtfe.r·aomeanti with l'rtdob YOUNG MEN l.S-45. f"J. wm ~ 2 tD • TOP WAGES -· Eloiellcnt ~ Soc'1/Mktr 6alH ...... $521), --............. .., Stctf/PR • •• •···· •••••• i500 wW train it ve.ry rapid u:I Girt P'rkla,f (split) •• to l'OO ...,, aCCUl'lte typist. ; PROFlT SHARING P LAN condition. &nan ahop. · }""()R QUALIFIED MEN. fitt, ex.cellint future fot'~~~kora. Apply to: • ' Sa.ltl/Oertcal •• , • , , ta '5<IJ Secty/ltte .. _ ...... 1433 !(eypuJlcb/2nd shllt • • 1418 START WORK JMMEOIATELY CAU. FOR APFtllNTPifENT SAT .. MON .• & TUES PR. 4.7253 • Busboys • Dishwashers APPLY 1N PERSON TO MGR. 9 TO 5 P .M. REUBEN E. Lll SlfRllWHEEl.ER · 151 E. c .. st Highway :1 Newport Beach D.."PERIENCED e COMMERCIAL TELLER ., UNITEO CALIFORNIA .• BANI( ;: 1: •• .; .. !: 3029 Horbor Blvd. Coda Me.. 546-2033 An equaJ opportunity employer ,. ______ _ . :· e Bo1t C1rpenters ' ; e MHI Mon ' • Woodshop Auombly : e Fiberglas molders (Laminators} STACO, INC. . . . Receptlonitt • • • • • • • • • • $350 An equal opportunity employer 1139 Bokor St. Pel'l.;,,,.i 'Office Oeric Typlat (split) •• to $3:50 1485 Dale Way, p.ta Mesi AppllCOtJt Poys l'M Sect;y/ Adm. Asa't • •• • S500 ~ OWoef •••••• ta S:iOO CooJoMoto 549-3041 An equal ,._.., ............ Screw Machine Operator Ind..vklual to edup and oper- u .. s. Divers Company 3323 W •• Warner Santa Ano An equal opportunlty employer Girl ~ .......... to S50) Sect;y/Recpt.~ ......... lo $650 General oflioe •••••• to f425 RecepUonilt • • • • • • • • • • $400 Crodlt --• • • • $"'3 Port ..... Ck Typilt 12. ... * OperatOf'I Stylists Ra<optlonlst * For beauty aalon in Irvine 4 Newport Be_:r~c~. ..... Moran ate B a: S # 00 screw m•-1.,..,====----chlne, capable of a~ ACCDUNTANT •'""'" ••• -THE IRVINE Unlven.ity Park Coiffurel ~. many • • to $4911 mono for appl Cle.rk Stem • • • •• •• • to Sf7S --'~==~=­production runs on amall '""'""°" pan.. Small "'°'· COMPANY Ge.n. Ofc.~ many •••• to $425 ~St~ ........ 1385 Excellent ~ condJ tions. • Staco, Inc. 1139 Baker st. Costa Mesa 92626 549J04l An equal opportunity employu STAFF ACCOUNJANT 1nlnee PubUe !Watiom $346 . --Typi.t. ......,, •• $325 Trainee, Gen. Ofc. , • • • $325 Trainee, C.Omcl. rater •• $325 Trai.oee, Keypunch •••• '310 We ani a rapidly expandirc °"""' Co<m'1. -ocmparl)', aeJ!kin&" a recent Tnlne, Tfty Gbi .... 1286 Trainee, Nunes Aides •• $286 AL!.<ETAGENCY Colta Mesa -~===.,...,-=---I coDeKe graduatl! with 3 to 4 PARTICULAR yean ..,,er. In general 437 w. 19th 6'U752 accte. We offer a challeng-Garden Grove TYPE PERSON ing position *tth excellent 12291 Harbor Blvd. salary and extensive bene-63S-51SO I want someone who wiD work for me u they would for themtlelves. Must be am- bitious. $750. MO. GUAR. U yoU meet our requl.re- !Its. Pleue aend.ftsume with 1-========= mlary .....,,,._ You Help Wonted will be "'""""" by mall Wo.-7400 l)().NOT contact us by phone 1-..;.;;.==---.:..:..:: "' 1n penon. Ladles AIOI 24 plus THE IRVINE .JMMED. OPENINGS roll;JVrUJIE FOUNTAIN VALLE'i omCE menb:, we have men & WO-COMPANY Wm train, Excellent oppor- men who eam in exceu of C tunity f qualitled lad! 11<00. .., mo. Wondmu! IRVINE, ALIF. 92664 ~th ~.:_ ..,,, " •.• "! Compe.n.y ben!fita. JllllUf'-~· ma.~ma __ .Qiu•~· anoe holpita1imtion. etc. . Extendve ben@.ftts include. RN or LVll • NEEOEO FULL TIME Appl1 N•wport H1ibor Convol-nt Hospllol 646-7764 •COSMETOLOGIST 5 D&)-'L Pttfer with cllentele, but not neoessacy. Apply in ....... SHERATON BEACH INN 2lll2 Ocean Avenue IJuntington Beach LIZ ltEINDERS --""" Campua Dr. Newpcirt Beach ....,. """" °'"'W• Co<m'1 AJ....,.-t Pbont 546-2UB Engineers Logic BA Degree, electrQnlc, z. 5 )Tl opportunJt,y, advanc- ment, adm.lnlstration. ~ car~· Fee paid by company. Exec ANCIENT MAR·INER RESTAURANt Ntwp01t leach 2607 W, c;,pasr Hwy. TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR Waitress Hostesses Kitchen Help Dishwashers Secretarys Beautiful company far II!!!!!!!!!'! beauWuJ. attitudes w 1 th - beautiful akilla, H•lp W1nhd, Halp W1nted W-7400 Women 7400 1'ro9rammers 3 )'ean!I exp mM 36()..MOD 30 -COBOL Local. Ftt paid by company. Corporate Secretary Min. 2 yrs corponi.te ex· perience. Anaheim area. 1100. 11-----~~_.:;::.:::;::;,_ __ ~_ lilliil9 Machine Operahir Will post inventory control Experience on Burroughs 100, Sensimatic or NCR machine desired. T b r e e years experience in rotatin&: inYentory belpfuL STACO, INC. • Secretary Opportunity for versatile In- dividual posses&in&' good ahorlhand, typing, dicta- phone skills. Must lila! var- ied duties, phone contact, heavy work load. STACO, INC. 1139 Bokor St., CM 549-3041 Exec 1139 Bokor St. Costa MeN An equal opportunity employer Secretary 549.J04l CASHIER/RECEPT Excellent opportunity if you An equal opportunity Dynamic marketing di· employer have accurate clerical abil· rector, Orange Co.'s mast Hy & poise in handling cus- e.xciting project. SeU ..,. 11---------tomer contacts. High .school surance must be y 0 u r * graduation required. mldd1' namo. if,oo. NEWPORTERETTE PACIFIC FINANCE HOSTESS 16612 Beach Blvd., H.B. · --'+e--~P1atnt.rs-helper---·------· •. WATER..JJiD..SEWElt !'~•M~ 642~11~ MAINTENANCE • Group Lil~ 1...,. Bridll Consult1nt AttracUve woman, ambit· Jous, good personality, use of car, over 21. Some eve• preferred, Average part time $59. ~k, tun· time $Uf,-week.~ niCeisa:ry. "7 b r-lnteR>feVI call Mr. Whitney 544-8550 · llf:• .I • F .> d 'l1il-fl-'f~~Oi:: 2792 Harbor llivd., C.M. 111 n "' n ·c., !ntii'YieW!Dg--.,;w for.,,. =ii81-:· w/ exp. . " " JENSEN MARINE OJRP. 235 Fisher, C.M. *BELLMAN NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Apply · Sheraton Beach Inn : Between 9 am.J pm Mon·Frl 21112 Ocean Ave. Huntington Beach ·I--"==~='-- • PART TIME. NIGIITS ;i Dl1hwnher & Bus Boy ,, •: APPLY IN PERSON 3-5 PM WATER METER t,1AN $49UOS·-por mo. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Requires compltHan ot eighth grade, one year of experience in the maintenance and reJ*ir of mechankal devices. Apply before i P.M., Wed, Jan. 8, 1969 at the City Hall, Penonne1 Of. fice, 3300 Newport Blvd., Nowp>rt Beach. 61"'633 MAN • Prol!t -"""" ment trust $49~5 per mo. CITY OF NEWl'ORT BEACH Jt,equ.ire• completm d. ""' tenth -""" two yean ~iil the • Employees savings plan • Pront lharina" bonua PSeue call MR REED GA :Z.OOU Safeco lmuraoce Corp. ll55 E. San Antonio 1-Beach. Calif. Equal opportunity employer ADVERTISING SECRETARY/ BOOKKEEPR maintenance of water or teWer lines. in Q)IK!r'ete work. in bWklltlc main- tenance, at other clo8e1y related filed&. Apply be- fore 5 p.m .. Wed., Jan. 8, 1969, at the City Hall. PenoMel omce, 3300 N ....... 81"'1,N ....... Beach.. 6'1>'633 ~ Snack Shop No. 1 •! 2305 E. Coost Hwy. !· Corona del M.r, Cal. l; • INSTRUCTORS _ Full BROllfR HOUSE TO HOUSE Respon.slble, top level 1: or/ond part time. Nost ap-· position for sharp, toke· " pcara.noe. MlL'lt be able to (QOK ch1rge girl. Mu1t hive : meet and denl with tM JAllSMBI excellent sklll.s incl. COOKS FJrst & Second C.OOks for new conval~l ho.spl· tal to open end ol Jan. Ap- ply 393 Hospital Rd., New· port Beach oorner Newport Blvd. & Hospital Rd. WANTED: Automotive office manager. Complete knowledge of automotive general ledger thru finan.. clal statement neceasary. H.B. area.. Call Mr • Robinson W.'n81 WAITRESSES WANTED e Food Ir: Cocktail • Exp'd-.nly APPLY Town & Cnuntry Inn 18582 Beach Blvd Huntington Beach :: pUblic, good figure. Apply shorthnd; handl• lite ;: In """"· Holiday Helllth Evening Shift Earn $200 a week .. !Ung bkkpt., b!lllng. Under HOUSEKEEPER :: .Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd., SEAFOOD home owners to accept ca· 35. C1ll Barblre. (714) New Convalescent Hospital . "Cc.-'.c.L______ RESTAURANT bl• vision omnce t... of 642-3910 Apply 393 ""'1>ital Rd., New- :: PART OR FULL TIME cl'laqe. No cash collected, '-"""°"SHARP~~-GAL~-, --port Beaeb.. Comer Newport :: position hO'tll avail far sev· ftalDl:li f LEf no contract. · no strings. Interested tn a ma.m.ger'sBI ~:,o•"'d"-. .c&..:H..:°"'='tal=.:.:Rd::· __ .. -• b'I' ~ '" llUll1L2' ' HO<Jr9' Jo 9 PM daily lot 9 ·0o wtth =PART !· e..... am 1 wus men, Mr'IV· months. Newport Beach resf.. JX*1 n a· rapidly ex· time. Hold Genie •; flexible hrs, some eves. 151 E. (~at Highway dents with Newport Beach panc&g boutiqUe, Must be HosleryPlanpartiesinyour • pref. Car nee:. Prestige N Be h IOHdtln license preferred. experienced in high fashion-own home. Make up to $10 : work with above average ewport IC * Reply by Jetter to Box 2325. ed sportswear, dttsses and per hour as hostess. Choose " earnings. Oppty for Manag· * N-~ Be h .....,,.,,. di!lplays. your own hours. Ca 11 • er pog. We train. For in trod. :..:,________ .... .,.... • ac ' .,. .. ow. Experienced only apply MS-ro48 after 3 for personal .~ Interview call ?.1R. WHIT. Ptteremiw: manufactur.. Tl-IE LCX>K 644-2400 for appt. lnt.ervlew. ,; NEY """550 CAREER Int company wtth ex«llont PBX OPERATOR PERMANENT, Part ttme ,1 --~----OPPORTUNITY! worktng roodlttom and : YOUNG MAN'S tr1nte benefits bu iJnme.di. EXPERIENCE woman needed in regional :: DREAM Jotn todays futest srow:inl ate ope.?lingl for PREFERRED sales oH.ice of natkmally Ir -• 26 nd lik A 1 known firm. Must like • )IOU are u .... er a e professton-Mutuai Fund saJe1 A. -Taub Auto. Screw PP Y ; talking to girls, why not get No experience neeeaar]'-Mach. Operator, 3 yean Sher1ton Beach Inn variety and work with : pald for it! A new type ad· We ._,_ • tuD or -~ -minimum experience. Between 9 am.J pm MM·Frl figures & have accurate "·· d -•Ing uau• ..-• ... ~~" ....._ sklllll. Pleue call 548-ll.58 ,; ver.,.,,ing program e.... Mutu1I Fund Advlson B. -Exp'd1iarld Screw ~ ...... -.::an Ave. ;· wi!h sing\e girls. Start at Inc. ' Machine Operator for l!C· Huntfrwton Beach\ I! $1J5 v.·k. Call 534-308l Npt B. 1003 Westclitt MU422 ood operation work. 2 SEAMSTRESSF.S, expelt'd; .: Full Time Exp'd, .S.A. 1212 N. Brotldwa7 Apply a~ BrA . FJSr JNC., to work on naugMyde boat :· JANITOR 547.g:m · 640 · Santa !'t St CU!h~; pleasant wor)9ng ·f Good co. benellts. For appt. Santa Ana c:ond., ht!aJth insut//Pald :r call 5-IQ..5050 C'.>r!. 30. e JONE'Se • . holidaya & vacations apply :1 Joseph Magnin TIRE SERVICE BUSBOY in per90n, Jobanse.n &. , Equ11.l op?Ortunity en1p\nyer Is expanding and Olristensen, 8911 W. 16th St., ;l "'<ftlires experienced NB (Cor. 16th&: Monrovia) 18 er older :! * COOK * e Titt Service M•n Apply in penon TYPIST .1 •Front end and b r a k e RequJ..m:I fer heavy typing :• ALLEY WEST meehanics load, mlxed wlth other ge.n-·J 21.(M; \V, Ocean Front Company paid benefits and REUBEN (. LEE eral olfice worlc. Stx girl :, Newpot1 Beach an opportunity for ad· ollice in N.tL Call Mr. An- ·I EXPER vancement 151 E. CH1t Hlghw1y drew1: . 1 . Serv . .Sta. Allndnt. N ; P<Tm .• full lime, new mod. owport S.1ch JOHN BAltRY & ASSOC'S Apply: 2119 Harbor Blvd. : 11ta.tion. Gd working COlKl's. CM See M J , ln4) 6'IS-3S54 ' I--'". ::.·c:::::..::::::'·.:::::one::::.• -j; ~~·~~~v.y:at~=bo: *Direct Salesmen * COOKS * ~1i~ I~~ In-:J NB 1 need 4 men immed. ta lill surance & Mutual Fund LlVE-IN housekeeper; molf'lerless home, 2 teenagers, full charge. Priv. room. 51,i days; $200. Call Mr. T., 546-4370 d~; 642--0816 eves ADVERTISING • F U N SALES: Prestige Mag.nine nttds persuasive girl to chann retailers. Sal + comm .Call 546-7901 C.1feteri1 Counter Girl Some reii.ster exp. preferred. Working hrs, 7-3 Mo~Fri. Call 833-0600 Ext 2036. Ask for Mn. Pennington. FAS1', neat, dependable womu needed hnmed over 21. 11:30 a.m. • 8 p.m. CaM.. ier I: waitress e~. helpful. 494-9494 :i REAL ESTATE . .Shouldn't new sales positions in the One Full Time work. ~ shorthand Ii. ij )"qi.! be sellng the hottest Orange. C.Ounty area, selling One P1rt Time must take 1-espansibUlty, SaJ. DAY W • 1tre11 s, night 1 fll'!'a Huntington &ach? stereoa & sewing macltines. Exper. preJerT'ed but not ary open. Writf: P.O. Box Hoste 5 s. D 111 man 't Villagt' Rt-al Estate 962-44n Three leads per day. Our nettl5&1')'. Apply in pe.t'9lft. B, Corona del Mar, CaW.. Ree:taurant, In E. Balboa ;! or 546-81.ro customers call us. No atm· Snack Shop 92625 .,s,,,1w""" .. ,::Bae.I~,,..~-~-- : YOUNG Man to learn pool micla or gifts. Honest aales 4·16 E c.oa.rt Hivy CdM RN -curre,-it regb:tratton. NEEDED: Exp e r i e n c e ~. 8C'rvicing & repair ('(juip. b, hard workers. Hi&:hest ' . ·• Age no lim.lt. mostly llitting. Se11.instre11a. Call 497-ll15, 'f 1644.1 P.1agnol.ia, Wes1 minsler J>fl.Y in the busineu, lOO';'a SHIPPER-ClnM & g 1 f t 1 5 Day week. Sat & Sun ~tiften U A: 5 PM for I; llnancifl&", med. in&., etc. Whsle. Fred Anderson C.O. oU. Write Box M 404 Daily an Interview. .. TOOL & DIE MAKER Call mornings 9 to 12 artrr· 651 \V. 17th .Street, Cost• ==~-=~--=o..,-, ;: Apply 1987 Palcent1a, C.M. noons 3 ta 5, 52&{,616.' "1'1esa Pilot \VANTEO Cleaning Girl 2 ~ . SUPT. 1or res. & apt. c.onst., B00KKEEPDt part c:r full d6.ys wttk. 10 'tH 2. Own "" Halp Wanted, Men 7200 Help Wanhd, Men 7200 Nprt lkh a r 111 a, Ex-time-Xlnt opportwtl1;y, •· tran9pG!rtatian. LI MJ80 ;: puiencM! Send tun resumt lary apea. Set ~ OM! WAITRESSES Wanted, night :: to Box M 465, D&Uy Pilot. houn.. CID for a,ppt. be-. shill; apply betinen 2-5 at '• M ' t M h • WANTED: Exp. full ume: tween 1 A: 9 PM. 673-9156. Howard Job:naon's, 2 7 5 o :: a1n enance ec an1c Secv Sia belp. Rlchlleld, WANID maid for motel tn H-Blvd., 0.ta M ... :: 19th & Newport. 645-1532 Lag\Jna Btacb on the oettn. EXPER. wa.llrn3. tun time. 1, A1ust be experienced in general maintenance MECHANIC, rommlMion or Call 494-7535 oc-apply: The Hn. 11:'30 to 8:00 Benton'• r tasks and proficient in the use of portable Mlary. 3100 E. Coast tnne.tLaauna.:ntNo.U..tt CoUce Shop, 1~ s. Cout i'. hand tools. Should be able to repair machine tilgttway, Qircma dtl Msr. ltwy, Laguna 8eech. ~"~wy'=·,::· ,::L-~B"'.====-~ tools with a minimum of supervision. High O•"FICE s1ri. llOll'I~ aocount· WANTED BABY&l'lTER • I school graduate desired. A lei W 7300 Int< • '1Plnc.,._· A""' " 11\Y home. full tirrie. M.,. 1 91nc • omtn llendenotl T.V. A Appliara V~rde UU.. ~ : APPL y IN Pll.ION IMPLOYMINT o,,,Cl 6 S.c:retari•I Openfngt 1m Halb:r Blvd .• C.M. lfOUSEKEEPEll fl da,yl : 3333 Haitior ll•d.. Costa Mesa lmmodlote Noad I MANACftit 6 s a I u I• d y ....... Uw-ln pre!. Good -~ Sa.laritl raro from S4SG-$600 nMlk!d 1or ma note. A~ plus rm. • board. M0-4654 ; Jj· Ml11ll. Syttwns Divi sion Central olftoe ........ $425 Pb' Mariann's Fuldonl, No. DENTAL ASSISTANT H I R Aocta. OelioJ ... , .. -14 hlhloo Island. -_,.,., : 1 A ant c esearch s1.no1a.n. 'I»•• .... 14(1) HSKPR , • .., wee1c. !ill1Cl.,.. * -· * , HE BERGER off, Tnquirt ~ Dart OPERATORS Blind aUtcb-: CORPORAllOll l'erlnnnel ""'ncy ....iIBO. hand ~......,,, ....,. ! 902 W. 17th Strttt [T'S WQWJ:Rt\1L tbe tnUl1 tory Upt't. 60-2668 N.8 . I, A .... n. ~ ......... c.,. COiia Ntaa 6t6-0'JC1 ~ m aJIPllanc:el )'Oll find UVE-tN Baby Stttu sro An _,._uni'1 omployer rnE QUIC<ER YOU CALL, In tho Oulilltd Acfo, 0-* mo., g,30 A.M.-1,311 P.M .. ~!!!!!!!!!.,.,;!!!,9m!i!!"""'"""'B"""!!!!!!!!!!...., rnE QUia<Ell YOU SELL tMriJ Mwl M.,..Fr\. 88Mm Alt. ,,311 Excellent skills for sales tractive, young ladles with BABY.SITIER, my ho me, thorough knowledge ol .New-Costa Mesa. • 5 Days a manager, young, growing port Beach and adjacent week. Grandmother type. electroniC!'l finn. The ll'-areas. Call 833-1050 vme· tract. $600. Nl>UTmrterett.e rtatt will ="=-"':---C,C.-~~~~ ~-,.., EXPER. Counter Girl. Apply Full Charge Bookkeepers Manufacturing . construe· Hon baekgmund helpful. """· lleceptionists 3 Excellent companies, must type 60 accurate. Groovy pJlitions on Irvine tract. $400 to $475. All Around Girl Lovely lo look at 'cause you are the receptiollist. A &enius because you att the secretary. Beautiful, new building on my street. $500. welcome hotel iU' :ts UpOD in person, Ku s t e r ' s anival at lobby or airport. Cleaners, 1534 N e w po r t Apply in pe.raon only, ~ Blvd., C.M. tween 4-6 p.m., Monday thru Friday. General Man-HOUSEKEEPER, I i v e • i n ager. couple with 1 yr old baby. NEWPORTER INN Pvt nn. ba, T. v. 40 to 1107 Jamboree Road 60 yrs preferred. 5'*-9480 Newport Beach Bookkeeping Machine Operator (PART TIME) Variety o.f work in accounts ~e. receivable, COl'lt in. ve.ntory. Experience on boOk· keeping machine, prefer. ably on Burroughs EUOO or NCR. Staco, Inc. 1139 Baker St. C.OSta Mesa 92626 549-300 An equal opportunity employer WOMAN for Cleaning & iron- ing Monday, \Ved & Fri 9 -4 p.m. No small children, .. .. 11158 NURSES needed for private duty. Every type, all shilst Call any hours. 642-9955 WANTED: girl for office work & 110me driving; 15-20 hrs. a week. 673-5138 aft 4. WOMAN to clean home on Thun., & 8 offices on Sat. Sl.50 Per hr. 644--0719 NEED 3 housewives to deliv- er for local dental lab, part time. 646-5008 Engineering 11---- Jo...-on, w ..... 7500 BUILO 'N SAVE ORANGE Now taking applications Secretaries Techrlical nrlented. Work for PHO. $600. Senior Secretaries Con11tn.1ction experience a mWll. $500. Corporate File Clerk A highly responsible posl. Uon, requiring high level IQ and lots of discretion. 14(1). Accountants Degree • advancement op- por1unilies. Llke expert· ence acceptable. $700 lo $900 mo. Fee paid by torn· pany. Laguna Area Have ll!wral open~ from pa.yroll, eost accoont· lng clerk, exee. secretary, • TRAVEL AGEHTS • We are looking: for tv.'O q:ents with minimum 2 yrs. actual agency exptt. Best pay in the county. Call Ron Pfahler at TRANS GLOBE TRA· VEL, Costa 6'6-500; NURSES Mesa. e RN'S. Part time. Openings 7 to 3:30, and U to 7:30. e AIDES. Exper. pref'd. Openings 7 to 3:30 and 11 to 7:30. Park Lido Convalesceot Center 466 ..Flagship Newport Beach 642-800 • Waitresses • 18..JS Full time Ne.at appearance, no expcri· ence necessary. Apply 1n person. BOB'S BIG BOY 154 E. 17th .SL Col>ta Mesa Girl Friday, 2 general ac-"!---------countants. •1 Girl Friday Work lor tbe greatest men on the Irvlne tract who have been extrtmely successful In computer rlelds. I IW'd the "Katie Gibbs" type who It build· Ing a C&l'ttr. not ju.<rt p lne to work $600. PIH,. CALL .•• for 1n 1ppolntment T ,., J I"<i UZ REINDERS Penlonnel Aacney 4500 Cami\Us Dr. N-Dooch Across From Qruwe Coonty Ahiiort ~- LVN's 3toll&llto7 end Relief New comrale8Ce.nl hospital Scheduled to ~ end of Jan. Apply in person. 393 Hospital Rd. corntr New· port & Hospital Rd, N.B. 2 Housekupen Full Hme • O.y Shift Apply In Ptt'llQn fluntirlgton S(!ach C.Onvaiescent 1f011pltal l.8'r1J ~lawan1 St., Jtntg Bch NURSES AIDES ..... tn -lfuntqton Be&ch ConvaJncenf HolpitaJ 181'2 Delawara St., Hnta Bcb OPERATORS. Experienced ln ainii:te ~ A: owrloc~ ..... .-..... ..-. atMdy Mr'k. Will tab a few tralnee.s. lfOC Locu&t SI, Westmlnlter, S.'\44138 SOCX tr TU 'Dl! DEPT. MANAGER CASHIERS SALES I PAINT /HARDWARE I LUMBER I HOUSEWARES ,/ BUILDING MATERIALS Fas t moving, progressive cha.In of do-it-yourseU home improvement center needs qualWed people. Will accept 10me who want to start In retailing as a career. No seasonal lay oU. C.omplete fringe' benelitli plus! Growth means promotion &: oppor- tunity. This company trains al all levels. Plenty of indi- vidual rewards for extra ef- fort. Interviews at store lo- cation 1'--fonday, January 6, 1969 and Tuesday J anuacy 7, 1969 -9 AM 'ti1 4 PM. BUILO 'N SAVE C.or Tustin & Chapman Orange 714: 534-6001 Cooks APPLY IN PERSON COCO'S Famous Hamburgers 1555 W. Ado ms Co1t1 Me11 *DRIVERS* No Experi111ce Ntcessary! 1'11.1111 have dean caJ.itomla driving l'PCOrd. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th Sl O.ta ..... AIDS, ORDERLYS A: LVN's wanted tor convalexent home • ...,,., top ....,., tor e.mpk>)u that kn! willlrc to work. A19o RN needed, da.ya. BmpioyrMnt ill 0.ta Mesa and Garde.n Gr'0\.1!, Call mornlnp only. 646-6601 C 0 UPLES-U.tMED. open- lnp. Pt. t~, N .B. •ree.. App. <I09 N. Harbor 81'4. S&.n!A Ana 7550 833 DOVER DRIVi: NEWPORT BEACH oo.Jll10 MALE DIVISION (:ontroller .. • • • • To 3)1( Acct. Dtpt. Head To 10K Olief Accountant •• Ta lOK Sales Engr BSEE •• To l2K Development Engr To lfK Cost Acctg .•• To $10,200 Admin. Assl, krr credJt, AIR, plus sales orden l7IOO. Electronic Te-ch. To $'1800 All of the imitlon ln the men's div.ion are fee paid or fee DeKQtiable. FEMALE DIVISION NEWPORT BEACH Bkkr (pref CPA exp) $550 Legal Secy, Cal exp. • .. .. • To $450 • ' Acct Cerii: ..... , tn $400 Girl Fri. 1 girl olc 'l'o $550 Recept, &d typing To $350 Gle ....... ,,,.,.adv.t'iel4-~"1- o~ Girl 0fc ....... $400 Tech Secy ........... $585 Mktg & sales Secy , • $525 Adv Secy, 90me bkkg $475 Secy, consVarcb . , $475 Secy """" • .. • • • .. $550 Engr Secy •• " • .. • l<50 Secy/Bkkr, 1 girl o.fc $550 me Rm .super • . . • $450 R.ecept, lite typ. , • $400 LAGUNA BEACH Full chg Bkkpr • • . • $600 C1k Typist, persori.nel $350 Acct&: Cerk .• , .. , • • $450 COSTA MESA , Girl Fri, SH 80 •• to $500 Sectt!My •••••••• $433.33 SOUTH SANTA ANA F.C. Bkkr, cost & payrl ............... $650 Export Secy , • . • to $450 Secy for corp atty to $550 legal exp not req'd, Secy .. . .. .. .. .. • to $550 legaJ exp helpful. Adm in Secy .•.• , • to $520 Adv & Mktg Secy •• $450 SANTA ANA Lql Secy, Cal law ., $500 FOUNTAIN VAUEY MTsr trainee, • . $346.67 lorn l<pl. ANAHEIM ~Secy .... S50J Many af the abow are fee pajd, AOl'lle are applicant pe.ld fees. You may ,...,.., 642°3870 newport : personnel ~agency TEMPORARY DIVISION tor the capable woman lnterllSted Jn top pe.ylnsc local ttmponry .)ob5, ) ) ) ) l 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • ,, ' n • , • I • ~i!IS & f!!l'lOYMENT loM-Nooo, Wom. 7500 • SAW • ' whol...ie Ulh~ Fixture J;l>owroorn. --nee. SaWy pllal <llllllnll-,.,.,, • 547-6351 • "lllHG"' ,SPRING RlALTY 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M. OPERATORS FOR DRILL PRESSES. Lite production • "'Ork. Apply bet. 8 I: 4 PM ARMALITE INC, l!S E. 16th. Costa Meu. . Atenci•, Men a Women OPENING MONDAY JANUARY 6th MEROWITS PmSONNEL 7SSO JP YNrt Serving Southern C11Jfoml1 We Can Find The Ri9ht Spot for You "It's Not Luck" ''It's Know How'' MERCHANTS P~OIOIR ......,,......,f,19" TllANS'°RTATION ' TllANSl'OllTATI fllAN A ntANS'°llTATION lmpomd Autos HOO lmpartod A-HOO u..t C.. DATSUN VOLKSWAGEN . CADILLAC asoo SUPER Surfboud, cuaton> short, brud new, $111$. 536-0053 ·-FERllAltl N-lmpo<ta Ltd. 0.. anre County'• cW1 autbar- tzed cle&ler. SaYll!p '11p to 80o/o S,.!P & Medlterran.a'n * EmA SPECIAL * '3 •ooms of Furnitore Ml1cell1neous 8600 SALES .. SERVICE· PARTS :!!!=:=~~-==11=======""'·' 3100 w. Cout ""'· 11oo1 sue -..., tOU DOCX ftr power boat to 25 tt. $1 per tt. water 4 elec: lncl. 6'TH102 NB os low os S3.00 per week I GOOFED Alrcreft 9100 Newport Be•cb No clown-Ut• Our Store Ch1rge Private puty bolij:ht 101M Bedroo~Ltvini Rooms-Game Sets .. Lamps • name brand EXERCISE Dining room sets. 1001 other items. LOUNGES (Adv. on T.V.). with the idea of becomU. • Prl. Pilot Courso f1S db, $20.l.6 mo. Mooney Afrmt.ft Salu. F M P&l'\Jo Orup County AJrpm1 -s«l-1161 AU'l.horlted MG Dealer KARMANN GHIA $40,000 Stock Clearance to make room for dealer. I find 1 don't ha" Large 1t1anufacturer's Showroom Samples we time to demoa.ttrate. Mu.t just bought out and no room for! aelt 1 or al! at wbolM&Je, Don't let this be the 145. ea. ReoWarl> Sll!.9'. -=se.=-=="'=5'6.=1:61::0=== I " KARMAN Ghia with 62 ~lo Homo1 9200 =~Top Condltlopt . time your friends Orlclnal cartons. 54Ul:i5. tell you what you've mlased & $$ Saved!! 231'1 No. llonnle s~a.. S.A . APPROVED FURNITURE ~ !~!1°.,N oo, * 215' HAllllOR, COS'l'A MESA · give Wind> a u, 12 Years same location-same cwners Auctions Frida.y 7:30 p.m . Suftd1y 10.5 BehiDd Tooy's Bldg. Mat1 • . 548-9660 2075~ii Newport, CM 646-.ati88 FRIDAY IS IAY HARBOR MobU1 Homee Show 100910 I 12 WIDE SALE 40 ft. 43 ft· 45 rt. SO ft 55ft.60ft.6fft 1 OR 2 BEDROOMS M Low As $1196 Down -$69.01 Per Mo. incl. tu, lie., deJ.. aid Rt-up and 3 ye&n1 ln.suranee. : Dolly f.·9 ~Windy's Auction B1m YAROAGE DAY .. • Holiday S '-I 11400. MAPLE B<droom .,t &!OO In Co.ta Mesa pK"1 incl. kinglh.e headboard, 2 1 ,Ap_p_l_l•_n_cn ______ 1Ne.w selection, fantastic prto-20' widt $1599 down -$98.89 105 Baker St, at Harbor Costa Me" n4 ~1»470 nlte 1tands, dble muer 6 V'C'O..n'ORE •I-~-nn-. e1 every Friday lD AM at: mo. 1ncl. tax. Jc,, del. and MG SALE 'II CAD. C»o 1)o VIiie: IUD VW ..... • .ir. VrJ clean! 'lh & c....,.,. l32!IO. -· -• •av.w.tPut~ ...... ltlll'*5 'Cl V.W. Duo ... IL DORiDO, Ila -· 'MV.W.8111-IOIOmllM.-"'-Pn '67V.W.lllx1Puollul ptp:lllllnoo.-:: J::.· =..Bui 1'u""'q.iji='". "Sed.=-~-=11o'"'v"w...-, "'lull"" ·rr v.w. Camp:r ::...::..= crlc. 'f1 ELIX>iWSOI factory 0 ~·--· -15.:l!O~ lS8I CHEVY ... vw OIASSIS xtnt mm., Red Wqon -B.11 Mo~ ready for Dune BunY; $399 =.·:" ~ -Dirt NfWPORTER MOTORS VW 1964-· Vttf dun. mut 2035 Harbor Blvd. 11ell1 Private piu-cy. $8:11), 54s.a2!M 548-3511 546--1140 •IJirror chest on chest. Sac. J.:: old. ~~"ent ~ INTERNATIONAL . .et-up -3 y.,_ hlL for $100. 6'6-"623 ,. • YARDAGE BAY HAUOR '67 VW 4 ROOltS full furn; incl. =~:~~or Sale. 2750 Harbor Blvd. Mobile Homes Show MG ~ .61 ('QMET ............... -"" COMET color TV. all ..........1 cond. Costa Mesa v•~'" ---· •"""" 5......., 6 ye&n1 old. Works fine. 142::1 Baker St., Coe:ta Mrs& ========;! tra.naporta.Uon car. $425. ~.fi;e or Pack a i e · $50. &42-4558 ELECTRIC Range $1 O. (at fflrbo:). S1lff, Strvlce, Parts VOLVO • 141-1830 • Folding-aluminum Wheel 5'0-&470 Complete new MG 1nvenloQ' 1--_:~~~'.....--11==~::':::';7;===" Antiqu.I 1110 Chait no. Box spring A =_.,....,,_,_,,,,.,.-=-,._. "'--the .. _ Austin America CORVAIR Office Equipment 8011 Mattress $10. DoUble kU-SEE tho Dua.I Wide Roau-.:)CU _.. '62 Velvo tpOl't .edan V·-k -·-·· .. ~--•••. u..r Pan~. Pan· Here Now! $250.N ........ wark. IBM Seleclric Typewriter, 13'' carriage with 5 type ele- ments. Xlnt cond. $350. 540-3932 AOSR-phone lor sale, Like new. $250 . • 847-1659 • ~· stoo Am« • Eur cl>en ---~ ·-...... ~ Elite and c .. ua1 545-1614 NEWWTU MOTORS furn & clock•. La r< y $2. Deep Wuh room 8ink mobllo bom., now ,1 Morgan Antiques, 2 4 21 $2. 545--6490, Aft. 5 D I WI_._ Sal I Cl I 9615 Nowport Blvd., C. M. SACRIFICE! Fine ori.,,tal ua .,. ff Ant qvH. , Ill Cl 2116 Horbor Blvd. PRESSED & Colored glau, furn1ahinp. desk, Dowry Clapman Mobile Home1 Inc. 1936 Ford pille $15, 2 rear (olf1 Mell hand painted china, Oriental chnt, china cabinet, c1lnblr 520 N. Harbor, S.A. doon, complete wtth aJua '63 Corvalt Splder$599 doll collection, 2 chlnu. table, chain:, crystal, 531-8571 !lOOW.toutJlwy. $10ea.Onetr0ntend,an· 642-4666 897-9940 Limage china, MtAc tterqs. '65· WX50 I..ake~'OOd Lido· Newport Beach plete with A·frame 1: 16"1.,·~==--=".;._....,_ ======== 4~ alter: 10 AM. _ tu'.m.; adult park. nr. abo_: &c.S«l5 ~ · ,540-1761 -<Wheels. ideal to make a ~M~ZAQ) ~~ft~ -~,,_,_pl_i1_ri_<01 _____ l_l_OO_ Sowing Madtlon 1120 DUNCAN Pb>fe -tte .. $4,0Xl. Sp. A-16, 2llll Horlxr Aathorhia 1i(G .Jlia!., ·~-with $10. V.W. but Cmta M..._ '49-MIB ~ 2043 WestcliH Drive Lobby Office C.Omer 17th &: Irvine Newport-Beach -· Officei in-arr or Orange County 645-2TIO LATE ModelAuto ma tl c '6'7 SINGER"Wttb walmlto:ino--$90;, lee·-~dq~ chu1 Plxdo C.!.M. ~74 MG '52 TD _Red V{ I wbite seets about r Jane. $25 farl========= . ...-.-E=JJent...:onditloo --~. -------~I if_, • = .._-~fa.. . ·l'(ll-Owm.Call53&MllH.B. "'OR.,__ St5. 847-8115 :J~"$.19.78~'"'":..u:n°! 6 ~ met&t .;b. ·ijp; MotorH~I--9215~ cellent, ~~ t, ~ lNJ Ferd Dix Coupe, Bea -..... v •.c••~- 16 CU FT Coldspot refrigerator -fl'eczer com- School .. lnstrudlon 7600 =bo=. $=150=. =548-'4==13====- U.92 mo. Feb 10, 1969 next many trus:c· ttem&. ~ Co:RtEZ-You won't bellcve :.:!~ .c:r ·6'1Ma46 ~~_:rw c~me, Aii ~ '63 O:>R\'_E'ITE STINGRAY payment. Guarantee OK. KIRBY Vacuum cleaner ~· ita a /66-low mlleaae 1ac • · ni ........ sear. new map. eonwrt. 3 apeed. All!FM. Button holes, zlg·iaa etc. atta.chmentz:Od&ioalb' told &1r ~nd-pvt pty _ q '66 MG&GT BLUE w/wlni •pd trans, Jeatber6 int. $900 $1700. Best otter. No attach needed. Call far over $DJ, Take over ownu 546-21l8 wbeels. xlnt. t.ond. $2!0Q. ifnn 646-«iOl aft. · 64$-0086 '1 Chrlatmu gift, typev.Titlng. Oilldren, granddilldrw, or FREE TO YOU S30-Ul2 or 893-4444 small pymnt. or $49.60 calh. • or bnt oUer. 645-2681 younelf! Individually tutor---------- Singer. ..._ ..... 1968 C>edlt a.pi. ~ I Molorcyclff 9300 touch-0-matic. Pay all bal COMPLETE Baby ah o e MGB ed Oiilcollt 10 Jeaons typing ICbool. 173 Del Mar, CM, 548-2859 'MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE Furniture 8000 SPANISH FU RN l TU RE RETURNED FROM 1ifODEL HOMES. SAVINGS TO 80%. Spanish quilted sofa &: love aea.t, 3 oak living room table11, 2 living room lamps &: Spanish paJntlng. El Presidente king g i z c bedroom suilc, oak triple dreSSC'r & mirror, king headboard, 2 commodes, kingsize mattress & box ,iprlngs, 2 boudoir lamps, 6 piecf! Spanish wrought iron dining set. Only $467. SM. down & $4.50 v.-eekly, 8ell separately, Easy credit. 1-lA1iULTON FURNITURE 5948 Westmlnster Ave.• Westminster. 894--«34 daily 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sal. JO a.m. to 6 p.m., SUn. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS ORGANIC Fert:il.Uer, ~ horse manure combined \vith. v.'OOd ~havings. Good mulch. 833-5332 or 546-4931 behv 8 &. 5 Mon thru Fri. 1/31 TO Kind. perm. home only, abandoned boy cat, beau!. marked, affectionate. A real lap lover. 642-6334 keep calling. 1/6 BEAlITIFUL 6 mos. male spotted Ger. Shep. mix. med. brd. Loves child, nds gd hm. 542-2002 1/6 POODLE mix, 3 yrs. old. Black. medium sz. male. To good home. 2301 Clay, NB. I/6 2 YR. old black poodle, love~ children, nd.s gd home with big yard. S84 Yorimhire St., C.P.1. 1-7 BLACX poodle. male, 9 mo. old. to good home, 1666 Monrovia Ave, Apt B. C.C.ta Mesa 1/6 EXCELLENT watchdog, 3 yn:. old, bu aholll. Blk/wht :female, mixed le r r i er breed. 5f6-3195 1/6 of$41.25<rlpymnlsof -ooUl4 a>ol '!600. '67 '11UUMPH $5.45. Call n4: 63,S..8521 ;:.~ $3!50 GI"' tdfer. T-100 C 500 C.C. xtnt cond. ·~~ ~1 ~ ~ MUll"c1l lost. 1125 Low mileap, $825. Pvt. ply. cond. -'--------IPLAYFUL Beqle pup, 1 e 531-8381 e ~2542 UPRIGHT piano $ 1 2 5 . mo. old male, AK C 2 HONDA trail 90's • 500 Contf'llo Accordion 1 2 O Reglst'd, hnd all shots, $50. miles each. Like new con-1961 MGB, low mlll!:a&e, good basellke new $250. ~ui 54~2 dition. $275 and $ 3 o a , ~~~xt. with black BASS Guitar, $40. Fair ac-POOL TABLES.SLATE .::546--01!i0~==~~-~­ tion, good neck. 644-299'1. From $198.-100% financln&". '68 YAMAHA :ll5; brand new ask for Craig. Immed. deliyery. 642-4236 condition. $550. INT'L Hanester Cub Cadet 84U530 Pl1nos & Org1n1 8130 10 HP tractor IJ'IOWef'; like Ronda '68, 1ZJ cc Scrambler new; $950. 6'5--1'14 low mileage. Excell cond. TRC-18 Citizem Bani equip. Private party, 642-3601 WT DAYS!ll Con1p. w/mobile set·up; 1967 YAMAHA Higher prices are coming -c:n1I aft. 6 PM. 548-2809 305 cc, 4,500 miles, $.130 and but "'.'e are still disco~ntil16: \VII. Antique twin bdrm. &et, take o'pymnts. 54S.1351 all p18J10$ & organ& in the d t bl 1 alnut ZUK " Scr bl la.st days of the grC?al l\1ov-cxc .. con :• a c op w , '67 SU I x... am er in&: Sale. Jt "'ill cost you vanity, misc. 842-1784 600 actual miles, like new money to wait. Shop & buy 16 CUT IT. Co Ids pot _$4~25~."°'962-=16'°'93='"""'""'=- now at: refrigerator Free%er Combo. '68 YAMAHA 100 Trail WARD'S BALDWIN Sl'UDIO $150. Call 54U47l 1,591 miles. '31»-Good oond. 1801 N~ C.M. 6C.ac&4 DRY Fi· Wood, eucalyptus, 494-1708 PIANOS & ORGANS orange and mlxed. Free Famous Name Brandl delivery. 546-7544 Triller, Travel 9425 from "99. hi 1700 141,S' SCOTSMAN 1964, ex· Also USED Iruitrumentl Mic nery' etc. cellent condl.tton. E x t r a Gould Music Comp1ny LAWN F,qujp., c 0 mm, clean. $595. Call after 4 2045 N. Main, Santa Ana mower, vacuum, e die r, PM 847~ J'ORSCHE · '86 PORSOIE >11. 5 ..-r. elec beat:rr, S band radio, extra clean, low mUeqe $4400. 6J3.0l11) .,,..... '62 PORSCHE C.oupe. Im- mac., orig. cond. $2500. 67J..3660: Eves. 548-8732 SUBARU 1969 SUBARU from $1297; 66 MPG Completa tarelcn car aervice Kosto Kustom Kars 1980HarborBlvd. ........ SUNBEAM So. or Freeway 547-0681 mile hand tools $375. '61 SUNBEAM Alpine, small oARLlllG 4'rl mos old Mon & Fri ·ti! 9 Sunday 12-5 ~ ' TrucL.. / 9500 equity, auume balance. female pup. ~-Collie -% y hai M rrs..9214 Wknda or aft f.:30 G_.. lleauL -· Pio...:'&° Org1n1 PETS ind LIVESTOCK *SPORTSMEN$ VAN* PM Autoo V11nttc1 9700 COUGAR ~': ~~ '68 COUGAR. Um. .... ~ air ·~ •Jtesaa1lllollT eond,. p)'MI' steering, ... ()odltt • l>twrcltlt """"' , ... 85658 .......... eKllttuJ eNn ta .V..T DODGE __ Pat_ .. McCARTHY MOTORS 1-------iao So. 14a1n A Edtnpr '65 DART, hl pertormant'f!, (2 blocb N. cl Sean) new 'hi·· tirn:, paint, trans. Slnta Ana Pb sa..ssn pwr. steer., brka. 545-7913 WE PAY Wit FOR YOUR W CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1.200 ~- FALCON '62 FALOON · Wqon, 1 owner, law mile~. rood cond.I~ clean. $ 6 5 a . 54S-21111 FORD W'lll Buy '54 <DUNTRY Squire otatton wqon. One owner. Fair condlUon $195. 646-2200 . roar Volbnlea er Pcncbt '61 WINOOWED v a n • • .,., ... -l'lld ,.. Camper ldt Sleepa ~ "'"' ., DOI. Clll RaJiob -~·--~ 673·1190 -· ~·~ MUSTANG ilii'.PORTS WANTED Oranp CotmU.. TOP $ BUYER . '68 MUitan& 289, bdtp. PIS BILL MAXEY TOYOTA auto, 5,axt mla. $2428, $600 18881 Beach Blvd. •caah, tin. bsL 548-5t38 H. Beach. Pb. 84T-.!Sl25 OLDSMOBILE DAILY '!LOT ,. YI, •ut.Mefic, p • w •, •t.•rlnf, r•dle, h••t•r, .... In• whe•I cover•, he•tf re1h •ntf meny, ft'tl"Y morel tZIOllil II lmmldl1h Dollvory $199 DOWN ftn T• ... U... .. ........ CN*. •Ml.C ....... ,. ........ •••••••• JAGUAR HWOUARlflS Complet• S..les .. Serv-- ic-e end P•rts O.~rt-· ment for JA&UARS. ~ ~· T~• bcltl_'!J __ !tit J•111•r To41y ••••••••• IRAND NEW 1969 OPEL ONLY $1899 IMMEDIATE DEUVERY Fullr .q11lp,..I IHlfflitt '"' ....... , cyll.dtt ...... 1y•f•'"· he ... r, wlilt• wells, clu•I •P••d wlllcl1hl•l4 wt,. ers, w•rnlng fl•1her1 r•clle1 1t~ •tOJ411 '67 IUICK llhtON fl.Ill pow•r, f•cfory 1lr, low mlle•ge, ITHl52 I I $3995 '64 CHMOLIT S.S. Cevp•. 1'1H, e11to.1 PS, 1lr, (OOJlll) $1395 '67 PL YM. Fwy II 4 Dr. lllH, 111t•., PS, 1lr, IVCJ4211 tloo! 6!3-'lll!O ... ~ 1111 See them now at Oogs ll2S * TRUCKS * ~'"'86'""'•UNB=~IWl=-ALPINE==o-Auto Llnl"9 9llO '15 OLDS Jot Siar 1. orir .: G<>rbil -Noi.. -°"" -l BEAtmruL ""'"1e kit· T'--A All H >.t $1450 ..u. $U10 . °'""" -DESIGNS ..,,. 4 ...... 1 ""' .. wht C.st Music BASENJI horkl"' "°" 1rom ·-• ·~ "' i1 ......,. *AUTO lfASDIG* ::"...;:"'x1n1 cont1. ..;..': $1895 f Oac:ar Wilde once wrote:. 1 tt&er strii>ed. 537-1500. , 1139 Newport Blvd, CM Atria. quiet. odorle.a, AKC F1nt11t1c DltCOUnt bl . "Women .. •tYl" may 118 .64L0271 altc:hamp6 line. TmDL. ~ I ALL MAKES UI! b>ok. 847-2325 'H OLDS l>y1lonolC II 4 Dr. H.T. lllH, •uto., PS, •lr coM, (MOY/461 -··-·-. but ··-tr DESIGNS ... R8dy lo' Immediate TOYOTA 'COMPETETIVE PRICES 1161 OLDSMOBILE .. '.::.~'.:'::.the ..... '::.:• LOVEABLE, 1ent1e tanUDy ._.-.... -TIO deliver)' .... ~. --pet CIL ,...,. old, lite ... d. Pl1noo .. o~... 1130 TRANSPORTA N BEACH CITY Cort Fox Auto Lasing Torollldo delwc•, full pwr, $1495 ; Fumlt= "'"'""" from .... , ·~ ~· 537 7500 1/8 •• PUT YOURSELF 224 w Cout HJahway ..... FM ndlo, ....... play studios, model homtl, ~ _... -. . HAMMOND. Stetnfty • Ya-BOits a Yachts 9000 DODGE Kewp(in 'Beach 6tU440 balance at $3474. 675-G222 " deroraton .,.,.,.Jlatloo. MATrnESSES -Yoo pook maha .. """ ...... IN OUR PLACE '68 MUSrANG V~; air, ... OLDS, m. 23,800 .... • ~ Spanl&h &: Meditemmean et.c up. Twin ah e on l Y, of all ~s. Best ~ tn FREEi US56 Beach Blvd., (Hwy. 39) e ~; pwr. atMr., air, P/S. P/B. Michelin '66 CHIVY II CPL lllH, •uforn1tlc, po-r tfMrfng, ITEYlt4) RD FURNITURE 516-1&29 In So. Calil. ..... t ...... lo1lt llotttlnt er-~Beach BnL MAXEY db. .__, radio. '°·""Ml. ...... Ciani 6!3-2366 alt 1844 Newport Blvd., CM FREE electric retrigerator. SCHMIDT MUSIC CXt., OUered to Public by FORD r---S-'·"· •-, Leue $78.65 prr mo. or _a,,P=M======:=. Working condition. Ca 11 1907 K Main B IL--p S -~ ~-.,...~ ........, purchate $1.150 ~2182· -: ever; night til 9 fM.-2157 116 , , a uv. ower qu9Qron F-ZiO. " ton. custom cab, I IAI A wk ndl ~ , PLYMOUTH •• Wod., Sat. • Su". 'tit 6 Sonia """ Starting 7 PM Mon. Jan. 13 11,.,. actual mu... Auto ITIOIYIQ T -. e rnICKEN Coop. 2x4's lake at Newport Harbor Yacht trana. Heater A/C. P<lw. • _ -· - $1295 '61 THUNDUlllD J " I .• •I " I I • I QUKK (ASH all. 548-3941. 2636 Santa Ana Televlalon 8205 Oub 720 w. Bay A~ .• New-brakell. Hur em ova b 1 r. 11111 BEACH BLVD. Antlquet, Claulcs 9615 60 PLY. V8 DeLuxe Wqon. Ave .. C.1\1. 116 RENT TV $10 port Beach. NO ADVANCE plywood bed cover: Hunt. Be1ch 147-1555 NOTICE 9 pua. Rebuilt auto. tra111 IA11d111. Full pwr., f•c. •ir, 10,090 '"ii''· IXSllllll FOR FURNITURE APPLIANCES OR ANTIQUES. OAY OR NIGHT 631>3620 DBLE matt I: box sprgs S25 set, dining tble w/ fi ch" $15. 548-&Ul While Elephants'! YOUNG female c at 1 REGISTRATION NECE& load ~--I' 4 O O ol ~--H Bch & beads. Lotl: of miles left. h ·-· .......... A._.• No Deposit . Free delivery SARY ENROLL AT a.ASS over 11.......... ,. ' 3 ml N. ..........t W)'. on would the guy Who works at Power. $3SIS. 546-6366 $3995 our;e.,,., en, 8nuc• ,..,....~, M4-<H71 -""'" • 642-5.U p S H ho BJ·~ --• ~with children. &a-57'5 or i1.H1.uu 64&-84.22 or 673-1855 for more TOYOTA s .. , on ar r .. u ........ 1S3T PLYMOUTH VERY """"' 21" RCA Col TV ~ Info '63 DODGE plckup, stan & bouaht the '36 Ford ra.d. le!Dr GOOD RUNNING' ~No. POODLE nnppiell free. or ; 5"""" • nd ~ .,. ,_ •-116 worldn& cond.; o an is hl,1-, _,,_,._.....,~'"""'--"'"om--"'n"·~-•-0 oryl., R/H. Excellent co , I tnuwnluJon from me, $125. '60 CHMOLIT ...........,,"" r .i. ........ ....,...._ ITSO """ .,,..,.~ l!F::~JY'll lf'RT'F.R~ •-----" Bill t .,. ""' Modern. Sac,. $150. SJ&-2025 Racer. Blue and eold. . ,.............,, P~ l:&IJ a "'1V"O'U.I· * 548-6434 * 4 °'"' h•Ntep. lllH, • .,. te., PS. I FXX25 I J YOUNG White Rabbit free USED TVs $25 1 up. Repatn Tra.Ucr & bolt frelhly 1951 FORD %, Ton truck ELMORE I kilt )'OUl' phone num~. 1962 VAU.ANT Wqon. itlck. to eood home. 646-3298 in In shop or home. :m7 pa Jn t ed. Ntw white 55 Olda eng 4 speed Hydro. U--' C 9900 ~--<:Ond. $4~ 6'f3..8617, $395 DAD..Y plU)T WANT ADS! Harbor Bl .. CM. 6'5-lm n au g ah yd e. Upholsteni Good !ires $275. 646-1765 J.'300 beach Blvd., Wtt.lnnltr MU .,.. 'Vl.r.wu'to Three ISll hp Champion 9 20 Phone 8>4-3322 =JRA.O....CN"'-SPQ,;;_R_T_A __ JION __ '-'1:5;'.)_;PL~YM62;0"'~="".""'FGood,,._,-:-__ contl-.Sta' - ~glneL Complete w I lb Campers 5 ,_.,. •on" lllONI sevenl fuel ...... """°' CAMPER SHELLS TRIUMPH CAR s11r w....,. $100 5'J>.OtlOI and controls. Set at m A1' Lafayette. Newport Btach. A lleepef"s, 24 to S2" hll}1. SACRAFICE 1987 J'ury m No down pa;yt o.a.c. Hatton '67 TRIUMPH Credit problem? SH UI tor hardtop 9edan. Lib new. '66 IUICll C- t p•u. w•9011. ll:&H, •uto., PS, •Ir ceH. $2595 17 IT. Performer. Islander Camper SAie.. 222 W . Black ik'auty, 4A-I.R.S. Dlr. lnatant delivery, Jow pric81, One owner, $1950. &7M259 tel u x e mode 1 (a I I W'llmn, c.M. 54&-0343 Wire whll, AM·FM raL.:O. easy term1. We decide ODj,i:::::i:=:==:=:=:::::i: '67 IUICI( Skyl.n r l be r 11 a 11 • l outboer ~=~~~~~~~ I Own@d "-• little, ckl, tchool you~t. Call or· come p C Cu .1-~ "" ln t ONTIA Spert c•vpe. It.AH, •wt•,. """' Map _,. """'· ltt>"'"rlld Autos ~ tncbor. Lo mil ..... $185 ••• •1---------r• · ' -·-·HJ 81& 11o·llttl tllt n.uer. $700 ,...... cub or older trade wm fin. -...,, ... t lr con ••• -,v ... pho<><........, aflor 1 om. e Spot Cuh "" lmporll """' pvt. Pl>'· Sim llalanoo ILUE CHIP '81 rotrl'Full. "'° ~ l2ll $2595 CHARA~ n-. '!fl• 1 We~ men for t.nY import "'-....... -.. ~ .. -~ AUTO SALIS c.on.. pwr, .,,.. .. " con- .... """' D<Alt, .., n----"""--or JH.r make "'''~ --~ 21A5 Harbor eo.-ta Mtll De, tac. war, $23!10. 1-------- board &reY marine molar. ;-;;;-tton. 1r)" ~ twftn MUST 8ell! 'GS TR-4 nm WE PAY CASH FOR . ~'489 '" DODR M- Nn.tly overhauled S221Q. .YOO M1J.. EL ~IO R p; or beat ofter. Call 673""1 YQUR CAR PAl,P l:,51,,..-, "PO"'NfuC==-... --,,ownar=. 4 Dr. H.T, •IM;-••t. .. 21:-.-332·B181 MaI'ORS, 1S3CO Bffcb mvd. aft 5· FOR OR NOT! • . , N~ tires,. ~ RWll PS, •'' 1:0114. fTPU012t 131At' DORY. wood, &11!.Wd r s6od Mab tter 648-GJ3 $ """""· !uU flotation : Weatmlnlter. ~ VOLKSWAGEN ·~~':~ m Viii • o • 2195 ~ -!250 . ...._ AUSTIN H"' ALfY • '67 °""" XR T RAMBLIR 26' WHALE llOtrt ...., '85 VW: AM/FM. ""'""": u."" m1 $2150'" "' f. 17• n 61U1147 '62 AHealy,300MK 11 lido. rn!l.ss"u. 1lffl olhrt e ~ ...... a.at 11 n+~> !temblor claulo "'· EXP. SKIPPER 211.800 orig m!., 0/0, Wtw, $528, .. n 1325. -bull ... : low ml,. I cyt,. CfH~IOSJIU~K =HJ Wants 1'Ql"k,. 5t8-3SCl SJ.500 or bfst offer. 675-«156 CS Carnation, CdM ========::j lllD pwr. Oean. 549r-4l92 \: A rlUA Auatln-HWey ..., 'II lS8I VW. -mech. cont!. IUICK sum. Make""'· ean T-BIRD 141•7761 e 14U310 e m,2319 k1Jtboe Tl BpJaC &!pa, 2 dr, P.&.1--------M ~ I 9 '82 VW: dean~: aoOt1 <.'Ohl. PJI,. -fVH. $216. 1 -· '15 T • Blllll, Q pwr, -· m -le ,. ·~-·~~~-·-~ -..... ,._.,... S.llbootw .9010 C 0 L lllllBiA m:n:NDER (21') -.... 30 llP 'm. DATSUN ltoar.!, lull ...... -· Looded .. , .. _,. • 1--------New tfts; : lmmac. ~w•uw•~ ... --thl6P1un.n1..,. S•• ,,10 ..,,.,.. )ntu.111!0. 84M247 plt 5 -Cmta :V-. f4M'nO ... vw. ~Oent condlllon. 'Iii BUICK -2 -· llH T.aIRD. w.. ..... n. ~ .... Low ,mlJe<I<, IOOll. nn I01o traoo. rll>, ""'°'.,.. pwr. I """"· &tf-lill:I, 1119 -.... xtraJI. Xlnt oond. DI~ A outboard included. Sl2.1'"JO. 494+1735 or ~7 I 17 DATSUN SS Sedan $1«>0. Exoollent ....... Im w. Ooddeotal, S. A. Blue Soils Dr. 11.S. 8'>-!310 --l:lfll;, llattor llhd, CJ(. I" I ( -· ------------=---------------'"'-'--=--"--~~~-----'-'-'"---·-""-=~'-=...o..~~-=-------~--,~~-------- ., r , ,. UP.IT ....... ~Grand DJicJaess, Weds Mrs. Anna Anderson, who claims to be Russia's long-lost Grand Duchess Anastasia, youngest daugh- ter of Czar Nicholas n. who was slatn with all his family in 1918, is shown with her husband, Dr. John E. Manahan, ~year-old former history professor _,at the University of Virginia. '!be couple said they were _,married last month and plan to live in _ C)Jarlottesville, Va. Lodge 1st Politician, Then Expert Envoy ay UlllW '°""* l.....,,..rs...I tour in Vietnam, Lodge be- came ambaaaador-at-1 a r g ft giving the llDiled States the beoeflt of his lntlmalo know!· edge of lhe Southe...t Alia lltuallon. Prior to 1952 when be lost his Senate seat to John F. Keooedy, Henry Cabot Lodge was a politician. Since then he bas beoome a diplomat, serving tl1ree presidents as ·the American spokesman on PACKED BAGS ___ · lbe-<rise&-ef-the.<Jay~ --Ill-of last yeacl>e --., ·---Wl;-1iilndSimt•-mlllfm>-,.~bBp-ODCe""lgllf h " • aire of old Yankee stock, the and left his Beverly, Ma>s., ~-old Lodge began his home to become ambassador djpJomatic career in 1952 as to West Gennany. , i ( U.S. ambassador to the Unit· Born in Nahant, Mau., ed Nations. He was appoint-~e atlended Harvard Unf- ed to the post by the man be veri1ty and was graduated he1ped elect P re s I d en t, cum fmuje in 1924. He joined Dwight D. Eise"1wwer. the Bdston Transcript and Lodge lost his Senate sea~ later the New York Herald according to some, btecause Tribune in a newspaper ca- he campaigned for Elsenhow· -thal opamed 10 yean. er at his own expense. In The Uoqt~ newsman WWl 1960, he was lhe Repi!blican the winlllng -e entered poi. party's vice pnsidenUal nom· itics in 1933 when he wu • .tnee. nmnlllg with Richard M. elected to the first of iwo Ni.ion. tt.rms in the Masaacbu.setts I . lalure.' . .\'IE'!Nill: ENVOY 'f;! •aa elected lo the U.S. . In 19113, Kenoeey a s k e d Senate In llllS al the age d. ~ tQ serve as the na-34 and wu re-elected tn lM; lion s l!Dhassador to South and 1918. : Vlelnam, which he did for a Tough end lnfiezihle, Lodge · l"M. In 1965, he returned to took a hard line wllb tlie · &llgon ·as the American am-Kremlin and ltood his lfOUDd • bassaddr u n de r Preside.Dt in debate with Nikita-~ t~n a n d served tm.UI shchev. '. In 1964 he qui( his fU'St as· SIX SENA'IORS · signmeot to help boost the A Boston Brahmln. Lodge presidential chances of Gov. has six U.S. senators· among William Scranton of Penn-his ancestors. His ll'Udfatb- . sy!vanla. . er was the Henry CaooU.odp Lodge rejected the idea of who was given much of ·tfie 'funning !or president himsell credtl !tr having blocked U.S. that year despite the fact that partlclpatioa in the League of. be galned a tremendous upset NationS, forerunner tO the victory as a write-in candi· United NatlODl!I. date in New Hampshire's Lodge was married fl years preside:itiaI primary. He was ago to the former Emily m Vietnam -10,000 miles Sears. They have two eons, away -when New Ham~ ooe ot whom, John, Jo.rt a &hire voten cast their ballots. U.S. Senate race to Ednrd At the end of his second Kennedy in 1962.. Docile Spanish Cortes Showing Restlessniss MADRID (UPI) -In changing Spain, e:ven the doo1e Cortes, (legislature) ls showing signs of restlessness. Since chief of state Fran- cisco Franco resurrected the Cortes in 1942 after Its civil war closure, the 564-member body never has rejected a bill sent to it for approval. But now, along with rebel sbldeols, dlsstdent priesis and disgruntled workers, t b e Cortes i5 making noises. A smaU bandfuJ of ·deputies -or procurators as they are ,alled here -are upsetting the ...-ior of the stately : 'C«lla building. \ 'l1>e dtssldent deputies are Jan "family" represent.atlves -that b they were elected bf beads of !amllies 1'sf. year ( GIWRT1 \ in the first parliamentary election of the Franco era. Not that the voters had much of a choice. All the candidate! lor the 102 lamlly seats were members of the "NaUonal Moveimmt" -the amaJpmaUon of ~Franco forces dominated by the Fascist-style Falaoge party. However, some of the family representatives hive proved to be more liberal than the ma- jority ol their fellow deputies -an of them nominees of unions, professional assocla· tions, municipalities, 4 th e Falange and the goVt<ruDeot. A group ol · aboul 2 0 milltanta ...... the famfly _...mau..,. 11 oeet1n8 to make the Cortes a , more ac- tive and democrstlc 8Dembly. Since lasl January these deputleo ha.. been holding regular meellnp oulsld• the Carles . buildi'!I • to dls=s topics d. nallOnal Interest. 'lb8"presldelll d. lh< Cortes, Antoolo Ilurmeftdl, later ban· ned all meetings ~ of the leclllalure.llnd d_..ied thal e\'t11 '-'lni• within the cane. should have b I r permlaklft. It was u thouib the.""8lt· of the HOUie of Represer taUves In Washington had haJ: nod~ from holdin aoy meellna outside t b ' congrealoiW chambers. nte . deputies were fUrthe lllllO)'ed when n arm e n d -ta allow .,.....,.. t· ...... their -.. In the Cone1 h10dt6' Itself last week. --·· __ ._______ __ ,. ' • I .. ' . • ANAHEIM #4 North EUdid ••• 515-8121 Monday thru Saturday I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.m • - ' ' • I ; ....... ' .. SAVE 60.00 ON 12-PIECE SERTA KINGSIZE ' SLEEP SET , ' ,,~ . • .. ;.. • . ' u.. .. . , .. 1 I •; ' . . • NoW'1 tM time to buy that lin91izo Ht you've ' ' . beert wanting. Not only dOOI our low prlco-In· '·~ciJ:i; tun ling 1iio tuffod mattrou .~ 2 bo• ~ ~_p;illgs; but metal bed frame, maffrou p1id, ling fitted 1heet, ling flit sheet, 2 pillow ..,.s, 2 pillows arid l(ng size blankets in your choice of . . ' popular colon. Buy now and start sleeping lilo • ling! ).·. --~,__--:----._ - .' SAVE 25% TO 33-1 /3% ON Ol:JR VERSATILE SIMMONS HIDE-A-BEDS! 199.00 TO 329.00 Our special pun:hese of 500 Hide-A-Beds, from Simmons in discountinuod styles alow beoutifullY, low prices to you. Choose from floor amples in settee, double, queen or ling 1ize in quilted fab. rics. plastics, velvets and prints. In stock now for immediate delivorr but quantities a,. timited and oil styles aro not in 10 stcifos. Sleep Shop, 69 • • ' " '• f ' ' . f . NEWPORT HUNTINGTON BEACH 47 Fashion I.lend ,.,644-1212 Monday thru Frid1y I 0 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. Soturcl1y I 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. 7177 Ecfingor Av-. .. , 892-3331 Monday tnru Saturday I 0 1.m. to 9'.30 p.m. ( I I I ' I '.J l