HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' I
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. Strike ,Bar.d Tilr.•••oil at
.on ' CaD1pu~es:
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VOL. G. ffO. L I !l!CTtottS. U rAGl!S
Sirhan Trial Figures
' .
. ,.
. '
• • •
Sirhan B. Sirhan
Attorney C:oopor
Jwdjfe· ilears Motion
Sirhan in Court , But
Crashes Near Airport
4th Trial Delay Seen
11 Killed, 17
Survive Latest
Airlin_e Tragedy From Wire Services
LOS ANGELES -Sirhan Bishara
Sirbail walked calmly into court today
fot.._Uie start of his trial on charges
of murder.Ing Sen. Robert F. KeMedy,
but there were strong indications the
trial would be postponed a fourth lime.
Superior Court Judge Herbert V.
Walker immediately granted defense at-
torneys' motion to go into chambers
to hear another motion.
The nature of the new mptian wu
not disclosed, but it was considered likely
that it would seek a postponellient.
The 24-year-okt Sirhan, wearing a· grey
suit and blue tie, sat down at the Jong •
counsel table and waved lo1his aq.orneys
as proceedings began. ·
Grant B. Cooper, one ·of three defense
attorneys, made the molion to go in~
chambers, saying "the l)ature' ot this
motion would only cOmplicate matters
1f made in open courtl' • '~•
Judge Walker noted ~ .alher motiollf
allo .-were pending aftd"':llreed10 the·
closed sesSion, · ' •
Three other motions also ·were in-
troduced, but the defense aald It ~on
sidered the first the most . impori411t..
One of the other motions wu to qua.sh
the indictment on grounds the grand
jury was improperly selected, and' the .
rest were general motions to ~
the case. ' --
• When the defense moved~. a niember·
of the prosecution asked what was going
on, and Judge Walker replied: "I'm
in the dark too."
Cooper has been ordered to appear
this afternoon in U.S. District c.ourt
to answer a federal grand jury's ques-
tions -which he has said he will
BRADFORD, Pa. (AP) -For the
second time in two weeks, an Allegheny
Airlines prop jet crashed in bad weather
while trying to land at the airport here.
Eleven people were killed. Seventeen not do -or show cause why he should others, most or them left hanging from
not .be· held in contempt of cowt. The their seatbelts when the Convair 580
Sirhan Case was to start several hours-fllpPed. upside down Monday night,
· before Cooper's federal cuurt ap-crawled to safety on a snowswept go\£
. pea/ance. course.
A 10.man' Investigating team from the cooper can not be taken off the Sirhan NaUonal Transportation Safety Board,
ca.Se except at Sirhan'• requ~-Cooper coOCemed about the • ' a m a z i n g
could withdraw, but another defense at-similarities"' of the two accidents; went totnef, Russe,ll Parsons, bas said he to work today to find out what happened.
wOu.Id not t>e>-wlllihg W prooeed without A similar team has been investigating the Christmas Eve crash of an Allegheny
Cooper. . flight eight miles away !hat killed 20
Cooi)er .has. • ~ ~d refUBe· to of 47 penons aboard.
answir grand jury queaUons op ,. ''There: was no panic," said Sandy be, came to possess ~ ·tramcrijlts Cherico of North East, Pa., a passenger.
In the Frlan' Club catd cbeatlni ~· "It all ha_..r too fast.
because of the ''lawyer-client" '1!'1a-· '1'lbe 100-smoking' sign had already
UoJi$ips. Hil cll.~t wu Obe' .o.t Qve . come on and the ~ewardess was check-
convicted of cbeaUiig club members. lng the seat belts.
De.tense motions and jury .selection Suddenly; s&ld John Schacke, 16, of
a:re expected to take two weeks and MechanlcabUrg, Pa., "It felt like someone
presentation of evidence by both aides wu alamming .the left side with a ham-
two months or more. '11lere are in-mer. We ran into tree limb!!, turned
dk:ations that more ,..tbau 2:00 witnedM ovef and !llld. I wound up hanging upside
will be called. · ~ 1 • ' ~lee AJll CRASH. Page 2) .
. Kidnap S~t {lr.raigned
Gunpdlnt S~o:wdown Bared
/ or • er.or '"'9' ....,. .
A kidnap suspect who allegodly held
olf a handful of Costa' Mesa olflcen
for 45 minutes with a Laguna Beach
policeman's gun while they ....... ned with
him to surrender without any violence
.... arraigned today.
-Dlafrlcl Atlon)ey's olfice Moodl\l' 1uued a five-count compla'tnt wfth
charaes raiiglur from ldclnap to wautt
w!U! llllail to oiJdulllt mun!er Biid assault
" '
with a deadi)" weapon-. oo a police llisttid Judicial Court about I a-.m.
officer. . IOdaj.
Sbotl were fired during the alleged' Jlidp llollaJd Dungan ordered Alet·
abductlon of the Laguna Be a ch andtr returned to court Jan. 13 1t 1:45
poUoonan'a .wile In their Vlctorlo Slr<Ot ,p.p>.-for preliininary bearing aocl ael '
apartment satun!ay, u thl! victim and bail at $11JSO, a sub8tantial drop tl.m
suspect struggled for a .38 cal. revolver, the $50,000 figure originallf attachtd.
investigator• said. Alexander, who worked at a restau·
Unshaven and wearing a dark, mod-aurant at 1655 W. Adams Ave., Cost a
olyie spOtl alilrt, coot Marvlll Ee Alet· Mesa. with the vlcUm, waitress Dianne
arxler, 29, ol 2100 Peterson way, WU Carter, 2$, is held on chargeii whlcb
marched Into a holding tank al Harbor (8et KIDNAP, Pop I)
I 1
SF Cafeteria Closes
Ha yakawa Tells Students to Bring L.unches
From Wire Services
FRANCISCO -San .Francisco
State College's cafeteria was closed today
by picket lines of stri~ teachers and
students. •
The college was m>~ed Monday · in
rt!;Jalive peace after the Christmas boU-
day, but union teachers added to the
school's already lengthy list of woes
by their walkout. They were joined in
picket lines at campus entrances by
striking students from minority organiz.a~
tions and lhe Students for a Democratic
Thirty miles away the College of San
Mateo also reopened calmly under police
protection, but the home. of Pbllip C.
Garlington, dean of instruction, was
firebombed early today by arsoru.ts. ·
Garllng\o!> ahd hil wU ..... aped bijw'y.
The San Francisco State College
cafeteria cioseck after about 100 union.
r ' • • ' • • workers there Vbted to hoDor ' thee
teachers' picket lines.
"students should'brlng sanilwlches llke·
I do," said Acting Preildent ~ S." 'I ..
Hayakawa who has vowed to keep the
camplll . open with police' force aDd
volunteer teachers if neceasary.
The striking union teachm and minori-
ty students threw an aggressivi plcketi
line across the college entrance today,t
noisily challenging class-bound students
and faculty. ·
One Chinese student scuflled with a
Chinese picket and a Negro picket Is '
Police arrived, but classes appeared to
be starting normally on a cold, toge • * Reagan Asks Legislature·
For Hardline. on,·Turmoil,.
. • • , ' '' I ' , •
Rllnald Reajiail, olfertng C.Ulornla hil
1969 progfam, cl.Ued on·• the state
legislature today to strike hard against
campus turmoil by increa!ling penalUe,,
for student&, nooatudents and faculty
involved' hi dia~. '!lie JlePu~llcln govert\()r, In hil IMUai
"State of the State"' meaiage, also of-
fered "a substanUal peraooal Income
tp reducllon." He dldn' specify wlio '"1Uld 1et 'l~ liut prevloosly be had l>nunl8'l!I It to, ,mlddle-income. lamllies
hii ~ by 1111 lil'I bll1ioo-dollar tu --Pledging another fQf ,bf qlcmy,
Rqpn said, ''Under no ~
wlll Lsupport JJL.Jfcn.Jnto lair "Ill'
tu lncreatt." ' • .
And; he .. ked for new JlOl'llOll'•pil)'
con\lols aDci new ... ~' '-: ~ 1 !at itialMt crirDe, ioc~~hilna. P.OllC8
authority ·to uae electroiilc' lii~(
devices when a judge approves.
The-.1peecl11waa ~ ~ •.!lllltr
aesslon ot the ieillialiir<: liooUblicalls
now bold narrow majorWes In Ibo 8ena"-
an& A.wmlilY, .wheli ~b bail,
majorltl" In the llral iWo yean of
Reagan's adminirtnltiML
, M11n1 .i. hll plq for the third year
of ~ wm ~ spilled QU\ In general ~. but ·~ .. cot men" opecillc
wben be'li!Nd -die ish• of unmt
.. Cailr\111111'• i.bllc eollqt -•'rhJa selllon, I wtll -ID omnll>ul pni~am .., the Ill~ .ud IOCllrity of
our educational blatltllllool -tO ~
the-· the ll!udenl .n.t the public," (Soe llBA~, 'P11e I)
morning. . .
The teacben, who clJ!Jn .to repreaent
about.one-quarter of tbe·faculfy of'l,100,
got Jormal slril\e sanclloa lrooi the ·san
Frabcisi:o Labor ~'Monday. .
San Jose, Stale CoDege, 50 miT'!I 'to
the'!ciuth. faces a ,mhliiir. te8c!>er strike
We<ln'!'l•Y· , , .
. ila~aka\Va, W\>O reopened, San Frfll-
CISCO State Dec. 2. after e:tudeot vlal~e
had closed It, Monday hKUcated' doubtl
he could keep tt 1 open in face of ·the
union action. , · ,
' "I don't . knew1 ~W ·1 -am going to
stop then) -frQC.; ~i Ufe school,"
Hayakawa said, •f \Ile sir~ ,American
Fed'l/'•ljqn. ol. "Teachen !'.Aro. "Sut
I am going to. LQ'.i l am -not iolnf
(8et SF.STATE.• Pop I)
' + • • • It's "misty" again, and drivtr1
will be helpless as • "'*1tteu up 1
tree, at least dll ~ "hen
lllllllf sides will ~all Wider 17·
degree tenu>~r~!Ure!. ,
' t;~mE . ~DA:Ji
When Chie/;Jwtfct EC1Tl War-
ren swears i?J1 Richard M, NU;-
1 on as Prefi4nac Jan. 20 tMf>e
wlff I>< ..... ""° will ttccll
their p0litlcalje1UI '°hich' btg<m
16 tieart ago,' Page 9. '
c-.;,... 11 ~ tf. c....... »» ....... ,, -n--~' ........... ,..... = ~ --lf ' ....... c..tr lt ..... ,... ' """' ... + + ... ••MrMI l1 I ~ \It ~ ~ .1 .. 11 ,~ . 1f.l7 IWHI :..... ..... l't
,.,,. eia 'I - -" ... • ......, 1 ............ 1'-P----· ,.. ,....,.... ... Mllll'Ft It~ ,.,
,...., ' • ... Wlitfte " MlniMe LlelMM lt w.tll ..... ff •
. . ~
· .
--.. .,,~
. ,.
I DAIL v I'll.OT s Tuttdlr, ......., 7, 1969
' Lost Dus -Found
london Visitors Lose Transportation
MANHA'l'fAN BEACH (UPI) -A low on lutds and had lo work for a while.
-decbd London bus palnt<ld r<d Bul·J>Of.JJDW tbty ruched Southern ts aot u eay thing to steal 1n Southern California wu thelr bus stolen from Its CfUlornla. parklnJ place near an apartment where
Jn the flral place, lher< attn' very lhet ·have ~ house gueal! for the last
many. In tbt second. busel with the w •• , .... • Enallah Uni.., Jack palnt<ld gartahly ao Tbe pGilp loc!Uc111~ Ronald Svmtlolf, bolh sld'3 .,. u visible u white tJe. 1>,Ja 'IAllkia..-»lum\ioi". and ,lien Wµln-
phlnts. son, 23,''Wbo-svv& the company as
Ncvtrihele.as somebody did steal a red cook. Albert Pldgeon, 23, was a wine
doUble: deck bus with the Union Jack steward back In England, and Derek S.
painted on it Monday. Jones, 21, painted houses. Other menr
AJ a result &even Englishmen wbo bera.J)(,the lf'OUP are Robin Carter, 2ti.
were UJiJll the bus lei" a tow' ol the an. enlllqoer:: llonald Still. 21 , a 111 HI·
world are stranded among the natives ter, and MthdRy 'Reina, 25, a car paill~
ou& here ea.st of Suez, without even a er. ~ of clothes. Their 00,, was found early today
The seven left England In January, serenely contemplating the Pacific
1117 on a 21-yell'Old bus purcbased Ocean. from • ~on junk yard. Since then the Just before dawn, a :sheriffs deputy
bus has taken them across Europe, found the bwl properly parked some 20
through the Mideast., and acn:m India miles north at Malibu Beach with none
and down to Singapore. of lhe conteob diJturbed.
The aeven · peopi&-loiMR>le touri5la, all A Ww UVIS-tn0ved lhe vf:hide to a
lo tI!tl' :Ill's, have bid their trials. '11>ey ..mce stalfln llbd ii was Id! to the
got Ciaatrt In the seven.dly Mideast war • Britiaben to ..Wt tow ctiaraes then
in Juie, 1967, and to Australia they ran . proceed on ther way.
• • -< I '
•• ·' ·'-' PA"-Y l'tLOT sta8 ....,.,
St!.fpoct A!' .. oncler ·
Frotn. Page 1
down. Someone yelled to go out the
. Outside the sur\1v~ ~anized and
went back for tboSe ·who coulim't get
"No ooe wa"s lhlnking of themselv~.··
&aid Chet Messervey, 56, of Down--
ingtown, Pa. "We were just trying to
get out everybody we cou1d. The IC.bool
boys were wmderfu); 'Ibey handled
themselves Utle men. I'm proud of
them." '
Allegheny Airlines, which bas had three
fatal plane crashes aince it started flying
passengen ln 1959, aaid it bad no reuon
to believe there is any link between
the Lwo accidents near the 2,u~root-bigh
Bradford Regional Airport. 'Ibere are
no plaos to stop any fligbtl, a spokesman
The latest crasb was Flight 7rt, which
originated in Washington, stopped'ln Har~
risburg and was bound for Erie and
Detroit. The first crash was Flight 736,
which goes lhe other way .
Both were Coovatr saos, both were
making instrument landings Jn snow,
both tu rned over. Both had more
survivors than dead. Both were coming
· in aft.er severe winter storms. Neither
· pilot gave any warnings. Both tool!: place
·about 8:30 p.m.
Cherico, a World War It pilot, told
, Allegheny officials he could think of
·only two explanaUons: "The night chart
for the airport is off, or then! is
somebody in the area with a citizens'
band radio operating on the same fre-
quency as the airport."
New,.rt lffc• Ht•Htlfh• "'"' a.,........ ,., ... ,.....,
C•t.t• M"t
OlllANG£ CQ,11,Sf" l'U.l.15HING <OMl'AH't
P.ob1rt N. W1tol
f'•r•iftnl •"" l"ubl'1"'"1"
Th.,.,11 ICeewil
Tti.,.,,, A. """''"'int ~" ....... (tiler
P1~I Ni111"
A-•!111 ... Olr~llll"
"""" Cll'll Mr.,· JU Wt1! 1.-r St,.ot
HllWf*'I k.U.: 1Jll """'a.be to..lt>I.,. L-lk9<": ?71 ~I,.,.._ ~11"''°" aew., • )Ill intt
.Fr-J-09e f
could conceivably bring a death penally.
Mn. C8rter WU hekl hostage in the
susj>ect•s apartment tor more than one
hour Saturday, police' said, but declined
to say lf she Wale present during the :
45-mhiute alege t.alU with Alexander.
Detective ClpL Ed Glasgow said a
neigbbar: wcmian WU staying with the
victim, who bad ezpre.s.sed fears fot
ber llfety, w• the predawn case broke:
·Mn. Carter's hnlbtnd1 Kenneth, a five-
year employe with the Laguna Beach
Police Department, was on graveyard
duty at the time, but was sent home
when the emergency 'A'as reported.
The victim was treated at Bristol Park
Medical Center after the ardeal and 1
~ to the care of her h111band.
'lbe unidenUfied neighbor woman who
·-.,_tad-the.alleged abdu<tlob._her,.ij
.Apparently choked as Bhe tried to dial
,police for help a first time -did not
.require medical treatment
Mn. Carter was also ltruct in the
bead by her husband's .31 cal. service
nvolver, which was fired two and
possibly three times in a struggle with
the assailant, according to reports.
One shot was fired into the floor
as a warning after the intruder took
it away, police said.
Details of the final slages of Alex·
ander's arrest, in which the armed
suspect had to be talked into surreoder,
were· not dllcloled until after lll-
v.stiplon cOolerred with the Dislrict
Attorney. ..
~ Detective Gerry Thompson a n d
uniformed'Officer Al Muir actually p\ac·
ed the suspect under arrest, CapL
Glasgow said in Monday interviews.
Other lawmen present at the time
Jncluded SgL Jbn Green, dete.ctive. Jim
stric.kland and Mu Wilson, plas a few
not lmmedLltely identified in aftermath
Chances are that Alexander will be
bound over to Orange County Superior
Court when he ii returned to the judicial
court for pr<llmJnaey hearing oat Mon-
Conviction .on any combination of the
charges is lltely to ruult in a stiff
prison aentence, er poalbly even death
ill the San Quentin sas dlamber.
Under CaDlomla.. llO<>ODed . Lillie
Lindbergh Law, a person convicted of
kidnaping in which the victim is hanned,
even slighUy, faces the possibility of
.an execuUon sentence.
'Bonnie, Clyde'
Suspects Due
For Arraignment
Bonnie and Clyde-type bandit suspects
Eugene aod Carol Criat are due for
arraignmmt in Orange C-ounty Superior
Coort J!n. 17 in connection with a $200
holiday holdup at a Costa Mesa bar.
Counts of kidnaping and grand theft
auto were dism issed Friday when the
pair was bound over to Superior Court
oo ooe charge each of anned robbery,
1be cmts, of 441 N. Newport Blvd.,
Newport Beach, were arrested in the
lfestcli.ff Plaza shopping cmter Dec. 2.1,
after a brief chase li which their car
was abandooed.
Crist, 31, is charged with lylng up
Marcel Meenseman, owner of the Royal
cr..st, t'lllO PlaceoUa Ave., after threat-
ening b Im with a nwed..if shotgun.
A ~.off .410 weapon believed to be
the m.iSllng key in the case was found on
New Year's Day by children playing on
Oonnrall Lane, behind the =ter. and
--to Nawport Beach Police. Pollce lald two cartrldgts fo rthe .410
gauge wupon believed used were found
b1ddeo 1n a lhoppina center planter box
aol far from wlieri Crist and his wife
carol Ann, JS, wen arrested.
Nixon Cabinet Sets
Meeting in New York
NEW YORK (UPll -The Nlmi ad-
mlllillrlllon'1 cabinet Will meet here
Friday and Saturday for lludi" that
wUI form the huts of much of the
RepubUcln leglalaUve pn1gr1m. It traa
announced today.
ftoqald Ziegler, Nixon 's pre 1 s
spokesman, 1aJd the cabinet member•
woUid meet with the heads of l' series
of Wk f<MUs created by Nixon to study
• wide ranae ol domestic problema.
---·'-------------~=~---~~~~-~ .. ~ ... -·---
--~--------------. -
, Ul'IT .........
Campus Opens Under Stringent New Rule1, Watchful Eyes of Police
Dumke?s llltimatuua
. '3 More
LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -Striking
teachers have thr~ more days to picket
at San Francisco State College -after
that they've "resigned ," says Chancellor
Glenn S. Dumke. •
* *' * From Page 1
-5F ~STATI::-:-:----
to accept It closed by anyone."
He made the statement after San Fran·
cisco Stafe reopened Monday at the
end of the Christmas h o I i d a y s .
Classrooms were generally filled de spite
picketing, demonstrations and jeers.
There was no major violence but police
arrested five demonstrators on charges
of inUmidating nonstrikers and using
The teachers support student strikers
who ·hive ?>ycotted" classes at the 18,<K»-
lludentccallip since-Nov, 6. They alao
leek bigber pay~ mo'l voice in .college
polic:;y making and official recognition.
Hiyakawa was vis'ibty s'haken by the
strike called Monday by the teachers
union, representing 350 of the college 's
1,100 faculty members. Until then, he
had appeared optimistic since he became
acting president Nov. 2ti.
The AF1' set ud picket lines In froot
of U:J.e college an at certain on-campus
points Monday. But il wasn't until late
in the day the union received strike
sanction from the San Francisco Labor
'Ille action hit other campus employes.
The cafeteria closed at 2 p.m. when
food handlers left their jobs. And some
150 other nonteaching union workers fac·
ed th;e prospect of crossing picket lines
to reach their jobs.
At San Jose, 50 miles south, the college
chapter of AFT received strike sanction
Monday night from the Central Labor
Council of Santa Clara County. The union
planned a strike Wednesday supporting
its undisclosed demands and backing
San Francisco State AFT members. The
San Jose AFT claims 27S members of
a facuJty of mor e than 6,200.
From Page 1
Reagan said.
"Such proposals would, among other
things, increase the legal ~ltles for
assaults on teachers and studentl, pro-
vide for the expulsion of studenta or
th e dismissal of teachers who interfere
with the educational process a n d
strengthen the trespass laws to keep
trouble makers off the campu.s," be
Reagan said "our overriding problem''
on campuses "is anarchy and In·
surrection." He declared, "Higher edu·
cation in our state colleges and univer·
sltles is not a right, ii ls a privilege."
Reagan also aaid he will renew tds
fight for "some form of tuJUon or In·
creased fees at our state colleges and
universities.'' Such propoaaJs have .lr;en
defeated in the past.
U.S., South Viet
Teams to Meet
PARIS (UPl\-High U.S. and South
Vietnamese negotiators today discussed
their next move in attempts to reach
procedural 2greement with the North
Vietnamese and get the long-delayed
Paris talb movlig.
Days to
Vice Chancellor Qt, Mansel Keene t&ld
newsmen of Dumke's decision tifo'l·
day after 300 members of the American
Federation or Teachers set up picket
lines around the college.
Norman Epstein, state college general
counsel. said that under the State Educa-
tion Code an absence of five days by
-a -teaehe~ witllouL-approval...consUtutea -
an automatic resignation.
The teachers could appeal to. the Stale
Personnel Board. Epstein addtd ..
San Francisco State reopened Monday
after a long Christmas vacation with
acting president S. I. Hayakawa <"'1·
nouncing he \You ld h r o o:.; ;·11
disturbances tha t would prevent stu•!cr;'s
fronl attending classes. Durnke said that
policy was "very, very reasonable.''
Dumke characterized striking APT
members as a small minority of the
There's a savincs principle involved
here. The poilit jsn't to pOt.Jl:lO!ley
away. But put it to wwf with-mini·
mum risk. ' .~:
Bank of America time certificates
~arn an annual rate of 5% interest
paid to you every six mon_ths: As
•urea.thine as you'll find in our a1c
of uncertainty.
JC you like, the interest money can
be credited to your checking or sav-
faculty. He said only 350 faculty
members, many of them part-lime in·
structors, belong to the la8or Organiza·
tion. There are 1,300 faculty members
at the college.
Dumke:· said AFT demands fall into
three catcgorles: traditional trade union
matters, conditions of employment, and
suppor~ lor..studenl demand.I-~ _
Of the first two, Dumke saict the
school system is unable to neg~tlate
with the AFT because the union "has
no contractual relationship with either
the state colleges or the state of
1-Je said the teachers were altempting
''l3 exploit ... controversial items for
publicity's sake" by siding with the Black
Student Union and the Third World Front
in demands for more student voice in
running the college.
jiii s account. In fact, by puttinit the
inteTCSt in a Bank ()f America pas&•
book acco!U';lt , your total annual rate
of retuf"n exceeds 5%. Money-men
call that a hizh yield.
Never underestimate security. After
al!, our customers 1nade \I'> v1h:!t we
are-the largest bank in the \Vo rld,
Sometimes it's better to play safe
than play the numbers garne, But
even if you're t he speculative type
. Coast Youth
Man's Deatl1
Juvenile Court &uthorttlel Manday
· ordmd detention In Orange County jall
<lf a 17.;year-old Seal Beach youth accused
or a~ an Anaheim man. Willlam L. Fitzger8td, 1006 Ocean Ave.,.
was ordered to return m c ourt Jan.
%3 for a contested hemn&-Fttzgerald ,
dtscribed by officers aa an uneinployed
dlncer, wlll be repr~nted by a public
Fitzgerald was arrested and booked
on murder charges Thursday .after he
allegedly gunned down ' Vincent R. Ot·
teman, 22, of Anaheim. Fullerton police
assert that a quarrel between the two
men over Otteman's for mer girlfriend,
Mn. Manuel ~anla, 26, of the Seal
Beaco .~. led 1o u.e sbootins. Mra. Cervantes told olfkera t h a t she,
accompanied by Fitzgerald and her 3'-
year-old son, Damien, drove into the
parking lot of a Fullerton medlcal center
and were· confronted by the angry Ot~
-teman when the ywerewla iDtw gkrldao
·teman wbea they were .. waiting towardJ
the buildlng.
. A wltnesl told Police' that she ~ard
Otteman and Fitzgerald arguing about
Mrs. Cervantes and that she heard Ot·
teman shouting "no, no" before lt\fce
shots were fired . Fitzgerald made no
attempt to escape and surren ded his
gun to physicians before pollce arrived.
P.frs. Cervantes, who said she kne\f
Fitzgerald as Colin Hahberg, told officers
that the weapon was a .31-caliber
revolver which she kept In her auto
for protection.
Fire Breaks Out
In Penney Store
More than 200 employes .net· an
estlmated 700 customers were evacuated
from the J. C. Penney store in Fullerton
Morulay wben..aJire..broke. 011b_ ·--Firemen said an electrical panel
shorted and sent flame!I leaping to the
ceiling. Da.ritage was esUmated at
T h e blaze started on t h e third floor
and was confined to that area. An
automatic sprinkler system aided in con~
trolling the flames.
Working with salvage covers and
vacuums firemen were able to hold water
damage to a minimum. The store is
open for business today.
our Bank or America time certlficateo
can round out your pottf'olio nicely.
There'1 1tnmgth in a ttlentlcu S %.
One thousand dollats minimum puta
you in business. Drop in and ace us.
We also have 91 other iervicea t.o help
you with t he business of living. Yo\l
could easily stay with us for life,
tor the business of IMng
Cyrus F. Vance, the <tepuly chief
American negotiator, and Pham Ding
Lam, ottlclal Saigon delegation chief,
considered alternative proPosaJt on the
Hanoi demand for a round conference
table, the question holding up opcwtklg
the expanded Vietnam talk!.
Only a few hours earlier an anonY·
mous caller threatened by telephone to
blow up the Saigon delegation beadquar-
ten where they met. A room·by·room
search by police failed to turn up any
evidence of a bomb.
(and relax)
' ,.
' _________ _..
.----..L ..._ -'"~"--"-... ... . -...
• uatington BeQ~fl
TodaY"~ Fhlal
N.Y. Steeb
Beach City Attorney Delnancls Se,cret Se.ssion
Of Hit Dlltr Pll•t Slilff
CowJcUmen discll88ed salary rangeJ ,
of ~HIDltil>gton BeaCb cily attorney
and hll staff in a secret personnel session
Monday night following relosal of the
mayor-to call the-aesslon.
After a meeting of about one hour
behind closed doors , called by the council
on a f to 3 vote with Mayor Alvin
M. Coen, and Councilmen Ted Bartlett
and Geoi:ge McCracken v9f.lng "no'" the
cduncil agreod to adjust'll!e solary range
of ,a deputy city attorney for which c
th'e clty currenUy ls acfvertlslng,
The sometimes bitter debate began
when M~or Coen noted ~t Bonfa had
given the councll a Jong opinion on
the grounds for· bofduig executive
sessions and asking for one for his
department to discuss salary ranges.
"If the session is asked by an employe,
the council should grant it," Bonfa aid.
"U In eucuUve sesston the councll flndl
the topic 1i .nQt, '®ject to ·~ '
under· the RalJll> M. Brown 'Ad, tlio '
' ' COWlcil should return to open ......,
lo dlscusa the matter." .
Mayor Coen" said be did · 119t 1 .. 1 ·
discussion of salary· ranges b a matter
for executive sessions. "Personally I
would rather not disculs this unW after
the sal;lry survey ls !'Omplej!<)!' • ,
"I made a request." Bonfa retorted,
• •
Sirhan .. to Trial r ~odajr
But New 'J>ostponement A'ction'by Defense Indicated
Sirhan B. Sirhan
Attom.y C-r
:... From Wire ~ as proceedinp began. When the defenae moved, a member
LOS ANGELES ·-Sirhan Blsbara Grant B. <looper, one ot three defense of the proeeculloo uked what wu going
Sirhan walked calmly Into court today attorneys, made ·the motion to go into on, and Judge Walker replied: "l'in for the start of bis trial on charges chambers. saying "the nature of this in the dark too." of murdering Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, motion would only complicate mattera
but Utere were strong indications the if made in open court.•• Cooper has ·been ordered to ap~ar
trial would be postp4ned a fourth time. Judge Walker noted that other motions this afternoon in U.S. District Court
Superior Court Judge Herbert V. also were pending and agreed to the to answer a federal grand jury's qUes-
Walker immediately granted derense at· closed session. • lions -which he baa ,&aid be will
torneys' ·mot.ioil to go ~!fito cliaJnbers • Three other motions also were in-not do -or show caute why he should
to hear another motion. troduced, but the defense saiJ it C<ln-not be held in contempt of court. The
U:b<_~__.~IY-1119lionJLu __ si<lered.Jli<-li<•L thaJM§1.. "'1wrl.Y!. .. _Sirba&case was, 1<11star_l !!!Ver~un
not disclosed, but it was considered likely One of the other motion,, was to quash before Cooper's ederal court ap-
that it would seek a postPQD.ement. the indictment on grounds the grand pearance.
The Uyear-old Sirphn., wearllul a gray jury was improperly selected, and tbe Cooper can not be taken off the Sirhan
suit and blue tie, sat down at lhe Jong rest were general motlom to dismiss case except at Sirban's request: Cooper
coonsel table and ~ed to hia..attomeys . the cue. could withdraw, but another defeme at-
Offleers Named City Presses
C:~n Suggestion A . . . ·: ctiorr og,~ C,itize~_~om!Jiit~e~'4~. Civic r.ettter ·
Wins Beach Council OK
Mayor Alvin M. Coen Monday won
cou.ndl approtal for more citizen
participation fn government In Httn•
Ungton Beach,
Mayor Coen suggested formation of
a large cUizens committee to a c t as
"a pool of taJent on which the council
ean draw in making studies of the com·
plex matters on which cnuncilmen must
The main function of the citizens group
would be to relieve councilmen from
the many sub-committees to which they
are attached and often which prevent
agreed to the mayor's plan and the
administration was direeted to draw up
a list of names of persons who would
be willing to stand by for a call to
city service.
Seal Beach Girl
Charged in Wild,
High Speed Chase
the ooun~lmen from attending to policy A l6-year-o1d Seal Beach girl whet
duties; said the mayor. · allegedly drove a stolen · sportscar at
c.otincilman Jerry Matney pointed to speeds up to 110 miles an hour through
the matter ·of the Talbert Water District five Orange County communities, was
as an e1akple of how a few citizens charged Monday with driving without a valid drivers license and violation serving without pay, il't>uld have made l urf o c ew .. the investigations which kept a council • A Juvenile. Court referee ordered the
committee busy for months. ' girl to n!turo to Juvenile Ball Jan,
Expressing doobt t bat the system ~I fpr Ii heiring Oft the cbarses, He
woold work, Councilman HOnry Kaufma!> • .~"'e;t~d~::: ~-i ~
said tha~ "what you .3!!. talking about ofellel.~. c-"Y ·
is an ad hoc comm1~ and they d.o , Tbe cirl's.corn~·~ the wild dirve
not work out very well, last Thursday ls being lie1d In Orange
''I think we are cornmitteed to death" Countytjail pendlng .eourt· arfalgnrp.ent.
around here. I think the ptoblem of Pa!ricl<'-,D. Phelan, IS,,ol Ulng Be6ch,
the citizens committees ~d be. solved ·was booted on susplcM>n· of grind theft
b using the staff more." · 1.. • • • auto. .
.YCouncilman Jack Green pid that "I . ~lac,enUa poilce first :.~ted Ule
don't want the staff to get into ~!icy l~iilg>,~u~Je and sparked a ~
ffiatters. We do have a reservoll' of Which WoWid Its way tbroUgb Anaheun,
people who have. asked to become iJl.. Bue~ Park, Cyiwus and La Pahna.
volved in city governmerrt. Seal Beadl p61ia, joiried , Orange and
"Ou t of 105,000 people sure.1f we can Los Angelts counties' uni.ts 1n ~ high
!ind people who can think," · speed purauit wheo 1be couple 1 car
After much discussion all councilmen, came off. the San Diego ·Freeway at Loo Alamitos Boulevard,
.Stade Market.
NEW YORK (AP):--The stock market
closed with another 1harp Joss today
as a surprised Wall Street reacted to
another hike in interest rates. (See quota~
Uons, Pages 18-17).
The Mop in stocks was close to Mon·
day'1, despite some late recovery of -
Final Plans, Cost of Parks
Final plans complete with coet llgurea
for a central city park in Huntington
Beach and a network of neighborhood
P11rks wW be dlscull<d Wednesday night
by the RecreaUon .and Park COmmlslloo
as It mlket a determlnatJon of 'the
amount for a May bond elect!~.
The ceotral city park 1'0mmltlee of the commill!lion bu met with repream.
taUves of the administration, planning
and park aWf·to rrnew lbe clty'1 need•
and wlil prUellt the lnformatJon to. tlie
Seal Beach Teen·
Held at~~
Ca~.pus Unrest Line Drawn
commJuloo. ' ' CornmlsslGa!n meet~ 7:311 p.111.-,1n·
CC!'lllcih:bambell of Memorial llall, 1111
Stn!et ml PIC&D Avenl\0-
voim fallAid to.:,.,."• 9' •mllllol\ bon\l,r··•·-i.r·.....;. 11/e net!ded·m1-th1•'4,'";;;;;:-.s;; mWNov. I 'oli!dlon, but the'~ . ~vote hue~
the Clljt olftc1a11 \o uk for t ,leCO!ld
Jail in Slayllig f • ... • ~ Reaga~ Asks Legulature
Juxenile Court authorWt8 M'onday . otdel'ed detention In OrallJll COOnty jail S A C RA MEN T 0 • (UPI) -. Gov,
of a 17-year-old Seal Beach yootb'accueed . Ronald ~gan, of(ertna caurorrua his
of sl~vin an Anaheim man. . ~ 196? program, called . on the · ~ate wiifiaJ L. Fitzgerald, 1006 Ocean Ave., leg1slaturE: lc?day to atrfke bard ag~st
was Ordered to retum to c o u r t Jan. campus t~ by 1neNutnJ penalties
23 for a contested hearing. Fitzgerald for students, nonstudents and faculty
described by officers as ,an. unemployed Involved in disturbances.
dancer will be represented by a publU; 'lbe Republican governor,.lft bis annual
defe..kr, , • "Sllle of the Slote" messaae. alao o(.
Fl erald was .--llld --fmd-"a su~ ·Jncame
on ~ charget Tburlday after he ' tu ndUclion." He didn't opoclfy who
allOlldlY gunned down Vincent R. Ot-WoWd get JI, but po:evlously he had
-IS, of Anaheim. Fullerton pollce , ~ II lo ~lllcome !amW.,
-that a quarrel between the two llit ..._ l'1 bll IJ87 blilb>donlr lU
mm ..er Otteman'• former gb1friend, ~· ' 1
_ 1
Mn. -Oeneotel, 2', of lbe 5eal PleiJ&fnc another year of """"""1• lledllltl!Willdto·t11o..iioottoc. ~ lald, "I.bier no~
Strike Hard on Turmoil
bond el«flon. · r • • ' wlil I 1i11J!P011 or 81gn Into law any on Cllll~'• pubUc college campuse1, A Joint meeting ol recmUao com-
w ~·" "Thia .... ion, I wW oeek eo omnibus mlBllooen, Planner• · otat! •l!d coun-' 11o· uked for new pon11fgraphy program 0n the selety. and seC:urlty ol cliJnen hu been called for 7:311 p.m, cootrolJ and new weapons in the war Jan, -1n -~1-'--'--'..t Memorial ••·•-~ crime · ludln 1 · "--iur ed\JcaUonal lnaUtuUons -to •""'-t " -·~· ~-.. ~· " __ , • me g g vmg pom~ ,.._, Hall. Final bond eleeUon fl1111tt• could
aulhorlly to use electronic lil1enlng lbe teacher, lbe otudea4 and the public," be recommended 11 lhat time,
device(-a judge approves, ' I Rt~an 11id. ' ' ,
Tboi ~ "" prtpmd for .. jolnt •'SUC!i. "'~._id, lll\Ol!I olber -1 , , :;-J.::,.1e,:=:u:=:: thP,.,, ~.~ ~~1tte11or R.~.·'•·.ttaiii¢r lli/'~
and -bly Wre Democrall bad • '""••It••• -'mill 'all,ldeotl, pro' ~l~;
majorltlet In the llilt ,two }'tart ol ~Jd8 'for ~· '<>l:~' or ._~~~ii;,:'"~~ Reagan'1 admlnlstraClon. µ..,dlan~I ol J.l!if'. ""'::!>'"-, ,.,,.I
Many of, hll p1-i.r>Jhe tll1ld JC :idlb~. th!!" -· 11;4 .....,arlrl!Dr,"~~ $ ofblstenil--~ln-1 · . I . '\*''.beP ·--~·l'J-a~, •
terms, but 11opn 101-.,.... apec111c , . .. , , ,. • ... , !'.' M to· ,a,~Uli4~,IDI. ,-
wbeo be talked-.Jat.1-ti....i , ~ ,_, 1 , ,., \' 1 1 I~""'\ 1 moMl.....,t , T'\" ' · H (: .• . 1 _,,.J1. .. 1,.. •• ~~ "! .. :'~ i: -~t ~'t;;>\..,;.ft" "" fo 1 ~ ,;-:;1J~,.i ! __ . ~:·•. -~ ~ ·rft •· 1 · •/' ~) ' 1•.1-'""f"t). . • 4-.-,·l"' >.' .. -~ .. l
• r '" ' ""'' 1 " • ·I ""-.. ' '" ~ ""''~ ,;;s. ~ .,,_. ...
.'I '
torney, Russell Parsons, bas said he,
woold DOI be·wtlling. to l!'oceed -
Cooper. . '
Cooper ha.s aaid be would refuse to
answer grand jury questions on how
ht came to ~ s8cret transcripts
in the Friars · club, card clieatini ._
because of the 0 JaWyW•nt" rel~
Uonshlps. lliJ -client-was ~ of fivi
convicted of cheating cb'b members. ,
. Jleleni1. moUoJJS~iin« ~lecti{ii are expected to · take two weeka a
presentation of evtdence b11 -.both aide&
' two months Ct IDOle. 1bere are itt=
dicatJons that more than• 200 w~
wW be called.
lt'1 ''misty" apln, and driven
111Jllbe',belplla •.• -up.
Int, at loallWI ~ 1'heo
--will pmall -rl· degree tempifttarer." • T --,
Whtn Chllf ""tlct Earl War·
ren twfOri in· RlcMrd M., Nizo
on cu Preridtnf JO"ft .. 2o thcrt
wiU ~ manv who will recall
th<lr ,,.Utiool feu4 .,hlch began
16 111ar1 coo. 1'~1 o. = .. -' .. ~ .. ll =-~I:
0--C -............ ~-= .. ~:' ~·,:: ~ •• i .,./ ·\~ ....
, ...... w.u -~-c.llli It , . \ ft --"=IMt . .. . Uil*ft ll .. '~ UCriiM ~ ::
2 DAll.Y I'll.OT l'lladq, Jamiary 7, I '169 ..
Strikers· G·Iose • Down Cafeteria at SF State'
I . ,.,..,. __ "Sludeoll llbould br1oi: u_.. l!le
l do." said Adlq 1'rtldclet 8. L
bad ckiled U. M...S., llldlceled ~
be ooald bop II -ID fact of ~
unionldlon. CAN 11IAHCllC!> -s.. ~. -eau..·1..,.,.. wu closed today '· = Bi. fl( l!JlkinB teachen and
1llO eolltp wu r_,ed Monda, In
rtJaUve peace after tbl Chrtstmu holi·
day, bu\ union teachers added to the
school'• already Jenglhy list of woes
by tbe:lr walkout. They were joined ln
picket lines at e1mpua wtrances by
1trik1n1 students from minority organiza·
lions and the Students for 1 bemocratk
~-""" .... -to bep lhe campua open wtlb pol!ce '°"" ml volunteer teacher• tf DeCellllr)'.
The 1trlldn1 union teachers and mloorJ.
ty students ~w an aggressive pk:ket
line across the college entrance tod1y,
noisily challengjng class-bound e:tudents
and faculty.
"I don't know bow 1 am going tO
l!lop them from clOlfnl the school,';
Hayakawa said of the striking America"
Feder:atlon of Teachers (AFT). "But
I am going to try. I am not going
to accept it closed by anyone." )
Compua °'*'' Under Strl-1 Now RulH, Watchful' lyH of Pollco
'A.rwther. Pennsylvania
Jet Crashes; 11 Killed
Beach Orders
On Research
BRADFORD, PL (AP) -For the
second time in two weeb, an Allegheny
-prop-jet-cnsbed-ln-bad-wealbet" .wtUle trying to land at the airport here.
Eleven people were killed. seventeen
others, most of thenl left banging from
their seatbelts wheQ the Convalr 580
flipped upside down Monday · night,
crawled to safety on a snowswept golf
A 10-man investigating team frOYn lbe
NaUonal Transportotion Safety )!oar~. ~erntd a)>out the ' ' a IQ a J t n B
1imllaritles" of the two accldeJltl', went
to work today to find out What hap~.
A similar tum hu 'be<!ri !Dv~allng
the ChriJlmu Eve crub '#-an Alloil>a>Y
flight eight mli'" awaj that lilied 16
of 47 persons aboard.
"There wu no panic," sai~ Sand.Y
Chirico of North Ealt, Pa~, 1 paaenget.
"It all happen<d too rut.
"The 'n<Hmoklng' sign had already
(lOIDe on and the stewarde!s was check·
Ing the seat belts."
Soddenly, oa1d John Schack•, ts, or
Mechanicsbur1, PL, .. It felt like someone
wu 11.ammlag the left tide wlth·a ha~·
mer. We ran lnt.o tree limbs, turned
over and alld. I wound up banging upside
down. -)'<!led to go out lhe bad:."
OutDde the aurv:ivon ccganiztd and
went back for those who couldn't get
:·No one was thln~ng of themselves," Balking at signing a CTinlract with ~d Chet M~saervey, -~· of -Down---Eeonomic--Remrrch"""1\ssot1!\e!,-(ER:.tr
i.ngtown, Pa. We were JUst "!Ying to the.Hunti!lgton Beach City Council Mon·
get out everybody we could. The school daY orde~ the administration to find
boys were wonderful. They handled out ff Or. Thomas Ashley was still
themselves llk'e men. I'm proud uf working for the company which is to
them." . . make an economic survey of the
AJlegheny Airlines •. wh1c:h bas bad lh~ee downtown area of the city. ,
fatal plane ~rashes s~ce.1t started Oymg Dr. Aitiiey said this mornbtg that passe~ers in 1959,. said it h~d no reason although he ts no longer directly with
to believe . there is any link between the company, he has been retained as
the two accidents near the 2,lCO.fool~gh a consullant to make. the studlea in
Bradford Regional Alrport. • tbere are Huntington Beach and to fulfill other
no_ plans to stop any fllghts, 8 spokesman contractS with which he is personally
said. involved
The latest crash was Flight 7';f1, which · . . .
originated in Washington, stopped in ,liar· J?r. Ash~ ~d .~e now .is work1.ng
rilbYrg and wu bound for Erle and !or the ·1rvlne .R!iich Co.· as directbi'
Detroit. The first crash was Flight 736, of,~evelopn:ient strategy planning.
which goes the other way, The lrvme ~R~ t\U been ~l
Bolh were Convair 58Qs, both were understa_ndln¢ in iitoiing me to f1n1sh
making instrument landinas in snow the proJect in Huntington Beach and
both turned over. Both had mor~ others," he said .. "However, the quality
survivors than dea!;I. BQlh were coming of those at ERA and th~ir. '!ork does
in after. aevere winter stonns. Neither not depend on any one 1ndtVldual and
pilOt pve any'warnlngt. Both took place I.am tJi: first to acknowledge this."
aboUt 1:.3>,p.m. The city, however, had agreed to hire
Cberleo a World War II pilot told ERA on· the understanding that Dr.
Allegheny' offlclala he could illhik of Aahley would be makiog the local
only, two aplanaUons:· uThe'filght chart econom~c ~dies which could lead to
for the · airport' ia oU. er lbere is m~erJUzaUon oI the old downtown.
.-nebody tn the area with a cllizens' City . Atty. Don Bonfa, who wrote the
band radio operating on the aame fre-suggested ~?ntract between the city and
quency u the airport." ERA s~il1ed that Dr. Ashley was to
' Gunpoint Sho~down _Tolc~
do the Job personally and required that
Dr. Ashley sign the contract before the
city would accept the pact.
City Administrator Doyle Miller told
the council that Dr. Ashley had ui.ed
for ·a copy of the contract and that
one had been sent to him. "We have
not heard from them." ' In Costa Mesa Kidnaping
By ARTHUR R. VINSEL °' 111e DllllF r111• 11.tt
A kidnap suspect who allegedly held
olf a handful of Costa Mtsl officers
for .S minutes with a Laguna Beach
policeman'1 gun while they reaaoned with
him to surrender without any violeoce .... arrali1><d today.
a.i. •. 1 N. w •• .1
l'roOCNnl •"" l'llClll..,.r
J •• ~ 1:. c •• 1 • .,
VKt Prt,.llfnl f ntl G•nf'tt/ M•""fl''
Th•"'•' 1e.,.,1 E•W>t
Tho..,•• A. Mw•~hi~e
"'""'' w. '•'•• w;u; • .., •••' t-iu"'"''"'" llr•clll c11, Etitor
H••tl ...... lffc• Offlui
JO' Ith Slr••t
til•tfi111 M'''"' r.o. ••• 7TO, •2'•• --......... -..0.1 1i11 w'"' a.-.i. IGo.illYtr• COiie ~ .. ; ~ Wf'l,I ... Yll'rftl
1be District Attorney's office Monday
issued a five-count complaint with
charges ranging from kidnap to assault
with intent to commit mw'der and assault
with a deadly weapon on a police
Shots were fired during the alleged
abdoctlon or the Laguna B e a c h
policeman's wife in their Victoria Street
apartment Saturday, as the victim and
suspect struggled for a .38 cal. revolver,
inve.stigators said.
Unsha\'Cn and wearing a dark, mod·
style sport shirt, cook Marvin E. Alex-
ander, 29, of 2700 Peterson way, was
marched into a holding tank at Harbor
District Judicial Court about 8 a.m.
Jud3e Donald Dungan ordered Alex-
ander returned to court Jan. 13 at l :tS
p.m. far preliminary hearini am set
bail at $31,250, a substantial drop from
the $50,000 figure originally attached.
Alexander, who worked at a restau-
aurant 1t 1555 W. Adams Ave., Cost a
Mesa, with the vJcUm, waitreaa Diarine
Carter, 26, is held on charges which
could conceivably bring a dealh penalty .
Mrs. Carter wu held hostage in the
suspect.'1 apartment for more than one
hour Saturday, police aa.ld, but declined
to say tr she was present durfni the
4S-minute siege talks with Alexander.
Deteetive Capt. Ed Glasgow sa.ld a
n~i~hbor woman was slaying with the
victim. wbo had expressed fears for
her safety, when the predawn case broke.
Mrs. Carter's husband, Kenneth, a five-
year employe with the Laguna Beach
Police Department, was on graveyard
duty at the Ume, but wa1 sent home
when the emergency w1s reported.
The victim was treated at Bristol Park
Medical Center alter the ordetl an<t
released to the cart of her hu.sband.
The unidenUffed neighbor woman who
reported the alleged abducll<n -hmell
apporently cbobd u ahe tried to dial
police for help 1 first Ume -did not
require medical treatment.
The contracts will be presented to
ERA and Dr. Ashley, Bonfa said and
if both tbe. firm and Dr. Ashley sign
the city will have tied each to compleUon
or the job in the city.
Dr. Ashley quoted cost figures to the
city or $25 per hour for services -.·
a senior member of his firm, $10,0W
for the market analysis and as much
as $14.000 for feasibility studies on
several possible projects including t h e
pier modernization, o f f i c e . h o t e I ,
auditorium, civic center, beach apart.
ment, industrtaJ park aod freeway tn..
"We have a meeting scheduled for
tomorrow." Dr. Ashley said this morning,
"and I expect lo be there as usual."
From Page 1
diately lo proceed wilh drawing lhe
agreement and added lhe recommenda·
lion for obtaining an architect all soon
as poss:ible.
Although Councilmen Ted . Bartlett,
George Ml'Cracken and Dr. Henry
KIUfman ·have opposed locaUon d the
civic centel-on the Malo Stred tnd
M&n!lon ·Avenue site currently onder
condemnation, they did not object to the
action by Miller "because the agree--
ment ls needed no matter whlcb site is
used for the center.'' Dr. Kauftn1a u.ld.
Councilmen also consented to negotia-
tions for a i·oint powers agreement
which would ead to construction of •
new $3.11 million central.city library.
The council caJJed a special meeUna for 4:30 p.m. Jan. 14 to cliscuu tpe
purchase of the! civic centir site from
lhe ov.tera of which lhe Huntington
Beach Co. is the largest.
Councilmen Dr. Kaufman, Jury Mal·
ney and Donald B. Shipley wlll meet
With representaUves of the owoen for
h.irther negotiations on lht 1lte ac:raa
Main Street from Hunt!netoo Bucb Rlih School. •
1'he city ls eligibl<! to oqiollale joint
powm agreementa with the .,..,.1y
boc:a... the city contracll wtlh the
county for health services and presum·
ably would wan' to allow apace In a
new center ror a county health olflce.
Thlrty miles away the College of San
Mateo allO reopened calmly under police
pnileCUon, but the home or Philip C.
Garllqtoo. dean o! lns1nlctlon, was
!lnbombed early today by araonl.sta.
Garllnlton and bis wlloacaped injury.
The San Frandoco SJ.ate Collese
cafeteria clORd after about 100 union
workers there voted to honor the
t.e.acbtn' picket Uou.
One Chinese atudenl scuffled with a
Chinese picket and 1 Negro picket as
police arrived, but classes appeared to
be starting normaUy on a cold, foggy
The teachers, who clalm to represent
about one-quarter or tile lllCll!ty or 1,100,
got formal atrJke sanction from the San
Francioco Labor Council Mooday.
San J.,. SJ.ale College, 50 mllel to
tile IOlrtb, laces a alml!ar lelcber llrlke
Hayakawa, wbo reopened San Fran-
cisco SJ.ate Dec. z a(ter lludent vlolence
He made the statement aft.er San Fran
cisco State reopened Monday at the.
end of the Cbrlttmu ho 11d•y1.
Classrooms were generally rilled despltf
pickeUng, demonslraUons and jeers.
There was no major violence but police
arrested five demonstrators on charges
of intimidating nonstr.lkera and using
The teachers support student llrlken
who have boycotted cluaes at the 18,000-
student campua since Nov. I. They alM
seek higher pay, more voice in colle&•
policy making and official r«:<>ll!lilioo.
* * * * Dumke'• Vltimatum
'3 More
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Striking
teachers have three more days to picket
at San Francisco Slate College -after
that tbey'"ve 0 reaigned," says Chancellor
ptenn s. llunl<e.
Vice Chancellor C. Mansel Keene told
newsmen of Dwnke's decision Mm-
day after 300 members of the American
Federat.lon of Teachers set up picket
Unes around the college.
Norman Epstein, state college gemral
counsel, said that under the State FAuca-
Uon Code an absence of five days by
a teacher without approval constitutes
an automatic resignation.
The teachers could appeal to Ute Slate
Personnel Board, Epstein ad.ded.
San Francisco State reopened Monday
after a long Christmas vacation witll
actlqg pres~1e.Jl.t S. J. Hayakawa an·
nOuDcliig -e -wouJd ~Df'OOlf-no
disturbances that would p;event students
from attending cl""''· Dumke said that
policy was "very, l("ery reasonable." ·
lllilnli• characterized striking AFl'
members as a .small minority· of the
faculty. He said only 350 faculty
mem!Jers, mapy or them part..limo in·
structors, belong to the labor orpniz.a-
tion. There are 1,300 faculty members
at 'tbe college.
'.., ,
ft'ert'• a savincs principte involved
htr~, fhe '°int ian't to put money
away'. But Put it to work. with 'infni·
mum. risk. • •.
' •Bi.nt of America "titf;~rtlficates
urn an annual rate of 5% intere1t
paid to you £very 1i:Mnonth1. A1
1ure a thine •I you'll find in our ace o.r uDcertaia.ty.
If :y<JU like, the interat money cm
be ctcdited to your chcckin1 or NV•
Days to
Dumke a,ald AFT demands fall into
three categories: trad!Uonal trade union
mattert, condiUorui of employment, and
support for student demand!.
Of tbe first two, Dumke said the
scbool oyotem II unable to negotiate
with the An became the unJon ··bu
no cootractual ..w!Olllbip wtlh either
the state colleges or the state of
He aakl ll),e teacher• were attempting
11to exploit .• '. controversial hems fot
publicity's sake" by siding wllh Ibo Black
Student Union and the Tblrd World Pnmt
in deinand! for more student voice in
running the c:ollege.
Teen Captured in Denver
After Mental Ward Break
A Camp Pendleton Marine who escaped
last -bee. 1• ff-om the melifal Jiearth
ward or the Orange County Medical
Center has been recaptured in Denver,
Orange County shertff's orncen today
said they hope to have Michael E.
Moynahan, 19, back fn Orange County
jail "sometime this week ." Moynahan
was being held on armed robbery charges
when he made his successful break to
in11 account. In fact, by puttinc the
jntercst in a Bank of America pau-
book account, your total annuaI rate
of return exceeds 5%. Money-men
call that a hi&h yield.
Never underestimate 1ecurity. After
all, our customers made us what we
arc-the largest bank in the world,
Sometimes it'• better to play 1afe
than play the numbcra came. But
even if you're the 1pcculative type
(and relax)
freedom £rom the county hospital.
still -at larg-€" is ·his compan1on. In
the successful escape, John H. Miller,
19, of 8828 St. Andrews St., Westminster.
MID.er was awaiting court arraJgnment
on charges that he was one of three.
men who broke into doctors' offices
at Garden Grove to oblaln drugs.
Both men had been aS!lgned to the
county hospital for psychiatric in-
vestigation ordered by a Superior Court
cur Bank or America time certificates
can round out your portfolio nicely.
There's strength in a relentless S %.
One thousand dollars minimum puts
you in business. Drop in and ace us.
We also have 91 other services to help
you with the business of living. You
could easily :stay with us for life.
!or tho bllalneu cl IMrQ
.... __ .,,.., ______ I
------------· -------------~---..._._ .. _ 4 -...... ----~--
' I •1----
.. -. -------·--------
Gannon.-Cotto-n Rites Solemnized
Wearing a full length gown of net, lace and 1eed pearll Christina
Elizabeth Cotton was escorted to the altar of Our Lady Queen of Angels
Church, Corona del Mar last 5aturday morning to become the bride of
Robert Charles Gannon Jr.
The Rev. Raymond Saplis performed the nupUal maas for the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Peyton Cotton of Balboe and the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Charles GaMOll of 5an Juan Caplstzann.
To complete her wedding ensemble, the bride wore a lull length
gown of net, lace and seedpeerls with a scoop neckline, chapel lrl\in, her
grandmother's heirloom full length veil and she carried a bouquet of tulips,
roses, stepbanotis and lilacs.
Miss Cynthia Ann Cott~ the bride's sister, was maid of honor, while
bridesmaids were Miss Elizabeth Carr of Nol1h Hollywood and the Misses
Christina, Maria, .Julie and Cabrini Gannon, the bridegroom's sisters of
San Juan Capistrano. . \
For the ceremony they were gowned in full length emerald-green
~u de soie creations and wore Jong green · ribbons in their hair. Their
bridal bouquets were comprised of tulips, holly and carnations.
The bridegroom asked bis brother, Richard McNichols Gannon to be
best. man, and two others, Michael and Peter Gannon, to be ushers. Also
escorting guests to their seats were John Markel of Costa Mesa, and Char ..
Jes Bishop Cotton and John Cotton, the bride's brothers from Balboa. Mat-
thew and Xavier Gannon, two of the bridegroom'S younger brothers, were
altar boys. .
Following the ceremony,. 235--guests gathered in the borne of the
bride's parents tor a champagne reception which f~atured a buffet supper
and orchestra music for dancing.
The new Mrs. Gannon was both a Children's Horne Society, Newport
Beach Chapter debutante and. a Las Madrinas debutante. She was present-
ed in 1964.
A graduate of Santa Catalina School in Monterey, she currently is a
senior at the University of Southern California and will graduate this mon-
th. She is afliltated with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority.
Her husband, a graduate of Ser v I t e High Schoo], Anaheim is an
alumnus of the University of San Diego. '
The newlyweds are honeymooning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
J. Green. the bride's aunt and uncle, of Pebble Beach. They will make their
new home in Pensacola, Fla., where he is serving with the U.S. Navy.
Pebble Beach Honeymoon
Registration Open Star Choreographer
Eor __ Actiag. __ \N.orksbop_ -DallCe--0 -ffer-ed ~
Do your children aspire to
be actors and actresses?
If .so, there's still time to
enroll them in one of the
workshops offered by the
Children's Theater Guild.
Registration can be made
by members at the niont.hly
meeting of the organization
next Thursday at IO a.m. in
the home of Mrs. Clinton
Children from preschool lo
eighth grade wi11 be accepted.
Anyone else interested may
contact Mrs. Donald Carr of
Costa Mesa at 54&-«189 for
regi.stration information.
Following the business por·
lion of the Thursday meeting,
news of the spring production
to be presented Marcil Z:,
23, 29 and 30 will be discussed.
Guest speaker will be Mrs.
Daniel Stein (Margaret
Cowles), actress and voice
teacher. A graduate of the
Yale Drama School and a
member of The Arena Stae.e
in Washington, D.C., the Long
Wharf Theater, New lla\.·en,
Conn. and Center Theater
Group, Los Angeles, the a:uest
is currently on the staff of
the newly formed professional
workshop at the Open End
Theater, Newport Beach. Her
presentation will i o c I Ii d e
demonstrations of the use of
masques for children's
Concert Pianist Plays
For South Coast Club
Concert pianist Miss Vivian
Florian will play for South
Coast Club of Laguna Beach
members during a meeting
tomorrow in Laguna Beach
Country Club.
A noon luncheon will take
place following a social hour
hosted by Mrs. R o b e r t
Dishman and her hospitality
Miss Florian earned the
Grand Prix of the Cooserva-
tory of Music in Paris and
was a protege of Paderewski.
She has memorized the com·
plete works of Chopin and
also has an imp res sive
repertoire of Liszt, Bach, Bee-
thoven and other famou.s com
posers, according to Mrs. Hilr-
ry Belcher, press chairman
of the club.
'The artist has performed
in France, England, Australia,
India and Canada, and ac-
cording to Mrs. Belcher,
following a recent concert in
New York City'.s Town Hall,
the New York Time.s com·
mented that she is "probably
lhe world's greatest living
woman pianist."
Eugene Loring will offer a
dance presentatior: on Jan. 16
at UCI for the members of
Mesa Verde Philharmonic.
The LlUle Theater at 10:30
a.m. will be the theatrical
Loring , chairman of dance
and .senior lecturer at UCI,
is one of America '1 leading
Because of Loring's ability
and appeal, William Saroyan
volunteered to write a n
original "talking" ballet for
him, and the result was "The
Great American Goor." "This
is a fine ballet but it was
years ahead of its time," said
Saroyan was so impressed
with the UCI instructor that
he cast Loring in the acting
lead of his new play, "The
Beautiful People." The play
placed second with the New
York ·Crttics Circle as the best t'.
play cf the year and Loring
received rave act.µig notices.
Hill choreographic work.s for
the Broadway stage include
"Carmen Jones ," "Silk Stock-
ings" and "Kismet." Los
Angele! Civic Llgbt Opera
credits include "The Great
Waltz" and "Fanny."
In Hollywood the dance in·
structor worked on "The
Ziegtield Follies," "FuMy
Face," "Silk Stockings" and
"Pepe" mot.ion pictures and has appeared several limes1----------1
on television.
Loring owns and operates
the American School of Dance
in Hollywood.
Members of the Orante
County Philharmonic Soclety
and friends may cont.act Mrs.
Richard Johnson at 546-0239
and Mrs. Alfred Carter, 545-
4354, for reservat.ian.s.
Reservations for the lun-
cheon may be obtained by
calling Mrs. Philip Towne 499-l--;:===========================::;-I Finley School's multipurpose
room is the setting for the
meeting of Trim-Vue TOPS
1531 ; Mrs. Maude Lucas 499-
2998, or Mrs. Mabel Nichol!,
Club of Westminster. The•----------1
group gathers at 7 p.m. every I 'l\==o;;i;====='*I Thursday.
HB Mothers
Formerly with the
Hair Hut
has now joined the
staff here at
~ 1ID ~Rirv9AW
The latest look In wedding uta 11 tbe slant.
Wt've taken the trldltlonal diamond ttylel and aat them In
fuhlonable new mountlng1 with Juat a bit or a ttant.
'rht result. very Chic, very "now".
Each compltlt with lntertocklng wedding ring.
AU 1.vallablt from $395 u 1hown:
Emtrakkul Ml, $825. B~lflont Ml, $395.
P•'1 shooed dlomond Ml, $860. Merqul" dl•mond "l $860.
l'IWl:WI Slnoe 1917
11 f•ahlon Island
Newport le•ch -644.1110
TUfldq, ~ 1, 1969
Make 1969 Your Year to
Join the Beautiful Pe0p/11 ·it
' . ' .
* :.a
' . SPAS
A perionally suptrYised ~eight redudion on..;
conditioning program wilt be 1elect•d to suit your needs I
Shed pounds, reaortc1nge lnche1 and achieve o
more healthful and shapely figure. Yo1.1'1\ odd zeit
and vitolity lo YoUt llft wh1n you look
and fe~I gr.at.
Spa will guide and pamper you while you
develop a flattering figure. Vie cwr
ultra-modern facilities and
enjoy the friendly otmo1phere,
Romon Steam Rooms, Finnish Roe•
Sauna Rooms, Florido Svn Tan
Rooms, Whirlpool ao1h1,
Electronic Mossoge,
Gym Facilities,
Swiss Facial
5101. llACH IHlllhwaritl l'loya ...... lliopplngC-r
COSTA M•SA-. 549-3368
OUNGE::639~2~iftl C-I BE
622 E. KATELLA ll'la.ra Real lhoppll!I Centtrl
' ----------~111 IHt"""" ...... ----------~4 t,
• ~·
ff o.\ll.y Pit.OT tHI
• Tight Mohey: W"lty arid WRertifore
A. ll 1.' irl'illl to compel
rulralnl In •pending by lon;-
lng denwida '"' ,_ and
in line with our capaclty lo
supply the goodJ and oervl<es.
>.> demand decllnel Iola bet.
,., balance with 1 u p p I y.
_..,.. on ptlcos will ba
A. How -a.Uahl m0M1 pollq """"11>111b llila!
A. -All'llute...,. Y"" can set _, lo·opeod:
(I) fn>m Income, (2) sale of
·-· (3) borrowln1. Since the Federal Rt.JerVe
Syatetn controll botb tbe
capacity of our banb to lend
and the cost of credit, thfa
l! the area in which It Is
The Central Bank I 1
maneuvering directly In the
naUoo'a primary mo n t y
markets lei shrink t h e
avallablllty of credit. In late
lMt, it signaled ils intentiorui
by raising tbe rate it charges
11' member banks for bor·
l'OIVing (the diacount role) lo
5~ percent. Thia wa1 not just
an invitatJon for other Interest
rate.I lo •rile: h •u a clear
lndlc~tlon ol a new Ughl cf9dll
policy and the Central Bani<
haJ been lmplementln& the
policy aince.
thO Federal a-.. baa
maintalned a companUvely
low celllna oo the ralea hanu
can pay on oav!np depoollJ.
BY oo doliig, tt 1a -~
sopblstlc:aled lundl lo flow ool
o( lht baob In search of mote
attracUve lDterat r a t e 1 •
which allo will reduce the
capacity of the bankJ to lend.
The biffleaab words for
what I've written hen are:
"open market operaUOGI,"
"net b or r o" e d reserves,"
"RegulaUon Q." But !Cl'gtt
the baflleg1b and concentrate
on the nieanlng. And the
mear\ing 11 that the naUon's
banks are being put into a
bind so they won't be able
to lend nearly u much mdnly
as you .want.
.Q What haJ all this done
to interest rates?
are aware, Interest rates have
soared; llrll• reflecting Ille
pressurea of excessive
demands for money and now
reflecting the _..,.. ol a
tlgblenlng of tbe IUJ>ply ol
money. When demand fJr
outnm!I supply 1n any sphere,
money included, the price goes
~-FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT '•-.,::-: •• ~-
~ carn~cna111U••••ULTl"80Pl, .. ":9,ftUt,...eatn'RACT
when you're looking for the highest return
on your savings, and watch your earnings soar.
The amazina fact Is that your money In a regular Wilshire Federal
Savlnas passbook account will double In less than fourteen
years at the current rate. Your savings will earn a hl&h 5.13% when
our regular 5" per annum rate Is compounded daily 1nd earnings
are hold in Your account to grow alona with YoUr principal.
You can earn an additional .25" bonus above the current annual
passbook rate on 36 month Certificate Accounts In multiples
of $1,000. '* And, your savings ore safe ••• Insured to $15,000
by an agency of the federal government '* Funds received
by the 10th earn from the 1st; after the 10th, from date received.
8AVINCS ..................
Hom• Office! lot An9ele1: Othtr Offlc.e1: Monrovit, Chet•worth
COSTA MESA. CALIF. 92627 PHONE, (7141 642-4711
A dlsCOWll tilt 0( ~~ per-
cent means 111 r1te1 scale
up from hert, lot lhJJ Is Iba
basic bo<Towb& rale or the
The prime rail Is up lo
the hll}lell level ever at Ill
percent Tbls IJ the mlnlmum
rale hanu cbatJ• lo tllelr top.rated .......,...,. All ot.6et
less favored borro"ers pay
more, raa&ina from a modal
lracUoa to a 1 u b st a a ti a 1
percentage mere.
IN Al>Dn'ION, bania are
sllllening thetr reqlliremtnlt
!or the part ol • lolll they
ask a borrower to keep on
deposit (compenaatlnc
baiJnce). Tbls lllta the O!-
fective rate even to the top
favored borrowen well lnto
the 7 to a Aefcent range.
Rates on loatalment Joans
are on thelr way up, and
on these loam, the "true"
rate is usually roughly double
the stated rate. ($5.75 per S100
is about 12 percent a year.)
At the same Ume, bolTowers
in the capital markets, rang·
IOI from Ille U.S. Trwury
down. are paying stiffer and
stiffer rates. . TIDS JS historically et-
pens.ive money indeed. But [
repeat What I wrote in my
last column. It'• not the cost
of the credit which count&
the most; It's the availability.
And the availability of credit
is being syltemaUcally redue>
ed now.
Q. How will this affect the
stock market?
A. Tight and expensive
money is not bullish on stocks.
It should help squeeze out
some or the unhealthy ·gambl-
ing, though, by making bor-
rowing to buy the stocks ao
AND TO THE extt.nt that
it makes the marttt· IOUDder aiid -cools the unhealthy ln-
fl1tion fever, • pinch now
•~.ould ba"•f 1ong-lerm btnelil
to investors.
Next.: Money Primer for 'U -m
315 Eli•t ~or.to Bou'-Y•anllil£;.
Paudena, CtUfomla 91108
Sun Papers
To Gannett
• OTMER BRA.NCH OfftCES ~·:;.,_..,._ W..t .a ... 010 ·Covina
.._ '·.I Gl•iid•'9 ·-
-,..... ..... -.....,•~·~--••-•-·•·•-••--•·------••••cc .. "'=~·~••~·~~~·~·~~----··--------------
p _ .. _ ....
Tllttdq, J,,,,,., 7, 1969
Prices -C'A>mpleJe New Stock Exch~e List
4 Jf ~ PJl,OT TUtidiy, JlnUllJ 7, 1969
llam~-·Are · Orie Big Happy Family Again
Reeves Reverses Firing, Rehires Allen
~ .. ComMat4 Wire -
LOS ANG~ -'(he Loe An&eles
Rams are just one, bit happy family
again l<>day.
Head coach George A 11 e n and Dan
Reeves, Lhe owner of the National Foot·
ball League team, made up and ahook
hands Monday during a news coofertnce
lo ._ Allen's rehiring.
Neither Reeves nor Allen went Into
aey detail about the lncldents wbJch
led to Allen's dlsmi.ual Dee. 26, a move
that lbocked the football -Id.
AD~· .bad coached tbe Rams tor three
years and robuilt the leam from a
Westau DMaloo patsy Into one of the
powerl1oaael of the NFL helm Reeves
decided to let him (0 bec1111< ol a
"peraonallty conflict." w
Allen stepPed to the mlerophone Mon-
day and read a prepared statoment to
"From meeUngs Dan and I have had
the last few day1, I feel we each unln-
lenUooally hurt the other," Allen said.
"l am very happy to be nturninc as
Dan'• coach.
0 Ezcept for my family, my sole in-
terest ln the past three yelJ'I bas been
to the Rams and I want to finish the
job I started. I owe it tp the players
and the fw Ioy al to me."
Local football fans had reacted WrplJ
lo the firing ol the man who bnJogJit
the Rams the Coastal Dlvl!lon eham-
piOOlhlp In 1987 and pooled a l~I
mark in lMI. Groups were formed to
protest the dismil&IJ and one even tried
to ralae enough money lo pure11,., the
After reading his announcement, Allen
declined to answfr any questlona and
turned the platform ~ver to Reeve&.
He shook handa with the feisty lltt1e
owner and wished b1m luck.
Ree•es laid he crlglnally decided to
fll"e Allen becallae •'tbue were valid
and sufficient reuooa lo my mind."
2-Platooning Seems Safe
"'A -would Ito barmlul lo tho
Rama," ha """'""""· ••we have u undentlJxllnc."
Reeves aid be and Allen had qroed
that u aey penonaI ptobleml crop up,
they will each lite 1wl1 .-to
correct them and In the future Will
meet at least once • week.
Reeva aald that eoon alter tht
dlsmlp1J, be talked with two ClOldwt
w b om he rduled to ldenllfy. Be Aid
the, job WU nol offend lo eitba-but
that they were bjt<nlled. ,
Aa expected -1lq he--and the Ram pllym ... not llll4
hecl1111 th1np were beptninc to l'llOln·
helcn 11111 IUc:b meeting coald be bold.
NCAA May Reduce Scholarships
' Dlt. .. Y PU.OT llllf .......
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The National
Collegiate Athletic Association today ap-
peared 'to favor a reducUon in athletic
scholarsh.ip.s rather than a switch away
from platoon football as a means of
reducing the coe:t of sports programs.
The possibility ol prwuring the foot-
ball rulea committee Into legtslatlng out
the unlimlted substitution rule wu the
ehiel topic of Wk at the opening ""8lon
of the NCM'a 63rd annual convention.
But the movement to abandon two
HE'S THE ONE -Meet the new heed coach of the Los Angeles NCAA L d
Rams. George Allen begins his second tenure at that post today after . 30 S
being rehired by owner Dan Reeves Monday. Allen agreed to r .. • , . •
tum at his lonner salary, • reported $40,000. J<r, t" . Wh" to . -----US Ice I""
Between Allen, Reeves
Forgiving Not Forgetting
-War May Erupt Again_
Geor1e Allen and Dan Reeves havt
kisled and made up, wbicb ls probably
the last big act under Johnson's ad·
The warring sides have agreed not
lo dlaagroe aod claim that all has been
fOrgiven by both men, which ls probably
1 true statement.
· But how soon will they be forgetting
*****' ** **"' .....
the moves that brought forth the necessl·
ty of forgivin1?
How soon will it be before lhe fuel
that fanned the old Dames comes back
to burn anew belwetn lhe Rams' owner
and hill highly successful coach?
When the season gets under way
and the Rams get involved ln a few
cJoae or controversial games, blood
pressure will be runnilli high and nerves
will be frayed on all sides.
And the Reeves.Allen feud may erupt au m'U' again.
M an old Spanish saying reveals:
Cuando no hay respeto, no bay amor
Illini Climbs
In Rankings
NEW YORK (UPI) -Coach Har\· ~dt's Umetable for rebuilding
·~e~~~t0~:.:yu:f ~~
abowi0& by his club haa lilted the
Fighting Illini into fifth place in the
Weekly United Press International major
collq:e ratings.
(When there lJ no respect, there is
oo love).
Reeves ate a healthy load of pride
when he rehired Geor1e less than two
weeks alter be fired him. When a man
has to publlcally digest his own dignity,
you can bet there's more than a few
scars left inside.
You can imagine that Allen may have
some second thoughts about having any
of his grantlchlldren named Danie] in
view of all that'• happened.
Don't loot far the newly filled Rams
,honey pot to 1tay in one piece for
ar1)' prolooged periods.
Cooch Soqht
From bltbet and yon:
Marian RIP School of the Saa Diego
uta la lookina: for a ltead football coach,
acconllq to former DAILY Pnm opo<ts
staffer Ray Phdko, wlto DOW coacffs
at the parocldal lebool.
Pliltb reveals t • a t Marla wW go
Into &be Metro Leape nut year and
says teacblnc 1aJ1rtes a r e wlW111 ID
percent of tbe Saa Diego City Scllool1.
Interested parties should call Plutko
at 11f-7'6-MM for furtllier tnfonmtion.
Rose Botlll Lefto.,ers
Rme Bowl leftoven :
Woody Haye!, Ohio State : On why
he's managed to last 18 yean: as
Buckeyez' bead football coach-"It's
because of my friendly personality."
0. J . Simpson, USC: "Yes, I believe
there should be a playoff in tie game
situations. You get banged around and
bruised in a game, then go home and
think about a Ue and It leaves you empty.
I think you should play until there's
a winner.
Incidentally, SC publicist Don Andersen
was sweating out a Ught situaUon with
Rose Bowl tlcketl for Trojan season
ticket holders. lt setms that 46,000 people
bought season goodJes, whjch entitled
them to purchse one Rose Bowl ducat
for each seaJOn atubbie bought.
The rub was that SC got ooly M,IXKI
Role Bowl Ucl<els. ForiU!UllA!ly not ail
seuon ticket buyers made good on the
option to buy entrance for the Pasadena
New Year's cluslc.
LOS ANG= (UPI) -Supreme
Court Jlllllce Byron R. "Whiner" Whll<!
and 17 top stars and executives from
the perfcrmlng am were honored today
by lhe National Collegiate AthleUc
Association at its 6Jrd annual convention.
The NCAA voted Justice White Its
highest honor, the Theodore Roosevelt
award, and marted the occuion at its
annual honors luncheon at convention
headquarters. '""
Justice White was an All-America
haUback at the University of Colorado
and is a member of football's Hall
of Fame. He also was an all"°nference
basketball and baseball player.
In announcing JusUce White's selection,
the NCAA said it was in recocnilion
of his distinguished career after he hid
been an oulltanding college athlete.
The stars and e:s:ecuUvea from the
performing arts honored were actor Mu
Baer who attended Santa Clara Univtr!l4
ty and participated in 10U and bollng;·
Johnny Mack Brown, Alabama, football;'
David Canary, Cincinnati, football ; Mike
Frankovich, UCLA, football and baseball;
Sheldon Leonard, Syracuse, water polo
and swlmming.
Art Ll.nkletter, San Diego State, basket-
ball ; Ron Miller, Southern Callfomla,
football ; Lee Majors, Eastern Kentucky,
football; Dennis Morgan, Carroll, foot.
ball; Ozzie Nelson, Rutgers, football;
John Raitt, Redlands, track and football.
Robert Reynolds, Stanford, football;
Aaron Rosenberg, Southern California,
football; Tom Smothers, San Jose State,
l)'!IUl8lllcl; Robert Stack, Soulhero
Calllornla, polo; Woody Strode, UCLA,
football and tract, aod Deimia Weaver,
Oklahoma, tracl<.
Cage Results
platoon football d I e d almast before it
was launched at the convention. The
first blow was an expected one from
football coaches who e x pre s s e d
overwhelming opposition to the change.
Athletic directors then went to work
at a round table discussion on the rising
costs of intercollegiate athletics to ham--
mer away at the one platoon proposal
which had been advocated by the Pacific-a Conference.
And at the close of the discussion
even executive director Tom Hamilton
A Shooting Star
of the Pacific.a could find few words
of endorsement for his conference's sue·
Leading the opposition among athletic
directors was James G. Barratt cl.
Oregon Stare who said he had IWlldied
from his conference's plan to complete
opposition .
"After vl!lting with literally hundr<ds
of fans, writers and coaches, I am
convinced that we must have two platoon
football," BarraU said. "We have too
good a game to discard it."
U"ll ........
Dallas Chaparral player Willis Bennett (6) can't slop Los Angeles'
Larry Miller from scoring on this play dUring ABA game in LA
Monday night. The rapidly improving MiUer scored 28 points and
led his Stars to a 122-114 overtime win.
Olinoil, unbeaten in 10 games this
'5IUOll, climbed from e.icbUt spot the
,...ious wee1c In a general reahulfling wt:ildt involved all teams with the ex·
ceplioai of top.ranked UCLA. -.
~North Carolina and No. 6 Kansaa.
Mllbl1 UCLA, """bintl an euy 9M4
trlumpli over Tulane, ran lta record
to H end the Bn11ns once again were
a 1-inhDoal choice of the ratinp board
!Dr Ille J!lo. •I poaltlon. The Lew Alclodor-W BtWM hive been the unanimous
~ eve)' week ~... the ..... n llillllP....., Im ween ....
Everyone's Doing Fosbury Flop
. ftt -· Nier c.li. 111..fb.• iffn'a .-leet·
----,.. ..,... ~ fltlnti ....,.., ,... ._.. tl'tillltt
' t. ueu !t-" "' •. ...
.L I lt·O 2111
4 ,., '" .... .. , .. us ~R lt.I OJ • 1. ,., 1):1
•• .: Of.Y.J .. , 1"
.. 7·1 " ~··rt !!!!!!. ... lH M ! ill Ag;; 't.: :; :··1~~ ~ Ii
1 1fi II
=:.,z1 a 1•~ ;
NEW YORK (AP) -Dick FOlhury
hlgh jumped hll way lo fame , winning
a gold medal at the Olympic Games
with tUa Fosbury F1op, and then just
u qu.lckly skipped out of Mexico City
without any wamtnc.
Foabury, who won the Medai City
event with an Olympic record jump
of 7~11 over Ed Carulhm ol the U.S.,
and ftulsia ".s Vlktor Gavrtlov, said he
swtldlhl lo his Foahury Flop style five
)'taf'I ago "and immedJately 1 Improved
my but from~ lo J.10."
"I really believe It's lhe eufut and
hell way," the 6-lootA !SS.pound« aid.
Foobury coes over the har backwarda
while .the atandtrd way 11 to 10 ovtr
face down with the body paraUel to
the bar.
And 11y1 Foahury, thousands of grade
and hl&h tchool kids are now doing
the Folbury Flop around the coontry.
With tbe Olympics over, Foohury uld
that being an Olympic chunplan "la
a sreat fetllfll for • few houri but
then It'• over and pm hlltory."
Bui put hlstoey or no(, Foobury 1111
he'll be -petlng IG< awlllle m,er.
Allll lbell Il!On'1 the 11171 Olymple G-
in Munldl, G«many.
llld Ila think he'd compete then!
"I do Itmw that I'll probably lllD
be competina; ln another four years.
"I 'm a competition jumper. I can't
jump lf tber'l'I no competition .''
You get the feellq that Foshury and
his Flop will still he tn vogue when
~nother 1 bot at Olympic gold ls In
Whf the oultk faM out in Muico?
"I Just dld!l't want lo t'lk ," the IO·
year-old Oregon state tenlor said Monday
Jt a track writer• lunc:heon.
"No ~ fnterview1. No nothlng. 1
was ~Y eWusted," 1 a Id Foe~-\IJIO(\hodol jumpiD1 bas aeni all ttw< the naUon
•mulattn( tlylo.
.. -~-ca t I I ........ 7 L zjt aew -----------
Protocol Is IG< the first throe flntsherl
in each Olympic event to speak to the
press IS minutes aft.er each competition
"I needed lon1er than 15 minutes .
I needed 1$ days," FOll>ury eapla!ned.
"I had hetn workJntl °"' !or IO montha, six In compeUtlon, where I UIUllly en!)'
train for four months a year. It Wt:I
really quite a stratn.
"I just lkJppod out alUr tbe mnt.
I needed time aw11 lrom ~ 11'1
hanl to up1a1n what n ....._ n wun\
pressure. There ....,, u nwclt 11 I
thoucJ!I there 'irould be ...
Barratt ad'r'.OClted as a ailuUon to
the cost problem that the number ol
athlet.ic '8Cholarships be reduced. He llid
at Oregon Slote be !ell they could Ito
cul In football alone from W lo IO
aod laid his achool'a ~. Dee Andros,
eveo aald he could 1e1 aloal with IO. •
Joining Barratt In favoring a reduction
In grants In aid were Edwin II. ~
of Indiana Unlvenlty, -C. Janioo
ol the Mld-Allanlie Conference and llalpll
A. Ginn of South Datota Unlveratty.
O.J. Voted
Best in State,
Toomey 3rd
SW! another award b headed for the
awll'd-lllled !Ue of footllall hero 0.J,
Simpson of the Unlveratty ol Soutbn
The ll·ye1N1ld All·Amerlean hallhoct
hu been llllDed CalUomia Athlelo of
the Year for 1961 in the 11th ammaJ
poll cooducted by Assoelaled Presa.
Chief rival to O.J. In the CllUomia
voting wu America's newest neetbeart. l~year-oJd Debbie Meyer of Sacramento,
who won tine gold medals In IWlnunq
Jn the Olympic Games in Mexico C"1
last fall.
Simpson registered II points· Debbie
SI, and Olympic decathlon mampion Bill
Toomey of Laguna Beach 30. ·
Goiter• 4atdlf•
Two Oruge Cout .,.. Solien ....
qualffled for tk _, field of Ibo
ard Loo Aqelea Open beglmdnJ n...
Paa! ScodeDer of S·e a I • I.qua
qaallflecI at 71 ud Rae llrlmat of
Newport B<ac• made tt -a n. Top qua1lfler WU 1Joa Cherry ol Wl~ta Falh, Tua, w.. aW a a ·
Monday lo leod lbe %1 -lelllpl -who qaallffed fir Ibo starttoc field.
CamHH Namefl
Dolph Camilli, veteran major leagut
player who managed in the minor
1eagu.,, hu been added to the llCOUtinl
staff of the California Angels: to cover
the San Francisco Bay area.
ST. LOUIS -1'1 llave to be .. ,.,,.
ffre," V1d1 Plllloa. aald •• H 1rW
OD a St. Leala Card1uh uniform fer
lbe !Int lfme Mooday. "Y'" -1d .... '°be. feol ... to be."
'Ille llaefuall Reda traded -lo tbe NaUoaaf Leqw eUmpr.. ta-
medlatdy followlq t11t World -fOl'~-M_,1-
and ..U.f pftekr w.,.. ~.
'Shee' Rfi!lea
ARCADIA -With a steel red atlII
lmhedded In his lefl lea. Bill 51-laker
vaulted l.rito the saddle Monday for the
first time in nearly a year since be
broke tbe leg In a spill at Santo Anilo.
1be veteran ridtt wu aboard Only
Baldy, a stable pony, but wu el1ted
about. the ride.
"II felt real good," SboemHer aald •mlllni, "better than f thouiht It wwld.
The knee ts atill a little Weak but the
leg la: fine."
CNellu Oppoaefl
Jack Qa1lce of the Untvlnlty ol
Callfonlla al Santa Barbara, .,._
of the COlchel' rulea -ttaa
commlltae, -!bet the A-ic. FootboD O>atbeo -tlon volcod !ta
._ttloa lo • return to .... platoon
footboD by a bti mojorlty. · "Collea• football had Ill lll'Ulfat
....... In hlatoey durlq 11!1,.. Clirtlco
oolnted·eut. "Tbe ..-ar na ..... of coi.
lqiata football -the reaction of fans,
players aod coachea bu been Mh that
we ean only conclude this hu -a put yelr. The ruin recommenda1loo
-feola tbal lo -al the ... lbeuldhelellalaM."
'Ille fOOlhall rulOI commlt1ee -nut wee1c at P•lm Sprtop aad la an
IU~ bodJ' Which la not WIC'ff I lt.J
ll*lld otUler bJ lbe -or 1111 NCAA. But In ""' ol. tbl Giii sdm•
-al tbe .,.,_... -ct tbe NCAA. Qlrtlco prtdldad tbe n11 • .... ....... --w-.
Foo•taio • Valley
•• . vpt:._ 62, NO. 6, 2 SECTIOh!S, 211 PAGES ORANGE C(?UN'TY; CAL~NIA
Beach City Attorney Demands Secret S~~ion
ot .. o.ltr 'll•if .....
Councilmen discussed aalaly ranges
al the Huntlngloo Beach city attomey
aM his staff in a secret pel'1IOJlllel ....ion i4ooaY night following refusal of lhe
IJ1llYOr to call the aessloo.
After a meeting of about one hour
beh1nd closed doors, called by the council
on a 4 to 3 vote with Mayor Alvin
M. C0en. and Councilmen Ted Bartlett
and George McCtaclen1 v;oOng "no'" the
COWlcil agreed to adjust lh< aaWy rang~
of a deputy city aUomey for wblcll
the city currcnuy la ~~.
The somellnles bitter debale began
w~eo Mayor Coen notod Illa! Bonfa bad
given rthe counctl a lone .opinion on
the groUnds for holding execuUve
sessions and asking for one for hill
department to dl5cuss salary ranges.
"ll the leSSion ii Wed by an employe.
the councll abou1d grant it," Bo"nfa said.
"If in --!be council finds the topic ls oot subject to w:J111lon
wider the. -l\llPb M. Bron Act, the
council should retum to open ....too
to di8cust 1be matter." · -.i
Mayor ·Cc>en -aald-he did not 'reel
discussion of salary · rana:es Is a matter
far executive sessi.ona. "Personally 1
would rather not discuss this unW after
the ularJ aurvey is e<pnpl""1."
"I made a request,". Bmfa retorted,
-to Trial ·Tod~y
But New Postponement Action:by Defense Indicated
from Wire Senku as proceedina1 began. When the -defense moved,· a member
LOS ANGELES ·-8irlJAD Bilhara Grant B. Cooper, one of three ddeme of the proMcutloli ~ wbal wu golog
Sirhan walked calmly into court today attorneys, made the motion to go -mto · on, and Jddge Walker replied: "I'm for the at.art . of bis 'trial on charges . chambers, aaylng "lhe nature of this in the dark too." ol murdering Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, motion would only complicate matters
but there ,were strong indications the if made in open court." Cooper has-·been ordered to appear .
trial would be postponed a fourth Ume. Judge Walker noted that other moUons this afternoon. in U.S. DL!trlct Cow1
Superior Court Judge Herbert V. also were pending and agreed to the to answer a federal grand jury's quts-
Walker immediately granted def~ at-closed sualon. Uons -which be has said he will
temeys~ motion. lo. go into chambers Three ... otber motions also were 1n-• not do -or show cause why he should
to bear another moUon. traduced, but the defense s.iiJ it con· not be held in cootempt of court. The
_ _._.""'-""'"''Jt_~OL1hL.Dc.w.....moiion_was__ _...sidem1 the first _ LbL.m.ost impertaut.._Sftban case wag to sLacl several houu_
not disclosed, but it waa considered likely One of the other motions wu to quash before Cooper's federal court. ap-
that it would.seek a po~ponement. the indictment on grounds the grand purance. ·
Tbe 24-year-old Siraho, wearing a qay jury wa~ improperly selecte4, and the Cooper can not be taken off lhe Sirhan
suit and blue Ue~ sat down at The klClg rest were general moUons to dismiss case ucept at Sirhan'• request Cooper
counsel table and waved to bi! attorneys the cue. could withdr,1w1 but another defense at-
Sirhan B. Sirh11n
Attorney Cooper City Presses
Action on
Citiz!3nsCommiuee:P."/an, : ~e:fin~r ·· · ·
(:Gen Suggestion
WinsBeachCouncilOK 1~~~E~~
ceJller wu .-..i Mondli by the
Mayor Al vin M. Coen Monday won
counclJ approval for more citizen
part.iclpaUori in government In Hun-
Ungton Beach.
Mayor Coen suggested formation o!
a large citizens committee to a c & as
"A pool of talent on which the council
can draw in making studies or the com·
plex matters on which councilmen must
The main function of lhe citizens group
agreed to the mayor's plan and the
administratlon Was directed.to draw up
a list of names of personJ whl:> 1t01ild'
be willing to stand by for a call to
city service.
Seal Beach Girl
Charged in Wild,
would be to relieve councilmen from·r H • h. S d Ch
the many sub<:ommittees to which ~· ig pee . ase
are attached and often which prevent ~
the councilmen from attending to policy A 16-fear-old Seal Beach girl who
duties, said the mayor. allegedJy drove a stolen sportscar at
Colnlcilman Jerry Matney Pointed to speeds up ti 110 miles an hour through
the matter of the Talbert Waler District five Orange County. co~~ties,, was
example o( how a few citizens chargt;e1 M~ay ~Ith dr1v1ng ~1~ut u an a valid drivers license and violation serving without pay could have made of curfew.
the investigations which kept a co~ ·A Juvenile Court referee ordered the
committee busy for months. · iirl lo nl\Ull lo J'l'""1\< lla!1 Jan.
Expressing doubt t h a t the ·IJ'•tem ' 2l for .• •bearing 'lll •the· charges, He
-ould work Councilman.Heney Kaullnan Cliioed the detenUon bearing i.;.,orderln(. w • the release of the &lrl In a.. C1lllody aaid that "what you are talking about of her mother ' ._
i. an ad hoc committee and they do · . The g1rr1· ~olon In )be Wild d1M
not work out very well. ,lut-Tbunday Ls bela(. belit In 0rango.·
"I think we are commltteed'lo death Coan11'jall pendlnc,"*1 ~L
around here. I think · the problem of · Pllrlct D. f'!leln, 11,.<ll-Loag Beaeh,
the cltlw>s committees co>Jld be solved ·. '™-· ~ Oil smptdon ti srand theft
HunliDgton Beach City Council
Cooncllmeo aiao insltucted the cay
admlnistrat:or to recoinmend t t e p s
needed In secnting an architect for the
projecl. "
CouDc.ibnen unanimowly agreed to
the writ.big of a jolrit powers aareement
with the county aftei: Citr ~-
Doyle Miller recoouilonded -o1 a oew civic ,ceQ!er rather than CCIDltruC""
Uan al a ~ lildltlon lo the prea-ent poitce laillltlllL
"We-have a ltte and the wl)' to pro-
ceed ii tot! post haste with _a joint powers a -ent wlth~t!M county and
to begin ediately to hire lft -archi-
tect," Miller told the councll.
He began by-exJ>l'!olbg that the police
facilities were too smaD for tbe force
now at work and 1nticipated over th1!
next year or two. -
Colt of temporary quarters would be
somewhere between $17,000 and $25,000,
depending on who does the actual work,
he said.
"We can build the new building or
we can bull d nothing and get moving
on a clVic center with a combined police
building," Miller said.
11~ ii available and rather than to sW1 further dissipation of our
1QODe11 dOel the council object lf I pro-
c.ed with the joint powers agreem«>t!"
Miller uAd.
· Q:1!1ncihnfn Jack Green moved imme-
(leo CENTER, Pare II
Si.ele Markets by using the staff more." 8~ : . . . Councilman Jack Green said . that ••1 Pl..,..ua poilce ·first ~ the . --------------
don't want the start to ge\ into policy ·~ ~uple. and sparked a chaae NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market
matters. we do have a reservoir of ... whic~·wom~ JU wq tbruuB!l.Anahelm, clpaect with another sharp loss today
people who have asked to become ,in-Buena Pal't, Cyprt:u, and Lai· Palma. as a surpriJed Wall Street reacted to
vblved in city government. Seal Beach police joiMd ~ and another hite1n interest rates. (See quota-
"(}u t of 105,000 people Slllely w~ can Loa Anfelel counlla' unl(J In ~ blgh. Ucxia, 'Pag" l!H7).
ftnd people who can lhint." . speed pursuit when ~ couple 1 <;,Jr The di'op In stocks was close to Mon-
After much dlscussicm all coUncilmen came off the San Di~go Freeway at day's, delplte some late recovery of
r Los Alamitos Boulevard. louu.
'Seal Beach Teen
Held at Coiwty
Jail in Slaying · .
Juvenile Court autbor1uM .~•,
ordered detention In Orange COW>ly jail
of a 17-year-okl Seal Beach youth accuaed _
of slaying an Anaheim m11J.
William L. Fitzgerald, 180I ocean Ave.,
was ordered to return to c o u t t Jan.
23 for a contested hearing. FUqerald,
deteribed by officers a1 an unemployed
doncer, will be repruented by a publlc
~~ was arrealed ind boobll
"' munler cbargu TilJndaJ -be IIlep!ly gunnod down Vlnoeot IL Qt.
lemall, 21, al ~-... Fullert4n pulko .-rt thal a quarrel between the two
-.,.. Ottanan'• former glrlfrlend, Mn. Manuel Cervantea, 16, of the Seal
..... --. led It 1111 allootJnr,
Offleers Named
Beach Commission to Hear
Final Plans,· Cost of Parks
Final plans complete with cQJt flaures
for a central city fpart bl Huntington
Beach and a nel"ork ·or neJahborl-1
parka will be d~ .Wedneada;y nigbt
by the Recreation and Park QUlmtalon
81 ii mUOI a determination al tht
torney, Rll.aell Par"'!", bu said be
would not be ·wllllng lo. proceed wlthoul
COoper. ..
Cooper has said be would refuse to
answer grand jury q~OM OD bow
he~ lo-·-lnwcripll
in the Ptilrl' Club card cbealtlll ..,.
because of the \ "lawyer.client" reJa..
Uomhlpo. HI& cllenl wu -al !he convlclod of cheating clUI> member!.
Defense mgUQN_ and ,J!l'.f~:_lltlection
are ex~ted to tale two weeks Bod
prmntaUon of. evidence by ·both aldea
two month!I or more. There are ln-
dlcaUons that more than 200 witne&As
will be called.
.· .. -
I DAILY I'll.OT r.....,, ""'""' 1, l'lftl
Strikers Close filoWn ··cafeteria . ., SF State
,,_ __ -'
WI rRAHCIBCO -a.a -, -Co11o1t·1~wuclootdtoday = .... ~-and
'Ille coJIO(e was reopll10d Mooday In
ttlaUve peace after lhe Christmas boll·
day, but union te&ehers added to the
school's •!ready Jengthy Ilsl of Woeti
t,y their walkout. They were joined in
picket lines at campus cntrapces by llrlkJH sludeni. ll"om mlnorily organlza·
Uon1 and the Students for a DemocraUc
Thirty miles aw1y lhe College of San
lifateo also reopened calmly under police
protection, but the home of Philip c.
Garlington, dean of instruction, was
!ittbombed early today by arsonists.
Garlington and hi! wH.-aped injury.
Tbe San Francisco State Collqe
cafeteria closed after about 100 union
"Workers there voted to honor the
teachers' picket lines.
"SllldenLs lhould brio& lllldwlcl>el Ute
l cfo," Mid Al:lll!c ,_t ' L
lhJaUw• ""° bu -.cl to keep the
<l!llpol open -police latte Ind volunteer t<achen·U neeasary.
The str!tlng union leaCben Ind mJnorl.
ty students threw an •ggressive picket
Une across the coUea:e entrance today,
noisily challenging class-bound students
and faculty.
One Qlinese student scuffled wlth a
Chinese _,.plcRt and a N~gni p~et as
police arrived, but classes appearfld to
be starting normally on a cold, foggy
The teachers, who claim to represent
about ooe-quarter of the faculty ol 1,100,
got formal ltrite sanct.lon from the San
Francisco Labor Council Monday.
San Jose Slalo College, lO miles 10
the 50uth, fact.s a slmllar teacher strlke
Hayakawa, wbo reopened San Fran-
cbco State Dec. 2 after student violence
* * * * Dumke's llltimatum
~ clolod I~ Mondl,y lndicalod ~
.lie -keep n open Ill 1-o1 a..
union lldlon.
"I don't know bow I om going to
atop them from cloeing the achoo!,·•
Hayakawa saJd of the striking American
Federation of Teachen (,\f'T). "But
l am going to try. I am not going
to accept It closed by anyone." ...
IJe made tbe llatement after San Fra~ cilco state re6pened Monday a1. ·th4
e.nd ol the Christmas h o l -i d a y a
Classrootru1 were generally tilled despite
picketing, demonstrations and jeers.
There was no major violence but police
arrested five de.mQMtrators on charges
of intimidaUng nonstrikers and using
The teachers support student strikera
who have boycotted classes at the 18,000-
student campus since Nov. 6. They also
seek higher pay, more voice in college
policy inaking and official reeognltioo.
'3 More Days to Strike~
the state colleges or the !itate ot
C1mpuo Opens Under Strfnv..,t Now Rut.., W1tchful Ey" of Pollco
teachers have three more days to picket
at San Francisco State College -after
that tbty've "resigned," says Chancellor
Glenn S. Dumke.
Dumke said AFT demands fall Into
three categories: traditional trade union
matters, conditions of employment, and
aupport for student demands.
Of the first. two, Dumke said the
school system is unable to negotiate
with the AFI' because the union "bas
no contractual relationship with either
He said the "'Jlcllers were attemplinf
"to exploit .•• controversial items lot
publicity's sake" by siding with the Black
Student Union and the Third World Front
in demands for more student voice 1n
running the college.
~nother, Pennsylvania
Jet Cr~hes; 11 Killed
BRADFORD, Pa .. (AP) -For the out.
second time in' two weeks, afi' Allejlfl!flY .:-"fio ·on~ was thi~klng of themsel"._es~··
'Allllnespro]f]Jci'ailied in llad weaUifr -""lcrch~~""'"'Y;""M: "'of~DO-·
while trying to land at the. •irport here. ing town, Pa. We were 1ust trying to
Eleven people were killed. Seventeen get out everybody we could. The school
others, most of them 1eft hanging from boys were wonderful. !hey handled
their seatbelts when the Convair. 580 thems,~lve3 like men. I m proud of
flipped upside down Monday night, them. . . . crawled to safety on a snowswept golf Allegheny Airlines •. wh«:h baa bad ~ee
course. fatal plane crashes since 1t started flymg
A l~man investigating team trom the passengers in 1959, said it had no reason
National Transportation Safety Board, to believe there is any link between
concerned aboUt the • • a Ul a z t 0 1 the two ~ident.s oear the 2,loo.lqot-blgh
simllariUea" of the two •ccldeiill, went Bradford Regional AJrport. There are
to work today to find out what happened. no plans to stop any flights, a spokesman
A si milar team bas been .iovestiga~ 331.~dbe Ja•-t -ash was Flight 737, which
the Christmas Eve crash.of~~ ~ -" flight eight miles away that ~ ori~ated In Washington, stopped in Har·
_, 47 oo~--i rlltiur_.g bd, wa1 ~ for Erle and
"" persons a .... ". De.·: tr. ol~ "". t first a aiti was Flight '136, ·~ .. e wu · no panic," said ~-Ddy .," , • ·~ -which gote the olhet way. Cherico of North Eut, Pa.1 a paSleOgtt. Both were Convair ~. both were
"It ail happened too fast. mating Instrument landings in snow,
"The 'no-smoking' sign had already both turned over. ~th had more
come on and the stewardess was check· surv1vors than d~ ~ were coming
ing the &eat belts." in after severe win'tet'• st.Onns. Neither
Suddenly. said John Schacke, 11, of pilot. gave any warnlnp. Both took place
Mechanicsburg, Pa., "It felt like someone about a:m p.m.
was slamming the left aide with a ham· Cherico, a ,World War II pilot, told
mer. We ran into me limbs, turned Allegheny of:ficlall he could think of
over and slid. I wound up hanging up:i:ide only two aplanaU<m: "The fllght chart
down. Someone yelled to go out the for tbt airport Js ofl, or there is
back." somebody in tbe area with a citizens'
Outside the survivors organized and band radJo operating on the: same fre-
"ent back for those who couldn't get quency u the atrpcrt."
Gunpoint Showdown Told
In Costa Mesa Kidnaping
OI t11t Dair. l'lltl Sit"
A kidnap suspect who allegedly held
off a handful of Costa Mesa officers
lor 45 minutes with a Laguna Beach
policeman's gun while they reasoned with
him to surrender without any violence
was arraigned today.
Rolo••f N. Wotd
l'•1ticlenl •'Id P~llllWr
J t ck "· c •• 1 • ., Vier l'r••IM111 •ncr G•n•••I M1n19tr
Tho"'•~ A. Mw,,~;,,,
M....,t~t Etolf<'
Al~•·' w. ••••~ wa1; • .., •••' ,. .. ec11te 11'''"'"'1"" 11••<1'1 ECl'110r C•!f Et.iar
"''" ...... ·-· Offt<• )09 Jth St•••I
Mttfi"t Adir•n: 1.0. lor 790, 91641 ...........
~ IMdl: 1n1 Wt1I ..... loultvltt'•
(Mlf ~M : la Wut lt,-S!Jftl
~~·m11=.,.11.1.DAILT '°ILOT, •I• -lat! It. <~ "'°
....... h$, 'I Pllllllthld dtM' •~<r11 !,u,,. .. llt_, ................ L_....IM<fl. 'Nf-' ltf..c!'t. Cni. MfN. H...,11.,.!0fl
SW--f"Wolt1lol Vlllrf, ·~ wllll t ,,.,1on.i M lliOl'I. o'""" c: .. 11 •11bO•~·"~ c;c.._",. "'"'u"ll Pl•nll .,. 11 n11 W•1•
......... ..~ .• Mc•,,...1 ···~~. '"" ))0 ... st 8ty )l~ttf. Cnlf IMN.
• T•pl 1•t t7141 '4J~JJI
t ,.,.. ••• I ••• C.il .... , JJI
Cl ....... .W.•th ... M2·U71
~. ltM. Or•,,. C-1 P'lllllttllll\f ~. ,. -••• ,t ... " ..... , .... .. ............... .,, ....................... . ...., .... OMlll'l""""'~i.I =••• ... • C#Wllflt ....,.
................ NMtlM-99ttcltl .... ~Jiellt .... ~ "*'7'•1191 ..,
'-""" 11.n "-"""'' ... l!Wih ... "'*'""'' .._,. 11Fft'..., llJJ l'Mftllllr.
The District Attorney's offict Monday
issued a five-count complaint with
charge! ranging from kidnap to assault
wlth intent to commit murt1er ·and assault
with a deadly weapon on a police
Shots were fired during the alleged
abduetlon of the Lagupa Be a ch
policeman's wife in their Victoria Slrett
apartment Saturday, as the victim and
!iuspect struggled for a .38 cal. revolver,
investigators said.
Unshaven and wearing a dark. mod·
sty le sport shirt, cook Marvin E. Alex·
ander, 29. or 2700 Peterson way. v.•as
marched into a holdlng tank· at ·Harbor
District Judicial Court about 8 a.m.
Judge Donald Dungan ordered Alex·
ander returned to court Jan. 13 at 1:45
p.m. for prellmlnary hearing and set
bail at $31 ,150, a substantial drop from
the $.5(1,000 figure originally attached.
Alei:ander, who worked at a reslau·
aurant at 1~ W. Adams Ave., Cost a
Mesa, wilh the victim, waitress .Dianne
Carter, 26, is held on charges which
could coru:eivably bring a death penalcy.
Mrs. carter wu held hostage in the
mspect's apartment for more than one
hour Saturday, police llld, but.doclined
to say if she was preseat during the
45-minute siege talks with Alexander. ,
Detect:lve Capt. Ed Glasgow said a
neighbor woman was staying with the
victim, who had etpressed fean for
her sarety, when the predawn case broke.
Mrs. Carter's husband, Kenneth, a five.
year employe with the Laguna Beach
Police Department, was on graveyard
duty at the Ume, but was sent homt
when the emergency was rtported .
The victim was treated at Bristol Parle
Medical Center after the orde•I •nd
relaued lo the care~ her husband .
The unldeo!Hled neighbor WO!IWI •ho
reported the alleged obduction -hentlf
apoorenliY c:lloked as sbe tried to dial
police fOi help a first lime -dld not
require medica l treatment.
Vice Chancellor C. Mansel Keene told
newsmen of Dumke's decision Moo--
Beach Orders
On Research
day after 300 members of the Americ,n
FederaUon of Teachers set up picket
lines around the college.
Norman Epstein, state ct1Uege general
COUMel, said that under the State Educa-
tion C.ode an absence of five days by
a teacher without approval constitutes
an automatic reslgnaUon.
The teachers ct1uld appeal to the State
Personn<I Board, Epotein added.
Teen Captured in Denver
After Mental W ardBreak
Sin Franclsco State reopened Monday
after a long ~as vacaUon with _ •
. B~ildng ,.ill !l&DJllll _JL.caotract;Y1ilb-.-a~W<lent..S....J. H8j'akawa. an--A.CunpJ!endleloo Mariniwho.escaped E"'conontl~ Research As~oclates, _(ERA) nounclng he ~ld brook no last Dec. 14 from the mental health
the Huntington Beach ~1ty Counci l Mon· disturbances that would prevent students ward of the Orange eoUnty Medical day ordered the admmlstratioo to find from attending classes. Dumke said that .
out ~f Dr. Thomas Ashley was still policy was overy, very reaSj)llable.". Center has been recaptured Ill Denver,
working for the company which is to Dumh characterized !triking AFT Colo.
make an economic turvey of the members as a small minority of the Orange County sheriff's officers today
downtown area of }he city. faculty. He said only 350 faculty said they hope tG have Michael E.
Dr. Aahley aaid lbis morning that members, many ol them part-time in· Moynahan, 19, back in Orange County
although he is no longer directly with structors, belong to the labor organl.J.a· jail "sometime this week." Moynahan
the company, he has been retaine,d as ti.on. There are l,300 faculty members was being held on armed robbery charges
a coDiUitant to make the studies in at the college. when he made his successful break to
H1mtJniton Beach and to ·iu1flll other
contracts with which he i.!I personally
Dr. AJhlty·~d he now is worKing
for the Jrvfrie Ranch Co. as director
ol. ~e»pmmt strategy planning.
"~..trvini Com~an:y has been mOi!lt
umlerstanding' in allowing me to finish
the project· in Huntington Beach and
others," he said. "However, the quality
of those at ~RA and their work does
not dePend on any one individual and
I am the first to acknowledge this."
The city, however, had agreed to hire
ERA on the understanding that Dr.
Ashley would be. making the local
economic studieii which could lead to
modernization of the old downtown.
City ·.Atty. Don Bonfa. who wrote the
suggested contract between the city and
ERA specified that Dr. Ashley WU to
do the job personally and required that
Dr. ABhJey sign the contract before the
city would accept lhe pact.
City Administrator Doyle Miller told
the council. that Dr. Ashley had asked
for a copy of the contract and that
one had been sept to him. "We have
not heard from them.''
The contracts will be presented to
ERA and Dr. Ashley, Bonfa said and
if both the firm and Dr. Ashley aign
the city will have tied each to completion
o( the job in the city.
Dr. Ashley quoted cost figures to the
city of $25 per hour for services ·.:
a senior member of his lirm, $10,CkiJ
for the market analysis and as much
as $14,000 Io r -feasibility studies on
several possible projects Including t h e
pier modernization, of r i c e • h o t e I ,
auditorium, civic center, beach apart·
ment. Industrial park and freeway in-
"We have a meeting scheduled for
tomOrTow," Dr. Asbley said this morning,
"and I ei:pect to be there u ususl."
Fro1n Page 1
diately to proceed with drawing the
agreement and added the reeommenda·
lion for obtaining an architect as soon
as pcw;ible.
Although Councilmen Ted Bartlett,
George McCracken and Dr. Henry
Kaubnr.i ·have oppc:lied locadon of the
civic center on Uie Main Street and
Mansion ·Avenue site cumntly under
condemnation, they did not object lo the
action by Miller "because the agree-
ment is needed no matter which site is
used for the center," Dr. Kaufmln aid.
Councilmen also con.tented to negotta.
tiON fOf' a l'olnl powers agreement
whkil would ead to COOllltnlcUon of a
new $3.11 million central city library.
'Ibe ct1uncil called a special meet.Ing
for 4:30 p.m. Jan. 14 -to d1'cuu the
purchase of the civic ctnter tile from
the owners of . which the Huntington
Beach Co. is the largest.
Councilmen Dr. Kaufman, Jerry Mat·
ney and Donald B. Shipley wlll meet
with representatives of the ownen: for
further negotJaUoos on the site acroN
Main Street' from HUllilnlton Beach
HiJth School.
There'1•1ninp principle involved
here. T!ie jlofnt.Jm1t to pu£41Paey
&W11y, But put It to -r wi.!jvmllli-
-rjak. ' :: ii ' BoAk of America time~
earn In annual rate or S % 'intereat
paid to you ev~ry 1ix month1. A1
1urc •thine•• you'll find in our age
of uneertaintY.
Ir you lib, the internt mooey can
be credited to your chcck!n1 ot qy.
i1111 account, In ract, by puttinc the
lnterat in. a &Dk of America pua•
boOk. account, your total annual rate
of return cxceed1 S %. Money-men
call that a hi1h yield,
Never underestima.tc security, After
all, our customers made us what we
arc-the Iare;est bank in the world.
Sometimes it's better.to play 1afe
than play the numbcr1 1ame. But
even if you're the speculative type
(and relax)
.f r-eedom.f rom-the. count)l-hospital...
Still at large is his companJon In
the successful escape, John H. Miller•
19, of 8828 St. Andrews St., Westminster.
Miller was awaiting court arraignment
on charges that he was one of three
men who broke into doctors' offjce1
at Garden Grove to obtain drugs.
Both men had been assigned to the
ct1unty hospital for psychiatric in·
vestigation ordered by a Superior Court
cur Bank or America time ccrtilicat ..
can round out Yout portfolio nicely.
There's strene,th in a rtlcntlesa 5%.
One thousand dollars minimum puts
you in business. Drop in and ace us.
We also have 91 other services to help
you with the bu.!liness of living. You.
c~uld easily stay with us for life.
for the business cf tMng
The c:lty 1$ ellglble to oegotlata Joint
powers 1groements with the county because the cltr contract> wltll the
county for health "'"I"" and _..,.
ably would wan( to allow apace In a
new center for a county health ortlce.
... ,,,..."6lrllhlt• .... ~· ..... ,... ....... c. I I I 2
f (
J iLaguna
I ' • vol! 62, NO. 6, 2 SEc::TIONS, 28 PAGES . . ORANGE COUNTY,' eAllFORN:.. . ' ' '
" 1
.. • Summer White Hous~May Be on C9(1St
By lllCllAllD P. NALL
Of .. O.llY '"" .....
Will Laguna Beach becqm< the siln
of a summer White House tor tbe Nilon
This Intriguing possiblllty loomed . t ..
day, triggered by reports that represen-
tatives of the president-elect · have been
looking at hl~r.ic, Pyne Castle whtch
standJ like i hillside fortress at '770
Hillcrest Drive.
nte: owner, Thomas A. Merrick, was
unavailable for comment. However, his
wife Leila con.tinned that Merrick had
shown the lkoGm struct~ to represen-
taUvee of. the new administration. ·
City Manager James D. Wheaton, who
had Ulked with Merrick about the 1be wood ~t the strueture la •
posalblllly, said Merrjck'hadn' lndicat.ed fire-pioor..t ~ termite, jrut.ed run.>
any deal had been made. d -·'-·-··• ., ...... _ood ........ "He IMeirict) seemed· io, feel that uru ,......._., uu """'w ....,.,..
they were •"'1 tot..-1n the pOSslblJi.. 0"" rdnftl<Cld cooo:ete. st.vied 111-1'9,
ty of a summer White ROUie there. it toOt tbrtee yean kl Complete.
It's large enough to sustain the alaff nib 'cuiie cbotainil· ltt~ •-
and has an olymplc al>ed awimmlng and cubby boles, two h(za1; 1 ~, pool: (~llY. filled · wipi dirt)/' said arid s!Jhds' on five acres ot
Whealo!J. , , . Wit include ~o 111eit houses Ill !lie
The Uiree-story,structure, no" ~erv1ng sanie SWlsS motif and a· ~ bmt.
as an apartment building, was built J Pfn< used goa(!' rnllll ' In . puiau!t Of
by Walter Pyne, an eccentric mllUonatre a health regimen. 1 • 1 • •
and one of Orange County's big spenders M'"erri'.ck acq11HM11"" tile c.allie ; J ri .
of lhe 1920s and 1111111. F~bniiui 'of 1tier"Wh;,,i il/e &trucfutti
Pyne apparently went to Switaerland was built, there wu little In ClllfOnli• \
for lhe bulc delliii C<lllcepl. It lncllld..t thlit could have held a caildle lo It a ballroom on the third floor. for opulence,
Ca·se De'l!}ye.d
Court Adjourns Until Wednesday Afteritoon
. . .
delayed trial of Jordmrlan immigrant
with defense motions to delay or dismiss
the case. After 90 minutes or ar&\4l0ent
the case was adjourned until Wednesday
In chambers where U!e defense tried
to win a further delay . in the case
which has been pending for seven month!:
since the New York senator was
Pre1ident·Elect's Aides Reported Negoti•ting for Historic Pyne Castle
Laguna Planner
Qyde Springe's
Father Succumbs
Emit Zepelin-Springe, retired civil
engineer and !alher of Laguna Beach
Planning and Building Director Clyde
Z. Sp{.i.nge. died Monday at his home,
• 551 Anita St. He was 75.
Mr. Springe had been a resident or
Lagu:la Beach since 1940.
Ful'\(!ral services will be held ~t. 1 P:m.
Wedntsday in the cha!"! of Pacific V1e\v
Mortuary. Corona de Mar, with inter·
ment at Pacific View Cemetery.
A nJ,turalized American citizen, Mr.
Springe was born in Denmark and
served as an officer in the Danish Army. its engineering traininf was taken in
e army officers schoo in Denmark.
Well known in Southern California cir-
lts, &e was involved in design of many
"ldilp .-in Lagw\a Beach and else·
her,. He de.alt wilb sUuctural design.
1 lukl been retired about three years.
Sur/ivors bclude his widow, Nancy of
e ~ home ; his son, Clyde; two
auglit.ers; Lieschen Taylor of Laguna
ch and Elizabeth Mason of Yorba
'nda; and nine grandchildren.
Lugunun ForJ,nd
ead in Auto
lon g Freeway
A Closla Mesa policeman Of) routine
atro~ round the body of-1 l..agmll Beach
erosjace engineer spralfled clown a San
iego Freeway embank:ment near his
larked car earl y today.
· Unmarked and with no indfcaCion of
l:Jul play, the body of Howard L. Malik,
8, of 1091 Skyline Drive, .was taken
) Westcliff Chapel Mortuary, Costa
Coroner's deputies planned . an ~
mination there to determine what killed
1e research designer, but -poll Ce said
appeared to be due to a natufal
1use of some sort.
Patrolman William Sanders was aouth-
~und on the San Diego l'reeway one-half ·
lie east of the tilirbor Boulevard
ramp about 3:20 a.m., whtn be stQpped '
check a car parked with lights ·on
~ engine runnin g.
inding no one inside~ he cheeked '
surrounding area. dilcovtred tbe \'IC--
down the embankment a short
lance away and radioed for an am-
eanwhile, Police Lt. AusUn Smith
,. i-red and the two lawmen together ... e4 the body up to freeway L ~!!ll
: ert it wa s determined he wu DeyQOa
:: he ambulance call wu cancelled ud:
~ 's deputies arrlted oo the ~
...... te charge of the investigation.
all); was employed for six years
research engineer for lhe Autonetics
·s1on of North American Rockwell
in Anaheim, acrordin.g to his wife
• 10. YfAl'I· Foneral arrangtmenta wers
today •' the mortuary.
Laguna Officer's WJfe Superior Court Judge Herbert V.
Walk.er turned down this molioo and
Arraignment Set '£"AA~ f:.E~0 s;i~:i ~~~ ·
. ~],·. lie declined to allow t w o juries, one
For Suspect ih~ K~oop' -· ~'fi~~YE~ °S~
. *' ... f , 1 • TRe trlal wq 1nly a minute old when
delme attorneys Obtained a """"'-in chambers With the proseeution, Judge
and defendant. After an hour's discussion
the principals returned to the courtroom
and the trial opened.
01 tM O.llY ~1111 Sllfl
A kidnap suspect who allegedly held
off a handful of Costa Mesa officers
for 45 minutes with a Laguna Beach
policeman's gun while they reasoned with
him to surrender without any violence
\Vas arraigned today.
The District Attorney's offict1 .Monday
issued a five-coWlt complaint with
charges ranging from kidnap lo assault
with ihtent to comm.it murder and assault
with a deadly weapon on a police
Shots were fired during the alleged
abduction of the Laguna B e a c h
policeman's wile in their Victoria Street
apartment Saturday, as the victim and
suspect struggled for a .38 cal. revolver,
investigators said.
Unshaven and wearing a dark, mod·
style sport shirt, cook Marvin E. Alex·
ander, 29, of 2700 Peterson way, was
mlin:hed into a boldlllf tank at Harbor
District Judicial Court about a a.m.
Judge Donald Dungan ordered A~x·
ander returned to court Jan. 13 at 1:45
.p.m. for preliminary bearing and se•
bail at $31,250, a substB.ntial drop from
the $50,000 figurt originally attached.
Alezimder, who worked at a restau·
. ' NEW YORK (AP) -J'he stock market
closed with another abarp i.,.. today
as a surprised wan·Stnet reacted to
.anotber'hih 1n interat rates. (See quota·
lions, Pages 11-lf),
aurant at 1555 W. Adam! Ave., Cos la
Mesa, with the victim, waitress Dianne
Carter, 26, is held on charges which
could conceivably bring a death penalty.
Mrs. Carter was held hostage in the
suspect's apartment for more than one
hour Saturday, police said. but declined
to say if she was present during the
45-minute siege t.alks with Alexander.
Detective "Capt. Ed Glasgow said a
neighbor woman was staying with the
victim, who had expressed fean for
her safety, when the predawn'case broke.
~frs. Carter's husband, Kenneth, ~ !Jve-
year employe with lhe Laauna Beach
Polict Department, was on graveyard
duty at the time, but was sent home
when the emergency was reported.
The victim was treated at Bristol Park
~1edical Center after the ordeal and
released to the care of her husband.
The unldentlfled neighbor woman who
reported. the a)Jeged abduction -herself
ae?.&1ently choked as she tried to dial
police for help a first time -did not
require medical treatment.
, : Mrs. Carter" was also struck in lhe
'head by her husband's .38 cal. service
revolver, which was fired two and
possibly three times ii'1irli. struggle with
the assailant, according to reports.
,one ahot was fired into the noor
as a Warning · after the intruder took
lL away~P,Ollce ,said.
Del411& oC the final stages of Alex·
.ander't:· arrest, in which the armed
susptci had to be talked into surrender,
were not disclosed until after in·
(See "KIDNAP, Page !I
The . slender one-lime race track ex-
ercise boy dressed in a light blue suit
and wearing a blue tie was ushered
into the eighth floor courtroom alter
passing through a steel-walled
passagewll)' under heavy guard. The
prisoner appeAred more serious than
at previous bearings and small in com.
parison to the towerinl guards.
He apparently d1d not immediately
pick out his mother and a brother who
!See SIRHAN, Pase I)
Decision Slated
On Fifth Trustee
The board of Laguna Beach Unified
School District may make a decision
next week on appointment · of a filth
trustee to replace Don Tobin who resign·
ed .
Dr. Nonnan Browne, board president,
said the board had na.gowed the field
of 11 appllcanta to two persons. He
said the board would decide whether
to appoint one or seek other applicanls.
"I kind of think we'll act nei:t week '' ' ' Browne laid. He lald tbe board will
be meeUnc Jrt. uecutive session tonight,
chiefly to heir the superintendent's
evaJuaUon of two adminiatratois, but
would probably allO dllcua the trustee
Re~ort Pl~:µ Sparks Batt~e
. ' Sleepy· Hollow Residents Protest Vacation . Village;.
A verbal donneybroot over proposed
development at Vacation Village in
Laguna's Sleepy Hollow broke out Mon-
day night between arta residenls, plan·
ning commisslonen and developer Loren
Haneline. ·
Haneline SWJik permiMion again to
add 14 unila to . hia esilUng 116-unit
resort hotel com~ an addiUon of
two stories to a three level building.
Commissioners, after looking over JJI.
)'tat old plaru, newspaper clippings and
~ drawings, decided they needed
more Ume to cooaider the matter and
set it over to their Jan. 13 study aeuion.
Several area rtlidenll were .. llpoken ·
In tbelr prolal of lllll' expaoaloo in
the area.
Charges of a "promJscuoos'' develop-
ment were mild• in a leUer by Mrs.
Mary Tosh of 683 SleePI' Hollow Lane.
She charged that parking problems
•IN!adJ plague the area, and that
Hane~ haa abused city variance pr~
Mn. Kuy l..ounsbery of 1566 Ramona
Ave., claimed l'lolations of city building
and Oft codm Gist in a pre.sent building
in-the Rlnelineldevelopment.
·Fite ofrldalJ contacted this morning
st.te.r the Ulnnl of "building code"
devlatlool In the ~f Towers action
la not.known.
"'Re (Banelloe) does have some cor·
ttctioos to mate." Fire Marsha.I Jamea
Prwoo, said. He and the building
department would be invesUgaUng,
Prwoo noted.
The Commission was not interested
In what is happening In existing units,
Chalnnan Fred Briggs told M r 1 ,
LouoJber)'. He aald lhe1 were cooalderil!I
only the proposed development. Pollclng
o( the complex falll uoder othir llUtllorf·
ty,,he ~ pallnoUy. , · .
.......... lqld ~ bjl plona
far the dmlppmeill have note=
llllco ince1Jlloo In , ill!. He
aa old newopaper·accounl o( Sle<pl
Hollow ~plel '° b«k up hil 188ei.tion. "I doa.,t kDoW ot 111)' either dtvelopment
I pDIMd, '!1111 the ...,. eherQ .. tllls
Gnet'f 11.neMne aid. . Planntna commbafonerl wller had
denied !lllidlnt'C ·nrlaoce application
to add 11 uolll l!l8inlaJnlng they oeeded
a -projection of r-. develop-
H°"'UM appeaied •to the city council ·
and ~l~lmed tllo comm1a11on • pollUoo ·
wu Yirtually. a moratorium on boOdtlJ&,
Couiidlmii> ..,::t.N U1 the eppeil Dee. I 1s wblcla led to dellial. • . ·
• '
.. ~-,
' l
Sirhan 8. Sirhan ' '
! ) •
HEADS DE.1'.ENSE TEAM ' . ' '.AltO..n,y C~r·
Capron Land, Niguel
' Assessor ~lans '1.W atch ·
On South Coast Area
The rast~growing Southern Orange
Coast area wall be the target of most '
intensive reassessment this year, CoWlty
Assessor Andrew.Jf Hin.shaw said wtay •.
Hinshaw Jndlcated particular.:, aUedtion
woqld be pa1d to the Capron ~
between Monarch Bay and Dana POint
which Is now under development.
He also said the ~guna Niguel area
which is bemg develOped rapidly wou1d
be C!Olely checked.
Badham Vrge_s
Party Unity,
Quits Race
Of .... O.DJ ,.,... .,.,,
SACRAMENTO -In order io avoid
''unpleaaa.ntness," Alsemblyman Robfrt.
E. Badham CR-Newport ll'each)I at the
last mrtwte 1tl.thdrew hill• c.ndi~ for
the J•b of Auembly apeal<er i*o lo!!'.
a ataff aide said today. . •~1
Auemblym>n Cher lei ' Jj 'CObnla (JI,.
Sherman Oako), the Rep·ublfc'a'n JeatlmhJp'• candidate, '""1 t~' poa1
Ml>nday lo • ourprlllngly c'* -vote. The 3S minority votes were all
cast ·by Democratl 1 o pp~ r II n 1.
Aasemblyman Leon Ralph ( p ·Lo 1.
Anlelel). . • •
Badham .with&.,. Iii. ~ stm.
daj', lollol"ih¥, a mtelln& with_ other~
GOP ~~ \., Jobn, Hopwood, tor'• . ....,WM.,,_. aubtan~ ' ~..,.j ......
"He ~ded nol lo nlQ ~ Uil ~.
of por1¥11111ti-," llopwood ~-."II• wanted to ~ 183' . sp1lt ( ,. r ,
tmple111at,. ~ u. Nrfy1 •• dOll't..
want to atart out wlth any ·ICbfRna..:1
Hopwoqd . optclllat«I ~ u llodhain had"""" to remain a~ lie•
-ld ,haYO _,,with a~
of Replbllcall ll!ld Detnocrallc....... f •
Hinshaw said there would be no blanket
reappraisal anywhert,in the couoty. He
expects 1969-70 w1l.I 1how a lower pereen-
lage or growth in the ·county's total '
a1SeSsed value than the 10 percent a
year It has been averaging. '
Valuation now stands at $3.2 billion,
second highe!t among the state .. s A
Hinshaw said he eipected -.accelerated
building acti.2,, up so percent over 1
If." year, td llie •alualloa 11p county
wide. •
1 PivJ>erly . . "W)ll reap !be beotfit '
of a $750 eieri'tption granted.by Propci.t.
tJon 1A approved by tbe voters in Novem-
~. This year taxpayers will get a
flat f10 reduction oo. their taxes.
' Orange Coos&
• Weedier
~ ' I .
It's "misty" •gain, Jud drivers
.;JI be. helplesa u a :k111an up .,
tree, at le~ till ~11 when
sunny. skies will irevall under 67· dflreO temperatureo.
When Chiefl<{Ultice Earl Wa,...
I ren IWt'GTI 1n·1w.aro M. Ni>
on as Prfdddt-1~ thne
lflll bt '"''"U IOhO .. Ill, rtcoll
llacif' pqlilical ftwl wllich b-
Jil ~' ~o. Page g_
~ .......... ~-If~ 5 =-·· : ........ ': .., Dll9 ..... II or... ca.tr 11 ........,,. .... ,,.._......, M
-· •111111f ,, .... .,.. ""'' .._ ..,,, ........ ..tt :=. =-;: Mldllf ... • .. ~ 11 =-Mlftlft '*-: I Ml ,.....,.. IS ,......... lf. ~.... • ....... J~ ,...,,,.~,. ...... ..
.\ • )
' p .i
t D.111,f I'll.OT
Change Due
On Sideyard .
Zoning Plan
Wbat do you ha.. wboo you lal:•
elPt ~ In slcley~ off of a IAl-Bed· lot 1$-feet wide? You. have 17
bul1dalllo feet. •
Sha .. --feel, ... a !lailnJ and -.... for a llllnlaJ, a 1-111
-told Coundlmeo, ..i ,...'n '°'"'
lo 11 feet.
Councilmen qned with Ar<h Buch
lletchla raldents ,... -k that the
fOlll'foot llldeyard sttback r<qlliremeat
Rtlned. a bl.t much.
They 1e111 the iona·pelldinl ron1111
ordinance (Jilt) back to the city attorney
lot a molaloo to r<qU!re only three-fool
Eldon Koeltr of Newp>rl Buch Clll-ti-councilmen that wtlb four.foot
lide)'anll Ibey ..... buUdlnl a future
•lum. Rel..... lo Ibo fin upact ol
..tbacb, be pointed GUI thal tho fin
-.. onlY aboUI ... feel -the COOllldlcbam&er. llabin L. Martin, !OM La Mlroda,
favored the four4oot oelhackl. He had
,_ ~a fire. Martin allo men-
-"" to aet In Iha aelllll>Dn
yard lo " wtnilowt and "".:= ~ 011fflrleol uu f<r olde)'ard llDd-' lluberl Llcbler urpd cou•!dlmon lo
~~ wtlb lboolbls ol window
wllhlng and think ol tbo -1• wbo
w<Gld !lve in the future bomu.
· Mayor Glenn Vedder, after tome
arithmetic, said that with four-foot
aideyardJI and other front and rear aei.
bacD a l.500-lqU81'-fool lol would be
1M11111P 1480 BqU"" feet of uu.
lie indicated that the reoultlnc namiw
garages wouldn't leave room to pt the
driver out of the ear. Councilmen are
erpected to hold first readif!g on the
ordinance -with three-foot aideyarda
-wbell 11 ii morned Jan. a .
• ' ""'' ··~
• I
"I'd AdvlH y.., to Orab '11111 One , , • Tlllnk of the ThouHnd•
Who Wotchecl the Parotle and G1me on TV and Ara HNdecl
Out Here Right Now.''
Four More Classes Added
To Handicapped Program
'lbe educationally handicapped pro-Additional funds are provided by the
gram at Lagu~a Beach elementary, school district.
intermediate and high school has ~n Students may be referred to the spe-
doubled with the adtlltlon Qf four new cial skills classes by teachers or par-
aped.al ski.Ila clURS '° the exl!Ung ents. l"oltbwtng a battery of paycholog·
• fou~l.al skills classes art for students ical and physical tests, as well as parent Moulton-N1011el ol avenge lo ahoVNverqe ln~IJ. =::·in~W::.'iOlll committee
. . _"1:'-....,. wbo.,. achlevlna -~In..,. "A. amt many 1tudeota can auall(y,
.. !, Ot..CJn-' 1\1\1\ ._ . uJ;_ tcbool cl.::.•-~ .. _ . _ but we have to _be very selecUve,1' Mra . f.:l:J:::--~~~----:=aenti -iiiltr . , __ ·=1~ ,somtar)'-ot-opoclal
Se £'-. · trated al)d lndlv:lduallllcl at~U..Cur· Genene Kluck, a -graduate In sociology
wer '-'UDtraets ttallJr, .. Jfudent'I ~ ·~ lli,lbe from. low~ 6iate University, teacheo I
Seven. contracta totaltol more than ~tt ptovtc:IU ·$500 fot the ~. Jfi;h1al sJ:\~ class at Laguna Beach
$Dl,000 for Ntrer and wit.er ~ °'aue Kielua, a graduate of the Uni·
were awarded thla week by the Moultcft.. venity of IllinQia, is leaching at Thurs·
Ni,uel wai.i: Diltricl. Fo~er Oilman t011 llllamiediate. TIM coetracta an part ol the il1ltrlcl'• •a~ Mn. Grace Meluso Is teaching the
Pbue u muter plin. The l)'ltem will new primary class held at Aliso Sch®].
provide aufflclent waloi: and ""1tallotl ln1' ured. by Horse' Mn. Me!U!O is an E'glbh major. She
tU I-·-•• ~~ J V'-'· dlltrlct was graduated from Pomona Colleae. llD •1•1 -....-ii, • ..,,,,._, Mn. Patricia C1.4nrilngham a gradU1te I~~ .=:·coatrlcu went to tbrtt RetJrtd oU man Frink Thori1pi0n of or the Colltt:e of the Pacthc lnst'ructJ coatracton. The awarda wre tor man 1.quna Blach wu ruUnc easily today the speclal sillls p~gram at Top of The
tball llMOJIO al ~ M......W Hoapltal deJPlte In-World School.
Thl'ilwer' 11•m !!~ • illt I: ,.llY04,-11~n ·ltll l&feaMld commanlUu., _ ,..,0, Cliplllrane ,:IJocoa, llli>Ped on him. Hlfhlando; Laruna Nlpel end Iha NorUt · "l'vt lle'en on t1Ht ground many Um••,"
.\merlCln RociweD, Aulolletlca faclllly. lhe \Otleru ltonmaD nld. "Bui I've
Lina wtII eo lo a rq!Oltll wule • nenr bean lllPPtd. on before." w-reclamallon ladllty at Allio .,,,.._, eD\l ll1Wlbonte Road, ,. ..
lleec1I. • l<adfnr the quarter horae Sunday on
Water tine contrac11 lolallq llJll,000 Iha beach below the l\ancbo cerrtloa
for Mllslon Viejo ama ...,. grllllad Boanllnc Stablu Juli IOUlb of Corona
to two coatr1ctor1. deJ Mar whtn fQJnethtng "spooked'' the
Completloa of oil oyllt!ns i3 d u e horn and ahe knocked him to the around
this sprina, Kymla said. -and llapped oa him.
The aewer C wtII be paid '" He wu lal:ea lo Hoac Hoapital with by genenl ob 1Uon bondl 1pprovtd a coocuuloo and a fracture of the left
by voters last July. Also, a federal :iboulder.
i?lllt will fund about DDO-thlnl the COlll.
Laguna Surfers
Stage Oean·in
Laguna Beach Surflu Club members
and illeguarda held a clean.Jn Saturday
to Udy up the beach area between Thalia
and OU 1treets.
Prom Pllfle J
'!''ere sealed at the rear or the courtroom.
The trial began at 9:40 a.m. and
chief defel\lle counsel Grant B. Cooper
immedlelely totd Superlor Court Judge
Herbert V. Walker he wished to make
a moUon in chambe.r1 and with the
defendant prennt.
Clilld Improves
Following Wreck,
Mother Critical
·A 2~~-ycar-old Sari Clemente boy today
wa1 !arlna: better than his crlUcally
injured mother, both viclimB of a one-<ar
traffic cr•ah Sunday morning near
Corona de! Mar, hospital apokeunen said.
Dwi1ht Markwl, who suffered head
Injuries in the morning mlahap, ha1
been taken out or Hoac Memorial
Hospital's intensive care unit and Into
pediatrics, where "he spent 1 gC'Od
night.'' hospital spokesmein uld.
His mother. Mrs. Roberta Markus,
32, remained under intensive care, still
Jn a coma from critical head injuries.
They were hurt when their car Jos\
control and rolled over in a field next
to Pacific Coast Highway a mile south
of Cameo Hi1hlands. · "The ruponte WU &ood. About 19
memben of the club showed up lo
sweep and rake the aru," Pierre Michel,
club prelldtat, ttporled.
TIM club also plans lo buy a park
bench for Thalia Su.et, Mlchgj oald.
The Lquna Surfina Club. now one
Ytar okl, hi.a ot.her commwllty projecb
in mind, l'illchtl said.
Mrs. Elise Robb, Dana
••Mrl N. W.••'
P'1tliftflt tftll M U""'
Jt1r. •. c •• , • .,
vice PHitlfitftl ... o.-.. ....._..,
lli•111•• K1t•>I •• 1,.,
ri. ...... ;.. ""'''"'~• Mtllftlnt ltl!Or
a;,1r,.,4 P. NtJI '••I Niu•~
L._. kf(I!.• A""'9nltl"'
City Efl"' lllrf'd•
i..,.. IHc• OfftM
tit '-'••• .... .
M•"""' AM,. ... r.o .... "'· t1•11 --c.. .. ~: nl W,.I In l~I
......,.., 1-e"Cfl : 'tll """I .... hUlt'ler• """'ifo""" htclil' ... ~ ,, ....
Civic Leader, Succumbs
Elise de La Fontaine Robb, clvlc le1d-
er and wife of Dr. Robert C. Robb or
Dana Point, died Saturday at Cedars of
Lebanon Hospital, Loa Anrilet, where
she had been a patient since Dec. 9.
A memorial service for Mrs. Robb will
be held at St. M1ry'1 Epllcopal Church,
Laguna Beach, Wednesday at I p.m. The
family has suggested contributions may
be made lo the SoUth Coe1t Community
Hospilal or ttle American Cancer Society.
Born 1n Frince. ?i.1n. Robb, iE' Street of the Green Lantern. came to e
U.S. In lllf. Siie and her hUlband •
came pmnanent ruidtnta ol Dana Point
in lMO, hlvtq lived in Puatkna 1lnoe
8ht nctlved • B.A. detrff from Bar·
nan! Colltfl and her mutars dqree ·
fn:im ColumDla Univentty. She wu 1llo
lflduattd from the New York ScbooJ oC
Social Work.
Mr1. Robb was a board member of
South Cout Child Guidance Clinic; The
Auxiliary of u,, South Coast Communi-
ty llolpltal: Women's Auailisry ol Ille ·
Or ... e County Mtdlcal As>octaUoo;
bot.rd member, Pasadena Commlttff on
Alcoholllm: IPOl!JO', Lquna Beach Com-
munity Players; board member, LICUM
Beach Civic Ballet; and Lyric Opera A>
IOC!atlon of Oranae Coun{y.
Htr profeulonal uperlence Included
teachtni. prlv1te practkt: and more than
3tl Ytan of cue work with IOclal weum
CIVIC LIADlll 0111
Mro. lllH It°""
held a Cameate Found1tlon Grant for rt·
111reh In UnemploYl!lent Study, Ne.,,.
York State.
Mra. Rol>b'a widowv. Dr. llobb. hll
medical offlcoa In Lquna BelJlh. Ht II
s :ec nd Crash in Area • '
,11 Kil-l.edi17 Survive in PenJlSylvania
• · DADP<>llD. ~ (AP) -For the · Mc"1d-time In two w'eeks. on Allegheny
AJtlllWI prop !ti CS'lllled In bad WeJther
while lrylnl to land at the 1lrport hett.
' Elev~n people were killed, Seventeen
ot,ller1, most or them left hanging: from
their aq.tbelts when the Conva1r 690
lUpped upelde dawn Monday nlalit. odwled° lo safety · on ~ snawawept pl! ........
A IG-man iDveSU1aUng twn from t,he
NatJonal TransportaUon Safety Board,
concerned about the ' ' a m a z l n g
similarities" of the two accldMts, went
to work todaf to rtnd out what happened.
A similar team hu been lnveatlgaUng
the Cbrlstmu Eve cruh ot an. Alleabeny
fll1ht eleht miles away lbat killed IO
of f7 penon1 aboard.
'"1111n wu no panic," said Sandy
Cherico ol Norlh Eut, Pi., a -Iller. •·11 a11 happened too rut. ' "The 'nlHDlOklna' llca had a1rtad1
come on and the ~ardess wu chec)i-
lng the seat beltL" ·
Suddenly, satd John Schacke, ti, of
Mechanicsburg, Pa., 11lt felt lib eomeone
was' slammlng the left side with a ham-
mer. We ran into tree Umb&, turned
over and slid. J wound up ~anginJ uptlde ·
down. Someone yelled to go out thft
Outside ·i-the ,urvivor1 or1anized and
yrent ba, for thOle "~ ~llldn't set out.
"No one was thinking of themselves,"
said Chet Messervey, 56, or Down-
ingtown, Pa. ''We were just trying tG
Jet out everybody we could. ne tchool
boys were wcaderful. They handled
thernaelv11 like men. l'm proud >JI
Ailegbeay Alrllner, which hu had three
fatal plane cruhel llnce It atarted !lylna
-en in 1111, said II had no ruson to believe there la any link between
tht two accldenll ~tar the 2,100-fool·hiah
Bradford Re&J<ina! Airpcrt n..tt are
no plans to Jtop any fli&ht.1, a apokeanaa
said. The latest crash WU Jl'llgbt m I whicti
originated in Wuhtngton, stopped In Har·
ritburg and wu bound for Erle aod
Dell"oit. The f1nt crash was F'Ueht 718,
which goes the other wa1.
Both were Convalr 58os, both were
ma~ in.strlllnent landings 1n IDOW,
bOth ' turned over. BoO't had more
survivors than dead. Both were coming
in after severe winter storms. Nt.lther
P!lot gave any warnings. Bot.It took place
about 1:30 p.m.
Cherico, a World War II pllol, told
AllechenY olflclall he could lhJnl< or
only two "PilnlUons: "Tbe Oishi chart
ror the airport ia oU, or lblo:t It
somebody tn the area with a cltbiD'
band radio operatlnc on the aamo ho
queney u the alrpart."
Campus Unrest Line Drawn
Reagan Asks Legislature Strike Hard on Turmoil
Ronald ~ ollortna Callfomta hie
Jiii -am. calltd on the llata leglllature toQ1 lo •lrllor hard aallnll
campue tunnolJ by lncreulng penalliea
for ltu®ntl, nonatudentl and faculty
involved ln disturbances.
The Republican 1ovemor, ln hil aMuaJ
"State of the State'' meauae, al.Jo of·
fered 111 tubatanOal periona.I ill90mtj
tax ttducUon." He didn't specify who
would gel It but prevlQllliy he had
promlled It to mlddl~Jncome famlllea
hit hanlut by hlc 1867 bllUon-dollar tu
incrtNe. . ..
of hla term were spelled oul in general
terms, but lleqaa 1o1 more 1peclfic
wbell he Wl<ed about lbg i-ol uarat
on California'• public collep campuaeo.
"'lblJ seaaJon, I will seek an omnibus
program cm Ibo safety and aecurtty of
our educaUonal institutions -to protect
the teacher, the 1tudent and the public, ..
Reagan said.
"SUcb propoaals would, among other lhinp, lncreue the legll J'«ll]U.. for
auaulta on teachers and students, ~
vlcle for the upulaion of atudtalt or
the dismia1al of teachers who Interfere
with the educaUonal proceu a n d
strengthen the trespus Iawa lo keep
trouble makers off the campus," he
From Pflfle l
KIDNAP ••. Ptedgfhc another year Qf economy,
Reqaa nld, "\lader no clrcumstancu
will I mipport ot ~111 lnlo law any . eou ,. •·-'-tax tncreue." veatlgators conferred WJth the District bound over to orange n.,. ~l'""~
_NP. ht.aakcLJor -ne>t1W!!!Ol'.!Jlllr-_,\J~~ __ -=~--" -~ "'~btoJle.Jl.-!~.Jo thejudlcial controll~aifd new . we a Pons I n tije war Detective Gerry Thom pion a n d court for preumtiiary nearing nut Mon-
a1•-:::crlm~. including giving police uniformed Officer Al M:Uir 'actually plac-day. atltbbrJt; to 'UH electronic listening · C Convlcilon on any comblnatlon of the devictt;when a Judie approv'es. ed the a~s~ct under . arre~t, apt. • charge!J Is llkely to result in a stiff
Tfie ipeech \¥II prepared for 11 joiPt Glasgo11· ~aid 1n Monday 1nterv1e\\'S. prison sentence, or possibly even deatb
session of the lcglslature. Rcpubi'cnns Other lawmen preRnt at the time In the San Quentin gas chamber .
~ hold narrow majorities in the Senate Included Sgt. Jim Greet\, detectlve1 Jim Under California's so-called Little
and. Assembly, where Democrats had Strickland and Max Wilson . plus 1 rew Lindbergh Law, a person convicted of
majorities in the first t11'0 years of not immediately identified in aftermath kidnaping in which the victim is harmed,
Reagan's admini!tration. confusion. even slightly, faces the possibility of
Many of his plans for the third year Chances are th1t Aluander will be an execution sentence.
· 's a 1avinp principle involved
e ~t ~·t to put money
Jl'ltlt: 16 work with mini·
m .rifk. I ;B~nk of America time certificates
"rp ''"""""1 "lt df S%.intcreat paid to yoi every alz month1, Al
aurc a thing aa you'll find in our aa:c
cf uncertainty.
If you like, the intere1t money caa.
be credited to your check.inc or 1av·
ings account. Jn fact, by puttinc the
interc1t in a Bani of America pass-
book account, your total 1nnual rate
of return cxcC"eds 5%. Money-men
call that a high yield.
Never underestimate !Ccurity. Arter
all, our cuatomcrs made us what wc
arc-the largest bank in the Y:orld.
Sometimes it's better to play safe
than play the numbers ll:amc . Bet
even if you're the speculative type
(and relax)
our Bank of America time certificates
can round out your portfolio nicely.
1bcre's atrencth in a relcotlcss S %.
One thousand dollan minimum putai
you in bu1ineas. Drop in ud 1ee u1.
w~ alao have 91 other aervicec to help
you with the bueineat of Jivin1. You
could eaiaily 1tay with us for life.
for the bullnna d IMn;
SM tauaht at UCLA llcl!ool of SOclal
Wolfm: New York School of 8oclal
Wort, Coltunbl1 Untveralty: New Y o r )C
Unlvtralty: School of Social Wellar. Ad·
mJntatnUon, Chicago Univer1lty; and htr 50Je survivur. '----------------------------------------
• ' I
-I I'
-~ ---• • I
3 More . n ·ays I to Strike
Dumke Threatens to· Oust :SF State , TeacJw.s· ·
Campus Opens Under Stringent New Rules, Watchful Eyes of Police
SF Cafeteria Shuts Down
Hayakawa Suggests Students Bring Sandwiches
UPIT .......
Semanticist Hayak•!f•
Parties Name
County Leaders
Orange County's Republican a n d
American Independent party organiza·
tioos today named chairmen to their
respective county central committees.
David L. James of Anaheim is the
COP choice. James, 39, a public ac-
countant, will represent his party on
the committee for the next two years.
John H. Ortman of Yorba Linda ls
the selection of the A m e r i c a n
1 ndependcnt Party. Ortman, 48, also was
appointed to the central group for a
tw~year term.
Orange County's Demoqalic.Q8!J.y cen-
tral committee named Its dlauman last
July. John ll. Dean, a Garden Grove
atlorney, was elected to , \he. tJ"P-Y~
post at that time. 1 •
From Wire Services
SAN FRANCISCO -San Francisco
State College's cafeteria was closed today
by picket lines of striking teachers and
The college was reopened Monday in
relative peace after the Christmas holi-
day, but union teachers added to the
school's already lengthy list of woes
by their walkout. They were joined in
:picket Jine~ntraru:e&.l>y __
striking students from minority organiza-
tions and the Students for a Democratic
Thirty miles away the College of San
Mateo also rOOpened calmly under police
protection, but the home of Philip C.
Garlington, dean of instruction, was
firebombed early today by arsonists.
Garlington and hi! wifHscaped injury.
The San Francisco State College
cafeteria closed after about 100 union
workers there voted to bmor the
~rs· picket lines.
"Sludeota 1bollld.,bring sandwicbes like
I . di>," said Acting President s. L
Hayakawa· who has vowed to keep the
campa open with polk:e force and
volunteer teachers if necessary.
iThe striking union teachers and mJnorl·
ty students thrtw an aggressive picket
line across the college entrance today,
noisily challenging class-bound students
and faculty.
One Chinese student scuUled with a
Chinese picket and a Negro picket as
pollce arrived, but classes appeared to
be starting normally on a cold, foggy:
morning. ·
The teachers, who claim to repreaent
aOOut one.quarter of the faculty of 1,100,
got formal strike sanction from the San
Francisco Labor Council Monday.
San Jose State College, 50 miles to
the south, faces a similar teacher strike
Hayakawa, who reopened San Fran-
cisco State Dec. 2 after student violence
had closed it, Monday lndicated doubts
he could keep it open In face of the
union action.
.. I don't know bow I am going to
stop them from closing the school,"
Hayakawa saJd of the striking American
Federation of Teachers (AFT}. "But
I ain going to try. I am not going
to accept it closed by anyone."
He made the statement after San Fran·
cisco State reopened Monday at the
end of the Christmas b o 11 d a y a •
VPIT ....... 'AFT OUT OF LINE' '
State Coll19t1' Dumko
Park Renamed
For Featherly
A surprise annoUncement Monday night
pleased retiring Supervisor C. M.. "Cye"
Featherly when he was told before 600
friends that Sycamore Flats Regjpnal
Part bu been renamed Featherly
Regional Park In bis honor.
The 11 million part. la under denlop-
ment on the santa Ana River near
the Riverside County line.
Supervisors made the name ~hange
last Tuesday after getting Featherly out
of the meeting room. It was a well-kept
secrf:t until the dinner at the Disneyland
Hotel Monday.
The allait honored Featherly upon his
reUrement arter 20 years on the board.
' LOS ANGl!L&!I (AP) -Slr1'lnl
tucherl ba•• -..... dQI lo plclttt
al San ~ stita C6lie,e --
that 'tberve ·~, .. aayl: Qasnllor
Glenn 8. llumb.
Vtee ,,,_...., C, Mwel-lold
newaMn ot Dumb'• dedllon Mco-
day ~ IOO memben ol Iba_..,.,,
Fedenllcn o! Teochen at up plctol
nn.. """""' the.college. .
NOl'DWI Epddn, a.te ~· ........
c-1, oald that -the --llon Code an .-ol' ftn dQI by
aQ 1ntoro1Hc restinat.iaD.
Tba teacbera could 1-1 to the Stale
Pnmmel B6ard, Epoteln added.
Son Franclaco Stale _..i M"""'1
after a long Cl!r-.a vacation With
adJng iftstdent S. I. Hayakawa ...
nocmclng he would b r o o k no
dislwl>anoes that would pre•ent students
fr<p attending clwes. Dumke oald lhal
policy was 0 yery, very reasonable.'.'
Dumke characterized 11b1kin8 ' AFT
Seal Beach Teen
Held at County
Jail in Slaying
Juvenile Court IUlhortUa Monday
oniered det<nlloo In Orange COmlty jail .
of a 17·yeBMld Seal Beach youth accused
of slaying an Anabelm man. WUilani L. FltzgeraJ'd, 100S Ocean Ave.,
was ordered to return to court Jan.
23 for a cootested hearing. Fiirjierald,
described by officers u an unemplqyed
dancer, will be npresented by a public
Fitzgerald was arrested and booked
on murder-cbargeJ ~ after he
allqed(y pnned -·-Vincent R. Ot·
teman, 22, of Anaheim FuUertoo police
men over Otteman'• former girlfriend,
Mrs. Manuel Cervantes, 28, of the Seal
Beach address, led to the shooting.
Mn. Cervantes told offlcen ~ ·h a t she,
accompanied by Fitzgerald and her 3-
year-old son, Damien, drove into t h e
parking 1ot of a Fullerton medical center
and were confronted by the angry Ot·
teman when the ywemvla inbr gtrsdao
teman when they were walking tawarda:
the building.
A witness told police that she heard
Otteman and Fitzgerald arguing about
Mn. Cervantea and that she heard Qt.
teman aboutlng "nO, no" before three
shots were fired. Fitqerald made no
attempt to escape and aurrended hla
gun to physicians before police arrived.
Mn. Oervaotea who oald she -Fitzgerald as Collb Hahherg, told offlcm1
that the weapon wu a .32-caliber
revolver which ahe kept in her auto
for prolectlon.
NY's 5th Avenue
Invaded by Rats
NEW YORK (AP) -A colony of
rats apparently is entrenched on the
center strip of faahionable Park Avenue
between 58th and 59th Streets.
Buildings on t b e block house expen-
sive apartment· dwellinp and hotels.
After residents reported seeing more
than 100 of the rodents foraging in
trash cans and tunneling lnin _the gra.uy
avenue divider, Health Department
workers scattered rat poilon in the aru.
The Penn Central Railroad has been
asked to tearch its tunnel under the
paving for possible nesting sites.
One woman living in the area com-
mented : "The idea of rats crawling
around on children in the ghetto really
hits home When you see tbtm on Park
9to.rt 7h.e 1'/ew (/ear Right I
~ u • llDall mJnor'1 ol the faculty. Ho aid "1ly •• bicWIJ
memben, mahJ ol them poH.ume in..
lllnltlon, belOllil to the -arpntia.. ttoo. 1bere ... J,lllO flCllltJ memben
at the collqe.
Dum1:4i aald AFT demandl ,faU Into
U... cate1orle1: trad.ltlooal trade unlon
matten, condittona of efliP,loymeo~ and
1upport forlolUdent denwli!il:
Of the li1t two, ~aid the
"•' I ... ~
' "" .. , In .J•dan '
~ .,.. ........ to oqotlale
with Ilia A1'I" WfdM 1111 -"baa no contractual rtlitlcmt!lp wbh tJthlr
the lllate colJeato .. tho lllate ol
Be uld the lellchm 'l'ft attemplb!c
"to elJllolt • , , controYtnlal liem1 !tr
publlclfy'a aake" by aiding 'with the Blad<
Student Union and the Third World Front
, In denwxla for more student volco In nlllllln8 the college,
Sirhan'sFather Believes
Son 'Hero' for Arabs
TAIYBE, !Jrael (UPI) -Bilhua
Sirhan, father of the man on · trial Jn
Los Angeles for the assusJnaUon of
Sen. Robert Kennedy, bellev .. Ilia BCm
ls • hero.
.. We know he ls a hero," the Old
man said in hil home on the eve of
the trial.
"We hope that Ilia trial will bring
before ~ world the fact tbat we want
a nation or our own, not Ia:raell, not
Jordani111:, but Palestlnlan.'1
Ing ·the California prelideotlal primary_
Bishara said lhere were "many good
people in America" who doo't realize
"how mud! hurt they are callllna here.
But there are many bad people .
.. And somehow the Arabs ·must make
clear to the good people that America
must come to the Middle East and
ICU.le things. We have always war,
alwaya trouble . Thlnp mull not be allow·
eel ta go on .as they have."
The elder Sirhan llYea In a two.atory,
atone bouae In th1s village on the we.I
bank o1 the Jordan River. Since the 7 Grove Couples war of June, 1917, tt bu been under
Iaraell adminlstraUon.
heAr.:::M:t: f=lnthethed%~1: Get 'Wasp' Money.
sector of Jermalem. Sirhan now tends Seym Garden Grove couples who tmnd
olive trees in a crove left to bim by that they·had to ab.are their newly ·com-~.f~~· blame lilnt," the elder Sirhan pleted apartmentl with hordes of newly hatclled borntaJI Wupl Will abare !11,000 aa.ld of bls son. "He Will a very COOd in damages awarded Monday in Super1or
boy, a very studioul boy. U be did Court...,4. ,
lhli -and. Ille facts aeem to llY that The apartmeot dwellen originally Ut·
he ml,)' have dont IO -it WU because ed fOl"':~mllllon whenlbey sued Farrow -belleved-he-wa1-dolng·~ Reallf~ DMiliijiftlemCO.of"tlil\Ra----
for his country." Grove, RelJAble Lumber Co. of TUstln.
"The magazines say that when he Rood · Bulldera ~ the City of Garden
watched television reports on· the Middle Groft. They 9ccePtec1 the lesser amount
East -the terrible things happening at a aetUemeµt conference JftSlded over
here -be would cry. I read an article by Judge Karl Lynn Davis. ·
which stated that bis employer said Lumber u s e d ln the construction of
the only time Sirhan was not talkaUve their apartment buildiog on Verda Street
and pleasant was when the situation in Garden Grove contained larvae of
in lhe Middle East was brought up." the Western Horntail Wasp, the ptaintiffa
The cootent.s of notebooks written by successfully argued. The subSequent
the younger Sirhan indicated he bad batching out of the grubs caused them
a hatred of Israel, and of Kennedy "great mental anguish and suffering,"
for his pro-laraeli 1tatements m.te dur-UJe complaint llJted.
Lost Bus Found
London Visitors Lose Transport.ation
dooble decked London bul painted red
Is not an euy thing lo ateal In Soothern
In the fJNt place, there aren't very
many. In the secood, bo,.. with the
Engllah Union Jack painted 1arlshly on
both sides are as visible u white ele-
Nevertheless soinebody did steal a rtd
double elect b u s with the Union J a c k
painted on It Monday.
Al a result seved EngllBlunen . who
were ·using the bus f« a tolir of the
world are stranded among the natives
oot hen east of Suez, wlll>out even a
change of clothe!.
The aeven left England In January,
1967 on a 21-year-oJd bus purchased
from a London junk yard. Since then the
bus bu taken them acroa Europe,
through the Mldellll, and acrOBS lndla
and down to Singapore.
The aeven people.to.people toarilta, all
ln their 20'1, have had their trials. They
got caught In the aeven-day Mideast war
in June, 1987, and ln Australia they ran
low on funds Ind bad to wort fer a while.
But not unUI they reoched Soalhern
CalJlomJa WU their bus stolen lnln Its
parking place nea en a~t Where
they ha•• been bouae guests fer the lad
The group Includes Ronald Sverdloff.
25, a London plumber, and Ken Wllfi>.
sou, 23, who ierves the campaQ1 u
cook. Albert Pidgeon, 23, wu a wine
•leward back In England, and DerU S.
Jones, 21, painted -· Other ....,. bera of the group are Robin Carter; 2S,
an engineer; Ronald SWJ, 21, I gas fit·
ter, and An~ a.;m.. 25, a car ~ter.
'l1lelr bus wu found early today
serenely contemplating the Pacific
Just before dawn, a lhetHJ'11 deputy
found the bua properly parked some 20
miles north at Malibu Beach with none
of the content! disturbed.
A tow truck moved the vehicle to a
service staUon and it was left to UM!
Britlst:lers to 1ettle tow charges then
proceed on their way.
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l I
G0P, Ta~ s '.Assembly
. ~ r •
B,~par.tisan Group H ~'48 ~ontr~l of Senate
SACllAMl!NTO (AP) -Conllol ol command ol tho lienato t"", hold by 'l1le two -ol!-a marked coa-
tba ~ A-l>l.Y1 l'll1ed comfortabb' a blpsrtilln ~" o(. veloraa .senaLOro Lrul bi mood and ICtloo on -,'•
with Bepublf<aes tadoy, ·whfle une111 coaltu1ted by ani17)'0llD&trrnt!lnbm. 09'llfnl U'1 Of Ille 1111 lePlallve -
v ........ DmlY ......
A Uverpool, England priest who
receved 27 Identical black sweat-
ers returned all but one of them in
exchange for a suit, the Sunday
Times reported. "This way, each
lady will think it's the one she gave
me and no one's feelings will be
hurt," the priest said. • Four Albuquerque, N.M., teen-
agers-John Amooon, Rolph Box·
!er, Donny G-.. and lobb~ Dl~o
-are using a 19" model hearse to
get to school. Asked why, their
answer was : "No one else around has one.•• • Slx\y checks ~g $15,000, sto.
len from the Portland Cheese fac-.
tory In Sparta, Wis., New Year's
Day, have been returned. The thief
put them beck where he found them -on a cooler.
• Wedding Bells.: •
When Deputy Sh<ri/f J.,..,..
KathTein inoe1tigated a pickup
truclc parked along lnttT1tatt 94
Mar MUioauktt, Wil., tht driwr
onl*' grunted at him. Then tht
oroner of tht tntck sh~d up
and t"zploimd he )tad run out
of gcu and ht had put his pia
Proopects of a n;!illod qlllfrlage between Miss Beryl Slocum, New
York and· Newport's No. 1 debutante of the 1960 aeason, and Adam
Clayton POwell III, 28, soo. of th8 controversial New York congress-
man, are the talk of the social register set. Miss Slocum, 26, whose
great-grandparents were members of New York's original "400"
social leaden, coofirmed that she and Powell are conSidering mar-
riage, but have not reached a decision.
in front·· ft :uldn·t get colji Lebanon Premier Quits;
A news release aboot the Hyper-
test Editing System that was pre-F H l t · l Aid ___ r:il:!= ~~1~$1~ __ ,.._a_ ~-~--a __ ts __ ._s_r_f!:~_ --~--
have developed a computer prvcess
which turns out flawless final copy
hundreds of times faster than any
conventional method of editorial
production. 'The process does away
with such editing aids as "pencils, int and "pastepost,' '' said the ne;ws
release. The flawless computer al>'
patently meant "Pastepots." •
Thla gleeful grin could bdong cmlV
to a happy ntto mother named Sophia
Lonn. Hert she sh0101 off heT mw
baby ion Carlo Ponti. JT., ae Geneva
Cantonal Hospitol, Geneva, Switzer·
land. • In Council Bluffs, Ia., Pottawat-
tamie County Sheri!! Roy WlchHI
found empty cells in his jail
and this note : "I sincerly
(sic) hope Illa! this escape will help
you get a new jail because you need
one. J knocked out the wall in an
hour. Sincerely yours, Mike and
Bill, K.C!'
From Wire Sen1ces
•Premier Abdullah Vall ol Lebonon,
under fire since the Israeli commando
raid on Belrut IntemaUonal Airport,
handed In his resipaUon today, but
a government'spokesman said President
Chllfles Heloo bu not accepted It yet.
Viet Cong Giins
Cut Down Gls
At dose Range
SAIGON (UPI) -Viet ~ machine
guns poked out of camouflaged jungle
posi~ons1 and, cut dofffl Gia only 10
feet away In a Mekong Delta battle,
U.S. spokesmen taid today. About 1,200
U.S. troops surged in, .!ltirrounded and
battered the euerrillu who flnall,y fled
In the night.
The Communlsta broke away in small
-. lea~ll!i behind ai least 54 ol
their number killed by the American
Tbe 17·bour batUe 300 yards from
the banks of the Mekoqa: River about
6i mlle1 110Uthwest of Saigon !ell eighi
American1 dead and 11 wounded, the
spokesmen ukl.
Molt of tbe U.S. casualties were
members or a coihpany of the 9th U.S.
Infantry DivWon which drove into the
stronghold Monday to investigate report.a
U.S. heUcopters were being fired on
from the ground.
Psychological warfare planes w i t h
string or well-concealed Communist
bunken and were wt down by automatic
weapons ftre, some of It from only
10 feet away.
Five other companies or 9th Division
troops joiped the batUe, throwing • CO!'
don around Iba Communist poo!Uons.
''Or. Y8.fi ••• believe& a new sHuaUon
demands a new government," said the
11pakesman. ''Big decislom h a v e to be
made, and Dr. Yafi believes the president
should have the oppartunity of choosing
a new man if he so wishes."
Beirut newspapers reported t h a t
legislators favor a national coalition to
replace Yafi and his four·man cabinet, 1
who have been severely criticized for 1 the undefended state of the Beirut
The newspapers speculated that a pro-,,
F.cPtian farmer premier, Ra1htd:
KaramJ. might become the nut premJer. ·
He , I e d the Nasseri le revolt againt
President Camille Cbamoun in 1958, when
the U.S. Mariues were called in to help
pit down civil war ,and his appointment
might result in a more militant stance .
toward Israel.
Meanwhile, France today announced
a total embargo on arms and rnilltary
spare par t s deliveries to Israel Jn
response to the Israeli commando attack
on Beirut Airport Dee:29.
An Israeli spokesman 88.Jd the action
had caused a "dangerous siluation" in
the Middle East and wouJd threaten
the French-built Israeli Air Force ln
a "matter of months."
Cycle Gang Raided;
Guns, Drugs Seized
GOLDEN, Colo. (UPI) -An early
morning raid on a small mOWJLain home
near scenic Black Hawk, Colo., resulted
in the arrests Monday or 12 person11 moat of them member• of the Devil's
Disciples, a Southern California-based
motorcycle club.
Police said they seized 29 guns in
the raid, including submachine guns, and
• quantity of suspected narcotics, some
of It iBD and marijuana.
Bemidji -19 • IS U.S. Low
Maine Blizzard Buries Greenville Under 48 Inches
St"'• /tloen. Tl<le• TUISUY s.w """ . lt:ts ...... t J ~.. $:Jt1 ...... , Wf:OllflDAY
FJ"ll 1'11$11'1 • ,\1!25 '·"'• S.I Fl"'! low .. . ''"'"'·'I kcond llflill ........ , 1l:Ol 1m.•I
Stc4tlf ................. •:1111.1'11. '·'
...... .... f!ll JA .... t :)f '·"'·
'"" .... ·~· ··"" ..... "" 1.P!'I.
V.S. S11tnmal'fJ
A -lflml wtlll Hll fll'Clt •Inds
·-ti-. -ll'IM•lef'll ''''" toclly. s-"''""'"' for .i• lndM$ er _.. .... """" """' ... ,.,. .... ~
"" Nh ~·,.. "" .. "" "'"' lr1wtfn• wam111t1 ,., ltftct llUll'IW9rd "''° 11\t Vlf'91,,llL
T"'9 l\l!lcwl'1 klw TllMd.IY rnoml"'
W•1 1' t..1-1t 9e!t!iifll. M IM .
!Sl'ft"wll .. , M.tli:w, r-IN 4 IM l'I•
et "' ·-911 !till l'PWlld •!Id Melot· M iier. Vt, l>M ~ llldlll. ""°""' 1torm w11 11~1dl"' lrOl'I Ille la.:lllc N11rlllww1! Into tl>t 110rlh-er" c..,,, P!1l111. Nr-'• Or. , ,...
celYM l.N ln(hn of r1hl durl.,. •
lHlaur Mt"lod.
'" c.,,,1r111 ~ ""' roor!Mn'I ,111on •
llt ......_ """"' ., .... CMllnl "" -..~mllf~.,...,
Ml .. '--Pl'K. .......... .. " ·--" • All11'1!1 .. u 811\~flt'"' " ..
'""""" ,. • '"~ .. .. ... ,,, v .. ...
Clll(.wo " " ...
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-~· " " ... M_ " • ....... " n ...
E11rW1 " .. l'orf Wot111 " ..
·~N .. • ....... " " """"" n " -~ .. " IC1111n Cllv .. " L11 Vt0t1 " " LCIJ AttteleJ " " Mlenol 9e1dl " " Mltwwltw " " ...
M~ll1 " ., ... ·-..._ " .. New York 0 .. ·" o.tlel'ld • " ...... " • ·--" ..
1''1HM1e._ll .. " ·" -· " • Pllllbl,o,..1'1 " .. ·" ......... " ,, '·" 11'1111d' CJtr .. " RN Bluff .. " ·-.. ..
$&( ... tnHll(I .. " . ..
SI. LOU!' " ,, ,.,11 ...... " ..
"'" o·~ ,, M ... Fr1...:l1(0 4 ..
SIM~ a1rblr1 " H
~~""' .. .. ·'·' ..... M " .. ... -· • ,.
W11hhWi9l'I • .. ..
llef)ubllcus.' uslD& tbolr< -11 ....
majority, OllU1 replaced Democrat J ....
M. Unruh ol loglewood u AIMmbly
speaktr 'l'fth Robert T. M~ of
Tracy, Wbo fmmedlalo!J said be thlJlb
lawmal<ll'l~more bybetw-
Bealon wcrt t1!an they. do ee tbe'lloor,
Ho plqed to b<ing the Auembl!
mJdllnery, "up to the mooo-«blllllc era
In whtch we live."
All II llepublicana and II of the 39
DemocraU voted for Monagail, wblle
the o4l>er Ill Democrala either dldll~
vote at all or were tblent. But their
opppoltion .... ceneraDy goocklatured,
and after Iba electlon Unruh -who
backed Mooqan -invited Monigan
to viait btm in hll new, smaller quarters.
Monagan, who auumed the speaker's
spacious auilt, quipped ol. its fonner
occupant: "He's got a broom closet, now."
Unruh became minority leader. and
Assemblyman George N. Zenovich of
F'resno assumed the Democratic caucus
Minority L11d1r Unruh Con1r•tul1t11 New Spe1k1r Mon1g1n
Chaplain Honore~
He Died Tending Viet Wounded
The No. 2 hoose job, that of speaker
pro tem, went to the man who held
it 11 years ago when Republicans Jast
cooLroUed the Assembly -Charles )J,
Conrad of Sherman Oats. He got '41
GOP an d·three Democratic votes, while
35 Democrats voted for Carlos Bee or
Hayward even though he wasn't official~
nominated and cast bis ba11ot for Conrad, \V ASHINGTON (AP) -The Medal
Assemblyman Robert Badham ( R.. of Honor was awarded posthumously
Newport Beach), who had wanted the today to a Roman Catholic chaplain
outpost in the Que Son valley, 30 miles
.south of Da Nang.
Job ol. apeaker pro tern, dropped bis killed \\'h.iie tending to the dying and
bid. wounded during a fierce battle in Viet-
At the end of hi.! year he volunteered
for a six·month eltension. In the fourUi
month of the extension, during Operation
Swift, be was killed. He was wounded
once, but asked medics to patch him
up and returned to the battlefield.
'Ibiop were different down the hall nam.
in the Senate. LL Vincent R. Capodanno, 37, of Staten· '
The absence of powerful and popular Island, N.Y., thus became the second
DemocraUc Sen. George Miller Jr. of chaplain to receive his country's highest
Martlnei -kllled by a New Year's honor during the Vietnam war and the The day after his death, the Maryknoll
Fathers said, a letter was delivered
to the commander of. the Marine nci•
ment to Which he was attached.
Def heart attack -cast a somber ·u•·-· histo mood, and a lloral wruth rested on third in U.S. Ill! -' . ry · .
b1a ¥ Navy Secrelary Paul R. Ignatius
And ~ of the group of IonaUme presented the medal to Capodanno's sma\l..Jk:~..wbo brotbe!J J~es_~.~~anno of .§.~~en 1114 uerclaed •nnn control of the upper -imnct I
house· for years faced a re-volt from The chaplain, who extended his Viet-
"I am due to go home In late
"I humbly request that I stay over
Christmas and New Year's with my
men. I am willing to relinquish my
thirty days leave."
Youncu and newer members, mostly nam tour for six: months, was killed
Democrat&. Sept. 4, 1967, during a battle at a Marine
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JEAN COX, 494-9466
In Spotlight
New years may ccme and go but Laguna Beach Philharmonic
Committee will .till have the same goel-raising furids for the Orange
County Pllllharmonic Society.
Tearing a page ft-om their successful 1968 project book, commit-
tee members again are staging a benefit theater party which w\ll·take
place tonight in Laguna PlaybOlll'e.
The pliiy, "Star Spangled·Girl," will begin-at 8:30 p.m. how-
ever some committee members and their husbands attending the re-
view will be in the limelight beforehand as h06ts and hostesses of pre-
theater cocktail gatherings.
Laguna Beach residents setting the stage to entertain friends
in their homes before the performancejnclude the Messrs. and Mmes.
M. Paul Sliker, Frederick I. Richman J,_-, and Edmund L. Van Deusen.
Theater-goers also will apticipate the Neil Silnon comedy over
cocktails in the Emeraid Bay home of'Col. and Mrs. Sidney F. Masn-
bir and the Mooarch Bay homes of.Col. and.Mrs. Willam H. Bruggere
and Mr. and Mrs. C. Sidney Johnstoo_. ·
After the play, members. an<ttheir 'guests will close the evening
with a buffet supperJn.the Hotel Laguna ., . ·
Mrs. Jame8 B. Keyes of Emerald-Bay is chairman of the black-
~aff~E-~_¥rs. J_o~_!'_ll___LMG:]l!'!'~.[~~ will be ~er hostes-
ses. ·
Supper decorations bave beeJ!J>la,Qned by Mrs. Mashbir, Mrs,
Fred Hilpert of Laguna Hills and ~-Jilin> H. Wwry' « San· Clei ente. '_'It ....
m The preview takes place one;~ ~ the opealng night'.for
the comedy wblch Is expected to nm-ll!r'1Ugha'"'. 25. ·
··'' '
Many-faceted Year G;eets Ne_wport Ebe/ls
hostess-pin a corsage on -ber ·dresl for the bl&C!<.tie'affa!r Whlle
Mrs. Frederick I. Rldunan Jr., (m mirror, left) peeks over her
shoulder lo admlie tile effect. -
Affiliates Called
Artist Shares Skills
Artist Claude P. Parsons will show his collection and demon ..
strate his techniques during the first meeting of the new year for
Affiliates of Laguna Beach Art Association next Monday at 10 a.m. in
the association gallery.
Paz:sons, primarily a natural colorl.st and flower painter, spent
his boyhood in Greenwich Wlage where be often served as a model
for mustrators and painters.
He received bis first instructloo In composition and drawing
from illustrator Walter Jack Dun<:an and became a textile designer
before serving In the U.S. Air Force as a pilot.
lils business career took him to Europe, Arabia, Egypt, the Far
East, South America, Canada, Mexico and Hawaii while he continued
painting and sketching. Thus he was able to visit galleries and study
all periods of painting 31\d the many techniques.
The artist's work shows a strong oriental influence,_ and after
study In Japan, he assimilated their concept of Shibul, using subtle
color end cootrolled restraint.
Today his works are known for their uniqueness in color, indi·
viduality and expressiveness in· using' nature in the widest variety,
said Mrs. Wllllam H. Bruggere, p~s chairman for the Affiliates.
Parsons bas ac!iieved success in·botl! art and the business world.
As a businessman, he has been written up in "Who's Who in Com-
merce and Industry" and as an artist he has had many successful ex·
hibits, won several awards and 8as been listed in "Who's Who in
American Art." ~
Mrs. William Giescben, program chairman, will introduce the
speaker following a short business meeting led by Mrs. Robert Cotler·
Hostesses for the morning coffee will be Mrs. Walter Larson
and Mrs . .Elizabelh Hume. Mrs. Robert Cotterell, president, Will wel·
come members with Mrs. Zacllary T. Malaby.
When Newport Beach Ebell Club members meet next Thursday
in their clubhouse, It will be the first meeting of their Diamond
Jubilee year. Lucky Book Section 7 will be aSlisling with the noon
'unclleoo to wblch past ]l"OSldents and Mrs. James McCalla, Or-
ange District president bave been invited. Getting in the mood for
their "sparkling" 60th year ere (lef\ to right) the Mmes. Henry c. Vaughn, Hai:ry:Goetzanc!RayNielson.
During the_ meeting a·finandal report on the results of a recent
auction and liouUque will be heard. In addition, final plans will be
made for the group1s· upc081ing Hard Times perty, Friday Jan. 24.
" ' . ,. \
Squaw Goes on Warpath When Papoose. Becdmes \Burd·en ... . . , . .. . . .
and J ha.. been having the lilllle
ltresomo argulll<DI for lour )'<lrL 11;1
l\m• It was oeUledJ -Wlll :10U do It,
Wbeo a couple IJ out iD public, who
.. ~ to carry the baby? My
lsubud says • husband IJ IUpp08ed
lo carry packqes and 8Uiloases, bOt
the woman II lllppooed to carry the
Jdds, -
Our little boy II Almos\ f and the
new baby is 7 weeka old. It's •ery
bani for me to bold Ille boy's band
when I haw to Wry Ille UtUe &ifl, 'II my hlllband would help me out by
...,in, lhe baby, tt would make life
)'<lr-Old boy who would Dke lo respond
to ·~woodshed Father," tbe man who
believes Iha! most kids today need a
dack In the mouth. Be also thinks
all Pl)'cbia~ are null, and that yoo,
Ann Landen, are a meddllnf old hag.
Granted, my father nev"er took any
sass from his children, but he never
took any love, respect, or affection from
us, either. Aud we.bad a lo' to give.
I tried hard lo be Ille 'kind ol boy
a father could be proud ol, but I learned
quite young that he wasn't interested
In being a father. He never once caHed Tell people w~t they ought to _hear.
me "Son" or even by my name. It Tell parents that kid.a need discipline
was always Hffey, you." I have no and that I.bey want it, but that they
recoUecUon thaf my father ever smiled also need love and teDderness from both
at me or held me on 'his lap, I can't falber, ancLmolb!r. Tell tlle;il .lbere is ' · a point •t wbicb strictneBa and· In-recall that he ever touched me, euept flexibility should end. And -II tt doesn'I
to crack me _In· lhe mouth. And '1" /l •nd there, Jove will end lbere.
90J110 mysterious reason U-cracu, / '...!INDJANAP.<i.Js WOOOOllED SON
In the mouth """' oJ,ways a llll!l'lse 'DIAR 80N1 .;. __. ._,, tie khld
to me. I never kne1f ·when one was of s* •D1 ,.._ wtald bl Jinac1 of,
coming. 811d I'll bet y-. l1tlter -proad of
Perlulps I shouldn't be too bard on you bOt be Wll nable to-lel'1M bow. f~•-Hi ·~·ghl ..... Poor mu. Bow 1'plt.y lilml Re ·llllloed my i.w.:i-. e ·.-u me one .. uua. It aJJ.
and for this I am gratelul. I learned
from him ~ KOT to raise chlldrei.
Please keep writing JIOU!' column. Aim.
CONfJD£mw. .to 1j 'BAD TO BE
MOONGLOW:' Not neceaiirliy. II could
• have been 80mething you ate. Or drank.
Write again in about 10 days -when
)'oU are rested.and' sober • u,.. .... troeble sew.i •Ioar wi~ ,_ ........ If,..-~ get -
lo lei yoa Uve y-. ow• life, -
for Aml Lucien' -et, "Boged 111
p .... 111 How to Get Mere ~~
Seod SI -io la otia wllll ,_. ... ~
ucl • loa1, ltll'Afed,' self~
eaveklpe. .. ·
Ann Lander> will bl c1'd to he!JI
you wl\h your ...,-.. Send -to her In care of l!le Q41L Y PIL0'1'
encloolng a alaill.,..i, llllf·ld-env•i....... " ........ ..
• •
------...... ~ . ·····' ' . ' . . . . .. ·.~
i(f DAILY ~ILOT Tllt$doJ, Jlllllllf 7, lM p;~~---~~~-~-~ii--m... il'll. ·Horoscope
Taurus: --ft' s Time ,. Peering
'69 Agenda
The 1989 a,.nda wlll be the
topic of conversation when lhe
Newport Beach chapkr of the
Kiwi Ctub convenes at a p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 9, In the Colla
Mesa home of Mrs. Paul
Brumlield .
Change ·To Routine
~ !Fw .. ~:1f; oa~
• --.
i .
1 .
. .
INVITATION TO A 'FIRST'._ Mr, and Mrl. Ron Birtcher of S111 Juan
Capistrano d!Jcuss their Invitation to the first Orange County Ball
sponsored by the Or111ge County Chamber of Commerce next Frida~"
The ball is planned to become an annual event. . '
Coastal 'Residents
Anticipate 'F' I 1rst
Another "first" for Orange County will be the gala Orange County
•"J:he w!Je man conlro1J hJJ _, .•• AltroloO polnll ,u.e .. ,."
ARIES (lhrch ll·April U):
Emphuil on wwt, . detalll,
' ~ relatlool w 11 h
nelgbborl and woclata. You cet added ftlPOllllblllly. Could
coincide wltb promollon. StoJ>.
ding In community II rlllld.
TAURVB (AJll'll 20-May 20): suue111on 1rom )'OllDI person
could help solve dilemma •.
Brina forth cre.atlve re&MC· ·es, Excellent for dln1nr out,
l>rtUlng routine. . Welcome
cbl!lle, dllcuu1oo of travel
GllMINI (May 21..June 20):
Accent on IOIJdlty; lel facU
lined up. There II llrencth
Jn tnowledae. Do
"'homework." Know wtiere
you're going and why. Take
lnlUaUve. B e Independent,
aure and con!tdent.
CANCER (June lhluly 11):
Hunch apt to be torrect. Ideas
are pl-•Ulul. Key is 14 be
aelective. Don't try f4o much
at cmce. Concentrate forces.
Be chaniling 14 neighbors.
Dllcard rumors. Display sense
of humor.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):
Sl>OWlht on intome potential.
You may have to correspond
Ball Frld,ay, Jan. 10. . p h' t Sponsored by the Orange County Chamber of Commerce, the event syc I a ry
. , will be a "first" in the winter sociat season and will become an annual event.
The Lawrence Welk orchestra with MYron Floran will provide dance IL• h I I
•. mUBlc after tbe 6:80 p.m. social hour and the 7:30 dinner. Harry Babbitt ·-i · ·IQ t y
Will be master at cetemonie.s. · • lllahlilll1 of the ban wm beJhe ID11tallAtlon.M_11ew..offll:m .for .l!le .~·'",.._*~ · ·d • county clianilief: 'nie ball will foll<lw the formal dedlcauonol Ibo new I On ii n e
Counfy Courtllouse in the City-county Clvl• Center In Santa Ana.
. . H. W .. "Woody" Linton, of Newport Beach will be reDnquishing the :·
•• pres1deill's gavel to J..awrence Peterson d. Huntington Harbour. First vice
r-president will be F. R. "Dick" Marvin of Newport Beach with Jay Gates
A perforuier noted for his
lectures, dramatics and humor
will be the guest entertainer
at the meeting ol the Mesa-
Ha.Tbor ctub Thursday, Jan.
-of Tustin becoming second vice president and James Beam of Ora.nge, .,.
l . treasurer. ,
... · 1 th Membershiand gu~e.Sti will be coming from all over ()range County or e event w cb is planne.d by James Tweed! of Ttistin, general
chairman. Committee me.m s include Frank J. Gelinas of Santa Ana,
puhfici!y; Dwajn Freeberg, I.<>s Alamitos program; Jackson Wilcox, New·
port Beach, registration; B..eam, Orange, bUdget. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Keith Houdyshell w i 11
present a tongue-in-cheek
discussion of Do It YourseU
Psychialry at 12:30 in the
Mesa Verde Country Club. The
10:30 a.m. aocl.al hour will
be followed by an 11 a.m.
business meeting and 11 : 30
Wagner of Tustin, l\ospitality.
!-... .,,\$.,.._ .... .,'"""'*"'' ""'----·-· , .. , ... .,,,. ___ ., __ ""'"':;:'~"'"'-::'l!:. ===--ii
-· : Changes in Store
:Key Opens New Doors ..
After an abbreviated career
as a school ·teacher, Keith
Houdysliell toured w i t h
d r a m a t 1 c repertoire com-
panies throughout· the UnJted
Statea and Canada. He worked
for the ~Ion departments
of several state univeralties,
presentiog d r a m a t i c pro-
ducUons. : A different day and a dif·
Ierent meeting place will pro-
·\lide a change o( pace for
-tfle Huntington Beach Golden
«ey Auxiliary of the Child
'Guidance Clinic of Orance
'Subject to the approval of
4he g e n e r a I membership,
_ineetings will take place the
·"Second Thursday of each
,riionth in the Mercury Savings
~d Loan building.
' ,•
. Stars and Bars
The first trial meeting will
take place at 10 a.m. Thurs-
day, Jan. &. Coffee wlll be
served at 9:30 a.m.
On the agenda will be an
interesting speaker promised
by Mrs. Earl Clancey, pro-
gram chairman. Mrs. James
Hughes, who succeeded to the
presidency when Mrs, Paul
Phillips resigned, will initiate
several new projects and in-
troduce Mrs . WlllJam Hanna.
Party Date Announced
thrift shop chairman.
Now in ils new location at
223 Main St., the shop will
contain a boulique corner fill-
ed wlth new handmade items
and donated but refurbished
decorative pieces. In charge
Bus Heads
For Desert
of the boutique will be Mrs. Once again Ute Laguna
Richard Teske, arts and crafts Beach Assistance Leatue will
expert whose assistance con-afford residents th e o~
tributed to the success of the p<>rtunity to abandon the fog
group's Chrislma.s bar.aar. and cold for a day 1n Palm
Mrs. Hanna will ask for Springs Tuesday, Jan. 7.
additional suggestions from The trip to the desert will
the general membership to begin at 9:30 a.m. when the
make the shop a welcome bus anives at Boat Canyon
addition to the downtown area. Shopping Center .
Th~ shop is open between Tickets, which do not in-
to a.tn. and 2 p.m. Mondays, elude luncheon. are $4: }:>er
Wednesdays and Fridays and person. Further information
Stars· and Bars will welcome Fontaine, Peggy Keating, Pat any Saturday openings will be and reservation:: may be ob-
newly arrived bachelor of-Tierney, Sharron White and posted. AddiUonal information tained. by calling the League
iicers .at the Jan. 17 mixer Janis Wicker. may be obtained by caTiing House, 41H-6877 or Mrs. ln the Del Mar Officers Club the shop, 536-7810. Williston Bradway, fK-2345.
)!t ~ p.m. The organization[f";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii;i;iiiiii;;;;:;;i;iiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii~~;iii;iii;i~;;i;i;ii;iii;
was formed by college and
young career women.
-A meeting to discuss the
group's volunteer service and
orient new affiliants i s
tcheduled for Thllr3day, Jan.
-9. al 7:30 p.m. in the
~cwportcr Inn.
Serving as e-0-hostesses at
tlle party will be the Misses
famela Price and Wendy
..Gambill of Corona de! Mar
)nd the Misses S h e r r y
Anderson, Joann B a s a b e ,
{letsy Broyles, Marie Burger,
Carol Fassett. Priscilla Ham-
mill, Louise Handy, Barbara
Hill and Ciody Barber, all
ct Newport Beach.
AssllUng from Corta Mesa
are the Misses Lana Bretz,
Mellany Bolger, Kather ine
Brown, Laura Brady, Lyn
Meeting Date
Mr1. Jean Marshall will
open her ~ion Viejo home
tomorrow .at , 8 p.m. for a meetfnc of the Daughters of
!'le -Empir<.
Fashions From Our Regular Stock
No Ch1r1••
No L1y1w1y1
All S1l11 Fina!
2515 East Coast Hwy. -Cor~na del Mar
. • or ~~Joun,iey.'Bul It'• worth
the effort. Accent peraonaUty
utlllae aenae of
VIRGO (Aug. z.s.Bept. 22):
Conaolidale lorcea. Recent el·
fort due to pay dJVldmis.
You're on right treck. Be a
self•ltlrter. Not wile to wait
!or one who procrutlnatu.
Danco 14· your own -· LlllM. (Sept. 21-0d. II):
Viall one coollned 14 home,
holpital. Be considerate. Best
to wort behind scene•. 11e-New Career
main in bacqround. Don't
force tsaues. Time y o u r
movea. You cwld get me1111e
which chanlea plans.
SCORPIO (Oct. 2.1-Nov. ll):
Accent on gai<I through help
of lrlendl. You can enjoy
yourself but avdd eltrava·
gance. En)otlom soar. Wile 14
have quiet talk with member of oppoalle sex. Don't jump 14
SAGmARllJB (Nov. 22-
Dec~ 21): If you ln!l.st, on
perfecUon, you invite disap.
polntment. Lunar p o s 1 t i o n
colncldea wJth prestige, pro-
mOUon, advancement. But you
may have to make some con-
Miss Diana Lynn Mor-
ris is beginning her ca-
reer as a stewardess
for Western Air Lines.
The daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott Morris
of Corona del Mar re-
ceived her hostess
training at Los Angeles
International Airport .
She is an alumna of
Corona de! Mar High
School and was enroll-
ed at Orange Coast
their Garde .. Lloal 1palilllent
for c a candlellght ceremony
uniting In marrtqe J u 111
Lamp Martin .. d Col. Ben-
jamin Evans of Ohio.
The Rev. Dr. Charles H.
Dierenfield performed t h e
Upcoming projects Include
a fashion show and the col· lecUng of old Chrisbnas cards
for Ule Children's Nursery in
Long !leach.
The meeting is open to all
former American A i r 11 n e
marriage ceremOfly, ---~-----
Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Johnson!~=======~
of Minn., parents of Mrs.
Schonek. were among the
guests at the ceN!mony and
buffet supper ..
Kids Like to
Ask Andy
A A v v
cesaions. Do ao. <C=o~ll=eg~e~. =====~~~~ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. -r
19): Good lunar aspect today
CQlncldea with far-reaching
plana. Stre!I on tr a v e 1,
publlablng and advertising.
Higbllght aaets. Let others
know you are not going to
back" down.
AQUARWS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): Time to releaae yoursell
from burden, financial and
otherwise. Takes will· -power
-blll Jou can d6 ll. llmphuls
cmtlmka on how··otber-people
.~~~rtey, in£l~_JJ}_ate
w p ... wer.
P~ (Feb. Ill-Marci\ 20):
Accent on JI14rriage1 relaUons
with public. Protect your im-
age. Try new point of view.
Wise to let one close to you
take iniUaUve. You get
knowledge today which adds
to f\Jture gain.
BIRTHDAY you have a kind
of inoer confidence which
enables you to finish project
once j.l is under way. Continue
now ·lo adjust to tew en-
vironment:; conditions. You're
on the way.
Cycle high for V I R G 0,
word to TAURUS : event oc-
curs which enables you to
more accilrately plan future move ..
a barpin a minute! ·---. -------~· . you always leave smiling:
(now at 1 /Z Dr mm Off nplar price)
9130 A.M •. SALE Wed. the 8th
.,.,. • ,. 20 ..... c..t•• , ... ,. Sim
con:oN, "' IOlATIONS
... SHIW
JACms ...i COATS:
1.,. 1.50, t,00.11.00 ftll 11.0D
SPOITSHI~ ..... lllNt "-'et
TUlTLENICkl L ... _. lllert s-...
u-. _.. Platte. All s1 ....
300/o, 400/o, SOo/o, 600/o
300/o to 400/o OFF
300/o, 400/o AND MORE
1/3 to 1/2 OFFi
1/3 to 1/2 or more Reduction
5.00 IRA ··························-················ NOW ~.99
4.50 BRA ·······················-··········-···· . NOW 3.49 8:00 GIRDL! ...................................... NOW 5.'9
9.00 GIRDLE ............ ·-·-·············· ...... NOW '-99
Reduced 400/o to SOo/o
Now 5. 99 and 6.59
1/3 to 1/2 OFF
300/o to 400/o OFF
ILANKITS-ACRILAN 10x90 Rot• U.91 ··--·····-NOW 13.98
90 x 101 Rot. 26.H ··-·········-· NOW 22. 91 THERMAL llLANKm ll'j. 10.91 ......................... NOW 8.98
DllLl'AJltTMl!HT 9TQJlti--
.__, _________ ------~~~-------..... ----~ ------------. ---------
• . '
J\fewpor.t Bar. or .. E:O>ITION
voi:. ,2, NO. 6, 2 SECTION$, 29 PAGES . . .
• I ~
. ' • •
' . '
"' Ol('d
'· .
!rial Reset for .W.ednesday Afterooo~
' LOO ANGELES (UPI) -The Jooc·
deloyed trtel ol Jordanian Immigrant
Sirhan B. Sirhan for ·the mutder of
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy began today
with defense moUons to delay or dimti8s
U\e case. Alter 90 minutes of argµment
the c:aae ,wu acijourned until Wediiesday
Most of the first session was conducted
In chambers where the defense tried
to win a further · delay in the case
wjUcb bas been pending for seven months
since the New . York aenalor WU
a.ssauinated. '
SuPori..-. Cqtlrl J 111/ge. l!a:~rl V.
Walker turned down thi! rm>tlon and
then heard others seeking to have the
case beard · by two juries and to qu.ub
the indictment.
He declined to allow. t w o juries, one
for the trJal itaell and ~&be other to
set a ~lir ifterward,, He ordered
that the: rmUon ~ to supPrea.. the lh·
dlctment to be put in writing.
Pl'oposes Tax C:ut
Reagan Urges Ac~n ·
On Campus Turnwil
SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. And, he asked for nell pornography
~ald Reagan, offering California his controls and new weapor13 In the war
19&9 program, called on the state against crime, lncludinC giving police
lejislature today to-strike hard against authority to Use eiecttonlc listening campus tunnoil by lneteasing penalties
for students, nonstudents and faculty devices y;hen a judge approves.
---ttwolved-4n-dietllf&anooi.----. -~a&-preP:IJ*l.-fac..a..jolnt
' ' ~~
The trial wu .GDJJ:i a min\lte old wben defense attoroeys• ~inrd a confertuee ·
In chamben will> the prwt<Ulion, juqe
and defendant Arter an hour'• dllcuulon
the principals returned to tbe courtroom
and the trial opened.
The-sltnder one-time race track tr·
ercise boy dresseil in a light blu,e Ill.It
and wearing a blue tie was ushered
into the ~bth floor ~tromn after
passing lhroagb a 1t•8J·w a JI e d
(See .SIBBAN, Page I)
Badham . Cites
'Party Unity'
In Withdrawal
., ""' De"' ...... ,,..,
SACRAMENTO -lo order to avoid
''unpleasantness," Assemblyman Robert
E. Badbam (R·New1>$1r\ Stach), at the
last minute withdrew~ his candidacy for
the job of Assembly speaker pro tern,
a...~de.£aid..&oday,. ... -~------~---...
• T
T••ay'• Flul
f ,
.N.Y. St.di• '
,.nte Republican governor, in his annual session o( the Jegi4lature. · RepuPlicans
~'.State of the Stale" message, also of· now bold narrow majorities in the Senate !ired "a substan~ personal income and Assembly, where Democrats bad
tu reduction.." He didn't specify who !!l&JoriUes in the first iwo years of
Assemblyman Charles J. Conrad (R·
Sherman Oaks), the Rep u b 11 can
leadership's candidate, won the post
Monday in a surprisingly close ff.35
vote.. The 3S minority votes were all
cast by Democrata 1upportln1
Assemblyman Leon Ralph ( D. L 0 I
Atta:rney Russell P1non1 Leads ~ll•nt from Cell to Huvlly GU1rded Courtroom
-1d get II, but previously be bad Reagan's aclmlnistratioo. -1secf It to mlddl .. tncome families Many of his plans for the tbird year bli banlest by bla 1116'1 billloo<lollar Ill of bla. term were, speJJed out Ill general
focnalle. term1, bat Reagan pt more opeciflc:
PledlinC lllOtber year of economy, when.be lalbd ai!l>ul· the issue ol onren
Beepl Aid, wtfnder no clraunstances OD Califmila'J public coJ.lep c.ampuae,s, Angele;),
wfll I support or lign Into law any --rbis'"aession, I will aeek an omnlhwl
tu ~ •• program CIO· the safety and aecurity of
· Badlwn wllhdrew bla candldacy San-
day, folknring a meeting with other
GOP leaders, according to J o h n
Hopwood, the ~tors adminlstrailve
t~ not lo nin Ill the lntmat
our...,..._i .1u11~-.to~
I ttoe ·~the· allldaDt and llll'J!!ibllc~' B~hor Tnls~=.. ~a.~'.
tblnp, -111" f<r Stt1dy $600,dU,ti -. =~~ .. ~~ o1 a1u":;r.; .z.... uw~--. who·tnterfere
of ptlrly ...,., " Hopwood-apl•inad. "He wanfM . Ill. p<>:.,t 11\1' apJI~ o r unp!1w•t1aesnrilbln the party. 'lie don't
wanf'to Jtart out With any scb.l.snis."
Hopwood speculated that If Badbam
had chosen to remain a candidate, he
wwld have won, with a combination
of Republican and DemocraUc votes,
· = · wtlh the edli:atlai>al -. a n d
Request for Funds :=e1""-o;.. ~.1::~:'.~°:
A propooal to allocale !600,000 to buy
a better educatloo for Harbor Area
children will be presented tonlgbt to
ll~Mesa school trustees. ·
The hiring ol reading spedalills,
reduction of class Bires, and )IUl<bale
ol addltional claasr<lom 'supplies nut
year will be asked by Dr. Norman R.
Loate, .....tale wperlnlendent ol the
-Area school district. He Is hoping school board memberl
wtn sqe: fit to use anUdpated increUed
. rtventies to enrich educational programs.
Ke salf h.e ls not looting !er ~ increase in the \ai: rate.
' TU Loats progrim for the school
·11ar beginning next September placel
sped.al empbuil oo re.ading. It.-includes
a · proifolaI for hiring 20 ruding
specialists at a cost of about $187,000
Jn salaries. One reading instructor would
be assigned to each high ochool, and
ooe on • half-time bull to tvU')' in-
termedlato and elementary ac:ho<lL
The board wlll bear ~ durlnfl ·
Its regular 7,30 p.m. In tbe
Lyceum at Colla Meaa mgh llcbool,
ll50 Fatmew Road.
Reag'an said ~our llverridlni problem" oft Campusel ~ .. ii aftarcfiY•• aJid in-
(See·REAGAN, Pap Z)
Ex-solon's Wile
0n cntieaI ·~t
Conrad !41 _ ~-narrow choice of a
caucus ol ~can usemblymen last
month. Badliamtwas the only other an.
nounced GOP candidate.
"Bob ts very popuJar with the
Democrats,• Aid Hopwood.
H• suggested the 3S vola received
by RaJpb ,... ... lodicator o( lllc!bam '1
Ralph,·-.U..bly -said, "I" • candldale only becaUlt Badham
• ~·t numlri( agalnat CcJnra4. Many Mrs. Norma Murdy, .wife of retired J>emoei'ats were determined not to vote
state Sen. John A. Mut.ly Jr., is on for Conrad under any clrcm!lsta>leea.
the critical list lllfferinC .a bear! con-Conrad bu been deoi:ribed by a
d!Uon al ljoag Memorial Hospllal in DemooraUc coll.,gue as a "nlt-plclur".
Newport Beach; U •as 1..,..i today. '"lbire essentlally ts .., difference,
Mr~ Murdy waa admltl<d to the ph!Io8oprucally, between Badham and
hospital one month qo. stM! la in HQag's Conrad." said the Democrat. "But
intensive care unit and hu been on Badham is a tot easier to get along
the. critical list since Dec. 28, when with."
she suffered her secood stroke in five ·Hopwood emphaslzed that Badham's
weeks. , • dec?s1oo to withdraw was not keyed -. $·Mm'dJI, ""°' lln at 114 .Vla tldo · to . any prom1se1 ot committee •i>
llClr!!; Lido 1J1t.'-.' 111 ~ •acttian . pobdmonla by new SPo'ker Robert T.
1i1p -Mn. MutW !lldl!ftd bor llnl ' Molf*&an. •.,;,.,. were no commlbnents
heart -In BaUnf\eld. ol '&!iJ ldnll." be said. .
s.n;·11un1y {Ollnd tn:Ull. Tba Speaker Pro Tem hu a )ob that
' · te moie than just ceremonlal. Hts
Chamber's Batneu;-Gets
'!I • ... • • ~ • '
r £4hJlfbllltlel include prealdlng over the
A...,bly In the abrence from the chair
ol the apeu.r.
., H~ said as far as he know•
#JOV. ~ .. did not participate In any
'Jop Southzd~ !'osi~ion
I Newport Harbor Chamber ' of C.O~
merce Executive Mana&ef Jack Barnett
j1 the new prealdent d. SouiberD
California Chamber of ~·nw ca "El.·
· ot. the dlkolSions that ltd to Badham's
·not challc.,,.;.,g Conrad.
New Secretary
Of Senate Voted
.'Big Salary Boost
Mesa Cook Charged
Arraign·mentSet Today
r o·r 'Buspect in Kidnap . ..
Of "" DellY I'll•! ll•ff
A ld<lnap suspect who allegedly held
off a handful of .COsta Mesa officers
for 45 pilnutes with a Laguna Beach
pollceman'a·gun while they reasoned with
him.-to surrender without any violence
was arraigned today. Th'9 District Attorney's office Monday ls8Ued •a five-count complaint with
charges rangihg frOm kidnap to assault
with intent·to commit murder and assault
with a deadly weapon on a police
officer. Shot.I were fired during the alleged
abduction of the Laguna B e a c h
policeman's wife in lhelr Victoria Street
apa.rtmerit Saturday, as the victim and
suspect struggled for a .38 cal. revolver,
investigators sald.
Unshaven and wearing a dark, mod·
style sport 1hirt, cook Marvin E. Alex·
andei, t9, of 2700 Peterson way, was
marched into a holding tank at Harbor
Ol.rtrict Judicial Court about 8 a.m.
Judge Donald Dungan ordered Alex·
ander returned to court Jan. 13 at 1:45
p.m. for preliminary h.,ring and .. 1
ball .at ..,1,250, a aubstanUal drop from
the ISO,llOO filur• oilglnally attached.
Alnan&!r, Who worked at a restau·
aurant at ll55 W. Adams Ave., Cost a
l'llesa, with the vlcUm, waitress Dianne·
Carter, 26, is held on char,1ea w~ch
could conceivably bring a ~eath penalty.
Mrs. Carter Will ,held hostage In the
suspect's apartment for more than one
hour SaturdJy, poqce Aid, buhlecl!!led
to say if she will present during ·the
45-mlnute siege talks with Alexander.
DeteeUve Capt. Ed Glaagow aald a
neighbor woman was staying with the
victim, who had expreued· fears for
her safety, when the predawn case broke.
Mrs. Carter's husband, Kenneth, a Hve-
year employe with the Laguna Beach
Police Department, was on graveyard
duty at the Ume, but •WU Jent home
when the emergency was reported .
The victim was treated at Bristol Part
Medical Center after the ordeal and
released to the care ?f her husband.
The unidentified neighbor woman who
reported the alleged abduction -herself
apparently choked as she tried to dial
police !or help a first Ume -did not
require medical treatment.
Mrs. Carter wu also struck in the
head by her husband's .38 caJ. service
revolver, which was fired two am
possibly three Umes in a atru.ggle witP
the usailant. according to reports.
One shot was fired into the flOor
(See KIDNAP, Page 2)
'Nixon Eyes Laguna Castle
As Summer White House?
or lfM Del,._ PHfl staff
Will Laguiia Beach become the 11le
of a summer White House for the Nl:lon
It's Jarge enough t~ su~b.e staff
and , ...... an ob'rlipic:.-aldd lw-immb:l,g
ooOI. "<~oUy llJIO<I with dirt)," 1118 . '\Vbeaton. . ' l •
· 'n!e three-sLqry .atnlcture, now; ~g
Beating, Robbery
Of · CdM Resiaent
Pro~ed by,Poliq
Facts surrounding the brutal beating
and $900 robbery of a Corona deI ~ar
man -fogged over by three mohtb.
of coma and convalescence -are flnallf
being pr~ by Costa Mesa and Santa
An.a police.
Ward H. Londelius, +I, of 202· S. Tre-
inont Drive, In the Cameo Sborel area,,
Is listed In satisfaclOI')(. condition today'
at Orange County' Medica( Center 8nd
sreadlly bnprovlpg. '
Costa Mesa Police Det.ctlve Jim
Strickland was assigned the cue Mon.
day, after Santa Ana police notUted
lnvesUgators that the vtctlm may ~ve
been beaten and robbed Ill a loc'al ,bar
parking lot. '
Santa Ana police said LoodeliUl.wu
found slumped In his car, bloody and
unco""'1ow, last Oct 1;11 on Sootli llirbor
Boulevard and couldn't be que!Uoned
until lele December.
Mrs. Phoebe Londelius, · with , whom
her son made his home at t!)e Tremont
Drive addreSI, said today that he was
in a coma for about 34. day11.
Detectives' Aid the victim told ol b01"c
beaten and·robbed outislde Ye Ofde Jnn.
2378 Newport Blvd., Costa . ~esa,1 w~le
he waa canylllg l800 which wu mWing
when he was hciipltallud. .
Police believe, however, that the severe
head lnjurlet could have been Inflicted
aom.ewbere In Santa Ana,. unless an at-
tacker drove" tDe beaten man to the
spot where be wu abandoned •
Detective Strickland said In a report
ducted when Londelius ii in llletter con-
The victim's mother said today that
Londelius was emplOyed in the cemetery
• Weatller . ' Barnet~ Newport rdlllnber ~
for the past 12 yean, .....i • ""'
vice president of the .....,.i Cl!'llDblt
Uon In 11111. Moot. 1-llY, be .....
tiOst to the annual amnwr fl ~roeree
.ecr.tenea' ,....tsbc>p held a\,thi Ballloa
, • . (Speclll to 1H DAILY PILOT)
~ -The new secretary
ol the catlfom!a Senate will receive
twice Ibo 1111 of' the late J-All•• Beek Cl Nl'l!P'lrl Beach, who neld the
job f« II 7ears unUI hil: death last
Oct. ti. '
'l'hls lnlrliuing pooslblllty loomed to.
day, trlu~red by reports that represen-
, tatlves OI ·the president-elect: bav'e been
: looting 'at 'hlitorlc ·Pyne-'Castle which
ltanill lite a hillside · fortress al TIO
as an apartment., bplldlna, : WUJ".buHt
by Waltef .Pyne, ID eCci:otrlc miUIQnati;e
and one (jf OrOllle .Couoty,'~bl(....,....
of the }9'20s'and 19'°111 •• , -····". • I
It's "mist,r." again, and driven
will 'be,tieipleBS al a·titldn up 1
tree,: at leUI Ull midmomlnc whtt!
aunny atlet will, prav'!ll Wider 17·
degree.i.uipetafuret, ':Bay Club. ~·
The Southern Calllornla chambit ...
ecuUvt1 have a mtmbenhlp d •
proximately 250 from an am eo-
c;ompuslng chambent from Ba~eld
inland, and from sante Barbara on the
coast 10 s.. Diego. Barnett, ., 11169 president ol the group, ;..,....i. John Rqlrl, .....,.,. ol the
Pasadena Chamber o1 COmme:rce.
• • Disaster Area11 Named
''WASHINGTON (UJ'I) -The Small'
""'-Admlnl.tnllll today named ~ ud Trlnil1 OoanUea, Calli., ...
-~ loealiU8 u dlluter areas '"°'"""' •"--a Dee. -..........
I ' •
~ SO.~ CHiii"
. N...,... Cholnllor'1 lomott
In a routine voict vote, the Senate
y_~ let •.ooo as the annual salary
for Lbe on eecretary, Clarence D. Alex-
tk ~ $1,000 a month a! Senate
~1 WGl'king only durin1 legislative
aeak:lnl. Alennder'1 job ls a full-tlme
appNrd:nftl Ht formerly wu e:1ecutive
.a'lllrJ ol lbe Senate Rulea Committee.
Hill&est Drive. · 'rhe owner, 'Jlhomas A. Merrick, was
. UD1vailable for comment.· However, his
· '!I!• Le9a confirmed that M:irrict bad
1h(nfn the &koom, structU[t ~·represe~
· ttUvu of the new adminiStrali(ln.
. CHJ Manager, James O. Wbtalorl , who
had talked with Merrick about the
possibility, said Merrick hadn'i indicated
any deal had been made.
"He (Mtnict) "'med to feel that
they were very Interested in the posalb1ll·
ty of a aummer White Howe · there •
Tba --aeltllli the -salary wu In Qie "1llOal ealary relOhttloa " ...
b-'1S.UteProTem11uP'11mna .. · SCOek llJ•rkeu
(!).Fmno). . . • '
FClUlld<Mwner of 1he Baibo1 bland NBW l'ORlt (~)-TIMI ll!>Ck piartet
F""'I and !l<wport Beach l 1 n I · cloled wttll -,aharp ,loll tocfay
ct..elOptr, -~ 2-u ~ u ''" Qprised Wall ,Street Rlc;ted ·to by -olllclal than a., • . ---·•ta•($Mq!M)la-
dlvldual In CaIIlamla biatorJ. ~ ' uim, Pajla ~17). • ' ' J
.... ! . •
Pyne apparenUy went to Switzerland
for the ba~c design concept. It Included
(~ CASTLE, PIJ• !I .. , ..
N~on Cabinet Sets
. '
~eeting in New YoFk
NEW YORK (UPI) -Tllo NIJon ad-
mlnlstrallon't eoblnet will moot, bele
lf.!dt.Y and 5'turday lor aludles ·~I
· will form IJ>e basis of mudl ol Illa
Republican lelJlalaUvt progrim; B. WU
Rcioa1d 2'legler, N~ant1 Jlr .. r.1
opobtman, Aid the cabinet ,q>embetl
· woold ~t '!'Ith ·tlil hoa41: ol a. llflts
. oUuUmi ~.Ill'~ ·"'""'II . aw~~~dolmidlc~ ,
• •
W~n Cti.tc/ JwUce Earl War·
ren IWftlTI 'in Richard M. NU.
on a.t Prts~qa& Jan. 20 thtrt
will be . fPWUIJI toho will recoU
IA<ir pofiticcl fetid which b<90"Jl
16 lf<G" OQO. Pog• 9.
'Cllflrltla 11 ........ ,. (....... ,..,, ,_... .
C11M1cs n .._.. ,... '' ·~ ,, ..... """" ... '*"' ~ 11 car..,.. OIWlf't ta .......... '=-N ........... M ... 1 1•11
...... 1•11 t•lt l .,. QI! 11 ......, ... It
... ...., lt -~ .. 1•, ·~ '* ,....._ •
"-''-""' 11 l ........ • * " . ..... . ........... "l .......... ~ ......... .. . ~ . ~ . ' --
ft ta
. PN1-Eloct'1 ..., Rip!H'led N1gatlat1111 foi' Historic Pyne C•stlo . ' '
fir Maint,ennnce Base
;e~ Four New Demands
Fog Halts Aif
Travel, SJ~~' · '.
\._ '
Coast Drivers
Wlnl<r fog, almost ooospicuous by Its
absence over the holidays. rolled in over
Ille Orange ooast Moaday nii!lJ!, bringing
air travel to a halt and slowing work·
bound motorists this morning.
Both Orange Coonty Airport and Los
:Angeles lnternallooal Alrpart were doled
dawn by Ille heavy mJsl which cootinued
to blanket the Southland at nUdmorning.
In Los Angeles, airport officials used
three light planes to seed the fog wtth
1 a 1 t particles to absorb t h e moistllre
and change it to rain, resuJling in a
rise in the ceiling and increased visibility.
More of th e same was predicted by
the Weather Bureau for tonight and
Wednesday morning, with a clearing
trend about 11 a.m. Cooler temperatures
were forec ast aft.er the Los Angeles
Civic Cenler topped the nation Monday
wilh a high of 82 degrees.
Heat Wave Grips Rio
mo DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) -
Temperatures climbed above 100 degrees
today for the third straight day. Sales
of IOft drinks, beer and air cooling
equipment were bttaking records.
kobtrt N. w,,4
l'rc"a""' •tlll Publ·•~"
J,c~ k. c ~r1 • .,
V>Ct Prc,·dC"I ·~a Gt~•·•I 1.11~····
1 1io"''' Kttvil
fdi .. r
1 hom1t A. M~•pli;nt
Mtflffln1 Etl!or
J1ro1t11 F. Colllnt P1111 N;,,.n ,.. __ l .. M:I\ Adv.,•lit•f\9
c;:11v fd!tw o; ... .,,~,
... ...,.,, heck Office
2Zll Wt1t l1ID01 lo11l1v1rd
,.,1IU111 M•r•••1 t.o. lox l t7S, 9l,6J .,_......,
Caot1 ~~ DI Wtol hY ,,.,.,,
l•lll"' letc;l'I' nt Ferell Aw~vt H\lllll"llOll tfttl>; JOI l!l\ .Sor«1
' ,.
DAILY P,ILOT Sltff '11iolo
Suspect Alexander
From Page 1
as a worning after the intruder took
it away. police said.
Delails of the final stages of Alex·
andcr's arrest, in which th.e armed
suspect had to be talked into surrender,
were not disclosed until after in-
vestigators conferred with the District
Detecti ve Gerry Thompson and
uniformed Officer' Al Muir actually plac·
cd the suspect under arrest, Capt.
Glasgow said in Monday interviews.
other lawmen present at the time
included Sgt. Jim Green, detecUves Jim
Strickland and Max Wilson. pl us a few
not hnmediate!y identified in aftermath
Chances arc that Alexander \Viii be
bound over to Ora nge Coun*y Superior
Court when he is returned to the judicial
court for preliininary hearing next Mon·
Conviction on any combin ation of the
charges is likely to result in a stiff
prison sentence. or possibly even death
in the Sa n Quentin gas chamber.
Under California's SO<!&lled Little
Lindbergh Law, a person convicted of
kldnaping In which the victim is banned,
even slightly, fa ce.s tbe possibility of
an execution sentence.
Fire Breaks Out
Ih Penney Store
~ore than 200 employes and an
esUmated 700 customers were ('Vacuated
from the J. C. Penney store In Fullerton
Monday when a fire broke out.
Firemen said an electrical pane!
ab~~ed and sent flames leaping to the
ceiling . Damage was estimated at
T h e blaze start.ro on t h e third floor
and was confined to that area. An
automatic sprinkler sy&tem aided in con·
trolling the flam~S.
Working · with salvage covers and
vacuwns firemen were able to hold water
damage to a mfnhnmn. The store is
open for buslne~ today.
7 &7W?l?Sr&trb-
FremP .. el
A 21,2·}'.ear-old San Clemen~e boy today
~~s faring better than his critically
injured mother, both victims of a one-car
traffic crash Sunday morning. near
Corona del Mar, hospital SJX!kesmen aU:I.
Dwight Markus, who suffered head
injuries in the morning mishap. bu
been taken out of Hoag Memorial
Hospital's intensive care unit and into
~iat.~ics, ~here "he spent a good
rught, hospital spokesmen said.
Hi s mother, Mrs. Roberta 'Markua,
!!2, remained under intensive care still
jn a coma from critical head injurl~.
They \Vere hurt when their car lost
control and rolled over in a field next
to Pacific Coast Highway a mile south
of Cameo Highlands.
Former Oilman
Injured by Horse
Retired oil man Frank Thompson of
Laguna Beach was resting easily today
at Hoag Memorial Hospital despite iJl.
juries received when his 18-year-old
horse, Cocoa, stepped on him.
"I've been on the ground many Li.mu;'
the veteran · horseman said. "But I've
never been stepped on before."
Thompson, U9'h Hawthorne Road, was
leading the quarter horse Sunday on
the beach below the Rancho Cenitos
Boarding Stables just south of Corona
del Mar when something "spooked" the
horse and she knocked him to the ground
and stepped on him.
He was taken to Hoag Hospital with
a concussion and a fracture of the left
Newsmen to See
Sirhan Trial on TV
LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A television
camera hidden in an air condiUoolng
unit will transmit proceedings of the
Sirhan B. Sirhan trial via closed clrcuit to an overllow crowd of newsmen in
an auxiliary eoulroom.
Only 37 seats. were available for news
media In the armor-plated courtroom
on the eighth floor of the Hall of Jus-
tice \\'here Sirhan v;ent on trial today
for the assassination of Sen. Robert F.
From Page J
surrecUon." He declared, ••fftaher edu·
cation In our state colleges and untver-
sltlea Is not a right, it ii 1 privilege."
Reagan also sala be will ...,.,, his
fight for "so!"e form of tuW... or ln-
ct'e.aaed fees at our at.ate collec• and
universities ... Such propoull have tden
defeated ln the put .
·Second Crash in , Are .. -• • "
11, Kil'l«l, 17 Sur.vtve · in· PenmylVf!nia
• • '·llllADtoal> • ..Po-(AP) For the .
-limo fn two wtdr,51 "1 IJltllj!w Alrlfn .. prep J<1 crubed m bad ,....,.r
while trybiJ to W>d 1t tho airport here.
Eleven People were killtd. SevtnleeD
others,· most of them· lelt· h&.IJ,lio& from
their seatbelts when I.be ~vaJr , 580 llii>t>Od upslile do'"'! Mqilday pliht,
crawled fb safety on' a snotfl'Wept ·coif
COUf'l!ll. • •
A '10-min lnvetllgol!ng team from the
N1tional Transportation Safety Board,
concerned about the ' ' a m a z 1 n g
similaritiea" of the two accidents, wenL
to work today to find out what happened.
A aimllar team bas ~ fn~estJpting
the ~ Eve crath of an .o\llegbeny '
fligbt tight ' miles away that killed -20
of 47 persons aboard. ~ was .no pa"hic, '' .said Sandy
Cherlc'o or North East, Pa., a ·p;wenger.
"It all happened too fast. ·
"The ·'no-emoldng' sign had already
come on and the .mrardm was check-the two accident.I near the 2,100.foot·hfP.
Ing the aea~belia." , ,. , ,,Bradlor<l .ll<Si~ Airport, -~I" ~
Soddenly, WI Jolin Scbacile, II. oP l;io slil(l.any flighla, 0•1pbRsmlla' Mechaaic1bure P.a. "UleU llke-IOl'.nieODe ..
was l1ammlna 'tbe ieft side with a ham. • latest crash was Flight 737, WbtCh
mer. We ran into tree limbs, _turned o ginated io Washington, stopped in Har·
over and alld. I wound up banglnc upside rifiburg and was bOund fQr Erie ~
down. SOm'°"'' yen.d to 'II> out ibe Detn>ll. Tbe first crasb W8$ fJIChl 7"5
bocl<." • • 'fhlch goes 'the otller way. ,
'Outside tbe i'eOrvivon or,anlzecl and Both Wert! Ccnvair 58ll(s, both wet
wenl bock for ·~ Wbo _, aet /naktng imtnJmen1 landings.-fn ,lllOW;
out. ,both turned over. Both had m~
'1No one was thlnking of tbenuelves." ~ivors than dead. Bqth were comin4 ~d Chet MH;SerVey, 6', of Down-in after severe winter storms. Nei!h# ~ Pa. 0 We were Just ~ to 1
1pilot gave any warnings. Both took plac4 ~obi. everibody _.., C<Uld. 11le ocbool , about.8:30 p.m. · · ' ., J ,..,. ~ '""1 baJidled -cberlco, a World War n pilot, , toll
themeelva like men. I'm proud uf ' Allegheny officials be ~ 111in1! /t
them." only two explanation.s : ''The flight chaTt
Allegheny Airlloe!:, which bu had three ' for tJ:le airport is off, or there J4
fatal plane cruhea alnce II started flying 1 somebody In the are• with ·a clw.e_+!!
paJSengers in 1959, aaid it had D& reuoo ' band radio operating on ttie" wne ·frie"
to believe there ii any link 'between quency u the altport." l E
. '· •
Capron Land, Niguel * * * , I ,,
Airline Releases /'.
Assessor Plans Watch
On South Coast Area
There'.• a 11.vincs principle·invotved
here. 'The i;oint:lm.'t to put m~y
aWay. But put it to work.Jrtith m\Jli·
munisWJc. .~ · t.t-~ ~I ... "' Bad: of America time certffic:ites
cam an ana.ual rate of S % iAtcrest
paid to you every 1ix .montba, Al
aure a thine ••,you'll find in our ace
of uncertainty.
If ;you lite, the intcrat money cm
be credi\e4 to )'OU? checkinc or .. v.
iap account. Io fact. by puttin1 the
interest in a Bank of America pau-
book account, your total aonual rate
of return nceed1 S%. Money-men
call that a hich yield.
Never underestima.tc security. After
all, our cuatotnm made us what we
are-the larcest bank in the world.
Sometimes it'• better to play aafe
than play the numbers pme. But
even.if you're the speculative type
' ' List of Crash
Dead, Survivors
WASHINGTON lUPI) -Alleel>eny Air·
line~ today released the following Us( of
persons killed in Monday night's cm:h
of flight m at Bradford, Pa.:
.• our Bank of America time certi6q..tes ~1
can round ou~ you; portfolio ,11ifeIY.· ~
There's streoath ma rclentlef9:\~~~
One tbQusand dOU.~ minimum pUtJ.? y~j:pmcss. ·Drop in and see w.ll w •. ~\.~c 91 other services to help ~
y~ with the busin™ or living. You !·
c.oufd.' ~~y stay with 1J:' f6r life. "
tor Ibo buolneu ol IMlll!
(and relax) '
t ' '-
~ I
• • . .
. ·---·-··~~~---------~·
, ..
T..-, J....., 't, 'ttff N ' ,,_. l:t
In Spotl .ight
New years may come and go but Laguna Beach Philharmonic
Committee will still have the sam·e goal-raising funds for the Orange
County Philharmonic Society.
Tearing a ·page from their successful 1968 project hook~ commit-
tee members again are staging a benefit theater party which .will take
place tonight in Laguna Playhouse.
The play, "Star Spangled Girl," will hegin!llt 8:30 p.m. how-
ever some committee members mill . their husbands attending the re-
view will he in the limelight beforehand as hoots and h<lllesses of pr•
theater cocktail gatherings.
Laguna Beach residents setting the stage to entertain friends
in their homes before the performance include the Messrs. and Mmes.
M. Paul Sliker, Freder'iek I. Richman Jr. ·and Edmund L. Van De.:sen.
Theater-goers &lso will anticipate ibe. Neu Simon comedy over
cocktails in the Emerald Bay home of.Col. and Mrs. Sidney F. Mash·
bir and the Monarch Bay homes of ~ol. and Mz:s. Willem H. Bruggere
and Mr. and Mrs. C. Sidney Johnstoit.1 • • .:..
Alte_r the play,'tn~bers ancl !be.Ir gl!_esl§-wiil·close the evening
with a buffet supper in the Hotel Laguna .
Mrs. James B. Keyes of Emerald Bay ts chairman of the blaek·
Supper decorations have been planned by Mrs. Mashbir, Mrs.
Fred Hilpert of Laguna Hills and Mrs. John H. Lowry of San-Cl<>' meme.
The preview takes place one day_before the openhlg n!gl!i.for
the comedy which is expected to run through Jan. 25.
HOSTESS HELPED -Mr!. ~ek 1: R!clunan II one o! •eV•
era! holitesses setting the rl!lge·for•a. preu.e.ter COCktail gathering
· bet.,,.. the preview<~ of''.'Slar Spangled Girl" tonight
In Laguna Pla;i!looise. Mn. Edritund L. Van Deusen helps the
hootess phi a corsage on her dress for the black-tie &ualr while·
Mrs. Frederlak L Rlclunan Jr., (ln mirror, !ell) po.a over her
ahoulder 14 admlnl thi effect.
Newport Ebe,,s View
~ '"··Many-faceted Month
Member< o! the Newport Beach Ebel! Club are starting 1969 with
myriad activities. 1
Mrs. Clayton Thompson will preside at her first meeting of the new
year on Thursday, Jan. 9, in the clubhouse. The regular -monthly meeting,
starting with ·a noon luncheon, will inaugurate the club's ootb. year.
'This first month of the "'diamond year" will find the Travel Section
led by Mrs. Raymond Herms,· making reservations to see Lion in Winter,
starring Katharine Hepburn and ·Peter O'Toole on Feb. 12.
Mrs. Arthur Neeb, music chainnan, will lead the E-Belletones in a • program for the Orange District on Friday, Jan. 10. On.Thursday, Jan. 23,
they wlll fill two engagements.
Goren Counter members will meet for a noon luncheon and afternoon
of bridge on Friday, Jan. 10. Mrs. 0. C. Mattocks is in charge of the eve~t.
Members of the Home and Garden Section will gather Wednesday.
Jan. 22, in the home of Mrs. Charles Larze1ere at noon according to chair-
man, Mrs. Ray Nielsen. After lunch, Miss Maria Wiltz will lecture on
landscaping. ·
The works of Newport Ebell members will he featured in the Orange
District Fine Arts Festival Thursday, Jan. 23. Mrs. Charles Edwards,
chairman, will be on hand to receive art entries at the Fullerton Ebell
Clubhouse for the 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. event.
-Boolr. Section Lueky Seven will gather for a belated Chrlsbnas-party
Mooda,y, Jan. ZI, at noon In the Newport Beach home of Mrs. Carl Pearls·
too. C<>hostesses are Mrs. Leon.Rudd and Mts. Margnrlle Marshall Mur·
pby. Mrs. Hoory Vaughn ls chairman.
Meeting Thursday, Jan. 9 at 1 p.m. are members of Book Section I
ln the Corona de! •Mar home· of Mrs. G. W. Ritchie. Co-hostesses are tho
Mmes. M. L. Rabbit and H. B. Baetz. Reviews will be given by Mrs. Arthur
Kemper. Mrs. Charles Dewey is chairman.
Mrs. Nicholas Brettner, chairman, will lead Book Section 3 at its
noon meeting tomorrow in the Corona del Mar home of Mrs. C. W. Thomas.
Co-hostesses are the Mmes. M. G. Dodd and J. H. Wilke.
ALL THAT GLITTERS -Will he diamonds this year for mem-
bers of the Newport Beach Ehell Club. The !Int meeting of the
year nut Thursday will mark the opening of the club's diamond
anniversary yeer. Special guests will be Mrs. James McCalla,
Orange District presidmt, and Ebell past president.. Getting in
the mood for. the "sperkllng" year ahead are (left to right) the
Mmes. Henry C. Vaughn, chaim\an, Harry Goetz and Ray Niel·
son, members·of Lucky Book Section 7•wbo will serve as luncheon
Book Section 6 members will meet in the Balboa home of Mrs. Lou
Wightman. 'The nOon meeting will feature Mrs. Ann Curtiss, speaker, Sbe
wW be presented. by Mrs. Margaret Hampson, chairman. ~ostesses
will he the Mmes. Leon Rudd and Charles Cooper.
<Mrs. Jack LltUeton, chairman of the PM Section, will announce a
date for members to meet la1e in January. Plans will include a luncheon
and a vlait to 'tll~ Japenese Deer Park.
Squaw Goes on . Wa:rpath Wh·en Pa:p,o6se Be_comes ·surd;en
, DEAR ANN LANDERS: My luilband
and I have been having the same
tiresome argmnent . ror rour Yt;ara. lt's
time ft was settled. Will you do it.
When a coople is out in public, who
l& supposed to carry the baby? Mr
husband says a husband is suppmed
to carry packages and sultca5e5, but
the woman is supposed 1o carry the
Our "1Ue boy la almost 4 and the
Dl!W baby is 7 Weeks old. It's very
-for me lo hold the boy's hand
-I have lo carry the Utile s!rl -II IDJ' illllblnd would help me out by
_,i., the baby, U would llllb life
a 1-0t euler. Will y<>i please saY ···--· oome.-,..
DEAR TIRED: Na-· Jill. -
that &be womu 11 1&ad hr • fin&
Me m-. Aller tUt, -. -..i
--...,, lo"""' Ille eldloL ' '
1'aM>ld boJ who Would Ute to.HlpllQ!f
to 11Woodlbed Father," tbe man who
believes that most kids today need a
cnck Jn tbe mouth. He also lhinb
all psychiatriats are nuts, and that you,
Ann Luder( ate ·am~ old bag.
Granted, my rather never took any
a.aa rrom his ~ but he never
t<>Ok any Jove, ~; .. aHectkm from
t111 either. And we bad a lot to &1ve.
I tried bani to-bo lbt lad al boJ
•Jather coaJil be proud "'· bat I latnod
quite _, that bo " ... ' ~
.ID being • lather. He never ciaee call8d
me "5on11 or even ~ t'lll1 name. It
· was always "Hq Jll!IU." I have • m
recollect.Ion tbar1111 ' father ever smiled
·at me, or held -me -on his .lap .. I Clll'l
recall that he ever touched me, euept
to crack me ID the mouth. And for
some mysterious · reason those qackl
in the mouth were always a tarpriH
to me. I never knew· when one was
Perbapt I ahauldn't be~ too hard on
·my lallw. Ht llqbt me CllO thing,
and fer lblo' I.J UI ptefuL 1 Itarned
,1nmbhbi...llOI' tontsedllklra
Pleut keep wrillq JOUt colunm;•All.a. ' . ' .
Tell people ,what they .;;p\ lo bear,
Tell -ts tiilt tlcts need dilcipline
.00 that t1Hil' want It,. but tliat Ibey
allO need love and tenderness frotn both
lather ,an<I -· Tell them there ts a point at which sirlctrieu ·and in·
flenblllty should end. And ii It doesn't
end there, love will end there.
DSAll SON1 v .. NUCI llU .. ldDd
al -aa1 1-woald lie proad al,
and I'll bet ,..,. lalber wll pnact al
Y'"'. bal be ..., aiiable lo lei ,.. bow.
!'Mr mu. How '*1 lllm! lie lllfued
K a1L
• •
. have been llO!lletldng you ate. Or dranl'.
' 'Write again In abool 10 days -when ~. are rested mid IOber •
U.,.. ilave tnolllo ,.ttlq aJtoi wllb
,..,. -•• '. ff ,.. -~ pt -to le& you Jive yow on llfe, send
for Ann Landen' booklet, ''Blutd bf
Part1&11 ~How te Get Mere Freecl·•lt
Seod II ... 11 ta cola -Y"t ~
and ...... •tampM, ,oell-
eavelope. t I
Ann Luders will be,,&lli lo' ""' you wllb ,... ,..., • --Illa
lo her a care. itl Ult ll&ILY Pll.OI' encloaq • ...,,,..... .. "It ....
. .
Tum.t~ JlllUWY 7, 1%9
• To.urus: . . It's Time '
------'69 Agenda
r~· Change
' . Routine
" .
Around fh• -i969 •send• will be the topic of•C'Clnvenation when the
Newport Beach chapter of the
Kiwi Club convenea at a p.m.
Thursday, Jan. I, in the Costa
Mesa home of Mrs. Paul
• . ' .
INVITATION TO' A 'FIRST' -Mr. and Mrs. Ron Birtcher of San Juan
Capistr11no discuss their Invitation to the first Orange County Ball
sponsored by the Orange County Chamber of Commerce next Friday.
The ball is planned to become an annual event.
Coastal Residents ·
Anticipate 'F· I 1rst
, A'llother "Jirst" for Orange County will be the gala Orange COunty
By SYDNEY 0¥AJllt ..
1'Tbe wlse man cootroJ.s ·hi•
. d~ ••. AltroloCY pOini,
the w_,,.'' • '' ,
. ARD!iJ (March·ll·Aprll II):
• Empl\.IJIJ Oil lflll'k, delalll, ~ rel&Qoiia w It b
ne!p!Q'1 ud .-iai.,. You
1111 l!dded ~11~ Could -wllb~Slan· ~ID compnmlty'ls rabed. s=~~== caoilil he!JI' IDlve dilemma.
Btlna fcrill uuUve ruourc:--
es. !Joelleot for dinln< ou~ broaklD& routine. Welcome cQ&nge, <UacuuJon Of travel
. GEMINI (May 21.June 20 ):
Accent on tolidity ; iiet facu
lined up. There ls strength
Jn knowledge •. Do
11homework." Know . where
you're going and why: Take
Jnltiative.' B e independent,
sure and confident.
CANCEi\ (June 21.July 12):
HWlCb apt to be correct. Ideas
are ·pie.Wu!. Key ls to be·
aelecUve. Don't try too much
at cnce. Concentrate forCfJI.
Be cbannblg to neilhbor•·
Discard rumors. Display sense
ol blJmor. . . .
U:O (July :IS-Aul •. 22):
Spotllgbt on Income potenUaL
You. rDay have to correspond
\, or tllte'journey. But ll'I worth
Iii• e11or1, Aceent porton1llty
utilize IOnle Qf
VIRGO (AUi. ZS.S.pt. 12)'
Conooli~te forces. Re!>ent el· lorl due to pay cl1Vidend1.
You're on right track. Be 1 oeu .. torter. Not wlle to wilt
for one who procruUnates. Dance to ;your Own tune.
LIBllA (Se~ :as-oct. ~)!
Visit one ~ to borile,
bolpilal Be COlll!derate. Belt
to wcrk belllncl ....... 11e-New Career
main In backi?<uncL Don't
ltrce Wuea. Time y o u r
moves. You could aet measace
whtcb chlnges pl1ns.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23.Nov. 21):
Miss Diana Lynn Mor·
ris is beginning her ca~
reer as a stewardess
for Western Air Lines.
The daughter of ?dr.
and Mrs. Elliott Morris
Accent on gakt through help
of friends. You can enjoy
yourself but. avoid extrava~ gance. EmoUoos soar. WlSe to have quiet talk with member of Corona del Mar re·
ol opposite ser. Don't jump to ceived her hostess conclusions. training at L<>s Angeles SAGITrARIUS (Noy. 22-Dee. 21 ): If you ln8ist on International Airport.
perfection, you jnvjte dl&ap-She is an alumna of
poinpne~t. Lunar po s It ion C0rona del Mar High
llIL AND MR& L e e
Schonek of Westcliff ottered
.t,helJ: Garden-Lanai apartment (or a candlellcht ceremony
qnl!lng ln morrlue J u 11 1 Lamp Martin and Col. Ben·
jamin Evans of Ohio.
The Rev. Dr. Charles H.
Oierenfi.eld puformed t h e
Upcoming projects include
a fashion show and the col·
lecUng of old Christmas cards
for the Children's Nursery in
Long atach.
The meeting is open to all
former American A i r 1 in e
marriage ceremony. ---------
Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Johnson1l~=======<==li'
of Minn., parents of Mrs.
Schonek, were among the
guests at the ceremony and
Kids Like to
Ask Andy
A A v v
colncldes with prestige, pro-School and was enroll· mqtlon, advancement. But you
may have to make some con--~ed~~a~t~O:r:a~ng:e~C:•:•:•t~b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cesslont. Do so. College.
CAPlllCORN (Dec. 12.Jan. -
19): GOocl IUnar aspect today
colncldes wtlb far-reachlna
plans. Streu on t r a v e I ,
JlUhllsh1nc . and •d•erllslni·
Hlgbllgbt aosell. Let others
know you are not 1ainc to
baCk" down.
" Ball Friday, Jan. JO.
Sponsored by th.e Orange County Chamber of Commerce, the event
will be a "first" in the winter social season and will become an annual event. P h • t AQUARIUS (Jan . ZO.Feb. syc IC ry 18): Time to release yourssU
from burden, financial and
The Lawrence Welle orches'tra with Myron Floran will provide dance
.. mllflie after the 6:30 p.m. social hour and the 7:30 dinner. Harry Babbitt
will be. JllilSW~of ceremonies.
IL• ht I / otherwise. Takes will power I g , . y -but you can do It. Empha1is
, continues on how other peo'ple
~ _ . Jl.tghli2ht_jlf_ tbe. ball.wlll J>tJlteJDStaUatiQn..!>f..n~..9lf.ls§~1JQLJ!iL...
· county chamDer. 'Ib.e ball will follow the formal dedication cf me-Dew
Counfy Cou~use in the Ci ty-county Civi~ Center fn Santa Ana.
-E---· . ,..J handle mone• lncluc!l•• mate --:xorrrrneu~01~"'&. "~-=---= a barpin a minut__e!
you always leave smiling:
· ' · H. W. "Woody" Linton of Newport Beach will be refinquishing the · A perform~r noted for his
lectures, dramatics and humor
will be tbe guest entertainer
at the meeting of the Mesa·
Harbor Club ·'lllursday, Jan.
president's gavel tO .!Awrence Pete"'°" ol. Huntington Harbour. First vice
president will be F. R. "Dick" Marvin of Newport Beach with Jay Gates
of Tustin becoming second vice president and James Beam of Orange,
.-• Members and gue~ts. will be coming from all over Orange County
for the event which is bein~iiiDed by Tames Tweed! ol Tustin, general chairman. Committee mem include Frank J. Gelinas of Santa Ana,
pubDcity; Dwain Freeberg, Los Alamitos, program; Jackson Wilcox, Ne\v·
po~ ~ch, re~ation;. B~m1 Orange, budget, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Wagner of Tu:ilin, hospitality.
Keith Houdysbell w i 11
Changes in Store
present a tongue-ln-clteek
discussion of Do It Yourself ~, 1 Psychlatry at 12 :30 in the
Mesa Verde Country Club. The
10:30 a.m. social hour will
be followed by an II a.m.
business meeting and 11 :30
Key Opens New Doors
After an abbreviated career
as a school teacher, Keith
Houdyshell toured w i t h
d r am a t I c repertoire com·
panlOI throuihout the Unlted
States and Canada. He worked
for the extension departments
of several state univeraJUes,
present.kig d r a m a t i c pro.
ducUons. A different day and a dif·
ferent meeting place will pr1r
vide a change of pace for
the Huntington Beach Golden
Key Auxiliary of the Child
Guidance Clinic of Orange
· Subject to the approval of
the g e n e r a I membership,
meeUngs will take place the
second Thursday of each
dionlh in the Mercury Savings
<Jnd Loan building.
Stars and Bars
The first trial meeUoa will
take place at IO a.m. Thurs-
day, Jan. 9. Coffee will be
sel'ftd at 9:30 a.m.
On the agenda will be an
interesting speaker promised
by Mrs. Earl Clancey, pr1r
gram chairman. Mrs. James
Hughes, who succeeded to the
presidency when Mrs. Paul
Phillips resigned, will initiate
several new projects and in·
troduce Mrs. William Hanna,
Party Date Announced
lhrift shop chairman.
Now in its new location al
223 Main S~., the shop will
contain a boutique corner fill·
ed with new handmade items
and donated but refurbished
decorative pieces. Jn charge
Bus Heads
For Desert
of the boutique will be fi.lrs. Once again the Laguna
Richard Teske, arts and crafts Beach Assistance League will
expe rt whose assistance con-afford residents t be o~
tributed to the success of the portunlty to abandon the fog
group's Christmas bazaar. and cold for a day in Palm
<Mrs. Hanna will ask for Springs Tuesday, Jan. 7.
additional suggestions from The trip to the desert wlll
the general membership to begin at 9:30 a.m. when the
make the shop a welcome bus arrives at Boat Canyon
addition to the downtown area. Shopping Center.
'The shop is open between Tickets, which do not fu..
10 a.m. and 2 p.m.. Mondays, elude luncheon, are M per
Wedneldays· and Friday• and peraon. Further lnformaUon
Stira and l!al'I wlil welcome Fontaine, Pell)' Ke1ting. Pat any Saturliay opeulnp wlll be and reservations may be ob-
...,.1y arrived bachelor of· Tierney, Sharron White and pooled. Additional Information lalnecl by caJ1tna the Loque
(leers at the Jan. 17 mixer Janis Wicker. may be obtained by calling House, 40f..5977 or Mr 1.
in the Del Mar Officers Club the shop, 536-7810. Wllll!ton Bradway, ~ • at a p.m. The organllation!f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;iiiii;i;;ii;i;;ii;i;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiii;iii;ii.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
was termed by college and
1oung career women.
A meeting to discuss lhe
group's volunteer service and
orient new affiliants i s
$Cheduled fo r Thursday, Jan.
9, at 7:30 p.m. in tht
Newporter Inn.
Serving as co-ho.<itesses at
the party will be the Misses
Pamela Price and Wendy
Gambill of Corona del Mar
and the Misses Sh e rr y
Anderson, Joann Ba a ab e,
Betsy Broyles, Marie Burger,
Carol Fassett, Priscilla Ham·
mill, Louise Handy, Barbara
Hill and Cindy Barber, au
ol Newport Bearb.
AalllUol from Coata Mest
are the Misses Lana Breu,
Mellany Bolger, Katherine
Brown, Laura Brady, Lyn
Meeting Date
~ Mr1. Jean Manihall will
open her Mission Viejo home
tomorrow at 8 p.m. ror a
meeting of the Daughters of
the BriUsb Empire.
Fashions From Our Regular Stock
1/2-2/1 Off
No Cho""
Ne L1y1w1ya
All Sllff Plnol
2515 East Coast Hwy. -Corona del Mar
PIBCI!:S (Feb. 19-March 30):
Accent on marriage, relations
with public. Protect your Im·
age. Try new point of view.
Wise to let one close to you
take initiative. You get
knowledge today which adds
to future gain.
BIRTHDAY you hav e a kind
of inner confidence which
enables you to finish project
once it is under way. Continue
now to adjust to new en·
vlronment, conditions. You're
on the way.
Cycle high for V I R G 0 ,
word to TAURUS : even( oc·
curs which enables you to
more accurately plan future move.
To llnd wt who't Ludr.v !fir YOll
In mol'lf'I" •nd kiv9, trd" £!.'"" Ornur'• 9**1tt, "hc:m )ii" for
Mllll afld w-." lt!ld b It •nd JO c:tl'lll to C>mlrr Alt1'9lol' Sta-tta. tt. OAIL'f PILOT1• IOll :n.-. Gr•llCI Ctfltr1I $t•lloft, Nt'W 'l'Grk, H. V.1001_>. __
FmllllNG TllE FD WES
(now at 1 IZ ar mm Dff nplar price)
9130 A.M. SALE Wed. the Ith
$ .... I h 10 •d ent.M CHHI Sbn
SU.Cls-JfO llON
.... 1.10, t.9' 11.0l-4 ,, ...
SPOmHJITS-l<t" oo4 --TUITUNICll~ _. ...........
TA.Ill CL01lU1
UHM .. "-'fc. Aft II ...
300/o, 4()0/o, 500/o, 600/o
300/o to 4()0/o OFF
300/o, 4()0/o AND MORE
1/3 to 1/2 OFfl
. 1 /l to 1 /2 or more Reduction
5.00 llf< ............................................ NOW 3.9'
4.50 u,t. ........... _ .......... -.................. NOW 3.49
1:00 G!IDLI ................... -................. NOW 5.H
t .00 GllDLI ............... -..................... NOW 6.H
Reduced 4()0/o to 500/o
Now 5.99 and 6.59
1/3 to 1/2 OFF
300/o to 4()0/o OFF
BLANKITS-ACllLAN IMO llf. 16.tl -.. ·-····· NOW 13.91 90 • 101 lit• 26.tl .............. NOW 22.98 MAllT!X TOWELS
AT JAN. S.t.U PRICE THERMAL llLANKnS .... 10.tl ... : ........................ NOW 8.98
., ____________ ...... -......... ___________ ~--~-----....... ~~------=~~~ ......... ___ • __ _.1._.,. __ .I..:.""'= -==~-
• '
• ' .vpt.:. f.2, NO. '· 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES
~ •
Hard Strike
At Turmoil
l\tma1d Reagan, offering California his
19n program, called on the st4to
ligt!lature today lo strlb hard .. -Wnpal lunliOll by lncrtuing penahiM
... -.Uta, DOOBlodenta ond facullt
Involved In dlalurbanca.
'J11e Republican governor, In bis annual
••St.ate of the State" message. also of.
fered 0 a substantial persi>nal Income
tn reduction." He didn't specify who
Vioutd get it, but previously he bad
prorn.Lsed it to middle-incorile families
tot hardest by his 1967 billion-dollar tu:
: .fJedging another year of econom_Y,,
Reagan said, ''Under no circumstances
'Nill l~_OJ'.r.~ig]l in~ J.!._W _ ~Y. _
tax increase.''
And, he asked for new pornography
tontrols and new weapons in the war
iiplnst crime, includlni giving police.
aiillmty lo use electronle llBtening
diVlces when a judge approves.
'Ille "Jl"'Ch WU irepared for a joint
-cif the legislature.. Republicans
now hold narrow majorities In the Senato
ond A=bly, where Democrats bad
llajorilles Jn. the flrat. iwo years of llioP!i'• 'adminislration. . ~~ of hll plans for the lhlrd yell'
.t.hll -·-apolleclclllltln -" ........ llut Reagan Col '1llOrO specillc :s;"i,. ....... ll>wl tbe -of ...... '6M~1>Ul>ui: oo111ae ~-
'"This iessloo, I will Heir fll 01llllllMJj
program .... the •afely and leCUrity ol
our educational lnstitutiOl>o -1o proUcl the teatber, the student al)d the public,''
Reagan aid..
•'Such proposals would, among-other
things, ·1ncreue the legal peoaltles 10<
asSaults on teachers ana students, pro-
vide for the expulsion of students or
Uie dismissal of teachers who interfere
With the educaUonal process an d
elrengthen the ·1respw Jawo lo keep
trouble makers off the campus," be
Nid. ' Reagan said "our overriding problem''
~ campuses "is anarchy and in·
· (See REAGAN, Pag• I)
> •
DAILY PILOT ltlff f'l!Me
Suspect Aleximder
Mesa to Study
City Employes'
Pay Scale, Joh
A detailed study to make certain that
nearly 400 Costa Mesa city employes
~ Ui the right job slot and getting
J>l'Ot(rlionate pay was approved by the
City, COUDci1 Monday.
bllc Admlnislration Service '(PAS) • FraJlClac<i will conduct the four·
mm ,.Jf9crp, Ip· a maximUm cost
of •• ~A~~ e city may pay
less, • ~ · .1.
·. posltto~ ·etwillcalion slt!dy In·
t!bd by City Ml ...... Artliur R.
McKenzie follows a recent city qnl~
redeflnln& varloua jobl, du\lt& aztd
Assistant City Manage:r Fred SOrsabal
said today that salary studieJ will be
inc~ in the PAS prbgram, to make
sure that jobs and pay are uniform
throbgbout the municipal structure.
~ Mesa currenUy bas about ~
emPloyes, from those who anstilr
telephones and perform routine clerical
tasks to department heads and ex·
A variety of quite routine mattera
were handled in rapid-fire fashion Mon-
day night, almost u thoullh councllmen
have adop~ a New Yearts resolution a~ dr_agied-out meetings. ·
Quick approval was given to a COl'l·
dit.ional use permit allowing Southern
CalilGQlia College,. 25~ Newport Blvd.,
M H Pe High to blilld a new seven.&tory girl!' esa 0 8 dormitory, since ~rdinary construction
is limited to two stories.
On Slimmer Cam. 'p Alter several delays for consultation
_____ among owners in recent weeks, Dr.
Melvin Shatavasky was given a e-0n·
FQr Charge~ dlUonal use pennit for Harbor West
Medical Center, at 740 Baker St., with •ma!~.
Despite tender turf ond wba!eftr,olher. 'Ille "!Ii! which bad CllU80d concern
fl!llPlicaUons may nave been Jell was ,completion of"porldq. Joi, pa......,t
1mspokeo Monday, optlmmf w11 1dlll ~ llndscaJlillC projoctl irl\hbi JO days,
ninnJng hillh about ChancoS of. c:.& wllll allays Jl!llBible due lo the mld-
ijesa gelling a pro !-U team f\'f. ~l~ ~· . · · . . tllo months each yei\r~ ' DrJi~~.,. wu told however, that
Vice Mayor Robert M. WI!""' and . ·this Would be a·teal<i)ablt Slkliy period
Councilman William L. .Sl., Clair ~1 and biS ~cal center · would not be
with San Diego Chargers oflipia1s durtn& fa trouble wltb the' city shclyld a month-
1ate afternoon hours and emerged ~· long _,e hit. . · ~
ttie huadle feeling confident : OouDcllmen allo ~t i pW>llc hearing
It is too late to pr,opelly develop,' fbr Jan, 20, Olf' ellininatloli of a publ\c
turf for pre-season Cliarier Jtead..buttin&. nuisinoe at 28S and 218 Victoria st ..
and pass-catching drills on Sou~ a pair of dilapidated dwellings owned
California College land this year. tiuf. by a CO.ta Mesa man. · ,
!979 still looks good for a deal, Wilton Last """"""" 288 Victoria St. was said. •· f 'the icene· .of a p&rcatica 'Investigation
The vice mayor also hinted a~ raid at ·:a hippie communal ·pad and
the-scenes maneuven whlch1 ~yet • the addrtu crops up frequently on police
bring the Chargers lo the liarbOt · logs even today. •
for ·traiolng this July and Aupll.~ The. city "'lllld like owner Paul More thorough Jntontews wlth Gan!ner, of 3025 Donnybrook Lane, lo dpals m tbe three --do 110111elhing about the blllldings,
i,. the deal appear In ••• D Y prefeitably· loll' tban down and lllart PILOT aporla section. . ' ...... . . -
Cook, 29,
In -Kidnap
. --·~--,.,,.. ·~·
Of ,,.. °""..flit! ., ... '
A kidnap ~ wbo',alleg"111' ·held.
off a handful of Cosio Mesa officen
Ior '5 minutes with a Laguna Beach
Polieeman'.1 gµn while.they reasoned with
hipl. to. surrehder without any violence
was arraigned today. 1
The Dtstr!H Attorney's office Monday <
Issued a five-coum complaint ·with ,
chsrges ranging from kidnap lo 8"aJl11
With intent to commit murder and as.sault
with a deadly weapon on a police •
Shots were fll'ed during the alleged
abduction of the Laguna B e a c h
policeman's wife ·m. their VJctorla Street
apartment Saturday, as the vJcUm and
suspect . struggled for a .38 cal. revolver,
investigators said.
' . ' ' N.Y. St1ek1 •
Unshaven and wearing a dark, mod·
style -sport shirt, cook ]darvin E. Alex·
ander, 29, of 2700 -Peterson way, was
mar_c!led ijlto ,a holdlog tank al !WJ>or. _
District Judicial Court about 8 a.m.
Judge Donald Dungan ordered Alei·
ander .returned to ~'Jan. 13 at 1:45
p.m. for prellmlniry hearing and set
ball at $31,2111, a sub81anl1al drop from
the $50,000 figure ortgJne11y attached.
Alexander, wbQ--rwarted · at a restau·
aurant at 1*'·Wr"''.6dams -Ave .. Cott•·
Mesa, witlJ .. tbe · · wa.ttress Dianne
carter, ~,.,., 1111 chsrces which
·~ --~tbgfi_ ""pe4"' ' ' q ;; """"sa : ;H· . but d:t.i ~J°'1'1ll ' J ·~ ,.. '
"'"ltiilxlll • ' lib exaJl!ler. l!e!°lt~ ..... ·~t;:;\tt1U.: ~. lliil'~ fem for
her 1a1et;, wiled~~"" caie brOlre. Mra. carter'1,b_µstiind; Kenneth, a fiv""
year employe with the Laguna Beach
Police Departm~t. wlj on gr,aVeyard
duty at the · time, bUt ·was sent home
when the.einergtDey was re~ ·
The victim was treated at Bristol Park
Medical Center after the ordeal and
released to the care of her husband.
The unidentified neighbor woman who
report..i tbe llleged 8bductloo -heneU
apparenUy choted as 1he tried, to dial
(See KIDNAP, Pll' I)
Harbor Trustees
Study $600,000 .
Request for F~ds
A pro}>Osal to allocate $600,000 to buy
a better educatio!t for Harbor Area
chUdren will be presented toniJjht to 1
· Ne!'flOrl-Mesa 8Chool trustees.
~ hiring of reading specialists,
redti~OI\ of dass 11izes, and purchase
of addlUonal-classroom supplies next .
year , will be ..,ked by Dr. Norman R. ·
LQatl, a&sOclate auperintendent of the
Harbor Area ocbool district. ' u ... 1. hoping school board members -Ww aee fit to US!! anticipated increased
~venues to .enrich eduiational programs. ,
' He JBY8 he Ji not looking for an increase
ln the 'tu rate.
The Loats program for Lhe school
year begbµling next September places
•peclal emphasis on reading. It includes ·
a proposal for hiring 20 reading 1 1peciaUsts at a cost of abou( $13'1,000
. Jn aaiailea: One reading lnstru~r would •
be uslgbed· to each high sdiool, and 1
·one on a hilt-time basis to every' In-~
tormed1llo and elementary 8ChooL
· 'i'be boord will hear Loata' plan during
lts regular 7:30 p.m. meeUng In the 1 Lyceum al Co8la Mesa High School, .
2'IO r~. Rold .
. ' ' ' . .
APPREHll!ISlVJ -.11!t!AJ11·~ mHAN ·w,;ADS FOR TRIAL IN' l(IM~~~s-' "" TION
Atfornf't R"Uiltll!:P~rso~ ~;¥11 '.Cll1nt from Coif to•Htit¥11y. ~ C , !1' 1 . . . '
'" ·.11C• ~-" ~"~ . ~ • .. ' ' . ·~»tlii'.t· 11 f ~· ! 1 ./ "'· -' ...... . '' •
Sirhan Tr~al Adjourne~ ·
. .
Case Reset for · Wednesday AJter .. Delay As~d · , ·
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -'The Jong. since the New York senator was. The tJiaJ ;w8s.cnij:y .a Lte old When
defay-ed trial 'of Jordanian immigrant assasfiln&ted,.' , . . ~ense attorneys ~~.~ertnce ,
Sirhan B. Sirhan for the murder of Su~or Court Jud e H.erbert V. JJ) chambers with ,the. • . , ~ Judie
Sen. Robert F. Kermedy began today Walker turned down ~s motion and and .Jlefendant. A,ftet1an , ~·diseu.WOn
with defense motions to delay or dismiss then heard others seeking to have the the prtnclpals ~_,.the cowbt::dn
the case. Alter 90 minutes of argument case heard by two .JuritS ~ to quash and Lhe trial opene4. <,. . '
the Case was adjoW'ned untU Wednesday the Indictment. . ~e slender one-~e nee tract q.
afternoon. He declined to allow two juries, one erctH-boy .dressed m a , ~t blue "'1t
Most of lhe first session was e-0nducted for the trial itseU and the oU:ier to an~ wearfng . a blue tie WU .uabered
In chambers where the defense tried set a penalty afterward. He ordered lilto .the elglith flo0ri ~~ after
to win a further delay in the case that the motion to suppress the m_ passing through a· I l ·e e 1'-w a 11 e d
which has been pending for seven months dictment to be put in writing. (See ,SIRHAN, Pap 2)
Closure Forced
Mesa Councilmen Deny
·Permit for Elite Sauna
Making its policy sauna a-no-go, the
Costa Mesa City Council Monday deni~
a mas'qge parklr }fermit for a local
spa which evidently dldn.'t advertise its
seoondary services.
.Unanimously approving Police CAier
Roger Neth's recommendalion, the action
will force eventual closure of the Elite
Sauna, 26'J6 N'ewport Blvd., two of whose
masseuses are due In court Wednesday.
· The wife of owner Russell Bailey,
·of 10211 Pua Drive, Hun.U.'1gton BeaCh,
·last monthi entered a plea ol no contest
·to · c~ge. of keeping a house of pro-
.Ulutloo ~·· ·
she was arrested with her two emp)6ye1
Jast· September. f .
No ' one from tfle Elite 5aUJ1a ·was
present for Monday'• council action.
There was no discussion before the
5 to o vote against the conditional use
petffiit, for which Bailey applied after
]>lll'Chast of the sauna facility last July.
. Murmurs . were heard, however, from
a few women in the audienct.
Fog H'alt.s Air
~· . .
Travel, Slo-w~
Ex-solon's Wife
' On &itical ·Li.St
~: Ji_;. ·Murdy, ·wile of .retired
, State Ben.-John A. Murdy Jr., ta on
Ille crtt1ca1 11at suffering ·~· he¢ ..,..
dlUOD; al lloltg M.-tal Hosp!IJll In
Newport Beach, II was leam!d· ~.
· Mrs. Murdy was admitted lo the
hospital one .morith ago. She Is-inr Hoe&'•
ln,tenalYe care .unit apd hp_ ~ on ~he critical list since Dec. 26, wben
she suffered her second stn:lie in five
The Murdys, who tfve ~t 3U Via Lido
Nord, Lido . Isle, were on a vacation
trip when Mrs. M\l~f stlffered her first
,heart attack in Bak~sfield. .
· Sen . .Murdy retired in 1964. ' . .
' ,~1 •
Lagun~ 'White House?'
Mrs. Miell:o Pridgeon, 35, of 17421
'Koledo Lane, Huntlnglon ·Beach, and Mrs;
Marilyn Ball, 32, ol 1745 habnldor Drive, cb6ta MeSa, are both schedulfld for triall
Wedn"'1BY In Harbor District Judicial
Cooirt. Each is charged with. soliciting for
prostitution. CNef Neth told city courr-
cilmen Monday.
It's 11milty" · apln, 11Dd driven
will Ile' help! ....... kl-up •
tree, at least till midmorning when
lllllllll' ski.,, wi111ftVlll under fl· c1esree _,peratures.
Nixon 'Repre~entatives 11>ok Over Pyne Castle
aad.. bu an1 'Olympic sized swimming ,
pool (recently filled with dirt)," sa!d l W1*lla • I
, 'Ille tbr11 my llructure, now aerv1nJ
u an apulinent building, w11 bullil
by Walter Pyno,.on eccenlllc ~
ond one ti. <nnge C01mty'1 bli 1pelld0n1 of tbe 1111111 and .JllOL • ,,_ ""'"'1111 went ., Swlturlal>d
ror-.. Nolo <IPIP concepl It Jnclud!d
(See CU'IUI, Pace I)
Th'e OO.Owner•s no'contest plea amounts
to a somewhat qualified admission of
guilt, Under the California Penal COde.
Mr11. Bailey was ordf!red to pay a
$150 fioe and placed on one year's sum·
mary probation. ,
The no eontest plea protects her from
any subsequent civil courl action growing
out. pf ~· orl&lnal cbarce OR '!h~h
When Ch~/ Jtutica Earl War-
ren swtar.1 jJl W:le~ard M. NU.
on 03 Prt1idnt> Jon,. 20 there
will be '"'"'' who will reca.Lt l~lr~lili<al f"'4 wllich began
11 rean Ooo1 Page~.
. -
, DAILY IL.of ........... "
p,..ldenf.Eloct'1 Aldel RlflOrlod N.,.ilatlng tor .Hl1torlc Pyne CHiie
Mesa Officer· Discovers
Dead Man on Freeway
A Colla, Meu pollcemm. on-_routine parked car early ..lo<llY,
patrol found the body o1 1 La&una_ Beaoh , • Unmarked and with no lndleaUon of
aerospace eniJneer sprawled dowll"a San foul play, ~ body of Howud ·L. Maillt,
--'Diigo FrteWi)'-enifiiiOOllOrtl"")!W"blr-'48;-DHon-!kytln~ Drive, WU.~
. . (o Westclllf "t:hapel Mortuary, Costa·
. M~. ..
New Secreiacy
Of Senate .Voted .'
Big Salary__ :&Ost
(Special le the DAJLYPlLoTl
SACRAMENTO -11ie .new secretary
Qf the California SiliiteS1fill recet9t
twice the pay of U>e 'lite boseph':";lJlan
Beek or Newport Beach, who held the
job fO?' 50 years until his death last
Oct. 21.--• '! f . l •,.
In a routihe voice vo , the'f.sen~
Monday set $24,000 as the annual salary
for the new secretary, Clarence D. Alex·
Beek earned $1,000 a month as Senate
secretary, working only during legislative
11eaalons. Alexander's job ls a full-time
appointment. He formerly wu esecuttve
oecretary of the Senate Rules Committee.
The clause setting the new salary was
In the "usual salary resoluUo,n," in-
ll<lduced by Senate Pro Tem Hugh Burm
( D-Frullo).
Coroner's clepuUes planned .,. . ex:
lininlllcin there to cletmn1nl whal Uled
the rwarcb ~. but p0Ucli"'""14
II appeored )I> Ile due lo a ~JI ·
ca~ ol emne tort. •
Pa~ Wllllmn Sanden "" IDlltl>
bound on the S.. lliego Freewaf one-hall
mile eiut 0/. the Harbor Boulevard
onramp about 3:20 a.m., when he stc°pped io· cbec.k a car parked with u~ en
and erigine running.
Fl:nCiing no one inside, he 'checl(ed
the surrounding area, discovered the vie·
tim down the embankment a short
. ~~~ ~ay ~ r~dioed. for n am· ~f"l ,, t . '
Meanwhile, Plllice U . 'Austin · Smith
arrived and the two la\\·men together
rolled the body up to freeway level,
where it was determined he was beyond
The ambulance call waa cancelled and
coroner's deputies arrived on the scene
to take charge of the invesUgalion.
Mallie was' employed for aix years
as a reaearch enatDeer for the AutoneUcs
DivWon of Nc:l'th American Rockwell
Corp., in Anaheim, according to his wife
ol 1 lh. years. Funeral arrangement! were
pending loday al the mor1ulr)'.
From P11ge 1
I ballroom o'n lhe third Door.
The wood throoghout the structure II
fire-proofed and termite treated Hoo--
duru mahogany and hardwood floorln&
ov~ .re!¢orcec( concrete. Started In 1929,
It took three years lo complete.
The ·castle contal.na strange alcoves
~bby-holes, two.-hu1e-1Htchenl,. •ixl 8la1tds on ftve acfea , of property
that lnclude two guest houses in ~e .&ln.e $Wlla motif and a goat barn.
Pyne .Uled ~oats' m1lk In pursuit of
a #heaJtb re~en. ~.errlct .. acquired the cutle i 1
Ftriof' 1966. When the atructure 'Wu bbi ' tbert ":YaS little in Callfomil
that . · ~· h!ld a candle lo It for opilence.
l'ro"tn Page 1
pa ssageway unjier ·heavy guard. The
prisoner appeafed more seriou~ than
:'It previotls hear~nga and stn:'IU in com~
parison to the towering guartls. . . .
He apparently did not immediately
pick out h.ls mother and a brother who
were seated at the rear ot the courtroom.
The trial began at 9:f0 a.m. and
chief defeme counsel Grant B. Cooper
immediately told Superior Court Judge
Herbert V. Walker he wished to mate
a motion in chambers 1nd with the .
defendant present.
Judge Walter rose to his feet and
reUred lo hls chambers adjacent to the
courtroom along with Slrhan and coumel
for both the prosecution and defense.
• Founder-owner of the Balboa Island
Ferry and Newport Beach I and
developer, Beek worked longer as a
key state offi cial than any other in·
dividual in California history.
From Page 1
Fron• Page 1
surrection.·· He declarid, "Higher edu·
cation ln our stale colleges and univer-
i;itles b not a right, i( is a privilege."
Reagan alao said he will renew his
fight for "some form of tuition er in·
creued fees at our state colleges and
univen!tles." Such proposals have !!iten
defeated in the past.
0-.t.llC.[ (OAJT l'Ull!SH!NG COMP.1.'11'
Roller! N. Wt•"
r-.1lclt~• '"" ,....,n..,.,
th ...... 1(,, •. 1
T~'"''' A. ~~·pki"t Mtn""" t•itw
'•~I Niut11
,t,d"/tt111111t Olrt c•or
C_.. Ne .. Office
llO We•* l1y Slr••I
W•ili•t A44f1u: r.o. ••• 1s•a. •2•1•
...... Oflk ..
f4,tw-I 111•.U.• 1111 Wit! ltll!M •o>ult.,,.•!I
Lt"""' D<ftll U1 F....,,, """""' ~W"ll"ltlOfl IMl.<11 M Jiii S"'Hl
police for help a first time -did not
require medical treatment.
r-.1rs. Carter was also struck in the
head by her hu.sband 's .~ ca l. service
revolver, which was fired two aru:I
possibly three times in a struggle with
the assailant, according to reports.
One shot was fired into the floor
as a warning after the intruder took
it away, police said.
Details of the final stages c! Alex·
ander 's arrest, in which the armed
suspect had to be talked into surrender,
were not disclosed until after in·
vestigalors conferred with the District
Detective Gerry Thompson and
uniformed Olficar Al Muir actually plac·
ed the suspect under arrest, Capt.
Glasgow said in Monday interviews.
Other lawmen present at the time
included Sgt. Jim Green, detective_, Jim
Strickland and Mu WUBOJl, plUJ ·a few
not immediately idenUiied in aftermath
Chance.! are that Alexander will ht
Former Oilman
Injured by Horse
Retired oil man Frank Thompson or
Laguna Beach was TI!sting easily today
at Hoag Memorial Hosplt1l despite In·
juries received when his IS.year-old
borse, Cocoa, stepped on him.
''I've been on the ground many Umes,''
the veteran horseman !aid. "But J've
never been stepped oa before."
Thompson, 4291}, Hawthorne Road, was
leadln& the quarter hone Sunday on
the beach below the Rancho CerTllos
BOlrdJni Stables just oouth of Corona
deJ Mat Wheii IOmethlng "1pooted" the
hone and she knocked him lo th< ground
and llopped b!I him.
He WU leken lo Hoq Hospltol with
a COOCUS8ion and A fracture of the left
bound over to Orange County Superior
Court when he is returned to the judicial
court for preliminary hearing next Mon·
Convict.ion on any combination of the
charges Is likely to result in a stiff
prison sentence, er possibly even deat.b
in the San Quentin gas chamber.
Under .California's s<H:alled Little
Lii:idbergh Law, a per1on convicted of
kidnaping in which the victim Is harmed,
even slightly, faces tbe possibility cf
an execution sentence.
Child Improves
Following W reek,
Mother Critical
A 2'f.t·yeaMld San Clemente boy today
was faring beUer than hls· criUCIIIJ
injured mother, both vtcUma of a one-car
traffic crash Sunday mornlnl near
Corona del Mar, hospital spokelmen aakt.
Dwight Markus, who suffered btad
Injuries Jn Iha momlng mlohap, bu
been leken out of Hoag Memorlll
HOlpilll'• lntellll,. care wilt llld Into
pedletrlcs. where "he •pen! a 1ood
night," hospllaJ spokesmen said.
His mother, Mrs. Roberta Markus,
32, remained under intensive cart, lllll
Jn a coma Crom critical head injuries.
'Ibey ftrt hurt when their car loll
control and rolled over in a Oeld next
to Paaific Coast Hlahway a mile touth
ol c.meo Highluds.
Spock Trial Opens
As Goldberg Defends
BOSTON <UPll -The "" of blby
doctor Benjllllln Spock ard thnl other
men· conYkted on anUdralt consptraq
cher(• came up today Jn f-•l •JIVO"ll
Former U.S. Suimne Court JIJltJca
Artllur Goldberg I• -I.eel to lie Oii
hand.91t1Ue for.the de(ense .
.Second Crash •
• Ill
: • •
• -~1 l(ill«l; 17 Survive in Pen,,,sylvania ,.-
, ~ f'L. (AP) -For the
......i tlmO ii: lwo w•kl. an ADe1be111
Atrl!nei prop J« ,,..,,$! 1n ""' w141her
whllt trytna lo Jard at th• airport here.
Eleven people wiri killed. Seventeen
0~1, mc>it of them left hanging from
their 'mibelll when the.,C<lnvalr ISO
nlooect llDll4t' down Monday night,
·crllwled IO .utety M a i..W•wtPI aolf . ' . ' coune. .
A lJknln JnyesUgatlng. !Oam rrom the
NaUonal Transportation Safely Board,
concerned about the • ' a m a 1 i n g
slmllarltlea" of the two accidents, went
to work today to fmd out what hap~.
A similar team hf.I been invqtiptfng
the Chrlllmal Eve cr,.it of an Allqbeny
flight eight mfies aw1y that l<llled 20
of 47 persons aboard.
"There was nc :>aWc;• said Sandy
Cherico ol ljorth Eul, Pl., I pa&lell(U.
"It all happened too fut. .
"The 'nwmoklng' algn had already
come on and the attwardeu was check; the two accldentf near the 2,100-foot·hi&b
Jn1 the aeat belts." Bradford ~onal Airport. There are
Suddenly. 111<1 Jolln Schack•: 11, o/ no plans to any fllg/lts, a spowma~
Mechanicsburg, Pa., "lt felt like someone .said. , 1 ' ·
waa 'slani!b.fll&''Jhe left side with a ham· · The lattst crash: was Flight 7Y1, whlcll
mer. We ran Into tree limbll, turned originated in Washington. stepped In Har·
ever and aUd. I wound up hangins QPl)de , rlsburg and was bound for Erie and
down. Someone yelled to go ouf the Detroit. The first crash was F11&h' 7"'
blcl." which goes tho otber way. ·
Oulllde tJie 1...Vivors organlJe!I and I Both were Convalr llOI, )>oih were
wen I bid< for lb°" who couldn't get making tnlllrumqit tordlnp iii 1now,
out ' both turned over. ·Both had more
"No one wu thinking of themselves," survivors lti8n dead. Both were comine
said Chet ' Meaervey, 51, of Down. in after seyere wlnter storms. Neither
ingt.own, Pa. ''We were just tz'Jin& to pilot gave lllY warnings. Both looi place
get out everybailJ we could. The acboof abOut !::in p.n!.
boya were wonderful. They handlod Cherico, ~ World War II pilot, told
themselves Ukt men. l'ln proud "' Allegben, cffitiaill he could think of them." ' ' only two e1platlations: "The lli,abt chart
AllegllenJ Altllnel, wblch bu bad thrt< for the airport Is olf, or there' la
fatal plane cruhea llnce tt lt&rted flying somebody in the area with a clth:ens'
pauenpn In 1159, Aid lt had no reuon band raWo operating on the same fre-
to beli,eve there II any link between quency as the airport."
Mesa Police Help Probe
3-manth-old Beafing
'* * * Airline Releases
List of Crash
Dead, Survivors
. FICll l1IJ10lllldln& the bnilll bealJn&
and !loo robbery of 1 Corona de! Mar
man -1oged over by three montha
ot coma and conva1eicence -are finally
befn& probed by CCllta Meu and Santa
Ana police.
Ward H. Londelius, 44, of 202 S. Tre-
mon1 Drive, in the Cameo Shores area,
i1 Usted In satisfactory condition today
at Or&n1e County Medical center and
Bieadlly Improving.
'Costa Mesa Police~ Detective Jim
Si:"ickland was ~ed the case Mon·
day, after Santa An• police notified
1nves!llftoli t!IAr'thevlffilil liJil' hil"'
beeft !;le~ten and robbf!d in a local bar
8-nla.!'\.na police 1!J!d Londelius was
f~ :.mmped !ft hls car, bloody and
~•. last Oe\. 2§ on South Harbor
BaalOad and couldn.'t be questioned
unlU:1'tr December.
Mn. Phoebe LordelillJ, · with whom
ber,'°":made tip: home at·the Tremont
~ .llidrw, uid tod':Y that he was
a 11,~1 prutcipte inv'olved
be 9Qiat ltn'i ~put money
... ~lu·t J>Qt .... -with mini·
mUlnNk. '-·" .. , .., · r1~nt Or fSiJ"iia, t imill<otea
.ea rli an annv.at.ra'te. or g% intereat
.paid to you .tYery 1ix months. Aa
aure a tb.iDc at you'll find in our a1c or ll1lCertalllty.
If l'W lilrc, the interat =ey can
be cndited to :rour chocldnc ar Av•
in a coma for about Sf dayl.
lletectlvea aid the :vldlm told o1 bolna
beaten and l'<lllbecl oulllde Ya Olde Inn,
2318 Newport Blvd., Colla Mea, whlle
he was carrying '900 wJllch wu mlallng
when he was boipitalbed.
Police believe, however, that the severe
head injuries could have been inflicted
somewhere in Santa Ana, unless an at.
tacker drove the beaten man to the
spot where he was abandoned,
Detective Strickland said in a report
ducied v.•hen Londeliu.! Ls in better con·
dition. ·
Plane Crash Kills Six
J AMF.sTOWN , Tenn. (UPI) -A tw~
engine private plane cruhed Monday
night In a snow-covered, heavily wooded
area near this Cumberland plateau town,
killing six persons.
ings account. In (act, by putting1the
jntere1t in a Bank of America pau·
book a«:ount , your total annual rate
of return exceeds 5%. M oney-men
call that a hi~h yield.
Never underestimate security. After
aU, our customen made us what \Ve
are-the lar1c1t bank in the \Vorld.
Sometimes it'a better to play safe
than play the numbers game. But
even if y ou're the apcculative type
(and relax)
' '
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Allegheny Air-
Ii~ today releued the following list of
peltonl kllled in Monday night 's crash
cf Olght 737 at Bradford, Pa .:
Mls1 H. Nelf, Olten. N 'f,
E. Hor11I, Fl. LM, V1.
Sllvt Sc:olt, 8altlmc>r9
lltlci\ford Leoflcll. Manlgomfry, N.Y.
P . .1..btlllt, frlt, P1..
A:idlerd Htrd!Nn, York, P1.
Mn , J. Wlllt!lde, York, Pl. ~
Cairt. Wlltl1m 811nt011. .t..1tx1r>drl1, V1 .. lhl 1>l!OI.
RO"tld L~l.it, Annard•le, \'t .. flr1t olllt1r. ;
The airline said the names ot two oth·
er victims were being withheld pemiiriJ
notification o( their families.
The 11 survivors wi th their condition.s,
our Bank·of America time ecrtj/ieatel
can round out your portfolio ~y.
1 There's strenith in• relentl~S!(.
One thousand >tloJlan minimum pu.ta
yofi'ih business; il>rop in and 1ee ut.
We also have 91 other services to help
you with the busine11 of livia1. You
could easily atay with us for Jife.
for the buafneu of rMng
tilt . -,
I ' ' . : . . -, t .
Reeds •••
In the Wind
The Warm winds have blessed
the area for the past few days had
•their beginning, I'm told, in City
Hall in Huntington Beach where
discussion of penonnel matters
have waxed hotter and hotter of
I'm not sure what the outcome of
all this will be, but 01' Greasy Mur-
phy predicts dire results from the
current hassle over the possibility
of super deparjment heads.
"Seems somebody wants the
planners to take over everything
in City Hall," 01' Greasy reported.
~·wen, there's some what been in
the ball so Jong they practically
own the place, termites and all,"
Greasy claimed.
* He said that the fuss over what
department will enforce what law
really is not to controversial. "It's
the way things are brought up
which cause the problems.
BOfl ,,., 'lf.rt!ek
Classmates Take
' .
Revenge for Note
NEW POR't JIJCIDl;Y, Fla. (AP) -
Schoolmat.. al 'lboalll Crittenden, who
Mondo)' of b1trn1nc .,_, .. the Jawno
al Crlltendeo'i nefChbClrS In an apparent
.. Pl'l*al "' .. ~ letter that said;
"'Sad be survived:>-~ Willa Jean Critltnden, the Gulf Blab
.school foothall star'• widowed molber,
Sex Equality
Now Goes for
Ad.lltry Too
ROME (AP) -Italy's Con!Ututional
Court. bas overruled Itself and decreed
that what's sauce for the goose la sauce
for the gander in the case of unfaithful
husbands and wive21.
The court reversed Its own decision
of se,.ven years ago that adul~rous wives
can be sent to jail for up to one year
while adulterous husbands can usually
go free.
The decision had been awaited eagerly
jn Ulis land whose constitutiol) guarantees
equal treatment of men and women
but whose customs usually favor the
found the --lhe returned from ' the boapital whut her aoo'a left leg
was amputated. He · WAii hurt when ·.bil
car craahed into a b1fJe au1stmas rnom-
lng. .
"We are sorry be survived," tbe note
read, "for. eventually be'I aoing to kill
an innocent wltb· his damn fool driving.
Null said. Luoty it wao· j1lll him and
not a car lull of innoctnla or 1 Floramar
child." .
Mn. Criltendto said the cartlully
printed IQeuage .waa <JI the margin
ov.,-a new~r plc~ of her 18-yoar--
old "!n's wreck"\ car. She said , the
oote apparently camt from a oelihbor.
Early Sunday, police aaid, can full
of youths raced up and down lbe street
on whJCh the Crlttendto1 live. They burl·
ed gasollne-soaked wooden crosses about
18-inches high onto lawns of homes In
the neighborhood, said Deputy Sbtrill
J . F. Gallian.
"By the time l arrived,'' he said,
"there were about 16 or 17 carloads
of teen-agers."
Gallian called for help and rounded
up 35 youtb8. Three girls and six boys
were charged with unlawful assembly.
Two were released to their parents'
custody and the other seven were reteas.
td oo flOO borul eacli.
Deputy John Kirkpatrick said some
ot th~ arre$ted were football players
and cbeerleadera at Gull High SChooL
~irkpatrick said crosses were strewn
up and down the street, and about five
"'.ere btnning when he arrived.
T"'4q, J'i"'WJ f , 1969 DAILY Pll~. ;j
DAl\Y Pti.oT.•lff ,._
Drive Leader Segal, Daughter Donl\I, Son Marie
Mine Disaster .Payments
Withheld From Widows
Seeks Garb
For VietKids
• A -al l'ooimln ValloJ -8"-.klJ!& old dolhta fcr lmpotwlobtd
'l'hrqusJi Jan. 11 lrild.. ol dolhtnc
In \ny coodltloo may be taken "' llit
Fountain Vlll,ty Fire Statloo.m the .,...
ner al Buabanl and Bl Cimino Slnola
oc any Fountain.Valley ICllool.
"Clothln& for 1111811 eblldreis la ...t
111'11""llY needed, but -ol 1111.
type wtD be appreciated by tho V.Jel,.
namese," aa1d Mrs. Robert B. Sepl,
aparkplug ol the drive.
Tbe clothes. will be ~ b1,
the U.S. Navy fnlm Tmnlnll laland.
San FranclJoo. to Mrs. Sepl'a bmblnd,
Ctiidr. ltoberl B. Stpl, Gimp_ Tien Sha,
Da Nang Naval Sllpport BuO, Vietnam.
Cmdr. Sep! oriilnaled tho !du fOr
old clothes when be arrtfed In Vietnam
In Novmilier, .
.A !#!tr .In. llls wilt and, 14 F-11> van.;.eo .... nm.n .JOl>n'Horpei IOI Ibo
project undeiway. When eootaded, Ibo
N~vy qrted 14 tranaPort wbata.tr
clotbea wue coilecled.
In add!Uoo In Mn. 8tpl and lllrplr,
ollMo> behind' tho ........ collecllm,"'"
Mrs. R. -TbomPoOD, prtlidtnl el
the South eout Junior 1Women•1· CIUb:
"First, someone called for one
of them secret sessions to talk a ..
bout the reorganization. Claimed
that personnel was so involved that
all had to be discussed behind clos-
ed doors.
In question was the constitutionality
of Article 559 of the Italian penal code
providing jail sentences of up to one
year for wives convicted of a single
instance of adultery. The next Article,
560, punishes husbands only if they are
convicted of living in open and cootinued
. "None of the kids openly admitted
setting any fires," he said. "But they
said they were there 'because of the
sadistic letter that Mrs. Crittenden got
about her son."
FARMrnGTON, w. Va. (UPI) - A
citizens' committee said Monday it was
"only looking into the future" when it
withheld payment oC more than half
of $200,000 collected in donations for
the widows of 7t miners killed . in the
nearby Mannington No. 9 mine last
Tom Kelley, prtsidtnl oj tho Folintala
Valley Jayctta · and mtmben oi ltie I'
FowiWn Valley"!"~ ' ' "Since secret sessions are~ only
for biting and firing it's no wonder
that some of them city folk went
off thinking tbal they was about
to be replaced."
In ila original 'ruling Noy. 23, 1961,
lbe Constitutilllllil Court held that this
did not violate Italy's constitutional , ___ . -.-~·---*-----·-l!'l&ranlee--<>i-«!Uallt!<---
1 explained to 01' G~easy that I women.
had not seen the plans for reorgan· The court then justified Article 5S9
ization so I really could not com• on grounds of ''the gr~ver influence
ment, but he' pointed out that that the ~uct of the wife could have
"there you got what's wrong in the on the delicate structure and most vital interest! of the family." hall. No one tells the peopl~ what The new decision showed some rethink·
they should know about their own Ing on that point.
business." "Certainly," the court said, .. adultery
I protested that the newspaper by the wife -and equally that by
covers city government intensely, the husband -constitutes a peril for
but Greasy explained that the th• unity of the family.
newspapers cannot report what "But when the law on this delicate
they do not know and as an exam-questiop. treats the wife worae than the
ple pointed out that the news med· h\11~ the danger assumes ever graver
la · .. ~ •••-k · .~ I f proportioos, both becauat ol the effect Ju.ft w.u.. w~. receiv-c::u. ,cop es o on the conduct of the married couple
the city adm1mstrator's memo to and 00 their psycbological reactions••
the council after .scme five :years The Coostltutlooal c.urt Slid ii wu
of asking for copies. not compei.nt In decide. wbelber adultery
"Trying to keep secret the peo-sboold be punished at all, or In what
pie's business can lead Oll!y to dis-cases. But It said that the old law
trust' of the administration and its discriminated between husband and wife
eventual replacement. Those peo-and "resulted in giving the husband
pie in city hall who though\ they an unjustified and inlnlerable priviltge."
would get fired or sort of demoted
because someone else was about
to be promoted over their heads
are angry or against the amfiln..
istrator because of the attempt
to keep a routine organizational
change secret. It's no wonder and
I'd be mad too H you try to reor-
ganize me out of Reeds In the
Wind, 11 Greasy said.
7th, 8th ~rade Boys
Eligible for Teams
Seventh and eighth grade boys In
Westm.lnster may sign up for a Saturday
night basketball league at ·~, Jan.
11 at Westminster High School, or 10
a.m. the same day at La ~ta High
The Parks and Recreation Department
league will play every Saturday night
at the high school gymnasl.unu.
NY's 5th Avenue
Invaded by Rats
NEW YORK (AP) -A colooy ol
rats apparently J1 entrenched on the
center strip of faahJonable Part Avenue
between 58th and 59th ·streets.
Buildings on I b e block houat eipen-
sive apartment dwellings and hotels.
After residents reported seeing more
than 100 of lbe rodtnls !..-aging In
trash cans and tunneling lnln the grassy
avenue divider, Health Department
workers scattered rat poi80D in the area.
The Penn Central Railroad has-been
asked to seardl its tunnel wider the
p"avlng for possible nesting sit<&.
One. woman living in the area com-
mented: "The Idea of rats crawling
arOWld on children in the ghetto really
bits home when you see them on Park
Mrs. Crittenden said "I know a ma·
jority of the people out here don't
~eel that way about my boy."
Brownies Maire Their Point
Renowned L Street Brownies of Boston, Mass., take their annual dip
during first weekend in January among blocks of ice floating in Uie
frigid waters of Boston Harbor. After their swim the sturdy genUe-
men dried off by playing some handball .
9tart Jhe lflew (/ear Right I
Open your ,_savings eccount or add lo ~ur savings when! you earn the nation's highest
n19 of •1111re11 on insured uvings ... Anaheim Savings and Loan Association. Interest
b compounded dallY nnd paid from the 1st when funds are received by the 10th. Funlls
earn to dale of withdrawal when held for 90 days. 5% tum1nt annual rate yields 5.13%
on funds held for one year. 5.25% on bonus accounts held
for 3 years-$1000.00 minimum amount. Accounts
are insured to $15,000.00 by the Federal Savings
and Loan Insurance Corporation and protected by Anaheim's 100% record of
aai.ty since founding In 192 I. Serving the Orange County erea from our three
offlcea ••• Anaheim. Huntington Beach ·and Brea.
Philip .Gango, bead of lhe Cittr.ens
Mine Disaster Committee, formed to
administtr the funds mlled "' meet ' '" • pro ·"·-next weekend \vim the Widows lliler
they compllintd Ibey had not rtoeived
enough of the donations.
"--Mrs; 60)'-Taylor;·rnother 'of-seven
children, said she understood the com-mittee was plallnlng to piit the money ·
Into a trust fund to financ:e educatiool
for the 121 children left fatberleu by
the d!Baster.
"There's a lot to look out for with
the future of Utose 121 kids at ttake,''
Gango said.
Mrs. Taylor, whose husband and
brother were among tbe miners killed
in the dlsuter, said the money should
not be set aside for education.
"My chlldren aren't going '° college,'*
she said. "Maybe. through bigh school,
but they don't Dted any money f"' college." · -· ·
Mr.s. Taylor claimed most of the win-
dows "think tbe JnOneY oapa· to be
divided evenly ao ·~ .wlJI' ·get
a fair share of Iba money the people
were so ,goo;d to lend in."
About :SO 'of Iba widows mtl to farm
a Widows Mine ll!saster Conunlu...
Their husbands were trapped in the
mine Nov. 20 when it·e:rploded in flames.
The portals were sealed niJl!l daya Ialtr
when. all eflortl to contact the men
failed. '
Mrs.·Sarah 'Kacnoski, ·rocbalnnln of
the Widows' Comiolttee, nld each of
the women received $1,000 Crom the !200,000 fund.
In Good Bu111or'
Ice Cream Vendor Booked as 'Drunk'
.Ice cream truck driver BeaumoDt T.
Town1end may or may not be ,Jn a
good humor lnday.
It all depemla on what ht baa . to
tell the judge and what . Ibo Judge bu
"' ..u him. Townsend, ff, of 382 E. llllh St., Cotta
Me.sa, •a.s driving north on Harbor
Boulevard near Wilaon .Street SundaJ
night, accord.Jng to police, when be wu
involved ·m two collisions -witl1 the
same car. ,
Waller F. Smith, 41, of l'llllO Oak
Sl, Fountain Vallty, Wd be WU aiowlnc
his luxury aedan for a nd Ugbt 11 ·
2300 IW'bor Blvd., when the Froddle'a
let Cream truck bumped the l'tlr twice.
!Jtlle damage reaulled, but Ol!tctt
James Farley Slid ToWllltlld ottined
In no C«ldltlon In drfvt ·and wu-.i
on lll!plc:lon of drunk"' drlvtoc and helng drunk In publlc.
1no1ter rou
fa fDlltc1i rKl/kd C1'llftamen dllJ!lar t1tflr f'lllB ta16nlf
in t1lil
Exhibit .. 11111-adon
January 2nd. dn1Dlh.
5.DD% 5.253 ANAHEIM SAVl·Na·s
Earn 5.13% when our
current annual rate Is
compaunded daily and
maintained for a year.
Current annual rate on
3-year bonus accounts.
Minimum $1000 ---111W.~A\ ,,..,w
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-.---,-----------------------·----------~-~ =·~~---~--· -~~~
OAll. Y '1UIT
•. v ................ ....., ' . ... ' } ,, f."iiv<JPOOl, England priest who
received' tr Identical black sweat•'
... returned all but ooe of them in
eicbange fO'r a suit, the Sunday
Tim.ea reported. '1This way, each
fady wlll l!llnt Ws the one she gave me aJid ... ooe's feelings will be iiurt. • the priest said.
' ' . • Four Albuquerque, N.M., teen-
1141~n A._..., R•lph a ...
1v, D•nriyG!ondro and Bobby Dlko
-,111'9 ualng,a 1953 model hearse to
get· W fehool. ,U~ed why, their
ans:+'ert> was:. "No one else around
ba1' ooe.j' , . .. . ., .. ( .. ' . 'Sixty checks totaling $15,000, sto-
~Jrom. the Portland Cheese fac-
tory In Sparta, Wis., New Year's
Day, haV. been returned. The thief
pttt them beck where be found them
~a cooler. •
' W:IWn Dopu1'j Sh<rllf J<=M
KathNin-inw1ffgattd a pickup
. incl< J>OTUd alo"<l lntentate 94
,near Mil10CUkee, Wia., the drivtt
trply grunted al him. then the
oumtr of tht! truck ahoweil ' up
I and e%plained he had run out
of f}aJ and he had put his pig
in frqnt $0 it ~ouldn't get cold.
GOP Takes Assembly
Biparrisan Group Holds Control of Senat.e
Wedditag Belb1
commond of the Senl1-WU held by
;, blpori!An cin:le of --Ion
CU1lrooled bl' 01J(,f"f _ .. --·
U P' I T 111 ""°"'
Prospects of a mixed marriage between Miss Beryl Slocwn, New
York and Newport's No. 1 debutante of the 1960 season, and Adam
Clayton Powell 111, 26, son of the controversial New York congress-
man, are the talk of the social register set. Miss Slocum, 26, whose
great-grandparents were members of New York'a original "400"
social Jeaders, confirmed that she and Powell are considering mar·
riage, but have not reached a decision.
Lebanon Premier Quits;
The two houses offered 1 marked con·
trast Jn mood and action on Monday's
opening day of lbe 1919 legislaUve
sesaion.. .
Republicans, UBlng their newly won
majority, eaaUy rtplla:d Democrat-Jese
M. Unruh of Inglewood as Assembly
speaker with Robert "f, Monagan of
Tracy, who Immediately said be thinis
Jawmaken acoomplish'more by between.
seaion work than they do oo the floor •
He pledged ta bring lbe Assembly
machinery "up to lhe moon-orbiting era
In which we live."
AU 41 Republicans and 19 of the 39
Democrats voted for Monagan, while
the other 20 Democrats either ·didn't
vote at all or were abSent. But .their
opposition was genera'u, good-natured,
and after the eleclioh Unruh -who
backed Monagan -invited Monigan
to vfllit hlm in his new, smaller quarters.
Monagan, who assumed · the speaker's
spacious suite, quipped of ' its Cormer
occupant: ''He's got a ·broom closet, now."
Unruh became minority leader, and
Assemblyman George N. Zenovich oC
Fresno assumed the Democralic caucus
The No. 2 house job, that of speaker
pro tern, went to the man who held
it J 1 years ago when Republicans last
controlled the Assembly -Charles /J,
Coorad of Sherman Oaks. He got 41
GOP a n d three Democratic votes, while
35 Democrats voted for Carlos Bee of
Hayward even though he wasn't officia1ly
nominated and cast his ballot for Conrad .
Asumblyman Robert Badham ( R •
Newport Beach), who had wanted the
job of speaker pro tern, dropped his
Things were different down tlle hall
Jn the Senate.
The absence of powerful and popular
Democralic Sen. George Miller Jr. of
Martinez -killed by a New Year's
Day heart attack -cast a somber
Minority L•ader Unruh Con9ratulat11 New Speaker Monagan
Chaplain Honored
He ·Died Tending Viet Wounded
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Medal outpost int he Que Son valley, 30 miles
or Hooor was awarded posUiumously south of Da Nang.
today to a Roman Catllolic chaplain At the end of his year he volunteered
killed while tending to the dying and for a six·month e:s:tens.ion. In the fourth
wounded during a fierce battle in Viet· month of the extension, during Operation
nam. Swift, he was killed. He was wounded
Lt. Vincenl R. Capodanno, 37, of Staten once, but asked medics to patch him
Island, N.Y., thus became the second up and returned to the battlefield.
chaplain to receive his counlry's highest Tbe day after his death, the Maryknoll
honor during the Vietnam war and the Fathers said , a letter was deUvered
third in U.S. military history. · to the commander of the Marine regi· • • J\•"!""HeluSe~ the Hyper----U.~·Syste at..,..s··-
paNid by the Hype\le5t Editing
System began: "A Brown Univer-
sity professor a1!d his ass<><;ta~ _
have developed a computer pl'Q\;~S
which turns out flawless .final ~~ft!
hundreds of times fllster jhan ·-.1 conventional method of editorial
production. The process does away
with such editing aids~as "pencil.J,
ink end 1pastepost,' '! said the news
release. The flawless computer ap-·
patently meant "Pastepots."
France Hiilts IsraerAid -~~~·~=~ ~:~::th:::: -Navy--Secr etmy Paul-R:-Jgnatius--mentio .. wftietHle-wawtLaehed----
presentcd the medal to Capodanno's "I am due to go home in Jate
!' Senate Republicans and Democrats who brother, James S. Capodanno ol Staten November or early December," it saJd.
Island. "I humbly request that I stay over
This gleeful grin could belong only
to a Ra.ppy new mother 11amed Sophia
Lorenr. Here she sh.ow• off htr new
baby son Carlo P(lnti, Jr., at Geneva
Cantonal Hospital. Ge1zeva, Switzer·
land. • In Council Bluffs. la., Pottawat-
tamie County Sheriff Roy Wichael
found empty cells in his jail
and this note: "J sincerly
(sic) hope that this escape will help
you get a new jail because you need
one. I knocked out the wall in an
hour. Sincerely yours, Mike and
Bill, K.C."
From Wire Services
rtemier AbduJJah Yafi of Lebanon,
under f1re since the Israeli commando
raid on Beirut lnternaLional Airport,
handed · in his reaignation today, but
a government spokesman said President
Charles.Helou has uot accepted it ye1.
Viet Cong Guns
Cut Down Gls
At Close Range
SAIGON (UPI) -Viet Cong machine
guns poked out of camouflaged ·jungle
posiUons ·and cut .down Gls only 10
felet ·away in a Mekong Detta battle,
U,S. spokesmen said today. About 1,200
U.S. troops surged in, aurrOunded and
batlered tbe l!'lerrlllas who finally fled
in the night.
The Communists broke away In small
groups, leaving behind at least &4 of
their number killed by the American
Tbe 17·bour boltle IOO yanls from
the banks of the Mekong River about
69 miles southwest of Saigon left eight
Americans dead and 11 wounded, the
spokesmen said ..
Most oC· the U.S. casualties were
members of a company of the 9th U.S.
Infantry Division which drove Into the
stronghold Monday to invesUgate reports
U.S. helicopters were being fired on
from the ground.
Psychological warfare plane! w I t h
string of well-concealed Communist
bunkers and were cut down by automatic
weapons fire, some of it from only
10 feet away.
Five other companies of Ith Division
troops joined the batUe, throwln& a cor·
don aroond tbe Communlll posltlo111.
"Dr. Yafi .•. believes a new situation
demands a new government," said the
spokesman. "Big decisiorui h a v e to be
made, and Dr. Yafi believes the president
should have the opportunity of choosing
a new man if he so \tiahes."
Beirut newspapers reported t h a t
legislators favor a national coalition to
replace Yafi and bis four-man cabinet,
who have been severely criticized for ,
the wxfefended state of the ~
airport , • The newspapers apecQlated tha\ ai pro..1 Egyptian former premie111 R 11 h Id
Karami, mi&ht become the ne:s:t premier.
He I e d 1be Nassedte revolt againt
President Camille Cbamoun in 1958, when
the U.S. Marines were called in to help
pit down civil war ,and hls appointment
might result in a more militant slance
toward Israel
Meanwhile, France today announced
a total embargo on arms and military
spare p a r t s deliveries to Israel in
rt.ipODSe to the Israeli commando attack
on Beirut Airport Dec. 29.
An Israeli spokesman :said the action
had caused a "dangerous situation" in
the Middle East and would threaten
the French-built Israeli Air Force In
a "matter of months."
Cycle Gang Raided;
Guns, Drugs Seized
GOLDEN, Colo. (UPI) -An early
morning raid on a small mountain home
near scenic Blac.k Hawk, Colo., resulted
in the arrests Monday of 12 persons,
mos t of them members of the Devil 's
Disciples, a Southern California-based
motorcycle club.
Police saJd they seized 29 guns Jn
the raid, including submachine guns, and
a quantity of suspected narcotic, some or it um and IDll'ijuana.
Bemidji -19 • IS U.S. Low
Maine Blizzard Buries Greenville Under 48 Inches
SN•, 1'100,1 . Tides '"I" hceind fl!lti • ... . ll·lJ '·"'· J.J
kc.,., .... l:l2 '·"'· •.1 WION Sl>AY
F1..,1 t.1911 ............. n:u '·"'· i.1
Flril tow .. ..... J: .. '·"' T.! &Kand lllPll . ,,,, .• ,, !l;f!lm.4.1
S.cCl'ld tow . ,., ••..• .' ... t ;• P,m. 1,1 .......... : .......... ,,,,,,,,..,
.... • .... •:• •·""' "'" •:Jt '·""
' v.s. s.-...
................. ,..winds
'"""" tlM ,,.,,.,...,.,, 1t116 Jld9y.
5.-Wll'lllftt ,.,. .ix lftdlll et' ~
.Witt.lie! -...... tNtttd .., ......
-..... ~.,. ....... Wltll
lr1 ..... r.• -rlllflll fn 9ffKt IOUtll-.>11
11111 t1M Vlttlflllt.
Tl'll netl9""• 1ww 1\ottdty m«Tt11'19
w11 1' ~._ 1t Mn'llolln, MIPW'I.
G'"!'!\'1111, Ml!f'l9, r-"'4 • lncft. es 01 -Gfl !tie ..._,,. 111d Mlfll· ..Cltir, Vt., P!l<d U lftdtel, ~!Pier 1torm w11 •11rMdll'll f~
the PKltl(: Horth_,. "''o ~ -It!·
"'" Gr11! Pl1!n1. M.-t, ON .. 11'· u lVM 1.11 lncl'les .i r1ln dllrlnrl 1
11.flour Mrlod.
In (Olllr•H .. ll'lf -IP!tm tl11ft.
""' -"""' ,.,i1o1t d ... C'MflfrJ' llM _,_...,. "''"" mnlltllN.
'""""" Al11nt1
81ktr1lltld •ftm1r(l( '"H ... OM
"'"''" Oft Moh1t1
"""'' fUl"lkl
Fort Wortll
·~~ ..... H-"1111
IC-1 City
Lt& ¥'911 LGt ..,.._ .. ,
Ml1MI l!ttcll
N-Orletllt N..w Ywtr;
""""' """" ~ l!obllt
P'lll11Ckl!olll9 -· P'llbllurt!I
ll111d City
ltM l tvtf ·-J.cr1mtf\lo
SI. LOll!I s.1i....
Sii• Dlffo SI" Frtn<hco
St rif• 81rto1r1
~tlHe .... _ --· '#tlfotM~
""' Lfw ,rte. ~ " " . .. " •S 41 . '· S4 3t
J7 l2 ••
~1 lJ ·°' JS lf .OI
31 l S .1• .. " " . ll 21 .11
" 4 .. » " ~ 3, 30 ,, ,, .. " n " .. »
11 SI
14 ST
16 It 117
lt .7 .Cl
" " J!l, :JI .lJ ,.
" ' " " "' " .14 " -• " .1• n SI' 1.• " " " " .. " c ,. .01
41 lJ " ~ " " ,. ., .. " ·~ 21 .11 '' ,, .,.
r, : ·"
had exerclaed firm control of the upper
houae for years faced a revolt li'om
younger and newer members, mOltly
The chaplain, who extended his Viet· Christmas and New Year's with my
nam tour for six months, was killed men. I am willing to relinquish my
Sept. 4, 1967, during a battle at a Marine thirty days leave."
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and we 'll do the rut.
·~ {69lild 1ddresa of your nesr11t office)
a.nu.men: I sm lnt1t11t1d WI 09ening a new
Oolden Passbooll: Aix:ount
0 EndoMd ia mf cheek (money order) for$--
{t:S00.00 or more). Pi.sae open the ecoooot and
send rM "'°" Information. I her'Mly uOOerstalld
that Wilhdr9w911 C9MOt bl nd. Wlttl propel' •i9-
natt.p carda tll!\lt been ,..turned BOO llflt on file
In thrl Bank.
0 Ple•M send 11'19 more lnfonn1tlon ebout your new
~ Pteabook Sll\ri9 ,A.CCQUnt.
.. llEWPOll' l(jCll
._,.. Ofllc9 C.mp111 It llltdirttlw' 540-Ull • ..,..._ Offa llylWt It Jlrnbone M2·11•1 • S.,..W llffkt __..,. •t l'llctntil 642·9511
Wtsttflft Oflk.9 W1stcllft 1t Dever 642.3111
Cdfll '"' Offlct N11twood 1t Commonw11!tll 171·2900 • SllnRJ HiUs Ollla HtfW at ... 811·7290
&lnfwlrlll:r Oftla C.rt ~p1111111t Stitt Colte11 873 .. IMO
-Yote Challenge Beaten Down
But Electoral Reforms Seen
WASll~'l'ON (AP)
Deoplte defeat ol .. effort
to chanae the vote of a
mavertck prt.51dent.lal elector,
~ congressmen remain
hOoe!UI la< tome deoloral
relnnn lhil yaar,
"ElecLorll reform ls ~
evltable lo the first sessloa
of the 9llt CoaJl'tu, '' Senate
Minority Leader Everett M.
Dirksen sa1d Monday after the
rl!30lution wu defeated ZZ9
to 169 in the House and 58
to 13 ID the Senate.
Sen. Edmund s. Muskie (l>-
Maine), who cosponsottd the
resolution with Rep. James
G. O'Hara (0..Mlcb.), said the
debate did not reassure him
of chances for specific change.
But, be told a news con·
ference, "I'm hopeful despite
my pessimism."
O'Hara .said he thought
Monday's debate ultimately
would help promote reform.
"This demonstrates the need
for reform of the electoral
system," said O'Hara, who an-
nounced he will shortly ln·
troduce a proposed con·
stitutional amendment. He did
not say what reforms it will
House OKs $200,000
embody. hul he ls on record
In I•-ol direct presidential electlona. J 11* resolution was prompt-
ed by Dr. Uowd W. Balley
of ,Rocky l\lount, N.C., who
voled (or George Wallace.
even though President-elect.
NW>n carried the state. Only
rarely ha.s an elector voted
counter to the popular vote
in his state.
Official certification cf the
electoral vote was held up
over two hour• while the
H-Ind Senate debated the
challenge separately.
'Ibey reconvened the joint
session again ln lbe House
chamber after defeating the
resolution a n d beard Sen.
Richard B. Ru.'1Se1l, president
pro-tern of the Senate, an-
nounce the official results as
Nixon 301, Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey 191 and
Wallace 46.
• Why Do
DAJLrP'll.OT IS 1==·~~· ;' ~I .~! =='·
I 6 More ·Gls Get
Swedish. Asylum You Read
STOCKllOLM IUPI) milillr)'-lnEurope. So Slowly?
s....i.n today 1aid It has Tbe comm!lllon ldentlOed , .
11anted asylum to six mere the other ave GI!, bealdel A llf>l'd' ~ In Cbleap
Gls seeking esoape lrom Vie~ Brown, u: iqx>rll ....,_ ~· olmple tecll-
nam duty. --1ameo Dmnli Mmltall, Dlque oi rlljlld r.,illDi 'll'flldj
It raised to 155 lhe number 19 of Minneapolis, Minn. aboUld euble )'Oii to tncrt•
of American servicemen who -Dooald BIO. 11, of Lawtou, yaur readlDI ipeed and yet re--
have found legal ahelt.er In Ok1a Swedeo from service in t b 0 -Cbartu Ati:inloa tl of ta1D much mote. Moat people
A&ian cooflicl. Downers Grove, Ill. ' • do not realbe how mucb they
A spokesman for the Allens -Joeepb Darrell Han 11. could bx:reue Chttr pleasure~
Commission said oae of the of Dellu, Tu. ' ' succeu Ind ~ by readini
six previously had been turned -OOs Anderson 21 of f.uter and more accurately.
down and sent back to France Balttmon Md. ' ' Accord.ing to thls publisher.
where he came from. The The conC1ubl did not give many peop(e, ~ of their
Fm>Cb a<nt him back here. the men'• rW: or miliJary ]ll'eaeOI radbll lklll, ean use
41He was allowed to 1ta7 tmJts. this aim.pie tectmlque to hnprove.
because we don't want to ----------ltbelr rudtna abDtty to a remark .. oend him back to the Uefted able degree. Whether reading
States," the spokesman. said. LOUISI "N .. stories, boob, tedndcaI matter. This American wu iden--'.I -'.I it becomes polSlble to ,.ad sen-
tified by the spokesman only lencu at a glance and entire
as Roland Dean Brown. LA.TEST FLU pages ID K<O!llls with this
He was allo~ to stay here method.
when the Swedish government NEW ORL£ANS (UPI) _ '!-"o acquaint the readers ot
stepped In and overruled the Not to be outdone by Alia and thia newspaper witll the easy..
earlier rejection by the Allens Hong Kong, Loldsi&na bas to-f~llow .ndea for developing
Commission. come up with its own variety rapid readlng skill, the com ..
The commission did not ol lnOuenza. the "Louiaiana pany bas printed full detail.!1
Cnnn .,reed "' '""'"" classily the six as pollUcal nu." of It,• lntereotln.< oetf-trainini -··u IL' refugees but allowed them lo nie National Commwllcable method in a new Dootlet, "How
Carrying hand bags, 10 Viet Cong prisoners leave stay in this neutral nation Disease Center at Atlanta to Read Fut.er and Retain
Pow t Bien H
on ';humanitarian grounds." Mond1y confirmed that fn.. ~ore." malled free. No obllga4
camp a oe, South Vietnam Monday More than a score ol ·the deed, scientists in Loui.slana tion. follow~g their release by South Vietnam~e govern-155 GI h f nd Ju ha'd lsotated a new strain of Send your name, address, and
PRAGUE {UPI) -Jo.sef ment m what it described. as a "humanitarian ges-5 w 0 ou asy m 1nflaena: and that tt should zip code to: Jleadio&, 835 Diver·
Smrkovsky survived the lure.'' The prisoners were given about $6 and d ron. hedre haetuve chedang~ththelrtominds henceforth be known as "Loo-sey, Dept. , 3(6..911. Olicago..
For President Nixon
WAS GTON (UPI) -$40,000 for travel and en-political struggles of lhe ped at a nearby bus stop. /;' an r m e1 er the iaia.na nu." 60614. >.postcard will do.
The Houae voted Monday to tertainment purposes. spring, the Soviet invasion of' r-""---"--"-=-~..:.:::....::.::!:.:..... __________ u::'.ru'.'.'.·'.:1ed:'._:_S'.:ta'.'.'.te:".s_.'.'.or:._t~o~the~lr:_,,::;:::::::::::::::::::======'===~=======
pay Richard M. Nixon $200,000 Only a few scattered dissen· the swnmer and the Kremlin I
a year as president -~ouble ting voices wen: heard in the pressure of the autumn.
the pay of his predecessor. House vote. The Senate, tradi-But rivalries between Slovak
The Senate seems certain to lion-bound not to 80 legislative and Czech in his country
go along. business until the State of the finally proved too much today
In debate preceding voice-Union message goes to Capitol and insured certain demotion
vote approval of the $100,000 Hill -sometime prior to Nix-for Crechoslovakia's parlla-
raise, one member said the on's inauguration -appeared ment president.
presidential pay scale was still ready to approve the full In a statement that
• I ./ '
"chicken feed" for the nation's amount. foreshadowed full Communist • -EREE hlghest office. Another said The raise for the chief ex-party approval. the leaden ·
.. ___ ....;the action opened the federal ecutive is part of ·a package, of lhe Cuch branch of the h&Rlll>OrtO-"<illtThlt1lr<li'..,,,..-most-of'whlrln1~•ctim-part,.-Mond•l"·"ecom•.,.ndetll---1---------_ . -·--· _
creases for other government by Congress, which will glve that Smrkovsky, a Czech, be · •
-------· ~·~---
workers. pay boosts to ail top govern-replaced by a Slovak in the
In addition to the salary, ment officials, incl u di D g post oC parliamentary chair· 5~!Ef~~f~i j:t~::::my. ~ Probed at Glendale Federal:
\. ffOT' LAD/£'5 ARE:
r ~ • '{CJJl'C, /
1 Mafia Ties Steps Down
0 c
~istant Atty. Gen. William
J. Brennan III. who shocked
New Jersey by charging siJ
state legislators were "too
comfort.able" with M a f i a
figures, W' a s "voluntarily
relieved" of his crime fighting
functions Monday and return·
ed to other duUes.
Atty. Gen. Arthur J. Sills
announced thaL a special
organized.crime unit was
"Mr. Brennan asked to be
rtlieved of activity in this
anUcrlme field." the attorney
general said.
Brennan, said he welcomed
the opportunity to "catch up
on work" in the litigation sec-
H G d being formed to ·prepare In-
OW 00 formation for presentation to
a state-wide grand jury now
·Bucher Not
Are Yoll On being empaneled under a n<w
Jaw. The jury was expected SAN DIEGO (UPI) -
to begin hearing testlmony Cmdr. Lloyd Bucher d. the
P d ? early in March. USS Pueblo has been in such resi CllCY • Brennan is the son and poor health that Navy officers
namesake of the U.S. Supreme have not been able to in·
By WIU:JAM MANSFIELD Court justice. terrogate him on the vessel's Sills said the new unit will capture and his experiences
1. How many Negro women be headed by Peter R. in a North Korean prison.
have been elected to the House Richards and Edwin H. Stier, A spokesman at Balboa
or ae·presentatives of the Unit· who are giving up U.S. Justice Naval Hospital said Buc:her's
ed. States? Department positions to ac-"debriefing" sessions at last
a) one: b) five: c) none cept the slate assignment. may have started Monday but
%. 'Ibis woman was the youn-Richards is the deputy chief be had no definite information.
aest nm lady in history. She of lhe federal strike force set Bucher, who has been con.-
was : up Monday in Newark to in· fined to a private room in
a) Dolly Madison: b) tensify fed er a 1 operations the officers' quarters of the
Frances Cleveland: c) Jacque-against organized· crime in big naval hospital, Monday
line Kennedy New Jersey. Stier is an assis-moved back to "building 24",
J. This wife of a President tant U.S. attorney for the New lhe structure where t be
was the longest-reigning first Jersey district. Pueblo's 82-man complement
lady. She was: B is housed in isolation from
a) Eleanor Roosevelt; b) rennan will return to his hospit.al 1ta(f and other pa.
Mary Lincoln: c) Dolly Madi· previous post as chief of the Lients.
Jon state law and public safety A Navy 1poke1man said the
4. 1''nle business of Ameri-department's litigation sec· Pueblo's commanding officer
ca ii business." 'l'11e5e words liO!l-Sills said lbe cban&e was had been IUHering from a
were 1poien by which Presi-«completely voluntary" on tbe broochial ird'ectioo and severe
dent? part of tiis 35-year-old a.sail;-nervous ~n.
a) Calvin Coolidge; b) 'Iti~1f""::~~~;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiii;;;;i;iii;;iiiiiiiiiiii:iiiii;;;;;;;;;;-.I
dote Roosevelt c) Benjamin
S. "America's present need
Is not heroics but healing; not
nostrums but normalcy; not
revolution but retloraUon; not
surgery but serenity.'' Which
Pre!ident said this?
a) Wam:n Harding: b)Rich-
ard NiJoni c) Franklin D.
Roosevelt ANSWERS
·oie1 lll ·• ·s "!IZSJ U'! '1? ...
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Rtcelvwd c1n..,llotlon of $22,000.00
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All N .. T., 9..nty ..._ N ....
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Items as follows: . Georaeow 8 ft. custom
quilled sofa with separate loose pillows with
heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3
makhing oak oc<aalonal tables, (2) 08" tall
decorator lamJlll, baJICing chain swa& lamps
in wrought Iron, an 8 piece king size master
bedroom suite in pecan paneDed Mediterran-
ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty
king size mattms & box springs. Spanish
decor dlnln~ seL eto. WW......,.._ ........ SllUM
::1:~llF1:•._ ...... _ ...... _ .. $691.00
Any P;ece Can Be Purchaad lndMdually
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At Harbor Blvd.
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IEVl'ry night 'til 9 -W"'4~ Set. a Sufi. 'tll 6.
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Whal a nice free book to have. In II you'll discover a new recipe for pie crust, some m~rvelous decorating schemes, clever budgeting Ideas, 2,001 handy and helpt.Jl hints In alL
!l's yours free at any of our 18 convenient offices between January 2 and January10.
And when you visit us, why not choose one or more of our Umpteen ways to saw.
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a1andal1 Federal /lllWDOPI 1188Cb 2333EMI Pactnccoat HlghvraY
. ...
• -
c -1·~~··"' PWrr ~~BIAL PA~ I
.. · Safety and Red
"• . UfllY It Oralll• County Airport once moro took a
. '*'-*'to-ucraUczed tapellllll weet. . 'l1-Federal . Aml!Oli Admllllltralioe {FM) an-llOoN;«\ il>At the urgoutl.y.needed !nllnµnent Landing
.,._. ~IU)·torba4 ~tetber ~w not he a· 'tdllli~to tbe''Alipolffor'about1'oo-,..... The stated ' ., ••• ~ .... tbele: .
· -:n.e·ILS ·aetupcplannecl foe tle CO!l'bty airport has
111eD luta1led ellewbere. . . .
-'lbl.I wu duo to delays In locat!"I' of Ille· system
lilld.~oo of.fuluni status of.tlle1aclllty. (Buck·
Jlmll"' to Ille coubty, Wblch may weli df!Serve this
.an.attbeblame.) . .
·-nie•FAA cnlers'only In ~es of~ or more
Qllemt at oae time and Ille next Order will not he de-
~ until February, 1$70. (The three lo six monllls
"'lulled tor !ni1allition results In the two-year delay.)
Wllllo tbe county Is hardly blameleH for Jack of
vlll.00..1. It would appear lllat a bee\'ler .reopon.slbillty rests
witll ..-AA, wblcb, alter all, Is suppooecl lo he the ulli·
mate IOlll'Ce of wisdom and planning In tbis field.
n.t federal agency, thougla underfunded, Is stlll
able lo deal w!llJ tbe Intricate problems of directing
Southern Clllfomia's but,,\'t growing airport traffic. But It Is turUtHlow,.in · g with a.slfflfy .problem caq1ng fw top prlor.lty at buqeonlng Orange County All'pori. • . '
Minimum onlers of 20 !LS systems, Indeed! Gran·
·led th.at q\llllltlty buying can s~ve money, what's to pre-
TI!lt tho FM from using'coil!puters to•p!npoln~ 20 or
man local and reglonal'alrPorls with fast.growing traf·
flo-and order ILS for them now?
· Perltaps the same shortsightedness Illa! caused FAA
to sllut down Its scb6ol for aircraft controllers is oper-
ative In the case of !LS lnstalJallons.
Whatever the facts about Ille delay may actually
be, the FAA and county aUlhorit!es should do every·
tlJlng poalblo to cut through tbe labyrintb of red tapo
IUld get ILS action now, without~altlng anything like
How to Be a
Party Host ---
In ,aeneral. we have more than enoWdt· laWI· alnadJ, but I wllb ...,'ii --to prOOlbll th• ... ,d fl'oot _. chtiliel on TV. I'm
tired d nmolng lo answer the
door, aoly lo find ll was just a TV
commercial The aame goes for
doorbells and sirens on radio.
JUI! befcn Cbrislmu, I happened to
fM'lllmltt a number of magmine md
newspaper articl .. dealini with the -theme: bow to be a aucceslul boot er
AD d them .......i utt<rly .,.rw...
to ine. becm1• all of them Ignored
the bollc: lngrodl<lll for .-i
llOlllDI -wlllcb la llmply lwnlnl bow to ba,. a good time at...,., own puty,
Refrtduueqts, g a m e 1 , decoraUons, m-and ouch are merely desperate
-to Impart spirit to a -almollllloro. u the bolt Is not enjoying
blmlelf. l bave found one yardstick to
be lldfoillngly accurate at parties: the
more ,food, u.e less fwi.
M<J!IT PERSONS approach hOl!lng (or
boll....,) from the wrong vlewpolnL
'!'bey are terribly concemed with the
iruesta: having a good time, and work
lbemselves into a state of miserable
amlety trying to anUclpate and attain .
this lblmmering goal.
But It b rirtually lmpaO!ible for the
pest, to have a good time 10 long
u U. host ls a palpitating mass or
mn@ .. w+. wboR forced smile scarcely
l'(lllCft)s bla ardent wiab that the evening
IOOll be over, or hls apprehension that
IOIJl<lhlng might go Wrtlllg.
SUCH BMTS ahould either not en·
tertaln or abould muter an air of lnsou·
duce that ls enormously reluing to
the auesta. 'Jbe ideal party is o n e in
which It ls almost impossible to pick
out the boat -who, while quietly al·
-B. W.A.
teaUve, la enJo71ni blmlelf as thoroughly
u ho hope& bis auesll are.
When 1"" "-. a harried couple 8CUJ111Df arouncl the room with an air
al find -that 11,belltd by
"""'"" and ~.eyes, J'OU know a cU:eadful .,....., ia"1i"llol'e· Tl"1r
Implied attl~ ii, 1'Eftjoy yourselv'es,
please -It's costing us blood!"
' -I THE PR ACT I CA IJ.~per·and·
magulne.adYice OD :i.rtY~·b futile
(like all purelJ prad!Cal ""*") beuuae
It doeani bawl a ~-liue;
tllOSe glib dispensers of eatertainment
tlpa don't Wlderstand that a party Ls
not a malalal thing at all, but ao
altilude, an atmoophere, a state of mind,
almort, ... Ls templed to add; a Pdh••,.r of m.
Max Beerbohm said that aome people
are born hosts and some are born guestl;
and perhaps it behooves us to decide
early ln life whlcb we are and stick
to ·that role. otberwile, we mJglit be
doomed•to keep iJvlng the oort ol flalco
described by ..P. G. Wodeboule In .one
of his early tales: "It was the kind
of party where you cough twice before
you speak, and then decide not to say
it after all." What a social epitapb
for a host!
'The Parade's Gone By'
Louil B. Mayer, seeing the 1925 "Ben
Hur" company off for Rome, bade it
farewell wUh this reminder : "Be sure
to have a lot of camels in the picture."
And during the shooting, Director Fred
Nlblo observed: "When archaeologbts
Unearth Rome in years to come aod
chance upon the ruins of this great
set, they will uy, 'Ah, how great Wa.5
the dvlliDtion of that Ume.' "
There wu hard work, improvisation,
frustraUan and a great dea1 of wonderful
llOOMDll in the picturHnaking of those
days. Much of Jt la recorded in this
eeuon't moat exbaUIUve and ttrtainly
molt ltfrrinlJY lllllltrated survey of the
aileat llC!nen, "The Parade'11 Gone
By. • •" 'lbll COYUI the period roughly
from D. W. Griffith's "Intolerance"
(1111) to 1111 wbeo llOllnd arrived and,
ln the mtbor'• view, turned a burgeoning
art lnlo .. lndullcy.
Tiii AIJTBOR IS Kevin Brownlow,
• -fllnunlltr, flbn buff and film bllt«lla wbo wasn't around in those
doJa but WU born at Crowborooih,
&--., a decade: aJ'tet the Warner Brol. -"= -ble by in-11~ JOI00..1n "'Ille Jui Singer."
la dtorly Wat11<ted with
tbe -..,.. era. Holl1Wood variety
Ibis - -lpm'el the European
--al -,.....1. He finds reoll1 -· er daring or Im-lo lodq'I f1bnl -it WU
lo tbe ltllll, the band-l>eld
-Wild adUal. ablnmtod nar-,..... ..,i-1t7.
Wllll .... tht -~ la bis -otloo Ill tracklq down and ................ d !hot period.
Minta Durfee Arbuckle, the former ac-
tress and widow of "Fatty" Arbuckle,
to Adolph Zukor. He taps the memories
of st.an, directon, gag men, stunt men
and other contributors to th.is "golden
era" in extensive and fascinating detail
private collection,, and never be.fore
published, contribute much of the ex·
citement to be found here -the insane
exploits oC stuntmen, for example, or
the' many faces of Norma Talmadge,
or gladiatorial combat details from
DeMille's "Manslaughter" (1924).
I feel Brownlow,tends to overly idealize
this "golden era" when photography
"glistened and gleam<d, lights and
gauzes fused with magical effect." He
refuses to recognize some of the later
superb work ol the world aroUDd based
oo this pl-One<rtng. But the silent period
II his spedalty; be has drenched himJeU
lo it and makes a great case for ltrip-
pling art to this HhilaraUng book.
This ii a bl& book In scope and physical
dimensions (1% pooncbJ, printed on
tblcl: ~ paper which alloWI tho
wonderful photogrJpM the reproductloo
they deserve. The aulbor's enthustum.
ls infectious. He makes you want very
much to ,.. Pola N'lri In -
Lubt&ach'• "Forblddtn l>aradi.91," or
ll&rold Lloyd aa: the lovable coward
in "Grandrn.81't Boy.'' or Gary Cooper
and Charles "Buddy'' Rogers in "Wlnp."
or tho\le cameil LoolJ B. Mayer onlered for •"Ben Hur.'' -
William u,.u
two years .
II'• a case of putting first things first and ilotln&
a=rdingly. When lives are at 1tako -and I.bey im -
it is cleor that obligations should he met.
PreveJ\ti.ve Shock
Leaders In Orange County'• efforts to dee! with tbe
stW-growlng problem of juvenile use •Del abuse of drugs
agree on tbo major cause: Parental )lypocrlsy-fallure
of overly-permissive parents to set an eaample In their
own conduct lllat their chlldre!I can admire and emu·
As for preventive measures outside the home. Dis-
trict Attorney Cecil Hlck.s has a theory he believes
might wprk. It's a form o( &hock trealmenl
licks would awaken young people templed lo ea·
perimeol with marijuana or alcohol by having them
visit an institution where drug and alcohol addicts of
all aorts are being treated.
"It might give them a picture of themselves In the
future,'' the district attorney said. 4'lt might induce
them-or frigl)ten them-Into falling back Into the ranks
of 'squares' who have maturity enough lo be afraid of
tbis type of deviation."
Preyention being so far better than cure, perhaps
a visitation program, of. this· )dild can be organized on
a large scale at junior and senior high school JeveJs-
wilhout violating the privacy rights of those under treat· ment · '
Failing that, then nat best to ln-hosP.ital viewing
would be a motion picture vividly portraying the de--
pendence on crime to support the drug habit and tbe
agonies of withdrawal suffered bx those who finally are
treated for their addiction.
If our young people need a real shock to make them
aware of the abyss of mental and physical destruction
drugs and alcoholic abuse lead them to, then a way
should be found to deliver that jolt.
Cleavage on Vietnam: Rostow·Rusk · vs. Clifford
Nix_on Doesn ~LKno_w WJiat_He_'lLilo_
WASHINGTON -Dutiful telev~lon
viewers are probably1 confused by the
wordy cltcum1oc:utioos of the President'•
• chief advilers oa tho Vietnam War. What
It bolls down to to the simplest words
Ls this: Walt W. Rostow and Dean Rusk
think it is worthwh.ile flgbtlng the war
another year or more if necessary.
Defenae Sec. Clark M. Clifford does
not think it is worthwhile and wants
to end the whole thing right now.
Clifford thinks we are b e 1 n g
"suckered" by the South Vietnamese;
Bostow .and Roik are committed to U. I
'l'hlal-K)' goven\ment which they 11<11 .
up and are moro patient with tt thM -
What to do-bas really been left to
Ri~ M. Nixoo and he does not know
yel wlial be will do.
All 80 often in cases of this kind,
sensible old Everett Dirksen expresses
what a great many people think. He
tells of going to see President Johnson
and aaying: "Mr. Pre.si.deot, I have been
with You on the Vietnam War. But
we We been there Jong enough."
SO, AS NIXON comes into the White
Hoose be finds himself confronted by
the old argument. One side is hoping
that victory may be just around the
comer. The other side is saying this
is an illusion. We don't fight lbe kind
of. war that will win in the conventional
military sense -even Gener al
Wectmoreland admits thaL So lei's &el
out now, not a year from now with
10,0QO more dead.
BOth aides decorate their argumenll
with elaborate logic, statistics and
surmise.a but It all comes down' to the
same thing: Get out now or keep fighting
IOI' another year or so.
On one point, however, there seems
to be common agreemenl The mllitary
altuation' in Vietnam would not be
materially affected If 25,000 -and
poaslbly u many as 50,000 -American
troops were withdrawn.
THEN WHY Ncrr just begin it now?
One full American division could be
withdrawn. Service troops whose work
Is done could be brought home. The
process of liquidating the American com-
mitment coU!d be started without running
slgnlli~t risks.
The argument again.st the withdrawal,
even at the 25,000 level, is that this
would merely be a token and would
not Inean anything. The North Viet·
namese, with more than 100,000 men
in South Vietnam, would not respond
in kind. Unjustified hopes would be
aroused In the United States and the
clamor would rise to bring an. U.S. troooo bQme. Hanoi wciuld ioodUde H
Cou1d .~I Ile back: and wait for
. tl>e complete withdrawal
ThO · 8rgwj,ent for wltbdriwal . Ls ~ve. Toten.or not, ft wOuld 'bting
· hOm.e· to ·tlie 'g'otemment of South Viet.
nam that the day · was at hand when
it would be compelled to accept. greater
burdens in carrying on. its own war.
The Tbieu~Ky government co\tld not
count on keeping us involved for one,
two or three more years, which Clifford
believes is Its aim.
then test out the theory tha~ the govern-
ment of North Vietnam does in fact
wish to enter into an arrangement for
mutual withdrawal. The Paris l)tgoUa·
lions survive because U.S. negotiatOr1
think Hanol does desire such an ar-
rangement. The beginning of a 1:1
American withdrawal, If it Can be done
without military risk, wpuld place the
Hanoi government und.er pressure to
show that il would, ·m fact: as well
as theory, enter into a supervised ar·
raogement for total wilhdriwal of foreign
Hanoi may be in the process of a _
uniloteral withdrawal al lls own, despite ~
' the . lntennittelitl reports of .... af-'
Jenslves. Hanoi"s withdrawal is not veiy
reassuring, but merely a poll-back into ~· Ind Qambodia; in the end, we ~
may be c0mi5tlled to setUe for no better
than that.
M the ·days pass in the new year
it is ;·clearly evidelit that the Jolmloo
administration hi pa.satnJ on to the Nlxoa
administration the problem of how tG
:shift greater and greater responslbllity
for the war to the government of Soulb
Vietnam .
The Nixon administration, U it is com·
milled to anything, is committed to
that process. The way to begin it b
to ~gin.
AFS-a Bridge for Understanding
To the Editor:
Here are excerpta from two Jett.era
· received from boys who were American
FieJd Service students at Corona del
Mar High School during the '67-'68 schoOI
year. The letters were so inspirational
we thought they should be made public.
Johannesburg, South Africa wrote: "To
try tO assess the value of my year
would be impossible. I have learned
understanding towards different peoples
and their wtlque customs. I have learned
ti].~. values of life and how to appreciate
them, and I have learned that an
Ameri can is not the stereotyped fellow
with a crew cut, bermudas, cameras,
a loud voice and horribly wealthy, but
kind, open minded (except in Nebraska
in a litUe town called Hastings!) warm,
hospitable and generous.
"WHEN I LEFT South Africa, I was
a mere South African, but I have return-
ed with a love for my country and
a desire to help her whenever possible.
• . thus I am a better South African.
For this I am most grateful AFS in
South Africa has had considerable op-
position from the government until
recently when they realized that we
do return with a deeper love for our
clon, Paraguay wrote :
"J am back home and I can only
tell you what a great work ,you al\
doing, and havt done, for all of us.
"The world has many problems now.
But we h6ve to hope in our fri~s,
in our enemies, in the young bfbod
and in Cod. Everybody should do
something ror ·manktnd, and I think,
rnlling a bridge for undentondlng b
the greatest one. Thal ls wllat you
are doing. Keep working. It la no< In
vain. I am thankful and am aure that
everyone ebe: ls too."
Tbeae commenll "'41ht bt encourqtng
lo many who wonde'r how we· ever' can
.....---B11 Geef'9e
(Write to Geor8' for •nswm to
those little problems lhat tttm
to difficult to solve. Wilh • lllUe
Sideways Thinking lhe:y ere no
Joqcr dlffJcull T h e y ' r t: lm·
L•lleno frGfn n..itno 1n w11camt1. Non'NllY wrli.rt
11\c>uld ain....., .... , IMQAlll In )00 WOl'dl et' ltU..
Tiii rl9111 tD condtt111 lltt.!l'f to 111 9"CI or ollml-
n1to Ube! Is rtHrvt!d, All ltltten mud lncludo
1l11Nt11 .. Incl m11!1119 Mldnu. but n11M1 m1Y bl!
Wllhlltld Oii """"' II 111ttlc1tnl AllOll II "'"'"""·
come to a better understanding of people
the world over.
S11m1tol ol Lo"e
To the Editor:
Children should not be told then Ls
a real Santa Claus. All gifts, all that
ls good, cornea from love, and love
ls a Bible · aynonym for GOO. tr this
simple truth b: taught to ch.ildren from
infancy, they then can accept Santa
Claus as a symbol of love, and there
Ls no period of dislUusionmenl
When the fact dawns on a youngster
that hJs very own parents encouraged
deception, it can foster suspicion and
distrust whk:h could stay with him,
perhaps unconsciously, the rest of his
LOVE CANNOl' be e.ither black or
white, or any other ~lor. It should
not seem strange to see black, red,
brown, or yellow Santa Clausea, aa we.ii
u tho wblt.. ro)J1-pollea. Sanla Claus
should be loved for what he really Is :
a symbo1 of love, d.isperiy.ng. gifll to
happy children.
Ch.ildren should also be told the truth
concerning t~e way babies are born.
When they ask, the truth can be simply
stated according to the child'& age.
A MOTHER CAN say to a sii-year-old,
4' Ask me again in a couple of year.s
and I can explain it better to you.
You are a little young now tc> un--
derstand." Competent teachers agree
with 'me that it is not good to talk
down to children, nor wise to talk lo
them as though they were adults.
My main polo~ in writing la to stress
honeoly In dealiiig with the youngsters.
Abolish the Fifth Amendment?
Thomas E. Dewey came up wtth a
real shocker the other day in advocating
that the Fifth Amendment be discarded.
"We don't need the FlCtb Amendment/'
he said. "It was ror the Dark Ages."
Dewey added that everyone ought to
be required to ans:wer any questions
asked by a properly constituted govern-
ment body, court or police. .
IT JS INCREDIBLE that an attorney
and public figure IUCh BS Dewey could
entertain, much less utter, such thought&.
The Flftli Amendment is one of the
important comerstooes of American
Dewey obvUusly aJlgns himleU wllh
thoee who are angered and frustrat«I
by the foci that the Fifth his ~.
provided refuge for the obvloully plll)i.
But that tlOme should go free thouab
fU)tty Is u nolhlug, compared to tl\e
enormous power abandonment of the
Fifth could place In the bands of ln-
senslUve or unacrupulous goverument of •
lldala. No citfun could count himself oecure.
THAT A MAN of Dewey'1 llature
should comtder the protection of the
amendmtnl UMectssary is In ttaelf an
lllustrattoo al just how necwary It Is.
Dewey simply IUCCUlllbo to the "coo•lcl
at any COBt" phlloaopliy that· la part
of the backluh agalnsl iJle &pttmo
QKui.1declalons on'IDdlYldu&l llberties.
Bui· the 'FQth Amendment coctalns
far "!°"' tha,n Just tM pfovla!on ogalnst ,.\f.lncrlmlnatlsJo. WoW<I· Dewey also
dilDimt ytth the iequlrtment that
aerlous criminal cbargts must be mado
by I &rand .jury lndlclm<nt! Would lie
do '""' wllh Ille )l<O"lslon agalnol dooJble j_..iy! ·w.,ail .... '?Ille «rt -the' ~
gulremant tllat a man I"""°' lie depd'"4 "
'l(W.,,libertJ or .~ wlthoofdoe ·
prbceu of law? . . . ,.
LUTI.'!', WOIJLll'De'"'1 do awtoy With
the JnVfilon that !l'h'•to 11"1"' ty may
not be laken for puf!llc t'UrpoOel wltl1'lill
ju.I compenaatloo!
'Ille l"tlt!I Amendment was wntten by
men who knew tho blstory al lyranny.
Jtt ctntrel idea d1tts bad: to the 12th
Century ..i..n 'thurc:h and c:rown strug-
gled for dominance. It wu common
pract.lce to forct men to telUfy 1galnst
lbemaelves -l11ll>f tomn.
We are not 90 certain as .Dewey that
man bu completely outif'own the Dark · '
Ages. The behavior of some con·
gressional committees or w h at
semetimes happens to suspects in the
back rooms of some poHct stations l!
not exacUy heartening on this acore.
Tbe lloeohdu Adv1rtl1tr
'l'llesday, January 7, 19611
TM, cdttorlcl poof Of Utt l>ottw
Pilot 1ub to inform and 1t~
ulata rtddpi bJ pr1"n""" w. ..._)>fr', opinions and ..,,..
m<"""11 ..,. topju of Int.rut
ond algnlf/ClTICe. bJ prooldf119 a
f"""" ftw Che •%J>'ftrioo of our ttadtn' op(n'°711, and hr
pre""~l1ll I.le div-lrl.,..
polnll of iflf"""'d obi..,,,...
and rpoktnnn on iopks of CM
Robert N, Weed, Pabilaber
• "
--= .. --....... '-,,;_..,...,.. ...... -----------------------------------------~--------------.....,--7:;~-:c-1.,
• It Takes 5 Years
To r.:~ ' ra.lll . ~
-Solon ,~f P.P : ,Fact~ri.es " ·i:n §pa~e·~ -. ~
A . 3 i i . -. I :::!>.. >f< • 'l l 0 I ••• /'iASlllNG N(U )-Dr. o cut Ila leas i.-for a lltvery10ekef1uupire Ue aiio eould be uaed for 1 II doesn't elill Bui "a •proballtrlio..-....ito ~ ueller evea = ~4th 0 u t. the lo delivef • a!oaiJa loot ·;~polnl" lr•"'P<l"" 1 •paeo ahuttli development belore lhe .. " ~ llltr, 't
the linllecl s 1e1 start 'tt a•·· .,~111rdre<Sbe "!...~b•1•,.1'.¥: tn the ~. "°" u there !'\ ~. ~ 11 l«lllfani, !nillal<d -coo~ MUelW, -LBy L.M. BOYD
' •
to ..------; stat.ii one w ho-«ight to
know , •
bllllorlabu Uve In lhe Uolled
States. Only one, the tu meo . ,
say Howard l!ughes. ·dallll>lcl ...,. a!>l"!l maot.
SpPPOSE YO\I ARE aware ~ ... dau~ Jbolelo 11Je th~'s enough ice· 6 n Jdblt wear ei:~e sc40Uea
Antarctica to cover 1Jle Unlted of' .unlilaJal color ·arid. design,
Stai.. with a l>,yer nl same bi 1171. the •mother pis
two. mnes thick ..•• THAT 'nervoU1, U-AQ't querulous.
ARETHA FRANKLIN ls ,.Id ~t. JllOCllt!'I' end, daugbt.n
to do a pretty fair hnitaUoo argue · .Wl ~ rnoq ls-
of Bela Lujosi as Count .U.mametlllW"bkhtheyounc
Dracula. . . . A MEDICO ·· 1ac1y 'dloi.o lo liDlen up
CLAIMS 3 out of s babies tile IWlll In bor oiack!, he
under 4 months . old ""' aaya. \'
allergic to orange juice. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q.
now t. ---~ • ~ ...., 'dilil ,..,_. ,. w la'lMa..-.onomical Wk.of 1:et-Sbm"cREWS •
trU1portai!M ayol<m between irodlllle:r,a1.s ~.~~~!!qube ting raw materia!a -r.. and Tb1s ~"-wwld b e .....-·uttvl'OlttN-. ma ko"''.~ •~ . floJehiod~·l>llil< from -• ,.._....._ la ~. m aa '""...-~ the •~"-! _ '!l"f•led lhe same c;rew• -,...,..... ~-__ , from lhe !llIDe pada uaecl ht
Muellti. 111 o c I ate ad-STEEL FOAM Acoording to Mueller, ~ .... 1 tl)e earth-tpaco ohutUe. Sala ~atotformannedspace Mueller fore'a:w t)acf., day we have Jn aJgbt 1ct>e' Mueller, ••i:;io place on~~
fllgbt Cl the N at I o n a 1 manufactured It.eel 1 to am tecltnology necessary ft r WtjMlld be more than one hour
Aeronautics and Space "almolt as lljbt u balsa reuaable space vehicles." fen from ariy, other."
AdmlnistraUon (NASA), said wood" but with "many of the years. ago It cost about $1 ~ the: demand! of
.In a recent speech that this properties of isolldi steel." Sucb mllllon to J>U.t a PoUnd of ' (om11n1QICaUQn1, navigation,
should be "the ne:r:t major materialJ coold 11;1 fabricated ' payload in orbit. and earth reaources satellites,
thru.!t in space." into extremely llgbtftigtlt A now foresetable "apmce all of which need maintenance
Orbiting space 1 t a t l o n s , turbine blades. shutUe" could do it for a~t ftom Ume to time, "the space
~ienUst..s agree, would be But what gOCMI ls Jt to $5 a pound. The basic de8'(n shutUe could go to work
idea! plaUorms ror lookiQg at perform fine ~acturing In for An economical space ~i.. tomorrow" if tt existed.
the ~ and planets-and,
indeed, back at tbe earth.
'Ibey could serve not only
as astronomical observatories
but also as vantage polnts
fl'OT(l. which to survey the
earth's resources, operate
weather forecasting and com-
munications services, and con-
trol air and space traffic.
,f •
, .
"NO~ODY YE'T has C9t1le uoo.yoo think ln'U ever get
up with a proposal to a wQIJ1in for Prelidtnt?" A.
eliminate war" and l doubt Wouldnl bf lll!Prtaed. And
anybody ever w1ll," wrlles an 1tl tt happens. J'lf ~ she'll
army colonel, now retired. ,II be ~e .bl&hly P'opular
that right? What about lll06e President's wile wbo is voted
nudists at their ioternatiooal into ·omce to IUCCeed bier 'b!Js..
convention in Switzerland:? band. . • , Q. 'rwRICR
'l'hey drew up an official BREEDS of defis ori;tnatld
r e a o I u t i o n , suggesting in the Unltf!d Stalel?n .'A. •
everybody take off W!it Know a breeds.. dtd .'so.,~btl.t
clotties. Under such con. the 1>llJy one that. ~ to
dilions, these cultists formally mind Js the Snltz. "'Will ~k
They also could do business, '
Mueller said, as factories.
Mqltctilar force.a which get
litUe .Chance to operate ef-
ficiently on earth w o u I d
perfonn wonder.s in t h e
weightlessness or s p a c e ,
Mueller said.
FREE valud>Je new book at
averred, none could further. ''l?" ·~··
distinguish the enemy. all JUST GOr A NOTE lrP*fl
would be too chilly to go out a lady named E 11 i a_b ~ t • Weightless liquids take the
on j)altol, and you, .sir, would Johnsoa. Do.t).??,,.,.'i.ge, sh~pe of a perfect s~bere.
have no place to pin your and am. -~ bphful, -io• ''*A ThlS co u Id revoluti~lze
eagles. . but UlaJ:. ti .~··tO ·be m~uf~cture of ball bearmgs,
I! YOU GET a queasy feel· -the thlrdt inoit PGPular I name ·achievl!lg f~e t 0 ! e r a n c e
Ing when driving across among wamm-Jn their ' othe.rwrse _ unpossible: This
bridges, that's known as thirties. Second ~·popular may oot sound particularly
gephyrophobia. A fairly com~ femlnlne name tn that age glamorous.
nlon condition, it's said. . • bracket ls aa..id to be Allee But perfect bearings ,
. "THE HUSBAND who knows Smith. Most popular of all Mueller said, "would reduce
when to listen to his wile is known to be Mary Marlin. fricUoo Md noise levels to
can become vice president of ••• "WOMEN OF WHICH lbe vanishing point," and that
his corporation," states our STATE are most Inclined tO would be a great boon indeed
Love.and W~ man, "and the bre.ak.,oot.pa teara!" inQJUru r .. tQJIUlll)tind.
husNnd who knows when not a ba'chell:>t. The · Rarifan Jn space it would be easier
January 1-. O
• •
---to listen to his wife can gir)s, MP our Ladies' -~~ _ _ _ _
------beconre'--presldent."-~. .-';--Not: 'fieCiuse 1lity"'re ua;
CAREER DIPLOMA TS learn Hawaiian girls, be says, are
early t h a t Mohammedans just a! apt to break out in
nevec carp about lhe weather. tears when they're happy.
because they feel to· do .so Maybe more so.
ls to criticise the deslgils of Your'questtom and com-
Allah. ments ar.e welcomed and
HOW DO YOU ·FEEL about will bt ustd wMiever pos·
your daughter's underwear, .siblt in "Checking Up." madam? I mean does her · M
taste in the selection of Addre~s mad to L. 'I iijSio:=!S:!!~====lli
unmentionables irritate you? Boyd, 1n care of the DAILYI.==========;
A specialist in feminine attire PILOT, Bo:r ·JS75, Newport
says that's what mothers and Beach, Calif., 92663 The
Orange Coast's
Most Complete
In State at New L{JW SERVICE·
BERKELEY ( A p ) -'"' separate malntenam! ~.,; •111•1111u11
Birth Rate for 1968 ,,
Calilornia's estimated ~lrth ~lltd d1lring 19611, 1,000 m,... Phone 642-4321
rate for 1968 dipped to a -as-;;;lhaft~:ln::::l96:7:·====:::;=:::::::::::::=:=:=:::::=~'! year Jow but the state directorl1 ' ' of public health says, "We It's ct 7891 ~aiSert Avenue,
can cnly speculste about the
causes and whether this trend
will continue."
Dr. Louis F. Saylor said
the trend of declining births I
started in 1960. speeded up l
after 1962, and hit an
estimated low of 16.9 per 1,000
population in 1968.
The 1968 rate, lie said, is
lower than the estimated na-
tional rate of 17.3 per 1,000
and the lowest in California
since 1940, when it was 16.2.
The estimated 335,000 births
last year compare with 336,584
in 1967, he said.
"It may be that more
California couples are doing
more family planning. On the
other hand, it may be the
low birth rate of the earl!
19408 that i! responsible. We
really don't know ," Or. Saylor -
The estimated death rate
of 8 per 1,000 for 1968 wai
the same as 1967 -still the
Jowett recorded in California.
Dr. Saylor said the California
rate was also lower than the
natiooal death rate or 9.6 per
1,000 popu]atlon.
"1be most .lik ely ex·
planation is that we have a
lot of young people among
our 20 million resident!, and
older . people rective better
medical care these days," be
said ..
California's marriqe rate
of 8.J per 1,000 popul.ir.tion fell
below the estimated natiooal
rate of J0.2 per 1.«M> though
the llUDlbet or marriaaee 1n
the state incrused from
IS0.000 in 1967 lo 162,000 In
The estimated fmal divorce
or annulment rate rose sli&hl·
ly In 1961 -from 3.1 per
1,000 population in 1967 to 3.1.
Sayler said ·~ .. 120.a com-. plaints for ill..,.., annulmeot
the Auto Club'• new "caitle" in Hunlinglon Seoch.
Fu~llollocl. And llilly eqiilpped. Slart;ng Monday,
Jcn10ry 6, providing more thon 700 services lo
A!Jto ctub meiiibe,.:j and tht community. Everylhing from
weekend vacation lo worldwide !revel planning,
Everything to hefpyoo getC.utond follow o!I the fun
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Sts>b liy qnd let td Sulliva~ the new mooager, show you
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We've built a new off ice in
Use the money this valuable new 128-page book helps you save to open or.a~i:I to yourCalifor~ia Fadei"(
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Income-stretching secrets you can use in your evel)'day purchases ol lqod, clolhli'\d, furnishings, appll·
ances, carpeting. A "sa[a.calendar'"that tells when to save the most on what ~tretchlng your car dollar-
save on gas, o11, ln~ulance. Investments, s•yings problan)~.·life insurance;ll~nclng the chifdlen's edl!Ca•
lio!l •• 1 an~ more~ 't, V(hatever your income, this book can put more money In your pocket and In you~savinos
account right away. Free and only at ~ifor~/a F,ede"ll: Oo~ ·· · . ·
copy pel"family, pleas~. while they last. at our new accounts c· u:r. .
department:· ·, a I 0l0Jft
Open or add lo your C1lllornla Federal Savings ~ccount, loo ..
Funds received by the 10th of the month earn froni the 1st. "V .-.:I · 1-
'5.25% Bonus Account: (Avallable in multiples of $1000.)'Eams ...('cu era
V. % bonus eacti year above regular passbook rate when held ...
3years. s~· . '
5.13% Pa11book Account: S.13% annual yield on Insured ii VIDOS ''
passbook accounts when all savings and dividends remain a ' " ..,....-e
year, If the 5% cu r~pt nnua 11te_ls maintained and com-AND L6Atl ASSOCl{ITION
pbundeddallylor'a)'ear. -. 180fflCES •ASSETSOVER$1.5BIWON
• • La Plante Set
For Bal Post
ANAHEIM/WES'I' f~CE;,600 ~1 EUCWp AVE. •''m-2222
election u of
Balboa Island Improvement
'8sociatlon. Otber orncen
who will serve during the
coming year are S e I l m
Franklin, vice president, and
'· ,
• A Good Frier.cl ol th• Famlly for Shcfy-fighl Years.
Tom Houston, treasurer. 1~------------------'
tf1;', t,,. ' .. . ' " ~, "'Ii'' II"\°'.,.
COSTA MESA 6 127oo HARBOJll BLVD. • 546-2300
r J m Head o'rnoo: ~o llM1. Loi An!illiu
• •
' •
,. ---
~ -
~ ..,
\l ;i;'.i
" ~-.
'" ·--~
•• ...
'II .,
•• ~ ...
" I ' ..
I& 1:
l •• " .,
' ..
" ..
' "
' ' ,, ,, ,
" '
I .
\ I
' l
No Clues
Tu..tl>', JlftuJrt 7, 1969
• ly Phll lnterlqncll Special Aid
To Pueblo
Kin Halted
more special aupport will be
alven lo Ille lamllles ol tbe
Pueblo crewmen In San DlelJO.
'Ille San DJeao Qiamber d
commerce, whlclJ collected
151,411 lo tbe lamllleo "' tbe
men of the captured tn-
te!Ugence &bip, balttd Ill pro-
cram at midnl&bt Monday.
The Navy say• It t I
terminating its s p e c i a I
servi«s today.
Looll(e3 and other facJliUos
had been .. t up al BaJhoa
Naval Hospital for the Pueblo
families to use while visiting
crew members.
Most of the families of the
82 men have returned home,
but about 22 families remain
in a hotel here.
The Chamber of Commerce
said it has not yet decided
what It will do wUll tny !-
left over· after. the fllnlliea•
board and lodginf trpeme!J
are paid.
Finch Successor
The Pueblo crew members
are underJoblg lnlelllpnee
debriefings at tbe boopltal.
The Navy plans to hold a
court of inquiry into the cap-
ture of the ship by the North
Remains Mystery 2.,. R • Mm unnmg
SACRAMENTO (AP) -open as soon as the U.S. For Mayor Seat
Four of the men mentioned Senate confirms Finch's ap-
as possible successors to poi.ntment -was not discusJ.. LOS ANGELES (AP) -
Republican Lt. Gov. R<>bert ed . Mayor Sam Yorty will face
_ H. Finch say they have no "I am emphatically not 21 opponents In bb re-tiectlon
.. clues in the mystery or who campaigning for the job,'' aaid bid April 1, includlng the pro--'-ber ducer of his recent "Sim will get the state's No. 2 job. WIC.IU ger,. who said he Yorty Show" on televtalon
The man who will make ~ould. be qw~ busy the com· Producer John F. Rourke:
the appointment, R~llhli5!an _ in~ sue. ~tbs shepherding SO who barelt, made Mon-
Gov. Reagan, has been mum, R.e~pn 5lippro11Matetr1&-Oa'rirllllii aMilllne, lild bi'*&
although he said he expected hill!•• budget through the runnJnc llaloal Yorty "wltll
to announce the man by the legislature. some NJuc&uoe."
encP. o fthis week.
Finch,. 43, served his last
official duties as lieutenant
governor Monday and then
headed for Washington, D.C.,
where he will become
Pres Iden t-elect Nixon's
secretary of health, education
ind welfare.
Latest speculation over a
successor centered Monday
around third-term Republican
Rep. Ed Reinecke of Tujunga.
Reinecke acknowledged the
speculation but said. "I have
had no contact whatsoever
with the governor's office .••
J have not been approached
by anyone in the governor's
Would he accept the post.
filling out the remainin~ two
years of Finch's term. if the
job was offered~
"Yes. I would." Reinecke
said emphatically in a
telephone conversation from
In lhe Senate chamber, with
Finch still officiating as presi·
dent of the. body, Sen. Ge<rge
Deukmejian or Long Be11.ch
said he assumed he still was
in lhe running, although he
could not be sure. Deukmejian
has made it clear to Reagan
he is interested in the job,
but Reagan has indicated he
might not want to upset the
narrow GOP control in the
legislature by naming 1
lawmaker .
Gordon C. Luce . Reagan's
transportation and buainess
secretary, left word with hif
secretary that he would have
nothing to say about the situ.a·
lion and that any command
would have to come from I.he
governor 's office. The word
from the governor 's ()ffice was
that an announcement pr()
babJy. would be made in the
nen several days.
State Finance D i r c c t o r
Caspar Weinberger, fresh
from a cabin~ session with
the governor, said the job -
• Americans Sell
Savings Bonds
Americans in December cash-
ed in $11 million more U.S.
1avings bonds than the y
bought, the Treasury dep.ar1 -
ment said Monday.
Sales of Series E and H
OOnds and issues of Freedom
shares totaled $37$ million, but
redemptions reached s 3 a 6
million, the treasury said.
•r Tll<t Ao.cl•'" "rtt• ~··'·~· TIW letltl•lvrt loalt. car~ of l"'trn11
rn1t1er1 •• II ~ tt>t ,,., i.eu!o~.
Ei.tt.d 11!*"1 T. M1111101n. !11-
Tr9eYI, 11 _k.,.. 1nd c111<1e1 c ..... ,..., fll·Slotn'olfll 0.-t). 11 SPH~er
' ..,.. """·
Papal Earful
Mrs. Alioto 'More Blunt'
Mayor Jose~ A.Doto 1111 hll
wife doesn't believe In mine·
ing words -even with the,
Pope. •
Alioto, who just returned
from a lrlp abrood, said that
during an audience IMJ Md
with Pope Paul VI the ~
approached the lllhjecl cl
appointment of a clrifinll to
the Roman Catholic AreJldlo.
cese of San Francisco as
"softly and diplomatically ti
Father Cremates Self, .
Three Children in Car
-A father douaed his car
with gasoline and pinned his
three young children down
with his body inside the flam·
ing vehicle while all four were
burned to death, an autopsy
Man Robbed,
Killed in SF
Ifaight Area
A young San Francisco sales·
man was robbed and then
shot to death Monday night
as he and his wife walked
down a street in the Haight·
Ashbury district following a
trip to the supermarket.
Dead was Michael O'Dono-
ghue, 29, of San Francisco.
According to the victim's
wife, June, the two were w1lk·
ing along the street with ann·
loads of groceries when four
or five young men accosted
them and demanded O'JJron.
oghue'1 money at gun poi~t.
He handed the gunmen bis
wallet, and they began ahoot-
ing. O'Donoghue was killed
by a single wound through
the c.best.
The assailants fled on foot.
SF 'Hippie'
Found Dead
Deputy Coroner Leo Reyes
uld the body of Jose Trinidad
Ayala. 51, WU found with
oul!tretcbed arms on top of
hi.! aon and two daughters.
1be oldest and sttooiest
cbikl, •year-old Peter, was
partially out from under hi!:
father, indicating be probably
atruggled lo escape, Reyes
The autopsy performed alter
the bodies were dllcovered
Monday revealed the four died
of smoke and flame inhalation.
The coroner's office said the
family was alive when the
flames fed by gasoline =:wept
through the car parked on
road in a remote secUon of
the San Bernardino Mountain
San Quentin
Death Slated
Quentin Prison has received
its fint notice of an execuUon
date aince a ban by the State
Supreme Court Nov. 14, 1967.
The ban wu lifted last Dec.
19 aner the court found that
~recuUona wtrt legal but that
it was illegal to exclude from
juries persons who oppase
capital punishment.
Santa Barbara C o u n t y
notl/iod the prison Monday
that Feb. 11 has been et
SAN FRANCISCO (UPJ l-fe>r the caa chamber ertcUUan
The body of 23-year-old Mi-or Dorman Fred Talbot Jr.,
ch ae\ McClarence of s a n 28, who entered death row
Francisco was found Monday July 27, 19'5.
i'l the youth's "hippit pa.d" ==:::=======I
;. the Haighl-Ashbury. tht1"1:=i=:s;:=~:c=~r I •r,pattnt vlcUm of 1 platelG g ass wl.ndow.
A s~ for the San
FranclSCO P o 11 c f' Depart·
menl aald McClarence ft11
par11y through the window
cutting his upper right arm
10 badly he bled to death be-
f!)R he could 10 for help. Po-
hct said he died sometime
around New Ytar·a Eve.
famous name se~es
in double knit wool
-7.99 to--13.99---werelS-O(Uo,W)Q __
Now you can get a whole wardrobe of
separates for very little prices, Great
looks you can mate up to make a t.w
1hings go a lot of places. In b:mrt/
brown, prown/black, ming bluele!ec-
tric blue. 8-18.
a. 23.00 open jackel. 13.99
b. 15.00 striped sleeveless shell. 7.99
c. 17.00 a-lme skirt 9.99
d.19.00 jacquard pant top 10.99
e.19.00 pant, elastic waist.10.99
may co sportswear accessories 72
famous maker
nylon quilted robes
13.99-17.99 r-sr. 22.00 aa• 21.00
Softly quilted nylon robes. Li,ttle puff• of
polyester fiberfill Jor warmth without
weight. Delicale embroidery touches 1;p
the front. Both are easy care. Choooe
dress or floor length. In pink. blue, or
mint. In sizes 10-18.
may co robes 53
January Coat Clearance!
fcrshion coats of wool
---34.99 --WeM-38.99~ --
Our collection of coats includes all your
favorite colors and styles. Choose from
double 'or single breasted, fitted. flared,
or full styles. Your choice of pure wool.
flannel, tweed, wool shetland, or wool
mohair. Select colors from a !ashion-
right spectrum ... black, camel. brown,
taupe, beige, grey, red, blue, aqua, and
tweeds. You'll Jind these ou Islanding val-
ues in sizes 6lo18. Come in and see them.
may co misses' coals 27
proportioned pants
in alretch nylon
6.99 ... ,.s.oo
These are !he pants that really fit. Pro-
portioned for perfect length. With an
elawticlzed waistband that hugs snugly.
In _easy-car& stretch nylol}-Black, navy.
grey or broWn-Short 8 to 16, medium JO
to 18,and tall !O'to 18 ..
may co active sportswear 76
may co south coast plaza, san dle4)o fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321
shop monday through saturclay 10 am to 9:30 pm
Politiea l Fe ud
delegation in voting for War-:lttice IS HERE!'f GIVEN Trial e•nli . of Amet1fi!a_ Nall-I T~ili Ind _ ~-~~r!t..te bit!:~ ~ n,: ~~r O:.lfe~~;5 1<> ~:" ls rr.,a: t;,111 tur'lh9r p1rllculen. and tti•t ti!•
tlmt Ind plKt til helrl"8 ft!! ........ l'I•• betn Ht tw J1nu1rv .,, ·
11 f ·:JO I .If!.. ln h COllffn<Jrn ol ~~t "°· 3 of .. Id tQUrl, •I 700 Wnl Elvlll1'< Slreel. Lr< IM City
Df San .. An.I, ~11Jomlfffl
ren c5n the"-only-prestdenttal ---
roll call taken at the 1952
Ott.cl oec~'."e. 's~'JoHN. ~ount'f CLERK.
NUltWl'"f' 'HURWIT"l MID REMfR, -JW21!• ...... Nt_,, •11e:':!1..~111ff;rnl1 ~ 1"t1: 1710 671--All-YI fw ?'ltfllltntir. P••> P11bll111ed or .... V!I C011I 01llv ' Dt<:Mnt>cr l1, lNI Ind JlnlJllrY ritoli
GQP convention In Chica~.
Callfornla ... in fact, refused. to
join the rush to Eisenhower,
not changing its vole and re·
maining stubbornly behind Us
gove rnor.
But one of the leaders of
the delegation, who declined
the use of his name, said
recently, "l would be less than
frank if 1 did not say there
were less than cordial rela
tions between Warren and
aAll·1211 SU?'1!1l101t" #UllT OF THI ITATI! &" C IFORNIA POil · THI!: C UM' OP OltANGI H~c.E 0 , "":.-.t.ti~" op P'l!T•T•oN DARK noft•E l'Oll' PROIATI! 0,. WILL AND MOL~ niJ
Tl•S Tl!STAMfNTAllY _, Es\tte af CHAllLES CLAlla
( I LAUVE:'L T, Decffdd, "EM "Notice IS HEREBY GI•
!rent Ev11 Bl•~_n, ~'wn'11'";',,; ' llf:lfltlotl or p,...,. t "' _ ,., eraJlhle Codlcll 1rld tor 1$t1.111f1Ct ..,,.. Test1men11rr Ml Prtiliclrlll •. ~
10 which Is OTll<le tor hi~ Hitl<:).I
11nd ltl•I Ill!! liml Ind P11ot-,llf"""' lt>e t..m1 l\al been Ill lot JanllltY
191;, 11 t ::JO 1.m, 1n ""' c;a11rtr
of ~rtmtnl No 1 of t-ald
11 100 W'°'I Elllhlh Strttt, l" Cltv af Santi An1, t1llfoml1. ·
D41ed Decw~r.r s'f' k':l'N,
<~mr Clerk. R3•EllT M. GAL l\IAH, I'" 1~J. v.~= m~ft, '#:,l a ' grolp homposed mos(ly ~ ........... di, ca111or1111 l '-4'PWarTen men, sprlnk1ed with l#i.!!i'l.;42~i-r. ,J· .:'\.:T1£( and Eisenhower backeis.
Publi.htd Or1nte Co•'' D•llV P t' jiu.i I b' · Id th.t ~mw 31, lN& 1nd J•""'"' -:S."' _.ea o *rvers sa -r
• ~i Warten released 1be delega-
LEGAL NOTICE ; liar!, aboot' 65 Wllllld go for
eA• 1m 'Elsebhow!r and' rest for Taft. 1¥:.f:1gp. c\tYfJ.:f... l~f · Nixon, ihcluded in t b e
TMI! COUNTY O~OU.NGE • delegation as a party leader'
HOTICE 01" i:v.-.:1Gw1~~ =~~ITJ~ miUed a poll to some 23,000 !'2~::f1"'~\ 0 .1iDM1H1sTR.t.T1~14 i callf6rn1a Republicans asking ff,~':t w~L t,'t.il~~o c MAR L~· . • therrl who they favored for 11:l~lc~A fre~~l~e~~·1\.1·N ~ : the· ilomination. The majority
!'GAAL AUDREY SPEl'IC ... "·h•_•, 'wm . ~A1'd ""' ....... bower hef"tln 1 ~lllon fo<'" Pr "' M · ;>a l!ii""'" · ·~kt~1o:\1~.;:e1wnr ... ~:~~ .~.~ · "t think the governor in· r.: r~c~ ~ mri-to;,Ju~r::.; 0_;'1~1:1~ :. terp~te<f'lthis as being \lJl< ~r:., ,,.'me h•• ""teen !" !vr J• .. u1"' friendly "''said the delegate. ,,, 1m, ~t •=:JO 1.rn.,, "•111e_.~,~~ . "' ..... . of ~rlment Na. ...N Cl1Y ..,;, ... ~"" •I 100 Wnf e11h"' SI., ln IM BIG ·~ of s.n11 An1, :i:11orn1a961 -• · oitecr.;~iTrJb~J, · Warren' and Nixon were tw o
,,,__~,,.,~'l111~rk. membe!'ll11f .1.l'le "Big Three" t'=. 'i:m!9°'.tt:'· ·' of California"il e pub 1 i can
Tai: (2UI 77MJll a i)t.JUt ~ politics 6f• .the 1951)s. Sen.
AttorMY ,.,. Ptlll .. ftl• I W'lli ~ Koo I d th l'utlllihi!'d ()r1na• C<>11~l 0111'1' Pl1"11• !t I am .-, Wan , e r=e"'11er Ji. IN& •nd Jinu•.., niwi s tste•s seniGJ;,sel)8.tor, wa s the
third. {. r ,
Knowland was &qua rely
behind Warren, ,,his old friend,
for l'Jl'esident. N'i1.0I) expressed
his own position ·this way :
.. We can now -e1:pect an
Eisenhower drive for ·victory
Oil Uie flrit or secoqd,, ballot.
lf that drive is stopped -
if Ike can't put 1t over -
then Warren will become the
front-running candidate."
In addition, Nixon was
~-Knowland for the vice
prealdency. Warren, th e
party1s vice presidential can-
didate in l!M8, said he did
not want second spot Utls
tJme. .
As the conveiltion got under
w~. attention centered on a
crucial ptocedural qu<3lion
that wOOkl eventually decide
the nominaUon - and here
Nl.J:oo performt!O hi1 most
valuable service to t h e
I '""''
Reealle d lttl mAN0t WOii.i ..
. -
• • SMAU-
l~< • •
' Crocker-Citi'zensBank introduces a new
kind of passbook account that pays you
0%; It's called the Bonus Passbook
Account. And here's how it works :
1 You make an initial de posit of $500 . ' or more in a Bonus Passbook Account.
2 In return you receive a Bonus Pass-
book with the amount of your deposit
3 You receive 5% interest per annum
compounded quarterly from the date of
your deposit. (If the balance faPs below
$500 during a calendar quarter; the reg-
ular savings rate-currently 4%-rnay
be applied.)
Tutsday, January 7, 196'1 DAILY l'fl.01' !)
: --
• • Discovery May Herald
f ' ·1 ,.
End· of _To<?th Decay :t . ' DENVER !UPI) -Tbot dntranase lo the dl.C Pl""
trip to the dentill might not d~ a 100 percent eUmtJia~
be ao paln{ul "In U\P. future • tlon of tooth decay. TeatJ ~Ii
-nor so freQuenL 1-im1oa ®'If &rf undtr w11y • ._!
Dr. RH Ingraham, pr.. Dr. Ingraham 11ld UI" <If
Ieuor '*' q>eratJve dt.ntJitry the ~ would also bel~" at the u~ of Soothtm . • , · calilorW....ald. tota.l elimlna-reduce gum d.iJtult9 wh1c
' lloo ol ,llOl!i ~ay might be ore nDw tbe primary cauS.j
just ~·the torn'!:-. of adult lootb ~lernl'" , ~
Dr. tncrMiun lold delegai.s
at •. meellzl& or the Me\ro lti;;;;i;:;;::==bl;i===1l' Deo'<I' ne.tal Society that fedlttl ,..ra.m bad .....
ceedOd.ID liidlalhl! .. e.,,....,
dettrali-..e, whfCJi dtsl">Y•
a<Uieil\>e· ·-rUes of tartar.
Tartar·-llloel wlth bacjerta
in the mpiith. lo prodU<e motl toollt docay. .. •
Dr. ln&rabam aald tats -
ducted with -showed
4 You may make additional deposit.a
of ;100 or more at any time.
5 There is only one thing we a sk:
that you make withdrawals only after
your money has been on deposit for a
full calendar quarter and only during
the first ten days of a calendar quarter.
Or, i! you wish to make withdrawals at
any other time, that you give us a 90·
day written notice.
Bonus Passbook Accounts are now
ava ilable at all our offices. Maybe you'd
be wise to check into opening one now.
We can't think of a more profitable way
to start the New Year.
• ...
~·~~·BOnus .. PGssbook Account
'-r COST.t. MISAt utO -s-e JJOO Nortli HsMr lool11•4
(IC)c;Ut·Cl'liltfll1 MATIONAI IAlf'T, .c;,.i~i CMIU1 /otAJICf>IN 1~"1( • MOtt l'llAH 2.'e OlllCU :U.!IWIO( • MtMlll l"tOIW OCl'QSIT JG0ANCt CQllOMllOM -' ., ~ . ·~ -
" •• ' . I•
_____ __:_-r
'House of Atreus'
Imposing Display
By WILLIAM GLOVER who helped cmi. lhe com-
·-111 JJIQ, hu dlrl!<;ted wllb NEW YORK (AP) -The aU bis cu1tomary zeal and
At1nnesota Theatei: Con_lp&I:y cheeky lndlfference to tndi-
puls on an imposing dtsplay lion.
or dramatic ambition and So the ilorv w h 1 c h ability in '11le House of ~
Al.teus" which Inaugurated the ~eschylld;, told In t h e
ensemble'i first Broadway Orestela Qt reg I c Ide,
vl&it last week at the Billy ".engeance and ulUmate salva-
Rose Theater tiOn through the creation of
. ' laW, comes off with cOOJ•umed Being a rhymed adaptation embellishmtnt and some un-
(ln England) of ancient Greek Hellenic laughter
legend, it isn't the sort of The thod • st that
shofi likely to~ a boxofiice G thri m~c1n·:U~tes trust .ttampede but 1t gjves au· u e . . q
diences here eicellent proof the naZTat1ve ilseU to hold
of the 9uality of stage work the 0:~~~~ limitation, the
now being done far from the lhr d hall ...... 1 Whit w ee-an ·a· """' pagean e ay · conveys the essential majesty llau..t0 l It als~ works more ~moo~ly and strange remoteness to
'N.l.Dl ::...,....~ ~.:X...,,. " and with . g~eat.er 1ntens_ity modern eyes and ears of 2)lo. !22. = ':"1'"..::. ~ '·a.: than the or1g1nal pre~nta!l.on year .old drama. ~ • .._1 ~., ..... -. two seasons back m Min-Much or Its · cwnuliUYe = ~~4U::::.,":L,: neai:iolis , with all of the same power derivea from the
,,. 11ra.e. ...,..,_..,. leadmg performers. awesome, larger-than-life cos-
Actress Superb
In Newport Show
End thuter-workshop opera-
tion, it Is successful indeed.
foOOt ............. w..,...... Tyrr : Gu~ h roi '1 I ~he tumes designed by Tanya
~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~l~~•b;u;lli;·e~nt;;lo~u;nd~m~g~;;ym~p~t>~n Moise 1w1 tac h and the fearsome assortment of
wrinkled, blind masks through
rnflll,. ID {;htvron 'Ir!--, which the actors speak their
"JUST •""8U UI'" A -i.e~i.11 """'-it 1rt -..,.,..
.. ,. ( ...... atM1r1M W °"'*! SNin
_.,, •· I'. Slwtftlon. ,,,.,.., ....t
...... ~ D1n1t1 Stein •~ Mlq ~ f"ntldl ~..,.,... by ,,,..,...
T..,.,., lll'tllll9 •1111 llilflts lw J-~le, _.,,.._ ....... .,.. Setuttlln
end lulldtYI fflrau91t IMrdl J el flle °"9lt Ellll Thee,.,., 1115 Vllll w,.,,
Miss Cowles' performance~
-there are five in all~ ,with
aome incorpDraUng more than
one character -are uniform·
Jy superb. She casts rapport
over he.r audience like a net,
pulllna it in at just the propet
cllma<;'tic moment, aod the
resultant sensation is one of
deep ple8.!W'e a n d won·
er''"_;.;., ~ Jines,
Conformlng to olden usage, 'fUIWtl. all the principal roles are W!MJ enacted by men. Douglas
Campbell minces or bellows
as occasion requires in lm·
personations of C1ytemnestra
and the goddess Athena who
establishes legal order in the
life of mankind.
Lee Richardson doubles as
a potent Agamemnon and
mildly droll Apollo, while
Robin Gammell Jess suc-
cessfully appears as bolh
Cassandra and Electra. Len
The Bamboo Curtain
Cariou makes a rather mun· Actor. Gregory Peck stands by a fence depicting the
dane Orestes, and Robert Hong Kong border during filming of "The Ohair~
Past.ene complete the major man'' in England. Hong Kong has banned Holly~
panel with some short scenes wood cameras from filming portions of the movie
of imposing authority as there because of Communist threats against it. Aegtsthus the usurper. . -----------C.:...:=:....:::.;.._:..;,,;.::._
actnu Margaret Cowles -
brtnp them off wtlb ...
toundh!I ..... lllpplng from
• fl<Jg<IJ Engilab """"'" to a biasay ·Brem working girl
to • proper la.1:1' "' lhe Frmch court with no more apparent
difficulty lban a brief costume
It Is a olngular triumph,
and one well r.eceived by a
capacity Saturday night au-
dience in the remodeled
building which ooce housed
Soolb Coast .Repertory'• Se-
cond si.p Theiler. AJ an in-
troductloo " the .... ()pm
She begins the evening with
what must be tenned a
"warm up," a very short piece
depicting a bright-eyed young
English girl just arrived at
a London suburb for a vaca·
tion with her·aunt and uncle.
It is engaging, though devoid
of. real depth or conflict.
The second interpretation -
and by far the finest of the
evening -casts Miss Cowles
as a lonely New York girl
in her twenties, sharing her
fictitious experiences w 1 t h
another, similarly a!lect<d
companion. Her running ec·
CO\Dlt of an evening at a -111t:=~uL~BOft:ai11-------
673-4048 A~ting Tough Life Barm-streisarut con.cert and
iis subsequent a m o r o u s
misadventures pr o d u c e·1
outright bUa.rity, and It deftly
sets up the audiena! for a
truly touching punch line Al
the end.~
eN" E.-~e SHOm 7:)0
FIATUll 1:00 --
It's Nice Work-If You Can Get It Nezt comes the first of two
French ladies from the paps
more gainful employment, the of Guy de Maupassant. but
man looked stunned. as dissimilar as could be im·
a man j what he does for a
llving,1and if he answers "ac·
tor," ihe immediately sets
himself apart from the rest
of the ·working stiffs in the
The tenn "actor" brings to
miod a Gregory Peck, Richard·
Burtonior Marlon Brando. But
they at'e stars as well, and
represent a fraction of one
percent of·the 17,000 members
of the Screen Actors Guild.
The others work on a daily
or weekly basis and are lucky
to get by at all.
Just the other day on the
stt of television's "Ironside"
series, one little man in his
mJd 30'1 stood nervously
smpk.ing cigarettes. He was
memorizing aloud the two
brief lines he was to speak
in a scene 'wilh Raymound
Burr, the show'• star.
"This is only my second
job in twa mootbs," the little
man said. running his hand
throoch a mass al. long hair.
"Chri!tmas is coming up
and I need the dough for
the family. It's not easy rais·
ing a family like this. We
have two kids and another
on the way. We're barely
making It."
-Asked why he didn1t find
"J'm an actor," he said with agined. The first is a con·
astonishment. niving young wife who ac·
Yes, but wouldn't he be bet.. quires the services of a sexy
ter off in a regular job with an maid to set up her hl!Sband
assured income and 1 e t in a compromising pm.ition;
hours? giving her grounds f or
"You can't toot at it th.It divorce, and it gives MiBS
way," he replied. "'Ibis ts Cowles an opportuntty lo
my whole life. When 1 get further display her versatility,
up ta the morning and I know The • e c o n d it an
rve 1ot a part tbe day is astonishlngly a t tr a ct 1 v •
lke beln baroneu who recounts the I I born all over again. traumatic consequences of im· J come allvr." JtaUng a prostitute. The scene He went on to say he has is done with a gidd.ineM
been acting a dozen years, reminiscent of one of Uie
eking out. a living at $150 Gabor sisters, and is im·
a day -when be works. Dur· mensely enjoyable.
Tit. l•1tl11
'~•llow Submarine"
Herm111'1 Hetmifl
"Mn.Brown, You'v• Got
" Lovely Daught•r'1
Crossword Puzzle
inl those endless weeks when For the finale, Misa: Cowles
his agent ls unable to fiM presents her own pantomimic
him a part be Hoes up at tale of a beautiful woman
the unemployment window to pursued by a pennilea •11•·
collect ISO er $a1 a week. bond -enacting holb part<
' •
I ~S· Rf@FAVE 1=--=l
I ~~~~~M~!b~l!~~;;~;
~ .;;5;. Rllliii n. mruoo -.wx"iiiitR-.miritiwt @} Tll:lllClll.rllllllS1Jll•fl*llmJllOS.-SllllAm ..
Read The Daily Pilot
For Top Sports Coverage
1'1111 RIAIDl8A
<a\l!ll l[CJIMIClllOR EJll
1 p.m.
Frff ••frfth1M11ts
Motl-Ad,.,fulo11 $1 .00
The colorful sound of
Ora119e County Music
RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ....
From Fashion Island. Newport Beach
"five Million Y•ars
to Earth"
"'IWf'OIT If.ACK -el ... •••,.-M fekl-Uh hlo> -OI. -)St
"Gone With
the Wind"
• raCheL ......
c ·---111• Aho
One Show Tonight
at 8 p.rn.
1 Ttrlnd 5 Flshtr11an'r
nteesslty 9 Ancient
ftstlYll 14 Cl1ave 15 ltall111
16 ••i:I 17 Ch n1 told
lndfyliSually: 2 words·
19 Enm•~ IS ~· .. 20 Yt: Co•b. form
21 Travelers
23 Ctkh In
1 sn•t 25 Sprool toy
"'"" 2'AllOWltof school wort ·28 Ptavtt1·
32 Brote 37 Th•lli'M!I JS-ARIMr
39 Article of fumlture 41 Blocid rtlaUons 42 Atknowltdgt 45 Dlsordmd · s1t11at1on:
Z wonls
41-llotl• 50 Clllfamla nil:\,, 51115" SOltttfllng
54n 11
r,:''I 5l of
tr&Kt: 2-.
61 Rall It r;;t1ntly 63 turgical
vestlltnt '4 Fttl IX• hllanttd
6'Snatr 67 Harass per·
slstRntly U Sant one's tee shot
69 Long lock
11f h1lr 12 Champa-1
70 Nu111erlc1I buck rt
suffll: 13 L:i.~ om:
7113 popes Ab • 11 Holy pff'SOfl
DDIN 2Z Hale •d .. ...,
l l1ac1' out 24 Klcte4 Ille
bUndlr .......... 2•.-27 Dtcoratt
3 C.ttst.Oll H A4lalssl0tt ... ~ Chlrlf total
·4 Ltft o•t: 30~-,,
Z words 31 oteh
5 Kind of Cl'tl 32 Quick sha'P
dwtlftr blow
'Llntd up 33 Put otrt 7 Subject of ar sight
an micltnt 34 ~IJ of t Ire tbtc
1 "'• cltr JS t•lllnt 9 VIU1tts 3' ·~dtoalh
JO= 41Tldt II Jiil 43 nlovS 1111 catdllna s.,.t a
dnlce Indicators:
44 Kltchm
46 Uno&sv· acted ....
47 Unafftcted
49 Doe In Its
S.KondftS 52 Cause to dtvllle 53 Fo,.er
'°"' Rosent.1001 55 S.MI , ... u .. 56 ant:
Co11b. fohil 57 RtQUlrt-•tllb
51 Trldl"I
... 1'< ' " ...... lol 1 ....
.. u~ 601tc ..... 61 •• ,
"rve been promised some and playjng the latter with
wort oo 'The Virginian' and Chapllnesque pathos. It ls a
I know one of die casting fine signoff, balancing the
people at MGM," he said. earlier portions or the evening,
"And if they come through, which lean toward lighter
I'll be ill pretty good shape malerial.
over the holidays. The thing A 1 to I ether, it ls a
to do ls get your face well fascinating study of feminine
enough known so you're a type emotion, a truly unique even-
that casting directon or ~ lng of theater. Miss Cowie•
ducers think about when Js an actress of seemingly
they're putting a s h o w limitless range and an wr
together. canny ability to weave a
Unhappily, the man's face dramatic spell.
Is tlke a million others. "Just Between Us" will con·
"Then you got to figure the tinue on weekends -FridayJ
chance of a big break, you through Sundays -unti.1
know. SU'ppOR I get a fairly March 2 at the Open End
decent part.and come on like Theater, 2815 Villa Way,
1angbusten:. Then I'll have Newport Beach .
it made. Not that I ever:1:~;;~;;;~;;~~;~;;~;~ expect to become a star, but ii
maybe a steady character ac-
tor Instead of a bit player."
Yrs, but why not find a
good job during the long dry
"And miss an opportunit'yi"
he asked. "Don't forget, I'm
an actor. You tell people that
and ............... respect
'"' .j;,'i' .
Home loan money
~w:ntlmal: UptoOOI011-
occuplocl 1-es. FHA. VA. I.cam up 1ooo,_. avallahle ... single family
~M-md .. lns-••lces ...n.Ne. Fcr:raar cnnadmce,
welmpouncl tum and-.....,
Plw¢ ellidmt, ..... ....,,. service,
(~s8ii'41 ---: (714)540-7591
----------------------------------------..,,. ... ~
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' 1
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• ' l
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' I
• I
s • 1 • l
' s
t .·
' I
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' ' ' • • . • ' '
' ' l
• l
Apollo 8 Year~s Top Event State PopulatwnDUf
At 20.1 Million in '6§ 'RFK Slay ing, .Nixon Election Higli on List •
ey Un11'd Press loternatloaal
Jn terms of both headline
.,,aiue "'nd llgnlfi,cance, the
Apollo 8 Dlgbt around lh<
nloon was judged No. I in
the United Press lnternaUonal
survey on the top 10 news
stories of 1968.
The result of the annual
balloting reflected lhe opinion
of UPl subscribing editors in
North America. They were
asked to mark twq forms ,
one rating the t.op 10 in terms
of headline value, the other
1u tern1s of significance.
The assassination of Robert
r. Kennedy was the No. 2
Biggest U.S.
City Nolv
Ne\v York and Chicago are
the nation's largest cities? Los
Angeles, you say? Don't bet
a nickel on any of them,
\Villiam S. Foster adviess.
Jacksonville, Florida, is the
largest U.S. city -in total
land area. Foster s a y s .
roster, editor or T h e
American City magazine, has
just completed a study of ac·
tual city size.
. American City, management
journal for 35,000. local govem-
inent officials, finds Jackson-
ville leads the list with 752
square miles of area.
Second largest in U.S.:
Oklahoma City, with 630
square miles. Third : l1ono\uly
\vilh 598.
Only a f t e r Metropolitan
.Nashville (532 square miles)
·come Los Angeles (455) and
the etty of New YorJr-tSl5}:-----
\Vill New York and Los
Angeles ever catch up ?
• ''Not likely," Foster says.
· "Many U.S. cities are rapid·
ly enlarging their borders to
take in surrounding areas -
a unified solution to pressing
. urban problems. But with New
York and certain other older
cities, expansion would run
into well-entrenched satellite
cities and suburbs."
Nation•l and loc:•I r•1dff-
1hip J1oil1 prov• th• OAILY,
PILOT c:arri•1 1om• of th•
mo1t popu11r colum"' •IWI
f1ah1r11 avail1bl• to •ny '
n1w1p•p•r in th• Unlt1d
Stat11 .
story ln the headline-value
v~. The No. 2 spot on tbe
sie:niflcance list went to the
elect.ion ol JUchartl M Nixon
as President.
The Ballot Resulta:
Headline Value
1. Apollo a lunir flight.
3. Kennedy Usaaslnation.
3. NIJ:on elected Preaide~t.
4. ttlartin Luther King assas-
5. President Johnson decides
nol to seek reelection.
6 Norlh Korea seizes Pueblo
and crew .
7. Soviet bloc invades
t. Vietnam peace moves:
Parll talk.I -; bolpb ball. t. Student JKJwer : Political,
11.ll-lna, tchoOI aeizwu, youth
revolt. , . to .. 'Jbe Pope's birth control
td.lct and resultant clwr#l
I. Apollo I tun._ fligh~
2. Nixon elected President
3. Vietnam peace nwve11.
4. Johnson decidel DOI to
seek reflect.km. ,
5. Continuing U.S~ racial
6. Kennedy assassination .
7. Soviet bk>e invades
Creates IJ.N. Stamps
I. Studet power. .
I. Martin Luther King .,..,_
10. North Kort.a ldw r:.~~!l Pueblo. I
Of a long list. J of oew1
developments to cbole from,
the U.S. racial strife was the
wily one raled on t b e
&ignilicanc• !isl thal dld not
make llle bii JO headline lisL 'l'he birUi eontrol ®Dtroversy,
wbich wu last on the ~
list, ,. .. r•ted jUJI below the
first 'IO in signific•oce. , •• !,..~!':
The runner-up below the r
fi rst 10 in headline value was
the marriage or Jacqueline
Kennedy to Aristotle Onassis.
Stamp Designer Gets Fame
, U,I Tl la.t!la ..
The alale today !Ott<llll lhe
1919 CaUlon>la populallon at
20. l million, a net increase
of 333,000 over the estimated
poputaltoo laol July.
The department of finance
11111de lh< r-..i In • roporl
by ill rlJlAllCW lhd PCJl'll.ation
research -... nie department esUmated
the most papuloua 1tate's m-
utation at lt .7 million as Of
July 11111,-buf -tt , .. , lhe nrlh .trafib1 ,... lh•l ~
rate ol -}lOpulttlon increase
had faUen off. '
The figure , represented an
Increase of 304,000 penons
O\'tt the pre\llOUI Jt.l't •
The department l&ld rho
populatioo abould lncr .... ,.
J.0.4 million 1n 1970, an an-
Uctpated rlle ol 3$1,000 ""1
190. '
lfJ'S BE fRIBIDl.Y : ,.
If you have'new netgbbori.
or ..... or .,,..,,.. ~
to OW' VU. plan tell UI
10 that we rQmy extend I.
--"""""" and help them to become acquaJnte4
In their nno 1WTOUDdlnp.
Hullfington Beach :
Costa Mesa Visitor
By T01\1 HOGE sabotage activities modesUy,
rigging up fake road signs
that sent German occupation
columns rumbling h a c k
tGward their' fatherland. But
soon hiB imagination ,took
were being .flown over from
London and parachuted Into
Brittany. lt w.as hilariOUJ. •1
Rescue Effort Fails So. Com Visitor
Covered with ice, Coast Guard buoy tender Blue-
bell sits in dock in Vancouver, Wash. Monday after
unsuccessful attempt to rescue duck hunters stran-
ded on isla nd in Columbia River. A helicopter final~
ly made the rescue.
Give to Your
United Fund
H1rtlor YisHor
(APJ -A crippled little artist
who spent 30 months in Nazi
concent ration camps and wbn
France's highest m i I i t a r y
honor, is becoming fa1ncus as
a designer of U.N. stamp:;.
"The Germans tried to put
me to death beeauae of ,my
art, and now it . is making
me a name," said Claude Bot-
tiau, a twinkle-eyed man of
48 who stands about half the
height of the average adult.
Bol.Liau knew that t h e
German troops \vere getting
their pay through the !?Car
bank, so he doctored up some
franc notes and slipped them
into a teller's cage !hrough
a confederate. On the back
of each note he had etched
in such provocative slogans
as Vivre de Gaulle, then the
resistance lea'lllr, and Down
with the GermfM. On others.
he recommended that Hitler
be hanged.
Finally, the Ger ma ns
located the printing ))tt:ss the
underground wu U&ing and
rounded up BotUau and his
"We were tnrown into a
Vichy jail Under sentence of
death and ta months later
turned over to the Germans,"
said Bottiau.
Cong Lauds
Killer, 21
Is "'((our Business Conducted Under A.
One pf Bottiau 's early crea-
tions, a souvenir sheet mark-
ing the loth anniversary of
the United Nations, .Jippeared
in l.955. The sheet bore three
stamp! -3, 4, and 8-cent
itenominations -and had a
face value of 15 cents.
Recently dealers were qucting
it at $375 per sheet. •
"The Ge rmans would not
notice such bills sandwiched
between valid notes," he said,
"but ~ner or later, they
wQ!.!]d ~ o~. US'Jally in
a local bar."
For nearly three years, Bot· TOKYO (AP) -The Viet
tiau was hust1ed lrom one Cong paid tribute today to
German concentraUon camp a 21-)'ear-old fi&hter who it
lo another, inc I u d l n g said tilled lU U.S. and 310
Auschwitz and Sachenhausen. allied troops tn three years.
He was finally condemned The Viet Cong's LiberaUOn
to the gas chamber, but Soviet news agency b r o a d c a s t
troops freed· him b e f o r e monitored in Tokyo described
sentence couJd be carried out. Phan Hanh Son as "a br1lllaot
He weighed 45·pounds, as op. star in the galaiy of valiant
posed to his usual weight of fighters on the South Vietnam
I 'l ..o -
• •
t>iO BOffiiu retain -enough
souvenir sheets to bring him
fortune as well as fame! "Mot
a one," he said with a
philosophical shrug.
t.1isfortune has never deter-
red Bottiau , who ,feij down
some stairs at the age of
4 and emerged from the
hospital four years later, a
Rejected by the French
army because of his disability,
Bottiau worked as a designer
for :an electrical CQmpany. He
joined the und erground when ·
the Gennans overran Franct: .. m IMO, and became a
sabOtenr in his·native Brittany
• · )VhlC:b, was under the col-·
... JaDoraiionW Vichy regime ..
Tlie )'llilllg uwl started hls . .... '
When the bartender saw one
of ~ lab notes, be usually
aispected It was a Gestapo
trap to lul his loyally and
tossed it hastily back at the
soldier. The latter, alarmed
at being causht wlth such· in-
namm~tory material, would
hasten to hi3 commander and
report it.
"At firsl the Germans
suspected the collaborationist
French in the bank and in-
~ated tbem,"· safd Bot-
tiatL "Then ~y decided that
someone in the. Bank or
France', the point of origin,
was sending through the notes.
"Finally, after an ex-
bauat.ive investipUon, they
concluded that the franc notes
-11.0· , --battlefield!!. -----For his -serviCes in the rt .said Phan, who holds a
underground, Botliau wa s rank equlvaJent to an anny d_eoorated with the Medallle 1 t·• Milltaire, equivalent to the capta n, i:u an attack on Non Nuoc near Da Nang on Aug. Medal of' Honor in the United 2.1, 1968, and killed or wounded
Slales. ., tr In 1940, Bottiau joined the ~ oops.
United Nat io n s as a The broadcast also credited
carto&fapber and staff artist. Phan with shooting down two
Since then he has not only U.S. planes and capturing 28
designed U.N. stamps. and weapons.
created the emblem of the----------"
U.N. Correspondents' Assocla-hi =o:=o:::<o;:::="'°t===::l!ill
tion, bul he has sel up shop G-' Ill Ghmon 'IJ .. -, , ' • as a free-lance st a m p u•"" ~·
SCCLIENTS = To date, he bas a eated
slam.pa for 56 clients, in-·
eluding Togo, S u r i n a m ,
Ghana, the Maldive Islands 1
and the Belgian World'i Fair •
Your account
has a number.
You don't.
Sure. We'reinthemcneybudnea. Weguardi~lmdi~
I pay-cqlt Wehaftltobo~padm~ I
. conservative. And we are. Bnt we cbi' have to lie mo!, ak.of, stoJfy. And W..1m1't
Walk into me of onr otBces. Yon'll pt a warm f!J'Oding
tnd eaaipettlll;,-l attmtian. YOll'lloloo Pttbo hf&lwt
lnlmst posslble Oil insmed aaomll: 5JS Olli •i.ooo
mlninmm bmus """""II bold threo,_ lllcxm&lll!lllllli
rate "'"!mllded dally_m poDhook lW>Ollll. Yon'll pttbo
SOCllllcy-ol. a mo hundrod tmmty mllllcn dollar llnm::lal
institutfm tlmt'1 llem doing busiJea for over forty,..,..
And, If )'Oil Wllll tu AYO by mail you'll even
get me pootago both ways.
There aro big......., ml little......,why )'Oil
Openan'.-atlltlllllngtao S.vings.
f.OSTA MESA Cltlla ...... 92626.
Pltont: (714) SC0.75'1
ICrGSI from South COl1t Pim)
'FREEi SAFE DEPOSIT BOXl!S for ..,.,.,unta Of s1.ooq or,,.,.,,.. -.. -....... -=-.l!l!JI! _....,_lll:Ollll!ll• pm.
-FORNfA-'l'l«'il'"YHl FOUOWfN~'_~IR°IMEllTSOF
<Clvll Cod• Section 2"66-6u91
Sec. 2466.-Except as otherwlM provided In the next
section every person tr1n11dh_,g bus'""' In this State under
a fictltiou1 name and every ptrtnenhlp transacting bua.lneu
In thit State under 1 f1d1tious name, or 1 design•tlon not
showing the name. of the person lnter.sted · 11 p1rtn1r In
1uch business, must ftle with the clerk of the county 1n
which his or its principal pl1ce of busineu Is s1tuattld, 1
certificate subscribed and ecknowfed~MI In the manner p,.
vided In Section 2468 of the Clvll Code, stating the name
In full and the pl1c1 of residenc. of such ptrtOn end stltlng
the name in full of •If~ the members of such p1rtn1nhlp
and thair pl1c11 of r1sid1nce.
Such subscribed and "!CknOwledged ce.rtlflcat• must be
published 1ubnqu1r.t t~ the fllinq· thereof with the county
clerk pursuant to Government Code Section 6064, In a new.
piper publlshed In th• county, If th1r1 be on•, and If there
be none In such countv, ti:l•l'I in a newspa~r In an adlolnlnq
county, An 1ffidavlt 1howlnq th• publlc1tlon of such c1rtlfl·
c1t1 11 In this section provided shall be filed with the county
clerk within 30 d1y1 after the completion of such publlc1tlon,
but In no 1v1nt shall such Dublic1tlon be made prior to th1
filing of such certificate with the county clerk.
2468. -The certificate flied with the clerk IS provlcfed
In section twenty.four hundred and sixty-six must be signed
by fhl pttSOft thertJn r9f,necl to, Or by the plrtnlrt, II the
case m1y bl, and acknowledged before some officer, 1uthoP..
lztd to take the 1cknowledg1m1nt of eonveyences of rea1
property •..• Where 1 bu1Jrt111 Is h1ruft1r commenced by •
person under 1 fictitious name or a p1rtn1rthlp Is h1r11ft1r
form9CI, the certiflc1t1 mutt b1 flltd and the publlcatlon
d•slgn1ted In that 11ctlon must be m1d1 within one month
•fter the commencement of such busin111, or after the form1o
tion of the partn1r1hlp, or within one month from the time
designated In the 1gr11m1n1f of Its members for the com-
menc1m1nt of th1 partnership. Wh1r1 the business his been
herttofor1 conducted under 1 fldltlous n1m1 or where
the P1rfnership h11 Min heretofore formed. the c1rtlficat1
must be filed and the publlcatlon m1d1 within six montha
aft•r the pas11g1 of this 1ct.,No person doing bu1lnH1 under
• fictitious n1m1 or his 1nlgnH or 1ulgn11, nor any pe~
son doing busll'tftS as partn1n contrary to th1 provisions
of this article, or their 1s1l11nM or 11.1lgnffl, shall m1lnt1ln
In the courts of the St1t1 of California.
Sec. 2469-0n EVERY change tn the memben of a parf..
nar1hlp transacting buslnns In thl1 1tat1 under a fictitious
name or a designation which don not thow the n1m1 of
tha oersons interffted 11 ptrtn•P'I In Its buslnff1 , ••• 1 new
certificate must be fll9d with tfte County Clerk, and 1 ni'w
publication made 1s required by thlt article on the formation
of such partn1rihfp.
If you have neglected this procedure, you ihould r~lize that
the n1m1 of your firm Is not protected end that yoU are not
entitled to maln~aln suits for colltdlon, or for other purposes,
any adlon upon or on account of any contract or contracts
thalr partnership name, In anv court of thl1 stl/fe unfit the
certificate h11 been flled •nd thti publlc1tlon has been made
11 herein requl~.
T1k1 care of this Important matter now, by havJnt the
DAILY PILOT, an ad judicated 11911 newspaper for Orange
County ond dl1trlbutod In COSTA MESA, FOUNTAIN
urttflcoto. Tho cost 11 1m11t but tho filing ond pubhutlan Is
IOl!ltlhfng width ahould not bo onrlookodr
Form• for Ftdtllov• Firm No-ond Cortlfltalo of Abondonmont of Ffetl-
, tlou1 Firm Nomot an bo obtolnod FREI from ony of tho DAILY PILOT
offlc" shown below: •
330 w .. 1 Bay SlrHI, Cotta Mna 92627
7711 Woll Balboa Boulovord, Newport 811<h 97660
309 5th Stroot, Huntington Booch 92646
222 Forni Annue, L...,,,• Boach 92651
' •
DAILY PILOT ......... _..... ... .,. .....
·• •
' ' ,,
\ ---
t '
JI DAJLV '!LOT Toudar1 .ltn""1 1, 1969
For the RecQrd
• y • . --
Rllplt lllKl!burn. 707 Emer11d, Bilbo&
l~nd. Dille al •111, J1....,1ry s.
SIJl'Vtwd by wlk, Ed,.., of ~ home;
dwelllen, Donlf1W Codl.rtll, P1I~
VWdes: HMo C1ld\Jro<e'll, cor-drt M..ri tti.,,. or1nddllld~. J tmes
Gef'Y Caldw.41, c~ det Ml" Cmdr. J..:t: R. Codr.rell, Wnh!fltTOfl, D.C.;
•11111 P1trkla Sd11yer, Colli Mesi: fift
-l~lldl'WI. Serv1cet Tuesdev, .._.,, 11 AM, Padflc View Olel>t'I,
wJlh or. wr1111m R. Elltt' otfkl1t1111. 1'JT111"1Mn+, Pa<:llk View Memorlt1
P111ft:, Directed by Pao:lllc View Mor• tu.,..,.
Le""' Bacon Slndelr. Wife or Lotiil
._ Sll'cW.lri died 11 the t!ile of 90.
AWnber al the ....... IClndrff al
AmerlQI, Pt!lm~ Rllthl1 C~•Pkr or
ftw DAR, I nd P15I Pl'l'hlde<!I llWI Ille "*1'lber of ,,,. L1k~lew Wom«IS Club irJ ctiie.to. SUrv!virt11 •rr two d1u11n-tfn, Mn.. Jol'on F. a.u. ltvlMI Mrs..
OoMld H, Teetor of L_.na llelchl nn .,..n:k:tlllclre11 and lllll,_, trHI·
oranddll~. Fulltf'tl 1«Vla1 M!'9 Mid fod,oy, Jmu.ry 7, Pa<lfk VleW
~. l PM. P.elflc View Morlt>o
.,.Y, Dfrecton. F1mll'I' """""h ftlmll
w....,11'111 ' to rnek1 mefTIOl'lel eo11tnbf.>.
fl"-. ..... "'"~ hi "-$olllll c-t c-.-.1rv 11..n.1 or Nritl>-
borhood ~!'Hllllonll O.Vrdl al U-
Bl l'Ml'll Doe BO'ylllon. 2:l12 P.c:!fl<:
Dflw . C-' clel M.tr. O•le d ck1th. J1-ry S. $Urv1Vf!d ~ l'lus~Nuld. Cur·
tis S. De Btwrl!Clfl; molller. Mt1.
Fl'll'*lin O. HQWt>ll, Jr •• S.n G1brie!;
brolt!ef, F••llklln D. H!IWell Ill. Slerr1
M1d .. ; 1w9 lll!OM)R!I, Oon1ld C. 0e
BO'fllkln u ld Wlll!•m L. 0. Boyn!Oft,
bclll ol A•~dl9; uld six 11r•l'Mlchl~ d~ loWmrl•I urvlc" w!I! be l>fld
Slturd•I'· n AM. In St. Mldllf'11 •rMI
AU Angell EolKG1>1l Church, Coron• de! Mar. 0 1rectl!'d bl' P•clllc View
l!mst hotll11-Sprl~. !!1 Anlt1, L•· ..,,.. BeKl'I. Diie d dN!h, J•n. t.
$urvhrl!'d br wife, N1nN, of ~ home;
-. elm, L1g;,,n. Beedu dtulll'I~.
Llesel9fl TIYIDI', La1111n• BH<ll. 1rMI
EllZlbe'ltl Mtson, Yorba LlrM11; •l'ld
111ni: 11r1nokhl1dren. Stf'¥lor1 w1!1 be M id Wednet.<11y, J1111,1•rv I. 1 PM.
Peclfl<: ie.. Cht~. ln~menl, P1I·
dfk. View ~i•I P1'1<. OlttdM
by P•d'llt v;.w Mon,,...,..
llOY W. Be-II. Ag,, !7, of 7b!l G1rli.ld l\w., SP•<e 1~. Huntlnt!OI' 11e1,h. n.i. d Oe1lh, Jenutrv •· Surviv...i
~ wil1'. JKkie. Servk" ind ln~r· ment wm be llelcl In GrttN1wn Mlt·
l'IOrl•I P1'1<. Baltenti.ld. Smith•
Mort.,.rv, torw1rdl1111 dlrecto'1.
HO'f"ford Ltwrenui ...... Ille. AOf ~9. ol
l09'1 511.l'llne Orlve, L19u11a lleetn.
Setvlc:e$ Pfl"dll\'I. Wfs!tli!I (llOPll'I Mortu•••· 6*-4181.
Corona del Mar OR 3-MSO
Costa Mn a 1"11 6-tU4
111 Broadway, Costa Pt1esa u &-3133
Huntington Valley
17911 Beach Blvd.
llunUngton Beach
· ~mettry e Mortuary
350I PacHlc View Drive
Newport Beach, C.Hlorol1
7111 Bolsa Ave.
Westmlmter n a.ms
Cl7 Mam SI.
lltootlog1oo Bucb LE.-
. fr1 £. 11111 llt., ~ .....
---s:• "·"'· s.turt&rt. nr fire. ,._.. wt &oulrllf'1 11111 C.tlll~ ':31 p,m., medlal l lf. l jtl L .. .,,
11:11 1.m •• lre111 th'1', Welnvt •rMI
W"I c.,..i Hlll'll•IY w ...........
Jt:JT P·"'· Sltvrdly, •1"'9f fltt, 1J:)fl
LN Otlve )::M p.m., nwdlc.r 11d, UOtl Nft'!mrld,
A Af, •
2"2 •. m. SulllLlw. nwdlcal •Id. ISM! ·-· lt:U 1.m .• l••i.11 fl~, Gerden 0r-
1no1 EOWerd1 U :U p.m., trti.h II~. l•lfl Spr!'*"
dllll •
4:ot p.m., medkll 1ld, 5141 Dlinc1!t' .. .
•:2•, J.m., treth fl<", llUt l • P-'
5:21 '·"'" medkll 1id. Ult! Goldln
W•I $1. ,: ... 1.171-fl'llJI f1re, I.WO ft1¥111vn " ...
Pilot Visitors
Tour. ,,. tonductN Mond•n 1nd
Frla..n !or Kl'KIDI disses ol !Hit!
!lr..:le i.Voel •nd t~ or other or·
9111l1•tions of et lf,!11 tll1t 1ge lev·
fl. lnle~IM groups mll' c•I! Mr.
Dudley RKtl, Ul...:l'll, E~t. 277.
Foley Heads
Plan Board
Foley is the choice of the
Orange County Planning Com-
mission for the chairman·s
seat during 1969.
Foley's unanimous elec tion
ends the chairmanship of How·
ard K. Smith. C-Ommissioqer
Gtorge Preble of Santa Ana
was named vice chairman.
Foley, 54, of Yorba I.I nda,
is in his sixth year of
membership on the county
planning board.
Planners also renewed the
appointments or P I a n n i n g
Director Forest Dickason and
Assistant D I r e c to r Stuart
Bailey as commiss i on
secretary and a s s i s t 11 n t
secretary respecUvely.
Battin's Job:. 'Get ~County Moving'
Want to earn S % interest on your bank
savings? United Califom.iaBank \)ffelll you
four ways to do it •.. and theconvenienoe
of afull«rvice bank. One of our time deposi t
plans can meet your specific savings needs,
so look them over. Then visit your
nearest UCB office.
5% Speclal Passbook A,ccoant
UCB's new Special Passbook Account
pays you atthe annual rate of 5% with an
initial minimum deposit of $500; and provides
for additional deposi!S lo be;liladeinmu!tiples
of $100. Interest at 5% is comp(>unded
quarterly and is credited on a calendar quarter
basis. Both principal funds and interest
earned can be withdraWn duriiig the lint ten
days of a calenda! quarter, provided the
principal funds have been on deposit for a
fullcalendar quarter. Wi thdrawals can
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If your balance goes below $500 yout Special
Passbook Account automatically earns 4 % •
lin"'1mwt Certlftcales of Deposit
Investment Certificates <?f Depooitmay be
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eam interest at the yearly rate of 5'){, and
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multiples of $100.JnvestmentCertilicatts of
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FlYe-year Growth Bonds
Five-year, Growth Bonds accrue interest
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without_peruilty. UCB Growth Bonds are
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Fiv&oyear Iocome Bonds
Five-year Income Bonds are available in
nni!S of $5,000 and up, and provide
ycru with a steady 5 % income per year.
Interestis paid quarterly by check, or
depoSited to your checking or savings
account Bonds may 1Je rodeemed before
maturity, on a Scmi-<1D11ual annivmmy date,
without losing intereSt. UCB guarantees
the 5% interestratefortheful!S years.
TberQyou have it .• jourways to earn
5% onyoursavi.ogsatUCB.Dropinat
office and ask about them.
.. (U]B
QANK ~ Thebankers
wbO clo a little more for you
' .
_, .......
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le •• :he
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~ ... r""'
I '
. .
" ' ' ; ••
., .
' ,,
,....,, ,,__,, ,,.,,. ' ,.. 11
Suri Sounds
" "
Christmas Recess
Ends for Las 0 las ••
Of .... Dlltr , ... ~
LAS OLAS Toaitmlstress.. will be gaveled to order for the
tint .mee11ng following a Clni.stma.s ,...,... at 7: 30 p.m. tomorrow in
Ille Mercury Savings and Loan Bulldihg, Huntingtoo Beach. ·
Presenting Icebreakers will be three new mEjlllbers, MF•·
Thomas Burrows, Mrs. Harold Hermani and Mrs. Clarenc1> Hend·
ricli:soo, who will be introduced by Miss Joya Sexton, toastmistr~s.
Table topics will be led by ]\frs, William Vellutini, ·and t>duca·
lion will be presented by Mrs. All8ii.Kemiedy. .
Evaluating the· program wilJ ·be Mrs. Phillip Billington. Area
W<lDll!ll who are Interested In joining the group are welcome to at-
tend or may call Mrs. Calvin Olcott, 847-1681, for additional informa·
GROWING ALMO~T as fast as their collection of multiples is
the new Huntingtoo Beach Mothers of '.!)ins Club. A!=rdlng to Joan
Roberts, one of the charter'members, the-group now has 30 m·embers
and 35 more mothers in the•process of joining.
When Joan was bedridden with a bout of,pn~onia recently,
many of the young wOmen came to· her ass~e.~. offered their·
•ervices to take care iit theccblldren..-nci hotileholtf·c!>Ores.
The group, open to anyone with twins or triplets, meets the
secood Wednesday of each month in a. ·different area restaurant.
·Amcmg-past -speakers have-JJeen•in:lllidren'nlElllillt; policemmra111t·-
cWd psychiatrist
MRS. LOUIS R. Swenson from Santa Cruz has -'Visiting her
daughter aDd son-in·law, Phyllis and Lyman La Tourrette; in ilwlt·
lngton Harliour. She recovered from a .siege of..flu in time·to 01ljoy a
farewell dinner in tlie Beach Club.
BACK FROM their secood ~are Ray and'Eve Beam,
who recently c<!!ebrated Illar 50tb wedding anniversary,"lbe couple
visited KanSas City and enjoyed a trip through Ille Ozark MOWltains.
Ray and·Evo-have been"""' residents for 55 years, and lived on the
same ranch on Golden Weot St. for.36 years.
·· .,i·m:· .. Reh ·earsal
Going into rehearsal :ntesday, Jan. 14, will be the
first. dramatic presentation of. the Fountain Valley
Arts Associ~, wl!ich tertatively Is scbt>duled
to· follow tbe.O!JOll4ig.al the Dl!IW civic cmter. Siar·
ring• in the COO>edy prese<lbltion "Luv" will be (left
to right) Demus Lambert, Vicki Neal and Martin
Fuchs. Directing 111<> play wblch will run three con·
\ ..
secutlve weekends will be Mrs: Lorrin L&nmers,. : am Mrs. Edwin Bootb will serve as production man. '
ager. Relleanals will take place In the home of
Wayne Williams, president o! ti\•. group, and· tickets ·
will be available through any members of the asso-
. f., Installation Set
Yacht Club Salutes
New Flag Off ice rs
A year brimming with activities for everything from the small-
est sabot to the largest power cra!t is being plenned by.the newly
elected flag officers of the Huntington Harbour Yacht.Club.
They will take command following installation ceremooles tak·
Ing place Saturday, Feb. 1, in.the Edgewa\er Inn. . '
Installed during the semlformlil dinner dance w!U be Robert
Helfer, commodore; Allen E. Fitzpatrick, vice commodore; Jerome
E. Ol'Soo, rear commodorei Robert C. Baker, port captain; Harry
Palmer, fleet captain; R. J. Shaffer, judge advocate; Willlam L.
Boucher, fleet surgeon; J, L. (Mace) Mason, secretary, and Richard
C. Begin, treasurer.
Serving as installing officer for the fourth time will be Stall
Commcxlore Bob Pierce of the Southern California Yachting Associa•
tion. He and Mrs. Pierce will be honored guests at the banquet.
The board of directors for .the coming year will Include Begin,
Jobn de la Haye, Gabriel Felix, H. E. (Bill) Hartge, Arthur· Knox, M.
E. (Mick) JJoffman, Mason, Al Fink and Ralph Moss.
Arrangements for the occasion are being completed by Mr. and
Mrs. Olson.
The club was charted In 1965 by Slafl Commodore WtJJtam
Hardcastie with a total of 13 charter members. It has a current mem-
bership of 175 and bas been ·admitted to membership In Ille SCYA,
North American Yacht Racing Union and the Southern ca!ifomia
Cruiser Association.
For the first time Huntington Hartlour will be serving as a
.· .·
. '
.• 1
WONDERFUL WORLD OF WATER -Charifui 'their course ~ tbe• Paciflc from Mexico to Sen Francisco and Hawaii
·'liill;be bClets flying the burgee of the Huntington Harbour Yacht
()Joh, Keepillg up with the actlvitiet of the 175 members are in-
coming officers Vlcff Commodore and Mrs. Allen E. Filzpetrick
(Wft) and Commodore .and Mrs. Robert Helfer. New officers will
be installt>d dur!J>g.a dinn.er dance takjng·plece on Saturday, Feb.
1, in the Edgewater Inn. In,charge 'Of arrangements are Mr. and
Mrs. Jerome E. -Olson.
• host club in ili&-40tb annual SCYA Midwinter Regatta wblch will !alr:e
place Saturday 1lllCI Sunday, Feb. 22 and 23.
Class races for '8llboats and a predicted log race .for power
boaf!I· aN•811Jluel 8Vftllo o! the coastwlde classic. ·
., HtJ!i~ Harboul\ will be hosting events for El Toro and
Windward 88bota, Kites, ()megas and Super Satellltee.
' ' " ' '" _, . '
Squaw Goes Of1 Warpath When Pa.paose. Becomes · Bu,rden:
.nil I have -having the aame ~ ~ fU' four yeers..Ii's
lllne 11 wu ldlled. Will you d .. I~
.... !
-• couple ts out In publk, who ... .....,....i fl) carry Ibo baby! lly
-N)'I • busblnd ts IUppooed
lo carry pockages and, IUilcases, but
Ille woman -ls 111ppooed lo carry Ille
OUr lltlle boy la a1mool f and Ille
-baby ts 7 weekl old. It's Vtl1
lsd for mt lo bold Ibo bof'• hand .. llben I halt !•»carry Iba little girl °'Jr /rrJ1 busbind would belp me out by
cm7lng Ille baby, II would mal:e JUe
. ' . .~
a lot euler, Will ,.. pltose ny
DEAR 'l'IJ\ED: Na-hn -&bat tbe woman II atuct for .U>e flnt
-moatU. After tba~ lier llullud
lboold lie bppyto WTJ 1M child.
>"llr-<lld boy wllo would like lo responif
to "Woodlbed Father." the man who
. . . ....
believes that ~ kids today need a
craclc In Ille mbutb. He al!o tbinkl
all p!)'•hl•trists are nuts, and that you,
Ann Landers, Ir< a mectau,. old bag.
Granted, my father never took any
saas from hh children, but he never
took any love, reepect, or afl'ection frorfl
us, either. And we bad a JiX to &ive.
I 1ried hard to be Iba tb¥! of boy
a lath« coild lie proud ol, bat J learned
quite young that be ..... , lnlerelted
In being a rather. He never -J callld
'me "Son" or even by my name. It
was always "Hey, you." I have no
recollection thJtt my father ever smiled
at me, or heid me on ~bis lip. I can't
recall that he e~ touched me, escept
to crack me ln the mooth. And for
aome mysterious reason thosa cracb
1n the mouth were ~aya &1-iwprtse
to me. I never kne'Wi when ooe was
coming. \
Perhaps I shouldn't be too hard on
my father. He taught me "> .. thing,
and for this · I ~ grateful I learned
~ .. ":' ~ :ru: ;:-~~"'"" ' ' . '
Tell -le wllat lhey ought lo bear.
!fell ·parenll that kids need dlsciplioe
and that they 1rant I~ but that they
alao need love and lendernea from both
'·~~sod~· ~~ then is a ,.. •• at .m.c. ··~~ and ln-fle.tblllty llhould end. And U 11 -.1
end,ll\llO. loft .,mend there.
DEAR IONt Y .............. -o1 ... uy 1at11et woa1!I .. ,...... .,,
aad I'll 11<1 yov fatllor WU..~ ol
you but he wu auble Ct IN )'II.. Dow.
Poor mu. Rew 1'11111 1'bal 'ile'mla<d
It all.
~ 'llJ l'tBAD TO BE MOONG,LOW: Nol necuaarlly. JI could
' . (
bav.e been somethina you ate. ~ -...;
·Write again in about 10 days --·
you are rested anil aotier. f • ,.
u yoo ..... -ceai.r ai.c wl1'
,_ pareata "• • II 1"' _, P' W .
to lei JOI .... -... Ilk, ....
,., """ Laden' ............... .,,
PlrattT Btw ... Get Mn Ft11:•1&
Seo41tee11111a ·et1a·-,.;., .. ·~
aid a lllJ, lilmptAI, telCtr m1t!
e1ve~ · :;:
Ann taodm wm 11a .,.. 1o ~
JOU With 10'1" ~. -lhoilt: to her la care ol -U.. ,l>A!LY. ~
encloolng a .. ....,.., -11114: ~,.!ope. . ;
'* ·" •
• ·"
\ ·---...
~l ~--"":"'!'~-"!"'----~--~---------~--~-----~----~-----~--==~~-~~~~-~--~~~-~~---
11. DAll.V '!LOT Tllffdl1, .llft11117 7, 1961
" I
..... ,
"• .•
•• '
~I· ~I
' • .. ,.
' . INVITATION TO A 'FIRST' -Mr. and M1's. Ron Birtcher of San Juan
Capistrano discuss their lnv!laUoil Ip the first Orange County Ball
sponsored by l,be Orange County Chamber of Commerce next Friday.
Tbe ball is j>l8nned to b&C<llD• an •ll!llJal event.
Coastal R~sidents
Antic'ipate 'F" I Jr.st ·.
Another "first" for .Oronge County will be the gala Oronge County
Ball Friday, Jan. 10. .' _ . ·
Sponsored by the Orange Count.Y. Chamber of Commerce, the event
. will be a "first'' in tile winter sOclal season and will becOme an annual event.
" · The Lawrence Welk orcbestrLwith M.Yron Floran will pcovlde Clance
• music after the 6:80 p.m. social hO.Ur!and th~-7:30 dinner, Hany Babbitt
Taurus: It's Time ·
'To Change Routine
''The wlae D1l:D coatcoll his'
destley • • • AllroJocy polnll
the way."
ARIES (114arch 21·Aprll 11):
Emphatl• on wort. d!!taill,
lmpmlnc ,.i.tlcllll " I t h nelghhon Ind .-iatn. You id added r.._sblll!,-. Could
colndde·wlth promotJoa. Stan-dinl 111 COllllllUOll)" II railed.
TAUJl!ll (~ m:May lO):
SuueotlGn from y<lllll(, -could belp 10lve dllmunL
Brill( forth """" .. r""""°' es. £rcellenl for dilling out,
~ niotlne. Welcome
cbanp. discu.ulOD' .~ travel
GEMINI (May Zt.June lO):
Atcent on IOlldity; get facta
• lined up. 'Tl>ere ii atrength
in knowledge. Do
"homework." Know where
you're fOlng Ind why. Take
tnlU&Uve. · B e independent,
sure and confident
CANCER (June 21.July ZZ):
' 'or tu1 JOumey. But it's worth
the effort. Mc<nt peroonallty
u If 11 ie '"'1"' of ahoWmaz>lhlp ••
" vmoo· (Aus. 23-Sept, 22):
Ccmolldot. forces. Recent ef.
lot\ 1 due to pay dlvidend.s.
Y Cit. re on filbt track. Be a
telf·ltarter. Not wise to wait
tor one who procrastinates.
Dapce k> r.m' own tuoe.
LIBllA (Sept. ~. ZZ):
Viall on• cqpllned 1o home,
holplr&I. Be considerate. Beat
to wort behind acenes. Re-New Career
roain ill background. Doo 't
force issues. Time your Miss Diana Lynn Mor-
mova. You could get message ris is beginning her ca·
wh1Ch chan&es plans. reer as a stewardess
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 >: for Western Air Lines. Acton! oo p1o through help
of frieodl. You can enjoy The daughter of Mr.
younell but avoid extrava-and Mrs. Elliott Morris gance. Emotions soar. Wise to have quiet talk with member of Corona del Mar re-
~.aex. Don't jump to ceived her hostess
SAGl'n'A.RIUS (Nov. 22--training at Los Angeles
Dec. 21 ): If you insist on International Airport.
perfection, you invite di.!lap-She is an . alwnna of
polntment. Lunar p o s I t i o n Corona del Mar High
co1ncldea with presUge, pro-Sch 1 d ll moUon. advancement. But you 00 an was ..enro -
may have to make some con-ed. at Orange Coast
MR. ,\ND Mii& Lee
Sciiooek of WOllciUl offered
, their Gorden-Lani! apartment
for a candlelight eeremony
unlUng in marriage J u 1 I a
Lamp Martin and Col. Ben·
Jamin Evans of Ohio.
The Rev. Dr. Charles H.
Dlerenfleld performed t h e
'69 Agendo 1
Discussed I
The tlllll •fO!lda will be the
topic of oanvertotioo when the •
Newport Beach chopter of the
Kiwi Club convenes at I p.m. I
Thursday, Jan. I, in lhe Coat.a
Mesa home of Mrs. Paul 1
Upcoming projects include
a fuhloo ahow and the col·
lec\lng ol old Chr!stm .. cards
for the Children's Nursery in
Long ~ac.h.
The meeting ls open to all
/onner American A i r 11 n e
marriage ceremony. 1---------
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Johnson!~=======~
of Mlnn., parents of Mrs.
Schonek, were among the
guesb at the ceremony and
buffet supper.
Kids Uke to
Ask Andy
A A v v
H.unch opt to be correct. Ideas
are plentiful. Key Is to be
selectiye. Dan' try too much
at ooce. Concentrate rorcu.
Be chonnlng to nelghbon.
Dllcanl rumors. Dilplay tense
cesslom. Do ao. College.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. -·,...-=-....;::=====
lt): Good lunar aspect today
LBO (July 23-Aug. ZZ):
SpoWshl on income polentill.
You may have to corrupond,
coincldu with fer-reaching
plalll. Streu on t r a v e I , publJahln& and advertising.
lflPlll)lt auels. Let othen
know you are not going to
bac~ down.
f--!P.,..-will-be-™1&.-of~moniet._ ... ...__--....-.-· ~ ~--·---. • lligb!J.d>t of the boll will be the Installation of riew ofllcers for the
. 't.igntly'
~ .. -· .. ---
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
11): Time to release yourself
from btaden, financial and
()lhenrbe. .Tates will power
-but yoµ can do it. Emphaals
.s.omiDuea_on..howJJiller RtQple
handle money, Including mate
. ·; county chamlier. The ball will follow the. timnal dedication of the now
• County Courtllouse In the City-county Civ)o Center in Santa Ana.
• H. w.: "Woody" Linton of Newport Beoch will lie reD.nquiBhlng the .
~ president's gavel to Lawi-ence Peterson ol. Huntington Hubour. First vice ~ president wiµ be"F. R. ''Dick" Marvin af. Newport Beach with Jay Gates
of Tustin ~comiQ'g second vice president and James Beam of Orange,
J• treasurer. · t Members and guests will be coming from all over Orange County ~·:. for the event which is beln~nned by James Tweedt of Tustin, general
chairman. Committee m~m . ·include Frank J. Gelinas of Santa Ana,
pubilcily; Dwain Freeberg: Los Alamitos. program; Jackson Wilcox, New·
.• port Beach, registration; Beam, Orange, budget, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Wagner of Tustin, hospitality.
' c~· ................................. ...,,......,,,..,....., .. ,....,,..m
: Changes in Store
~ey Opens New Doors
::: A differenl day and a dif·
1erent mt:eling place will pro-
.. .Jide a ·change of pace for
Ole Huntington Beach Golden
-Key Auxiliary of the Child
'Guidance Clinic of Orange
1be first triaJ meeting wUI
take place at 10 a.m. Thurs-
day, Jan.· 9. Coffee will be
served at 9:30 a.m.
thrift shop chairman.
Now in its new location at
223 Main St., the shop will
contal{I a boutique corner fill-
ed with new handmade items
and -donated but refurbished
decarallve pieces. In charge
A performer noted for hil
lectures, .dramatics and humor
will be the guest entertalneF
.at the meeting of the Mesa·
Harbor Club Thursday, Jan.
Keith Houdyshell w 111
preaent a tongue-in-c.btek
discussion or Do It YOID'lelf
Psychtatry at U :Xt in the ·
Mesa Verde COtmtry Club. The
lO:Xt a .m. social hour will
be followed by an 11 1.m.
buslneai meeting and 11 : 30
After an abbreviated career
u a 9Chool teacher, K2ith
Hoodyahell toured iv I t h
d r a m .• r1 c repertoire com-
panies tbrou&f>oul the Uniled
States Ind Canada. He WOfked
lor \be extension departments
of aeveral state universities,
presenting dram at I c p~
Bus Heads
For Desert : Subject to the approval of
-the g c n er a I membership,
Sieetings will take place the
~nd Thursday of each
~nth in the Mercury Savings
_flld Loan building.
On the agenda will be an
interesting_ speaker promised
by Mrs. Earl Clancey, pro-
gram chairman. Mrs. James
Hughes, who succeeded to the
presidency when Mrs. Paul
Phillips resigned, will initiate
several new projects and in-
troduce Mrs. William Hanna,
of the boutique will be Mrs. Once ogain the Laguna
Richard Teske, arts and crafts Beach Autstaoct League will
expert whose assistance con-afford residents t b e op-
tributed to the success of the portunity to abandon the fog
group's Chrbtmas bazaar. and cold for a day in Palm
Mrs. Hanna will ask for Spring! Tuesday, Jon. 7.
addlllonal suggestiom from The trip to the desert will
the general membership to begin at 1:30 a.m. when the
make the shop a welcome bua arrives at Boat Canyon
addition to the downtown area. Shopping Center.
' -.Stars and Bars
The shop Is open between Tlaell, which do not In-
Iii a.m. and 2 p.m. Mondays, elude luncheon, are f4. per
Wedpesdays and. Fridays and person. Further informaUon
• St.ars and Bars will welcome Fontaine, Peggy Keating, Pat any Saturday openings will be and reservatlOnc may be ob-
-newly '1'?'ived bachelor of-Tierney, ~Sharron Whlte and pasted. AddiUonal information talned by calling the League
li.cers at the Jan. 17 mixer Janis Wicker. may be obtained by calling House, 49Mit77 or Mr 1.
~arty Date Announced
in the Del Mar Officers Club the shop, SSS-7810. WUU!ton Bradway, 4M-2M5. :~t 8 p.m. The organilation lf";:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;iiiiiii,ii:ii~~---.;ii;i;:;~~~;;iii~~
.was for.med by college and
)'oong career women.
~ A meeting to discuss the
;group's volunteer setvice and
"Orient new afflliants i s
7fcbeduled for Thursday, Jan.
!. at 7:30 p.m. in the
,Newpor !ea IM.
: Serving as co.hostesses at
.the party will be the Misses
--Pamela Price and Wendy
;,Gambill of Corona de! Mar
ind the Misses Sherry
·~nderson, Joann Bas ab e,
Betsy Broyles, Marie Burger ,
Carol Fassett, Priscilla Ham-
tnill, Louise Handy, Barbara
Hill and Cindy Barber, all
of. Newp<rt Beach.
Aalstina from Costa Mesa ..are the Misses Lana Breu,
){ellany Bolger, Katherine
Brown, Laura Brady, Lyn
: Meeting Date .
1 Mrs. Jean Marshall will
open ber Mi.Pion Viejo home
limor1ow at '8 p.m. ror a lneetinc of the Daughters of u. lll'llllh Empire.
Fashions From Our Regular Stock
No Chortt•
No Lay1w1ys
All 51111 Flnol
2515 Eost Coos+ Hwy. -Corono del Mor
or partner.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):
Aceent on marriage, relatloos
with public. Protect your im-
age. Try new point of view.
Wlae to let one close to you
take in!Uative. You get
knowledge today which adds
. to ruture gain.
BIRTBi>AY you have a kind
of inner confidence which
enables you to finish project
once it is under way. Continue
now to adjust to new en-
vtromnent, conditions. You're
on the way.
Cycle high for VI R G 0,
word to TAURUS : even( oc-
curs which enables you to
more accurately plan future
To tlnd out ...,.... luclir for Y01J In montY ond _.,., anlw S">'Clnl'V cm-r•• l:lllokl9', "Stcrot Hint. far -.. U " '" bll'Tlld91• •nd JD C!tll Onwlrr Atl/'Dlcrf 5tctet1o tho Al~ ,ILOT, ID1t :IUD, Df"al'Mll C"'1tl IMtlon. Htw 'l'«tr., N. 'r. 10t17.
you always leave smiling:
(oaw at 1/2 or more off 11gular price)
9:30 A.M. th SALE Wed. the &th
MAMI IUNDS1 FINI FAlllCS. COLOIS 300/o, 400/o, 500/o, 600/o S-. I '9 20 -4 en .. IWf) Sbn
¥100\S. IUNDS. KHnS. 3()0/o, 400/o AND MORE COTION, •M 101.t.TIONI
LOUN•I .U.MAS, 1/3 to 1/2 or more Reduction ILOUllS
LADIB LINMllE REDUCED 40 % DllCOMTINUD COLOU: •11aus. ...... mn PANTS 5.00 llA ............................................ NOW 3.tt
Vi SUPS. SLI" 4.50 lllA ............. -...... _ ... _ ...... NOW 3At
'VICIAUY nwcn .. llGULAI STOCK 1:00 GIRDLE ................................ -... NOW S.tt
•llDUS AND llAS. t .00 GIRDLE ...................................... NOW 6.tt
SWIATllS: CAlDIGANS Reduced 4()0/o to 500/o & PULLOYIU
ILACIS-HO llON Now 5.99 and 6.59 ... 1.10, t .00.11.00 m 11.00
IPOmHlll'S-l.e11t1 _. Sllett .......
TUITUNICll--l.Ht _. a.rt -.., 1/3 to 1/2 OFF
TAIU CLOTHS1 300/o to 4()0/o OFF ................. , ....
ILANK~CltLAN lhtO lot-1'.tl ... __ ...... NOW 13.'8
. tO x 101 R09. U.tl ... -... : ..... NOW ll.tl MAITIX TOWELS
THERMAL llLANKns Rog. 10.tl ......................... NOW 1.98 AT JAN. SALE PRICE
Dl~APlTMl!.N T 8 T Oftlit --
.. .-... ~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~~ ... ~ ... ~~ ... ~~~~~ ... ~~ ...... ~~ ........ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·r."""~•4~•~======-•"•••.,.wo= e :._s ~--..~~~.,,,_,,,....,,., ... ..,. ... ..,.. .... •
Gannon -Cotton Ri.tes Solemnized . . I. ' Wearing a full length gown ol net, lace and · seed pearls Cbrlstlna
Elizabeth Cot.ton was escorted to tlle altar of Our Lady Queen.of Ance!J
Church, Corona de! Mar last Saturday morning to become tlle bride of
Robert Charles Gannon Jr.
The Rev. Raymond Saplls performed tlle nuptial mass for tlle daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peyton Cotton of Ballloa and tlle son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Charles Gannon of San Juan Capistrano.
To complete her wedding ensemble, the bride wore a full length
gown of net, lace and seedpearls with a scoop neckline, chapel train, her
grandmotller's heirloom full length veil and she carried a bouquet of. tulips,
roses, stephanot,is and lilacs.
Miss Cynthia Ann Cotton, the bride's sister, was maid of honor, while
bridesmaids were Miss Elizabeth Carr of North Hollywood and tlle Misses
Christina, Maria, Julie and Cabrini Gannon, the brid~groom's sisters of
San Juan Capistrano.
For the ceremony they were gowned in full length ~merald·green
peau de soie creations and wore long green ribbons in their hair. Their
bridal bouquets were comprised of tulips, holly and carnations.
The bridegroom asked his hrotller, Richard McNlchols Gannon to be
best man, and two others, Michael and Peter Gannon, to be ushers. Also
escorting guests to their seats were John Markel of Costa Mesa, and Char--
les Bishop Cotton and John Cottoo, tlle bride's brothers from Balboa. Mal·
thew and Xavier Gannon, two of the bridegroom's younger brothers, were
altar boys.
Following the ceremony, 235-.guests .gathered in the borne of the
bride's parents for a champ$gne reception which featured a buffet supper
and orchestra music for dancing. · _
The new Mrs. Gannon was both a Children's Home Society, Newport
Beacl) Chapter debutante and a Las Madrinas debutante. She was present·
ed in 1964.
A graduate of Santa Catalina School in Monterey, she currentJy is a
senior at the University of Southern California and will graduate this mon4
tll. She is affiliated witll Kappa Alpha Theta sorority.
ller husband. a graduate of S e r v t t e High School, Anaheim, is an
alumnus of the University of San Diego. ·--The newlyweds are honeymooning in the home of Mr. and M.rs. John
J. Green, the bride's aunt and uncle, of Pebble Beach. They will make their
new home in Pensacola, Fla., where he is serving with the U.S. Navy.
Pebble IBe•ch Honeymoon
Registration Open Sta r Choreographe r
-For -Acting ·-Workshop--Dance -Offered-• .. ,~,,..
Do your children. aspire to
be actors and actresses?
If so, there's still time to
enroll them in one of the
workshops offered by the
Children'A: Theater Guild.
Registration can be made
by members at the monthly
meeting of the organization
next Thursday at 10 a.m. in
the home of Mrs. Clinton
Children from prescho<-1 to
eighth grade will be accepted.
Anyone else interested may
contact Mrs. Donald Carr of
Costa Mesa at 546-6089 for
registration information.
FoUowing the business J>Or-
tion of the Thursday meeting,
news of the spring production
to be presented Marcil 22,
2.1, 29 and 30 will be dist'tlssed.
Guest speaker will be Mrs.
Daniel Stein (Margaret
Cowles), actress and voice
teacher. A graduate of the
Yale Drama School and a
member of The Arena Sta2e
in Washington. D.C., the Long
Wharf Theater, New lla~·en,
Conn. and Center Theater
Group, Los Angeles, the guest
is currently on the staff of
the newly formed professionaJ
workshop at the Open End
Theater, Newport Beach: Her
presentation will l n c I u d e
demonstrations of the use of
masques for children's
Concert Pianist Plays
For South Coast Club
Concert pianist Miss Vivian
Florian will play for South
Coast Club of Laguna Beach
members during a meeting
tomorrow in Laguna Beach
Country Club.
A noon luncheon will take
place following a social hour
hosted by Mrs . R o b e r t
· Dishman and her hospitality
Miss Florian earned the
Grand Prix of the Cooserva-
tory of .Music in Paris and
was a protege of Paderewski.
She has memorized the com-
plete works of Chopin and
also has an impressive
repertoire of Liszt, Bach, Bee--
thoven and other famous co
posers, according to Mrs. Har-
ry Belcher, press chairman
of the club.
The artist has performed
in France, England, Australia,
India and Canada, and ac-
cording to Mrs. Belcher,
following a recent concert in
New York City's Town Hall,
the New York Times com-
mented that she is "probably
the world's greatest living
woman pianist."
Eugene Loring will offer a
dance presentatlor. on Jan. 16
at UCI for the members of
Mesa Verde Philharmonic.
The Utile Theater at 10:30
a.m. will be the theatrical
Loring, cb&innan .of dance
and senior lecturer at UCJ,
is Dr),! of America's leading
Because of Loring's ability
and appeal, William Saroyan
volunteered to write a n
original "talking" ballet for
him, and the result was "The
Great American Goof." "This
is a fine ballet but Jt was
years ahead of it.s time," said
Saroyan was so impressed
with the UCI instructor that
he cast Loring in the acting
lead of hls new play, "The
Beautiful People." The play
placed second with the New
York Critics Circle as the best
play of. the y~ar and Loring
received rave acting notlces.
His choreographic works for
the Broadw~y stage include
"Carmen Jones," "Silk Stock-
ings" and "Kismet." Los
Angeles Civic Light Opera
credits include ''Tht Great
Waltz" and "Fanny."
In Hollywood the dance in-
structor worked on "The ~::Ai~;l!f; Ziegfield Follies," "Funny '
Face," "Silk Stockings" and
"Pepe" moUon pictures and has appeared several times'----------,
on television.
Loring owns and operates
the American School of Dance
in Hollywood.
Members of the Oran4e
County Philharmonic Society
and friends may contact Mrs.
Richard Johnson at 5!&-0239
and Mrs. Alfred Carter, 545-o
4354, .. for-reservaUons.
TOP S Clu b
Finley School's multipurpose
room is the setting for the
meeting of Trlm-Vue TOPS
Reservations for the lun-
cheon may be obtained by
calling Mrs. Philip Towne •99-r-r==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==11 1531 ; Mrs. Maude Lucas fct-
2998, or Mrs, Mabel Nicbols,
Club of Westminster. Theo----------1
group a:atbers at 7 p.m. every I cji=:E::::::x;;::::;i::""'r:=:;;r:~I
HB ·Mothers
Huntington Beach Blue Star
Mothers, Chapter 2. stage
meetings the secood Mondays
at 1:30 p.m. In Lake Park
Forme rly with the
Hair Hut
has now ioin ed the
staff here at
' •
Th• tltut k>oktn wedding Mtl 11 the slant.
Wt'wtaken thetrtdltion~I dteimond 1ty1Mand Htthlm In
fuhlonabl• new mountings wtth futt • btt or • 111nt.
The r11Utt. vtry chic, vtry "now".
Each complete wlltl ln&rtockJng wedding ring.
All IVBll-lrom 1395u1hown:
Emerlld-cut Mt, M.25. B~IRllll Ml, S3r.I.
PHI' Ill-dlomond Ill. fl50. Motqullo dl1mond Ml, -
'1We*1 SJnc11191'7
11 Fashion ltland
Newport l e•ch -6 4-f.JJI O
-. DAILY I'll"' ri
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Joini~t/Je Beautiful Peop/e · :di .
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A personally su~!'Yhed weight reduction on..:
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Shed pounds, r.oarrange inches and achieve a
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Clo\i -..ilat:iy to 'fOUf ltt.:wh•n you look .._ ... __ -----.
Conditioning tuper"tlson at Holiday Health
Spa will guide and pamper you while you
develop a flattering figure. ll1t1 our
ultra-modern focllltJes and
enjoy the friendly otmo1phere.
Roman Steam Rooms, Finnish Rock
Sauna Rooms, Aorido Sun Ton
Room1, Whirlpool Baths,
Electronic Mo11oge,
Gym Facilities,
Swi11 Facial
ANAHllM-826-0381 • 1101. llACH CHl1h"'Y9Y 391 Playa l'lua l liopplllfl C-
COSTA MESA-549-3368' ·
2300 HARBOR IL. I Harllor Shopj.illfl Cent• I ~
'· ORANGE ··639·2441 ~
'" 622 E. KA nLLA I l'laaa Real Shoppln9 Center I
' .
• • • •·-----------"-" .... , ... *'"-....... '"'·-----------' (' • ••
• • Tight Mo:,W,,: Why and Wherefore
, ,B7 SYLVIA l'OllTEll A. ll Is ll1illl lo COl<lptl -L In spending by f.,..
,Ing d<mandl rar aoodl and
ltl"vlcos dowu to 1 liTel ...,..
in line with out capeclty lo
supply the goocls and servic<s.
AJ demand doclln.. Into bel·
t.er balance With I U p p l 1 t
_..,,.. ai p1ct• wlD be
rates to riat; It wu 1 elw
lndica1ioo of a oew tlght credl1
policy and u.e Cedral Bau A Uc)ll .-y pOllcy Is now
bdq piled on top cl the ""
lu -and the slowdown In Federal speruling lo help
hu -~ !he policy &llloe.
EQU.W.Y Dll'Oll'l'ANT, •
the F-.i Ra«ve bas
maintalned a comparatively
low celllnc on !he rates bl!ll<>
can pay cm "'ll>p depoalts.
By '° doing, tt II encouraging
eopbistlcated funds to flow out
oftheb-.m..-o1 ....
attractive loterest r a t e 1 ,
whlcb alw> will reduce the
capacity ol the banks to lend.
f'Oll1bll lnllatloo In the U.S.
1\1 119 beglos, the Federal
~· System 11 deliberale-11 clmnplng down on the aup-
plf of credit In order to curb
jl>e price-wage spiral
• This II profoundly importanl
;,.., lo you but il'a also bal·
llqJb al Its f-. '11lus.
today'• column --my effort to lnllllale this nombtt
C!Dfl ecooomic-flMnclal atory or the -,... 141<> ..,.
cjerataadlble Janguage.
A. How -a tlghl m-i-policY aecolnplalh tllil?
A. 'rHE8E ARB lhree Wl11
you· can get money to spend:
(I) from income, (2) sale of wets, (3) borrowing.
•• Q. JUST WHAT Is the
FederalReserVe doing'
Since the Federal Reserve
System controls both the
capacity cf our baob to lend
and tbe cost of credit, thil
is the area in which it ls
The balllepb words for
what I've written here an:
••open martet operatioM,"
"net b or r .ow e d reserves,''
•1Regulation Q." But forget
the bafflegab and concentrate
on the meaning. And . the
rneantng ls that the nation's
~ banks are being put into a
bind so they won't be able
to lend nearly as much money
as you want.
The Central Bank l 1
maneuvering directly in the
nation's , primary money
marketl to , shrink l b e
avallsbllity ol credit. In late
19611, lt signaled .its intentions
by ra1sJng tbe rate it charges
its member banU for bor·
rowing (!he dbcowlt rate) lD
sin: percent. Tbls was not just
an invitation for other interest
.Q Whal bas all this done
to interest rates?
are aware, interest rates have
soared : first reflecting tbe
pressures of ei:cessive
demands for money and now
reflecting lhe pressures of a
tightening ol Lbe supply of
money. When demand far
outruns supply in any sphere,
money included, the price goes
1'4lC c:aa'l'lnc:ATU.....0 IN MULTl"-8 OPllOOI PO« I YUaTUM COHTllACT
~ . . ..
Hf.AO OPn:ti mt WI .... ~ 1'11,,,...... W •t2U TAk?AM4 llWCM: UJ'fl 'filnli.n ._,. ...rct. 361114 HUJrCTINGTort 10CH llWIOil tl ~Center, l'J7·lOC1
when you're looking for the highest return
on your savings, and watch your earnlna:s soar.
The amazing fact is that your money in a regular Wilshire Federal
Savings passbook account will double in less than fourteen
years at the current rate. Your savings will earn a high 5.13% when
our regular 5% per annum rate is compounded daily and earnings
are held in your account to grow along with your principal.
You can earn an additional .2 5% bonus above the current annual
passbook rate on 36 r:nonth Certificate Accounts in multiples
of $1,000. *' And, your savings are safe ••. insured to $15,000
by an agency of the federal government, '*' Funds received
by the 10th eom from the 1st; after the loth, from date received.
SAVINGS ................ _
Hom• Ollie•: Loi An_g•l•s : Otft•r Offlc•1: Monrovia , Chatsworth
COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92627 PHONE: 171~) 642~711
A discount rate of Mi: per-
cent ~ans all rates sea~
up trom here, for Ulil is tbt
ba<ic bom>wiog rate ol the
The prime rate b up to
the bigheat level ever at I~
per<enl Thill Is the mlnlm111"11
rate banks chPge to their
lop-raled customen. AD otZet
less favored borrowen pay
more, ranging from a modest
fracUon to a subs t 1 D t ia l
~nt.age more.
IN ADDmON, banks are
stiffening their requirementa
for lhe part of a loan they
ask a borrower to keep on
deposit (compenaatlng
balance). This lifts the ef.
fective rate even to the top
favored borrowers wen into
the 1 to a percent range.
Rates on instalment loans
are on their way up, and
on these loans, the "true"
rate is u.sua1ly roughly double
the stated rate. ($5.75 per $100
is about 12 pe;cent a year.)
At the same time, borrowers
io the capital markets, rang·
ing from the U.S. Treasury
down, are paying stlffer and
stiffer rates.
11DS IS bislorically ex-
pensive mi>ney indeed. But I
repeat 'What I wrote in my
last column. It's not the cost
of the credit which counts
the most; it's the availability.
And the availability of credit
is being systematically reduc·
ed now.
Q. How will this affect the
stock market?
A. Tight and expensive
mooey is not bullish on stocks.
It should help squeeu out
some of the unhealthy gambl·
ing, Lbough, by making bor·
rowing to buy the stocks so
AND TO TUE enenl lhal
.iLmakeLtbe. marW ~er
and cools the unhealthy in·
nation fever, a pinch now
sbould he ol long-Lerm benefit
to invellors.
Nm: Moaey Primer for '19 -m
Sun Papers
NASO Listings for Mondey, January 6, 1969
INllWlll 11n mi11t111um
----" 111.itlpl!19
---------------------------------------------------'-~ ----------· --
-. "· .... ~ ' ---. -..... .
·--.. ------------.................... ,. ....... -................... .., ... ___ ,.._.,..,..., .. ____ ,.. ...... ..,_ ... _= ...... -.., ....... ,.~.,,.»=•··'""'""'"''"'""'""l•••1•;...•11 ;i.. .. ,._ ~,.. ..... ,,,.).1.-1•••1"'""'"' ............. , ....... ; •• .,.,,h ....... ,.,. ... __ ..,...,.:"'':'I•
--.Mon'day-7s Closing · Prices -Complete New_ York'
• ,
0411.Y P!l.OT
St~IC . Exchange List
-· I
.. ct J. ~Ll' PIUIT Tutsdq, J1AU¥J 7, lM
~Rams Are
0ne Big Happy Family Again
Reeves .. Reverses Firing, Rehires Alkn
~--·i..LOS ANGELES -,The Loo Ana<les
1Wns ... Juat .... big happy family
apln Joc1'1.
Head ' coocl1 George A 11 e n and Din
Reeoes, the -ol the Natlonel f'ool.
hall League team. made up· and iboot
hands Mondly during a news cmterence
to announce Allen's ~· . Neither Reeves nor Allen went into
any detail about Ule incidenta: which
led to .Allen's dilmlsu.J. Dec. 2S, a move
!hat shocked the football -Id.
Allen had coacbed the 1Wns le< three
years and rebuilt tbe team trom a
W estem Divlaioo patay lato one ol. the
powtrbousel of the NFL before Reeves
decided lo Jet blm go he<auae of a
•1penona11ty conflict."
Allen ltepped lo the microphone Mon-
di,)! and read a prepmd statement lo
"P'n>m meetings Dan and I have half
the last few days, I feel we each unin-
tenllonally burl the other," Allen said.
"I am very happy lo he returning aa
Dan'• coach.
"Except far my family, my sole m.
terest in the past three .yean has been
to the Rams and I want to finiJb the
job I atarted. I owe It to the PlirTUS
and the fans loyal to me."
Local loolhall fans had reacted lharply
lo the firing of the man who hrooght
the Rams the CoptaJ Divls.lon cham-
pl"""1ip In 191'1 and posted a llJ.J.l
mark in 196S. Groupa were formed to
protest the d1sm1ual and one even tried
to raise enou,ah mooey to purchase the
After reading his &DJ10UDCeJDtnt, Allen
declined to .an.swer any questions and
turned tbe platform over to Reevea;.
He shook bands wltb tbe feisty little
owner and wished him luck.
Reeves said he oliglnally decided to
fire Allen because "there were valid
and sufficient reasooa in my mind."
2-Platooning Seems Safe
' "A rehaall. woald ho -lo tho Rams," he coottnued. ••we bin m Wldentandlnf .•
Reev,. said he ond AllG had ilcl'tod
that il any -al problt1111 crop up,
Ibey wW eocb tale hasty actlaD lo
correct them and In the fulnre "111
meet at least once a week.
ReevOI said Iha! -after !ht dlJmlaaal, be tallied wtth two coochel
whom he "'1lled lo ldentlf,y. Ha uld
the Job .... not ollered lo either hot
!hat they were Interested.
An upected meeting helwetn lloe•et
and the Ram playn WU DOI belil
he<aUBe tlJlnp ...,. heglanfng lo reaolve
hefnre any IUCb meetlni could ho held.
NCAA May Reduce Scholarships
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The National
Collegiate Athletic Aaoclation today •J>
peared to favor • reduction in athletic
scbolarahiJ16 rather than a switch away
from platoon football aa a means or
reducing the cool ol sporia P'O£Tama.
The posalbility of pressuring the foot-
ball rules committee into legislating out
the unllmJted substitution rule wu the
chief topic of tait at the opening session
Qf the NCAA'• 6.1rd annual convention.
But the movement to abandon two
platoon football d I e d almost before it
wu launched at the convention. The
nrst blow wu an eipected one from
football coaches who e i: pr e s s e d
overwhelming opp:l6ition to the change.
Athletic directors then went to work
at a round table di.scussion on the rising
costs or intercollegiate athletics to ham-
mer away at the one platoon proix>sal
whlch bad been advocated by the Pacific·
8 Conference.
And at the close of the discussion
even executive director T o m Hamilton
of the Pacific-8 could find few words
of endorsement for his conference's sug-
Leading the opposition among athletic
directors was James G. Barratt of
Oregon St.ate who said he had switched
from his conference's plan to complete
"After visiting with literally hundreds
of fans , writers and coaches, I am
C<lnvinced that we must have two platoon
football," Barratt said. "We have too
good a game to discard it."
Barratt advocated as a solution , to
the cost problem that the numher of
athletic scholarships be reduced. H1 said
at Oregon State he felt they could be
cut in football alone from 123 to •
and said his school's coach, Dee Androl,
even said he could get along with 80.
Joining Barratt in favoring a reduction
in grants in aid were Edwin H. Cady
of Indiana University, Robert C. Jamea
of the Mid-Atlantic Conft!l"enCe and Ralph
A. Ginn of South Dakota Univer1Uy.
•· FtE'S THE ONE -Meet the new bead coach of the Los Angeles
·: Rams. George Allen begins bis second tenure at that post today ~r
, being rehired. by owner Dan Reeves Monday. Allen agreed lD re-
NCAA Lauds
Justice · Wliite;-
O.J. Voted
--Bes t m-StaTe, r--tunrat'1Jls·formersalaTY; a-reported f(O;OO&~---~--
1 '
Between Allen, Reev e s
'For gi ving Not For getting
:~War Ma y Erupt Again
•· " George Allen and Dan Reeves have ')med and made up, which Is probably
.'{lie last biO' act under Johnson's ad-' . ~ ministration.
The warring aides have agreed not
•to disagree and claim that all has been
'1forgiven by both men, which iJ probably
· • true statement.
But how soon will they be forgetting
GLlr:NN ..... HITlr: ......
t *************** •
the moves that brought forth the necessi-
ty of forgiving?
How !OOfl will it be before the fuel
that fanned the ol.d flames comes back
to burn anew between the Rams' owner
Ind hll; highly successful coach'!
• Wben the season gets under way
a~ the Rams gel involved in a few
close or controversial James, blood
presrure will be running high and nerves
will be (rayed on all sides.
·;.. _,\.nd the Reeves-Allen feud may erupt
all over again.
,, As an old Spanish saying nveal!'I:
CMando no hay respeto, no hay amor
lllini Climbs .
·i n Rankings
liEW YORK (UPI ) -Coach Harv
§chm.idl'a timetable for re bu 11 d In &
.~etball at the University of Illinois
,f!'I well ahead of !IChedule and tbe surprise
~Ing by hill club hu lifted the
'tighlinc Illini into fifth place in the
:'weekly United Press International major ·~liege ratings.
t, • 'llllnola, unbeaten in 10 games lhis
.-Season, climbed from eighth spot the
(When there ls no respect, there Is .
no Jave).
Reeves ate a healthy load of pride
when he rehired George less than two
week!'! after be fired him. When a man
has to publicaUy digest his own dignity.
you can beL there's more than a few
scars left inside.
You can imagine that Allen may have
!'!Orne second thoughts about having any
of his grandchildren named Daniel in
view of all that's happened.
Don't Jook for the newly filled Rams
honey pot to stay In ooe piece for
any prolonged periods.
Coach Sought
From bitber and )'OD:
Marian Hl&lri Scbool of lbe San Diego
area h looking for • bead football coach,
according IO former.DAILY PILOT sports
staffer Ray Pllltb, wbo now coacbes
Pfatb reveals t' I t MariU wUJ 10
hlto 1k M-~ am year aad
1ay1 teaehlq aa1arta a r e wHM.n 11
pen:ent al tfle Su Diefe City Scltools.
Interested padiea doakl call Platko
al 7lf.74UHI for fartl9er laform.Uon.
Rose Bow l Leftovers
Rose Bowl leftovers:
Woody Hayes, ObJo State: On why
he's managed to last 11 years as
Buckeyes' head football ~"It's
because of my friendly per!'IOnality."
0. J, Simpson, USC: "Yes, I believe
thert should be a playoff in tie game
siluations. You get banged around and
bruised in a game, then go home and
think about a tie and It leaves you empty.
I think you should play untU there's
a winner.
lncidentaUy, SC publicist Don Andersen
was sweating out • light situation with
Rose Bowl tickets !0< Trojan aeaaon
ticket holders. It seems that 41,000 people
booght ,..... goodles, wbidl ent!Ued
them lo purchse i>ne Role Bowl ducal
for each season stubble bought.
The rub was that SC got only ... 000
Rose Bowl Ucketl. Fortunately not all
season ticket buyers made &ood on the
option to buy entrance for the Puadena
New Year's classic.
Court Justice Byron R. "Whilzer" White
and 17 top stars and executive!'! from
the performlng arts were honored today
by the National Collegiate Athletic
Association at it!il 63rd annual convention.
The NCAA voted JUstice White Its
hi&beat honor, the Tbeodore Roosevelt
award, and marked the occasion at its
ailml.al booora luncheon at convenUon
Justice wrute was an All-America
hallbact: at the University of Colorado
and is a member of football '!'! Hall
of Fame. He also was an all-conference
basketball and bueball player.
In announcing Justice White's selection,
the NCAA said it was in recognition
of his dlJtlnguisbed coreer after be had
been an outstanding college athlete.
The stars and executives from the
perfonnlne arts honored were actor Max
Baer who attended Santa Clara Universi-
ty and participated in golf and boxing;
Johnny Mack Brown, Alabama, football;
David Canary, ClncinnaU, football; Mike
Frankovich. UCLA, football and baseball;
Sheldon Leonard, Syracust, w1ter polo
and awlmming.
Art Llntletter, San Diego State, basket~
ball; Ron Miller, Southern Caillomla,
football; Lee Mljors, Eastern Kentucky,
f~ball; Dennh Mqan, Cam>U, f~
ball; Oule Nelaon, Rutgen, football;
John Raitt, Redlands, track and football.
Robert Reynolds, Stanford, football;
Aaron Rosenberg, Southern California,
football; Tom Smothers, San Jose State,
gymnastics; Roher! Stack, Southern
California, polo: Woody Strode; UCLA,
rootball and track, and Dennis Weaver,
Oklahoma, track.
Colleg iate
Ca ge Resul ts
U•IT .........
A Slaootitag Star
Dallas Chaparral player Willis Bennett (6) can't stop Los Angeles'
Larry Miller froQl scoring on this. play during ABA game in LA
Monday night. The rapidly improving MiUer scored 28 points and
Jed his Stars tD a 122-114 overtime win. • jp-evious week in a general resbutnbig
JtUch involved all teams with lhe ex·
~ of Ulp<'anl<ed UCLA, second·
bted NO<th Carolina and No. & Kansas.
Mlghly UCLA. notching an eaay tM4
triumph over Tulane, ran ita record
to H aml the Bruins once again were
8 W11nlmoul choice of the ratings board
' (pr !ht No. I pooilion. The Lew Akindo' •
Jed BNiol have been the unarumous
,.eOOice flVG")' week &inc:t the season
.. ratlnp ~ five -k:.:£·
Everyone's Doing Foshury Flop
'"V.,.,. -_,.. ...... • ....,.. tllk1·
'lcl'"lir ... ~I oadlel '""°" ... !'Cl! . .,... ' ...... ....... ~~· • 1, UCU. t2ifl f.4 JM ... "' ..... ~ :.: :. . .. .... cw. ,.. '"
• "~ 1M ,. ..... tz:: l>I 111
* t~ (W.Y• l:f 1: • ' ViilMiii • ,., ,..
................. 11• • I!.-..... , .W JI ··--.• " .. 11 ,..,,_ M '' ,........... ,., ,,
!'· """""91• .. , ,,
.. ,~ .. ~... .. I ,:; '1l
-'tf • '1 ITllJ _.......,"" I f -... '
NEW YORK (AP) -Diek Fosbury
high jumped his way to f1me, wtnnin&
a gold medal at &he Olympic Games
with his FOl!lbury Flop, and then just
" quickly skipped oat ol Mexico City
without any •arnln&-
Foohury, -woo tho Maieo City
eveat wtth .. Olympic ,_,i jump
of 7-411 over Ed Caruthen ol the U.S ..
and Rwala's Vlktor 'Gavrilot, u1d be
llWl!Ohed lo bia Foobury Flop alyle Hft
yean ago "ll!d immediately J improved
my be.It lrom >4 to ~It."
"I really believe It's the eislelll and
belt w1y," the 6·f00l-4 185-pounder said.
F•bury aoes over the bar backwardl
whl~ the standard way Is: to JO over
race down with the body parallel to
the bar.
And uya Foabury. thousands of arade
and bfP IChool klda are -doing
the Foollur7 Flop lll'OUlld the countiy.
Wllll tho Of1mpka over, romn, u111
that helnfl an Olympic champloa "Is
a ar..i leellng for a few houri hot
tbm It'• over aod put hist.ory ."
But put hlllory or not; Foohury 11ya
he'll be competing for awhile Jon1er.
And then thel'e'I the 1171 Olympic G11111<1
In Munich, Germany.
Did he think he'd compele then!
"I do know that 111 prohobb' .UD
be competing in another tour years.
"I'm a compeUUon jumper. I can 'l
)ump il there'• nn competition .. "
YOll get the fi!ellng that Poobury and
his Flop wW sllll be In vogue when
Another s b o t at Olympic gold Is: in
Why the qulck fade oot In Medco! .. , juat didn1 lfPit lo talk," the 20-
JeN'~ld Oregon State 11enior said Monday
1t 1 track writen luncheon.
"No press interviews. No nothing. T
was ttnOtfooally elh1ustecl ," sa id
Fosbury, whole unorthodo1 Jumping has
tent teenqers •II over the r"'\1f'n
•mulallng bis alyle.
Protocol Is for lhe flrsl three finishen
in each Olympic event to speak to the
prtss I~ minutes after each competition
"I needed long<!' !ban 15 minutes.
I Me<fed 15 days," Fosbury explained .
"I hed been wortmg out for 10 months,
six in compeliUORt where I usually only
train for four months a year. II wa
really quite a strain.
"l just skipped oot after the event.
I needed lime away rrom thlngs. Jt's
hard to explain what it was. It wasn't
pressure. There wasn 't as much 11s I
thought &here would be."
Toomey 3rd
Still another award Ls headed for the
award-filled life of football hero O.J.
Simpson of the University of Southern
The 21-year-old All-American haUbatt
hall been named California Athlete of
the Year for 1968 in the 11th annual
poll conducted by Associated Preu.
Chief rival to O.J. 1n the California
voting was America's newest sweetheart,
JS.year-old Debbie Meyer of Saaammto.
who won three gold medals In 1WimmbJt
In the Olympic Game1 in Mexico City
last fall.
Simpson registered 82 points: Debbie
51, and Olympic decathlon champion Bill
Toomey or Laguna Beach 30.
Goiter• fluallf11
Two Orange Cout art• 1olfen av.
qualUltd for the 1tartta1 field of tM
Uni Loa Angeles Open hegbm!ns n.n. day.
Palll ScodeUer of S ta t i. Lapa
quaWled at 71 and Ro.a Drtm.U I(
Newport Buell made It wtU. a '1t.
Top qualifier WU Doa Cllel"f1 of
WlcbUa Falls, Tesas, wlto Uot a a
Monday to lead tbe ZI aonei:empt pros
wbo qualUfed for tbe ltartlag field.
Camilli Named
Dolph Camilli, veteran major Jeague
player who managed in the minor
leaguea, lw been added lo the ICOU!lng
staff of the California Angels to cover
the San Franci!'lco Bay area
Pinson a Card
ST. LOUIS -111 b.ave to be Um
hert," Vad• Pinson said •• be &r1ed
on a SL Louis Cardinals uniform for
the lint tlme Monday. "You Wlllkl Un
to be a fool not te be."
The Cincinnati Red> tradel Ph!..
to the N.Uooal Leape ebmpltM r-
mecUately foOowi.ag tM World Serles
for outflelder..flnt bueman 8o"1 Tola
and~reUef pltcber Wa)'M Granier.
'Shoe' R ides
ARCADIA -WJth a steel rod IUll
imbedded In his left leg, Bill Shoemaker
vaulted into the saddle Mond_, for the
first time in DW'ly a yw-since he
broke the leg in 1 spill at Sant.a Anita.
The veteran rider wu aboerd On)J
Baldy, a stable pony, but wu elated
about the ride.
"It felt real good," Shoemaker laid
•mlllng, "helter !ban I thought tt wonld.
The knee is 1Ull a little weak but tbt
, leg is fine."
Cacelau Opposn
Jack Curtice of the University of
California at Santa Barbara, chalnnaa
of the coaches' rules rec:!OmmeodatJon
<ommlttee, announced that the -.
Football Coaches Association volced ill
opposJUon to a return to one platoon
football by a big majority.
"College foothall had it. grutett
season In history during 1968," Curtice
pointed oot. "The general flsve< of col-
legiate foolball -!he reaction al lam,
players and coaches hu been such that
we can only conclude thll bu beto
I glut year. The ruJea r<eom.....ratlon
conunlttee feell that In seneraJ the nilol
lhoukl be left alone."
The football rules <0mmlttee -nut week 1t Pabn Sprtnp and II m
autonomous body which ii not nlCtlllttb'
gulded either hy the coaebes 0< tho
NCAA . But In view ol the ,.__
voiced II the opening ... Ion of tho
NCAA. Curtice precficled the rule •
unlimited subtUtuUoo would stand.
Sports Editor
View• Offered
By !WIL (llJ8Td\' Of .. ...,,...,...,
With Sout11ero CJlllcnla Colltge ap.
port11Uy out ol Ille rllllDlo8 fO<' at i-t
" a YU!", the City ol CON -JI-II ,_
conolderlac tbe CODllructloo of a lrllnlnf camp alte for the Ban Diego 'Cbarpra,
The ·Amorlcan Football LeaJU" club
h .. vacated the -training camp
It hu med for lhe past five 1euons
aL · F.lcoadldo and is searcb1Dg for a
..... allo to be uaed beginning in July.
Cl)arler heod coocb and general man-. .,., Bid Glllinan and team buainW min-
.,., In Kue flnt inspec!ed the Colla
Mesa ana Wt October when they touttd
Smith, Carlos Actions
Earn Reader's Backing
EDITOR'S NOTE : Maxwell SUles is
recover~ from a severe heart attack
auUered Just belore Christma.s. Today
• reader takes to task hi!I oolumn on
the act.ions of Tommie Smith and John
Carlos at lhe Olympic Games in Mexico
To the Editor: Answer to Maxwell Styles
Methinks he doth protest too much.
If the acUons of Smith and Carl<>l!I
at the Olympic Games were a dlagrace
to all the poeple, symbols, ethics and
institutions' listed (ad abmrdum) in
Stiles' column, wbo then, and what, is
di.Jgraced by prejudice and racism and
bigotry and inequality or opportunity and
all the important issues that underlie
the miniscllle protest of two politically
conscious athletes!
.Those alhletes who have no olher in-
MU:W•LL srn.•1
•. , ••••••••• ***"
In Sports
terests, commitments, or obligaUons and
who simply perform physically for their
own enjoyment and the glory of the
U.S., are cited as rejecting political
protest in the cootezt of international
sport.5 competition, but in reality they
.are not involved with anything but ap>rts
and are being true to their type o(
maintaining a single interest -thi..!!
is not a sacrifice or even a choice
f')r them.
It Is "A Man For All Seasons" who
Oilers Ninth
In CIF Poll,
Compton No. 1
Undefeated Compton High, the defen·
ding ClF AAAA champion and current
possessor of a U-0 record, captured
all 17 first ,place votes in the initial
week o( the top 10 in prep basketball
as picked by a panel or Southern
California sportswriters.
Huntington Beach (IG-2) Is the only
Orange Coast area team to make the
elite list, picking up 40 points to out-
distance Covina for ninth.
The ooly other Orange County team
to make it is Sunny Hills, which finished
fourth, 11 points out of second place.
risks everything, including his particular
talent and personal opportunity, for an
idea or an ideal.
Stiles has not convinced me that I
am insulted, nor that Albert Schweitur
« General Robert E. Lee can even
be related lo the argument, much less
the insuJt, when a couple of multi-faceted
young Americansfappropriate the Olym·
pie Stadium for a protest against racisin.
After all, the issues involved have
been documented in every national
magazine and newspaper for the past
year. Where was the contribution of
the American Olympic Committee \vith
iU!I older, wiser, cooler heads?
They knew that many of the com-
petititors were black -and churned!
The American Olympic Committee Wli.!I
in a position ol influence Bnd -booted
-Ttirathlel"B -wtre· at a-disadvantage--
and made a poinl. I want men like
that in my America! isn't symbolic
protest to be preferred to violence? Can
we respond to mental stimuluS, or must
we wait for physical force?
As for tbe "curious litUe articles of
wearing apparel" -are blaclt gloves
and scarves and sox going to be con-
sidered more curious by future genera-
tions than epauletles or cockades, or
Homburgs or blazers?
As to the "crudest act of ex-
hibitionism" in looking down with bowed
heads during the National Anthem -
has anyone considered that the boys
might have been crying -just as the
"little French girl" (so simple Jn motive,
so sweet 'ln natu~. infers Sliles, and
so much to be preferred over our own
Involved. activist, caring youth) was
crying, but possibly with overtones
of tragedy that our moment or personal
triumph should be so blighted by an
over-riding grler for the condiUon of
man -tb_eir own in the ghettos -
our own trapped in the lonely role or
Who is Stiles to impute lofty motives
tG crying French athletes and bad
motivu to involved American athletes?
If mtne is an emotionally generous
approach to this spectacle (which r view-
ed in person at the Games), does that
make it less vaUd than the emotionally
vicious condemnation written by Stilell?
The truth is never one·sided, and Stiles
attacked the man and the act rather
than the conditions they were protesting.
If Smith and Carlos · had the courage
to risk all for a cause. Stiles should
have the gallantry to acknowledge the
issues and not further compound racial
Intolerance in this C'ountry by wrttln1t
hate measages In the guise o.r moral
Newport Beach
T,.14q, _, 1, 1969 ellll.Y PILOT ·V
No. ··1 ·camp Ch-0ice
SoulJ1em Calilornla Colleie OD Newport
The 00~·1 newlseven·1tory
dol;mltory and Oilier fadlltlet were ,c·
oepUl>lo wllh the Char,... but the ICbool
h.1 M loolbalJ field.
"The ll'Chitect bu told ua we couldn't
construct 1 aatiafact.ory field for the
Charaers by July," Rev. William
Robtrtaon told the DAILY PILOT.
Rev. Robertson is the colleie'• board
chairman and district superintendent for
the Aslembly ol God Cburdl. the
orpnlQUon lb.at operates Southern Cal
.. We are a year away from being
able to neioUale," Rov. Robttiaon con-
l•&t the Cutrr!'I are sWJ lnl.m!lt.ed
In our Ol.btr faciliUes and tbere b a
poalblllty we mlgbt have ti, team two
awnmers from now." • , .f
Wilen II became cl<ar the ochool
wouldn't be able lo offer a fteld, the
Cicy ol Costa Mesa stepped in.
City vice--mayor Bob Wilso11 is heading
a group considering tbe posalbility of .
construcliog a recreaUon comple:i: that
would be acceptable to the Chargers
in the swnmer and for the public the
rest of the year.
Kaze, lhe Char1ers' busineu manager,
ackllO'Oiodged the d!Jculslons.
"Tiie situatloo foe Soulhern cal €oile1•
is not as pn:1mislng as Jt once .. _.
bul we are still interested In Costa
Mesa. It Llkt! a long tlme ·to · buW
a football field alld lt's too late now ,
for the COUeae to. have one ready by
July. '
"We're not rulihg .oat Cost.a Me•1' ,
-maybe the city can come up wilb
a faclllty. We have a lot o1 stock •od
hope in Costa Mesa. It's s:Ull our No.
1 choice." ·
Kaz.e said he is meeting with a clVIC
delegation from Oceanside th.is week.
OAll. 't PILOT '""'' by a1c1ianl KHRltr
SEEING DOUBLE TROUBLE -Bob Bo.swell (left)
and twin brother Bill are seeing more than double
as they check out reflections in a mirror. The two
. former lluntinglon Beach High aUtletes earned 26
varsity letters between them and kept coaches
busy separating them from frequent scraps. Bill is
nO\V head football coach at Westminster High.
Earned 26 HB Letters
Boswells Always
By EARL GUSTKE~ the Oilers for the 1951 season.
01 1lle Diii,,. ''* llllff •• . When Ed GOOdard was coac Hun-Bob had been playing quarterback
lington Beach High School's football team then but we had another boy who was
16 seasons ago, he ~as part football better so I moved Bob to guard, rfJ:ht
coach and part family guidance counselor next to hls t.other who was the tackle.
-and on occasion, a fight referee. "They just fought all the time. They'd
The '52 Oilers had Orange County's get into wild arguments over who missed
b e s t twin brother combination on their what assignment. 1t got so bad we were·
side. Between them, Bill and Bob Boswell n't getting anything done in practice. I
earned 26 varsity letttta at HunUngton. ended up moving Bob to guard on t h e
But those who were following the Oilers other side of the line."
in the early 1950s remember the fierce The same wu true on the basketball
scraps the two got into. They were court and on the baseball fiekl. Bueball
altercaUons bome out of an inteMe coach Scott Flanagan lived in constant
rivalry. fear he'd have to break up a fight
Goddard. who is now Westminster begween his brother battery com·
High's athletic director. recalls what binalion during a game.
happened when he became coach of Sixteen years have gone by and time
has mtllowed the rivalry. The laughs
come easy.
''Bill was the catcher and J was the
pitcher," Bob recalls.
;, [f l was having a bad day or got
Into a streak when J wasn't ec:tUng
the ball over the plate. Bill would get
nu1id and fire the ball back to me
as hard as he could,.
"Then I'd get mad at hlm and it
seemed to se ttle me down."
• Juat as they possessed an a~
ol spirit, the Boswell brotbeni were never
hurting for size, either. Bill weighed
195 in high school and Bob was 10
pounds lighter. The years have been
gOod. Bill weighs~240 now, and Bob totes
He lndlcattd ~ dty II propored lo
mate a firm oUer for a cam~.
The Chlr1en oooe uplored UC 1n1Do
·as a poa!blHty bul UC rqulatlool .....
hfbit private «Janlutioor lmn .......
campus llvlnf fac!Ulleo.
The Arb team has ,never found a
training .... .J!..lo Ill ~''ll>e Qhar,...•
rpQVed ·fl"oii\ thelr ~ ol Ion
Dl•i' ·ll'llJ!lnl bue all!; loll>· yilut
...i •gen! Ille ......... " 1IO ~
In the lllp de..n oountJy -ol ..
l>i0&0.al ~-• Aa Ille LOI AoplM Chufn In Jtll,
the team trained al ~ ~
In Orange.
" Pirates Tes··~ ..
Rio Hondo :·
It should be muscle epinst speed
tonight when Orange Coast Collq•
travels to Rio Hondo CoDece as the
tight Eastern Conference buietball ..-
moves into its second week of Action.
TtpoU will be at I o'clock.
The surprising Roadiunnen made an
auspicious debut in conference play las&
Saturday, upsetting Golden West, 17...,,
and are one ol ooly three undefeated
teams after juat two days of play.
Ria Hondci \Jnd'a combination of mu154
cle ind deft free throwing ta dispo89
of Golden West.
MOst of the muscle is supplied by
M Skip Kennady and M Bill Farwyke,
who operate out of coach Len Craven'•
double post offense. ,
KeMtdy, while ~ a great shooter
from the noor, is i'Jplethin& ,else from
the free throw line. Agalnsl Golden w .. t
---· .-.0T11rcu-~· Wl,,.,PA-
F1111...-ton ! I 161 ~,·~ CJwolfor 2 t 1" • llt!o Hoo!c19 I t •1 Ml. SAC I I 171 .. CMS! I l 17? 11
Wal I l >P >0• mwr"dlne I TJt ~
S.11t. An1 I l 6S ~ ll
atr111 I J l" ~• 11t1-1lde 0-T•r l1 If
lllver~ldlo It Sat! • .,l!lnlhtl ~ Ml. SAC 11 Qlltffy •l ~Coat11a .. Hande F~lttrton v1 c--. 91 L• "lttnll<ll Hlol lcnoor Ge,.......,..,
Ci11111 11 $111!1 A""
he converti!d. l~ of ~9 ttempbl and
that's where the Roa won tbe
game. They hlt on 27 Qf 38 tr es.
The two big men aren't the entire
story for Rio Hondo. Guard I)ave Wa!Wli
Js a fine outside jump lbooter and ~
a variety of driving moves ~lrd &be
basket including an effective chaage of
Kennady and Watters scored more than
hall of Rio Hondo's points against Gokttn
West with 27 and 25 markers, and 'fill
have to be contained by Orana:e Cof3t
Running apparently will be lhe key
to Orange Coast's success.
Fullerton cootained the ~ Pirates
Farlday and waltzed to a ~1-69 victory,
but Sa-y nlgbt coaob Bol> W.U.!'1
forces turn on the fast break apinst
Riverside and a:alloped 1 o a IIS..99
triumph. . :
Wetzel is expected to Raft , Rich
SUckelmaier at center, Phil Jor(fan,ind
Steve Jacobaon at forwardl and Steve
Turley and Mike Flaherty el prdJ
against Rio Hondo.
Garden Gro~e
Heads lloop Poll
' .
The Lancers are 9-1 with the onl)'
blemish on ii.I record to Compton.
Challey (13-1) grabbed the second posi·
tlon in the rantings with 119 points
to eda;e Pasad~na (13-1) by three polnU!I.
Mufr of Pa.sadeca is fifth wllh Ventura,
North Tbrranee and Notre Dame closing
out the list.
Garden Grove, as expected took tbe
top rung of the ladder in AAA ranldnp.
San Diego State Runs Into Hurdle~
On Attempt to Enter Bigtime ·Football
The Boswells were born Jan". Ui, 1935,
In Los Angeles. Bob arri~ Jim: and
Blll followed 26 nilnutes latlr. William
''Doc" Boswell moved his family to
Westminster when the twins were three
and Bill has lived there ever sh>ee.
Bob lives in Fountain Valley. He Js
the service manager of nine western
states for General Electric. Bill, ot
course. is the head football co1ch at
Westminster. where be work! under his
old prep coach, Goddard.
Garden Grove High'a u n d e f e a t e.-d
Argonaull pbbed. liDt p~ In the
initial re1ease a1 tn*i top '10 buketblll
teams in Orange County, narrowly be.at·
log out SUllny Ulllt.
Grove ii curnntty ridins a IJ.pme
win .strlng whlle tbe 6winy Hllll con.
tlngenl 1' 9-1, 1oainJr only to 11Ddefea~
defending CIF champion, Comploo.
Huntington Beach, downed twioe-t '-
preleague action, ls third with a $-2
mark. The Argonauts, the only undefeated
team in Orange County, captured 11
vote~ for 164 points to outdistance CJ@rc-
1. Compton (17) IU 170
J. Chaffey JJ.I 119
3. Pasadena 13-2 I 15
4. SWllQ' HUii 9-1 !OS
i. Muir 1M ~
&. Ventura 1~1 83
7. No. Torrance 1-1·2 73
I. Noll< Dame.11-3 56
9. Hunlini'OO JlHch 10-2 40
10. Covina 11-3 23
()lllers: <llDard (IO.I) 17. Arcadia (10-
3) 7, Anaheim (10-1) 5, LB Poly (WI
5 Monrovll 5, So. Tc:naooe: 4, Arroyo
do-!) f, Wamn (M) f, Millikan (llhl)
I, La Habra (t-3) J, Marina (Ml 2,
Dominguei (lo-!) I, San Benloo Pacillc
(W) I. AAA
t. Garden Grove (11) ll·O 164
2. Claremont (8) 13--0 159
3. Santa Maria !~I 12&
•. B<vorl) Hills 103
5. MomllloldeM 8i e. 8llhop ldootaom<ry 11
7. ~brillo llH st
I. 'Glem IM 31
t. AYiadon :Ill
10. M-'1• H 17
Othel'I: -II, Colttn 10, NoCllet
10, S&nt1aso I. 8July !Ulla I, Motet
Dd I, llanCbo Aloml141 I, Blallop A1111t
$, North Riveraida 4, Azusa 4, Loara
2, Corona d<I Mar 2. Minion Viejo
San Ditgo State is being frustrated
at every tum Jn its bid to go blg·time
in colle1e football .
The Aztecs offered lhe Nava] Academy
a coo) $100,000 to play in San Diego
StadiUm but tbe Middies declined. Notre
Dame WU offered sao.cm and USC
$76,000. Still no taken.
The Navy 1ame' would have been a
naturJl for San Diq:o. But i\'1 the same
old story -the Aztecs don't have
a monkey on their back, it's a Charger.
AJ tong as the Chareers repose In
San Die.go, the Aslecl will continue to
be small college. AFL lchedules are made
on a ywly baU while college 1ames
are booted yean ahead.
Say tf7f rn1ll around and the Aztec:i
have a Saturday night rame with Navy,
Ol'lJy to find that Chargers have a 1ame
that nlsbl
San Diep State'• story is an ironlcaJly
woeful one. When tbe city buUt the
SO,CKKMe.at stadium, the 1ehool figured
lts 11t1a11-t l mt days -wire over. Sadly,
they hadn't yet run their course.
..me.I...., ily .-1111 odds ..
~ Newport Budli ..,.,,,, nu
s,mo. .... ""' played "' -leapet, It ieu.., .is friuda te be& • New yen,
RIVERSIDE DEPT. -How the mighty
havt fallen. Rtvenide Ctty Collere'•
basketball team will be. no factor· thlll
year iil lbe Eastern C.onferenc:e but coach
Bill Mulligan and his followers can't
wait for oeit season.
He has 31-year-old Dam:ll Davis
waiting in the wings until he's eligible.
Just released from the Alt Force after
******* ....... *****
11 years service, Davis 11 supposed to
be the EC's next superstar.
•tER DEPT. -8am Robinson 11
plUai lllOlt of ~ credit for Cal S<e11
(Loq _, "'"""" buk<lblll fo.-s
bed tot few aecolMa U:ve beta direded
at panl Ray Grltieo .
'nil Pl' ..W Mart lac 1111)' leam
11 tM country.
cool off? Over tht paat flve seUOl'l1
ind partly throuah lhil one. the Bru1ns
are 144-11 ln basketball. eight of tho.!e
losses came In the 1965-66 season .
Only two starters arc seniors. With
a banner recruiting year this t.ime. UCLA
could keep it up for al least another
five yean.
ft.fAGNER DEPT. -Gary f\1agner
rememben the good old days, when
be could ttad the DAILY PILOT. The
e1-0raage Coa1t College 11.at' who now
t. a member of tJse New York Jets,
told us 1 w.n1 or two about the New
York papen tM olbe.r d1y.
"You caq't btUtve tM Ntw York
wrlW.," lat· uka.
••A CU1 ID.Uc• a bad play oa tbe
fteld and & • e paper. carry pictures of
It ud dttcrlbe what be did In bold
print. Tbe CaHiornla papel'I wert alway~
more dlJcrte& but bere tbey tear you
DRAG DEPT. Orange County
International Raet:way boss Mike JOM.!
SI)'! drq racln1 i! matln& an lmpict
Gn DetnJil I
He oaya IUt'Vfl'S now lndlCllle that
drag ra:fnl ' Is havinf a far grtlter
impact on tM sale o ne• cars than
any othtt phaac or motol'lpOrts com·
Ford, Jooc1 says, wl111pend SO pel"Cf'nt
of its racing budget on drag racina
this year.
The brothers Boswell were both given
athletic scholarships by USC in 1953.
Both played frosh football at USC but
their rapid growth during their early
teen years caught up with them .
"Bill and I both had Shennan's Disease
when we were kids," Bob aays.
''It's a disease that young boys
sometimes get when they gro~ too fast.
You wind up with a lack or aufficlent
cartilage between the vertebrae of your
lower baclt lt causes a stoop-shoulder
po11ture. too. Both of us wore bact
braces in junior high school.
.. It didn 't affect WI too muC:h Jn h1gh
school football becaUse ·•• were bJaer
than most kids. But at USC they were
bigger and we came down with bed
backs rilJ>t ....,.1111rended..,. athletlc
Whlle lnOlll ol HunU•""'1 Hlgb'1 class
of '$3 probably m06t remembers ttie
~raps the two c«1 Jnio with each other,
Goddard remembers a slrong loyalty,
''Those two were always get.Un& into
ll&hts but let someone else start
something with one of therr. and the
otbei: one .~d ~ tbert lo a flash.•· ~ ioyltty JJnCtn. Bob never missell
a Westminster football game if he can
. help IL He mLssed only one last season
-the opener with Lakewood . He was
having his shoulder oper11ted on that
111 do a lot of"' traveling for Gtmenl
Electric and before Ute football season
l plan all rny trips so they won'l tnterfcro
with my seeln1 Biii'• a•m~. ''
Two more Sunset League lea.ms folloY
the Olien, with Anabelm and Maijiii
holding the fourth and filth poslliom. I
I. Garden Grove (11-G)
2. Sunny Hills (9-1)
3. Huntington Bead! (11>-l)
.. Anlhelm (10-1) s. Ml11nf (M)
6. Santiago (19-4)
':. Magnolia (M)
8. La Habra (1-21
9. Kalelll (9-3)
IO. ·rroy (8-2) 2
Othen: Foothill (7-4) and WestmJntl*r,
(~) 1 each.
Con>oa dcl Mar lllP will be l"Dli
alter Its dghtb wln In t3 itarla ""11">1
when the Sea Klnp Irani to Loq
Beach Poly tor a non-le...,. bubtboll
encoooter. Tlpaff .la at I.
And, 1n aoother ollhl same (7), Eltai>-
cia treb to Paciflca ol Otrden am.,
Corona de!• lUr II =oil lw llrolgbt wiN In the II ti( I .....
T......,...I, both by · t).a sco..... -
Estoncll wll be ....... to """"""" on the vlctllry trail o/tat COflflllll lifN
place In the-ltiYltallloal ~The &agl .. .,.. M ror .. ,.....
' '
T.,.;q., ......, 7, lM
In )'tll.lr ptDC.ttce senl'ons, lt's
always o good ldeo to hit .. ch
... .,;1h. full swing. ·But, (..t
for lhe sake of wriety, ffY J\it ..
ting cluW: to the ICIM• target (en
lllUllnitod). This ll"eso lciogwoy
toward dewloplre precision°" ·
the holf .... ond '"'"""""'"tr '· shots .
1.!0 YARDS
•• •• •
.. •• •
;X.Country . .
:Meet Set
--. --·-. ' •
. ...... -. .... -
Basketball 1ignups .,.
• A city-wide crou coonlry now beiilc tal:tn tac boya ..... 1 wm be held S&turday . • .
Top Prep
.lo< aD boys aad c!r\I in grade aad girls in the·Coota Me11 I _.three ~eight at .. EltaP'" _ _!\ecreatioa Qe~en_t
f-cii'llliBSCboolUiider the beaketball leagues.
I ,<aUlf>lcOo ol the City of Coot.a Students from third lo
1 Meu Recreation Department. ·~· I Elgbt.b graden, however, •~U,: are eJlclble.
!llUlt not be 15 u ol the j\aygroondl ""' UCI Gym .
.fint ol the year. -· '· at , Cellege 'Patt,
• The flrst eight finlsherl In Harper, Klllybroolce, Monte Renamed
each event are •llilble to com· Vt.ta p 1no aed wuaon
.i>ete in the Oruge Cowlty oc!ioo'1s · wltlr CoriM:&
.Munlclpol Albletk: -doo Pork '
'meet to be held Jan. 11 at __ . -------
W-Hip School.
Eftnla aed ttmea for the
clly..nde meet:
Srf Grade v. mile ••
i:I> a.m.
4111 Grode
1:51 a.m.
5th Grid•
10:15 a.m.
S1h Grade
10:45 a.m.
\!. mile 11
" mile at
% mlle at
7tb Grade -1 mile at 11 : 15
Ith Gr~ -1 mile at 11:45
. Boys
3rd Grade * mile at
9:40 LDl.·
4th 'Gnde
10 I.JD.
'i(i. mJlt at
5th Gtade -1 mile at 10:30
Neel Cops
Jaycee Mabnen
Open EC Battle
• Or-. Coest aed Goldnl
Wtll collefu "1"11 their z-. C<mleniDce wrestn,.. odleduleo todly with a plir : ., _ .. the road.
• j)rwoflf Coest will be •t
........ while Golden w ...
• •• .... to Ill. S&D Aoloolo
QeP jr,
College Stars
To Collide
Leaving to.wn on business
and your wife need1 lhe car?
Wliere does that leave you?
Near your Ford Rent-A-C.r dealer. th11t'1 wherel
Rent o "'"" Ford, Muatong, or Torlno for a day,
WMk. or month. Low ratea ••• Insurance Included.
THEODOlll RollNS FORD __ ... _
c.... W-.c..llt.
'41 ... lf
1Ull ..... ....
H .............. Clll.
u:au. NOTICE
If Y••'r• • 1h•rJ "'"''• 11• tho DAILY PILors ftlftOlt
Oi11tt.A·Ll110 cl111tfl9' •J1
S1tur4oy1, Mo\-o • "eff•r
dool •.• w1!1thor YM're
ll1yl rt9 ., .. 1111,,.
•• ==""••••-'--~~~~~~~..,.~------•"'--,...-~...,.~• • e -• ---__ • .. ._ _ .. _____ .. ___ .... __
• •
' I • •
' I
' • ' J
I •
••---'""'"""=--••-:••-----.,=-tao"''":c": :o. "'"a s••••wss 21P"'-""'"*"'"""""'"""'""'"''"·"''_"_,W_,.,,,,.,,o,...,.,Oi,. ___ .,,,.43,.ss,.,gg..,™""'"'",...&eo"""" .. '""'""'s""<W"""'"''"'"'""'""''<'"~' .,.,,.,,,,.... • ....,~.-.·-· "".'':=-.=~::-:.':-"!'.:: .. ~ --;:-";'":..::;..--::."'-~· .....-~.: :·; :.:· -.:. ·-· · :.·. · ':'; ~-~· · · :~. •• .... -~---~::---;-;"" ~ --.-
To. Cold
"1i'• Our Tiana:
, It bas been noticed that llO!D~ boys have been wear·
ing their hair lOQg, so ateractive Bernice Burton of
Tallahusee figured that "turn-about-ls-fair.play."
In this aeries of pictures she find• oUI lfow she
would look w.eartng a variety of mustaches, the
Zapata, Mexican or \Y.U:Uwt.YI• wtlli !bat droopy
look, the pay Ninetlts "Handlebar" v@l:!ely with
turned up tip!, tho E!!i1lah l!nith, or •:1!ilt upper
lip" as it Is oflen called, coinplete wlth·1tla!ching
There are ways lo cope with
waste heat. Careful site selec·
tion helps ; regulated mtxjng
can reduce the heat shock
on a stream; cooling ponds
and big, expensive cooling
towers can pass the beat from
the water to the air.
The problem ls bciit to nlake
sure industry usea those
Under the Water Quality Act
of 1965, each state bu pro-
posed quality standards for
Jts lntet!tate waters, subject
to Interior Department ap-
proval, and iempera-limitl
are being written into them.
But tbe law permil5 cor-
rective legal action only after
• violation occun and these
standards don't touch waten
flowing entirely within • sinJle ·
Jurt such a measure was
introduced last summer ' by
Sen. Edmund s, Muakle, (D-
'Me.). Interior wOuld have had
the say on lbe adequacy of
C.Cilltta. It passed the Senate
but was cut out by the Hou.st.
But atomic power would
hove been the only mojor
heoklwnpln( I n d u s t r 1 If.
fec'1ed. as the only one licens-
ed by a feelers! agency -
tile· A\Omlc Energy Com-
mission .
L.imit~d time. only!
All our famous Fashion Mano,.. 1heet1, Including
Penn-Preist-never-Irons, In regular and _1upli~ 11z ...
Stock up on Whites, pastels; cteeptone1, 1trlpe•, prfntll
$aM1on Nation"WW. •
-' ~. •TOCIAYI
,.~;...· "'!y-1
C--Mwlln Whlln
I l '
•• t•
Pencale• Deeptone
,_._.._... ..... ...,..,u--.
n11or111 .. ,..._........,......_
NOW1.45 72a10.''~.-:'-;~;· 1.9J.· t:
11Al°'4 floll•.W ~I , .. r;.;;J
n .1orht• .,.a-fir"......,...,_,
111101#..,. •""' u ....... .......,..._.
n. 1a1~ .... ,.~·~....-.
NOW2,93 11 11loe~iw .. r .. ~~---
l l11Wllt•M..,....,.,_....._
..:.11.._ __ NOW 2/N4
......... Whites ... fine
n11r ...... ._... .......... .._.
...,,. .... ..,...,NOW2.I'
· • .' NOWl.M,
-NOW2/1M I
Penn-Prest* Percale
lla l Ol"h.~U .. i.f.'t9f '' .......... ' NllWa.11
, ' NOWS.93 11110.•1111 .............. ' ..... ~
NOW2.D7 ffal20# .... ._ .......... ft ..
-.. f,l'I
,...,_ NOW2/.2.29
Poltela and D .. ptonM
72•1111" ..... Moa.....¥~ .......
II 11ot~ .... "' ~ s..lwNeol1 w. . . NOW4.67
1011120"' fllll w II .. ri.tl# &.nri.-'9
,.__,_.2.r. 2/2.77
,.._,,Jl ...... 2/a.27
,.,...__,....._ MOW3.09
t0i. 1"10"1W .. -...... ..., • ,,,, ...... I I NOW3.71 c.... .. ,,......... • .....
"' .. , •• ,.,.. ... tfOW'-34
,..-.,.2.•·.NOW l'J/I
,,..., .... a.w.. NOW2/1~4
,,, .. ur.._ • ._....,., ., ...
.......,.._. NOWU7 -.,.. ....... _,.71
,....,_1t.4t". NOW2/2.67
' ,Pe...,.P,r.-•,.. 'fJOraf 1
__,.,, Penil,1• I
121xr ..................... ......
11.1or ....... .....,......_.... ...... • NOW5.67
"" Industry Ille¥· ' bolt rocondled to coolJng towen,
offered lliUe objection, but
AEC 'cl:ainnan Glenn T.
sOaborg oi>Posed lbe bill,
arguing ihat In falling to reach
fcJssll-fueled plants it would j _.:._.:._4.:'.::~~-;,:::_:~=::....:...---~-=~~~=:t=;:::.ii _:__,.:!:..,,__:.:_:.::£:;..! ___ ..'.:."'-E:.l:.a:;:=~~ f:il to prevent lhennal pollu-lr !~t".:':!1cw=111.i.~ COSTA :MESA·-· HU •. N. TINGLO'N ., ' . r.l.tr!cUons. ~ l BEACH ' NEWPQ.~T. BEA~
" ln Bregman'• view, lhai's (H•rbo; sl{opplng C.nt•r) , {Huntington Canter) ,~ (F1,s~i0ft ,1jlitft.I).
no re8'0il_to lot lbe atomic . ._ ___ _.. __ ~-·-~·..:.._.-.::;;;;;;.;;-"-,,_-----------------------------~'
• I
~~~~~---·~~~~~~~--------------------................................. ..,,
. DllUT -Sander Vanocur h<>Sll the debut of "First
Tuesday" tonight at 9 on Channel 4. The two-hour
program which will be shown the first Tuesday of
each month will feature topical affairs throughout
the world. The premiere broadcast takes a look at
Cuba, Charles Atlu, Rita Hayworth, baton twirlers
and I-rael's sii:-day war.
NET Starts
New Venture
NEW YORK (AP) -National Educational
Telemoo has launched, with a marked lack of
fireworks an experimental venture.
For the next six mooths, under substantial
grants from the Ford Foundation and the Corpora·
!Ion for Public Broadcasting plus reduced rates by
ttte telephone company, NET will broadcast simul'
~---=~ ;:ef~pi_ej30 s~tioll§ for~two hQurs on five
t NET WITH ill Ford Foundation grant, has · ' . ' been sending ~rograms on these stations on a once-
/ a~week basis Since last season.
The expanded project started Monday night with
a discussion pr~ram taped in Hong K.ong ~yolvmg
1 four journalists analyzing the .ituation m South· ! ea.st Asia. Discussion shows are common on tele-
I. vision these days and more to the ~int ~as the
second hour, a film showing atarving B1afrans,
caught in a power struggle.
The program was raggedly edited and indilier·
, . ently filmed. It Included mtervlews with leaders of
t, Btafra explaining their war for self-detenrunat1on,
~, then long interviews \vith Nigerian Jeaders pro-
' . pounding their view•.
i. ,.
BUT THli lllAl't of the ~l'Gllram was the ma-
terial shovfllll mall cl!ildren so thin that every
bone showed; and resigJ!ed and frightened older
Representatives of church groups explained
with frwltration their inability to provide enough
food for refugees and dl5located faznilles -one
slQmpy meal a day wu the limit.
The first drama of the week comes along
Thursday night -11-10 PST -with a production of
1 , "The Tin WbtsUe" taped by a NET affiliate in
' Pittsburgh.
1' • • EDUCATIONAL statioru; are hiilh·mlnded,
worthy and concerned, but it doeo seem iliat a liltie
1 . showmanship in programming would help.
Commerctal network viewers have a 1egitimate
gripe abot1t the timing of. television'• only two
prtme-.time news shows. CBS bas long turned ov1r
a Tuesday night hour to ill news dlvilion, and lhil
season the 10.11 p.m. period consist. of a maga•
zine-format show called 1160 Minutes" every other
Now NBC has come along with ill new monthly
magazine-format show called ffFl"t Tuooday" and
droppe!I It into a time period in direct conflicl.
N)IC, however, is a two-boor shtw, pre-emptin( Its
. · feature movie rerun. ' VIEWERS WHO catch the N6C premiere 1<>-
njght will find an interview with Dr. Philip Blai·
'. r berg, the survivor of an early heart transplant, and
another with Rita Hayworth. CBS at about the
same time will have Otto Skorzeny, a SS colonel
r 1 under Hitler, telling how he engineered the escape
of Benito Mussolini from Italian protective custody
in 1M3. 'Ibere will also be an interview with Vice
Presld1!11\.elect Spiro T: Agnew.
Detanis the lflenaee
f'!!U-· 1-7
~~· ; ... ..._ . .
_,,, __
<;Rt., Mw.
. ~ .
--• 7
ly Cliarles M. Scliull
l.'IJ!.!11!:'!:!'!!!~. ---.., · 1<2 SICAnNe IS A 6000
WNI '10 Mm' 6i.Q.lS !
ly Jolin Mlle1
By Harold Le Doux
1¥ lffE W"'( 611F •• I WA5 TAl.ICll6
TO Ml. Sttf50M 'TDM't A80IT $OIAE
VOii WE«E f'lfTIN6 YOURS UI' FOllt
SAlE! I Ml6HT ee ~
By Ferd Johnson
BLIT 7 niu.. M ... V!NT
•• _ .. __ (".a_ ..... ._-..
By Al Smith
By Gus Arriola
•·FJ../ES IN ···' . J/16 .
.SOUP' •
TlJf ,QtlY
JAiluAft 7
... "' ... -(Cl (IO) ""' °"""· P1lll Udell kcl• 1 -1•
" .,..:Ill 111.depttl """' .. tht """ ....
D Ill'"""" -(C) (!O)
.... O'Oldl ........ , .......
fliflj:"Y) '11-"'ttl C.rtf, Jull1 Al·
1'111, Demlot Wtllfl.
ID I ... (C) (IO)
·-(C) (30)
g WW1 .. f (30) Probltr111 ti
slalmtloltln( in 1'50, how 1nl1M!1
flt tht envifOflmlllt, 1114 tood bell·
•• If pllotolraphJ •rt studied .
• DntiM ii lllrit
l!l llUI "'"' (C)
l:OS II Lakni lllbtlllR (CJ (2 111 if ink!) LA Uhri WL ltttlrnott
Bulla Ctlkt H•m ctllt the
1:30 D UllC Ni...-. (C) (illl
! 'ta'r&O) .... -....
m ....., n , .. , QIN (lO>
''ludi111 WWi .Your ElcM-Yllf.OW."
A dliHMNNb1t!Olt Ill tldlftlqutt Vlld
ht hlchl• mdiftl in tlllld·1r1•• dns•.
et llll Ill -(t)
7*'•1limCll ·-· • .., (C) (lO)Wtlir Clonkit1.
a n.r • .., Uli? (CJ t30>
ID .... ._(IO)
SI r:.cill ff 11 ••• (30)
IEU.Alpl• .. ,.._.
L"'ID""" (C) (30)
llDW.W -(C) (60) a:l,,_..,_.M•
m ·--...,_ (•~ . .........
11:3011 llhril: "Cl7 111..,-(ftl)ttlrJ) 'ST-nk!! P'ow1tl, Rl\onda Fllmln ...
D 111 IJJ &I,_ -ttl • ...... Ad., ......
(,.,,...,.) ,......._,rNrit Mwch., Air·
Incl Ddrilllt.
u~rnmi.. -(C)
1i.10m11 s......,. ,:
1:J111Jam•tt1 ... tC> 160} 1'' Lt~• C.iifrlll 1uests. lZ:lOIJllllWil: "TrtPJt' 119' fffr" (I~
CJ~(t)&)Jllill (C) (lO) Htlo_w ~~~tt~~Jttn·Ptul Btlmo~
Shtrp« Ti'tn 1 llb(a Tt1ttt..• Julil ''
ll'VWI .tUIPidoa ... IOtl Cony ...
!Mlf·Plllb" hMll • IDlltl Plll:M. 1?:30 m ~ ni.n: "Confinn ~ A dms ,........ II Dr. CllllWt !Jlny.
chllr bltftp tat th ltll .--. : '
'¥\ t .I) t. t ', \ ·' )
t••-............ (.,.; Id)') '51-Ytll 1'fal!.IOll. '
o-·--(Q GI,.,. .. llliM Olll: (C)
1:11m11 .. ..,-. "'"' i.dlw.; ''ilntlltl!M.'' "Tht Shackl111 .. .,
,~ •. " .
ll':JI ID "11o -._, ("1N) .., _... __ ... .,.,
.,. ...,. (...,, '54 -lfj.
thHI Rtdlfm. A.111 1114. .
.. ....... -~-'41
-QMI bi-. OllN floWIL ' . ,, •• (Q -.... Looi""<
("""""") 'Ml-Mmfllll n.ri.-....
..... (Q .. _, .... (..I!· .. , ~· -,.. '''''" """ Scl'ltll. I ' ''
2211 WIST IALIOA lltl. NIWitott •14CH
• ' • ' ' i ' •
' ;.1
I; • • • ' 1: i •
HOUSIS FOR $ALI' ltOUS~ FOlt ULIH •• OU=S.:•;:;S.;,F.;;0=='--======-1;>1;;0U=Sl::;S:..:.;FO:.:R;;..SA=L:::l~I:.:;:=====~ RMALS RENTALS •
-H1u111' Un~ tt111 '' u.tws' ... -• 1000 -·• 1000 CMnaral 1000-.1 ''°' -·• 1ooe Mau v.,. 1110 Lac"" ....,, 1705 • ~ .. ._._ ____ .......... .._ ___ ...... _l;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jboaous -iqaot aeU• Hand s,.dala " c.119 Ml.it II• .-......... la i
MNcHO LA CUIST A . at JbmtJloG & llUBbard In Hunllngton Beoch
• oo14.911 homes la lix montha. OUr new unit ' ii llboltt to open and we must eell the last two
• Minea here al cenerous dlacowlti
IL HOME1 2 BR, 2 BA, huge l'lllDPUI
can be converted to 2 more
bedroo1111. Exqulsltel.Y decor.
ated & lanmaped. '29,700 -
dlscounted ~
NVENTDRY: 3 BR, 2 BA. cjlnlng .room, ell'
peted thruoul
' •
'25,050 -dlscounted •1600.
10% Down Conventlon11 Loan•
-Call ffl.2929 be-n 10 and 6 any d•Y·
MUA VERDE Executive Mansion
~200 ...... f ... ol-
cowrtry -llvilv-• w... """"""'· 3 ....... famil,y room. dining room I:
den, plwi huge aecll.tdfld lot
with mammoth swbnminr;
pool and plenty of room left
H·avasu· lake s. BR, , II,\ _, $1500 inC' un111 . ..-. . .-"'-~ a ... --. ,.. ,
Below -'t. IHOO Loe. on Qoeo-d llwJ• Ii ......... Elem -Jr IL Dill -.......... I ~~IOSli.!_=-1!iO )'di--f ·lp OlllA--lol, 111111.. --·Doi '
at •--~·-Apt Wiils, -~ A di ol. --'i;t;:.-· -• """" -. .._ !'().• Loole ~ all • ' * HAVASU * !l!!r!'! ~ 1lGll TENTW.>·lfCOIU: EX· ..... . • I"' .... -RI '
• Nor1ft Estates llEARBEA~-\.~·===-ANNUAL-',e.~"'-""' ... ~ .... -, ... :
"oll ,.ar" vacation botne Ooou ·.,.,,, S.\'10-Mnn. 141SSION REALTY ·""4'1SI ~·for adul~ OI --a& 1-'
$25,500 .
Charming 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & <!en. ''"· BootlnJ, lllhllw • -,. GueotAPt'. Dbl..,.. 985 so. o..~ Lqura . • ·,. -. sa 11o; ----I. .-I.a
1% batha, fireplace, carpet& & drapes, built.. -(US mllo ol -.,., woll-bullt conc:rete *'""" .;Yl;;;'*;,..Dl;,;;IM;;,;..----1
Ins & fOl't'ed air heat. This well !ands<a&"'! g::e>.: =.. aide .« ~ eonotr. 131.SOO. Condomlnl-1'50 Ka.\ \itltDE, 1 BR, 1 BA. il!fTALi 1•
home cm be found on a barduge 1l2thlot wi f a the lake. W1Tll VIEW. "E>" • BR. 2 ea _,_ pd :b'"'"" A-~ ..,.,_ very large fenced back y , w room or Lob $3500 to $4200. • •e on !'alrvlow, CM. $11,000. c ...,. --. .._ GaMnl 4000 • boat, camper, or build a rental uni~. It has loll im-n~u. ltt --w 1 !2400. -.., m -. ...,. ___ iltMWI
a paved alley entrance for easy accoss. Loca-• jOld tor.) 1 I 4 ' T Y rutown IAno. 5llHfl9 -. liiiiACliilTE 2 er. 1 ea. llHT
lion Is jljll aboot perfect, l 'h bib to New· N,.. NB Po!t Ole. 8*'414 • wee1<-io. llU-Tm -Frpl, blbw, carp., 4rpo. I R-l'umltuN
port grade S<hool, and only 2 bib. to new city Shown by -lntment only. · -Adlllts. "'pem '130 5'5-GS& SJS Moalla
park. East 17th street and westcllff s~opping E. J. Neva I. Jack llalt library for Dad! Duplu• For Saft 197_! -.c Elden A .... w , FULL~ TO 11t1r
and two other schools within walking dis-* HAVASU * NEWPORT-b ..i.. RmEO'.lRATED 'l"doul 1· ~ •-tance. For appointment to see, write: North Estates Plut ex~nt planned kltch-200' to beecb. br will tnlde ,Br, unt ~ Vacant SUS. No desm:lt o.LC.
on for dllclonc:y ott ~-oqulcy tor soOd 1-'88"""" St, o....-. H.F.R.C.
Private Party
Box P612
Daily Pilot
1860 B Newport Blvd., CM OUI famUy room. Exdwnve reaiden~ lot. P. O. Box • fL·-•-~ la
642-4991 or li6MS3 Blcr. · llatlnJ·by&ppolnlJnontonly. 1423, H-BttOh. -Vordo , '110 SIT~·~c.a-~
Delta Real Emte 646-4414 (tt4J 841>.oo6. Owner FOR rent·1ea9t 3 Rr, 2 B•,• 1568W.Lncln.AJd.m1''"2800
ELEGANT, well bit A onl.Y 1 BEDROOM duplex, ttJria 1sunlly/dinline TOOm dbl --:==,;,..,,,,,;;.,,.=;.;;I $22R2..~ _:;tA orll • .i"f_A.. Zoned le stove tum. Gu I: watB frplc. blt4n.t, dht ii., DEL~~~ .
'Sllarp Pacesetter
~U!I . llated, ...,. ...... 2
-....... block .... fence. All elei:trlc blt-lnll
lncl. dllhwuber. Separate
ownttl autte. Beautiful wall
, to wall carpeting over de-
.luxe foam padding. A mU!l
tee home. Full Price $32,950.
over 1Dt croquet, badmiD-·,-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;91-o;::&::-i:"0::::--1 !::ii~;~=:;..~ 1 Mother-In-law
....... .,e ...... ., r m., paid. $87.SO. 1-Tn-01C2. crpts A drp9 throualloat. l Furn. apt. $1!5 l'tUI ut0' ·
lir<pl, CpU, -<1'<. cblld only llQO Mo. ffottod ~ • • ldtch, 2 BR., d<n. Ownu. Aportmtnh 54().4!138 • --"-pu1dno '
·• co:rs WAL LACI
. 14•U41-'°""'' 10,. I~
. -----;. --=--
W-4<41 F $ I 1980 . No N6' pets or • • 1965 Pomona. CM 642-S158 . of archit"'"""· tho 1o .. n,,. SIX DEWXE COUEGE PARK
FHA-VA Br:~L Ii& ~om rm~~ Apts tor Sale. By Owner N,.,ort IHch 3200 $:145; 2 BJL, heah!,d pool.
3 Bedroonu, 2 baths + be. 6 room for a&:titlon s Unita. 3 BR'• ff.Cb lllfant O.K:
This ii an Ideal aet up ln U =la.--roo:'rner~:L w/10wl7 vlew. 251! Via Excellent condiUon 8/1 13robr5.1UlllJ
..... that .,.,-that 3 BEDROOM UNITS Quarters "country feelitw" u well u
prlvacy and aeclmion. Thll
exceptional home is on land
)'OU OWN in the city of
Newport Beach, an un\llUo
alJy eood w.lue at onJy $52-
000. submit your smaller
home on our guarantee sale
Like new on 'Ai acre com.
pletely block wall fenced.
Sprlnk1en; eystern. and lush
landscapin&, Eaob unit has
2 full baths, FA beat&: fully
carpeted. Call for details.
$840 Mo. Income
much as the home 1s con-~ .... _ ... __ ,.___ '"'~" ..,..,.. 548-3481; 541).(JlSt; 6fl.6922'
--~-. -TOWNHOUSE Cotta Mau 4100 vutible to tit your need&. $27,SOO BLUFFS Con> .. 2 Bit, l !tENTALS Onbr one Vacancy ?.E.:~E ~.'t;t.!".::~· H-Pumlohod ser . .:=~ '""" SEAM0.1ti,X
the """"°'"' In the main •. 11W!!!!•~lc:!!llff!!.._ ___ 1~2~30~ l;;R;;;;"";;t;;;al:;;' 1"to;Stha=ro721"'.:00S:: , '"l. & leach "T' home could be Wl<d. Tbe • f • WORKING Woman or M~ WllkLY RATQ home hu thtte be<lrnom1, 546-UIJ '4'-7171 &.autlful -· aalty, Inc. 2301 ...,,.... ....... CM Uvt.ne room, kitchen &: din-to share home with Woman 901 Dover Dr., NB &lite 221 • "6\.7,•• • . ette area. IAr&e covered Soft Colors who works eyp.lnc b:llin. 662000 Ewa......_ · ..a -
l.OC.-<OSTA MW uael ll>nloot !bi. -Y 15(). month~ •. 11t•1t. • -UA... Up -' patio. loads otcemmt work, Contemporary 1..iory t Bd, -. """"' "•
2013 double pnp.., alley ml 2\!bapan/dea.--YOUN3<!-_?. wllllii_~ D fiiW~~i~. ·---~ ~--::. 2BR.frpl:lolmlxl43,ault"G<&-;;;117ll;iii;-.-;;iii""'"'"""tif'-~~i &__,___._ """""to roar ya:d, FULL ~-~~-l!lrtiiiir ,.... ~BA •-•Pl .-__ __ Jli'"Odilt'l;"'UDI ........ ..._.,,, .,. •• ..,, ~ ...... ~,.. >'IUCE ONLY$21;1tiO:>lDW -___ ,,_ ·----""""" Bdt'91th'ume. Joe 1 eA. --.-with ··lla!Oi-:W.;;;L
T~" • .;r.•T-. "'
ance. Priood to ..n $21.500. Udo Townhouse could ... aak tor moro! ~·:;:r ... w:,:-963-<710 ' , .... luL 12211 ..... A ...• -.ca.,. Bor
nt1tom -• -Choice R. c. GREER. 11au,. YOUNG MAN 32. w111 w.. ::., "ci:...!"::r ~ 2111 NeitP<d 11htL .-.. Nawport
= ==---::..-..:..=----
· iohn macnab
CID for appointment
(714) 642-8235
Ml Dover Drive. Suite 101
Ma= RWty Co. Bldc·
Newport Beach
$500 DOWN
On !bi. • bodroom 2 bath.
thing. Just introdoeed to tbe
market. won't be around
kq! $130 per month tn-
cllllkl -.. itttaeJL
homo. Formal -...... ...... "'' Via. Lido 673-9300 2 BR ....... w. Ocoan!nm~ ~t (714) -CNATEAU Lo •POINTI comortll>ledonlfamlly--. OcHnnvnt BY OWNER, 3 BR 2 .... N. B .. $l25. mo., W/amt. LowlJ -, • _ca
w/wet bar, Swimm1is pool. D•..Jav excel a:im. 2 blkl WesctlW Call Dour; 833-0IKlD ext 28 LEASE. i.-. I· aptkm er atreet·)llltil:& aa:JIGftlo Bid
;:>.,! .. ~ .. ~ .. ~-~~~~ i!,_B:,!':;~o,~:::,_ "'°"'"ochoolL~ CoataMaaa 2100 ~2 ~~ s:f.:iA"'.S::l:.
l\ln. Raui.ton ,_ 11iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•l~~~,.!!~~-!:12:;5~013 BEDROOM$. lll<onow.,,,,. -· opp *NEW, Ip, 1 --_ ........ oMVlew,C!darlhingl•.x-220f.uw 1• ·dition. C.mplol>l,y -..i.. f BR, 2 Bo, Nowp< !IP, ..... ..,.... ~:::~-·-•
terlor •. Min I maintenance, Ewnlnp Call ~ , BY OWNER ed. Adult& only or maybe U6 San Bernardino St, JZ(I. no 'peta. M52 ~_::.... ,_
root pe.tlo: $85,5(1(). Excellent I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiii•lon 3 lots. Adjacent to Ocean-3 BR borne, crpts, dp·"· one child. Swimming pool, Mo. 613-1391 or bus ph. 846-2'768 --.
r.1.1...111, •-Ler & •-,.ntal location. WHY PAY RtUT! front $156,000. lrpic, bit-Ins, R-2 zone. Noco ,..,.ation contor at no .,.. !>31--Mr. y°""" ===,,-=--=-·I """'" --e ·RED CARPET • MH Bolboa l!Hf Estato .Co. CdM loc. Call 675-23111 tra ciwgo. $235. mo. _...,,t LARGE. 3 BR• Fam. Obie. SHARP Bod>. unit "'· So. •:t:t:.-= .. ~·. REALTY ONLY $750 DOWN 11 100 E. Bal~ .. vd .. Balboa anytime. 546-41'1 =·..,~.:.-=. ';:t: ~ ~ :is~ ":i:
1Dlnllex $24,950 EUbide Costa ...... Hard-
wood noon & double car
pl'q'I .eparatiag unitl (2
bd:rma e; ch). Extn larp
kitchen area in 1 unit.
Walll>McCardla, Rltn.
130 olllces to """ yoo) Lido Isle ~ Newport Baach 2200 1't. llG<S owner, art Mr. Smith -
2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. Yes, it's true -own your 4 BR. 3 Ba Bit i.., -2 BR. ~t. Adults. NO 6'/'5.600) own home for a total invest-DUPLEX OCEAN Front house 3 bd • • PETS. $140. '168 Scott -"'-~~ Y,,!RDOUPNJ'_ with Wintol'Studooto OK 11Ji Cat,>. N"'!.!"!~ • -PL C.M. 64&---
5%% LOAN
PA YMTS. of only $152 a mo•
ind. all; attr. 3 BR. plus
din. rm.: choice loc.. nr
school & shopping. Hdwd.
ftrL, 1%. be.tbs; step.saver
kitch. Spac. llv. rm. w/flag-
stone frpk. Beaut. yard w/
cov. patio. Only $23,950. E-Z
~ I' \I I • \\ 11111
~t \]\\\!!\\
' , \ I • \ ( I\
1003 Baku, C.M.
rnent of only $750. This spot· Near Beach & Shopping _,,15 _..,"""' 1..c.A u•~ -
Je1:1, newJy condltloned 3 Excellent value at $34,950 3 BR. 2 ba.thl up. 2 BR le 1 mo. 673-8)88 FumJabed 1 Bdrm Qt.
Bedroom home own<d by George Wiiiiamson BA down, 2 Frplcl, aa,toot OCEANFRONT S l>dnn<, 2 ....,.,, Hafthta 3210 N,.. "-itw· Adlllla.
the VA ii ready for occu-Realtor patlo with room to tllll.rp. baths, Will>, winter nntal ·=·-Fannie Prlc!-, 5tl-32lll
pancy. Good 0<igbborbood, rn.4350 Evo1. 673-"'64 Walktr Raalty $3Xl. 673-4.1112 3 BEDROOM, 1\1 baths, DELUXE 2 Br studio, °""'
near achoola. Hurry -full 3336 Via Lick. 675-5200 fireplace, F.A.. heat, drpl. pool. l child OK. '145.
,_""" 118,450. DAVIDSON Realty corona dol Mar 2250 ::!..-::;. ~ = con..._ '
COUNTRY LIFE Balboa Island 1355 NEW IN• TOWN? Im mws ATl'R. S BR. ..... 2 11o., Mlnu~· from the ctty -4 Need time to pt located pa-1-: ard _._ -•/w cup., m,.. attr. )'I.
BR.I; den. bH.utifuIJ,y draped. manend,y? Spadool 2 BR. 3 BR. •" )' • .... _ . ~: HJ.015C; MMaD
093 ~~ ~.. • .... -Pool. 138.500. Price Reduced fully tum. prtvam home.,. ::'t..":ir '!:no1~. • NASll4U PALMS• 1 ocuu:c, '-Mo .,.,._ Rltr. 2750 Harbor lB. CM 4 BR Prov1nclal home, bit-cludina: prdener. Walk to • . 1Ii2 BR. • Pool
I' \I I • \\ 111 I I
~t \H\ \ll \\
I • \ I I \ < •
546-5460 Eves. 545-5142 in kitchen, tlrepb.oe, now CdM Beach. S300 mo. <MRA !Tr!!. nm It. ICat5 3~% lntorlll and On!y 4 T·' $23 750 roducod to $S6.500 Orango Coast p,_rty Corona do! Mn · • ._ $130 per Month -rm - ' 332 M-te ~ tor a ...,..3 bedroom, 2 bath NO OOWN GI _Oranp Cout._p,_rty . - . -2.BR. Oreplaco, H..,,...:....,. 4200
home ln cholcesl Ollta Mesa 2 &eparate baths. tor ma I 332 Mar;utrite, O:IM &'r.J.8550 S.lboa aG0 " Garage f165 mo. <3
location. Carpeted, fire.. dining room. Every room · Bacbelor Apt Fum ias. WA~ ,i;p.c.
place, aB built im, bani-II ovenlud. CUpefed. Im-Hunttn_,_ laach I 400 I BR. 2 BA. w/boat ,ii; Scontc Propertlel bdrm + -IJIO, lttcl atD wood noon ana apacioul maculatet 54()..1120 ....... bit-ins, patio, BBQ, $535 mo. 615-S'lZ .. sman boat .up. wtatr •· mo Newport Blvd., CM. I":;:::::=::;; 548-1129 Eves. 6#-06t1' I• yard with -"""'TAllBELL 2955 Harbor GI n4,~213,!11-if'19L RUSTIC, OLD HOME, 1\11.,,sc.mo=======;I
...... All !bi. can be yoUI'! WANTED ro BUY 3 or • 5"% usumahlo ..... 3 BR • 27 .BR, lr1>lc-Frtcl ,,i. .... c ........ Mir 42541
Mr. Qualit)llnC Veteran. Call bedroom boule, tak¥ over ~%. bathl. modern buUt-ln L1gun1 IMch 05 $150. .
200 W&m:LIFF DRIVE j=:=z=z=z=z=:=
116-!711 Open E'fel. LIOO CORONA Dfl MAR
• .' • then rat easy. We
sped•lt.. in all type• of
Rentals -Summer, Win-
ter, Year around.
Qloice large corner 3 Bdrm,
2 bl.tbs, dlnin& rm. Molt qn.
usual for" Lido; 3 car prage
plua -· LovolY '"""' patio, and maximum pr:I·
vacy -$62,SOO
Pete Barrett Re1lty
1605 \VestcliU Or, NB 642-!i200
R-2 lot + house. Rare avail·
ability, hl&:b inveabnent po-
tential; close to Ocean mvd.
" beach. 3 BR., 1 % baths;
some view. Alnys rented.
Pricod to ..u. $37,500.
tlt\I ...,-.mlmlto. loan • _.,,. under ldtclten, carpelB A dnpcs. t e m..1231 e llAOIELOR apt, 1 Mil~ .,
' . $135.00. Have cub for equ1-EverythifW deluxe. No liOl'k. H~~":.c ~ ~ 2 BR. l'it ba., tum. er partt,. pell, $D JDontb. • CllM-
t;y. Call 541-8995 after 5:l> Ready to move into. <Mr-1 BR, 1~ u. • _, __ .., furn. Ocean view. ·i..e $225 tDin Ave, Apt: t. m-tm
PM """' w-1 lot. 123.500 -garoge l2xi b.:i'.'&.ifu Mo . ..,._, ..,,_2290 -2 PM.' . . .
• • VACANT • • paymenfl Sl3C per month m. . 2 BDRM daplez near beacb.
2190 Harbor Blvd. cludin& taxes. 1-BR. Victoria Beach; I&e. Bllboe 3300 $185. Jll!I' month. Att.r I.
Newport .,....,...,...., $22.500~·$2.200Down.Owne; Jl'iwi~ Secluded.$165.60-tm 4 BR. 2 BA. w/boat slip. "''.~* "'"·~1 Open till 9 Pll I Bdmu 1% ba (o>cod 8" ~ ·l!llm~P frpl.; iep. utll. rm. & baa. *-M~
........... _.iiiilii«_,iiii.,I will ,, • ....., 2nd TD Near E , blt·lnl, patlo, BBQ,~ mo. $145 SPAC Ille., frplc.
Balboa mvd N.B it 3 a.clroom, Y.:z Bi. --·J . . . RENTALS 714·. ·-•100 213·.--. ----, S. ~ H-. No 2<ll5 W, " · BA YCREST Firepia..,, "'""" carpet. 16th & Santa Ana. I _ _. p ~ ••~· ,.,._, ~ "' i.,,!!!!~!!673.166.l!!!!!~~!!!!~ EXCLUSIVE Wml US Vldorl1 Colla Mesa, Eastside 642..CJ267 EVES. mmsu. OSleSS. HouMI Unfurnished Hfr--... IMch 3400 pefl. ~man. 1'1$-4&58 I' Pool 64<>8811 Ooly $22,500 Sharp 3 bdrm. homo. Out of un ,,. •• n NEWLY docont.d -2 S'A% LOAN 2~eaqinf~=-m$.ts.soo Costa Me1a 11oO alale owner must sacrifice. Gener1I ~ FREE RENTAL BOOK bdrm, front apt. trpk, dole
For &ppt Jean Van Der I'!!!!!!~'!'!"!!!'~~!!!!' 1";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; j $3,950 Down. Take over $190• 3 BR.. tncd yd. bltnt. Drafi ln A Brow9t to beach. {213) 431-ll95 P'l:Jme!lbl $141 mo. !Deludes Borde 1• J• 5%% G.L Loan. Only $24,· w/~ rrpk ~ 0 K. i BedromD home with Pool. .n. f w... bedroml, spec-JEAN SMITH, EXCLUSIVE Monay Mako rs 900. Better cbedc thll ""' Broke. ~ · G,..t Par'1 H""". Ront la I boa 4300
t •--llv. rm., J._ BA, 1 .. -with 3·,.0 Sml. th Custom EASTSIDE -2 homH I« P1ul Jonn Rt1lty 3 BR H _ M at fli:ll _.. month. Good BA~ ~e •-W ..;..A ;::m yard. Near ~ Realtor · the price of 1. Ranch •t)'le 847-1266 Eve1. 536-7124 ome ,......, o. locau; ~--..n-..... --u _......
I: So. Cout Plua. tmmedl· ·-E. 17th, C.M. ,,..,. """"' built 4 bdnn ... .famlily rozm 143 8ro.dw1y 645-0111 2 BR, den, 2 bl.lhl. PLUS LIASE OR Yrly leue, Newpart Shores w lk' & Le f/5 er I'll mo. 310 E. BIJhoa
... -Ownu/Bn>k· --~::"':;.:..:.~n .::..· . 2 BR .. nta1 Unll $38,!iOO. LEASE/OPTION CAYWOOD Rlty 581-1280 a er e Blvd.. -.. cal
er 54Mi3S2. NEED UCENSED Sliding a1aJ1 doon from all -· Custom built -Downtown.. 3 $13.5; 3 BR., l N.., fenced IS y~ AD Dll. IQ itE·
4 llEORM-$23,750 MAN or WOMAN bdnnl. • lower ' bdrm1. W-ldo I -ONE Bl!JJROOM Und1 BR 6 lam rm, 2 ha. oll ''"' yd. Children 6 pet O.K. 1611 -rll:l>T wlll .. -•t -lush ,..1 .... ta. to Manqt: our rapklly 0 • Jead to prden • Master Brand new liatine • 1mmacU-Jncome $860 mo. Aikin& kltcben, cptl/&-p.. Broker ~ SG-4455 Open Eva. 54Nl40 ._ IDr & Giii ..... •~ -bdrm. and th1"! bdnn. up. iatolbdnn1relhty-. 159•500 BRAJHEAR REALTY ·-
.......... Loxurioltl ldtcbm ~'ii:,~ Oopt. 518-1280 -·-balcony. 1"11 of -ouch .. -847-153! Eves 968-1118 Genoral :IOOOGonoral 3000-..a aooo
--· 5111-1121 -·-~ Back Bay 142.500. p1aoo 6 BBQ on patio, -6 UNITS 2--1 Bedroom~ 4-~~.4"~~·;;.~~l~=='--::==============::::i=::---'-l~T~AltEll~L~L~2~95~5~Hiiia~rbo~r~awtG~~E~...,.~-;;t ;sod::'...,.~· 1 JEAN SMITH, ~~" boat entry, etc. !J!'::";'~'iooln-REPO $795 DOWN -0-kl f)
0-ral 11•0.-a1 1000 Realtor ~ S«-suo ' E) ~ v ...... BR. eooc1 ""'""' s~ ~ )A-q, °f,~s• p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;w;;;;;;;.;~il400 Eut ~'i"la Meaa 'Jlfo'fRE~ """".. ~:.::..-"' Sol~••SlmploScnunl>ltdW...t~e·cr. ...
+ ............ ;CM. T. I " L T y HAJTDAL REALTY .... ....... .. tht ......... ,,.--.. 1•811!!!'!"'!!".!!!"~'!'!!~'INear NB Poat Ole. M&-2414 8'140 Warner, F.V. 842-441li ;;;;•: ... want.._,~
Sprlnc lleolty upandlng apln, opened No.
4 ofllce on Harbor Blvd., Costa 1i1 ... , Med
ezperlenctd Real Estate Sales A!sociate who
CQuld qualify for management po5!Uon to
INd an aggresaive sales staff. For excellent
carffr opportunity In a dynamic sales atmoo-
phere, phone or send resume to Mr. Gardner,
all lllfonnatioo held In stricleat confidence.
• BR. -''°9'. <*e M-Verdes
11th tainrl¥ with
'acres ol .., gnw
ln back >at:d. Large BR'a, atrium entry
A tam. rm w/extra
frpli;. Vacant,
CLOSE OUT BIG HOME '°"'" '°"'""' ,,.,.. _._
Ott Pool ,, ___ , __ 3 HOME lo Mr ACRE • BR. 111 ba., .... holp11a1-~V 11 HAN I ::T'dl~=·~ N::m.oo= :tw....: ~~:~""" r I' I' I I I' lhll 11ne home and mab llttd thll much .,_.,. •t R. D. SLATES, ltltr. • L .
dis. SmaD down or 1arp •mutrw low prke plUI M7-351t Eves. 962-73fi9 I
-. -Ownor wants AC -• Omplote -t BDRM ....., "'" beach, WYD 0 D I
TIONI Excellent loc:aUon -under $20,(Q). Lyun
•M _.o1
d, M111t 1ellt , I~ I I j vacant( move now. CALL: f .. riflg"' _.. _ _. _ _ _ _
M" My... 54().Wl (Open • ,. ) SPRING
""'' HorltqoRoolEliate. .-la. n·•,.Tmv ,O.DHI I 4 Bodrm _"POOL• e,. ...,,.,..,, • !AfvM loach 1705 _ _
$24,900-"0$" DOWN • "anvtimt" Wl&STlltN AWARD I I I 11
to a G.J. 2 baths. Famlly t&29 H&rbar Blvd., CM. 3 A 4 Br. ~ custom -• • •
n.om. Quality new carpel-DOIL HOUSE -90Ud built Homa fram $35,450.00 Now -~~~~=~-1 lrc. drapes. Decorator mir-Eutaide home Immaculate unckr construction. Located
ron. LovolY bealed A fill111'-..,,.Utlon. ~-dlnlna on Mooataln View Dr1ve. ott Owner'• pride •Gil ownmblp. ed pool. Oeddne am patio. lfta. OOC>' fiN · p 1 a c e • 1')trd ortw.
lit tmi. oa-.... 2 BR 1 114Mll0 hardwood _.. .. f«oad A.I' I SALES AGINTS
bath oach. Top EuWdo fO. TARBELL 2955 Harbor air heat . ..._ for In> ~ 71....c.TIUl tor
cation. No vacanclot .. i,r. FALL IN LOVE mediale ale •• ~. Call ....... Information dble. pnge1. Good 1~ 54G-W1 (open t v e 1 )
clJV ava.llable. with thl1 new 2 1tory 4 bdnn BerUaae J\tal Dtate. ' ~ I bltb. TGp al
rut:r. ~ Eve.. 5'tG-(Q!8 3 bat.hi, family room model Wodd. Ocean • ~
" I
*LAC HEN MYER home o"<looldno Back Bay 3 BR. """'"-' 121.500: Ylew.13!,!ill). !W0-7111il .... ,., __ ..,
In Dover Shores. $2500 down ; 12-42 BelfuL ntE Quta<ER YOU CAU.. • I SSIFIC anON -DAILY Piwr wANT ADS• Roy J. wom c.. .,..,550 &M-1843 oWNER THE QU!aa:e You SEll.,_s_C_RA_M_•LE'l'S __ ~..;;N;..;.S.:..W;..:..;.ER_S __ N_C_LA ____ "' ___ .. _vvv_,
... -~ . ..,.._.f,. ·~ .. , •.• ~ ........ ~ .... , ·~ ,,.,.. ~. , .. ~. , .. 1, .~ .... ;:.:;", ~ •• '";.:;.7,0.:::;";,"r"t::;:;.,-:-.:". '.'.'.°.'.:: •• ":'.:;".":.":.:'. -::-::::;::":"~. ~ .. :"".'.~.~.:'.°. ~ .. ~~d'!!'E~E~~ ... §!l'llX•lll!@ZSZZSZlll!!ll!b~.i-lb 121$!11 •••I. ••ti. 61!1¢ •. , , . -~· ••••
• All 1,000 ·of u~s Had a B.usy Day Today t:
' I • ' ' '
• •
'I We creaied4nd delivered anntlwr fresh edition of 1The DAILY PILOt . . J ..
'· I ' '
TEAMWORK produces each day's all-new DAILY PILOT. Often special-
ists like Thomas Fortune (left), whose beat is educaUon, work with a
staff photographer like Patrick O'Donnell to get the story both in words
and pictures. The staU shot 70,tm pictures last year to illustrate the
varied story of Orange Coast life. Nobody knows how many local stories
we wrote. Not even us.
CREATIVITY helps advertisers tell their -stories and sell their ,goods in
the affluent market served by the DAILY PllO'J'. Gordon Crl!-wford.
(left) of the display advertising department watche! staff artist Les
McCray put final touches on an ad which will be ready to appear in the
newspaper only hours after the artwork is finished and approved by the
advertiaer, a local retail merchant.
QUICK HANDS place lines of type, ads and cuts (the melal plates used
to reprodUCf: pictures) into page forms as the day'a product begins to
take shape. Compositor Arden Malsbury is only one of a platoon of
printers who "build" the news pages under pressure of deadlines, work·
ing against the clock to bring readers the latest available information in
each edition during the day.
DELIVERY of the newsaper is a speed event, too. Conveyor bells carry
the papers lhrough the mailroom where they are aut.omatically tied in
bundle. of 50 and tossed to waiting circulation district managers (like
Blaine Roberts, shown here, right) who speed them via a *"vehicle
Oeet to canien for delivery. Mailroom foreman George Arauz (left)
and biJ aew can move 2C,OOO newspapers an hour.
. ...
VOLUME is the word at the Copy Desk. DAU.. Y PILOT Copy Desk Chief
Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Titus (background) and other
copyrea,ders every day sifts, checks and edits more wire reports from
worldwide neWs services than Jhe average weekly news magazine pub-
lishes. F.ditors scan enough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every
2t hours. Speed, born of experience, helps them keep it all fresh, too.
THE WORDS are ready. Marjorie Jackson ft:eds them into a $25,000
computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in speed and accuracy, which uses
a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of
1,000 a second and punches a new tape which will activate another machine
for automatically setting type at high speed. The machines can set type
at the rate of 6,000 lines per hour.
MACIDNES hasten the processes of preparing plates for printing the
pages of the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground) and Ed-
ward Quinn operate a casting machine ·which molds curved plates to fit
onto high speed presses. The DAILY PILOT keeps in stock more than 40
tons of type metal which is used, melted down and used again in the
continuous job of printing 100,000 words a day.
MODERN · equipment helps the accounting departmenl keep up wlth the
"today" pace at the DAILY PILOT. Even as the day's newspaper Is
being sped to its readers, Bonnie Chauvin ht.gins feeding figures into a
computroaic bookkeeping macblne that helps keep track of. billings for
ad! and subecriptions. The machine, fcnrunner of a brace of computers
100n to be added, handles 6,tm accounts a month.
, ; .... -~ ' RAPID commwlication is the name of the game. Supervisor Juanita Frey •
and her crew of 0 ad-vi.sors" handle l,txMI transactions a week by phone, ·
resulting in publication of 5,000 classified ads -words which help people !
buy, sell, rent or I ease ••• even find Jost dogs. Many of the DAILY ~
PILOT'S 150 phone lines are plugged in here:, the cllWified ad'lertising de-~
partment, home of "Want ~ds" and Dime-A-Lines.·
PicruRF.s, too, get the benefit of skillfd, efiicient handling by master
craftsmen wbo re-photograph them and then transfer the images to a
senslUzed metal plates which are used to reproduce the photos as read·
ers will see them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a really ,
close look at a negative which will be used to etch the image on tll.e f
metal plate. · ; ..
FINISHED PRODUCT is checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew chlel,
even as high-speed presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per hour
completing the day's run on press uni'-'3 which represent an investment of
$3.5 million. Eleven-man press crew will feed into these machines the .
equivalent of a. roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles Jong in
printing the DAILY PILO'I' this year.
ALMOST before the ink is dry, the product of our busy day ls tossed
defily oo your lawn or ~ by one of our 700 newspaperboys who are
important l1nb in the chain of people it takes to bring you today's news
and features today in the DAILY PILOT. And as our young independent .
mercbanta, Uke John Melton here, make their deliveries. we're gearing
up for lllJOlh<r busy day -all 1,000 of us.
The •Now' Newspaper for All The. Communities c
Of TJte Growing Orange Coast
• '
i I
' ' ' ' '
················ -. -.., . . ' . "
.. --------.... ----------·-~---. "
Aph. Fumlahod ~ Unfumbhocl Aph. Uttflmllalled O...ral G-ral 0.na,.I 'ilfANCIAL * * * Lido ltle "4351 Ge.nfr•I 5000 Huntt~ IAch 5400 Motolt, Trlr. Ota. 5"7 Office Rent1I 4070 A~IHp •20011 ... Opportunlllet 6300
l'OR ~n~ 2 bedn>o1n apt. $150; 2 BR., 1% ba. ol\ldJo. , • nng 2 BR TllAlLER S-a""1. Pool, Deluxe Offices 14 Down, 14 per mo. 1396 Golnt Into Buol-•?
near twimmina-beach, view Bltns, w/w: children OK JMU\oU .. 4,. ... .....-puttliw cm.. ~board. surn:s otaces full prtoe buys 214 ec. In Golden opportuntty tn beach
of the &,y. 61'l-.1lM8 Broker 534-6980 Wllh aara&e:· ~ ~ 'PILZQ rec. rin. Adults only; no or slncte trom So. Cat. L. Sbtwlelt. 326 W. area. Phllllpa: 66 Service 1.;=:;;:;::;=====-:========IY•nl W/pado. Water paid. peta. Tradewlnd Tratler :· ~a1r ~tlon-3rd, L.A. (213) &:l34lDJ, Station for leue: 1101 Bay. Huntington hfeh 4400 Cott• ~ $100 2710 Delaware Ave .• APt. l' vW., 2191 118.tl:xf Blv., etrib'al 1ocatto!er~ sJde le: Marine. Dr .• Newport
UTILITIES PAID ::=?~::-~~~1 . ...;•:,.:63~84=1:20::...;·~.1 c.M.. Cb\mly Banlr 8Jdr. ZlO E. R-rt ,,....rty 6205 lleacJiu'i;C~ER
' BR furn. Hid. pool Excelltnk perk • ""' """ 1125 • $150• 2 • 3 BR. Misc. Rtntelt 5999 lllb St., CM. ~lei • 'FOR Rant """' J4am. !H· mruo Tlf· ,, .. 10'3 JS' J<noxyllle. 4pk D, H.B. rou»dinD, f!>r odllltl, -apts. NewlY de<!<!', cpta. moth Mtn. Cobio. , pool A . '
1 • ~4 e · 1Da peace. It ~, A citp!I. BlW.. Rctric. avail. •Garage For Rthte NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER aa~ aletpe: t ~
J;ji1iO Jn...: .... L fum. lllbcrbnlpat12 ' ~:r"!::!! 2 ~ OK. NJ', Beacb 6lQ&lee•;t. ~.~M.onth OUcles .Wlable for Com.. u... & c:-• 6210 Monoy If LOlll II'· Atlanta & Beach Blvd. • S BD-~·~ Blvd. & Main. C""" I<> -merclal, Modlcal, Dentat .....,nt, Ptttrt
j:pl<. ooly. $!60. POOL. ~ QllWREN scboola & -· 847-'905 6000 From 170. Al<· cood., Cll>tl, A $10,000
,..._ OR. 962"683 MARTINIQUE LARGE 2 -· like new; lnco,.. P._ny elevator. CANYON CAllN ..u.ble for eoocl ....i
GARDEN Am ....,, •to"'!, ~; blk. to 511-5032 or rn.216< 1 ' t1tate Joan; .,....,,; OK. ~UIET /l BEAUTIFUL • qcean. No ....,1 SlZ Mo. HOME I< 1NOOlllE by OWN--llid&.a·Wll' ""'"'Jain ce>ln Mr .......... &r 114: -
Ailul .. oo!Y· 2 ~R, P 001 Ulb • Santa Ana, c.M. Gu, water llOl<L ER ll}llBD. 11"'o. apts. & on 3 lota. Tho cebln jnoof. RETIRED c;o0PLE l'f' ~. 847•2125 C&1l Mn. Heodm ~ 122 8th St., Hnnt. Beach. -4 Bel. 2 ba. res. 3 vt. rndultri1I Rental 6090 ed. plumbed A w:irtd, but 11 Hu money to &end 00 lat 6
q,fun11 Buch 4705 tm·SantaAJ:ia.4ptll3,CM. Wint Privacy? New I ~~iisa2310
Sant&. Ana, WANTED to lea.lie, 5 to !:~ =.e~ :::.J: 2ndn;:es.54~
Tl' ONE BR's NEAR OCEAN 10.000 ICf. ft. plant apace 000. For 1urtber information ---'==...:.::..::::...._ alOOERN Vilrw apt. narth BERMUDA VILLAGE t12T mo (llC J'urn) garage 8U1lneu R1nt1I 6060 1 u I table tor he av y please call Glenn Tbomptoa -
"end, 2 story, 2 BR.. 1~ Spacious 2 "-3 Br. ... ...... 212 " lfth. 536-13l9 673-!784 mach\nety in 0ranae Co. wilb ' Reil E t t Lo 6340 Ba, 2 sundeclcs, pr, 1 bllc ~ ~t-N~RT SHORES Shop-'Tc per sq ft. Doi: 3862 E kh ff I a I ant
ahqpping-beach. Very plnsb. ~P~ ~,:,_bl~~~OK.to ~-~·· Lu'le-I BR a~L pmg Centtt; dreu abo~; Fullerton, Cal. c8!8o & Auoc., Inc. HOME LOANS -mo. -494-9982 • ~ llQWI. ............,-.:-n ~ I a rage s • o no lease req Beaut fix 1 W. Olapman Aw.
_.... $110 up. children. 536-9593, 2 6 0 4 t . ' Im> · cb 3C.O) SQ tt wareboUH A otttoe ~. Calif. Have 90% flna.ndng at TI4 %
2214 College Ave. Apt. 2, Mgr England St. UJeS, earp., m l"!I, ra + 600) sq tt pa?ed Ir fenced 541-2621, Evel-wknds 538-6721 intere1t. Cbeclt: OUf 6.9% RENTALS & etc.~ )'all!. 1855 Legune Can)'On p'°"ram & 2nd TD..,,.._
Apta. Unfurntstied $160. 2 BR new individual Laguna Beach 5705 SHOPS Rd. 11-4--494.'-8066 or BU51NE$~ •net Sattler M9rtgage Co. Inc.
000 W>i". ""'-dial>waah-N<. Ne~ Ple< 11~'1681l FINANCIAL 33f 'E. !7th St ~naral 5 er, atoves, dtapea, Adults. 100 CLIFF DRIVE Rltr. • 613-0860 N'PI' BCb Desirable rontr 642-2ln 545.-0611 Will trade 17 ft Performer l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 361E.18th St., 642-5340 or LUXURYFURN/UNFURN Wholesale~· equi~, o~ &. new ihop: Bua. Opportunltl• 6300 Eves. 673-7865 642-1157 outboanl, Call tibe.atass> 11 <213) 83&.7ii52 Yearty Lt.ale. 1 & 2 Bdrma. $300 mo. Cypreu St. Nr &11'-warebou&e AdJ UPS. Ownr C nd . " tor full ot part ~ment UNFURN 3 BR. > BA apt steps . to SboN • Shops port. "°""' ,avan. 548-60!4 !213) 94!-1368 . I Y Supply Route ANNOUNCEMENt'S , on new ~. ch'apes, VEN DOME
Clon to Shopping, Perk e Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba
e 2 BR. widen or ofc. e SWim Pool, Put/green
• FrpJ.. Indiv/lndcy fac'ls
1845 Anaheim Ave.
COSf A MESA 6f2.282I
near Westclilf, pool 8t Oceuv:iew trdm every Apt. I -'======== 1..:.:::::..::::::=-----(Part ~ run Time) and NOTICES landscapina, block fencb¥
private patio. Sl65 mo. from $lSO mo vp. lease Office Rental 60701---------1 Excellent income for few ar ~? Phone 6G-C9IO after
...._ <S'-24!9 Cltrut Grovn 6175 hn. weekly """' Cdaya "' Found IFrM Adil 6400 1 ;m· LAGUNA BEACH I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 eves.l relillilll and collect-_,_. -----
DUPLEX REAL ESTATE Air Cond~loned I• Ina money from coin oper-FOUND ... Terrlor type dog, 3 BR 2 BA Monticello cond.
$145; 2 BR., carp., drpl, ' ON FORES'"' AVENUE RIVERSIDE attd dispensers in Costa male, young, vi c n 1 t Y ""'ta,•-·, blt-inl, dbl ..... , Retrig., stove. Patio, gar. General and 1..... M ado lark Al Port H -.... ........., .. -
N bildre . ·-om spaces avellabl• m COUNTY Mesa SUJTOund .. ,. area. 41 .. e ...... w r un-2 poola, clb Me. $2(1,500. 0 e nor Pl!'-"· R1nt1l1 W1nted 5990 newest ottlc. bulldlns at l'!o selling. !Handles name ""'6"'n Beach. &12-2266 Trade in your 3 or 4 BR
2244-A Slate 642-'1472 •---------d 15 Acre ...,..,....,. nawl dtnll brand .. 0 ....i •• and -·-•··) FOUN · horn w "°" ==--=c:-~-,,..,,--1 · prime location tn owntown .. ¥-... ......,....., ... ._.... D Black ma.le cat with e. Owner, agt. ~ AVAIL. Feb. l; 2 Br., nr. EMPLOYED lady wants 1 Laguna Beach. 1Jr condi-grove on approved root 1toclc $1650 ca.sh required. For per-red collar. Vie 15th and
So. Cst Plaza; cpts, drps, BR Unfum Apt beach area tlooed. carpeted, beautiful in the Lake Mathews area: sonaJ interview in Costa Orang,e C'.osta Me 1 a,
bltns. $145 Mr. S m I t"'b to $110. Gar or carport nee. paM\ed puttttonJnc. T w 0 all under permanent aprlnk. Mesa: Send name, address 642-3634
549-3866 642--0<>!6 attJS .. ~ •• ,... ~... 00 ten a y 1 t em, conaldered and phone number to: ==--=~--~ .... ......, "'& .... ._ froat. .. ,.. FOUND -Cocker-Po male 2 BR. ~,t-level,· w/w cpbl., EM PL 0 YE D responsible Forest Ave., rear leadl to tree; priced at o .. .., "ROtrl'E DEPARTMENT'' .....,.., beige col0<, vlcinit.• ~ la u •• --..1 ~ ... ..._ ...,,. $4,000 ""'r acre. For furthel' P·O -•0~ ~ ~ newly decor.; 2 baths; dy wants 1or2 BR unfurn ................. pe • ........, ww. ...... .... • • .-Green Valley area of Foun-
bltns; $150. 156 Melody Ln. apt. CM. to $110. 546-7376 ps-ma:itb tor apace. Deale Information, p I ea I e call Anaheim, Calit 928o.1 taln Valley. 968-4019.
54&-l4S8 aft s. and d>aln avaIJabla for l.'i Wallor Friclc with -lfCiRiiililG~l;iD~A~liiRiiEf-·\;~~~~~~_,, =='----~-11-, .... L'"""==1=s'""",-BuslneU -..... -Eckhoff " Auoc., Inc. FOUND Set ol falae teelb 3 BR, cprts, drps. Bit-ins. ANDLO D e service available· ~ $10. 1818 w. Cliapman Ave. JET ACTK>N In Costa Mesa vie. Newport
What do you have to trade?
List it here -in Oranee
County's largest read trad-
ing poat -and make a deal
TRADE 20 h:. agricultural
land, 600 ft. on main liwy.,
6 ml to nearest am. town,
nr. Reno, Nev.; trade tor
what have you? SC&-2200
* *
l.ahAlna, 1sland of Maul.
tieach front. 5 Yeara old, 3
BR,. blt·lns, architect dt-
signed, 3 blka to lhopa.
Trade tor boat, \1itw' Jot, or
? 675-4'21
Trade $3000 equit;)t ln S BR,
2 BA, 1lleoa Vude Home.
For late model car ar truck.
8%% Loon. Pymnta '190.
HA VE ~n. antique 4 X 8
pool table, ... ~ Encl!sh
Snooker tble, full llatet;
trad• for late IZ)Odel 10'
Cab:wer camper. ~2964
lJ) llDi" -$200. net per mo. income. Trade
T.D.'~ land. °' f Apnt/ owner. 646-2629 or 2U-
4J4.5959. 2 Children OK. No lease. FREE RENTAL SERVICE .,, tDI"--paid ·--Oranae, CallL Beautiful l"l!newed Laundry. BJ. &: Monl'e Villa St
$145 Month. 545--0262 Broker 534-6982 n.u u UQI __.. 541·2621, Eves-w~ 538-5747 28 waahen, n dryen, 20 lb. 968-3674 Mod 20 ac horse ranch. 1ul-Have g unitl, want mnal1
1 BR. All electric bltns. Prv 2 ADULTS, mt. dog, need teltlili~..:U..y PILOT washer. $18,000 yr. eross BLONDE Female puppy, Jy dev tr track, 2 wella. 3 house Huntm&ton Beach or
patio. W/W crpta. drps. furn. 2 Br. house or apt. zn FOREST A VENUE inc. Find out ho\v easy it is aboui 3 mo. vie Newport houses, 14 stalls, 9M tt barn Costa Mesa ena.. Bier. D:
$110. 548--1322 Have references 6-42-6-475 LACUNA -BEA.al Acreage 6200 to own! Riveria New Year's Eve. 96M. 55M 1 ~~use, ~' ~ .. ..._
2 BR ...-J!hed, ,,..,. shop-2 Bil, Unfum. inc, ..,.. l -Colt1-0•Matic , 64~ . comm °' . Beaut -. bid&'. iots. f>. ~-.1!.o""""·R--=e·a~ ~d =--~~:~~~~ .. ~-~~-=i-PM._ Otn~ Suitabl-e --f; ...-eom-APARlMi~ S-m-:: -~~~~~~~~--· ~a:1e';;-tt,~e~Santa =~~;J · ~~s!:a.~ --~
QUIET 2 bedroom duplex, mercial, Medical, Dental. l:nl Fullerton • n-4: 525-?m Ana St., C.M. 645-1328 home •••• tlnd ar-t buys ville&rea.Trade'torlsQce
3CMi Broadway, $100 Mo. Rooms for Rent 5995 AJr..cond., crpta, elevator Prime location ESTABLISHED BUSINE$. CAT, Bladt & white with in todays Clasalfled A<h. &irplane, Apnt ~ I The
531.-alter f k wk..ndL From l'10 Beel', wine, doll. G""' m"'Jacbe, female * * * * '* , . * POMONA St.: 1 Bdrm. un-COLLEGE or working girl SU-5032 OR 675-2-464 near c..=e~~e39Freeway $4-0,000, iOOd Costa Mesa 531...1425
furn. Centrally located. $85 live on Bal Is. Kit in EXECUTIVE office Approx 3 118 Acres _ R-4 location. Asking $14,500. CAMERA: found vie Kaller
Month. 541.:a.st = incl, $50 mo up '100 sq. ft.,.~ tynewA1~. ms.ooo Willa111~~-~CALL'"" ALfor School planround. Call .t ANNdOUNNOCTtlCMllSNTS iEltvtCai:: DtltlCTOltT
Al.SO FURN. a.an 2 BR. by ~ ~un ·~· ean, Jbn C.bb qu ~ --· : identify. 548-6682 an . Babysitting 6550
epts, dtps, blt-ins. gar. Ex. S.D. Fwy, Magnolia' Avail immedl m-.t130 Res. 673-186t BLACK ~illil E (open WALLET found Vlc. Harbor Perton•ls 6405
l.oc4tion Sl35 S6-91.B'l Wstmnatr .. Quiet; TV, adj. Ol"FJCF: of' lhop Ir apt e'WI) HERITAG REAL Shopping Center. Call to CHILD Care my bom4i week
ba 115 Wkly 531"'575 ~ ESTATE identity. 642-6263 I GOOFED •·'-• ·-·-~ ~,. p•· .. QUIET Apt for couple or · • 510 31.lt St., N~"l""''• ........., .......... ~ ,,. ...... "'' ...,.
lady past 50. 265 E. 16th NICE CLEAN ROOM FOR Near Lido Bridge 496-1513 GIFT &: Home Decor shop, BUTTER.FL y Tin e&ll and eqWpmt!!nL South Coat
Pl. Avail now. See Mgr. EMPLOYED MAN, $12 wk. l COMMERC. ... 300 Sq. ft. muat aell. See· Make offer! identUy 531-3425 ~: b ~ dbo~~ ::P.;;Jaza:;;,.;,"";;,;L:,54;;:::.Moo&,::::_,_
2 BR. grdn apL fpl. epts. Costa Mesa. 54&--7969 1 INDUST. -800 llfl· ft. e 548-1S14 e LOUNGES (Adv. on T.V.). BABY NURSE, alt my home,
drps, bltns, patio, pool. Room & Burd 5996 • ~2130 • BUsmT marketplace tn Lost 6401 with the idea of becoming a weekly, hourly. Love
Adlts, no pets. $145. 54&-5163 tan. 'Ibt DAILY Pn.oT REWARD. white toy poodle. dealer. I find I don't have =· Gd Cll'll C •
LIKE NEW 2 Br .. new cpts., ROOM -Board for older Oullfled iectlan. San Long hair. Jan lit BetMen time to demonstrate. MUJt
drps, blt-iM, carport; l'IQ gentlem!n; priv. bath. money, time A effort-Looli Hunttnrton Pacific Apt. & sell 1 or all at wholesale,
,eets; adults $125. 548-6769 t.-,===--=====-.!,,=======''=,_;..:;,:;;;;;:=:,;:=:=:...:i"°":=',:"======: I Huntington Bch pier. '114: $45. ea. ReruJarJy $89.95. ;;;;r'.t &;; r 53&-10'J4 '114: 962--2341 ~~. =~BM~: ~ ·5200 LOST -P OODLE , grey LICENSED
WILL babysit lN YOUR
HOME any hour $1.25 br.;
24 hr. ratn. 548--4389
Brick, Masonry, etc.
6560 ·~· i ::;·r;~ :m.!1rui:~c ~~tZ1~~ ~~ualm:~~~~ •l~w; 'duplox apt., USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID REWARD, 642-1410. Ans to Camlno ~al. San Oemente. BUILD, ~model, ~t>"lr
• ;put..le\tet, 2 bed, trpl, Pete 492-9136. 10 AM· 10 PM Blick. block, c 0 De~. t ••
tlUck carpts.. d rape • ; BLACK, Chinese Pug, lost crpmry, no job too amall.
garage. Available Jan, 25, DAI LY Pl LOT around 17Ut St. area. C.M. ALOOHOLU . .:b AnoaymouJ Uc Contr. 962-&K5 $2"15. .....a-p.m. em e, Atk tor ana. Call .M-6 F al J Phone 542-'12JT O< Wlito to =·=======:.! , !148-2391 -2354 P.O. -l223 Costa M.,._ Cerpenterlnt 6590
WATER Front, 1 br, boat LOST: blk. w/yellow mark-SELECTIVE .SINGLES · -·--'-''-----'I 1
dock.tit-ins,Uttlpaid.$165. WANT AD ORDER BLANK . ines Min. shephmt; .ic. H:.ooe1~;nto&8.women, RJ:s~.~n;:~~ ~ 673-9060 ~t., Hunt Bcb. REW.1=~=======ll!2S~·~-~exper~~· :,::.:54M113!!:!!!;
5240 MATURE bllc. mixed female Anl)OUn~•nt• 6410 ·earpentry, A;;, •l.ze job!' Back B1y
Lab.-8hephml. aMWm1 to ...;;;.;....;;_;_;_;_ ____ I Call Gordon MT-67-45
"Raisin", H.B. • C.M. Area, ALLEY WESf View, 2 BR, cn>ts. drpe,
blt-ina, pool, $145 mo.
67"'16911 Reward. 96S-521T ANNOUNCES
LOST: Grer-ereen )'OW1i Lunches c.m.nt, Com:~ '600
I ff 52421---------------------------------1,..,,..t: vie. Harbor Scl>l., Monday lhn> Sallmlay CEMENT ww1t, m lob 1 :E::•:;st::...:B~u=-----Fountain Valley 962-302-4 from 11:30 dallY small, reuonable. J";ree
P sl• l f' 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE UNE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES SIAMESE alte,... m•I" Every Sundoy tlllm.ILSturuck.54MID.I . fe lge Ota IOR declawod. Vic Ocean Front. Bicycle Brunch NO Job too 1arp or tma1L
For lease, deluxe 1888 sq. n. 2 4 7 11 No. N .B. Reward. 645--2178 serving~~: ~~t. Licensed a: inlured. :me
4 BR., 2* ba. Apt. Frplc., TIMU TJMU TIMU TIMU BROWN, black rust cat with HueYOB Ranchlm>IJ, est. 892-2900 or 5Z4T56
drapes, carpets, wet bar, 1----·1-----1-----1-----1·----l--':.=!:_.1 • ..:.::::._.1-...::::::c......11-=:::.-1 blue collar. Black leash. On Steak & Ecgs. Tboryk Concrete, no job
priv. balconles; dbL ~arage Hamilton. 6f2-5304 aft 6 PM 2106 w. Oceanfront to small. Free attmates.
oU kitch. Dishwasher, dbll----·l----·l----·l-----l·----1-----1----1----11----I--------Newport Beach. • 648-123-4 •
oven, pool. Con";nient to $4.50 $6.10 $10.65 $15.90 Penoftllt 6405 Cacrou from Pier & ) CDNCRETE work. all types.
shop'g., schools "" recrea·1-----1-----l-----l-----l-----l·----l----·l----l----I ------======Do="=F1=ee=tl Pool decks Ir custom. Oill
"oNLY $325 MONTH $5.10 •1•21 $13.10 •20•10 u ~;~~·; ~G~u~ ... Funeral• 64121--~.~1CUSTO="'==M=P~ATI=os~.-
83NSeAMwpolGrtOBS•W•chAY 1----,1----1---1----1---·l--$6-.00--l--$9-.7-6-·l-$-l-5-.5-5.-1·-$-2-4-.3-0-l looking for YOU< brand of ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CODCftteAwtnc•l'MMVll
1 ___ _.. __ ..... ..._ __ .J.._ __ _.. __ ..... ~--..._'-_.i..; __ .J.._ ___ I run,~f::'0•1e, ca11 the ~1s1cy WESTMINSTIR SJata Ltc. • 142-lQ!f)
Mgr. Apt. 9 ·~~· l==~""'~==I Attractive Expert MEMORIAL PARK Child care 6610
Conma del Mar 5250 YOUNG WOMAN Mortuary & Ctmoltry PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 . SEND BILL 0 ro PIGUH COIT dancor will teach Yo• ell Comr,lete funerals BABYSrm:NG, l1>Y home,
latest 1'-. Call Ardell $245 area Adami A Brookburst. Put •nly ono word lft ••ch -a-rom e 96)0)2 e
•: 1poce •bov1, lnclucle your 2l3: S91.Q l·lO PM Cemetery Toft
Q. Pvbllih fM •••••••••• dey., bo9Jn11l11t •••·•••••••••••••••·•·•·•·•••••• •dch·••• •r ph•n• ttu'""'· IN Appred&tion of «· from $150 Contrector.. -on. h preaions Of ldndntu during .. _ ......... ""-.&A ___ -Tll1 c:o.t •f your •d It •t t • t ~ .,........., ..... ..,.., _...
ON' TEN ACRES Cl•uiflc•tion •••••••••••••••••• , •• •••• •• •• •• •••••••••••••••••••• • •nd •f +hi ltno 011 which th• loss of DlY eon, Mr. ~-~ Everythina ID CQt. beautiful • ROOMS IJ)DmONS •
l • 2 BR......._ Is Unf'llm T. Lowell, Dee. 28tti;. , ...... ..,.. ...i .. -mee.naleacolt. L.T. Om1tructica
Cl\" " w·u ·-r·: •••• w.rd ef y1ur ·4 It writ-......... un•· • ---n ~ ~-n-Jd•~-"'-'cs I Prl I Padot I N .. vu• ""' ......,_ • No tra1ftc poblema. "--...., reoma, ~ • p~ Te:mia .. Contnt11 Bk· '"'' ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tin. Add •2·00 ...,. ff yo• 1 "'P"°A""'c~1F"1"'c"p=AT:R=T"'N"E"R"'S 14801 Beacb, Wlltm.lmter ' unlta. Siriale story (II' 2;
fsL 9 bo2e Putt/~. dt1lrt u1t ef DAILY PILOT In l969 let UI help )'OU find 53:1·1125 , 193--2.f2l ptan. custom dt1tped. For
900 Sea Lane, CdM 6§1-26U Addrtu •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 101 ''"let wlth ll\1lltd ,.. that· special pel'!IOn you've '"""'!!!!!'~!!"!!'!!!~!!!P] tltim&f.el A layout, pboae
(MacArthur DJ', Coalt Hwyl pli11. been looking for. S«>-15J.4 !llCK IT TO 'EM! e MT·l511 e
City ••• , , • , •• •• ,,., ,, •,. • ,, • , ,, , Pllont • , • , • ••.,., ••, ••• •• ••., • 1~=::=~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~=~~~~"'-=;;1
1H;;un;t;ingl:;;;°";;;;;Be;;a;;<h;;;;;5;.400;;1-----------CUT HIU -PASTI ON YOUR INYll.OPI --~---·-·-~--··----
2 "3 Bedrootll Apts.
Lux1uY -to J'IO* the _.dlacrlmlnl ..... N ...
available at
The Huntington
Pacific {lB
711 Oct!an Aw:., JI.ff
m4) 536-1-487
> BR llu»Jez. prt,..ta '""'·
Patio, -dtapec • pool. 113$. ..,_'IMO
G<rqe. $U5. -oolr 816Palm ~
2 Ii 3 BR., 2 balbi.1 prtv.
P1tio; btatrd pool. ·-DAILY PJIPr WANt Alli
Al'llf 0.. PMllt W. IJ, c..t• ""'!'-Ollhntlti
P, O. lox 15'0
CGltG Moo, C.llf. 92626
--' ~·
~~~~~~~ .. ;•!! Uplt<W•, -Help w ... tod, MM noo Help w .. i.I, MM noo Help W1nlod I :J~oloo~~M~..,~-~·~w~-~~7~soo~~Jo~b~'~"'~'"~"-~w~~~·~1soo~11;•~ey;~-~,..~...,~M:•:n~~·~~1'°"" Min, Worn. 1.sao ~ ~ * -w.,. cznosars o-. """"' A1XOUNTANT -&R&t 6Mlii%MM w-7400 I' --7550 .au1LO '" SAYE , noils.*~n1: =·==~ THE IRVINE TOP llEAL UTATE Lldl""'°'~"' ' -=.!i~~~ ~·-'L-l!Sl COMPANY PROFESSIOHAL l'OR FOR~~AIN ANCIENT MARINER Pi ' ' ~ CIMnll'll MU 11 ....... -. c.x. EXPANDING VAILEY omCE •
• ,_ .._.., lilii • IMPioYMliiT SJAff ~==-v:i~ =: remier
• 1 ..., -_.. •·...ui. ,.., w-. Llilf 1lllO' -..--.... wub .......... -.. u-IESTAUR'ANT ~y11. wort. ~ SWtt1s • A'(ftllUY 1111 re&1 atate mamt1nc sul> E:x~nalve btnetttt tnctudt; ,_......,
bill!>'• JI -DA')'Woap.--~ 1111n1MI llldlaey ... """"°"' •Co<npnobenllve Medical NO~~~ ::"'"'Rd.~~.; w ..... -......,,,. ""'~~~ouR •=•ur.1....r, . Newport IMch ~ .-iaS. ~1 m.aooo · , ~~~= "'AFT wr:,;:' • Pro111 •hlrire ,.J!re, 2607 W. c~ Hwy.
WAIL TO WALL ~ HOUSEWORK Wanted. El· college sn,duate with 3 to <I • ~ econo c ment \ntlt ·
Cleanlnl A:'•xpert pukaoed. $2.25 hr. pl.ui yean exper. ln aeneral ·~ial&:accounthw :=::v~~
Qpholstay de&!Ww-Hj.J7BO tnnsportation. 'M5-9t28. 12 A t.cc11· We otta a challenc· a.nab'llis
I---------BKKPR/Sec. F/C, ~ !:..&°: ~!i ~t e Real time eo1nputtna: Pleue caU MR REED
EIMtrtcel 6640 enoed constr ... COit • other ti.ta. PliNae .:i ~win: • Full media SUPl>Ol'l GA 2--0911 I--'--------tndet. 536-1248 AND Safeco I~urance Corp.
n.AG Electric. aen1 eJec>. WOMAJ'{ Would' like apart. ~ ~: ~ • tnccme potentiaJ -l.1S5 i:. San AnlDNo
tridaN. Comc'l, re • • , ment to ~ F.xperieno-J)O.tj'OT contact 1.11 by phone 120.000+/yr, ~ Beach., CaW.
.wn1. Sm Jobs we l c . ed 56&186 or 111 peJ'*)lL • Unique bonm plan Equal opPQrtunlty em.player
50-IOIS e Pn>llt _, CASHIER/RECE~T
o.r-i1c Help 7035 THE IRVINE ,...,....,,, fund Ex"'1ont .,._..,.,,. u ,....
Gardenlnt 66IO ........ ,_ ... _ •-~-' •. ~!.~ have accurate clerical abn. 1---"----~ --~-CONtPANY '~ ·-~ JAPANISE' Gardener Pmnanent Experienced Land/Income lnYe:stme.nta lty A polae in ~ cu.
Oomp1m s.Nloe. Exp. Fu Eut -........n IRVINE, CALIF. 92664 ntvillon tome< oonlactL HJoh Scl>ool ..,,_,._,_,_ ~-~ .. -M ni•--eraduation required. ~-~ ,, ~·~ PACIFIC FINANCE
Kitchen Help
____ , ----
Clark Tral-$440 """ -...... -"'· mostlJ' fllinr, Must bl! able
ta ,.. ~. llC)rne Satur-HostHHS da> _,, wttb ... ..um.. Ex·
cdlent opportulllty to ad-
Dishwashers '°':~--~ ... 3 · ~r...,•ry to -r.i
T y p e 55, 5horttw)d 90,
phones, filing, central o!f1ce
====="' .. """""""'
./ PAI>M'
./ LUMBtft
Faat movina, P~
chain of do-ll·)'OUl'tl!lt home
Improvement center DMdl
qua..li&d: people. WW acctpt
10me who want to &tart In
retalllne u a cateer. No
11ta110MI lay off. Complete
~ benefits plut! Growth
meam promotion l oppor-
tunity. Thia comp&n)' tra.lna at all Jevei.. Plenty of indl·
ntua1 rewardl !Ol' extra ef·
tort. Interviews at store lo-
cation Mooda.Y, January 6,
1969 and Tuesday January
7, 1969 • 9 AM 'W C PM. JAPANESE ~. -, Help Wontod, Min 7100 WA, TER AND SEWER PROPERTIES WEST um Bead> Blvd,, KB, ~ · L a n a c a p n &' 1028 Ba¥skie Drive
Oeanup. 637-<951 MAINTENANCE ~~ ~ r..= :,.f,y'~;,,;;:;,, Holp Wonlod Help Wanlecl, Aceto Poyoblo $425 BUILD 'N SAVi
Women 7400 Women 7400 Operate Bw:roua:ba 10· key Cor Tustin A O\llpmin °''.""'""wn ' Press M.... l!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!~I -TYPIST Molnl•""""'· Lken8ed '1" PARTICULAR Required ro. .,..., typing ~.:":wnatt .,,~;. Operators $498~5 per mo. TYPE PERSON =· ~,i;',:1 ::.~ "";; ';,i
aervlce. Uc. 5t6-6261 eves CITY Of office In N.B. Call Mr. An.
1: v.-eekende RUbber experience NEWPORT BEACH I want someone who will drew1:
only. One on 2nd wtirk for me as they would JOHN BARRY & ASSOC'S
General Servi• 6612 shift, one on 3rd shift. Requires completion ot for themselves. Must be am· (n4) 675-3554
the tenth grade and two bilious. WORK IN cdM
HEATING Ii: Air Cond. Serv Good comr.;ny .,_.,.. yean; eicperience in the SECRETARY for Leaal' Jn.
1--------·laddtt, will type.-.... °""'"' '114 , ..,._ d1e invoices and take di.a-I;;;,;;,.:: ______ _
• couz;ib.
Roting D.,k Clerk
TrafJ1N $325
Some office experience.
S.cty/Bkkpr. to $525
Fee reimbursed in 3 i:nonth&.
Shorthand 80, type 50, know
double entry and posting.
COCO'S t'~
Ir: repair, a1lo Washer 6 fits, excel ent future maintenance ol water or $750. MO. GUAR. aurance & Mutual Fund
dryer ITpa.ir. 24 hr se:v. for shady workert. sewer lines, in concrete U you. meet our requi.r@-wort. Require shorthand &:
,,w.='1211=,,,."'-,".,7_""'1=...,,,=::" 1 Apply to: work, in building main-menb, we bave men a: wo-muat take raponsiblllty. Sal.
Prefer flOm,eone with Fridon
copytyper experience, but
will train U very rapid and
very accurate typist.
An equal opportunity
We are looking lor two
agent!; wi& minimum 2
yn:. actual agency expe.r.
Best pay In the co1U1ty.
Call Ron Pfahler at
VEL, Costa Mesa.
F. c. Bkkpr. $500 famous Hamburgers : C.Onstructlon background, •
HAULING. CleaooP ~a. tenance, or other closely men who earn in ex:Cl!SI ol ary open. Write P.O. Box
odd )a etc. Free eat. Jim Pertonnel Office related fileds. Apply be-$100J. per mo. Wooderlu! 8, Corolla del Mu, eaw. P4Yron 'for 26 ~· able 1555 W. Adams
54&-532S, aeyttme ~ 5 p.m .. Wed., Jan. 8, Company bl!nefits. 1nsUI'> 9'2625 ·~~~l the rnii!: H~ ance, bo&pitalb:a&n, etc. -~P~B~X~O~P~E~RA=T~O~R~ 1485 D&le Way, Costa Mesa
to use peg board. Disperse-Costa MeJa
--------ment.s, invoicing and job
coot 1 .. ------•I Hlvll"I 1730
CLEAN Lota. prages etc.
Tree removal. dump, &kip
brackhoe, fill. a: r a d e •
U.S. Divers
Company Nowport Blvd,, Newport 642-5110 EXPERIENCE
Beacll. 613""633 PREFER.Rm
RN or LYN Gi•I Fridoy $346
Prior office experience, type
accurate!Y, filing ant gen-• SAW
HAULING, audminc A
general tnalntenanoe by col·
3323 W. Warner
Santa Ana
.... -llew.... A An -.,,,..,_., 'cy .a.ta Mesa area. 673-TIU . ..,.~ iloiet
LITE Hanline I: cleanup.
Reuonable. Any area. CaU 1----',~----
W.""7 • FOllEMAff • TRIM. WP. ...,.,, Gen.
~an.up, name JU I bauJ,
UGHT "baullne, day or nlaht. -
MESA Oeanine S 1• r v _I c e
OJmpletl! cnmna:. carpetB.
flocrs, e t c • Resldentlal-
Commerclal. Special ratn
for apl --Many ru. Free est 54&-4ll1
* API'. a..EANING * Fut & Ua1JuP 642-8164
FAS!', ---$"50 hr, Pleue brlna own haqiers. -6110
BOB'S Land&cape Service.
DesJcn, lna!all & maintain.
FrM eat 60-2633
AutotnJt{c Screw
Machl....,.01y Shift
Must be lfynamic and
have ~ ability to take
complete cf\arge o1 &i.n-
gle and multiple spirt-
dle auto.-ecrew ~
dept. ->v
Orange County manufac-
turer of preclaion com·
ponenta has i mm ed.
ope~ for qualified per-
llOn having manag1!rial
capabilities a& well aa
manufacturing k n o w l·
edge. Applicants m u & t
have at leut 3 yea.rs
superviaory experience.
Excellent growth potent·
ial and company bene-
fits. Send mmplete re-
sume of background, ed·
ucatlon and salary re-
quiremenhl to
Box M..Ql The Daily Pilot
Dl1hw11hor & But a.,
Poporhlnel"I P•lntlng 6UO APPLY IN PERSON 3-5 PM I ;....;...c..;;:o___......;;= I Snack Shop No. 1
~s~~da~n~. 2305 E. Coast Hwy.
8'nall job& ~. * CoroM del Mir, C•I. m-om e INSTRUCTORS -Full
VINYL wall coverina:
speclallat -.kit. & bath&.
Matrrial I: labor. F.at.
crfand part thne. Neat e.p-
pearancr. Must be aNe to
meet and deal with the
public, good flgutt. Apply
in pmion, Holiday Health
INTERIOR, EXTERIOR Spa, 2300 Harbor Wvd.,
A~ 1 BR -.pt. $TI.-50 C.M.
..... A malu1ol. ..,_,.,. hP~A~R~T"'O~R~F~U~L~L~T~IM=E
pm $200 a week getting
hOme ownen to accept ca·
ble vWon service free of
charge. No cash collected,
no contract. no atrinp.
Houn 6 to 9 PM daily for 9
months. Newport Beach resi-
dent!; with Newport Beach
l!Olicitora ~nse prefen"ed.
Reply by .letter to Box 2325,
Newport Beach. 00663.
Progressive manuf&ctlll'-
lne company with excellent
w o r k I n & condltlona and
fringe benefita hu immedi-ate openings for
A. -Taub Auto. Screw
Mach. Operator, 3 years
minimum experience.
B. -Exp'd Hand Screw
Machine Operator for ll!Oo
ond operation work.
Apply at: STA· FAST INC.,
640 So. Santa Fe St.
..... Ana
18 or older
Apply in person
151 E. Coast Highway
Newport Beach
MUST bl! 18 or over
No Experience NeceMU)'
Snack Shop
2305 E. Coast Hwy.
Coron• del M.r
$498-605 pOI' .mo.
Requires ·completion ot
eighth grade, one year
of experience in the
malnte~ and repair
of mechalUcal device&.
Apply before 5 P.M.,
Wed., Jan. 8, 1969 ·al the
Oty Hall, Personnel Of·
fice, 3.100 Newport Wvd.,
Newport Beach.. 673-6633
Sher1ton Be1ch Inn
Appcy S.11 P.M. Mon.-Thun.
2U12 Ocean Ave.'
Huntina:ton Belllch
RN • CUJTe:nt ITgistratlon. Newport Hiibor 3029 Harbor Blvd,
Age ,., limit, moatb' 111.ttlnc. Conv•lescent Hosplt1I Cost• Men
eral office duties. Shorthand Wholesale IJ&hting Fixture
helpful Showroom. Sale& experiebCt
Legal Secty to $475 nee. Salary plus commt.
Trial department expertence !don.
helpful.. Sh9rthand 100, type
80, front office appearance. • 547:6351 • i 0.,. -""'JI. !'>I ._Sun '"1164 --54'2033 'oU, Wrlte Ball M «14 Dilly -~ -o .-File & Typing -l""~~~~~""!!!!!J
Pilot An "lwtl opportunlly Cll'k $433 * DRIVERS * ''
BOOKKEEPER part <r full • 'COSMETOLOGIST employer M"'I ,,. a good '"""" and No '"'-.... r1"enc• time. Xlnt· oppori'Unity, lllll· S DayL Prefer with clientele, aecurate typi!l Know bow to UI""""
""' opon. s.1 ,.... own bu! not .... ...,,.. Apply In --~N~U=R~SE~5~--!Jilo, Necessary! ~
hours. Call 1or aJ)ltt. be--penion LVN Calif Lie. $450 Must have clean Califomla •
tw""' 7 & 9 PM. 673-9156. SHERATON-BEACH •RN'S. Part Umo, Open1np Nv•-Aides $2. hr dnving "'"""'·Apply '
WANED maid for motel in INN 1 to 3:30, and 11 to 7:30. (S.V•r•I} YELLOW CAB CO.
Lag\ma. Betleh on the ocean. • AIDES. E.q>ei'. pref'd. 186 E. 16th St.
Call 494-~ or apply: The 2111.2 Ooean Avenue Openinp 7 to 3:30 and U Medical Or's Asst. Costa Mesa CAREER Inn at Laauna, 211 No. Coe.at Hun~n Beach to 7:30. to $400 AIDS, ORDERLYS & LVN'1
Hwy, I..quna Beech. • Brld1I Consult1nt Auist Doctor will train to wanted for convalescent OPPORTUNITY! MEDICAL Seeretarv, Park Udo give EKG. home, days, top salary for
.1 Attractive woman, ambit· Convalescent Center •--that willing Join IDdaya fastest growina: Laguna Beach, ei;perienc:ed ioU&, a:ood personality, use 406 F1agship Back Office $450 up empou,-"'~ are ~==11=es ~:·I~ r~t':x:~: :~c:r~~rA!;~~p :v:~ N~rt Beach 642-M44 EKG, draw blood, lab work ~ay:.x~z: =
We train· full or part time keeping, billing. 499-2055 time $59. week, full time e Waitresses e ane X·rays. Mesa and Garden Grow. ·;
Mutu•I Fund Advlton. WELL groomed woman for $124. weeif.i No e:<perlence ls.35 Full time Accts P•y1b1e & Call mornings only. M6-911Cll ;.
Inc. exceptional opportunity with neceuary. ·For inteIView Neat appe~. no expen· Acds Re~ivable to $450 Re•I Estate Sales '·
Npt B. 1603 Westcllff 642-M22 leading cosmetic OJ. Fle:x call Mr. Whltoey 544-8550 ence neceaaary. Apply in Know Genei:al Motors part! Men & Women
S.A. 1212 N. Broat:twQ hn. No canvualng. For person. and insurance billing. . -Expanding aa:ain. Otfice #
Sl7-83.11 Appt J'all ""'5195 COOKS L L h T ......... 4 oponlng• avattoblo !or BOB'S BIG BOY AA Tee .rnee ;p.J~ licensed men & 'A"Omen. Jn·
* DI S I ornCE girl, 110me account-First &: Second C.ooks Minlrnwn 2 yean.,, Cnl.fege, , .... ·--mo L -1n1ng, M' rect a esmen ing • typing.phone. Apply at 154 E. 17th SL Chemistry Biology 'and' Ale-""-V .,. u .. I need 4 men lmmed. to till Henderson T.V. & Appliance tor new convalescent hosp!· Costa Mesa '. ·. . Gardner. Sp r Ing Realty, taJ to open end of Jan Ap. gebra. Bnng transcript ~t 5404824 new sales positions in the 1877 HarbOr Blvd., C.M, ply 393 Hospital Rd., New---=~===-credit!;. l:::========-1
Orange C.Ounty area, selling Full tiine MAID. apply at port Beach corner Newport LITE OFFICE Schools.lnstrudton 7600 -'
atereoa &: sewing machines. Saddle Back Inn, 696 So. mvd. & Hospital Rd. AND MALE Three leads per day. Our H L cuatomers call us. No gtm.. Coast wy, a gun•' WANTED: Automotive oUice Lifetime Gift, typewriting.
mloo " glfi., Hon"1 ..,., 494-9436 managoc. c 0 mP1.,, TELEPHONE WORK s k Cl k .,76 Otlld""· gran<1<hUd"n, " b~ hard workers. ~ MANAGER & Sa 1e1 lad Y knowledge of automotive MUST BE NEAT. toe •r ..., fn youneU! Individually tu.
pay in the businesa, 1009' needed for dress &tore. Ap-ieneral Jedger thru f~ GOOD PAY Knowledge ~l slockroo ' tored Chilcoat 10 leuons
financ ply Mariann'• Fuhionl, No. clal statement necessary. PERMANENT POSITION ~ electronic componen~. typing school. 173 Del Mar,
ing, med. lnl., ete. 14 Fuhlon l&land. H 8 Call M CONT ACT MR. KENNEDY military co171pJete, expen· CM, 548-2859 •1 Call mornings 9 to 12, after. · · area. r · e~ in seMce ok.
noons 3 to 5, 52&6616. EXPER. Bakery Sales¢ 1 _Rob_l_..,_n_ .... _7181____ 1489 E. WARNER SHORINJI -Ryu Kar ate
Contact Mr. Richardton. SANTA ANA. CALIF. Acct9 Asst. to $150 wk School. Robt D. Edmond. want~T~~~ MA~p, age Trotter'& Bakery 234 Forest HOUSEKEEPER Several. Knowledge of for· mackbelt from Japan. i 10
25--50 4 Av. Laguna Bch. LYN'S mal accounting and proceed· 1st mo. 543-7356 • O Hr week. Irvine New Convalescent H05pital ures. 3 years minimum ex·l========:.I Cout Goll Shop. 675.oo:to a&k DENTAL Aasl&tant.de-~ Apply 393 Hospital Rd., New-3 to 11 & 1 J to 7 ,_.;ence in accounts ..... v. Agenc·,11 u.n & for Mr. Evans. experience, ,.... "" ...-Be • ~-110 rt nd o.I' I ..,.... ......,. 1 fTl'9 cha.Hide, qe 18 to 25 ,..,. • acu. "'!••-= wpo • "--•• able, accounts receivable etc. Women 7550 FRY COOK Wvd. &: Holpital Rd. New convale&0ent hospital. Know graphs and toreeut·1---------I
Fast &: efficient; atJoove av· ·'P":;;:'"'""'::;:'O:W.~l::;624;;,,...,;;,;~ I :=,.--,,:::::--.:=-r=, Scheduled to. open end of lng, type 50. "SERVING FOR 39 YEARS'' erage wages; medieal ins. BABYSITTER. RELIABLE. PART time. Hold Genii! Jan. Apply m pet!IOn. 393 We C•n find The
Apply 2-4 PM. Denny'&, 5 HO&iery Plan parties in your Hospital ~· corner New-Su~rvlsor Engr. Right Spot For You e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE
JOB. Xlnt work, reta. tree
esL JIM. M2-4669
position now avail for sev-
eral ambltioua men, 20-40.
Flexible hrs, a o m e eve&.
18477 Beach Blvd, Runt Bch. DAY WEEK. CALL own home. Make up to $10 port&: Hospital Rd, N.B. _Services $170 wk "It's Not Luck" e Bo•t Carpenters PART·Time help wanted for 646-0490 per hour as hostess. Choose NURSES AIDES Military complete, some col· ''I , K H ,, e Mill Men Garden Grove restaurant. NEEDED: Exp e r I e n c e your own hours. C a 11 lea:e preferred but not ~s· t s now ow
P'AINTIN=="G'",-,1n"1"'.,-.,..-,.lerlor-,-· I pref. Car nee. Pre1tige
State lie. • bonded. Free work with above average
estimates 642--0238 earnlnp. Oppty for MM8g-
INTER or Ext. PAINTING, er pas. We train. For lntrod.
IMMED. SERVICE. local ~~ MR. WlilT·
e Woodshop Auembly Seamstre~. Call 497-1335, 548-6048 after 3 for personal Apply in Person sary. Knowledge o( electro-FEMALE DMSION e Fiberglas mold•rs ~~~::;, =k;le~ 1 :ii~~ between 11 &: 5 PM for Interview , Huntington Beach Ilic component parts to set up Exec Secty {fee pd,) • • $600 .
(Laminators) an Interview. PERMANENT, Part time Convalescent Hospital lab stockroom and supervise. Secty (fee pd.) ..... ••• $455 ;
• P , t h I SERVICE Station attendant. woman needed in regional 18792 Delaware St., Hntg Bch Must have previous stock· Dent~ Asst. . , •1n •rs • ptr Exp nee. Good \11orking EXPERIENCED Wai~s~, &ales office ol nationally OPERATORS ~ri ced room and expiditor back· (reimbursed) •...••.. S400 w/exp. conO. Daya Union Oil 393 appl,y In pe1'80ll,. Surf "" 1. • Coo'\t"" en und R.ecept. (fee pd.) start $320
re.L FREE est. 548-1627
E. 17th CM Sirloin Restaurant. 5 9 3 0 known Jinn. Must ike In single. needle &. overlock, gro . MALE DIVISION .
JENSEN MARINE CORP. EXPERIENCED Ml!Chanic.1..:W:;';'l~Coa~•;:_t,;.H7wy;,'"'N;;;,'>e,m_ =~ &andhav~CC::.~ ~ady P:x. ~~ =~ OMV Bkkpr & Material Control ..••• $l2K :
--235-"""'--'-· _c_.M_, __ , Full time, days. 1645 DENTAL ASSISTANT skill&. Please call ~1158 few trainees. 1400 Locust Office M-nager $800 A~tant (fee pd.)•• SS33 u )'OU ani under 26 and ID« !========::. t&lkq: to girls, why not 1et * COOKS * Adams, Costa Mes a. Experience neeeasary. St w tmineter 534-8738 WUI l'\Jpervbe ~ping M~ch1n. Appren. •·•··· $521 54Cl-12DS * 64!-881.C * LIVE-IN ho u s e keep er : ' e1 ' department Able to cl05t' Driver ••.• , ...••••.• to $500 . '
Pl•sterlng, Rep1ir 6880
e PAT'S ~ • all
Type-. Free etlhlWt. OaD ..,,..,.
ptJcl for it! A ~ 1;ype ad-
vmiaing Jll'Oll'&ID deallnc On, Full Time
with liJW!e girls. Start at Ont P•rt Time
$135 wk. ean 534-3lm Exper. preferred but not
Full Time Exp'd. necessary. Apply in pel'IOt\.
Plumb!"' 6190 JANITOR Snack Shop i---~-----Good co. bl!nefib. For appt. 446 E. Coast 11-.-.-y., Cdl\t
PLUMBING 24 hr. """· call 5400050 ox1, 30• * BELLMAN
-..... Llc,, ........ ; JMOph Matnln NO EXPERIENCE mnodet. repaiJ;, rooter eev .. Equal opportunity emplO)'n' NECESSARY
531~1566 EXPER.. Serv. Sta. Attndnt. Apply
No job too small ·-· Pmn., full time, new mod. Shtr•ton Beach Inn
station. Gd working cond's. Between 9 am-3 pm Mon·Frl
Hr'ly wage + comm. 990 21ll2 Ocean Ave. I.========= I E. Cout Hwy. at Jambortt:, Huntington Beach
,,fl-=::':::'Jo::de:;::;I·:.· .:;R=opo!:::l:.:r._;69:40;:;;: 1
118 • -·==="'ENT=;-,,-,.-o.=-,.-, ~a"',°"•k r REAL ESTATE. SbOUidn•t nr You ~ nmocWhw, -· be -..... .._ .. _. at motel Pt. time winter, r_.1--e1-U111: ..... _, full time Summer.
'.,......... or ~ Call aru Huntington Beach'! Kan Niles Motol Dlc:k. sc..J797 Village Real Estate 962-44n ar 5t6-8103 1021 Bayside Dr.
f!aU, 6960 SERVICE Station salesman, Newport Beach
'••l'l:RATJONS ._ cu.tom Exp'd. Sa l ary + com-TALL. Youn& man, H.S. .... iWon.. pd. for s day •if. lncl ~ktrw. Vfet'f t I 11 e m apply in Pt'r'80ft. Sat. & sun. Bayg!dc Fish
1'lllk. AW\. 50-1104 MOBIL STATION. 24085 or Market, BX! NeW(ttt Bvld .. 1 e Dree1m91d,....AJatatlom 20i2 D Toro Rd., Laguna Ne'A'JIOrt Beach.
hit: 6 Rrt.,,..Ne -~H~W..=~-----=="=='--~~-! * ""'""' ...... * YOUNG man lnlfttsted In SHIPPER-China I: sifts .,__ Whsle. Fftd Andenon Co.
---....1.vnir.. ~ bot. pt r m• n en t job with 651 w. 17th 8.__. a.q ~~ -~ boflt dealer in .. """ ...
.... butlall Ida Coltom SU Gabriel Valley artt. _M_<_sa_~==---llatlil. ........, Ficlellent opporb,anlt,. Write JANITOR.
Allolill... "425115 P. 0, "°" Z18 Balboa lal&nd WITH KNOWLEDGE
motherle1a home, 2 WAI'I'R.rnS WANTED, days. books must have offict "We have many good jo ALL round service &talion OPERATORS Blind 1Utch-teenagers, full charge. Priv. Arpy's OJttee Shop, 3021-B ~r\aJ experience. waiting for you"
man. 3100 E. Coast Highway, hand tinishen-Garment f.ac-room, 5% days: SDI. Call Harbor Blvd., Colta Mesa SOME FREE
Corona del Mar. tory e:ii:per. 642-2666 N.B. Mr. T... 546:4370 ~; between Cal.if. Bank and Programmer to $1000 SOME FEE
PRODUCTION FOREMAN * CASHIER * 64:J..-0816 eves Baker on Harbor. Fee Paid. Experience on MERCHAHJS
CALL: 64U830 for ret,.U hardware. ADVERTISING. -FUN HOUSEKEEPER & child IBM 360. Know Codal langu·
Mac Gregor Yacht Corp. Call Phil * 642-1134 SALES: Prestige Magazine care, private room I. blth, age. WW aet up data process-_--------11.EGAL ""'"''·-, mwt be needs norsuasive girl to T.V. S~i day a week, perm. Ire for private company. PERSONNEL
Jast, aceurate .... ~lst, some ch&.rm ' r-i-eta.ilers. · 841 '+ job ~ paid vacation. fDI. EIKtronlc Test
slh. 83&-ofOO or 536-8078 comm .Call 54&-1901 J\.1o. 540-9212 T eehnlcl•n $3.l5 hour 204.J We&tcllff Drive
" .
Agencin, Women 7300
Join fti• Newport
Girl of tho Ynr Club.
lf you are intl!.Jligent, skill-
ed and attnlctlve and want
to work on a temponll')'
basis with the &ame bcne--
Uls that pcnnancnt._emplQY.
ees e~. M haw a pat
plan for you fM" 1969. Plcue
call Jane c&rgill , • •
HELP WANTED; SALES/ r I! c e pt ion Is I. BABYSI'ITER. m,y home, Tel a: Te:! background. Ex· Lohby Office
BACK OFFICE GIRL. m a t u re 1 ad y , •om e Costa Mesa.. • S Days a perlence in service accept-Comer 17th A Irvine 11
•"1""1 (or appt. telephone. Direct &ale& l!.:X· week Grandmother ru... bl WW •·~" and _,_ Newport Beach
Pert0nnel Agency
Temporary. Dlvts1on
833 Dover Or., Newport 8cb
--~:;,::,;;:~c;;:.::;,,"'-'--' I perlence neeessuy. For in-Call 8J3..1<fl0 ...,,.... a e. w>;>•tu1 ... .,....... Offices in all ol BABYSITJ'ER My home 4 r..... Co ~ Lite terview. Trl-8426 "C'VDEft. Coun'•• G'~ A-'·• T•riff R•te v1ange unty day w\I:, Infant """ .:uu->Q .... t<l'V 64a.2770
hskpg. C.M. 646-6213 ew1 C1feterl• Count.r Girl ln penon, Ku 1 t er· A C&erk $510 wk u1:1
WAITRESS wanted, apply tn Some register exp. prefcm!d. Cleaners. 1534 Newpo rt Must kDlw inter and rntra .
........... Mesa Lane&, 1703 Working hn. 7-3 M~Fri.l:=Bl=vd='='=C.=M::'=====-l1ta.te tariff: rate11. Restaur•nt Help " ~--Call -· ~~ Ex! ........., .... Needed! Wailresscs, Hoste»' SU.perlcr Ave.. Calta Meaa. ~ "i..uu. l\.a , Traffic Man~ " Food & -kla'' r-~ for Mrs. Pennington. Jobi """' Wom, 7500 TrilnM .._ ' ......... i., ............. •• WOMAN for Oeanlng .t lron-FAST. neat. dependable , ..,. Kitch help. C.aII Bernie,
Ing Monday, Wed A Frl Ca Wosh H-' pru., roll .. • ,.,..,, °""" 548-7'196 9. f p.m. No amall children. Yr'Oman needed lmmed over r .. p In buslnHI or tnrmportatlon. ARGUS AGENCIES
5CS-lm8 21. 11:30 a.m .• 8 p.m. CMh-Full time or Wkenda. or 2 or 3 ~ara college with 1869 C Newpor1 Wvd, C.M.
NURSES needed for private !er A: wattreM eXJI. hclpf\I!. Min qe 18, appl,y in pef90D e:ii:perieneoe in buatneM. Fami·
duty. Every type, a.11 ahlf.at. 494-!M!M LIDO CAR WASl:I liar with office pl"OCl!d~. MERCHANDISE FOR
Call any houn. ~ ruu.. TIME SALESGIRL. 481 E. 17th a.it. 'MCA Wfil eventually "''Olio: into SALE AND TRADE
WANTED' Jfh'I lor °'""' Good hn, 5 da> wk, Apply, CHEF e COOK ........... --
work .t llOme drtvlrw; 1>3:1 =R..~:i: ~:::: HOSTESS e BUSBOY F•dory Trneet $2.60 hr Furniture • 8000
In. a _,., ""1311 ~· < Newport Bead>, ALLEY WEST 5'10" 1all, ""°" """""'1 oon-O<TRY, English, top quat
NEED J houlewlvn to dellv· LADY for I It e houtework, 2106 W. Ooeanfr'l'lnt dltlon, flCW'e apUtude. game lbl., 2 chn· 4 DOC.
Acf!Kf for Career Girts er ror local dental lab, part aQd llit wtth ~ Id er I Y Newport Beach Cost Accountant chain: Cl.pl dttk:
'10 W. Q)ut ltwy., N. 9. time. &t&M6S pntlernan Sat u 1' d a 1 s . OPERATORS FOR DRILL Tr•inee t0 $525 this, lamp, etc. 84l-5792 .,
B1 •ppolnt. 6*-3939 RESPONSIBLE Lady to 64l)..stl9 PR.ESSD. Ute pmduction One year a:iOt:ie eome ac-EXTRA Iarre exec desk,
SDt ecrecn prlnttr requkf!d, 5U-8'7!7
il'ILI, C... tfZ,4 Jlap'd. wHll dl'CUll boM!, YOUNG Man to !eAi'!i pool DOMESTIC HELP
I -Job with .......,.._ "'""""" A ..,,.U equlp,
bahy< my home, Mon lhnl ''o~A~Y~w~.~1 ~1 ,-.-,-,-.-.~,.~ht wort. Apply bet. 8 Ii. 4 PM countq-~. or four 111~. JGi-~ Frl7:30-S;~}\!laM7-M96 Hoste••· Diiiman ARMAl..JTEINC. )'ftn~&CaJUtrtq:ln 644-061.0
RN's &nd LVN'• Rnta1D11nt, !Kn E. Balboa llA E. 16th· Com. Meu. lieu of ap«ienoe. LIGHT grey, c~t, modern., +T _____ --·· "o ~~-1"'3M·~" w""""""" All kinda! Hakpn, eoooc., Olllt. ....._ J.-. 6 .,,., °"• "'°' .._,,....., .. .___ Ml:Lldt. All ftt paid. C'all
npan. ..Ito Jab tDI .,..a. DAILY PJ'.1DI' l>rME-A· MECHANIC. ~ or Mt1111 Abby, 548-1796. Al!IO
.PIMllt' ,_,. Leattas Ll1(D. !oa can 1111 thlm aalary. 3100 E. Coaat let joM.
-ropalr.'•WJll/ for,__..• dq. Dio1 Hlah...,, OxoN,dtl ...,., ARGU5 AGENCIES
..... ..... OIARCF.i m 1869 C. Newport Blvd., C.M. --------·
HunUnaton 8Mch atta. Blvd., B&l.boa C 0 UPLES-rMMED. open-Both fM ~ I ~. ~_,. with mJmr · 847...am HOUSEKEEPER, 11 v e. in irlas-pt. time-, N.~. area. app leant $35. !162-9806 Aw. 409 N. ltarboi' Blvd. •nd fM pa by to~ 1--rc.:0::'::-'7=;'-,-woRKJNO Mother needs couple wilh 1 yr ok! baby. Santa Ana 1Mny positions. Custom wil\i bt,ck , •
bai...-Jtttt for 1.nernoone. Pvt rm, ba. T. V. 40 to hide-a ........ s~ r.ai'ibttcn I PM l73-2l58 60 )'ft pnfm'ed. ~9'8> Dial 6ft.«1S f(lr RESULTS e 54&-jB .~
T,...,., Jami111 7, 1969
~ALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE Boeh & Yichh 9'000 Trucks 9500 Imported Autoa -
Fvrnlture IOOD Fumltvro IOOD Ml1colle-u1 ~ WEST COAST *sPpRTSME NS VAN* PORSC HE ~
G ~ ~ J r s ooFED M;-. wi.J.~G~ ... ~; l!~li~~.;!' ... , .'" 912, all ....... 0ne ""'.-. c o•N111 • +'· ONCE ' ' 1'1<~ ... ·.-••• ·d~= ....u boats. 8"f -ud F111t11tlc Dlieouni. owntr. ll.000 Ml. """' COSTA MESA • ' I ... ~ llWL f'lnn. 6T3-aT, 61 day•, . • A YEAR UN\ID (Adv, .0 T.V.). 'et>-21' E-~. '* Rettdy for 11n..-1e 673-9002 • ...,,, •.WHY NOT• :.~,· · STORE CLEARANCE .r:.:""1"'.W~ ~,! lo, stem room, bolltt $1$905. delivery '66 PORSCHE 911, 5 speed. _
Sa ·• time to <le-te. Must '11.'l-JB' Fly"" S<ott, """" BEACH CITY <leo heater. 3 hand radio, • ~ll'li' • ~
Ylngs up to 10% .. u 1 "' all at WIW>leoalo, a:·1-·c;:,;.;·a;;~re DODGE = ~ ~"' • SI Cr.I:' : . f
Spanllh & Mwd~n .~10: =: ~ :1 ::;.: =..;;: ':; wos lleacls Blvd., ui.,.. 39> PORSCHE 1964 c. o..., UP TO A •. ;. * EXTRA SPECIAL * 2314 No. -· "'-S.A. US hp e,.irie ........ $1260. Hunu::"Beaoh Aml>'m, I owner. ptOO.
3 Rooms of Furniture * AUCnoN * ·~: .. ~, ~ roRD Camper Special! 1966, 673-9339 or 615-583S. 'BRAND • · 11 you will ..ii or buy MAKE OFFER F-250. '4 tun, C1Utom cab, RENAULT 'lllt!t! (]{EVY · · •. ·: •• as low as $3.00 per, week •'""Windy a"" E z Bank Financini; 17,000 actual miles. Aul<> ---------1940 Ford Dlx Coupe, B,otUI ft~ W·~· -B'-.. _~ • NEW Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. • · I.rans. Heater A/C. Pow. '6'.l JU!:NAVLT !ledan; red QCl\I ~~ .. wu . ....-No down-Uu Ou r Store Cher .. ' w d" A • B Newport~~~llla bta1(u. Hairemova bl e ~l mrw chrome, All Chev ', $39&. • ·.... • Bedrooms-Ll·itng Rooms-Game Sets .. Lamps • in y s uct1on am 3333 ,\V. 'O>&J\ JU&bWay 'vtth blk. r em o v t .b le nillnfr'ic' gear, 4 new mags. 4 U'lUlftftft:JER MO. TORS ..
Dining room sets. 1001 other item&. Behind W• Bldl;. Mat'l ' Newt¥t ~~fl ~ 642-77lt :!:· ~. i02~~~: =; Or. shift. ~ ::0 ~~~rs.int. $900 m;nrUK : 1969 : 1;
$40,000 Stock Clearan<e to make room for 201511 Newport, CM...._ SCRAM IETS 1 ="-2-5308-=~---~ 2035 Harbor Blw. • •i Large Manufacturer's Showr,oom Samples we FRIDAY IS -~ 1961 ~RD 'Ii Ton trudc SUBARU Auloo Weni.d 97GO 54ll-029I 5f8.3:sll '
just bought out and no room for! YARDAGE DAY"• 'ANSWERS 'f!' Olds '1'I! C _.i ---------CHEV n 63 Auto. f dr. • BUICK •. l , • In C..ta Mffl ' Good ttm #IS. ·646-1765 1969 SUBARU WE PAY • • • R & H Ah-. Call °">" W · \ Don t let this be the Ne.w selection, fantulic pri.o. • • CASH ... _., ·-'2 , \hne your friends .., .... ,e..., Fri..i ..... roAM. at: fleaven _Dowdy_ llcdee '63 ~2 Ton Chevy Pickup from $1297; 66 MPG ~. -· ' • 988 • ·r tell you what you've missed & $$ Saved!! ~-.'"•iNfmN'ATtONAL ·-OaWDed '-AHEAD •at pual ~. V~ '-uto. '91\ Complete lorqn ca.r ll"rvice . . '62 CHEVROLET Station • • !
. 'ONE -Kosta kustom Kars w ...... 0"< owner '"" YARDAGE 1 ' ~-·· • • ·~ APPROVED FURNITURE :nso HarbOr Blvd Mi"""""' ha" • fen. f S20 i!li!o Hart.or Blod. 64&6184 for"""' oan & tnlOb '"" • ""6-W3 •· ~-• • l 2159 HARBOR COSTA MESA C.O.ta Mesa • dency to make men polite. Campers I-'======== call us for b-ec estimate. 1961 OIEVY ti cyf sticlt, • f
Y I ' · """ you '""' '""n a m'" --o...----LLS--1 SUNBEAM GROTH CH£1111111 ",· ~L,"!"1.:..~"'. -'.!!."' ·.~_ ~ j 12 ,a.rs same ocation-same owners El.ECt'RIC Range $ 1 o. get on a bus Al!EAD ol CAA1PER SHE , ft.VU.I, ... _ ........ .., _.....,,J.U
· Dally 9.9 ~ Fbld1ng aluminum. ,Wheel ONE? & sJeepcrs, 24 to 52" high. i---------
Suftday l O..S cha.if · $10. Box al)l'irlg & !!BEEi No down pa.yt o.-.c. Hattao '61 SUNBEAM Alpine, small Ask for SalM.M-"Pa"' CHRYSLER • • ~
.,.9660 Mattreaa $10. Double kit· rl\. • Camper Sales. 222 , W • ej:JUily, Ullunte be.lantt. 182U Be4::h mvtt. •VI, .~toft'lotlc:, ~· w • r• ..
-cben tfnk $S. Cainper sink Saile Boating Cla1s.1 1 Wibon. C.M. 548-0:wl ~3-9214: Wknda or aft 4:3> lJuntingtdn Beach • t • di h t fl ~ !~==~~!~~~~~·~~!~~~ ,tJ. Deep W~ room link OUered to Public by ·~ GMC % TON TRUCK _P,,,M,,....,===~==,.-•-..,·=· ,.Kl;;:·,...!lf:.:,•-·-31=:.--'64 Chryslt l' lmptrl1I •j,,:'11
:,':1 :·0,,:; ... ";_,.d• ~1 $2. M.J-5490,.Aft, 5 Balboa Power Squadron , &: c.uu>EJt, -'66 SUNBEAM ALPINE 1 · EID • CAR? Full pwr, air CXllJditionilllf, 6 .,.,,, •nd "'•"Y• 1m•11Y• ~ -e ~2813 e · ..,~..... · ,.. ... !!.. n"" ""l'INouCEDT way pWr ee&ts. dlr, ~.,._ .m#tl 9ZIOSilt • ~ f urniture 8000 Mualcal lnit. 1 125 DUNCAN Pl\Yte dinette set Starting 7 PM Mon. Jan. 13 .,...,.,... ~" .. --" t Car bu bad loYlrw j $90; lge. 5 drawer &est at Newport Harbor Yacht INS\JL.ATED 8' Bed.. Shell M6.p«l8 eButrUsitt e~t ::::: New tires, $85 cash. • rrtmMll•te Dtllvtry • ~
SPANISH FURN IT U'R E VICl'ORIA Elec auitar le $15; 3 Drawer chest $5; Oub 720 W. Bay' Ave., New-$:lXI. Like neW. eBld ()edltT e Divorced! delivers. Will line pl!'\lt pty. •. $199 • J
RE TURNJ;:I) FROM !<= -A-1 coni .$a) 6 shell metal * $10; port Beach. NO AllVANCE • 546-6113 • TOYOTA e MWfar7 e New ID -t Take·low pymnll. f9Wl13 • . • t
t.IODEL 'HOMES. SAVINGS ca or '3-5 set 646-6880 many misc. itemi 545-4622 REGISI'RATION . NECESo ---Make Paydl\)' P&)'lnmtl or 545-0S:W • • \
TO 80%. SPanish quiltad UPRIGHT piano U 25 •. KlRJlY Vac~um cloan" & SARY. ENROLL AT CLASS Imported Au toa 9600 PUT YOURSELF McCARTHY MOTORS PERFECT Conditloo '57 • DO"'N ~
sofa & loveaeat, 3 oakllving Contello Acmrdkln 12 0 attachments. Originally sold 64&-8422 or 673·1855 for more IN OUR PLACE 1420 So. Ma.In 6 Edinger N ' • . ~·~ ' • :, room table!% 2 livhlg room basellJce new $250. 548-6200 fer oWr $300. Take ()Ver lnfo. • Spot Cash fOl' lm?Orts Cl block N o1 Sean) f!\v Yorker. $225. Far Pl•• Tn •"' L~ •11 ..,
lainps & 8P&nisb painting. small pymnts or $49.60 cash. l~ FT. Custom F1amin£o We pay mort foe &nY l.m.part • Santa ~. Ph I03!50I below market. 642-1081 •Alfiro-tM ~' GMAC• t
El Presidente-kin¥size Pianos & Organs 1130 cretlitdept. 535-7289 . Racer. Blue and rold. regardless of year, make BILL MAXEY -•°' .... Ffltimd•t-• :
t bedroom '"1te, oak triple CONTINUOUS F 11 amen t Trailer & bo" freshly or condition. '"' Id ¥ore WE PAY. CASH COMET ..... ••••• !'
'irc=r & mm-Or, ~"· WJ DAYS 111 · t d N white YoU sell. ELM (1 R E ..... '6 llaht-beige hi-lo nylon rug. pain e . ew . . i • • ,~::::';..~,:; . ~;•,;!cell· 1.euent~11on'1 "'.•"'ut ·~~··~il'd: .. ':':: ~=..,~~Blvd. jTIOIVIOITIAJ FOR Y1111R W ·~n~:r."_-i •. JAGUAR • !
. 2 ~ .•• ., ·---lllgbor .,..,.,, ... ooininc --~ ~~ . th -======= --"I', • 847-"30 • • llEADOUARftnf • . ll()rrngs, LOU\NU .... _, needs cle. anhlg. ,rr.;. 646--0836 engines. Complete w l -IUU
I G piece Span!ah · wrought l•lt we are lllll dllcountlng aever.i fuel tanks, ,,,,_. AUSTIN HEALEY 18881 BEACH BLVD. CONNELL • ·
iron dining set. Only $467. all piano• & .......... tbe PLAYFUL Beagle pup, 7 and oontrob. Seo at 2808 ----~---1 Hunt. Beach 847-8555 CHEVROLET CONTll'IENTAL •complete s .1 .. -Ser•-~ m. down & $4..50 weekly, last days of the ereat Merv· mo. , old nw.le, AK C Lafayette, Newport Beach. '62 A Healy, 30Q MK u Rds, 3 ml N. f!.l ~ Hwy:on Bch •ice :od · Part1 De~•rt·• •
1 ~11 separately~ Easy credit. 1ng 'Sal~~ It .twlllSho· COi~ ~ Regiat'd, had all shota, $50. 26,800 orig mt., O/D, WfW, TOYOTA! 2828 Hatbor mvct. '62 CONT., beautiful car: •mi nt for J AGUA S. • ;
!.fAMILTON FURNITURE money .., W8..1 ' P • ""V 56-8992 Sallboats 9010 $1500 or best otfc>r. 675-0056 Costa Mesa 546-~ xlnt cond. 63,000 Ml.; all • S.• The &i;itint •
M Westminster Ave·• now at: POOL TABLES SLATE W'll Buy access. $1XIO. 644-0790 =-1969 J•g11•r Tod •Y • '.t \Vestminster. 894-i434 dally W°ARD'S BALDWIN ST\JDIO •. · COLUMBIA DEFENDER Auslln·Healey 3000 '61 W e Have 'Em All l I ~ ' I J-0 a.m. to 9 p.m., S.l l8ol Newport, C.M.'64Ut81 ~~1~ii!~,.;' ~ ~::,,Sleeps 6, JO HP ;.,. $ll00. SEE US isr OR bAS1' COllYAIR ........ '.
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,'Sun. PIANOS & ORGANS -~ lull racing gear. e 64Z-S3lO e BUT Sl!!E US!t y..,, Vo"""-or Ponebe , . CT« . w .,,.-a uD" .,...., a ~ 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Famous Name Bra.nas WRECKING Bui l dings: Loaded w/optionala & t a0,-~-..... ndf~ Paid for -urw(j~~· mnr· •·_......··, •
..... n.. .-.~
}'ilrniture reNrnecl from' dis· Also U~~ ~ents =~· ~~ ~~ ~t~ ~n~·1 u0J~~~ DATSUN---i--·:: U ·tiiiiA ....,"' ...... ~t'"" n1;n'..-1 ~ 'IVIU ., :
1olay•ludio•modelh<>mes, GI Canal,Ba!We. ~•,950.<lM-1T.!5or646-<047 '65DATSUN '673·1190 2186H1r.bo"r 1'·v·d. •.. •.:, deooraton Cf.J"'llatlon. 9u d Music Comp1ny -IMPORTS
.Spanish & Meditel'l'&Deall etc 20&5 N. Main, Santa Ana IDEAL for antiquing, dining UDO 14. No. 1680, with STATION WAGON , · IMPORTS WANTED C0tta Miia • OPEL • ;
I RD FURNITURE So. Qf Freeway 547--0681. table & 6 chairs, $30. 9x12 trailer and cover, NQrth '4 Spd, dlr, radio, beater, ' r'oYOTA·VOLVO Orange Counties ,63 r--i~-1t
B. I t $!0 . 1 lln'" ~ .. ---• TOP I BUYER ~ •• ~""""'' -• ' a '• MonliFri 'til9Sundayl2-5 ige ow ca rpe • . sails. pear grey ....._.IWn-cvuui •• ...,..,."TY'!_.__ CM 64(,9303 BILL "'~Y TOYOTA , 642 •.u. '.·. ' • -W ~ 11$44 Newport Blvd., CM 548--6803 ' 67:;..4163 I.deal car, one owner. $85 ~ ruuvur, · · .pµ>.A"" ~0
ti! 9 Yamah• -....... d . TOYOTA ···-Beach Bl"d. '64 MONZA eou,.· • R/H. • ONLY j :
I ever; Djght COOK\\/ ARE Stainlcllt> low SNOWBIRD No. 2'i4, partly ~h Pllvers. Wlll flnc prvt .M»0.1. • • $ 99 • ·Wed .. Sat. & Sun. 'til 6 P lenos & Org1n1 heat waterless sells $249. restored. Fitments, trailer. pr1y. Pyn1nts $29.86. After H. Beach. Pb. 847~ auto, 1495~ &l:tSonora Road, 18 !
I QUKK c· ru See them now at Salesman quit SAC. $65. $300. Call 528-6049 11, 494-9773 01' 545-()63.1. 1-IEADQUARTERS C.Osta 1¥Jesa. ~16 • • J
AMI Coast Music NEW Mr. Tcsser 513-736,1 Columbia 22, extras, sips PVT. Ply. hall 2-1967 Datsun ELMORE Auto Leising 9810 co vmE • -• ~
1839 Newport Blvd, CM APT. Si" •love, im· '.,~ __ ,. 4 dr. ~· Wlute w/00 UJO UASING R • IMM~DIATE • i ... --·--hp.& &iic w100 hp.~ *A * ·~ I FOR FURNITURE
. NIGHT 636-3620
f-!!fi ca Equipment 8011,
IBM Selectric Typewwiter.
13'' carriage .with 5 type
l!Iemcnts. Xlnt conci. $3.50.
Ansa·phone for sale,
Like new. $250.
• 641-1659 •
646·0271 mah1oulas"10• ~.l~"'rr:'•• up trade. ffT>.3281 each 838-3524 lS300 Beacll Blvd., waimoatr '63 CORVEITE: STINGRAY • DEUVERY • ,
ta e, · ..,.,,..., es, 17' SLOOP with aaib A ' Phone 894-3322 ./ ALL MAKES convert. 3 &peect. AM·FM. •Fully equipptd i11cludin9• i HAMMOND · .. Steinway · Ya-
maha • new & used pl11.nos
ot all makes. Best buys in
So. Calif. right he~.
,. -· 1907 N. M""" I , ... ,. i.'J_ ~ • >j ~la Ana'
S2.5D 548-2:194 alter 6 p.m. trailer. $300. Flmi. 642-5375 67i&>:J!>~ si:~J1~ ./ COMPETETIVE PRICES $1700 ·Best offtr: •du•I m•st.r qli11 cl•r br•k•• "
Blue Chip Stamp books aft 5·30 PM 0 'd tal S TRIUMPH Cort fox Auto LeasJn1111 645-0986 ••yal--tm, h•ater, whit• wtll1,• : -for sale, $3. each. , . cc1 en ' . A. • . • -~ .1~ ---------1 · 224 W Co< Hia'hway du•I t,..d wl1tc11hi•-1" wlp-t * 646-4384 * A1rcr1ft 9100 FER'~~· ·MUST sell! '65 TR4 $132.5. Newpcirt ·Beach 642-8440 COUGAR l•r1, w•rnlltJ' fl11h•t• r•dio,• ·t
SACRIFICE! Due to illness; or best oiler. Call 673--9361 1•tc:, 91034'1 I ~ :qie rnembenhip Newport Prl. Piiot Courn -• aft 5. '68 MUSI'~G V·8; air, '68 COUGAR. Ome frost, air -• • ~ ,BeachTenn~ClubS<0-6192 11' dn, $al.16 mo. M,,.ney FERRARI crulle-0-matk; pwr. ste<r., cond .,.....-steering •POOLE'S FINE ' Aircraft Sales. FM Pardo Newport Imports Ltd. Qr. dbc. Inter.; radio. 10,00) ML Geo~ lie. 65658. 968-5075, • . • i;
1 elP/!lon 8205 15x18' oval rug, mo" grn, Orange County Airport '"''Count>'• only author-VOLKSWAGEN Lea,. $78.65 per mo. or . • USED CAJtS • ·'i
; " .RENT TV $10 ';ss. 8 x 10' oval braid, Sf!).2666 or 546-1610 i:ted deaJi!:r. purchMe $l ,75o. 64&-2182; DODGE .
'gm & wht, $25. 5tl'r-0053 I========= SALES -SERVICE .. PARTS '66 VOLKSWAGEN eves. & wke~s S40-2049 . , ; • l ~o~~it ·:r.e d=O TRC-18 Citizens Band equip. MobJlt Homes 9200 3100 W. Coast Hwy. 1300 -.i Door Sed1n . ,65 DART, hi perfQnnance, • '67 IUICK R!Yftra 8 ~
Household Goods 8020 €ump. w/mobile :;et.up; Newport Beach 4 Spd, cP,r. This little BlAclc Used Cars 9900 new eng., tires, palii , ·• i F11ll pow•r, f•cfory fir, low• ;j
USED TVs $25 & up. Repairs can aft. 6 PM. 5@.~ Special Sale 642-MOO -546-1764 ~ly h.aa been driven~ ' pwr. steer. 'brks. 545--7913 a"!lf••t•· 1,!Hll Zf ) • ~ ~i1:!~~ a ~~~lji: l-"~="'=.:.,0:~:P=:m::; .. °':CM-:;:;h<>m::=6'$-=:';;612;l027= I BP!~:i; ~~iai ~ 20' wif:cin;99 d~wn d L$9!;: Authorized MG Dea1er ~xcell:~c!fi= ~ TRANS~RJATION eve. ' •' ~09$ • :}.
new, w/attad>. FuU prioe ljl·FI ·& Stereo 1210 Balboa bland. rn-:l4ll :;':up _: 3 ";;., '.;;,. e , ____ F_IA_T ____ .
· ::::t ~;a'"~· ~,,!: CAR! SAlf 'FALC.Otf «· • '64 CHMOLIT S.S.• ~
$31.95. $5 mo. Call 6J8..2'M7 ~...,---''-'-'---'-"I CUSTOM bit Crown sofa, BA y HARBOR , -~ O'tdlt problem? See Ul'I for , •c lt&H •"'" PS • iii 1-;an~yt.;ime~·======-ISTEREo • 1968 Solid statr, Frigidaire, tool work bench, Mobllo Homos Show 60 F'lAT 600, 2 dr. New $3S.S6.
494-9773 or · tnataitt delivery, low prices, '82 FALCON Wagon, 1 •.i~.u~OOJllt'i ·• '• ~. r· 4 spd, 4 speaker audio dcig house. 549--0111 aft 5. battery ·& starter $125. 521 OO easy terms. We dedde ,on CIWl'>e!' iow mileage, IOOd _ . _ "
,.G:;•::r:;og!.:•:.:S:;•::l•::_ __ .:c80;;.2_2_ 1 system in waJnut console. DRY F•·· Wood, eu•·"-tu~ 1425 Baker St.. Costa Mesa Riverside, NB. 548-5245 '63 VW1 S~.,NR rtFh of your credit. call or come condition, clean. $ 6 5 o. • $1395 • ll .
1 • Left on 1 p .. ....,.., .., (at Harbor) ========'-i 196? cng, Pua.,,...,()() Y.'O In today. "A"2'll • • ;; 2 T\\llN beds $25 ea. Chest ay away. ay orange and mixed. Free 54()..9470 extras. Price total $1295. For 540-4392 ,,..,.,... -~.
oi draw•"' $25. Redwood """"'°" ot 178 cosh or low. delivery. 540-7'44 JAGUAR detalli call' BLUE CHIP • '67 PLYM. Fort, H • ::
picnic table & benches $20. pymnts.Wareboule.'·535-nll9 ========:.. s:!r ~~n°.:e:C:. ~:!: .67 JAG_U_AR-.-3.S S, P"'T James Ltd. AUTO SALES MUSTA~G •4 Dr. a•H,.eute,,PS,1•1r.• ~
Light fixtures. household Misc. Wanted 8610 moWlt, Elite and General brks, pwr str, auto trans, 1584 NeWJ)Ort Blvd., CM 2145 Harbor, CQ.!ita Mesa '68 Mustang 289 hdtp P/S •IVCJ'4?IJ · <;>< 1· • .Jl
and Commercial I> ea Sporting Goods 8500 -......., WE PAY'CASH FOR ' ' *1895 .! Many other .,tum. lte~. ;.,;.;.;.,;,=...:;;=::.....__;=.;; WANTED; A fe.w ft. Q,f mobile homes now at AM·FM. Chrome wire •vhls.1 ~"'!'~""'""'""'""'!!!!!!!! 'tOUR' CAR PAID auto, 5,000 mis. $2428, $600 •-.;;p 1 • ~
washer & l:llilt·in gas range CAftBJNE, GI, 30 Cal. Very FUntrote base cove, 21h" Dual Wide Sales ~·s, x1nt oond. $4100. 56 v.w. recent en g l n e · FOR' OR NOTI caah. fin, bal. 5C8-M.18 W · • t
.& oven. 296 Villanova Rd. excellent condition, $90. high, creme or lite belie-Chapmali Mobile Homel Inc. overhau1, new paint, new 165 OLDS O,..lf 881 ~
C.M. 545-0184 • 64&4384 •, • 546-9390 520 N. Hubor, S.A. KARMA.NH GHIA b<ak<•. Header oxha"'t. • '67 Cad °"'P' de Vtile OLh'SMOBILE :• o,; H.T, UH,"•''*• PS •• :
GARAGE •·•·. household PETS -~ LIVESTOCK 531-8571 Runs good. $300JJO. ti~9076 22,000 ml. $4550. C: 1lr c:o1td, IMOYl461 'i' -· •-.-:-~,,C-.,...,'--'-,-=-I after< PM e 'ff1 Cougar XR 7 19 67 0 L DSM 0 BILE • $1495 W ~ ilems, furniture. antiques. FREE TO y()r I ... n-. 8825 '65; 10X50 Lakewood Lld,o; 56 KARftlAN Ghia "'ith 62 ,65 . AM F M f· ll.000 ml. $2750 Toro.nado deluxe, full pwr, • • ;
etc. 546 Oak St. Laguna · ~ =.:z:;_..._______ furn.; adolt Pfltk,·ttr; shops. buJ engine. Top Conditi<ln.! VW, I ' sunroo; • Exer-cycle, new. Cost AM & FM radio, 8.ll8lllDe · :"
IEll::O'h:O.::OSa;:t::. &!;::5;:""=0=nly='=. == ORGANIC Fertilizer, aged BASENn barldeu dog from $4,<nl. Sp. A-16. 2al Har~ $595 548-J73S · ~sell. &st ()ff er· $528, _sell 1325. 54~590 balattce ot $3474.. 615-6'.m I '66 TEMPEST • ~
•100 hone l!IOl1ure combined Alr!cl, qU!et. .........._ AKC Blvd., C.M. 646-4374 MERCEDES BENZ' 435 Carnatioo, C.dM . BUICKi: '66 OLDS. 6 dr HT, po, pb, •H.T,.. C•.•P'· Rodlo.,'"·""• ( 1,A_,p!:lpo.:l:.:l•:;;n.;ccft~-----I with · wood shavinp. Good champ line. Term& 6G--C350 10 x 50 KIT • . FM radio, Ro)1al Muter ••" m• e. po_, i ••ttn9 .• ;
mulch. 83.1-S332 or 546-4931 aft 6 t BR S~ACIOuS1 · ~ '62 VW; clean; gOOd coi1d. -----· -~--• tires, xlni cond. $1695. Priv W (SVE•68) 1 ; LATE MOOcl Automatic
\Vasher. Excellent corxlftion
S45. 847-8ll5
l'{EFRIGERA TOR, choice Qf
2. bolh xlnt cond. $25.
MA YT AG AUtomatic washer,
excellent condition $40. ·
~. 8 • 5 Mon 11thn131 !,.\"1". ~~tJ,..JE0mal·-·e_l~. allcompll!te645-1090 New tires; ra~; im~ '57BUICKSuper,2t".P.S., pty.*1110 $1 695 t ... ., ....... "'°""' ..,, ... """"' inter. $750. 646-:i.,.7 aft P.B .. R/H, $295. 1> owner. ,68 OLDS. 441 23.800 mi • , •:
FREE Fa."l Palms -other ~~4 ' ~ Motor ·Homts 9215 VW 1964 .. Very clean, rnust Andenon Union Service 1645 air PIS P/B Michel~ • '68 THUNDOlllD • ~
h b F' 'OOd. 12851 sell! Private parly. $850. Adana Coeta Mesa. ' ' ' \ s ru s -irew -BOl!ton Terrier, male, CORTEZ-You won't beil('Vfl ' · tlret, Oeanl ti'J3..2366 aft •Land•u. Fvll pwr .. f•t. •Ir,• 'P
O Id Foo 1hi11 • S ·A · 6 weeks old, $50, its a 'ti&-I°" mileage fac 546-l740 '62 BUICK Special, {I: door, 6 PM I 10,000• ftiil~i. fX$Rl II) • t!
642-3219 1/9 * ~1163 * air coind-pVt pty _ orla '61 VW. $1595. very clean. auto trans, rib. 64445cll eve-•• 99. & .,, •
2 YR. Clld black poodle, loves AKC rec. trtlh Setter Pups, owner. 547-2133 $500. cash, bank financing nings after 5:30. l P~YMOUTH •· '~ 111f 1' ,
children, Ilda: gd home with W ljyn line 6 wks old I z======== I $37.81 Mo. O.A.C. 847-Wll • • ~ ~ • I'
big ...... 584 Yoiahlre Sl, ..:.,738 . . " Illini Bikes 9275 =======::: 1958 vw CADJ.LLAC 60 PLYC vs DeLuxe w..... • '60 c~• ./ . : 8100 C.M. 1·1 AKC. male cOllie;S mot. l---------1 $2.iO. · 9 paas. Rebuilt auto. trans •' door"h•r~·l•P· IP'I, •11-• ~ A-i:PPi::1:::1•:::n:::c:::":....--~= 2 BEAtrl'IFUL female kit· "" 2 MJNI.Biket: 1 licensed; MG 962!«a.38 & 962-2273 '64 CAD. Cpe De 'Ville.: fUlJ • beadl. ~of miles Jett. t•., PS. IFXX251 )lo ~ -Champion lines. J,.,. like new han'll used' • .-ii--= • $' • ' KENMORE electric range, tens 4 mcnttu:, 1 blk"' wht, • 67l-5990 . • y . MG 1.966 vw Camper. Sundial P~· Ir air.'· v~ clean! Power.~~ 395
2 yrs old. Ex~erlt con-1 tiger 1trlped. 5.17-7'500. S4S.18Sl wlit, new tires, trarui, reblt ~ --e· ~ & 1962 VALIANT Wagon, stlck. • •
<.lilion. $70. 968-5015 l==--~--......;111;:.: Honn 1130 Motorcyclu 9300 eng. R&1I Perl! 64&-ml weekenda,, ...-, Good cond. $425. 67M617, • '6'6 WICK CMtom • ;·
'REFRIG.-Kelvina.tor, lO . FREE to iood homP, spayed , ~ Sales, Serylce, Parti 1000 VW, good mecb. CQnd. '68 EL OORADO, like new. ~1304 1 9 RI " • ,
1 t nd. «II. MUST Sell• Ref 1,.9 Atal> Co I MG ~ ~" 9000 -n Prem tire Pvt :1 p•n. W•gon. n, . : cu. ft., x n co · ~ female, and or male tabby • · '67 TRIUMPH .. , mp cte nmv u1Ve.nl.01) M&ke oHer. ....,... ., .. ,~ · ,,_ ;,,""'-11• 57 PLYMOtrnt Good cond. ••ufo., PS. •fr coll4. • 1
846-9144 cat. UsM to c h t Id re n . Celdlf18, 2 yn. $450. :;,~ T·lOO C 500 C.C. Xlnt Cond. See the new. Austin ~1. r!ca ti7~2379 Anytime ply, Immac, ~·~· $225. 62 Ford Fa1con Sta • ~
R.El<'RIGERATOR Fot Sak. 847-:8917 119 ~dle J:.u.65. ,::: 7 Id™ Low mileage. $825. Pvt. pt)'. • Here Now. '68 vw.. )'ellow lacquer, '67 ELDORADO, factor y Wagon. $100 545--0860 • $2195 1 :
6 years old. \Vorks fine. GENTLE white kitten, male. · " · • 5.11-8381 a 15,000 zpt. LcRtherette in-evcrythillg! new tires & '64 VALIANT Signet ftite • • 1
Sso. 642-4558 Need s goo d ho m'e ~ l" fel'IOr. $1800. 646-1003 breakes, $5,350 673-&510 blk lilt. bucketJ;, •uto. rm: I ~~7 IUICK 5"ykwk • ~
645-3)61 l/9 TRANSPORTAT ION '68 Y~AHA,300; tftnd DOW 1967 VW Immaculate. Ou; 1960 CDV; alr, power, new flt-0!38 CdM ' •Spe.+ <.011,9. RtH, euto., •;
Antiques ·81 10 WHITE Angora F'emale cat. Boatl & Y.ChH 9000 condi n. ~ • ·: owner. Am-Fm radio. Bell ' /\ tri~. $475. ~ 1967 Fu:r1 m •. rs_. ~Ir c•~"· lTUZll9) • 1
l'v;;, A:::ST=,-"tock'--Am-.. -~.---=~· u~· needll au; 15',i Baytioor pleasure boat.. '·; .. ~_ -8¥~-250;,;o.;=1rom'-.-,'"'"'0n1>~ • «fer. 642.()()10 Del Montell. ~ after ti. hardfOJ> iee5an. Like new. • $2595 • I
torn & clocks. L • r r r Built In WuhlngtOt\ tor ~ JJL $6$0. Must . sell! ·um W. Coast HWy. '65: VW new motor, new Ura. CHEVROLET One owner. $1950. 676-6259 8 Morgan Antique1, 2 4.2 I ~ to.1~ ~ 'fDlllh. wa.i.r. 15 ho Merocuey 642--98kl dayt: 646:--*7 'ew. Newpibrt Beach XbJt cond. Chrome wbli. ••6' DODGI MOINICO '
Newport Blvd .• C. M. AKC reg ~5n1 lit motar •. Tra.fler & cover m.. HQMa '68, 125 tt SQitnibler ~thorb:ed MG ne!:-1164 tinted ctys/M2-4l4l 19!55 CHEVY Wagon vs 283 • 1 , PQNnAC. • 4 °'' ~.T. RAH1.-<!ri•.,:
PRESSED fr. CQJom:I giau. ' dl,lded. All in xlnt rond. 1ow ,..;1eage. Exeelt COlkl. '67 VW a to-"ti" ...1 -....... 1 ..... ~· •PS. air co11d. tTPuqJt) · Ori ntal LOVEABLE tl f in.. _,,,, • ' 'T'" &Mo ......., MG '52 TD 0 -' w /, whltr · u ""' '"' jll;I.& '.......... ' '6.l TEMPEST 4 Cyl ' 4. Dr • $ • hand painted chma. e , gen e am..... •-"· rtrm prb. ~ Private party. --.-il •wu SI.SOC. $150 968-5256 • • • 2195
doll collection, 2 chinU. pH cat, year old, lite gol% 17 lT. Pe-er. lllander 1967 "'A"'•u• fiberglas top, interior cx· 67>2372 ·' · aedan: cherry inter.: beet • --·-·dop' 537-1 lWOUJ ~ -lien!, en·'--bit, ~-1--------CHEV n 62 Automatic 4 Offer.922Sunset0r.CM ""'" .' ......,..,,.. • ·r;JIAI. Ce'l•x•m o del '(all-CC,<.SOO mUes,•--anc1 .... .,. ...... , .,......,... •
' ~ -~ .. h. 547.-0101. or'~ dr R/lt,13fl5. Daytime..,«• ro·~·n, -~·. 23, f. •7111 ST. 3 PUPPIES part Chi·hua· flbet•lass) ov.lboar takeO'pymnls.549-1351 VOLVO W ·~CM "'° ,,,uu.·, ...-I u. hi 1120 ~. 6 kl 1 n"l • StCVelll!On • .u-111, ,.,..,.. '-'-a, b-•-• • • • Sewing "11"( ntl Huft. ™ 0 d ...... after OllDn cap dovm cover. 'it SUZUKI ».& Scrw.mbler .,.... lU1; ..........
, _._____. l9G8 C. 646-1G22 11! Bil -1 tilt h'alJor. S1t10 600 oetuaJ 0,u.._ ,lllce new '66 MG> BLUE w/wltt: ' Ul59 CHEV Potier S t. B, pd. Make ofter. I. • 548•7765 W
Slnft't, l,,,.,..__..., -..~. • ............__~ _ ... -..... 1 pm ~ wheel1, xll'll -...i. iz;oo. VOLVO? V-8, Xlnt roed\a.n. cond. Pri . •
touch -matte. --o1f bal 1n1U.OD ~1rvgq1e om .,...._. ...__ • $425. ~-7693 ~"' ... 1 .. ,<K .,_ Nu" , • ~Htpn-,~ 1.-~ '~ old W I '::::::.,....-:=::::::::::::== or best o!I2r. fl46$I •~ ~ ~·-STUDEI. AKEJt • · " wv ,... •
1 oc $U.2S 'or 8 p)'rol)ta of :year • ell tra ned call QiARA.CTER Boat, ai· in--':::;=:=-:::====== 9 • 15.45. call 1lf, 83$'..3!1%1 841•1933 119 bolJ\I p;,j. fniltlne .,..,,, T.Vclct 9$00 -Wo Hi ve Thom Alll HOW'S THE · to pm
UATI'RESSES -y.., pick N..,4' -imi. • MGB SEE us isr OA LAST '60 Sl'UDE. I.Irk' x!nt tronL • Saturd1y 8:301m •
Sewl"t Mlch-8120 up. Twta me on!,. m.11UIBl r65ChevyPldlup BUTsEEUSI -nME FOR -. ~-~.:..-~11 '• to6 pm· :
-541).7629 ; • , ... , l/T 13\l''l>ORY, wood,·~ Bile. 3 tpd, dlx, .,.,.,,.., 196~7MG!,~'!::'·C .cd LlmfA QU!c;K CASH , .......,. ~~ • .......-· •. Su~ya6tpm:30.•m _• $? SlNOE'.R, due to YOUNG iill*Je . a1i1, ou •• fiillflotatton; conCIJdontna.out.$8SOQh •-;,...7,,~: _ Ill.a' ,., . divorce, auto 1'1--lli wUh hou11ebrotce"' ehalt 'tit.tre! sacrtftei $250. ~ deUYWt, wui" tine prfv W · u1 v•oP' u... -"""~
!>alnut Clbtoct. B. t •• .,, -wllh children. 842-6145 &)(Ji. SKIPPER-Pymnts ~ Atl-9ln .. ==P=O=R=s=c=H=E== . ·IHPORTS TtJROU,jt,. " T·BIRD, ' .t'A-:..L ···:.. ~~"·!::.~:. YOUNG Whit. Robb!• ir.e wan""""'"_, -' • I ror orA-vo·•vo DAILY PU.On oo T.a1RD.-l.1kf .w, n • .;J"",(J()fJf -
'39-8'• "'11 mo.. .. aued ...,..,&ti 129& 1/1 Pl..cll --.. ~ lOIN ................. ., PORSCHE Couj)O, .... 1-1' "-" c:•: ·--' .P .... .l.J>Wll'"c.~214 ,,..."' c•n •t
Gu•n-•till ...,.i. cau t ANGORA Guinea Pia "' ........ looldna -DAILf DAO.Y PlLCr WANT ADSJ mae.. orig. cond. Off•" -··-· .m. ~ WANT AD • H--. m . co TA MES .. A
,,._..::..:.:•;.;•------" Kood home. ~2985 119 PROI' dlMlfltd &C-5671 6U·56TI 613--.1660; }Nf!!I. 548-8m CHAR.GE )IOUr want ad now, ---------_......;SOCK=:.:..:IT,;;.,,:Th-'-'EM;;c . .;1 __ ,'--------
' \
-----------·----------------~--------·------------··---·--~--------· L ..... ~. ·--
' I
, '
OVEN .TENDER • U.S.D.A. CHOICE RU-P ·75c ··ROAST · : .. ·-·
... ··-
.LARGE· EYt • U.S.D.A. CHOICE ...... -~.---.---ao~ 89~
. -. J'Wlu.1 -u.s.D.A. CHOICE .. llUllA TENDER
.T·BC»HI s1-19·
· ·. STEAK lb.
. .
' . . .
• • :. 'II •• • • •
U.S.D.A. CHOIC! • BLADE CUT -·HU~K~---.~ ~
; . " '
CtOD ( ~Nl\lSS ]
•. "'c FAD • l·tB. PACKAGE
/' . . ,, ~
~ .. ,,;;.\ . '
• . •
. t. -~-
fAMlfi,.Sl'ECIAL • EumtN QUALITY 1--$.LfCED°liOlr l1Jlrf ,_
' . . . . . ~
69~ . ' l·lB. PACKAGE . . . ,. '
ToAsrMASml .. ftRAN'r HIA'
"--=:;Jtl 'HEATER
AUTOMATIC 1H!RM05TAT CONnlOl. ............. , ...... ~,-1411 COfttrol dlol, ballld ..,,,..
...._.., 1i,owatt1,-120 ·
wlh. 60 cych, N; only 7'
a.cl, 11'ftlf11'1td''
..... 911 uo. 19.tS .
' 1120 Watts e ROl'IM'll'iNI Gtl4
Coblrwt, ISOld Cob c;.m.. ....... , ......... ,,. 9'' r,..... .__ • 1320
...... 120 .... 60 qde.
,,,-.., r ...., ....., '°' llOUW IMO
• ,l, . . -
• 30liciN ..• 20-0Z-• 1-LB.
STEWf p . . -~strawbelTJ PREMIUM
1 • ·.· J7c z9.c
.. ' . . -----
/MllltAITAH·• AU VARlmEs
PIW/il .. .,.:"
1:-0UNCI 3'9' • PAaAOE
Of 10
COOl<IES' I . . . '
rmfiioZlll •HOO ANOfAT • 1 i,J. ·'.
· CERtl-FRESH · 4ac
15-0Z. CAN• IEG. Uc
n..w : ~"" 10' 181 fa. DJ:"'D --
·. . . ·, .. . . ) . . .. ...... . . . .
.· . . . I , ' , ' • '-.
' .
CfllUS :·· .. SALE!
--------· ---------' .. .. -.
w.:s:\_ Smart -lo SHOP a11d SAVE at FAit ~
I i (