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1969-01-08 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
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' The GOP governor's offlclal an- -. . g(luncement at a news conference in the, State «;apitol came U..«lay, alter lteinecke)I .-~.,and gave the ·s-·ctty coo~ a O)'inl leap "Jnto ·Stlatewide at'fehlion ailil 8 possible' bid for Reagan's job whenever the --i.aov~ leaves..offiee"I' . v,, .. Reined:e-replaces l.A7Gov. Robert H. J Finch, t 'ho ~ ibecome . aecretarY of lleallll,. ~•-· :aoo' w.Uare· I• i'rellldent.elect Nlim'1 COl>inet later 1Jt1s ,..,,-1month. Rehiecke officlally will ·mo.Je ,into Fineb~ second-&or office across .from tbe Statf .Senate chamber .. only . all er ' the U.S. Senate confirms Finch's ap- . • • .mm l1lte Services SAN FRANCISCO -The American FederaUon of Teacher• atrlke •t em.r battled San Franclaco Slate College spnad todar ta i nearby school and strike sanctions were requested at three othen, A 1triklng pro!es,or was hit · bJ.,· a lfrecocllir al' oo;. tchaOI and ·a ·student alrtker wu ~ af anolhet for ·&It-· ting a student. The union, representing a minor\ty of iaculty members In the lt school state College system, detnaridecf .. ~ lngful negollaUoni" 'with tnJlltioi ''°' U. stud'ent uproar1 ar San Fr~ State . polntment. 1: .. 'Ip. cboosing ·Fincb'a 1Uccessor, Reagan -" told. newsmen,. he put "greatest coocern1 on the need for 10meone who ii a young, eneegetic man, a capable vote- getter .. ·.wfth a'"fd1ure: Someone· in- BEATEN TO .DEATH CGed llrlHon El Toro Fliers · ~ject? · NEW LT. GOVERNOR Rep-Edward Rolii.Fk• FJC. Good-Found· De8d1 ill Bathtub A Fut.nm.Junior College coed. i°""" dead· Tufadat in .a, bathtub in her hOme W.. tedallVe!J listed U · a (!rowning victlAl, the ~ C.UOty d!rooer'! office , nPottect 1A>day, .d: ' , An ...,.,., will be perJ,.wed to determlae Jlle' eucl ca of death o1 Lahnf Jlk:liar!lioii. )I; Who Jived with her sister, Mrs.~~Wilda Joan Dowis, ln Anat;el.m. Poilce were called to tile bo'!'e Tll<!'llY , by a classmate -· olopped to )ive Miss !Uchardsoo a ride Jo llchool. ' . . ' WeSted in· a future'in public life." . While he found no consensus on any one candidat.e for the· job in talking with Republican leaders throughout the Murdered · Coed's .Escap~ F·laming l!lane state, the governor Said. be did discover that everyme wanted "aomeone wbo was .•. a comer:" , . Reagan declined to place Reinecke anywhere on the pol~tical s~trurn, but .. ti>: congressman -first eJ<Cted.Jo.office just over -four years aao ·-bu been (See REINECKE, Paae II Pe1·u Boyfriend By AllTllUl\ R. VlmEL , °' ... ..., .......... A pair of yoq ,flitn mlraculoualy Sought. by Police := _inJ:! h~..:.,~they • -.-• • • · -..: 1 from I flamina jet at f\HIWIY level, while CAMBRIDGE, Mm. (UPI) -Two attempting to l8nd the-plant at El Toro peraoos-an ei-boyfrleod Imm Peru and Marine Corpl Air Statlm. a second bo)' Who tried ·to dale her OVernlght lllaya•le the obale dispensary _ Were aought IOI' qualloning today were ~ "'!' the pilot' and hll rad• ""'A D "¥ NOW . offle<r, but neither lllller<d anything r ·i . d In t~ ax alaying ol i• Harvard coed _,. than a oev.n i~·and a I-~ whose 1DlgtNown. clad· bOd1 , .. found scare, spotesmeill......., ·1 Ol\I WEDNESD •y 00 1"' bl-boil.' 'The ·1.ay mm'"" -·from ~na l • d Tbo former boyfriend. waa.'helleved Beach -are 111t LI. Damon F. Trimble, /W1 ,PTA 1>aY In the DAILY Pfwr. to bave bec<JI a oiielfme '"""d!.:• an-21, ol 2110' Queda Wlll'i. and. hi Lt. And that'• .not all, that'• ,,.,. Jn today'• throt>:<!lolY al Harvanl and a mate Joseph Varn!, 15, ol 11610-st .. Social Noto& Section. of Jane S • .Brillon, lltraclhe D-)'ear-Old Trimble wu·blingin(tthe Fl Pllantom The PTA· -· previOWlly. a f ... u.. d_a._,,ter <ii~·~ Vlct Pres!-in •on Runway S4 follOwlng a ·toutlne daylight tralnlnc mlalon •-' s. p.m. Tu...t wtien' !be alia'alt IUdd-'" ay, . . ._. .. ,,. buratlnto llama. , · Ualni an ojectlon, l)'otepi. d.,;p.. to save W.. from iloamed .JU •al lfOWld level, Trimble JD(I Vaml, were. ~ •ky)fanl u ·hill> u !1111 lat and tllen parachuted •a!ely .to· earth. · · , The $1 milJlon attack fiCJlle' eai:eenO<I on down the runway arid wu destroyed in the fiery cruh, which an lnvestlptlnG team lnfnedlalely 11!11111-fl"'lll!ii. A Marine spotelinan aald todly It was not known w1HJ« .. u,m iplanl '-1. actually -hOcb dpn . OI'. WU otlll' .a few feet oR the nmway. The 'YJledl•wbld uV<d;the pllll •ud (lee llllCAPE; ..... I) of °"1und1y'1 fldlUons, bu been moved dent J.:Bayd Britton. She , WU found , r .i. into 1 "new" Wednesday Social Notes dead TUesday In her aparttner(" a : few 1 • • • • • , -• Section which features both women 's b~• f~.lb! if~aql.)'.atdieamius. : Alf' '•· .... 'alf N M • • . . ' · . ·, . .,., . °!';:., = !::'.;.i.y 00 Page II." ~~hOpoli waa expectedlater • • a, . ot ar1J.n,,·, '.· '~.·I · ~', . And PTA news ii mt Page 34. Detective Sgt. John Galligan said 10 (&eo SLAIN CO!ED, Page I) . , , · . . , J -• Aft«wtion• OK: Doctor , :Lawyer ~ays i;n ~~~~g ~:x~· T .. ~ ~-ab·o·. ~o-s-: ·Sa~·d o· · ...... t· ,d. a·ted --·:~~~ ~ ·~~~.~~:+~ t--'~ '. ' ; . ' . . ,:..: ' -. , '~. , ' . ·~~ = ~1:1 .1a,.. 'f:.w"";.!": ;~~~~ ~:; ' . ~-u ~ ~=lbto· ·~lo "a .w.rn ~al u EAST LANSING, 'Mich. (UPll -Starcll for Persp;ctlYe." ScllQOI olllclals a qualilled pbytlc1ao la no•more rl1k1 · . , . , M .• ·atlOnll)'<llmt r01atloolblp,!! . ' Women should bave the r!ght to legal S8J' it la one. ol the first atlempt.t then a ..... ~."'~-1\W!.f· j.', .*!.flll ' , · , · , l:ho :fo411'al ~•!IN ~-!bal abortlon and englged coo plea should be by a college to cover the ."\bi,,t. •! _ ·~~J.,.iwi111,.,. JOilli"~aon-for !It a ..-i ·lwlal •Id' the CllcttlP .Jllgbie,,l a lblboa• 1i1"'4 alt.,q.j 'for free to enjoy premarital sex, a New ser frankly on·!llCb a•bnJilt.ellie. · "· -in· lnte!Ule\t A!n<rlcon woman to bave ~· ·-.-~-t.1.llit <l&ht ~'liid ror-N~· Blocll Ycxil.Clty obatetri<Joo-oold today, " • "YOWll .peoilio ll01r reject the -Idea anunw1ntec1pftp.ney:•Jlll'llllif0a. case ,bldlcalod ililit <lio "l;.t.....,. ~ -m•aWw, ~ wlfli Dr. Selig B. Neuhanll told 1 Michigan !hat sex Is-sin,• Dr. Neubanlt "id. Neuhanll oaJd too many "mytba" have ci , -" .. aaled" 'tttlo the UJ . .tu Raymoiid Dmilol ll'oolitr I( ~ to · State Uhlftral)y "sexuality ~miner" that "They know that sex II healthy and been developed in the Unltod Statea acluollrlllall&-nof m!irt~ illelollJ bnpori, ......i at'\ a oo1pott ••me of ~ pres<nt .day sex ta-the7_a_? not ashamed ol their Mxuallty." over ~ ...,, Jncllldlnc "ao Federal ~u .. ~ l'OUl\f only :-a,llO.~\-a lC!l' a114 are 811: outdated as high-button shoes H'fl"'"ealled for UberallzaUon of. abortion overemphull that it ll lnimoral." adtnlt ihlt tht -"· ,11 ~ ~qellble · a -tilJO ,.,: ' -·.'frtllti ~ 10 and ankle.length skirts. . laws to permit pregnant women to "An engaged couplt ~ titjoy ttt: tubltanct." ' • .L • ;: catffeirftli.· ~ --~-t!_~ • • • ~ ~1 Mlcblgsn Stale ts-ing a,.,. .. "delermlnellthv wanttobearachlld.'' tog<tber, not 11 a~ ol what llllbl<,.11, l!t an~ Wftlt the lllif>li --llrW blo w._..k aympooiwn on "Sezualit1: A Re oaJd an abortion psfonned by flee mt!ALITY,.hp I) DAILY PILOT doclvtcj be bad, "No I .J!W 42JDllllY, ..... /) 1 ", 1P,; :; •·• . : • ! . __...;_ ~ we: ..,... r1C;,?; • OC--•1' 1 ... _..,,, • , r • • • . • rt -+ .......__ ----·- _,. «:.•• ' i I I I • • ' • ' I ·; • ·-----=:;:-.-'~=----=~::=c--:,,,_......,..,...... ___________________ _ . ~ I ilUl,Y I'll.OT S WMn••d11'. J ... _, 9, 1"'9 Si~han Seel{s Dismi·ssal t I • • ": Judge Rejects .Defense Demand for 2 Juries . • Kidnap Coun~.~.: Filed on Five After Shootout._ Kldnaplng dllrges were filed Tueaday 1plmt five men involved.hi a lhoatout Dec. 311 In W-and all five Immediately pleaded not pi!IJ io the charges. Alborl Shirley, 20, of 914 Htmllogton Sl, Huntington Beach WU kl1fOd In a "1ootlng melee but tho 0r.,,ge COunty district attorney's office has held the shooting lo be oell cjelenae and dld not rue aay murder charges., Held on kidnaptng charces ·are: __ ._-Jllmll<L11JJ!><9_"1.._~~~ l!ail _ - $%,000. -RJch&n:I A. Lincoln, 21, WhlWer, bail $2,000. -Georre G. Brool!"" U,. ~ bail '5.Gli>. • •.• , -lluslell E. M$0Jr, 11,µ U.bra, bail $1,000. . • . -Gary M. Ingram, 19, orange, ball $2.000. Eva:ett L. Pi-24, of 7161 Tr4!): Ave., Weatmlrui.er had been accused of the shooting, but Depuly lli!trlcl Af.. lorn< John KroniJI aaid thal DO dlarof wii;., aptr:t,'ltJ~;(.; Orange CcamlJ _ I ~ ...,· . '. 17 at t a.m. far.. . . "":'~""·• 1be dead man was accu8ed by Pit· "' .,.: f <6'9P!r .1!11*1 ,-Ille--al , , .. ledlrig a Jury wouia be-.,..tly •implified and expedited If they were Jot asked whether they were unalterably opposed to bringtn1 in a verdict or capital ~lslunent, around.a. I o t automatic eum.ptloo flom ~C. 1. , Cooper rontended UW tho llrll lurf ~ decide on Sirhan's guilt or in- ocence. U they reached a verdict or .Jim' degree murder, he said, a second jury could be chosen to decide between lh• death penally and llle lmpril<>nment. Deputy District Attorney Ly n ft Compton, a f....,... UCLA fi>otball playtt and World Waf fl .paratrooper, objected that the trial should be conducted In ,a. dormal maimer and Vj~a:,..an ow~ faced man with Willi<, basl>)>".,el•m•;. agreed. Walker also denied a second dtfense motion ijiat prospective jurors be given certain butc questiOf'I!" of qualification In l written form to speed up selection of u re&Wu.and m alta:nate Juran. tman'I younger brother Jim, 21, of the OAILY l"ILOT lltlf ...... family home at 142!D Alta SL, al>J D~TH CAR -Highway Palrol Officer checks wreckage following dueling lllm ud lwo ot!Mf oa = Tuesday night near Sunset Aquatic Park in which Robert the fat.I ~' . . ....._. . . ll , , 36, ·Long Beach died. Car w'as wrapped around power pole so 8 ~~of°: ~':'1~ . lb"11 '.lt appeared pole bad been driven through roof of vehicle. and thlnl d-lnlemplloa Ina-· .f · :··.-. in conntctloo with lloleq narooUei. Detectlv .. lllld Sblrley bad -D' · · K ·zz ·d C ~.=a=::~= river i e as ar and drug pllla fnim bis apartment. Tbe mJllery cache baa ..... -up. Tbe men denied lbell of the llll<Olicl. Tbe all'led lbell led lo tho llhOolout M Alta Slreet In which Shlr]eJ waa killed. A wllneoa, Def«es! Moneymaker, 14201 Alta SL, lold officeta that tt ap. pe<rM Plltmu was defending hla own life with the .30 caliber rifle which kllled Shirley. F1'0ttt P .. e 1 ATIORNEY. • • CXllllactl In the Harbor 'Ana all bis llle, be has voiced constant oppoolUon lo !be uae of tho illegal weed. 8peclficaDY, lhe Indictment, whlch was !sued Jut November, accuses lllgble o( cootactlng • pilot and dir<etlng him lo fly lo Guadalajara, Metlco, lo bring back the marijuana In a r<nted plane. DAILY PILOT ......,.., ..... N• ....... lffcll lo...-..... ......,.,.n.y --c.t.L#OINIA ~•lt•rt N. w,,,. ftro.ue111 •M l"ulllhNr J,,1c "· c •• 1 • ., VIU hH"""" 1na GtMr.i MaNlttf' l~-•t K•••il flllW T~•.i•• A. u,.,Jii111 """""'"' 1.i1er ''"' Nin111 ..,_,,"! ... DllHIM' Rams Beach Power Pole Robert Eallcl< of Long Beach ..... killed instanUj in Hunlinlf,on Beach Tuesday at 5:10 p.m. when his auto careened off tbe dead-ad ol Edinger Avenue and crashed at high speed into a power pole. Eslick, 36, of 3709 Lomina Ave., was apparenUy unaware that Edinger Avenue ends at Sunset Aquatic Part. Investigating offu:ers said Eslick'& car 1969 County Traffic tKI % lleljlla ToD 3 apparently ·Wl.8· airborne for about-IO feet before it smashed Into the pole. Impact was so great that it spun the au'°,·· pinned to the pole, around so II la«d Ibo oppomlo direction it had been traveling. A county firt department l't8CUe team was required to pry the 'body from the wreckage. The pole had sma&hed into the driver's section. Orange COunty coroners said E&Jck died of bead and chest injuries. He ls Orange County's second traffic fatailty From Page l . ESCAPE •.• radar officer can hurl mus 200 feet up, depending upon body we.Jght and speed of the aircraft at lhe crisis point. The actual altilude to which Trimble and Varni, acllve duty Marine fliers, were thrown waa not included In data released by Investigators. "However far it was, I'm sure those pilots were afraid it was either too much or too little for a while there," said Copt. llar1>ara Entrll<on, of the Marlnt Corps information st.aft "Well, it woritd as advertised," added Maj. Robert Booher, joint information &ervtcts officer, after details of the bar· rowing crash were gathered. Capt. Entriken said she tlid not know of speciflc similar lastmhrute aava Ill the Orange Counly ll\llallaUon, but has beard of others In her duty lour. Ejection at crlUcally low altltudel ls one of the most dangerous maneuvers laced by' jel ptlol when all e!lolil fail to bring an aircraft In 1afely. Many are not around to help with subtequent crash probes. The two first lilrutentnta: ~ _....lnlll'. with Squadron VMFA 131, a !lihtar a~ t.ck ouUll of 1969. Eslick's body was ta.ken to Smiths Mortuary pending funeral arrangements by hil widow. Lola, of the family borne in Long Beach. From Page l COED. • • pe~sons -.eight men and two women -h!kl .been questioned in the death. Al least two were to be requeslloncd, he said. In ~lion to the ex-boyfriend, who repOrtedly dated Miss BriUon about a year· ago. police were searching for a man believed to .have been turned down by the dead girl when he asked for a date. 1'1.e mlD"der weapon still was missing, Ganigan reported. The Peruvian was reported "to have turned hippie in recent montm," Galligan said and was believed still living in the C&mbridge area. He was 5ttn last month, the detectlve said. Galligan said Miss B r i t t o n ' s archeological tools were believed to be Jn Peru. They were not 1n her room. Authorities said preliminary medical tests indicated the girl was slaJn early 'l"Uesday, probably between 1 and 3 a.m. She had ~ t'lth her CWTent boyfriend and another couple until around midnJght Monday, authorities said~ Miss Britton, a 198'7 graduate of Radcliffe, was a seeond·year ttudent of anthropology at Harvard. She wanted to become an archeologlst. Her body was found by her boy friend, James Humpbrtyaf %7, of T<WQD\O, who went t.o her apartment aft.er morning clBS!es. Htlmphreys said he was worried because MW Britton was absent from a morning exam. Police Arrest Dancer On Indecent Exposure Sant.a. Ana Police TuelCSay arrested a topless dancer who they said finlahed her dance routine nude. Kathleen Susan Patterson, ~. of Canoga Park, was jailed following bu arrest at s beer bar at t52& Westmlnst"r Ave. She ii charged •llh lewd condUct •nd Indecent eiposure.. -... ., UPIT ..... FACES COMPLICAT!iD TRIAL Sirh•n 8. Sirhan Frota Pap .1 REINECKE ..• hlghty rated on voting scales of organiza· Uom calling themselves conservative. Reagan said be and the new No. 2 man in state government are "in philosophical agreement on the goals of the Creative Society. . .A belief in more emphasis on the private sector, locll ~utonomy, leie big government." '!be governor .aaid that while he con- sidered some GOP legislators, such as Sen. George Dreukmejian of Long Beach, be decided he didn't dare risk upsetting the delicate Republican majority in the state legislature. The Assembly is 41.J9 Republican and the Senate 2G-19, with ooe vacancy. Reagan needs e\·ery GOP v~ he can get ff tti s programs are to succeed this year. Finally. Reagan said of the legislative margin, "it became unthinkable to toy with that." He-may be-faced----with-1he--prob~m~ anyway, since Republican Assemblyman Patrick McGee of Van Nuys said he will run for Reinecke's congressional &eal Another candidate will be Jack B. Undsey, Reagan's former liaison man with the Assembly. Reagan told the news conference that he also had considered appointing some of his official family. such as Senate liaison man Vernon Sturgeon ; Gordon Luce, slate transportation and business secretary; and Caspar Weinberger, state finance director. But, be added: "I just couldn\ break up what I tbl.ni.. is a most capable team." The governor said ht did not reach a declsioo in bis month-long search until Tuesdey: '11 just went into a dart room, sat dilwn by my!elf and made the declllon. ~· ·: • ·Two FBI Agents S~ain by .. Bandit i W ASlllNGTON (UPI) -Two FBI slllllt(on • .and the Il!lh In.two days. j- ageoll were shot and killed today after Poll .. and federal atmla blocked di I ucllangtng guoflre wtlh a suspeetad bank an ma d m 1111uare blocU of ooothealt-. W........, lhla altanloon while robber, police repart.ed. searching for Bryant. Dlslrlct of Columbia pollct said the two agents1 who were not immediately identified, were taken to C a fr i l z Memorial Hoapltal where they w~ reported dead on arrival. Polioe b:irued a bomkide warrant for Billie Austin Bryant, 29. He was iderr tilled u an eteapee from the Lorto~ Va., -Jlefonrlalol7 wlln.llo bad been aerviog 15 to al years on cba.rges or armed robbery. The agents apparently were ~g to question Bryant about a bank robbery earlier lodaJ in suburban Prince Georges County, Md. Police said a IUlpecl Oed from tbe acene of tbe robbery into w ... blngtoo. A police spokesman said early thl1 afternoon Bryant was in a wooded area and wa~. beUeved to be armed with three guns. Th• robbery or a brapch of the Citlaens Bank of Maryland was the lotb holdup in the Washington area in eight daya of a federally insured financial in- Frnna Pqe l SEXUALITY. • • their marriage I! going to be like, but as a healthy, enjoyable thing . • Neubardt also called for longer engagements as a means of insuring better marriages. This way, be said, the couple would know what they're In for before signing a contract that can only be broken through divorce pro- ceedings. He said there should be regular MX educat.iDrt. cow:s.es _inJlementazy _and secondary schools on contraception as well as ''the facts of life." "Children are now taught how babies are conceived," he said. "They should also be taught how babies are not cm- ceived." Neubardt told the semina r Tuesday that people with sexual problems make a mistake when they seek advice from doctors. Airliner Hijacked HAVANA (AP)~ A ~ombian airliner wltb a& passengers and crew· .. .qtembers was forced to fly to Cuba Tue8day by one of the passengers, a young man \Vith a pistol. All aboard except the young man were expected to return today to Colombia. Bartholomae ·~ Kin Refused · Share of Wilt''. By TOM BARLEY qt .... ~ ,.... '"" . Mra. Cita Arena or Udo !Ile, ~ to become an belrea to tbe Balboa. Bartholomae mflllooo, was dlaallowed a · share of the fortune in Santa AIJa' : Superior Court TueodaY· . She was left with the amount die • was given in the last will and testament.· of her father, Charles Bartbolomae, in.· the sum of one dollar. Charles wu the f>rother of Balboa yachtsman and oil millionaire William A. Bartholomae who four years ago was victim of a knife slaying at his OO\V'lo • demolished Balboa mansion. ·: Superior Court Judge Charles Baue( .. Tuesday upheld Charles' will wbioh ~ . oil Mrs. Arena, of 233 Via Lido SOucI, : with one dollar. · , Thus Bauer rejected her claJm to a . share of the estate which wu estimated - to be in excess of $1 million. Charles Bartholomae died of 1 heart · attack on Nov. 25, 1964. Shortly befor8 • hia death, he cut Mrs. Arena's 1bartr_. of the will to $1 with the observaUon that his daughter had "failed in ~ ·. duties as a daughter towards her fathe,r. . in Deed DI assistance." : That was his priv.ilege and that requeit · mliSr!>rhoMFecr-69 "the · cburts; Judge -•• Bauer's summation indicated. The judge heard the action In a court trial laat November but delayed a decl.aion ~. tbe peUUon unlll Tuesday. . · . An earlier trial an the Arena clahp. , ended tn a mi!trial when a hopelealy. . deadlocked jury could not agree on whether -as Mrs. Arena claimed - Charles Bartholomae was of UMOWKt • mind when he cut off his daugbler'• · estate share. · · · Bartholomae's reference was to heir : alleged failure to aid him when he w4& . "in need of mistance" is related to _the slaying of his brother. _ . Bartholomae's housekeeper, Manota · Gallardo wil subeequenUy tried and 16" ' quitted of manslaughter. MlM Gallardo, the half sister of Charles' widow, Car;mela, has since·retw'ned to ber native s . pam. .I: ... lhlnus are hBPPBDIDD al MERCURY SIYIN6SI .· • ' • MEICURY'S In Ill llMWJ ...,,., •~WI wifl .-.I JOUI' ntoc. -pllJ R lloct 1"'11nU,lor,...,_anda...,.,_,... You wlll be ltfQl•I I• lranswlclr'1 •n "SWlnr-\RJ .... llotl" .... -"'"""" l""I ., dmo 300 ,..., or -•30tool pall I To_,_ on ,.... __ ........ -.- ALL Memrry Sntrs enjoy Ma~nt'a bentfilsI SaYlnp niceiftd by Janu- &"f loth •m ITOm Jan11111 L '*M11tt.1ry'a ~ted lntemt poOc.y cf payfnc the tlllhest ttpl me on lnlur.d FREE fate Deposit Box (lllllllml Balnce $2,IDI) FREE ft11RJ Maps li.2.1" .Ul ICCOUlll llllUILE --llV]- MERCURY SAVINGS afUI loa11 assoriation EX£CUT1VE OFFICES: 7812 Edlncw Ave., Hunim,.... Beoch -Dfllcc •1•----OPEN 9:00 a.m. lo 4:00 p.m., Mon-lbws.; 9:00 I.DI. lo 6.-00 p.m., Fridly ·. l • 1 I ' ' J ' ' • ~ • ·nuniiugton Bea~h • YOL:. 62, NO. 7, 5 S~ONS, M PA~ES-ORANGE ,cQumy, ciALf<>ltl;ll,6; . ' " ,, . \vibNESQ~y,' J,'-l<jl1A1t" I,, ~96t i •I o I :TEN CENTS :s Facing Charges of I~idnaping l04naplng charges were filed Tuesday against five men involved in a shootout Dec. 30 in Westmiruter and all five immediately pleaded not guilty to the charges. Albert Shirley, 20, of 614 Huntington St., HunUi:igton Beach was killed in a shooting melee but the Orans:e County district attorney's office has held the shooting to be self defense and did not !flle any murder charges. Held on ktdnaping charges art: · -Donald D. Lincoln, 22, Whtwer, bail 12.000. -Richard A. Lincoln, 21 , Whittier, bail 12.000. -George G. Brookins, 23, Fullerton, bail $5,000. -Russell E. McGrew, 19, La Habra, bail ll,000. -Gary M. Ingram, 19. Orange, bail 12.000. · Everett L. Pittman, 24, of 7661 Trask Ave., Westminster had been accused of the shooting, but Deputy District At· forney John Kronin said that no charges WOllld be brought.against him .. , The five men must return to West Orange County MuniCipal Court on Jan. .17 al 9 a.m..far.a..preJimlnary.hearing-· TQe dead man was accused by Pit- tman 's yoU11ger brother Jim, 21, of the family home at 14202 Alta St .. of ab- ducting him and two other men on the faUil Sunday. Interrogation of the principals led to a reconstruction of a bizarre kidnaping ~qd third degree irilerrogatlon treatment ln connectioa With stolen narcotics. ; Detectives said Shirley had accused tfie youhger Pittman and another man of !lealing a suitcase full of marijuana and drug pills from his apartment. The mystery cache has never turoed up. Tbe .men denied theft of the narcotics. · Tlie alle&ed the!\ led lo the shootout on Alta Street in which Shirley was killed. A wtln..,., Deforest Moneymaker, l~l Alta St., told officers that it ·~ peared Pittman was defending bis oWa lite with the .ll caliber rifle which killed Shirley. Hippie Teens Picket Army for Non-induction Militant members of ff u n t Ing ton Beach's fiamboyanUy evangelical Tetna for Christ group today demonstrated at the U.S. Military Induction Center In Los Angeles -but make no rash ass umptions. The Bible-packing youths are protesting refusal by the U.S. Army to induct One of their own members, not fighting the military draft concept or decrying the Vietnam war. A group of about Z5 of the Gospel- gpreadlng religious rad.icala are aroused by the Anny's 'alleged refusal to induct 21-year-old Michael Ward, son of a retirtd Air Force colonel Preaching and passing out religious pamph]ets to fellow inductees waiting tQ become soldiers, Ward was reportedly ordered to cease his recruitment in behatt ol the Almighty and 1111 Son. Spcikmnen f0< the Teens !or .chriJt group Aid Ward refllled to stop -.bi.I sidewalk er.-ngellsm, at wbicb-time Anny officials said be would not be . inducted. . It It dbtinctlf un-Chrt!llan ol the army not to lake Ward, hJa 1Upportera aay, adding tllat Ibis Is the llOCQJd occulon on wtiidl Ip bu been refuled tbe riil>l to serve bit ~by. He -to, Ibey ezplalned. ~. the maaive cray stone conter II '1Gth -llld -ay hu been Ille tarpl ol loll(-balnld, hlppl .. type -ators flgbflng the oppoolte viewpoint. 'nlfl Teens for Chri1t, who operate out Of the Light Club in down~wo Hun-lUllton Beach, say they have every right to demon.mate In behalf of Ward'• ef. forta to serve. Besides, tlley point out members of Gideons InternaUonal, a IOllltwbat DKre conservative spiritual promotion group, trldttlonally gjve ~ew Testamenta: to brand-oew ar. boordlJis lrallfil 1or FL Ord. PTA. DAY NOW ON WEDNESDAY 11'1 PTA Illy In the DAILY PILOI', And that 's not all that's new in today'• lioclll Nola Section. · 'f'be PT A -. prevloualy 1 feature ol '111unday'1 edllloml, hu he<n '""'"' Into a "Df!W" Wednesday Social Notes Section which futures both women's new1 and rood features. '"1e -llllr1I today on P1&e 31. And PJ'A news II• Paae )4. ,- ' . ' . . ~; ., . I ' ' ' .j' R'einecke Pi.ck~d • SACRAMENTO (AP) -Republlcan Rep. Ed -· pnioed by Gov. Rea.can ii a "young, ertergttic" political comer, was named california 's new lieutenant governor today. The GOP governor's official an- nouncement at a new1 conferenct in the State Capitol came die day after Reineck e's 45th birthday, and gave the Studio City congressman a Dying leap Into statewide aUenUon' and a posaible bid for Reagan's" jplt '!benever the governor leaves office: Reinecke replacta Lt. Gov. Robert H. Finch, who will become MCretary or health, education · llld "ell""' t n Pmldent-elect Nlzoo'1 C.blnel later Ibis Trade ~ctive, But Market Closes Lower . ' month. Reinecke olficlally "1fl moye Into Finch'• aecond-floor olflco .-ltom the Ste~ ~le cbambef ~.:lllOr the U.S. Seriate confirms FlilCh's •P- pointment. In choo&ing Finch's successor, Reagan told newsmen, he put "greatest concern on the need for 10meone who ls a young; eneegeUc man, a capable vote- getter ..• with a future. Someone fn. terested In a f"'urt in publlc ~. '' While he (ound no ~ oo any one candidate for the Jbb In talkiag with Republican lelden lhrouiboul tbe state, the governor aaid, he did dlacoVer that everyone wan&ed .. aomeoae wbo wu .. ·• comer." Ax Slaying , ~ declined to place -am11en ... t1>e po1W<a1 ~ 001 tbe coPil;'l'Sniln --·-lo Qfflce just• over f<Jur )'W'S Igo -bu bem highly rated oo votlnJ'ICales <t orpnila· lions calJin& themllelves coolervaUve. Reagan Aid he and the -No. % man in state aovernmmt are "Jn philosopblcal agre!ement on the . toals of the Creative Society f ·.A ·~ i n more emphasli "'1 the prtvate IOolor. local auton.omy •. less bJg gov~nt.'' The -aalC thai -he .... afd<red 'aome GOP leglaf-., ·oudl as ~ George -jian ol 1-.!if..:; he decided be dldn, dar9 rltll u (liol llEINl!iCU. l'l&O I) Police Seek. a~yfr~nd Of Slain Harva~d~€o~d • • DAILY ''LOT sa.tt"'t.:-NEW YORK CAP) -The stack market ....DE.Alli CAB.-~ Highway.l!alrol OffJCer. ohe<ks-wre<ka(fe--foll<>wmg-·--clooed·l.,....1adarl>'lrtrtmmtd 111 .. rst -s:r.a~h. Tuesday night near Sunset Aquatic Park in which Robert JOBses Jn late deallnis: Trading was CAMBRIDGE, Maa. (UPI) -TWo Esilc~, 36, Long Beach died. Car was wrapped ar9uod power pole so actJve. (5ee quoLaUons, Pages 24-25) persons-an ex-boyfriend from Peru and hard it appeared pole had been driven through roof of vehicle. The mark~t staged a technical rally 1 second boy who tried to • dlte her In • the. mornmg but backed away from Driver Killed as Car Rams Beach Power Pole • Rober! Eslict ol Long Beach wos 'tilled instantly in Huntington Beach Tuesday at 5:10 p.m. when his auto careeoed off the dead-end. of Edinger A venue and crubed at high speed inti> a power pole. EsUck, 36, of 3'10t Lomina Ave., was ·apparently unaware that Edlnger A venue ends at Sunset Aquatic Park. Investieallng oUicers said Eslick's car 1181 Couoty Traffic 1"8 Z Death Toll 3 apparenUy was airborne for about 50 feet before it smubed Into the pl>le. Iinpact was ao great that it spun the auto, pinned to the p:>I~ around ao it faced lhe opposite dlrection it had been lraveliil(. A county fire depaftment reacue team was nqulre4 to. pry tbe body from the '1rreekage. The_ pole had smashed . into the driver's Rctlon. Orange County coroners said Eslick died of head ,and cheal Injuries. He is Orange County's second traffic fatailty Nobel Nominee, Newspaper Editor Baggs, 48, Dies • .. •• ;t ' ... , ..... ~ r ~ . of 1969. • Ealick'• body .... tek .. "' Smiths Mortuary pending f~al att1P&emen:ta by bi.I widow,'"'• of""" ·fl!IUll• home In LOllfl Beacb....,... .,,.. . , • Two FB~ Agents Slain in Battle With Bank Bandit WASHINGTON (UP!) -Two FBI a..,.. were shot llld killed today ofter exchanging gunfire w1tb a suspected bank . robber, police reported. District cl Columbia police saJd the two agents, who were not immediately identified, were taken to C a f r i t z Memorial Hospital wbefe they were reported dead on arrival Police issued a homicide warrant for Billie Austin Beyant, 29. He was iden- tified as an ~apee from the Lorton, Va., Federal Reformatory where he had been serving 15 to 20 ·years on char.ges of armed robbery. The agents apparenUy were trylrig to question Bryant about a bank robbery earlier toda,y in suburban Prince Georges Counly, Md. Polk:e said a suspect fled from the aoene ol the ~ Into It' 1qulckJy, 'Jlie list w a' subtantially -were sought for queaUoning tod~y lower by noon, worsening its decline In the ax slaying of a Harvard coed in early afternoon. whose nightgown clad ·body Wu foul)d Jn lbe final hour bar&ai.n hwtting cut on her blood-solked bed.. tosses but declines. 1WI outnumbered ad-The former boyfriend was beUeved vances by a ratio of around two to lo .. _ ""'"-__ ..,1 __ ........ t ol one. ii.Vt ~· a UllQUI~ :i.UM.aen an- A feature of late trading was a huge thropolO&Y at Harvard and a clusmate block of 139,IOO shares of Ge~al Motors. of Jane S. Brtuon, attracUve SZ..Jear-old ,d::Ji !l 7'jl. ,Wo,t m«s were ,taiw.J!jer q !la!k!ll!e CollEt~ ~ ~ ~)'f ... ~--~ •• ,_.,,,,.,.. ~·~ AmGlli llCllve otocb, sharp loues were deed Tuesday In ber apo-• ftw taken by MGIC lllvestinen~ llell<licial blockl froin the Hll'Vard yard'C8111~ Finance, l~ar~ A .medt.,I report ..., ezpecterl ..... ~' ·; ••. ....~...-.. . .. '"u' ... "ix! ~· ,. ... . '-.f1 •?. A qllnaf .the diiwntML . ft ¥ John GalJiaiti . ~· ; Pricel Wert lower on the Atntrican person& -eJi'.bt men and two ~ Slook icrchlnp. ' -hAd been questioned Jn! Ille l!Mth. At Jeast'1two were tO be' req~one<I, Waterfront Tract Developer Agrees To City Dema~ds ' A confrovenlal Plan lo buDd • tract on die waterfront near 4dlniraliy Dri.Ye and Coast Jngbweyln HU.Ungloll·Bucb lost tts . cootrowalal aspects ·Tuesday night when the developer &greed te meet alf city bulldlng and zoning code re- quirement.. The tract la planned by B. A. Bertus Auociates ol. Los Angeles and is to be about 60 homes on 15.J acres. Final con. figuration of the tract will be. • finger peninsula with water on both sides. Berkus, who hAd previous lract maps refused by the city cooi>cll because of asklna for lots less than standard size, told lhe comml,.lon Tuesday ·lbilt "I withdraw 'the ~eat fat a Cbn'W.Uonal exception encl I~ lo -t ill condl- Uons ol the law. ' Approval of the tract map was unan· lmou•. be said. . ' In eddipon to the ~-boyklet)d, who reportedly dated Ml.. BrjtlClll •1>out a year ago, polite wen lelf'Cbln& · lot ·a man believed to have bffn turned down by tJie deed girl when be ~ for a date. · ' · The murder "'~Pon lllll WU mlli!q, Gallipo ieported. 'lbe .Peruvian wu· reported 1~ ·have turned tupp1e hi recenrmanml, "IGllllgln said ~ wu • believed' stm lMni-Jn the Cambridge art&. He wai aetn last month, the detective said. Galllgan aJd M.lu S r I t t o n ' 1 archeoloiical tools ~ !>elle•od 'to be In Peru. They were not In ber fOO!ll. Authorities eaJd preliminary medical teats lndlcai.d the ilrl was 1laln urly Tuesday, probably betwien I and I 1.m. Sbe had been with her cumnt bayftlend ' ' " ' ' . , "u,1~ ' HATIN .. TOI bEA 'lit ' Cood ·lrltton I ' ' I ! 1 ' 1 , ·• ' I : I . I MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -William Calhoun Baggs, a newspaper editor nominated !or the Nol>el Pesce Prize alter acting as an intermediary in prelimlnary peace- talk ~ riegoUatJoNi between Hanoi and Waahlngtan, died Tuesday. He WU 48. Washington. . " ~ .A police spokesman said W'ly this afternoon Bryant was iii a w~ area and was believed to br: anQed with 18 Persons Drown Growih Mean$ $$1or Vlllle.r. Council Baggs, editor ol the Miami New~ was a ~ and artlculate critic In his d&ily newspaper COlllDIDI ol PreJi. dent Jotmon11 Vietnam p>liey. A bomber pllol le World War II, be --Objected lo Amerloen bombing ol North Vl"1nam. Ill JIJIDU)' 11111 and In tile sprln( of 11181 •Bl(p llld Harry S, AliuDore, cbalrman of 1he e1etuUve comm.Ittee of the center for the Study or DemocnUc Institutions, traveled lo North Vietnam. Baggs was on the center's board. He .,_ UH; only Ameican journalist known to have visited Hanoi twice. Last April i he and Ashmore returned from the North Vietnamese capital with a secret messa~ from the Central Com· mittee -Of the Demoqalic Republic · of Vietnam &o the U.S.. government Tbe ps;ilDlp ~ that not.hiq I of subltanft.,-woMd 1 be discuued at peace ~ )11!111,the United Stet.I met corllln ~ bhl!UW:-<•C)!Uijlon of 'II.I. bo\uli\r.nw. • ..: ~J~· ..W.of ..... ~ Bffp Aid. !Ofer. . . ... ~, . . .. '. ' .. ' . Police-An-est DanOO.. ' '~··,.. . •• ,,.,,,,.. l . ... . ' ' On lndece'nt Exposure Slt1ll Ana Pol~ 'l'llelday armi.d • t@plesi .i.-!lloo lhl1 aid l1nllbed bet illDCO -mid'.. ' • t<othloen su..n Pattmon. 25, of Canocl' Pltk, wu jailed followtnfl hor amot 1f I -"'1' at 45211 Weatm!Mter Ave. She II c:Jllrled wtth lewd eonducl •ndlndec<nt.._... three guns. . The n>l!berJ·lf • ._,.,the ClllzeN Bank ol MarylaDd Wjlll 'tht.lojh bolif•p In the W"hlotltol aria • tn· _,,. da1' of. a fedenlly ~ l1naliclal· In' stitutlon, U4 ljlt filtb b\.lwo ~ I Pollce •••Utdotal..Jielite'bloc~. od an ere• ol Ill ~·Wocb ol ~ Washlagloo. Ws , lftlmoon ' w b I I e oearchlng fDt Bryant. In Cairo Bu!! Tragedy CAIRO (tiPl)-EiYptian police today said that ta peraona died:··ln a Cairo buo eocldenl Tueliliy tllll" <irfled an estimated 31 perlOl'll beneath the murky •waters. of the River NUe. A dlVtr Ind a ns:ue) worker alao drowned whlle they ·.me looking for l!W"Vlvon, according lo .police. €Jly Miq1&er Jemeo II:. ~ re~ I TueodlJ lo Founlaln VJ]ley, cit; coun- cilmen lha~tbe cl#'• potOnllel pcipulalipo II 35,Illf • when ell. propoeed llollalnrf . devel_..11 ere c:anpletld ml llllod wltb relidentl. IUYor ·&berl .~·quickly ulitd, "IJn't the 36,000 popoJaJlm flpnl when tbe•aJOIDl:ll -· .. -I . ' ·was 'Pot' ' Just Alf aHa? • . '°c:oan I • ·• I I . ' ' " ' . ' . . .. . Juria Jwlige .Rejects De:f~ns'e.Rlea fq~ ·J • i • • "l~I M'll -.. ;N. • ---.,_l! lat ~ "J'"d 11111 u.i ~ of . .;,: -... a:,~ =\ ~~IJ'f('Jw;li ~:7) -:.N;;.-r.11 \,P.:! -• lllartllic openiq cloy demand .... ~-~~ ... " !"lilli ......... ftOlls ....... - _ _.._ ... 11111 1111 trial for the ~ of ....., ... ~~ ""' .... --.... -P. Kennecty be beml by ~ COllC!dOd: "II WOlld bo llllr oppooec1 to bringing in a ven!Jol ot two.)llrtu. to duly he d1d lt" llnce """'"""" wit· upltal punlJl!ment, """"1<ls Io r fte Jor4anlu lmmlll'll1t wu blougllt --Slrllan lire ·thl lluUeta U.at automatic ...,.ptlon m.n lll'Yin(. 'bad< lo the oealod oil eowtroom to fatally woonded K..,,,.,iy at t h e Cooper eoni.ndod that the fin! jury Wlldl Illa al14meyll mOI the Tlt.,i Am-Hold Wt June L eould decide on Sirhan'• 1\1111. or In· attemplo lo Pt tbe eaee .,.....i. ~ was asked il Illa ~ ai m nocenee. U they reaehocl a ftrdiet of TM trial .w .a unuaciil bi&tentlw wu to avoid a death senteoct: nm decree murffz, he aald, a second Tlleodill' -tht def-....... tllel "'111at IJ not my ClllCepl d the wt." Jury eould be c:bolll• to decide between Slrllla ~ lllvo two ·-le Jll(IOo be milled. "The def.,,,. wm be akin& th• death peaalty and lil• lmprllomnent. -oae to dfJdde bis guilt or lnnocenoe other lines." Deputy Dl!trlct Attorney L y nn IDd lnOlblr to decide the penalty. Cooper was aaked what line the defense Comp&on, a former UCLA football player SUptriclr Court Jlllile 8'rbert Walker_ would t a k e and bi wu aoocommittal and World War D paratrooper, objected quf<kly dlolod the ...Uai•"1 llan)boyul lo bit annrer. thtt \be trial should be conducted In arm ODapiar, ddef deftftll cowWe1" for ''Yau'U !mow just 11 soon u we at.art a DOl1'ftl1 manner and Wtlker, an owl- the 16-yeal"dd Arab. quea\ioning the jury," he sald. faced ID.II\ with white, bulhy eyebrows, Tbe request for two juries was Cooper sprang his jury propo.oial after agreed. permlalbll , becaun CaUfona1a I aw a &esSiqn of more than an hour at Walker alJo denied a s~nd defense -delomllnlUoo al plll Ind daatll 'the ltlJl'a Ollllel' bel!lnd the cloaed door motion that ·pro11peeilva ·JU?Ort lie given ~ ...._ loto two ooporale pro-of Walker'• dtambers, at whldi Ill• omaJn bulc: quesUom al QualilicaUon ~ Howe•er, ln moat cue ooe Judie wu belJeved to have rtfuaed a ln a written form lo speed up aelect1oo Jur1 la Ulod for both. IQ.day continuance. of ti recuJar l!ld ab< allernale juron. '""' .... ,, J IDGBIE •.. ,... -bl " the lodlcJmenl or"'1 -It -• ta It d that "" dld' hot ._ 11111 the pllol, Bagley, WU. In -cover qeot for lhe U.L · 'ulloms sel"'riee. " __ : .. One Arrested Seal Beach Family Held Hostage by Bandit Trio '"nlat otatement IJ fa!Ja , he -· "I tnew that he was an undercover qul In fact be is a longtlme ac· quaintance." Robbers and kldnapen equipped wilh of Chlcqo. "You have to understand that I cannot two-way radios: and guns· heJd a Seal Meanwlrlle In Long Beach, police ar· diaam many ol lhl upects of. the Beach f ... -11 rived at the m.!l.rket to find the othe r case, l1nol IOIDt of the ;JlltD-i lavolved """ Y captive Tuesday night in two suspect! had Oed, but police did were cJMatl, and e~lCI fDi'b1d rne their bomf whlle taktna; the marke t recover the car bellevecl-to have been . to discuss my relationShip yrtth thtm," nian.aier· .father to hta Lons Beach store used by the bandtta. m,b~ aakt. to clean oqt the .safe. Bender told poli~ that he had arrived '1.Anythinc I would say could aHeet James F. Bender, 37, of 1100 Cat's.Jina home about 8 p.m. Tuesday. He saw bis tholr rtpts to a fair trial," be a~e<j. • A .... was taUn lhe lour mllaa to his wile and children huddled to1ether on Trial ii mt for Feb. ~ In \1.8. ~91 ; rnarkel_@.t 1000 E. Fourth St., where a couch and a1 he wu about . to a1k Ceurt hi I.Al Angeles, according to AD1s-banditl ~tOlil'bl'm to 1et the . money, why, a gun was shoved into hts back · -taiil'U.S. Attorney Darrell w. Mcintyre, poUee reported todoy. -~ · by one of the robben, according io th' ------qwnr.-..--•te the case.---··-_Qne oUhe....b•0 dits .cemained Jn t.be _ppJlce_IDQI!. --· __ _ ·~ ,._. aod IWl ahad 'home, killPin& B<oder'a wile Evon and Officen iilcflliiy lielr..i lhe lilni!lfs -~:-:-:::.WU ~~ three cblldren, Debra, 11, James, 8, and carried walkie taWes to ketp In com· --1'llmll1 11111 I( 1 1 f ca n . Kata, 4 pr!Joner during the robbery munlcaUon durin& the altempled rob· -~ ~ • ._..... -all<mpt. bery. narmt1c1 UUM;la.. ~ . ~UM a once inside the it.ore, Bender ran into Peiry wa' arrested &boot a block --bull la ~ and bla "lfllce, locied the door and called from the Bonder home and booked on a1bltitu&ld a vqetabil ~ in ~ a~rdinc to the investigating kidnap and robbery charge,, Officers plact al the ma!JUIDI •liiloo.WJ for -· are sUll looking for the other two ,.,. ..i,..t." .. . ... ~ 'l'be. phone call aent Se.al Beach polict pecta who are believed to be armed and Sean:el Aid tlllt the ~bl• ' apeadlng io the Bender home near clan(.....,.. 1\1.bltanoe" wu 1n fact !,a>-~ . w::hct Patrolmen Jlm Swenson and None of the Bender family wu in· ot alfalfa. ' . t Peter Frant arreated Ttloma9 Pen-y, SO, jured. 'Illa ICCllllil a11«11e1, 'lmqnla ~el)'I : •. forbll~ ., ·' • Ml4 that bo • lfloC CO!lif; 1¥ ·-.Mil.. • ' ~ : ·] F d =..~ f~t=~ ... ...,ort1on,,l<17~:xtua1 ree om wul lo belp me lo thlJ lbloi." ' Ht qllo omDlllallod thal Ibo - :;je ~~~ "''he,JP .,}>µshed by Obstetrician ==M ,.;i":\r.iol~-.=t •· moa la-lo; 'bel;;w • : ~I 3'l~ ~.~'.· R 0 aie.., nd · , &UT LANSING, Mich. (UPll -.,_. wftli...,.., .. ~ ·--;I!'-ahould have lhe richt to legal abortion and engaged couples should be Beach Escapee Sent to-Prison A Huntin,ton Beach man who unsuc- cesdully trted to escape from San Diego• Cou!lll' Jail bu boon Hlllenced in thot clly's SUperlor c.a.t lo ooe to 10 years Ill &tole prilOll 0n the felony eacape ....... Judge Ell LmNon halided the jail term to Stevtn AJ•area Garcia. as, of llllO "A" SL Cltarc .. of COOJPlnoy to ut1pe and kidnap qainit Garcia were dllmlaed. Gll'cia mad• lµI bid for !reodom tut Oet. I wben be overpowmd a Jail depuly alkr thruttnln( llim with a tal>Ie lmlfe. Cootrooted will> other: olfkon, be ""'. l'endered the knife and returned lo liis cell after what was described ln court u ••an amicable discussion." Garcia was belq bald lit San Diqo oo oareotja charfel. DAiii PllO I OIAMd (OUT PUM.1$Mllf0 (Oolol"A"''t .... ,. tl. w,,,. ""'''*"' .,.. "u!Ml.,,.r J1tlr a. C11,l1y Vkt Prt11*"1 lf'4 &trw•fl ..,.,....,,., Tlre111 ... k11wil ··~ Tlr•IJ!•• A. MY,_ld ... ~E•ilw Alli1tf W. t•t•• W;11;.,.. R11d .... -1... tl...,1 .... 1!.'<1 ''""" l:fllW (,ly e•HOI' M•••lt•IMdl Office )ff ••• , ...... Mtili"t ·~·ltUl ,.o .••• 1•0. •?641 --.............. 1 tfll """'' •• _.. ......... ,. C.... #ieMI lQI Well a.~ ltrwt free , to . enjoy premarital 11tx, a New York City obllelrfdao aafd todoy. llr. 5ollg B. Neubardt told a M1chl11n fltalo 1Jnlvenlty "....Uty limlnar" that ' ,.... of the pr-day aea laboos .,. a . ouklat.ed u bl&b·button shoes and ent1 .. 1ength skirts. Micbigan State ia spo~oripg a HVen· weet S)'mpo!lum on "SeJilallty: A Starch for PerapecUn.11 School officials 117 It· lo ooe of the llnl attempts by ·a co1Je1e to eovor Ibo 11lbloct ol · ''l! ~ on IUCb a broad 11C1fe. • 1Youn1 people now reject the idea that &eJ: ls ain," Dr. Neublr.dt 1ald. "Tboy· -thal su II healthy and they are nol aabamed of their ....,.Uty." He caUod for llberallaaUon of abortion law• io Permit prqnant womea to "d•lenlllno il ti!IY waot lo bear a child ... He llfd an abortion per'-ed by a quallliod Dlu>alclan bl oo !ilOre rlll<y than a tonsllfecloinY or chlldblrth" ltsdf. "There's usually no good reason for anJnteQJaem American woman lo have an IUlW8llled F"llMllC)'," be ad41<f. Neilbardt ll1d too m8Jlf 11mytlll" have been developed in the UnHed Slates over premarital sex, including "an overemphasis that it ill Immoral.'' "An ._m couple lhould injo7 sex together, not as a barometer or what their mania&• la goln1 to be llka, liut ••a heaJll!y, enjoyable thin&. Neubardt aJ&o CBUed for lqer engacemmll as a means of lnaurlng better man111ts. ThJ1 way, be said, the COQJ>le ~ now what they're in for before signing 1 contract that .,.. onb' bo brokto throlllh dlvom pro- ceed!nie. Ha llld there lbould be regular ecx education courses in elementary and seeondary school! on contraception as Boy With Lighter Blamed for Blaze A sma n boy who firemen said WN playing with • ci&aretle ll&hter haa been blamed for a blue which eau>ed IUOO damqe Tuelda, to a residence In Los 4lunilol. Robert Harris, of IOl7t OU St., lold Onnp County °""'"" thal hi> IOll, lnltald of lak1111 a Dip U be had been directed, fOllnd a claaretle u,l>ler and crawled Into a clol<! With tht u.J>ter. 1'olled clothl111 lo tht cloall -d tht !Jn to tho bedroom about tJ :40 p.m. Hams said ht begao lllhllll( U.e !latntt with a &•rden 1-belort the ltramen lrrtvod. Tho blua .... UDder -lrol al l :S! p.m., accordllll to tho firemen. No 'Olll WU Injured. y,·ell as "the facts of life ." ''Children are now taught how babies are conceived," he said. "They should also be taught how btbies are not eon· ctlved." . Neubardt told the seminar Tuesday that people with ~ual problems make a mittake when they 1t1k advice from doctors . Traf fie Hazard Brings Valley Condemn Action Cj\y Attorney Edwin P. Mortin was ordered TuOlda7 nl1ht by the Fountain Valley City Council to be&ln procedum for coDdemnaUon of a piece of property on the 1 out h aide of Warner Avenue about l.3IO feel wost of Brookhurat Strae~ 'Ibo city Wll111 ouem111t rl&hla on the property in order to move 1 power pole about 22 feet back from the 1treet. '!tie pohl i1 a tnirftc haurd becall!e of lhe way Warner Avenue cull hick and forth in that area , councilmen said. Southern California Edison Co. has offe~ to move the pole free, but owners Qf the pr<>perty l'!fll!ed to gTant eate· ment rllhb, aocordlng lo city officials. Once the clty condemns a small poruon of the land, lt tan give the ta1tment ri&hta to Edlaon Company. FJC Coed Found Dead in Bathtub A P\illorioo Junior College c:ood found dead Tutlday ln a bathtub in hw hol'Qe· was tcntaU\'tly lifted as a drowning victim, the Orange County coroner's office reported today. An autopsy will be performed to daletmiao tht eraet cauoe o/ daath al Lahne RlehardJon, 11, who lived with Iler llltllr, Mn. Wilda Joan Dowtl. in Anellelm. • Polleo...,. caUod to Iha hom• Tuudoy by a elallmata who lloppod to iJve MIJs JU...._ a rfdt to ic'llool. Airliner Hijacked llAVANA (AP) -A Colomblu alrllotr wltll II puaaaaen and crew ll1ID\b<n WU forcod lo fly to Guba Tllelday by IN of tha _...,, a )'OUlll man with a piltol. · All aboard .,,.p1 tho young .... ..... upeeted to rtblm today to Colombia. - NIW LT. OOVIRNOR Rep. l~word Rtlnoca ' { . . • • • . • • State ·Teach~s'-: ..-.. ..... ? · Strike ·Spr" . • • • . ! I . F!om Wire Senlcoo ' • muy 6'1111tildll& tdcltul loWanl aii SAN FRANCISCO -The Anlorlcao ' #.Ft -lOttar, ll&nod· by loeal presfdonl Fed .. ation of Teaeberl 1trike a& tm--Gary Hawkin&. .... batUed San Francl!eo Stale College -'-_._ .,,.._ epread today to a nwty lcilool and >< >< >< -.... u ........ ""-a1 thr.. R '-'! ks O~l1r!klnl profeaor WU 1111 by a eagan .,,ee .· flrlcrackor al qOI ICbool ud a aludent ltilkar. wu urealed at another for lilt· T C t p tin,\!' :ti:i-Npraaltlnr a minority 0 u ay of faculty ll1tlllbell In !be 11 ochool ==-~..::=.~ For Strikers student -al Sin .1'rlDclleo SIJle and Improved. A"'1 and workllll ...,. SACJIAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Rmuojd dl~Arr mamberw pleketec! for the Reagan said today the state 1J takl\'!l third day at San Frandlco a1mllar acUon steps to cut off the pay of striki~ wu laUn al San JOM Stllto IO miles alala eoUqe leaclom. '· to the ioutb. The Un1oa rtpreeentl about "There will be no pay for those REINECKE 300 ·of the 1~ faculty manhln al unauthorized absences," Reagu told a • • • each campua. Capitol news con!erence. •. The AFT, which bu chapters at 16 He noled the law banned strikel 'fJl the dellute Republlcan majority Jn u.e ol the II eoUe1ea, ...,.bl otrllte.Nlldion •late employea and thal he, Slate llllo lestaJature. The Auombly~ja 11-39 from loeal labor eoundll at ·c:o11q,. Finance Direclor Caapar W. Weinber&F "-·bll and Iha t Ith In Fr<mo, Sacramento and Olleo. · and Slate Controller Houaton I. J:Iournor ·-r can Senate JO.I • w A c)oeny bomb dropp!ld from a blgh wupherele d'.'.~"111ini that the law JI. beiol Olll -· Reqao ,_ emy GOP rlJa dormitory alruck PYocl>ololY F"' vote be can pt JI b1a prosrams are feasor Jama Steele 11 he marched on After five unauthoriied ahlencel from '° IQCCeld tJlll year. lhe San Jose picket line. otherWlae, the job, a state college teacher 14 1Ubject Flnall,y, Reqan Aid of th• loiJalallve the pickelln& wao peaceful wltb aome to d!Jm!Jaal. Beagan aald lhe cul olt marlfn, "It became unthinkable to toy •--~"-...... joining tbe teachers. of pay would be a "surprise to toi.ne with thlt." i.co.\:.U..... of them.'" Studel'Jt Paul Yamuald was arrtsted Ht ml.Y be faced with lhe problem at San Francieco when he tried to pre· He also repeated his intention to keep anyway, &lnce Republican Assemblyman venr a student from Crossing the picket lhe alrlfe-torn San Francisco Stite. Patrick McGee of V~ NU)'s !aid he line at the main entrance. He wu a College campu9 open "at the point at will nm for Ratnecke a congreu ional member of the Tblrd World Liberation bayonet" if necessary, to protect the seat. Another candidate will be Jack Front, a coaUUon of ltrlkinl mlnortUes. right of students who want an educaUon,·: B. Llndley, Reqan's former liaison man "Run Paul, Run Paul," cried his He nnewed hia pledge to teep the with the Aaeinbly. frlendl u police pursued YamuU:l along college open in the face of threall by Reac_an told the newt conference that itreet car tracka 1n front of the acbooL diaaidenta to abut it down unless tbd.r he aim had considered appolntlnf aome Olllc:en quickly took bJm lnlo euotody. demands for chanao are met .• : of Ill• official family, l!IUCh '9 Senate SJnce union teacberl called a strike Req:an was aaked if he fo.reaaw 1it Ualaon man Vernon Sturgeon; Gordon of their own Monday, several department "immediate soluUon" to the criSia .-L Luce, state tran&portatlon and busineu heada upruHd doubtl how Iona they San Francisco. · : ~t.ary; and Caspar Weinberger, state can operate with sparse or irregll)ar al· He &aid under the. circwmtancer,·uai~ fmance director. tendnce only solutlon you .hnt... •.•• Js e.ttbei' --Bu~.ha add"':': "I just_couldu' bre.llt __ .,\~aL.lhe.eampuathiam.oming_ .~tor ~!e!l~er and _when 0 yoa sur- up what I think is a most capable ranged from zero in some courau to renCler Uiey ha virtl.teif over. He aa1d team." BS percent in others ".socfety does not have any retreat." The eovernor said he. did not reach ufll · b k t ~-ada "Thll is the day of the uIUmatum,•1 a decision in his month-long search until Picket line sc 11 ro e ou 'u-r;. Y he Yid. "They (mlllt.ants) have dellvert,s Tuesday : "I just went into a dark room, between. members of the American the ultlmatum at knlfepoint, at fireborilJ>. sat down by myself und made the F~~eration of Teachers a~d. slu~ent point." .: decision." militant& who have been str1k1ng 51Jlce The governor equated the dl1aldenia" Word of the go vernor's apparent choice last November. dem and with those of a blackmailer . emerged Tuesday from varlou9 State Solldarlty between the ty,·o 1ro~ps "They are back the ne:rt day Ute 1fi1, Capitol sources -ending a month's las~ one day and prompted ~cling blackmailer with another demand." · • . co nsultation with party leaders and con· P_res1de~t S. I. Hayakawa to reil~r~tc Meanwhile, an Assembly Republlelh sideration of possible appointee• that his claun the teachers .... ·ere "r1 d1ng leader proposed legialation today to flm be1an after Finch 's departure becune the coa.Ualls". of the students. stale college professors and teacbkll official. The. rupture of cooperative "efforts assistants who participate In strikes Even be fo re his an nouncement today, ~tween the· two groups led Tuesday qalnat the collegu. . Reagan had said he wanted to name to the fi.(st renew al of violence -and The bill by Assemblyman Don Mqlford a man who would help tbe party ticket police arresll -since. the 18,000.itudent (ft..Pledmont) GOP ciucua chalrtnari, In the 1970 statewide election, and in· school reopened Monday after a came u a result of ltrikea by the tended to conUnue in public office. three-week Cbrlstmu recess. . • American Federation of Teacbm at San Reinecke tilled the bill . There wa9 abo heated reaet!on among Francisco State. I MERCURY'S In tllo Mon:alJ lalll!J, • -- w!Q -,.... """" -,..,. • -lomntly r.r JOO lo -Md a pro lo Mllp:o. You wlll h pla7Jn1 I• lrunawi,t'1 1n "Swfna-\RJ ... _. ..... that -!'OU lo dM 300 7lfdl, « ...... aJOloolpottITo-,..oo ___ ......... -.. ALL Mln:Ur)' $oYen tnjoy Mar•fnl'a benelttsl Slvinp rocelvad bJ Janu- ary lOlh earn !Nm J1nuary J, FREE Safe Deposit Box lllilnfln• lillllee $2.000) FREE r,.., Mips . .._.. -IOd -polley "' ::-:,:::--""1-'"" ~-•DI llltllilllll IVllUILE MERCURY SAVINGS· atUI hM• associ41ioti EXECUTIVE OfflCES: 7812 Edinpr Ave., Huntinatofl ~ -·--.... -.......-... OPEN 9:00 e.m. to 4:00 p.m, Mon-Thu~ 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., fridiy . . . . . • .. . ! • .· '• ; . I· .· . . I d g ' • .. n :t I( • '· ,. "' ,, Ii: IR I\ i~ •f r- id •• r. r lh "' Ill .. n. ~e "' " ·. ,• . • " . . ' I I I • " " ' -' WESTMINSTER l • • QAILY "LOT Jl • • THROWAWAY·· ' ' ' ' • I , l · · . )' ·'·"\ ...1 .. ~•} lllill( OTHER DEALS.~ OUR llGUl.AI. SILWIG PRICE · ~· I' ., BUENA PARK ' . . FISK OUSTllll-240 . • • .-.ti FULL +P.LY' • TUBELESS • lOO %., llfY .. Qt<f. (O~lf · .... PUC8 ., .. ,, I DAT• ON.I.YI :Wt-:: . -· .... s • RUUl.ffr • ..... _ _ .,.._ 11/.f' llEAI .. -..... .,,._ 11£11 15440 IEACH BLVD. 5115 LINC:Ol.iN :AYE •. • I' ~· • r I • AT, VALUY ,YllW. AT McFAODIN 892-2088 . 826-saoO ' t !.t:;; ...... ,, ' • " . I - j II DAil. Y "LOT 110 ~. :r..u.., 1. 1w.t See.rad l n S e1•ies • Does Cre dit· Squeeze Help? • ll()l'l'Olt'S NOT!l: L<odl•Q """"' ....i. S¥1vi• Porld1 .. AfOMV Prlmtr for '69" .strlt1 tun more topical Twcldav bp hiking !Mir prfmt inW· e.s-t f'O'.tf to 7 J)n'Ctnl, th« higMrt Intl in a unturv. B1 SYLVIA PORTER Yoo woWdn 't be at all naive if you uUd uhow can raisin& the cost of borrow!°' cut the coat ol Uv!ngl" Nor would you be the least bit cynical If you uAd "IM>w does shrink· tni I -·· capacity to lend d1-ap unlon leadon from denw>elln& ..... lncr<ue1?" The Federal Reserve. System Is now purautng an ........ IJihl .-y polky to cpmbat the Wl(e-prlce splral. 'n>e above questions are entirely iQ order. Thui, I'll ult thom l<r you and try to answer them In e~ dl1 ~. tn tbll week 1 Money PrJmer. palleymalm adln!t It. TllE FEDERAL Re!eno "" help moderate spendlnc lar goods and WV\cel by "4U9tni the ·~b!Uty ol <ridJt, and tJw1 lor<inl I red;;;;;i,;; ln ~ithit to '\uf thO ...... and -· 'lllil wayf H can direcUy curtall deniantl>pcill lnllatloo, the type o/. inflation tn which e1caslve demlJlda for &oodJ I ft d services pull up prioa. But tbe Federal Heierve cannot through this clampdown on credit direcUy curtall cost·puah lnllatlon, the lype ol tnllaOon In which ropldly dlmbtni '°'" (mOltty wagea) push up prices. dolemd 11'1 hlka this yeor al'ldthl11loaewlll automatlully oet a ~h floor undtr wq:e lncrueea ln new -acla. Q, Then how fl!' thJs bl Julllllod u flihllnil tnnauon? · A. 11IE Rl!AloMNo Is thor If banlal were lf.ndlng and bor~ rowera wue getting even mote to spend on goods and ouvlceJ, t h e lnfloUonary backgroupd would be r,vr.n worse than It 11. A.a a re!lult, the forces working toward Jn- flatlonary wage hikes would be even more powerful than they are. To illustrate: Reserv e authorlUes argue that bec::ause money l5 • Utht and CO!ldy, businessmen will not borrow as heavily as they otherwise might to stock up on gocxls and lhWI inventory ac· cumulation won't be as unatabllizlng a factor as ii .. ~ ... Q. HOW CAN Ught money curb wage increasea? IN tAcr, ma.tor wtlons already have made It clear that they will ffght as hanl tor {Jt waae hikes in 1961 u they did in 1961, and some btg contracts are coming up In the next few monUll. Many union le.den will 1ry to eet wage boosts that w 111 speoifically olfoet the aqueeze on workers of hlghtr bor· rowing coots. might be. --Tbey insist that tight and ,,.one y ir•Gllter . e1pensive money will prevent Partly hidden behind a financial newspaper, Doug. A. The honeJl answer ts lhat dirttt!y it cannot. '1'1tls ii one grut dr1wb•ck of. the policy II ID IDti·lnflalfon weapon and Federal Reserve What's more, a record number of workers under ma· jor contrac::ts are due for fol Rolls for Sale .,some businessmen from las Libby, 17, a financial whiz kid who runs a following through on plans to $500.000 stoek managing business for five clients, build new plants in 1969 and gives inve,tment advice from his office in hls home this Will ease some of the pressures Jn this area. They in Liberty Township, Ohio. He has netted up to declare that unions are on $5,600 in fees since he began advising investors notice that Inflation ls not lo _ _;t_w.:o..:yo..ea.;_rs_a:.go_. _______ .:_ ______ 1 be taken for granted when they negotiate n e w set· Uements. They are sure the money Rare Cars Up for Grabs ~';.,":!r~:. .;.V.~31 ~~1 i'd0i~: lection. houses now and this will ease BRISBANE, A u s t r a I I a preuumi too. {UPI) --Fifteen rare Rol.Js. Sevenoab 1ald he had IN SHORT, they answer that Royea..· every one a col-reoe!ved inquiries f r o m cm:t·push mnation this year lectar'~ eem, will be auctioned England and America, and ex· would be even worse if the MIJ'Ch JO in one of the biggest peded biddlng from In-Federal Rellerve were not ~ ales of the Brltlah ull· ternational buyerS'. to be keen. fiahUng so hard a g a I n s t ury can every held. "One person from England demand-pull inflation. The can are· from the cot. hu written W811tirig to know Q. If union leaders will try Jeclion of Paris Palfreyman. if he could buy the lot before to oUset higher inter~t rat.es. a mulU·milllonalre rancher the auctiOn, but as it already don't higher rates add to living and engineer. The sale will has be.en advertised, ibe Bue· <mis'! late · place at his property tion will take place," he said. A. or course they do. The at Inglesied. Sevenoaks said Palfreyman sp~~lU&u.,a1 .. ~s,__, PIHreyma:rr,vtnr'fQll..ntlr~myiffioWs h1SR01Ts7has played a key part in lhe collecUon of 26 Rolls-Royce1 Royces." _ . riae in the Consumer Pric::e 12 years ago, decided to keep "That~i ·probably why he Index since. 1966 and new only 11 "veterans" -cars began collecting. The vintage upsurges in Instalment arid built before 191t cars he is selling are 1920 other loan rate1 across the A Sydney a u c t i o n e e r , to 1929 i:nodelc. 'fhjJ auction -~ will help tilt the index: George Sevenoaks, ia handling Is as large as the Sword . upward In coming months. the sale. Estate sale in Scotland in 1983. Every EKktltlonal dollar you Hundreds of collectors from 'nfere were 15 Rolls-Royces must pay for interest is as Australia and <lversea1 are ex· sold then." much an extra dollar out <lf pected to attend the sael. T. J . Farrell, Australian you~ .•pending money 8s any The RoU.S.Royce Co. is also sales manafer for Rolls·Royce, add1~1onal dollar you must pay expected to send a buyer from .said "the sale will attract con· for a C?at or a car. Every Loncton, to bid for vehicles 1iderable)nt.erest all over the a d ~ I l t o n a I d o 1 ! a r a miasinl from their <lWn col· world." busmeuman pays for interest FTC Plans to Umpire Gas Giveaway Games WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Federal Trade Com· missiOn (rI'C) is about to take a peek over the gas pump at thole euy·money games dished out by the gallon at the nation'• fUllng 1tatiom. on an essential loan adds to his operating costs and en· courares him to try to offset the expense. THE PARADOX Is that a policy designed to curb Jn. rlltion in our prict indexes addl to the appearance of ioflaUon In the indexes . . Q How does tight mont:y affect our balance o f paYYDenta? ·-----·- MUTUAL '"FUNDS The firm also said voluntary industry guidelines bad been developed for the seven game companies it represents. Jt said the standards "substan. tially rectified or eliminated the major problems cited in the commisaion's staff report." A. To the extent that It convincu our f or e i g n creditors that the U.S. is pursuing orthodox financ::ial policies to conquer inflatio n, It's all plus. This will help maintain foreign confidence in Aa1btant VP the U.S. dollar during th is George R. Ochsner has OVER THE COUNTER delic1te tranaltlon period. been promoted to assis· To the extent that .~trep NASO Lratl ngs for Tuesd1y, Janu ary 7, 1969 The a1ency said a recent staff report on auc::h games at 1as stetions, food store..s and olher retail ouUell prompt. ed It to conc::lude that un· fair and decepUve practices •·are wlde!prud in the in- duttries involved." The staff report said few large prizes were ever award. ed and the chances of winning anythinR at all w e r e overstated in advertising pro- motion. It also said some food chains fixed the games so UW large prizes were awl.f'd. ed early as come-om which drew other custome.n into the game. After that, lhe report said, the prim dwindled. lnterut ratea pull in foreign tant vice president in funds of our securities, it's charge of the commer· · J Joa d rt t f 11:.,,....~,." .... hlftf .... itr '"''"""fll •1 ,,..,...1matt11 • it..M. '""' Nit.10. alJO plus. This influx of ClB n epa men o "rk•• 11 ,.., !Re'"' ,..,, • .., tMRu•, rMrkftwll " c"'""'"'"' As a resu1t it has proposed some game rule3 and will hold public hearlnp on · them Feb. 24. One nde would ouUaw the ri.ging of aames and the mlaleading of players on their chances of winning. It would require that the ell.act number of prlr.es in each area be plainly lilted. The aeoond rule would apply only to a:uoline 1e.mes. It would stop oil aupply firms from forcln& retail gasoline stations to participate in the ' games. A public relations firm which represents companies hudllng more than 75 perc::ent of the llmt buslneu WU quSck to counter the com· mlaloo'• claims. The !Inn, Dehard • Btodle, Inc., aald the commLsalon'• hrvestipUon amred games ol!ered In 1918 and UIP when they were rtllUvely new and "some mlltakes •nd abuses oc.. curred." . ' . It said the miitate11 and .il:buses no longer occur. and durlnJ !Sfl and 1181, mono • • than SS4 million In prhel was awarded . LEGAL NOTIC!t .. foreign money will help offset Union Bank's South N!W vo•K IAI') lhe outnow of U.S. money Orange County office in -Tt.t fo11ctw1,,. bid and dry up the red ink in Corona del Mar. The ~~. 7~1iJuo1b; our international financial ac· office on East Coast :tt.i~,,.·~··~~~Wfi1 counts. Highway is scheduled ~·11~111"t·,"~~ Next: l\toney Primer for 'ii to open in January. ~~~'nr1tr~. •r• 1nr=: -IV ---''------.C...--Jliflllf• lll'IOll' •• of Castro flnick Witla Bill •-lmtl~~ 3 :~r11f,:"' ~~= '°~ fir W• ch••"' •1 "I ~ lOld (b d , !\II,_ cl11t1r m111Ulh <"f"ll• tt'lrOIKlh· e~ '"' div. l'rlc" Skyjacking Cost: $10,0QO ~~~&~~~~] ·'·~· Im • By JOHN CllNNJFF cost. Other e.1penses Included back to ~11aml w i thou t ~f.tt!n"1:, fflt ;., NEW YORK (AP} idledule ch an I es, can· passengers. :::: 't., l~ lf Despite his renunciation of cellJUons OC other fllahts The Cubans argue that lhelr ::::-:.:: 1~ mt lhlngs c::1p)tall!tlc, Ft de I because of the unavailability Joae Marti airport runwaya 1~ G:: u~ ~J"' Cutro doesn't fail to follow ol. the craft, and the return are unsafe. for the jell to ... 1::r1D[!L n~ ffi2 through. with bnsiDeAJite e(. of paaeftgera In 0th er take oft With a full load ol ::: 1:: f n. ficlency m billing alrUnea for alrtratt. passengers. Instead, they are ::: a::r , ~ expenses lncurred In hf. AJrllnes generally have' only bussed two houri to another, ""' ,l:O ij tt jackings. rou&b estlmatea of the cost.a. &mailer airport at Varadero. :,,/•1,.'l: ,,. ~ So,..... ,.;.,"-e ~· I "N........_ h •• n t "W 't ti h t AmStG "' ' 1' .......... llll .,... sonne art ---v as r~y cos ac::· e can say exac y w a A1111t1 n•4 7flli a bit chagrined, too, ecau11e CGUnted ft," said a.n Eastern the reason for this is," said :;:-,.::.~., l~VI 1'~ IOme mlstt.ken impressJons Airlines spokesman. Each hi· a spokesman for one or the ~i'."ci: ;t._. !J"' !5" have circulJlted that CUtro j.ttkfn& ls unique also; tbe airlines involved. ••The :~ ,,,.;;r ~· ij• ls footJna the bill for' the number or pauertjers, the runway there Is long enough ;:,,{"C1!ot ~ ~ wining, d.inina and comfort of time out of aervlc::e, the f~r .the jets and other foreign :~;~ ~r ~~ 1"111 passengers stranded In hl.6 mtle111e Involved differ. airlines operate there on ~~~CZ. ,,a '~ country. Eastern, from which was regular schedules." At•OI( -on 1:111 lhl The fact is that the Cuban atoZen • jet with l 3 a So far all but one theft l:P.~"°'1 ri 11~ premier .endl hil blllt on to pauencers and a crew of of an American plane has In· l:~-t.~, 1l the Swlsa Embassy, which elcht late lul -k, Ill'• Us ;.i, lonrlnb them to the U.S. -aver111 lrom fl,IOO to State lleplrlmen~ w h I c b $10,CIOD por hljackloc, although J:~~ 1hem on to the alrlinu tt concedea !be llgum are •w•-only ""'lh •tltmata. "We J1l1 . our bills u we QI UU. tota~ tome 11,IOO .. lhem1 11'1 -Sood .... " paid wt ,,.. flSOflne ballnlD ~," Aid a Cub1a airport fees, ..,..._ 'I« N a t I o o a I meteoroloeical awvtcea and AlrU-. wttlcb Jiu had live other apenaa to the CUban alrlloert hijacked sin« MAy (OYll'Mltlll. In t I k I n g I, 1191 . paaenaert hick to M1aml ad· National figures that direet dlUonal food bills abo might payroeotl to tbe C u b a n bt run up. ,_..,.,,! of 12JOO to II.GOD 0oa ol the iarlUI t1penses cenerally were involved in raull.1 lrom the netd to !Jflnd th• Ir h!Jacldnp, lncludlo( ....,.11er pi-to pick up payment.I f<r food, botell, 1aD-atraodfld pauena:era. BecaUM ding fees and IUel. ol CUball rutrlctions, the hi· But lhat'1 aalJ !*'I ol the jacked jtll .,. alwaya aent . ' • ---~ ·A· - ~,; .. :_. + . ~ -'"·· . "· + .~:<:: ·:,:~· '.::~: +vt ·::. ·~ ;. _, .:.:·" ::;!i ~1 .... . . "· ~: ' ..... ... · . ... '. ··.· ' . '" " . ·~· -~ .::~ +• -~ l, _, + . ... ~ "'" .:.::4t _,, ' .. ' -- ' ' • : . ~ .. -~~___...., ___ _ --< w-.r, ,_,I, I'" IHI DAI\. y I'll.OT H r' "' " ' I '· " ' " ., .,, . ... . , • J - t :~ ! • D.111.Y Pll.OT .... -;::;· .. ...... ._ .... w.d111•llll'. """"'11. IM ·E'irst Boat SlaOw of Year 'Z -- Prety Cathy Johnson si gnals:& happy new boating y~ar to Wtst Coast boaters as the. first boat show of 1969 gets under way in San Francisco Friday at the Cow Palace. Several local builders will be exhibitors at the expositiGn. Weleome Ahoard Gi-rls-Like - Good Boats By ALMON LOCKABEY Many a dashing young bachelor has been forced to trade in hiS sports car on a station wagon alter the girl he's chasing catches him. The same thing is true of his boat, according to the Boating Industry Association. The resort siren might well be wowed when the local J a.son boats up to t h e dock in ~e flashy hydroplane with molded leopard skin ~ats and metallic finish. But once She's 8nared him he's likely to tum in ttis "Jet Fire" or "Swinger" in favor of a "Homeliner" or .. Princess." WOMEN TOOK to boating just as soon as they realized that outboard motors weren't knuckle-busters anymore and t h a t windshields protected hairdos. They liked boating well enough -if unly they coold make a 'few changes. Realiz· tng the ~ntiaJ, manufaC'-" turf!nl began going all-0.1t to give the galS all the changes they wanted.· -and they're WU scrambling to please what t!!y term "wumen i n boating". Take hulls for example. When men were calling the shots, boat hulls came in white, gray or natural wood finish. The new marine paints and fiberglass pigments wouldn't have made much dif· fere:nce to the men -they 'd stiU be ordering white, gray or wood . \ NOW ·THAT their wives have something to say about it. boats come in all colors .:.... not to tntntion two-tones, 5tripes, s'lfirla and even gold and silver aptekles. Boat seats are another ex- ample. Mtn were doing just fine sttting OD boards, maybe 50ftened wtt.b weathered can- vas • CO'len!d cushions. The women cemplained, a n d ~ren were quick to UBUap thera with colorful vinyJ seats that converted intG Joungei for sunbathing. And while men were still dreaming of a tip-proof Stern<> can for cooking a b o a r d , women were demanding - and getting -galleys that alkiwed them to do everything they could do in the kitchen at home -in a fraction ()f the space. WOMEN DON'T w a n t ta wash in a bucket of water fetched from over the side, so builders are giving them showers -even on boats less than 30 feet. Convertible tops have replaced the canvas duck ralnsuit, and partholes are giving way to picture windows -thanks to women. ·Old salts might complain about these new female frills , but there's plenty of evidence to suggest that most males like the creature comforts women have brought to boat- ing. After all , beer stays cool· er in the new marine refrigerators, the d i n e t t e tables are great for poker, and f1Shing rods stow neatly in vee bunks. One word of caution to ski~ pers: Your absolute authority as captain is already being undermined by women. In a couple of years you won't be able to keep them \n their place by ordering them to swab the deck! -they'll have them covered with waterproof carpeting. Upholds Verdict WASHINGTON (UPI) The U.S. Court of Military Appeals Monday refused to ovtrturn the convict.ion of Capt. Howard S. Levy for refusing to instruct medical corpsmen for duty in Vietnam. Levy, 30, a dermatologist from Brooklyn, N.Y., still may ask the .ecretary of the Army for clemency. ·Girl, 15 , Prepares .For Water Ski Mark M.aclllnery, liming devices, equipment -and the people -involved ·in .nexl Saturday's llll1 S.tempt to set n e w water' 1kl 8fieed records wt~ Idled 'llladay morning al the J..q 8eadl Marine Stadium. dDet Stearns of Bellflower, 1Dalt. deem'1ltld water sldtt " 'Ibo iprl'• hist«)', hit """1' up to 100 mil" per ..... and 1.$-year old Sally Y~ of !!apenda H•lghU. -.ned lho fti<r at 75 mph lo JWOl"'l'atlon' loc their al-_.,...at IJI, and iO mph. _Ii...,., Saturday mom· ""•11-Seidl &i.r!nll. Ray CUolU'• -Id record Slt.qpo drq boa~ Pllllc Mouse, and Bob Nordskog's Sizding Vlklnc. both have llndergooe engine tuning and l.e:sting at Nordstog'a Van Nuya erigineerin& plant and were given their final test runs. Saturday'> rocord nuu - to be timed over the quarter· mUe course by expert Otta Crocker -will be a public event (no admlssion fee ) be.ginning al 9 a.m. Steams set the present men's record ol 111.5.2 mph at Marine Stadium two years ago. The women's ttCOrd ls 86 mph set at Marine Stadium by Jant Mobley Welch. Loµg Beach Cup-· Dare"B Announced Dates and one innovation for the nation's m o s t prestigious yachting event - Long Bea.ch Yacht Club's Congressional Cu p -have been announced by Bill Er. finger, 1969 chainr.an. Long Beach YC and nine oth· er North American yacht clubs will compete for t h e Congressional Cup March 13-16 in the waters off Long Beach Harbor. The innovation will be the annual presentation or an especially designed blazer - with appropriate crest -to be presented to the winner each year beginning with this fifth renewal of the event. As part ()£ the non-sailing activities which make the Congressional Cup a major SOcial as well as sporting event, presentation of jackets also will be made to past winners of .the series. Format of this y c a r ' s Congressional Cup calls for lhree days of sailing -three sets of five match races each day over a 4 to 5-mlle course. Skippers are nominated by iaviled yacht clubs and select their own crews. ·skippers are assigned yachts by lot, in- 1Uring that the Congressional Cup fulfills its original In· tention of being the · test of skippers and crews rather than boats alone. The series, as usual, will be sailed in Cal-40 sloops. Long Beach Yacht Club will select it.s skipper in a ninof! regatta Jan. 11·12. The nine visiting skippers are also being selected by their respec- tive clubs. Members of the sele(tion committee are Effinger, LBYC Commodo~ Hal Drake, -QmmOdore-elect N o r m a n Scott, Don Leedom, Barney Flam. BID Polly, Downey Mutr, and Bill De Lacy. Yacht Group Will Install Tht S o u th e r n California Yachting Association wi ll hold Its 49th annual ln11tallaUon of officers next Saturday at King Harbor Yacht Club, RedGndo Beach. Installed as commodore for 1969 will be Millard Rosing or KHYC. He au=eds Larry Test of San Luil YICht Club. Other officers to be teated are Mome X1rk, v07_. Yacht Club, vice commodore; Lee Koll,_ San Diego Yacht Club, rur c:ommockn: Ralph Chadwick, Calllomia Yacht Club. secretary, ind Fred Jacobsoo, Alamtlol Bay Ya cht Club, trusurtr. Dlrecton for 1981 are r.eorge Druland. Southwestern Yacht Club, GQrdon Cwtls, Los Angeies Yacht Club; Rob- "' Leslie, Lona Bell(h Yacht Club, and Tom Wiide r , Newport illrbor YICht Club. ~gislature lri·Acti~ Ouh Slates LEGAL NO'l1CE -------------- LEGAL N011Cll I I I ' I I ' I I I ' I PEANU't$ -----0 o - WEDNESDAY JAHUAIY I Ill """ -IC) 1:30 0 DIC lhnlrvkt (C) (60) CD '""' " 1111 1ot1o11 If th• ... ICl l!O) m .... tor ftlll' MOlllf <Jo) ''Purchasln1 Appliances." DllHll•r.fltJ flHt ll:l .--...,. t111•• 5 - _..,._,_ .. Ill-........ ""'•~If:.., Yld!w. ..... " ., , • ....,.. ...,,. .. ""'1oab ..... m_..._IClllOI""' E'dCI 8Jt• •etor:•l•J•r Doti fp~b, 1ctr~11111tr ,...,_ ••••m~Grtt· " Dirt ...... ~ Do• SMr· FRiii CUesl 111 ......... ICl (30) Gil"'' ... (30) G!D(J)BlnftM ... Kol(Q (60) litnct Jfftff• ..... 9 ·-(Q (tll) ... i... calla tN IClleL •tmff.l••c •••••H•r li1Wfi" ,Ullt II MllSlnt." CD .. "' .,_ Uo ICl <IOI ii,_ 'li"r 'q 11w tc> CIQ) m_,...,... . . 7:001J llll CJ) CBS '"'''' H,.. (Cl ~!O IJ ill (II--ICl (!O) (30) -Wall.U Cmnklt1. . fJ NI!" (C) (30) lid Mt1t111. PERKINS Q Whats Ny LIM? (C) (3°' @» 1..-Nlliu'91 JUPGE PARKER tD TW ... (C) (30) "'Dhlll ... « Remily 'Mlb H1'1 "°""" ..... Fontai111 "'4 Jobt Hains, D.YJI .. ...... ia-'• 130) D '°" la """' (Cl 1!01 1!1)--H.1.1' A~ >l>GLIMENT 10:11 a~ <C> .. ie 1111 lllAll'" : w~ YErR (dint) '52-W.ll Wl)'lll. ..... I oQ.I> L.At>Y, o @mmw1r1 Co1111 tll1 ,.,_, llUICelrtlit MUH, Bricles (fj (611> "Th• ~r: Jam" m - _ nM Pt..LIS.-ilf::? Jeremy Bolt nngs the loUtn! camp '"' ,_, 111rm bell to annou"ca thtt he and Cal!dy Pruitt 1r1 11111111d. Wbtn tn. other a:if1s b«:om• hopeful tor proposals. Lew flal'Ptf, who friilS his btthtlorilood, plants douMI kl ,~...,,. ...... .... ...... 11:11••···-~ as Lew and Pal!!ela Durrllt n , .. , Ablpil. ....... ...... II) ..... $ """' ..... -. Iii Sllff" (bloa:raphy) '61-11., Danton. Jayne Nalllfltld, Jullt '-"" don, B•rrll Cline. ·--_, (C) mrr.ai • ~-(Q <»i 1111C1J--111ree dlHdnlJI outline t& ltMC9t Bob ui Butw the il•llJ hOUIRld dloru ,. ind adMtiet of thtlr lllothtf-wlllch i.ecom-1r1 amlllifll ltUnt. ll:ll II tit* fa -V.W, ... f*a-. 1111} '51-lill ....... '*"' On ...... ·-l!Ol •• (J) Ill,_ -fl l!l!l"""""' ''""' 130) D-"A,_., M 0... mw <,...,, ·45-Conill -.11ilt. ei ltll Anal! ... ll f1nr• E~ Jern. ' ·' a lfll rn m ,.., -(C) 1:t0 ID """ ICl (lOl ' TUMBLEWEEDS WHAT'IOU 0011(, HAM? MUTT AND JEFF 12:30 ID Actill1 Tllltit: "Stran11 lllu- l :JO sion." fJ 'The'Good Guy•' Comedy * HIT OF THE SEASON! l:DOIJ-~ WI, -..... (dram1) 'II -OU ClinpbtH, M1rlen c.rT. 6 Tiii ;ood c...,. (Cl (30) To 11· BO.._ (C) tr1ct truck drivtrs to Btrt's Pllct, Rufus plf'SUldll C11udl1, Bert's wife.I a Ci n ............ (C) to pose II Ffi1c? Fritzi, • hip-swif'C· ID-.. -... ~ Inc, tum-ebewin&. sha~ton1utd , .. , waitress. Altn Hai. ltltSb n truck drlm Bil Tom. I • l:JOtDAMllfll .... "Bendido." "A 0 Will Wital lie Stan (C) (30) luflet for Jolt'," 1nd "1111 Htbcl Jan1~11t HMrit l\ltSIS. Strttt" THURSDAY DAYTIME MOVIES '""' m ., •• • ..,._ < ... , m.t) '40-Vm lorlmi, fitter Lorri. "Tt11i&M Wt ltM Ctllis" (IM!l- ture) '4l-L• J, Cobb, An111bell1. 2:ta m ..... .., ...... <dr•""> ·ss- 1v•• 0."f, luth Hlt~1us. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Oft.Of Th• lA1¥tl F•clliti•t In Ot1119• Ce111ty PILOT PRINT ING IJI I WllT JAl,IO.l l\Yt; NIWPOIT llACH GQRDO MISS PEACH I J 1 ! By Cliaites M. Schull .....------:..... --~ ~Ill l\\.~11/i! ~o ' I l'M LEARNIN' T' COUNT ON MV FINGEllS! l>N' AFTER I LEARN THEM, MAYBE I KIN START ON 11\YTOfS! AN AFrel\ TIW rr.; ON TO NIGHIR ~· I ' ' " · ly K ii 'lal" 1 .. 1 •. ·' •• ( ~ By Johft Miits By Tom K. Ryan U!JSTTHINK! ... I MAY HAVE A FimlRE KINOEl\GAl\TNER ONMYHA~DS! By Al Smith -·--·- By GUI Arriola By MeD MOTHIR INITINj:T :_ Eva Gabpr 1iu1 ~~'. Eddie ~ on "GrteD Acres"'toJ\llbl in cOlql' ft"" 9:30 on Channel 2. When the healing !Dechani4fu !?~ the flJ'll>'s'chlck brooder breaks clown Etva's rnotil?= er \!'•llncl bolps HV~ 1 •. 003 day-old blrda from ~~ TJ!LEVISION· VIEWS NBC Entry '1st Tuesday' By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -With "Finl Tuesday" In its pre1niere outing, NBC has joined the educational network and CBS in presenting a magazine.format show from its news department. NBC bas a giant, economy·size show consisting. of assorted features which relate to its d•ilY news programs 1n aboU:t the same way that a Sunday newspaper magazine section relates to its newt pages. ·· .. • The initial two-hour show Tuesday night open. , etLwith a. report.on Dr. PbilipJllaiberg,,,_gQ!Y..Jlel!L_ brating his first BMlversary wltb a new heart. The. South African dentist was most interesting whed giving a first-hand rep0rt on the silrgical proce- dures for his heart transplanting that be had "more discomfort and pain'' in the course or the repair ot·· a hernia a year or so before. :· THE PROGRAM moved on to a grim report 011 . competitive spirit of the young girls entered in a national baton twirling contest, making it obvious that most mothers of majorettes are likely tQ be· poured from the same mold as stage mothers ant·. Marine drill sergeants. One little girl, who ruptured he'r jugular vein In an accident, and was close to death, was so delef"'; mined to be in the contest that she was tossinf ber : baton 10 days later -an dCame in second. The· : segment showed something that no network ever · touches -the tearful, sometimes hysterical back .. · stage reaction of the disappointed losers. THE LONGEST portion of the show \aa a.pic- torial report on the state of Castro's revolution, largely interpreted by dedicated young PJi>.Castro students -American and Cuban: Activities ol Cuban exiles in the Miami area also were sJtown. Short features included soma . fllm sbQwill( Charles Atlas, who made a profitable career 0111 of selling exercises to 97-pouitd weaklings, Slid who, now 76, ~I bu a trim muscular body., '' • . , The program concludes with a-feature on rut; Hayworth, once a 1llm lov .. goddets · aJid World .War . II plnap girl, who is now frankly 50 and wants to · play mature roles in Hollywood ~ but find• n0 takers. • " SANDER VANOCUR, the host.of the proararri, tried to po}'lray Miss ·Hayworth u lpnely, but ~ ·, pictures Of her cl>ann!qg house •qd pool and th,11 ; sight of her teeing off at her golf· club gave this whole thing the tone and quality of a movie-fan ' magazine piece. : . The program encounltred moat bf Its .problenu. · because of Its length -It seemed to ·have trouble ., filling the two hours. Vanocur hendled his role of host and chief interrogator with a sort of cautious · formality and was devoid of the humor which might •. have holped the pro~ram. Detani• the Menace . . --·~ -·----M ' :· • • • • ·' ·~ ·~ ' ' " ., , . . ·~ • -----------------------·--·---- l I • I I • • ·-..::: .... * '*•-t == 1*...,•••uta: a ._, ~ s. : .. ,., ..... •:.,,. ---· Physicians, Can't Give ' .-. ' Sex Advice EAST LANSING, Mich . (UPI) -A doctor ls usually -~~{~urn to . -~·-~~~d!<l -<f~d~ .;becftlel~~most "phyD;tans are i·' *1ual ,er~." · '. "' ··Dr. Selfg' ~ N.eublrdt, a New York • ll)'hecolOJl!st and obslep;cian, l1Wil: .. state- ment ;iit the-" ~"I of a ltV•wffk! ~ o~n ., ··~:-,.A.IWrch for Penpecilve'),, at M i ( b i g a n stJte ll.niwrsity. "1he average doc.."lm' lsn't free eDOUlh fl'Om. bis own hangups to COUl1ld In sexual problems," Neubardt told a .J'ltWI .conference. • He · said news media make 1 .a misLW in urging . peraons with.SU probfems to see their ~ Mosl docion ljlck sul· , • t ,fickint training in the JUhje<:t ·; ·• • > ,, --· ·--·-·1.1,.r-,.c~ ... ti. 1 ·lo.affer sound advjce. t>e said . . ·; ,,. · -;. ... · · · -1· 1.,··: ·•A doctor \s normally the ~ ,;i,;.,iOft; ~a•• At" ..... :fioft · · ! : !i"'. place, people _tum to •"!! i' ~,. ~ ,. u ~~· . .. . • 1 , H 11 usually the worst , · \ . ,, -~ ! , t1 ·~ ·aa14. .. .t•And a lot · 1 a!ch/Dg , IJte<.cou_nting Qf Ele<?lo~C~ll~ge p~llol~. i -<(. ~ &icton ·~'-troubled ~ m,~,c~al iomt ..,¥on'<lf,_congr"!'s°fd<Jl\day, · ''by·ihJ>;. "l'bey "~''lo belp '•· .. .are. bJ>nt· to back: Sens. Richard SCbwe!ker. but they dod't -lli>ir to." (Jl..l'-..l,c~e Mansfield (D-Mont.), majorily-Jead-The Mlcblg111 S1Joto sym. -a'i Everett Dirksen U~-llL) :mln-Orjty leadq; E!I• poo;um··wu-cleocrtbed·as one want Kennedy (D-Mass.)( new -assistant msjority Ol the lint attempt,: by a leader; Robert Byrd '(l>'W. ·Va.)' and Hugh Scoft, university to ...er the oubjecl · (R.-Pa.), "Dew minority leader ... · . ~ ae:z on a wtde scale. Guest · speakers will deal w i t h ·--~-... ------------~~fiiifiii,.tl ~flhysiolop, cultural perspec. t tive, sexual 'roles. sexuality CU~TOM .. M4D~ 1 · • ; -.ftJtE·Pl.ACE ·altNS • • ~ --·~ w • ~ . J·INSIDE AND-CORtlElt;twtoONrs. . Ii -,,,..~ -Of ' C<implete • LMo·of·iF~·lA-ri" ' ' ' ""'""" .... -·"!'· _,,_ -· :,OllE W&I DEUYERY' . ' ind the.iaw, prenlar i tal ;,.b6hlvioi ahd marriage. ; ~ 'J _. Ward, co-. . ;obainpa.il of the program, said, f,'.ei live in a sex..cen- . tered' and sex-rejecting socie- ., ';.,tJ~ ... ~- ·. J...,.,!'IMcCaey~prolessor _<!I iioYdto~.t ~.ll_nlverslly of -HOuilOR, told newsmen American society is suffering !rOm•aex overkill. • • • .. People want to make theriiselves nervous about a c ·., I · sexual revolution,'' he said. arvea seam c oss1c, C~ll #Or f,... estlm•te ' ' ·' • Complete . Ut!e· • · of Gas Flame Logs "They walk around and worry novy, block, chartreuse, about 1t" John Cagnon, associate pro-I 0-18. 36.00 't!"olue. Santa A Tent and RO Awning Co. 2202 S. MAii! 545-0491 lAKTAW . Give Your .F~ir Share. to the. United Fund . . Keep Yot1r Sails Se~ for Higher EaI'llbgs at IAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS!.(> · --;.,,_ .. , fessor of sociology at the State 19 .99 University of New York at Stonybrook, said a n in· tellectual discussion of sex at an open campus farum will be beneficial. He sai.d this approach enables the present generation of. young people to pass on unbiased Y.iewt on su to their children, and to help eliminate myths about se:r that have ··,deYeJoped over the years. • " , Long stretch acetate, flutter pleots, turquoise with white. . IO-J6. 28.00 volue, '17.99 ( ' ' ·.;;;~ Watch:J!llll'tr.asm:ed saWigs fll'OWWlll!:wlnlkpeed tmdertitebright,protectiv•banneroftitelargestllldoldest~ Federal Savlngs and Loan AssorSatimlln ()rwige Comi£Y. Leather trim, •ilv'iir-groy wool, I Q.16. 36.00val.ie, 22.99 ?, ; ·-2ipc. j~c ef,dress, ~avy with . whit~. '12,18550.00 • value, 36-'99' . ' Fflllila te0<ioed bv tM ft!lt1' eam /fO'M tlill /1nl of p.s-a. llon't:n:tiM th• treasure ship m secnricy. Book posaage todql SA VlNGS INSURED TO $15,000.00 by a ~ennanentqen07of theFederal a....mm ... t. • • ' . 5 % .. 5~% ?.~':..':l.~.21!' CUllOT AJnftW. CUUEWT Al"l'UAl UlE DMIOD IATE OR $lJm MUUJMl •ru.t ~ID QUARTEll..Y'I CUTlflCATl ACiClll:lnll . • ANAHEIM 111.1121 • • .l . ··- ------. JANUARY ~~' . Ji'-.. rJ KNIT BONANZA FROM OUR MOST FAMOUS MAKERS 17.99-36.99 Fabulous savings on a . , remerl«ible selet::tion in wools, acetates ... dresses , tW-o and · thiie6 pie ce suit looks; . "'ost . t · c ume,s . . . newes winter-in +o.spril'lg shades. Mail one! tolephone orders accepted, while quantities · 1~,\. o.n . the •lyle, shown 9rify.· .W.ind~o,r MJ.,_es~ ,. . . I f.,~, .. \, •• ' . ' . • 'l!l,8i.e ... ~' ' .. ........ ~·. r /j "i.:;.,.;.. • 1· ·-.·• ~ _·, .. ~ . I· . " \ • . .• .. Wool lace +rim, shirt coflor, lillmon ·yellow, I 0-18 , 36.00 ' ' volue, 22.'19 I • NEWl'O~T , .... ,,,, ( " )_ • Mini-bib, I 00% wool, blue ~r ro~-quartz, size s IQ. J 8, 36.00 volue. 19.99 . .. ' -. ' . ' • 11 • • HUNTIN6TON BEACH 7171 EJi119•r A••· 1'2·llll I Mit1t. tti,.. Sit. Men, #lni frf. "10 1.111. f1 •:JO p.111. ~011. fhr• Sit. 10 I .flt> t. t :JO p.itt. Sit. I 0 1 ,111. t1 l p.111, 10 .t .111. t1 t iJ O p.111 . I ! I , I I • vor. 62, NO. 7, s SECTIONS, 84 P.AGES 5 Facing 'Charges of lGdriaping Kidnaptng charges were filed Tuesday against five men involved in a shootout Dec. 30 in Wesbnin!ter aod all five immediately pleaded not guilty to the charges. Albert Shirley, 20, of 61.f"' Huntington SL, Huntington Beach was killed in a shooting melee but lbe Orange County district attorney's office bas held the shooling to be seU defense and did not file any murder charges. Held on kidnaping charges are: -Donald D. Llncolo, 22, WhiUier, bail $2,000. -Richard A. Lincoln, 21, Whittier, bail $2,000. -George G. Brookins, 23, Fullerton, bail $5,000. -Russell E. McGrew, 19, La Habra, ball 11,000. -Gary M. Ingram, 19, Orange, bail $2,000. Everett L. Pittman, 24, of 7661 Trask Ave., Westminster had been accused of lhe shooting, but Deputy Oislrict At· •rney John Kronin said that no charges would be brought against him. nie 1 five .men_ must _return to West Orange County Mun1clpal Court on Jan. 17 at 9 a.m. for a preliminary hearing. ~ Tht.-dead man-was accused -by Pit· !man's younger brother Jim, 11, ol the family home at 14200 Alta St., of ab- ducting him and two other men on the fatal Sunday. J Interrogation o( the principals led to a recunstruction of a bizarre kidnaping and third degree interrogation treatment in connection with stolen narcotics. Detectives said Shirley bad accused the younger Pittman aod another man of steaJing a suitcase full of marijuana and drug pills from bis apartmenl The myst.ery cache bas never turned up. The men denied theft of the narcotics. The alleged theft led to the shootout on Alta Street in which Shirley was Jdlled. A witness, Deforest Moneymaker, 14201 Alta St .. told officers. that it air peared Pittman was d.et.enaiog hi.I own life with the .30 caliber riOe which killed Shirley. I i Hippie Teens Picket Army for Non-induction Militant members of H u n t I n g t on Beach's Oamboyantly evsngelical Teen§ for Christ group today demon~ated at · the U.S. Military Induction Center lit Los Ange les -but make no rasla assumptions. · The Bible-packing youths are protesting refusal by the U.S. Army to induct one of thei r own members, not fighting the military draft concept or decrying' the Vietnam war. A group of about 25 of the Gospel- spreadlng religious radicals are aroused by the Army's alleged refusal to induct 21-year-old Michael Ward, son or a retired Air Force colonel. Preaching and passing out religious pamphlets to fellow inductees wailing to become soldiers, Ward was reportedly ordered to cease bis recruitment in behall of t1Je Almighty and lib Son. Spokeamen for t1Je Teena for Christ group said Wan! refused 1o ll<>p bla sidewalk evange.liml. at which Ume Anny offic1a1t said be "ould mt; be inducted. It la d1ltlnotly -., the army not to late WIJ'd, h1a nppm1c1: AY, adding that tblJ ·it 'the aecond occuion on which he bu ..... mlllOd t1Je rilhl to ..,... bis country. Ile -to. Ibey uplainod. ' JDatorkdy. the mailive &rif. litone c<nter at JOtll Streel and Btoildny' has beelt~llJPGl~blppl6> type de-•lon flgbtln( Ille oppaafte viewpoint DA .. 1' Pt\.DT 9llfl "'"°"' DEATH CAR -Highway Patrol Officer cliecks )Vre<:kage following crash-Tuesc!a,y_ nighl .neei:.. Sunut-Aquatic-Park. jn_wbich Robert Eslick, 36, Long Bea'ch died. C&r was wrapped arounCi power pole so hard.it appeared pi>Je bad been driven through roof of vehicle. Driver Killed as Car Rams Beach Power Pole Robert Eslick of Long Beach W3S killed inslantly in Huntington Beach •Tuesday at 5: 10 p.m. whE:n _~ ~ut& careened off th~ dead~ Of ~·A~ and crashed at high gpeed · into ·a power pole. Eslick, 36, of 37op LopUna Ave., was apparenUy unaware that Edinger Avenue ends at Sunset Aquatic Park. Jn~tpc officers said Eslick'a car J"' \ 'd>.aty: Traffic , .. ! Dtatlt Toll s apparently was airborne for about 50 feet before it smashed into the pole. Impact was so great that it spun the auto, ,pinned to t1Je pole, aroond '° it faeed the oppo1ite direction it had beeii trawling. A coonly fire departmtnt ......., tum •'II .reQ\llttd to pry the body from the wreckage. nie pole had mnasbnd into the driver's section. Orange COOntY '""'"'"' said Esllck died ol be8'f lnd .ichelt iajuriea. He la Orange Cotinty'raeco00 ·b'.Jflic falallty Nobel Nominee, Newspaper Editor Baggi, 48, Dies Two FBI .Agents .,, Slain in Battle With Bank Bandit WASHINGTON (UPI) -Two FBI iBents were shot and killed today after exchanging gunfire wlth 1 suspected bank robber, police reported. , District of Columbia police said the h:'o agents, who were not immediately identified, were taken to C a f r i t 1 Memorial Hospital where they were reported dead on arrival. Pollet is.sued 1 homicide warrant for Billie Austin Bry~ 21. He was iden- tified as an ~pee ~ from the Lorton, Va., Federal Reformatory where he had been serving 15 to JQ years on charges of armed robbery., The agents aPIJjl.l'ently were trying to question Bryant .about a bank robbery earlier today in suburban Prince Georges MIAMI. Fla. (AP) -William Calhoun County, Md. Police said a llL!lped fled Baggs, a newspaper odit.or nominated from the scene of the robbecy into for the Nobel Peace Pr1u mer lcling W ashingtoo. as .., lnterm<dlary in preliminary peace-A police spoke.mW! said early this talk negtltiatkma between Hanoi and af'temoon Bryant was tn a wooded area Washington, difd Tuesdoy. He WU II. •lid. WU .believed to be anned with Bagp. edllor of Ille Mlamf News, tine g1llll. ,.. a penlstenl and artlailate eritte The robbeeyu a bral!dl ol the Cl!IJem In his Ully l!OWlplper coilDDlll GI Prell-Bank ol Maryland "u the !Diii holdup .,dent Jolmton's Vletnam polley. A bomber In the Waabqton·.-Ip aJpl days pilot· In World. Wu n. he ltrenuwab' of a f~ · ~ fJMN')al in- objecled to American bcnblng ol North llltution, and llieilftli Jn,two days. Vletllam-Pollee 111!1 f-~ hlocl<ed off · In January 111'1 and 11n the l)>l'1n& 111 ._ .,ilx squire.bloilb ollovtheast ol 1• "8-and Harry. S. A3hinore, W81hihgtql! this .,.itelnoc1n 1' h 11 e ehalrman GI the u~ye ,commJU.O Mrdl1ng lcr BrJaa1. of the Center for the StaclY GI~ •· . ' • • ,.. ... _ • ' . . ' • , '" ' ReineCke ·Picked ... : 'Young Comer' Putin· Nq~ 2·.S.p~i :: SACRAMENTO (AP) -Republican Rep. Ed Reinecke, pral!ed by Gov. Reqan as a_ "young, eoergetic" pollUcal comer. wu named Calitomia's new lieutenant governor today. The GOP governor's official an- nouncement at a news conference in the State Capitol came lhe day after Relnecke's 4:5th birthday, and gave the Studio City congreuman a flying leap into ltltewide attenUon and a possible bid ' for Req~s job whenever the guvernoi Ieavta office. Reinecke roplaces U." Gov. Robert H. Finch, who will become secretary or heaJlh, education and welfare, I n Prelldai!..ct N1xon'1 Cablnel later Ibis Trade Active, ' But Market Closes . Lower NEW YORI( 7API -The stock marktl Closed lower today but trimmed Its worst month. Reinecke officially will movt Jmo Finch's second·floor office. acroa. from the State Senale chamber ODly Iller the U.S. Senite confinnlt l"inch'1 ap. pointment. ., . In choosing Finch'•~. Reagan told newsmen, he put "cnaie.t tooeem on the need for nueaoe who ii a young, eneegetlc maD, a eapible 'wte- gett.er: .. with a future. ~~in terested In a fllhll:e In JlU)>l1e Ule." ·Whi1e b6.. found' no , ccmleblUi On ··any one candidate ·for !!If ,191> ,In la));lng with Republican leaden thniuchoul the state, the governor said, he ~ ~ver that everyone . 't;'anted usomecme who wu. •. a comer." Ax Slaylag . ,.. . Reagan decll.ied " ~ i>JaCe ~· an,whert Oil the political' speclflfm,, 1111 the --Oral elee)e<!'t,o.ollli:t jUJl ever four years' i,.:> -bu twM highly nted on vottn1 ~"3 of "f~ lions calling themselva conservaUV'e:~ 1' • Reagan said be and the new No. t man ta. state apverument IJ'fl "in philosopbleal agretm<!lt' oil '.lhe 1oala of the CroaUve SocJelr· .A, l>ollel In more emphaal~ '¥' ~ P.l'iX~t.IJ led«, local autonomy, leSs big goVt'tt'nnent. 11 Tbe govvnor-said that while he COD- sidered .tome , GOP J~latora, llUCil as Sen. "George DeukmeJ1'ft. of 14Mf• Beach, he decldOd he dldn1 dare. risk upsetting (See REINl!lCD, Pap I) Police Seek Bo.yfriend / Of·Slair:i Ha_r 'iar.d .Cqed .! '.1!'~ ... l . ...:::"' losees ...jn-la&e deallngs~-tradlng-was-CAMBRIOOE, Mass.-(UPJ)-~Tw0-- active, (See quotaUons, Pages~ persom--an ex-boyfriend lrom P~ru aqd The market stag~ a t.echn.k:al rally a second...boy who · tried to 1·date htr In the morning but backed away from 1' qulcldy. Tbe list w 1 s substantially -were sought for quuUoning, today lower by noon, worsening• its decline In the ax slay1ng of • Harvard coed in early afternoon. wbose nl&blgown cla~ body was 'fouDd In the final bout bargain bunting cut on her blood·soake4. bed. losses but declines still outnumbered ad· The former boyfriend wu believed vanci!s by a ratio of around two 10 to have been a oneUme student of an-one. A feature o( late trading was a huge thropology at Harvard and a classmate block of 239,800 shares of General Motors, of Jane S. BriUon, attracUve 21-year~ld down two at 76'2. McW moton were daughter of RadclWe College Vlce PreSi- down i.it •.teela -recovered ael«liv~, dent J. Boyd Britton. She-. wa foun<I showb)g a ll)llnd pottern. . Among a<:live 1tocks, sharp losses wert dead Tue.May ·in "er: aputm~ •· tew taken ·by MGIC Investment,• °"""flclal blocn Irmo !be HarvanlJ'.11)1 ,caUIJ>U'. Fin ~~~~'!!!. Uoltq! • ""~~;IP! ' M ~~~~~-~-·~'J~f .~ ... ' "'<JI Avnet ld•anced against the downtre~ Detective ~,gt . ..John .G aald JO Prlca wen lower on tht American _ .. -~t men and * ......,. Stock E<ehange. -ll8d been questioned In ~ ~h. ~ ~ :!t I~ were to ,..~ Waterfront Tract 1n addltlon .. the .. ;~~.!1io reportedly dated MiBa Britton .ahoul: a year aett. ·poilct were .eatclifn:g:fat a -belle•!'! to have: been tum~ p6Wn by the dead 1irl when he aSkect. for Developer Agrees To City Demands A c«ifroversial plan to build a tract on lhe waterfront near AdmiraJty Drive ind Coast Hitbway in Huntington Beach lost Ila controvenlal aspe<la Tuesday night when the developer qreta to meet all city buQding and zorung code re- quirement&. • . 'Ibe tract Is planned by B. A. Bertus Associates of Los Angtles and is to be about 60 homes. on IS.S· acres. Final con-figuration ol the · tract will be·.a finger peninaula wilh water on , both1 1i~ a date. Th&-murder wea~ Btlll wu· mi~ing, GaJIJpn reported. ·The' Pmrvian was nported ''tat have turned hippie in recerit mortuD," GaDJgan said and wu belleYed · slll1 liv!ni Jn ~-Cambridge area.". He ·;aa'tem .last mQnlh.the detedlve ~ Galligan aa1d Mlsi B r I tt on • s areheolog!eal tools ...,. ~Ueved to be in Pent They were no\ tn her rotlD. 1 Author,ltiea 111d prellminll')' niedical te•ts hldlc~ the llh:f was lllaln ~ly Tuesday, ¢o~ab1y betiree)I 1 and~ •. .n. She bad ~o with her ~t bc¢1iend Ul'lr...... , .BEATIN TO DEA'H,. .' • · CeWBrltteil • ' . ' I ! • Berk!¥, who had previous tract maps refuted by me city council because of aslr.ina for lots less than standard alze, told lhe commission Tue!day that ''I withdraw the request for a conditional exception and af,ee to meet all ct1ndi· Uona of the law. ' ' Pay Raise · ·aur:rah Approval of the tract map was unan· tmous . 18 Persons Drown In Cairo Bus Tragedy CAIRO (UPl)-Egyptian police today 1akt that 18 perlOOI dJed in a caµ-o bus accldenj 1\lelday that ~ied an estimated 31 persons beneath the murky waters of the River Nile. A diver and a rescue wotktr abo dri>wned .lblle lbet ""' lol>ldng for sun•lvon, according to police. ,_ . .; Growth Means$$ for Valley Counci~ City Manager Jamea E: Neal reported raise in pay"!',. • l Tuesday to Fountain Vallq a1y coun-After Nw replied "yea," coonell mein- ·"-that ~ • .....,, _._.tlal -"·"-hers, wtill tongue In cheet, 1ll'fled tfle ~•"'" . ·~ ~., •• ,_.,... ............ planning d•-t· to hurry up ucf ts 15,119 when aH propooed housing appnive aJf the pending• housl~C developmentl are completed 'and mHtd developments. with residenla. · ~----------... Mayor llpbert Seh~~quidly asked, "lm't the 15,000 · ftiure when the coonell .....ives .., .,domotlc ~. The Teem for Christ, who operate out of the Light Club in downtown Hun- tington Beach, say they bave every rigbt to demonstrate in behalf of Ward's et~ forts to serve. Institutions, traveled to Worth Vietnam. Baggs was on the center"• board. He was the only Amelcan journalist tnowa · &o have v151.ted Hanol twJce. LMt April 5 be and Aabm.ore returned from the North Vietnamese capital wUh a secret message from the Central Com- mittee of the OemocraUc Repubtrc of Vietnam to the U.S. government. Was 'Pot' Just AlfaHa? Besides, they poin\ out members of Gideons Intemationa1, a IOIMWbat more conservative spiritual promotson group, traditionally give New Testaments to brand-new Gls board1ni traina for FL Ord. PTA DAY NOW ON WEDNESJJAY 11'1 PrA Day In the DAILY PILOT. And that's DOt all that's new in today's Social Nola Section. Tbt PI'A pqe,. previously a feature o( Thuradl)'11 ediutlnl, bu been moved lnlo • "new'' Wed nesday Soclll1 Notes Section which features both women's nns and food features. The section ltlrtl today on Page 31. And Pl'A news Is on Pqe 34:. ...... ··- The message said that nat.hing of wtJ&tance woold be -diacussed ' at peace talb 1111til the l!lliled Stata mel certain ooodllions illeluding .. ...,.lion of U.S. hombioe railb and all •lb<' -al wat,"'Baga said later. · PoUC.e .Arrest Dancer On ·Indecent EXpomre Sanla Ana ""1lce ~ IU'T-• toptea a-who Ibey said llnillhed hlr d&l!Ce rotdlnl' llldo.. Kathleen Susan Pattenon, ~. of Canoe• Pork, wu Jalltf!l,followlng -her arreat at 1 beer bar •t 8 WtllmlMter Ave. Sbe-to-a<I ~--and Indecent'.._.. ' ' --- ' ·--. • I ~ w.,,,,.,, Ji...,. 8, l!!n S.irhan is missal ··JUdge Rijec -. Mif :tAI .. ~ -bis murder caH out <l c6urt . , ....... ~~~ _ • lla1llng opening d41 -...... , =-:.I0--:!11111 !Iii ·lot the ......tnalilin ol froni 'llio ~l'llber, . W. ~. Kennody be heard by Cooper : "II WOuld· bo ollly tw'djlltles. to d4n1 he did U" 11ooo lllllDtl'OUI wU .. · '7l>e Jardalllan bnmlvant -brou&ht .-. ,.,. Sirhan fire the bulleta that bid< It tbe -qi! ~ to ~ .wouncltd Kennedy_ -t the 1'lfdi lilt ottornoya maJoi tbe rilllal Ambusador Ho&t last June ... at,tompla to &el !bi ClllO_llll!\"'!'" d Coqper was aaPcl II 1111. Jlftinl11 aim · 11". 1r1.t1 'llld ... ......,.. bopml!ll was to avoid a cllalh oent.once. · TuOldli1 """ Iii; d-.....,... thol ''1llfl Is nQI niv ...,.,.pi ol lbe Clll," Sid>ID Jhould ..... two ~ jur!tt he -replied "The c1e1 ..... wlD be lleni -ooe to cleclde blJ auUl « lnnoC<nce other Uoee." and lllOther to decide tbe peoalty. Cooper was asked whal line the defense Sqperlar c...n Jlllf&I -Wilker would' I • k e and he WU llMCOlllllllllal qulckly denlod the JllOlion by~ In bll anawer. · Gnni c.Gper, chld cleleoile coimllel for "You'll tnow ·Just 11 sooo u wa otort the~ Arab. queotlonlng the'jury," Ile said; '7l>e request lor two juries wu Cooper aprang bis jury propo&al alter permlllll>le -... Calllomll l aw a aelllon ol more than an hour at cllvldoo d<larmlnlUoo of auUl and cllalh <the 111al'• outael b<blnd the closed door peaaJty burtnp Into two aeporato in-<l Wilker'• cbambera, at which the -p. H......,, In most..,..._ judge wu believed to heve roluaed a 1"'7 la lllld fcr .both. ao.day continuance. Frotn Page J One Arrested ' = ....... lllll tM1 """" ol -·-:.,~ 11 ':..,ie: not •1'ed whtther the)' 'wm11111llerabl1 oppoeed to bringing In a verdict of capltai punlalunen~ sroundl Io r automatic exemption from serving. Cooper conla>ded that the lint jury COllld decide on Slrban'I etaDt or in- -II th,ey nac:Md a wnlid ol tint d'ecttt .iurdef,. be utd, • second Jury could bl chooeii to decide between the death peoalty and lUe lmprllorunent. Deputy District Attorney Ly n n Compton, a former UCLA football player and World War ll paratrooper, objected thet tba trial lbnulcl bo conducted In a norm) 1nlDMI' IDd Wilker, an owl~ faced man with white, busby eyebrows, agr<led. Wllkar aiJo dented a second defense .motion that proe:pective jW'On be given ce.rta1n buJc queetlons of qualUlcaUon In a wrlUse lcrm to apeecf up seledlon of u rqular and m allernato juron. IDGBIE •.• .,.... -of Iba lndldment erred -11 wu 1 ta led that he did not Seal Beach Family Hehl -that the pilot, Bagley, WU an undermVer qent for the U .E ~ustoma service. '"Mlat statement is false," he said. "I knew that he was an undercover agent. In fact he is a longtime ac- quaintance. '' Hostage by Bandit Trio Robbers and kldnapen equipped with two.way radios and guns held a Seal Beach family captive '!\le.day night in thelr home while taking the lnarket "You have to unden.tand that I cannot ditcull many of the upecta of the case, llnce 101De ot u.e men Involved were clients; and edllcl forbid me to discuss my relationship With them," manager father to his Long Beach store Hifllie said. to clean out the safe. -...,,.A.wuun. J would say could allect • James F. Bender, 311 ol 1100 C.ialina their il&Ma~to a fair trial." be added. Ave., was taken the rour miles to his Trial ts set for Feb. 4 in U.S. Diatrlct market at 1000 E. ·Fourth 6~., where Coor1 In Loi An&eles' accardlDg to Asal!-bandits told him to get the money, S A ··-· o:.n.t1 w Mclnt-police reported today. t1t1t U. ·= · ,,.M, One of .the bandits remained in the -=-to the ~ C::"itw shadow· home, teeP1tut Bender'e wire Evon and ed qpecta of the cue wu McJDQre'e three ~aren: Debra, 11, James, 8, and cllsclolure ,_.1 that M • s.l ca • . Karen, f prlaooer during the robbery olllcl I "-·"-' off ' attempt narcot.1ca• • ......-a Once .inside the atore, Bender ran Into premature bust In Giia~ and hlJ ofllce, lncted the door and called lubfWuted a vegetable Rbit1Dct in police, according to the investigating place of the marijuana lntondod roe officers. abJpmeat." , The ;Phone call sent Seal Beach police Soarcel uid that. the ~b]e s~ to the Bender borne near aubltaDce" wu Jn {act !1800 pounds wDere Patrolmen Jim Swenson and of alfalfa. ·, Peter Franz arrested Thomas Perry, 35, Tbe ICCUl<d allonley, known widely or Chicago. Meanwhile In Long Beach. pollce ar· rived at the market to find the other two suspects had fled. but Police dtd recover the car believed to have been used by the bandits. Bender told police. tbat he bad arrived home about 8 p.m. Tuesda.Y. He 11w his wife and children buddied togethtr on a couch and as be was about to ask why. a gun wu "'°"ed Into bJI . ba~k by one of the robbers, according io the police r.port. _ omcera tald tbOY believe the bandits carried walkie talbea ·to keep in com- munication during the attempted rob- bery. Perey was arrested about a block from the Bender heme and booked on kidnap and robbery cbarl... Off~cers are still lookinR: for the other iwo !W!· pecta whl> are beneved to be armed and dangerow:. None of the Bender family was ·in· jured. I« bll ~"' Penoitl In -le, tlld lhal he • could nol -Ille DWI)' calls I hove llad -Clitnt•, judga, lr1tndl llld fellow....,. wbo want to help me:tu·ihll-1tihl&.'-er Ho apln ... .....-tlllt 1111 ftltlre cue .........i from an atl4il;>\ ID llelp IOIDe clJenta. 1 4 "I do DOI pradlct S"· and 11m11 al-~ a · . llJxlble Abortion, Sexual .Freedom Pllshed by 'Obstetrician ..iq marljulaa IDd u. to me lnr help, """ I ~=t•od a lawyer -tlley plJnto . • • ' . ~ Beach . Escapee Sent to Prison A Huntington Beach man who unauc· cealully lrlod to eecape !nm San Dlqo Comtly Jail baa been ... -In that city's SUperior Court to oue to JO yean fn l'late priaon on the felony escape coont Judge Ell Levemoo hlndod the jail term to Steven Ahvel Garcia, 35, ol I-"A" St Chetiea of COU1plracy to eacape and ltldnap agalnsl Garcia were dimdased. Garcia made bll bid for freedom last Ocl I wben he overpowered a jail deputy aft.tr threatening him with a table knife. Confronted with other ofneers, he stir· rendered t.be knife and returned to bis cell after wbat was described 1n court as "ID amlceble dlacul&ion.." Garcia wu being held In San Dlqo on narcoUca charg ... OA llY Pl lOl OlAHOI C'Qllf PUtlllMIHS COM,A"l't ..... rt "1-"'''' Ptt111N11I .... """'!"'"' J1clt •• c •• 1.y Vi<.t Prn~ tflll ~·•' M•"-"' The"'•' Ktt•il E.auor Th111111 A. l.lv.111~;"' "'-1"1 EfllW .Ali1rf w. ••••• w;n;.,.. •••d "'''°" .. '' ,...,,,...,ten ll!IM(ll fdl,.,. Cl•r lt!lar H1 ...... MIMdOHfu lOt Ith St.111 M1lll•t A4Jrt1t1 P.O. 111 7tO, tl6~l --.. NIWM'f tlt<ll: nn Wttl I•"-" ..,..,ll'v1r• C:•ll MeMl .Ult W•1I l•Y Slrftl · •. EAST LANSING, ~Uch. (UPI) - 'Women' Bbouid have the right to legal ·~on and engaged coupla 11hould be ' fl't!e· to enjoy premarital Bex, a New York City obslelrlclan tlld today. 'ilr< l!ellg B. Neubardt told a Michi&an St.ate University "IUUality simlnar" that some ol the present day sex taboos are as 'outdated as high-button shoes and ankle-length skim.· Mlchtpn State la spoNOl'ing a eeven- wek symposium on "5eruallty: A 8eardl•f0t Perspective." School officials say . II • Is one of the first attempts by •. f'Ollege to cover the subject of am: ~ on IUch a broad ecale. "Young people now reject the Idea that 11S. ii aln," Dr. Neubardt said. •'Tbef 'know that sex II healthy and they en~ 'aahlmed of tbolr sexuality." He ~ for UberallzaUon of abortion laws to permjt pregnant women to "deterudnt if I.bey want to bear I cbiJd." He ll1d an aborilon performed by a quallfled pbyaJclan b no more rlsty than a tonslllectomy or childbirth itseU. "There•a usually no good reason for an ln~geat American woman to have an unwant.ed)regnancy," be added. Neubatdt said too many "mythl" have been developed in the United States over premarital sex, lncludlnc "an overemphesll lhet lrta Immoral." .. An engaged oouple sbotlld eiijoy sex together, not 11 a barometer of what Ulelr maniaae ls going to be Ute, but as a healthy, enjoyable thing. Neubardt al8o called for lon&er enwementl u 1 means of JD!Urlng better marriage&. ThiJ way, be uJd, the couple would know what they're in for befoni algning a contract that can only be broken through divorce pro- ceodlnga. He said there should be regular sex education COlD'Sel in elementary and secondary school.a en contraception as Boy With Lighter Blamed for Blaze A small boy who fircmtn said wu playing wllll a cigarette lighter haa been blamed for a bluo wblch caused 11.soo damal• Tueaday to a raldmce in Loa Alamfioo. Robert Hanis, cl, 10674 oak St., told Oranp County. l1remen that his aon, Jol!ettl ol taking a nap u be had -dlrecled, -a clpretle ligllter and cnwiod Into a clotet wllll the UaJtter. lgnltod doll>lnc In the -oprud well as "lhe £acts of life." "Children are now taught how babies are conceived," he ~· "Tbey should also be taught how b•blea are not con- ceived.'' Neubardt told the seminar Tuesday that people with ae.xuat problema make a mistake when the.y set:k advice from doctors. Traf fie Hazard Brings Valley Condemn Action City Attorney Edwin P. Martin was ordered '!\teldaY nlgbl by the Fomtlaln Valley City Council to begin procedum for condemnation of I piece of property on. t.be Io U th side o( }Varner Avenue about 1,320 fett west of Brookburst sir.et The city wants euement ri&hts on the property In order to move a power pole eboul 22 feet back from the street The pole is a traffic hazard because of the way Warner Avenue cUts back and forth in that area, councilmen said. Southern Cllilornia Edison ' Co. has offered to move the pole free, but owners · of the property relU!ed to' ar111t eaae- m'ltt rlihts. according to city offtclals. Once tb• city condenw: a small portion of tht land, lt can give the easement righll to Edison Company. FJC Coed Found Dead in Bathtub A Fullarton Junior College coed !ouncl dead Tueaday tn a bathtub in her home Wl!l tentatively listed as a drowning victim, the Orange County -:oroner's office reported today. An autopey will be performed to determint ·the exact cause of death of Lahne Rlchanlaon. II, wbo lived willl her sister, Mrs. Wilda Joea Dowil, In Anaheim. Police wm e1Ued to the home Tuesday by a cl....,,.to who ltopped to llv• MIJa Rlchardaoo a rid< to achoo!. Airliner Hijacked the fire lo the -about U:40 ffAVANA(AP)-AColomblanalrllMr p.m. ~ said he l>nan 118htlnc the . wllb 16 -era and cnw members !lames with a pnleo i-before the wu forced to n, to Qilla 'i'lleld•Y llremm arrived. '1111 blaa wu Ulldtr by ooe <l the pamngen, a "°""' man control at l ::n p.m, -.... to 141 with a pistol. All aboard ucopt the firemen. Jouna: man were uptCttd to return No ont wu lnjured. today to Colombia. • Violence Flares • State T-e·acher~ · St~ike Spreads NIW LT. GOVIRNOR Rep. Etlw•nl Roln.CS.. F"'m Page J REINECKE •.. From wtre Stnleu SAN FRANCISCO -Tht American FederaUon ol T"eachers atrike at ent• batUed San Franclaco Stato College spnad todl.Y to a .. ai1>, acbool and 8*rllt. undfoos Wert nqUilsf.ecl at three olherl. A' ~·iin>!-WM hit by a lltecracker at ·ot11 tchool and a student IJ!riker wu artatlod II another· !or hit· tlna a 1tudenL The imlolli ....-ting a minority of faculty ~embers In U.. It tchool state cionece IJitem. dim.anded ,.me:m- lt1gl\tl ~ti~ with -"' Ill• atudant .a~ al llaJi J'rancf,lco State and lmprifod salary and -ltlna con- dillorii. . As. AFT mamben plcntod for the third· day al San Franclaco 8lmllar acUon wu tUen at 8an JON State ,fll. miles to the south. '7l>e unlnn --about 300 ol the 1,1111 faculty memben at each campus. The AFT, which hes cheplort at 16 the dlllcato Rapubllcan majority In Ille ol the 19 cnllqea, aoughl strike uncllon ltato lqlalature. The A11embty ts 11-39 from Inell labor cnunclll at college& llepubUcan..ancJ the Senato 20-It, with In Fresno, Sacramento pd Chico. one Ya'cancy, Reagan needs every GOP A cherrY boatb dropped lrom a high -•· •· ... u -.. riae dormltocy struck pyachology pro-v-.., can .-IU programs are feuor James Stee1e u be marched on to @'Ceod lhla year. Ille San Jose picket tine. OtherWlse. P1na1J1, Req:an aaJd of the legislative the picketing was peaceful with some =t~~ became unthinkable to toy teachers joining the teachen. He may be faced with the problem Student Paul Yamuakl was arrested an-•, .me.. a-·bUcan Assemblyman at San Franclaco when be t;ried to pre.- ,, ""'Y ·-!"' vent a student bun crossing the picket P&itriclt McGee ¢ Van Nuys said he ' line at the main entrance. He was a wtU run for Relnec:t,·1 congressional ber f th -·~ w Jd ..... " ee1t. "-ther candidate will be Jack mem 0 e .1wi-u or ~a ... on 4'VN Front, a coalltlon of ltriktng mlnorlUes. B. Llndaey, Reagan's former liaison man "Run Paul, Run Pauf," cried his with the Aasembly. friend& u police puraued Yamuakl along Reagan told ·the news conference that atreet car tracks In frODt of the school he alio had conside:ro appointing some O!flcers quickly took him tnto cuatody. of bls official family, such as Senate Since union teacberl called a !trike Ua1aon man V~on Sturgeon; Gordon of thelr own Monday, several department Luct, state transportation and buslneaa beadl eipressed dou_bts bow long they ~tary; and ca.spar Weinberger, sta.L can operate with sparse or irregular at· fmanca director. .. . tendnce. But. he added : (Just couldn' b~ak Attendance at the campuJ this morning up w~at I think ls a most capable ranged from zero in 50me courees to team. . . 115 percent in others. The ~ov~mo: said he did not reac~ Picket line scuffles broke out Tuesday a decision tn .his month.-long search until betw ber of the American Tuesdny· "I Just went mto a dark room een mem s sat dow.n by n1yself and made th; F~eratJon of Teachers a~d. student decision ." militants who have been striking since Word of the governor's apparent choice last November. emerged Tuesday from various Stale Solidarity between the t~o groups: Capitol sources -ending a month's lasted one day and prompted Acting conJUltation with party leaders and con· President S. I. Hayakawa to reiterate alderation of pos11lble appointeel that his claim the teachers ~·ere "riding be&an after Finch's departure became the coattails" of the etudents. official. The rupture of cooperative efforts Even before his announcement today. between the two groups le<! Tuesd;iy Reagan had said he wanted to name to tbe first renewal of violence -and a man who would help 1he party ticket police &rTestl -since the 18,QOO.student in the 1970 statewide election, and in· school reopened Monday after a tended to continue in public office. thre&-week Christmas recess. Reinecke filled the bill. There was also heated reaction among lllll1Y nonottlklnc teacllm toward an : AFT letter, .Saned by local . prealdenl : Gary Hawk!M. . * * * Reagan Seeks T0. Cut Pay For Strikers SACJIAMENTO {UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan said today the state Is taking steps to cut off the pay of striking ltate college teachers. · "There will be no pay ror those · unauthorized absencet," Reagan told a .Capitol news conference. He noted_ the law banned stritee of 11tate emptoyes and that J:>e, Sta,te Finance Director Caspar W. 'Weinberger and State Controller Houston J. Jl'lournoy · were "assuring that the law ii bting upheld ." After five unauthorized absences from . : the job, a statt'l college teacher is subject to dismissal. Reagan said the cut off of pay would be a "surprise to 10me of them.,., He also repeated his intention lo keert the strlfe·torn San Francisco state·: College campus open "at the point of : bayanet" if necessary, to protect the · right of students who want an education... , He renewed his plf.dge to keep the college open in the race of threats by . disaldents to shut It down unlesa the.ii' demands for change are met. Reagan was &$keel if be foresaw an "Immediate solution" to the crial.s at· · San Francisco. He silid under the cireumstancer, "the only solution you have ;. • lJ either · fight or turrender and when you -sur· · render they have taken over." He aaid . - "society does not have any retreat." "This is the day af the ultlmatum,0 he said. "They (militants) have delivered the ultimatwn at knifepolnt, at firebomb point." · - The. governor equated the dissidentr ' demand with those of a blackmailer. ''They are back the next day like 1n1.· blackmailer with another demand." ' Meanwhile, an Assembly-Republican le 0der proposed legislation today to rtre ' state college professors and teaching . · assistants who participate in ltrlkes against the colleges. The bill bY Aasemblyman Don Mnllord' (R·Piedmont) GOP caucus cbalrman, came as a J'f8111t of atrlkt1 by the· American Fedeiation of Teacbera at San Francisco State. v lhlngs are hBllDBDIDD al MERCURY SIVINBSI MERCURY'S In tbl ... , ................. Cir.a wtn -JOlll' nine. then pllJ I bodt f-111 lor,.. •-and a '"to""""'"" You wlll k pl1Jfn1 I• Sran1wlck11 1n "Swine-A.., ""' -111111, -ponnlta l"I' to -300 ma. .. -•301ootpulllTolllYlliJOA• JOU' pnte, "'°' • Ill ... .wt •• ALL Mercury 5ams en)oJ Mat-lnl'1 banefltsl Savinp NC8ived ~ Janu· .,., 10lh aam lrum JonUlrJ 1. FREE Safe Deposit lox (Mllllmam.Balance $7,0flO) Fm Fnillla, laps ... ____ ., -tho h---.. -"" r•••boot llYltllL 1.21" -ICCODlll lflllllLE MERCURY SAVINGS · and loon association flJ EXICtlT1VE OfflCES: 7812 fdiqiw Ave., Huntlnston lllodt __ 1114 ___ _ Ofllt 9.Q) un. ID 4<00 p.m., ~llm; 9.Ql UL ID 6ilXI p.m, fridl1 ~-------------------------------------------------------·- --·-- - ' \ ' . .. • • • - . . . , . Laguna Beaeh '": T...,.,11 l'bl•l. YOt:. '42, NO. 7, 5 SECTIONS, 84 PAGES 1 -, f I" ORANGE 'CO(,INn', CALIFORNIA. . 1 > • • ·re rs ' . ~ We.bN~OAY, lANUAt!Y" ~>1lt6 e ... . .• --. .. --· ~ N.Y'.''·Stee1u " T J rel"CEM's Reinecl{e Picked LOwAltitude I Ejection Saves Pair 'Young Corner' Put in No. 2 Spot SACRAMENTO (AP) -Republican Rep. Ed Reinecke, praised by Gov. Reagan as a "young, energetic" political comer, was named California's new lieutenant governor today. . The GOP govr.rpor's official an- ~uocement at a news conference in t& State Capitol came the day after Rein~k~'s 45th birthday, and gave the Studio City congressman a fl ying leap inlo statewide attention and a possible bi~ for Reagan's job whenever the governor leaves office. .. Reinecke replaces Lt. Gav'. Robert H. . FJpch, · whO wn1 become secretary of f · health, education and welfare i n President-elect Nixon's Cabinet later this mon'th. Rein«ke o!ficla11y will move into· Finch's second.floor .office across from thtl: State Senate chamber only after' .he U.S. Senate confirms Finch's ap. Ji ntmenL In choosing Finch's successor, Reagan ld newsmen, be put "greatest concern 1 the need for someone who is a Ung, eneegetic man, a capable vote- lter. • .with a futUre. Someone in· :ested in a future in public life." While he found oo consensus on any ·1e candidate for the job in talking ·ith Republican leaden throughout the tate, the governor said, be did discover that everyone wanted "someone wbo was .•• a comer." Reagan declined to place Reinecke anywhere on the political spectrum, but the congressman -first elected to office just over four years ago -bas been highly rated on voting sca1es of organiza- tions calling themselves conservative. Reagan said he and the new No. 2 Ax Slaying "" N&W L • GOVIRNOll Rep. Edw•rcl Rtinecke , man Jn state government are .. in pbilolopblcal ..,..,.,..,, ao Ille 1oals of, the LTeative Society. , .A ~ In more emphasls on the prtVate-..... MCtcr, local autonomy, less btg government." The· governor said that while he con- sideretl some GOP legislators, such as • Police Seek ~oyfriend. ' Of Slain Harvard Coed CAMBRIDGE. Mass. (UPI) -Two penon0'-<111 es-boyfriend from Peru '!l\d a secood boy who tried ·1o date her -..... sougbl for" questioning todB¥ in the. ax slaying of a Harvard cped whose n1ehtgown clad body was found on her blood·soaked be<L;:i The former boyCrltind was belie.ved to have been a ~e student of an- thropology at Ratv8rd ancr a classmate of Jane S. Britton, .aftrad.tve 22-year-old daughter of Radcliffe College Vice Presi- dent J. Boyd Britton. She was found dead Tuesday in her apartment a few b1ocU from the Harvard yard campus. , A ,medical report .,.. ezpected later today. DetecUve Sift. John ,GaJliian .aid 110 per10ns ...... eJPt rneil and two WOrDID -had been . questiaoOd In Ibo «loaih. (See SLAIN COED, Pap I) ' Seo. George Deukmejian of Long Beach, he decided he didn't dare risk upsetting the delicate Republican majority ln the state legislature. The Auembly ii 41-39 Republican and il1o' Senile 20-19, with one vacancy. Reagan needs every GOP vote he can get if his programs are to succeed this year. Finally, Reagan said of the tegis1ative margin, "it becamt Uflthinkable kl toy with that." He may be faced with the problem anyway, since RepubUcan-Assemblymao Patrick McGee of Van Nuys said he will run for Reinecke's congressional seat. Another candidate will be Jack. B. Lindsey, Reagan's former Uaison man with the Assembly. Reagan told the news conference that he also had conddered appO.lntlng some of his official family, such as Senate liaison man .Vernon Sturgeon; Gordon Luce, state transportaUon and business secretary; and Cupar Weinberger, state finance director. But, ~ ~: ·~~couldn\ br11k up '!'hal I..qii4. . < 1 most o.aaahle le~" ~--'.' • ~ The " '°' "" !Ii• ... 'rqch • ~~~ ,.ri·.mw Tue!day o "11"'!~ in]i.,11 d!(,l: room, qt,. down ., • ~ U. decision." Word ol ,the gu~'I apparent <!>9jct e-...f ~/ t"'1 VarilMJI state Capitol ..w... -.,, • -·· conaulCllion Witl>.porly leoderi and <00· sideration ol paulhllf appolnte<s that bepn alter Fllicb'I deplrture became official. Warren Stokes, Laguna's Poet Laureate, Dies "His Jove of Laguna came ahining throogh everything he wrote," hla wife said quietly. Warren Stokes, Laguna Beach's poet laureate, died Monday at the Veteran's AdminlstraUon Hospital In Los Angeles following an Dlneu. He was 76. Private servicel will be held. lntennent will be at the Veteran's Hospital cemetery in 'Loi Angeles. Mr. Stokes. 520 N. Coast Hlghw11¥. Is survived by hls wife Irene and aon Warren, Jr., an Anny lieutenant. Mr. Stokes, under the pseudonym Terry Travis, wrote over IJO poems published in the old SOolh Coast News under the heading "Viva Laguna." "His poems esto1led Che" vtrluei of Lquna," llltl. Stabo Aid. "Tllejo told ol Ill the beauty. ol. tho. -and -sol Lquna Beac,!I/' lht llld. Belen 1111 llm.U; ""'·-wrote a Nriel of humorous poeJTlfJ called Ter- l')'JP'llN. By ARTlllJll R. VINSEL Of n.. o.llY" ''"' Staff A pair of young ruers miraculqly escaped lnjlll')' Tueoday -tlle}I ejected -like human cannonballs - from a naming fet at runway level, while attempUng lo' llnd the plane ac. El Tort I Marino>Corps 'Air SlaUon, Overnight ataya in the -dilpenaory inn onfttod &Ir Ibo pilot llld· 111 radar ollio!r,. but neiille. suffered' anything -Ulan ........ jarring lJid • larp IC:llt, spokMmen said., ...:n.~ IMJi' ---lioflolllO Boacli -inJJt LI. °""""1 F. 3'rlmllle. 14, of ~ Qued• Way, 8DJ1. Ill _LI. l'""'l>bYinil, ZS, of 145 Crm st.' • Tibnble WU bringing the Ft PirllinmlH • Oii •ftunW8¥' :14 fOllowlng a roalinl dr.yllpl trainlnl --5 p.m. Tueodlly, -Ibo· --aiifdenJy bural into nam... ~ · ' ' ' Ullng an ejectJOn ayBtem desfpod to save fllera ,_ doomed jets II cri>und ~ ,1 level,. Trim~e and Vaini were bluted _____ ,,. skyward u high u 2110 feet and lben . "'"' ,,...,... parachuted, Safely to earth. Grouclao' 'A Grouch• The II n\llllati attaok fighter .careened . , ~ .!'\ .!'11"8 the · and was deotroyed Edna '..E<\~1'1~'" ~ 1'1J!.td9:.;aul4~ .llJ ~ . <!D 'l'•<sti1alion .di~~' 'ell~litig htron:ytllf, · ~· ' ' :~ ... --It ·bf ~moodJ."'C°Ol/Pl• 'II . ,.a. · known " .r ch< p~hajf .. ._ ._. ~ r---or , wu. l!llll_a ~ ~ Ibo ninway. S ~•-M k Lo. · ~: · &Jlibiil"wlitdo aaved Ibo pilot and ~CA ar et ·. . sse~ ~~ · · 'A~~!~~~ ' • ' ' ' Th( .-.i ~~ io which 'l'rtin~ In Last Hour of TraAinn-. =~~,;,.-:ii~·.!1r..i~1n~ ULl..ae re)fufldl b71 ~tiptQra. I 0~ever t~ it w.,, I'm sure those NEW YORK !AP) -The olo<k market closed lower today but trimmed Jta wont losses in late dealings. Trading was active. (See quotations, Pages 24-25) The market .atased a technical rally in 1he .momtnc but backed away fmm it quietly. The list vi a s autstanUaily lowtr" by· noon, worsening !ti decllrie in early lti'ternoon. In the final hour bargain hupUng cut losse1 but declines !WI outnumbered ad· vance.s by a ratio of around two to one. Opposition Wins A fe1turt of· !ale iradini -a bole block., 219,l!JO llhara of ~ ~, down two at 76'n:. Most motari were down but steels recovered selectively, ahowln& • mixed pattern. Among active llocu, sharp ...,. ...,. ta~.. by . MGIC Iovestmen~. Benellclal Finance, rnlernationaf UUlltla, United Fruit, General Instrument, P an American World Airways .and BMIUet. Avnet !l'lvancecl agaJnst the do!rnfreild. P.rlces, were lower on the Ainerican Stock Ezcbange. Laguna Planners Deny ' Residenc.e Zone Plea Lquna Beach planning Commiaoiooen Monday~ niaht denied a request for a zone chanp .flf 1 IQU!U·family dwellteg at 709, Ca~ owned by Lawrence. Adami after area resl~la voiced strong oppolJUoo·to any chankt. -Granted final approval·to a, .,.aklnce app1Jc4~on from lite Surf and Saod ~· 1511 s. Coast Hlgtn,.,. ' ' -Deferred°· action of 1 · vai:lf'C! ,ap. plication by Allen Oldan1obllt:Cad1Dac; 1102 S. Coast Highway; pflola . were afrakf ft WU eitlier I too much .QI) )oo ·l\dlo (or p wbljl there," said '~ ,a.n..a.:.J:ijh;"-' of . Ibo MiriDeCOr,.mr.m.fbr"~ '· "Well, U wmt:ed u ldftl'tiled." added Maj. Ro~· ..... , Joint lllformoll9il •ervloeicruhiillle'~ ~ c(!lilk~atillll'...., ""'"" ..... (atbind. Capt. En~uld the did not ... ol ~ limllar -.... II lbe ·Or· Codnty lnltaDailon. but bas heml,ol ~lo her duty tour. EJecllo'n at crtt!cally low alitindea Is one of lhe milll .~ :maneimn faced by 1 Jel Pilot '!bell all elfortl fill io blillC ID alrcraft in Ufety. MllllY mt. DOI .....00 lo belp wltli 111bs<qlldlt cruh ~bes. ~ \wo · !lnl Ue<jlenanlt are serving with Squa4r0o .VMll'A m; a fl<ler •~ tack outfll. ' · r-· Capo Planners. O~Y. New Tri:tiler 'Pai:k Sao Juan Capiltr11., ~g ._. milllonera Tuada,)' ~an Allpaz Road ..-bflll!l.,~t fer retired ..wta. llow ... -tecbnlClll ~U.-~1·~ M l!'fbd1, Piii bJ. the COlllllljlllOll •I "' Jan. • meetlng. The elpwicre dmlooDtenl would Pl'<!' vlde 132 -tPoceO (« 110uae Crailri The foU 1n.l,Olll oquare feet in me. Developer l!:d lll1li!r llld lie 1-work Capo School Board Studies Only that on& c;or:n« . property· LB il"f:' volveCI and land odjecent lo It Is Wiled R-Z. Planner1 decided to retain R-1 zoo. inl because ti>posrapbically the area is oriented. toward single family dwell- lnp. Although the boule and lot are zoned for sinll< retldence, ii II 1 legal non- c:oolorplln& properly, llnCe the hoose and attached unit were there before 1940. Several familin live there now. Leisure World . Opposes El Toro will be oompleta. by -· Oralll• ·' · Ceaa , BEATEN TO DEATH Coed Britton PTA DAY NOW ON JVEDNESDA1: It'1 PTA Day tn the DAILY PILOT. And that's nof all Ulat'1 new in today'a Social Notes Section. The PTA page, previously a feature of Thursday'• editions, hu been moved Into a "new" Wednesday Social ·NoW: Section which futures both women's new1 and food feataru. 'll>t section llarll today on Pap 31 . And Pl'A news Is on Pap :14. Lagunan'~ Book Told "Full Sall for Tripoll," a novel for yoong people wrllttn by ~na Beach resident William R. Gra , Is re- viewed today In the .DAIL PJLOT on the Zdllon•I Page, •P!'<arinl 00 p,,. •. I '-cent Tax Override ,Vote Dr. Piiil COoover told comm1 .. 1oners Laguna limo Leliure' World ofllcfals Airport Plans Bt JAC!t CHAPPEU. Of .... Oalfl' .... , ... The possibility ol a SS-cent tu cmnide election in the Capistrano Unified School DWtrict will be considered durihl a apeclaJ .session of the dllltrld's trmtees Monday. The override II being propooed b:r Dlslricl fruporinla>dent Charles Kenney . If a~ed the measure would rai&e about $8d.),OOO for tfle schooJ dlltrict, ln f1JC8l 1119-70 he uld. Kinney aald the ldcitiional money 1! needed'•to reltDre JrOll'lmt cut thi.I year bee._ ol lhnited flmda and to meet • projedod If lo Jj pen:enl In- .,,.... Jn enrollment. lncrtasel in ...-vllllatlool Ju<e are not keeping pace with t.be needa of the diotrlc~ Kenney Aid. Tbe 81 cents wount loc:;rease the present klJ 1u rate to fl.Ill per 11110 of - valuaUon. Tho 1poclll ,...ioo for cooaiderlna ~the override will be at 7:30 p.m. M~ay at Sierra School, 1612' Victoria Bl\od., p:>lice have been called to the house are on rf1C91'd~ today . tn. opf911Uoq1 to Capftlrano Beach. ~;=:~ Umes beca~. ct nq1le corn-pooslble upamion · ol El Toro Mlrlne _, If the meuure were to he placed "U illit. it ·~ eumple ol mulUple Corps Air Slalion 'for Ille blo ' · ' on the April 15 ballot, date for blamial family resld~ then we don't wane lllrcrafl · ' · · · ' election or school trust.... 1 dec1llon Ill)" part ct t~" he said. . D!roctors Ii ·the LellurO Wor·~~~ -.Jd>. haie lo be riiade by Jan. ID. Tb .. ~' c!eoiai will nol change CorporalllJlll, 'and .. ~ldl!n f.GUll' l\ennq MlcL llowe•ei, another ovenide the...UU.. --..r, It would pr.. daUon.s 'lulve ~Pl'COY'!! .o ejection date could bo set later, he vent ~·ct 1 -mulU·famlly reaoMioo lo Uiat elf ' · bdn( added. ,_ '· bu!ld!iil C!>ere. • . , forwarded ·~ Iha e Cow!,(\o :l!Oar( Seyen elementtry IChools one in-fn other ocCloo, LqlJnl planners; of Superylul. • . · temiedlate !Choo!, and one hJch ochoo1 --OJo\lnlll\I ..,.,II Jan. al·• ooodlUon•I ft u~ 1l'e :a1tl1dN. ore ~. by •llli ~iltr.lllO Unlfled U.. permit requat by J. M. Gooley. "d 1iC lhe' lliilrid.~~ whl<:ll..wldlllow,1::J..tq<recC~llfllle U.S. 'P«J>o '·'~·11.E( Kenney aaid the dlltricl will have ' !amll1 ~ '"' o£ two lbuUing T or ~"l'fllljoo ~ •, "' lo hft211 _.. -.-t ~ber lofa,J~~ I~ La ,14lnd4 ljl the -"'. ·~,~ ~· :' .,:' .,.=ta.211 ' yar ~Od~lo}od. Howll'll'• ,,,. ~,,Ia ~.,!Iii II" Th< dlittlce ii apoctlnt 111 lddlt1oo11 to ·1111 hla l'l<Pirir at ti4 RI '1 .r. ~' l!Oltudenllnoxtyur.Lutfoll .. eoroll-&lr~·ctilidollloof..,1pu · '!> .. er '. 'pt · matt WU •,&00. , arUiL iaCb RB Kenney said-would II<-'-"'1>o'o~ !J:r!e-H •.•·~~ IJl .ao, :..tl"9oot.ft-0 : '. 11 Ina the aid Sao Juan. Capiotr100 High the ·ljll, ol P<Of*Jr •I ':"I G~yre · JilgJ11la1. ~ ~.. ' IJiri>, School nm year, u a temponry In-SL for.art Camultllit aerv!Cel. ma di' other .1lllrtif ....... Ill termedllle ochoo1 f« sradn I Ind 7. -Ap\)rov~ 'W. H. Bfown'~ ·r<qUett Rlvel'llde "Sin 1leinaNliD ~· '!'hit tchool will have to bl '¥"lil<tely to ~ff' the IJodrooe> It 1111 1'111 Tiie =i la olao fllbliol tho staffed, ht Aid. t , IUU!l'll Dr. home. .; !du ol 1111ol111 lidtldOa. "~" -. J ' ' ' ........ . ' The weatherman hll a gloomy outld. for PrakteoHfeet, Nlzon.'1 birthdlJ \alUUi IOW-Ovtftalt atiel but turning siijJlllly swmy by mld- mornlnl with high temperahlrel In the. micMO'& .. ' -INSIDB 'IOIJAl.' ., . . . ' ' .. ' ,. I , I 1 • J !'All Y ~ILOT I I J L Wed-. J1nu1t1 8, 1969 Was • • . Clai ed 11J ~ VALTSllZA 'U!IP!IJ m:alllclal Ind traruport .... -·""' -• """. ~lllO (.... • ' Ion ~ Balboo llland AUOn1ey Richard A. • a ball) ~ 'UAQA lrom M-lo 1ltll • i. . ~ c.llklhla. • .. '-'~""'"', ,.... .... """'"'Ct ~ ~ lllal ..,_.\1111 lll!tl lll>l!allna fl.7 million In awijuana Into "'~ la Jllii ,)!arbor W' ·al!: Illa the v:.s.. today denied wrongdoln& u ' ll!e, n. hal Voiced constant oppeiiltlon lilf&td ln,tllo <barges. to the.,.. of tbe illegal weed. to. a *•lcmtl IWI to the cbafges Speciflcallv the Indictment whlcn WQ today bowev. ........ clo&e to 111< ,, • caie 0 lnilJca!M 'that the 3 lllO powidJ Issued 111.!1 November, ,.,,,.,,.. Higbie of ol. atuff "amugs:led." into the U.S. was contacting a pilot and directing him ~ illilla -not mori)llAna. to fly to Guadalajara, Me.tco, lo bring J'ederil autboriues today would only back the, marijuana In a rented plane. admit tW tbe stu!f ii "a vegei..file The Jildictment names John W. Bagley aubet•nce." ' _ • as U>e_ pjlot, Lyle Paul German, as Bllble. fl, in an int.view with the: intended purchaser of the contraband [)Alty PILOT declaNd' be hid, .. No in MeEco and Jtvmond Daniel Tetter pat Jn fD1 mwallnl ol marijuana as the pickup man. pf.rlQft.llly .. No sources have divulged the addresses -· .... ~. lai '--of the other three persons named in •mi ~ attorney exp ned that ue the document, however one said German ~itftl hll be.in& named in the federal is believed to be hiding in Mexico. indictment ii ''a blufre result of an While declining to detail the specifics a~ ftlationllUp." in the case, Higbie did say that previous 'l'bl federal. lodktinen1 alleges tba\ press accounts of the indictment erred Higble, a Balboa Island attorney for when it wu 1 ta t e d that he did not eight yean and former Newport Beach know that the pilot Bagley was an planning commlssion .. , conspired With und~Ver agent fW0 the U.S' .!UStolTUI Raymood Daaltl -Ted<r of, Oraoge to semce. Trial Opens In Lagunan's Assault Case Jury selection began . today in tbe Superior Court lrlaf al Gary CtJll of Lquna Beach. CallJ, IS, of l!IO Motmlal.i View R!>ad; -clwge1 of a.saault wilb •• cleadl1 w_.. He Is llCC1l8ed of firing pelltls Into the face of a La Puente man -a fracas laat Alri U at·IJs 17S7 'femple Hllil Drive bome.of.Qlarltl J.JIDIBI. ; -O!Ocen who amsted CtW at'llle Hoist nsickrJ<e all'i• Vil laaac• WOodland, 3f, WU wounded in the left clleok •and chin when the angry Celli fired a 1u ft:~~ during I parly' 01'eJd ,bJ 'Ille)' claim that CtJll ~ over to Woodland who waa m&IJig * 'drlnlc beblnd the bor and aald • ., .. ~ • good looth>c guy, you dC>l't'.d~ tills woman" -ao 1""""61 f'lerl!pce to ........ .-Wfth. Jboin ·~ =rt~~~~~ .. ~;"/"'.'.":. CtJll wa one di tlii cenlrtl ~ In the theft on April 'll, 19!7 :oi ,rare Jada pieces valued ·af"""" ~ PI0,000 from the Laguna ~ ~·"' .n ipp'lllor James J ......,,'. ).~'. ..._ .... ~. . ·~~ ..!' L·-:rii=••• ,,. w.. ~ . ~eally · ~lfalfa? . .. ~·.!· .;-.. .... . :,._ : . :· • ,'l'J1tll ~ell! Is !Ille," he aa.ld. -c11i1 I '-" had rr.cn· cUtnli, lie woold noi C<lnllnn hJa c0lleq111'1 "i tiiew UiAI na -aa undercover J~ lHl!tU Jll4 fellow attameys who , , ~b!tl:"~ ih>,t ""'.r"'ll olher Oraoae · t •• bal -• ~ A•· "''"" • . ' -. peraonallllel may bl Involved 1gai!1. II ~ ne is 1• l..,.unte ao-Wiii w P -• ·--... · . ~liltl IOV•llAl"- q!llhltan«>." Ho apla cq•qtloed 'tlltil .... ~llll~· ..... 111!1, :•v,oq"v\ w ~.lfl«l I~ we otammetr Jnp an at*npt to nelp led 111 \he ~t or '!llgbl• and '!'tow. diicUaa malty at lbe' ~ of 'tho .. aome eliat\4:_,; .• .l ·. • Mcintyre recallltl,lhat tbe 1ttomey''llNC ca,. since aome of' \be men involved "I do nol jlnld!lo cr!mfoal law aod contacted Bagley oy ~ laat ll!l). wer~ clie'nts, and ethics forbid qie some ot these ~pie ~h1>: a:et ln~o trouble 11. Higbie gave Ba&leY a . c~t for . to discuss my relationShip with them," usink MarJluUi.rMd1tije 1fkt .¢M'MI to an Wldlsc~ed amount several. days' lUgbie said. me for help, ~, l. us~ t._ec<>~end h1tet1 Mcln.tyre allea:Q1 ~ "Anythffig 1 would say couJd affect a lawyel when Uiey gel liifO &OUble. Mcintyre alleges H1gbJe and Bagley their rights to a ralr trial," he added . The Jndlctment allegta that Hlgble SU formulated a plan over the ntrt eight Trial is set for Feb. 4 tn U.S. District up the smuggling of the ll)tgal -weed to ten wet;ks. then discUIHd ,their ~ Court in Los Angeles a~ding to Anis-from Mexico by arrang1nf; wiUl tb6 p0oi leflrl9e with German. Bagley • part m tant U.S. Attorney Darrell w. M'cilliyre, to nx from Orl!'i• County ,Allyorl lb • the plan WU '""""· Mcintyre Aid, wbo will prooecul< the case. GuadilaJara, e•tacfGmnin II\'~ wha permao lwldecl '!Im SSilO in ~ Adding to the bizarre llJ)d still 1badow· fly mariJu!na lo Palnl Sl."i!'!:' ""JM1-• Bagley said be aot a !ur!bet $1,000 ed aspects of the case WU Mcintyre's Teeter WBI l{l"esf:ed ~NOT~ I , by In 'cqh from BIO!y after ~ flew disclosure TUesday that Me z I can narcolJcs agents ~as he loac:lll!Ji '29. dutfJe from Los Angela to Mmco to ~t narcotics officials "pulled off a bags packed with "a veg et ab I e up his role in the conspiracy, the m- premature bust in Guadalajara and s~bstance" into a van at Palm Springs dlctment alleges. . substituted a vegetable substance in Airport. Bagley neJ:t rented an 8.ll'plane, col· piace of the marijuana intended for Higbie was later arrested at his Balboa leeted the "vegelable substance" from shipment." Island office. He is free on SZS,000 6erman and flew the aircraft to Palm Sources said that the "vegetable personal bond. Springs Airport. Teeter wu arrested substance'' was in fact 3,600 pounds t.fcintyre confirmed a comment made by agents as he loaded ~ substance of alfalf"a. by another federal attorney to the DAILY into his pickup truck. Teeter is also The acCUJed attorney, known wld!ly PILOT that the-arreit .of Higbie and free on $25,000 bail for his befriending of persons in tr.ouble Teeter may well be the first in a series The identity of HJgble's lea:al COWllel aaid that he "could not' count lhe of such cases. has not been contlrmed. Prison Escapee Two FBI Agents Slain by Bandit W ASHiNGTON (UPI) -Two FBI agents were ahot and killed today after achanging gunfire with a suspected bank robber, police reported •. District of Columbia police said the two agents, who werl'\lot immediately identified, were taken to C a fr i t z Memorial Hospital where tbey were reported dead on arrival. Police issued a homicide warrant for Billie Austin Bryant, 29. He was Iden- tified 8$ an escapee from the Lorton, Va., Federal Reformatory where he had been serving 15 to 20 years on charges of atmed robbery. The agents apparenlly were trying to question Bryant about a bank robbery ei!'Uer today in :suburban Prince Georges County, Md. Police said a suspect fled from me scen"e or the robbery int<> Washington. in the Washington area in eight days oi a federally i-ed financial In· stltutlon, and the filth In two days. Laguna Economic Report Tonight A nrst phase economic report from Laguna's general plan study will be unveiled tonight by the consultant flnn conducting the 18-month, $60,000 study that began in June. . Representatives of Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall will report to a joint meeting of the counC11, planning commission and 25-member cltizena ad- visoty committee which feeds in- formation to the consultants. The ~Meeting ls to ·begin at 7:30 In the council chambers. The report will be the first of several to come from the con!llltants. DAll'I' PILOT ..... ......::~ DENIES.'POT' CHARGES ::: N1wport'1 Higbie : :~ Downtown Capo Shopping Center :~: Plan Approved The way for an eight to 10 acre shopping center in downtown Sin Juan Capistrano was paved thil week when city planning commisslpne.rs gave ap- proval to a five lot divisio11 of the propetty at Camino capistrano and Del Obispo streets. The 10ts in the sou!.bwest corner of the intersection, will be ~ b1}' . Western Shopping Center Inc., Von.s Markets, Cornet Variety at"ore:s, and Thrifty Drug: stores. . Western Shopping Center Inc. ls developing the property. They wW leaae their land to amaller businesses. Construction could start on the complex by the end or this year, a Westena representative told the planning com· · missioners. .. Because the properly Is within the ''Mission zone," spani.sh-type architec- ture must be used. Commission approval of alt plans is still pending. · In other action, the planners : -Approved location plans for 2:l homei on the Mission Hills Ranch development;. · -Denied applicaUon for a heavy equip. ment sales and service yard on Alip.µ street. Hll Superior ~ 1*f1 trfll ~ wtt11 hJa acqu111a1 lul ADI· 1J. He bid earlier been found to lie ·-..a incapable of aptjd!nc In! lits ~ i . ~ -.; \ A poflce spokesman said early this afternoon Bryant wu in a wooded area and was believed to be armed with three guns. The robbery of a branch of the Citizens Bank of Mai-ytand was the loth holdup The attidy is beiiyi !irian<fd partlally by the fed~al government and partiallJ by the city. -Continued until the next meeting con~ .. sideratlon of an application for a Ken:. tucky Fried Chicken restaurant. · and "" commilled to Ataac.denl -Hoopltal for poycltlalric ,.-. ' It waa te31ilied a-· !lie lrial that Celli wu under the htlluence of drugs at the time of the theft. · Moot of lbe Jade taken from lls Bren- nan home hu llnce beat l'«!lltered. Memorial Rites For Mrs.·Murdy Nonna Lorber Murdy, wife of retired Stale Sen. John A., Munly Jr., died Tueoday at Hoag Meniol'tal Qoopltai afl<r an lllnesa or several "eeks. She was eo. Memorial services will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday at the St. Andrews ~ Cnurcll, Newport Beach. . A naUve calHornian and a graduate of the University or Washington. she and the former senator, married for 4.5 years. made their heme on a llma bun ranch north of HunUngton Beacll until he m.lred. They made their borne ti 314 Via Lido Nord, Newport lleJich, for the put .....al years. DAllY PI LOT Cl14"H ca.ur P<.lklUflli(l 'tO'llllA'IY •.ta.rt N, W .... ,. ................ ~ J,,., I , c;.m.., Yiu ~ ... Mftrr .. Ma,,. .. , ri. ...... K .... a ··~ Th11..,11 A. ~ ... ,hi,,1 "'°"''''"' Edi!« Jli(~11I P. Nall L•-• klCft• CUy l!d!W P111T Nln•n •"'1•1111~• CllrKt"' L4if1M ..... Ofllq JJJ ,., ••• ""•· Maili119 Ad41•11 : P.O. l•r 666, fl•SZ --C.•• MfM: -Wnt •• .,. "'""' ... ~ kM'I: ,,, .......... e..ii. .... 4 """"-.. ...,,I .. Jlfl $""! ' OAIL Y PU.OT Sllft P11ti. DEATH CAR -Uighway Patrol Officer checks wreckage following crash Tuesday night near Sunset Aquatic Park in which Robert E&.lick:, 36, Long Beach died. Car was wrapped around· power pole so hard lt appeared pole had been driven through roof of vehicle. Driver Killed as Car Rams Beach Power Pole Jlnbert ,IE'ifck of Long Beach W3' killed lnatant!l>, fn Huntington lleJicll Tueaday at 5:16 'P.m. when h1a auto careened off the dead-end of Edinger Avenue and crashed at high speed lnto a power pole. Eslick, 36, of 3709 Lomina Ave., was apparently unaware that Edinger Avenue ends at Sunset Aquatic Park. Investlga~ing officers aaid Esllck's ca~ 1161 ·Couttty Traffic 1161. ! Death Toll 3 apparently was airborne ror about SO feet before it sinuhed Into lhe pole. Impact was so gi'eat that it spun the auto, pinhed to the pole, around so it fa~ the opposite dlrecUon it had been tt:aveiing. A county fire departmeot K learn was required to pry the ,ltorri tile wreckage. Tiie pole !tad · aabed into the driver's aectlon. Orange County aironers said Eslick died of head and che.st injuries. He is Orange County's second traffic fatality of 1969. Eslick's body was taken to Smiths Mortuary pending funeral ,3!'f<U1Sements by his widow, Lola, of the famUy home in Long Beach. Two 'More Land Preserves Asked · Two additional requests to place 3i8 acrts of land in agricultural preserves will come befori the Oranie County Planning COmmission Wednesday. 11te first appU.cation Is by Jean J?ierre Lacouaque "for 2tJO acrts east' fl' San Juan Capistrano. · The second request was made by Mrs. Atlee Platz for 111 a~ near Joplin Boys Ranch ln Trabuco Canyon. Preserve status would fteeie property laxes on the acreage for 10 years. On Dec. 18 the commission granted to the Trvine Company and Rancho Mission Viejo such status for aboul 100,000 acre!. Howard Malik Ftmeral Set For Thursday AU requests must receive final ap- --prov al by the Board of Supervlsora. Funeral services are scl'leduled Tues. day for a Laguna Beach aerospace engineer and glider enthusiast who died of a heart attack Tuesday, beside the San Diege> Freeway in Costa Mesa. rutes for Howard L. Malik, 49, or 1091 Skyline Drive. will be al 11 a.m. in Pacific View Pt1emorial Part Chapel, witb Westdiff Mortuary in charge. The victim w.. found by a pollce ollicet af1u Mr. Molli apparently pulled on the road and stagge.red out of the vehide during predawn hours. Mr. Malik leaVOI his wile Cllarlotl< and lour !!l<pehildren, Boonlo Shipley, o1 Ute home: Robert Shipley, w .. t Covina, Beverly Wlllbanu, SU Gabri<!, Ind Barbera Amlle. ea.ta r.1..., plus a lilter, Mro. Ada Dlnflledine, of Wauteslta,Wiac. He wu a World War ll bombe.r ~•Ylpt«, a member nl the l.E.E.E. l!Jnglneerinji Sociely and the Orango CWnl)' Soar!na Society. Mr. Malik worked for the AutoncUcs Dlvillon. North American Rochell Corp., in Anahelm for slt yean. From Page 1 COED ... At least two were to be rtque11Uoned, he said. In addition to the ei:·boyfriend, who reportedly dated Miss Britton about a year, ago, police were ~arching for a man believed to tiave been turned down by the dead girl when he asked for a date. The murder weapon still was mlu.in.g. Galligan reported. The Peruvt.an was reported ~·to bavfl turned hippie in l'eCElll months," GaIUa:1n aald Ind waa blUeved atlU Dving in \he Cambridge area. He wu eeen 1ut. monlh ._ the detective said. Gallipo aald MW B r I t t o n ' 1 1ttlteological tool! were bellev«f to be In Peru. They were not ln her room. AulhoriU.. ..ia preliminary medical t8lts lndlcatl.d the girl wu slain early Tueadl,)', probably between 1 Ind 3 a.m. ' • lhlnos are naooen1nu al MERCURY SIVIN&SI • • In tht Jlen:ulJ lobltf, • Wftllion camera wlll -''"" ntnr. -plOJ • -ln1binlfy for JOO lo -and I pnl lo anal)za. Yoa wlll be pla1ln1 Jn lrun1wlck'1 new "SWfnc-A..., Pro Golf'' unit. ll!at pwmlta !'1111 to dma 300 pn11. or -a30lool puttlTo-..,.. °" J'OUF ..... pn:ll 11111 bl 110ft atafL,. •:11 141!_ ALL Memny Sawn «1joy Mar~nt'I btnefilal SIYinp neelved by Janu· '" !Olh Nm from January J. *Mwany'I ~ited lnt1mt poflcJ of pr)'l.na tM nw-t ""' rat• an lnmuwf Pllabook ... ,1r,,.. FREE Safe Deposit Box (Mflllmam Baluct $2,000) FREE Freeway Maps 1.211" .US ll:CGUlll IVllUll.f MERCURY SAVINGS afld /0011 associali1111 EXECUTM omcES: 7812 £dln1W A.._, Huntlnston _, Home 0Mc.: 111.C Knott Aw.. Bu.na "'* OPEil 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, Mon-lbln; 9:00 a.m. lo 6:00 p.m., Friday • . . .. 11 I ! 1 Ulll T• ..... WEARING HELMET WITH RED CROSS, 'MEDIC' PRDTECTS DOWNED SF STATE DEMONSTRATOR Police, Dissidents Clash After Stones and Cans Hu rled 11t Officers Demand 2 Juries AFT Strike . SirhanLawy_ers Request Call Spreads, . To Throw Out Cose San Jose Hit . - LOS A!IGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirh~n's de.tense team sought today tO throw his murder case out of court after a startling opening day demand that his trial for the assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy be heard by lw1t juries. • The Jordanian immigrant was brought back to the sealed oU courtroom to watch his attorneys make the ritual attempts to get the case suppressed. The trial had an unusual beginning Tuesday when the defense argued that Sirhan should have two separate juries -one to decide his guilt or innocence and another to decide the penalty. SUperior Court Judge Herbert Walker ltuickly denied the motion by flamboyant Grint Coope,r, chief defense counsel for the U.year-old Arab. The request for two juries was pertnissible because ~fornia 1 a w divides determinalion of guilt and death penllty bearinp into two separate pro- cMngs. However, in most cases one jury is used for both. F!'om Wire Services SAN FRANCISCO -The American Feder.aiion -Of-Teachers-strike at -em-- battled San Francisco State College spread today to a nearby school and strike sanctions were requested at three others. A striking professor was · hit by a firecracker at one school and a student striker was arrested at another for bit- ting a student. The union, representing a minority of faculty members in the 19 school state college system, demanded "mean- ingful negotiations" with trustees on the student uproar at San Franclsco State and improved salary and workinc con· ditions. . As AFT members picket~ for the third day at San Francisco similar action was taken at San Jose State 60 miles r to the south. The .union r1tpresents about -300 of the 1.20Cf . faculty members at each campus. · The AFT, which has chapters at 18 of the 19 colleges, souli;bt strike sancUon from local labor councils at colleges in Fresno, Sacramento and Chico. At a news conference following the lnitial trial session, Cooper, chief at~ tomey for Sirhan, said he did not feel his primary goal was to save Sirhan from the lethal gas chamber. uf'1 T•..,..... Cooper conceded: "It would be silly FACES COMPLICATED TRIAL A cherry bomb dropped from a high rise donnitory struck pyschology pro- fessor James Stee1e as he marched on the San Jose picket line. Otherwise, the picketing was peaceful with some teachers joining the teachers. to deny he did it'' since numerous wit· · _,_-' Sirhan 8. Sirhel) nesses saw SiPban fire the bullets tl}at--'Student Paul YBJ11P.Sakl was arrested at San Francisco when he tried to pre. fatally wounded Kennedy at t h e Ambassador Hotel last June 5. Cooper was asked if his primary aim was to avoid a death sentence . "That is not my concept of the case," he replied. "The defense will be along other lines." Cooper was asked what line the defense would t a k e and be was noncommittal in hia llM'o\"er. "You'll know just as soon as we start questioning the jury," he said. Cooper sprang his jury proposal after a session of more than an hour at the trial's outset be.hind the closed door of Walker's chambers, at which the judge was believed to have refused a ven' a student from crossing the picket :Kklay continuance. 1 line at the main entrance. He was a Cooper . ar~ed that the process of , member of the Third World Liberation seJ · ld be 1 -Front, a coalition of striking minorities. ecting a Jury wo1.1 ' g;reaty \ "Run Paul, Run Paul," cried his simplified and expedited IC they were friends as police pursued Yamasaki along not asked whether they were unalterably street car tracks in front of the school. opposed to bringing in a verdict .of Officers quickly took him into custody. capital punishment, grounds f o r · Since union teachers called a strike automatic exemption from serving. of their own Monday, several department f · heads expressed doubts how long they Cooper contended that the irst JUry can operate with sparse or irregular at· ~ould decide on Sirhan's guilt or in· tend nee. nocence. If they reached a verdict of Attendance at the campus this morning first degree murder, he sai~, a second ranged from zero in some courses to jury could be chosen to decide between 85 percent in others. the death penalty and life imprisonment. Picket line scuffles broke out Tuesday between members of I.he American Abortion, Sexual Freedom Pushed by Obstetrician Federation of Teachers and student militants who have been striking since last November. County Shoppers Warned on Lead Glaze Dinnerware EAST LANSING, Mich. (UPI) - Women 1hould have the" right to legal abortion and engaged couples should be free to enjoy premarital sex, a New York Cily obstetrician aald today. Dr. SeUg B. Neubanlt told a Michigan State Uolversity "sexuallty siminar'' that some of. the present day sex taboos are as 41.Jtdated as high-button shoes and ankle-length skirts. Michigan State is sponsoring a seven- week sytDposium on "Sexuality: A Search for Perspective." School officials uy jt is one of the first attempts by a ·college to cover the subject of er trankly on such a broad scale. "Young people now ,.j<ct tbe Idea F JC Coed F otmd Dead in Bathtub A 11'1111.non Junior College coed found dead Tu<lday In a bathtub In ber home wu tentau..ly listed u a drowning vlctlm, the Orange County coroner'• office nported today. An iutop&y wtll be performed to de&erridne the exact cau11e of death of lahne JUchArdson, 111, who lived with bet alder, Mn. Wilda Joan Dowi s. in Anahebn. PoUce were called to the home Tuesday by a claacnate •ho stopped to give Mia Jllchanlaon a ride to ocbool. that · sex Is sin," Dr. Neubardt uid. "They know that sex is healthy and they are not ashamed of their sexuality." He called for liberalization o( abortion laws t& 'permit pregnant women to "determine if they want to bear a child.'' He said an abortion performed by ·a qualified physician is no more risky than a tonsillectomy or childbirth itself. "There's usually no good reason for an intelligent American woman to have an unwanted pregnancy," he added . Neubardt said too many "myths" have been developed in the United States over premarital sex, including "an overemphasis that it is immoral.'' "An engaged couple should enjoy sex together, not as a barometer of what their marriage is going to be like, but as a hea1thy, enjoyable thing . Neubardt also called for lon,er engagements as a means of Insuring better marriages. This way, he said, the couple would know what they're In for before signing a contract that can only be broken through divorce pro- ceedings. He said thete should be regular sex education courses in e.temenlary and secondary echool!: on contraception as well as "the facts of life." '1Chlldren are now taught how babies are conceived,11 he said. "They should also be taught how babies are not con- ceived." Neubardt told the seminar Tuesday that people with sexual problems make a mistake when they seek advice from •doctors. Purchasers of a recentJf lntr<lduced line of imported Japanese dinnerware are being warned by Orange County'1 chief health officer not to use the chl,na and to return it immediately to the retailer. Dr. John R. Phllip Identified the "highly dangerous" dishes Tuesday as lhe "Holly Green Line", recently placed on the Orange County market by the · George Zoltan Lefton Co. of Loa Angele!. "The glaze contains a high percentage of lead and the lead content can be unleashed by contact with acid foods or beverages," Philp warned. ulngestlon of that lead may result in lead poison- ing," he added. Presence of the high lead content ln the Japanese dinnerware his been con- firmed by the State Health Department County health officers shipped several samples of the china obtained from Orange County stores to state laboratory analysts before issuing the countywide wamJng. Philp delCribod· the dinnerware as "highly glazed dart ......... wtlh rod berriea and -.leaves attached to the ltt!!IJ." Among the dlabeo distributed to county stores "aa a Chrlatmas novelty" wen: a teapot with cover; augar bowl with cover and creamer: nine-Inch plalAI with lndentaUon for eup and cup: leaf alb tray or serving tray : round ash tr41 or servln& tray and two-leat tray. -i Wtdnesd.q, Jalltliry 1; 1969 (Ll DAILY I'll.OT 8 Strikers Due Salary Losses ~ ' SACRAMENTO !UPI) -Gov. Ronold R<aaan 11ld today the llate II taking llej>l to cut off the pay of slrlklng state college teachers. "There .will be no pay for those unauthorized absencel1 ". Reqan told a Capitol news conference. He noted the Jaw banned lirlkea of state employ.:& ~ that he, State Finance Dir9ctor Cilspaf W. Welntierger and State Gontroller Houston J. Floumoy were .. assuring that the law is being upheld." q After five unauthorized absences ~ the job, a state college teacher la subject to dismissal. Reagan saJd the cat off of pay would bt I "1urprile to oome cl them.'" He allo repealed h1a lntenUon to keep the •lril .. tom Sin Francisco State College campus open "at the point of bayonet" lf necessary. to protect the right of student. who want an education. He renewed hll pledge to keep the college open in the face of threats by dissidenta to abut It down onlea their demandl for change are met. R&gan wu uked U he foresaw an .. immediate aoluUon" to the crisis at San Francllco. He aa.ld under the clrcumatances, 0 the only soluUon you have • • • is eithtt Ogbt or llllTtllCW and wben yaa .,,._ render they bave !UM over." He lllld "~e;b' ~-nc>l l!a•• lllJ' '!!<UL• . •· 1 nuo la the day of tha' u!Um-. • he Aid. "They (mllltanll) have deliv<nd tbe ullfmttum al tnllepolnt, at llftboinb poJnL" ~ The aovmwr eqUJ!td. Qie dluf4fmi' demand wjlh ll1Q!l<I ~ ' blactmaller. ''They are back the llj!lt ·day HU art/· bl..i<ntaller wtth anoll!Or demand.• Meanwhile, an Allembly a.p,bllcaa leader p~ leiJsll,tklo joday ~ !Ire state college profeaaon and teiChiftg a .. lstantl who partldpale In atrlllea against the colleges. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday G·ermain•s roses, -paCllaged wlth instructions! Choos• from a ll popular v1riati1s in this tJ roup of non•p1t1nted Grade No . I roses. Over I %c • lbs,-of moist .wrapping m1tari1!, hand pruned canes. c.liforni~ JrowfJ, ' .. c USBYQUR EN NEV CHARGE ACCOUNT TDCIAYI Patented Germain's Roses are a gardener's dream! Plant n0wl Chrysler Imperi al, Rad Ske lton, 3 00 Queen Eliu beth, Kln9's Ransom i nd many more b11utl1sl • Patented climbin9 ro111 ....... _ ............. ·-···-··-··J.00 Bandin! rose food lo produce healthy growth Have pri1•·winnin9 ro1•s •t • small price the way prof'1 ssion1I 91rd1n•r• dol I LIS. 85' P1lenfed multlcolor roses • • from Gennain's #5 assortment Ba1ut lful Anl•ri c41n Harif4191, Gran• ada, L.os Angeles Beautiful roses in this troup. Kelloaas Gromulch Sllrt yoar plants right! Tha porfecf planlint mulch lo pro• clue• opthnurn 9rowfh in all your ,,~~hi · 2 cu. n . 3.50 1.98 -. • I • . NEWPORT BEACH -FASHION , ISLAND I • • C'CM9i1M ., .. -, ... 51ttfJ The holdup man who entered the Freeport Iowa general store was unarmed save fof a note demand- ing money. Mrs. Jack Tellforcl, owner of the store, said she point- ed a finger at the would-be robber and said, "Bang! Bang:" The man fled. • Two Los Al\geles city trash cal· lectors found two bags crammed with $10 a!!d '20 bill&. The total came to $200,000 but U.S. Secret Service agents described the bills as poor-quality counterfeits. • Queen EUmbeth toai1t1 to a crowd as sM drives OWCJtl f'lom a London tailwau station cJtn ,.,turning from Sandringham to ,attn<I· the Common- wealth Pri~ Mintittrs Conftrence. The Roual /amity Md been vattitio~ ing in Sandri11gh(rm. ., A Baumemoutb, :Ensland road 1afety offtcer, Mof. P"red Cook, is all for min!-sklrts--to save lives. Maj. Cook says automobile lights readily pick up the legs of girls in mini-skirts. "I know some people 'vho think that the skirts are a dis· traction for driven, but I don't," he added. 11You can't see that mud) detail at night from a moving car.'' • After officers locked a man in the Des Moines, Iowa city jail their embarrassment ~as matched by his surprise when the lock: fell oil the cell door as the man angrily shook the bars. A jailer fetched a new padlock for tho door, but the key broke as soon as the lock was put in service. A locksmith w~s finally called and, several hours later the prisoner, charged with intoxication, was considered se- curely confined. • Some 200 men at the Interna. ttonai Janitor Central Heating Equipment MClnufacturlng plant in New Ca&tle, England walked off th< job lncou.e ti••~ '°'d the fa.ctorv was too col.d to work in. • Chicago Police had few founda· tions for clues in looking for the two bandits who hijacked a trac- tor·trailer truck with its cargo. The truck was carrying $30,000 worth of girdles and bras. • On Dec. 10, Mrs Fr•nk Baker, left her new Christmts tree in a bucket of water on the front porch and someone stole it. bucket and all. When she walked out on the porch late last weekend, the tree and the bucket were back. along with a note that said: "Thanks for Ule use of your tree. I'm sorry J"m late. Happy llollday." ll was ,lined ''Santi Cl•u1." , 0 'Now tba.t the finl three female "a)lle bodle<I seamen.. have been admitted to Ship l ol the Sea E•- "lorers ln l"ort .li!Y•11, l!]a. Skll'-,. ' tt[ -~ per J•mn Hlrrlt says, expC\.,, our meelln&• Will be a lot mon 'l"'I"'*'·" - -. JFI( 'Lucky' .. in Cuba Crisis Acheson Ex-Stat,e Secretary Says President Gamb~d to Point of Recklasness WASHINGTON (UPI) -llwl Acbeaon aays l'mldenl John F. Klooedy Cambltd "lo Ibo point of recklessnns" In the 11181 CUban mi.no crloll lllld won partly because he wu "phenomenally lucky." Wblle Robert F. KOMedy bad pralled the free.fiowtng: dJ.scuaalon p r o c e 1 s amona pmldentlal adviHrl durtqg the cri6is. Acbeeon Aid it wu "repetiUve, leaderlesa, and a wute of Ume." Acheson. Presiderll llarry S. Truman's secretary of state, who wu called in as an adviser during the crisis, com· mented on what took place in an artk:le in F;gquire mq:ulne released Tuesday. Tbe article was in reply to an account of the criall written by Robert Ktnnedy before his dtatb lllld publiahed lul October. •1Sen. Kennedy seemed et the Ume -• view ~ by his account -lo have been moved by emotional or intuitive responses more thin by the trained laW)'tt'• analylll of the dangers threatened and of the relevance lo thete of various ICU"" propoood ," Achtsan said. Kennedy was then attorney general. In the article Acbelon says he repeals the arguments he made in the !Mer council! of the administraUon during the day1 ot crisis. He uk1 he opposed Bank Rate Boost !ho naval b1ocbcle Whlcl\ tho ..S. mlnlstraUon adopled and ad\'OClled ~ •lead air strikes agallllt SOvld ollthllve mlulle buea In CUba. "Al I I I w it at the Umt, ttld atlll belit've." Acheson wrote, "'the declllon to reaort to blockade wu a decition lo poatpone !he luue al Ibo ._., of t1me within whlcb the nuclear weapon.a might be made operable." !Jurll>J tblJ tlme, ho uld, RIWiao olfeoa! .. IJUssilea ln Cuba could have became operatianal. Robert K<one<ly, ho lald, -!he po&ttion that air &trikes would be "a Pearl Harbor In revene. '' Acbeaon calls tbb a "thorooghly false lllld pejoralln onaJoo." ff• aald Ibo J•-allacked tht iJnJled State. without Wamln(. thoillandl ol mllea from thelr 111or ... whereat the Ruatans were tnsta:Wnc !ID mllt1 from l"lorfd1 a capability lo destroy much ol lho Unlled Slota. Wr!llni ol the lllOllWll when Pmldenl Keonedy clJllClrded a touch note from Soviet Pnmier Nikita S. Khru.sbcbev and answered Jnsttad a colllused .Xbruabcbev measaie which aeemed to contain aeedl of a 1etUemeot, Acheson aaJd : "It was a gamble to the point of r«kleuneu, but atillfully executed, with ldeu conlribul<d by Robert Keo- 17,486 Killed nedy.tl Later, Acheson aald, be wrota l'rul- dent K-edy and CORJtalulaled hln1 on getUna throuiJ> the erllb. Achaon added' "It cloel II!'! detracl "1>l1l the olncerlty of tblJ meaqe to add that I allO thouaht be had beai ~ly lucky." ·• y Al another point Ac"-~'-"It does not. detract from Pre ~ ""«• nedy's laurels in bandllaa: the CUban crlais that be WU helped by lbo luclc of K!lrulbchev's befuddlement and lou of nerve. The fact was that be 11»- ceeded." South Called 'Robbery~ Viets' '68 War Toll Highest NEW YORK (UPI) -The r~e In the prime bank Interest rC1te lo 11 recllJ seven percent was denounced by a con.- gressiooal expert Tueiday as a "rob- bery" which could cause "depreqJon , .. like we have never seen before." Jt was the third time in alx weeb that inflationary preuures had forced a rise in the prime rate charged lhe most credit-worthy b or r o w e r s . Jod..ivlduals and small concerns could ezpect higher rate.! on mortgages and auto loans. The first national city bank cf New York set the pace in raising the rate from &% to !even percenL 'Mte others of banking's big three -Cha.se Manhat. ..tan_andj5ank_ol.America --..anM11nced similar rises, and major commercial banks across 'the country followed suit. The prime rate set,, the scale for Interest on all buBiness loans. New York banks were reported con~ sidering a parallel increase in the cost ol. such personal borrowing as auto, appliance and home-improvement Joans. The increue: in lnterest rata had an immediate effect on the stoct inarket. which slumped sharply for the second consecutive day. The Dow Jones in- dustrial average, down 15.32 on lt1onday, dropped an addlUonal 10.94 Tuesday. Govmunent bond prices were off almost • point. Rep. Wrlaht Pitman ( D-T e •.), chairman of the House Bank.Ing .and CUrrmcy Committee, attributed the rate rile to the influence bil banks exert on the Federal Reserve System. "I think jl's a aad day In the history of our country when JJ'ltereat rates are forced to the btaJ>ert. level ln 100 years,'' Patman Nici tn Washington. "It's a rob- bery rate, an eitort.looary rate ... "(The new rate) will lead to depression and sheriff's sales like we have never seen before ... "The only alternaUve Is to tak._e the Federal Reserve out of fixing monetary policy .at the direction of the bi& banks • . • we can't let people who make a profit off high interest rates have such ~control over mone'8ry .policy.!!- , Bankers saJd the rise reJUlted from an unprecedented' demand for loans and from the unprecedentedly high coal flf money for any purpose. They said smaller banks would have to follow the example of major institutions. "The ooUying banka o( the U.S. have no choice alter the rate ls establllhed by major mcney ctn ten," said one Texas banker who would oot consent to the use of hi! name. "If you keep your rates down, you will be swamped by lean applicaUons and have to raise your rates anyway. You would have money loaned out and still have au that demand from your customers to contend with." Sirhan Trial TV System Criticized by Newsmen LOS ANGELES (UPI) -!Vatcblni a tri'1 on television lan't a11 CoO(I 11 beill( Ill the courtroom, . That was lhe conclusion 'r'tladly of 40 newsmen who m.ae lti:al llfotory by covering the firat day of ~n B. Sirban'l!i murder trial vJa closed circuit WJevision. Only 37 reporters were admitted to the tiny courtroom where the 24-year-old Arab ii bein&: tried for the slaying or Seri. Roberl F. Kennedy under the Ughtest security precautions ever im- posed at an American trial. Another 40 assembled In a television room on the fourth noor of the Los Angeles Hall of Justice tc watch the day's tegal maneuvers on three black and white TV screens. They complalned the picture was fuuy Vietnam Hero Due Posthumous Medal of Honor WASHINGTOM !UPI> -The Med1l of Hooor will be awarded Thursday to a young Army lieutenant who, though shot above the heart and bleeding badly, placed his helmet ever a live North Vietnamese grenade to protect his com· rades. He died of 11t!veral wounds two houri later. Army Sec~tary Stanley R. Re5or will present the medal to Mr. and Mrs. Ed· ward J. Karopczyc o{ Bethpage, N.Y., the t>arents of Isl Lt. Stephen Edward karopeiyc, who was killed March 12, 1967, in Kon tum Province, Vietnam. The Anny said the 13-ytar-old officer dashed through intens.ive fire to mark enemy positions with smoke grenades for an attack by U.S. helicopter gunships. u A shot from an enemy snipe r struck him above th he.art, but he refused aid, pluggln& the bleeding woond with his flngrr u.ntll lt could be d(tssed later,'' the Army citation sa.ld. •'#Jter lt\'eN.I houri, a North Vltt- nll'l\Hll toldler burled 1 hand ~nade to within a few feel of U. ltaropciyc and two othtr wounded mtn. •·Even though hJ.J poslUon protected him, he jumped up and covtrtd the gro111de with lllJ deel helmet. The 11- ploalon drove fragment.II JJ'lto hla leg, but hit action prtttnt~ rurther tnJury to the two wounded comrades." Two oom1 later. KllOJ'CIY< died from lou of blood from hlJ many wooodi. IM Jorm¥ uld. • . and the dimunllive Sirhan m;ually was blocked f""" view by bl3 husky guards and tht attorney1 tnvclved in the cue. Another complaint wu that the place- ment of the camera apparenUy will prevent the television reporters from seeing the jury after ft Is selected. Los Angeles County offlclals provided scat.. for 80 newsmen in the television room, but only half that numbe.r used the.Ir credenilala Tuesday. Before being admitted, they were searched almost as clonly is the 37 newsmen admltted to the trial courtroom four floors above. Deputlea were on tbe lookout for electronic devices by which the televiaed trial proceedings mtaht be recorded or rebroadcast. Beth are f o r b I d d e n • Newsmen'• ciiarette ll&ht.ers were open- ed. one man's lrllll!listor radio wa1 taken from him. The wide anaJe tel1vl.alon camera, planted In an air coodltiooer In the court room, pmeoled a picture woo.. d.Jmension1 and angle never varied. The camera wu at the oppoUte coriitr of the room from Sirhan'• sea~ lllld he w11 ofton blocked from view by the bacb of the attorneys. There wa1 · no announcer. Negro Official At San Mateo Gets Bigger Job SAN MATEO CAP) -Officials al Cclleae of San Mateo hoped tcday that giving a biggtr job to a Neiro ad· ministrator will ease campua tensions. Robert Hoover, whose removal as clirtctor of the Collt'ae lttadintsa Prorram sparked violtnee, said Tuuday night he will aceept 1 position u asai• tant for mlnorlt1 programs for the junior college dllltrlct, which abo lncfudee; Skyline College in San Bruno and Canada Colle&• in RedwQOd City. Trualtes ol the clJltrlcl. who have betn meeting to ftbd ••YI to hall what they called "an eJCBlation of violence" al~r a former dean '1 home was fin:bombed . m e.xpected to apprOve Hoo•er'1 appointment In t o n 11 h t ' 1 metUng. Hoover wlll "'have hllli ofOct 1t the diatrlcl headquarters at Col1ege of San Mtteo and will be In charae ol funding. rteruiUna: of minority peraonDel., and plllllllll& o/. ~wey P"'ll°IDIJ. Israel Blasts De Gaulle's Arms Bans- From Wire Services JERUSALEM -'the Israeli ForeJgn Ministry says France's arms embargo against Israel is a "cne-sided and arbitrary breach" or French-Israeli agreements and eliminat~ France u a potential peacemaker in the Middle East. One expert minimized Its effect on Israel's milllary machine. France announctd Tuesday that it had cut off delivery of all military equipment to Israel, including spare parts for the Israeli air force's French Myslere and Mirage jet fighters. · In a statement the Israeli Foreign Minb:try 1aid: "This tliminates France's chances of bilnl .one of 'the factcrs able tc flll a positive task In tbe Middle East crlaia." Diplomata in Paris viewed the embargo as an effort by President Charles de Gaulle ~o pres.sure Israel into accepting_ a Soviet peace plan for the Middle East. But Israel has already rejected the Soviet proposal, and there was no indication that it m.lght reconsider. SAIGON (UPI) -South Vietnamese not reconsider its refusal to accepl forces suffered their heaviest casualties American and South Vietnamese pro- of the war -17,486 killed and 57,718 cedural poposals for an early opening wounded -during 1968, government of the Paris talks on Vietnam. r;pokesmen 1aJd today. A North Vietnamese spokesman said The casualUes we~ 32 pm%1\t higher there was no chance llano! wculd &len than 1967, the report said. to a U.S. appeal and adopt some c( American combat losses during 1968 the seating arrangements put forward were almost 15,000 killed and more than by the United States. , 1 92.000 wounded. 'I1le deaths almost equal· "All these arrangements aim at mak- ed the American total for the first lng the conference a two-gided issue. seven years of the war. As we already have said, this Is unac- An.other J,269 ,0Yemmen1.10ktiers. w_ere._ ceptable l~ Ul!i," the _spokesman aaid . JiStec:fa1 miBslng in action last year. He thus shrugged off an appeal Tues- Communl!t cuuaJtles Jn 1968 were day b.Y Cyrus R. Vance, deputy .American 191,387 killed and zt,050 captured, govern-negot~tor,. that North V 1 et n t m ment spokesmen .said. 'Ibey said the reconsider 1t:s refusal to study and ~opt Communist casuallies were 122 percent one cf the six shapes for the negotiaUng greater than lM'l. table -the main obstacle blocking the Communist activity in South Vietnam parley. lncreued 55 percent during 1968, tbe report lald. It listed 12,&M instances of shellinga.. terrorist acb and ground actions while infiltration of Red troops to the IOllth went up from 90,000 in 1967 to 151,000 in 1968. Jn war action, an Amt'rican fighter bomber riddled by Communist ground fire crashed into a U.S. artillery base klllln1 three persons and injuring another. Two barracks burned and a .dirpensary was scorched by Utt names. Gornmunfst gwuier1 disabled the F4 Phaiitmn jet while it was en a bombing mlulon TueBday lllld It plunged Into the fire support base eight miles from Saigon, the spokesmen said. Two American BOldiers and a Vietnamese civilian were killed and another civilian WU injured. Jn Paris, North Vietnam aaid it will LA County Rap_s Jet Pollution LOS ANGELES (UPI) -County supervisors Tuesday .asked the state to crack down on emissions of smoke and fuel by jet aircraft using Los Anplts International Airport. The action came after Louil Fuller, head cf the county's Air PolluUon Control District. said his agency has received 1 many complaints about smoke emluion and fuel fallout under flight palht. He noted there are about 1,000 arrivals and departures daily a( the airport, and that the number will double in the Dtl't 10 years. Ooh~ What Zsa Zsa Said Customs Official Says Star's Words 'Unladylike' UXBRIDGE, England CAP) -Zsa Z..a Gabor used "unladylike" language when challenged by customs ofilciala at London Airport, Prosecutor Uwellyn Jones told " court today. He aaid the Hungarian.born actress, 45, was asked about a dog she was carrying ln a small lip bag en arrival from Chicago Nov. 8. "From then on the offensive language look shape," Jones said. "Il was not the language one would expect from a lady, or indeed from any woman, although there must be some excuse for it. "I will not repeat the language unless asked to do so," Jones uid. "When Miss Gabor was asked to wait by customs officials she said, "J don't so-and·so wait for anyone.' "Addressed as madam, Miss Gabor replied, 'Don't call me madam. My so- and-6C name is Zsa Zsa Gabor." Jones 15aid Miu Gabor was then ap- proached by a pollCf:rtlan and 1Jhe told : "Take ycur so-and-so hat off when you talk to a so-and·SO lady." "To put It mildly," Jones said, "She expressed disapproval of British law." Officials finally decided not to let the small terrier dog into the country because there had been no rabies teat. Miss Gabor pleaded guilty through her lawyer to using lan1Uage liable to cause flffense and to importing a dog into Britain without permission. She was fined 50 pounds, $120. Robert Alexander, lawyer for Pi$6s Gabor, said: ''Miss Gabor acetpl! ahe may have used some strong languase. but sbe wa11 very distressed. . "Shortly after the Incident 11he wt:nt into a nursing home because she "as under nervous strain. "It is not usual for her to use this kind of language. It is completely Out of her normal character." · Alexander said Miss Gabor was so~ for the offen.se1. The dog was inten<tfd as a present £or her sister In N.tw York, but she was suddenly recalled to Brita.Jn and felt obli&ed to brjng the dog with her. Major Blizzard Predicted Pin.ins States Temperatures to Dip to 25 Below Zero CaHforni. Cl!Oltr ...,..,..,.1\1,..s ""'""" m 5elil"'111 C1llf0t'l'li. todtY ti rnor"'"' ,,,. 1M low tloudi 1hrouded ln11nd ·-· Tflt Hiid; bitllktl el '" ltl1! fortM clmurt of 1"19nvr1oritl Alrpllft Mo.,. .ser "'""' bY1111Hd co.1111 nt•klf'I• Tllltdly nl9~t. lnstud. It •-I Into fl1-ller lnlertd '"''' el "" G•br'.111 tN "" ,-_,,..!Ide Vt!Jt'fl, °"'''''°"" ti both Onl1rlo trtd Holt't'Wllod-lurblM: Al._t5 ~"'"°'''llY wt"' tu-Med. II 'ITf -llY CIMY u11tM ll'llllll1Y tn lm il-lel 1M ¥1(1..ity, lllllowed bY ,,...,._ tu-1kl•1. ni. h14'" ,....,..,.111"' Wtt If, tklw11 leo.I' II~ ...... I~ Tlltldlr'o l'\llll ....... 11'1. T ... Predldtd lew ~'9111 .....,, 50. TM U.I , W!llM' t 11•e1v'1 1'-0.Y ~-· Ct!lld IOI' lie ,,.t(llllt1!1o<t 1rtd i.-r11v-., '"""''""' h'll"' "''' -· .. ,.,. '"""' .aw. .... 1t1M1nl. ~ Tfle>r9 .... l+,tll lll'ICe 111 ""' '"°' ,._ ...... Jiii. Co<Utol TetttJH!l'tlttlHS .......... Al'lthor1M ""'"'• ltktnll•N 811..,..rtk Sol-. '°''°" Cllklttl (ININlell g= .... DM Mel"'* ....... ••rt11a l<ert W"'1'll ··-...... -· ._ ... Miii! ~ "9c. .. .. " . n " ., . ,. 1t .11 .» If .OS 4 " 11 12 Tr u " ,. a "' .... ,, . tt.•. u •.• 5J ... .3~ " n " .... .. • ~ .M " a ~-.J.111 " 1f-I"' -;;" ~~t '"'"" Wlfl "'°'!Iv tVf'"" •tte• U9Utl ""'°"''"' cleudt wllll rht ..,.,. CllfY •i.cwid!M "' tJ. w.,., ..... u . In -11t11 '"'''• tUtl\I •I~ ,... I~ lvMtr «ottl9t •"-"' llf ,.....,.,.., Lew tlMt '"' ""'"1,. tM1l1I '" ,...,..1,.""' ,..,~ tt'>t-"""' ""' .. .,. WINili _,_rty, I '-1• 11'1 .. .11. T•IY'• 1'1'9h, ., le ... v.s. s"'"'"..,, It '"''-° wll'lfW ··""""· ·~Mw' ~ ..... ,. ""-lrw:~.""'"' ... WVOfll .... "' llPIC'H " .,.,.,.. ''°"' ,.. lttiel!lon ..._,, crou !ht MUth 1(1-Ci+¥ L •' V-1 Lm Allftfft Ml1"'I 1-h lt\11-ul<tr MS-••1i. Ntw OrlMll\ ... , ... ... ... ....... II ,._ ... 11 u • •• .It .. " J.J ,. .l l • •• " .•. ~ ... -'°' 11 !ti( ~ltfl tot"""''lu"' ••• roe•• ... OtMrlt .... ,.. .......,~ •ll'h fllltv Wlfw:tt. ~··-lft ..... r'C,\lry tffdlllft t•"""" '""" '' Ill ""' -· ... 1 ..... ,. n 111 .._......, r"IO<'lt. 1oro>9 h...... TlltfftY 1M tor.c.11 .... , .. 11,.,'"' ~ l..:hodlf! .. _ llecfl ....,,. t1nt1 MOllllCI ,,..,. tu'"'* '°"41, Mt. Wlttflll 1,_SI, "•lm4tlt lo. .,, """'" ... ,...., ,.-1"1 ~·""· ,,. ,., '"'"'"'"' 44', .. ,. o-.. ., .. ,, '-"'' '''"" U.M. lOS A"'Ollll AJtO Vl(!NltY- Mu.hv ti.tr '""' eo&ldtr lonlflil, "'1,.. 11'1' IP.II tllll'ltlf!Uld wl,.,,., llld '°" Tt111,.. lftV. Lew tonltfll • '"' ~~ Tllu,,_ ... ... "'",..,...,..• ...,. .. ,,1u,.. r' "' '., """ I 111"" or 61 i. I ..... 9f ~\. l11l1M "'""'''"'" ,, _ _. .... &l. 'Tl'le w1ter "-•""" •• •I 0.. -S11", M'"'"' TIO• WIDMllDAY $91:.,.., flltll 11 :11 • ·"'· ••• S.CO"' 1ew l :OI '·"'· l .J tllUJISOAY " 1~•1 ...... '·' ... • ......... t.~ llJJ 1 ...... , 1:11 ,,,..., .. . """' "'-'.. .,., r9tclt "" -~ ...,._. M""°"f Ill' Thur.In' _... ... T ''""'" ..,.,,.,...... ....,.,, ......, ,.. .. ... fW -~ ,, ,,.. .,.., ~ *'e llotll-. 1M111 tM _,,,,,,. 1M OI,.. tr1t "lllnt trtd "" M~l. ll• .. f'ldl,.. lfti. lflt CJ1119 Rlwr V1ll1v . Tllrw '9 11.,. lncl\t1 Of •-1911 ._. • ., 111 '°"Ill!' or Ofllo 11'1111 '-' Mld\'9111 . ,,_ CMIM lflt "•"htl'll tllt(lilff llld fJI ....... I"~ 1t!1 -M1._-i, W!lll OYl\llll, M!l'lll.. "'•orllf!t 11¥t Ille"'' ot ,.. .. -· .,,..,.. .... ~-111.,wi.., 11'111 d,1111111 •-Ill 11141 -111 c:t11!r1t ..... ,., .. " ... l'lllltoMHlfllt _ .. Jillllllul"f!I ........ lt111d Cl'V "" l 1ut! ·-Sler•_,,ID I' L4Ui. ''ll"H kit ltk• (llY s1" oi.eo l•n ,.,,nci.c. ~·"'' '''~" 5*ftll1 -·M """'" W1J111119ton ,. tt ~-Al n " ,. ... 0 !lit .J4 1' b Tr 11 n .01 ,, » . " . II 2• !1 .,, • .u tr .01 n '' JI 47 \T ,, " ~ 11 11 ,111 " . • • f l ]. i1 ft .. it y It ,. n k ~ > , l j ' r d l ' I ! I • I I 1 . . • .. • Code Linked Crew . . President Puzzler Pueblo Communication System Tolil ' SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Mone code lapped out oo radiator pipes llni1ng the rooms of USS Pueblo crewmen ln a North Korwi prison enabled them lo keep ln touch during 11 months of captivity. CommunlcatiOlll technk:1an 2C Olarles W. Ayllilg uld Tuesday the f I r a t message over t.be secret uetwork aa- nouoced the death of Seaman Duane Hodges. who wu woun- ded ln the aelzuro of the in- lelllgence ship. A tap on the nidlator meant a dot ,and a scrape was equivalent lo a daab. A special language was devl.sed to pre vent the North Koreans from I . How many states bear the lisi.nlng In. imes of Presidents! Ayling said be and hlJ three I 5; b) S; c) 1 ' prison roommata beard tbe 2. How many divorced message Qf Hodges' death res tdeutial candidatu have being tapped out on the and satisfied oorselves that we were both irom the Pueblo, we set up our communication system," Ayling sald. .wt of 100 Navll lntelllaenct lj>Ocialisls. 'lbm la no set IC;hedule for the lnterv~a and the Navy will not estlmate when the debriefing sessions will 1 · end and the court of Inquiry · •.~ into the ship'• capture will .-i begin. 1be interviewa are co~ ducted in a relaxed at- mosphere, <lften in t be crewmen 's rooms ln building 24 on the grounds of the .....,_....., __ ,;: hospital. The Navy said the ln· tervlews take second place to medical, humanitarian and personal needs, and crewmen are debriefed <ln an "as available" basis. AP, ..... CHARGES LIBEL Juli• Andr1w1 Julie Sues Film Mags 14 Perish In Australia Brush Fires DAILY I'll.OT 5 Demo Chairman Guessing B:egins MELBOURNE, Allllralla WASIIlNGTON (UPI} -lord 'llOllld •8"" lo Gil' lllCh (UPI} -At least 11 persom Two members of C00gnu and ernnpmenl • were kJlled and UO houses a former a:ovemor we r e . 'fln:I other party leaden destroyed Jn brush fires which deaaibod by usually w.U.Jn... repnlod "i pc)eolblo pftlldel> owept the slate ol Victoria formed Democrala · lodaf ,u Ua1 't!amdldates' In lfll wUl lod 'IMI' bivol;..i In -ay. 1eadlnrl eandldalea lo lllcceed Hundreds of vicUms were Lawrence P'. O'Brien ·a 1 8bout O'Bridl'• ~. treated at hospllala I n D • m 0 • r • t I • N a t 'lonal Tiier -. Vice . Preoldent Hubert H. lllomd>r<Y, 1113 Melbourne and nearby country Chairman. -'"-Ual nominee, end hi• ' area111. Many were hurt when Sen. Fred Harris o f a--Sen. Edmund fires burned their can u they Oklahoma waa viewed u the running mate, tri~ to "--S. Muatie ol Maine, and ~ =· •troo(UI poalbWty. Rep. Senate Democntlc wblp The wont fires were within Jama G. O'Hara of Mkhlgan F.dward M. K---'"' 50 miles of Melbourne and and farmer Gov. TtlT)' San-,_ ___ ~.,...~"""'_:_'--::- throughout tbe day a smote ford of North Carolina alaoi~====""'====14' haze hung over the clty reduc-were mentlonecl ing v1Bibillty to ·a few hundred One report among the yards. · Democrats auggested that Worst hit was the tiny town Harria Wl.!I the leading' ean- <lf Lara, about S5 miles didate for the chaJnnanshlp, southwest of Me Ibo urn e 1 to serve without aalary, with where 10 people died as 60-Santoni managing the dally mile-an-hour winds a D d operatlpna of the party's. na- '1ere been! radiator from the adjacent ) I: b) 2; c) none room. 3. The Republican vice P"S-"Aft.r we had tesr.d each <ential nominee ln the 1964 other (by uaing M""" cock) •lection was: IJfe for the crew at the Balboa Naval Hospital here la settling down Into tbe routine of medical treatment and debriefing =Ion by a Cmdr. Lloyd Bucher, skip. per of the intelligence ship seized by North Korea, only started being debriefed Mon· day. He had been suffering from a bronchial infection and severe nervous exhausUon. a spokesman Sf!d. r~le~m~pera~lllr~es~a~bo~v~e~~~e~lOO~,~Uona~~l~hea~dquarlu&~~~~Otber~~~~~~~~~~~~ SANTA MONICA (AP) -degree mart fanned tbe Ores. Democrala doubled that s.n.lrli!:::JIS Actress J ulle Andrews is suing for libel a movie magazine l ) Barry Goldwater; b} Hen- " ry Cabot Lodge; c) William Miller T .f. The shortest term in of- fice was served by: al John F. Kennedy; b) WU· liam IL Harrison: c) John Adams S. How many American Presidents have there been: a) 36; b) 35; c) 34 ANSWERS $600,000 Drug Plot Uncovered Abernathy Rejects 'Black Capitalism' FROOMORE, S.C. (UPI) -ity Center, a facility set up Negro Jeader Ralph Aberna-at the end of the civil war to RAYNHAM, Mass. (UPI) -th · r • bl k Police and federal narcotics y, re1ec ing ' ac capi-help freed 11lave.!I and a fav- talism" in favor of "black orite quiet retreat for the last agents confL!cated $600,000 socialism,'' said Tuesday his president of SCLC, Dr. Mar- worth of marijuana shipped civil righ ts aroup is out to tin Luther King Jr. in from the West coast Tues-~· which she clair.ld linked her and actor Sidney Poitier romanUcally. The suit, filed Tuesday In superior court, asks $2 rnllllon In punitive damages and $1 in com- pensatory damages from the publishers of Screen land magazine. A similar libel suit, asking the same damages, was filed by Miss Andrews against the publisher of Modern Movies. OUR CURRENTANNUALRATE OF 5% EARNS 5.13% WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY & HELD 1 YEAR USE THE HANDY PASSBOOK ALWAYS MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT 'Sll8l pU8 &681 \q suua1 ~AJ1~ 0 Ai!. l J)QAJas : PtIVPAiJJ .NAOJD 'lDiPJ!aJd i>B paA.RS eAeq oqM sienp,J" ·JpD( ~ Atw inq SJOlV.llSJlJ!W -pa 9£ oaaq aAvq a.r.nu. ·q ·s organize all the nation's poor Abernathy sharply crltlciz- day night in "the largest in the next five years. ed President~lect Richard ?i.f.l~==::t<:::::=st==~ si ngle seizure in this part or "We don't want rich indi-Nixon and said "black capi- the country." Two men were viduals, we want rich com-talism ls a bone and we are arresteeµ munities," Abernathy .said at tired of being tossed bones." e INSURANCE TO $11.000 e FEDERALLY CHARTlllED AND SUPERVISED e WE PAY EARNINGS ON YOUR FUNDS FROM DATE RECEIVED TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL e FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR 8.Ef.Q8E THE IOTH OF ANY MONTH EARN FROM THE IST e SAVE.-IY.MAIL WE PAY POSTAGE IOTH WAYS, A CONVENIENT WAY TO SAVE. • ·qioom eoo !tnAJas: Ja1le ' "°"' .... llO(IBJnllnWt 'Ill ,. P 1 o > 1q!n1> 1JOS!Jl1!ll ·q 'I Agents 'Of the P e d e r a l a meeting <lf Southern Chris-Abernathy said the nati<ln's Bureau <lf Narcotics and tian Leadership Conference ecoJl()!ny has been centered Dangerous·-Drugs, working ;, "(SCtC)-leadet!"Jllannlng"'tl'felr around lwh1tes;tnctaa:m-g1 h~ with members of the Boston goals and programs for t h e busines,-structure, and he Vice Squad, seized three new year. was not interested fn making cardboard drums four and one Th e SCLC leaders w e r e black tndivlduals rich, but in half feet high and three trunks meeting at the Penn Commun-helping groups. • ., '£ -"9S6T~~ 'Wsaa - TA<tiS Pl'IPV pU1 'OZ6l tq <lf'-10 W 0 J J 918PlJ"IN 0>!18.POWacI . 'xo:> samvr JOUJaAD{) ·q ·z ~Al.,., filled with the drug. Total weight of the marijuana was Goldwater Gets soo pounds. Arrested were Melvin D. Old Post Back Anderson,'/:/, ol 24211 Fanwood St., Long Beach, and Richard WASJUNGTON (UPI) -CuUer, 26, <lf Brookline, Mass . .;en. Barry M. Goldwater (R-They were charged with il- Ari2:.), has been assured of legal possession of narcotics, his former seat on the Senate intent to sell and conspiracy Armed Services committee. and held in $25,000 bail each Rep u b Ii can senators for an appearance today in . unanimaus1y passed 8 resolu-B06ton Municipal Court. Lion Monday assigning "the' i..==========,I LOCAL first vacancy" On the com- mittee to Goldwater, an Air .Force reserve major general Under the breakdown of the new Senate, the GOP is sure of at least one additional seat <>n the committee. No other 11ewspep1r t1ll1 y11 111or•, .... ~ cley, eboi.tt whet'J 9oin9 on in +fie tr••ter Oren9e Coe1t the11 th• DAILY Pl~OT. It'• al 7891 Tolbert Avenue. The kite Clth's new .. cosrfe" In foimtington Beath. fully staffed. And lvOy eqvippod. Slort!ng Monday, January 4 povldr.,. ..,.. than 100 '"""'"' 1o Auro Club membe" ond the communily. Everything fr< weekend vacation to worldwide travel planning. Everything to help you get outond follow o1I tho fun that's going on In Southem Collfomla and beyond. Stop by and let Ed Sulllvron, the new mon6ger, show you orovnd the Ado Club's new "'castle" In Huntington Beath. ~THE AUTOMOBILE aus OF ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA "'1 Tebtl .... ,_,~'-II, c..t .. ""-IGm1 We've built a new off ice in Huntington Beach • ~.4 . _, ·#e.. . ..,,.,. .. -_ ....... -- A Good Friend cl flie Fomrly for Slidr<Jghl Y ..... No clowru. No hoopla. No funny bat& 'This is an event for the oerioui car buyer. The man who bas X number of dollan to opend and is determined to get his money's worth and maybe more. ·Come to a Chevrolet Showroom during our Value Showdown. Ask the man to lhow you, on paper, how you can order Ill/Jiit any 1969 Chevrolet with a big VS and J •1i4"' ann1,;,CATD...,. P1 llVLTl..._.,.n .. N1'YMtt,.._ CON'l'ltACT SOUTHERN FEDl='RAL SAVINGS ·-Hl'ADDmCfl Im Wiidin..,.._ YI~ llU Nm-TAlliAMA PAfiCMi 111'1 ""*" ~ .+ wr:o. MHIW MUNTI~ ·~ IMICtk n tMllnllM Clll'l9W, "'"*" ' automatic transmisoion for less than you could i..t year. Come in and apend .ome time. Dig, probe, ask questiom, take notes. You owe it to younelf to be thorough. Go for a drive. Get a free sample of Chevrolet'• luxurious full. coil, cushioned ride. Shut the windowl and oee bow fresh the interior otaya, thanb to Astro Vmtila· -· ~ I ' tion. Feel the kick of the bigelt atandanl V8 In oar field. Then go dawn the street or """""' town llliil ... how we ltacl< up apin!t Tbooe Other Cm. We think you'll wind up with a Chevy, More people do, you know •. .. Ill .. "' tint, .... ,.• tint. ...., • 1s.·on • • ---~ ..... c I DAD.T PILOT EPJTOiirAL PAGE I • Canyon Acres Problem i'J never dreamed we'd see so much so soon!' (;aeyon Acres Drlv' l'Mldenta In Laruna Beach art tryillj to erase a paper road from lb• ~nd of their atreet to Top of the World . The extension to Alta Laiuna at Top ol Ibo world WCll!d give a new route for hilltop dl>;eUers to La1una C"""'1 Rood. Resl\len'ts of Canyon Acres ·fear the IOUleday de- velopment would cause a cruab of commuter traffic on lbolr rusUc road. They. alJo fear loss of their yards to a future widening of Cau1on Acres Drive. The property owner protesta are understandable. So were the protests "o( Gienneyre residents wh'"l the city aired plans to wiaen a narrow portiou of that artery. Reaidents of lower Park Avenue weren't enthralled IQl!le years aio at the widening of that street to ••rve the Top of lbe World. . Actuallf, It would Wrely be some years before the Jl'lp•r lillk became a real street. It bas bee!I on lh• books since 1963. Jlut a desire of property owners to develop land above Canyon Acres Drive brought new engineering of the alignment eud new attention to its existence. These land owners will pay for extension of the road •• w ai it 'goes !Ji servln1 thelr property. Presumably, ownerl .of P.fOperty sWI higher up the hill would pay for contlnulng the alignment if 8lld when Ibey got ready to develOp. . ·Certainly, the city ls doing the lo&ical and correct lhlllg"ln requiring planning now for future alignments. ; lf the Cauynn AcrH Drive extension becomt1 a reality-a Unit to Top of the World -it will .catch part of the traffic now using Park Avenue. In deference to the protesting properly owners , La- guna councilmen have given them 40 days to come up with alternate routes. That's frobably not time enough to do a great deal of road engmeert.ng. It is time enough to gather existing engineering data from city, county and state sources. And it seems certain at this point that it will take an argument structured soundly on facts to shake coun· cilmen from the proposed roed alignment. Restoring Coastal Beauty Chlnese philosopher Lao Tzu. writing before Christ was born, said, "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.'' A first step toward preserving and restoring the natural scenic beauty of 0 r a n g e County's 43--mile coastline was taken recenUy when the county and pri· vate citizens hired a con5Ultant to study coastal prob- lems and offer solutions. A ·prime consideration of that coastal study will be beautification of Pacific Coast Highway between Three Arch Bay and Dana Point. There a rugged shoreline is washed and battered by majestic seas. It is a work of nature man can never hope to duplicate. He can, however, hide it. A jungle of signs, utility poles and creeping black wires have befouled a part of the area's alluring qualities. The study will tell what can be done to restore the area's beauty, and prevent the spread of "people pollu· tion'' to other coastal areas. However, a study cannot actually do what it !lays must be done. Jt can only point the wo,y . It is a first step. The DAILY PILOT hopes it is not a single step. IL) Spotlight on Dim for 1972 'Now There's r.i· Man-We -- Can Trust' W~HIN<;TON -At 3'5 Edward M. K""'ll!IY bu advanc<d up the Senate ladder much faoter ud farther than either ol bll brotberl, Jolm F. or Robert F. K<nnoib', at comparable Uma In their IM!Oallirlal careen. The spotllgbt will be fOCIJ!l'd on blm llrongly u a likely Democratic presidenUal nominee in 1972. · Ted Kamedy's delost ol Sen. Russell B. Long ol Louillana fer the post ol asiistant mejorlty leader, or party whip, ts readily recognizable u a cllmact.lc political event - a retrlbotlon, in a ...... f~ diaaster of the Qik:ago nominattnc convenUon and lhe tragic event• ti 1988. What Odcap denjed in the OeuiocraUc party, tbe Senate Democrab: have honored and 1 new political chapter opens. Senator Kennedy will vie for attention with th< Incoming President of the United States, for such Is the nature ol the commun!caUons media that the JU%· tapo1iUon of Kennedy and Richard M. Ni.Ion will attract the camera'• eye with irresistible magnellmt. FEW Q.EMOCRAnC 11enators who voted for Kennedy bad iny illusions about this. They knew they were picking a young new champion. They knew they were probahly advanclng IWll1ecly ahead of Sen. Edmund Mualde, Hubert H. Humphrey or whomever elle mlgbt covet the ~e:ntial nomlnailon four years hence. They !mew, in obort, tbll they were giving Ted K<!1necfy his cbonce. But there ll another aide to It which Illustrates the deep, and perhaps luting, divi6ions lo Ute DemocraUc parlJ which catmed ill nominee in 11168 to receive s1lgbtly more than '3 percent of the popular vote merely four years after ooe of the l?'atesl landalidu In . hi!Coey. Senator K~ wu oot the unanimoua choke 0( the S e n a t e Democrats. In wlnn1ng 31 to 26 ht ex- posed anew the stronc conservative ~m:urrent which turned tbe whole South, avt for TOUI, qalmt the party of its fatherl In the UMl3 lft'ldenUal election. CHAIJ.£NG£D AND resentful. the SOuth turned to Geora:e Wallac~ and Richard M. Nlzoo. The lurlher humllia· Uon of Sena.tor Lon1'1 rejection will do oothing In the· ·Unlt..r States Senote to harm Nizon'1 ltature u President. The opportunity ii open to Ntson to sett bl! objectives In CODlJn9ll cause with Republkam ud U-Democrats who will not alwl)'I be willing IA> respood IA> Senotor Kennedy'• Jeadenblp. Senator Kt.nnedy haa an unw:ual faculty. He can command the rupect of hi> elders without all<naUng them and tt ii probably true tbll he ts better llbd In the Senato than eltb..-of bis brothers ar comp>rable tlmee In their .,.,_._ Ju Uliltanl majority leoder, or wblp, Senator Kennedy wW have a 1peclal place In Ille Intimate Ufe ol the Se1U1te. He will keep track of how senator! intend to vote and be privy to com· promises, coalitions, and local political requirements which are the life-fluid of the Senate. The assignment will test hill parliamentary skill and enJarge his poliUcal horizon. It will give him hill opportunity to placate or reassure those who doubt his qualifications. SENATOR KENNEDY would be wise not to hUIT)' matters. He is second to majority leader Mike Mansfield, whose leadership ha.'I sometimes been Iound wanting by the Democratic activists. But there is a measured pace in the Senate. The seniority system has not been junked, and, in fact, Senator Long will be in the more powerful position as he continues to be chairman or the Senate Finance Committee than Kennedy as assistant majority leader. Senator Kennedy reaches deep into the emotiORB of the Democratic party for reasons which are obviom and also due to his flawless personal behavior during periods of great 1tress. The leading question his advancement poses i.11 whether or not this surge of emoUon, reinforced .bY his own political behavior, projects Kennedy in the role of r.hallenger to Nixon even before the new President has t.aken office for a first term. 'l1US WOULD CREATE an e~mely unusual condition during which the nation would have its eyes on the poaible alternative to the Pre!ldent if he failed to hold I.he fullest possible measure of public support. Fine Gift for Young People, A Lquna Beach advertiltng copywriter birned novelist hss pniducod a -"'i sea adventure story for junion that. although iOlni back 115 yean In U.S. Navy hiltory, has special Interest and relevance today. William R. Graydon, a Navy vetu'UI, reminds the ruder that the North Korean plratJcal capture ol the U.S.S. Putblo had its counterpart on Oct. 31, 1803. The brutality and sadism of the North Kore.an Communl.st.!I an. Uttle dil·· fe.rtnt fundamentally from tht practices or the Barbary Coast pirates of Tripoli in an e.arller day. THE YOUNG U.S. Navy. juat welding together into a dlsclplinea group of fighting men and ships, :set ·out from BoJton to put a stop to the pirating of U.S. merchant lhiPI by the marauding natjons ol North Afr!P. The {).S.S. Philadelpbla ran qround On a submera:td reel whlle purBUing an enemy corsair of! Tripoli. -C&pt. wuu.m Balnbrtqe, t h ' Pbltadelpbia'• coml!Wlltlng orncer, fac<d the ...,. · pim decillon u the com- mander of the Pueblo. He was forced to 1wnnder his 314 officers and men wiU>oul. a: lhot.. Unlike the lus-than-one- year lmprillOOment of the Pueblo's crew1 however I the release or Captain Bain· bridge and hll crew did not come until the sJ.gnln.g of 1 peaet tre1ty with Tripoli In June, 11105. IN THE INTERIM, six c~wmen of the Philadelphia died despite the fact most of the crew were fairly well treated duriftg the.Ir 20-month confinement, thanks to tht intervention of the Dantsh consul Capt. Bainbridge, with strong backing from hill crew, was fully ex· onerated by a naval court or Inquiry when he returned to the UnJted St.ate.11. '"•" s.M "" Tl'tlotlL .,. w1111-It. .,..,....,. .......................... '"""" ~If. lit "'' p.,,.. In "Full Siii for Tri poll." Author Graydon centers h.l! &t.ory on lf.yur-old -printer'• 1pprenUc:e, Andy Foi,.r, who became a bil)ltened but couropoua, raa~leamlna cabin hoy on tbt u.s.s. E:nlorpr!R, • ocbooo« commanded by Capt. Stephen llocltur. The cUm11 com- es iQ a darinc adventure into the harbor of Tripoli IA> blow up the red-Imprisoned PlllltdelphiL G1IA YDON DID ertenalve blsl«lcal and otuUe&I reaearcn fClt thla fttr'Y of a phue ol the Trlpolltan War In the" esrly JJOOa. He URt the junior novel rorm 1"11 not only to rt.late urly Amtrlcan hist«}> In a bl&hly palatable way for )'QC peoplt, but to make aome atroni pola1I •bout the dtvelopmeot • r f'f';tk!. 'I d11't Hdel'ltlld q 11 gave ap Ille sllip!' character, self-<iiscipline and leadership. The Christmas gilt season is past, but "Full Sall for Tripcli" will still mQe a fine gift for }'OUilg people lfi all seasons. Dear Gloomy Gus: A.W.B. Oo6sn"t J...aguna Stach have enough IOO'!cuful authors now .so that they could get together and organ· IJe their own publlshing compt111I Mllhl mt.an more money for tbtm and a broader taJ base for the city. -S. T. S. Herewith is another unwritten chapter from that unpublished work, "A History of the World, 1950 to 1999." Its tiUe: "Clo&ing the Credibility Gap." By the late 1960s, the ·Credibility Gap in America bad bectlme a yawning chasm. Not ob)y .did the people automaUcally disbelieve whatever their President, their eovemment or the news media said, but they were coming to doubt Wied car salesmen, television repairmen and their own spouses. This downhllt' trend toward nihilism was dramaUcaJij i-eversed in December of 1968 by·Pres.ldtnt Johnson's brilliant handling of the Pueblo alfair. To obtain the release of the Pueblo's crewmen, the U.S. signed a statement con.feeing "grave acts of espionage" -but onJy alter announcing that the statement was a downriJ:bt lie. FOR THE FIRST lime in a decade. the polls showed the vast majority of Americans once again believed in their government. "U the a:ovemment s.ayg it's lying," was the patriotic • COPlPJ:ent heard everywhere, "I believe it." Once again Americans could bold their headl high. Once again faitll blossomed in every heart. WJth the Pueblo affair as an example, It came u no surprise when President Nlxon preceded his first State of the Utlion address with the brief statement: "What you are about to hear is a pack of Iles designed solely to get what I can out of a recalcitrant Congress." -"BE DmtEDIA TELY soared 33 points ln the popularity polls. "Now there's a man," people said proudly, "we can trust." 'Ibe custom quickly spread through all departments of government. ("The following cost figures for a modern rapid transtt system bear no resemblance to rea~ty. "l And to the news media. ("All the sensaUonal, distorted news that fits. we print.'') Arlvertisers, hopeful of restoring faith in their products, were quick to leap on the bandwagon. Typical was the new King's X Soap commercial. ("For a toenail soap that will make you look 30 years younger overnight -King's x: ") USED CAR DEALERS followed suit ("This warranty u n condition a I J y guarantees th.ls 1928 Essex for 100,000 miles and-or 17 years and is not worth thr. paper it's written on.") Even weddings changed !or the better . '.'"The bride and groom exchanged vows in a beautiful double-ring, !ingers<rossed ceremony."\ Thus mankind entered a golden era of mutual trust. It lasted only britOy. IN 1181, George\Y 3shlngton Demosthenes, who had a secret weakness Cor tbe truth, WU inaugurated President. To aat elected, be had pledged "A Falae De11l" ror America under a ·~ dlahonest ad.ministration .'' But llterl only ..a month in office, he wu caughl in .several half-trutha. Two weeb later, scandal rocked the naUon: fl wu proved In an espionqe cue that President -.. had laued a blatont, oulrliht atatemenl ol the fact>I A dialllusloned country returned to Ule cynicism that had prevailed before the Poeblo a.Cf air. "ff you C'l.n't believe your government when It 11ys it'll lying." people said, ~haklng thelr heads, "what can you believe In?"• Our ~hangil!g_ Use of Words To many people, the study of words seems a remote and academic pastime bearing little relation to the real wotld'. Actually, however, it is in words and their changing use that we find Import.ant clues to the social and psychological drifts of the society. For instance, what do all the following words have in common: bawd, concubine, coquette, courtesan, hag, harlot, boyde11, shrew, termagent, wen cb and wit.ch? Of course, they are all demeaning wOlds for wom~n. and today are used only in reference to "'-'Omen. But the really interesting thing about 'them - and many more -is that originally they were used to denote either sex . OVER THE LAST few centuries, · however, these words became pejorative onJy for women -\vhich indicates how male chauvinism in the real worlrl masculine .shrews abound e\!~heref And a. "witch" was at first. bisexual; I.hat 1s why so much Elfabetban literature referred to a "she·Witch" wheo such was intended. ' Only 200 years ago, the Word-ff'\iOydeo'' \vas more often applied to a ctiwnisb, ill-bred man than to a glrli ·now It is exclusively used to designate l certain type of female . We really •have no masculine equivalent -even ·!9Ch Vic· torian terms as •·cad'' and "bounder'' W're quickly drOpJ>'d from the ·language of epithet. . · translated it.self into the verb a I OUR SPEECH accurately reOectis the downgrading or the opposite sex. prejudices of the ruling gl'.Oup. Since Bawds, concubines, co q u et t es , the rulers and the rich and the educated courtesans, and harlots initially re ferred (who directed language) generally lived to both men and \v omen of loose sexual in cities, we developed such words as -·-I practices. Chaucer. Wiclif, Beaumont and "villain,'' which meant a r ·u 11 tic i Fletcher, Shakespeare, and countless ._"heathen·· and "pagan," which also in-. other writers use these terms in· dicated those who dwelt in the country~ terchangeably for either sex. Then they "boor." which meant a fal'mer ; and suddenly die out as words applying to many other such words whick..downgrad· men. and become "feminine " only. ed rural inhabitants. ' · The use of a word wrongly understood WHY ~HOULO A "hag" be only an can affect great events. Some believe unattractive old "'-'Oman, when there is that Darwin's "The Descent of Man" no correlative term for such a man? evoked such a storm bec.ause ''descent'' Why should a "tcrmagent" become only seemi!I to indicate a dropping down from a female who rants and rails when the apes; when he really munt it in just as many men are nags? Why' should the sense in which we speak of "descen· a "shrew" be only a won1an, when ding from royalty.·· Why Do Students Rebel? To the Editor: . Why do students rebel'?' How many times have you heard this quesUon? Why do they fight the establishment? After all, it is there to protect 11'1, isn't it? I've heard the old hat call of Com. munlsts and anarchists. I've heard the plea for ''law and order." I've read letters lo the editor which call fo r more cops, more orde r. more regimentation on campuses. "Teach them kids some respect,'' they say, pulling the trigger of a shotgun aimed into the crowd. I've heard, and read, and been sickened. Why ask when we koow why ? STUDENTS ARE PEOPLE. 1.ke you and like me. They eat. drink. sleep just like the rest or us. Imagine that. 1-lowever. as a rule they are a litlle n1ore naive. They are idealistic to a great extent. They don't know how much niore important their own skin i.!1 than somebody else 's. They are to a grtat extent cqualitarians. Being auch, they naturally would be up~t by our system. In class they are taught men are created equal and that they have the right lo choose their own &urse of life, that thry arc free Individuals, and that they can makP the world a better plact to li ve However, when they waUc out of claq: they find that they are treated u inferior crcat¥res that are to mped but not be respected, obey but not quution, and, pay homage but rteeive no pro- tecllon. THEY FIND AN Jnt'(lniruou:i. sy&tem rttlstant to chnnge llnrl superior in at· litU<!e. They find that people believe "you c.an 't hck city h31l " and wcn't tven lry. They find laws that regulate dress itncl ''decent languagt.'' Tilty !ind conformity 1 curse th11t, if brokl;'n, could .mean death. The)' !IM a court 1tr11cture "'~ . > • " ' ~di' .. U tters fr0tn readtr.s Oft tptlcomt. Normatly writers should cmive y their message in 300 words or le ss. Tht right to cundense le tters to fit spa.elf or eliminate Libel is reserved. All letters mUst include signature and m?iling address. but nomts may be w1thhtld on req~st if sufficient rca· so11 U apparmt. so Just and good that people are afraid to face it. They find a court 11ystem used as a source of revenue instead of a protector of the people. When a 1tudent walks out of thP. classroom he finds a hideou. hell full of vultures waiting to prey on his fieah and he balks at the idea. Why doea It have to be tbJa way, he 11b. Bui th< vulture. must .. t and the studeots' Desh ii tender. Ju he pnMsts he ls eaten away or becomet u bard u the vultum be aoushl to replace. • Why do m>dents Jll'>lest! We all-· Why don't we clean up the l}'lttm! ROBERT JAMES SPAllK.'; 1111 Geo..,e ---. Dear ~ee: Whan I waa: 1 young m•n chlcJi;en 1nd turkeya wtre 1 luxury. Now chickens and turkeys are even ch,aper than hamburger and hot dogs. To W'ht't do you attribute the greit incrta~ In production of ch.le.ken~ and turkeys! 0e8T A.G.G: A.G.G. Chickens and turke)'!. \ . ' -:NeWp~ .. t UarLor EDITION •• • \. . ; ' • T•••,.-• F1u1 :N.Y. Steeb • :'i'.Ot:;. 62-, ~. 7, 5 SECTIONS, 84 P:&:GES ORANGE CQUNTY, •CAllfOR~IA WEDNE$0AY, JANUARY 8, 1969. Bay Club Ups City's Take. in_ New · Lease Bid By JEROME F. (XIWNS or ,.. °''" """ •l•ff The Balboa Bay C!Ub tod•Y upped the ante higher tharl ever in it.s con- tinuing struggle to win a 2G-year ex- tension of its lease on 13 acres of waterfront property. owned by the city al Newport ~each. Bay Club Vice Pres~ent Richard S. Stevens said the neW proposal -the private club's third in two years - "®Id eenerate $6.1 million in revenue !or the city 11 a result ol increued rental income and ~ and property tax income. City Manager Hary~y L. Hurlburt received Stevens' proposal th1s morning. He said it was "unclear" when Stevens wished to have jt placed before the City .Council. "I think he wants ~ $tatrs\comments on it first," said Hurlburt. "I haven't yet had time to study it closely." Sourcts cl,.. lo Ille Bay Club in· . - dlcated, bowever, Uiai el!'lY ctW1dl ac- Uon 'll desired. They iold d<penc)lna on coun<U respo..O, Ille. ~ mll!ht be oii tJi4 'blllot in a apeCJlll, dly ·dectlon in the sprlq. ·"· • · 'Ille City Charttr nqu1* ~ vote of the peopto on ,..,.. of cllY!oWned 111'>- perUes that exltl>d bOyond Iii y.us. Tile original Illy Club lwt ........... t wis i:oacbtd in 1141 IQr a IO-~-';erlod. II WU unaf!ecttd by . \lit cll@ttr jir0- vl8lon, 1'blcb appUes to IUllll aiped '··· .. ' • . altm" 195$. The new Bay Club .~posal calla: for these revtslons in the prtJent lease : ~..i... or the termination dale of the lease from 1991 to 2018. -Hikln& of the minimum annual rental to the cllY from 145,000 to •;so,ooo. -Revl8lon of the exllUa~ perc<ntage renlal ~ the mlnht\iun so that the city Would receive I percent of all Illy Clu~ re,.Oues beyond 11911. Earlier lease extenslon propC161!1 made Marijuana or Alfalfa? DAil Y l'ILOT ttlff """"' DENIES 'POT' CHARGES Newport's Higbie Dismissal Plea On Conspiracy Charge Rejected A Newport Beach insurance salesman'• plea for dismissal of grand theft , and conspiracy charges against him was :e- jected today in Superior Court. Judge Robert Gardner's ruling means that Cleo Marvin Johnson, 51, of 1901 Kinp Road, must ' ra'Ce jury trial Feb, 10 with. 15 other personS named in ao alleged $2 mllJion insurance swindle. , Judge Ga~ today rejected simila-r motions .flied by ti other defendants. Among ' them were Harry L. Hibbard, 58, of Anaheim and Robert L. Byington, -46, of Oraflge. • Court action is pending .against sil' other employes of Regency Investors lnc. of Encino. The firm and 21 of its agents were named in an indictment issued by the Orange County Grand Jury last pee; 3. All as' Regency aeenls were active In the oper~Uon of a $2 mlllion inslD'ance policy swindle which extended,, ov~ Much of Orange COunty, the Grend Jury in· dictmtnt f(lites. AcUon was taken fOtlow- lng the Gfand Jury study di a Southland· wide probe of the Encinu'• firm acUvltlea,, by county and state mv;esUgaton. An earlier JnvestigaUon Of the in- suraooe company by the Callfornta Departn)ent of Insurance ltd to tlie ,... fund ol mm,· than 16je,GOO' to allegedly bilked ~eowners. · Many of the l'Olidenll<~ Jn the 20-Count lndlciment include Orange'."Coun· ty ptoperty owners. Newport Attorney Faces Smug_gle Rap / By JOHN V ALTERZA actually alfalfa -not marijuana. The ,federal Indictment alleges that °' "'-0e11r '1"' staff. Fedeial authorities: today w~d only Higbll. a Balboa Ialand aUomey for Balboa Island Attdrney Richard A. admit that the stuff ii "• vegetable •liht yean and former Newport J;Seach Higbie, facing trial in L<ls Angeles subslaJlce." planning_ commiasloner, cooapired wit.h Federal Court Feb.· 4 on charges of _Higbie, '!!I, in an fnterylew with .Ute flaymond DIJ'liel Teeter of Orange to smuuling Sl.7. million in marU11ana into DAILY PDhl' declped he had. ·"Ne> lllegally Import, conceal and transport the U.S., today denied wrongtlolng as part 1:n any smuggling e>f mafijuana some 3,toO pounds (over a ton and tlleged in the charges'. · personelly." a hall) of-marljliana fron.-l\lulco lo Jn a sensational twist to the charges The island attorney eIJ>lained that he callfornia. today.,-~ver, sources cloie-to.-tbe--belie¥u-hi1..be~4be-k4Nal---H}tlbi&-Hkt-th8\.-throogh-hit-9Geia case, indicated that the 3,600 pounds indictment is "a -bizarre result of an contacts 4 in the Harbor Area all bis of stuff "smuggled" into the U.S. was atto~y-client ,relationship." (See HIGBIE, Pa1e l) 3.,900 SJips Hugtf/ Marina Envisioned . •' ; . . I ,· A Ne\vport ·s.ael>'i_?Vertlslnf uec· utive i.s developing p~ for a 3,900-boat maril>a ofl Wat ~ Jtwll'leapted today. The ei.ecvtlve, Steven C. Auld, f72 &2nd 'SL, emphllir.ed that Ille propoial JS "still tn lta very early st.ages." It envisions, he said, develop~t of the marina Within a breakwater tbat would ,slref<:h from the Santa Ana River jeUy to Ille area or the NelfPOl'I Pier. He said be intends to· out1lne it before the city council at a Monday afternoon llucfi toAltn. · ' '' · Auld, who la -Uve .'1". presi<!Pl GI 1be 'Vineyard ~j;i•IO:f In Tusfln, said be .bu -~ tltf plan wlth<lri•~IJ--illFlct oide1 an.tthe u.s..Anpy= Enaineeh. He llid . ollldill •ol, lliJtlj qei>clel in· dica~ the projed "niliht be ·reulb1"." Included In the pW>, be aai<I, la a J potential for lnl..-1 ·(-) devilop- ment. ' ,'r He llid 1be pro~ -Id oolve "manifold" ·problema. AmGi!i them are Trustees Reject Funds I I For Educational Aids By THOMAS FORTUNE speci,JYll<, nductlon of class aizu, and Of .,. o.11r , .... 'tatt PJU'Chase of additional. classroom sup. A roqueot that !800,GOO be ·allocated • pli ... next year to.. improve t.H .td.UCB:tion given · The school board acheduled a special NewPOrt-Mesa school children was cold meeting next Tueaday n1aht to consider shouldered by trustees Tueaday night. the proposal! by A!aoclate Superln· They strongly , hloted that this may tendent of Instruction Norman Loata for not be the r,ur when they •~ aff~nf h hool ...... 1 .... 1.... ~ such Improvements as hiring of reading ~:r. year .....auu....,. next t.A<Y- Judge Delays . Sentencing of , CdM Embezzler ' ' . S.ntenclng of a Corona de! Mar man !onvi<:lecl 1JI' embeulement wu delayed today wltll the. cranUag·ol a tut minute appeal lor mote llme to produce tvlde..,. that oould conceivably overturn lbe con- viction. · Superior Court Judge Byron K. Tbere were indications what the climate or that meettne might be. "Knowing generally what is going to be asked salary~Mse this year, I ~n't think we can· lbake any commllment on these propoials," ,Trultee Selim "Bud" Franklln •aai4 " ''.In cold, hard reality · we Qllaht be looking at what'. we ahoutd' .• be cioinc less, not more,"' eommeottd . Truttte i:>onatd litraUll. . Distrlcl SupL wilnam CUnni..,..., aaJd be -1d report in a couple· of wew on "curtailment of what we lft doing now." LoalS' educatlobal Im-t pro- pooala thll.8 appeared . to be . beading toward a squeeze. The IChool district CUI'HllU, II hard strapped for operating lu!icll, acoordlng (See TRUSTE&S, Pose !) ~-ai:~ '"4 the ~ltd for addltloaal boallDc laclllUes. • Al1ol11er .,...... of lbe P"'tl!":I!· ht said, i, ~ ,.,, , am!lr~1 from Ne~~\t :mllia .. ~ lil tt.M"~I 1na; r ily r~ ~IJ!i· l!n the bllity of bet~ auto ~kin& atela. · He eallniattd co.t' of ihe breal<Waler at abcful ~10 ll)llllon. Thi> marina, he said, 'rtilg!tt '' cost apprOl!mately f& mUUon. "JlGt linlnclng of any kind Is far, far from even belni Pf'OPOl6d." Memorial Rites For Mrs. M;urdy Slated Sunday Norma Lorbeer Murdy, wife of retired State S.n. JObn A. M1ttdy Jr., died Tueaday at Hoa1 Memortal Hospital alter an illneas of several ' weeks. S6e wis 89. Memorial services will be ~Id at 3 p.m. SUnday at the St. Andrews Pre.sbyferlan Church, Newport Beach. A native calHornlan and a gra<luate of the llnlver~ty ol Washington, she and the former eenator, mirried for 45 years, made their home on • a uma been ranch north ol Huntln_gton Beach Wltll be retired. They made thtir hcime at 33t Via LldO Noni,. N~rt Beacb, . lor the ~ aevml l'fll:'·. Survi+ciri Ii>cludt lier bu>-; a aon, . John }juldy ill of N~ ~ch;' two daughlei-s, Mri. George E. Trotter Jr. and Mrs. Wlllll lllller, both of Tustin: a 11'ltr. Mn. Elizabeth Hlllll of LM Angeles and H crandchlldr<n. The family auggeata that those who wish may make a memorial contribution to the lloq Hospital Memorial fund. by the club did not provide lor any per<eiilage ren .. tal chengeo. _ Th< exllU1111>"C'lltaga are I .P'r'C'flt on 1d'le nm f150,000 tn gross aalt1; 4 percent on th~ n .. t 12SO,llllO and I perc<nt oo everything beypnd thal Theae percentaJ,. would ·i:emabi 1!1&.taoUally unchanged unUI 111111. , • . stevinl, In bla -~ pro-1 lo lbe cUy, noted tblit to,, club'a CUl'l'<llt .i.. veltmtril In tht iFlfl>ert1•I.:flt'mllJ!ot), ~ v~~"~:Jtt:~ . ~ ::s .. - !• ~ • ' . . • receive a fair return on thilr ln\ttltnMnt. Further de•elopmen~ whld> would be difficult to finance without· a leue e1~ tenolon, would pmumably provide that return. He aaJd lntamuch u lbe cltr, shares In Income from the Bay Club, the city and. the club "are In-.....,.. financial partners with a mutual goat of ino'eaaln& dollar revenuea." ... Stevena ooi!Ceded that the -1141 !We (See BAY CLlJll, Pap I) Ed Reinecke Gets State No. 2 Post ... SACRAMENTO (AP) -Republloan Rep. Ed Reinecke, praioed by Gov. Reqan u a "young, energetic" poliUcal comer, was named California'• Dew lleutanant governor...today - The... GOP , governor's · OU:icial an- • ,II NEW LT. GOVERNOR Rap. Edwud Ralnecb ---'now""'""La:L ..._.....___m_ the State Capitol came the day liter Reinecke'& f5th birthday, and gave the Studio City congremnan a flying leap Into statewide attention and a posaihle bid for Reagan's job whenever thi!. governor leaves office. ~~~e~ Re~-~up,•., worst Losses; _'li:f/4' ,g Ai~#.ve·~ · NEW Y6illf fAP) -Thi lli.t dritet clOOed lower today bul trinuiJtd Ill w6rst 1o.... in 11~ deallngs. Trldltii ·was active. (~ quotaU0111, Pages.Holli) The market slaged a ~pal ,..Uy I In the µjorning but backed "".81 from l( qulctt\r. The list w a 1 subltintljlly loWer bf' •noon, woraenini !ta ·dec{lne in early jlfte;noon. ·In Ille ·final hour bargalh ·~Ung cut losies but declines &till outllumbered ad- vances hy a ratio of around two to one.· 7 A feature of late trading was a huge blockof l.!9;800 abates ol General Motors, down two at '18~. Moat moton were clown but IWll f<COVertd oe)CC\llf!ly, BbowJni a mJud pOtlern_. ' , . Am<xlg active lloCkl, a!>artJ·louel ·wero taken by' MGIC, In~ 'ilenellciaJ Finance, IntemaUooal Utilities, United Frµlt, ~ Instrumen~. P an American World' Alrwaya tnd, Benc\lel· Avnet advanCtd agalnal Ille downtrend. Prices were lower on the Amerlcah Stock Excb&np. Philippine· Ep,voy ·Due in .. New.port Salvador. P. l,opez, Phlllt>P!Jle am- bessador lo il1' U:S. will l!dofrea· ,a dinner meeung, ·qi the' Woi14 ' ~ Qiuncll of Or~ \:<!lmlY, !J)iutlldaT .It the NewpOrte<;1l)nit("-""'°'1'8-fi: ' .' Th& l'bUlpp!nt ~t 11111 ~ "Aalan-Ame!'lcan· 'iltli!IOlll ~ .Viet- nam " ·according tto · cooncil Cll:Wrman Rona R. "'Jerry" Hay• ol' 'llew'port Beach. , The ,dinrier ll·acheduled for -7:10 P·\1'· In Jamboree'Hall. A no-boat refreshment hour begins at 6:30 p.m. ReselVat!ons may sUll be l)la\le by calling the World Affafn Co¥fi:CU at 542-5823 Reinecke replaces Lt. Gov. Robert H. Finch, who will. become seCretary of health, education · and ftlfare 1 n Presldenklect Nixon'• C.blnet later this montll-llclnecke olf!Clally wlll m<W• Into Flncl\'• _.i.floor olllce acroas from the ·state Senate cliamber' oiily alter the U.S. Senata ciiiilirmi FlnC!i'l 1p- ~!-, _f'. la cl!oolf!tl f!llc!I'~ 8UCCU881', Reagan '*--lie Put "createst -00, liiO ·lJeid l'!f ...... no who la a ,...;, -•etic niari. a capeblt vole- getter. • <with a future. Someooo in· ter..ted in a fulllre in puhllc Ille," While "ht found no comensu,, on any one candidate for the job in talking with Republican leaden throughoul Ille state, the l<>"ernor aa.id, be cU(l dbcovtr that everyone wanted "somecine who was ••• a comer." Reagan ·dtcllned lo place Relnecl<e anywhere on the political &ptCtrum, but the congressman -first elected to office just over four years q:o -has been highly rated on voting acales of organiD.- UOl)I calllrig thel"'dvei COMerVaUve. ~an aaid be and the new No. 2 man in .state *°'.'emmenl are, "ln. ~hll~¢al .,.....,...t . .. the ·i<als of Ille Creallve Socl'1!'. • .A belle! in mor,e empha!il 'on. the private aedor, local autonomy, leu bl# government." The govemcirf llli1d thal wblle be con- sidered ..me. GOP l<&JllatOi's, such as Sen. George Detikmeltan al Loq Beach, . be decided be didn't-dare rla1t upeetllng the del!cite Bepubllca~•majorlty in the , atafe teglataW.,. ·Tiie. Aasembly II 41-'9 llOP1lblk8ii ind ' tb9 Benafe 20-li, ·with one \racaDey Reagan needs every GOP vote he c~ get ii his programs are to succeed this year. Finally, Reagan aaJd of the legislaUve margin, "II became 1D1thlnkable to toy 1with that.'"' • --: He may be facod ·with the problem lOnri."l' .. lipc\e llepul>llcin Aasembly11u1n ili'trlct Mc<;oe of _ Van. Nuy• llid be 11'ill run lor · Reinecb's congressional ,Beal Another candidate will be Jack B. Llndsey, Reagan's farmer llaison man with Ille Asaembly. Weadler The indictment alleges that Regency agents sold life in8Urance policies lo Southland residents as 11hl.ghly profit1:6le, profit sharing contlacti . w_biclr ' Wou.1d become self supporting .ana ... retur,n a substantial incoqie-within relatively few years." M'cMlllan gave John Wlllts, 39, of 3200 Ocean Blvd., until Feb. ts to produce cancelled checks and bank records that will, Wllka claims, prove that he did not' filch an estimated '40i«K» to fl0,000 from UM! estate of a Pasadena woman. WUb was found gullty ol the charges Jan Dec. 1&. It wa1 his second trlal on the embezzlement count foOowihg Deputy Dlltrlcl Attorney Joe ~erlOn's 1ucceas!nl appeal qalnst an earlier dlainlsaa~ al chartl• Bartholomae Kin Gets $"1: The weatherman bO. a sIOOIJIY ouUook for Praldentoelect Nixon's blrtliday 1olnorrow-oWrtut skies but tum1ng slightly IUJIJlT by mld· morning with blgh temperatures in tM mJd-«t's. ~ty Djltrict Altorney Joe Dlcler80!1 has conderiuied the policies as"ll<il btli>j wart)> the pa}>er lhey Wei< printed on." PT A QJl' NOW ON WEDNESDAY : 11'1 PTA Day in the DAILY ·~. And tha('1 not all that's new in today 's ~tal Noles Section. · Tht PT A page, prtvioosly a feature of Thunday'• tditlonl, bu been moved into a .rnew" Wednesday Social Not.ea Section which re.atures both womenta news and food features, The section atarta today on P•ae 3L And PT A news i3 on Page 34. • WUU and his wlle, Ctrol, 34. were By TOM BARUIY of! M . Am/.. of 211 VI lJcio Saud flnt"'"fodicted b:t die Granil J:k on 1or11111D11trP1Mlflfl' ' wtlh~dODai. · -1; :J .. -• May fl.' 1116. Charges of CO"'P acy Mn. Clta Arena of r.JdO Joie, bldilinl . Tljus. 8-' nle<:te!I btr clllm lo ,a and vincl thefl were med !o11owln1 to become an belrtaa to tlla..Balllo&. ollate .,,._._.. Wllicll ~ toUmated allepiliiiW lllat lhe coople con--.erted lllrtholomae mllllonl, ---a : to~ in -oUI lnlDlon. · ·an dllmattd l:I0.000 to flt,GOO from share of the !oritJne Ill 'Sala AU.' Ch\irleo IAirthOlimM 'dioc!"of ,.1htart the eslllte al Mn. Hazel Grant King, SuperkW qo.iri ~· " 1 lttd 'on NO¥•.•; Dll,~_.., oj Paaadena. to_thelr,ow~ use. llbe l'O. .left wtl!l Ille amount abe ' ,1111• deat111 .. i., pa MIL Amaa Ihm rt was t..tili!cl, 1hat Mn.• "Miiie ·ob-... wai ifml1n Ille tut will and 1e1tamen1 I . of !!'! •111 to , •1 . wfth Ille oli!erv•llon tained lhe confidence ol Mn. Kini of ber lather Charla lllrtholomtt, In · 'll!ot hll dauihttr haCI ''failed In btr through her ecUvitiet 11 a rut eatate tbe 11.1m d oni dollar. . + !~ al' a d8qahter folflr'Cb bit rather saleswoman In P~. The couple Charles ..., lhO brotljlt of 1iaU>oo tln 'neld al.Uolilolb.'I ' c 1 aubleq-IJ "'" TIIJ1\td aa COO; ~n and on mlJllcinAll<WUIIMft 'l'hat wiaJU i<J~ tbaliflllllttl ....,ators of the King emti!. A. llarlbolomae wbo~)'tll'I qo ,-~ ~--JU\ll<t Chlrgea taal"'t Mrs. Wilks were wea vlctlm ol a lml!t aj his -11Utr1--~ · ,,.,.., 1ba hiilft dlsmlued on June JD, lBM. Dlckeraon dernoliahtd Balbol ma on. ~ • • "ftard t-•'· 8Cliae ' tn l C!oun '-biaf~lilt lllalel that lhe la -deatltute and Superior Court Judp Chartoi -Jlloveilll>er but dclQ'ed a dect!Ion oo a ward cl the county. Tutadq .upbald tbarla' 1'Ul·llbldl cil&, ollte pilllloo lliltll ,Tuuday. , , ~----·--.,...~- INSIDE 'l:ODA \I · rhrtt Or.cll1gt CO<llt llltotlra kl'1k off tJilir ..., v-•rr I/lit ,.,.e}< 1Jlith 0 trio Of ~prod .... I tion.i, one o toartd prtmWN.. Set Enttrtainmtnt, Pog1 2& T -' • ) • .. • , DALY PIU)f Stiff"""' DEATH CAR -Highway Patrol Officer checlis wreckage following crash Tuesday night near Sunset Aquatic Park in wbich Robert E slick , 36, Long Beach died. Car was wrapped around powet pole so hard it appeared pole had been driven through roof of vehicle. Driver l(illed as Car • Rams Beach Power Pole S_ itQrs S · ught in Coed. ~urdet!f I ' . . ~-... • . -rJ"'. -; ·~~ CAMllBIDGl!l, ~ (\JP!) -..Two b!P.et~1r"!i~ Harvard yvd -pur. mdof ..._.Ji Wll mimla,, .. fWt/ji lief'-~ r=.:"=i;.i ~ = :': ..tar. . 1"~ WU UJ>OC1f, ~1':' I • q~11an .. ported. • . anol .. ~ unUJ ltOUD!I ml~~ ~ !or ueolloaln !«!a Del ell f!ct. J9hn Galll aaid ID -The Peruvian wu np0r1od 'to, .~ave MoodaJ', • • : In ~ ~ lli1l!ll .ci. ~ ..J _.:. ~ tfCbl .... -~ ·"4lalld iw-tn-·lllOlllllo;' ""'Hee"' flla . ~.":A ~ :!< w1191t nlPl&m. l'lfll .. !IOV '!!!I f'IUll<I ;.;. ·bad Jteoo' qa..UQDed In ~-.n1 ii( . ~ '!!II ll!!ec Ill . _m!lflo!, • _, ~ _l!!llM(r. ea. llw"..,..WJ~I< . • _Al I-tYo ,-.. to be roquettlo~ lhe Cain~ lie wu -~ of anthro~_.t l!aryard. irfi!"I. The IDrmer ~ '!II eel be Al<l. -. , monljl,4118 .._aaid. 1 } to become IJl·l(cheolopt. • ·" ·: ~: to have been a oneUma otix!en( of an-In aad1oa.i to el<·boylriend, who GsJligan d MJJs B r l ti o q 1 -lier bOdjl wu found by het"1Jo ~ thropology at llafvard and a class~ reP!;tte<lly d~tl!\I Mjs! ~· •l>o)ll a arobeological tools were belleved>llj ,,_ ~1.:l7,..of1T<ftli== of Jane S. BrittoO, attractive 22-yell'-Old yea! ago, '_potic.e were searchlng tor a in Peru. They were not Jn htr r0mn:·. ~'nt 'tO tier· a~rit artu," " daughter of Radcillfe C:OUege Vice Pres!· niari tiellevt<r tO bave been IUi'ned" t!i>w'n ~Auttlorlttera11111-vettmlllarrmedbt-c:1-. lfumpbnJa aald be w11 . dent J. Boyd Britton. She was found by the dead girl when he uked !or tests indicated the girl wu sWn early ~ becauJe M!U Britton waa abeeot •trqir cead Tuesday in her apartmenl a few 4,date. J , • t \ Tuesday, probabb', be~ 1 and 3•14 1 momlnt eiam. ·i \..i·: I \.. • ~· • . f'rotn Pllfe 1 HIGBIE ... life, he has voiced constant opposition to the U5e of the illegal weed. Specifically. the lndictment, which was Issued last November, accuses Higbie of contacllng a pilot and direcUng him to fly to Guadalajara , Mexico, to bring back the marijuana in a rented plane. The indictment n'ames John W: Bagley as the pllo~ Lyle · Paul . Ger!non, as intended pure~ of the contraband in Mexico and Raymond Danit! Teettr as the ·pickup man. No sources have divulged the addresses of the other three persons named in the docum ent , however one said German is believed to be hiding in 'Melico. While declimng to detail the specifics Jn the case, Higbie did say that previous prt:ss accounts of the lndicbnent erred when it' ~as st a t"e d that he did not know that the pilot, Bagley, \vas an undercover a~t for the U .. 'us toms service. ' "That ltatmient..'js false," he said. "I knew that he was a11 undercover agent. In fact he is a longttme ac- quaintance." "You have to understand. that I cannot dlacuss many of the aspects of the Ul'ITI.,_.. .. , ., .. I 1i' J • I ...... ~ ·!· . ·: · El Toro Fliers ··Eject, "··: ·:~! . ' . : . Escape Flaming Plane ... ·•· ... By AR1111Jt\ R. VINSEL Of tlll D9111 Pllll '"" A pail: of yowig fliers miraculowily escaped Injury Tuesday when lhey ejected -like human cannonbJDa - fr<lm a Oiming jet at nm't.aY. leve],_ while attempting to ltind the ~lane It "' Tero Marine Corps Air Station. Overnight stays in the base dispensari were <lrdered for the pilot and his radii' officer, but neither suffered anything worse than a severe jarring and i lara:e scare, spokesmen said. 1'he lucky men -both from Laguna Beach -are 1st Lt. Damon F. Trimble, 24, of 2780 Queda Way, and lst Lt. Jcseph Varni, 25, of 145 Cress SI. Trimble was bringing the F4 Phantom in on Runway 34 f1?Uowing a routine dtylight training mission about 5 p.m • Tuesday, when the aircraft suddenly burst into flames. • '· ~ ... servJ~s off teer, after details of th!~ rowing 'crash were gathered. ~~ Capt. Entrik~ said sha did not · · of Bpeclfic similar lul-mlnute aa;i.,,,:fl the orange C.UOty IMallation, bal bis heard of others in ~ dut)r toof. 1 .: 1· -w • •• l!rom P age 1 TRUSTEES ... . • to Budget Director Walter Adrian. He reported A legislative reversal cost t?le school district $400,000, an unanlicipat&t: deficit that must be made up from already low reserves. The reversal be spoke <lf came about because state legislators changed their minds and decided not to subsJdize put. Ung kindergarten students on three-hour sessions, Adrian said. case, since .some <lf the men Involved Contented were clients, and et.hies forbid me Robert Eslick of Long Bt4ch ,lf$ ~ill~ auto, pinned to the ,pote, around so to d.lscu.ss my relatlonshJp with them," Ignoring televsions crew~. n~w- lnstanUy ln l!untlngton Beach Tuesday H faced lhe opposite dirtctlon II had lllgble ,.;a. ly elected Assembly Mjnonty Using an ejecUon system designed to save fliers from doomed jeta a1 ground level, Trimble and Varni were blasted skyward as high as 200 feet and then parachuted safely to earth. Prewious years, kindergarten was ia 2%-tK>ur morning and afternoon seuions, with one teacher teaching b o th • AnUclpatlng the •tete would pay for it, twice as many kindergarten teacbtrs were hired ,with-each teaolliu only one · three-hour session, Adrian eiplainf!C!. . .• al S·IO p.m. When his liutO carieoed been tfavellng · ----"Anything I would say could affect Leader Jesse M. Unruh smiles <lff the dead-end of Edinger A""nue and A 11 · .d ==: t ,___ their. rights to a filr trial," he added. as he \Vaits Tuesday to hear The. $2 million aU.ck lil!hter Wtelled on down the turiway and was 'deSttoyed ·-in-~aih~ inveatigatlon team immediately began probing. ~crasbed-ii:t-hfgb:-spee:Hnto1 yower-· .aMllll~ re ~_,en racue...~--Trial -1s--sei··fW"-Ftb:"'1"1n~u.S:-Dtatr:lcr -Governor Reagants ustate· of pole.. waa requU'ed to pry the body from Court in Los Angeles, acc«ding to Assis-the State" message. Unruh· air -· Cunniiigham.aald be--'-. mendalions for improved programa art.' justified "if money is available .to provide · them. They are planned to meet the · level of expectations as we read Uie community," be said. , Eslick, 36, of 3709 Lomlna Ave., was the wreckage., The pole bad ll!lashed tant U:S. Attorney Darrell W. Mcintyre. pears quite content in his new , apparently unaware that Edinger Avenue into the drivers section. v•ho will prosecute the CMe. some,vhat unfamiliar role A Marine spokesman said today it was not known whether the plane had actuaJly touched down or was still a few feet off the runway. ends at Sunset Aquatic Park: ' Orange County coronera Aid Ealick Adding to the bllarte :;.nd still shadow-· Investigating oHicen said Eslick's car died of h~ ~ cbelt lnjuries. He ed aspects of the case was Mcintyre's 1161 County Trafffe 1968 is Orange County's second traffic fatality disclosure Tuesday that Merica h 2 Deadi Toll 3 of 1969. . narcotics officials "pulled oU a apparently was eirl:ioi:ne for about 50 feet before it smuhOd' tnto the pole. Impact was so_ great that ·it spun the ESUck's body was taken to Smiths premature bust in Guadalajara and 1'.fortu~ pending funeral an-angements substituted a vegt:table substance in ~y hiatwidow, Lola, of the famlfy home piace of the marijuana intended for m 1..ong Beach. shipment." ~-'' f'rottt Pag~ l "'~ ' -~ ~ ' ,,,1 Sources said that the "vegetable substance" was in fact 3,600 pounds of aUalfa. BAY CLUB".. '. ' agreement Is "!?! \·.~ .-hla~li ~ 11\ should be for lhe ell)'. · ; . .> 1 "There Is a}<lonnhunity ,feellnr G the eDsllng lease is lo9 . illqpqn v and that tbe . city •bould. be tet more revenue fivm the property;" 11e l!aid. .. Hindsight Is always v e o ad· vantageous. When the existing tease was Chris tmas Tree Winnets Listed Four Newpart Beach young&ters have won cameras and eligibility for winning a trip to San Francillco in a contest at· the ~cell;t annual Cbrlstµias Tree Burn in Newport .Beach. ·The sponsoring Newport Beach Fire Department .held the tree burning at four Harbor area k>caUons last saturday. More than 6,000 persons attended the events, Deputy Chief L.H. Love said. The four children art Mary Sayers, 11, Jim Rubel, 11, Kalby Kovalenko, 13, and Leslie Thomas, 11. The children each won a Polaroid camera. They will be eligible · for a trip for two to San Francisco offered by Air California. The prize will ~e given out lh1s weekend. ,, DAILY Pitor ()llAWGE COAST l'UILIS"IWG COMPAltY .R•li.•rt N. W11d Thoma' Ktt•ll Ef •tor l hom11 A. M~•phi•t Mf•lti•1 EOilQI' Jaro"'t F. Collini Paul Niu•~ .-.w~orT 81K11 ~d~~•lil•ft~ ,,,,. EOi .. , D1roc''' Now,ett k.c:ll om~. (Otll Mow· UO Wu• l•'I' l!•~t ll ...... I l1K~: 7ll '9>tt•I 4~~ ... 11vtllfflt'tgo, 6t1d1: lOt )11'1 $1ffel ---··- · nf e. lhe city lalher• fall that .lhey were indeed fortunate to fiflt(I ~~e who would invest money for 'Tm· provement <lf this desolate beach fron- tage. '·'It· Js true that were we starUng , "1th a fresh piece <lf ground in today's m!rket ·wtlh a new lease, the 1948 terms , (would be) too low. HQwevtr, they might have been ertremeJy high in terms of previous years' values and cerla.inly the use · of the land as restricted bu not prOvided any windfall of prof.it for its owner:s." ln his concluslon, he pointed out that the · revised percentage-of-groas rental assures· the city of a hedge against lnflatlOn. RAlSrt' MINIMUM "ily raising lhe minimum (from $45,000 yearG' to $150,000), we give the city an bnmediate economic advantage, a gua{antee against future decreases and a. strong incenUve to ptU'SUe further improvements of our <lperaUana," He '4id. "By providing a revised percentage scale we enable the city to participate in increased revenues which are the result of the extension, and through the extension of the lease wt will be able to develop the property wlthin the scope oI our mal5ler plan with the resulUng economic benefit lo the city ol $6.1 million." A report by Ecolilllilll'I IWearch Associates acci>mpaqjed -Stev~· pro- po,.;. II cooflrmea lhe .$4.1 million "economic benefit" flgurt . · Nohel Nomin ee, Newspaper Edito r Baggs, 48, Dies ~ll A~ll, Fla. (AP) -William Calhoun Boggs. a newspaper editqr nominated for the Nobel Peace Prlle after acting as an intermediary in Pft:lirolnlr) peace. talk negotiations between Hanoi and Washington, died Tuesday. He wu 48. Baggs, editor of the Miami News, was a persistent and articulate. critic ln bis dally ne~per columns of Prt•i· dent Johnson's Vietnam policy. A bomber pilot In World War U, he strenuously objected to Alllerlcan bombing ol North Vietnam. In January 1987 and in the spring of me& Baggs and 1!m)' S. Ashnlor•" chairman of lbe executive committee of Ute Center for the Study of Democr1Uc Institutions, traveled to North Vietnam. Baggs was on lhe center'• botrd. He wu the only Amelcan journal!Jt known to have visited Hanoi twice. Lut April 5 he and Alhmore returned from lhe North Vietnamese capital witll a •ecnt ineaaqe from the Central eom. mlUee of Iha Democr1tlt Ropul>IJc of Vietnam lo Iha U.S. pvtnDntOI. . .Th.e ~cused attorney, known widely for liJs'Rfriending of persoM in trouble, said that he "could no~ count the nian~~alls I have had from clients, ju :ttlends and fellow attorneys who wa jj>.,llelp me ln thU lhlng." He again emphui.zed that the entire case stemmed from an attempt to help some clients. "I do not practice crimioa1 law and some of these people who 1et into trouble using martj111111. and tbe like come to me for help, and I uauaDy recommend a lawyer when they get into trouble." The indictment alleges that Higbie set up the smuggling of the Illegal weed from Mexico by arranging with the pilot to fly from Orange County Airport to Guadalajara, contact German there, then fly marijuana to Palm Springs Airport. Teeter was arrested Nov. 5 by narcotics agents as he loaded 20 duffle bags packed with "a vegetable substance'' into a van at Palm Springs Airport. f ,HJgbie was later arrested al hia Balboa ls land of flee. He ls· free -on ns,ooo personal bond. ' Mcintyre cOnflrmed' a comment made by anolher federal atto~y to the DAILY PILOT that the arrest of Higbie and Teeter may well be the first in a series of suCb Cues. He would not confirm his colleague's <lbservatlon that "several other Orange County per$00alities" may be involved in smuggling lrlvestlgatlons. · Reconstructing the chain of events that Jed to the arrest of Higbie and Teet.er, Mclntyre recalled that the attomey first contacled Bagley by telephone last July 17. Higbie gave Bailey a check for an undisclosed amount several days later, Mcintyre alleges.' Mcintyre allegea lllsble Iii<! Bagley formulated a plan· over Ule ·nut eight lo ten weeb, theo ~ !heir en· . terprise wllb Oernian. Bagley's part. ln the plan was aaured, Mcintyre slid, >\hen German handed him !!00 ln caab. 'Begley l!aid he got a further $1,000 in cash from Bagley after German Dew from Los Angeles to Medco to set up his role ln the conspir1cy, the in- dictment alleges. Bagley next rented an airpl1ne. col· lected the "vegetable substance" from German and flew the aircraft to Palm Springs Airport. Teeter waa arrested by aa:ent.s u he loaded the whltance lnto bis plcllup truck. Teeter i. alao frte on $25,000 bail. The Identity of Higble's legal counsel bas not beeo confirmed. Humphrey Receives Ovation in ~or.w~y KRliT!ANSAND, Norwa, (UPI) Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey 101 a atandina ovaUon today from J,000 high school student.I in the town where hla lllOlber WU born. He said TuOlday be would run fbr polllfcal ofllce ln 19711 bul failed to say what oflJce. l!wnpllnf tJ en route homt fn>m · altending the funeral of Tryre lJ~ r Russ Expands CuJian Technical Assistance lt\VANA (AP) -The Soviet Union ·ts expanding technical aid to .Cuba for the development of atomic energy for peaceful uses, the Communist p3.rty newspaper Granma reported today. The ne9'spaper said an agreement was signed in Havana Tuesday. It provides for teclmical asaistance for a uranium atomic reactor delivered last year to the Cubar\ Academy of Sciences. The system which saved the pilot and radar officer can hurl fiieni 200 feet up, depending upon body weie:ht and speed -0f the aircraft at the crisis point. The actual alUtude to which Trimble and Varni, active duty Marine fliers, were thrown was not included in data released by investigators. "However far it was, I'm sure those pilots were afraid it was either too ·mudl-'Or· too little for a while there," said Capt. Barbara Entriken, <lf the Marine Corps information staff. "Well, it worked as advertised:'!added Maj. R?bert Boohef, joint information He added, h-Owever, "We do not 1t this point have a clear picture of our .· income for next year." He said lhat, nevertheless, some earJy tentative commitment will hawi to -be ' made by board members biecause purchasing and recruitment <lf teacbets • has to get under way within a ff!w months. · · ,·· Franklin said he didn't want llicll commitment to come before-salary con~ · sideraUon as it did last year. "In ttie rush of other things we tend not fo . go. bac~ and review our tentative com ..... mitments," be said. - lhlnus are naooenlnu al MERCURY s1v11&s1 ' • • MERCURY'S In tlll 11...., lolillJ, • -- wfll -JOlll' nine. -,.., It -'••llnlly for ,.. .......... pro ...... rou will be pllylnc In 8run1wlck'1 ••• "SWlnc·AWIJ Pro Goll'' unit, that permit> !'Oil lo drho 300 Jlfdl, or make a 30 foot putt I To NviH you on your game, pros wiU bt "on 1tlff." 111.1. Mll'CUIJ S-enjOJ Mn·lnl'1 benelllsl Snlnp niceived "1 J ...... •rt 10th um from Jan11117 1. ·~· r:opyrfchtod lntar.t Poflcy of PIYlnr °"' ~-Jegat m. oo nurod FREE Safe Deposit Box 0Rllma11 llallnce $2,llOll) FREE rreeway Maps 1.2111 -ICl8Dlil IYllUllU! Plllbook uvtnp. MERCURY SAVINGS and loan as1oriotion , EXECUTIVE OfflCES: 7812 Edlnaer Aw., Huntington Buch ' Home Oflk« 1814 Knott Aw .. Buen• hirtc OPEN !t.00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m .. Mon-Thws.; 9:00 IJIL to MO p.m., friday .. .I DAILY I'll.OT § : President Code Linked Crew 14 ·Perish In :Australia Brush Fires Vemo Chairman • • t • ·t· . Puzzler , By WJJJJ&M MANSFIELD t. How many states bear the 1mes of Pr!Sident.1? ) $; b) S; c) I 2. How many divorced residential candidates have 'Jere been? ) I; b) 2; c) JlOl>e S. 'Ibe Republican vice pres- ienUal nominee In the 1984 •lection was: a) Barry Goldwater; b} Hen· cy Cabot Lodge; c) William .\1:iller 4. The shortest term in of· iiee wu served by: a) John F. Kennedy; b) Wil· liam IL Harrison; c) J obn Adams 5. How many American Presidents have the.re been: a) 36; b) 36; c) 34 ANSWERS ·ssa1 pus t68t UJ SWJa1 ilA!1n»sllOJUOQ 0 M. l p<IAJ3S puup.&.at:) .RAOJ!) ·1uap1saJd SB pa~ OAl?Q OQM. qvnp!A -!PUJ !it .<roo inq u01e.11SJUJw -pa 9£ uaeq a11.e11 anq.r, ·q ·s ·qiuom auo atiy.Jas Jil1Je p<l'!p pue uona.mamnq S!l.{ 1e p 103 1qjn8':> UOSJJJ81{ ·q "t .. 't "9S&t pmt 'Z96t "oosua -'"'1S 1'1PV pmr '0261 "! "!110 uro .t 1 aiepwtrr.> apur.>owacr ·x~ samer .rowa11.oo ·q ·z 'U01!iqqn A\ • :> • 1 Pueblo Communicati.on System To'ld SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Mone code tapped oot on. rodlalor plpeo llilklnc the l'OOllll ol USS Pueblo crewmen in a North Korean prison enabled them to k.eep In -during II molilhs of captivity.' Cmununtcatlom teclmlclan ZC Charles W. Ayling aald Tuesday the I I rs t meaage over tbe aecret network an. nounced the death « Seaman Duane Hodges. who was woun- dod In the re!Zure of the Jn. telligence ship. A tap on the radiator meant a dot and a acrape w.as equivalent to a duh. A special IBl18lJllge was devised to pre vent' the North Koreans from listentng In. and satisfied ourselves that we were both from the Pueblo, we set up our communication system," AylJni said. 1talf of lllO Naval lntellJaence 1peclalisll. 1bere b no set achedule for the lnlervlewl and the Navy will not estiml,te wben the debrlellng -wlD end and tlie court al Inquiry into the abip'1 caipture will "' begin. '* The interviews are ~ ducted in a · relaxed at~ ,.. mospbere, often in t h e <mrm<n'• rooms In buDdlng 24 00 the lfOOnds "' the .,.. ___ .., hOSpltal. The Navy aald the In- terviews take oecood placo to medlcal, lwn\anitarlon and penonat needs, and cmnnen are debriefed on an "as available" basts. ··-CHARGES LIBEL Julie Andrews Juli.e Sues Film Mags Guessing Begins ME LBOIJRNE, Amtralla WASlllNG!'ON (UPI) -!Old woald -to Ill? lllCll (UPI) -At lout 11-TWomemhortolCoo&naud 11'1'1~ , ,..... llllled and ua -• former ,_ ••r• . l1nl·G!Mr party INdor• c1ettroyed' In bnllll nr.. which delcrtbed by urnllT weJl.b>-._"" ... P*blo Jlhllden. swept the 5lato ol Victoria fanned Democrats todl)' • llll.•udkl•ts In 1m wlD todey. leadllll candklats to ...-be kmJl,...i In dllC\l'llona Hundreds of vtcthna were Lawreoce 1'. O'Brien 11 •bout · O'Bt'len,'a 1 moceuor. lreat..i at boopltalJ 1 n Demo c r a II c Na t 1ooa1 ~ '-: i::~ Mel,boorne IDd nearby country Cbalrman. ,..., , .,.... Many ,..,. burt when Son. nod Harrll o I prelldentlll llOllllla, ood hll fires burned their can a they ()kllbrcna WM 1'iewed II tbe rm:mlng mate. Sea.. Edmund tr1oct lo flee 8. -Maalll ol ilalne, and · lllninplt -™1Jty, Rep, Senate. DanGOntic whip '!be went llm were wl1hln Jame,, G. OO!ara of Vld>lun Edward M. .Komlody. ilO miles of Melbourne and and former Gov. Terry s'an-.--------- tbroogbout the day a mnote ford ol North cu.Jina ohoJ<i:===::a::;===~ hue bung over lhe city red1Jo. ,..,. meo1looed. Ing vt~bllity to a few hundred One report amorig t b e yanb. Democrats 111iieated Iba t Ayllllg said he and hll three prilon roommates bean! the message of Hodgts' death being tapped out on the radiator from the adjacent room. "After we had tested each other (by using Mone code) Ufe for the crew at the Balboa Naval Hospital here Is settling down into the routine or medical treatment and debriefing session by a Ctndr. Lloyd Bucher, •kip- per of the intelligence shJp seized by North Korea, only •tarted being debrieltd Mon- day. He had been suffering from a broncblal infection and severe nervous exhaustion, a spokesman aa1d. Worst hit was the tiny town Hanis wu the leading can- of Lara. about 35 miles dklate for the chalrmamhtp, southwest of M e I b o u r a e , to terVe without aalary, · wtih where 10 peeple died as ISO-Sanfcrd managtn1 tbe dally mllHIH>our winds a n d' operations al ihe party'• na- temperatures above the 100 · Uooal headquarters. Other SANTA MONICA (AP) -r~d~·-~;m~ar~k~l~anned~~lhe~fire~a.~~Democr~~·~lo~doub~~t..i~tba~t~-~:~~~~~~ij~~ Actress Julie Andrews is suing for libel a mov1e magazine whlcb !he clalma linked her $600,000 Drug Plot Uncovered Abernathy Rejects 'Black Capitalism' FROGMORE, S.C. (UPI) -ity Center, a facility set op Negro leader Ralph Abema-at the end of the civil war to RAYNHAM, Mass. (UPI) -th · t' bl k Police and federal narcotics y, reJec ing " ac cap!-help freed slaves and a fav~ lalism" in favor of "black orite quiet retreat for the last agents confiscated $600,000 socialism," said Tuesday his president of SCLC, Dr. Mar- worth of marijuana slUpped civil rights group is out to tin Luther King Jr. and actor Sidney Poitier romantically. The suit, filed Tuesday In superior court, asks $2 million in punitive damages and $1 in com- pensatory dam.ges lrom the publlshers of Screen la ad magazine. A similar libel suit, asking the same damages, was filed by Miss Andrews against the publisher of Modern Movil!!s. in from the W~t coast Tues-organlze all the nation's poor Abernathy sharply criticlz-11==<=:;:J;=>=""="°'~J day night ln "the largest in the next five years. ed President~lect Richard M.1.., single seizure in this part of "We don 't want rich tndi· Nixon and said ''black capl- the country.'' Two men were viduals, we want rich com· talism is a bone and we are arrested. munities," Abernathy said at tired of being tossed bones." Agents of the F e d e r a I a meeting of Southern Chris-• Abernathy said the naUon's Bureau of Narcotics and tlan Leadership Conference econCmy has been centered Dangerous Drugs, working (SCLC) leaders planning their around wbltes, including the with members cf the Beston goajs anjl e.rogr~ for t ti~ bw.~s-.stnJ.~ and _be ll..'"-;;'x: Vice Squad, seized three new year. was not interested 1n making cardboard drums foor and one The SCLC leaders were black individuals rich, but in 1 ~~~ OUR CURRENT ANNUAL RATE OF 5% EARNS 5.13% WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY Be HELD 1 YEAR USE THE HANDY PASSBOOK ALWAYS MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT e INSURANCE TO $11.000 e FEDERALLY CHARJEllD AND SUPERVISED e WE PAY EARNINGS ON YOUR FUNDS FROM 1DAlE RECErYED TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL e FUNDS AECllYED ON 01t• IUOltE THE IOTH OF ANY MONTH EAR.N FROM THE !ST e SAVE.IY-MAIL. WE PAY POSTA6E IOTH WAYS, A CONVENIENT WAY TO SAYE. r S%• carnfPICATa ...a IN -~-11-NRl'YSAllTDM eotn'WAeT' ~ . .=: tM41•11nC">IV!mlm1:IN...r ................ ; - half feet high and three trunks meeting at the Penn Commun· helping groups. ii; filled with the drug. Total--~------------------------------------------------------~-- weight of the marijuana was Goldwater Gets 600 pounds. Arrested were Melvin iJ. Old Post Back Ander'°"' 27, of Z420 Fanwood St., Leng Beach, and Richard WASHINGTON (UPI) -Cutler, 26, of Brookline, Mass. 1en. BalTy M. Goldwater (R· 'They were charged with ii Ariz.}, bas been assured of legal possession of narcotics, his former seat on the Senate intent to sell and conspiracy Armed Services committee. and beJd in $25,000 bail each Rep u b 11 c an senators for an appearance today in unanimously passed a resolu-Bo6ton Municipal Court. lion Monday assigning "thei,==========.I LOCAL first vacancy" en the com- mittee to Goldwater, an Air Force reserve major general. Under the breakdown of the new Senate, the GOP is sure of at least one additional seat en the committee. No oth•r ntvnptptr tells yo1 more, tv1ry 41y, ebowt whtt'1 9 oi119 on I" Hit grttt.r Ort119• Co111st t+ia11 the DAILY PILOT. lt'.s at 7891 Torbert Avenue. The Au1o Cloo's ,_ "caslle" In Hunt!ng1on Beech. Milly slaffed. And luTiy eqvlpped. Slarflng Monday, .Jo.....oty 6. """1d''"9 --700 -to Auto Club members and the COfM'lllnfty. Everything frc weekend vacation to worldwide travel planning. herythlng to helpyoo get°"ard lollowan!he fun that's going on In Southem Callfomk:I and beyond, Slop by and let Ed SulrMJn, the new manager, show you oround the AJJto Club's new"castle" fn Huntington Beoc:h. & THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ""wt-t-. Hod---....... c..llf ........ &a.ml We've built a new off ice in ~ Huntington \ Beach loo!!-.-"':'·... • • -• --~ .. ·~ ... ' ·~ .. • - A Good Frftnd el llte l'omrly ler ~hi y""" • • No cl~ No hoopla. No funny hats. 'Thia ia en event for tho eerioaa car buyer. Tho man who baa X number of dollars to spend and ia determined to get his money'• worth and maybe more. Come to a Chevrolet Showroom during our Value Showdown. Ask the man to show you, on paper, how you can order most any 1969 Chevrolet with a big VS and • automatic fnmmiaai<XI for leoa than you could last year. Cune in and opend some time. Dig. probe, ask questiorui, take not.es. You owe it to youniell to be thorough. Go for a drive. Get a free Nlllple of Chevrolet's luxurious fu!J. coil, cushioned ride. Shut tho windows and -hoir lre8h the interior otaye, thanb to Astro V entila· tion. 'Feel the kick of the biaest;atandard VS in our field. Then eo clown the street or 11Cro111 town and eee how we llack up against 'lbooe Other Can. We think you'll wind up with a Chevy. More people do, you know. , Puttlns ,...11nt, "-•tint. ...., • • ISOD • - - ' ' ' --..... ·-I oAu.i' PILOT "lioITOBW. PAGE ) VI Need: New Bay Bridge '. 'I never dreamed we'd see so much 10 soon&'· Th• state's fzteway people were aood to Ntwl\Ort Beach 1n 1968: -Lui summer, Division of Hi'bways officials a· treed to reconsider the adopted rouuna qt tbe Newport Freeway's final segment, an acUon which may keep Newport Boulev&r\I open as a s u r ·f ace link to Costa l\l'ua. -Last fall, div!Jion enalnee'n completed pjans for a freeway network 1n Co~ '1e! M~at pull moil of the ·ribbona of concrete oul M slalit. · -And last week, t1iey cliPP'l'i. the Y•Jlf ·by •~Pr•s· sill& a hope to begin building a new, high-level Coast Highway brldae acros~ the Upj>er Bay Channel as early .. mo. That last bit ol .news may have seemed the be&t. Undentandably tiecauae, when the Jong,oought concrete span Is built, It will uncork two botUeneck&. 'I'll• present Coast Highway bridge Is too narrow for a smootb flow ol traffic, and it IJ too low for all but a few boall to paas under. The new -ridge wUJ solve both these problems: Jt will be tWice·the ividth of the present bridge and will rise three.Ulnes •• high. · ,\part fl'om that, U>•r• is an.oilier reason why the new bridge is needed -soon. The p~Unt !pall was built ~ years ago and it is beginning to deteriorate. Ajtd 1! i1 showing these signs undar lnlen51lYlng u&e. On ~ '8verage 'Summer's day, 50,000 cars now ·fµnnel aero&& 1ihe ancient wooden span, more than many .free-- way.s. :'" , ·; WJl.liam K. Hashiploto, assistant district engineer for the Division ol Highways, said last wee~ that if fi· naacll!g can be found , work on the new bridge could be- gm.Jiy 1970'. It will cost '2 million. And the &tale, he in· dll:a!ed, would probably pick up the entire tab. Both. the construction timet~ble and the financing plwi repreaent sigiillicant shifts in the state's \hinkirlJ:. Jlist six years .ago, Newport was told by state officials that the city would have to pay for the brldce If It w~s to be built before the adjacent Coast Fll•WaY bridg~ The two projects have now been disassociated, at no ap- parent cost to t1ie city. All tbat now remaills Is the question of whether the state can afford to start construction 1n 1970. Or per· haps that question would be better put: can the slate afford not to! Early financing is clearly justified. H IJ hoped those who establish state highway construction priorities re· spond accordingly. Fairness to Surfers One by one Orange County surfers have seen their favorite shoreline lost to them. Most recenUy it was Salt Creek which local surfing fans rated high. The land was purchased for residential development that is part of the boo m predicted for Southern Orange County. Access, it seems, will be only for the residents of t.Jie area when it is develope<1 and a considerable num· her of those is ~pected-80,000. Prior to that, the surfers saw Dana Point givAn over to a big breakwater and massive boating facility now under construction. Hailed as a major recreational step -and it is - the fact remains that another area was Jost to the fine sport of surfing . , County authorities should take a new look at the situation. Newport Beach has provided for its surfers , 'vith- out chasing away swimmers, through its "blackball" system of beach use by surfers. There is little reason - apart from lack of concern ~tor the county not to give comparable consideration to the young people who ride our waves. Slfotli9ht on Rim I or 1972 I' N ,.._____T@d-Ktirmedy ~oii th.e Rise - 'Now There's A Man We Can Trust' ' '. WASlllN(ITON -Al 36 Edward M. Kennedy bis advanced up the Senate I.Oder mui;Jl .faattr and faither than eitlltr cl blS brothers, John F. or Robert F. Kersnedy_, . .at comparable times in their ... llilrW. careen. ,,,. spoWghl will be f-on him litronclY as a likely DIJnoctatlc pruldenllal nominee in 1972. Ted KemiOdr'• defeat of Sen. Russell B. Lclng /JI Louisiana for the post of atu•istant DMjQrlty leader, or party whip, iis readily r,eCognizable as a cllmactie political evtn\ ,-a retribution, in a stnse, for ~~the .disaster of the Chicago nominaUnt convention and the tragic ev°"" of :4sea. Whal Cbicago denied in the ~atic party, the Senate .Democra~~ honored and a new pbllUcal cl>lptfr opens. Senator Kennedy will vie for attention with the incoming Preoidenl of the United States, for such ii the nature of the communic.aUona media that the jux-taposition of Kennedy and Richard M. NiJ;on will attract the camera'a eye with irresiltible magnet.iam. FEW DEMOCR.Anc senators who voted for Kennedy had iny lllusiona about this. They knew they were picking a young new champion. They knew they v.·ere probably advancing Kennedy ahead of sen. Edmund Muskie, Hubert H. Humphrey or whomever else might covet the presidenUal nominatioo fuur years hence. They knew, in thort, that they were giving Ted Kennedy his chance. But there is another aide to it which illustrates the deep, and perhaps lasting, divisiona in the Democratic party wlUcb caused Its nominee in IM& to receive allghtly more than 43 percent of the popular vote maely four years after one of the greatest landslides In history. senator Kennedy 'WU not th e unanlmoua choice of the S e n a t e Democrats. In winning 31 to 25 he ex· posed anew the strong conservative undercurrent which turned the whole South, save for Texas. against the party of its fathers in tbe 1968 presidential election. • ·..'I~ - CHALLENGED AND resenUul, the South turned to George Wallace and Richard M. NiJ:on. The further hum.ilia· tion of· Senator Loda'• reJeetlon will do nothlni In the United States Senlle lo harm Nt.on'1 Ila-u Preald.ell~ The opportunity II CJS?011 lo NllOn lo seek hi! objecUvea in common Cll1l8 with R<publlCllUI and --·ta who will not alwaya be wllllna lo respond to senator Kennedy's leadership. senator Kennedy baa an unusual faculty. He can command the respect of his elden wllhoul , lli'l!Allnl them and· It II probably true that he II better Weed In the Seil&le than either d hi• brothers at comparable lfmel In their c:areera. Al wllllanl majority luder, or whip, Senator KenMdy will ba.. a special place In the lntlmale life of the Senate. ' He will keep track of how senators intend to vote and be privy to com· promises, coalitions, and local Political requirements which are the life.fluid of the Senate. The asslgoment will test his parliamentary skill and enlarge his political horizon. It will give him his opportunity to placate or reassure those who doubt his qual~ications. SENATOR KENNEDY would be wise not to hurry matters .. He is second to majority leader Mike Mansfield, whose leadership has sometimes been found wanting by the Oem.ocratic activists. But there is a measured pace in the Senate. The seniority system has not been junked, and, In fad, Senator Long will be in. the·: more_ powerful position as he conlinues to be chairman of the Senate Finance Committee than Kennedy as assistant tMiority leader. Senator Kennedy reaches deep Into the emotions of the Democratic party for reasons which are obvious and also due to his flawless perlOllal behavior during periods •f gnat stress. The leadtng question hil advancement poses Is whether or not this surge of emotion, reinforced by his own political behavior, projects Kennedy in the role of challenger to Nixon even before the new President has taken office for a first term. THIS WOULD CREATE an ellrernety unusual condition during which the Diilion would have its eyes on the possible allemaUve lo the President il he failed to hold the fullest possible measure of public support. Fine Gift for Young People A Laguna Buch advertising copywriter turned novelist has produced a moving sea adventure story for juniors that1 although going back I&S years in U.S. Navy history, has i;pecial interest and relevance today. William R. Graydon, a Navy vewan, reminds the reader that , the NOlib Korean piratical capture of the U.S.S. Pueblo bad it& counterpart on Ocl 31, 181.U. The brutality and sadism <lf the North Korean Qimmuni&t& are llWt dif... fertnt fundamentally from the practices of the Barbary Coast pirates of Tripoli in an earlier day. THE YOUNG U.S. Navy , just welding together into a discipllnea grO\lp of fighting men and ships, set out from Boston lo put a stop to the pirating of U.S. merchant shl~ by the marauding riaUona of North Africa . The U.S.S. Philadelphia rin aground on a submerged reef while pursuing an enemy corsalr Off Tripoli. • Capt. Wllllam. Balnbrtd1a, t h • Phlladelpbla'a commanding ofllctr, faced the same lrim declalon u the com· mander of. the Pueblo. He wu forced to surrender his St• officm and men wlthqut •·shol. Vnlike the leu-than-one- year Imprisonment of the Pueblo's crtw, however, the rtlease of Captain Bain- bridge and h1a crew did not come until the signing of a pea~ treaty with Tripoli in June., 1805. IN THE INTERIM, six crewmen of the Philadelphia d\ed o:espite Ule fact most of the crew were fairly well treated during their 20-month confinement. thanks to Utt intervention of the Daniah consul. ·Capt. Bainbridge, with strong backing from hiJ crew, was fully ex· anerated by a naval court of inquiry when he returntd to the United States. ~II hll fl<' Trl ... M, ., WllllM •· $,.ylfeft. ........ .,. 'vtl"' .... '-.... c. ..... C..llf, \If " .. , ..... Iii "Full Siil for Tripoli ," Author Gr~ centers his story on 14-year-old Bolloo pr1t1!'1't •Pl'ftlltlce, Andy f'1icer. who betame a frllhttned but courl&fOUI, 111\.leaminf cabbl boy on the U.sJI. Enterprtae, a aci-er commanded by Capt. Stephen Decatur. 1be cllmu com· e1 In a daring Adventure int<! the harbor of Tr1polt to blow up the reef.lmprt!Oned Philadelphia. GJIA YDON om extenalve blJtorl<a1 and nautical reStart'ft for this ltory of a phase of the Trlpolttan Wer Jn the Hrl,r llllGo. He URI the junior DOW! form well not only ta relate early Amulcan hlltory ift a highly palatable wcy for yl)Ulll people. but lo mm ..... lllong polnll about the ~elo!>mcl o f ' ~~¥& , d11't ••d•nllld wltJ .. ''" up th ship!" character. self-discipline and leadership. The Christmas gi!t season is past. but "Full Sail for Tripoli" will still make a fine gift for young people in all seasons. Dear Gloomy Gus: A.W.B. When one plants a tree, one JOOks up for utility wires. When one buys a $75.000 home. one looks UJ> for alr trail.le patleml. -Private Pilot T. A,. B, Herewith is another unwritten chapte11 from that unpublished work, "A History of the World, 1950 to 1999." lts UUe: "Closing the Credibility Gap." By the late 1960s, the credibility Gap In America had become a yawning chasm. Not ·9nly did the people automatically c:USbelieve• whatever their Presi,dent, their ,goverhinent or the news media said, but they were coming to doubt used car saJesmen, television repairmen and their own spOuses. This downhill trend toward nihilism was dramaUcally reversed in December of 1968 by President Johnson's brilliant handling• of the Pueblo affair. To obtain the release of the Pueblo's crewmen, the U.S. signed a statement confessing "grave acts of espionage" -but only alter announcing that the statement was a downright lie. FOR THE FIRST time in a decade. the polls showed the vast majority of Americans once again believed in their government. '.'U the government-says it's lying," was the patriotic comment heard everywhere, "I belleve it." Once again Americans could hold their heads high. Once again faith blossomed in every heart. With the Pueblo affair as an example, It came as no surprise when President Nixon preceded his first State of the Union address with the brief statement: "What you are about t.o hear is a pack of lies designed solely to get what l can out of a recaJcitrant Congress." HE IMMEDIATELY soared 33 points In the popularity polls. "Now there's a man," people said proudly, "we can trust.'' The custom qWckly spread through all departments of government. ("The following co.st figutts for a modern rapid transit system bear no resemblance to reality.") And to the news media. ("All the sensational, distorted news that fits, we print.") Advertisers , hopeful of restoring faith in their products, were quick to leap on the bandwagon. Typical was the new King's X Soap commercial. ("For a toenail soap that will make you ' look 30 years younger overnight -King's x !") USED CAR DEALERS foJIO\'fed suit ("Thiswarrantyu n condition a 11 y guarantees this 1928 EAex for 100,000 miles and-or 17 years and is not worth the paper it's written on .") Even weddings changed £or the better. ·'."The bride and groom exchanged vows in a beautiful double-ring, fingers-crosSed ceremony.") Thus mankind entered a golden era of mutual trust. It lasted only briefly. IN 19, Geora;eWashington Dtmoathenn, who had a secret weakness for the truth, wu inaugurated President. To pl •lecled, he had pledged "A Falae Deal" for America under a "tboroulhlY diabonest adminislration." But after only a month in office, he w...aught in several half-truthi. Two weeb lat.er. seindal rocked the nation : It was proved In an espionage cue lhol PrWdent Dem-had Issued 1 blatant. oulT!ght llalement of the facts ! . A ~lsllluslooed country returned to the cynlcllm thal hid prevlited balm the Pueblo alfalr. ''If yOtJ can't btlteve your government when it sa.ys It's lying," people nid, ~haklng tbtlr heads, "what can you btlleve In?" .Our Changing , Use of Words To many people, the study of words seems a remote and academic pastime, bearing little relation to the real world. Actually, however, it is in words and their changing use that we find important clues to the sociaJ and psychological drifts of the society. For instance, what do all the following words have in common: bawd, concubine. coquette, e<1urtesan, hag, har~ot, hoyden, shrew, termagent, w~ucb and wit.ch? Of course, they are all demeaning words for women, and today are used Duly in r:fference to v.·omen. But the r~ally interesting tb.ing about ·them - and many 1norc -·is that originally they were use(! to denote either sex. OVER THE LAST few centuries, however, these words became pejorative only for women -which indicates ho\V male chauvinism in the real wofld translated itself in~o the verba l downgrading of the opposite sex. Bawds, concubines, c o q u e t t e s , courtesans, and harlots initially referred to both men and women of loose sexual practices. Chaucer, Wiclif, Beaumont and Fletcher, Shakespeare, and cou ntless other writers use these terms in- terchangeably for either sex. Then they suddenly die out as words applying to men, and become ';feminine" only. WHY SHOULD A ''hag'' be only an unattractive old \\'Oman. \\'hen there is no correlative term for such a man? Why should a "tennagent" become only a female who rants and rails, when just as many men are nags? Why should a "shrew" be only a woman, when masculine shrews abound everyWbere1' And a "witch" was at first biaexual : that ls why so much Elizii.bethan literature :eferred to a "she-wile~·~. when such was intended. Only 200 years ago, the word ~'Myden" \ras more often applied to a c)ownish, ill-bred man than to a gicl: •riow It is exclusively used to designate a Certain type of female. We really have no masculine equivalent -even sach Vic· torian terms as "cad" and "bounder" were quickly dropped from the ,language of epithet. OUR SPEECH accurately reflecf.6 the prejudices of the ruling group. Since the Tulers and the rich and the educated (who directed lang\tage) gener311y lived in cities, we developed such words as "villain," which meant a r .u 1 tic; "heathen" and "pagan," \Vhich also in· dicated thost! who dwelt in the country: "boor," which meant a farlrif:r; and many other such words which dqwngrad· ed rural inhabitants. The use of a word wrongly understood can affect great events. Some believe that Darv.•in's "The Descent of Man" evoked such a sU:Jrm because "descent" seems to indicate a dropping down from the apes ; when he really meant lt in the sense in which we speak of "desccn· ding from royalty." Why Do Students Rebel? To the Editor : Why do students rebel? How many times have you heard this question? \Vhy do they fight the. establishment'! After all, it is there to protect us, isn't it? I've heard the old hat call of ·cpm: munlsts and anarchists. I've heard the plea for "law and order.'' I've read letters to the editor which call for more cops, more order, more regimentation on campuses. "Teach them kids some respect," they say. pulling the trigger of a shotgun aimed into the crowd. I've heard, and read, and 'been sickened. Why ask when \\'C know why? STUDENTS ARE PEOPLE, like ynu and like me. They eal. drink . sletp just like the rest of us. Imagine that. However, as a rule they are a little more naive. 1'hey are idealistic to a great extent. They don't know how much more impor tant their own skin js than somebcxly else 's, They are to a great extent equalitarians. Being web, they naturally would be upset by our system. In class they are taught men are created equal and that they have the right to choose their own course of life, that they are free individuals. and that they can make the world a betttr place to live. However, when they walk out of elm they find that they are treated Q lnreriOr creatures lhat are to respect but not be respected, obey but not quest.Ian, and pay homag(' but l'fteeive no pro- tection. THEY FIND AN incongraous S)'$tem rechitant io change and superior In at- titude. They find that people believe ''you can 't lick city hall" and wot'l'l even try. Thty find laws that regulate dre!Js and "decent language." They find conformity a curse thal, If broktn, could mean death, They flnd a court Jtructurt ' Letters from rt'aders art" wlcomt. No rmally writers should convt'y their message in 300 words or less. The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is reserv1d, At! letters must include signature and mailing address, but 11ames mav bt' withheld on requtst if suffioit'nt rt'a· son is apparent. so just and gflOd that people are afraid to face it. They find a court i;ystim used as a source of revenue instead of a protector of the people. When a student walks out of tht classroom he finds a hideous hell fuU of vul~ waiting to prey on his flesh ind he balks at the Idea . Why does ti have to be this way, he asks. But the vultures must eat and the students' flesh Is ttnder. M he protests he is eaten away or ~ti u hard u the vultu.rts he sought to replace. Why do students protest ? We all l<Mw, Why don't we cltan up the system? ROBERT JAMES SPARKS B11 Geor!Je --- Otar George : Whan I was a ycung m11n chicken ~nd tur keys were a luxury. Now chlckct1.1 and turkeys &re eve.n rhC:!aper than hamburger and hot dogs. To v.·hat do' you allribute tht great lnettast In production of chickens and turkeys~ Dear A,G.G: A.G.G. Ctdckens and turkiys. I I I I I C~st~· ·Mesa • • EDITION .. J. Yor. 62, NO. 7, 5 SJCTIONS, " PAGES ~Reagan Appoints '1ep. EdRe.inecke . . . .As Lt. Govern·or SACRAMENTO (AP) -Republican Rep. Ed Reinecke, praised by Gov. Reagan as a "y09l'k , energetic" poUUcal comer, was named California's new Ueutenant governor today. The GOP governor's orficlal an- nouncement' at a news conference In the State Capitol came the day after Reinecle'11 45th birthday, and lave the StudiO City congressman a flying leap into statewide attention and a possible bid for Reqan's job whenever the governor leaves office. Reinecke replacei U . Gov. Robert H. Finch, who -will become ~tary of health, education and wellare i n President-elect Nixon's Cabinet later this month. Reinecke·officially will move into Fllx:b's. 5eC'Qf\d.floor office acros& from -the -State Senate chamber only a:rter lhe U.S. Senate confirms Finch's ap-pointment. _ _ _ _ ~. ' . "NEW LT. GOVERNoR ' ' Rep. Edward Reinecke El 'Toro Fliers Eject From Jet, E1cape Unhurt By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of "'9 O.llr Paet Stiff A pair of young fliers mlraculoualy escaped injury Tuesday when they ejected -like human 'CaD.DOflballs ~ from a naming jet at runway ievel, w~ile attempting to land the. plane at EI Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Overnight stays in the base dispen&1ry were ordered for the pilot and his radar offlcer, but neither suffered anythirig worse than a severe jarring and ·a large scare, spokesmen said. The lucky men -both from Laguna Beach -are 1st Lt. Dam~n:F. Trinible, 24. of 2180 Queda Way, arid 1st I.+ Joseph Varni , 25, of 145 cress St. Trimble was bringing the F4 Phantom Jn on Runway 34 followlog a routine clrylight training mission 'lbout 5 p.m. Tues:iay, when the aircraft suddenly burst into flames. Using an ejection system designed to save fliers from doomed ktii at ground level, Trimble and Varof'were blasted skyward as ·high -u 200 feet and then parachuted safely to earth. The f%1'million a~ fighter careened On down the run\)IAY and Wal destroyed in the fiery crash, which an investigation team immediately began probing. A Marjde spok~n sald today lt was not 'known whether tbe plane had. actuaUy ~tied . 'Cl:qwn or was 'ttill a.- few feet ott the-runway. · .. The system wblcb ,.ved lho .pilot-·and. radar ollle« ..., hurl rue;. ~ lt<t ~~·=·t~~~and The clilal allltude to which . ble and Varnl, .active dalJ -Hlr\l>t ru..... were thrown WN not, lnctuded. • tn· data rileased b7 lnv~alots. . Ma~)let Recoups . Worst Losses NEW YORK (AP) -Tbt ltock 111111tet cJoaed lower today but trimmed llli· - foaa In laU! d.allngt. ~"I WU adlve. (&le q-Uons. P-24-15) Tiie market otaaed • ~ rally 1n 111e inOrninr but bacUd ... ...., ,,_ II quickly. The lilt w• 1 auwtanUaUy -·by ..... ~ ila dedloa 111..ri,11-. . · In U. fJnal bour bargain bunlin& <;!ii 1-)lat decllnea till! ootnmnbtrlll(.,.. vancoi ~ a n.11o o1 ania!>d m to ..... A fealll(< of laU! lradinl wps ·a m.,. block ol ISUOO ahares ol G<nenll Mol<n, .,,,n two at 71\i. Most motm's wm down but steela recoVtted ooledlvtly, abowinc a mind pattern. A~ acUve stocks, tharp losses Wtre taken by MGIC Investment, Bene.fld1I Finance, lnltrUUooal UWlUes, Uoited Fruit, General IMtnJmtol,.. P ... a American World Airways and a.ngud. Avnet advanced against !hi downtnnd. Prjces were lower on the American Stoclt Exe'-<· In thooslng Finch's sllCCeSSOr, Reagan told newJmen, he put "greatest concern on the need ror someone who is a young, eneegetic man, a capable vote- getter. . .with a future. Someone in· terested in a future in public lire." While ht foUnd ' no consensus on any one candldate for the job in talking with Republican lei14en throogboot the state, the ~ ''aiel, he did di9cover that everyoqe wuted "someone who was •• .; -~...,'!"· . · . Reaglp. ~ 'to • Dlaee JWoecke anywheie on tbe"~lUcal spectrum, but the ...,......,.. .... jlnt eleot<d 10 ofllce just ovet· four )'tart, "° ~:iii , h highly rated on votinJ saafes· ol. ortaniza· tioh& calling th~)le& conservative. ~n lald •Def and the now No. 2 man lfl ltat.e government a[e "in ~ .,,.OllM!lll on· the g.,is of tbe erutJve Society~ •.. A belief in mote dlpbuUI on the private iector. local au&oocmu>, Jeu big c.overnmenl " . The governor said that While he con- sidered some GOP legislators, such as Sen, George Deukmejian of Long Beach, he decided T.are rilk upoetliDc ·the delicate mljority in the s!•U! leglslalurY, Asoembly is ft-39 · Republican ""!!I•.;, SenaU! :llHI, with one vacancy. JCeaPn ·needs every GOP ~ol~fl'I ~ hi5 prog?11111 are ~a.id of tht legblative mar 'lt became unlhlokable to toy wi .. 'lie may· be faced with the problem anyway, llnce Republican Allembi,tnan Palrlct Nc<JOI! -o1 -v.n N1J11 aald he (See llEINECU, Poft !i Murdered Coed's Peru Boyfriend Sought by Police CAMBRIDGE. Mass. (UPI) -Two persons-an ex-boyfriend £rom Peru and a second boy who tried to date her -were sought for questioning today In . the ax alaylng of a Harvard coed whaeo· nightgown clad body wu found on bOr; blood-ioalted bed. Tbe i ormer boyfriend •u bepeved to have been 1 onetime student Of 1& tl\rOllOJoo at Harvard and a clusmale ol JIDO S. Britton, attract!% ~Id daoghler ol lladclllle College Vice Pi'al· dent J. lloyd Bfilton. Sbo WU f"""" oead Tue8day In h« apartment a few blocks from the llarvard yard campus. A medical repatl W8' expected later . today. , • DelecUve Sgt. John Galligan uid 10 peraon.s -eilbl men •nd two women -had been qu..Uoned In the death. At least two were to be requeatiooed, he said. In addition to the ex-boyfriend, who rt~ dated Mia Britton about a year .~ police were tearchtn1 for a min believed to have been turned down bf "' -girl Wflen he uked' IO< al*·· . The murder W!apon Ill.II wu mi.ssing, Ga!Uao reporleil. , fti~~ .,,. nported "to have lumed blppieln ""'"*months," Galligan aid' and WM J11lflvad IQD llvln& to 'the ~ area. He wu 1aeen . last lllGllll>,U.detocUYesaid. Galligan aald MIA B r I t t o o ' I areheOlotJcal loob """' belle\'Od to be In p.,., Tbe1 wm not In '-room. Autbo<iliea .$lid ~ medical lesla lndlcated the glrl wax dain arlf Tueaday, probably between I and 3 a.m. She hid been with htt curnnt boylTlend and another.couple 1D1W aroundmtldolgbt Mondly,..authorlliaa aald. Mill Brillon, I 1167 sradulte of Radcliffe. WU 1 leCOnd-year student d antl1'Vpoloo al Hamn!. She wanled to -.. utheolosJat. J • • .. DIES.LEAtUrlG"MBN Spec. 5 Roger Brown Costa Mesa Green Beret • Pot or .. ·-... -" .. • N.Y • . - Alfalfa?-. . ' Newport Attorney Fae~:Smuggle Rap By JOBN'V AL TERZA Of "'-0."1 'll•t IMft Balboa Island Attorney Richard A. Higbie, lacin& trial In Los An(eles Federal Court Feb. 4 on charges of· smUQllng $1. 7 million In marijuana lnto the U.S .. today deoi<d wrongdoing u alleged in the charges. ln a sensaUonal twist to the chargei today, however, sources close to the case indicated that the 3,600 pounds of stuff ulnlugled" into the U.S. was actually al!alfa -not marijuana. Federal authorlUts' today would only admit that the stuff· ls "a vegetable substance." Higbie, 37, In an Interview with the DAILY PILOO' declared he had , "No part fn , any smuggling of marijuana penonally." The isla~ attorney explaim:d that he believes hill being named in the federal indict:nent Ui "a bizarre result of an attorneyodielit re.lationshlp." The federal indictment alleges that Higbie, a ,Balboa Island attorney for eight years and former Newport Beach plannin& commWloner, conspired with Raymood Dorilel Teeter ol Orange to ulbe~pman. 'li•-ba~~theodilt•• .. " tho° Qlher thne· perioos -in the ~-~.however on~ aald -la bellt'Nd'lo bO ·bldJnr In Mexico. Whqe declining to delall the -1flcs In the cue, lllCbie did Uy lbat previous ' prW ...... 11 ol the ~ ..... when It WU • I a t e d that be did DOI know lblt tbO Pilot, Bagley, wu an undercover agent for the U.S )latoms &ervlce. I "'!bat statement Is falle.'' be laid. .. I knew that he was an undtrcOver agent. Ill fct be Is a longtime ac· qualntance." "You tia•e to undentaod that t camot dlscuu many of the upecla of the cue, al~ some of the men lnVolved were clients, and ~~ forbid me lo dllCUSI my ~p with them;" Higbie Wd. .~'Anything I would say could affect their right.a to a fair trial;'' he •ddeiL . Trial ii. ael fur Feb. t In. U.S. Dlatrlct Court In Loi Anrele1, acconlfnr to .\Mlo-tant U.S. Attorney Darroll W. Mcintyre, who will prooecule the cue. · lllegauy Import, conceal and transport •. _..JZ:. • J_t.__j • I L!.-.. . ..& some 3.SOO ~nds (over a ton and 01.11.Y '"'°' a.tt,.... ft-Zf.f.~U-zn-,.--r;ef,-· aha!I) iii m)Uina from-Mfficotr --DE.NIE$-!l!O~ROES · . Adding to the.blwre and llil! ....,.,.,. ea: liipei:(a 'of the ........ ldcllCJtU illicloiw'e Tueoday that M e 1 I c a n nafcatJa . offlc'1'• "p.J]led ~. o« ·• Jlll!lllll\qe bust in GuidaWara llld sub11Ututed a vegetable aubltance in place. of the marijuana 1 lntendl!d for Death, which missed once In a mine blast, caught up wit~ a Costa P.1esa Green Beret soldier leading his men on Nu.i Cola mountain dee-p in Viet Cong territory in Vietnam New Year's Day . s~, 5 }Joger . L. Brown, 22, son of Mr. tU'!d, 'Mrs': Grap(W. Brown, 3M Broad~w~v lfafl ·~aUed MIJIB 1e · or"'·,_~ I;'.~ ... t~ ' ' !llYdl • \!jitfight. w !". He \¥~ ·· -'· M-11· com~• .,~ ....... ,,;11 ' ~ .;;. .,·l~~ ' • 1 · a:veSiile !'.erv:lces for the U.S .. !.irfiy Special Fbn:<! GI ore ft(:h~uled Saturday at JI a.in! it Pacific View Memorial Par~. ~~ -llld' a local -:, :f~. 5 Biown _ • Otllfl W &llege bilfore joining the Anny In ~prll, 1966, 'whlle 1n OCC sophomore. \.. , Trained . m the five 1epar1te phases of the elite Green Beret outfit, Spec. 5 Brown last year underwent tough in- telligence l'"'paration at Ft. Holablrd, Md., befote beJne sent to Vietnam in. Ju\y. ' Specialists from all branches of the milllary and some foreign nstions are tralhed at the Baltimore headquarters of the U.§. Army lnlelligenc<.C(orps. :For Spec. 5 ·Brown, the "courte included stimmer exetclse! at a s1mWated Viet-n~~ vlllaae at nei.rby Ft. Howard, on ·the steamy shores of Chesapeake Bay, The-combat· vlctitfl,'s father said be was only recently returned to duty In the VC stronghold 100 miles southwest o/ Saigon, aIW being boSpltallud nearly a month with wounds from a November mine explosion. He was awarded the .Purple Hearl 8nd a variety of oUM!r medals. Besides his parenta, survivors include three sisters, Mrs. candact Plog, Costa Mesa; Miss Sharilyn Brown, attending the University of Washington at SeatUe and MiSll JuUe Brown, a senior ai Newport Harbor High School. Others include maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Cromer, Anahelm~s..and I ~I l?andfather, W:. Grant arown, Dukf KOt S~. ' ' '· ' ' 18 Per~ns Dro1YJI ·In Cairo Bus Tragedy .CAIRO CUPl)-Egypllan police today aald that 18 ptr!Olll• died In • Cairo bus accident Tueldat.!:t carried an estimated 311 penons th 1be murky waten o!-the River"Nlle. A diver and a rucue worW also drowned wblie Ibey Were looilng for BUn'iVOnl, accordinl lo pollce. • California. Newport'• Higbie • lDgbie said that through his social contacts in the Harbor Area aU his life, he has voiced constant opposition to the use of lbe illegal weed. Specifically, the indictment, which was Issued las~tmber k&socuses Higbie of contacting ~OI dir«tlng film • ·:::·:fJ. i' .......... , .,-,~. I ' " ~. .. .. ' I ~~,.. ... !.:!~ A request that !800,000 be alJOcaled next year to Improve the educ1Uon liven Newport-Mesa school children was cold should""' by.ltultal Tueiday nlgbt. They stronily blnCed that this may not be the year when they can afford svch lmproviments u hirin1 oJ reading specialists, reducUon of. clasa: aizes, and purchase of addJUonal clasaroom sup. pll ... The !Choo! board scheduled a special meeuns n~ 1\iesday night to Conalder the proPo••ts by Aaooclate Sa~n· tendent 'of·lnstrucit.Jn Nonnan LOa"ts'for the. achoo! .year. beginning nett Sep. !ember. . . . There were tndJcations what the ' climi te of that meeilnl might be. "Knowing generally what is going to be asked lal:ary·wlse this year, I don't think we can make any commitment on these proposals," Trustee Selim "Bud" Franklln said. "In cold, hard re1Uty we might be looking at what we 1hould be doing Customer Gets $19.14 ,'Bargain' One Coat. Meoa takeout featured a llt.14 bomdllurfor blrialn Tuelday. Paul R. ~eirl. employed a I Mcllonald'a Hamburgera, 3141 llarbor Blvd., upoecf the Over F'oilr Blllloo Sold slogan Ol the chain with an 116-cent order and took a $20 bill in exchange. After hil moustached c:mtomer drove away with lhe food and the difference, Meirs told Officer Harry Bowen, he became SllJpidoua. Melrs had the odd bill checked by an employe of a bank nearby. It WU counterfeit to ny to GUftdalajara, Met.lco, to brlng back the marijuana in 1 rented e._lane. The indictment names John W. Bagley as the pllot, Lyle Paul German, as intended purchaser of the contraband In Mezloo and Raymond Daniel Teetor -. ablprrienl" ' Sources said that the ''veld•ble substance'• was in fact 3,SOO pounds o/ alfalfa. Tbe accused all<irney, known Widely 18ea HIGBIE, Pap I) " Wttbl)aiik Bandit 1 ) (.'> II• ..u,· 'f\~.f~ ,fl',. ~>· ! 1.,...-........ ~ •.. ~11'.iul't.·li"P:· · ·,, . 1CUPI/· -"r"': n1 ...,. "' """'I\'!" . 1111#11'1 .i.. iliai' .... ailieil loill)' -Donald Strau11. , , , • , ~ ~ Dla1riat Supt. William CUriOinrham llld nchangin1 (llDfJn with a ompectm bank he. would report In a couple; Of ~kl robber• polloo r<ported. on ·"curtalllnent of what we m ~In( Dll!rict of Ooftmil>ta police aald tilt. now." two aaentJ, w'ho were not Immediately Loata' educational tmprovemeAt p identified, were taken to C 1 fr i·t r posala thua appeared to be healjlng Mmnorlaf Hoopllal wbete Ibey ~ toward a squeeze. re~ dead on arrival. The !Choo! dl!trlct currt!)tly ,Is ~ard · rOuCe fafued a boinlctde warrant Ill< •trapped for operaUng funds, acc<il'll,,_ BUiie Auitin llrl'~~ 29. lie wu ldet>- to Budget Director Waller' Aarlati. He tlfied 11 • i.n eacaPee. 'rrom.1 'tbe, Lorton, reporled a legislaUve nveril! COit .the V", l'aleraJ.llelormatory ,where be bad school district '400,000, an wWrttclpa\ed , de!foll thal must be mi<Je' w , ,,,,._, been aervlilg 15 to IO 1WS· 1X1 chargea afreidy10W"resefves. · ·· ~'t :·'i!~ af.~ robbtrJ. · · '·' -" . TM reveqal be apob pf came' abajn 1'* --~llyl>wete ti,l!iJ to' beeaiJ¥ !late 1e'g111atols-c:bSnted' 111e11; ~· l!ryL'll about a bani: ri>b'*7 minds and decided . not to aulili<llxe. put. Wiler !olf'y bi a!Jllljrbao !'rince G<orPs ting kindergarten atudeoll on tbrOe-bour County, Md. PoUee aald a lll8pect Oed ..Wons, Adrian ,said. · · • W"" the ocene of the robbery loto Previous years, kindergarten wu ·In aahfniton. .. . 211-bour inornlng and afternoon ...Slons, A police apo1iiqriian lll<t ear\Y ' ibis wlth one teacher teach!nc b o t h • .. lfternobn B~t wu fn. a wooded ma AnUcipatlng the 'ta!< would pay i... and was belleVed to bo armed with It, twitt as many tiriderpr.:ten' tucben: Clfee auns. were hired with each teaching oofY. oile ------------l==~•'J;;1!'~/:!"'"'...;,..,.. PT A DAY NOW mendaUon1 for bnproved JX'Olfam& are juatiUed "If money la avallaJile to.ptOVlde ON tr7E' DNES' D • y tbem. They are planned to · meet.., the , ,.. .fl. levet of expectatiOOI u ·we react the community," be said. ... . He .~ hqwever.; "We. ·do.,.,.,t·at thla .~1Jla•• a clw;p~',of GUI\ ~~nmr.-~" ·· i' ,.i: .. H~ 1f14 !bl~ nevertheleoa, ·~.W~ tenla)lv< commitment :•Ill : .M"P to, 1!o, made by board member>. becauae purCiiaafnc and reaultmeilt·.a( teadlln has lo ,.t under way within a f.W months. Franklin said ~ didn't want such commitment to come before salary con- sideratton as It did last year. '',In the rush of other thlnga we ttnd not to go back and review our tentative cont• mitments," he said. 11'1 Pl'A Day In the DAILY PILOT, And, that'll 1IOt all tblt'I D1W :in today's Soclal .Noteo l!eatlan. • ~ Pi'A-pap, pmiOualJ-" feature <II 'llflind111'• edl~ ~ been mo~ed Into-. ''neW" ·~ Social Notea Soctlon which reatcires bcith women's news and fond fealurel. Tbe llOclfon atarta !odq on Pap SI, And l'TA lllWS la oo Pap .14. . 0r .... Weaehr Batthol9mae l\in Gets .$.l • • , , 1 • , i Tbe ... -hu a lloomi outlool< for Prtalden~lxlXI'• blrtlldoJ<---...V<ltut ~ bul IU/1>IDI o1!lhtly -by ·• morning with h1gb wnpentuns . . . .., ~': In the mld-«l'S. '· INSmE TODAY . ' ' Thr,.~c...ltMolors klcH off <tllrir> -,..,. t1'ia tH•k 10lth • lrio •f .... prod..,. Ilona, ... • W011d ,,,.-. Seo EACcrtainlfl<ltt, Paoi ZS. ....... "' ...... " c.......... • ... --.l.~ • =-Ir ..... ._ 141 ' ............. ii ... --. ". • 'I :::·it: • . ..: :r;. .... A:ff -,,.! .......... _ =--~ - . -u-1.l ,E' ': .............. ~IL , I ' I - c , DAil Y 'llOT tl1ff '~ DEATH CAR -Highway Patro.l Officer checks wreckage following Crash Tuesday night near Sunset Aquatic Park in which Robert Eslick, 36, Long Bea~h died. Car was wrapped around power pole so hard it appeared pole had been l!riven through roof of vehicle. -------- :Palboa , . y ClQh UP,~ . Ante "~ N_ewport A~~· ' Extend . Waterfront ~~te ~ease =~ .. .. .,.,P. ·' Tho Balboa .Bay a'u~ .~ llPP"I. the ante higher than ever in ita con· tJmUn& struggle to win a 26-year u- t.tns.lon of its lease.. on 13 acrea of lVaterfront property owned by the city 9( Newport Beach. Bay Club Vice .Presk!ent Richard S. Stevens aald lhe new proposal -the private club'• third In two years - CQUJd cenerate '6,1 mllllon in revenue for the city as a result of increased rental income and sales and property tax income. City 1.1anager Harvey L. Hurlburt rect.ived Stevens' proposal this morning. He sald it was "unclear" when Stevens wished to have it placed before the City Council. "I think he wants the st.aff'I comments on it first,'' said Hurlburt. "I haven 't yet had time to atudy it closely." Sources close to the Bay Club In- dicated, however, that early COUncll ac· Uon ls desired. They said depending on council response, the proposal might be on the ballot in a special city election in the spring. The City Charter requires a vote of From Page l REINECKE ... will run ror Reine.cke's congre"ional seat. Another candidate wUl be Jack B. Undsey, Reagan 's former lialson man ~-~~~J: .~·~=~ ~ \:: ... ~~ml~:~ n;; .. d!I i:"aub teaae agreem•, dUfjcutt lo !Ina~ without ' .1e11e,a.-: .,.. of tlie 1:\r1u rem~ · w11 rea~ I~ 9' for a. !O;year period. twlon, wouW prauaW17 P"'~ thd _ provldeil "'II' wlndlall ·of ll'olll i,,. II It wM ~eC\ed. bj,.)!.M Chirtti' pro-return. ·1)., , •• _ . ~· , .. , ·~ , 1 .;,} vision, w~ appllei to teases slgued He said lnumuch u tho.city lhlres dwnsn. · ~·. oft<r ll!S. . in ln<:ome from tho Bay Club the city Jn Ills conctutlon. ht paint~-r,lflit The new B~y Club propo$8l call! for and the club "are ln essence' financial the revi_. percentQMl·C ~ ~ ln the oretent ~: partners wllh 8 mutual goal of increasing allYl'tl lhe -city' ol a btcfp ' Qf. tW tennlnatlon •date dollar revenues ." · . intJNion. · l of -liito • .,.. ' Slevens conce<ied that the IHI I-"By ral>ina thunifi]mum <rioii\.• .. Oil -Hlldnl tho nthllmlDn 'llleual rental agriem111t iB no1 ., prollt•ble 11 rt yearly to III0,000), w• gly~ ""'~ to the elly from.~ 14 ~10DI!· should bl for lhe otty. , an lnun"IW• eeonomlc .odvan!llli:• -Revision ol U>e illlll"' iltl'a!mlago '"nlm 11 1 o0mmunlt)' !..Una thet guaroniee oplnll Mute -...•.iiJll r;ontot agalnot the . mlnlmOiii '°' ll>ol the CJisting lease II too 1-lve • ltrooc ·Jneonijyt to pw'SUe l>ut* lhe city would receive I ~ ~ and that lhe city should be setUni hn:provement.s of •our opera dona,\ ~ all Bay Club revenues beyond 1t98~ more revenue from the property 11 he wd. •: Earlier leue exten&on propc:lllJI m&at said. ' ~ "By providing a revised ~ by lhe club did not piovWe for IZU' ' "Hlnd~t iii alwaya v er 'I ad· acale WI enable the dty tom percenla1e rental chanses. v~eolla. When lhe eJfJtlnc leue wU in lncreued revques which 1r • • The exlatln&: percentagea art ~ percent made the city fathen felt that tbey 1"Hlllt of the elteriaioo, and on lhe lint flS0,000 in gross Nle1; ' . extension of the Jeue we will be a 4 percent on the ,.next $2$0,000 and S were indeed fortunate to find anyone to deveklp the property within the ~ percent.011. ev.,.uµn, beyond that. Tbue who would invest money for im-ot our master plan with the l'tltdtU. percentages ~ remain l\lbsta.ntillly provement ar th.ls desolate beach Iron-economic benefit to the city if Ml unchanaed until Itel tage. \ millt011." \ \ : Slovens, Ill hta '1Jag• proposal to tho "II 11 lrue thal were we atlll'iia& A report by EconomlDI ~ ctly, noted tttat ihj,; club's current in· with a fresh piece of ground in today's Asaociate.s accompanied Steven.s' . Pt• vestment In tr.e, property·il·flO million. market with a ne•N !63se, the 1948 terms posal. It confJrme<f tbe $1.l mlDll'lt Stackholden:, he ,aald, ~ve yet to (would be) too low. However, I.bey mi1bt "economlc benefit" figure. 3~00 Slip• Huge Marina Envisioned with the Auembly, Reagan told the news conference that A Newport Beach advertising exec- he alao bad considered appoinUng some utlve is developii1g plans for a 3,900-boat Driver l(illed as Car In the present proposal may be greatly reduced, depe.ndine on the 1vallabillty of beachfront auto parking areas. 1t aboul 110 mi!Uon. TIN. marlno, he Hid, might coot app=tmotely Ii mlllion. "But financing of any klnd ls far, far from even belna: prpposed. 11 of his official family, such as Senate marina oU West Newport, it was teamed U&ison man Vernon Sturgeon; Gordon today. Luce, st.ate transportaUon and business The executive, Steven C. Auld, 472 Rams Beach Power Pole He estimated. cost of the breakwater secretary; and Caspar Weinberger, state 62nd St., emphasized that the proposa l finance director. is "still in its very early atages." J1obut !lllck of Lons l!uclr"" kilted !lllck'1 ooey was lak<n to Smiths But, be added: "I just couldn\ break It envisions, he said, development of fnltanUy In HunUnpo ~ Tuefda,y 1.tortuary pending luneral arrangements up what I think Is a most capable the marina within a breakwater that ~.J:lO. p.m..JV_l\eJl.~ J11{1?..-ned-b1<J1l1-wld0Jt._Lola,._of .lheJamill' Jiomo _ teTham. "• = ,.~.,~~~'d 1_ _ h. would stre!EJ from the Sunl~riAna Jlj_·v_er _ County's Appeals Boards : olf the dead~d of Edinger Av-enue and in Long Beach. ~ rove111ur HUI.I ui:: w no reac jetty to the area of the Newpo Piel'. crashed at high speed into 'a poWer' & d 8 on In hi! month-long search unUI lie said he intends to outline it before pole. Tuesday: "I just went into a dark room, the city council at a Monday afternoon EsJJct, M. of 1709 Lomlni AV6., wu Frotn Page J a:at down by myaelf and made the study session. To Hear Protests Thursday appanm.Uy WllWart that Edlnler Avenue dect.slon." Members of two boards of a7"at.. ends at Sunset Aquatic Parlr. · 1 HIGBIE Word of' the sovernor's apparent choice Auld, who ls exetUtive vice president "--11 ... ..H .... ..i1•---• •'-Uc • ed ~.... fr 1 8 of the Vineyard Advertising Agency in created by the county Boar of ...... .,.ua .. --e"' ~·a.id c;a t 1 car • • • emerg .i.UQ\llay om var ou.s tate s · to tak the ·-• , · Capitol aources _ ending 1 month's Tustin, aaJd he has discussed the plan UpervlBOrS e over Juu of JM COQDC, Trafftc ..._ fpr bi.I befriending of per.sons In trouble. consultaUon with party leaders and con· with Orange County Harbor District aides hearins protests against tax asaeuments Z ~.Toll J said &hat he "could not" count the alderaUon of pos!lble appoinltts that and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. will organize Thursday at a nleeUng many · calls I have had from clients, be al He Aid officials of both agencies in· set for 9:30 a.m. in ehambeta of the appareptly was ~ for ,about 50 1·udges, friends and fellow auOrne)'!! who ~a!l ter Finch's departure became dicat.ed the project "might be feasible." county board. feet before 'I milntq the ]IQ~ official Impact wu IO t it~i &IW wanttohelpmeinthisthing." Even before his announcement today, lhcluded bl the plan, he said, is a Board Chairman William H. Hirstein auto, pioped td• le,· around IO lie agaih emphe.shed that the entJrtl Reagan had 15aid he wanted to name potential for inland (shoreline) develop-called the meeting. He 11id it will be ._.. ho ment an ''qrientation session." It faced thl: o'DMliL ~directim it ~ ~stemmed from an attempt to help a man w would help the party ticket · been travellng. :t'1'-~ ~ ~ ·-... ~ 1orife c1ients. in the 1970 s~teV!'.ide el~tio~, and in· He said lht project would solve County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw, A cotmty fire depart~nt mkue 1Um "I do not practice criminal law Incl tended kt continue m public office. t•manifold" problerm. Among them are whole valuations I.he boards of appeal was required tp pry the ~ from so~Lhese people who get ~trouble Reinecke filled the bill beach erosion control and the need for will Cotlllder when protested, will o«er- tbe wrtekqe. 1tiil ~ ~ ~~ .uai marijuana and the Ulrie _ e ~ . ,He~ead a lawn .sprinkler company ad!= ~1t:e fa~lti~e:-propa•al, he ~ier:' i: howprocv~~~on~ ~:~rm.!:i Orange ~-~ lliilt•I --~·-·all when they get into trouble.~ 1 , 27th. , t, which stretches over the said, ii construction of a 1mall channel change. dltd ol bead iilld chlll !Jlludoe.., _ The Indictment allege1 that HfSbi~ ..i westmilU1aJf of Anletope Valley and ·from Newport bland to the marina area. Fwm•Uon of the appeal board meana to 1tt u a boanl ol equallAUon l<>r several mooths each Y¥1°· Proper!¥: . °'"'"'can protest appeal boanl dlvlll<a>e · befOre superviaor!, however.· _ Serving on one of the two ·~boards are reUring !!Upervlsor C. • • "Cye" Featherly: Lavelle Sanders .a . Santa Ana Reallor, and Seymore P. r, a Rossmoor attorney. Larry Sut , a Newport Beach appraiser ia an alterha~ member. The second board is composed Or :Al MatcOU.1, an Anaheim realt«; Lolf . Byram, a Laguna. Hills apprai.sei', a"nt1 Floyd PrewiU, a Fullerton publlo ae· countont. Altarnate LI P18"""Ua attornq . Frank Waters. into.the driver'• *OiA , ·'$ "'~$:f-·~ . : m.e belp, and 1 usually ., hefor g election In 1964 to the ,.._ ia Orange C'.ow1t7'1 llCODd traffic up the smuggling of the illegal weed the central part ol the San Fernando Auld said tbe number of boat alips that county supervi&on no longer have of lllelil. . from Mexico by arransin1 with the pilot Valley. The district ts mainly in Los ,-------------'-------'-----'----....:'---------------- tl> fly from Oranae County AJrport to Angeles County, but juta a bit Into $300 • · s · · Guadalajara, contact Gennan there, then Kern County. lU tereO lly "'Fijuana to Palm Sprlnga Airport. At that time, Reinecke beat a popular 1 -• Teeter was arrested Nov. 5 by Democratic aasemblyman, Tom Bane, EquipmeRt Stole1i A pa1r of ur burglars loot~ two vehicles of nearly $.100 worth of sound equipment in Orange Coast College part· ing area• Tuead11y ntsht, escsplng while • Coltl. Mesa. police offlctr WU hurry.inf to the llC<l1<. A telephone caller sent Officer Gaq111 Wllaoa Into lite darkened area obout lO:ll p.m., after rtport.lruc two men tey1q: a variety of keys fo unlock a late model = •I the OCC upholllery lhop. . . Searching the immediate area, Wllaon filled to find the suspect&. Wane M. Nakajl, 20, of 2930 Lake Hill Drtve, Orange, went to the police station arter a class at 9:15 p.m., to report theft oI $78 worth of stereo tapes. At 10 p.m., Mark I. Wright, 18, of 10272 Halaw~ Drive, HunUngton Beach, said someone apparently used a key to take a 11.ereo unit and tapes worth $111 from his car. ' DAllV PltOT w.~,, H. W••i J•clr I . Cw1l1y Vitt ,,'ft .... ftt tftlll Q.1-1! AAt"lftf Tht.,.11 IC11wil f.••111• T111,,,11 A. M~rphi,.1 ...... ""!"' l•llc• Ptwl Nlu111 .. ....,11,1 .. , oa.1ttot C•ft111 ..... Offk.9 JJO Wttl lty Str11I M1ill111 At1tltt11: r.o .••• 11•0. •Z•l• --........... IHdot 1'11 *"' .. lllM ..... ltv••• U...,.. lke(ll: nl l'-11 .. .._ ...... """"" lttdl' .. Jiii '""' ~-----~ nar&otics agcnt..s as he loaded 20 duffle in a district with a DemocraUc registra- batf Packed with 11a Y e g e i a b I e Uon ed&e, by 6,000 votea. He rolled subitanCe" into a van at Palm Sprin&& to a 44,000..vote ".ittory two years later, Airport and last November trounced h I 1 , lija:bie was later arrested at hi.I Balboa DemocraUc foe 'by almost 100,00J votes, Idaod otfice. He is free on $25,000 nearly a 3-1 margin. ~ bond. A World War II Navy veteran, . Mcintyre confirmed a comment made Reinttke holds a mechlnical engineering Mother federal attorney to the DAILY d•gree from the Callfornla lnstltule of P. rthat the arrest of Hlable and Teclmology and ls ll5ted as an "inventor" . lbay well be the tint in a terle1 In h1a campaign biographies, u well ot ~ caaeJ. as an exeeuUve. ffe,'·would not cooUnn hla colleague's He 11 a Lutheran, and he and his ~~ that "aeveral other Ori.Die wife Jean have two boys and. a &irL Cou,l!IJ WoonaJIUea" may be ·1avolved m Smugjllng lnvestlp.Uons. Reconst.rucU.ne the chain of events that led to the arrut of Hlgbte and Teeter,. Mcintyre 'recalled that the attorney first coatacled Bqley by telephone Jut July 17. Hlgbi' 1Ave Baaley a check for an undisclosed amount several daY• laterJ Mcintyre alleges. Mcintyre alfegea HJgble and Bagley formulated a plan over the next eijht to ten weeb, then discussed their en· torprlae with G<rnwi. Bqley'1 part la I.he Plan was usured, Mcln\yre Wd, when German handed him l3IO ta cub. Bagley 1ald he gol • lurlller $1,000 In cub from Bagley ~ German flew' fr.om Lot Allgelu to Me.lico to •t- itp hi• role . in the conspiracy, the tn- dlclmeal aUegu. Bagley next rented an airplane, col- lected the "veietable substanct" from German and flew the aircraft to Palm Springs Airport. Teeter wu arre.sted by agenta aa he loaded the subatance into his pickup truck . Teeter 11 also free on $25,000 ball. The identity of lilgbie's legal counHI has nol been confirmet.: . Burglars Get $400 in Loot Wl-1 and liaht·li.,.nt customefl took Items valued at nearly $tOO 1n tbetta and burglaries reported to C'A>lta MM& police Tuesday and early todaY· 6omtone who evldenUy corried o key tooled the Style Jnterl<r1 llnptry shop, l!St Park Ave.,. ol IJU. <»owner Don ~ told 'pouce TueldaY. BuJ'llm today Uled o h .. vy objoct to 111111111 In the glaia rront door or Brtnt M. Davia' 7-11 M•rket at 1ot7 Boker St., cmytna o1r 1110 and the caah ncllltr contalnloa It. SOmeant who ml}' hn• tUppod Into lbe back durlns buatnOSI houri aJlo lll1od a beeted .!IT mqnwn rnolver worth Pl from You•r• Pown Sitoo. tlll Harbor Blvd., potlce Wini told TullilaY. At Sea, Theft Piracy, Here It's Bw·glary On lhe high aeas IL would bf! piracy, but Costa Mesa police today have !lated the llldl of IUOO trom a cleaners employe's boat as a 'burCJary. 'lb• cash hu myUIOUlly dluppe&rtd from a mounted madtl -lo lbe vtcthn '• apartment UYina r o o m , 0r1&1natly tliou&bl to be an liiaenJoua htdlnl placo. John D. Strong, o1 931 W. 19th SL, told detective Jobn Stoneback Tuerdoy nlghl that nothing else was disturbed In the apartment, indicating someone knew where he kept his hoard . No orie, however, knowa about it but himself, Strong insisted. The vicUm said he last checked and found lhe money sale on Dec. 22, but it wu mlssine when he arrived home from work Tutlday nlglU. Truck Hits Pole,1 Cuts Mesa Power . . A tntelt todaY tnocl<ed ..., on old power pole in an industrial aru near Oron(o Cout Coile(• In Colto M .... knocktnl out pow.,-It> the llllrt'Olllldln& ..... •toai with tt. Trllnc Pau.I S(t. John llol•n utd the Edlaon Compony reolGnd aervtce within 11 mlnuteo lollowln& Ibo mlaor truck mllhop oo W1rei>oule Rood. Ponr ..., oo1 In u. 1ru l'OUlh1Y between Fllr Ori>• llOrth lo 8Uw stnol and ,P'afrvtew Road wlll to RarbGr Boult•ard. thlnas are naooen1nu at MERCURY s1v11&s1 • • • MERCURY'S In the MMUfJ lobbf, • t•&111on CllMl9 w!R reconl ,...,. IWlftl, -plll}' I -fnsf1nfly tor JOU to ... and 1 pro to 1nalpe. You will be playlns In Brun1wlck'1 new "Swfnc-AWIJ Pro Golt' unit. thlt permits ~ .. drive 300 ""''· Of makt 130 tcot putt I To llhiM JOU on your Pmlt pro1 wlrt bl "'o" ltlH," AIL Mll'Cm)' S-lll)oJ Mll·lnl'• bonlllll Snlnp .-Ind by '"""' llJ 10lfl ..,, -.la•llWJ 1. ..,.=fa "°"IWIW lntfftlt poRQy ot P')'lnc tM ttw-t ltpl' rat. on insured FltEE Safe Deposit Box .Ollllm ..... $2,GGO) FREE f11ft1J Mlps patlbootr...,,,.. MERCURY S~Y!~g,.~ - EXECUTIVE OFF!CES: 7812 Edlnpr Ave., Huntlnstan 8-h Home Offtcc Ml4 Knott Aw... IUlnl Plrtl: ()f>EM 9iOO a.m. to 4;00 p.m., Mon-Tinn; 9:00 a.m. ID 6.-00 p.m., F~day , I ,,, I I I ' I I I President Piizzler Code Linked Crew Puebl,o Communication System Told SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Mone code lapped out oo ndlator pipes linktllg the rooms of USS Pueblo ...,..,.. In a North Korean prilcn enabled 1hem to keep In touch during 11 months ol copUYity. alafl ol 100 Naval Intelligence speclalJJls. There is no set IChedule !or · the lnt..vlews and the Navy will not atlmate when the debriefing .... 1ooa will end and the court cl fnqufry into the ahlp'a capture will begin. The interviews are con- ducted In • relued ·~ JOO!l)here, clten in t h e crewmen's rooms In building 14 Perish In Australia Brush Fires "'"""""'· ..._, •• 1969 DAILY 1"11.0T $ Demo Chairman . . Guessing Begi:ns ME I.BOURNE, Australia WASHJNGTON (UPI) -lmd waald -to "'1 IOCb (UPI) -At !wt H peroans Tw•momben clC-.-..t ~. - were tilled and 110 boUJe& a fonDS" IOftr1W w e r t 1"" eU:ler' party lNdert deltro)'ed ~ bnmb nr.. which cfesa:thed by 1ISUIJl1 weJ1.1n. repide1i'., pcmU>lo preofden. owepl the state cl Victoria lormed Democratl today ,aa 1111 =tel ID. tm wfl1 today. ~ eandldoteo to lllCCOed .~.1 0-...!"'I = Hundreds cl Yi<:Ums were Lawnoee F. O'Brien a 1 -·-- truted at hospltalll In Demo c r a 11 e Nat 1ooa1 ~ "ji'. ~pbfey. 1918 Melbourne and nearby eoontry <l>atrman. .......,_,.,f -· and Ilia 1 areas. Many were bw't wb8o Sen. Fred Hanil of .,.~ n-~-~ their th rmmtng male, Sen. Edmund ~ Communlcatkms techDfclnn !C <llarles W. Ayllng aald Tuesday the f I r a t message over the secret network an- llOUllCed the death ol Seaman Duane Hodges, who...,,...... ded in the seizure ol the in- telligence ship. 24 an the ,.....00. cl the L ............... ..;: ~= ~-can II •Y Otillvma waa 'flewed aa the s. 1(-cl Maine, and bied to flee. &troogtll paodbDll;y, Re p • senate DemocraUe w h I p 'Ille wont fittS were within James G. O'Han cl Mldllgan Edward M. Kmned1. hospital. g · )~ A tap m the radiator meant a dot and 1 scrape was equivalent to a dash. A 11pecial language was devised to pre. vent the North Koreans from listening In. The Navy said the Irr terviews take second place to medical. humanitarian and personal needs, and crewmen ··-CHARGES LIBEL Julie Andrews 50 mil" ol Melbourne and and !...,... Gov. Terry Sal>i--------'----:o- throoghout the day a smoke lmd ol North Carolln8 alsoJ<i:====-==l!' haze hung over the clty reduc-were menttoned. Ing visiblllty to a few hundred One roporl amoog the r-llJ c;httmm 1sh,,,j By WILLIAM MANSFIELD I. How many statM bur the lffie!ll of Prest.denta? ) 5; b) 3; •) l t How many divorced restde.ntlal candidates have 'ltte been? ~ said be and his thrff prlaoo roommatas heard the message ol Hodg"' death being tapped out on the radiator from the adjacent room. and satisHed ourselves that we were both from the Pueblo, we set up our communication system," Ayllng said. are debriefed on an .. as available" basis. Julie Sues Film Mags yards. Democrats auggested t bat "1'""r Worst hit was the tiny town Harrill wu the J.eadina can-~ of Lara, about 35 miles dldate for the chairmansbip, ~ southwest of Me 1 b our n e, to serve without aalary, wtth where 10 people died "' IQ. Sanlon! managmg the dally ~ mile-an-hour w1ndl a n d · operaUons ol the prutf_• na-~ temperatures above the 100 tlcnal hudquarten. Other I l; b) 2; c) none 3. '!11e RA!publican vice pres- lentlal oomlnee in the 1964 !lecUon was: "Aff<r we bed tested each other (by using Morse code) Llfe far the crew at the Balboa Naval Hospital here is settllng down Into the routine of medical treatment and debriefing session by a Cmdr. Lloyd Bucher, skip- per of the Intelligence •lup seized by North Kore~ onJy slarted being debrfo!ed Mon- day. He bad been lllffering from a bronchlal infection and severe nervous elhaustion, a spokesman said. SANTA MONICA (AP)' -degree mart fanned the fires. flemocrail doubted that Saz>. Aelttss Julie Andrews is sWng j"l~~~~~~~~~~!!i!i!!i!i!!!!!!i!i~~~~~~~iiijjiiii!ijj for libel a movie magazine !I) Barry Goldwater; b) Hen- ry Cabot Lodge; cl William \1.lller f. The shortest term in of· ~ice was served by: a) John F. Kennedy; h) Wfl. liam H. Harrison; c) John Adams 5. How many American Presidents have there been: a) 38; b) 35; c) 3< ANSWERS 'S119( pua &681 UJ fWJOl <IA!1roa8UO;;>UOU 0 llJ. \ paAJ<IS pwpAaJ:J .i;JAOJD ·1uap1saJd st pa,uas 9A&q oqM. S[8TIP!A ·!PtlJ ~ A{UO inq IJOl8.llSJUJW -p8 9t traraq &Allq a.JaqJ. ·q ·~ inaom auo Juµ.m: .iaue l"lP pow DO]lllJll8n111J 'N '" p Io• ~ llOSµl1!H ·q 't ·a ·c · ·9S8t ptn1 ZS&I •oosua $600,000 Drug Plot Uncovered \ Abernathy Rejects 'Blnck Capitalism' which she claims linked her and actor Sidney Poitier romantically. The suit, filed Tuesday In superior court, asks $3 million in punJUve damages and $1 in com- pensatory damages from the publishers of Screen 1 and magazine .. FROGMORE, S.C. (UPI) -ity Center, a fac!Uty set up RAYNHAM, Mau. (UPI)_ Negro leader Ralph Abema-at the end of the civil war to A similar libel suit, asking Police and federal narcotics thy, rejecting "black capi-help freed slaves and a fav-the same damages, was flied talism" in favor of "black orit~ quiet retreat for the last . by Miss Andrews against the agents confiscated $600,000 socialism," said Tuesday h1·s d t f SCLC Dr Mar ;I\, worth J •• hi peel P.resi en ° . ' · · N•bUsher of Modem Mov s ul man1uana 8 P civil rights group is out to bn Luther King Jr. "y · in from the W.est coast Tues-· II th ti • A'·rnathy sharply criticiz·\~~====-==~\ day night in "the largest organize a e na on s poor uc in the next five years. ed President-elect Richard M. single seizure In this part of "We don't want rich lndi-Nixon and said "black capi- the country." Two men were viduals, we want rich com-talism Is a bone and we are arrested. munities," Abernathy said at tired of be.Ing ~ bones." Agents of the Feder a I a meeting of Southern Chris-Abernathy said the nation's Bureau of NarcoLic.s and tian Leadership Conference econcmy has been ce!rlered Dangerous Drugs, working (SCLC) leaders planniocr their around whites, lnclu"1 .... t b e">.f,~f..j • .., -wiUf mentbefi of the Boston goals Md pFOgrams fo't t fie bUSUies!-sfruaUre~& ·w OUR CURRENT.ANNUAL RATE OF 5% EARNS 5.13% WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY Be HELD 1 YEAR USE THE HANDY PASSBOOK ALWAYS MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT • INSURANCE TO $11.000. FEDERALLY CHARTERED AND surERVISED. WE PAY EARNINGS ON YOUR FUNDS FROM ·DATI RECEIVED TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL e fUNDS RECEIVED ON 011: lffORE THE IOTH OF ANY MONTH EARN FROM THE !ST e SAVE-IY-MAIL. WE rAY POSTA&E IOTH WAYS, A CONVENIENT WAY TO SAVE. 1\4!C CIR'TIPlCATD tlSUID IN MULT""80l'fttMfldill"YD•TIMI cot:mtACT SOUTHERN FEDE RAL S AVINGS -..,... -...... -..,,,lls~·pw -.--OZGlUJ 01'Qo m OJ J 81BPJPW3 :>Jt8JJOW<IQ 'xo:> samar JOa.AAoO ·q ·z '~,\I 'O ·1 Vice Squad, seized three new year. was not interested In making cardboarddrumsfuurand.one.~T~h~e!SCLC:;D~l~ea~d~er~s~w~e~r~•~b~l~ack~ln<ll~Yi~du;;;.als:...:.ri:•h:,~b:ut~m~i!:::'.::~::~::==~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-half feet higb and three trunks meeting at the Penn Commun-helping groops. • , filled with the drug. Total Goldwater Gets Old Post Back WASHINGTON (UPI) - 'ien. Barry M. Goldwater (R- Ariz.), has betn asrured of his former seat on the Senate Armed Services committee. Republican senators unanimously passed a resolu- tion Monday assigning "the first vacancy" on the com- mittee to Goldwater, an Air Force reserve major general. Under the breakdown of the new Senate, the GOP Is sure of at least one additional seat on the commtttee. weight of the marijuana was 600 pounds. Anuted were Melvin D. Anderson, rt, of 2420 Fanwood St., Long Beach, and Richard CuUer, 26, of. Brookline, Mass. They were charged with il- legal possess.ion of narcotics, intent to sell and conspiracy and held in $25,000 ball each for an appearance today in Boston Municlpal Court. - LOCAL No oth•r nronp•p•r tell• yo• more, •Y•ry 1'ey, obod wh1t'1 1oin9 •• in th o ,,...m Or1n90 Coo1t thon tho DAILY PILOT. h'aat7891 Tan...tA.....,, The Auto Ob'• new "cm!le" In Hun!!-Beach. Fully slaffed. And fully equipped. Slal1fng Monday, Jo....., 6, Pl'>'lldlng ..... than 7llO servk:os lo A"'° Cfub membon ond tf1o "°""""""I· Everything f" weekend vocation to worlcfwkfe travel planning. Everything to help vou get out and followoU the fun that's going on In Southem California ond beyond. Stop by and let Ed Sulllvon. the new monager, show you around the Auto OlA>'s ttflW •ccstfe"' In Huntlnglon Beach. ~ THE AlTTOMOBILE aue OF ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ,., ,...,,,,,.. ....... ...,.c..111" ....... aom1 We've built a new off ice in -Huntington Beach --.. -,. w~, .. • ~--' f!l . ...,. -• - No clown& No hoopla. No funny bat& Thill ill an event lot the oerioua car buyer. 'The man who has X number of dollara to spend and ill determined to get bis money's worth and maybe more. Come to a Chevrolet Showroom durlll& our Value Showdown. Ask the man to obow you, on paper, how you can order moat llJlY 1969 Chevrolet with a big VB and autanatic t:ansmisaion for less than you could last year. Come In and Bpend some time. Dig, probe, ask questions. take notes. You owe it to younielf to be thorough. ' Go for a drive. Get a free eample of Chevrolet's lWJurious full. coil. cushioned ride. Shut the windows and see bow !resh the interior 1tayg, tlianka to Astro Ventila· ti<m. Feel the kick of tbe biaeot ltaudald V8 In our field. Then go down the ltreet or '""""" town and see bow we etack up againrt 'Thooe Othtr Cara. We think you'll wind up with a Chevy. More people do, you know. PutttnsJW nm. k-•tint. ..., • • 1son. -------·---·-----· ·--- • r J --~ -~--..-.----- -=-- - -. ~--.---~ .. ., l.·~ir.y PILOT -~~-PAGE l Dat eli ne! Cos-ta Mesa ' . O.leline: C01ta Mesa California -Sportnrrtter1 · wW slqc their night lead copy this way for the naUon'1 football fan• If ~ current move to eltalillJb a San Diego Cbaraen lral!>lng camp here 1uccee<11.' 'I'Musands will read their woida about autumn protpe<:U for the team which flnished with a 9-win, 11- J.ou record in the Amerlcalf Fc»lball League this sea· '°"· Sid Gillmaa'• outfll !1 pre!ty' wen respected and llllklog Cqsta ~esa their bo1110.1way-(ro111-home would hrfllr Ille city some l)lce, naUonwlde news coverage. And constructive publicity is easy to take. Unfortunately, effort. to get the team signed up for a 1969 workout serie1 on the likely Southern California CoU•i• campu1 site ·are poor at this point. Turf on the ~acre Site won't be reatll' for IUCb titanic tea r ! D g around, or 1011y principals at this stage. Vice Ma>'vr Robert M. Wilson, a committeeman for the city along with Councilman William L. St Clair. i• not oqe lo live up easily. He hopes something may yet be arl:ll)lged, The Ioo1-range view of a Chauer trainln( camp In Coota Mesa .!• bri(bter, however, wllh a good chance they tnay spend July and August ol 1970 drilling for Ibo grid wars In Harbor Are• faeilitie1. ·"nle Chargers have In the past .. perienced trouble findlll& a· h<lme to 1uit both than> and their landlords. Four addreases have been vacated since the Chargers we~.'bori! In Los Angeles. Coata Mesa, on tl)e other h~nd. tias ~ad dilliculty •!iJplnr a diatindive Identity of Its own. P.erbaps the ~ and the city may have something for eacb other- but ot course a thin! party is Involved, sec. once a· vi~y unkllown Bible school housed in surplus Anny build!nfs. Today, SCC Is evolving as a llberal arts copege with varied curriculum and Increasing financial needs to be met by !ts sponsoring Southern California As•Olll· bly of God churcbes •. Tbe I a t e s I reported concepl of malcing a happy, three-way deal bere would be for Lhe clly to lease 10 acres from the college, build a stadium with Charger help and share the facility all around. This entire area of Costa Mesa is continually being methodically and wisely engineered toward a public use and service area, under a new Institutional and Recre- -atlonal Zone designation. The stadium concept would fit in well with the Orange County Fairgrounds, the college campus, Costa t.1esa Civic Cen ter and pos$ible liarbor District Judicial Court site, plus a regional county library. Possibilities for the facility, probably operated 10 months of the year by the city Recreation Department, would be virtually boundless in the Chargers' annual absence. Major amateur sports activities, cultural eveqts and other uses limited only by imagination could be sche<luled. · Pop music fe stivals, perhaps, we'd have to see about. Situations can change always dramatically Ol'l short notice in the world oC pro sports, as any fan or foe o( the Los Angeles Rams and Coach George Allen can easily point out alter t~is week's firing -hiring hassle. The Chargers, by the way, are due to huddle soon with Oceansid~ city officials about a possible·· training camp there, a bit closer to their home turf in San Diego. Possibilities of creating a city arena stadium aud- itorium, convention center or whateve~ you w~nt to call it here should certainly not be forgotten if the Chargers don't charge into Costa Mesa. Spotlight on Him t or 1972 c . __ ,_ TeclKenne_d y_on .the-Rise- 'Now There's _A_Mon. W_e_. Ca n Trust' ' \ ~ ' • WASlllNCTON -Al 36 Edwa,d M. "°""e4Y lih advlll<td up the knate ladder much Jiiter and farther lhan e!Uler of bit -.. Jolm r. or lloberl F. ~' II comparable tlmU Jn their ..,....q.1 .......... The apotllgbt will be foculod oo him llronJIY u a lilrely Dmiocullc preoldeotlal nominee 1n 1m. Ted Kai>o117'1 defeat of Sen. Rumll B. 1-.,, Loulllana far the poll of ·-~ 1-, or party whip, b ttldlly nc;oplsa'>le U I climactic poliUcaJ ·.vent -a retribuaon, ln a ...,., far 1111 diwter of the Chicago ~ convention and the trqtc event• Ill 11111. Whit CbJcqo denied 1n the D1Jnocr111c party, the senate llemocnll bave honored and a new poUUcaI d>apler opeo1. Stnalor .Keiuiecly will vie for atteotlon with the Incoming Prelfdent of the United Statea, far aucb II the natur. of the communlcaUODI media !bat the Jul· taposlUon of Kennedy ud Rlcllard M. Nixon will attract the camera'• eye with irresi:IUble mqnctilm. FEW DEMOCRATIC senators who voted for Kennedy had any U11111ions about this. They knew they wmo picking a youn1 new champion. They knew they were probab\f advanctna Kennedy ahead or Sen. Edmund Muskie, Hubert IL Humphrey or wtiomever eile might covet the pmldentW OO!nlnatlon four yun hence. Tbey knew, Jn lhort, !bat they wore gJvJng Tod Kennedy hll cbance. But there iJ IMber llide to It wlllcb 111\l!lralel the deep, and perbape lutlnt. divislona Jn the Democrallc party wb!Cb caused ill nominee in 11181 to receive 1llgbUy more lhan 4.'I percent of the popular vote meroly four y .. r1 after ooe of the grulul land.!lidel Jn history. Senator Kennedy was Dot t h e unanimous choice of the S e n a t e Democrats. In winnlng SI to 28 he ex- posed anew the Itron& conscrvatJve undercurrent which turned the whole South, save for T...,, qafnlt the party of Its fathers Jn the 11111 Pl)lldentlal election. CHALLENGED AND resenUul, the South turned to Goorp Wallace and Richard M. Nixon. The further humllla- Uon of Senator Loni'• rejection will do notbJni Jn the Unfted State! Senate to harm Nixon's stature u Prtafdent. The opportunity iJ open to , Nixon to seek his objectives In common Cl\lle with Republican• and thole Democrat,, who will not llwaya be wtlllng lo rupond to 5enalor Kennedy'• !eadmblp . Senator Kennedy bu an unusual faculty. He can command the rupee! of hll elders wtlbout allenallog them and It iJ problhi1 true u..t be iJ better liked Jn the 8eDale lhan either of hi• brotben II comparlilil tlmU Jn their careen. Ao llllltanl mljar\ty leader, or wb!p. Senator KennedJ will hive 1 llpeclel place ID the lntlmlle life of lbe Senate. He will keep track of how senators Jnttnd to vote and be privy to com· promises, coalitions, and local political requirements which are the life-fluid of the Senate. The assignment will test his parliamentary skill and enlarge his pollUcal horizon. It will give him his opportunity to placate or reassure those who doubt his qualifications. SDJATOR KENNEDY would be wise not to hurry matters. He is sect>nd to majority leader Mike Mansfield, whose lea.dership has sometimes been found wanting by the Democratic activists. But there is a measured pace in the Senate. The seruority system has not been junked, and, in fact, Senator Long will be in the more powerful position as he conunuea to be chairman of the Senate Finance Committee lhan Kennedy as assistant majority leader. Senator Kennedy reaches deep Into the emotions of the OemocraUc party for reasons which are obvious and alaG due to his flawless personal behavior during periods of great stress. The leading question hls advancement poses is whether or not this surge of emotion, reinfor~d by his own political behavior, projects Kennedy in the role of challenger to Nixon even before the new President has taken oWa for a first term. THIS WOIJLD CREATE an eztremely unumal condiUon durina which the naUon would have· its eyes on the posalble alternative to the President U be failed to bold the fulltll possible meuur< of public aupport. Fine Gift for ·young PeQple ~ Lasuna Beach advertlslna copywriter turned novelist ha1 produced a movlna l!ieJ adventure story for juniori that, although aoinJ back 155 yean Jn U.S. Navy hJatorJ, hu special lnlemt and reltvance today. WtJllam R. Graydon, I Navy vtterln. remlndl the ruder lhlt the North Kort111 plrallcal capture of the U.S.S. Pueblo had llJ counterpart on Oct. JI, 1803. The brutality and sadism of the North Kenan C:Ommunista are UUJe dlf- ferent fundamentally Crom the practices of ~ Barbary Cout pirates of Tripoli 1n an earlier day. THE YOUNG U.S. Navy. j"'l welding togcith"r into a discl}lllnea lfOUP Of fighting m"n and ship&, &et out from Bo5t.on lo put a slop to the pirating of U.S. merchanl ships by the marauding nations of North Africa. The U.S.S. PhUadetphla ran aground on a submera:ed rttf whiJe pursulni an enemy corsair off Tripoli. capt_, WUlllm Bllnbrldle. t b • Pbllldelpbla'1 CGmJlllDdln& officer, faced the ..... crtm ·-u the cozn. -of the Pueblo. II• WU forced to surrender hi• 314 officers and men without a shot.. Unlike the leu-than~e-. year lmpri&oftment of the Pueblo's crew, however, the rtlease of Captain Bain- bridge and his crew did not come until the signing of a peace treaty with Tripoli in June, 1805. IN THE INTERIM, six crewmen of the Philadelphla died desplle the fact most of the crew were.. fairly well treated during their 20.-month confinement, thanks to the intervenUon of the Danish consul. Capt. Bainbridie, with strong backing from his crew, was fully ex· oneraled by a naval cO\JTt of inquiry when ht returned to lhe Unittd States. to "Jl'uU Sail fw Tripoli," Author Gf01doo ctlllm hll story .. a -year-old Boatoa prlnler'1 l!>P'tnllce, Anc11 Fol&<r, who became I fri&hltned but COUJ'NOOUI, fut.lwnl111 cabin boy on the u.s.s. F.nl«prile, I -c:omm•nded by Clpi. Stephen Decatur. The cllmu cozn. es in a dartna advtnture Into the harbor ol Tripoli lo blow up the re'1·1mprl!Oned Philadelphia. GRAYDON DID eitensivo historical and DIUUcal meucn for tl1la story " I plllae of the TrlpoUt.tn War Jn the .. ,\T •-Ho ""'' the junior novel form wtll not onJy to relate early Amtrlcan hlll«y In a highly palatable way for )'OUnl people, but to melt• ""'' 1trcnf points 1b0ut the d•Vtlopmeot o I .,l'lt~ 'I don't Hdtrstaod wily 11 '"' up the ship!' character, self-discipline and leadership. The Christmas gill s"aM>n is past, but "Full Sail for Tripoli" will still make a fine gift for young people in all seasons. Dear Gloomy Gus: A.\'f,B. To the two plalnclothes polictmen who were driving in the unmarked poUce car. license (E) 509184, at 4:05 p.m. New Year's Eve: You were tailgating a whlte OldiSmO- blle tl about 4$ m.p.h. down Fair Drive in Coit.a Mesa. Now aon•t )'OU feel ashamedl -J.B. Tllh IMtwe r.tlt(tf ,....,.. •l'f'n lllf ....,., .................... _ ..... ,... Ml "'°" tt Ohlo!l'f .... DlllY f'nll. Herewith b another unwritten chapt"r from that unpublished work, "A History of the World, 1950 to 1999." It& title: "Closing the Credibility Gap." By the late I~, the Credibility Gap Jn America ~ become a yawning chum. Not !rinly , <\Id the people automatically dlabell~.'whatever their President, ~ f!OY,<nl{l1ellt ,. tbt news media Nld, Iii\!" jhey were coming to doubt uaed car salesmen, television repairmen and their own spouses. Thll downblll trend toward-nlhili!lll was dramat!cally reverted in December of 1968 by Prea:ldent JohMOn'a brilliant handling of the Pueblo affaJr. To obtain the release of the Pueblo's crewmen, the U.S. signed a statement confessing "gravt acts uf espionage" -but only after announcing that the statement was a downright lie. FOR THE Fm.ST time In a decade , the polls showed the vast majority of Americans once again believed in tbeir government. "U the 1ovemment says it's lyin&," wu the patrioUc comment heard everywhere, "I believe It." Once again Americana cquld hold their headi hlllh. Once again faith blossomed 1n every heart. With the Pueblo affair as an example, It came as no surprise when President Nixon preceded hb first State of the Union address with the brief statement: "What you are about to hear is a pack of Iles deaigned solely to get what I can out of a recalcitrant Congress." HE IMMEDIAT!LY soared 33 points in the popularity polls. "Now there's a man,'' people said proudly, "we can trust." The custom quickly spread through all departments of government. ("The followin& cost figurea for a modem rapid lranalt .,.mn bur no ruemblance to ....Ut~. "I And to the news media. ("All the senaaUonal, diltorted newa that fits, we print") Advertlaers, hoptful of restoring faith In their products, were quick to leap on the bandwagon. Typical wu the new Kin1's X Soap commercial. (''For a toenail soap that will make you look 30 years younger overn1ght -King's X!") USED CAR DEALERS followed suit ("This warranty u n condition a I ly guarantees this 1923 Essex for 100,000 miles and-or 17 yean: and is not worth the paper it's written on.") Even weddings changed for the better. ~"The bride and groom exchanged vows in a beautiful dooble-rlng, Ungers..c:ros.sed ceremony.") Thus mankind enlered a golden era of mutual trust. It lasted orily briefly. . IN t• GeorJeWashlngton Demolthenel. who had a secret weakness for tbl truth. was inaugurated President. To pl elect«i. ht had pledaed "A False Dul" for America under a "thorouahJY dilhonest administration." But •fter only a month in office. he wu caught In several halr·trutbs. Two ~ laler, scandal rocked the natfon : lt was Jif"Oved In an espiOl)l.le case tbal President DemOlthenea liad iHUe<i a bl1tant. outrfaht uttment of the facts ! A dlaUlusloned eounlry returned to the cynicism u..t had prevailed belctt the Pueblo 1Jf111'. "ff you can't believe your government whtn It "YI 11'1 lylna." people laid, shaking their heads, "what can you beli1v1 in?" ' • ··Our Changing ------·-----Use of Words To many people, the study oI words seems a remote and academic pastime, 1 bearing little relation to the re.al world. Actually, however, it is Jn words and their changing use that we find important clues to the social and psychological drifts of the society. For instanre, what do all the following words have in common: bawd, concubtue, coquette, courtesan, bag. har~ot. hoyden, 6brew, termagent. wench and wttcb? or course, lhey are all demeaning wprds for women, and today are used 061~.\in ,reference to women. But the reauy intensting thing about them - and many more -is that originally they were used lo denote either seii;. OVER TIIE LAST few centuries. however, these words becaine pejorative only for women -which indicates how male chauvinism in the real world translated itself into the v e r b a 1 downgrading of the opposite sex. Bawds, concubines, coquettes, courtesans, and harlots initially referred to both men and women of loose sexual practices. Chaucer, Wichf, Bcau1nonl and Fletcher. Shakespeare. and countless other wrilers use these terms in· lerchang,ably for either sex. Then they suddenly die out as words applying to men, and become "feminine" only. WKY SHOULD A "hag" be only an unattractive old woman, when there is no correlative tenn for such a man? Why should a "termagent" become only a female who rants and rails when just as many men ar" nags? Whf should a "shrew" be only a woman, when masc.uline shrews abound every.where? And a. "witch" was at first bi.sexual ; that is why so much Elilabethan literature referred lo a "she-wileb'-1.' when such was intended . ' Only 200 years ago, the word "boyden'' \1'as more oflen applied to i clownish, ill-bred man than to a gi(); ',now it is exclusively used to de signate a.certmn type of female. We really have no masculine equivalent -even such Vic· torian terms as 0 cad" and "bounder" were quickly dropped Crom the, languq:c of epithet. OUR SPEECH accurately reflects the prejudices of the ruling grou}1. Since the rulers and the rich and the educated (who directed language) gener11Uy livtd in cities, we developed such words as "villain," ~·htch meant a rustic; ''heathen" and "pagan.'' whfch also in- dicated lhose who dwelt in the· country: "boor," which meant a farmer ; and many other such 1vords which downgrad· ed rurol inhabitants. The use of a word wrongly und,rstood can affect gnat event5. Som'e believe !hat Darwin's "The Descent of Min" "voked such a storm because "descent•• seems to indicate a dropping down from the apes; when he reaUy meant it in the sense in which we speak of "descen· ding from royalty." Why Do Stud ents R ebel? To the Editor: \Vhy do students rebel? How many times have you h"ard this question? Why do they fight the establishment'! After all, it is lhere to protect us, isn't it? I've heard the old hat call of Com- munisb and anarchists. I've heard the plea for "law and order." I've read letters to the editor which call for more cops, more order, more regimentation on campuses. "Teach them kids S<lme r"spect," they say, pulling the trigger of a shotgun aimed into the crowd . I've heard. and read, and been sickened. \Vhy ask when \\'C know why? STUDENTS ARE PEOPLE, ],kc you and like me. They eal. drink, sleep JUSt like the rest of us. Jenaginc that. lfowever, as a rule they arp /a little more naive . They are idealistic fo a great extent. They don't know how much more imJXlrlant their own skin l.s than somebody else's. They are to a great e:<tent cqualitarians. Being such, they naturally would be upset by our l)'ltem. In class they are t.auaht men art created equal and that they have the right to choose tbelr own coune of life. that they are free lmlviduala. and that they can meke the world a better place to live. However, whfn lt)ty walk out of clus they find that they are lrealfld as inferior cr,atures thst ire lo rupect but not be respected . obey but mt question, and pay hon1age but rCCCJvc no pre> tectlon. TKIY !<~IND AN incongl'U(lus SYJiltm resistant to ch~nge and superior in it· tltude. They fJnd fihat people believe ''you c11n't lick city hall" and won't even try. They find law!'I th11t regulate dress and "decent langujfe." They find conlormlly a curse that, broken, could mean (eath. They find 1 court 1tructur1 Ltttcrs from readers are welcome. Normall11 writ1rs should convei1 their message in 300 words or less. Th1 right to condense letters to fit srxu;t or eUm.inate libel i3 reserved. All l.etttrt must include signature and mailing addres.!, but names may b« withheld on rtqutst if sufficient r«n· son is apparent. so just and good that people are afraid to face it. They find a court system used as a source of revenue i."'stead of a protector or the people. When a student walks out of the classroom he finds a hideowi hell full of vultures waJUng lo prey on his flesh, and he balks at the idea. Why does It have to be this way, he uka. But the vultures must eat •nd tlie students' fleah JJ tender. A> hi protats he ls eaten away or btcocnta a bll'd u the vultW'tS be IOUihl lo r.plloe. Wby do students pn>tat? We 111-. Why don 1 we clean up the sywt.an ! ROBERTJAME5SPA!lks B 11 Georre ---. Pear George : Whan J wu a young man clUcken and turkeys were a luxury. Now -chlekens and turkeys are even cheaper than hamburger and hot dogs. To what do you Rltrlbute the great Jncrca5e in prodUction of chlckens And turkeys? Dear A.G.G , A.G.G. Chkttns and lurke7a. ' r I l I J Reeds BY WILLIAM REED • • • In the Wind Air rights over the freeways could belong to Huntington Beach il the city administration is able 'to convince the state to grant them to the city.· Councilmen Monday ordered the administrator to begin negotia· tion right away. If successful, the idea has a lot of potential. The freeways -Coast, Huntington Beach and a part of Vle San Diego -wotild remain under control of the state Division of Highways, but the city would be able to control above this surface. 'Should someone devise a plan for placing restaurants or shopping centers above the freeway, as has been done elsewhere. the city would not only have control, but might be able to make a few dol· lars by leasing the rights. * .Brownie Troop 770 recently visit· ed. the USS Endurance thanks to the Mmes. Charles Lewis and Stanford L3vitt, leaders of the .troop of 30 y~ngsters. The troop ts _from Mc- Dowell School in Fountam Valley. While aboard the commanding nl!icer, Lt. Cmdr. H. J. Sutphen showed the girls and two boys who went along for the ride, the bridge, piiJ>t house, forecastle and the fan· tail of the ship. · . :Later all visited the mess decks foi' a bit of refreshment and chat· tef about the ship and all the sail· -.,.,.. --------- * Several students from Rancho Vlew School told trustees of Ocean View School District Monday of ttteir adventures at sea aboard the Fury JI. "}be boat is the sea lab used by siudents in the county for marine studies and thousands of local youngstefs have taken the boat out to sea to view the wonders of the deep first hand. The visitors thanked the trustees for making such experiences avail· atile to students. * With its emphasis on seeing and handling marine life, the sea lab demonstrates the quote from the high school district's "Notes and Quotes," "A good place to find a helping hand is at the end of your arm." Negro Trustee Protests Acts OAKLAND !AP) -The only Negro on the State College Board of Trustee.s, Edward 0. (Pete) Lee, has complained of his "obvious exclusion" from board deliberations about San Francisco State College. Lee, a labor official in Oakland, said Monday he was not contacted about the early closing of the college for the Christmas vacation. Jn a telegram to the board chairman , Theodore Meriam of Chico, Lee said his "primary source of information" on trustee decisions has been the news media. He also protested a trustee decision. \\•hich he said was made without his participation, to shift the site of the board's January meeting from the Bay Area to L<ls A'ngeles. 1bert pe JS 1ppolnted lrusteea: and fi\'e ex officio members. · Beach C0fC ' , .Top Citizen .Hunt Begins The search ft on ror 1 recipient of the llwlUngton Peach Chamber of COm· merce ;'Out.st.anding Cltllen AwMd" for 1963. Dale Dunn. chamber m•nager, said names for the award are now belng submitted to a three man aelectk>n com· mittee that will announce the wlnner at the Jan. 17 chamber banquet in the Sheraton-Beach lru1. The committee will judge applicants on three qualities: Evidence of significant contribution to tbe community's betterment. Exemplification of the chamber's ob- jectives in promoting local business in- terest, civic tnterest, and furthering the principles of private enterprise. Neither membership In the chamber or residence in Huntingi.on Beach is a requirement. Deadline for submitting names is Jan. 15.. Any Uldividua1 may submit a written list of qualifications for a potenUal "Outstanding Citizen." The selection committee, which will determine the winner, is composed of Ralph Kiser, last year's winner; Howard Matlieny, out-going chamber president, and C. E. "Bill" Woods, chamber president-elect. Kiser is the current "Outstanding Citizen." Kiser won the title with a long list of community s e r v i c e performances including director on the Orange County Chamber of Commerce, eight years as a director on the Hun- tington Beach Chamber and two years as chairman of ttJe chamber's mem· bership drive. Former outstanding citizen winners in- clude : Wilfred Schryer, 1966; William H. Gallienne (posthumously), 1965; John A. Murdy, Jr., 1964; Lewis W. Douglas, Jr., 1963; Donald W. Oougla.s, Jr., 1963; Rev. Everett Auger, 1956; Marcus M. McC.allen, 1!164. John Eader, 1953; J. Shennan Denny, 1952 ; J. S. Sayer, 1951; R. M. Pyles, 1950; .Thomas B. Talbert. 1949 ; Willis Warnar.,-1948;-D.-W-.!.'~ Hust.on, 1946; Solomon H. White, 1943; Mrs. Mary E. ~· 194.2; Mrs. John F. Corgett, 1940; and Mrs. Mary J. Newland, 1939. Hickel, Lodge Latest Fashion Men dress for other men -not for the women in their lives, according to the fashion con- census of male fashion design- er· Bill-Blass-: ·For-this resort outfit, Blass co.mbines stripes, solids and prints. Cranston Has Misgivings On 2 Nixon Appointees WASfllNGTOl'/ !AP) -Sen. ,Alan Cranston, (D-Calif) wu mlldly critical of two of President-elect Nixon'11 ap- pointees, but said he views the forthcom· ing administration with bope. "Nixon," Cranston told his first news conference as a Senator, "is making an effort to find men of ability." He said he does not intend to oppose the new president for purely partisan pur~ poses. But Cranston expressed reservations about Gov. Walter Hickel or Alaska, 11amed ' by Nixon to be secretary of interior, and Henry Cabot Lodge, ap- pointed· to head U.S. negotiators at the Vietnam peace talks in Paris. The California senator said Hickel has "displayed not too great an interest in conservation ." He said be would be interested in the Senate Interior Com- mittee hearings -starting Jan. 15 - on Hickel's nomination to leam what be meant by his recent expression of opposition ta "conservation for con- servation's sake." In contrast to another remark by Hickel, Cranston said he believes also that the nation needs high national stan· dards to meet the problems of water and air pollution, and nol.se. Asked about the appointment of Lodge. Cranston said he 11would have preferred one with no commitment with past policies.'' He said he hoped that Lodge has instructions to achleve change, but felt that "if he is Jen to his own devices there will be no change." Cranston expressed admiration for the ability of David P4ckartl, appointed as 1 undersecretary of defense. He said he felt Packard's willingn~s to put his $300 million of Hewlett-Packard stock in trust and forfeit any profit during hls tenure in the Pentagon "pretty well reduces the conflict of interest." On other subjecls, Cranston said: -He does not Intend to become in- volved in local political contests, such as the race for mayor of Los Angeles, "involving friends and r e I I o w Democrats." -The federal government should not intervene in the conduct of education in the states:, including student-faculty conflicts at San Francisco State College and elsewhere. -He is in favor of pres.idential election reforms. He would prefer direct popu]ar election of President, if that can be achieved. If not, he would support an eliminaUon of the Electoral College to cast the states' votes and a runoU elec- tion or some alternative to bringing a deadlocked election to the House of RepresentaUves for decision. Badhan1 Introduces Marine Life Bill SACRAMENTO (UPI) Assemblyman Robert E. Badham (R- N e w port Beach), introduced a bill establishing marine life refuges at Dana Point and Doheny Beach. The measure waa the first bill filed in the As~bly this session. Winter Setting in Winterset • Drifting Snow and icy conditions in Winterset, IO\VB make the food situation rather bleak for three horses as they comb the snow.covered com stubble for something to eat. Overnight temperatures d~ ped to 10 below in some parts of Iowa and the wea- !ller forced 100 schools to clooe. ($) llAILY I'll.OT I School T :rustee Vote . Set Elghteon 10ats are at lllte In five elementary school bovdl IOd one h!ah ochool board. In Weot Orance County In the Aptll 11 trustee ele<UQlll~ Three seats are u.p for grabs in the llunUngtoo Peach Union High School Dlltrlcl. Roy M. Sctun1U, appointed to hll pool In 11116 and elected lo suhleqoenl four-year terms; Board President Jobn llentley, appointed In lies and elected since: and RJchaM 8. WilJon, appointed In 1961 to fill a vacancy. hive not indicated whether they will run or not. In the HunUngton Beach· City School District the seats of Jlct Clapp, II>' pointed first in J!IM; Ivan Liggett, ap- Jted In JIM (both nr• Iller elected lo full l'""'): and -· Holden, •P. pointed In llU, on up this y..,, Fountain Valltf School DUtrlcl Ill! three lnlslee oeall op 00. yw, AU were appointed In 1911 to 11,U vaclllcies cal&Rd by the eleellon el two men lo city CGWIClla and the reolpllJoa of oootber lnlslee. Tnlsloel focinl thelt flnl elecllon are Harold E. Brown, Mrw. Doqall A. Meyvs and WWlam E. t:rone, In the Ocean View Schon! llbtrlct the seata of Leonard Shane, appol'lted In 191'1; Robert A. Knox, elected in 1166: and R. Jamee Shiller, elected lo a Oni term In 1115, "' 11 llalte. Ray Sclunltl (who .... '-... - In the hlib ocbool dlatrlel) .... - to hll Weolmlnller 5choal Dlllricl ... 1 ln.1141; Mn. -Wilmore. docled In 1115: and Mat!bew Weyuker, ~ In 1111$, i.e. ... lectloo. Tine ... 11 -., •• tho Sal Beoch School Dlltricl, -of C. W, ~. llni' elected In lltl; Mn. Ruth L. caJtlns, -In llllf to her -term: and Jack T. Calnll, appointed lo this first term In 1110. Filing deadllJle la 5 p.m. Feb, II and candidates may pkk up nomlnltlon papen at the coonty ochootl ofllco, UOf W. EJah!h St, Santa Ana. A!I Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Sa•urdaY, Germain's roses, pcickacjed with . instructions! Choose from •II popul•r v•ri•lie1 in this 9roup of non-p•f•nted Gred• No. I roses. Over I f4 lbs. of moist wrappin9 maf1ri•I, h~nd pruned canes. Celifornie grown. USEYDUR EN NEY CHARGE ACCOUNT TDDAYI Palenled Germain's Roses are a gardener's dream! Plant now! Chrysler lmperi•I, Red Skelton, 3 00 Qu••n Eliteb•th, l<in9 '1 Ran1om •nd m•ny more b1autie1I • Patent•d climbin9 ros11 . . ..................... J.00 Bandini rose food lo produce healthy growth Have pri11-wlnnin9 roses at a •m•ll pric• th• w•y prof•ssional 9ard•n•N dol SUS, ' Patented multicolor roses •.. . -from Gennaln's #5 assortment ~--, • Beautiful Am1ric•n Heritage, Gran· 3 50 •da, Los Arig1l11 Beautiful ros•s in this group. • Kelloaas Gromulch Sl1rt your plants righll Th• P"rf•ct ,Jentin9 mulch to pro· clue• optimum 9rowth in all your planhl 2 CU, "· 1.98 NEWPORT BEACH -FASHION ISLAND I ' ~ I I ' -I ,. . I ' OAA.Y Ill.OT J~K 'Lucky' in Cuba Crisis --·Acheson t . Ex-State Secretary Says President Gambwd to Point of Reckwss~s • WASHINGTON (UPI) -Deaa Achtlon says Pruld<ntJohn F. Kenn~ 1ambled "IO Ille polllt ol nckleuneu" In the . ltsi.C@en milllle cri&il and won partly because lie WN "pl>enomeoally lucky." ol the criai& written by Robert KtnnOdy be/ore his cltalb and pqblllbod lut October. ;~ The holdup man who enltred the Fttoport Iowa general store was unarmed save for a note demand- .w ing money. Mrt. J~ck Tellford, Whlle ll<>berl F. Konnedy hod pra~ed the free.llowing ~llCtlSIJon ,proce11 amooc pnoldend1I advllera durbog tbc «iBill, Acbeton said it wu "repeUUve, leadtrles.s. and a waste of Ume." "Sen. Ketmelfy seemed at the Ume ~ a vle" ttreDglbened by b1J account -to have~ moved by emotional or intuitive 'responltl men tban by the trained laWYer's anaJy,JJ ol the d.nger1 thn!atened and of the relevance IO these of vor!OUJ acUOM propooed," Acheson said. Kennedy waa then attomty general• '· owner of the !!!lore, said she point-l' ed. a, finger ~t the wou1d-be robber 1 and said, "Bang! Bang:" The man I fled. Acheson. Prellident Harry S. Tnlman's &eer°etary or state, who was called ln as an adviser during the crisis, cmn- mmled on what took place Jn an article •n Esquire: magazine released Tuesday. The article was lo reply t-0 an account ln the article Ache!on aay1 he repeals the arguments he made in the inner councils of the adminlstraUon during the days of aia!L He aaid he opposed I • Two Los Angeles city trash col· Bank Rate Boost .... le,ctors found two bags crammed with-$10 ·and $20 bills. The total came to $200,000 but U.S. Secret Service agents described the bills as poor-quality counterfeits. Called 'Robbery'· • • NEW YORK (UPI) -The rise In cholrman of the House Banking and the prime bank Interest rate to a reccld Currency Committee, attributed the rate seven percent was denounced by a con-rise to the influence big banks exert gressional expert Tuesday as a "rob-on the Federal Reserve System. bery" which could cause "depression "I think it'1 a sad day in the history , •. like we have never seen before.'' or our country when interest rates are lt was the third time lo six weeks forced to the hlgbtst level in 100 years," that WJationary pressures had forced Patman said in Washington. "It's a rob- a rise in the prime rate charged the bery rate, an utortionary rate •.• most credit-worthy borrowers. "(The new rate) wlll lead to depression individuals and small conce.rna could and sheriff's sales like we have never expect higher rates on mortgages and seen before ••. auto loans. "The only alternative Is to lake the The first naUonal city bank of New Federal Reserve out of fixing monetary York set the pace in raising the rate policy at tbe ditectkm of tile big banks from 6% to seven percent. The others • • • we can 't Jet people who make a of banking's big three -Chase Manhat-profit o!f high interest rates have such tan and Bank: of America -anpounced control over monetary pcllcy." aimllar rises, and major commercial Bankers said the rile resulted from banks acrQS! the country followed suit. an unprecedented demand tor k>ans and ~~~'!!ll~·~·~!Sfo .!h~ scale_Jo.£_ fJ~m _tM unpreced~!.~ ~~coal?!-~· e . O[! a ys~ ~IJS. _ money for... ~ ___purpose.~J 111:f S<Uq New York ban~s were reported con-11maUer. banks woukl have to. follow the &idering a parallel Increase in the cost example cf major institutions. of such personal borrowing as auto, "The outlying banks of the U.S. have appliance and home-improvement Joans. no choice after the rate is established Qti.etn Elizabeth~. to a crowd The increase in lnterest rates had by major money centers," said one Texa:ii an immediate effect on the stock market, banker who would not consent to the u •he drives .,au·1'from a London which slumped sharply for the second use of his name. railtDOy station aitn tft1'rnhlg from CCll!~tive day. The Dow Jones in-"If you keep your rates down, you Sandril'lgham to,a~ the Common--dustrial averag~, .down 15.32 on Monday, will be swamped by loan applications wecUh Prime Jtlinllkri Ccmftrtnct. dropped an additional 10.94 Tuesday. and have to raise your rates anyway. T•-9 _0_, 10_,J •. t.:J be ......... -........ Government bond prices were off You would have money loaned out and 1HO nulf"'"' ''"'II Daa ..... ...-.•w•• almost a point. sUll have all that demand from your inQ in Sq?Jdrinohqm. Rep. Wright Patman ( D ·Te i: • ) • customers to contend with." •· . ~ty~~.!~~-Sirhan Trial TV System all for mini·4lns-to save lives. - Maj, Cook "!Y• aulamobile l!ibts L"'4 _,! • • d h N . re~uy pick .?P 1110101• ot g1r1s·1n --~ItICIZe y eWSllleD mini-skirts. I know some people ,, '· · · who think that lhe "1drts are a ~· .: ' · traction for drivers, but I don'~;,·. i:-0$ ANGELES (UPI) -Watching he added. 41You can't see that much a. trial. on television isn't as good as d tail t . ht,_ vlng . " bollli In Ibo .courtroom. e a n1g uom a mo ear. · ....... 1 lb 1 .. ~ Tuesd I .. "" w~ . e cone ,...on ay a • After officers locked a man in the Des J\1oines, Iowa city jail the),r embarra&sment was ma.tclied by hi s surprise when the lock {ell off the cell door as the ·ma'n angrily shook the ~ars. A jailer fetched a . ne'v padlock for the door, but the key broke as soon as the lock was put in service. A locksmith was finally called and, several hours Jater the prisoner, charged with intoxication . was considered se- curely confined. • Some 200 men at tlze lnUma· tional Janitor CentTaL Heating Equipm(!'Tit ManufacturinQ plant In New Ca.stle, England walked :i off the job because th~V said 4 the fact-O ry was too cold to work Ill. • Chicago Police had fe\v founda- tions for clue s in looking for the two bandits \vho hijacked a trac- tor-traile r truck v•ilh its cargo. The truck v•as carrying $30,000 wortil of girdles and br;is. • On Dec. 10. Mrs Frank Baker, lect her new Christmas tree in a bucket of v.1atcr on the front porch and someone stole it. bucket and all. \Vhcn she walked out on the porch late last v.1eekend. the tree and the bucket \Vere back, along with a note that said: ''Thanks for t.be use of your tree. I'm sorry I 'm tau. Happy Holiday." It was Egned ''S•nta Cl•us." G Now that the first three female ••able bod.led .seamen" have been admitted to ~p 8 of ll>e Sea Ex· ploJWS In Foil Myers, Fla . Sklp- por Jo;.... H•'rl• says, "I Upect our meeUngs will be a lot more .. JOl?!l1M·J' 40 newmneo who made Jqal hlW>ry by covering the first day of Slrhan B. Sirhan's murder trial via closed cin:ult television. Onl,y rt reporters were admit.led to U>e· tiny courtroom where the U.year-old Anb &: being tried for the slaying of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy under the ti&hl.ell 18CW'ity precautiona ever im- pOied at iln American trial. Another 40 assenib1ed in a television roam m the fourth floor of tbe 1M Angeles Hall Clf Justice to watch the day's: ·Jepl maneuvers on three black and white TV act..,,._ They complained the picture wu f\WY Vietnam Hero Due Posthumous Medal of Honor WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Medal of Hcmor wtn be a.warded Thursday to a young Army lieutenant who, though shot above the heart and bleeding badly, placed his helmet ever a live North Vietnamese grenade to proteet his com- rades. He died or several wounds lwo hours later. Army Secretary Stanley R. Rrsor will present the medal to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward J. Karopczyc of Bethpage, N.Y .• the parents of Isl Lt. Stephen Edward Karopciyc, who was killed March 12, 1967, in Kontum Province, Vietnam . The Army said the 23-year-old officer dashed through intensive fire to mark enemy positions with smoke grenades for an aUack by U.S. helicopter gunships. "A shot from an enemy sniper stn1ck: him above th heart, but he rehL,~ •Id. plugging the bleeding wound with his finger until it could be dressed later," the Army citation uki. "Ah.er several hours, a North V.et- namtte 10ldier hurled a hand grenade i'o within a few feet of Lt. Klropczyc and h\'O other wounded men. "E\'en though hi.a: po.o;ition protected him , he jumped up and covered tht grenade with his st.ttl helm!l The n• ploslon drove fragments Into hil Jq, bot h1.'J actton prtvtnted furthtr injury to tht two wOUQded cowra~1. ,,_ 'l"1> hoors later, Ka~ died from loss of blood from his many wounds., the Army Mid • and the dimuni4ve Sirhan uaually was blocked from •I.,. by hi• busky guards and ~ attorney& iDvalved in the case. Another complaint Was that the place- ment of the camera apparenUy· will prevent the television reporters from seeing the jury a£ter U is selected, Los Angeles County officials provided stats for 80 newsmen in the television room, bul only half that number used their credentials Tuesday. Before being admitted. they were searched almost as closely as the 37 newsmen admitted to the trial courtroom tour floors above. Deputies were on the lookout for electronic devices by which the televised trial proctedlngs mia:ht be recorded or rebroadcast. Both are f o r b i d d e n • Newsmen's cigarette UghLen were open~ ed. One man's tramlstor radio was taken from him. nae wide an&)e te]evil.lon camera, plant.eel in an tit coodiUoner in the court room, pratllted • picture whose dimension& ahd angle never varled. The camera -w1s at the o~te corner of the roam lrom Sirhan a ,..~ and he -..u ott.u ~ from •I""' by Ille bjM;b of the attorneys. There WI! DO -· Negro Official At San Mateo Gets Bigger Joh SAN MATEO (AP) -Officials ot College of San Mateo hoped today that giving a bigger job to a Negro ad· ministrator will ease campus tensions. Robert Hoover, whose removal as director cf the College ReadJne.ss Program sparked violence, said Tueaday night he will accept a posiUon as assltl· tant for minority programs ror the j'Unlor coUtge district, which alS<I includes Skyline Collece in San Bruno and Canada Collqe ln Redwood Ci\y. Tnls&ttl of the di.strict, who hive been mflellq to flod ways tq halt what they called .. an escalation of violence" .aner 11 former dean's home was firebombed. art e1pected to approve Hoover's appointment ln t o n I g h t ' s me<Ung. Hoover wlU have hi& olllce al the dlllrlcl iltadqµarltrs 11 Coll<ge of Sin Mateo 111d 'l!l!I bo ln cbarge of fuodlni, reicru1Unc of minority penonnt1, and pl"'°"" of work-ctudy pro&ram>. the naval blockade which the ad· m!nlltr1Uon adopted and .odvocaled In· . atead air llr1kN •aaln&t SOvltt oftenaive mWlle bu<s In ~'Uba. , •1A1 I 1 aw it at t be time, and still believe," A~ wrot.t1 "'the deeiaion to l't80rl to blockade. wai ..a decillon to postpone the issue at the apensc ol tlme w!Utln which Ille nuol<ar -..lj>ons mlcbt be made operable.", During this Ume, he said, Russi.an offensive• mlsailes ill Cuba could have become operational. Robert Kennedy, bo Aid, took the ]lOllUoo that air s!riltes would be "a Purl Harbor ln revene.'' Achtaon caUs l'iil a "~ !Ilse and pejoraU" Israel Blasts De Gaulle's ? Arms Bans From Wire Services JERUSALEM -Tbe Israeli Foreign . Mlnlilry Says Fi'irjCe's-armi" embarg_o against Israel is a ''one-sided and arbitrary breach'' of French·lsraeli agreements and elimlnates France as a potential peacemaker in the Middle East. One cxper1 minimized its effect on Israel's military machine. France announced Tuesday that it had cut off delivery of all military equipment to Israel, including spare parts for the 1sraell air force's French Mystere and Mirage jct fighters. In a statement the lsraeli Foreign Ministry said: "This eliminates France's chances o( being oDe of the factors able ta fill a positive task in lbe Middle East crisis." Diplomats in Paris viewed the embargG aa an eUort by .l;',resident ~rlu de Gaulle t-0 pressure Israel iDto accepting a ~viet peace pla11 for the Middle East .. But. Jsrael has already . rejecled the Soviet propooal, and there was no Indication that It might reconsider. analogy." He 111d the Japanae attacked the United States without warning, thousands or miles from their shores, whertas the RuAtana were installing 90 miles from 11or1da a capal>Ufly to destroy much of the United S!alet. WriUnJ ot lhe moment wbu Pre.Jident Kennedy d1'carded a 1""&h note !tom Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev and answered lnrtead a confused Khrushchev message w hlcb seemed to contain aetds cf a aettlement, Acheson 68.id : "it was a ga.Jnt)le to the point cf recklesanw, but aklllMly uecuted, with ideas contributed by Robtrt' Ku- 17,486 KiUed nedy.'' Later, Acheson aald, ~;"rote Prtsl· dent KeMedy and congratulated him cm &etting through tho pills. Acheson sdded: "It does not de~ from the sincerity ol !hit meuage to edd !hit I allo thought he hod been ~nally lucky." ~ ~ At another point AchfeOn saide "It does not detract from Praldonl Ken- nedy's laurels in handUni, -~"Cuban crisis that he wu 'helped "1 the luck cf Khrushchev's betuddltinent and loa: of nerve. The facf was t!\at be aut· ettded.'' South Viets' '68 War T~ll Highest SAIGON (UPJ) -South Vietnamese not reconsider its refusal to accept forces suffered their heaviest casualties American and South Vietnamese pr1r of the war -17,486 killed and 57,7!f cedllral poposals for an early opening wounded -during 1958, government of the Paris lalks on Vietnam. ipokesmcn said today. A North Vietnamese spokesman said The casualties were 32 percent higher there was no chance Hanoi would listtn than 1967, the report said. to a U.S. appul and adopt &Orne o[ American combat losses during 1968 lhe seating arrangements put forward were almost 15,000 killed and more than by the United States. 92,000 woucded. The deathl almost equal~ "AU these arrangements aim at·mak· ed the American total for the first ing the conference a twHided issue. seven years cf the war. As we already have said, thla is unac- Another 2,269 government soldiers were ceptable to us," the spokesman &aid. listed as missing in action last year. He thus shrugged of[ an appeal Tues. Communist casualties in 1968 were day by Cyrus R. V~. deputy Americ.in 191,387 killed and 21,050 captured, govern· negotiator,. that North V let rra m ment ~Au,·11en~ said. -'fbey said-the -reamideuf:s re(us.alto study~nd~Q~t COmfuunist asua1ties were ·m-percent -ooe-ot . .uie~1;1..~pes .for lhul.eg~- greater than 1967. table -the main obstacle blocking tht Communist activity in South Vietnam parley. Increased 56 percent during 1968, the report said. 1~ Usted 12,658 instances of shellings, terrorist acts and ground actions while infiltration of Red troops to the sooth went up !rom 90,000 in 1967 to 151,000 in 1968. In war action, an American righter bomber riddled by Communist grot111d fire crashed into a U.S. artillery base kllling three persons and injuring another. Two barracks burned and a dispensary wu scorched by the flames. Communist gUMers di!ab\ed the F4 PhantOm jet while It was on a bombing mission Tuesday and it plunged int() the fire $Upport base eight miles from Saigon~ the spokesmen • 1aid. Two American soldiers and a Vietnamese civillan "1'tre killed and another civilian ·was irlfured. In Paris, North Vietnam said It will LA County Raps Jet Pollution LOS ANGELES (UPI) -County supervisors Tuesday asked the: state lo crack down on emiaions of smoke and fuel by jet aircraft using Loa Angeles International Airport . The action came after Loui.s Fuller, head of the county's Air Pollution Control District, said his agency has riceived many complaints about smoke emission and luel fallout under flight pa1"'. He noted there are about 1,000 arrtvats and departures daily at the airport. •nd that the number will double in LM oext 10 years. Ooh~ What Zsa Zsa Said Customs Official Says Star's Words 'Unladylike' UXBRIDGE, England (AP) -z..a z..a Gabor used "unladylike" language when challenged by customs officials at London Airport, Prosecutor Llwellyn Jones told a court toctay. He said the llungarian-born actress, 45, was asked about a dog she was CUTylng fn a small zip bag on arrival from Chicago Nov. 8. "From then on the offensive language look shape." Jone& said. "It y,·as not the language one would expect from a lady, or indeed from any v.·oman, although there must be some eicuse for it. ''I will not repeat the language unless asked to do so," Jones said. «:when Miss Galxlr was asked to wait by customs officials she said, "l don't · so-and-so wait (or anyone.• "Addresaed as madam, Miss Gabor replied, 'Don't call me madam. My SCl- and·so name is Zsa Zia Gabor." Jones said Mias Galxlr waa then a~ proached by a policeman and she told : "Take your so-and-so hat off when you talk lo a so-and-so lady.'' "To put it mildly ," Jones said. "She expressed disapproval of British law." Officials finally decided not to let the small terrier dog into the criuntry because there had been no rabies test. Miss Gabor pleaded guilty through her lawyer to using laniuage liable to cause offense and to importing a dog into Britain without permission. She was fined 50 pounds. $120. Robert Alexander, lawyer for Miss Gabor, said : "Miss Gabor accepts 5he may have used :!Orne strong languaae. bot i'!he was very distressed. "ShortJy after the incident she went into a nµrsing home because she was under nervous strain. "It is not usual for her to use this kind of language. lt is completely oul of her normal character." Alexander said Miss Gabor was aorry for the offenses. The dog was intended as a present for her sister in New York, but she was suddenly recalled to Britain and felt cbliged to bring the dog with her. Major Bliziard Predicted Plains States Temperatures to Dip to 25 Below Zero C•Hforn!a co .. u.l l-d ... •1'1111 ..-it"" CM.t.I ... .-111"'9 l'lflY flW'OUtllout ... •1· Wllldt -ttrn, I N 14 ..,..,,h, T•Y"• 11'9ti • ., ..... Y•1ttm,-1 """"'''l'llnl r •fl• •If I~ • tiltfi ti U N ' ... ". 41, lft\fnll -·~ ............ "' .. )ol. '"' _..,. ..,....,,,\1,. ... 11 ... ·-S11-. ,,,..,.. Tl4ea waottno.t.Y l«n "''" . 11,,, ··"' '. $itCON 16'11' ..... "'. l .l TMUllSOAY ,llWt Iii.fl ,,,, l 1tl ••"'·'-· ftn1 '"" .• ,, • "'· , ... ~ hltll • .. .. ll;U 1-"'· 1,1 k<ohd tow •. ,, '·"'· ... ""-ai... •·u •·"' 1th 10 ts,"'· ,,.. • .... ,,, •·""· kb 11# •. ..,. --------------- Tempe,.aturn Hlltl """' "9(. " " " . .. " ... )4 ID ,11 .u " ... .. " 17 Tl Tr ~ " ,, J .01 .. u 17 Tl " . JS a J : " . "' " .. ..... M 11 .. ·" g ' 1: -~ II ,ti U ~I ,10 .. l : ~ Al : ~ Al n "· ~ a:1 ,,. :: ::.. 1; " ~ ~ " • n " " • " " u • :. " ... " .. • ·" ·" l 1 • I I t , ' • , g d n 1[ d ;. n ;y lo id " r, ol d .. ls d ,, ;s IC •• ,, IS is ut ·" •• ,, ·" ... .. "' ·" ... •• "' ,, " " ... ,. :: • . • . : President • . Pnzz1er ' , pf~ TiU£s /0 flP.~llAHW IWGl~A, ~ I . 1 BJ WILLIAM HANsFIELD I. How many stales bear the lameB of Presklentl? a) 5; b) S; c) 1 2. How many divorced irestdenUaJ candidates have • Code Linked. Crew Pueblo Communication System Told SAN DIEGO (UPI ) -Mone code tapPed out on radlal« pipes linking the rooms ol u~ Pueblo crewmen ln • North Korun prison eoablod them to keep In foOdl during 11 moolhl ol captivity. Communications ted!nlclan JC Oiarle• w. Ayling said Tueoday the I Ir 1 t meslqe over the secret network an- llOW!Ced the death ol -Duane Rodga, wbo was-... ded In the oelzure of the ln-1e111,.... shlp. A lap on the radtaW meant a dot and 1 scrape was equlvalenl lo I dash. A ~al laniuqo WU devised lo pre- vent the North Koreans from listening In. and saUsfied ourselves that we were both from the Pueblo, we set up our communication system,., Ayling said. . 1 staff of 100 Naval intelligence •pecialisla. ' Tbere ls no set. IChedule fO< the tni...1.... and the Na-yy will not eotlmata wllen the debriefing -will end and the court ol Inquiry , into Ute · ahlp'1 capture wW • begin. ": iff'.j.,;,~f;,; The Interviews are CC& rr ducted jq a relued at- mospbert, often In I b e crewmen's rooms In building 14 Oil the grounds ol the .._ .......... ........:: bo,,pllal. .. _ The Na-yy said the In- terviews take aecood place to medicaJ, humanitarian and personal needs, and crewmen are debriefed on an "as available'' buis. CHARGES LIBEL Julie Andrews Julie Sues FUm Mags w....,, htowr '· 1469 OAJl.V l'llRT I -'Bemo Chair.man ( In Attstralia , BJ.'ll8h Fire.s Guess~ng Begins MELBOURNE, AUllralfa WASlllNGTON (UPI) Ion! would ._ to l1tf IOCh (uPI) -Al least H penon1 TwomemhenciCOograslllld alfllJllemenL ...... killed and 110 ........ former aov<roor ....... 'lhr<o other party 1ellden defbOJed In bnlOh flrel whJch deocrtbed by u....iq well-In-rtpnled .. -1'>1e Jftlldm- IWepl lbe llale ci Victoria · fanned llemocr.tl lodoJ U Ital, candldalei in lfn wifI today. leodJoc ....tldalu lo ...-be lnyolved Ill -llundrodl ol victims wen La,...... Pl O'Brim • 1 aboul O'Brien'• ..__. treated al hooplt.als In Democratic Na t lonal ~ 'll J!::!..~, I~= Melbourne and nearby counlry Olalrmm. _,,..., lllUI. Many were burl Wbea Sen Fr<d llarrll o f pruldenllal nominee, and hit fires bmned their can as Utey Oklahoma "wu viewed ., tbe running mate, Sen. Edmund lrled lo flee. "'-~ ~bill~. R e p ' S. Mlllkle ol Maine, and --.-Senate Dmocrallc w b 1 p '!be wont fin!s were within Jame1 G. 'llml lllcblgan Edwanl M. Ktllll!dy. 50 mil" cl Melbourne and and former Gov. Tf!ITY San-.---------=- througbout the day a smoke fonl ol North CarnJlna allolci<=======~ haze hung over the clty reduc-"ere mentklned. ing vlaibillty lo • fe-. blllldred Ono report amoog• t be yards. Democrats 111U..te<f I b at ~: \here.J>ten? Ayling lll!d be Bild his throe prlsOn rootnmatet heard the measage ol Hodges' death being lapped out on the radiator from the adjacent room, · Life for the crew at the Balboa Naval Hospital here ts -!ll!llllng down Into the routine of medical treatment and debriefing -by • Cmdr. Lloyd Bucher, sldp. per of the Intelligence altlp seized by North Korea, only started being debriefed Mon- day. He had been suffering from a bronchlal infection and severe nervous exhaustion, a spokesman oald. Worst hll w,. the tiny tOWll Hanif wu the leading cm- of Lara, about 35 miles didate for the chainnamblp. southwest of Me Ibo urn e, to serve wltbout talary, wttb where 10 people died as flG. • Sanlonl.>managlng the dallJ niU .. an-bour winds a n d openllona ol tbe party'1 ... temperatures above the 100 Uoo.sl beadquarlera. 00... SANTA MONICA (AP) -degree mark fanned the fire& Democrata doubled 1ba1 San. . : >l I; b) I; cl none s. 'Ille n.publlcan ---idenllal ..... In the 1964 election was: ''After we had tested· each other (by using Mone code) • a) Barry !<oldwater; b) lien· : ry C!l>ol 'Lodge; cl WUllam • Miller ' 4. '!be sborlest term In of· nee was served by : a) John F. Kennedy; b) Wil· llam IL llanlsoo; c) John Adams $600,000 Drug Plot Abernathy Rejects 'Black Capitalism' 5. How many American Uncovered Presidents have there been: FROGMORE, S.C. (UPI ) -ity Center, a facility set up a) 31; b) 35; c) 34 RAYNHAM, Mass. (UPI)_ Negro leader Ra1ph Abema-at the end of the clVil war to ANSWERS Pollce and federal narcotics thy· rejecting "black ca pi-belp freed slav~ and a fav- "S881 J>UV Wll UJ S1Wal agents confISC8ted $600,000 talism" in fa vor of "black orite quiet retreat for the last CIA~UOO o M. l 1>3.uas rth f . hl ped socialism,'' said Tuesday his president of SCLC. Dr. Mar- Actress Julie~'" is sutng1-~ii!~~~~~~~i!!!!!!!!!!!!i~e~~~~~&~~~~i-tor libel a movie magaiinel whlcb sbe clalms linked her and actor S-y Poitier romantically. The slit,. filed Tuesday in superior court, aaks $2 mllli<IJ in punitive damages and $1 in com· pensatory damqes from the publlshen ct Sc re• n land 1D81!Uil:" A similar libel solt, asking the same damages, was filed by Miss Andrews qalnst the publlsher of Modem Movies. OUR CURRENT ANNUAL RATE OF 5% EARNS 5.13% WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY & HELD 1 YEAR USE THE HANDY PASSBOOK ALWAYS MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT nrrot::IAOJ"' JaAOJD 1uop1.said wo 0 manjuana 5 P civil rights ""oup is cut to tin Luther King Jr. r-wL-w in lrom the West coast Tues-"' n ~ aAeq oqM. Slll"P!" organize all the nation's poor Abernathy sharply critlclx-1 i:==;:x;;======$~\ iP'l1 st AJOO lflq 6JOl&l1SJUJW day night in "the largest in the neit five years. ed Fresident~lect Richard M.Jl i>• K uaeq \lA'8q &.Rl(.L •q ·g single seizure in th.ls part of "We don't want rich fndi-Nixon and said "black capl- e INSURANCE TO $11,000 e FEDERALLY CHAliTERED AND SUPERVISED. WE PAY EARNINGS ON YOUR FUNDS FROM DATE RECEIVlD TO DATE OF WITHD.RAWAL e FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR IEFORE THE tOtH OF ANY MONTH EARN FROM THE IST e SAVE.BY-MAIL. WE PAY POSTA6f 10T11 WAYS, A CONVENIENT WAY TO SAVE. "lflOOUI aao 8U]A.Jas JalJl! the country." Two men were vtduals, we want rich com-talism is a bone and we are ~ pua uonamJnWJ Sl1( lll arrested.. munitie:s," Abernathy said at tired of belnJ tossed bones." p I o 1> iq!mt.l oosµDH ·q 't Agents of the F e d er a I a meeting of Sou them Chris-Abernathy said the nation's ';> *t Bureau of Narcotics and tian Leadership Conference economy has been centered ·9!:61 puv ZS&I •uosu• Daiigerous D:ugs, working (SCLC) leaders Rlannlng their around whit<s. Including I h e .. •'A• CDTtP'tCATDl...,.INM"'-"'UIOf' .... NlllYUltftlltlCOWl'ltACT SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS . · -~ lllPV ptnt 'OZ6t OT OJllO . with inenibers of the Boston goals and programs for t b e business structure, and be . ~-W ~ll !)8~*?. ;ige.r.>Oty_i((_ __ y_~_j!g!,li¢.__~three_____n_e.:Y.Yea!;.,,.,. ___ bw'~'*~~~~~.~ m:m.i.gm~~ _____ _ ---;-~zo:>-saamp.JOG.»i\119 ·q .·1--cardboard~f'CIUl'-and-onr~-~-,....;;e~...,.,~-~-le~a~d~en~w~e-f~·~~~;;~~;:::,.:~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~lit. ·a ''I half feet high and three trunks _meeting at the Penn Commun-helping groups. '•.· filled with the drug. Total ·' Goldwater Gets Old Post Back weight of tbe marijuana was 600 pounds. Arrested were Melvin D. Anderson, 27, cf 2420 Fanwood St., Long Beach, and ruchard WASJUNGTON (UPI) -Culler, 26, of Brookline, Mass. Sen. Barry M. Goldwater (R-They were charged with il- Ariz.), has been assured of legal possession cf narcotics, hlll former seat on the Senate intent to sell and conspiracy Armed Services committee. and held in $25,000 bail each R e p u b I J c a n senators for an appearance today 1n unanimously passed a resolu-Boston Municipal Court. lion Monday assigning "lhe1.=========:;I first vacancy" cm the com- mittee to Goldwater, an Air Fcn:e reserve major general Under the breakdown cf the new Senate, the GOP 11 sun m at least one additimal seat on the committee. LOCAL No ofti•r ~,.,., t•ll• Yo• mON, '"''ry drt, •Nut wiii•t'1 t•.i•t •• i" th. ,, ..... , Ot•'"J• C.•st th1" th• O.l.IL.Y PILOT. It's at 7891 Talbert Avenue. The Allio a.h's new "caslle" In Hunting!on Beach. fullys1~.And fullyeq<dppe4/Storfing Monday, Jamoy 6, provldtog .-tha.i 700 """""' lo Auto dub members and the cotnn'Ulity. Everything fro., weekend vccation to worSdwide travel pkniing. Evmything lo belp you get °"'ax! follow oll the fun thot's going on In Southam Confomla and beyond. Stop by and let Ed Sulllvon, the new manager, s1-yoo around the Auto Club's t'rflW •castle" In Huntington Beach. ~ THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA "" .,.,.,.,__......,.. ...... CAf ....... IOml We've buiH a new office in Huntington Beach -.... -,.. --.,. ... ~:.,,; -... - No clowns. No hoopla. No funny bat& Thia ii an event for the serioua car bu~r. The man who bas X number of dollars to •pend and ii determined w eet bis money's worth and maybe more. Came w a Chevrolet Showroom during our Value Showdown. Ask the man w show you, on paper, bow you can order most any 1969 Chevrolet with a big VB and .. automatic b'arumissitm for less than you could lot year. Come in and 1pend I01De time. Dig, probe, ask queotiOM, tab nota!. You owe it w youmelf w be thorough. Go for a drive. Get a free Mmple of Chevrolet's luxurioua full. coil, cushioned rid& Shut the windowa and -bow frmh the interior &tays, thsnka to Astra Ventila· tion. Feel the kick al the biggest 9taNL11d vs in our field. ' Then go down·tbe afnet or acm. town 11111 - bow we otaclr. up against Thoae Other Cam. We think you'll wind up with a Cbeoy. More people do, you know. l'utll .. ,.. tint, ....... tint. ..... • ·1s·on. .. ------------------. -- 1 ' 1 ./ • ·--- !nAliv·PJLOT EDITORIAL PAGE I • ' City Begins ~o Move 'I never dreamed we'd see so much so soonl~ Two m@r 1tepa wm IUoa Monday by Ille Hun\. lacton BMcli City Council toward cetttnc 111e c11y ta ·-OD IOre\Y needed projeell. Qty Admlalatntor Doyle Miller fouad no real ob- joctloaa whoa be suuesi.d immediate no,oUatlbn of a joint power• acreoment with the C:OUll'¥ iovemment for COM\nlctlon of a new ts million 'Civlc:'center and a fa.IS million central cit)' library. · Couacllmon, spurred to ac!IGn by Miller'• unaccus- tom..i boldnHI, added inllfUCtllinl for beglnnlnl the IMJ'Ch for oa ercblteci to dulp the municipal build· Inc•· ' A few moments lalu, Mayor Alvin M. Coen was 1ucce11tul In wtnnin1 eouncll approval for establlabing a pool of volunteer. , ctll2en talent to stand by for as- aignment to study . Committees wblch have kept the COU11cllmen pinned down in the put and from their liWn duty of 11ttin1 and enfon:lnl policy. Councilmen wasted no time taking action on the •ui1..Uoas . ..'.l'bey thus ftinforcecl clalmJ by some of tb8 cawic!bl!en that they have been wilting for lbe admlnlltratlotMo assert itself. Action hu been rare at timH, but If the c:ouncUmen contlnue.Jl1J0111h Ibis year the pall.tm sot Monday the cornmunfty may be In store for a reel display of acilon In 1989. . ,.., iaii;g Overdue Progm,n . iatment of Lacuna Beach businessman Wunam J u the' flrat aconomic develOPment coordinator jOUlt BunllnJloJI Beach city and Chamber of rce economic comnilttee plan ts the beg!nninz of ·• procram lone o .. rdue in the city. ·Baell; Will be responsible for promotion of business and industry and for !Is reten!ion. He bas been handed ( 11/b whlcH 10 far no acency of city or chomber bu baadlecl effecilvtlY. Taxpayon are Jl'l!Unl $19,llOO per year IJ!to the chambor-admfnlatered procratn, but ii c:oud be an ex· cellent investment. The city bu hundreds of empty acres zoned for Industry, milea of waterfront becglne for the tourist trade and many acres of vacant commercial land. 'The raw matertala are there and Back appears ftady to do all be can to see the materials used. Re will need the ualatance of city and business leaders in onler lo promote ec:onomfc health. ' lf he is 1Ucet'8ful bis efforts could mean holding down the tax bill for everyone In the years to come, a goal for which we wish good luck and speedy succe ... Marina .Ai·ea Needs Help Davenport Drive, Saybrook and Edgewator lanes ID !lie marina area of Huntin.cll!n Beach have been mllCb. discussed since the traffic death of a small boy recenUf while walking along one of the streets. Parents living in the area want reduced speed IJmlts, strong law enforcement and traffic control at major intersections in the residential district. They also would like some sidewalks in places and more consideration from motorists of children on theiJ' way to and from Harbour View School. · While the traffic surveys ftqUired by the city have not been completed, the parents do raise a point which is difficult for anyone to Ignore : the streets of the area Jead only to homes and there are no through streets and only one shopping center and that is near the entrance to the tract. Residents ask only that the city aid them in en- forcing the laws which make the area safer for their children, even though that means enforcing the Ia'v against their neighbors if they are careless. (SJ . ' Spotlight on Blm ior 1872 'Now There's A Man We --ean-Trust' / ,0~~'.•~'l'.'Jf ,.,.~ _,, '1.' >~ ''~"""""°" ~ ,' l' ' ' -'• COllMd flf eoinlnoo In 1111 to nctive IUOtl1 more thsn IS -I of the popilar vote mtnJy lour ywa after -of the -toll lu<lllldoo In hlttoo'. 8'oloior KonnedJ WU not t h e ~ cbo(C€ of the Senate Demecroll. In wlnllb>c 31 to K he ex· ....... -the &lloq consmaUve Ulld_,,. willclt lllrned the wbo(e -· ..... tor 1'lirll, a1a!n&I the party Gf flf fllbwa ID Ille 1111 pra14ential ·-· ......... He will kttp track of how eenators int.end Lo vote and be privy to com· , prllmlaea, ~Uons, and local poUtlcal ~lirtnpta Which are the: lile-fluid of the S!iate. The uslgmner< will to!! h(s parUam<ntary slolll and enlar1e hla poUUcal borhon. It wm atve him hl1 opporWnjty to placate or rtUIW'e thole who doubt hJei qQalUicaUona. siNATOll KENNEDY would be wi,. not to hurry matters. He Is second to majortly leader Mlke Mwlleld, whole leadership bas sometlmts been fOlDld wanting by tile Deniocratlc aotlv!sts. But Ihm Is a meuured pace In the Senate. The aenlorlty S)'lltm has not been Junked, Md, In facl, Senator Long will lit In the more powertul po<!Uon u he cooIJnues to 'be chslnnsn of the Senote P'!lllllC<I Commlllee than Kennedy u ual.ltant mejority leader. Senotor K.....W IUCllts deep Into the emotkml of the Democratic party for reuoDJ which are obviooa and also dUe to his flawlus -nal behnlor durlq perlocl& " put -'Ille leldlnl question his aclYll!ICtmtnt ~ Is wheU. or aot tbls surwe or emotion, r<lnforced by his own political beltavt,.., projects Kennedy In the role of cballonpr to NisOll even bet°" the now Proolcfant hu tUen olllce tor a lfntterni. TB1I WOIJU> CllEATI! an nwmely unolllll CondJUon dot!"' wh(ch the naUon -1d have JU ·eyes on lbl pooslbl• alteroatlve to lbl Praldenl U he faUod to 1to1c1 1b1 IUUest P*!ble -of puhllc support. ' I Fine Gift for Young People A LllUQl Btadl advtrli&lntI eopywriter turoed oovellll bas prodllCOd a -Ing ... lldvtaluro story ,,.. jlllllon that, aJtlloUgh ...... baok 115 yesn In U.S. Navy hlll«J, hu special In-and relevm;e: today. William. R. Graydon, a N1vy veierc. ~ the mder that t1'e Nor1h Ki>rMn piratical captun Gf the u.s.s. Potblo had Its counterpart oa Oct. It, 1"3. The brutality and 81dl1tn ol the Nor1h Kman Conununlsll m !Hile dlf. ferent rundamentally from the practices <II the Barbary Co..i pirates of 'tripoli in an urlln-day. THE YOUNG U.S. Navy, juat ftl4ilia tocdbtr into a diaclpllnta lfOUP OJ. lilhtl"' m<n and •hipo. l!tl out from Boston to put a stop to the plrallnc of U.S. -ships by the matau<llng noUono Gf Nortb Africa. The U.S.S. Phlladelpbla ran aground co • 111binttatd rttf wblle pursuing an entmy coraalr off 'rripoU. Capt. 1llWam Bafal>r14at, I b a Pbli&dolpllla'1 CODIJlllll4lng ofticor, focod the ..... srfm decllfoo u the --mancftr of die Pueblo. He wu lan:od to autrtndtr hla Slt ornctn and men wllb6UI a lhot. Uolike the Jus.lhs..- year Impri90luntnl of tht Pueblo's crew, however, the release of Captain Btin- br!dp and his ...... did not ...,. unlll U. "'"1q Gf • peace truly wll1I nipoll ID June, !IOI. IN THE INTEIUM, six crewmeQ of the Pblldetphla dlocl oesplte the fact - of tM mw were fairly well truitd durtn1 their 20-month coaf!nantn~ tbanb to the !nterventloo Gf the Denllh C6MUl. Capt. !Wnbrldfe, with "'°"g backins from hi1 crew, was fully ti· oMrattd by a naval '*1rt or inquiry when he mumed to the United States. ••• MM .... T,..._ .-, WlllNM R •• ,...,.., ....... .... J ............ s-,.,.... c-. lit _ ... ... In "hll Sill for Tripoli." AutbOr Graydon Cllll4n his II«)' 00 I~ -prlaltr'& •l'P"Ollce, AndJ Folpr, wlloliecame•lrtabltotd but- fUlolumi"' cablo boy cm tho U U Eol«Jltfat, a -commondod "1 Capt. 6tephtn l>ocai.or. The cUmn CO!n- ts tn I 4'arlng ldVtnlurt lllto the harbor cl TrlpoU to blow up tllt mf·lmprllooed ~phla. GllAVl>ON DID -"' hlsterkll U'ld a..~ re1111<9 • U.U -., of a phue ol the TrlpoUllll War In U. tarl:r 11001. lit uat1 the junior novel farm well not only to relate early Amtrlcan hb:tory In a highly palatable way for YOWlJ people , but to make IOtrM strona i\OIOli · a&o.I tbO 4Mllpmeat o f charact.er, seU4i&cipline and )eaderahlp. The Christmas gUI seuoo !J past. but . "P\111 Sall for Tripoli" will still . mU:e a fine &fft for young ptOPle in a II sea.tons. Dear Gloomy Gus: A.W.B. Ow loCal tlecltd offltlals kMw lhe)''r< ll!ppoeed to live In a eold- D&b bowl wbm public ~ ii ....... ..i. but moot " them ..,, -1 drive to act In ~ """ -.... can the)' pt? -R. L. T. Till'I fMhln ,..... ,,........ ..... .... ......,.,. ._ _, IM ......,'"'· .... ,... .............. , ..... .,.., ....... Herewith IJ anothtr unwdtten ehapter from that unpublished work ... A lliolorl' of the World, lnM to 1999." Itt: title: "Cloaln1 the Credlbllity Gap." lly the la!< Llll!)s, the CrecilbUlty Gap 1n America had ~ a yawnina cbasm, Not ·only did the people automatically dilbelltve whatever tb«lr Prutdent, lheJr government or the De"i'!I -· Bald, but they ...... coining to c!aubt -.,..i car ..i-. telev!llOll r"'"1rm<n and tholt own •-· · This ciollnhill trand toward nlhl!im wss dramaUcaUy reveraed IP DeCirn&tr of tiM by President JohM011'• brilliant handling of the Pueblo aflalt. To obtain the releise of tbe Pueblo's crewmen, the U.S. slped a state.merit confesahlg "grave acts of ~ionage" -but only alter announcing that the statement was a downright Ue. FOii THE Fllt8T Ume In a decade. the polls showed the -majority of Amerlcalll once qaln believed In their IO\'emtnet1l ~·u the 1overnmeQf. aay1 it'! lying," wu the patrlotJe commt11t heard ev,erywbert, "I btlttve Jt." Once qaln Americans could hold their heads hlll>· Once •1•tn filth blossomed In every heart. With lbe Pueblo affair u an example, ft CSlDO aa DO aurprue wben Pr<.!idt!!I Nixon preceded his llrlt State of the Un1on tddrtu with the brief statement: 11Wbat you are about to hear is a pock of liea desflned solely to get what I cu out of• recalcitrant Concress." HE IMMEDIATELY soared :i:t poln!J In the popularity pol11. "Now there's a man," people aald proudly, "we can trust." 'lbe C1J4tom quickly spread through all departmen!J of 1overnmenl ("The follo'l1finl cost f1lura for a modem rapid transit sygtem beat no resemblance Lo rtality.") Anet to the ...,.. media. ("All the sensation&], distorted news that fits, we prlnl"I Advertii;ers, hopeful of restoring faith In their producb, were quick Lo leap on the bandwagon. Typical wu I.he new King'1 X Soap commercial. ("P'or a toenail aoap that wUI make you look 30 yura yaiun.atr overnight -King's X!") USED CAii DEALEltS (ollowed •uit ("Thiaw1rrantyM n con d It I on at I y ruaranten tb11 tna Essex for too,ooo miles amt-or 17 yean and ii not wmih the paper ll's wrlUen on.") Even weddings chan,ed for the blUer. .;"The bride and aroom exchanged vows in a beauttful double-ring, flngers<ro~ ceremony.'') Thus mankind entered a golden era of mutual tru1t. n luted only briefly . IN tMI. GeoqeWa shington DemoRbtnts. who h.ci a Rtret weakntgs for tbl truth, wu in.auiurated Presidtnt. To gel elected. he bad pledged "A Fa.lie Deal" for America under a "thorqh11 dlshMtsl 1dministr1Uon." But lfter only a month in office, he WU e1ught ln 1everal haU-ltulhs. Two -i&ter, 1<andal rocked the naUon' tt wu proved In an tsplonece cue 11111 Pmld"11 --bad -' • blatant, outttaht-Gf tlll loctsl A dlsilluofoned counlry ntumtd to the cynlCl&m that bad prevalltd bol<n the Pueblo aflalt. "If you can 't belitlvt your governrne11t when It 13.)1 It's tying," people said. shaking their heads. "wbat can you '*itVI 1ft?" Our Changi,ng -B-se--of -· Words~·· To many people, the study of words seems a remote and academic pastime, bearing little relation to the real world. Actually, however, it is in words and their changing use that we find important clues to the social and psychological drifts of the society. For inalanct, what do aJI the following words have in common: bawd, concubi.IR, cotpMUe, courte.sa1, hag, harlot. hoyden, Jhrtw, termageot, wench and witch? Of coUl'!e, they are .all demeaning worda for women, and today are Ustd only in re:ference to women.· But the really intJrWUig thing about them - and many more -Is that originally the)' were used to denote either seK. . OVER THE LAST few Centuries, -however, these words became pejorative only for women -which indicates how male chauvinism in the. real world translated itself into the v c r b a 1 downgrading of the opposite sex. Bawds, concubines, c o q u e t t e s , courtesans. and harlots initially referred to bolh men and women of loose sexual practices. Chaucer, Wiclif. Beaumont and Fletcher, Shakespeare. and countless other writers use these term15 in· terchangeably for either sex. Then they suddenJy die out as words applying to men, and become "feminine" only. WHY SHOULD A "hag" be only an unattractive old woman, when there is no correlative term for such a man? Why should a "termagent" become only a female who rants and rails, when just as many men are nags? Why should I "shrew" be only a woman, when maseuline shrews abound ever,Whert ? And a "witch" was at first m.tXlJl.I; that is why '° much E,lizabelhan literature referred to a "sbe-wil.Qh~'·when such was intended. Only 200 years ago, the word "hoyden" was more often applied to a clownish, ill-bred man than to a girl;: now it is exclusively used to designate: a certain type of !emale. We really ~e no masculine equ.lvalent -even mdl Vic· torian terms as "cad'' and "boandef'' were quickly dropped from the llDeuaie or epithet. ,_ , OUR SPEECH accurately reflects the prejudices of the ruling group. Since the rulers and the rich and the educated (who directed language) genttallY lived in cities, we developed such w~ as •·villain," whi(:h meaot a rust I c ; ''heathen'' and "pagan." whlcii also in- dicated those who dwt:lt in the country: "boor," which meant a farmer; and 1nany other such words which downgrad· ed rural inhabitants. The use of a word \vrong\y W¥!en;tood can affect great events. Sortie believe that Darwin's "'l'he ~scent Qf. Man" evoked such a 6torm because "3'6cent" seems to lndicate a dropping 'down from the apes; when he really meant It in the sense in ~·hich we speak or udescen- ding from royalty." Why Do Students Rebel? To the Editor : Why do students rebel? How many times have you heard this question? Why do they fight the esLabllstunenl ? After all, it is there to protect us, ian't it? f've heard the old hat call o! CoQ\· murUsta and anarchists. I've hell'd the plea for "law and order." J\'e read letters to the editor which call for more e-0ps, more order, more regimentati on on campuses. "Teach them kids some respect." they say, pull Ing the trigger of a shotgun aimed Into the crowd. J've heard, and read, and been sickened. Why ask when we know why? STUDENTS ARE PEOPLE, like you 3nd like me. They eat, drink. sleep jU&t like the rest of us. Imagine that. However, as a rule they are a little nlore naive. They are idealistic to a great extent. 1"hey don't know how much more Important their own skin Is than somebody el~'s. They are 1o a crut extent cqualitarians. Beine such, they naturally would be upset by our system. In .. c.lass they are taugllt men are cre11ted equal and that they have the riiht to choose tMJr own coune of life, thal they are free individuals, and that thf:y can make the world a helter phu:e to live. llowever, when they walk out of cJ,ss they rind that they are treated. u inferior creatures that are to rtlpl!d. bu,t 1KIC be rupedod. obey bul not que&tiao, and pa)' homage but receive no pro- tattJon, . 1111:Y rtNll AN inc:of\lruOU!!i IYliltm rtlllt.ant to chance and superior ln at- Utude. They find that people belie,·e "you tan'l lick chy hall" and won 't even try. They find laws that replate drellll and "decent languafe." The:)' find conformity a cune that, i broken, could maan dUth. They find • court atnioture • Lett1r.s from reackrs are toelcomt. Normallu writers .should convey their m.essage in 300 words or less. The ri9ht io conden se letters to fit .s~ or eliminate libel is reserved. AU Letters must include sipnatur1 and moiling address, but nonLe.s may be 1JJithhtld on requtat if s11/ficitnt rts- son iJ apparent. so jult and good that people are afraid to face it. They find 1 court !}'stem u.ea~ as • SOUrtt of revenue instead of a protector o! ~ people. When a 11l\;dent "1111lk11 out of the: clusroom he flnd1 a hideous hell tuU of wllum wallln( Io ptey on his fltah. and he baU.. at the Idea. Why doel 11 have to be this "'Y· he uks. But the vultures m\lll est ind Ille students' n.s11 " tender ... he prolaotl he la eaten away or becomeJ 11 bird u the vulturu he """'I to rep11Cfo; Why do lludlnll ~I We all lmw, Why don 1 "' clean u the system! . ROB! JAMES SPAltlll .--Bf fieo1'9e ---. ne.r.a-1., Whan 1 was • yuun1 man cblclrtn , and turkry1 we.re a lllIUTY. Now thickens and turkeys •re en:a cbelJ)er than hlmburger and hot dass. Tn what. do you attribute the grt1I incroase In productloa Of chickens and lurkey1~ A,G.G. O..r A.G.G . Chickeni Jind turkeys. - • • PILOT..\DVlllTlll"-5 DAILY I'll.OT 7 I I ----'-·-· .. ::--· ---' • -• r • -----· --. • • .. The resolution to shop South Coast Plaza in 1969 begins with our traditional January Clear- anc.e. Shop "The Grandest Mall of All" for fall, the talf and the small - -we've got it all. Like any worthwhile habit, we grow on you. Be it resolved, then, that you will make this your one New Year's resolution. • I I . . • ...,. ·L I f . .., ·- . •• . J. • ' . . t' ~ • · 1 ·" ... • . . . -•• •' ' • ' .. .\ OflN NIOlllLY 'm -P.M. MISTOL AT UN DllQO ~AY, C08TA ·MllSA ' . • i . . . . ' • . . \' """' . ' . . . OV11 IO Ill STOllS AND SllYICIS ••• A lo c.t1I • Alliert'1 ........, • C. H. 111br o IMk of Am11lt1 • lsrrlclnl CNt1 • ltrons Tan Fll1ilonl • ltft11rW1'1 IWt -t ltttw ...... • -llW !Wt It C*"' QI. .. Sholl • C-Sholl o Csprko c.111-e (onl'o e Chnln'1 e Ollf V e Clflc Acc111,.l11 • Chrl1' luhlon • Cllno'1 Sllffono<J o (Ackor ClffHM lllff...r -• Fol Jact'1 ("" 5"°', e lloW'1 ..... • ,,,.., f-~ t Finl W"'1111 .... • fu ltlltl co.at Pim Trolln • 'l1lo Gollooo • Go)ll'I • Goort• MUITlf ~ Goliloo lloodlo • IAldft ...... lt Sliool O Hofunarll 1111~ • "'"1• .1 ~ •;H.f4. 0. ""'!"'1 ~ ~ •.. ...., ,_. -"f""1cs. -....... -"T1nori111. ~""Torry. Hebbull. Hualil!IM SiTioP..l.\¥u •. ,_Shoo•. Jowtk "'·~ ·,~ ....... ~ .._ P!'&:tr.1° IMI" • J. P. C-0,-11 • """"'' --I •nt-• !Colt-Wit • lonM Jowtlorr• Lino lry..i o lo Porth c.fo • llod'1 Shoot • UH11n'1 • MorllM hllri.;t • MIY CO. • lliila M-R • W.• -o 0. Tllo Go T....i o r-ttw o Padftc lm"ll I i..an o Pkliwlcli lom"" o 'l1lo P"fl Ship • bl II lntllo • bl lnternatlonol o llvfon l11tovrent o l'l'r'• """ WOf Id • l111tn'1 Lotl•• lailrW 0 -0 sa.r o - co.at ....... •$ ..... -o T1IOM ~ • T1o lodi • Tindor lox• Toy WOfld o Udolf'1 H°"" lumbhlntl •U.S. Notlonol lonk o W1lllch1 MU11c City o Wokftold'1 Jtwoltn o 'l1lo Wot SM! • Wilaoft'1 ~I W°"' of, W. _..,.,. , ... ........., • Wit•~ .. ' . ., • " -·· . ::· ' · .. ' .. .. . . .. • . . '•s. r .. .. . .' ·-'· ·, .. " • . . ...,, -. '. '· ,. .. ' ' • I • . ' I' ' • ' • ' ' • • • • • • • ' -----.. ··~----... .'i • . , .. ' . -r;------- J j f • . - ... • 4 ' •• ' DAILY "!LOT ....... W AMT lblll Laddtt ROt!k View • Early fllOrning sun sillouettes the sandstone struc- ture of Ladder Rock, jutting out of the ocean off Cameo Shores in Corona del Mar. I 2 Colleges Check How T.~y Help Students ' By mmtAS FORTUNE tially will be to gather data °' • na11r 1"1'91 '"" on students while they att How well Orange Coast and in junior college. The follow Termites Like Concrete Slab Houses No Protectwn the Unltad Statea each yur. Manual S8 may be purchas- ed for 11 from UC AgrlculluraJ Extension s.rvtce (Farm Advisor) ollicea in mort California counties. LOS ANOELES -II your also explalna how to control hcM9I ii built on a 1lab f~· drywood and damp wood 'cfati1a, don't -.imt you're tmnJta, u well u sub- ...... tad !run termllea. k terranean tennlte.1. The three ..,,. Unl•tllUy ol C'1llomla cause about ball a bUUon pubHcaUon, "JdentUicaUon dollars' worth ol damqe in Blo!ofy, and Control -0 fllr,:;~~~;;;;;=::~~===:;~;;=::~~~ Tennlie. Attacking ~ulldinP''. II aay1 aubterrane~ tennttes may even lhrlve better under a eoncrete slab. . Tbe UC manual wa,a written b1 Dr. Walter Ebeling, P"' lenor of entlmology at UCt.A and ~ widely known aut.hority .., hotuehokt lnaeets. Dr. El>ellng belie\ltS that the termite problem Is being ae· ctntu.ited in the northern ,.g1ooa of the United States because soils warmed by homes im slab permit termite acUvity more months of tbe year. n.e heated slabs are eometlmel referred to as "termite blankets." . Besides wanning the in- sect's environment, &labs pl'<I! vide enlryways for the pest through cracks, "cold joints" Jn the floating slab, and through open spaces around utility pipes and conduits . The UCLA scientist says the best way to protect houses from subterranean tennites is to isolate the building from the grouqd by mechanical or chemical means. His manual JANUARY CLEARANCE STARTS TODAY SAVE UP TO . 75% FANTASTIC VAlUES CAPRIS I DRESSES Wool & Nylon Sfl'•rch. Coeuol & Drft11Y Hvndredl Sold At $10.91 lttgvlarly .To $~9.91 $5.99 ( $7.99 ·. . Sportswttar COATS Sklrtl -S-ol•• IHTlll S'rOCK Cop•i• -Our Film.out IEOUCR>I Oyed· lo-Mat(h $7.99 Inch.Qiu IVll l•ngtht, from Co1 Cocrh, fur Trims, Etc. South Coast Plai.a, Lower Mall Mar May Co. · Bristol at San Oi9110 frwy., Co1ta Mao-549-1011 The '" . .. . . ... ... llf<flllsdq, ~ U.'169 • PlLOTIAilviafm'Jl,!.:l' •NI wlltha -qttf·, ~tnisl.tnt tlflfl\ ~~Ml UJKll rtmiil n.;; " I ANKAMllfCAIO-MA.Sfll ·CHAI GE-WllSFllLD'S CHAIGI CAID . , South CoHI Plaza, Bristol al the San Diego Frwy. C-0it• Mes• : ? Upper Miii Level (acro11·from Woolworth'1) Phone: 540-7187 • t " SERVING TH~ Public and Trade COMPLETE PRI NTING SERVICE 642-4321 · I ' • • • ' ' ; • .. • ' Golden West colleges prepare through will come later when 2211 Weit 'l 1lbo1 B.lvd, tud ta f l bs ·u be th they take 3 job. 1-::~~~;;~~~~ ... .,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.,..,..,..,..,.~55555:=5ii555555555'.ii Daily Pilat Covers Boating Best In The West NewpOrt Blach 11 en or 0 wt e A questioMaire was filled I• -.. subject ol a loQa-term study out by Orange Coast and by Ol'ange ~t J u n I o r Golden West-studenta for the Cotlege District. first time last fall . It will ~jeB ... ll6W0ThfOl®l'" .be given To tliemagai.-durmg -··· Ma· .l _L_ wil l keep tabs on, ~ oe-spring semester registration. cupaUooaJ succesa, or lac~ of Students are asked among . It. pf former students _,,:-other things, why they chose graduates and drop outs alike. to attend junior college, how 'Jbe $41,370 project Is bB.lf they picked their ma}or, aAd - . :_Bl: .. ' ? : : • . -~~ .. : . : 1 • ' ~: paid {or-by the federal govern-what their career objeclive ment because i~ is expected is. to become a model for other Changes of student outlook junior colleges tbrooghout the and whether they find their tountrY to follow. educational goals unrealistic G :RODI:N'S : ~ . ' '' : I Orange Coast District Ms are some of the things Invested the other half share evaluators will be looking for ot $10,685 because h will most as ·later questionnaires are lmrqedlately benefit from the compared to earlier ones. da~ C?"lplled, aocording to Brightman said there havt Ri~ Brightman hired to been olher follow up studies di~ the projecl ' and studies of student attrition TEW CURRICULUM but none comprebe~sive and ver an extended period. "ProJect Follow·Thtough.~ t He is using a data ~ he aakl, can be used ai 1 cessing approaeh to develop tool to eva luate the ef-an informa4on galllering and feclivtness of the curriculum. retrieval system lor !tan· Coufses can be revised if .it dardized1 use by all junior CO~· is found students a r e n ' t leges. · receiving trainlng relevant to Brightman hopes to sell his on·the-job experiences. system to the 32 junior ct1Uege Brightman said employers districts that belong to the ~·i ll be asked if they are pleas· League for InnovaUon, a ed with preparation students forum for e x c h a n g i n g receive. F o r m e r students, research developments in the after they have worked for junior college field. awhile, will be asked if they1--------- are satisfied with the training I <li:=====s:c:==i!: I they got. Also followed , will b e transfer atudenlll to four.year colleges. Tbe project grant is for two l~!~is J~~ i:~=r~praj~ going and he expects it to be exteoded iodefinite\y. The first two years essen-· Semi-A nnual ·QIUlliCrafl a ~araoce! 8.99~9.99 dress styks 4.98 5.99 to 7.99 casuals 2.99 '1lctd for J>ltQJiful pickW\gj Dreu sty!et In ll'IQJl'f heel hetohtr. doytiia• or ploytim• COJVOls wfrh the fun lool .. ,.,.., e,._w• •••• _.,_ 1.97 ,. 4 .97 J )JJ IRISTOl 50UTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MESA Incredible! Save up to s45_ on men 's prestige clothing ... nationally known for quality and fashion! ALL S125.&S135. TIMELY CLOTHES, EAGLE AND OTHER Famous Brand Suits 10 Days Only ... to sell 6800 suits at this spectacular price! We must make room for a complete new inventory! Not odds and ends-but all sizes, all wanled styles! 1 and 2 button single breasteds, double breasteds, Ihcluding the new "shape .. model with ticket po cket. Newes! colo!Sln pl@.ins, plaids, checks, stripes and random weaves. Super& ... fabrics from top mill• Include all wool worsleds and lustrous worsted and silks. No where, but no wtiere, will you find these famous brands at s8vlngs like this! They woo't last long at this price-so come earty for best selections! THE ENTIRE MUWN a BLUETT STOCK NOW SEWNQ UP TO li OFF! SAVE NOW ON MEN'S CLOTHING, SPORTSWEAR, FURNISHINGS a WOMEN'S FASHIONS. Most Sto1&1 Open Thursday and Friday Nlght>I ANAHEIM -BROADWAY CENTER at Santa Ana Frwy., Anaheim '· ' .• '? : : :: ' : I ' ! : ! • ? .... - . ., SAVE BIG AND CHARGE IT, TOO! Take up to 12 months to pay with M&B EZ/Charge or u&e your BankAmericard or Master Chatge. Sorry ••• all sales subject to: ALTERATIONS AT COST NO C.O.D.'s! NO DELIVERIES! NO ~AILOR PHONE ORDERS! ' . ·· .-SQUlH CO"-ST.Jl~,. . San Dilg1l Frwy. at Bri•Ioi ~sta Mesa ·. i ( j ~ ' ' ; ) ! I t . ) . i ' I I • ! I • l . • ! • i • I I I ! I I • I I I ! • I J ~ ' ' . ~ . • ! ' l I { l ! i ' I ' ! I i i • I - I • • • • I ' l l ' • . ' ' I 7,..,.11.0T-ADVl~Tll&R ' • ~n · in-Se~vice . Around .. World ~ JANUARY CLEARANCE . JOYCE SHOES r w .. 1s.001020.oo ANO 12" s..tft Calsf. PlaP, CGtltl lilm• lriltOl 1t Sift Diego ffwy, The Slioe Trw, llewpen ltllCh, 3410 Vii Udo -~~i~Mi!ilil1lil1hhnuuti11~ · · ,~_)r/ .I) I l ~f~ ...~~ci.t~=~~~ ~::'~·J~cE-!°~ ~r~~ ~ \nif .. lfVif ~ 1B84 Monrovia, Costa Mw, San Bruno, Newport Beach, ""'-' SOUTH COAST PLAZA ~ · has be<n ~ as belplno will report for olcbt weeks I :::§:' ~ ~A~arduru.t~~ngUtn'rt ~~nt°i:':tn~~~ ~Q1'an.i crcn· ''ng & ~ Alameda, Calli. -.;;;;:; 6 • ~ \ The airman iS a materiel He is presently attending . { ~ , ~ =1'~t in o:.:J1tbiJ.lg:: Orange~ eoue1e. ~ "SPINNERIN" "SPINNERIN " ~ ~"i:?. ~.ain~.:i .:~.i~ ~:'°"~~~ ~ KNITTING FINGERING & -~ Douthitt of I726i Gothard, · - . llUntingtM llf•Ch. completed -= ··w· ORSTED · --SOC. K· YARN -~~-Pie. 8"'rr G, c:loambert, b<aic training at Lackland USMC, son of Mrs . ..LouiR AFB, Tex. and his been ::= ~St ""'~:-P'M· eal!!lJa lfi'.,g<~·-Olllilried· to · l!.fMler Al'B; . :::; ' • --11 !G •. L71L -_ __ --__ _..RJ~QL_ _ ~ '=:-- ., \AJ:/11.11 • ' n u=n Miss. (or trainlrfc in the air ::::=, 1 • • • - assl.an·ed to the 9Ui traffic control f~d. --= ' 149· 60 . =-· Amphii;>IOUll Brigade, ~ Camp The airman 1' 8 graduare = ., 1 ( e=; Pendleton, before . J'tportin& of Huntington '}leach High ==: - for ~=~t~i. completed School. . == 1 "" 1 , .... ;::=_ J Pull Skei" P111f S••i" Ontos School, Del Mar, before his pre.Ont aaalgnment. He Pvt. t.C. Richan! II . la a graduate of Costa Mesa Witmer, U.S. Army, son of High School, 19155, and at. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. tended Orange .Cout College Witmer of 119 Evening Canyon before entering the service. Road, Corona del Mar, has Pvt. Puqul R. Gonsalez, SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos R. Gcnzalez of 18173 Third SL, Fountain'Vllley, has been assigned to 54U1 Engineer Bat· talion, Headquarters a n d Headquarters C o m p a n y , betn assigned to lhe 131st Aviation Company near Phu Bai, Vietnam . W/O James,)o..J:, Rft;ce, U.S. --- "SPINNERIN" All ROUND· SPORT "SPINNERl~" fROSTlON PETITE ~ ---= -=-= 1 =-=- , .., -.... j ... Wlldflecken, Germany. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i:;;ii;;;°i;;i;l;' ;;;"i;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====,I · 1 A battalion maintenance ~· • mechanic, Pvt. Gonzalez is a Army, son ot Eugene Reece Jr., of 2924 Jacai'anda St., Co.sta Mesa, hu been assigned to the lath AviaUon C.Oritpany, Qui Nhon, Vietnam. The pilot's mother, Mrs. • -· hi I graduate of Fountain Valley ·. f,hl'•t~ ~~?v~i:::~· r::;ll<i=,,::;=;;:e;==°*·I ~L.. 11•-.-Marina Lane, Huntington Virgirila Reece lives ln Lona: Beach. · ; ,.,.. """""':..' 3333 BRISTOL Beach, has been usigned to the U.S. Naval Com- municatioDs Station, S a n ·Miguel, Republic o! the Phillp-South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa pine1. Seamu Rel Patrick C. STARTS TOMORROW! JOSEPH MAGNIN MAGNARAMA SOUTH COAST Pl.lZl far-thesweetest baipiis tlis side af hemn Misses', Juniors', Womer,t's DRESSES RED&JCED Cheic• of 11'111rt f11hl1" 1kift, 1hlttw•i1t tJr11111, ..,,11 J 'i"• 1lyf11. E.z c.•r• "l•Mlt, 1ut•l•1, l•rti•1 .,,4 ctlfp coffM LADIES RAYON BRlffS 4 PAIR $128 ''''"'" bl:~LY sa.oo Ort9i,,•11v pric•• •+ 10.00 ••ch. Sir•• 7 to II. I to 16 '"'· Double Bac:•ed Briefs 14!11 to 24/, 111 th• 1r•11p. Not tv•ry 1i1e in f'l'fry 1fyle, 4 ,., •'L ...... """'' _ Sll•• • • 1 -..-u•, P111,,, .,.,",.._ 181 POtrbHk 5 ~R 97¢ I OKS llenbt RI MN ANTS Kint• DouW. lliDSPQADS .,. 19." ,._,,,:. Docw- .ptLLOW$ IAR STOOLS 11 .... 12M 17'8 $199 10'8 DISH CLOTHS 4 FOR 88¢ -11¢ ANDKERCHIEFS ... S<llrmor ONLY 50¢ HATS -,+,. . 1: ,/ 1 •l " /IOI/ f,'11.1r.111/, ' .. / /;, y•l.u "'"''Ill or l/u11,: 1 I :.-1111 uh ·ti • • .. .. ~-· ,, ' .,. . I , • • • -·--- ' l I ' • t 'j I i j I I • l " j .~ " .~·· ~· - " '· t· ' " fl " •, • t'. • I f, q t • • I • ' I t t I ., I ,' ' r • f • -- JI DAILY l'ILDT 0 ~'~~ · Regi~tration ·"fitEE H.li•tt:nijt "tiM't4 :i:':: Stor~s Serving You Coosl·lo·Coast S ~r· ;\ , outh Coast f ~Z.l! , . (1,.;.I,_ \.lVIL NEAiit •-'Y"COii •" ,-.f • Bri•!OJ. at San Dl.qo',.,,. "',.· "1,,: ~ · ., '·~ _., • ''l ..... _ ... ~ Ill 11 ... +ti lllllllr1I ... lt .,vi.,.., ..... . • ' Sf 99 .CANTlfl:E'~UPllORT PANTYHQSE 1:9'ularly 8.95 s4ts '' • '}' ". ~~ . • -~··:--;-- ' BUY ONE 'bOiEN 'GET ONE PAIR FREE ~ ' ' ,; ,_ .;.f °'4" f"•!'· tllru Ff'!., 10 ••"to '' .,, .. ,..., ', •• a11. "TU t It·"'· .... • • ... \ . • i. AllEl1:5 ~lffY, South ;;,oo•l~Plt'.a_tAri1tol otSan Oll'Qo F,.wo " • ·. •· ' .s. .. 12 192 ' ' to .• • ... • w..,, llnll>'Y 8, 196<1 PiLOT·AM T1Sllt-t Sta;rt ' ·' " ··:r.i.' ' 1/4TO1/2 ~~OFF GREAT, ·GREAT 'SAY.INGS ••• on ~II our brands "which -,ncluCle.Tlie very newest-lo"olqj) sfioes values on coordinate hondb.ags. . • ~ tremendous F ·S .4 11 . . 18 425 ·- I I ! ,. I ·-· ~· .. -.• . '"'-·"" ,~,,_.I .,.., .... ... .... ~ .. · ..... .. I ~"IK'" ·-.:t . ' . • 0 t.· . .... ' ...... ..... ,. 11, . Do r1You -. . a~tP. ~~ ... \ ,;r ··'.- Or. SlllocrH1. ~ "HO'lfll. ... l!w' :"Mill Lff:li Ten1ldllf •I HofT'lt,'~ I ! ~ t " ....... ~ ........... .,. "'"-,.,.. lo) UPV, IJli!lcl 25 ._II In cofi\ •M "1'9~.~~ envel- 1 t te ~·,.,~_,. ~"!,;_!!flthJt -• l I ', ~ ~. -· ~ lly Peter ·steinciobn, MD Have y_ou ever hated your dc>ctor~ Sometimes there's good reason for it. Doctor-pa- tient relalionshipl!I are like p a rent~hild inter-relations. Love may suddenly tum into nee.ting hate. Abnost a.s bad as parenlal punishment of the child is the calm assertion of the physician to the sick patient: "There's nothing wroog with you." The patient leaves the +- office like the spanked child. Cenfused, 'frustrated a n·d --~ --. I RECALL a 31-year-old pa· I lient I saw early in practice. He viaited mJ office because he J>ecame disenchanted with I bll·-· I asked kiln wl!y: ·."·I was a perfectly healthy f f<IOw' until about t b·r e·e I months ago. I began to g•t DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE eeyere ~ practically ""7 day. :nleY il!tqfmd Wf!ll ,.:r ~·,'&J1' 11-ep. J . ' ~ .... not lmqining ... . than. My docto<.took all kinds ' ·:a:;:..,•.J:ft'f f ~ ukiT "There's 1:tht'1 wrong with you. ' There's no fleed ~ t!'olne .. back.' Can you imagtt\, a'cfocj. · tor turning me loose with the debilitaUng headaches without ev~• ,tpu:sctlP.tion for the pabi?.>Wllal he 1ieetn•d to Ii< telfiat· me WU that t am a hypochondriac; that I 'imaatoe'·the headaches or ex- auttlJle them. I wed to like b.iln. Frankly, I hate bim now (, t'er SJlying 'there's nothing Wrong':' .. ~ " In effect, this was his story. ' Whal could I, as a young ~ doctor hope to accomplish, ~ alter an experienced clinician ' ~·~ found the reason for hi.-headacpes? ·Forb.lnately, as a young, beginning doctor I had ane Utin& in I& favor : sufficient 1; · time to listen to him. We .; : sat together for , at leut an .hour. He talked about himseU , ·bl! marital life and his .J:flslness problems. i, I · What stuck out like a green "' if.row pointing the way, was his statement that he wu r thinking of. risking hlS en\~e savings on a questionable businesS venture . • hD& tension headaeha:~ -.. • . a· . veneas h8' given ' · be was healthy. ~ After cir talk; and making , , hia own deClsion, he resolved I: to sacriflct tbe fe" bundrecl dollars he 'bad put up for an opUon. I'• called oil the deal to "°'" ,tfle wear .J..'r".~ tor on l . Ids mind. He P lllln:Q•:me a 1 ,reek later, :aYlnl t h e headacbei 11a6 dlsappe.!ll'ed and thanked me profusely "for listenlna:" when he wu in my office. I've o f ten to l d my associatu: -raidhti and in- ~ tems that when a ·penon c-"'burta" Jn one waycr anothe!r, iliere'i ' a nuon -even if ; all pil,JllCal and labontory ti· amlollkm are: negaUve. ~ Who • patient complalns, 1 there'• ~ays 1 om et hi Q.g -'""°' .....,bin. Neftl' tell ,. bhn ......... nothini '"""' with JOU·" Warry, ,f(r Ua ''.11 unple, an be more peiolbl Utan·• -1!1· - ., • . . wiiiti King ' ! WA1D luriW DlllffiDNB I CuMEI ·" '. Sh11Ula llitl -~ ·2:1.00 .. POITAIU 11KTJIC ·: ·:~ 11 Superior" Heaters BANO!!AID ~.P..rs• ' 111 filer Pietecti11 - . Faster Hullar -~~~~· 49c Flavihist P-A .. ·"S11P111lectric" • w/1111 .. •Cont>r;l flolll1• Jnit ls desieaed to Mead will! • .., lacll"ll"1 ca ~ .. ,. nmains °"'ID s· 98 tho '""· , .... "Saperelectric" W/llS1Jlt Ila! ... ,.,, off -~··--is =:1'ri~8 98 #125 • "Sapenalic" w~ ... Tnsea l tlf """""""' ...... ltiiij¥liii chmOa. ffl Jn'" :'cll~l .. 98 ' .. · 1'RhatiS8die{• AfFfcln Vlo lavish abuOOaoce of long-... 1 .:t • .. flow JOI "' enjoy • ::;,::-in•boi>t 49 !:°'OI . . 0 -i ....... ,., • ~'·Slieer ~======:::::= Y'I -et. " /\" slCllAoo 00 Ft. Garden Hose · ·. I V LIPSTICKS --... SPECIALS uPto Yzoff · • Wlft 'll" ....... l<liJ-Myl ~;.~~ hose,,;~ Ml flow My 3 4 Inn.,., llllili<f'I b!m """"p. 9 "'""' """· It Tm IM1otn • 2!1.25 DOIOTtlY IUf, TUSSY I.JI., . "Wind and Weather" ' . 11111 ' BoQ llti• wltllll":.~ 2 00 121i.~Slz11 · oo' utllu • (•l..,._l • @!!:'-C:-.... ~, ... 1.25 .. °"'' A&ll II P&-7DoftA ..... · ' ' NIWPORT -..c" W'-l;"'"...!: l HUNTINGTON iqACH .=:-.... ct:. .. 1 ~79 HUNTINGTON aiAcH ::= ------.- • DAllA Spray ColOlftlS .. ' DAil Y lllLDt l l ·''Koiex'' TAMl'OllS ltpl••• LADllS' Panty Hos.e ""'"" -· " 1•11 ~ ....... fuMN11UK111. &IHI~ mnp. I tall &inL Pair sac .,, I• ,. 'PIKl ftASIK &annister Set . ''Fidill1 Faddle" 6nlt cno:ly --ol -Wiii 111 fitlltat ~"' of l : ~.p;a -will 31 00 .,... 111. '· • . . l --.. I 1 taporizer-llQnlf djfjer 10. 14 ... ...,i;a. .. ---•• ·· -~·uo::: 7 98 Cllt satll' ... ... • . -.. =-... I -r. """ • ' . ; , t -~-'---·· • -·-··~· • --·-' -• . -ooi :.•r·---·-:•;o:.=x::,• :. --· -·------.--.._.._.~-·~~~---~-·-~~~~----;;;;~;:;::::;;;,;:;;;;;;;::::;;:;;;;;::::-;;:;;;;;;i;;i;;i;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;:;::;:;:::;;;;;o;:c;;:::.::::::=;::;:;;;;=;;;;::=::=::::::::=i:101:1a•q•• ---, . " . -· .u.· 1 .., ,, 11· .1 .-: .. .. • •'-~' ,.: .... _ "°"'~ • . -.. . --- --'"-· -- 11-l'ILOT-ADVERTISER Wtdntsday, Ja111111'1 8, 1969 e UI I. lM St .. C-. Mw Sla•.,1111 C.,tw, ~ ..... • ·~J ..... A..._ ...... ca · I •t•••f ... c..M~ ..... Men in Service • tUI a ,. •• A-.-•.,.,., • O:a11 CMtr ,.__ .,.,. • 14K9t ........ a.w.I St,......•1111r c:..tw, ~AM Alrmu Wayne S. Field, son ol Mr. and Mra. ~~ D. F\eld ol -W•-Drtve. 1 Newport Beach, hu been c ...iped to Keeal"' AFB. Mias., ror training as a, 1 pef100l1d •peciali<l 1 The airmah, a graduate of Corona d!l Mar Hlgh School. llfif, ·-Orang< eo.I Colle(e before enteriq ~ ....vtct. Alrmu James T. ~. soa of Mr. and Mn. James IJ\t «iggs of 8961 Marbl~ Circle, Westminster; completed b!lSIC ~ training at Lackland AfB, Te%. A iraduate ol Marina ~ School. ~. he hM beOn asaigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex., for training in aircraft maintenance. · Spee. 5. James L. McGlaty, %2, son of Mrs. Louise E. Weller of. 2426 Patrice St., Newport Beach has been .,.igned to Ibo 3rd Annored Division n e a r Gelnhausen, Germany, as a senior clerk. Hit father, Selva McGlnty, Uves in Saudi Arabia. Airman Ronald M. Mayeda, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Eo Mayeda of 13S51 Siskiyou SL, Westminster, completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. The Westminster H i g h \school graduate ha.'1 been ~to Lowry AFB, Colo. for training in the munitions and w e a p o n s maintenance field. Alrmu J.C. Claarles !\1. Alder Jr., '.llXl of Mr; and Ol 25321 Posada Lane, Mission \rieJo, has been assigned to Vietnam. Tbe airman, an aircraft in- stnunent repainnan.-is a graduate or Santiago High School, 1966. PvL Robert Z. Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. WbteJer of 471 Shadow Lane, Laguna Beach, compleled the CH-37> .be)icopter repair course at rt. EUstis, Va. 'lhe U.S;_Army private com. pleted the course earning ho.!.ors at \be A r m ' Tranlportation School. -,,... II_ llilliopley. "Ii ~r .. IOO of Mrs. Gtorgla P. Brunt of 131C Se n ec a , Westminster, hM been ..Sign- ed to Vandenberg AFB; for !raining and duty in the civil ~ring, mechanical/efee- trical fieJd. ' The ainnan, a 1968 graduate of ·Fountain Valley Hi g h School, completed ba s ic tra.ining ,.at Lackland AJi'B, Tei; Airman Jerry L Dou thitt, SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy 1 W. Douthitt. of 17261 Gothard SL, Huntington Beach, cvm- pleted basic training a t J.atkJand AFB, Tex. and has been assigned to Keesler . .\FB, Miss. for training in the air lralllc control field. The airman Ls a graduate ol Huntington Beach Hlgh School. I RGaald w. Cosldl• ..... ., I Mr. and Mrs. WiJJJam W. Costello of 20782 Colima J,ane. Huntinlf.on Beach, completed a course at Quantico. Va., that. cornmis.slooed him a se- -cmCI lieutenant in the Marine Corps. Candidate& for Ult course are drawn from ~yersities, colleps and enlislad ranks ol tbe Corps. Cap&. -.t T. Gr•ble,"" of Mr. and Mrs. Howard 0. Gntbl• ol 136 Cainlno, San Clemente, has been assigned to Plelku AB. Vlebuun. Ou)' lofflt priCfl ever! Pittsbu.tth. sboe!tgtau.;taali · by one ofthe na· tion'1 largest mir· tor manu.factur- -- $3" & $4" List Price Malor Laltel 12'' L.P. Monaural Albums r~ ?1-B::' _,;n:e i~~1:ct $15 7 Boys. Vol, 2"-"'Magical Mystel'J' Tour,'" Beatles-DeanMartln&Beatles. t::: . ' $2.9* vi11 .. 1 Ailllle..._.c M1lar ........ ·,.;,. . L 1200 foot on? Inch reeL ' Stock up at thil low price. 99c $4'' Applluce ' TierTaltle · $329 _. With electrical out· let and casters. w.mteandavocado. ' • ·-'i.,, ...... .,,•4" Value Cortlle,s. ~e.ntlnel l•i'.11• .... $299 Tum on at dusk,. olT at dawn. U.L. Approved. $2• Women's -· Stretch Caprls '1&1f _cotton, ..... !<r•tc•241... ~ .... ,.,. " In a preu;y colors. · 98• Value Ena•I Peua•ent '"'' Dutch Owen ' ·1 •J's Jea•s 66c 2 for$500 QualU;y made Western styleordre~,===~ by Columbian. I t~;;. popalar r.olors. With "Sou WitbCover. II Re.leue." Western in 0. lS.dn!s•up,3-7. WllllRIEIATBlllUSR 4 ..... 81C DOVE BATH ,SOAP •••• .,,,,,...__..:;;""'""-t ii°Aiim10'a ':'iA ni1lls 49c . 'SAYl21c-GM• · 78 :=~ 99c JY •D-IOL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • C IJ'IWL ROACll 11.llla •a 98• BLACK FLAG •••••••• ·•· •• , , , c ;:-r.ou1D PLUMR ••••••••• 68c ,,. ... .. . . ··---- $J" Wol!l'l•n's FLANllELmE Pajamas &Gowns CH~l 44 Cozy cotton nanncl Border prints and solid colors in tail· oracl. &IYlei- Pre·shrunk. 32-40. Gowns &M·L $J 15 Courtley . PERMANENT PRESS MEN'S Shorts & T .,hirts Datron• a.. wtlon briefs and T-s hirts with 8 3 • shrinkage coit.rol, ex-C j tra loq wear built- in. Shirts S·~ briefs 28-38. Sho~ In white & pastel print cotton roa c oth $210 John Ruskin . ' Box of 50 Cigars· PERFECTO$ ' . $~9 , . Wtdnudq, J""!'fl 8, 1969 •Ir Can S,eclals ~'lf 66c Beliuf.1 • Ball' Styliq Salou. , lleA'S • .., ... ea'• Sb.c:e.• 41! »etter IHP10'. , , Store.. • • $2.95 Gl14i-lloir c...i1t1Mtr ..... • $2.95 Gladiator SlonrPff, ... L _, $2.50 Gldiotor lholr Sprey 13 .,, • $2.95 Go.Wn1 ol'Ono . Hair CtHltl-eoz. • $2.95 llooltltl• d'Oro Shampoo 1 oz. -• $~ Gfftltl• .roro Hair Spray, 13-oz. John Rw:kin ••• Jmown as the belt and the big- gest. Factory ltesh shipment! "· ·i:::::::ss "'LL......,SU""E,,.-JL------~ 79• ~,hlppef's:: 59c Vicks Ya o Rub Saltt d .Mixed Nuts WITH IU11lll ., TOFfllPIAllUTJ . _Fr..J. ..i.;llkici- FlaTOr sealed la 12- ouncencuum tin. ' -59' 35c to s19s Value! ' Paper•ack Books 11 OUllCE INCL 12c OFF $)45 Purify :~::-• • • • PACK OF 36 79c Congespirin •••• PACK OP 15 TABUTS 49c Cope Tablets ••• Fi~tion, Sclen'ce Fiction, NUN ~ rles,Romance, Wf!lt. ~ and JD8D1 Otho .-~ ... all brand new! ' 2Y•OlllCESIZEFLOClllR'S 43' 65 c · Casto.rJa. !·· ••• ~. ~ . .' ~·Jl5.ftc. REGULAll4.,.....1-4111NCISIU ,. , ·_.33 ~ ~ .~ · CamP.,"'9henltlu• :· • ~ · · The captain, a forward air controller, is a membt.r or the Pacific Air Forces. He ts a graduate of La Habra Hip School and at· tended Fullerton J u n l o r Col l e ge , Vallejo and Sacnmento City le o 11 ea e _,. wen entering the service. •.-t1.,Ux to~ STAllJIR , ... Kits . ~r.!J ,--. LL J. llMdolplo HamplOI, IOD of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. -ploo cl 20691 Spindrilt, -Beach, l1 on duty at Da Nana:. Vietnam. Newport Fun~ Lll.ncbeon Set 'lbe J1ewpor1 jjoach Unl~ Fund an nu a I community luncheon will be hefd at ,_, Jan. 15'.. aL the Irvine Coast Country Club, -.. to George Hoag 11, Fond _. I( I~~ "'' wticom<," he ~t.=·~·~ I check ror f3 to l>.o. Boa 1241, N...,mt Beocb, "7 J ... 10.. KeJef . ......, ........ Wiiis key '2" '""''"' ... Blend at~ Bourbon.and traln neutral •plrtts. • •••lilllCmi. lalflall.a Ice Cream · l5 delicious 59 OaYOr&. Spe-C • ci.1 O(·tb& ID Olltllt&•_ JI o e fl • ft.:i. moP4 Fu.clce.. ._ •lc9er--.t ......... , ...... 75• 2 ····••x. avu...-s Ctoldes .. Ito" loo "" ...,,. °'8A lrelll. •o oda t11 llO•bd I ... ....., • t 1 'J I " I " ' i ' I I ----------.----:--~:=-.-7=~--:::==;=::-=--=-==::----:----------=-- OUieial Owed l·eent Tax :(\I~ H~: ·" -. ' ' ,. NY Cou~U,man fays fenny to Cifry _Poli~e . llSW TllllK (UPI) -A very """ ~. ' , envolc>M !run Ille IJoaoce , .._ at 1!111 bapplest bu ·o· ·• Mlopil 1~ ...... I ~ Al tt Monday "'n' *" de~t; and. -·a )ill I rptatklft ~ city liall • pen_•ngs " t11o -T' ~ In '!•• eooOlh. l>t. pt w·Vbll dill< for Cba unpaid J10111on ot bll ""-~ .ne.;' tom . Yft. ' al dty llall, llli -"'! 1• dty -lo. ~ Hf blew up ' be ttad • the ~nnlni notice. For it told 1be Dame Ji ~ noi a • . ' ,, . " I The Colorful Sound of Orange County Music! RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM FROM FASHION ISLAND. NEWPORT BEACH PLA YTIX CROIS.YOUR•HIART 8RA A. fa~• •'crou-your-heort, yov're .a..,.tier"" '"91 kMp that PfOMiMI 0.inty •rl•" l.ce cup1, uft'pel.,... ...., podding, nyton .,..lildn poMll ffd we .. a MW li9•re1 White. Si11t1 32-36.A, 32-311, •Ml JI-AC. s.oo ..... . ·4 PLA YTIX LIVIN• LO .... LINI 8RA I. E•clu-"'• elastic Pl•yt•11; Magic-Midrilf 9iYft th• 11•oothelt lnrst-to-hip li111• *"f'. 100% nyloft atfK 01td frent beMh. lfliM:vt .to1tK aide pantl1 ~ wM yeu. Elotflc crln-c.rou front let. .,.. stretc:h freely. WlifN i" 1iut 3'1"'601 and ·34-42C, 6 .95 ••lff . 5•s PLAYTEX SOPT·LINI PADDID 8RA C. The little •.1.tro thot adds Mt "'uch to yo11r ffturol l'ot,...t.r padding 1tclyt NII for tke lifl of the 90,...tl HytOfl lace cupt., criSMtOU fr•nt, cott.,. bcacl. o"4f atrti .... Whrte; l it .. 32-26, A Ol'ld I CllfU, J ,,O .... , •• 2·· ~SH ZMl11 CeMplete Selection ef 'l•yt•• f•1hlea1f -__ .. _ .. , z=---· _,_ .. --· -----·---·-Nm'f ........... _..._ --·-___ .. __ _ ---·-._... .. ....... . ..-..; ..... ____ .. _ ·--·-- I MO&onl. IOtotP.M., AT.&IUll.10197 hlm '.Jle bad paid 1147.C 111111 evocailte . aa ScotloM Yll'd be sl&Jld have paid 1117.IS. • « Iba U!I. bul the lo_!! -' "One cent," Modugno mut. t.w enlorcerbent -is'~ the ' ~::t4ik1:iooe:i, .. a1x pnta to ::'"CO: r:. ~Ji..~~ ~ QueeDI R<publ~ sot menf a lletklna new men. . doWn at bis desk, pQlled a Chief !ID.I"' Neth lllDOuncts · penny from his pocket 11111 a ~ve examination sent it In a Jetter to City for prospecUve patrolmen Jan, , Finance Adm in 1s t r 1 tor 11 at II a.m., tRrt written ap- Floravente Perrotta. pliclltlonl muat be f11ad b)' · "Dear Fred: Jan.16, for ellglbWty. 0 1 am eoclostng herewith AppllcaUoos may he ob- one penny in cash to comply lained at the Colla Mesa with notice received from your Pollce Facility, 99 Fair Drive, department that this amount or by telepbonina: Mf..5200, is due and payable on my Chief Neth said. 196M9 personal income tu. Testa l n c I u d e aptitudes, "I hope ijlat same will assist personality an d interests, you in balancing the $8 billion physical agility, screening and municipal budget. oral interview, plus extensive "I must admit that I read background Investigation. and reread the notlct several Quallficatiom iuclude \'ision times and even showed it to no wone than 7A>-40, cor- rny accountant to make sure recf,ible to 20-20, normal bear- lhe total amount due was one lng, a hlgb school dioloma peMy and that the city was and 60 units of college wor)I: spending six cents to collect with C grades or better. it." Only•men 21 to 35, weighing Modugno groused that be 155 to~ pound! and standing has received in the pa.rt 18 five feet, nine inches to six months many letten: from feet five inches tall -In pn> angry constituents who com-per JJl")POrtion to weight - I · hey •-· are eligible. Pam t nave not yet receiv-Top piy' for patrolman is ed refund! for overpayments $7ll per month. on their 1917.Ql income tax. Promotions in the r.hain of Perrotta accepted the letter command for the 104 sworn and penny and said: officer personnel in t b e "Our computers fear no one. department have left a !light ' It was ~ conscientious vacancy in the ranks. of the councilman to reply·1.==='======~I so quickly and thus avoid a followup. We are certain that the ~ilman would have also been horror Mcken if we owed hhD. a penny and had not refuDQed it." PENETRATION N•1rly ... 1ryo111 111d1 the DAILY PILOT, ho1111fow11 n1w1p1p1r f°" +111 F1b1. 1-1 Or1ng1 C11lt, COSTA MES U4 W. ltih St. (Corner off H1rbor) 624-4305 . ' . . . ' , "'• .. ,. ,-l'j;:, • wheri yoa're· looklng,for the highest return on your uvlrrp, 1pd watch your eamlngi soar. DOUBLE YOUR l\IONEY ' . The amazing fact is that your money in a regular Wilshire Fodel'lll Savinss passbook account will double in less than fourteen years ai th• current rate. Your, savings will eam a high· 5.13% when our regut8r 5% per annum F'.i9te -is compounded daily and earnings are hi!ld in your accoUllt~to)row along with your principal. You can earn an additiona[ .25ll bonus above thei current 1nnual passbook rate on 36 month Certificate Accounts In multiples of $1,000. *' And, your savings are safe .. , insured !!I $15,000 by an agency of the federal government. • funds receiVei:I by the 10th eam from the !st; after the 10th, from date received, OPEN YOUR INSURED, HIGH EARNING SAVINGS ACCOUNTTODAYI ]~WILSHIRE .' FE'IJE.R,•L SAVINGS 0 FEUER AL SAVINGS ... ···-... ~ ...... Home Office: Los Angeles; Other Offices: Monrovie, Chetsworth . 18ll NEWPORT BLVD. NEAR HARBOR . cbsT,., "4ESA, CALI~. '2627 PHONE' 17141 642-4711 a.-ir-...... '501' ... -........ tWHll1 ~ ...,.. ...... 1 ... _., fvu: ........... ..... .....,. wortti ....,. ...... -· . WESTMINSTER 15354 llHch Blvd. IK-M1rt Contor ot McFoddanl -'893-7546 C.rpet Tww a11ssw ,...: ·' •First quality only, no tee>- onds O< <fist-..! lob lob • Always better s.eMction & foster servk:e from our huge wo..-stodt. • Guoront~ en both OUf fine carpeting Cl'ld expett installation. l!I DI AIOUT • 30-60-90 DU ACCIMl!t' OIAHICAMlllCAr. •M.lml CHAI I OUR HUGE IUYIHG POWER FOR 26 CARPET TOWH STOUS ALWAYS SAVES YOU MOUll 1 ·---~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------------------------- . -·. ---... '• . PILOT.ADVERTISER-IS Wedne<dq, Ja1U7 I, 1969 fl'-, J"""Y I, 1969 DAILY PllO'f JG I l I .. • ·I µ i' '\!'' ( ... ~~it· > I~ :. '~;l ~ ·~ r: q 1 .. jl I ~ I I I. "" ,,, : .. '. ·• ' AMONG ALL DISCOUNT DIPARTMINT STORES (.Q::::: IN ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIPORNIAI ~ • \. I ALL NYLON PITAL SHllR TRIANGLI COYIR·UP . ·, 2.00 value 1'7 We t0li;t l•n•' of thousand• in ovr 1totlr. at $1 .67 until yellerdoyl Soft 'n femi-- __ ., nine nylon wind chaMir in a rain~ of colo11 to 01> cent ewry costutM. White, blaY., loll'IOnC• pink, blueJ .'f-llow, mint, or• ang• .ond multicolors. TIES IN IACKI SAVI 41'41 ·' NYLON TRICOT . ,_.~~. j , WALTZ I -. ~-r· r-~-GOWNS. · 2.99 value 37 frothy loveliness in 100% '". ~ Jt11o.n ' tricot waltz 'lel'.'gth gowns in c:;is~rt.ed_ styles, flattering colors. Featur· ing all-around and front ove:rlays, appliqued shaped lace bib ·fronts, ~, V-shoped jabot ntlckline with lace and satin trims, satin cowl necklines and Jiems and ribbons. In Apple mint, Peach, Wedgewood blue and Shocking pink. Not all' \ colori in all styles. S, M,-'L SAYE20%1 MEN'S NO.IRON SPORT SHIRTS 2.99 value 187 A. Sove 37%1 PERMANENT PRESS, polye•ter and cotton •port 1him willt bvtton down collar, short sleeve• and ll'Otched poc:ket in bright woven glnghaM ploid1. full cut. Sizet S, M, L and XL. MIN'S WRANGUR® NO.IRON SLACKS 7.00 value 2'' I. Scnoe O¥et .50%1 M.n'1 fOfMft WtCJNI• ler• c:owol slacks In 'ERM.A.NENT PlfSS ,.,,..ter-cotton bltnd. Machine or hand· wot);o ....,., n .. d ironing. Soll rtleaM fliiilh. t¥y model witft fiRiNtff botto-. 11"9, notwol or grMn. St1• 29 to 38. .,.Ute Sizes A. Save 30%1 Boys' 100 % c:oft°"J.lporf \hirt in handsome 01foril, weave with PERMA· NEHT .PRESS finilh that nev9r neecf1.c irofllng. Rust, oliv., blue, ~ize o·r orange. 6-16 • VINYL PARKA BOYi' JA.KI~.; 10.99 !. 4 value I. Save oiter 50%1 SvH .. fin bh vln,. jadtet witft wami, 'qellt lh1lnp1 knlf collar and aip-off hoOd. In rich brown or oliv.. Sizes 9 to 16. IAYI 50%1 LITTU BOYi' l~KI . ' FAHOVS HA.KER 'SAHPLESl 1 57 ., . I' (Not it.own) y,.,. • .,. ..... dlk°'"'' plh'iha .... """.""'• fnMI fa!ft. ov1 M0•11faehl1W offered al this hic¥ibl• low price! Choow fror...~, co11tlnental1, solltls, ._'-~11d '°'" .P9""'°""' pNtt 11)4es. Sl111i 5 to 7 111 a.etfled co1on. llORWALK llOllTll LOH a1aCH MW'91 ... 81•a Miiie wUTCOYlllA Ull'llW MWJ, AJ tTUDllARll L IOUTN lflllT AT CM ... f UiMM MYa. a UM:OUI AIU AVS.: Af PUllJiftl POlaTAI• YALLIY L .... ~(II MAllOl 11.YI. Al IOUffll lOI COYOfll, ...... •woOo1u•• ..•. , .......... . ........ , ........ . IA'llTA AllA ' N. HAMe AVL AY tnM ltlm • .... .. 2·PC;TUNIC CAlt.RI llT OP BONDID ACRILArP Zady1 ,., Fashion Value 1 :: A.. Weor-Dotet:P copri Mt with long KOOP neck tunic top with ICobwlll .~ and its OWft buitt-ln bra. Flore leg pantt with bock 1.ippe~ clotl119, AcrUan• acrylic bonded to hold its •hope. GrMn, beige, royal, gold, red, orange or bla ck. Sizes 6-16. Not .,...ry size in ..... ry color. ltLIATID PRONT • ;, ~IRMA PRiii SHIRT 2.99 value I'' I . Sov• 37%1 Pltoted front 1hirt !rt PERMANENT PRESS Docro,.• 'poly•ster und cotton, nr1er needs iron)ngl Mwtd.rln collar a~ lo!'I f'"""-fo1hlo1t colon lo Mpt.'-.t tkim and 1lacb. $i1n 32 to 38. BILTID ITRAIGMJ LINE • SJ~IP•· ,111(1.,.-·n -. .. .IUNIOR PITITI llZI CRIPI DRllSll values 9.99 4'' ip. SON,;,., j,%,·1·TI1e luxurr.af Chiara crepe lln an Ctc.tcd~ b~encf dreu ,. float 9racefulty. &toy c~.My, Whlle collN or re+-witfl lace trlli!"•').oc• trilNMd cuffed •!H¥M. Ba. zippef.·~ 81odt,• purple or grein toa;.t colon one! d0ftet('pri"'5 ,.lint' 5to13ondSto11. -----ANNUAL CLIARANCI OF CARCOATI &. TOPPIRI 13.99 to 21;99 Yalu•• , .•• TO 1s·· . ' L Sa .. 27"11 Choose from a Jorge triiltcJion of corcoot1 and topper• In the s.ea1on'1 111011 populot •tyl.., fcibf'lu; .colon., lMIUd• 1Nl(on1~ corcfuroys, vinyl wede1, twHd aMI ploicf poHern1, vntrhntned and fur ttlMmed, pile llned,.quilt lined and many, many l'INM'91 Slzn 6 to 11 in the group. . . -. . 'LlnLE GIRLS' SPRING DRllSIS 'A: Np tpring ·styles lnclu.dln9 tolld1, prints and polka dots,'°"'• with pettlcacrts, 111t«ked b.dlce, apron ttyln and ~Tiit tri..., ''••• MOi&e, no..y, pink, black/white in 1iz .. 3-6X. ' S.99 Y•luH 3'' GIRU' PLANNIL pajAMAI . . . 1.79 ... 1 •• .. Sew."'"' Girts' 2·plec. cotton Aon~ po• ja1M11 In brJght palfel prin" with 10<'9 and pl~ Ing trl1r11. ..peat of 4r Mtloutl Pink, blui llCllM, •ll'lt, ,.,... SU-3 10 6X. ·97c •m .. MI •Eal•O•UCll '· IUIM llY9.Af MYGMIMtll HAWftlOINI 1&.Va.A'f SO.IAY.CINTR ,liliUAm CAWA.,Mlll r1~ ll~Af UIUNI fOP.AJiU CMffOM l&.V~ it"l.OICOI IH0'9 & IAYI MO& THRU IAT. 10 TO 9, IU& 10 TO 7~ IA'J'.l,fACTION VAUNT U ••• PUNIY OP PRll"lt,AaKI• • • • ~ • ... • .i , ' . . , t . ' . ' I • I I ' l ' i ·I, -... .w -· ------- !• l>.&ILY tlLOT W-'-, Jill"" 8, 1969 ' c ' The • ,Colorful • t ,., J Sound of Orange County Music! RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM • .... 2Beach.Men ' Sentepced ·~ HWJU.,WO Beach men wbo lactd a vtrlety of drua and burglary c,liargu ..... pleaded to 8JllltJ to leuer ch&rft1 In sUPerlor Court.. Sentenced to. •Ix - eich In Oranie County Jill by Judge Roher! Gordoer were William J. " Kozel, to, and Gary Muon\ Park, 20, both of 118 11th St., They al!o · drew three yeus .<probation each on the mar}..jua1t1 posswlon ~v~UOQ.. • Both men -.nd John Paul Brewer, 20, also .d tbe 11th Street address were amsted in an apartmeJtf; at 1204 Palm Ave. and booked on burglary charges. Possession of mari- juana was added to the docket when the drug was discovered in the apartment shared by the trio and in the trunk of the getaway car. DAILY PILOT PlllM W .... hrM Quiet Afternoon at Sea FROM FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH Charges against B r e w e r were dismissed last Dec. 19 in West Orange C o u n t y . Enjoying one of the major assets of the. Orange Coast are these four s,ailors, along with a few others, in a crulse<lif Newport Hatbor. ' Z~WtGDIPT. • R91ular formukl • 11-oc. prof... MHOI afr:e cal\ . IAYlfl.021 .. Municipal Court. · 100% HUMAN HAIR WIGLET 9.95 value •Soverwtile ond flattering • 100% l\atvral fu1man hair •Choice Of 30 popular 1hade1 •limited selettion i" dark diode• S'' LONG, LIFE~LIKE FALL ",., 19.95 value •In ne"' "'mirade"' fiber that loob like real human hair ·•Choice of eleve" ahade1, but ftot a '°rwplele selectio" in e'Werystore HUMAN HAIR EYELASHES, 3.50 wlue •••• ., , ••• , •• • •• t7c STURDY STYROFOAM HEAD, for wig stOf'Oge ••••••• • •• 67c HUMAN HAIR BANGLETS, 9.95 ..qtu• •• , •• · ... ,.,,,.,. 1.97 • ' " . JUST RILIASID UC!ALBUMf . THE VE URIS • "UNDERGROU D FIRI" . ' Values ta 4.99 The Ventures hove a brand" 2 66 new bagl Can yo11 dig ltl "light:My fire,• "Born To be Wild", and "Sunshine of Your love'' and motel The group that plclys-it·lilc•if·i•I LIBERTY RECO.DS ' IODYS LIQUID DOERG'T 69c3 C 1l1e •Soft green lotion liquid detergent •fordishe1,fine fabrics ZODYSOWN BLEACH s.9c33c 111e •For whiter, bright- er washes • t gollon plostic ; bottle 1ud1 •for alt avto- motlc wa1ft. PAPERMATE PIN 1.47 value 49c •Bollpoil\t pt'ft plus free 49c floic: ~" SAVl91cl FABIJLOIJS ~AVING~ CfN -f:'.plOIJS MAKE BADIOS 4 PB,NOS : _ PHl~C .• ,0 ... D SiA°tE PH""CO •OLI. IT Tl . AM'. ~--OCK •ADIO 3·1PEED PH~NOGRAPH . 1&.95 value IPHILCIDI• 949 •Solid ~h for instant' ptay •Walctl~ti 11nu1ic •Automatic volume contral •Wide n::11nge ·· apeaker . . MM.I 1J9WN ....... ,.c ' PHILCO SOLID 11'ATE AM·FM TABLE RADIO • 10 transistor solid stole •Wide r<1nge front 1peaker •FM cord ol\tel\na •AFC '"'itch IPH1Lcal• 29.95 value 16 17 PHILCO AM-•M TRANSISTOR -RADIO M ... ,, T-eJOIK 19.95 value 9'' •Fully transistorized radio •21h .. 1peoker •PM on!eflna I PHILCO I• I PHILCO I• 29.95 val•• . 13'' • PiCryr; a" 6 .,,- Mtterie1 •3 1pHds ••• »~. ~0111d78RPM •Tro~ucl for tn1tant ptay •Big "Inch 1peo1i• .\ (f ... :.:!, •_-1 --' '• ' ,,,., ..... ,.,. ... -··· -- J M-'ef771YfN PHILCO SOLID STAD AM·FM CLOCK RADld •FM al\tenna 39.95, ·vtilu• •AFC FM 1witc:h 19-'' • Automotic wolc•to-music: • lig 4·inch raund speaker IPHILC01• ; ~U111 1 ~ .... I". LUGGAGE SULE'J~~. iTATJ AM PO•TA8LI Rf.'.DJO •Solid 1rote •Battery lnduded • Hond&ome co .. with artryi"g fta"dle •Earphone aRd Jaclc . i?·t.51"'•• ••• PAaULOUI SAVINGS IN ALL ZODYS LIQUOR DEPTSI SOLID STATI IZ AM·FMRADIO ·COLOR TV UHP.VHP.•ll ANTINNA ~It ' . ZODYS IXTllA HY VODKA . 10 proof, chartoaf flrt.red vodka for 1uperb colli111, giMle'h, MortlnlL ' CeMp•N at :1.19 ZODY& IXTllA HY 0111 Dittilled with groin neutral ipirih. far .artini1 and ghnlell. Co•,.rewftll .,.n4s 1alU111 at i.tt ' ZODYS CAUPoa•IA DDA•DY :"', ... _ -SMoolfl ol\d IMllOW. Th• 1>9rfect ofter·cfil\n•r ret1t d rink. Mole" gr.at Stfr'lgertl ·~·~ Cempar•otS.29 • --~ .COLOllUIL CLU• --L· I ' 14 delklo111 flaYOn. A 111nt for f*f.ct •• • htdall'llng. c,.JftG de .... th •• Cf'eM9 ... c.coa. f '•: "' ~ t (aM,.N •t ....... I 1t.9S ·..,.I•• 13'' a AC or bcrttef'y oparot.1 •fM,teleteoplc o,,._.. e 81~ (.athlffett. CO•• • C•plete with btitteri .. ..... fl'fl ... 19;95 ..... EASY·TO-INSTAU 10'' ~ ..... • hcehon all 12 chon .... • •uv• .;, ~ 120 .. 11 .. .-. \'Hf •1•"9•..P .. 60 11dl .. -UHP .,.a•e• . .,1 .. IO •ht-FM •rtt ,,..., ... P,..;-~. twi• 1 .. d '"' .... LLT IC CUllSYOU 11 T DYii 0 PUICNAll NICI SAR $1 IUT A Ml \'I. '!Jf'AltAN"fY eM A'l P~tl & ~ON ............ NONO AllAll .... FULURTOll •!J:I..-.\!? BIACH ~ ... ,. At ClllllY OIANelTMOVI AT LIMON LO•eBIACH l~ C'OTOTU, IPll ... A WOODIUJP HU1111119TOll BIACH eOLDIN WhT l.\01•11 SANT A AllA N. elAND A'll. At I nM ITlfU .. • OA•Dlll ... YI· CMA,MAN & 111:0011.MUllT 1 llORTllal ... ...... aLV9. Ar 9IVONIM .. BVRaANll IAN rli"ANDO IL'fD. AT aun•N• .,•••:-we• ...wrlO ... II , AflO. MTcttn• '· .A ...... ~Ailtll TOPA ... A CA"f'Otl ll'l9. AT lOIC'OI I t • I I • I t l ! i • • 1 • • • ~ . . .. · ............ •.;:..· ..... -. . --- ;11-PILOT0 AOVERTIS1Elt Wednesdl)', JanLW'J' 8, 1969 • Wtd,,.,,., """"" •• 1'69 I I • • • • , • FABIJWIJS SA¥1N6S ON FAMOVS BRAND.ELECTRIC APPLIANCES! ----. ---.. ~-----------------...----~ -r-----F > I ' " " • 3·1PllD PORTABLE HANDMlX:ER 1 ~.95 yalue 5•1 •Portable witti 3 powerful miJ1in9 ' spe•d' • Pl.IJ'hbu!fon beoter r9leiGio •'Fi~g.rtip "'ntrol •I yeor·undln~itionol guorante• ~ WllTINGHOUll . PO .. I. HIATIR · 24.95 value " .fW\·10•3 ,\0111 . • lt11tcnt rodionl heol •Chrome 1afety grill •fits ~Utng up to 9'-''" •I yr. VMOndit;o"°I 9uarcnteo . . AMAZING SAYINGSI MMelAMH, FAMOUS MAKI tllAYY DUTY BILT MAIUGIR .. · 59.95 value 21·· ~-·l.'1/J hcmoP0111"9r .it0tfr •Ali;...,"'"" and pott' • Aclj"stoblo mauage beh int•iuity cont,.1 • flnif.wonal 3-iM.h-b belt 1-Yr. ,..,..... , .. .., ••"-It 1211mtH . WATER PIK® ORAL . ' HYGIENE APPLIANCE ~ ~:i~! 1667 • Recommended by ttlou1onds rf dentish!I •Water Pikill carries on thi.:.cl!'ning jOb your toothbrush begins 7. · e.cleons inaccess1bl.i~s ~ur b~_ush co".'n.Ot reach •• • • • STAINLESS STEIL 9·CUP COFFEEMAKER 19.95 yalue 9•1 •Fully oulomolic •Signal lig,bt t•llS when coffee ff r~dy , • ievenib!. baKet lid 1$.o strO~g or fftild coffe• •By McGraw-EcliJOn ••II On• v .. r·Over .. the-(oun,.f' hpl•c:o- 1110•1 o ... , ... ,.., IAYll fAMOUI MAKI • •' I .STl~M 'N DRY IRON '. 12.95 value 511 • Sove owr !50% Olll this foino1n inoke iron\ • Eo1y to read diol t Sotting1 for oll fobric1, inclvding 1ynt+ietie1 full o ... Ytlr co"dlti ... l tMrtiflftt · SLlM·MAITIRFOLD-AWAY IX:IRC'I~ CYCLI Zody• L!W Price ~·5917 '0$oooothptdol \ • •dion ond.baci onJ forth ~ hal'!...,l!Wtion -, ""-ro11 1'ody -..__ O•orc1r. . , •'olds or C'Ofllpoct storaoe ' . . ' 1.15 ...,, ••• ~ 'i • ' " RPM MOT••· OIL ~ ' I ' I ' , •o·, ·29c valve •••rt • ChooM itithef 20 « 30 weight ._fa.INos Deto brand RPM'"'°' oil •'SaV. oni-holf nowt LITT BOYi' DRiii OFORDI WGMEN'S & TEEl!IS' DRiii FLATI . WOMEN'S VINYL CASUA~SROll ~. ~ j • ' j ~$3 ;,;,. $2 3.9 3.99 $8-,. val •Block w:uff·re.1hlo oxford for dru1 o value ~ value ool • Populor Ono-strop flat rltin; pol)"f'inyl 1olei ond heels Si zes Bl/2 to 3 • Squore to., chunky heel •Ori .. ey• tie in eosy-to-cor•for btack vinyl • Handcroftecl 1V c:ha11i1 • O.luJ1e video ,;n"ie 12· c:hann•I tuning 1ystem •74 .q.1 ... 110• 1u nshino pictu ro I Hltih gain 3 •tosr• IF <iRuit IMtomotic "fring•loci"' c:ircuit ·- , UI NAMI BRAND TA•U COL'R TY Co1;11p 349. at ~$2. c ... · 8. ~·~··~·:!1!•·:· ~·~~] tfl! ·-..... WllTING RlfRIG @ Com par at 259.9 ISlifn wolnut• gr.oinsd <•binet •Precision• enginoorod cho11l1 ' t All 12-channel · 1 UHf/Vl1f ~Private eorphono &. jock 1102 1q. in, Yiowobl• picture M•Cf Ull 14 CU. fT. TdR·fRllZIR · ' ' $ 21· • Entir•ly Fro11-Froo- never a sign of frott •121-lb. freezer with full •idlh dOOt' 1h•lf •full width, full d•pth 1h•hoet-2·potiti0ft 1holf .cffustl'Ml'lt · I Full width v.ph•blo cri~por-M"• 2i6 · bulh•I IPlUS: bull!· • 111 etGI ttor• ..... b.tter kHpor, ...agnotlc ............ •Block with black lu1tro• ' patent trl"' ' .. • 1 • Long-weoring 101• ' .,,... In U.S.A. 'Siul 5 to 10 2\,'l~Q, INCHES • . . • Co~••nt top lnt11t centrel1 •IMtont ... reiitptioft ..... I COMpl• wltli Hlphane and illlri f ·•Pop •I V'Hf · ond alido,,,ulo UHF chonn•I ft\IMbon' ' • front'41MK1nftd • 61o<h_ ... -."%1itmt~...._ ••• n1 AM.JM,,. snuo RADIO z.4y:~,.i:. ··21a .. ,.'; .. f Mi.1Dn~ll j , . . •Avt.-lf record chclng•r • Solid ltpfo» ._ .... r. ·~plfflcoii<.~ ~-• Micro·touch• 2G tone 'arm •Moster control ponol WllllN•HOUll 2•1PllD @ ,.,6oL~t ~AIHIR ' •111 ·'°"'~~ .1·21 .n ' ' ··~'~" , ,Pre11 f«lhlr• • • Nonnol on cf g•ntlo agitation 1po•d1 I f a111GV1 dowblo wo.J, •d"!• ' _I four wmfVrin-i 1 / tMnperatu,. Nttl&g1 •H""'Y duty 16 lb. -cG'~ifp tran....,... onCf ttabiliror ...... • Uftt filMr Ofld' • •• · j' hktrnilotio11 """"' 16 potltictft water .... , • Soi.t, lldli..l ' ' .,-• .. t I' ,. \.i Ull ZQYS. lllQr, 411 .. tilfllD INIT MT CRIDIT OR YOUR aaNK , ' 'ICARDI. IAtllfACTIOlll •UARANTilDI I I ~ l_!.OP & f~Y.I 4J zop~~ MON •. , ... ,, flll • .JO_A.M. to 9 ·P.M.J IAT. ~ UN. 10 to' ••• LOTS• n•••• ..... ' I , • - "' • " ,j j .-- ! I • t I ---.·------ • I .i : ' . .. J!Ji.illf!-.:DAl=LY_;PIL""-OT-----W--_ _., ____ s_._196_9_ Beach w Rebuil,d . r ' ' ' Golden Wlllt Stnet "' to far the con ol the center be rebuill from Coul Hl&21w•y divider • .-dlog to W~ler. north to jual soulll of W_.-• North afthe hlll lllolilgliway Avenue --to wjjl be lout lanio.' Coo)pletioo begin •bout Aprll I, 11\JJ> will -·Ibo main ~ tinaton Beacb C1tJ, Council ...,th ~I [out fan" was told~ol "l',;,;.llc · b • .~ 1liO dl1'• i ,_ Director .ruu Wor .,. woeeler uld that the graae James Wheeler said t b e will be cut down acme 12 lilgllway, will boi1n U • divld-to IS feet at the inttrsectlon • ' - od, lour-lane rood from the ct Talbert Awnue, lllul lower-' coast to about reeervoi& hill ing • 1 steep hlD to more north of M~oa Avenue. manaee.able aJze. The Htm-loadl C~ A dike will be built along pany, now lnvolved1n building side the road tn order to keep a large tract ol. .homes along the watln of Talbert Lake Golden West S~ .south of from flooding the cons.truclion •r -:::M=ansloo===A=''"="'=• =IS=to=pay=J wort. 1be dike may be left I •• in place follow1ng COll!lructloo . ' • . r. . ' . . • . . . . . . • . . BEST in order to provide motorists The DAILY PILOT .fftn 1om• of the M1f f .. f•r•1, by ectvel t11•••Y ef reedert, •••ll1bl1 i11 1ny new1p1per in the •1tio11. space to park beside the city- owned lake. Councilmen approved a call for bids m the project and no cost estimates were given. I See ~Y Tod~y· s Wan! Ads e..Put. DI A 11fUICB: And pull oUt a plum of a job in this P• shop •• • mature womu needed e MAN.sIZED Mother Loves "Gretchen," a German Sheperd birth to a single puppy on Chris thank you, although there is som garding the pup's notable lack of --- DAILY PILOT ltaff ...... ed by Mrs. Karen Guptill of El Toro, gave Day. Mother and pup are do Ing fine, lement around the Guptill household re- hepard's snout and tail. Gre a t•n.ae; Ownpion 11-------------\-------------.,-- blood line, 32" tall, 14 mo&. old,,. cood in borne, and well ma.n- . ' ni...s. e ''RAGS" TO RIOIES: A $20.00 reward is f'.lf. fettd for "Raga." a black UC to Ip Eating ;.~""'.! "N":' ~: • Poor Told Ho-iv t B,uy, Feed .Families lNe. Please return. ,. ~sears YOIJ Just Cim't Do Better Than Sean! ...... - • • Powerful, Reliable al Sean No earmold ne_.ied. Con· tinuoua volume control. Comt in tod4yl Deluxe Model al Sean .. e m .uo SILVER! BERKELEY -The Univer-managing money, bu YI n I ~eh= t!'*' sn°: sity of California is launching clothes and bOme improve-~~tafned.~ Lont.tife mfns: St.10 tar-dollar _ a statewide program th I 1 ~ry money menl 1be publlcaUons.. iQ ttery, Greate'.f power • . ' . . • piece, $3.50 f« war nick-month to help poor peopfe fin. and ill:! general 1eve.1 English and. Spanish, ~ bel-~---- ln! PRONTO, 10NTO! ! prove the way they buy food ol family used in the new proiiram. e-OEJ' ¥0llll-DIJilF;.A. and-fa.4t'·theirfamite5.·----.-... ,.,..~·11~-.but'.much more dLl:tcUacc:iir. 'LINES INt'EARLY -3:00 •uc • .,..AU& 11• faa: teaching will De dont: in ·p..11, nuDAY JS THE Some 300 half-time assist~ nanced June 30 by the areas outlined by pavfl'.ly DEADLINE. IF . YOU ants who live in urbari and $.537 600 f the U.S. De-surveys. • SEIL rural sJums will be hired and ' . • CAN'T USE rr, IT. taught how to get families in partment grlculture, and FUNDS GIVEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~:.'.'.'..E~::::'.~ is part of ·s Urban Crisis Allocation of the Federal .. ·eomp~ct An-in-the-Ea; Sears Heanng Atds ' . • PERSONAL for IM Hltl'd of Hearin1 DOes Your Family Mumble When They Talk? • Hearing Aids at a Price You . Can Afford Backed by a Company you can Depend On. effort. funds has been ba.sed on ·eai1. 12 COUNT fornia's having 10 per ~.1 of it will b6 rried out in se-~~ n:~~tn'~f P'>~=· Tu~ ~ Satisfaction Guamnteed lected targ in, Alameda, projecLs in other atatea have Contra Cos Fresno, Kem, shown that people in low-in- ~ or Your Money Back .._ MDVCS .&Ill> ClD. ~ An~el iverslde_ San come areas wil,l a,:tpt new Bernardino, Diego, San food bujlrJg •ideu,lllat c:omi:~=====================~====== Joaquin, Clara, Sono-from re:sourcehll ~· ma and Tu counties. with slmllar bucflet lems. Twelve of. 's AgricuUur· To Dnd lllCll peOp e the UC G f LJ d f d S M A • al Enensio • advisors, nutt1µ.; ~· )iill wort One i tto Your nite un .. erves any genc1es E nutrition spe-.:.wl::lii::'.:coiilm:;:'=tini=ly~groups==·---.-------------------"'-------in · 's statewide... ' · ere, will pi'.O. ... ~~~--~~~~""-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~., vkle 15 da instructiQo .. io . .. .. .. . •• " ' • ANOTHER SPECIAL SERVICE for CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS COME IN AND PICK UP YOUR COPY JAN. 2 lhru JAN. 10 tJffere l/lhl ..<KU1e tldeJ mde a dilrereH"Ci, 5% per annum compounded daily current rate on passbook savings 5 25% on minimum term accounts • In multiples of $1,000. MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION e CORONA DEL MAR • ., -. . 2W1 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL llAR, CAUFOllNIA 12625 • ' HEADOFFlCE 315 E. Color8dO 81\ld. -.Caltt.91109 teitphont: 449-2345 ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 OTHER BRANCH OFFICES Glendale, West Arcadia Corona Del Mar each ct , ~-q. aistants, ing "groceey store nutri " A~cultural Eltension will be used as classr wherever this is feasible. , One UC comparing kets--bolh and both ioods. But r' point out . provide a the famlly c TARGET G. P. the UC · lturo! Extensioo program antlly and con-, sumer sci' , noted: ''We pla o emP.loy home- makers i he pilot target areas, gt g them ~ special training. j n they will Share this info Uon with their neighbor der the coolinu- lng tra· and su · · n of .home i.sors •~· ists on staff. staff itations have con- fined t gricultural Exten- sion ho advisors at UC laregly publications and "teach· teachers" about such tters as nutrition, st Group nd. Meet F · t e e n representatives fro he Laguna and Corona de! ar areas will be at- ten the 1969 National Con- of the United Olurch llgious Science meecing thi week in Founder's Ch , Los Angeles. ding the groop will be Dr enry Gerhard, minister of e Laguna Beach Church ol . ous Science. delegates are: Mn. G<rbard, Mr. and Mn. Fowler, Morgan Cutb- • F. ff. Low, Mrs. Hall, and William Ro- of Laguna BUch; Mr. Mn. Wendell Jones and Waten of Corona de! ; Dr. and Mn. T. Wilbur CUlloug)l of Soutil Laguno; I<. Helen Dodson and Fram t of Laguna Hills. w R~cording W YORK (UPI) -An U-mw recording of 'ter Gladys Shelley's At the Brighi Slae" as been made by Sta11 Wiest, ne of the coonlry's newest gill( ....atlona, on the G.P 1bel • • its clearance nwnth at Fashion Island, Newpurt Center 58 wonderful stores now clearing top quality meichandise during this traditional clearance month. Convenient parking ••• Courteous service. FASHION IS.LAND MEWl'OltT dEMTIJK l'ldfttCllll: ll'W:a J --••• • MMf,._, Ft..,...._ 1'#117· • I i ! ' I -1 ' . " , For"The 1 Bloodho ' • ijit of Search, Re ·c e R~cord . '1 t,;,,. ~ j l Qodln ... , a mlsslllf diobetfc wllo bad Part boJ who died ol """'""° utd. ly de!Mlos cooJd pnftDI a -. •'"' - -•• ; •. .1 1 'ro ail tiio 11111....itl from gone ~ alone In the alter he wu loot about lour The (>&ftnll thOIJ&bt Iha~ -=aooe ol ouch a tnpdy • hm nm.to llvt, 11\'t..,.. Iba dap, dllt lllull be pul Laguna 111J1uel ma llwl had ~aan qo. I.I,, JIJDlll LIWll with the houndl, Oraop C.,.. for olber (>&ftnla. :r.::.F ,:!,~ oA the ....,. ., IOCln u poss!-~~~ worr ... lemlly . ....:;'---''"·'--.._-;-1"' '------'-'--"-'.:;::.._;.:...:.===-'-"-:...,...•. a. ·-trailer .... -: \lie. ..d ........ •111*1:'1111 #rlll'a u, Bot a..,_ call caa'~ •"Alls alJoul M boun, you .,._t. 1 .. -~""""" __ _ ali thet Tw~4our ~ ""' .J't....:.,boulaald. lorpt the bu'Regult J.~ ··--••-~-~: ~ ewrt day, Kntalnler b a clQp, · ·~ ~ w ·-·~ ..... caplilD 1flth the The --.top with the hunter, MERCllANTS LUNCHEON 0.-~ $)or t II ' 1 .i.rtlf• unit, .have a Pl:OllY 'lll.'l llPtCll and -unit .i: , l'f • . . 1' • . •1 Thal Umt made up o1 11 Kttlllnpr utd. 'lht'ilOPli>undLe<S.SPrlnger .'~.-.-ff• ... .,. • Sear& j,,d-Unit. goOd record tboui)I, .Capf, • ~·and 15 ll!lnW.1 lattr, ..,. __ _. ....... . 95 ·r ~. i.; _,.·' .,,. J>rivate clli-, and -Heatimatedtheboundsm ~.vtctJmolan1eetd<nta1 ,"·1..:•o -• Aa30 -• • • • •. • . ' ' • · • · biondhouDda la called up to ll1lCCellllll alJoul • to 15 per-11loH~ hie °'"'gun. I -,_. r••• J ' • llnd the mlAID(, -ij cent ol the time. Lui ,..,., · !J'he doP. ·which OOll about • · • · ·• · · · -'• ·''""be a klal' d\Jld ar AWOL they wm called out eight '3tlO <ado. were hooaht for I A•, 5 ••. YSIDI DRIVI 6-*I _A200 . "L:a,;,;,:.; ~ ' Mlr!Qes. --time& ·-·,; ~Ille-....,., __ -unit -. -I -~-~.; r ~cgJ"lllhil . The -are· the One ~lllolf:~"'"! for ;itii-', ~,Jlfi"'!4',ol. Buenal!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!·~~~~!!!!!!~ ..• •.. 'i . . J ;:'71'~:.·~ ~ o1 the unit. In Ill age t~fo!l.~i'!iii-'"'•·•··;,,' ..;,'~~1.,..i.'m'~"iii'1i·,·~·-··.·,....,. ___ '"'••••••••••••••••••••••••..;••••• ...... [~j~~-~· ... ' ~7=-=·~ .,: -.•. " . . ~ . .,. ~ J\~:-.no ~'itiD'f' belt friend I ' ( I \ , , · ~Hthe111111btoat., ' •J · .. "~ =·: ~ 'iA ~ will foUOW 1 }. -----f&E" .. ~ :-. H. •·1¥.d'• trail -ally. -r;.;n".""_.,,.....,.. ' · ---puPl>les wW tract ."· Et t..:=:' . \~<;ountr' lloard Lander 'unit """·hin<her lalcl c -~.:.!'!'iii~ .. -•'111(dop~--·te-' ·~, tbeboanl 'y, 9C9Dtfroinltotl:iri.'~. ' "l!li. '.Ji: ' . pn.iou.ly lltl'Vad Lalidirl aaJd. ' ,.;."llooo!ll'i u -cbaJnuan In 1111 •• Jlo'notedthat""°'lhlcloP ' • <rc.4:: and 1115."·Jli'•.)u been a ·Cin'follow mm. 'they.,. nOI • ' -· '.':lk:~.~: 1:'='°'~.i:.~..:: .~:t::a~~ Fire 11 ••-term. ;:·~.. llijie'!·e1Dfr,,,i;.~10weU, '-'·-lllriteln ,..._ the theio1i wart ua liimter, boil -1 , flJiujli -llbldl lncludel tllOy 41\111'1, be laid. I •::u::..~~·"!.'*"' •If. -TultfD,' Qraap abd all the 'Ibe ~mdl 1egendal'J' •:ri. llJ9I.. tn "'""'-"..., ~ 11• .,,.... .. ~tJ-oaanty. $filt7 u i "~acker It s:1• un .. 1M111ic.1 •If. 1sw c,.,_.. ·He~ iuCceedf. ;,c. Jl. ,,,._,, a bit O\'lf'_ ~. ,..,..uma 1, 6:1'1 ~ fl'llllllUI 1N.. 5'Sf Allrellefl'I "J'"' .. --~ t~ ,,., A""-w~ • ......., 121r featberlf, ~chairman for '.... ~: ,...,.,. ...... -.. ·' the ...... ·-.· .,, ........ ,· ··u· cr··'t :i·.-· ts ,.,............ .,.., ~~· --..,. &;JI •.m. ~· ~ •llt, '111 {et1red Mondlv )Q;er,JO .,.... :~. S Wlfl,.,....... ~· ~~ •L.-f ,,_"'I 1:1• •.m.1 MY'f rw., l!dlnfft •nd 00 YE board. lOI IUCceDOI' , . ' ~ ( , 'r ' • ,- Liquid 11:-:''"~:"' .... " ......... .,,.. ls Robert w. BaWn. • Santa • knt• ""' Jllvff' Ana attorney. January Calendar Earning 5.25%at California Federal •. • • l :)t ''"'·· ll'lllllllQI •N. H•ll •nd • lwcl'I ....... .,. • J:• 11.,.,., tr.• fl,._ ~ Wt1t •l'lllt TIJYlr ,,,. ........ ·~,. ""· 17'11 '""' •nd Huntlnti.tn • ·. . c:.ta .... J:Jf '·""· Tu....,; •trllh .(Jrl. 3000 , Cl...,_ Jllild · Pilot Visitors -. -·Twni •rw ~ Mondi!" 1MI Jail Term Ordered ,.rfdlys '°' lldlOOI dfl-., """ In B .,-. MWI wllf •"""9 • ""'' _. ------i-~·•t ""'' "'-' ..,.....,;,.;., _...l.Ll....JLIC(; Following 11 the calendar of events at UC Irvine for U.0-remaln<\er ol-JIJllW}', AU ~0,..-j~U open t0 • ... tnM,..hd '""""" _., u n Mr. • Dud.., 1111et1, UM211. hf. m. , " " t " " " BALTZ MOllTVAIUD C..-old Mu OJI Miii Ollta M... Ml NOi 11ELL BllOAD'llA Y MOllTIIARY lll lbwd••f, Ceda Miu u Mal DILDAY BROTllEllS Bau.po Vo1le7 rmr:.:I.....- un~ " '' PACJJ'IC VIEW • • MDl~•&U • Ctm•tesJ • ........, Qapot ., .. 1111 Padllc Vlllr -' Nnpert~~ . -" ' • • ' • • ' • • ' • ' • • • ' • • WEmlUrP lfOJrftJAllY : IS!& n•..,~- Lou.!1 Patrick Mlchael.!I or Weatmfnattr ·must af:rve 90 days in Orange County Jail for the beating ~ a, mu witb -he t..,.io.i In ..... tdn( . lot dlapute, Sup>rtor Court Judge J!Dbtrl Gardner ruled Monda.f.. '· '-' Mlcliaels, 31, ol 1375:1 Milton St., WU also placed on pro- baUon for two yr.an when ,he pleaded guilty to 3ar es of asaault with· a de weapon. Ho ha<! boon , ed to lace a jury irlal - hb second -Monday, . Mia:~" 1'11 .conYiated cf the beatiog ol Joho L. Johi!SOO 1u1 Julr 7 tn a parting 1ot lracu that erupted, police utd, when Jolmaon atlempted to pre.vent Mlcbaels from tak· ing parta from • parked auto. Johmon required h" pt ta I treatment for injurit1 bifllcted by the·lnfurlated' MlchaelL ' Michaeli' firlt NrY trial wu abandoned i.t. NoV. 19 1wben Superior Court .Jodge Byron K. McMlllan rulled that a pro- secutor's quutlOning of a police officeri wu improper. Add!Uonal charges ol petty tbtft against Mlchaell have s1ife bttn abandoned. 2 Officials Given Jobs Par\,; Complex . Pact Award~' SANTA ANA-" The ,B. Ii. Miiier ~ Co. ol Newport Wll. _ hlf been awarded a contract to con- struct an entrance complex al O'Nelll Counly Park by the Boanl ol 8*ptrvllion. • The Mtller Co.'a hid was .-,est compared to a n qlnoer'I est!male ol !lf,OQO. Tile bljlbelt bid WU l'llJS7.' ' . ,,, .. llf Tbert t1 noadmiuion cbarae unltu ti>dlclted. ,· ... ·"'-. • --•,. • I •• -• 4 ~ • i • •• •,_ ·.··• ' ' Sound! His common stocks arc exciting. Often profitable. But some major leases, !DO. So, he balancea his portfolio with a no-risk Liquid Re8ene at California Fedetal Savinp. His principal is 100\11\ insured up to $15,000. It's backed by the. $1.S billion~ of the nation's largest f~ And his real carnin!:' are actually often.higher at California Pederal than on his non-insured ilmlit!Dents. How about you? Whatever the nalllfe of your otheriJrvelllnenta, wouldn'tyou be able to sleep bot,tu if you kept a substantial portion otyour assets safely in a Liquid Reatm at c.JiforniaFedcril?Y0u can cam at two high rai..-·I t 5.25% Bonus Account: (,4.nllable In llllllllples of $1000.) 1-'14* 'ballil lllda year above nplar pu!boat-nta wliia lleld 3 yean. 5.1:3% Paiisbook A«wlt: 5.U9' lllllUl 1wa Olllased ll!l!Fook-llwlalll all saltngs ancl dl~tl<MI nm.in a year, If tlle 59' a'iueet' .;..I nta Ill m1!Cwl .... and compoanded dally for a year. California Federal - ... t-M11~-• II oec.• ,_ -IU llmJoD • AN~lfEIM/IAST OFF1CE: 1717 E. LINCGLN AV!. • 77W700 ANAH!IM/WUT'0"'1CI: 800 N. ~D At/!.:• 77i-'n22 COSTA MEaA OFFICE: 2700 HAR80R ILVD. • ltW300 • H..Slltlloa: 15870 l'lllll1n Blvd., Loo~ ~ .. -..,,.•1s.ooo-.... -o1 ... -.a..,.1i-11o-•·ci1u 1 ·"1iP+, • -• LE 222£§ ru o:.:i 1•:1 ;.:s .J s ... " 1 . .. ' •• _.., I .. • I. .. ! " ' " --I! i I I· ' . ' . . . ' -. ' • ' . •• '. • .. ' ' ' ' ' ' .. ' ' • l ; -------• JI DAILY '!!-OT Wol-• ......., 8, l'lf>' Beach w Rebuil,d ' ' • Major .. R~~ay . ' Golden w..i street Is to for the -Or the be ,.bull, b'Oln Coast Highway divider, ~lo Wh<!ler. north 1o Ju91-o1 w,mer -North ott1><hln111t)i!lliloay 'A"""" wllll -lo wU1 be-~ c.dii>J.UOO begin about April l, Hlu>-will -:a. !l\lhl W\b- tingloo Belch . ~ Cowlcil -lb ~l fwr ranes r i WU lolcf ~.-, I ~ t!ii t!lr, t olreclM of l'ubllc Worli • 'w!i<e!tr Hld lbal lb< grade James Wheeler said the will be cut down acme 12 bigtiway, will begin u • di\fid. to 15 feet at the intenectlon ,,. ed, four-lane road from lb< o1 Talbert A-. Illus low.,_• coast to about reeerv9U' bill ing • a steep bftt ·to more north of Mamion Avenue. manqeable size. The Huntlng!oo Belch .eom. A elite will be bulll aloog pany, now involved'in bu1kling side the road in order to keep a large tract ol homes _alona . tbe waterl of Talbert Lake Gold«:n We.ti ~ tlOUth Ol fn:m flooding the coD$nJclicm ManslOn A venue, ll to ~ wort. 'lbe dike m.IJ be wt BEST T~• DAILY PILOT efftn 10111• of fft• b.1t fuhlr .. , by .etu•I IUrYey ·' , •• d.r1, •Y•ll1bl1 in 111y 11•wlpt.plt in th• 111tion. In place followlna OOlll1ructioo In order "' provide molorlsls spaco lo park beside lb< city· owned lake. Councilmen approved a call for bids m the project and no COit estimates were given . -- Sears You JU!t Can't Do Better Than Sean! ..... .... . . Powerful, Reliable " ... ·Codl1'3Ct· All-in-the-'E¥ ·Sears Heanng Ai~ " • ' .. ' I See py T9<\ily' s Wan! Ads at SUra PERSONAL for I~ Hard of H«Irinr • • ' • ... . ' . " . . . • • ,. : •' " •: . • • :: ,; . ' • ~ .. . . .: . . i:: ' . . ": . . • • " ... . • • .. . • . . . • ,. ' " ' ' ' • • , . . • • • " g: •• • • .. ~J • ,, ... ~: • I ,, ' . i • B ~ •• ' e .J>u\ Tn A T!filMB: And pull oUt a plum or a job ln this pie 1hop . • • mature woman needed. e MAN-SIZED DAILY' PILOT ll1ft.....,. Mother Loves Him "Gretchen," a German Sheperd owned by Mrs. Karen Guptufof El Toro, gave birth to a single puppy on Christmas Day. Mother and pup are do 1 n g fine, thank you, although there is some puzzlement around the Guptill household re- garding the pup's notable lack of a shepard's snout and tail. Great•n.ne, Oiampmn 11-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ blood line, 32" tall, 14 mo&. old • • • r 0 0 d in home, and well man- ne<ed. e "RAGS" TO RIOIBS: A $20.00 reward is of- fered. for "Raga," a black A whlt.e terrier . poodle Jnutt. bl New Year's l:ve. Pleue return, UC to Help Eating Poor Told Hoiv to Buy, Feed Families •~011~'io% over BERKELEY-TheUniver-their neighborhoods to buy managing money, buytn1 ta c e value hr silver sity Clf California is launching more nutritious foods, get clothes and bOme lmpro';e- coins: $1.70 for dollar a statewide program t h i s more for their 8rocery money ment. 1be =:~ions, ~ piece, $3.50 tor-wv nkk-month to help poor people tm-and imp;te the general level Englllh and ~µI be lell----PRON'JO, TON'TOl ! ' u. the b food f. fanu'fy ~ In the new program, e id!!t YOUR Dni'&A-'"'.lUpro>lve,~e 1!'~Y fa!,il. uy o . ·' ' . . but" much more direct f1ce-t~ ·--·---~~.... • ~eJC~ 1es · _ti:.._ fftt'e-teaehiBg-will-he-dOM-in · ' -P.M. FRIDAY IS THE Some 300 hall-time assis~ ~1 Ju.lie 30 by the areas outlined by poveJ'.ly DEADIJNE. IF YOU ants who live in urban and $.537,600 f. 'the U.S. :oe.. surveya . No e&!111old needed. Con· tinuoua volume control. Come in todAy I ..... .... Deluxe Model Sel!-eontained.. i...,.-life · battery. Grate powu • NO MONEY DOWN-- Oil 8eal1J Euy PQJDmt Plan Does Your Family Mumble When They Talk? Hearing Aids at a Price You Can Afford Backed by a Company you can Depend On. CAN'T USE rr, SElL rr. J'UI'al slums will be hired and t ~·.,.~·• d taught how to get families in partmen ...,...., ... ture, an FUNDS GIVEN !!!!~~""""~"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'~~~~~~~~~~~~~:'.'...!!~~~_:: is part of . 's Urban Crisis Allocation of the }o"ederal ~ effort. •I funds has been based on Cali· ANOTHER SPECIAL SERVICE for CUSTOMERS ·and FRIENDS COME IN AND PICK UP YOUR COPY JAN. 2 thN JAN. 10 t,J~ue l/tJtt /JtQ'l/e tt'dt!4 mJe a di/rere1r'Ci, 5o/o per annum compounded daily current rate on passbook savings 5 25% on minimum term accounts • In m\Jltlptes of $1,000. MUTUAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION e CORONA DEL MAR 2lt7 EAST COAIT-AY COROllA Da llAll,oiu'oliNIA 12125 TEl.EPHON!i m-lolo I"""'' 0: • -. • • ...... ~, \. HEADOFflCE 315 E. Colontdo BM!. ""-C.I~. 91109 tefeplione: 4'9-2345 ASSETS OVER s.a,000,000.00 OTHER BRANCH Off ICES Glendale, West Arcad ia Corona Del Mar •• ll couNTiflj fornia's having 10 per 1' of I~ will JJi--rrled out in se-the nation's popu.laUoa d 5 ~ '" per cent of fts poor. ilot Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back · lected targ!ts in Alameda, projects in other at.ates have Contra Costa. FreSno, Kem, shown that people in low-irJ.. Lo.! ~ele.s, Riverside, San come areas will 1ecept new Bernardino,.San Diego, San food ba;tng ·Jdeas ,thlt come:~=========================== Joaquin, Slllta Clara, Sono-from resourttful ~- ma and Tulare counties. with ldm1Jar bud,et !ems. al Extensiort home advison, nut~J~ _ , ~11 work One Gift to Your United Fund Serves Many Agencitts Twelve of;UC 'a Agriculbir-To f.1nd ~ucb e, the UC £ by nutrition .. ~ wltti ccF.nntinl groups. , in UC's sta~r---'-'--.:...:=--=-----r-------------------------- dq ii here, will ~ ·,..~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vlde J5 do "'f instructi••i-.i'o each ol 1ae~rbood'.,. •islants,·i "~ store nutrl " J.!icultural Extension es will be uied ' as classr wherever this One UC on will involve i ·is feasible. t comparing market bwl· J<ets-both CO!lting the same, ::.bo~"~' ·ucgst~ point out t while one will , provide a ate nutrition for the family,. e other will not. . TARGET AREAS G. P. \\$1tlock, who beads lhe UC .\W<ul"""1 Exten..lon program Ii family and con· sumer scilnces. noied: "We plan to employ home- makers U, the p!M target areas, giving them "· ,peclal training. OJ:ien they will share this information with their neiJhbor11 under the continu· Ing trairilng and supervision of home advisors and special- .ista on our staff. Staff limitations have con- fined the Agricultural Elten- sion· home advisors at UC laregly lo publications and "teaching teachers" about such 11U1lters as nutrition, Coast G1·oup Attend Meet F i f t e e n representatives from the Laguna and Corona del Mar areas will be at· tending the 1969 NaUanal Con- vention of"tht United Church of Religious Science meedng this week in Founder's Church, Los Angeles. Leading the group will be Dr. Henry Gerhard, minister of the Laguna Beach Church of Religious Science. other delegates art: Mrs. ' Heory Gerhard, Mr. and Mrs. Det Fowler, Morgan CUth· ben!oo, F. H. Low, lllrs . Ca<fy Hali. and WUliam Ro- le1. of Laguna Stadt; Mr. &Jil Mrs. Wendell Jones and Jolin Waters of Corona del Mar ; Dr. and Mrs. T. Wilbur MCCUl\ough of South Laguna; Mn. Helen Dodson and Fram HeJget of Laguna H1Jls. I New Recording NEW YORK (UPI) -An au-oew recording of shngwriter Gladys Shelley's 'Lool; Al the U..ighl Side" his \een made by Stan Wiest, one of the country's newest iinglpg sensations, on the G.P label • it~ clearance month at Fashion Island, Newport Center 58 wonderful stores now clearing top quality meichandise during this traditional clearance month. Convenient parking ... Courteous service. FASHION l.S.LAND NIJWPO&T CllM'l'EA Mli:CllltlU 4W-... •iililM'lftlM,,.._,~...,. . I ! I ! ' • I i ' "------------------------------------------...;.J i _, ' • ' 'For Th~··, Reeord 'DEAl'B l'iO'l'ICES • A!111JN!ff $~1.1Le, ltn Gr1m Of'!,.., ' Munll"'ton ... di. Ditti JI-IT '- .I S1,1,....."'9d "' 1h1'9r, o-i-S\ldff < tllrw ~ Kt-1tl, N~ Ind J ..,....._ Mi. llOlll"I' wm IN lltld ~ Wfd...n'f 1t 1:» ·'" Sn\11111 CM"!. ., l!:fCIVllf!'I Mr<s Tl\llr.d.V 11 f "M Al 1 • s11. srmen a. JIMk-c.tilllolk Cl\l.lrdl. I~ Good S.._,,.f"d C1""'t1ry. , Smlffll Mttfljl!PV. ri--., " " " • ., " " • • • ' • • • • • WEllTT. BALTll MORTIJAIUD c.... old Mar 011 MIU ColtaM .. ~W04 1S1:LL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 11 ..... ,, Codi Mau u Hill DILDAY BROTllEllS Batlqtoo ValleJ ~ 11111--·· """=:- PEll:lt r AlllL Y COLONW. n1JmW, -7111-.&n. w ................. SMITll'!! MOll'ft!AllY Ill ... !II. u..,..-Lll64At • WESTCLDT llOJl1UAJIY, U1 £. ,,.. 91., Colla -, -·. --.,_ .. Jail Term Ordered In .~~ting_ Loult Patrick Michael! nf WealmfMter must Rrve 90 days in Orange County Jail for the beating f!. A man wJtb -be ~·In •·pilrklng . lot dispute, Supertor Comt Judge ,Robert Gardner .ruled Mondaj., . · ". · Michaela, 311, of 11112 Miiton St., was also placed on pro- bation for two years when 1be pleaded guUty to charges of uaaull wilh • a deadly WellJOO, .Jlt ba<I been .pedlJi. ed to face a jury trial :... hil second -Monday. MJehaefJ_ w:aa .convlotal of the beating of John L. Jolwon Jut Jul~ 7 In • parting Jot &acu that erupted, poll« uld, when J<llwon attanpted to prevent Mlcllaela &om tak· ing parb from a parked auto. Johnson required b 0 Iv It a I treatment for inlur1el bifllcted by the Infuriated MlcbaelS. Michaeli' flrlt J1ll'1 trial was abaOOoned laat. Hl>v. It 111ben Superior COurl .Jndge Byron K. McMillan ruled that a pro- stCUl.or'a qlilltibnlng of a police offictt\ wu improper, Additional charga of petty theft agam.t Michaeli have '°tC' -abandoned. 2 Officials Given Jobs SANTA ANA ..l. '!be Jl;,il. Miller ~on Co. ol Newport . -ho( been awarded a contract to coo- ttrod an entrance complex al O'Nelll County Park by lllt Boan! "' SOpervl!orl. . 'lbe Miller Co. 'I bid WU $41,934 compared to 1 n qlnetr'I atlmalt ol fl',llOI). 'Ille hll)lell bid wu flf,ll!.' . -·-·-·---------------------- January Calendur Following ia the calendar of eventa at UC Irvine for the-remaind,tr of January. AU events are open to the public. Tbq< ls'hoadmiulo!r~ mleu iildicated. . -. •• • ' I .l • • '1 '· ' .K"': t.it ·of Seartb, Re cue- 671.0200 .,:, .. . ' ' , . '· . 'llescribe a man \\ho off.sets 'his risk . with a' Liquid Earning 5.25%at Calli . orrua 141-· •• ' • .. .. •• • " , .·, .. ' ·- I ""'tJ'· •• !•j r. "· ., Sound! His common stoc.b are exciting. Often profitable. But some major loesea, too. So, be balancea his portfolio wilh a no-risk Liquid~ at California Fe.jetal Savinp. His principal ls 100% imurcd up to $15,000. It's bacli:od by the. $1.S billion usetHiRagth of the· nation's largest fCdml An4 hls real earnings are actually often hither at California Federal than on his non-insured iDWi'tmenm. How about you ? Whatever the naf!m> of yourotheriavmmenll, wouldn't ran beabletosk:epbct)er if you kept a substantial portion o~our asset! aafelyin a LiquidRatne atCllifomiaFedelalf ;rqu caneamattwohighratcs-I 5.25% Bonus Acconnt: (Aftilable In DllJldples of 51000.) 1.ms 'I& ballli Ilda year above nplar. pusbook·ratt wMll llllcl 3 yem. • 5.tJ~\>lisbooltAecoaat:5.139'11111J111ljl.woa}a 1 ed~-11w11m all sarlngs and dlrid..U nmaln a jear, I! tbe ~ cillit•t'-1 nit It ••watned and C!"Dpollllded dally for a year. California Federal &wings 1D4 to. Mtdltloa • 11 omc. • ,__.,. •t.s llDba • ANAHEIM/M&T OFFICE: 171,7 E. UNCOLN AW.. • 77W1llO AffAH!IM/\VQT' OPFICI: IOO N. EUtLlD Att '• tft.2222 COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 HARIOR ILVD, • 141 2300 Hlldll!llco: 11870 Wllahln1Jll¥d., Loi~ •• ... .~r ... • ,, ' ' . ,; I' I ~ .. -.., .. s1s.ooo_,,..-., ... -.......,.i.. dot, 11\i P ' ·,1.,.,c.•'w9lli..Ga~:~• • 1 I J I l I I I , L ;.. I FORT LAUDERDALE, Flo. (AF) - Tho NeW )'ft,Jetl l!1aJ' be an II-point ~ ilrllund'J''• Suptt Bowl game with thli llalllmon CoU., but the 1h1nl Ila! pm lntereeptor In Ille history <Jt the No1Joo» Fpotball LeaiU'o ian 'I u• peclllrc 1191 picnic. Baltin)o<e'• Bobb) Boyd -• long l6c>lc at ICllni' rum. of the Jill mt came away with IOnlt proleuional opt- -about the American Footboll t.eque dwnplons. '"!bey have three top receivers and a quarterbocl: who .... the ball ,., iheDi. It could make I« a long oftenlooo for our ddmsl.ve backs." ' The 36-year~ld Boyd should know a tittle about pass receivers and pasaers. He's made tOOn h1I bu.1iness Jlnct belnl drafted 10th by the Colts In 1•1 after a fine career as a aplit T -quarterback at the University of Otlabornil. Now in his ~ aeuon with the Colts, Boyd ;., the leading lt>l<rceptor among active pro playera. He'• ptUeftd • 17 pa!SU. eight this ,.., .. llaltlmcn 1wept to the NFL tiUe and into the SuJ>el' Bowl. OnJy Emlen Tunnell of the New York Giants and Green Bay Packers with 79, and Dick "Night Train" Lane, who played with three NFL team1 and stole U. have more interception! than Boyd. Looking at Sunday''-" game with the UCI Frigid, Loses, 95-79, • -. ( I . • Jell, Boyd !lated DOn Maynald, George Sauer and Pett LammOn. u three1 * standin& re<:elvers. "ll'• loop who. you hav'111ne ti tllla calib<!r," .ao,.i oboorv- ed. •'lltually, a leent hu ooe Jri..& -and two average. You can conctnlrate. oo tbe &op one. When you ban lhret outstandini: receivers you can 't lean. Y .. Ila,. to llllY the defenae hone<L " Boyd was particularly hijj:h o n ~laynff'!f, who caught 57 pa~es for 1,297 yards and passed Ille NFL's Ray Berry u the leading pass gainer of aU-time. ''Maynard ii u fine a pass ttttiver '" .. we ........ Ht llao &.dad .... "" Is very quick, 'inwa ....&at ad· • Ju.stmenta." " . Jn mlJHo.man c.verqt, Boyd Ma Ille unenviable ..._I <I. guardln• Maynard. < Boyd 111. lmpremd by the Jeta' over-all play. "They to11ld' pilly jn !!le NFL and do quite well," iald the.ltz-~. • . ' , "I don't know if 11 cm NY that lor ., all Ille leama in '11.t AFL, l>ut tho < Jets defirUteJy could ·play wllh us. TbeJ can beat us. That 18 points spread ii crazy." Players Angry, Too Lakers. Survive .· Wild .,Bullet Fans BALTIMORE (AP) -T.&.icany, it judgment," Slrom said. "He did a great wu a game the' BaJUmore Balleb could job, regardless of what anybody says." have done without. -Coach Gene Shue of Ballimore, who While their technical skills on offense was f i n e d . last year'-for crlUcizing: Jeft much to be desired, the Bullel.s referees, declined offi cial comment bUt moved at a record-breaking pace when conceded , "l wa s enraged on a f¥w jt came to technlcll fouls. of lht calls." At the, eod, when ~ BalUmore ·"lt' dijli"oul h and t •· JI.ayers and.. wary officials exitecl, before , s -. __ h t Lo ail t ere . no ed • ,., ' -·--sar anything, Shue uld. ' • 8l'OUli •IM, ,,.,11: .i..ua Ange~ Lakers .. People thhftt 'cba .l. ''8houJd sit thtte had ocored a lH Victory In a ballle ....- In Boston Collision on t~. Ice , ... ~, ,., _ . ~ St. Louis Blues' ·goalie Glenn l{alJ 15 on th~ '!JOitoln • ii ~~.~ whDor hi' -Ra~ 'F~rtln · ~· · · of NaUonal Baskelball Association and enjoy iW'.prM.~ Biil it's a matter divlsjon leaders. of lile and death. The Idea lo lo win." -Veteriitttferee: Earl Strom and his "But no matter wtiit tlse llappened,'' _ _ • ~ •• ;l'.!10~ 1ldeklck, Ed Middletoo, called Shue aald, ''we ,,... •.o t putting Ille SpeCfal to 1fli Dally po.i-· lifi~cil !Ollis on BaltillWiC -• ball-hHl!a -II!)«<. WL-..alnlggling - BOSTON, Mass. -UC Irvine's firet ~ny Egan maff five~nta 00 on offense." · · • major awing 1hrollgh the East CQut ?itllilriC'lree.'lhrows, Jn i.icfi ,., Ille Balatallied from a II-point third •nded Tuesday night w 1 t h file AnWatan tam -heil ..., · ' ·: .quar!S~ _ It to •~ P!" score, but losing their -third llralght game, 95-79, BalUnior'e's Jack-Marin and Bi!Jl,Ferry. !:I# acored'.<ttl GI bill 30 polnu to Boston College, but basketball coach involved in a dispute with Strom al tn • ~ 1 ~ ~ and· the Lakers Dick Davis Is far from di3couraged. the teams left the court at halftime lnte,.,.., three -~ Baltimore "We're a better team now than when were ejected from the game and th; passes. _. '-!..;. • we left California last week. Sure we third quarter began with Egan shooting Earl.Monroe toppec}'Baltimore with lost three games, bul It has made a two technicals. 22 pOlntl. real team out of JS," Davi! aaid. Even Baltimore trainer Skip Feldman Tbt referees left UH! fleor _l\llTOUDde.d "We played before some hosUle , big wai ordered to kave the bench for . bj PQlltl!men, and Mld_dletait look t b • crowds and agalnat some ptttty do119ne ma~ng wbat Strain. described ifll "a _ ai:Sd*r''}recauillnt>of wi'Alinl his belt good teams and individuals and it has gesture of dlSgu,t. I•' ~ ·.: .~af'Ol.id"'tlls right M. M"&Owd didn:t done a world of good for us." "The fans are lnclted by the plaJers" faM! S&rom as much.. "Our best game of the road ~ip w;u: .Strom said af~ard. ~1 • ' ''Thla is --child'• play, compamf with against Boston Coll~.~ llOiy~ 1'Jth '.'I\'• have )o'..U ~cillllo: ' .. '!hal ·"' "*4''!0 Jlt '-fyra,....," be them on the boardi M plljeli 'good the players. 1 14i:ii't blamllti Play ·• RMll '\~· "· ti <?: ~ ~ · defenae, but we j1ut c:ouldn~ lhoot from but we have to control them." .A. .A. .A. tbe field.'' ~:{is Aid.~ ,Howevu, rtl03t of the reaction from -H )-.[" w "We were ift.t1t1ttt1e· ~ sbotf' altil ' the crowd cf. l ,l&S, including the lhro'l{fng "°' M9•1.tt U LTIMO•• Iota ol them, ~ J'.DU can't win when m cobJ1 and trash. came after the .. ~.., .. ~ :. . ~ ~ .~ :s ~ )'OU llhoot J5 peicenL"' • technJcala were called -and Strom Htw!llN J N 6 Mttll+" l M 1.- Slrangely eoooch, u cold as the several tlmel was obeerved eg.tna the ~~-In 1~ . .t!' 1: _.=a, ; ~~ : Anteaters were from the floor, they crowd on by motl6nlng with upnlaed !r'leklell • ... • ~, • '"' n continued to be Lonid from the free palms. =" : ;:: f; r.:': : :: 1: throw 'tiline, ~ ~ ol"'.14 ~ • .• ~~ drtw moo ol the ire~froar ··~~ : _;;_ : =.... i t: ~ aa-~1-Gof~;:T.:IW .. ,.\. 'Jh!(am~~~be-tbe-~ ·'t.,•.it'T~l~M.~I~ ~"':ti ::_11: n -~ w .N u~ room a-uenll; ~• Wll ,,_ ' .. '"' • · '~·~t:, •-., However "'1d~·-tile floor ... s--'~ . , : . . ..... -•• . . ' · ~a.... 4"fl ~ ... ~. ·~ > ' '• Ttt1i"M "ftl.a.-.. ,,._,. J2 plaguel the' .• _... .~ ... :-'"U me a Jot er ILJtl -Attli!fMtt~Na.1 · ~..; . . ( ·1~~ .• game and -"" all the way des,.te • • . \ 1 ./· ,. having star ctnter Terrey Drtac:OU , . • , ~ • ~ ,.., , 1 .-, l._~;-' 1~~1o .. '";''he~0!eld.J'.:'mca..... LA Open 'lnau· gurat·.::.:.it.-~i .. i:~,. didata back bore," ~•ill aald. "But we · • ~ dkl an excellent defmsive job on him. "' ' . · He's never hem held fo ..i, two field • . ~~·~ manqed w':r .... ~ 1969 Tour Thursday aU..actin& fouls. Antee~ Mike • , Hockman foWal GUI with 17· minu1q mnalnlng In the 1ame and • DrileoD ec:ortd eight free throws. Bil gun fcir the Eqles WU guard Jim O'Brien, who bombed In U ol 20 field goals ai loq jlllllpttl and WOW)d up with 111 poinls. Jeff CUnningham again led l h e Ante.alen with D points, 14 of them on free throws. UC l"'IM (7tl In._ Cltltft CHJ CV!Wllngfttm ,._ -~· ...... ·-· Ol1~1nov1t11 '°"'""' .... ,.,,...." ftflpl"' ltflpltp 'H J n ,ltrwer•ld I I I n ll ,I Ver-w ,,,,, JliUDrllc:oll 1 1 j1l JGC 6 Ev1,.. 111 & 46•U O't rl..-112 4 16 78J C Ln11e 1011 1l 2 SCos!tllD 1 114 lJ1 1 SKI 1 07 1 llO JDow111~ 00?1 °""" 1 1 a J Toi.It 2J 1't ,. l1 7ot•" :as U 14 tJ Htlfllme sc;on; &otlon ColleV• 4f, UC lrvl.-.. 11. Soc cer Loop To Try Agai n LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ftlty~wo pro- IWlo!W <golfen and lie amateur. awanned over the Rancho MlllliOlpal·pl """"' Wednesday In the Jl'O'lm prelilae of·the $100,000 Los Angeles Open Towna..- menl On hand for official action when the '11-hole. event gels going Thursday are Billy Casper, the defending champion and golf's leading money winner in 1968; National Open champ Ltt Trevino, Arnold Paltqer and Masters cllampion Bob Goalby. · T h I s is the Qrd annual Los Angeles Open. With the ~epl.ion of last year. when the honor went Lo the Bing Cro.sby pri>-am at Monterey, Calli., Los Angeles has been the kickoff st.rt of the winter tour . Rancho's 6,800-yard, par~?l test has been the site for l~ of the tournaments. The loo& string w11 broken la.it January when lhe. sponaorin1 Loe Angeles Junior Chamber of Commerce. under prt. demands, switched over to Pasadena'• Brook.side Municipal course. Sina then Rancho's clubhouse facilities have betn ttfurblshed and the practice ,.. . 1... redone, all to lite-satl!facllon of , the ploy~. . 'Clsilor. twlj:e Ill< U,S:0peo clwnplon, ·~ ne\>er 1""i 'tile Loi ADitlea until lost year. Ht. proceeded to win four other inaJ.. tow:nvnenla and pocket &out $206,000 ror Uta year. i Palmer has Wtlrl.hiere three times. *1ille he has belh lean on ma}or triumphs of late, a sqment of his na- tional ·amt)' is st.JU attve and living in Les ,.\ngeJes. Amie's last big victory was in the 1981 Bob Hope C1aasie. Goalby was the l961 Lo9 Anpi)es win- ne r while Trevlnga. the 1urpriH of the 1968 National O~'ioilu yet to register well here. · · • 1be entry roll is jarr\nied with f~ namesY~ .. Art· Watf ·.Jr., Chi d'IJ' Rodilguei, Al Gellierger, Doltf' Sanden, Gardner Dickinsoo, Frank Bet:ro, Don JanU.,-y, Gtne Littler, Bobby Nlcbols ancl niany more. . • ' '.Mlssinc from the list art J&ct-~lckla.., who ""'1ally does nOt irtart "the tour Until the Crwby later ibis month, nd South Africa's Gary Player, whole tournament competiUon i3 more Hmlled lhari ln the pa.<t. :; . I:. -01 lhia pileup durillg-tbe.Blue~LA Kings'J41Pir.tn ~ ~lif.m ·· ·st.~,--. ..- Louis Tuesday evenjng. Kings' Howie Me,nard. !II') · , . ·" ' ·; Night Harness ' Rui;i s Rapped ARCADIA (AP}-Californla 's thorougl>bred ownen and reed.., nid TUeeday they don~ OJll>O'I ghl harness '"""" unless ff ill cond on tr cks built ~ loo their nau10rs. ' . . ' . . . A stalelbolil ... ~ elflcl "'" ed at Santa· illi b) the CaDfamia 'I11oroughlnd Breeders Auociation and the Honanen~' Bebevoleot and Protec-tho Alaocla •. Jt wu~ tum In a runninf coqtrover!)' between these associations and ·both HOiiywood Park and the Western Harness Racing Association w h I c b ltases the park for its night harneae racing. 'M'le ownert-breeders charged that the Hollywood Turf Club broke a pledge not to pemllt night harnus racing at it! plant lnJ11Blewood. The thoroughbred people said they were e.xpJorinl the possibility of night raclne for their horses. Thls is being done to "protect the interests of their members" although basically they do not W1Dt \e nm under the lights. Hollywood Plrk, originally built for the thoroughbreds, recenUy accused· the I hQniemm of instigating without its COD· s e n t a campaign to brlng their-sport under the light! to the Jnglewood track. ·The ownen-breeders, Sf.Id 1follywood, were behind and financing •· c!Uie.ns' lawsuit Lo prohibit hamess racing by the WHRA under the lights at HollJw?OO. GAUCHOS HOST CHAPMAN FROSH Saddleback College 's basketball t~m hopes to snap a two-game losing 1treak tonight at 8 when Lhe Gauchos play ho.st to the Chapman Colle&~ Frosh at Mission Viejo High School. Chapman already holds an 86..Q victory over Saddleback, recorded In Oectrnber. The Gauchos, coming off their worst performance of the year, 1 91"45 drub blog by Mira Costa last Saturday, should be reinforced by the return of forward Randy Lawrence. Lawrence mi&1ed both games last weekend with a ease of the Hong Kong Flu. " Sports In B r ief Penn State's Paterno To Ink With Steelers LOS ANGELEs -Peon Stale footbllJ coach Joe Paterno Jllnted tod;a1 U.t he wm accept what he tenn'-CI 11a viry attractive offer" to coach the Pittsburgh Steelers of lhe National Football Lupe, Paterno, in Los Angeles fat the ~Na tional Collegiate Athletic Assoclation con- venUon, tald Tht Associated Prus that he met w!th Steeler officials Jut Satur- day and expected to hold further discussions with them. · , Published reports said the steelen offered Paterno a >year contract at $70,000 yearly. He reportedly now make1 around $20,000 at P.enn State. The Penn Stale coach lod ·hil Nlttany Lions to a perfect llMI record thi.! auon and capped it with a last-minute 15-14 victory over the University of Kansu in the Orange Bowl. The Steelers, under smce..tired head coach Bill Austin, tinished the 1988 season with a dlamal 2·11·1 record, last in the NFL'1 Century Divis.ion. Yanlu Beat.en MELBOURNE, Australia -Slan Smith and Bob LuU., California collegians who make up the wortd's best doubles team. were beaten tooay in the second rotmd of tbt Victorian tennis champlonlhlpe. They bowed lo Robert Glltlnan and Sydney BaJI, a pair of Austra!lan junlon. 7~. 8-3, M, S.Z in a match played in tempa-atures about the 100-degne mark ll'ith a strona: gale blowing smote from nearby brush fim across the court. Arthur Al;he and Charles Puarell com- bined for a 3-6, W. 3-9, M, · triumph over John Cooper and Douatu wrlgllt' of Australia. Donald Dell, U.S. Davi• CUp captain. and Tomu Lejusofftussiawere eliminated by Frant ""1pi>U and Neale Fraser, 6-31 1-i, 2-8, 7-1. flat Pur1e LOS ANGELF.s - A l)Ul'st of mort than !500,111111 will he guaranteed. for a 500-mlle bi1 <::at ebunpicMbtp 'race in the fall of 1970 at the new Ontario, . ' Calif .. Motor Speedway now und.r._ . .-. .. Claimed to be ont11flha llrptl pones In automobile racing biatory, the ""91 was announced at ' ~ conferenn ru..day by D. B. MacTavbh, pr'eolde!it of the $25.5 miDJon speedway about 30 mileii eut of Loe Angeles. The $500,800 will be increased to an estimated $850,000 with the addition of lap and accessory prizes, MacTaviJl said , 1. J • • • B11e, B11e, Mike BOSTON -After iwti seuons of moun-- Unc fan di8COl1lent it wu Goodbye M~ : ~or ·real today .with. the ina~~e that the· Boston Patriots bad fired the long-Ume head coach and general manager, Mike Holovak. 'J1le former Boston College 3tar, • fil:tura with the Patii since the inctptioe of the American Football League la 1960, had an ovu-all record of U-46-1 lo his nearly eight full seasom at tbt coaching helm. · · But he became the target o( increasinf · · boos and catcalls u the team 1lumped in the past two seaaons. Limit Seen LOS ANGELES - A panel ol coll'I'\ coaches recommended Tueaday that • ' national Timit be placed on t b • numbet of football scholarships. "l think 30 or 35 a year would tltl •reasonable lfllmber," said Vince Doolq, of Geor&ta. "There lhould be a oaliooll ceiling .. " flln•b te Det1te .. ,\ LOS ANGELES -The 1171 N1u...I College Butetball Champlon1blp- Mmlllnala and finals will he played 11' Houston's Aalrodome March U.f1 with the Im UUe to be decided at H Unfftrolty of Southern Colllornla Mardl- ZS.:D. ATLANTA (AP) -Survival apparently bu been ne:ured for at least eight members of the North American Soccer !.ealll'o· Ownera representln1 ei.ghl ol the 17 lap tearrus which ()perated in 1968 mtt throughout the day her'!! Tuesday D emerced Lo announce their intenUon to operate qain In 1969. OCC in Titl~·Victure With 99-85 Win ,. ' . ,·..r l . . Collegiate Cage Results _) Detaila of Jbt leque's 11ehedUle were loft Jn (he bandi of PhU · Wooenam, U.~ and general manager woo ~ the AUanta Chiefs "' the league 11111 lul-. . Woomam· was chdaen by lhe owners 1 • tbl k!que'1 e1ecu1Jve director, a -.IJ ....ied pooitlon with 1ulho<ily 11-leque~vitie>. 0omen cl clubf Iii Atlanta, D<l(aa, ~ O.kla"4 -~ Cl!y . I l'tomt, New Yon and SI. Louis qjd ..... -wjll .-ate thiJ year. • 'J'oie ~--....... 13SUmed his ---Ja!ely. °"" ~ II/I ~·· ueartlve ..,... ; Pf • llild Ile ·..in mp •>< 1r,, ~ Auam. dub. ... -.- By GLENN WlDTE Of ... O.ltr ~llM Sllft WHl'M'lER - B o b Wetzel declared hia !Or-Cout Coll•• bukolbat '°""' u Ean,m Conle....,. clmln· plon&hlp contenden after the 1111 EC clwnpo had dilpooed of Rlo H-JC'i . Roodrunoen. -· Tueedly '1111>1 al the latter's ~m- Wetzel m~ed lht tmnenclc:u:.eome- badt victory Jl»t staged by hia -• and Aid: "We've played 1 little better each tJme out In our l11l three g&fnel. It's been 1 '°"I tim• caminl but I think we'vt anived. We dkl 1 Jot of """"" up •I RJverllde 8alunf"1 _.. and now we're confident ..,,,. -and our beocb did I ' •• --..C..--~--'!""'".,... ~ - . ·' .. "" ·• " ,.. i • . • I '" for UI bore.;" )!o it,l!Od ifier OCC had pul 00. f-~ ball 1bow. The BllCI. lqgll( by 42-21 with %:!13 I lei~ Jn the ~ ,ball, fJUI oo the p<emire Ind' ·lltual!Y ¥an the Jtoadrunnen off the ""'1 In the last 20 mlnulel. Wltll 'st'" ~. Ml~ McCartfn. PbP, JordMI and Jim Klndelon doing mOA or tM dmnage, Orange Coast went aMtd for ,IOld wUb t;• to play as Jordlll Uel lbe ...,., then put the Plratts on top with a pair of fret l.hrowa. ,. Another craUs 8hot by Mike Flaherty and • U.-polnt by Steve J.-., 1Wtl1ed "'-: OCX::<ldvantac1 &o Ml with 4:31 nmainfna and the Redcoall had tbetr -llnlli!ll circuit win • under wraJ)!. They cul looee the: lut 17 minutes and when Ml'Cartln stole the bill and pused to Flaherty, who ec«ed., it wu $4-all and for the next 11 minul.tl it was nip and tuck. Wetul's group ripped the neta for 81.7 percent auccesa on second half flekl goal tries after cannlnc a di1mal SO percent from the rl o or the fir1t 10 minutes. ruo Hondo's efforts wert reversed as thO Roldrunne.rs made good on 52.S pm:ent the flnt half and 31.a percent the fln1d haU. Wetz.el compared Rio Hondo u being on a par with Fullerton -the latter beiftl the pre llflOI cllok:e for tbt Utlt. Fullerton tripped the Bu<s, Tl.a, WI week in the EC opener. However, &he Redcoat offeme W come ali ve since tbtn. wJ.oninC 1JU9 at Rlvenide and narrowly m1Uinl tbl cen- tury ...... 1'lelday. • Now It'• a week olf befcn Ornnp Cout nlt11111 lo c;oqipetitlon to lace Wiil~ -l m!>rival Golden '!'-... cw-II Ctiltt (ta I til ...... ,(•I~ ""-... .. •. ~ JllaillMlll 4 1J lJ~ I' I · ,.,,..,,_ 4 4 4 It Gr..-t I lt~W-lw • • • It !("""'"' 1 ' s " Tvrtn" I • J lt wan.... , I I ,, ~'""'1 ' J I U a.r...-t f 1 t '''"' •• 1 • °""'"""' ' 1 • ,. ll;l"°'lofl ~ 1 t 1 Uort 4 I J It McC"91~ 4 I I IP ,...,..... t I f lJ ... ,....... ,., ' 5-r ..... I t 1 1S TCllllll )I tt 1' tr T_.. " 11 • t$ Ht"""--... ,..... "· .,.,. aw • • .. ' I • ' ----------------------------------------- • , .. Diabl6 . ~ .-,.~ ·~.>f y> __ , San Clemente " ' • • ' ' • " ---e.lllV·'flof " ~ ~ .. { • , J~ r ~, .. ~ • cw~~~'~, $1_\ (t ~to·' 72-4f9r71ri1im.pb ·,~ .... :. j ~ .. ~,,, ' ft .,., ___,,. To~ ,J<_ 'u ···pl· od..., '~or'lO """"ts _Jl .j 11•• • • ' P'!: " ~ .f1:._ ,:=-1 • -,_.,,. ·' .~) J ·. elin., ;,;!&_t~~ .. :,-·~:~· In u,';' ~~loci-lo p.7. ~lulon ~!:Jo I· - R8 e .::7.pv...., ' " lllfb School lo I -vlci<>ry over By STEVE EKOVICll have -loo old, bocallle h WU Ille . 11·.' ~ .... ~-.'' San.CletMftle ~ ntpt ln lhe opep. O! ... DIOr ........ ~ ! wne Hpntinctoo Bt'4 ~pt ~ ~ H K ~'1; 1111 .Cr<itvlow k~ alni•·for b'ofh A P,acll.on, a .ralf~'trac~-•lboc! Olle-,. ·~;·~'-·T • • ' :)J a ven , ey . ~ 1wn< 1n ~ Triton gym·: · ·• be!ttr 'clian<e or .lirvivtng t11an santa ·and l\)lollr dOJnlllate.( lllflt'~r ·· • l<l · ii. ,"J • . > Mlulon Viejo held an ll·polnt lead Ana· ID(b Scllaol'a b*iltetb'1ll~teim. dl<I eom•· •••"""••ly' . . 'i.1 ' ,1J 4' rnJdwlj' ·tluouglt.-t!M third ptrlod;• but . Tuesdoy afternoon 'Ill' Ibo Salnta Wtre ' ' ~ . ,.....,._._ ' ' · 'H .. D_>'. •n • ecisive w. i1l,,-. San llflMllle. rollled lo CUI it do"1l crulhed by Huntington Beach's dBS8y Walters .who pmnplld ~~I~-~~'""' •11 ~ • -_ to juat sis: early in the. flnll quarter, , Olien 7t-4.9, ,at Santa.Ana. nabbed 14 rebotmdl for>~ -.um-~ '"'~~~ · -1~·...,1, ~ ·at18'lt&v · '•' '" .. '!lien Gmlntr weiit ·to ~rk, mUICling. Tbe. 1 victory in ~ ·su.Qlel ~,gue Ml~e Contreras flnlabed u ·lll&b1...,. '~ d· M~~.·~t~~.& .,,._ ·"·" j "-1 hl1I way under Ibo oUejlllve bi~tboat<f .. opener ran Huntin&lon's slrojn oJ jj1>-for 11\e Q!Jera ,a, be \lC!lled I.' ,fllf ·'Ol " ..,,.,_ •• ~ _ lot '!~di and,..,. follow-up shota. d•f'"1ed league conteate to 21. . Miiier' aQd ~ ljfci¥>!1 !Upped lij 1\ . m ~... a Garan@r ·woun(f up with 11 points, Huntington wasted litUt time .ahowmg . ' •J ~"..·~ -. u dJd teammate Jerry Gloster, but the host.! who was hoes as coach Elmer ~ an<t lt.. • 1 '· rn , b~ ~vi.t!loi Marina wllh'. scoring honor• foe lhe Dlabl<a ftnt Combo quintet rolled up a subotaati.I · Top _..,. war Santa Ana~ ~'lid 'J IUrj>Hslng .:...('~· . " lo Rody Holmes, who pumped In 11 23-10.flrit-quarter lead. ' Cul'lll< '!ho iepi !lie lla!i11 not r= • ·-·1~'~f,"f~E' ift 1 f!O'~ markers. ,,. After..:oriftgseven ·pointltlnthefirst with 2:1, accoun~ ~ ltJt "' ,tt i <weat Oft f..,1( . def .-1 Another key element in the Miuion three minutes, the Saints.Jailed Jo·liibf. AnH'''!·~ta~-:M ·ai..:... for ;:1 •'~· ~:..::..· .j.... Viejo victory, its fourth straight and up the 8COf'e board until there were un ...... ..,.. ~-. ".t·) •. ".' ~. ~; ...... lfj:~.~, atNe~, ~rt·. 1 eighth in ll stans, was defense. 'l1le only 31 seconds left in the quarter. nulllber1 2t ~·it lieu l'/t-;<IJ)IDl*er ra ~ ,1>o91t e:wpio Dfablos held San ~}en:tente's Er:i.c: The ~movll\g; Oller machine thlaXI:~ ni~ iD-tbt Qiltr.l)'!ft. · . ;,j ;~~;.~-,.~;:''!iii"•~., Cbr~\::':!~ :: '~~ g..;.,, .,i.i,_ ~~~f!u~~=' ~:~ ' . * * * . '~ :',: ~ ~f .'~t-ns , ·· ,. ~ a 27.l aver.age, the highest in the Orange Huntington~ way on top, 43-22. · ._.....,_ 1111 ...,. .._ ,., " 'It~~·\~ 1vk . · -Coast area. The 15 points were hls 'J'.here wasn 't much poinlln playing ::~': CIH'fll 7.:,:i .. · • !tio d~ ·out CJ. 1 slckbed low for the yur'. · ~ Utt~ second half,· and en:l!'4 ~ the}. ::11111!*' 1 • • t AM• 1 • ·4 '° ·•• ...... ,1!!1-.. ·.~Ill VJ_~~~ •.. :-. _t:qr ~~. ,, . '(.. MtwlMI Y•ll' , .. if.. f ' SM. Clt~ft .. ti.1 :: llW1$1ngton 8U~S oould put t6&etfler·on1Y ~ ~=:~:· ~ ~.·~ i: ~!r':"' ~ ··~ ~ !'~ .v--·--~'"'llo fl fl""' ,. ri •'" 1b point.! in the third quattef, ·Santa ~., , ' 1 • """*-" ••1 ,:1 t.1'\ .. · -\f 1 ~ -~· lea g:;.d.:1' ; : ; ~: =nlcMnl ; : : 1! Ana couldn't stop Itself from plunging Whlffllllll r 1•, '1· •, •, • °""' " ,' -,•· '1 ~: ~ •'·i· · ' "' '" ti.·} · .f" Kr111 s J J 12 fJ"'l.,.,..ln • i l n into oblivion. Hort , 1 , T ll'llft!M!I , 1 1 1 ,, •, .l ' J , .~ ·~ 14olmes I I J If PICMM j I I J "f" • "•f •-l!lonW'lin Sll'tle · ' 1.''t!' ,, :tOdi-lllbpar i.tkeUl&lll in, Jt Wt1;t 1 4. •f • lll*n 1 I s. • t Combs be!~ high reg~ fpr his tt:am I" M1c1>ot1 • 2 J " Tot•l• It 11 u • · J •• -.. ,·~~ ~""What ha1S"'"""4 '. ~ : .lu.;, Play Ind.an.-scaru:llng tr.e icotttlotW ::1i::n ; ; ;:: t~ ·ui... N~ just ~ W r;;'t· Toti ll -~1 i!15 -,,.+ LJ~1~9 1~ J-= ~-· rtllW'~, "Faur mtfl iA double ligilr~ ro1111 31111 11 n ~:. ' •-· · 'il-e 'i:rA"e. Ulan we.did. •t .. o. seems like old ti e " ~ ., ..__.. 'S ..;._ '1'1..1 •• ' I kif'• " ·,-, '' '' -'' • m s. -~ ~ . u .• , II 11,. n . "!';l"oe \·,rar, eatablish«f.U!e g e's tone· ~~·c"~.! 1l I) ll n:,. Butthetimesflewasrecallingcouldn't S.MI,,.. ,. ,., , ••• ,,, ~ ti>: •tart. WU!OP.'• btld 1--===...;...._...::...::...;::....:;.__:: _____ -'-___ ..;:..._~-~-,~-------II ' 'IN advabl&Q be!... record· ' ' f! ejfJ ~' ~-liiaf 1 ' • W)lb J:!b re11 m"" utit . , • • All P:enney Stores Open Every Night Monday Thl'.o ... ~t .t9' h:. S._"atli'~_fl'f __ J .~,:;...;.,_ .. oljllilf , • D41L Y I'll.OT ....... " lldlll" K..tlllr H ~)l\l'E.NLY HAY~. Newport's .. Lee a~ven 'drives around ~1a.rina's Rick Mosier for a ~ast break bucket Tuesday _aftel-noon. JJtivcri~ the Tars' talented junior, scorell1 )4 points and guided the ~3ilors' to a 62..52 win. ~ ' - ' . . ~ .. .. ·:.. . . ... A11aheim Romp~ Over · " Toothless Lion~, 63-55 ': . . ' 1,.:, 1 By ROGER CARLSON 01 11M .01Uy !"lilt J!Jlf 1tf a lackluster effort, WesUnirisler JI~~ School dropped its Sµnset ~ague ht1SKetball opener, 63·55, Tuesday af: l1:~n to Anaheim on the loser 's court. ti.~ l\'as the fifth" stratgh.l lois far the I.ions. who are now 6-7 fof"Uie season: Coach Ben . Taylor o( the losing \Vcs~lnster oUtfit rapped his team's l)f~e effort9,. saying the laCk of n1 li Vti!n e ti t'r with the ball' hW1 ti i t tl'i'irW!4 !fyle. · ~. · \Ve"ve had some poor efforts this ~ r~r. but this one re a Hy hurt1" Taylor !;~~, -' ~&1 Westminster laces defeflding l11ague champion llunlinglon Beach,· 1~·hich hasn't lost a .Jeagu,c, game , since the beginning of the I967 se3sori. T,V,Ciday's Joss was . tmd~rscorec;t by tl1t,,ight-quick poin~ lhe Colopi»ts raok· l"d'~P. on the ·boards in the fi-.st quart.er ,~ lu.(ltke a1;1 8;-0 leaq .. · . ~hough the Lloas dkt manage lo . , ratth. !he._invaders _by_ the eqd of . ~e first quarter, the eight-point margin e;irnr bac k lo haunt them at the end Anaheim attack, was In rou1 trouble late in the second period with three perso'nals. However: O:Nsci replaced him with 2:t7 tcr go with a .seven.point lead, resorted to a ~ailing game for the balance of lhe hall, and CJlme ~t still holding the seYen-Potnt spread. Simeson .. went the rest or the half without ·fouling in a :wne defense. Westminster, meanwhile, could not hit consistently from-the field and, in fact , canned enly 16 of 57 froin the field for a.cold 28 perceot. Anaheim. wilh a ball~nt;ol offense keyed on Simpson. committed only six tumov.ers in lhe weU:deserved vicWry. of t11e tesl. • ·... ·> '' · 1 • Dan Simpson, an _ all-p~'l"''°· ceahnter ;;~ • .,.~,s .. HO.l!_!tj_ . for coach J6rlflr. ;Coywi,"jn etm ,.... &'r . forces. led ru.. males in the =ring : Pa.::.fl. 'e-~· aa·, ,.,. rnlumn with 19 wRi~ tan Mackeni.le o Ai.6 .15_. Tb• Vlkes oouldri:t. get gOOd shots in _ Ibo first hall aod II)' hlllfllme trailed . it~. Holmes1 ~~ /I T~ !'1-.ade ~. ,. • ' ,. , .• ·~I In retrospect, it WU• thaJ first third -· • - quarter bUcket hr7' ltavm that fihishtd he-Vikes.-~bad scrambled _ l>8ok fi'Ow ~ 10\ 36-80. ·on slx -polntl by 1v1e··and the Tm's needed a bucket then more lhan at any time. And with 3:31 to if .. ~ the quarter. Haven. scored it ~ ~na was Dever iigain to l>e that Cloie. The peak of the deluge was reached with 5:40 left in the g~ when Haven i madeit~,. -~ ·• ~ j fl""'"" 1r1.,W. 141 "'' • Merllll 1tll I .... .. ""' """., Holmes t S 0211"'• 71SU Tahll )2~t Mollltf" 1'1 1 7 llnd1!ed! l l l 1 8•1nl 2 ( 2 • H1~1n 1 0 JUMoll 7 1 5J4 M•llllO'ff 3 I I 12' MWn • I l I Tot1i. l) 1' II U TN16 11 f U 31 Basketball . . ' Standings · .· _..,.._... __ • .. ;.1 ,. _,, . ,, 1Q ' • " ... Sf:lve big "on a :s•t :~·:4 _.' ~c:ushiol1-Maste•·-.. shec:ks!" · .,,. . " "· ' ·11-; " " :. , .. "' .. :, °For•11ost® Pre111iµ111 hoavy d,~ly ~~ ,absor~ ~l'lt.8z.tm wyice, extra ~ ,~ : . . . " '! the r':°dl Up'!a :.C3% lll!ir• ~~Toning piston' Orea't~~)>~inaiY shocb ·fiir e~ ·: ~onfTl:ll of 'wheel boUllC8.' F0r ·~-smootller, more coft!f~le •ic!!o . :. , ~ iii "~ • ' .. ' ., ·a ..~ ,, ., ,. ' .. " ' itj ., 410.. ~-' ·' . ,, ~ ! •. -I ~.-··' .- '" .. " 1. htttKI 9PP•r ··, ·.h ....... . ' ' ·f~ z 5-•otfl. ..,.,.. ••rcle•d 1/J . dl"•~r1•ett .. 3. Mlllfl.llp .... -. . it FWroeOll .pr1 .. ' • 5. T•1•, ••At . 'dirty ...... ' ·, 6. Larter plstn • 7. AH-we•l .. r fl•ld' ·. • .e ' ' .. ... " ... • .. • •. 1·3/lj;:.':: ~ ...... ,..;·; . . -' 9.12'%> .... ~•loc:k'.fllhl' ! ' w;is chippiz1g~in ~flh ::r\. · : \·.,. _> . Simpson, obviously the key to the entire .~ C' .,.,._ ·o· , " ~·~ f>t':'/·. < ' 11.CG911r · oti•.ritffll 'j 55.43 • .,.,"',' ; •• l' II'/ •f~f Coroµa . ·-Stall . :F~ils, ..; ·~ ".\ . . ·. ' ,. . ' l ' J l,O~G BEACH ~ .Lolli-Se11<h. Po1' their dell)*ralt style of play liefot.. Ibo High School's 'Jacktab~lt! exploded in~ hosts fifiaflj pcDeil: awl)'. 1 • ·~ 1hc fourth quarter Lo .~oW.n en u~ In fact, Bloom's chaiies ltd· by as 1111nded Corona del Mar five, ~3. Tuel-many · as seven In the ftrat. tWf (~13) 1lay night in noo·league basketball action. anc1 Wert!· stiU in ~ ball tame lb'h:lu&b al tbe winner's 'COUrt. , three stanzas al 31-31. 1 ' • ' The Joss dropped Lhe Sea Kings to Poly, •·!)OWevtt; then, 111tltcbed froni oi 7·6 overall rcrord. . Its combfnation man-to.min ;and sone Poly. which had been. "Btyrpled t~gt\· press defense to~ fu0~ P'eSS tod J1r"r quarters, fi"ally took Its toll on do1;1ble team ing of the ball to force he visitors in the Jlnal peQ.otJ w~ Corona del Ma( Into numerou1 ball-con- 1 furl-court pressure ~rense that tufnfld tto1 efrortl and ~CVC ahootto1. ' . !k' \rd~ 1n f:ivnr of'tht Jadtrabb&ta.. i · • The Sea Klnp we~ llMble to ·kit C.'lach Bill Blooro:s. Oi;irQn~ crmn1't lWf R field ·goal In \be fourth period untQ 'l1 n:.llrd thr ten1po through the 1 il~t·t -43 ~~rttfta1ned. 1a1J and much ol the third period with Corona trailed by only four with 2:$5 to go wb<n the bolls ripped of! elshl 1tralghl i>Olllll to -1 lbt vonllcl. Leading the ICOring pttade for the losers w 11 Steve Leech ,with JI while Klm·Wllbrecbt wo cblpptn1 In 10 cluld< point..' . Bin Coon (17) and Karl Prke (11) led the Poly scorers. . . . . • t ,. • I , • , • • j• o Servic, speclal .... ~f~11t-,end allnem•nt! "4 , • ' • • • • • correct CGlfer, camber;. loe·i!i . . • red.u~,Jouti~ front end wear • elimi~ 4on#us ~ iiull ~ ~ ~ . . • • .. ' .. l. .1 ' • # .-' • ,.,.. .,.1' f'T """' INCfl """ '"I l•K~ f l -; ... ,,,,. I' ... , ..... -i,., . ' .J •• ' ' l eic.._O ~rlclSJ•l1 " I I I 'Po· ! 7 • , ·---------,,...----------.... -----·-,,,----,.-.------.;."-·'...,..,..,_...,_., .......... 14 1 ''''ir s;,; ! f i !..\C"ll: I .I. !, j New po RJ BEACH -.. :~1'V ~·1J No, rp:~· s·~·;t\Pf . , ·~~ 15· "•JI..:'.._,, " ."'-ihlon lsl1·,) · · 1' • ··(' t tin"'on C1nt-) ' c-4111 ,,.,., 1, 11 11 ,,_ll ~ nu ' •. ·.t •.-; nun y• ..., ... ;.. .1-. 1 .... , lent hid! ...... • 11 1• 14 - •' .. ....._ l1 . -;• .. -- I I •l!!!!!lll!O!!..,.,..~·::.::::::::::::::::::::::::~':::::'::~·:::....~.::.::::.:-::::::.:-:...:::.=::::::.:::::.:..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:; ---a --~---~ ---------~ -------------· ----~·=---· -~~ ! . ~-~-~ .e...t-=---·--------~ I I ' ·-· .~ ----·----,_ ··--------- Hole in Floor, No Team or Ref NE'r ENTruEs Sn~~ng -.. ,agles .Win,. 59-49 , • NOW. OPEN .. -Gage s Giant ~eadache E11cl~ ~lri•:t .,.:. be~:i.~~ . . trooecr out before OW' first Jeape pme apinit Co.ta M ...... ""°"" Welu~ "lt't ...... "' j be ..... hi.ctuv. 1 .. sue. but ... .....w be right -· ... ,."''"''" " • The aeventh annual Newpar< llorbot Optimist basketball toumammt hu come and gone and one particular athletic direc- tor must be still hea.V.1 • slgtl <l ,.u.r. He'a Jules Gage ol lhe bOlt Ntwport. Harbor ljlgh School who did moot everything excem, ~n the flOPCOl'D machine In keeping 1.# the tourney nowlnl:. ! Alter the dismaylog fact was revealed that, the invited Chichuahua, Meil., team was in· eliglbJe to participate against a CIF team, Gage was foreed to hunt in vain ror a re- placement Flrdna no one at that late date, he ended up ~ltutir\f an alumni team lo Compett in the eight-team tourney. The alumni, with Gage comina: out of his retired status, proceeded to dump the New· port varsity, 6611. ' , Earlier Oft the openia1 day of competition, ' llgbUnc ballot 31 lee& wklle attemptinc to I , like a& J p.m., •• electrician dropped a ! ................... ROGER CARLSON *************** ,. _ fis •• overhead fhi:ture. Tht 1!-pound pack- wtien the offtl>dtr uplaJned ii mt1ht be a 50-CI lensiOIHU\ed vmllct. A game lost by two points can bt lost a hundred different way1 and the Kofa crowd waa rabid and vocal after the Jong trip Sal· urday to see Ila team. To be sure, il the Kola enthusiasts had· been made aware lbat Neeme was In ract a Newport teacher, some of the more vocal supporters might well have blown their minds. For the record, l';eeme handled hi'mself capably. But after a two-point loss for a tournament championship, you wouldn't 'have had an easy time convincing the Kofa root· ers that ~ was totally unbiased. Bob McClendon, coacll of tbe Yuma Crimluah was all 1milt1 when queried on the &reatmen& ol himself and bis team while In the Newport Area. His oa.ly regffi was lhe poor lihO\.\'lng by 11.11 younc team. Tbe Criminals were IY '·:n by CosLa Mesa, 11-31, and Corona del ~lar, ll..18. Otte major difference for lhe Ariwna scbooJJ was tbe ball. The out-ol-stalers use a leallJer spbert. When Estancia finished third in the Brea In vitatianal, it marked the third time this season that lhe Eagles had finished in the third position in basketball tournaments. Previously, they earned third in lhe San Clemente In vitational and in the Troy tourney. t: a1e unaabed tbroop the basketball Door elf io Ott left ol the key. ~ days or so before lte coald •ave &be Corooa del l\1ar, in rack.Ing up seven vie· I . fiDtr re.palml, Gage ttportedly crabbed btm torles ao far ill basketball action, hils limit- ! by tH scruff of &ff neck and by the time ed the opposlUon to 38 polnll four times. The t the Qn& game s&uied II& 4 p.m., the fioor Sta Klnp ICOred 11-38 victories back-to-back was repaired. Qi tlteir ton1olatJon finish at the Newport , 0pt1mut 10urney. , \ 1:f 'tr R Foantah. Valley duplicated the fut, 1cor-- Beach Tennu Club •I« tbli second annual VASS hap· dlcap singlet tournament,. schedu\ed ror' Feb. H •11<)_ 10.11. ltntry fee is Q.!iO pefl player. Entry fonns aret, available at NBTC, 2601 Easlblul! Drive, --~~wport · Beach. Slgnup deatWne ls Feb. 2. A Calcutla,Auction is al8o scbeGuled as part of the • tow-Mmenl. . I , • ' , there ... l ! j •! I I ' 1 , , • ii .l ,, ,!' j ' * ~ """'9 " ...... flflnrit 14 ,, 1J ,. _. ".C:lllC• I '9 t H -• -·" .... " ,, ,, 3 t ,. • 1 1j J I l I l ! l l l llDtl,. ' I ! AU Penney 'Stores Open-Every Night Monc(ay Through Saturday ' ' " enne••1 ALWAYS FIRST G.\.JAL~~ .. "' THRU SATURDAY ONLY! r ,. ' . : . . ~ . I ' . • Save 29.9.9 on aluminum shafts-! UBEVCUR ENNEY A very stic~y situation prevailed in the lag 71-55 victories back-to-back Jn the San· ~ championship game with Newport Harbor Uago tourney· I\• and Kofa High of Yuma, AriL {::r {::(. {:{ h' · It seems Earl Engma.u and Jack Pickering · ~ ' -• (both from Santa Ana High) were ortgmally . Watching the Yuiita.::""fii~Criminals in .. _._;._schcdafett-w-otfictats"'-tbe-··ctnunp~l!trsan-ri!!hlJ'idei:f one of--unique11lcr..-+- CHARGE ACCOU~T ---------TDD=i ' I . I I I ; game but had to bow Out at a late hour be-names. • ... 1 ! cause of another cilmmlbntnt. 1 • .. f. t{erj!lg some other schOQls witR nickna~\. :: Among the officials iktb$ti~ f011 .tha~ of the unusual , i ~:pair was Emil Neeme, a Newport Harbor Cimarillo Scorpions, Shandon Gutla'ws;· ·~ teacher and ex-coach or the Tars. Thacher School Toads, Wotkmao ; LotiOs, ... i. The game was a nip.and-tuck affair with Coachella Valley Arabs and the Atascadero - • Newport finally coming out on top with a Greyhounds. Subs Help Artists ip 55-54 Win Redmond's SJwt Paces FV, 52-50 " By JOEL SCHWARZ tain Valley might not even °' tM Dallf i-11tt s1.n score a field goal. • By °'S~~" :.:1!!:WS Gary Redmood swished in The Barons missed their first Denny Schmili 18nd Ray ,a,:Jw;nW. fr~ the_ toe of , eight shots from the floor a.!ISJ ~-••. _ •, Wilbur both came off the t~e key w1Ut one second~l.eft .nobody In the starling line bench for L 81 un 8 Beach in reg_ulatlon pla)'. to give \\>'as able to hit from the field High School after ste'le Fountain Valley lti1h School until 3:58 was left in the sc- K106tennan and Brian Jones a SJ.-60 victory over Mater co nd period . fouled out, \o dellv~r the Dei Tu~ay afternoon in the Only three baskets by crushing bM>ws, to the El Monarchs c:m. . reserve Gary Valbuena and >.todena Vanguards. That long Jumper climaxed some equally poor shooting Those jolts came in the way a coorageous comeback by the by Mater Dei kept the Barons or free throws as the Artists cold-shooting Barons and alive. nosed past El Modena 55-54 sbutoff a l~st ditch rally by Operating against a Mater Tuesday in the Cre.s!view Mater Dei that saw . the Dei wnc defense, Founlain League opeoer for both clubs. M~narchs. ~at~le from . a eight-Valley had only made four Schmitz, who this time last po.int deficit in the final tw o of 2.3 field goal attempts. year was a Cee, sank the minutes to even Ute score at Then. surprisingly, Monarch first of a one-and-one situation fl0.50. . coach Jerry Tardie moved his but mlssed the second \\'itb Foun.tam Valley had a 48-40 forces into a man-to-man \ seven seeonds left in the lead wtth 2:02 to go, but Mater defense and in the last 2: lO game . Dei sliced the margin to. 4~6 of the half tbe Barons sud-1 On the ensuing rebound wilh 61 seconds remaining. denly found the range. hilting : Wilbur was fouled in the act Brad Veach a~rently cl.inch· on seven of their next riine l . of shOoling and 'calm1y put ed the Baron Vlctory with a shots . through both ·free tosses for pair of charity tosses wilh · 55 54 d · h · 42 seronds left in the game. ~.untm "•;o" 1~1 PP Tl" ' ;· I handler Harper aluminum shQft eleven piece golf club set! Lighter than comparable stul shafted clubs, yet with the same flrmneu of steel, you11 get in- creased distance the first time outl less torsion means greater shot control, and increased head weight puts more power into the ball. 3 woods -(1, 3, ~); 8 irons -(2 th,ough 9). Anodized finish won't rust. Orig. 149.98 a -a vantage wit 1ust but Mike Norton fired in a o1111. l g • 6• two seconds remaining. Ed . h' H•mmtr 1• 1 ~ ? Jiminez of the host five jumper for ),fater De1, is ~:~~on~ • .. ~ n tried a desperation shol but fifth point in the closing surge. ~:~~en• J ~ 1 1~ failed as time ran ou~ Then Doug Wallter · and w, .. ,, ! • 1 to S H t h n\l d th TOI•"-10 II II .~11 The Artists played t e entire teve a c sse ree Mam °"' iw• • t 'gilt r th-· !or Foun l'G ...,. '""" Tl" l second hair with all five s rai ree ,.,....,, -wall<•• 1 1 o l 119.99 NOW l •larters ,·n foul trouble . tain Valley and Warner Raes Nor1o11 ~ i , ,.11 " pumped in 1 jump shot from i~~~0• ~ ? 1 i Laguna Beach shot a fan· the corner to set the stage Gl"''' • 1 J l• }· tastic 67 percent from the for Redmond's w inning ~:t:~r'"' ~ '11 i ~ I field for the game, taking just basket. T<11•ll n ... h' ou~~.ri' 10 50 1 30 shots. and coooecting on 20 1. .t I k d 1.k F Foun11i~ v111e~ ' 70 t ia-.n I: of them, but couldn't obtain -;:;;E;;a;:r;;";;r;:, ;;' ;;;:00;;;;':;;;';;;:';;;;0:;;""";;;;:;;;;"";:;;:~;;;;°';;';;;:;;;;~";;';;':;';;';;'~,_,,;;;;tl any sizable lead because of 'l' the fouls. , • In the thtrd quarter El • .. 1t1odeoa swished the nets oflly r; three times from the field, a.; but made good on 10 of 14 I·; attempts from the free thro1' ~· r .. • 1ne. • Jones 1ed tbc Artists' scor· Ing with 17 points and kept his team mates in t be 1 ball game in lhe second half befdre fouling out with 2:44 .. left. l . l l•tu~I •••ti. US! "" ,t ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' . " llM9*M1MI , ... T . ' • • ' . • • ' ' • • • • " . " " ' • ' " • " • ' ' " • ' • ' " "I .. " ' " ' " I " • • • • ' • ' • • • GET·ACQUAINTFD · MEN'S WASH & WEAR CACTUS CASUAL SLACKS ........ . -. RIG . S•.SO t• Sit.ti KNIT SHIRTS TURTLE NECK • MOCK TURTLE 1/3 OFF Mr. TOM'SG'~e=0R 4(@~~ 34i4 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH --- I PAY AS umE AS $6 PER MONTH Set of tough cover gplf balls '- Twetve liquid center golf balls with a tough balata cover. ~ These golf balls are. great for beginners1 at a low price . 3.99dozan NO MONEY DOWN , •• 11 piece Presidential golf set Chandler Harper steel shaft sat consist1 of: 3 woods (1-3-4) and a irons (2 through 9). Orig. 89.89 NOW 69.99 P•y•lllM .. $5perme. • USE PENNEY'S TIMI PAYMINT' PLAN NEWPORT BEACH Fashion lslond -- ........... > I HUNTIN'GroN BEACH Hun""'°" c..t., ---· • ,, ., • ' i Al ... Ns•p '"'' .. S-1.ll ..... .... S1.JIW ...... • ---~ ·- WedMtdlf, 11"""1 I, 1969, . DAil Y PILOT 23 -. I ' ' ._R?uJtd~p" ~f Go!f fl'~,ip~.;· ) : •~ ) Chec~µg . ~he.. ~~~ .. :Gr~~µs· . I , ~ i I . OU1t 1•t>in ••'SEU.ING PllCl '''' , ..... ~-..... ,, . l . FISK CUSTOM ·240 · ~ · . . . FULL 4-PLY • TUBELESS" • 100'.% NY~ON CO~D . UO. PllCI $11.tl I DAYS ONLYI ..... ,. """"'-""' ...... ......... 1 ....... --.- 1µar,v4w 1UIRIS$ SIZIS 7.7ii6.70X15 llG. PllCI EACH 11.,95 l.25/l;bax14 ..... 13.96 FISK SPRINT GT-WIDE OVAL ANY SIZE.LISTED 4 F.OR . ' .. ! ••• J ' .,. 88 r; ·..nanol. ' . ~. c.•··. . ~ . #6-4 TWI • ' . ' . ' • IEIUILT I SPARK PLUGS lfEG. 1 .41 s£t Of I . co"'if,!/;,, 88C ,u.-032S • . r QIPfM ,.wt.,.... . ,,...,,,,..,/ ' l PON-----.-IMRIERATIOH UNIT ffEG.)17.JT _........_ WITH 120 ' t:OU/'ON "" . "'"" 't'&Ut T91 ll •• OU'°N~!!""' --·••••-rnn .AB~ ~EG.$1.U 2 ' WffH CtJIJ1'0N •• ' f~Cll ' I IN PAIRS ,.,.:,w.._ (..,.., ... .. ) ... 11,1 ... SANTA .ANA I 1: ' • 14 DAJI. Y PILaT ($) ~.JM...,.9.lM SecOad ••• Serles P:DITOR'S NOTE : !.coding bank$ ~ SJllO'ia Porter's .,Mone11 Primer for '89" st..Us we:• YnOTe topical '.{'vtsdatt bti hlking their prime intn• ett ,.ate to 1 pernnt. tilt highest lt-vtl in a centMry, By SYLVIA PORTER Yoo wouldn't be at all naive If jU\l asked "bow can raising the cost of borrowing cut the co!l of living'!" Nor would you be the least bit cynical If you asked "how does Wink- ing· a bank's capacity to lend diacourqe union leaders from derhudiog wage inereases1 '' The Federal R~serve Sys\em is now pursuing an aggre!Wve tight money po~cy to combat the wage-price spiral. The above questions ~re entirely in order. Thus, J'll ask them for you and try" to answer them in every- day language in this week's Money Primer. Q. HOW CAN tight money curb wage increases? A. ne honest answer is lhai directly it cannot. This is one great drawback or the policy as an anti-inflation weapon and Federal Reserve Rolls for BRISBANE, Australia $-Fifteen rare RoU.S. , every one a col· s gem, will be auctioned March %0 in ooe of the biggest suCb sales of the British ul1· ury. ~ars every held. The. cars are from the col- lection or Paris Palfreyman, a multi·mi!Uonaire rancher and engineer. 1'le sale will take place at his property at. lnglesied..-~ Palfreyman, who began his collection of 26 RolJ.s.Royees 12 years ago, decided to keep only JI "veterans" -cars bullt before 1914. A Sydney auctioneer , George Sevenoaks, is handling the sale. Hundreds of collectors from Augt.ralia and overseas are ex· peeled to attend the sael. 'Q;te Rolls-Royce Co. is also ex~ to :;end a buyer from Loftdol), to bid for vehicles ~g from their own rol· FTC Plans to Umpi re Gas Giv eaw ay Gaifi,es WASHINGTON (UPI) The· ·Federal Trade Com· m~ion (Fl'C) is about to take a peek over the gas pump at thooe easy-money games dished out by the gallon at t&e nation's filling stations. THie agency said a recent i;taif report on such games at gas stations, food stores and blhet retail outlets prompt. ed i1t to conclui:le that un· fair and deceptive practices ••are widespread in the in· dustries involved." AB a result it has proposed some game rules and will hold public: hearings on them Feb. 24. One rule would outlaw the rigling of games and the ml!il:eading of players on their chabces of winning. It would reqCire that the exact number of prizes in each area be plainly listed. The second rule would apply only to gasoline games. It wcukl: stop oil supply firms from forcing retail gasoline stations to participate in the games: A.1 public relations firm whldi represents companies hanijllng more than 7S percent of _the game business was qclok to counter the com· mlsiioo'1 claims. The firm, Debiird. * B"rodie, Inc., said the lleaimlssion's investigation coWfed games offered in 1966 and , 1167 when they were relld.vtl)' . new and "some miltakts &11d abuses oc- ~ !' Il : said 'the mistakes and abulf!s. m . longer:: occur, and durtrli ·~ and 1968, more thao,,llt pilllloo Ip pr1us was ·~ . )EGAL NOTICE The firm also said voluntary industry guidelines hid been developed for the seven game companies it represents. It said the standards "substan-- lially rectified or eliminated' the major problems· cited in the commission's staff report." The staff report said few large prizes were ever award· cd and the chances of winning anything at all w e re overstated in advertising pro- motion. lt also said some food chains fixed the games so that large prir.es were award- ed early as come-ons which drew other customeni into the game. After that, the report said, the prizes dwindled. By JOHN CUNNIFF NEW YORK (AP) Despite his renunciation of things capitalistic, F i d e J Castro doesn't fail to follow through with busineMlike ef- ficiency Gn billing airlines for expenses incurred i n hi· jackings. Some airline personnel are a bit chagrined, ~ ecause some mistaken impressions have circulated that Cartro is footing the bill for the wining, dining arm comfort of passengers stranded in hia country. The fact is that the Cuban premier sends his bill! on to the Swiss Embassy, which forwards them to the U.S. St.ate Department. w h I c h passes them on to tbe alrllnes involved. "We pay our bil111 as we get them; it'& standard good buslneu prac:lice,'' said a spokesman for N 1 t Ion a I Airlint1, whiah has had five llrlinera hijacked alnco May l,..JJ61. ~tlonal !lgure• lbal dlr<d ~ lo the Cuban ~I of $2,500 ID 13,000 ..,.n111 wm Involved in f•bJ I,. hlJaclrlngs, Including po~ lor food , boteb, Ian· dlDg ( ... Incl fuel. But 11111'• ail7 part ol lbt ' " -. - -~·~~~--t: " , ______ _ / ' ... ~ ~ Ii: •• "' ; ~e " " .. ; ~1 " " ,, " " ,. ,. ~: " ., '• .. •• • iOI· " •' -· !• •• " ~ ~a •• " ,, ;, ., !. ,, " ., ,, " " ,, " " " , . •• " " !: " ,, " ,, " " " ,, " Ii ~ " - ltd!IMll .;.I llftAll l!AI 1:#..!-?t!. J~!:i:"'lif"i J ' 1..e Jr.:w • .i• J=:r.-., ' ' .. • ._., • ' t -- -.... "' , ..,. _,..,.,... __ . 1 1'far'flet Sflll'hb (&llllJIUIU ..... -· 111¥1.-TMI "'9uc AllD I --•.-1 TUDI -642..u21 2211 w. la!Me '""'· " .......... . • .. _ .. , ..... , ··--- I :1 ' I 1 1 1 I I .~I 1! ft' 1 "' .11. - ·- • . . ·' ... . . .. ' . -. ., -, . ., •• • •• ......... _ ... I ' ' l I \ I I ' , Fif'st Boat Show of Year' Prety Cathy Johnson signals a happy new boating year to West Coast boaters as the first boat show of 1969 gets under way in san Francisco Friday at the Cow P_alace. Several local builders will be exhibitors at the exposition. Weleome Aboard Long Beach CuP-Dates Announced Girls Like Good Boats By ALMON LOCKABEY Dates a,od one innovation for the natioD's m o s t prestigious yachting event - Long Beach Yacht Clutts Congresslorial Cup -have been aiinounced by Bill Ef- finger, 1969 chairrr.an. Many a dashing young bachelor has been forced to trade in his sports car on a station wagon after the girl he's cluising catche.s him. , The same-thing is true of his boat, according to the Boating.Industry Association. Tbe Tesort siren might well be wowed when the local Jason boats up to t h e dock Jn the flashy hydroplane wilh molded leopard skin seats and metallic finish. But once she's snared him he's likely to tum In his "Jet Fire" or "Swinger" in favor of a "Horneliner" or ·"Princess." W.OMEN TOOK to boating just as soon as they realized that outboard motors weren't knuckle·busters anymore and t h a t windshields protected hairdos. They liked boating well enough -if only they could make a few changes. Rea~ 1ng the P.Otential, manufac- turers began going all-out to give the g;ils all the changes they wanted. -and they're still scrambling to please what they term "women i n boating". Take hulls for example. When men were ca11ing the shots, boat hulls came in white, gray or natural wood fiillsh. The new marine paints and fiberglass p i g m e n t s wouldn't have made much dif· ference lo .the men -they'd still be ordering white, gray or wood. NOW THAT their wives have something to say about it, boats come in all colors -not to mention two-tones, stripes, switls and even gold and silver speckles. Boat seats are another ex- ample. Me.o were doing just fine altting on boards. mavbe ~f!ened with weathered Can· ~-:_covered cushions. The wumen comp1ained, a n d .~ufacture.rs were quick to .assuage them with colorful vinyl seats that converted into lounges for sunbathing. Aild while men were still dreaming of a tip-proof Sterno can for cooking a b o a r d , women were demanding - and getting -galleys that allowed them to do everything they could do in the kitchen at home -in a fraction of the space. WOMEN DON'T w a n t to wash in a bucket of water fetched from over the side, so builders are giving them showers -even on boats less than 30 feet. Convertible tops have replaced the canvas duck rainsuit. and portholes are giving way to picture windows -thanks to women. Old sal ts might complain about these new female frills, but there's plenty of evidence to suggest that most males like the creature comforts women have brought to boat- ing. After aU, beer stays cool· er in the new marine refrigerators, the d l n e t t e tables are great for poker, and fishing rods stow neatly in vee bunks . One word of caution lo skip.. pers: Your absolute authority as captain is already being undermined by women. In a couple of years you won't be able to keep them in their place by ordering them to sv .. ab the decks -they'll have them covered with waterproof carpeting. Upholds Verdict WASHINGTON <UPI) The U.S. Court or Military Appeals Monday refused to ovf'rturn the conviction of Capt. Howard S. Levy for refusing to instruct medical corpsmen for duty in Vietnam. Levy , 30, a dermatologisl from Brooklyn, N.Y .. still may ask the secretary of the Army for clemency. Long Beach YC and nine oth- er North American yacht clubs will compete for t be Congressional Cup March 13-16 in the waters off Long Beach Harbor. The innovation will be the annual presentation of an es!)e(ially . designed blazer - with appropriate crest -to be presented to the winner each year beginning with this fifth renewal of the event. As part or the non-sailing activities which make the Congressional Cup a major social as well as sportin·g event, presentation of jac,ket.s also will be made to pl-i t winners ol the series. Format of this ye a r ' s Congressional Cup calls for three days or .sailing -three sets of five match races each day over a 4 to 5-mile course. Skippers are nominated by invited yacht clubs and select their own cre.Ws: Skippers.are assigned yachts by lot. in· suring that the Congressional Cup fulfills its original ·in· tention of being the test of skippers. and crews rather than boats alone. The series, as usual, will be sailed in Cal40 sloops. Long Beach Yacht Club will select its sk.ipper in a runoff regatta Jan. 11·12, The nine visiting skippers are also being selected by their respec- tive clubs. f..1embers or the selection committee are E r f i n g e r , LBY-C C-Ommodore Hal Drake, Commodore-elect No r m an Scott, Don Leedom, Barney Fla!Dt Bill , Polly, Downey MUU", and Blll De Lacy. : f?irl, 15, Prepares .;For Water Ski Mark Yacht Group Will Install The S o u th e r n California Yachting AssoQ_ation will hold its 49th annua111Jostallation of officers ne1t Saturday al King Harbor Yacht .Club, Redondo .. 1 Macblnery, timing devices, fnt -and the people fOhred 1n next Saturday's ,_ ~to set new ; .... lti. 8peed records were . sw.l·'l'uelday morning at the ~ lle.,i. Marine Stadium. f> ~ Steams of BellOower, rJdlfl ;d;ecofal.ed water skier ' Jia 1he sporf• hls1ory, ltit ~ u,:•tO JOO miles per • ..,.., *""' Is.,.... old Sally Y#iler ol'l!licleoda Heights. ~1tbe,,lter at 7S mph W ~ !or their st· .~ ai;.JJI and 1lO mp/1. 14 •••ett: Slturday morn. lot II~ Beach Marina. ftl1" ClitJtl•l' .-Id recon1 Slt,/,jpl drq boa~ Panic .Beach. Mouse, and Bob Nordskog's Installed as commodort for Sinling Viking, both have 1969 will be Millard Rosing undergone engine tuning and of KHYC. He succeeds Larry testing at Nordskog's Van Test of San Luis Yacht Club, Nuys engineering plant and Other olficers to be sealed . he. r· 1 are Morrie Kirk, Voyagers were given t 1r 1na test Yacht Club, vice commodore· runs. Lee Kellerhouse, San ntegO Saturday's record runs -Yacht Club, ttar commodore: to be timed over the quarter-Ralph Oi.adwid, California mile c~ouru by expert Otto Yacht CJub secretary and Crocker -:--will be a publlc Fred J~ Alamiu;_ Bay event (no admlo;sion ~ee) acht Club, treasurtr. beginning at 9 a.m. Dlrecton for 1969 are Stearns set tht pre George Oruland Southwestern mt'n's re<:ord of 119.52 mph Yacht Club o0rdon Curtis al Marine Stadlum two yearl'i Los Angel~ Yacht Club· aoo: ago. The women's record is en Leslie, Long Beach 'vacht 88 mph set at M•rine Stadium Club, and "Tom W i I d e r , by Jane Mobley Welch. 'Newport Harb« Yacht Club. ' ' . LBGAL NoncE Ouh Slates .- • ' , • ' \ I I :i 'I Ii 11 :, I' 1· I' I· I. 11 ~ ~ ,l f t..·.~ _1 ...... _J , '· ~1: _.:.-~:.~, ... .:~· ... ~.. .. --.. .. ... "~. . I '\ •• . , • . • HOTPOINT · DISHWASHER (m.pe•sell) $ Reg. · ~···40 OR 7.66 PER MOi.jTH I PHILCO . . . ;-• REFRIGERATOR 16 CU. FT. Rlc;>ST FREE . WlthA...-c $ lco Maker Hsry fOr tWs ...., .... '319" OR 9.75 PER MONTH HOTPOINT w ASHER AND DRYER Both Units Fully Aut-lc NOW llOTH FOR Full Famity $ Si• Load Reg.'317" ·Both Units OR 10.47 PER MONTH SPECIAL STORE HOURS FOR THIS BIG SALE THUltSDAY ......... 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. RUDAY ..... '. ...... 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY ......... 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. • ·~~'; •··:~ :~ ~· _:.:w"·!,;. .~' ;• • ' • -•• >-: •. ·-': £ t t • • ,· I :, ~. ", •. ~ .• 1,;, \ l H ~ ; • ,. ' '"' . ' : : . ':. -. . . . .. -~-~~-~ • ~·j .... -.. : ~ -~ ~ .. . . ... .... -. ~ -.. ' \ :~:,. ~'t' '.~ -•;1· ·t ~· I T UP . .. TO ·SAVE BIG 1$ 01 THIS OIE . '~:rJ.~~-~~n .~ 1 · ~~-~-:....:~..,. . 1 i • CL~:t~a: ·SAli.1,-' 1 , .... , I -·-I . : . . ~ . ~ , . ~ . --. ,, .. , : -·"' ~ "! ; PRICES ON lOO'S ·OF COlOR -TV~s AN . APPLIANCE SLASHED ~10 ··_.cLtAR;.,. REPlACE "THATir OtD. 0 TV OR APPLIANCE ·NOW AND '. REA LY SAVE BIG! : SALE STARTS:~toMORROW . . : ~; .:J:\~~ i • B ~IG · Cubic Foot HOT POINT REFRIGERATOR FREEZER . ••• ONLY t .02 Ha MONTH • • ' • ' . . .. • j '"' --_ ..... __ ----_,_,,_ ••.• -~..!...-..... --... PACKARD · IELL STEREO Spanish Style Garrard Chcan<Jer AM-FM 1 Reg. '64900 p - PACKARD BEU I" 1&'' l'ORTABLE ' I COLOR UHF-VHF New Brite Color Tube -· Builtin Dipole Antennas 1 Reg. '399" .... , 15" PORTABLE s $ -COLOR TV $ Up Front Controls OAd ~ei: -Small Carton nib · 1 · · · Reg. s32900 c·o[oiut* 23"-Big Beautiful I $ NOW '110W MODEL CR634 NOW MODEL CQ522 NOW ••• Olll.y '''·" -MONTH ... ONLY SIJ.6) -wo~. PAY ONl.Y St.75 .... MONTH .PAT °"" $21 .U ... MONTH • . · . . f ACKARD': BELL . ~ f 23''. Cot.QB : tv . COMSOlf!. . . -. _.,,. . •. .... .. - .. - ' ' . Similer to style ebovo, . C~n·sh Style but not ouctfy. , ~ I ~-~:~;~-=·~~ -s4· 6. 9 · ~:: yo~rs af tremendous _ · ~~~;, savings. · ~ • PD . • MqflfTH Reg. '529" FOR MOOEL cR9~ *NO MONEY DOWN ,. .. , , 1 I ~ Twin Speakers II Bumished Maple 36 MOS. TO PAY! "' ' HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR 2 Door-Top Frff1er Auto. Defrost -Limited Colors GENERAL ELECTRIC UNOER COUNTER DISHWASHER Built-In -Double W•sh Arm - Big L011d C•pacity Reg.$ 238 $199 $168 5~~~ 01 Sl.ll P U MONTH $199 .00 _ __. TV and Reg. '867"" PHILCO STEREO Walnut-Console 5' 1,ong ' Hi-Fi !!tereo Record Player . ' Was '19900 APPLIA.'. (E I I • 'NOW PAY0 ONLY ST.U .... MONTH I f ,. ii 1877 --HARBOR BOULEVARD· ~ COSTA MESA; .. ~~·pH-.i;~.155· · ~ -----·----·------:-. I• n I , I • I I f . TJaeceer Notes . ''· . ,~ . • ;Three!Playhouses Start New Year I U-Jlt Jl -.... ~ ~-; --• :tt"·.J MUOWI . -w-"RACHEL, ltACHIL" ' • • By TOM TITUS °' *' Olllr ...... $lltt l\'.1 UChl-up time for three Orang• Coast thealen this week as they start out the new year with a trio ot new product.ioos -one a world r>-""'l . Startinl off the ·rear's first week of CDJruDUnlly t~ter activity ii@. the L a g u.•"I Playhouse. ·which puts "The Star Spal>Cl<d Girl" on the boarda toOilbt f~ three ....ii.. . Fr,i4ay bl!llls "The> lpcr<di· I I • bleJWp ol'Good Kini Uba." ''lllWng ·lhroogh the theater Ibo · first ·Jll'Oduction: or an ml pasaJng 001 lwidbllla. '"8li>aJ musical adapteil'lrom lloger Parker tai>s.the title an e.,.Uer avant garde·w~, role of King Ubu with, Carol to"tbe stage of Solith. ~ · Kittzer as his queen. Other Repertory's Third · .S le· p principals include S t e v e Theater in .C.OSta Me!a. deFrance, Austin Ke l J y, Also bowing in Friday ls Burleigh Booker, S a n d y "The Best Man," a drama Marino and Jim Baxes. The of machinations at a political ''Ubu girls" are Francesca convention, which opens the L'boir, Monikj Borisch and neW' year for the Huntington MicMUe Reday, while Sandy Beach Playhouse. h1arioo, Jerry Patch and Brad ,... . 1'1 LOVE YOU ALICI I. TOKLAS" .............. "The Young Runaways~ STAlllNG ..... 11.111....,.•~e..,.. j PRISON DRAMA PREMIERES IN LOS ANGELES TONIGHT Dlr-Ktor John Ferucca (center) Wtth Actors Comthw•ltt (left), Stockwell At Laguna, the playhouse FitzGerald CT>mprise t h e shoots fo~ the same sort of Polish National String Band. ''Ubu" will be staged success generated las t year by its "Barefoot in the Park" Thursdays through Sundays :Countian Directing by combining the same author following its opening weekend , (Neil Simon), the_ same direc-running until Sunday, Feb. 9, tor (Kent Jolinson ) and the at the· Thfrd Step, 1827 same star {Joel Tropper) in Newport Blvd. Reservations this first county production are being taken at 646-1363. of "Star Spangled Girl." • • • Troppe.r and Randall Cobb Recreating the poUtical con- portray a pair of underground ventlon atm05phere of last newspaper publishers whose summer is the Huntingion his staging of "The Lion in life js romantically com· BeaCh Playhouse's "The Best L Prison Drama Opens in LA ...._ •• mi -tl1e-rnesa ~. ~·:. ,_: F.· c: :·~.::01.-..' Ar:;:::-,0111101: nts t~~i,',POPl A~D HARBOR IN COS TA MESA ,.Bakke's Night of Fame" an original play by John l\fcGrath, opens a six-week engagement at Hollywood's Stage Society Theater tonight under the direction of Orange County's J ohn Fenacca. Starring Guy Stockwell and Bob Corntbwaite, the play is being given its American premien!. lb on1y prior public performance was at a small Jbealer iU:ll&larul. __ ,_ will henceforth be Slipported through a sponsorshlp pro- gram with cont r I bu ting patrons underwriting the pro- ductions. The theater, begin· ning its 18th season, is now the oldest co ntinuall y opt:rating professional theater in Los Angeles. Ferzacca recently was nam· ed the winner of the DAILY PILOT's Di sting uis he d Pr®uctioo award for I~ for -' • 147·35'1 Winter" at the L a g u n a plicated by super patriot Toni Man," whkh also ODf>OS a five-11:.c.,...mtftCIM ~.,. it.c1111ui H !so h ,:-Waltw ~ • COl..Olt • Playhouse. e a as Shearer, a voluptuous blonde. weekend engagement Friday. ••utDI FOi A directed "The Subject Was Miss Shearer recently 3p-Anabelle Qu,igley, who ap-MAlllED MAN" Roses," "Luv," "Slow Dance peared in the Laguna musiCal peared in the Costa Mesa Ju1ieQ1rfl.t1• e c0Lo1t • on the ~ Ground" and "Sweet Charity." Civic Playhouse's production .. PITULIA"' "Sweet Charity" for Laguna . Johnson is t.akjng his fourtH of the Gore Vidal drama two 'Ji31'i~~· 111 .... ~ .... ~~..,--:;~ The theater is located at crack at , the Laguna stage. years ago, is directing. , ~ ..a lr1 M • 9041 Melrose Ave., near following his stagings of Don Rhoades and Joseph ---•·MIJ Tickets for the play may be and "R~r of the Grease-presidential candidates seek· Jotin wiv,.. • c<>1..011: • 'TELEPHONE 548·1552 FOR INFO•MATION TWO FIRST RUN FEATURES HELD OVER Doheny. in Los Ange I es. "BareIOot '1 "Stop the World " Carr ire cast as the two i CM1i111t1 """ w.., .. Tnoatt I reserved by caijing (2l3) 778-paint." All were highly sue-ing their party's nomination, "Hl!LL.flGHTllS" !227. ---cessful..at:.ihe..bol--effice.-·-.. ft:!Ferrenee-Doyle-,,ort. · · -..leMW&o~• • c<>1..o~· *tr---- "The Star Spangled Girl" ~ ex.-president whose en-"WAI WAGON" , The drama is set in a prison and focuses on a convict's final hours of life before his scheduled execution at mid· nighL In these few hours he pres.ides over a series of flashbacks , attacking those who came in contact with him and the forces responsible for his death. 'Airport' To Take Off With Top Flight Cast will play ~r,U performances, 4olse,m~t they seek. Shirley ~ ; ._........, J ~a~~~;ss :"~'Y Ja~.h~ 0 at ~~-e~rpk1a~dth!0':~:esE~7a: J!llJ!flQ s;iiz 1 playhouse, 319 Ck:ean Ave. candidates, with Dav id R.c1mrne""" , Adllthi Reservations may be acquired Maiville and Dennis Griffith Pe•er usrino~ • t°OL01t • b II. th I h · · "HOT MILLIONS'" y ca mg e p ay ouse at as tbe1!' .nght h~ men. 51,..,. Mc.~ • c0t..o• • -494-8061. Also ID the Huntington Beach 'IHI: THOMAS JOBNWAYNE · IA11IARINER6SS JJMB0010N·VERAMDIN oo EB TECHNICOlOR • PANAVISION Gt Featured in the all-male cast are Len Lesser, Mark Gardner, Bert Holland, Michael Fo:1, Alan Conrad. Thomas Howland, Arnie Weiss and Paul Wilson, the latter an Orange County actor. Based on a novel by William Butler, the play is produced by Stephen Brown and John Harding. Now ope.rating under its new gtatus as a non-profit organization, the Stage Society By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) - George Seaton, who confesses to having once been "a white-- knu ckle air passenger," bas taken charge as pilot of the biggest flight movie in recent Hollywood years, "Airport." Universal is going au out with the Arthur Haley best- selling novel aod the film may well cost $10 million before it makes a la.'lding. Producer Ross Hunter has assembled a cast that to Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Not lnfrt.. quenlly '-up: Stay slleat 10 A11. Soc. of Travel ...... , Abbr. 14 Move stulthil{ 15 Dance o Imel l' Skat«'s 111newlt' 17 Rtstort- to Dliglnat condlUon 11 Sitan 20 Gatdtn .... 21 Bridge playtts' -zz Set In I RI• 21 lnlfrtst of 10 Across 25 Rcyal f•ily •t•btrs 27 Notre! .... ,..,,hi )(I b1lry ''"""" 31 Sh311td < lfke ·an '99 lZ 5UIYf' 33 Unimproved )'Equine 37 leal cut 38 loving plctlfts: Prtfix nr ... 40 l lfe of l~ls XVI 41 VnHIS 42 S.•rt 44 lnstnaent 45 Steered 47 Brt1tfast food 48 Rtspoftd' to aln ~loct """" 50 Insect 54 latlnl right 51 Sitto ~lstorlc conftftM:• 51·--!1:;'' 1/8/69 59 Succul111t ,, .. , 60 Noted musician 61Of1 llOrt ll111ttd number 62 Ot11nt 12 !•ltttrlng 40 Dtillt Olli lJ MoW1tal1. 41 NonV!ooatOlls range '" ' 19 Cook· .. ,·. ..a t ru " 43 The certain 1r1y non- 21 Flo•w winners stag• 44 Shoot 24 Unreflntd 45 lord of 11.iltfill llOUth DOWN 25 Asprct .4, Frminlnr 26 Cost of name 1 F1irv '·lo 21 lliving lte• 47 BUtty ·~ w OYf low.-d' product character 21 RKt n et . 49 Ground 2 Left In 29 l lnter ,.,. COYtr 01 ' }!;ry,1.. sort 1reu: a sori ·• 2worch• .51 •. 1 4 L1cting 30 S•lnt--: ''" 0 t~th River on the Bl act 63 Cultlvate 5 --C1ltdonl a USA-Canada Sea . 6 -llft border 52 Mr. lus1al 7 Tille 32 Unlnttr.sled 53 B1e1t~ in ~ Sonridhlng 34 Prior to: SS ~~•''" ltYt IS •chtd COllb ton. ii ' -Jon99 35 Dlrecilon cn~ltssly 10 Orlt11t11s 37 Dtcl1i111 Sit Libot 11 Pert. to a passlonattf)' union: Abbr. Ptn••nMiip 31 Ontario 57 lnfor1111 syst.. cltr •<»d of il9'Htltnf. " J ~:-_ --·---- date includes Burt Lancaster, Dean J\.lartin, Jean Seberg. Hele n Ha yes, Van Heflin. Filming begins In Minneapolis late this month. • • • cast are Rnn Langseth, Joy CROWN AFFA11• -ALSO- Film vet'eran Seaton-"Mir- acle on 34th Street." "Coun· try Girl"-wrote the script for "Airport" and will be direct- ing it. He admitted he has not always been a fan of air travel. "Years ago I was ln a cracku p of a plane as we were laking off at Columbus, Ohlo." he recalled. "F'ortu· nately we were only 10 feet' off the ground, so there was little damage. "But that was enough to make me a whlte-knuck.le pas- senger after that. UntU I made a picture about the · Berlin airlift, 1The Big Lift,· with Mootgomery Clift and Paul Douglas in 1950. "Then I rode in the cock- pit with the pilots and I de- cided: 'these people know what they 're doing.' I've been a pretty good passenger since then." Seaton recently lraveled In the flight deck of a framcon- tinental jetli:.'ler and was im· pressed anew .with the CT>mpe- tence of today's fliers. The flight was made with the per· mission of the Federal Avia· tion Administration, whi ch is cooperating w i t h "Airporl." apparently in hopes that the pi cture will carry the mes- sage t1f such competence. To the surprise of many, the Air Transport Associa- l1on, whic h includes the ma- jor airli~es, is also cooperat· 1ng with the film. Reason for the surprise : ~ plot con- "King Ubu," a political comedy based on Alfred Jar· ry's "Ubu Roi," Is a ragti me musical written by its direc- tor, Ron Thronson. which features experimentation with rear projected movies and slides, strobe lights, color wheels and other gimmlckl!I. Billed as a musical attack Oil fanaticism -both right and left -it is described by Thronson as a cron between Rowan and Martin and Charles Addams. The show incorporates audience invo lvement, with actors freely F---"'°"' SOUTH C 'OAST Qlllllll ox '"LAZA THEATRE COIWORAllOH San Dttlo Frnway et Bristol • 546·2712 -NOW PLAYING - SHOWING TIMES Weokd•y ..... 7:00. 9:45 p.m. Set. & Sun.-1:30·4:15·7:00·9:45 Maiville, Bili Moreland,· Zoel:~~~~~~~~~~ Relph, Howard Solomon, Mary Solomon, Mike Feym. Dick Langseth and John Zim- Tony Franciosa, Anjanette Comer "IN ENEMY COUNTRY" merman. "The 'Best Man" v.·ill be on stage . Fridays a n d Saturdays through Feb. 8 at the Barn, 2110 Malp St., llun· tington Beach. Ticketi may be reserved by calling 847· 1631. • • • "Just Between Us," a one- woman show sta rr i n g Margaret Cowles, moves into its second weekend at the new Open End Theater in Newport Beach. ~ The showcase production, which offers [ive vigneites fro m the feminine viewpoint, will be staged Fridays through Sundays until March 2 at the 'theater, 2815 Villa Way . Reservations are available at 675-1120. BALBOA 673-4041 .. "'PLANET OF THE IPEI' II A 11U1CUU11E1. . FAICIDTINr ' -U.SolJ>.-, • 2011-1 CEf>ltlJAV-FOX PRESE~TI CHARIJON HESION ·- 11 • ARllUI P. Wll!S,...... Pl-MEI' ~fAPES J«ro' tkOClllNJ.. MllJ!KI EVlllS KIM HUNTER· ll.ltfS l\\ilOORE -WilfS CWY· 00 IMml"". .. """''" ·--~ wt. f'IOOXfbtS·lllOll llR#WllS --~,.. .. .. ._..... -IUMilJl i !OWffO ·llltltlfl -.n lllll!i!UG ......... ~:; ... __.,. -lllirul(· 41:3 Also ------- "FIVE MILLION YEARS TO EARTH" See a Great Movie! Eve. Show Starts 7 p.m.; Cont: Sunday from 2 p.m. Stwtl 6:45 Co11tlttuo111 Sllow Suitday fro111 2 p.111. MlWron llACN -., IM --,. loi..lo~• Ll4• MS. -01. 1-1110 Ample Free Parking BEST ACTRESS-BEST DIRECTOR NEW YORK'S CRITIC'S AWARD A WOMAN WITH A PASSIONATE HUNGER! Abe TM1 Actfoll PRW htt•rt PAUL NEWMAN ""*'~ Morell. lk'-4 ~ "HOMBRE" ~Colo< Now at Both Edw1rd1 Cln•mll A• LOT it RtDG~Vt NffiD HtM 0 MlNbS · Jffffilt SMITH ~r i l~Gi~tmEt-mimUnt-S-tlfu.,.:=;.:~;:.I ~~'.. ... ., ......... lf9" ' ....... --------~ FREDERICK LOEWE· AIAH JAY LIRNER: JA()/( L l'tl\RllER · JWIUA LOGAN ~--- G TEctmlCOLOR" pAUflSIOI• FIOll WAllER BIOS.-SEYEll ARTS 2Rlll PIATUal AT CINIMA JULIE CJ.lRISTIE·GeORGE cscorr wu.,fl9: .:::~::. .. Ji-$!tr" U·IO ......... JM HIT AT CINIMA WIST Sliirlt'f M1c:&..l111 11.lc:lionl Alta11b•r•119li ' , :, . .. ' ·. , • -------·~·------------ Wf~NE~OAY 1:30 0 MIC "-••let (C) (60) e -tci (10) ... ""' alts tM ICtllL OJ ""'" • .. lottoll tf ltlt s.. (C) (60) fl!) Mn hr Twr Mt11tJ (30) "Purch1ain1 Afipti1J1Cn." D~rfl&JAIC W1ll111tl1r iravrc ·1Bun111 Uk• 11 Mlui11:• llJ R1111 lill' lM i. (C) (IO'J m .... •,._IC> <IOI m.,.,.,...,. 7,ooOQ!HIJ CIS <••1 .,. (C) U•BIJJ--(C) 00 (30) W11ts CtonkllL • ._ (C) (JO) T .. 1i1tirn 0 ~r.1 MJ LIM? (C) (30) ., .......... 0 ID~ m T•• 111r1l1l11 (C) "StopoYlf. lfetb Jeffries ruesfs n 1 1uMlln1111r who upsets tilt 18ftn· lty of Medk:iM Bow when ht 1rrtves In town, uusin1 lflYll'll citizens tD tx1min1 1uitty contcltnas. OL.t Ill~ (Cl (60) fJ @f3)£EH1r1 Ct•t 1111 Brides (1:) (601 11MI Lor 1111" JtrtmJ Bott ri~ the loufnr ca.,,, ~llml bfll to IMOUllCe tlltl llt Ind C.ndy P!Uitt m qapd. Whln thl oth• iir1s becomt' ho!!lful for fll"D90.Slls, Lew H1rper, who prir:M hls hlCllelorllood, pl1rib doubts In JefwnJ'• milld. Slim Mel'll111 ll:980fJ'tlJl!J._ (C) 11 l"' Ind P1mtl1 Dunlip II Abl11il. 8""" ....a; e•-1•---Ralt a.rt" (bloer1plly1 '11-RIJ' Danton. J1JM M1mfitld. .h!ll Lon· don, 81rrlt Ch1se. EI!) tndol .. II ID (30) Q) U1 Allfll • II f•lll' .... -ml!(Q IDlilllk "CIMl1111 r •· ,_,. (dr11111) '42-~ltlenl Evans, DIMrtll .... a11Jm .... a "'9flc: ·• ....., ... o. Nl&W" (faiblJ) '45-<:ofMI Wiidt, ·--0 111> ro m..., -(C) 1:00 m Hanl (C) (30) l ;JO em 'Ole Worid .. u.. I• (Cl {30) U:Clll m n sw.t ... ''W1ter-Old Problems, Kew Mech- ods." A rlriew of thl l11porta11Ct of w1t1r-haw It tt .-., '* 1ndt!:20Bllllrilc -..,..,._ Eiclllun"' bli11.r ..... . cii11111) '61-w... KltnPlf•, Rldtl t.M. 12:30 m Acllu+ n.trt: "Sltlllll IHit- Slon." 0 'The Good Guys' Comedy * HIT OF THE SEASON! 1<111 D-"C4l1 m~ ... """' (dral'l\I) 'Sli -Wlllilm Clmptull, M1rl1n C.rr. IJ TM '°* C1171 (C) (30) To 11· tr1d truck driW'll'I to Bert's "9t1, Rufus ptfStlldts C11udla. kt'1 wH1, "poa as frbco Fritz!, I hlP"swllll· Ina. 1um-chewlnr, slltrJ-tonsutd w1itrw. Alan Halt fliesll n trud ctrtm Bii Tom. 0 Wiii W"ltll .. San (C) (30) Jonalha11 Herrb (Q9Sts. THUR SD A Y , DAmME MOVIES ao-(t) DC Sil ........ ..n (C) ·-.. -ht(C) 12:30 QI "I WM • ,...,_.. Ifft' 1111) '40-"ltl lGriM, Pit• loM. ................ Clllh"' (•,.._ ture) '43-lM J. Cobb, An111btll1, i:00 ID""' w., lad" Cdrtm•l ·ss- 1v1n Dtsny, Rutll Nith1u1. 1:30 D (C) ""Utd 0mi• (llnm1) '56 J:l8 O "'Duert Meld" (druru) '60- -M/lur Kennedy, Betta st. JoM. .loll• Milll. 1:00 • .,..., WidMr" (IOllllMI) '46 -JIM RllSSell, Louis HtJWtrd. 4:JO 1J "1'111 Liit .....r' (dl't1111) '47 10:000 (ti .. ,.,rt L_. (n111tw;t) '51' -Slltll11 HIJWlll, RDIMrt Cut- -lat Boont, Slllr1Q .loMI. lnhlp. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLJCA TIONS e NEWSPAPERS PILO T PRIN TING 1211 wm IALIOA m.n.' NIWPOIT llACH - ' ' PERKINS JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS ~ Ii'!.~ M ·- MUTI AND JEFF GORDO 1·8 MISS PEACH I J I / ., ~ 111 1\1 J1~111~111 I I ~ WELL.O&VIOU5lY llOI HAViN"r SIGWEC> .tJIYTHIN6 '6WT! WHAT A.RE YOU BEIUG OfFfra), 6JIF? Pete.M"f'S I CAii GO H16HEJ! l'M l.EAllNIN' T' COUNT ON MV FINGERS! PH liFTER I l.EAllN THEM, MAYSE I KIN srngr ON MY TOES! ~ Al'10R TIW' ~ j:l'j 1tl HIGlllR DUt:Allllll ,'NlrJSQJ;FF, WILL l'!:l\J GO Sl!EMY 'DOClOR? ' MCi'TIIER INsJINtT' -Eva Gabor atar1 witJC••: E4clle ~bert on "Grtu Acres? tonlgbt in-color al:~ 9:IO !"' !JlaMel.2 Wbtn !lie beating mechallllm ~~ ly Joh Mil the (arm's chlclt ~er bteaks down ji:va'o iiioiJi.;:~ ' n ts er tn1tlnct belps·oave l;llOJ C!ay-<>ld birds from clylaf.E~ .. , ~~=-""'---.--·--.... ______ .... _ ...... NBC Entry '1st Tuesday' By CYNTHIA LOWRY . NEW YORK (AP) -With "First Tuesday" in its premiere outing, NBC has joined the educational network a'nd CBS in presenting a magazine-format· show from its news department. · . ·. NBC has a giant, economy~size show consistini.:.: of assorted features which relate to its daily news.·· programs in about the same way that a Sunday-·i: newspaper magazine section relates to its new~:.: pages. · ~--t The inltii!l two-bour show-Tuesday nlgbt opeJ>.: ~ i-.-..1.1....ed-With a .report <>ii Jlr..l'-l>ilip-lllalbarifr"°W-Cel..._,_ bratlng his first aMiversary with a new heart. Th&. ... South African dentist was most interesting . when'··, giving a first.hand report on the surgical proce.:< dures for his heart transplanting that he had 11more;· . discomfort and pain" in the course of the repair o~· . a hernia a year or so before. . ·: i THE PROGRAM moved on to a grim report on:" competitive spirit of the young girls entered in a , national baton twirling contest, making it obviout. that most mothers of majorettes are likely to be .. poured from the same mold as stage mothers and Marine tirill sergeants. One little girl, who ruptured her jugular vein in an accident, and was close to death, was so deter ... , mined to be in the contest that she was tossing her baton 1q days later -an dcame in second. The segment showed something that no network ever touches -the tearful, sometimes hysterical back .. stage reaction of the disapP?int_!d losers. ly Tom K. Ryan THE LONGEST portion of the show was'a pic- torial report on the state of Castro's revolution , largely Interpreted bf dedicated youn; Pro-Castro students -American and Cuban. Activities ot Cuban exiles in. the M~ml area also were sh°"."n. ly Al Smith ly . Gus Arriolll ly Men ' Short feetures Included some film showing_ Charles Atlas, who made a profitable career out ot , selling exercl!es to '7-pound weaklings, and wbo, . now 76, still has a trim muscular body. .. '. The program concludes with ·a feature on Rita. Hayworth, once a film lov .. goddess abd World War( II pinup girl, who ,iJ now frankly 50 and wants lo'.· play mature roles in Hollywood -but finds no'. ' takers. · ' SANDER VANOCUR, the host of the p~ram,: tried to portray Miss Hayworth as lonely, but the;··: pictures of her channing house and pool and-tha ~ sight of ber teeing off at her golf club gave thi1·. whole thing the tone and quality o! a movi .. fa .. · magazine piece. : The program encountered most of It& problem4:; · becawe of its length -it seemed to have trouble:. filllng the two hours. Vanocur handled his role ot host and chJet Interrogator with a sort of cautiou1: . : formality and was devoid of the humor which might~ .; bave helped the program. ·' I . . Detanl• tlae Jtfenue . - ' " • ' ' ~· i-:! =~ ' •. t ~ - \ -----------------~-----------------------~---~---=~~ --·· ' ·-· ~----~-~ I I .. • •I ;. •. ... :te DAILY PILOT Phys~cians Can'( Give · --""• Sex Advice CUSTOM MADE FIREPLACE SCREENS INSIDE AND CORNER MOUNTS Complete Line of Firepl•c..• A~ca50l'iet. Call for frM trtim1te • • Complete Une of Gas Flame Lo9s Santa Ana Tent. and Awning Co. 2202 S. MAIN SAS-0491 . ·{. . SANTA AHA Keep Your Sails S.t. :for Higher Earnings at LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS!}-' ;;_, =<~:~.~. Watcli}'l>urtreasnndsavingsgrowwith'Wind.t!peed 1111derthebright,protectivebannerofthelalgestandolc!Mtlndepud<mt Federal Sa~ and L<>anhsociation in Orange CoilJit.y, _ Funds rcccfred by the t'1ttk earn from the first of tM.1Mfii'h. Don't miss the treasure ship to sccurity;Book:passagetod811 SAVINGS JNS~ TO $15,000.00 by a permanent agency of !he Federal Government. ~ 5 ~11!11T ANHUAl DIV1DEJID RATt: PAID QUAllTEILTI 5 1 /. % WHr•"" '"" ... .25ll /4 BONUS OIVIDQIDTO CURM:NT ANNlW. IATt CN $1,(DJ MINIMUM 3-YUlt CEaTIACAlt ACCM111 WHERE YOU SAVE ~ MAKE A DIFFERENCE! . . . . . ' l . : . • • ~ . , ••• .• _...., .. ·' ..• • • ' ...,... -' . ' ·' .. ~. I . ·i ~)-,. '•';··· • ~ 't( •I • :. "' . 1. ·r~ -4;, !'l'I ., ,,. .. \ . . • • !' • .::.-.... u A ··'I • •fl'~. ir.-1·~· .. lb J 1 •• .. ~ ·~ f<"1..i.f ~ '.)~f:"d \_ ·;: 1• ~.· r•·; :. , • ' By Carol Craig , ·turquoise with white, 8-.1.6. 17.99 •: . . . • • •• ' ,.. 1 • .-.. \ " • • ,; 1 . .JANUARY ·.::~SALES -~~-"' ' • 4000 KNITS F.ROM ·. ~Ol:IR-MGSf--• t I ::·: . I , · j;~1~ous, MAKERS . -17. 99-36. 99 $28-$50 values E~~---ry. one at a fabulous saving! The remarkab le selection irrcludes 100 % wools, Dacron® polyesters,; ·1 fl;Sj-~e1 .... dreses, ·+wo . and fhrEie piece suit look s~ · costumes ..• newest winter-into-spring Shades. M•ff and telephon ... orders ai!&pted; wliile q~1;,,_ . l~t. 0n ·the ·styles sl'io;.,o only. WiridstM Misses' · 'Dres:seS,. 49 . ' "- \. By l~ie ~·~· block. " torri, 10:18;·1·9.99 • • f ·, 'j. ' ,I ( .. " '~ . . . ,.~ ' . ' '·' , '".' , By ' R & K ,Piiginols, navy with white, B/ R, & 1K 0;i~inols, ' I· · lett~~ cj~n .. · · ,_ .. " .. . . . .--..... ¥..... . ..... ' 12-1 8. 36.99 12-20. 22.99 .. -,. , • . ·~'. / ... {Jj·~ • ' • r, ., / ' .ANAJ;tEIM ...... N. h~r,,. 1J1.11t1 ' ....... ~,.. s ••. . : .. ~. ' JI 0.111. 'to t:JO 11·"'· . -·· -~- . ~-• 'II: ~ . ' '' • ~. I ll!' ' • ~ • • ,. . , . 'l ..,t· ' . . . . ·• . . . .. ~ .. \ ., . I . - • ' • .. , , • . , . • . ' . :•-;.' • ' ..t I ' . .. NEWllORT Mo111 t~r• ~ti. 10 0.111. to t tN ,._ S•t. I 0 •.111. to • 11·"" ., ·. • .. I 1 I < • H\JNTIN6TON BEACH 1111 t.n • .,.~ ,.,,,.. n2.1111 tr.f-.i. +hr• Sit. 10 •·•· t• taJO ,.111. ' ~~clP}? f~r, f Savory Career ,~ ....... t _... ... ·-;: ---.11· r• ' "Efatme Ecorn·o,m.ics -~1' 1 ~··. :.:.i ';' ' ' • '1 By PAMELJ. .;L ~ • ; I,' ( ':7.lilg bow imcreauvi people .;.' .~t ;~-41fpl.;~ trylnc u lh•~•'• · iD inlerea°li:i ~;i;;, 'b:u an egg 01 make a white • f~Z:.i~~· .~":/:t, ~: = ot =~~ artioUc expnsalon. sauce Pal Mogan 'l'ill lind It. • ' ' .; • • .c~ A creat deal of"ptepuaUoa'and otganluUon cou lnlo lhe "Cooking_ is a greJt-adyenture;" said Pat, who is ~ss~tanl , ¥mo.economist's Jot. Recipes Dlllll be clipped and teated. JncNdl· professor of borne ~nomips al ,Orange Co'!"t eoye". ' en ts must be measured and sorted before a demonslra\lon. \ eu after ;reu Ille wife of Wallet J. Mogan of ·Santa An• · · · "l,try lo:help -my students~ their materials," uld te~che )'(IUDf'Jl'Oii)tn basji:s: of. col>lt•I)' ind J;iom.e zi!anag,e--~t; "e~auy recipes. There's no .,... In having a good recipe ment-lllOCC,But~''" "-f'li-bored. , . ilyoucan'tlindit" 1 , · ~My·atudents J]:tl.k il1hrteresting,'• she-aald. • . i . ,.. · '· · · • Slilllenll mlcl>r be classes .. at various le\lels of dome.Uc , ' ' . "' ~EETS pil TIST -. d tajow·'1PI\' no. teacher s fouild that most who· have · woltlng • Pat enjoys recipe testing ancl ~ ... bad an qpportumt,y lo o motJ!ers 8t'e extremely -ficlent, whQe otbeis ba\le l)O h~usO!ioW~ '8' g~at dell through the'~ ~ Schoo~ put on annuall,y for !<'!<>wledge at all. Nev !less Pa~ believes In beginning With' the the public In Costa.Mesa..._ · I ;. basics, . ,. J.. •• , ' · · : . 11We work on t• ~year Iong.\We don't mat:,~ u~ <>'!own .. "Jlql,,rou. can vary ihe'basics by placing emphasis on, say, recipes but we do milt~ adaplaUons from old ones. , .u one type of cookery. For .example, one year we foehled on the food Pat ~escrtbes herself ••.a woman who practiC-:".!',.. ·ahe oi Jndia. Another time we.prepared the food of mercy old England, preaches. ldart· ome econ~sls al'! dedlcat~ bomemlikert and using a pig's head and everything for one dinner." thus, there ~"i1 \llftloyer in the .field. I ve alway~ taken a 1 personal sa -,.ork, but then, I have a husband who ENTHUSIAST!~ LEARNERS gives me l(!>Olltr rt 'and I've always had goocl J>tlCJ'~th the Pat bas ~ound her studenti fO b,.enthusiastic learners. ''Most children. Nev . tfa,.l>ta.kepride inmy ·bom~,~P, ents; are, after all, m !DY classes because Ibey waot lo be.U1ere. Many there's nothing I'lll<~~tter than to cl!J'l'up ii! a ch'1fwl\h a cook· are married or plannmg to be mQI'ied. Some are mterest~.1n book.'' , . ·, ·· _ .... . · . home econo~c~ <:&rf!er opportunities."'. i... • • . ' Does her tiUe,J''hom~ eco~omJ.st" en~age~het~end~ to Pat descnbed her field as Uving 11everal directions In w)ilch expect more from bet when Invited lo her hoillo !Or~! _ students can go. They can study boµslpt'ind Interior decoration, "I dOn'l .~l!l''lf'lltey e:q>ect mote, but l'tfY 'to,-.iv;1,li~ clothing and texUJes , food and nutti,ti~ home management,' llllijie more exotic cookl!g_ '""'1 create specioil effec14.i:I Jllte !•> &> tlilngs safety, family relations and child 'development and money man-they wouldn't exp·~·'• , · .. : ... , . agement. Pal's expC!l'ience as a home economlca,teochef bas_ made , Pat's fields are food and nutrition and home management. her rea1ize that wolnan's work is just as hafd ·~ay &a.ft.was in She received her(p-aining at UCLA, obtaining her master's degree the uold days" deSpite modem conv,enienqes. 'jn th' ''old days" al Cal Slate, LO!fg Beach. tl)ere were \illferent standards, she explained. Althouth women "Peogie-don'I realize the Importance of home economics," often had butter to chll'n! aiid ~Qlll•,lo·mlli iind bnad lo bake, they said Pat, ' especially in this titue of over buying and fragile family did not have JDy.psyChol'ogi~ linilges to1neaslfre up to. ·:. relations. If a girl can ~k. men~. and lake c~ of maoag~rial IMAGES PRESS t1QuKWl'I , , tasks , .~er mm~ is freer and s~e can go ~bead with ~er tJitn~s. "Today we live under the Pre:ssuft of t~evlsion and maga· . My pupils seem most mterested in . sewing and msfing zine images. Not only must we keep OJll'· homes ,lpf>tles~l but our- clothing , how to buy foods and serve them attractively. Its· a-selves unrumpled and sweet-smelling.'We,also.prepa~e me~s that are not only tasty but ~ttractive and relaxlng.11 • ·------·-·-+~ Here's Pat's favorite recipe, one that might belp you pre- pare a "tasty, attractive, relaxing" meal. BRAZILIAN RICE CASSEROLE 3 cups boiled rice 114 cup butter 4 beaten eggs 1 lb. cheddar cheese, grated . . . 1 cup milk -s-• I pkg. frozen chopp'e\I spinach, cooked and-drained --1 talilesp6on'c1i'oppel!Mion-·--- 1 tablespoon worcesters6.ire sauce 2 teaspoons salt 112 teaspoon marjoram 112· teaspoon thyme 112 teaspoon rosemary PILOT-ADVlllTISB-1' ''"~ Melt butter and add eggs, cheddar cheese, milk, 1plnach, onion worcestershire sauce and seasonings. Mix well. Add the rice ~d stir. Pour into a two-quart baking dish. Place in pan of ~ot water and bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. COOKING UP SOMETl:!ING. SPECIAL Mr1. Welter J. Mogfin ( Mild-mannered Taco Beefs Up Menu . ' ... " ,_ ' ' ' ._ .. , . ' '" . Mexican food ls becoming · 1 11\f!. >popular evuy day • . KISitrina: that mom is !flrving M~an food · IOI' clinn<r l1 ' l't8IOD enotJC)l for everyone 1o:come ·l'lllllllnK to the table ,· _ . ;, without coulng. A Sloppy Joe Mix has a • fli.vor that makes t h I s ," 'lieuclows barbecue sauce add • ·st.ii~tly -for Hl1n~~f ·~·q ' " r ~ · ·"bee! a perfect filling for thoJ tamou1 Mexican sandwiches, tac<ft Include a colorful Mexlcari beaD · lllad and a large dlsb o1 ou-mo1. dip, llC!l'Ved with cnmchy toltadu, whlch are tortillas cul Into w""'8 and d .. p-1a1 fried. TACOS Shortening 1... r r y I n r tortillas 12 c0rn tortlllas 2 cans .Sloppy Joe ltlix, , heated 211 cups shredded lettuce 12 thin lomato allca, dlcea 1 pint aour erwn 1 cup ·ahftdded c bed d a r cheffe 1 bottle hot 11~ To prepare tortillas, add 6hartonlng !o a mWl skillet, as needed to mate ii l>-inch deep when melted. Heat unW . ,.,,, .. hol. A!id tort!llu to bot ' fat c5oe at a tfme. When , toitllla bocomOI limp (almost - inltantly), fold in half Ul\ng ' . toqr and k,.p _holdhul unW ' tortilla II crisp. Remo\le from fat. Put cloan papor toweling Iii !old and placo 111 paper tow•~ in( to droln. Al llttVlng Ume,. · 1e1 ""' guest Oll a lortllljl · 11 des!Nid with Sloppy Joe _ .By NANCY, MclNTYllE DEAR NANCY: What do you thlnlt of a hU!ljaiid who g!v,. his wile poll and paus for' CbristJtla,? My hus~·tnows 1,ute to -coo~. but-be.·keeps .g.to COOvert me Into, a gOurniet .. ' .. Tbil-isn'I the first time. r~e gotten fancy cooking equli>' ment as a "li:ft." · Y/!Jy : di> I neeil, ~ imported c o. p p·e r Uillet' to warm up1 -a tv dinner? li' husJ?lnd Is so ape CJVel' food I tblnl:·he oUght to take: over' the-cooking. It would' certainly solve both' . . l ' ' ol our frustraUqns. ' Do )'OU · have , any recipes that are lllmple enougli for film to . handle and ' · ·tisty enOugh to. B.atisfy hls gourmet ·~ peUte?,-WOIUJ>'S WOltsT COOK . ', DEAR WORLD'S WORST : Any 11.,-. blnd' who gives hll wife pots and pluis for Christmas is strictly from hunger. Why don't you feed Ute poor guy ahd maybe you'll rot ·sabl .. in your lllock· Ing inltead ct a !klllot? If anybody needs' a' begiMer's course in cooking it'1 you, not your hwlband. Mix. lettuce, tomato, sour 1 • .... , t; ·, ,,.., .. ,,:\ . } , 1 , .._. I " Let him wear the pants in the· !amlly ai"1 you wear the apron. 1t doem't take a great skill to tum oot appeilzlog dishes. "In'. !Kt;' l~'fJiM> more ·skUI~ to niia •a ·meat: bad CeOb · really , wOrk at .it. .· Yould· 'better l.r:irt ' r ~In those polaiand•pOnl'llJld,~_·: paie 'IOCDO husband;p!Ouin,f· rdlilhs , If_ you ltll1 ~ant :a .. ·bu!barkll .around :to : pleue. Here'1•a1aawrjj ricb.bHltet-1of 1, beef that'1 so aililple to ntateufven .tbe world's worst cook can't rilin·H~~ ,and please don't try! Have the botcher lrlin all raf !rOm'.: 3 to 4 pound brisi<el.'ol beef. S)!rinlde Ille ' meat wlth.the-cootenli o1·1 package o! 1 Onion SOup Mix. SeDon •brtsliel 'wll!I ~ • teaopoon Ill~ and· II -. peiiper, ' Wrap meat tl&bilY in h<avt•al- !oll and rout· in' 3IO degiee ......... ror 211 to 3 hours oriunttl-meaf 1ll'·fork ·tender. The Juices !-Ille ineat spply all the needed llquld. ' ' ' ' DEAR NANCY: l'tnJg!•lnr"a: birthday party for my' uncle who ts ·a GO-year.old • · swinger who Jlfttend~ to be &5. Do you think I ought co put .!O c:ancllet 11> his birthday cake or cheat a little and put on 55? -MARGIE B • DEAit MARGIE! .F;itbf I way' 7ou'll • need, a (ire eniDguiaber. Anybody.~ ea , hasn 't the breath to blow out a botlflrt. U yoo really want ,to be dlpjomlltic, bet· j ter serve .guests indi'iidual ciipcakes or cake aquare with a candle Jn each aad let your swinger keep his secret. · cream, c:hMdar cheele, top-,_,....,.....,.._..._....,.-.~....,..._..._,..._...,..,....._,....,..._,,._..._,....;,.~·~,~· ... ~1 ping U all with hol 11811Ce. AMERICAN VERSION OF THI MEXICAN 'SANDWICH' Ylold: 12. Halls of ,Ivy ·Structured for Knowledge, Not 'Baby-sitt'ing . ' ) ' ~I ' ~ --- ·-. ' . -·---· Peering Around CE!ARA11NG thdr Z7th •t.ddi:u& annivtrurJ on Jan. 10 will be Mr. and Mrs. John w. KaJnu ol Colla llaa. N"" ol thdr ann1__,. WU """"""2d by Kailly and Johnny KalDat ol C-Maa and Mn. Fred K«p ol Laog Beach, the couple's -· A NEW PLEDGE ol Sigma Sigma Si«ma sorority al ~ lnl Mi1aouri Stata College is Mary Robinsoo, daughtar ol Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Robinson of Costa Mea Mm RDbinsoo alao is pres;. dent of Yeater Hall and a "'prueota~ ol the Asso<ia· lion of Women Students. In higbacboollbewaahmn«:<lrn- ing priocesl, • junior claso officer aod member or the atudenl OOllll<il. Skin To.pie For Moms By-laws will be p~sented and a dennatologi.st will speak when Uie Orange C o a s t Mothers of Twin& Club meets tonight at 8 in the Villa S w e d e n restaurant, Hun· t1ngton Beach. 1be buainess meeting will begin al 7 with Or. Laurence Kom ~ Cll ..... otl<s. aaln& aad fOOd beallh habit• !Ii the 1tin. Any mothers of twins in . lhe Or-Cout ........... '.lnvltad 16.~ lhe meeting, Md raerrit1om: may be made _ :. ~~ .-CHI- . ~tnl--lf<ln-ll 1111 ~·ol ·Twill Qub mi'I ... ~ "1 ..m., • 111tw. C11rta S c b n t I d er • 'h I • ...., -... ILt -- .........,,,..., .. 1 ... BARBARA STAHLE To M•rry May Rites In Offing Army Lt. Scou Uiv.•rty Boyd, son of r-.1r. and r-.frs. Oiarllon P. Boyd of Laguoa Beach will claim Barbara Stahle as his bride during ear· ly May riles. News of the forthcomin g event was announced during a dinner party in the home of the bridMltt"t's parents, Mr. aod Mrs. John H. St.a.hie "' Oriada. Miss stable is a graduate of Mlramonte High School, Orlnda. attended the CoUege of the Holy Names in Oakland and now is a student at Callfomia Slate College al Hayward. Her (iance. is a gradua1 e of Laguna Beach High School and the University of San Francisco. He ii staUontd II F~ Lee, Va. The annual Pacilic Zone Conference will a t t r a c t Parents Without Partners to lhe Charter House Hotel, Anaheim, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Jan. JO, 11 and ll. Single adults are Invited to attend the activiQes, accordif18 to Mrs. Barbara Ritchie, zone dire<:lor of Huntiligtoo Beach. . The organization will host t he lnternatiooa1 board of directors at a Mousbteers Bop at 9 p.m. ~. and a semifonnal banquet aod Yin Yang Ball Saturday following a day of workshops. Ylu ,Yanc, the Chinese symbol ol an that comes to be, is the official PWP symbol. . Theme or the conference will be PWP /USA -Parenti Without •Partners tnrited Jn a common cause, aharing 1 greater maturity, act i o o toward living today. Adult dancing Friday will be to the masJc Of I~ • .: • .... ~ llarmoniers witb interntl¥k>n ~erl ~eld11,_ ~ecllate past entertainment furnished by intemaUonal president. . Mrs. Ethel Gwld Tucker 'J'.he Un~arables. The Var1a·" will .fead a worqhop on t1ons will provide music: for Educ°Jlion fOf Re-marriage the Saturday ball. and Gerry Ram.er Shields PWP teenagers will ~ave assisted by Forrest Goff, wui a record ~op Friday night, ,cover lbe·riew 'organization of a day at Disoeytand on Satur· Remarried partner ir of day, and a d~nce to live music America. Saturday night. A pancake Big Brothers of Orange br.ea kfast ~nd mys~y bus County will provide an en- trip also will be prov.ided ror cotu1ter group led by Robert both teenagers and chil~ren. Gilbert aod Ralph Holberg, Who Are You?. will be exf.cuUve direCtors. discussed at a luncheon by Dr. The intematior.al board of Jo~ A. Zimmer, of the First difectors will convene Sunday, Union Metbodisl Chu: ch,~. Jan. t! ,with .Lewis Whitmore Fullerton, and Ar1 old Binder. of Corona del 1 Mar serving professor of peychology at as chairman &Ad coriducting · UCI , will speak on The Single the meetin&. Jungle daring the evenlng"s Hosting the conference Is banquet the 8outbt:rn C;a I J f o r n I a Leadlog . workshol" will j>e . RelJiooal Council of PWP ?otrs. Dorris P a I m e r , in· which iJ comprlatd of 20 ternational president, who will chapters and ~ members discuss the Sjngle Pa.rent from Ventura to San Diego. Congl'ess laking J!'-« ,in The inlmtaW organlulloo Dallas 18.st 'June, aslsi!d by represents 358 Chapters in this Westminster Club Lauds counV"f .Canada, HawaiJ and Puerto Rico, with more than 55,QOD members. 'I1>e Dooproflt organizaUon " devoted lo the int ....... of-. single ~ and their c:Jilldttn.M~pllopeb lo all single paraota """ ""' divorctd, widowed or un-Scholarship Winners · married. with or without Past scholarship .4'innc rs for the meeting. custody oC lhe 'children . vdl\ be honored w h e n Mr Wall Conn · Proceeds from the ct'ln-s. er ors, presi-ference will be used for the members and guests of the deht.,' wu awarded a pl1Que group's scholan.hip luOO. At> Westminster W9JDan's Club by the Westminster City Coun- mett at ?:XI p.m. tomorrow, ciJ in a~tlon ol the dub's dilional mrormatK>n may be in the Civic Center. outstanding sernce to the . obtained by calling PWP, $46- Hooored will be high achool community. The plaque ¥.'ill ,,,,,~=7118=· =======; winners since 195.1 Including be displayed in the Oranseir the li-tmes. C.P. Hayooi, 1963 County Library, Westminster and S.C. Fore, 1964 ; and the branCll. 1'.fisses Pam Altomore, l:l&S; Fulure acl.iviliu being plan. Gv.·en Love, 1966; Becky ned by the groop indude an Adams, 1967, and 1'.taureen anniversary dinner and a Walter, 1968. !pring (Mhion show. Mrs. David Ames, program~;;~;:;;;;;~~~~Pll chairman, will introduce Miss/: Altomare and Mia Love. who will tell what scholarshJp has done rar them. Each •pring the 12 o o lcholanhlp ls pr....v.I to • deserving youth lo further her educaUon in the fteSd of leathing. Here's Where It's· At! JEa.ntnhQ Mro. Ra)'MQnd Wolfrom will be in cbarae ol rtln!ahmen11r~=:il:=:: ......., f'lalll ........ -404oM -__ ,...,,. Horoscope I ' ' IF TODAY IS YOUR BJBmDAY you attract oth- ers with thelr problems. You are a couns.elor. People de- pend upon you during a cri- sis. Cycle now ls powerful; much money involved and you can draw success. CASCADES · 'Grecian or Barrel Curls Designed to m•~e r.ou the most glemorous gir, s.11 •• 1 .. wher• s 1495 at 29.95 ·WIGLETS li••ltrtM for Iott of <url• •• l1r .. It 1tyl11 Tht Topper I The'Wigg_le I Tho Moxie ~"3:95'" ;,: 95 "9: ;~· " WIGLET . STYLING 53.50 \ WIGS FALLS The ultimate for those who must have the very best, Ovv lO to 5efe(t from in ell colors end si:tes. DEMl.fAll ' WIG-FALL LONG·FAll ..... ,. .. 26.95 ......... 49.95 ,. ...... 60.00 Moniot linlflt• a cr••t•1 1tylo1 ••P9Cl11lly for YOU. Cu1lo11"1 1tylo1 I fih Incl, corry• i119 CtlO • liood, • Exotic _,,.._., 4t.t5 ~• Hend TiU .... 14.tS e Europeen -7t.t5 • C..stom Mede 200.00 e Semi Hend Tied -······ 7t.t5 250 E. 17th St. 1·'c , ·., · osta mesa Hillgren Square 5'48·3+46 Open Deily 'til 5: 30, Thurs. & Fri. 'tit e ' ~---,..., I "';,.,, .... ·. ~ ) . ! l HAS 'l'Hl" N~ FllGIDAll!l · Fl.IP 'TQP" • DISHWASH I t " ,. ·r . . '· • I "S1,11t•d cl••ltn r~ .... front for ••1i•r lo1di119. Depend on Davlio8rown Jed1-in-tl1e-box reeks ri.1 9111tly to meet you. In Our 22nd Year WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL! I 1 Her•'• the •triking fliptop Dl1h111eDll• •rlwlor cl••itl'I by S.110101 Motori 1tyli1h. 10 FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER MODELS TO CHQOSE FROM- Priced Aa Low As , , , EASY TERMS ., - UNDER-COUNTER MODELS -LOW AS $14888 EXCLUSIVE FIVE-YEAR WARRANTY by Frlgld811'11 It good whe,.. ever you ltve or rnove in lh• U.S.A. B•clt:ed by General Mo!ort, too, Depend On: DAVIS BROWN \ " 1 ,).111 E. 17tll St. I I C0tta Meta -646-1614. , Dally f-9; Stt. 9.f . J • . . . • . President 'Experiments' Newly elected student body president of Fountain Valley Elementary School, Albert De Smet, has to take time away from his school work to plan for stu- dent activities through J une. Assisting him are Linda Burdge, eighth grade student and members of the PTO who serve as coordinators. Discussion Arranged A panel from Ute Fairhous· Ing Council of Orange County will be presented when the Newport Harbor Annual Day <>f Church W<>men Unite\:t takes place at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 10. A choral group . f r o m Newport Harbor High School will provide m u a I c a 1 en· tertainment and new officers will be installed. The public is invited ta at- Opening the meeting in St. Andrew's Pres b yte r i a n Church, Newport. Beach, will be the Rev. l)()n Bassett, president of the Harb<>r Coun- cil <>f Churches.._ • tend, and lunche<>n, at $1.50,I ~~~==::::=~ will be served. Tick eta ma y I.! be obtained by calling Mrs. William F Qf, chairman, 545- 9169, tt Mrs. Harvey Pease, 67~. Give !he United Way OPEN DAILY 9-6 ON THE MARKET UPPERDECK WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR GROUP OF BLOUSES, cottons &: crepes. 1/2 PRICE LEATHER TRIM CORD PANT SUITS JACKETS, reg . 25.50 SALE 15.00 PANTS, reg. 14.50 SALE 8.00 VELOUR PANT SUITS JACKETS, reg. 39.50 SALE 19.00 PANTS , reg. 21.50 SALE 12;00 WOOL PANTS, plaids, stripes and solids. Wide and strai_ght leg. l/3 to 1/2 OFF SKIRTS, cotton and wool, cord and knit . -1 /2 PRICE PANT DRESSES 16.00 NOW 12.00 15.00 14.00 TWEEDS, gray and brown, reg. 31.50 LEATHER TRIM CORD, reg . 21.00 RED.WHITE , BLUE WOOL, reg. 27 .50 POLYESTER , Machine Washable, reg. 25.50 JACKETS, Float Coats, Windbreakers, Tennis Jackets 1 /3 OFF GROUP OF "T" TOPS 1/3 to 1/2 OFF SWEATERS, Cardigan &: pullover bulkies. 1 /2 PRICE WASHABLE WOOL COORDINATES ;, wh;1,, roytl, red. SHIRTS, reg. 15.50, 10.00, CARDIGANS, re9. 16.50 12.00 TURTLE NECK PULLOVER, reg. 15.50 SALE 10.00 MEN'S SPoR.TSWEAR. MEN'S SWEATERS, Cardigans and pullovers, ski and tennis sweaters. 1 /3 to 1 /2 OFF MEN'S JACKETS , Cords, Cotton windbreakers. 1/3 to 1/2 OFF MEN 'S "T" SHIRTS, Short and long sleeved, turtlene ck and reg ular. 1 /3 to 1 /2 OFF MlSCE!f.ANEOUS . KABOR MARLIN SPIKE, reg. I 0.00 KABOR FISHING KNIF~, reg . 6.50 FLOATING . FLASH SALE 7.00 SALE 4.00 1/a OFF NAUTICAL GIFT ITEMS 1/a to 1/2 OFF POCKET SIZE TRANSISTOR RADIO, reg . 20.00 SAU 9.00 RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER •' --------· ~··----------------~ -----..- Wtdnadq, -.., I, lM- .. OPEN 9-4 DAJ~Y • . ' . • • \ • Horne d Gift Siop FANTASTIC YEAR -END CLEARANCE OF REGULAR STOCKI ALL --- SALE ITEMS AT 1/3, 1/2 AND MORE, OFF, TO MAKE ROOM .FOR NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE I SALE STARTS TODAY, JANUARY 8 Group of MUSIC BOXES and MUSICAL TREE ORNAMENTS, reg . 15.00 SALE 8.00 reg. I 0.00 SALE 6.00 LAMPS-On• of a kind decoratiw• l•mp11 som• with match - ing table acc.a11oria1. 50" TABLE LAMP, orange and gold rougli glaze. Reg. 85.00 SALE 57 .00 _ H..,f'jGJN~ iAMP .~ Jiandm11d1, orA11G•-- trim on white yarn shade, reg. 35.00 23.00 LAMP, red and gold apple pattern, reg. 75.00 SALE 57.00 LAMP -White textured finish, reg. 79.00 SALE 53.00 SCONCES CANDLE SCONCE, Italian Florentine Flower tree, hanging sconce. 13 feet high . Reg. 125.00 SALE 80.00 SPANISH WROUGHT IRON, hanging sconce. Reg. 22.00 SALE. 15.00 Group of DECORATIVE CANDLES 112 OFF ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS. reg. 2.20 SALE 90c STACK TABLES in high f•shlon colors of aittertW"'· Olive. Hot pink, Yellow end Red. Large Size Reg. 19.00 SALE 14.00 Med. Size Reg. 17 .00 SALE 12.00 ~:"~~I ___ Reg. 15 .~ ~ALE 10.00 CLOSE.OUT-ALL JEWELRY AND LEATHER GOODS, bil~ folds , keyc•1e1, cig•rette e11e1 anct lithfers. 1/3 to 1/2 and MORE OFF. BRIARD'S "TOWN I COUNTRY" s;lv.r Mm, Crystol p;tc11 -Cindy dishes, Chip and Dip. Sug1r' end Creamer. 112 PRICE ENGLISH SILVER PLATE m•lrf pltett. 1/J to ' 112 OFF. DECORATIVE ACCENT TABLE Pila$ AND WALL HANG. INGS. M1ny styles. 1/J to 1/2 OFF AS IS BARGAIN TABLE Slightly damaged· or soiled decorative items at GIANT REDUCTION~! UPPER.LEVEL .. , LINEN NAPKINS, Stay·prets finis~ 11'1 solids •nd florals . -Reg. 1.00 SALE 60c DAISY SHAPED PLACE MATS, in 1pple green end yellow, cen al1J> b1 u1ecl for wall decor. Reg. 2.00 SALE . 1.25 PLAC~MATS, Jorge 9roup. Rt9. J.25 NOW 90c: FLOQR. TOWEL TREES, by Koch, br••• or nickel finish. Values to 22.00 Now 112 l'RICE CLOSE-OUT ON TRAVEL ITEMS, values to 5.9·5 -NOTHING OVElt $1. PLANNING A PARTY? Pa·rty paper goods at special savings! Table covers, cups, plates , napkins, bridge tallies, and inivitations. Values to 1.25. SALE 1 Oc • 25c -· CLOSET ACCESSORIES, mony ~len end p1llm11 from wh ich to choo1e. 5·Drawer CHEST, reg. 25.50 NOW 15.00 WINDOW SHOE 'BOX, r~g. 13.50 9.00 HAT BOXES, reg. 8.00 NOW 5.00 SUIT AND DRESS BAGS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS! ltouHlul group of METAL WASTE IASKETS, TISSUE BOXES AND HAMPERS. 112 PRICE BARGAIN TABLE Waste baskets, soap dishes, covered boxes, canned punles, note books, nap· kins holders. (Just A FEW OF MANY ITEMS .} Values to 15.00. SALE 25c • 2.00 IPWER. LEV.EL CERAMIC TABLE CLOCKS in black, white, yellow or gold. Reg . 35.00 1/J OFF CERAMIC WALL or TABLE CLOCKS in gold, bletk or white. Reg. 25.00 1/a OFF G.E. PSYCHEDELIC CLOCK. Reg . 9.95 ' 1/J OFF Seth Thomes BATHETTE WALL CLOCK in blue. Reg. 12 .00 SALE 113 OFF Carevelle BAROMETER CLOCK , wood wall clock. Reg. 39.95 SALE 1/3 OFF HANOVA CASSEROLES -Enamel on steel, in ·green, orange, yellow, blue. Not all 1ize1 in all colors. Reg . 14.50 to 2t50. 2V2 qt., 4 qt., 6 qt., 8 qt. --ALL· 112 PRICE I I " HANOVA BOWLS. Reg. I 0.00 1/2 l'IUCE ITALIAN PLASTIC GLASSES in red , blue or green. Reg. 1.69, 1.89, 2.25. 1/z l'RJCE ' Su'\b.am Wood TABLE CLOCK. Reg. 24.95 GERBER HUNTING • 1;, OFF 19.50 KNIVES . Reg . 7.50 end NOW 1/2 PRICE at the Entrance to Udo Isle - 3433 VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH .. \ - r 1 I I ... ·' I _, .• . I ; Stay T un.ed for Te/evisi6n First . • ' -., · .. : ·-: . : !: ' . . :. . Tuning in . on telev¥ion -'6how-. "Jrulh --or :COnsequ.- tnces"' on Jen, ,13 and H will be fDl'mbers of Fulton PTO. Mrs, ·Donall Willlam•·(left),•nd her hu•band ,. .. ' .. ,I ·t " .. ' ., ~ qtE BRIDGE f.IM. ~J. J.{AY',(Ot ·: .:: .·.:. ;•, _,. ... ' . .-J ::-._ ............... '. " ' .. BRR>GE·MADf·EAn'.I .. "! 1 · '· -~ ··-.. -~·- •'! ,-,'f'llGtNlA ltct.n· '' -· · .../.:.· .. · , CBL Life Mas!or-Accr. Ma.tor Brid~ J eo~er t-wm co.rl'°'i, • .. ri~• .dl,_J O··w~_.~RiqGr, J esSONS \Q~ B~li'l~~~D ~M.BPI, ~TES. ''.~~AY·A_S~YOU-LEARN'.'. :"~!hod fealur- 1-d. No1 bO.i)lg ltt'"res ...•. One. lenon eoeh weo~. ,; MAY-'CO/lfAt00MS ·7:30:9:00 p~ · i! COSTA MESA-THU~sW:vs .... '.· , ,$t o\f'per 1._sson · olt0ncled : i-~&$If PbiNT COUNT FiATUREO ' ~--.· -··-·· ~ Sfo~ w•ek of Monday, .i..·n. : ll· ... ..,..t ... ; ull llW l'WWMftlM1 ~Y ·""CO ~=~ 3 'itty• c• ~ c••lf ,1111; . --- • 4 . •f ~•t•I, code 111111; ~••·,lll· . ., . '• . -.. ' ' -" ' . co~a _al l;IO \.m.-, In ~ .homo1 ol n. CllHord . Walton : • • Aa!oclaUon .. ... ~ •' ' ... -.~ and' Falber·,..· nljhr at 7:IO p.111. Wedntl- <ky, Jan . 15, ~ the muJtl.- PIU'Pole ·room. fuat speak· er will be Ed .,_ke. • REPORTS: Melnbert pro. vlded a ~ tree, clua parU., and Santa giv· Inf capdJ canes, belort the . : .; }¥illday vacat~ ~Newport E~. PT A .. ' · Mii. Jolin ifuppte COMING ~~iation :. : -H\eetinl at 7131: p.m. Mon- ·, 1 daY, , Jan. 1' in the · calelerli. Dr. 1'iilllam Cun- • E . blngham, superintendent of the Newport-Miss. Unified School Districlt will speak. Parents ar.e-urged to attend •.. Annuil F*·SOO ban-quet will taki-p&ace Friday, --Jan: ff;· ln-ule American Legion Hall. Ed Burke, Olympic hammer thrower will be guest speaker. Sonora PTA -lln. Dooald Mollie• Pruldeal COMING . Uf,r•s lee cru.m. ' social 1\)11~ (e!lival from 8 to 11 p.Qi: -~esday, Jan .... 14, in .. me multipurpose room. will be on the air with -other . unit membtr5. Sure to be home to •ee the area .contestants at !l:ill p.m. on Channel ll will be · Mrs .. William Rbberts. D~strict Clubs Meeting . . ·' H06ting the Orange District, A di.strict workshop under C.ut'ornia Federation o f the-directil\ QI '*'-William Warne.n's Clu,b'a cou!'cll Cheneywi!JlaltplfceonJan. meellng 111 . J ... H will be 21.>19 :~ ~.m.1n '1e ~ the Buena Part Wcimen's Cbib . U -~-i'lubhoUoe. in the Elks Club, s.anu ADa. . -.(J] . club deans am d1strict Regjgtration begins at 9 cbal(?Den are.uked to attend. a.m. Mn. James McCalla , di!trl<t pnsi<lenl will call the morning eesaion to order at 10, and lunob will fol1ow a shorl film ce. tho ePower a Womaft:" - - Mrs. Dale Mowery of Foun- . lain YJI1e7, ~vice presi- dent; wm-oftt!r tblf·PfOll"'J'!-· Mrs. GUI Rudeen, vice prai- denL at large,. Area D, will be lite >pecial .,,..w' Women Called.· An interfaitb panel discuss ion and electJon of or. ricers is ~on the qmda wbtn QlurcJI Women . IJlliJod ol Laguna Bioch mtft'far I noOn hmc~ in United Metbodiit 0.W]:ll' D( ~ l.q1na Clll l"rlda)', 1an.·10. -. _. Mrs. H.T. Wilm> will "ti~ide. . . . '~ '.) Woodland S~hool Off•~~.ng Big 'Fish' Story It may ~ffist\i:~u{,'-~l(il('aav~.-and Raun Thorp are 'dotnr ~ lilUi!i're!earth 'bel6re Woodland School's third annual Father.son Dlriiler Jan. 21. At that time C111dr, .(rel), Erig P.1 Slpitt, writer and producer of _d~enla!')'J!li!fs,llD!l,film consultant to the Navy, will sb~1' ,'!. m0Vi"'-.:i14 discu" the .-ttalhlng of dolphins. Cmdr. -strutt'wor!IOO Wjth Scott ' 'Carpenter and the astronautsJot"Saa tCien}ente 1,.. Janel on Sea Lab· 2 and also tw:ith JaCqui! ·C&usteaa.. Mrs. William Moden and Mrs. James Kay beadO!I the arrangements committee. · ' I . ·. --... '':' -... ~-1-.~ St. John A~'. '. :.. . ~;Jlll!-J'V .•. Paper drive tbe costume of your Cmdr. («l.\.f:tic P. SlluU, Mn. Robert ~d· ftoW 1'1irprogras. ..hom~ and bring y~ur w r ~t.e r .and producef of President , . 1 .. ~RTS: Mn. Robert fa v .o ~It e main dj~h. docume.n~ .~ilm• and c»r)· COMING UP: Meetibg at 8' Jdc:Cormlsh, chairman A~on, 25 cents ~r suttant to · the Navy, )fill p.m. tomorrow. Sii A and rf:port~ class 5 ~ won last • person . .,, '" . B room mothers, Mrs. months paper drive. 'W" "· jt' d " . show a film mJ 'the tra.b\inJ Charlea Pond, Mrs. Ronald OOw jl~ P.fO of dol~hilti. Ile al!o will Rector, Mrs.cRa¥fl>on.a : Wil1.0Jl PTA Mr1:nan1eJF1.n:.tt speak "on sia Lab 3,..,. Henderson and Mti. Patricl, ~ ~,!'tin. Fred Slmpte1 Prealdent . . de r-w11 t tr stays ~ Godwin will :host. Miss Em· · . Preaklent 'COMING UP: Annual Father.o harY.f.l[biC 'j)( underwatir ma Za:J~ -regis~red C0l4nlG1' UP: International' Son 'dinner at 6:30 p.m.-·· · · · t nurse w11J 'ak'.' •.• WI~ ·~qck ' dinner at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 1n the..1==cr=':P'=·=======t. ta11Ung part at'7 P·f!l· -Fri-·· 'nlufsday, Jan. 16. Dress in . mulljpurpo:;e room. Navy It -~·-" " ·-SALE Untts :·Ba~k -tn--5\essien----- '°,~~~~:~.··~~·tr:~~ ;l.·~~(i .·Schools' Floating 1a;;..ura·' PTO :· . ~~ina:Z-·Sc~i'' dli~':f' "',..,~~ Laj>oratory. A film , selected .. Mn Lonll Brink ftldoe:r or11111lr.1rlons wtll -r 11'1 '·-· \.y->•-us Olf1'-of Educa . . """DAILY PILOT,.,~ ...... l!lfenft.. . p ·urc . • ..... • ~ ...... .· '1'elldent . r:-.: -, ~ .;. . . . ... - ;; t1o11 mwt toe rtct1 ... ec1 lrl ~" ~... .lib~ the outlitan,:i; .... film COMING UP· Board meeting Pulford, 17NO $.11111 Luci•, FobnY1l11 ......... • v1r1tv . .,,. J '·"'· Frid•, for ~!'•'Ion ol the ~r and previewed at 11 :30 a.m. tomorrow. WedMldl,.I , ~ tbe Prague Festival tn ·~PORTS:~ was host Ill Heat'S W"-It's All - E tw d PT •· · · • •Juucbio• i>f .Oi'ange i:ountJ· 111 oo " JJ!l8, will be sh own •. j Efemll!tatY~l!.·o-o r-Jllin- Mn. Robert Fresenius Refreshments will be se:ved • cipal~today : .. Mrs. WI President by the boapl~ll~ committee ROmine bas been appointed COMING UP: Federal Aid \0 ·u.JICIJr, the direction of Mrs. ' "' vice president. F.ducation is toJ)k. 6r Partel ,, Jaines Stewart. 1fi'ia' ---"-""'""' ___ oiiiil•miliiliiiiiiiiiiliiii.i discu5'ion at UO p.m. Mon-Lamb PTO day, Jan. 20, ~· ~t-'h e : . Mr1. Peter Barbolak muldpurpose room.· T~kin-g· Pri1tdtlt part in lbe ~m are COMING UP: Spec I al P..1atthew Weyuker, ~sltlenl · oruruzatJonal meeting of all of the Board of Tru!l~s, p&ients who ~ill h a v e w e strninster Elementary children . attending Lamb School District and member School will be at S p.m. of the Board of Truste::es t o~p r--r .. 1;1 w , In the Huntington uni 0 D High . m, u1 . .t lp.ll''r po s.e rool'!l. School :D.1 ~,.t~1 .c~t: .Dt .. ··Nlinimting ~~ttee will S udersti~n Cha.wl-a, be ·elt~-tor the .purpose chairman of t&e· department of electing-new officers for or political s c i e n c e , the PTO. California State College at Long ·Beach, and Robert Gorcfdn, director of d&&a processing at UCI, who will be the moderator. Public is invit~. Hare_41r PT A .. Mn. CUrlel Upot l'nlldenl Newland PTA ·. Mn. .Yori ilart President COMING· UP: BoJJd meeting :at 7:11) p.m. tomorrow ... Unit meeting ol 7:30 p.m. Tu•S<!ar. Jan. 11. ·, R.EPOR'rS:· Mrs. Vern Dart presented $100 to the school COMING UP: lnnovation Jn which wW be used for . ' 'Formerly with . the. Hair ·Hut · has now jpinJc/; 1he staff here at . -. -., rIDf1 ~ \. lr!!;O ·. · fl~1T. · PHONE NOW 5414460 . IN WESTCLIFP ·PLAZA .1 Science: is theme of ·.unit . science pmjed.s in the meeUni •I· 8 'p.m. Wed--~-....~~· ~te~n~ter!:.':·:....· __ _J1;,,;..,,.,,, ... ..., ... ...,.., .... !!!!!! .... !!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'1 nesday, Jan. 15. Ronald Linsky, coordinator of marine science for the Or1nge Co u n t y superin· tendent's otrtct.. who in- itiated the oceanography pro&ram a.tH uni lti'i_fO n !leach High '-kbeo[ nve yeir1 ago, will be guest speaker, presmting_F1shlng f o r Edoallon -'-· Or-· . . ' I .. . ' I . ' . . -. . ' , STER'O ~EN_SATION! The colorful sound or ~ Orange Co•\Y·MuSk;: 9ipam RADIO KOCM 103:1 FM · From Fashior, lstand, Newpoi:t. Beach . • ·-. .. ..--·~ • ~-.! -·-•• .. . ~ . _,, Orie ·Hour's Paj· per MonlhL Your Fair Share to United F.tnd ' .f I • ~ '' • " ' " PHONE : 673-4360 FOR HOME DELIVERY 1.lb. 79' FOLGERS COFFEE FOLGERS COFFEE GERBER'S .• STRAINED I U. 1J7 , ... 1.98 BABY FOOD 10 for 51 FLEISCHMAN'S REGULAR MARGARINE ' ... 35c BETTY CROCKER . BROWNIE MIX HUNT'S 8-oz. Tomato Sauce 12for 51 HUNT'S TOMATO PASTE ' ,.; a,.. s1 HUNT'S EASY POUR CATSUP 14 ... 5 ,.. 51 HUNT'S wH'oLE PEELED TOMATOES ...... 5 ,.. 51 HUNT'S WHOLE PEELED ... l 'i• 4 ,.. 51 TOMATOES HUNT'S' STEWED No. 300 5 for 51 TOMATOES HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE ..... 4 ,.. 'l HUNT'S ••. l 'i• 4 ,.. 51 PORK & BEANS HUNT'S WHOLE NEW POTATOES ...... a ,.. s1 BAGGIES JUMBO FOOD WRAP ""· 49c f!JJP!a~ BAR-M SMOKED UYER Braunschweiger. lb. 6'f ARDEN 8 ASSORTED 'FLAVORS . YOGURT .~. 5for 51 XW AN HOLLAtlD 41,4-oz. Coolted ·Ham RICHARD'S MONTEREY ·I-I.; . Jack Cheese ,. PILLSBURY HUNGRY JACK CINNAMON ·St ROLlS 11 Vi ·Ol. • 3 for 51 :6.MgJJ~ HOT, AND DEUC10US MAIN DISHES. VEGETABLES, SALADS, .MEATS. · All READY TO TAKE HOME AND EATI I . PRICES EF.fEC!.JVf ~UAAY-t, 10. IL ·1: THE WORLD'S· "SWEETEST" JUICY, TEXAS RUl'f RED GRAPEFRUIT 8 ~R 51: FINE FOR· SALADS. RED RIPE .l,4£D1Uhf:,$1ZE TOMATOES 4 IN ·2· S'' PKG." ·. IAKING-Sf_ZE ., PLUMP, • CENTENNIAL VARl~TY YAMS 2~LIS.·29'·· : ' . ' Peasant B(ead · ' .' 41c VARIETY BUNS 6 ,.. 49c Apricot.Squares .... 1~ DUTCH CRUNCH ROlLS 6 ,..29c LAST CJfANCE · CHRISTMAS : CLEARANCE>· . ~ "' -.. OF ALL·· THE OLD ODDS Al9D~ ENDS •• • • I '. ~ ... . . ' .. • . • • • • .... '. ! ' ' ' ' ' . .. . ' .. ~· -: . ' . ' -" . . ·"' "1 •i .,, . ' . .. . --· . ~ WE TAKE: PRIDE IN SERVING Y.OU lHE FINEST . AGED AND~TRlt.llMED U.S.D.A. PRIME li~tfF _. VAllABtE~ •• ... . . STUFFED>·wlth CMtlnvl Dre11in9 M~RINATED · . ·. ' ' . BEEF ROULADES 1.29 u. . CHICKEN WJNGS . . . I "9c'11. . ' . !\ STUFFED P/\C:KlD lN"·i:QIL PANS''. • , . Cornish Ga.me Hen.s . 6Sc.... Stuff~:.P,ii>rk :C~~~ . , HAMBURGER STROGANoFF · • . 'reh..+ even to 37SF. Cook 4 01. noodles drtln. In V" cup butt•r seute -5 Mln. ·vi cup . onlons;"I clcn-• t•rlic both flnoly chorp•d encl Va lb~ -tlicod. . mu1hroOmt. Adel lb. tNUf'.'14'>.l»eef, -coolt, ~tiriing, till browucl. Ro· move from hMt. Stir In ·t T flour, 1-1 01. canned ·tom•+• 1euct,··V' C. burguntly, 1- :· ... , ' " c:l;'L. FAME ... 6-oz. ~,,nge Juice 510' ,. DOWNY FLAKE WAFFL~S ""' 29e . CP.R~ 4-i~NT SP:O.NISH RICE -11 ... 3: ,.. 11 . ' . . ' ) t ' ,• " ' ' ' ... "" ,. ' I ' J • .. . ----... .... . . ,. -~. . ~ -• Jf..e'Lr. ~r ~. ~ 1.1.w I • • Home News ·and Views • Let 'Ta ~te Be Your · Guid e .While en oO s i n ~ Necta r of Gods By DORDTllY 'l'ENCK -two lypa ol Rhloe wine. bination of foods . In our wine ra.. which ii U it . dritl qui. It IDA1 , ltt "nley "Ill ~ pal.Ito¥" !cc temper1ttn. pre!er their rod wines chllled. or. ... °':"' M.-,.,......,. And here'• where we start There is an all-purpose rule Jn tbe f1.mlly room. Who's air !n. Bot~ with met.al aevval d1y1. f A. All wJth molt wtnt 1ub-White wines, bf custom are ••i..et•1 hm wine with our getllng confuted! for buying wines -"buy what rltbt?, ICl"IWCIPI or plutlc ~~kl can Deuert and appetizer wines, jec:b, there ls tradition con· considered most enjoyable ~·" •YI ~~· "°J: The tiadl~01t1l '• r u ! ~,'' you like." The "secret" to A. Ybu're bOth partly right. lie down or ltanil upright -' because of their LI g her nec:lea wtlh lhe 1 e r'v I n\1 when chilled -to about 45 ~ ,:1:.;:.;.. What which 11 tifoken with great en jay lag wine ls In expe~ Light and ~t do ~ffect wine It doesn1 m1tter.-' alcoholic content, will keep temperature.a ot wlne. 'And. to 56 de~. Champagne and And then the debate bqina. regularjty by independent talion to find the klnd.yoa lib. (although not lo the extent Q. How should wine be without refrigeration for a u with o&ban, Ibey can be other spar.kling wines also are . "'--_.__ dll· thinkers .<or drinker1), is red QUESTIONS WE ARE once U.OU.a:ht). A dark place, month or longer after tbe•~e obaerved ot lll'IVW'Wik according served chtlled. Dessert wines ;.1w ~-,:i ~ 60 l1llJl1 wine wttb red meat, white ASKED such as a pantry or closet stored after It has been " --r---usually are served at room femit tJndl of wtnet. wlth wine wtth flab, fowl. and white Q. My huaband and I have or kitchen ca bl~,_ that has opened! We had lame once been opened. to )'OIJr own jlrtference. Red temperature. But the trend ufamlllar and someUsna es-meati:·Cba.mpagqe ti the one had quite a controVUIJ' over a relatJvely cool~ constant lha~tumed to vlnea:ar becauait !'\.-' , wtne&, as ~ 'uid, tradJ.. on appetizer wines Is chang· ,Uc names~at the avera1e wine .bQbodY ,b:'lea -to limit to the w11 we atore wJne. He temperature ii btit. If tht we'bpt lt too Jong. ' Q. SbotJld aq w1-bel'-rv· Uon~ m strred at room ing. The majority of people ~ ~ •ftbe SllJghknow. ho~ a ~..\tin., « food. n 1111 tbe wine bottles. ahould bottle hai a corl, it's best A. Table wines should be ed ch1lled? I've a I w a y s temperlture, hut that "rule" these days are chilling Sherry "" c t wine. is asiproprl'at.e 1( ~ tip stand tn a dark place, I aay to keep the botUe on Its aide tJ.ahtlJ cloeed and refrigerated ~t that red wine wu came from ED&land. where and Vermouth, or serving 4nd some people, rather thagt n of da)' and ,pJUl uy com-they abouJd be on their aides so that the cork 1f kept wet. aft.er ·they have been opeqed. ! 5¥PP9fd ~ be served al.' romn i'oo61I are cooTer~ Some people them 4'on the rocks ." make a wrong choice, ve , _ _ 1 Ill' without lryhig. , I But wbll~ there are tradi· Uonal comblnationa of wine and food, aid trldltlonal Umes Of day when certain wines are servedi there is no such lhini u a,' "wrong" \¥ine 1n j ,, thesoc:Uol_,., The only """" wine is the one you don't care for. The llcbt wine, ls one that yoo like with 1 particular meal .... at a ~ time. The tradlUmis aren't rule1. _They ~ply rep....m the -,'!! ., majority of wine d\Wen lbrougb the years . . MDII wine experts suggest Chai beginaln, wine drinkers 1;ty" the tr a d rt i e> n a 1 com· blnaUons flnl -jllll lo ~ , , U their tastes agree. u "'· flne. U not, let your own taste be your guide to Y0\11' choice. There ii a mystique among Rme wine fanciers that one -cannot enjoy it without a thorough knowledge ~ "1nemaking and a vocabu1ary to match. For them thll may be true. But far the rest of us, it is neceasary ~. know only a very few things in order to ask for and enjoy Wine. -Wines are dlvld<d 1111<> two leneraJ categoriu:. One is table wines; the~. dessert '"4nd--appetizer -•'W .The -names describe how each wine b used. Table er dimJel' wines, usually about . U percent alcohol, tradiUona.D;y are aerv- ed at a meaJ, with other foods. Appeliz.er and dessert wines contain about ZO. percent a lcohol. Appetiter') w J n e s generally are enjb)'e:S before or between meals; dessert wines for entertaining and alter dinner. Wines may ranee fiocn dry to sweet, dry meaning "not aweet." Examples Of appetizer wines are Sherry a n d Vermouth -both dry er sweet. Examples of dessert wines, which usually are sw~t. are Port, T o k a y , Muscatel, and Madeira. Table wines are classified as red wines, white .• w;ines, and sparkling wines .. Among the red table wines are Burgundy, Claret, and Chian. ti. White table wines include Cbablis~ Rhine, and Sauteme. Rose is almost red in color but in treatment and service, a white wtne.. Champagne ii Che roost well known of the sparkling wines. Others are Sparkling Burgundy a n d Sparkling Rose. The names Burgundy , Sauterne, Sherry, Ch ah 1 Jg, Port, Champagne, are genetal terms for wine typc11. Within each type are many varlatlom IUCh as Red Pinot and P1Dot Noir -two types of BurguMy -and Riesling and Traminer Dieting Can Be 'Fi 11 ing' To many people that must be the worst word in lhe dic- tionary. As ~adverse as we are to restraining our eating habits, dieting can be fun. II you 1Can the paper, you'll find many interesting recipes for foods low in calories. And, be~ve it or not, you can be "filled-up" with just meal, p]ad and a vt.1etable. Here'& a recipe for Pork Chops and Onion! that you won't even consider "diet food," 'lbe cnions ta1te like they were 1hnmered in butter I PORK CllOPtl AND· ONIONS 'port chops 5<asoned "~ •l\d pepper I medJum oOions J cops~ bloth J~ minced • I , ... _ "'8U (or sugar subltltule) • ,. a.a.on chopl with 11it and E. Bmn! chops on both ~~pan. Sl!ce .,..~ •tn lfdllet. llbi bnith -1fllb, ~ ..., qar. Poat lriCli uilltw-t lfil« onton1. . Pa diopo oli W,. OOYit ~&Im:,:~:;~. ' S<rvos I. f'111l'1 S11 WORTH with: PURCHASE thnr ol tl!t Ftllowifti lltm1 wmn1's CCM'OH ONlY BESTof No a,1.crs,59 c Utt FRYER NfCl .. WA'lt fill , GlltfT1 fb BONELESS CH UC K ROAST 93c lOO f~ffSIAMfS ·--lb HOFFMAN . PICN ICS """' )15c Hill I' C:OOm.I • & Tim .• • J b PORK BUTI ROAST sftc lOOfttr ST.l..W'S --'71b \11\11\IJ~W\IJW Van de Kamps Sl'[CIALS Dn.Sirw. Jan. 1-12 Butterhom "' -, 39c Coffee Cales~, .. .,29< LtmoR Coconut Cake 1 1"1t t111i• 1.,.. 69' ~~I~.".~... . ""· 39c l)fllllllJW 00Ill111 -- • PUREX 4 t S BLEACH GALLON DE Al PACK -" ................ . LARGE 3 ,· S BISQUICK 'O ·OZ. PACKAGE ·······~-. ·r~{;J~~. _"'_3 .5e ~~-::lARITE ___ .. ,gs 12-0Z. sits. 6-PACl' .. -.-SC HICK KRONA:CHROM£'BCADES -67..-- oouetf!OG! .j.jlACIC --·-·----- CHUNK ,\AYFRES H NA 6*-0Z. '\: IU · ·--············:~~ ........... . EINZ . 'ETCHUP l4·0 Z. ..... ~?.~:~ .............. . FULL OF FLAVOR PORK CHOPS ADDITIONAL SAVINGS WITH 1 BLUE CHIP 'STAMPS FASTEST WAY TO SAVE WJTH BONUS STAMPS ma_yfair Fro.z111-food, BIRDSEYE FROZEN I $ t VECiETABLES IOOL Pt:.t.S,CUT COIN,PEAS l.CAllOIS. PJl:GS. FOR CHOl'l'ED O!t LEM S"""',1.CH --·-~--· ••.•.• BIRDSEYE AWAKE 9.0Z.CANGllEATAJll MfAllAST ·--......... _ ·---............. . _Ji$J CiREEN CilANT RICE DISHES 12 oz. _ 31$1 llJTTn(O. 5'ANISH, \'!IOI, 111.»,&/lllE.otN ___ ...... . ENCHILADA DlllllERS LEAN MEATY PORK SPARE RIBS -----'" FRYER PARTS ' RIBEHD I I I I I I I I I I I I RYDlllAST ..... 69c I LEGS & THIGHS I ,..--~ Liquer Spuidsf-. -...._, !~!~~~:£9,Sl~N ~ODKA ;..,.$3'' IOUllON onun;d EAMOF KENTUCKT """"""' S]tt OLD SDRllYIROOK, SCHENLEY BIN" VODKA ·---""-·--- BRAUMEISTER BEER $1 " l7-120Z.80mES ----------.. -··-·~ 59~i ~~~!~TSTEAK .. 7fJ< SWORDFISH STEAKS gn. ONTll cur .. 7 · ma__yrair Fruits!. Ve.gt.~ TOMAT.OES . 1 FllM RID RIPE !!.A,LIAN SQUAS~ ____ _ _ .. 19' !!!?.!.~~~--·-Sl ~1 2~.U ... ___ 3l29c S,!~,! BE~~!_., .. 2 9c ' ADVllflSlll'lra$lmCTIVE 7 FULL DAYS TllURS • JAllUARY 9th Un Wll., JAIUARY 1 Sth. MAYFAIR MARKIT -175 EAST 17TH ST, COSTA MESA • JOJO W. llt St .. S... ,,_ • - • ' Vanilla's 'Bean' Favorite _ for Centuries Dress~.9 /or Taste The dresalng helps make cooked thls popular sand\tlch extra Lettuce ' good. l !lmall tom.a.to, thinly 1Uc0 SPECJ.&\: M!'IDWICllES Jn~d~ 1111811 <0nJ,liD£r stir nllla, the world's most two-layer cake cakes, cookies, breads and Vanilla rounds out the flavor For extra-epecial goodncu, bean. f« each quart to be tar flavor, bas a colorful %, 1 to 11i ~spcxmi . jn l ~ddingsi a !ew ~;s lo If.a ol salAd dmalng1 !,._or fnd& adf a ,.w droes to Jced coffee. Ilatored, .Ut a one-to three-~· and I'"" today lb Pl' ol ~ iaijoon gim' • llDOOther, ""1altds. , Add vanilla to such candles 1 Inch P*e of tbe bean and lini<!uCtion Is I \nJracJe ol 3. c; teupoons Jn f cups more plOPinc Iii.... Add I mJlt VanJlll• totm11Jt as dlt britlle, popoora balJa, bOll wllb the mfil. v. cur, 11\QoruWto ... eil!er the mayoril\aise, chitt modem efflcieilcy. custard'for ice cream Add vanilla to the following for 'breakfut cereals. prallnea:, sugared nuts .•. and For a tun navor and aroma, Vanilla is available in two 4. l/• to ~ teaspoon ... for 2. pie fllllngs: aPP,_le_, p.qnpkln, Add 1 rew dropl to % ieas· on and on down the list ol store a vanilla bean in the i tab qpoortl'chill sauce aatlce, •Worcestcrlblre and 1h tablespoon Worcestershire scallion. Spread this dressing ' · sauce on the. toast. 1-c~l~n •• .on, letlUce and forms: vanilla extract, which cups whipped cream, raisin. cbOcolate, tweet potato pooa ,of vanilla to aandwich 1weeUJ and deuerl:I. suaar c~r. bas a full, well-rounded flavor s. a fe\f dropt to 'II teas-and,caramtl pie.. breadl that art llilbUY sweet. To use a gourmet's touch, 'fbe U8el , lices, Bpoon ad· . ' · ing over all and and aroma; aild the dried poon fn 4 \.-ups 'ot hot COl;Oa Always uee a anal! amount Do the 11me in waffle• and flavor many of your favorite and v vanilla bean which is often In additioo to these. use of vanilla ln cboe-0late dishes, crepes that are served as ~stards, puddlngs, SJUce! 1 to · 4 a ces rea slices. Make• ~ by many chefs and van.ilia in spiced desserts, cakes, cookies and candies. desserts. ice cream with the v Tut eourmetcooks. _;,:::::_::_::=::_::::::.::.;,,,,.:=----~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,-~ ..... .,...... The history of vanilla dates back to the 16th <:entury when the vanilla bean was being cultivated by the Aztec Jn· dians in Mexico. They found it to be a delighUul flavoring 4 to e st.rips bacon, crisp-% hefty servings, 1or beveraces. , It WU Cortes, the Spi\lish Omquiatador, •bo came upon ··~-gellawijb vanilla being served 'in tht court of the Aztec ruler, f4pntezu{na1 Cortez rettimed to· Spain with bags oC the vflilla beaqi which proved U valuable as the gold and silver ht also carried back. The SpaJUatds later named the be811, Yainilla, meaning "Uttle wd'' W .. little scab- bard." nu;.e;CO!ltu{les passed before a• way was found to grow vmtllla outside of Mex- ico. Unt\l the 19th century, , tbe wbicl,!lnd a tiny bee were U.. only ~QI pollinatJon •.• ' Then a fonritr •ve; .Ea; rftond Albius, oft lhe Ttwa....w' , llland ol -dul/v"'"" · · a method of manual polliJla.; ' t,lon. The French peOple then s\arted cultivatiqn of vanilla In the East and West Indies. TOOay it is produced main1y iii Madagascar and t h e neighboring islands or Reunion 4lld Comores. Lesser amounts come from Java , Tahiti and Mexico. /The vanilla bean is a fruit of a plant of the orchid fami· IJ ; it is barVested about seven ~onths after pollination and then carefully cured. It is both ~, telesa and odorless until the · uquet 1olW-ent In the bean brought out through fermen· lltion; : wllll:h-de\'elops bOlli -- flavor and aroina. ''A list of the uses of vanilla ~uld fill several volumes. ~ere are three cardinal rules cm the care and use of vanilla. Qne, the bottle should be tight· IJ sealed when not in use. \wo. the supply should be ~~ewed if the bottle has been left open and, therefore, flavor and aroma seem Jacking. 'l'hree, use vanilla· in amounts ~at give a delicately pleasing flavor but never an averpowertng one. Use the following genera! rules u guid~es: l. I to l~ttaspoons for I 1 Fresh; Crisp • SM with Vons Slim, Pr' . . 10111 1111111 ,,., IMl lllJl1 ,,,,,. 1111 ~=·:.;;.~;:;:,· ~s c.t ·~ l,..... ;IJb ' . . . .. Partial List of M9•1 Recent $100 Winn111 ~Seafood Sea-ledians FalSll DUNGmss CRABS .::~.69~ f1out1 s.o.Food l11yJf htr•Larlt fl .. Stldl1 ,~,.!. ft' ....... Shrl111p ~~ .. :~ 11' Geunnel Shri., ~'..tr.':.' It' Cantatloa Seit Fiiiets ~:':' 73L Hollbat nllets ~~~ 5tL SMOKED PORK OIOPS tf'<~!Nc': ~'.'.:. • ·~ llMK SAUSAGE -~~: ••• 41• VUL-PAl'9'AGIANA au~':uN U~ t,!JIJJillfJ LIQUOR\ FIATUREI ·~· Save 11 ON ROYAL ·YELYn Voclk -~. $7" .'/Ml a ~ .... . . Scotch ,.";." $10" ' .... H•1•'11How fo Playr-tt ....... if•'-··· .. • .. •+ dw'~P!ick•...,.,........., .. v_.....,._,.._ . ...._ .. ,... ......... ~ ............... 111 ........... .s... .,. TV'. ,,., '"""'""" .. _. pila. . J. ,, 4 • II. BontlJll Chuck ·=-7~ Bonelus Roasts::.£ 91~ ' Choice Chuck Steaks ~= 49f. Boneless .Round Steaks . .:, 98f. . fresh ."'9 O'Pork :~~:..~= · , 59f. Roos*t Chickens fil."::~;;'r 55~ Comed'"leef Rounds~~~ 89f. DIUCAlUSIN SUM PllClll .. 1en1rs All·MEAT, 1.U. VAC. l'l(O, IL; Joi<.1. 1..,_ •• • 1'-KW,.....,, "" P Smokies :69' c-- S~TV INNERS ., Oildiea. ...,, r..w,_·..,·_. tt.lilifl, Mnkn,. 11..0'L ... !lwi.. S'"k, o.a,,.d 1 pl(.G. Sirloin, W ~.II PORK& BEANS___. HunY1 in Ritn' · 'l'f~ fomoto Sauce GJi.'. PEANUT aunER Vons Cream ar Nutty htheStars I i:a. 8A6 I lrOwn Onions·;~ 3 ~ 19'1 fresh 'Canots :~~ 2 .:~25', ·~ i::· Applts="..=.l9i ·~ ---,.,-M-,-,-o-1s'-=1 '""" IN WNil!M C 1, I a..... 9 -hliMa -b!iftiins· .~ ~'"'"--J-Jl,A ...... -SIZE --1 c -.. ,._. '•MJ· v,,....11_., lb ,_Car""""n·a· llons ·.~~ 79c -... ~ fi.r...m.i ' -· vaets II.LAO DRUSINO Pl'.'°''~· .~ ... 29c ,..... --· Del Monte Green '·Peas .. ~,G~"'23c Del Monte · Cream Corn i'i'"J:: 22c .. Hunt's Tomato sauce ·~,'."'~' 10c Vons Alumindln Foil ii~.0~ 26c cal fame •ri*5 r~ 46~~3:89c l s MICllY IESf VALUISI • _ :::11 ,. "0 . utSale PLAIN OR POWD!UD , , , ~ &:i.,o.rr.35c ~ . -·. ' ' .': J. Sllack Donuts .... .. 31•1 rowOtrH 12-IK. ~tDRIVE DER GENT KERN'S 'PRESERVES • s ...... ,.,. " ?!-.J • Apricol_,l~ppi. •U ,--__: •GroptJ.lelly TfMf'TING Jellied Donuts er Choc~ai. 39c 6-PK. Covsrtd COUPON GINO FROZEH PIZZAS ~~·'·· .49' I!'.:!~~ .. 69' DOUBLE BLUE CHIP STAMPS 'With · this coupon on tho total •l"°"nl of any purch... excluding llquor, tabo«o and fluid milk pr«I- ' ' •vets. 1 Coupon par cusfom. I er. Coupon good Thur1. thru Sun. J1nu1ry 9 to 12. . ' • • $ • I ri .. .. i I f ,__, ·--. ---· ... .,._"'" ·--. . . . . . . • -...... • ·-~------~- ' ' • • f •• • • Alpha Beta's ''At . Alpha Beta you can always expect fast check-out . lines--plus ... ··- Ii· .. " says: fantastic • total .U..aount · savings . like '1e SI.OB* on this page.'' I . °'* ..... ~.II'--•._,. Ulalt ................... MIClWW , .. lildlW 'lllt ..... .._ ..... -<il -Prlllucl WMcll M ..._ llcWllf Iii ftll I Z -., ALPHA BETA• lilCDll nm BONELESS RUMP ROAST " 1om1 c • YO.. All'HM!IJA IW&*rllDOd lllldllr 1111111!1 .. tho Rod Apron) l'n>udll',Off111· -. ' BUTCll!'.S fllDI MUTI . -··1'M'll. .. -'fO ..... • DllCa/llf "IClll • llUIJl'f & SATISl'l/:lllill GUwNmlJ •U.S. COYlltlllJIT lll!mllll COIOlllJO 1111 ALPHA BETA mean llDI D!l'fNDABlf QUAUIY ' · '8 PUJMP 0 & TENllll!- WHOLE BODY GROUND BEEF FRESH FRYERS c CQTJlltElll . Romf •1.U. Pxt PEROI. RUm 55c . FOUR FISJIDMEM FROZUf • UOZ. PKG. FISH STICKS 8'4 RO!JNO ~~·-------ll LL GREAT om ROASTED ()R BARBECUE%» IDNELEll 98¢ RDTlllERIE ROUT ll . oueuours • EASTERN ouAUTY • 1-1.a. PKG. iowlCENID 49' BACON HB. PKG. TAiat stm . 97t HB. PACKAGE· • SUCED 56' FA~'JOHNBACO~ · •llDY TO WE FREIH llHT LOAF 59~. HO llECKS OR BACKS tlEST tf 49' HYER' ll. All'HA BETA 1ncm1 nm BEEf • U.S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED TEHDEll • JUICY • FIAVDR..IGED COOER CUT HALIBUT STEAK 8.9!. ·FREE IZ DZ. PKG. •SLICED BACDll 56C ARMOUR MIRAQJRE CHUCK ROAST ~E SHORT RIBS ~rlr«> ROUND STEAK ~~l T·•ONE STEAK 4~11. 39~ 88~ $1~ NEW IVTC.Urr PllH RECIPE ·AVAILABLE "BEU IAVAllfAJf• Tiii$ "'"' • THESE llEAT PRICE3 ErnCTIVE THURSllAY tltrqll WEDNESOAY, JANUARY 9 lfrooih JS \'~·About · Our . ,D!:::f , DOUBLE .. , DISCOUNTS . . . Thof -tt:dn ""' ... I« . ..,,...-~ ... ... d~-Wftltllltmtl reduCtiom passed on ta you ___,.,. for -"'"""""' the SIOl'I. . TOTAL Ol~COUNTS EVERY GAY 2ll OONCZ: JA!IS ~) KER11'S -•n• ~ PRESERYES 55c ' il'IPI •ltrtnenJt' Aprkot-l'IMlpPlt 12 OUNCE CAN "' FRO'Zl:K • .5 OZ. PACKAGI: · 12i IDEAL WAFFLES lk VALlli: AlrHA IETA .• V1 GAL . rAMlLY P.U:: 591 ICE CREAM '"' VAWt WE SlP~C • fR~lU~ • CUT CORN •PEAS •CUT GREEN BEANS -;;.i; 22c ~au~ CriOICf SOti!l STORES CHARGi .\~( HOUSEWARES & BEAUTY AI DS =·~ CHMC1 .. IC[ TOT AL OISC:OUtlTS EVEAY OAV 'J.M[ Al.JIM In.A ii&iu DISCOtJHf -CHJ.RG( l'RIC[ ~ CHUN KING • FROZClf . CHICKEN ~CHOW MEIN ""' 83c ~CHUN ICING • fROZ!!N • 16 OZ. 59' 744 !IOTTU OF 2CO TAll.J:TS $.I JI BAYER ASPIRlll 171 -, Dii1sTAt1 llASAL M1s11• $1 '7 llLPHR lfli • BOTTLE OF 100 ""-$147 MULTl·YITAMlllS L"' 16 OUNCt BOTTU:• MENNEN $Jff BABY llAGIC LOTION 111 tlCTHA HOLD • 8 OX. SIZl: DIPPITY DO GEL ~POUND BAG JOllllY CAT HANDCRAf'TIX>P011CD.ADMM&Lt.11?% LOTUS BOWLS 49' 25 4 LA11GE t!Zt LOTUS aDWl.& 9k .. @Ciilmrnuu29c 23• @F0Eis"riffiiis 79' 71 1 -----*. LOS AMIGOS PACU.G?·OF 12 CORN romws GOLDEN GJIOVE • PINT ORAMIE JUICE IWD QUART 'h GAL. lie 16' RICH IN VITAMIN C'• THlll'SIUfl JUICE · 1~$100 ORANGES · s iaaii'.0012 -. c ROSU m"r:ia / / •• 19' 12 OZ. PK&. • CClftCTIOll BOii iOi DAns notusi IU.llITT IT DISCOUKT r1rcu ·-FOIL WRAPl'tll Porrms1 sa MUMS I IMCI! l'Of ' . THOE l'llODUCE PRtcfS tm:CTlVE THURS. JAN. 9 t1t<u WED., JAN. IS • ~Sweet Sour.PORK 99c ~ CHIJtl KING • fROZf:ll • 10 OZ. 53' ~ FRIED RICE ml'! 59c le SA.Lr • (l:Aa: SWIETHEART SOAP GIANT PACKAGE • INCL. l~ OFF att.! INSTANT FELS Ile H ' 33c ~ SAVE 20c WITM THIS cct/PON <IN£ BOX ONLY RKEG. °"osuTPE• .• 1ox Of 21 _. SI c I OZ. TUIE • "TENDEl\FUtt" ~ l\EGUUA Oil' BUTT!IHIWt 211W P1USl1JRY llSDIJlTS 23c U' AU. VUT • 1-U . PACU.~ &fW SAJtfTARY KAPKI S FARltl JOHN WIPP$ lie uai· OUR PRICE WITMOIJT COOPON 7ic: SOME STORES CHARGE 75c . ·cne Coupon prr f1mily •Mull' Only STORE HOURS:. " e . ~-e MOH.thntfll.-IDA.M.••9••. ~couPON Gooo THRu JM. 1s Le SAT. l!ld SUN.-10 A.M. to 1 r.M. ~ f~ .PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL ALPHA BETA MARKETS COSTA MESA-241 E. 17111 St. Hll14TINGTON IEACH-9045 Adams HUNTINGToN .llACH-11611 N.MalnSt. FOUNTAIN VALLEY-1930 Womer LAGUNA~ S. Coa1I Hlw•y ---------~-~---~-... --.. ---~-----~-----·~--=~---~----------------------... .:.11=-'-Pl"L"O-'-T-A=D:.:Vl=R.::Tl:::S::.ER::._ __ WtdntJday, Jlnurt 8, 1969 Marl~e ·_Laboratory at . Dana ·"Poin~,,~·earer ··Re,ality ' Br. 3:.C,. iafR~ Jn()l)tllr •·II h ,~cpon 'i C.rll!noil noled U..1 11nce tlle "''•!"'' ~ f..,..mtn ~ J wi-. lie hl;Tal•ed ~.mi Won ~ county ~Ls. Coordlna• coli.' ltlJdetq wOlllJI 'not be ·llrtok 1 n communication ~"'~"'I' 'i"' .tort .. nt.lt October, said Foril FoondaUon ~ad -.1ready ~ lo<• W¥ .. ....,. tl\IB troln privata foundations for J!" ~.~.:t! . .!1""ty' s.°"~~f. worn~ "d'*.~a,1«1_ ... ~ ~ •.• , •bel '""'no' . ~~Ult IP'ades," Grll)IOD • A ... pi>aed· IU • mlllJClll , P&l~ip Grignon, C.p~ano giv~n the projeet 1 planning 1' ok by c:ounty su~vi.ors. a scMol there. = -· ·~~ ldAfti '""'" w --~ ~ labonlory al Dan a llllifl!'d sa;:1 Dist!"~• ICI· gian~ other fQWldatlooo would ·Tho dlrec:ton of the body When completed, U.. pro-flee, , ·, . . Ill woy' u • t>l\YllCal naU. • · Tbe ~' 'Iii fr I 1>.e • the Jali. NegottadOlll wUn q,.~ ,Qf. VO [rvtne. D<¥>' l!rlght of aquarlwn for the pubµc, frO(ll an u~ater proservo · ~ JUlit Finl llall>or could be ...ii once cllafr an. ' ' t•n<l to looll; la-bly toward ''' Grllnon. Petet DlcLIQn, ~ lab might house an 'I •).e v WOo transqtiaalon GW jl' !1! by lhll • ~· • C.l .:Stato F)lllertoil. .• n d . Science Cent .. would provide ~.pllVllle' .lowvlAllGba are ..,.. ,_.h laboratories, • n ntld>y woil)<f be poalble, • . I .. J:• I I I .--11 "'ooncept Jll!pald lilmlcy ol the, Orange education and re 1 e 1 re b ·.finder way, be llld. · amphltbeater l<cti!'O ball with Gt~'lfld. · '· ·A ~~ · • · tton, Superior by I group !1f Orange Cowity Schools olflc,. faclliU;_, for otudentl •from ' Tbe ol'llllnll IP'lnt from the cl~ cltcUll televlalon,. I He Aid. Iba! With ,the, fll'O-•WU Ollt ot 31 ~ round-coort Jµ Robert Gardnet educaton, u . a Ford PJ'Olpe<tl for gettlllg '1!·tbe grade schbOI through docto~ Fqrd Foundatlon'waa obtained mUJeum, vocational trllJ\!D' J~. tbe_,,"P.~llllity to •'l!cl>', eel up by aherllf•·<ilf~ Jn • ruled. Morpn. 11, ot t92t Al· oundaU.0 1)1"'11li>c grant of ....,..ry . fupdlngL f r om Jeve!J, a.!anon ~-, thiough the dforts of Stum faclllUes and bol doctinf ~ QC<"" "~" kindergart~~lnat<Otlcs sw..ip .!Ml cen-' tura Drive; olllded guilty to , , 000, and •• 1 plOt of three 11riva.te ~ ~, "ve~ BOAN> PlCJ(ED • Synnestvedt, assiJtent to the area. tbr9U&h f'ldl.llte levels.~ ~ 'on rour ~ange OolSt po1iet1lon Of marijuana. ~ . tavor~ble. GriQtOn p1!f, . • , . • 1 Caplst.J:ano superintendent. T be lab will beJocattd at, 'be. prov@ed wllh. no ~. t mmunlties has been 'sen· Moraan 11 thf se<:oo<J rnem· . ·~·Hoped tor ~e b com-°Firat of· aU~ it'I unique. . i'unds· for· thf rntrillf lab ~ the west end of 1 Oie Dua betw~n 'grades. ~· '$': to 90 days tn Orange btr of l:he group arrested last L of planl ln about ap There's nothing else like it are expected \() be raised by F~RlDA ERFORT Point Harbor on~ provt~ . 111U8h ichtlol st~nts w<it$( ty Jail. Nov. t7 to be sentenced in • in lbe world and, being uni.que, a .non-profit corporaUoo and ' ~nestvedt , .c a m e to by the county. ~ ·, . pot ~ aepar-at~ tram co.lit& ltalpb Plerpolnt Morgan Ill, Su~ior' Court. Action against ~· 'f .il. 'l"J. Set \/' , it "':'7'~1tent1oo," be aaid. . 1 ~other from priv,~ f1111J1-j:i""lf•no fro~ Fl l or l'~ 1 1 , It !Will be for ·:t1111\ liae of " studtAls l'l!O undergradw: 11~· niust alao serve t111ee the <ithera la' pending. ~j{ • ', .1 ;r.l ;, I In Wriiin i: g .f or Papers , • '1 A ••null and bolts" course di tea<!ftl beginMn how· to . , ""'8,lor. a ne~~ . be offered al ,at~ . ;• tollege foe. the 1ldl 1linO . : the ev~, ''Ne~g 50" will meet .from f • ~ .. p.m. Tuesdays ( .. at Estancia High School Jor 1 the-, ~se ... 16. • ' • ' .. ~The ~t'w!p 6lver the •r, ballcs of p'aP,er wfitlnJ1 . .. . ,udents will leam to Write · ~ stories features, sports ff ~t1*1des, edi'°rials, captions, , ,•'t' ' " ·~inea and how to edit ' l'ft ..;.;;. Will also be ti)e!ul to publicity chairmen ror civic , and service clul>s who deal 'with the press, and for those who edit internal club publi!;ations. Students\w!ll do a great deal o'f writing in the class, and will cover Jive events as well as writing stories from facts given to .them. Conditions will ~plicate t&se on a working newspaper as nearly as pos.si--~-' -~-i'----Registration will be ac· cQrding to the first initial of tlle student's last name, and wlll be held from 5:30 to 8 pim. at the Orange County F)irgrounds in Costa l\le.~a a~or<ling to the following 1chedule: ".A-E, Jan. 13; F-K, Jan. 14; L-Q, Jan. 15: R-Z. Jan, 16; open registration for all Jan. 22 and 30. Registration will clntinue, vacanCtes permit· Ung. on campu~ Feb. 3-6, 10, ll, and 13 fiont ,,30.a p.m. . * *· * pee ,PJ~11s ~ight Class About Earth thnosaurs, r o s s 11 s, cun· tinental drift and the Paleox- otc era are words that conjurt up a subject many people \VOuld like to k;nQ•. mor~ about but orten •i\t !Diow where to go to fibd @r~a9~n\ OranQ.~ 'College will orfer 4if;.. -·ng class thi s spring · ~E a rth 's HistorY'~ Yflll cover all <ll these alcmaer,g subje¢3 and many ri10re •• tf:i-Jn iild!t from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday~ in oct Science Building Roorl!. 7,;Fee.U,$5. • ( ·;fb:e' course, which will be ~t ~ Wallace !\leek of ttie : occi S\hysical science. ~ ~enl. "111 cover , the iiurslral and biological hlJtory I ilt-~ ear111.· in<l~ the . , ~ or' lnterpretllig the geol~gfi:;tecord. ~ pbyslcaf of the earUi and the .~ of life ah . st~)t; ~0(.stuay rocka. and W~Jll'I. structure· and th~.-~ evolution, the earth. They 1't ill.so t.ak~ a look at the geologfc'" future-• of> the earth . 'Re1istr.IJ.ion wi ll be at the Orange C<l>nty F~ iJJ Costa Mesa from 5:30 to 8 p.m. according to the first trµtial ,ol the student's last name: ' '/.·E; Jan,. lt F-K, Jan. tl; J...Q, Jin.,· 1s: R·Z, Jan. 11: o,,en r!gtslratjoi:i for all Jan. 22 and 30. 'mgtstration will then n!lum ~ ~pus, vacan- cies permittilg, 'Oft \Feb. :Mi, 10, 11, 13. OC(!J"orum Seti! Film Showing • \ LIBBY PEAR HALVES :::'.: ... __ .33' DQLE FRUIT COCKTAIL :::'.: ........... 25' STOKELY APPLESAUCE :::•:_ .. 21 ' DOLE PINEAPPLE ll:':!u ...... _,_25' .. CUNG PEACHES ::'.':."'J:..... ..-.... 30' · LADY BECKWITH FIGS r.:'.:._ .. 33 ' PINEAPPLE JUl(E ::\',,.. .. ..... 29 ' . ' wncH GRAPE JUIQ ::~'.: ......... _ .. 37' MOTTS APPLE JUICE ::r ............. 37' ~' .... Klt('&f/. \ \!:;!' ""i'ADY'S CHOICE I ' DILL PICKLES 3"7~ . S(KEll' PIE APPl.t~ i:r::: ___ 31• .,..HARVUT DAY PIAS :::'.: ... _.16' G~.GIANT CORN ~.::'.~ .. 23' cut GRlEN BE4NS ::'.:.0::-24' SHEWE BEANS *t:. ,_.27' PEAS & C4RROTS ~~ ........ 23' ; ZUCCH.INI ·SQUASH ::'.~:.:. ..... _28' SLICED' BEITS ::.~.:'.'... .17' ... u11r TOMATO JUICE :::'.:.:29' PORK & IWts :~\':. .................. 25' HUNTS TOMATOfS ~J.~ .. -"34' uuy am snw :::'..·-···---...... 61 ' l'lr " . ~ . -~..::4...~'' CARNATION TUNA =--...... 34' WISHIONE DRESSING :~.36' TOMATC>SAU~~·=.rm..: .. J4" . . . ' . . •. FRUIT PIES :::t".'~::.~:....-... 33' . INN.n...._,..., • ..,,.44, ROSARITA D .... ~~ SKlf!USS ,LINK SAUSAGE ~~o::.~1 ...................... 29' CUT. UP ·""YERS •il•.•~"· 33 ' • "fll lftl•tll!CDH , ................ -.......................... I~. .. 'RESH l!ICNIC SlllllllDJR ~ ................. --.............. 45,1. ' t:i . , f ,?~"":"-~· . . '. .G.ROU"D .~H~CI ::;~,.7 ... _67~ . • EllOW MACAROMI m~ ... !:..43' · .dnJCit~T ::~ . .:...:-----4511. ym1·;pqc; ~'l_l.~----'-~a· ... 11111( SAUSAGE ll"'..:\'::-:::·:'5: PRESIRVES" ""'ft~'· ,.,,47c·"1il lll'ICIASJ"""'":." , , ·~-•.o,c_-:____ • ..., • ..... . PA ... · 1 ... ; .,. · T BONE sn K' •U •· •• '*11• BROWNIE MIX :m::=~~-.63' -. "-• .. -·-.......... :· f?o• ...... Kly&f! . ,, l'pHOUSE~-~'Ul W FORIMOST INSTANT . . ·:·f::4r ~/.~ ,i. DECORAnD · · , B~~~!f.~~T GALA TOWELS :~fS&o . '¥fotsfllOL~ lfiMV :n I . -'.iii .. HUKINS :~u"':! ........................... 9' 150-COUNT lOlL SAUSAGE PIZZA =r.t~ .. 72' BEEF STEW :::i.·::. ..... ·---·--·-········46' MAC~NI ~ CHEESJ l~:O.:l'.".';-35' EGG ROUS 1::=:!1'::.'::.• 66' · • PtASTIC WRAP ::~.~ ..... -... -.-23' I STRAWBERlllfS =:,J;.''. ... --27~ BEEF suas =~~~~· ... -'1" FISll S:riCKi=-:::"'. .. -........ -39' PEl!CH FllliJ$ :-:: . '. • 59' RICE PILAF :I;::;'\'.:···:-tl7' POTATOIS :3t'~.~.~ ..... .w-.20' ISLAND INN Mrx1=::t':!:J.WI 27c ORANGE JUKI :::"~-·"-·-26' GRAPEFRUIT'JUla ~~--26' .... ' ' KLEENEX :::~:~~.~-~---·-·-·-........... 27' SALVO .PIU.ETS;::J.'r::: " ·J S' CASCADE ~'i~~~~~--·--~.69« COMET CLEANSER ~~-: .... :.251 SPK & SPAN ::::'ll:~~-........ 93' :Tfi:~~ :..~~=~~=:.~:: GOODWIN AMMONIA ~'. .. -~ ... 27' .,.-JOHNSON' PLEDGE ::1il'.l.'-· '1" ... Kly'&f /.-~ ' .TOILET . ZEE Tl SUE ' . ' ' FOUl-650 CO IOl~ "· lllca' IUIHI, UAll ,,:TUstu<~H ( ,... . " OUr LOW EYC!)dil)' Prket . LU~ SUCEDI J LUNCH MEA1S BOlOGNA, ouvr ... ,, .. Sl"Kl_ AACAIONI &.. CH(ES• ;~UNCf 31( l'i':G. ; . " ·a 0 ;~. ,, c.1, LOW OISCOUNl PRIC[S ON llUIJSfW/,RfS f. BFAll rv AIUS --------------------------------------.. -------- -. --· -·-.. ----·---- -" -· ' I ' i I I l r • (• I I .. I ~.~S,1'169 c ' •• . ---· -. ' • "I 'II ., '• . '" • t-li•.J.r 1-· ' ... '-"· · • " ' . . .. , . (10,141,li(IKES SLA$a TO-DISCOUNT) . ,..Jliis has 1o lie·tU bi19est.•nl best dear in CaliforBia. NOW ;"!;Al" llllEITSON'S..:.vou· GET DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS FA· • 1• ;i.Mous BLUE CHIP SAYINGS .STAMPS! We'ro :bringing 1969 ~ · i in With ·a·:Big Double Deal and You're Gohlg to Han the .Best Jtar,af Yoar life. Aiijmore, Disco.uni Pnci•g is Every· :· where-BUT·YOU SAYE TWICE.at Albirtson's,whh Dlscoant i ·and Blue Chip Stamps. ll ,i)'; ; •: ... : .. .:· BANQUET .. °' .• . .. MEAT ' ~· ;.:D.I NtfERS I .. ··-· .... ' . , , . PIES .,.. ·,. :' ~ 1' 'r . • Bigger Values at Albertson's! . . . ... ··- ORE-1 DA POTATOES~::t~~~ .............. ~.~ ......... ::5 ,\~ 8'~1 WEST DA( VEGET'A'BLES••Hs,lli11iV111b.1..;c.no 4/ )00 . WHl .. E~B,MR. EA. D oo"uGH~~:::Lll'<L-:nk•l•,:·: .. ··3""''.~t J.'.9· ~ ~ .. I . . ' ~ D1Uci1~! ....... ! ... '. .. , ............ Pack: 9 ~ ... ' ·ME. N11 c· .·Hl:CI. L1A.N.DA.DIDNINNEN~E~~;·····~········· ····'···•.::0::04-433~·· . . . , , !,i•-ilaj\j"'.121£ ................................. . ROSARITA BEEF TACOS~':~~ •. : .... : .... ; .............. 43c . RQSlRtl~ ·BURRITQS,r~~~:~ •......... · .. · ......... :.: ........ 3:3'. DOWNY FLAKE WAfFlES ;.~k~: •. : ... : .......... :.2 ';r,. 25c : CKAERRNN'ASTS·~TO!~~EBMJE_R . .IM<~:;~;;;:· .. :·· . , , ··.· : : ........ l2. 32: ftMll tilt~~ILPackare ............................ . GREEN GIANT.. Rl"E. ·r;1.a1 .~).,,r_ .• , · _ · . 3· 7-'c- _,, > . · . . \, ~,..~.,.. lhL ..... :.. .. .. . .. .............. . FU DGESIClE DELUXE~~:~~~~~ ..................... : ... : .......... .' ..... 4 9 c . . . '. . . . , . . . ' -. . . . ' " . " .. HASH ·BROWNS .·; I ,'. ·\ " • ' M.C.P. FRUIT '. FISH · ·s11x .. . '· . ,. " . ;:. ~ · · DRINK·S <. ·Assorted Yirietles.12 ez. Each. Sw1iso1's. Assorted Y1iielies. I ill . .',' Ore·ldJ.1Bn11 nd Sim. ' ' Spri1&fl•lt·ZnlJ flmr. ' . ' . ·1 I IA. s ' oz. ' 12 OZ.' PKG.· ~ ~ .. . . .. : . '• ...................... __ ...... ______________ ~---... -----------·--------------~·------.............. _~ ' ~ -· ·, ' ~ ~ i. \ ' ;: • ' \ ~-I ' • t ii ' ' ~ '• • ' • • JI' .... ... '·I• Our In-Store Bakeries • • ... 1. · · .y\ '~': ~., LEMON MERINGUE l ,.. ! f ! ' _, ' ~ -.• ', ,. •• I . :• . . . • UB8Y'S VIENNA ~SAUSAGE ·x 4 ~.:2s' c -r--·~ • • ·PIES --. :._._ . , . li&ht, Fil, Crlllt wJn · ~ Fresh Lemn Fill in( . .. AllTHONY MACARONJ hr11 2rc· ·-.c lllttr ~ -· . .. . . FARM BREAD Slrllpt In• Ille DYH ll'·YH! · 11 u. 10·0 . lJattS ' . GWm APPUSAUa · DONUTS ~ ·~ ... 49c . . 0.IJ WHITIKING SOAP . ~""'•hi ·73c , llinSl'lt. -~ . 8119,0i!IS Golorel \ :. . BAYER . · 1' .VINO PRIMO .. I .SPIRl:N 1~~68~: . ' \ ' . ~ . . i YLCREEM ~ .......... · · · 73c· c, ·Wlif•$1o1t ..... ; .. ,,. .. , ' ; · ~QUIL:== .......................... 98~ HALF PRICf SALE! Italian Swiss Cllloay.111111. ' -. BEER=1?.~~ ......... , ......... 3 ~.$1 SH~RR1. :.=::.= ............ ,s9c BEER:==i:~ ................. : ......... 99c WHISKEY ~~.~~.~ ......... 8.49 . · BOURBOK:..~ ............. 4.39 BOURBd" =.ir;.~~~~ ... 3.99 . GIN *""''·•..,, 2 ftO .,. .... .... ......... _ ... _. ..-"J'...G BROOMS&'MOPS~ru:~51f~ . PUB .. B .. EACH ~' .,."'""~ ·· .. 2·5c ., llHS1lill. • . Ulll!t'm'Cll,.IL • • • COUl'Ull IX!'IRlS:i.lll 1(, tin · ' 1f,, .• f • ..;. ~~"::""~· --... ~~--::------~~-~~·-·· " ------·-~---·~--"-------· • • •a •.. ,,. !,!• . · Plw:f~ll!'.'••tf ' --;. 00 '. Jj. " l'-- J' JC I': ;c it: !c fc - Jc " •• .. '\ r ~. : - • ' ' . \ . • . '' t. .. ' · . -....... ' -----··- :., ' . -PQRK· . . . .. . . ··~ ~LOiN·--RD~S1'~~ :Wlio~Half;.....:..:_ --~5,,- : g.licious Eating I i ~-. . LB. --~· l . . -· • DETERGENT WllH BO-X · I Powdered. Giant Size. ioW-to ; .9c IGl'ztz.CtL U.IU Wlta c.1,11. · , ClilPON IXPl~ES: JAN.14, 1111 ' JAHR LEE ~RGE EGGS .. =;~;: 48.c. llallZ W1ta c~,.L . C.ON EIPllES: WI. 14, l!il BUY NOW AND- SAVE I .. FOR BIGGER SAYINGS ••• SHOP AT ALBERTSllA'S ' : "FRESH .GROUND .EEi ' . " ~ ' ' •I .; J ' . . EXTRA -' · ·.FANCY • RE!I DEUCUIUS APPLES · ! tr1.; In s11i11! ~ .'pR1U5 Em~ 'JANUARY • tll:t lt ft't I ·' '· ' ,ii L 0 -4 , • :•, ; Hynlfntfon lle~c..,_..11 Adf!llt CorON dil Mlr-»49 ~ Hwy, Cot11·'Mo1i ·5~5 W. l"h ~ t· Fount1in ~1lloy-l6042. Ml .... 11 · ' . . ---... L.,,,., lie•~~ SI. Cout ~. Huntln.,.-11Nci.::.:.TS5JT'1i. "li!Winh - -. ·----- -,_ -~ - ;;. ~" I r '.1 • '1.:i' . ' ·' ,... . ; . ;.; . . .. ' • "' 1J1ll " ' . . . . --------- • •• I -... -.•. • 4 ~--...... • ft qAll.Y Pl\.OT lion Al culalnO rar mao1 Creole ..... -group or l<!Uen ~ o .Jiii aru added th<ir -.-i lqredieng and l"'f'bll ID the Gtiginol recipes. . ' The l*lOd ~ Spanish rule . In Loo•+N im..illOOd mon _ .......... tottie~ ol -Fiie' powdor - -. . - :::ii~~ medical · ,. Ole', t h • 1 puJv ftS of t !1 e _.. with lhyme added for fl•'*'• becmDe the magic lnil"'dle!!l In aumboo. Alrican cooks hiiiP!dod the French and s..1111 reclpea In the·· light ol . .,. abuodioce or shell ' flab. i1aJe. fowl • n d vegetahlia IOd ·added their awn ~ lmoWledle of uotlc seasan~ The C'9lllea hive a favorite Word fer .••~ utra" -i.,..__ 'lll:lme, the pet •asoninl ol tbe famed gum- bos and leballJu, ls surely the '"Z:'tt the New · Orleans . .;. The QU iillciien Is OJ{ home 1of the 0 lambalaya, •• a dish or "'"I"' «flln. RICe ·ts c:oinbtllci with v~bliee, meat or fllh ·ud •e'"&<med with ooltii arw1'111yme. ~. gumbo, lalilhe\' ~peclally, Ir' an elQ'Uillt.ely flavored, thick, gelatbioci liew served witll riei!. , ···-" -.. •. ' .. ~. ~ . The ~ Creole cook fills her :aumh9 pot w~ the "lndla" "'1'lllln arom1fher. Thia ~ otew"niay be made \.With filh, f O W J , vegel&blS. ar even rabbit ·or squirrel. N~ resources are overloot9d and Creole cooks even tOdl)" &eardl for wild salad -lroniJhe field , stream and woods. SAVORY SAUCE ADDS DELICATE FLAVOR Thyme Js available in tv.·o ---forms -i ll'OUnd ~ wtw1e leaf. Bot&r41!ay ht. uied t.Q season toiba&D ~ t>rµds, roasts and ' stiWs. aauee!, chowder ~ ud 1tufflng. Let these r.cipo. from the test kitchen• ot the , Ameri~an Spice 'l'rlli,. ~ocloiUon•belp add this -ul herb to your palette~ 1eamlqs. BARllBCIJE SAVCE FOR lll!:A-KEBABS 1,~ cup salad oil 3 lab!-~ vinegar I lab~,_, Juice ~~ te~··· P!tfpit ,r, II le-tb1me leaves, er.shed . 1h teaspoon onion salt 1h teaspoon Silt' v. ~ ground black pepper Sea Kebabs Ili sinall saucepan combine all .ingredients •. Heat to boll· , in&. Cool. Brush sauce on kebabs. Yield : ~ cup·aauce· SEA-ltEBABS 2 (8 ounce each) frozen lobster tails, cooked r pound cooked large shrimp 1 medlum·siled zucchini, cut Into Ji Inch .Uces , ~• pound mushroom caps Cherry-tomatoes Cut lobster meat i n t o chunks. String on skewers alternaUng with shrimp, zuc- • chlill .ad -Place t' \ F ' 4 • 1' • !' .. J c)1eny tomatoes on end of skewers. Broil, basting with barbecue sa uce, 3 minutes or Wl1il shrimp are lightly brown- ed. Yield "I aerviop. BAKED FL!H wrni RICE ·STUFFING v, cup.1'tlery OU.s • 1 tablespoon instant minced ooilXI 2 cups cooked rict 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted l tablespoon par1ley flakes 1 teupoon salt 1h teaspoon thyme leaves \I iellSJ>O<lll ground black pepper 4 pounds fish (blue or bassl Combine celery flakes and minced onion with 1/4 cup water; let stand 8 minutes to soften. Add rict, butter DELECTABLE DISHISt ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE AEGEAN Modern Traveler A1dventures for ·Palate The anclenl G...., roved lhe &eaa in aearch of ad- venture; perbaJil moe:l famous WU the seqolng Ulysae1, whom Homer immortalized hi bis epic poem, ' 1 T b e Od,.., .. , . ,. FroiA''t h~ SUllllJ -of lhe Wm Aegean c«ne1 a mode!m lr.avaler, thll cm a era1-.... .ljlli -ltaell ~~r11oaiow,..-. 11le llltd Is 1inlj>ltclt1 It· oeJr, ya II lasW auperll 1 n d --a1!lntbe -. ~ llow! com- : W.. mr iflMdi \'el with ....... f4N!oel; --· ad cu""" Fell, the tasty G(OOk goakn!lk clleue. If y o u r market doesn 'l carry Feta, try Provolone cheese, frr cllMle and alad greens are anJ r re 111tIb1 e com- btnaUOA. AD American dtt.salng weds the d.,.tc ~Oil from the "-ol ~ Green God- dua • Dresaln& a d d s a tnarftlouily llJliY touch to the .bowl. Ancient Grob ... the cradle of modern t:ivilization. for it gave to the world sculpture, painting, philosophy, and matbemalics. Marvel ous food is one Of the accomplisbmaita of t h e Aegean region too -try this legendary salad and see ror yourself. AEGEAN SALAD !OWL Tender spinach leaves Romaine at other Wad ~ 2 medium tomatots, cut lnto I wedges eacb t medium .,...,.bet, peeled and ·llllnly 1Uc<d 1h cup 'Green G 0 d'd e I I Dmlllng Yt pound Fell Gt Provolone "'-· cullod, If -Tea oplnacb leav" and salad greens Into bl\Hteid pieces and arrange in ulad bowl Add tomato weda:ea and cucumber sUceii. Just before ii<rVlog Iola lighUy with Green Goddess Dress\ng. Garnish with chetMI lf desired. Yield: 4 servings. and llWOlllnp; mtx 1•ntly until blended. Spoon into cavi- ty of a fish suitable for stuf- fing. Close cavity w i t h skewen: or toothpicks. Bruiih with. saIICJ oO or melted but-. ltr. Bake tn greased shallow baking. pan. uncovered; in preheated moderate oven (375 F.) 40 mlnutu or only until fish ia flaky. Serve with lemon wedges, if desired. Yield : 6 servings. .· t 1mall bay leaf 1h teaspoon thyme leaves, crushed 1,~ teaspoon inslanl minced garlic 'iW teaspoon ground black pepper ~ teaspoon cayenne Combine mlnced onion with 1/.i cup water; let atand 8 minutes to soften. Melt butter in medium saucepan. Ad..d flour ; stir until brown . Drain liquid from crabmeat; reserve liquid and crabmeat. Add suf- ficient water to crab liqukt to measure l lh cups. Pour into saucepan. Add remaining ingredienl.5 except crabmeat. Brlng to boil; simmer 15 minutes, flirring occulona1ly. Flake crabmeat and add. Co9k S minutes longer. Yield: 6 servings. CRAB BISQUE ¥.t. cup inltant minced o:inion 1 tablespoon butter o r marearine I lable-flour t can (7'1; ounce) crabmeat I can (I pound) tomatoes 1 tablespoon sweet pepper flakes 1 teaspoon salt I teaspoon parsley flakes Teriyaki . Termed Ah, So Good . ' A• simple ·fiUCt is all tha t ls requlrtd to turn a .beef barbecue into an authenlic Japanese dish perfect for backyard eatertainlng or for Indoor brolltng. Tastiest and juiciest results come from using minute steaks, ):Qt even hamburgers can be turned into 1'Beef Teriyakl." BEEF TERIYAKI 2 to Ji,) pounds of minute. steak or olbet cuts ol beef (for six aenlngs) 1,~ cup sboyu (Japanese soy sauce) 2 -tablespoo111 Japanese sake (or df7 aberry) 1 telspoon ground fresh ginger 1 clove of crushed garlic 14 teaspoon mooosodium glullmlle • lableopootlll aupr ¥• cup of water Combine all ol. the in· gredients. except the meat, in a large milinc bowl. Place lhe beef into the sauce and marinate for one hour, Broil ovei-hot charcoal. Meat less than ~ inch thick is usually prdured f o r teriyakl and it will Cook through in about five minutes. Thicker sllces usually remain juicier but the teril'akl Otvor penetratea lea. Care should be taktn not to overcook teriyakl, which tends to dry it out. 'Ibe meat shoold lie bated with the 14uce while ll i. c:ooldDi- Tul)ald !I 1llUllly a main course, but tt can bei ICrVtd In bite-slit IQUat!I u hearty hond'oeums. Fl.lb steaks and chtcken may a1lo be prepared "Terlyakl style." Pear Sundae Coupe is simply a French word for an ice cream sundae. Try one with fresh BartJetts: Lean a pared, COl'ld Ires!> pear half against • 8COOp or vanilla ice cream and driu.le bolh with caramel sauce. Make It Now Make your dog 's sweater now to have him cozy in this dashing set of warm worsted. Walk your dog in smart style -knlt cozy turUeneck sweater and cap with pompon. Pattern 7514 : shes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 included. FIFTY CENTS (coins) for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailtog and special handlinji; otherwise third-cla ss delivery will take three weeks or more. Se.nd to All~ Brooks (the DA IL Y PI Lt) T I , I 0 5 Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Addre1s, 1Jp, P a t t e f 1 Number. Giant, new 1989 Needlecraft Catalog -over 200 designs to cboole, 3 free patterns printed inlkle. Send 50 cents oow. NEW! "SO IN STANT GlFTS'' -fabulous fashions, toys, decor1tor accessories. Make It today, give it tomor- row ! Ideal for all occasioos. 50 oeota. "ti Jiffy Rtap'' to knot, crochet, weavt, aew, hook . 50 cenla. Book of U Prbe Afpa11. 50 c e 11 t I Bargain! Qti1t Boot I bu 16 beautiful patterns.~ centa.. fttu1eum QlaW Book I -pal· terns for IZ superb quill.a. 50 cents. Book 3. "Qulltl for Tad111y'1 Llvlllc." 15 pattttnl. SO cents. . . • 2~PILOT .AOVIRTISIR ~ thru sun. Jan. 9 thru 12 Pritts Ettective Jn U~nsed Safew~ Thurs. ' " DryGin $ 29~ $tantons Extra Dry 90 P1ool Fltth Whiskey$ c0;db1ook Blended 80 Proof Vodka Winners Cup-Oistn!M 80 Proo! Fifth $ Flllll Winners Cup Gin r .. , ,,.,s2" Bourbon Ir'~'"" 11111os4'1 i Scotch Whisky ~,,.:.·•·',.,.ss" R .,,;~ M Gold $3" St Elmo um '° ""' '"" . • $ '' B rbon '""'"""''l':!ot ""' 4 OU Wh,~,,_100 , ' Ill ""'$4" I Canadian H :r,>;::, 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Monardl Bay Plaza-So,th Lagun~ . ' I' . ~ • •' • ·• " " PILOT .ADlllRTISER-21 • " ' Town House Soups . Cream Mushroom, Chicken -2 1!~ 29c \ir.tij Rica Or With Noodles -- ·.Tidct XI ·Detergent -Higliway . Applesauce lucerne Dry MUil :\:'... Sno-White Salt i::-;..::."~,-:.=-~-::. Lucerne Slenderway ~:'!~ Sea Trader Tuna ~·.'T::. Brocade Tissue ~::,::~: ·~-.~9r ·::-10' 5:~$1 r Creamy-Smooth Tex lure. Se"'e Chilled Anytime. ' .. 2 •!:; 29' SAFEWAY EXTRA VALUES IN MEATS! McCoy Meats Sliced Bacon •W'~mCcrn !lnl'l'"'I"' l ·I~ 59• farms ! Mtl!ue Miss Ion ,tr. .. 89'. c ll ~·· 7-8one Steak ~~ ... ..,59c --Top Sirloin - Ntli! Tt.lrlL i.. """' 11t1 Slut ., Rent $159 U.S.OA. a.lcl linll lletf .. ~-~ ''Bftlieless .Rlast ~E:-:E ~69' 0;1on.e Ro~sl :!t.1:1:.. ~ 59' •neless Steak et~ ~1tc -' . . . $1dnleis Franks Pork Steak :::~ .. 69' Spareribs i::t.": . .. 69' Veal Chops ~.:-:; ... 69' :":!.'::"""" .... 53' Lmnb Roast ~ ... ~i..o ... 69' ........ .... Lamb Ch ltollJ-CC '' 1, .. M . ops u..o.A. Chic! lAtob ,., : ....::'!': eats _ ·: tmb ',Chop~ .~~~ .. '1" -=~=,. ..... 33c H. allbut Y"°'""1, ... 1,.. • ... 77' ... _ .... ltol .. , .... ra.1/4 •k~ .tSri · .,,,_ Fresh.Shrlnip =~ ... 99' ·v:27' 3 ~·•SJ ..... SAFEWAY EXTRA VAlOES Frozen Drinks np Top -.. ,. ·--•fJarcHirlPt ·- Truly Fine Hair Spray Fresh Diet a .. ead 5'!1.....a.ke Of Uat<t 6' lllrl 29 l>ttr Twice Tbe J'rottin EtfJciency. •:: C t-lysf!'lll Mjed. Coffee Cake ·-~·""* 2-, ..... ""''""' .... ,.. Margarine .. :=.· .::. It Bl1cultl :-!'C.,": ~ r Lenghom Choo10 =:: .. 79' • • • W..-,,......,,,1969 V-lkay .Shortening Ilea .Wt II .. Clllll .. 1-.. --- Popul~r Motor Oils • • • •ce Cream =1.-n::- . . Bel·air Peas r:i!t;z,, 2;~49'1 Cream Pies ·I Orange Juice ~~k~~~~:t.!Zitt1 ~~29' r:r,=~~~-4:: '1 00 . . , 211 £. 17th SI., Cosli Mesa 1000 Blyslde Dr., Newport Be1ch 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. latun1 636 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Be1ch Stnll An1 Freeway at la P1z, Mission Viejo ' I · ,~,·-' 1.~ ..................................... ....::c;--:----.:;------;----.-.-.. ¥'"•7..-r.;:c ..... --:--::-:: ;-"":..,.,., -:-• ..,,.,..,,"""""-;--:-:-,::::.,-.:-:_,...-----:":'. ~----.,,,,---• .,,-, ';""", "'.".,,.\:-, -------. -~ • U DAILY PILOT 24-PILOT ADVEltTISliR Wtd"~' J"1u~ 8, 1"9 .. - . ' I • • ' • . .. WE THANK. YOU FOR A WONDERFUL YEAR! • IT WAS OUI PLIASUU TO SUYI YOU IN '61 ••• WI WILL TRY TO SIRYI YOU Iii ill IN '8 _ .•• BJIE.ulFAST ~ECJALS, • • : HORMEL'S RED LABEL . i SLICED BACON .. 5 ! . . . , I ,. LI. PKG • LUEk'S QUALITY -V•~ p,k 65• SLICID IACON •.•••• , , , • • •••.• , • • • lUU'S '"'' •OR~ ""· 4 11 LINI SAUSAI• , , . • . • . . . . . rt.. ~ llATH'S ILACICHAWIC READY TO EAT 19f ' SMOllD POii 1uns , •... · .•..• , a : \, .................................... . :JJe! monle J)o!lar ::Da'j!J ·FRUIT 303 5 AIL TINS FOR COCKT .......... . GRAPEFRUIT 303 4 ·SECTIONS ....... T~N~ • • FOR . . PINEAPPLE· 46-0Z. TINS GRAPEFRUIT. ~R~I~ ~~l~K. FOR GREEN 303 TINS 5 EANS FRENCH or CUT FOR B . . ............. . GOLDEN 303 TINS 5 0. N . CREAM STYLE FOR C R ................ . GARDIN 303 TINS 5 PEAS ............ ~R.L: • • FOR . US. ::b._A. ''C/ioi~e '' St~e~ /le~/ ""'"'I! ' R IONEWS ROUND ROAST 89& EYE OF THE ROUND ROAST .......... $I 1~a. CON ELESS IRISKET COINID 79• BEEF WHOLE " lb> POINT HALF . c ' - IONELESS _ , 89' ROUNp STUK .... 1b EYE OF THE ROUND • s 12' STIAKS. ....................... LL IOMf.IN '' · 79¢ RUMP ROAST ........... 1 •• , lb IONELESS 79' SOWING IEEF . . . .. . . . . .. . lb SEAFOOD SPECIALS ; HALIBUT STEAKS 79fb . FRE SH OREGON OUNGENESS I YI -lb. Min. Wt. 69f : COOJCID CRAIS • : , , , , , , ·, • • • • • a 1 IONILUS SIRLOIN TIP OR TOP ROUND STEAKS 98c FROZEN BROADllLL 19, : LEAN TENDER-CUBE OR SWORDFISH STIAKS.,,,., .• ,,,,, ll : BREAKFAST ~~Es5r~11iE~~~~~. :-:-.. '.0."~~·. ~~'.. ~ .. 79!. : STEAKS ......... ~I 0~s. DEL MONTE CATSUP /Jan<juel Jrozen ____ · ~lEAT DEPT. •'ROZEN •'OODS CARNATION-2-111. Pk,. 91' MRS. FRIDAY'S-l-01. Pk9. Tff fllH STIAll . . . . .. . . • . .. . u GOUIMrf SHllMP ........ ~ • GORTON'S-1'4·Cll. ,k,. 59• CA.ltHA.TIOM-1-lb. ,.,. . St• FISH STICKS .••.•.••• , ••• -ta 'llCH. er COD •1Wf5 , , •. • &ORTON'S-I-cit. ,k,. 49c CAMrS-12.-. ,k,. ,,. FISH ,UP:FS ..••.•.••••••• t.I IUTTll n11. STU.a...... .. ICELA.NOIC-lh. Pk9, 98f I 2-oi. 'k9. 59' HALllUT FILLETS ..•.•••.. i. STl!l!AM FllSH TIOUT •.•• , M BIG 2Q-O.z. aom1 . . D ERS ALL VAR1n11s I s ctiicKENS~H •:AS:NG. 49~ FIESH PRO.ZEN -GENUINE NEW .ZEALAND SPRING . RIO • LEGO' LAMB • : SIZE : GORDON'S-WHITE or WHEAT-I -LB. LOAF PKOS. : SLICED BREAD ............... 25' MINUTE MAID -FROZEN 6-0Z. TINS • c • s&F-i-LB.JAR ORANGE JUICE • • • • • 3 '"69c PEANUT BUftllR ........... 39' BIRDS EYE-PEAS, CORN, CHOPPED BROCOLI or SPINACH LI. NUCOA-REGULAR INCL. 2c OFF VEG ET ABLES . . . . . . 6 i~~t s100 MARGARINE ..................... _25' ·-------------· LARGE LOIN aft LAMB CHOPS y;~- 14-0Z. SIZE-INCL. Sc OFF GIANT SIZE-INCL. I 2c OFF AJAX ~ CLEANSER DASH DETERGENT , • • • • • • • • • Produce 'JJepar/,nenl $pecia£ CHIQUITA-FANCY RIPE ~a PACKED BY CAL.FRUIT SPANISH ONIONS ........ 3 B~G , ,. PACKED BY CAL-FRUIT TOMATOES ....... PA~K 29~ OUNGi njUICE .. 3 QTS. '1°0 IMITATION ICE MILK FUNFORALL ~i~ 35c CTN. LIQUOR DEPT. LONDON BRIDGE-90 PROOF DRY GIN 5 3~!HS LONDON 1'1DG.E -tO ,ROOF DIV OIN $3.ff QT. LONDON BRIDGE SCOTCH 5 3~!HS ALL GRINDS -I -LB. TIN c YUBAN COFFEE 'JJeAcaleJJen 'JJepl. Specia£ OSCAR MA YER-ALL MEAT JANE ANDERSON-LONGHORN a.oz. ; MONTEREY CHUNKS CHEDDAR ........ 45' i JACK CHEESE .. 69C Ol' VI RGIN IA-PICKLE & PIMIENTO 6·0Z .. OLIVE l PIMIENTO 6-0Z. LNUNCH02MnUTS~ .... 3 PKGs. '1°0 • • PRICE S EFFECTIVE THURS. THRU SUN .. JAN. 9, I 0, 11, 12 i 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COST A MESA ' . e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA •••• . ... ._,_,,,~'----__ _.__. .. ,.__,J~-'--"··~---------~--------~~~--~--- .169 c I 1. t~ 19 LL 09 LS. ·~ ·~ ·~ ·~ ~~ • " .C I I. ..J ~NA PILOT0ADVERTISER-25 '• u S.DA.Ooic• ltnd.<oyhM""' gee Rib Steak ••• "' u.s.o..lOiob 1"*<1)''._i &..1 ..... _ $189 Spencer Steak. " . C'h~p;dieef .'~ 37c CM!Cm'I 01 TUll:EY, 4Sc ,_.lohti .s.o.z. 55 Cooked Ham • 'l"• c ,iiiiY 1LIQUID "~~11* [Mllnl°""'"fMl""'U.OO'h11k 5gc Butt Portion ..... ii;iki~-:..i.r1oin .U19 U.S.O.A. GtA I. """'8 q.ia.. , Nola&t. ...... ,;oiw. AOc Pick O' Chick.,,.~- "'""""'St0<AUM.ot l.ll. 55 Hot Dogs ••• ':"l" c "ll M:H fl.O.NJ.5, Ste v-511<.d J oz. 4g Pastrami ••• '!"; c COIN &Hr, Ste S;l~mi Chub ~~Ji g5c """' TlllLL UQUID ,, .... sa~ ~'- """""" SALVO TULm ·~·21~. COMl'llXICM W (ML trrr; Of lMBJ SDlllAD \Vednesdu, hn\rtry 8, 1969 , Market Basket Discounts Prices on Quality Products. No Games, No Stamps, No Costly "Extras" Most stores claim to hove low prices, •ut on what-on a handful of items, or inferibr products? Not Market Basket. We discou"t prices all throvgh the store"'. And guarantee satisfaction .or your money nack on every purchase, True , you give up games and stamps to 1~op at Ma rket Bosket. But you get bargains Qnd ~uality always, every. day. See for yourself! 'fXC~PT f>.llt·TU.OEO ·c:i.: dOVflNMENT CONTROl.lfD Pll:ICU. '0og'" f•·~ ,,_o,8C 0UQ • , • CAi i All'O -&£Ef, CHICl([N OR t101SfMf'.O. r DOG FOOD l•';o, 29( <'N G~ lllU• 4 CT $ Kleenex • • '::'.• , Holle••" If.OZ. 25C• Catsup ••••• :a. lldk•lll'""'""' 10 $1 S ;•,.ot. auce • • • c.o.~ "··~ 4 $1 " Tomatpes • ! i~ 16-0t.1~ ' ., • Htllu'tt1-C1.-Slyl.~ot -~:"' 5 '""'" $1" • • • • • c,a.a •1qNUS DISCOUNT SPECIALS- .. DAILY PILDT-4;: ' 'De.°.-"?" i1.oz. 63c inners • • n:a .. .. l'q ... ,,. ..... 1.0..: ... •Ml........ p· •. 01. 1 Bc eat 1es •. Ho., .1o11ri-·,1...,u 0Apple 0<P .... ~ 74 Fruit Pies •• ''.:'~: c Ore W.. lr<r1., Gold.o h.., ~ • or CrM!eC.. 14-0L 2ec Potatoes ••• ':0; Oh8oyfr<rurt O>Nia.Sa.._, hg 0 Pina .'If". age Po~~'d"c";(,""":;~ a2c l~f-1..ai.31!c Pancake Mix.~ u- lorry\ ""''"' 16.0Z. 77c B-B-Q Beef • ~0• . w.,.1 ..... i1. .. 1-s...i. ftl..l .. $210 Detergent ••• "i'. """" .. lctd.. 1'1-GAl. 45 Soft Rinse •• !'\ c lmTDAT DIKOUIT PIKI FAMOUS fOR DEEP-CUT DISCOUNT PRICEs ·1· • NEWPORT BEACH_,,,,,,, .......... """· 1110 lrvl11e '"· IWe•tcllff "arel e HUNTINGTON BEACH-'~~.":i:.. ..... e SANTA ANA~.':.=--' • '· I t: ii I l ,j I I I -·· I . ' !;jlf DAILY PILOT Wtdl\hdu, ~AUlrJ 8, 1%1 -!du. January 8, l'l69 26-PILOT-ADVlltTISlll El Rancho k~~ws you want· the most· value for every food dollar you spend • . You want quality at the right price ••• and you .alway~ get it at El Ranch'!··· where -I Split Broilers -= Golden fryers •.. California's finest ... plump and tender and tasty ••• !: big enough to agsure you that each portion is truly king size! Broil them :: in the oven . , , or fire up the coals ... and enjoy chicken at it.s best •• • ;:; and, at this price, v.·hy not plan .on asking the "·hole clan to joi_n you? ••• -they'll love-you-for it!---••• ~· ... g Fryer Legs and Thighs .............. ~.1.~.~.~ ................ 49~ :::. Chunky portions ... heavy \rith rich, juicy dark meat! . , . Let e\·erybody have a drumstick ••• or tv.·ol ~ f Fresh fryer Breasts ................... ~Llf~~~A .~~~~ ......... , .......... 59~ % From California's finest broad-breasted fryer!! ... get enough S\veet white meat for everybody! ~· ~ Fryer Wings ..................... 29~ Chicken Livers ................ 59~ .. -... ~ ··-Stuffed Game Hens •.. from Elwell Farms ?;With Wild Rice .......................... '1': With Apple-Almond ................. 98:. ~§ With Brown Rice ...................... 98:. Cordon Bleu .............................. 98!, ... -· "" I Spencer Steak ...... ~:u~~'.1~: •••• ~1 79 ,~ -· ,..... U.S.D.A. Choice Beer ... tender and fla\"orful a1 only the finest, naturally ared bee! can be! ., •• Q • •• -•• ~ •. ' .. .. ,. ~· :;., ... .Tomatoes ' • Fruit Cocktail. :E~·".~.~~~. •Green Beans .. :u: ~~~3~~. , 4P ·SwHt Peas EARll 6A;DEN - •••••• ~ !°3 •• ~ . • • Catsup .. -......... ~~g. ~0• ~ .~~'~ ............ 25' : . • Tomato Juice ........... 3 "' 89' Save on 46 ounce cans. · e Bartlett Pears ................. 43' Save l Oc on No. 2¥2 size. Pancake Mix .............................. 53' Pillsbury'• Hungry Jack ... 2 lb. pk11. Chase & Sanborn Coffee 1 ....... 65~ Blended rO&Bts for finer flavor l Sara Lee Pound Cake.............. 79' A favorite ••• 'S~e so-many ways! ••• frozen. Macaroni and Cheese .......... 3 1" $1 Van de Kam.p's .•• 11 ~ pkgs. •.. frozen. Green Giant Rice .................. :t "' •1 Frozen ..• Buttered, Pilaf, iredley, Verde or Spanish Rice • You're al1va:y1 nre to plea..se the family when. you platl On kamburgera and hot doga! Tki$ toeek, whv 1t0t plan. ou mt.al ital for funt ••. apread a. table with all e Stewed Tomatoes ....... 4 "''1 Slock up on um value .•. No. 303. • Zucchini .............. : ... ; ... 4"' '1 Easy to serve ••• and en1oy .••• No. 30& Grant's Farm S vrup ................... 5r :hlaple-y goodness! .•. {4 ounce bottle. Dash Detergent .......................... 59' Lo suds!.,, 3 pound size at thi.s price . Johnson's Klear ........................ '1.59 Save on the big 46 ounce size. Johnson's Pledge ..................... '1.19 Regular or Lemon ••. Save 20c on 14 oi. size. Swanson's Entrees ..................... 39• Chicken, Meat Loaf, Salisbury Steak, Veal, Turke1 • •. reg. 49c. • · ~; picture pretty slices •.• flavorful . • • C enjoy the cooking a.s weU cu the eat ing! ~: Garden Fresh! Firm ••. to give you 19 t1te fizin'1 .•• and let eve1"71body .... '" . . , to give yo u a full measure or p)eagure lb • -~. ~ l n IOU ears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I~ 'Quality Uiat'a sure dto win Rappro\"al ••• becaduse the name on the package is "Rath"l 69C ' .:! : Delightful eating: ... here's fruit lhat every member of the family is IU?'f: to enjoy! Juicy ••• firm! roun ' oun Lean and Fresh • i. -......................... . i . Cauliflower ............................... 25:. ......... Flavorful floret.! ... sn o"-Y ~-hi le! Banana Squash ........................... 5~ Delicious baked, dotted with butter! • : El Rancho Deli ca te ssen Specials El Rancho Liquor Values ; Fresh Liver Sausage ... : ...... 49' :. Rath'• ... quality you'll appreciate!,,, 10 oz. • Seagram's V.O ................... '6.75 ·!ti Smooth Canadian Whiskey ••• quart .•• $8.39 : Halley's Salads ..................... 3 ~. '1 CbOOM: your favorites ! ... reg. 39c each. Straight Whiskey .............. '4.59 llll El R1ncho's .•• 4 yun old ••• quart , .• $6.69 Cluny's Scotch .................... '6.29 llll Eighty.,.ix proof .•• quart bottle .•• $7.69 Oven Ready Biscuits ........ 3 "' 25' Pil1Abury'11 or Ballard's: ... 8 ounce tubes. Shrimp Cocktail ............. . .. 3 "' $1 El Rancho Gin .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . '3.85 !ti Luco•• ••. ready to aen·e ! ... 4 oz. size. Blend• ao &mootbi, ••. 90 proof .•. quart ••• $4.86 AUH tHWu for ltoirlema.kers.1 -H • S Just wonc1ertut 5nc . ••r · pray .......... 1~ .~.~·1.~ .... ~·... 7 • . Start with betrer meat ••• tririi it to perfection , •• lll'ind it carefully ••• and it'• El Rancho'& quali'1:1 ' I Price1i1'effectatallstore1 Thur. tlirov.qh Sun •••• Jan. 9, 10, 11, 1 t . No 1ak to tkaltr1. Ask the manager about our convenient Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastblutt Village Center) Also conveniently lo.ca ted stores In Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena fl ' ,, f • .. " .. • • . . TISllt ,u··r ';· . . • . ~ • ; • • . • i ' ' • l I ' -· ~ I ,, 19 'i c ,, ·~ It· c· . ' !J:I • • ., !1 •• .. , . • f • ' •• ,_.: ,. ,. • . • , • . . "" r ----·------- •Peas •Corn •Cut Green Beans CARNATION llG 1Vc-ll:t. Bags Jumbo 10 ~vel. Box INSI~NT BRfllFAST a.....~ or •. Choe. Molt, Pll BURY SPRINKLE SWEET BIG 4W.oz. Box $1 . FOR , ' • ·Pa er TO!f&I~ ............. ' · Tropic:.:toaw Ci~ BIG. ttOLL.$ :. • • . R AUNT JEMIMl ... 4-hund lk!CJ PANCAKE MIX • Revular 79c . . SPR-INGFIEtD .·· · • · '·: -- ' 303 Cans ' FRUlf COCKTAii:~ .. • PREMIUM ... . -. . F 0 R SALTINE CR~CKIJ\$ · J ,., f.Jb,; lox_ • , ~~ ' " WEBER'.$· . : BUt1'1R8\I·,. · BREAD .... ·:~ 1-Pound Loaf Regula!' 27c Meir·· · ' · · · · · ····-· SotEMOST-Qt.Ctn~ ' · · 35' At . COTIAGE : .i :5~' ·· -·t -HEESE ... ·. 7 ... ' . . ~-. !. GHIFfON , · Facial Tiss · e .~: DASH . Det~rgentµ. , . ' ···.:I •_;,,, ·. . ~ ..... ~ .: . -·· . f:-~"" 20•llt. lox '-. I' 1 ' . ' r~" . .( . I . ~ , ,· USDA Grade A FRYING CHICKEN · ,.. ' /I' • • •• , .... ~1. , I ~ \. ~- U,SDA dMcl• A Whole -Bodied .... USDA Choice .. . -"' 1 • -~-····· · ---·-(Fluck • ! . . • . Steak .. ; : . Springfield . . .. FRYING . CHIQUN ,PA(lT~. 59·c Bre~ts,;kP.. 'P.ICjlls • . . · lb Center Cut ' . 4 · ·~~!R~NS , . ' . ' . ,!t' 3 i.gged f:ryen ~ ••.... , ...... -... . 37~ Cut Up Fryers ......... 33~ . . . . . .. '• . •"-~ --· . .... J 1c-.J. U.S. No. 1 Russet POTATOES 49' 10 lb. Cello "" Crl5p DellckM APPLES '5 ~ $1'· Reel l!p9 r TOMATOES ' . . 19' ' . . --..&. ••• l Sw"!I. ~'_Jul~ TANGERINES • • p ...... 1. USDA CMOICE-IONELESS . . . Shoulder Clod · . 99· ~ BEEF ROAST ......... . . OSCAR·,MAYER~UR!.PORI ' ', LINK . ' ' . ' -<ftt "' • •• · ·69a SAUSAGE ........... : . ••• l ' . . , . -·Lr"' . ·~·· LA CHl9UITA-1 do1. pac:k ~~~~LLAS .. .. . .. .. . . 10:. . ., ., . 1 .. USDA . CHQICE-ROUND. l'ONl · . . BEEF . . . . • .. JtC)AST ........ : ; : ~·; ... ·. '" ..·_ :· ·: ·; ·.·,:·. - • Peas • Cream Corn • Whole ; · .r .. e! ~cohi~ · ·"c~, .. 11 G' /!'; .. • u reen Beans • J...., n F 0 USDA CHOICE . . ::. . , USDA CHOICE . . · ~-• ff I · " BEEi! ' RIB . . . . . . ' ' . Pnws I <Id ves· · SHO!lT RIU 1. ·•1.,. ~ .. ~ •. J~ -,~ STEAKS ......... ··.: .. ' . .'89~ .I nun;ay 11,rii ~;~1 ~ , .,. ·..:... . . ... .-an., , , , . . ,_mtect .. -.. .... NotfHDN r ' , • ,.~, ~:.-" CcSUi. 9UEEN-l lb .... CJ. '"-iil.~----.-!1111 ..... .. ~r.~~; ....... : ::. .. ·:. :5~ ·':~~~o ....... : .· .'.'.. · 1" ·'Ill fl'>..'-.! llJ ~ ·> to·-, • . . . .• -· . ~-' /UTHS ILACldJ4W' :~ ,.~;.-'t:r·c . -. ...,,i41T~.,,_, ----.I},,....' J-.11-:;.,....1 •"'"':· 1,.........J · SL,~JIJ . . : .:7~-~ BAR M·.WISTERN STYLE · .. · · : · IACOJll .... -. .. ~ .... ·r, . BEEF KNACKWURST . . . .. ) ,- RATHS BLACKHAWK WIENERS · . . . . 59•· King Size .. . . .. . .. . . . . • ~LICfD BOLOGN~ .'' s· Ac k~l~D SALAMI " -~ :, · ,~,f'o . ' SALAMI CHUIS" ; ' ' • . 1 I l • 411 DAil Y PllOT PILOT..t.DVlllTISER-13 C, ... • ' . • '· •• . ALLMEAT WIENERS. • .CHUCK ~. RO&ST U.S.D.A. CHOla OR STA Tilt BROS • aRTIFllDIHF ••·c Ulla. OSCAIMAYEll 1-POUND . PACICAGl 59~. ,~ i .;.~ROUND 'Iii . ~~{·~,'\.BEEF # " . 1Rrift--UAN ROLLED , ROAST OSCAIMAYRAUMEAT I SLICED IOLOGIA' oz. 39'~:.SIJ' MANH.A.n AN ALL l&f . llACIWURS~ --·····-·-··, 1.oz .,. MANHA n!l' AU If.IF l• • RllG B!KOGNA ~ ..... ..:. ..... 11.oz 49' · FAIMEI JdHHS BRAUISCHWEIGER . a.oz. CHIJ!l25' • • Dl!UCIOUS . ·CUT UP FRYERS ~~~ED 33~~. -FRYING CHICKitlPAiJSll-••. LEGS & THIGHS ··---"· 55' BREASTS_ .. u . 59' NECKS & BACKS .......... u . 7' WINGS ......... Le.19'· GROUND HOURLY • .. ';3! IONEUSS SHOULDER U.S.D.A. CH01C1I OR STATER BROS. BEEF BEEF SLICE STEw BACON LEAN IAR-M IULK IONfLESS SllaD • • . ' .... ' ~-, U.S.D.A.OIOtCEOISTATD.,.,S.cm'iRHllHF 49' Jg1111.EWJ.OIKSHIRE1-Ll.REG.~1·Ll.THICK !: , , 49' ROUND BONE ROAIT ............ LB. :til.-ED BA .. ON _:_ ........ :.l LB. »D.A.OtOICIDISTAlllllOS.CmlFIEOIEEF 89c 1'L.D·"·~i'i.r:ST•1Jl,•ROS.CEITIR,.,EEF , J •85. , 1w·· UND '.STEAK. ' aONE-IN · U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR : StA TER BROS. BEEF 75fb 6.J:~ :tlRLOIN TIP ROAsr ................. LB. MOu11D :tTEAa =ir: ............ "ta. ~D.A.CHOtCIOISTAmnos.ammDIEEF 49' U.S.D.A.OfOIC!OllSTATlllaOS.C!ITlFrEDIEIF . ··l!.c "ROUND CHUCK .............. L•. RU .. ROAST·-----~ ...... ~ ~ . . ' ' ' J. sc :i:~ ·:i~::~ :rt'<'<'CIFC ' """ ~-~ ~ •. < GOLD OlllPK< ' ;· I I "; • -25LBS. 1 ~. . • LB. . :,.. MEDAL ·Sl>OS . , . I -;"'!'!:-FLO u R -L~ . . FLO.,R -~--2~5-( Good"""' ;.~ 1-1 s -$224: 1'0RT1L..,.s c,., .. "'"'"" 4 . •. llJi~J : ~•l11t1U: ALEX 1-DOZ. ' ; . • .... ..,.. - . 1"'" 1-r.. 1'~ku!GO ·LOENi·cGRAEIN~~CICENo.·. BEE0F--NI .. _ . 3 . REG.l..l si·· KEIMINSIMAT 3"' • • PKGS. Ctl~!~lft~R.Z.~Z-"'."""A'::~·,i PILLSBURYREA'o~ '.BAKE • ~EGULAR ...................... 5 \ :!;; ;·' c uH .• , .. , P OL ~ ., , . • o.R I STICKS ......... 1•h11. J.La;cAN ••• s1.1s 59c i~ BEEF TACOS .. tZ-oz.lCJ< .FO,FEE STATERBROS .......... : .......... '.:· ~1~ I SIM•O•<••ac••· . 69' tioLDENGRAINELBow .': , . 2 ~.ftc . ~.~'!! ,ME49'I ~A'p"'p'u;;;.·Pl--ES ... is.oz. · ·69' MACARONI ... '..: ........ : ...... 1 ~La. PK·G.·~ fllrw .. er __ "°' .. ,," CHUOI •tlfO 14-0l. PICTSWtff· ' ?!'!,~!·SOUR PORK _89' !~~!EG£TABtp_:.l:49' CHB-PIWD '° 4 ~~~~CHEESE _i .,,4'9'1 ~.~~~~ETDINNERS _ .. ~9'9' TOMA TOES ........................ .. MEAT&TUNAPIES _s •. " COQKINGBAGS-"' """"" · -,,,; _,_,. ' · BUBBLE IATH _ . 4· SOLEFILLET$ __ ._;VT·LEMONAOf.'::'J'_' ?.,, 25' 0 ----BUBBL VE MEXICAN DINNERS --"' 39' LEMONADE . ,,~, 25' ............................ .. . N0.1'/• Sf CANS " lfQZ.' s., ... PK41S. ' BATH O~.L ..... ; .......... : ............... 3at~Es ~11 ---~ ... --:. . ~---·· --::---. .. ~ --.. -. --. - TOMATO JUICE KERNS . . ... 460Z. 29' PANCAKE SYRlJP·Kl'RNs . ... , 2 Ls. 37c TOMATOES ~~~~~'ll~to ___ ~..... . 2~ 31' TOMATO SAUCE ~~~J~~iZ~ ..... 2 gg~ 49c WONDRA FLOUR ~~b~L. ...... 5 Lss.69' KLEENEX TOW~LS g6ni~ERJt.:a~ST. 33' ~~~ill~~~.~...... . 4 7' SLICED BEETS DIAMOND A ............. CA N 21 ' DICEO-CARROTS DIAM OND A ....... ,,, i2~ 19' DICED BEETS DIAMOND A ............ , .• ~2~ 18' WAX BEA"S ~A~~8~~L~crn .. . . . i2~ 24' GREEN BEANS ~t:'c~gN~~· . . .•.. :. 22~ 24' AJAX FOR.LAUNDRY DEAL ~ACICAGE . 9 9c DETERGENT ........................... ~,~ .. · . SCATUVER·KIDNEY-CHICKEN 6 .. 69C CA I FOOD ....................... 6v..oz.c~NS . ' BEEF STEW·~INTYMOORE .....24 0z.59' ANGEL FOOD CAKE ~p"N'~·~.1soz.59' WHEAT HEARTS BIG "G" ........... 28-0Z. 47' PROTEIN PLUS s1 G 'G" .... . .. 1soz.4:Jt FRUIT COCKTAIL ~g~'Al ... i!~~ 2& Hl-C FRUIT DRIN-KS •ssr .. 34soz 11 • DIAMOND A CORN 'ft"ii'L . . . i2~ 21 ' BEETS @L•R~~SleiJ~KLE~-.. .. 22~ 2& FLOOR WAX ~~~~~~~ ......... 4soz 11.52 LEMOM i>LEDGt j oHNsoNs'14 oz 11 .28 PRELL CONCEl(l"RATE ~'!!~-99' · LB. COUGH SYRUP~~~b~~•-0L 89' ;:ri;_ 1p ~. BAG ~~:r~~INE ··········· .. 2 9c HYDROX COOKIES r~~t~~L .............. 49' PREMIUM CRACKERS ~~02& ........... 35' FACIAL TISSUE KLEENEX c~'/?Nr 29' SHAl/E CREAM ~?~.·~: •. ~ 79' ~~ 11" • NAPKINS KLEENEX 75 ·29' HALO SHAMPOO g~~:c".T'" 11-01.89' . DESIGNER ............... ..COUNT ENl/ELOPES "'"ONEOES< . -AVOCADOS PICKLES AUNT JANES 49' 0"•NGPA'---·-····--..... DRINK oo~::.~~..;:~L~ICH . , . . 22·0Z.35c COLGATE TOOTHPASTE om ~G·-""'" l-0' LAIGE FANCYRIPEFUEm W/GRAPEFRUIT PINK-REG ... 46-0Z. ULTRA BRIGHT TOOTHPASTE ~'-""'""' . f FOR LAIGlllllSHT-0~1" 3 2 C CARROTS -'"'·'"~ 9 TANGERINES wlJKINGfoNRDWOOUS 233 LAIGISW&T APPLES -.. . ..... 11. c 1mAFANCY oilioifs _. ___ .!2sc 2 LIS. 29~ "°"' FUKES -• .., 11· oxvoot omRGENT _ "'" 11· JOY uou10 _ _ """"' sr I AMERICAN CHEESE IVOIYSllOW ____ - -'"" 79' CHEER DETERGENT . '"" lf THRIL( l QUID o,.,.5f tMlllD£TERGENT -• "'" 7r BOLD DETERGl:NT -"'"' 79' CASCADU~'~~t.~'I" .. .4r DAIRY FRESH 7 9 c "Ill""""'..., --•••• 13' IVORY LIQUID -= '""' 59' TIDE O~R~E~T =-""" 1" SLICED l·LI. KAl KAI CAT FOOD $AtE P111C5S EFf£CTIVE1·FULL DAYS TitURS. lllra. WED JANUARY tth·l!lh. 2 3 SC tQI WUT LNKOl..W, ANAflllM MU IDlltOlll AVI .. HUNTOiOTOfl IUCM • j 111'1 'Nit.n,-. ~ W•ST IROMM'AY, AHAN~M 14111 Mi •VIJtVI WHl'YTllll ~~ .... -t.OL II• NSWf'OtlT IOUlSYAIO. COfTA Ml'IA IM T COLLINI ' OU.NM t.OL#lf10llCQll•Aln1Nlt111 JIU WllT lfll ITlllaT, COSTA MllA Mta Wl!I Ua ST111£f tA•Tl ANA •D WllfMllfJTllt IL'ID.. WDTMINSTlill Holl IOI It ITllllT• SANTA ANA -CJW'M.t.11 AVINUI, aAlllOlflll NO ' • ... -... . ----- t i -, ES ~c qj h. • ' ~ l • DAii. y I'll.OT Ml l Brand '. rellocl the r.illuenee '11 lhe ""* ;bleodlni ~ older' tor 1111' ol IW nmarkable ~ • llomim. Ara1io and wlllOI lro"! whjeh It .,..._ clsanlde', oUler ane)eb( cMllzll~ tho "8r~ aroaa Spulali1he"71taf1vorlte =-~\~btw.: 0. ..... -....... ~ ~--11.a.. blolory. • ~ Spanlll\• "I'm lllO • ~4 to Spao1t~ WUl<lrlnt-.,.ev.-y~· f_.·h Delig ht . Neeth r1ne Pie ~iii _. maidO/I I. ljttJo -11tt. aboUI ,.,. • , _ ol .ai.rry._~ !hat the the JallulOlll Sjalllll! -ll'mb -.i-. caqllt al UahUY. ~aute slll!<d [Mil' /mil l~ o1 the cnJShed ts lb;t tlief •ro blended wllh lhtlr ~ al juJey ripeness, 11edtarlnit irllh choppe<!'OIUI-\ srapes· be U'ansportocj.!rom SJ>llllah brall<lf-BreJ!dy acts, QIW 1 mar11doul,and prll1Y died · 11ns~ )n butler (u 1 e vineyard Ip winery within Uio u a llablllW and preserves mack. Slice a -Jnto *"'"!'II -If 7.., can) ", boor. , . 1 , ' lbe Ofvor and . .torn., ol tbe 4 ot i !hid!: clrdtil. euloS· l'the clnaleii): Add ;,,gal" aiill P'ermentalion bl!gim I few ,wine. It alsb olldl a lf1w '41'•• !hem oll'tlle .pit with ~ • leulbfl fuloe. !hen turn !Pt!> llourt, later and lasts about units ol proof, which ~ kntle one by one. Sprinllo baked pk lbell. Oilll :i'~ 1Ji wtek. but be lore the new ~PIO!lh sherry on uquany wWI se......i ~ and !Int "(tool" later with , w1\ljliled ,'l'lne --sherry it n\ust liuri\Y, drink .mlch cao l be. b«be pr~ wtlh,,..,.. creorn. I ' '. be qed by a procew ol . had .., the ~· wl-loo-piooaJ!l>lt'~ ..-. . Let -California Bartlett P"Ft ripen II jOOlll tem- ponlun! la a P"P••"~ FOREIGf\ FOODS FEATURED ~ <# oreign Fare .. • Served Sirnpl y/. · Buon Appetitol some decorating. Use travel Guten Appetlt! posters to brighten the walls. ' Looking ror a party theme Get them free from airli:.es to entertain your friends ? o; make your own1 with Take off on a round-the-world bright-colored scenes ai!lrom adventure with an lnternation· maguihes. Or 1?s r t"'l1 I J 11 discotheque theme. worldly an~: cut I . rmft'll· Dance to international fa-sized strip of· btavy butCher ·vorites and stan or finish the paper to mtke a collage of --eviulng with...an....inteolaU.onal.---travel -.pictures --"f · buffet, Ole! Just rutJ ·your around:u;;-worl •. · ' maaic lantern by zipping froz-Now for tbii .CUO~ the en foreign-style dinners i:ito food . Set up it, large....\:MJffet the 'oven, and out pop flavors table, decorated-.with ftl·~ if from 8.round the world! You available (maybe paper cut- cao J>u1 these· meals In Ger-out kind). Serve .Y°'41" btte~ : TIJJi!\; ltol~-' ~eFan and· -national meaJa, J'>\ llfle. -s.;1 j ~ a!J'. . t h e hot dinne rtray on di>-it-. jpzt 1. 'U .wan( lo __ ~9 .• YQU.1'$ell decora~ ~~~ ... "' ' .. ,, . ef a I a i~y~-J Ii l)gfon ~ • . • f .. •, t: . I · fff icult to -_ Surp9Ss . 'tt comes io eleiant ' Place bee! oo-rack ... ~ J cuisine, ; nothing cau 41balivw bak#lg pan. Sprln~ a 1beauUiul beef Well-!fith ~ga]t aDd Pepper. RoUt <; You can prepart, ihis In hot oven (425 degrees F.) ·entree,prigin~J.rY . ilq .. ll)lmrtes. Lel .. stand unUJ . for \he fa m ,.p s cool~-then tt~.ott all fa~ DukJ' 'of Welllnrton. Meanwhile, prepare Butter w· lbe : .choicest Wt of Pastry, and chill 30 minutes ter& sucturent fllet. <n:: longer. Prepare Duxellea. Many renowned cqefs have To Assemble• ~f Welllagtoa: buill tbeir reputaUonsj Roll pastry fo rectangle ~ this dish. Fot large enough to wrap· iroona ··· hoaifls8' entertaining at h . beef (about 3 incliet longer U. California Beef Council than. roast and 1% to rts incbea ~ economists.hav~ Cf¥1ted ·wide), Press £00'1'Dux~el into tldl 'Ven.JOO which ts 1-very pastry, iea.Vtn( ·an ·mch un- bit' .. iinpresslve and delicious coy.ered on all edges. a:j"itatauranteur's)inest of· Piace ~ on .Pastry. fe(:iag. / Moisten pastry· edits and ~ttr a preliminary roasting enclose beef presalng edges r he beef, follow the easy firmly together. '.('rim off ex-_ 1"ot" wrapping in a C'5f. pastry from eod.s so tte(lpaSlry. Just Under· · sfu. layer COVer& ends, of. e1(e crust is a layer roast. Place roll · seirn side Cii1ie es -a flavorful chop-down on shallow bating pan. J>Cllt' mushroom mixture ...... Cut decorations from paltry , , p~ into the p a s t r Y · trimmings and place 00 top. Ar#f time you m i g h t Brush pastry with eg bM.ten s~. liver pate over the with water. Sprinkle with ~ . ~aUve P a s t ~ f1' sesame seeds. Bate in hot rutaUj:l end sesame seed:i add oven (too degrees P.) SO to the final touch and it's ready 35 minutes until browned. Let to bake until golden. stand JS. to 20 minutes before Although this beef specialty slicing. Makes 8 to 10 serv. may take a IUUe extra time, ings. · you -<!an get it ready· for it's BUTI'ER PASTRY final browning well ahead of parly time . Allow tbe roast Combine 3'!1 CUJlll silted to ttaOO ts to 20 minutes flour and l teaspoon lllL Cat before carving. Bright red in 1_,..cup cold bUtter ~ t t o m a t o e s filled with tablespoons shortening until horseradish cream make a particles are fine. Add ice ............. and colorful •arnlsh. water, a tablesppon at a time, ........... • fo make still~ ..... 11.EGANT BEEF WELL-about 'Ii cup. Shape dOugb INGTON into square, ~er and dill.I. I (4.:1! 41\-polmd) c,Hlornia . DUXl!LLES 'lild •' -· Ftne!y clllli> I poond 1-~ musbrjJoms: \"Wle in -V. cup Peiioer I · butter, aion,g wtlh 11 cup cbop-8""* Pastry ped ._., Onion, dlot!ng unUJ 1luooU<a liquid ev&P.!_Jfates . .Btlr io II lfU ' • teaapcm Tilllj iof . leUDi>nb I i-l\Jtll>o0n'.1ater marjoram, J "8~11Iour s~ ,..ts , · and dash ~· Alld II cup \ ,ii · white tal>Je wine. Cook, stirring ai!U( mlJ!.,.. Stains·Re move d bolls and. lhlctens. llomov• from heat. Stir in 2 tabJ,.. pooos cbopped panky and 11 cup finely cl"'lil* eooked ham. Cook before l)INldlng over pastry .. . Grease stalnl In w,aoll and wear fabrics ofte'n do not come. out durina: laundering, but Instead are eel by \he heat in wasblng, drying ot ironiR.I. Tq remove such ~ •laid.<s -!Crs. Dorothy Wenck, Or"!P Ccaanl)> !Jome Advisor, recoyunendl ! ~ o !ollwlng iroatmont: ( / Fin! applr 'iI-"'" to lhe ~lain, workin& It gtnllJ lnto !he cloth with your ttngen. This dl.ssolve1 the ,,...... Nexl nili liquid doterJ"nt Info !he !!pOl and let It stand la< 5 lo 15 minutes to remove the glycerine. Then rewash 1he gannent. TOMA'l'Ol!'I wrru llORIERADISH CREAM •small-loa Ill cup whlppln& cmm I lo~ prepared .. ...-""·-Dijon-Dlllt Ill! ~! tops lrom --hollow allghlly and ...,.. 00! -Drain upolde ~ \Yhlp cream unUJ 111111. told • In nmalnlnc lnpodl<lltl. Fiii tom1tors with cream jult befort &ervinl. Makes a serv- ing>. ' .~. RYEiN_ ' . ' ~ PAR1s ·S3.~. WHO LE LEGS Ol THIGHS GOtDIN GOIN PlllTO BEANS DOlf-1!.UOHf.D ION~LESS CROSS RI& ROLLED . _lfOAU~ U.S,O,A. 'CHOICE' I EEf SUCID-KlaH'S STRAWBIRRIES- YAN Of kAW"S-lff'fOICHEfSf 0 S.0 /Iii.. CH01Cl . .. , ... . , ....... . 331i.. cil1iC:K STEAK \ c ' ' U.S.D.A.. 'CHOK!' l lff-"IONWSS PAMIL Y. STIAKS flfSH ICl!TjHID•!llCE~ ·s ,.: JI,.\ s1 PINl.PPLE <>M • ENCHILADA DINNERS '!>~'. 59• PORK & DIANI 3 f! 49c j' fill.$•UIY-ML flAVOIS • 59c HASH llOWN INST. BREAKFAST :.~ . · I . - ... ,.,IT 14 : ..... , ,. DOG POOD ~t-'. GRll!INB~NS GOl.DfN MUGOm-SMOOTH., CIUNCHY PIANUT aunER ORE·IDA POTATO~· ~'. 21 • JUMIO SA.HDW!f;H ' .. , LARRY'S POOR BOY !i::Jt• nO:llll••AllQUft MEAT PIES GLOBE A-I SPAGHITII. IM PERKINS OR IL80W TOMATO MACARONI SAUCE 4 i.1~. 79c GlOlfA-~~:TID4 !.~79c ,3 l -01. 29c l'ARMfSAN CHflSE CGM <an1 ;·-6 •1· • c,1c;a1• r 1'JIA . ... .. '• li•KIY . plea . ' -..... zA"ei i ij {1 l I :i·@ IQ i (.] ·1 'Ii ir.:A~t.!:~inl~ ~FOOD GERBER Slfainod or Juice 3.~33 c · CAKE ly\l)(ES DUNCAN HINES IAYER • ANGEL 39c ~ '59c ~ ..... ,. t •it• .... . MARGARIHE All:SWEET 14b.. 25 c incl. ~ ~ • .CCoff ~ - ' SWEET, JUICY-DESfRT GROWN ' . . r I • U.S. HO. 1..,11ro VElVf1' sw1•TY. DISHWASHER OETE!!GENT 'CASCADE 5G<JL 79 c iflct pkg. 20. off. 'HUNT'S ' TOMATO PASTt 2 ::· 33c WHOLE PEf\£0 , ·TqMATOES ,..1"3~ NEW .POTATOfl 2 '"-=°:lk SPINACH 2 i:' 39c It~ 1< I· SCHILi.i NG MEATLOAF 1:;:. .2,Sc SfASONING ,. ·SLOPPY JOE ~.2,~· MIX GROUND Bl.ACK " ' P£PPfR ~AS• .. ~ FRESH KIST FRUIT DRINKS Punch, ~ra~; •. .., ~~.:~·~fe.O~p•fruit '6-or. .f • cant · . , , ...... ______________ .....,_,; .1 DELICATESSEN ··f ,_ . ....t. HfAvY DUttc._. ' SPIC il1SP~ rw-3c : ill<qi . lu6ff CUBES • S.TEERO -·hlf. Ch16.1Jt . Onion . CHUllK. LIGHT TIJNA CHICKEN OF THE SEA . ' ·;, ""l· 3 9c of S .. ~~ 31 "- 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wilson St., · Rar.bor. Shopping C:enier, C: osta Me1a • • . > I· -- II llAllY PllOT ' F 0 R .•• f -~:: ' . 'lb. lb. FRESH FRYING · 35c CHICKEN-CUT UP ........................ lb MEATY 4ftc FRYER BREAST_ .................... -i71b --. . •BUY THE 4 HUNTS l·OZ. CAN TOMATO SAUCE ....... .. HUNT'S 46°0Z. CAN $ TOMATO f • ·,-f.: ·~~ ~ JUICE ............. 0 ·R CAL FRESH OR I ·LB. CAN S!&W COFFEE.: ..... ; .. "· c HUNTSN0.2V..CAN 4. 8.ftc S~INACH ...................... ~ ..,. M-l>IATHRQoM1.R~LPACK 5"'$1 TQILET. TISSUE ......... .~ NA.ISCOPREMIUM SNOWFLAKE 31( C'4fKERS""~ ....... 1-Ul.IOX . GifAtt~:(RACKERS38c . I -LB. CARTON . $ U.M.S. F OLEO ............... 0 R HUNT'S NO. 2% CAN A • 89 PORK & BEANS ... !!t~ c ' 46°0Z.CANASSOmD 3' 89 Hl-C DRINKS........... ~ c ARDEN REG. PINT SIZE 33c COTIAGE CHEESE __ HALF PINT ASSORTED FLAVORS 2~ ARDEN Y~URT ...... _.: ~- -------.-~-----~-·-~-~r-·-~-------~ 4 \ -• H 'Jf !Tf,' FR<J .\ r·s },ARll f 'RF.SH f 'R l l lTS .·1.\J) I £(;J:'T,4BLF:s • . . ~ .,___ FIRM RED .RIPE -· ,. MAIKET HOUIS, MON. 1'11U Fil. 11 ;JO A.M. i. 9;30 P.M. SAT. 9;30 A.M, to 9'30 PM, :... SUN. f ;IO A.M. i. 6;30 P.M. 'Jo" ................... ~·<«~ """' ~ .... .-:,.. ................................................................................................................................................................ "" ' ' ·~ 17-l'ILOT-ADVlllTISIR _,, J......,., •• 1969 DAILY "LOT SI • ,, -~· ~· ~-.I -'\ I -( t ,' li ' I ' •· ..... l • -:. ~ ".'· ,. ' . . ~ ·' .• j .•• . -~· • .. ., ...... •,· '. .. ' I "• • f ' " """'-~- < • ,. . . • .-~ .... :-· ~· .. . . . . . . ' ' . Is·~ ., .. < •• .. ' ' ~,.' ·U· ,, ~ \ J r~ •' \ ,. Contin.etiml! ,1 ' • < ' " . ' -· ' . ' f • ; ~ ' . _ M:'1rlJ!ris . ~1!'d -~arq.0~ . . /·· r•~---------____ ,,.. .... Brougham twoodqor h~rdtops ••• meditJJp- pl'.iced cars despite die luxury car look. , ,,_ .... ! .. ., ... '\ " • 1969 Continentals, Lincolns, Mercurys and Cougars are waiting for you •.• today •.• at Johnson and Son, great cars, great prices, great terms -and great people to buy :fr~o;m~! ~~!"'!!! HERE ARE IUT A FEW OF THE PREMIUM USED CARS WE ARE OFFERING PRESENTLY. ,_ tpr ·C-~R~ ••• OllTSTANDIN~.ftlC£5 ....... ,, l~_UITAB~ ,RNAN.CIN_G • , ,• .LAltGE.,$~ECJ10~. .. . {-' , .. ·n MIAl:ll•Y .;J ' Calo11y ,...~t•·.Wt11, /'-. ir•n1., R&H, PS, ll; PW. lu1 of tl1• 1•1r. No . 6262'.i '· 'H IUICK Wll.DCAT . 4 fir. H.t J:'.e1,. orl. w/1~d~lt-lllt<1i • r ! "' • ,. ,fvlly pwr:~l,t., f,, . 'tllt 1fr: "Whl., , ,.~, ~~y. , ~:-• -. ' ' ., ......• "'Tl r.,:u CHIYY~_,. SS Cpe. ·, ·'1or"'11d1 bl.#llJlofolic •ri. w/mtcl1. ~,bllck1t ltlfi. Fitlly foe. oqulpt. + •·r , , tro111., RIH,<f.$'~11, fie. 1ir C•nlll •• ;_Lie. NRl•6 ,.;'f!.,1~ . " ,. " ~ • (i· ., . .. •• •..j " it-[' ••• . . . ' .. '\,.' ... ' . /. ! • • . . , , .. ~67 PLYMOUTH hry Ill . $1 ·9. 9 5 2 dr. H.T. l•111t. Arlie told, w/blt ,' ~ · • ' t . vi111t upholtt. Fully fie. •quipf., ' -,, · · 111to., R&H, PS, Pl, fie. 1ir, low mi. ; -· T~1~1d ~J . ..Orif. 1\l"'l'l•r. Uc. 077 ... 'H T·lllD COUPE t > . .$·t9· '· .. ,, ~s Alt•c t.ld ••*· w/m1tch. IRt., •·.'-...;~,:"er,,\. \ . . , '. .. tr1111:, ~~· flll pwr. 1tr., brkt., w1nif_,. J' ~ . • • , . j. 111t. V1ry 1ttr1c, mil", Seo to •ppr. 1 . , • • • 'OWWll•:W. lwy GNlt )11_,."'Y ·~ • • . . ' .. ,:. 'f. " ' ' t -I ;I, .... , I • • .,1 ME,lpU•Y Moot. 4..t• HT $.z·· .. ·t.Q.·1_-r:.:9--.·i .. _·S Ait~'c .~ld fi1 . w/iri1fch. i11t., 1. 'frf111., lll'H~ f.$,f'1, foe . 1ir cond .. °.Lie. TUVJ.1• .. ~ ~· ~ . ' '. \ • I t '67 COUCOAR 1;:·'2· J"'.9,··, ··.5._· M•t:I. bh.1 .. 11f1t1lic fin. w/rnk.h. in+.:' . 1. tr1111.~ U"-I'S, 1fc. Very cl11n. Uc. UDRJ!lf "' ' • ;. .... .,, .... ,, ' '{. . " ' .. .. •. ·u couc;u $ 51,.ony 1lw. fJ11. w/bl k. vin~· i.nt., •· 1 I tr'"'" R&H, PS, P dhc I, driv•R only ( 11,000 mi. lmm1c, lie. VTM516 '61 OLDS Cutlau Svp.-:Z-<t. HT lo111tif11I 1111 gol(_·,.111. w/1J1k~~9· h11ck1 t 111h, hlk. l1rtd111 roof, fu lly fie. oq11ipt, + 1. troll'•., lllH, ,S, Pl, foe. 1lr. Qfiw111 1(000 mi., cir•· fu lly m1l11t. bY orl9, ow11r. XOA-412 '67 TOIONADO IDeli!xel Gr1ci1n told fil\. w/11tin ~1~. int. 011 . cpo., full pwr., fie . 1ir eond. I ow11., like 111w. Show1 f11ficlio111. c1re. Stfck N1111\.b1r -42'4-4A • t•· S11fo1m I'"· fin., drk. 1 ... .f god int ... It. lyY·fold l1nt:l111 ro•f. Fully l~ll_. oqulpt. in c, tilt 1J.'!f wht ., 1lor10 flF' 1y1t., 11111 pwr., I ow"'" botlll, 1'1111Jf. lltK42-4 .. -. . :: ,< I . ' $ ?:.·~~~©~~·w:: ©@®~~;~~:~®.~:IA\~ D 2616 .HAR.BbR BOULEVARD,. .COSTA MESA 1 r.'), • • • • • • -• ..... ' , .. ~. ,, .... •• • . ' .. · • ... ~ ,. ' • ' .. t ,. .. , •• ~; ~-~ -~~ . :1,.: •• ,, .. ' ,~--.-' > '· '., ' .. \\ • • ' •-: . "' . ·~ -.-; " . .. ,. . .. . -. '. ' • . .. •' ' l?'I ~-·. " ,. ' ·.&~ ., ' ' ... 'f ~~-·"" " " ~' . ' "' <{ " ' ' t .,..:.,., " ! I I. " :1 ~: .. '\. ..!.. . ' I ·"' "' . :x: I ~ I r • .~. 1 .. :\: I .. ' -~ r • ~ r I I I' I' ' !' :1 ij ~· ~ •. I .......... -~-.~---~---;-.• -.=.---..y-----.. ----------- • ~O~v~s~ets =FO=R~5~AL~E~~H~OU~S1!$~FO~ll~SA5LE~~ 1~-~~-&S~-~~SA~L~E!:i~~· ~· ~!S~IS~F~O:·:·":L111!!l~ltOIJ~l~··~-~"°;R:SA~. L~E~,~· ~""'~•IS~E~S~FO~·~·IU{;Lf~~ 1-ltOll ....... _SE_S_FOll_' _SA_L_s _ ,~H'"'O...;.U.;.;SE...;.S_P..,.o_R_S_AL_E_. HOUSES_,~ SAL-£ Gone rtl 1000 G9ftuit tOGO Goqor-4 t0Cllf 0 cp.!!rl!l.. • 1111! :'. · \OC>O'(iit..;al tCIOo _., tOll Clltit M..a 1100 Coro na dol fllor 1 ~50 :J ' 6 tf ii ' i BY OWNEI< WE 'RE MOVING!! EAST SIDE COSTA MESA ··•'DIS1'R1C:SSDUPL.i.~···_, · J~'fi,i. l•S ~~!.'t~ for 3,:i:JW:.·R~!;.~~ RANC HO LA CUESTA "I ·~ ~~,Dr. 'tl1i'i/rl<:o of L Randi style roi lo<. Call 616-2m at Hamilton & Bushard in Huntington Beaoh NEWPORT HGTS. AREA Divorce ·neeessitates quick ·aale far tbll Un··· ..... -.or. ".t.8!1....,,, 2 batho. PLus ,..;-:=;:;:·:==:;;;==:"" sold 98 homes In six months• Our new arut believable low priced 4 Bedroom..uc· and HcfibOilttw, Cdl!t t Bii rental uni• 116,iOO. ·I' Is about to open and we mu.st .. u the last two ALL THIS AND R2 2 Bedroom Urut across the •~ llelt · 1 _ ONE BEDROOM un11a l;L;;;ldo;;;;;;'''~'~~~-;;l;;3;;51;I h h I d. oun'· Ocean area -Summer ·or· ~~; nni.~ -omes ere a generous ~c ~. $25 500 · W,500 _ will U&ten to a)1' •• ':"' · 5. Bit Model l0<0m• l6'0 mo-A>klng MODEL HOME: ~.:11;. ~.~!rt!l'8:'. ;u~~ Charau·ng s bedroo~ ·.,.'2 bedroom ••en. DUPL. E'X' ' , :;::_ SPUT UVEL !>Moo · ~ -. _::<J • 6 UNITS !-1 t>edroo111s, 4--bedrooms. Exquisitely decor· l * baths, fireplace, carpets&: drapes, ~ullt-Provincial plus is this d,_eli~~µ\ 3.*1o6m, 2 BR. each 'vlth cnra1c. Jn- aled & land!CAped. $29.700-ins & forced air heal This well Jandacaped. 2'bat h hotne With Income. ~Ui:ied coritlllutl· 3300 liCJ fl oJ luxucy living conte 1% per mo. $62,500 oiscounled $2500. home can be found on a huge .R2 Jof ,.iqi .a ilt,' ~aatlfWly main'tained,._· ,$61,~ -see ronnaJ dillJng, 1arge maate-r INVE NTORY: 3 BR, 2 BA, dining room, car· very l&r&e fenced back yard, with rooin for to ap}ft'eclatt. __ '-· • ,Bdnn & ian>Uy rm, l5x30 ~~~ peted tbruoul a boat, amper, or build a1'tlltal nnil!'ll bu ·., '".·HOI. _ ... "" .. E. . ..;,i,.EA._N ... l!!R.ON.... Rump"' ......_ Split level 4f#tlllt.. $.25,050 _ discounted $1600. a paved alley entrance fOP easy-accell!Loca· w. ~ ""'-r .. 1 waDM ·)'l.l'd "wtrh ahuUJ.e 1 1 At r y lion is just about perfect, 11h blks to Ne'!"·., ,..... .-•• ..,. ·• . DU·PL' •x " .· board. '~ltti or without er-Near NB Post Ofc. 646-1414 --w11:.E2iRAoF for land In Yucca V.Ucy 10% Down Conv•ntion.I Loani port grade school, and only 2 blks to ne~ ~ity Ii =. ~;p:4~=~ I !!'!'l!"'l'"!'!''""~~"!"'!~ Coll 968-2929 botween 10 ond 6 ony d•y. park. East I.7th street and Wemlilf shoppipg I Bedroom up -t ~oiits d~n .. Coiner_' pool & ....,,.,,Ion..,.. nlA I VA I CCNVEN· 3 &l's, 2 bath, cwstofn-blt horn<' on 80x90 ft corriet. Big garden w/BBQ, ,dear, 389.000 POC~ RANCHO Ranch dei:ign honic ideally placed on a wide 89 ft. es- tate. Enjoy this country at· mosphere, and breath!'! lhe fresh air. A rerttllltlng n- lreat from your busy world. RUS11C SE"JTJNG, huge . shade trtts. neat, park.Jikl' · ' grounds and l'>l"O .separate plAy yards PLUS boat and · c:amper storage~ Be comfor- table in your own excq>tion- ally nia' custom lhl"tt beef. room, two balh home dee· oratt'd \Vlth 11a1ural 11· o o d i('nding an UrlCXpl'!<:!M rich- ' ' lll'!SS and charm. IltfMEDf- /1 TE POSSESSION • Prem iu1n Jiving for $38.500! ! Mesa Verde 5 Bedroom The-lariest home in Reyub- lil' Homes iUTa -Room lo 5pal"' 'ol-"ith every built • in oon\>enieooe -3 llmlrious badis. party i;itt patio. ~ and tWo other schools within walking dis· location alfordJ expansive View,: cedar ihin. • oav1: GAMBILL TlONAL. 4 Bed r 0 0 m S, F · t to 'te I ufe ,. -. Mega Verde, J.arge lot, qull'!t tance. or appomtmen see, wn : g e riar. Minimum maintenance, roof , 644-0020 itrttt. Immaculate con· R. C. GREER. Realty 341£ Via Lido bil-9300 " Private Party lox P612 Dally Pilot pa~io, •&5,5~ -:-t'XCe~n_t-;~e,~al ·r~atldn . dltlon. $170 mo. P & 1. Huntington hich 1400 BARGAIN . HUNTERS!. It WOft'.i'LlSTJ -.=:~·~':~. ""' $18,ooo Terrace. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath. • fltf>i"' ~?1'~¥ ~~ ~ Br, 2 Ba, JHA, 10% do1vn. ln rani::t' & QVen, dlshwaslv Here's your cbance .for.tb~,11~, buJ.l .1t:m1& . : ~ . •1 ... ~ • ~ ur. 74 x 101, 4 4 BR 1~~ baths. elect.-baUt~ p,Jace,,pa'tio. SpoUW. ', , ~ -=---• ~.....,. ~f"'\ou·au eleChic G.[. no down.~~ trees er, panlry, upgraded car- 10%-clowJ,J •. Leasf/ApUo~. ay lbr ppt.. ~JI Vi.nee ~ 2 ~l' ·. . 6: p{incy or apace for boat pets & di-apes. Double gar. 1f Brick llreP1.aLT_; ·T•'" or ~r. A.8.C. Realty. 11gt>, Con1pleteJy fenced. l B SEDROOMIX DEWXEUNIJS '°1''*.l~W .·. . " I .~: .• . ~-''"' ,· · ... ',' •• ~t'*~;.cS ·.~::-=225,,,.~~=,...,',,.,...·-,,.,E,,,.ve r~.j;";:.':"m~" than ... nt ' Sun 1 et pool comple1eJyl•---:::::-:~::::--;-;;;if!j;iiiiiiftiitifi(I "·rought-lroo fellC'M S42.rioo -~-ner may lrade ior smaller home -$41,500. 546-2313 646-7171 THE ~EAL ESTATERS SJ.500 OOWN. l BR 1~ bath Monticello COlldorn. Cpts/ drps, bit-ires, pool c I u b hou.sc. S20,:iOO. Submit trad· ... ~don!; i ·:Ur ean ASSUME 5%'i~ VA loan: l~fmmlti•litliU\b ' . ftif atioW!nar • · ' Eas-tside 3 BR., l~ Ba.: WffhM:lu:l\ti . Llk.e new on i,s acre com-NOTHING DOWN RI I Olll~ "''£Gk. -.. ~ , . . . ~ :16-4~3 Full price. 01vncr ple1e1y block wall !enoed. Quallfiedwt .. ~cteno .... d'"~ """",r: lmmed. Possess. , chaae u• ....... ---. ' f<lUSl' SELL, Imn1ac 3 BR, Sprinklers ,.,.tern and laab mtnt., 3 lartmibedrooms, •' ,. ~ Sharp 3 txlm1. home. Out of ' i;' • 1 ~i BA home, fully crpld, la.OOscapi.ng Ea.ch unJt bu oork 'W ly room, R e 't}i..' ~Toa s . ..J'' all the xtra5, adj. to golf statt' O'ol'nl'!r must sac-rif.lce. 21o11baw.'F'""''~'u11y ~~d.n.bth.\'<:r.;:.-0:,:202cw :._,,:_.:.11 d N , .. rt-.-, .. h -t®BUet.c.M: -"''"""'· 124000. 64._..,03 13.950 Do.-n. T•k• "'"' """"'""'· Call '°"''""'· de cui-de4'1< location. Ntar '": • '<UUIV"'!:: y •• ~11\'.~' C . 5•,'; G.I. Loon. Only $24,• $840 Mo, Income ev"'Ythfn&. AJ!dng $26,900. 675.6000 " . . ,, IAYCRESf Me•• Vord• 1110 950· "'"'""''' th;, 0""' j ' ·.!!l!!!!!!!l!!!.!'!!l!!J![l!!!l~!!!J!!!!!I · EXC1.l.WVE ~US _ ANXIOUS owner must sell! 847-~I Jo"':"·~~~~tt21.I 2 BR DUPLE..\'. on quj('I cul· ~ -k""1.-· S7t(J DOWN · ' 2,000 f!l.• fl 4 bedpliit. Pool 3 BR, 2 BA home. ~1500 6 UNITS , . bl H S L . . , ·"~-· m·' ' 2. 81th ~.in Baycrest • $46.500 'R.>Jow rriarket. $ 3 0 0 0 d1'!·5ll(" street, (.lou e gar· ava u a e ' -r <1.ge. $2301-mo. Near.-Mxl!'-E ¥ 1..:::c::;:::;==:;;,:=::::==~1 . .,. _all(,.. Y®_ can't ~~Y find !~...i~~ppt. Jell('Vf1 Der ~.fiisti.Dg si~tji loan. Walk to beach. Partly furn., d •-• 12•·-Do~er Shor-a more ·beautiful and im· ....... ~. · · .,· t · ."rotatpymnts$190. 545--7822 Pl}ce redu(.'\"d for .qutck! •11:,,,l \.1,, .. -1~\ 11t•' 546 -5990 ping. Don'! ew)'. ·-· * 642-1771 Anytime * . •. , JEAN sunH. ' Specta•Mlar. 1,., nic nicQt" ~· m.aCulate DREAM HO~IB ,. I~~·. $at5p.pooorox.dn20t~~. ~turbngn_;. B.-e11iltg11 CaU 646--1050 6 UNIT~ z BRl each Irr -that '-......... M:j ~n Parker with RANOI SIZED kitchen R•-._• -N•W-Port leach 1200 ....... ~~ ~"' Mesa Verde :iv;::. ~~OS ~I.gab~:: -CORou DEL MAR ~:!1~v:ua: ~~t!!: roi~~ to• $4200 "::1~~~gli=· ::.1:1.; 400 E. ~7th~~:' 646-~ .;;IJElR;;;·;:;;;s;;EA;;;;CH;;;; __ ;.;,;;~;;,h;;;;p,;;rt;;;;;a1.1 BR~v~EA~ REALTY I Cambridge S725 I mo. SliARP SHARP built 4 bedroom 3 bath -00 the CallfOrnia side ot beauij(Ul cilstom ST 0 NE I •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiiiio I Ocean View, 2-two Bdrm. 847.-8531 Eves. 536-21231 Adult occupied, popula. 3 SHARP! $72.500. R-2 lot + house. Rare avail-E.'flra large living room. HAVASU iAlCE for yolir FIREP.LACE. PLUSH CAR-COSTA MESA ' l¥>UBe &; Guest Apt. Dbl gar· Executive Hom. e ! bedroom and family room "I TRADE" ability, hi.Ith iovesb:ncnt pc; formal dining room rom· "All Year" vf.calion ~IJ.le. PETS I, DRAPES and 4 Cul de ·Sae near Haibor Hi, asC. well-built concrete home in prime 1'.Ie~ Verde Bob OL":m Rl'!allor .)46...5580 tential; close ·10 Ocean Blvd. pletely l'eflnished. Owner All inlproV'erlieilti In & ~ ~~~IOWI ~tmhs. Be-~~~ul large 2 bedroom,-hll&I'! f'.11l3· block COllStr. $34,500. l.gc. :! story: 4 BR 3 bath. al'ea. Super sharp in and I •iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I & beach. 3 BR., 1~ baths: has n1oved and will give U1.11Ui;capuig. W) spnu-"-'ers ily rm, diniDg nq. Very HWlt. Sch n10st distingui,sh- out. 7,500 sq 11 lol. room Udo Townhouse some vie\\'. AJ'>l-·ays rentl'd. immediale possession for. on QUiet f~t.wil.h towering lar&e yard, newly redecorat-. ~0' ed address. Way undef inar·I P ·-~ to ··-" ,....., ~1\i\ ,..,.,,500 _ shade trees. VA & FHA ed. and ,.,....,..,_., .ln "".• -• ., , ke· value at $40.500. I (''. t-iler storag•. custom nu..-u aoao, ..,,,;.iuu. i''" Shown b ••po<"tment o"(y · ~ ..... ,,.,... ~· "'" ... Y ....-...,. " • terms. standing house 'in an exccl· --R 0 SLATES Rltr shutters tuXl drapl.'s, 2 fire-E. J. N•v_-&. J1ck Bale ' 1 1 •..i.tio hood 1 E A L T Y 817 ;,. 9' ' ' places. Exclu.sivc S33,500. Newport en ne'4!>" r · ' ...,:,1 Eves. 536-18401 * ·HAVASU * Poto Bar!'llt R11lly Nea' NB Po" Of<. 64~2414 4 BR/$23 950 /V I Colesworlhy & Co. ,, I~ w.....W Dr. NB &12.o2ro.l.!!l!!~!""!"~"".""I""""' ' aunt · Nortfi 'Estatls ' __ -_ · · _ Exclusive Listing Largl' bedrooms. New paint.I ,.2•7777 Victoria ~""n B N-·-Blvd , CM ll1 besl Bay area "ol-de·c"". Close lo :1ehools & ~hopping. ~ 546-2313 64~7171 LOW '"•vu•~ ·• 2790 R.al:.bar IDvd. 10 '~'IT ... .,..... FllA or Gr. Act quick! I l~I ";t,.:; :~~:· c.~!. 6-46-l&l l , f4249M or·~ Bkr. ~ .iJ)»Q tlU l .. PM on 3 lols. Ad7a'Jeh1~o'~ean-~=e~1a~lrii:'11, ou~~I~ HAf'fDAL Realty I ·-3 Bedroom, 1 Vi 81. r $'°" ~ -·---Fireplace. deluxe.. carpets · SALES ·MANAGER . ront. ~.IAN. n ~;... 1 87"° \Varner, FV ~, vm NO DOWll .l ill a' Lot Costa Mesa, ~!aide .. REAL ·ESTAT&, .. L".;.."'n m· acnab Bal~ R ... 1 .. E•f')!_Co. 1>1lt& Bnl.Est.1!} MUSIC LOVERS I Only $22,500 Sprin& Realty expanthna:· . ,_.in 700 ~.·Balboa Invd., Bil&a _ _ -~ _ Corner 3 Br. 2 Ba. Fam rm.11 ~ BR l~t. bath, large rear yard. cl05e to sho1>ping. Dall HOme & Income agaUf, opened, No. 4 ottiee :, ,. 613-4140 gar, frplr, crptl, drps.. ·blt·: On Ht r b or m Vd., Costa COZY · • 3 BR .. 2 Ba. ·uPf!tairs liUn-ins, stereo. intl'!rrom1 f.illle .ij now. $21,500 Newpo rt at Victori1 646-8811 Newport Heights · View Home NE\V ENGLAND CllAR!\I .sE>ls oll 1his 7-year well kept _and outstanding 1 !ltory beauty, 3 lovely bedroom~. family room. hardwood floors, J)flliQ, fe1u .. 'Cd 101. QUlET STREET. . · ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST ·293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 S\4% LOAN J::xclusive Oiina Cove home • year lll'()Und living • best Harbor arta, 2 BR, 2 Ba, priced to sell fut at • $69,500 By appt only Cood 3 bedroom homl', hllrd· wood floon:. breeze..,'8y c:on· nectlnr-4 rool'n. 2 be.th,rtnt· al unit. OW-ner leaving stall', name your 1erm1. CORBIN-MARTIN ORANGE COUNfY'S REAL TORS LARGEST 3036 E. Cont Hwy, CdM ~E. 171h Sf. 646-4494 675'1662 Ln-4 B/R-Pool -------Largl'! heated & filtered pciol D I $24 950 homl'! with family room. Up tX > $265/mo. QpUon to buy '°'" Eastslde Costa Mesa. Hard· slblc. wood floors & double car garagl'! separating unit!! i2 ~ 546·5810 bdrms e-ch). ·Extra lai'ie fntarcll'lemalM1trtl kitchen al'1!a in 1 unit. LLEGE REALTY 500 Adal'!llJI Hilrbor,CM. Wollll<McCl rdlo, Rltra. 1 .,...,,...,...,...,..., ... ..., 1810 Newport mvd .. C.flt ;.4g.7729 Eves. 644-068~ DUPLEX Ne11r Beach &: Shopping Excellent \'11lue at $3'1.9-:,0 Geor~ Wll li1m1on Realtor 6 Deluxe Units O\vll('r's prldl'! of (11vnership. Is: thne on markl'L :l BR 1 bath each. Top Eruitsidl' 1o- cation. No vacancle11. Lg. dbl~. 11:erage~. Good finan- cing llvailab\1'!. Rltr. M&-3928 Eves. 540-0088 Men., 'need experj~ -3 Bedroom born!'! ideally 2 Units bsbide deck. Llv, dm rm, patio, burglar alarm. By ow~r. i Rea.I Estate Associate ·~ Jocat.e4 to lhopPing,«rater, ; ~1 blk bch & _?ay, bltn kit. $23,500. 8182 Holland or., 1 . cclllld qualify tor .rna4q:e-,lw&e buil._t.Jn .kitchen. lot.I 1 BR home hi front Rear .. ~ ~ . lath ': Bal. H.B. 847-6441 menf.po1iUon to lead .at\ .C· ot stora,ge, $42.500.. unit. See at 156 Rochester, N rpetu rented ~ar apt. i ·4"'s"'o"'RM=-~,,.,-,-,.-n,-,-,~be-a<-h, j al •·" F C I' t tm t By owner. ~!uat rtell! Prine ~IV~ s es Biau. 9r e~-a• or·appe1n en C..M. $22,309.Jull \)l"lce. only. £73-8718 2 years old, r.·Just sell! .,.u..,"''"""'"'rllmltY'ln (114)·642-8235 GINCO REA~TY co ="""""=-'-~~~~ 96&-143' '" 5 143 Bro1cf-..1y 64~.Qlll ac!ynamicsalesatmOlphett, 881 Dover Drlve,-Sulte 101 ... 6D-f422 ' ELEGANT, '"'II blt I.:. onlyl-========cl CLOSE UT pboneorsendresumetoMr •. f!Sacco R.4a11:Y'C-4.'Blal-.. -.--:·~~----$22,900. FHA (It VA. Zoned Li;una a.11ch On Pool Home ·-·iarge 3 Gardner, all informa.UOll Newport Beach 3 BR Home with Pool R2. Large living r n1 . , Bedroom family room, big held in strictest ~· . Open beamtd Baycrest beau• finopl.. cpts, drps, elec. pool & diving board. See Spring Realty. 2629 Harbor 11• C I 1 I ty ~.n fee land. 3 baths, built· lcitcb, 2 BR., den. Owner. !his fine home and make Blvd.. Cos t a Me-1111. Ph. 11 O on • ins, 3 car garaa:e. 642-4441 .e.u. ~•·u GOLF COURSE AREA ·Im· · .... Je.,_ Froufl offer. Small down or large .....,..,...... hom .~ L.u • • .. 1 do,vn -°"'ntr want9 AC... l'ii;;ll;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;,·I · t>tt•lve e \v1th -..u· . t"h1rfes 4-rnot(I · 1• ·,;noon driveway. 4-Bdnns, ~. · "646-7755 TION! Excellent JQcati(lri -.. j ' •r:"ROOMs· . fonnal d'-i~ room + lam-Ai::::= I vacanl( n\()\>e l,Ow. CAU.: • 'I DQI · · ily roo;"'& muld-purpotC WAI'f'J.~D ro BVY 3 or 4 Mr. fllyllr'e 541).ltSi (open room: with separate fire-bedroom house, take over !'!veal l·lerltagl'! Real Estate. ~ardwoOd Floon place._Un°"ually "''ell priced l<>!l" -payments under 4 8Rrrn _"POOL" NO DOM'J VA, LOW DOWN at $41,500. $135.00. Have cash for equl· $24 900-"0$'' DOWN FtlA. beautllut condlt~. ~:M ~ 5'M995 atttr 5:30 BEAUTIFUL A: Cuatom built Le 2 r-& Fam rm, 2 ba & room for addition w/l(lvely view. 2518 Via Marina. Owner. 642-3219 BLUFFS Condo • 2 BR, 1 BA, split level, fireplace, view. By ~. 644-0801 to a' G.t. 2 bathl. F11.mlly New listing. qtlick Seller. ~ 546·5110 . ruom. Quality new eatpe. , :;_New dlahwas~r. laQ[e rear fnelfeintml theli:t,. C · M WHI lllf 1230 ing, drapes. Decorator m~ ~. ~tio ahd much more. ~~=~':& oite eu • 1100 C rors. Lovely hl'!ated le tilter· Full pnce $23,950. HOME & V2 ACRE BY OWNER, 3 BR 2 ba, ed pool. Decking and patio. • l:O&ATS Nestled on almost \~ acre l'!xcel. rorxl. 2 blks Wesctlill 54t>1720 In prin\1'! Joc11tion. Jiard fo' shops & schools. 548-8281 TARBELL· 2955, Ji•r~r WALLACE IiJXi this much Property at FALL IN LOVE an18.doo .tow prtce plus Corona dtl Mir 1250 . , REA~ TORS the tbings that lake priority -. J:omplete pad<ag< wilh U1is new 21im:y 4 bjlrm ~141-~:~ b:Jai:hl~ ;~~·If: ~ $20,00li 'ON THE BEACH! home ovcrlookl"< Back n .... '•""""""""""""""""~ !>(1(11, 4 Bdnn1, den and 3 17Q5 Handyman Speci1f1 Income Unit._ .. Loe. on Ocr.ansidc o[ J{\'fY 150 ycb fl'on1 Beach. 4 lg~ Ap1. wiits, needs paint & good genc1al cleanup. PO- TENTIAL I N C 0 !\f E EX· CEEDING $10,00} ANNUAL. LY. Pri('C 369,950. MISSION REALTY 494-0731 985 So. Coasl, Laguna WESTERN AWARD 3 & 4 Br. Semi Custom Hontt:!s from $35,450.00 'NO\v Undl'!r constrocUon. J..oca~ on ~fountain View Drive., oil Tyrol Drh•I'! A.P.1. SA LES AGENTS Phone 714-892-7701 for rurther infom1ation ' BDRM, 3 bath. Top of World. Ocean & mountain view. $37,500. 541).-7366 3 baths. family room model (Optin Ev.tnlngs) · ,:,• "ring" . Corona del Mar 2 BR Fum in Dover Shores. ~ ,-bi.ths in· this Co.-t:a Mesa ~SPRING home • owner will carry Ist Paymt•nls $141 nio. in(·Judcs --2£&! ~ IEE Ro __ ,_J_._w_a_nl~Co_. __ ..,_~_1550_1 $10,JSO $10,750 . ho~. s39.950 (C-lOi J. •• 0..P.& T 1 'fV -~~n~.S% inttteSt, SlS,OOO Condominium all. 4 l.arg<' bedron1s. Q>ll(.. Chtnnel Rfff NEED LICENSED PROPERTIES W&ST lilt. ~~ 0 C p ious !iv. rn1 ., l~ BA, large PenthouM Apt, 4. BEORM-$23J'50 FIXER UPPER on R-~ 0 10.. . ' 10'l8 ~1ldc Drive • -. '·· . ""an~rifn'I" rint-Olff roperty 4 BR 2 B *LACHENMYER Eves. 673-1564 1950 f<'nt'C<l yard. Near 11Chools For Sale or l...eMI'! <11 $.').JO MAN or WOMAN Fruil tttn, ~b .P~ Mike offef'. : NtWJ>ort Beil.eh ~1f~·1ll~. CM. 332 MargUerile 613-8S50 on F~it\'ic11.~. °'c.M"".0~~.~. o.. i'·bl · 1 J\.1 "dl shrubs. Luxuno111 Ji:ltcheti. , · · ' 675.4130 • 3 Bh fl......._,_,..,:, 21 p• ·-.. _ ,,,... """ & So . ....,..,t Plaza. lmmedi-per mo. lo tt,. e pnr1u?s o 1 anagt our rap1 Y ex· Elciant fir.plate. S40-l720 ~ A.VJDSON Realty. n... • ..._...._...._,, S ,500; uro..._., your Wllll ad w-re \V / S2400. do1Vn , 121 Mor· ·ale posi;esi;ion. 01vfl('r/Brok-on I y. Chester SalisOOry, pandinit Rental Dept. $2500 ~dowrl: Uf.: Belfast. they m k>okina -DAJLY risto"·n Lane. 540-697S n-ei;. er 54s.&132. Realtor. 673-6900 Caywood RcAlty 548-1290 TARBELL 2955 Harbor 546-5460 Eve 54a.1514' CHARGE yoUr want;Ald now. 64~1843 OWNER PQ..DT cta.uift~ 6C"'5'71 &: wt-ek-erxls. au-7322 4&,yg. 1'a.=.= .. =r=.,========~.:.Z==============--"'==========1000"'°0o=='".=,,=.=!===.====1=000=.·o....=,.:.:r~•l;=;==.====1=000=;0o=.=l\0=~=·1=.====i,===,=ooc~p=o= ... ~,~.1~.~=-~.;=,~.1=oeo=:.Gei:=,.=~~1"""''==="'_~1000§:==Genor.;=::..:...~1 :===::;;:~~.~ooo~~~ NOW :15 THE ~tfME T.O 8UY HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE~~.m"~NiiE~wr. ... ~.oi'D''"' ia. iEA~.·e!iHno.~°FR~. CCt_Er.:4~0~77~' 1~1..,....;;~:· ~=:: 7,_ Edi ........ 0 f I ... ...,.4 COST A MESA OFFICE 545-9491 ••• "CJ"' MVNT1N0Tow c•111Tr11: pen ven ngs 2043 W11tcllff ·Dr; at l"lfte · dp1n Eve..nint1 ' · ------------. 2790 HAHOR ILYD. Open Innings 'tll t P.M. WOULD YOU IELIEVE!! 38' POOL VIEW OF IAY. AND OCEAN 1.200 S9UARE·FEn ...:mcurlVE 'MANSION r.tu,•h charm has been ustd ift thlo; de,J-i,fhlful th1•tt level_ homt', \vhleh llkl'!• ad· for gracious count.ty'll~an.livi~4 IMMENSE'BEDROOM S. 3 Baths, lux-3 MASTER BEDROO!\lS. Separate Dt'n. Lik<' nc'v carpets llnd drarl('s throu~h· oul. Brick J?irrplace. A Livint: Drean1. G.I.'s NO CASH needed. $23,950 full Price. CRllllT A PROIUM 1 IUY LIKE RINTI Sharp J Bl'dro(lm Pad. Almoet brand n4'!w ankle dttp ctrpetlna. Bt•utJf'\Jl Dr11 1)('s, Aiodem Kill'hen w~th t'C"Jrirerator! Double Gura.re! While .Bl'tck J'\.l'.'Cpla('t'! $.500 Down. Pnymenu lo Ill your budi;ct. $22,900 run Price. G.I. NO DOWN. !'100 De.posit refunded. $147 PAYMENT ! 1ncl1."1e• all on ttxl•Ung loan anyonl! C¥n 11.ssuml! ,,,.ithout qu&llf)'in&! No 00\m C.L Lown Down f.H.A. fcaturina 3 Rin1t Si?f' Btdroom'1, :i Luxurtou1 bath.11;. J\fod· em D/J',, H~ llvlni: roo1n \\'Ith ron111-nllc Brick Flrt'place. ~J) pllt. carpeting. Doublt Garaze. Full Prt~ $22,250. $11 1 PAYMENT! Incl'*-all. (In e.x11llni: loan nn}'Onc l'fln 11.~~un1c 11 ilhout qu~llfylnl(! No down CJ•'h°Y S700 Dowll to tnf(IOe! fl"&turlng: 3 lovcly Bedl'OOITUil 2 Juxurlow Bathl1 o&nhlnc Kitchen! Spac:-lous IJvlni: Room! Anld,. rl<'en carp(ltina:! Sh&ke Roof! oou&le Guraa:e! A.lklnst $20.000! l-Jvrry !hi$ one v,·on·t Jut. • , vantngc of a magnificent 180 de~ u.noblltructed .vlt~. HJ&h beam ceillngs, \Yhlte urlous family room,·W fQRMAL D G ROOW,"Dlua dien. S('('luded lot "'ith brick Clreplace side yard ~Uo. Very Hd\lCled. f¥tUU¢ borne for ·onJy'R2,000.• ~olhtEL..11.ntl J~~ 11~ ou'U Jove the CAPE COD archltecturr \VIII leue ijOO pe:I' mo. SubtnltcY6Ur smaller .home on our.111&1•antee•ilale ,pian, . a00~.,towl'! .lllMe..~ ... that ortvecr Ideal ·!~ entertaining and real vNTRY ! 'l~~ dq. . ilftd for U 'liWe • '51200 down tn one or the IA YCllST ~, , ·area's fl!\411t ~UoiW wuere YOU OWN Tim tAND.: Spacious 'nream home built. tor YOUlll pro!ealior:.t f~il.1-Dci1ati,ttUi' idtcor. .lulLDll,'S Cl.OSI OUT · " ~ Larg" Jlvtnc room, hU&e famtly t'oom•arid ltrepl~ t.oc.W On atrtt:t. o(.e~ Elepn!Jr:4~4 bedtoOm MODEL bomtl In bH.utJful U'fA 'NEA R THE BEACll sive homes. 11 you can aff(lrd $4'4,000 )'OU'd bttter aff UGt todly. You OWN the Man,y liK'1ude choice Of tarpeb. "J:l..IX:J1tIC llUILT~S. dishwuhtr 2 o; !11J1d. Submit your sma,Jltt home -on our cuarantff trade•plan. 3 bath., WE'.( BAh:. BEAM.EV CEll.DlQS; formal dlnJnr room and firtpl~Ct' in LARGE FA:Mit.Y ROOMS. All thlt ~·Up to 200 foot deep loU "'Ith landscapin)Z' I.ACK IA y MANSION , and 1Pttnlt1~ Mlh t-(0 DOWN VETS a.Dd: low l"llA ~mu. From $207 per month . , prtnclf'1 ~ tnterect. S Bedroom, 3 btth. Dttam home built tor a dlscrlni i111nnr exttUtiVe: lnd hi• de-NIA THI llACH -NO DOWN YA serving family, Deliabttul ckcor. IAl"Ct' IMnr--rootn: huge family room. Land· for tl\ll MOf>1;1. in(e ' 3. ~. 2 bit.Jr CREAM M)PT tn beautiful qull't Rtr11. scaped "'\Jh An t'ye towardl be'8ut.)' end tu}' malntentnce. Loeattd on quiet eul· 11urroqnd».eXpenaivt' homeJ; Lovely custom drAl'.Je5, carpet.II, coiy ustd hrirk ~e·Mic'111ttt. If.you cah afford a $.36,000 ·Dttam ffol"M, you'd bettor.ee thlr·ti>-llrepl&et,. family dinlhg room And QUiEN SIZED kltchtn. Nrar ~hopplni;: day. Submit your amaUer hOCM (lft'Out C\llU'Ultet,..~ plan.~ -NO DOWNJ and ·parOCtd achooJ .. '155 ott monUl plus taxes. $1.400 down FHA. I V..•4 INTUJST ANP ONl J $UO "R MO!ITH I llDIOOMS -$20,950 .for a ooey 3"'btdroom 2 b,th~hormi In c:hoitt"Wl C~ta MJ'Gll location. Carpctrrl Only $750 d(l"'n required lo mov• Into lhis: larce funll,y homfl, Cl~ ·10 Shop-fll"tpla~. tll bulll-lnf. h!itd\voocJ nMn and. 1roedous yard with fo\ve.rlt11: Rhadr pini.:-, ~ehool11 'flnd churches. 'ust J>U~ on the ~thl1 .oru'! "''1ln'f Jut. $163 per trets. AU U'lis ctn be )'O\ll'l, Mr. Quallfylng Veteran. Ctll thb. Vt'l'Y minute . " month lnel'udtl taxes and !nturtft(fl! 1.. ' ~ ii!im;;~lmll!!!!!!!!!l!!l .. !!1!1!111 ........ ~TH~E.O~N~E~'~T.O~,~·.S~E~E~l~S~;~R~O~M~W~A~L~KE~R~&~l;E~E!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!ll!!!!!!l!!!!!!!lll!!!!!!!ll!!!!m~::::::;;;;iiiiii.:---~ • .t! -1250 - --·1351 -- ll!ey m.blt ~t. _Big $89,000 ally 73-9300 1400 -. . built~ hwash< j .. ~ ~ ..... -rent - -·-· m. Out o1 triflce. ""'" 7 $24,. i;"' I JG.112(1 ~.l • qu~ok? :'6.sting! return~ LTV I JG.:?123 ~'!~.I """"'i r ·mar-1 :'''· I JG.18401 cant I pa.iat. ippifl&. ,, I 'Olty I ~1 :s-i YI rm.Pi lS, bl!-: ~·i owner. 1 l Dr .. 1 beach, j sell! 170.5 ,,, .. Hwy, • lg• tint & " !'(). E EX· •UAL. 94-0731 "'" ill :uslorn D 'Ncnv ""ted ve. oU NTS for 1950 1inium 22.CXXJ. "'""' "'"· ..,.. - - ,. h ' ,, • r. ' • < ' ---·--~----~----------. --·---------~-----~-~------~-----------------.----~ ........ ---..,."!""~--:---. .. :19-l'ILOT·AOVERTISIR W<d......,, ..,...., I, 19'r HOUSli •OR SALi ..... ..,.... •c .. rAL) IRINTALS (.) 11NTALI RIAL ISTAT• lllAL UTATI P.lo•• for Salo 1975 Ho-u..tvmlthotl -U,.,.,,,,_ ~ fuml"'" Al'IL Unfumflh114 General Oo-•1 ~EWPORT -for ..;;, ~~' ~100 °"!!'!* Uolfvm. ms c..... .. Mor 42511 -UGO I-, ... , .. .., '4IOO ala.rt ,., ·-"'Y 6205 "10' to bucll. Or wUl tnde 4 BIL J BA. -P1uo. 1 )IEl>ROOlll -nll!r ~y .._i. t fin 2 A'ml... I ~ 3 .Ill'~ ._ HOllE l INi:o!IE by OWlf. e 10R Rel """" "- ..... , tor .,.ott IAllW'I' ~'pr,yaid:A~ ..... a-1ur&l lJUa-~-lfl,tnilr, ·~-;\~oft ER.!0-.180'.I b<.a,O.l --°"""'·""°'• rsld•nlltl lat. P. Q, Sox med. Pill mo, 6402 till pald. c.M. tit.Ill. S-11S41C. 10 ,;,o.,i,. <2U1._:t111· ~] ll<i.' luitl. -'• .J!d. I Wi Cho. S Yr. --S: .... mo t:;t Uqnt-Bucb. ·•-· ' UHTALS d SU5. Aalt tr Nloo Wllhe old. Pool. ---IUSiNIS~ - (n ) .--. ~ ~ VERl>E. 3 BR.' BA. ,..,., Fumhhll4 lalllN UGO -CM m.1393 .. NAHCIAL Apartmonta :;;::. :~A= 0.-01 • ' ~":<"'&~~ ~~ ~ Htli-. 52~0 lull-Rtntol .0.0 luo. Opfiomrnliioo 6JOO For Solo 1980 on1 Ar< t -.i •· • U~1" lllvd..·lltlbce, Cll. llICE·I BR. "*· ......., MERA V-v.dkal lo Condy Supply Routt Ol1J'STAND1NC.LY beautlf\il IMMACULATE 2 Br. 1 BL 4 l • I pr, bttN:, apt&,. dpl"I. Pro1uaion&I 8uildirw u., lo (Put or 'F'uJ.l Tbnel OAll. V PILOT * * * * * * ,1p,unlt -......... "1>f,, 1t11m. -drpa. • -cVfn lure LW..lole 4'51 ~II. no pei. HO· ~000 ... II ,_ tvoilalllo. Excollont ........ 1or tew • -· adJM>ent "' ...,... -.. JIOll $Ull 54MZI ' m Mon•• FOR ·--· ' ~ _, WW -t1I or part ML --(doya or : ,. ,comp!Q ln C 1 a r e m o n t, · 25CS-C Eldla A)'&.. Of .nru. OJl'ftUN TO BUY ._...., UCGl'OOJll apt to IUft te-.ot. Contact Bob ewa.) ftftlHns and colleet- ,.,., Whoddyo Wini? Whaddyo Golf SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION POil etdlt. Pric<d at 6.7 x.,.... lloJ.Br. (or""1\) (i!<f>iastjn Avallablel :;"~&cit.~ Int lluff 5242 ~w at l8!il .,_ vmi. In& money flwn <Oln ,..~ "hr .it or wlll trade faJ 2622 Santa 4"' Ave. C.M'. No""*' o.Lc. ft.a.al l fl ve, Ollta Mela. 50--03Z at«I d~ bi' Cotta . 'On. ... Clow>~ vacaot com--' ... , ... c. Hv••l .... n hlcli 4400 , rtA11ll OCI on -NEWPORT SHORES . i;im.. -and _.., ..... ~. flll,OOOequl~. Sub-'u""'11N 11-ntolo · 'pq 'Cehter: ---: 'Ne-· Ula\ldlu name NATl,IRAL BORN SWAPPERS "Spaclol Rott 5 Ll--s tlmas-5 bvclu --ml!''""' on'"''· -V•rdo 3110 m Vf, 1111t, CJI. 54-Slll UTILITIES PAID r .. -dol\ao Ull .,. II. "° i1e.-nq, Bo\11. "'" bwtd . -and onacu> _ Poul Jones Rt~ FOR • , __ l Rr 2 Ba. 1llB w. IJ>Cbi. ~ 11.,_ Sidi. Apt. Hid. poo1 c BR.. 21' ho. Al~ Frple.. litj<I( carp .. ..........: "'"' 1U50 eiuh .........,, ,..,. -lllULl.S -AO MUST tNCLUD9 l-W"-1 rtu ~ Ill lr.W, I-WM' 'j'Oll Wini 111 fr"Hlt. , : IMT·\2168 Eves. "i!~ , dbl ll(QDU' PLU4 802 J<nointlle, Apt. D, H.B. drapes. carsiet:a. wet bar, 6: et.c. ~ -IOIW interview ln 0.ta ~F 1o:a.'TALS ~ hit.'m: ~. DELUXE. !lptdom 1-Bdrm. e $3$.2f1_4. e prtv. balconies: dbl. prq:t SHOPS Mesa: Send name, addraa )-YOUlll tMtlf 11141/tr ~ -S 11-t>f ...,,rtMI• ~NOTHING f'Cllll SALr -TaADU ONL'l'I PHONE 642-5671 ;~, :..!:: A 41\11 tbrou&bout 1 ~· ipt. • Plu uW. l·Bft. condo.. beaut Mn. on ldtcb. Dlah't'ublT, dbl. Nr. Newport PSer ~o~ o::':~ .. To Place Your Trider'• P1rlcllM Ad Moutet fumllhed d,Dd only. $tJO Mo. . !W.flllt pool'~le puktna Nr. Atlanta i:: Bucb Blvd. :;: ••• ~~ent:!! 1Utr. m-0860 P.O. Bax: 3M6 Newport ~J>kx. 200' to ; .-,t1l1 to Shere 2005 540-ol938 No ebU~o pell Cple. only. $160. tJon. WbtMltJe rmwry, equip. Anaheim, Cali1. 92!(13 beach. Will trade -...,~. . 1915 -, Cit 642-5151 ......., OR 9&U633 ONLY P25 MONTH Sl<lO mo. c,.p.e. St. Nr air-'" -Laiuns rsld~ t..ahalna. l'.liand or MauL bta<:h tronl 5 Years old, S BR, bll·inl, architect de- 1igned, 3 blks to shop&. Trade for boa.I, view lot, or ? 6'1>-4421 ... ;Jtudont Opportunity Nowe!rt -" 3200 1125; 'BDRM&, w/w, !enc-QUllT a BEAUTIFUL us AMIGOS WAY ..... -avail. -FRIGIDAIRE tlal lot. P-0. Box 1423. .. .,::eNe~ ~shbe!~~ -•/I ed pa~~ ~= =~ ~~oo I ~'l:.;ch Office lentil 6070 Beautil'!Ttt!~O~undey. =r~~cb. tTI4) ' th youns executive in ex· IJ!ll' $85; £ Bdrm. duplex LAGUNA IEACH 28 wubert, 11 dryers. 20 lb. I==:---,-,.----·~· ~ tor ien1 tv>usekeep-·TOWNHOUSE Fenced yard: canae L .. un• luch 4705 c--.. •I Mar S2SO Afr Concllti.n.d washer. f1.8,000 )T. lfOliS \Vill trade 17 ft Performer • -r,_.. Send quaJifications Ir. Only one Vacancy Braker 534"930 -· -..-0 inc. Find out bow eal)' It is outboard, (all fibc.glass) Trade $300'.l equity in 3 BR, 2 BA. Mesa Verde Home. For late model car ar truck. 6~1~ Loan. Pymntl $ll0. 5-15-7822 yi.Mne Box 501 Daily Pilo!. 3 Br, 2~ BA, 2 car Carport MODERN Vit• ~t mrtb N FORES''' AVENUE tb own! for tun or pa.rt payment , WORKING Woman or girl $250 mo. eDd. 2 story, 2 BR. 1'iti Delk spa~ a= tn Cofn·O·Matlc on new carpet, drapes. io share home with woman '1"ool. Adults On1y Coete Mllu 4100 Ba. 2 .undedm. pr, 1 bl)( ~·Y ~~ k>eatioo ta"downtoo! E I I landscaplna, block fencing : · wkn. \.11orks eve nine hours. .,, & I h tllopplna-be.ach. Very plush. ~ _......... :qu pment, nc. or ! '!'. Phone &G-4980 after •ru NC e INTRODUCING e $2SO ino,. CH-$982 •rt• Lquna Beach. Air ~ 233414 W. Valencia 7 $j0. month 54S..0072 e1lty, Inc. u I ;J) 1 "ENT'LS ON TEN ,,_....., tfoned, cupeted. btil.utiful Fullerton n4: 525-'1&33 I :-:p.:c:-m'C'. ,..,------; 'LOUNG rnan. 32, \Yill shan: 001 Dov D NB S ·1e 221 " "' ~ paneled partitioninf: Two 3 BR 2 BA Montk:ello oond. HA VE gen. antique 4 X 8 pool table, or 6Xl2 Englbh Snooker Ible, full slates1 trade for late model 10' Cabover camper. 53S-2964 . ~ "bis J BR honlC in Hun· 1)45-2{1()() ~r r .• Eves. ~8-6966 a . i6ere Apta. Unfurnl.... 1 Ir. 2 BR. Furn • Unfum entrancta: FTonta:i:e on Go ing Into lu1in ... ? crpts, drjis, bl.l·ins, dbl gar, ; ··urigton Bch with saint. Joe r--neral' ._,., ~ca I Pr:i ./ Padoe I Fort'lt A•e., rev IMds to ~en oPphpol1Jlrtunll66> lnSe~~th 2 ....... ta, clb hse • ..,0,500. 968-4710 4 BR, 2 Ba, Newpt Hits, Orar\ze County'• Beaut!lul -· ~ Po:lla. Temilil • Contnt'I Bk· Muac:ipll p1.rkina iota. S50 .... "'a. ps •v•ce ~n your 3 or.,..4 BR : YOUNG MAN 32, will shlln! (26 San Bertia.rdino St, $290. NEW Adult llvinc mmplu M. 9 hol• ::autt/Grwn. per montb for 1J11C9o. Desk s:u~ :~lea~ l~Ol ~ home. Owner, agt, 546-5580 ' ~1 BR house, W. Oceanfront, Mo. 673-1398 or bus pll. CU.tom lum or unfurn. VEN' ·DOME 900 SN Lane, OlM 6"-2611 ~ ... ~~ .. ~~a~""!:, ~=ch. Con:t: " e Whal do you have to trade! 10 units Wilmifll"lon $200 . net per mo. income. Trade T.D.'s, lal'kl, ·or ! Aa:enl/ O\\'N!r. 646-2629 or 213- 434-5959 . ~ N. B., $12:i. mo .. w/same. 531-8220 Mr." Young ~e;I • 1 Bdm\ • 2 Bdnns · (MacArtbui-nr. 0ciUt Hwyl 0~ .~;;! •-.. l1 .... 0 CHUCK CROWDER Li.lit it here -in Orange Call Doug ; 833.{)600 ext 226t LARGE. 3 BR &: Fam. Dble. • Contemporary C'u!tom :v1~till~....., .. ~d ~ .. ,,,_,; TI4: m.mo TI4: TI4-10C3 County'1 largest read trad· .2 SGL girls v.·anl 3rd to frplc. upper Newport Bay. DesJa:n IMMACU" ATE API'S! ..-. _.....,. In& post and make a deal Share lovely 3 bchm home $275 le A il. F b e Lwcurlous Gardetl3 IMMEO. OCCUPANCY H11ntln1ten ... ch $400 teltlpbane. ESJ'ABLISHED BUSINESS. -. ii! Laa;una. 2 blks beach mo. ue. va e . e Bubblin&: sprite A brook CIOM te 5hepplftf, Plirk DAILY PILOr Beer. wi?M!, dell. Grou TRADE 20 Ac. agricultural :• .J;~. 494-t.p.C or 646-8221 •"'Bl.R~. 3 Ba.own<Bll·'•;.. ..... ;_,,., • 42' Pool • thuapy bath • Spadoua s Br'1, 2 Ba EXCLUSIVE m FORnT .!V!J!PE f!:· ~ ... ~tal!M4 esa land, 600 ft on main Hwy., .... .,. • Activity room/billiards e 2 BIL w/dm Cll' ofc" LAGUNA o-n. AUW•& ,500. 6 ml to nearest am. town. Have 6 units, want small hoUM Huntington Beach or Costa Mesa area. Bkr. D . Levine, 54:).9451. 6~ta Mota 2100 Carp. N•ar be•ch & pool. •Sauna !lath' e Swim Pool. Put/...,. ON°THE0IEACH -WW ,..,..., linan<lng tor nr. llano. Nev.: ltadc lo< ---673-8134 • Puttlrw IJttn • l'rpl. Jndly/lftdry fac'b 2"& 3 .... ,..,.. A_.. Deluxe OfRcn iruB' "!lflCK<d ~115· !CALL< • :P •AL• what have you? 546.2200 1-BtDROOMS, like new oorr • Outtlde Gu BBQs 1•.1a •--L-1 a "''-....... ~ dltion. Completely furnish. Newport Heights 3210 -~"' "'"-Luxury livirw to pleate the SUlTESoratacleoffioestrom eves) HERITAGE REAL Mod 20 ac bfte. r&nch. fuf. --1--Adults CJnly or maybe ~ ~W:-'~.!en COSTA MESA 642-2824 most diicrlmlnatins· N091 $75. Carpets, air condition-FSI'ATE ly dev tr track, 2 \veils, 3 .., ·.one child. Swimmina: pool, 3 .. !ED, ROO>Ff, A 1~~ h be.~, Bay It. Ford/llabor It. New· FOR SALE OR LEASE available at ing, teeretarlal I er v Ice, I MAN 0 Per a t i o n -houses, 14 stalls, 9li-1 ft bam . tterea.Uon center at no ex· , .. ..,p ace, · · ea • port lhe ffUnfinglAn oentral Aocatkm. Orange Food-to-go S&ndwich SOOp. 95r-.t, 551.I, eq • for house, Beaut wooded bldg kits, tr. on .vr·round river, pvd rd1, pwr, Lake Succeu, Porter· ville area. Trade for 6 place airplane. Agent &u-M95 tra charge. $235. mo. Agent dishwasher, dbl. prqt:, 2000 p CM 6-12-36711 C¥nnel ltHf '' C.ounty Bank Bl.tic. 230 E. Excel. location, Costa Mesa. comm or . Own~. ·-,1,1 fenced yard. C1ean, no pets. anons, Penthouse •-. . 1-St ~· •••1·-Sell 1 64, ~13 .~ S" & LARK ..,.. p dfl ·~ .. ---"' ..... ~ DON'T JUST WISH lo• $225. 673-9125 y .... 1"611 per tho ... ..Jtable -I c ~ NEWPORT <JVIC CENTER ' ., I-BDRM. Garage Apt. yard dfPI., tin only Qaet Sa1iabuey . Gin' ~ Decor shop somethin&: to furnish your -=:--aa.n 1: attracUve • $ll'O 3 bl~.1';lnt ~w ci;·harbor MOTEL a,~tol'. 6'rJ.esoa Office• lllltable *-" Como must 'al!U}Sei! ... Make Mtert borne .... find great buys . • 642-4789 • 225. 646-1277 avail now. , WEEKL "( RATES 1105·, 1·BR., w/w, stove, metciaJ, Medical._ Dental. ,• ~JJt4 • . in toda y1 Classi[ied Ads. 3> unit Deluxe ~ adja- cent to cdllqe m Claremont 6.7 x llfOU • $79,000 eq. Tro4'1~--Cotml)> vae, ~· .Rltr. 847-12115 100 ¥Acri."• clear, $30,000 "lully. WANT IWUile, lfnfi. or Comm'( Call • !.:::========.! 111 Ocean Ave .. Jf.i . J.h-..cond., crpts, elevator · ;,H="-=1uxu=====::... u BN h 2200 • 237 2301,'ll .. ewptrf 7 .:;n:.-.;-CM Cll'ipe~~~~ (714) S.W.:lltt --From $70 ave~ TY J.sty:-"dUJl'itx nlWport __ •____ University P1rk .. · '46-1A """'aq-il.--ou 541-5032 OR 675-2464 Monty t~ L0t .•. n. 6320 on Upper Bay, N"pt Beach. . _ _ 3 BR .. 2 ba . .$24,0CIO Equity. OCEAN Front ..,..., 3 bd. LEASE, Avail appr.ix Jan $Z5' Wk. Up LARGE 2 BR EXECUTIVE o!!ke Approx "$10;000 Want""'°""" T.D.'• Art Giavlnettl, Bkr.- 673-74211 l'IUl87 .W.l~ter-Student.s OK Jl.75. 20th. l Br, 2% Ba, pools, • Stud.IQ I: Bach apls. Coste Mele S100 Wit~ IVICe-$115. Fenced 100 9Q. ft. in new bldg. Available fer tood real Owner (213) 94.1·1368 .' ryta. 673-8088 tennis crt.s, etc. 1.cveb' e Ind Utt!s I: Ptxlnt 11en.'. J'ltd w/pa&. Water p&ld. ~vailer:ed~lrport. estate loan, vacant OK. LAKE HAVASU CITY. • FRONT 3 bdnns, 2 patio, radio contrld pr. dr. e MUI Service ... TV avail. Ext:ellent, park • like av-mo Dtlawart Ave., Apt, F Mr. Adams, Bkr TI4: 4!M-G650 Prime C-1 downtown lot. Forest Lawn Freedom a. Companion Crypts $500 QI> derpriced for COQ!lpanioo crypts in Pacific Vb Cem- etery. 615-0992 ;~~winter n!ntal ~t~ ~~·~·c: ;:: =:e:e~a:m°: 543-915.5 ~ .. ~-"JU1 ... ll reqW-e s;M120 e ~:!~~t ~vet 6,!t 1 RETIRED 1COUPLE • :~~~~d~J.0~'= 4031 Seton Rd, call ~1Zi2 .. _. · .... ..,.... • ,,_ 112' • s"• 2 Hwv, Corona de! Mar l as money to end on 1st D&na Pt, &reL "-"A ........... after 4 pm. SHARP Bach. unit nr. So. ~e Ttnantl .i.av; I: 3 BR. 61~ 2nd morta:qes. Call ........ ~ 2300 •l BR, 2 BA, w/boat slip, hll·if"l:'i , patio, BBQ. $5.35 mo. '714:5:z9-8100 213: 378--0891 ' .,... l.111.,una Beach 2705 1-BR. Victoria Beach; lge. frpl.; ~p. util . rm. & ba. ·• '~uded. $1&>. 642-12'1"2 ENTALS 'Mouses Unfurni1hed =========: I C.St. Plaza, nr new turn., 1, 2 A 3 BDRM. API'S. ~P!i,s~~z ~ .. a= 1 COMMERC. -300 Sq. ft. Broker 547-133.1 Have 2 new V\V' red, IOI\' Coron• del Mir 3250 cptl. drps. $125 Incl. util. POOL. NO amJ>REN 2 Children OK. Nr. Beach baclc, front sea.ta. Trade tor ---------1 Mr S>nith SG-3866 u a l"'Nf"'UE 1 l!iQUSf, • llllJ oq. 11. Roal Estott Loano 6340 2.,... bi<h book «au. SHORECLIFF HOME . ""'" '' y Blvd. • >!tin, cl°"' to ·• 6*-2UO e 962.1111 3s!~mt:1~. ~~~* F~b * ~~~? ~~~ * !"~~~ ~~~ =~ :~=~'· =~ IM»tfffel Rental 60tO 11ave ~<:'~~~ 1~% * * ·* * * Isl. $385 mo. Shown by ap. Ha n.AasoR BLVD C 1.L Call Mrs. HendtrlOll ~ ONE: BR• NEAR OCEAN WANTED . 10 lease, 5 to interest Oteck our 6.9% ~!!'!!!!!'!!'!~!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!l!![!!!!l!!ll!![!!l!![!!!l!ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!i.j Maui Hawaii -near new horn~ $69,500, frtt I: cleu. Trade far 3 or 4 BR home Corona. del Mar Hi&h School dill Sallabury Rlty 6n.6900 pt. Barnett ~ffg Co. 673-5t20 $90. Bacllelor apt.' ~. 1m Santa Ana , Apt US, C.M. :7 .m~4t~~r;:> = 10,000 sq. fl plant space p~ :a:..:~ ANNOUNC~MENTS ANNOUNCEMENT$ 2BR,fittplace. utlllu.·. p:t 1 peraon. Pvt. ... .. ~MO., Ta-e 2 BR •Pl 1ult.able. for heavy 336n 17th St.. . •ncf NOTICl;S. •nd NOTICES Garage nw mo. -548-IQ ~ .._.5 machinery in Orange Co. ~71 ..,_ , BachelorAptFum.$15. ' BERMUDA Vll.J..AGE Cloaed 1ara1ea. No ic per 111 ft. BCJx 3862 Eves. '13-'7865 642-ll57 f.Alt 6401 p.,.,...•11· Scenic Properties 2 BR. Quiet Adult!, NO Spaclotp 2 le 3 Br. Apb:. children. 536-9593, 2 Ii 0 4 Fullerton, Cal. LOSr---G-----6412 67!Ki7l6 PE.TS. 1140. 768 s c • t t Qptz. drpo, bltlns. O<toe to Eniland St. 3000 SQ ft ...,..._ 6 o!fioe ANNOUNCEMENTS ' ,.,....,. >OUnC 3000 I==~~~==~ PL C.M. -2323 11>1>'1 A ochlL OUldron OK. J BR Duplu, private ysrd. + ·-., tt pa ... " lcnc<d ond NOTICES Fpanooun•~•-vv"';,.~ .~bl, WESTMINSTER 1.;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; RUSTIC. OLD HOME, 111 1 BR. EuUlde, uw pd, sno ... Patio. CU11<ll • ..,..,.. " ,..,.-1155 t.aauna Canyon -· _, -~ MEMORIAL PARK WORRIED? ~:,;.Iii>•~ Fnod yd, ..... Adult, !70. Walk m k I, 221< eon ... Ave. Apt ... Mar i>ooL SU5. W-1540 Rd. '71•-•94-1066 or Fevnd (FrM Ado) 6400 s~ ~~ m~. Mortvory .. Ctmoltry . . then rest eal!iy. We • f'll-5234 • hospital. 646-3'150 $160 2 BR new Individual 2 BR. Upataln. Stove. nfrir. n~7680 FOUND Black male cat with a • · an t, Complete funerilt specialize in all types ot 2 BR. 1~~ ba., turn. or partly ATI'R. S BR. apt., 2 ba., Ulllls fireplaces, dishwash-Gan.p. $125..Adults only N'PT. Bdl. Desirable conlr. red collar. Vic 15th and :::i~B;;~· 645-~~ from $245 Renta\15 -Summer. Win-furn. Ocean ~. Lse $225 w/w ~·· drp!!: attr. yd. er, ~toYtt, drtpel. Adulfl. 816 Palm ~ office I: new a h op· Orang,e Colla Me 1 a. • rust cat C te 1 ' ter, Year around. Afo. M2-5355; ~2290 sa.MSl. 54CMl154, M&-6922 361 E. Uth St-&Ua40 or 2 I: 3 BR., 2 baths, prtv. wanbouae Adj UPS. Ownr. 641-3634 ::ui~~ ~ ~ fme ~5:" . • RED CARPET • Balboa 3300 DELUXE 2 Br atudlo, ""''" 12U! 838-7'52 patio: ... ,... pool. 1213) 941-Ulil FOUND Set ol '""" , .. th lncl..S..•::.,..., .. , ea.. 1 ---------drps, pool, 1 child OK, f1.4.5. tJNFtmn I BR, % BA apt 9Ca4 in Coata Mesa vie. Nnoport ~ in bee.lltlful ·to-is \V. Balboa mvd .. N.B. 4 BR, 2 BA, w/boat Blip. cau 646--0495 near Westcliff, pool 1: L •---a. .-. Cltrut Grews 6175 !!, ~ Monte Vista St Person1l1 6405 place m.u..:: ttJd.. 673-3663 blt·iM. patio, BBQ, $425 mo. 2 BR tumJshed, near ·~ private patio. $115 mo. """' _.. iJ,.,.. -14 No trafftc problnns. l~~~~~":""~~l,.71~4!:.:25"""~~00~m.-Oll91 ping ,,.n1er. SJ35 . ..,....,, -lOO CLI" DRIVE RIVERSIDE CAT, Blad<• while with I GOOFED H80!11acb,W....,.,.,. J175; 4 BR. 2 ba. Fenced H i le h 3400 313 17th PL C.M.. DUPLEX LUXURY nJRN/UNFURN COUNTY mw;tach!, female Private party bought tome 531-1725 193.-2471 · fd. w/w. Child~n le pet unt nrton IC EASJ'SIDE, Quiet; 2 Br. $145; 2 BR., carp., dips. Ynl'f11Aue. 1 • 2 Bdnm. 531--342a name brand EXERCISE/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.,., O.K. Broker 534-6980 FREE RENTAL BOOK eltc. bltnl, patto. Adults~ Rdris .. en. Patio, pr. lttP9 flD Shen • SlxlPI 15 Aae )'Olml navd ¢tru1 C.U.tERA; found vie KaiMr LOUNG~ (Adv. on T.V.). • • . • 3 BR Honie ~ fo.fO. Dror In I: Browse ly. 361-B C>a:le, 542-1298 No ehDdren or pets. Ocmnvitw tram rlf!l:'J Apt. srove on appnrved root rtock School planround. Call 1r; wtth the Idea of becomq a Ydy lease, Newport Shores 2 Bedroom home with Pool. Furnished 1 Bdrm apt. 2244-A State SC.7472 fr'dll"""' mo ap. leue in the Lake M&tbnn area; identify. 5Cl-6fi82 dealer. I find I don't ha~ 581 290 -.n under permanent sprink time to demonstratt". Must CAYWOOD Riiy -1 Great Party HOU81!. Rent Near shopplnc. AdultL AVAll... Feb. 1; 2 Bt., nr. M-240 leJ'I ayitem, com:ldered FOUND darir brown puppy, .U l or all at whoteaal~, $105; l-BDRM, tncd. yard ; ~t ~50 per month. Good Fannie Price, Rltr. 548-3n :· c.st Sl'i;-; qt.a. mr· llAL ESTA ! frost·fl'te; priced at on1y unusual. :mis s. w. Bttch S45. ea. Regularly $89.95. garage: stove. refrig. Avail. woca "1"k· & L $62..~. VERY nice bachelor ~A~.;,_ Mt-s m t. b T ' $4.lm per acn. For further St. Santa Ana Hetahta Orlglnal carton!. SGS356. l't'W· Broker 534--0980 a er ee Apt. 132 W. \Vllaon, C.M. -Gen.rel illformatkm, p I ease call FEMALE German Slwphred 2314 No. Bonnie B~a. S.A. 543-95TI 2 BR. Spit-level; w/w qita., It t I W nted S990 Walttt Frick with mix, Vic. Snug Harbor Rd. LICENSED Cosr1 Mel• 3100 7682 Edinger $US VERY nice 2 BR. Apt newly decor.; 2 bath.!; tn 11 t Eckhoff I. Assoc., lne. It CIW Dr. N.B. SU..-1445 Spiritual readings, advice l BR home, close to shopping 84.2-4455 Open Eves. 540-5140 132 W. Wilson, C.M. bltns: sec>. ll6 Melody Ln. WANTED ocon v:iew llpt. 1111 W. Cbapman Ave. FOUND Parakeet, vlc. 22nd on .u matters. 180 s. El , A: schools. Elem thru Jr LSE 3 Br .. fam. rm., 2'' ~TI ~ f 3 BR. 3 Ba. •/locked Otanate. Calli. It Newport Ave., C.M. Camino Real, San Ot111entt. Coll & parochial, comer lot, ba. Din rm: cpts, drps, . e NAS U PA.UIS e 3 B ." cptta; drps. m .fns. prqe facllltles. Will, pay 541-2821, Evef.wknd1 538-5747 642--2129 492-9136 .. 10 AM · 10 PM off gt. park. boe.t or trailer. bltn5. Grdnr. serv. Xlnt! 1 il 2 BR. ·Pool 2 Children OJt No leue. $300·+ monthly. l3$.029S BIJITERF1..Y Tin call and Glrls, Guys, Couples Lease reqd. 54&-4409 aft 6 ,',"cc"'.,n..,...,,,,_=,.,...,,-177 E. 22nd St 642-3645 $l45 Month. ~ EMPLOYED 1-dy wanhl 1 Acrup 6200 identify 531-342.5 If your a SWINGER and are pm. 3 Br, 2 Ba, trplc, wool shag I BR. All dectrlc bltns. Prv BR Unfum Apt beach area lookin& for yoor braM of 2: BR House in court wf pntge &: yard. Water pd. FiNt & Wt mo'• rent req. $l20 per mo. 230-A Cecil f'l. C.M. CU11<ts. """ dishwuher, -eo......---.... -Mo-,--4-2_50_1 ~0.• ... W.'!!.. ""'"· "'1>L !., ~ ".~-°' ..._""' LOii 6401 8 ""'7" .".:""'",, • c:all lh< ....,."' close to beach. $250. leut. ...... _...loloU _...._ uu"' .,...., 536-7027 BAOIEl.OR ·~;1 adult, no QUIET 2 bedroom dUJ1lex, EMPLOY!: DfttllOIW(ble APJRlMENJ SITE Pl REWARD; mutt miuing, AttrKtin Expert 3705 peta, $81 molltb. 30I Cama-30J Broadwal', llOO Mo. lady wants 1 or 2 BR anturn vie. Harbor V~w Hila, YOUNG WOMAN Uon Avt... AIJC. I. m-4911 531-CU alk!r 4 a: wk-tnda. apt. Ot ID $110. SM-ms Prim@ location Cdr.1, 12/31; blk, some da11Cer will teach"""' all aft.tr 2 PH. ::r.:: att 5 oft ui..-.. 39 white, Poodl~Terrier mix, J V W 2 BR. private gar a a: e, ABOVE High school, 2 BR, LJ.LU; NEW 2'Bt., new cpta., • ..... ...., male, ''Rq:s." LA It latest stt'pe, Call Ardell W&sher/dryer. Rtfe~~ rmtic charm. $140. Leue, 2 BDRM dnp&ex MU' beach, d:rpa, blt-lna, c:ar,ort; m 1 BR. Apt fUrn GI' untum neat Carclen Grove Fl'ftway Sherman Cab Ta I•. 213: 591-\538 1.10 PM req'. 169 MHB Driw $135. ~:. = Jan. :S. &25 IA $16S. per mcntll. After 5.. pell; adulta SUS. 54M'1U oa bMdl ln CdM. dettrwd l 111 Acres -R-4 &«-245I IN Appreciation 0 t ex· l•Ji45.""""2964===-====.:_,========-===;:*:m.315l==·=*==·IC£iiii 2 BR. .-,,. um. by -Dr. Call 144-m; Call: Jlm ~ REWARD. wbli. toy-· ......,., ol ........ duri"' SERVICE DIRECTORY &abyslttine 65so WILL care for your drlkl in my home with Wp fenc- ed yard. Vic. Baker &: Fairview. Prefer over 3 or under I year. $Z. wkly, '49--0674 ClHILD Care my home week ........ Larvo •>"l'<I wlth ·ploy , equipment. South Co & t Plaza area.. M!J...4033 BABY NURSE. 1it m,y OOme, weekly, hourly. Love children. Gd C&l'9 C ~ · 64>-1156 WILL Babysit my home. J or 2 chldrn from ace l v, on. Fnoed yrd, IO(XI meals. By wk only. ~2187 WILL babysit IN YOUR HOME any hour $1.25 br.; 24 hr. rates. 5CS-4.1B9 L B h 2.SOOL BM h 2500 L-Bndt 2500 FOL $120. btwn S • 1 pm. Ru. 673-1164 Lone hair. Jan lit. Between ku or DlY ton, Mr. Harold 1_•_"!.__t_•-:'=====":'!!::=:c=======:::===-----i SIS 2544; U . M333 • l.AHDLOlDS e Hun-Paci& Apt. ~ T. Lowd!. °"'· 28th. Thank Brick, MalOftry, otc. I l BR.. 1~ hL Qdldren FREE RENTAL SERVICE Huntincton Bch ,Pltt. n4: you. Hilda l..o\ye,ll. 65~ , 0..l'i'il~ Jj\.,..( /)"Q fl;.Q.• -·-""-""'·, Broker~ 5.1S-ID>ln4: 9SS-2141 PACIFIC PARTNERS BUILD, ~~ -••• \;:)~ J.."'Clt.I ~). -~ JJq• ~ IG\'t. c.Dt.r, Apt. 1 2 ADULTS, mi. &If, neetl LOST · POODLE, O"tY ID JJd kt a help r:>'I find Brick, block. eoncr• te • 2 IR Duplmc. o.r. pvt.,... An. 2 Br •• ,llwla or •PL mlniatuft. Vic Nwpt HI tbat ~ penon )'OU'vt crpntry no Job too ,-..u 0 -....... "' tho four .:rumbJed words ti.. low to fornt foUf limplit "M:lfd&. 18th PL $tS5. Roe my , Haw rdaww ca..&IB ~ approx Dec 27th. beth ~tor. 56-15a4 1Jc ~. ~ • , , !llMN '"'MJ..ml 2 Bii., Vlllltnt, lac. ru. 1 REWARD, SC-1410. Ano Ill ALOOHOLIC. -1 -========~ 3 BR. J, llL.: frpl.. .-C ~ -s I'll'. Pet• Pllooe so.ml ai .m1a to' Carpentwlnt ........ Mtlltf. IMO )fonth. Mna ot Vie. • I ll!!!!!!!!!il!!li!!!!!!!i!!!l!!!!J![!!, 'LOST Two 6 toed ldtten., P .O. Box 1223 O>lt:I Mesa. 3.21-8,~. . , ..._ 1 BJt. hll or apt (unfm'DJ. $4 Down, $4 per mo. $315 4 mo old. 1 mixed Slamne, SELECTIVE SINGLES POMONA Bt.: l Bdrm. un-E-.tctt C.M. Pnt· MUil bl full price bl.o'a 214 ac. ln 1 tabby. Mialna: slno! Jan. Hu ell&tble men I: \VOmel'to CARPENTRY turo. Ceotnlly located. 115 .....,.bl<. ---. So. Cal. L. -·~ 316 W. 2nd from !BOO b11< Santiago, :11-50 ~ s to I. M!1'10R REPAIRS. Ne Zob -th. !l4W66l STd, L.A. {21.!) m.5iDl N.S. Ct11145-m!, .......s, -======== Too Small. Cablne< to p~ ==-==-.,,=-:--= ·-~---.. -.-• other cabinl!ts. AI.SO l"URN. Ooan 2 Bii. ft ,_. ~~• R-p,...rty 6205 LADIES yellow oold wa"'h. An-neomonts 6410 ws.tt75, H no ......,. r.aw [ZHEWEE I .'11111.' ... ~- . . . . .· .. I' I I I I' I I I eoino-t obout a notgltbor: '11 you lend hlrit ,.... gotclon rab, he'll cama bode lot your ~-------. -.· l-M-E0 N,VT"l"1!Rr-T-r""1 O '-"'" ,.. .-~ : . .:i.:,~.;.:1.T.:i . '"" PR! R!Q lfTTEU I"' Q' THE!E sa\JA.16 I r. ... """ ...... ........._._- ·'.: SCRAM·LETS ANSWER iN CLASSIFICATION 7500 • c:ptl, dflMJ,. blMns. aar. Ex. ,,_,.. _,.., .. --;....t..:. Fri.. 1-3, EXTREME •n-I ·~ -H 0 Mtt •n Ml! ----..o -· ~· •-•~-0 '°' • ---Mii a .,_....,..._ • • location...,_.........,~ live on Bal 1•-KJt in tlmental v .. ue, a.o:w..... ~ .. "_,' Andt...:in QUll:T Apt fttr .,...,. or rec/rm tod, l!O mo up OWN YOUR ,.,""'"="'"-=--=-:--:::..,..,-_ ANNOUNCES '""' put IO. "5 E. lttb m-oru OWN RANCHO LOST On Lide Jan ""' our Lunchts PL AnU "'"'· .. 1111'· NICE az.u{ iOOM FOR small SWntee ldtf1', maJ•: MondU lhru Saturday 2 BR. pdn qt. tpl, cpts. DIPLOYI» MAN, Sl2 wt. Hm! bt '&chance to crNn JOUf blk e&n, pa,,,., t.tt, tan. (rom U:30 daDy -. ..... patio, ..... °""' -_,.. = ":: =ri..: ....t .. '""' m.ll05 ~~ 5.1;:..a.t Mita. no pm. $14 5tM1l3 --• ---A I min. trom tht neatttt BLACK, Chlnete Pu&. klat lO AM Mottle. Trlr cm. sm --.... Secluded, but l!U-around 17th St aftL C.M. _,,_ SI'-....___.id N••l*f INdt 5200 "--ii; ... ~. aoae to • Female. Mk b' Jana. -·11~ ~ ' · . TIWLER lipacl avail. ""°" bn-Ja<. &ell .....,.. 646-"3!14 ~ L a't. rJ , ~nn.'"'Ad.r~~ $\GOD Plr actt, ...,. tm?fa ::-LOST="', "'bllc.,,--w-./yallow==-mut:=· 21:~ ~ • l • w. d v. Pl• z • Jt. , peta.. Tradewtnd Tr 1 t 1 • r anilatik. Pre-Jaid '--tnp Mlft. lbephft'd; vie. Newport Beach spllWtvtl. 1 bed. frsrt, Vlliqe, 2JJl Hubor Blv., OK. Fot fu:rthtt infonnttloo. Calif. St., Hunt. 8cb. ~. (acroa 1rom Pie"r I REPl4.IRS. ALTERATION'S • CAlllNE'l'S. .,,, ... job. 2$ yrs. nper. MS-«n3 A·l Carpentry, &111 •be }obi Call Gordoo MT-67e Camant, Concrote CEMDn' ..... bO )lb too • amall, ~tu. Fret ;. est1m. II. StullldL !l4MllS • ~·~ 11 d C p1eut call Glenn Thcxnpio1 53Ml'.llO "-' Fleet) uuo:;11. carp .. rap• 1 • .M. ====-=== ~' ........ Anllable Jan. :15, !UNY wotm~"'L OP. wllthk•-u & •--I MATURE blk. mlx<d 1ema1e Btm= ....,._ lo NO Job loo ..... or omail-:: S2TS. Call after ' p.m. POJllTVNJiWi(.;. ._, c nvn -., nc. t.b...sbtpbmt. wwen to ...., ,,_ DAlLY PILOT Lbnaect A lnsurtd. f"n)t : 541--2394 · , WI Yt', Qlf.oman Avt. '"Rlllln". H.B.. C.M. AtW., ,,..............__ -.... est. m.2900 ar 53M111 l-:,-..-:::-:=="""'='l .,_'6 "'9 a..tlWAb. Otivtp, Calil •-~ -T ~--ror Dalli' fllot WMI -..,... load! .. ·-°" •ff -• -~ •H --~=~=·====.,,,,,. -· -" """"' Looi! .... Dal'1 Pilot Want -Dial IG8S1I 9Dl1mildtt" "°"' .,.,,_...._ ~\'ts-w ... ,...i _,,,., DAILY PILOl'WANT .ADSI '*"1Jf OW SOartl , l " I ·-- ---~~---·-.-..-----------· ------------~":" ... ~ -~~-~-------------------------- • ' :--:-.. ,. .. -'t ~-' Al'I ~·.l,,000 " J • I • a~ Bhsy · 1)ay'_·.·rroday ' ·-1 • • : " ,J ft -•j ;,.. • • ... • ... edition of rr,he DA{LY PI~01! we created and deliv~red annther··lresh . . ,. ... ,. . -" .. -f • - , -·~TEAMWORK produces each day's all-new DAILY PILOT. Often special- : * i.sts like Thomas Fortune " (left), whose beat is ~ucatiOn, work with a . ·staff photographer llke Patrick O'Donnell to get the 'story ·bolthin wor$ : : and pJctures. The staff ,,shot 70,000 pictures last year to illustrate the · ·· • varied story of Orange Coast life. Nobody knows how many local stories . we wrote. Not even us. · . ' CREATIVITY bdps advertisers tell their stories a~ sell their goods tn · lhe a!Oaerit market .served by the DAILY Pn..ot. Gordon Crawford .(left) d the-display advertlsing _ department watcfles staff artist Lea • ?i.JeCray pat final touches Cln an ad whi.ch will be ready to appear in the · newspaper on1Y hours after the .artwork fs finished and approved by the ·. ~ ~' I local'tetall merchant.! , • ' • . . . . QUICK HANDS place tines of type. ads and cuts (Ille melal plates used to reprod uce pictures) into page forms as the day '15 prodttcl begins l.o "' take shape. Compositor Arden Malsbury is only ()TIC of a platoon of printers who "build'' the news pages under pressure of deadlines, work- ing aga1Jl5t the clock to bring readers the latest available information in . ,. each edition during the day . DEIJVERY of the newsaper is a speed event, too. Conveyor belts c1nTy , ~papers ttlrough the mailroom where they are automalically tied in bundles or 50 and tossed to waiting ci~C\llation district managers (like • Blaine Roberts, shown here, right) who speed them '9ia t. to-vehkle , • fleet to carriers fc.-delivery. MaUropm foreman George Ar&ut (l~t) and his .crew can move 20,000 newspapers an hour. ... . .. • • VOLUME i.s the word at lh.e, C.py Desk. DAILY PILOT Copy Desk Chief Norman Ander;wn (right) aided by 'Tom Titus (background) and other copyreaders evfLY dl\Y sifts, ..checks Md edila Jll'ft" wire re~ from worldwide news setv.if;:es thaa the average weekly':DIWI .magamne puJ> lishes. Editors scan enougb teleplxltoe to wallpaper a living room every 24 hours .. Speed, born of experience, helps them keep it all ~M:sh, too.· ' . . , , . IJ'HE WORDS are ready. Marjorie J ackson ~ them, into a $25,000 ·computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in 15peed and accuraCy, which WlfJ a"1ogic systefn to ~yphenate word! as it reads characters ,at Ple rate or . !,OOQ a second and punches a new tape whkb w1D activate anothet! m.ri!ne· for automJt1C$'setting type at high speed. Tbe machines can set type at the rate of 6,000 lines per hour . MACIDNES hasten lhe· processes of preparing plat.e.s for prinliitg the pages Clf _the newspa~ •. }{ere, Ctiarles Haubrick (foreground) and Ed- ward Qtifun operal.8 a c3sting machine which molds curved plates to fit onto high speed presses. The DAILY PILOT keeps in stock more than 40 tons or type metal ,which is used, melted down and used agafn in the continuous job or printing 100,000 words a day. '' ' MODERll' .q\!Jlment helps the llCCOOll~ilg -,1epartmd>I· keep up wttb the "todaf'' ~·J the DAILY Ptim. Even u the-dp.y's newapaper is betng sped to As readers, ~e ChaµviJt j)egiDI [eed1ng figUrel into a computrcnic bookkeeping macbf19 ,thaf' belds keep ·tract of b1lllnp tor ads and subscripU<ms. The machine; forerupner of a brace Clf comPuten soon to be aclded, flandles 5,<n> accounta·a month. . . ' ,. " • ~"' t:·"4.~-'< ,_ ~ 3 WiD ,COmplunication is the name 'of the game, Supervisor Juanlt.a Fr and her crew or "ad-visors" handle ,1,000 transacUons a week by pbo , resulting in publication of 5,000 classified ads -words which help peop~ buy, sell, rent or»ease.,. evE;n find l'ost dogs. Many of the DAILY • Pn..oT'S 150 phri lines are plugged in here, the classified advertising di- p&rbnent, home of "Want Ads" and.DiJne-A-Lrines. / Picniu:s, too, get the benefit of skilled, efficient handling by mastef crJftamen who re-photograph them and then transfer the images to a sensitized metal plates which are used tO-reproduce the photos as read· crs wm ue ·them In the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a reallf close toot el: a negallve which will be used to etch th e image oo the . meta1 p1ate: I FlNISBED PRODUCT is checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew chie[' even as high.speed presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per houi completing the day's run on press units which represent an investment of $3.5 mi1IiOQ;. Eleven-man press crew will feed into these machine!! the equivalent of a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles long In prlnUng the PAIL Y PILOT this year . • At.Morr before ~ int ls dry. the product of our busy day Is tossed· ~~ on YOl.lr l~wn or po_rch by one of our 700 newspaperboys who are 1mPQrtant links 1n the cham of people it takes to bring you today's new1 ud featurtS today in the DAILY PILOI'. And 11 oor young independent ~· like John Melton here. mske their deliveries. we're gearing up rv another busy dlJ -all 1,IXXl ol us. ;:-The 'Now" Newspaper for Alt .·The Comnlnnitie~ . . . . ;.:Of The Growi11g Orange Coast· ' '" ' ' • ,_ ------- • ; ' ' " ' a i. ~ • I r, ,j ' n I . I· • • ' l I -.. • •• . ~ •• F 1· 31-l'ILOT.ADVDTISIR Wtdnotdllr, Miii' t. IM W""""'1, .-YI, IM DAILY "LllT /JS 'lllVIC~. Ol•ecfoln SERVICE DIRICTOllY ARV!cl lllUCTOllY SIRVICI jllllCTOltY .IOU'I aiPLoYMDn .IOIS I IMl'l.DYMIHT .IOIS I IMl'LOYMoNI IOll> • 1:MPL01'M6N1 L ' c-. eonu.i, '600 c:...,.,,1, ConcNte "°° Cont-"20 ,._,.., "°""Ir 6llO Hel, Waot..i. /Mii 7100 Kolp WllllM. -7200 ,....-. w-noo ~ w...., • ~ ,.,,..,.,. o.ac-, ... job • CUSTOM PATIOS • • ROOMS MJDmONs • • PA1'S --• .. &it& illlADMM . Local .... ,_ -~ 7400 to .................. IH. """"' .. --a........ l.T. OiMlnlCdcD ~ ...... -.. .. Coll TOI' UAL ISlAtl""" '"'ess ....... Vieu-. -Ladlot .... 24 .... • '46-1231 • -Lie. • IOJD10 hlllll1 ....... ldtdlto .. -' I ' Stey., -""' •• -JMMED. OPENJ!IGS RJI or lVll OONCllETE ....... aU typa. 114111. Slntrlo ,,.., er 2: PllOl'ISSIONAL FOR s.ey., 1 Girl Ole ...... 14!5 FOR roroRll .rouNTAIN ...., ...,.. ..... -00 child c.,. u10 ~ ........ d•-.... ............ "'° EXPANDING Operato---· re ........ -vAU.EY omCE .... D•D PULL TIMI 51&-'.Wf -.1 .. a,_.., ,.._ COIU'OlATION 1 e -· amr ...... -wm 1n!n. E>!«!leot ,...... • .,.- BA8YSITTING. "'1 home, e MT-1$11 e PLUMBING :It hr. ""'· ""7-lor ............ J Ge.~ ...... -""""' O>r -lodla THE QUICKER YOU CW. .,.. ...,.,,.. A lkookl>1nL Wi>lic .-. Lie., b>our.: --"1 .. 'lho Ru...... ..,.n-Aa' Blq>o. 'l)pUt • -wttb malhlmall<IJ Qllludo. THE QUJCKER YOU SELL • 9D.QD2 • Additiom :Ir 'Remodeline remodel, repa.lr, niotn' leV., real ntate muiotUQ1: sub. onty. One ""· W Appl,bnt A E:m.pkJyv J:rtemive bcntfttl tnclodr. • NO M~TIER WHAT IT JS ••• m-""'1.hed H. .~'i:f' Ml-1'Ell "'°'!>'. o1 • dlwnlllad shift. -., 3,.. shift. Paid r... • °"""'i.m1ve Madlcal ' PLUMBING REPAIR ....... -· Good -pony .. _ , Plan No job tao IDl&ll WE PROVIDE QIJll fllt, .. collam futura ~ Givup Lile '-· Ca""' Ci.aril.. 662J e ~ e l<rAJT WITH: ~-~-•y .......... e Profit jbaJ1l>r ----.---~~---I·=======.= e-~........, -·-"' ment""" CAaPrr " "'"" d•anilll: 11-.1. 11..-1.. -~ Ap,ly'.., • --~ plan l,,i I day "'" k quallty _ ~ -~ ~,;.... ~ ~ l acoountln& Im llollx>r e Pro<lt --"'"*· f&ll s....un. "" u .ou ·~ .... ~. ~ -.. 1 Office brtahtnOul m.&520 P'lntlni. or ......... Call e lie~ t1ma computln& Hol, Wa-7._ Pt<t. ..n MR REED NO (Htnkll Best expert cpt Dick. IC-.1'191 I • FUJl mtdla lllpport I s Di _w_-________ , GA 2.cml A 1Um clng. at towe•t e J)loome-~ _ a a vers Olllco ~ J-...,, °"1>· •COSMETOLOGIST 5 llo,yL -.. "1th """"""· • but DOl Mell( ')'· ~Ja -'· SHERATON BEA~ INN ....... S<W .... 64&-2717 s.wt!!ll ~ $20.000'!-/)'I'. Company Western ';!.E..!:.. '=' WALL TO WALL (Mp<! PROFESSIONAL H""""°I e lhdqut -,.a.n I """1 -tunlly ..,...,... _ _;:===:.-=::.--! Cleanlnr I: expert on wome:a'• clothirl'1, •Protlt lharinll J32J W W """""""' d<anln(. £46-3780 .. ,_ .......-. 1 .........,. lllnd ' GliNf , CASHIEll/RECEPT ..., """""" 5'&-8m • i.......... ........ Santa Ana G'1rl · .,,,,. .... -• ,... 1_E;;.loc;,;;.ct.;.rl;,;ca.;;.1 ____ 6_640_1 ALTERATIONS I: CUltmn •Paid vacatloN: haw &CCW'l.te clttical abU-Flnt I: Seeond Coob "----t..t .. ~. V•-t l n e Land~ .... ~ An -··' opportunJh· tty I: pollie in bandllnc cu. •-._.... __ .......__. ""'-'-Fl.AG Electric, ~n'I elec-.., • ..............,,. --z ..,,,,..,Jgl\ ..._...... ·~ i.n ..... School ..... -.. ......,,...,..,.,..L .......- tridanl. Comc'l, re a .' work. App'l SU.1UK Mr. Oliver tmployer WE URGBITlY tamer contacts .• ..,... ta1 to opm end ~ Ju. A> Sm jobo I Al · lftduatlon .....-. Plf 381 -t.i Rd., -llalnt w' '· • °"""1aldnl· """°"' PROPEllTIE5 WEST PACIFIC FINANCE ~ BeadJ ....,. -549-11H5 Fut & Re&BOlla~ lll2I ~-Drtve EMEU.IU -~ * .....,. * N-..n ..... • rvlW'IM • HEED NOW I 1661! Beoch e""'·· H.B. ww. • """'1tol lld. ~ ~--~ c~ Gtrdanl111~. -----·I Al..,.atlOftl 642-5145. 675-4 I 30 A-.ilc Sc raw Equal opportunity <mployer * Wn.J * ANTHONY'S N .... """"'"· ,. ,,.. ... Mach1......oa, Shift Comp· . Oprs. TYPIST Gtrtlan Sarvica 6990 HOIJS~ TO HOUSE R<qU""1 for heavy .,..... One Pull Tl-646-1948 Upholstery_,_____ 14.,, be dynamio and load, m1x«1 ""th other..,.. One Part Time BUDGET LANDSCAPING CZYKOSKl'S CUstom Upbol· SA' Efi.1111 have the ability to tUe For abort tenn jobs etal oWce wort. Sb: rirl Exper. preferred but not LLM'Rll complete charge of ain-startin& in January oUi in N B can Mr An-necessary ApJlbi in penon Prune .. Plant. .Prepare. • atery. European Craftmtan· &le and multiple spin-ce ' · ' S · Shop ,..., 9' NOW! arup. 100% F!Danclnr. """· Eam $200 • ,,... -die auto.«rOW maohln< Apply lmmed. ~i:' BAAAY • ASSOC'S nack "'' Exp. Hortlculturbt boe.ts A ...utct'L 642-tfSt 1131 home owntrs to accept ca· dept (n.f.) ~ 3446 E. Oiut Hwy., CdM JAPANESE Gardener Newport Blvd., C.:M. hie vWon MTV1ce free of On.nae County m.anuf.ac-w .. tern Girl, Inc. WORK IN CdM MATURE WOMAN for fl\11.H- CO()l(S t Complete Sen>ice. Exp. =~=======-1 cluarp. ND cub collected, tum' of precision com-2700 Harlx>r Bl., Coat.a Meu SECRETARY for , __ , In-ty pie ahDp. 5 d a y Reliable. 642-089 Welding 699S M contract, oo atrinp. pooentt: has I mm ed. &f&.7451 or 540-0325 I: M ~ Fand schedule. WUl train for 1 '*' JAPANESE Gardenil1"., Pro!WELD ---IN~G-&_B_u-,-.-,-.-,-i I Hoon 6 tD 9 PM daily for 9 openlnl: fctr ~per--SECRETARY ~Require ~ 6 day operation. Apply 9 am f.taint. La n d • c a p I n i portable e q u I P me n t; months. Ne\YpOrt Beach ~ai· son bavlna; managerial tak ----'bill Sal-to 3 pm, Tbura I: Fri., Cleanup. 637~1 omamental irob. ca 11 dent. with Newpctrt Beach capab?ftle& u well u Prorreuive Orana'e Count;y must e ·~ ty. at VI'S PIE COTTAGE. 191 80licltors license preferred. rnanu!Uturirw know l· Co. hu an interesting Ir; di· a?)' open. Wnte P.O. Box E. 16th, c .M. 1.t~~~ ~;~ anytime. 536-Cm Reply by letter to Box 2325, edp. Applicants mu 1 t ve.nilled position open tor L Corona dd Mar, CaUt. --"--------I M8-480!i645-mO aft 4 JOBS I IEMl'LOYMENT N•wport B<aoh, !2663. ha,. al i.ut 3 ,...,,, a oec'y -t. loolrln( hr -HOUSEKEEPER j • """""'°"' '""""""· both ,hall.,,.. • -· -~P~ax=""'o~P~E~RA=T~O~R-I C1Jl' • eda• town oompl ,.. W•-· Lady 702G * COOK Exooll<nt crowth potent· bWty in a crowtnr orpnl-EXPERIENCE N"' ConvalanonJ -Ital aerv:lce. Uc. 546-5261 eves D A-Y W 0 R K Wanted-from ial and company i>vle-zation. Applicant should PREFERRED Apply !93 fbpjtal Rd., New· & weekenda Laguna, Hunt. BdL area lits. Send a:wplete ~ have a p:id baclcin>uncl 1n Apply port Beach.. OJl'fter N~ ~-neral •-rvl-6612 only Ref. call Dorothy t.tusr be 18 Dr over sume of background, ed· an pbaaes of ctUice proct-Sheraton lea'ch Inn Blvd. 1: Hospital Rd. . v. ""' ..... 673-8000 No Experience Necessary ucation and alacy re-durea. be mature In attitude Apply 5-ll P .M. Mon.-Tbun:. I==---~.,.-=~ --------APPLY IN PERSON qUi.rements to &: ability to organl22 her 2lll2 Oceu Ave. PART time. Hold <khlt HEATING Ir; Air Cond. Serv HOUSEWORK Wanted. Ex· Box M-6:U The Dally Pilot work 1: undentand tbe im· Huntinctoo Beach Ho&iery Plan pu-tiea In )'WI' I: repair, abo Washer & perienced. $2.25 hr. plus Snack Shop '#' 1 partance ot tact A diploma-owa boa-. MUI: vt tD p <!!>'" .. ..,,. " hr ..... ~-· ....,._ 12 A • ' CAIEEI ey In ........ of others. CaD LAUNDRESS .......... u -~ ., . . . . .. • '. •• .. .. . '• • • • -··,~---- 842-mt or 347-0681 BKKPR/SeC, F/C, experi-~ 2~::~ c::r,.::~·-tor appt Mn. H. Schef!tt Full tin.. your OWD boon. CalJ ---_WIGLEr-5m.JNG, "·"' """"""""" -• ·-GPPOITUNrmrt-+--.nu.........._._. --Appl;y-fif-Pwnmr· _.altft..l .... includes cleaning & con-trad••· •00 7248 -====-====-CHARTPAK ROTEV , H " ...... ft .. .,. ___ .. intervn .. ., 1; .,, •, !• ' ' • • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 ' - CHARGE IT! -ASSISfANT MANAGER Join lod.,. lutest -•r-un-•-~ l=i='°==-:-.,.--:--d!Uontne, 540-M70 LOANS profea:k&lfut\Ul Fund sales 2620 So. Susan St., S.A. Convalescent HclpitaJ EXPANDING t e I e p h OJI f: HAULING. Cleanup rararea. Help Wanted, Men 7100 Experienced ,conaumer flnan-No aperlence llfCHIU)'-18792 Delawar St, HDta Bcb anawerfna-aervice needs ~"""==Jo"'='="=· ""==·=·t=Jim=I MECHANIC .. .,.,.,toJolnAm•rtoa·• we1ra1n-1U11orpa:tt1m• Wa1'tress RN."""'"' --......-.i1 -Ai>(lly 54S--5325. anyt!m• te-crowth Co. Ex· Mutval Fund AdYIMrl, Al• "' limt~ moct1y >ltttnr. s.'", ~ti! ""i.s ':°~ Jc>Urneyman meclwric. ex.-cellent ~. t.op benetita. Inc. s Day wMk, Sat • sun .... .noon. Halill"I 0730 perienced Fo~lgn OI' Do-Fdr interview, phone Mr. Npt B. 1~ Westcllft sc.&m APPLY IN PERSON oU... Write Bax M 40t Dally Av. ~Beach. ~ C1.EAN Lott. lml&'el etc. mestic. One of the oldest ~~~.~5-~;. SA. U12 N. ~ R·EUBEN'S PilDt OOMPANION .. tw Ekllrt1 Tree removal, dump. •kip Forelp ca'r seivlce depart-..,....,,._ i•ll"u• 5'7.s331 BOOKKEEPER ..,. ... er tun lady. Lite dut.la:, prtn.ft: menta in Oran&@ Co. Flat SO State Wide Offices time. Xlnt ~ sa-quartrn.. Good PQ. NO =· 11.ll, I r • d e • rate & warranty work $8.00 Assets over $60,000,000. COCO'S lary open, Set yoor 'own ~O~ LITE Haul.in¥ " cleanup. :%~~':t ~~:. * l!LLMAN * Direct Salesmen hours. Call for p.ppt. be-tm...D E 16th Sl Santa Ana Reuona~. Any ~•. Call ditions. Must haw awn band NO EXPERIENCE I need 4 men i.m.intd. to fill 1 SSS W • Ad•ms tween 1 Ii: 9 PM. 673-9156. -===· --.,.---,- &U-2651 K 11 NECESSARY new~ positions in the Cost• Meta WANrn maid for motel tnLIVE-INbousekeeper ; toola. Call~ e y, Apply <>ranee County atta, ~ --:==,,...,==--I Laauna Beech the mot be r 1 e 1 1 ~. 2 TRIM, ~. trtt!t. Gen. 1-'494-9T71:;.:.;....__.,. ____ .__ Sheraton leach Inn stereos I: sewina madlinea. OCEAN VIEW Call 494-• on oceu.. tMnqul, full ctiuse. Priv. clean-up, name it! I haul, Three leads per dQ. Our SCHOOL DISTRICT 1533 °" apply: '!be room, 5% days; 12». Cl.JI reaaonable. MJ...4030 PART TIME. NIGHTS Bttw~ ~!:Fri customers call t11. No pm.. e SCROOL SECRETARY e Inn at t.runa, 2ll No. Coast Mr. T., 546-4370 di.YI; LIGHT haulins, day or night Dllhwalher & lut IGy Hunttrwton Beacb miclal or rift!. Honest aa.1et1 Salary $07. month Hwy, LquDa BMch. 6G-Ol1& ewa 545--6490 b; bani womn. llllbnt Ten month ..,111on MEDICAL S •cu ta' Y. NURSES AIDES _;;:=======I APPLY IN PERSON 3-5 PM COLLEGE 1tudent pay In tbe bua:LD!1a, 100% Typlrc 50 wpm, fillns I: ~n. Lapna Beacb. ~ -H_ ..... __ , .. _._,_ •• ~_6_7_35 Snack Shop No. 1 P<"'"'"'"' pt 't!M• during lln&Ddnr. m<d. Ins., •!<:. cl<rioal. U.S. ot!'>On-H.S. ooly. ENT -·· ol-Apply In ....... school, full lime summer can mornlnp 9 to U. aft:ef'o l[t'lld, 2 yrs. tUponsl.ble, floe. In 1 u ran c e, book-Hurrtmetz>n Beach MESA Oeanini 8 er v Ice 2305 E. Coast Hwy. at Chevron Station on Beach IJODDI 3 to 5, 526-8616. clertal exper. ~ keeping, bllllna. ~ Qmva1ncent Hospital Complete clt'anlng, ,.. ...... bl, Co-·· clel Mar, Cat. 1n • --·--"N hi '"-•----,.'-o-:-=,.,---A ""-ti ··-be I"-" ·-....... ,_ -Hnta ·~ ~-.. -,.,._ ._....,... ' 0 ' pp.,. or· -FRY COOK P-Dnl m~ ~ ...,.. WELL a:roomed woman for .....,,iU uaaware ~,. ou• floon, etc. Residential-e1NsrRUCI'ORS -Full looa -hairl Miut lie lJ. Sal hr Jan.. 16th. m2 War:ner, ucepUooalopportunitywith WANTED: CLEAN ComrMttlal. Special rates ot/md 'part time. Nnt ·~ " comm w/ra.iies. 4H-9003 Fut &; dficlent; a bow av-Hun~oo Beach,. between · leading coemetic Co. Flex hou8ecleaner 3 bn per 1Nk for apt. cleaning, Many ref. .,&ranee. Must be able to erqe: wqea; ,medical ins. 9 and 4 p m hrl. N c:anvauillc ~ 6 •-••-k. ~-t ... 'lll Spray Painter · · n . , nr or ~ -•~r ., r•""' es ~ -t --• •--• with ••-'-p~ • • PM Denn .. •11 ........ z ...... -... &111.1 ucu u>e Al' IJ -• ·-v ' NU RS & $ 'Appt call tm-5195 Not Sat at SUn. CdM lll'U. * APr. CLEANING * public, good fijtttt. APPiy Must be expeiienced tn llhfft 18477 Beach Blvd, Hunt Bch. n10"'5"1'CE girl *'me acooon1-675-4451 aft s pm ~thD~~ ~l~ G ~~ . = ~~d~ metal ~~· FUJ.L TIME Ute mechanlCI, e RN'S. Part lime. ()pentnp ~.: typ~. Apply at ADVERTISING • FUN P~CS $2.00 per hr. + comm. 1 to J :30, ancl l1 to 7:». Henftenon T.V, I: Appliance SALES: Pnstip MacuJ.ne I ====SER==·=· === REAL,:C:::.M.,;;...~EST=~A=TE=.--:Sbnul<ln::-=.1 929 Bake;r' St., ~ Mua ~ att!:t.~ ~ ~: •AIDES. Exper. prd'd. tm Harbor BMI .. C.M. ~ prr:nuulve Pi to , .l_l'Oll_l"!l..._ ____ 6_75'-"5 you be oeJlng the hottat e SnJDENT tor Dak auk In Hunt. BdL Far appl O.,~ T to 3'30 and ll NI -MAID apPlf at dwm -Sol ,+ 1 -UQ RuntinetOD Beu!r. at rrioteL Pt.. time winter, call (213) M6-{l9liC to 7= • Saddle Back ~ 696 So. CGmm .Call ~7901 FASr,e:xperlenced.$1.SOhr. VillageReal.Eatate96:Hfn fullttmeSUmrntt. Pad:LidD Cout Hwy, La1una .WAITRESS wanted lJ I. Pleue brinz own hanzttl, er 546-8103 Ken NllM Motel EXPERIENCED Mechanic. Convaleaceat Center GMK3S over, f\111 I: p.n time. Ap- 646--0&16SElt ~'="vi'=a:"'="~s~ta-,...,,--......,_-.-=o-. lmt.BQlideDr. FUil tlmr, d&,)11. 1145 466F11pbip MANA.GERI.Saleslady ply in penc>n 2 PM to 5 Paperhlntfnt Exp'd. s •I• r 1 +' com-Nrwport Beach Adams, Colt& Me I. . Newport Beadl 642-8044 needed b' drus lb:ft. Ap-PM dally. Snack Shop Jr. '•lotl"f "50 -apply m -FULL=-:-::-=-: .... =11on.=-=-=:::: II : .... =mt=====:::: Plf Marlann" ....._No. ..._A 19th, CM __ ...... ____ --' MOBIL STATION.""" .. u liquor"""'. traJnln(I• TEWR 14 Fuhlon Wand. UVE-ln maid; -nt .3: VET'S Bonded p •I n t I n '. 34362 El Toro Rd., lquna u b\Q'tr In food I: ~t AlllftCIM, w...... noo EXPER. Bakery Saleq1rl. mUlt apeak WDe Erwltsh: Free Est. Lic'd &: ~-Hllla. depL Pftfer experlenoed. Excellent Opportunity far Contact Mt Rlchard'mn. prtv. rm.; start now. Woold Small jDbs welcome. * e SILK' SCREEN e See Harold, Hi-Time, 495 teller at our c.o.ta Meaa Trotter's eaktty 234. Forest consider cple. if husband 84>-0411 Silk .,.... printer ,..wm. E. 17th St, C..ta M-. MW EXK AGENCY OIJI<:<. To!ler nr c:uh Av. La(una BdL ......-..... 2158 VINYL all Exp'd. with circuit board. handllnl pttferred. Call DENTAL Autltant. ~ SALES/ re c e pt lo n I 1 t , apeclalia~ -ki~.o~e~~ Steady job with prospect&. 1e:.H~~~ ~ FM Paid Callf. Federal S1vlnp experience, desk A mature lady, tome Materlal &: labor. E1t J7f1 Birch St, N.B. 546-n.90 in _,..,.,n Johanan " ~ eo..-. S6SI) 2'100 Har* ~-~vd.*, C.M. chlJro...G1e. ap lJ to 25 ~-Direct tales ex- 847 l .. u. ..--• • ~v ............ _......,., _,_ .. ·-......... per;e_ nee neceuary. For tr.. -~ Draftsmen Chrlatermen, 898 W. 16th St. Exec Secty •••••••••••• $563 ... ~nT1N. ~- INTERIOR, EXTERIOR N.B.Cor.16thl.Monrovia Exec~ ••. , ... , to '5631-------.,.--NEEDED: Experience ternew, Tl2-8426 Average 1 BR apt. sn.50 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL SHIPPER-China • 'It t. Exec Sec (11>llt) •••• fl) $M0 LITE OFFICE Seamstre•. Call 497-1335. Cafeteria Counter Glrl labor&: material. 642-7528 Bring mu.t aampJe of work Whsle. Fred AlldftlDn Co. Exec Sec (split) •••• to $525 AND beh\•n 11 a, 5 PM for Some reriateru:p. preferred. e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE PARAMETRICS 651 W. 17th Stl'Mt, O>lta Sec!Mkt-Salei ••• ··•·• $5):) an interview. WmkifW hrs. 7.3 Mon.Fri. JOB. Xlnt ---9'J9 -St., Oooi. ..... MH& s.o..ia,,,/P.R. ........ llOO TELEPHONE . WORK EXPElllENCED Wolh-. Call 833-0IOO Erl ......... eat JI){. 6'2.-4669 TAU.. Youne man. H.S. JANITOR Secretary ............ to $500 MUST BE NEAT. apJllY in person. Surf • fl)l' Mn. Pennlnlton end. for 5 day wit. incl Wl'MI KNOWLEDGE Tech Sec (split)··•• to $450 GOOD PAY Strloln n ..... urant. 5930 FA.Sf, neat. depemlable PAINTING, intn-. .aterlor Sat .1: Suri. Bayside Fish Keypunch 2nd Bhlft •• to l45Q eve.; needed lmmed owr State lie, -bonded. Free MarRt. 2800 Newpc>rt Bvld., OF ~ ~G Med Writn' (splltl •• to $35(1 OOPERMANENTNT .. ,_ .. .,.. ~y West Cout wy, N.B. ~30 un. IP m. Cuh- estlmatn 60-0238 Newport Beach.. ;no--oi.u ADDllunt Pays FH -...~ na.n.. -~·~.:.u EXPER. Olunter Girt Apply · • · INTER or Ext. PAINTING, p•nT--help wanted tor YOUNG Man 1o learn pool Tech'inustn.tor •••• to $600 SANT1'89AE.ANWA,~TWt La penon, Kuster'• ~wattrea exp. bdplul. ---SERVICE •-• ~ •iaun; -._ _.,. -·"" ~ to•tt>11 ~. "'--1534 Newpo•t·~~::.;,=~===~ ~-· ~ Garden GroYt restauranL • ""'-_ ... to"-Exec ~v ••• •···•·• .,....,., .__..e1,.~ ·•Ful.L TIME SALESGIRL. ~""~FREE=--'"~--.... ~',..tm __ I Apply: Shakey'a p 11 J a l&H3 Mq:noHi, Wutmlnater Sec/Lepl/Probate •• to $525 Blvd., ......... Good hn, 5 dl,y wk. Apply: PAPER ........ 4S,...,. Pulor. 22llS N ....... BIY., l!AllllEM<a>"· at .... J Seo/L<pl/Trlal .... to 15'5 LYN'• DENTAL ASSISTANT DICK VERNON'S SPOllTS- iexperience. Call Fred! au.mm ~ II cblir ntabllibed •ho P . Etcrow omcer ..•••• to~ 3 t• 11 a 11 te 7 Ex;perlence neceaary, WEAR. Westdif! Pl•' a, -~=*=''4M903""°""'=*=-· I -Tllo DAILY P1lDI $37:!111,...k. -2544 Exec SedJ .......... to -and ~llaf * KWSI' * N ....... Beod>. °""""" --EXP"D. COUNTElUIAN Girl Frlda1 ........ ID ~ -OPERATORS Blind ,_ PAl'Ellp•~GGING -, tlmli 6 .amt."°'* * CITY Atrl'O PARTS * SecfttUl" ••••••••••••·• $CSO .. --.a~t holpltal. hand tlnilhen-Garmft f&I> LADY for l t l• JxMa"mk. 1u.niu, -1 ~ ........ to $450 ~---to open lltld Gf and lit with elderly 61'5-300 _,,,!I 2072 Plaomtla. C.M. Gen1 Ottke ••• •' • • •••• • 1425 Jan. ~ 1n penoo, J93 tcry exper. &U-2666 N.B. ~ntJem.an S at u rd a 11 • Gb1 nidl.)' ,,, •••• •• ,, , $f03 Holpltal M comer New· * CASHIER * ~ P.T. Typllt ••••••••·• S1 hr p:nti:HolpltalRd,N.B, for retail hudware. 1'D~A~Y~w=-a~i'"tr-.-a-,-,-.-nloh=t OPERATORS. ~ Call Phil * 642-1134 Ho 1 tea a. D l 11 man 41D W. Cout ~ In -needle l ...rtook. LEGAL ...,...,,,, """' be ............. 111 ·E. Balboa Newpnrt Bead> 6'f.S8;l9 .... ptec. -on-lu~ uoun.te '>Pt.t. aome Blvd., Balboa lteld.Y wort:. Will take a llb. B-'460 or 5.1M078 OLDER _. ... or woman w/ "'---*--'--. ·~-few tralnftl... 14042 Locust .;;;..;'-,i;iO-i""';;'i;=;n,-'--1 -· ..,..,.. ..... ""1' many •• "' .... "° St, Westmbwter 534-8731 HELP WANTED; DWn trarw for eves l wktnd Cledr Steno • •• ..... to 1415 ' BACK 0"1(:E GOU.. babyslttlnr. Cnllcp Parle Gen. Ole., .....,. .... to 1425 * TELLIR * U.-1841 1or -.,. .. Coll aft s P·"'-541>1738 Tn1bee $tleDI) • ••••·• ••' $385 le>r SaW.S and Loin. Ex· 8ABYSJ1TER My boo1t 4 o.tmetic-DRUG ==~= =fnr-=-bk. Pbooo day "11. ~_et Lio. llirlc.~. ,,..._ Gtn. Ole. .... 1325 "'4ttol -IDnll)' ~ halq>s. C.M. ~--.,.. I---'-' .::•..:•=·~=,::.,.Trainee: Qm)Cf rater •• $S25 WAJTRESS WANTED _,... WAITRESS wanted, apply t.n TEAOIER wants babya.ittitt 1'ro1nM, -.... SllO -Collea Shop, 'll02l.a .....,. -La-. 11113 wk-d..-In-· Lido &lo, n.t-,.,..,. Obi .... l2M ~ Bl..S. Calla ---Aft, Calla Ma&. Rd. ...,.,. -Aft. 5 Ttalnoe, -.W. ' 1:111 ''°'-• eallf.. -and WAHTEI" illtl for ollko COIJNTEll GIN ,.,.-, ~ AGENCr BaloaooHubor. -...---u.>11 lor ................ a W, a.ta HOUSEICE!:PER. I: daDd In. a ..... m-&ul aft 4. 19th St., Colta Mea ~11th ..,., l,ldvate "'°"' a ..... RESPONSIBLI!; Lady Io COMPANION for - Gm1oa G~ T.V. &JI 411 a -....... ballytlt "'1 -. -thrv la<tr, N....... are a. 12211 --, Job • poll vaea-. '300. Fri T:JIH:Jll llell MT.-m.JJlll <r 5'0-Clll ma:et llo. HM2l2 RN•1 and LVN'• Sfl:REI'ARY ..U. dttlCll DOMISTICHILP ... -IW;n. ~ Mallla. AD ... paid. call ..... Abby, 543-"'8. -'A::Us AGINCllS 1181 C. Newport Blvd,. C.M • iAitsrrTER, DO' ll o in e., Huntl.Qrton 8e&cb art11. aallta.nt upstnm r o I a.ea 11-. e I D11t a ltT.....,. dental IP"""''itt. tD-mt ..... ~ t)Jlt. WORKING Mother llftdl BABYSltJ'ER. RQ,JAji E Ca0 GW.OIJO babyttttu tor alte ,...... 5 DAY WEEK. C4LL OAILT l'llm Dllll>A-CaD be ... J PM m.m - UND. Y• eM -lbe BABYSITI'ER Needed., dUro DRY CltanlrC CDWt"' .... JUI -• ..,. lllal Jnr ci.,., ..,. ..... -~ -ll·'til '· -Cl1I Ml-bolon - j 11 I •. W!dMl!ltrl J.,..., e, 1969 "!-·"""""a, I..,. PILOT~DVetlTISER.-.?' I I I I 1· ' jl • I • 15 A EMPL YMJiNT MbRCHANDISI ·FOR ME,llCHAH!>IS••f91t, 1 lt\llt;iHAHDtS,1<~011 y Ml~ISlr101 ·1 T~RTATK!H _ . S. RTATION N"' 800 Ja $AL~ AND TRADE ML!'· ANO TRADE , , ~ S~Lf,.~!> Tfl:l~~ SALE AND TWE .:11iSi '(~ fOOO 'fr.pc. , , 9500 l~~~~~~~~~~~iili~~I F~:-0\tur:e . eoooFumltvre '°Cf !li!!;!1•1Goodt · ~500 Mitcell,_ 9600 WEST llOAST ·-*SPORTSMIONSVAN'; !PIXJfR BUICK "' lfHI ll.llCll 1"'.0lt"11•1 ' ' ~ l (. ~ CAJ\BIH!\ G}. ao ClL Very YACHTS * TRUCKS * ~ --Jlloa.<l>O. * AIJCTlOll * !lid -Wtntor Qe&rance °'' TM\I Ar• All Hore At ONCE I J• ·-· ' -· mWl boa!>. Buy now and fl-I< Dl~nt. . A vut ff~ ~w a.u .. JIW s. ... FRIDAY .JANildth .•""'·.. : • ·wHY N. 01• I ~-""1dl l2'1S. or 7:30 PM tl)...21 Eurr-cruller, md 11etilf!or lmniedlate j • · STORE CLEARANCE "'°'· 54Mm/49M52! N'* A UIOd l'llmi~ . . "'· ~ mom, tnilu 11!9'1-deli;...,, • 8 I t '1 II: '"CIENT MARINER COSTA MESA RESTAURANT ' ''a · l• ' lledn>om Incl Dinh!& ~ &1-ll FJ,yq Scott, tra11or BEACH CITY • SOvings up '°'' D!Vo . MIJ1COll•-9600 .. i.. DJ,,..., chain, ..P· ·; ....... !._. .......... $1500. t • snP . Newport leach 2607 W. Coast Hwy. • -.U.' !'I ii,. .. en. dinttt• .. ddoa caru.. 16 Jeffries. G1"a)' so, 1o00 k> DODGE a 5eriolsh & t.f~ltt .. 11111~,} FRIDAY IS "'"·TV'' st....,,·cboj11. ~llsb,nds....,. .... 1!95.1ea...:hB1vd., CHwy.39i •UP TO A;•. ·I * .-A SPE,...~L * .. YAltDAGI! DAY •• t cl>ll!< ttbleo, )Aml>I. ''°' " 0t~1wy ""°""' new 540-2EOO • IOA • "-~--' In Costa Mesa turH. dtlkl Sl)anilb bar " 135 hp ericme ., •••• ,. • $1250, ltunt!ng1on Be ch • J • f F •' ~·•,f:, ' New aele.ction,. lantastic'prio. ~ mattit:.a. ~ '66-20' ~ Ouiler · a ,.ooms o urn1nu."••·· ""'"'Frlday >OAMat ' e"""','-..i.-,'ilas~ Wbp. ""P"<~' .. 121100 '.6t.Ci.vy·Pfclnlp • BRAND : as low OS $3.00 per 1111•..L lNTERNATlONAL' .... 4 ~.. • MjlCH "!""'E-0,~-Bia ... ·'lid.•dl•. ·-• TAKING APPLICATIONS • f .~,._,, YARDAGE MORE! ~ .. _-. cOnditlon in & out. $85 Cash • N. EW 8 8 'No d ... ..-u .. Ou r Store Chor.. mo llari>or l!lYd.' Wllll\Y'S AUCJIOH Ne--Mat!... deliV<n, will fine prlv PIY·. Bedrooms-Living Roomo-Gamii(~is'! Ldjps. c..ta M•sa • mt N~wi.::,:• -~ Pynmts 136.86. $!.9'173 or • • ' ' FOR ~~~i~ngor~:icse~~~::~;ce~til~~~~~ for D fA8RIES 4 J1t::}!~~:11•. EXP. SKIPPER ~ • .19691 • WollYess Kltclen Help ------- Help Vf,mtd. w- • TRAVEL AGt'NTS 7400 • We att looking for l\\'O agents with minirnu1n 2 yrs. actual agency exper. Best pay in the county. Call Ron Pfahler at TRANS GWBE TRA· VEL, Co s·t a Jo.1esa. ........ Hostesses Lart M'nufacturer's ShQwroom•Sin!~les we "'FOil SALE • °""·-*· ~ Wants-. !543-3S6l c .... ,. ' 9520 • l K • 'just llght out and P~,ro<!{ll fq•~ • , '. R•mnan1~ ..,.., .. " MDI :onii oA,ILlf9 to ' S.llbt!at. • 9010 CAMP!ll alAUllCI • BU ( : DtS'hwashers I .•. Don't let this h• the ends Sat. OnJ.y 8 a.m.,,to 2 ' I GOOFED COLUMBIA DEFENDER of lt61 El OoraJo, .. Four • • SAlES • 1 tin1e your friends p.m. 929 Baker, Chila Mesa. 129.) Sleeps 6, :kl HP ·m. Wind•. Scohman and Gold· • ~988 tell •""u what you've missed & $$ Saved!! Private party boogbt aome lina mod•I• •• • TV BEAUTY A bart>eI' equip It. name brand EXEROSE boerd, fUll .raclna' gear. * llG DISCOUNTS * ~c:m.. ":;:·. t .~f';g ...,.:._ LOUNGES <Adv. oa T.V.). ~~XlntW/~~--J& All '69 modtl• now half, ....-r with tbe idea or becoming a A U <M>o \;UllU ......... iy S1Y1 extra $ on our Truck. 4itionei',liiih,a·q'u l.<r i u tn • dealer. I find I don't have & outboard inc 1 u de d · Campa• Pric•l. range, liv . rm., • Bedrm time to demonstrate. Must SJ.2.950. 494-T135 or 646-00fT 1.9.11 Ft. Mod.ls. Cha11i• tum. Misc tt'emll 6t2-0D95 tell 1 or all tt who~Mle, UDO 1'1, No. 1680, with Mod•l1, Salf Cont1ined ~C . !i!Jie $1 O. $46. ea:· ~ $89.95. trailer and co~r, NorU1 Units, Atl Camp•r Ace•~· --..1.:Jh(...if!-'t..·..:.:.·-"·-:..... .. .._ __ , ~-inal -~--. ••• ""'. sails. 1ori•1 In Stock. .. .ru ..... '6 lllW1l.lnUlll "on: "'''6 ...., . ...,..., ~ •VS. ao;lomolic, paw• 0 "'Ma""! «II:' lk!oi, • ,lpdng & 2314 No. Bonnie Brea, S.A. 6'15-4.1.83 5 Y••• Financing On t . d' h 1 cl \Vholesale l'..lghting Jo'ixhzrc l~ ••11• uuu e ~ 15 x 18' oval rua:. moss gm, CAL Jn. ~-Spin sall!S. lw11:• whe1I cov1r1, h1ad ~~==~~::'!~~~~~~~!~~~~ ,H'"'::....,_:r,·...,,. ft!...bl kl• Approvod Cr•dit •'oaring, ra •o, 11 I<, •·· Showroom. SaJes experience clien aink ~ Camper $1t $85. 8 . X 10' oval braid, Racing gear. Xlnt cond. CAMPER ~fHTALS •••sh •~d many, minyll Sal $2. ~\Yuh room sink "· .uM e'.l':. "..,Mo:., 644--0816 •moral 'ZIOSIJ8 • nee. ary plus commis-fumlture 8000 Appliancu 8100 $2. 54>.5490, Alt. 5 11'11"" ............ ~ "'-=-="=------51MCJol wh1t.r'rafft. Mal• sion. --,--'-,...,.----TRC18 Citizens Band equip. SNOWBIRD No. Z14, partly your ..,.,..tlou t#cfoyt a Immediate Delivery• SPANISH F iJ RN IT U RE REFR.IGERATQR 12 cu ft. DUNCAN Phyfe dinette get ...._ •---" Flbn •· tra"-· $ 9 lge ..... mp. w/mobile set-up; resl.Ulcv. en..,, =-· THEODORE •. 19 •. R f;: '.!; U {l N E r, F R 0 M freezer top, 2 yrs old, $125~ $90; . 5 drawer chest caiJ aft. 6 PM. StS-2809 $300. Call S28-6049 MODEL HOMES. SAVINGS 5.16-1574 $15; 3 Dm.wer chest A'ii R b f d TO so•;:,. Spanish quilted """' . ·-· to Xlnt 6 shelf metal cab. $1'&; BRICKS, clean, .,,... Columbia22, extnls, sips 0 ·ins ·or· • DOWN • I • I I 3 k ' .... ~ • · size reu-1&era r. m""" m'-•, i•--•. '"" •622 proximately 600. Tottl1 $30. 4. $3400. or partner to * DRIVERS * 90 a · ove irea , oa 1v1ng \\'!Irking condition. $25. Call ~<J ...... U1;"1uo ........-. up trade. 6Th-328l • • room 1tahle11, ·2 living room aft G. S48-l886 KIRBY Vai..-uum cleaner & Balboa Island. 673--2431 2060 HARBOR BLVD, "•• Ta •ltd littltt9 o• No Experience 1&.mps & Spanish painting. attachments. OriainallY &Old CUSTOM bit Crown sofa, 17' SLOOP vdth sails & COSTA MESA •Apprond Credit. GMAC• N El Presiden!e k i n gs i z e A t' & I lO 1m over $300. Take OVet' Frigidaire, tool work bench, trailer. $000. Finn. 642-5375 642·001 D a• lank 'l1111nch19. .. ecessary! bedroom suite. oak triple n iquu small pymna or $49.60 caah. dog hou9e. ~111 aft 5. ,·~·~'';::'°~P~M". =====I C;U.1PER SllELLS ........ . • 547.6351 • Mu~I have cleau ().li((1111ia dresser & mirror, king VAS! stock Amer &: Eur. Credit dept. 535-7289 -" & sleepers, 24-to ~" high. EXPERIEN. CED drivinit record. Ar.nly headboard, 2 commodes. furn & clocks. Larry ~..,::""'~""-:,.::;::.-~ Mile:. Wanted a.1.10 Marine Equip, 9035 No down payt o.a.c. Hatton • JAGUAR • YELLOW CAB CO. kingsiz.e mattress & box Morgan Antiques, 2 4 2 8 CONTINUOUS Fi Jame n t --.-~-Camper Sales. 222 W. • a • COMMERCIAL 186 E. 16th SI. !!prillg11, 2 boudoir lamps,' Newport BJvd .• c. M. i~~ ~i.a~l~Joln;::;. BUYING Silver Coins 10% 3().1 ~~p st.C:i:~ach. Wilson, c.r .. 1. 54S-OW . • HEADQUARftllf • TELLER Costa Mt"Sa 6 piece Spanish v.TOught -· --I · I . over face. Dollan -$1.70. '65 GMC i TON TRUCK l'UU iron dining set. Only $467. •-1 M h• 8120 o d. Excel ent condition, but W 1 lWs fl"' COSfA New & used marine gear ·3 •Co I 1 S I S • eMAN-OR-WOMAN9 -w ng ~~ 1ne1 needs cleaning. $75. 646--08.16 ar nc .,... . bo ht & ld & CAMPER. mp e e a es· erv· U I E CA F.0 NA $20. down & $4.50 weekly. COINS 831W.19th St. CM. ug 80 • e 545-2813 e •ice end Parts Depart-• N T D LI R I 25 to 60 sell separately. Easy ~it. 1967 SINGER. due to WRECKING But Id in gs: 646-1445 t f JAGUARS BANK School · Home. coordinating HAMILTON Fl.ffi.NJTURE divorce, auto zig-zag with Misc. furn. & housebold Aircraft 9100 INSULATED 8' Bed. Shell amen or • • work. 10 lo.JO hrs. 11. \veek. 5948 Westminster Ave., walnut cabinet. Buttor items. 673--0546. 318 Grand \VANTED; A ftw ft. of -$200. Like new. • S•a Th• E•cifin9 • 3029 Harbor 81Yd. Sc'hOOI, church or Scouting' Westm inster. 894-4434. daily holes, blind hei.ns. overcastS CanaJ:·Bld'hle;~.oi-· . ~ Flbitcote base cove, 2\2" Pri. Piiot CourM e ~113 e ) lf6t J19u1r Tod1y • Cosfa.M.u work 'hilpfu! .. Pmidons im-10 a.rn. to 9 p.m .. Sat. etc without ..... ttactunents. IDEA.l..Jor an .... _. ,· dinm... high. creme. or lite beige. $75 dn, $20.16 mo .. Moooey •••••••• 5#-2033 mediately avail:. if accepted. 1D a.n1. to 6 p.m.. sun. $39.81; . or ' ~:17 mo. ta.\lle 4 6 ~. $30. ~U 54~ Aircraft Sales. F M Pardo Im rted Autos 9600 ---cl-~--'-==c;...---1-'Pl~t-GW'-41xpeM& S p .111. ?~,~Hw.:~· -13T~low car p-1!-r;·-n .. BA.BY.;~~\.-Orange .. con po 11-BRAND-NEW An equal opportunity !\its Hobkirk, 8394207H1 --0~ .... --.,..-.~""""---.-,-, d -~-~-·-----~ S48-6803 in good condition. 541)..2055 549-2666 or 54&-1610 • Spot Cash for Imports • employer AIDS, ORDERLYS & LVN"s $100 3 BR ta 1-ki . <:i n.... ,.,,,,. afttt ?:G) We pay more for e.ny import 1969 • WANTED: Automotive office m.anaeer. Complete Jmowledge cl automotive general Ie<f&er thrU finan. dal statement ~· H.B. ~a. CAlJ M r • ltoblM:ln &12-1781 Ja~, Wom. 7500 ---- ASSEMBURS C Electro-mechanica1 assembly or microwave compo.nenli. Requlree m!cliahal'dexter- ity. WW train. Cati Personnel Dept. (714) 494-9401 TELONIC Englneerl119 Co. Laguna Beach An equal opportunity employer Cooks APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Adoms Costa Me11 ZODYS Ot-angl' County stores have imml'diale openings for SMALL APPLIANCE AND RADIO DEPJ'. l\tANAGERS Aopl.v ln ))Cl'90rl to MR. BERNSTEIN Zodys Stare Atgr. 120 'E. Orangethropc Anaheim, Cali!. · ' · se ; ngsi:re, -.-.oe;. .... r, reposseued, ..._, COOKWARE Stainless low ---------Mobile Homes _.. 9200 regardlc53 of year, make • wanted for oonvalesccnt 1-full size. I-twin. 8' sofa touch-0-matlc. P&1 oU bal heat waterless sells $2AS. PETS and LIVESTOCK home, da~. top salary for & Jove, seat, ,din furniture, of $41.25 or 8 pymnt& of Salesman q u 1 t SAC. $65. 5 • I Sal or condition. 1 f'Y us befOl't' ~ employes that are· willing coffee ,&.~~ table's, oc· $5.45. Call 7l4: ~ NEW Mr. Teaser 543-73Gl l>ogl·"'::.0..-----..:B..:8=25 peCIQ e you sell. ELMORE a to work. Also RN needed, casional chairs. also chair -20' wide $1599 down -S9B.89 MCYI'ORS, 15300 Beach Blvd. • days. Employment in Coste & ottoman. Many orher Musical Inst. _ 8125 APT. Size stove, irn· G1R~:" DANE, fawn mo. incl tax, \c., dd. and Wiest:mllister. 894-3322. • • Mesa and Garden Grove. items. Must sell everything! -----maculate, $35. Inlaid cof!ee e,.._.., ears cropped. 32" set·UP -3 yn, ins. Cali morning> only. &W-9601 ; ,,,o, old, aU .,,.;t'" EXTENSION Spoake"' (2) tab!•, $10. P;cture tram•" tali, 14 """' old. Good w;th BA y HARBO, R. AUSTIN HEALEY • Real Estate Sales tanean. ve_ryl reasonable-! 12" Lancer stC'reophonic $2.SO 548-.2394 alter 6 p.m. children. Great in home. a Men & Wome. n Call 810..1592 , speakers & cabinet $85 or S uffe R-..1 • Well mannered, show pm-Mobile. Hom• Show best offer. Kent Electric ta r .uucing spect, champion blood lit¥!. 1425 Baker St., Costa Mesa '62 A Healy, 300 MK D Rds. • OPEL ONLY $1899 • • • • • • • ExP'ndi"i agrun. OW« # MOVING! g11;1ar 175 or be'1 o!· ,.Mt!"'1~$85. S.crlfke! ""'885 9 to 5, l•t Harbor) 26,800 odg mi .. 0/0, W/W, • IMMEDIATE 4 openinji.s available for Hnu-ful o( turrUture. !lfust fer 548-4309 ' i .l * 549-2790 Eves. 54~9470 $1500 or best oUer. 675--0056 DELIVERY • licensed men & \\'Omen. In-v--i~==~~----Bl ~· ~--boo'" • stAnt income It training. Mr sell! Early American living VICI'ORIA Elec &Uitar & ue '""'P .3ti:Unp ""' PLAYFUL Beagle pup, 7 SEE the Dual Wide Road--• • • Gardner. spring Realty, roon'1 set.. coUi;e & f'od ta-Knox a1np A-1 cond S20 for sale, S.1. each. mo. old male, AK C liner Pan American, Para-, ___ C;:_O::c:R:..11:.::N..:A:..:. __ 1•Fu11.,-•quipped including ~ bles. Refrlg fl: wa.11her; Din-ea or $35 set 64S-68t!O *· ~ * Regi!'lt'd, had all shots, ~. mount, Elite and General i· ldo;1l m111ter cylindtr brak•• ette, mattre!lflel le box I..::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::= jSACRIFICEl Due to illness; 545--8992 mobile homes now at j h •1v1t•m. ~eater, whit• w111!1 •• Car Wash Help ·· spri.ogs. Nearly 1!('W. Priv sii;igle membership Newport D I Wid Sal Eng is Ford d~a11peed wind1hield wip-""'" .....,,, Pianos & 0rg_,.IM::::.__:8:.;lc;3c:O BASENJI barkless dog from UG I e lfS l •ri, w<11•n<ng 11.,1i1r, r1dio,• Full II-W"-nd prty • .,._;>U"IU -Beach Tenni.I Cub 540-6192 A'" . t od I AKC C I t ... . 9 ..... or ""' a. u•ca. qu1e, oress, Chapman Mobile Homes Inc. omp C' e :><Ul$-serv1ce •etc. 103418 • Min agP.18, apply in person FurnJtwoe returned from dis· ONCE-A-YEAR DRY Fi· Wood, eucalyptus, champ line. Te:rms.,642-4350 520 N. Harbor, S.A. 100 MPH, 32 mi. per gal. • • UOO CAR WASH play .studios. model homes, ALL FLOOR MODELS orange and mixed. Free aft 6 . ,. _. · 531.a571 FuH five pass. J:ports 4.S1 E. 17th Cost.a Mesa decorators cancellation. Conn. e Wurlitzer •Knabe i.:d=cli=·""="'=·=546.=7514===== 1• MIN ffiLLJE male 'I. Rios styling. • • SP'n;"' & Modir.mineaool< PIANOS end ORGANS old, AKC ,..... $75. .Coll '65; lOXSO Lokewood Lido; CORTI NA • • Agencies, Mon 1 RD FURNITURE "0"""'1-a·K;oo " FREE TO YOU .,,,.m• . ' '"""' adutt """· "'· ""'"· * 0,1.,. 2 Doo• * •' • Women 7550 YOUR CHOICE 14.ooo. Sp. A-16, 2191 llari>o' j 1844 Newport Blvd., CM to 200, 0 OFF "°'Ion T"""· mate. Blvd .. C.M. 64HJ14 $1883 • ., BUICK Riviera • "SERVING FOR 39 YEARS'' -·• n· ht ti! 9 i'I ORGANIC Fertilizer, aged 6 w-•-ot• ~. F JI I t · I .,...-r; 1g ""l\ll u, ..-10 x 50 KIT 8 Y pow1r. ac ory air, ow• We Can Find The Wed .• Sat.&. Sun. 'tits SHOP EARLY! horee manure combined * 645-1163 * 0 lrnrn50ro2;adte 0e14;v,ery mil••••· (THB521 i with wOoa sbarinis. Good -----'-'---1 BR SPACIOUS ver oors, oors. • • Rip,~;,,SNpotot FLoucrk'Y,ou OUK" (IC'U No down • Easy temu mulcb. 35332 or 5464931 AKC reg. lrillh Setter Pups, all complete 645-1090 GTs, station wagons in • $3995 • ft IU1l • Delivery • betw 8 & 5 Mon thru Weblyn line, 6 wks old, I;======::::::::. stock. Fully automatic "It's Know How" • Gould Music Company 64&-1738 Motor Ho-921 5 or 4 speed • • FEMALE DIVISION FOR FURNITURE 2045 N. Main, Santa Ana Fri. 1131 1---------1==.:.c:.:"=-·:......-..::c:..: TOP TriADE FOR '64 CHEVROLET S.S. Ex Sect pd ~~ APPLIANCES o~ 2 BEAUTIFUL long .. _,__, REGISTERED German YOUR PRESENT CAR •c R&H • ec . y ~ree ,) to ........., "" So. of Freeway, 547..()681 •l<lllcv hort ha. Poin CORTEZ-You won't believe oup1. . aYlo., PS, Sec~ (fee pd.) ........ $455 ANTIQUES. DAY ·0~ Mon&: Fri 'til 9 Sun<IU bJw 7 ·mos old kittens. ~-'e l 7Si.r _ .. ,,.~r""~pa for ita a '66-low mileage tac THEODORE ••ir. COOJB IB J • Dentf11' AMI. NIGHT 636-3620 brother , &: sister raised ...., ' ea"'".,.._......, air rond-pvt pty -orig • $1395 (reimbursed) ........ $400 WT DAYS 111 -Jber. Nd good home. REG. German Shep.; obcd. owner. 547-2133 Rob"1ns Ford ,..,_-'!C....:....::...=...:::__ Recept. (fee •pd.) start $320 CNTRY. Engli.$.h, lop qua!. 540-6183 before 4 1110 trained: black I: tan. male. ============= '" • MALE DIVISION =~; tbii_p~ :~~; ~~ Higher prices are oomia& -FREE Fan Palms ... other _642-07'--,7='39-~~~--Mini Bikes 9275 2060 HARBOR TJI.VD. • '67 PLYM. Fury II • tw1aterial Control •.••• $12K tbls, lamp, etc. 842-5792 but we are sl,ill disoou.ntirv shrubs -Firewood -12851 AKC. male collie, 3 moa. COSTA MESA ... Dr. R&H, I YIO., PS, •ir .• Accountant (fee pd.) •• $833 aU pianos & organs ln the O Id Foot hi 11 , S. A. Cbartlpion tines. $75. 2 MINI-Bikes; 1 licensed: 642-00IO • !VCJ428 l • Ma.chin.. Appren. ...... $521 EXTRA large exec desk. last days ot the great Mov· 6f2..3219 1/9 e m-5990 e like new, ~,!;,used! J========'==:;:= • $1895 8 Driver •••••••.••••.• to $500 antlqu'!d. 644--0610 $45. ing Sale. It will eoet yoU 2 BEAUTIFUL hm8le kit· =========-====-=-==== DATSUN "We have many good jobs moneynow at·.'° wait. Shop 4 bu)' tens 4 months, 1 blk & wht, Horse1 8830 9300 ----------•'65 OLDS Dynam·rc 88• waiting for you" LIGHT grey, chest, modero, 1 7500 Motorcycles SOME FREE $311. Dre00 with min'or \VARD'S BALDWIN STIJDIO 1 ttgtf' striJ)l!d'. 53 -· /8 ~ST Sell: Reg. 1Ai Arab ::;:;:.:;..:.<..::;=. __ _:..::.:.:1 DATSU·N• '69 •4 Dr. H.T. R&H, euto., PS,• SOME FEE $35. 962-9800 1llOl NNport, C.M: f0.1484 ==-----.....:;.] Gelding, 2 yrs. $450. Parl&ni • HQNQA e •air ,concl. IMOYl4til • MfRCffA.NJS KJNGSIZE c<m-bla ~r.. ' NEW YEAR'S SPECIALS FllEE to good home, apoyed '8ddl• $165. e.y Golding Big New Sedan • $1495 • $'75 lo UIC!d female, and or male tabby $150. Call after 7 PM e 96 hp, overhead cam • PERSONHR oomc ":""84in • 11'\MMONll ORGANS cat. U"" lo ch; 1 d,. n • 644--015S Ml NI '81 KES • 4 '"""' • buckol ''°'' .•--,-'66-T-EM-PE.::S_T-.&1•I RT-2 Concert Model .• $lB$ 847--8927 119 TRANSPORTATION e wsw, dlx ~b.caps rot3 Westcliff Drive \=£~b~~"f, ~c!'. ~~l:i~;~a:nd·:: R:· ~ ki-tte~!~i~chmo:. Boan & Yachts 9000 '* $2'1~R;s· • sOCO.V:M"'r G"'u·AR :~[~E~:~r·~=;~~o;,~:~i'n';:: Lohby om" M-2 Sp;;,;,1, Mapl• .... 1596 old. H 0 u ... ,,. In. d FREE•. HE·RB FRIEDLANDER , v•• • $1695 • Corner 17th & Irvine Custom wing back 3Ul2 $pinet, Walnut •.•. $450 642--0739 1/10 , • Newport Beach hide-a-bed. ff5 . open Mon & Fri eves. LOVA'BLE hampstei-in cage. Basic Boating Clams 11750 IEACH I LVD. HW. lt $186 fUU DOWN • Offices in all of e 54&.1258 e HAMMOND 548-1389, mornings or ever\-Offered to Public by 12 llocks So.$. 6rov1 fwy.J • '68 THUNDERBIRD a Orange County Office Equipment 8011 in WRONA DEL MAR i~ . 1'10 Btlboa Power Squaclr.n '67 TRIUMPH $54.86 for 36 mos. • L111d•u. Full pwr., lac. ai r,• Hskpr-eook= ...• $400 2854 E. c;;~:;:" 673-8930 FREE ~p, ;ooa. 320 E. ~:r'~~M~rJ~~c~~ T-100 c 500 c.c. Xlnt cond. Barwick Hayden .10,00$0 mile1. (XSRlltJ • Hskpr<OOk Newport ... $4-00 A~t:'°:w.f~e, Pianos A Orpns ~l: Costa Me ~~0 Cub T20 W. Bay Ave .. New· Lov• m:~= :vi. .P1'l'· I 3995 I Cook It "'kpg CdM .... l300 e 847_1659 e Sec !he at . pon Beach. NO ADVANCE IMPORTS • . • Hskpr-cook Newport , .• $300 C m M I GENTLE white kitten, male. REGISTRATION NECE$. Honda '_68, 1Z cc Scrambler oo.c ;t ta.ii & lie • 60 CHEVROLET 1 • Couple: Cook, bskpr. chauU Household ~ods 8020 OGSt US C NI! e d 5 iO 0 d b om SARY, ENROU. AT Cl.A.SS low .mileage. Excell cond. 998 So. C0ast HW'( l I 4 door ~ordiop. R&H, •Y· SCRAM LETS but. one woman Balboa.. J. . 1839 Newport Blvd, CM 645-~ 64G-84Z! or 673-1855 for more Priva2' party. 642-3601 494-9773 'I S4S:06a.4 •to., PS. IFXX251 J • • ..................... to l800 KIRBY v a cu urn. Recon-646-0271 3 YOUNG cab • 2 male, lnlo. lll67 YAMAHA , , 8 $395 • HOUSC?man/Gard li~e out $400 dltioned. guarimtttd, like . 1 fem. Part SI am e se •. 1. FT. CUrtom :nam1rwo 305 cc, 4,500 miles, $330 and 65 DATSUN • • Equal op)Xlrlunity employer ANSWERS Employer Pays Fee new, w/atbtclt. FuU price HAMMOND -.Steinway -Ya.-· 548-2513 lllO Rlce:r. Blue and aold. b!.ke o'pymnta. 549-llSL STATION WAGON , George Alll!n Byland Agency $31.95. $5 mo. call 638-2'147 maha. new.le ueed pia.nol 3 FLUFFY (part Persian) 'frailer & boat freshly .64 HONDA 2&I Scnunble:r• 4 Spd. dlr, radio. he[ltcr,. 66 OLDSMOBILE • \Vheeze -Fetid -Hoard -106-B E. 16th, SA 547-0395 anytime. of all . makea. Beat buya 1n kitte1111. 646-8555 aft 5 pa i n t e d • New w~te new seat palot. overhaui pearl grey,finiab. XlQt cood. • T o1onado •. Full power and• Vermin -MO\\'ER I ~="======= So~ Calil..rlgbt hett. p.m. 1110 n a UI ab yd e . Upbola:teey Xlnt conc1'. $275. 675--3657 Local car, ~ oftner. $85 ·~Sctolry ••r conditioning • c.onunent about a neia~ Resteurant Help Garagt Sale 802.2 SO!MlDI .MUSIC 00., Wl-IITE Angora F~ cat, .... ~ ... 16~ _Jw Qwn;lan. '68 BSA-268: itnmac. Only Cash delive~ WiJttlnc ptvt M 112) bor "II 1 00 h' N,,,.od! W<U""aae•. Hoot=-J907 N. MAln. & • -~-~ ""'°'• Q>ml>leie l' U\! ~ -~~ P'IY· Pymnis, $29.18, ~r . $2995 a : YoU e 1m your es, Food ' ooc:ktail, Cl>oks, 2 TWIN beds $25 ea. Chest Santa Ana sweet genu~ ~ ,--... teyeral fuel tanbt alMtinC "N mL -. + Must sell! 11, 494-!l'T73 or 54.')...()634. ••---'-----'=--.Ill ~~6~~.:?me back Kitch help. Call Bernie, ot drawcni $25. Redwood I========= home. ~ 1/9 and controls-See a.t 2&18 W-~ days: '*-9007 eve. • '67 BUICK Skylark • 548-779G picnic table & benches $20, Tetevlaion l205 DARLING Puppies, 6 wks, Laf.ayetu.. NewPQrt Beach. '67 SUZUKI x-4 Scrambler FERRARI •S 1 GUARANTEED-A GU Ligh t fixtures, household . ___ ...;:;.:;;1 half cocker, t..lf terrier. . 600 actual rnn., like new por co~po. R&H, 1ut11., • INCOME R $ AGENCIES and Commereial SS ea. RENT TV $10 541)..5196 1110 ~~"1Baylm""'w:!:::O bo& ... t. . $425. 96Z-"1'693 )'l"R~•'-1 •PS, •Ir cond. 1ruzsat1 • ~ •-.i 1869 C Newport Blvd, C.M. Many other fUrn. Items, No ~ It ~ •-u --• $2595 rur ....., Estate ~nsecs ....... pog · r "'~ _, very 2 MALE. ~ered SiaroeM rough wafl!r. 75 bp Mercury Newport linPort.I ,Ltd, 0.-. • durtrw training period in S<" School .. lnstrvction 7600 ;-!':~.& :11~~a~ara~~ 5U-04n . or m.mo catll • ncl. aood home. motor. Trailer &: eover In-Auto S.~ces ange OodbtY'•+Clll'y •uthor-• • ti~ Harbor Area Ofiice. For c M 54S-OtM USED TVs S2S A up. Repa.irs 847-9857 • 1110 duded. All in xint oond. & Parts 9400 hed deaJet. • '46 DODG! Monaco interview, !!end baclqround To Women . . in shop or home. mi, FREE to Rood home. Rt<!, $!!00. firm price. C96-S300 SALES· SERVICE • ~ART'S 4 Dr. H.T, RIH, 1uto., • &. <l~~~~E of All Ages GARAGE Sa1C', houtehold Harn BL, CM. 64!)..lm femaJe 1 ii'· Dacblhurd 17 rT Performtt VW 36 lip r;IJ&ine, excel. 3100 W. Coart .Hwy. •PS, ai r coMd. ·ITPUOJ?I • D~ ~~ w~ 0=~h~~: Prawn l-~-~~_:1_.s:_,1.urnl_2"'_su_1""_n_~-~-'·-~-"-""'"_ ~";'.· !~A,;, T ~it U ~ :V~E~c tam~: ;,i'.~::1 a~::~::!~ :.:, ~~" Man> "":t:~::~l764 : $219 5 : AVON rormulA "' --·. ~ 1l5V. 38 ,.. In. SSS. -pot cat, yeor old, ~" £Old. Cllstorn •nap down cover. T llo T ·-• 9425 lier • 234 (, 17fh ST, .• ' ""'" .......... "'"" ... -.-------. • ,.._s ~! m~tsro. 1/8 Bia wheel tilt trailtt. $190 ra r, ra._. J\Q.P TO YOUR F'AMILY 1..'0ll&Ulllll<m bv a.Pt!Ointm!nl A 1· 8100 ------~---· ~· ' FIAT • ~· ODI> a t•w houn NEWPORT I ~P~P-•_•nc_as·-----HI.fl A Sto'" 1210 3 PUPPJEi pat a.Houa· phone 6l2-<911Q atw 7 pm. JJ IT. TRAVEL tn.llor. Se!! 548 ~-Start )'Ollr own School of Butiness MAYTAG automatic waabtt. hua. 6v..1!t!1Cl okl. call...&fter 1964 29' OWENS DC. corrtau.d• Exaellent con-•7765 • ~ JIOW. 8ta>me an 1133 Dover Or., N.B. To P 1 o ad er' b 11! a ch STEREO -1968 Solid state, 4. 646-7622 ; 1/9 f1ybridJ{t<, tully equipP«!. ditiorl, 1 ~nl, I full Mon-Fri 8:30 am • .AVON ~tlth.T. C..U 646-0153 rlistX'nstr. lint trap. Clean "-spd, 4 s~aker audio MALE COCL1"!Poodl ont New paint. 50 Hr! on bath. l"1lt £+ip. tl.550. t 9 • 511)o.Ml.gr*'6311 ==-=~,..c..--appear&J'K.'t$.i5.M5--0906 ayatem in walnut CONOie. ""Ar o1d \feU ~call OVffhl,ul. lllakr offer. ~.. 0 pm • lf -• COOK Lifetime Gitt f.YJ>CWrili~. Left on 1q aW!ly. Pa,y 847_7933 · 119 ~ stter 6 PM S1turday 8:30 •m Child~n. trandchildren. or REFRIGERATOR. choice; of 1»Jance of $79 c.aah or IO\Y j 1-OIARACTER Boat. 2:1' tr._ Trucks c > .. 6 j>m .. • E(SS e BUSBOY }'<)Un<'tl! !odiv;dually tu. ~ bolh xJnt cond. fl5. pymnts.W-. 5-16-7'89 1 ANGORA IG<r'-Piii lo boant crcY rnuto. ....,,. SuJ\da-1,30 0111 1 1 A LIY WEST 101-M Oilfcoat 10 IC'S$Jnl ~',.,"5-5958==~----good home • ..._ 1/9 ~ overhanleci s.22Jl SAU: or ' ~l .57 Chr-vy , .. .. ~~~I g:1.·~~o~ 113 Del Mar, t.tAYTAG Auloplalic wMhtr, ,..·maras lo •quip. aw 1 BLACK, ~J"'!I,!!_ ~ 213-33Ul81 p. ~ gd." COl'lll. UXI. to 6 pm . • ,.,.., ... ....,.~ ~ .-r_,., excellenl condition $40, -5 -6 wlai old. ~~. 1110 U'ii' DORY wood glat>sed ~ f\:lr" c:6mp. V W cot.'~~· «)pell-SllORINJ( -Ryu K. r. r (' ""'==~"..,1,,-8~ll5~-~~ l.l A1M Camera. Ltns. hood, WA'IUI JOU1 'l'9' *""' QG out.tlM. ru1i I J 0 t'a ti 0"; Arche$ Mot.ti APt No, 14 60 F1AT .• 2 dr. Ne. .PL N.S.. ...... School. Robt. D. Edmonit REF'RJG.-~lViMkl', 10 fll~r 6 lile mekr Included Ute set ~ find ta the sacrifbo szso. 54U328 '11.1 Iii Ton ci14vy Pkkup ~ttery It Btartcr $'17.;. 521 AJ:llt. «I ff, Harbor Blvd. Blackbtl! from Japan. no C"U. n .• rlnt cond. $S0 S'.Q. C&ll .tt 1 51MQ28: ask a.l.Uified AB. a.. ~ . Dtlll Whetll, V4 811ro. $975. R•~. NB. ~15 l'<lntt Alio lit mo. M&-'13$ M&-fl.. D0o. ,_, I . DAll.r'.P.JLOr WMIT AJlSI -OW.CE m ,_ - .. ··-·· .. ------------------------------------- • • • • • , ' . .. .. ' • " ' . ' ... Ji!J< •• " ! .. -· -" ' . . ' . . . , .. '"·-"... .. -.,.........,... ---·· ··~·~-~~-~~--~------------------.... ,,....---~-..... --:-~-:---.... ,-....,.,,..-.:. ' • 33-l'ILOT"1.DVEllTISER w..,.,dlt, ~ 8, 1969 -DAl~V l'f~OT 17 tlOOlilewGrs -1' HOCINOw QrNr" -..~9.1001-r TRANSl!O~A'rlON TRANIJIORl'ATION r.i.New-(erw , " MOONowC1rt ffOo 10 tlr.d • 1 1~ Cir 8 llTATIOM J Dt. SllANS U J DI. S'DANS , WA~S YOUR CflOICE YOUR' CHOICE YOUR CHOICE 1 s20s1 64 s2187 1l -s2_3i? ' INCLUDES 1'UTOMATIC INCLUDES RALL'fi ~ INCWOES AUTOMATl 9 TRANSM l$SIQH ANO EQUIPMENT ·PLUS lR:A.HSMISSION AND WHITE\WAL~\ t RALLY STRIPE 1, 1 WH ITE WALLS NEW\1969 FALCON 2 llOOR SfDAN NEW 1969 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP '2398 ""'~' & l .. NEW 1969 GALAXIESOO ~ ' DOOO SP<>•n •oo• '"'°'· ~ s2575 ... ,.. · I lk. NEW 1969 T-BIRD 2 DOOR HARDTOP '3998 "::~;· ORDER YOUR CHOICE: TODAY! FACTORY .. CLEARANtE -SALE -· -----Of-SHEJ.IW-C:OBRAS·l·GT-350/GT-500~- The 'fl/1 Are .tomingl AS ORANGE.COUNTY'S ONIY SHRIY AMERICAN DEALER, wt ARE COOPllATING WITH THE FACTORY TO'CuAR THI LAST OF THI '68'S AT DISCOUNTS NEVER BEFORE OFFERED ON AMERICA'S NUMBER 1 HIGH PIRFOIMANCI CAil CHECK TODAY! TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS Now •v•••9in9 I 5 ean; p•r week th1t can ba r•t1i11d •t wh11l111l1 to th1 publie. B•at the d11l•r1 on the11 ofd•r ears. SAVE I I MUSTANG SALE ;o kl d!o<K1I frtm. "I" tnd ~I" t't"llnden • Sllefld1 ll.llomM!ct. Some wlltl - !•teeriilt and w ~1tlon1111. 1965 1t1r11 lf67 ~ OOllVWf\Dlff.. -and +2 ra~lblcll.1 . . EXAMPLE, '65 MUSTANG c~. F11llY ~.in... lt&Jt~ P.S (AT" l,!ll 20% dnwn DI" tr«ll. $795 FULL PRICE $31 PER JO MONTHS '66 FORD 7 LITRE 5 P•n•nger H4,•~lo,t. ~ig •119ln1, 111fom•lic, air conditioniD9, pow•r •l11iint. ISVX0 662 ). 20% ~wn or tr1d1, Bl11t 8011• pr iee $1215. $1595 FULL PRICE $48 PER 36 MONTHS '61 FORD F350 C1b&Che11i1. (G"l51 711.20 % downortr1Je. $695 fuLL PRICE $29 PER l4 MONTHS . . '64 CHEVROLET MA.LIBU WAGON ., Radio. healer, power 1!1erin9. IOMJ 7•1 ). 20%1 down or tr1d1. $795 FULL PRICE $29 PER lO MONTHS '67 SUNBEAM ALPINE 8riti1h R1cin9 Gretn. Eq11lpptcf: IUOV 651 ). 20% down or trade. $1495 ' .. ULL Pl!Cl $45 Pll U MONTHS '64 MERC. WAGON 10 PASS. Colony Park. Full pow11, air. IJZY 731). 20 % down or lr1d1. $1195 FULL PRICE $40 PER 30 MONTHS '65 INTERNATIONAL 'f1 Ton fickup. (N86871 J. 20% down or trade. ·$895FULL PllCl $31 , PER Z4 MONTHS '63 MERCURY WAGON Colony Par• 9 pau1n9•r. F11l1y •quipp•d, power f•trln9, factory air. IUOF'7S21. 20% down. or tr1d• ' • ·, ' $895 FULL Pl,!Cl $31 PH JO MONTHS '63 CHEVROLE'I'. IMPALA I ' 2 Door T 1rdtop. V ·I, 111tom1fi~, radii, heller, powff •t11rin9. I Km I] l. 20 'lo I own or tr1d1. . $895 FULL ""';., $30 PEI JO MONTHI '67 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU (2) Two to ehoot• from . Full power, ftc+ory elr, fectory wtrr•nly. ITEY 9101 ITXU 719) I 20 % J-11 0t tr1cf1. $3195 FULL l!lllCI $86 1!111 H MONTHS '64 FORD SALE ( 13-.To Choose -From) '2 D", 4 Ort., S.dan1, Hardtops, Con••rtiiil•1, W•gon1, 1om• w/air I p. str119. EXAMPLE: '64 GALAXIE 500 4 DOOR v.1, 111lom1tie, f11lly •qwipp1cl. tTWR 411 l. 25 'lo dow11 or tr1cf1. $695 •uu PllCI $23 PEI JO MONTHI '67 AMBASSADOR 990 H.T. Low 11'111119•, #1111pow1r,1ir c•~tlitiollint, IUEX 4131. 20% .lowR •r tracf1. $1995 FULL PRICE $53 Pl~ ll MONTHI !.~n S,~,.,io ii'!' lo 6 pm ~r YOIW SllOppina. Conyenience -MOO ~ried Au... 9'4l0 •w YOUISWA&EN '61 GLAS 1100 ,GT. 3"1100 '66 VOLKSWAGEN · ml. Radio, radlll dre1. 1300 -2 Door Soden 11995 """ ..... ~ ~ ' Sp!, ·41r. 'l'hlt -~ •wt 838--lSll · 1 piautr hU been drtyt,tll JO. • , ca14<. 'Wtne !tallier mlerlor. JIAGU •R · ~!lent cdodltloo lnlide A 1"' • ~ \ out 115 Cluh deb. "'" tine '61 JAGUAR, 3.8 S, pwr prvt ply. Take pymnts- brks, pwr str, auto trans, $36.86. M-97'l3 or st~ . AM-FM. Chrome wire whla. Low mi's, xlnt cond. $4100. 6.\l-8649 • l ' 56 V.W. rece1.1t engine overhaul. new paint,. new • brJl<H. H,.der oxba""-= m $300.00.~ '65 .vw; AM/FM. llWll"OOf:, =========· must ltlL Best o11erl -, Sales, Service; Perts Complete new MG inventory See the new Austin America Here Now! J1rtuµort 31tnµorts MGB 435 <1amati0n. CdM '62 V\V: clean; good eond. New tires: radio; immac. Jnter. $150. IWG-9247 a1t 5 '67 VW, $1595. very clkn. $500. cash, bank financina $37.~1 Mo. 0 .A.C. 847-4qll' e '60 VW. Mech Xlnh T.O.P. plus S3q0. call 494-8247 morns • 1958 ·vw · $250. 962--0538 & 962-2m •·'M VW. SUm-ool • • $975 • • 962-1695 • '68 VW, Y'f:llow lacquer, 15,000 mi 'Leatherette in- terior. $1800. 646-1003 1961 VW Immaculate. Org owner. Am-Fm radio. Best offer. 6'i-0010 Del Montell . -4 --•fft-VW $15611. ""'= '6.'l VW neW motor, new tires, Xlnt cood. Chrome whls, tinted glass. 64z.4141 1967 MGB, ·W mile8.re. good 1, ... ~~vw=-· -.~,.,-,....,,x1n"'1,_oo-nd.'"' tires, 'red ?l wltl'I blaclt G~o, r/h. $1800 or beat int. 673-7642 • '-" PORSCHE '67 912, all extras. One owner. 11,.000 Mi. $4800 Firm. 673-9'144 day s , £7$-9002 eves. '66 PORSCHE 911, 5 speed, elec heater, 3 band radio, e11:tra clean, low mileage $4400. 673--0870 675-4085 PORSCHE 1!!64. C. Clean, Am!Fm. 1 owner. $3IXXI. 673--9339 or 675-5835. '62 PORSCHE Coupe. Im- mac., orig. cond. Oller! 673-366o: Eves. 548--8732 ollcr. Pvt pty 642-6824 ' VW Transax1e $50. 646-8434, Aft. 3 PM VOLVO VOLVO? We Have Them All! SEE US 1SI' OR LAST BUT SEF US! to1t Ll.lDiA IHPORTS OYOT .... VOLVO 1966 Harbor, C.M. g.m.9303 __ R_E_N_A_U_L_T __ * New Yolvos * RENAULT sedan; red with blk. removable hartdop; fir. shift. $500. 673-5630 • · $UBARU GET A BETTER DEAL Herb Friedlander 13T::i0 Beach Blvd. (Hwy 39) 2 blks So. G.G. Fwy. 89l-'r;;i66 5.37-8824 1969 SUBARU from $1297; 66 MPG Antiques, Classics 9615 ~plete foreJgn car service . , 56 Mercedes . Kosta Kustam Kars 300'SL GULLWING 1980 Harbor Blvd. 646-54Y C.Ompletely restored; ·engine, ·SUNBEAM transmission, body in!erlor. Make offer, or can be seen at 998 So. Coasl Highway. '63 ALPINE Convert. Silver 494-9773 or 545-0634 grey w I blk Iealher. Xlnt 1936 Ford grille $15. 2 rear ~nd. New Michelin ~!aI doors complete with glass tires, wire "".his, 4 spd disc u o e~ One front end, codi- brakes-, wifes car, always ,plete with A·1rame & 16" in garage, economlc:aI, _fast wheels, ideal to make a & very pretty. $850. Fll'tn. trailer with $20. V.W. bus Call 546-0066 Eves.. Mats about 6' long. $25 for '6't SUNBEAM Alpine, iimall 3 of them. Call 536-8411 H.B. equl!Y, auutne balance:. 6'7S-.9214 Wknds or aft 4:30 PM , '66 SUNBEAM _.&LPINE $1450 846-0408 TOYOTA PUT YOURSELF IN OUR PLACE • BILL MAXEY !T!OIY!OJT!A! 18881 BEACfl BLVD. Hunt. BNch. 847-8555 3 mi N. of Coast Jlwy. on Bcb TOYOTA! We Heve 'Em Alli SEE US lST ·OR LAST BUT SEE US!! • eulfmiA 111PORTS OYOTA-VOLVO --.CM. -TOYOTA HEA11QUARTF.R• ELMORE i5loO Seidl --· w- f· 1 ---' TRIUMPH MUST ..UI '115 TR-I 113:111- or beat ofter. Call 6'l3-835l. Oil 5. SOCK IT TO 'EM! 1940 Ford Dlx Coupe, Beaut paint new chrome, All Qlev rwvli.ng gear, j))llW mags. 4. IPd tnul5. leafW inL $9IXl Urm 646-650']. afL 6. Autoe Wented 97CO WE PAY •.• CASH for UBed cars &: bticks just call us for free estimate. GtioTH CHEVROIET Ask for Sale. Manager lmfBeacltBIYll. Huntington Beach Kl...,, NIED 11 CAR! CAN'T BE J'lllANCEDT .,,.,,.,,,.., ·~t •Bad cndlt! • -· •MllltatJ .w .. lo _, )lab Pi>d'1 .......... McCARTHY MOTORS lG So. Ml1n A r.dlncer (2 blocb N, d Sein) Santa Ana Pb ~ WE PAY.WH FOR YOUR CAI CONNELL CHM~LET 2828 a.-B!Yll. Costa' -546-1200 Will .• UJ Yodr VoOCrnpn or ·~ l .., tqp ilOIJuL hld tor .. ao1. can 11a1 .. 673·1190 . DAILY Pltm WANT ADS! \ • -I JAKUAR~ R£0 lM~ US£0 CAR SALE THE PRICE ON EACH AND EVERY USED CAR IN 00~ GIANT INVENTORY HAS BEEN SLASHED. WE MUST DO THIS TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR RE60RO, ·BREAKING NEW CAR TRADE-INS. -START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT IN A DEPEND- ABLE LAT! MODtt USED CAR OR BRAND NEW 1969 PLY- MOUTH , CHRYSLER OR IMPERIAL. THE BEST CAR AT THE BEST PRICE ••• , , THAT'S ATLAS-CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH. • d radio ha•l•r, •~e•l-Relly Sport .. ~pe• ' I' (l20994lb21 lint.-cond.ition._ Eco111!_my~:._ _ _ _ -· $1488 • I ''6) ~RAND PRIX '68 HONDA Appro~imal•lv 3~0 Ser1mbl•r. Lik1 n•'lt· I owner. V8, a11to1n1tie, RIH, PS, air eo"- ,.,.. _ _djfio"in9. I KQF6,tl l '·"' m""$'&aB .. ·~-BRAND NEW 1969 .VALIANT l•OR; .SEDAN·-, " · FULL FACTORi . EQUIPPED , , 2027 ' Sorl•I No. Vl21A9El21937 No. PE21F90186840 I ' . BRAND NEW 1969 PL YMOUfHr FU~ f. FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED . ' 2396 °"' l"l'ICfl Pl1t Ta .cl U11-Sal• Prtc:n 1o1W nr ... ,. ,,.._,, ,,,_;., 1f. 116t • I I. I I ' " , I . I ! " Q Doll\.Y 1'11.0T • ...NsPOR r ATIOli w-.,, Ji'""' I, IM TRANSPORT11ION TRANSPOllTATION TltANSPOllTATION· TUNSPOllTATION T11ANSl'OttTATION TUNSPORTATloN TRANSPOllTATION ' TWISPORTATIOH ,__c:-tlDO ...... Can •. -Can HOO CAJ}ILLAC -for NINETEEN «SIXTY-NINE . \ ORANGE COUNTY'S ~ lARGm' ' ' SWCTION OF • 'CADHUai& . USED QUALITY TRADE~NS CA:RS All SALE PRICED! II 1967 CADlLLAC Thl1 lowely Co11pt D• VIII• lt11 ell pow9f, nllth h1cl1uli111 pew•r 1 .. 1rln9, br1lc11, wl11dow1, 111t 011d C.dillac'1 '''"'"' f1cfory olr c1P!Jltio11!119, 1t11"e1 AM·FM, tllt wh11I, twlll9llf 1111t., Pr11nl11111 D.iibl1 E11f• tir11. l1111fifwl 1.ullr llllrl .. 111, fl111 111t.moltll11 IVAX71G) SALE $4333 PRICE 1967 "EL DORADO F1btii\111 II Oor1llllo. a..11tiful 1niJ111 .,Jilte with bl1clc pedd14 tOp end bl1cli: l11th1r i11t.rior. fqr.iipped witfi f1ctorr 1lr ••'"'ltlonl119, ,.,...,, 1t11r• i119, br1k11, wlndow1, AM.fM r1dlo, tf1r111, .... , lo•U. twnl1ht 11nth11I, <111fom1tii li9ht dimmer. All tl1l11111 1rlra1I ITQXllll SALE $5222 PRICE 1967 CAJllLLAC Fl••twood l reu9h•m. M•Jettic r99al MIY.r wlfti Llack ,a.14MI t•, 1111d bl11clr t11pe1try ,,.J l1111ther lnf•ri11r; Alf ,._..,. l11cl""1'119 •tffri111 ~t\111, windewt, v•11t willdow1, trwnk liil releaM. St.ne r-'No. tilt e11C ..i.1u,ic li1•rint wt.Ml phu f•cfery eir co11Ciitio11l119. lUICV.JJfJ SALE $4666 PRICE 1965 C~DILLAC Fl•1tweocl lrou1h1111. The •pif0fll9 of fi11e et1feftlebll11 fi•i•h•ll h1 6r•chp1 whlt1 wltli blac ped.l.d roof •"' Ha11Hfi.I '"'l>r1lclarMI DD'l'Mtll• clelh a11d lo•th.r lnl•rior. f•cfory eir ce11ditionio9, fiill pewer e11.I •II tlto ••· fT111 t. cOt11'~""'11t tlil1 cir of cari. IHPDIOI l .. SALE PRICED 1965 THUNDERBIRD La11dau h•~fop. A b•auliful ••pphir• blu• J.lircl W"lfti flrlf whit. l1rtdau roof, all ¥lnyl l11t1rlor. Fwll powar 11qulpm111t l11cl. ,. • ., br11li1s. pewtr •f•orin9, powtr window1, pow1r 1111 incl f1clery •Ir conclilf111in9. An outttanilint cir •I ouhtaMi$ uvln9 .. IMPPl21 I SALE 1666 PRICE 1967 CONTINENTAL A \Mautlful turqwei11 4 door wit+. turqaoi11 f111f l1ath1r l11t1ri1r. All tho pep•l•r ,;.-•H'kh i11.ch1.lint po11Jlf' 11 ... rifllt. btati .... whtclows, IMh. f•cfary •ir ce11.litio11in9. Tlli1 car k ol»sol11t.ly fante1tlc l111iCe & out ond jud w1 itint fM ftiat parllc11lor b..:. lTGM771 I, SALE $35·55 PRICE --- _ .... ' t flUWAT QOSE I flOM....-U ,._....,.., I 1 Ml 10V111 Of WI ltltO 'fWT. ON HU101 ILYI. \.' I -; . A Mc!~terpi~e from .:. . . .. The Ma~ter Craftsmen . • On Display and Ready for Delivery Today! ORDER YOUR 1969 CADILLAC NOW! LEASE DIRECT • FAST DELIVERY FAST SERVICE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL PR5VIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY Folft•lflc Do Viii• Conerfiblo fini1hod In bo11utiful lvenho• 1968 CONVERTIBLE 9ro•11 with bleclr top 111d black 11ath1r interior. Fu lly pow1r 1qulppMI lncltufi119 f1cfery ar, co11difieniJ19, 1f•r•o AM.ft.I ridio, aulom•ttc crui10-c011hol, tilt-f1l•1copic 1l•1ri119 wh11I $ 49 9 9 1 11d '"'" power ••nt wl11dow1. Thi1 Cadillac: is in urp•rb co11· dition l11tide & out! tXSl'6f4l SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN SALE PllCES EFFECTIVE THROU&H SUNDAY, JANUARY 5,' lf69 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9:00 A.t.,1. to 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY and SUNDAY • ORANCif COUNTY'S ~ lARG~ST -·-. sWCTION OF •• ' tADlllAcS & USED Ql)AUTY TRADE~NS CARS All SALE PRlaDI q 1966 THUNDERBIRD The 1por+., 2 cloor hardtop 11 f11lly 1qulppocl with ,_,, tM.,.i"t• pow•r br11k1 .. power wllldow1, powor 1161 •n4 for4'1 f1111eu1 factory 1lt c•ll· ditionin9, A a.autlfwl 11tin 1il¥or nltrior wltft black •l11yl lnt•rior, Mu5t b111111 I driv111 to fully appr11ciatot IRTUJlfl. SALE $2222 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC 01Vil10 cOn'1'1rtibl1. l1autiful Cameo b.if' with 1111tchl119 to,.1~cl laatll1r lnf.,.ler, Th is low "'il••'J• cir i1 1J1.c1plion1lly oquippod wffll factory air condltloniJ19, jle:-tlf 1t•orin9, power brake1, power 1e1h, power wi11dow1, tilt •nd telo1copic: whool, AM·FM ,.radio. CXS,6921 SALE $4333 PRICE 1965 CADILLAC DoVil1• 2 door. lroatlttaking 1and l:.•191 w/hvrnt llronro 11111 l•aftier, pow. er steering, power brakos, el•eiric: windew1 I 1eoh, tilt wheol, white 1ide woll1, fectory 1ir conclitien-lng. A. im111ac11lete cor th1t Is True Qu11 Hty at• re•l low, lew pric:•. lfCU~111 SALE ·~666 PRICE . , 196,5-CADILLAC Tlt1 pop11l•r "'ff D•Ville. fli;ihh•d In l1roq110 9olcl 111lerior wit\ malch. in9 9old l•11ther 1111d c:!Oth lnt1rlor. H11 all tha pop11lar Cadill•c lu1ury fo11+urt1 includi119 pow•r 1l••rin9, power br•i•t, pow1r wlM1w1, pewer 1eah, ti911•l 1••'ing rad io ond of c:ouno C11dill11c f11ctery air cencllHenin9, 171221 SALE ~666 PRICE 1962 CADILLAC Co11pe DeVilta. Thl1 m•J•1fic fv1ode blaci C11ilillac wit+. whlto loather interior ho1 11llfto1• 1111 of tlte delu10 f•1!11re1 that C.cllllac It fa1111eu1 fer inclulllllrtt power 1toorl119, ,_,, bi-a•••, power •••h and pew•r win.lows, Al10 h11 C1cliUac F•ciory air conditionin9. Yo11 mu1t driva tlti1 one, IJRH5l21 ' SALE $888 PRICE 1965 BUICK Wildcat 4 deer hardtop. Spaniih Sil¥er fini1h with r•d vinyl ltriorier. Eq11ifped wiflt AM·FM radio, tilt 1t1•rin9 wheo~ power tn11k Ii.I "'''''• wire wheel coven;, radio, hoaler, 1utom1tic tron1miHio11, po-r 1t1ering ancl pow•r brak1t. Very low milo1. I RRYl761 SALE PRICED Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harboll Area NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540~9100 CHRYSLER DODGE MUSTANG PONTIAC • '65 CHEVROLIT Conv. Impala Super Sport. VB, automatic. radio. heat. er, factory air, ~ lltttr- ing &: brakes. Lie, OYZ125 '64 Chrysler lmperl•I Full pwr, aJ:r conditioning, 6 WlY p\f'I' eeat., dtt, pwr an- tenna. Car bu bad lovine care. New thu, $85 cuh deliven. WW fine ~ pty. 1aM: loW pymnta. f!M.977J or545-0634 •65 DART, hi pe.-..nc., '67 MUSTANG new eng .. tira, ~t. trarui. VB, 4 speed, factory air. GT~ pM. •teer., brkl. 5'&-7913 radio, heater, Lie. ;mime. '?ii PONTIAC, one o~ New tires, brakes. Rww pod. Make oiler. 646-4~"'"' .. i4MJtz --~ A1110 ·WIS ·-L~rAY~ FOR YOUll CAI rAIO BUICK '57 BUICK Super, 2 dr, P.S., P.B .. R/H, $295. 1 owner. Andenoo Union Service 1645 Adams, Costa Mesa. '6l BUICK SpedaJ, 2 door, •uto tranl, r/h. ~ rv~ n.inp •fter 5:~. CADILLAC '58 CAD. Air COIJCI, PIS, PJB. 4 dr hrd top. l'UTlll great, good tires, S251l. or best otter! ca.lJ &fter 5:30, lilG-1253 $1695 1st car lot on Harbor Blvd. JOHNSON & SON CONTINENTAL Linooln-Mereury Costa Mesa Branch .... $2395 lit car lot on Harbor Blvd. FALCON JOHNSON & SON '65 F_ALCON ~rlCO,.t;'!~h CllJB WAGON, automatic 00 Harbor Blvd. 642.'KfiO ....... , rodio, ..,.,.,, Uc.i========I RlAll1. OLDSMOBILE l!Ml Harbor Blvd. 642.TMO roR Sale by owner. 1966 '64 CllEVY II red S W, Continental 4 door Sedan. lit ear Jot $c!nt9~ Blvd. ,_ OLDS CU"---Convt. 2&1. 4 apd, $100 or best Z,(D) actu&l mile&, full pow JOHNSON Ir SON •• -ottu. 530-7193 . 1960 OiEVY " air aond. vinyl ""''· · R/H, elo. 11185. '64 Old• 1955 CHEVY Wagon vs, al, Red Waaon -B~ Molar Carnegie Oanlc prerniwn x'Jncotn.MerctUY Sprt Cpe Jetstar I Aif..cond, 11.ulomatic, gd runnlnr cond, $399 W/a/W. Call Dr. A. Adamll Colla MHI. Branch R/H, ed. $1185. Prv prty. ruo. 963-6256 urwM11n:11 MOTORS ~ alt 6:30 P.M. call "'1"'~-&i$111ii"';;.;·;;;i;;;6"-,.-iiilii-.,"'"n""">cii~"""'~·oem '68 OIEV rn.nrwiu ....-.;tf"'7 ~ 1967 OLDSMOBILE · Impala; CW1tom. ~RD Toronado deluxe, full pwr, Pwr. bri<a., '"'"·' 2 dr. 2000 IIDbor 81"1. '62 OONT.. beaolllul oar: r.v hdtp. $2600. 833-2817 ~ 548-8511 xlnt cond. 63,00> Mi.; all ---------1 AM A FM nulio, U!l\!lDe CHEV II 62 Au,_ .. _ 4 li62 lMP_.' ... 2 dr RT, SS. '=...,="'="'°°=='=644-0'l!IO==="'-1960 10RD Fairla.ne, $115. balance of $3474. 615--0ttl •..,..-OK; -.-. 1 , Good condition,. call aftEr '&& OLDS, -4 dr HT, ps, pb, dr Mt ~. ~ 440 lZT el'll.. bucket lftlts. R C R 5 PM. 968-~ FM J'lllCUo, Ro)ra1 Masttt '64 CAD. c .. 0. Ville; "'11 W. l9lh. CM • H. auto, while, w/"'1 0 VAIR pwr. I: a.tr. Vft'f dean! 1959·=-CHEV==--:-,---,s~.~B. Jnt. Clean, .W,OOJ ml. ~ ---------1 :::s..~ mw1. SI&. Prl\1 •• EL DORADO. lib MW. 8000 ...... ,,....,, -Pvt "'7· ......... m"'3&, $2ll0. -= Ewnlnp • V-1. Xlnt moc:llaJL ""'1. Prl """"' $1SO. 549o-Oll9 NEWCASJU MOJllM UNCOLN I'°'='=="""...,....,,....,..,...,... weekends, 1-49S-611!5 pty $.1Z. 546-0143 196S OIEVEU.E Ma 11 b u VII.I -----.---• l'Q OLDS 81 f ctr bnl top, 1960 SEDAN De Ville. recent CHEV 11 6.1 Auto. f dr Super Sport, r I: h. auto 2116 Harbor Blvd. '64 LINCSLN air p/b p/a Sl.OOG ori& mi -/trano ...... ul. FUD R • H Air. Call o.,; ...... po. DU tlm. $1S25. Cott• -ConUnen1'14 dr. NI pow.r,!Pvt==~~ll'l!L;;:::::IM=ll:lll:;==: ~ 1mmaou1a.., im ,..._, $625. 61>-J6S2 '6! Corvalt Spld<r 1$9 tac1«7 air. Uc. 100837. I" PL.._._,..._. '62 CllEVROIEr S!atloo 'II atl:VELLE SS; '•P•I., 642-4666 $17'5 .JllllVU.lft w....., one......,.,... poo>.lnct., !WI, DI HP.1-~~==C,,.--ht cor lo>! on Harbor Bl"!. !112VAUAN'I'"-illdL ._,,. ~-~~.~· ........ ·~M,e_~~ JOHNSON&SON Good.._ $G!. m..asi" RAMBLER 1'63 RAMBLER w ... ~ 1 DR 770 Qu.,ic, r ol: ~ ucellent condition. S6eO; 1956 Oievy Be.I Air. 4 ot . V-& Auto. $31Xl. 642.{l85 ~ STUDEBAKER :. $995 ··; lit car lot on Harbor 81.& JOHNSON&SO Lfnoom.Mm:ury Com -l!ranoh :; 00 Harbor 1!1"1. 642-lllOO T-llRD Ult T..aIRi>. lJb ftnl .... 1-.~· liarborBi..t.C.M. 1961 CHEVY I .,t et1c1r, 1--------64>«115 Aft I PM Llnc:oll>M""""' ln-1* Xlnt cond. Now t I r.,, 1--..-------==::::;::::;::::;:::;== eo.ta -l!nOc:li '""'"""v;::;.u.wrr;,;,.,=~51~.-1--~. ue aro c.a.. !I' ,"I •i---- ~ FOR Oii MOTi b..W. • tnno. tllU71ll CHRYSLER CORVETTE ™' H.-BM. Ml-7'60 blk mt. ............... 1117. l!IO FALCO!<, -2 dr 644-008 OdM JOIN U.. .,...... II di. DAILY Pll.Or WAHr All8I PICIU'ECT Omd!l!\m. '!17 Jll67 H T , a>NV. --Y-. $1111. r.r aond. q ...,,.... at, $3:200. 9td&n, U(lholR!Ty like he•. • .,,mi. $1100. or -ottW. -•• :-EST---t. 547-34& 1 l:Mr ~ ~ '13 TEllPEST 4 <:yl. 4 Dr. '61 TEllPEST WAGON Xl~ : aedan: chm'y' lnff'r.: be.t C'Oftdl $400 or be t ' ff • •I •• - c ------- below m.rltet. ~1Mt many ell'tru. M7~&f ' lllck. ndlo, "'1 1Jc. CIOan. TllE QIJICIW\ YOU CALL, 116>-72!11 THE QIJiaD:R TOO SEIL .. -_._ ------------------- ot'fitr. 9'J2 9J.et Dr, Of lM-1C3J I 0 et'; . ! • .,, __ "\----- -~-------------·----- ' 35-PIL9T-AbVERTIHR ·:~;!~.~!!m~~ hHhr, $8 7 7 bucket ' .. •t•, c;oiyole. white . w•llt IHHXSOI ' " · ~t DOWN: I. $49 MON'IHLY 1..;,, ;..,. t T 1 l ;~~;~i~:~~~~~~I~;: $9· .. 7 7 factory air. IUEWOl6) $33 DOWN~&:, $3.3 M~NTHLY. • ·,0;.r ~m t T 1 L' ,:~!.~~~!~~~~!;,,· $6' . 7· 7 radio, heater, power steering, · · factory air. I VF8677 I · $23 DOWN & $U MONTHLY J"•' """ t T & l 4 BLOCKS e sOUfff Of JHE SAN DIEGO FREIWAY . ' u :'I-FORD ' • ~66 PLYMOUTK · •• _ _,.)._,,~, -v "'·'·-· • tl'l-ON~ +~ IF~tit, ,.tlit, l\ .. ter . IVZP7Q:9 1 · ,$2l~. A $26 MO.NTHL Y .·· $777 '" . ~ . ' VI, ewttlll;tllC'; ..Nit, htiter, pewtr ._.,,1~,. 'f'llJtt ••Ila. fSYl2t61 $4J DOWN I. 50. MONTHLY '65 CHEVROLET T....-Mu,+. TI L .. r " ,, , ,, ' _, ,,. _ ... •-:;..:".'" " '65 PIY Fury Wag~:i1-o· ·-·1, 1 · ;;.:.. ..... ~ .. e:~..wtoved c · . -C.£L ! Air...c.an~.pa.war...a.t.luin.9,._au,f•·" 1 . ' Fln•~e c 540-8910 NQW : 1 :m1tic, ;aaio ~'le! heeter. . . TRADE '·!'.'! IRVJ-410·1 . · •IN QUOTE~, ··$36 OQwn & $36 Monthly : · r 0t11 Prl<0 + T fA L , _ . ' . . .'67 CHEV Bel Air$]'.]. , '1f 7· .-: .... Beautiful matedor red -cruipp•d~ _,. ~ , 1 , w/factory e ir, PS, Auto:,i _~IH'. ), -,, • ... fTVK-701 ) 1•· . ,' l ' \ ' •• $46 Down & $46 Monthly Totil Price + T • L · · . . ; ' '65 PLY Barrac'da Ro11dio, heater, mlnY other •~' tras. I IQN-648) $29 Down & $29 Monthly $877 :~72 ~~·~·'·~~~ .. t~-$137·:·7 mat1c, power steering, radio and heater. IULY-1 861 Ttfal Price + T & L $46. Down &: $46 Monthly .. ..,.,.. Price + T & L '66 PLYM Sp Fury Rad,io, h•titer, pow9r steering, automatiF, powtl"' br1kel. ISVU-6501 $-4i Down I. · $-43 Monthly , ·:-. -· ~ :~.h~~~p~(;~~~~ .• ~t~ 2· ·-3.7 7. htr., P/S, fct. 11r.1J VRC-7$0 l · . $10bown & ' ·. •I -. . ,. . • $10 Monthly · · ~·· · Tetal PrlC9 + T & L Totat 11!'1tt + T & L I • ti i I 'I I I ) -::ic.,,,......,_,,"'""...,.....-.,.....,-..,..~..,-·~~~ ........ _,...--...-~4~•,_.., _..,~r,~.-T..-·-.-r·-·~··~-:-.,.,-,,.....~....,-..... ~_,,.,~-:-"l""'-~--~---,~.-,~l,~ .• -:--.~"-,'"7'""_..,~..._ ' • . . ",. 1 II 1 ~; ~ " " • ~: • ~ ~ • t : I ... :"! • ,,._ • . • I • ~· ( 'IN. l(E~;~.:~~H. 06; ;~~1dv, T~~E itE~ PONTIACS ARE r(~t~iR;PJ>~D-~;~ ~~o~s. OH~·~,~E.EQUf~~ ~ ~~E·~,~idi}i;i~~P~IOE~· . . . . . . . .1 '' ' '!. ' . . .. ~ ... 8"1.tifui ., L.~llw ;c .;_ . H~rc(i_op CoUi;f ii :-~-· - • .;.:,.._.., .. .!.a.L,.,..~J: °t ' eqy1~ w.m!~'" . ·. .. .. fop, HydrliNljc, Pi!!\;j>~on rioio, · pol.er "-in9 .. power.clisc br1ke1o pOwer wlii4awi,,fii ConclitloftW!g, while ' "· • · · · • " ~ · . 1icl1 wol tli.s, ~ W·~~l!Mili•li, visor mirrors .' soft:O•y· 9lou,.frontiloot nilli, -,.,;;.;19 c~ oUtslcl• mirror; hi<lld.ft-wincl· shield anllnnt, 400 eubic inch engine (350 hp, !hot 11), encl .it. the ' stelMIMcl_.~ :4r~J,'rix occesiories. No .. 21'579P 112715. , "".Uc.At ...... «:s4s-as .. . -"""· .(,·;r. ~ ,,..__. -·--' -· -. . . lHI AMERICAN SPORTSCAR THA f · ~~TAl(IN. ~ COUNTRY BY . Sf~M. lHIS-·t:M':JEUAt '#2ii37tk 11°"315= ~ JOU;-TODAYI JIAU· TIFUt WA . '-ILU2'wmt BLUI INTERIOR. -..,: lo, :,t ~~ ..... t ··,· ..... , ' -.-·, -.'> ·o '.: ' ' J ' '\. !' . --' . ' ' .. ' HERE IS GREAT VALUE·IN ONE OF THE MOST POP.Ul.4R · PONTIACS OF, ALL •••• , ••• THI IXCITIN(f LE ,MANS . Hordtop Coupe. Verdor~ cfreen el(torior witli-ble'ck interior. Decor group, ·· automatic, pudl b~jton .r4dio, .he1+,.r,·poWeft StJ.efing; ~ntitf 9la~s, etc ... Serial.number .237379R600l24,:'!>lus .lic. & Tax. · .. ' .. . I .,. BIG 35" ENGllO, TURBO• HYDRAMATIC, POWE!_. STEERING, 10WER BRAKES, AIR , . COND_rr:!~toilMG, PUSH '. BU'nON RADIO, · • SOFT-RAY GtASS. HEAD RESTRAINTS, DE· • COR GROUP, RED.UNE TIRES, REMOTE CONTROL 'MIRROR, CONSOLE AND DEl:UXE SEAT BELTS. PLUS UC .. &· 'l'AX. ... .. •. ' • - ·--.. ---~ __....._ ---------- ... ... . . ~-SAVE .2.95 QH 31 MEf>!S · ~ • TO~PENN .. ~r ~s . j SHllTS Wrl'H SOIL RELEASE • ~. 1. • ...... • t f· •. -_~4· (H..-bor Shoppi119 Centef} r is: ~ ' .,r ' r ;!1'' SAVI 67• oN' I Pu. I Meis . ~ .. TO~~-~LUS S!~CH ~HOH Wnff A C\ISffK?N SOl,I • . ' lupp. o.ily P&let, Wed., .S.. I, 1M9 ·- All Penney Stores ~n Eve,Y Night Mondoy Th.ro~gh Saturday. . '• . .. I. A i.cy..,.... ,_.. ~1'-uwy _.... .. ""'-I ... ...................... ,,.co ............. .... .... ......... _ .......... ~ ........ .... ~-yavlv.Yt .. S.M.~~ c.r-•a-·~'Wbfi....._,....._ ......... ~ .. _,.,_...,.,,,.,. ....... ~- ....... Wll6 ... r, .. th• I 1 I ..... Ill ... lhelilder r .... ht~.....,J Wllik iaA. I _, C cvpe. .. Ow ....... ......, ..... with .... ,.,,_..,_, ..... .,... .......... tlthe-"'912'l)'V'CI·..-. .. ,..,.. ... tttol rethts pHowlnt a..tt ,-ti A~~lor .............. VMlllll.M.L .. )t.. . ' " ... •'Af.# • .I ~J,.''~: •J ~.~., NEWPORT· 'hACH i . -(~eihion . 1~'1") ............................... -... ........ -.':11 .. --------------------------------------~----~~~~~ ~ , WOMIN•s NYLON llM1IC ............ AMVOlllll IN llflllm M MW•ll YIGlllM'S IUMIUI NYLON HOll ••• ONI Of TOUR fAVOIJlU ~"""IYSI .3M Plnnl)'l r..-hote ••• now ~for ......... .eoct .. -,_,,_.,. ..... ol.-.andgals.SIDll~·11. ' COST N · MEsA: .......... Slt1ppln1 c..t.r) .. . . . • L a • fldl "'W 'I•_. .,,, •t :' I I ' ' . WOA9urS 100% NYLON SHILLS ••• -......... .,, )lllt obout .. ~ IMa'9n ... jldalta """ ••• and....,_ ... "".,, . --~11M in...,. ........ .-...., "'" .. '· black, and.,..._~ IM UL (' . "' 1' •• I ...... ·-............... _. __ ,,_, ___ 8 ....... _. ___ ' ....... ..... rnsre allAQllD SUPEI lizl IHlllS 'QW NIVll .-0 llONNG· ........ ;alaii ..... 6. .. 7 ................. ............. ,......................... ~ ·~· ... ~ ..................... __ , __ ........ . . ,..,IOSI' MllllH PllCALU• MfAaNIJI,.. ~ •• SAVI NOWI • ....... I • --........... 416eI• -....... .. ............ ...:..a.n . ": ,..... -~ .-9.17 .... _.~ __ __,_,.._,_,_, ... l/U~ --~ ......... , Hefkt Shipplttg Center ------ TRB l'BM'lEY §TORY I Wlaytmake 1uchabig Jealoatol.. quoli,Y1 _, -, 101BllTA NAIR ··•-..................................... 211.17 ~ ......... ... PASTEL PElCALE SHEllS IN PINK. YIU.OW AND SEA l'OAM-HIAVENLY! n.111 ... ............... 2.54 NEY/.9G>RT"i ltfAG:H :' i,, , ..... lilinl) -. . - {: ' Beautiful~9~-ltecl . bed•preaCl~. In . so-Ids and. prints . 9.99., ., ... ~QST A ~~ v: (HerbOro Shoppkf c...tw) tftf• a 1124 C11 e.) . . : .. ·~ . i . : .J . ' ' •I ' h I ---..--: . t • : I { . -· - . ' . I ! a .,. ----------------- ... ':11'f' . ",.. .,,.,,., •h• "' , ,.,,..., ~ , ,., ,. .l4Vf •"t • .. _.,_ • -... ~-...,,. ..-... ---..,. .....,.. • ~ I ' NMNIVS lull-. n.Hy ,...., ~2 W.1 ,, "" SPECIAL BUY! · lo~• combed cotton T-shirts and bri.ef. ,... combed cotton-oblOl't..t d comfortable, ltl whiie. Stock 11P tttili i. boy'1 liiei 6-18. I . ' i I I SPECIAL IUYI . l G1rl'a ank .. pants ' I ?~10Cl5...._*91ch .... ftlt .... lll ~ ............. colort. Glrt't ... ~14. -ll»":? ' •. , • ·rr ·..:. 1L99 J'~ .: ... :· .. :, : : ~ .. Olrl'1 ..... Wa . "1.44·· ' ..... Harbor Shopping Center HONTINGTON ' BEACH 3.99, :·2 ... . ..... ; NEWPORT ·BEACH ..... ~ . , 'f ,., . . . ~ ~- ; .. I: ,. ;. r I , --.. -----------~ -.... ~---------.-...---------------------------· ---- t I , I . enn.-~•. AJJ/IAYS FIRST GU~~ -... .. _ . i • Save $100 ori'our mqgnificent '·"· . . "' Meaiterrarte·a.n stereo consoli . . . .. , : . ._.: ... , 'i-.;. D:. . -. Save $100 on~oilr · · : :sterieo cOnsole: ..... , · 'with a t~9 d~ck!-. ' ... ' ., . ' l ' (Fashion lsl.tnd) . . .. . . . · • fP. speaker sound ayst.m, 2-12" woofers d • 75 watt solid state amplifier ... \ ( ~'t··. • ~. .. ' I ~·· --. . ..