HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. • • • I• • • . ~RIDAY ·AFTERNOON, ~ANUAltY 10, 1969 YDL. U. MO, r, 4 llC110fUr N PA ... . . • • U .. S. Names Men for Moon Landing Trip • ' . . . ' * Strike Goes On Despite lJ:eprisals ' . . .. . . * ~!WI FRANCISCO (UPI) -Sll'tldng .. .;...,""".,;;;.;.....,.,, ;.,,:.._.t.:ilriil:!u~ ~'*"· Joined by militant students, ,.. today pk:keted Sao Francisco State .. ~ ""im._. College in the face of possible arrest and lnss of their Jobi. 1ti1 nice wo~Jt. if·you,<:an· get it, as Barrv ·~ -... ~ur, beach iD.spector a~ Queenscliff Beach near Sidnev _· ... ,,-aalia,. can attest. Seymour is riiaking sure. bikinis wo~ ~t Sharryn Marquette (left)· and Mary Anne Peters ~~ with new beachwear regulationa. ·News rules _s&.y th,. ..... ::. .... 3' De minimum of 21h inches of 'Cloth across · hips. 1 Gambling, Prostitution Raid Jails 6 in County A fiourishlng, applici.tion-only clobl\i\J. eel HEnte.rtainment Unlimited" WU broken up in Anaheim early today Jn a raid which clirn.ued . a long, Orange County-wide probe of giunbllng and pro ·ltituUml. Cards, dice, chips, and a poker and '-cra}J· tatile wert setzed as evitf~ in the raid on a private home, where four- men and two women were arrested,. police reports alleged. Lawmen from eight different agench~s. Jncluding the District Attorney's oUice, sheriff's office, Anaheim police and · Newpbrt Beaib pollc:o · depirtnierill pgrticlpated in tbe inveStiga.tton arid ' raid. District Attorney's Investigators aaid today 'lhat Ent!rtalnn\ent Unlimited ii charged with havln& .sllged gamblinc (Seo VICE llAID, Pl(rZ) ' Far the fifth day, union faculty members paraded In lront of strife-tom tchool with student atrlkers. The teachers were w8flled.\ they would be considered by college admlnlstrators as ha'vlng resigned and in ccintempt of court for defying an lnjaacllon against their str!R. "Our attorneys tell us the state cannot declare intoluntary reslgnaUons," aald a . uhkin Je:ader. ••we will continue to ltr..lke." Al cllSle:I n:t\DDl!!d, a coed was ar- telted when bel car swerved close to .everal pollcemeft crossing the main in- teraectloa D6U' the campus. Foul.smell- 1n1 cbtmlcall were poured on the floor ol the library later •. The •trim and 1pOradlc violence wu refiecled·by dlminiahlng allendance and growing hoslifity !ofard pollco efforls to maintain order. • Even acting President S. I. Hayakawa, who has previously declined to dl.scua attendance figures , confirmed ThW'lday that ooly about 50 perctnt ol the school'• 11,oao students are attending classes. • Meritberi'·+of the striking American FelteraUdn of Teachers and two militant minority · groups, who have been on ltrlle since Nov. I, claimed the figure was mu.cb lesii than 50-perce:nt. The AF'T, :wbldi represents 300 of (See SF STATE, Pase Z) .. • -. • • -- • • ·- ' ~· ··want E~OIRpt~~ ' • JI ~ • J '· : • .. .. -· ' .~ .... ·~ ,. .:;r .::.~~ .• -~ • • I .. • • ID • • . ' ... UNHAPf!INHs1 IS A DR\ICJ BUST Curtllt l:Hry With Son John I . . . ,, Lea~y S'ays-~Sonu3oiw'· Out ·w Make Ex(lmp.le By JACK CHAPPEIL Of ..... ,., , ... 11111 ' ' LSD cu!Ust Dr. Timothy ~ary, ap- pearing in Lquna • B<ad! • Municipal ' . . . ' '-Court . - '., _:..; .H . • • ~Valley ·:State ' ' . r ~fu.er.ge~y Called Off NORTHIUDGE, Calll. (UPI) -Scllnnl oificla!f today ......neci a: -ol emttgency which resulted In · I h a pe·acetul, maa: arrata Tbunday of JM 11udenll and ·lholr "l'J>l!"'len -d)n'lng an unaulhoril<d raliy at Saa Fernaodo Valley Slate College. . 1lle state of emergency wu c:anect oil following a mtelfOg eari, today between· rthdol ofllclalt ~ mllltenl Negro lllldent leiden. '!'be 1tudenll alto agreed lo stage an "lnlormattnnar ral!J o11-• ....,.. -IDllead-ol· .. the-111burban. -pus, 20 mllu -...i ol,downtown Lnl Ang-' No one rellllad amOt '1'11unday and 'I'm•,~ JoUd with the, 75 whit. 1>e1metk PIU:~· durb\1 jlle/rifuhifiip. There wU, bdieyer,1conaide:rabae swW-. Id. and lhoulinll,at lhe pollgutatm. Ii P9ll\l9'....,..' ~ 11, .... Cl!"' ol the .-peactful miss ........ b< i+il .... -· ' . " •c:.au I Countian Killed, 2 Othe1-s Burned In Mystery Blast A ,m.yateriooJ uploslon in an un- dei-pound storage tank .at the Un.Im, Oil Co, research centtt ii'!. Brea '11mrld8;l aftdDon tilled one man and serloualy Mo~~·._Landing1 Me~,fi~~~4 -: bim.1"11 two others. WASlllNGTON-(AP)-A civilian .ind Kllled was Samuel E. Waam lr-.. two Air t.,,. colilatlt whO haft wilbd sz. Ill 11771 Huwe1 St.. Oranie. Polico In spoce wtn flt the Apollo JI inlsalno, Mid bh charred and ma"llled body wu the first schedbled -Jll.-by the Unit· but ltd 16 feet from . the tank after beJng ed States to land men on the mOCl'I. bluted nut through ,,.lnaMolt ~-· The clvlllan uim.d, Neil A. 'Ann· la~ .,..,,:Gerdon Pouch«. ~Ill .:.in.le.· Will command"the apac«raf~ 11.!2 .&. Ad<le ·51., ~bdml and:' o .fti,iai)i~-. .,,C tit lld-Jn-~llk A. ~pit, so,.o1 w1 E. u.itn. . m'\IOMI ; .... ~.. 111- Brta. lh ~ 'liilten tor ~·1 ~ ·~~Wf . ' ' ::,! rti1 ' Hoo I In Fullerloft WiUt ·'IJl""'!l 4esr•· I~ ol the cr<w .. (Set llLAJT, l' ... I) 'II • -• ~,Qil, llftfa l!l. ·~ J· Jr. art to deactnd to the moon ln a Luna' MclfGi from the main 1pabe- crall. <Tbe-llllln apacecrart will ......m in lunor nrbl~ pllnled by LL Col Mi- chael Collllll. ArmltiOn& wtiO liia tontved tWo netr ~ -~ .. ujronaul In 1913, lo a Jormer 1411 pilot !or the Xl$ rocket plane and wu a Na')' ~t flier during the Korean War. In chooalng the thne 31-~ld _. -fer Illa mWlon; NASA ---- p; { J "· J ~y l'1UIT S '11Qr, J....,, 10. ltH t.'pa0o:: A:strona~ts ·Rig ~t on BJ...oadway ~ ... ,,. lnolod u tbou(h II would be cllup- potntlng. IM New Yorkm proved tlley atill love • porlldo llld Ilda -lht llnl Broadway we:k:ome In tl\ree )'W'I. 'l'he1 ,..anntd out of ollke bulldlngs and -a the -o( aJreoa and morUll muale -la "tbe c._ Of e ....... 1lloy paclcod die aldewalU solld to -tbllr ldmlbUon for the Dnl'~ to circle Ille moon. Tape and c:nnlettl nlrled Uke a blizzard oround tbe overoooled but POLICE DOWN S, STATE DEMONSTRATOR Thur..,.y Skirmish ot Embottled Campua North Vietnam Given Recognition by Sweden STOCKHOLM (UPI) -Neutral Sweden ntended full diplomatic recognition to North Vietnam today in what diplomats said was an effort to bolster the Com- munist position at the Paris talks. Sweden is the first Western European nation to grant full recognition to Hanoi• f't'om Page l LEARY ••• pattern of tiar&isrftent," he claimed. Leary singled out Police Ofrlcer Nell Purcell in :speaking of harassment. Purcell was the arresting officer in the Leary case. The family was arrested when their battered sfation wagon caught the at· tenlion of the Laguna police aUicet late Dec. 26. The vehicle was :stopped In the center of the 200 block of ·Woodland Drive with the lights out. Leary claimed the car was legally parked. He said that he and his wife were saying goodbye to their son. Police alleged one pound of m.artjuana, some LSD and 3pproximately two ounces of ha11hiah were seized. The Leary family is being represented by criminal attorney George Chula or Santa Ana. Chula represented John Leary a few monUu ago in Laguna Beach when the young man was charged with being under the influence of drugs in a pubUc place. DAILY PILOT .......,.,,...... " .............. ....... lffc. ,.....,61 Cnt•,..... CAUPOINIA 011-.NGI co.1iir l'Vl'-llMIHG COMl'AHY 11.ol.trl N. 'W••' ""'14t"' 1M ,.,,.llllltr Jtc~ l. c~.1 • ., V"' ,,.Nl'r\t ll'CI GfMr .. ~ n ..... , "••~a .... Tlt•111•1 A. M111r,~i11t Mtfiffl"9 Ef!ler r1-I Nht•• .. ,...,,,u,.. o;,tc:i... - although Britain and France maintain foreign service offices in the North Viet· namese capllaJ. Fore.lgn Mlnfster Tor!len Nilsson m. formed his counterpart ln Hanoi, Nguyen Duy Triqb. of the deetslcm in a cable which sa\d: · "As the negotlaUons In Pll'll are now entering a stage which, It Ii hoped, will be decisive for peace in Vietnam, il would appear th.at the time has come to eSt.abllsh dlploniatlc relations." The cabiaet decision in a meeting with King Gustav VI Adolf came as no aurprilfl following a chill In Amerlcan- Swediah relatlorui during the lul two yean: because of Sweden's oppoetUon to'the Vietnam War. Meanwhile in Paris, It wu announced today thal Ambassador W. Averell Har· rlman, the chief of the Amertcan delega- tion, wlll leave his post Jan. 19, the day before Richard M. Nh:on officially becomes presldenL U.S. oWciala uld H1trlman'a departure would come before the. arrival of bl> successor, Henry Cabot Lodge. Lodge, named by Nb:on to succeed ~rrlman, la 'expected to leave bis post a! ambasaador in Bonn Tueaday to return to Washington where he faces a Senate hearing on his confirmailon as the new head of the American ddegaUon in Parla. Soviets Launch Unmanned Ship Toward Venus MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union today launched an unmanned spaceship toward the planet VenUB. It was the second such launch within • week and the official news agency Tass said both v•ould attempt soft landings. Venus I launched today and Venus 5 launched SundOY indlcaled Ille Russiana have switched their Interest to the planet Venus rather than the moon. There have been hlnla In ' tbe Ruulan ptW ol a pouible manned night to V e n u a someUme in lhe next decad&. Venus I, lpp&relltly wu ldenUcal with the 2,4N-pocmd ·Venus I Hiit off on · Ji. JOO.minion mile Journet earUer. The two probes ftre acheduled to elide lhtougb the m11rky VenuUan al· mosphere to loft landings on lht "dort &ldt" d earth'• ne.arat pllMtlrJ nellJ!l>or about mld·M11. Soviet apace aclmtllt Klrffi Kondratyn dubbed Venus "the planet of rlddJet" and 8lld after the Venus 5 launch the Soviet Union wanted to learn rouch more about "lhe comPoOIUon of the cloud particles, tbe thlctnw of th< cloud layer. and what bolda it in a constant abroud around the planel" The Sovleta also wanted to learn more about the great winds which constantly sweep the planet. at many tirnea bur· ricane foree , and HtUe the question -of ill surface temperature. b.i .. -ull'olllull who rode In !be Flap and lllDI mdlnc "Wel<omt ·tile world." said he lound !be exper l e••• raised rear seat of ao open llmoualne. Astronauts" decoraled tbe route •nd a ''They and thelt famlllll!s and their "overwhelmJng" too. ~th.'=1ec1oandci1 'l:.":.:r:~11o";: trlumpbal arch lormed by two lire truck O(lanlzaUon (NASA) have given the Lindsay, who wwe a Runlan-atyle lln- them homage. It wu a far' cry from tOwers cr'08llld 1bavt1 tbelr route wbere 'WOf'ld a wond.erlpl Uft 1t a time when cap, bestowed the city's gold medal the aea ol traoquWty they vbl1ed on they entered City Hall Park let wdcoat-we rully needed it," ht added. on the trio , saying ''Gentlemen, we the ._ , • , Ing c:eremooiea by Gov. Nellon A. ' The -admllled 1btJ w~ lllute." ~ Clf the ullolWlll' aleftn A law Clf lht .,...,_. wbo crowdtd Roctelellu and Ml)'W John V. Llndat1 d"1111 !111Cbtd by tbe -•1 Plfedei ~ -two' Clf 1!ortnW, thrll of OJIP<I" -· iloilc lht ·route were nn lht ll•PI of tbe hlltorlc building. a coalmn llhlch Unda1 termlnateil and Andera, and four o1 Lovelll -lnoktd IO Cln'ltd ...,y ~. ffqot to ehred Rockefeller aald .. _ three wonderful revived Juat for them. · on J>l"OU4ly u their father's a~ tbelr lelt~ boolal, a tradlllonll ll)tJ1 have endeorod tbemaelv,. to Ille •n•a ovtn1belmln(," said And"'. lbe' ell!'', !MlhelC. honor. NASA 1"1ag parade CUiton!. They tbrtw -them out htarU and rnlnda ol Ill New Yortera, •you know1our trieoda wlJeu lh•Y como d1rectoi' Dr. Tbom11 Paine applauded whole -.c1. Ill Amer!WIS, and to people throughout oul to tee J9U lll tbll w..iher." l!of11!1.1 hla tum •ntllu!lastlcall· ........... l . . SF STATE ... . • the school'a 1,300 faculty memben, began lta strike Monday. Members cmtinued plckeltng 'l1lllnday in deflllllCe of • = Cclirt , lnJw!cUoo apinlt the The lllr1t1ail lead>ori w.,. worned they ''-'I poalblo Ove-diy jlll aen- tencea ""' llQll llnel, hut there "'"' llO bllmedllte -However, four mlUtant atudentl Wert! taten ~ cuatody when another brief, hut lurioul haUlo erujfted between 200 pollce and lllJIJPOIUrl of the Blaclt Student. Union and the Thin! World lJberaUon FronL More than 160 persoM have been at· reJted In repeated cla.sheti with police in the past two moot.bl. .There have been "'°'" of btjuriea and damace to property on the campus 11 estlmlted in lbe tbouaandl of dollar•. From Pqe I VICE RAID • • • and sex parUes throughout Orange Coun· ty. Their method of operaUon, the DA said, included consideration of cultomer 1:1ppUcatioai-for membership, Jn.-which they conducted their own detective work into the blckgroundl of thole who sub- mitted bJdl to join. "They were mainly concerned with two thlnp: whether the applicant wa1 an undercover police oUJctr and whether -if not -be hid money," aatd a •pok...,.. for Ille Dl!trlcl Attorney's office. If the applicant checked out clean, lie was accepted along with whatever tiUbsequent fees might be required and noti£1ed from time to time or the next Entertainment Unlimited party. 1hose arrested at 2U12 Catalpa Ave., during pn!dawn hours today included these penons and the char&es on wblcb they were booked: -Je1ae D. Placencl1, 32. of that ad· dress; conrpiracy to commit gambIJni and proatltution. -Doaglaa C. Kornwolf, 28, of 12192: Lorna St., Garden Grove; the 1ame twD count!. -Dooel F. Gormu, Z~·of um Loma St., Garden Grovei conspiracy to commi' pmbllng. -P'elb: JI'. Digman,· 37, of %295 Twltin Ave., Orange; conspiracy to commit gambling. -Rune Y. Ke.Uy, 44, of 416 N. Wanda Drive, Fulluton; conspiracy to commit prostitution. -Morllne S. Goodlo, 21, -refuaed to give her home addreu; complracy to commit proatltuUon. VJce investlg1ton aaid the ail were booked into Alllhelm City Jail, pending completfon of today's continuing ln· vellllgaUon and formal flllng Clf c:om- plalnll by the Dlltricl Attorney. DelecUve John Simon of tbe Newport · Beach Police Department was ooe of the lute inVUUgatioa team, which alio included men from Sania Alla, Or1n1e, Garden Grove and F d' 11 e i' t o n deparlmenll. Durtnc tbe lengthy probe, pollCt! clabn· ed they dlscovered the operatfon ap- paruUy aupplled cambling and glrb throughout Orange County. From Page I BLAST .•• burnl on their races, necks and wriats. 'Ibey ore reported in good coodlUon today. Sheriff's lnvesUg1tan uld the men Were emptying the lank which contained a reaktue of various pet:rolewn products: when the blast took place. "Its: a tot.al mystery. We know of nothing which could have caused the explosion," aald Marti.a W. Gould, Union Oil llfety ~l The cylindrical tank about 20 feet long and eight feel in dlameler contained two inches of water and ledlment. Wqen: wu alone 1n the tint wwtna 1 brulhlng apporatua with air aupp11.a tbrough a SO.fool hose. He waa using a shovel and bucket lowered by Poucher and Stumph. At fim it WU thouCht radioactive maier.Jal& Were Involved but Gould said rillle of tbeae wee lt«ed In the tank where Ille exploelon toot place. Tip Leads Police To Home-made Bomb HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A homHnade anU·penonn<I bomb dtli(ned to 'P'•Y bulleta when It erploded w11 dllanntd by police 'lburlday In tbe p1rtln1 lot ol 1 Hollywood church. Bomb 1quad pertonne1 rerponded to a te1tphone Up that an er;ploalve device had been planted behind Hol\rwood con,..g1U0111l Churcll. When olflctn .,. rived at the church, they found a 1p11U tiox placed •a•lnsl • concrete block rtlalninl wall at the rear of. the parldnc lot. I, U"I T11tplll+tl APOLLO 11 CREW HAPPY AFTER LEARNING THEY WILL BE FIRST TO ATTEMPT MOON LANDING July 19'f Ml11ion for (from left) Edwin ''Bux" Aldrin, Nell Arm1trong, Michael Collini ' 7 Cocut Residents Named .To 1969 Grand Jury Seven Ora.age Coast reeidtnt.I were selected to 1ene on the lMt Orange County Grand Jury thiJ morning as the body had Its first meeting with superior Judge Robert Gardner. Judge Gardner named as foreman Willlam D. Martin, former mayor of Laguna Beach and former chairman of tbe Local Agency Formation Com- mW!on. Others from the coastal area are Haward E. Massie, San Clemente; Laurence K. Reynolds "8guna Beach; Jam.es Ayer, Loa Alamitos; Mrs. Judy Rosener, Mrs. Robert N. Weed and Mrs. John Henry RusseU, all of Newport: Beach. Compri&ing the balance of the 19- member panel are Charles A. Warren .and Virgil Simpson, Yorba Linda; William Vannatta, Hilton Dalessi and Manuel Jurado, Fullerton; Richard Hernandez, Mrs. Pena Kllpstetn and Dr. Horace eaaen, Santa Ana; Wa.rttn E. Bloom, Andre R White and Mrs. Kenneth Caines of Orange and Htrman Lenz, Anaheim. The 19 jurors' names were drawn by lot by Count, Clerk William SI John in lh~ mo111ini aesaion. judge ~ardner told them that Ule Jury iµeeta at its own dl.lcretion, usually once a week with addlUonal ae.uions when called to beer lndlclmeot reque!ls by the district attorney. MID•SEASOH QUALITY SA FrotK Page I MOON ••.. of crew fllght operations. Rookie astronaut Fred Hai.se ls Ille. third man on the backup crew. Space agency officials did not say why Mden and Lovell were not named to the Apollo 11 mission. bul the NASA practice hu been to spread choice assignments among astronauts qualified for them. The Apollo 11 launch date Is July 15, but when it goes depends upon the re· gults: of the Apollo 9 and IO missions. Apollo I, now set for launch Feb. 28. will be an earth orbit of the lunar module of the type in which Armstroog and Aldrin are to land on the moon. It will be the first manned test light of the capsule, and if all £Gell perfecUy. NASA officials say there will be no need for Apollo 10. This test, now ached· u1ed for May 17, would be a moon Orbit of the lunar moduJe. U it is skipped, the Apollo ll lllght may be moved up to mid· June. DREXEL FRENCH COUNTRY MANNER DINING TABLE REG. $329. SALE $279, ARM CHAIRS REG. $125. SALE $I 05 . SIDE CHAIRS REG. $110. SALE $ 89. SALE ALSO INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXEL. HENREOON, HERITAGE PLUS OTHER FINE LINES. IXCLUSIVE DIALERS FOR: lftNRIDOIC-DlllXIL-HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTIREST-LONGP TEllMS AVAii.AiLE OH APPROVED CREDIT NIWPORT lllACH 1727 Wootcllff Dr. 642-2050 Oflll HSIA T 'II&. ' nnDIOIS ProlNll-1 ·-Doll ..... Avallallla AID-NSID LAGUNA llEAC!i 34S -CoHI Hwy. 4944551 OflM PllDAf "nL t ..... , ........ ., OMpi c:..ty 14fo1Jtl I I I 1 ' ) l ' I • r t ' '· t ' I I I if 'I 11 II I• I I ' . • . '" __ ,...,... .., ••.• "'' 1 . . ·" N.Y._SUaeka ' • ' ~"I .. . ' ~OL:. 62, NO. 9, 4 SECTIOtlS, 36 PAGES ORANGE 'c~;~CA~RNI;( _ · · ~ AR~:I~ 1:96' !-·'.' ~ , .·•. • JEN CENTS ..... ! r • -.:,.'•'• • ~· '• • Young, J\ngry Blacks By 1110MAll FOllTVNE Of "" 1Nlltr ...... ''"' The young and the angry can be brutally frank. Well-meaning white students from NewpOr! · Harlbor High SChool had their hopes crusheQ 'lllurs<lay 'by blac~ students from Dorsey High School in Los Angeles. The whJte students expected hostility and distrust from ·the blaCk Yisitota to the H~ber Hlgb CBI!lJ!U': But lheY I were.. PtePated :to overcome~ anct' d1Sarm antagonism by a show of true concern. What they did not expect was that their black guests )Y(!U\<J despise ~ell'!· would 'consider them hypocrit~ and phOllles kJr !helr•purported concern. Tiie white stu~ ~.-ere not prepared for that, ·arid So they were upset aOO hi.lrt. • "It really makes me sad. I came here bo.pipg we coµld do S1Jmelhin&1" reacted one whfte. girl."' . . "A lot of my·dreams ot helping have been jhattorod. I know now It's pine to take a long time,'' Aid another. The student dlacaaiioos involved 25 juniors and senion froip Done1 Htgb, 25 !tom Harbor High and ~en from Estancia Hl&h ln Ctota lle11. Earlier in the d11 U!ree .black na- ti01111Jst leaden 1pote ~mbatively to the students.; Some white atudentl' ·mou'1is fell ~n jn am~mef!t it What they hesrd. Tbe bl1cll lllidellta Coinpleled the rout. ' • ' ' , Teachers StiI·I ·o :ut • ' • 1 • SFSC Strikers Facing LQss of Jobs SAN F.RANClSCO (UPI) -Striking .a union leader .... We will cont.inue to attendance figures, coof1nned Tburaday teachers, joined by ,militant stu4ents:, slrike." that only about 50 pereent of the acbool'I today .Pl~keted San Friu;icisco State As classes resumed, a coed was ar· 28,000 students are attending' clusea. College in the face of poSsible arrest re&te.t when hef car swerved close to ·Members of the ftriking American and Joss of their. jo~. . several policemen crossing the main in· Federation of Te8cheri aDcl two militant FQt the fifth day, union f:tculty !er~ection nep the ~ampus. foul-smell· minorJty ~pS, :wbo""'\Jve. ~ 9Q_. members paraded in front of slrlfe-{orn ing cn~mica~ \)'ert poured on the .floor strike since "N'ov. ;s,~~ilie ~ school with student striker!. The tea~rs o~ the library later. . was much Jess ttian 50 ~t. " _ -were --warned--they --wou~be=cmulldered-=-The--strikes and-!poradie violence-was --=--~NpnteJits-=300~ - by college administrators as having reUec1ed by diminislllng atterldance and the school's .1;300 faculty members, begah resigned and in C'Ontempt of court for growing hostility toward police efforts itS strike Monday. Members continued 4efylng an injunction against their strike. to maintain order. picketing Thursday in defiance of a "Our attorneys tell us the state cannot Even acting President s. I. Hayakawa, Superior Court injunction ag~t the declare involuntary resignations," said who has previo~ly ~lined ,t ·dtsc:uss :walkout. Teens Seeking Dismissal of ' ' Tt"spass ~Rap ·~ F;v• Te<ns for Christ wltbdr.lf ili- noc:ent pleas Thul'5day in West Orange County Municipal Court in favor oC filing a demurrer on charges of trespassing Dee. 6 at Golden West College. A hearing on the demurrer was set for 2 p.m. Jan. 31 by Judge Walter }V. Charamza of Huntington Beach. The demurrer, flied by the public defender's office, means J a d c e Qmramza must decide wheth~ charges filed against 1be Christian revolutionarita aie legally comd · · If the chargea are in error, the ~ · :will be thrown out of court. If they are correct, a new trial date will he set to determine the guilt of the young Christians. Arrested Dec. &, after they attempted to dustribute religious pamphlets on the Golden West College campus were : ~ancy Either Dewar, 18, of 8271 Myrtle St., Huntington Beach. -Jonathan Emanuel Berg, 19, of 6051,~ 10th St., HunUngton Beach. -Joseph N. Lan&ford, 18, of 605 10th st., Huntington Beach. -n0uglu Gae Toerper, 19, of &05 10th St., Huntington Beacli. -James William Burtt, 27, of 605\2 10th st .. Huntington Beach. . Tht five: have been released on the:tt own recognizance, Newport Lawyer Sees 'Good News' On Narco 01arge Balboa Island Attorney Richard A. Higbie predicted Thursday that "son1c statements will be forthcoming in the next few da ys that would be good news for a change" in the case ~king ~, With an alleged marijuana smuUJmg . conspiracy. • Higbie, who ·rates trial Feb. .f on cllllrges of consplrinl tq f II e g a 11 y ttansporl more than a ton and ooe-half "'-marijuana frodl Mqlco, bas .~ed ahy wrona:doJng. • Members of Hiabie's family alJo Kid they are confident that "e:verythl~ wlll be all rilht." No one. however, would comment on anything spe<:Uic concerning the' blum case. . The former Newport Beach Planning <:ommlssioner said he bad rio part .. In •smuggling of marijuana personally ." He and two other 1t1m -one of them still at large -were named in a federal Grand Jury indictment issued Ian November as defendants in the case aJJeglng that marijuana was flown froqi Guadalajara, Mexico, lo Pllltn Sprlnp ~ arrived in the p~. ,bowewr. was not marijuana, aourcea said, but allalla. • • -, . -:--• · UPIT ....... r ,4 ahe:m· Club APOLLO 11 cR•w HAPPY AFTER J.EARN1No .THev-w1LI: ae'"'Rsr "r~ .. AT.l'EMl'T MOON LANDING :ti. n -o;, Juty l"' i!''.I~ for (lrom·lolt) Edwlll"'Buz'' Aldrin, N•ll 'A"'."'."'"'' ti\IP>MI l:.ollln1 , , ~. I . . . . . 8v~~~·pc~~r:_(lxeS •11it!Landin _;MMJDi~ltetl "Ce rO•u 0 · · · --· ·• · · -· , ... -' 'of .;., ... , ,.... ~l,· • i1 J •• · ~~ ' .. ~ " J. l t'. .i ~:<t .. ~ti ~ 1 Arreitetl ' ··-' • ~ 1'\ ·~""' , . : . ·' ' Charles A. Tippit,' 19, sori o!"J. D. Tippit, Dallas policemilJl slain by presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, has been charged in Dallas wjth assault with intent to rape following al- leged attack on 30-year-<>ld woman in her apartment on New Year's Eve. Half Million LA Voters Off Rolls. A flOOrillllng,: 0ppll<alio1HX1ly clu~ Ut~ ed "'.Dlte~t Unllmlted" wa! broken up in Az>abe1rn early today in a raid which cllinaxed a long, Orange County-wide probe. of gamblin& and pro- stitution. Cards, dice, chips, and a poker and crap table were aelzed as evidence in the raid on a private home, where four men and two women were arrested, police reports alleged . L:a*men froqi. elaht different agencies, if1Cluding the Diltrict Attomey'11 office, sheriU's office, Anaheim police and Newport Beach police departments participated in the investigation and ta id. District Attorney's investigators said today that Entertainment Unlimited is charged with having staged tambling an<J. sex parties throughout Orange Coun- ty. Their method of operation, the DA said, included consideration of customer applications for membership, Jn which they conducted their own detective work into Ule backgrounds of those who sub- mitted bids to join. ''They were mainly concerned with two things: whether the applicant waa an undercover Police officer and whether -if not -be had money," said a spokesman for lhe District Attorney '• office. U the applicant checked out clean, he was accepted along with whatever aubsequent r• might be required and ,,_ • Mtlfied from time to time of the next LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tile nam~ . l:ntertalnmont Unlimtted psrty. ol hall a million voters have been ex· ThoH' arrested at 21u catillpa Ave., pung~ ~m county roles for failure dtiring predawn hours today included ·to exerCtSe their franchise. Registrar-1JieS6 persons and the charges on which recorder Ray E. Lee said Thur!day they were booked: 259,116 Democrats were dropped, along1 -Jesse D. Placencia 32 of -that acf. with J46,742 Republicans, 9,817 in· dress; conspiracy to ~m~t gambling depender.! voters plus others from and prosUtution. va~iou1 minori ty parti~s. To_tal: 447,633. -Dougla11 C. Kornll·olf, 28." of 12292 Th11 leave& 2,638,329 st1U registered. (Ste VICE RAID, P1ge J) r fi~t . n ~h~me~ "t?ieciea'. riir ~ua 1 · Mtsiwn WASHING TON (AP)-A civilian and passed up lb< Apollo I Utfonauts wlll ' : module of the t~ In wblcb ~ two Air Force ~onels wbo hav< walked inade ·lhe flnt hinar orilllal fllahts Jail · and Aldrin are !I>' land on ,thil moon. in space will n1 ~ ApdUD 11 mission, month. . ,· tt will be the first manned test flight the Jirst scheduled attempt' by the Uni~ Bui.two of these, Navy C«r>t. Jomes of the capsuie,~ U all goes ]lel'fectly, • ed States to land men Ob the moon. A. Lovell Jr. and Air Force Ll Col WU.: NASA ofliclall• 'taJ"_ there will, .be no ·• The civilian altl'ODaut, Nell ·A. Ann-liam A. Anders, have been n8med tO need for ApciDo 10; 'nils iest.-bow scbe~ strong, will command :,.~e tpacecraft, \he Apollo 11 backup .crew. "nle other, ul.ed for MaY. 11, would bt a moon orbit tentatively set for Jauncrung ln July, the Air Force Col Frank Bonnaq. Ls .being of the"IUnar?nOdule. H'it iS skipped, the National Aeronautics and .Space 'Admin-assiBJ>ed to ~d work af his . o~ Apollo '21 fllgh~ may be· moved up·to inid- istration said Tbunday, In announcing request.,ffe \rill become deJJUtJ·dlrectot.· June. · ' · the selection of the crew. of crew ~t operations. Arm!ltrong 'the ftnfidvillan .tO'.Oy In Armstrong and COL EdWln E. Aldrin Rookie · utronaut Fred Halle la !hi apace, ,,., ,. colluDlbler ol lbe peril· Jr. are to descend .to the moon m, a tblrd man on the backup crew.-OU1 ·Gemini I fiilbt in uee; Aft.er be Lunar Module from the main spsce-Spsce'agency officiala dld:not say wby su.....iully lnbil bil capoUI~ with a cra!L The maln~cecraft will remain Allder• and Lovell welt not llllDed IG rockat· In orbl~ U.. ..,J.I:l'" .out, of In Junor orbil, . 91od by LL ;;: MI-tlje Apollo 11 mlstion, llitt the . /lASA c;omtti:;;.t Annstronc II ·to a cbael' Collins. -· · · · c;tl<!a .•·•· b•• ,·l<! .. ~i>bol<M lali ' down In the .,.."'· Armstrong •. w!Jr'Ms survive¢ · 'near . ~Jl'mon, ~~ ·~ f* a J..., la!lclliic-:-'"~, dlsisters smce. h«omlng ID ·ldiioiilut fOl'· 1hem. · · ' eltff Attn-, WllS ,ll!Stlng al'Elllhi· in J!le3, Is a former tell pilot for the X15 Tiie Apollo II launch dale la JuJy . 15, top Air Force e.,., Fla .. 'lost powel'. rocket plane and wa11 a Navy combat but whtn it goes depend!! upoil the re-and fell._ i\rmsttopg ejected,...~ para: flier durln~ tHe Khrean War. aults oC the ·Apollo 9 and 20 mlsslOb!I. chuted io earth. H'e was allgbUy11Q1Ured In _choosing the three 38-year-old Apollo 9, now set for launch ·Feb. 21,. when hls parachute dragged4llm-ac:rots space veterans for the missio~ NASA will be an ~ orbit of the lww: the ground, Citizens Advisory Unit ' ' Picks Committee Chiefs Chairmen for nine aubc:ommtiteef. of -Ave.,,.Huntfnl\on· Beach. staff-adviaet- U.. Citizens Adyi,;ory . Committee of. the ii ScoU Flanagsn. HunUngton M un1mf Hlgb .scbOol · i>a!Wm· ·'<if· "cainpui or,irttaatlo~ • · cllllln'niln ·ta:; Rlehant "'-"1llckenien . of Disirlct welil ;&ppolnted by . Cllilltinaa "i~ 'L>llra" Way .. ,w.mm.ter; ,Sia!( Robert E. Dizjgwill Tliunday,nlg1>!.. her .. ~ J hn" -bl The Recreation . ind Schoal ':Facilltf ,.me~ ~· ... wr• P . .,~ e1 -. • Committee ·WUI. be -headed by George Size of ·.Sehool Site . C om m I t tee R. W&lton of S6SZ ·Nevada Drive, Run-chaJrr-qan , ii Hele,n O. ~ of 178621 tinglon Beach:· .. FaCU]ty adv~r to lhe ·Danube ·Drive, Hunlli1Bt9n· Beach. Dr. commltt~e· is ·Lee Mosteller. , Ethan Fullmi!r Fepiftenti the iWf~ · : Use of SchpoJs Committee is led ,by 'tfotne"lMtnrctto"n.cbiinnim·11 MJctey Donll!d E .. Loe.mer of 1005 California Siegel of 6752 ,,VIiia .!)el ·Sol Drive. Oraage ·Valley's King Size .J>ro~l·~.µl ·Huntington Beacb· and 1talf member,'* H. W .. StaJi<¥r<I. . . I , . · PopulaUon,Projecuan, cl\llmian ii ~oe , I llallsv,ol MD .Kenllwortb .Drlve.•Htm-.tlngton Beach.wliii l!:meil ~ .W( me-~ . ·1 . • . • ·"w' . Lw.:;.,. , U~'l ., ' .!.1 . ) t, ' ! ••• • ..... _ · C.l(e(e .Prepl\'s·V~·~ • chalmwt .. ta Jerry SI~ ""' IHI "Coiit5iued"&.oi'lricrc1ou(iy.IO·dil. Smal,l . Lot . Requests .Face Council Continu(}~ly .:;.·~~:;:'.;int".:= ... ~ , ~~.It~~~~~= • , • Ital!. ". • 'll'OUDd the eo;fegree mark. How INllY· Iola-to, ,u.,. on one acre and Mll(l)Olia Slreets wu approved 3 already appri>ved,, befor. ' q.. 1bull<tft · 11>e ' Y..,_riluid .S<lloot ~If .J of lliid ii an 1esne c:onUnllOOal• faced to · 1 by the. council, but not w1thot1t ........ ,. .. 11, lead · by Elden•'"-:Jf, 1111:J'l!m INSID&1 ~DA~ h.Y lhe F.otmtaln V•llf":"Cljy cam;,p, ..... -tkwl.~118 1"'1" Cloun-; ; A".;;'buc ,j,.~ ~ . ....u...: ~ ID!tv~, H .. tlqpn,~ .w!MiilllliM' I -Newport Blfdl'• llonnl• R* • Tbe city curr'tntly bu llandanl ·lcllman lldwanl E. J'ost, • .for ,,., •• virt•W IO •lilil1dl .aiou.,· !'!artll.'""'F"'"tl"' tla'.la<u¥f;.>,, " I ' ~t11011,'ltar-Of11iflelffT<ftl HoU. . ' . ·~ . .i .,:a,, ,..,, ... ,Jllll~ w••(gablit,l)!Owlng the ' I' . "' .w....:~~'"" •Wi!·-._,,,_c . n,.;PrO(r-lor~ Pi1!'!1'tt1 j . •'-', .,.·• l "• .e • .:.-,~ ...... ,_ requirement for ''""'e-fanuly ·r.sfaenc:e great'1" ,nulbber .d{ )otl")lii' ·acrt'liecauae ! : ola .~ _,....,...,, '1lftl\I 1m ·i;.~ m~""" Sltl4enll -atto111 ll>t,llfet~ ... ' ,.... "' ..... ... (Ii-I) of 7,200 aqtia"' r..t per lot, which of the problems he ftlt Jioold dOV,Jop I •of P'ebiiuiry. '· .~ · Bettsworth of 1162 Helt~ Dr" • 'l)OUi~Nted I• today" W«k<ftd. isabout 4.lloUperacre. wfl(m the houses cor@e ap f" sale a The J.'Ray ~·.4) . .,lned :Mplria..ifa~1 1dvlle:n .' ~J. · 1r1ection,PqQt ·21 . ,..- VarlanceJ, however, have already been aecond and third Ume."; • ' \. •the""""'ctl1o ·mii1Ue ~~~)lhrlna . ,!Jacll • OO!Jl)6tu.. , o1111;.,~ ;,1i1 • io. -,. ·-, granted lo four plonned development. He added that i,. ~)y ~1 ·ftd on Its •Pl!"'l •f·a·plannl"1·0iiiiimllaloil1 =· It •boQl'l' n.m~·~lff ,p>mo ..._. • -" projects which have allowed' up to fi ve the !llTlaller lotl wtrli nrv •ttrldJve.~· ,: dtqlal tot a IO!)t' change,· Lo: ttHer to") ue··~ciupt=-. r ~ tit ....... c...... ... Mvhlll._'• 11 lots per acre. I Councilan John ~'.';"'*"ed •Illa . !'):~ J\(~;=. ,,~\fit' 'lft Of~-.-,~,· =.-:-.:.... ~ '=t!fr ,;; I Tiie problem which the courn;JI again -u.tt •ut_ added~, ti"" ·~=i· .IJll(.~-~ .. -'11111 I •llA }ftVl~ IG -•-• ---•<1 I had to far. 'llleaday nlibt Is wllllt ,i;',.;''b,;couneuStabl!Z,. ·· · ·=· ·~ ol>jllle • ·' ·'·~·tll!o l'#)ctbiaid-"'""'""'' " -*'"'". '•" developmenl llb06ld be a~ed to build • for ~lljlg requtiiififo'1~~1 ; ·~Iii.,~ .. , •jl .. 'Qui~ ~Al '811. '\"l ~ :n.., -'t': l.":; ~ ..,.I smaller~""" lnil under Iha""'··"-"'·~ f counc11' · 6 hrill-·ea!WMitlU1-·.i1t.., ·A·d....,,,iac·Jnlfllll ·ftl; -" •-" -whatcoodlt1oo1. • ...... .;~...,....lhal"° ~ 1er w.--. "" .. ..-·to !Mi~--• ·11111 • ·:.'., "" :~=:--,.: I Ar.quest to rezone an area between should bo 1bl1 to lt1'Q)ICI U. precla l -~,....., Pli!dol · ..... i. umi<ooleMl!IPcelllll'fai' -" ·~-· .••' • - --Ellil ·-... Newllod plana ol "' dlnlofiirul; .... lllou&b lrmt.tl>Jill.,.... -• ·11!·.w& I(.~ ' ) ' . . . ' " • ' I l ff. ~· Big-Hit NRlr 10Rlt' imJ -'11lo Ont 1qoar ~ u.oqi; 81 WOUid be dlup-1-,~ -ula 'lllo roclt In t.bo ' • Flap ml • ructln, "We!Ccim. .......... \1 iW ..... .,, ·-' . -,_ 1111 .. --~-~ .. deoonlled t.bo -.... ~ :,:•t1.,*~'AJ.'!i ~ • ....lot ·~~;::. t:~ ....... ft";!: . ....,p1111wlormedbJtwt1re1n1et -la•tumu""""welooololl>at-.,,...,..,.-. .. 1o11roo.-.. . l ..+~ li/wtrl <2-.1 ll>ove their rout. wbon ·-lMephaoe booD tooaed ~· '11117 twarmell oat bf ol!lce bulltllnp ' 'tl!t -u.., .liltiiFm u.e, en'-Cltt Bait Part for wol<on>-$-•.•loo&.. wllh llol;erll~ ..,.i and 1lorel u the llOOndS of ~ and t¥. rpoon. !"' cmmonles by Gov. Nellon A. .....4. > m.rtial i!liJlle eCbo<il In ''tlit CaQYOD ' A few of the wekpniera who cl'Ol'Piled Rockefeller and Mayor John V. Llod11y Qgfi e.Q_ a few mimdel befon.'Prant ot H~ 1• 'nley pecked tht aldewalQ upper windows · •1ona lbe route 'Wm!! on the steps of the historic buJ.ldin&. ~ -1ame. f.. r.o.eo ·...rltlmim· oolid hi shoot lh<lr admiration for the '° carried 1war· th•i lor1ot ·io ehrod Rockefellor uld "these three wonderful >.. AnderJ stirted up the ti-nl.med first upbers to cin:Je the moon. their telephone booQ,. 1 tradltt.onal men hlive endeartd themselves to the "Apollo Way" In 21 degroe ~ T1pe and cocl•t\I llWlrled like 1 parade custom. They lh(ew them oul hearta and mln<la of all New Yotl<en, icecl !QI »ll!llo pilll cl wind, tl10 --.i bUlzonl arouod the ov-bul whole inlt<ad. Ill Amtrlclnl, and to people lbrOIJlhout • Skull Murder Suspect Says · He's lnsarie One -·Ana defendlni lo .. tiW1 Railroad CaJIYOO llk>lll -·.....-.,;. covved bf -Coota ·M-· !Nt Nomnber pltaded lnnoc:enl by ;,._ cl Insanity Wednesday. Rowlond J. Berry. 211. of 711 Toland St, Sonia Ana, will be '»D!lned by two Jll1Clllatrllls appointed ·Iller the preJimbwj hW!nc In Jl!venlde COoml7 S-1or Court. A psydllalric roport will be given Jn. 2t, while Bmy'a murder trial wu aet for April 14, depending upon the -ol the unity beula(. -Onnge County ,outh. 'l'lmot"1 Hemio, It, cl mIJ Anthony SI, G .... Gnwe, pleaded -Wedneoclay and Feb. :n wu NI far 1 beula( oo blJ molioa to dlsmllll. A third lllDOlll !oar ortctnaJ arree1ees, Robbie G. .Crow, II, (J( Ellln<re, WU r~ lollowfnC bla prellmlnlry bear- ing lul -. due to 11c1: o1 ldequlte )lfOllOCUtloo evldeoce. David Dwles, IS, al8o cl Elsinaro,· wuoriPWJypaed~wlnvestlgllloe of the murder cl .J\'.ent D. Da!ll,. 21, . or Ha)'Wll'd, but be too wu released. · ->--.-----DAIL T PILOT Sllfl' PM!t- T-.pped for .Jury Duty · ; 'J1le prooecutlon -lhal ' the -. .. ...,,...,... .• _ falle -- We. aDegedly llOUlht by Davia on 1 Southland drug-purcJwlng lrlp Jul Mardi or early April. Never !ntending to complete the de.al, the Rlv.nlde lllalricl AUomey cbaJ1es, Rowland, Herron and possibly olhers ex· ccuted Davia in the lonely can)'Oll. . Information canplled by lheriffs m. vestigat.on indfcatet Davis brought op to $800, believed taken by whoever put 1 bullet through bis skull. Orange Coast residents who will serve on 1009 Orange County Grand Jury are (sealed from left) Mrs. J9hn Henry Russell, Mrs. Joseph R01ener and Mrs. Robert N. Weed, all of Newport Beech, " and (standing from left) James Sayer of Los Alamitos, Laurence K. Reynolds of Laguna Beach and Howard E. Massie of San Clemente. Grand Jury was impaneled Thursday. ,,,; I , t l(Oj I Leary Says 'Som,~orw' 'Ill; Three Costa Meu rabbit bunlm stumbled ooto bis scallued and anlJnol. gn1wod -. lut November, liringing !he stun and watch uoed lo ldenlify the vicUm back to local polict. School District Out to Make . Example By JACK CHAPPELL W 't B d . Of ""' C•llY Pllift Stiff on u g e on _ uo ...i1111 0r. Timothy Leary, ap- Site Squabble ~ng In Laguna -· ll!Jlnidpal ~~rt 'nturSday charged tlLtt "some --=:Ngher pawer" b try1ne ta:: make an -· etample of him. - The Ocean View School Diatrict wni: Leary, hls wire Rosemary and 1~ Un I•--~ "•"' 'th ••· H ~ .John were aJTalgned on hublsh, man· The family ;was arrested when the ir battered station wagon caught the at· tentJon of the La~ police officer late Dec. 26. · The vehicle was stopped In the center of' the 200 block Of ";Woodland Drive with the lights out. Leary claimed the car was legally parked. He said that he and his wife were saying goodbye to ,their son. Holden President Slephen holden, 1 HIDltlngton Beach Insurance broker and member of the HU!llington Beach dty School Dl!trict Board of Trustees, was ·installed Wed· n~ay u president ol the Community Che11t,, . He takes over from c'. William Carlaon, who installed tile new oftictrs at the Fisherman Restaurant Wednesday. First vice president is Robert Merriman, se. cond vice president Is Walter YQWlg; and treasurtr Js C.E. "Bill" Woods. .on Broad~ay the world.'" "'""1 11111 lllelt f.,.Wa and theft arpolzatlon (llA!A) blve liVft the world a w_onderfuJ lift at 1 Ume when we really needed I~" ht added. The otronauta adolllled they were deeply touched by the 'Broadw11 parade, a custom which Lindsay termlnlled and revived jw:& !Of' them. .. It's overwbebnlng," said Anders. ••vou know your friends when they come out to 1e1 you in Ulil weatber ." Borman uld he found the experJence .,ovenrhelmln1" too. Llnduy, who wore a Ruastarwtyle ftir cap, be.stowed the clty'1 gold mtdal on the trio, saying "Gentlemen, we salute." Seven of the &Stl'Ol)lut.s' eleven children -two of' BomiallS, three ()f Anders, and four ot Lovells -looked on proudly u their father's accepted the city's hl&hest honor. NASA acting director Or. 'lbomas Paint applau'.ded hJJ team OlllhuaJ.utically. GWC Mixes Tunes In Variety Show Take a touch of boua nova Bruillan lltyle, add 1 FroDch folbong and 1101110 old·Ume favorites on banjo and piano, mix with jazz combo and modem dance and you have the promise ot Golden Weat Colle_ge's second annual variety ahow Saturday. The producUon, ~'Dimensions in Color and Sound,'"wiu be staged In the College Center with 49 performers and musicians in 15 acts starting at 1:15 p.m. High on the program will be the premiere ol a new jazz composition by Gerald Schroeder, Golden West m\Wc teacher. An()ther Schroeder song, "Mr. Michelangelo," by Sylvia Martinez will be sung. Original music is the order of the evening. Robin Matthews, a stu- Clemente Mom's Api.-eaI Denied In -Tot Slaying Antonia. Thomas• appeal against her murder convlcUon wu denied Wednes- day by jllltlces of the Fourth DI.strict Court of Appeal In San Diego. The three-Judge panel ruled after four weeks of deliberation that there were M grounds to reverse the verdict delivered by Orange County Superior Coon Judge R ob er t Gardner last May 3. Loo Angeles attorney Dudley Gray had argued foe Mn. 1bomu cl San Clement< that certaln 1tatanents by Judge Ganlner and proeeculor Everett Dickey had been improper and that the evidence was tnsufficlent to msta1n the convicUon. Gray uld ofter the ruling that he will prepare a new appeal. Mri. Thomas, 28, was convicted of polsooinf her 7-day-<ld son by pouring a caustic aubstance down hll throat on Ju1y 13, 1961. James Anthony Thomas died In the ho,,pilal four dlyo lat<r. dent, will perform two original folk com· pMiUons, "For Sandra: A Whl!per," and "The Funeral of the Unicorn ." The show also will introduce "Th(! Rustler Folk,'' a singing group compoml ot Mias 11.iartinez, Alice Jay, Nini WaJder. Don Shields, Randy Smith, and Greg Turner with Stewart Harold on "drums and Warren Peterkin at the piano. Competing at the recent Festiva1 cf Sounds at Knotts Berry Farm, "The RU6tler Folk" wbn two first.place awards for singing groups under 12 members. For the variety show they will sing '"111ere's Always ao Extra Potato,'' "Sbadrack," and "What Naw My Love." From Page l VICE RAID ... Lorna St., Garden Grove: the same two counts. -Donel F. Gorman, 21, of 1%292 Loma st.. Garden Grove; conspiracy to commi~ gambling. --FeUr·P; Digmu;:-37; ·of -2296--Tuslin--- Ave., Orange; conspiracy to commit gambling. -Renne Y. Kelly, 44, of 416 N. Wanda Drive, Fullerton; conspiracy to commit prostitution. -Marline S. Goodin, 21, who refused to give her home address; consplracy, to commit prostitution. Vice investigators said the six were booked into Anaheim City Jail, pending compleUon of today's continuing in· vestigation and formal filing of com· plaints by the DI.strict Attorney. Detective John Simon of the Newport Beach Police Department was one of the large investigation team, which abo included men from Santa Ana, Orange, Garden Grove and Fullerton departments. During the lengthy probe, police claim· ed they discovered the operation ap- parently supplied gambling and girl!: throughout Orange County. c:or1 ue L;J """• ........ WJ w11:: ~ ...::2iana and UD charges with the case tlngtnn Harbour °"1>· alt<r semet: ~tlnued until Jan. 'II llld moved to -Monday nllht refUsed lo accept ,.,.,, Clem-Municipal Court. a compeumiae propoll1. ~ :tQuesUOoed by newsmen following the The legal husle Involved landoc1ping 1!hort coort appearance, Leary repea(ed at Hubour View ScbooJ. charges of harawnent and police pro- Police alleged-one pound of marijuana, same. LSD and 3ppniximately two ounces of hashish were seized. The Leary family is being reprel.sented by criminal attorney George Chula of Santa Ana. Chu1a represented John Leary a few months ago in Laguna Beach when the young man was charged with be~n under the influence of drugs in MID•SEASOH Wben the school distrid' bouRbt the vocation he made following the trio's school site from the Huntington Harbour Laguna arrest Dec. 26 on cha11es or Corp., there was an asserted agreement suspicion of intent to sell manjuana that the first land fill for land5caping and hashish and possession of LSD. would be supplied by the corporation. Leary, 48, a former Harvard clinical Tbe ICbool district charged that the psychologist said he flet the psychedelic tons o( impcl1ed fill dirt wu salt laden movement was growing. and not Bllitable for groWing lurf grass "111e hippie movement ts the direction Several attempl'!J to grow grass failed. of young people thai don't want to fight The school district then brought suil but just make JOV"e and be· happy,'• · st ,._ u...... c -f be suggested. again un::" n.cuuvur orporation or "In Laguna Beach, there Is a definite damage.a to cover the costs of removal pattern of harassment," be claimed. and replacement of the fill dirt. Leary singled out Police Officer Neil The Harbour Corporation offend to Purcell In speaking of harassment. compromise by sharing the cost with Purcell was the arresting officer in the the school district for necessary methods Leary case. to oultably landscape the achoo! sit<. a lie place. e:es then were thrown out of court when Jt was held he was no( in a publlc place. The controversial Leary holds a doc· lorate tn psychoJogy from the University of California, Berkeley. In 1963, he was fired from the Harvard staff for exceeding prescribed bounds in experimenlatioo with LSD. Following the last arrest, Leary said he has been stopped and searched 23 times in the last 13 monUis. Trusleu' r<fulll cl thla comprombe mtanl the district'I Slqnme CouJ1 8C• tlm agalmt the Harbour Coq>oraUon is reinstated. F.....,. P•ge l DAILY PILOT OltANGI COolST f'U1l1SHIHG COlilPAN'f' ••Oert N. W1etl Prc1lcltnf •NI Pvblltl!llr J1c~ •· Cetl1y \/~ rrnul~nl '"° c,,~tf•I M-lltl' Th111111 IC1e•if Edlte< t1'oll'lll A. Mur,hi"• Mfl"""'9 ffillr AJ011t W. l1t11 W itli 1n1 k11.I At-11141 llwll""lefl at.cell lolilOt Cily l .. IW H1 ........... ll0fflc• lOt ltfl St""' M1ili11t .Ytlr•in r.o. 111 1t0, tt•~• --N""""' Slld'I: mt *"I lllllel lov~ C•l1 Mont: 130 Wnt llY' S"""t BLACK STUDENTS • • • me. 1 waot to know how I'ro rasponaible? Do you w~ me to a1it my tbtoat!" "It would help me a wbole lot. I'd get the money you .make," a black boy from Dorsey responded." "I know you hale me. but I don't hate you,'' said • white boy. "Thanks a lot. It's vuy while of you to say so," &netred a black boy. "This whole thing is sickening," said another black male. "You know what you're doing. You're putting us under a microscope. You want to know what makes us tick.'' "When we got off the bus somebody starts rue~ pictures. Tbllt really trip- ped me ou~· pn in 1 blaa lllrl. Said a black boy, "We don't have tails in our pant.s. I tblnk you're the animals." Chimed In tlie 11rst bl1a hoy, "'Ibero I$ 1<1ln& to come a time when we cruy niggers are going to· stop coming and talking to you." "Don't you think that might be the problem. There's no communication," uid a white boy. "Check that. Check that," a black boy said to the other bl.a.ck students,. 1ben to the white boy: "We sit down in seminars and lalk and thar1 line. 1ben )'Oll go home and listen to your eoul~ mu&lc and don't do anything about It. We nevtr meet agaln. That'• Just wutlng my time." Said another : "You want lo know what to do. So dig this. Tlllt to your neighbor." "But thla ls Orang• County. TheR guyr di( radlm," uld the whit< hoy. ! "Recondition him. Keep blowing en hlm. Mlle Jt a constant thing," the 'black boy chided. ..Ir ycii're not even ,going lo do Jt in your communJty you make ft sound like a hopeless problem. You're weaklings. I thought you were the master race." There were recurring threats of violence. "Put y~urself in our posit.ion," said a black girl. "We keep try and trying and what happens -nothing. Sure I'm against violence too. But if vloience is going lo make white America wake up. I'll do ll .. "A bl~clt: man w:llh a gun ls a bq: lhrtat to a white man. It's a dog eat dog world,'' sald a black boy. "But lhere. bas to be a ~cefu1 way," pleaded a wblte lirl "Damn your peace. The labor struggle. .was that done peacefully!" mapped the black hoy. PoUce brutality was anotha recurring theme. Said a black girl : "On Laugh In. You watch Laugh In? The man says. 'Where you going boy?' That's IUPPo!ed lo be fWUlJ'. That happens all the time.'' It was an experience wbite student.s weretft pr~pared for. Concorde Flight Set PARIS (UPI) -The Anflo-l"rench !llpersonic Concorde Jelllntr will make ill maiden flight early next m<mt.b tn aouthem Frm:e with top Jl'nnch tat pilot Andre Turcat at lhe cootroll, 1via· t.lon sources sald today. QUALITY SAVINGS DREXEL FRENCH COUNTRY MANNER DINING TABLE REG. $329. SALE $279, 'ARM CHAIRS REG. $125. SALE $I OS, SIDE CHAIRS REG. $110. SALE$ 89. SALE ALSO INCLUDES SElECTEO GROUPS FROM DREXEt, HENREOON, HERITAGE PLUS OTHER FINE LINES. IXCl.USM DU.LOS -HENltS-.-DltlXl!L-HlltlTAGI '° DAYS NO IMTlltlfT-LOHOllt TIMIS AVAIL.UL! ON A,,.llOVID cuorr NIWPDltT llACH 1717 W•ldltl o.. IMt-20!0 \ __ ,,,., ,_ ..... ""°'.. LA-... llACH 11ee11 =• i4S ......, c-HwT. fN.6551 A~ Of'M..UY,..f J ....... --... -.l!!!-!1!1.-.-11!!!.-...... .. •i . -... ----~-------------------- --. ----------· --------------~--------------..... • 1 Pu~l.ic Pa~fiag o·ver Fas,nion ·rre~CJ • • ·'Beautiful' People . . Don Mod-Ci1ypants When Yyes St. La\llllll pro- posed ''cl ty pan ta" as the fuhlon look to wear evtr)'Wher<, a surprised publ!e took him at his word and the resuhs are making fuhlon headlµies. Sears at South C083t Plaia sees citypants American style and presents a special collect· ion of these wide leg trend se~ ters in a variety of fabrics ln both solids and patterns. How do you decide which [lalr to wear where! (The "btautilul oeople" cbect pants at NeW "Yort'11 more elegant restaurants and .. dine a· la mini dresa!) Score equal faahJoo points for flared sleeves or bottom ciurfs, shirt sljlfe. Make flared legs a must -but sash your waist or not as the occasion dictates. Look · for necklino news In modified tr·sbapes and ~xaggerated ,pointed collars. Note ru.(!10\f cul!~ 1"hich have been elasUclzed roi e&sy wear. ; ... . Try something soft and slinky for your at-home ap- pearances. Remember that tuni«>ver·pant sets provide a mini dre,& that goes out on the town when worn alone • Although yoa.m~y elect~ to·wear lhem everywhere, y.ou are free to do· so this season. The fashionables wiU. th• trend seUera will. t b e bt411tifaJ people wlll: Art ,.., ready for cil)'pants ! , •• MAKE HEADLINES IN PRINT,... Designed with your versatile ~elf in·mlnd, either set will make you a fashion pacesetter in y9ur home. The set at left has thre .. button shltt cuffs and jewel neck !in• and tho outfit at right features 1 elasticized ruffle cuffs and a turtle heck collar. --oHtcers lnstcflfect-·--· Eaucafors--·. .. To Meet ADD FLARE TO YOUR .LIFE -.•• with.a feminine look in citypants. Flar- ed sleeves complement flared legs and waist tie adds comfort for a~home ap- pearances. When v~nturing out remove sash and set forth in a U·necked mini dress. That's Shoe _Business . No Spiking for Heels NEW YORK (UP!) Round and round it goes, the shape of the shoe toe for •prlng. Any remains or the pointed toe in women's footwear Jong · -'since have been put away. Gone now is the blunted, 1quared toe of last spring. The new look is the sortly rounded one with s o m e fullness t.o the shoes without their being hefty. To balance the snubbed toe, footwear designers have given more height to the ba·ck, and added the variety of heel heights: from which to choose. Heels come in flats, fair to middJing, even go as high as three inches. manufacturers are d o I n g thong-like sandals with ankle straps and platform soles of the 1940s. "The pump no longer dominates the shoe scene,,,. says Herbert Levine. He and his wife, Beth, are a well- known team in women's footwear. ''We (now) have an ex- traordinary v a r i e t y or silhouettes and types of shoes, SEE YOURSELF IN SEPARATES -Al left Is a black or brown velveteen set featuring a double-- blittoned vest and wide pant set. The turtle collar, wide cuffed sleeve and shirt adds color and fabric contrast in white satin. On the right, a satin bush shirt in tbe perfect topper for grey, wide leg moire pants. 'Camp Names Oracle Mrs. H. L. Reed will be- come oracle of Laguna Camp, Royal Neighbors of America following an installation cer- emony in Laguna B e a c h American Legion Hall nes:t Wednesday. Mrs. Ferdinand Foster, a former oracle, will conduct the ceremony with the assist- ance of Mrs. Donald Wilbur and Mrs. Al Hatch. Other officers to be Install- ed include the Mmes. Charles Smith, past oracle; Mrs. Lu- cian Means, vice oracle; Mrs. Foster, chancellor; B. E. Smith, receiver; Hatch, mar- shal; A. L. Colclazier, inner sentinel ; William Roetter, out- er sentinel; G. M. Watkins, manager, and Miss ShirleJ Fo.ster. recorder. Appointed officers will be thi! Mmes. Wilbur, assistant marshal; R. J, Judkins, tlag bearer and modesty; Reed,_ musician ; Watkins, faith; Jake Switzer, endurance; F. A. Franke, unselfishness, and Glenn Smith, courage. Bethel Ho~r~ B kf .. JS rea osf,'.! .. Job's Daughters~ 9etliel 313, Newport Beach, ~·Wifl attend St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for their oo~to Church Sunday on Jan. 1% lit II a.m. Following the se£1.o'ice. there will be a Pancake Breakf1U1t Medical Group In Seafaring Masonic Temple. The event is open to the pub- Every second Tuesday of lie. the month members of Orange On Jan. 21 the bethel Is Shores Medical Assistants' presenting Court~ Officers Association assemble at 8 p.m. _N_ig_h_t_. ------- An Important meeUng lot nursery educators bas · been scheduled by the Orang4 County .4M<>ciation for the Education for Young Cblldren. What Do We Want in oui College Classes will be th& topic at a.p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14, in the First Methodist Church, 12.741 Main St . , Garden Grove. , A certificate for nursery school teachers .i8 available through classes. offered b1 area junior co!Jeges, accord- ing fo Mrs. Roger Hertzog. as.c;ociation president Here's Wliere It'• At! The newest look.Ing height, dictated by the pants in spring collecUons, is a bit over two inches. It's the height Roger Vivier showed originally with the Yves St. Laurent-pantsuits from Paris. such as the high-riding step----------------------- ins, Ues, clogs, spat shoes,'' Location may be obtained by calllng Mrs. Marjorie Humber, 644-2273. Kids Like to Ask Andy Earns Wings Earning Trans World Airlines flight hostess wings is Miss Rita Con-- roy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Con· roy of Corona de! Mar. • She is based out of New York. •. • ~~ Leche League Hosts Third In a Series The third In a series of four monthly meetinca •ponsored by the Costa M"3 chapl<r of La Leche League will take place Tuesday. Jan. lf. The Birth of the Baby and Family Relatioos will be the loplc ol lhe dlocusslon to begin at 7:45 p.m. in the homa of Hro. Leoo Stoddard ol Costa Mesa . Anyooe may attend the in- formal dl1CUssion. For more information about the league or the meeting, call Mra. H. W. 1.foore at 545--4359. Levine said. And of courie boots go on into spring from PEO Sisterhood • The higher heels in · no way resemble the spikes of the l!M-Os and 1950s. winter, in pale colors and---------- The new highs are broader, set far back on the shoe and are minus the old full curve at the top. Designers show the rounded toe in everything f r o m daytime flats to the most glit- tering of ev.ening wear, in materials fro m traditional kim ana ;JNll•nts to patterned fabrics. Pair a patterned shoe with a solid • dress for a change. . Delman, for Jnstance, does 11 paisley patterned pump with two inch heel . And Mademoiselle shows l·h e "Nanny" oxford, a lhree eyelet _tie with chun~y mid- high heel in a floral pattern. Spring shoes open up, and the open look will be the most important one for summer, predicts the National Footwear Institute. The look calls for uncovering everywhere -at the front, the middle, :the back. Always, the broad heel. And some whites. You'll hear such terms a.! "baby beige," ''tawny ginger," "honey bear," "spic· ed cui;ry," ''raspberry cream,'' "lavender sachet," "frQSted orange." To go with the patriotic sweep in all ready-t<>-wear, watch for rtd, white and blue combinations in .shoes too. They look splen- did in pa(.ents. A word iibout shoe selection comes from Mn.-Levine. "Don't just look down at your feet when you're trying on shoes," ·she said. "It's a mistake manY women make. The shoe should be studied from all angle.1, especially the way it looks from tbe back. and in a mirror large enough ~o see the whole you , not Just the feet." Me•a Rebekah Every first and third Tues-- day of ·the . monlh members of Mes.a Rebekah Lo d I e assemble in Odd Fellows Hall, C.OSta Mesa, at 8 p.m. ' MESA VERDE PJE~HOOL •nnillln-lhe openlnt of S.Cond School WEST BAY PRE-SCHOOL 2n Mento Viii•, Cosl• Mou The School has a lew openings for children whose parents are aware arffl selective. Pre-&:bool training Is essential durine the yeara when intellectual potential is being e!lablished. PHONE FOR A BROCHURE--'45-2750 or 546-3244 First Century Marked The centennial year of PEO is beitlg marked this year, and in conjunction with the observance will be a noon luncheon meeting of t h e Orange Coastal Reciprocity Bureau Saturday, Jan. 18, in _the Newporter JM. Keynoter will be Mrs. P. H. Lamoreau, state president who will discuss S e v e n Founders. Other state officers expected to attend are the Mmes. J. R. Giantvalley of San Diego, organizer: T.W. Heidner or Pasadena, second vice president, and G . C , Morgan of Long B e a c h , treasurer. Also included on the pro- gram will be piano selections by Mrs. Jack Colvin and a story, "Seventh Little Sister" written by Mrs. F.W. Cleland, will be read by Mrs. Jack Stejdinger, all ot Huotington Beach. PEO was founded in 1869 at the Iowa Wesleyan CoJlege, and since then the sisterhood has established and main· tained three educ a tlon a I philanthropies. The educational fund was founded in 1907 to make Joans to attend. Reservations· may be made by calling Mrs. R. W. Danielson at 545--1577. Asspciotes Pion Music to young women needing help Mrs. Robert Smith 0 f for education beyond high Corona del Mar will host the school; Coltey JunJor College Upper Bay Philharmonic for Women has been owned and operated at Nevada, Mo. Associates on Monday, Jan. since 19'27 by PEO, and 13, at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. J . S. foreign students have been en-Pike Jr. will conduct the couraged to pursue graduate business meeting and Mrs. R. study through the Interna-S. Leith will introduce the t. I p s h l hi guest harpist, Miss Elizabetb 1ona eace c oars p pro-El . Tu 11 gram since 1&49. gin rre . In honor of the first century,_ The musica1 artist bu the Centennial Center will be-performed with the l 9 6 5 completed and-dedicateif in California Artists Series and Des Moines. is wnrking with the University All unaffiliated PEOs in the of Southern C a I i f or n i a Ora)!fe Coast are.a are invited Orchestra. ' . RING-A-DING WATCHES What could bl cool~rthen a leCoult... alarm watch for your aottve type man. Tht Memovox E-Automatlc, alarm, calendar~ 174{ewel LeCoult11J moveme,nt. Qold·filled braotlet and case, $140. Thf"Polarfl-Deep f•I alarm futUJe rings when lt'S time to 1urfa99I Stalnlesa steel case af'ld bracelet. waterproof, calendar. It'• the only watch of its kind in the world. $180. • Yo11r Ch•rt• Ac.co1n1t Wtlc.offle-l1n~Amt,lc.tr..I, Mttltr Cltorgo, too SLAVIC K'S Jowo1Wt.Smc.1tt'1 11 FeshiOn l1l1nd N•wport leech -6-44-1 lSO I . ~ I • •• . ....... , .... __ ·--~··· ' ........ . •• ~-~~ ~~~~~~~~~....,..~..,....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-..,,,-,,~-. .. ·~-. ... ••••• ...... , ..... , .. • •.•.. J __ ..... • -· ---...... 1 -+ •• ~ • -.... JJ! D,\ll~ PllAT rr!d01, .lln""I' lD, 1'169 l,.IG.ll, NOTICE Ne~ Beverage?, .................................... r-.-.~--:~~~1 OVER THE COUNTER ·A· NASO Ll•llnt' for lhul'ldoy, Jonuory t, 1"9 I I .. ·------~---------------·--~-~ -~ --------·----------------~---..,,..-:! ' Ftldl!, i......, 10. 1%9 IHI D,\JLY l'ILOT • ' ' • I • ·-· • t • I • ' Morrall Not . Concerned-With Nainath's Slam ~ (AP\ -Earl Morrall lsn1 ~ in Joe Namath's Ue, juot his an\\. Morrall, th< Bal\lmore ' C<O It I' ~ ~·said be had ttad N~'• lo him U a sllth ffte ~ ......... ..,, 'opinion be winla, • 'said Mornll. '"lblt's hit 00.U-. • ••r don't worry about lttber quarterbacks. All I'm lnteteated In II tbe other teana'1 defeMe. JJ'hal's what yoo bav• to beat. ACt!ons speak louder than words. It's 'tfbat )'OU~ do on tbe !itld that oowits." Namath, quarterblck of lbe American Football Ltaiut champion llew York Jdi, rawid Morrall. earner thts weet. Namath'~ there were a\ W five quarterbacks In th< AFL btu.,.: than MOtrall. The J4..year..old Morrall threw 2' lo\IChd9Wl1 pa,... tbll season Jo ~ lbe Coils to th< NallonaJ Fobtl>all LOilie CMmpiOMhip and into Sullday'I Sujler Bowl 1ame 11alnst lhe Jets, He wu voted the NFL'• player of th< f111 and an:bitect of the Jets' AFL champWlstiip drive. Morrall said: "I havt'n •t 8ten too much of hJm. I've reld a kit. He ceta a kit of publicity. From whit I've aeen on te:levlaion and films, be throw& q41Ck; gets ~ faM, a:et1 rld ot the ball" Morrall Aid he couldn't recall ·ever putUn& a rap on another .J:layer. ''Al. I say, be can tllk. It'• '\JI to taeb Individual wbal be does. I don't ' OFF TO OREGON -UCLA coach John Wooden will be counting heavily on guard John Vallely when the Bruins open Pacific Eight play at Oregon tonight. UCLA's Saturday afternoon game at Ore-- gon State will be televised at 2~'io over Channel 5. Vallely played at Corona del Mar High and Orange Coast College. Sports In Brief • P ac-8 H osiillties Open; Lakers, Celtics on TV Pacific.a Conference basketball gets under way tonight v.1ith the beginning of the end of a (abulous era called "Alcindor." UCLA's powerful Bruins and lheir towering center Lew A1cindor, now a senior, open I ea g u e play at Oregon. Tonight's Pac • 3 schedule h a~ Southern Cal at Oregon State, Stanford l":osting Washington, and Cal entertaining \Vashingtoo State. The home teams switch opponen~ Saturday, when the feature will be UCLA ..at Oregon State in the afternoon. Laker• at Boston BOSTON -The Los Angeles Lakers .battle the Boston Celtics tonight ; aiming for their third straight victory without a loss against the National Basketball AslOciatioo'a defending champions. The game will be televised In the Southland, Channel~ at 6 o'clock. Si•paon, Sogge Sign LOS ANGELES -O.J. Sithpson ac· quired a manager and Steve Sogge ac· quired a baseball career Thursday. The two stars of USC's football learn appeared together lit a news conference to talk about the turns in their destinies. Simpson. whose .spectacular rushing won him the Heisman trophy. said he's signed a "total management" contract with Sports Headliners, Inc., of In- dianapolis. It will handle a11 his affairs, including nqotlat.ioos for a pro contract. Simpson is espected to be the No. 1 draft choice this year. L Sogge, Trojan quarterback, Is less known as a baseball catcher. But he's a good one and the Los Angeles Dodgers signed him to play with their farm club al Spokane. Sogge said he signed as a free agent to what he called a very fair contract. Terms were not disclosed . Dro11ght End6 DF.i'ROJT -After 210 minutes and four seconds -nearly four games - of the most frustratingly barren hockey play in their history, the Los Angeles Kings finally put the puck into the net -but it wasn't nearly enough. It was all downhill from there and the Kings got clobbered, 6-2, Tburday night. P•terno No. 1 LOS ANGE~ -Joe Paterno wound up the football season ranked a notch higher than the Penn State football team he coaches. Penn State was No. 2 in the final Associated Press football poll. Paterno ha1 been picked as College Football Coach or the Year in the university division. Star• Lose DALLAS -For the Los Angeles Stars, there's no place like home. The Stars proved ii again Thursday night. losing 104-89 to the ~1avericks in Houston. The club has ll chance to Improve that road record tonight in Dallas against the Chaparrals. Kush Change• """d JC Wrestlers Visit Cal Poly For Tourney SAN LUIS OBISPO -Golden West and Orange Coast wrestling teams were competing in the Cal Poly junior college tournament today and Saturday after both teams lost dual matches. Mt. San Antonio rallied from a 15-11 deficit Thursday to overhaul the · host Rustlers, 2&-20, and visiting Orange Coast lost a 31-13 decision to Fllllerton on Tuesday. OCC's Paul Robinson (137) won his eighlh straight match of the' season with a 9-3 win. The other Bue winner W83 Bob Lyle, in the !JO.pound class. Fullerton's Bob De.litori decisioned Joe Randle by :1. 12-1 margin in the t•S-pound match and then OCC's Art Broo~s gained ll draw with Oscar Valenzuela in the 152--pound struggle. The Pirates' Mark Stockton lost a close 6-5 match to Mark Taul at 160 pounds. Fullerton's Ron Beren.schot pinned Orange Coast's Tony Horpel (lfr} in the second period. The Dues' Ralph Cross was decisioned in the 19).poond match and beaT}'Weigbt Dan H11lla.n:I WU pinned. Ml. SAC U. ~ W•I 2t 115-MI. SAC, ~ 1a-L1nv Wt!u••be (Ml.3AC) tlK. 8111 H1rri1 CGWC), f.1 llG--D1n Herffl 1Ml.SACI lltc. Clui1 Pettit (GWC), ... lJl-K1'1uH liO!tlo !OWCl pinr.ed lom .5.POrm•!I IMl.,AC), sKoll<I period 1•5--llob Gl.,.le.: IGWC) 1>lnne6 Bit! 'fl•lor !Ml.SAC). ~ -lod 152-Jlm Vllbt.H!l'I IGWC) 1>lnnl!CI Joltn Hetrrl (Ml.$AC1, lll!rcl P«loa 1114-llkl'I CunnlM/llm (Ml.U.CI plnMCI -••d Ftnnel (GWC), stto..d 1>eorloa ltJ-1rll Hll'llOOO CMl.SACl l>lnn.ci C!lutk M"eor"le !GWC), 11rs1 period ln-Joe Corty (Ml.UC) 6K. Ille~ DIPbovt IGWC), 15-4 lt1-Dlflnl1 COUit (Ml . .5.A(l .1 ...... John 'n11tNrt !GWC), .econc! period Hvy.-Mlllt ~ (GWCl Plnnd SI! Crtl!lt !Mt.SAC ), ~ perletd have to believe It. 11 The Colli' p&Sler said that u a team. Ba!Umore doesn't pay too mudt attention ' to thina:s Uke thi!, in cue Namath'• bl13t al him was meant to bt j>lychologi<aJ. He slkt then was aome top: ln the -tna tbal Namath might be lr1jnc to bo!Jt<r lbe J•ll' coofldence by downgrlding htm and tbe mt of tbt NFL champlOlll. Morrall had kind words for the man he 1t1pplanted 1t quarterback tor the Coll!, lbe bdlUanl John UniW. "John helped a lot. He's a great team n;an. ·we talk 4"""' th< week btlon a ' game, •-lllma, and lie pvu bia advice cklririr a llmt·" Morrall ~: ~"It'• tOUCb OD him (Unltu). AllflN>tJ -II 'a comptUtor llndl It hard to bt Oii lbe oldelllies. Bat. his arm has been bcitbtrini him. Jr1 a gr.al bibul.e to blm ihe WO)' be has belj)ed me. '\io'1 dona everythlq he can.0 Morrall ·was a baatbaD and ' loolball atar when · be &Honded ~an state • Jones, Hill Fire 66s University. He evtn bad a chance ~ a pl'O(eillooaJ baseball career. ·•1 .. ,., ~ball could be • Jona •trui· 11<." Mnrrall .said. 1r1n football l would know ii I couJa' m.U it !n nine weeks, by the end ·ol the uhll:ittion season. My cbanctl lo loolball looked a klt betltr. I oould have drifted 1n baaeball's minora lot yeara." ' Did the DILlve of Michigan ever dream he would have a 1euon Uke the 1981 campa1gn wUh BafUmore! "It's a fanlaly.'' he said. Sifford's Scorching 63 ' • Tops ~irst Day of LA Open: LOS ANGELES !AP) -Tbere had been a parade of stan and less-than· it.an into the pressroom at the Loe An- gelea Open ••. There was Billy Casper to descrlbe what he called a "scroungy" round of 69. And Arnold Palmer relating his 72, one over par for the Rancho Farm Golf Club. There were Jimmy Walker, Jr., from L o s Angel~, Terry Dill from Amtln, Tex., and Bob "Watennelon' 'Murphy, the rotund one from Nichol&:, Fla., who were tied at the Ume'at 17. then came a refreshlnc youna: man from Wichita, Kan., Grier Jones, a rook· ie pro and 'the 1968 national collegiate champion fro~ Oklahoma State. His 66 looked like it would hold up. But on came Dave Hill; an infrequent winner f r o m Evergreen, Colo., to tie young Jones. AbrupUy from out on the course came a report. Charlie Sifiord·was eight shols under par, with one hole to go. lmpo&lble. Everyone agreed. Sifford was only ooe itrote under par at t b e turn of Rancho's regulation 36-35--71 •.• Hill was on the interview plaUorqi when 48-year-old Sifford strode in. "Cbar4 lie SiffQrd, gentlemen. With an eight- under par 63," said his escort. But the 63 was true. Silford went intO today's second round of play with a lead of three strokes and another bit of mai- ic had touched a golf tournament. .. Sifford has been a professional more than two decades. He is the first Negt_b to really make a big go of it in golf. ff• has: played most of the major tourni(. menls and a lot of little ones. ~Bate to Quit Track' Hb Me maln target b to be lnvtt.d f!' play in the famed Masters, an Invita- tion be hu never received, however. '". Sifford's back nine holes were amai:. Matson Stays Amateur, Declines Pro Contract Ing. He started with a birdie deuce on No. 12. On the 526-yard 13th be took • wedge and slammed the ball into the cup from 40 yards out. . A bot driver and wedge produced four more.success.ive birrlies as.he came horn• in 2S stroke.~ for l'ill rrL"ld of 35-~3. Sifford ~~id he has ~hot &• twice tn tournan1~nts but n~vrr I! 63. a cour!e record here shared by Pa.ln1er and Phtl Rodgers. • DALLAS, Tex. (AP) -Look out workl! Randy Matson Ii ants to compete in track again. Matson, who started In a stock brokerage training program in Houston last week, has given up the idea of playing either prol'esslonal footOalJ or ba.sketball. "Oh, I thought about It a lot," Matson said in a telephone interview. "l don't know if I could have made it. But l 'm Interested in a business car~ and I would have to put it off until I completed professional athletics . "I hate to quit track now. I'm just 23. I ahould be able to Improve." Mabon, the world and Olympic record holder in the shot.put, received offers from both the Dall.as Chaparrals of the American Basketball Association and the Atlanta Falcons of tht National Football League. He stands g.fool-3, weigh.s some 255 pounds and is quick, quick, quick. "I had some pretty good offers," ~1atson said. "I really think they were higher than what I would have betn worth to them. The offers were real fair, but not such as would make it worthwhile to me." MataOn. has already. be,un workouts at the Houston downtown YMCA health club. "I hope ·to compete this year in selected events," Mat.son said. "I hope to make as many meets as I can, lt will take another month for me to get into decent shape so I could throw in competition. "I hope to be in shape In time for the Fort Worth indocr meet in February. I would also like to go out lo the West Coast for a meet or two." Matson said his employers were "interested in my compeUng. This is a real good situation for me. 1 will go to training school in New York in July for two and one-half months and then take exama to eet regl!tered." Mat.son said be would like to tee the development of JW'O(ialonat track and fieki. I "It would be real good for the tract athlete," sild Maltsnn. "n's bard to com- pete as an amateur and try to hold down a job. "It would also strengthen the overall track program. More youngsters would Sports Calendar S.tunlay Buketball -Costa Mesa vs Garden Grove at Corona del Mar (6:30), Millikan al Corona del Mar, Orafige at Mission Viejo, Westmont at UCI. Golden West at Santa Ana (all at I), Saddleback JC at Cal State Lona Beach Frosh (5,4!), · want to concentrate on a career In track and field instead of football and other •ports." Mat.son said he had given some thought to lbe possiblllty of competing In the 1'12 Olympics in Munich. Germany. "It's a 'long way off," ·Matson said. •·1•11 have to take tt day by day. If It gets to the point where I'm unable to compete well I'll &ive it up. I want to win -not just compete." All you can Re, Randy Matson ts back: "If I can play this good with the flu l hope it don 't leave me."' said Sifford" .. UCI Posi io Ada1ns \ Set to Coach Baseball .. Gary Ad8I111!1, 29-year~ld recrUtion sports director at UC Irvine: ls expected lo be named UCl's first baseball coach soon, the DAILY PILOT bas learned. ' Adams joined the pbyscial education staff at Irvine last fall. Prev- iously, he :was ·on the baseball co~cbing staff at UC Riverside. UC! will begin its ti.alleball program iii the spring of 1970. Cod- slnlction is ezpected to begin on the university's baseb"all .field thb!: spring. Eventually, the baseball plant will be part of a three-part spo~­ complex on the large field adjacent to the present UCl athletic complet.: The baseball field and a· Tartan track will be divided by an intrf: mural field . . : · Ada.ms is a graduate of UCLA, where he was a baseball stand~; in the early 1960's. Following his graduation, he remained at UCLA ac: assistant varsity coach and bead frosh coach. He moved on to UC River-· side in 1965. : A resident of Mission Viejo, Adams bas already· begun recruiting~ top Orange County. prep and jwiior college baseball prospects. · • Irvine athletic director Dr. Ray Thornton has indicated the search. for UCl's first track coach Is continuing. He is expected to mak,e' Adams' appointment official before the end of the month. ~C Tran$£ ers No Longer To Lose Year's Eligibilil): LOS ANGELES (AP) -Athletes who transfer from junior colleges to four-year schools no longer must wait a year before participaUnr In varsity athletics 1t their new achoo!. The National Collegiate A t h I e t I r Association during Its meeting in Los Angeles this week ruled such transfer students can participate in varsity athletics after one quarter Ol' litme!ler -providing their grades arc good. An NCAA Executive Committee pro- posal, accepted during the meeting, set& a 2.5 or C.plus grad~ average u the standard. And. ii uses a formula to predid that if a student is capable or a t.8 or C-minus grade average, but mikes a 2.5 or C-plus average the first gr1dine period, the student can repreJent the achool Jn athletics. •• SHELLEY QUITS RUSTLER CAGERS TEMPE, Ariz. -Frank Kush was as elusive as some of bis Sun Devil back.a todaiy as to why he decided · to quit Pittsburgh five days after aocepUng the job a.a bead football coach to re.main at Arizona Slate Unlvenity. Lagunan Shares Open Lead A student with • better than 1.1 grlde projection or record also is eligible if his average alter lhe first gradJni period II U er better. • ~uenU•lly, the new rult won't count for football players unless they completl!t a qu~ or semester of working durin1- the spnng or summer. Mlke Shelley, the leading scorer for Gaklen Wat lut 1euon but a restrVe tldl year, has ctroppel! oil the RU$llm' batelball team and plans kl enroll al BID State University in Muncie, Ind., aaert scmtller. Sbtlley 1verlgect J7.• points a game tor Lbe Rustlers last leaSOn and w111" 1COtin& 10 points per eon~t this year aa 1 reserve forward. He Jui pl1yed ror Goldfl'I Yi'eit in the December Oiaffey Tournament and tJtn Wiit lo Indiana. bit llirthpla~. w Im bo!kfAy1. ffe wu nowhere to be found Tburaday when ASU athletic dinctor Clydt Smith proudly annoi.mced that the achool'a win· ningest coach in hisklry had decided that he wouldn 't return tn hl."I native Pennsylvania. after all Olttllllfl<' "led•I Stolen ANTIBE.5, France -Burglara broke hlto the home of France's Olympk skilna champion, Marlell• GoilSdlel. and stolt her medals and trophies as well as some household good!i, police reported Thunclay ni(hl. SUNOL, Calif. (AP ) -Th< !50,000 Alameda County Optn Goll Tournament v.·u a guaranteed fin.antlal succesa loday but who will gri1b lhe $10,000 winner's pu.ne won't be known until Sunday. BUI Ogden of Tucson, Ariz .. a veteran club pro who plays only in the California and Ariz.Qna tour events, shared the first round lead with Rlchard Martines of Laguna Beach. Each !haved two strottes off the Palm coune pu 72 Thursday. Ogdt:n dropped three birdies and toot one bogey; Martinel htd rour bird& and two bogeys. Frank Jvaldi, owntr' of the 7,100 yard Sonol Valley Country Club, said th< Pn>lmlonal Goiters Aaaoclatlon had guaranteed him against possible loss on the promotion. The tournament wu rather hurriedly scheduled, in conflk:t'wlth this weekend 's $100,000 Loi Angeles Open, when the touring proa organized the rival -1nd short.-llved -Associi1tlon of ?rolesslonal Gollen laat ran. It was blcked by the PGA. Thurlday. Lyle Wehrman, it.I Viet )resident, told Jvaldl the PGA would ab9orb any loss. He aJ>o oaid lhe PG,\ would esempt the top 10 finishers Crom quaJifyinc for nest week's $135,000 Kaller Open at Silvera do Country CI u b, Napa, CalU. Previously n had e1tmplod oni, tho Sunol winner. Ogden and Martines had Thunday't only 1ub par accres. Four othen ahot par 71: Butch Balrd, Don Whitt, Dlck LolJ ind Rk:k Jetter. Six shar.d 73: Jotumy Loli. John Jacobs, Btu Tindall, can Lollren, Ralph DtmlD1 and Scot!J MacBtath. Bob I.mm, who won IUl week's Southern Callhlmla Open and more than $100,000 i...,t year. was tltd• at 7S wlth acveral. But, according to an NCAA spokesman', ft wookl mean basketball pl•yers or athletes participating In other winte~ or M>ring sports, could put on varsitt uniforms. The predicting formula takes Into con: slder•Uon Rn athlete'R academic: recont In high achool ~nd junior colltge ind attempts to project the quality of his work at the four-year college. ·: If an athlett does not make 1 2.f i1verage during the flrst grading period he still must wait a full year bef;f piarticipatJng on a varsity team. '• Founiaih :valley ~JJO.l t . --N. T. -$~t0e'~;_ • • . ...,._ ... ,.., ""'" VO~. 62, NO. 9, 4 SECTl6NS, 36 PAGES ORANGE 'couf.rtr; tAUFORNIA I ! ~' ~ FRIDAY, J~UAR 1969 TEN eENTs ,;..-' ' ' Young, ·Angry BlaCks· Shatter · Studerits' ·Hf!pes· ~· ' .. • . •t.. 1 By THOMAS FORTUNE were prepared to overcopte and disarm Off"-0.ltr PIW S111t antagonlsin by a SbOW of true COncefn. The young and the angry can '>e What they did not ezpect was that brutally frank. their black guests would despise them, Well-meaning white students from . would consider tberb hypocrltE!s and Newport Harfbor High School had their "'phoniet for their. purported concern. Th e hopes crushed Thursday by black whlte students were not prepared for s~L . · "rom Dor~".; High School in that , and 'so they were upset ahd hurt. Los Angeles. "It really makes me sad. I came The white st· 'lCCted hostility here hoping we could do something," and distrust fr black visitors reacted one white girl. to the Harbor H.igu campus. But they "A lot of my dreams of helping have been ahatter<jl. I know -It'• going For the .dl>CUJ81ons the student& got Change )'OW' neighbor. BiMr'proJ!ldl"' to lake a long time," aald another. loll•llltt Ill m!l.d groups or 10, chairs out ol white communJu... H~ Die The student diacuaiaoa Involved 25 , '""--· junlors and seoion from Dorsey High, squeeied. Into close circles. 111.,.~,tt.a. uun't come and try heJp i5 from Harbor HJgb, and aeven from in every clrcle white student! asked, • · Estancia High in Costa ·Meaa. "Whal 0.. we do! ljoW can we belp!" Tben .caln. tbe remarb !bit burl' Earlier in the day three black na-The ·UIWtl'I were: ti.Leafe us alont. u.eut ... we don't ~~ ~-:to--tan tionalist leaders apoke combaUvely to· Let QS .orpaJza,.-to Met nctress in our wr @.dviee. YOll don't "'lly ~~' J9u'te the studem.. Some whlte rludenta' ..,. .,.,, '1'l>ell ciao~-&O qalnst "'· Jul! curtoua. Give up01he ttim•· v .. mouths fell open ln amazement at what Gtvt u• money aod let ua lpend 'it don1t have. any falttr,tn Jour Q'.W'D,.opit. tbey beard. Tbe black ·student& completed " u we Uke." · You don't" thlnlt they'll chlllp. -:--• the rout Qr;J'Talll lo )'JXlr ""1!111111,IJlil·daddy. -~ ." a.olminr. W•'lt.wl_la:.~.,,.CJI! ·--..... ..... . ----· . --~ ... ' . . .... -:.. .... Ute ways of the world. We've leame4 to IUJ'Vive In. the streeta. We're bardeoeiS and realiatic. u ~ ' ~ ~ ... ; ,. Roded dn· their Meis wlilMtillidema ' -. asked: "Why do you ~te "-~!:Whlt have you got against me ~ONtJl:yf' -The usu&l ~ "But'"')'OIQ;don't took at us u tndividhals. ·1Yoo·ttbiht, 1YOu've seen one nigger you'Vd! 1een them an.'" ·-:~; A Harlic>r f1igb Kiri pleadi!d,.:"Tell (See BLACK STUD~~ll -.• - Tea.chers Still Out SFSC .Strikers Facing Loss of Jobs SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Striking a unlon leader. "\Ve will continue to teachers, joined by militant students, strike." today picketed San ' Fraiicisco State As classes resumed, a coed was ar· College ill the face oj poSsible arrest rested when her car swerved close to and Joss of their jobs. o..i several policemen crossing the main in- For the fifth day, union faculty tersection near the campus. Foul-smell- members paraded in front of strife-tom ing chemicals were poured on the floor school 'Wltli' student strlkers. Tlie teaChers of the:"llbralj later. , •· - were warned they would be considered The strikes and sporadic violence was by college administrators as.-having --reflected by diminishing-attendance and resigned and in contempt of court for growing bostilify toward pblice efforts defying an injunction against their strike. to maiJ}tain order. "Our attorneys tell W' the state cannot Eveifacting President,S. J. Hayakawa. declare· involuntary resignations," said who has previously declined to discuss Teens Seeking Dismissal of Trespass Rap Five Teens for Christ withdrew-In- nocent pleas Thursday in West Orange County Municipal Court in favor of fillng a demurrer on charaes of trespassing Dec. 6 at' Golden West College. A hearing on the demurnr was set for 2 p.m. Jan. 31 by Judge Walter W. Charamza or·HWttifigton Beach. The demurrer, filed by the public defender 's office, means J u d g e Charamza must decide whether charges filed against the Christian revolutionaries are legally correct. tf the charges art in error,. the case will be thrown out of court. If they are corred, a new trial date will be set to determine the guilt of tbe young Christians. Arrested Dec. 6, after they altempted to dustrlbute religious pamphlets on the Golden West College campus were : -Nancy Esther Dewar. 18, of 6271 Myrtle St., Huntington Beach. -Jonathan Em111t1el Berg, 19, of 6051,1. loth St., Huntington Beach. -Joseph N. Langford, 18, ol 905 10th St., HW1Ungton Beach. -Douglas Gene Toerper, 19, of 605 10th St., Huntington Beach. -Jame• William Burke, 27, of 6051/a 10th St., Huntington Beach. . The five have been released on thetr own recognizance. Newport Lawyer Sees 'Good News' On N arco Charge Balboa Island Attorney Richard A. Arrened 'iJHal'l8S A:. Tippit, 19, son of J. D. Tippit, Dallas policeman slain by presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, has been charged in Dallas with assault with intent to rape following al· leged attack on 3().year-<ild woman in her apartment on New Year's Eve. Half Million LA Voters Off Rolls LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tbe names Of half a million voter11 .have been ex- punged from county ro1ea for fall~e to exercl11e lheir franchise. ~at· recorder Ray E. Lee aaid Thursday 25.9.116 Democrats were d'ropped, along with 146,742 Republicans, 9,817 in- dependent voters plus others from varioull minority parties. Total : 447 ,633. This leave~ 2,638,li9 stiU registered. attendance figures, confirmed 'Iburaday that only about :;o percent of the sdiool'a 18,000 stud~ts are attending classes., Members of the strlldng American FederaUon of Teacbers and two .militant minority groups, who have •been Qn strike lim;_e-lio~._ •· cl~ Q).e Jiggre was much less than 50-,,ercent. The AFl', which represents 300 of the school's 1,300 faculty memben,-began its strike Monday .. Members continued picketing Thursday in defiance of a Superior Court Injunction against the walkout. Anaheim Club . . u,,..,........ APOLLO II CREW HAPPY AFTER LEARNING .THEY WILL BE FIRST TO ATTEMPT MOON LANDING July 1'69 Ml111on ·for (from ltlt) Edwin "Bui" Aldrin, Ntll-Armolronif, Michael Collins Rv~idPCl~~b~~s Moon ·Landins.·Men :P.icked ice ro e . . · .. · 0 . -. -. . . . A flourilbing, ~~p~cation-oolyc;~b ~u. v'e. 't'e""r .. a~· l!ipa.. '. ·~~ni~~ ·~~kct ~ \ }~~ "lpollo 11 Musi.on ed "Enjert:a.inment Unlimited~ was ~ eiJ, broken up · tn Anaheim early today in a raid which c::Umaxed a long, Orange County-Wide probe of gambling and pro- stitutkln. ' · Cards, dice, chips, and a poker and crap table were 11eized as evidence in the raid on a private home, where four men and two women were arrested, police reports alleged. Lawmen from eight different agencie s, lilcl.udittg the District Attorney's office, sherifrs office, Anaheim police and Newport Beach police departments participated in the jnvestigaUon and raid. District Attorney's investigators said today thal Entertainment Unllmited is charged with having staged gambling and sex parties: throughout Orange Coun- ty. Their method of operation, the DA said, included consideration of CU!tomer applications for membership, Jn which they conducted their own detective work into the backgrounds of those who sub- mitted bids to join. "They' were mainly concerned with two things: whether the applicant was an undercover police officer and whether -if not -he had money," said a spokesman for the District AUorney'1 office. U the applicant checked out clean, he waa accepted along with whatever aubsequent fees might be required and notified from time to time of the next Enl<rtalnmenl Unlimited party. Tboae arrested at 2182 Catalpa Ave., durlhg predawn , hours today Include<! these· persons and the charges on which they ...,.. booked ' -Jeste D. Placencia, 32, of that ad- dress; conspiracy to commit gambling and prostitution. -Douglas c. KornwoU. 28, or l2292 tSee VICE RAW, Page I) WASHINGTON (AP)-A clvtllen and two Air ·Force colonels who have walked in space will fly the Apollo 11 utl!slon, the first scheduled attempt by the Unit.- ed States to land men on tfie moon. The civilian astronaut, NelJ A. Ann· strong, will command the spacecraft. ientatlvely iet for launching iri July, the National A.eiol\BUUCS &NI Space Admin- istration said Thursday, 'in annoondng the selection of the crew. Anrisiroog and Col. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. are to descend to the moon in a Lunar MoCIU!e from the tbiln space-craft~ The main sbacecraft will remain in lubor orbit. piloted by Lt. Col Mi· chael Collini. Armstron~. who hp: survived t\Vo near dis.,WS amce becoming an astronaut in 1963, is a former test pilot for: tbe Xl& f'OC:i{et plmie and WU a Navy combat Dlfil' during the Korean .Wac In choosipg the three 38-year-old space vet.elans for the mission, NASA passed up the ApoUo I ulronauts who made the !Int lunar orbllal ,f!Jgbf&.Jut month. · But .two of these, .Navy Caot. Jamet A. Lovell Jr. and Air Force Il. Co) Wi~' lhim A. Anders, have· t>een named to the. Apollo . II backup crtw. 'Illa other, Air Force Col: Frank llonnan, "' htlng ass~ to . grou\)d '"'!I< at his own requeit, He wlll becqme depuly, &;.lot of crew flight operattonf. Rookie · astronaut Frad .Halse Is the· third man. on the ba~ crew. Space agency offlclal.! llld'l>ot say why Anders and Lovell were not Damed to· the Apollo 11 m!Mlon, but,the · NASA. ptacltce hU been · to sptead choice asslgtunents amoil( astronauts qualified for . lhem. · ,. 'Tbe Aj)Ol)o_ l,l 'laUllCh da(e· ls July' 15,_ but when It goes depend.s upoo the re· suits of the Apollo I and 10 missions. Apollo 9, now set for launch Feb. 28, will be an earth orbit of the lunar · Citizens Advisory Unit Picks Cammitte£ Chiefs Chairmen for nine subcommtltees of .Ave ... HunUn.gton Beacb.· Sta:ff .. ad:Vfaer". tht Cltlzens Advisory Commltlee or the ls Scott Flanagan. Jl\mlbiglon Buch UnlOn High ScbOOI .. P.Atfmll of Campus · Ol'poU.ktion ·Dl!tfict were appoint_ed by Chalz:man chairman la :Richard ~-of Roliert E. Dingwall Thursday nlg~. ~':i,,1:,'!'~.~~h;, :Onable: ' Sl4lf Tl"' Recreation and SchOol · Facillly .., Committee wlll ht headed by ·George · Size bf !jchool Sil< Con\"niti_lee & Walton of $882 Nevar'1 DrtVe, Hun-chairman Is Helen 0. Creed ·of •'1861 tington Beach. Faculty advtior to the Dariube Drive, Huntington· Beach. Dr. Cbmtnittee is Lee Mosteller. -Ethan Fullmer npresents the "8ff. Use of Schools Committee is led bj Home ~ruitrucUon ·c~ .ts ·Mickey 'Donald E. Loetnl!'l' of · loo& 'California Siegel of 6752 Vista Del Sol Drive •. Huntingtbn Beach and atall mem6er Lt 'H. W. Standard. . module ot the type in which .,Annstrong and Aktrin are to land on the moon. It wlll ht the flrat minned lost flight of the capsule, and if all goes perfecf)y, NASA olljcla!J Sly there will ,.be no.· need for Apollo}10' This test, now· ached~. uled for May t7, would be a moon orbit of ·the •lunar module. ll·ll is .. pP!!d;the ApoUo 11 f!Jgbl may ht moved up lo mid- June. . ArmJtrong,. the ·flnt· civilian to fly ln space, was the commander of the peril· .... Gemini. a IUJ<ht Ill 1966 .. Aflel' he successfully · linkea his. capsule >with , a rocket in orbit, the capsille apm out of cOntrof bu! Armstrong ·IOilclOd If lo a Hfe ,PWhdown in the l>aclfic. wt l"lf · a lunar , landing -lrabinr cmt' Atmsfroog was •testing at 'Elllill-ton Air "3rce Base, 'Fla,, Jost · power.1 anil feUJ Armstrong ejected and ' pora: chute<! to earth. He was aUgbtly ·t!llUi<d • when his parachute dragged him ICl'08I the. ground. Santa Anan Gets Jail, Probation "A 'Santa· hi man arr.st.cl . ~y Bun· tingtoQ, Beach pollcp oa. narc~ and 1 reckJess driving cbirges has, been. aen· . teni:<d lo· 60 . dlfS in Orange ~ty Jail and·placed on three·year1 problUon." Arthur R. Sanchez, 25, was sentenced In-Anaheim •municlpal··oouri.-He ··hH bee• held Ill the coun\y Jail• for the )>•st 70 day1. : Sanchez waa lieoked •by Huntington Beach offtcm last . Sept. 21' Md ftted on ball at his first court appearance. Ilia liM! WU later cabceUe<I -Ile waa caught buoldnf• an alrUne Uckel lo HawaU . after lellfnf off h i I possessiom. ' .Coad Higbie predicted Thursda y t!1at '.'some statements will be forthcomrng 1n the next few days that would be good news far a change" in the case linking him with an alleged marijuana smuggling conspiracy. , Higbie, who faces trial Feb. 4 on charges of conspiring to i 11 e g a 11 y transport more than a ton and one-h.alf of marijuana from Mexico, has derued any wrongdoing. , . Valley's King Size J>:rohle1t1 . Poi>ulatJon ProjecUDnJ chairman fa Joe~ Halbky of. 5421 Kenllworth Drive; Hun- tlbgtoa Beach with" Eme81 l'acoe staff member.. , . 1 , . College Prep. VI VocaUObalilnstrUctlon. chalrnfu • is J~!"YJ_. 'Sapp rt · aw: Wea~'!I' Members of Higbie's family also said they are confident that "everything will ht all rlgbL" No one, however. would comment on anything specllic concerning tbt biiarre Cl ... The former Newport Btach Planning Commissioner said he bad no pwt "ln lbe smuggling of marijuana peraooatly." He and two other ·men . -ant of them still at large -were 1'1amed In 1 federal Grand Jury indictment l&sued last November u defendantll In the case alleging that marijuana wa• flown from Guadalajara, Mexico, lo Palm Sprtnp Airport. \fhat arrived in the plane, boweyer, \\'U not marijuana, aourcu aald, but al!al!a. S1nall Lot Riquests Face Council' Continuously ' .. ' I . . ' . ---~~ ~ -~"--~4------' ---- Wadebrldie .Clrolt,-Himtlnll<>n . Beach; and Dr. Walter WJJ¥r1 representa the. st.aff. Tbe ·Y .. r-round· Sc1l9"i Committee Is lead by. Elden !l'NY,F, ot: 1111 P- Drlve, Hun~,~, ~JIOOert Martlil rep.....,,llJit die. facul . • _,. . 'fh< l'llosr~Jw Qll"l'fllJ. ,1,,. ltoidents· Cbalnii~ la 11ie Rd., 11b4er Wtaw011h ol'lll:I miJ' Av•.!Dr: Llulen: Moll ·II ,faoulty·advlaer • .:_ · . • . · · Each. ooinmlttee coll/'ll>!n· , II •. t~ ....,.,It 1boot .IQ .~Of •. 1111 ·-, liii""~ Cllbenl". ,,_......., 'Ill '.mtiig In iny al the ani1 iln~Wllldi ,th! cnm-ml"'-'8 w)U m~i..'11/e· lj)~' 1o l<Jeiil!oot, Ibo hllb',klldol; dliltlct l>ead- quartm at 131-l!IL ' .' , . · . A ·ltvC>pO!gt ·"""""~-~ ~~~:i!"' lllA!dal~ ~ : Coiil!riucid' cooC-'ahd•cloUd)'11 lbei unappe-g outlool< 1 .. the week· end, with the mercury ·mired around the 60-degnie mark. ' INSIDE TODAY NtwpOrt BC!OC~'I Ronnie Rob- trtson, af4r °o/ V...CKM:en.& ·lfol'1 dQu1: on • Jee _ot ;the Forum, , ft IPOUfohl<d In todav'a·WHkencl, · i t aec'tion, P0ge ll. • = w ' ...,. ...., n EE'= 'l ..... ti fliMllot lt>IJ ''" e.-• -w .. .._. . ..... ' --· -. -ft --" --.. --. ....... 1N1 ....... ,...,, ...... ' .. ,. **" Mlnllh 1>11 ·~ ; ~-.: •r 1! ""' ' ' .... 1· \ • ; .,.., l i . I J Skull Murder Suspect Says He's Insane ' .. ~ u 11too1h It would be dl!IP' ~., ........... ...., .... .. :. ......... ·-~llnl .._., ....... "'--. '"'"1 awarmld out of'olllce bulldlnJI and ·~ .. "" IO!lnd• of ....... · ond marUll mualc acboed In "Ille Caoyon ol -. " Thoy packed the lldewllk1 solid to 1hout their admiration for the ff~!:~~ ~~t~e i::=n. like a -around the overcoatod but One Santa Ana defendant In llta srlalJ lllJ1n>ld CUyon llA1ll man!tr cat 1111- co......i by tllno COila II-lut ' I November 'pleaded lnnoctnt by ,....,. of "'"4nlly Wednuday. Rowland J. Berry, :o. of 714 Toland SL, Santa Ant, wU1 bl tumlntd by two poydltatrllla appol!ltad altar . Iha preUmlnarJ baarlnl In Rlvanlda COlm\J · superior Courl. ; /\ mchtatrte report win bl llvm Jan. tt; wbUa Btrry11 murder triaf wu 1t1 lo. April II, depeodlna upon Iha -'1 llta unity hwlnr· -Oranp County yoollt, Timolh1 Rlm>O, 'It, of 11111 Anlltony St., Gardon Grove, pluded -Wodnlldey and Ftb. II wu ltl for a baarlq on bll motloatodlllnla. A thlnl lmOlll four ortllnaJ arrutau, Robb1t o. Crow, 11, et ElltnGrt, WU relauid lollowln1 bll DrtlJmlnary bur-Ins Jut weelt, due lo ·lid< ot adequata ~ evidence. • aois. Big 1Dit on Broadway ' bartblldOd ultwlaull W11o rode In llta raflad roar •I of 11 opae lbno'lllno. ·~~~ the moon. A few or the welromera who croWded upper windows aJon& the. +rout,., ~~re 10 carried away they forgot to alired their telephone books, a tradlUonal parade custom. Thi)' threw them out wbole lutaad. • •. Flip aild !lfCno rudlng "W1lcOmf Aatra14ula" delooratoo! Iha ..,. lid l """"PM' Ilda ,....... ., two !IN trM '°'"" a-" above their roula ....,.. lltey entored City JlaU Part for welcom- lna ceremonies b( Gov. N<Won A. llockefeDer 100 Mayor John V. Lii>dlay on the 1tep1 ol the bl1iorlc bulldlJ!i. Rockefeller said 0 these three wonderful men have '!ndeared Utemselvea &o the hwts and ~ of all New Yorka, Ill ,\merlcapl, uil ~· pooplt tllrolllhOUt the world." ''l'blf uil lllalr fnDJw "'!'I lltalr •Pl-ilfilA) 1'.,. 11-Iha world I W-tlft al a UDll wbcn we really nllliCMd it," be added1 The astronauts admitted they were deeply touched by the Broadway parade, a cuatom wl!lch Llndaay tormlnaled llld revived just for them. "lt'1 overwhelmlng,'' said Aoders. "You know your friend.a when the.re::: out to M )'(Ml iD Wt wtatbtr." . a:aid he found the experleoce ··~·-Llndaty, who wore a Basslan-atyte fbr cap, beltowtd the, city's gold medal on the trto, saying "Gentlemen, we aalu\I." Seven of the utrooauts' eleven chlldrell -two ot. Bonnan1, three of Andera. and !our of Lovella -looked on proudly as their father's accepted the city's hlgheot honor. NASA 'ctllli director Dr. Thomas Paine applaudld hll leun ooll!ualaltlcally • GWC Mixes Tunes In Variety Show Take a touch ot_ boNa nova BruJJlan 1tyle, add 1 Frlllcl! folklor& ll1d aome old-Ume favorites on banjo and piano, mix with jazz combo and modern dance and you have the promise of Golden Weat COUe1a11 second annual variety 1how Saturday. · The producUon, 1'Dimenslon1 1n Color ll1d Sound," will be •tared In th• Collega Center with lfO performers and musicians in 15 acts atarllng at 8:15 p.m. High on the program will be the premiere ol a new jazz composition by Gerald Schroeder, Golden West music teacher. Ano (her Schroeder !On.. "Mr. Michelangelo," by Sylvia Martinez will be sun&· OriJinal music is the order of the evening. Robin Matthew11 a 6lu- dtnt, will perform two original folk eom- polJ.Uona, .. ,.or Sandra: A Whllper," and "The Funeral of the Unicorn." The show also will introduce "The Ru!ller Folk," a singing group compoaed of Mils Martinez, Alice Jay, Nfni Walder, Don Shleld11 Randy Sm.Ith, and Greg Turner with Stewart Hmld on drums and Warren Peterkin at the piano. Compellng at the recent Fe.stivat or Sounds: at Knotts Berry Fann, "The Rusiler Folk" won two first-place awards for ~ingtng groups under 12 members. For the variety lhow they will sing 0 Tbere't Alway1 an Eztra Potato." "Sha~ack," and "What Now My Love.'' From Pnge 1 VICE RAID •.• Lorna St., Garden Grove; the 11me two counts. -Donel P'. Gorman, 11; of 12292 Lorna David Olarlu, IS, allo of Elllnort, WU orlcfnaD1 picked llj) for JnvllllcatJoa of llta IDllnlar ot !lent D. Davll, II, of Hayward, but ba loo WU nlouod. The pr-.Uco cootandl lltal Iha 1 defend---.rnJ!led -a faJH-Dii Wtlci • sale, allefedly IOUll>I by Davia on a Southland drol~ trip Jut Marth or wly April. DAILY 'ILOT ltltt ,,..,. Oemente Mom's Appeal Denied In -'f ot-Slaymg- St., G1rdtn Grove; coD1piracy to comm!' l ~""~!\'l:'F;»1,;.1.a; 3i;Of'2295 'f\iiiln- Never lntendJns lo completa llta deai 1111 Riverside Dlrtrlct AUonlel' char101, Rowland, HerrOn and poulbJy othtn ex- eculld Davia Jn Iha lanl4' canyon. InlormaUoo c<mpUed by obarill'1 Jn. vestigators indlcatu Davis tmight up to $800, believed taken by whoever put a bull<t through hia skull. Tl1ree Costa Mesa nbbit hunters 51.umbled onto blJ acattutd. and animaJ.. l!ll•wed bonoe 1111 Novamber, brlng!Jll llta •k1ill anl! watch Wlfd to ldonUfy tbe vlcUm back to local police. School District Won't Budge 'on Site Squabble The Ocean View l!chool Diltrlct win conUnue Ila court fl!lhl with llta Hun- Uflllon Harbour Corp. after IChool · ttuata. Moodey hll)lt refused lo accept a COlftFOl!llle pnipoul. The le1af bull• Involved landlcaplnf at Harbour View l!cbool. When Iha ochool diltrlol boulht Ille school 1lla from Ille HunUnston lhibour Corp., there WU an NHrted 141'ffment that Ille !Int land fill la< landlc1plng would bt supplied by the corporaUon. The ochoOf diltrtct charred that the tf>'ll of lmpor!Od ftll dirt wu ult laden and not 1Uitabl1 for growln, turf 11111. Several attempts to grow gru1 failed . The school district I.hen brought suit agaln!t ,the Harbour Corporation for da!Tll&N to cover the cost.a ol removal and replacement of the nn dirt. The Harbour CorporaUon offertd to compromllo by lharlnl the cool with the achoo} district for necessary methods to oultably tandl!Cope the ochool llt .. Trultets' rtfua1l ol thll compromise mNl\J the diltrlet'• Suprem1 Court IC· ~"" aplnot Ille Harbour CorporaUon ii relflllaled. < DAllY PILOI OllAMGI COllT l'UILlNtlMG t0M,AH1 le~•f'f N. 'W••' ,,.,......,...,. ,....,hlltr J.dr •. c •• 1:r \IQ ,.~ ..., Gt'M• M.t!I•••• l"'"''' k't••il EO!lff Th'"''' A. Mur,lll•t Ma""l1t1 I tit« Al~•rf W. l1lt1 \¥ill11111 l11J •uoc1••• Mlllolint~" l tl<.ft litilW (Hy llllat " .............. OHke lOt ltll Sk'11t M1lll119 A44r1n1 t.o. au 1•0. 926~1 o .... -. !tit ....... 1'MC:ll< 1'11 WHl hlbM ..... ft¥fr9 , .. ,, ... , »t Wtll ,,, ,,,.., ·- Tapped tor· Jury Duty Antonlt Thomu• appeal agalna~ her murder convtctlon wu denied Wednt ... day by jwUcea cl the Fourth District Court cf Appeal in San Diego. Ave., Orange; cowpiracy to commit I 1amblin1. 01'a111• Cout reoldenll who will 1erve on 1969 Orange County Grand Jury are (oeated from left) Mrs. John Henry Russell, Mrs. Joseph Rosener and Mn. Robert N. Weed, all of Newport Beach, and (1tandlng from left) J ames Sayer of Los Alamlto1, Laurence K. Reynolds of Laguna Beach and Howard E. Massie of San Clemente. Grand Jury was Impaneled Thursday. The three-Judge panel ruled after rour wffkl of dellberaUon that thert were no lfOUDda to rtvene the verdict dlllvared by Oranco County Superior Court Judi• Hob or t Glfllner Jut May!. -Reooe Y. Kelly, 44, of 411 N. Wanda Drive, Fullerton; conspiracy to commit prostitution. -Marllne S. Goodin, 21, who refused to jive her home address; conspJracy, to commit prosUtuUon. I Leary Says 'Someone' Out to Make. Example By JACK CHAPPELL Of tM 0.llY P111t llllt ~D cultist Dr. Timothy Leary, op-l!W'inC in La£Una Beach. Municipal Court 'n!.uraday charaed th1~ "some ht1~r power" 15 trylng to mike an example of him. Lury, hll wife Rosem1ry and ion John were an1lgqed on hashish, marl· jUana tF.d LSD char1es with the case continued until Jan. "27 and moved to 6an Clemente Municipal COUrt. Que!tloned by new1men followlng the abort court appearance, Leary rtpe1t'ed ch1r1u or harusment and police pro- voc1tlon he made following th• lrlo'11 Ltiuna arrqt Dec. 28 on charges of 1usplclon of Intent to 1ell marlJuana and hashl1h and pos!e.!lsion of LSO. Leary, fl, 1 former HarvarCI clinical paycholo1lst 11id he flet the psychedelic movement wu 1rowing. '1The hippie movement la the dir'9Ctlon of youna people that don't want to fl&ht but just make love and be happy,'' he suggested. "In Laguna Beach, there is a definite pattern of haruament." he claimed. Leary stncled out Police Officer Nell Purcell In speaking of harassment. Purcell was the arresting oftlcer in the Leary ca!e. The famlly •a1 arrested when their battered st:atlan wagon caught the at- tention of the Laiuna pollCe officer late Dec. 28. The vehicle wu 1topped In the center of the 200 block of Woodland Drive with the lights out. Leary claimed the cir wu legally parked. He 1aJd that he and hla wile were 1aying 11oodbye to their son. Police alleged one pound of marlju1111, some LSD and .1pproxlm1t.ely two ounces of hashish were seized. 'the Leary family ii being repreunted by crlmlnal attorney George Chula of Santa. Ana. Chula represented John Leary a few months ago In Laguna Be1ch when the young man was char11ed with belng under the in!luence of drug1 1n a publ(J: place. Char1e1 then were thrown out of court when It wu held he wu not in a public place. Tht, controversial Leary holds a doc--torate In psychology from the University of California, Berkeley. In 1968, he was fired from the Harvard 1l&ff for exceedini pre&erlbed bounds ln experlmentaUon w1th I.SD. Following the last arrest, Leary said he has been stopped and searched 23 times in the last 13 months. From Pnge 1 BLACK STUDENTS • • • me. I want to know bow I'm reaponalble ? Do you want me to 1U\ my throat?" "It would help me a whole lot. I'd 1et tht money you make," a black boy from Doraey responded." "I know you hate me, but I don't bate you," 11ld a white boy. "Than.kl a lot. Jt'a very white of you to 1ay ao," 1neered a black boy. "This whole thing ls 1lckenln1," 1ald another black male. "You know what you're doln1. You're putUna us und1r a mlcl'OICOP'· You want to tnow whit makes us Uck .11 ... _ "When wt aot off the bus somebodY" otarta nlckll)f plctur ... That really trip- ped mt out/ pm' in a black Citl. Said a bllclt boy, "We don't ti1v1 talla In flUf' panta. I \hlnk you're the 9nimala." Chtmed tn the nm bltck boy. ''nitre . la pine to come a time when w1 crll)' Ilium ara 1•inl to ltop comtn1 and lalttnr lo you." 0 Don'\ you think tl\llt might ht the ~ltm. There'• no communication," Hid a w!Jli<> boy. "Check UUIL Clltck thlJ," a b\1ck boy 11ald to thl other black studenll. Then to tht white boy: "Wt 1\l down In eamtnar1 aoo talk and that'1 lint. Then you 10 hom• and llmn to fOUT 300n.., mu.ale 1nd don't do anytNna about It. Wt tttver mttt again. Thal'• jU1t wa.Unj: my Ume." SaJd another : "You w1nt to know what to do. So dll lltll. Tait to your Of.ighbor." "But lhla 11 Orange County. Tbt!t guys dig racism/' gald the white boy. "RecondlUon him. Keep blowin1 on him. Make lt a conatant thing," the black boy chided. "If you'tt not even ioln1 to do It In your community you make lt sound lllte a hopeleaa problem. You're we1kllng1. I thought you were the master race." There were recurrin1 threall of violence. "Put youraelf in our posJUon," aald a black girl. ''We keep try and trying and what happens -nothing. Sure, I'm against violence too. But If violence is &oina: to mike white Amtrica wake up, I'll do It." ., A black man with a IUO 11 a blg threat to a white man. It's a dog eat dog world," said a black boy. "But there has to be a pNCe!ul way," pl .. ded i lohlll cir!. "Damn your peact. Ttie tabor struggle. Wu that done pe1ttfully7" snapped lbe: black boy. Police brutality was anothu rtcUtTlng t.heme. Said • black flrl: "On Laulh In. You watch Lauih In ? The man 1ay1, 1Whr.re you going boy?' Th1t'1 1Upposed to be funny . Tb1t h1ppe111 all the time ." It w11 an experience white ltudent.a wertn't prepared for. Concorde Flight Set PARIS (UPI! -The An1J .. P'rln<h supertonic Concorde Jetllntr will make It.I maiden fU,ht e1rly next month In southern Franct wit.ti top J'rtnch test pilol Andre Turca t at the control$, avla· lion sources said today. IIolden President Stephen holden, a HunUngton Beach insurance broker and member of the HunlinBton Beach cUy School Dlotrtct Board ·or Trustees, wat inatalled Wed· nesday as president of the Community Chest. He takee over from C. Wl1llam Carlton, who inttalled the new offictn at the Fisherman Reataurant Wedntlday. Fklt vice prealdent i1 Robert Merriman, a~ cond vice preaident la Walter Youn&i and treasurer Is C.E. "Bill'' Wood.I. Loo Aoillea attorney Dudley Gray bad ar,cued for Mra. Thomu of Bin Clamente !hot certain 1tatemepla by Judie Gardner and proaecutot Everett Dickey had been Improper and lltat llta evidence wu lnlulftdtnt to tuataln dte convlctlon. Gl'I)' eald .iter Ille rulJns that he will prep&r9 I !!OW appeal. Mn. Tbomil, 28, wu convicted of pollooln1 her 7-day-old ... by pouring a cauetlc aubttlnct down hil throat on July 13, 1Me. Jama Anthony Thomu died In Ille hoopltal lour dey1 later. Vice invesUgators said the !Lr were booked lnto Anaheim City Jail, pendina completion of today'• continuing Jn- vestigaUon and formal fillng of com· plaints by the District Attorney. Detective John Simon of the Newpart Beach Police Departmant w11 one of the large lnve1UgaUon team, wbfch alao included men from Sanla Ana, Orange. Garden Grove and Fullerton departmenll. buring the lengthy probe, police claim- ed they discovered the operation ap- parenUy 111pplied gambling and llrl> throughout Orange County. MID•SEASOH QUALITY SAVINGS DREXEL FRENCH COUNTRY MANNER DINING TABLE REG. $329. SALE $279, ARM CHAIRS REG. $125. SALE $I 05. SIDE CHAIRS REG. $I I 0. SALE $ 89. SALE ALSO INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXEt, HENREDON, HERITAGE PLUS OTHER FINE LINES . IXClUSIVI DIALRI "°"' HINRIDGll-DlllXIL-HDITMI to DAYS NO INTERm-LONOIR TOMI AYAH.AILI DN Al'l'llOYID ClllDfT ,,.._,IMI .. ,,.,let LAOUNA llACH O•llfl'I" au...,.... c... ...,, """'5S1 A..a.lola AID--f!llD --AT -m. t J ........ -•• · ......... -...... -.111!!1-•• -.·: .. --.. ·--· • J I J ' r 1 f j j I f • I r ' ' l . t ~ 1 t • t I ~ ' I • .• t f ' ' ' . ' • I l ' ' ·- . ' . . • ' ' , ! .f ·' . . " .•. • ., ---. voi:. 62, NO. 9. 4 SECTIONS, 36 PA6ES ORAf'.16E CQUNTY, CALl~R~lli · · . .. • • ' · By THOMAS FORTUNE Of ttM O.ltr P'llet Stiff The young and the angry can !:ie brutally frank. Well-meaning white students from Newport Harlbor High School had their hopes crushed Thursday by 'black students from Dorsey High School in Los Ailgeles. The white students expected ho!tility and dist.ruSt ·from the black visitors to the l\Ofbor High campus. Bui they • c • • . ' . were prepa?ed to -overcome and disarm antagonism by a show of true concern. , What they did ~oit upect was lhat their black guests would despise them, would cOnsidir t!leiµ h)iJ!OC'ltes and phonies for their' ptU'ported concern. The white student.t were) nor prepared foi that,. and sO the1 Were upset and hurt. "It rei.Dy makes me sad. :1 came he.re hoping we could do aometb.ing," reacted one while girt: "A lot of ·my 'dream.a of helping have . . DAILY I'll.OT lt1H Pllfl9 Taking ma New Job William H. Martin (left), former mayor of Laguna Beach, consults _ Thursda.y wjth Superi:or Judge Robert Gardner of Newport Beach after jUdge named Martin foreman of 1969 Orange ·County Grand Jury. (Additional i!boto, J>.-g~ 3) · "( . Strikirig SF State Pthfs Facing Job Loss, Arrest ' ' ' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Striking teachers, joined by militant stu~t.s, tQday picketed San Francisco State OOlle'e in the face of poasible arrest aDd loss of their jobs. For the filth day, union faculty members paraded in front of strlf.e..torn sChooJ with student stri.kerJ. The teicber& were warned they would be tonsidered by college administrator• as havine Players Slate ~nual Me~ting Of Membership resigned and In contempt of court for defying an injuncUon against their strike. "Our attorneys tell us the state cannot declare involuntary resignations,,. said a union leader. •ive wm contlnue to strike." As ·classes resumed, a coed was ar- rested when her car swerved close to several poli~n1en crossing tbe main in- tersecUon near the campus. Foul-smell- ing chemicals were pOured on the floor of the library later. The strikes and sporadic violence was reflected by diminishing attendance and growing hostility toward police efforts to maintain order. Even acting Pr~ldent S. L Hayakawa, who bas prevlOOsly dec;lioed lo dlscQss The Laguna Community Players will attendance figurest• confirmed Thunday hold ~heir annual ?Mmbership me~g ·that only about50 percent of the ~1'1 Feb. 9 at 3 p.m. in the PlaybOuse lB,OOO stodents are.attending clulea. for the election of oHif:ers and ·con-Members of Jhe· strikint ..American sideration of new bylaws. iFederaUon of Teachers and two militant The players nominaUng committee · · · aeleCt.ed the slate of George Gade, .Har~ .minority groups, who . have ~ on rei ' McConnell and ~:J!rpin .,. .~e since Nov., 6; clauned th!·Jlaure r · • f t~ lloartt Of'llltioicit.C • 'W lftllCb less U..,. 5G·~ · • • nommees or . , :io:c· i..« •.•ti#""' wlUCI> T~ 'l!le" of Additions to pomiiiatlobl mttY"~inaae ihi'~·!t<•l'.•'i,300 fB.c\.ilty;men~;'tiea:an until. Jan .. 20 by mem~a. ~lilmder ·ia.,ijrin. Monday. Memberi ·~ed. ~nSlderat1on IS 8 bylaw, _WhJ.dl· WOU]d picketing a'hursday jJ] defiance· r.if· a 1ncrease the number of diredors from Superior Court injunction against the nin~ to 12. walkout. Monte McMillen, TuOy Brown and The striking teachers were warned William Harcom were norrCnated t.o those they faced possible five-day jail sen· positions pending membership approval tences and $500 fines, but there were Of tbe change. no immediate arrests. Iri the event of nominations from the been shattered. I lrnow now ll'a solni io take a long Ume," said another. The student di&cusslOll!: invOlved, 25 juniors and seniors from Dorsey High. 25 from Harbor High and seven from Estancia High In Costa Mesa •• Earllv Jn the day three black · na· tiona'Ust leadefs spoke combativeb' to the students. Some '¥(bite '>students' mouths fell open in amuement D' what they h~. Tbe black sfudenla completed Uie rout. For the dhicUS&ions the students got tocetber uf mixed groups of 10, chairs squeezed into close 'circles. In every >tlrcle white ~udenls a11ked, "What can we do? How can we help?" . 11Je abnei'a Were: "Leav,e us' alone. Let 111. arginlze to seek redma In our owri' way .• Then;:don't go against U!. ptve us. moiley ..,i let · us • spenc1 It ai ,ve Uk!." • • . ~· ';za1k In )'OU1' ~ .00 daddy. ·-~ Chan'° yoor nelgllber. Blow prejudice oul of \Vhllo comnuinJUea. Help the whltea. Don'I ,_ • lry to'. l)e!p U8.o •• ·-, • 'Tbeo -the remarlta thal l!Urt: ~ . •e.i -we don't expOci· You to• fate our.1drice. Xou don1 ,..,Uy.,,,_, Yoa'r,e jusl cuHous, Give up the otruate.· Ycu don~ bave ll!Y faith ln·yoor •Wf ~· You, don't lhlnl: they'U cballge, --:;-' •·we know. we•re wiser than )'Otl_:in ·, . ""'t ·~ ;,, . . Lagan -· Leaaers ~ _ ~·. .~ Crew Piekecl For Moon Landing Try WASHINGTON (AP)-A: civilian and two Air~Forct'cOloneta who have walked· in spaee wtu ny the ApoHo 11 mission, . ' the first scheduled attempt by the Unit~ ed States lo land m'I! ~n the moon. Tbt civilian istrpnaUt, Nell A. Arm~ strOng, will command the spacecraft, tentaUvely set for launching in July, the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration sald 'Ibursday, in announcing the selection of the crew. Armstrong and Col. Edwin E: Aldrin Jr. are to descend to the moon in a Lunar Module from the main space- craft. The main spacecraft will remain in Junor orbit, piloted by Lt. Col Mi- chael Collins. Armstrong, who has survived two near disasters· since becoming an astronaut in 1963, is a former test pilot for the XIS rocket plazle 'and was a Navy combat flier durmc the Korean war. In choosmg the three 38-year-old space veterans for tbe mission, NASA passed up the Apollo 8 astronauts who made the f. lunar orbital flight.I last month. But two of these, Navy Capt. James A. Lovell Jr. and Air Force Lt. Col Wil- -1iam A. Anders, have been named to the Apollo 11 backup crew. The other, Air Force Col. Frank Borman, is being assigned to ~round work at his own request. He will become deputy director. of crew flight operaUons. · Rookie astronaut Fred Haise is the third man gn the backup crew. Space agency officlals did not say why Anders and Lovell were not named to the Apollo 11 mission, but the NASA practice bu been to spread choice assignments among astronaub qualified for them. Tbe Apollo II launch dale Is July 15, but when It goes depends upon the re· aulb:;ofttbe Apollot9 and IO~missions. ' Apollo t, now set for laurich Feb. 28, will be an earth orbit of the lunar mocmte of the type In which Arn!Jlrong and Aldrin are to land on the moon. It will be the first manned test flight of the capeule, and H all goea perfectly, NASA officials aay there wW be no need for Apollo 10. This test,: now scbed- uled for May 17, would be a moon orbit or the lw\ar module. If it is skipped, the Apollo 11 flight may be moved up to mid- June. ~-· -. . Fami111. Aftair LSb Cultist Dr. Timqlhy 4ary.smiles at son, John. following their arratgnment, along w\th the -elder Leazy's wife, Rosemuy, on var· ;ely of drug charges •Thuroday Jn ~guna Beacb MUD!c:lpa! Court. Tb~'l!·be back in San' Clem"!'" MunlciP!'l Court Jm 27. Dr. LWy s.Ys "•om• higher pi>wer''. ls ~lo make example•ol )llm. Gambling,_.f f0,stiJ«:U<!.n , ' t I . '. . . I ''•' . . • Raid Jails 6 in C{,_iftity A. flourishing, applic,ation-only·club titl- e<! ' "Entertainment Unlimited" was broken up in Anaheim ,early .today in a raid which climaxed a . long, Orange County-wide probe of .gambling and pro- sUtution. , . · Cards, dice, chips, and a poker ·and crap table were setzed as evidence in the raid on a private home, whe.re four• men and two women were arrested, poltce reports alleged. Lawmen from eight different agencies._ Jncluding the District Attorney's office, sheriff's oUice, Anaheim police and Newport Beach police departnJ,ent1 participated in the investigation and raid. · District Attorney's Investigators said today that Entertainment Unlimited is charged with having · st.aged gamblin' qnd sex parties throughoul Orange Coun- ty. . TJ1cir melhod of operation, the DA • f • • l .. " aaid, lpclUded con51cftiAUOn of customer applicaU<ms: for 'nierD'bershlp, in which they cendu.cted,th,e}!. '·1''9 ,d(lt:f:ctlve worll: Jnto the· backgrotul41 of those who wb- mitted bi<U lo jojn. . "They were ' mainly concerned with twO things :' *He'ther the applicant· was an undercover police officer and whether .-if not -he had money,'' said a spokesman for the District Attorney'• offkt. ' • > •• .!f: the 1 ~eRlicant cbeekc\d oul , clefp. he wu accepted aJoni with whatever tubaequent fees might· be required and nolifled. !rOm · llmt ·lo' .jhjie ·of. ilie"1itit Eotertahpnen\ Unllmlie\I. jarty. . '. ~ arrested at 2112 Catalp,: Ave., durliig 1·prroawn hours ·tnciq Included these persohs llbd the cbarge.s WI wbkb they Were boQked : -Je11se D, Placuda, 31, of that ado dress; conspiracy to commit gambling and prostitution. membership, a ballot will be mailed to all members. Otherwise the slate will be elected at the meeting by unanimous vote. r · Bizarre Drug Case Un;r11vels -Dou&IU C. Korwwoll, II, of me2 Loma St., Garden Grove; the .,.me twocoU!ils. -'F,>Qonua/2! ofl2192Loma . St., Garden Gnm; .,..,, to commit pmbun,. . . . Bill Toomey Set For Laguna Talk Laguna Beach's Olympic Cold medal winner BW Toomey wlU address a luncheon gathering Mondll.f at Ute Laguna Elks Club of winners and con· testant.s in a SO.mile Laauna hlke held Nov. 29. Top hikers will be awarded Alonzo Stagg Ii~ medals. Bryan Overton Qf Costa Mesa wlll be commended for M!ltinK a new seven-hour record In his first place finish. The hike, a round trip twtce from I;quna Beach to Leisure Worid, wu ,_.,r by the Laguno Erplorfn'Post 717 SQrch and Resuce Team. It was held Hov, 2t in inclement weather. Tbe EID Chill la located ti 1111 S. Coast Jlighwty. • J Pilot :Working for U.S. Customs as Vndercover Agent' By JOHN .VALTEllZA Of .... ,.,, ""' ....., ' Pilot. J. w. Bagley, who fl~11u an undercover •&tnt • for the . 1 .S. Customs Service In .n wlopd marll!!_ana smugallng conspiracy cue lnvalVbig a Balboa lJland attorney, la an employe of the orange Coo\J!IY firm ol Tallmllnl1 AvtaUon, Inc., ttwu.Jearped today. · Bigler, who pmenU, la :IJYJna In • mo'1e !><Ing filmed In Mulco. •~"'1tly aerved 11 an ~er: agent without. the knowledge ol. Ids fellow employe.s, aources added. nie pilot new a rented plane from Soothem C.IUornia to Guldalljara, Mex· ico, ~ back in the bllwe conspiracy 1 case whlcll lnvolvtt Ille N!eraJ · nrind Jury. lndlctmenl of allomey Richard A. Hlll>lt, '7, Hatlior Ana tlliirnoJ IDcl ' former Newport Beach planning com-loaded l.IOO• pou!!d• ol ollalli ·1n1o • ml!sJoner. van· from 'the rented plane, ~the ln- Baa:ley, described by Higbie d a dictmenl SI.IL · "k>ngtlme acqualnt.Ance." • has been The animal foddef had' been loaded employed by the orange County Ail;'JIOl't-Into 1~ p}auo to replace the rnarljlll.lla based flnn "for quite aome time." a coof1sca~ ,by . Me~ authlXitles "'In S11Urce aald. wlia( Asllslanl . U.S. Attorney DatreU ~ Dcure lo the mf!lery-shroudcd Mcintyre described , a1 "a premature case11 lR·MeJicO too, federal authorities bus(." · , believe. He la L)'le Paul German, the German's descrlpUon, u.s,. addien a.uerttd buyer of S,fOO poundl of marl-1 and age have no& yet ~n made avall- juana from Me'llcan suppUers.. able. U.S. CU1tom1 Aa:ent-John toox. who Trial in Ult case haa been set lor I• Ullped to uie caae, 'llld tltb morltng ' U.S. Distdct Court In Loi Aneiles ll'eb. that fnVe$Ugttort tbul' W ?hav1 llad ~· no luaft In Ioc:olln( 11!1·-~ qaiDOd t .. ~ wld opecul~Uoli that ·llie lliol In the .Indictment lloo(-~ ~ .o.Jd lie, pootponod,.'jt Gm!\lii. i. 'DOI Raymond Daniel T .. i!" o1 ()ill(lo.' . ~ <lllll!dl';' Jn: lidlet, ~, ..... ' lodorol Tett.rwuamajed-,W'Sp<lop,, "'11htdlloi ""1ld -~_._to; AJrporl Jal -titer be bad ·cantlrmallod ol lhe pooo!biUI)'. · -4'.U, r.t..llfpu• 37,,otlllS Tus!in :Ave~ Oranp; con.plney ·to comlnlS gambllilf. . . •. , -Btue.¥. Kelff, 44, ol!4ll>N,:W- Drlve, FuU¢on; ~to c:omm11 ptasUtUttoo. . <'. • I • •: ' .. .) -MUJflle &'Gtodla; II, who 'ltfDHd to llY• her !\om<·•-: ~ to conunll prostitution. . · • Vici Invallgitors Aid ~. sl> ...,.. boOMd Into Alllbelm City Jilll, . pendlnc· comPcletion of toda1'•· CCJDtlnulnS ill" veaUgaUori and fi>nrial llJlfli of"com- plalnla by ·the Dillllct Altomoy. : . Detective Jdhn SimGo bl tbo• Newport· Beach Polle< DepArtniedl wu. -ol the larp lftv.,Uptlqo team, wblcb alao lnclucled men fl'om Sula· Ano, Orlilp. Qanten . Qme 0\11111 >I' ¥1 .h r~O D departments. ., '•l ) . . ~ t:::f'*"be;'°"'"dlflo>-'d 'iMJ ' . . ;lller·opa'I~~ ~=~~W · • • -i •'f' • ·.; ....: . ,.. '... -~ . ) . " ' the ways ol tbe. world. We'Ve!l" ' t0 ~ve In llil'alreeta. We're , ·ancl·,.,"1·U~." · ~ ... ~Ir b"11. -~ Uked: "Wli7 cl<! YO'! g,1a 'lll!Y:N have~jougQtapjnst file~,.· Tile usual•._, .!:Bul-l"'U ·don't .look at us u lndiriduall. You lbbit, .'You've seen, ·o nlgger you'Ne ..,. J.herQ. aQ. '. " , · • . , , -A flarbor lllib ', girl ple/lded, "Tell laee BLACCrruDENTI. !!qi I). to •• -· . -d ' .. ·xe ,• ~{.u~cUty ... Questioned BycRice'AJu>P.~ . Of ..... .,....... " ~.pr.ell·pt'i·n•~Y,~I 7 •id ona!1"il which . o!lowed, ~-,....,. ,1a11c In tour!lm .... r· It' tJl!lf . 114! ' ' ~·'!llW :::= ... 1:: Blil Iba!'• not Ulllllllll In . -- Beach. • ~ ~I wu not elatea," llJd Mayar·CJemt t-.. "bul j Mii ~ ..... ~ ~o s\U<IY tbJI bas -.., lbme 1bal0iil and ..,,.. maybe we wl!l.Jiave to dig a little deeper." ' Economilt . Alan J. Welner, "1iJecl enstneer for" Daniel, Mann. J-a. Mendenhall, made the analylil u an lnfUal ttperl In the general plan stud,. Vedder llld he f<II there WU 101De over-reaction to the iDdlcaUon that LaiWia louri•m was otatic and the lawn WU: lollng . trade becouae of Jaclt of 1'en'e ra l mer ch an di• ,,re·t•t 1 ostabllllunenla. . -~ Ill: oild he felt ,....,., of~-the peOple recelVng !he report bad ~ • final illalyoil lm)ead oi !!!i ~ re:; inayor did· tb~t l lf. I Jot Of lddlU...l -Ubn the e111· 9ld like lo bave, some ol wblch. wlD be avaJJabl~ and -some of 'wbitb~Jl'dUlt .,.oa1L ~ · . .. i · He mentiooed the queallon of tJie im- pact of trade by· rrou!>I IUdl u Elllltlld Bay and Lagunlla -trade·ln•l;quna but for atudy purpMeS ere-rec.toned' a1 tourist or non.resident purcbasen. Vedder a!ao aid he fell -., t. nor a pr.er.. llcl<ni:e ua m\iit' 11et1 in nndom }udgmeOts. -·'4Maybe · 1t wu · l><lter than gelling a roey picture,.• be said. "Then 'we · would have ut ·back bUthely and aald ,.. ·don't have to do ~ Rlcbard ~idi..rc. • mercban~.ald he felt ·the f-1 waa prelnature -"all the retums• (lnlilrjnalion) .......,, In. • - :'film ~-~b1an,eConom1at tfiat -are ...-~ reranUlil·- ol the -; ~ 'In touri.C busln., and I~ In local~" . "I C!an't at thla stage give it a Jot . of valldlty," the counc.4ilmaD 'laid. "I'm w!Wng to be shown Wl!enl they are right and J am ._,.g but· J don't tblnl; &hey have adeiquate intorni~.+· (See llEACl10N, P ... fl --._ dr -·----·-.. ·-- I -r.:"""--:~--_L_ ··-_ .......... __ ,, _._.,._ ........... 11..l:·--..... .i:~ • _ _. .• ., 1 T ' ·l. ' l I I I I I ,-L ·"·' . ""2 ~JlllOT --, L J; Ae .. -llv~ ... ~si·ro.naut , D. j.-~ ... Bit_ ·on_. u ·roadw"ay •• ·'\l ~'+ ~ 'C~ .. •• 8 Ni;i vOiitt1UPll _ .. ,;;. ~~ .sf~t .. -~ II waukl be dllapo ~ ~ 'llO ro.k"1n t11t Flap ~ ailnt rudJnl "Wek:om• ~. bundlod ...... Icy wiilia-·~ . . . ..... -... 1 ol .... llmo\&llne. ~;, ~ Ibo rwte ..... ~= ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ·=-.. =· r. .. °I =' ,;.:if"":.~~ il1•&M1 ari:li """"""1 two.llrt lruck heroes in • t'l"ll!ltu~ ~ 111¢11~ Jl'O~ ,.._II lino._.. • · • ·t .,, CIT'·,:::;;' l · ~ ..-!~ lbelr route wlloN whole telephone bolil~ . lo!'<d ~m .w.rme4 ~ cf onliilliutldlnp Ill• '" lllry•Wlted •· · tbeJ-... CllJ llall Park 10< weJcom. 1kyscrapen: along with Uckertape and and ltorel1 u ~ aounds of alrent and the moon. lng ceremonies by t;ov. Nelson A. confeW. martial mllllc edloed In "Ult e&eym A few of Ult wclcomers wl1o crowded lloct1feUer and f(l):Of;robn·Y Waay ~~world.:' ''111t1 and lhelr fan!W11 and their orr1nt11tlon (NASA) have llm the world a wonderfUI lift al a um, when we really needed lt," he added. · said he found the e1perlenc 1 .. overwbetmln&'' too. Until only a few minutes before Frank ol H~." They picked the sidewalks uj>per windows . aJOng the route Wtre oo·tht step. of the hlltortC bulktipg. Borman. James A. Lovell and William IOUd to ihout the1r admlraUon for the S()~calrled a'lfay they torgOt to Wed·---·nocteteUtt-aakt~!Rlthreewomtmut - A. Anders started up the re-named first uplorera to circle the moon. their telephone books, a trac:titJonaJ men have endeared tbemaelves to )he The aatronaul. admitted they-were deeply touched by the Broadway •ade. a custom "Whlch Undsay tennlnafed and revived just for Cheni. Lindsay, who wore a Ru.aslan.&tyle fur cap, wtowed the city's gold medal on the tno, saying "GenUemen, we salute." Seven ol the astronauts' eleven children -two of Bonnans, three of Andere, and /our of Lovells -looked on proudly as thelr father's accepted the city 's highest honor. NASA acting director Dr. Thomas Paine applauded his team enthus.iasticaUy. "Apollo W•Y" in l3 qegrce temperatureo Tape and conletU· swirled lite a .""8d• custom. They ll!rew tbein OUI · llC•rll and mJndo ol all New \Yaneno, Iced by ZO.mlle p!o>_ of winclo Ult turnout bl~ ~ the overcoated but ~ lnsie.it. '· Ill AmeflCUI!, all4 to {"OP ' ll!r°"'bOUI .,._ ,. . ',.., r. ~...,:':: ---·-._., • Sll-6.pect S<JYI H~'s .. lnsii~, One Sanla An• defendant In Ule 1?l1ly Railroad Canyon . sk\111 murder cue un- covered by three c.oata Mesarui last Novem~ pteaded l!inoeent by reuon of lnsani\J. Wedn~y. RowJar¥t ·J. Berry, 20, of 734 Toland ' . Sllll=ll!I· will be ·~xamined by o · . atri:!lls appo!n.~ after lhe elimln ~Iii.~• eow,t1 "f'::i.~w :r~ 'Ju jven a:n. ~ ~wMe'Bertt•s rDurdei-,was ~ £Or APril le,· dej>ellding u ~.the outcome of the sanity hearing. Another Orange County youth, Timothy Herron, 19, of 6012 Anthor,y St., Garden Grove, pleaded Innocent \\'edneaday and Feb. 21 was set for a bearing on his motion to dismiss. A third among four qrlginal arttst.ets, Robbie .a...trow, 18, of Elsinqre, was rele~g his preliminary hear· ing last week, due to lack of adequate prosecution evidence. David Charles, 15t alto. of Elsinore, . was origmally picked up for inve.tigation of the murder of Kent D. Davis, 21, of Hayward, but he too was released. ./ .. "It's overwhelmJng," said Anders. ••You know your frtend11 when they come out to see you in this weather." Borman Fro1n Pflfe l ECONOMIC STUDY REACTION • • Goldberg Aid a recent metropolitan newseaper story allowed t~t Laguna baa Ille hlgbUt per caplla lllea lax retum in Or&nie County, He said be wu inclined to agree thet lhere la a leakqe of local buslneS:I but llld there has alw1y1 been a leakage. He said people will ahop where they can get Jtema and get them at com· parable prices. 'l'he businessman by example said only recently has there been a st.ore in Laguna where bedding could be purchased. One st.ore that formerly carried it wu usually out, he said. He said be couldn't feet that Laguna's economy '1'u eroding too badly and nienUon~ that bls own sales figures are up. He lllflleated that U>e economJ.ia &bould make a survey of the various types of Laguna Beach business IO 1et better lnfonnaUon. Questioned about the bed tax revenue from tourlam, Shelby Langford, city finance officer. &aid the figures show that Laguna Beach wu up 32.86 percent ln 198M? over 1965-86. The Increase -adjusted for lncreiae Jn-bed tax fn>m four to five percent -1n 1116'1.a& was up 1.37 percent over ··the prior year, he llld. analysis. He said much of the information was simply informaUon available from state and county sources instead of something more concrete like a survey of the town's different type bus Ines• esti;bllshments. . He said he did not think the tourism picture shoo.Id have been pegged to Laguna's residential growth but rather should have been compared to past tourism in Laguna Beach. He called the tourist dollar fresh money that on the average turns over seven times in the city. He said Laguna's tourl!!lt..resort 1'ase will always be in1· portant IO lhe dty. Lawrence said the city's sales tax flgurea are ''U,."pretty good shape". He conceded. leakage in relail general merchandise sale! but said quality stores Jike J. Mag:riln and Saks have ahown an Interest ilt'the town and will probably come in as ~e area Ls cleaned up. Lagunan Enters Innocent Plea --+---·---'f'he prosecution «1oteudr-th;at-'tMr-- Bed tax take WU 1118,830 In !-;· minded Lagun ho ~-..ln-lMU7-;-and $18106..jn...196f.:.ii--~A-~a~-an w _l!_as a!:'~ (when half the year wu' five perc~Dy poliCe ThU~ay on susPJCion defendants arran·ged a false nateoUcs sale, allegedly sought by Davis on a Southland drug-purchasing trip lai;t March or early April. Never intending to complete the deal, the Riverside Dlst11ct Attorney chafges, Rowland, Herron and posSibty others ex- ecuted Davis in the lonely canyon. lnform11;tlon compiled by lheriff's m. vestigators indicates Davis brought up to $lKIO, beUeved taken by whoever put a bullet through his slrulL Three Costa Mesa rabbit bunters !tumbled onto his scattered and anbnal- gnawed bones laal Nomnber, l>rlnling the skull and watch used to ldentlfy the victim back IO locol police. ' Pipeline «J~ Progress . . Heavy equipment operator John Estrada dlsci;sses laying of sewer pipe wi!h workmen on jnb currerit- ly under way between Three Areh Bay and Dana Point. New sewer and water lines are being placed llAIL Y PILOT Sllfl '"°'' in antidpaUon of.new Laguna Niguel developments on ocean 11lde of Coast Highway. Project has cre- ated need for temporary detour for Coast High· way motorists. (;amposes to. Sand Crabs CQunty Lawmq°hers Submitting Bills on 'Everything' Jt wW mean too liberal local school board conlrol and high taxes. loser. bed t of being under the influence of drugs U). , has pleaded innocent to the charge. Vice Mayor Joseph 0 Sullivan said he Kenneth Glen Rapp 20 of 274 Wave f~It it was unfortunate that the figures SL faces trial Jan. 23 in La,una Beach were only available for Laguna Beach M~nlcipal Court aod not Its 1111TOunding area. He pointed Polle LL John Zelko said the man out that many Lagurums shop at ~pha clad in only a bathing suit had been Beta ln South Laguna and residents found running along South Coast Highway of Emerald Bay_ which Is not part of yelling "peace" at 4:30 o'clock in the the city shop at city markets. He said it was difficult to correlate morning. what ls local buying because of Laguna's uniqueness. O'Sullivan said he wu Interested in noting that the median age of Lagunans in just six years time had dropped by eight years, although still atypically high at 40 years compared to ~ for Orange County. Attacked by Gunboat SAN DIEGO (UP!) -An 'untdenlilied gunboat fired on an American tuna lishjng vessel for an hour Thursday iilgbt 1ab0ut 3S miles ·otE-tbe coast or Ecuador, the American Tun ab o a t Association reported. Theresa Landon Rites Saturday _. Bills s u b m 1 t t e d by Orange Coun- ty lawmakers, retaUng to everything from b:nprisoning militant c a m p u s radicals to ceasing taxes, and saving sandcrlbf JJJ~ a~. anemones will soon ' be considered by the 1969 !tale Schmitz claims he has 23 coauthors of bl11 bUI, a majority of the Senate -which also went along with it last year -but it waa killed in Uie lower house. · Under terms of Whetmore's bill, no court could ever 1uspend sentence or grant probation to a demonstrator or revolutionary activist found guilty as charged. Harry Lawrence, Chamber president, said he was ab110lutely amazed at the conclusions in lhe report. He felt the conclusions were premature on the basis of data gathered and said he had ex· peeled, after six months, a more final August Felando, general manager of the association, said the skipper of the boat told him by radiotelephone he managed to elude the attacker. r-..trs. Theresa M. Landon, a LagUna, Beach resident for 28 yean;, died Tuesd8y at a Laguna Beach nursing home. S~' was 79. Requiem Mus will be, at 9:30 a.m. Sa~ay In st. Catherine catholic, Church, Lagima· Beach. ltosary Ifill be Friday at 7:30 p.m. Interment Will take place al Ascension Cemetery in El Toro. Arrangements are being handled by Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary. Mrs. Landon is 6urvived by cousins ifrs. Frank Streff of Laguna Beach, Dr. Paul A .. Reichle of Loo Angeles, William Amie.rs of Seal Beach, Mrs. Martha Griffin of to,, Angeles; a niece and nephews. Strike Grips Italy ROME (AP) -Much of Italy was strikebound today. Unions called tens or thousands off their jobs ln textile mills. met.eJworking lhops tnd other in· dustries from Venice to Bari. A 2f..hour public tran~ strike crippled Rome. DAILY PILOT lta\i.<rrt N. 'Wt1d ''"''"''~' .,... l"vltl•.,.e~ J1d• It C•tle'f Viet J•rn1Mnl •N ~.,..,., Miin•'" Thom•J A. M11rph<11• M•,..t•nt t•ilor l'•~I Niu•n """'"'"'"' Dlrtc1.,. I ·a..,..-.... Of&t 222 ,.,,, ......... M1iti~9 ..,,,,,,,,P.O. I•• 6A, 92612 --("""9 ""-t I» ""'"' ..., ftrttl Ne--' •..-di• nu wnt .. lliN ...., .. v••• Mt11111"''1111 IMIKfl; 309 Siii '""' OAllY PtLOT, ....... '.rliitll I• Qlrllfl,..O !fie Ht*~ .. -It wlllttllild .. 11, ~"'"'I • ••• Ill ...,..r1i. .-Itltfll Jli l af\11'11 ... ~ H1-I k1<ll, C0t•I Mc_., "v11t!"f1&11 .. 1(1\ .. 11-1111\ 'lfllty, lltftt Wllfl I <'(.,ia...j ~!/kin 0t1"9'f C...l! P11blll11•11t Ce_..., ••llllli..:: ... , •I n11 W"I lllllo,t I I... lt.0tll, f/\11 J'° 'Nr•! ...... )ltttf, (Otl• MIU ,...,., •• tJl41 ., •• , •• , a...1.-. ....... 64J-4J21 ,...,,..~ ..... er..... C...t •llM.W... (_..,,:• .... ,.,.. ,..,,.,, •lhltl•tlltftt. •• 1 .. 111 9'ttNi' • ........~ """"' ""-" "' -""'....,. .. ......,. -i.· ... ,. ....... ",_wltftl °*"''· k~ (1 .. 1 ...... Nlfl ,II ,,__.. le.cfl •"' Cttlt 'Mltf, Q-111,... ..... "'"°''-11•1 W u,,lc, II.ti ......,, .... ,.._11 If• ,...,...,,.,, m1111.,, '"'"'"'"""" *'·'J _.....,. ' Legislature. • Several bills Identical to some of lhose propogcd this time around were rejected last year, b u t their fate may now be detefr$ed dlffenntly on the basis of Senate ·and· Assembly committee rosten to be annouilced latet. · No actlort on any bills ts Ukely for a month or more, since 30 days i!I required after introduction to allow public notice, unless the rules are auspen- ded. / Sen. John G. Schmitz (R·Tustin) and Assemblyman Robert H. Burke (R-Hun· tington Beach have both submitted bills which would block by 1971 scheduled elimination of required voter approval of certain school t.ai ilicreases. The complicated legislation passed in 1967 would lake away voter control o~ school tax incrwes above a certain set ceiling. Arguments for taking the final decision away from voters art1 that school tar overrides will continue to be defeated, while SChmltz, Burke and backers say The Tustin John Birch Society member a!Jo reintroduced · the so-called Liberty Amendment, which calla f or Congress to set a convention for the purpoe:e or amending the U.S .. ConstUuUon. · The amendinent would abolish the federal penooal lncome tu and forbid government com'pet!Uon again!t private enterprise, a controversial package bill already appi:oved by seven other stalei. A majority of 14 states would be required to force the convention. Schmitz is a twG-time loser with the ,Liberty Amendment now and is going for count three. _ Sen. James E. Wbetmore CR·Fullerton) meanwhHe introduced a still bill against anyone diil'Uptitlg activities at state col· lege c~mpuses or in the University of Califomlil system. · Based on a graduated step-up of penalties upon each conviction, Whet· more's bill -lf passed into Jaw - would bring a maximum of five to 15 years in state prison for a four-time From Page l BLACK STUDENTS ... me. I want to ~-bow I'm 'reapcm&lble! Do you wan\Jne.(o.1bt my thro1\?11 "It would help me a whole lot. I'd get the money you make,''· a black boy from Dorsey responded." "l know you hate me, but J don't hate you," said a white boy. "Thanks a lot. It's very white of you to say so," sneered a black boy. 11This whole thing ls sickening," II.id another black male. uyou know what you're doing. You're putting ua undel'. a microacope .. You want to know what makes UI tlek. 11 "When we rot off the bus IOllltbody s1arts fll~·plctureo. 'lblt:really trtp: ped mt ou~· pu( Jn a black atrl. Said a black bay, "We aqn•t have tails In our ·pan11; J think ·you'rt U>e animals." • ~ Chimed Jn lht ftrst black Jioy, "Thtre la IOinl to come a 11me when we crazy nluen are 10Jng to atop coming and lalklng to you." "Don't you lhink thtt mlaht be the problem •. There's no communication,'' aald 1 wblte boy. "Check lhaL Check that." a black boy said to tht other block 1tudonla. Then to the white boy: "We alt do\YI\ In aemlnara and talk and 111&1'1 fine. Then you 10 home and ltaten ~ 110U!lua mUJlc and don1 do n1 about tt. We fttvti' meet again. at's jull wuUng my Umt." Said another : "You want to know what to do. So dJJ UllJ. Talk to your ntllhbor." "llut thls ii Orana• CounlJ. Thu• gujt dig raclam," llld the whila boy. .,Recondition him. Keep blowing on him. Make it a constant thing," the black· boy chkt~. "ll you're not even going to do it in your community you make· lt llOUlld like a hopeleu problem. You're weakUngs. I thought you were the master ract." There were recurring threats of violence. "Put yourself tn our position," said a black girl. "We keep try and trying and what happens -nothing. Sure, I'm .,galnal violence too. But il violence ii going lo make whlte America wait up, 111 doll" "A black men with a gun is a big threat to a white man. It's a dog eat dog world.'~ said a black boy. "But there bu to be a peaceful w1y," pleaded a whf\e aJrl. , "ilamll yow: ~ce. 1'ht l•bor struggle. Was thet done peact!Ull)'t" mapped the black boy. · Police brut.alilV was another recurring theme. Said 1 black girl: "On Llqh ln. You watch Laugh Jn? The man 111ys. 'Where you going boy?' That's supposed to be funny. That h•pP'Jna 1111 tbe time." It wu an experience white students weren't prepared for. Concorde Flight Set PARIS !UPI) -Tht Anll<>Frtnch 1upenonlc Concorde jeWner will make lta maiden flllhl wly nut monlll Jn aoulhern Franct will> top Froncl> tell pilot Andre Tllmt at the conlroil, avla· t.lon IOW'Ces 1aid today. • MID•SEASOH QUALITY SAVINGS . • • • DREXEL FRENCH COUNTRY MANNER DINING TABLE REG. $329. SALE $279, 'ARM· CHAIRS REG. $125. SALE $I OS, SIDE CHAIRS REG. $110. SALE $ 89. SALE ALs.0 INCLUDES SELECTED GRPUPS FROM DREXE~. HENREDON, HERITAGE PLUS OTHER FINE LINES. INllllOU NIWl'OllT llACM Pro-anal ltlt.rlo< LAGUNA llAC!i 1717 WlllltdHf Dr., '42·2050 D11lpt111 345 "°'9h C..t Hwy. 4944551 '----·.'l'll·t••l"l'IAl:•ltl:.111•., ... ~.~ ... Nllal,IDl;~-!!1!11 ___ 111111!1--·--"~l'l'll•t--·J I \ L j 1 I r " fur dal we ien of 1ed led ing led • ,., •le Ing ihe " sm to 1er "t !Sh ver a's Im· lax ral res wn bly '8n "" ay ~e lt ied na ay ol • t of he be I ILi :V,U~y .St~te Second In Week , -"1" .:._ ~. ··-· -· •• --- Emergency .. _ So~i,~fs ··i'iuit~h Called Off •• ... Ship to V e.n.us -• •• N 0 R T H R I D G E (UPI) -Schqol l\IPSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Uolon officials today canceled a state of today launched an unm·anned spaceship emergency which resulted in l h e toWard the planet Venus. It was the peaceful, mass arrests-Thursday of 288 second suCb Jauiicb within a ·wet and students and their suppGrters during an the' official news agency Tass said both unauthorized rally at San Fernando would attempt soft landings . . Valley State College. Venus & launched today and Vernia The state or emergency was called S launched Sunday Indicated the Ruaalana .off following a meeting early today have switched their interest to the planet between school officials and militant Venus rather than the moon. There have Negro student leaders. The students also been hints In ·~ ~USI}~ presa. of a agreed to stage an "informational" rally JIOISil>le mmmed. .. lllgbt, to i.V..it.n'u 1 .off campus instead of on the suburban &0meUme in the nei:t decade. . campus, zo miles northwest of downtown V~nu.S 8, apf>arentrr ,w~ idenUcal:Wlth Los Angeles. the 1,194-Poupd .VenUI 5 sent ,oft. on No one resisted arrest Thursday and .. Jts 200-million mile journey earlier. some even joked with the 75 whitf!"' The ,two probe's were achqduled' to helmeted policemen during the roundup. sll~e-t!U'~8h. th1 ·~~9 v~~~ at. There w:as. however, considerable swear-moSphere. to snft tandtr:rp r on the. ''dark ing and shouting at tl1e ~~ce.1station. &~I' 1 ~ ;ear~'!_ .. ~ 1 ~ A police sergeant sa1 1 was ls o~e ; nelgilbor. about. nildtMay. ·... :~ of the most peaceful mass arres e SoViet space acfen. '·tist Kir, ill Kriftd'ratyev had ever seen. Leaders of the Black Students Union Tapped for Jury Duty cubbed Venus "the plazlet'ol 'riddles" are seeking establis~ent of a black and said alter llie VenUs 5 lluncb the studies program, hiri~g of more Negro Orange Coast residents \\'ho \Vill serve -on 1969 and (standing from left)·1'Jam es Sayer of Los Soviet Union wanted to.leim 'mqch more teachers, firing of '•"racist" faculty Orange County Grand J ury are (seated from left) Alamitos, Laurence K. fleynolds of Laguna Bee~ about . ''.the .compositi;oi.: Qi . Ute · cioud members and amnest for 28 BSV h H R II M J h R and Howard E . Massie of ·ca11 Clemente. Grana. ' '°"" t~. members indicted by e county grand Mrs. Jo n enry usse , rs. osep osener ~ , particles, the thickness·o( IJlt CLodd ,,;1er, and Mrs. Robert N. Weed, al l of Newport Beach, J u ry was impaneled Thurs~·aY. ' ' , . aild what holds.it 1" ·&·constant-shroud jury. The members were np.med in felony around the planet." · ·. counts following the Nov. 4 takeover The ,Soviets also wanted· to learn more of the Valley State • administration v:et Tot Makes M E 1 . ·100 · about the great windl·.'\lihicli cOQlllanUy troubled campus. declared the state of " ystery v:p os1on· s !iclals and employ es were held hostage . , . A'. · · . .. . . .. . . sweep the. piluiet, .'~LlllJll}"1lm!iil' hur· _some at knifepoint -for four hours.. . , , ricane force,, ~"·~~~':! .Aar~~Uon Dr. Delma r T. Oviatt, the academic J t-Finally oI its surface ~mi>era~ . dean who is acting., president of the ··Res. ear· . ch · .. Ce .. nter·:w ·o· ·rk··e· r. TheVenus ••nd'pro""'·q ~ru1. troubled campus, declared the state fo . . "'ill put the SoViet ~..;f~'.ltiead emergency at 7 a.m. Thuioday. Goes to Surgery . . . of the United States In ... 1 .... 1100 of He later 'told a news conference that If • Arieatell Charles A. Tippit, 19, son of J, D. Tippit, Dallas pollCelllfll slain by presidential assassin . Lee Harvey Oswald, has been charged In Dallas with. assault · with Intent to rape fulloWlng al· leged attack on 311-year-old woman jn her apartment on New Year's Eve. police intelligence informed him militants --the plaQet. __ p]~ui...wd to have I,500 P:f_rsons from otber . ___ .~Y TOt.1 BARLE~·--_ -D.'1¥Slerinus....'...ex?kis.iiuL Jn an -un.' .. _.a...resldue. . .ol.var.llllls.peh'Gle.um.,,_producls. __ TJ!!._lL~~ states lio_J!t.,_~u n,"ot'---'S"'&"Jlto---'--an· <Ltg sChools converge on 1fie campus-niter-0 ' 1t1i'llilW1'1JOrm" ·---d-e~rground storage tank at the Union v"hen the blast took place. attempted to place an object on the u. ffll 1Je in the day. It took six weeks to travel the last Oil Co. research center in Brea Thursdny "I~s a t~tal mystery. We know of surface of Venus. Its only probe, Mariner The report indicated the demonstrators 500 yards of her 8 000 mile journey afternon killed one man and seriously noth1n~ wh1c~ could. have caused ~he 5 launched in June, 1967, slid past Venus "Jail, Probat1'on had been told they "should come . · · : · !I I d explosion," said Martin W. Gould, Union . . prepared to resist'' and to "bring but fr~11. a1 l1ng S~zie ftna Y. reac te bur~ed t\vo others. Oil safety specialist. ~t a d1~tance of 2,480 rrules and went weapons," Oviatt said. the Childrens Hospital operallng room Killed \\.'as Samuel E. -wagers Jr., The cylindrical tank about 20 feet mto orbit around the sun. A Santa Ana man arrested by Hun- tington Beach police on narcotics and reckless driving charges bas_ bee.n ee... ~ to 60 days tn Orange County J ail agd placed on three years probation. The roundup started about JO a.m. today. 22, of 11771 Huwes St., Orange. Police long and eight feet in diameter contained "The Venus 8 sation Is to make a when between 2,000 and 3,000 pe~so~s A team of surgeons was in the final said his charred and mangled body was two inches of water and sediment. smooth descent in the Venus atmosphere w1hhe0 85•0lleanndded St~hd~n~:l~~r ~~S::Crati~ stages of 0.pen heart surgery on . the hurled 26 feet from the tank after being Wagers was alone in the tank we aring on the nightsi'de of the planet," Tas5 t blasted out through its manhole opening. a breathing apparatus with air supplied said. Society refused to obey repeated warn-2-year·old Vietnamese tot at press ime. Injured were Gordon Poucher. 39. of through a 50-foot hose. He was using "It will conduct scientific explorations ings to disperse. llospital officials stated that an an-12.32 E. Adele St., Anaheim and Ernie a shovel and bucket lowered by Poucher together with the Venus 5 atatlon launch- nouncement on the child 's post operative A. Stumph. 55, of 401 E. Union Place. and Stu mph. ed in the Soviet Union Jan. 5.". Arthur R. Sanchez, 25, was sentenced In Anaheim municipal court. He baa been held in the county jail for the Solon, Trainer Accused of 'Deal In Horse Sale condition would not be available until Brea: BOth were taken to St. Jude At first it was thought radioactive Venus 4 which landed on Venus Oct. tonight Hospital in Fullerton with second degree materials were involved but Gould said 18, 1967, Was the first spaceship. to past 70 days. . burns on their faces, necks and wrists. none of these were stored in the tank make a soft landing on the cl oud·shroud· But hvpes were . high among Suzie's They are reported• in good condilion wbere the eJ)llosio.o took plac,. ed planet.• ... Sanchez waa booked by Huntlncton Beach officers lut Sept. 31 and freecf on bail at bis flnt court appearanee. A Superior court jury was told Wednes· day that Fuller~on C~uncilman .~lph Diedrich and racing lra1ner A. T. Tom· my" Doyle planned a deli! th~t."Clepri.ved Mrs. Marjorie Dye of her br1lhant hlly, Fourth Round. Santa Ana attorney Arthur Hew,s told the panel in his closing .arg~men~ that tbe heriess to lhe Post Toastie mtltlons "didn't want to accept" the $7,000 that Doyle handed her as her share of the sale of the horse. to Diedrich. Hews recalled testimony by Mrs. Dye's em ployes to the effect that the San ta Monica woman made several attempts to return the money to Doyle. And he denied that the previously capricious filly's sudden return to wi~ning. fo~m had any bearing on Mrs. Dye s re1echon of Doyle's payment. .Judge H. Walter Steiner is e:i:eected to instruct the jury today. The bitterly contested trial is in its third week. Diedrich and Doyle claim that :ftlrs. Dye accepted payment for Fourth Round and was glad to do so in view of what was described in court as "the pretty poor form" of the daughter of highly rated sire, Lucky Mel. Doing Her Part surgeons that they could successfully today. rebuilt the faltering heart ltiat Wlluld Sheriff's investigators said the men not have sustained llf.e in the delicate were emptying the tank which contained child for very much longer. Pi:e-operalive studies revealed little Nguyen:Thi Thanh Phuong to be "in as goOO shape as we·re going to get her," a physic ian commented. < No less confident is the child's mother, Li Thi Lanh, who accompanied her baby on the long flight from Da Nang. Bolstered in he r long vigil ~ay by the friendly greef¥1gs of hospital staff, the attractive Vietna1nese woman said she had every confidence in the ability of the surgeons to give her only child new life. 1 Mesa Man, 50, Killed by Auto A Costa Mesa man was killed '11lursday night while walking in the northbound Janes of Pacific. Coast Highway at Salt Cree~ Road in the Monarch Bay area of Laguna Niguel. Dead on arrival at South Coast Co~ 1909 5 County Traffic Death Toll 1968 5 There was litlie trace today of the emotion and tears that /oll~ecl the munity !Iospita\, South Laguna, was Joe third postponement earlier this week ·Felix Rivera, 50, of 315 Ogle St. or Suzie's long awai ted surgery. The California Highway Pat r o I Critically short blood supplies led .to-·reported that Rivera was struck by a that decision and earlier abandonments northbound car driven by Jerome F. or scheduled surgery were caused by Linenkugel, 46, of 515 El Bosque, Laguna iin infection contracted by the child and Beach. Rivera's body was thrown through Hong Kong flu contracted by one of the air for 50 feet by the impact, officers her surgeons. said. "We can only wait and hope and The accident occurred in darkness at pray," the wife of a South Vietnamese 6:30 p.m. and Rivera was walking in Army officer quietly commented in her the middle Jane of the roadway, officers halting English. "I am sure that said. No citation was issued to everythtng is going to be all r ight." Llnenkugel. -~C:...~~~~~~~- OAILY I"ll.OT lief! ~lln Carol Jones, 20. of Newport Beach. a junior socio- logy major at UC Irvine, gives from the heart dur· ing Bloodmobile visit to campus Thursday. She \\'as one of 1~ UCI volunteers who gctVc 93 pints ot blood, helping to ease shortage in county blood banks. Medical authorities have blamed recent flu outbreak for depletion of supplies. J ' • I i Pick' from· low-prk NEWPORT l!ACH Chick Iverson, Inc. 211 6 Newport Blvd. 17 14 I 613-0900 I • SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO sm Y•tes Inc. 12862 V•ll• R .. d .17141 499-2261 ___ __,, '•three •. --. . --.. .... ~ ..................... i..;i Stondon:I iNn111 windlhield WOlher,.\ ""' wmc1ow ""-"· beck""' npi.I aad enfl.th;el llMring/;gnmon lock. I I Options include• evtomotic s6cl<aliift\ Clod .roding _1 .... roo1. r · "'""~"'··-···~ lnthe'-tandallQtlon_lo_ back. (fold down the bode-~ capadty al...., doubles.) au. · Fcrstbodc: veniOl'I hos o trunk in ft. fronf ond .....,.., tnnik 0, the bactr. Stancfordtt.n..~W ....... tion (no carbur•tor), frontwhHI ere ! ... bralc:n, windshJ.ld wmh.,-, NOi' ~ defogger, ba<k-up Ughts and -ng/ . ignttMon lock. • .,,..._ .. ~;/ ... Opt ..... ;.d ...... Mfy_ \~ transmission ond .tiding ste .. IUl'ltOOt HUNTINGTON llACll H1rbour Volbw•gen 11711 ... ,h ... ,..,.,., 17141 142-4415 . . ' __ , I . ... \ I l I .. . #Y.., w .. ""' ,......, • Fo~ Arlwlsaa Gov. Orvol E. 4ouliuo sa,rs b·o "'11 become preal· client of DoiPatcb, U.S.A. on Fob. ~ Faubus said he bad taken the It>•t with the cartoon-character llillbWY communify near Harmon llecaUJe be lblnks developing lour· 1Jt attracUon.s ls th• b11t way to bolp Arkan•••' econOIJlY. He said 119 would Uve there. • 1 Defeue-PlCta Secret Questions For Sirhan Jury IAs .Al\'~ (Al') -SOme qu ... lf«lllla.ol Pl•~vejurors ln !be Sirhan Blahara .Sjrlwi Jr,ial wlll be coo4uctod behind cload ~!be delonse says. Gant B. COoper~ one of thrte lawyers dtfencling the U.year-old Jordanian chltged with murdering Seo. Robert F. Kennedy, revealed plans for the secret Saigon Claims Enemy Losses 6 Times Allies' queooUoolng clurfal an, fmpramplu oen conleroc:o Tluzndq al Ull .... ol Ull tblrd dq of Slrhso'• lrlaL Thi trial WU in ....... 1oc11,y; Jury llllecllan II expected to start Monda1· COoper 11ld Judp l!erberl V. Walk .. wanll proapectlve Jurors c:rolHlllllllned lndlvldual)y ln the prtvaey of hJa chambeni in areu "of a aens!Uve nature." Cooper defined u sensiilve ony ~uei­ Uonlng about opfnlons prospecUVI ll!!WI miibt bave oo Slrhso't lllill or Innocence -"What they may have 16811 m televialon or read in the newtpaper.1• But Cooper Aid qu..U~ lbout the death penalty would be uted in op.en court. He Aid the -questloajog WU ''Unprece4ented in thf.I jurledlctlQn." Slrl>an appeared for !be nlne-minute SAIGON .(AP) -The South Viel· court aesslon, then ntlred lo Ille Judi•'.• name&e g:overnment claimed t 0 d 1 y chambers with defense attprneye: and 191,307 Viet Con_g and North Vletnamese prosecutors to hear private testfinony troops were killed in l968, nearly alx from radio newsmen about publicify in times allied toue.s. the case. But North Vietnam caned 11161 "the The defendant was dressed in a new best year 80 far in the Vletnamtse blue-gray suit and Ue. He was ac· I • tru .... 1 U S companied by two euardl. =~o!." s we againat · · ag· WhHe the judge 1poie in openinJ: the 'Ihe Saijon.government put South Viet· session, Slrlian turned in his chair and. 11amese 1•• last yiµu-at 17,418 tilled. eyebrows arched, searched the rear row Tht U.S. Command has not released or the courtroom for his family. official figurts for the year, but For the first lime since bis trial began American batue duths through Dec. Tuesday, hi.I mother Mary and his ii were 11,521. brother•,_~el, 29bsn, Ind Munir, Zl. all Dupl~ ita claim of heavy losses suf4 were aUtH:mL Sir appeared diaap- (ered by the enemy. the government pointed. in a yearend review estimated total Most of the day's proceedings took enemy strength at 300,100 Viet Cong, place in chamber a1 tbe defen.>;e tried Proving the weatherman'• wjnd North Vietnamese and politlcal cadre.· to 'ahoW Sltban'a cue wa'11 dAmaged · · ri • to t do It cWmed 1$1 000 North Vietnamese by news stories and similar coverage. predidi~ was g,.t on rge • ~ trops hid inflltHted the South in .198& Ten radio newsmen ai'ld 1-man· who town o/fu:e worker l-frs. Cunthta _ -an assessment vastly djffet'ent from runs a private broadcast monitoring --~ • ....®1!-l!ardlu~Ll}er way ~--Unoffiobil-U.S.-etlma~.aenr.ice......were lllbpoenaed.Jo~!estHJ..in __ she wolk& in Memphis, Ttnn., The 230,000 men. the chambers. · breeze WilS as strong as 20 and 30 The U.S. Command does not publish Each was Jnstructed not to discuss 1niles per hour with gusts as high a.s oftielal e$timatet of enemy str~. publicly what was said-and all followed 60 but reliable American sources said the lilltructions. · • South Vietnamese estimate was con· "Boys, I 've been given the warning," sldered "high." said Herb Humphreys, news editor for Switf & Co. saved the bacon lor In addition r:o those tilled tn actJon, statlOn KFWB, Loa Al!.gelea. "SO hello Armour & Co. in Pittsburgh. John the Saigon government said the enemy · and goqdbye." H•ll, manager of Swift's wholesale l08t 21,050 men Uken captive and 17,!M Before the jury selecUon beains Mon· who defected uDder the "Open Arms". day, tht defense Js e1pected to make division, set up an around-th&-program. This accounted for a total · another closed~oor attempt before clock watch because of thefts from enemy manpower klos of 229,9$1 laat· Walker to bavt lb• list of prospecllvo his plant. He saw a truck pull up year, the aovernment aaid. jurors set aside. at nejgl\boristg Armour's and called police who arrested ·,; for- mer~·$ w i f t employe. He was charged with burglary and receiv- ing st9len goods. • Acapulco 1'1ayor Israel No- gueda is agai11st hair on the lip as well as O'll the stage. Nogue- da, wlio took off-ice only nint days ago, closed down the hip- pie musical "Hair" as obscene, and has now extended tlie war to traditional Me:tican hair. Ht o~rtd tM citt/'I polictmfn to shfH oJJ their mouitache1. • A 60-year-old woman in Chicago was granted a divorce after she testified in court that her 80-year- old husband was too affectionate. Jn granting the divorce to Mrs. Betty Simons, the judge said, ''This is the first time I ever have heard a woman complain in this court of too much affection. The usual complaint is too little." • Detroit's Common Council is fed up with having to find out about municipal affairs in the moming Free Press and afternoon News. So the council adopted a resolution forcing all ci\)' departments lo sub- mit infonnation lo ii before ii goes to the newa media. Campµ$.Tur:nwi~Sprea(b To East Coast Colleges ntQ> Win Strvlces Student protests are disrupting classes at several East Coast coll!ges in addition to the trouhles on California campuses. Queens C<)lle(e; 'on• of a half d""n div!Jlona of the City U!llvenlty of New York. prtpared to reopen today after a two-day shutdown that followed the violent takeover of some offices by Negro and Puerto Rican students. . A 11pokesman said, "We really don't know what will happen. We're just hopeful." About 10 percent of the 25,000 studenta are nonwhite. Negro students remained In control of vital centers of two Eastern schools : Brandeis University at Wallham, Mua., and Swarthmore Colleae, juat outeide or Philadelphia". Amnesty wu extended again today for militant Negro atudenta defying a court order to vaca\e the Brandeis University communications center. A delegation of the mutiOous students met with President Morris B. Abram who said he was extending the 9 a.m. amnesty deadline pending outcome of the meeting. The meeting went on under the shadow of a tbrtat by !be Nesr-to burn down evt.ry building on the campui1. Approximately 200 stud!nts, mostly white, marched around the Captured communications center in support of tbe action. The students seized Ford H41J, which hoUJel the unlverlity mtc.hb9ard and other communlcaUons facillUes. Wed- neaday aftemooo to diamaUze IO demands for improvement of school con· ditions for members of their race. Mediator Called Over AP Strike NEW YORK (UPI) -A federal mediator met today with nelOliators for the Associated Preas to expfore possible avenues toward a 1ettlement of the Wire Service Guild strike against the news service. The mediator, George Byrne!!, said he would meet later today with represen- tatives of the strik.ing WSG and would decide after that meeting whether a joint session might prove fruitful. The slrlte began Thursday. Storm Claims Three Lives Subzero Cold Grips Midwest and Great Lakes Region Tem.-erstMres Hl•ll l.._ Pnc. At~v• .. " .-.. .. ' • All.-1• " " '-'*"''-Id .. .. 11-rck ' .,, .... " u ..... " .. .. _ " ' ClllCl-lf ., " c"""'"'" .. • ~ " " ' , = .. • .. " ... """' " .. ""N " " -" ' 1-1..i11i. " " -" " k.'""' Clfv " • ltt VeN• " " l•A~ .. " Mi4'"' 8-dl " .. c...ui MllW•ulltt " ·• MW-..-..h • ... Cltlr *'" ~ .,..,_,. """'"'" tuf'et """ ~ ........ _,.,.,,., I I• 14 m~.tt. fafl.,., 111-ft, H to •t. Y....,....,.,• .......... ...,,... r• R1i.i Nnr Orlttna Ntw 'l'n 0.11;11!'111 °"''"' " H " " " .. " ., '""" .• """ "' .. ,. . "" ..... ... l....i ......,.h.I,.. "'"" ... " i. ... . l... ..,.,. ""-•"'"' ... $1 ... •r-. S•11, llloon, TWu ,.IOAY ._,. 1119'1 '. t:t1 9.1'1'1. i .. IM(Wld 10W . 7:U 1.m. I.I u.ru•DAY ,1,.., llJtll .. .... . . t :n '·"'· '·' ''"' ..,., ,,., ......... •:n '""· ,, ~ tit.II ...... .. t :U '-""· l.t llOMi ... ... , . .. I ;• 1.m. 1.1 '"""'" '"" Mtlt ............. )l• •,m. $.I "'"' .,.. • :o; ••••• .-... "_.. •* t .f ...,.,...,. ........ 4 ... -.~u ....... ... , ............ •:• '""' l.I ' .. ~, . ·-... .. "'"''-.""'• ~Ill~ Pltttbll ... 11 P0t1l1111 Jl:tJld llt ·~Ill/ff ·-..,,. __ St, LCllJll S1ll111• S.lt LIQ City S111 O• S111 l'~~IKe S."t' ...... S..1111' s ...... --· W1t11~ t " .. " .. ~ " .. " " " .. .. .. " .. .. • .. .. " " " " " ' " " .. • .. " " " " .. .. .. M " " ... ... FIRST FAMILY GATHERS FOR PRESIDENT-ELECT'S BIRTHDAY PARTY Tricia Nixon, David and Julie Ei1enhow1r, Mr. and Mr1. Nixon Celebrate in Norff11mpton, M111. Zambia Urging African Invasion Of Rhodesia LONDON (AP) -President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia today urged a military lnVislon of Rbod.,11 to topple Ibo white regime of Prime Minister Ian Smith. · Kaunda's speech represented the first o~t_l ~p_peal at t be. _t;ommonwe~th Conference for the use of force. - The African leader urged that a military invasion now would mean Jess bloodshed In the long run. Urging the 27 other Commonwealth members to help the African guerrillas operating in RhQdesia, he told the con- ference they were already receiving sup- port from Communist countries, China in parllcular. President Ha.stings Banda of Malawi argued earlier that force would no[ be practical. He wa.s quoted as saying that if his capital was med• as a base for military action againat Rhoduia it would be destroyed. Banda was the only speaker of 'the Zl Uk!Ilg part to back explicitly the British plan for a compromise with Rhodesia. Other African leaders all said that majority rule for Rhodesia's four million Africans inust remain a Commonwealth goal. Fit for Presi'dent Julie Serves Dad Birthday Dinner NORTHAMPI'ON, Mass. (UPI) -The President-elect and his lady have nothing but praise for Julie Nixon Eisenhower's homemaking skills. "I'm surprised she learned to cook so well," said Richard M. Nixon, as he left the !lower·bedecked Northampton apartment where his eldest daughter -had :tust-serveth!p-a-birthcray--dinncr-. -~ "I've bad the best foods around the w o r 1 d and I think this Is up to any of them," Nixon said. Mrs. Nixon ldentlf!ed the dish aii chicken divan -baked with broccoli and rice. "It's a new disb for her. Sht'I a good cook," boasted the proud mother. The chicken along with a jell1ed A1ad and a store-bought chocolate birthday, cake, was served on a card table. -"That's her dining table," explained the future First Lady. "and w& had two extra tables where she just pulled up clifilrs--:-"-- - An aide said there were two kinds of Ice cream -"red, whlte. and chocolate.'' Nixon admirtd the apartment. "It's very nict, very warm, not preltn .. tious. * * * * * * Nixon Assembles His Cabinet NEW YORK (UPI) -Presideot.eled Richard M. Nixon aasembled his cabinet today for meet.q:a with batteries or experts who have been studying the problems they will face after taking office . Members of 22 task forces appointed by Nixon two months ago to develop orograms for coping with the wide range Of domeatic problems are reporting their findings in two days of meetings with cabinet designates and other hlgh-rankl,ng officials in the Nixon. administration., Evelle J. Younger, the dmrlct attorney of L o s Angeles and chairman of t ti • crime and law enforcement task force, was scheduled to make the first report in a session with John Mitchell artd Robert Finch, who will be attorney gene ral and secretary of health, educa- tion and welfare after Nixon takes office Jan. 20. thlnus are hBPDBDIDU at MERCURY SIVllBSI MERCURY'S "' "'" .. ....., loblly, • -....... wlll '-"' ,.., """"' tMn plaJ lt baclt f-fJ for,... .. _ •• jl1o to ... ,,... Yiu wlll be plaflnl la lru111wlck'1 new "51!fn&"'""' Pro floll" un11, um ...,olta ,.. to 41"9 300 ,.m. or -•JOfollpultlTo_,.. on ___ ...... -.• AU MKOlllJ SMn •JIJ ........ benolllll Snlnp ....... ., .,... FREE Safe Deposit Box • •• Balllcl $Z,OOO) FREE fl'lllWIJ laps 111 lOUI _,, -......., L *-· _ .... bid -""""" of --~ ...... ,..., ....... lnturtd --'""-1.21" I01111 ICCOUIJI lflll.lllE MERCURY SAVINGS --and IOtJn t1S1ociaJion • EXECUTIVE OFACfS: 7812 Edinger AYfl., Huntington Beaeh Home Offtoe: 8814 Knott Ave., Buena P1rk OPEN 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Mon-Thurs.; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday I .. t r 1a lad lay ned WI Jed nds and ... J,ng ~y b• rce, IOrt and ney l<:l- fiCe I . . • • r , \ -. , . Hard Times ... Here Again With Christmas bills cramming the mail bok and Uncle Sam hovering around the corner, it would not be entirely false to say, 0 hard times are here again." Fittingly, Affiliates of Laguna Beach Art Associa .. lion will mark the seasonhl situation with its annual Han! Jrimes HobO Party Friday, Jan. 24, in Laguna Beac!\!Art Association Gallery, G·littering jewels, shimmering gowns and sleek coif· fures Will be terribly out of place at this ·social affair. Jnstead ;p~cipants are being urged to follow party's theme and ''Come as a Bum." Affiliates and their guests will frolic, not in their most elegant :finery, but dressed as milkmaids, tramps and travE;ling salesmen. For those who can scrape together the t2 admission charge, festivities will begin at 7 p.m. During the eve· ning party-goers will dance to band music and din.e on their own food brought_in a b~sket or knapsack. A highlight of the evening will be the awarding o(f · prizes to some of the "Best Dressed Bums.'.' Mrs. Mlirat BOYTe is in charge of lhe·event. ASsis · ing are her committee members the Mmes. Zachary T. Malaby, Hovey Cox, Robert Cotterell, William Gieschen .. / . . . . and F. R. ·Atcheson. · Reservations may be obtained by calling Mrs. Rob-- ert Wright, 494-3914 or Mrs. Malaby, 494-4494. SIT-DOWN. DINNER -Affiliates of Laguna Beach Art ·Associa- tion anil their guestS-will enjoy the simpler things in life when they gather for an annual Hard Times .Hobo Party Friday, Jan. 24. Dressed and in the proper attire: for the· event, the Mmes • .Robert Cotterell, Hovey Cox,, William Gieschen and F. R. Atcheoon (left : ' . . ' to right)_pther for a meager meal. No Fish Story '' . -' ,. ·, I . ; La·dy An·glers Hook Awards, Officers Women who feel comfortable wearing fishing jackets, denim, boots and the odor of anchovies will be trading them for mink, chlf. fon, evening slippers and perfwne tonight. The Newport Harbor Lady Anglers will lake part m their 20th , annual Trophy Awards and Inotallatlon of Officers 'Barlquet·wbich will begm.with a 6:30 p.m. social hour followed by a 7:30 dlnner in the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Outgoing president, Mrs. Olin· W. ·smith of South· Laguna, ,will turn over her duties to Mrs. Geo~ge. 'Yilliam Bush Jr. Oilier ~ers will be the Mmes. H. s. Dewey, vice president; Charles Foss,.tre ... urer, and Henry Holcomb, secretary. Presenting the coveted Club Championship Trophy to Mts. Rob- ert Daisey Jr. will be Mrs. Ray Call. Donors will assist her with th• • 40 presentations which will include trophies to the Mmes. Fred Joljn- son, fi,rst marlin of the year; Louis Bellinger, first albacore of the year; Virginia Penrose, first yellowtail of the year and Ralph Fore, sportsman's trophy. Mrs. Holcomb Is hostess chairman, assisted by the Mmes. Pen- rose, RoSaiie Danert; Dai~, Ferd Lansdowne and Fore, who 'is i.n- charge of reservations anl deCorations. Master of ceremonie• will be Diet Weeks, ways and meant chairman fer the California Council of Retarded Chil.dren. Altllough the club· was organized In 1949 for women who enjciy ll.sblni, It also has contributed to numerous charities with handicapped cblldno receiving priority, J ANCHO.RING A NEW YEAR-Ready to drop anclior in the friend· . ly waters of a new year are three members· of the Newport Har- . bor Lady Anglers (left to right) Mrs. Olin ,W. ·smith, outg"oi?g · president; Mrs. H. S. Dewey, new vice president, and Mrs. George William Bush Jr.; incoming president. .Installatidn of new officers and presentation of trophies will take place tonight In the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Each year, through their fund-raising projects, the angt.en.liV• a picnic for the children at Fairview State Hospital. Mrs. ~k Keeler is In charge of the e v e n t. This year the anglers bave con- tributed to the Carl Harvey Orthopedic School, National M~tlple Sclerosis Society, Orange -County · Medical Center and th~ O~• County Epilepsy Society. ' . . Reader Needs Support When Friend Decides · ·Shoe .-·Fi:t.s I Dl!AR ANN LANDERS : A clooe !rle6cl hu been borrowing my Clolbe! for the put five years. Mitzi can afford to buy what she needs, but abe aays my taste is better than hers and when 1he wants to klOk 1maslUng she feels more confident In my cJoQte.s than in Rt own. • lle are exactly the same size, and Mkzi is a very neat girl but 1 don't care rhow careful a person is -it's im~ible to return a dresS of a pair of 11h0es in exactly lhe same condition. A 'leem goes here, a bead ccme. off &here, a knitted skirt IMCS, a patent heel gets acralcbed -...,etlllq is - to "'"""'· . 1:411J1 hu borrowed eveeything from. l my evening bag to my ,wig. t have J? What excuse can t ·give? -BIG never borrowed anything frqr11 her: HEARTED BERT ' Last nl,gbt I went to put on my best DEAR BERT: You dol't need an es• cocktail drest and .Mitzi bad the shoes CUR. Jut teD MllJI yoa've decldtd llOt that match Jt. My husband was furious. to lead your dotbt1 aQY more. Leave He gave me order• never to lend her your lla1bud out of IL Offer to 11top anything again. How can I say no without wllb lier -...i-, 11... •• -losln&· her lriends!llpT 1 can't tell btt year tut<. u Joat m..i to klld . ber my lv.1ablnd bu given rnei trdert,. Clll ·. ·1• tk1t11Je ~' • tt f'1Hp) • you llaven't'lott maeh. ' DEAi\ . ANN . LANDE~: 1 war in- terested In the 1etier from the woman · who Insisted that alcoholism "Mm:I in familie.a" and ii ' therefore an .lnhtrited Olness. She Webt 'on to uy all!· her· husband's brothers are·drunks. The only . one In the family who "doesn't touch • the stuf! is h\l. lisler. Then she added. "Charlotte ts a rtu&kw nut. A couple of drinks might lrnjlrovo her personlllty a lot.." What thil world needJ,i1 fewer boozef'I" and more ~~~ta., I am tick to dtath of t<IQ\ "'1cl>I pqle 'wfio ,~· to «tllilr .l>raJnl ... ' alcohol the minute the 11\111 goes down. 11'•' • sad •11111· to wltnea" ~ cllamltna· """'~ ?ho ~enly ~ ail>-Jaughs too loud and mai" a complete fool of heraeU. I've seen too many brilliant men become r e p e t i t i o a • , belligerent and vulgar afttr Ihm dt1nka. It's llickenlng. The plly of II Is that these people Imagine llquor lmprov" tllelr penooallty lflien noWna COll!d he >lllrtber lrom the lruth. A1 •the rill; ol being ealled a Blue Nooe for file mWlonth Ume, w111 y.U say u-.ga1D1 ''Cliil pu1 •onl• toCetber !ht ""l' ·.yoa . -;-. STAR WITNESS · r DEAIL n.Allr. ,__.W.'1.••• ). ·, ' I --~-.,,..._w .. •••--- • f I • 1· • ' ' ) I , I \ I I l I , .... , ..... -... ·-······· . Gifl Scouts offering 'Gift of the The three MaJd, the Italian Belana, the RliBsian Bebousbka and the Pennsylvania Dutch Belsnlckle will entertain 140 Senior Girl Scouts and adults at the SeniDr Encampment tonlght, tomorrow and Sun· day. at Oak Glen Pines Christian Confereni;e Cen· ter, Yucaipa. Representing the Girl.Scout Council of Magi' ' ' · Orange County and San Clemente Troop 125 are (left to right) Barbara smiih, Vickf w~.and Kate Neely. Tomorrow evenlllJ( will' begin with the selection of Sl Lucia and sjtjtifeetllling illternation- al yuletide characters will follow: The; night will come to a close with !Ii• breaking of a'.plnaf;t tilled with candy. The girls hope that the program will foster a better understandinfOI foreign IanC!s. ' _..._ ____ _ Assistance League Welfare Program Evaluated An accurate evaluation often is a forerunner of a successful program. With this in mind, members of the Assistance League's Region JI will gather Tuesday, ~an. 14 in the Fullerton Assistance League House to review the league's welfare program in Orange County. Ten regional chapter presidents will be guests of Region II· Council members who will have as their discussion moderator Mrs. Alan F. Hoop, National Afsistance League vice president for philanthropic projects. On hand to greet arrivals will b~ Mrs. Edward A. Pellegrin, Region II chairman, Mrs. E. M. Pettis and Mrs. Melvin Rich , regional representa- ti~e and alternate for the Fullerton chapter. Representatives, alternates and guests from Anaheim, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Beac}l, Orange, Santa Ana, Tustin and San Diego County \\'._ill be attending. ,· UCI Extension Courses Three Series Oufline Women's 'Liberation~ . .. . , ; 1ltrte uclllng ,Jecture IM worbbop ..,;.. planned ' to help women orient thelll!elves . In IOclety are being ~ · by Unlvenity cl Calift>rnJa ' Jlltenslon, Irvine. '"I:bea<i ·~ ....ion. are forerunners of future apeclal programs for women," stated Mrs. Becky G-, Pl'J&raJU coordlnalor for tlie unlvenity. Tiie first f!'W'parl proJl'.l!D Is enJIUed Woman Jn Amerlcl: CriJIJ or Challenge. 1 t present.a a timely diacussion of woman 's UberiUon frem many of the rtstrlcliODJ of the past and her becoming an independent, sell- ' y.· d~:"' lodlil41iit~ beglnltlnJ ~OMay at 9:30 1.m. in the Orup, O>un- ty Medical A1soc1atlon. audJtorium, Orange, medical and llOC!al e1l'"fl' wUJ ditlCUN many facets of the ·women's position today. Coordloatlng the J~s Js Mni. Lt1cille l\Uthn wh(J H"L'Jc VON AMMON rectivod htr BA in poliUcitl .,. ~ ·Horoscope science ~ !ht: lJJ\i~fr~ty To Join Brides ri Mllm.,•IO and ·11 al yruent Aquarius: Proceed Towards New Goal -~~ towards ber masler• degree Ill ltlstoiy' at UC!. ~he hefped organize the orana:e Coast L .ea g u e ol. Women Voters ~ hu been vice prelldent .ri the .South Coast Child Guidance ~· ' · Among eubjtcts to·l>e touch- SATURDAY Take the lead. Speak up. ed upon ore-Ollonal growth ' and development; m a I e • JANUARY 11 Discard factors that reprm female rel.Uonshlps, and the By SYDNEY OMAltR or restrict. Demand freedom. multiple role .of Wtmlen in today's society. .,The wise man controls his SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22-The second .series, The .. deaUny .•. Astrology points Dee. 21 ): Obtain hint from Dimensions of Huinen Poten· the way." SCORPIO message. Key is to tlal focuses on lectures and be .. independent. Express workshops on nine Friday ARIES (March Zl-April 19): or1g1nal concepts, ideas. Take mornirigs beginning Friday, Be receptive rather than ag· chance on your own abilities, Jan.· 17, at· 9 in the First gressive. Not wile to push talents. Be creative. Look Congregational Church, Santa matters. One close to you has beyond petty distractions; Ana. . problem -may lDvolve funds. These meetings are planned ExplaJiaUon is forthcoming, if CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. to 'help the woman become Ma.rch Day Announced A March 22 wedding in Phoenix is being planned by Hallie von Ammon and Arthur VanZandl Strock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Strock of Lido Isle. Announcement of t h e i r engagement 'A'as made by the bride-to·bc during a candlelight ceremony in her dormitory at M i 1 I s College where she graduated as an art major. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. von Ammon of Scottsdale. you are patient. 19): You feel tied d own aware · of her capabllitlea in because of l!!IOme fa m i 1 y human relations and Jn 1elf- TAURUS (April 20-May 20): feJ!!lpOnsibiliti~s. 1bat'1 in _actualization.. Lectures by Her fiance is a graduate You -are dUe. for pleasant background. But immediately P s y Cb 0 101 i 1 ts and of Newport Harbor High ~ Show appreciation to -today -you want more, psychiatrists will be· followed School, attended the Universi- one ·who . perform• servtct. ask for more -and couJd b 1 h di s1 'od! ty of Californla, Sant a Fine ·dly for ctiiMiittng rela· catch eye of important person. y wo our scus on pert Barbara where he affiliated ti .th 1 V led by professional leaden. .th Si Chi d 11 Om WI oved one. Settle ery good. The. third program · J s ~I ~ma . an curren Y. dispute. Make Intelligent con-.a sseument of p e r 1 0 ft 8 I 1s studymg architecture at UC, ces>lo!t AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. ~ Berkeley • · -· --J8l : Don't take too seriously Poton~al which is ·deslgned ··· . · GtMINI (May 21-June 2o): dire reports. Much ls based to. offer each indivldual a. new Tonight-it . ii importaqt to upon rumor and is speculative. assessinent of her personality avoUJ-·exc~:-Be-moc:1erate. Today, build t 0 w 8 r d ad· a,nd-capabtlities. Participants Applies · also to expressing vanc,ement. Set sights' _ pro-in lhe nine-week series begin· views. Don't enter seiueless ceed toward goal. One . in nlng next Thursday at 9 a.m. Convention Plans Revealed . dlsJ>We. Stubborn individual authority reacts favorably. in Santa . Ana's Fh i rs t , wou(d ilke to; See you upset, Congregational Churt ' can Ideas for Province Con· i embarrassed. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): assess their Pers 0 D a I vention in February will be . You experience greater resources by means of a com· dJscussed during a dinner ·CANCER (June 21-July 22): freedom of choice. There are bination of tests. ·meeting of the new Chi Torrl&ht there ls tun, op-alternatives. Choose wilh care. Coordinating the l1rursday Province in lhe San Clemente · porbmlty for aeailve et· Overcome temptation toward and Friday seminars is Dr· Ion on Monday, Jan. 13. presslon. Enjoy yourself by r e c k 1 es ! n e s s _ Conserve Robert S. Davidaon., lllOCiate Iota Upsilon chapter of giving pleasure to loved one. energies:, assets. Take one clinical professor of medical Sigma Phi Gamma will host Day features change, possible step at a time. psychology, California College the meeting. travel and \'ariety. Accent IF TO of Medicine,. UCI. Chi Province is comprtS· ed sell-e~•si'on DAY IS YOUR Re'"rlooation for these pro-• ~-· BmTBD &""'.. of six chapters including Ka~ AY you are entering grams may be made by call-'"- LEo,;<JuJy,'.U-Aug. 22): By new phase; break with past ing the university's extension pa Nu, Anaheim ; Kappa Rho, tonlgbt )OU koqw Where you and begin new project. Applies office at 8.13-5415 or by at-Chula Vista; Beta Sigma and ~,,~~e!pecially . to also, in some degree, to tending lhe sessions. Kappa Xi, San Diego; Lambda , bofne. ~at, .stcW;ty. personal activities. ZeU ta, NewGport Beacruo~' ~ndTwlota Earlier, . there 1s so~ con-psllon, arden ve. o · fuslOll. But family member GENERAL TENDENCIES: CM A .1. ""v chaplers are being fonn· comes .Jhrougb In criifs. Be Cycle high for SCORPIO. UXI 1ary _ ed"·-------- 1 Mrs. Pellegrin will pre111ide at the general business meeting \vhich j I will take place at the same time as the evaluation. Both groups \Vill rejoin Lr luncheon served by Fullerton members. ' . - ~sea • ;;ws WIPW3!1P 31JHS?Nk !IN'j\»QW UWf ;::::::; *Ml•• ... :::::..1 LYNN THORN Future Bride gratefuJ. !:C~~oo'::~ ga~':is !~~~; Costa Mesa M e m or i a 1 Pic00t( Wi (K ·~iw.111p 1111 t ·VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept:. 22): serious confrontation. Hospital Auxlllary'1 monthJy Dealinc 'with villllng relative '' """ "" -· '~" ~ •w meeting will take place in BOOKSHOPS ln<:ijt-a~ tnnlnht. Be realistic. 111 1T10MY ef'ld 1ov1. Mder vd<lt~ the conference room next ,._.,.,._1 •• _ "•- ch'""' ~"&'" Om1rr'1 bDokltt, "$te...t Hin for M d t 9 30 M be _ ... -,_, ' Mo_ a,boUt1,yc:iu appears il· M,: 11111 n·"-Sf!'ld ~ ~t!; on ay a : a.m. em rs S4Wlll lusory. Don't be-foOled by "tall !:~.i~ ~~~IL~j. 9mff, a:~~t wlll be voting on new officers. 170 "".,._. 11.,._ j story." If analytical you get,_'il.c.'.c.v~c..· 'cowr,cc'c..:." _.,_ .. _-_· _•_M __ «_"-__ N_ew_com __ ers_are_w_el_co_m_e_. __ ... _._._,,._n_m_,._,._,_" ___ _ true situittlon. 1 ) ' ' Corona def Mar Home Chosen -by Newlyweds ltome in Corona del Mar following a honeymoon in Mexico. are newlywed Craig C. Com;lell of Corona del Mar . and his bride, the former · Liane Buhler, <W,ughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Buhler of ; Newport Beach. They ·. exchanged vows and . rings beiore the Rev. Francis Kelly in· <Afr. Lady of Mount . Carmel, Church, N e w p or t · Beach. · Given in marriage by her MRS. COHNELL Reen .. V-• father . the bride wore a chan· titly lace over satin A-line gown with a cascading train. Her tiered illusion veil was caught lo a headpiece fashion· ed of a while salin bow with seed pearls and lilies of lhe valley~ Mrs. Nicholas A d a m s , matron of honor, wore a dark green · velvet and lace gown ud carried greer. chrysan· therriums with white carna- tions. J3tide&tn4ids 'WOre red velvet and Jace gowns and ,carried rfu:I roses and white carna· ilonl. ' They '1e Mrs. Robert Sofenton. Mn:. Bill Griffin, Mrs. Gregory Rose and the Misses Erma! Connell. the brldegrooin's ·alster, Barbara Du.Boil and Janet· ~lmback. The bridegroom.. son) of Mr. and Mrs. ThOmais 1 B. Connell of Laguna Beach, asked Paul Lelchtluu to be hll beat man. Ushers were Bill Carey. Ron Chamberlain, Rick Howell. Greg Buhler, the bride's brother, Tony Montal and Ric.hard Kenworthy. ' Durtnr the reeepUon far 350 suesu In the Newport Beach Tennis Club Miss S a 11 y Hargrave and Miss Nancy Neece circulated the gueit book. The bdde Is a graduate of NeWJ!Orl Harbor High School and attended Orange Coast College. Her husband, who is serving with the: U.S. Navy, attended Coron1 de! Mar High ScbooL The June Plans Revealed Mr. and Mrs. Raymond \\'. Thorpe Jr. of Costa Mesa have announced the engagemenl of their daughter, Donna Lynn Yarwood Thorpe to Terry Parker Gammell, son of Mr. and .fi.trs. Donald Gammell or Santa Ana. The wedding is planned for June 14 in St. Joachim's Catholic Church, Costa Mesa. The hride-t&be is a senior at Estancia High School. Her fiance ls a graduate of Santa Ana High School and attended Santa Ana Junlor College. C!iamber Selections Offered A chamber orchestra of 18 players will be conducted by Daniel Lewis at the next Orange County C h a m b c r Music Concert, Tuesday, Jan. 11. Miss Linda Hudelson, vlollnilt, will be soloist at the 8:80 p.m. concert ln the Californla State College at Fullerton reeltal hall. Lewis 11 cobrdinator of in· strumental mu&ic •t Cal State, Fullerton and Is conductor of the Orange County Symphony Orchestra. The concert will feature musJc by Ferrabasco, Purcell. Bach, Handel and MayuzumJ, Admission la free. Daily Uigun• Group Read The Great . Orange No. l Paper! Pilot Coast's • IJBRA (Sept. 23-Qct, 23): You may feel weighed down March Wedding Planned ft All Penney stO... Open mry Ni,ht.MOndoy 11,,...,tlt Satunl•r because or 1ega1 restr1cuon. enne~I Key Is to accept resp:mslblllty. Accent on financial potential. ALWAV8. RAST QUALITY Show that you can be li-1r. and Mrs. H. Clifford Thorn of Balboa Island an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Lynn Elizabeth Thorn· and Dan M. Hagin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Hagin of Covina. The brlde-t~be is a graduate of Northview High School. Covina, and attended Cal Poly, Pomona and UCI. Her !lance, also a graduate of Northview Hlgh, attended Mt. s a n Antonio College. A March 1 wedding in Christ Church hy the Se.a in Newport Beach·has been planned. authoritative w i tho u t ar· rogance. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. Ztl : Where you Were in background, spoWght ft o w begins to center your way. Applies especially t oft i g h t . Moo11 Gro.up Women of the Moose, 1158, assemble the first and third Thursday of eact. month for meetings in Moose Home, Costa Mesa. The programs begin at 8 p.m. and Mrs. William Calloway, 14M241, may be called for further J.n. formation re1ardln& , mem- bership. FANTASTIC STOREWIDE CLEARANCE SALE On All Brand Name Merchandise • KIMBERLY • BUITE • ROMALMA • AMALFI * KNIT SUITS * DRESSES *COSTUMES *' SPORTSWEAR , -l-to 75% Off :'~!~~;: 1 I 3. to 1 I 2 QfF SLACKS R19. to 12~ • • SKIRTS • SWEATERS NOW s5oo ';J)i Q,.rio ~ 7 FASHION ISLAND Newport BHch 644·2100 . Think ahead to spring ·and all the pretty clothes you want to make! Saven-on spring fabrics and-at your leisurei o..,..._.._.,,.._. ....,.,._II,_ IL frMll) .. ..., ............ o--1 ..... w.....w.. ..... _ ................... ~ ,.. .. .,.....,_.,.. -W... •'-"-" ki.ii ....... . ..... ....... ....... . "" .... "' ~....,Wirta tor .. ,...._.,.._.. Orig. 1.29/1.91 NOW 77:rd COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH IHuntlngito'n Cent•r) IF•1hioft lslancfl IH1rbar Shopping Ctr.I In by ,ur Ir. of i r .he a ier ·ge an !er E. •le .. >I· ta ~ ti~ IC, l ,._ .. "' :hi Ile nl JSt ed •P- 10, nd da •ta NO m· .,, .. ' J ' " .la.cks \ ' ! ' .. ORANGE couNTI: OAUEORNJA' .• ' Shatter.· Hopes • ' F.RID_..;y,:'j>J.ruAtf l.Ok lt69 . " ' ol . -' ' . . I JEN ,eENTS l •• l • Negr'!es Call Ha.rb~r -Hig!i Youths Hypot;rites NITTY GRITTY -Jqhn Ray of Dorsey High, Los Angeles, and Jean Egasse of Newport Harbor High listen as Lonni G9Slln of Costa Mesa's Estancia High makes point in discussion of race relations which got.d0-wn...to..basics. Thursday at Harbor H,i.g.!!. Striking SF State Profs Facing Joh -Loes, Arrest Bf THOMAS FORTUNE , 0. "'9 .,_.., 'lllf Staff ' I The young arid ' the angry can !Je brutally frank. · Well-meaning wttlte stodenll from Newport Harbor H I 1 h School bad their hopes .crushed Thursday by black student.a from Dorsey H.lgb School in Los Angeles. The white student.s e1pec~ hostlllty . and dJJtrust (rom the black viallin to lhe llarbor HJgh camptis. ·But tbey Anaheim Club Raid Climaxes Vice Probe A flourishiitg, application-only clllb tit1~ ed "Entertainment Unllrilfted" was broken up in Anlhelm early 1oday In a raid wblcb clima~ed a Jbng,' Orange County-~lde pf9be of gambling..W pro-5tltution. - --- - Cards, dice, drips, &nd a poker and crap table were seized as evidence in Ille raid on a private home, where four men and two women were arrested, police reports alleged. Lawmen from eight differ,ent agencies, Including the Disltict Attorneyts office, sheriff's offi<:i!, Anaheim police and Newpru;t Beach police departments partlciP,ted in lhe tnve!tigatidn and riid. · · · · ·J'. SAN FRAN<;ISCO (UPI) -Striking teacher$. joined by militant students, today pJcket<d S,&11 .~ Btiite College Jn the face of possible arrt&t who has previously declined lo discuss tWay Qia:t · Unllmlted ls Dlstrict Attorne~'• inv itators aaid •!!end~ fl§"l'ea,.C?nfir!ne<! ,TJ!u~"l' eHa11e<1 • wuh heVti,JI! NMd· P1Pblil1c lho~ndlj ab6tlt 56'~.0i tbf'~l't and sex parUes ~ance· <Joan. "~~;_. ~ .,, .. it'~A..111 .. lH•¥-w~i~011..!~ ~ ·4nEM~T M!!Ot4'"~,·~G .• -~vlY· 'Ifft' ~ for llNiri Mfl !llf!'l11 "Bl/I'' ·~rln, N•ll Armtfl·-Micli.11 Collln1 11,000 students are att~ndip& classes. ty. . ~ ~ .. Membert· of , the s~ AQlerican, .Their 19~Qd pf operation, the DA mil losis of their jobs. 1 .. 1: .. . .. • • •-n~ W ~~·, ./JJ.J I-, M1 " t for \he filth day, uni°"' fatuity· members paraded in front or strife.tom school with student Blrikera. The teacbm wVe warned they would be comldered ht college-administrators as having resigned and in contempt of court for def?n_ng an Injunction against their strike. F --'• tw .1. r • Slid, lncllldec! -.ieraU.n<-0f cdltomer ederaUon of Teachers ..-iu , o rru 1tam ' applications for ~benbti> in whlch minority groups, who biYe been oq t!'tey conducuid tbe1r own det.ttuve wcrk strike since Nov. 6, claimed the figure into the ba~ of those who sub- Mluta :1n l!!IY! 1 ; ' . ~ 1 Our attorneys tell us the state cannot declare involuntarr resignaUons/' Aid a union leader. "We will continue to &trike." was much less ihan SO percent mltted hidJ· to join. The AF"r hich 1s 300 o1 "They were n\alnly concerned with , • w repr.esen · two things: whether the applicant wa1 the school s l ,300 faculty members, began an undercover police officer and whether ·Civilian, T~6 Colonel.s -. . . tts strike Monday. Memben contlnued -4f not -be had mqaey " said a • As classes resumed, a coed was II"' resteil when her car B"Nerved close to .several policemen~ the maln_in- tei:section near the campus. Foul-smell· ing chemicals were poured on the floor of the library later, picketing Thursday in defiance of a spokesman for the District 'Attorney's • Superior Court injunction against the office. walkout. U the applicant checked out clean The striking ~eache.rs . were warned he was accepted along with whateve; Named .Men for Moon :rtie litrikes and sporadic violence was ,..tlected by diminishing aUendaDc:e and growing hostility toward police efforts to maintain order. Even acting President S. I. Hayakawa, they faced possible five-day Jail 5e;D" subfequent .fees might be required and tences and $500 -fines, but there were notified fr<ID ttmi to time of the ne.1t no Immediate '"""':"· Entertai{un<nl Unllmlled party. How~ver, four Militant studenb ·~ Those arrested it'2111 Calalpa_ Ave., taken into custody when another brief, during predawn boura today i.IJclUded but furious battle erupted between 200 the~ person! and the cbar&es on which rt!i':nts ~nir.~~:i..·f~ -~fl they were booked: Liberation Front. -Jesse D. Placenel•, 32, of that ad· dress; conspiracy to commit gambling Mesa Police Searching For A·rmed Drug S.uspect and prostituliog. -Douglu C. Konwolf, 28, of IJZ9Z Lorna Sl, Garden Grove; the aame lwo counts. · -Donel F. ~ 21, of 12292 Lorna SL, Garden Grove; COQ1Plracy to commit 1ambling. -Fell.1 F. Dlgmn. 37, of 2295 TulUn Ave., Orange; consplracy to commit gambling. A tall, slender narcotics suspect who fled Wednesday after a COsta Meu. traf· tic patrolman found possible heroin and LSD in the spare tire of his small van b being hunted today, Police said he may be armed. 11le suspect was idenilfied as Eric ).!. "Teddy" Baumer, JO, of 1531"iS Oranp Ave., Costa Mesa, hued on a driver's license booked into evideoce along with the suspected narcotics find Offictr Dave Dye stoJ)ped the motorist In the 100 block ol Bay Street Wednesday and a, radio check with headquarters brougbt information or alleged put nan::otics involvement vial of IU!pected liquid LSD and a kit for admlnlsterlng na=tlcs. The IUlpeCl dashed olf, nmnlnc -toward Orange A venue at thit potn:t. and a search of several hours failed to lnca14 blm, pollct said. Inlonnatloo gathered by polkii holl- calts tho suspect , ~. tlill'. ¥ Qlonlh and coold ~ ~ '"""""' ~ be Is IOllgill loday throuaJioul Ille lll!illOt Area. ' . He ts described aa fiw fed, 10 1nmes tall, weighing about , 150 ~. and was wearlna: leviJ and a dark' ted ahirt at the time of his escape. He also wort blppie«yle Indian moc- ca sins. -Rone Y. Kelly, H, of 416 N. Wanda Drive, FullertoDi ccmpfracy to commit prollitutioll. -M,rtlme S. Gttdla, 21, who refused to give he!-home address; coll!plr"1 to commit proalitutlon. Vice ' lnveatigaton said the si.1 were -into AnlheJm City Jail, pendtoa ~ of todaf'• coaUo.png ln- vesllptlnn eel formal filing of com- plalntl by !he llistrict Atlornef. Del«U,. Jolm Simon of the Newport · Beach Police Department was one of the large Jnvestlgatlon team, which also included men from Santa Ana, Orange, Garden Grove and Fullerton department!. f WASHINGTON (AP)-A civilian !¢<!. two Air Force colone)j who· have walled: in space wlll fly the Apollo 11 m~ the fJnt sc:beduled attempt by the UQit· ed States to land men on the Dtban~ 'l1w civilian astronaut, Nell A. Arm~ st~, will command the s~cecraft, tentatively set for launching ln 'Jul)\ the Nattonal .Aeronautics and S~ Admin· lstratfon 'Said Thuraday ;· tn "a1100W1Clng the 1elecliM of the crew. Aniisirona and Col. · EdWln E. Aldrin Jr. ·are ·to descend to the moon In a Uinar Module from the main space- crlft: The main ~ will ·remain 1n lunor o11>14 plloled by u. Col Mi- chael -OOlllns. Armltror.g, who hJs survived two near disasters. since becoming an astronaut in 1963, ls a former test pilot for•the XJJ rocket pline -~ wu a Navy combat flier during the Korean War. 1 In choosi.Q&' the , three 33-year~ld apace. veterans for the mlalon, NASA pused up the Apollo I astronaulll who madO.·the-llm lunar orbllal !llghls last monu.;· . • ' But ~·of lhele, Navy. clpl Jam.,, A. i Jr. and~. F,~ LI. Col WJI· liam ' . Andon, !lava ""'11 named to the o ll 'backup crew.,'Iie otber~ Air orce Col. Fran!: Bonnin, IJ being uiffiiied · to lfl'ound · work at his o~ requesl lie will bennme deputy dll'tclo< r/I crew flliht opiratlnnl: RoOkle • utromiiut. Fred Haist b: : lhi third man on the backup crew. Recetvlng permission tO search tbe vehicle, Dye found two small plastic bags and a rubber balloon containing 1naterial thought to be hero~, P.lus a , Bi~a:rne .Drug Case Unravels: Mesa Vel'de Home · · · · · 0Wners Endorse · PUOt:.Wor.~i~g __ f'!,r U.S. Customs a, U11.derrover Agent . . ' . ·B~ JOBN;·VALTEllZA ' ' '"~-former. Newport Beach planning cam-loaded l,a J>OUll'I• ·of. alfallA hio a ~-h-~1 n_ d ~ .. ..., .... ~ '' mllllooer. van from the r<oted plane, the ln- 0(; (JOI -DUB · ~ 1-W-Bagley ... wlio ~ Bqlty, dMc:ribed . bJ HJsbi• u a ~ sall\, • ~ • . • • · __ ~ on ...ier.oltt' ildf «or' 'the :b..._. "loaltfme acquaintalff," bu been Tho ''!"Jn>al fnddu bid -loodod Mesa Verde Homeo01ien -!Inn· · QillOml-liiiia'"ineaW -,._;-· ompl'7"<1 by tbe ~ Counlf Airport-Into the plane to replact·Uie marijuana ta: the first communJty group to mdone amuaUnc ·~ cue bwoMna 1 hued firm ''for qulte .ome time,"• coofilC:attd ·by 'Mezicln authltWel •ln Newport-Mesa Unified School lllstricl'• Balboa llland attobie,, 11 · .. f?llplofe ""'""'aid. . wher,>Alllltant tr.S,.-Attotney DtmU fll.9 mllllon bond electlnn ..t lor Feb. of the Oranll~ Counlf !Inn ol. TaQ~ Another flgnre ln the m)'llery-shnluded M<lnl)'n" -.lbed u , "a .prema- lJ. Avletioa, lac, K-...,.,. fodi;, ~ ~ 1olofll-too, federal authorttt. llUll.". . • , , • Oiretlor. voled thb wee~ t.J."'ll an ' l!&lle1 wllo -'lY .It fbbw" lq • , ~' "' lf'Lyle Paul German. tl)t ' Germ11>'1 deocriptloo, U.S,e -af£irm1t!ve vote recogniilnf, they said, movie be\n& Olmed ~ Mexico, a~ asserted buyer ~f 3,800 pounds of ~ and .,, lllvt .Q9l yel ·been ma4t •vall~ that pas.sage would increase the property served as an ·undei"coVer qeot wtthout Juana from Me1.1can aupplltrL able. _ : ....... tu on an overage Meu Vfl'de home the knowledge ol bis fellow emplOfes, U.~. ~ A11ent John Eoox, irho Trial m, .the -bu been at for as much H'lll per ,..,, ......,.. added. Is ...t# Ii> Ibo cue, .lid \tlls ~ )J.S. Di4lrid c:c.ut lo l.ee ~~l'& However directors considei'W It a The pllot fle1' a rented lJlane from that ~ thUI ' far 1 have '8d · 4. • sound lnv~ment Inasmuch a1 fallote Southern Callfoc'nla to Guidslajala, Mn· no ludl In ~the 11J1P1C1, ll&lfltd , 'Ole!O;irae ~ tbal tllo. trill ol lhe bond election, crowded cl111roo1N h:o, and back -Jn the ·blwft "'"'Piracy Ir. the lndlctmeol lloq lrllh ~ aod I ~ lli.p; .. •~~ !"!' and double ...,innl woold have a c.,. which involv., the Federal Grand Ra)'JllOnd llanlel Taeter of 9r$ -j Ja ·....., ·~ .U... ~; ledP1, negative eftecl on property var-. Aid JllrJ ldctment of •tton>q Jlidlard A. 'l'eettr Wll·--~p ~. ~iilr\ ba "I"'* -""' Homeowner& Pmldeot Norm French. Wable, 17, llatbor Area altoralJ ml Airport 1u1 1'llnlllw' Illa' Ill 1lall ~ 11.J014l'9Nlb7~ • ) Sl*e agency offlclals did not oay why Anders and Lovell were not named to the Apollo ,11 miuloo, but the NASA pracUCt baa been to spread choice as.:tgnmeoll amq astronauts qualified lo< them. The .\p0!1., 11 1auncli date· is' July 11, but when lt.•goes depends upon~the. re-sults of the Apollo SI and 10 ·missions. · AIKi:llo to. nbW set ·tor lluncb· Fleb,~221; wllf be an earth orblt -Of : .the1 lunar. modllle:of the ,type In which Annllrooi ind AJdriri are to land on the· nioon. . 'Sweden Extends' ' -. Full 'Recognition To North Vietnam sTocKHOLM (UPi) -Neutral Sweden ~ill-run dlplo!nalic recogltltlOll. to Jllorif> \ltetnant leday h\ wlllt dl~IJ W('1Wis an ef/ort lo bolald' the ·Coin- munllt p.iitlnn ai the Paril lalkll!" · · Sifecl.n•fa. !lie flrit W"'1erp i;:dr<ipffii •natllfrtp_,ran\ full recosi:"U!"' to~'noli althoo;gh Biilaln and France m leln foreJP ieritce offi<es In the Nortn· let• ,...,. ., ~ese ca.,~a1,. · . : Farelsii .MIDIS!er-1.'<*lll<n ·'!Jlaoor .In, formed 'his c;oonter]iarl In Hanoi, NKUren Duy, Trinh,, of the d<¢ston · In a cable which said : "All the-ne~aUoni in Paris a,.. now entering a llige which, It Is ho!>¢, will be' decisive for peace In Vietnam, tt wqu!d appear tJta,t the time has come to el\ablllb dlpi°"'allc rol&Uons." The cabinet declaloo in a meeun1 .nth· King GUltlv VI Adolf came u no MJll'lle follnwinl a ej>lll In Amerlcall- Swedl!b relaltom duitns the liat t"9 years' becauae of Swed<n'a oppoaJllonl to the VletnAm War, 1 • .. O>Un.ty GOP Aid~ Pat Hitt Named To HEW Position A · lonstlme family friend and In- strumental or1anlzer in Orange County l\epubllc>n camp&gn Ollcr!s Thunday wu named as the first woman to a subca~ post in· the new Rlcblrd ,M. Nixon admlnlstraUon. Mrs. -Robert (Pat) Hitt, SO, of V1Da Park, was nominated as an assist.ant Wetary of health, education and w~are, Jn charge of an office coVerlng consumer protection. : ·Pretld<ftl.elect ·Nixon nrdettd Mrs. ~t\'11 @l!PQlntment . announced ~' O! inY ,othe• woman appointees,. In 1!iJiii1ii I<> her · frleodahip and support of more than ·.20, yesrs. "I am very proud lo have Pal-11111, the ·.·nest wtinan named to the ·ado mini!tratJon, on my team at . .ffBW,'' oaid' Secrelary-designate ·Robert· • ll. Finch. · The' former CalifOrnia I i·e.u tenant governor made ·the annoUncement ·for Nixon. ' ' The onetime Whittier Co 11 e I e classmate of the President-elect baa been active in Republican campaip wort"-for (See GOP AIDE, Pap I) ····--. --· ~ ' ! NEW YORK (AP) ~>In lnlti.il upwOrd lpurl failed ' to llUllaJn 1ho martst:.toda1 and lt cl06ed •llj)ltly down ,from'· Tli""!' day. The J)Bce ol. ~trading . wu •low\ but volume bulged_ d,~e. ~ large· bloct lransacUons •. (See quotatlon1,_PBp1·1'- !3). • Oraage .. l ---_____ .. --·--·':""-.. ·--·-------.. c b .. ' --· .... .... .. '>-'# t ""•r OArti.e·••·c le c• ... Mm'h · ·U 'p'=ft '170 s ·tso 'XO SP b Ctrl"t' g1 • • n. • • ··=· . • I I ' • • _,. I I I ---~.~ ............ _.,..~. • .. ~ Woman Hurt ,. . In Crash Sues -Costa.Mesa A Santa Ana Wllllllll'I '35,00ll claim agalnlt the city cf Olola M-. HIUltlng from an October tnfllc occident, II curreolly under llll4Y by the dly at- torney ml munlclpo.I _...., corr!er. Mn. llmaj ... M. Bllbop, of IOI S. w..-. :Ave,. ~ . obe 1111ffered $cal Injury, nemus lhoci, damage lier" <ar· and 1'111· of· lifcoolo ., a ollhe~ ~ A .claim f~ • her I , Jobn A. Griffin, Santa Anl, ;;. thal Mn. ~ dl1Jvt . into I ~p chuckhole on Falrvlew Road near SunfiOW!r Ave Oct. :11, when the hla:hwq W85 \>elnc !D>proved. -. - ' • TllO cunplalnl cblrges that the bole wa left without a barricade or wamin& light. Spoclflcally, ... -. $2,00ll In medical e-$1,000 for auto damqe and $2.00ll Ill' <llimal<ld eaminp IOI! durinl coovalel"t'Y'tl from the incl.dent. UNHAPPINESS IS A DRUG BUST C:vltlst Lury With SOn Jol>n Leary Says 'So~one' ' . J'l'Otlf P .. e I . - GOP AIDE ••• O.ut ta Make Exapiple men than two decades, 11 of thoee yean In Orange County. She worlled her way up tllrouP 'the ranb in atate GOP acllvill" by llllrllng at the vuy bottom, as I prednd worker at election..Ume:. Mn. HIU'1 bUJband II puhl!c ..iat!ONI and management COlllUltant Robert J. Hiit and Ille II the mother of srown -by I prior marrlqe. In 1956 she was co-i:halrmln of the Oranp County Nllm organ!"°"' and rotir years later became a Republican national commlttee~"oman froi,:n calJforniL In 118(. Mra. HJtt WU co-chairman Jn charge o( women's activlUu, of By JACK CHAPPELL Of tllll DIW Pli.t Stiff LSD cuitllt Dr. 'Jlmolhy Leary, IP' peariq In Llguoa Beach Municipal Court Thunday charged that "some hla2><r power" 11 lrl'lnl to make ID e1ample of him. Leary, hlJ .lvif• Roaemary and IOll John were amtsned on haahllh, mari- juana and U!D charge1 with the CIM continued. until Jan. 27 and moved to San c1em .. 1e MDniclpat Coor), . · ~loned by ........ n loltowlnc the short court appearance, Leary repeated cbargea of baraument and police p~ vocation he made following the trio's Laguna arrest Dec. 26 on charges of suspicion of intent to sell marijuana and hashish and possession of LSD. George Murphy's IUCceS!ful Senate cam-Leary, ~-' a . former Harvard clinic~I paigri and tn 1968 she was gtate ~-psycbologill laJd he flet lhe psychedelic chatnnan for Finch in Ills cam~lll?".!"'enthl 'I'll rrowfng1. t :;.,r;'. -~' ,___, 1ue pple rnqvemen s .-i~ulrt:t."''°" for Ueut.enant eov~r. . :--et )'Ollni people that don't "Mi to fight Her pol!Uon thia year, al nat.kiiil="" lilt just make Jove and he happy," co-cha.inn.an of a presidential cam~ be smted. · is the: first time a woman ot eltMt _ "In Beach, there it 1 definite arty bu held mch a post. :: ~ttem . haramnent.'' he Claimed. _ P;., besd of HEW'• community l!lil -·Leary •.m1led out Police ()!fleer Ned field llt:l'Vices dJviaioo. Mia. Hitt tPher{t!i: ~~! 1n speaking of _J,erassment. a pOll wlllch baa tradlUonaliY bold ~.:!,.the armtlnf ~r tn the responaibility over the departme:nt'a of. • ... The flllllly,;.u arreoted -lbtlr haUerod liltlon wagon caqbl the at- tention of . the Llpna f'9llca .' olllcer late Dec; le. The veliT§!'!"lru •lopped In the COlllu of the :ioO 'J1Joct -. of Woodland Drive with the JJl!b!a ooL Leary """med the car wu leplly parted.r~1'td lllat he and hlJ w~e were aa~goodbye to their acn. Police one pound of martj1.1an1, ..... ll81> ~two.­ of halhlJh -ieked .. The Leary~amJly,,11 helnf repl'<lentod by criminal attorney George Chula of Santa Ana. Chula represented John Le117 a few months ago in ~Beach when the YOWlll man wu eel with he~ under the influence of p in ll lie place. · ars., °"" were th"!"ft out of court whtn it was held he wu . not in a publtc pface: The controversial Leary bolds a doc- torate in psychology from the University of California, Berkeley. In 11183, he wu fired from the llarvlrd llalf for ezceedln& oracrthed boundJ Ip ei:perimentalion with UD. · _\Following the Jut arrest, Leary said he has been stopped and oearehed 23 tlm.. In the last U Dl<llllhs. fice ol clvU right.II. However Finch laid civil right.a matters in the Nixon ~ rnlnlllraUoo would be under the jurtldJc.. tlon of a special auiataDt to tbe HEW secretary. From P .. e I Mr1. Hitt, an attractive 5 feet 4 Inches and 115, pounda, WU born in Taft, Calif., where bet f1thet worked in the oil flelda aa ·a roustabout. He later made a fortune wilh the invenUon of a Ouid- packed pump .. The famlly moved to WldtUer w~ the was three and in 1935 ahe gradult.ed from Whittler Union High School, NI.um'• alma mater. Mra. Hitt attended the University oE Southern Callfomla where Ille earned a degree in history, English and poUtkal science, wu freabman claa queen and vice-president of the college ol. letters, arta and aclencea. DAILY PILOT OflANOI CO.-.'f PUtl.l~INO COMl"AN'f' •••••• t'. w .... Pr.11*111 •nd l'utllthtr J.,1r; l. C11rr,, Vkt Pnslft<ll ~ Gttir1 .. Mt111fr• 1~1111•1 ICet•il Edi* Tii'""'' /4.. M11qthi~• .._...,..,.,,. Elltw J1r11111 F. Ctlli~• ,,.1 Niu•11 ,..,.._, ... 11 .t.a~.,.,1.1,,. (Hw l~llot l>!rKll.I' ... .,.. .... Offtco9 ,ti I Weit 1•1"• le•l••••• M•i~•t M4••••: P.O. 1,, 1 lfS, '266J C•I• M4N : Dt Wnt •• ,. S••H' L• ...... hMI>: 711 ,.,. .. ,.,.._ """"""''°" htc1'11 • Slfl Slo'ttt -I BLACK STUDENTS •.. Change yoor neighbor. Blow prejudice -out of white conununlUu. Help the whites. Don't come and try to help us ." Then came the remarka that hUrt: "But we don 't npect you to tan our advice. You don't really care. You're just curlow. Give up lhe struggle. You don't have any faith in your own people. You doll'! think they'll change. "We know. We're wiser than you in the ways of the world. We've learned to IUTVive in the streets. We're hardened and rtallstlc." Rocked on I.heir heels, white atudenta asked : "Why do you hate me? Whal have you got aplnlt me pmonally? .. The UIU:ll· aoswer: "But )'011 don't Took at ua u ind.!viduala. Yoo think, 'You've seen one n.iaer you've seen them au.· .. _ . A Barbor Hlch girl pleaded, "Tell me. I want to know how I'm responsible? Do you want me to allt my throat?" "It would help me a whole lot. I'd 1et the money you ma.ke," a black boy from Doroey ruponded." "l know you hate me, but l don't hate you," llld a white boy . "lbanka a lot. Jt'1 very whlle ol you to uy so.~' aneered a black boy. "Thll whole thin& 11 stckonlng," 11ld another blacl mile. "YCOI lmow what you'n doin&, You're R'Jttlna u., under a ml~ ·YOU want to !mow Whal makes 111 ~' · · c "When we JO! olf the hul 1omebac!Y lllrll fllct!'?J 1'1~· 1\)11 rtally trip- ped me out.' Pol In a hi•<); llrl. Slid a black borj "We aon't blva tails in our panta. think you 're the anhnall." Chimed In the flrll hlacl! boy. ''Thm la pJn& to come a lime when we crazy maen are '''"' to stop tomlDC and ta!kina to you." "Doo't )'OU thint that might he the pniblam. Tbert'a no communica.Uon," llld I whlto boy. "Olect that Check that," a black boy 111d to the other bl1ck studeoll. Then to the white boy: "We sJt dawn tn Kmljlar• and talk and that's fine. Then you 10 homo and llllen to )'Ollr aoulleu mule and don't do anythlna about It. We never mett aaaln. That'• just w11Un1 my Ume." Sa.Id another: .. You want ltl kn<M' ( what tti do. So dig this. Talk to your neighbor." , "Bat thil·'fs Orlnl' County. Thell gu~1 dig raclsio," llld the wlllto boy. • ~tlon .him. Keep hlowln1 on hldl. Make it a conatlllt thing," the black boy chid~ "U you're not even going to do it In four community you make it sound Ute a hopeleu problem. You 're weaklings. I thought you wua the muter race." Therf: were rectllTin& tbn:all of violence. "Put yourself in our J>Olltion," Aid a black lfrl. "We teep lrylns and trytnf and what happens -ftOthlna. Sure, I'm against violence too. But if violence Is 1oing. to .1111te white .America wake Up, I'll do tt." "A black min with I 1UJ! 11 a hi& ihrea\ to a •lllto , man. 11'1 a doe ut aog WOC'id," llld I bltcl< boy, "But there hu to be a peaceful Wlf,'' pleaded a wh!te ctrl. "Damn your puce. 'Jbe labor strugle. Wu that done peace.fUUy?11 mapped tbe black boy. Pol.Ice brutality was another recurrtn& theme. Said a black girl: "On Lluah In. You W8tch Lauah Int Thi man 11y1, 'Where you lotna boy!' That'• IDPPoSed to he funny. That happtM all the time." It was an experience. white students weren't pre~ed for. Burglar Loots Elderly Patients A ruh ol minor thelta !""" the nlghlltandl ol elderly paUellll ol the Park Lido ConvaJeacent HOIJlftal ovtr tht past two weekl wu reported to police Thunday. R<porta llld at least oeven plllenta •nd one employe ol the NewPort Bead> holpttal were v1ctlml of the thleve1, who stole rmall amounts ol currency and eyeglaue.s. Value of the atolen ttema totaled more than fl75. Most of the thtfta Involved cash taken from palJents' nlgbtstanda while thty •l'Jll, rtporta llld. The bospltol 11 11 448 Flagship llold. r,, ' 1 Bit on Broadway ., Harbor Clribs Benefit From UF Donations Th• Newport Beach United Fqnd has d~livered tbe fln:t half of c:urrent cam .. Pliln allotmeota to 25 llenclfo that heoelit from the drive, UF Prelldent George lloag n annouoced today. Hoag noted that many of the qencies lharing tn the first hall allotment of 112.114 ..... Barbor Area youth groops, Joe Hamblet. newly appointed UF ex- ecutive director, also announced that the UF will hold JU lflh annual Recorni· tlon Luncheon at the Irvine Coast Coun- try Club Wednesday. The purpose ol the banquet, Hamblet said, is to present awanb to oubtandin& contrlbutora and wortera in the 1- campatp end to elect officers and dlrec· tors for tbe 191J.70 catnpailJl. UF President Jloag aatd the funda distributed to the q:encle1 an the hlghtal flrll hall lharea ever dl!tri~tad. These an the agende:s and the ll!IOWJU they received: Boy1 Club of llarbor Ares, 18.150 : Boy>Scouta o1 Amert<a, 111,1t111;-camp Fire Girls, ll,712; Community Youth Center, #,350; Glrll Club of lfarbor Area, ll,500; Girl Scout Council of Oranga County, fl.Ill; Orange Cout YMCA, ll,200 ; American Social Health ASln., '2(13.50; Chlldren's Hospital of Loi Ariselea, !550; Children'• llolplW of Oranre County, .. It; Ortbopaedte HosplW.1215.50: Men- W Health Alla. or Orange County, 11,!ff; Child Guidance Center of Or1n1e County, 13.571; Cerebral Pally Aun. of Orange County, 13,750; The Villa (Orange Coun1J Alcoholic Women's RehahWtatlon Ctolu), ISOO; Vlllttog Nursea Aun. of Oranit·County, 11,IOO; American NaUonat Red Crou, OranJe County Chapter, 114,500 ; Cat ho 11 c weu.ie servi..., 12,500: Protestant Wellan Fund, 11,250; Family Service Alan. of OrlJlie Coun- ty, $2,125; SalvaUon Anny, $3,750;· Chrlatmas Welfare Fund, f 2 5 o ; Travelers' Aid Aun. of America, '56: Voulntoer Bureau, 12,400; and USO, 1671. uld he found the ezptriea.ce ''CJW:nlfhllmtna" too.' Llndaay, who _..a Rulllalwlyle fllr cap, bealoftd the city'• aold medal on the trio, "Yins "GenUemen. we aa)ut.e." Seven of the utronauta' eleven chlldttn -two of Bormana, three of Aoden, and four ol Lovell> -looted on proudly as their lather's •ce<iPted the city's highest honor. NASA atttng director Dr. Tbomu Paine applauded his team eothuatutlcally. Oil Drillers HitDryHow But Plan to Try Again Efforll by ID Or-~ Collep e-' to tap Gil believed deep In U!llvmlly of Callfornla land havt failed, hut drlllen !Uy atve It lnoChtt -collep tty he/en al>a....,"W the ... ject. sun apt1mJat1c about DWIChlnl their eQliant«y probe Into I i-tble 1163 mllll<>n, pOol of Gil Just llOtltheast of San Juan Capistrano. however the Cena- dlan Ihm Involved has found nothtni so far hut Im! and a mystery. Project geologbl Geor1e L. Guthrie pn>clalmed Wednteday -~ a teat dtlll1ng wu abandoned earlier 1t a,~7 feet -that Northlode ExploraUDD Ltd., Jiu a dry hole. The 1eotogy department head saya that drllllng another f/5,00!) teat bole woaJd he edvllahle, depeD<!fng oo r<BUlta of an upcoming aaial aurvey of the 2.~ leuecf area. The land la atmoct certain to he oll·rich hued cm 1eologlcat lmowledge, hut Guthrie aald the lJ.rat drUUng may have croued a aiblurface earth fault and miaaed the right strata. Fligbta: over the area three miles southeast of San Juan Caplltrano by planes equipped with electromagneUc sensor devices ahauld detect any faults and the.Ir depth and extent. "Wt found good sand, but there just wasn 't any oil or gas in it at all," Strongamt Thief Robs Barmaid A Costa Mesa barmaid on the job only three days was robbed of flOl Thursday night by a strongarm bandit who first aUed lf ahe waa alone, then locked the tavern's back door. Martha C. Sheeks, 50, on duty at the Kln1's Inn, 720 Randolph Ave., was marched behind the bar with her arm twisted behind her back, but not injured. Tiie robbery vicUm told officer Bob ·Arnold the bandit came in about 10:30 p.m. and asked if the owner was in, then came to the point wbtn told she was by herself. Guthrie 111d. The tand II tndlcaUve of prohabWty that a rich oil pool lies trapped In 1tr1ta tboulandl of feet be!OW the IUl'face of the earth. Northlode ElploraUon Ltd. has another two years before the lease runs out on thelr property, 1eaaed from tbe University of CaWornia. The well was designated University of California Regent.a Well Number One and wu the first well bored in more than 36 yean in the southern Orange County area. Officer's Chance ' Check Nabs Mesa Burglary Stispect One suspect in the literal hou1e-c.tein- lng burglary of a Costa Mesa boflle -captured by accident while tbe.,vicfim waa still itemizing her several hundred do]lar toss -fl)ce! a Jan. 17 arralgnmtnt in Superior Court. · Walter L. Calvin, 30, of 1102 W. Second St., Santa Ana, was bound over in Harbor District Judicial Court Tuesday, but. a second suapect was released and cbaraes against him dismissed. Ray L. Cocly, 32, or 527 Center St., Costa Mesa, was arrested with Calvin when a Santa Ana officer stopped to check the trailer full of housebeld furnis.hinga the pair were admiring. A records check d!aclosed Calvin was wanted on warrants charging him with failure to appear in court on Costa :riteaa traffic citatioru: tor faulty equip- ment. , He was al!Q linked to a prior burglary at the l\lng's Inn, 720 Randolph Ave., COlla "Mioa, tn "hich •nmcone ~ped with more than $100 when the owner arrived to clean up. Goods taken from the home of Barbra W. Crowe, 3022 College Ave., were sUJI being llilted at the time Cody and Calvin were acooped up. MID•SEASOH QUALITY SAVINGS • DREXEL FRENCH COUNTRY MANNER DINING TABLE REG. $329, SALE $279, 'ARM CHAIRS REG. $125. SALE $I 05, SIDE CHAIRS REG. $110. SALE $ 89. SALE ALSO INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXEL:, HENREDON, HERITAGE PLUS OTHER FINE LINES. IXCLUSM DIALOS ----DllXIL-HIRITAOI " DAYS NO INTlllUT-L-TlllMS AVAILMLI ON Al'l'llOVID c:&ll!'l'. ,,..._., ... , lot.,._ LAGUNA llAot D•t-US -CNll Hwy. 4'4 '551 Aftllllllo IUD--'ISlD -_., "Ill t J .. ................... ~.' .--... ~ ......... ~~!!!11 ............................ .. ' ' l I f l l I 1 ' r t ' I ' ' ' ,. • n d .t d r • ' ' 0 d ' h • • • j r • !l 0 Cambodia -Downs President ' V.s.· Helicopter LBJ Wants To Extend ' 10% Surtax? W AS!UNGTON (,\P) - Senate ~1 i nor I t y Leader Everett M. Dlrben says Presldent Johnson wants the 10 percent income surtax ex- tended, but "he would like 1 om • company" in re<:{lm- mendlng It to Congress. There w e r e indicalions Thursday Johnwn wants Preiident-e1e.ct Nixon to join him ln the urommendaUon so the issue would not become the politicaJ controver!ly it was before Congress passed the surtax, at J ohnson's re- quest, last year. The surtax erpires June 30. It was originally imposed as an anti-infiaUon mellW'e. ' Hou&e Minority L e a d er Gerald R. Ford, said he understood Johnson-was prepared to make a statement about the surtax In his State of the UnJon message or budget request, and that Nixon would then issue a statement ot his own. House Majority Leader Carl Albert said, however, the White Houae had received no word from NiJ:on Thursday altemooo. Dirksen told n e w s m e n Thursday that Johnson has drawn up a tentative budget of $195 billioD for the fiscal year starting July 1, an in- 2 Thunderbird Jets Crash; 1 Pilot Killed crease of $10.6 billion O\'er LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) current federal spending. _ Two Super Sabre pets of plummeted to the desert. But the Illinois Republican the Air Force Thunderbirds said the $195 billion was a acrobatic team collided in "base figure" which could be flight during p r a c t i c e changed, depend l n g on maneuvers Thursday. 0 n e whether Johnson decides in pilot was killed when his plane favor of reconuneodlng theh====================.I Th e Air Force said there was no evidence that Capt. Jack Thunnan, 31, Waco, Tex., tried to eject before his FlOOD hit the ground about 60 miles north of here. surtax: extension. Office r, Ba r Owner Slain By Bandits DETROIT (AP) -An off· duty Detroit policeman, who disregarded hi! wife's plea that he not reach for his servi~ revolver to break up a bar holdup, wu 1hot to death early today. The bar owner also wai!I killed. Patrolman Stanley Rapasld, 35, and the bar owner, Casimir A. Cr.arwiruikl, were struck by at least 11 bullets, police said. A bar customer, Frank Piotrowski was beaten about the head by the baadlts and was hospltaliied. Homicide detectives said the patrolman's wife and mother of hh1 five children W1' having a quiet drink with her husband when two bandits, wllo had posed as. customers for a few minutes, drew out pistols and announced a holdup. The policeman, who wu 11eated at a table, made a move towards his revolver and one of the bandits saw him and uked what he was doing. When the patrolman replied, "I have a lot of money," the bandit took his wallet but failed to notice the gun tucked 1n the olricer's waistband. Moments later, Rap a 1 k i reached for his 1\111 and the ahootlng erupted. The two gunmen Oed. SOUTH SW TRCIPIW FISH Largest Selection of Tropical FW> & Supplies lo the area. M .. 2LMatlM1 JllW. WIUM COS'l'A Malt. lttl'F P•lr¥1r# llltl., ... ,.., 1114. -~DI'. -~ lffctl lbllllM ltw .... I omc.1 .....sa. SH ARP If y111'r• • ,h&l'p tr1tltr, •1• th• DAILY r1Lors ftM•-· DIMt-A·llRt cl 111ifl•tl 1d1 S•turil•yt. M•ltt • b.tl•r cl11I , .• •lllthtr ,,,.,. l1111yl119 or 1•111119. It's al 7891 Talbert Avenue. The Avlo Club's ntw "caslle" hi Huntington Beech. Fully staffed. And fu!ly equipped. Starting Monday, January 6, providing more than 700 services to Auto Club members and the commtm ily. EverYthing from weekend vacation to worl<hvide !ravel planning, Everything lo help you get oVI end follow CIH lhe fun that's going on in Southern California and beyond. Stop by C1nd l•I Ed Sullivan, th e new manager, show you around !he Autc Club's new "ccsl!e" In Huntlngtan Beach. ,6 THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 7891 Tol~•••A ... , H ... 11.11.,. IMdt, c.n .. ,.._, M:1.n1t We've built a new off ice in Huntington Beach --· . --'!l . . -· ·~ -' .. -~ •. A Good Friend of /ht Fomlly{or Stxty..f/g}tr Y«irs. I DNlY 'tlol' $ McCarthy Mystifies Frien_d s Again: . .. l $3. 19 C•lltuty AutOJHUc ' Heatln1'-cl• \ ,39 ' p oattt ob bf'MU• IW!.teh for I poe!Uon. hnt •ettlnla. Remov&ble, ,.,.ebab1e flan .. nel °"'I' . .A.p.. p r oved by G o o d, Bowie .. -· · $2.39 40-Hour Al .. 111 Cleek ;::.:.~ $168 f'•i•.h. .A caurat .. deJMllda'1e. ••••••• L111ili1•WHI ........ 7t Amelc&'• fl. ... Crtt. ·pla)'tn&' cuds, Buy eev• , e ra·l d eek1, B<I<&<, -.or Plnod\19'. .... •14451 .. I Tackle and Utlllfylox 9&c: .... 99fPlllltl1 DlshPau 97c: ............ ............ .... w!llU•b)tr tdrt -eolor dull 29C: tor4Ulwct .... • 1 37•Mallety · ......... "C" or "D" Sia .... PrJcof229c ..... Almy.ii ftt!h, a lway1 d1 .. pebdal>lt b &t• 'teri•• troin. ,,., thll :(&nt(IUa ,., manufacturer. ...... , ... . Play-ll•h ..... 11 .. c1.; I Pliable, c1e1a-.1. 64., tnc ........... .., .. f .. :aon-tmlo. ~ ! ~=--.... and onr ••• )lours ...... iw .. ,_,.. .._ •1~9 Woolite $1~' Playtex Dlsposalpl• Babyllottles t'Inner botUe"' cart• lox of Q -ullobtf-9t the way :natur• Ul• tended. \ ~ ••1ular$1A9 , Auto Spotllte .. PJup f:ato car'• ~.J ., ..... i.r, 99c:· r flt. all 12· YOlt •1'r. tema. On/ (la ntt.ck. 15 tt. cont.. - I 'l " ' ,, ., ., ' .; '; . I l l • -~ I I ' • I DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I Urisaf e Bicycle • The Newport Beech Parks. Beaches and Recry- Uon (Pll&R) Commls$lon, aAer some two years ol •tudy, has finally developed a proposed network of bi- cycle trails within Ule city. The plan is scheduled for pr .. en1&Uon to Ibo Cily Plannlna Commls$loo Jan. 16. lf app~ at Ulat stage, It will go to Ule City Couocil for final action. 113 Imple- mentation would then begin. And what would Ulal implomentalloa amount to - initially! Sadly, nol a great deal. Certainly not as much as had been hop~ by parents eager to get their bicycling youngsters off lbe streets. The PB&R plan, in (act, does just the opposite: it puts the bicyclists on the streets, with no more protec- tion from cars than would be afforded by hundreds of ilgns marking Lbe bicycle trails. Unfortunately, there is apparenUy no other way to begin a bikeways system in an already well-developed community. As proposed by the parks board, a total of 21 miles of existing sidewalks and roadways would be posted at the outset, This constitutes the "backbone route" of the network. t. The roa4ways to be posted ipclude heavily traveled MacArthur Boulevard and portions of Newport Boule- vanl. At some future time, accordlrig to th& PB&R plan, the "backlione rCl\lle" would be_ followed with traditional trails along flood contiol channels, wilderness path- ways "and other areas where the serenity of the bicyclists is not .violated by motorized vehicles." These future additions, as mapped out, total another 14 miles al bike,vays within the city. The en- tire SS..mile system. woWd eventually be linked to simi- lar networks in Costa .Mesa and adjacent county terri- tory. ~ The ~'}'stem of the tra1ls beyond Newport's borders Paradox of Leadership, Responsibility It is a melancholy fact of history that revolutions take on the color of the regime! they overthrow. The French and Russian revolutions are nearly perfecl eu.mples of this : Oppression was not eliminated. it merely passed into dlfferent hands . Dear Gloomy Gus: Was there a Christmas parade! People in the 300 block on Lido Soud wouldn't know, because the Queen Mary had come in. -M. H. TM• ft11"'" rtfllc" .......... rilNI Ml ...C.ftMrllr tlltse et f!w llewtNl'tr. Stn9 ,_ ... _.. • OieMly On. O..ll'r PlllM. The new movements of revolt in decisions in the public area: and ~ American lj(ltjety seem oot to wxlerstand who do want the responsibilily usuany that a cullure can be changed only want it for reasons that are inimicable in an evolutionary way; if we get •~•tto the Jong-range welfare of society. complete bouleversment, then there is merely a transfer of power, not a sh•ring THE PROBLE~1 OF the authoritatian of power. . _ --l)Usonality cuts across the whole sp:ec· The real problem of-power is that trum of political beliefs. Leaders out of authoritarian personalities, who tend of power are always for "justice," ror lo rise in any system, left~ right •. or '.thumaneness," for "liberty," .... and .all center. The men who get into office, :Alch virtuous abstractions· .. .once in ~orm committet;a:. run things, e.ng~g~ ~wer, however, they incre3.a1ngly find Jn vanguard act1~1ties. are more simil~ ~uses and rationalizations f?c_·illjustice, than they .are different, whatever their' ftihumanity and repression. Marx's noble differing ideologi~. With. fe.w exceptiona, .......M;lea was nawed by Lenin 's p~gmatism, th~y are aggressive, sadistic and po~ lltd shattered by Stalin's b rut a I oriented. ·~ickedness, and it could not have been BUT SOCIETY CAN no longer tolerate such people, of whatever political com· plexion. for lhe realilies of the nuclear age (in which aggression may be equated with race suicide ) demand personalities that are conciliatory, self-actuaJizing, and value-oriented. Ever since Plato enunciat.ed the pro- position lhat "the only men fit to be given power are those who do not crave it,'' the human race has been struggling with the paradox of leadership and responsibility. The average man does not want to accept responsibility for _;atberwise. ":':Politics is not merely a matt.er of ~als, as we are grudgingly beginning 1lr recognize ; it is alsCl a matter or .. ~ology , Movements are begun by ilt&e who like to dominate others, an~ even a just cause is eventually undone by the sado-aggressive personalities who take command of it. "The scrupulous and the just," said Conrad, "the noble, humane and devoted natures; .the unselfish and the intelligent may begin a movement -but it passes away from them. They are victims, not leaders, in the end." Reds Show Nuclear Gain WASHINGTON -With its eighlb nuclear weapons test, Communist China has vaulted back ahead of France on the grim performance chart ol the nucltar club. A final appraisal of the Chinese test mwt await detailed analysis of the debris blasted into the atmosphere last month at the lAp Nor temng station . Cutaia implications already are clear, however, from avai lahle information. In disclrn;ihg the blast on December 27, the U.S. Atomic F.nergy C.Ommission estimated its yield al three megatons. The AEC announcement said the yield, equivalent to lhree million tons of TN1', was "about the same as the sixth Chinese test \11hich took plaee on June 17. 1967." NO MENTION wa' made, in the one para.graph AEC slalemeot, Clf the seventh Chineae uplosion in December l967. That test, which generated a TNT equivalent ()f less than 20 kilotons, Is widely assum- ed to haw been a "d~" -an ff..bomb in which only the atomic trigger actually eq>loded. WJth Its announced three megaton yield, there is every reuon to believe that the recent Chineae blast was a thermonuclear (H-bomb) explosion. That suggests a SUCCMIWI ten which puts Peking blct on the road to a hydrogen 'varhead for the mistlles it is dtveloping. U.S. upms btlleve the Chinese ex- plosion took plaee. arttr an airdrop. well above lJ"(>Und. Thnt Is .also thr l1npUc:a Uon ot reports frQm Japan thnt lhe blart hu produced relatlvely little radioactive falJ.aaL DEFEND THE f'llANC -Jn a serits ol nuclear lett.s I.a.st ..awnmer, French a::ientlsts detonated tht-ir fir ,. t U1trmonuclear explosion. The Chinese v :· a '\ -~ JJJeu-Gold.s1nitQ,. "' ~ • j,• l had done no testing since their reported dud, and there was much satisfaction (or France in reaching the H-bomb plateau. Subsequently. howe\'er , in lh<' weeks \\'hich saw a specu lative attack on the slability of lhe fr anc. Gen. Charle!i de Gaulle announced that the French testing progran1 would be halted as a part of an austerity progra1n designed lo protect !he currency. So the F'rench are on the sidelines for the present. As they ponder the long-range im- plicalions of the recent Chinese test. U.S. intelligence experts face a couple or tough questions The first, of course, is tbt make-up ol the Chinese nuclear nploeive. Much Cfln be determined, in that regard. from lhe debris 1na.lyais. A J\tOR..E DIFFICULT q u e .!! t Ion . debated behind-thHcenes by O\Jna ex· perts, is wbe~r o~ cultural revolution of Mao T.se-tung has dttply disrupted Peklng's drive for a nuclear striking fon:e. lnitlally. U.S. ex~rt.!I believed the 8{" tivities of the Red Gu11rd had set back China"• missile program but leH itll nuclear energy program ttlllivcl1 frtt from disru.ptive delays. Reports last sum· mer IUQelted that the t'estfng: program hllld also bteo affected. Early report! ot the recent Ch ineu test do not suggest lhat dtlays, if any, have seriously interrfftd with China's procreq in •tomic developmenl By Robert S. Allen .... Job A. Gald&mhh Trails would also pr .. umab(y largely uWize exl.!liog road-ways . "Tbere are some 12,000 bicycles registered in New- port lleacb," notes lhe Pill<R report, "and the citizens have continually expressed support of a trails system that will someday identUy precise locations where cy· cllsts should ride." There is no argt.tlng that. But one can wonder whether MacArlhur Boule- vard, Newport Boulevard and other busy streets are in fact, "where cyclists should ride." ' If the bicyclists are extremely cautious, perhaps, they are. . But y~ung bicyclists are too seldom cautious. So the signs are 1n fact to urge extreme caution by motorists, loo. The hope it that the signs do some good until nlore trails can be blazed. 'lnvisiJ>le' Street Signs Speaking of signs, and MacArthur Boulevard some agencr -'ttle city, the ·county or the stata -coUtd do rnotoris!S a , favor by replacing the barely discernible itreet.st~~s o.:i roadwiays that intersect with MacArthur. , Pac1f1c View ,Drive Ford Road, University Drive and Palisades Road ~1gns. should be larger. They now fade much too welJ into the landscape. If you're traveling even at a reason.able speed, you'll miss them -unless o( course, you live there. ' Signs marking streets that intersect with Jamboree Road aren't much more visible. Surely, larger signs with, say, \\.ftite lettering on green backgrounds ~ouldn't be too offensive to the eye. Both roads are heaVlly traveled by visitors. J.t would be cheaper, certainly, than the aftemative -which would be to equip motorists trying to find their way around town with binoculars. ~·~ N PRESlt>ENT'S SALARY t>OUBL'El> ) (N-•ltc ... To Prottaote Living Life to Its Fullest • • • M~x·imuin ~ontact, Minimum. Hurt By G~E R. HO~F, Ph.D. · ~ -~~ •. .. --Z . But coUld ~;fiTidde-riSiveileSi ~be -a -~tWorth Pinon---st.a~-il -in o-r e Much Qf:.~ writing in psychology k defense? Is it possible that someone poelic~!ly, in his "E~say on Translated today -!'i~sterday, for th.at matt.er *' who prides himself on being completely Verse, when he cautioned, -implle!f~l psych 0 I 0 g i ca I ,.. defenseless -"Here r am in alt my [mmodest words a~it or no defe~ defensive™'§:l1'5s; a major ob.!ltacle to vulnerable glory " -may be insulating For want of decency is want of sense. mental ivJl;J~;:. emotional he a 1 th himself Crom mixing it up on a person-to-The fact Is that everybody will use Defensivenem1. so defined "A · person basis? l:low do you handle a defenses as a buffer against cascading: :·-.=r-'~ '. mians .ny person who thro'wl'S himself on your reality or mushrooming imp u Is es , psychologicas lnstrumentallty by .which Por example, the statement, "'You 're mercy? Gently! because nobody is fully equipped to lead a ~rson autmnat1cally protects hunsel( being defensive" implying that de£ensive-an emotionally naked life. Moreover,. against unpJei:santness, .~me, anxiety RESEARCll ON children has shown the longer we wear our defensive armor, or loss of self~teem; . 1t is . usually (if ness is a "no-no." Members of what may that one of the primary developmental the more difficult it is to suddenly !hed not alway~) ~~ed uru~tentt~y, ~fld be termed the "Antidefensive Cult" insist tasks at each stage or growth is to it and staunchly stand there, e.1posing the persorr lnnfawafe of 118 operation. that a healthy person goes through life maintain and facilitate personal int.egrity pink and tender emotional skin ;n,.a cl the major goals completely dertnseless. Transparency is a in the face of environmental dtmands. · of psycho . ispo help people peel badge of honor. Honesty, authenticity, Unless a child establishes increasingly IT WOULD APPEAR, then, that th·~ off variou.!1 la of4lsychologici.I armor openness, vulneJ:ability, etc., are goals sophisticated psychological defenses, he sane thing to do is to conduct an and deal with the vicissitudes in life to be pursued by those who hope to remains a "babe in the woods" whose inventory of those deten.ses which pro- in a nondefensive and open fashion . arrive at the ideal state of se.lf·ac-repertory of responses is inadequate and mote or detract from living life to it1 TffiS IS A NOBLE goal. because most people don't give themselves credit for being able to cope without unconscious and uncontrollable Jefense mechanisms. But, perhaps the pendulum has S\vung so far in the othe r direction that non- defensiveness is being confused with an- tidefensiveness. tualization . Many who think they are rather pitiful compared with the complez fullest. The promoters would be thos~ there act "healthier than thou ." milieu in which he is functioning. allowing maximum contact w i t tl THE.RE CAN BE definite status in being defenseless. People admire some· one who doesn't have to hide behind a blirricade of rationalizations, excuses, projections, repressions, reaction forma- tions, and such. Therefore, the primary issue in ques-minimum hurt while the detract.ors are lion is not "to have or to have not'' the ones which create hurt through lack defenses but, rather, which ones really Cl! contact. help one be oneself? Ultimately, the best defense agains1 SECONDARILY, when are they ap- propriate and when are they not? threatening environmental, social and emotional forces is a thorough knowledge or onesel! and one's world. He Has Formula for Racial Equality 1 To the Echtor · 'Beca1c1e Papa Said So' be did." I I have an idea about solving the color "What about lightning?" asked my coexistence problem in the U.S., not To the Editor : father. in the world. Not the religious dif-Last night I heard men talking from "Thai's different. , ." ferences, but simply the Tacial problems abo~e the moon and it suddenly took "Well, I don't know," insisted Papa. here. The other more worldly problems me back 63 years. 1 was 8 years old "l think they will do it!" may be solv¢ after we solve this L1tte" trom re9den •re Wl!'l(ome, Nami•lly wrll'fn relatively silnpler problem . •l'!Oukl (Dnvey ni.1• messav1 in 300 -"11 or 1eu.. then and we lived in Wyoming. The right to mndente lethlrs t<;> 111 SP•ce or el!m~ nal'f tibel 11 , .... ,,,..i. All 1ette" m11•t lncM:I• The top barbed wire on the cattle LET'S CONSIDER that there have been all sorts of groups who have \vorkcd on this, lo name a few recent ones: ''The American Friends Service Committee Community Service Projects in Urban Affairs'' that worked all last summer in Minneapolis to little avatl: •111,,.ture arid m•llln11 eddr"5, bul "'""'" may bs f th t I h · d wll~hell:I on •tQlllJ! ll 1u!lkient <e.tK>n !S 8P1>1renl. enCC WaS e e ep One Wire an 3 be called ) and he gains the confidence that comes with a new friend and the exit of loneliness. - SHOULD THERE be a name for this action? Probably not, because it is easy lo ridicule a name whereas it lakes time to kill an idea that has to be explained. WiU you lake a peroonal assignment! GEORGE ALIEP lineman was there doing some work on it. My rather was talking to him and we were watching. and listening, as chi ldren do . SAID !\.1Y FATllER, "[ read that someday folks will just carry a little box around and will talk anywhere without wires." "It can't be did," said the worker, "the voice need! electricity to carry the sound. Jiow you gonna send elec- tricity through the air? It just can't 'WE WENT AWAY to play and I said to my f>.year-old sister, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had one of thol;e little bo1es? Then we could talk t<> our cousins back in Kansas." She thought a minute, then bluntly. said, "I don't believe it." "Well, [ do," I staunchly cried, "because Papa said so." Last night I wished that Papa and that lineman could have been here. Man sending pictures, and talking, to earth, from up there ! Like my sister, I ALMOST do1f t believe it! DORA FOLSOM MARTIN "Project Bridge" working in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio; "AMEN" (AU Men are Equal Now) that was scrapped because or lack of community en- thusiasm; "The Project" run in St. Louis by Carleton COilege students; ''The Unin- vited C.Ompany" a play to inform and inquire about the racial problem in an attempt to actlorH>rient people. None or these produced a simple solution. CONFUSION, FEAR and passivitv describe most Clf our reactions to th(~ problem. Reversing these words lo ac- tion. tnxst and understanding sounds too easy to be done bu! it can . 'There is the formula : One \\'h ite and one bro"'" plus action (catalyst) should produce racial equality. That is, if ooe white person took it upon himself to RF.ALLY help one brown person. acllvelv. lh11t bro\vn person would benefit and trTiprovf' Home ls a Dangerous Pince IA•t's take an eitreme el'ample : YOU CALL THE minister or a ncarbv church and ask the name of one Negro or P.fexican man to help. He assifns you to Joe Doaks, a parolee. Joe calls you and asU ror help in rinding a Job. You -yes you -help this m:in find a job and you don"! give up until he obtains 1 fob. Yoti become hiJ white brother fir that's what YoU'd llkt lo By George Dear George · You lazy bum? You rat~ If )'0\1 were married you wouldn 't have the courage to s.y a man ~Id make h1s •tfe do an the work! FURIOUS Dear Furious· I am married. However, I write under a pen name. (My wire think! l'Jn a burglar.\ Things a columnist might never know U he didn't open his mail : Home 1s a ciangerous plactt, probably more dangerous than where you work. Each year 19 million Americans -106 out or ev1.-ry 1,000 persons -are hurt in home accidents. Life is gelling more leisurely for the average American. One hundred years ago he worked 65'h hClurs a week. Today, \\'Ori:ing only 401,2 hours weekly, he earns enough to afford creature comforts that were unavailable to ~.ings in the 19th century . BAGGY EYES aren't by any means an indicoUon that one has been imbibing too much or the cup that cheers. Dr. McCarthy DcMere. a Memphis plutlc surgeon, says they a~ often a congenital L'Ondltion caused by weak membnnra around the eye socket. Where does poverty begin? Economist Leon Keygerling believe$ any family l.!1 l;leprived if it has an anftual Income of less than S&.000 and facu actual poveny tf Its income Is under $4,000. During the 1880s some 100.000 wooden Jndlans stood outside U.S. tobacco shops -aboul hall the actual num tier of livt Indians .at that timt. THE ACllF.S ANO pains of age ar1 rea l, not just psychological. The National Center for Heallb Statistics ttlporU that flve out of six pereons IS or older have · one or more cbronJc dtsorders. The most common: Jieart dilease and arthritic allmenbJ Quotabl• notables: ··u ;, 1u.n '"' granted that by lunch Uz:ne the: averaee man has been ao bNt.eii down by life lhal he win bdleve all)'lhtna." - Olr!slopher Morlty. EducaUon pays off: U yoo .,. Cl<lly an e!Plh gradt graduate, ,... can apec1 lo •am ooly 1347.0GO i>)' lhe Ume you'n: 6$, aecordlng 10 lhe U.S. Bwuu of the Census. But a high 'ld1ool gradu•I< will earn $34l,OOO by retiremelll Ume and a colltge grldualfl mtn than $500,000. llEALTll TIP: Do lll·flttlng dentures Irritate your mouth and gum tissues? H so, better have them Oxtd ln1· nle<ti::tr!y . RcstiU'ch in J•p&n has disclosed that auch dentures can cause oral cancers. Television is being used .as a crime fighter in Liverpool, England. Cily of-~ ficlals installed television cameras to help police keep an tye on streets in high~r~ areas. Ce~Uaf'sanitation department: Rain and snow are among our best trash colle tors. According to one estimate, they are responsible for cleansing the at- mosphere of 80 percent or Its pollutants. -....ililili- Frid a y. January 10, 1009 . 'Nie rdirOTt41 pagt of i~ Dailt1 Pilo& •ee.rc1 ro tnform and 1Um- lllate ?'tadtrs bv prtnn.dng thia ~~"'' opinloni and com.- mntarv on toplc.s of lnierts& and 1ignlffcance. by prmrldtna a '°"'"' for lh• "1"<"'°" •I OM?' .~ra· Of)fftions. ond b11 prtsmung &11t dlvtf'te view- poinll of fnfonned obseTVt,.. and ipokcsmn cm topics o/ th« dav. Robtrt N. Woed_ Publlahor I ! • . -·-• • • • -., .. _ • . •' N.Y. Stoeks . . . YOt:. 42, NO. 9, 4 Sic'rtONS, 36 PAGES , - ' • ORAl-161' COUNTY, CAt1PORNIA ' ~ ~ ~ 'FRIDAy;; JANUARY '16,-'"69 -.. -. . ,. TEN COOS • . . .. Blacks Shatter . . , Ho _ s of~ .·students • • ' + • • . . . . , " •• .... ' . . --l ~-~ . -. - ' . Negroes· Call H arbQ~-High_ y ~Ui1'.~,ll ypi>crites . . tt ~ .., . ·----":. -·i,,.·-... -·. By moMAS FORTUNE OI' "" Dlll!J ..... lllff Tile young · and the a.nary can be ~Iy !{ante. Well·meanlng white studer:rts frorri Newport Hanior HI g h School had their hopes crushed nurac1ay by black 1tudenta from · Dorsey High School in Lo! Angeles. . , The white atudenl! ••peeled hostility and dhitrust from the black v!Sltots to the Harbor High campus. But they Anaheim Cluo Raid Climaxes ' Vice Probe A nourishing, application-only club UIJ. NITTY GRITTY -John Ray of Dorsey High, Los Angeles, and Jean ed "Entertainment Unlimliecf''. wu Egasse of Newport Harbor High listen 8.s Lonni · Goslin of Costa broken up in" Anaheim early toda7 in Mesa's Estancia High ~es point. ln discussion of race relatio'ns a raid wbich climaxed a long, Orange which got down to basics Thursday at Harbor High. et;iunty-~ide J>!O!>e of gambling 'and pro- ··---- --sUhdlQri, =---- -- --,_ .-----------=-. ---~---·eams,°""'<\2Ce7M!Ps; .... 1rur-a-pokerlroit"--· S •kin SF s p f . crap table were seiled as evidence in . trl g tate ro S the raid on a private home, where four men and two women were arrested, police reports alleged. Facing Joh Loss, At~rest Lawmen from eight different agencies, Including the District Attorney's office, sheriff's office, Anaheim pulice and Newport Beach police departments participated in ,the investigation and raid. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Striking teachers, . joined by militant students:, today p:lcketed San Frm:lsco State ColleP. ln the face of possible a.rrest and lo.S,;~ir-J-.,• .. ;.r f''"". ·.~.: who ha.I previously decllned to discuss attendariee figures, confirmed Thursday that·only about 50 percent of the school's Dlslrict Attorney's Investigators said today that El)t.rtainmen'i Unlimited ls charged with having atae!4 gambling a Od· sex 'Parties· throughout Oratiae Coun- i APOLLO. H CR~ . I . .. . . ~~ i · : ! , I 1 , Vf'l .T ........ ;-A'jiTE~ L!ARNINO THEY WILL BE ,F,IR.ST .TO AtTE"IPT MOQ'N LANDING w~•'W' ~· .~(!ei)i.1i"-. ~·. , life~ o( Uie;, str·i~)ng American ty. . , . . ·• / • ' . {t .' Th<lr l!)ethod ·of op<\'.Uon, '!llo DA said, incju(ie<( consideral\0!1 of customer applicatfons fOI' membenhlp, in which they-conducted ·thetr ·own d>tectlvo wort Into tht bacq/Ounds of tbo6e who sub- milted bids lo joizl. ,.,"1~1 .. ~I .. ,. , ·"""'Ml 'Jtr!i' "~'fl''. '~f~-""9-Ml~ttl Colli~• ) I ·.• .....,. ' For t~ filth day, union lllCll!ty membf:n paraded in front CC strife-lam .. hool wltb ........ ~The ltachm were warned they Wi)U1d be cou&idered by collea;e adrninistratcn as having rt.signed and in contempt cl court •for defying an injunction against the.it strike. Fed.eratkm'1)f-ll'tacherr .:r>d two militant mlnorUy groop!:, wbo llave been on strike since Nov. 5, claimed the figure was much less than 5Q. percent. MIUJ•·t;a ~ltlyt ·. · .•. CJOttnt~ GOP Aide "Our attorneys tell us. the.state cannot t!e<ilare involuntary resignations," said a union leader. "W• will .conlinue to .:lrike." The AFT, which represents 300 of the school's 1,300 faculty members, began its strike Monday. Members continued picketing Thu.rsday in defiance of a Superior Court injun(lion against the walkout. "They . were mainly co~rned with two things: whether the applicant was an undercover pollee officer and whether -if not -be had money," said a spokeaman ·for the QiBU'ict Attorney's office. Civilian, Tw(J Colonels As classes re8W1led, a coed was ar. rested when her car swerved cle>M: to 1everal policemen crossing the main in- tersection near the campus. Foul-smell· ing chemicals were poured an tile Ooor of the library later. The striking teachers "'·ere warned they raced possible five-day jail lien. tences and $500 fines, but tbe're Wen! no "immediate .-rests. If the appllca"nt checked out clean, he was accepted along with whatever subsequent fees might be required ,.and noUfied fr(m i1mie to time of the nut Entertalamenl Unllmlled party. Named M~n for Moon WASHINGTON (AP)-A civilian and ' Sole< apncy ollidals did nol uy wily two Air Force colonelJ who have.walked Anders and Lovell were not nam~ to The strikes and sporadic violtnce wu reflected by diminiahfng attendance and growing hostility toward pollce efforts to maintain order. However, four "militant stud@ts 'Were taken into custody when another trief, but furious battle erupted between 200 police and supporters of the Black Students Un.ion and the Third World LiberaUof\ Front. Those· arrested at tt.*2 Catalpa Ave., during predawn boors today included these pen;:om and the charges on whlcb lhty were booked: in space will fly the ApoUo 11 mission, the Apollo 11 missioa, but the NASA the first scheduled attempt by the Unit.-practice bu been to spread choice ed. States to land men on the ·moon: · aa.ltfdnents among utronauts qualWed The civilian astronaut, Neil A. Ann· for lhem. Even acting President S. I. Hayakawa, -Jeiise D. Placencia, 32, of that ad· dress; conspiracy to commit gambling and prostitution. strong, will command the spacecrall, 1be Apollo 11 launch date 'J:.1 July IS, tentatively set tor Iaunchins kl July, the Ip.it wbeil it goes depends upon thf! ro- National Aeronautia and S»ace Admln-_,ult.s of the Apollo 9 and 10 miMlon.5. istta~ion said Thursday, in .announcina Apollo 9, naw set for · launch· Feb. 28, Mesa Police Searching For Armed Drug Suspect --=..Dou1la1 C. Kornwolf, 28, of 12292 Lam.I St., Garden Grove; the same two counts. the se~on of the crew._ w!l! be an eartb~~~tbt:____.luner. Anrutrong and Col. Edwin E. Al-~~ ~·i: IJJ>dw • ~ Jr. are to descend to the moon in a on mban. Lunar MOluie from the . main space- craft: The mala spacecraft will remain in lunar orbit, piloted by Lt. Col Mi· chael · Oolllns. A tall, slender narcot.ics 8t15pect who fled Wednesday after a Costa Mesa traf. fie patrolman found possible heroin ind L5D In the spare tirt or bis small van is being hunted today. Police aaid he may be armed. The suspect was Identified 11 Erle M. "Teddy" Baumer, 20, of 1531 1.i Ofange Ave., Costa Mesa, based on a driver'• license booked Into evidence along wlth the suspected narcotics find . Officer Dave Dye stopped the motorist in the 100 block ot Bay street Wednesday and a · radio check with · headquarters brought information of alleged past nal"COtits involvement. Recttving permission to search the vehicle. Dye found two ;small plasUc vial of suspected liquid LSD and a \II for administering nar<:ollca. The llWlpOCI ilaahed of!, J'llllDlng .... "fuward Orange Avenue at that paint, and a search of aevera1 hours failed to locate him, police said. Information gathered by police ~ eates the auspect bought a 'IUil 11!1 mooth and could possibly be armed, Ii be I! SOU81>1 loday tbrouflllout the Harbor Atta. He hi described as five feet, 10 Inches tall, we.ighing about 150 pound~. and was wearing lev1s ancf a dark red shirt at the time of his eacape. He also wore hippie-style Indian moc- casins. -Doniel F. Gormu, 21, of 12292 Lorna SL, Garden Gn:ivt; conspiracy to comm.it gambling. • --l'ells: F. ~ rt, of 2295 Tultin 'Ave., Orange; consplracy to complil 1ambling. -Re.one Y. Kelly, 44, of 418 N. Wanda Drive, Fullerton; cmspiracy to commit prostltulioo. -Maril• a. Geedln, 21, who refused to c,ive her home address; consplra?y to commit pn>StiluUon. Viet lnve.sUP..\ofs said the six were booked into A:nahelm City Jail, pending completion o( today's continuing tn- vestlgatloQ and formal filing of com- plalftts by lbe lliltrlct Altomey. Detectfve John Simon of the Newport :&Jach Police Department was one of the large investigadfm team, which al&o iMluded men from Santa Ana, Oranie, Garden Grove and Fullerten departments. J ~~~~~~be~ :i~~~~~: Bizarre .Drug Case Mesa V erdC;}-Home ' . . · . Atm!tront, who hu survived iwo near disaltera ·1llice becoming an utronaut in 1953, is· a former test pilot tor the Xl5 ~ plane and wu a Navy combat flier C!urlng the Korean War. In 4;hoosing the three 33-year-old 1paCe veterans for the mission, NASA posseil· up the Apollo I astrooaul! who· made lhe · first lunar o<l>llal flighl! last month. ' BUt" two ol. thae1 Navy Capt. James A. Lovell Jr. and Air Foret Lt COi WO- iiam ·~; :-. Iia .. 1>een -hamed to the>~· II badcup crew. 'lbe· other, Air Force Col. Trank Bormah, is ·t>efng 1 assignt4 ·19 eround work at hls own reQU.est. He will becQme deputy d1rectot · of aew· flight· operatl.oa.L · · ~· astronaut ·Fred liaise -Is lhe · third ·man ort Uie·backup crew. Urirave·Is Owners Endo~se Pilpt. WQ[ki1ig for U.S. C~stoms as Undercover Agen~- . · Ill' •JOO!! VAl.T'f!1" · · · · 'former Newptt Beacb plannlni COQ!-loaded ~tJlj)~ elf alfaHa hiln 1 School Bon.1 •. ~,~;~~,;t,,)ilclrd .i. '""=°:.· dacribed by lllibl• u ·. ~8:'.m~ .. ld. ranled ~ the 1 .. . -till llDderoonr ..,_._, ..... 1111 •. <11.& ~·1q11me o>:qu1ln&ance,'' lw -Tbt "-'f"'dq 111t--ed Mesa Venle Hotneownen Aaocl-CUit-Servk91u lliolei1=' ' ..,..plojold by 1111 <>range County Airport-Into' tM Pline 'If' ...place Ille marljuau · Is the (lrlt ~to ondllr>I . 1111111!llq«1tflllptn1:11;-., ~ ,.,_ !Inn "lor •qulfa .,me time," • C9nflscalecl fno M ... •ul/IOflU.. In NewlJC'l·Mes& Unllied School Iliittrtd•1 Bal~ 'tiland a~, ~ IOUl'Ce tald. what ~slant .ll.11. Alton;i<Y Demll . $15.t mllllm bond election set lor J'tb. of tlle Orange Cotlill'I' .Jlll!r~ '-'8JbUnts ~ n.,...1n the mystery-•hroudid Mclntrno tl<llCftbed u "a, premalun! 11 Aviation 1nc .. 1rw111ilreed l<idaf. 11 In Mexico too, federal authorltlts bull." Dirediln voled this week lo urp e ~. ·e· . Ir~ ln· ~· belleve. 'He Is Lyle Paul Guman, Ille German's cle8crlpllon, U.S. addrus •ffirmatlve vote recognizing.., lbef Aid, movlt..be.toa fllBMd lit &dco, ~ aderted buyer of. 3,800 pounds ol marl· and age have not yet been made .avall- lhat puia&e would Increase the property served u an Vflt agent wftlOJl Juana from Mellcan,auppllen. able. tax-on an average Mesa Verde home the kriowledge ol bP"fl;lloW 'employa, U.S. Customs Agent John Eno1, wbo Trial In the cue hu been .et for as much u 111 per yur.. . ""''"' added. . , . _ Is assigned lo,the caae_.u)d this rnomlng U.S. Dlllrlct Colirt In Los Anllelu Fob. However. ~lrectors c:Onddered It a The pilot flew a rtnted plane from that infflll'ailori tlilit far ~ve bid 4. . ,, ~ aound t,nvestlnent inasmuch aa fallin Southern CalHorni.a to Goldalajara, Mn· no tuck in k1caU.nJ the suspect, named There ,.., 1peculallon that ~the tri1I of the bood electlon, crowded clQlnlomJ ico, and bact In u. bham '°"'Plr•<r k the lndiclmenl alooc with Hllble IDd could w pootiioned u Ge<man ta not and double seJSiooJ would have a case which lnvolv" the fecl<ral prand lla)'?llOnd Donld Teeter ol Ortlll(" , In, C)lllody in llnJe, 'Haw•. federal' nepilve eflect~roperty valllH, said Jury indictment of attorney Rlcb&rd A. Teet.rlru-entalednearP1fmilp!Op aulborlUel could nol ~.nadied Jtr ' --entl~--lliJl>ie, 71, lllrbor Ara aUAnaJ ud ,Allport~...-tlllrbo.bad COl1flrmatlonoflbeJlOll1D11tfl, . -"\ 4 • -~ . SW.eden Extends Full Recognition To North Vietnam STOCKllOLll (UPI) -Neutral s-ien ext.ndell lull .c11plomatlc. rec:oamtljlll to. North .Vietnam Uldarln what diplomats . said 'l'U· 111\. effort to 1>9~ ·the f;om- mwilit polilJon at 'theJ>arill tal~,· · • · · SW'~Oll •II 'tbe '!Int Western EuroPean · naUon to grant full recognllioh to118DOI.;. alfho\lgh' l!rltiln 'and ·Fran<e mll&laln ferelRn RtVl<e olfk:ts in the Nortb•Vi.t,- name&e cipltal. • • 'P'or<tin• Mlnt*r·Tormn NU-d n· fortned llil counterpart In Hanoi, NflllYen Duy Trinh, 'ol the dodllon In a coble whit& Mid: .. "As the negotiaUons In Paris are ·now · ent.Jtnii ·a ·stage: whk:h, It ill• hoped, will be decisive for-peace ' Jn Vietnam, it" w:ould appear that the .Ume bu come to .,..bllsh dlplomaUc relattona.'.' The cab1net declsJon In a meeUng with ·Klng Gustav .VJ AdoU .came. u no 111rprl!e lollowlnl a chill Iii Amel1ca.. c Swedish rellUona . dliring the ·J.ut two y ..... bicaull of 8•-·· o-1tlGo totbeVlelnamW~i .. ..... • Pat Hitt Named To HEW Position A lonctlme lllJlllly friend and In- strumental organlur in Orange COUnty Republican .,.;,,pa1gn efforts Thunday wu named u the. Ont woman to a subcJiblne\ ~ Iii 'the new Rlcbard M. NW>n· admlnlatrallon. ' Mn. Robert (Pal) !Iii~ !IO, of VID& Park .. was nwnlnaled u an aulstant secretary of health, edu~ and welfare;. in ,charae, of an office coveriDg conSumer prote<:Uon. · PreslclenW!ect Nixon ordered llri. Hitt'1 .~ppolntment announced ahead of l!lt)'_ othecwoman_appoln....,,_ln..trlbule. to,~ friendship and support of . ..,... lfll!l io, ywa., "I am very proud to have Pat Hilt, the lint ....... named to flle .' llll- rbinistratlon, on my team at HEW," saUI· • Secrelary"""lgnale Robert H. Finch . · The· tomier Caliromia I I e u t e n an t governor .made the announcement for Nixon. The .oneUme WhitUer .Colle'le classmate of the Prelideobelect bu .been acUve in Republican campaign. work for . (See GOP AIDE, P81e l) '1 NE:W YORK.(AP) -An·!ftm:r qpw•M. spurt failed In' tlllltain ihti ~ei IOd'a;: and it clO!ed •light!{ clOwn from Th"'"' <!>Y· The paC. of tradli!i wu .row, 1:$.tt volume bulaed due to· large block. ttansactlooa. (See quotatkm, Pqos II-. 13). Oraalfe Weadter ConUnueil cool and daody Is U,, unappetlil111 outlook for ~ week· end, with the matm 1 mirelf around the ..... .,,... mart.. . JNSmE' TODAY ·-... ""' -..... .._ . :::..._: ' - \ I • • ' I.. \ l ~ ' ' I I l I " . Woman -Hnrt In Crash Sues Costa Mesa A Santa Ana woman'• US,000 clalm qolnll lho city o! COiia M"a, raulllnl from an OCtober traffic accident, ia curnnUy under ·lltudy by the city at· t.mey and municipal tnaurance carrier. Mr1. Irmajean M. Bllhop, of MIS S. Weatem Ave., charges. 0 auffered pb)'lleal lnjur)', nervous ohock, d1111111• lo ljoi' ~ and IOU o! tncome U a r....a o(lhe.inliba~- A claim flied lbroloih her atWrney, John A. Grifffn, of S&nta Ana, cboraes l!lal. Mn. Blahop drove inlo &. da<p chuckhole on Fairview Road near Sunflower Ave Ocl. 21, when lbe blibWll' was beln& improved. The complaint charges that the hole wu left,witbaut a barricade or waming llgbl UNHAPPINESS IS A DRUG BUST Cultist L11ry With Son John Harbor Clubs' Benefit From UF Donations Oil Drillers Hit Dry Hole But Pl.an to Try Again Eflortl by an Ol'onp Ccul Co11t11 The Newport Stach Unlled ""'1d llu -rl lo ta&:..i. belltvod deap In d~vered Iha (Int half of cumnt cam-l!:\1: ol mil' atva 1/':!,l::':,::; J>11cn allotmenll lo D qlllcl" lbal U ... ~•--~ .......... , •• lbe -Ject. beoe!U from . tti. drive, UF Prealdenl co op "' -· --• r• Gtol'p Hoq II .......,ced today. -~~-~ ~ f';!~e ~ Hoq noted lhal many of lbe qenclea ·-~ ol oU Jul! aoulhWI of llwinl in Ula lint ho1I allotmanl of SU Juan C&plltrano, bowevar 1be Cane- 111,IH are Harbor ArU youth ll'OUPll· dtan !Inn Involved bu foond nolhlnl .. fJr but-and. myltery. Joe Hamblet, newly app>lnled UF U· Project ledosiat GeCJlle i.. Guthrie ecullve dil'i!Clor, allO announced Iha! procTa1med Wedneaday _ Illa' a le!t Ille UF will bold ill 141!1 onnual Rocoanl· drllllnl wu abandoned earlier at 4,057 t1on Luncbe. al the lnlne Coal! COun-feel -that Northlode E>plorailoo Lid., try Club Wedneaday. bu •dry bolt. The l'll•l'TV'l&e of the banquet, Hamblet 1be poloty department bead says r-r -that driJllnC another f15,000 test hole aald, ii to praent awards to outstandina: would be adviaable, dependin& on results contributors and workers ln the 198U9 of an upcoming aerial survey of the campaign and to elect office.rs and dlrec-2,000-acre Jeased area. Guthrie lllld. The aand ii Indicative of probability that a rlcb oU pool Ue.s trapped in strata thou&andJ of 'feef befo-w the nrface of the earth. Northlode Exploration Ltd. has anothe r two years before the lease runs out on their property, leased from the Unlvenlty of Callfomla. The well was designated University ol Ca!Uornla Regenil Well Number One and was the flrst well bored ln more than 36 years m the southern Orang!! County area. Officer's Chance Check Nabs Mesa Speciflcally, she seek• $%,000 In medlcal expeMea, tl,000 for auto damage and $%,000 for lllllmaled earning• lool durlnl convalucence from the incident. tors for the 1-.10 campaip. The land ia a1moat certain to be oil-rich L. s 'S ' baaed on geoioglcal knowledge, but me ne UF Praldenl Hoa& said Ula fund• ..i lho lint d Ullng h eary ays 0 0 dillrllluled lo lbe agencies are Ille = . ~ubsurf•C< ~arlh I.~. =~~ Burglary Suspect · -. hl&hMt Arlt half lhuu ever dlltributed. mlsaed the right strata. One su.!lpect in the literal house-clean· Front Page J _:' 'lbeae are the qenclel and the Flightl over the area three miles lag burglary oi a Costa Mw. home 0 M k · E le arntJUDtl they recelffd: southeul ol San Juan Clpiatraoo ~y -captured by accldent while the victim GOP AIDE ,.,,·t· ,.,,.. a e xam'.nlP Boyl Club ol Harbor ArU, '8,llO; plane• equipped with ·eledr=aln•lic wa• llill itemizing her several hundrerl _:---------___ ~·-~.:_ ______ ;.HJ __ ~-~ -_ ~--· _-=' _-::---;.:;o=~-=-'F"=-·-~-=.:'fr.l~'-yC:~-=~l;.; devices~~~~ l~~-g,o11ar !~~,(:;~~·a Jan...17 M@iawn<llL more than two decades, 18' of those· . . center, fa,350; Glrll Club of Harbor "W~ ~Jood sand, but_ there JU~~ ~r L. Calvin. 30, of 1102 f!· Second years In Oranie County. By JACK CHAPPELL Tht family,. Wu arretted wblD tbllr Area, Q,&00; Girl Scout Council of wasn t any 1 or gu in it at all, St., S~nta A~•· was bound over 1n Harbor She worked her way up throueh the ot.,.. 0e11r '11" st•rt battered station wagon caucbt the at· orange County, $7,112; Oranae Coast District Judicial Court Tuesday, but a . . i . by _. • ....._.. ~D cultist Dr. T1mothy Leary ap-Wltlon of the Laguna police oU1cer YMCA, $1,200; American Socltl Health s~nd su_spect w~s released and charges ranks m st.ate GOP activ ties 0 ... Nl'6 · ' : Aun. $I03.00; Cblldrtn'• Hospital of Loa St Th.ef against him dismissed. at lho very bottom, .. a preclncl worker ~ in Laguna Beach Municipal late Dec. Ir. . Anaelu 15li>• rongarm I Ray L. Cody, 32, of 527 Center SI. l!t election-time. ' Court Thursday charged"' that "some 'n1e vehlc:Ie 'was stopped ln the center Cbllcken'I ffoapital of Oran1e County, Costa Meaa, was arrested with Calvin Ml'll Hitt'• hU!-I! public relailonl hllher power" " trying lo make .. ol Ille If!) W<k ~ Woodland Drive 1111: Orlbopaedlc Hoapltal, 1185.!<l: Men-Robs Barma1·d when a Santa Ana ollicer slopped lo · Robert J eiample of. him. with the lights. out. t.11 Health Alan. of Oranae County, check the trailer full of houaehold and management consultant • Leary bil wife Rosemary and son Leary clatmld the car wu Jeplly •1195· Chl1d Guidance Center of Orange furnlshings the pair were admiring. Hitt and she 11 the mother of erown Jobn ~ IJ'l'liped 00 huhlah mari· parked. He ~ .. kt lhat he and bil wife cOuntY '3.671; Cerebral Pally Assn. of A Costa Mesa barmaid on the job A records check disclosed Calvin was IOnl by a prior marriage. juana and LSD charges with the cue were sayt~oodbye to their son. Oranei County, $3,750; ~ VJlla (Orange only three days wu robbed of $101 wanted on warrants. charging him with In 1955 she was co-chairman of the continued until Jan. 27 and moved to Police-all one pound of marijuana COUntJ ,\lcQbol1c women a RehlbilllaUon Thund1y night by a atrongarm bandit fallure to appear 1n court on Costa Orange COunty Nimn organlzaUoo and San Clemente Municlp&r Court. some LSD b~tely two ouncei Cents}, '500: Vlsltln& Nunts Aaan. of who first asktd if ahe wu alone, then Mesa traffic citations for faulty equip- i ttt bee Re bit an Qleslloned by newamen followioL Ille of huhlab _. se1aad. °'""' C<tunty, •t,lllO : Tocked lbe tavern's back door. ment. four years a . ame 8 pu c short court appearance, Leary repeated The Leary family JI belnC Npl'Uel9ted Al'lllrk!la NaUonll Red Crou, Oranfe Martha C. Sheekl, 50, on duty at He was also linked to a prior burglary naUonal committeewoman lrom charges of haras!Dlenl and poUce pro-by crlrnlnll altorney George Chull. of eount,y Chapter, $14,&00; Cathol c the Ktn1'1 Inn, 720 Randolph Ave., was at the King's Inn, :iio JtanPolph Ave., ca!lfornia. vocation he made following the trio's Santa Ana. Chula represented John Leary weuu, Servlct1, ta,500; Protestant marrhed behind the bar with her arm Costa Mesa, tn which sOmeone escaped In 1964 Mrs. Hitt was co-chairman Laguna arrest Dec. 26 on char~es of a ftw month• ago in Lac:C: Beach Wtllln Fund. $1JSO; . twisted behind ber back, but not injured. with more than $100 when the owner in charg~ of women's actfvtttes or suspicion of intent to _sell mar juana when the young man wu argtd with Famlly service A.Un. of OranJ:e Coun· The robbery vlcUm told oUicer Bob arrived to clean up. , ' and hubish and posswaon of LSq.. ~Ing under the lnfiuence of dru11 In ty, $2,U5; SalvaUon Army, t.1,750; Arnold the b1ndlt came Jn about 10:30 Goods taken from the home of Barbra George Murphy ti successful Senat.e cam-Le~,· 48, a former Harvard chn1cal a. ~bllc place. ChriBtmll Welfare, Fund, S Z 5 0 ; p.rn. and asked if the owner was In, W. Crowe, 3022 College Ave., were still paian and in 1966 she was r;tate c~.:... ps_ycholollat 1aid he net the psy~hedellc 'Qarges thtn wtre thrown out al court TtaveJen' A1d Aun. of America, ~; then came to the point when told she belng listed at the Ume Cody and C&lvin chairman for Finch iD his campalglr.::~ WU ·Sf'O'rinl. . ..:S""'. . . ..tifn ft waa held ht was ,nM in a Voulntetr Buraau, $%,400; and USO, $871. was by heneU. were scooped up. . -=::::r1ni hippie movement is the:airecUpn public place. for lieutenant governor. ,_:;fyoun& people thai don't w"aftl to (ight The controversial Leary holtJI 1 doc- Her poslUon Ulla year, as natlonil="'bat just make love and be happy," torate in pgycbology from the University co-chairman of a presidential campaig:a;. he suuested. . of California, Berkeley. is the first Ume a woman of eithlr "ln Laguna Beach, there 1'--! definite In 1953, he wu fired from the Harvard party has held such a post -~\tern of hlramnent," he claimed. staff for exceeding ~bed' bounds As head of HEW'a community ani _ _;Leary singled· out Police 9lficer ~ell in erpe~entatlon wdh LSD. . f .eld ·--• di·"~ M · HJ ... t,;..,....i,:: t;cell In 11peakin1 of hifasmient. Following the lut arrest, Lury said 1 ~.,ees w1..,1on, ra. 1.1. """'"'''~ rceU wu the arrist1ng of6oer m the ffe hu been stopped and aearcbed 23 a pool which hu lrad!Uona!& held , cue ... Ume1 In Ula Tall 13 months. responsibility over the department's of. • fice of civil rights. However Finch aald dvlt rlghta matters In the Nixon ad· mlnistratlon would be under the jurildle- tit1n of a special assistant to the HEW ecretary. Mrs. HJtt, an attractive 5 feet 4 Inches and 115, pounds, was born in Taft, Calif., where bu father worked in the oil fields as a roust.about He later made a fortune with the invention of a fluid· packed pump. The family moved to Whittier when l!ihe was three and In 1935 she graduated from Whittier Union High School, Nl.J:m's alma mater. Mn. Hitt attended the University of Southern California where she earned a degree In history, English and political Ecience, wu freshman clus queen and vice-president of the college of letters, art.a and r;clences. I OAllV PllOT ' CllA.NGI! CO.ST "UILl3HING COM•AN't 11.1.,,1 N. W114 l'rulft11I .,. "Wi·llWr J1c• II:. c •• 1 • ., VI« l'rn~ ...., Ci--' "'-tlllM< Th•"''' 1C11vil &fo\llW Ttri,,.,,, A. M~•p~i111 1'11~!111 lt•10t c:.... ..... Offk• 1)0 Witt l1y Slr11t M1ill119 ~-41111; P.O. l111 lJ60, •2•Z6 .,_ °""" Nt-1 -..C~! 1211 W'HI ..... ""lrtt!ll LI ........ De.ell: 'U "9Htl Aw- 1'11111tlfttlOll h~. '°' Sii> i"Wt - Fratn Page J BLACK STUDENTS ••• Change your neighbor. Blow prejudice out af white cominun!Ues. Help the whites. Don't come and try \o help us." Then came the remark! that hurt: "But we don't · npect rckt to take our advlct. You don't really care. You're just curious. Give up the struggle. You don't have any faith in your own people. You don't l!llnk l!ley'll change. "We know . We're wiser than you In the ways or the world. We've learned to survive In the streets. We're hardened and realislic." Roc'ked on their heels, white atfldenta asked : "Why do you hate me? What hive you got against mt penonally1" The usual antWet: "Btit you don't look at ua aa tndivldual1. You think, 'You've aetn one Digger you've Hen lhem all.' " • A Harbor High cirl pleaded, "Tell me. 1 want to know how rm responsible? Do you want me to slit my throat?" ''It wouJd help me a whole lot. I'd get the money you make," a black boy from Dorsey responded." "I know you hate me, but I don't hate you," aaid a white boy. "Thanks a Jot. It's vvy white ol you to say so." sneered a bl1cll: boy. "1his whole thins b sickening," 11.id another black male. "Yoa know what . you're dol111-You're putltnJ UI under a rnlcroscopt. You Willi to Mow whit makes us UQk." •. • "When ..e-11ot oR the bus ...,.ebody . •tarll ~flelU ..... Thal ru1lj< lrl!> ped me ou~· put In • black l!rl. Said a black boy, "Wi don 't have tails in our pants. l think you're the animals." Chimed In lbe fin! black boy, "Tbel'O la going to come a time wbm we cruy l\ffien an 101n1 lo slop comlq and taftlna to yoo." "Don't ,... lblnk Iha! milhl be Ille problem. Thtre'• no communication,'' uld • white boy. "Cbtck th1t. Check that," a black boy 111d lo lbe other black 1tudenta. 1ben to the v.'hlte boy : "We 1tt down tn aemlnars and talk and tbat 'a fine. Then you 10 Mme and llalen to your soullta mllllc and don't do anythln1 about It. We ntvtr meet qaJn. That '• J~ wuttni my time.'' SllO another: "You want to lJ101f ~\ whit to do. neighbor." So di1 this. Talk lo your · "But this Is Oranae County. These guys dig racism," ukl tbe wl;llte bay. "Recoaditlon hhn. Keep blowln& on him. Make it a canstant thin&," the bl1ck boy. chlded. "If you're not even going to de> it Jn your community you make It sound like a hopeless problem. You're weaklings. I thou&ht you wtre tht master race." There were recurrin& thruls of violence. "Put yourself in our ))Ollticm," Aid a black girl. "We keep trylq and lrylq and what bappena -nothin&· SUrt, I'm againat violence too. But if violence i1 aolng to make white Amtriu wake up, I'll do IL" . . "A black man with 1 11111 I• a biJ tbreat to a white man. Il't a dot eat dog world," l&ld a black boy. "But there hu to be 1 peaceful way," pleaded a white girl. "Damn your puce. 1be labor ttnzgle. Was Ulat done peacefully?" mapped the black boy. Police brutality was another recurrinJ theme. Said a black girl : .ian Lluah tn. YOu watch Llu&b ·Iii? Thi man uys, 'Wberl you aotnc boy?' Thal'• llUpposecl to be funny. That happms all the Ume." It was an e.i:pe:tlence white 1tude.nts ~eren't prepared for. Burglar-Loots Elderly Patients A ,.,h of minor lbefta from Ille nlghtstandJ o! eld&rly pailanta ol Ille Park Udo Conv1lesctlrt Hospttal ovtr the pPt two weeU wu reported to p>Uce Thuradll'. Reports 1ald at lost seven patlentl 11.nd one employ• of the Newport Beach hoopltal were Yictlm1 o! Ille lhl...,, who stole small amount.I of currency and e.yeglauta. Value of the stolen Items totaled more than $175. Moat of the theltl involved cuh taken from patients' nl&htatanda while they slert, reportl slid. The hoopltal 11 11 446 Flqshlp Road. , -------- f • • MID•SEASOH QUALITY SAVINGS .. DREXEL FRENCH COUNTRY MANNER DINING TABLE REG. $329. SALE $279. ARM CHAIRS REG. $125. SALE $I 05 . SIDE CHAIRS REG. $110. SALE $ 89. SALE ALSO INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXE[, HENREOON, HERITAGE PLUS OTHER FINE LINES. fill,._,. llACll 1717 Wealellfl Dr. '42--\ __ ,.,,., ,.,.,1•l1n1I Inter._. LAGUNA llACH D11.,._. US Netth Cent Hwy. 494-6151 -:':·::: ~ ~ ~.lD ... ~-l!!!!l--_· ... _ .... __ ... __ ... 111,•..,.··--.J \ I r l'ur lal •• •• of :ed ed ng ed ty In ,, !r ut " ty " re (C t 1· '" n d IL_ d ,, • s n 0 ~ s h • ' . I JI --iiiiiiiii~;;;;;;;;::::;:;:: __ --------------------------------------· -- ---------·------~ -,. --- Cambodia Downs ..-I , l . _President U.S. Helicopter LBJ Wants To Extend 10% Surtax? Officer, Bar Owner Slain By Bandits DETROIT (AP) -An off. duty Detroit policeman, who disregarded hi.s wife's plea that he not reach for his service revolver to break up a bar holdup, was shot to death early today. The bar owner also was killed. Patrolman Stanley Rapaskt, 35, and the bar owner, Casimir A. Czanrinski, were struck by at least 11 buJlets, police said. A bar custmner, Frank Piotrowski was beaten about the head by the bandits and was hospitalized. Homicide detectives said the patrolman's wife and mother of his five children was having a quiet drink with her husband ?.•hen two bandits, who had posed as customers for a ftw minutes, drew out pistols and announced a holdup. The policeman , who was seated at a table, made a move toward! his revolver and one of the bandits aaw hlni and asked what he was doing. When the patrolman replied , "I have a lot of money," the bandit took his wallet but failed to noUce the gun tucked In the officer's waistband. Moments later, R •pa 1 kl reached for his gun and the shooting erupted . The two gunmen fled . SOUTH SW TROPICAL RSH Largest Selection of Tropiul Fish & Supplies in the area. Newt Lee ...... tlfW, WIUOtt, COITA MllA ("" .... , .... 1141., ,..1"1 111.0, lllnn~ Or. -,.._,, IMCfl 0•111111"" ""' Otflee) .......,. SHARP If y•11'1• • 1h•tp ,, .... , ...... th• DAILT '!LOT'S 11111111111 Oi'l'l•-A·Lin• ~l111ifi•J 1.J1 S•tvr4•'1'" M1k• 1 l>1tt•t J11I ••• wh•th1r yw 'r• li11yl111 .,. ••llln1. 2 Thunderbird Jets Crash; 1 Pilot Killed plummeted to the desert. T h e Air Force said there was no evidence that Capl Jack Thuz;nian, 31 , Waco, Tex., tried to eject before his FlOOD hit the ground about fiO miles north of here. It's at 7891 Tolbert Avenue, The Aulo Club's new "cosf1e" in Huntingfon Beech. FuHy sta ffed. And ful!y equipped. Slarting'Mondoy, January 6, providing mOre lhan 700 se~ices fo Auto Club members and the colflmUnity. Eveiythlng from weekend vocation to worldwide fravel planning. Ev e'rvthing to he!p you get out and follow oil the fun that's going on In Sou!hern California and beyond. Stop by and let Ed Sullivan, the new manager, show you around the Auto Club'• new "castle" fn Huntington Beach. ~ THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ~S OUTHERN CALIFORNIA 7191 Tolb•" Ave., H~ntf•gto• 8"dl. t.llf., ,,,_, 1(2.7111 We've built a new off ice in '"-·· Huntington Beach · -. -. -.. ~.-. ... ··~ ·-· ,_ •. A Good Ftiend of 1he FomiTy for Slify-ET;hl f•ars, I $3.19 C•ntury AutOmallc • Heating Patls $239 & po1ltton bntlle awttch. f~ • ]K>81UOQ. laeat. tettln(a. :Removable, WUhah]e {JUI" nel ~ Ap. proved by Good Hoalle. ke..,_. $2.39 40·Hour Ala• 11a Clock !::.;.)$168 f&n.l•h. .Accurat-., ~, .. Dry Cl~an• .. ' •AUO ~ uar ··. iii!'! ---__ .,,,.. tJp• ol••••r. ""till"!!. Ole au c1oa.e.. ~ 11..,...., __ ;...~ t.y, Wood. ail4 ~ niet:al IUlf•CUt wtado'W'• and ... ..... 7f Oo11ecta duet. Mak• work euy, Welhable. Cholc• "t cc:il01'•. J.mtdc&'• fa~ or:lt.. 'pl&Ylne cardt.BuyffV .. er al deel<s, ·>. ,,...,.., Poker .or l"In.Oc:lil~ .... •1""Sfe•I Ta,kleand UlllltrBox On• pJect ...... llm • ~eora•r1o 13~xt%x'!i(.• 1iat. 96c: ............ ..... ,. Brout eolor dutt pu"1tlltubbar .... , ....... .-.. . 29c: l'llay, a...., lO. 1169 . 1 37• Mallory . ......... "C" or "D" SIU . .......... 2 29~ .. ~ ,Alwayi fresh, &IW•Y• dt--~lo bat-t•rl••i·from . ' UUa .fa:rnou• ,., iuanufacturer, DAILY .PILOT fl~' Playtex Dlsposalpla laltyloltl•• ''Illnlr botU .. -· .. ~ ef •f tncuu1>a•rt-Ir the way mture ji\ .. ~ . tended. • I. ...... , $1 .49 I~· Auto Spotllte1: · Plup lolo ..,,, ~ ·, eU. ll&ll,..,ggC:· ' " :ftt. Ill}. l:Z.. volt •Yt' 1 tems. On/ off switch. 15 ft.. cord. -- ' l { i I . ' --~·-., 1 ' ! . . ' ·1 ., . ' : , ' ., .. : , ) I I I ' ---·. -~--- DULY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE • Uphill for An intercity network of blcyc\e trans, planned once as a Joint Costa Mesa-Newport Beach project. h1< hit a bit o{ uphill going and a topographical fork in the road. Neither community has droppl!il the concept, but Newport Beaoh is pedalfing ahead alter two years• study, In whlcb problems bolh loclJ and which overlap city llmils have cropped up. Newporf Beach l'laruiing Com· miss.ion members will take up lhe quesUon next week, but progress kt s1'ower up here on the mesa. 1'rafiie -a headache to any CO$ia M~an, motorist, cyclist pedestrian or ricksha driver -ls one of the big~ gest f~ctors here, wbere it differs from the Ne\vport Beach situation. t.fajor portions of a bikeway system must naturally coexist with estab[ished streets and highways, usually being laid alon~ the shoulder and marked by colored lanes and directional signs. Police officials and Costa Mesa Traffic Engineer Herb Burnha1n are quite understandably concerned about the potential effect on the city's many busy bout· evards. Longer developed and boas'ting some Jesser.trav· eled, picturesque side streets of a resort city, Newport Beach has fewer major traffic arteries with which to deal. Costa Mesa Planning Director William L. Dunn says his colleagues are ,certainly no't aJiainst the bikeway system, btit they faee a bigger job in analyzing traffic flow and controls. "We certainly haven't fotgollen about i~" Dunn said. "Warking out a safe, feasible bikeWay network has simpI.v bit some unloreseen uehin travel.'' . Money to implement the project, whatever its even- tual scope, could also be a factor, jtlst as it is in any undertaking. . An in!otmaJ city committee head-ed by Planrung Com· missioner Don Hout and other specialists in the prob- lems to be overcome, however, is still at work on the bikeways system. ike Trails Some of oor lasl-dlHppearlng rural country wlU be Included in the mi.\06 •nd miles ol bicY.cle traila linking Newport Beach, Costa Mesa •nd nearby Orange County terr1tory. . Hopefully, DuM loreo~sts, Orange CounLy Flood Control District channels can be incfuded as a supple- ment. U'6eless in dry seasons, the channels are <\uite effecUvely used through various limited recreationa ac- ~s points elsewhere. Jn any case, owners of Costa Mesa's 21 ,440, and Newport Beach's 12,000 registered bicycles, will soon have new and safer avenues for travel and enjoyment. It just takes longer than hoped lor to do it right. Roger Brown, Green Be1·et Roger Brown, who loved to fly, came home to Costa Mesa this week after returning to America by jet trans- port from Vietnam. He died New Year's Day. He was 22 years old and he wanted to be a pilot. He was doing his job. Roger Brown was a Green Beret, in the crack outfit created by President John F. Kennedy. He will be buried Saturday. He was a specialist fifth class in the elite.U.S. Army Special Forces. You could call him a tough Green Beret, but tough is a wasted word when you talk about them. He was big -six feet·plus and 200 pounds-plus - and be died Jeading a company of small Orienta] Gls on a mountain named Nui Cota.· He was probably hil by rifle fire; maybe grenade fragments. His parents and sisters \v~re not told. Last November, mine shrapnel scarred him. Roger Brown did the most that can be asked of any nlan. He gave his life doing his duty for his countrji. c To Promote Living Life to Its Fullest • • • Paradox of Leadership, Dear Gloomy Gus: l\ttximum Contact, Minimum Hurt -D-.. ·b·z· t . -l\.~~putlSl t #y_-·-·~ ~-·-· .. ,. - It is a melancholy fact of history that revolutions take on the color of the regimes they overthrow. The French and Russian revolutions are nearly perfect eumples of this: Oppression was not eliminated, it merely passed into different hands. When one plants a tree, one looks up for uWity wires. When one buys a $75,000 home, one looks up for air traffic patterns. -Private Pilot T. A. B. decisions in the public area: and thOle who do want the responsibility usually want it for reasons that are inimicable to the long-range welfare of society. Tbe new movements of revolt in American society seem not to understand that a culture can be changed only in an evolutionary way; if we get a complete boaleversment, then there is merely a Lransfer of power, not a sharing THE PROBLEM Of the authoritarian of power. _;iiersonalily cuts across the wboje spec· The real problem of power is that lrum of political beliefs. Leaders out of authoritarian personalities, w.ho tend of power ar,e4always f~r "jU;"tice," for •• ___ BJ ~R..2!QFF, Pb.Q. _ Much of :'ibi! writing in psychology today -Pfi_;;pterday, for that matter -implles~tlbt psychological defensiveneSi?, a major obstacle to " mental ~!};; emotional h e a 1 t h . Defensiven~J .. .so defined, means "Any psychologicaJ')lpstrumentatity by which a person au~atically protects himself against unpleasantness, shame, anxiety or loss of self.·esteem; it is usually (if not always) acquired unintentionally, and the pereod"!*fKawate of its operation." Therefor'eil ~ the major goals of psycho{ _ is 1to t1dp people pee\ cff vario'IJS _ oll>S)'cbolOgical amior and dea1 with , the 1 vicissitudes in life in a nondefensive and open fashion. THIS IS A NOBLE goal, because most people don't give themselves credit for being able to cope without unconscious and uncontrollable Jefense mechanisms. But, perhaps the pendulum has swung so far in the other direction that noo- clefensiveness is being confused with all-' tidefensiveness. \'-< ,,: But could antidefensiveness be a ...,.;,,: .... .,..,.-.defense? Jilfli(>Ssfufe that someone who prides himself on being completely defenseless -"Here I am in all my vulnerable glory" -may be insulating himself from mixing il up on a person·\Q.o person basis? How do you handle a person who throws himsell or. your mercy? Gently! '.; For example, the statement, "You're being defensive" implying that defensive· ness is a "no-no." Members of what may be termed the "Anlidefeosive CUit" insist lhat a healthy person goes through life completely defenseless. Transparency is a badge of h>oor. Honesty, authenticity, openness, vulnerability, etc., are goals to be pursued by those who hope to arrive at the ideal state of self·aC· tualiution. Many who think they are there act ''healthier than thou." THERE CAN BE definite status in being defenseless. People admire some- one who doesn't have to hide behind a barricade of rationalizations, excuses, projections, repressions, reaction forma- tions, and such. , RESEARCH ON children has shown that one of the primary developmental tasks at each stage of growth is to maintain and facililat£ personal integrity in the face of environmental demands. Unless a child establishes . increasingly :sophisticated psychological defenses, he remains a "babe in the \\'oods" whose repertory of responses is inadequate and rather pitiful compared with the cOmple:r milieu in which he is functioning. Therefore, the primary issue in ques· tion is not "to have or to .have not" defenses: but, raf,her, which ones really help one be onesell? SECONDARILY, when are they ap- propriate and when art they nott Wentworth Dilloo.. stated it mo rt poeticattj, in-hi.-"Essay-on-'l'ral!Meled-- Verse," when he cautioned, Immodest words admit of no defense For want of decency is want of sense. The fact is that everybody will use defenses as a buffer against cascading reality or mushrooming i m p u I s e 1 , because nobody is fully equipped to lead an emotionally naked life. Moreover, the longer we wear our defensive armor, the more difficult it is to suddenly shed it aiid staunchly stand there, exposing pink and tender emotional skin. IT \\'OULD APPEAR, then, tt:at thr sane thing to do is to conduct an inventory of those deyenses which pro- mote or detr.act from living life to its fullest. The promoters would be those allowing maximum contact w i t h minimum hurt while the detractor1 are the ones which create hurt through lack of contact. Ultimately, the best defense against threatening environmental, social and emotional forces is a thorough knowledge of oneself aod one's world. to rise in any system, left, nght, or: -"'humaneness,' for "'liberty,': and all center. The men who get into office._ .Sl&Ch virtuous abstractions; .:cnce in fonn commit~s'.. run things, ~~ge 'l!>wer, howeve~, they ~ncreal~g!y ~ind in vanguard activities, ar~ more s1Ihilar .xcuses and raUonaJizations fOl'~).ust1ce, than they are dillerent, whatever theiJ' ""inhumanity and repression. Man s noble diUering "ideologies. With few exceptions, ~a was flawed by Lenin's pragmatism, they are aggressive, 1adistic and p:>wer·-_mtd shattered by Stalin's b rut a I oriented. ~ickedness, and il could not have been ~therwise. BUT SOCIETY CAN no longer tolerate :.:Politics is nol merely a matter of 6Uch people, of whatever 1>0hhcal com~ :morals, as we are grudgingly beginning plexion, for the realities or the nuclear -urrecognize; it is also a matter of age On which aggression may be equated _.,ditchology . ~1ovements are begun by with race suicide ) demand personalities ~tmse who like to dominate others, an1 Arabs Des·troy Instead of Creating that are conciliatory, self-actualizing, and even a just cause is eventually uadone value-0riented. by the sado--aggressivc personalities who Ever J;iace Plato enunciated the pro--take conimand of it. position that "the only men fit to be "The scrupulous and the just," said given power are those who do not crave Conrad, "the noble, humane and devoted it." lhe human race has been struggling natures; the unselfish and the intelligent with the paradox of leadership and may begin a movement -but jt passes responsibility. The average man does away from them. They are victims, not want to accept. responsibility for not leaders, in the end." Reds Show Nuclear Gain WASHINGTON -\Vith its eighlh nuclear weapops test, Communist China has vaulted back ahead of France on the grim performance chart of the nuclear club. A, flnaJ appraisal of the Chinese test mu1t await detailed analysis of the debris blasted into the atmosphere last month al the Lop Nor testing stalion. Certain impficafiOnS already are clear. however, rrom available information. In disclosing the blast on December 27, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission estimated it.I yield at three megaloM. The AEC announcement said the yield, equivalent to three million tons of TNT, was "about the same as· the siltth Chinese test l\'hich took place on June 17, 1967." NO MENTION was made. in the one paragraph AEC statement, of the seventh C.1tint.te explosion in December 1967. 'nlat test, which generated a TNT equivalent of less than 20 kiloton.". is widely assum· ed to have been a "dud" -an R-bomb in whictt'onJy the atomic trigger actually exploded. With Its announced three megaton yield, there is every rtaSOn to bclieve that the recent Cb.lnese blast was • thennonuelear (ff-bomb) e~losion. That 5\1D!ests a suocessful tes< which puts Peklng back on the road to a hydrogen warhead for Ute mlsailes It is developing. U.S. C!lpertl believe the Chinese ex- plosloo took place. aft('r an airdrop. w.it above .:round. That is also lhc &mplicatk>n of reports from Japan that the bl115t bas produced relatively little radioactive faD-«rt. DEFSND TOE F'RA.NC -In a series ol nucLr tests tut summer. f'rench !iclcnllst& detonated their f I r 8' l UltrnlOlluclear uploeion. T be Chin,.. had done no testing since their reported dud, and there was much satisfaction for France in reaching the H·bomb plateau. Subsequently, however, in the weeks v•hich saw a speculative altack on the stability of the franc, Gen. Charles de Gaulle announced that the French testing program would be halted as a part ol an . austtrity program designed tG protect the currency. So the French are on the sidelines for the present As they ponder the long-range im· plications of the recent Chinese lest. U.S. intelligence experts face a couple of tough questions. The first. of course, is the make-up ol the Chinese nuclear e.xplod\'e: Much can be detennintd, In that regard, from the debris anaJ.ySla. A MORE DIFFlCULT question, debated behlnd-the«ent.S by China ~­ perts. is whether the cultural revo1uUon ol Mao Tse-lung baa deeply disrupted Peking's drive for a nuclear sb'iking !llr<:<. Initially, U.S. experts believed the ae· Uvitiec of the Red Guard had set bark China'a mtssile program but left I~ nucle81' tntrgy program relatively free from di.mtptlve delays. Reports lut sum· mer suggested thf:l the testing progratn had also been affected. Early reports of the n:1ttnl Chine.-;e t,e,t do nol suggtst that delays, if any, have seriously interfered with China's ~lnatomlc~ BJ RHert !. AOen IAd JoU A. GoldJmlth To the Editor : The Middle East has been a trouble spot for at least 20 years and there is little chance that any type or peace will emerge in the near future. The two questions that have been obscured are why is there trouble in that part of the world and just what does the violence mean~ The Israeli nation was set up so that members of Judaism would once again have a homeland. Many of the original settlers immigrated from Europe and they set about with a religious zeal to transform a desert into a veritable paradise. While the Israelis were creating, the Arab leaders continued the age-0ld custom of intrigue so as to maintain absolute control over their regimes. There is a widespread belief that the Arab leaders are jealous of the Israelis and want to appropriate the results or years of hard work. This premise seems reasonable and yet there is very little substance to such a belief. ri10ST, IF NOT ALL, of the Arab leaders who insist that Israel must be destroyed have a life and death control over their respective populations. All of lhe leaders have more than enough money t<1 buy all the wordly pleasures that their appetites dictate. They are revered by the peasants as though they were gods in human form. Their only wish is that the Middle East should remain as it was in their father's time and to this end they are willing 1.0 sacrifice their wealth and the live~ of their people. The paradise that has been created by the Israelis is a threat to the status quo in the Middle East. This small nation is a threat because any Arab can Jook across the border and discover that what was once inhospitable desert has been tn.nsfonned into £trttle farm land. Bg George Dear Goorae: You laz;y bum! You rat! l[ you were man1M you wouldn't h11vr the: eourage to say a 1nan should make b1s wife do &11 the work! FURIOUS Dear Furious : 1 am married. However, 1 wrlt.e under a pen name. (My wife thinks I'm 8 burglar.) - -- Lettera 1rom ~ •re ..,..,_. No""•llV Wl'llen: sl>ould convtY ltlelr mtH~t In JOO word• Dt' ~ T~t rithl to ~-leltrri to flt apea Of' tllm~ n1r.. llbef Is rwterYecl. All ltttera m1.1H l!!Cludt ,11111turt •n<I melll"9 .cldren, but n1rnes m•Y be ..,111tllekl en re<illfll If wff1(1e11t rM!ICOI I• -~"'· HOW LONG do you think it would take the poor and starving peasants to won~r "'"hY they as the chosen people of Allah should suffer while the Jews live in paradise? This possibility is very apparent to the Arab leaders and they have chosen to destroy the paradise ralber than create plenty for their own people. Those of us who have a Christian background believe that one is obligated to forgive one's enemies. The inhabitants of the Middle East reward their friends while dispensing justice to their enemies. These two beliefs are so extremely op- posite that what seems reasonable to an Arab or an Israeli seems in· comprehensible to a Christian. Thus, if one wants to understand the violence that is accruing, one must accept the beliefs of the combatants and rejec\ any conclusions based on Christian beliefs. THE ARAB LEADERS have repeatedly said that they are preparing for another attempt at destroyinj; Israel. However, they have tbe present problem of focusing the eyes of Lheir populations on the goal oI conquest rather than on the poverty conditiions that exist in all Arab nations. The terrorist attacks on Israel ac· complish both of these objectives and at little expense. Since the Israelis believe in dispensing justice their leaders need not justify acts of retribution. Of course, one way of slowing down lhe Arab buildup is to force them to deploy troops to protect potenlial Israeli targets. Thus, for all practical purposes the Sii Day War bas turned into a war that will only end if the Arab leaders decide to become creative or until the Israeli nation and its people are destroyed. HARRY B. McDONALD JR. Home ls a Dangerous P"lace Things a columnist might never know if he didn't open his mail: Home is a dangerous place, probably more dangerous than where you work. Each year 19 million Amencans -106 out of evt:ry 1,000 persons -are hurt in home accidents. Life is getting more leisurely for the average American. One hundred years ago he worked 651h hours a week. Today, \Yorklng only 40~ hours weekly, he earns enough to afford creature comforts that were unavailable to kings in the 19lh century. BAGGY EYES aren't by any means an indication that one bas been imbibing too much or the cup that cheers. Dr. McCarthy DeMere, a Memphis plasUc surgeon, says they are often a congenital oondition caused by weak membrane3 around the eye· socket. Where does poverty begin? Economist Leon Keyserling believes ariy family is deprived if it has an annual IJ'\C'Om4 of less lhan $6,000 and faces actual poverty if its income is under $4,000. During the 1880$ some 100,000 wOOden fndlans stood outside U.S. tobacco shops -about half the actual nu1nt.er of bvc LndlaM at that Lime. THE ACH~ AND pains of age are real, not jwt psycholog1cal. The Nalional c.ni.r for Health Statlsllcs reporta lhal I I five out of si:r persons 65 <lr older have one or more chronic disorders. The most common: Heart disease and arthriUc ailments Quotable nolables: "11 is .taken for granted lhal by lunch time the average man has been JO beaten down by Ufo that be will be:lievr; a~thing." - Christopher Morley. EduC1tion payf cifl: ff you are only an ei&)rth grade gradulte, yeu can expect to earn onty $U7,000 by the Ume you're 85. •CC<ll"dl11i lo the u .s. 8!Jrea• of lhe Census. But a high acbool JP'lduatc will um '341,000 by• .. -1 «me and a college gradu1tc more Jhan '500,000. ll£ALTH TIP : Do lll·fitUng dtntures Irritate ywr mouth and gum lilsue&? If ~. better have them Hied im- mediately. Resu'rch ln Japa.n has disclosed that such dehtures can cause oral canetrs. Television is being used •s 8 crime fighter _in Liverpool, England. City of. ficlals installed telt!vision cameras to help police keep an 0)'1I on llreets In -------- high-crime areas. Celestial sanitation department: Rain ind snow are among our best trash collectors. According to one estimate, they are responsible for cleansing the at· mosphere of 80 percent of its pollutants. WORTH RIDlfEMBERING :. "Inflation, as we understand it, is ~·hen everybody is so rich that no one can afford anything." -----Friday, January 10. 1969 The tditori.(11 JXtg't' Of thf Dailtt Pilot setb to inform and 1£im.. u.lai1 rtlldtrs by prtstntina thti new.rpaptr's optniom and com- nwntary on topics of interest and significonce. by pf'Otriding n -forum lot the expression of our readt'rs' opinions, and by presenting th~ dfoene v£ew- poinU of informed observt'rs and .rpoketmtn on topic• of the cloy . Robert N. Weed. Publisher . • •• - "' Jse ing I• !ad ·er, .or, le<l ing the an .... it! ose th .,. 1ck "'' ind lge em ons nan list ac- and elis !ers '"" to aeli ISCS l a I rah or :>pl~ JR lain ·ash ate, : at~ its. .ion. oOdy ford • v .. ' .. ., • 'f y > ., • BY WIWAM REED ......... In the Wind A young man dropped Into the office this morning 1D tell me all aboul l)l~gal drugs aiul wbY he ·uses them. Hls visit was rather · 1mplanned and allhoogh we talked .for ~ while I did not write down .his name. Perhaps it is just as · 'YJell that I did not record for posterity his identification for the reasOns his words clearly reveal. He began by pointing out that t~ere has been much talk on the ldplc of drugs of .all kinds. He said he would like to · Hdo some painting on the picture of teen.age drµg abuse." : 0 As a high school student I could :tell of the campus drug usage a ·year agl). It's a funny thing that {.larents are just waking up to the ".facts today . * "Drug laws are the root of our problems. To begin w i t b , le~islators have been so stupid as to classify marijuana as a narcotic thereby dressing it up as a monster for the public. "Adu.Its are trying to force laws upon young people that are so stupid that the intelligent teen- agers have to laugh at them. "They can't believe in the drug laws today because they know more about the situation than the most up-to-date state represen· tative. The laws don 't make enough sense to bold back any teen·ager. -*---·- "Adults should be happy to note that the obviously safe drugs are the ones rn ost commonly in use by students, such as rriarijuana. lf parents could realize this, they · might begin to grasp the idea that maybe the young people do kno\V \vhat they're doing and not just messing around with those 'hor· rible narcotics.' "As a young person I am proud of the fact that we have kept our parents behind a cloak of ig· norance. Yet. it also bothers me. If adults continue to remain stupid crur problems with the law will continue indefinitely. "If the-lawmakers would learn all the facts and ,then the parents, \Ve mi~ht have a half-way decent \vorld to live in." * These are only a fe\v comments which the young man wanted me to pass on so t hat grownups couJd lake them "seriously." Valley Slates Juarez In1prove1nent Projects Sewer and water improvement projects In the Juarez Colony section of Fountain Valley are expecled to begin Jan. 15, according to Cily Engineer Wayne Os· bo,,,.. Work in the ?o.1exican-American section had been scheduled 'for December, but "'"'as delayed when the-. federal agency putting up part of the money asked that residents be given a 90-day notice. H1411t Neu,, Airport Grand Jury Asks Curtailing Jets" By TOM BARLE°'" Of -'*"' ..... ., .. Orange Counly'• 1961 Grand Jury 'lbursday urged the Board ol Supuvlsort to hall the upansloo cl Jet pasaenger aervlce al Orange County Airport and take immediate action to ae1ect a site for a new regional county airport. In a spedal report prelaclnc a 14-pqe reswne of its Ye&Mooa: lnvestlgaUooa:, the jury wam11 that conUnued eacalaUcri. al. jet aervice at the county facility will project crisis into clwos. "It could create rapid deterioraUon of property values in one of the most valuable nsldeutia.I areas of the cotmty aod mean a subsequent tu: loa," the airport survey nol<s. "Noise and alr pollCtlon nuisances will caUJe conUnued harassment of taxpayers and coslly damage 1ulta will follow," the report wams. "Locations (of regional alrporls) should tall• In the factor of jet: smoke drift across the couoty, estimated at approximately 1,000 toru: of pollutants per year." And the Grand Jury report, issued by lta foreman D. R Colegrove of Newport Beach warn.s "it is imperative tba\ clear definition be ms.de of the role of the present Orange Coun\y Airport during the next five years or longer. "Is 1t going to be developed for mai:· imwn air IDght use now? Or are limita· tions going to oe established so that realistic, liveable arrangements between public use of airport facilities and use by members of the public of land under and near approach and take off areas can continue?" The jury also urges in two subsequent recommendationa: '"illl: ...,.1y oupmlaora clarll) the ocope cl lnvolvemenC It dWN cl th• alrjJort c:orQmlutcm and the roll of tho director of aviaUon r e 1 • r d t n c tranamlaion of lnformaUon to and -from the airport conunilsloa. ''That eommtmJcaU0111 between the alrporl llld the county's Real Pr<perty Servi«I and Building Service> be better cootdinated. '' TM .report is in marked contrast to the acathlnc coodemnaUon of county functions issued by the 1967 Grand Jury. No mention is made of that earlier report. or the warning issued by the outgoing 1967 panel to the 1961 Jury in the volume released today. Foreman Colegrove does, in fact, go out of his way to laud the supervisors and county olflclals for .. the good aovemment that edits in our COWlty. The supervisors, the county adminlstrative officer and molt department bead.I are doing a good job and can take pride in the resulta of their efforts," Colegrove states. The jury does, however, censure the board for what appears to· be the supervisors' disttgard of a Grand Jury letter issued oo March %2. 196&. '!bat letter recommended that further leases or allocation ol facilities at the Orange County Airport be withheld peD- ding evaluation of the William L. Pereira and Associates report. "It has come to our attention," the report states, ••that administrative decisions have been made allocating ad- ditional operators and operations at the airport since our letter was received. Inquiries by the Grand Jury reveal two carrier.s to be operating without valid lell.Seli, increasing the present congestion at the tmninaL" M M d · In other· reports, the Grand Jury urges rs. urn:v . the expansion, of what it catb . '_'far ---· ---~-----from adequatet' .... mental-heallh-facdi41t11- Funeral Rites HeW Today Memorial services were conducted to- day for long time Huntington Beach resi· denl Norma L. Murdy, wife of retired state Senator John A. Murdy Jr. Mrs. Murdy died Tuesday at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach at the age of 69 after an illness of several weeks. Private burial services were held Thursday at Westminster Memorial Park. Memorial services today were held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach, with the Rev. Charles H. Dierenfield officiating. Mrs. Murdy was a native Californian and a graduate of the University of Washington. She and the former senator, married for 45 years, divided their time between their Huntington Beach home and Sacramento until he retired. For the past several years, they made their home at 3.14 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach. Besides her husband, li.trs. Murdy's survivors include a son, John A. Murdy III of Newport Beach; two daughters, f!trs. George E. Trotter Jr. and-Mrs. Willis Miller, both of Tustin; a si.ster, Mrs. Elizabeth Hilll1 of Los Angeles, and 14 grandchildren. The family has auggesetd that those wishing to do so may mate memorial contribution1 to the Hoag Mernorial Hospital flmd. in the county. "The requirements of adequate care will not be met until the same level of treatment is available for mental health patients that is provided for pa- tients suffering (h>m other major ii· lness," the report warns. This situation exists, the Grand Jury notes, "despite the efforts ol dedicated groups of volunteer workers handicapped by the lack of funds and apathy ol a public not yet educated to the need." ·And, noting that 1,000 juvenile court casu per month involve the U8e of narcotics the jury urges "efforts to in- terest parent. in developing a knowledge and awareness ot the problems." · Tht Grand Jury .end<nes the expo1Ure of juveoile narcotics problems by Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner and Chief Probation Officer Margaret Crier through the NarcoUcs Council meeUngs recently organized by both county of- ficials. Recent suggestions for the creation by the Grand Jury of a public in- fonnaUon committee which might better inform the public of the panel's dellbera· tion.s were quickly rejected by .the 1911 IJ'OUp. "A Grand J\Jl'Y Public lnlonnation Committee could prepare many releases which might be blown up to any size des.Ired by newspaper editors," the jury icily notes. Thll could result .. in much publicity but not necesaarily in the kind of public relatkm that the jury seeks to mliintaln throughout ita term of service," the repcn adds. "1bia panel has perfonned its duties earne1tly," the report says. "Fanfare was not thought to be • necessary ad- junct." Look at Reine~ke Village View Parents Request Family Life Film Reagan Pick Called 'Vote Getter' SACRAMENTO (AP) -Republican Gov. Reagan gains a potential running mate with proven vote-getting appeal in the crucial suburbs by chooslng Rep. Ed Reinecke as lieutenant governor. Reinecke, ts, • Republican, baa won three congressional elecUoos by in- creasingly larger znar&ins in his big Southern California district. despite a slight Democratic reifstration lead. The distrld includet part of the heavily ~uburban and poplilow: San Fernando Valley in the Los Angeles area. And, while they tend to be Democratic in registration, these voters have been jum- ping to the Republican side in recent elections. They backed Reagan for governor tn 1966 and helped de.liver California to Richard M. Nixon in the presidential c.leclion this year. l 'OUNG, ENERGETIC "Young, energetic, a vole geller in the party with a ruture in public life,'' ig how Reagan characteriied Reinecke at a news conference . He announced he was picking the congressman to succeed Republican Lt. Gov. Robert H. Finch, designated to be the new secretary of heallh, welfare and education . Reagan hinted he was considering ruD- ning for a sccood four -year term next ye"a.r, and said his choice was influenced by the help Reinecke might provide Uie tickcl "This was one of the things," said Reagan. As ror his own plans, he said. •·1 have told you before that I would be reluctant to leave a job half finished." Two years later, he dept. to a 44,000. vote victory. This year. be defeated his Democratic opponent by •Im.ost IQO,. 000 votes, a margin of almost J.1, against ~ Democratic registra.tion edge of 41.9 perceol,to 45.t percent. There V8 lff.llJ reglsta'edvotenintbedistrk:t. Under California law, Reh>ecte mmt run in the Republlcaa primary in June 1970 to win a place on the ticket. So does !Wogan. But ff both decide to run, no major figure is lilo!\y to opposa them. Reinecke won't move into the new j-Ob until Finch ls cooflrmed by the U.S. Senate as a Cabinet officer. He said he welcomed the appointment as "an opportunJty to do more for the en.Utt state ol Calllomia" than be could as a representative of a single con- gressional district. BEAD SENATE As lieutenant governor, he will preside over the Sentate and serve on various state boards and commlasion1, Including the Important Univeralty of California Board of Regents and state cotlege board oflrus1eel. Reagan, meanwhile, sakl he will call • special election to nu Relneci:e '• .eat u IOOn u poalble. One Republican auemblyman Pat 'ftfcGee of Van Nuy1, announced hit can- didacy, and another GOP uoemb\yman Newton Ru.sea of Tujunga, Aid be is considerin& the race. So are other pollUcal fllUttl in tbe dJltrlcl. JI me of the auemblymen runa and wins, it could cause pollUcal problems for Reagan in the lower house, now 41 -39 Republican. Pattnts of some students at Village View School in HunUngton Beach have uted ·tbe Ocean View llCbool tn>steea to allow -lbe lbowlng of • -of fJlma .. lmilly Iii• to the students. 'Ibo lelter from 24 parents lndlldloc Mn. Robert llloorbud, pnoldent cl tbe 1Cboo1'1 PrA, wu ...atved b)' the board of. -tllls week. Tnlllea .-dJstrtct admlnistrrton to "'"" • pannll advUol'J eommlltee to review the tllma on family life educa· lloa prior to lbowlng them at a program allended by pmnls and -II . Fllml lisled in tbe aeria loclllde MHuman and A n J m a I BeJlnnldc:a," "Eapectally for Boya," "Boy to Man," and "A Quarter M1lllon Teen-apra." Beach Woman's Oaim.Denied 'Ibo Or""'" Cowo\y Board o I Supmlaora ha denied and referred to County Counld Adrian Kyper a claim fer $$0,0ID In damages Hied wtth the board by i. Voone Canoe of Huntington Beach. The routine action came after the: board received written charres from the woman claiminc ~ county la to blame for u auto accident in which al>e WU hljUred list Aug. 4. -------- frldq, JaMu.ry 10, 1969 s Soccer Can Be Soggg Soccer is an international game played in all kinds of weather, as 10-year~lds or Eastslde Soccer As· soctation, Bellevue, Wash., found out• when· they played scheduled ·game in sea of mud. Jimmy • Realtors Dinner To Be Laugh-in Members of the Huntington V a I I e y Board ol Realtors, their guests and many civlc learlers of West Orange County have been invited to the Jan. 18 in.stallation dinner of the realtors, billed as a "wild and merry laugh.in." The show begins about 7:30 p.m. al \tfe Sberaton-Beach Inn. Robert Mer- riman, manager of a local bank, and Jim Marshall of a title company, will welcome the realtors and their guests to "beautiful downtown H u n t i n g t o n Beach," according to Mrs. George Calk.in, entertainment c o m m i t t e e chairman. • The duo will be the Dan and Dick of the Laugh-In. Don Veitch and Pearl Wheeler, as Bonnie and Clyde, are to be caught cancelling an escrow with machine guns while Joyce Manginelli follows their instructions. Realtor Roger Slates will be Installed as new president of the board and Phillip McNamee u vice president. , Ticket in- formation may be obtained from. the Board 9f RA:altcs's,..M7-'093. Pai1· Pleads 'No Contest' • To Prostitution Charg~~-·- Following the examl?le "s~t wlier by ~.probaill/O' las(inoath oo •Clmrgea tllelr employer, a pall' ot•eorta l'fela, elf nmnlng .a i>toitflillloa' ""'"-· sauila house mas1t1i'tS-facing prosWu· · Ruuell Baifey, ·bulband of th!· flnt ~es eRhnd A1>.eontu' pleas -:ife!Mo:a!Dr:~no:1Jttfe 1n court Wednesday. permit 'to 't:onduct the sauna baslnesl The identical ple&s by the wife of tbe a'rter die September arrests. owner or Elite Sauna, 2626 Newport Based on a recommendation by Police Blvd. and two women who were set Chief Roger E. Neth, councllmen de? for trial in Harbor Dilltri~t Judic~al layed action on the matter until dla:poal· Court Wednesday are techmcal admis· lion of one or all of the court cues. sion of guilt under the law. '1be council denied the pemdt on Mrs. Mieko Pri~eon, 35, ot I7Ul Neth's advice Monday night. thua rore- Ko\edo Lane. Huntington Beach, was ing eventual closUA of the sauna, which fined $150 Wednesday and placed on wu raided by local poll~ and Orange one year's summary probation. Cotlnty Distrfct :Attorney's ~ Mrs. Marilyn Ball, 3Z, of 17'5. La.bra· tors. dor Drive, Costa Mesa, was fined $65 Under California Jaw, the nolo c:on. and also placed on one year's summary tendere, or no amtest plea, is a tectt. probation . nical admi.s.!ilon that original cbarget Mrs. Tetsuko Bailey, 28, of 10%72 Pua were true, bl.it prohibits &QJ Qvil court Drive, Huntingtoo Beach, paid a S150 action against defendants, ksMt'al ·the fine and was placed on a year's sum· initial arrest. , Pick from·the low-priced thr.ee. NIWPORT HACH Chick Iverson, Inc. 2116 N•wporl Blvd. 17141 67l·0900 • • SAN JUAN CAPISTIANO Biii YaifS Inc. 32151 Vall• Rood 1714) 499·2261 lug. eom.. mo llCbt or car•••~ Sf"Cnldoil d it9ftw: wirtchhield ..._.,\ ---~--.... lighla mod ant>thlel-;,g/'lll"-lodi. ~ Options include a auklalalic ......... oodtllding ..... ..,,..f. HUNTlll•TON llACH Herbour Volhw"9"1 11711 IHch loulewaN 17141 142·4-4l5 In h.is first race, in 1964, Reinecke drfeatcrl 8 Vl'leran and well known twn1ocratic assemblyman, Tom Bane, for lht C{)ngressional seat by a 5,000.vote mara:in. Jt would mean a special electlon, and iJ the Democrat.8 won It,, the houle would be split 40~. hurUna Reapn'• chanceo of pushlng UJrouah his prop-am. Mn. Car90n, 17412 Kotedo Lane, said she wa.s driving eouth on Bolsa Chica Road and ran into an iron gate placed acrofl1 lhe roadw-r at Loi Patos Avenue. There were no wa.mtna alps, « ll&hta, lh<clmaocl. ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"-~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I , l ( I ' • . ' ' """"" -.. .., ,.., - Fonner Arkan5as Gov. Orvil I. F•...,. says he will become pre1I· dent of Dogpatch, U.S.A. orl Feb. 1. FaubUJ 1aid be had Wt1n th• post with the cartoon-characttr hillbllly community near Harrison because he thinks developing tour- jst attracUons is the best way to l!elp .Arkansas' ecoDOlllY. He said )le would live there. • --- . ~~C!-~p Secret Questions ' F.or Sirhan Jury LClll ~ (.\!') --q .... IJodl!ll ol ,....,..UYI j1awa In Ibo Slrbon Bilhua Sltlwl tilal will be conducted helllnd doled~. tbedef .... ..,.. Grut B. Cloopar, oae GI -lawym der.adlnc Ibo 14-)'tlN)ld Jonlllllan chll'pd with rnurdlrlna 5oa. Robert r. KOMedy, mulad pl1D1 for Ibo - Saigon Claims Enemy Losses 6 Times Allies' q\ltlllalllne durlq .. lolpromplu ...... conlennce 1llurll!IJ' al Ibo e!ld o1 th• th1nl day ol Sltban'I trlll. Tiie trial WU ln -toc!IJ', Jwy Mlectloo ii ezpoctod to lltart Mooday. Cooper Aid Jlldp Herbert V. Wllktr waota proepectlve Junn "'°'"'amlned lndlvtclullly In Ibo privacy ol his dwnborv In artU "of a .enafUve nature." O>oper deflr.ld u tensl.tive ..ny que~ tioolnl about opinlOOI proepectlve Juror• mlahtluive on Slrbon'a sutli or lnnotooce -"What they may have seen on tolevU!oa or rud In the ... _.. ... But ~ Mid quaetlona allout the death penalty would be liked In open court. lie 1ald the -et qu..Uoalng WU "unprecldlQted Jn thi.I jurildlcUon.'' Sirhan appeited for the nine.minute SAIGON (AP) _ The south Viet· coort 1USion, then retlted to the judge's t 1a1m~ I d chambeh with dtfODJe attom')'• ud .- UPIT ......... namcse rovernmen c "" 0 I Y pro1ecutora to bear private te1tlmony Jtlil07 Viet Cong and NOrth Viettlamese from radio newsmen about publicity in FIRST FAMILY OATHERS FOR PRESIDENT-ELECT'S BIRTHDAY PARTY troopl Wert killed in IMS, nNl'ly 1lx times allied Iossa. the rheas:~indant wu dressed in a new But Nart.b Vletnain called 1168 "the blue-gray IUlt and Ue. He WU IC• bUt year '° far in the Vietnamese companied by two guards. =~~ .. ltruggle again.st U.S. ag· While the judge spoke in opening the The Saigon government put South Viet· session, Sirhan turned in his chair and, lllmed lo&ses last yur at 17,486 killed. eyebrows arched, searched the rear row '[he U.S. Command has not released of the courtroom for his family. official ftgllres for the year, but For the flrtl time since hi1 trial began American battle deaths through Dec. Tuesday, hia mot.her Mary and his ;a were 14,521. brothe.n Adel, 29, and Munir, %1 , all Despite ill clp.im of heavy Iosse.s auf~ were absent. Sirhan appeared disap- fered by the enemy, the 1overnment pointed. Iii 1 yemnd nvtew esUmat.d lntal MOii of the day's proceedinp took LONDON (AP) -President Kenneth , enemy strengUt a,t 300,100 Viet Cong, place In cha*,r u the defena tried Kaunda of 1.ambia today ur(ed a military Proving Utt weatherman'• wind Notth Vietoamtse and po~ .c'.,lCf,r,. _to lhow ~ ' cue wu damqed Invasion of Rhodetia to t~le the white Tricia Nixon, David and Julie Eisenhower, Mr. and Mrs, Nixon Celebrate in Northampton, M111. Zambia Urging Fit for President African Invasion Julie Serves Dad Birthday Dinner Of Rhodesia NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (UPI) -The "!l's a new dish for her. She'1 a Pre!lldent-elect and his lady have nothing good cook," boasted the proud mother. but prai.!le for Julie Nixon Eisenhower's The chicken along with a jellied salad homemaking skills. and a store-bought chocolate birthday. "I'm surprised she learned to cook cake, was served on a~ table.. I ~ nt'"ediction toas right on target. down.-ll clalmed 1511000 North Vlttiamt1e by news stories and similar coverage. rta:ime or Prime Minlatei-Ian Smith. ,. __,_,.:-,,.,.,. had !nfll!rai.d the South lo 1•• Ten radio newsmen and a man who KaWld , _, ___ ,.., the f' 1 town office worur~.-CV71thm---::""~4Umment VUtlfdfff~ .--rvnr-.-prt•ate bro.dc11t l'IWln:ltoring-· 11 'T'~ r~ --U'S Nickola, can hardlu ace her wau ar unofficial U.S. esimates ot m,ooo to servlct were subpoenaed to testify in open appeal at the commonwealth so well," said Richard M. Nixon , as "That's her dining table," erptained ~left the.flower·bed~ed Northampton_ th_e. future First Lady "and we bad apartment where bis eldest daughter ~two eilra tablfS Whfre' sliejust pmt!<l"'·- had just served up a birthday dinner. up chairs." ahe walks in Memphis, Tenn., The 230,000 men. the chambers. Conference for the use of force. brer:u wcu as strong as 20 and 30 The U.S. Command does not publiah Each wu lnttructtd not to di~uu The African leader urged that a "I've had the best foods around the An aide said there were two kinds miltt" ptr hour with gw:U as high as olflclal esttmatu of. enemy streQllh, ~bllcly what was sa.ld -and all followed mllllary invasion now would mean le.ss 60. but rtllable American sources said the inltntctlons. . •L-, bloodshed In the long run. ~ w o r l d and I think Olis is up to any of ice cream -•'red, white, and of them," Nixon said. chocolate." • South Vl&tnamtse estimate wu con-"Boys, I've been given uie warnin&.' Urging the 27 other Commonweallh llderod "hip ." said Htrl> Humphreys, news editor kif' 11>embers lo help the Aftican guerrillas • Mrs. Nixon identified the dish as Nixon admired the apartment. chicken divan -baked with broccoli "It's very nice, very warm, not pref.en· Switf & Co. saved the bacon for Armour & Co. in Pittsburgh. John H•ll, manager of Swift's wholesale division, set up an around·the-- clock watch because of thefts from his plant. He saw a truck pull up at neighboring Armour's an d called pblice who arrested a for· mer B w i f t emr,toye. He wis ' charged with burg ary and receiv· ing stolen goods. In additlon ·to tbote' tilled Jn action, statlan KFWB, Los Angeles. "So hello operaUng in Rhodesia, be told the con-and rice. tious. the SaJcon govemment aaid the enemy and soodbye." fert!nce they were already receiving sup- JOll %1,060 men taktn captive and 1715t7 Befrn the Jury selection begins Mon· port from CommwUBt countries, China * * * '* -ti who defected under the "Open Arms'" day, the defense is e~ to make in particular. program. '1bia ac:cdunted for a total another closed-door attempt before Preddent Hastlnp Banda of Malawi enamy manpoiver lots of :at1t64 last Walker to have the list of prospective araued Hriler that force would no( be Nixon Assembles His Cabinet )'tar, the ,ovenunent said. juror& set aside. practicaJ. He was quoted as saying that • Acapulco Mayor Israel No- gueda is against hair on the Jip as wt<ll a.! cm the stage. Nogue· da, who took office only nine days ago, closed down the hip- pie musical "Ha ir" as obscene, and ha..s n-0w extended the war to traditional Mt:tican Mir. He ordered tht cit11"1 poUcr:mm to shave -0/f thtir mouatcches. Campus Turmo~lSpreads To East Coast Colleges • A 60-year-old woman in Chicago was granted a divorce after she testified in court that her BO-year· old husband was too affectionate. Jn granting the divorce to Mrs. Betty Simons, the judge said, "This is the first time I ever have heard a woman complain in this court of too tnuch affection. The usual complaint is too litUt." • Detroit's Common Council is fed up with having to find out about municipal affairs in Ute morning Free Press and afternoon News. So the coubcil adopted a resolution forcing all city departments to sutr mit information to it before it goes to the news llledia. From Wlrl Service• Student pf'Gtests are dlsruptlnc clasMs at several East Coast colleges In addition to the troubles on CalUornia campuae.s. Queens Collep, one of a half clOJen dtvla!O!ll of the City University of New Yort, prepared to reopen today alter a two-day shuldown that followed the violent takeover of some office• by Negro and Puerto Rican students. A spokesman said, "We really don't know what will happen. We're just hopeful." About 10 percent of the J5,000 l!ludents are nonwhite. Negro students remained In control ol vital centers or two Eutern scllooll: Brandeis University at Waltham, Mau., and Swarthmore Colleae, jurt outside of Philadelphia. Amnesty wu ertendtd •lain today for militant Negro ttudents defylna a court order to \'acate the Brandeis University communicaUOIUI cel\ler. A delegation of the muUnou11 students met with President Morris B. Abram who said he was extending the 9 a.m. amnesty dud.line pending outcome ot tbe meeUng. The meeting went oo undfll" the lhadow of a threat by the Ntgroes to hum down ev~ry bui.liUng on the campus. Approximately 200 students, mostly whitt, marched around the captured communications center in support of the action. The students seiled Ford Hill, which houaes the unl'm'llty switchboard and oU\tlr communlcsUons faclliUes, Wed- ne.91fay afternoon to dramaUze 10 demands for improvement of school con· ditions for members of their race. Mediator Called Over AP Strike Nl:W YORK (Ul'I) -A federal mediator mat today wtth nefOllators for the Auoclated Prus to eqfore possible avenues toward a settlement of the Wire Service Guild strlke aplnst the news service. The mediator. George Byrnes, said he would meet later today with represen- tatives of the striking WSG and would decide after that meeting whether a joint se.a.sion might prove fruitful. The atrtke ••n Thursday. Storm Claims Three Lives Subzero Cold Grips Midwest and Great Lakes Region, c ... "" CJ.ar ti ... aM '4r"* ~ "'"" M ......._ _.... -"'•""• I to u "'"·"· TM•V'• tiltfrl. 16 te U. Y...,.,.Y'• ~illtlt r I 11 t I. ffMI • llltfl ftl ..... W tf & '"" 11111111 "'-"" ~ ._.. .. ,. ... ,.,... .,,... ...,.....,.,.. -S7 .,.. ·-· SMn, M .... , '.l'lb• '1110AY hcorill ~""' ...• 'rn .,,,,.. u StCIOllll "" . •. 711 ....... 1..1 SATUll•AT fllnt 111111 . ''JI •,fll. '·' l"lnt low .. t13t 1.111. I.JI ,_,,, """' .. .. ,1 .. •.111. t.f s-.d i.. • . f;W It"" I.I 111 .. DAY fllrit tllllJ •.••••••.•.•• Ji•., .. J,1 ''"' ... ·····--....... ~ ...... hCIDfld II~ ...... , ..... I ; 1 .. 11'1. ».t hCOl'l4I ltw ............. f : .. Jn. JJ: I .. 1 17 ' . ~ " .... . . .. " " " " " ' 4 !I T~ u • .ot ~ " ' " . ' .... .. .. .. " " ' ,, " .. " " . " ,, U !S ,, .. ,. ·I 1 ,,, ,, .. " n " " " _, ... a " " .. I ti IJ .&1 .., 17 .01 " ' '' 17 " .. .... " . .. ,. ~ " " " " .. .... u &I .11 JI ... .... .. .. jf his capital wu uaed as a base for military action agalnrt Rhodesia lt would he deatroyed. Banda was the only speaker of ·the 21 taking part to bl.ct explicitly the BriUsh plan for a compromlae with RhodeslJ. Other African leaders an said that majority rule for Rboduia's four million Africans must rtmain a Commonwealth goal. NEW YORK (UPI) -President-elect Richard M. Nixon assembled his cabinet today !or meetings with batteries of eJ:pert.s who have been studying the problems they will face after taking ofnce . Members of 22 task forces appointed by Nixon two months ago to develop "rograms for coping with the wide range Of domestic problems are reporting their findings in two days of meetings with cabinet designate.!! and other high·rankinc officials in the Nlxon adminlltraUon. Evelle J. Younger, the district attomty of L o s Angeles and chairman of t h e crime and law enforcement task forct, was scheduled to make the first report in a session with John Mitchell and Robert Finch, who will be attorney general and secretary of health, educa· tion and weliare after Nixon takes office Jan. 2tl. lhlDDS are bappentno al MERCURY SIVllBSI • I • • MERCURY'S In the MIRVl'Y JcMr, • tlll\11tan Clmtf'I wta r'9COfd ,our swine, thm pl11 it back lllltantly tor JOU tQ 111 llld a pro to 1n1lyzi. YeY will b• pl17lns In 8A1n1wlclt'a new "Swid&·AWIJ Pto Qr)lf" unit. that _.. )'OU .. -300 ,_ ... ... 130faal putll To llMlt: J110U on ___ ...... -... ALL MIRUIY -enfoJ Max·lnl't ' FREE Safe Deposit Box (Minimum Balance $2,000) _, .. , lltllncs 1alfld 111 .1111 ... ary lCJlb IOlll f-JIUUllJ 1. •M-wpylflhlod -pol1cy of -"'"-........... ._,.d. si•bo'* -.1niL ' FREE Fremy Maps &.Ill~ .U ICCOUlltl IVllUILE MERCURY SAVINGS -and loan association • EXECUTIYE OFFICES: 7812 Edincer Ave., Huntinr:.: BllCll ' Home C>mca! 8114 Knatt Ave;. Buitna Park 01'£119:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. Mon-Thurs.; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday . I • • lad lay ted iad I rE<I'--- nds llld <D- anc n<y b e ..... port and -ney uca- Jice •. Ca mbodia Downs U.S. Helicopwr LBJ Wants To Extend PHNOM PENH (UPI) - Cambodian chief ol atale Prll>- ce Norodam Slbanouk aat.Uo- day Ctmbodlan anUalrcraft • &ll{ll shot cklwn a U.S. 1'Ucopter earner this week, klllli>g the tllreHnall crew. Sll!onQuk aatd the aircraft was lbot down la the Cam- bodlao province ol Mondolklr~ nine miles inlide Call'lbodlan llrrllol)'. Tbe . death of the three airmen wu the most serious lncldent involving Americans In several yeara. SihanQuk last month released 11 crewmen from sil: months captlvlty after their landing c r a It strayed into Cambodian ter· ritoty on the Mekong ruver. Slhanouk did not idenUfy the three dead men. FridoJ, ~ 10, 1969 OAIL'I' I'll.OT I McCarth_y Mystifies Friends. Again WASHINGTON (UPI) - Once 11aln, Stn. Eu1eiit J. McCarthy bu ~ In i111ystlfylhg hll f,r t e 11d1 , BUrprisln& his enemies and ·leaving evel')'..,. who.bu evu 'known him Jn ·• 111\e ol con- fusion. ·' He quit the Senato Forelp Relations COlnmlltfe 'nlura-- day without notice , preserving a well-earned reputaUbn u the Senate'• most inscrutable man. Senate DemocraUc Leader Mite Mll?l$field, who 13 not given to ei.plelivts and most aert.!nly tlOI to profanity, Wll aailed II be wu parplexed. After I lOlli drllllht OD his pipe, be lll1iled, "I ..,. u hell wu." , That ,..""41 to, llD1l up everyone'• react ion to McCarthy'• declllon to relln- quilh b 11 aeat on the com- mittee to Stll. Gtle McGee (0-Wyo.) McGee aaid be WU "flab. bergasted." He thought be would regalrt hls seat on the committee, wblcb be wu iorc- ed to give up two yean .,o. But not "that WI)'. 'fttert WU mote irony. McCarthy WU . 'Old Wotld Mediterranean Spanish Furniture R-lvod cancoltatlon of $22,000.00 Sp1nlah •nd Medl .. rrenean Fur niture ........ , ...... "' ........ _ hew•_...._ H .... Oii • ..,..., By WILLLUf MANSPU:LD Jtems as follows: Georgeoua 8 it custom L Thls vioe president was H k T c b w • h L ql/ilted sofa with separate loose nlllowa with governor of New York far • • • 0 u a it ove h •• L trim d d 'A"~-A.. . 3 aeven terms. He was: lJllC • eavy..., ecor an m•~·B ~m. a) John Adams; b) Gtorge matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall Cllnion;c) Elbridge 0my decorator, lamps, banging chain awag lamps t . This v.ice president kllled Purd 1,,, 0 ..... 1 week. The pllot. rem.embered. in WtouP,t iron, an 8 piece-ting siie ~ter the Indian chief Tecumteh in 1'.fJAMl (UPI) - A ue i.iqu.i "He made like he wu slck bedroom su,ite in pecan panelled Mediterran-. combat. He was: University student wilh a swlt-Capt. James E. Hord, radioed and went into lhe lavatory ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty a) Andrtw ·Jackson; b) Oar-chblade knife flew to Cuba he was being hijacked at 1:50 arid when he came out, I kibg size mattr~ & box spriDga. Sppnish rett Hobart: c) Richard M. w i th "love" Thursday. p.m. ~e Boeing 727 landtd gaVe him a burp bag and Oeoor ilinin r set. etc. Johnson ' Seventy~ight other persons in Havana at 1:51 and return-then be sat down ne1t to me Whle .....,.. .-....,.... s11aa.oo · He said the area where the 3. Who was the only man aboard an Eastam Air Lines ed. wlth ·a1x crew~~bers and on the jump seat on the rear MUIT SACilFICE .• · ~ ·, '$6. 91 o· 0 WASHINGTON (AP) aircraft was shot down was to resign fr: u ~ vice jet reluctanUy went along for tw~~°!::1~~ 70: ~::::,,u. of the plane," Miss Jernigan f:Ol QNLY .-··--·····,..:..~ ..•... ..:,.. I .• Senate 11-f in or tty Leader continually overflown by U.S. preSJdeney of · ·? the ride. ....PH& 0 ·-said. Alty Piece Can a. PurG,.haed lndl¥hlU111y 10% Surtax? Everett M. Dirksen says helicopters who shot up public a) John C. Calhoun : b) Known only as "Rormie," ed puaengtrs returned on an · "1 hate to tell you lhb,'1 T•rms Avalleble-Newcomen to C1Uf. President Johnson want.I the Thomas Jefferson; c) ltenry the acne-scarred, 21.11Ur-old Eastern Lockheed Electra at h id "b t , · to works trucks and o t b er Wallace 'am! 12 07 toda e sa 1 u we re 10101 Credit Approwd lmmedl1tely Jo percent l'ncome su ....... ex· hiJ'acker of the Mi ·to-: a.m, Y· Cuba." '._ vehicles. To stop this he had ~. The expre11ion "0.K." J tended, but "he would like llod wa• first used to refer to Nassau airliner said ht was Stewardess Joyce Ann "I replied 'Oh no, we're not' ' ,.. ~ _ some company" in recom· anUaircraft batteries inst& • 1 a Communist who "hates the Jenti1an said the hijacker told and thought he was juJt jok· ~ F. ..... " mending it to Congress. he said. a President whose n ckname United States and Eastern Air her he was from Indlanapolh · :. ,· ti, C•r-e was Old Kinderhook. Who was I d d "'"t be t to Purdu 1111• There w e re indications Earlier in lbe day, Sihanouk Lines and love! Russ a ab an 'u.. we.n e "Ob fies, we are," he said ! . Th J hn t be hoped r W. president! Cub " Univmit•. nd Jed ~tobbiade At H b Bl d ursday o son wan a said or a recon· a) U.S. Grant ; b) John Tyler ; • . . a. " a pt1 out a sw1 . ar. OT V • President-elect Nixon to join ciliation with the United States c) Martin Van Buren The man used the knife to "He said he was a Com-seven or eight ioches Jona him in the recommendation and ne ighboring Thailand if s. This President was the pull the third bi jacking of the muniit, and that he loved his which he poked Into my side," 1144 N_ ~ .. d. Costa .Meler .,ty so the issue would not become they would recognize and oldest to hold office. He was: year and the second of an state, and that be loves Russia she said indicating its length . Every ni ht 'til 9 .-Weif., Sat. la Sun. 'tll 6• the political controversy it respect Cambodia's frontiers. a) Harry Truman; b) Dwight ~~E~as~ier;n;A;rr;Lln;·;es~;pl~ane:~in~;•;nd;h;•;l;o•;es;;Cub;•~·"~sh~e =~"~lt~w~a~s~t~emi'~biie •. "•••i=•====~=~==iiiiiiiiji~ was before Congress passed The Cambodian chief of Eisenhower ; c) Ca 1 yin the surtax, at Johnson's re-state, who broke o ff Coolidge quest , last year. diploma tic relations with the ANSWERS The surtax explres June 30. Uruted States seven! years ·pa.nia.i It was originally imposed as a10, said be would like to aq uaqM-p10 s.1eaA OL ·q :~ an antl·inflation mea!\U'e. see bis relatioN improved ·A·N 'lfOOqJipuDf -Houce-Mffior.il.y-L..e-~ dLL . ....wlth....t.be..iwo....nations...S0...~4f!-UJoq.-..'8M._aq. -,:Ul!~"i'l--1-• Ge rald R. Ford, said he as this would n.ot entail gomg ain!1 al{J.., panv:> os1e ·::i ·; understood Johnson w a s again.st his traditional allies. ·teal u! pauj)saJ 1uep prepared to make a st~tement Speaking at the opening of ·JS<iJd tl :>JA s,UOSJ!;)Rf ·a ·c about the surtax in his State a housing project partially ·1uap (lf the Union message . or financed by Communist China, ·JSaJd a:>Jti. s,ua.mg UUA ·;, ·z: buda:et request, aod that Nixon Shihanouk said Cambodia was ·A.ao1syq Ut would then issue a statement seeking "new. friends" while auo.<ue Ullt{l Ji!UOI JfJOA itiaN or his: own. not denying it.s "traditional JO JOt1RAol S'llM \lliPJRJd House Majority Leader Carl friends." ~IA puo~s s1UOiJiJJ•r ·q ·1 AJbert said, however, the White House had received no word from Nixoa Thursday afternoon. Dirksen told n e w s m e n Thursday that Johnson has drawn up a tentative hudaet or $195 billion for the fiscal year starting July 1, an in· 2 Thunderbird Jets Crash; 1 Pilot Killed crease of $10.S billion over LAS VEGAS , Nev. (UPI) t:urtent federal spendlng. _ Two Sllper Sabre pets of plummeted to the de6ert. T h e Air Force said there was no evidence · that Capt. Jack Thurman, 31, Waco, Tex., tried to eject before his Fll>OD hit the ground about Ml miles north of here. But the Illinois Republican the Air Force Thunderbirds &aid the $195 billion was a acrobatic t e a m collided in 11base figure" which could be flig!lt during p r a c t i c e changed, de p ending on maneuvers Thursday. 0 n e whether Johnson decides in pilot was kill ed when his plane favor or recommending the ====================~! aurtax extension. 1, Officer, Bar Owner Slain By Bandits DETROIT (AP) -An orf- duty Detroit policeman, who diaregarded his wire's plea that he not reach for his service re volver to break up a bar holdup, was shot to death early today. The bar owner also was killed . Patrolman Stanley Rapaskl, JS, and the bar owner, Casimir A. Ctarwtnskf, were struck by at least 11 bullets, police said . A bar custllmer, Frank Piatrowski was beaten about the head by the bandit3 and was hospitalized. Homicide detectives said the patrolman's wile and mother of hi s five children was having a quiet dri nk with her husband when two bandit.a, who had posed as customers for a few minutes, drew out pistols and announced a holdup. The policeman, who was aeated at a table, made a move toward! bla revolver and one of the bandits &aw h1m and uked whit he was doiq. When the patrolman replied, "I have a lot of money," the bandJt took his wallet but falled to notice the gun tucked tn the officer's w&lstband. Momenta later, R a pa s k i reached for his gun and the shooUng erupted. The two gunmen fled . SOUTH SW TROPICAL FISH Largeat Selection ol Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area.. " ... ....-.. 111 W. WIUOM, COl'fA Mis.\ loft "•lrvltw ll•., Jolt.1'N1 117-G, ll~r.lde Dr. -"'""""°"' IHdl llllfllM lflf '"'91 ortk•I ..UW SHARP If y•11'r1 1 1h• .. tr1ll1r, 111• t~I DAILY ,!LOT'S fllfl••• Dll'll•·A·l i11• cl11&1ft1J 141 S1tsrcl1yt, M1k• I !..tt1r .!111 . . • wh1th1r y111'r1 h.11yl119 .,. .. 111 .... It'' at 7891 Tolb ert Avenue. The Auto Club's new "co1tle" in Hunllngton Beech. f ully slolfed. And fully equipped. Slorling Meneley, Jonuory 6, provi ding mew• then 700 services lo Avto Club members and the commonity. Everytt\lng from weekend vocation lo worldwide travel planning. Everything to help you ge t out end follow ell the fun 1hof$ going or:i in Southern Cdlifornio end beyond. Stop by ond let Ed Sull!von, the new monoger, s~ you aroun d the Auto Club's new "castle" in Huntington B1K1ch. ~ THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ntt Tolbo-•I A-. .. H""''~'O" hadl. C.SH., ,.,_, IQ.7711 We've built a new off ice in ~ Huntington ·\ Beach ··-·.. . -· . _...;:...,. ... ·~,;' ··&. .. ..-. '· -· A (;cod Friend of lh• Fomil)" for Sltty.f1oht Yaon. $2.3940•llelll' Ala• 111 Cl.Ck ! : ...... '; $168 t l nt•h. Accurat•, ......... 7f Cott1c t1 dull ............ ""1'· lV.-.1t. Choice nt cotori. JJMric&'• ,.,... cirlt. . pl&Y1ft&' cardl,JlufffV• erai d eck •,'~ l!r!dp, -,or P!D°"'"' ........... , ...... ...... 97c ............. ....... ~ . I ll t r 1ti.ct1on ' Of' colored: Cft)'OU all tlM cJilldr.n 1 0 y. ~for eolor las 'book s, ldM>ol WOl't. 1 37•Malforr ...... ,. .. ~ ••c•• •''D'' Siie .• Alwayil tre11h, ·~alw ~~I de• pudlh ·.ba.t- 't.•r l•• ;t'ro in. thl1 t •lhoUa ' manufacturer . •5•r8ft ...... •••• l .. CIQ ! =.:-~1 . \ PIWil .. .--. 14c l ... -.. --~ aiJ4 <Ire ,_,. • llddro .. _ ,,._,..,.... . .... ~ . ) ' s •••• 11• . ~ .. el ...... ........... .1r ' t1:19 ·Woolfte t1~' Playtex Dlsposalple Baby-Botti .. ii ·' ' ---' - I DAD.Y PJ;LOT 'EDtTORIAL PAGE I • • A Deadly Dead E.nd Almost aioce Edln1er Avtllue in Huntillgton Beach wu extended to the county Sllllllet Aquatic Park, there bu bMn tittle doubt that someday a major accide!lt wo\lldoc<ur. II did happen on Tuesday. Robert Eslick ol Long S.,ch was killed at the end of Edinger Avenue at tho part. Unless immediate SlePI are taktll to correct the sign problems on this l>lghway there will be more deaths. The road to the park -and to death for unknowing drivers -b e g I n s really at MO!lterey Lane where a 1mall .sign points an arrow straight west to S u n s e t Aquatic Park. There is no indication that the road dead ends into Sunset Way. There is no indication that very near the end of the road the speed limit changes from the un· posted, and therefore 65 miles per hour speed llrnit, to 25 mph in the space of 200 steps. Driving west on the road at the legal limit for what appears to be open· highway the driver goes west for about two miles. In the distance he can see the neo.v high level bridge on Coast Highway at Seal Beach, leav· ing the impression that the road goes through to the coast. Even new maps show Edinger going through. It doesn't. Just about 225 steps from the spot where this driver died the road ris .. suddenly at the bridge over the flood control channel. A long row of nice new gray Southern California Edison Co. poles lead on le> infinity. . : . . ,Just at the end of the channel bridge the emergency aituation begins. At 65 to 70 miles per hour the driver has abOtit two to five seconds to ·do .what the traffic aign·s now order. At abou.t 225 paces from where the death occurred Tuesday there is a ·aign announcing that the speed limit Is now 25 mpb. At about 175 paces from the point or death there is a larger sign announcing that one is about to enter the park. At 115 'paces from the death point there is a black arrow pointing to the Jeft toward Sunset Way. Less lhan ' Paradox of +--· ~adosbip,_ Responsibility Dear __ Gloomy_:_ Gus: I \ . I I lt ls 1 melancholy fact or history that revolutions take on the color of the regimes they overthrow. The French and Ruasian revolutiom are nearly perfect examples of this: Oppression was not ellminated, it merely passed into different hands. The new movemen\3 ol revolt in American IDdety seem not to,undersland that a culture can be changed only in an cvolutimary way; if we get a complete boalevenment, then there is merely a tranafer of power, not a sharing or power. t1le real problem of power is that of authoritarian perSonalities, who tend to rise in any system, left, right. or center. The men who get into office, form committees, run things, engage In vanguard activities, au more similar than they att diHerent, whatever their differing ideologies. With few exceptions, tbef are aggressive, sadistic and power- om.t.d. Btrr SOClETY CAN no longer tolerate such people, of whatever -politicaJ com· pluion, for the realities of the nuclear age (in which aggression may be equated \\itb race suicide) demand pttsonalities that art contiliatory, self-actualizing, and value.oriented.. Ever since Plato enunciated the pro- position that "the only men fit to be given power are those. who do not crave it," the human race has been struggling with the paradox of leadership and responsibility. The average man does not want to accept responsibility for I wish the whiners and grtpeu everywhere would take to heart that 'llpborism in the Huntington Beach Union High School District's .. Notes and Quotes:" "A good place to find a heiping hand is at Lfle end or your ann." -F. M. F. fll11 ... ,...,. ,,,IKtl ,....,,.. ¥1-... -sto"llY !MM ~ tM ~Mr, s..t4I '"' "9 "'" " '*-' Oft. D•llY '""' decisions in the public area; and thole who d• want. lhe responsibility usuaDy want it for ttUJns that are inimicable to the long-range welfare of society. THE PROBLEM OF the authoritarian personality cuts across the whole spec- trum of political beliefs. Leaders· out of power are a1ways for "justice,'' for "humaneneu," for ''liberty," and all such virtuous abstractions; once in power, however, they increasingly find excuses and ratiooaliiations for injustice, inhumanity and repression. Man's noble idea was flawed by IA:nin's pragmatism, and shattered by Stalin's brutal wickedness, and il could not have beeu otherwise. Politics is not merely 1 matter of morals, u we are grudgingly beginning &o recognize; it is also a matter of ~chology . Movements are begun by tbOse who like to dominate other•, and everi a just cause is eventually undone by the sado-aggressive personalities who take command of it. "The scrupulous and the just," said Conrad, "the noble, humane and devoted natures; the unselfish and the inteUigent may begin a movement -but it passes away from them. They are victims, not leaders, ln the end.'' Reds Show Nuclear Gain WASHINGTON -With il.8 eightlt nuclear weapons test, C:Ommunist China hu vaulted back ahead ol France on the grim performance chart of the nuclear club. A f~ apprais.al ot the Chlneae te:tt mu.st await detailed analygi& ot the debris blasted ioto the atmosphere last month at the Lop Nor testing station. Certain implications already are clear, however, from available information. In disclosing the blast on December 27, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ~ated ill yield a1 three megatoM. The AEC' announcement Did the yield, equivalent to three million tons of TNT. waa "about the same as the ailth Chinese tell which toot place on June 17. 1967." NO MEN"nON was made. I" tile one parqnpb AEC atatement, of the 8eventb an-uplooioo in December 11&7. 'Ibal test, whldt generated a TNT equivalent of leas than 30 kilotons, is widely assunr ed to have been • "dud" -an rt-bomb In wtUcb onl1 the atomic: trigger actually eJPlodod. Wltb its announced three mtgaton y ... , there ii ~ery ttQOn to believe that the rettnt Chtnese blast wa1 • thmnonuclear (II-bomb) explosion. That suggnt.s a IUCCelsful test which puts Ptkins bqicl: on the road to 11 hydro3e.n warhead for lbe rnlMtlts II is developing, U.S. uperta btllevt the Otine!e et· y,IOlion took place. aft.er an airdrop, well above ~-Th:1t is also the tmplJcaUon al ~ from Japan that the blMt hU pr'oduced relatlvtly little ralfiOlctiVt faD-oat. DEFEND TIO: FRANC -In a ~ of nuclear test& last tum mer, French IC'~tbtl detonated their f i r 1 t thormonocteor esplo&lon. T b< Chlnae had done no testing since their reported dud, and there was much satisfaction for France in reaching the H-bomb plateau. Subsequently, howtver, In the weeks which uw a speculative attack on the stability of the !ranc, Gen. Charles de GauUe announced that the French testing program would be halted as a part ol an ,austerity program designed to protect the currency. So the French are on the sidelints for the prt~rrt.. As they ponder the long-range inr plicatlons of the recent Chinese test. U.S. intelligence experts face a couple of tough questions. The first. of courst. is the maktHJp ol the Chinese nuclear ~tve. Muth Can be determined, in lllat regard, ln>m the debrlo analyalJ. . A MORE DIFFICULT question . debited behind<llMCenes by China ex- pert!. is whether the cultural rttOlullon of' Mao Tie-tung has deeply dilrupted Peiifl&'s drive ror a nuclear striking lon:e. Initially, U.S. etperts believed the ac- tlv!Ues of tile Red Guard had set back Chlna'I miallle program but ltfl iL'> nuclear energy Protfl.m ffiaUvely frte from dlJruptlve del«yt. fteportl last """'' mer 8\l(g<oted that the tming program had alto been Jllectcd. Early reports of UJf recent Chinese te.st do not suut&t that de1'.ya. If any , ba\'e seriously Interfered wfth OlJna 'a prGtrtA In atomic deve1oprMnt. By!IHmS.AD .. ... Job A. Golcbmltll I a second away there was a barrier, a couple .ot warning .reflectors and another black arrow, ' They stand today twisted and broken, but~ more warning than there is on the road for the two ·miles it takes to get to the park. · Just beyond the b'roken signs there is a scarred pole, sHghUy jarred from its position and standing amid disturbed earth and nearby dirt discolored with the blood of a driver who probably felt that if there -bad been danger ahead the street would have been marked. Let'' have the proper warning signs put up on this road before ano'ther unsuspecting driver dies. Bill Woods Takes Ovel' Taking over the presidency of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce for the 1969-70 year is C. E. "Bill" Woods, of Signal Oil and Gas Co. Woods comes to the presidency from sel'vice as first vice president and veteran of many committee assignments which have helped both city and chamber. Serving with Woods will be Bill Carlson, an attor- ney, president of the Community Chest and Jong-time director of the chamber as first vice president; Pete Horton of the McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Corp. as second vice president; and Bill Peterson, Bank of Amer· ica, Five Points, as treasurer. Ther tak.e the helm of . a chamber struggling with e~nonu~ health, but with big plans for the future which will cootmue leadership of this important segment of <.'Ol'llmunity life. . WoOds succeeds Howard "Bud" Matheny, who has guided the chamber effectively through one of its most financially critical years. He leaves the chamber stronger than it was a year ago. Congratulations to Woods and his officers and may they carry the chamber through 1969 with the same style which has marked 1968. (5) PRESl~ENT'S SALARY l>OUBLEt> ) (Na.o• l"_~~ To Pronaote Living Life to Its Fullest • • • By GEORGE R. HOFF, Ph.D. Much of the writing in psychology today -or yesterday, for that matter -implies that . psychological defensivenes1 is a major obstacle to menial and emotional h e a I t b • Defensiveness, so defined, means "Any psychological instrumentality by whictt a person automatically protects himself against unpleasantness, shame, anxiety or l<m of sell-esteem; it is usually (if not always) acquired unintentionally, and the person is unaware of its operation." Therefore, one of the major gQais of psychotherapy is to help people ~1- off various layers of psychological armOr ind deal with the vicissitudes in life in a nonl:lefensive and open fashion. TRIS IS A NOBLE goal, because most people don't give themselves credit for being able to cope without unconscious and uncontrollable Jerense mechanisms. But, perhaps the pendulum ttas swung so far in the other dirtclion Utat non· defensiveness is being coWUM!d with an- tidefensiveness. For example, the statement, "You're being defeosive" implying that defensive- ness is a "no-no." Members ol what may be temled the "Antidefens_ive Cult" insist that a healthy person goes through life completely defenseless. Transparency is a badge of honor, Honesty, aathenticity, ope.nnea.s, vulnerability, etc., are goals to, be pursued by those who hope to arrive at the idtal state of self·&C· tualization. ~fany who think they are there act "bealtbler than thou." 1'11ERE CAN BE definite status In being defenseless. People admire some- one who doesn't have to hide behind a barricade of rationalizations, excuses, projectionl, rtpressions, reaction forma- tions, and auch.. But could antidefensiveness be a defense? Is it possibli;: that someone who prides himself on being completely defenseless -''Here I am in all my vulnerable glory " -may be insulating himself from mixing it up on a person-to- person basis?· How do you handle a person who ·throws himself on your mercy? Gently! RF.SEARCH ON children has sbawn that one of the primary developmental tasks at each stage of growth is to maintain and facilitate personal integrity in the face of environmental demands. Unless a· child eata~ . increasingly sophisticated psychological defenses, he remains a "babe in the woods" whose repertory of responses is in3dequate and rather pitiful compare.d:with the complex milieu in which he is functionlng. Therefore, the primary issue in ques- tion is not "to have or to have not" defenses but, rather, which ones really help ont be oneself? SECONDARILY, when are they •J>' propriate and when are they not? Wentworth Dillon stated it mo r c poetically, in his ''Essay on Translated Verse," when he cautioned, Immodest words admit of no defense For want of decency is want of sense. The fact is that everybody will use defenses . as a buffer against cascading reality or musltrooming i m p u I s es, because nobody is fully equipped to lead an emotionally naked !Jfe. Moreover, the longer we wear our defensive armor. the more difficult it is to suddenly shed it and staunchly stand there, exposing pink and tender emotional skin. IT WOULD APPEAR, then, that the sane thing to do is to conduct an inventory of those detenses which pro- mote or detract from living life to its fullest. The promoters woukl be those allowing maximwn contact w i t ti minimum hurt while the detractors are the ones which create hurt through lack of contact. Ultimately, the best de[ense against threatening environmental, social and emotional forces is a thorough knowledge of oneself and one's world . He Has Formula for Racial Equality To the Editor: I have an idea · about solving the color coexistence problem in the U.S., not in the world. Not the religious dif- ferences, but simply the racial problems here. The other more worldly problems may be solved after we solve this relatively simpler problem. LET'S CONSIDER that there have been all sorts of groups who liave worked on this, to name a few recent ones : ''The American Friends Service Committee Community Service Projects in Urban Affairs" that worked all last summer in Minneapolis to little avail: "Project Bridge" working in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio ; "AMEN" (All Men are Equal Now) that was scrapped because of lack ol community en- thusiasm: "11le Project" run in SL Louis by C&rleton College students; "The Unin- vited Company" a play to inform and inquire about the racial problem in Rn attempt to action-orient people. None of these produced a simple solution. CONFUSION, FEAR and passivity describe most of our reactions to lhl~ problem. Reversing thest words lo ac- tion, trust and understanding sounds too easy to be done but it can. There is the formula: One white and one bf"()';\'fl plus action (catalyst) should produce racial equality. That is, if one whit.I! person took it upon himself to REALLY help one brown person. actively, that brown per$Of1 would beneCit Md improve. Let's tske an extreme example : YOU CAIL mE minister of a nearby church and ask the name 0£ one Negro or Mexican m•n to help. He assigns you Lo Joe Doaks, a parolee. Joe calls you and a!ikl: for help in finding 11 job. You -~ you -help this man rind a job and you don't give up until he obtains a job, You become hls "''hilt B11 George Dear Geor1e: You Lazy bum ! You r11t! If you wett married you wouldn't have tht: courage to say a man abould make hi. wire do an the work ! FURIOUS Dear Furious: I am married . Howrvt:r, r write under a ~ name. l ftiy wlfe thinkl I'm a bUrglar.) I Letren trom fl«I~ 1r1 wnc:onie. Norm•llY wrlltrt o.r.ould _, ... ,, fMI• mes'"' In XIO l"Of'd1 .,. llu.. Th• right 1111 tonOenH letten lo ffl SPl(I M' 1Hm~ nat• llbel Is resel"\led. All letftl'I must Include 11vn11u'1! •nd m11111111 l<ldr111, bvl name m.aY "" wllflhllll Ofl r"""1 If 1M1tfl(leonl reuon ii -rMI. brother (if that's what you'd like to be called) and he gains the confidence that comes with a new friend and the exit of loneliness. SHOULD THERE be a name for this action'! Probably not, because it is easy 10 ridicule a name whereas il takes time to kill an idea that has lo be explained. Will you take a personal assignment'! , GEORGE ALIEP PoHee Test 'Flaco' To the F..dltor: On January I about SO men of the Huntington Beach Police Department were given the test for &ergeant. The test was given in a room measur· ing 30 feet x 30 feet. In this room were two tables and some assorted chairs. There were about 10 men to eactt table and the rest took the ex- amination sitting on folding ch&Jrs. Here are meri who work dt.y and night, find time to go. to college, study changing laws daily, •·try" to find time for their families _ and v.·hen the "Big Test" they have been waiting for <1rrives. they decide to hold it in a "phone boo tit." GOD KNOWS HOW many high schools we have that hold hundreds of children in their lunch ltalls, yet no one could find the appropriate place for this ex· amination . I feel that this ex.am should be void before any results are returned and the exam be given over again in a place suitable for 50 men or so. It's a shame that these men sltould be put through such a fiasco. I wonder wha t they would have to say about it.? NAME WITHHELD Home ls a Dangerous Place Things a columnist might never know if he didn't open his mail : Home Is a dangerou.'I plaa:, probably more dangerous than wbert you work. Eacb year 19 million Americans -106 out ol. every 1,000 persons -are hurt in home acciden\3. Life is getting more leisurely for the average American. One hundred ytars ago he worked 65"2 hour• a week:. Today, working onty 40\\ houn weekly, he eal'Tll! eoough to afford creature comfom that were unavailable to kings in the 19th century. BAGGY EYES aren't by any means an indication tltat one has been imbibing loo much of the cup that cbeera. Dr • McCuthy DeMere, a Memphis plutte surgeon, A.ys they are often a congenital conditioo caused by weak membranes around the eye socket. Where doe1 poverty begin'! F.conom.ilt Leon Keyserllng believes any famUy is deprived if II has an annual income of less than $6,000 and !aces actual poverty if its income l.! under $4,000. Ourina the IBb: some 100,000 wooden tndlanl stood outside U.S. tobacco shops -about h11lf the actual number of live Indians at that Ume. TllE ACllE.'i AND pain! nf age &re real, not just psychological. The National Center for Health Statlstica reports that live ou4 of six persona es or older have one or more chronic diaorden. The most common: Hurt diaease and arthritic ailments Quotable notables: "It is taken for granted that by luocb time the averaa;e man ha.a been to beaten down by life that he wth ~ve IJO'tblnl.'' - Christopher Morley. Education peys off : If you m only •n eighth grade. graduate, you nn expect to earn only '217,000 by the Ume you',. 65, accordlng to the U.S. Bottau ol lhe Cemus. But a htp IChool graduate will earn $M1 ,OllO by rellremenl thne and a college graduate mon than ISOO,tm REALm TIPo Do Ill-filling dentur" Irritate your mouth and sum ti81ues? If .,, better hove them flud Im- mediately. RU<ll'Ch in Japan has dllclosed that lllCh dentures CM cause oral cancen. Televl&km is beln& dMd as • crime r\ghter in Uverpool. England. City of- ficials inst.Alltd televtslOll earner.As to belp police keep an tyc on slreeL'> in high-crime areaa. Celestial sanitation department : !lain and snow are among our best trash coUedorS. Accordin& to one e:titlmate. they are responsible for cleansing the at· mosphere of 80 percent of tt.s pollutants. What makes life unbearable? Poverty, iU health and age are three key factors. They are blamed for the fact tltal men over 55 are almost four times as likely to commit suicide as younger men. WORTII REMErl18ERING : "lnOation. as we understand it, is when everybody is so rich that no one can afford an~hing."' --·--Friday, January IO, 1969 TM ~itorial pagt Of ihe Dailp PUo& ltekt to inform and 1tim- ula.k readers by presenting Olia nuirpapt:r '• optnion.~ a11d com- m.mfmll on topici of tnttre1t and l'ionificanct. bp providing a forum for the tzprtssion of our readers' opinions, and bt1 prt•niting the diverse vitw- pointi of informed observeri and IJ>Qktsmtn on topics of th. day. Robert N. Weed, Publlshe.r I I I I ;:::;:;:;:s;:;=.:=1-iiliij;;;:;;::::::.....:.=--------------------------· ---- -t ,.....,. 10, 1'69 DAll.Y l'l1AT T -CHECKING ~UP• Reinecke f.Jlasts .· GOP Gets Finance Control ' •\ ' . I ' Prof.es~ ,/ ~. Burns Says Committee Power Shift Patt of Deal SACllAMElml (AP) -'Ille veteran DemocraUc clllef ol ly. Dtmocrat from ll Siu. llln-Job u Traul*Uf!m Cem- He llld be. ~ -re-dolph C o 111 e r , Yreo mlttee cbalrman -where be elecUoo u Democratic floor Democr1t. ls teheduled to tamed tbe nJeWme "fa&btr luder dllr1nf a uuciia Tue>-~· o v e r chalrmamhlp. of Cilllornla 111&lnra"" -Md day and lead a rtnewed eflott Collier now II a rtnan<e ~ that job II expected to eo on behalf of you n I er mlllee member. to Seo. Alu Sbort, (I). BIJRllANK (li PI) the Sta.. Sonata, already Ca!Uomla'• fl!" lilutenant widar heavy crltlcllm &ol!I 10...,.;r .,_ ll<'ll •"tia*e no younpt Democra!I, dlli:lolOil Australi~s Hay~ ' . ' . Biggest Babies • flllarlerJ" wlih ClmPll* trouble Tburaday Republl""' are due njabrs • to gain conttol , ol the key · DomocraUc .... ton to inject He will live up his l-1Wd Stocl!lon.) "a dtlf .. ol parlllllllblp" ln-rF==;;=======;;;=======:; to operation ol the ~e. . "You hear a lot :ot lhlpge Beno,. F!Jiance Commit,.. about people tbtre (in cinr tb1s legial1Uve aealon. · pfl) to start majdJi troublt' Senate Praldent pre tern !qr the sake al m¥i!il iroo· Hup M. Burna, (D-Frtlno), By L. M. BOYD "MEN ANJ> WOMEN In ble," Rep. Ed Reble<!U; ·(a. N R ' aJs aald the Rulea Committee is AM l NF 0 RM£ D a l'l\alT7tnl, mike a vow to 'love l\tjunga), said on his arrival 0 epns ezpected to give the GOP H Pannsylvania dairyman p<lnta one anOlher, "· Wn>" Stan!ilaWI IJi Burba!lt from Waibln,stoD control pl llnance wbon the "COW" In red lettera two feet 1.wcyttlli. "but woold ·II not 'Qlursday. "I will bpe no In Roosevelt --are recoostituted high -On· both aides of' each ·be btJitu for their .ti.a~ qiiuter with those "'1<> are nut week. Democrats held cow in his h!rd at the st.rt iJ ,lbey. made a, vow to pl~· there to maie troutile." an U ed&e lut seuion, a of every hunting season. on:e another/• Reinecke takes over u Walkout margin nllT'OWed to '1.S by GJ.ltU. C~ MURIEL RESEAllClfERS SAY It is! l~utenanl governor as soon the death of Chairman George are thought to be I es 1 ilow krioWt1' a swordfish can · L Go Miller Jr. on New Year's Day. passionate in Jove than ln tra,vet· twice as fut u a » t. v. Robert Finch ls LOS ANGELES (UPI) Burns u1d the ahlft in con-. confirmed as secretarY ol war, theori.!es our Name •_ ka:ngatOQ. ·Isn't that won--htalth, education and Yrelfare The acting superintendent of trot was part ol an ar~ Game man. Hard to belle~.· derful! · &elieve they found in the Nixon administration Los Angeles schools says rangement with S en a t e If the gentlemen friends of that ou~ on a government by ... _ U 8 •---•· students ... valved In 1 w·••···t Republlctns lut year that any Murlels can cooflrrn UWs grant. "·IF THEY WANT TO "'"'" · • ~. -.t&UU kept Bumi in hil pelt as. peculiar theory, please submit improve the cooditlorui in our "We have to separate thote at Roosevelt High School will president pro tern even though data promptly. pr i 1 ~n a,'' writes an who have an honest difference not be prosecuted a.s long as the makeup of the Senate was In confidence. of course. O~an .. 11they're going to and bones& dissent from thOR cla.su! remain undisturbed. spilt 2Q..30 R e p u b I I c a n - He uld there b a Q "overempl>aa!I on ..,Uority without recarcl to abWty." The same group backing Moaoone failed m· an attempt Monday to force a vote on re-election of Burna u prea:.l- dent pro tem. Burns conUnued in power because of a little- noUced 1968 rule challie which · continued the Senate's officers ln pcwer without a new vote unless someone is able to muster the votes needed to unaeat them. eum.. aald the chan(e In the Flnlnti! Comrn!tt.ee wW force the bumping of one NEXT TWE YOU hear a have to iltart sending a better ~t can be solved by normal An estimated 200 students Democratic. The GOP had a cricket chirp, you ma,. an-class of people to jail." anevance procedures from refused to altend ,classes polentl&l tie-breaking vote in Russ Supersonic nounced aloud, '"M1at cricket IN NEW GUINEA the·: those who are out there to Wednesday, proteetlng an Republlcan Lt. G<iv. Robert ls alone." The noise is a Pigeon Eng UM for ~I is in~e trOuble for the whGle alleged insult to a Mexican-H. Finch if an election vote mating call. Crickets 'doo't "hat belong bo\lle.'; That In· ed~caUon •ystem," Reinecke American gld by• Cauca.olan had deadlocked :zo.10. In 2nd Flight chirp when they're together. formation comes in from a. Hid. instructor· But Burns added, in reveal- WHAT'S THE LONGEST -MinneapoliJ man named ' Most were of Me1'can-Ing the plaMed move to a MOSCOW (AP) -The name in the Bible and .where ¥:Dold St PauL For tbe mo: American origin, and were rtporter. "It was no cold-Soviet Un Ion• 1 TUlM is iL therein? That's another ment let's pau over the . Son tO Run supported by their parenli. blooded deal." supersonic jetliDer made its one of those que1Uons that curiosity. of a man named St, A smaller number ii believed Almost at the aame time, well-intentioned clients submit Paul living in Minneapolis. to have left classes Thursday. Democratic sen. o e 0 r g e second f 1 i I ht Wednelday, to the wrOng man. Mister, Never made it to New Guinea Fot• Millei·'s The school has an enrollment Moacone of San Francisco an-climbing, banking and diving I just don't know. personally, but have beard the of 3,300. nounced a r.hlllenge of the as So v 1 et correspondents CUSTOMER INQUIRES, -Pigeon English there for The walkout at Roosevelt Senate's long-time traditional observed from another "What people have the flashlight is "shoot lamp,'' for S S is backed by a parent-teacher bl·partiaan leadership, based alrcraft, the new 1 paper i;mallest babies?'' The Chine5e piano is "big feller bo.1, you en ate ea l group called the Educational strongly on seniorlty and Komsomolskaya Pravda do. At birth the boys there fight him, he cry," and for lssUts Coordinating Council. frJendlhlpa regardlw of par· reported loday. "' average 6 pounds 13 ouncts, shower bath is "putUm top SACRAMENTO (AP) -Thef-jftiiiii!!!!333!!!!!!!§!i!!!!i!!~~H~~~i!i8!~!§!!!~iiijiiiiij~- the girls 6 pouods 9 ounces. wuh wash." Y name of George Miller Ill AS to the biggest babies, the our qutstiom and com· AUltralians have thole. There, menu are welcomed and emerged Thunday u a prime . boys average 8 pounds. girla will be wed 10h1rtHr poi· J>Of$Si~llity as a· DemocraUc 7 pounds 10 ounces. In the .!ible in "Checking Up." candidate to replace his -United States, as -you. may Address. mciL-to -L. M. fa~er, _a s!-&te s~nator for know, boys average 7 J>()Unds Boyd, in care of the DAILY 22 years who dfed NeW Years 8 ounces, girls 7 poundls 4 PILOT, Box 1815, Newport Day. ounces. Beach, Calif., 92663 Young Miller's name was Fish Dealer Loses Fight to Sell Piranhas promoted by Assemblyman John T. Kno.1 (0-Rlchmond), when Kno.1 told a news con- ference that be will not seek the Senate stat ln a special elecUon t.o be called by Gov. Reagan. Other sources in- dicated Miller probably wouJd announce his candidacy soon. LONG BEACH (UPI) -The Cali!ornia water life. He main-Kno:r said Miller, a 23-year- two killers ate their usual tained piranhu: can n 0 t old liceru1ed real estate agent hearty meal Thursday -reproduce in captivity or in and law student who had unaware that a judge wu: Callfornia waterways, which worked u an aide to his Rntencing them to death. are colder than lbe fish's father, told him be seriously Fish dealer Frank Adams native wa.ters in s 0 u th is ~derlng running for the as usual fed five goldfish America. vacancy. . OUR CURRENl' ANNIJAl-RATE OF 5% --EARNS S.1l%..WliEN-COMP.OUNDEO-- DAILY & HELD 1 YEAR USE THE HANDY PASSBOOK ALWAYS MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT e INSUR.ANCE TO $15,000 e FEDERALLY CHARTERED AND SUl'ERVISED e WE PAY EARNINGS ON YOUR FUNDS FROM DATE RECEIVED TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL e FUNDS RlCEIVED ON OR. IEFORE THE IOTH Of ANY MONTH EAllN FROM THE IST e SAYE-IY-MAIL. WE PAY POSTAGE IOTH WATS, A CONVENIENT WAY TO SAYE. apiece to his two killer He aaid many have died Three Democ:rlll bive an- piranha fish, and hJJ ruor ln captivtnr, and the two that ··--• ,._ will ---'"' •"-J ~ toolhed pets gulped them ll~::~·i:':::~::=~~no~w~~~-=y.::..~::.:-~-~~=:;;~~===::!~::=~~~====:::::~J - down in a matter of secoods. are left are the only survivors. office. The meal may have been one of the piranhas' last. Superior Court Judge John McCarthy Thursday ordered Adams to dispose of them, apparently ending the dealer's legal battle of more than three years to sell piranhas in California. Adams' plans to retail piranhas; u pets have been opposed from the outset by the California F1sb and Game Commission. Tt fears that if the killer fish were loosed Jn California waters t h e piranhas would multiply and feed on native fish with devastating effects. The piranha, also known as the carlbe, usually is lea.s than rive inches Jong. It is a meat eater and one of the moat predatory fish known to scien- tists. PRICE INCWDES - Dtllv1ry and normal hwt1ll1tlon. hme mod1l1 1v1il1blt In Avouclo and Coppe,... ..... DO YOUR T~EN·AGERS UNDERSTAND YOU? Toda)' m1r1y teen-acers feel that 1nyon• CNW the age of 30 simply doesn1 Mow. Rebellion sometimes seems to him t'o be the onty t way of Ute -the only answer. lrresponsibiJi1Y and rebelllon aren't th• only wwy of lite for the teen·agtr. What is Important to him as 1 ¥tBY of lift? lan't it 1 deep desire to search for Truth -for meaning in. his dWn life? This is why younc people Ilka the Christian Science Sunday School. They pt 1 ch1nca to think for themselves, and to dig deep for ideas they ctn prove and use. They fln(l out who they . are and why they are here. · Above aJf, 1hey discover the solid basis for fm<lofiflri obedience to God. Titi, jje1ps·t11em '· undeflbtnd ;YOU! • Youf'.. tttn-ageFS1re welwme-a:t-our~ Sunday--- School, any Sunday morning . Costa Mot1 -First Church of Christ, Sclontl1t Jlta w ... ,.,. Dr., C.... .._ S1"9f Sc1tN1 -fJ1 I A.Ill. Huntlntlon Beach-First Church of Chrltt, Scltntltt 110 OtM SU4eJ ScllMI -t :JO I. 11 :H Laguna Beach -First Church of Chrl1t, Scitntl1t 6JI Mftlil Dr. h9"y Sc._..,_ t :JG & 11:00 Newport Beach -Flr1t Church of Christ, Stlenti1t JJGI VS. LW• ....., kk•I-9:111. 11:0I Ntwport 8Hch-Stcond Churdi of Christ, Scltntlst 11 •• '9clfk .... Dr., c.r. ....... hMey Schei-II A.M. TV and APPLIANCE CENTER Harbor Center Traveling in schools In warm South American waters, piranhas are capable of strlp- plng the flesh from a horse or a man in a matter of minutes. California law forbids their Importation, ei:cept lot u1e in public aquariums and scien- tific laboratories. When Adams imported 140 of them from Brazil In 1965 and made plans t.o retall them at $100 apiece, Fish and GiJne officers immediately took him to court. The case has been under litigation for four years. SUNSHINE FRESH DRYIRlm ECONOMY Plll~E~!I -----J Adams contended t h e plranha.s pooed no threat t.o 'Beard' Trio Bid Heard SAN FRANC!SCO (UPI) - The stars and playwright of the controversial play "The Beard" asked the Calltomla Supreme Court 11n1rs:lay to prevent their trial o n chargea or enrq"ing In lewd and d!Dol~ condlld. The trid wu arre1ted following an Aug. 8, 11111 performance of the play at San Francisco's Committee Theater. nie charges were based on a llmulaled so act al Ute conclusion of Ute one act play. 'IE fACTOIY AHIOllZED llSTll.UTIH PUI 11:..i-.,... -~ ,..........,. ......... "'*"""-" cfl-lenl flf MW' ltllfl. II" ........ U" .... l"w .... .. "1m "' ...., au.• ,.,.. -"" ..... .,,.. u'*-1 ,..,..,...,.,.. tit, ., .......... .....,.. 11111.., 1111•11 Miit MMf .-.,. relllllillll#I.. ' EASY FRONT LOADING. ~BIG FAMILY" CAPACITY wilh I . 'This large capacity dryer hn a high' tjjeed d,Ylng Porcelain enamel drum and top, Variable time;>· Separate otart switch. Fluff cycle? Four way ~ ... · easy lnstallallon. Big capacity lint trap • .': All the ' necetsary to give year round drying co11W11Ile 95 TV And Apphance CINTEA HARBOR -. CENTER UOO HAllOI ILYD. COSTA MUA · 540-7131 • Wetkdayl t -to 9 pm Su111dwp ' -to 6 plll Actor Richard Brlgllt. ..,. &rtu Billie Dixon an d playwright Michael McClure were represented Tbur.tay by attorneys rrom the Amtttcan Civil UberUea Union. Their petition asked the high ~rt. for a hearing on a 1tate court of appeal ruling that they must sland trial on the charg~. 'l-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..;.~~~~~~.J I 1 • ' ' 1 • • l l I ! I t ·---... -- • IWl.Y' Pl\.OT - For the DEATH IVOTlCES BROWN II-L. llrow" .Se>e<. !, V.S. Armv. Rnk:lent of llJ llro.dw•v St., Cosll Mna. S11rv~ bv ptrents. Mr. •nd Mrs. Gren! l!lrown, Coil• Mew; three 1i1~rs, C111dlc1 PIDO, (Mii Mell: Sh1ri1yt1 8r-.., Se1lll•, 1nd Juli. Brown, (Ol!t Mewl; 1r1nd111renls, Mr. ind Mn. (~ W, Cn:im&t, Anahllm, Ind '"· W. Gr•"' B,..,...., Delert HOI SPrl,..,,_ G .. ¥Wlidt Mrv!cM, S.turd1'1', 11 "AMO .flkB'IC-91rti"J.\-t1t P•"'-• DI~" iltll. ti.rudwr1 Mmtu1ry, 110 IR!MW1v, c-... 11 M6.1. GARB ERG M1rllna II.OH Garber11. 36' '( Pl1.:... t.19Ufta anm. 01~ of 11o1tti. J....,~rv I . S<.+rvlv..:I by sister, Mf'I. "Tllo•• Fit- ter. t._,una lltldl; br~r, Mr. H•r· eld ltoR, L-8e1di: 1l1ler-~1aw, Mrs. Gudrvn Row, L-Btecfl; two 1r1ndc:tilklren. Mrs. Stllr~ HHoem1n. Mlulon H1ti.1 Mr. ic.n...ttl Earl Gar- Mrt, llellfl-: ltlrft 9re1t-1r1nd- chlldl'WI: elllllt nll!eft 111d atW ~­ Sen/las wm ~ held Saturd1Y. 1 PM, Pacific View Cl1.11oef. Dlr«led bv Pl· clflc View Mort"~"'· NIXON ~Ima· t.. NllCOI'\, lll001 Colt11e1ter LaM, HunUnoron e,.cn. D11e ol dNlti, Jl,...,~rv •. SurYlVed bY l\U ... e.arwf, J1y £. Nl•an; i.otl•• G1rv E., Mlc:'haet A. 11>d J1S(ln P. Nl•on; o•r· efltS.· Mr,. 11>d Mra. H•nrv Field: broll>tir•• Mark 100 Wllll1m Field; 1l1W!r. Mra. Rull\ 8ovnton. SerYIC•• wlll 11o! toeld Mond1y, 11 AM, Pacific VI-Cllaoel. lnh!rment. Pacllk View M-1•1 Park. Dlrecltd Irv Sml!lli Morl\ll fY, OOIUNGER 1Ucfler11 Do111ntllll". fltH ft. Df 1s..i1 AulNy; Muninlst9n k«ll. Dllte of !kl.DI· .JlllU9!"T '· 5Utvlwol .... ,,.....,,,,. WHll11111 alld El!UMtll Dolllftftn bnl~ -.W'IWU.. K•rt 11111 Del'lll Doll!~ o&r; 1ldlr, &eftY Ann Boldt. Servkl•· S1tur111Y, 11 AM, .smiths ()wpel. ln-1'!,,,....,t, l"ldfk VlfW Memorlll ........ Dlnd9d ..., Smttt. Mort\llrv. GRAY tt11oh ·Grey. S!22 A Ftmftnl Clrcle. Hunt1 .. tan 8e1cto. 0111 al dttlti, Jan-u1rv ID. .SUrvlYtd bl' Wiit, Vlt11\nl1 Grav .. s.trvlcet HN!l"' 11 DllCll Y Brotllirs Hunllflllton Y1llel' Mor1'u1ry, ...,,,,_ BODMAN H•rYa1 e. ·lkidml ... Aet 51. Fr1rier Pu1t. o.t,.ql' dll1tll. January I. Resi-denl Ill N-rt Be.ch fot «I .,,,..., vnt\t ~ljy movln9 to ,,.llel" Part... SUVIWll by w111, Glorl1 &oc1m1n1 -dal,lllhlirn. 01mel1 end DolOR\, botll ol CO.ta Me"; ion. R-ld llodman1 tT19lllef", Anna G. llOdman, Dixon. c1n1.1 1l1ter1, DorotllY l11rrv. DI•.,.,, Call.I~ aoo Jeanne Llndmln, P••,.. d~I. Strvlces. Saturday, 11 AM. G'""lawn Mo<1111rt Cl\10.I and Ctm- eterv. Btktf"$!!e!d. RIVERA J.,. FtlJ~ ,1v1r1, 3U 0911 St., (es11 ........ $t>rvk.. t1end11'1. Wei lclHI a.•.~~ ............ BALT'll MORTUARIES Coreu del rtlar OR 3-9450 Co1ta Meaa rin 6-UM .JIELL BROADWAY !IORTUARY lit Broadway, Costa rtfesa u was DILDAY BROmERS H011thtfton Valley ~tortu.ary .J~ll· B .. dl Blvd. . Bwsdn .... Beach __ -MZ-'1'171 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL Pf.RI Cemetery • Mortuary -Olapel 3511 padfie View Drive Newport Beall, Calllornla --.. , :f'EBFAMILV COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME 'lltl Bolla A ... ""'°mllder m.l$!$ Slilml'S JllORTUARV . m Jllala SI. ll•llllCloo Bucll LEM.m IVESJl:LIFF MORTUARY p · L )7111 SI., C.111 l\leu : ....... ·f)ldq, J...., 10, 1'169 R~cord On Display Orange County Fairgrounds' Junior Exhibit Building in Costa Mesa wiR tate ... m the appearance of New York's La Guardil Airport 8t, rush hour thi1 1weekend. A total of 65 national and local manufacturen Will have their 1".St'BJ OD dilpla)' ln the Fourth Annual Model Airplane Trade Show, lforn w a.m. to I p..m. both daya: Sponsored by the Garden Grove Radio Control" Club,. the event is designed to stimulate interest and activity i n miniature flying, according to club president James McManus. Besides pre-built models and kit!, the show will feature latest in rad.lo cont~ systems and accessories, plus demonstrations i n c I u d i n g aircraft. cars, boats and rockets. Po,Sitiorr · Cut Out I . --]Jt :n -d · y.....,_oar ,-~~·IJ!A ;. Tpe ~ i' ~-..... reoq11111z> , ed•lll;flllli I~ 'll!o ~lilJ!l·~pliolbiold by Mrs. LllU.in Ots.n, lecrttory to the board. '!be supervllors )'ledne!tlay •J>WOV<d the new plan wblch will p.1t the executive secre- tory ol the board cbain!laD in charge Of tbe O!ltce. · Mrs. Oboe wru be.given the choice .of a !H!Wly Created pos- ilion at ; her current pay or an °equinlent pool in another county de~nl. '11Je respomfbllltf far olfict management will shift e I Ch year with the uecutlve secre. lacy o! the nolgnlng board chailman. In charge·this year wlll be Mrs. Carol Desmar· ais, secretary to Chairman William IL Hirstein. Board Gives ,,,.,._ ...... • ML•UM ~.~~. ~~i • Q) n-il r--_111 ".it Dimes March Western Breakfast on Jan. 19 ·The 15th Annual March of Fountain Valley, who will Dimes , "Cops and Cowboys" represent the National Foun- UntU--Feh . Target .Slwoti~g Ban Bill Delnye~ s,;m A All A -Actloo ·on 1 nlw ~ ·tbat would outlaw fa;get shooUng 10 Orange County except at fir-- Ing ranges bas been put· oU WIW Feb. • by the county Board of Supervisors. Adcption ol the law is being llOllgbt by the county Fish and Game Comm is s lo n . Eugene Tbomas. cbairman of the commission, has prohlblls ohoolJng In ' ~1 corporal<cl areas of the cou r by anyone other than a pt officer who draws his wea in the Une of duty, or a li ed hunter In lawful punL of game. ~ j Ex.cepUons are made in bl cue of someone u s 1 a 'ct firearms to protect lite .or,_ property and In the ~ • farmers shooUng preda animals. penooally endon;ed the pro-J,========:;:;I posed .......... Its J!U'P(ISt, he says, is to bring a halt lo proml.!cuoul shooting, Thomas and fellow com- mWl.oner George Honold say they are interested in stopping the lrttspoosible use o f firearms in mountain areas of the county before a serioU3 shooting accident occurs. AB drafted, Lhe ordinance Press Club __ Tickets Out SALE • I, I Here's Where It's '.At! Westem style breakfast and dation -March of Dime!, ''?i~;;::-;;:--;::~;;;;;;~~ . SANTA ANA _ ConUnuing honeshoW will get under way Kelly, l:taugbter of Mr. and ANAHETht: -Tickets forlill""""' -'" Assignments their reorganlzatlon for the · at 7 a.m., Jan 19 at the Mrs. Robert Frankliil, 8678 La the Orange County Press I'. coming year, the Orange Orange County Fairgrounds in Playa Circle, Fountain Valley, Club's annual awards dinner f County Board of supervisors "--ta·M···. · went on sale today. ' v.111 ,..._ is a March of Dimes poster Wednesday named Supervisor The dinner honoring county , William J. Phillips to the post The benefit program is ~ girl. newsmen for outstanding of vice chainnan. He has held spomored by the she.rill's During the past 14 years achievements in 1963 is the -u 1 the as! year reserve units and associated the Cops and Cowboys event scheduled. fore Jan .. 25 .. -the -posl on or P · ri.-linn ctu~ of Orange County. i..--ft; _ __, ''""--•~n other appointments made '""'6 -.....,, ra=cu more 1•11411 .-,000. Anaheim Room of t h e ~ by new chairman William H. Proceeds go to the March of Tickets for this years' event Anaheim Convention Center. Hirstein include ·n am i D g ~imes elfor 1t1pport of the local may be obtained from reserve Tickets are priced at. $7.SO , ...... himself to the Law I.Jbrary birth d ect program. deputy sheriffs, or the March each. Reservations can bei~p-c;'~fd~~ Board to-su~· retiring c. · ft!den and horses front '-..S of Dimes Chapterofflce, 1!03 made-through Wayne Clark, l! ,... ... j) Lesser . COunt -----M "Cy ,, -F ""-'· the far north u Santa Barbara Sootb Main St, Santa Ana cl b u· k t ch -~ • ._ e ea1UC1."...,-, ap-and ~far th as San Di"ego , press u c e atrman, 1« ;P~ pointrnent·of....qer-supeni!or -~--~ .. --_ out thtLl;Urgrounds on the-P.O. Box ... 4224,lrvine,-ealif. l/~'i"J.o.,;f ... ~~""'~·'"'~-"""±_,.'"f+t- Robert .w. Battin as alternate · :: horaeshow~ participate in1Fd;;a;;y;;o;;f;;th;;e;;;;;ev;;e~n~L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!l266~~4;, ~te~le~p~b~on~e~~~~922~.;;;;;;;j. ::i-" •1 ~--_: .• ,.,· Fire Calls Wesl•l,.ttl" 11:'3 p.m. Tt'lllrsd•Y. llr-e Invest;, .. llgn,. 1'601 W>fomln9 J:lf p.m. tram fire, McF.tdden P1rtl: •w"talll V1lltr 3:02 P-"'· TllU~•Y· rescue, 11'!l Busll•rd 6:DCI P.m., strudur-e 'lr1, 96'2 T1lbtrl 1:3' •. m. Friday, ittuclure llre. 1om Mornlnt Glory ltufttl"-'"' h1ch 1!:2J 1.m. ThursdaV, tire fnve1!1111l!on, 9G4S Adtm• Ave. 6:•1 p.m., medical 11d, "62 Jtn:llnH 1:'3 p.m .• 11r1ss tire, 1111 Ed1n09r •:16 1.m. Frid•'• medlcal aid, ml Plea Entered SANTA ANA -A Yorba Linda man arrested and book· ed on suspicion of murder pleaded guilty to reduced charges Thursday and w a s sentenced to six months in Or- ange County Jail o.n the Loc~I .Agency Forma-Also 00 hand will be eight-II ti<>? Comnus8Jon and the ap-year-o1d Kelly Franklin f pomtment of Alton E. Allen ° to the San.ilation Districts ~iiiiii!!Ji!!i!!i!iiiilJ Board. ' Named Worker Superior Court Judge Rob-SANTA ANA -Alice L. ert Gardner also ordered Earl Bush, 58, Santa Ana, has been R. Lyon, 24, lo serve three named Or an g e County's years on the involuntary man· Goodwill Industries Worker of slaughter count. Lyon admit-the y - ONE DAY, ONE DAY ONE DAY, THAT'S HOW LONG IT TAKES FOR COLOR PRINTS AT ••• DAVE'S 474 E. 17th St. Costa Mes• 646-2136 killed ear. tedfrrmgthesbot that i-~~~-:-.,--~~~....,;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;; Raymond C. Ruiz, 23, of San- ta Ana. Arresting oftiei!rs said t..b e shooting of Ruiz ·occurred dur· ing a violent quarrel between the two men. 15 Picket D TEMPLE SHARON Th• con1erv•fiv1 1yn19oqu• for the •nlir• H1rbor Ar•• 617 Wnt HamlltftD, Cesta MHG Alt J-1'• lamm" art lllVltH te I.tin 111 Ill trvty mM11lnlf11t S.USATH IYININCi SllYICES FllDAY 9t 1:11 P.M. Enloy lhe fine 1ln11Jn1r of the T•mp!1 51\trDn Cl!Olr Ind Ille warm t.llowlhl" Of our One11 5flebat CALL: 646-5552 or 548· 1432 FIH'Mlll C1rclt, Apt. A 6:«1 1.m., lflel:lical •Id, IO Hunllntkln, Sp. Jst In Fullerton COSTA MESA STORE ONLY 2 DA ·S ONLY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY'. 6:*> 1.m., ftre lnV1Stl91tloft. J0\1111 tJI Allant1 111C1 wnl fl( Newland Street FULLERTON _ About 15 Dally 10 -10, Sunday 10. 7 JANUARY 11th & 12th ........ y •:M P.m.. Thurid1y, !Ire lnvesll911ion. "" w. 11th $1. faculty members and students set up a picket line at Cal CAMERA DEPT. - 2 DAY SPECIALS•. State Fullerton Wednesday Mt--' •••ch •:ll 1."'1. Thur•v. medlctl aid, 21f E. lllV afternoon in support of Sanlr--------------------.. S:~ p.m~ eleclrlcal sltort. ~10 l2nd SI. t :U p.m .• blim1nt Chr!stm11 lret, l21 Coltcin SI. Fete Slated At Chapman Francisco dissidents. There were no incidents. The picketers called it an "in- formational'" picket line and passed out leaflets . William Linder, president of the Fullerton c a m p u s ' s American Federation o f Teachers local, said t h e pickeUng would conUnue tbe rest of the week. ORANGE -Ch a pm a n He urged a campuswide College will hold its J!H)8..{i9 strike, but was overruled. by the Faculty Council, which l1omecoming for alumni Satur-called ill!tead far addiUonal day. fact fi.odlng in what it called 1 n c I u d e d on the day's a complex situation. schedule will be the aMual =;~~~~~~~~~~.II meeting of the ChapJT1.an ;= College Alumni Associatlon, the homecoming: parade, the homecoming b a n q u e t , a basketball game with Azusa Pacific College, and a series of after·game rtcept.ions in homes of alumni in Orange. The homecoming queen will be crowned Friday evening at a coronation hall on the campus. BOAT BUFFS Al1110• l•c•1bay II tk1 enly f1t ll • tf111a bo1tln1 eclitar w•li111 Dll 1ny llDWll'DPOf ltt Or1n90 Co1111tr. Hit: •~ clitai.,. CDYfr190 •' bo1+. ln9 011d y1chtl119 now• h • illtlly f1 1hlro of th• DAILY rllOT. NOW ACaPTING APPLICATIONS FO~ THE SPRING SlMESTER -"'·,,...... UNIVERSITY COLLEGE oF LAW v..-S. Dalsimor, Dean .. s.... a..,..... ,...,,.. , ........ .._.. Stt ....... ~ ... s-i.. ............. ~ -...... ..._ """-' Ir ........ -~··_....~ .. ~ ..... ... ,_ ,_ r..,.. II ,....,_ ~•IAUR~J..,._ c.ll w-.blt lht-<7141 Al-1511 123'5 WISTMJNml l_,., SANTA AllA FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SUDESI KODAK or SAWYER'S CAROUSEL SLIDE TRAYS COMPARE AT $2.29 YOUR CHOICE 88 EAOI KODAK CAROUSEL SLIDE PROJECTORS c _:~ ,'0-._ '~ . . ~ · ... '·~· ' MODEL 650 6988 Model 750 Carousel Projectar .. 99.97 FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PHOTOS Universal Fashion Plate PHOTO ALBUM Holda pictures up to size I x 10. Choose from • v1rlety of attr1ctive coven. lnclud" 5 fillar ·p.111n • REG. $2.88 199 7x35 SPECIAL BINOCUIARS OUR-REG. $16.88 2 DAYS ONLY 2200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson ond Harbor COST A MESA FOi THI "NITI P'IOPll• ••• 1·nl~ a weK dUl'1ne J.-rv. 19'tl CoffN Shop only. from Mldnl!e 1tnll . •:oo a .rn.. rj THE IOUNTIFUL llU.ICFASTt, 5..,,,11 Oronge Juico Two E991 Ha1h Browns 5n.. Bacon or S•u••9• 7 ... To11f I Jam • Co ff•• Co191plete SpatheHI DlitMt' Gretr1 ~&l!d, cnoice of DreuJ"9 Spa9ltettl, Lollds ef MHt Souce • GDt"llc I~ 88 Jell-0 or SM!iMt c Hot C•tfft or Tn C•IWPl•te lH\t lfff Dl•Mr Gr"Mt'I S.lad, Choice of Dr1uln11 llOlit S!rlO!n of Beel llU h11 _ ... ...... Roll I•"'" Jell·OorS...,._ HPt Ceffle ef TM KONALANES COFFEE SHOP 2699 Hubor Blvd. Coit• Mesa -545· 1112 • ---~: ,.l -+I I • ------------ • - ' J ..... • •"'9f. ~ "' 1t+t • .. ... ' JODEAN HASTINGS, MJ.4UI Tea Steeped By · Mermaiiil·S · • J ~ ' "Mermaids'" from the Utue Mermaid Guild 'of' Huntington Beach \Vill be singing their siren's aong on solid ground instead lof a traditional rock when they invite area women to a member.ship tea Thursday, Jan. 16. Prospective members will be welcomed .between 2 and 4 p.m. in the home of Mrs. James Ridenour, membership chairman. Also on hand to great guests and explain the work carried on by Children's Hospital of Orange County and the supporting guilds will be William $J>Urgeon III, Sister Frances Dunn, Sister Rheta Fredette, Mrs. Leah Marnell, guild coordinator for the hospital, and Mrs. C. Robert Hub- bard, guild president. • Also assisting will be members of Mrs. Ridenour's committee, the Mmes. Charles Heller, Andrew Holtz, Cbilrles Bauer, Joseph Irvine and .. Frank Hagler. • · LitUe Mermaid is one of the 13 county organizations \Vhicb help lo support the medical facility through volunteer services and contributions . of funds. Selecting its name from a Hans Christian Andersen story because o! the group's proximity to the sea, the Hun!lng\01dle&cb-guild was char· tered in 196i!. , . ·-... • -~ ... .. -T'lire-~tnses of !llembership--are-available..-including..acti ve,-twtai.D!_ ing and associate, and all members cooperate in fostering community in- terest in the hospital which treats children With' leukemiJt or o~~r forms of cancer, birth deformities, heart or brain surgery. , All area women interested in the organization are frivited to cal11'i1rs. ------------TEA LEAVES TELL FUTURE -Predicting the - continued success of the Uttle Mermaid Guild through the interest of new members are (left to right) Mrs. James Ridenour, Mrs. Charles Heller and Mrs. Charles Bauer, who will welcome area women-:-during& meillbefShip-tea takliig -pface- Thursday, Jan. 16 ,in the Ridenour home. The group is one of the 13 Orange County guilds which provides volunteer assistance and funds for Children's Hos· ·- Ridenour at 847.ji943. · · pital. ' Surf Sounds League Prqi~es. Community .Aid By JOOEAN HASTINGS Of Ille Dllll'f' ''"' Sltfl OfFERING THEIR congratulations to the com· m\mity for a job well done are members of the Assis· t.ance League of Huntington Beach, who once a g a i n played their part in making the annual Operation Merry Christmas a success. Mrs. Norman (Joan) Warner, has announced that more than 86 families were able to enjoy a happier holiday due to the efforts of the many involved people 1n service and civic groups, organizations, schools, Boy and Girl Scout troops, and just private citizens who contributed to the project. Also lauded by Mrs. Warner was r..1rs . Melvin Pen· ,hall, chairman, and her committee who devqted long hours coordinating Operation Merry Christmas for the community. AFFILIATING with Delta Sigma Phi, national fra- teiintty, is Gordon Pitts. The 1965 Huntington Jleach lligh School graduate is the soo of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pitts o! Fountain Valley, and is attending California State College at Fullerton, where he is a political acience major and a member of the Alpha pledge class. "THIS IS what it's all about." says Liz (Mrs.Ed· ~ant) Casey, who hBs just returned from a cross.coun- try trip with husband and children. __ The Caseys heartily recommend the trip to every- one, as a reminder of the beauty and grandeur to be ound In this country. · · Relatives didn't know the Caseys were driving back r.ir the holidays, and to surprise her mother, Ed dressed in a Santa suit (complete with .beard)· and so · sgulsed, delivered their daughter Caroline in a big ackage to her delighted gran'dmother. ABSORBING SUNSlllNE in Acapulco are Pat .and I Romine of FOllDtaiQ. Valley. Pat is taking a vaca- . on from her duties as yice president of 'J:'amura ool's PTO dnd third vice president and membership hairman of Fountain Valley Woman's Club. Will is a ilot with American Airlines. HOME AGAIN .~r a visit to Nampa, Idaho, to '1it family and friends are Mr. and Mrs. James luibes of Hunlingtoo Beacb.-It was a pleasant trip in plfe of the fact lhAlt someone was sick with flu or its .arlallons during the whole time 'tile family Wiii gooe. "Harmenious Past Reviewed Past presidenU will be honored. guesta during. the next meeting of the Woman's Club ol Huntington Beach at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 14, in the clubh~se, 420 10th st. Among those planning to alte!ld are (ieft to right) Mrs. Frank Catching, Mrs. David Todd and • Mrs. VernlMl ·wg.nbeck. Rene, lhe puppeteer, 'will . . . be presented by program chairman MrscLeil<>Y Ben- son, and serving as luncheon cb«!rman wilfbti rl!rs: Harry Bowman. Mrs. Arnold PQil.;a\le ·wjll •p""9ide during the business portionol lbe meetil\g. '. ' . ' Public Invited ~oroptimist$ View -~ ' ,. Needs of Community What Are the Civic Needs ol Huntington Beach? This will be tlle topic when Stqcks .Discussed Market Examined Women's Role in the Stq;k Market will bie' cH5Clolled"dur-- 1ng the nert meeUng of the Women's Dlvllion, Huntington Beicb Chamber o! Commtrce. Speaking to meniben and 111eats at,·11 a.m .. w1$, Jan. 15, in the· Del' olUcu, will be Jacl< P, p.; district ~ger of ·.th e Divenified Planninc Corp. , Following the bu a i n e:a 1 meetlng there . will be · i . no hoe! cocl<tail boor and lun- cheon 'In the Town mid ~ try IM-. . . Other actlvlUes .wbltli wtn be disclllled wlll · be Ille group'• partlct.,.Uon. ii' .the Star Scope'TOwn HaThm~ being apdtdored• liJ' tbt·lloi!JP- Um!ll Clnb, and Mn. Jib Stewart · and Mn. · F.dWinl Catty, pre!llderit and ·Vi~ prtsldent ot . the· Women•• group, have been lnvi~ ·.to, participate In !he ·ll<COOll.Com- munlty Coiigrm'-tatlbg place March 2t · C. E. ·"Bill'I Wood .. new- preaident ol -the .m·e n' ,, cbamber, will , lll'!'<nl 11Jo chta's J'ellrual7 Pl'fll'am. the· SoroP,Umilt Club - a Siar Scope T.... 11111 meeUna on Tueaday, Jan. 21. Open lo the public, the meeting·· wlD belln with a aoc1at hour at•:• p.ni. ·ronow. ed by dinner al 7:15 . p.m. In th.e Town and Cl>unlrJ' Inn, 18;i82 Beach Blvd. Panel members who wiD·be diacw.sing what the ne«ll 1ol the onminunlty ... and - Involved dtize:m In &~ and Soroptlmiat ~b members speclflca!IY can help um city and c0untr1 Wm lncludt. Mayor Al Coen;• clly admi$trator Doyle Miller: CJiainber · ol Commerce ~ir Dalo· DuDn; pnd- <lent ol the League ol Woma Voters, Mn. Kenneth Martyn; auistant · superln~ ol EducaUonal . '5ervlce·· A'Jtid P.ersomlel, ScoU 1'1•,,.Pn, and vice ~ .. r: the .w_,,,•,. I/I~ ..,.._ Of Commerce, Mn. -Caiey. , ~• Dinner ~·llano D18J•be iude_,uilllljllmday, Jan.~u, 11r>.-..it1o'.cbod::•;-.td.r·f~ lo tbt clab, r.o,11n '"1"· . . · ,It. d<ll! ~l•O)lio<J•lnftrmlillan -rdblt 'tllot . 6-... tllo prOgr~· ~ibe -hwl, 111. ctlllbi Mn, 'Boben --· ... ; ~ G-.. Glidn, -11.m:Mn.-ow w. lftll,- ' , Reader Needs Support When .Friend Dec.~des ·shoe F'its DEAR ANN LANDERS: A clooe friend been bomJwinc my clothes !er !he nve years. MJtJJ can afford to what .... -bul llhe ..., • ..,. is better than hm and wben WIJllJ lo look 1maahlng llhe feel! confident in my clotbea than in .... Wt .,. exactly the same size, and ii • very neat lirl bul I don't how cartfUI a ptnOn Ill -it'• posalble &o rttum a dress or a pair -In euctly the ...,. cond!Uon. • • a m goes here, 1 bead coma olf e, • lmlllld akill llllp, • potent I.acts scratched -sometbln& is bound h•]>pen. MJW bas bbrrowed everything !rorll ANN t A N DERS ~ -. -. DEAR 0 ANN LANDERs : I wu ln- tensted In the -from !he ....... who lnalsteil ~1/liCalcil<!!Wn "rum in ·" ~ · fam!lill'• and l&"thietelcft•an inherited · m7 ...mn, bl1 lo my .,i;. l 11 ... Deff1' borrowed ·anythlna fnm her. Lui niahl I ,..,. lo put on my best cocktail drea Ind Mlld bad the llioa lhll maid> it. My husband WU furiooa. He s•vt me orden nevtt to lend her llllllW>I acalo. llO'll can l ay "'! •llljoul IOlllni btf. lrl<nd>lllp! .1 can't teft. lier my ilulblnd bas &lven m< onlen, can .. • UlDesa. She) Went~ lllb to aay all. her I! Whal ucuso cm I slnt -llG bulbud's brotben .,.ldnmks. '!be only HEARTED BERT ' . , ,..,. In the !lllllly """' c1oesni-lbuch DEAK BIRT: y .. de't 8ffd u .~ 1 the stuff' la, IU1 liner. Then she added, ..L... , 1'Charlotte ,. 1 nUclOUI nul A coupkt ..... JUlt ... Mlbl ,.. " decided ... ol drlnb might ;"""" .. ber penonallty to kDd ,-doiMI ~ more. Lave 1 lot." ''"' ..,Nod oat of II. illftt to ..., What this WOl'ld needs II fewer boozm · ""' .., ......._.., __ •·-and · _. relilJout .nuts> 'I 1m Itek · 1---u ~·-11·"" ... ; lo d<ath of bt~ !!Illa btl&fll people ,.., -ta--'•M fl1t't[f, • who'~ to pldll 1heir lnJl1I In .. , ,, ' Girl Scouts Offering 'Gift of the Magi' UC/ Extension Covrses Three Series Outline I Women's 'Liberation-' .. ··· .. · Tbr<e esclllng leciure and worklbop lttiea pilnned to help women orient themaelve.s In toclety are beJng 1pooaored by Unlvently of Calllomia Ertenatou, Irvlne.. '4~ new sessiow: are farirunnen of future ~al "']lltlCrllDI for women." Nled Horoscope Mn. BedQo G-. pt0gam coonlinallr for lbe llllivcr1lly. The llnl four-part _.,. ls entlUed Woman In Amerlci: Crilla or Cballenl•. 1 t praents a Umely dilcu.uloa of woman'• llberaUon from muy ol tbe -of the past and bet becoming an independent, self. Aquarius: Proceed T awards New Goal . I determinlai lodl~· , l On four Tuaday ~. beg!MlnJ -TlleiaiJ; ~· t :MI a.m. In the Orange C«W ty Medical A1••clatlo.P,: auditorium, Oranae, medtca1 and IOClal npe.U will dhcUSI muy raceta of tbe women'• pos!Uon todat. Coordlnatiog the -Is ' Mn., Lucille Kuehn w h • JlAL'LIE VON AMMON r..:elved hei' BA lll, 1!9Dl)cal ,, . aclence fr<Jm the Ull(vetl!IY , To.join Brldet of Minnaola an.I ii at iftaeat . worJdn& towarda btr nwten ., degne in bilt«y •t UC!. She M h D helped organize the Oraoge a..> ay Coast Le.Ague .of Women •. 'I '"" Voters and baa )>een • vice ~ of the Soulh Coast .• Cl>!.:...,-:;-_::.;. touch-Anqbtlnced SATURDAY Tai< the I • 5_,, eel upon are emotiooaf growth <.,,_ , e ea"" ~ up. and development; ~ il I e • A March ZZ" ... )'~ln JANUARY 11 Diacaro factors that reprea female relsUooihips, aild 'the .Pboenll< is being p by a, ITDNEY OMAllR or restrict. Demand freedom. multiple ro1' of w~en in. Hallie von Ammon a ur today's society. VanZandt Strock, son of Mr. 6-n. wbt man cantrols bis SAGITl'AJUUS (Nov. 22-Tbe second series, The and Mrs. Arthur Strock of •........, , • • AsU<llocJ points Dec. 21) : Obtain hlnl from Dimenllons of Human Polen-Lido Isle . .. ..,._. SCORPIO message. Key ts to tJal focueea on lectures and A.nnounmnent of t h e I r be independent. E :1 p r e 1 1 worbbops oo n!ne Friday t as ade b th -'m··• __ .__ bem-••g Friday, engagemen w m y e UlllS(lbrdolMprild): -,.;._.concepts,ldeas.Tal<e ,.~......, ......-bride-to-be during a .......... Qtllilr thm q-chance on your own abilities. Jan. 17, at I in ' the First candJellght ceremony in her • mme. Ncit wilt • pmb talents. Be creative. Look CoogrqaUooal Cllur~ Santa dormitory at M i 11 s College ..r• a 0. dMit tD ]Ul bas beyond petty distracUom. Ana. where she graduated as an " t' _.., ~ ,.._ These m'!!ting.s are. planned art m8J·or. She is the daughter s,zp M k ...... " ... if CAPRICORN (Dec. D-Jan. to help the woman beconue of Mr. and Mrs . Philip E. 19 .. ,...... d ): You feel tied do" n aware of hf;!' capa~Ues in von Ammon of Scottsdale. bttaose of some f a m i I 7 human relations and ID sell· -y-· . Tbe tbree Magi. Ibo ltalien Befena, tbe Russian Babousbka and tbe Penmylvania Dutch Belsnlckle will entertain 140 Senior Girl Scoot! and adult! at tbe Senior Encampment tonight, tomonvw and Sun- day at Oak Glen Pines Cbrtllian Conference CeJ>- ter, Yucaipa. Rep1"9Se11ti11t tbe Girl ·Scout Council-of Orange County and San ..c!O!l!elllt .Troop -125-aro •. (left to rlgbt) Barbara Smith, Vidy Woodard and Kata Neely. Tomorrow evefung will begin witb tbe selection of SL Lucia and still f-.mg intemalioo- al yuletide characters will follow. 1be nigbt .will come to a close with Ibo breaking of a pinata filled witb candy. The girls hope. tbat tbe program will foster a better undersbnding of. foreign lands. T'lam (Apt~ •l: resp:usibllllie. Tbal's in aclualizatioo. Lectures b y Her fiance is a graduate Ytil .. ._ b plie Art bact.ground. But immediately pay c b 0 10 Ii st s and · of Newport Harbor . Hlgh wjdi&. SllMr QC &Wire let -loday -you want men. JISYChiatrlstll will be followed School, attended _the Uruversl· . -• pafwms serrict.. at fw more -and eould by two bauJ' di.,,ssion periods ty of California, Sant a n. ~ b c a•e•irtg rm. calcb e,. ol importanl person. led by professional leaders. Bru"bara wh"'C he afllllated --lowd -. Sdtle Very good. The third program I s with Sigma Chi and currently dllpM., Mab. ~ CUI-Aaeameot of p e r 1 0 n a I is studying architecture at UC. AQUAlllUS (J111. »Feb. Berl<ele JI): Don't take .... ser!ously P-whicb . is designed .Y· GDDNf ('May %1.June 20): dire reports. Much is based to offer each individual a f>!"" .._,~ It •-Im assessment of her personality ~-..... . D porlanl. to uponnunor-aad-llepecullllwe.--and pahillti" -Pir11a· Is Assistance League Welfare Program Evaluated An accurate evaluation often b a forerunner of a succeaaful program. \Yitb this in mind, members of the A1111istance League'• Region II will gather Tuesday, Jan. a in tbe Fullerton Assistance League House to review tbe league's wellan program In ilrange County. Ten reglooal chapter presidents will be guests of Region II Council members who will have as their discussion moderator Mr1. Alan F. Hoop, Natiooal Assistance League vice president for pbilantbropic project!. OD band to greet arrivals will be Mrs. Edward A. Pellegrin, Region II chairman. Mrs. E. M. Pettis and Mrs. Melvin Rich, reglooal representa· live and alternate for the Fullerton chapter. Representatives, alternates and guest! from Anaheim, Gerden Grove, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Orange, Sante Ana, Tustin and San Diego County will be aUending. Mrs. Pellegrin will preside at tbe general business meeting wblch will take pl8ce at the aame time as the evaluation. Both groups will rejoin for luncheon sernd by Fullerton members. Corona def Mar Home Chosen by Newlyweds """" in Corona del Mor : followinc a bow)UWMI in Mes1co are newl1wed Craig Cl. Comell "' Corona del Mar onll bis bride. the farnw .._ -· clallpter"' Mr. · mi Un. J .... P. Bublor cl Ne"1""' -,,,.,. """'"ngod vows and rinp before the Rn. l'randa Kelly In Our Lody cl M- Carmel Olurdl, N e w p o r t -Glvm in ~ by ber MRS. CONNELL -v ... Legune Group ralber, lht bride wen a cban- lilly lloe ...r ulin A-tine gown wttb a cucadinl train. Ber tiered iilmim veil was aqht to • boadpie<o -l!d of. • white satlD bow witb seed pearls and lilies "' the volley. Mn. N"ddas Adams , matron of. banar, won: a dart .,... •eh-.t and lloe '°'"' ud caniod """" dlry&&n- lhe:11 •om with white carna-- tlom. Bridrgnyick wen red veJ'""tl ad ....... ud carried red l'OleS ... whitt can»-... "lbeJ are Un. Raborl Soremoo. Mn. Bill Grlllin, Un. er.pry -ud the -Ennal c.n.n, the bridto'oam'• lister, BartlrU'a DuBais ad Janet ()Jlrnbocl; 'Ille ---"'Mr. 11111 Mn. '1bomu B. c.on.11 cl Lqmia -ubd Paul Lelchlllm .. be bb bOll man. u-. -. em eon,, Rm <llamberWn. Rid< -· GJ"f:g Buhler, the bride'• bn>O>or. Tully Mootal ud Ricbanl Karau<hy. Durlnc the receplloo> far 151 -in the Newpoot -Tennis Club Miss S a I I J H11 Ci al e and Mi:m: NIDCJ -dn:"1oled the auest --,,,. bride ii • ..-ol llftport -mp Scbool md ••tended Ora:nce Coat °'°"'"" lier ~ -;., _..., ..itll the U.S. Navy. -eor-dd Mar mp 5dlool. ' June Plans Revealed Mr. 11111 "Mn. Roymond w. 11ape Jr. of. Costa Meu have .. mnc.:rd the engqantot of. tllOlr dauahl«. Donna Lyan v..-Tharpe to Terry Pamr Gammell, .., cl Mr. 11111 Un. llollald GammOD ol Sant.a Ans. 'Ille wedding ii plaMed far June 14 in SL Joachim's Calhollc: Olun:h. c.o.ta Mesa. The bride-to« ii a aeniw at Eolanda mp Scbool. Her -ii • pdUata ol Santa Ans Hieb Scbool ud ·-Sant.a ADI Juolor College. (~amber Selections Offered A cbamber an:belllra cl II players will be coodud..i bJ Donld Lewis .. the -Orange County C b a m b er Music COOC'81, Tue3dly, Jan. 14. Mia Lindi Hudelson , vtolinist. will be aoloist at the' I:» p..m. coooert in the California State College at P'ullertaJ ncilaJ ball. 'Lewia la coanllolllr ol in- -mmlc II Cal Slate, Fullerton and la -ol the Onnp Caml1 Sympbaq 0rc:bestrL 'Ille concert will feslln mmic by Ftnabuco, - Bodi, -ad 11..,-. Aclml8a la rr... Pilot LYNN TllORN Future Bride March Wedding Planned· Mr. and Mn. u. CliUard 'lbom "' Balboa laland ... llllUIJCO the aigagemeot "' their daugbler, Lynn EJipbeth 'lbortt and Don M. llqln. 11X1 ol Mr. and Mn. Dale E. llqin of Covin&. 1be tJride.U>.be is a graduate ol NorUIV!ew llil)I Schoo~ Covina, and attended Cal Poly, Pomona and UCL Her na.c., abo a grllduate ol Nortbview High, aUended ML s a n AntonioCollegt. A Man:b I wedding in Quilt Clun:h by the S.. in Newport -bu been planned. avoid acess. Be moderate. Today, build t ~ward ad-in tbeca nine-we: series :11gin- Applies also to expr,..ing vancement. Set 1i1!J1s -pro. . ~ -·-t 9 views. Don't enter semeless ceed toward goat One in b1lll ~ iuw~Y & . a.m. Convention Plans Revealed • Stubborn individual aulhon"ly -·•· f ... ,.. in Sant.a Ana a F 1 r s l ·-•~ &'1)r_,. r--gaticmal Chur<:b, c,8J\ 1lkt to see you upset, .....,...... 1 a t 14~u far Province ~ ·embarras!ed. PISCES {Feb. It-March 20): assess their Per 1 0 n a · vent.ion in· February '#it!'iti. You experience greater ~byme.amofacom-diacnssed ·duttng a~ CANCER (June 21-July 22): freedom of choice. There are binati<m ol tests. meeting of the new , Chi Toalglit then! la . fun, op---<lloooe with care. Coontlnslillg the Tbunday Proviru:e in ·the Sin Clemente portamlty ror creative ex-Overrome ttmptation toward and Friday ~ ii .Dr. Inn on Monday, JaD, JJ. pression. Enjoy yourself by : e ct I es s n es s . Conserve Robert S. Da vid.DJ, a.MOCtate Iola Upsilon chaplet' a( &Mn« pleasure to loved one. eoergies asse.U. Tate one clinical prot'es.wr of medical Sigma Phi Gamma will bost Dey leltura: cbao,p:, poufble sttp at ~time. paychology, California College the meeting. trawl and variety, Acc.ut of Medicine, UCI. aelf.-r.es:Uon. IF TODAY IS YO u R Re..;..,.ation for these pro-Chi Province is comprised =;;: BIR.un. 6"".. ol six chapters including Ka~ •=AY yoa are ent.ering gr>m1 may be made by call-•· l,liO (JidJ ZS.AQs. 21): By new phase; brea1t wtth paat ing the 111Ji.....ity's estenslon pa NU, Anaheim; Kappa iuw. lmifcli& 1"11 -wbere yoa ud begin new ... ject. Applies olfice at ms!IS or PY ·at-Chula Vista; Bela .\lll!!a and lllad. ~ ._iidJ to allo, in aome degree. to tending tbe sessions. Kappa XI, San Diego; Lambda Imme. t:DYbw••N, ac:mlty. pencml acthities. 1.eta, Newport Beach. and Iota .Earlier, there b DDe coo-Upsilon, Garden GrOvt. Two •~--Bui '-"-ber GENl!:llAL TBNl>ENCIEli: I n•w chapters are being form· = tlu<agll j;' :& Cycle hllh 1or SCORPIO. CM Aux i ia ry _ed. · grateful Sped.al wcrcJ to TAURUS: Costa Mesa f.femorlal n 1•£MEtTWGESTOeK•l.,....'1111t VIRGO (Aug. D&pt. 21): =~ .... than H0<pital Auxiliary"s monthly PICKWICK~ Dealing with Tiltlq relaUve •T• ,... .. N.:,~ meeting will lake place in BOOKSHOPS 1odicated tonight. Be ralla:tic. °"*T'-.=:., . ,...., the conference room next 1e11tt1 tout !'Ila, c.i. ....a Much about J'Oll ~ fi. ,_ :,..~.. ..., Monday at 1:30 a.m. Members 540-2111 lusory. Don't be rooled by "tall =-.:_~ ~..r. ~ mT_. .... will be vWng on new offletrs. 1743 Hiii~.-• .,.-.,... · i story." If anab1ical yoa gtt ~ ~-~ Newcomers are elcome. lllUJ'WOOlll CWJ "° M1h true1itnat1Qn ·1-~-=-"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~'-'~~'--~- IJllllA (Sept. J3.0cl. 21): Yoo may feel ftigbed clown because cl lqa1 .-ictbL Ke)' ii to aa:<pt ~Hy. l\nn~AllJPOniiiy shir .. OpocohoTJ Nf1ht "i.lonclay Throoth W""'8J Accent on nnm;..1 pntmt11 AUllllit't&,_,. 8'JAUfY Show Iba! yGll CID b e authoritative w i I b o u t ll· .......,.. SCORPIO (Ocl :D-lln. ZI)' Where ym wert in bad<gnoand. opotliglil • 0 .. bep to -,...,. -· Applies especially t 0 • l g b I. Mo~se Group Women cl lbe MoOle, l151, ,.....,,.. lbe lint and lbinl ~ "' -monlb for meelinp in -Home, c.o.ta Mao. 'Ille --belin II I p.m. and Mn. W"llllim Calloway, llHHl. ... , be c:sll<d lor -... for!DllD repadinil -benbip. Think ahead to spring and all the pretty · clothes you want to make! - • .... ' . • I ; l , FANTASTIC STOREWIDE CLEARANCE SALE On AD lrancl NmM Mardlanche • KIMBERL y • sum • ROMALMA • AMALFI *KNIT SUITS *DRESSES *COSTUMES * SPORTSWEAR ~ to 75% OFF I :a&!'.=113_ to 112 °"I SLACKS • SKIRTS • SWEATERS I .... .. Q5 NOW s5• .. Sa¥9-on .. ii19 fabrics c1nc1-at J011r l1isw.I O.pt .. .,, ...... .... Woriolo,,_. '' ..... , .. .., ............. "-"-' ................ _ __ ........, ..... ,.--.-.11w4• a .... ............. _.. ....... . .. .... ..... .. .......... ..., ....... . .. ,.... .......... NOW 77! COSTA MESA ( H•.t..r Slooppi09 Ctr. I ' ' ~ ----\ s11.ViNOW ~ ' l?'~~~NtS -~ ffWO• sew 11.t 1 . . . .e15URE! I '\'OUR..... I I ,.n.,.......-I ---........ 33' ........ -. \ 1140W .. ··" • • ...... _..,.. °'".,,,..._.._. .. ~11111 .... I ................... ' ---.,,,,. l ----I ·-· ()' -.,,., .... 5 ,....,... I MO•····•· ................. \', °'"--~.: ............. ... ,.. .......... ,_. .... ...... \ --(MiiA" l \ ~-.--\ .,....,.,....~ I \ °"'""' 57·,..--I \ MO........ .... ......... I ' .............. --: _;!;.-••::-,, \ .......... '""::.,_ ... ..-__ _, \ ........ -------- HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH tHunti~oit C.nt•rl (fa1h~on f1l•n4) · BU~l.j,~·. P-~t!ng . . .,..,,· ..... .,..,.,... . ~'"'~ l'J , • ._,:, #~"" e~e .~.: Fas5)on · Trend. · 'B.eauti/u/' 'People Don M'od Citypants ' Wb••>'Yves St. Laurent J>l'0-1 ~ .. cl ty pan ts1 ' as I.he f1ahion look to w e a r everywhere, a surprised public took him al his word and the results are mak.lna fashiOO headllnes. (The ";~G°Ujlll -~·; check I pants at New York's m.are , elegant , rtsU:urants and · dine , a l1"11inl dress!) · , ! Sean at South Coast Plaza -cilypontl Ameriao lllyle and .Presents a special collect- ion ol. tbeSf: wide leg tttnd set- ters in a variety ol fabrics in both solids and patterns. How do yoo decide whl<b palr lo wear where! Try something soft and slinky for your at-home ip- pearances. Remember that tunic-over-pant sell provide a mini dress that goes out on the town when worn · alone. S..re equal fashion poln\s (or flared slee~ or'boUoin cuff&, ihlrt otyle .. Maki naied I lep • lllU5I ~ but 'Ulljl ~' .;~:. ~;a 1':: = news In modlffed t.i..ri.apes and I exqgeralod pointed collara. Note ruffled cuff& whl<b have been elutlclr.ed for easy wear.1 AlthouAb yw mQ" elect aot to wesr them everywhere, ~ are free to do .so this. ae,asoO. , The fashionables wlll, the lreod setters wW. t b e beautiful people Will Are you ready for cltypentsl ADD FLARE TO YOUR LIFE -••• with a feminine look in citypants. F1ar- ed sleeves complement fiared legs and waist tie adds comfort for at-home ap- pearances. \Vhen venturing out remove sash "and set forth in a U-necked mini dress. . Tliat's Shoe _Business No Spiking for Heers NEW YORK (UPI) - -n.ound. and round il goes, the shape of. the shoe toe for 1pring. Any remains of the painted toe tn women's footwear long since have been put away. Gone now is the blunted, squared toe of last spring. The new look is the solUy rounded one with s o m e fullness to the shoes without their being hefty. To balance the snubbed toe, footwear designers have given more height to the back, and added the variety of heel heights from which to choose. Heels' come in flats, fair to middling, even go as high as three lncbes. The newest looking height, dictated by the pants in spring collections, is a bil over two inches. It's the height Roger Vivier showed originally with the Yves St. Laurent pantsuits from Paris. manufacturers a~e d o I n g · thong-like sandals with ankle straps and platform soles of the 1940s. . "'Ille pump no long J!t · . , ·•· .. dominate! the shbe scene,'' sEe YOURSELF IN SEPARATES -At left is a s~ys J:lerbert Levine. He and black or brown velvelcen set featuring a double· his w1f.e,. Beth, are ~ well· .buttoned vest·and wide pant set. The turtle collar, known teim bl womenl ' 'wid~ cuffed slefve and shirt adds color and fabric 1"?.1wwear(. ) h contrast in white satin. On the right, a satin bush e now ave an e:ic-h' . rf f 'd j · traordinary variety of s ut m the pe ect topper or grey, w1 e eg moire silhouettes and types of shoes, pants. such as the high-riding step--------------------- ins, lies, clogs, spat shoes," Levine said. And of course boots go oo into 1pring from PEO Sisterhood winter, in pale colors and----------Whites. MAKE HEADLINES IN PRINT -Designed with your versatile self in mind, either set will make you a fashion pacesetter in your home. The set at left has thre~button shirt culls and jewel neck line and the olltfit at right features elasticized ruffle cuffs and a turtle neck collar. Camp Names Oracle li1rs. •1. L. Recd will be· come oracle of Laguna Camp, Royal Neighbors of America following an installation cer- emony in Laguna B e a c h American Legion Hall next W~ay. Mrs. Ferdinand Foster, a former oracle, will conduct the ceremony wilh the assist· aoce of litrs. Donald Wilbur and Mrs. Al Hatch. Other ofnters to be install· ed include the Mmes. Charles Smith , pas~ oracle ; Mrs. Lu· cian Means, vice oracle ; Mrs. Foster, chancellor; B. E. Smith, receiver; Hatch, mar· shal; A. L. Colclazier, inner sentinel; William Roetter\ ~ul­ er sentinel; G. M. Watluns, manager, and Miss Shirley Foster, rCC()rder. Appointed oificers will be th e Mmes. Wilbur, assistant marshal: R. J. Judkins, flag bearer and modesty ; Reed, musician; Watkins, faith; Jake Swiller, endurance ; F. A. Franke, unselfishness, and GleM Smith, courage. Bethel Hosts Breakfast . Job's Daughters, Bethel 313, Newport Beach, will attend St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for their Go ·to Church Sunday on Jan. 12 at 8 a.m. Following the service there will be a Pancake Breakfast Medical Group in Seafaring Masonic Temple. The event is open to the pul>- Every second Tuesday of lie. the month members of Orange On Jan. 21 the bethel Is Shores Medical Assistants' presenting Courtesy Officers Association assemble al 8 p.m. _N_ig'-h_1. ______ _ Localion may be obtained by calling Mrs . Marjorie Humber, 64~2273. Kids Like to Ask Andy Eaucators To Meet An important meeting fOT nursery educators has bee11 scheduled by the Orangf County Association for thi Education for Y0W1g Children; Whal Do We Want ln out College ClaSlies will be the topic at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. l4, in lhe First Methodist Church, 12741 Main S t . ; Garden Grove. A certificate for nurterf IChool teachers ii available thr01Jlh classes Offered bf area junior colleges, 1ccor~ ing to Mrs. Roger Hertr.og, association president . ,. Here's Where It's At! Wtsldlff l"llll ... _ .. 'Ibe higher heels in no way resemble the spikes of I.be 19408 and 1950s. The new highs are broader, set far back on the shoe and are minus the old full curve at the top. ~ You'll hear such terms as '~baby beige," ' • t a w n y ginger,'' "honey bear," "spic· eel curry," ''raspberry cream," "lavender sachet," "frosted orange." To go with thi!: palt1otic aweep in all ready-to-wear, watch for red. white .and blue combinations in shoes too. They look splen· did in patents. First Century Marked \ Earns Wings Earning Trans World A1r1111es fll&Jlt hostess wings Is Miss Rita Con- rfl'/, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Con- roy of Corona del Mar. She is based out of New York. Leche League Hosts Third In a Series The lhlrd In • -o/ four mc:mthly m e e t I n 11 _.-by the Coeta M ... chap!« ol La Leche WIJU< wlD lal;e pla<e 1°ueldaJ', Jan. If. The BJllh ol lhe Baby and FamllJ llelatlons will be lhe topic ol the -to beiln at 7:41 p.m. In lhe home ol llrs. Leon Stoddlrd ol Coeta Mou. Anyone may attend the ~ form1l dlacusslon. For mart lnfonnatlon •boul the riagqe or the meetln1, can Mrs. H.W. Moore 1t MM.159. Designers show the rounded toe in everything I r o m daytime nat.s to the most gltt.- teiing o/. eveziing wear. in materials f r'o· m traditimal kids and pate.Dts to patterned fabrics. Pair a ·patterned shoe wtth a tolid dFess for a change. . De.Iman, for 'instance, dbes a paisley' patten)ed pump with two itlch heel . And Mademoiselle!! shows t h e "Nanny" olford, a three eyelet lie wilh chunky mid- high heel in a Doral pattern. Spring shoes open up, and the open look will be tlie most impartant one for summer. predicts tbe Na iron a I Footwear Institute. The look calls for .uncovering everywhere -· at the front, · the middle, tbe. back. AI.ways, lhe broad heel. And • ""'"" A word about shoe 1election comm from Mn. Levine. "Don't jUst look down at your feet when you're trying on 'lhoes," · ahe said. ·~It's a mittakt many women · make. The ahoe should· be studied from all qla, especi11ly the way tt looks ·trom the back. and in a mirror large enough to see the whole you, not just the feet." Mesa Rebekah Every nnt •nd 1hlrd Toes. day ol the month membera of Mesa Rebekah L o d g e assemble In Odd Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa, at I p.in. I ' • MESA VERDE PRE.SCHOOL · 1nnounc• tho opening of Second School WEST BAY PRE-SCHOOL " 2n Monte V11t1, Cet1ta M.1• '!be School bas a few openinas for children who1B parent. are aware and selective. , Pre-School training Is .... ntial during . Ute ye1n1 when lnteUecluaJ potential la being established. PHONE FOii A IROCHURl!-64.1-2750 or 546-3244 The centennial year or Peo is being marked this year, and in conjunction 'i\'ith the observance will be a noon luncheon meeting of t h e Orange Coastal Reciprocity Bureau Saturday, Jan. 18, In t1ie Newporter Inn. Keynoter will be Mrs. P. H. Lamoreau, state president who will discuss Seven Founders. other state officers expected to attend ~re the Mmes. J . R. Gianlvalley ol San Diego; "organizer : T.W. Heidner or Pasadena, second vic:e president, and G . C . Mcirgan of Loog B e • c h,, treasurer. _ Also included on the pro- .gram Wiil be ~eno selectlo""' ·by Mrs. Jlfek Colvin and a story. "Seventh Lillie Sister" written by Mrs. F.W. Cleland, will be read by Mrs. Jack Steidinger, all or Huntington Beach. PEO was foundcJ in 1869 at Ule. Iowa Wesleyan College, and since then lhe sisterhood has established and main- tained thrcee ducat Ion a I philanthropies. The educatlooa1 fund was founded in 1907 to make loans to young women needing help for education beyond high school: Couey Junior College for Womel) ha s been owned and operated at Nevada, Mo. since 1927 by PEO, and foreign •tudents have been en- couraged to pursue graduate study • tbrouib the lnlenia· tional Peace Scholarship pro- gram since 1949. In honor of the first century,• the Centennia~ Center will be, completed and dedicated In · Des Molner. j All unaf[Jliatid PEOs ln the 1 Orange ,Coa!t area are Invited , to attend. Reservation~ may be made by caJllng ti.frs. It w. Danielson at 515-1577. Associates Plan Music Mrs. Robert Smith o.f Corona del M8r will host the Upper Bay 'Philharmonic Associates on Monday, Jan. 13. al 10;30 a.m. Mrs. J. S. Pike Jr. 'will conduct the business meeting and Mrs. R. S. Leilh will introduce the guest harpist, Mlss Ellubeth Elgin Turrell. The mtl!ical art!Jt has performed wttb the · 1 9 6 5 California Artists Series and Is working with tile Univenlty of Southern California Orchestra. ' ,, .. i· ! I ., 1 ( .... AING-A-OIN<l w.i.TCHES Wtlat could be'coolerthan11 LeCoultre alarm watch' for your active type man.-· Tt'le MemovOx E-Automatlc, alarm, calendlr. 17-jewel LeCOultte mo\>efnent, oold-filled bracelet end case, $140. The Polaris-Deep sea allrm feature rings when It'• Ume.10 surface£ Stainless steel case and bracelet. waterproof, calendar. lt'1 the only watch of Its ktnd In the world. $180. Yollr Cft1r91 Acco1111f Wolcom-l1nkA.Mrlcor4, • M1tlor Ch1r90, too SLAVIC K'S . 18 Fe•hlon l1lettd Newport Beech -M'o4-I )10 ... ..._ ________________________________ , _________________________________ _ . ' .. ' , ..... .. . . ..... . ' ' ~ . .... -·--· JZ . OAll.Y PILOT , (Sl I \ ... OYER THE COUNTER GM Reports Progress· Hiring Unemployed I See by Today's Want Ads e h A Lamb: Cive her thll "-darl """""' Mouton "'~ for Mil' m. e hrnished tuhiom:: A c.onttmporary s piece aeo- Hanel -115. e Quetn'• J"twtll: t.owl)' y.Dcw told wide lnOOet.. with rublft and diamond&, "' ...... -. ,...... • -Up;,,. ilud: ...... ....... ~. ~. Rtilto-a. ....... "'"' c-IA"" ..... -.... e Hft' Dolt y,_ OUdu G>W1 Utt-·~""1 .......... tOtec.t the On:K HOUIS DI· llllCftllll' tor .. ..... ""'Udo -.... -A .. VWt... .., ___ ... )'OUt ,.. .. nd ~ or bl.a1111ta ~ the put elpt roonths and Jama Roche, tbe COrDpaD)' chairman ..,.. job - by Iba! -.... nur1y-. tical with other GM employ11. Roche Aid In • Ila that the p.nt eu.lml•br told the Natlonol AllWlco o 1 Buotneamen lut April ff ....id hire 12, !It unemployed by this comfn1 June IO. Alter •labl monthl, 111d J\oche, ''it now teem1 certa1n thol the ortitnal projection Status Reports Asked of Banks WASHINGTON (UPI) Banks ttroual1oul the na ..... crdondthil-by lhrtt major ,..., agencle1 to submit rtporb their c<>nd!Uon u ol the ad ol IKl The call• for reports luutd,,,. the r-.i 11a.m le Ito member IMIJllllm, the Controlltt " the CUmncy to all naUooal blnb and the rodonl 1>opoo11 1ww Cori>.' .. ell -•• mtlllben " the ,. •••• _,.,.,._ .. ··A· .:.:.'" -· -·· -· -· f~ !~ -· ,, .. • • • •• .. · .. ... ··-•. _, -i •••• ·:.~c-;.-"" ..... ----..... ·=----~-.. - -·~-----------------------------·K--·-····"•o••-~R~-··--•••••·-·· • • I I 'i'.ri\ _,_ + .. If • ~· · l!~ ;.::, .. ii" ..... !f 11: ~ J4 OIJLY PILOT -----·-·------------------··· .... -~----~--• • • Morrall Not ·concerned With··~ ,. .. I • • OOU ' (AP) -Drl Morrall Isn't ..,»"""eo"'l·ed In Joo Namath's Up, 11111 1111 ·1nn. ~ Morr~u. the ~ (),,It• • quart-. ,.Id he had ieod Namalb's r~ tO him as a 5iktb , r.te q~· -~He m express any opin1on he wants," aald Morrall. "Tbat't his busine11$. "I don't worry about olh·er (luarterbacks. AU I'm interested in ill the other team's defense. Tbal's what ' you have to beol Actloos opelt louder than wonb. It'• wtla you do-on the field that c:ounta ... , " .. Nama!ii, qu,...rt>Ock or Ibo ~lean. FCOltbaU Le.... chJmpion N"' Yilrt Jets, raJ)PO\I' Morrall' f"!'li# 11\11' we,k. Namalla· safd there wtre at least five quatterbacks In the AFL littfer than Motrall. , 'tile 34-year..!~ 'Morrall tbr<w 1f touchdown -lhla S<llOI\ In leadlni the Colla to the Nallooal Football Ltaue c-'pionship Ind Into Sunday's Super Bowl game qalnal thi Jets. He was voted the NPl.'s pla)'<I' ol the year and ardlltect ol the Jeta' AFL champiomhlp cii'IJ.. Mcnail said: · "I haven't seen too much of him. l\re read a lot. He geta a lot 'of publld_ty. From what I've seen on. ~ftialon and films, he throwl qUick, gets· ha.Ck ,fast, gel! rid of the ~lL '' ' Morrall Wd he couldn't recall ever putting a rap on another player. "A> I say, he can talk. It's up to each individUAJ what he does. 'J don't ' I hlft lo believe it." Tho Oolta' -11111 lhl1 •• lam, Balllmon _,,.,too -·-to lhlnp ·ute thll, In ca. Nlmltli'1 blast 11 him WU -lo. ba j>oydloloif<al: . Ha said there wu oome lope lri 'Ibo ......W., lhll 11'1111ath mlgbl be tr1ll>C to bolMter Ibo Jell' con11dence, by dolft!il'ldlnl blm and the nil ot tbe NFL d>amploos. . :. Momdl had kind ...n11 !fir Ibo man he IUJlllWl!e<i It quartorbld< lor the ,, Jones., Hill Fire '66& • • ' Siff ord's Seor:c.bing 63 T-0ps First Day of ~A Open LOS ANGELES (AP) -There bad i.n a parade of stars and ltsf-than- •~ In.to· the preuroom at the Loe AA- 1eJes Open... . Tberl! was Billy Casper to describe what be called 1 "~" f'Ol.ln4 of 61. And Arnold Palmer rmt1n1 1111 '12. one over par for the Rancbo Farm Golf Club. 1bue were Jimmy Walker, Jr., £tom L o a Angeles, Terry Dill from Austin, Tex., and Bob "Watermelon' 'Murphy, the rotund one from Nlchola, Fla.; who were tied at the time at 67. ' ' . 'lben cime a retiesblDI younJ man from W1chita, Kan., Gi:ler Jooe1, a ruot- ie pro and• tM !Ml · natlonll eolleslatl dwnpioo fnlm Olllahoma Stltl. llis •looked like U.would hold up. But on.-came Dave Hlll. an l:ntrtqutnl winner fro m Everc?ee:n. Colo., to Ue young Jones, Abruptly from <!Qt on the courst came a report. Charlie Silford was eight sboU undu par, wllb -hole to ... . Impossible. Everyone agreed. SUford wu only one itrott under par at & b • ~Hate to Quit Track' llim of Rancho's reJU!ation 3W6-'/I. "· Hlll was on: the. iriterview platform .Whell,43-yesi'-old SJllonl M*1e In· "Chai-lle S!llord, gentlemeq. With .. e!Jbt· under pl.ti. "·" 11aid hla: elCQl"t. But the IS was lnle. Silford went lnl6 today'• second rowld ol.pliy with a lead ollhne-andlllO(berbttolms&· 1c had tciuched a goU tournament. Sifford hu been a profeaional mor• . than two de<adeo. He b the Ont Negt;> to really make a big co of it in rolf. m hu plsyed moat ol the major loornf' ments and a lot .of little ones. · · His one main target il to be invited to play In the lamed Ml!len. an lnvlU. tion be bas nev~ recilved. however. ··· _ .. _ ._MlttSQJJ_Sja~_Atrllltellt, .. _ Declines Pro Contract Slfford'a. back nine boles we.re amd- lna:. ije started 'with a birdie deuce on N"' II. oft thf 528-)'U'd 13th lie toolt a wedje and·S!amlned the ball Into the cup .f~GUI~·-~--. A hot driver and wedge produced foui more successlve birdies as he came homt in 28. strokes for bis round of M-21-&S. · Sifford saJd he has shot It twice in toUrnament! but never a 13, a cOunt ncord here shared by Palmer and Phil &clgen. . , OFF TO OREGON -UCLA coach John Wooden will be counting heavily on guard John Vallely when the Bruins open Pacific Eight play at Oregon tonight. UCLA's Saturday afternoon game al Ore- gon State will be televised al 2:30 over Channel 5. Vallely played at Corona del Mar High and Orange Coast ·college. Sports in Brief Pac-8 Hostilities Open; Lakers, Celtics on TV Pacific~ Conference basketball ge~ under way tonight with the beginning of lhe end of a fabulous era called "Alcindor." UCLA's powerful Bruins and.._ I heir lowering center Lew Alcindor. now a &enior, open l e a g u e play at Oregon. Tonighfs Pac • 8 schedule ha s Southern Cal at Oregon State. Stanford hosting Washington, and Cal entertaining Washington State. The home teams switch opponent, Saturday, when the feature will be UCLA at Oregon State in the aflernoon . Lakers at Boston BOSTON -The Los Angeles Lakers batUe the Bo6ton Celtics tonight; aiming for their third straight victory without a los.s against the National 883kelball Association's defending champions. The game will be televised in the Southland. Channel 5 at 6 o'clock. Simpson. Sogge Sig11 LOO ANGELES -O.J. Simpaon ac- quired a manager and Steve Sogge ac· quired a baseball career Thursday. The two stars of USC's football team appeared. together at a news conference to talk about the turns in tbeir destinies. Simpson, whose spectacular rushing "'on him the Heisman trophy. said he's 1;igned a "total management" contract wit.h Sport.s J~eadliners, Joe ., of In- dianapolis. It will handle all h.i.s affilrs, Including negotiations for a pro contract. Simpson is el"pCCled to ht the No. I draft clloice this year. Sogge, Trojan quarterback, ls less known as a baseball catcher. But he's a good one and the Lai Angeles Dodgers signed him to play with their fann club at Spokane. Sogge said he signed as a fret. agent to what he called a very fair contract Tenns were not disclosed. ' Drought End.I DETROIT -After 210 minute,, and four seconds -nearly four games - of the most frustratingly barren hockey play in their history, the Los Angeles Kings finally put the puck into the net -but it wasn't nearly enough. It was all downhill from lhere and the Kings got clobbered, 6-2, Thurday night. Paterno No. 1 LOS ANGELES -Joe Paterno wound up the football season ranked 1 notch higher than the Penn State football team he coaches. PeM State was No. 2 In the final Associated Press football poU. Paterno has been picked u Ccllege Football Coach of tbe Vear In the university division. Stars Lose DALLAS -For the Los Angeles Stars, there's no place Uke home. Tbe Stars proved it again Thursday night, losing tOU9 to the Mavericks in Houston. The club has a chance to improve that road record tonight in Dalla11 against the Chaparrals. Kush Changes Ml11d JC Wrestl~rs Visit Cal Poly " For Tourney SAN LUIS OBISPO -Golden West and Orange Ccast wrestling teams were competing in the Cal Poly junior college tournament today and Saturday after both teams Jost dual 'matches. - ~11. Sen Antonio rallied from 1 15-11 deficit 'nluriday to overhaul tbe hpst Rustle~ 28-20, and visiting Orange Coast. lost a 11-11 decision ta Fullertoo on Tuesday. OCC's Paul Robinson (137) won his eighth straight match of the seasoo with a 9-3 win. The other Bue winner was Bob Lyle. in the 130-pound class. FllPert.cm's Bob Delitori decisioned Joe Randle by a 12-1 margin in the 14&-pound matd\1lfld then OCC's Art Broob gained a dra~ •ith Oscar Valenzuela in the 152-pound'~ggle. The Pira°''\ Mark Stockton lost a close 6-5 match to 'll&rt Taul at 160 pounds. Fullerton's Rorf'~renschot pinned Orange ColJt's Tooy Horpel (167) in the seand period. • The Bucs' Ralph erOB. was decisioned in the 192.,,.,...i mat<h am heavyweight Dan Hilllard .was pinned. Ml. SAC 1'. ...... Wat':M lls-MI. SAC. lllrt.11 IU-Lernr W1t1n1be !Mt.SAC! -.C. am Htrr" (GWCI, t-7 1»-0en Herer1 CMl.U.C> OK. CMb ~etlll (OW(;), .. ll7-IC11Suil Nerio IGWC) C>I""'" Tom s-fl\M IM!.SAC), .-oO period 10-8ob G19nlk IGWC) PIMl'll 1111 "T1110r !Mt.SAC!, M<XlftO Pf!'lacl 151-Jlm V11DuRn1 fGWC) pinned Jal'!n Hm:~I !Ml.SAC!, 11\lrd HrioO \6G-llltll Cllfl!ll"llMm (Ml.SAC! •""-' ._int l'ennel (GWC), M<Ond Hl"lod 161_,..,.rit H1ftOOll (Ml.SAC! plllftld Chvdl. Ml'l'ere!M fGWCI. llrt.t l'f"flod 117-Joe C..Y (Mt.JACI dee. tUCll 01~ fGW(f, ls.4 Ul-Dennh Colllt IM!.SACI 1lr111M Jolln t11tleM(t IOWCI, Mciond ""°' H-,.-1111 Jolla tGWCI ~ kll (tyMll IMl.U.Ci, HCOlld PSrlod DALLAS, Tex. (AP) -Look GUt world! RandyMatsonw~uwcom~~lnUack aga!n. Mallon. who started In a . stock brokerage traJning proiram in Houston Jut week, has given up the id.ea of playing either profess:looal fooG>all or basketball. "Oh. I thought about It a lot," Matson. said in a telephone interview. "I don't know tf J .could have made il But I'm interested in a·busi.Des.s career ind I would have to put ii olf until I completed professional albletlca. "I hate to quit trsct now: rm just 2.1. I lhould be able w improve." Mataon, the world and O~ple record holder In the shotpu~ received 'Of!ers from both the Dallu Chaparrat. of Ute American Ba11ketball AuoclaUon. and the AUants Falconi of the Nattooal Football League. He stands g..foot-6, weighs acme 255 pound11 and is quick, quick, quiet. "I had some pretty cood offers," Matson said. "I really think they were higher than what I would have bten worth 'l.o them. The offers were real fair, but not such u would mate it worthwhile to me." Millon has alreidy begun workouts at the Hoost4ot downtown YMCA heal\b cl~~· hope · to:. -pele · Olia yar In select.eel events," M1U<n Aki. "I hope to make u many meets as I-can. It will take another month for me to get into decent shape: so I could tbrow in compeUUon. "I hope to be In shape In time !0< the Fort Worth indoor meet in February. I -...-ould also Uke to go out to the West Cout. for a mfft or two." Matson said his employers were "interested in my et>mpeting. This is a real good lituat~on for me. I will go to traJnln1 IChool In New York in July for two and one-half month! and then take enma W ret ttgistered." -Mil.son said ht would like · to see the development of pn>fwional tract and field. "It would be ru1 1oocl for the -t athlete,'" 1aid Malllln. un'*: bard to~ pete u an 1m1tour and lry to bold down a job. "lt would alao Jtrencthtn the overall tract J>f'Oll'lm. More younpten would Sports Calendar Saturd17 Buket.ball -Costa Mesi vs Garden Grove at Coron• del Mar (1:30), Millikan 1t Ccrooa del Mar, Or&Jlle at Mission Viejo. \\1e11tmont _J.t UCI, Golden West 1t Santa An1 (all 1t I), Sadd1eback JC at Cal State Long Beath Frosh (i,4$). want to cancentrate 4'i'I. -a 'career in tracl< and field inltesd ol rootball and atber sporta." ..... Matson aald he had &iten 11>me thougllt to the possibility of eompetlng In the 11172 Olymplca In Munich. Germany. "It's a lone w1y off," Mataon aaid. "I'll have to take it day by day. U it ieta to the point where I'm un1ble to compete well I'll give it up. l w1nt ta win -not just compete." k. you can see, Randy Mabon 11 back. "11 t can play this good with the ·nu I hope li don't Juve me." &aid Sill~ . UCI Post to Adams Set to Coach Bmeball Gary Adamo, ~year-old reerealion sports director at UC I~. is expeeted lo be named UC1'1 first baJeball coach soon, the DAIL 1C PILOT baa learned. " Adams joined the pbysc!al education 'l\afi at Irvine last fall P"'v: loualy, he was on tho ~ebali aoacblng .staff .al UC R!venide. . UC! will be&ih-ill ~ program, In lh• spring of 1970. Cotl-•trudion· ls expected lo l>egilf on the university's baseball field thi8 spri1lg .. Eventually,, th' baseball plant Will~. part of .a three-part sport), «lnP.l•ll' on Ifie large field 8\ljacen~lo the present UC! athleac ccmp1U< · The )>aseboll field and a Tartan track will ~ dlv!Cled by an lntr .. mural field. · · Ad~~ Is a •graduate of UCLA, where lie was a beseboll s!andoti in the 'early 1980'1 .. Following his graduation, be remained at UCLA a& ~slstant vanlly."6ach.and head frosh coec!t· He movt!d·\'li lo UC Rive~ Side In 1965. · •. . A resident of Mission . Viejo, A~ams h'8 already l>egun recruilinf !op OranJ• County prep and junior college baseball pro~. • lrvme athlelic dlreclor Dr. Ray Thornton has indicated the .sure~: for UCl's. fim track coach is conllnuing. He is eipeeted . to . lll<lltt Adams' appoinbnent of!iclal before the end of the mooth. • • • JC Trans£ ers No Longer ; To Lose Year's Eligihili~: LOS ANGELES (AP) -Athleta who trms!er Crom junior coUe1e1 \o ffAU'-year schools no lonatr mus wait a yur be/ore participating In vanity athletics at their new acbool. The Natl<lr\al Collegiate A t h le t I c Aslocl•t)on cluriJtl lfo meetlnl l\i ~ Angeles·thil·week·rWed mch trinllfer students ·cin p&rtldp.ate 'tn van'.tty 1thltt1ca after one quartet or leri1ester -iroY!dln& their irades are good. An NCAA Executive Committee ~ posal, ll<:Cepled during the meet1n1; •el! a !.5 or C-ptua irlde ave.r1ge u tbe standard. And, it uses a fannula to precUct. that if a student is capable of. a 1.1 or Cminus crade average, but rnatel a I.I or Cplas 1verqe the flrst ......, • period, the student e>n ~ 11'4 IChool bt 1thletlca. ' SHELLEY QVITS RVSTLER CAGERS TEMPE. Arii. -Frank Kush was u elusive as some of hia Sun Dtvil backs today as to why be decided to quit Pitt.burgh five day> alter ICC<ptlng the job as head football coach to remain at Ari%onl Stale Univers.ity. Lag unan Sha res', Open· Lead A -I with a better than I.I .,..iO proleotJoe ... record aleo ta ell&lblt If 1111 .utrqe .rter tl!e rirat gr""'••_...., taUorlietttr.' • .._ ... ..,, ·Eaentil!IJ, the new rule won' -for foolball Jl(v<rl un1eu lhtJ ~ Mike Shelley. the leading scorer ror Golden West last 9eason but a reserve this year, hu dropped oU the Rustlers' bukelball team and plans lo enroll •t Ball Slltt University in Muncie , Ind., Ae:li lelDtlter. Bbellef averaged 17.4 poinU a game • Jor the JtuliJera lut season and wp acori.ng lt ,.tntl per contest this year as a reRrVe forward . Be fut pl.IJed (Or Golden Wt.81 in the ~btt Ch.alley Tournamcnl and then went lo Jndi&na. hll birthplace, lor th• boUdsys. He was nowhere to be found Thuraday wben ASU athletic director Clyde Smith proodly announced lhlt the school'• - ningest coacb in history had decided that he wouldn't return to his nat1ve Pennsylvania. aft.f!f all. Ol11mple Medal Stole" ANTIBES, France -Burclan broke Into the home or France'a Olympic akllng ch1tmpion. MarleUe Golll!Cbel, and stole her medals .and trophies at well as some household goods, police reported Thuroclay nl&ht. SUNOL. Cali!. (AP) -The ISO.OtlO A11meda County Open Golf ToUl1llmtnl wu a guaranteed finlnCial succe.u today but who will grab the $10,000 winner 's purse won't be known wdiJ Sunday. Bill Ogden of Tucson, Arlz.., a veteran club pro who plays only In the ClllfonUa and Arbooa tour events, th.artd the first round lead with Richaro Martina of t.a.guna Stach. Each shaved two strokes off the Palm course per 72 Thursday. Ogden droPped thtie birol" and toot one bogey; MarUner had four birds and two bogeys. Frank Jv1ldi, owner of the 7,100 yard Sunol Valley o.unu, Club, said the P-1 Goll.. ~Ilion had cuarafttetd him qainst poalble km on the pn>m<itlon. The joumammt-"~ rather huniedly IChedWed, In CClllflid wMh this wed.end'• 1100,0tlO Loa Angela Open, whee the lourill( """ oraanbtd the rival -and llwt-Uved -AteodaUon of ProfuWnal Golfri lut lsll. It wu bachd by the PGA. Thuraday, l,yle W ......... ill Vic< president, told Iv a ktJ the PGA 'ould ablorb any loss. He also N1d the PGA would o::tmpt the top 10 llnbhen lrOm qualll7lll( ror next week's 11311,0t!O 1talaer .<>pen at SU1•erado Country C 1 u b, l'lapa, Calij. Previously · tt had enmpled oilly the Suool Willner. Q&den aild Martlnu had Thursday '1 onlJ aob par 1r:are1. Four othen abet par 71, Butdl Bairo, Don Whitt, Dkt Lo& and Rick .i.u.r . Sl1 shared 71: Jb1ion7 Loll, Jom Jacobo, em TlndaU, Cati· Lohrtn, llalph Demlna and Scotty MocBelth. Bob Lwn, who won 1-t wett'1 Southern Call!om!1 ()plll and ...,.. titan 1190,«JO last year, ""' Utd •t fl with several. a quarter ... -... of """"" clurtnl: the ...... """"""'· Bul,a<cordln(to an NCAA~· It would mean baatetball p11o>n or llhletes pirfldJ)llUll( .in •other wlntt<: « llP'lnl sports, could put on vanltJ• uni!onm. The pred&ct.i.ni: formula takes bo cc.- older1tlon ae aihlei.:1 OCldemlc reoar«' In high lcbool lltd jvnJor coJlqe 81111· atterOpts to project the quality ol ltll wort at tbt four.year colltge. .. ~ If an athlete don not mtke a ~· averaae clurln& the !Int srtdill( ......... ho lllU llllllt wolt 1 fllJI 7'11' -. partldpltlna on a vanity t.eam. ' ... I, -' .. -----·----~~~''"~.---~~----,.·-... ~---=~=-.. ----.. -------.-----..-,.,.-,.,..,.,, . ~dM :DUels~oftTnt}''SNo.,1 Team · . ' . ·• . 81 llOG!I\ (:AlllSON . . 1-o• '• C!f .. Qtlti ,. ... ltlrJ . A nllfy doublt Mld<l'· •I Corona dd ~li!u Hilb ·Upo olf a btavy· tchodule 'Of b~e1ball lellon loo1ihl for Onna• ~-.11'"• high~! !tllni Tllo llOl>l-1 .. -•at lCdl.I. bu deW!llv1>~.c1e1 IW' throw· '.lii1 Its weight al Gorden a,.ve, . tbe 'lop rankod..teom in .OrU1ge J:ounll" and lbe Cll!'i AM dlyW9n. " · · That battle , Is due at t, following tho 6:30 hall ol lhe doubla bill which puts Long Beach Milllkan qalnat eo.ta Mesa. Also lonl&bt: UC~, Big8 Set Games Next _Seaspn · • • UC Irvine, trytag to Upgrade lta in4 dependent ba1ketball schedule; will play .the universities of Colorado a n d Nebraska December back ·in t b e tnldwest. De!ipite daW for lhe two ilmea· are JlOt yet &et. but basketball coach Dick .g,,vis said the Anteaters probably wouJ.d p,lay the two Big 8 sc~ools in the opening week tJf the I98S-70 season: · · · · _11, DaVJ11 tiaid . there is no provision in .the contract with the two schools for ~ home and home series, w.hich would liring Colorado and Nebta!ka t o California 'the following yetE. .. , At present, UCI only has rive or six pm~s definitely ·on its · schf!dule !Or next season· and the final sChedule pr1>- bably won 't be worked ·Out until after ite NCAA chamPi.or\shipS' in March. . t Davi! talked wltb basketball officials .It Providence College 1on the Anteaters' rf!cent Eastern Swing and •the Rho<le Js(llJ!d llCboo(·Wla· inlete!ted -in playlitg llCI again. ~ . , .\ ' ·Merina faces Anaheim '-<tM) at the Vtkeo' COlll'I In Ill< oecond roun\f ·of s ..... 1 11Clion-wllll hopes ol upping Im record to, 1·1 wblle · Westmfnrter i1 ·In tbe wne . boat,. looking · lior Its first win Qf the loop campaign ogalnst. HW> TWj>Ort~arbor seeks Its ,&e<.'Olld league. win 'with a, test .. at .Santa Ana Valley .. , · , The Crestview League lead ls up for t i: a-b 1 at F~oothilL where the Knight! entertai}I ~ Vie~ winner of four ttratght including its opE-nJng league test. Lquna Beach (t-0) hope. to keep its winning ways going with a game . ' . 11 'llllUn -while Sin Clemente and Oralle• bl\U.. lor their !Int loop victory ,at 1lle lat~·· <0\11'1. All 1ames are at I acept the Meaa ci.sii. Other !<vine~ conUnue ncn-leli"• l!aUI .. ·Jn ireporaU<111 for loop-cpeoen a w•.beoce.. . ' .. · EJtancta entertalnl Santtqo ln a,blttle. of young teams and Fountain Valle.y seeks . tts fourth win In a row wilh a showdown at La Quinta. Mater Del and Sales.Jan tangle at Mater Dei in another non-league teat. Miss.ion Viejo cornea back Saturday To Play Basketball • · R·ustlets · ·saddleback . ' Have rTotal Dedication ' . -· ' ' It takes more than the usual amount ol dediCation tO play bll!ketball at Golden Wesl'and Saddleback ju~ colleges. "1f you're the type ·that likes to wake up at the S:30 ·a.m. reveille at El Toro or wort out. t111til 10 at night check out a jerM1y from Dlck Stricklin or Roy steVeiis. Both coaches art ittempting to operate on Ute intercollegiate level without a home gymnaaium -Sttlc.klin fur th!'! third year and Stevens .for the first. . Golden WeSt',a Stricklin-has one ad- vantage over Stev~n.s .-he can use the Orange Coast College gym. But, Orange Coast naturally has: first call on its own floor and uses it duriog , the afternovn. El Toro Marine Air Station , bu\ SM· dleback had to p~actice e:Gly · in the morning, th1;1s the 5:;!0 a,m. turnout. * * * .Stevens and hQ · p1aytn couldn't take that so lhey moved ever tG the l)'m at old Su J1an ~pl1trano Hlgb SOhoel •. their present campalp camp. TbJs Ume Steveu had to alter . Lbe c!Qs 1theduJes of 1ome of bit: players to conlorm with bis' new workoat Ume -noon to 3 p.m . The Gauchos bave to be out of the om at 3 o'clott because that's when dte San Clemente Hlglt School.~ team moves m· if or its dfWt bd the Bee1 · lrave ftnl call on .the gym • That mearus Stricklin and his team The natural soluUoa to tbeae odd workout hours is limply (or Go!dep West , , , · ; • •lld.Stdlllobadt to.b:llld,~on-cm. *************** Bolb have fatilltlei' In vlrlou atqe1 ~ HoweyeLJ>.i.m1.dtn~..'ucbedule.fur.,ib£..._ next t"lfo Y'lr.S 'has been filled so the earliest ~atch possible would be· in IflVI of planntng, hui neither wtD have a .. aun>tn~· -~.,....;.,-111! ... f....-ait~• 11'10011 cage aeuon. SCHWARZ ttie 1971·72 season . '·' LIONS HONOR . " .. SUNSET CHAMPS several . outstanding football pla}'ers \Vete 'lndi~idually honored Thllrlday night at the Westminster IDgh School awatJfs banquet held at the Knotts Berry Farm Steak{ House. Named captain or the undefeated Sunati. .League cha1npions }VU . Ruly Me~ while Ron Shepherd, .WJll ~p­twilla-the most valuable player.aWard11 Chuck Suter copped the scholai'·ithlete award and Darryl Berg was · named~' U ~ best football player in a field of Olltatanding athletes for coach Bill ltoswell's 1968 juggern..ut. 1 1 , • Eddie Batte was n~ed most .. '.i6'- splrational ba ck and the same award for a lineman went to Greg McCants. Moat improved back . was Gt. e g Newhouse and John McLaughltr11 waa ntmed as most improved lineman. ·£Ray str(>tman was lauded as the best condWontd player on the squad. " "''ork oi.it 3.t nJghi, 7-10, five Hines a · v.·eek, at a gym 10 miles from the · Golden West campus. •After three ·yean without a gym Stricklin has grown philosophical. "I really don't mind ;e.xc'pt it keeps me away from my family at night. The players like it because they can study before oUr ; workoui in$ad 'o! going home Ur.elf after .an afternoon pPactice ,and then' hav,ing . to bit the books. ' . .''.Aj .ll>e beginning of the yeM the teilm voted' between 8ft~oon wotkQUtti at a local high school and night session at Orange Coast. th"91ayep, tbemse1Veft went for 1he ,ri!gbt.kou~._l'' ; i ' s~Ms h:ash't ~ as .fortunate. He:" doesn't have another juilior college in the same district to use its facilities, SQ the Gauchos h av e been forced to improvise. First they practiced at Mission Viejo IDgh School for two weeks. But a '260 rental fee sent them looking for another slte. It turned out to be: * * ArchitecLI are now 'ttOrking on draw· ings for a ~.OOO«at gym at . Gol~en West witb bopeo ij will be up by fall 1970. . Saddle back, which does't have any' permanelit>bulldlngs yet, bas a five-year $14 million butlding program putllned on paper, ihcluding a fl.l mllllon gym, but right noW it isn't scheduled for compleUon until 1972 or 1973. Cost, of coorse, is an important factor In b9th colleges• plana. Orance omst's plant,;which seats 2,700 · and w~ copiplefer:t. ln·1~. cost $115,000. Building C'08ts incre8.ae $4 percent each year and added necessary furnlshinga like backboards (OCC's clear one'.1 cost !JOO each) and a scoreboard (OCC's hute ones, the best in Orange County, are . priced at $1,330 each) can raise the price tag coosidera~1y. So unW 'the two colleges build plan~ . of theii' OWn, Stricklin and Stevens will have to put up w:Ith _strange houri arid continue to beg, borrow and share facilities. A ~etball prpgram without pepnanent faciliµes ii better than no prbgram a~ all. foe Ill third C..atvlew teat,• "°'lllllr ' Oranse at I, Corona dal Mar, which bu already met such pow era · u Compton, Muir, Lona Beach Poly Ind u~-down MlgM!la, hu llhown Itself Cl(>lble of lllYinl with anY<N14. The Gorden Grove balU• la qpectad to be 1 defwlve 1•m from both aldet ol tbe court. Coata Mesa hu won three ol its .i.st foor out,inp and could cl•• MJllkan all it CID handle. SUMet Leaiue crucials are on tap with Weatmimter '1 and Marina's back.I to the ":all• ' ' N'('•: w: -·~rt, . , am,. Estaitcia (:1"•._· .i. ' t ' ,'' ' ' •. Po$! .Yietori~s I; fiftal pre-league wrestling'' tuneup; d~J. i: the week, F~tain· Valley thujlipoct;,Yilla Part, ,494, Wednesday aft.e~. while Newport Harbor t o o k aparl San Clemente, 56-6, and Estancia sq~ 'by Long Beach Wilson, 25-20, the lame night. In 1 Thursday mat action Corona del Mar downed Long Beach Poly, 37-14. The -Estancia cootest provided a dramitlc flnlah •• heavyweight Bob Ray- molld ' pinned bl! · 9pporient In I : 40 . of the ·'second round to break a 20-20 deadl~ .and live bis teammates the vlctpry. WHOA, THERE! -Corona de! Mar Hlgh's Kim Wilbrecht tires · lu\ng on to the ball while driving in for a.layup againlt .C!Jm¢j~n .. lier this season. Wilbrecht and his t~ates"fliee,Gilnlen:' the county's' No. 1 team, tonight in the Sea· Kings' gym. . ' Television Wrapup Super Bowl Sete Pace .. For Big TV Weekend Super Sunday 1taru at 11 :30 a.m. with t h e warm.up '.show for the ~i Super Bowl game. NBC carries the game in color. The TV announcers for the New York· Baltimore titanlc·wlll be Curt Gowdy, Kyle Rote and Al De RogaUs. The men on NBC radio (KFI, 640) will be Charlie Jones, George Ratterman' and Pat Sum· mer all. The preview show will feature: film Saddlehack's Noon Paces JC Scorers Saddleback College iU•rd Bill Noon continues to lead the Orange Coast area junior college basketball scoring race by a wide marain. In l l games, Noon has pumped in 219 points for a 19.9 average. His closest challengers in the scoring race are Golden West's center Dave Prather and forward Brian Ambrozlch . cllps of both league cbam))I and bow they reached the Orange B<lwL Slated Saturday are: The UCLA-Oregon State game from Corvalls will be telecast on Channel 5 at 2:30 p.m. The Pepperdlnt-UC Santa Barbara game will be carried by Channel 13 at s p.m. from the Sports Arena. Bowling followers have one of their rare major moments on 'IV with the $45,000 LA Open on Channel 7 at 3:30 p.m. Tom Harmon and Dick Enberg call the LA Open golf tournament over ChaD- nel 5 at 4 p.m. The weekend TV menu: IATUIOAY 11 1.1"11. C4/Cl -Se:NIOlt IOWl -N«tlo YI. Soul!I co If. 'tl'81'' Jlm SlinPtofl, £111'111r Antlmfll mlk" I f St.cllu"' Ill Mollllt. 2:)0 p,m, (2) T -OLO CL.A!SIC -G«>l'le Kfludtol\, H1rokl H"'"ln1 "'· Gfore• Ar~, kb Lu1111. Jtck Whtl1kw, C.rY MldcllecOff llnluldt 1f Flrftl-(C, Akron. (D.iiul). ' 2:)0 J',m. UlCL -l"'SKl!TIAll -IJCLA ft O""'°" Sttl1 lrom COf'V1!1l1, l IJ.m. (IJ)CT -IASKt:TIALL -,,_l'CllM "'· UCSB. MOii!• Moon, Prlt P11tt1f ccvrbldf tt I.A ll>orll "'"'"'· ):30 p,m , (7)Ct -I OWLING -$45,QQO Grtmr t. ... °"""' with Cl'lr11 Sdlenltll, lfllr Wtlu 'flll119 Ille 1trlkn e!ld 1Hrft. ' p,lfl, U)Cl -PGA GOlF -•11111.fOO LA OHr!. Tom Hfrmon, Old: t:nt.rg, Dick G•"°" llfOkJl(lf If 1l1nchD MUft]clHI todlY •nd ~. '!'30 p."11 f4JCl -UJ\ITA ... NIT ... -Mt,ooit Ml lbu SIMU, M\'tn l'Url~ fllf f.\lffr ... f:d RI!""'"' HlfTY H9!1Mfl ~ •· S ,.m. 'lCF -WO" Of' GOC..1" -, A "•lmfl', ~IV Brewtl",1 M CM llodrlllUft 11# Ille El C-vlllldor 1.lllb ft lM Ctotb11, ,utrto ft~c.. ,.,,,,(S)CL -HOCICEY -LA ICll'!ff •t Toronto Mlil>i. l e.lfl. J lltl Md>onltd knlclt •I Toront9 i•de1<1. 5 p,lfl. n -W/01: WOllLO -l,.l'l'Tl1l!lotllll Womtfl'I lpg~klintt Ct.tm•lo111hl1. 11111 piij' ' ._ 91llle: 11 ObWI .. """-Gtrrrll • ' I ' • ' NGl. 1 SUPER STOCK -Bill Bagab&w's 133 mph supersl<>ck Dodge ·.Dart from North Hollywood ls rated the naUooel record bolder, His : car will · compete. agaillst some ·:.> otller drivers• at the first event of the $14 ()()() NHRA super stock series Sunday at Orange County lnter- nattonai Raceway. Note the distortion the sudden acceleration created on Bagah.aw's rear. tire. · Prather held the No. 2 spot despite a case of the flu and foul trouble hiB last two games. He'1 averaging 15.7 points a game whlle Ambrozich is .scoring at a 15.1 clip. . , .... ---·· ..... -.. "'' '""' dl9:io.kMWllP ll'MI 9•111 CMlforflll,. JI"' '' m~kn"·'''· 011CT -I OXING -ChuU Hull. G. L. Vlllo rl111111lcle 11 'mi Stlflftr Jn l11 VHll. Cll,.. '!'-•-"'"---lltJ. 11 1.IT\.o U -9"1K• I lL -UCLA w . "'-'-------__:~~-....-~·--' . •. SCC Tourney • • . ' Woman Driver Entered · / • ~pens Tonight Rangers Set For UCLA- Orange Coast College's leading scorer is forward Phil Jordan with 158 Poinll in l% games for a 13.2 average. Sad .. dleback'a Marc Hardy haa sir ftwer points in one leJI game but has a be:tte:r average, lJ.I. Only three other players are ll:Oring at leaat 12 pointl a 1ame. Saddli'baCk's forward combination of Hal Boyd and Randy Lawrence ls averaging It.I and Soccer'• lh:zllng rivalry betwb the tu. t4ouston {Ol'lf "" "lam )· 10 1.m. _fl lCL -t40CKlY -St. Louil II Ml-"-~ K1Uy, 9111 Matlr k:t11de In fNf+. '"'i'1'!rJ'·i , (0 Cl -~NTAlY -'"vltW rl ~ lowl ,l''""'fllr nc dl"9 cllp1 tl'IOW/lt tie;-'7N"fti m_ •i'J,.e:I' 10 l ~ NFl ™""lffl B•lllfNff n . ...l"l ~10!! Ne:w Yon;. tlll"I Gowdy. l(ylf Rotw, ... I OI Jh: .... 111 mlk"*-•" 11tt OrtnM l.fil In Ml1MI, JCMrti. J-. "'":~~lt)~~~~n.tlf./~-'"·*~' "",...,,.,,'''~•llfl J1!1!_-·~"'" .. "'!!""' 1rern 1tor11 k.,.. """'· · ? "·"'· r. L -Pg' G01:i->,l!'f0'0 ~ C»ero. TOf!I H1rynp11, lck I!! , DI..,. ••-• U""1\!le ti "•ncht M11111t;l11I lot h ~~· ' S P.m. !SJCF -SKltNG -J11.,.,, k 11'1', Fr1J1Q1•1 lklh'>ll I fft lo fl'lt ~I I ....... ~~thern -California Col I e a e ' 1 VanguardJ shoot foj' ll>eir ,.;ebth •ictory Iii ll starta when lhOy duel Ca! Blpt!Jt teblil!t· in tbe n!Ptcap ol the four-team rfiew Year's basketblll tournament at tJie Cool• Mesa oollege'a gym. Super Stock Circuit Vlfllei: J¥qy~ a;ttOCl!!-. I ~' ' Cout Ranpn and Va.A wlll rHWnt a '"01v1oual sc°"•"• --L. ·-·· --... " y,. , w-tram _....,t 11•11e11 ~ two t()f'(IQ': ~· IJ 11 n ~i ,',It dohtlleal·/I~~·~. • ~-k n n H if Aciton tiqtna: at-1.. T1cbt Jk1Ct9.,. $t w"""'si 12 ~ " ,'•~ for adults and 50 cents for student!. A 7 F ' m ll ::; B !! C•llfomlll'I Mamrnolll Mounllln wllll NI d.0~ ,...._. .. I.lie UcrOb(, •" J ,_~M, (4DJI' -COMMl!N'T'AA'~-Oii $Wll. I~ • ii.ll'I. •(J)Cl • ..,.., _HOCQi -Los "'"""' 'I 1110:... Jill• MC:OoMlf Mldt •I CllfC-·~1~ ~1 •::io if.111, fll!Cl -IKHNG -T-1""-wlltt ffrKMlt••nd 1:11 .... ~lft)>off Is aet for I with Blol1 (W) • goCnC againlt rd Ange'les Bapll>t (5-1) io ttie 7 o'clock atntggle. . Tiit wlntlek' ol tonlihl's matches return io sec Saturday at t ftt' the ltumament title while the losers pll)' ol 1· far lhlld place. The National Hot Rod Association starts Ill 11169 $14,000 super sU>ek racing· circUit Sunday at Orange County lntemaUooal Raceway; The lfl.r&l'e schedUle will aflernate between ·Norlhern and South- ern California drag strips. 9Uiilllying Sunday starts at· ID a.m. and . eliminations commence at)"p.m. , - Two Orange County· driven are in the field . One of them, Tom staHord ol Fullerloo, )!Olds !he national recoril in the super atoclt clan · in his 'Oj>bra Jet Mustang. The other .:OUnty enll'ant Is ,Jim ~er of Sanlf Ana in a C,amaro. . , : ll'!le nation's fasteal superstock, BU! Bagsllaw's Dodge Dart out o! Nortll Hollywooct, i~ also entered. The machine ha• hit 133 mph. :~ afternoon's compt>tition matthed fEitor nn11J e ntrle• . IJUn I be !oar ~ schOol with Biota' aa•lnlt Gal BapPst a n d SoCal a'3nlSt Lo 1 hi1getas ll;;ptist. 'Titlt llDll for tl1at ...Uon II Slturday, at 5 wtth third pla~ to be settled at 3. Shirley' Shahan of Tulare ls lbe day 's only woman competilor. "She!ll drivt a°":~~ Hem! Dart. · . · · 'Thi oilier of' the racing program•wtll 'include an Ali•• 1uper- cllarged lleld. • · · · o'clock prellmlnary matches Orange *•f'*'f'f, occ :; CountJ junior ,an.a~ ~d occ u ~ ~ ;r. This )ear's Pme-tlie 1lith in the an-~.wE, '! ~ ft l!J nual rivalry-could be the most oatstantt· ~~ 8if 1f ~ 2J lOJ Ing of the aeries, which shows the &rWns kQ"IOri, &c 11 Q ~t '~~ from Weaiwood holding a slight edge, 2· tw~'~~'bc?tc 1~ I ~1 ll 1·2. ~~~1r.1~ 1;, ,. i: n UcCA, under new coach DeMis Storer. "~; ,c;.wc 1• ,. Is 12-1·1 for tm season while coach Brian ~ utic ll :a. 11 •• M<'Cluihef• l\an11n lporl l Ml-I 1':'$: We ~ ij ' j ii mark. A tle With Temple City Ls tht only ... ~&!we 1• b t Pi blmnllh on the Ranger record. ic~. Gwc • '' !'O Thlt weekend the !\angers wlll r... lj.ifc I: I~ I 1l BtUflowtr •t N1urpol1 Bt.ach'• .M.arlnen r ' ~Oc: 1 ; lt Ptrt at 2 ~IO ).m.' ~. Jn 1be t2i30 ·'Cf ~ l r• 11 =·wn bf llazlrt~ ReM>mt qoinat ,_&cc ,I • • b '~"' occ •' • ,• ~er IU s. '"''"'" SJC lt:.U '·"'· 0'lCI" -,.uluNQ -i ... ,,,..,.,_.. tf ~, "'GOodwlll"' In Ii ... 'T• NWlll. ' Cage Results I •• ' . " I ... --------------..,--..~----~------~'""!9----------.... --• 1• mv 1111.or 4 E New Power Boat Champ Diminutive · \rlncenr.o Balestrieri of Italy made offshore powerboat r a c i n g history when be broke a four· year bold by Americans on the sport's w o r I d cham- pionship when he rectlvtd the Sam Griffith Memorlal Trophy al a special ceremony in New York Dec. 10. Balestrieri, 1 w e a 1 t h y Italian land developer, is 1earcely more than five feet tan and weighs about 100 pounds with full racing gear. His co-driver and mechanic ts strapping Don Pruett, a 6 feet 3 inch Tenn. '!be diminutive Italian open- ed up the world circuit in February of 1961 by winning tht Sam Griffith Memorial Race in Florida in his 27-foot Magnwn, Tornado. His next points came in tbe Wills International in England four months later. in whicll be plac- ~ second. July $ I W Balestrieri come home first In both Italy's world cham- piObship points races -the Mlples Trophy and the Viareg- gk>-~stia:vtareggio events. 'nte following month fighting: Romaq's Tornado roared 1cnm the fhibh line in the );ead iu France's Dauphine tl'Or race -1 feat which ~ would duplicate only seven day11 · later in' Swed~n's na- tional 'offshore battle. on-ACQUAINTED • ' . ./\\EN'S W4SH • WEAlt $688 . ·~~1:':: .c~~~-~~ ......... . lit. !if.A,. !ill.fl KNIT SHIRTS . ' · TURTLE NECK • t'*X~ ~TU 1/3 OFF Mr. TOM'Sf'':1~· ~uto;z:~ • 3424 VIA tlDO NEWPORT BEACH 111~ Compare Price WHIT_E WALL .,· 775 x 14 775 x ,15 825 x 14 825 x 15 855 x 14 YOUR CHOICE FREE Mounting , FORD C!!EVltOLET PLYMOUTH DODGE (Plus lal1nctl BUICK ·C~VROLET PLYMOUTH WAGONS ' 0 !Phis Balaneo) OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC BUICK !Plus Balanco) PHONE 646·5033 $ $ $ . ·. . . ' . . F.E.T. 2.io . ' ' . • . • ' • • • -' :· ·' .• ;1>1tfore you buy any-1969 car! : . . V'. 1. H1•ds -you win/ II Your c1r'a • re-aale 111alue Is up· at th• end of your. • _ Ideal tease, you get the profit. ~ ·V' 2. Tails -you win! If th• market · is down, you just retum lhe car, wi th no obllgallon! . • Cah Exe~CJtive today for full detaijs of the Ideal . : J.ecise on any '69 -from Cadillac to comptctl • Br.aka;·_ Ralina . ' • • Refine aft 4 wheels • Inspect brake dn.mS • Adjust to full contact • Add needed ftuid !' Inspect and adjust emergency ~ Most All American Compact Ught and Medium Cars ·f·POnt;· End· ~ · Allgliln.al)t :L .. PRECISION WORK BY 1ACTORY-TRAINED EXP£~ • Com.ICt caster., Clfrber • Correct toe-in, ~ 00 • klspec::t ... ~ ~ •• ,,. F.E.T. 2.36 F.E.T. 2.57 Holiday S)Jeciall PLUS ·AMERICAN ·::.::~·· FLAB SET ::.i--,.,,.:;;i ~ Mast American Cars ~ L____ -- ' . • :- .....,, . .,,......, JO, .. DAltYPUT 17" ' ?: • . -• ~ • •• .. .... R I ' . f • . . A Complete Guide ••• t·o go • •• • What ·1·0 ·do • •• Here's Your . "'eeke9der Movie Guide (Editor's Note: Thia movft guidt U prepared by the films committee of Harbor Council PTA. Mrs,,Robtrt So- remen U presidt11t and Mrs. HO.Tt Sweeney is commihtt chairman. It i.s intended ai a reference in tkt(rmin- i 11g suitable fil ms for certain age g~oups and will appear weekly. Your tnews are &olicited. Mail them to Mo- vie Guide, care of the DAILY PILOT.) FAMILY Doctor DoQUlt: (E) Enchanting ex- cursion far all ages into the fanlasy \\'orld of Dr. Dolittle who prefers to communicate wUh four-footed animal! rather than the human kind. Tuneful llongs and superlative cast with Rex Harrison. Dr. Who and the Daleb: Kindly, ec· centric, elderly scientist transports himself and Y.oung companions to strange 'planet where adventures lnvolve helping ~ humanoid Thal!i to overcome ·--ii--a tribe of villainowi mechanical creatures -..-anli!"DaleD.· • ·- TEENS AND ADULTS CaD\elot: (E) Lavish, romantic and dremaUcally moving screen version of Lerner and Loewe. mO:sical retelling the hetoic legend ·of King ·Arthur and the knights of the. roundtable. Richard Har- rlJ, Vaness a Redgrave, Franco Nero are the stara. .& Enemy. COuntry: Exciting, well-told World . War II counter-espionage drama 1n which a French Intelligence Colonel let! nothing interfere with bis devotion to· duty and country. Tony FranCiosa slArs. Planet of the Apes: Science•fiction -inelodrama about 3 astronaut! trho cri$h · bud on unfamiliar planet, .. d •Years hen~. where apes are civilized and humans, primitive. Charlton HeSton, Maurice Evans, Roddy McDowaD star. ne War Wagon: Entertaining western about a man who hires a gunman to help him rob an armored coach and i<etrteve gold that Is rightfully his. John Wiyne, Bruce Cabot. MATURE TEENS AND ADULTS Tiie Bllu of Mn. Blossom: A secret ~e blossOms ln this British farce ablut. a triangle between a brassiere manufacturer,1 his wife, and a main- teqans:e man who is living secretly in the attic. Shirley l\laclaine, Ricbanl Al· tenborough are the stan. Dr. Zlllvage< Story of )'llung Russian doctor and poet caught_ in hia country's revolutionary upheaVal with which he cpuld not idenUfy becaule of an intense belief jn, the l'iibtl and pr!Vlleges o1 ~ individual. Omar Sharif, Julie Cbrlstie and O...aldlne Chaplin. five MWilll Yean . to Eartll: 'Nth degree BriOsh science fictJon ·with 'dlf~ fe:rent twist about invasion from Mars With science triumphing over much death and destruction. Andrew Keir. 'BeWJPten: John Wayne in true story ot Jhe men. who fight oil field infernos around the clock. Bot Millions : Peter Ustinov, as an linuslng crook, programs computer ot Jaree company into grinding o u t j>.,mtnla to bia non.ulstenl companies Ulen uists to Brazil Ills loving wife, Ma&gie Smith, springs a few financtal surprises of her own In UllJ well-acted -edy satire wilb wolkbosmca8', Raebel RacbeJ, J08Illl<! Woodward ls a -neurotlc, tense and restless spinster school te8cber trapped in 'her amiu toWn world in this sensitive movie.. TlMt Sud Pebble" Story about the crew ol American gunboat, San Pablo, oet ln China during the poUUcal unrest of the W.O'a. Steve McQueen, Richard Cmina, and Cai)dlce Berga!. t dmotlt excellent film 'WEEKENDER INSIDE FEATURES Tom T;lul devolel hiJ ln1'nnio- aloo Column on Pqe JI today to a lively lnteritew with Rod Serllng, televiaJon aod motion picture pro. ducer and writer. INDEX G9* to ·r. TroVd Jlda'mluloe Olt 'N' Aboat P....no Conctr1 Opens.- ChtrwmtPunle Ari EU!blts Uvt Tlleotcr ci-ai. . C..lc. TVVlnl r.i.1.-. • Ptpll Pqe II Pore II Pqet INl Pore Zl p.,. It P1pZ! Page ZI f.,. 12 Pace a Pop II Pqea P.,. II ., 4'1~ ""'"""'""" BEAUTY AND FRIENDS -Grete Borgen,.blonde b ... utiful Norwe- gian National Skating Champion starS in ''The 'Pooch Parad.e" se- quenee of Holiday on lee at the Forum· in Inli!ewood throUgli Sunday, Newport Skater Tbe world .of.Broldway and Hollywood, the atage and motb1 pictures, provide the basic tbemel for the 1969 Holiday on Ice show featuring Ronnie Robertson, a Newport Beach rtaldent when he isn't traveJIJnll. The creaUve artistry of many people molded the new ahow . A new production team, beaded by Doon Anlen who created, lla(ed and illrocted. the opu1, liu plll fAlttlher too hours and thirty minutes of wonderful akaUng, gorgeous costumes, beautiful m u 1 t c, exqul!lte 1ipllng effocta 8lld·1 IJ!I~ comedy. It wDI. run · Uirough SwK!ay, January 12' aMl!I! F'<1t1im ln lnlllewood. ' The litlel ol · lllo jiroductioii seqµencu . . . ,cue the theme of this year's Holiday,. There are seven of them: "Hello, New York," "Tbe Pooch Parade," 11Jungalero,'' "Astaice Time," "Rockin' Happy," ''The Gates of Granada" and ''Star Time." "Hello, New York" Is set in three scenes : "Remember Rector's," "Crystal PaJace GaiUes" and "The New York or the Cohans and the, Castles". ·Starred are HeJga and Jorge Valle, Alice QUessy and the briWant young team of ,Juanita _ Percelly and Tommy Ailen. ' ' . "The P o o c·b PP."ade" preee(lta an ouUandish arTay of '.Skatfug canll;les from a Toy Poodle ·to · th"!: St. Bernard. Miu Puppy P.ceaetter is tile gllttering EXPERIMENrAt THEATER -,._o ~ o1 eiperimental tbetqr wlll; be preaeolod by tho)Newpofl Harlxr Ari MllleUID tonight and Satunlo,y nli)il at the BajbQa Pavilion, 400 Main St., Balboa. Cur· taid time 111,30 p.m. I!" bG1b play1 with the first, ~Ued ;'Th• 'n'ial of A!W• Opie Wehrer and Unknown AccompliCOI lot L ....... Aptnm Hu· manlty" and the ""°""· tolllOITOW niJ!h~ "The Wolf-Mol«.Clty Re- view, .. complete with 1 light show, roct, folk ~ country muaic •. PIANO QONCDT -Leonard Pennario will apPelr In coneert al UC! on Jan. 11 al 1:30 p.m. Muter ptsntst Penoado, wbo·has performed ' with vlrluallf ev<ry major oympllony archeatra ln the Unltod Slit.. and • Emope. alao ii a reconUnc arllll for RCA Victor jOnd Capital Rocorilli 1111 Olllll:tri _.,. will lncla.te lldectlofto by llay4n; Cllopln.. Pnilli!liev, Schunwm and Lllzl. WASHDAY MUSEUM -Wuhlng machi""' trom"the tum o1 the -...,. liq with ..... llO different klndJ of hllld l!'onl ind many other IDdfllt 1lundry devices will be on display lolllcm/w and Sunday, Jan. 11.~ from 10 a.m. to S p.m. In the Rancho ,:.Jifoml8 P1aia. It ia loc8led Oll'HJ.shw'IY' M one ""le ~" Ttmecula, mldw•y between Riverside and San Dlep..No admlssim charge. See 'llllllll 11' r., 1')11e 11 ' ' . Hollywood Back Stage· HOLLYWOOD-Wbon·lloberl Redford ~ a movie oboul lldlnc. be wu told by a film eucutive: "Two boun· · O!~· lhat wnow?·It'll,.0.er . ..U. 'Ille audllnce would get too cold."' • A> llOllywood w ' learned, Redford is a strong-willed ad«, and be,wouldn\ ' be dtaouadecl. lie l!oril' !l'od)tCtion ln Switzerland lhll week on "Downblll," wblcb be aays will be tbe fint aulbenile view ol the 1t11Dg We. Redford told . ·-the lnceplloa of the project: . "I've always wanted to make. a pitturc about the We of a profeaalorial alblete. I don't think there ever iwl been one that really d,epi~ the 111<an., hard life that most athletes must lead. "The HUll!er" came close1 buf then, pool Isn't reaI1y very alhle!lc:. ts ll ! . · "I was an• athlete myaeU, aDd t aaw whit went on. Like when a. Jootball c:i>acb ii under preuuno from the lluninl to have a fourth winnlnl ....... aet:er• Mrr...i..~-.>....Jl--.b<'.l~~-halllhR« And~-Piod!!CU -· or e?Se:." . · ·,Tile act~ naturally IUnied to aldlng !Or a film subject, He owns 1 home In the ski · country · ol u~ · recently l>ought a aid 'lodge In . Co!iii'acto, and 1pends as mUcb of bis domiorklne. aonsleeplng Ume as possible on at1s. Re turned down an otter to star in "Sid llum" becal"f "ii 'f/11111~· aiiotil Wing." lnatead be cleddec1.'11>,,clevelop bis own story. . 1 • · , But In lrylnf, to d10ll bia, . .P;oJect , tq Paramount, be ran' inth' anDW.blOctSy ,aCh u the one from Uie · blpli! who .. wortled oboul frigid~· ~·p0r,1111ec1. , Bicf theil ~ tell· out WHli · ~annnount bY wanq.o, out oq a 'w~ luBJue.'' . Be ,clallned l>e'gave lhO ~·plenty of notlc:<!;' Paramount clafmjil lie dldnl and fllecl. Jl!lil for a· few lnmilUct Ulolilltnd. 4'Blue" turned out , to. be· one, of tbe larger . boml>I of '!Ill, and • Ilecl!l!nl figures that wu. ~ , tumlnjf polnl' far him. Hit juclill!>enl wu. v~ and .corporaUoil-... ad Chailea BIQclhOm aent fhim •• '1 . ''• or • . . ·! 1 •• Jan. 12. Grete is ·the first skate~from the land of the midnight sun to shine brtghtly as· a staflil tbe ·Utlited States since<her famous rountry· man, Sonja Henie, "WhY, 111* ·all u.o.e ~. •Jicilit tbe poor ecoaomy,.i ol En&Jand or, pro- bltms in Czecbollovakli?": the ,actor argued. "Why DOI mUe ,_ ~I about what's going on in America?. Tlia111 what audle.noes want to let-." Stars at Norwegian, Grete Borgen. The star pooch of them all is the "Ole Houn' Dawg,'' with Alfredo Mendoia and John LaDue. The company goes to Africa for 4'Jungalero," with the tribal chief1, the jungle queens, and the witch doctors. The Glamour-tcers and Ice-Squires are featured, with the principal excitement being provided by the sensational young Italian star Anna Galmarini, and the pair skating of Jorge and Helga Vall e. Ronnie Robertson stars in the first half finale, a salute to Fred Astaire ap- propriately call~, '~Astaire Time." It's a stattng tribute to .the famed dancer and features-·Ronnie Robertson, Alice Ques,,y, Marei Langenbein, and Tommy Allen and Juanita PerceUy. -Anna Galmarinl take1 the spollight tn "Rocklh' Time" .u a Happy, Crazy Clown. The Gtamour-Icers and lee. Squires add the peppy, pretty and precise background, assisted by Grete Borgen. Ronnie Robertlon hu a Spanish background for hill second starring role in the producUon "The Gates of Granada." The rhythms of Oki Spain provide the setting. Featured with Ronnie ii the German import Matti Langeobe.in and the Ice-Squires and Glanlour-Jcera. The entire company hltir t h.e Ice tn •$tar Tlme," it features the movit m8[- quee fa•orites of all time. Prqeoitd .in five. sequences by Donn Arden who hu Utled tbe scenea .. Slleht ~e n'aze,11 0 A ·Man ind hi• Cane" wtth a Chaplin ballet. "'!be Perlll cl P.1ulihe," "Matton Pictures that Talk" and "Super eoi-1 Hollywood," that crazy tinsel t ow n. 'D>'9 aequenoet I n c t u d e tm- . _,.tJom. oo ·1l;ot.. ol famed motion plOtur..otan. ' . ' Breaking into~the production numbers ii an avalanche of sparkllnl comedy with a ·corps of effervescent iumnaken. Paul Andre, one of the great eecentrlt 1katera heads the list. He is uslated by Johnny Leech, 8 Vf!fY funny Englishman, and AHredo Menilou. ' A newcomer to the comic tcene Is "UtUe Llto," a talented perf'*rner from the' Ar!entine. A pantoml.r:ni.8', he wu a lllJhl club enlerlalj1er .. wller\ llio di .. lo oUI. lo d bim to trabSler 1111 laap m&ldnl IO the lee. His ttal name II Redford'• pitch IUCCeeded an d Bludhorn gave him the . g;;/;.ad on "Downhill" -fci a price. The price was a mllllon dollars, which la pretty email change for a majOr · movie Forum nowadays. · / I "We had to pinch pennies," slid ~­ ford. "I couldn't send a Ilic <am<ra Esteban It~ and his 1mpresslon5 crew over to the Olympics at Grenoble. of famed c:oni.edtans are wonderful. I got a half~ of my frlendi tbgethe( Other newco"mers to American au· · ..... ati bums and pbotograpbera: -told diences are Werner Muller and hll famed them the aitual.ioo and they agreed ~ belp me oul'' skllUng cblnlpanues, featurlng ''.Jolumy Hollday." 'lbose chlmps .,. llood • Redford and bia i!Uclt band 1tp0Dl two skater&; they play hockey , do acrobatic weekl dodging. gendarmts and. Olympic stunts and generally raise the roof. officlals while they . u n o.f ( f cl a 1 ry Freddie Wlttop, one of the world's photographed the actloo on the French great costume designers whoae recent ~Pl· He bimsilf po5ed 8.!J a reporter Broadway triumph waa the crealiJll Of for Sport.I llluitrated, and one. of his the costumes1 for the mmtcal hill pbotoll'apher1, Diet Fairbanka. wore ·a "George M" and "The Happy Time" fake note u a disguise. They came and who hat tmany l'Ur.cesses to hia home with the footage Redflrd needed-· credit, Including "Hello Dolly", Is once Now he is retumlng to Europe to again the ·11!>1111 behind the ,colorful · -the major • ....., fer "Downbill"; and aplendicl. wudrobe of the 11161 Holi· be J>ecan the P!d!l!e the d11 , aft« ~ day on Ice. John Finley is Director flnialiecl "Botch· CUsldaj' lite! ~ of Production. and· Ben Stabler-ii ~ ; Jlld,"< ln ,wbicb> .. be ,plQ,_the lalt.r.lo the Musical 'Director. ' Pau11Newma'n'• 1nitch. " .. ' ' . •' ' .. ' .- I .. Family Fitn :Trip • ,. Attraction Our Backyard .' . . AD ·lnleruting ahd ri!nlni day for parents and cbildrtm can be apenl amon( t!le bialoric relks of •arly Indiana and Ca!Uomla Padrea It MJo. a1oo San, Juan Capiatrano. In addlUCJ> to boot!q, tbe oldeal llandfn& ~.in CaWornia, the miuloci 'o11era cbarmlnl ' gardens, a lovelJ chapel, museums and an ~ t.Jwatch an attHolockal mv• tim ijld· "51of1Uon ol bctlJdin«s In prosr..._ Chlldrm moy boy omall .. w If /reals to feed to the plpol& ' ' • . . . . 'lbt~ neats of the famoua 1Wallow1 wt4cb tracllUooally ratum to the Mlsai"1 each St. .i-ph '1 Dll' ln the apr!nc u. an lntenitmi l1delfCb' Tba• i-t IC<llic route !run erq. Qliloly It to folilw Paclflo ~ Hlghw~ lllrqh DW' P<ict IPd ~ .... mile~ 11.,i ~ ,., l1tl ~ Slrttl. 'Ibis -wlll 1~~ to tl;ie ~ afioUt •. '. three mnea away In San Juan Ca~.. 1 I ::: • • ·MmiAlon If IOc: for adults, dlildJat·ondor tl ldmllllll r- • • ~ J • •• - ---::-""'""'""""' ___ ......,.,.,_.._ ...... __________ ....,... ___ .,....__,, ____ --:-::---c:-:-.,....-.:-:""""""~--;-~·--·-- . .. _ ~ ~ . .:J:f;;llA!l:;Y;l'llOT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""'"';;·;J.,,..,;;;tt,;;t;••;.. ............. ...; ..... ..;.;.~ ....... .;;. ........ ..; .... .,.;.i ........................ llll!~ll!!!~\1'111~~~-' • . lniermissi•n· Serling: Costs Killed TV ~rallia ROD SERLING -THE INTENSITY REMAINS World Travel -·-----~-ith-Stan-9et.plon•----..._ Rabat Morocco: The airlines and travel people have mac:1e attracti~e ~rice packages of Portuga}· Spain· Morocco. Rohm Kinkead flew Pan American 1 New York-Rabat direct flight foc us to _report: "THE BOGART and Boyer moVJes . led u.s astray on Casablanca. It's a modern high-f'l.!e com· Jll!rloal port city. The Moro<:<:o you want ii ill the •tour ImoerW Cities: Rabat and , Mamkec:h, Fez and ~¥,eknea.')' I : . ;,&bat is a white Ji;, on, the Al!ontic juet be- ~nd the Straits of <libriiltar. New Rabal Hilton, ~-18. a. day double far marble Jobbl .. , Moroccan ';rug.s, swiinmlng pool and French cooking. ·· : "CUmai.. is. dty and sunn1. S~ts so narrow !lilis wait while you shop -"-·but ....,.t only $2.40. !in hour. Shopping is cheap: .~dler sood1, Ara~ ·guns (like in th• movjea), J\U&ll. ftom the Alias imounlain Be<bers. Bargaining b!iniS prices down ;illoot 50 percent.• < * ' ~ 1 • "SIMe Mt 111 of u1 can 1ff1rd Europe, do you ·fi1¥e .-.llffll-tor "1o Am.rlc1n Stot01? . . t: 'rtie Delta Queen is runniJ,lll on the ·lrllasisaippl, :tile Oblo and the Misaour! again this year. I was. on >this last-Of-(be.paddle wheel steamer. a few years '.1go. Quarters were good . Food wu good._ And much '.flln lo· nudge Into Uie bank at small nver towns. ~ most attractive folder explains it _if you wrl~ to Oree.., Line Steamers, Public Landing, Clnannati, :Ohio. . THE SMALLER riv: lirips are bett.e.-than the -run down the Mississippi to New Orleans. When ·you Jet on the big river, it's so big and the levees ·.:so high, you really don't see much. . * . Mexico is still cheap. There are three tra.iler .caravans going down -if you like that. Greyhound lakes a very good, all~xpense tour of 2.1 day s. .'Ibere are 90me rail tours -your pultman lS park· '.ed and used like a ho~!. * • I still like to drive in Mexico. Despite rent cars 1hat clunk out on me. Even though highways mark~ :tel "open" are full of road repair eqwpment. Motel :bathrooms with handles stuck on with Scotch ~pe . ... In Mexico one runs into the unexpected,'' said a :U.vel brochure. And you can say that again, Pedro. miat's the fun of it. . * . : Friends of mine trailering in Mexico wnte me: ''OUr daily costs for two 'this month have averaged ~.30 a day. Add to this the hidden cost of $2.50 a day inlurance." 1 1 . "o.ri milcoge was n;76. We bought In euper· oiarltela. Canned goods are high, but other food Is 1 1 ~e,p. Beef ii a little on the tough side . Ham, ~eal'and chicken ~ e1cellenl Bacardi Ron Palmu (him) at $3.12 a half gallon is the best bu y, and beer is ten cents a bottle." : "We have re1d ibot. some untouched isl1nds fff Hondur11 •• :· < : That's the Bey' of Islands. and you fl y il from San Pedro SulL ('lbere are flights to San -Sula from New Orleans and Miami.) A letter to me says : ('ozen's Hole on the isfand of Roat.an was a disap· pointment -two couples returned lo Saa Pedro Sula on the earliest flighl • "Fina1ly. four of us*got roo1ns at filerlee'.s Is- E.. d Inn (a two-hour boat ride). It was no Hilton a pleasant place to enjoy a tropical island vaca· Without crowds of tourists. Rale was reason· 1Dle." -* : I h•v• •n idea that it's like Tahiti before the strip. And Tahiti at that time was a paradise don't mind your paradise with rather buggy one restaurant, truck transportation. . . * ; 1'0. you think T1hili i1 'spoiled'? Or is thtr• • _,.....1 ... ..,, .. • l counted llfteen traffic Jighls b•tween the air-Dort u4 !be elld,ol Papeete. (Tbere wore none ten ;.etll ll&.) Bilt llO, I don't lhlitk it's spollod. !i's in tlie inhtlwffll Ital•· Oetting more comf<>rtable, but Ille outer dlitrlcts are old Ta!J.iti. . ' * 'd ' JI p'apoe111 seta too much , it's a short boat"· e tJ4e over to Moorea. That's a rural Polynesian ,, .. llJlll 1114 -ol Ille most beeuWul ill the South Pa-clilc. -Two good liolel1 and the Club Meditirranee. • ly TOM TITUS The death ot oriplal televlllon drama, In lb• view of its moot nolAld practit!oaer, II not due to changing American lutes or critical unacceptabll- ity; it's simply a matter of dollars and cents. Rod Serling, who led the medium_ through !ls "golden age" of the early l!IGO's with scrl s llll- matcbed in quallzy to this day on such prime series as Playhouse 90, lists production c0<ts as the factor which dealt these shows the kllllng blow. "Original drama is too e1pen- sive to produce, and it's too touih lo buy prime time," uploills Str· ling, who visited the UC Irvine campus Wednesday night for a 1..,. ture to the Orange Coast ~hapter of TOM Tmtt the American Association of University Women. u1t simply became imposaible to maintain a high level of dramatic content on a Weekly basis. ~ '"lben there's the problem of castini. It's too diHicult to get the l\ig name stars because today most of them want a p~· ece, of the action. And you can't do that on a one-sh ow." Serling, deeply tann from five days on loca- tion at Zuma Beach where he's scripting the pilot film .for a proposed new seriu, blames the prob- Her Feline Majesty All decked out in Royal crown and robe, 0 0ear Tina," a Grand Premier Chinchilla Silver Persian, will be queen of the Cal Show set for Saturday and Sunday, Jan. lfl.19, in the Arene of the Anaheim Convention Center. The event will be the largest show of its kind to be held on the west coast with about 500 feline entries in competition. Now Machines Run Broadway Sales Biz '!om of :'salublllty" !or tb• deellne of quality m• tedal .•ucb •• tjlal ecl'UJ!ld on Pl17h0use IO and Ill contemporaries, Studio · One, the U.S. Stiel Hour, Kratt T"efe-n.lon Theater, elc. "The policy of the network•/' he notes wryly, is, "We don't want it good, we \\'ant it Thunday." Berling was lured back to i.tevlllon Jut y .. r when be wrote a acrlpt f<>r-NBC, "Cerlaln Honor- able Men.'' but he doesn't see tbis,lYJ>t of program, and the critically acclaimed CBS Playhouse, as any harbinger of a return lo that "golden age" when th• medium WU first fluln& Ito mll.le!H. Admitlng that ''tbe lllck Is IOU" o~I of doing orl&lnal ~eplays, be I~• today a docldedly more relaxed pace than during the 116N3 ptrlod when be was prodllCbUI, hotting 8lld lfriUn~-moot ol the scrlpll for "The 'rwlllgbt Zone," wbl gained hitn nationwide recognltioti not only for hi wdUnf, ln!t for bis face and bis voice. Today he doe• It ·for money; and you can evon catch the famous Serling tones on an oceulonal commercial -a ra\ber ironic lltuation co111l~erlng bis bitur wonl1 'of the · put afalnst the station break pill pushers. He grins as he tells of bl1 newly plir<:bued b I a•c It Cadinec ("My wife calla It a Gauche 8"). If the creative zest blld faded, one definlta Ber- ling trait mnalns -· bis intlllllzy. The taeth-(rlt- tlng marmar that Introduced 10 many. "Tw!Il1bt Zones" II still a wt ol 1'l.l.Piil~ '!"i).~!ll>. but now it is aimed fn a n.W dli'Mll~li. th•t or~ injustice. · "We suffer from a shortage of values," Serllng told hla Irvine audience. "We are in an era of confrootation all over the globe and on our college campuies. The cost to us in the alienation of 10 million black Amer1ca11J can only be guessed." An emphatic opponent of the Vietnam war, be accuses the country of exercising "selective mor· ality" m its alliances around the world. J:Ie speaks of tbe ''d•1peration which turns students mto mobs when moderate dlsseht produced nothing.11 He pleads for the country to consider the causes of stu- dent and black militancy. · ''students are not all wrong in their demands, allhoulh they are desperately wrong In some o! the waya they lmplement them," Serling believes. "Ac- com.modaUan must be made on both sides." Wiiy, then hasn't be penned a TV drama bring- ing out this viewpoint. The wry grin begins to lonn. 11'too controversial," he says ... The networks just won't buy anything smacking of controversy." Thus Rod Serling remains a curious paradox - a man deeply concerned. about his fellow man, but unable to use his art form to make a statement in that direction. He is undoubtedly America's most sqcee11ful television dramatist, but he measures bis accompllabments In that area in which he bas foiled. Your Guide to Fun . ' JANUARY 11-11 TREATER -Two evonlnp ol experlmenlal tbeater will be preoenled by the Newport lltrbor Are M_,,. In the Balboa JANUARY 11 ROCit CON(:gj\T -The Jet S.t, Three Dog Knight, Buffalo Spriq!Jeid, Black Pearl and Steve Miller Blues bando will Pavilion, 400 ~St, Balboa. OJrta1n time 1:30 p.m. "The perform Jan. 17 at 8:38 p.rn. In the Arena of the Anaheim Trio! ol .wit Opie. Wehr-;, and Unknown A«:omplica far eeavenUmi Center, 800 w. K1tell1, Anaheim. Ticltets for Crimes Agoinll ~1l': • social CQD\lDlllt Pll1. will ~ the .-spo111ored by the .AJ$iatance League of Anahe!in perfwmed Fri., Jan. 10, The Wolfman Motor Qty Review are ti.SO, $.J.50 and ft.50, on sale at the Convention Center • complllle wltb llahl ......,..folk. lwitmck.m!J:llUlltey music, · · ·m-.rui!e ...,,_ or-tb.-untted"Cllit Bant"aud w.Jlichs· · · will be otqed Sal, Jan. 11. Tickets, 13 for adulla, fUO for Miiiie CltY store Phone 1-63S-IOOO . MllHWD members, 13 for studtnt., '"' sale 11 the M1*UJl1 · · Pbooe m-3861. JANUARY 17. 31 JANUARY 11-U ICE SBQW -Holidoy on Ice," ID Ice show feoturin& Inter• nallonai okatlnc llara will be at !he Forum, Monch.,ter at Prairie, IDglewood, throuch Jan. U. PufOl'llWIC08 Fri. 1t I p.m., Sat, l, I and t p.m., and 81.Ul., 1:30 and 5:30 p.m. Tldltta, 13.llO to II, on Ale at Wallichs Music City riore and the Forum box ol!lce. Reduced prlcea for juniors 1t Hledod.parfonnonces. Phone 1-(llJ)-m-IJOO. JANUARY 11-11 MEXICAN CllRlllTMA8 DRAMA The Mmcan Playm at PldDI Hills Thutre in Clanmonl" ptesent -tndiUonaJ B011J1 and dance droma ol Chr!ltmaa In MezloO'-!hrou&h Jan. u, Performances Fri., 1:30 p.m..,...s Sil 2:3111M1:30 p.m. Phone 1 ('lil) -for fUrtber blformation. ' JANUARY It· APRIL t HOJISE RACl!ll -Thoroo&hhr<d hcne raclnJ II Santa Anita Race Psrt, 21& W. 'Huntington Dr., ArcadlL Ftrat Poot time 'l\!es. throo(b Sii., U:IO p.m. Phaoe N211J 447-.2171. Sit., Jan. ll, ll0,000 San Csrloe llandlcap. WHALE WATCHING -The llland Holiday boat will Juve from Davey's Locker 11 the Balboa P1vlllon. 400 Main St., Balboa on a whale watcbJng tour between the mainland and Catalina during the .,..1 mammals' mill'lli"" awon. Boat.. will depart on Sit. and Sun. at t a.m. and 1 p.m. Trips will continue u Ieng 11 the mlg:raUon of the whales continues. Phone 87'-6ZU. Ticket.., 13 for adulla, 13 for chlldren. JANUARY 11 • 1% WASHDAY MUSEUM -Tum-of.f.he<entury wuhing mach- ines plus over 500 hand ironl and other ancient laundry dt-- vices will be on display Sat., Jan. 11 IDd Sun., Jan. 12 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Rancho California Piasa., Highway 39$, one mile north of Temecu11, midway between Rivtrslde and San Diego. No admlssion charge . JANUARY 11·17 UC! BASUTllALL -UC! VI. W-College Sat., Jan. It; UC Rlverafde, Tues., Jan. 14, and Chapman Colle1e, Fri., Jan. 17 1t 8:15 p.m. in Campus Hall at UCI, 7801 Irvine Ave., Irvine. Phone UM931. AitT P.D.MS -Twenty-sil: new short art films compri1e a three-part prosram. "The Kinetic Art," to be held at 8:SO p.m. Jan. 17, 24 and 31 in the Science Lecture Hall at UCI, 710l lrvine Ave., Irvine. General Adm.Wion, $1.50. JANUARY II UCLA B.u&nBALL -UCLA VI. Howton Sat., Jan. 11 at a p.m. in Pauley Pavilion al UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave., Welt Loo Angeles. Phone 1-(11.!)-l. JANUARY U • 11 CAT SHOW -Over 400 cats of all varieties are e1:pect.ed to be shown in the biggest cat show 0£ its kind Sat., Jan. 11 and Sun., Jan. 19 in the Arena al the Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim. Hours are 11 :30 a.m. '" lo 7:'1J p.m. both days. Sun., the Himelayen Specialty Show and the Household Pet Show will be featured events. Tickets, fl.15 la< adults, llOc for junion, 10 to II and children tmder IO, free, Phone 1-335-5000. JANUARY 11 CHORAL CONCERT -The Irvine Community Chorua under ~ the dJrectlon of Maurice Allard will perform "Elijah" on Sun., Jan. lt in Crawford Hall at UCJ, 7601 Irvine Ave., Ir- ~~e{;~e:ty beCt!:ito!:~:,-:~~:~~4.available at JANUARY %1 • 21 DURANTE -Singer-comedJan Jimmy Durante will perform wlth guest atar1, The Osmond Brothers, on the Melodyland Theatre staae. 10 Freedman Way, Anaheim, Jan. 21 throuih 26. Performa.nees: Tues. through Fri., 8:30 p.m.; Sat., 7 and JO p.m., and Sun., S and 1:30 p.m. Tickets, $3.50 to $6.50, on sa1e at the box office or Wallich.! Mwic City store. Phcmt MTS-7480. *Newport Harbor Cruise* Dally Cruf,.-2 p.m. FUN ·ZONE BOAT ·COMPANY . * lalboa 673-0240 * THANK GOD WE'RE NOT IN GERMANY! ---PhJIHI My daughtar, who wi1 rac•nfly rn1rri1d, writes from Garmany that they h1v1 24 inch11 of snow, 1tro tempar1ture1, limited conveniences, end longs for NEWPORT PRODUCE! Shi ht1ft't htcl a n • v •I oran9e, or •ny of the fancy fruits that we •II take for trtnfedJ So, buy your produce her• and thank G•d we ar• an in C11iforniel Thi only ftiing 1ha says they have is Bal9tum Endita, IOc lb. We h1v• to ret1il it at $1.ltl FOR OUR RETAIL CUSTOMERS ·-----· 1 '"'°' tMa• ••• a I AVOCADOS I I lk-I I Uott' I I -"" ... ,.. I ·-·---· ...... . I IAUNAS •IOWN I 1 n POPULAR HM••• 1 I 1e111•• I I WI IUUt I I LETTUCE I I TOMATOES I I 10e ... I I 10c .._ I u ... . I I I u,.,., • .._ I -... ...,.. .... ""-... ···-··· ....... ·····-~ COUl'ON$ EXPIRE JAN. 15 -MCBire \ .. -. -,,_ ... Ill 1-Cfl-e ·---, -•• "" ""'~--,... ..................................... ,.. .... Phone (714) n6-7220 . . . , . These red1ur1fth Clemend the finest for their customon, that's why they; ind over 200 othots buy their prod.,.. from NEWPORT PRODUCE. TH~ BLUE BEET, VILLA NOVA. TH E BERKSHI RES. BOB 'S BIG BOY, and THE VIKINGS . PHONI: 673-1715 HOW AIOUT YOU CAWNG US? NEWPORT PRODUCE °'9"1' cwn..,,-1 Pu•t .. .... ,, .... °"laftll•tJ• . . . . . .. . ..... . . ... " ' ~" 2616 Newpon --.. tte r .. 1- F11dQ, .linUllY 10, 1969 • . .. 'N' ABOUT .\ .NOBlll • J DAILY r!LOT D .,. STANLEY ~- ) RESTAURANT, N /GH'T CLUB AND EN TE R TA I N M·E N T SCENE ~.l,Dlet' Needed ' • • . . 'l)oo ~ later and 10 pouDda 'llglj\ef ·y~ur mJ 11l' a\)outerbas elatedly rouned tlle unillviled ~~from Honi Kong. But !hen's a!irm awar<0ness )lie~ l"llf'1>Jr no 'means unique. . · '. ~\11'1 ·lr:U~ 1hat, misery· l~ves "'lm~any, we;re ~i:iencilllt. blslo•r• Iiqgest ntbering ot the bed· • ~· No;Ji:oilii.'\ireak:ipg by the Orlen~ monster .~t ~ dOftllqll~ <:an \Jll!rmean divine providence en· cirelies your hoil.!e: ·' . ;. f(EW PERSPECTIVE · J)ays and nights of a diet ol. 11otblng-followed tiytlle·first fOeble sipping of beef brotb-,puts a new ~ctlve· on lleal!hier times of' dining and wj\,. inJ. 'Comes ,moments approaching ,deiliJwn of the eloling pleasur .. one is ~g. · . Finally, recovery Is at hand 'and the detA!rmina· 4_0p to· go ·on a gastronomical" bender replaces all OUier. resolutions made for calendar 1969. I-laving I?6t .•. ~L tha·~ :weight is :the onlY ' justification neces- Sfll'Y 1to c;orqpile the list of restaUrants and ent.rees fat enjoyment as.never befOre. SOME SUGGESTIONS ·,, As a starter for the next couple of months, a san.ipr~ compilation might run something along these lines: B.ob Burns, Fashion' Island, rOatit Long· Island ~uckling, sauce bigarde, wild rice. Chez Cary, Orange, breast of capon In creamed curry sauce. . Stull Shirt, Newport Beach, tenderloin of beef a L'Oscar. Bon BN1Wn'1, Laguna Be8ch · Country Club, boneless bulterflied rainbow ~l Sheraton Beach Inn, Hun~pia Beach breut al chicken a.la Kiev. • · 1 ' ' Dry Dock, Newport Beach, file! ct Mahi Mahl, Kamehameha. . White Ho,.. Inn, NeWi!Ort Beach, cracklini rack of Iamb, mint sauce. · Stag ChlMM Casino; Newport Beach, Chinese pea chow yuk. VIiia Marina, Newport Beach, .. atood treasure chest (for 2). . _Ancient Mlrlner, Newport. Beach, Terlytii top sirloin. Dick Church's, C o s t 1 M e s a or Santa Ana. country fried chicken. Newport Grotto, Newport Beach, lobster.\ Amigos, Costa Mesa, the Acapulco combination pf ate. Coral Reef, Cost a Mes a, Wiki Wiki Steak, Wahine. Josef's, Corona d~l Mar, prime New York pep-- per steak. VIII• Rome, Newport Beach, veal Rolatine a la Margarite. The Fisherman, Huntington Beach, sauted frog legs, Provencale. \Vi th some restraint t he t e should carry Us through Washington's Birthday· when we can start o_ur n~xt list. Keep a few nights open too, for any T~ Mlrrymar,Corona-del"Mar;-nr.tst·primerib - --flISt time around--hvorites missing-abOve. _ of choice eastern beef au Jus. R' . R t Ste•r·'n-Stein, Hllntington Beach, chateaubri-1v1era es aurant and, for two. N1wport1r Inn Marine Room, cannellani a la Bolognese. HouM of Hyun, Laguna Beach, almond duck with plum sauce. BEEF • lunches from 11 :JO Daily •xcept Sund1y Dinner from 4':30 Nightly ENTERTAINMENT Nightly exc ept Sunday TONY FLORES His Songs and Guit1r H07 W. Coast Highway -Newport -646°0201 • There is no permis6ible excuse for delaying the earliest possibfe outing to the Riviera Restaurant, South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa. And the well-de.. serving popularity of. this superb establlahment vir· 540. 3641 OPEN FOR LUNCH ~::-,.:-11 :30 to 2 p.m. DINNERS ~::..,"" 5.30 to 10 p.m. , 9!;c~!~u!Nr c...., ....... .,. ........ c....w.. IN THE LIDO LOUNGE Continuous music from 5:00 P.M. BY The Bill McClure ond The Tony Lobo Duo Mike • ni9ht of It -Din• il'I th• iiot111tif11I MARINE RESTAURANT 644-1700, E•t, 445 for rt1Mrv1tlon1 1107 Jamboree Rd., Newport Bee a Ii tutlly makes ft mandatory to have reservations for luncheon or .dinner. Food, service and decor add up to a restaurant th•t will match the fabled "favorite" of friends Qr relatives in ·any city from New York to San Fran- cisco. · INTERNATIONAL FLAVOR. can it coamop6llian, conline!ltal or what you will, the at,mosphere here ts one-ct such !Jitlmacy and comfort it'a easy to imagine you've settled in- to a bistro of internalional renown. A host of regu- lars already credit it with such status in their word of mouth praiae. The Riviera's trio of ownen, Rene Bouscary, Andre Porro and Bernard Rigolet, leave absolutely no de'tail , unchecked ,in t he i r elf<>rts to assure patrons muimum dining enjoyment. And the re- sults are ""1ected In the pervodmg conviviality of each booth's occupants. LUNCHEON IS SERVEO Luncheoo is secved from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with a menu that leaves nothing unrecom- mended. Whettts you finally select from the salads and cold buffet, luncheon specials, combinations or entrees, don't bypass the French onion soup gra-tlnee. Its :ruperior isn't to be found. Dinner, served from 5 to 11 p.m., should be •Wied with aoy one of nine outstanding hors d' oeuvres -be it-from a low of tl.OO•for pate Mabon to a hll!h ' of $4.50 for Beluga caviar. ~ -ENTREE-SELECTJONS -·~ Among tl\e entrees -an served wfth choice of soup du jour or salade Riviera, vegetable and potatoes or rice -taste sensations include filet of sole . .fyrtugaise . (tomatoes, ·Onions cooked in Cha- blis white wine) $3.25; scampi Riviera {lar&e shrimp rolled in Italian Prosciu'Uo ham sauteed in garlic butter, tomatoes and sherry wine) $4.25; tournedoa NOW OPEN IN NEWPORrS 'NEWEST HIGH RISE LOOKING DOWN ON THE IA Y FEATURING SEA FOOD AND LIVE MAINE LOBSTER LUNCH -DINNER SUNDAY BRUNCH ACROSS FROM THt ARCHES AND NEXT DOOR TO VILLA NOVA '42-42tl Friclay-Saturday·Sunday SPENCER STEAK s.., .. S.IM $175· c .. ic. •f ,...,, ....... ·-·-·-···············--······ -· · . .. Hft Newpoit II•~. I uo Idiot• Avo: C_,.M,.. Soate AM ' ' . ' ~ I ' ~ (two omall Cilat mlgDon sauleed, pate, 11fa- deira oauce) .• 5.25. . · · · The European school of ·tanare st~ak laru 'fill marvel end!~ .ov.,. the ow .groltnd sirloin, e,!D yolk, caper1, anchovies and seasoning, prepared at their table, $4.95. .I Treat yourae1£ first at the Riviera ~t also mak It tihat apeci,al place 'for the out..C·lo•n vial ton who, • : took you to their city'• preferred restaurant. · Mr. Steak's New I:ook ' I Major changes on 6Cveral counts have reaulted: ib a totally difterent kind of operation ·at 1the 1Mr. Steak Restaurant, 2267 l'airview, Costa lll:eaa. · Hank Schiedlold, the new owner·manaeer calla-· the conversion an "extensive image transition." He : ; also claims the extel'ior remodeling is "nothlQJ'comr r.:: pared to whal has been altered as far as the manage-·ji ment of the restaurant is Concerned." ' • • • . . . ·. ~ . ·1 -1 , · Mr. Steak has 117 restauranls from coast to'' 1l cqast with basically the· same appearance and for·: ... : mat. The Costa Mesa location, ho-wever, is the ~t 1 to.. cbahge the standard pattern in a controlled ex-~ perime11l ~ . , ' . OIFFERENT MENU . ~ One lop innovation is the introduction of a ~-.· ~ fetent menu, featuring the addition of a num~~ !} ne'w dish~. These include Ipswich clams, got eii · shrimp and fish pieces served as a seafood combi • tion plate, an Italian Hoagie sandwich, fish 'n chlp!i, veal parmesan, spaghetti and meat balls and a com- plete selection . of choice steak dinners. ' . PATR9NS SPECIAL ' Schier hold also,Jnclicated that. with the change in ·manag~ment 'there's a companion change in phil- osophy of service as well. He said that under this -1!9~.will llqt .aur, pmo~ilLl!l-e !'llll'1 !DOB:__ ner one would treat a guest in his home." - Home office of Mr. Steak Inc., is in Engle-. wood, Colorado, a suberb Of Deiiver. After finishlhg · a market survey of all areas of. the country in wbicfi · their restaurants are located, the company conc.lucJ. ed ~at Southern California has many unique opi.n- Continued on Pa91 20 ' DON JOSE Opening January 14th HAYDEN CAUSEY TRIO FMt11rl•t , •• "J0$1E" ·ENCHILADA & TACO ......... $1.30 CHIU RELLENO·ENCHILADA .. $1.45· COCKTAILS e DINNER 9093 E. Adams (at Mognolla) Hunt. BHdl 9'2·7911 • • Llkt Roast long lslan'ci 01.ick -ToumM01 of Flltt M1gnon7 -1 V11I 0Kar7 -Reinbow Trout7 -Wtll, who dot1n'tllf Th••• and meny oihtr enticing entr••• •r• 1tervtd sev•n ni9ht1 • w••k •t Bob '""'' R•st- •urent. Loceted in Feshion lsltnd, lob l11m1 111 1 mot• thtn ju1t • "Sttek •nd l-obst•r" r••t•u- r•nt. A. stltc+ion of tw•nty ~·refvlfy pr•par•d 1ntr••11 -accom'peniff by lop Burn• f1mou1 Cr••m C1•1ar Salad ~ will Hfisfy th• Mtst di1crimlnttlng pl1te. Open •very night, kb lurns doft honor telephon• r11.,..,ttlon1 for p•oplt "on the 90.'' For tho1t of you , who art out for • lti1urely •vtning, loun9• •ft+.rtainment i1 pro., i J t d ni9htly. ' • i ' I 37 FASHION ISlANO NlWPORT CENTII ...... ·"""-4 ..... ,...,..,"' 111-tl_ ..... _ . .--,....,,_"" -· -----------------------------~-~----_· -·-------= ---------------------·==·=-=--======-=·· 0 7 ~ ,.._, ......... ,.~··-··· ' ' .. I • .I 'l'llE MARINE-RESTAURANT * beeHent Meou * Fin• Service ' lUNCHEONS AND DINNERS ' '1om 11 :!O A.M . Rtstrv1tions rleommeridtd 644-1700, ht. 445 MUllC FOR YOUR LIST5NIH5 AND DANCIN5 PliASUllt: HltHl'LY, FllOM 1:00 P.M. IN T8i UDo UHllWGB FAMILY STEAK HOUSES HUNTINGTON llACH I COSTA MUA Hll.1.GltlEN SQUAU TOWN I. COUNTltT al!H/~D TEXACO STATM)N 1-.n -..di 91VC. NHJll L 11'11 • s.n. ._ ..a-un SPECIAL SIZZLER BROCHETTE !::':o~ :! ~~ .................... '1.39 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ...... $1.39 NEW YORK STEAK ....... $1.59 l11cl11d•1 l1Hd •r Fr-net. friH Petat111, Rell & l11tt1r. CHIUllN'S romoN Yz PllCI IU.., II ,..,,, .... -~ --~ .. -- MAU MONDAY Nl•HT TOUI PAMILT Nl•HT TOP SIRLOIN STEAK $1°' Only , l11el11d•1 lakN •r fnnch Frl1d Ptt1ta11, Rill & l11tt.r. CHILOUN'S POITION Y, PllCI IU..,_ 11 y.,..., .-----Luncheon Speci-11---· 11:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. ROAST BEEF or HAM SANDWICH ........ ,,_. ..... ,, .................. . . 79c ...... ._..,. -TO GO ORDERS . -......... . +• • • • • • • • • ,. . ... . .. ... <DUT ~.N ~BQUT Continued From Pegt lt ioDA ol what a really good family reatauraot should be CALIPORNIANS AR& DIFFERENT In light of theee survey reflllls in. ~~ornia, new concepts 1n restaurant &ervice and· rnenu will be used for the first time anywhere. The Coate Mesa operation ls the initial Mr. Steak to offer them. . From ail indications, better round up the fa.,. ily and drop in to partake of the new image and bill al fare. Entertainment Musts Two highly·baleftted groups opened ~ded engagements this week to provide out 'n' al>(riJters with paramount entertainment, dancing and U.ten- ing diversion. · ~ DINE ON THE BAY FRONT STEAKS -SEAFOOD -RACK OF LAMB BUDDY ROHNER AT THE PIANO , BAR NIGHTLY OPEN DAllY 11 :30 A.M. lo 7,00 A.M. 2601 W. Coest Hiwey, N•wpert Be•ch -548·1166 .• To catch the first, head Huntington Beach way to the Sheraton-Beach Inn. Vocalilt Jobony Vanelli and the Jack Lawrence Trio are on stage for what has to be a long and loundly-applauded run. Their playing aod llnstng guarantees a not-aooo-to-bo>for- gollen evening. * On the ne~t night ou~ ditto the same nocturnal remembrance by hitting Ben Brown's Restaurant at the Laguna Beach Counlry Club fs>r the 'l'opa Trio. Tops ls tbe precisely appfoprlat.O' moniker for this new musical aggregation -as well as the' only ad· jective to delineate the quality of their artistry. New Sizzler Entree Tbooe always in vogue Sizzler Family S!Mk Houaeo in Costa Mesa and Hunlincton Beach -have come up with a new entree winner. Jt'1 a brochette of -for the bargain rate of $1.39. Served on a skewer over a bed of rice pilaf!, tender dnd juicy pieces of prime beet are interlaced with chunks of succulent pineapple, seed onions, green peppers and mushrooms. And, as with the Slzzlers' popular top sirloin and New York steak c>fferings, the price includes roll and butter. In Huntington Beach you can savor your bro- chette at 18552 Beach Blvd. In Costa Mesa go to the corner Of E. 17th Street and Santa Ana. l\'OW APPEAllll\'G AUTHENTIC, EXOTIC MIDEAST HAREM DANCERS FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS NO COYER -NO MINIMUM --·--.' THE CASPIAN TIBElllUS -"Arma optima <I dbl rar. 1670 Newport llollloward ~ c-M--642·12U isaime et vinf prqeciariomnes pro legion-ll~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~jl · ibtu m1'8 •.. " "The finest annor, mreat II of food# and choicee1t wtne1 for m11 le· gicm.3." Tiberius would have loved to come to the Villa Roma, for here we havt ;Ult what hb htart dtlired. Sinct he can't dine Mre wh11 don't 11ou "take a: pooe out of hil book"'· and tTtJ Villa Roma? Yov'U agree with TibfrlM. We mo11 not have the fiM1t "Armor" but uie ~re ~ tM t'01't1t food and choicest tome• for ,.,.mw ltgiou. Come see for 11ourself -65 delectable entreea and wt're open from 4 p.m. daU11. Closed Tutlda111. VILLA ROMA Real Cantonese Food eat her• or t1k1 home. STAG CIHllSE WINO BUDDY RHONER -The piaoo styllngs of Buddy Rhoner may be beard nigbtiy at the Dry Dock In Newport Beach on . the Coest Higbwey. It's pretty dreamy stuff what with the fine food and grog, Buddy's playing and the fantastic view of .tho bay. Try it. RMEU IWiTAUUNT Contin1nt1I Cul1in1 Cockt1ll1 S<TViflll Luncheon and Dinntr Mandov through Saturday. Closed Sunda111 Open for Private Parties Onl11 We •r• loc1ted on the Bristol Street sida b .. tween Mullen and Bluett ind th1 Mey Co. • 571 S. MADI, mANGa • 445 Nonh Newport llwl., Nowport leacll, 646-4929 I lJJJ s. lrilffl C.n M... 54~0.~J14~1~!=~~~~=!l ' 675-0200 PRESENTING THE HERE AND NOW SILER BROS. "RICK" "BUZZ" APPEARING IN THE YELm KNIGHT ROOM WEDN!SDAY THIU SUNDAY 9:00 pm -1 :30 am 1045 Bayside Dr. Newport Beach SURPRISE APPEARANCE! FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY DIRECT FROM LAS VEGAS' SANDS BOB FLETCHER and VICKY LANO IN THE DRIF1WOOD LOUNGE KEN CERVI TRIO Tuesday • Sunday 1130 pm • 1 :30 a111 ORANGE COAST'S DINING -DANCING -ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 1 1 l ' ., ' ' ~ • -• I • . . 1 • ' I ' ) ' I • ' ' . ' • ----------~--------------------------~-----------------------------' --· ' I • i ! • i ' -• I • • • • ' ' . ' I ' ' ' • • l ) ' I • • i ' • • _____ ...... ____ ...... _;. __ .~ ... -.-·····-·----... ...__. -.. ~-· ·-·-· -.. ··--· .... ___ .. ______ ....... ~ ........... . -·----~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~~-:---..,..-~~-=::::::-:"'"'"C::,...,....""'.'.".":".'::1'1 :?::::::"'.':::=::;:::::::::::::::::::z::;::;:;::;:::;;:;::::::i=::::: ... ~.~--~·::::::;==~ UCI Hosts Pennario Polltleal Slaowdown A Strange Thing for ti Restaurant to Say: ·' I •1 ' •1TJ:aere are 10me things you can't do, even in po11 .. Ucs," Don Rhoad11 (loft) warns Joseph Carr in a cllmaUc scene from the polltlcal c!lama "The Best Man," opfning a five-weekend run tonifllit at 111~ • . E. I H~ Beach Playhouse. · Shrine Program Series of Operas .W.E HOP iJJ.tLliR,, sTfilQ V-4-~ e e DINNIRS e e ..... ',.M. Top Slrtolo Stook Wiiii ..._ c.k1' 'ff $145 , ....... e.tklnN $425 ------ Oranp County I Heldquarten For AR Olympic Boxi"ll Tici<M11 . cw .............. SPA«;HETII DINNER .W.·YOU 711:~ CAN IAT ~ mlT MONDAT Nl.m . BILLIARD ROOM LADIES WELCOME Opening March 1 'Ille Music Center Opera Getman) on March It, A.ssociaUon in conjunction dincted by P. Hager, with the n...... Crt:Splb, Nadezda Kniplova, with San FraDCilco ... .,...... 1 Lilova, Jon Vickers, : David ~ation, Kurt Herbert Ward and William Wilder· Adler general director, an-mam, Leopold Ludwig con- nouncu a fOUMerlts season ducting. ~el Pill\ lorJ~ produdlona Serles c of tM operas is In II port..,.._. ol aroncl a Suiiday mallnee oerle~ and epera In Shrine Auditorium indudes: from March-l tbrou&h 30. 7.Q :Barbi;~; -di Sl;glia" on 'lbe ltUOl1 opena Saturday.. March 2 wtth the same cast evenlnc, March 1, with Pull-as in Seriea B; Verdl'a "II clnl'a "TUrandot" (In ltallan), Trovatore" (in Italian) on directed by Paul Hager, with March I, directed by P. Amy Siward, Jane Manh, Hager, with Radmlla Ludovic Spiesa and Delme Batoce\rfc. Lilqva, Ro be r t 11171>Jones In Ille principal llolfalvy and Vlctor Conrad roles, Giuseppe Patane con-Braun, Patane C1J11ductlng; ducting. Opening night is on "Don Glovllllll" on Mircb II Serles B. with 1be aame cut as in The foar-eeriel at a 1 on Series B; "Lucia di · Lam· aut.cripUon plan often sav· mermoor" m March 23 with inga: up to 20 percenL Suits the lllne cut u ·in Series .A ol four operu is a Friday B; and PucclnJ's "Madama night series. ud tocludes: Bultel'lly'' (In Italian) on "":::==:;==:;==:;~1 "Turonclot" on March 7 with March !O, dlrtoled by Mat· = ••· ast -·•·· thew Farruggio, with Dorothy ;;;;i.~f~•a ~I;;-;i: Klnfen: Nlc:bolia DI Vlrglllo ltllian) on March lt, dlftcted ud Bey!>J-, Flldl coo- by Dino Yannopouloo, with ducting. t(OW APPEARING JOHNNY VANELLI AND THE JACK LAWRENCE TRIO Entertainment, D•ncing, Llatenint-7:30.Cloting · Q.OSED SUNDAY 536-1421 21112 OCEAN AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ Price, .R<nato Clonl, Serles D of loor -u I.! Peter Glooaop and Giorgio a Wednesday evening aerl., Tc:ui, Pa t a a e cooductlng; and includes: Berllol' "Les Troyens" (in "Il Trcvatort" on March 5 French) on Marob 21, directed with the same cast a1 ln by Louis Erlo, with Regine Setles C; "Madama But- Creapln, Mugarlta Lilov~ and terlfy" on Mareb 12 with Guy Chauvet. Jean Per1sson Pilou, DI Virgilio and Bryn. ,, conducttna:; and W a g n e r ' a Jooei, F 1 J d J conctucllngj "Das Rhelngo}d" (ln German) ''Ernani" on March 11 .with on March :za, directed by P. the same ·cast u Jn Serlea Hager, with Lilova, Sona A; and "Die Walkure'' Oil Cervena, Fram: Ma:rura and March 26 with the same cut BrynJ'ones, Hcnt Stein cort-as fn series B. ducting. All evening perlonnancea Serles B of five operas ls begin at a p.m., with the ex~ a Saturday evening aeries, and ception of "Die Walkure," NOT FED UP! Like any restaurant, we want our customers to . be well f ~d but no.t _fed up. When we came "to ·Costa -Mesa~ we meantio bring-you the-Mr. Steal< concept and all that it means in 116 other Mr. Steak restaurants in 39 states across the • country. That means a FAMILY style restaurant with a ·varied menu, attractive surroundings_ and ·-~ ... . ~ . . ~ good service, staffed by people who consider it a pleasure to se~e you, people who have an in· ·vestment in your . community. ... " j I i • lncludel: which begins at 7:30 p.m. on I•-------"!"'--~---. ''Turamtot" on open 1 n I March 26 and 29. Tbe Sunday . Dining With an Ocean View :~,M~:u.:· .. =~ ~':."' (5"rlea C) begin at We've changed our staff completely. We've also changed our building inside and out and we've \ ' t.mnie,,,_" (In Italian) on Seaton hl'<lchurea for ready SEAFOOD, STEAKS AllD GOURMET ElllREES Marci! I, dln>cted by Yan-Hries ticket ordering at a nopoulol, w I t b Margherita variety of prices raqing from * FROM $2. 95 * Rinaldi, Cioni and B~ $12.60 to m.oo (Includes all Jones, Patane conducting ; operaa on serie1) are available Entertainment and Dancing Nightly Rossini'• "ll Barbiere di at The Music Center 135 Slvlglla" (in Italian) on March · North Grand Avenue,' Los AT THE PIANO 15, directed by Ghlta Hager, An1eles 90012. Single ticket with Mary Costa, Pietro Bot.-prtcu and order form are BOB PERGRIM tauo, E= Sordollo, Nicola lnduded 1n the brochure. 8:30 to I :30 a.m. Roosl·Lemenl and Ramon Those who purclwe single Vlnay, Aldo Faldl conducting; tfcketl when orderlna. ln oon-IANQUET FACILITIES Mozart's "Don Giovanni" (in juncUoo with series Ucketal AVAILABLE Ilallan ) on Marcll :12, directed will re oe Iv o prelertnllal PHONI IJWlll J1J OCIAN AYL HUNTIN•TON UAQt OYllLOOIUNW THE PACIFIC OCIAN AT THE PIER by P. HagQr, with Enriqueta seating for their alD,lle ticket Tarres, Teresa Zylla-Oara, purchue.s. p 0 r addlUooal Jeanette Pilou, cesare Slept, ~ ticket tnfcrmatlml, call WUUam Holley and U I o (2l3) 126-6711. For apeclal Trama,·stetn conducUng; and group rates, call (.113) Mio Wiener'• "Die Wa~" (in lU&. • even changed our menu completely to include BUSY EXECUTIVE? BUSINESSMEN'S BUFFET those dishes that our market survey indicates that you people of ~osta Mesa prefer. This is the only time in our hi~tory that we have m~d'e an individual departure from our sta~ard .menu · in use in aJI ,our 117 restaurants. We wam :t~ 'The Fixer' eam your praise. ~S • a: good '. ne~hbor~ . Premieres · , . ' ' Saturday .... ·Whether or oot ·you~ve ,eaten with us before, we ii{~lh<~] · th~k ,you'll be pleas~ntly sµrprised wlfh t~~s TUUDAY THRU FRIDAY-l1:30 A.M.0 2131) P.M. IN THE MARCO POLO ROOM I < I . l . . ' ' ' . • . • . . . . . ' . . • ' ' ' . ' • ·: ' ' . ' • . . . ' ' YARlm OP HOT EN1REES AND SALADS WITH YEGnAILI. POTATO AND RICE PILAF FRINCH SOUR DOUGH IREAD Stan ol th< lllm, Alu • -£. ·:!~~::~'."""~ · we've ma<le. We're· still open·frorn 11 td -9-every .. -ud Ciro! White will . _ , -. In addlllon to llOClll , ' • 5~1~1~·-= day. Come ·see us soon! ! Bued oa tho Pulltur Pl1lo • wiMlnr ... el by Beman! : Malamud, 11Tbe Fb:er" ii . directed bJ Jo)ln ? i ' FrlDUnlleJmer 111d -DJm. Hank 'Schferliold 1 • ed In W1peo1, 11\mprJ. : --. ....,... of Ibo MR. ST~K OF COST A ~ESA : premt.,. ..m llr over KC:OP· ; TV caiann11 U> Sunday Mn-2267 Fairview, Phone: 642.0732 • 1ng 1tom 1:111 to 10:111 p.m., , I , -1--l with ' Alan Sloan Ilk! Aitlrf • I, I Ncbsd u 'lnllMn ~t~-~-~~~~~~==~~~~~~====================~::==~~ ' c:ertmon~. ~ s1as sTuff s~IR[. RB•TAURANT ' 2241 W. <=-' Hil"-1-NllWl""f .B-1t (7UI Ul-1°'1 -----------------·-______ ......___ ---~--·--- . I U . OAJ\.~ fl\JIT ~ Don't Let The Name FoolYqu .. ilJ VF,ftNON prr llllU YWOODI (I.I!'!)., -Dal\'.I Id the _ .. Cllude J11dt'fool YGU. I I I I ll'Msn't l>elOl!i to II .'!lo ... n!llD· llllCCer "'-• 1 Swlll lki ):liomploo « II ,.,,.,.... ~· 11 ·1111~ tbll pr_t, of a•ma at alL . ~ ,. (pi'onaooctd' Clodt -.Tahdl lo ~ ·lllcb- cock'll --.,Y. Sbll 'l111IO-~­ beauly wllo hllo. 1olnod Iha! portlculu lllldleodt --fcitl(lt1, yOIJ!iltll <I the look· •Ilk• --the portly dlrecto< hu favored in almoot all 1111 tlJrjllen. It~ lll!l>oot _..., to describe CfaodO. Just l'lciure Hltcbco(k's past J ea d l n I ladies; Grace Kelly, Ingrid Bergman, Julie A n d r e w 1 • Vera Mllet, Tipp! Heclren, Eva Marie Saint and Kim Novak. They .r. all fair, mostly blue eyed, styllzed godd....,. ~ U-II ~Ill llllcb doesn't dig, its fiery, hya1er1ca1 1ema1.. runn1n1 ·'H··-ala for W or' around in hi! plctur... ..., • Claude (that name!) Is a Jn a re~erse form of peace protest, Karen Hass, Roger Parker and Carol Kret· natural selection for Hitch-zer (from left) sing the praises of war in this scene from the satirical musical cock's feminine lead · In "The Incredible Reign of Good King Ubu," opening a five-week run tonight at "Topu." She would maintain South Coast ~rtory Theater in Costa Mesa. her glacial cool in the finale-------'------------------------ of. an Italian opera in a burn· Live Theatre ''Tiie Nlglat of January lllb" A courtroom drama in which audience m e m b e r, s comprise: the jury in a murder trial. Opem Jan. IS and runs JUNIOR ' . '·MATINEE sAT •. 2 P.M. TWO ta.iTUlls "FIR.ST SPACE SHiP QN VENUS" ' AUO Jock M1honey IN "TA~N'S THREE 1 CHALLENGES" AU SIATS 50 'CENTS . BALBOA 673-4048 OPIN 6:45 lng theater. Seated qu1etly at Universal, Claude said she was Mocked when Hitch beckCMd btr for the role. "1 hive yery little e1.periencf:," she explained. "Only two movies. But one of lhem WU 'Stoltn Kisses' which Francois T r u f f a u L dincted. Top Aw.ards C!r---------------... , 1 =~:: ;.n:b.8 ~10:id~l: T EXHIBITS Weslminster Community·ll---.......,...__.; In Films AR . ~~te:t Go6:9en ::si~t~ sHom: 1:00 Westminater. Reservations -FU.TUii: 7:JO ONLY 89U443. . ,... .... .... .. 1 .... P.t1N4il• "'Mi. HJtcbcock pw me in f,rls. WJ lal~J" AA h~ about travel, cooking a'l<t, movies. Later, I was told I had the role. l haven't tried to improve my Engli s h because he wanted to keep me just as I am. I !11pposc I am physically the type he likes for bis films. The ones I have seen are quiet and dignified. There Is no vulgari- ty about them. I like that. "He looks for a normal girl and places her in an abnormal altuatlon. That make! for the drama, no?" Jt also make.s for the 1lardom, yes? Claude has s.igned a aeven- Jeat. contract with Universal on the strength ol "Topaz," the Leon Uris best seller. Claude hu been I n Hollywood a month and is resigned to ex.plaining her name. 1'In France, it is a name for both mtn and women," she aaid. "Truffaut wanted me to change it because ol Claude Lelouch, Claude Dauphin and others. But I refused." 'For: Shanie' ZVLCH GALLERY -l83S. Newport ,Blvd., Costa M.,L Curnntly on exhibit oil pailitinp by, Harland Young. !lours: . 10 to 5 p.m., Tues. through Sat:; t:to 5 p.m...,&ri., .rlosed NEW YORK (UPI) -The Mon. There is no admi&sJ.on char&e. · NiUoltal Oi>clelr, o! -Film---------- ''Gtne.ratloe" A c:omedy about the yootb- age eonCrontation. FriClays and Saturdays from.Jan..-U .to.F.'eb. - l at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, west gate ()f. Or- ange County Fairgroundll. Re- servations, au. 5303. Critics Monday gave three of C.~f. ART LEAG_UE GAL1$RY -513 Center St., Costa 'ts · ht annual awards for · Mesa. Hours; Sat. and Sun. l to 5 p.m. Continuous exhibit ~.~1~. ''Shame," a cgn-ol art.. work ln various media by Att League members. No temporary fable about war admission charge. 1~---.-....,--..... -j-.,--,-,,.-.. ·.11 written and directed b y COFFEE GARDEN GALLERY -2625 E. Coast Hip Swedish director Ingmar way, Cor~a del Mar. Hours: .J.l a.m. to '3:30 p.m. Mon. Bergman. IJtrouih Sat. No 1¥1misston cbarge. Curnntfy on exhibit "Shame" won the society's prints by photographer Beth Koch. The gallery i.s sponsor· TONITE iAT 6:45 ONLY best film award. Liv UllrQann, ed by the Newport Harbor Servlct League. ('lne of the film's stars, was ' named best actress, and SO. CALIF. FIRST NAT'L' BANK -171%2 Bea.eh Blvd., Bergman was cited u best Huntington Beach. On elhJblt•durfng regular business houri, dittetor. oil paintings by Barbara Fieberg. It was the second 3lraight ~a ~gman film W"d won three awards from the 50Ciety, compoa.ed of film critics o( lijltional · ·Weeklies and mon· thlies. ~ 1967~ bis film "Persona," ita star,. Bibi Andersson, and Bergman wert:·Similarly honored. "Shame" beat out John Cassavetes' "Faces" and Jean·Lue GodJ1rd '1 "Weekend" !or the beat film award. MARINER'S LIBRAl\Y · -2005 Dover Drive, Newp<rt Beach. On dllplay during regular library hours, oil paW- ings and poctrall• by Lee Turner. SEclJRITY FIRBT NAT'!. BA!ijl -196 E. 171h SL, Co.Sta Misa. 011 paintings by Lea Muggerldge, Inge Linhardt and Moody Lytle are currently on exhibit during regular . ' business hours. NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK ·..-1090 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. Currently on exhibit during regular buainesa hours, mixed media paintings and drawings by John Hack- forth . • !\IF.SA VERDE LIBRA.RY -2969 Mesa Verde Drive, ____ ,_ -~_.......,._ . ....._ *HEY KIDS!* "'IUlllDF THE APO' .111 lll8Clllllml.r. FlllBITlll r, ..:a·-~ Crossword Puzzle Costa Mesa. Currently on exhibit during regµlar library hours, oil painting landscapes, portraits and St.in Wea by Jean Dales. L.B. ART ASSOCIATJON-307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. 116 PAL SHOW SAT. 1 :00 c.n... c........ Ftlns! P:lll 6U.I IASS WITH S Pt111 "I MIUION TUU TO UITH" 11nnt _, Int IW.. S..w .....,...,., ACROSS 1 Brothers: r Abbr. ! 5 Gush sudden tr 10 ....... VIP: Abbr. 14 Dtfe1t badly 5 OpU111!1Uc: '""'' 16 P1rt of tht body 17 Vthltl• lt Support 20 Absolute rultr r 11 P1rll•ent· ., volt ZZ Dlst..t: COllb. fonl 2l Tobai;co: Dl1f. ZS Vtgetlblt 2• kJall of ._,••II 30 TIU•: IL JI Siited te fntlvltJ 34 Ttfntsfol .......... , J6Dt1--.1w 31 lfnl: c.u .... Jtbafa .. 1.: ) word' 421•'1 t1ld:ft .. , .,,. •• ,1 ... 1 . "' ..., 44 !::111~1 45 Clal11iftg t&l' type hont 47 Trtt OTV ""'"' 50 Ntlttity>s c.o•p111lon 51 Foll 53 111111• Jtnlgt 5' Divis or St•lt)'- 5• Urtats •1 llbllcal cf'laracll!r 6Z Rous«, Gf • SOil: t WOflll 64 lrmch op111 •S R•p191 6' SH 43 A.$fOSS 67 Till gms .. h'lqahtd 69 Vtrs11 DOH •J ktnd of fasttnff 2 Dttlaudttt J ..... u std1Uc 4 Arrntttrt> ...... , 'Ffmt .,.: !wOl"d's 6 Po1t0Mct lor: Abbf. 1~ ...... ltUlfCll; ·-• llact ·-tT1t1HSPOt ..-..--.,..-,,- ' 1110/19 10 llnltr 3Z Ltt sporls 33 Lega1 otar chirges 11 Hiring 35 V1lullllt fut ... snp&ssaMI 37 GoM .,.uun 40 Pron0&n tt Dttortlealt 41 Ch111t4 ll Head: Fr. sub1t011lt 11 Latgt p1rUclt ,,...~of 46 L1bort4 peoplt 41 lftjurtd 24 Condlment 51 Clfl1ht contalntt •agu.lnes ts Hout of 52 Kind of Unls n~I• ••bm •tlolt 16 Fl,. •II 5) CMlllCM frtsh dst ZT Q"ll" CIJJ 54 ,,....., •1 .. sltJ Nit 21 BlbUc:al 51 -LOlla ., ..... nu .. : " Al .. 11 3 words 51 klct" 29 Coale out 591111 •btost "' top dtgrte 31 klnf of •o Glldts on nw , tiff 63 F•al1 t1ff I . All media memberahJp show begins Jan. 19. Art work& will be exhibited in lhe Main Gallery noon to 5 p.m. dally. No admission charge IOI' members. Others 50 cents. N.H. ART MUSEUM-Balboa Pavilloo, 400 Main St., Bal· boa. On exhibit beginning Jan. 22, retrospective show of paint-. ings and graphic WOl'k.s by Paul Brach and Miriam Schapiro. Hours: Wed. through Sun., I to S p. m.; Mon. 6 to 9 p.m. No admission charge. CHARLES BOWERS MUSEml -2002 N. Main St., Sauta Ana. Hours : Tues. through Sat., IO a.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Sun. 1 to 5 p.m.; Wed and Thurs. evenings , 7 to 9 p.m. No admission charge. CurrenUy on exhibit, letters and docu- ments of lhe ~erican prea.ldents. iiii..-iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I S/NC ~ MOVIE lOVERS 836-6200 . CAll FOR RECORDED MES<ACE l't't. Slrlew Stwtl 6:41 .... ··-tr.. I p.a. ltdo 9'"'6111&..ot-.... -....... Uft .. -ot. .... Ample Fl'ff Parking BEST ACTRESS-SEST DIRECTOR NEW YORK'S CRITIC'S AWARD A WOMAN WITH A PASSIONATE HUNGER! ~ TM ,_,_l'ldlef Mltfl "NIQHT O• THI LIVING DIAD" ~ °"" ~ '-"' ..... llk:Nrll H•rl1 e C.OLOll. "CA MILOT' l'IWl 11_........,,.,~I "I LOYI YOU, AUCI I. TOIW" JM P:IATUkl AT CINIMA -AUO-- Tony Francios.a, Anjanette Comer . "IN .· ENEMY COUNTRY" Ev•. Show St1rt1 7 p.m.; Cont.· Svnd1y fro:m ~ p.m. ''The Young · Runaways" STAlllNG . ' . FD~WSOUTHCQ~ST -.. LAZA Tlt .. IW ~n Dieco fl'ffWa)' at Bristol,• SM-2712 -NOW PLAYING - SHOWING TIMES . ' . J!n-,,. . GOO ....... ~ -""' ...... 10001 - AIM nh Actt. Pech4 ,_..,. PAUL NEWMAN """'"' .. -... lklt.4 ..... . --..... -It---..., .....,., ... ,.,. U1llNY e C:OlOll e "HOT MIUIONS" Stl\'I McOw'" • COLO" • "THI THOMAS CIOWN AffAlr JULIE CWRISTI~: GEORGE (5C01T -~-ml'~.·--·· .. ., ... , . • .,, ....... r-~ l',T.~ Mt!!,_ "°" "' ,....,.,.. .. SMw Sttrts u\»I 2ttl HIT AT CINIMA WOT Sltirlty M1c.l1i11• llick1rif Att1"borou1lt "HOMBRE" .. c.t. All *ft M , RI01ARD CHAMllBllAIN • ' --· ------------------·------------·------------ f ,. s "'· - • r It • ..! , . ... .. ... .. -.. • - - I _,. • JOB ntNTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSI' APERS ~ 1111 WIST IMIOA ta.YD. HIWPOIT llACH PlllKINS JUDGE PARKER TUMILEW!EDS WILL YOU PUT TIW"STWID MULE DOWN? US MULE $Klt1N.ERS AIN'T Sl'OSED TO CARRY MULES AROON'! MUTT 1'ND JEFF Oil MAN, WHATA SNO\YSTORMI MIS$ PEACH YEH,1ll1S IS TtlE v.t>RS:r EV~R!., ·--.... - -----------------------~--~--------- I CAN'T SIEA 11-llNGt NEIT!lER CANT!lE · RµDERSI .~· ly Al Smith .251:°:.ii!:!!::!. • . , .. , ... , ..•. Old f.onittry Scores Hit ly RICK DU IROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The molller country tent UJ a WeJa~m•n 111\ltlday nigbt. Tom Jones, the pop stn1er, arrived on ABC-TV in an hour muslcal·varlety op.ctal taped In London, a preview ol. llla 1"111 that bep on Ille netw0rt Feb. 7. The I lntn>!luctoey hour w~ ~ctit-a heavywel$hl show bUllnUJ prod . _.-- 1 -ln taet:--~e ~en wh•t4er Jones' seriea can ' ~~p:~.,,p1!!!14.1L!!IJ!Jf ~~!!I. o6riilwl!_elll~r. Jle1_ ""' an1 wuug ett over o, a sQbstan eocore..·r he doe•. he and llla show . may be a force to be reckoned· with on American television, for-his epecial expended ~Y of his hit songs, llmon_g them1 • , ''DILILAH,'' 0 It'a Not UnqsuaI~1 •· ''Hard to ' Handle," "~ Elualve Dreems," "Brl&ht U~ts and You Girt," •1Good. News,'' "I Can't ~ Lov- lpg You" and "Land of a Thousand Dreams."· · •. Joo11 also. blid •uperior backing all around, lkoln the hlib-powered look of Ille production itself, to the excille!it musical support. of the Jack Par- • -nell orchntn; ,the Squires ·rroup aJJd Ille Mite Samrne1 11ngen, to the exceptional perf0Qllance1 -turned In by. all his guest stars. These guests wero Dldt C1vett, the .Fifth Dlmelll!ion, Juliet Prowse and French Chanteuse Mireille Mathieu. · ·-c1vett was' In truly rare .form, and registered with more Impact than ls usually expected of his quiet 1tyle. The added punch was highly welcome and may be jU1t what is needed to· get people ol1 the' dime about lilm. NOT SINCE Jack Paar has an American tele- vision humorist seemed so naturally at home In Britain. Cavett's material was slyly aJJd ·attractive- ly. tallored to his visit to Lo~doq. Among , 014;,. thlnrs, he noted that" he got cheated in paylitg 150 jlounds for a drawU>g . by Rembrandt -Ille only oat he ever drew with a ballpoint. The Fifth Dimension was also flying high Thurs· day. The group sang 0 Up, Up and Away" and "Sha.Ice Your Tambourine," and was.purely 4ellght· ful. So, too, was :Miss Prowse in a colorful dance production. And Miss Mathieu is a show11topper in the ~e, of Edi~. Piaf. Her #,tee ,has a simple, breathtaking -beauty, and her ·IQ!lgs can send a clillf flln!uth yi>u and bring a tear to the eye. : - ' ~ONES HIMSELF is •om~g.of a curloal_ty. Though a Welshmaii, .. many of -his !Ongs are done In what iJ es1entlally, a black A\Dtrican •!Yle.-Tlrls makes hlm, at once, Dpt at all pa!11Cularly Brltiab, yet definitely lntemational In appeal . . He has a big, P.leasant vol~e;arid his youthfµI, dar.khalred a~arance projects '111 aJJlmal niai- netlsm that occaslonjllly borders on the slight ·Vul- garism •ometimes assoclated':willl _mass-oriented pop slnfers. Yet he is not at all arrogaJJ~ ailtl ·he works hard to be pleasing, so ho Is basically-ll)<e-able. · · · · · '. "• _ - Hi1 way with Unet was not lniptessivet1 but··he ls clearly a fa&t study. He will learn quickly not to laugh ,o. <tf!en at hls.·oivn remat,b.'.Oul on Ole Slaf•;, though, peifonnlng before a crowd, he ma.kn,clear he Is "'highly professional, lrnowl_edgeable _practi- tioner of &ls business. He move! -Well. The emp~ r ... -~ faced dames ill his cast· and In lbe.audlence-•e'""' \.."'"-~.) ed enthralled by_ him; a, sure sign. of well-oiled :POP ..... _°lltll~~ · _••...:c:...c_es_s.,. ----,------------'"--~-__...:=;::.:;......;..i Detanls -the Melurtt. ly Ga Arriola · • · " ~ ·.• ' I ' -----------a.---~----~ __ ...,.. ...... ___________ ,..;-...... ---.. -.-;,.--.;._,,-.~=...,.,;q:;~...,.-===-""=':'!~':"l-~-!!'!!!!'~r.! .• "!'I. !!!!---------------------------... . . . .. .I j L • _, • ~ ~ ! • ·' • . . . ~· . • . . . • . . • • • ' ' ' • l • • ' • • • • . • i \ • r ~ • ii • • • • l ' ~ • ' t ! . f I ' f r i ! ~ I ' • ' I I • ' • • l • ' ' ' r ' I ' • ' • f ! r • • • ' f • I I • f • I • ,. ,. • • • • • • t • • • • i I • • • . . ' • . . . • t • I • . . • • •• • ~ , .• :; . Jf:·l!\ll.Y •ftloOT , •• • . • . flldq, . .i-y ID, l'M • .., .-... ,.. .. ::;;=:i "?. . .. f •• . . . ,. ' ' .. ,.., ' ~ ' ~. . ~ .. ~ .. t-. . .f ' y.\ \ ' / 'C ... .,. .,. ' . i; .... ... -. .}' '. t"' "'1 . . .. . ., ... : . . . ' . ' ' t-' • " .. . ,, .. " ~ ~-, .• . ' . . • .... ~ ... H ... ~ • . ' . t• . . . ' " .. ... .. ' . ' . . ' ' . . . . . . . ' " ' . . .. ., ' . • • .,_ " : ' • • ~;; •. ! , .. t ' ·1 .. :.. :. . ' •• ' .. ' i -_: ___ ~ _..: ~ --~-- 1 I .,1 I" . ~ I . ' ; ' . .. -. _. .. , . ;\ ' ' .t; • • ) ~ ' i! ... . '• ,· •• I. ' \ .. " • I I , I • . .. . -. ' . ' • .... .. . "' ...... i .. t ~· 4. I ' . . . . ! .... ! i .. 't' f. ' ;,;,.._S-1 -· '. ' f ... ~ . . I • . . ' . " . . t • • . ~ l • I . . IS N·O DISNEYLAND ' . ' Yes, you're right. :There·~ nothing really lunn.Y about a fractured leg. Bui -pardon the pun -ii does give our friend, here • at least one break. He has time to thoroughly enjoy the DAILY PILOT as he lakes a leisurely meal at the outdoor restaurant in • , Zermatl, Switzerland, in the shadow of the real Matterhorn • ' -. Bui you don't have lo break a leg, go to tbe Matt'erhorn -·or ~ven lo D~neyland, for that matter-lo share our friend's enJos· men!. We're happy. to de)iver !\le Orange Coasf's·fin,,sl hometown daily newspaper lo thousands of homes full of whole·limbid readers ev~fy day .. If ii turns out this season you·re·nol as great a ski whiz as you thought you were, turn a bad break inlo1 • ' f good break. Take lime lo get ev.en better acquainted' wilh the • • • ' 1 ' • ··: ' , . ' DAILY PILOT ' • • .. . •. •.' ·, f • •I ' ABOVE· PAY,EN1'~?¥oi!: ~ MON~HS 0 .A.G: · '. • . ·. '64 MERCURY . . Colony Park station wagon auto- n1atic Lrans, R&H . full po,ver, P'"'· .. factory air conditioning, a rear · beauty. Lie. RBF488 . '63 CHRYSLER 2-Door Hardtop. Full po\ver, fac- tory air, \vhite si dewalls. Lie. 5518. '65 FORD Cu"3lo1n 500, auto. trans, R&H, poWer .&teeril\g~. powet-·brakes', air . conditi9ning. ww. Llc. ~ PCA156 '63 IMPALA Chevrolet 2 Dr. Hardtop. Auto- matic transmission, power steer- ing, radio, heater factory air conditioned. Lie. JOY-626. ~195 '65 DODGE Custom 880, auto tra,ns., radio and }\eater, pnWer steering, po,y. er .br~es, Wbit& side\valls. Lie. SDW-338 '66 CHEVY .. ···· '&&~MERCURY 4-dr sedan, V8, automatic trans, R&H, pwr steering, pwr brakes, white sidewalls. ·Lie. SZU310 '66 T-BIRD "i.andiu t~p; full power, electric· ., . . " seats:·ue. · SAA042 ' I • • . '• STATION WAGON. Ramo, beat-' ·er, whit.e wall tires: Lie. VWP842, '99 '29" .... , · , D•w• fer 24 M1. O.A.C. 11><h1cln Tix L ·~t Ll,tnM $895 •.· '• '63 T-BIRD " Full power, electric seats. No. CSG096. Lie. . , : : _'.;6l ~PLJMOUT·H : eyliy; 2',<lf. Sedan. V8, automa- Ue-. tf"ansnuss1on, power steer- ing, power brakes, radio, heater. Metal man's' S~al! ~695 ' ' '68 VALIANT 4 Door. Automatic. ttansritlssion, radio, heater, white· walls. Bal· anee of factory \Var ranty. Lie. UHS-904 • . ... ·~ ' . ' ·' • . . '64 .CHEVY lmpal1 · · · . . i . . 4-door hardtop, full power, rac-'. lory air. Lie. l1G664. '66 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill. Autoipailc transrti)!- sion, radio, heater, 'air conditi6h- ing, white 6ide ·wall tires. U:c. TCM 175 . -----..---.... ---....i.----.-..·-----------..-----..... ----., i ·_ ' r • " " • • "'-IOV• tAAI l'l:VI lAX .. LIC, ' ~ ... .· , .. " - ' I,-----·------·---.. -· "' . ·' ·19 w•n r9 OPEN 7 o:·ay5 '·. PlNANtl · • • . Jiil ; .. ~ ... ,. "'•·~ ; . '.A 'WEEK · . .,.~, ~~·f!.., , , ,,,.~ 4Mi :r,0..,10. ,M. ,,,. ................. , ....... _ .................... . ' ' ' ,.,. -. . ' . .. ., ' ' ·~-: .. " . I .... . , ,• AT THE ·LAKEWO~D ·WRNOFF .'.·.. FROM ORANGE COUNTY OF THE .SAN-DleGO -FREEw4:Y ·.· .5 3•6063 52J•2341 , 426·730·1 ' . -- --...:..-----------------~-------------------- wy" :· . . I • 1 1 I ...... -.. . - ~ .. • . . . ' - I l I f . ' I I I I •, I HOUSES FOR S4LI HOUllS FOlt SALi· HOUSES lrOll S4LE HOUSES FOii SAL! J;;;:==..;..:;c....;;..;.;;;1;;.qoo_;.;-...==,'--"'---1-oao--1 General 1 ~:;:o.:;~~--'..;:;.;c...;.;;;.;.;:.;.;;.;__~~~ HOUSIS FOR SALE .. • •• -WE'RE MOVING!! l\ilNCHO L4 CUEST4 ,1t K1D\ilton & Buahlrd in Huntington BHch IOld ll8 ho111e1 In sllc months. Our MW Unit 'Is 1bout to open and we must oell the lui two homes here at g1neroll'5 discounts. MooEL HOMI: 2 BR, 2 BA, huge rumpus · -. can bt converted to 2 more bedrooru. Eltquisitely decor- ated & landscaped. '29, 700 - discounted $2600. INVENTORY; 3 BR, 2 BA, dining room, car- peted thruout $25,050 -dlsconnted $leo<I. I 0-.4 Down Conv•ntlenel Lo1n1 ; . C•ll 961-2929 be-.. 10 and 6 1ny day. :· Income . Money ·MDken 1% UNITS BRAND NEW - si66;500. 0 W N E R WILL 'l'RADE • HOUSE • LOTS • Tbi. 3 :Units 2 Bdnrui each - GUa&:ea -All rentl!d Top area -$33.500 Duplex 2 Bedtoonu; ~ ~tlHS Eutslde iocatJon ·-$211500. if~ -2 Gan.res -Re- . JDode.led Newport Hghls. Dist. $29,500. '41>-7171 546-2313 OPEN AU DAY SUNDAY THE ~~J CF-.L t:: .·r.l'\.TEF·':· CUSTOM ~rcul&r lhemr taste· /tw.11. carried out in thi! "ld.e1& Ver"de Golr Coune custom. 4 bed· h>oms, 4 bath A: HIF DoOl Extensive use or .beama A: natural rock. YACAlfl-3 plus FAMILY ROOM Desperate owner SQt "&ell todq''; Unmae. home w/ like new w/w cup. &: dra~ es; well plarmed. kitch. w/ fonnlca splash &. bit-ins; nwUcured dicboDdn. lawns w/many exptriillve plants. All fenced. WW aeD VA, FHA or 10~ down. at only $24,9l0. Make yoUl' o!te'r! I' \I I -\\ 11 ! I I ~t \'./,'\II I\ 1ll!B Baker, C.M. . For Growint Family .,.,,,..,.,.,...__ level home often: Jots af Uv- in& space and country at· mosphtre. Large I i vi n 1 room, <& bedrooms, pane.Jed recreatiol1 room. Deck plus balcon;y over loc*9 canyon view. 'f:xttllent CODd.ltion and area. Exduaive with Jean Smith. $42.500. ·:: J'..oc:e:ted on a knoll . overlooking the entire I . rolf C()Uf"S{', Listed Al ~=:~. JE4N SMITH 400 E. 17th Costa Meu. ~ ''I' \" .~ . i •• ·.:-.1 .-r.~.--'' ·.11t'' DUPLEX 546-5990 . Near lkach A: Shoppine Excellent value a.I: $34,950 Goorp Wlllf..,,... DON'T Jiw n an,y p1 Realtor ~ck CUb JOI' Jc .riu. • 6?3"4350 Eves. 673-1564 Dally PDot want Ad! "."-5611 ae.. .... .. . 10000.neral 1000 ::, -: Coldwell, Banker :OFFERS: :c-. : . 2 Units C.D.M. -$69,500 · ' ·. Gracioas 2 stO<y Colonial 4 BR, 2 Bail study, ~~ ·FM. RM.+ pool. Also altractive 3 R, cpt, " . drps, smaller home. Live in one, rent the I: other. Lot size 45xl 18. • · . Mrs. 1'farion \~~ '> • " 4 Units Near lay & Ocean Excellent investment property, on double . lot. Each studio •r.t witll 2 BR, bath + L · powder room -a way5 rented ... $52,500 ,. ·:Walter Haase Near Dover Dr.-$57,500 · · 2 ~Lory, 4 BR conv. den, 311.i ba's pool w/ ~-slide, l~ge FAf. RM. Roomy kitchen. New-'~ . port Hi School. Walk to school-s and West· : cliff shops. Could be 5 Bdrs. ·Mary Lou Marion Udo Isle-Room To Add ; Best buy on Lido. 2 BR home on 43' lot. :.Priced close to lot value. Owner anxious to sell ........................... $Sl,500 · Mrs. Raulston ·-.. layshore Custom Home 1": ·.Carefree Jiving in this unique area by tl1e ; :hay. SwJm. sail, !i.Jh, or relax -Aroh . re- ""'model -4 Bdrm w/exb'a lrg. Rlm. Rm.- ' Extensive uae of p aneling & quarry tile. -Mrs. Harvey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,500 \ Harbor View HIHs Custon1ized home for the particular buye r --40' living rm &:: king siie mutec suite. Pool n .. Ued into hillside -great ou tdoor entertaining area. . . . . . . . .... $48,500 1'1rs. Harvey llaylhore Provincial Loll of Cope Cod <harm in W. 2 BR comp. . renovated w/paint & cpts. thruout Lots of shutters & bnck. Lgc. pri. patio ... $35,000 Joe Clarkson .. \ l I OfFICE OPEN SATURDAYS ., ' ' COLDWEU, BANKER & CO. 2,.. E. C04ST Hl~HWAY NIWPOltT ll!ACH • · Kl NUI .. ' 1000 0...ral 1000 1000 Ge!?!''' 1000 Gener1I . IOOI FINER HOMES WE ARE P ll 0 U D TO ANNOUNCE THE POLLOWING S4LES M 4 DI SUNOAY, J4NU4RY 5th, 1969. BA YFRONT • Oovor Shore> BA YFRONT • Lindo Id• BA YFRONT -B•yshores -listed $169 ,000. -listed $150,000. • r.sted $105 ,000. 161h & Tuotln -Cosll MoM Excellent locaUon, nur aebooll, shopping and beocb Only 1 few lllft Buy now wblle In· terest 111.tel are only - - - 7% with 20% dewn -7~% with 10% Dn. no·2nc1 -:ne pelitts -29 yrs on bll1nce .... Salu throu9h the Multi ple Listing Servic e of the Newport Harbor Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $52 , 152,897 for t he year of 191>8. Li st your p rop e rty with ~ Realtor t oday. M-Vttcltt 4 BEDROOM$+ FORHAL DINING We are proud to· pn!ftellt thitl ~,.ceuent home with many deluxe features only found in hams prSced at utuch more. -The wry 1uSe Fun· ily room with txillt tn cus- tom bar. Attractive ~tio with built-in BBQ and Dou- ble Guqe with oU atreet ~ for 9 can. • Jl.l&l 139,950 .• VIEW -Dover Shores • r.st•d $175,000. hchni" A .. nt 646-7171 546-2313 VIEW -Dover Shores • r.sted $$ ,500. We coneratulate our staff on this excellent days service to our sellers and buyers. p. a. palmer incorporated Eleglnce ii PrlYICJ Choice Ocetnlront 3377 Vl4 LIDO From the tall ~ •••• I h Du I OPEN EVES. 'TlL 9 THE ~/EAL 1_; !...... ·r l\ ·r E.: R .s We NEEO listinp OD finer homes. We be- lieve that we give the most outstanding serv· ice in the Harbor area on both leasehold and fee simple homes. If you are C'Ol)!idering sell· ing, plea;. call our office at 642-82!5. T<ect Ph: 540-S113 from L.A. Coll ~ 54034 wroupt Iron p1"d entry PIX OM ftnt leCI the 2b:23' in-' Bedrooms 2 8fdn>omJ Dir atrium with It'• mUqul down. 0..: · JocaUon af. iiiiiiiii•illil•iiil electrlc:ally contrd!ed 14' THE BEACH .. 1raotable rool lo gleamlna """' ......... Vlew, '*""' ON Spanish tile floor & bullt-ln ah1nate a:tttl.or. MWm~ Exclusive Otlna..Cove bome - -----·-=--=-""'---- B/B This week, we offer the following fine homes: * LET US HELP YOU FINO YOUR •.• IRVINE JERRACE Nt'IV liJUng -on 'hhuna immaeulate tbruout with l Bedrooma, 2 battui ~nanoe. roof p§.tlO, wet bar. T¥n 1, atep beyond uc 500 exodlent Rental k>-year arowxt liviJW • belt to the drdl&Ucally ~ _.. • Harbor area. 2 BR, 2 Ba, w1ndowa fram.lng a p&Jd'o cation. priced to.Ufa.st at-$68,500 amlc view oI the Ba.Y A: 1111 Pllllm. By appf only LJNOA ISLE BAYFRONT -4 bedrooms, large activity room, concrete pier and slip. Asking $125,000. Open Saturday & Sunday. 101 Linda Isle. PLAC E in Iha SUN * living room with stone fireplace poolside family room sunny pooWde Jdtc.btn Jaw maintenancf' yard Hill.o, • """"" 311 baU.. ~g ' CORBIN-MARnN lamily room wilh llrepla<e R Ii AL.TORS REAL TORS • A Townhouse with 3 Bedrma. 2 'iS Bathl, Fire· ~. Elec. Kit.ch. Blt·ln&. CJry Patio. Aikin& $28,• ~Will adl Low Down Payment or Sales Con- trl<l PLUS 2b2'l' l'UqlpUI room tor pool table or !. Thil 3036 E. Coast Hwy, CdM "°""'built by IVAN WELLS 675-1662 114 YFRONT DOVER ·SHORES -71 foot pier and slip, 5 bedrooDU1, 3 car garage, a_.sk· ing $119,500. 0 p en dally -312 Everung Star Lane. DOVER SHORES VIEW -One of the moot admired view homes in Dover Shores. 2 bed· roo111!1, large panelled den, opening to beau· tiful view terrace. Spacious garden • r oom for large pool P I a n • for espanoioo -only $74,9SO. . OPEN SAT & SUN 1000 Santiago-Dr.--~-~ ~ B4YCREST -4 bedroom, 3 bath, pool size lot custom home, shake roof, beautiful fam· ily' home. $7Z,500. Call for appointment. B4YFRONT -Magnificent unique bayfront borne. Over 120 feet of bay frolltage, spec- tacular view, I av is h panelling, enormous master bed-sitting room. $179,000.00. Shown by appointment only MAGNIFICENT VIEW HOME -mu&t be sac- rificed. Definitely the finest View buy. in Newport Harbor. 4 Bedrooms. 4 ba~. View living rm, View dining rm, View fa.mily rm. Try $95,000. OPEN DAILY -1324 Glluy Dr. * A restlul Mediterran- iean a tnlol:phtre in • 3 bMroortt 2% Blth borne with all the delun l•· ~of the Award· ::m~rr. Hom8 tor * Open for Inspection . D.tly~ .I lo.5 p.m. m 1.,.,.1"1 C•nyon S hortcliff1 -Enjoy the Harbor View from the Picture Windows or thi! dell&htful 3 Bed.room. 2 Bath home. Pool &lze lot. You Ow n .the Land. $69,9'0. Boy & Beach RMlty Inc. 2407 E . Coast Hwy., CdM 675-3000 =-=~ YOUR YALENTIME Will be all smiles when ahe lftl ttri1 brand new IV AN """"""1y -home bl spoUess and • priced to aell at $52,500 Call John Abell Res 613-7365 OWllR TRANSRRRED Will sell this 5 BR 3 Ba home at below market price. Jm- mac. trl -level Republic home, 2400 sq, ft.: lush w/w carp. A: drapes. Sep. famUy rm. w/frplc. Oim" • shed mstr. bdrm. bu own bath; choice loc. OWner's anxious; price, $39,950. I' \I I.\\ 11111 ~I \II\ \I\\\ I I ' I ' l 1 ' just OM year qo could not be duplicat!d at the aaking price ol: Sl!Ji,CD). 0 w n e r tramferftd. Cl.ll today to 1ee this :WOO IQ ft luxurlous view home in Dover Shores. Roy J. Ward Co. (Baycreet ~I ~ Santiqo Dr. 646-15.50 Hav1su -Lake •• *HAVASU* North Estates ".ii year" v•catlon home site. Boating, fishing Ii: aiding (12S miles oI llh:ft.. line) a: huntin&:. On the California skit of the lakr. WITH VIE\V. L°" $3500 to $4200 {all lmprovementa .an ill le pa.id for.) Shown by appointment only. E. J. Neve & Jack Bale iohn mac:nab JtEAL TY COMP4NY 811 Dover Dr., Suite 101 Micco Realty Co. Bldg. 642-8235 WELLS .home with a "for.. 1003 Baker, C.M. ......., *HAVASU* . North Estates lll60 B Newport Blvd., CM (i42..49$C at ~ Bia. ever view" on Galaxie Drive tn ~ Shares. 4 bdrm& S ------ ...... lamily room, 3 car VETS NO DOWN ' I"""""""!!!""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... ..,..... Built aroun.i • Country 1leamins tile Inner atrium 4 BR • ha'" •·-A h with center planter I: built-l,.. .......... 5111 rear tmosp ere WESTCL .IFF in wet bar tor lntlnlte var-=-close to shoppUlg. Call Beautiful custom pool home lack Boy Monsion S bedrooma:, 3 bath!. Dream home built for a discrlminat· in< executiff and his de- serving family. Delight:Jul decor. I.up llvUl& room. hup famil.y room. Landacap. ed with an e y e toward! beauty and easy malnte~ ance. l.Dcated on quiet cul- de-ue street. If you can afford a $36,000 Dream Home, you'd better see this today. GI NO OOWN!!! sub- mit your smaller home on our KtJ&1Utee sale plan . iety & luxurious entert&Jn. · $2l 500 neaT Cheny Lake with view S ky c•--Ing. NOT ju.at another house. I of the hills. 18 x 30 livir11: quea ....,n You will ..,.., Opeo daUY room, large famlly room, 3 Located on street or onb' 1-5 PM. C.Ome to see. bedrooms, 21,S baths, built-in quality homes • ~ block Roy J, Ward Co. Newport freezer, oven and range, and ~ Baycre.•t • Thil beau-(Baycrest Office) at refrigerator. Low malnten- tiful home Jutt compl~ 1SG Santiago Dr. 646-1560 ance yard. Beautiful ttte1 repainted insldl! and out • Victoria and shrub!. $52,950. all ne~ w/w crpt. •. 3 bl.Ula NO DOWN 64, •&l I JEAN SMITH , Realtor ·dbl fire~ce ·~area $II S"" • Bed '1"Q 400 E. 17th Costa ?i.1esa outdoor lighting on ttmu • , -rooms 646-3255 whole yard covered by plm BIG 15 X 15 FM.IILY aprinkler system. 2.000 ft of ROO~f, plus DEN, Rrvice well planned living, Ask1ne porch, carpets &: drll.Pl!I. All $49,950. this on large 145 foot deep OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Jot in excellent neighborhood 1 -S p.m. with towerizW 11hade Utt&. 11 12 Nottingham, Npt. Nothing down to Veterans or CHIL T ROBINETT ISOO Dowo FHA . 200 WESTQ.JFF DRIVE 646-Till Open Eves. flilo STORY· DF.SPERATE out of Btate owner mua:l sell -k!uetoption <>r lease • NOW VACANT. Gorgeow 4 BR home with formal dinin& room. hU&e family room, l baths It completely custommd. Asking S<\1.500 -submil CALL t-.t R . BLACK 54(}..ll51 (open evesl HeTltap Rnl Estate NEED LICENSED MAN or WOMAN REALTOR 6'5-0128 CORONA DEL MAR to l\fanqe our rapid\)' l!X· pa.nding RtntaJ Dept. Caywood Realty ~1290 Newport It Vldorl1 646-8111 143 l roodw1y 645-0111 Ev.._ 642-8453 646-4579 Oen.rel - S©l"l~1A-~£~s· Solw: o. Simple Scrambled Wor d Pu.ult for a Chuckle or=r:m~lteB~' :: low to fvrM four ll1T1Ple words. ITELHEM '11111' ISYOTO I IG A M E N I About 0 chat!•""-<: "II io!.Jc . I I' I her •UTgoon an ha..-lo ,,.,. ';~-::;'.-~'.::-:::'.:::::'......., '""" the operation. 1r111okt Ir: I her -to describe It.'' SIUMES I ir-. '-"l-"-1"1 .,.1...,..1'..,I~ o ~..;,..... ... .-.. ~ -- -. -, """;.'l!.""Y.::.:::::r.::. 8 PR~~~s~!~slfITTIS IN r I' Ii I' I' r I I ~~R~BlJN~~~E LETTERS I I I I I I I ·-,... ................ IOOI SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICAnON 9000 Sl.500 DOWN. 3 BR 1%. bath Newport Hei9hts· "'"""'Uo Condom. CpW • H drps, bit-Ins, pool, c I u b View ome hou.sc. s20.soo. submit trad· NEW ENGLAND CHARM cs. •ii oft this 7·year wcll kepi and oubtanding 2 story 2 BR DUPLEX on quiet cul· beauty, l lovely bedrooms, de-sac street, double 1a.r- ramlly room, hardwood age. $230/mo. Near shop. noon, J>atlo, fenced lot, ping. Don't dell.Y! S24,500. QUIET STREET. 6 UN ITS • 2 BRs each. In· dividual patios & garaps. 6 yeani. FA heal, blt.lns. S'm I mo. SHARP SllARP SHARP! sn.soo. "l TRADE" LARGEST Bot Olson Realtor 546-0580 293 E. 11th s1. 646-4494 -"'"w'"'E"'s==T"'c""u""F==F,--- oPEN SUNDAY POOL HOME ~10 Jav;& Rd .• Mesa Verde DelJcbttully brlcht 3 Bed· Big Colonial room • 2 bath in exclualve GOLF OJURSE ~A • Im-area. New living room car- press.lve ho?M wtth half· pet. Liuil:e Heated & Filter- moon drivew.y. 4 Bdmu, ed Pool complietel)' Bur- formal dlning room_ + f!lll1-rounded by decking. $49.500 Uy room 4 mulo-p...,..,. 646-7171 546-2313 room with aeparate !LJ'e. OPF..N EVES. 'TlL 9 place. Unusually well pnced at $41.500. S4&·$&10 Mii' tNl'N lheltN) LEGERE4LTY THE ~J EA!. E. ·-r ATF.:R;; ..... '' """'Pl 1---iiiii;;-iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-Ea1t1id• Real cute home for couple or small family on beAulifUI treMlned Flower Strett. Simply Immaculate 3 + dtn. lrw room wilh double gar-*" on alley. Good tenns at $23,9.'iO. 145·5'10 !U"..,.. ff'lfllrt) OUf:! REALTY l ~~!!!l!"!!!'!'!~!""!!!~I ·~""Pl Exclusive 4 Bedroom =-~--$21,900-No Down """"'"' to a G.L or iow Dllplex $24,950 down In all otben. Be&uutul Eutmdl! Cotta M-. Hud- lamQy room. 2 baths. Leo:· wood floors I double cat utY all built-in electric klkb-PJ'al'! 9'IHIJ'U.. UDltl (2 .... C..,..led. Sori....,,_ bdnm •. di) • .,.... .... Prvfeaiona117 landtcaptd 1dtclw:n area hi 1 unit. yud. MO-mo W•llt-Mceordlo. ltllrl. T41t1ELL 2955 Horbor lllO """'°"Blvd., C.IC- OPEN SAT & SUN 548-mo "-..._ 2264 Feder1I Ave. Channel R!!f 3 BR, 2 BA, Cl'Ptl. drpl. Penthouse Apt • Vacant. Only $19.950 Fo1 Sale or Lta.se at SM0 DAVIDSON Realty :":,;,'" J:..":''"~ ,546-5460 t:vn. SiM-8584 Rttltor,,.mem Open Houses THIS WEEKEND .... "" ...,. -. .,..., ...... .,.. ............ --,iitli · .. ~ H.tif.t7 Alf"",..-1Katf•lli lllMI Mleir ............. Htell~~.-.. ....... I• ....,.., DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. ,.._ ....... .,.. --.. , .... ., ......... .,. ..... t., Hit w• w.n.tle1 Iii ttils cel1me Mc• llrl4q-. HOUSES FOR SALE (2 Bedr0om) 308 HeliotTope, Corona de! Mar 675-4031 Sat & Sun 1-5) Hu ntington Beach, (Shown by appt.) 962-6864 (Sun) (2 Br. & Family or Oen) 2518 Via Marina1 Newport Beach 642-3219 (Sat & Sun) (3 Bedroom) 1129 Pembroke Lane (Westcliff) NB 5411-8281 (Sat & Sun 1-4) 214 Rose St., Costa Mesa 646-7171, 546-2313 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2420 University Drive, Newport Beach 540-1720 (Sa\ 1-5) 423 Lugonia, (Newport Shores) NB 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-4) (3 Br. & Family or Oen) 2527 Buckeye, (Eastbluff) NB 642-9190 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30) 2284 Fordham Dr., C06ta Mesa 5411-9853 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2082 VaJJey Road, Cnsta Mesa 546-4141 (Sun 1-5) * 1000 Nottingham (Wffitcliff) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) 206 Villa Nova . (College Park) CM · 646-7171, 545-2313 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 433 Tustin, (Newport Hgts.) NB 646-7171 , 54&-2313 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 815 Camphor (Eastbluffj NB 540-1720 (4 Bedroom) 2153 National Ave., Costa 1\-fe11a 642-6442 (Sat & Sun 11-5) 1500 E. Ocean Blvd ., Bafboa Penn. 673-4037 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom & Family or D•n) 1706 Tradewinds (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (S un 12·5) 2919 ~per Lane, Newport Beach 642-2637 (Sat & Sun 10-5) 1501 Anita Ln . (Harbor !Ughlands) NB 646-3704 (Sun 1-4) 223 Hanover Drive (College Pari<) CM 540-1151 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 16th & Tustin, Costa Mesa Tract Ph : 540-5183, 673-7300 (Daily 10- 4:30) * 1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 !Daily 10-5) *1590 MinOO"ca (Mlesa Verde) CM 540-1720 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2970 Java Road (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5880 (Sat & Sun 1-S) 601 Sl James Pl. (Newport. Hts.) NB 642-7000 (Sat & Sun 1-S) 1937 Pelican, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1878 J\1aui Circle (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5880 (Sit & Sun 1-S) 2946 Maui Place (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5880 (Sat & Sun, 1 Iii dark) (5 Br. & Family or D•n) 2500 Waveaest Dr. (8'1Jadmoor) CdM 644-0020 (Sot & Sun 1-S) 1350 E. Ocean Front NB 645-2000, Eves: MS-6966 (Dally 1-SJ IApartments-SaleorRent) I & 2 BR. 310 8th St., Huntington Beach (Sat & Sun 12-4) Duplex For Sai. (3 Br. & Den . 2 Br. & Den) 1359 E. Balboa Bl'vd., NB 645-2000, Ev<&: M8-6g66, (Daily 1·5) *It w ••• ,... ' ••• ,... ........ fi wt • --·--.,,~40-_·:Z:";.is .. aL;;.i;• c..:• _..:..:;;:. .. -..: •• .: ' ; ... = -. r '\ • . "" DAILY PU.OT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOi SALi Genoro1 1000 Gonoral 1000 Gonorol 10000-r•I IMO MMe Yorde 1111 llaycroet 122:1 1705 ~~------1 ltont•lt lo Shi,. 2005 Cello Melo Pek /Ja"'1tl JZ:afJ'I pH6en~ - EAST SIDE COST A MESA. NEWPORT HGTS. AREA ALL tHIS AND l{2 3 BR. 2 BA. llm:ne W/ Jrs tam rm. Hu aide ttctqe ynl "" ... ~ Ire -ynl W/ lep plQi art& tot cllldm. Loe , bllal - ICiU& By ....... - art ' pm. IVAN WEU.S moder..n c:uslbtb ' BR,. ' ... lf ft ---·· _....__.,,,.. l!O,llO .. 1!19. liO. ,. - W-llff 1230 Student o_,unlty 2 BDRM -w ........ -........ 1---· "'""'((-.-...... -.. ontr. ... -Wl\l> --.live. ID d· A""-e.¥.1111 Mo.~ • --'""1--· . ... Send --" I •-lllr. (O<l'anl) ~ ..,;..8oa¥001Dall)<Pllat. '821 Santa Ana .Ave. g . NEWL y LISTED '-follow ~cir· cular drive lo this well desl~ 3 bdrm home -one Iusbl,y plan\ed garden bedroo111 -& huge djning room. Dad's eyes will sparkle •hen he spies the darkroom/workshop designed with him in mind. A great buy al $59,000 in the boot area in Bay crest. .. $25,500 ANXIOUS -<IWDft" must ll!li1 SBR,JBAbomo.~ Below Pll.1'krt. $ S 0 0 0 AUWD9 u:ia~ "'% loo. Total pymnta $190.. MS-1122 BY OWNER, I BR 2 be, • !!:.f!F e""'1. cood. 2 bib WHCtlltl • 4M-tm -. WORKING Woman er 1bt 4I BR, I BA. hl'Wb LEASE OPTION -delil!l!tful open ceilings in this 3 bdrm 2 Dat!i borne. lMge luxurious living room & fam- ily rQ<>n\ overlook well landscaped garden & pool. Charming 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & den. I~ batba, flroplace, carpets & drapes, built· ins & forced air heat. This well landacaped home can be found on a huge R2 lot with a very-large fenced back yard, with room for a bOat, ctmJier, or bullil" a rental anil! •II bu a paved alley entrance for easy access. Loe .. !Ion is just about perfect, 1 lh bib to New- port grade school, and only 2 bib to new city park. Eut 17th street and Westcllff shopping and two other schools within walking djs.. tance. For appointment to see, write: 3 BR, tam, pan/den. drpt, by owner. ANwne low FllA $26,500--wiU tako 2 n d • ...... .,,, -"ochoola. -MONARQ{ BAY· A alamar-Htrbor Hlghlenda 1235 ous 4 bodnn home la o.i. n.. excl111ive community, d&-4. BR., ram..., nn, 2% ~-lilned for indoor • outdoor Enc...... Lanli, " patio. ...... °""""'" l<n>OI .... Crpt'd, drpd, blbll. Mml 1ar rm, JMl.Mled den w/FP, tell, k!av'ir aft&. $48,m ample bulltin •t.orip. prl-Coll!!" Perle 1115 1501 Arata Ln, NII °"""· vate patio att ......,. .w.., LOVELY 3 Br;,' home ln 6t6-31'0t lowly prden • sis,000. deatreable area; tam. rm., c....., •-1 -1250 2 b&., w/w cpt.: tree llbld· 1 iiiiiiii•ij-ijjjjiiiijjjjjiiiiiiii I EMERALD BAY • Ocean ed yard. Nr. IChOOls I lhop-11 DUPLEX Side Hwy • An e~antly plfl&. $24,950. By ownu decorated ho.me w1th ma&· to ahaN ~ with woman ~ cabriDo SL $211 who ---hours. -i:;o. monlh 54MO'l2 ,m==='°'=""" YOUNG lll&ll, fi will tlhare EASTSIDE, 2 BR, pr,. bit 3 BR home bl Hun-· drpl, blt-lllll, adultt,i .... !M0-9116 •-Belt wllh ....._Joo I =:======d; 968-4UO J· Coato Most 2100 3 BEDROOMS, Wot I'll'!'# ~ dltion. Completely fumlAh- ed. Adult& only or maybe one child. Swintming pool, I 1111. plus -"° .BuUtjrw . New mrpet& tl Pr1ooetD11 crm >0-q1. Owner Oii ptTmiM!9 Sat OI • .... Stl)..4582 S0l.11'H OF HIWAY nilicent surf il coastal views, 1000 Nottlngh1m Opon Sund1y 1.5 OUTSTANDING BAYCREST BUY 4 bdrm 3 bath family home, large family room, lanai, 3 fireplaces. Unbeatable temis -owner will !lnanoe. $49,750. Private Party Box P612 Daily Pilot JUST $36,IDJ 4 bednna. formal dlnln&" ~ Ne'.!P"°! h.ch Each Unit baa brick fire.. party rm with ~t bar, • ll;jiil--ii.j--iiiijjjiijjj; \ place, l &, lae kitchen " eluded " apadoua ft&!' pr. I~ Uvtnc nn. ~ Nffda den •ltb lowly Inn • Miine da.'oratlna. SEE TIUS! $134,SOO. 1200 &srf&"' recreation cuter at no ex· Ntw~rt luch " \ ,,. """""· $23>. mo. ,...,,, I ;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ ~:.... c.,... Apt I/I TOWNHOUSE Oean A attractive • $13) 2 Bdrm. J Batb ·-· JCv~ ..• 1706 Trad.winds Open Sunday ·12-5 Owner Cys OPPORTUNITY NOW 11 Westcliff. Spacious 3 bdrm home, gourmet k1tcheo, great family room & lanai. Oversized tBxSO' pool. Compere at $42,750. SELL! 2500 Wavecre1t Drive Broadmoor, Harbor Vlew Corona del M&r SPARKLING -Adult-occupied 3 bdnn 8 bath custom home s1tilated on a quiet street witlh a park-like setting. Formal dining room, un· usu'al mother-in-law bedrpom & bath boated & fil tered pOQL Olir Baycreil exclusive. NOW Wing $69,500 . and still open to oiler, Th1s additional re- duction o1 $3,000 will sell thl5 l Iii year old S Bedl'Oom, split-level model with family rm, formal dining rm, 15 x 35 Rwnpus Rm, plumbed dark rm. Orchid house, aplit- level yard, 3 ~ Boat I: Trailer park • all on 1/3 acre cement block wall en- closed, with multiple VM!ws OFFICE OPEN Saturdays & Suncby1 1605 WESTCUFF DRIVE Newport Beach 642-5200 FIRST TIME LISTED! Eastb!uU! 5 Bdrm home on large lol Eastem owner an- xious to sell ' Available for QCCUpartcy Feb. l, 1969. ! h o w n by appointmenL $43,500 VACANT R·l LOT • VIEW OF BAY Ba1boa . Price of $25,000 includes plans for 2 or 3 Bdrm home. ONLY ONE LEFT! DUPLEX! Open daily 1-5 P.M. 1359 E. Balboa Bl.vd., Balboa Penin... sula. One hoU8e from ocean. Upper unit ha!'l 3 B<irms, 2 baths plus den. Lower unit ba.i 2 Bdrms, 2 baths plus powder room and ik>n. Also wet bar and laundry room. Approx. l500 sq II. Double prage plllil extra parking. f1,500 Excellent tern1s, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ J · · also community pool A recreation area. COMMERCW PROPERTY Located adjacent to large OPEN • -SAJ-&. SUK-1-5- EAST lmf STREET SHOP-(BROKERS NOTE: TI-I I S PING CENTER. An ideal DEUOHTFUL CALIF. VIL- location for one stop • drh'e LA MLL BE SOLD THIS thru businesses and nwner-WEEK-END. 10% CASH ous othel'B retying on heavy 0 F F E R IS THE ··co" traffic count. Full Prlet! Only POINT. THIS PROPER1Y S12.950. HARD TO BE-CAN BE BOUGHT AT lJEVE • CALL US AND SPECULATION LEVELi. SEE. • • • • • RECREATIONAL ROOM DAVE GAMBILL 644-0020 \Ve've found the home for --- your POOL TABLE and other recreational needs. LARGE 18 X 24 RUMPUS ROOM added to this well quality 3 Bedroom, 2 bath kept thrf>e bedroom, family home, o~ finest selection to room, two bath home. Elec-stan the New Year, Will tric built·in kitchen break· take low down • owner mov- fast bar, fireplace'. Full)' ing out °:f ~ eState, $31,000 carpeted and draped. Own--move m nght now. er moving East and will 110 l'-lilmr" sacrifice at $23,51Xl for a ~I ' quick sale. REAL TORS 2025 W. Balbolt Blvd., N.B. 675-6000 -------- 3 BEDROOMS $20,500 realty CLIF PRIEST, RNltor TURNER ASSOCIATES Since 1957 3034 E. Coast Hwy., CdM (714) 6'J5.3581 682 No. Cout BlYd. N ·--h Laauna Beach C71C) 494-1177 ewport -c 2200 Truly Modern 1-BR. pr., utJ1. paid. No pets, ad.It. cpW,, prtf. SQ.5 34th St. $125 Mo yriy. .,.,~ $200/Monlh ti; . Pooi& • Adults Only! ~ Bay & Beaclt ' i Rearty, Inc.. 901 Dover Drift SU!tt COSI' A MESA • clean -well kept • wood butnirc tire-- place In 11vinc room., 1% lie.tbs. 2 ~ ~. air conditioned. .2414 Vista Del Oro Newport' Bu.ch "5-:l'O> Evn. ON THE BEACH! wan. or •""" • """"· 2 Corona del Mar z BR Furn decks with Ocean View. At- home ·owner will CIUTY ht rium entry, guden room, 2 BR bouee, pa r-t I a I I y '1"!!!'!'!!~"'-!!!"'l"'~"'li 3 Bedroom&, 2% baths, large I; TD. 8.6% intereflt, $15,000 li . furnilbed. a~ .6 mo. LEASE "' 3 BJ\ ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4-494 Eastbluff $34,500 ! ! 8;:g. Ca1t ~roperty p:C:, ~~~ti:; ~~~10 35th St., ~bop1::e ,.w,..illtles$-- 332 Marguerite 673-8550 pool, $43,950. ==-.c-,--,-,.-=-1 park. Carpets. dn.JM!St. OCEAN front; 2 Bdrm., BY OWNEh Mediterranean Villa tirepJace. Adulta. Winter. garage. Prv ~ 3 BR home, crpts, dpn, Magnificent Ocean & Can-U75 Mo. Inc. util. 673-8088 mutts. $280 mo. ;;J lrplc, blt-ins, R-2 :woe. Nice yon Views, secluded. custom. I-BDRM., earport. On Penn. 4 BR, 2 Ba, Newpt .111 • CdM loc. can ~2319 bit, 2 yn old. 3 BR. 3 baths, Young cple. pref. $110 Mo. GS San Bernardino st. p 100!. NET NET NET. bu iOt to be the best value 1 =anyllm==':::· ====== family rm, open atair ~ll, Aft. 3 PM (213) ~2279 Mo. 673-l391 • ... I Long tenn teas:-i on this tn this fine area for a l· I· tile roof, master bedroom OCEAN Front house, a b.L s.n~ Mr. Yoww l f. excellent income UWHtmenl story 3 BR, 2 bath home on Bay Islands 1350 25 x 14, beamed ceifuwa, Winter-Students OK $115. LARGE. 3 BR• Fam. J)' C...-tu ""'""biliandtias~ large lot with some View. NEED __ , H $49,500. mo. 67J...8088 frplc. upper Newport .&.;.. mg ture possi 6 · ·~ ... ..., AbRlltee owner more inter· mo... .......... ow Hair RHI Estat• $275 mo. lMsie. Avail .. ;;,_ $ll4,000: Income 11,400 pr ested in quid!: aa:le than pro-about this Balboa Penn 316n Coast Hiv.'&Y Bllbo1 2300 lst. 642-«;96 owntto qt. A yr NET. fit 4 SEE. THIS ONE 1'(). Home". l1A BR, 4 BA, 499· 1272 " Walker & Lee !.tr. Levine DAY·CAN~••~LONG. Hybrid Bermuda grass -4 BR. 3 Ba. mt-U.,~ • -· I to "·-l • BR_. ' B_A. W/boat slip. ""-.Near beach A: ' Income Investment Dept. ~wn s ..... Sh"~ur ix:d Hindymin Specialt bl.t·ms, patio, BBQ, $53.\ mo. ......... ., 673-&lJt · 545-94Sl 644-1133 Eva. 646-3113 ... pme. In•-Units 714,"2!M!OO 213•371-0lSl . -' area. Ocean view, 11W1 deck. --·-~ . 5%% LOAM. 0pen 1·5 Sat '° Sw>. 1500 lfli ,::;', ~~: ~~ Lide ltle E. Ocean Blvd, $50,500. .,.., 1 ;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;I """'"""" $141 mo. iaclud" LARGE FAMILY? Acenl 1113-<1137 Apt. unlts. """' paint & I' all 4 Large bedroms, spac-rood general cleanup. PO-Tempor1ry Qu.rter1 ious liv. ~ 11lt11A. latgi; NE~D MORE ROOM? TENTIAL INC 0 ME EX-DimisW~.i.d.o.-tental.-S 1eflced yaitl~' Neat schoolS see ... thli' spaciolm '.J ... BR: 3 ttdO life"" -··-· 13ST CP::ED1NG"$I!r,b'.Xl'ANNUAL-spacious bdrms, 2 baths, & Ii: So. Coast ,Plaza. Immedi-bath, dintna: Rm PIUI family LY. Price $69,950. fireplace. 2 car pr. Avail ate ~session. Ownl:=r/Brok-rm on ln1ge e or n e r Jot, BAY FRONT MISSION REALTY 4M-0731 Feb. 24 to June L $275/mo. er ~. Plenty of room for n:er, skiDa: $115,000 DUPLEX with ,.,"'..,Soo; . .,c., .. ii"C:l'.;Lagu:;;e;=::"':;.-Ask for Mn. Grunsky. WANTED TO BUY 3 4 ~per or Pool. S47, • 3 BR. 2 balba up. 2 BR A: 1 WESTERN AWARD Pete 81rrett Realry or will con11der trades. bedroom houae, take over OPEN SAT & SUN l.S BA down, 2 Fl'plcs. Ba,yfont 3 ii: 4 Bl'. Semi CU.tom 16ffi WestcllH Dr, NB &U-5200 loan ~ pa.yments under patio with roor:n to enlup. Homes fl'Om $35,450.00 Now $135.00. Have cash far equi-601 St. Jimes Plici Wilker Realty under comtructton. Located ty. Call 548-8995 alter 5:30 Cliffhlven 3336 Via LldG 675-5200 on Mountain View Drive, oU 2705 PM or by appt. Mr Rohm.in "!ZZZZZZ!t.:l:Z Tyrol Drive. DIYl1 Reilly 642-7000 • A.P.I. SALES AGENTS l·BR. Victoria Beach; !gt. trpl.; sep. util rm . .l ba. Secluded. $165. 642,. tm RENTALS Costa Met• 1100 2 L1rge LIDO LOTS Phone 714-892-77tll for HOME & V2 ACRE Nestled on almost % acre in prime location. Hard to find thia much prope~ at amazing low price plus house • Complete package .,.,.,. $20.000. • "'ring" .fl..,\SPRING «-•REALTY •• "anytime" 2629 Harbor Wvd., C.M. Burgeoning Family! NEAR BEACl!-wlth partial Ocean View. 2-two Bdrm. homes &. Guest Apt. Obi pr- age, well -built" concrete block ronstr. $34,SOJ. 0 "'--; f ALTY Near NB Post Ole. 646-2414 French Provincial Large U-shaped floor p1an. Back Bay cul-de-ABC. Please call for appt. 646-4414 BUILDER'S PRICES further information OPPORTUNITY NOW I '.Ii BDRM, l bath. Top of Call tor information Wortd. Ocean A: rnounwn 642-5200 view. $37,500. 540-7366 Pete B1rrett RHlty BE THE FlRSTI to occupy NEW S Bd, 4 ba den, din nn I: ret Income from 2 Bd, 2 ba Apt, ON NORTH BAY, $185,(Q] R. C. GREER, Realty 3416 Via Lido 673-9300 Dani Point BARGA.IN R·2 lot. Tenn& $8,IXXl ti.rm, * ~9821 * Condominium 1950 4 BR, 2 Ba C.Ondominium HoUMt Unfurnilhecl oa Fairview, C.M. $22,000. :ms w Balboa mw NB Huntington Be1ch 1400 w I $2400. down. l21 M<ll'-· ·• · · riatown Lane. 540-6976 eve.. I '!~~~"'3-3'63~~~~~ I Newport Shor. WOuld You Believe? I: week-endf: M:J...-"··-1: Split-level home with 2400 Dtlta Bnl E.stittt · ,....., ....., .. TWO STORY· .. DmPERATE WATERFRONT, 1mmia I' BEAUTIFUL UDO ISLE HOME! Spacious living room a n d family room SWTOWld lovely WWeaped patio. Large cor· Del" loL Street to street to street. 3 Bdrms, 3 baths. formal dining room plU!I ad· dl.tional room tor oftiCR or den. Shown by appointment only. Will consider exchange for Brentwood or smaller borne on Lido Isle. $105.COO. sq ft. of Living rm, 1am 1 ~'::=~~~~:'.'.'.~ 31' POOL «11 of 1ta~ owner muat pool. 2 Avail; t 1lri S rm, 5 BR. 3 baths, plus din-J-3 Mister ~rooms Dvpfexn For Sile 1975 tell • lease/option or ieue 2 trplca; 3 Br. 2 Ba., ~·I ing nn fJJr entertaining, 2"180 SQ. FT. 4 Bdrm, 2 Separate Den. Uke new car--NEWPORT Duplex fDr ale. • NOW VACANT. Gorgeous rm. Leue or eell Please call Mrs. Fay Bay & Beach Re•lty, Inc. 901 Dover Or., NB Suite 221 645-2000 Eves. S48-6966 AWHALEOFABUY A giant of a house. 5 big BR.!, family room, country style kitchen, new w/w carpeting with your choice of color. Down payment o n I y $1200 to ALL. NO SEC· ONDTRU STOEED, NO LEASE LAND. EZ to qualify . Immediate possession. /f!i)I,,., COATS ~ WAL"ucE REALTORS --546-4141- topen Evoningsl "DISTRESS DUPLEX" 2lllS W, llalboa Blvd .. NB. 67UOOO Best 5 BR Buy Ill ~ BR, 3 ba home t\Rs n -crylhlJ11: goine for It Top F.a.1tblutf Al8 trartk ~ -" b!Od< .... ...... Oran !'nd re111dy to move lnto • ~"f'ler movlnc F.-..t. Pricld for quick su.lc. s.40,500 o 8e" call : Mary Graham 6·12-919!1 Far•I Walker /lf'J• ''r LuxurioUs carpeting, !use-Ba. extra lie IJvtng rm pets and drapes throughout. m to beach. Or will trade 4 BR h>me with formal 1-IN~Qc_. _!•l!._:432~!"'~"'!!:-pect~~~ }owi landscaping, dose to w/frlpc. Din. nn, panelled Briclc Fireplace. A Uving eqUity tor iood Lquna tlinll:g room, huge family public &: private schools.. beamed tam. nn. w/trplc. Dream. GI'• NO CASH re&ldential lot. P. O. Box room, 3 baths &: completely $39.950. (lll • C) Closets plore! Lge master needed. $23,9SO Full Price. 1423, Huntblgtan s e ac b. customized. Aaking ;41,500 Properties West '" er ..... B .. nt. Walker & Lee mu -°""" -1nbmil. CALL MR . l028 Bayside Dr N-·,_,... landscaped, $37,00'.l. FHA BLACK St0-ll51 (open 67~ 130 .. "t-' ~rasI. 642·2637 '2S82 &finger Ap.rtments eves) Heritage Real Estale SACRIFICE I, 342-4455 Open """-541>5140 __ F_o_r_S_il_e ___ 19'-'IO-' 1115: < BR. 2 o.. F•"""' SIX DEWXE 3 BEDROOM UNITS Unlv•rslty Park 4 8drma • Wn nn. 21ii Beaut cpta/drJI&, Bit • kit<:ben. 2 t,,,rc.. $285/ on l yr lie. Avail NOW? '• FANTASTIC 4 Bedroom 3 yd. w/w. Children &: pet home in absolutely im-Lovely 3 BR. Home in West· $1 ,750 FULL PRICE OUTSTANDINGLY beautiful O.JC. Broker 5.14-6980 l bdrms 2%i baths. npc ~· maculate condition, double dill area. Carpets, dnpes, 2 BR, modem electric built4 20 unit apartment develop-bit-in kitchen. Immed fireplace, gorgeous nylon bltns. Sprinklers. dbl pr-in range & oven, plenty ot ment adjacent to college $.lDS; 1-BDRM, tncd. yard; at $265/mo. Otl 1 yr be. .. carpeting, sparkling bit-in age. Nr M:hls &-shop's. Xlnt cupboards, new nylon ahag complex ln Claremont, pr-age; 11tove, !'!!frig. Avail. kitchen & manicured yutl. oond. carpets, drapes, larre dou-Calif. Priced at 6.7 x crou. --=·=-=="~====-2 bdrma 2 tun batbt. Traftic free £treet, clOS& to By Owner. 548-1211 ble pragt, completely fenc-For llale f1lr will trade for -Bit.in kitchen. Niceb' "'tftOll-1 schoo!& Asking $27,200 _ 3 BR. 2 BL Upstaira sun-:;a:O~ some work. Good Orange County vacant com-Cost1 Miu JJOO acaped yards A. privat.a-:- subnul Call 5f0-ll5I (open deck. Llv din nn patio merclaL flB,000 equity, Sub-3 BR home. dose to shopping tio area. $235/mo on eves) . J,fi blk bch &: bay •. b11n kit: l!li"k; -· mlt terma on u.le. le achoals. Elem thru Jr BOB PETIIT. Ru Hentage Real E!lalt Crnr lot, l5th I: Bal.'dlf P1ul Jonn Rulty Coll &: ~ft-";"', COIMI' lot, 833-0101 E STSJD 6 847-1266 EVl!:a. 675-5839 _.........,... ';-;,,..,,-.:;:,;'7,;=,,.-;;liv A E UNITS Perpetually rented rear apl off sL park. boat or trailer. 11 Sharp & well "'1>1 By ownor. Muoi .. u1 Prine 6 UNRS RENTALS Lea,. r<qd. 54....,, alt 6 :l -1.BR A.4 • 2 BR's only. fi73..811B HIHNM furnished pm. 6 gara,gea, lncome $620 mo. El=,E_G_ANr=-.,.-ll-b_lt_&_only_ Wa!k to beach. Partly tum. 1---------2 BR House in court wf Now And Then Excellent live in &: rent out $22,900. rirA or v A. 1.oned = $15.r'edOOO~ ~or:~ Gen1r1I 2000 garage & yard. Water :Pd. ORANGE COUNTY'S $62.500. R2. Larae living r m • , loan, approx. al% return -;;;;:;;.;;;;.;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; First a: tut mo'• rent req. A home th.is sharp comes on LARGEST Graham Realty firepl, cpts,, drps, eltt.. on investment. • I/I $12> Pl'r mo. 2JC.A Cecil ~~It =Pe~ ~y. ;~ 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Near N.B. Post Ofc. 646-2414 kitch. 2 BR., den. Owner. BRASHEAR REAL TY J'I. C.M. """'"" 642-4441 Older Bayfront home! Exclu. ix'drooms, han:I_ wood. 11oo;,,. BAY CREST OPEN House Sal &. Sun. 847..ss.n Eves. 536-2123 C 'BR. 2 BA. Meytt Place. 1lve area! 3 Bdnns, 2 baths • and wood burrung fireplace. 1-5; 2284 Fordham Or.; J BEAUTIFUL • Custom built OP£N S funtiahed or unturniahed. 1 Dri>&, gar, yard. Avail lm· t n-e Eastside lot includes EXCLUSIVE WITH US BR., 2 ha; lge. liv. &: lam. Le: 2 ,.._ A: Fam nn, 2 UNDAY 12•5 2 1 ·-"-bl med.cleanl$17Smo.642-6392I•===:::;:===~ ~. 2 000 M! fl 4 bed-n-1 or year ell.M' av.._._ e. dooble detached garage. · · · .......... .-..... rm. Sep. din. area; lndry. blL A: room far addition aft 5 p.m. Yours tor """.000. home in Baycrest • $46,500 rm. Ottice.; 1-. encl "'tio. w/lovely view. 2513 Vla 86U Viscount Dr, nr Adam.a Please call Mn. Fay for ap-J :C~o~ro!n'.:t~d~e!.I ~Mt'.'!!'-~:\iiJ •-Fo' pl J v Der ~-polntment 2 BR, private gar a I e , C I rlh C ap · ean an Boat I. camper storage Marina. Owner. 64l-3219 le Magnolia, 4 BR tor the · 0 eSWO J & 0. Bonle<. .,.... BLUFFS O>ndo • 2 BR, 1 dlocriminat< bU)"•. $l9,995 Bay & Beach ::::"i'ii.~ ~:'~ 642.m1 JEAN SMITH, OWNER 548-9853 BA. •pllt levd. firepte..,, R. D. SLATES, Rll,. RHlty, Inc. 6'5-2964 R-ltar lX>WN GOES THE PRICE, view. By owner. 644--0lm. 847.J.519 EvH. 962.-1369 901 Dover Dr., NB SUlte 221 D'"Y = ~ W"-·~ l!KH Harbor Blvd ., C.M. .,....,. "~"'"""" """ ~ -..-........... ""'"' -Open Eves. 400 E.. l7Qp, c.:r.t. 646--JZiS no gimmicks, owner out of BAY VIEW Fee Lot ss· x MUSIC LOVERS .,.__,., Evn. .,..._ · Alwaya • Go-Go! -town. 4 BR, 2 BA, needl 195· w/ planL $35.500. Coran 3 Br. 2 Ba.. Fam rm .. J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~.:._,,=;:;;~~~~:::==.J;~~;::,=~=~ NEAR BEACH Hur Irvine-$24,400 lltU• fixl,,., $1.9.950. FHA Owner >f3.7249 or 5'8-0!7 cu, trplc, .,..., drptt, bll- 308 Heliotrope, CdM 1 4 BEDROOMS,_ 2 ba.tha. HUit 10% down, C.L oo down. tn., 1tereo, intercom, fire 6 OP.EN SAT & SUN 1·5 ""'"' bed~ twlf•. & "2-6442 '"""· 548--6997 Newport Hgt>. 1210 -alarm. By owner. private ha.th ideally locatl!d 3 B• 1 •---rt.--•---.. II!.,., 500. 8Ul2 Holland Dr Olanning 2 BR house on R-2 at rear of home Kitchen • ., ..._. ~....-•M.:IU8CU, EAST SIDE COSJ'A MESA _., ,, lot, with room to expand. llrith built-In ~ oven & ~-lgt fenced y d NEWPORT HCTS AREA :H~.8=·~84=7-6441==~~- Fireplacc. bJt.in kilch, FA l"fifrigerator Huge' Jr E8-0 . P~ Yacht ALL THIS AND R2 2 STORY/POOL Home heat, bcani I ceilings, par-late sized imund~ s.i.1731 basin, oeean VJeW'. $17,500 25 500 .Laree 1eparate family room, quct. floors. ni~ yant "'1 TARBELL 2955. H1rbor ~ 2039 Repbuhc, C.M. Channing ~ bedroom or 2 qtallty carpet:a, 35' pool wtth lana~, rlbl 11:ar. pricl.· $43,500. bedroom " den. '1% bathll, tilter A: heater. Cl er FllA R1ctwrdson Realty 10 UNITS BY OWNER 4 E-1\ide 3 Br. fire lace alrpeti '-drapes tenna. Price is rtcht at 6754031 on 3 Jot8. Adjacent to Ocean-2 Ba. Natural wood bltn buil~-\11 -' forced a!r heat'. $33.500. 4 Bedroom -$22,500 front. SL'"J.'i,000. ~:n~til:roeep:r~~ Thia well landscaped borne 847.~1 Jon-:W~~TU4 Nothine to . equal thl&! 2 B1lboa Reil E1tat• Co, &: ah~'g, $25,500. S4ll-C244 can be 1ound on 1. * R2 baths. Family room.. taolat· 700 E. BaJl>o1. Blvd., Balboa ..... "'nn:-su ..,_ kit with a very lup trnc-.f BR/$23,950/V.unt ed rear Uvtng n:iom with~ ~40 n....-.v~ 111111> VA Jean; ed back yard, trilll room for lAup bedrooma.. New palnl cha.ntlfC lirt'place overioob ~ 3 BR., l ~ Ila.: a boal, camper, er build a Oo.e IO tchool8 I: ahopp~ a Largt! bnck pabo with ~as $22,950, F\dl prioe. Owner ttntal unlt! It bU a paved FHA or CI. Act qUid:! BBQ. ""'am klt<:ben ....... IEACH BARGAIN 64$-41.93 llloy ......... for -... HAFR>AL R .... m range&; O\'tn 6: dl&hwub-Mo6trtl 3 BR. 2 blL "A'' MUST Sll.l., I.mmac 3 BR. CHI. Locatian is just about ''Homes to Match r!:;r. er. ~1720 fJMM, •• to Ocean • 1% BA home, fully Cflltd, perfect, l'Ai blka to Newport S740 Warner, 1V M2..f4Cft TARBELL 2955 Htrbcw $25.IOO. """'-au U.. xtna. adJ. to~ ....... schonl.andonly~blka •"""""'"""~"'-~....-'=-= VACANT Ce--' Riiy "'1290 ,,...... P<.IOO . ...._ to .,. d!J J>&<k. Eut lllh BR -..., By 0..... . , w.-. ~ ""'' """ w......u -$15,lllO ... Down 111'1 UllK(Ut 3 13drm ··A" hme • 3 BR. ~~ Sll.500; plnr and two other act** mo. ind. taus • Im. "'"" ..,,. ""°' A pl<•t> al 2 Un1ls Easlside $2000 ,:-•' = s.uui. .. ,.,, walklnrr •-· Fnr -., -lq)llCt for ba.dmlnton COUr1 l&C3 OWNER appointment to ll!e. write· 4 BDRM holm :uf'Fe~: Exccllcnl w 2 BR hornr In [toot Rear Mui V.,de 1\To Privab! Put)' • I )'ltlln old, ~t~~ oca 10"· unit Sff at 1511 RArlu!llPr, Box P6U -..102 a.ft 5 Arnold & Freud C.M. fll.500 full P'I"'. • BR. lam. nn. d;~ nn. D•Uy Piiot =-==~---~ 2 BA. w/w, Le P&cemaktt.l;""'~~~~""'?.i'"' C8 7.0?iED near bead\ 388 F.. 17th st .. C.M. GENCO REAL TY CO. Below mfl.l'h:l. 0 w n er, nCE QUIOCER. YOU C\UO. tront. 25 x llT w/ ~ Re~tor1 646-T?:tS 642--442:1 aaumption. FHA M$-f7S4 mE QUICEm YOO 0:U. to allf7. $12.9!10.. 9GM8 • ' I ~ l I . I I I I I ,114q, ""'*7 10, I96t · , tcl:r<rALS -R!NTAl,I • -.-™L ISTA'l'I , .,,..-ANHOUNCIMINTS -AHfWtlNCIMJNTS ;.:;::====:=...1....;.=:-'"'=<=;;.........,_' I ~L Ul!furnlaMd AeVnlurnl.,,.... General -~ . ind NOTJCIS . 1"4 NOTICl!S =;;.::..="'-"--="IC..t1 Mesi 5100 Llfllnl IM<h ·ms Offl;rl~ntel t 6070. 'Jlound'(Frao Ads) '4ao Announcomtnlt 6410 2 l!R, -· MA'l'IJllS-i.iutY-no .J Bil. Avd Feb. T. 11AO TOQ Cl,11'1' DlllVI N&Wl'OR<I" cMO'CENTEI\ l,IJUND tu. -""'91' 2 ~ wistr ~ 11"' -· -· • ·ibiNcfnc. ~or mo. . .,_ oatlo. Carpeto, LIJXIJll'l FOllNIUNl'VltN Ol!!ol1 ...u.blo tor Con> lo 3 mooU.. Clar .~-lie , ANNOUNCES Bartf'R ~1'fi;a lnlorm.a*b! ,ean ~ 1 dn*. 12$-4. w~u~ st. CM. Yflll'l1i..ea...1a2 BcinQ. mDilt, M~ Dental. mllar .... \ltc. Pa~• • Lvnchl't • _ _.... NEW l Br.~ 111' bl' 6'1$-l8'11<1f$IMlll lltl>' lo'-• 8bopo -.. ..,.._tlo,.lor OloiJd<'.lMUlll • ~lhnlSlturoa.Y &'IWnl -QoleC: W1', "° UNFURN 3 1111. 2 BA ol>i Ocou~ ... froo>, cfr<t A»I, f'ro"I l'IO ' BLK & Wbt Coebr lil>lalel. Iron> 11:30 dally l"ba.,ll.trn.orputl)' ptU.ial:ldeo.,...lQD nev \\'eefdU!. pool • le. fnmSl!Omo ... )f&M , ,•$U..oo32 OJ\ 67>-* 1•ma le, very old. V'iC. ; , lv1ry Sund1y . ~ v~. 1.-5225 DELUXE 2 Br atudlo. crpts. prlvat. ,..uo;-$1.65 n». 41M-2449 • • :rSMAL£Jm private ofBOe1. O>tleat! Prk. ~·-'ar llcycle Brunch ~ '*'2290 . <1rp<, J!OOI, 1 chU4 OK. $145 ~ 2 BDR. 2 bath "'1111 .. ™"" rum -"'!b -or Ree<Ptlon 64&--0539 from 10 AM Cll1 &4&.()CIS ' 2 BR. Splt.levd; 'fl/ft cptL, ~an, few ltfOI to urid, ~· . HbeJ F 0 rt I n • FOUND i2M:V Cor Onnr;e I: . Rrvlnc: F.Q.: Benedict, 3300 e POOL. ADULTS e newi, "'=·: 2 b&lhl; W ino. -:tl.51 ..,,_ Del,.,,.., Co4L\ M .... J!.lge llUeYOO llalldlorol, :l·J ~;~"-",-BA.--w-/,,,.-t-.U-p. 1 Br, Furn., UUL tocl. blbU: llSO. lSS Melody .... REAL ESTATE. om~: 2, 300 + .,, ft. puPJ>Y with Dea collar, 2i:.":J'. ~t "'1t-lnl. pt.tio, BBQ. 1425 mo. 147 f1o'wa', Costa Mtsa Wr1458 o.ner•I · ea.ell;. ltffft 1lewl; O:iut Ms..m3 Newpcn Btacb Wh1ddy1 W1ntt -wh1clcty1 Got? f<: 529-l'IOO m:-3 BR. cprta, c1rpa, Bit.Ina. , lf.loi, Corona del Ma 1 Ill.ACK 6 lll'1 CJ0(;_4_ '·-· SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR rr.;:;;:,.;.;;===== I Newport IMeh 4200 a Chilctr.. OK. No i.u.. Ron .. la W1ntod 5990 i~ to he old; fou!\d 'VIC, _.,."'""-.,:,.Fleet> NATURAL llORN SWAPPEllS fllll)9!0~ ~ :MOO NICE 2 Br ••t, .U •ltc 1145 Month. M&-"'62 WANTED OOIM """' • MMERC.,-309 Sq. It, F&lbloa lllutd, Newport Sptclal Ra .. -2 BR. New\,a....c N•w 3 BR 3 *"• llNDUST.-Sl>sq.IL 0.ach.CIU: 911M764 •·-.le u1• S Lln11-S tl--5 buc"-EE llENTAL BOOK ld-n. .. ...r .. tlo, eouple · • Bl. wllocJce4 e 646-ml e r-·-•• -• .. ,~ .. ~, ·-• B~-with baby ... --····. crpt.K, drps_ • tns. $125 mo. ~ facllltlea. Will • a y . FOUND dark ~ P'lPPY. ~VL•• -AD MUIT INCLUOI! v •v m "" •v ~ 646-5045 t3QO .+ unuaua1.. 2'31f L ' W 81tcb 1-Wntt "'-' "-"" ,. tmlt. 1-Wlltt ~ wtl'lt M • .,.._, Bedroom home with Poot. winter. STWSJ6 mbnttl~ .&15-0Z96 COminerclal ·6015 'St ~--ta Ana H·•""':.. , 'WESTMINSTlll!. i-vou111 ~ .1111.,. ~·· 4--1 Mtte11 flf Mvvt1t1na. tIUt Party House. Rent SMAU. 3 BR. car port, IUl1 LIKE NEW ~ Br .• oew q>1,I., EMPLOYED lad¥ wanta l . .,.., ~-. . K ~OTHtNG llOlt SALl -TltAOlil OML VI ·'-""' per month. Good dock. Employod adulta. 12> drpJ, blt-lm, cuport: no BR Untum At>! beach area NEWPORT BEACH FEMALE Gonnan -MEJifORIAL PARK PHONE 642·5678 P.\caUoll. · 2Sth St. Upstairs, rear. nt: peta; adulll Sl.25. 548-6769 to $110. car or carport nee. COMMERCIAL nux. Vie. Snug Harbol' Rd. Mortuiry & Cem.tery To Place Your Tr1dar'1 P1r1dlM Ad I) lk & l 686-65.53 SPLIT·Level 2 Br.. cpta., 6U-0086 aft/5 Prime location ~ for It Cillf Dr. N.B. ~1445 Complete funer1l1 Newport Duplex. 1f1Y to 10 uni.ta Wllrnincton $200. I a er ee 3 BDRM. II blk. to beach; drpa, blm.. 11> ba. No peto. I BR. Apt lw-n or unlum ~ oflico,ta1"fau0,%; = FUUND Parak"~ vlc. 22rd from $245 beach. Will t?sde equ)ty "'' l>'I' tno. tocom.. Tnd• 7682 Edlnan' 126 fOth St.4190; unf. $UIS ?.885 Mendou 545-M21 on beach th CdM, detri:mt Bkr M.:im · . . & Newport Ave., C.M. Cemetery lots for rood Llr;mia mrtdm-T.D.'s, land. or T Apnt/ 2-4.f.;D Open Eves. s.io.st4o • · .6'1'5-3249 ·• CLEAN 2 BR. unfum, Ulll. by ting.le Dr. Call Mt-2925 • · ~2129 from $150 tiaJ lot .. P·O. Box 1423, owner. 64&l629 er 213- 1, I BR. ~·--•·t 1, L,.. pa.id. SU). btwn 5 & 6 pm. Ind t 1 1 R nt 1 6090 Bl!I'TERFL Y pin call and •• .-..... .,.,__._ , ... _ ,Huntington 'Bead!.. (nt> 4J4..6959. BR. Small hnced yard ~ ... ~ ·~. ,1 WA 6.f&-25«; 'Lt. &-8333 • LANDLORDS • ua r • • • identify 531-3425 ............ es --..wmenl ,....... --------1 ' t.f.ll Yrfy'. lat I Jut 1 child to beh. Yrly. EverytbJ.nc · in one beautiful 846-0:H~ Ownr. Be t ooded bJA ... Jo fr K Nr. Beach mvd. & 127 33rd St., J!t'S. 3 BR., 11-ii ba. Children FREE RENTAL SERVICE WANTED to ltµe. 5 to 1Uct means 1-i:OIL DON'T JUST WISH for au w ,,.. ta:, ' Jai:er welcome. Mn. Dunkin, ~. Broker 5U0.982 10.000' sq. fl plant 'Pf.Cle Lost '401 No trw1flo poblDL somethina: to furnish. )'Our on yr-round riw.r, pvd rds. ·i5f.VanBuren 842-7823 'CoronaQIMlr 4250 ~W.Center,Apt.1 2 ADULTS, srn dog need suit ab le for hea"ly 1'81nBeacb.Westmtnster home .••. f!nd grt'llt tn.cys ~~~~~e_:: 3 BR. 2 Ba -.I closed tum 2 Bt .. ..: .• ~ ' machinery In Orange Co. ~ARD -white toy poodle. 5ll-1725 193-2421 lo todays Qautfled Ade. -1 like new, nr Oo!lllu 2 BDRM duplex near beach, '' u.tt '' • • ·~ or apt. 7c per aq ft Bax 3862 Long hair. Jab lat Between airplane. Aa-ent MJ..5495 ampa. 16392 Lakernont $16S. per n.nnth. AltQ' 5. prqe. AdllltL $140 Month Have ~fer:rrtces .~75 Fullerto Cal • Hurittn,ton Pacltlc />.pt • Will trade 17 n Performtt 20 unit Delun .. ..+. A.Ill-;: ·" M•c:• • .,....., 327-B Cabrillo 548-4091 WANTED · n, ' · ....... -i (-" ·be~ ) ~--Av ... now .....,,mo * ~* To nmt industrial 3000SQ ftWJU"ehou11e&oWoe Hun~ belt pier. ·nt: Cemetery Loh 6411 out ........ .., iw u 1••ua centtoeclltpinCW,mont ~. ~, 642-lM MOBIL Home, 1Jdo Pel}JJu., 2 ~· r:; ap~:· =· ~~ 850 to l!XXl !IQ. !L + 60)) .q ft paved & {enced ~1D24. '14i gn...2341 .. PACIFIC V~w Memorial ~°: :... o~. pa~i!~~ 6.7 x groas ~ $79,000 eq. ft. home to mature adlt. encl. cabana: prlv. patio. Adib si. $145 54&.ots.1 . :yard. 1855 Laiuna Canyon LOST Two i toed ldt!ena. Park; ocean view. • Plots landscaplna. block fenclq Trade for Oranie Count)' L ~.it:; ;.,~::;eym "'!:S·B~=.o~ 'nope . . Room1 for Rent · 5995 ~G-7~4) 4M-ali6 or cn4) 1 :°bb)r~ J=.red ~tam;: av~ .. sell lel'lfat.dy or in or ?!. Pbont 642-4980 alter ;:· ;;:· ~=~~7::.m> 1" Ba. Bltns. bardwd Ut11 paid. l·Adult only. Newport Beech 5200 OOLLEGE or working girl N'PT. Bcb. De~bJe contr, 2nd .&om. 1900 bllc Santiqo. pain:. ~7 l ,?~p.:::m::,. =,,.,-.....,,c-== equity. WANT Houle, Unit& $175 per mo. Refa: 67W938 UNFURNISHED Apt -live o.o Bal Is. Kit m· office & new s hop. N.B.-Call 645--2783, nwan1, SERVICE DIRECTORY Have luxury l ·aty, duplex or Comm'l, Call · on Upper Bay. N'pt Beach. Art G ttl • 847-8363 •-iL-- 4300 Newport Hgta. Luxury, ,":''~ .. Incl, $50 mo up ware(2l3)bouae Adj UPS. Ovmr. ~~2:_E Point 1e m,a1 e li'-lttii.a . 6550 3 BR., 2 ba. $24,000 Equlty. 673-7~ m:s~i;r· 3705 IHI uua view, duplex apt., ,.,.....,..... . 941-1368 »••111.,·1& cat. Hu ·flutfy •r• ··• Want aeuoned T.O.'s :::::..:::::.:;;:.._.;:;:: 1pllt-level, 2 bed. frpl., COLLEGE or working men; " . , coat. wcarine fleJ collar I WILL care for your child Owner (213) 941·1368 Forest Lawn Freedom Ct Companion Crypts $500 wi- derpriced for oompanioQ crypts in Pacific View Cem.· etery, 675-0992 E 2 room atudio cot. ~~che~~~~p thick carpta., drapea, aep. entr:y quiet, pf'lv. R1nchn 6159 lDtag.,Reward! Vic Irvine inm,yhonwwlthlargefenc-LAKE HAVASU CITY. ·Superb i ·pr1 315 E. Balboa Blvd. garage. Available, Jan. 25, ho!M N'pt. Bcb. $40 Mo. V. & Sanlia.go NB. MB-8669 ed yard. Vic. Baker .t Prime Cl downtown lot. ~. dble :.:&e .. ;..-:: BALBOA 613-!!945 :7~2394Ca.ll alter 6 p.m. 548-3684 OWN ;YOUR BROWN,' black ruat cat with Fairview. Prefer over 3 or My paid·ln equity ol $6600 · n. $1SO incl. crptg, BACHELOR Apt•, util _A;... FOR Youn&' woman. student OWN RANCHO blue collar. Black leaah. under 1 year. $25. wkly. for triplex, duplex, or home. appllances, water, .,..... A'ITR. 2 & 3 Br., upper or emp. Npt Hts n r · . Ans. to "Tobie" 0 n 549-007.f. Dana Pt atl!a. 844-2902 n;; ~ Ae;!~· Mn. Bat 1 e '1 $15 or S18 mo. 3.W E. Balboa & lower duplex: 1 blk of! \VestcliH. Srngle $50. Dble Here i.s a chance to own your Hamilton. 642-5304 aft 6 PM Wll.L be bye.it my home, Have 2 new VW, red. law ~~ Blvd., Balboa. cal. beach. 5 J\lo. leaae, from $15. 543-4ru . own 20 acre ranch, just 30 SPRING. Spaniel, 1em. brwn fenced yard, prefer baby back, front aeata.. Trade W VE Hl&h ICbool,, 2 BR, Lido tale :. 43S l ~~· Mk for !.lis5 \Vbite IDEAL Room for Employed min. from Corona deJ Mar &. wbt, vie. Z!Jlt & Sauta or over 3 yn old. Across 2, red hi~ back sea.ta. 14'ltlc charm ll40. Leue 9150 Man. c.M. Close-in. S12 per &. 5 min. from the nearest Ana St., C.M. ~ from Killy brook sch o o 1 • 962 l 181 Show J~ 3i 12$ ~ FOR Rent, 2 bedroom apt. l BR. Duplex, $88 mo., :;ear· wk 548-7969 · freeway. Sedµded, but eu-Reward. 540-5361 • " F /C hT<Y ~tel, nr Palm Drtve near ~ beach, ~w ly bula, partially .lum. · Uy accesaible. Close to a LOST dn Udo J.an lnif our CHILD Care bom k 000 . • of the Bay. fra..3!iMS.-Avail Jan ll. m-2256 ~.ANT room tor work· beautltJll. Ju,, gciu .cotine· am&lJ Siame ki male days. Lain~ Wi~h ~ ,Springa, alao $40, equity 2 Ba. new lo~ . NEW' S Bt 2 ~ 419 38tb ing gu'l; home privileges. $2,ml Per acre, easy'temu 'bik ell"ll pa':.,.:~ tail: equipment. South' Coat N.B. resid~':· Want: fu. .:.~cp:UO!...i~ t:luDtJnsito.i-'st~-~-si...,....?!{e,~ IW_nd ~ Call aft 6 PM 646-418.l available . ..f>re.l!!-id inW!'f!'t re1t bl !iiht 673-1805 Pw.& area. 5'9-4038 come or su t.o: ;; 4M-3458 Eves. UTILITIES· PAID Mo. 67:J.&4M; 675-5161 em~=~=en-ple~a!:~7e!in Thompsoi:-a.LACK, Chine~-~: 1ost NEEo--;i;~at;2fur2 m;5 Doberman~p~·=AKc:- / "--• A Hld ~1 trance 646-5689 with around 17th St. .~a. C.M. yr old gir.l Care for yours, beautiful atock $100. value. NTALS D41,;1.1. pt. · ~ E11t Bluff 5242 · Female, Aak tor Jana. reu. Nr. Pomona School. Trade for mini bike, -sec Knoxville. Apt. D, H.B. Eckhoff & Anoe., lnc. 'lAph. Fumlahecl e 536-2914 e p , , Motel1, Trlr. Crt1• 5997 .1818 w. Chapman Ave. 646-23S4 646-6859 or !? r I ,_ I BR. -~-be L •-resflge LOClllOR Orane•. c.l'1. LOST: o,.,...,..n· young BABY NURSE, •It my hom•, 548·6494 :-1Mter1 ,._ • u.iuuv., au '"''" TR.An.ER S~ce 11.vall. Pool, 5'11-2621, Eves-wknda 5.18-6727 panot; vie. Harbor Sehl., weekly, hourly. Love ZONED M·l w/ home & ~ RENT· · Nr. AUanta • Beach mYd. For ltw, deluxe 1888 aq. rt. putting arn.. ahuttleboard, Fountain Valley 96a.3024 children. Gd cal't! c . rental $20,00J equity. ~ -Cple. only. $160. 4 BR., 2% ba. Apt. Frplc., ttc. tm. A~W.tl only; no 645-1156 WANT: Mobile home & ,. ·: $25 Month ~~~T !' B~"BUR.TIFUL; priv. balconiea; dbl raraae ~~· 2191 Harbor Blv., $4 DoWn S4 per mo. $395 ~.N~~ & HuJ\tlngton O:Y~~~~~:: ~ Phone 645-0139. Maui HawaU -·nev new home S69,500, free & clear. Trade for 3 or .f BR home Corona del Mar High School dist Sallshury Rlty 6n.6000 *FAIR DEAL* Trade Good '65 Squarebeet FOR equivalent·aood lbape VW Bus. . c.u 642.&484 4 Beafoom & ltiiiiiY m~ Home with heated & filter-.a pool, IJ6.500: $9,000 equi- ty for Boat, Lot, Untta T Realtor 67S-4392 J-fonolulu, Haw a i I; aep. home Condo Complex, 3 Br. 2 ba. Val $44,IXK>; $14,· 000 eq. Trade part equity for local. Realtor, 675-~ U3 Rooms Furniture 96i.6984 OR 9fi2-6683 drapes. carpet5, we\ bar, ~-Tradew1nd Tr a I 1 e.r Acre•g• 6200 wsr black wallet with $600. rood car or quiet home. -• OPnON TO BUY A 0 Y· P 0 0 oil kitch. Dlahwuher, dbl. · · full pride buys 2~ ac. in home. Vic Edward& & Have S units, want amall i :.t!Wtiguatora Available) 17676 Cameron. 841-Zl.25 oven, pool. C:Onvenient to So Cal L. Shewfelt, 326 W Parsonils 6405 Edinger. 891-3452 house Huntln;ton Beach or .-:;, :-_ 1 ·~ No de-posit o.Le. LARGE Bachclor, util rum. s!10P·&' .. acboola & recre&· Misc. Rentals 5'99 ani, L.A. (213) 623-5101 ' CHlLD care for mothen: Costa Mesa area. Bkr. o. What do you have to trade T List it here -in Oruve County·s largest read trad· ing poat -and make a deal H.F.R.C. """'"' oldu . adwt ooly, 100. tONL y $325 MONTH RESPONSlBLE in<livld"'l 80 ACRES V.U•y Center I GOOFED .......... -and don'I """""· 54!>94M. Furniture Rlnt1l1 Walk to ihp g. M2-l2l9 835 AMIGOS WAY w1~hes to rent garage to Citrus Area $1100 per acre Private party booght 80me want to leave~thelr.chlldren Mod 20 ac horse ranch, ful· W.19th, C.AL 548-3481 2 BR. Large upstairs. All build and store race car, Met. Water. Will dlVide name brand EXERCISE just anywhere,~ ly dev tr track. 2 wells, 3 W. actn. Anbm 77.f..2800 until included. Sl60 mo. 2106 Newport Beach Dennis. 962-7579 523-2971 or ""o ...... 5 LOUNGES (Ad ho""'• 1.f atalll, 9M ft barn -_:::;.:::;::;::;:::..:;::::::::I ~~• u. Apt 9 JoX>'"VO• v. on T.V.}. WILL Babysit my home. 1 -HOLIDAY PLAZA ~Fl:•~rl:d:":~:::::l===:I==="='"='·::::::·-=== withtheideaofbecominga or i ,qudrn ~m age 1% $95,IXXl, $55,IXK> eq ·For UXE, Spadoua 1-Bdnn. _ ---1,,1~n!:co~m'!!!•_P:;r:,:o'.!po~rfV!!.__!6000~~l :R:-e-;so:;::rt'-::P:"ro:"Lpo-:rty:""-:::62.:.05:o dealer. I find I don't have on,, Fnded yrd. llood meals. comm or! Own 615-6259 . . apt. $135 Plus util. Ligunl Btich 4705 Corona del Mir 52501 · time to demo.nstrate. Must By wk only. 645-2187 1111 Ton plumbing or elec· . t!'d pool. Ample.parldJll 7c~i;~;;;--;;.:-;;;.;: j ~iiiiiii;ii;;i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~jHOME & INCOME by OWN· • ~~Ren~ MF& sell 1 or .all at whoreiale, DEPENPABLE day ca re. biclan truck, rood corn!., 6!...oNo childrM-Ne» Peta MODERN View apt, north ER 1~2 BO. 1 ~i ba. apt.!. & :~.n.. .: ... &. ~ $45. ea, Regularly $89.95. PreL wkly care of 2-4 yn:. steel bin, pipe racks, value '=:$5 Pomona. CM 642-5858 end, 2 atory, 2 B~ l~~ _ 4 Bd. 2 ba. res. 3 Yr. --. .... Original carton&. 542-S56. Baftr $350. Trade !. dtS_ ; 2 iiDR¥S-, w/w, fene. Ba. 2 ~-~· gar, 1 1 .. ~"k ~· ocld. Pool. 2.110 Santa Ana, R. E Wint·' 62,0 2314 No. Bonnie Brea, S.A. BLlcAB.YSHrlTl'lNbr/. G, ;_~homl538•. 494-0.186 patio: e·-"""· r ahoppinr;-~ch. Very p .....,.. ~.,. M 675-1393 • -" LICENSED .. , ... _" ~ 49'-9982 days only. XI.of references. * * .• Broker 534-6980 _,.,, mo. \VANT ED: Sm. T r a i 1 er NEED 10 A~• R-1 North Spiritual readings, advice Fen~ yd. 962-4764 * '65 Ford Pickup ~iT, ideal for camper. Auto. trans. Trade tor TO, boat, land. Servi.soft, 506 Slit. N.B. 67>6020 Oceanfront lot for income e Apple Vl1y lot 101' TD, car/moble hrn • 12/units for h5e or duplex. S48-ll68 Doyle Co., eves 675-1977 * * ·. $85; 1 Bdnn. duplex ~ Fenced yard: prap RENTALS ON TEN ACRF.S Park. Principals only. Box Orange 'County. Prine. only. on all matten. 180 S. El 1 & 2 BR. Furn Ir: Unturn 2147, Com. Meu., ·CaJ. 92626 Aaent Evt1 962-1369 Camlno Real, San Oemente. WILL baV,fllt lN YOUR l'rplca I Pri I PaUos I 492·9138. 10 AM -10 PM HOME ari:y hour Sl.25 br.; SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY .. '{'-11rom ~ ·~1t• M... •100 we INTRODUCING e .. ( : Va/ J) ldere . • !. • 'af1ie C:Ounty'1 Beautiful ~ Adult living complex Custom fum·or untum. I" . ~'in Jes • 1 Bdnn -2 Bdrms , ;? .,. mporary Cua~I!l t: ""' . . Luxurious Gardel'l:ll L Bubbling; spring & brook L · .• o· Pool 1: therapy bath 1 :.: · ;'~cttvtty room/billianle ;rS&una Bath " ..;Pum.,, """' ltOutaide Gu BBQI · .I..~~ p.rqe1 &: storai;:~ ~ of town ~ betwttn ~w &: ,Ford/lfarbor & Nev. .. f Panona, CM 642-8610 Apfl. Unlurnl1hod Gen•r•I .5000 VEN DOME IMMAetr .ATE APTS! IMMED. OCX!UPANC'l ADULT&. FAMILY SECTIONS AVAILABLE Clo•• to Shopping, Park e Spacious 3 Br's, 2 B1. • 2 BR. widen Cir ore. • Swim Pool. PuVp-een • Frpl, Indiv/lndry fac'Ja 1845 Anaheim A¥1. COSTA MESA 642-282.t FOR SALE. OR LEASE Chinnal Reef Ponthou11 Apt. $550 per mo to rt.liable J*.l'" lies only. Diet $ali5burjl Realtor. 67l-fi900 $105; l ·BR., w/w. atove, drapes. Available now! Pooll. Tennla -Contnt'I Bk· . BUSINESS encl At I "" 24 hr. rates. 548-43!n bL 9 bole ?utt/Grc-en. Bu1inn1 Property 6050 FINANCIAL tract ve l:xpert C =:::"C<Pl:::;:;nt:;•::•i:;n1!...._..;6::5::.::90 Child Cira 6610 YOUNG WOMAN 900 Sea Lane, 001 64.f..2611 M·l HEART or Garden dancer will teach you all (MacArthur nr. Coaat Hwyl Grove business. 4 ox 2 4 o. Bua. Opportunltln 6300 lat~st steps. Call Ardell $7,950. 545-1942 eves. FRIGIDAIRE 213: 591-4538 l·lO PM 116'. 2 BR. Cpl" di>', pot~. ASTROLOGY Cla" lndry, grcJnr, ad u It a. JET ACT·ION Hi ghlands. Ev~s & wknds BU1lnH1 Rental 6060 Btautilul renewed Laundry. starting Jan 15· Begnr'a & 673-4132 · 28 Advncd. For into cal J MESA Verde Medical &: Wa!ihel'll, 11 dryers, 20 lb. 54&-8961 SHARP New 3 BR. 2 .bath, Professional Building up to washer. $18,000 yr. gross ~===~===~ fireplace & deck. AvaJlable 4,000 &q. ft oow ava.ilable. inc. Find out how essy Jt ill PACIFIC PA~TNERS now. Don V. Franklin, Rlty. Will remodel all or part to own! In 1969 let ua help you find 6~2222 to suit tenant. Contact Bob Coin·O·Matic that ~ person yoU've I BR Crp been looking for, M.S-1534 • ls, atove, _refrtg, La\Y at 2850 MeM Verde Equipment, Inc. garace. 7021A Avocado , Drive, Costa MeM. 549-0395 23341.4 w. Valencia ALCXIHOLle!!i An~ 673-9221, 615-7299 aft 5. CORONA del Mar Beauty Fullerton 714: 525-7833 Phone M2-T21.7 or write to Sh · b l ti P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. . op in usy oca oo. Going Into Bu1ln111? Huntington BNch 5400 Former beauly shofl moved Golden opportunity hJ beach SELECI'IVE SINGLES -;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 I() largrr quart e. rs. area. Phillips 66 Service Hu eligible men & women, • Re!IOnable r e n t , Call Station for leue: um. Bay-21-50 642-9676, 3 to 8. EXCLUSIVE ""''hon•. ,,., 838-<511 •id• & M•rl~ lk., N•wport IS YOUR AD IN a.ASS:· ON· THE-BEACH NEWPORT SllORES Shop-Boaoh. Conta ct' FIEDI Some<me ..m be ping Center; dre58 shop; CHUCK ' CROWDER looJdni for tt. Dial Ml-5678 2 & 3 Bedroom Apt1. no lease req. Beaut. lix· 714: 77'2·7110 714: T'l'-1043 for quick, ettidmt n!rults. Luxury l~vlng ~ pleue the tujes, carp .. mirrors, racka EST ABlJSHED auSINESS IT'S W()N))ERnJL tJ»e 1J1anY Bric~ Mitonry, etc. PHONE Mark 6 4 2-9 7 1 9 . 6560 Frami.,., f"1ialrlnr, pi,boru'd _______ ..;;;;.:...1 &drywall na.11. tap'g. Refer. BUILD, Remodel, Repair WILL take care of thlldren ln my home. Vic Wil10ll & Fairview. CM. 548-7929 Brick, block, c oncrete, C t crpntry, no jQb too small. Cement, Concrete 6600 on ractora 6620 .;;Li:;;'0:..;;C0;;;n;;:lr" . .;;,......:::...::.;;':.....--1CEMENT 'WOtk, no ;lob too • ROOMS ADDmONS • CarP.nttring 6590 small, reasonable. Free L.T. Construction CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Too SmBlI. ·CabJnet in ear- ages & o the r cabinets. k5-8175, if no ans~'er Ieavt msg at 646-2372. H. O. Anderson REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABINETS, Any &ize job. 25 yn. exper. 548-6713 A-l Carpentry, any alze jobl Call Gordon 847-6145 est:lm. H. Stuflick. 548-8615 Family rooms, kitchen er e BEST IN CONCRETE Walks, pool decks, floors, Patlo8. Phone 64U5lf NO job too large or small. Licensed &: insured. Free est. 892-2900 or 526-4756 Thocyk Concrete, no job to small. Frt!e estimates • • 646-1234 • CONOlETE work, all types. Pool decka 11' cwitom. Call 54&-1321 e CUSTOM PATIOS e concrete sawln&: & removal State Llc. • 842-1010 units. Single stary « 2; plan.a CU&tom deslEJltd., For egfunale& & layout. phone e 841-UU e Additlons * Remodtlina: Fred H. Gerwlek. Lie. 673-6041 * 549--2110 C1rpet CIHnlng 6625 NO Gimle1t Beat e)(pert cpt & furn clng. at lowest prices. 546--1486, 646-2717 WALL TO WALL Carpet Cleaning & expert upholstery cleaning. 646-3780 , · t~ SEA LARK ~-..,.. MOTEL i· ·WEliKL Y RATES ~01 Newport Blvd., CM ( .• 647445 • :':J.~~lminatina· No'i" & etc. 642-3'345 Beer, wine, dell. · Gro~ buys 1n appllancea }'OU find MASTER CJ.ll>l!Dter, $4 per th SMALL reasonabt~ priced S40,(QJ, good Costa Mesa tn the Cla.tllit1td Ads. Cleek" hour. Remodeling. Repairs. SOCK rr TO 'EM! CARPET & tuntlture clean- Costa Man 5100 e Huntington ~lore Building5 In bugy location. Asking $14,500. them now! 64i.6409 or~ SOCK IT TO 'EM! ing, laying & repair. Call -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I Corona del Mar location. \Vill consider financln& for "':':=:7:=::=:=:=.::===:==!..~""=========='===~====' \ Girouard Cll.rpeL 60-9IS:56 Broker SM-6980 ~ : .. t~~~p~p Incl Utila If Phone aerv. l>fakl &rVice ·TV avail. ,New Cate le Bar , .. " ,....,,...Blvd. - E blcbelor, n icely lahed. Avallabko Jan.16. >npJQYOd adwt ,,...i.-. •15-5421 ·~~~---~~ ;iARP Bach. unit nr., So. ' •'st. Plaza, nr new furn .. • ' i J"-drpa. IUS Incl. uW. ! .:tr. Smith 5.fS."3866 ' ,? Ba~ Qt. nim, l (lUtls pd. 1 yienon. Pvt. afking. 548-M28 . " E.'iii QuieL Adulta.. NO $'1«>. '761 s c 0 t t 1.'c.M . ....mi IDE, Quiet: 2 Br. ~-bltna, plllo. Adulbi ort- .;.J61-B Olle, I0-1298 .. l rm. 3 BR. apt., 2 .... I -+'f.IW earp., 4"" attr. yd, ~·1 \8.J4st; !llGOISf; - "' l'.;ijji -. _, ....... r.irC ........ JIJI. -· 11th PL C.al. VERY -'BR. ~pt 132 w. \~ c.til. - • p lfi Call Hukhon•, 11<' 838-6Sll qualiliod buyu. CALL' AL ANNOUNCtMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ""'"''°" park -like ·'"" IC C I'm COSTA "'"· 320 E. 11th. BLACK 540-llSl Cop•n ind NOTICES ond NOTICES ond NOTICES rolUldlrlp far •dulls requir-. (.!:J Long ground Jesse, alley ac-eves) HERITAGE REAL ------""-----'-',;;;...;.;.;:.:.;:;::::.:;. ___ _::::;:c..:;:.:;.:.;;::;::::..., __ 1m:: Pt!.9« -" quiet. 711 ,...__ cess. 100' Fron!a~. Owner ESTATE ;A;;n;;n;;•;•;;n;;eot;;m;;;"';;n;;ll;;;;;;;;;64;;;;;1~0;;A;;n;;n;;;•;;•;•;co;;;mo;;;n;;ll;;;;;;;;64;;;1G;A;;n;;•;;•;;•;;•;co;;;m;•~n~lt=;;;i64;;;10~ Dtscrimlnattve Tenants vu:an Ave., H.ll 675-."i034 1 MAN opera ti 0 n _ l~t ~~~~ (714) 536-1487 SHOPS Food-to;:o Sandwich stop. AFTER A WONDERFUL M. ARTI Nr. Newport Pier Excel. location, Co3ta Mesa. NIC'i>UE 1125 & 1150; 2 • J BR. Rltr. 673-0860 Soll •• 1 ..... 64....,L'I !~~~ ~~~ r~~l~·a·1·J.100~-~~-:-i-.-;,,..,..-,-.... -.. -..,,-.-... :..~" • .:;:"'i~ ~iL~~hoeoost~~: 3 MONTH VACATION Call MrL Hendenoa M&.5542 Blvd. & hfaln, close t~ port. HoW!e avail. ~ Sell $350 or best offer. im Santa Ana, Apt w. c.M. """°"" • •hopping. '"'"""' ,..._ I WILL ~OPEN OPEN Ho"" • N•w ApL Office Rental . 6070 CUTE Boauty Salon nr the . House 2 blocks trom beach. LAGUNA •EACH water. Very rtamr.hle! ' BER.MUOA Vll..LAGE Prvl. Sun 1Jecka &. PaUo u NB. Call Sat. 675-4100 'U ' R c Spacloua 2 A 3 Br. Apia. Fireplace • Sun. 12-4, 310 o:~~IAt~~-Girl' & Home Decor shop, Qopia. drpa, bJtlns. COM! to 8th SL Hunt. Bcb. Desk • ;;"bJ'• fn n1w;t sell. See· Mm offer! • ,c • t·' lhp'a A ldtlc. ~OK. Wont Privacy? Now I ...... ""=-abw~ at • 548-1911 • t :J te 0 taae 221. Coll IUAO upA. 2 u-ONE 'BR's NEAR OCEAN pfilne location in downtown d ege ve, pt. , "'6' $127 tno ($142 Fu.ml garage Lacuna Bffch. Alr (.'()ndj. Money to L~~--63_2_0 ''THE SEVILLE" 202 . 14th, 536-1319 673-1784 timed, carpeted'. beaatlf'Ul $10,000 191 E 16th COSTA MESA N•w 2 BR. w/c ...... 1140. 2 & J BR ap1', 2 Ba, paJi<>. """""' partitioruna. Two A•.Uabl• !or &ood roal , I . (AdWt1). Fenced. prtv. )'ard, trplc, crpll, drps. pla,y yard, entrencea: FrontQt: on eatate loan. vacant OK. J cpts, ctq,s, bltna, water pd. chll~n ok, U40. up. 17871 icnst A••·· rear lead& to Mr. Adams. Bkr nf: 494-6650 h :1619-1 Sonia Ana A". e.ll Cln:l•. H.a IM2-367'1 .:..~th~~ 0: RETIRED COUPLE f5t l 10 • 636-4120 e 11 25 MO., Larp >BR apt. and chah a•.U.blo '""''"Hu"""""' to l•nd on lat. anuap,'I • a \ a,m . $160. 2 BR new Jrwilvidlaal Coted 1 a r a g e a· No BUlfnt., hotn wwtrlna 2nd rnortpgea. Oi.ll wtlta. fireplacn. dilhwub-chlldttn. ~ 2 S 0 4 aeniot avalllble for SlO. Brolrer 547.1333 tor, •fovea. draptt. Adul.ta. England SI. All ut:Wtlea paid ucept -THANKS TO EVERYONE 361 E. !!th st., 642-M40 or 2 BR lluplcx, private ,,.ro. telepl.ooo, Roil E1t1te Loen1 6340 1~!i,838-c:._., 2 ... ; :;::,~iiM.~U.. """" • m :>.a"~./~ HOME LOANS FOR :BftNG SO PATIENT •· •-~-o~ ·~ 2 Br I'"" LAGUNA BEAOI llave 904%1 rtnanclng at N.~ rp-'"'''"" • ...,..,.; aar., ...... v~i:. • u.>. Mo. lnte t ......_.k 69"'· patio, No pet&. 1 OUld OK. c:rpta, d~ encl patio blt· 49f..946& res· ... ,i= our · "" 11'5. Reier. .... 5'&-W16 .... Nr ahoppl ... Ml~ Deluxe Offices ~:.~~rm.:; I WILL BE LOOKING FORWARD 2 BR.. $120. Stow, di•pOU) 2 BR.. UP1tain. Stove. n-frig. SU1TES or clnaJe otfio!I trom 336 E. 17th SL • ""'"· 132 E. Bly, Apt Garqo. llZ. Adult. ooly 125. c..,,.1,, .~ oondlt!o•,. 642-2171 b<>-06ll TO SEEING YOLJ A. 494-27!'12 818 Palm 536-8523 ~. aecrel&rlal a er v 1 c e, Evt-11. 673.7865 &ll-115'1' J BR. Immac. E. Pde 2 41 3 BR., 2 baths, priv. central loc.tittn. Crance IS YOUR AD IN a.A.SSt· v.· tl\opl•>t. lttu. lo qulet p&tio; ... ..,, pool. County Bink 61da. :W E. nED! -"1!l he i *"'1ta. Patio. 64J..2l!lllCt !l6U9l4 11th Rt., Of, 60-148.\ lootdnr ftw it. Dtal M2-51'11. I !l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t!!!!!!~ j \ ~--------------------..-..---------------------------------------------------·- Electrical 6640 FLAG Elecbic, gen'I elec- triclana. Come ·1. r • • • , l\I11.int. Sm jobs we 1 c. 549-1045 Gord1nlng 6680 ANTHONY'S G1rden Service 646.1948 BUDGET LANDSCAPING Prune . .Plant .Prepan .• NOW! Exp. Hm1Jculturlll JAPANESE Cardeninc. Prof MalnL Land1capln £ Oeanup. &.n-6951 JAPANESE Gardener . Complete Ser v le e. Ex· perlenced. Reliable. 642""389 cut" Edie Lawn Maintenance. Lloenaed --""' 6ii' &. edit: laW'D oompl. u:rvtce. Uc. ~ eve& ·-- HEATING I Atr Cond. Stn & repair, also Wuber It dcyer rep&lr. 24. hr M!l'V. ~7237 or 847~ WIGIEI' STYLING. iili\ tnchre11 clearrtnr: t. cor>- dlti,. .. "'· 546-S41'0 TIA iNG. Clt11.nup pnge1. nrl 1obs etc. FrM eal JID! MS ·3, Anytime DAILY PtLOT WANT ADS! ~~ .. •• ................... 1111 ......... " ... • .. ,· 1.· • ' D41LY P·~~T CLUSIFIE_, lNDP SlllVICI Dl1!5CTOllT ~·~II'! -t73o l'l1 ... rlng, RtP1fr 6880 ~ i..o, ..,_ ol<. • PA'l"S Plui.riq • oil ,.,.. .......,11, dGmo, lldp 'In<'•· ..... ........ c.n .,._, All. 1tado, ~ · . ._lcl .... .,. ... ~ . ~_rREC:'I' ~~~ ,-; HoUSES FOR SALE lutt•us a11ri.t.a.1 ...• ,ri.r·-OFl"ICI ltRTM: : .•... : .•.•. tmi OIHlltA.l. ,,, •. , .............. 1 ... INDUSTl:IAL •a<ll'ft'TY •••• .- COSTA MIPA ' }., ............. 11• cOMM••c•"L .~ ........... ..... MESA o•L .................. 1111 UIDUIJT&IAL allffAL ........ ... 96W'l45 MIU. Vl!IO'I! ....... .,,, •••. 111f LOTS . ········~····•••••••"'°'"' COL.LRGe: PAIK .............. Ult llAMCffllS •.. ,,,,,,.,,._,,,_,.61M ...nru t....t-,. __ Nlwf'OaT •••CH ·········•··'* c1Taus oaovu .. _. .......... •tn "~ ---· trees . ......,.. ,, ... ~., HEIOfU'$ ......... .121• t.CIEAGI " ..• :................. cleao-qp, Mme ttl I haul. IALIOA COVIi ,, ...... , • .,,,111t l.IUCI ILSI~ ................ ,hi .,.,. .,.~,. H•Wf'OltT SNO•ES ........... tt:21 ••so•T ••Of'•a1V .......... mt lft~U~-~..,~·-~· ~--~-~~=== IAYCREST .................... ttn ~CO. JlkOf'l&TT , ...... ; IAYSMORlS ................... 1m W!:o' "ATS .,.°'"..1 ......... -1 ... 1.. ·-· DOVl!R SHORSS ........... , ... lib tn'AIM 6 OllAA1' • .,,.,,.UM • ~:;;;;;;_;o;;"'·_;;o:...._~-;;...; .. ~ wtSTCLIP'fl ............. lUI . f'ONJllOM U,NQ_ .......... «nl .. MARIH MICHL.ANDS ., ..... 1tul RbL ISTJ.T• Ul_YICI ..... ail MtsA ~~· s er v 1 c e UNIV'l!IQITY PARI( ........... 1:111 lt,.I!. l:XCHANtl .......... .,,M:lll 11.Yl"B ..................... ,•Int -· I. WANTID ... i-, ... ., .. , •• .,... Complete eleanine, carpel.J, •ACK 1AY .............. , ...... 1w BUSINESS ind !loon.. etc. R!!lidentiaJ.. EAsT1Lu''" ................ 1:1a FIN'NCIAL eo----•-• s-·•·• ra•-1Rv1N• Tl!Rl.AC& ............ IMS ""' UUI~ .....,...,,.. uo• COll:ONA DIEL MAit ........... 12" au11N11S OJll"OlllTUNIT111. '* far apt. dea.nlnc Many ref. IALIOA .. l!NINS\IU ......... IM 1'USINISS WANllD ............. ~A ... uo .,,; IUCON IAY ................. lllS INYl!STMl!NT °"""""II* ... 61t• z '"""' .,.,.-uu. H.Y' ISLANDS ................. 1151 INVESTM&NTWANTllO ...... 611S --*-.---.-~-.. -~.-~-G-.-LIDO ISLE ........... .,,.,.,,1151 MONEY TO LOAN •lH ~ 1 .._~,1.n ~t~\1:o~~Na°EAC:ff '"""'"'~= J11t:illONSAl.1.04Nl·;:::;:::::::au Fast It tborou.gh 642-8164 HUNTINGTON HAlt&OUlt··:::::1..s .HilWfi.RY LOAMI ...... -..... mt WILLIAMS CLE AN ING FOUHTA.lM VALLIY ..... ., ... 1411 ~~ttll~:~.L~::.·::::::::: ~f:RV SEAL l•ACN ................. 1451 MOaTOAOIS, Trnt 0.-OU • iUNSIT IE.A.CH .............. ,14» MONEY WA.NT1!0 . ·::: .. PLVMBING REl'Am No job too anall • ..um. Sewtnt PROFWIONAL Hemml"I on women's cloth t nc, satlafaeUon: auaranteed· 1 day service. MS-5771' A.-tlc Scro"' Mech1~1y Shirt MOit be d)>namle and hf,"' ... 1bWty to "'°' complete charp ot sta-ate and multiple spl.Oo die &Uto.«ftW madiine dept. ' °"""' ~ Dlll>Ulao-~I' ot PNdllon-eom- ponenta bu t m mid. -for quWll<d .... 90Q bav~ maqqerial capabWUes u wtU u manutact\o1ZW; k n o w l· edp, Applicants m U I t have at least S years aupcrviaory experience. Excell~t srowtb ~nt· ial &lid compan:v ~ fits. Stnd complete re- aume at backplund, ed· ucation and 111.uy re- qu1remeni.. to Box M.QJ. The Daily Pilot m JABSCO MATERIAL HANDLER EXPElllMENJAl MACHINISTS P!el!le call MR REED GA 2"<811 Safeco lnsutanot Corp. 1155 E. San Antonio Lone Beach, Callt Equal opportunity employer EXPERIENCED 0 COMMERCIAL TELLER ADVERTISING Secretary/ Bookkeeper App)y . l . Newport Herbor ; <' Conv1lncent Njttp\¥1 ""'""' ·~ LITE OFFICE -_, · I GAMDEN DROVE .............. 1411 ANNOUNCEMENTS LONG IEACN .............. , •. ,IJlf µKnOOD .................. 1"' ind NOTICES Ironing 6755 ALTERATIONS & Custom Drewnakin&· Very t l n e wark. App't. 548-7104 ITI JABSCO R&D. No production line. Di· ~rslfled experience requir- ed, S yr. minimum. Attrac- tive wages and benefits. Adv1nced Klnetlct, Inc. 1231. Victoria, CM 646-116$ UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK AND :!f..'\~ Rnponllblo, top lov1I TELEPl:IONE· W~ )RAN .. 01! ~°u"NTY ............. !... f'OUHO 0,,.. A.Ml ........... ._ OUT NTY , ............ 1 .. I.OST ....... ,., ........... .,, .. "4ll OUT OF STA.TE ................ 1611 PEalON•'I -t'JTA.NTON ............ ,,..,,1,11 " .................. . FASI', oxperieoced. IUO hr. Plea.se bring own banien· ........ t'l'l!'STMINSTER ................ 1'11 A.NNOUNUMINft ...... : ..... 'illt ~IDWA.Y CITY ................. 16\l BIRTHS ...................... '41! EXPERIENCED Irooin• J•NTA.A.NA. .................. 1112* FUNERALS ................. '41! 11.NTA A.NA HOTS ............. 1631 PAID OllTUAIY .............. '41, $L15 hr. R e ferences Alllretlon-2·514S Neat, accurate, 20 )'!'I. exp. TILE, Ctr1mlc 6974 JANITOR (Second Shift) An equal opportunity employer EllGll&R i~~~~& · · .............. ;!: :~=~~i -~~~e~T~~-~-·;;;·:::!t; 548-73.10 or 646-MaS NORTH TUsTu;.··:::::::::::::::1Ms f:a:E:~111~:~"x.~.::::::::::::t::~ * Veme, the rue Man * Pre!er experieru:e and c"!' Graduate 1.Jechank:al or Pe-:rL~~~1,!"00 c · vOit'"'""·"~!: tEMITERY Lon ............. '41• Lindaciplng 6110 eust. work. Inatall & repatn. of industrial otlicea & facil· troleu.m. Min. 2 years ex- u." •• " , AN , ........ , ... CEMl!Tl!lllY CRYPTS ,.,, ....... ,, , _ _. ities, . jn •C. d . f ., U.' •• ,•, .. Ls ................ CEM.ETElllY CIYJITI _ ....... '41f No job· too small. PIU'l'•el' penence ""' eaign 0 Ol LAGUNA NIG•uc~t ·::::::::::::·;rn caew.To1tu!s ................ we SPRINKLERS patch. Leaking 1 h"' we r tools&: equipment. Excellent 3029 Horbo.r Blvd, Cost• Mesa $46.2033 An equal opportunll)' employer poalffon for 1h1rp, t•k• MUS? BE NtAT. ·' · i ch1rge girl. Mutt havt GOOD PAY '. excell,nt t k i 111 Incl. ~ PQSmON shorthanil; .hfndl• 1111 CONTACT MR. KENNEDY bkkpe., bllllng. Under Ill--JO'am to 2tl'JD, 35. Coll Borb.iro. (714) 1489 E. \>/ARNER· 642-3910 SANTA, ANA. CALIF. -f EXPERIENCED SAN CLEMENTE ............. 1n1 MEMORIAL r.1.111.ia ........... 6421 &. Sod Lawns. Lie & Bonded repair. 847-1957/846-@)6 An equal opportwlity opportunity for the right err LY N's SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ...... Int •UCTIONS ... , ................. ~ * ... ~. * employer ""'"""" Co tact J R:'Sol EXPERIENCID" . WAITRESS :. CA .. 1$TR.ANO ll!!A.CH ......... 1725 AVIATION SEll:VICS .......... &m ~=""'""'-=~··=~"'== 6 ..... ,.,r. n ; . . um , ln1t1llm11nt OA.NA. f'OINT .............. Int TRAVEL ......................... .; -u hots! 6990 or send resume to Blew 3 to 11 & 11to7 cA.ttLseA.o ............... 11•1 A.111: TRANSPORTATION ....... = p h 1 -.!P:.:;;:=~•ry._,_ __ ~.o;.;..;; 1485 Dale ,Wq, Costa Mesa r-rated, 19706 So. Nor-ind Rollof Credit Cl11rk Apply in Per.ton ' OCEAHSIOE .................. 175' AUTO TRANSPORTATICVI ..... 1per 1ng ng .. ........ ... ..... ~" 01eGo ................ ins Ll:GAL Nor1cEs ........... tuo Pilntlng 6150 ClYKOSKI'S OJstom Uphol· ffQUU TO HOU'!: m.andy Ave., Tornnce. 213: New convalescent hospital .1 1.1vER.s10E COUNTY -........ 11111 GER.MAN• TUTI:i•INO ..,.. :..;;:;.;;;:.:;;:._ ___ ...;:= Cral Ml .X DA +1106 Sc:heduJed to open end or UNITED CALIFORNIA SURF • SIR'·O~ HOUSES TO &E MOVED ...... 1toe SERVICE DIRECTORY stet)'. European tsman· BANK .._ "' cONOO,M•1NtuM , ......•...... 1»0 ACCOUNTING ....... '* VET'S Banded Pal n ting . ship. 100% Financb;lg. Furn. Jan. Apply in penon. 393 5930 Pit. Ctt. H . ~ l~UPL x s FOR SA.LE __ ,.,,,.lf'IS ANSWERING SERVICI! &5fl Free Est Li 'd & insured •1<• 1831 SAWMBI s I ' c I Hospital Rd N . N . rt -h ~JIARTMENTS FOR SA.Lt: .... u .. APJILIA.NCI! REP411ll. 'P'iih'. ."11 • c . boats ol .. ut.o's. 642-1..,... •• men ~ •me ...., . comer ew· 222 Oce1n Avenuo -' RENTALS ASPHALT, Oli. ........•........ mt Small jobs weloome. * Newport BlvU., C.M. ' Guess where the big money port & Hospital Rd, N.B. WANTED: Qua 1if1 ~d ~ Houses Furnished ~~~~. ~~.':·~:.,·;--..; f,,·: ~642-001~""'"-~-----·Eam $200 •·week getting is! Can you use more in-WORK IN CdM Ltguna S.tch dividual to do· income li:x Bl!NERA.L ............. HOI BAIYSITTINO .......... UH VINYL wall coveri n1W ·~·=l~d~l·~·!...----='~";;;5 home owners tu accept ca-come?Tbinkyuucansellin SECRETARY for Le11:al ID-49~546 re~ Indivl.d'W"~ llENTA.LS TO StlA.Rt ......... )OIS IOA.T M.\l~Tl!MA.NCS ........ &DI 1pecia.list • kit. •-baths. -ble vilion lt'1'Yice free of the home'!' Pacific View ··--& Mu•··· Fund "Equal opPOrtunlty employer pa __ ... ,.._....___ CO$TA. MES.ft. ' ............. UM &IUCK,MA.'IOHRY, '1L ........... ... WELDING & Burning ; M rial p NB. u .............. ...... cu ............ pa, ................... ~. MESA. OlL MA.II .............. !165 IUSINESS SERVICQ ........ .UI Material Ir: labor. Est. chal'le· No ca&b collected, emo ark, . 0 ere work. R~ shorthand & Full or part time. Curitlft MESA. VEROEJl ll llJILOaRS ,, ........••••••.•. WI 841 ~r<On portable equipment; no -traJ no .~-. a profesaionaJ. career oppor. ._.. D <'R.o-..»a--w-'-'~ COLLEGE PARK .............. 1115 CA'rERING .. WS ~~~=~==~=·==~ oma.mental iron. ca 11 """' .... .. .. _ must ....... e re&pOnSibillty. Sal-w ·1 J. u, -~-~ NEWPORT &EA.CH ............ u. CA.IUtETMA.KIN• ................ INTERIOR. EXTERIOR Hours 6 to 9 PM daily for 9 tunity. Full training. Start ary open. Write P.O. Box 81 ress Buslness SetWe lnc';~-HEWPORT HGTS ............... 2111 CARPENTERING ............. ,.,,. anytime. ~ months. Newport Beach resi-earning first week. What 8 Corona d' .... Calil. w 19th •t c M NEWPORT SHORES.. .......... 1221 CEMENT, CKcr ............... MA Average 1 BR &pl $Il.50 d 't t to ill tia"t ., • t't ,,....., . • • ' ~ ' ' • '. .:J.ij ' •AYSHORli" , , ................. ms CHILO CARE. UctMlll .......... 11 labor & material. 642-'1528 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT dents with Newport Beach oes I cos vea..._ e • 92625 546-1250 6QCIJ._. DOVER SHO•Es ............... 2221 CONTRACTOll:S .. _ ............ "3 aollcltors Ucenae preferred. €811 Mr. Ward lor avPt. APPLY IN PERSON s E c RETA R YI~ I ! ' I I, l ~:~.J:i~~:., ,...-rt~·:::::::::::: ~~~~~i ~~1t"tl": aip;A.'1a·=' • INT -EXT, ANY SIZE Job W1nt.d, Ledy 702oid1te~p1y~~·~·~-~~.,~-11ox~~:o;;;;z;~-~~:2~~~~~~3!~;.~-.J.L~A~~NDRESS Jl£UBEfCl Assiatant, ,,.,.._ s-·" .;,.,._ IRVINE ,,, ····.;,o."""'"""':1131 o:::;,~RIES ................. ua._:ioB. Xlnt work, refs, ~ Nen-..+ n ...... h ~. ..._.... • .-IEA'S'rlll:.UF,..... -----~ D t't'ION .d . .t .. 1 ....... -.. .... efl.J~-, ~WOi'f7"$2:25' ~---_........,._ ~r:---· -I'--ft~· S'; ti--·l 1Rv1NE TERRACE .. :::::::::::·™' 0111.A.l'T1~0 sE1tv1ca .... -.... Ml'I • • • MECHANIC CRIB A'l'I'ENDANT. Mw;t run •1m• coco Ill·"'-• CORONA OEL MAR ........... mo =~~~~·:=:; a'iN 'A ........... :4' p AJNTING, illter.-exterior per Mur. plus transport.a-have recent experience of Apply fn ·Person 'S Bea~ area. t..._., -1 , lf.L&OA. ...................... uot "' T LS ....... 5f • tion Reterence1 613-6i6l J li""""M•• Be·•b . b'active, pleasant_ ~-' L100 1sLE ................... m1 PENCIHca ............ -........ -"" State Uc. bonded. Free • • ourneyman mechanlc, ex· Incoming receiving ot stores ....... '6""'' """ good wu.t Must':~ ~~~e~~~~~!Ho .. ··::::::::::::~ ~~~N'tc£' iti:·;;:,·rt;:·e:t.:.·:::·:.!:. estimates 642--0238 perienced Foreign ot Do-and raw material, tool crib ,,,._., c.onllevllelaw~nStt.H, ooHnp~Bch 1555 W. Adams %iereated ln ~ anc1· 4 • EAST &LUFF .... : ............. :ru1 F1J1tMrTu1.r1taT01t1No INTER or Ext. PAINTING Domestic Help 7035 ·mes.tie. One of the oldest control and ahipplng & iO,.,. ... '6 Cotti Meu to work alooe. 6'73-.1-.u IA.CK •AY'· ··· · ................. ntt & REl"INISHINO ""' lMMED ~ __ ; Foreign car service depart-.................. procedure a HOSPITALITY H ...,, IA.CKBA.Y ............... mt GAi.PiENiNG ,.,,_. -· """""" • SERVICE. 1.1.1';&1 Chlneselive-inl.Cheerlul In Co. -A _....._ .. '6 OSteSll is NURSES wkday1. ,.. ~·: HUNTINOTON IEACH ......... 1411 GINIEILA.L .SEllVICEI ·········"° ref FREE eat 548-1627 Pennanent. ........... r1.nce<1 ments Orange z .. t Servonic Division of Gulton looking tor mature woman FOUNTAIN VALLl!Y .......... 1411 GRAOINO. Dl5ClNO ........... '615 • ...,.l"-'...... rate Ir; warranty work $8.00 Jnduslriea, Inc. 16" Whit-to welcome newcoml!l'!I to NURSES AIDIS · · t~~ ~~~~~ ··. ·:::::::::::: .. :~= =~s:H 'THUM9"::::::::::::::::: PAPER hanging, 45 yean Far Ea.st Agency ' 642-8703 per hour, pay bued on SOI tier Ave .. Costa Mesa. An community. JI.lust have e RN'S. Part time. ()peninp Apply in Penon ORANGE COUNTY ............. 1'111 GUN IHOJI .................... n• experience. Call Fred! 50%. Excellent worldn& ron-.._ ... 1 opportuni+.· empl___., . 7 to 3:30, and ll to 7:30. SA.HTA. I.NA. ·-.............. u1• HEALTH CLUll .............. '"' •. 548-4003 * Help W•nted, M•n 7200 ~....... 'J v.z~ typewriter, car lll"IC'_ be bon. • AIDES. ~r. ... ... f'd. HWltbwton Bdcb> WESTM!HSTER ............... Ul2 HAULIHG .................... ,. . dition!li. Must haW! own hand WANTED Q 1·1 I d . dable. Apply 285 F.u:t Main Ope•;·-,~to~ J ·.30 ::~ 11 Coovaltecent u-itAl ~ MIOWAYCITY ................. u1• HOIJSECLUJUNG ............. •m PAPER HANGING tools. Call Mr. Kelly, : ua I .e II> ·-.. -..... .._., • SA.HTA. A.NA. HEIGHTS ........ :h30 INTl!:RIOR DECORATING ..... •m 494-9m ...... ~ ,.,..,. divldual to do income tax St., Suite 7, Twstin. ~ to 7:30. l879'J Delaware St..~:~ COASTAL ...................... 111f INCOME TAX ................ 141 PAINTING p -~~~~-,:;:,,c:;.·~·---re•·-· Ind Iv Id u a I 1 WANTED A .,.....,., LAGUHA. 81!ACM .............. t70S lltON, OrMIMlllal, Ek. ........ 6UI 675-3043 ress I ·~·-: utomotive office ~ LA.Gu.HA. NIGIJIEL ............. 1101 11.0N1HG ...................... ,,51 iilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii * D rect Salesmen Partnenhlps, Corporations. manager. c 0 mp1 et e Patil Lido 7, · iA.N CLIEMl!NT• .............. t711 INSULATING .................. '''° 1 need 4 men immed. to fill w...11 or _ft_. ....,-e. Contact '--·led Jobs-Men, Wom. .;i~ SAN JUAN CA.PISlltA.HO ...... 2725 INSURANCE ..... ' ............. 171 0 t z.... ~. UUI ... ..,.. ge of automoti~ ConvalHCeCt Center CAPISTRANO ll!ACH ...••.... U» INVlSTIOA.TINI, o.tecnft ···'* s11·E pera ors new ule11 poeit:ions in the J, B. Saunderson. general ledger thro finan.. 466 Flaphip DA.NA. POINT ............... 214• JANITORIAL ....... ·-.......... 7" ~f ,.._~,. Counru •-a,~·-w .. t•m ~··'•e-Servi-iaJ tale RIVERSIDE COUNTY ........ 2IOO JEWELRY llEPA.111:, lite.......... v.... ~ _.. ..,,...... .. """""'' -...... c " ment necessary. Newport Beach 642-8044 VA.CATION REHTA.Ls ......... 2~ t"~::~;~NG ................ Nit stereos le llf!wiflg machines. Inc. H.B. area. Call Mr. SUMMER REJrlTA.L.S ......... 2'11 -··· ............... i&at ~Is H' II bl..... • Three leads ..i.... Our ~ w l9tb s c M CONOOMtNIUM ................ 1m MASONRY. ••tcK ............ 61311 .. u 11'9r experience per uu.J• <JO.> • I., • • Robinson 842-7781 ouPLl!!XEs "URN ............. 2ns MOv1No & sT01t.t.c1 .............. , anlk. One on 2nd customers call us. NG glm-546--1250 642-0212 • GENERAi. OFFICE • E TAL PA.INTIHG, ''-"-'Inf ...... MM R N S PAfNTING, Sill,.. ............... '*" 1hl # ont on 3rd shift. mick! or gitta. Hooest Ut Securities & Insurance C.O. Houses Unfurnished ..... Tios ........................ "" Good comi:ny L-n•· b.. hml. workers. Highest PART TIME NIGHTS in N~" Beach, ---~- GENERAL .. . ..,,._ ...... 2009 ~~:':::.'o':"',.,idi;·i.HiF '.'.':::::1~~~;:::. .. flt I nt f-utu pay m the buslneu. 100% D' h 1 L-a' B Boy ma~-..... al w/2 .,...,'~ COITA. Ml!SA. ................... ,, .... LUMllMG .... •, exce e r• financing, med ins., etc. II w lrt9r us .z·~ b " MESA DEL MAJ<. .............. )105 1100PL1t: GROOM1Nil ........... ,,.. · for steady worktra. . ofc exp. Must type 60 wpm Ml!SA VEROE _, .............. 1111 POOL SERVICI! .......... ,nt · '· -Call monunp 9to12, aftu-APPLY IN PERSON 3-5 PM accurately. Salary open. ~~1*Pl!';.ieT 'tER1.~H .. ::::::::: .. :ru: ~3::•s:::.~~,~~-·.':·:·:·:·:·:·:·:::'.:= Apply to: noons 3 t.o s, 526-6616. Snack Shop No. 1 642-9380' NEWPORT NCIHTS ............. J211 ROOPING •ttt 14EWJ>ORJ sHOREs .......... m1 ••D10, ••Nir1.··i1e:·::::::::::1ne Personnel Office * COOK 2305 E. C••tt Hwy. ONE GIR.L OFFICE IA.YSHORl!S ' .· .............. JDS REM006L·INO & REPAIR 6'49 - TELLER l'.xcellent Opportunity for teller at our Costa Mesa Office. Teller or cash handling preferred. Call C1ilf. Fedora! S1vtnvs 2700 Harbor Blvd., C.M. * 546-2300 * Cooks :I· • APPLY IN PERSOl( , '. ' REUBEN'S'~ ·'-COCO'S ~_. . . DOVER SNORES ............... 1121 ltlEMOP&LIHO, IUTCHINI •KS c Corona d;el Mir, (II. General Oflice Work. Book· 1555 W/ Acflmt W'l!5TCLIFF .............. mo SCIS50R.S sNAaPl!N .... "" u s o· . -..i-dl-nt,.i.1 .... 5 D""" ""IV""'' .................. , ""'"" .............. tvers * SALESMEN * ... ,.,, m~ -~· ~.. HOUSEKEEPER Cool• ~ .. •J 111.v1NE . .. .. ........ -.. JUI Sl!WINO MACffifiifiii:';,AiQ ,,,1 -111 • MUsr be 18 or over top pay for quall.fted per-, IRV1NI! TERRA.CE ............ 12.45 sense. TANKS. s-.-s. Ek. '"" No Experience Nec:euary Largest excll111ive mortagage tlOD. Call 642-9300 I.or inter-N Convale 1------··--. .. 1 CORONA. PEL MAil ........... mo TA.ILOR.INt ... -• ............ ::.m c AP~ ·y inlurer. representing over ew scent Hoepttal • IA.LBOA ....................... TaRMITe COHTROi.: .......... "1! ompany ..--... IN PERSON . view on Jan. 15th. Apply 393 Hoapital Rd., New-... &AY ISLANDS ................. mo T1L•. C"9111k .................. ,,. 300 aavings and loan associa· Beach. ,. L1PO ISLE ............••.... US1 TILE, u1111ev111 • wnte '"' ttons. No prm:peeting, no * GENERAL OFFICE port Comer Newport SAW =~~~.i5~E~~ ::::::::::::::~ i:~=v~~~=·h."a·.i:::·:: 3323 w. WarHr Snack Shop r#; 1 colleetions. All leads furn. Some accounting, typing -Bl=vd::.,,"=llolp=c-lial-=--Rd.,..,.~ • HUNTINGTON &EA.CM ....... ~ .. UPHOUTEll:Y ............ :::'"' L 2305 E c t H ished. u to la1e &nd ho ri A ;; H1JNT1HGTON H1.Raou1t ..... :MOS WEL01No -ms Santa Ano · Oii wy. you aft a P • P ne expe ence. ~ BABYSITI'ER. Re 1 i ab le Wholesale Llgbtlnc ~ ~~~~T:~:c~"L-~~.~ .. :::::::::::l: JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Corona d1I Mir man and a good cloler, call: ply Henderson TV It Appli-woman, must low children, Showroom. Sale•~ GA.ROIEH GROVE .............. 1415 Joa WA.MTl!O,""" ........... 71111 An equal opportunity tn4J 962-816! ance, 1B11 Harbor Blvd., have own trarutp. Rn 9 to nee. Salary plUI eOmmli- LONG BEA.CH ................ lSOI ~g: :::f:g.• Wtm4!11 ........ mt ASSISTANT MANAGER • INSTRUCl'ORS -Full C.M. 6 PM. 642-4706 aft 7 PM. olon. • ORA.HGIE couNTY . : ........... :MM etnploytt LOANS W",",','•f,",•,,., ................... ,.N,", ~=E~T~o:,•~, ............... M:ll,,-~ ... --~co .. -....... ••---~~..!"". M~t ~-Na~!-ap-to WOMEN Needed tor or all day Sat. , M1owAvc1TY .:::::::::::::::::wl6 A.Ol!NCIES,,,..; .::::::::::::::11iii ""'"l"""~"''!~to.&.'..t;'A;eri"":-..................... uo: U&C laminatingwork,2daysper WANTED: CLEAN • 547~51 • ·~, sA.HTA ANA HEIOKn ......... ,.,. MELI" WA.NTl!o, Mn .......... 1'20I A ce peop e zu ca• meet and deal with the week, $1.65 hr. Ca 11 .... -··---•-3 hn k ' •. COASTAL ...................... 11111 AGENCIES, w-........... 11111 .. CAREER leading growth c.o. Ex· public, _.... ~--. Apply 547--0709, Tri-nV'•ion 1A~o: ,..,~aner per w .~1 "' LAGUNA IKACN' .............. 17'5 HELf' WANTED, ............. 740I celle salary be ft ......... .1.16""" ..,.... "' 'UOI DI' 6 hl"I every other wk. I~ ..• LAGUNA. NIGUEL ............. 3111 io•,1;-,, a w-.......... nM OPPORTUNITY! nt • top De ta. in person, Holiday Health E. Edinger. S.A. N t Sal Sun CdM 1-ssvr•s& SAN CLEMENTE .............. 1111 o Es, """ a w-11 .... 1uo For illterview, phone Mr. Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd,, o at · area. REAL EST " tA.PISTRA.No . .. . ........... 2715 SCHOOLS• IN5TRUCT10N ... ,,.. _ Swbhe t .,A., .1000 OPERATORS, Experienced 675-4458 aft 5 pm SALES _; ·,I CAPISTRANO IEACH ......... mo JOI PRf.PA.UTION . . ...... Jtll Join tod•YB fastest arm¥in1 r a vo.r • C.M. . . I di • ···" DA.HA. POINT .................. 1141 THIEATll:ICA.L . ' .. ' 7"11 r-~ M al E>..-~ __ ,_ Fireside Thrift ,__________ m &mg e nee e over .......... WAITRESS. ed 18 • MEN OR w ~ coNDOM1Jr11UM ............ 3'sa MERCHANDISE FOR pro ~on· utu """"" ....._ CUSTODIAN WORK. Steady good piece work price$, want o ....... ,· · OUl'LEX ES uNl'URJrl .......... :ttn SALE AN T E s No experience neces.sal')'" ri<> State Wide Offices men capable or cleani.na; of-steady work. Will take a over, full &: part time. A~ 2 llcena«I Slllespeoplre rieecJ. SUMMER RENTALS .......... ms . D RAD We train. full or part time --""'--"-:ove=r=l60=,000~,ooo-·_.1 tice ..... ,..i1 ..... .._ .. _ .. ,,in their lew -ame· ''· 1 •• ,. , ·-··t ply in penon 2 PM to 5 ed flt1W. Active, well-lcieiaw RENTALS FURMITUIR _ .. ' -· ....... ttllt UWI ...... & ....... A .. 'N"U LA,l\;WI -·" s . . 0Fl'1cr Fu1.1uTUR• ........ IOlt Mutu.tl Fund Advisors, * (Niii$ * leisure man. Write name, st, Westminster, 534-8138 PM dw..y. nack Shop Jr. ottlce. Good prcentage. ' Apts. Furnished Ofll'ICE l!QIJIJIMENT ........... 11 I vvn and hone ber to Box Harbor&: 19th. CM CLIF PRIEST, RHltor . Ol!Nlll.A.L ...... , ............. 4111 STORI EQUIPMENT .......... IOli ne. P num * TELLER * co•--C05TA. MESA. .................. 41111 CAflEE llE~TAURANT ......... IOl4 Npt B. 1003 Weatcliff 60-6422 One Full n-.... M-608 Dally PUot ""' SALFS/ rec e pt io Di It' ' ' .,.._ 1i51 ' . MESA. VERDE ................ 4111 :~~Sl!'~gLoM~~,,. ............. IO'U s A. 1212 N B-.... -·· .. _ Savings and Loan. Ex· mat u r. I ad y ••• D\. 3m4 E. Coast Hw ... PIM.. • ' HEWPORT 1EACH .......... .,,,.. .......... 1<12t • • • ._ .. ...,. One Port Time SHIPP~ &: Ci ft• perience desirable. Phone c ) NEWPORT HEIGHTS ,,,,,,,.,,4llt =~=:~Ti::L:u(Tjo;,j''.:::::::: s 547-1331 WhlJ. J'red Andenio Co """"u..o for appt. telephone. Direct a:alea l'X· n• 615-3581 :, " JrlEWPORT SMORIES ........... 4Ht '4PPLIA.NCES Exper. prefened but not e. n • u • .,..,..,. .... F "" wESTCLll"I" . _ ............ 4llll •NTIQUES ................. 11" neeesary. Apply tn perton. 6fil W. 17th Street, C.OSta Equal opportunity employer pe.-.~nce neeesaary. or in-GUARANTEE" •• UNIVERSITY PARK ........... ,u1 sew••• ,...,., .. , .•. , .............. 1111 S ck S I# ••A•• terview, 772-8426 INCOME ...,·"" ,· IA.CK SA. y 42• .,,_ ... ,, .. ,llH • MANAGER TRAINEE. na hop '1=:-="========-HOUSEKEEPER. li··· ,,. " ............. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ...... 112.J I • • ' EA.ST BLUFF' .............. 4242 PIANOS .. ORGAN N t obi to al ••• ,. ped c f " . c I GI I ' . CORONA oeL MAR ........... 4JS. s ............ •1:ie ea appearanee e 3f48 E C.o&lt 9 ....... CdM a-• W 7300 woman one, , .... A.icap : • e r11 oun er r For Real Eltate ~ &Al.BOA ............. 4JOO RAoio ····· .................... mt meet and deal with the · .. .z .. ....-nciH, omen no lifting. $25 Wk . Cali Mon-"-· t f-' d · -1 .. i .... ...-...........:. • IAY ISL.A.Nos ................ ca TELEVISION ................ , .. .,., DELIVERY AND INSTAL-1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .;xime J"eilB er exp. pre"''""' unng .......... 18 ....,.~-ac> LIDO ISLE . .. ............ US! Ml·:~. ST~eo ............... 1211 public. Full time. Must ap.. LAT!ON -· --oN • ·1· day 642-2232 Working hrs. 7-3 Mon-Fri. tlve Harbor Area Offke.' iW ••Lao• isLA.N" ••• •A Rl!C 011" .......... m · I ply ln -•, H ... nA.... ·11!.~v1'3& "-• s.-~--at Call •00 ~ Ext """" .. _ .. : ...... _"ew, -• .. ~~ ................ CA.Ml!ltA.l&IQUl,.MEllT ...... ,....._ _.._,, --~ WANT part time o.>J"'V<N4I -...... """'"' ""'"'"' .............. HUNTINOTON IEA.CH ......... 4'1M HO&IY IUJIPL H allb $ 2300 Harbor APPLIANCE -· FOUHTA.tN VALLEY .......... 41111 IEI ............. '4tll e pa., , - -m lx housekeeper or babysitter (1 for Mrs. Permin&tOn. l quallficatklM to: ·i: ~ SEAL BEACH .................. 4'15' IJIORTINO 0000$ ·-_ ......... -C.M. Experience with .. n t. D n. A"'"" I ... ro -·tNEE 1..0NG &EA.CH ............. , .. ,.,. 11Nocuu.1.s,1eoP1s ........ tiM bookupandtniMrplumbina • uU...) mominp on y. RN· c:u:m?nt ttgiatraUon. ~··~ ' ClltANOe cooHTY ................. M\~E~Lf:T'soui ................. FRY COOK td4 '1C ~2621 Age no limit, moatly sitting. BOX P &5' • OARDliN GltOVI: .............. 4'1• :...cMiNEltY ~tC;"'""""···r: F ot •-••I t ..__ ~. The right man 1.-.....tor•·-Glrl < ~y --k, Sat 6 Sun DAILY PD.OT • WISTMtNSTl!ll ................ till • ........ ~ .. I .,. c.1.uc en ; a.,., .. .., t.V· to train. fol' a pp 1 ia n ee ~,......., ...... ~ S SALES Oerk, full or pt time. " Wt>, ..-= '-llOWA.V CITY .................. " L~: ...... • ........................ 1'75' ...... w·'---·. medical ins. ._ ....... _,_,___ CALL MR . «10 w. Cot.It H-.• N. B. No··-or sun. Co•ta M"8 oft Write Box M -.. n..n •.• MAN OR wo~·N·• 'A.NTA. ANA ..................... 4621 ~UILPINI MATiii:"'"""""''"' ........ u=amt\:UUI ~.z ..... ?orS ..-..q '""' ~t~fNAl'IA HEIGHTS ........... 1w.._ .. 1 ... .. . 1•U:.::::: .. f: F IM~~~ ri!i ':'nm'~h WEBSTER-SCS-M30 By appoint. 646-3939 Statlonen, App in peraon, Pilot 25 to 60 ·. · cOAsTAL ··· ·: :::::::::::::::::= PETS and LIVESTOCK· • nnt • COLLE GE student 210 E. l7th. C.M. FULL TIME SALESGIRL. School-· Hom~. ~tf!c t::~:: =~:J:L ·;:;;:::;:::;:!::: ~:l ·~~-~~~~.::::::::::::::: ~ TperlME ,::.ie ~cs, permanent pt ume dllring DOMESTIC1f£l;:, EXPCo ER.et ~ecyft'~~~· = ~~.;~~~ ~.lOe~u!li ~ • ·~ I SAN CLl.M!NT• .............. 4111 ooos ........................... 1n1 • • comm. ICbool. bill ttm, swnmer AU Jdndl' Halqln Cooks, nta ..u. nn;ucu.....,.., ~:~ .. ::,•~ ·::::::::::::::·:::: ~'~~~~~·: .. :::::::::::::::. = ~-1;~:;,T ~ eo::: at Chevron Station on Beach Maids Au fee ~ Call Trottel'La'• BakeryBc 2.14 Forest ~ :111 Pla1a, :::a::~~~-•!~: coNooM1H1uM ................. ,st CALIFORNIA LIVING ..., in Lquna. No hlppiel or .Ab MS-• A'I. gwia h. ., .. ...,..~ "'!""' RENTALS Nu•11111t1r1 .... . .. ...snt I :ii~~~ i!=~at appt lon& ha1rl Must be 18. Sal :"joblll.by, 7796· AllO NEEDED: Experi e nce DAY Waitre1•, night~~~~~· Bl~~~~ ~-~-~~r.~I.~~--~?~T:1",.~.~~.~.::: ..• : .... = e BOAT::::::........,...,... a: comm w/ralles. C!M--9003 ARGUS AGENCIES Seamatreu. call '9'1-l.335, ~~:.· !IJIDEll. lBalm • ... o AIDS, o~~YS lc •~'t ' cosT1. MESA. .................. 1111 •WH, .. ,.1~~.,,......................... ~-··~ FUlL time pocidon, nart1na Ul69 c . Ne..-....t Blvd., c .M. ~n ll • S PM fDr MESA v1ER011 Slit " .... • .................. .,,. • MILL MEN a1 lklUof' cl@n A trihrlns ~r-·· an tbtervlew. Blvd., Balboa wanted . for '~~ N11Wf'OllT 11!ACH''::::::::::::11t1 TRANSPORTATION e ASSFMRJERS u ..... _ID toed I: ,,_0~ =0.:.~=:.:AL:.:.:.::..-.~-~-ANT--IMATURE woman u cburch ·home, days, top ·~b' NSWJIORT Nl!IOHTI .......... ml IOATI .. YACKT1 ................. JeMen Marine Corp, .....,,.... ·--·o:oa•• ~w· employes that NEWl"OllT SHORES ........... mt SAIL•OAn . , ................. Hit dept. Prefer . experiebeed. Htlp W1rited Experience neceuary. llU1'lel'Y attendant Sun. 9:ll to work. A1lo are~-· =~~~~:y ..... -·.c··:::::::: .. ::: r::.ru:~'=~ ·:::::::::::: E ~ Fisher, C.M. See Harold, m.nme, «95 Women 7400 * 6').8814 • till u. Call Mn. Frott. da)'!I. ~-~~· ••c:Ke1.v , ............. "'41 •OAT TI1:A.1u.1.1 ............ ,.. REAL FSJ'ATE. Shouldn't E. 17th SL, Cotta Me11&.. 0 RS ~·~ u·-• 51""'28 Mc"'· .. -..11 ,.._.....__""' • 1:Ast eLu''" ............ 1:i.n •OAT MA.1ttTeNAttc• ........ ..a .,..., be 11tJh• .. ...._ hottest 1 UPHO" .....;.~·s 1.a1 ....... FOTOMAT Drive Thrv !..~~ .. -~.:_~1 ~~ -..... UKlVl:Q CORONA. DIEL MAR ........... mo aDAT U.UNCNltrt9 ........... NM .z v-.. ._ ""' ,..., • .,,......... ._.. lllllA.I UJJ.1aum-... ........... ..,... PHONE OOLICIT ING Call~ ....a...i .t1ilie8o:I u.IM>.A ....... , ......... J• MA1t1N1 uu111 ............. te.u area Hunt!JwtM Beach! ......... at wm tra1n. Apply' Pbo 3 to'°• llalet~--e~, work. -. ............. ••• _., N.B. N .... ~..i .. h · _..,. 1 •AY nu.Nos .............. AM •OAT sL1"• MOO•n1• ............ vmaare Real Estate lllii-44n ~I"' ~ ... ,,...... _, -..--.._._ 0 ""Y'"'"'" ce ne~ Reel E1tata Sella, .. · ii~J!"'~sLAMo' ... ::::::::: .. :gfi ::; :~~;~~ .::::::::::::::: or 546-311'.X! ~ ti~ s~ 201 & ~th St., CM 642-Sloi LEGAL .ctttar.Y, must be :!°1'::1' C:althM SPto ........., Men &, Women'J. NIJNTINGTON et:ACN ......... MM M>AT CHA.ltftll ........ -..... ,.,. fut, accurate :YPilt. tOme ar r. ta Ha ,,.. ......... u-·---a· ru11l.. ' FOUNTAIN vALLe:v .......... M1• '"""'No 10A.Ts ............... ,... SERVICE Station Aimnan, N. B. c.or. 16th a: M~ HOUSEKEEPER a: chllcl _ .... A..... -......., Co ••-~uc ........ _...._ --.,,. s&•~ •••cN _., ............... MM eoAT MOVING ................ ,.. D Elrp'd 8 a I + -"'==..,.,._-,-'o..,.--..-care prtvate room .\ lie.th. a/h. _,__ or ;J,)U'OU'•o 1trneui."'Un. 4 openl.np a~ .1pr LONG IUCM . . .. ................ IDAT STOfAOI '...... .... • • ..... • a r 1 com-YOUNG Man· to lu.rn pool T • HELP WANTED °"· "'• ·._--. 1·.----.. -4 'L.-.l.lo. T .... ORA.HOM COUNT'!' ............. IHI 80Aft W.Nn.O ................. mieakm. appl)' In penon. --"'"'-I: ft .... ...,,,.., .V. 5~ day a week. perm. ; ,___,, .,._., • llUlUl:lllo <'!'r .... Olitll OllOYS .............. .Nit A.lltC:ll.A.FT ..................... ttlt MOBIL srATION 205 ........ _.... "'I_.. Job a Paid va lion PJ) BACK OFFICE GIRL. 11tant b:otM j, ~Mt w1sTM1Nst•• ............. .,J11t P.LY1N• LnlOltS ............. t111 • or 16"3 Macnal-la. Wtltminll:tt · ca • • .,AA • .,A, •-a-•· n· OIER s " ..._ ••.. M1owAY c1TY ................. w .. 1otoe1L1 MOMes ............... ,... >4362 D Toro Rd., i..auna Mo. 54G-92l2 "'""'-IV'U w• vr-~ . wanu babysitter Gardrltt. prln .. -....,, 14!'TA A.NA H.. ... . . .. ...... ...... MOTOI: NOMU ............... ,.,.. Hilla. BARBERJM&r. or rent 2 STOCK ~-d d ~v-NS!BLE 1 ....... t 0 • ·~· in home. Udo hJe, 540-424, i "1 SAN T• AHA IEIOHTI ......... -llCVC:Lll .................................. !!!l'••I clWr ntabUlbed 1bop ... ~ nee e • ~ ~ mt. -..A ·---,. ... " • ~ TUSTIN .. .. ........... .»9 ELECTRIC CA'IU ............... • SILK SCREEN • ___ ........ -A• . enerp:tlc:. ll'lta\liew 3 PM babyllt my home. Mon thru .,,,,... .• ,_ IUL... CHEF ··;:wtc CQASTAL ................ MINlllKQ .................. "" ................ ~"""" .....a -"JO •""-3496 ""UN'I'ER Girls ..... ..+•I~ LA.OUHA. lllACH .............. P• MOTOllCYC'Ll!S .............. ,.. ...,,,., Silt 1erttn printer rt((Uirtd. to 6:00 PM fVtl'Y 41¥ except IP~· 7:.-: Relf .... """ _. ...... II'"'• HOSTESS. • ausaov i LA.GUN• 1111au&1. ..........•. "'1 MOToR.KOOT••• • .............. II ~t1. wtlh ~-··• ..___. EXP'D COUN'11:1UlAN -. • ._.. ... A-TuhlOO A__. , w FNte~. • w. ALLEY w· 15_, · ~N CLEMfNTI ........... 1111 AUTO ss11:v1Cs1 a P.dTS .... ,.... 8 ST , -.. u.ru.... uuani. * CITY. AUTO P'"'..... .,, _ _,..,. ...... ...,.., RN '• .,,... LVN • 1·.-sAN JUAN CA.JllSTRA.NO .... ms AUTO TOOLS • l!OVllllJ NII Steady job with Jll'Olpecb. An•• * b!a.nd. Huntill&ton Beach ...... 19th SL, Costa. Mcia 7106 w. Ocl!ill.niroli DANA POtMT ,,.. rllAIL._._ Tlll.Avn .... :::.':::,_ 3761 Birch St.. N.B. 546-?lllO :rl72 Placitnda, C.M.. H 0 US r KE E p E R • 847-$671 L'OMPANlON for elder1.. Ne•-~I .. ' REAL ESTATE, TltAtL••• w111y ............. -. ,.. Y .. ....,... r-nor1I CAMP•u ....................... ,,. Rll S.! PART-Ttint help wantmd fer EXPDL ~Statton Motbetlea bome. U.'I!-IA. ........ RKING MotbN' nttdt lady, M~ area . COUPl.D-~ f,~'t> "'"" TRUCKS .... ........ .............. Attn'dnt N time A .. oJ.. -""V .,.,,,, .,.,..,., ULkl11 T f.1 .. LI),,.. ... ,j ........ -J•rn ................... "1• Gardtn Grove reataurant. • • "t"....,. r•nM pofllUOn.. Ml..eo12 babysitter fer aftemoool. v•-1 er~~ lnp. PL time. N-.B. • CONDOMINIUM ..... ········"" DUN• •u••llS ... ......... m. .. '-o.. p I lfi97 Plactnil&, CM. .. ,,,,.. Clll be! 2 tn# ---_._.,... .... v -'·lb .. __ .._; ...... MW:li u . n--~ -;,;,;.·.--~ ••MlAU WAl'ITIO ........... .,,. ·=•T•o AUTOS ............ ,... .nwv• --.3 I 11 a -_,~CUlUST ore ..--... uur-~·an~ ... ..., ..... ·~ -i"' n. ·--f.»DQ. ~MsflO•••Ml' ............ •• rc••• .............. Kif ~ Partor,221:5NewportBlv., •FRY COOK .,lpJtly , W".__,.,, BAB~rr 2 ~ .. ~-•.a..-Ulflt.Mt ~for St.ntaAna •' "' r"""'M a IOA•O '"' ANTtOUll, CV.SllCI ........... ,. nu-1-8ut1et not ""-_,,.~ .. ., "''JWR•., '-3• i..I. . MOTJi.LS, T•At~E• COVllTI "'1 lllACI CARS, ROOt ........... ,.. rrs Btu.b boqN time, ._.. • Y"• • ·~ .. -· • et);~ • wk ID t.ttemoom· )IOl8' dental IJ)f'dal• 9Q..Ul9 MAN Ac ER s. J'ar it ~~fl.TR~:~s :;;: :~~g. ·:::~o ·::::::::::::::= ... -r I . .... •Metlm e¥trl Set Cbt BML N.B. m-Gm 'RnpomlbIA Mman ID care ~ llw'lt. Bcb. ~ DRY Cleantoc c:otm:r litia. Gertnlde ~ :s.m.-. 1NCDM1 ,.ao1111tf"( '°" N1• tA•• ................. -DAILY PlLDI' Os•dDed Al\CH. DRAFTSMAN fbf 10. nkllStb o1d ctrtj My =need· st •ltrJ aoo 'l'l'IO I ., IV~IN,.SS 1"111.0PIERTV ~ flUTO Lhttfott .............. ,.,. -••i, ...._.._ ...._,_.. _......_ .....,.._ "?"'. •Dr_. d CaJ1 IU• ... -1..L. - -._..-lo~-'• :.."!:!..!,,. l'A11;1(( 'Ill~ CAllS .. ....... ... ... "' I 1.19Ja ruam VUA."W ·~,.. hol!MI~ Pemsncnt. ... 1'.!9 _Ot:::·~~::::~:.!--=~"::.: .. ~·~·==-·~"":::·~· -...::=-=~::..:=~"""""==~·=-::.· ...... -1'l:':l _,..,_... ' • ; I I I j ., , ' ' • • M DAILY "~!IT r11d<7, _, 10. 1969 • TlMJ'a Y•INT -11 PIJti ,..,.._ MlillCHAHDISI ~It ~ MEltCHAHJ)lS! FOil . ~ICHANQISE FO~ • M.E~CHANDISI POil .MIRCHAHDlll FOR _ SALi AHD TRADE SAi.i AHD T I SALi AHD TllADI iALI AHo TUPI SALi AND ~E SALE' AHO TllADI J... M111, W.. 75!'0 Pumltvro IOOOP,umltu,. , IOOO Ap,llll!qo -liQO PJ1noa & Oft.Int 1130 MllcoU.-NOOMl,..111_.,. .,, PETS ind LIVISTOC~ TRAHSl'OltTATION Call PorMnnol Dopf. 17141 4"4-9401 TELONIC En9l1111rln9 Co. L•gun• Bolch ZODYS SMALL APPLIANCE ANP RADIO DEPT. MANAGERS Apply in person to MR. IERNSTEIN Zodya Sloro Mgr. 120 E. Or1ngolhorpo An1holm, C1llf. Equal opportunity employer r::::I'/ o"cE '~ $~t:?:~~ .:!:~~: C.IDITORS ~ ~ ' A YEAR ~ ~ • .....,.....135 -....._.'"'""'"'""'°'I" - STORE CLIARANCE ~:~::i.-iso10 ~ .!~~~L ;.-,: FINANCE COMl!ANIES Savin-up to ao•/o 8'Ml4I ~": ':: ~~ ~ DEMAND CASH ' NOW I I I I I .,. COLDSPOT ft~tor. 2 0!1 1\M!tdQ". Jan. 14., at 7 • • • • • Spanish Ir Mediterranean ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~· ,.: =:•:.!.-.:!:;.,...,. $50,000 $$$$$ Uquidatlon $$$$$ *EXTRA SPECIAL* lii'AYTAG.Au-liowuher, &1n1u.,•••~1••rr'1" sP1c1A• PUBLIC AUm1111 R f F I ' """Uonl amdllion $!0. atude~fa, NQmina1 lultloil. S4TUU4Y ~11\m J OOftll 0 urn fure M1.m5 Sign 'up now 1:· avoid the Nm 61Jt PM $ ;....~._ nab' S Ylt OLD FEM. as low OS 3.00 per week ~~ ~ ~.;.!: >W . ENTERTAINlNG Al>aoluto Wall to Wall Mull Go 11 Dad>cbund pd w/cbil.,.• No down UM Our Store Charp dlfl)n. 6G"6C84 , KNOWLEDGEABLE lnapedlon & Preview l'rlday ..& Saturday 9 to t $15. Dachahund JUl)I, a wk1 DAVID L, FllASER Call: a.uck Avery 3124 Via Oporto, NA t'B4%12. • fN..3t1I ZveL Bedroomt-LlvlnJI Roomo-Gime Seta. Lampo. I IO eau tar=~-Furnlturo. Appllan-. Color TV's. Antlq~ i.M:~' alt "f' &m. $15. S.llbNh Dining room sefa. 1001 other items. Antique. I In CORONA DEL MAR : More than 150 fine graupt. Sets. ln11mblH BEAGLE P.P A.Kc. m.i.1--------- $40,000 Stock Clearance to-make room for VASr •tock Amer '" Eur 2854 E. Cout Hwy 673-393) to be offered & sold by AOK Commlulon O•Uery 1: female. very Jone" ean, 1:r MP1No. :· ~ 9010 Large Manufacturer's Showroom Samples we tum " docb. Larry ONCE-A· YEAR following_ ptrtl•I list: aood nwtdnp. AJm; stud ..U.. ' just bought v:u~'ta~:t ~~m t~:rl = m~M. 2 4 2 I ~. !'w':~~~L! =~.uj~,;. %= !~c~f ~~=-mt!~~ P~ pup. 1 CAL :n ~in allii. time your friends s.wf h 1120 PIANOS and ORGANS ~~ ch/cna cab~, &Lass fron~ ~'e:k~ mo. old male. A~ Radnc sear. Xlnt c:Glld. tell you what you've missed & •• Saved!I ng Mac 1"" v'J>URtCH~~E trees, •k ~ tafi!: ·=~Hon 1~ lib-~d, had all lhota. ~-'T-~·-~---- 0 R U 1967 SINGER, due t 0 rary table, bedroom att.s, 7 pc French prov. lkdrm. A-_ C4L U. full race. rmi.e. APPR YED FU NIT RE ... ._, auto -"'"' to 20°/o OFF 1e1, •vtne• ... ._ ":.'~_,;;: Ai<C Pulp1t, "'' iinoa, - 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA walnut cabinM. ·But.tor SHOP EARLYJ NEW: SP&nish-Meditt velvet couchts, Jove seab • champline.Tmna.&e.a50 ~S3915 __ 644-0963 _______ 1 12 Yurt same Jocation-.same owners holes, bllnd bema, oven:ast. No down e Euy te.rrna occ chain. gold tnf end ' coffee te.bles. Spmtllh SNOWBIRD No. 274, pu11,y 0 II 9 9 f'tc· without attachments. • Der • Medltt coffee ' den table•, dlnln1 room aeta, d in-aft 6 rwtored. Fitments,. tr.llu. · a Y • ~ $39.rl or $4.ll m 0 . ivery ettes, la!nps & picturea. muaive. cuatom styled Gil· • .lUN CX>LLIE male 1 moe s;:m Call ~ Su:,.d .. oy96601().51 ~G=uann=="'=='=till= ..... ==CaU= I Gould Mu1ic Company Jespie 1: Sandburg Bedrm. sets. old, AKC rei. $15. Call . -526-66!6 2045 N. Main. Santa Ana 5'9-2B14 Colmnbla 22. extru. alPI So. of Frttway. 541-0681 Split front and dble. door -ne&r new -f. $3400. ot partner ID Muslcel. ln1t. 112.5 Mon&. Fri 'til 9 Sun 12-5 Refrigerators -Bronu tone .l white ~;~I·: :e% PuJ:: up trade. 615-3281 --:-------· I WURLITZER Spinet organ, _ &tS-1138 17' SLOOP with a..ih &t Furnltur. IOOO Garag• Safe 8022 EXTENSION Speakers (2) RX!cod modnd • .,"!A~ w/be!!:'f. Relrigeratora, washers, •toves, dcyen, freu,en, dllh· PRECIOUS Black Cock+ b'f.iler. $300. Firm.. Mi.sm 12" Lancer stereophonic nt co . U'M""VVVJ, 541......,... wuhers & l)eW & usea twin, full, queen I kin& &lze aft .$:30 PM. SPANISH FURN l TUR E CLOSED BUS!Nf:$S. Com- R E T u R N E [t F R 0 M mercial Slot CU' track; a speakers & cabinet $85 or ""======== box aprp & mattnss. . poo. Fe~~~ LIDO--,-~-N-o-. --=-,.-,-.,.,.,.-, best otter. Kent El~b"ic Televlslon 1205 USED: Spanish, Medltt, Modern, Provincial, Maple trailer, North aaUI. 8111t piblr S75 or best of,. &: Fr • .ProvinctaL Good Quality -near new -name REGISTERED German & whlte. Like new. 347-5356 ~D~~O=i·a~~J la.nea wt power 10lid state lap counttt timer. 5'x12' * DRIVERS * ""' •...., ''"· 3 nn1< livi.,. 00u~• ,.... back lighted room tablea. 2 living room aign, $13XI value, $500. Ml&c No Ex--'enc• lam.pa ' SpanlAb. painting. new hobby Items, R c fer 548-4309 RENT TV $10 . _ brt,Qd furniture. Couches, loveseata, hide. a . btda. •bort hair Pointer PuOS !or No Depo&it . Free delivery oce chairs. dinettes, din rm aets, 8 pc grape pattern Ill.le, S'15 each &U--0933 Power CrulNra BASS gultar with ,_ $!0. Fair action, good Tnec1t. 6#-2992, W: for Crai&:. STA.NOU:iG Bau Fi d d I e Steel 1~ Good ahape 9020 534--0fn or .-~·o "TOUght iron marble top d!n rm set. 9 pc Span d1n .. i..-....... u~u I b ff " u ... I .__. REG. German ...,...,.; o~. I'-""-'--------· rm se , u e , Cnu1N1, servers, map e canopy ~-•-•-.1·, L•--'-.._ ..... male • ....,, OWENS Cabin ~-•-.,..,, El Pre&idente king si:r:e N __ .....,I ._ _ _.___ · --•· ._, 1 planes, motors, etc. Cello USED 'vi S25 Ir. up. R2pa.b's room sets, mahoii din rm 11eU I bedrm aet&. Tables-uau~ U&&Ga • ....... ., • ...,......,.., in shop or home:. :rm cottee I: end -all styles. 6U-0'1'3:9 w/plley &: head. Sleeps ----1 ~vuiu wile, ........, u•P e S100. ltfillc ho u a eh oJ d. Must haw clea.n Calltomla dttuer • mhTor • kina:: furnl!hing&. 2 l 2 3 An-Harbor Bl., CM. 86-1672 BOSI'ON TerTien. I wks, L Single tcrew w/185 hp driving record. Apply headboard, 2 commodes, · T __ N • ~ ruveraary ._....,, B _ YELLOW CAI CO. kingsise mattreu uux 646-til.53 STEREO tape reconter, 8oll)I $180. * 642-MM HI-Fl & Stono 1210 Color 'IVs -B & W TV'a Stereos &-Combos -All styles AKC Champ blood line. Olryaler Marine en I . 53&-'78l.5 RtcenUy overhauled. SIS 188 E. 16th St. sprlnp, 2 boudoir lamps, 2 1WIN bed.I S2S ea. Cllell 500 ~th mies & speakers. STEREO • 1968 Solid state, Costa Meu. 6 piece Spanish wrougtit of drawen $25. Red'IVOOd' Tint $185 takel. 548-6413 4 apd, 4 speaker audio Thomasville din rm &el, round marble top table, marble top buffet. 4 pc gold A: white kins BR seta, J ohn &Alden desk. cedar chests, beaut 8 pc cherry- wood din rm Set, game set, 6 he>&pltaJ beds. MA.NY.t MANY CYrHER ITEMS TOO NU1.fE.ROUS "JU MENTION!! PUPPIES. Shepherd Mix. I Wffks old. 4 malea. 2 females, SS each. 49&-19S! radio, bail Wilt. 14,250. -iron dininc set. Only $467. NEVER .. -.1 n ..... -n---rv.tem in walnut ~. ""-r Wash Help ~ ~-._ 14 ~ kl picnic table & benchn -. uocu """"""' ~ •1 -..., -· ~·· • -~ "" y, -· 135 ~-Le~-Lett oo '"" a-•. Pa• U + .. 1 .. r---· cred.t Ll&bt fixtures household Guitar . \.4'ne w1111 ~ .. ~ 1 TRANSPORTATION PRICE REDUCED! 25' 1'feridian, ftberglu cruiser. Xlnt cond. Ful17 loaded. Owner 646-9739 Pull time or Wkonda. se 11epara"""1'. """"¥ 1 __ .. Comm-_:,_, •c:c ,.. ---•u; .. r 145. 54G.J.647 be.lance ot $79 ca.ah or low HAMILTON FURNITURE auu ,.....__. .., -..... _......., pymnta.Warebouse. 535-7289 ll01'1 & Y1chh 9000 Min II.le u. apply ln pel'8011 O:lUO w-·-~-A ~,, .. ,~ other furn. ltema, - LIDO CAR WASH W ~~ v~Y :;her A built-In pg range Pianos & Organs 1130 WILLIAMSON Stetto, 100 · A /111 ( • • G II 411 £. 17th C..la M... JO.. • • Sal •• ,. •. 296 Vlllanovo Rd. wall AM IF M . Gar. "VI\ om1111ss1on a ery WEST. COAST -W~~ili ~~~ ~ =iD+.~~t::J.w: c.~f. ~~E -SAL l -.wJ.-Oll-S.J-1~-~CiiJ~m~~· ~ -77~~-1~--t!~':C.~1~'!;;W.-:!~:•r-. -Mid -WinTe~~~ ... Oi 30f ~: St.~=ri!acli. ~ Marino Equip. 9035 -• In ,:::"Pee·'"-=.;:..:."-·=·~--~ E o am.all boa.ts. Buy now and New & w;ed manne rear ptef~. B\111 •hop ex· fUDE-a--.J nevtl' u I e d FRI -SAT -SUN ' Higher price$ are cornin& --~MIR.AL STERE • Maple .._ Id OllJent location. 615-3385 """' · AM FM $175 save! bought.,. 110 · , $100. 3 BR. aets; l-kinpize, Furniture • Waabe.r but we ate •till di.soountin&; -• ·~21• Expreaa Cruiler. rad- 1-full site, 1-twin. 8' IOfa Dryer -Stove~ MISC. all pi.anc)B &: Otp.nll in the 54&-0lll Mi1cel11neou1 1600 Miscellaneous 8600 io, stem room, traUer $1B95. Alrcr1ft 9100 I love seat, den tumt~. 2(l(g2 Soath West Spruce ii.at dayl 'or \the. great M.Ov-tr.iI coffee .l end tables, oo. Santa Ana. 54&-6951 kw Sale-: Jt will cost you Tape Recorders 8220 MAPLE Table plm 5 chairs, I GOOFED '63-lB' Fb'.ini Scott. · er Pri. Piiot CoufM 7550 cuional cbairl, ~ ~ FRI. 7 _ 9, Sat , SUn u . 4. mcmey to ·wait. Shop &: buY REVERE Stereo T a Pe fine cond. Ga1 re t r i g • Private party bouzht aome 15: 0j;Url;;: ·c;; ·so:~ rrs dn , ui.16 mo. Mocney "SERVING FOR 39 YEARS" • ottoman. Many other Gu refrlg 20' ~ now ai: Recorder, Cartrldgt: l)'Btem, Sleeper couch $20. White name brand EXEROSE eal flah, nd• work , ••• ;695. A1nrift Sales. F M Pardo We Can Find The itl!JllS. Muat sell~ radios, 23" Tv, tape record ::n~·s BALO~= automatic with tapn.· Xlnt modern tea cart & stud)' WUNGES (Adv. 81\ T.V.). 16' Cen~ Re~rter, ritW Orange County Alrpart ltlnht Spot For y OU :' nm: old, all &: comp, crib I: antiquet. : ewport, . . cond n 75. 494-1378 desk-& 1928 "A" Super wlth the idea at becoming a 135 hp e~ •.•, r .... $12SO. l='"""=2'66=="'0:=546-=::!::6l:O=== I f.'1(1 Not Luck" ranean. very rea.sonable! ll4 EvenbW Canyon Rd., NEW YEAR'S SPECW.S Stock. Call 549-3569. 18C6 dealer. I find I don't have '66---20' Hy4roswift Crui.a "It's Know How" Call S70-l592 CdM, 6'1J.6S07 In Used Sporfing Goods 8500 Jamaica Rd., 1.lesa Verrlc, time to demomtnte Mu.st llr hp, auper clean! •• $2950 I ;;Mobl~;;;l:;:•c;:H.:;•;;mo;::;•:__..;9200= FEMALE DIVISION MOVING! GARAGE Sale, bouKbo&d HAMMOND ORGANS • ~c~'~L ~~-----sell l or all at wbOiesaie, MAKE o~ .Exec Secty Clet pd) to SQXI items. furniture, antiques. RT-2 Cqncert _Model •• S1B9S SKIIS, Head Giant Slalom, BEAUT 9' beer bar w/port. ~ e-a. Resutarty $89.95. E-Z Bank Fi"<llJClllC BAY HARIOR A ts ffi 1 S400 Houseful or fumlture. Must etc. 548 Oak st 1.quna C-3 With speaktt ..... n~ new bottoms, 2G5 le~ refrig. tap p er. ~25. OrigW.l cartona. 5C-53M Newport Archn.Marl.na Mobile Homes Show = ~t. cer ••· · 0 &ell! Early Amerlcatl ~Yin& Bc.b. Sat. • Sun only. M-101 ~uxe Spinet •• $1095 SllO; Head atand,. &oOd Str om be r c Car J son 2314 No. Bonnie BIU, S.A: 3333 W. Coast ~7711 1969 10 I: 12 WIDE SALE Cn!lmbwwd) ••• , ••.•.• $400 = ~ ~ ~r 0 : ~GARA==c"'s'"""Sate..,..,....,_~~w.~;~ ... -. ~;;;, SpSp~t. WMaalnpl•1 · • · · ~ conc12.~"" lenrth no; $90. amplifier $125. 9' Blue nylon FRID •y IS Newport Beach 1 40 ft -IO ft , 64 ft. Bookk t •""" • -........ met, u •..• ..--613-..:;.. davenpon $95. Studio ooucb "' FREE 1 OR 2 BEDROO"• eeper ••· ·· · · ·· · o _..,., ette, mattrease1 1c ho x clothea, Sat .l Sun 404 Iris, M • Fri YARft•GE D•Y -MALE DIVISION open on eves. BRAND new 1 a....,e n1A•tic Simmom $45. 549-3612 WA "' o o o • ..__Low ,_ sprinp. Nearly new. Priv Carom de.l Mar HAMMOND -..-I""'" 11 • •--I ('····· --Sa.lea, Financial -... to $800 prty. S:S.OOtfi • Ski Boots, used .nee. az Kl.R.BY Vacuum cleaner &: In Costa Mesa e11c -t "I --$ll96 Down_ $69.01 Pet Mo. (rupec:tor (Fee nea:J •• ~?O ~~-------in CORONA DEL MAR 9~ 1.1ust sell·Sl.00. 64.J...-0147, attachments. ~&Old New .selection, fantastic prio-Offered to Public by ind. tu li deL and ll!t-up Buyer •••••••••••••••••• $800 MOVING to smaller ~.· FREE TO YOU 2&54 E. C.oast Hwy .. 673-8930 00:-1049 for over $300. Take over es every FridllJ' lit AM at; Balboa Power Squadron and 3 ~~"insurance. "We haw many tood jobs many fine h 0 u • e 0 Z.Manual Artisan Theatre SKIS-Head Maateh-3li Xlnt. muill pymnt.s or $49.60 cuh. 1NTERNA110NAL Startin& 7 PM Moo. Jan. 13 1425 Baktt St., at Harbor waltin&: for you" article• I: furn aac:rWced ORGANIC Fertilizero &led Or&:an w/orchestra bells & $75. Bindinos Nev. Toe, Credit dept SJ>.7289 YARDAGE at Newport Harbor Yacht Coata Mesa 714 Sf0.9C70 SOME FREE -couches. cba.ira, ruas. .,__ bined 1 ma1 und •-1 • -.. oncn u ..... _ m·~ ~-· -w e A N.., aeW\ne ma.ch, acreen, ,..,,..., manure oom exe so sysu:m; ,., Solamon cable heel $1D. BEAUTIFUL eggshell white 4'.IV~llU~ ""· """"' •.ou · ay ve., • SlART UVING, FORGET SOME FEE with wood llhavings. Good original co11t, SlSOO-Tenns. &42-3n1 nylon """""' 12, x l&' + Co.ta Mea port Be1ch. NO ADVANCE TAXES! No yard work; MERCH IUrt dishes, bric-a-brac. Sale mulch. 833-5332 oi-S46-4931 AlllO, iv. selection of organ ~.,..4 REGISI"RATION NECES-An" heal"' Sat. 1400 Dolphin bolw I " S Mon lhru klta,conool"&"""· * SURFBOARD* hallwoy '"""" H' x 32". *AUCTION* SARY,ENROU.ATCLASS boaot 211 •'"wide mobU T ~--'--....._ M""'" ·•-~ Organ, all home11, ,..dy to move into; errace, uv11"' ,.,, .... ce, Fri. 1/31 NEWPORT ORGAN Baby gun Moyer 8'3" In good co~~962-4857 11 you will RD Cl" buy 646-8t22 or 613-1855 fat more In a park at the beach; PflSml Cd)(, FREE lumber tar firewood. 300 W. Coast Hwy., NU AlmOllt new $80 give Windy a tcy Info. ll 'th of people Fumlture returned from di8-Free baby bUU)' it atroller. 645-1530 * 548-18oi * · BREAKFAST set, tbt & 4 Auctions Fridal 7:30 p.m. 1--::7=:--::-::-::-::--:::=:-:: w: ~av: fo':P of tblnp 2043 WestclW Driw Lobb)' omce Cotner 17th I; Irvine N•wport Beach OUicn in all o! Orona< CoW>ty 1145-2770 Hakpr<00k Lquna . . . • $400 )Wq,N!IX!k Newport •.. $400 ~ II ,,..,,. CdM ..•. $300 lhlcp ..... Nowport ... $300 °"""" Cook. ........ cbaull but, one woman Balboa •. ..................... to S80J lff_ouseman/Gard live out S400 Emplayu hya Fee Georp Allen By1and Al;ency 1(11..B E. 16th. SA 541--0395 lleataurent Help Needed! Waltl'MRI, H°'teu- es, Food 6: cocktail, Cooka, IDtcb balp. Call Bemie, llU-7196 ARGUS AGENCIES 186' C Newport Blvd, C.M. lchoola-lnllructlon 7600 Tho N-port School of lu11neu 11tftrs Saturda.Y momine: cluRtl in Modem Bualnen -A Lo-WrlU.,.. Evenlrw c1anet in Self Im· pmvemeot pt'Oll'aZD. Theae ~ inaddiUon to our day- time -and lborlhand c!PML ~~tlon.homea, Toilet & tank. '53 Plymouth Y1meha ~r.~L. otitflt for Scuba. ~s~s,rug~~ tow:i: Windy's Auction Barn SCRAM-LETS IOin& to make life lots more Span1ab le Mediterranean etc parts. 64&-M83. ~ E . Pl1nos & Organs d•VlJl&. Xlnt aind. $225. or many houaehold i t e m • • Benind Tony'1 Bldg. Mat'l fun. Please call; 53&-2731 ITURE Walnut St. CM. &It 4 pm. See them now at offer. 545--091814~ 540--0995 207S~ Newport, CM 646-8686 ANSWERS or S3l>'500 RD FURN LOVABLE year old male Coast Music •l:i AUTO fully accuriled, lor 2 -SNOW TIRES w/ RirM NEWPORT Bead!. Tennia SEE the Dual Wide R....s- 1144 Newport Blvd., CM h a I f po o d I e , ah o ta , 1839 Newport Blvd, CM 1 a r I e t work, S65. Eve comp! for Jeep. Goodyear Club Company membership Helmet _ Soocy _ Mqe -lifter Pan Americ.an, Para-w-"~. ~tmpl< ~ ~til 6 :.bro~~72S~ ~~ 646-0271 675-3105 nylon 3.45-15. Suburbanite. fol" sale . 2 regular Mlsuae-MONnlS mount. Elite and Genenl ""' Good cond 673-7531 aft 6 memberships + 1 social About a chatterbox: "It mobile bome1 now at eve1i. l-U Miacell•nooua 8600 · L-hi Pri-• u look "' •-to Dual Wide Sal-QUKK CASH HAMMOND -Steinway -Ya-_Pm=. =~~~~~~ mem""n p. ........., ''"e r aurieon an ........ r •• FREE to iood ho m ft maha _ new • u.sed pianos Ir ,.8 "deal .rv, ~o 81 -•-1 1 1 below cost. DayB 5'7-8406, perfonn the operation.. It'll Qia.pman Mobile Homel' •~ w/yard. Pure black t.b ol all makel. Best b\.IYll In UTILJTY Tr · <tA' 1 ~•~u.c. 0'""' w g e ' Eves 613-6436 takeberMONTHStodeacribe .._ FOR FURNITURE & German Shephard mix. .,__ tor camp trlr. or dog trlr. never worn, no. Brownish-it." 520 N. Herber. SA. APPLIANCES OR Good watchdog. 4 moa. old. So. caru. right oi=o:. alllO an acconlian. 54Q.34.11 redlll! f~~~ 14"""0 eau'Y ~Ar;1~ .. ~t a.eutlful 5J1.a571 ~~ OR SCfilllD'I' MUSIC CO., ~ ~· KINGSIZE llEP I. IT CU.... n--~ ANTIQUES. " Female. 548-4537 1/13 •IW'I N "·'· THE QtnCKER YOU,...,' · · · &".......,.v '65; 10X50 LakeMIOd Lido; """' . .......... ~ s · 10 with quilted mat-.• aplit Racer. Blue and told. .;N,;.lccG-=H_,,T;_,..,,_,6,,_3~=2_0 __ 1BEA.UT. Fem Coffie/Shep Santa Ana TIIE QUICKER YOU SEU. FIN~ Mink Stole. ae ,__... ""'""'• Trailer I:: boat frelblv furn.; adult park. nr. lhops. ~ 1 20 Lt. color (Aeroilian) Ex. foundation, bltn frame. Nev-~ $4,000. Sp. A-16, 21!n H&rbDr SA CR I :r I C E , E a r 1 y mix, ~ mo1., oves child., rlg er used $9&. worth $250. pa I n t e d • New wbl.te American Birchwood butch, nds. lg. fenc:'d. a re a .. Pi~laiin~oa~&~O·l'f~•~n~a~iilii1~3~0~P~i1~n~oo~&~Oiir~g~1na~iii8iilii3iijj0 cond. S3l5. 113 0 -cmt. 842-6536 n 1 u I• h yd e . Upbollt6' Blvd., C.M. 64&-tTif 5~· hiKb. 5' wide. Table Unu11ual ~olorin1.1 ._ 54= .. =l6S6=='f=l=S=-=-=~ -~=======-Three 16% hp Qwnpkm 10x50KIT wfthluySUsanl:&~taiA ~1978 1/11 1• UPHOLSTERING-$79.50. 2 KNITTED FABRla erigines. Complete wt th 1 BR SPACIOUS ch&ln 6: cobbler's bench. 2 BEAUTIFUL Iona ha.Ired • * SPINETS * CONSOLES pc, (European craftsmen) 1everal fuel t.anka, stterl:oa: -==all=com='p'=l'="=..,_=1090== 613-4566 blw 1 moe: old kittena, * GRANDS * BABY GRANDS Free aet. del, pickup, 21S .,..FOR SALE and controla. See a.t 2a - STANLEY Octagohal Dinln1 brother &: 1Uiter niaed PIANO STOCK MUIT II Main, HB "Berny" 536-6405 Remnants, aamples &: f.1ill Lafayette. Newport Beach. / Game tble, wroucht iron together. Nd good home, CLIAllD NOW! MEN'S sz. 8% mecl. Henke ends Sat. Only 8 a.m, to 2 BOGARTUS base, continental ht, 4 540-6183 befo~ 4 1/10 No Money Down-No Payment 'Tll Mlrch ski boots, used once $15; p.m. 929 Baka', Oieta f.lesa. YACHT SALES matcb chrs cov Blk naua:., SPAYED female Boxer; all glrU az 3 white shoe &kl.tea, 2745 W. Cit. Hwy 548-2502 diatreased white pee.an fin. woe. Good ramUy q , :1948 Fremont Grind ORGAN DEPT. like new $6. 53&-6149 FOAM mattreu, matching '65 Col-24 Sloop $3995. $175. c.o.t $450. can 644-0329 E. Cout ffl&:hway Corona . . . . . . . . . , . $595 SALE! COOKWARE Stainless low springs, hllrdwoocl head· 25' 01rla O'Nlter $2350. so LID CherTy-'12" diam· del Mar, 9 to 5 Fi,,. •-. A,•,1111•"' heat waterless aells $249. board, &: fram~. Refr\g. 47' Diesel ~tch $22,5CIJ. Motor Hom.a 9215 CORTI;Z.You won't believe its a '&&-low mile..., tac ttlr --pvt ply -orig owner. 5'7-2133 Mini Blk" 9275 round dtnina: table with 6 MALE • Battel"ICDtch l ti••· R••· S7t l . H1mmond Chord Salesman quit SAC. $65. :.:i~'°~. c=. ~~~~ .~"',,..Tw=-Dd.,,.._st_•.;P_bem_-'133..,...000...,.1 captain chain. $175. See white kitten about 3 mo1. Wurlltnr Grind Organ . . . . $265 NEW Mr. Tesser 543-7363 Good cond. 536-.-29'74 alt 6 15% Ba,yllner pleuure boat 2 MINI·BIKES; l lleftWed; Sat &fter lll AM at 2:115 old. Hou 1 e ·tr a In e d . . . . . . . . $795 Wurlitzer Spinet Stauffar RKucing le ,,,.knds. Built in Wuhin(ton for like new, hardly uaed! AnnivttSU')' LD. NB 642-0739 1/10 w.1~111. ,illle. . .. , ... , . , . . $495 M.cliiM -$15. B;;E'-A°'UTY""'"'•"°'~"°"~=-:-=,,·C:Cp-C•;I ~ watu. 75 hp Mercury l====54&-=11S2==== tch $275 R•t s iots '-' ....,__.""' -.. ~ motor. n.uer I: cover m. &t" MAPLE bu -· LOV.11n. bred male br. Dotf. ANlian Grind Y1m1ha SpiMt * 548-47S3 * office tum. Reirig &: duded. All In ~t mod. Metorcycf., 9300 l P~ Pa· Sl75. Kile Ia coat· curl-up trail Very Organ $795 SACRIF1CE! Due to illnea; freeze.r, heat-alt con-$900 film price -496-8300 •---~----- silt bed, compl. -$150. C\lte. 8J6.-403.t, 5 4 4-9 2 O 6 · · · · · · · · · · · · $195 · ' ' ain&:le membenlhip N£WPOrt ditione:r, fish aqua r l um, · ' 1 HON DA 1 U~ chair $15. All Eves. 1/13 •••11tifwl e•cor••i~• H1mmond Ml Bea.ch Tennis Ciub 540-61S2 Rnge, liv nn., It &drm 17 FT. Ptrlonner. Is1uJder like new. M6-Sl13 BEAUT. Pure-bred fem., J:C:.lb"'~j'G:~::· W.th ·~~~~,~ $795 PEMCO Aquarium 11 gt.I. fum. Mi9C tlmtl 64l--0)9:j f1~leur:r1ela~:~al~:,!; MINI BIKES ~~-saema::. :'~ta~=kn.~ ::~ ··········· $195 H1mmondModel w/ftuo~~~~~~'j GW~oodRA9_:; Salepallo~~.T~~· CU.tom map down COVH. plJ fourda.tion, blt I Eb E 11 .... I $24 5 ""~"........ ....._. IWll., .. -.:::. Bia' wheel tilt trailer. $700 - I t -n child. MZ...7224 1111 R 0"-.·,0;;• one. Bl . . . . . . 9 DRY FJ· Wood, eucalyptus, BBQ. 2 metal bookcue1; ""'°--•.1".-.atter1'pm. I''' 'fo• Ok '61' U.Jetime Gift, UQl.. frame. Ntvt'I' uaed. $98. , u f --• n-.--n 't· ' lnclwdlna MH•I 224 tud" -" Org t ~~ii"--""~;:-_;:;;;,;:;~~;,;. * $239 * ~n•--M-•w-n, ,.. w-·~. ''" '""'~"' e...n. e.a ... e • .......... e type, Baldwin MK Grand onnge and mixed. Fne s 10 cou .... , a.; uon c ,,. , 642-3170 __......, •·----.. .,. ... _ ~ la: tall. V th . tl !Aili• SJHO•k•r delivery. 546-7544 organ; misc.1'1JSantanella 19&1 .29 OWENS DC . -lndMdtall1 "" iUJSl'IC. .,.. """"' ""'"' 645-4J."' '" ..,.. ' · · · · · · · · · · · · $995 Ton-., 673-5723 ,,,,,......, 1u11y """'pped. HERB FRIEDLANDER toftd Odlcoat 10 leuons m••bl• lop d•••-1, ... 1-q . l/ll F•bulowt ton•. Sm•l1 TRC·lB Citizens Band equlp, New .,_.,;,.t. u. ••-on ...._, 13 I••·-... --... wo:: G S I t /C I UJVELY 1•-.,...... "" nni 11710 IEACH ILVD. HW. Jt ·~ .....,...._ J,'. Dt -· w/M••I ~ ·-~ •• ,. 3 YOUN cata -:I male, 1i1•. R:•i· $11SO p MS enlO et Comp. wfmobile 11et-up; ye.,.., gold wide _ __.. .... 1 .... 1-_ oiler • ..-• wuuu ,,...,"""' ""' S Chi k G nd b I al .,............. ,........., f2 ll1ck1 So.~. &r1v1 fwy.I 5fS..2l5I $150 ~2292 1 fem. Part I am e 1 e. c er "t rl NIW I Nl.OWNIDI caiJ.an . g PM. 548-21119 race ~t. re nib!l!!I Ii 6G-90l8 a.fttr g PM M11CHANDISE Poll CNTR:::,=· =v.....,E'"ng1..,,...,,:-1op,--....,,-.-1 ~:1513 1110 · ·,· 1· · "· ·, · · · s $1.2,95 wuWTZU SPIN rt SJ91 CUs'l'OM .hlt Crown sota. .-•"iam,,...•""='·;-!S0=·,..543-<007="·,.-,"" GLASTRON, 15· outboud. ~~~ ~~r ~ SAL.I AJltD TllADI iame ibl., 2 chn: f occ. SHEP.-Malmute female pup, • l"ftn•a in P•~u Good c•ndlflon, fin• Frigidaire, too! work bench, 2 DR. Cold Spot Refri&. like Mercury 35 hp q ., Soft ed $'100. 26S3 Santa Ana, chain Capt de le: cof1. I wla. Hu had ahola. Good W•lnwl, R•9. SIStS. f.,. ,r•c.tlt•. dog house. 549--0lll aft 5, nw SlOO. Etha.ft Allan tables top. Never Ulll!d. $1211. CM llwnifVt9 IOOO tbla, ~p, eic. ~"192 tt wlchlldren. 968-l.3fS 1113 NEW USTll SPINIT .• SJtl srEREO tape recorder, 8ol'I)' $15 ea. 968-4li87 ~1 aft 4 ==='"'"°=~--~ KIN,.__. °"'""Ible ...._ Amaicu Furn 4 MO old blor>de Wlt'lt-h&lr CONSOLEnES be.ell•"' to"' a ,,.fio11. 500 with mio: &: speairen. OiARA. '65 HONDA S.90. Run1 IO(l4. ..._..~ · QUAUTY · T e rt I er . PI 1 y t uJ. ,. .... """'-"' W\lauma SPINIT M•I Ftrst Sl.85 take!. 5'18-6473 Misc. Wanted 1610 board C:..~ ~ :0:. $150. aome ...,, m. Birc.h dininl nn, china, .,.,,, .~.,1 1113 •~ , , 1 , 1 ~o -~1 * &C6-96ll • ~ -b d -.w ,_._ .. , .... "-' "''"'" ''v ~''' ''" •· ,... ·--N-~.. .. ... i__. •"""" ---,-,--,--=,-.,~~-* -•• * h~-bed. bunk e 1 • ~ t.op table 3l x t9, BUYING SUvtt CDim lO~e 21::~ ~ o8lver,.....,~ -YamaM 80 dirt MR, ..,.,.;;r --~ -·. 831-6871 BEAllI'll"UL Shepherd Pup. (W, c.•n't "''"fi•11 IALDWIN wrought iron 4 chairs $50, ~~ "~ ~ .. .., ~ nd ~ •--13 th• n•iMI ACIOSONIC •• Mtl over fal"e'. Dollan · $1.10. $325. invtlted aac. S195. ~bed table, \i price. WA.Unfl' doub&e dmMt' w/ ~....'....... .!:. ·="'..:.:,,. 11'°13 Early Amerlt1n W•l11•t--A r1•I lwy. G.E. T.V. U). ~ Sliver nid:alm $3.!0 roll. BLACK Bart. U' Gluapar e &-6152 e ... da' f PM 1.a1se mb'Tcr, 2 matchlrw ...,_....., .. .,.,.. -DOUBLE 1ize bunk bedl. COSTA COINS 831 W. l!th 9'dan. Inboard, outboard • .... _. _ _._ '"71\ 56-6415 3 n.UFFY (pvt Pft1cian) • • • • . . . . . . . . $659 COHTIMroU.lf l;!+.-t.. cult ad m St., C.M ..... ,~~ All e'Xl;rQ. $2150. MQ bl! 'SS HONDA CB l!O. $150 E)cTRA. Ju:9I CUC. dtU, •-..... a.,. Sf6+-S1v• SJOl DON'Y • · • • • • • • S601 ....... ....,., om m t'. ...., or beat offn'. can 5'73-'70t7 ,....., JO.. BR. Shlw, complete. Oaric kittena. 646-3555 aft111'0 Tradition•! .. $649 ~.,. s7•0-s ..... •1•2 QUI 494-2151 BABY stroller with bl.ct iwat R>!fl •t The Dunn.~ aft s: Jeu ~ raabopn)' """" mar. S1Z. p.m. llOIT a Cl.All 2'~P"•"•"'RS;:--:lkl;:;-boo= ... c-,c.-.,.,,..,,.::,-.1 tn good condition. SD-a& 14 rr. BOAT .n= -=I_...._____ Call titr ll or att 5. ~11$1 DARLING puppiel, 6 wka, ~~!;IStlZ-S•v• SJO) ~ • ·'''' S7'I Henke S bucke1 S 4 D. alter 7:00 FixU'-uPJIG" mUt oUu l957TRIUMPH 250 dlr1 track nlU'U _..,,... ...-."""'' half cocka' half ~ m.u terrenan CNw• •••ut. ,.,, '''"· ramr. $100. c:tlttt, ... XIII con d • OfflM Smttl__, IQl 1 540-Q96 ' 111Q .. -. . , . . . , $669 C11d•l'fl fl11lth. o,,. •f Kudnger lact Sl5. 494-73?8 Canopy bed hmr:, dealt, 11J.'131'D ~ Ml-{i61t -;r P'"'_... ~ ... $ttt--S1v•SJl t • khull, l•t• $1141. 'l(dllr'k brown 1'1outon piano bench. t'flltonable. 21' t.forrtttey, built 1915, honda. 'II, 125 cc Scn.tnbkr t YEAR Q:tb. J11w11 new Anla..phone fCI' sale. 2 MALE. f'l'llatl!l'ed Sl&mHI! -MA.NT MOU TO CHOOA ROM -Lamb coat. $75. " 6f8.3192 * 35 hp dbl motar. Moored tow mileql!. E¥etD c.ulCI. onndktm ~ matttw. ua ntW. "511, c:ai. -nd. good home. • 842.-81'9 • ========-on Udo. 17S&74 Prlvat~ party. 6Q..380J. llD. ~, e lfT·lD e 141.-ST IJIO OPEN HM Dilly Fri. 'Tll 9 Sun. 12-6 • RUMMAGE SALE + Machlnory, ate. 8700 DlllTY but Ory, 16' F._ ki~iJii;ijjjlj~-,fi,pj•iicie• -_ 1 BLACK, 3 white~. COAST MUSIC 425W.4thSt..SantaAna --'------1 plus \Vall.rtrom'i trtr. i.r 'M HONDt,A ~,~ lk'tlllnal Ill&.. Ger'!" Safe ..,~ I wb old. 545-6971 1/10 January 19th-24th. HID DriU Pl"fS!I " jnlnter,l_llOO_,·o;llmi='..,·.,-==c:--~t ~. $2'15. ~ -11JO N-C4M. Fri., LONG blirld Gut .. a Pip, 1139 NlWPORT, COSTA MESA 646-0271 PHILCO'"' dryor, I yr pt> ,.,h, or .... tor"'°' fl\lll EXP. IKIPlllR 'IB BSA "°' !mow:. Onl1 o;a,_ -™-oJ"e -· to"n., ~•-, ..__u • .-I Wftb old. IU-C141 1/11 N , H t.. & war. StOO or offer. 21182 or llkii! value. 5*6658 \Vanta W'Olt. 5Cl-35l1 ...., mL -. ·~· •tll " .. _ ..,. __ ,._. u .. u "" -... , .. ,_. ·~•.,11cti111 .... ,.,,Ill" ,, r, c •••• Miu IW -........ Wlllto ilephantlT, ;;•.;;1ota;.;:...ol::....".::pdlff::;:;;;;..;"·---, ~Dlal=-'-"-"=--'la<'--RE-'--~-LTS-' Ballow Ln, C.M. """691 SOCK IT TO 'DU CHARGE ifi ,..__ <!>,ya; l4M06T .... • ' ~------------· .-.. --• -•-..!!..L...L .a.J.. _ _::-..:. _____ . __ .~~--•,• ;. .£ £'d d' « I ----,: -!. • ~-~ ..0. '"'"'----.-,_-,.~J.!~.~------------------------• l l -,, • • f • ' • ., ' " ' " ., , , , ~ , ,. , • , , • , . • ' • • • • -, • -• ~ -· . • ~ '• '• ' ' '• ' ' • • • . ' • ' '" ... ":I Q • ~ !l ., :.: :i J ' . . • • ' ' • .. ~ • " ·. ' ' .. ~ ~ ·-' " " f: , 5 " " f ' ' , ' :; • , ' • • • • . ' . . , • • • . .. ' • . , ., • • . .. >. ' ' " • . . . . . "' .. , • Frldly, Jlnuary 10, 1969 • • TR~NSPOR1;"'1'.ION T11ANSfORT~TION T!!J\NSPORT~TION, . TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION . TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION"TRANSPO.TATION DAILY 'II.OT J" ,. fRANSPO~l A TION _,. .il)( ~ u,... Ca" 99QC ·•·od r,,,. .9900 UIOd Caro ' 9900 U.ld Ca,. 9900Uold Ca,.' 9900 __,, c1,. 9\IOO Utod c.,. '900Ullltl Caro 9900 -· . • Utod Caro • ' -·- CONNELL -CHE~ROLE·T'S USED CAR CENTER SPECIA'LS '67 MUSTANG Hardtop coupe. V.S engine, floor ahlft.. , ~ 1leer., RU. Gold wfblaclt trim. o. UOP125 . 51795 . . '64 CORVETIE l Fastback. Automatic trans., power win· ~· t&c~ air cond., power ateering, FM , Ermine white with red m~w. u52·595 '65 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury convertible. VB, automatic, power gteer., radio, heater. (NBV894J 5995 "68 ALA . Custom Coupe. Super Sport equipment, factory air cond., power strg., automatic tram., radio & heater-grotto blue with black vinyl interior. Lie. No. VRC413 $2995 New C•r Factorv Warranty '65 MALIBU Sport coupe. VS, automatic, power steer- Ing, factory air, radio, heater, low mile-age. I PCS016 J -. $1595---- '66 DODGE•S.,ort Van Auto. trans., radio, bl"a\et, air condi- tioned. Lie. No. TGR310 51995 ' . '63 DART G.T. Hardtop coupe. 6 cylinder, autoinatlc, radio. heater, mediwn blue with blue vinyl trim, 51095 '67 CORVETI Convertible. 427 V-8 eng., 4 speed U'llns., AM-FM radio, low mileage with factory new car warranty. Red v.'ith white top, red int.l!rior. Llc. No. UES361 53295 '66 RIVIERA . Custom couJ)e, Full power and factory air conditioning. Radio and heater. 52995 '68 IMPALA 4 Door hardtop. VS, automatic, power steering, radio, beater. '2595- . TRUCK • CENTER• f60 CHEVROLET F1eetslde pickup. 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, heater, extra clean. (752A) '6SCliiYYVAN . 108 Series (Long Van), V-8 engine, 2 seats, side doors, rear windows -low mileage, still under new car warranty. Lie. No. V94883 52295 '65iiiiiiNi'iL Picku p -V-8, Std. Shilt -Lie. No. 531194. '6~n Pickup. V-8 eng., automatic trans, fac> tory air cond., radio & heater, extra nice . Lie. No. U41818 . 51995 ....... --------'6JCH~n Picku p. 327-VB, turbohydram aUe, H.D. camper equipment, custom int.erlor, air condition, radio & heater. $A VE! $2495 :~.~!t!~!~~!!~! -Low mll':r wltb (8"tocy WU-.... ... -• ~~ '"°'' Forn.at ll'ffta. Lie. No. 54595 '66 OLDS Toronado ft.T. Coupe. Automatic, PS, factory air, R&H. Turquoise w/black vinyl interior. SPttial th1.s weekend. (363A) $2495 '65 FORD GALAXIE ' 500 H.T. Couik. VS, auto., PS, factory air, RMI. Ye low with blacjc vinyJ in·•. terior. (RUc.3&3) 51495 '65 THUNDERBIRD H.T. Coupe. Full power, factory alr. con- dltloNng, radio, heater, special~ job. CPCY'51) 51395 '65 RAMBLER 770 4 Door. VS, automatic, pov.·er 1teertn1. ~ heater, white w/green trlm. ( 11) -·5195 . - • ; ' . . '67 IMPALA ' 163 FALCON Statton Wason. 4-dr. "deluxe. Automatic tr&nl., radio and heater," Desttt belie with western vin1'1 interfoc, Uc. No. l'Xn30 $695 . . '65 THUNDERBIRD Landa.u Hardtop Coupe. Fulf power, f&e· tory air condllionlng. ;I'urquolae with black vb:lyl root. Lie. No. Nm"Mt $1895 . '64 CHRYSLER 300 Hardtop Coupe. Auto. trans., power au.er .. factory air cond. Beige with parchment in· terlor. Uc. No. XEV911 51495 '64 MALIBU Convt. · . . Convertible V..8, aµto. tr&nl., power ateer., radio and beatet. Gothic-Gold with udd.te interior. Lie. No. OMHS57 . CHE RO LET 2828 HADOR . BLVD., COSTA MESA ' ~!~~546•1203 tA~546•1200 - 9600 Big New Sed1n Motorcrcl~.! -'~ ---'----~~ ~· Buggie• _!!2~ "i'm,;,;po:;.;.;rt,;,;od:.;;..;A.;,ut; :.:;°':__9_600_ Imported Autos :: '67 TRIUMPH *SPORTSMENS VAN* VW Do"' Boggy, gla"' body, CORTINA JAGUAR ~~ c .. 5!K' c.~ xrnPvtt "",'". Ti!y I,~uii~~•r: At ~M r::t4i-m:· Call after --~-----___ , _,,... mw:age, .,._,. . p y. '67 CORTINA ' GT, R&H. 4 '66 J•gu•r XKE Coupe :r e 531-8387 • F11nt•stic Discounts 9600 spd. X1nt coild. $1395. Sparkling burgundy finish w/ ~ e 1967 HONDA • Imported Autos 962-5703 plwih contruting glove Iealb. iair condition $125. 510 35lh Ready for immediate e Spot Cash for Imports er interior. Every concelv· ,f;l. N.8 . delivery We pay more for any import DATSUN able Jag accessory is on this BEACH CITY regardless of year. make 1--------23,000 mile local jewel. A ~uto S.rvices DODGE or condition. lry us befcn DATSUN '69 musl!ortheqoalltyminded. ~ & P1rt1 9400 you sell E L M 0 R E I--"-'-"'"'-----165.55 Beach Blvd., (Hwy. 39) ?o.fOJ'ORS, 15300 Beach Blvd. ¥"' of U.S. & American 54(}.2660 Westminster. 894-J322. NOW'S THE TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD MG MG '52 TD Red w I white fibergl.a.s top, interior ex· cellent, engine reblt, $1200 cash. 547~101. or fll..6246 Stevenson LATE '67 MG t.11dget; load· ed; 15,001 Mi. Ca.lled to aervice. S250 And take over p.ymts. Karl, 968-5512 BUSIE81' marketplace tn MG '57 Red/blck int. Wire town. n,. DAll.Y PILOT wheels. Good shape. S495. Oauifled arectiob.. Sa v• Elmore Sport Can:, 96ll monCIJ time 6 efklrt. l.oojj Garden Grove Blvd. GG Dow!!! 1.· • .... ' ; ~ ; ;» • ; ,.~ I · l ' ' . ~... I . ' 1t>t) j ' : f1 ... • : ... ~. ·~· ~· ... , ,. ; ~;-~ .•.._ ·I """' .. - !.:'•· ~:;j , . .,. ... ~~ i' : '.:· ··' -... · 1 l , ... ,,,. J •., :.J ,, ··~l! ·~ ::.; . ~\7 j :"i..!J! : ' . ,: !; ····..::>-•'"'·· ·~~n.ro: ·"""'-"-""'-·-~-"'-''_•_'"'_' _'_" ~J"=P':,""':""":. =''"=s:":'':9:5:1:01-A-;;L-;F;-;A;-;R;;O::-;M~';.E;O~ • 96 hp, overhead cam • 4 speed • bucket Ae&U e WSW, dix hub Cl.P'I J~etuport 31Inport s SOCK IT TU 'EM! ,, CHARGE Yotzr want ad now. ~· VW 36 hp engine, excel. bind. $175. t.1eyers Manx _buay. 64f>.-2621 Triller, Travel 9425 KENSKILL '69 ..••.. $1499 -New 15' Standard fully °equlpd. Loo.dee! with extras. No pmta for 6 mo. or SJ8 :_total dn. pmt & $38 mo. O.A.C. Authorized delller ·for A vion, Layton and TeIT)' lrallen. Rick Baldino's Mobile World 19432 Beach Bl., H.B. 962-1377 b6 S, Harbor Bl., SA 531-8770. 19 FT. TRAVEL trailer. Self :contaiMd. Excellent con- dition. 1 bedroom, 1 full .bath. Fully Equip. $1,550. 548--0151 TIJUANA trailer. 22' • Squeakin' Clean! Great tor desert, mts, Baja or ? . 64>-2891) 00ILAPSIBLE c a m p i n g _!tlr. sleeps 4; like new $150. • 4702 Neptune, N'pt. Beach Truc:l<1 9500 2 '63 GMC 4IXXI 71' cab, chauis, P/S, brlts, $950. .ea. 6'5Thrd %T PU, auto, trana ideal camper. $6.50. ServiM:Jft 500 31st s l . 67"'°31 FORD Pickup. 1966 Camper Special. 17,IXXl miles. Many f"Xtru fnc. A/C. $2400. 6''-'308 60 FALO)N Rane h ero. R!H. Auto. Good cond. l<OO. * 546-4981 * 'Gf FORD % Tun 111.t bed : 'ff/puwp:r boom lift to UKlO lbs. Lo miles. $1500 . . 54;...ooo 1963 CHEV. "-Ton. I cyl. :MAJ<E OFFER! -.618-'llm WlUIJLMSON BODY for plumbu/electriclan ' .. 813-9118 • "'!T CHEV P.U. f11S • 84+03$1 • • Backup lighta, etc. 50,000 Ml GUAR $186 FULL DOWN '61 JEEP ll Ton Piclrup. '67 ALPHA 4 wheel drive, V-8 Chevy ,.2600.. H rd ,.._, 5 cng. Oversized ti~. Good • 8 ~op '-"upe. oond ~""V\ .,A., A'lnl\ speed, ™· Lie TUU533. ·~·~ $2499 $54.86 for 36 mo1. cam""j' 9520 Barwick Dalsun CAM, •• CLIAIANCl o~ 0.1 IMPORTS of 1961 El Oor•tlo, Four ' s I' ~i11d1, Seohm•ri ind Gold. A. ,,; oac + lfuc & lie l1n• mod•lt •+ ~~" JJ 998 So. Co•1t Hwy. L.B. * II~ DISCOUNn * 494-9773 545-0634 All '69 mod1I• now h•r1. S1v1 1xtr1 S on our Truek· 549·0JOJ-67J•l190 '65 DATSUN C1mp1r f>ric.11. 1970 HAl lOI ILYD. STATION WAGON 1.9.f I Ft. Mod1l1, Ch111i1 COSTA MU.A 4 Spd, dlr, radio, beater, Mod•l1. S1lf Co"t1l111d pearl grey finish. Xlnt ~- Unih, All C1mp1r Ace•.,. AU$T1N HEALEY Local car, one owner. $85 1ori11 111 Stock. Cash delivers. Will fine prvt 5 Y1a r Fi111ncinq On AUSTIN Healy '61 Bug Eye prty, Pymnls $29.86. After Approv1d Cr1dit Sprite. Real sharp little car. 11 , 494-9773 or 545-0634. CAMPER RENTALS 1595 Elmore Sport Can;, $pec1D1 wl11m ,.,_, Molle yo1r Ntenotkt111 toll.,-! THEODORE Robins Ford 2060 HARIOR. ILVO. COSTA ME SA 641.0010 9611 Garden Grove Blvd., CG '62 AUSTIN Healy Sports . Need:\ sorne v.-ork. $350. 545-4767 '62 A Healy, 300 MK Il Rds . 2':i,800 orig mi .. 0/D, W/\V, S1500 or best o!fer. 675--«Xi6 CAMPER SHELLS CORTINA &: sleepers, 24 to 52" bigb.1------·-- No down payt o.a.c. Hatton earn ... s.1"'· "" w · English Ford Wilson, C.M. 548--0343 '63 amv "'ton 4 spd with Com= sales . tervJce llJlL' cab/o cam Per 100 , 32 mi. per gal n Full tlve pass. aports .,./Jacks. intermm $1585. •Vllng. Ptv •11• !i.1Hi96 CORTINA '&5 GMC % TON TRUCK * Oelux• 2 Door * Ir CAMPER. • "'5-'81.1 • $1883 Immediate ~livery Dun• Bu91IM 9525 Over 50 2 dooni, 4 doors, :;;.;;~'-'::'.--'----I GTs, 1tation wagons in 3 1tock. Fully automatic "'' """'· TOI' TRADE FOR DUNE BUGGYS YOUR PRESENT CAR FERRARI FERRARI FIAT 1900 Fiat, needs work, $100 • ·-· MG I '61 Ply. V11lant ' /lilltl#..,...,..., HICIC M I '61 Buick I tt.t. tl!yttft. i.. GNN•11 .... ,........,rrMO I '63 ftlcOll Sta. Wgn $688 MG l-·"'----1 FROlll TH EODORE @. BY~fsQld 0~~Yal~ DArLY(X)=~DfE-A- S1IH, Sorvlco, Port. '64 Monu '(Oii\', '688· Complete new MG inventoey I Vltlew, ..._.. w ...,.. I--.,.------· I Sit U. Dltr Au,tbs Ameriel Ml TW• GLAS. Here ...W! 1,' ' ,, t1ND. You cu aat them ~., ~~ _,., • _4'r_: Dial 14t-O)OJ-..41)·11 f0 tt70 HAllOR ILYt. COITA MBA J JOlN tbe ~ m the DAU..Y PILOT WANf ADS! -JAGUAR '61 GLAS l'lllO d'I'. •MOO '64 .....,, T1111p. qU. Rtdk>, ftdW tin.. 01111 .., ._ ._ -. $1995 prv prt)'. Call 4111 I llMu I a .,.. Cft'Y • _,,...,831-<WO noo "· !'.oltl ffw7. . I '65 Wier NwPG<tlloch • 60-916 H).lTN .., ........ -: 111r --.,. '788 '788 XKE Conv. '63, ftilly r'Hl:Ottd to new. BUc w/red int, PU ~·'""·- Authorized: MO t>taler ·-----Dial 6'Unl tor RESULTS 15300 I' • ... ~fr:'i.----~---·-,,-,..---~-~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~ ..... --...................................................... ~ ...... ""' ..... '"" ............................................................. ... ., I • I I I al DAllY PllOT frldol, .lfoNrr 10, 1969 .:!!,'l'llf'-= ... Cli'i~--'---t100"'"'"'No.,.w,,..,.C""1rs-::---'"-;nooHiiii"' °i'yii'.RlliiNSPORTA TIOH TRANSl'dllTATIOH TRANSPORTATION' . l~A-9 VOLKSWAGEN . · ~ Check these. for BUD 'YAUJE!·· s_. turtllM ovto- maf~ lr...vnlnkln. · Sarlomollc rodlo. Tl~!· fd •loll. Doot ldge llUCll"ds.. 0.111.o• wheel dt1c1 . ..._,~ -Oll:OER NOW. '&I FALCON RANCHERO sa r~~ ifi :~ ... ~:ss99 FO• M MONTHS ..t • '63 DODGE DART GT Colwertfble. Allt CONDITION ING. A\lfomaltlc triwu, Buc)llot M11b. $41 :· i41 :~ ... ,;. $799 for M ll'IOI.. '63 OLDS STARFIRE . '66 IMPALA Sports °"'"' VI ll'IOll!e. A!Jtomo!Jc troM-$ lllll6JtWI. ltadl9 ... """'"· ,..,...., .... 1 ... = lw1lkft. Whit. wollt. LIQ!!" No. SM 14 99 '81 PONTIAC GTO . We L•OJ• All Makei and Modeb u... -""""*"' lndudl tu, ._ llaNe Olld otr corrvr11t ~ ..... ~c:r..:111. A.II .. ...... to ... lot" ldl . All ..... lftodtw tlW\t :lundvy, __,,.. ... , to ........ Miiie McC•rt•y l•kll h I ...... "' ~ w.-..1,...., ,,,., " ...... ,..s.. Dl•t• '-w_, •• •• ee• '""""'" T••e.""'"' .. ••eclllh-4.-4 · •• 1 .. elf ..... ---..... OPIN MON • ..fll., t A.M. 'TIL t P.M. U.l. t A.M. TO I P.M. SUN. 1e A.M. "TtL 6 P.M. 1ao Beaalt Blvd., Weslllll1sler ·· 'MGB •• 198f MGB. low mileage, good Utel, red ext. with i>laclc" 1'11; 6'1>-1642 PORSCHE .!2 rtu ~1u1 ! 31111µ011~. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOllTATION -TRANIP,OllTATION TRANSPORTATION lmoori.cl A--lmpomd A-9600 l!'!eor!!!!....... HOO 1m,..1od Avtoo - SUNIEAM '66 8UNBUM A.LPIN!l 11'50 TOYOTA 11lllMPH VOLKSWAGEN TOYOTA! Wo HoYO 'Em Alli SEE us IST oa LAST BUT SEE US!! ltmia VOa;iSwAGEN '65 \'W: A»qM, ......,, ntUlt Ifill. ·'Bett of•t erl •e. VW tl"· m-3:f65 w _, • Bu&. rompe uuD '&I \'w -....... "\ .. Un!/. Xlnl ...... °""""' ..,,... tlnled -"'"'141 ..:.;t 'a VW autn.. a1N ........ ,~ IOOl .. ~ offl!i. Pvt pJ;y MM824 ' ... vw Sedan: lmmac. JWl. low mile., Sll&5 or Bf11!:C offer. M!Ml2U Orig. ~ -J.'lC ;..... __ "-CdM. )'ellow, 3 rno. new tire•, ...,,,.......~ cru-"""· ,.,., •llC "' VOLVO TOYOTA~VOLVO '67 VW,i $'1.!i& very clean. prof. with 6 mo par. now 3100 W. Coas..:J..""'' 'TOYOTA 1l& Hubor, CM. Cl4&9303 $SOIL cull, """" -• wq ·old. Now ll'anWlel. VO? 64U4111Newport 540-1164 1-----TOYOTA , 137.81 Mo.•O.A.C. 11\-IO!l Xh>t .... at l950. 491-0<Tl VOL • ll'Oft.·--63-C-SO--,•AM/--~-,,-.--'. Autbotbed MG Dealer '67 HARDTOP e '60 VW. Ktcb xmt. 56 V.W. ~ en Ii n e w· H r•--'Ill "~ -I.AND<l<UISEll HEAOQUARTERS T.O.P: p)"' sm· omi>aul, new paln~ now O lvo ~ ~ " i nk. ~3.000 ml.. pr. pty., •I!'~ • T 'Iba ~ low mileage C&ll~~ mmm brakn. Header· exhaust. SEE US JS'l' OR LAST.• ~.....,,,. ... Interior, "51VlUL ,,. ... ..., ..... °""'· ELMORE '66 vw·eu., '11\liil Finn. !tuns-. sm.oo. '*'9C1l6 Bl1l' SEE us1 ' -• .,-REN-A_OL_T_~---.• -.-~-• -· Incl. w.m h""' • Ex......... """"""' alttt • PM ' cfi• LIJl)ij .. '66 PORSOlE su, 5 speed, ~ RU extra tarp bUllb-in au tank. im s-4 Jdw.. wmonm rill. -2833 • ·~ vw · 1 ·-elec heater, 3 band radio, with bUt. rem11 va<hl11 CULJ-) • ...,.... ~.. • new pam, J.l1Ul> ....... A-" ....... Phone IM--3322 bi-bl.ck aeatl &: int. Good exb'a d•an, low ml!,_ --•: llr. •hllt. .!500. $2399 'lll08.:VW IHf'ORTS . $4400. 67J.-0870 675--ttJIS 61J..56.1J i:un mecb cond. $600. 54>-2622 .60 8 PORSCHE, ,.,.L .... • TRIUMPH ....,..,.: J ,,,_zm "64Ul31 TOYOTA-VOLVO xlnt oond. AM/FM, many SUBARU BILL MAXEY TRIUMPH TR l • Excellent 1966 VW Camper, &mdlal ~ ~:W ~':~ Ul6& Rartior, C.M. MS-9.113 extra&. PJ.75. MS-0746 qr ----...----condition. $4£6. E l more unit. new Urea, truw, rebll Cocoa mats. Good cond. I... ~ ,.,...,.,, 1969 SUBARU r.=r,.,..:-:.=r.=~I spor1 ean, om . Gvden ..... RAH Per11 64>-nl. l1SOO ...._ * New Vo.,os ,. ~~l~wneC;. ~ ~n:.,,$1~~:.=~ IT191YIQITJAJ Grov.Blvd.,.G.G. · :e":fe~·mecb.oond.Call ·68' vw, ~ ~· aeJ&J"r:~ .. m-9339" 675-.583!i. Kosta ·Kustoni Kars 18881 BEACH BLVD. BUSIEST m.;..,..... .. 67>-23'79 Anytime 15,tm mL i. ......... ,,,. Herb ... _. ande• · Hunt. Booch 847-85S5 ....,. The DAILY PILOT """· $1800. 6'&-1003 m • '59 PORSCHE, $l695 l98J Harbor Blvd. 646-5C84 3 rn1 N. of Cout Hwy. on Bch O•llWed eection. · Savt e '64 VW, Sunroof e 1967 VW Immaculate. Org 13750 Belch Blvd. (Hwy :ci> Eves. 6'lS-3673 DAILY "PII.DT WANT 1DS mme:y, time ·A: dlort. Look e $9'5 e owner. Am~Fm radkl. Best 2 blks So. G.G. Fwy. otARGE IT! BRING RESULTS! DAJLY PILOT WANT ADS! im.r!!J • 962-1695 e Otter. 642-0010 Del Montell. 893-7566 537~ 9800Nlw c ... IT'S THE YEAR HERE IT IS ••• OUR BREAK AWAY PRICE ON A'NEW 1969 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Beautiful Crystal Turquoise Hardtop Coupe is equipped with Cordoven top, Hydramatie1 push button radio, power steerin9, power disc brakes, power windows, air eonditionin9, white side wall tires, deluxe seat befts, headrests, visor mirrors, soft· ray glass fro n t floor mo ts, remote ~On• trol outside mirror,· hidden wind,hield antenna, '400 cubic inch en9ine (350 hp, that is), end oil the standard deluxe Gron d Prix accessories. PLUS UC. & TAX BREAK AWAY TODAY DI THE CAR . . . AND ANOTHER BREAK AWAY SPECIAl ! • • • • • 1969 FIREBIRD HARDTOP COUPE OR WHAT EVER BIRD IT IS - The American sportlcar tha t ha s take n the co untry by storm. This car, serial #223379L601186 is reedy for you, today! Beau tifu l mayf•ir mat• with black in· terior. Automatic transmi1s.ion, radio, heater, decor group, power steering, tint ed glass, custom trim, heed rests plus many other extra features. 5 3077 PLUS LIC. & TAX AND ONE OF THE MOST OUTSTANDING VALUES OF ALL THE '69 LE MANS Hii i II GllAT l'ALUI IN ONI O• THI MOST POP· UL.Al PONTIACS Of AU ••• THI 11cntN• u MANI H1rdtop Co11p•. V1rclort1 t •••l'I •~+•rior with bl.de i11. terior. D•co~ 9ro11p, 111to1"111tlc, p111h b11Hon r•cflo, h11ter, power liHt•nt. tinted tl•ts, •le. Seri•I Number 211J79R600324 . 5 2977 PLUS LIC. & TAX 0 0 ~-_._ .. _.,_P_• ---~'-..$._,_P ______ -_-_-_...: _-_..!......:~ -~ -~"~·~-~~· ---·---~- ' - • t It i ' " " . r ') .. ' . ,. , '1 1 ' ,. 1 ~ _,IOO T~Sl'ORTA~~ mt!•"9kTATION ~ r'!A,,,11•;;;.·"°.:.kT""""A;;,;Tl .. O":.r;·-1.:.'::.R~,;;.:;:.SPO:..::.;:kT:.:A:.:T.:;:IO;:.:N:..,_ Antle~-IS ~,,. Leal ... ' fflD u .... Cera ~ '56 ... erctdes •AUTO IWIM&* ~ADIL~C 300 SL OULLWING • '58 CAD ... , Coiiwle!W ,..~ .,.tne of ALL !WO!S • -'!>°"• P/S, 68 CHEVY II :aio:.\,.": \':.!er.:; ~~if:i~.~·t:.~ !'.!.~ •. ·z~~~"'= ~~ .. ~~'°'."': · WffY NOi• 1 • ... ~1 ~ .. m w. eout·lllrl>""" • r;, °''"1 ..i1 "IF 5,30, dlo. 11 .. 1er. t •IJ\el' _ ,. a 484.illJl.,.~. ,NOwpori ,~. \:-~ .14()-~ Lo~mllft. #:•2WI,. . .. 'sTEP • 1936 Ford lrill· 115. l _ ." EL DORADO., 13.250 int. $2090 . • -. """"'"• wtUI -u...i c... . 9900 Loededl Fl"""'( ....... GUARANTY Up To A • ~~ ..... wt':.=.,.."'\~~ lRANSPoRTATION ~· ~ Mr. Memn. CHEVROLET : • . • 'iif>e<ll, Idell to ma kif a ' tlll 'Al£, 'U CAD.~ De'Villo; f\IU • . · • tn.1ler Jffth pg;. V.W. ~· tMfl. ~ ~T. & alJ'. Vr/ ~'dt!DI BD A 11p • -.11 about •""bW. ~ toi Cred!i:''prOblem! see'WI for s:zm .... 66-2181. Everitnb & llftll • 3 ot them. cau 53&Mll H.8. bwtant delivery, low prices, ~kends, 1-496-5695 W ··• IINO Ford Pix \)ll!l!t. Beul ~ terms. We decide on 1StlO ~ ~ Vlllo, ·-1 . NE point-chromo(Au °""' -credlL Call«' come -/In>• Clvul>aW: Full I ruimi. -· 4 -""'"' Ill IOday.540 •JtZ power, tmmacul&te, $600. ' IPd ~ !Oatllor llltl --644-2500 tftLft a 11n1L ·14M1q1at1.-1; , · ILUI C:HIP , ....:..:;c.;.-~---1 tzU.7 AUTO SA~ I • " . · • '-· 21'11 H01'!>o< Cotta Mosa . CAMAl!,0 'BUICK· ' • Autil .. Wln.r... ',9700 . WE PAY. SASH FOR I . •:•WE p~y .: .'. · YOUR -G'-R PAID ~988;'": CASH .•.. ~,;;~:02 Ville 1 8 . \... e '67 Cougu XR 7 i~• tor used ..... ;Ii tll!cb JUI! 11,000 mi. $27511 I • can UI !Or tnio oitbnat" • Ex".C,do, new. °"' , . ~ _ . GRqTH CHEVROIEJ ~~ .. !:'.;.~ ... ' • . Aak for S&let M&Jllla' \V,t&O~ 9 JIUI, air $2400. 1vt, •1i1tomotlc, p • w • r• 1ml Beach Blvd. Alma Motors. l.fJOO W. Coast •f't•ri119, radio, h•1far, d•·a Hunttnitorr :Beach Hwy, N.~ 644-1149 ltln• whtal covar1, hatd , KI 9.3331 , · . , '59 OPEL· Wagon, runs ok, ••" ""d many, m1ny• $50 ,62 Falcon -4 dr clean n1 E. 17th St a111ortl 9?105118 a WE PAY Wff $375. S42-7S23 ' • 3100 w. Coast H'wy, ·At Santa Ana Freeway J2rtuport 31111ports I. 'mmtdi .. ~e D~livery a •... , ':,. ,.,_, f-· . .i. .,,. , Ney.'JIO_rt Be_acb Santa Ana · 5-13-93ll II'· I ,997 -.. ·''MD YNll,,lD'.'·· -.. _..-, ... ICK , .Ge9IOO . • ~· ;1,1~ ,·ru~~ov llllP<ll.'i ". "' I ·' 'r .. : ·~ l!'!l'c_.J!'fi!.l ~· • , . "'" . . Atttnom<d id.(11 _J ·~ ~ . $ "oou1$ •· I; l ' . !II -..... 'lia BUICX Rtriera. stiat~ 1 ' &t ~ ' -" .aBdJo & ate!' &Ir tCond• ll l I DOWN • . CO~No.,:"' .· ....... Full pwr .. Fae .~. CHEvROLET . pwr •Ir .. auto.,;, .. $;,,, .. IU 'T ,. u. I CHEVR LET · V""'I , top, Jmmao. $4395. · South COii! Motoro · =,.,,.. I u • ..... •11 · ' Fotd . . . ~. n4 er.dlt. GMAC• 2828 ~Bl~;' Or& OWPir. 61l-31'&1 '67 GA.PRICE. :1 Dr. 1HT. 303Broad :M;:Beacti ti Pl1tc111cl119. • c.o.ta ~ea "~ '57 BUICK SUper, 2 dr, P.S., A!r-<.'Qnd; Loarled w/ ex-· .sust5 way, 549-3sst ... · , •••••• Wiii' Bay · ~!ici!~"0J.'.:5s.~~ ~"' ".':~""' ~.:; $2450. ~65 cHEvY 1M~ALA • II: · A GU AR • · Adlllml, <Mita Mesa. ··sr·CHEVY, Ber Air \Vagon, Hardtop • LOADED! Fact ' • Yoar VolklnienW ~ '66 BUICK Riveria.. 23,1'.XXl clean. sacrifice, $250. or air, dlr, radio, beater, black • .... DQUARJfRS a ".,~ ~.~~ Ji'ald' for. ml.,. Port "'""'· Ha' belt oUor. 847...., vtnYEx.,,,1ll~p1, ~ut. boLocalt-~ • ..., .. ....-ACL -everyth,illg. 673--8943 • l955 Chev. Wagon, 6 cyl. ~· ""'i.rv ~l•t• S1l11. Serv-67'3·1190 '1967 Bt.llCK Oil.if. G.S. Stick; il'f!afmotor $125. Sa~ aemente car. S85-Cash E .· _;nd Part' Depart.• · Sharp! • , Mm . 011 er1 inc license M8-1005 deJrvers. wm fine prvt prt;y. eftt-for JAGUARS, • IMPOR~ -.)I/ANTED S45-Q96.. S48-7033 . . 494.9773 or 545-0634 · ~. f. •• Tht Excitin; • ~' i.~M , ·~ ~y II/ red S W, ' '66 EL CAMtNO 1 ...-~ ·1 '' Je1u1r Todey .:-~.'mft.• :a__t{XER ".. ' apd. $700 -er b!tt-V8 F ,,._ "'----iL;i . I BJLt 'MAXEY roYQTA CADILLAC ou .... 5.16-n93 • ... =·power • ........... :. --~ ~-~vd. --.CH.i;ri..JY•JQn.Y.B. m .. radlo, "'."$'{5:;; ~1 __ _ • !,SDAND c NEW I!' lf, BeUlL PIC 8i'r:al5' •68 EL DORADO, lit;e new;, automaoc, garunm,,. ro»<t GUARANTY Ii ' l-:: -•A to '-··I 9110 9000 mlleL """'· ""'~ ""' .tJ50.~ ... · .. ' · . · •.t l 1969 v . .,... "'-'P,IY, lmmac. 67$<635. '68 £HEV .. Jmpala; cuotom. CHEVROLET '-' ~ • '68 MUsi'ANG V-3; air; '}6f£LDORAOO. fat:tory Pw'r.-ilt'kl., 1teer.:-.4~ 11.t~'.Uttt'Bh ; 1 , •• J ; • d'ulse.().matie: pwr. 1teer., ,e~!1 .. ·new tttts & hdtp. S2600. 833--':887 -At Santa A!ll...~. I ~ I OPEL • illx. in~.: radio. 10,000 ML bl'Uke;s; '5,350 673-6!jil0 1959 'CHEV .i:"o\\'!'!r S & B,. Santa Ana _ ~ t·, i • Lease . Jl;S.65 per mo. 0: 1960 CDV, air, powef, new V-8, Xlnl mecha~. cond. Prf 1965 CHEVELLE Ma 11 bu ~. 1 purchUe · 12,750. 64f>..2182, transmission. $475. pty $325. 546-074.J Super Sport r & h auto i~ )$ ONLY • eves, & wkenda ~2049 499-3464 after 6, 1961 CHEVY 6 cyl. 1tic:k, trans, ps, ~u tires.' $1525. , • J 1899 a 8usJEsT • lftaketplaoe tn '61 FLEETWOOD, full power X1nt cond. New t l re s ' _6_75-36_5_2 _____ _ ~· J • town. The DAD...Y pnm A: air, ·new trans .I: tire1, brakes a: tnul.s. 962-Sno '68 CHEVELLE SS 396, di&c .\ ~ • C1usmtld teetlin. 'Sa'fl $950. Call MS-2807. '63 CHEVY Van $600 brak!'!S, 4 &pd, VT, bkt seats, j , lMMEDIA Ti • """''"time .. -. Loo• • . .. ·I 24.000 mU.•. loch, JMT '"· "°' tract. -.;f, (DELIVERY • naw!!I SOCK IT TO 'EM! Call 673-1684 892--0365 after 5 PM. •quipped incl~d;ng • matter eylinder br1~•• , heater, whit• wel!1,. pied wi11d1hi\1d \llijl~ ..,.r ,..1•ni11g 'f111her, r1dio, • ti"~""" : POOLE'S FINE USED CARS I • • II ' 'fl! BUICK RMera a jEutlr-•r, feetory 1ir, low• ,mll.a9-. ITHBS2 I I ·i $3995 : = :64-C:HEYROLIT S.S. a Je,.;... R&H, 1111!0.1 PS, • .W•· (OOJtlll , • :; ;,$1395 .~ '67 PLYM. Fury II I .... D~. R&H, eul•., PS, •Jr.. ~(VCJ42B l • Ii; $1895 I -.=u OLDS Dynamic aa• ~ l>r. H.T. R&H, 111t11., rs,~ ..,r co11d, !MOYl46l • " ::: $1495 •· '66 TEMPES.T • ."fi.T. Coup•. R1dio, h111t1r, • futometic, power d1•ri119 . •\SV!66U a ::.:~·$16'5 • 1j:'6r THUNDERllRD a • '\~. Futl pwr., f.-c. 1lr, • 9'10,0f!O rnlln~ .fX.SA-1111 • •:;·$3995 • I · :'6ll C:HEYaOLn 1 • .. I ~ tloor h1rdlop. RIH. 111· • •lo,.·~S. IFXX2,ll "' ". "$395 • . ... '-· ~ ·' 'l6 OLDSMCjlllLI I 11!9f!111do. Full P'"''' 1114• •:::f1•t"1 11r '111dlllo11in9 .• .Jl/olll121 :-.f s~•.95 • 11! ''7 IUICi·'iliy&k I!' •l',err ,011r•· RIA,'" 111to.; .,,, '•fr •rtd, fTUZlltl • Iii . ' $2595 • fu-:oONI M-• : -"1 Dr. H,T. A&H. 1uto., .,S,·.~lr oond. 1rruo121 • •. -$2191 JOHNSON . & SON PREMIUM TRADE-INS! HERE ARE BUT A FEW OF . • .• I CONT INENTAL INSPIRED MARQUIS THE FINEST RE·SALE CARS. ·· ..,_ .. IN ORANGE COUNTY-BUY NOW AND SAV.E! ~ ~ I -'6.1 · lijlC:K •Wll.DC:AT, 4 Jr: H.T. Bill• •rt. w/u/411_ i11t., fully pwr. 1q11lpt., f1,t. •tr, tin ,tr . wfl!,, I fltl•'ltily. JICTl1J I $1195 'H C:HEvY Impala SS C:pt $1595 'lerft>i11d1 blue m1t111c •rt. w/mfc~. bucket •••t1o·hlty fact, e".i,,t + •• · h-1111., RIH, PS, Pl, fie. tlr cortd. Lie. NRt96" ' ,-. .•·· f '61 MUSTANG Z·Dr. H.T. $2295 ld9\;t '"•· '"'· w/m1l<Mo9 lot. · Fully f•c. 1qulpt., •Uto. tr1"'·• R&H, PS, 1tc. Atfr•'· I 1conom. \'CKl17 '66 THUNDERBIRD H.T, C:pt $2595 l11ut, 91ld ltr11n1• 1rl. w/conlr. bei;•_ l11t., lux. equipt. thruout. Full pwr, 11111. 1. tr1 ns., RIH, fie;. 1ir, '• ;.. ; I ow11 .. ur.1fW ly driven, Lie. SIN52t . -. • . . . • '65 C:HEVROLIT 51495 '67 MERC:U~'( C:Olonf Pork $2795 St1. Wgn, lmp1l1. "'"""d' blue . t P•••· 1t1. w111; Strkn9 ~retie wht metilfc fl11. w/bl~ vinyl int., .. tr111 .. "i ' • w/turq, ~nt., •· tr1111., .. Rl:k, 1lr eon., R.H I'S PB f · I h to! PS, Pl, t1lt1d whl ., elr.·fR.·lrd 1•el, • ' • IC" .. r. t •w• •• . I • ' I I '· ., I I .u. Wflt. • • 1199. r1c , 111 •C . ti! 'JI •• ewn. . cire • .....-. "' 1 ''"-·~ ... ' • I •I 'ti ' U1"717 " _ .. -cir, rnu1t ••• to 1pprec I • c. ri '67 IARAC:UDA Z.Dr, H.T. VI, 4 •P;IH tr1111., p-•• 1t11rl111, ·;RIH, Wto. Yri!'f c\11n,.low 1111111. Mld11lthl Olu• 1111t11ic w/1111tchl119 l1tl•rler. TXS77J 51895. 'H C:OUGAR ·. '$30. 9·5>. , S..ro~y ylw, fin . w/b.lk. vinyl l"I., •· • , ' tr1n~11R&H, rs, P dl1c I, driv1" o"ly . 17,0otr 1111, lmm1c.. Lie. VTM586 . . ··u C:OUGAR . . $229. 5 M•'· ltlue '¥f•h• ff"O w/111t1h, fit., ' ··e. t1'01t1., RIH, PS, otL v,,, 111111. •• LI .. UDRllt , , " I ,' • : ' ( '" . ' -~- '61 OLDS C:utlau Sup 2 Dr HT $3195 l1eullfMI 11ge old 111t. w/mtchnt bucket 1e1h, b,k l1nd1u roof, Fully • ~ fie. •ci11lpt + •· tr1n1., R&H, PS, PB, tee. •lr:·-Ortv,ll" .. 16,000 ml., c11•· fulft 1111,Jitt. lrf .o.flt 9WJ1r~ X-0~412 '67 TORONADO !Dtlu11I. . $3295 Q,,.,,. 9old fl•, w/Htl• blk. ;,1. ' D•I. ,,,_.,full pwr., fac, 1ir <.ond. I -"·· Ulr1 MW. S~•w· .f1ttfdie111 c1r1, ·Steilt N\rrnb1r ·42.44A ' ' ' 'H C:ONTININTAL 4-dr SH lr111l11• wht. fin. w/b11ri. kr-i. lthr. ltttR •· tr11t1., RIH, f.11 pwr. 1.\ulpl I t11. e1,.11nd:011e·1f)h1 better 0119 ow!lf" !'•d1!:tn1. Lie. fNZl&O ·• •, . . . . . THE PRICE ON EACH AND EVEP.'(USED CAR IN OUR GIANT INVENTORY HAS BEEN SLASHED. WE MUST DO THIS TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR RECORD BREAKING ·NEW CAR TRADE.JNS.-START .THE NEW YMR .Rl6KJ' IN A DEPEN""' 'ABLE LATE MODEL 'USED CAR ' OR ·iRAND ·N~W.'1969 PL'l':0 MOUTH, CHRYSL6R OR IMPERIA~. Tl:!E,~EST ~AR AT 'TI'lt" BEST PRICE , , , •• THAT'S ATliAS-OHR·YSLF 0 .PLYMOUTH,.· i" ~ • , .. ; ... ~h~~~~WA~EN . fRID94J) ' y f1 etory •quipped, SJ388 BRAND NEW , i96f ·VALIANT 2.pR. SEDAN FULL FACTO~Y.'.£¢UIPPED '.' . 202 .~ .. ~·rl•I No. VUIA9E12l9l7, ' BRAND NEW 1969 PLYMOUTH fUll'r. FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED All~ ,.,. .. , ..... u. ,,, , .. -...... Y«ll lMotli __ , _.,II, IHI ' I .. , • .,~:;,-;::-:;:-::-. -... --· -· ·-........,.... ·-• • • -..·-:--:-::-:-:-:;-:-,.-~~::'!':':"."~'!""~~~~"'!".""-~"'!~~~-!"""'!'"'""--"'-'!""'~"!"'--... --...... ------""'""!~---.~,,.,.T'l"I ,. .#--.1\t ~ -... _ ••••••• ,..... • .••• ••••• •••• ' •• ••••• "• ............ ~. •• •• •• ... • ..... ·-·. I • . . ; ' . . • < 34 DAILY "1.0T frldlJ, -., 10, l'N>t r •N<P611tATION TUNSPORTXTtOt( fR»miOll:TATION TllANSl'OllTATIOH TllANSl'OlTATION TllAN_,.ATIOH TllAHSl'OllTA TION TllAN~TATIOH TllANSl'OlTATIOH HOOINwC... • - , . • • . . CADILLAC for NINETEEN SIXTY· NINE ' ,. JANUARY S•LE 1967 C4DILLAC n. .. l..,.fy .c..,. 0. v1n. h•• .11 ,,.... ...• ..-i .... lrw:litdl"' ,..., 1te1rln9, ~ ... , .. wtM1wi. IMf '"" C-'iilK'• f,,.. feet.,., elr co1u:flti111I~ ......_ AM-FM. tilt ...._I. twilt,i.t &Mt .. ,.,_... ~ Ea,lo tlrea. ... 11tlf1I loc.lfy° drl""'-fi111 ett....w1•. IYAX710) SALE $4333 PlllCE 1964 OLDSMOBILE f.I' o.l1n 1t .. ion w•9ot1, F.lly .q11ipp111d lrlchtdlnt VI 111ngi111, 111ut•0 ••tit ••-hlo11, r•di• •"" -..,.,, pew., fltffrln1o 'ower l>r•ht, A ......, •ke lw.u• •derlot wltlt m•tc.hi•t i11tuior, lhis c111r 11 nl ••c.•lltnt c...4ht•11. M1tt 1111 .. (JAL1171 SALE $888 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC Fl"tweN lro,.9h•Mo M•l•1tic t19•I 1lfvw with bltclt pt44.d top •nd bl111clt t1p•1try •11d le•th•t interior. All power inclw<ilint 1 ... rlnt br••••, wlll4--, .,.,nt wlnd•'#lo Wu11lt lid r•INH, Stwte rffio, tilt •nd hle1c.opi• 1fHrinj wM.I ph11 f•ctory •it condit!Oflin9. fUKV.Jltl SALE $4666 PRICE 1966 BUICK Clrte111 L.S..W. 4 DOCM" litrdl•p, Sl"'rklilHJ hi•I bl•• wftlri Nlclilnt 11111,.. i.r. Feet.,., 111tr conditioning, •11tomatic. tr111n1111/1tlCN1, ,_ deerin9, ,._.., br1ko1, t•di•, h••lw, ate.. Tl'lolly • fin• a¥to1111ffil• ffl•t '"'"' be '"n •Ml dri¥•11 te 111ppr9d•I• In fine Yeluel ISIW4f9J SALE ~2222 PRICE 1964 CADILLAC Tiie "'od pepular C01.11" D•Vill• fini1lltd In Nil• 9'"" with whlJ• P'd· dM to, ind h111uriou1 white la1ther i11l•ti1r. Ab1olut.ly le•d•4 lnct11dl11t peww 1feerb1g-l>re••1·wind•W1·M•._11t wlndow1·tr111Jk Hd rtle•H, 111 .. , "ntin1I, AM0 FM rtdie tnd lftllth mor• plu1 fMfotY •It ceMltionlng. IJTE1921 SALE $1999 PRICE 1965 THUNDERBIRD Und .. her4to,. A IM•utiful Mpphi,.. blue T~lf'4 with th• wfllte lende11 roof, 1H 'f'i11yl inferior. Fill po_, equlp1n111t ind. pow"' ...... ,,, ,ow•r steering, po•lf' "Wifldows, pow1r 111t ind f•cfory 1lr coiwlitioning, A11 ouht11111clint ctr •t 01ht1ndii ''"'"t'· (MPP121 I SALE 1666 PRICE 1967 CONTINENTAL A b••uliful twqu•h• 4 cloor with turq11oiM full l••ffttr i11terler. All th• popul1r p11ww 111lth Including p•w•r , .. •ring, br••••, wlnclow1, 111+1, fectory •it conditlenl111. Thb c•r i1 •tHol11t•ly f•nt•1tic in1ld• I out encl fu1t w1ltln1 for th1t pertlcul1r buy•. (TSM771 I. ' SALE $3555 PRIC! i ; • 9900 CHRYSLER i ":.... i ~ l -·~ ' ~ flDWAT QOSE I flOM ANYWMIRI I IN OUNGI CllUllTI 1 MU IOVT1f Of WI DlUO rwr. ON RAllOI ILVD. 9900 9900 1-----~----CORVAa COUGAR A Masterpiece from ... . . . the Master Craftsmen •• ' On Display and Ready for Delivery Today! . ORDER YOUR 1969 CADILLAC NOW I LEASE DIRECf • FAST DELIVERY FAST'. SERVICE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY font11tlc DI VIiia Conqrtit~I• flnhh•d In ••••tlf11I l•1nhoe 1968 CONVERTIBLE 'I'''" with bl•ck fop 11111 bl•c.li leafhtr interior, Fully power •quipped lncludint ftcfery cir condifionin9, tl•r•• AM -FM r•dio, eutom111tic. c.rui1e-c111trot, tllt-t1l11coplc 1te••i11g wh11I $ 49 9 9 111nd •••" pow•r Yent •inclow1. Thi1 Ceclilt•c i1 i11 1uperb con· •itio11 in1id• I outl IXSP6941 SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY thni FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY and SUNDAY SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1968 JANUARY • SALE, 1966 CADILLAC P•l'llll« DeVIH1 -•...WW. ftttltf1-4 ie lv1hn1 ~hlMll toitl wlffi ~-· .., oM •&..• ...... " Nteriw, hllJ ''wet ~11ip1Nil i•t:IMl•t foctory oir c~ AM·fM te41e ...,~ .. "¥ ..... , C.tlilloc 1cco1111tha lHl!f!ll .. .... trk wl1149W1-I tMt. A ,..1 .. i..t ($QYtl )) SALE ~888 PlllCE 1966 THUNDERBIRD Th• .,...,.,. 2 If~ ll•r4t.o, k fslly -."i'r-1 with p•w•t , .. ,,i111, p•ww ltr•lt•, ,._ wl""•w&, ,-.r •••t •11d hnl's f111rn••• fllldill;ry ,1, c•n• ~lttl•11l"f. A INvflM ..tr. ,u ... ., •xhri., wltlt bl•cli vi"YI h1t.rler. M11t ite .. .,. a 4rfw• te fwlly •p,.eclriel tRTUll9), SALE $2222 PlllCE 1967 CADILLAC D•Yilt. '""'ertfbl .. "•utlf11I C.M• ..... with m•tchin9 ''' •114 le•th" l11hrl•r, T~t i... Mllea,. c•r 11 11c111ptien•Uy equi,p.4 with ftct.ry alt cell41HM"'t. ,.._ tkerln1, ,. • .., lwtltM, ,_, ... n. p11wer wlltJ•w-. Hit ,114 hletc•pic "'h"I, AM·FM rHI•• IXSP692 I $4333 .. SALE PRICE 1965 CADILLAC DeVJlle 2 '-· ltt111ftit1friitt t111d hit• w/burnt lt~n f111! IMth1r, p1w. .,. , ... ·,11111, p-w ltt111lie1, •IMttic wln4tws A •••h, tllt wt.••I, whit. 1lde ••llt, fHtery •if' c•n41He1tl"tl• Alt l1111111•ul•I• c•r Hi111t k True Q11•llty at 1 r11el l•w, lew ,,le•. (PCMJ71) SALE $2666 PRICE 1965 CADILLAC 'fl.e pe1111l1r 1ed•11 DeVllle. Fini1hetf 111 l1req11• t•ld •xteri., wlth 1111tch• int 1eld le1th1r '"' cloth ln .. rlor, H•ll •II tM P•l"ll•r C111dlllec l11sury· f1•tur11 lnclutlllftt pewet 1te•rlnt1 '9Wff W111••s. '•w•r winli-., pew•r t•11h, tlt111I 1e11klnt r1dfe •ntll •I ce11r .. C.4lll•c fect•ry t lr c0Mltlonln1. 1712%1 • SALE ~666 PRICE 1962 CADILLAC C•up1 De~i\le. Thi1 fll•je.riic tua.4. black C.tiillec witJt white l•tftri.tf' interler h11 ''"'··· .u ,, tf..e ...... fe1kr•• th1t c.-111.c " f11r1•u• fer incluclint p•w•r 1te•tint. -flOw•r lrr1 .. •s, poww tt•f1 111i ,..,, wliwl-t. Al•• h11 C1dill111c. F1ctory 1ir conditioning, Yiu must clrive thi1 •n1. IJRH5J21 SALE PRICE 1965 BUICK Wilclc.1t 4 cleor h1rclte,. Sp1nld! Sllv.r finl•h with recl •inyl i11 .. rlot. Equ t,pecl with AM .FM r1dle, tilt tf.erlnt wheel, p•w•r trun• lltl r•I••••+ wire wli••I co••rs, redi1, h11f(lf',._ •ut•1t11tic tr1Mrniui•11, ,ew•r t.feeri119 1114 p•w•r ~r••••· Very lew mll•e.. IRRYJ76) AND OF COURSE FACTORY AIR CONDRIONINS. SALE PRICED Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer 5ervlng The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540'·9100 r---·----'64 Ch,.,.... lmpori1I pwr, air aincUtiorrlzw. 6 WQ' pwr Beats, dlr, pwr an- tmn&. Cu has had loving care. New Utts. S:SS cub dtbven. Will fine prvt pty, Ta.la! bw pymnt&. 4St-8773 « 5'>"634 Condition. 'S7 ~ Yorku. $225. Far below market 642-100 COMET CONTINENTAL • NEWWlU MOTORS • • ------~--- • '60 Sl'UDE. Larlr, x1nt car; S250. D9ys c a 11 64>-"'50: ,,,... - • . .. . ' ' ' . • BRANC NEW 1969 I FORD LTD PULL -fACTOIT ·19Ull'PID Wl'lllt 'Nlll1 & Wheel CoYUI Ollllontl BRAND NIW 1969 THUNDERBIRD . FULL FACTORY Et;IUll'P!D $)998 82 blHI NOW! BRAND NIW 1969 CUSTOM 2 DOOR SIDAN Court•sy light with front door ,.. 1wiiche1, carpets, lc:eyle11 door locking, full park windshield wip- ers, etc. l9ROIT129490) I Whitewall tires end wheel covers o tionel) $2275 ORDU NOWI BRAND NIW ·coRTINA STATION WAGON 24 mcinth/24,000 mile warrentf, $2075 16000HV4-cyl.en'iline l71 hp., fully synchroni'xed 4 • speed trans., , (optional three speed automatic tron .. ol•o ovoiloblo I,' 70.5 cubic plet t•• a lictl'lll feet of cargo space, foam padded front bucket seats, folding re1r ,.,t, l)A91HL80HO I -· NEW 1969 f100 STYLE. SIDE ~ICK UP l l r iriclri wheel bt••· FuU-11«0. ..,,,h ) 1pt1d tra111111ft1i1a. W1.t9111 · Mirr~ He..,., ~-tf l'ri"f'· 11, 240 11991 ... • itfft N1. 4Jlt ~~ ---- NEW ' . ' 1969 FASTBACK or 2·Dr. HARDTOP MUSTANG ., .. ,E!jlUll'PED Plus Tax ind LicenH ORDER NOW! BRAND NEW ·'1969. Whitt Wtlt. & WllMI Cew:r1 Otll1tlnll ~p K_ING CAMPER :::~ .... $5295 COMPLETE-PLUS TAX & LICENSE lOV. FT. FRONT KITCHEN FOLD.OUT llD -SLllK 6 -StM• N•. 4191 60 MONTHS FINANCING THIOU•M COMMIRCIAL CUDIT COIP. PJIO ._ s,..tot YI, ..... ,_~~~ ........ -.... Now In Our · ~ • · . . 51 st Cl UUMds · Flninclng .YEAR SIRYING ORANGE COUNTY ON APPROVID CRIDIT PLUS TAX AND LICENSI OIDll NOWI ' Whltewoll Tlr" ondWhoolC-rs Optlonol ' " . • l •_ . $1778' Plua Tox OM Lico- INVENTORY C~IARANCI ON ALL" oua·11Q1•: il·S ·ED C·ARS '66 RAMILER '66 CHEVY SS '68 MUSTANCi '65 CHEVROLET 4.0r. H.T. v.a.. •!JfonMtk, rMlo. tlffttr. ~ 1tw1""11, ...-w br.U.. wNtt' wall 11,..., LlcertH Ho, PNC IJt. 51495 '66 CHEVROLn NOYA • I Cl'lllMlef', t\lfomllnc. 1'9dlD, ........ ll- ' eie ... NO. SI~ 41 51295 '67 cMmoLrr IMPALA COUPI HAID TOP V .... tutemet1c. rtdle, llffttl'. '°'"' lt9lriftg, nctorv •Ir con1111i.nrrw, """"' Wtll fl,., llnt•I.._ V"'-lc. UUnM Ho. Nll.C "'· .. , ;} • ~1595 '66 FORD GAL Wr. H.T. v... ...,.,.,~ 1'9d!D. .....,...., ,._. 1,..rtrtt .. fKl'9rY t lr COl'lllltilltlk!t, wtlllt \ ..,. tlrW. tlrrt.11 tltu. Lk:tft,. ..._ 'T~•r . 51695 '66 MUSTANG HAUfOP V.., •vllwMTk. rMlo. ,_.i.r, L~ fW, Tll 11J, 51545 '67 MUSTANG HAIDTOP V... .....,,.tic. rHle. llffttr, ,..., lflfr1M, ....n. win """ tlll!Wll ..... Lac.nM Ho, UJD 0 . 51995 '63 RAMILIR AMlllCAN 2oDL UIAM ' cyll,.,..., •Tiet Nilft, llMW, wfttt. Ifill n,.... LkMM ,..._ OMK a 5595 .Y .... "lllrlifNdk. "... Miter, ..., .,..,,..., ... "' ..,, ""'· t!Jrttf ....... &...._, tw. Tl"H "" " 51795 '66 MONZA .CH. 51395 '66 MIRCURY f.Dr, HADTOP '67 ~DGE ............. I a<llrlffr, tllflDfNtlc. rMll. ,_.,.,, LI- ~ No. TYllll. 51495 '63 f.llRD Z•I HAllTOP v ... ~ttc. ,.,..,, """'· ""' -""• _,.,.,. "' GOMlt ...... •n. ..... ,,,., """' t1Mt. uei.r-. ,.._ IHZ 5& 51195 '64 f.llRD HAU10P V4, ..-..at)J, "41o, ""*°• fllll ,...,., twleri .., ~-~ ........ Wiit ",... fti'lf9f ..... Llcl!IM,.., OllML 51595 '65 FllCON l'mllA COllYllTIKI v ... ~ .......... ttr .......... '"'"' U... ..... HOI ,., 51195 52895 SI HAllA DP- ''WHERE THE DEALS ARE!" I " '65 PAIRLANE sron COUN '67 FORD •AWll loll._ H.T. V-1. •ut'"11tlc, rMlo, l!Mttt, ,_- 119trl11111, IKtillrY llr condlllll'llflf, wflltlt ••U 111'111, fllittd 111-. UCW. No. TUN•, 51995 ' '66 C'IRY. SEl>AN 1WAlllNMI JN, V.f, ~le. rMllr. Mlttt, ...-r '"""""' fedwY .... ,,....,,......... Uo -HD. TIK~. 51495 51595 '67 COUGAR . v.t. ~ """'',. ............ . ...., ..__ ..... '""'*" f9dtry .... . ~ nit ....... 1. YlrlYf -LI' -.... UF#'Ut. 52645 '65 UNCoLN COJCnNIMTAL COMiUI .. .... ___ ... _, = g~~.:--~'I liWI 51595 I .. llf..,.~'3"'~--::~::-..-.----------..... ...,,."'"=-·=--cr::--.,,.. .............. """'""""""~Mll!l!"-!!!9'!9!11!'!'!'1"!!1"1119!! .................................................. ll"!! .... • l ' ' • • • . -. -. - ·- .... = ~ ' ' ' ' 10. DELUXE '. :-2 DR.~D~S -. EVERY CAI WITH AT .... ' . . , ' tEAST 'ntlS · Jil!JIPMEHT YOm CNOICI ( ' "" : '2051 64 ti.ti Dr. *2UO.OM . . . -GT 10 . 2 DR. SIDANS mnt CllOtcl '$218715 u. 4•-.i, ..,..,, ' . f< • • • ,; !. • '.· • Avte fnns,, lot. 111C1 1111!. -.,.,., 'WIW tlte11, trnl, ll!K brks. Mro llow wnlll•llon, frill W ritr ~ 2"Pd '*""" lelt Id(. Wb .. Hdded vl!tYI M•• ....i lrlm Pkf, trar. PAOdecl ann rsll. c(IUl'tesr lltltl. - • EVERY CAR "l\'.ITH AT LEAST THIS EQUIPMENT 8 STATiplf I • WAGONS . EVERY C~R WITH AT . l!AST THIS EQUIPMENT YOUR C~ $2329 39 . . . ~ Auto IT•n,., Jnr. 1/ld •~"-6ec.or t i'·• w1W 1lr1$,•tr111. clilc brki. ~ro flow ven1ll1t(on, trsti •Ir ht. 2-cl>d. • ·""*~ MH .. u . brtlS.. •'Jllde'f vi.vi IHls IJ\d 1rlm, pk .. , .. , • .-dlllid .,."' ,. ... ~,,.~ 111111. ... ,. • 1 -· j •. ~-. NEW .t989 ·MUSTlll 2 DOOR HIRiTOP ' ' PRICE iNdUDES Bl!CK SIDEWAUS A~O STAND~ "!'• ws. oitou TODAYI ... • • ... • ' f • • ~ • . ' NEW .t"8 -T-BllD HAllJl.TOP . ~ - .. .-~~-~88 .. ,,. ·~7~. ,· <Y .... • • ' ' . .. .... .... . . . ' •: · P_l\CE":l_NCUIDES .BLACK SKflwius'· AND S:fA~.~·~Pt,:.~"TODAYI ·~\ ~ ., ' . .. . . ' , .. ·SAVE ON "' • • no~•~-Sc.2(lni;_n IAl!'PIJ;Ji """"'tld! fur•I~ withJca • -• -i: -~-= --:Ux;-sfove, ·etc.--.Sleij:is-i. t-250 ;piikUp h-a$3(i) - FOUR WINDS eng., emp Ji: oil gauges, 1950 lb. rear spr-ings (5) GOLDUNf 8.00x 16 . .S~ 8-ply tllbel~ ,tires, delux9' heater and SCOTSMAN defrostel" ett. Many fu"ChoOS'f frlom.lit ThistPrie81 . " -t4ow -· OPEN··.· FAOTORl OI fWllEI SlllLIY IT IM!liut · SUNDA_tS ,~ SPORllMEll'S SPECIAL ' tuCl·AWAT CAMPlt TILUCOPIC . WITH 'M CMIYIOUf Pt~kUP SlllePI f, 1kloot, refrl91r1tor, 1inlr., d~. lt'Jll~). ~ doWll t/lf tr.-<St. $\795 ~~L~. $56:::. F~LL P,~ICE , 30 Months .. 65 Fbrcl Galax le 500 ' Door Hl rclklP, V.f, •utom•lic, ·r1<1~. he1ttor, PGWtr tlH<lng, (VIJ 006). 211'1o clpw-n llf 1r1de. Blue Book Hice SB2S. • $·195 JULL ~PllCI '64 Chevrolet Malibu Wag. !lid~, "'"""'· llO'W*' st.erln9. IOMJ 791L 20% ~ cw lritde. $795 ~~~. $29 :.-:..:.: '~6 · Plymo ... h Fury Ill \II, ubMtlC;.PS,. RLH.-iSloU lfll 20% down or trlde. $1295 >ULL $45 ,_.JI PllCI MHtk, '61 Ford F350 The '69's are coming. And .as Orange (ounty;s only authofized Shelby Cobra dea ler, we 'are coopertting74ii:lctfv With ttit flcfq_?" 'to clean the list of the '68's at "tht grutest discounts we've ever ottered Q!'I Ainerica s numbtr one high perfo~ACe·carl . . . ~ ~ . GT 3"50's-S~'s -50!' ~R's '.4-SPDS, AUT_O. TRANS., CONVERTIBLES ~-'. .. ' '63 Uncolll Continental Rill ,._, •It' COl!dltlanlna. (FTU1tll ~g town or ..... $1195 :~~. '64 Buick Rivlerci Fu n "wer, loaded. Air conil. Cll.l.11 1111 .,_ do'f'll or trldll. $1495 :~~. $52~ '67 T·Blrd Landau 121 T.Wlll "'· .dloG&t trim, F~M -r, fKtory 1lr, flttor, -rr•<lf'I'. tTl!Y '10) (TXU 71t) 21% down ar-trAOt. $3. 195 PUU $86 .... JI Pl.ICE Meltfh '63 ' Chevrolet lmpiiki t omr Hird~. \I ... •~tonwlk:, rid~, IMllW, Pllwer 1tw1rlnf. IKFZtll). 20%-down or trldt!. $895 PULL $30 ,_ JO PllCI Meafts . ' . Transportation Specials : MUSTANG SALE 20 to ~hoo~• from. "'" I "I" c:ylinclor1.' ~ '4 1pe1ds, 011lom1tic. Som• with pow1r ,111rint ond eir c:onclitioning. 1965 #ire 1967 modol,, converlibl11, coupef, end 2 + 2 f1slb1cl1.1. l!XAMPLI '65 MUSTANG C9up1. Pillly oqoipptod, 1uto., RIH, l'.S . IATA.1511 20% clown or tr1d1. $795 :~t~ $31 :.-: .. !: '67 Sunbeom A!pine lrllll~ RMln1 G~. Elll\ll1ped. CUOV'e.!. 20% dOW!'I or !ra<le. ·-$1495 :~t~. $45 :.-:..:.: '64 Mere. Wa9on 10 Pass. Colol'lv Part. Flllt PO'"'" 11<'. !JZY 1ll). 20'lii, -« ·-· s 1095l~~L~~ f \ . $38 ... .. ,w .. ... ' ' ' ' '61 Corvette Hardtop __ Wh.111! wllfl bl111 Interior. CGON G63). WM. dDWR ar Ir•. $1095 ~~. $47 :.":..'~ '6 7 Ambassador · 990 H. T. Low mlrea,e, full -·· 1lr t;Ondltlonlno. tUEX 433) .:i1"°ft.S~-::~~.: · $49 .::: · . '6'6 . .Fcfrd ..,_. l,itre 5 P•-• H11rcito1. lfo~l{ll., 1ulllmetic. 11r condl· 1k:nifll, ,_er .-.r1n1. ISVX tiq. 2t'lil dO'll'.O DI' tr1<1e. aiu. 80Qk ~ 1223.S. :.. ~ $1595 ;~~. ,, $48 :.":.!! ' " '65 Mercuty ·Commuter Wt90ll. F~ 1lr, 111tcmltk. !Oldfd, (llC 171) 20'Jlo i1wf95 ~~~I ' . ''64 PORD :>_ ALI 1 f TO , CHOOSE FROM ? ~. 4 Ooon, Sedolm. ... l'liltllll> .. Ca11wrflblt1, Wl!IOrlf, MlmlP wllh tlr thd tiDWIM' 1!terlftl. · '64 Ohevrolet Sedan EXAMPl.I: Now 1v1r19i119 I I c;ln per w11l th\t c111' be r1t1iltd 11 wh111l111le ta the "pwblic.: lilt th1 d11l1t1 11111 ffri111 1ld1r tt'fl, ,.b' ~hl,··s· t~~~ to'lo m..11s~2·9.oe ..... 24 SA VEii • . • PllCI · Me...W .,,1 Llllld@d, Air -.dlttoru .... (0J(D fHl 201'> llOwn or 1r1cte. '64 "1lD SAU.Xll "soo 4 DOOi $695 FULL $29 Pllf 24 -!~ ~~:J~· Mir eiwlPIPtd. rTWitllH. "'" PRICE . Me11tkl • ff.95 Full Pric.r $23 -per 30 mo1. USED CAR SALt PR,ICES EFFECTM 72 HoURS UNLESS l'i81VIOUSL y SOLD. • ~ I .r, ALL PAYMENtS FIGURED Ok APPROVED CREDIT ' . ' . -JIV(IOuU. l'·IElt ''ckl1" le l'IM'l'I' ......... c.n.le19 1u111Dr1i~ ...... let 1/ld 1>1rtS , r =-,, h •+..t•e:···Jt. ,. ·•,, ·· ·n • -..v· · · • • . -.. •'' ..... t • l . ,• l •• . , • '