HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-11 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' ' I
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Owner· of Laguna Cast~
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They Make •
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For BrownS: · Supervisor C, M.,l'eathetly who r<c:alled
the early years of Orlftge Cowlty and
lhe county a9!n:lloft' "franUc acnunbJ.. inC .,..md li>oklng ,for old cburdlu In a,. l!R'&V COVIW'l .... _. ........
IOnl<Utlnl'a ba-"tl In the c.1onia luara burlo of"'Fcunialn VaJlc7 ml
tt 11141 a...i will for the bmrn ~
'l'be lwown poople are M-4-lcans, lndlahs and Sainoloa wbo Uve In an.,.. orFountallt Vallq toon
u the Colonia Juaru,
They've formed a Brown Cultural
Soc:le!y lo aid their people In educatton,
social Pf'Oblems, and to develop a ere-te:r oense Ol cultural significance IO< fhejr
own backgrounds.
It'• not a Bll<:k Panther JPQVanent.
Tltty ano't I~ for violence or 1t1al
The purpose of the movanent ls seU·
htlp an4 the mtmb«shlp is llllde-op
of.)'Olml mala: 14 to 20 yon okL
The ... -and founder of the erganlutlon II an It-year~ American
Indian, James Li.&na. •
"We're not ilolationlsta," 1111 Jimmy,
''but the aoclety i' primarily fer brown
people. We )Jant to belp our own
people right bere in Co1"nia Juara and
throughout Orange County."
About 20 ot t.be group'• mtmber1 are
from ColonJa Juarez and anether 20
art from Vari«JS cltiea: in 0ranie County.
'!"'"1 -~ ~ ntcltt ,In ~u~""":. FOiDtlaln v.li:~'!· 1!>a ...is· ' Iba -... ltlil • Diiie ol;r!dly -ii -mi1Y fonned
UOot two ~ "" , "'!'be mala oliitdlV< ol the Melt -."J==·1:.l:-~~ -.... lllt ..... miwol .... ";if:.~ =.,1,.11'!!' a1t<r -Iba mu. mem1>m
of • ..um1y grour ...
The Soc:lety aisO altempta lo aid in·
dl\tlduals in finding wtirk. Somtlimes
a recommendation to an employer can
help a young man find his own way
in tile world, without leaning on iovern-.
ment support. •
Two ~a1 workers f,rorg _Qrange, ~an
Rofand and N..cy !oforalea, helped Luna
fonn the Society and ad u advisers.
Jeanne Lara, who operates the com·
murUty center, coordip1tu tbelr ac·
ti vi ties.
But the action comes from the brown
people thelll6elves.
Right llOW members are pitching In
to repaint the cOmmunlly center and
repair it for their use and the use
of other groups.
'Ibey also plan lo dOllate three flags,
U.S., U.N. and state of California, lo
display· In !root of the center.
Tho Sodetj', with perm1ssion and help
from Fountain Valley lllgh School, may
hold a 1et-acqua1nted felUval J n
February on the 1Cbeo1'1 ground"
The festival would be one of the bi""
llep'O In JimmY'• pb11osopby of ~
munity Involvement. "Several groups ·
would help us," he said, "and It would
be a great way for people to just 1et
lo know each other .•
In another upect of commun1t1 ~
volvement, the group met one ntgh£
with the Fountain Valley police who.
patrol the Colonia Juarez.
"We felt the policeman should get
lo know the people here," say1 Jimmy.
"and the kids should know them, IO ·
they're not just 5lr8llle unifonm."
Future programs will include visits
by speakers from various local collqes
and orranizations wbo can tell members
what"• happening for them directly.
To aum up the purpose of the Society
for brown people Jimmy said, "We want
to tum them on to what's available
for them u an ethruc group."
SatEvePost Folds
NEW YORK (UPI) -'!be Saturday
Evening Post, once rud in m1Wons of
American boulobolds, will publiah its
1ut edition Feb. I.
Martin S. Ackerman, president of the
Post, nid Friday the magazine had lost·
'5 million la.st year and waa destined
to lose another $3 million in 1969.
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.SLAYING ..• .
-recognized him on the stree:t by
hi.a flowing blonde moultache and longlab
hair I capt. Broadbelt !aid. ~ • .
Gould had described the wanted man
to his partner.
Sobr-·~ he W~f.IO t!,l!t 14.
the 1uspec~ at which time 8iolmd !wned
and ran toward Gould's position, but
c~nJed direction when Schramm yelled,
alel1jJ1g both hi5 par)llet, and the fleeing
i.uld~~· an>ondmoWiy;''F~
, I have to NY after JllrS
of plannlnil In which· I wu ... ivlleged
to be involved ls that we've aot. a
fine and dandy courthouse."
'l1le building boolel Superior aDcl
Municipal courla and many of the COUJ>
ty'1 adinlnl.atratlve and· law enforcement
departments. It is deaigned lo cator
to those divisions throu.gh the year 1980.
A massive key, the symbol ot
ownership of the towering n e \If
courthouse, was presented to Supervilor
WWiam Hirstein, chairman of the t:ioard,
by ' Paul M. White, chairman of the
Civic Center Comml&slon in a gesture
which concluded the volunteer group'a
planntng of the key civic center ltruc·
And Mayor Tom McMichael of Santa
Ana headed a delegation or nve city
councllmen to pay tribute "to ao Im·
J>Ollng edifice whlch will set lhe attn.
dards for a federal-state-county-city com-
plex that will be second to none in
Brown. LMd1n Alu Hino(osa (ltift), Jim Luna . .
Tr[!Oing the altempied ercape route,
one reporter W8$ t.¥en dowi\. 26lh Streiet
from the initial encounter point· toward
Tobin as Laguna Trustee,
• ... • 'the beach; down a low brick wall alop By RICHARD P. NALL B . •• g . ' se' wbiclm' Sjolund ran to ,a :wooct.n cate .. ~ Ctlrt , ... Steff a a n ' · ' I, wbicb he vaulted and latted oat Into. an Yean ago, when Dr. Anthony Olandella .:;.. - -of Soo.t.h Laguna wu dtliverlng milk
_ alley. . in Hyannis Port, he gave Jacqueline
F 'U D • S led ~. f C DepuUes said the two lawmen rewrted Kennedy a ride to church in the 1932 i y ispute ett -~""-f ~ ;._.?_ur,~ ~·:!."'~:J.i1o11eba~·~;:: ~~~=:"iii.-.._
In tenns of forecasting the verdict effects ot.::ta days of seclq:!ion, were m~iate nelghOOrhood. J'ridlJ who ad· but he • sWI being helpf.ul. .
on tbe-:blUeciy. eontesled P'ourtl:i Round . taken ~herc_adwised-;of the set... mitted hearing anything b6t a sfna:1e The 39-year~ld physician will be swofh..
trial tn Superior Court, Judge H. Wal"1' tlement.Jlut lhey <)lickly joined in what ~ . ~" . ..__., :;i..,~2'.~"i!.~1 ~_,,,~1~11·~
Stemer;-the opposing-attorneys and tbe-beclmt'lilmAtie!li~ttr-~•astrg ~R:1'ictint '-'.J ... errahlange-i.;11 v•u.i•eu . .x:nuo u1;:,~1c. ~e
racing personaliUes involved had to agree lawy~i,3nfi:ipl~ and · j;uror1 shaking ln1Ually estimated by mvesUgators to be replace cartoonist Don Tobin who resign·
lale Friday that a rank. outsider was hands .,ppiftl bacb aroond the 25 yards, Gould droPPed SJOiund ln the ed ~ early December.
the wiMer. couftroom;--alle~ with one shot ~liom hill .38 caliber His unanimous ~lectJon by the board
An astonished nine-woman, three-man .Under.;:Jhe::lermJ of the settlement, aerv1et: revolver. was 8~ Frid~y al~ at. the
jury was called back into the courtroom li.trs. Ojt!>nd Diedtich will be CO-Owners The alley ruftl!l _north-south, paralle1 to school offi~. During an mterview,
lo be told that ~ weeks of ~vidence of_ Folifl.!:~nd, ~he gray filly which 2$tb and 2eUt 6treeta, linkiiil . Pacific ~~4!:vJ= :: ~~~~
and two days of Jury deliberation had D1edrl~earlier ~ed that Mrs. Dye Coast Bltbway and Pl)Cific Avenoe, near <lf schools He and ru. wife Elinor
been in vain. . . had' ielilqui!hed for _hi! paym~t of the old wooden SunsettBeach Water Co. have aeve~ cbUdrtn raogina ~ twin
Raet: hone owner Mar)Or1e Dye and $10,oob.-.,:"Ra"~ horse trainer A. T. Tom· water tower, a local JaMmart girls t1 months old to 8 l~year~ld
F~ei:ton city councilman R a I p h my'~le, the map who ~ave Di~rlch's A pool of blood .npidly spread as His own first years of school in Boston
D1edr1ch, they were told, had reached m ~ l4' s. ~· w11l C?ntinue to the ~ SjolUJ¥l".JQu.irmed on . the were in Ills wordl "horrible" because
a settlement 1n the courth~use .corridor. tr 1c _ y at his Buenu pa~t. It remibRd after l:>L~wu of the sterile atmosphere _ "so much
"I've never ~ anythin~ like tt in V.. · ., . -~*tbe--hospltal: SberUf'~· ritual and dogma." He noted that 37 years of law, the astonished Judge 1llk you ~. a grinning JU. · iaDi arrived and set up teachers '9eell to ltnlle more in Laguna
Stehltl" said. ''IJ1l.IJ-just has to•be the 5h'3Jlll co ed. "Here these.~ · '(rieads and nel&h schools.
first of its kind whichever way you people blft r eneml~ . an houi" SJOIUnd g1~ at the scene. : :: · NO AX TO GRIND
look at it." agq they're slappmg eacll ..Jl:nii~ o~:lloJ IUfe &i''°rMrJQ:J. QuesUoned about his own -educational
The 12 jurms, obviously ·feeling the ot.bU .... 1 ~"' iiid:..in elder ~~· btlleI1, Orlanddla S&ld, "I hav• no
Idoo'taee~biidldn'ts low definite u lo grind. I can't .tell you
Cities League FiXes Date ·-
' For Harbor District ActiQn ·
A deadline for action by Orange County
on proposed dissolution of the county
Harbor District has been &et by the
League of Cities.
President Dean Shull Jr. said all
resolutions from cities should b e
transmitted to the league by the end
o( February .. Under the present
timetable, the cities' feelings will be
presented to the Loca1 Agency Formation
Commis&lon tLAFC) on March 12.
League officers. meeting Thur&day
night In Orange, also grappled with
another upcoming problem -county
ial&nds of unincorporated but built up
areas surrounded by cities.
On lbe Harbor District dissolution, the
league committee chalrmauned by La
Habra City Councilman Hall Sims has
made a definite pr0Po15al to city councils.
Propmed ls a ~Jar county depart·
rnent over beaches, parks and harbors
to supplant the present semi-autonomous
Harbor District with its 15eparate tax
Local recreational needs, the inte rim
report state1, should be financed by
cities, oi; special service districts, as
opposed to the preJent countywide
Harbor patrol and the enforcement
of boating Jaws, general law enforcement
and fire protection would be perfonned
by the cities in incorporated areas and
by the county in unincorporated areas.
Revenues from anchorages, wharfs.
moorings and piers within incorporated
cities should accrue to the cities for
the benefit of local government services,
except on county held tidelands.
AcUon by Ute LAFC, if favorable to
the league plan, will be followed by
Board of Supervisors scrutiny to be
followed by a special t!lection proposed
for AUJ(USI, 1969.
Rl chard Ruiz. executive assistant to
Supervisor David L. Baker, told leaaue
members that the county Island problem
"is one that sooner or later you will
have to tack1e head on."
Rub: sa!d previous state legislation
forcing inhabited areas to annex to cities
has been vetoed by the governor, the
l•test in 1967.
Ruiz said the proposal was a balancing
of the desires of residents of islands
who do not want to ioin ciUes aga1Nl
the economic problems of counties and
He cited many instan~s where law
enforcement and fire services bad to
cross over city areas lo service unin·
corporated blands.
~· v~.,. owner of~ that I'm here lo throw the hlppl., out
a nell'b!f.nitaulanb-baT at 16321 'P'.clfiC or see that the kid!: don't smoke pol
CGut' · ~r .wllked DP at u.t·potnt "I believe education must .aay to the
and ut wtial-'>ld happened indigent u well u the flnandally secure
-• 4 • -per&On, if you have the abWty we will
BUYS son·DIUNK . ~''.: . try and give you every outlet to develop
''The c:opf;'ohot·S'!lf~,,_ B!ld oot· Ill it." . •
a handful Of ·-.~ slandiJll Orlandella &aid he has of late c1e .. 1oped neartiY. . ... a1 intemt in the burgeoning field
"There'• the guy " he said painting of oceanography and feels the board
at Gould. ' ' might want to seriously consider an
"! I Ing lo t k and oceanography program. WU eav · go 0 wor The urolorl .. , who is abo a director ju!t started to tum the comer," Wd "'&""·
another bystander, "and here's this cop (3'h yeara) for the South Coast County
looking down at lhls guy and -·"'·g Water Dlatrict, considers Jong meeUngs : ........... ''the bone of my existence.'' out the wallet to find out who be shot. BOGGED DOWN
m:~.~"!!,::'.!~;~ with blood and Too fnquenUy, he feels, board of public
...... IU-'6 ........... '6 q:ende. bog down in chit chat "I feel Only 15 mlnutea before the sbootlni. th -~"d d 1 Ith the ~.~ Sjolund fltd a hamburger at a coflee oy m-'·1 " _..., at shop ..,,.... from bis house and slopped hand• thoroughly dJscuss it and then
in at a baJt store on the other comer
for a bottle of soda to take borne.
"He was just as nlce u p~." said
the lady In the bait store. "He csme
in day In and day out. All the kids
behave themselvu with me and I doo 't
que1Uon whit they do outside."
Long Beach pallco notllled Sjolund'•
parents of his death and the body was
taken to Smlt.b'I Mortuary, HunUngton
Beach. where funeral arrangement.a are
pending. .
Questioned about sheriff's department
policy Ofl we of weapons In pursuit
of a fleeing suspect, Detective Sgt. Ben
OJ:anclaboure said the overwhelming
number of factors prevent any hard,
fast rule.
"The depulies are encouraged to use
good judgment in all situations," he
said, noting that bolh Sjolund and Gould
were running when the fatal shot wu
Bicycle Clinic
Slated at Plaza
A bicycle safety clinic will be held
from 10 1.m, to noon today at the Welt·
cliff Plaza.
Checks of bikes will be. made in the
shoppinj' ·center parking area in front
of the Bank of America. There will be
no charge to elementary or iuttrmediate
school students Of Newport Beach or
Costa Mesa.
SPonsors are the Westcliff Plaza mer-
chants, in cooperation with the Newport.
Beach and Costa Mesa police depart·
men ta.
Unlicensed b.lcycles will be licensed
al the cllnlc.
l».ll Y PILOT Sllfl'
L19un1'1 Dr. Orl1nd1lla
move on.''
Orlandella wJll remain on the water
board. In apparent seriou!nes.s about
why he was on the water board. be
mention his own specialty, urology, and
saJd he had always been interested in
The physician volunteered· the tn-
formatlon that, "I am and always wlU
be Republican." He rated himlelf
between moderate and conservative on
the GOP speclrum.
Of French-Italian origins, the first
generation American grew up i'
Mas.sachusseta attending Newton HlC1'
School, Bates College in Maine for un·
dergraduate work and tufts Univeraity
in Boston for Medicine. He took h
specialty wori at Tulane in New Orleans.
He's been a Lagunan about six yeara.
An off-beat highlight of the intervte\f
was the physician's comment that one
of his most chtrished moments was
meeting young Senator John F. K~
at Hyannis: Port while delivering a raw
route during lhe !ummer.
He captured the Kennedys a 1
customers when their regular miJ.km4q
of 10 years failed to show.
The commercial coup was short Tivnd.
The next day the regular milkman wM,
back and blocked Orandella's truck and
physically accosted him. He lost the
Kennedy milk buainess. ,
However, he did deliver Jacqueline
Kennedy and Peter Lawford"s wile to.
church in his Essex and met Senator
Kennedy when invited to the family
summer home for a private film screen· ing.
Grand Juror's Job Spelled Out--in 75 Page~~
Jt mar wtll prove to be thal thi:
Jll68 Orange County Grand Jury made
Its most signUlcant contribution to the
cam lt served wben it told the county
at l•rtt just what It 111.kes to be a
grand juror.
What lt"s all about Is now a matter
ol county rteord in lbe form of a 75"pe~e
manual U\aL noeeda: by ti paces the
"'port or !lie 11118 panel. It ii a com·
prdlwive documtnt thst rancu fro1n
the inltructJons 1lven by the criminal
dapartment judge at the l•UllChhtl of
the pWI'• you in olflqt lo Ute 1"'0"
""1 ..... 'that CoveMI tbo Jury's COO\•
plialion or its final ,.ports,
Tite mhltecl of the lqoc aw11ted
manual ii llllpertor Court Juclp Wllliam
Speirs of Newport Beach, prealdint )udRe ot the crfmln1J division In tosa and
the bel!Ch'a llasi<>n with the Gralld J\lry
of that year.
"Certaltlly, I made the tUUest.ion,"
Judie Spein &a.kt Friday ... But I found
an immediate and eager response fram
the members of lht jury, who were
as anxious as I was to have a well
documented, readable guide that could
be used by their successors."
Backing Judg e Speirs in the setting
out . in layman's terms, of the many
6ections of clvll and criminal codes with
which the grand juror becomes con·
fronted during his year in office, have
been Deputy District Attorney Everett
Dickey and Deputy County Comuel C.
If, Parktr.
"It was a team job.'' Speirs said.
"And t believe th1t wt've provided the
Grand Jury and the people or Oranie
County with a thorou~hly comprebensJve
analysis of the duUes of the Grand
It's an innov1Uon that mainly owes
lll existence to the Grand Jury manuals
pioneered by several other CalUomla
counties. As foreman D. R. COleerove
of Newport Beach states in a pn:faC1S
to lht work, thole Manuall have provided
the bull for tbe Oranie eo..mt:f Gnind_
Jury guide.
And ln 1 manual that spells out clearly
the prtlalls and problems that fact an
ifl('i)ming Grand Jury perh•Jll the
clearest warnings ire to be. found at
the beginning of the bulky beok -
Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner '•
lnstructJons to the new panel.
The Na\\·port Btacb jurl&t bu a reputa-
Uon for not mlnctnr word.a -on and
off the bench. He Uva· UJ> to tt In
some of his comment.I on the various
asptdl of coqnty rovtmmtnt and ae-
tivlty that must be tnveatlgatm by tbe
11>mem bet group '
-"Experie:nte (In lnveatlgaUon of
public offklals) h11 llhown that cha,...
of misconduct ere e111lly madt and,
more often th.an not, are entireb' unwar·
ranted. InvoUpUons b&Md upcn mtre
rumor, auipicton cir conjecture will often
interfere w:lth the normal funcuontng
of the ~ ornc.. and .lll\)ultl(IaMr
undermine the public's conlidlnce in
-"It 11 extremtly Important to rt1Jlze
Iba followint ; A Iar1• portion ol the
general public believes that the expressed
intertlt of tbt Grand Jury into the
actMUei of. •nY. ind\vlduoi, parli,eulariy
• P<iblk olfidil, suuats ~""
ot mlsfeaaance.
-". . . ii lbottld be nmtmbend
that the not m&jor11J of ..,,. pibllc
officers and tmployeoil an. Jtonut and
devotee! pubik MtVlntl. !ltar ,bl 11\lnd
that . . . it II -111 i-dll\1 1o
protec\ the hmoc.I' •· It ii lo punilh the guUty."
Pwlng on 1 .......i appellate C<Rlrt
observation lo the dfeot that the Grand
Jury ii not lo ...... In "llsbing ...
" pedlUona" nor is it "lo au.mp! lo ~
as a supuvi!lng admlni~atlve •&~
controlling the discretlooary act.iv;
ol public ofllcen.'' Judge Gll'diier
on to streSs I.he need or secrecy i
the panel's act.iviUes, 4.-
"· • • every grand juror must i·
sec"'l aU •videnoe ad®ced by the G
Jury or aoylblng he hhmeU or
OIJ!er grand Juror may have •aid or
In What -ht or 1ftY other ar•
juror may have voted pn 1 ma
before lhem," be warns.
AU factll of county 1ovtnuneot ~
Iba Jury '• l'tOJIOnlfbllitp In the ~ ve!t1 atlon ol wltnuat1 involved crim~I indictmtntt are aet out in
manual. Judp •nd )WWs alike 111\4
wt0nhnOCJ1 In balling the completed w~
u lhe MOit •f&nill<:tnt advance in thi
grand jury lltld In Or1nge County In recent years.
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Coast .Man Slai·n Fleeing Police· --
... , , -I ., " '
Air West Board
OKs Hughes Sale .
~-.·· -
' 'A Dandy Gourthouse'
For Brmvns ~·
l,000 · ffim4 Di!Al~tron o Cou~j!.E4i1ice .... ·. -~ ~· ~ ... , ,., ,. .,
Five ~ears ol olann!na ancl lhne ,._. , iJY· cul~!JWI'• dey In court 4•Wn Supervisor c . M. ~bei1;1 who "l""lled ol bulldlnl, eodtd ~ •llll Ille ~ tO ~ • or llu. llil urb' ftan ct , ""' CWn'I' alld ...
ot !Ml IMlff' riff Sltff
SOmolblnr's happeninr In the Co!Oni•
JU11'1 barrio ot Fountain ,vau.r aod
11 llldl IOOd .. m f« 111a 11mm !*Pit.
Tllo llrown peoplt ore. 11-
Amerlcw, !ndi.., and lamoan8 who
live ln an area ot Fountain Valley known
as the Colonia Juart&.
They've formed a Brown Cllilural
llodely lo aid lhelt people In educ>llaa.
10Cla1 problell\I, and lo devtlop a .,...lei'
aenae ot cultunl llplfi<lnce for Uleir
own beekp-oundl.
J\'a not a 81aek PantJltt movement.
They mn~ looklnr ror·vtolenct or 1t1al
cl1sht1. ~
ne purpoae of the movement ii ttJf ..
help and the mtmbmhlp II mad...,p
of youna: males 14 to IO years old.
The pretJ.dent and foundtr of tbt
oraanlzatlon II an JS.year-old American
Indian, James Luna.
"We're not isolationist!," says Jimmy.
"but the society is primarily for brown
ptopl.t. We want to help our own
peofle right here in Colonll Juart.I and ~l Oran&• Counly." ·
.\biiit :IO of the ll'OllP'I niembaro ar•
from Ooloala Juar1111 and anatbtr 20
art flut1 vlll'!OUI elllel In Oranp C.Uoly.
They meet every Thursday night in
tht Colonia Juarez Community Center•
10411 lndependencia, Fountain Valley.
The goa1s of the group art stlU t.
little sketchy -it wu only formed
ab<lut two monlha a(o.
"The m&ln obJodlve of the Society
now,'' Jimmy e1plalns, "Is to show b1"0Wl'l
-peopie what educaUol'lal advat1ta1e• .nd
htlP the sovemment and p r I Y at e
orcanlu.tlons offer the mau mtmbera
of a mlnqrlty ll'OllP·"
The Socl.ty 11"' atltmJJll to ald In-
dividuals in findln& work. SOmetltntt
• rtc0mmendat1on to an employer can
help a Youn& man find b11 own w1y
In the wwld, without !Ullin& "' ~ mant .upport. • ·
'-Two IDclll worker• r..0111 Oraiip, AD11r
Roland and Nancy Moral111 belPed Luna
fonn the Socltty and act u ldYilerl.
Jeanne Lara, who "P'fltn tbt cam--
munlty center, Coeird.lnatta: tMlr eo-
But the acUon coma from the brown
people thtmsel ves.
Rig~t now· members are pitchin1 in
tc> repaint the commun.lt)' center and
repair It for their uae Ud tile .,.
•f other aroups ..
Thef also Plan to dotJate three nags,
U.S .• U.N •. and state ol Cllilornia, to
display In lrcht of the center: ·
Tbe Socloly, >illh permltllon and help
from FOW11a!n Valley High Scl'IOol, may
hold 1 1ot-acqualnled foaUval Jn
February"' the ochool'l lfOllndl. ' .
The f1sUval would be one of the blftu
atop'i In Jimmy'• phllOIOpby of com·
munlty Involvement. "Several srtUPI
would help us," be uld, "and It would
bt I lflll way for people to just aet
t., know each other .11
f'rom P.,e J
hid 1 chance to have a' 1ood look
It ll"
And 1111 foreman Col•srnve 11 1imll1r-
1y W!aVallabl• for commtnt
'11111 II not unlllllal. Ont of the mOlt
r1mlU~r tr baf!Ung aspects of a rrand
jhrot ii his 11et1rmlned nluctano• to
commlllt on any upec1 of hit ln-•lllll•UOM. Thll II ptrfecUy un-
denlandable durlnl hit lenure or omco. n 11 markadly odif if not evuive, •Iler
hi• report h11 been submllled to county
But One thing Is certain. There has
never been in the hiJton' Qf thiJ county's
grand JW'Y a more marktd rev1r111
in policy of a prtdecwor than the
(1118 reneetect in Ule 1958 jury's report . u 1117 wu the year ot t.he ltrnon
then Illa wtll hna to fO down In hlilory
u tht year of the apple.
Ne.,,ttt ..... M••"••• hMti Lef9H hftll P•1•!'9i1 'feft.-y c .........
••~•rt "· w •• ..i l'rt.Zftlll tlllf M tbr,.,
Jtc• t . Cwtl•'f
V•CI ,.ttl••~1 ,,.,. Gflltltl Mt.,.ttr
T~tWl•t K11•il
ThtM•t A, M••11hiftt
'"'41 ...... 111 lflll<
P11I Nlut"
.O.IWlf!ll!rt Ol•kttir
. '
t f•tloO .r ~Couply'• niw l ti mtlllon "Thll 11 .-er," Jullfoa ilullJyan tbeOOU111J 111perv "frantte·IMltambf. '~ • adda4. "...S It .la tbe Clllll' t1111r•. It 11111 ...Ulid looktni or old chur<1111Uil
An ellhnelad ,ooe penooa brHed II your deslra to mett the tomnto whlcl"Wt·OOO!ld condi!cl i!Ollr!.H&alona.; ·
ohUly, pooetraUhc wl.,Y In San~ J,na'1 or Utipllon by crutlnJ t!>t llclllUea ".Looiln1 around me today," FtalbttlY,
civic ~•tor to hur Clil((omla S-e tile! mllll be proflded ll Wt arll to addecl, "all I he•• to .aay after yMbi
Courl ~ JUlilca.~-1. ~ a~ ta Ola' -lilul ay-of law." ol J>lanolnf In which I wu pr!vlltg<d
, baU tlll~. . .,,.,, u "l!lll illiallft. ~· Judi• tamuel -oC 14 ba Involved II that ,..•ve Fl a • einl ID! a tlla tffa,.I ll!f *" tbi SUP4'!0r Ctllrt alaq ~ "" OM and dandy OOUrlhoUle." ' the ))' ~atlon or law Ii)' lltrllcture u a "trt~~lhlitlim Tho . bulld\ni hou,.. Superior and
tilt people of ·Otange CGunly. · to 'lb6 •!liclant dllpenalb; or taw and Mlllllclpat courte and many of the coun-
" ''Y'ou-hfve tho'fD i;y your d&1ri tb JUIUOe in our c:Ounty. ty'1 admlnislraUve and law enforcement
bW1d 4bU fln6 counhol.aM' li9W muob . ''Wt ~ve lllD a ~ JIQt.tltl departmentl. It 11 detlfnld to cater
DAILY ,.ILOT $tiff l"hti.
Brown Lead1r1 Alex Hlnofota (left), Jim Lun1 < •
Ba~ing Upset
Filly Dispute Settle~ Out of Court
In tenru. of farecuUn.: the vtrdic~
on the bltterlY eoolelled Fourth llound
. trial In Supedo<.Courl, JudaeJldl'alitr.
Slelner, the oppoaJna attorney• and the
racJna peroonoliU.s Involved had to agree
late Jl'rlday that a rank outaider w11
lhe wtnnei. · 1
An utori1ahed nlne-wc>mtn, thrte-man
jury wu called back into the co\D'troom
to be told that three weeks of evidence
and two days of jury deliberation had
been ill vain.
Race hotae owner Marjorie Dye and
Fullerton clty ceunetlinan R aJ p b
Diedrich, they Wtre told, had reached
a settlement in the courthou.se corridor.
"I've never seen anything like it In
37 yeaz:s of la•," the e1tonish6d Juda:e
Slelna" Nld. "Thll juot w · to bt Ilia
first of Its kind whlchevtr way you
look at it."
The u jlll"Ol't, Gbvloualy reeltni the
effacto of two day• of Mcllllioa, war.
taken al>lclf "1\en advlled ol tile .. ~
lltmta!i:-llley~qulcllly -jol'*1Jn wbal .
became afmosl festive proctedlng1 with
lawyett, ·princlplea ·and jurort ahaklng
handl and llapplna. back~ aroimd the.
Under tbt termt of the aetU~tnt,
MrL Oya and Diedrich wUJ ba co-ownor•
of Fawih Round,. the ar•Y filly which
Dledrlch·earlier claimed that Mr11. Dy~
he~ relinquished !Gr his payment of
•10,000. Race horae trainer A. T. "~
my''.D!>Jle, lhe man who pve Dlodr!cll'o money · to Mrs. Dye,· will continue to
tram tbl cli.ssic filly al his Buenas
Verde* -tfabltl. .
"{t·nlakai you ~." a arinninf shctlf!j..,..~. "H•ra-
people ftitl btMler 'iiemita an hour
ago ~ 'they're slapping eacb
othf:t ,' -" ~ ' ...• t<'
' .~
Cities League FiXes Date ·
' '
For Harbor District Action
A deadline. for actfon by Oranae County
<ln propoaed dittGlutlon of the county
Har bor District ha s been get by I.he
Ltque of Ciliet.
President Dean Shull Jr. aald an
rttoluUons from cities ahould b e
tranamltled to the league by the end
of February. Under the present
Umetable, the c:ltle1' feelin111 wlll bt
presented to the Local Agency FonnaUoo
Commt111on !LAFCI on Mitch 11.
Leaaue offJcer11 meeUng Thurtday
nllht In Oranse. alto arapplad with
anothfr upcominJ problem -county
lllandl of lllllncorporaled but built up
areas surrounded by clties.
On the HarbOr D11trlct dluoluUon, the
league commlUH c:ha.lrmanned by La
Habra CJty Councilman Htll Slm1 h11
made a definite proposal to city councils.
Prc>poaed b: a re1Ul•r county dip&rt-
mtl\t over beacht1 , parka and harbors
to aupplant the present 1eml·1utonomou11
HatbOr District with IU: Hparate tax
Local rtcreaUOnal ntedt, the Interim
rtport 1t1te1, should be financed by
ciUtt, or 1peel1l 1ervlce districts, as
opposed to the pre1ent countywlde
Harbor pattol and the enfortement
of bot.Un& law1, 1eneral law enforcemtnt
and flr• prottcUon would be performed
by the c1UU in lncorporated aras and
by lht county ln unincorporated areu.
1ttvenuet from anchor1111, wharfs,
moorings and pler1 with.In Incorporated
cities e;hould accrue to the cities for
the benefit of local government services,
except on county held Udelandt.
Hayakawa Meets
With Dissidents
SAN FRANCISCC -Act1n1 pru!dtnl
ot vloltnce-pla~ San Fr1ncl1co State
Colleae S. I. H1y1k1w1 wu b&r1&1n·
ln1 privately with dluldtnt black stu-
dents Friday nlaht but said he w~ not
opUmJ.stlc about a qulok end to the lona:
11tudent rebelllon, complicated by a strike
by some union lna:lructors.
Hl)'akawa revealed Friday he has
been metting inform ally with RolcOe
Blount and other members of the Black
Students Union ln an effort to rHOlve
dl1pute1 on tM campua which haJ bffn
lho hallmark of the cwnnl winter &f.
)'Oii cara !or~ and toMla In tlllolelley ·or Iha eourll .tn Illa !•w totJ>oo<dlvltiml>tbroUahllllyearl9llO.
of !lo!," J..U., aa lllWed-'"l)aN \0"1il lllat. 'I''· llavo ~· .IJlli A maulve uy, th•. eyml>ol ol
U't tboM &odtJ whit that rM'.lftlina bullcllna:," JUdlt tlNl* aakt. "For U. ownerahlp of the towering n • w ctll'"41 and tapljlalllol tn;. !ltll tlm6 'llj Iba blltaf ti 11111 OOllllb' courthollae, wu preHl\lad to Supervloor
poll .,...,.. I caa oOlf ba Diel wa )lava -ol our Colmty dlvllloof William Hlrllein, <haJrman of the board, d6 all Iha' Court. Ull4ar Obi roof and, by Paul M. While chairman or ~
let nit WJ.,)'tU now, It haa~Jl\ldt ID ctvlc Center CommiJ1lon In a aesture
tMrmous 411l-In ltt!U ol •f· which concluded the volW1teer group'•
SLAYING ... nc1111ey and moralt." r,taon1na or Ibo key civic center strue·
DtolAll buclad a conltnllct of II ure. Superior Court Jlld1u at tb6 eolorfUI And Mayor Tom McMJchael or Santa
ctrtmoay. Judi,. ol the C.nllal Dlllrlct Ana ~11dld a dele11t1on of five cilj'
-rteOfJ)1lad him on the 1ttut by
hit flowinl blonde moUJlaehe and lonsJah
hair, Capt. Broadbell said.
Mlllllclpal COurt (Santa Ana) ware lltad· coW1cllmen to pl)' lllbute "to an Im·
ed by Judp J\Qbert Jltcklu, preakllnr poalnr edfllce which will •!I the II•"'
jurlit. dards for a federal·stale-county-c:Jty com·
Gdl1d bad -Ibo wantad man
to hit pattne;,
And the occasion produced ttHI by g~ that will be &econd to none in now lladltloaal commnll ol retired · ornta." ·
8cbrimm Aid .be woalad lo, tall! lo
u11:.-t, at wlllch Uma 8JolJ!ld .111mac1
""" ran toward Oollld'• poillloil, bol
.. =-"""'lclftmm ,.ned, . botll btl parllllr 11111 1111 llaolnl
8 •. ·-•• •. . . ' . .
C1WS TliACSD · '
:=-~~~~~= ·Tobin as Laguna Trustee
, I ,
!(<in 1111' lnlllil _.... poUll .........
tho '-•••· dOWll 1 aw lorlCll 'Wiil .._ , · 111 IUCllARD P;NAI.L _,....., ~ !':{:;. ' -... .. "" ....,. , ........
· wilJcb. ~· l'ltl .,· .a ,,....... pto Yura ~wblll llr. A111boo1 OludlDa
wlllcll 1\1 yaultod uc1 dartod 'oul :ll!lo Q of lolith wu dallvartnc milk
alloy. ' ' ' ' ' • ' In llylllllla otl, he .... Jacquallno Ol'dTsJ1i1~1\ ~== t:'1' :..i~~~t~ tn 1ho 1llS
llUI no . ana ~ .be lwnd Iii Iha lift> Ila -~ own thl -..,._,.. nMdlala nalllsborlml ~ _ .. .» but Ill'• !WI llollll llllDIUJ. ' . lllltllll bairfnl aoylllJac ·bora'"llllCll TM •yuroold Pb11lcton wtD be oworn ~~~bi'~t~.;,p-t'-~~Nl:r1!t. ·u
!nltlll)1.aillmalld bl' llmlU(aton·lo bt npllca earleonllt Don Tobin who raalin·
11 yllito,, Oollld drQppad ,SJObmcl tn tho ad In ..,1y Dacambar.
a1lty W1111 0111 "'°' llotil ~ .II caliber 1111 llllUlinlOUI lllootlon by Iha board
-revolvar. wu AllllOUllqld TrldaY alien-at thl
--,,_ --•-~"• a11~ lo IChool ollkll. Durtna an tntomow, •-•-1 111111 -~·•par w· Otland•lla 'lltrmad btl boltal In oom-Jltb uct llill 8traell, llntlnl Paclfta mlllllty tnvo!vemant and 1111 Importance ~.~~ ~~!v;:.~ of ICboola. Ht and hll wllt, Elinor -... havt ..... chtldnn r..,tnc lrmn hftn w-towtr. a local landmark. llrll IT mcm!M old to a l~)'UM!d.
A "'°t of blcod ropldly 1pread u 1111 own lint )'Iara of ICbool In Booton
thl ~ Sjolund oqulrmad a1i Ibo irtre In hll wOrdl "horrible" lllcaUH !:~~ Ui! ,;:~ S=l'•"".J: ~t!\' ~rile d=~lll\:. -,;: m:_~
lob'~ arrlvad and .. 1 up ili!!!P; toachln ...., to mlle mort In Lq\lna '.-l'WI Minda and ~-,., ac1>ool1.
Sjolund ·ptberad at Iha oetn1. •-'' ~ NO AX TO G111ND
Gld i:• .Jura dW aoniifall: Qut1Uonad about hit own educatlonal •iJO ml aldar11J mal(";'!'N"' bolllf1,. Orllndllla .NJd; "I heva no ·~bedldl'tlhOaClow•,'l..e 'dellnlto "* lo """'1· I CID'I tau you
'llrk ·var1n111n owner or ]liili'i lhol I''"' llm lo lbrow thl hlpPleo out
' ne&lbJ rt11Aronti.bar at 11111 Paelllc ot N• lh&l lha k1dl don~ IDIOU pot.
coui 111.itwoy, walkt<l llP at tllat pOtnl "I ballave aducallon must uy to the
and ~oil what liad h•PJ>ened . lnd\atnl u wall u Ibo ltnancla111 Mc\ll'a , · · , ·· · perron. Jt you have the ability we will
BUVI IOfT l>atNlt lry and &Ive you evary outlet to d!vliop
"Tbe COP8 1hot Carl.'' 11id one o( It. 11
• handful of aequ.intanca llandlnj Otlandella uld he bu of !ale devtloptd
nearby. . 1 real lntere.lit ln t6i butjtonJn1 field
"There's the guy," he said, pointing <lf Oce&l10gtaphy and feels the board
at Gould. might want to seriously consider an
"[ wu leavinl: to CG LO wc>tk and oceanograph;: proaram. . .
juat. 1tarttd to turn tht corner," iald Tbe uroiopt, who ll aJJo a director
another byltitlder, "and here '• thi• cop 13\\ Y~) la< Ult llOuill Coll! COUnly
looklhl down al tbll I'll' and pullinl ~alet Di>trlct, considers '~!" m"Unp:
out Ult wlllet to find .out wbo.be 1hot. B~';i ~~existence.
"The guy WU cover~ with blood and Too frequeo.Uy, ht f6ell, board of pu.bl.ic:
moanin, and a:totnlq:. agenclta bot down In c:blt ~hal 111 fetl onzy II mtnullo llalWo Iba 1hootlnl. they aholtld doal •Ith the bU1lne!I at
s;otuM had a hamburgtr at a cotrtti hand, thotGU&hly diScus.s it and then
shOp actOll from hit boaM and slopped
in at a 'bait tt:ort on UM other corner
for a botUe of IOda to lake bome.
"Ht wu Just 11 nlce U pM," 11ld
the. 1&dy ln the bllt at.ore. 1'Ht camt
in d17 In and d17 out. All thl ktda
behave themulve• with me and I dm't
question what they do oy.taldi. 11
Long Beacll ..Uct noUfied' SJol•nd'I
parenlt of hi• death and tho liody was tann to Smlih'1 Mor!uary, 11\intlllflon
Beach, where !Uneral arranpmenta aro
pendl ...
QuuUoned about lhtrilf'1 department
poUcy on uae or weapona ln puriuit
of a neelni 1U1pect, Dttectlv• Sat. B•n Oull41aboure &aid the O'ftrWhtlmln&
nwnbU o( factors prtvtnt any ~.
fut rule.
"The dtputlea are encourapd to UH
aood jUqment In all 11lu1llool," h•
siid, nollnr that bolb Sjolund and Gould
were runnina .,.btn the fatal ahot was
Bicycle Clinic
Slated at Plaza
A bicycle •altty clinic will bt hekl
from to a.m. to noon today at tM Wut·
cliff Pl11a.
Check• of bikea will be mad• In the
1hopplng center parklna area In front
of the Bank of Amtrlca. There wlll be
no charae to el1mtnt11')' or lnttrmediate
school atudentl of Nt'tfporl Beach or
Coeto M111.
Sponaora an tht WtttclUI Pl111 mer·
chanll, In eooparaUon with the N•wport
Buch and Cotta Meaa poUo dtparl· m•nta.
Unlicanaad bleyolu will be licanoed
at the cltnlc.
mova on,''
Orl1ndella will remain on the water
board. In apparent stri6u1ne1& about
wh1 he wu on the water board, he
_ mention hb own specialty, urology, and
1aJd he had always been intere&ted in
The physician volunt.eered the in-
formation that, "I am and always will
be Republican." He rated hlm-'f
belwten tnodetate and con1trvatlve On
the C6P spectrum.
Of French-Italian origins, the first
seneraUon American grew up ,i,~
Mauachu.uet.s atlend.lni Newton Hl&fl
School, Batta CoJleae In M:alna tor Uh·
dergraduete Wc>rk and tufts Unlversjtx.
in Boston for Medicine. He took ~'
specialty work al TUiane in New Orleans.
He 's been a Laaunan about Iii years.
An off·beat hilhlllhl of the Interview
was the phyalclan'a comment that ope
ol hJa moct cherl&hed moment.I wa1
me1Un1 yoUrta: Senstor John F. Kennedy·
at Hyannis Port while delivering a mil~ route during the summer.
He captured the Kennedy• a 1
customer• when their regular milkni10
or 10 ytar1 failed to show.
The commerclal coup was short llve4,.
The ne>:t day the regular milkman wa.~
back and blocked Orandella's truck and
phys.lc1lly acCMted him. He lost the
KeMedy milk buslneu.
Howevtr, he did deliver Jacqueline
Ktnnedy and Peter Lawford 's wire to
church In hla E11e1 and met Senator
J<tnnedy when lnviled to the family
aummer home for 1 priv1te fUrn acrten.
Grand Juror's Joh Spelled Out--in 75 Pages
It may well prove tc> be that the
1961 OrinCe Counly Grand Jury made
Ill JDOlt atanlfkant c:entribUlliift to the
cause It 1uved whtn It told \ht coun1y
al lar&e ju1t what it take• to be 1
irand juror.
What ft'• •ll aboUt t1 now 1 tn1tttt ol CWn!l' r-.1 Ill the fa<m of a 'll<ptga
manual lllal acaad1 by u papa lho
roport of ,Jiit 1• panal. II II a a6m-
FMltftsl'8 documtnl \hit r&natl from
th• inlltllcttona riven by Ula criminal
4epartmf11 Judi• at !bi launclllnf of
Illa ,.,,al'I )'Ill' tn ofllca lo Illa ~
I ctdurtl that IOf'ft the JutJP1/ c:cm-
pUatlon of tta rtnal repoN.
Tiil ~-of !ht lanC • .._,led s:nual le S~porlor Coutl Jllclp William In ol N"'!Plrl ltacll, prtaldln, Judr• Ille cr1mlntl dtvl1lo!I In t* and
the benc~'• lialloll wlill Iha Grand Jury
ol !llat yaar,
"CtttatnJy, t made the suggestion,•
Juda• S(le~• Olld Ftldoy. "But I foood
an lmmedtate ind upr rt!pOl\lt from
the m1mber1 of the Jury, who were a• anxious 11 I w11 to hive a well
documented. reldabl1 guide that coUld
be u1ed by their 1ucceuor1."
Backing Judie Spelrs In tht ttttlna
out, In Jaym1n'1 terms , of the many
oeetlon1 ol civil and criminal cod• with
wh!ch the 1rand juror becomn con-
frontad during his year In ofllct, have
beln Deputy Dl1trlet Attonlay Evttlll
Dick•y 11.t Dtpuly COunly CW!llll C.
It Parker. ·
"It wa1 a team )Gb," Sptlrt N.ld.
"And l believe that we've provkted the
Grand Jury and tho people or 0tan1e
County \tilth a lhort1u@:hl7 eomprehenalvt
1naly11ls <lf the duties of the Grand
Jt'1 an iMov1tlon It.at ma inly owe.a
Us existence le> the Grand Jury manu11s
pione,red by several other Calltomla
.... _. ........
counUIL Al lcnman D. R. Colll!OV•
of Nf:wpc>rt ~ 1tates in a pttlaee
to the work, thole manua l! have provided
the basis for the Orange County Grand
Jury fU.ldt.
And hi 1 manuel !bot apolla out. clearly
the p!Ualla and J)n>blemo that lact an
Jncomioa Grand Jut)' pert.Apa the
cltateli warnlnf1 art to bl found at
the beflinnlna of lb• blllky --Supertor Court Judp Jlobert Gardl!er '•
lnatrucltonl to Ibo new panel.
SP&,40 OVT
The Newpott Btaeb jurlat baa a {tpllta-
tlon fa< noi mlndna wtnla -on ant
oil Iha btllch. Hl Uvu up tq. It tn
...,,. ct his eomm•nle oo thl ••r!OUI
aapoeto of county 10-mant and "°' tMly thet mll.!t be lllvMl!pled by Illa
f..,oft\btt .,..p,
-"Experltnco (In lnvutlpUon ct
public otflclalo) baa lhown that charau
of mll«lflduct are tu.Ur mldt and,
more often than not, are e.ntittly unwAJ"-
,4 1 .,,,
ranled. Jnvtlllpllonl bued upon mere
-"· •UIJl!elon ft eonjeetutt •lll often interlere with the n0nn61 funcUon!ng ot the public officta and unjustif iably
und1rmb\e the public'• confidtnct in
-11lt la e1ttem1Jy Important to rtallte
Iha f4ll0Wlnl ' A 1tr11 porUOn Of lllt
cenaral public boll<vll that Iha upraued
inlattll ol Iha Grand Jury Into the
aa11v1u11 ol any lndMdl.lll, parttcularly
a publJ4 olllda~ """'" lil.llfUllllca
" mltlUiaJ>Cl, -... , , It abOuld be nmtrnblNd
lbal IJll •all majority ol our publi~
oflkfta 'Ind amploytat are bOnUt and
dnolad publte wvanta. a.ear In D1lnd
that • • • ~ tt -ttY your duly lo
Pl'(llaet tba tiln66jnt u It 11 to punllh
the' fUllt1. It
NOrlllll!rO •
Puallla'. oo a ,_,. appellate ccurt
abtarfatfon lo tho tlftcl that the Grand
Jury ta not to "''" 1n "nlhJnr u-
ped!Uons" not 11 It "to allemp\ ·to a<!t
as a supervising administrat.iwi aabC_y
controlling the discretionary act.i~iUn
<lr&' pu91ic O!fi~rs." Judge Gardner goes
on to 1tres1 tht need of ICOtecy In
the panel 's aelivlOH. '
" ' . • • every lt'and Jam muot katp
teertt ali evidenoa adduCJ<f by the G,.at
J11ty or anylhlna h• himhif or aiff
othtr &rand Juror rmy hive 11ld or
In what manner he or any olhar """ juror may have vot.td on • malWlr
&.fort them," he ••ma.
All facale ol county aovarnment """ Ill• jury'• ruponolbllilp In the !II'
ViltipUon ol wltneaae1 Involved '!\!
orlmlnai lndlctmanta are ae1 out In Olt
manual. Judae.t and juron a1lka Ille
unantmoua In lialllna Iha eompletod "'*' u the mOlt tl.sn.ltfcant 1dv1nce In till
arand Jury field In Or•nae County In recent years.
~"" ~ L1ll
~ ged
l •
.. n-
of ow
•· ill
~ n-tx
'· . • • .. ..
II r
j. ,,
d •
• • r y
t ,
. ~---~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-~~~~~~~~~ ....... ~~ ... ~ .............................................................................................. ~
The crew of the USS Pueblo has
sent $1,600 to Creswell High School
In Oregon to buy library books in
memory of Duane Hedges, their
ship mate who was the only fataJi-
!y when North Koreans captured
lhe ship a year a~o. Each volume
will have an inscription as a mem·
~rial to Hodges, who was buried
I •
The "unldssables' are a group ,
of 50 studen~ at the University k
of Florida campus and they're t'
not unkissable because they have l
a disease. /11 fact, quite the op-L
posite is the case. The me11 and .. women are wearing nuisks as ~
part of an experiment in control·
ling the Hong Kong flu. They '"
pledged not to "i'11dulge in kiss-t,
-1ng." • ,
:'V"" t;RC.;..:~ • •
11i an 800-year-o/d Japanese cere·
nony, En1peror Ifirohito became poet
:or a night. Iii.$ p-0e1n, in the formali·
:ea 31 syllable tanka form, began the
'~etry party:
"In the dark sky of spring
Comes out a comet glittering as
the roaring thunders afar
Fade into dis1ont clamor."
A professor changed it three times,
·e:peated by a chorus, and tlien the:
:Jq;ty ended. •
Bridge's 'Later'
Must Go Just
Like Nude Lady
."Later" the crude bridge inscription
:ead but the State Division of Highways
a:as having none of it.
Highway department workers were
,usy again erasing the Aliso bridge
1eross Coast Highway in South Laguna.
lbt gralfili left in large letters by
'°me nameless scribbler said "us" and
"l.11.ter", possibly a preview of coming.
•Slnall wond er the high\\'ay officials
wt!Qldn't allow the leltering to remain .
They didn't even allow the nude lady
to •1remsin when she was painted Of\
;~ bridge in 1967. Aild she v•as a
01tfch more aesthetic sight and a
:rllftsman·like job.
... .: p.\ILY PILOT '"ft"""'°
DoUble-Dtcker Bus, Old Fire Engine (background) Are Included· in ·Collectl~
Meet the People 1.
' '
Not4ing · Odd About This
Of IM O.Hy ,1191 Sltll
II yo_u ·are ~!)I ao4 J.udy 'F~rell of
Huntington Beach you might be expected
lo take the bus to work, but you don't
because you would rather driVe a vintage
English taxi, a double decker bus called
"Oki Yeller," or a 1948 lire engine.
Bill, executive vice president and
general manager of the Long Beach
Public Transportation Co., thinks it not
at all unusual that he bas a fire engine _
In his driveway on Channel Lane in
Huntington Beach, nor that he drives -
il to work occasionally.
And hi!! wife does not consider .it
at all unusual that they have a merry-go-
round horse complete with pole in their
den and that her husband is known
as the innovator, and perhaps savior,
of bus transportation in several cities.
About 27 years ago Bill was a teacher
and a school principal in a small Texas
town and was enjoying the "top wages''
of the profession.
"Educators were not making much
in those days," he said. "I was a young
man, but there was no place for me
to go in education."
Transportation looked like a good field ·
for a man who wanted to go places,
but Bill found out that, for-a young
man, transportation has its beginnings
at the bottom. He pounded spikes on
a Dallas railway track for two months,
then \vas promoted to streetcar con-
Well, Bill took hold of the throttle
of his career and it was "full steam
ahead." Eventually he ended up in Sanla
Monica with a sick bus line on his
"l made a fe\v changes," he says
\\'ith characteristic modesty. The "fe\v"
changes included an all-out public rela4
lions campaign to get residents to ride
the bus. His efforts -which included
stewardesses on buses -attracted na-
tionwide attention.
Then he went to Long Beach to try
to pull a tired, non-profit bus line back
from the brisk financial oblivion. He
says the line is going well now and
making a profit and that the "customers
are happy." '~
DAILY PILOT lttlf Pl!Ot.
Horse In the House, Fire Engine in Drivtw•y
bus had as its driver Gary Cooper
who was working his way through col-
The fire truck -well, Judy's reaction
to the purchase is indicative of the
personality of both Judy and Bill. ~
Bill just came home one night and
announced that he was high bidder on
a pumper wagon being sold by the
Signal Hill Fire Department.
of vehicles in many parades and celebra-
tions throughout Southern California.
Judy says they keep the collection
"because they are great fun to go to
a drive· in in."
wt Y PllO'F a
Nf~rrt . <:~~er Site , 1 ,.....; _ -"'~'"e'WR~~t Nearing
.:·1-Vic·: Center~ ~.OK
81 JEROME F. COL!Jti! ( CM t1!t O.ltr Pltlt ...,,
NeWJ!Oli Belch city counciltnen. Mon-
day'""' ~•pectid to commit the" dly· to
· N~~ Center as a site for · dvic
.center d4veJopmen!. •
The actlon would cap well oV!( a·' n_ir
o( "tentative'' consideraUon of. the
.. cnty Manager Harvey L. tlurlburt
said the cit:y staff, at the request of
councihnen, has prepared 1 three-palnt
resolutlon on the subject.
If adapted, ll wiU'
-Declare the council's intention to
proceed with relocation of city govern.
ment headquarters at Newport Center,
•·subject to Uie successful consummation
of property acquisition and development
of a feasible program for financing the
-Urge the County Board of Super-
visors to !elect Newport Center as lhe
site for new Harbor Judicjal Court facil·
-Assure supervisors of the cooncil's 1'full cooperation and suppOrt in making
this proposed (civic center) project a
Last fall, on the recomendatlon of
professional consultants, a 5Ginember
citizens ctimmittee and a council sub·
committee, municipal lawmakers unan·
imously adopted a re solution favoring
a move from the present city hall site
to Newport Center, But the move was
favored then only "in principle."
The resolution to be placed before
councilmen ~1onday Is as firm a com-
mitment as the city can make, accord-irlf, to Hurlburt.
'fl says, in effect. that we're going
there, unless something unanticipated
happens," he said.
lt is the res\llt of further studiCl of
the Newport Center IDd preaent city
ball sites. ·
These studies include ~ aJ.>Pfalsal ol.
both altea by Cedri<: A .• While, M.A.!.,
of Anaheim.
White's final report will be presented
to the council Mooday. Hurlburt .aa.ld it
will show a dollar advantaf.e in tulld-
ing ·at Newport Center of 'more than
SS00,000" over the prtSent site at 32nd
Stre« and Newport' Boulevard on tbe
Vice Mayor Lincbley Parsons pre-
dicted WIY appro.val of the resolution.
"We'd be foolish not to Uy io acquire
the Newport Center land. even if we
don't use it for 15 years," he said. "IU:
value will increase as the Irvine Com-
pany build,, around il We certainly
won't be losing any money."
Hurlburt pointed out that me city
cannot ask Newport vote~ lo approv,e
financing of construction through a gen-
eral obfigaUon bond issue-if the cit1
takes that approach-unlesl5 the land
bas been acquired.
Parsons said the city will probably
seek to .buy from the Irvine Compapy
"six aa'ell, perhaps up to. 13 fpr other
agencies." The county, he said, would
have to buy about six acres for the
courts~ which would share city parking,
maintenance, jail and Jandscaplilg facil-
Councilman Paul J. Gruber said he
sees "no difficulty" in the Newport
Center propo.<5al. "We need at the very
least a new location for new pollce head·
quarters," he said. "We should move
them; we have to move them. We can
decide on the other part\ of the civic
center later."
"The resolution," concluded Hurlburt.
"will demonstrate that th.e city Is in
earnest about Newport Center. Right
down the line, it has ~n unanimously
recommended by e.verybody who has
studied it."
Mesa Marine's Coffee
Helps Out Viet War .
Coffee -strong, hot and black -
Is a strengthening staple for men at
war, men in peace, or at any other
time and a Costa Mesa i\1arine is ln·
volved in a unique Vietnam battlefield
business providing it.
Identified as Gy-Sgt. W. C. Henley,
of 2215 Canyon Drive, the career enlisted
man is architect of Steve's Coffee Shqp,
at Vandegrift Combat Base in the war
Sunny Henley designed the cafe, just
a short distance from a helicopter pad
at Fire Support Base Dick, headquarters
of the Ninth Marines' regimental com-
mand posi •• -
"We llrol.f511t it would be a good idea
if we coold arrange lo have hot coffee
throughout the day," Gy-Sgt. Henley said
in a dispatch from the Third Marine Divlsion,;P~..clnter at Qa ~ang.
·"Once• we-tol· a field .stove, we built
a hut out of ammo boxes, engineer
stakes, a waterproof cover and we were
open for business." he explained.
They call it a business, but no money
changes hands as coffee, cookies, fruit
cocktail and sometimes cold milk are
freely dispensed.
The famed wartime saying that there
are no atheists in foxholes could be
twist.ed around to the effect that there
are no rank-pullers in Steve's cafe.
Customers at the recently opened spot
-from Maj. Gen. Raymond G, Davis,
commanding general, · Third Marine
Division, to the newest." sooty.faced 17·
year-old private E-2 -are just guy•
in need of a cup.
"I usually open up about 8 a.m.,"
said Stev.e Bolin}., of Chicago, Ill., a
former civilian cook who serves as
Maitre'~ chef, dishwasher, depoallory
of circulating jokes IJld Dear John Jetter anal I. . .. . .. .!".
![1bat give1 me time to have hot
coffee ready for gu)'3 corn.in& Jn oif
night perimeter watch," he said.
Newport Firemen
Treat Teen on Drugs
Newport Beach firemen Thursday &ave
emergency tr~atment to a 19-yur-ol",
youth suffering from too m u c h 1
The youth, who called firemen from.
his Balboa home, said he had been
taking "bennies" for two days. He wa1
havlng trouble breathing and his pulse
was irreg'ular, firemen said. He wu
hospitalized at Hoag Memorial Hospital.
Alark.J.m.,n• /or women:
-Women'• 828 to Sl36
dreoae1 reduced to $18 to $90.
-Women'• 818 to $28 bon•
ni1 dresse11 have been reduced For the Farells, however, the roar
of the big engines does not stop at
work. The roar comes right down Chan-
nel Lane.
The roar could come from one or
all of his favorite machines, a 1921
louring bus, a 1948 fire engine and
a vintage model English taxicab.
"These are Bill's real loves," says
Judy, who shares her husband's interst
in the old vehicles .
The louring bus, dubbed affectionally
"Old Yeller," once was used to carry
tourists through Yellowstone National
Park. While touring in the park the
"I really didn't know what to say,"
Judy recalls. "He w.:i.s so delighted that
I had to be happy too, although I did
have visiorui or all the neighbors gelling
hysterical when a huge hook and ladder
truck pulled into the drive."
The taxi v.·as acquired just for fun
while Bill was on a business trip to
England to buy three double decker
buses for the Long Beach Bus Co.,
\\•hich uses them as tour vehicles laking
slgntseers to the Queen Mary.
For lhe Farells the world runs on
\\'heels. A house full of trophies indicates
that the couple use their odd assortment
Ain't it a shame?
My clearance sale
won't stop.
to 811 to SIS.
-Women'• 87 to Sl9 knit
lop hlon11e8 have been reduced
to 84 to 812.
-Women'• 817 to S55
swealen ha,•e .been reduced to
Sll to 832. . ' ' .•
-Women'• S19' ti> S3"6
pants reduced to 812 lo 822.
-Women's $20 to 838
skirts have been reduced to
813 lo 824,
A 1l1ame, how? A 1l1ame he·
cause I'm not in hu1ine111~ to
selJ oterchandiee at les1 tl1an
On the other hand. oelling
1968 merchandise d u r i n g
1969 (like oomo otoreo do)
would hurt even worse. It
would coil me friends and cu.,.
lomer1. I need all of tho1e I
can get.
So all ri~ht. Out it goeo. My
enlire 1tock of I 968 ?o.ds,
exupt for 1taple11 like white
111l1irt8 and black &00k1. which
I ba,•e to keep reordering.
Take it away at 55c to 85c
011 the dollar. I've Teduced
everythil}g according to how
n1any of .each item I l1ave on
hand. or how quickly I think
it will walk OUI.
-Women'• 815 to $28
Store1tJids clearance /or men: Bermuda 1hort1 and calotte1
-Hen'• $85 to 8165 aull> reduced to $9 to 818.
reduced to 868 to 8135. -Women'• Sil and 813
-~fen'• 850 to Si25 oport Ojlndala reduced 10 $7 and $8.
eoato rednced to S4-0 to $100. -Women'• $45 and S66
-Men'• 825 to S4-0 olaclu handbOf19 have been 'reduced to
reduced to 820 to 829.90. 828 and $33,
-Men'• $22.50 to 849.50 -Women'• 810 ocar•e•
1weaten have been reduced to now 86.
SI 7.50 to 840. -Women's aceeaM>rie1 now
-Men'• 112 to 820 knitted b11f price.
ohir11 now 810 to 815.25. ~ow then, I am not going to
-~fen'• ahoell.o hall price; make a piteous pl~ for you to
al8o rnen'1 $22.50 to 842 im· come in, but I need you and
ported shoea reduced to SIB to you need tome of theie bar-
835.60. galn1, and yon know it.
Jack Bidwell
Does Cryptic Inscription Sugge1t New Overpa11 Art In the Future?
011 YM.. on men'• clothing
I make no charge foT normal
One of the moll &eneron1 men (ooh!) in Ontn&e"County.
~467 Via Lido al Newport 81...t. at enlnnce to Lido lolo.
I'm next to Richard'• Market and tho Lido Movie Theabor.
Drive bet.ween thubor and my 1to..., to park. 6734510.
Copyright 1969, Jack BidwelL
" I•
' '
... -:Pu!l.P.~t:1 ~P.~t .. ·~e,W -, '.:~;;~ ;::;;~UrchHo~,'Too?
o1°'~~Mi~·:.: ~~~~'.~~.be ~~~:~1t":t~= =~~~ o :~ .Ki' ( . t .
United ~h ot Qlrlst con-The &MUii cooarqlllonal llQI\ will · lp<Ok on "Cauael 'Whloh, utorbeslal•al-~~.;.°!~-lll • n· enya 11 tOIJIS CABSBLI ~ ·ll-which he one! children to Metropolitan
fere""' omce, hrlU be the meeting 'ti achedll1ecl for 7:IO ol Ghetto CondlUOll!." •.:Paa or ............ -.. UDllOd ""'° loleru~ llel.,.i to ar1an11!0 Memorial Methodlot Cllurcb,
IUflLJ>r<acher Sunday &t p.m. Wedotlday. preacjl 'at billh lbe ti a.m. • · t ~ Jllcba;d M.. ~Jolldloli:• however, nw the Nixon ·home Ill the ~·lol~...,'Clt'fllo .. lty Worahlp ......... •l Celtnl ..... p.m. --Oilier A lomlly tram Kenya wlll "'-·-.. ~ •• t. .. II l'!'.91' liltl>O a totally ,WI· Sprln&. Valley aecUOA 0 r a.il!IL 'Oi!Cfe~. 611 Commilnion wJU be offered BapU1t CllwU, 7161 Waroer ac\lvlllel ••tlW at Oto be tht apeclal lll1tlla at all =.,;;., ;;..';'_ ==-,,. . , a~~ oott!lwelt .Wublniton.
llelfotropt A\·t. Tu;toJ)1c tor at lht sand t:BO 1.m. services Ave., HunUngton BtaeQ, are cburcb"l. AN )"OUtb WfJcel S\lnd11 at FowtllJD .._. UM1 ...,.,..,. When tbt-NllOM moved to
the id a.m. &erVic:t wtll be SW>day ror memben <JI SI. ldleduled !or 11 a.m. ud T cllolr, " joaltb Jloilr, Valley Prubytttl!o. Chur<h, 11 hll perlpotetlc ~ ~ -· Noll°"* ty (lee <JAIULll, P• ll
"R•"'· Reality, Revoll'" A Mldael'• rad All Aqtl'r p.IJI., Swldry. VI! It IP I I e,m. I , .. ,_,. "20 Talbert Ave. l,lDdlrl 8. ~-• -~ Bui 1it.ru1;::::========, Wlt'bll~k aes~on ·wtu be con·. EP,llcopal~~-Paclflc. mlnlller, ·the Rev. -_:_,11!,. it ~ •-'-· At the II a.m. llTVlee the . .Jetore•te.tl:a!JIO.io.w. It to-show qp at GOSPIH . ~USI". duCied wltb.lhe congregallo~ V!elf15flve,Ccironadell!U. Ray • w!D "preach · at ·lx>tb r~~...,. . ..,. ,,...._ Rav. Jock Arm-.• 'former .W..•J'l11'11!11l'1 fct:_(V;1t_. L tbollc, Lutheran "'"' "'
after tbe worship. Tbe aMual pariah meeUng wvlces. Nunery care II pro-Clt!una Cent«, lltb and Navy ~plaln darl!!i World ~" ,1D 411ave f.l\)lrite or .bi Nixon ANNIVERSARY
Chureh JChoOI also wm:. la ~..fq' "Ne~nd v~ed.~· ~~·~ ·.·' •.. .:. lrvtoe, Newport ~ach, the War I!, wW 1*each al)d al 1'~[,abllrch<ll'-Whlch 11 .. ., • Quat!','' SPECIAL . beglnallDa.m. . .N~cart will:•J>e ,J>ekWls-'*""Pi{lph ~ -II w Rev. Loren Flletlng" wW theevenlni,.ni.. 7:IO,Ml'I. ·~ lpore_)lr'1ta whlcll: 'IM bas ~a
wWbeprovldet . -.haJl...T:Jlla.•~et;:_1'1r ·1.oi,, --· eim(l>!or speakoc '~TrlhJlncol.'.ume. wJU J!IUf. Jil thll ,~11. _"f;• !-':' ='lll ·~ ReHIJlllll
--··-' planl'ancUl..uo.r'.dt membm kinderprl<n · h "lhilll Thought," at the IO:IO Lm. 1trv)ce, their chlldr'" will '".; JP!IN F. falNNEl>y liked . .ol ltlil>li sine~ birth.
A sermon titled .. Ask God to the vestry are on the agen· grade children la held during ser;vlce Sunday ol. the ~ sl1ndna.lheln lheRevAku. ,.:J.ba., !:Ul~lr 10 .,; lo m~-at Holr, Trinity ~~-~.!!fu.i'~ :;hipdtUer
Some Questions!" will be da. the mamtna-~rvlce. Vafty Cbuc;IP• ,. ' ..... "'( ., DUU .._. ....... 1 .. ,.,. t 0 ...........,. ~ .e::8t •r
ed sd the nd I Off!-·• --1, •! •'-• "-'-... lean -....u,1 ,. • -\,OU,... '.l:eOt.l't own, Fri~•, mee•"'"' n.~his •ome presented at the.Sunday morn· W ne ay, seco . ec-...... -. .. "'"" AJJ .a •uj .... e1, a aer1e1 . Wublngtcn'~ oldest Roman 1111"" ..-.-• •,1
Ing servlce1 al SL Alldrew'• tu-; 1n. the "Raclsm -an<t'Ut" clwrfl>.wlll~t~ j>.OI. .. Tbe Rev. Lothat V. Tornow or plclure.s about their work. Cltlti>lle patllb. Dwlpt 0 town of Wb!llJ.o",;Cal~ ... and
Plflhyleriad Chureh. IRJO st. series ~ sl&ted for 1;!0 .P1ll· -.. · ... wll\ !ptlk on .'IA Day. lo tht Tile Bev. and ll!n .. Armes .)tlienholfer . could be ....; inUmttes uy'Jwi \>l'ns lb re-
A1¥trefi's-Roa,I:,~ e w p 0 r l in,.Jl:lft: parish hall. lJUOge 8l 30b. "'\he'."lJ'f' I•# Temple" 1l 1:15 and If a.m. along with tbelr two · sons near! ev Sund at Na· tain that lffUlat~· after he
Epl1COpal Chtattll, 2043 Orange ~':"-~'. · 71!,. CbrllVlctorll 1La
,llleCoa~ and daughter art spending tionill ~yterlanay Church. enters the White~ ~ , ... ~ { Ave,. Costa Mesa~iUU offer .... "'"--vu Ull their -~lougb year with Mrs. Harry s. Truman atttnded BUT NJXON bas never been
\. '\ communion at 7:330 :a.:ro .. Sun-Mesa, Sunday. Sandaf school A'!"es father w~Ile the Flrat Baptist Church, a brisk narrowly den omtn:alional ., in
··•· d.,: The ·.moa .lfrayer and Bible classes will meet at children attend school. When IO-minute walk from the White his churchgoing. In fact, dur·
a'•::t0·ttmt "J'lemorfal pa~-~ famOy'..Mrvr&~ , ~gin at 9:30 a.m. A baby-sitting the school year ends. they will House. Franklin o. Roosevelt . ir)g ~e eight years he served m ""'' flt 9:30 a.'rn';''SdOOa ·~MOL also service ii provided at both . return .to Keny~. where they worshipped at st. Thomas u ¥ice president, he rarely
meets at this hour. Nursery hours. have &~nt IS tears EpiJcopal Church. Herbert attended Quaker servied. He
The SouthLi11J's Most Btailli/ul cart is provided. ~ Sunday School will be held Hoover went to the Friends usually went with his wife
Mtmi>rials ~ing ":rlph~ny 1969". ·at 9:'5 a.m. and the youth ;:::==================:::,II A Sunday school ontest with as his sermon . topic, Pastor meetings wtll begin it 5:30
Belhany Baptist Church in James Blain will address the p.m.
Riveralde begins this Sunday congregation of the Newport · Wednesday the women's
at HunUngton-Va.Uey Baptiff Harbor Lath~a.!1 Cburcb at fellowship executive boal11 will
Cburcb, 9779 Slater Ave., 8:30 and 11 a.m. "Services. meet at 9:30 a.m. aJl(f the
F-'ountain Valley. children are Communion will ht celebrated. church membership class at
"JODY" from TV's
his f1mlly
SAT. JAN. 11-7:00 P.M.
........ ,...,. ~--0.-.-. invited to wear western co•· (See PULPIT, P~ge !) 8:30 p.m.
AlrrioP! lock•bty, ntllon•I 1wtrd w11t111r for hi• c1 .. 1rt'Jl• •f
y•chtl119, ''"'r• tfl1 bott b11f for th• DAILY PILOT. H1'1 th1
•nl'I' fulltlrn1 bo1th19 r1p•rhr~•11 1ny Or1ng1 C•unty 111w1p•p1r
•or ll'lfo. coll 110·0115
Redondo '"'II
FAl!lVIEW,.!e'!!!~ .~~.'!~fH CLICJ ·I
. -~ •. to AM.~ WOIW!~; ~\'IC~.:.'.·;·:.... 11
--·-. ._ _-f:AJi(JUND.IY C IC-.i ~~-:.J!: · " ••· . ~:-· ,,.-~(J Sr. Ht ,.0 .!ft~·: ... _ •... · •;.::llt-tflJllY WHl )100 i.Jil$ #JI,.·., -... -.... ., ~· 1 ... 1 . V:T•'t111'-~r--_.. .. ,. .. , ... ,,.~· M Wo .;i ,., • • :-:,'"..:.'"~ ,_ • '· .... ...
lfA'IBORztMT! BAPTIST CHU!CH_ . ~.i."f2JO St. ot Fof,...Jew:-Com Mho
.. · • .,. ,..., fOGlTANCf, ~or Sundar Sc~l .ld5 a.m. Morrung Wor~p ;i:oo _a.m .
Baptist Tra.iobJS1Jnion 6 p.m. Evening 1erv1ce 7 p.m.
\Vedne&day Bible Study &: Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m.
., ...... · ll1r • .Job Sch11111!1kopf
S•..J."""". 'scliool .• ,.. , ~. 9:45 Tr1ini11g UniOll , •.•• , , •• 6.:0Q
·i. ~"'"i119 Wo~liip.,1 •••••• , 7:~0
Mornic Wonhil''•••• Ji :OO 'N'td. Evini,.. $~ .; •• 1:00
·: ........ '4lo!ftf -;·-.--~. ~ ~ ,. ,., '-
···~~ .. · -~UNIYEflSITY BA ·
U5Z s. I. PAI.IS
IUftOAY KHOOl ................. ~.,.,:.,.: ...... ,,u A.M.
MOltftlNG WOJUHll' .................... r..r-........ 11 A.M.
IVININO WORSHIP ................. ~~-~ .. ,,,,,. t tt.M,
MIDWEEK SERll'IC• WIDlit•IDAY .~ .... , f :M l'.M.
Huntington Beach-F
110 Oil••
CJtllfdt • L111d ....,..., ...
Lagvna·Beach -First
h of Christ, Scientl•t
... '.. • 6J5 Hftll Dr. . , __..
,...,,,'°"''C•ufC.\ • S• i-t1JO & 'ft'~..,,.....,.,
lea41119 loo,,., 214 ,.,.., An. '
Nt~•ch-First Church of Christ, Sclen'ff.t.
, .~ JJOJ Vie Lido
~· Chrc• a. S111ffy k ... t-t:11.._& 11 110 .
-:· :_ .1"41., loo-. lJll \'141 Ll4e •
NeWj,'.OT..t .Beach-Second Church of Christ, Scltntf1t
llOO Pitelffc Ytow Dr .. CereH 411 M•
Ch•rc• & S•H•r kttH~10 .....
Rffdhtt Aoont-2111 I . CNlf HWJ.
All are cordially invited to attend the church servicu
and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Roow FIRST
of .. u11tal11 Yolley
· tAmfflun •1111111
• 17415 Ma911ollo,
~ Fou11t11l11 Yelll'f
I Victoria & Placentia Ave. 11\!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:JI I Costa Mesa ll,
: , •• ~ .. ~;.!.'"" . ' ·"CHURCH OF CHRIST
Chll• Coro Pr1•IM4 AT All S!IYICIS
..... 01111 HtwklJ
YIVlll Mlllll"'
-Pac!flc-VleW1lr. ·at"'llfarguerti " Corona deJM~<
Sundays: 8:00, 9:30-Child Cate at 9:30:, ,
llolY Days aa lllnouneeo . . ,
Rect1r, The 1 ... J..Mi 1...,. D..,h-Plto"r"4;UiJ
S~ JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave,, C.M.
Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30
Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced
Ykor, TIMi Rn. Je•1 W. DHOllhff-l'lloq S41·1Ji6 '
First Assembly· of Golf Church:'
146 E. 22nd St., Costa Mo.. 548-3761
M. C. Cronic, Pastor '
R1y Nick11111, Mf11i.t1r of Youth
S1t1•..,_.c:t,1rcli kt..ol , , , •• , ••• , • , , •••••• , • , • , t :lO ......
. hMllr w.,u1, • • • • • • • • • • 1 O:ID 0.111. & 7:00 ,. ..
Church C_hoir -Sh1ril P•11l11", Dir1ctor
Yl1lt1n W1lc1mo -N1nory Att1114ont
ST.ATE llCINSID Pll-SCHOOL-Peul Wllll1111t, Dlrut1r .
Phone: 645·2l2l
Sun'4r School •... , . t:lO AM
Mril119 Wo11h lp •• 11 :00 AM
p,,,.,.· S1r•ic1 • , •• l :JO PM
E"1t11}1g Wor1hip •.. , T:OO PM
I Dou9lo1 H•dtn 287 W. WILSO.N ST., COSTA MESA
-.. -1 E1rlr wwu.11 ·., ...... l:'JI 1.111. llTWEIN HAllOI ond FAllYllW .
:;::,,,:"';;';, ............ ::: ::::: 1uN••v MORN ING mt• sruov ................ "'' •M a Harbor Area Reform Temple
Ymn °'"" ········· '1.111., SUNDAY MORNING WOii.SHi P l COMMUNIO N • , 10145 AM meeting •t
..,_., A••ll•MI 11 •I hnkll vN' . C p .... ·d'd SUNDAY EVENING WORSHI P , •... , .•.•••••••••• 6:00 P.M. St. J1m11 Epi1copal Church
I' ursery are rov1 e WEDNESDAY EVENING 1111LE STUDY •...• '' •••••• 7:30 PM 3209 VI 847-4844 S4M11t:,-541-5141 NURSERY CARE PAOYID!D . I Lido, Newport Buch
Ii w. l•li•u·N· 1'T'AvR,.IA'N' • l1~~~~M~l·~"'~"~~~~~~~~~~~·~-~l~ore~M~1~,-~ .. ~·~11r=·~·~·;·l~HLH~Ll~O~HO~W1;=~;~';'1';'~"··1·1""1'1":'1'~"~"~-~~111 Phone: 548-S71 l Doy or Night
,,., v,,,f.~~~c~ .•. M... G L A D T I D I N G· S
.f . ,.
I• ;;.
t: ---~ -
,::;"~I.. 646-4652 CORO~A .P~ MAR ASSEMBLY OF GOD
Ba hci' u' Ila h
OP NlWPOIT llACH-IDlotJ,lt1tl
lit ........... , ....... 11••• 1••• ScMlf 421 L 1 ltll~ 'It.. c... w ...
.,churcll School -9:45 A.M.
Worship -10:45 A:M.m
Nu""" c ... "'9..W.tl
_ Phone: 675.J98S
Minister: Dr. D. IV. McE!roy
w.....,_11:00· A.M.
Cll11'*9! kttMJ-10:00 A.M.
Of. l'M .... """'"' fiij~lttlr
Miit Ill""' f(!Mt. o.c .••
Seventh-Day Adventist Churches
C..... M.. L.tu1111 .Nit•-'
211 Av.c .... Stffot wonllfpt Ill
John Sh1wm•••· P1,1or S.llfti Shrot loptt•t Chttrc•
Pho"•: 541.•s•• J271Z cr.w. teri., M_.,
SeWMtti SclilMI ••• , t :lO AM A. E. R1wi1n. ''''''
I W--" ll·OI AM P~11111 "'1·ltl6 .,. Ill _, · • · s.tiMtti SdtHf , ••• t :lP AM
PNyet-"'"""' • Wl'tl • 71H PM M.,.lllf W...., •• 1 l :tl AM
I 5th & Monrovi1, Nowpart Be1ch
C\11 •IKt W-' If MMe H•~)
64U620 or 546-7166
flttrri11 ••n•1tt .... l'l'llW '•"' MlllW, MIAICel Dnw
9:A5 A.M. -S111'ia-r Scliffl .
k•'TIOn -:iv "'''Q• ••n....,,1111 7:00 P.M. -llY. PAUL lllUTON
A D1cu-11tory Fll111 -"Fir N1w • hr 1At1r"'
About TH Hlpplo llt1Mlllff Fll-4 It HohlJhf·A1•t1r'f1
S.1t Prenclac•
Tu~. 1:lD •.M.-Ttilltti t.n!Ct, D111 M1rT_,., Dltoctor
WM. 7:JO P.M.-ln. hwl4 l.omoM
Cllllr -.Ill M S"'91 ... II Wit! • .,,,.., l•l"flCll
Pr•y1r M'11tin9, Siturd1y, 1:30 P.M.
740 W. Wll1on, Co1t1 M"•
Y. l. HlrrNICk, '•Nr lll DON COHIY,
141-4104 Mlnhter of M.a. & T..n
10:10 A.M.-"A11..., 9o Tl49y'1 "'9•i.m• ' S1r111111 ~y Pt.tor
• 7:00 P.M -lft. A Mn, 1..-hrtl11
Mlnk111 rln f• J1p1t1
~ -ICl ..... l'MI -·~ -(lllM c.rt
•04D T•li-t A•. IT.ti.t & Mopol .. J, POUNTAIN Y~T
UNIFIED SElltVICE •· S0tntl•r Scho1I t1J~WORSHIP • lO:JO
Worthil' & Youth Gro11p• ~ 6:10 p.111.
N1n1ry 1'towii:l1cl •• 111 1tnlc11
J. CMll'Ulfllly Cl!lll'Cll -Vllltlfl Ari A .... n Wtl-
Newport Horbor
Lutheran Church
2501 Clil! Dr. Ll 8-42113
n. lri. JlllMt •· llah1, Pastor
n. 1..-. Gn,,,e J. 1mi.ctet • ... , ,...,lhi.
..,... Stnkl .•.... ·=~=· ....... !11f11f1y SdlMI, •. , , , . t :41·U:41 a.a. *tn111tt ..,.,ICI .... 11 1•U:•
Nl!ill!Y c..arJ aJlaiW>lll_
at all servJces
Lutheran Church
of tho Moster
2900 Pacific View Dr.
Phone OR 3-5022
11ilsourl Synod
760 Vlctorlat It .. CM"tll Mtu
Loth•r V. Ternow, Putor
541 54M Wortltl• l1rvlct1: l 1IJ & 11 A.M. •· ,.,,..., ld'loll1 t1)1 A.M.
Afflt •11111 Cl1•1 t 1M A.M.
M11t Verdtt Dri•• I ll•k•r Str11t, Corti M111 Celif.
, AftDltEW (, AHD•-5oif: ........ •
Morn1n• Wonhl•: t & 11:15 1.1'1. • iund1y"kllool : t :lS a. 10':111.rn,
.Princ1 ,of,t;~c~ l~Jhti-•11 Sfhool -M~•·_Ed'h~r Ol1c.n, Princlp1f
OJflc"! Pho_,.,., -~~fJO~ 1 , .'t' .' "'' '~iC1i·i'ol ;fiti.in11 i4't.~•t ·
420 10th St., Huntington Be1ch
Sunt19Y Montlnt Stinkn·u4 Yowtll C1t1rch-11 :00 0.111.
W1dnt1d1y Ev1nin9 Study Gro11p-i:lO p.111.
Erllftt P•te, Mlnltm P\o.,: IJ6.J120
A Cordie( Welcome from
l1lbo1 bltnd
115 At•I• 675-0950
t :IS lnfo trri1I Wonl!ip
'11:30 Tr.dltion•I Wot1h ip
I S11ni:l1y Scliool
Collti M111
191h SI I H1rbor 11¥d.
Worship & Church School
t :lO I II AM
~1f1 M1w-Norftt.
. ~1M'Y1"111.l l1k1r St.
... S4t-!1t.,
Wor1hip ~l Gh11rch Scho11I
9;00 ·1.' 01Jb,AM •
H11ntin'JllOn l11th
2721 17th St .•••. 536-353 7
S1rwic11 -9:30 I 11 1 . ..-n,
N11r11ry lhr11 2nd 'Jl•ldl • 11
Church Scliool -9:)0 •·"'·
Huntington ll11 ch-Norlh
6662 Ht il A••·· .S42-4461
Wor,hi p & C"urch School
'I_ & 10:10 AM
lr..in-E11t l luff
Woriflip •••• l :lO AM
M1•ting t1mpor1rily In
St. M1rk Pr1,byt•ri1n
E11tbluff Dr. &
J•111bor11 Rd.
(1g'!.'I.' ••• ~ l,t((OUNA llA'CH
21632 W1il1y Dr in
So. lt'JlUn l
Wor•hip 9:10 & 11 AM
Church School •:10 AM
Newport lle•ch
1400 W. 81 lbo1 111 .. d,
Worship I: Church School
'113 0 I 11 :00 AM
of the Coastal Areas
Christ Chprch Prftbyterlan
10111 M..,.U. fN..-"Malt Hltfltl•• IMtill S.lf91 W~1 t :IO AM CW.• ...... 1 lli•l"U, dM.i 111 ...... PllMo1 h6.01Jt
I Church Of fM Covenaat
n101"fM1w1•cd.w ..
... .,. Do11114 '1 . M1cl~11ts.._ ·lntf!\111 P1tt1r
Sllllffr Wenlll' & ~~Ir t1J'::PllMo 14M.M4
St. Mark P.resbymian "Church
C.,_ """'"'" & 1-*lfff Drf'W.t. C.... .. y., ............... KM, ,.._-;;, •
ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHl!RCH UNITED« SPIRir~ll1ST CHURCH w""'• a c:.':'.:1~..,i-10 AM
IMinourl Synotll SHARP · w"'"'1'l" •b• 14n .,.,. w.i.. s-.... Community Presbyterian Church
__ _U.NJ.V_j.RSITY P RK SCHOOL If ,..,..,. • ihti,, tr1J11, u•• tit• DAILY ,!LOT'S M-1111 D1,,.... WORSHIP AND MESSAGES 411 ,_t AMII• fet t 1t4 St.I, a..11.._ lffcll
St111tlbatt •I M1tth1wt In U11i•1r1it7 ,,t~ A·llNI cl1Mifl.J 1tlt S1turcl1~1, M•k1 1 b1ff1r J11!,., wh1th1r S111llley 1'""'9t -711• ,... J DALW TUl"ll. PAITOI ~ ~OUHIP'l 11:10 A.M. yoa",. ri..,.fnt et ,,11111• I t62·0411 114·1944 WWlllJ' & Clllf"dl ldio1I t tlD AM WllMlp-11 AM ~.. Jor"'•llf\ '•it., IJJ·f21l. W1 l1Ji1~1 ht Et1r111l lift tnd Pr• .. • hi 4t•·11il '--~~~-...;:.;;;.~~~~...;;...~--''--~~~~~~~~~~-~·-·-·~~~~~~~~~~•<-~~~~~~~~~~-=
I •
h, ,.
• ,,
Condawed From Pa&e 4
New Yort, they slorted c<>illll
to Dr. Nannan Vincent
Peale's famous M a r b I e
Collegiate Church on FUth
Avenue. Their cloae t.ita to
thla church were made evident
'when daughter Julie cbole It
u the Ille ol her mariiote
to ·Oavid Eisenhower.·
Informed &OUl'Cel say that
Nixon may attend a speclal ~-al aervt<e 11 Mil'-.
ble Collegiate Church on Ja~.
19, jlist' before'Fbe leaves for '
Washington and his swearing-
In. .
IN REPLY lo questions sub-
mll\e<l ~y UPkNlxon's P'e8I
spokpntn l\ori Ziegler aald
lbe )'!:e!jdeot10lect )lad l)ol :
1eWed . Oii • """ W ashinffen chun:h tor regu.lar attendarlce. . ' Zieg__ler said Nixon feela at ~~ _'!t· _ • wide vanetr. of ~ ohurcljes; '-'t.,,.i ·atio iin ~ occaaion ·attends
Calholic churches tnd
other informants aaid Nixon
was being urged by the Secret
Service to keep h1a churthgo-
ing somewhat unprediclable
as to Ume and place.
.Missionaries 1 , •.
The Rev. and Mrs. Roger P~ns, missionaries to
Japan, will speak at the Ha$Qf Assembly of God
Church, 740 W. Wilson, Costa:Me~a, Su n d a y at
7 p.m. The Perkins shown With their two sons and
daughter, will speak. on. t,be •wt.oms of the country
and display cuDos and cosjurnes~
going to church exposes a
president to greater risk of assassination than almost any ------------------
other public -act which be
perfonns regularly. For
upwards of an hour, the chief
executive is sitting, standing
or kneelina io tbe midst of
a large crowd of people w.ho
cannot be screened in ad-
Lectures on.,Jesus,
Satan The~ Slated
The risk ls greatest when ~for eaeh lecture.
Tici'els ·may be purchased at
the door.
a potential assaMin can count The Lutheran Council of
on the President occupying the Huntington Beach Is llpomor-
same pew in the same church Ing a series of four lectures
at the same hour each Sunday. by Dr. James Kallas. pro---~---~
It can be minimized by doing iusor of religion at California
what Johnson did -creating Lutberan College in Thousand
so much uncertainty about bis Oaks.
churc.bgoing that no one ever · Dr. Kallas Is a ltadJng New
knew in advance where he Testament Interpreter of the
might pop up of a Sunday theological theme ol Jesus and
_!1!2Lajn&:.__ _ _ Sata~books .ha~t __
Thus Nixon has a strong won . a~ards Jo ·re 1 i g Io~ s
practica1 reason for following publishihg.
Talk Slated
·On Chqrch
lnRus8ia -
'""" Chrlsllan Chureb In the Soviet Union Today" wUJ
be prea<Dted In slldes at lhO
Marto F~r ~~ Hltll SchoO~ 'Sia Juan Capiatrono,
Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m.
The speaker will be J0&eph lf· Cqpeland, overwea1 -r' Qt •IJ>e l!l>d<OI T .. ammt ' rUagdo. ~ h ~
meeting will be spoMOr<d by
lbe Coast Bibi<! Chureb.
Copeland Ind his family.
have 5efVtd wtth the Pocket
Talamenl Leaaue lot · IS
years. They have worked in
Japan. K«e11 Southeast Asia,
Africa, South America and
The. Copeland• r e c e a t I y
rehl{ned from Europe where
COpe1and spent several weeks
in Poland, Ctecboslovakia and ,
Johiison Opens
Museum of Art
President J obnson b r ~ k e
ground thi.9 week for a
mwieum to house-tile nearly
$60 million art coltection of
Joseph H. Hlrshbom.
Hirshhom, 69, the 12th of
13 c'ru.Jdren, came to this Coun-
try from Latvia, and rose
from poverty to · become a
multi-millionaire t hr o u g h
mining, real estate and l!ltock ·
interests. He · gave IUs col-
lection to the ~ovemment
after negotiating with the
Johnson family.
·Two· Adult
Classe's Set
In Laguna
' Two five-week adult classes
In sen.slUvlty training and
communic.aUon problems will
be offered beginning Sunday
at Community Presbyterian·
Ch\Jrch, Laguna Beach.
The sensitlvlty class taught
by Chaplain E. G .. Reitz, ad·
ministraUvq assi11tant I n
cha,rge or Hoag ¥emorlal
Hospltals'11 mental' h e a I t h
progra1n,,meeb in Hlll's Hall.
The ot\ier course, ent1Ued
"\\'ho.st communic~Uon Prob-
lem?" .int be tatlght by c.-H. Richardson, a
J>6ychology instructor a t
Orange-Coast College, 1n the
Church Parlor.
Registration fee for both
courses is $1. The sensitivity
class will be limited lo 11
lit.udenlB, the commnnicatloo
class to._ 25~ •. / 1 :
LBJ 's example. Dr. Kallas is a graduate
IF NIXON fails to become or L~Uleran Theo ~o g i c ~I
Id .1.ed .th rtlcul Seminary, St. Paul, Mm-enti 1 wt any pa ar nesota and rectived hil PHO W~gton c.~urch, w ~ o •I, I in th~logy from' the Universi-fun~~., as the President s ty. of Chicago .. Prior to en-
pa~h: Rev. Dr. Billy Graham leriag ~e miniatry· he .Played
Is the most likely candidate pr~fess1onal football -w1th tbe
for the role. The noted Baptist Chi~wgo Bears. .
evangelist and the President· Tbe lectures wdl be held
1 elect are close personal et Red~ Lut'hera_n
friends of many years' stM· ~hurch, _Spnngdale and Heil,
ding. Official recognition ol 1n . Huntington BeaJ;b. 'Ibey
Graham's pastoral role may will be he,ld at 7 t,P•,m. 0!1
came soon, with lhe,.. an-four, consecuUye .Sunay e\!tft-
1 nounc6ment that he hiis been ings, • beg!M,jng Jan. 19 and
I . invited to deliver the con9nuing through FfJ>. 9.
r "Protestant prayer" at Nix· Ticket! for the series will
t on ·s inauguration. be $5 per couple or $1 per
It's at 7891 Tdlbert Avenue.
The Auto Club's new "castle" Jn Huntington Beach.
Fully staffed. And funy equipped. Slat1in9 Monday,
January 6, providing more then 7Clq $el'Yices to
Auto Club members and the COIT)mUnity. Everything from
weekend vocation to worldwide travel p!onn!ng.
Everything to help you get out and follow on the fun
that's going on in Southern California and beyond.
Slop by and let Ed Sullivan, the new mohoger, show you
around the Auto Cl1Jb'.s new "castle" tn Huntington Beach.
m1 r.,11, .. t Aw., twn11"8''"' hMli, Cellf., ,._, e.t1.nu
We've buiH a new office in
fl!l Huntington t Beach .
1 _,. ..... '"• plli..., •1ttit1• '°" 1 eel• h _ kny eN1IH•
1 _,. ,.... ........ 1. "'"'· ...u
Ml• wftll ..... trfM
~1,11 Mell ,.u.,., t•l4 Ylhilt, £ fltltt ~ eaten W.W. ., plMt
1-Cecb.ll T.W-, s,..i.. W .. t111rt &M'ffll
Np.t ... lltMl'h
1-HI.. Ne• .... eNk', ,,..... n11J
i ............... '"' •'MU
1-lllfht & H~ iHrt ..... 11 ... *" ti.. 4-ere e--il fr.tit
• ~IHtM Mt, I pc.. ,. ........ ,_ I · MP Hell cHfn. ,_,. ...,., ... ..
1 ~.. CelilMt, .,. ..... "" .... ---·--'
1 _,. ..... -tehet ................. ..... tlftM ....
1_..._ tep..,... ..W.. J4s7Js¥4,
l ............ .
.,_s .. 1 .,.,,.,., eHtn, est ""'9t, 6. ....... .....
1-""9 .... \ ................ ..
............ w"4 ...... 1-=--"""· -.....
2 C•'I ~ .._. """ "'""· twftM, M --
... 129.95
... 99.95
... 159.95
-· _..., 11, 1969 DAILY l'ILCIT 5
S~day ,School Oasses
DbUbloo , al"St. Wilfrid·
I .
·With 'the ~1 ~ EllJ1, H•;,,,sqk<I W .
laclllllto almoot doubled, 1fanitllp• • ..vtcos 1at St.
Cburcl> ol. St. WIU!rd ol York Wllb1dt bqln ol I a.m. w)th
wUl bold all ~-II l :IO OOllUDlllllon offered. the ,..
1.m. lh14 Sundlyo lillt<.td cl · Cond servl<e, 11 1.m., alto
at 1:30 aOd 11 a.m. ! wUl· ·oelebrate tcommuzllon.
Sevm-al new classrooms hve Evensma: becW at 1 p.m.
<Orift91 C:O..st'
Mott Cimplote
PllNTING SERVICE ,., -been odded to the faclllly A cmtlnnoUoo cfa&s will be
Joc:atad 'at ·.Chapel 1-11 bold ·within 111r .. ~ I~.-,...-----,-,~.:-"!-'
.. ' . .
. . ...
. ' ,
Sci le
Florsh•im, val. to 37.•5 19.10 to 24.10
Portage, val. to 23.75 17.IO Ii 12.80
Sllpp•rs1 values to a.so ............... :.:4.00
Sizes to I)
Stri'de· Rit•, valu•s to 14.00 7.50 & 1.50
Pl•·d91, valu•s to 11.00 .................... 6.50
Slippars, valuas to 4.50 -·-··--···.2.00
Monday, .l•n· 13th
9a30 a.ai.
' OPEN , MON. EVE. ·"
Johansen, Vtllty, Oa liso, .
Fl~riheims, values to 28.00 .....•.. 1.6.fD
Vitality, Paradise Kitten•, , ,
valu11 to 20.0P ........................ 12ito J
Ri1q1,1a, valu1s to 17.00 .... 12.fO & 10.to
Flat11 v1lue1 to 17.00 ........ 7.tO & 10.ff
Slippars, valuas to 1.50 .................... 4..00
Sizas to I 0
11lactld 1tylei/brft• sh11
loniAmwl....i/11....., C"""o
1, _,,.w. ,. ..... """ • ,., ... ,.., ... ,.. ........ ..... . . '
2 ...... cMln. ..... ,.. ........ .... ......... ~-'"" ... .... .......
1 _,..,.,., ........ ,., -..., .....
....... ... "'"" tahl ,.111t, YtiNt
41t--a.r.1 eHln,. •Ml 111 ·••I•, twftM, 6. fllly ..... llterM. ........
"t-11111111 NftM eHln. swlMf, Mrral .&. ~ .,... .. Mt
1-1...,.rtM brm:ler, .... •IHI haYJ ,... ...,.,. -... ,.
1-1 '"' .... ""'-' ..... ..,... ... ..._
1-JJteper, ...... '""'· TllftM Mak·
1-1.ew 's.t, T ...... lllN, Yet.at, weM "'• 1-= .... Or-. ............ chft
1-W,...., I,_ lte&w.y, YrHer ....
1-Me"'•rr••ila hM. C~11ta1 ....... ,.. __
... 89.95
.... 129995
.... 121.95
...... -"!' .....
--. -
·m· R' fl s p 1 B LO• s FULLERT0N"~2s No,,Harbor s1.d., dnw•lnwn ' Pho,,. (71•> a11 .s110 .' ' ' !. ~ . HUNTINGTON BEACH; 18582 Beach 81¥d, • Phone (714) 962-4477
' . RIVERSIOE, 43'3 Mukel (near 141h on Marko!). Phone (714) 682·7950 ! '
), Goodfriend of lho Fomllyfor Sr.tr-E7gh1Y-. 'OfEN SUNDAY 12:00 lO 5 l'M ' . TERMS! CERTAINLVl"SiOJiEl:fQURS:_MON.• FRI. tAMTOt PM /WUK~YS•SAT. t AM'IOS:lo ..ii '
/, I ' I
" j .
• r
' . '
~· ,) ,
•• ••
• •
• ..
----o.r ,,._ '" s-l'NMUee -----.
~ Fll-\NCISCO -Newaman to llllor 111 tha Hall of Julllee: "How's
bU.sl.nesBT" JaJlu : "Well, we'Nl cet·
linB a lot of Junky Good Samaritan&."
Newsman: "Parmet:'!" Jaller: "You.
know, guys who get buated oa purpoee
90 they can smuule pot to thetr
buddies wllo're locked up." Come ny
with me.
wake of the aatroftauls: "When we
artually 00 land on the mool'I, I
IU1't hope ""t lr)' it w~n 11'1 full
and not one or thole dfnlly Uttle
A STANDING ovation.for Dr. Jon1s
Salk, medicine'i foraotten man. In
J954, the worst year, Calif. had '8Z9
cases of paralytk polto, 111 of them
fataL THIS year, five cases, oo
deaths! Did you ever think the lime
would come when we'd hive Jl'tCll"fl
leprosy (37 cases) lhln polio in •
givtn year?
NAM!: CHANGE of the seaaon:
Dr. Richard Alpert. tile f.,_
Harvard psychotOBlsl and Stanford
author, is now Baba Ram Dass of
the Universalist Church, and on a
lecture tour. Baba Ram Dau. Well,
it's catchy.
Champion, the noted Broadway·
H'wood director who came here to
~ired "Flea in Her Ear" for AC't,
~ a minlacule (for him) lllary
>I -· for Illa two maotlll' work. Shortly after he Wt town. a $SIOO
contrlblrttoe to ACT arrived "°"' L.~. with • nott relding "frtlm 111
IJ!001mQlll donor'' -bot ,..·n .,....
ollly one -• . . And bow did
... lift his llaJ In s.. P'nndleo!
Gooer: "Woll, an I aaw ol tltt dly
wu the two blocb hetfttn the
Gaylont Hotel and the Geary 1-.r
-but It .... ptal This la Ille
only place I... beta In Ille 1111 llve
years where DOboctY" atopl me and
says 'Mq I have 1'Ktt' autacraflb,
Mr. Culp?' or 'I never m.lp you
on 'l Spy'" •.• Along with retUmtng
bis fee , the Champion aaye tbe corn·
pany a Christmu pr<ten!: Ha lloqllt
lull-page 114' in tilt New'-York ~
and two tradt' papen. ·'a.ancmclal
A.CT's complete seaaon. ..
AllJONG TH<ml .aatoni!he<I . a\ the
hirsuttneSS ol IO!'De of our 8eit Y ouna
Man at the recent CoUlllon waa the
greatest nonagenarian of lhem . 'all,
BariJter Joseph Oliver Tobin. When
a youpa gentleman . wearing a Fu
Manclm1.,....tadle imd sb&JI)' locks
danced past. Joteph Oliver asked with
a start: "And who or whit ii THATT"
"~"be WU told, "ls Phil Gerbodt,
ton of the renowned heart specialist,
Of. FrW Gerbode." Joseph OUve:r
Mdded wisely. "1 see it all now ,''
be aald. '"1be young man give1 people
ftetrt atlaq)ts, Qd h1a father cures
How H. G~ Wells Broke
--S--e.l!JJrity un-A--Bombs~
~ ~
Fnm Nnl~Fnlat Ma1111De many new A·7 Corsair ll attack plants
were IOin(. 16 Vletllam. 'I1>e "Journal"
One dOjl In Mani, 11144 John Campbell. nporier J!lerely pieced together Pon-
edlter ol "AatOUiidlnR.'' the acleoc< fie-tqon tel(lmooy from eJcht dtuerenl
lion mquine (llDw "Analog';), wu hearlnp. 'at cne semaq., f.b• Defen,,e
visited bp F.B.t:'' agenu. Other tban Department Kid tt wu orderln1 nlM
fallln&: to break]1ie seals on cigmttell lqlladnN.
pac)s when •~I them, Campbe In another bearin& montlla latar, the
couldn't imagine 'f'hat federal crime he Navy dropped the referent• that 24
might have committed. tt caroe u a pJanu mlde up an A·7 squadron. It
considerable shock, thtn, to 1' informed waa no fP'e.al trick te put the ~wo flJUte&
that be had conirlbuted to ·a brea<h totetlttr and cfeduco tllat -.Jlf pianu
of naUonal security and might be were llattd for Vietnam. ' -
respmsible !or jeopa.rdlr.inl the safety.; , • ..:.:~ ~ ...
of hla country · ~ INGSNti!Ui nporilng -or br<aches
'Ille trim Q.man opened a copy ~ Ol'utlonal oecurlty? In a f,.. IDclety,
the current is.sue of hJ1 ma1azlne te:.!. '1lere ii no clear cut ~-Cert.tlnly
a story by a .. e Catllnlij_ enUUed.""tlltre an military oemi,.'.JPt must
''Deadline." Ita gimmick wu, • d~ be iuard.t at all costs ~Jji nalional
r'l•Y weapon detonated by br~c ~ defense plan, State De~. ~-
pieces of fissionable Uran:him .~).DteUJaence ·reports. Bey th 11.
SG violently that the total radl~~~·~ever, taxpayers and ll'fSID'len
exceeded a critical level, caustnr ·-.~~ant te tnoW U defense ~.is: !*nC
Instantaneous chain react Ion 'of'~\fuse<1 wisely, if there are9fl\J.U:fte g1ps
astronomical power. .. :; or credibility gaps. This means the voter
CartmiU's fictional bomb said thft, ::must be privy to many hJJZh Je~l
agents in muted voices rese'mbled. ~::~:~military fact! -information that •Ill
all-too 1USpicious accuracy a top pr1or1ty unavoidably help our rnemt..es· aa we.ll.
proje(t being developed by the govern-It is a price ti derq.ocraey,. ·. ~
Who Can Use National Dcit.a Center After It
Collects Information Abo11:f .. U._S. Citizens?i
lleprintcd fmn Ill• De_&,,.,
IHI. •di-of Modfn 0/11" l'l'O-
etd•tc1 ""'fOlln1 Coprrioht Jff8,
1114.,!rlal l'llbU.hlng Co. DMilon of
l'llhoo~ Corp.
By ARTJIUJI G. 110...W.
A NaUonal Data c.nr.t •In o1rer oolid
ad•Ull(es to llltalnua U eneuttvaa ltlld tlttlr brlnpower to the ,...,,..,.., and
holp pjon the 11attm. Tiie eantcr eould
...... lhe 1111J11btr ol ..,..... IUbinl!Ud
• by llualite ... cu1 nc1 ta1ta. reduce dupllea-
t1on. tlif make better ·facta anil flgurei
avallal!le lb -·i M...,.Uc lape
could rtplact paper "J' for many
lonllll1 .. pGrta. ' ·-
.\)I lflls could b&ppenJi ~. !)'lltm 14 prowlJ 11t up. If not'dffl".,... pro.
P'tlY. tlia ctlltcr will help tho IOvttn-
ment, but. wl1l not rtUeve bw:ln6if ef -Pll!Jli the many Ume C-,
Peraonally, the data ctlltcr Ideal posu
a threat It could Invade the fndl'(idual
ctttun•1 privacy and deperaenalba him
and hla family. U....,....u.d, It could
be dynomjtc. The pulillc preu plly1
up the ~to and larl•1Y lports
the ad•i!l!aa .. of the ctlll<r.
IT AU.m, _ yean ....
whtn modern 'Paul Jltv<lr"
oudde1ll)I 1 · up and -ofr In
aU ~ -warn Atnetlca the! Bii -~· What touched olf the -oUllll! °"'
•P&n: the -ol the -of Ill lodltt appobjad a l#k f--i.· loet Into the _I..,_ of I Nal!cNI
Data Celltcr .. Fear ~ -the fact tllat an f , ~ on
cttb:ont IJld·or1 •-..iarcf ao lnro
one -puter da' "°"' which datalled rtporll be cilled out at
the "teucll of "
'Ille ':':.:SJ~ at magic bl!llon It
whal ~ f!IJ!ic button fn many
mlndl. '11ii:>"iwrlers lay awake night,,
lllor to ;keep bad 111YJ from
~ too: and how to keep tlll
om/l>tylng eyes. . ,.. . . Such penana1 :considerations make
~ '.~antJtges hard to see.
Aetuallfl~ bustless coznmunlly bas
not Wii!( vert hard look II Ille
data c111.tet
NOW Tliftiauolial Data Ceot4< fJIUe
coofrO!l_l.\, ~tldetll-tl'!'l ~ M.
Nixon. 11 Will be lbt<nstin1 to 'aee bow
be will bindle it.
The o!dest federal 1at1ttnr <i data
on a nationwide scale 11 the CenlUa
Bureau. Shorlly before each eenau:, the
President issues a proclamation whJch
includes this assurance : "No person c1n
be harmed in any way by fUmishlng
jnformation required. Thert need be no
fear that disclosure will be made
regarding any i.od.ividual person or his
Jlr. Carl lt.ayoea. -al --·a lnllllllto for Ad•-811trad chalnnu ol Ille ..... ,...... ~
Ho Aid t1'al tltt ... ud rnctfct-
111( Ille ... al -Qlo''.afftr •
model tbe -data -coll1il ... to Afquanf PflT&ey.
TllE ClOMPUTal'S abltlly .. ,..,.
iny 'lad all detaiJJ aod call tbtm up
lnstll!ltly for -pwhi"I the rJihl button starts an alarm rl!tglftg bl an
but the purest hearts. Uni< this
"mlndlw gOlllp" charactertotlc of the
ter with the fact that govttnment
ffs, Uke all humans, art prOClt
falltop u mallee anti stupidity,
and avtn ~ hw1a are likely to q111U.
Anothar fllr'-<OUld a would-be dictator
UH the data center to eliminate d!Ufnt
and llandard!Je tllou(llt. opinion aod ttntlrntnt!
But the -b&•• been '°""· and two coznpolln( fa<tor1 an bringl!tg the
center Into befn& even a1 men debate
aboUt it.
Plrll, a lor1• ....,..,t of the population
la tUd>' r .. IL Buie aoeta1 tnnda 11oee
the end of World War II he.ve moved
A-1can& In the dlftetlon or dlv\llglog
,.,....i lnl0'1ll&Uon m mora and -.
\ •
forms and quettiocmairu. Seldom dot3
anyCl'Wl rtfijSe to lllhmlt raumea and
underao psycbotogl.cal teeUng f o r
employers. Public opinion surveys and
IUCh lnllmale peraonal pn>blng1 as Dr.
ltnsty'a questionnaire have lowered
people's HSbtanee to goirlg on record
about tbetnaelves. Thdr I r ea t ..
sraodpannl4 would filld It hard to
8ecood, the National Data Center Is
ready to batch from ted>oololY'• ln-
cublttr. Tht.ttl art numerous government
data banu around the country that need
only to be U!d toseiJ>tr.
BUSINW ALREADY his some data
banks.A.irllne.s are workln& toward a na·
llonal hookup, and Credit Data Corpora-
tion. a coruumer credit bureau. plans
to )lave every consumer in the country
OP computer in 5 years.
Tbese private 4ata banks will draw
Congress into passing legialali\'e controls
in 1plte ol. ii.Self.
Business and government systems eJ·
puts can work to1ether to produce a
compatible and efficient reporting sys-
tem. Bu.slntsS should offer this w is-
tance to government. If the data center
is allowed to "just happen" by connect·
ing government computer systems with
telephone lines, business will not realize
the major beneflts of centralized re-
Similar teamwork between government
and the private sector CM implement
wlse legislation to provlde effective
safeguards against unauthorized acces9
to data banks and ml!use of information.
When There Are No Heirs
• ..
State Reaps.-$2 -Million Annually From Estates
From CaUf0111fa BulaaH
For the past nine years, Callf•rnl•
has reallied about $2 mllllon each year
from unclaimed estates, bani depoalts,
stGck dividtnd.5, inlutance poUciq and
other property left behind by people
wllo died leaving no known heirs or
simply disappeartd.
The annual addlt.ion to the state
treaaury ii a rtllllt of tbe "UnUorm
Dlspo1ltlon of Uoclalmed Property Act"
d 1169.
The ad limply means that oil property
within the state for whlch the rlptful
owner cannot be found eventually
becomes, with ctrlaln eicepttons, tha ~ ol \be state.
A 1\17 court dectJloo pennlta the &tale
to CO U far bict In tJrne U It Wanta
te tn clafmlnc W1Clalmed prOflOrty. The
declal'", ""11tln1 from a suit filed by
the Bank of America, has provfded
Callfonll& wttb 11,143~14 so fai. \
THERE AKE two sources for this
••gift" rtatt Income, 1enerally.
cuatody of. the county treuurer for one
yw, then la transferred to state CUJtody
for Qve yean, then, after the attorney
general obtains tbe appropriate court
order, a ftna1 five-year hokunc period
begins. After that totaJ 11-year period,
claims ate not allowed and the property
belongs to the state •
SOM! OF THE estates left behind
are or staqertn,1 slu. One San Joaquin
County estate, currently awaiting a
claimer, totala $233,lJO.M, and no doubt
the profesalOllal heir tractn art working
overtime trying to find a relaUve of
the deetued.
H. N. Benton. Unclaimed Proporty
Officer in the Division of Aocowrtlng
fOt" the It.ate controller's office, aays,
"You'd tl:dnk people Intelligent enough
to make thls kind of money, or, for
that matter, intelligent enouJh to ac-
cumulate any money dunng their
lifetime, would be Intelligent enough to
provide for it! diSJ)O!ltion when they
die. But, obviously, some don'L"
terest the money has earned, and •
$10 service fee would be charged."
The state keeps $50,00J in a special
revolving account to pa y oil these claims.
The procedure involving safe deposil
box contents is dllferent. When the period
for which a box is rented passes, the
bank is required to remove the box's
contents and seal them in a box or
envelope, and hold them for seven years.
Then, if unclaimed, the box or en-
velope, still sealed, ls sent to the state,
where it Is opened and the content!I
.cliaposed o( either by auction, if the1
have value, or by sim ply being thrown
away, if In the opinion of the controller'•
office tbey have no value.
"Some of the things we find In safe
deposit boxes you wouldn't believe." Ban-
ton says.
"WE HAVE found things like ez ..
plosives, guns, narcotics, and collections
of obscene pictures and books. One 11ank
was holding a bumper from what we
guessed was a 1920 Chandler automobile,
complete with headlamps. We sold U
for $l0.
ment under ruthless secrecy. We are sUll orobably better off tban
• .y.•J.he Ru.uia~. With iroq ·wall seewify, '
JN SPITE of the gravity of the. "!ll8Uer? ~~ So'(~ UriJOn reveals only microscopic
Campbell smiled and wryly advised (he milltlt)' dfi\alll. But expert Soviet
The Census Bureau has always obeyed
this Injunction and holds Us dttajled
information in strict confidence. The
Federal Bureau oC Inveatlgatlon is
anotller tliht.Upped agency "h I c h
doesn't aha.rt U.s da"ta.
0.. is the estates of pemoa who
have no known ~s. or no heirs which
can be found, or who did not provide
for the disposition of their property by wrltlni a wtll.
'Ibe other IGUl'ce of the state's "girt''
income is abandoned or unclaimed pro-
perty. People have put money into bank
aceount! and then disappeared. People
have purchased stock in corporations,
but divldend: checks have been returned
with no forwarding address. People have
placed valuables in safe deposit bozes,
and never came back to claim It.
"Once there was a box in which were
the mununified remains of infant
Siamese twins, and another time there
was whet were supposed to bi! the ashe'
of Noah Beery, a fonner movie star.
a1ent1 to invesligate the editors of a watchers, auch ta Dr. Robert Gllmarx
domi or more scientific journals, ift.. of the GeorJZetown Center for Stratejlic
duttrtal trade newspapers and popular .$tudles, feels this hurt.1 them greatly.
science maj!azines published since 1930. , La.ckinc public watchdogs, the Soviet
AU of the information in d e a d I i n e mW~ hu wasted billions In aborUve
could bt found in them. Campbell ad~ defense schemes.
vised. They mif!,ht also ouestion a Br!Ush Fewer military secrets o:lst lhut days
writer named H. G. Wells, who at the anyway. Spy satellite eamtru are
tum ol the century had written a story sensttive enouf!.h to photograph men on
•bout an "atomic bomb." He convinced the deck of a ship. Both U.S. and Rusaia
the lnvtsUgators that anyone so inclined niularly apy on each other'& military
could speculate about the A-bomb from moves from 100 miles in space.
literature published in the last fifteen Eavesdropping salellltu can even pick
ytan. up radio messages -so each side liaten.s
Since the Second World war, hundreds In on the highest military conversations. o~ eqterprWng jGUrnaJists have se.nt Oft~n ?nly the Amerlcan taxpayer la
government security fotcea scurryin1 to kept 1n ignorance .. The Defense Depart·
find supposed security ieak.s. "AviaUon men~ refuses to give evtn the_ ~antifft
WeQ," an aerospace. trade maµiine, details ·of the McNamara anti-mtrualon
uncoo.iered the then top-secret SR-71 spy wall In Vietn am and Korea -or any
plant, but honored government requests facts on super-sensitiv~ ovn:-lhe-horizon
to bold the story in intertsts Of national roada~s to . track ~v1et aircraft and
securlt)' "Electronic News 1•1 a weekly missiles Inside Russ11.
Falrchlld buslnel! neWspaPer. alarmed But the Communists know the details
form.-Defense Seeietary McNamara -they have watched every move on
when it printed details or his hush-hush th~ wall and :adars from their recon.
Vietnam anli-intruskm wall. More na1aance sate.ihtes.
receUy, George Wilson, "Washington
Post" difense reporter, cauaed security
comtemation by revealing that SR·71
spy planes were l.'hotograpltlng North
Vietnam. . :. · .......
ANO'l'llWJ'liltullrial ma~1zine printed
the true,. st«f 'cJf how U.S. Minuteman
I miailft" could be knocked oot by
the beat of • nuclear bla5t meltint{
thdr gold tab conntttors In electron1C
clrc'llits -a rault that touched off a
crash refitting program.
Nost of thtte stories wert pit«d
topther from public document!, open
com.pl.DY reports a n d eye-straining
eearcb of fine prlnt In government con·
tract award.I. An altrt reporter can
lam te read between the lines of tven
the moll disguiJed .-.porU.
Unl""c di vlak>n of Sperry Rand COrp.
once described an unldenlifled comput.tr
al a national electronics conference.
"Avlollon Week" ci>!Tectly aurmlzed Illa!
tbe a•rpntuan computer could only be
the N'lke -X anU Jntl-mlulle defense
oomputtr. than under the ti5btest securi-
ty wraps.
Military lOl'Cf. levels are alwaya
clullfled -bot the "Wall Strtd
JourtJal" bad no !rouble llndlnl bow
• '
CONVERSELY, the Social Security
Administration and the Internal Revtt1u1:
Service ave uchanged information for
years, and no ooe has ralaed any eerlot11
objection. If it helps nab tax dodpra
and otber lawbreaten, who but the
cu1prits could compla.ln? ..
In Decembtr IMS, the Buruu ol the
Budget published a "Revtew of the
~I f&r a Natklnal Data Center."
Thia is when tbe bureau director ap.
pointed the spoclal task fO<C<. They
were to study the propoa:al and "ncom-
mend meSBurta which abould be tU:en
to Improve tbe storap of and 11XUS
to U.S. Government rtallstlca."
A year later, the tulr: fette i.qued
these recornma>dation1:
e Establish a [eden.] data center.
e Assemble and lnlflra\e data from au government IOUftea, and maintain
an in ventory ln ~ ~ accesslbla
form .
e Set and enforce uniform standard.!
of confidentiality.
e Cooperate with users ln and out of
govmunent to provide muimum crou-llnklns of dllfuent bodies <i data.
e Provide. flcllltles for use.rs within
&ovtnuntnt ti) gl•e them tCCUI to t.he
data and make It tuler to work with
e Define ttplat.IODs ud compensation
anangements under whJeh non·savem-
ment ustrs would bave access to the
TllE TASI: FORC! ra<oQnlled the ract that ~t ~ to.1ld eonnect
wtth the central aimput<r facility by
teltphcme links and lhettby make It
pcalble to uae the dUa 1nywhere. It
alto 1cQewl_edged the danaer Of priv&cy
iftvulon and rtconunended UM. Ctilttr
111\outd not:
O Publ loh information In any form that
wCIUld permit idtnUflcalion of persons
or .,....U.Ucm provtdlnJ data.
• v .. the data fO< any --tllall eomp1nn, IUIUtltal reperts.
Author V-P11kard 111' ttlr)'OM
should be ....,y about the •aat lll10Wll
of lnformatJon Ott rrovtrnme11t hu on
IU c1u,... In doeslora, cttd ftles, &lld
If there is no will and no known
hein, the state takes custody of the
eallte and )lo)ds.it for five years, during
whlcb Umt clalili1 may be made. After
f1'1 yeart:, clilms are bmed and the
preperty escheata pennanmUy to the
U tbert m: heirs. but they can't be louod, the property is kept In the
"THIS KIND of property never es-
cheat.s permanently to the state," Ben-
ton says. "A hundred yean from now,
if someone could prove titJe, he or she
would get lbe. property.
"But the state would retaio any in~
In order to realize even more gain
from the Unclalmed Property Act, the
controller's office, last Oct. I, began
sending an auditor around the stat•
to check the books of banks, savlngs
and loan finns, and corporations to see
if reports on unclaimed property and
dividends were adequate.
Gals Won't Chew Tobacco
l\llUOap1ll1 Trlhlllle
6ofnt aggreS.!ive and d e m a n d I n c
members of the tlaterhood maintain that
u,ty have a right to do anything tbal
men· do -and they don't mn bar
the four-letter word. If men can eel
away wltll auttertnlpe talk, wily con'I
Wby not indetd ! SlftOkJng and dtlllkJng
now are aocept.ed dlltaff d.lvtnlOpl Ave
in the more decorous prectncts. and
mild cuss wonll when ulld Ii)' ,,_.
Cl\JJI: hlldty a rlpplt.
But whenever the champion~ womea11
riJhta tllml'I rour.Jetter worda a.......i
and dttl.t1 you to atop hlr, tN1 adds
a new dl~tnalon to tM: l&aue. U al'le
is so alt-foed hepped on equality. U
would ,.,,., htr n1ht If tobacGo clllwlng
returned to poplltrlt,y. Then Ibo """1d
try a petlion <i cut pluc f« a!Je •
lion. 1J • l>Hnan ti.bit. No t.obacea
ehewtr tvtr waa a aJsay and t.bt true
practJHoner Is a mess. But the male
m0110poty his been dictated by estllltlc&
on1Y and tlltn'• no II• aplmt ....,,.,,
eatlnl the stuff.
Howtv•, one chw of OUmp. or one
pinch ol ~ belltnd thel Ii,.
lhMlld conri"'" lltrtlla tllat -malCU!lne roalfns are lmmuoe to I!>
vulon. U, prodded by Jtide aod ttu!).
bornneu, ahe per,lsted unW she aoqu1red
the habit, she'd be in trouble, too. sne
might establish ber right to equality
but she would relinquish romance . While
other girl.I apooned in the moonlight,
Bertha would be home alone with book
and cuspidor.
THE THOUGHT of a woman chewing
tobacco lJ eDtirtly revolting and l nevtr
want to llt one do so. But she would
bt no more revolti ng than is the
unru1nlnad fmale cu...r and obscenity
Outlandlob culloma do spring up, but
tt'1 hard te bellue women ever wl11
do more with tobacco than smoke tt.
l w:lah I were as confident that latent
Victorian IDtttnctt would iJaa up aod
muazle 1a!a who UK four·ldter wmll.
Blcaust of lta lhoct trflC.'t, tt nae.
a ...... <i appeal and IOphlattcalton. It
even baa a Certain snob aura beeauae
tha vu1ao'1llD 1ot IU original haad o1
sttam on lie "'Ile&• e&mflUI. niu. It
la not fO< tltt gltt of rural """*'"
This f,,_ lamb lbould ~k to l!ICh
four·lett!n bambe aa "beck" and .. ,.... "
APPAUN\'l.Y IT'S t11 manllmllllon
<i tha tllJ'tllblt blendlo1 ol the -· L<q bafr .. mud! f•vorsd by botll l!ld
whoo JOO -a eoupla decb.t out
In tlllll -and boots. you'rt II a loes to tel\ llermM 1rtm Hwi.tta.
Tbe mlnlsttrt leaves oo room flt' doubt
bot ij la lllldlly t11rink1J1c and may
vanish entirely. lo be replaced by fancy
britches y,·hich the boys will feel fret
to copy. If, at that point, the lads
also st.art shaving, the only certaint}r
about su v.·ill be found in lhe nud.ilt
cam pa. t' Use of the four.Jetter word by ·
gentler sex may be one of those sense!
vogues that flares and is forgotten, 19a
the mmtbon dance 111d goldfish gulp!· •
but it may be here to stay. The
tor1ans ~ in retreat. Old precepts
rejected and old taboos dtacarded. ''
'Jllla can be~ m·a M~igl
world. BUI ota codes of C011'1ild '
moral l~,14 '""' ....;oartty validated by tline, and the ....,.. w
-·TU!prlama lin't olcUlllh She hu brains e.,..gb 1o;.ow
value ol chatzn-
Satunlay, January I!, I
Tbe Comment Page of Ibo
Daui PllOl i~ lo 11\fprll!"
and stlmu!.,it readera bJ·-
pr .. en!lni a •irlety of <9111' moolary on topics otlnltl''
eat and '1gnilicance trOm
lnlormod observers a D 4 spokesmen. ~
Robort N. Wood Publtshv
• -t
• .•
• ,
• •
h •
·t • •
.1 ..
d • ' r •
• ' y
• ' • • I
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~ -. ·----------..--··----------~--~-------~--------~..----..,..--...,,,.---------------------'!"" ... --:.~~.,
_ S.1-. JMIJlrl' 11, 1969 IWl.Y PILOT J;
' 1!it-' .'llaCer T. \volt • al ~ wtU '.Jn ~ a dly. Nuncry cm i. ...,iclod.--tho-"-llOf--'. Docklr""--'----"--Qot..--ldlooll--'llMclt-'--lodtJ""---"'._;...;..1,19..J I PULPIT AND PEW. ' · , ~ .. ---;--r:~~: .~ u:= ~u ... ~~ ~ rtfOllL_ • C<iiiiiDUnloo ilifT•1te111 .. -ni ~~ ...: .. ~ =r-r..·::..~
d•u..t u. lallii 11 1 ad 11 rQll'°' ·nc a.ra.,me \lio. no ""'*,_ -cc Tllo CllVol il *' Pldllo cc••• •
0-.. od Fna Pqe 4
al ... 11 ..... ..-p.
Tllo church meets It 25111
CUH l>rlve, "•WJ>Orl Bead!. Tiie ....... ol lhe churclt will hold a potluck supper, 1:30
p.m. Tllundlp.
Junkr ~ .... lhe'lqh . .... ·;y~ ~ ~ the ~ Iii\', Jllad, Claoll W.. ... 1;.. 1111 ;:;.:;-. . ., Al .... ,, 2
• l ... 1.m. · -..,i. a. · · i'lln ~ out al \)111'1 • .. <ll •, • ratn».: vi..r ~ llarw tlll ,Jllr, ~~lJ
achool joothl!'furm <IUr--.11$n.~...,. ~:~cEJroy will~ • .,...,_,..... W ~.ti...,_
t.,!holodocf.-.pnacbcm"llow~Oo-~,-a.lo• ,_.....,,dia ... ,_Doolldt. 01111 _.pea~r •I ld111,••&. ....... '"lllePvonriilr...,_... _.,at -Cllkllla ·Qordo (Dllclplll o1 Clrtll) v..-wtnsrie•~ """ , 11 -....~ -,... w11,... tlill u Ille topic for Dr. clerbard '1 a..., '111 VldGrla St:, Ooola SundlJ. .llled "Do 'l1tls -'Y• 1"14,,.,..... A.eJaoiidoJ', ..., • tt. !1111o ._
talk Thunday 1110 1.m. at 14111, 8undty. • Tllo ....,...,.uon m••ll Jtemomborlio." al I pm., will bl tho llaY. lltllslom-W•rt1.••
i' _, "G,reatu _Olfry~' a sermon
~y Ille J\elli 1 Roger G • Bettworth, will be hearci at
Commaally Ualled Mellaodllt
Qmrcll, 6682 Hell Ave., Hun-
Clubbowe Two In Leisure He •!D. inldl 11 both the each 8undl7 al Harper Clim<!> lldloJ!l':JF lll!lll ~ cllrocllr li;t.•..:r,=.,·~ World. , l :ao ad 10:411 a.m. wotUlp ~ . .'School, GI E. lfldewtlllle)ild -JI( . .iloo ~ T. "" ' bcM.n.1 • .. l. ~'SL,' Cr:ita MtlL Cburcb hour. --.... I I ColJlct I 1'kloal ' ...... , ....... .
• 'Ille · c:bUrclt'1 • Inn u 1 I ICliOol meotl 11 1:4$ followed 1.1)1, 1!"!-. ad Joa1b .. ,..,..
C<nlral Bible Cburcb wHl 1Jo11l-meelh!c wlJI bl held by worahlp It 10:'5. COm-"Faith II' AollalJ" will bl Ibo Mr. -will -btclo It 11 a.m., dor a !lo
hold aervlces al 1 and I0.30 Sundq ....i.,. al I:•. '11le munlon Lo -...i each Sun-Ihle ~ ... _., --'-'• el llldll to'......., lllo 11 Grice ..-..... 11~11........, •.m. Sunday with Paator H. __..,., ...,..... -..-, ...-~ · ttnctoo Belch, Sµnday at the
I•» 'nd l~:» piorqlnJ
IOl'Vlces, ChUrch acbool and
nuraery care are alao otfered durin& both houri. ' • T b e
Arcbttecta" meet In lb I
churds chapel, JO:» a.m.
E. J_,. ~"A '· , Mlalater'1 &Dcent. 't Evenlnc' ~ • ... ..
A new membenblp clall f~
llllolll bqloa thla SUnday al
I a.m. In the putor•a lludy.
'11le clua coollnu .. lcr three -Dr. William R. Eller will
"Remember Your Creator" at
1:'5 and 11 o'clock services
Sunday at tht Lat.ber•n
QlU'dl of the Mister, 2900
Pacilic Vjew Dri ve, Corona
del Mar.
Members or l h e con·
gregaUon will OO!d afternoon
devoUons for BiDhaven Con-
valeacent Home, 2 p.m. Sun-
Puerto R 1 c o IIllSSlOllary
Dorla -crib wtll speak
al the Fll'!t lliPttst Church's
guest at the family evening
lel'Vioe at T o'clock Sunday hi tlie d-... _,
Sundly .llC!tool ~ Tbe
morninl -bellm II 11 Liii. with Dr. Edwin -R.
G.-~en tho 1111>-Jecl ol prayer. -
Cottage prayer moetloal hi
homes of Ille coo-•tlon will
10 on UlrouSbout the afternoon
and he evenlfl&: w o r 1 b i p
service, 7 p:m., also will
emphasize prayer.
"What Are We Worth to
God" ls the title of the sermon
to be delivered at 11 a.m.
Sunday at Firlt Baptist
Cllurcb and day school, 30l
Magnolia. The evening service
is held at 7 p.m. and will
feature a &ermon titled "The
Long Haired Young Meo Who
Gol Clipped."
Nursery care 11 provided for
both services.
"Haw Religioua Sc I enc e
Worts'' is Lbll s·upday 1 1
sermon · at Laguaa Bea.ell
Cbarch ol Rdlp.oa 5clence,
7lXl6J Laguna Cinyon Road.
Dr. Henry Gerbanl w i 11
oervlce will begin at 7 o'clock
and "The Explanallm of the
Pentecost" vtaual mesuge
'11le IMIW eoqreptloaa1
bualnm _, 11 lla""I for
7 p.m. w-.,. Bible~
andproyer,PkmeerGlrll,qd ..
Cbr1sti1n S<n1ee Brl&ade meellnP begin 11 I p.m,
Tbursday •
Sabbath -11 Temple ~ DaYkl -alated Frlly, 8:15 p.m. at the ~unity
·Congregational; Owrch,
Katella and Bloomfield Ave., 1
U:is Alamitos .
During the service Mitchell •
Fredric Mozer will be bar
Speaking on "A SlrlD&" lllU
to Prayer" the Rev. Norman
L. Brown will preach Sunday
at 10 a.m. at P.lymecdl
Coqrua--•I Nowporl Barbor, 3IA llrpad
SI., Newport 8<acl>. ~
achool ls held al tho
"!J ()or Olide , B l g
Enough?'.' 11 the dMlml ~the
aennon to be delivered by
Mcniliig serv1;;r;;!n be
held at 9::11 a.m.. at Peek'S
Chapel, 7101 ·Bola a.
Weatmlmtet and 11 a.m. at llunllncton Beach Cbape~ 6th
and Orange. Tllo Rev. Willis
J. Loar wtll speak on the
question "Are Yau Ever
Afraid?" " UC Ai~~ Seeks Gr9up . ' ·.·. . · La=1~5'111:k.:.~ (To Cope With Quakes
nctloil, 9812 ffNnllt.on, Hun·
~-will • bejllt-<1--RERKELEY 1UPI) --A'
lO:lo 1:m. With Sunday ICboof university of C a I i f o r n i a·
beginning at 9 a.m. The adult-government a 1 affairs
ll!Dlor youth dlscus&ion group j,peciali!t said today a new
allo '"'"'4 al I o'clock. reg!Ollll! agency should be
"Ami there Were W11e Men" formed to bead off possible
II the title of the ,lel'Dlon disaster in the bay area.11 next.-
lo be dellftred by Artlmr R. big earthquake.
'finlley. Stanley Scott. a 11t1 tan ~ 'Ibo -_.pllm will meet director o1 Ille UC lmtilute
Sunday at 1 p.m. in the educa· of Governmental Studies. laid
tiooa1 buiJd1ng for hi annual the new group lbould act to
meeling. Monday, Ille church . reduce earthquake baurd,
council will meet at I p.m. since performance by local
and ,1ancr:Use Conl.tOJ," •ub-
division design and location,
provisions for l a n d con·
. servation and open space. and
fihally, plam to appropriate
)t happens," ~ aaid.
He suuested the new
cy be lelllponry imW I boy
area eovermn.ent can assume
118 functlom •
government.I on this problem
The new claMes will be in-so far "leaves much to be ·
Officers Set
._ lrodw:od 11 the Finl United . desired." • _ n:·"""""""l.Oll M-<.'hr<b,, m1 17th . He aakl an ~b<:on-_ . ~Jl.&90 , . ·•·' ., -' .
,. St., Huntington Beach f.his, trol Commission could devise •· · . ;: ' ·{t .' 1 "'' 'i ; . ' '. '·' -'. ·
•'Sunday. Dr. Kenneth areglonalplantocorrectex-O Snace··· ·· ·• J~n!lone will c 0 n du c' isting bw1dlngs and control . n . .F . ~ 1 L e a d er s h I p and COm-new construction to minimize
munication Training for Chris-earthquake hazards. EL TORO -Re t tr e d
tlan _Laymen at 9:30 a.m. Sun-These involve not only the military officers from all over
day In th~ Wesley Room. direct destruction of bnjldlnp Orange County Will "' • A special ~ayer study class from the next big temblor briefing OD Amerlca.'1 m"bbles
for women will meet Mondays, _ which geologists say is in· at the newest fronUer, space,
from 9:30 to 11 a.m., also evitable _ but also in-at El Toro Marine Corps Air
In Ille Wesley Room. Wrupllon ol plpellnrt ·and Statlan taoiil>lo 1'The Great Refusal" 1J the otherutilltea limdaJhflng ' "Apollo 1JpcS&te,tt fj the
tiUe of the serm,on this Sunday flooding and fire.' · ' kffjlc to be discuaed_ by
at 9:30 and 11 o clock morning , 1 Tb us earthquake-hazard aerospace research en,meer
services. Church scbool _,. planning l!bould ellCOlllj)W a Norman B. Wllllen{Glriof Ille
att:30a.m. wt4e range of matten, ,uch 7 ~.m. Retired Otflcera
Harbor Relorm Temple will
hold regular Sabbath ae.rvices
at ~L Jam~ Epiacopal Church.
3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach
on Jan. 17 at 8:30 p.m.
Featured will be violin duets
'· by Lunne Rotenberg, a 13-
, year-old viollnlst and her
.L • teacher Mary Lou Speaker of
Univenlty ol South,ern
California. They will b e
presenting selecUcma by Bela
Followina: the service, a coo-
gregalional Oneg Sbabbll will
be ollered. • •
' Designating thls week u
Prayer Sunday, the Warner
Avuoe BapUd Cllarclll.
Warner Avenue at Gothard
Sir.el, Huntlniloo Beach, wlll
.begin wor!hlp with 9:45 a.m.
b 'Id' u -AsloclaUoo of Orange .~ as Ill Ing prac oes, IOOlllg meeting in the base offlcer'z
. '
Wallen '-' o· senior englneier
In the Apollo program at
North American Rockwell
CO<p., Downey, aGd ·w 111
discuss both the lunir landil!a
program and the rec en l
Christmas teaSOn o r b 1 t • I
-IDOOD vlJit . .
Resef.vatloos for the sPeech
by Watt.en, an Air Force
lte!<rvo lieutenant c:olood,
lhoold be mode by Wednesday
· · with C.A. Knw:hl, llOllO 8cnoe .
P,lace, c;o.ta ~· or Bll1 a. Hall; 3211 E. SI, ~ .
Place, 8anla 'ADI:
In c:onnecllon with II h
resene duties, Lt. Col Watten
II llallHll olDcor lo Ille ~
County branch of the Clvtl
Air Patrol .
Haun: 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sit. 10 •.m. to 6 p.m.
' ..
. '
""'"' ,_
-=-11o1:_-,·-·:-• =--
Sale! Very Famous make lfngeri e -. . -fa1hion1 for day and for 1leepwear,1.
. -Yll! mr !Ills Vtr1 ,.._pl far qmlfty llll 1'111111111. lllr collec:llJ11 lllcllllta
dlscartlnned styles or Q)kft• Ill Dnaerle or ayke lrlcot, aylon lrlcal RIPttalllt 11111
nylm trlcot taffell!!. llall)' ~im.ct with eiapiltltl laces and appllqaes.
Pettlsldlfwllh 'tace-petiif ~pplfqJJe, shirt tr Milli'! XS, S, M, L. fll..5.IXI 1111 ,
6.00 •••••••••• , • 2,99 and ut. Slips and chemise, SOllll!-of !lYlon lrlcol llltfellt.
DiscoHtinued colors. Petite 6·8-10, short 32·3S, 11Wra&1132-40. tall 34-40;
reg. 6.00 tu.13.00 ••••••• , •••••• 1.99 • l.H. B4'f dolL111Jamu with bikini
panties and classic tai101~ pajamas in dlscmtinued colirs; 32·38 XS tu S, 'edluw
and large, reg. ~.00, 10.00 lllll l3..00 ••••• , , .1.11, 1.•1 I.II; OIMrls In shift
or long len&tll styles. Shifts slas XS, S, M, L; kai &OYOIS sizes 32·36, re1: 7.00
to 30.00 •••••• C.H to 11.19. Pell)lOIJS, XS, S, 11andL,11;. 20»35.00, UM-UM
• ' 4• -~
le9pOlt Cdi _ rl fasllim ~ • 544-2.200 • ..... 1llm,, fj, m 1119:11 °""..,. -· 1:111
. ---.
' •• •
. I
' .
. I
I ' ' .,
' . ·;
' ., PrHpening sales at Crown homebuyers, bile of the most optimum land use. A ible floor plans. G o d w i n only one side yard, much
Valley Highlands. the new important being the une-. noteworthy factor· in the pro-stresses the fact that the wider than the twc> normally
hillside "garden home" com-·.i-n....lw In ~1 munity in Laguna Niguel, quailed location, c a r e f u I gram is that the ,homes, frqnt average price in-~ major narrow Slvc yd.I. \16 con-
have been ''ex~tiona1'' ac-cverall commwlity planning 'on level streets a.Iii an iftreets communities of Laguna Niguel ventlonal planning. A and modem concept of the are on dif(e~t leveD, with ~s $46,000, ~ that the homes As part ot the "streetscape"
·• cording to ofiic· -far out· proi·ect, and '~ pcellent th tr . ., ~-th hi""'" Crow Vall IDgbland hi h Ill · part .;: stripping. the most 4?J>limistic i.uc e anSJwons 11VUJ e 6 .. "r In n ey a -program, w c w 1m ·1 sales estimates predJcted for price _range and financing. and lower levels steep enough enjoying the magnificent view a clean and uncluttered look
1 the oew communh)r at this The new hillSide develo~ to provide unobstructed views location, together with the to the community, all transi-
·I time, ment has been engineered in from all homes. other, amenities.of the project tions from the various levels i Final preparattons for the such a fashion as to provide Godwin said the develop--represent one.of the biggest will ·be fully landscaped and
·t grand opening of the devel~ all homeowners with an ment, when fully completed. home bargains ever offered front fences wlll be close to
BIA Mcirket Council
Names Russell Chwf . . . .
~ ment m still under way; unobstructed view of the sur-will contain some 2,000 homes; in the Southland. andthe street. Fivle-foot sidewalks Bi ogest Richard F. Russell, who bas r: however, the homes have been rounding country through an a park, cmnplete with a varie--AnOther plannlng feature is c Q m:p. et e irrigation ~ been active. in ·real .eatate
-J offered for aaie recently at entirely new concept of com-ty of recreational facilities; ttiat homes are oriented on iystems will also·be provided. home sales Jn Sou t be r n
the still incomplete sales of· m~ty plarinmg'designated as two churches, two schools and the.lots, not only to take full Spedal eight-foot gates in Building California for the past 11
. fice because of the continuing the "streetscaj)e" program by other community projects: adTantage d the magnificent ~-frmt· fmt"tS will ·provide years, has been elected presi·
" demand by the steadily in-the Laguna 'Niguel planners. The one-story homes will con· views, but a1sq. to provide an access to inside storage space dent of th et Se a Is and
creasing number of visitors The homesites were laid out t.a.in. from two to f o u r UllllMll. thrt&-aided gari;ten. 1 for nsidents 'owning boats, D S MarkeUng Council of the
and prospective homebuyers in a series of terraces, bedrooms and will be priced patio area ar,,()Ul\d the-home tralfers and campers, and the Ue 00ll Building Industry Association.
In recent weelts, according In en~_ ~ l!f"!eMle tho from 122,900 to $26,900. They .1,liis "gar<§ ,home'.' con-provllion of , thil, of"5treet Other cooncil oWcen. for
• an announrement by Jack natural beauty of tbe gently· will be offered in a variety cept o{ lot ual!,, combined with parking for boats and trailers ConstrucUon will begin soon 1969 include W. E. Mitchell,
..... _ G!Kfwiq;-..Yice ~ent-=in-i:ollin.g. teru.io,aod also insure.. ofRtvlings.hased oo.e.igb1Jlex·_iltUlaLJmme plW. ~· will ~-f!irther -~ the on wbat _will be the largest first vice_president; JYilliam
· chargeofsalesand'markelftii ---. --~-----=r--~ ~---=--.. I -omilr appearfte i5rll'fc singJe ·tndustrial building in V.Meeker,seeoniivice .presi-
forLagunaN~.: .:: [-communitr·. . West .. Orange County, dent; William Schulz,
The mcxtel homes have also ~ In addition to ils own Westminster Mayor Derek secretary;· Henry , Sm It b,
been opened lir 1mpection Magazine's Plaque ~ · recie•tion faclliu~ and park, McWhinney ann.Unced. treasurer.
even thoogll tbq too are not _ CroWn Valley J:D&hlands IS Vista Indus tr t ed. an Ru!sell fs resideptial sales
completely finilQed, be added. ,, within .• few nunutes of all A n a b e i m _ b a 1 ft d carpet manager of ~ M a c c o
These homea, representing the M • • v • • w • · H tbe·varied r·e c re at 1 on a I manufacturing firm, will start Corporation in New p 0 rt
variety of ~olyllngs of. lSSWn le] 0 lRS_·_ . ono_ r ' fadUl!es of Laguna Niguel, construction of 'its 200,000 • Beach, and is . one of the fered, are belng..,del;orated by sudft.,u the pnvate El Niguel · · foot first ...,..,.... f largest builders. ·and land:
" Nancy Morr~' • and 'MOMJ'ch Bay clubs, the square • · ~ 0 boldei-1 in1Californla.
The f~st 50 homes in the rJd!pg club, planned County • <00,QOO.square-foot factory Fir the P"' five· years,. he
development are ndw unde:r The Mission Viejo C<fnpany. image by1 adv¥tisihg, publie munity cmcepl. .and .lelliniJ patt and also the Orange on• t2-acre SJ.le near Hazard ha,, been a member cf the
the heavy sales so far, another County, have -been awarded bwldlDJ and selling mote ; ita-pubUc relations-firm, within walking distance of the are a two-story office building Builders for new home sales
· Richen! R .... u.
construcµon, but~ because of developers of the new town relatiClll ar1ji tlte. commwiity" ....e!-OU than JOOOdbcmeS. -Cpuniy Regional Civic Center Avenue and Hoover Street Million Dollar Cirde . of the
the wide public hltere(t. and· of Mission Viejo In Orange in-~ category of deve~,t!' e ~Qn Vieje .com.1 anCf tbt Town Center,.actoally Included tn the first pbue. National Association ·of Home'
50 ... are acbeduled fol con-Pro re s s 1iona1 Builder 1000 lKines per year. Jn 1 1• Manzo Public RelatlOns homes. and the plant and equipment in excess of Sl,000,000 each
strudian in the immediate Magazine's Plaque for Ex:· Mission Viejo Company b'uilt .. , and its a~ The model homes and sales for the dyeing process. y.ear. · BIA. He Is past prealde:nt and
future, far ahead of the cellence in the'. n at Ion a I and sold 10351Jomes. oy, vineyard Ad • and information pavilion ~e Previous to the Visia project,' He bas served on com-founder cf the ~tes . .In'Vest·
original buiJt#ng ac~ole.,. publication's 1~ annual na· Edi~or ')~'s Shapiro said Joe.; all wm ·~ive .p~ue1 located just off. Niguel Rbad, the 108,200-.tquan-foot Drown mittees of the Young Home ment Club. The Ruaeill and
Godwin )iolnted out that a '\ionwideresidendiimarketing the fll'lll.;bad done an ex· al the magaztne's . aWard north of Crown Vall~t News buildhit was Ole city's :Buildus. ·Cbuncll" and the theirfourchlldrenliwlaftun.-
number of reasons were com~--cepti~ through its com-luncheon to be !1e41.t al the .. Partway in Laguna Niguel:· largest. J.., r 1 OraJige County chapter of the tington ~ch.
responslble for tht mouMing The1!i'Kh was singled out m1ml08tt00a within the com-National ~-i»f Homer-----'---'-----'---"'-------=---....:...-:_ ___ _;:_~-----
f nterest shown by for ... eation of a pleasing muqfH;i;narketingtheconr .Builders co·nvention '
" ~ ;:--. . . --
:;; :1 '
. .
... a continuing tradiUon1
of superior home building
in Southern California.
A builder's reputation . It is his greatest asset.
That's why you'll find the name "Buc:cola" st1mpcd
on every home we build. It is a. name synonymous
with quality in residential ~ in Southern
California for more than 20 years.
Y 0u will find this b'aditioa of fuie quliity at
our neest mmmunity in c.osta Mesa"s ~
suborban areas, ncu excellent shopping Ucilities
and. jmt mimlles from the oo:an. A· C.ammu
Sdioal is two blocb from the cnill!llllliiy. Newpo.t.
Higb·Sdioo! ls ooe block away. ·
Botto!& Homes. ·UllStll'pWed <tUalilY in new .
banes found tradilianally iDSouii-.Califomia's
prc!encd loations.
3 end 4 bedroom . . .. & .
1¥.i story homes . . ~
from $30,950
Financing by
Model8t-led at 11!111 and Aliso, COiia Me8a.
' ~1 DM-Y l'M:IM 10 A.Mo
P. A. PALMER. INC. Sa/es Agents. a!fE~· (114 ~!'.::.' . .
Shopping new home developments?
Our computer saves· you
from .traffic jams, endless'\
driving and lostweekends.
This computer card can lead you lo newly-••
construcled Medallion Electric Homes in ll"l.
new housing developments all over Central !~
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needs to know is what kind of home you
want, and it will match you up. Thousands of.
homes are listed by size, price end area: ·
At Edison we call it our SHE• program: SHE ;atands for SelecMiomes-
Electronlcally. And Sf.IE can go to work for you ·rlght now. •
Just fill in the House-hunters Computer lnpilt Form. In a few days you'll
receive. a computer printout of available new Medanlon· Homes that suit your
requirements. Also, ask your local Realtor to show you his selection of
Medallion Homes •
. Sure beats·driving all over ·Soulhern·<;~fOl'llja·with a car.full of kids and
maps, doesn't it? Anci this service is free .. Campltments of Edison. "T. "'· ••g.
(abSolutefy free)
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St,_ Adc:llHI """11btrofb.th~ 0
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I Ar•( COCS. TtltpfloM NUll'lht
Sb• ot r111111r-Age ., Ntd 0111o1.i..no1d-I
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Cancer: Remain
Close 'W Honie
" SPECIAi:. J'RICES '·FOR -... .
' 10 o.m. to 1 p.m .
• .,,
Reg. 1.BB·2.BB
S..nday. Only
1.00 ' OxfOj'd•, T-straps, or slii>ons tor little girls. In
gleamy patent jll' vinyl Zijipy. colors. Sizeo 81>-4.
SUNDA y; ·-· Avoid : eicess ' speed. steer clear of argum!nta w 1 t hl••••••••• .. m•••-----JAfljUARY .1.2 ...iauv.. Your . views l<>day .. ' I • .1._v;., ' •lll8Y be cqt~ersial..· Try .. B1 iYDNBY o~ .diplomacy, Hot eaey but
· · "The wile man confroJJ hi! mtralot is yoor .,..t ally -
: destiny .•. AstroiogypQlntl the · LIBllA (8ejrt. 23-0cl 22): Colarfvl i.' way." ,..:-·?, Finances activated .. Means
·• · you become · •wan , o I Plastic 1' ARIES (March 21-April. 19): possessions. Discussica' is ~ . Don't ignort imperauve ro-. bigbilgbted <<ll>l:ernilll debts, STOOL t quisffrooimate,partner,You assets.-&st to cOniplete,, ..
__ ;._ ~I _h!ye to setUe_pi:oblellf finaliz.e .plans. N_ ot ... good ' -·our n-. 9.9.7 .~;: _conpeeted with legacy, ,flnan-for new starts. . . "'B'
.f ·· cli1 arrangement. Be bold in SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
aense' ·&bat YOIJ are unafraid. You may be Over I y
Accept spiritual aid. aggressive. Know this and ob:-8.44
TAUIWS (April 20-lolaY,'°f: lain bint . from VI R G 0
·1f YiJ ·neei1 strmutadqD. you riles.sag~. ~ indtPendent but Stool ls 30" high -has
get il ~-Much '~ also rcoJISiderate". New contact _ ~put. Pri:JmiBes de1 and is stimulating, But <ton•t em-• padded plastic covered
b"*ett' ~ to:~t; Be barrass old acql.iaintaoce. ,.cat. Ma n y eolors to pollilfn. Get faj:ts. llm~-Ti•k $AGl1TAIUUS (Nov. 22-· reputalioiionapeculation., Dec. 21); Activity indicated choose !rom.,
GEMINI (May II.June "4): ~ coimecUOJ.1 .With g'roups, ~
You may atme to accomplish ltituUons,_ You. may be called
too much. too quickly. Key upon to take initiative where .... --""-""""""' ___ """"..., ___ ml is to seek balance. Work CQO-.charitable drive . .en~ pie-..
dfttona· have .changed· Those ~· Cooperate. YOU. eafn by ~ rwr ~-:ali·--..,,N0111'--111 ----2""'5"1!1\1
around •,.ou· move Of make glVtng ... • ;,· I I 1 •·' s;._ ... :It. ..C,1 ' l'
ummual, a•no••><:ements. Be· :i <;AJ>ll(CQ!Jll .(Deo.. •:zi,Jan. ,, . e,, -..,. . • n(ft
-,:·~vt. '.,. ~ '.'" :~u.:=~ ~~ "' ~ E~~D~qn:·,~or .. , ,·.
CANCER (Juoe 21.Juiy 22 ): Key is lo reia"' Display·oense 6, 9; ·and-12-~. ' Tendency is to act on impulse. of hwn<ll'. Some around you
Key is to remember family may appear aggressive. Don't
responsibiliUes. Remain close fall into trap ()f arguing over
to home base. nothing. . _ : ,,
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): AQUAIUllll (Jan. lG-Feb.
18): Your abilities are
scrutinized. Don't veer from
ace~ .. COU?-lf•" Corr ....
ceatration is requlrocl; , Be
airtlxritalive. Falfill obllga-
Uons. No day to skip detaijs .-~
Our Reg. 1.57
. sunda11. Onl11 . ... l
Upsebs indicated in areas
previously quiet. Means what
was eeWed ill subject~-to
revi&ion. Could be result GI
mrprlse visit, message. Be '
perceptive. Avoid self-decep-
tion. -
·· PISC&'l·(Feb. lw.tarcb 18): VIRGO (Aug. %3-l>ept, 'll),· N.,.. from a c1iatanee may
Firm Gets
Giant Garb
be based upoo wi&hful tbink-
ir!g. A n a 1·y1 e Jl!)S!lbiDUes,
tl'Uds. nay ft\ltureg ex-
citement, cllanges. Ap\)lies
also to word from one who
resides in different cily.
lF · TODA\<· IS ii' 0 UR
LONDON ·(AP)-A mens· BIBTHDAY ~are versatire,
wear fim11n London's Cam-, arUsUc. You·'arfi, capable. of
berwell Diltrict lindJ itself ,.ejpreasiJ:lg 'feel{np)n creative
with 20 overaUs for men Wkli -.........,......, I , , ., .. _-~·.Cwnel n
97c •... .
·yot". eM purpose around
thl! h~. 8 '·'lengths and 2
colors. Ivory, Brown.
• 60-inch chest.· ", aitlque manner. 1 ,
"Somebod;J 1""'' have·~ GENERAL TENDENCIES: ,
ed wben ·the ,.,,,. .. ,, .,.,. ·""cle" ..... , -.1 .... ·:seo\U>,1100 •.. ordered from tbe manulac-~r -•· "" tur.r," said Edward Smart, SAGl1TARIUS, CAPRIOOnm
tbe firm'• ales manager. Spedal word !.'> <;E~Nb~
"A man with I 60-inch chest is lo ~ JO~ , · · ~ """1d be around 7 feet tail Mainly-' liaten! ' ' '
The IVertg• ritan is 42 lnc!hes· ..J:i.~ ~ O!ftw .... m" around tbe ~and our nor ...... M.-" .. -~
ma! b'••esl' · ~ ........... ..... DAil 'i' J;P1LO'f. Id! JZ& 'ee U ;w ... _iu=i. _,c ... 1r.i "'"""" .._ v--. M.Y. 1GDl7. _
Old World
Spanish Furniture
Received cancellation of $~000.00
Spanish and Medlterr•l'lffn Furniture .:. =-~i.'~ ~· .= ~ Item• .. follows: Georgeous a ft. CUB!om
quilted sou ,wifb separate loose pillows with
heaq _og :lJ'll!l ~d m1tcblng chair 3 ~~al-iableli,~~·~· bii
~tor lampo, banging chai!\·swag lamps
in ,,,..ugbt iron, an 8 piece king size muter
bedroom suite In pecani'elled :Medlterran•
ean __ ityle with top-:qq : 1.~ 1':• o~nly I klni .size mattress & sprllfgs. spabl.sh :
decor dlnln~ set etc. ·--. · · WW.....,., .. ,....... $1121.H . ·~
:ro:i~.1~1~-~-------··-_____ , $698.00
Any PIOC11 Can lie Purchatod lndlYldually
Ttrmt A•alttba. -Newcomers to C.llf.
CNdlt Approvod Immediately r. l l JJ F~ralt11re
' . ' _C ... lecl, .!i9J!.tw•i1J!it . w~,
I"'' ... "f ~~~· \:··;.: -'
BLANKET BY K MART ·--· ·-· ,. -·--· -·----.. ,,. . ., . . ' "
. -.-.. -8.88
"Slel!p-.lllle" electrtti>(anlret lt1S11 single control and
is the double bed size (72x84 "). Toasty warmth with·
out weight l~o\lo.\o,c,. 4$~.,ter, 3~% Rayun,
20% cotlon. Solid cofor comfort in B\ue, Avocado,
Hot P!nlt: or Gold • .K: :Mart.._ on!. Chll.Qle It!
' r I
2.77 Our Reg. 3.97
Suuday Only
l11111rt.d c111u11! dy1111 •nd eolort, P11rm11n11ntly l'ttntd hr "'f ct.-.! Slztt 1·16.
Teflon~·Coate.d Frying~,,.
Our Reg. 1.77 · , 1 fj,W
Sunday Only ; . • '1' f !
JO'' frying pan is of aluminum by West Bend. It's UMtick.
able for easy >Ra.r;hing and non·fat frying for calmie count· en. Y-ou lVill love the speedy clean-up Try one now! Charge lt atKMart! ,
Our Reg. B.63
Sutida11 Only 5.96
Keep that litUe child safe ln this $\vingcr }look-Over Car
Seat. Because It hooks over the car scat. il stays in placr
when a tas•, t1lop ls neces.~ary. Heavily· padded for e11 tra con1-
fo11t and !{ood looks. Arm rest all around. Black or Blue.
Yarda9e Clearance!
5 Yorck ·s100
Asst'd. Prints and Patterns ..
* t
' .
100% acrylic canligam and slip<>ns' wltll 1002
sleeves, novelty fronts and popular nectllnes.
hoice of colors. Women's sizes 34 to 40. SKve..
Our Reg. 3.97
to 5.97
Sunday Only
14 oz.""' MEDIUM
ANTISEPTIC • -.. . -'
Discount Prkes
S1111day oftltt.
' .
For general oral hydane, 1et 1enu
killing Ui;terlne now! 1
Choose from rubber or vinyl! Well...nadc FWc mata protect
your automobiles' carpets or add a 'br'll11d new loot to oldil!
rars. Choose from Tints or Culors. Exceptional valuer 1
SttK.lfG!I OJaly
~ . ,,
. ' ... COLEMAN RJn' FOR
Charge it
Umlt 1 a:allon. Elpeclatb'
blended. Triple filtered. Pre-
loop life of generaton. eon..
tains n,d inhibitor. Depend~
abM and aaft,
Ai HMbor-Bl"'1' · , " .. -
1144 Newpott IW. Costa Mna wly
E..-, night 'fll 9 -Wool. Sol. :& S... 'Ill 6 .
2200 HARBOR BL VD. ~~~:~' a~fd COST A MESA r
. Harbor
I ,
' ·I '• ••• --..... -.-J f DAILY I'll.OT t •
'H ~·--hi'" • CiU ---TT ~ , ' ' J "' I t I N.....,EW..h: YO : STOCK EX '. NGE •
\ .
f, I .. ......__ ______________________________ _
New York Stocks Continued from Page 10
S"""'1, .i"""'J 11, 1 '69 DAILY PllOT II;
..... ; ' •'"'• ............. °" ......
....... • _ .. __ _
. ---.. ----. ---
•••••• 11 I,.,,,, ... ·····j
f.oke, Puritas
Vote Okayed
-· -•-w GJ'r
I 'I i . '
i.. .............................................................................................. ~~~~~~~~~·~-~~--~-~--.. ~·~-~~-.....:.---~
• -
~y TOM TITll5
' .. oauY '"'" '"'"
• plot and even glvlng M1M Sh<.,..,., IUdden ahlflln& ol
• 1
J __ 1! ~ UJ,le•~· , , ' . ' '.Show Off .· . .
. . • I
~ ~~~, .. •.___MA_n_11._ns_u __ •,
"Julio! Prow1t Sbow" at MATIR!SSl~
Me)OdyllncL llOA"". HOMEI • T11AIQ:llS
OrlMtnJUy l<l to opao 1\ieoo ......... -
day ltr a ooe-week en&ilP' · o.ta MIM MatfRll <».
men!, the ~·i;aa V•111J ·J>!'O' • ' 1111 """""" .. ;,
At l\iJ heal , Neil Simon II .
the tunnlest plafwright the
ArµerJcan atage has ar"OU;nd;
at hls worst, he's sUll funnier ,
than moer other comedy
writers, he.nee the success of
"The Star Spanaled GlfL"
•IJIO!i!>Ml iean an allQOSI
reasonable motivation. 1be
cut members are well at·
tuned to ~ch other-U not,
on occasion, to their material.
MenUon also must be made
ol ,another cut member -
'Light Sky'
duc1lon """ .. "ru be pra_enled ' Uberty f.1303 .__•l lhi~·slioWJ>laCe ,tbp '
week.9' Al>!ll'L • , UPHO~ • Y e
Set ' to ·!'llW· "1th llllss 1 .... ·---------. P"""6 " ii t e· cOmedl.npo h
Barbara Heller-sfuaer Q. Mesa upJiolstllry C. rSmJth, ' I
·Uberty· 'M7a1
•· ..
• HeUo, Ginger
Ginger Rogers greets Britons. With' a smile and a
wave upon h~r arri~al in S~uthhampton for her·~on
don stage debut in t}Jc title role of the musical
0 Mame," to open Jan. 20.
... -----------,---...
" { ,.
' " " •
Robert Taylor .Fights
Big Bout With Can~er
This one w~ created in one
of Slmo1f1 weaker moments
"'f"• 1TAll 1'A"CM..ft OtllL"
A ~ lrf Nell Simon. lllFWC'led W
K'"' JOl!llMll, ltdwlk•I dlr-P•llf
Ton, •••" '""'"'-Llrod.I wu111.i., -Hnled Wtdr.nd1" tllrouth S.IUtdll"S
1111111 Jtn. 25 •I W. Ll!l'llN Pll!'lloUM.
Jlt OcM" Aw•·• Ll llUl\I Bel<fl.
Andi' Hoblrl . Joel T.-r
Norrn," Cornell . R•nd1ll Cobb
$0i>llll llau•dune•er Toni lohHter
-but weaker than "Barefoot
in the Park" and "The Odd
Couple"· leaves a lot of room
fQf ppvitltlonal pull.
Staged at the Laguna
Playhouse by Orange County's
top Simonian disciple, Ken t
Johnson, "St.ar Spangled .pirl'',,
wribp: i111J possible co!11Jc ef.
feet from a script which is
subpar only by the
playwright's own standards. It
offers the same complement
of outlandish situations, but
sub!tirutes caricature for
This play lacb the one
primary element the afore-
mentioned two had going for
•movies. fucluding 1'Quo Vadis'' them-believability. Whereas
and "caUillle," Taylor is on one could readily identify with
leave as host of television's the harried honeymoooers of
'' RQbert Taylor's voice was "Death V,alley Days'' until he "Barefoot" or the doleful f · res01Jant despite the removal regains his >health. divorced duo from "Odd Cou·
of part of a cancerous right "It's anybody's guess when pie," this frame ot reference
Jung tJ1ree months·ago: I'll get back to the series is lacking In the current com-
,, "This illness had made me again," Tayl?r· S<:tid. edy,
•---__ ;-m&d.-1 -never-llad-a--sicL.. '"This sickneiS af!d ~~ration ..IJNE STAG,.IN~G~---
•. . . .. turned out to be an orcfeif This noted, "[t also must be ~ day before in my ltfe. for me but it sbouldn't have acknowledged hat the Laguna
•. Taylor is recuperating at been. \ve ran in!o some production is as fine a staging
~." his ranch. a 113-acre spread surprises which nobody -not imaginable and the I~ughter,
1• of rolli.ng hills, a .Small lake, ~v~n th~, doctors -could an-while not as thick and fast
shade trees and unspoiled licipate. . _ as that accompanying its
southern caWomla sagebrush, T~ylor was referr1pg, to ~he predecessors, is nevertheless
malignancy after underg01ng there in abundance. grea~wood and_5andalw~-surgery for a fungus-type Set in a meager, but hardly
It 1s a magnificent setting. growth in the atfected lung. tacky, studio apartment where
1 The man who built it and Thereafter he returned to St. two idealistic young liberals
lives there is_ a quietly John's Hospital twice. lo be put together an underground
courageous movie star who, treated for romplications. newspaper, the play is spiced ~nsca~ in _a hundred rum --"These infec~oos after the by the appearanct or an eye-
flghl.s, is i:na~mg _'the toughest opera lion had nothing to do popping super palr!Otic Olym· batt~e of his life right now· with ·the · original prbblem," pie swimmer. This triangle
Still a handsome .man, Taylor explained. "Af¥1 J thlnk runs its comic course with Taylor'~ .!ltyle of actor Is ne now ~e've got t~em whipPfd . the assistance of anpther col·
longer in demand. ~or would "I'rn1,ting to take the sltua-lection ."t>f l)af~ Simon one-
T)·rone Power be sooght after. lion bf.,:iri.e horns like J:ohn liners, delivered in the
They were the collar and -W.11ynei tlid. You're damned customary buckshot manner.
heroes o! the 30s and 40s rigllt.J'''QG.. I'm going to whip Joe\11".fWJiper, who's done
! who gave way to the gu~s it ltn~ » down and tromp both th~ previously noted
.., with pock ma rks, greasy hair ori lt .. ~\·;·1• • Simo~' ~'119,Ws, seems at first
•.. and features that belong to taylO.:.,.&aid he has ap-uneasy ~.the "straight man"
all the rest of us. precial~ ihearing from hun-of the paJr, .and consequently
Tay_lor _has_ ~ade .' e w dreda·'<ll;~rsons around the is nQt unllor'm ly sharp in the
" headlines 10 his life._ Hes an country !{tging him to get initial act. Given more of the
outdoorsman who en)OyS hun-well: "1)1!t has helped a great action 'in the seeond two ling •nd fishing, and he's deal.\i ~· stanzas, .he performs with
determined to return to his-------------------'-----
• .
pa.slimes as soon as possible. • . ' ..
A star in m0<e than 70 .QUEENIE B Ph'l 1 rl d .---•··..;;· _____ ......;Y_._. -' nte an i
Box Office
C.·o'vn Goes
To Poitier
Mia Wins Rol e
As Peter P an
. :-:: -· -.. ~. r ..
Ton i ShHrer ·
1 ' •
~ thou,gh she 'ma1 be • ·A-UT.ft
-who ~Pl • running '" • ' '!"-' '!/I .
on ii• loel . throogbout the AudiUOll! '" M081 Hai<'• JN Su• al.NCE a h o w , Tropper's telephone theatrical comedy •11Jght Up .. JU!'
l.'OllversaU,ons With the swing-the Sky" will be cooducted PROBLEMS? Ing landl8dy who taW her at 2 p.m. Saturday. Jin. 11, ~ .
, · _
rent out or hi:i leisure are at lbe Westminster Com-11 ...... ,. •• .__-'----~
hilarious. munity Theatu. C-'iiL 473:USo ·
Johnson's staging of an A cast or sb: men and four 11 •-------~--' ouUandlsh fight scene between women is required fOr the
Cobb and Tropper also is first show, which depicts the first H & .H INSURANCE
rate, along with the seqtlen~ out of toYFTt tryoqt of a new • HILtOtl:Of'I -c1WM11 !Ml Mir
I.tin Tro d .._.,_ lkfllrlll Port TIIMll!'l"I
P g pper an nwis play bound for Broa<(way. '~=!!!!!=======~~I Shep.rer in vir1t1al head-~ Directing the show will be 1r
head combat. Paul Toft's two-Tom Titus, entertainment.
level set is well up to Laguna's editor of the DAILY PILOT,
verve and guslo as the customary t e c h n i c a I ex· who staged his own original
b usiness-minded publisher cellence. play, "Summer Lightning,•• at
squirming his way out of a While "Star Spangled Girl" the Westminster theater · Ia.st
romantic Mtangl~nt.' is not Simon at his summit, spring .
• As the fawning young neb-it is nevertheless a funny "Light Up the Sky'' will
bish who does a triple nip piece ol theater. It continues _open March 7 for a ~ree
over the lovely newcomer, tonight and for two more weekend run at the theater,
Randall Cobb gives a basic, week!, Wednesday through 6569 Westmimter Ave. ' at
low key performance, devoid Sat".Jrday, at the p1ayhouse, Golden West Street In the
of much histrionics, yet ~19 Ocean Ave., Lag u na Westminster Center mall.
somehow more believable than Beach. ~=;=::=====~ill the character i.!I written. Histr ==========;!I 1 wide-eyed groveling is done
with enough restraint t o
saJvage an aura of credibility.
'J!he bombshell of the cast
is·~ the voluptuous Toni
Shearer, whose outstanding
physical capabilities a r e
matched by an exceptionally
Jb.'dPg delivery and complete
ctmrnand of her character
_Bar__tly ar~-~~ty.....J?:g,lh of
feee and figure, and acting
ability tied up in such a pleas-
, ini.;package.
, '.ifming does it all In this
, ~'n~A-tightening the laxities of
·p 'id H' ·~up its
'"Aunt Bee' ,,
On TV Sliow
Tl:CHNICOLolll • PlllNAYISION rachel. .....
Nil-Fii'i .. SOUTH COAST
'"""' .. LAZA Tltm:ATllE CWC.ATOf San Diep frttwlJ at ltrrstol • 546-2712
..... ........ .._ •. ..." "PETULIA"
-the uncommon movi•
UM N~-·~\--. . '
T-""'*·P.uMI "lt1t
LlflN• DU.D"
111\11 In COLOll
"Dr. W•• I ,._ D•b"
ll:K..._lldlW ftr ~I
Mii FltrCIW • c;pLOll •
J1nci Folldl e COLOlt e
.. IAllAllLU." ;;;;;.;.,.-.:; -. ---1 531-1271
H•llll 0Vtr >r'tl 5-111 W•I
11\clllrcl 11•rrll e COLOR •
Pl111: lt"*"IMfldN "" AfUlhl
..._._ff -· • .:..M7..JBL
I •Komm-•w ......
Winer M.ltlh1u e COLOR •
Jullt Christle e COLOR •
I ..... -w.,.. T-" I Jot111 W1y,,e • COLOR •
Joh" W1y,,. e COLOll: •
"WAk WACiON" . __ .,_ ........
ll:ffwnrnwtdW ftr Adlllt•I -Pellr u.11,..,. • COLOR •
SltVI McQuelfl • COLOR •
• t
_St?P ~ourning,
Heed w~mng · . .
Happy 9fttfl
U"l Te ......
Adolph Zukor., found~r of Paramount Pictures, cele-
brates bis 96th birthday on the set of "On a Clear
·Day You ean See Fofever" with Sta~Bafbr.a Strei-••nd ·'·· ·, ~ -• ·1, ..
• ; ,,
1 ..
Due Sunday
1 In Laguna
·~ ,e ,.
A reading of 1 play l!y
English palywright Harold
Pinter, "Dumbwaiter'' wlll be
performed Sunday at 10:30
1.m. at tbe Art Association
Gallery 1t the Sunday morning
mttting of the Unltaria""'
Universallst . Fe.Uowshlp o I
Laguna Beach.
Beside I.he Pinter plly,
which wtll fe~ture J o h n
Bwhard of UCI drama depart-
ment, tea and bi!CUIL! w!U
be served. •
The evening meeting, which
, 1 wlll be held at I p.m. at
the L)'lter's, MIO [)iamond
Street, w.,una Bueh; will
I I cqnlllt of mdhlp ~1 Roberta
Stewart. The public ts tnvtted
to both metUngs.
Gina's. ••• Town
The lovely Mios Lollobrigida displays her well·
formed legs as she pau1e1 i~ KeMedy Airport in
New York after arriving here from lt.aly for a teli-
vl sion appearant!'e.
Actors Signed
For 'Giants'
'Product!' Irwin Allen hAs 'litfied &ctor1 Chris Alclllde,
Cliff Osmom and G~rry
WAlbers for featured 'toil!• In
the "Seven Llttle Jndlana"
e""1de of Allen's 111.lnd or the"' tJtanu." "-"1 Hut!! II dlrt<Ung
the •tmtnt. .now filming al ~ ~entury·fox Tele'flJlon.
from 1. tolep)Ay by Bob ond
Wanda Duncan.
Pair Slated
For TV Pilot
i l
S1\unf11, '''"'"1 11, 1%9
, MIAMI (AP) -'11•,,New York J,e<s, "811 by l1JW qllll'letblck Joe. NamaUI,
-and the Baftlmore Colts with Cinderella
ctar Earl Morrall wound up with light
workouts today their preparaUons for
the third •nnual world championship pro,-
•lessiooal J~ll game SUnday1 'in \be
Orange Bow\ ' '
The oddsmakers have inttalled the
Colts, cb4mpions of lhe National Football
League, IB·point favorites over the Jets.
tings ot tile younger American Football
' The NFL won easily the first two
games of the series inaugurat.ed in 1967,
after the leagues ended their competitive
~·ar over players and gate receiplS.
Kickoff for the game will be witnessed
Sifford ( 71)
Cools Off,
:Holds Lead
.Charlie Sifford's torrid golf returned to
a more normal par 71 Friday but it
was good enough to retain the lead
In the $100,000 Los Angeles Open with
a 36-hole score of 1.34, tv•o shots in
front of the pack.
b)' a seDout crowd of 751~·
At stake' for tbe J)layen, In addi\ion
\o the I"" football UUe, Is ltl,000 per
man foe the winners as qaln!t $7,500
for each loser.
Baltfmotr won 13 of ils 11 1<K$r
~son t,flllllel to to.k.e its d)visibii UUe, ~ bbtbl Mimilso\a for the NF!.'• Western Confettnce crown.
In the AFL, the Jets soared lo their
first title ·· $iqce the league was born
in 1960, wi.dp.V\g ·~helr Eastern Division
with an \ t~ record,
ThlJ Su}>er ~l game male.hes clubs
with high p(tftr'ed offenles and stingy
derense. Tht: Colts in 18 games scored
460 points, and perhaps more meaningful,
allowed the opposition only 158.
Sports Editor
• The 46-year-0ld Sifford set things on
·fire with a eight.under par 63 Thursday
but the likeable "old man of the field" •
:reminded golf wrilers :
,-"You can't expect to shoot a 63 ev~y
day." Jones Sparl{s
88-82 Victory
Over Lakers
Siff<>rd began the round in pleasant
weather at the 6,827·yard. par 36-35-71
Rancho Park Golf Club three strokes
ahead, but when the firing ceased the
lead had been reduced by one.
New tormentors replaced those of
Thursday as lean, lanky George fe'ch,er
reached' the midway mark witti a 67
for 136, ahd younger pros, Tommy Shaw,
--.ff>om-Golf, Ml., ~~wcy-of ..P--Ol'llal'Ki.,.--Sest-GN-fA:P) -Veteran-Sa~
Ore., and Mac Mc~~n. Birgmingham, who has seen little action since being
Ala., each shot a 68 for 137. injured Nov. 23, came oil the bench
Late in the day, Robert E. Payne and hit four baske ts in the final four
<lf Mt. Vernon, Ill., the last player to minutes Friday night in spa rking the
finish, posted a 67 to join the 137 bracket. Boston Celtics to an 88·82 National
Defending champion Billy Casper shot Basketball Association victory over the
his second consecutive 69 for 138. Casper Los Angeles Lakers.
tnade a big run at the leader but s~id, Jones \vho has been hobbled by a ··~ putted extremely ~ell 0~ t~estfu-:! pulled iroin muscle, came Utrough after
nine but the back nine .' d JU th Lakers had staged a dramatic come-IOOn forget. He scored 32-37:09. e h h The people's choice Arnold Palmer back. The veteran s arp-s oo.ter pro. · · · I '1 h f' · ' ceeded to spark Boston to its ·first playuig competitive y or t e irst time 1 . h · th f 'th th since last November improved from r1wnp 1!l .. ree mee ings w1 e
72 to 68. ' Western D1v1s1on leaders.
He was helped immeasurably when Tpe Lake rs trailed 74.00: with . t I
he hit up five feet from the cup on minutes left, but came alive behind
the last hole end rammed the. putt rookie reserve Jay Carty of Oregon State.
in for an eagle three. · Carty scored six key points as Los
Two of Thursday's heroes, Grier Jones 1'flgeles out-scored Boston 17·3 and mov-
of Wichita, Kan., and Dave Hill, JWi to a 77·77 tie.
Evergreen, Colo., cooled a bit. Boston player·coach Bill Russell cashed
Jones, 22, a rookie pro and 1963 na·, w· free ~rrow and Jones look care of
tional collegiate champion f r o m \he rest.
Oklahoma State, lost three strokes to
par when he got in difficulty with steel
fences decorating the course. He stwt
a 74 for 148.
Hill, who was tied with Jones at the
outset, three behind Sifford, had a 73
for 139.
Lowest round of the day was turned
In by Sttve Spray, a 66, Y.'hich was
18 shots better than his first round,
John Havlicek led Boston with 24 ~ints while Jones finished with 20.
itusseit had only eight poiritS, but had
19 rebounds and blocked nrne shots,
including two stuff attempte · by \Vilt
The Lakers were led by Elgin Baylor
with 21 points and !-.lei Counts with
BaskethaII ·Sta11dings
iUMStl LllAGUI w ' Hv111il'l'ill0tl ltf'll ' • "'"~'"' ' " v.·e~ie"' ' • New_., H•rr»r ' ' wn•• Niii v.i .. 1 ' ' ... ~ • ' We5!mlrw;t1r • ' iflnlfl An• • ' . FrlQ)"f k:lfrn
H""ll1'19lofl le.Ch U. W&ttnl<ll.llfl' ,»
sanui An. V•llrf :w, NIWf>Ort u
Anel'l<l4m •• Merll'lli ~ W•l'trn M. Siont• Alli ~
Tllellll1r'1 Gtma
$1"1• Ane •1 M~lm Marl.,. 11 Hunll,.ron leKl'I
Wes1trn I I NeWl>Ol"I HfrDOr
$enr1 ....,.., V11"'' •I Wt•!minlter CRliSfVIEW L~i'CiUI w ' Fooll1ll, ' • V>1!1 f'1rk ' • LllllUIMI 11<!1'11 ' ' Minion V•«~ ' ' lw11n ' ' £&" c."'mtnt• ' ' l:.I """'1fl'<I • ' Qr1n ... • ' Frl4l1'f"1 5un1
FDO!hlll 71, Mi11l0<0 V1~lo )•
Sin Lllmente .-:, 1;:, MO<Se•" s1 v.u. Plfk 31. LIIV .... beicn '4(1
l11s1ln ,II, Or1nve $1 r ... .i11•1 ~ .... ,
fDolh!I! 11 Lav~,,. lleAcn
Or1n11t ., Miu ion Voeio
V>lll P1r1t 11 San Cit-fl!•
flEIWit.V Ll:AGUI w ' lu11111 H( It ' • T•w ' • L• H@rl ' ' F111!erlon ' ' 8-P1rk ' ' ~l\1111111 ' ' ...... , • ' ,l-• • '
" ..
·~ "' "' '" •• " "' ,,, ,. "' " "' "' ••• • , .
" ...
"' ·~ '" '"' " '" "' .. llJ "' "~ •• '" ,,,
" 111
" ..
'" "' •• ·~ .. "' "' '" •• '" '" ,.
'"· '" '" •»
Fr!d•V'I Sc11r11
lllH'ri. P.1rk .\J, l:ennP<!Y $1 Sll!lny Kiiis f3. S1~ann1 U
7r0'( ff, L• H1bT1 11 fullertvn 51, l.owi:ll Stl fO~l!'l'lllfll'l
T11tstl1r'1 G1mft
K..,nectv •I Trov
Fullerton 1t S•v1nn1
Sllf!llJ Hllll fl L• Hlbrl
Loww• '1 llveM P1r~
1:11•11• •••
Du.1u;• ll!.iout WI.,,, ..
El Oor1do LOii A11ml!Ol
$add!ebldl ......
Los ""'iOOI Frldav'• Sc1r ..
fSrH 52, Los .i.miQOJ 'l!
Ktl<ltt• 16, Los 1'!1ml10' " Val•n~l• 61, S1<1dlcb8{k .15
Sono.r1 71, El Oor1do 60
1 1 '' 101
1 ' 111 11, I 1 lt'I lJG
I 1 171 106 I 1 10s lli
0 ' •S lSI
fua .. ty's G1n"1
Sonora II V1\1ncla
SldOlebllCk •I K1tell&
LO:! Amkl<rl •I L ... .i.1amllo1
Et Oo•ec!o at lro1
V auguards Bo'v
Southern Cal College or Costa 1'.1esa
shoots for third pla~ in its New Years
Tournament tMight in a 7 o'clock game
with LA Baptist.
The Vanguards lost to Cal Baptist Fri·
day night. 75-74. Leading SoCal scorer
was Jody Murray with 25 points. The
Vanguards carry a 6-7 record into to-
night's game.
phold NFL SJipremacy
. '
champiGpahips, .fnli&ts his lesi ex·
perlenced team bu an excellent c~
to be the lirs\ Al"L Super Bowl winner.
"We ·~ !be best' Al"L team to pia,y
fn the •Sqper Bowl,'' says ~ sbor\,
atocky Ewbank, who bu been walking
,with ~ help ol 1 ~ due to a pulled
mwicle --dutink 'the post.game celWatton ol the O&kland victory.
1be .Wspoken Namath, ~ .be ,dlldal
the Colts ail 1.,t w... u being inflrlor
and cljalltnged the ·ability ol aoroe· or
, the.irJ star pt~ers -did it all lor ·
the ,, .. lhi. ll8SI "aion. ·
He completid 117 of 380 -pluSea' for
S,tf7 yards and IS touchdowns. He can
tftroW Icing. He gets the ball off 'fast,
aQd he'1 accurate.
Perhaps more bnpoflan~ be'• a ltadet,
a t.ake charge guy who !MJ1lrU teams
lo suptrlor performance. >.
Namath has three prime receivers in
Doo Maynanl, Georl• Sauer ;Jr., and
Pete Lammona. Maynanl ••UC!!I ~7 for
1,197 yards and .10 touchdowns Uita ,year
io pi.a the all·time recO<d ol'NFL's
retired Ra)' Berry in yan!Jlp 1ilned
receiving. ' . , .
.Sauer caught IS lor 1,ltt ~ and
I toucbdowm, while LariJiioiis ~
32 for 400 and 3 touchojowtla. ,
Morrall, tbe 34-yeaNJld Journe'Yman
quarterback who bu been wiUi a nUmber
of NFL ~. was acquired by the
Coils from the New York Giants for
tight end Bu\ch Wilsoo after the great
John UnJtaf developed ~ llOre '""· Almost overnight, the veteran of JI
NFL seasons becarrle a star. He thre,.
28 touchdown passes in leading BalUmor;
to its nrat NFL tiUe since ltst. ·
Morrall completed IC oi 316 pass~
for 2,909 yards, makln& the key play1
which featured ~ fabulo;us Baltlmorj
regular seUOn and playoff triumphs
According to Don Shula, the. Baltimorf
ooacb, llis quarterback dldn't ba.e 1
bad day all aeason.
Morrall,• cttief targets are AU-NF~
tight end John Maci<4y; who ••Ui~
.. fof 644 yards and 5. toucbdowns1
Willie Richardson with 37 for 862 yanl'1
and a touehd9wns, and Jimmy Orr will
29 for 143 and 6 touchdowns. '
U~l Hosts Westmont Five Tonight
' ., _,.
Of ,,.. Dfol" .,.., '''" ~ -·· --·· ~ J.Jter p!aylng, ~e games at a ~istance
of near I y 3,000 mites from its 09' n
ctiurt, coach Dick Davis' UCJ basketball
teapi. will be trying to ~ up some
home C9C)king tonight. ·
The· foe in Irvine's" 13th game of the
season is Westmont College of Sai1ta
BarJ~ara. Tipoff is 8:15, pr~ecled by
a. frosh preliminary betwee'n the two
schools starting at 6: 15.
UCI takes the court bent on breaking
/" ~
' ,,
up a four-game losing streak and the
Anteaters are heavy favorites to do
The skein began when Irvine Ctr.opped
a 61.00 beart-.topper to Cai Stat< (Long
Beach) in the finals of the UCI tourna-
ment Dec. 1.8.
Then the 1.otQJen new . eastward .ror
three games in six !Jays. FJrst UCI
lo~t to . Providen,ce, 85-77. Then. Rhode
lS'land gained revenge for .the game
Jt Jost at Irvine last year by winning,
ANTEATER DELUXE -Red-hot Jeff Cunningham (41) will be lead·
ing UC Irvine basketball forces against Westmont College tonight
as the Anteaters return to UCI after their junket to the East Coast.
Cunningham picked up 79 points in three games on the trip.
Rustlers Invade Santa Ana
For EC Clash Tonight
Does Santa Ana College have the best
basketball team in the Eastern Con·
Coach Dick Stricklin or Golden West
College has a hunch the Dons are lhat
good and his Hustlers will find out for
sure tonight when they travel lo Santa
Ana for an 8 o'clock tipoff.
Both teams are 1·1 in EC play. Golden
West losl an 87-83 game to Rio llondo
last Saturday after nipping Riverside.
74·73. The Dons were touched up by
Chaffey. 80-65. but then beat Citrus
Wednesday, JOl).85.
"Before the season I rated Santa Ana
right with Chaffey and Fullerton as lhe
best in the conference and I still do ,''
St ricklin says.
Golden West remains shackled "'ith
the fl11. Center Dave Prather has been
sidelined with the bug all week.
St.rick.Jin says the loss of sub forward
f\1ike Shelley, who dropped outOf school
this week to enroll at Ball State in
Indiana, is "no crushing loss.''
Allan Robinson and Brian Ambrozich
will remain the starting forwards and
Paul Kordik and Dave Paynter the re-
lief· men.
at-76. A 96-79 defeat to Bob Cousy's
Boston College team concluded the trip.
If ever a team's record was not an
accurate guage of its capability, il is
the case with UCJ's 7-5. The last four
foes have been nationally recognized
powers and the first loss, to Alma of
Michigan (80-79 in overtime), was to
one of the midwest's small college
But now Irvine sbOuld fatten up. Its
next four games are at home. Its next
big test will be with Fresno· State Jal\
Leading the Anteater brigade again~
\Vestmont tonight will be forward JeO
Cunningham, who established himself 01
the road as Irvine's most consistenl
He scored 34 against Providence, 2f
at Rhode Island and 22 against Bostof
College. With center Mike Heckmal
being graduated in June, Cunningham,
a junior, will be the dominant ffgur~
on Davis' 1969-70 club.
Effective This Year
2-Point Attempt
Okayed for Preps
point or run or pass for two points
after a touchdown will be a decision
high school football coaches will start
making in the 1969 season.
This was a major rule change approved
at the annual meeting of the National
Alliance Football rules committee which
ended Friday.
The new legislation will, cover all
California high schools according to
Orange County commissioner of officials,
John McDonough.
So Orange Coast area preps will be
Included in the new rules.
The two.point conversion rule was
adopted after successful experiments in
Ohio and Oklahoma last season.
In making the change from the
previous rule, which permitted only one
point on conversion, the rules committee
decided that the ball will be put in
play for the conversion try on the 3-yard
In addition, the committee voted to
require the use of wide r goal posts
at 23 feet, 4 inches apart with the
start of the 1971 season.
Thi~ requirement will be optional for
1969 and 1970.
Sports in Brief
-K propos11t1cr-move-the-goat-·postJ
to the goal line was defeated.
Several changes were made in game ad-
ministration, including one that now gives
a coach a voice when he believes there
has been a misapplication or misin-
terpretation of a rule.
The coach may call this to the attenli<ln
of the officials through a player. If
a mistake is discovered, it shaU be
corrccted and the time-0ut will be con·
sidered an official's time oul.
But if tilere )s not an error, then
the team will be charged with the time-
The committee also decreed a IS.yard
penalty f o r intentionally ,throwing or
kicking the ball out of the playing area
after a touchdown. "
The penalty w o u 1 d be for
unsportsmanlike conduct.
Mandatory wlth the 1971 season will
be a requirement that shoe cleats be
no longer than half an irich.
And beginning this season, a warning
no longer will be given to a player
not wearing the required equipment. If
an infraction is discovered, it will result
in a 15-yard penalty.
Bruins Cruise, 93-64;
Trojans Beaten, 61-5 7
EUGENE, Ore. -Top-ranked UCLA
jumped to a quick lead and then mov·
ed steadily away to post a 93-M victory
over Oregon Friday night.
Today . the Bnfins face Oregon State
In a 2:30 television game on Channel S.
John Vallely, formerly of Orange Coast
College, pumped in lf for the Bruins.
Lew Alcindor hit 27.
In other Pac.a games: Oregon State
used its little men Ii'riday night to gain
a light 61-57 victory over the University
of Southern Calilornia.
Ron Taylor, the USC 7-1 center, man·
aged only six points and one field goal.
Almost all the scoring for USC was car·
ried by Steve Jennings, who had 24
points. and Ernie Powell, who had 18.
\Vashington's invading Huskies mauled
Stanford, 76-57, and Cal took Washington
State, 68-60, at Berkeley.
Ogden Leads
SUNOL, Calif. -Bill Ogden, w h o
plays only haU a dozen golf tournaments
a year, took sole leadership of the $50,·
000 Alameda County Open with a 12 for
142, finishing alter dark Friday night.
Laguna's Richard Martinez, the first
round co-leader, drop peel to an 80 and 150.
Senior Bowl Even
~fOBILE, Ala. -The Senior Bowl w;u
rated a tossup Friday on the eve of the
2tlth annual All-Star football game. Odds·
makers s a i d they could see little be-
tween the powerrul 28-man squads for
today's meeitng before a sellout crowd
of 40,646. Th.e game will be nationally
televised, Channel 4, l 1 a.m. today.
Williom$OH f'h•ed
. MADISON, \Vis. -lvan B. (Ivy) \Vil
hamson. who helped preside over the rise
and fall of Wisconsin football fortunes
over a 20·year span. was fired Frida)'
as athletic director of the Big Ten school.
Williamson's departure followed five
consecutive losing football seasons, ttie
last two of them winless.
Lo111bardi Feeler
TKO for Quarry
In Seattle Fight
SEAITLE -Irish ~erry Quarry, the
world's third-ranked heavyweight, scor·
ed a technical knockout over Seattle's
Charlie Reno in the fifth round of a sche-
duled IO.round bout Friday night.
Newport's Voss Joins Sox Holdouts
ATLANTA, Ga. -Green Bay PaekJ
general manager Vince Lombardi "''OUld
accept job of commissioner of baseball
ti it were offered to him, The Atlanta
Journal reported Friday. Lombardi des·
cribed the report as "interesting." ,
The Journal, in a story by baseball
writer Wilt Browning, quoted Atlanta.
Braves star Hank Aaron as saying he
has been told by sources close to Lorn·
bard! that the fonner Packer coach
would take the job.
Quarry. from Bellflower. caught hi:;
opponent with & long right hand to t h e
bead bi.le in the round. He followed It up
wlth three quick shots, causing referee
Jim Rondo to administer a standing eight
count to Reno.
&fore Reno could emerge from the
comer, Quarry was on him again, knock·
!ng hlm gjmost through the ropes with
wlcloua right hands to the head and he
dangled in the n>pe•.
Rondo stopped the bout at thal poin~
2,51 Into the round. '
Of '" l)lllY ,li.t Jlllf
Like a reported 90 percent of his
Chicago White So.i teammates, N~wpvrt
Beach resident Bill Voss said Friday
he won't sign his contract unlil the
players' dispute wilh ownf!!rs over pensioo
funds ii) reso lved.
Ao Associated Press story OUl or
MIJwau);ee quoted \\'hite Sox general
l)'lanager Ed Short as saying striking
players "will only &el hurt in lhc ,pocket·
The major league playrrs arr dcml'n·
dint a share of the rich television con-
tracl baseball signed last year with NBC.
Voss has been in telephone contact
with Jack F'isher. •who remains the
Chicago player representative de spite
having been traded to Cincinnati.
"Jack hn.~ told n1e he doesn 't want
any of the pl:i yer!I to sign their c:ontracl5
until we .!'let tie this thing," Voss said.
"l haven 't signed ntine."
The AP story also quotes Sh-Ort a!'
saying "n1ore !han a few " of lhe So:t
have signed their '69 pacl~.
Voss indicated he doesn't expect the
strike l:J last Jong when lipring training
timr rnlls around
"l think the owntr1 are testing u~.
to see how long we 'II hold out. T doubt
they'd hold up spring training over it."
PresenUy, the baseball pension pro-
vides a player with five years in the
major leagues with $.158 per month at
age 50. A 10-year man gets $700 and
a 20.ycar veteran can draw $1,000 per
"Since we're the ones perfonning on
television we feel we 're entitled to s:ime
of that 1'V money," Voss summed up ,
Sox pitcher Gary Peters said 90 percent
of his teammates have agreed to support
the players' J>9Sltion and not sign con·
IU~ mound colle11guc, J-ot llorlen.
volunteered that it is okay for a pla~r
to reach verbal agreement with his club
to which Short said, "I won't accept
any verbal agreement unless it's put
in wriUng."
The comments came at a press con-
ference and dinner sponsored by the
Sox as part or promotion for 12 games
they will play In l\.1llwaukee this season.
"We OJ>E:n our exhibition season in
Pt1exico City March 2 and those who
won 't be in camp by thtn will be hurUng
financially," Short said. "We'll havt to
make up for our IOt'lses In the spring
somthow. The only w1y lo recoup i~
In tht playera' contracts." ·
Co11rt Wht$
Pt~ELBOURNE. Australia -Margarel
~1th Court, former \Vimbledon champ-
ion who announced her coming retlrc--1 menl earlier Uii:; week, defeated Kerry
Melville: ~f .Australia. 6-2. 6-2 and gained
the scm1-f1nal round of the Victorian
women's i;ingles t:?nnis championships
In the other sem ifinal, 18·year-old Ktr•
ry Harris upset · Karen Krantzcke, 6~
11 ·9. for her second straight surprlse.
Cdltt J)reain
Of Upset
Fades, 43-32
Of ,,.. o.llr ..... lltff
Pressure wu the name ot th6 game
Bill Bloom orderltl ll>r bis Corona de!
Mar High Sea Kings when they challeng·
ed the undefeated Garden G r o v e
Argonauts Friay night be[Ofe 1,440 faJU
at the CdM gym.
An<flll{ • goodly )>Ir! of the eVtlllnl
It appeared that orange County's No.
l prep basketball force wu gotng to
be dethroned by Bloom's unheralded
bunch. But in the end clus snvliled
with the Argos winning, U-32.
Corpoa cioI ·r4r looked like It w., tile group 'tdtb an un~lemlahed record
as it usumed a U-10 lead at halftime
over the lethara:lc Arionauts.
T h • Sea Kin&s wen: aetttna; up the.it
olf•oae and taldn,g only the good shota.
And they w~re hitting, after holding
the ball for lengthy periods to got the
bucket they were looking for.
However, prtSBUN! became a bad Wilrd
for Sea King f0Uower1 the Jut hilt
as Garden Grove came out from in-
·termlsalon, putting great preaaw-e on
the ball. -
Result: Corona del Mar spent most
of _the lut two periods throwing the
ball away. Twenty times the ~a Kings
were IUilty of turnovers alter oornmitUng
only three turnovers the first half.
And Garden Grove was quick Qto
capltall.ze on the sudllen turn Of the
Ude. The Argos ripped to a 27-25 lead
after three periods as Corona was able
to get off only four field goal attempt&
-and missed them all.
In fad, Bloom's (haps wOIVlCl up going
12 minutes and IO seconds Without mak·
Ing a field goal. Meanwhile, the winners
were hitting from everywhere and finally
owned a 3&-27 lead wlLh 2:21 left in
the game. .t
Corona del Mar returnS to its court
tonight for a t o'clock came with Long
Beach Millikan. · •
c-~ fir M9r (11) .. ,... o,.. .... ctlJ
-------· ----------------
---TeKr1 -11..n '' "'---···----'•.n .. 1..ta.------.
3 3 ! t lroom J I J 1
52211 ••111 212$
2 145 C1rl1on J5lll
2135 O'lrl1n 41211
&lll C1l11 'llf
U IU32 Tot1t1 1,1111.U
lctt'I ff Olllrtwn l 7 17 16-.Q 11 II J 1-J'f'
Mesans Bow
To Rams, 4645
l{ard-luck Costa Me,ga High eomes back
to Corona del Mar high tonight for
a duel with Orange County's top ranked
basketball team -Garden Grove in a 6:30 struggle.
Coach Herb LIVesy's Mustanp {5-9)
dropped a heartbreaker to Long Beach
Millikan (11-5) Friday night before 1,000
fans at Corona del Mar, 46-45.
It lfPeared Mesa had pulled out a
deserved victory when Chuck Yerkey
pumped in a 30-foot shot with one second
lefl on the clock. But, official Speedy
Castillo called Yerkey for double dribble
and voided the ba.sktt.
Seconds earlier Millikan's Richard
Pierce made his only bu~et of &he
evening and it was the ·biggest abot
o( the ni8ht aa he tanked an JS.footer
to put the Rams on top, '6-45.
Costa 1.tesa hid led Ull the last 2:46 or the game when the Rama took
ove.r, 42-fO, after the Mu4an&s went •
rive minules without a point. 11le lo&en:
led by as many as 10 (36-28) in he
tQird stanz.a.
It was simply a case of too many
tumover1 for the Mesans.
Twenty-ela:ht time• they lost possession
of the ball by their own miscues and
you don 't often win with that many
errott. The play of the g\]'lrds was
particularly poor.
Too, they were cold :!!hooting, hJtUng
2t.S percent for the evening.
c .. r. Mt,. 1u1 M1Hlkl11 (4') .. ""',. "" ... "' Y1rk4v "' ' " ,.lerc1 ' . ' ' En-!M • • . " MtK@!vl1 ' . ' ' Si>e!lmtnr o o z e ,~, ' ' ' " Kelly ' ' ' ' ·-· l s 2 JI
C11vl1 ' • ' ' ..... • ' •• ,., I I l I 11111m1111111 l 2 2 I
CorlH . ' ' ' Fll1!111tr .. ' • A111Un ' . . ' Sl~.1r . ' ' ' ,.11,,te ' . . ' Tt!lll n 1t1J.iJ: ""1111111 11 10 10 ""
kw• "' ... .,.,.,. L8 Mlltlk111 " ' " , ....
C0111 Miu " " " ,_.,
MD Records
64-52 Victory
EYING THE RIM -Westminster !Ilgb Scbool's-
Dave SmaUwood trieS to· shake loose of Huntington
Beach deft!nder Bond Nichols for a shot under the
Tars Ice Cold
Chilly Tars Shocked;
Falcons Win, 59-53
Of t111 01111 ,llll Siii!
Ice cold from the floor and the free
throw line, Newport Harbor High School's
brief $1aY atop the Sunsel League bask·
etball,s~dings ended a! Santa Ana Val·
ley upset the Tar& Friday night in t h e
Falcon gymnasium, 59-53. Both clubs
are now l·l in league play.
One play, a missed layup with a little
more than five minutes to go, was typi-
cal of Newport's frustratini shooting
and turned the game in Santa Ana Val-
ley's favor.
The Falcons were ahead, 48-47, aflcr
cashing in on four straight free throws
when Newport broke away on a two-on-
one fa&t break.
Jeff Malinoff went ln for the layup but
hit the rim and tm-home club cleared
the ball.
Anthony Fletcher took a Ions pass
down court and went in for the cripple
that shot Santa Ana Valley ahe<KI 50-47.
A minute later Shennan Thomas broke
away on another fast break. scored the
bucket and added a free throw when he
WIS foaled.
Newport spent the remaining four-and-
a·half minutes trying to catch up, but
never managed to cut the Falcon lead
to less than four points.
Coach Dave Wuman's crew uU\ized
a fWl-court press most of the second halt, but Santa Ana VaJley had little
trouble with It.
Newport had trouble finding the shoot·
Jng range right from the start, hitting
on only three of 17 first period field goal
The Tars wound up shooting a dismal
31.3 percent from the floor on 21 of 67
attempts. Valley also scored 21 field
goals, but took IO less shots for a 35.S
The difference came at the free throw
1ine. Newport cashed in only 11 of 24
charlty attempts -45.8 percent. Many of
the misses came on the first shot and
one-and-one situations.
Santa Ana Valley converted 17 of :ZZ
free throw attempts.
~e lfaven wound up as the leading
scorer in the contest, cashing in 11 field
goals and six free throws for 28 polnbi.
P a u I Holmes was the only other Tar In
double figures with 11 points .
Sherman topped the Falcons with 18
points. most of them on Jong jumper11
and drives. Fred Serrano and Fletcher
chipped in with 12 and 11.
fH.-t ISJI
M•llnotl T1MI Ht Yen
Holmtt ,_
1-II .....
2 ' •• 1 •• t
II' •21 7 0 2 • s 1 l 11
I o I O
1111 1tSJ
l1nt1 .A111 V1ll1Y Utl fl II ... ._
s 2 • n D J I J
7 I I S
' ~ 2 II S I t JI
1 ' 2 • 1 1 2 •
Fltldllr "-Mtl• Tc11r1 " 11 22 "'
Sctr1 "' Cho111M"1 N~_., Herbcf"
51ftlt AN VtlltY ' " 10 17 11 ''-.!l 14 1~•
Diffie's 23
Gives Barons
6543 Win
Fountain Valley's Barons unshackled
their first break attack ln the second
half Friday night and rolled to a .16-4.1
victory over La Quinta of Garden Grove
in a non-leque basketball encounter on
the loser'• hardwoods.
r.oa.ch John "Kua:er's team has won
four straJght now and sporb a 10-C
'The game's scoring leader wa.s Foun-
tain Valley's Duane Diffie who potted
23 points. La Quinta's Jim Moran was
his tesm '-: whole show offenaively with
It was an uphill struggle for the Barons
hut once they reached the crest it wu
all downhill.
La Quinta bagged a 17-13 firSt quart.er
lead over the slow·starllng visitors and
went Into tho locker room with a 27·25
But Kasser's ouUit rolled up a 20-11
margin in the third quarter and increased
that tD 18-5 in the Jut quarter.
Diffie started the ball rolling for the
Barons by scoring eight of this Z3 in
the third quarter.
Gary Valbuena came orr the bench
and scored seven for the winners.
1'111,11111 Vtffl"f' 'OJ
"' " Jli' " -• 1 'n l t t •
4 2 3 ,.
' 3 'u l 1 1 1
1 •• 1
Cllff!e Hlmm.r
111:.i!IM!ld ,. .....
Tot1l1 2JU1'5
Foulll•I~ VtlllY
Lt Q11lnl1
... Ovlllfl ,.,,
"""'" ' • l ' H1vtrl'"lnt _,
Dileo St. Clllr
·~· -TIJl11t
lJ lJ 17 II
7 2 2 '' • • l •
1 t ••
' I J t 1 I I I • I 1 • ,, • •o
M , ...... " ..... I
-.. -..., 11, 1'6' OAILY~ D
Oilers A~esont •
In 73-53 Triumph
Ove·r Westminster
Of ... Dlllr ....... ff
When Hunlinllon llW:h Hl&h ScboOl's
bukttball crew aeta everythlq: bounc-
1"1 rlabt aod movln8: on u evm flow,
&be Oden are awuome. ·
SI.raqllng along with a 4MI ,_.
with 3o01 left In the thinl period. Jluno
lngton Beach IUddenly esploded to· leave
villtlng w-.r In tho -Friday
Jllgbt llld "' the time the lJnal ........ IO<Ulded, tho 011en were rompe.,. aloq
With a IMS ,......l .~e vi<tory.
For coodl qner c.a.bl' quint<~ It
WU lllelr MCOOil --win ol the year, 29th sralab.t feaiue win dattna
back lo 1117 and iho • Uth ill If Olltlngs
lhis year. · 1
llelplta w~·· line ellcrt for
Diab)os :Qrop
78-59 Game
To Foothill
Of .. Olltr flfftf Ii.ti
Mluloo Viejo'• butolball tum foll
victtm to a poor l1nl half Frid~ Dll!>t
al Foothill lll(b u the Dlob!OI iv er e
IOWldly beaten by the Knilbio, 11-M.
The Diabloe could repter only n 1 n e
polnil the flrll quarter and elll>l the
second u they went into the locker room
al the half ~Ith the acoreboard readfnc,
40-17. •
Mlalon" Viejo eollldoil the Drol \ieol:.
el of the night and forged ob,.d to lfl'&b
an M lead with 3:45 left In the first quar·
Then the bottom fell out.
Foothill raced back to lain the lead,
H, at 3o27, Mllslnn Ued 11 with a 1reo
throw by Jerry Gloster 1 few 8econd!
later and lllm the Knll!>to rolled up lllhl
points in the last two minutes while the
Dlablos were held scoreless .
While the DiablOI could connect for
only ellht points in the second quaM.
FoOthllf put It all out of reach by bag-
lflng 23.
Besides being at a height disadvan-
tage, the Di1blol simply could not hold
onto the ball or crab important rebounds,
and when they bepn mlutni layupa and
puain,g to the wroni team, it was only
a matter of time.
Mission Viejo found the form In the
second half with which it won four
11traiaht contests up to Friday, including
&he Brea. tournament.
But nothing they could do In the .eq,
ond half could remedy the symptoms !JI
the lirlt.
Dlabtos Gerry Gloster and Tom Gard·
ner finish~ the night u high scorer;
for Mi&&ion with 19 and 1,. ' ..
Mi.1111 Vlelt U'J l'llthlll ,,,, "' "ft,,\ .. l 1 I 1
I I I 4
' 10 t 12 11 2 tu
.1 I 4 1
' l ,. 1 I I 1 I
I I .1 D I I 0 (
2t IO ltf'I
MIUlcln Vltlo
'' n "'._ 5 I I 11 • J 1 ,.
, 2 1 '
I 2 • 4
J e t ' 2 0 ' • • 2 0 t
L1'f'tl>ll1 .... ··-,..rte, ...
Clr1w!l1 ,,_
11 17 U 5t TM1la ....... .... _.,,.,. , .
" ll
aJ l,!-11
thr~ qwtm, It ... the otltn -ltatt to lliltob. w .. -(o.2) lod 1-0 it the outaet
and tbal WU the lul time tho LW!u
bad an advanlqt.
In the llnal "-of the lhlrd . CJllar-tar and the IOllrih porlod, H11D11t!i1oR
Beacb'a ~ came aUve -abu"
till& o/f Ille w-scorllc puDd
of Jeff Powtr• at the -line and Dave
I>etti' oboto !run -· From tho -lie In llli tblnl period,
tbe Oilera ran up a »4 marpi &o Nit
Jt away.
With bl! second &wel win lilcked awJY
and Morlna ,.1 to ln"4e tho llunUqtOQ
campul Tutodl, tvtnlni, Combe WU
Ill sml!OS.
"We juM 1t00d or<llmd and looked Ilk·
eel spectators out there In the fltll 11111
but ... dld •.1oot1 job In the -haII on tbifm dtfemt"1)r," he uld. '
Leading the Hunllngton Beach attack
with 17 polnio on 11 lltld goals and five tree throws wu Mike Contreru.
Conl.reraa wu etpOctally hol !run tht comer while Roy Miller wu eblf'llOI In
Powers wu· hlah for the lolera wttti
II, 15 In the 11n1 hall.
....,....1Mct1fn1 Wll1wl ....... fA) ~, .... "8,. .. ......... 11 I 17 --' • 2 ' ·-I I 2 ' ~ .. J f I II M•:r.; 2 M 4 I' I I I I """"" " • s ' ' I 1 t -·· ' I l • -· I I 2 It "'rl I I I I 'l'/1111~ • 1 • 1 -S I I 11 -I I • t W1llf1"1 I I J t .. ~ 1 t t I W111(1r • ,. • 2
2f 1t 17 .SJ Tlf•1* i. :n 1'0 n T11111 _,,_
~~ 1111C11 n • " ....,,
WMl'!nlftl!tr " " " '-''
Eagles Shock
Cavs, 4645
Estancia'• ever-improving Eqles atun.
ned invading Santtap Hlp Friday liijht
with a ~ non-Jeque bukdball Ur· diet.
Coach Bill Wetzel'• E.,iu used a full
court man-to-man 1ft11U1e deft111e the
entire game and the tactle pold o/f In
the flnol period u the bolta came lrom
a liK--polnt deficit toipOO the narrow win.
"Our tlds look Santlqo «1l of Its
offense completely," Wetzel llid after.
"The l<lda did o beckµv1 delwlvo Job on them," be added.
Leadlog the -dmrp qainJt
the t.oWerlnt Clvalien WU Charlie Hort
and Skip Wllllama.
The two kept Mart Mtll' (IH) ~own
to ll and Jack Kelch (H) to nine for
the conteat.
Mike Hays made the wlnnina bucket
with 1030 to go with a Jump oliot from
the 1o, of tho key aocl theo In tum dtew
an olfenslve foul from. SaaUaco player
with six seconds to 10 to lee the well-
deaerved win .
lllllltll 14111 """"' .1 4 l 11 l 4 'JO
1 I I ' 1 I 1 '
1 ~ ' • l 1 1 '
"""'" ,., """ .. 2 I I t O.nlll• """ ...... ......
LIMN!trl -••Millrldtl' "" · Tt11b U 11 II If Tllf1le
4 1 • '
4 ' '12 I 2 I (
l I I J
I t 1 4 t • t 4
• 1 I I 1'11114! ..,...,~
11 11 11
1) • 1•
Tritons Hold On, 62-5 7;
Of ""' 0.lh' ,Jiit • ...,
San Clemente found the win mark,
62·S7, holding off El MOdena's du:Ptfa-
tion pre11 the Jut half to earn lta flrst
Creatview League triumph of the embry-
onic campaign Friday nf&ht.
Eric Christensen kept up his amuil)c
scoring for the Tritons, drbpping 25
thrcu1h the nets. He bad lt the first
San Clemente broke aw 1 y quickly,
storminr to a 31-17 ed1e at halftime. Htw-
ever, the vilitin& Vanauatda came on
alrollg the llnol ttfo period& to mate a
1ame or jl.
Any hopes ol two llrai&ht upoet wins
for t.aiuna Beach went qp in amok• u
th• vino Park Spartans lripjled the VIII~
In& Arllllo, 17-40, In a Ctlllvl•w Ltafu•
butolball rame Friday DlghL Lacuna llioelr:ed heavily-favored El Mo-
dena ~14 'l'llN<fay behind IO pot<ont
lhoollng, but hod trouble finding the
ranee qainlt • tough man-fo.mu.' cle-f-employed by the Spartans.
nie Artist! hit on 12 of 45 aUtmpt.s
from the field for 28 percent agalnlt Vllla
And, as if poor abootlng wun't encJa&h,
Steve KlOstmnan picked up bl! IOID'l!I
foul with 8:31 remainJn& Jn the lflCOftd
period. With the burly OOrttr out of the
lineup, Villa Parlr: ran off 15 points to
the ArtJJts five to clole out lbe ba.Jf
ahead .!S-14.
'Ibe game wu never in doubt Jn the
oocoM hall Willi the Artloio pulling wltfl·
In 13, SS-40, but DO further .
The gatne wu marred by u penonaJ
Io u l 117 admlototered to the Spartans.
Lqlma could manqe ooly two plaf·
er1 .coting doub1e ~ Brian Jot*
nttted 11 before foullnc' out, and Mike
Hefty addid IO polnlo.
Mater Del JUa:h School overwhelmed
vlsJUnc Saleti&n In the firlt half of a
non·le.1gue baskttball 1ame Friday night
and coasted to an euy 64-52 victory.
The victory upped lbe Monarchs' sea-
son reeotd to 11-5.
Mater Del had lltUe trouble wllll Sal·
eslan right from the start, opening up
a seven-point lead in the first period,
14·7, ind then aluhed open the contest
by building tho znarijn to 17 polnil, 3$-
18. at haJrtlme.
Marina Collapses in Stretch~ 49-45
Rick Kemptoo of the Spartans i.cs all
scarJni Wiih U mart.ra, lie -llillow·
eel oo the Villa !'art ocorlng 1tot bf 1ltvo ~. Ii, Jim Hllm, 11 and BID Krate,
10. .... c.._..c.,., """'-"'"" ' • , I i llinnl •• 2 W.11 51111
II MClttfll CO'J Hltpl• l•\fl'~• I''' c., ..... !'' Jtl'nl11t1 J I II
t1llli." 1n1 """'"' l J I 11
J • J 1•
1 l I ' 0 0 1 •
) • 1 •
7 I I !I
Mtttf Oil "''
Welker ·-""-'"' ·-.......
Ml•rl ,.rlll
ft n H"' 1 5 I t
) • I ' I l I 1t
• I 1 II • 1 • 10 I I 1 (
1 1 2 J
• I 1 1
I • ' • . ' . T11111
Mlltr Oet
11 11 1• St Toftll Ul( I'"
IAl"I " °"'"'7 t1 It tl-b
IA '' ·11 I~
Of llM DlllY ,IHI! 1111\.
Marina 's hard-luck Vikings, looking for
all the world like a wirmer for three
quarters, fell apart in the final period
Friday night and Jost a ti-45 decision
to visiting AnaheJm.
It was a crushing defeat for the Vik·
ings, who .are now 0-2 in SllllSet League
play. Anaheim is 2-0.
Tbe husUlog Colooista limited tho Vlk·
lngs to a meager four polntl in the
latt quarter whUe Anaheim racked up
The big pll)' was made by Anabeim'1
&-5 football-basketball ace, Dan Slmpaon.
With his team ludine by two with
42 seconds left, he went high to .snare
the rebound of a short miss by Marina's
Kipp Baird.
Five seconds later Simpeon waa fou1ed
and he made both free throws for a
47-43 lead. Marina's Vince Moll canned
a Jong jumper to raise a roar from
the near-capacity throng but Jerry
Jordan put it away for Anahe im whea
his bucket produced the flnaJ count.
. "
That fourlll quarter produced 1 •tartl-
tng tum of events.-When Mll1na had
a 39.11 bull• midway throuib the thinl
quarter the Coloollil looted llUl1l<. llul
at thot point tho Vlklnp wore llrlcken
with thel.r cold spell and It catrled
right throu&b to tho final btmer.
By the time the final quarter started
the visitors had pared the 1op to 41~.
Jan MacKenzie tied it at .,....,, alter
a Simpson 1tea1.
F o r three quarters Marina w a a
pOnlshlng Anaheim lnald• !ml In the
fatorul IHI period the Vlko1 couldn,
bu)! a bucket from uywhete.
llow wall U..y eoukl '1lvo UMd -of their ahoodna late In Ille ........r
quortar, -!fve polnto In tM laJI
3' HCOndl 11•e Lute Ollcm'a ttun a
H-11 lnttrmllllon load.
.,...,.~ .. """ ... us~,,.
J.,.11 1111 I~ 4ll ll ,.a1n;,. • • 11• ,_11r ' • ' ......... • • tit •• ,,.. • I 11
L"'¥" 'llt =f. ''' /McKl!taW. 214f lttl
Tltllt 17 11 I n .i•lf 20 • 11 4S _ ,,_
11n111 ......
11 IC ff t-Af
''. ' .. ' ' . ' ' '
--------------------------~~~~~~-~·· ··-· ·'
"9111611 11 t I U ,....,. ' ... ......... f!IM """"'"' •• l • '*'-•• a ' ' .,
""" 1!11:17 flflla U7•Sl
11 ~ ~ tr .....--: t It "-.SI
Me Cli#nlntt 1• 21 t T>-4l ...... '"' ......... "" ...... .. .. -·
INfll I I I P Ht/In f P • tt if=.,,. Dtrtlll (41 11
1111111: ..... ,,.,. ~ Ill ~ 1~1: :,;ii 4 I ( 11 IC ...... 111 7 • 1 I
OMMr :~:1: ~ :•1:
, ... ~·· ....
t ' ' • ..... • • 1. If H 21 • T•1ll Jt 11 V ., _,, _
t.llllN. Mell • ' ' 1,,..,.. vr«1 iJI~ 1t " lt M-R
I • I
-·-~-:Week's··: Meet·i
A Huntington Beach yoolh
accused of · asu.u1t with a
deadly weapon and two counts
of •burglary bas plea<led guilty
to -reduced charges in Super·
lor Court.
Judge Robert Gardner sen-
tenctd David Lara Aguirre,
20, of 18891 Lister Lane, to
five years in state prison on
one burglary count. Other
charges 1gaiJ>!t..~ hive been dismlssea.· :_;..., '
Aguirre wit. ... ;~ last
St:Dt. Z7 after ~ were
called lo ttw: ~ of a 16-
year-old girL ~·,girl's fath-
er had subdued Aiulrre after thi defendant Jtaa allegedly
attacked the aJrl u she took
a shower in tile~·
11 ... 1'1 Gray. ma A f'itrMlll Clrtll,
H,,...IM!Cm llHch. SUrvl'ltll tw wile.
VMlillnl• Gr1v. ftrlvllll Qrvlc.i wlll
i,l:rh11d Ml:nl•'>'· oHdw Srco1. Hun!·
lnflgn V1llrt' Mort\Mlry, f IU2·177l.
ltl't Herve~ LDOm"-12Sft Ot~wlY
D11'11, LOI A)1rril!OI.! Qiat1 ,fl.' cle11h,
Jtri111ry 10. SllrYlv.d b¥' w!f., HIQI
M'tl'M loomll. lllf •fti..'lwMJ IOtl.
Wllllarn. ll'f W1sflln11oft. 0. C....,'111Utih-
tff', JefW'lle LN llaf11ef', tt:i: Allrnlto1.
Slrvltn. Sltuf'lley, I PM. Ill "'e C~I 11 P•dflc View, w11h Rn.
OMrln Smith '1fldlt• . l~t1tment,
Plclflc \'lirw ~I 1'111t. pirectK
by P'-elflc; View ~· 1 .
POm:MiNN ~
e.,.,en!I F. Pehim-. "° l!IM. A,t.
J I .. l-lleadl. 01i., "4 dtl!h. JI~·
uerv t. Sllrvlved by ville, ld1; two
.... Elll1 11!:. Pd'llmlif'lll of Lo. Anv1to
!ti} I ncl Roblft L. P-"lrntnll. of lll-
1~1 llst.r,,Alldt M. ,,...,._, Fiii"-
~ four 1rMddllld.l'lft W.-fWO 1re1t·
11-*l!lldrwn. F_.-111 .. rv!Cft wt re ~ Frklllv, I PM.. P'1cUlc Vlirw
Ol-1, with ltw. Phflltl G. Murrey .nkJeH111. En~, MluMllum
ef' 1t1e P.cll~ ~ by Peclflc
YllW Mol'fl,te ,..., •
BALTZ MO~ARIES c.r... deUlar.OR J.1'51
, Cotto M... Ml ~-
Ill Broadway, CNtri ~lea
BullqW .Vlllloy M-,
17fil ..... .8hld.
-·:,~ ...
~ & 1711o 81., Cotto Me88
\;. -
Htw Breck Hair Color
. Shim1MJO·in s~ades that
· ~ conditions h~i r also,
f ... ~ [asy-t11-11Se ~1t ••• 1111 : f:_ . e~Uas to bu1.
;~ DMlT 21,00ea.
· · "Cantrece" ·sW1uss ·
br ~«e.,., ,~I 11· ''Cover G01rl'' ~ S•a••t·i• 1hr•a1111t Mlir C.l1r • • • I '"1----Clmse II< shade you l~I ii M col~• wi~ ~~fast m. MEDICATED
you! 13 llllwal-klokllliShm !I r.hooselrom ribbederWlll/e weavr. ....... .,.. • 2 1 MAKE-uP ., NOXZEMA ~·~~. l:::l 7; .J~~l.39
~ (:, . ' .·~ '·~ ~ }
nxeapsif' "Sentrf' liquid I
~~.11111(.• flea Collar ~:~"~',1 1.3_ 9 _
uut U4 ltr· DOCS l CATS .
TME1~os ii Tllbe · .. ,,,.;,-.. In ass111ted 1 39 Shades.
Brtrll·resisla~l !.!ftlllpJas ''· •
$lopper, c11p 11>1th har.dle,
Kills fleas ~P 1 39 1 H 1 1 88 !oaful!Jrros. ~~«. c~~ 1 69 ' IL Sire • I.ti Sin • l'udl. 1,_ •
~ oast
" .
' ' .. ' , .... < .. ,. J, ~J. J, ' , .~·1 J. tt.::Jl' . '. ' r ' . ¥I l • i. ""I 'I' . . . ... '
. 11.&: .,, . -..ax
. :UIL In
' ;6~$1· ,,l,.1 '
SPRAY STAfCll ... 1•11 • .,.,.
11 ti. Sin '
39~ .. '
I oz. Jar
·' '"
Al PllUS PIOUl.t ~ •
Jill. 121~ "" 1111:1• ~ SUNIAY "'1.p -y·
Or!N 9 UL 'Iv II P.M.
0l ll'An A -
. '.
" .. •
. " •
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' ~ •(;
,i' J. •/ l
I" ' i
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,(\ ' .
"""· "''""' ""' '"' I Brush-on e
____ .. "'----..... ____ .. ·-·· ----· ... -C:::zli:::::n::::::::::lli:::=cr::::::::o:=::icr:::::::IDl!J
•~·:.:::::!!!:!! ~ • --... ~ ..... ~:::.;::..:-::::::.:-::::..--.:;::.-___________ -----
' • ' .
• .
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so called 11):.V priced three mode ls.
NEW '69 PONTIAC TEMPEST .SPORTS COUPE •nlll~lo oo 111 Hw <1n 11· sttck.
' -· '.
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-4 tp11d fr1n1rnf1ti11n, r1dio end h11lv. l ie ..
Np. UJF979 . s2oaa
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.( Dr. Sidlfl. Autonwtic, rdio:&. ht1ttr. lie. #
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V-8, 2-door coupe, 3 spd. tr1n1,. r1d io & hHfer. Set. P237230. .
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lie. :: RGK649:
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lie. I: VHA\88. '
U!i1nl1 Corw.rlible . .4 speed, r1dio I. ht1fer, lie.
lt 00l896.
VB, 1utom1tic 1r1nsmii5ion, fyll f1Ctory equipped.
Ser. k1~14'. •
ConYirtiblt. ~ speed, r1dio i nd heifer. lie. 'It
MllJCUIY •-.7,··couou
VS, paWtr~ lfHrlng, Powtr: br1k1t, lufOINfic
tr1n1misaion, r1di,, lfe1ter1pt. # VM7~
.. $2488 ,.,
eaoa EAST 1·at. STREE"l7i SAN"i*A ANA •
..; -~ ' • . • ! !
' , c·1 'f
Including '. r1dio, heifer, whitew1ll lir.IJt!hlltket
Hits wijh ll'm converler, dis1ppe1 rin11 ~Hild
wipers, Synchro turn si11n115, fl1sher, VB eng ine,
deluxe vinyi interior, outside re1r vie~, mirror,
1e1t btltt 1nd many , m1ny more. This is110 prict
l11der 11 Bill B•rrv Pontiac. Order Olll 1 or •
hundred 11 lhis }ow price, . ' ' . '
FORD •u ·coitT1u· .-
sr11kln W1gon. Aulomilic tr1nsmiS&ion, r1dio 1t1d
lle1ter. lie. # Wf-V768.
$1695 .
St1tion Wagon, Aul!XNll~ tr11tSmiuion , V-8, r1dkt •··
1nd heater, powtr 1rff'ri1'9. lie. #·~HKM.5.
v.e. foll)fnllie 1r1rrsmiuion, rtdio ind• httter,
1ir conditioning, Yiny\.lop. lie .. # WXH901.
· 4 door, t..rchOp.J ·\l:S, 1lrtom1tiit. 1rin1iniuion, •
powtr 1retri1t9, 1btlkii, rtdio 1"4 lle11er, 1irr
CQ\ldilloning. S.r. # 6647. ...
. . '$1295
•I ' '
• ) !... -
' I
\ ' ' I
----r-··----------,--~----.. --------------·--------·-------·~----------.-------~--------·----
11•' •
Hello thert,. boya and 11tla1
lt'i lime l<r .-., S11"r411
momlhg ·.nlh" all your old
ll1etoda Jn 11..ie Len't Carow.
llnclt Lon la ""111 pt.uod
"11h • 11>e n.eo-to lhll
W..t'• art -· Btllllll Wf Winni .. plctutt about lhe _, • ' 'l'lllnbleweeda COlftlc"l1rlp, w•
had many olher entrlea of
'Our ..,.. atrli>, PttldnJ, a~
!!~ •• ;. ·~~ · done • • ,.
'ijtit ~ 1 . ' MaL --...-._, '".l~-~
"' alBO ~--8~:;. . .. "''" Donal4 .~ ,Mickey-.· · Mow., SnoopY and tM Three
Nnt week, boyt ud cirlC:""~· · "'_·;· '"#""~; ~-· _ ..
' ' ... .,
--"II' , _... ... -~--....: ..
• .~ ,,, ' I • ' .. ;~· .. ;. ·•.f~ •.•• .-.,-,,,
Uncle Len ii Solng to all< .--------..,-...---:0::-,....,--------------,1
you to <ftw a plcturo of )'OIJr , ·,~I '· :;, favorite biltorlttl cbtt-.· ; j : . PR.1111E WINNER In otheT wm'dl, lf.;You had
the -"' be ~ you wanted from 1 tll8 ,,..t, wbo
W<Nld )'OU ~t ..
This week's contest winner is Teresa Foley, 91h, Mn Navajo Road, Westminster
HONoRAJl.i!.>lli.:t: win-Any child Wider 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contes~ Here'• all you'
ners Jn lhe an;'. . tJ11> do: (l)<lll'lW pl~ure on eiilce Of plain, white paper 5~ lncbea wide and
wetk wtre: 4 !nchta deep. Use b!acl< ink tnd make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace
•P vamoeldi. .... Foun-picture. It must be your own ·wor~. (3) Put your name, age and addr"' ';.1n~all•J· MllPY ~ 111> · . on. back o! drawing. Mall ii to Un<;le Len'• Art Cont~·~ Box 1680, DAILY
Fowilain 'v a H r1 ; ' Kini · '.ryLp'i',:.~s1a·1o1eu. .Winner· will 'l'e<eive Kennedy half dollar.
Marsden, 1, Huntin1to .J .• , ... • ·•t ~ .~
Btach; Jennl(cr EdwnlG~ ... ,., 1~~ ... ! ~ . ..,..,.,
11, COBla Miil; Stacy liar· , ·
rlngton, 101 Huntington Beach ; ,Jedii.U'er Heath, '"' Costa /
Lucy , de *~I:; l O 1 MIA-Z_ Catherine H1Uoran, /? A' ';~
, N;wpOrl &Ucl!l'~I Cl'Uff,"'11', -~ .. Milt;· T11D1tn.-----L,aro~6 ,.'$--f1rn1
1.0, Hunu.,ton ·BUoh; Stavtn Deckert, 10, .COiia Mell;
l Pemberloo, t, ll'o'llbtaln •Courlaty 811911\Jm, II>• RIDDLIS if.MA JOKI$ Valley, and llachtl Mac Nnporl Jlecah ; M sr k IVI"
_. ·--~...10. N~~-1S~ .. 7. Hun t_l n.l!.• n r-~::--_ ----..... ,"!!,'!re~-------,
Also, Dorll Ooel!,,I>, Hun-Beach; oryotaJ!flidliiiii, , *
tJngtoo J.le&.<;.b =~ n e 1 s a. Jll!Jillnglon B~, anq t;>tane •. Halloran; t'>I, · M...., PiaU, 9, C4iti Jhli::.. · Mother: Di4~el bath?
Boy: No, Is thft.~e missipg?
At school you always work and play,
You n1v,thave time to dream aw•Yi
Teacben a~ 1trlct, but fun too,
They mlt!ii even play a game with you;
School caii teach you almost everything,
And it can· keep you from be!ne a d!ngallng.
A ktfllMf'I lllM _...,. .... tt Mliry ftrr, 11~ 1'"7 SttuHlt St.,
,._t•lfl Vtfttf flt tM WIM'" Mltrv ht ,,... • ..,,. 11>11 "'''"
ffllltlf, J6t11 JtUr N1111 II' ,,,. ,. UMM ""'° ... 1 Nt C .. la,
Mt.-. Clllf• . • ' . " ,.
.. '----~~-'-"'"-'~~---~-~---~, ,• UU~1
" '•
.... .,.., .......... r. Alt All4y,
c/e Ort-.. C... o.llJ Net, hli i•' , .... c.n ...... C.llf. 11_
•1! •
::t i
AMv ""* • •:=: •• °' 11\e day, ,a,·;pome&ranate fruit is
.... ·-·~ .. t.lnoh -~kl lh do "T•vl9r. , .. 1. 11 VlttOrlt, ar!t1111 IO 1 llU.~ufll It you not
Ctkmbl•, etneu. tor lltf ot11t111on: m.1n4 . .-pittlng out all those
Wb:1t k1ad of fraH 11 a little .ibrnwn seed!. Where
pemegranate1 pomegfanateti are plentUul,
people ofjen, squeeze out the
Ages ago, the pomesranate juicy p~ of the frult and
'ff"U just aboUt~ the most uae it .. to make delicious
clamorous fruit ln the world. drinks.
People drew plctUru of lt The pomegranate tree arow1
and carved ill Ukenus In as tall u an apple tree, but
ttone. They even bad storlea It Is much 11tlmmer and lts
about tbl famous brancheJtendtobevtryskin-
pomegrawte to tell to their ny. ln rprlnl:, the tree bursts
children. Nowadays we have forth with brilliant r e d
almost fotcotteri it because blossoms that fill the air with we-have 10 maai other fruits a flo.wery perfume. The petals
to choose from. fade and the fruit grows larger during the summer. Jn ln ancient d1ya , pomearan lhe fall, It changes from ""etn ate tree• were cherished in •·
rd -in to pale yellow. When the royal ga ena. • uey grew yellow is tl-'"ed with blotches lands aroUnd the Medlterran u-. ean Sea, where Ille summers of bluahlng pink. t h e are wann and runny and the pomegrJllllel are ripe and
winters are Juat a little cooler ready to 10 to market.
than the summers. There are pomegr&nate
Pomegranate trtes ~re very orchards In Spain and North
choosy aboot lhe weaJ,ber and .Africa, in Greece and Italy
they refuat to arow where and Jn many watm countries
the winters are cold and o( Alia. Wild JXlmegranate
mow. Nowaday1, theret are treu arow In Pakistan, AI.-pomegranate. orchards i n ghanlsfan and northern India.
many warm parts of the Thete wild trees are bushy
-Id, and tome of their fruit shnlbs and their frulls are
ma:y be thlpped to cooler small and .atrina. Agea ago,
artaB where the trees cannot 1ardeners began cu!Uvatlng
lf'OW. and improvlbg these wild
M a rule, , the fruit goes pomegranates. Travelers took
to marie~ Sn ~ boxes, with seeds from the improved trees
etch pomegramte wrapped in and ctiued µ,em to grow in
tll$ue. TbeJ look a liUle like many warm 1.m arowid the
yellowish orante1 tinted here world. There la a pomegran1t.e
and lhere wtlh ff1l'J pink tree In And1'1 1arden In
bh1$es, bllt .thllr · aklnl ~ Sout!lem ·ea111orn1a.
hinter than oraaae rlod and F o r a I o n 1 t 1 m e ,
the lnsld.~. of .the r(l.lit Is not pomqranates were the btst
at all uti 'the' Inside of an orchard trees In the world .
aringt. Whan you cut the ghell Then super apples a n d
open, it aee:ma to be stuffed orana:es pe1chea and pears
wilh . prt~, ,ptqk berries. were ~lt!vated from "lld
" 'lbere ore loll o( Juicy llitle fruit lrlta. These frulll had
"1Und balla, •1111.~h ODO~, 1.,.f, •uedl and more p&lp
•small brown ,Med in the than lbe pome1ran1te . mlddl~. Betldel,.moat of these orchard
· · · Eating a pomegra!late la trttl 1"!'8 not to chooty about
rather a messy job. 'n'8 Wrt they nved. Apple1 and
p1nklsb fruit part Is too soft pears, peaches and plums
, · t and watery lo take a. proper grow in places where the 1• ~le -and every mouthful wlriten are snowy and frosty.
j;~ baa lolJ of seeds. But the When 'fatt 'cOtntt, ~just
': ~"~~~~;. . ~·It ..
WINNIR -;p l'•!Tllltfftft, ,, l'IVl'Jfllll 'lllllJ
Bob : Do you think th~J.I! any intelligent life ,on Mari? .
Rob: 'l'Mre inust be.-Y don 'I see tl!em spend·
iog 30 million dQllara Nit to come here.
-OllM Murr•Y• ti. ~II )111..01~1 Drt¥t Mlilllfl11ttlli' luell . ·~~'""' . .
Dear Carol: Why did llle·llttle l>oy keep a bike
by his bed? . · ~r 1 •
·d .. 11 •!l('UI IUJJ!l•M_ ,.~,.,, dM ~ .. :.i•MIUY
-&llMr Oell&Mr, '!""'...,......_..:
Employer : \Vhy is your grammer 1sDf .. tuS"fyfl"~·,,
Sijr,i;.ttary: I left my typewriter in· .th• ra1!!,
-llKr H1rrll111t11. 11. "-lltllllltll hid!
D~Jr Carol: Why does Richard Burton dress so ~·ell?
-jb\if'.( • 01 ptJA.llW S,•Lt •sn1t::>9t1 :AIMlyY
-.t.l.lrr Ttrr, 11Va. ••u1111111 Villtr
.. " ""
Crossword 'puzzle
A,CftOSS 40 Piquant Yrst«day's Puzzle SolYfd!
41 Sh1111rock
I lrljr 1111 play rt' 42 Ob1curt worll 43 Forest S ft1pUl11 anl1111I 9 Wo1111n of -44 Hit ·~'" 45 F1111lly 14 A c .. trtt 1111mb1r 15 ~1111 4• Fe1Uv1 16 .~,, clilbr1tlon
wln11 41 ~•acl about fOrtlll 52 ... 17 DrUllkttl 8run1wtck
""'Z co111111unlty
11111 • lu~ '' ltYtrl!ll 1/11/6' ft61ntn VI 5, lllOVlfll«lt l' Card, .. , !i l1111fU I Su1ln11s )5 ftOlllWlilft
20 Number r•c•lvtd ~''" folk d.,c, 21 Subw•r md enJ1ytd i " 36 HIVI I , .. ,'",., .St Ottall l Lacklno conviction 2) t . 60 Sore an 1111.111 38 Ca~ ''f' aflproprlalt 61 Concemlng: 11 TtltS ~!Tl•• 0 ~· 25 Rivet of 2 words 12 Endlnl used " Handltl t EuroPe 62 Jul11 Vtmt with I 1thtr conllolt 2' llake old ch1r1cltr arid ushtr 45 lnto11it1ltd: 21 Track meet 6) ltc~ lager 13 Prophet Slang
t'ltnl rod "" Zl Elllintnt 47 S1w111lll
29 Ancient 64 uslllous In wl1dom 1111chln1
"''""of "' l2 -ollroy 41 Save account 65 Pltastd 24 Scott 4, M• ft•lut• 32 ltttn of t•Jrtsslon 27 Pr1l1e· 50 ltorttln furnitur• worthy 51 Atttridm'!t J5 Roll call DOWN quality splrl t
answer 2a Mash!t 52 Mike a
3~ Gll55 l Ntwtb•at nlbllck botch of factaty 1 ·-·· Gtttnt 30 Sclllini 5) ft~latlOft
1pp:r1tu1 3 lrlttr of 31 klngflsh't 54 In I 37 kin or ·boys' books ft'ltnd Ullll llflCt ~acclnt 4 Time of year 32 LICtftltd 5l~oof 31 One with s-•~·· 3J Ru11lan set ' 0 low IQ 'Ullbtnd ng 34 Plaoe for sp ttktr
39 Remain 7 Atldl frDlll: sm 111 t1lk: 59 Colftlllon
unatttltd C•b. fora 2 words word Siding
.. '.,;.':
T1'1E OllV IEA50M ! W.l.Vf TO
'rOWIGHT 16 TMA.T rM. oolfll6
li'oOll:NING-1 J~PGE!
I'M Sllli:E WE
C.t.t.I GET AN
/..TTOli:.NE'f TO
I NllVl'.R. SAW
-n\16 M~9WIN
FOR IT··· Al'! '
.. --.. _
" •
----~~---·-··---·--·-"·---·---lo.......------------------·~---~-~-~ ----·---·--~------·--· -----·-·--· -----..
...... ,, !
;....L..-o,-1, .!
ly Gus Arriola '~ ---
;.i By_ Ha_rold _Le Doux · :
ly Tom K. Ryan
I I G01'li\ ~n.IT f<lR A GAlO;lS\
f 1 SCENE 10 PIO( UP M(
OllCKJ . .YOU PJC;l'
ly Mell I
• 'Al .. ,
• I
. j
• l
....... ~ .................................. ~...,.,""!'1111" ..................... ~~ ... ,,...'l'Ol;W! ................................................................ .,......, ................................................................ .
General 1000 General 11100,
' , . ~ . RANCHO LA cuesrA i , I I " .
I.I Ham!llon & Buihnd lb HunUnglon Beach ·
sohl 98 bomes'ln SU: months" Our new unit ,
b about to ~ and we must oell the last two1
• homes here i( generous diacount.s. ' MODEL HOME: 2 BR, 2 BA, huge rumpus •
· can be converted. to 2 more .
bedrooms. Exquisitely decor-
ated & landscaped. $29,700 -
discounted $2500.
INVENTORY: 3 BR, 2 BA, dining room, car-
peted thruouL
$25,050 -discounted •$1600.
10"/. Down Conventional Lo1n1
Coll 961-2929 betwHn 10 ond 6 ony doy.
Money tojakers OPBI SAT /SUN
u UNn's BRAND NEW . 1500 .Sylvlo Ln., NB :
1100,500. 0 \Y NE R W,ILL -4 BRs 21h baths, Jge liv im,
'I'RADE -llOUSE • LOTS • \v/frplc + dining ar@a, FA
TDS. ~at, bit-Ins, di&hwaatM;r,
3 Unlbl • 2 Bdrms each -hdwd floors. Pool-sized yard,
Garq:es • All rented • Top dble pre.gt. -·--~ . . . . Dupltt • 2 Bedrooms eaoh 613 Plumer, CM
SpotlHS • Eastside location 6 BRs 1 ~ baths, lge llv rn1
-$28,500.• & frplc .• service porch. rte
Houses -2 Garages • Re-lot. Priced to sell fast at =~ ~r::i~WpOrt Hghts. $26*.~. • * *
646-7171 546-2313 OPEN Xu, DAY SUNDAY 219 Jasmine, CdM Steps to beach. 3 BRs 2
Mesc{ Verde
, Cambridge
AduJ~ occuptm, popular 3
b!droom and famlly room
baths, living + fam rm,
frplc, din:ini area. Jge ldtch·
en with all the bit-ins. Dble
~. Will trade for small-
er home.
Rltr. 640-3928 or ~ * LACHENMYER
EASTEllN · home In prime Mesa Vmle ..... s..., •. sh.,,. In and CONSTRUCTION
ouL 7;500 sq ft Tot, room-1mmS:Clilate cuslom built' 3
for trailer storage, cus~m bedroom, 2\.ii bath!, large
shutters and drapes, 2 ftre-1amily-dinlng room. Beauti-
p!aces. Exclusive $33.SOO. ful y&rd with shuffleboard,
Colesworlhy & Co. ~; x :-: ;::;., w.,-.
6>42-7777 JEAN SMITH,
1904 Harbor Blvd., c.M. Realtor
·Open Eves. fOO E. 17th Costa Mesa
CHARGE IT! 64&.J255
neral 1000Gentral 1000
Coldwell, Banker
.. • •. ·t• .._
Ma...i ·~ .:.""•·~ ~' --· Or-r1:KS: """" ,, . .
2 Units C.D.M. -$69,500
Gracious 2 '*>ry Colonial 4 BR, 2 Ba study,
FM. RM. + pool. Also attractive 3 BR, cpl,
drps, smaller home. Live fin one, rent the
other. Lot size 45xl18.
Mrs. Marioh
4 Units Near Bay & Oc11C1n
Excellent investmeDt property, on double
lot. Each studio apt with 2 BR, bath +
powder room -always rented ... $52,500
Walter Haase
Near Dover Dr.-$57,500
2 story, 4 BR conv. den,. 31h ba's, pool w/
slide, large FAf. R.Jtf. Roomy kitchen . New-
port Hi School. Walk to sc hools and West·
cli{f shops. Could be 5 Bdrs.
Mary Lou Marion
Udo Isle-Room To Add
Best buy on Lido. 2 BR home on 43' lot.
Priced close to lot value. Owner anxious to
sell. ............. "· ........... $51 ,500
Mrs. Raulston
Bayshore Custom Home
Carefree livin~ in this UliiqUe area by the
bay. Swim, sail, fish , or relax -Arch. re-
model -4 Bdrm w/extra trg. Fam . Rm.-
Extensive use oC paneling & quarry tile.
Mrs. Haney .................. $49,500
Harbor View Hills
Customized home for the particular bu yer
-40' Jiving rm & king size master suite.
Pool nestled into hillside -great outdoor
entertaining area. . . . . .... $48,500
Mrs. Harvey
Bay9'1ore Provincial
Lois of Cape Cod charm in this 2 BR comp.
renovated. w/palnt & cpts. thruoul Lots of
shutters & brick. Lge. pri. patio. . . $35,000
Joe Clarkson
Emerald Bay B11C1ch Home
1 Steps to Private Beach. White water View.
4 BR, 31> bl, dbl & sgle garage, 2 !ireplcs.
Lge ram rm, bit-in wet bar. Fee corner Iol
Lge paUo and terrace off FR . . . . $99,500
Greg Wohl
Kl 9-3351
6-ntril \ 1000 "-'"' 1000-;\;1 1000Gener•I 1000 0-.i 10ii
THE REAL ES X:AX &RS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,m. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim "lli'9qV~•
FORKAL DDIING , AWHALEOFAIUY We are ProUd t6 praent thtl
, ...... ~ .__ wltb """'
1700 Newport
2790 lllrbor
546-2111 16th & T .. 11n -Coott MoM
A giant ol a bou,e. ~ 61giBRa, family room,
country style ltltcben, new w /w C'"1)0)ing
with •your cbolce ot. co!CI'. Qown P•YDJent
only fl.100 ..1!<>. _.\LL.I NO SECOND TRUST
DEED1 'NO WsE LAND. EZ to quallfy. Im-
~i.,i.ji;. onb> """" in hmn! .priced at md
Prime area maker this 3 bedroom & both
family home an excellent value-Hard.wood.
noors & plaster interior -Double garage
with extra 10x20 workshop plus a double
covered carport with alley access--$26,500
Exce)Jept locaUon. near schboLs; ~pplng
and beach Only a few lelt Buy now while in·
terest rates are only ---.,,[ ' r 1· mediate ~01 ~ , ~ ' C:OMPLETEL Y STONED
more. ·'Ibo "'7..,... Fant UY room with built 1n C1J1.
tom bv. A~ patio '
-wltb Oullt-ln 1lllQ and ~
b1.e Garap wlth ott stnet 7% w~h 20% down -71>'-' with 10% Dn. patktna-fur 9 CUI. • JUl(ll
139,950 .• no 2nd -no points -29 yrs on bil1nce Patio, brick BBQ & waterfaD. 3 BRa 2 bltM,
w/w carpeting, tlreplace, all on a huge over-
sized Joi. Full J>!:i<e only $23,950. NO DOWN
VA OR LOW DOWN FHA. Terms available.
$198 per mo~lb pays all!
· Excluslwe Agent 646-7171 • 546-23U
Beautifully maintained 3 bed.room 2 bath
home on a landscaped cul de sac fol-Large
living room wilh fireplace. Carpets & drapes.
All built-ins, laundry area, newly furnished
kitchen -priced to sell at $27 ,500.
p. a. palmer incorporated
, .... , .. ~-· ~ .. ' l l •..••• ,
Trott Ph: S4G-.5113 F•om L.A. Coll MA 5-8034 COAIS & WA,llACE llfALTORS ' • E~ Ti\.; I I·
SutTounded by a fantasy of landscaping. 4
bedrQOtns, 3 luxury baths, extra farge master
bedroom with free standing fireplaee--en·
joy outdoor patio with gas-fired barJ)ecue-
Executive living for $42,500.Just 10% do\vn.
..... BAY &
..... BEACH
"'729 Comoo Hlghlonds
4 Bedrooms; 2 baths makes the perfect fam·
ily home, erectric buift-ins, dishwasher, fully
carpeted and draped. All this plus a 2Qx80
extra room plumbed fo r wet bar or bath.
None better at $32,950 in new area.
3 Bedrma. + Fam. Rm.
All Elec. Klt.che:n. Quick
PosseS!lon at $38.~
with 10% Down. REPUBLIC 5 BDRM + POOL
The largest home in this fine area of ?ifesa
Verde. Room to spare with every built·in
convenience -3 luxuriou5 baths, party size
patio, large Sunset pool completely wrought·
iron fenced . Owner may trade for smaller
home -$42,500. You make the terms.
...,.1608 Ruth L•ne
Hori>or Hlghlonds
Nt'at 4 Bdrm. 3~ Bath
home. Among the Plus
features arc HARD·
Prooerty shows like a
'f.todel. Pritt reduced. to
$48,750. Owners have
bought larger homt' .
3 Bedrooms, 2 baths in a quiet non-traffic
street -cozy living room with brick fire-
place,-k-itchen with a~l ·elect·ric btH~t·ins-·-e·
dandY. buy at $26,900 with 10% down. Own-
er will consider trade for 3 or 4 units.
-p1no Cindlestlck ...
('I' a k e Sanda.lv.·ood orr
SJLntiago to Candlesti~)
Gracious 4 Bdnn. 3 Bath
quality ho111e. Open beam-
ed ceiling in Living. Rm,
Dinina: Rm, Kitchen &:
Over 3100 square feel of luxurious'living in
this custom built 4 bedroom 3 bath-Extra
large living room, forntB-1 dining room. Jn.
t,erior comple'teiy l'efirllitled. Owner· has
moved and will give immediate' possesslon-
$73,500. Bring us your lerms!
Flllll. Rm. All Elec. Blt-
iru. Heavy Duty Central
Vacuum System. 18 x 36
lteat.cd & Filtered Pool.
646-7171-0pen Sunday-546-2313 Bay & Beach
Ra•lty Inc.
2 bath sparkler with DOU-
llnd spacious living room ap-
pointed with love()' carpehi
& drapes. Large RANCH
SIZED KITCHEN &: all elec-
tric built infl. Ftl.ntastlc RA·
Ing and many cu.!ltom fea-
tures. The COURT YARD
ENTRY and low mainten-
ance, v~ry private yard are
viev.·ed r r o m beautifully
placed MA SS r VE \VJN·
00\VS. Worth every penney
o! $33,950.
2100 Harbor Blvd.
54&-9491 Open tiu 9 PM
4 Bedro0m1 + Pool + Family
Fantastic value, delighUul
living room 'vllh plush car-
pets & drapes. Cozy family
room with beams. -4 family
ED POOL. 9'17 JoAnn. Take
Wilson to Republio, north 2
blka lo JoA.nn.
Forest E. Olson, Inc.
• lu1t lilted! 4 Bedroom
single story atrlurrl
Mme, Immaculate in-
side I: out -really
neat! AH elec. blt-ln11
undel"Kl'UUnd utilities &
beautltul __ g r o u n d I'.
Onlv '34.950,
Real cute home for couple
or small lamily on beautllul
trfe.llned FIO¥.'!!r Street.
Sitnpl)' .Immaculate 3 + dln-
illl room with double gar-
age on alley. Good temu; at
1<6 ·5110 lnNr~lllemt) ,,!;!.EGE REALTY --11111...,CM.
2407 E. <;.ca.!! H1vy., Cdi'il
New listing on Tahuna
immacu1ate thruout
EAST SIDE roSTA MESA with 3 Bedroonu, 2 ba.thl
NEWPORT HGTS. AREA living room
ALL THI'S AND R2 1vith stone llreplace
$25,500 poo\.!lide t11a?,!11Ykl~~
Charming 3 bedl'tlOm or 2 sunny poo .... e 1...,""n
bedroom & den. 1% be.ths, low maintenance yard
fireplace. carpets & ·drapes, artistically designed
built-in &c forced air heat. home Is spotless a.nd
This v.·ell landscaped home priced to sell at $52,500
can be found on a huge R2 can John Abell
lot "'ilh a very large fenc· Res 673-7365 m back yard, with room for
a boat, camper, or build a
rental unit! It has a paved
alley entrance fur easy ac-
cess. Location Is just about
perfect. 111' hlks to Newport
mule school, and only 2 blks
to new city park. East 17th
strttt and WestcliU shop-
ping and two other schools
within walkinr distance. For N
appointment to see. write: OPE SUNDAY
Private Party 2970 Java Rd., ?)feaa Vl!!rde
Box P612 Big Colonial
Dallv Pilot GOLF COURSE AREA -Idl-
iiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-.I prea.ive home With hall·
moon dri~y. 4 B<lrms,
formal dining room + fam·
ily room A multl·ptll'Jl(lfle
room w11h separate fire--
place. Unusually well priced
5qu11C1ky Cleon
Located on Street of only
quality homes -haU block
from Baycrest • This beau·
llful home just complett'ly
repainted inside and out -
a.JI new w/w crpt • 3 baths
• dbl fireplace -dining area
at $41,500. '
{near Qnl!ml thellrt)
LLEGE REALTY 1500 AdllN atH1rbcw,CM.
• outdoor lighting on timer -1~~~~~"!"''!"'.,...
v.'hole yard covered by $15(JI DOWN. 3 BR ll;tbalh
sprinkler system. 2.000 ft of Monticello Condom. Cpb:/
V.'l?il planned living. AllkinG drps,, blt·in!I, pool, c I u b
$49,950. hse. $20,500. SUbmit trades.
l · 5 p.m. 2 BR DUPLEX on quiet ~
1112 Nottingham, Npt. de-sac street, dble gar $230/
CHIL T ROBINEn mo income. Nr lhopl. Don't
REAL TOR 645-0128 delay! $2.f.,500.
~==:::::::z:z::::=:::=:::~ Is UNITS • 2 BRs each. Jn.
Money M.kers divldual paU01 .l lataPI·
EAsrSIDE -2 homes lot 6 yra. FA heat, bit-ins. $725/
the price of 1. Ranch style mo. I n <' om e. SHARP
2 BR. den, 2 baths. PWS SHARP! $12,500 .
2 BR rental Unit. $36,500. "1 TRADE"
--Bob e>yon Realtor 546-5680
Income $660 mo. Aakini DUPLIX
$59,500 BALBOA ISl..A.ND
--3 BR. 2 ba.thl, fl.replacea. 1 6 UNITS 2-1 Bedrooms, 4-block ta VU11p onb' 5
2 BR. each with garage. Jn-yea:n old. Exerll;nt rondl-
oome 1% per mo. $62,500 lion. sn.ooo. term11.
A, E) L CLIF P~~'f9s11tHllor
~·~ 3034 E. C.Ut Hwy., CdM I I A l T T 171.f.) 67$-351JJ.
Near NB Po&t Ofc. 646-2-4.14 _________ Excluolve410d....,,,
cozy 2 BR home near New-'21,'99;-"• Qowrfar
port Hl!!ighta, Cul de Sac Payment to a G.L or Ir'
street, large M Joi with down to all othen. BeauWW
lo al nl ..... ,.,.,, family room. 2 balha. ~
room r rent U -, '""·"""'· W')' all buDt-ln electrk kltcb-Groham Rtolty en Corpctod. ~en.
Near N.B. Poat Ole. 646-2414 ProtntSonAtly la~
""~!'!'!'!'!!!'~'!!!'!!"'!!PI yard. ~1720 SOCKITTO'FM! TARBELL 2955 Harbor
1491 BAKER STREET C..., l.,.. ______ I
546-41•1 • ..,., Fi Up . D I flegance & Privacy COSTA MESA, CALIF. xer per up ex
f'n?m the tall Spanish
wrought Iron gated entry
one first aees the 28x23' in-
ner atrium with U'I: unique
electrlcal.l,y · oontrolled 1 14'
relract&b)e roof I: gleaming
VETS NO DOWN Havasu lake
Spanish tlle floor & lxtllt-in on the CaJUomia side a.f Hav-
wet bar. Then a step beyord $21,SQQ &lll.I Lake. "AD ytar" vUa-
4 BR l % bath, larre rear
yard, do9e to ihoppin&'.. can
to the dramatically draped tlon home in the water/
windows fra.mi.rla: a panor-desert playsround.
amic view of the Bay & Newport LOTS $3500 to $4200
Hills. 4 bdrms ~"' baths, All lmprovemen&a are in ~
family room with fireplact at paid tor.
2 bdma each unit. Euy
walk to sboPPi.nJ A: IChoola.
SIXlO 111 n lot. R.2.
al I
PLUS 2lx27' rumpus room Victoria Shown by appointment only.
'"' pool !Able "' '· Thb E. J, Nove ,·& Joclc Balo ON THE BEACH home butlt by IV AN WELJ...S
JW<t one ye..-ago <X>Uld not 646-1811 * HAVASU * Exclusive Otlno ~ -•
be duplicated at the asking North E year ammd ~ 1" int price of Sllfi,000. o w n e r states Harbor W. J BR. 2 Ba.
transfem!d. Call today to ''Plaasure'' _ $23,750 lS&O B Newport Blvd., CM priced to tell tart at -$69~
,.. W. r£ It luxurious All electric "Award" buUt·ln M2-49Sf or 545-3483 Bier. By appt only•
.;,w ""'"' °""'' Sboms. 1<11c1>en. woa1t<1 ..., u.;,,. --------CORBIN-MARTIN
Roy. 'J, erd Co, -room with Hreplaoe,. BtauU· NEED UCENSED 1'1Ala TOIS
. (Bay~_,OUiceJ ;~ with sprlnk1tra. MAN or WOMAN 3036 E. Cout Hwy, CdM'
1842 Sah~t ' 64&-U6b TARBELL 2955 Harbor to Manage our rapidly ex-675-1662
oAu.:y· #l'r~' W.(Jr ADsi . ~ , dWiliE IT!--· ·· ~--DIP'-"-548-I290.+i!!!!!!!!Whl~ .. ~Ele1'!!!!!""!1!!!"1!!'!11!!i.I
fpen Houses
hep "' ~ 6-t"" wit\ yea tMI WMk"4 n ,.. ................ All ,.. litatt..1 11.tH ... , ••
.. 4eMrlltiM ............ " ~, ......... ....
wMN I• ...,.-. DAILT PILOT WANT ADS. '9tNM ......... ,.. --.................. , ....
f• llli ... ,..,.,...,. ... tW. C•l•N Ndl Prf4.,,
I 1 Bedroom & Fomily '.qi Den)
519 El Modena Ave. (NeWJ>fi;\ !;!!'1gbts) NII
_. 646-7755 1' (Sat 11'1)
(2 Bedroom)
308 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar
675·4031 : (S3l.& Sun 1-5)
l!untin.aton Beach, (Showq .bY appl.)
962-3864 ' J. ' (Sun) ' (2 B•. & Family or Den)
2518 :Via llfarina , Newport Beach
642-3219 (Sat & Sun)
(3 Bedroom)
1129 Pembroke Lane (WestcliU) NB
· 548-8281 (Sat & Sun 1-4)
214 Rose St., Costa Mesa
646-7171, 546-2318 (S.t & Slln 1·5)
2420 Univetslty Drive, Newport, Beach
546-1720 (Sat 1-5)
423 Lugonia, (Newport Shores) NB
646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-4)
270 Cecil Pl., Costa Mesa
648-0555, 545-8723
452 Esther, Cosla Mesa
(SUn 1-51
648-0555, 642-9192 (Sun 1·5)
2208 E.• 15th St., Newport Beach
5'0-1720 (Sun 1-5)
2872 Alanzo, CM
546-'23 13 (Sun 12-5)
(l Br. & Fomily or Den)
2527 Buckeye, (Eastblulf) NB
642-9190 (Sat lo Suo 1-5:30)
2284 Fordham Dr .• C~ta Mesa
548-9853 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
2082 Valley Road, Costa Mes•
546-4141 !Sun 1-5) * 1000 Nottingham (Weotcliff) NB 642--0200 (Sun 1-5)
206 Villa Nova, (College Park) CM
646-7171, 546-2313 (Sat & sun 1-51
433 Tultin, (Newport Hgts.) NB •
646-7171, 546-2313 (Sa!,& Sun 1-5)
815 Camphor (Easttilulf) NB
540-1720 · (Sun 1-5)
3277 !ndlana Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM
' 540-4722 <Sat & Sun 1-5)
912 Peace Pl. (Rancho Mesa) CM
540-4044 (Sat & Sun 10-5)
2024 S. Katella (Mesa Verde) CM
546-4141 (Sat 1-5)
1604 White Oaks (Mesa Verde) CM
540-0322 (Sal' lo SUn)
729 Cameo HighlandJ Dr. CdM
675-!IOOO, EVes: 873-0SM (Suu 1·5)
232 Evenin\;:1-=; Shorecllff, CdM ~ 0.7~000 . 2-4788 (Dally)
*2!10 28<4 St., Newport Beaah ~ .
fl'lh1255 (Sal &Sun !-5)
•14'oo·uncoln Ln. (Westcllff) NB
646-'1'155 (Sil• Sun '1·5)
2061 Gennainder Way, Unlversibl Park
646-8811 (Sun 1-5)
2016 Piloma 'Dr ,(Nr 20th • lrvlne)
, • .,. 646-1765 " (Sa! & Sun 1·6)
2828 Serang, CM ,
MG-"231!-.. (San 1-5)
(4 Bedroom)
2153 National Ave., Costa Mesil .
642-6442 (Sat & Sun U-5)
1500 E. Oceao Blvd., Balboa Penn.
673-4037 (Sat' & sun t-5)
2021 Shlpway Lane, (Baycrest)'NB
646-2021 (Saf &: Sun 12-5)
1375 Galaxie (Dover Shores) N'1 .
646-717J(N546-2313 (Sa(& Sun 1-5).
545 Irvine ewport Heights) NB
646-7171, 546-2313 (Sat & Sun 1·5) . .
(4 Bedroom & Family o• Don)
1706 Tradewinds (Baycrest) NB
642-5200 · (Sun 12-5)
2919 Pai} Lane, Newport Beach
642-(Sat & Sun 10-5)
1501 Ii ita 'Ln. (Harbor HigblandJ) NB
(Sun 1-4)'
7~~Drive (College Park) Cf!!
. ., . · l _ (Sat & Sun 1·5)
1n, Costa Me!a 1
· Tract: ; 540-5183, 673-7300 (Dally 10-
4:3~0). . *164~ ntiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB j ,
646-0 . (Dally 10-5 * 15 norca (Ms<a Verde) CM
540-1720 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
2970 Jan Road (Mesa Verde) CM
546-5880 (Sat & sun 1-5)
601 St.'' James Pl. (Newport. Hts.) NB
642-11000 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
1937 Pelican, Costa Mesa ,
540-1720 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
1878 Maui Circle (Mesa Verde) CM
546-5880 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
2946 Maui Place (Mesa Verde) CM
546-5880 (Sat & sun, l Iii dark)
1415 Santiago, Newport Beach '
646-3255 _(Daily 1;1) ~
1207 Sussex, Newport Beach "
646-7711 (Sun 1·5)
430 21st St., Newport Beach
64e.1111 1s.t"' sunJ
2006 Holiday Rd. (Baycrest),NB
648-7755 (Sat lo Sun 1-5)
*2215 Irvine (Cor of Hea\her) NB
646-7755 (Sat & Sun 11-4)
1608 Ruth Lane, (Bayer~) NB
675-3000, ~: 673-0554 (Sun 1-5)
1720 Candt .. Ucl< Lane (Baycrest) NB
675-3000, EVeo: 646-5227 (S un 1-5)
1301 Bonnie Doone, Irvine Terr.
675-3000: Eves: 675-5764 (Suo 1-5)
558 Seaward, (Corona Higblandt) CdM
675-3000, Eves: 644-0818 (Sat 1-5) ·
*4515 Gorham (Cameo Shorts) Cdllf
875-3331 (Sun f·5T
*947 Joann, Costa Mesa
{5 S,d•oom)
*2730 AlbatJ<loa, CM
(Sun U.S)
. '
(Sun 1·5)
'(5 ·Br. & Fam~y or Don)
2500 Wavecreal Uf.. (Broadmoor) CdM
644-0020 • (Sat & Sun 1·5)
1350 E. Ocean Fron~ NB
645-2000, Eves: 548-6966 (Daily 1·5)
1815 Santiago Dr. (Baycnst) NB 1 •
646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
I Aport-1111 • Sale or I~)"
I & 2 BR.
310 8th St., Huntington Beach
(Sat & Sun 12-4)
Duplex For Sale
(J Br. & Den . 2 Br. & Den)
1359 E. Balboa Bl'ld., NB
645-2000, -: 548-6966, (Daily 1-5) ·-** ........... ................
.• d
;~=:!!!!!!:~!:! 1~ 1969 ~~~:~.!=~~~~=~~~i~f~::·~S~P~olil~~IA~:,:L~·~i~HOU~=~s:.:•~·~,~.,.~~SA~~L~·~~~HOU~S~l~l~f~O~ll~IA~L~l~~H~O~U~SE~S~F~O~lt~S~A;L~l~.l~HOu~,~~~IS~·~~~o~~~~~A~ll~~ .. ~ou,s~s PO!' ~LI ~ ~ 1ao.,,,., 1 '• •-• 10DD--a1 ~ ·•• •-•--1000-. 1000
. • • •
P,t. Ban'flu !Galt,
. pm.nu
NIWL Y LISTID -follow the cb>
cul&r drive to thla well desllll>Od 3
bdrm home -one lubl1 p1ln\ed
pnlen bedroom -& huge dlntog
room.. Dad'• eyea wUl sparkle when
be aplu Ille darlroom/worbhop desJined with him In mind. A ,.ut
buy at $S9,000 in the beet area iD
Baycreo~ • .•
LEASE OPTION -delil!ltllll opeu
ceWnp in this S bdrm 2 'bath bomo.
Urie lu:rurlou. lirint. ~ & hm-
Uy room oYerlook "ill ~~ garden & poo_L • · ·
1000 Notffnllllam ap.l. S ..... y 1..5
4 bdrm s bath family bome, lat&•
lamlly ?OOm. lanai, s liroplacos.
Uobeatlblo lerms -owner will
!lnanoe. M9,7il0.
1706 Tr......,lftll• Open Sunday 12..S
Ol!llOI.~ NOW 11 Westclill. -SiiidoU. 3 tidrm home, gourmet
ldtcllen, greot lamil,y to0m & laoal.
Overaliecl 18130' pool. CGll!pore at
SPARKLING -Adult-occupied 3
bdrm 3 bath custom bome altuated
on a quiet sfleet with a park·llke
.. tung. Formal dintog room, un-
usual mother-in·l•w bedroom & bath
heated & !!11..-ed pool. OUr BayCl'88t
$tturdaya & Sunday•
Newport leach 642-5200
--·----·-------~--Ol'IN SA'f ·SUN
l'anora111I~ View
HPls & lay
Home & lnc:0111•
00 llEktrimJL l1"S HARn
dinifl( area. 1 bedniom TO OF.SCRIBE, lllXlD'kNI
Hard IO ft.Id 2 bedr-.:n F.ut-
side home on cr"1et &tree!. ::ib'~~~
JANUAlY Sth, Ifft.
BAYFkONT • Dover Shot11 -llsted $169,QOO.
IA YFRONT -Llnd• ~16 -r.11..! $ 150,000.,
IAYFRONT -~""'" -1U1..ii1os.ooo.
VIEW • Dover Short1 • htt,d $176,000.
VIEW • Oovor Shor., -Rot.d $89,500, ••
We congratulate our ii.rt o• tlii& ~ctllent
dl,ya aervke to our Hllera 1114 b~Y.ei:o. -We NII~ llaUnp on finer. ,boll!!!!· We be-
lieve that wo lllve the moat outltiiiding HrV·
Ice In th~ Harl>or aru on both leiuebokl and
leo tlmplo bomo._ U you are eollliderlng aeU-iDf, pl .... 'coll our olllce at Mz.8235.
ThiJ week. we oiler the lolloW!ng fine ~mes:
LINDA ISLE IAYfltONT -4 bedrooms,
large activity room, coacnte pier and allp.
Aa&g $125,000. Open Saturdiy &t Sunday.
101 Unda Isle.
IAYfltONT DOVllt SHORES -71 foot
pier and 1llp, 5 bedroom1 3 car 1araRt, ult-
inl '119,500. Open daily -312 Evening
Star Lane.
DOV!lt SHORIS VllW -One of tile most
admired view homes In Dover Sboru. 2 b&d·
roo1111, luge panelled den, opening to beau•
utul view terrace. Spaclow. garden • room for
large pool. Pl a n • for expenslon "-ollly
$74,9!50. 1000 Santlafo Dr. OPEN SAT &t
BA YCRIST -4 bedrooJll, 3 b&th, pool slle
Jot, custom home. ahake roof, beautilul fam·
ily bome. •72;900. Call for appointment.
BAYFRONT. -MafDl!lcent unique bay!ront
home. OTer 120 t .. t of bay !rontafe, spec-
tacular view,• I a v I a h panelling, enonnous
ma.tor )led·allf!nC to0m. '179,000.00. 'Sbown
by appointment only
riflced. Dellnlttly the lines! View buy In
Newport Harbor. 4 Bedrooms. 4 btth!, View
living rm, View dining rm, ViewJ!milY rm.
Try $95,000. ""h
OPEN DMLY -1324 Galaxy,·Dr.
$34,500 to $39' 500 '
6\0% lnteres\ no loon lees -l•nder1 re.
pa11..,too1, 30 year loan, 10% down, no 2nd
TDI, In sceolc San Clemente. 3 & 4 bed-
roo1111, 2~ batha, 2400 aq ft of living area,
-suite J'9U'V• dreamed about; so• long
& fiu Ill GWn tlffpl1..,, huge cloreb & dre•
lni area. Now ctrpell, draper, completely, ..
dec«11ted & landtcaped. 0-.bed doubl&
gauge. ·
(llir..tloiis: ~m San Die(l> Frnway take El
CllDlno Keil Off ramJ>-l•lt 1 short block &
tuni left on Aventda San Juan direct to . . .
Olfl4;11 511 San Juan 492.9211 ... 545-3415
2006 ffolldly Rd.
Open Sat/lun 1..5
Outatandlna 4 bdrm home
Mlh tam rm I: formal din
nn plus breakfast roo1n.
Owner leaviq al'l!a.
Prle«I to IC!ll.
111 S Santiago Df;
Bay crest
Open S1t/S•n 1..5
Brand new 5 bdrm horM.
All 1arae t'OCllJUI. Deluxe
fe&turu. Pool-alud lot.
W. E. LACHENMYER RLTR. 519 EIModelllAve.
GENE'S GEMS Newport Helghls
Ortntt Co•st Property Open Saturday 11-4
O.ne Norvtll·R••ltor Ideal for couple . .Attrac· • * * • Uve 1 Bdnn borne. Plenty ON THE BEACH of &arden '"""·
1400 Uncoln ln.
Open Sat/5•n 1·5
Unusual 3 bdrm. "A"
frame home "ilh pool "
t'Xtra iaJ·a;e )'61'11.
2016 Paloma Di.
Colllf! Porte 1115
LOVELY l 8r. hOmll In
dMlreable t.rta: ..,._ nn.,
2 ba., W/W cpt.; tfte 1ha4--
ed ,.,,i. Nr. -....... ~Ill.~-~ .. ~
, Newport llooch I~ (Hr 20111 & lrr1ne) 1_. •I
Open Set/Sun 1-S Jf1t•-"'7
Lovely 3 bdnn. home.
Splck A fP&tl. Exttll~nt ~
yard for children. Vacant
2215 lrrine Ave.
(Cor. of Heather)
Optn S•t/Sun 11~
Ifs different. 4 h<lrm spil t
ltvel home. Dell&htful
pool. -~ Wavect"Ht Drive
Broadmoot, Harbor View
Corota dtl Mar
2 BR F'Um home. OWntt wlll
carry lat TD at 6.6% in-
tuut, .$1.5,000 On. • • * •
of Corona del )tar and the
Ocean art p1111 features of
thil spacloua street to street
custom-blt estate, lmmac
interior w/bea.m cellinl',
crptd wood f1oon. 3 BR's.
For handyman-buement
workshop. Owner wm fi.
rwx:e at 6~ %! $$2,995.
uldnc sse,500. and •WI apen 4 BR Provtnda.l bome blt·in
10 otter. Thi. additional ~ kitchen, f:lrepl.ace, Reduced ~~ ·-·-----·-·-
duct.Ion ot $1.<m wlll aell to $:"l6,SOO. loyshores
thil 1% year old 5 Bedroom, NEAR PRIVATE BEAOI •
•piitolevel mc:del wtth famU1 Cwltom bit 5 bdrm. s bath,
;f' R= ~ ~1:e: electric blt·in'a. w/w cpt .t:
dirk rm. Orchid"'-··-, oopllt-~· CdM drapes, Ja'e. liv. room & din.
..,...,.. o)o,}.ol Marytierlte, room plua attractive ~taln
level yard, l pragn. Boat 673.t550 reertational room w/llre--
1: Trailer p&rk ·all on 1131 """"""!'~~'!!"!!"'!!!!~1 place. ideal for Jae. family, acre cement block \fall en-CHOICE cloood, with mwUpla View• 3 '"' PlB<" • Oooly l l'J.500.
-..., '0"'""'"'" poo1 k 4 BEDROOM 0peti Sunday 1 ·5
recreation &l"H. NO DOWN' GI I 2300 mvJNE A VE •• ExceJ .
OPEN lo ' ot ow 1'1't VIE\V l L.a .. • mll. lg down to othera. Beautiful o OM.J e.
family home on quiet cul· 4. bdrm. 2~ baths, attractive
SAT & SUH I 5 de-sac. Walking ~iltance to ~·lg~· !!1~ -;a~;~~
• oohool• • ohoppong. Huge trlc blt-ufo dW>wuhor 2 I1v1n1 room, J.arie din1nl • • built in kitchen and fireplaces, cowred bree:z~ :::J; ,,.......1onan,. land-"?,·C~IONTGH$501M,500A. S
Cotto Mo.. 1100
Home + 112 Acre
Neltled on almoat % acre In
prime location. Impoulble
to !ind this 1ize parcel at
arnuirw low p r I c e with
home on it. All Ior $19.950.
PBOPnnts war
('114) 17Ml.M
"ring" lO!I Ba1lldl ?>n,.
''i N--Oallf.-"' SPRING 1111-.;:
.. -REALTY ~· "anylim•" LARGE FAMILY?
"'9 Harbor Blvd., C.M. NEED MORE ltOOM?
apertmtnt .tb&t JL -3 laJ'I& bednlom .... ~. ~ -
rented to p1.y the tu:e1 and tty room, CUSTOM DE-iOhn macnai
!ICaped yard. Full Pr Jc e
$25,950. REALTOR
OPEN HoUAt Sat .r.. Sun. See I.bis apaciou1 4 BR. 3
1-5; 2284 Fordham Dr.; 3 bath, dining Rm Plus family
BR . .,2 be.;. lge., llv. A tam. nn on hua:e corner Jot.
rm. Sep. din. area: lndry. Plenty <if room tor TraJlir,
rm. Otflct.; lge. encl. patio. Camper or .Pool $47,950 •
Boat le camper storage 'Will oonakl:er tradel. --
cive a little spendable. Per-SIGNED POOL. Home de-
fect in-law .etup BrbW a •taned & built by Ivan WellL
pa.int brush w ·\(.;ve big. The home you've been look-
$24.500 and submit your in& tor, the price will pleue
temu. yoU. ONLY 10% down. Al,.
Colesworlhy & Co 00 AVAILABLE, exlra lot
• with BOAT HOUSE, potent-
1904 H•rbor. Blvd
CM. 642-nn
Open E-
YOUR VAllllTlllf
will be all am.iles when 1he
aees tbis brand new IVAN
WEILS home 'Nith a "for-
evt"r view" on Ga.laxJe Dtlw
In ~ Shore1. 4 bdnnl 3
baths, famlly room, 3 car
ran.re. BuJ.J.t around • Pamtrw' tile lnnr:r •trlum
with center planter I: bullt-
in w.et bar W infinite var-
iety I: tuxurioul enterta!n-
fn&. NcrI' juat a1111thl!r house.
You will ape. Open daJbt
1-5 PM. Come to ltt.
Roy J. Ward Co,
I Baycttst OWce I
1842 Santiqo Or. 646-15.50
Build you own Dover SborH:
dttam home in fee aimple
land. Huie ~ nestled among
beauWul ~tales on quiet
private 1trttt, Home could
haw beautiful view of Cata-
lina and ocelln on the West,
and mountains on the East.
Larreat k>t in the immed.I·
ate area. $25,900.
M6-T11.l Open Evea. -----·
ial for priva~ tenrrll court.
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
Like oovl. bn '% M:ft: com-
pletely f)loclef wall fenced.
Sprlnklera' r/H!Om and lualo
1ano11eap1Jl&._M untt bu
2 full ba~l&\ heat Ir tun,
carpet.eel. Callmt detaJJI:.
$840 Moi lncam1 ' "' ----
'"'-I" .-.. f ..... , .... * 642-1711 'An~ * ---d%u
BE'M'ER HUltRY? ! Thia va-
cant 3 BR 2 bath all com-
pletely redecorated home at
$22,500 just won't 1ut lo111'.
PLUS all new hl&h pile w/w
carpeta. Cute. Modem. Well
landscaped • WJt, fenced
rear yard, Owner will eell
mA or GI, too. Call tor
oohowlng. 122.'°'.
I' \I I • \\ 111 ! I
~I \II\ \II\\
I' I I I I \ i "
aroa. OPEN SAT & SUN l·S
111 Dover Dr., Sult• ,v;;
Macc1 llulty C1. ~llflj,j
64242'5 ' ·' DAVE GAMBILL
224 W. Coast Hwy. 548.552'1
Newport Beach Eve. 545-5643 OWNER 548-9853 601 St. J1mH Pl1c•
l"'!'!"'""'""'~~"l"~"' I FHA I VA I CON· Cliffh1v1n Newport H1i•"ts VENTIONAL • 4 ll<droom.1, or by appl. Mr Robinlon
7'' Mesa Verde, large lot, quiet D•vls R••lty 642-7000 s!"~Em'CLDT DRIVE $18,500 '""''· lmonaoulate '°"'
Germalnder Way
3 + J'amUy rm. Prime klc..
OD lit• sretnbelt MXt to
adult pool. Popular Edinburl
modeL $31.500. Open sun.
1-5. ,.
Newport . ' "' . ,,
Open EYea. NEWLY PAINTED lnr;ide dition. $170 mo. P &; J.
I ,..,...,.,..,..,...,,... ... 1 and out. New carpeU1ia" Thil Ca.ll 54()..fill (open eves) TODAY'S BARGAIN lo an oulltandinj: 2 bodroom Herilag< Real Estalo.
modem home, bath, nice LOXURY Living in Prestiae
kitchen, lara;e lot, 2 car gar· area. 3 BR, den, blt-ir11.
aee. 1500 sq. ft. brick patio, fire-
HO IF'S ••• Fine well conditioned 3 BR + family room home in
quality 3 Bedroom. 2 bath litna De-! Mar. 11!( baths,
LIVE ~. Enjoy the home, our flne1t Rlection to 11tep-saver bul.lt-in kitchen,
ll'x26' . di ~~lle;d FAM· stut the N"° Year. Will teparate laumby toom. fire..
=~ . ~-.........
NEAR BEACH-with put1&l
Ocean View, 2-two Bdrm.
t.ome, &: Guest Apt. Dbl pr-
age, well -built concn:te
block con.tr. $34,500.
ILY RUMPtr.f ROOM with tm low down· OWIJe'I' mov-place, w/w carpets I: drap-ORANGE COUNTY'S
13' wide.~ hW'tb Uted i.ha: out ot th estate, $31,000 es, Cll8tom ahutttt1. Pro!e&-LARGEST Nev NB Post Ole. 64S-2414
brick nrePttice -bUmed -movetnrtabtnow. 11ona1wmcape<1)'&1'd cov-M••• Del M•r 11os1.,,...~.,...,...,.,.....,..,1
place. Immaculate! Assume
VA loan. $27,500. Owner
54()..4()4.4. 912 Peace pt in
R&ncho Meu.. ~
.,.mn,, •"" bu11t-1n padded llD ~Ill .,.., """" ....,. "" . ..;.\or 29a E. 17th St. 646-44941--.,..------GARDEN ATR. IU.M bar with stools. DEL PISO amper. Price $21,950. FHA/ ANXIOUS owner must sell!
entry • neat three bedroom, . 1 VA terms il dealred. DUPLEX 3 BR, 2 BA home. $1500 FLOOR PLAN with over 2400
twu pullman bath home -.ftth Fl Ii A LT a Rs -Nur Beach I: Shoppine' ~k>w market. $ 3 0 D 0 sq fl Best back bay atta
DINING ROOM, brtakfut 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. Ercellent value at $34.950 Assum!? existing 6'Ai% loan. with view. 6'6-4414
bat, laundry room and built-67'5-6000 George Wllli1mton Total pymnts $1!!0. 545-7822 fi ~=~ J 1" cu kitchen lnclud!JW dJa. Realtor Mos• V1rd1 1110 .l),J11 Jin\ £stall
posaJ. and diahWl.lh!r. noa. ~40 673-050 Eves. 673-1564 --------- - -~
hie garage, tarp patio llab $750 DOWN 1.1.,09.,'.,Bak~•!!ri.!, c!!.!'!M.~!!l'!!"'""l:"""":~~~~!'i'""'"'l .c Bedrm -Golf Course and enclosed Yard. An 1 · Ch•nntl R"f Jwt a "9'' iron from the 2180 SQ. IT. 4 Bdrm, 2 EAS!'SIDE COST,< MESA Yeo, that'• all ·to own thi• WESTCUFF Ba, utra 1,. living rm SPECIAL near~· •-~ ··-" cond. 3 Br. ~-. Nr. PenthouM Apt. solf COW'9e· Spra11o'ling ranch /trl D' u~ -....,""'"'!.,,."!l""'!!!l!IP I -=QGJ w~ '""..., POOL HOME For Sale or Lease at $550 .t;yle home on huge grounds. w pc. lll, nn, pane ~ : for only .,..,,~ all .chools. Monthly paymt. to rellabl 4 Bednna • Den . 3 baths • beamed fam. rm. w/trplc. 5 .EDROOMS 1n many ways.•' NO I! $157, incl. princ,; int., taxea DelJititlully bright 3 Bed· per mo. e partl.e1 Closets galore! Lge master
• room • 2 bath in exclwiive 0 n1 Y· Clester Salisbury, Amazing low price for area. In c Io 1 et. Be au t . $20, 950 ~ ~~ $18,450. Call area. New llvina: room car-Realtor. 673-6900 EZ t.enns. landscaped, $.17,000. FHA
_ pet Large Heated l Filter-Apprasl. 642-2637
Only $750 Down requind t'O ed Pool completely IW'-Cotti Men 1100 __af .. RING" ---~==~-:::::. '"~!" ~'-::. "'""""'by decking. $49,500 DOWN GOES THE PRICE. ,.-.'!',,SPRING SACRIFICE!
oochoolo and oh=h.,, J"t 646-7171 546.2313 .., gimmlcia, owner out ol .-• REALTY Lovely 3 BR. Home In WHt·
put on the market, thit one 54&6ttO OPEN EVE&. 'TIL 9 town, 4 BR. 2 BA, needl ~-".lNYTWE"• clill area. Ca.rpe:ta, drapet,
wan 't la.It. $163 per month l093 Baker. c.M. little fixing, $19,950. FlfA bltna. Sprinlcler'!. dbl Pl'·
includea laxfti • n d 1nsur-Eveninp Call 54&$123 FOUR U.NITS 10% down. G.l. no down. 2629 llarbor Blvd., c.~I. >'. Nr achla l lhop'&· Xlnt
C ... , Ma 642-6442 eves. 54S-e7 cond.
"""': Ol'Ofta ..., r $49 500 BR, I Ba, carport eo"'-d, 3 BR. 2 BA. Hom• w/ 1rg By Ownar. 541-1211 Open Sin 12-4 • extra lge fenced Y d fam rm. Has side storage BY OWNE,R: price reduced
701 Ca-...ron ~;':.,· ~~. 3 BEDROOMS owrlooking pnopooed Yaoht yn1 for boat, lrg baok yn1 !rom $42,500 to $37.500. 3 mun 711 basin, oce&11 view, $l7,500 w/ sep pla.)' area for BR. 2 Ba. Huge liv. Ii
LOVELY PAMILYHOMEan !.J'...e&rsSIBLEold.PRI~ Wlltl at a $20,500 clear, Xl39 Repbullc, C.M. chJdm. l« 2 bl.ks from tam, rmi.; very Jee. Jot:
2043 WESl'C1J1T DRIVE 1\..2 lot, ~ block of1 Cout ...,,,.. ~-543-6365 achls. By 0\\'11(!r. 549--3567 can store boat or h::luat
646-T711 Open ~ lflitiwa,y. Can be aully do-COSl'A MESA • clean • well aft 6 pm. trlr. Cor. of 15th St &
plexed tor extra inoome. kept • wood burning fire-B;;;Y;-O;;WNER==-."'E-akle;;-;.,,-,-3-;B"'r. 3 BR, tam. pan/den, drps. King!! Pl. Call~ ~
In Met1 Vtrdt PRICE IS RIGHT. place in llvq-roorn, 1" 2 Ba. Natural wood bltn by owner. Assun1e low FHA
BRAND N~" CUSTOM batha, 2 car prace, air kitchen; ufillty p 0 r ch ; 3 BR. 2 Ba. Up1tain aun-"'" ORANGE COUNTY'S condltloned. · crpta, drpl. Close to schla $~.5()()...v:ill take 2 nd· deck. Liv, di.o rm, patio,
Larae tw<Hevel <not 2 story) & shp'&. $25,500. 54&--0244 540-472'2 ~i blk bch • bl.y, b.ltn kit.
• bdrm with dmq & tam· LAltGIST 3 BR $26,900 FHA ernr lot, 15th & Bat
Divorce neceaitatet quick
11.lf! for thll: unbelievable
klw price 4 Bedroom upper,
and 2 lkdroom Unit &CTOIS
th.. street from best Oce&11
area. • Summer or Wlntu
Renl&I, $37,500 -Wlll U.ten
to all tenna..
ily rooms. wet bar etc. Hu 293 E. 17th St, 646-4494 ASSUME 5i,t% VA loan; Fantastic terms on this Mesa Perpetually renlPd rtar apt.
1003 Baker, CM. hl&h cathedral ceilings. See OUNOI COUNTY'S BAYCREST Eutslde 3 BR., 1% Ba.: Verde home. 3 Jg Bedrms. By owner. Muat tell! Prine "'"""'""'""'""'""'!!!!!!!!!!~I thl1 lovely home Sat. Ir. Sun-LARGEST ORANGE COUNTY'S $22,950. Full price. Owner 2 baths. family room + 2 only. 673-87l8
21125 W. Balboa Blvd .• N.B.
lest 5 BR Buy
nu. s mt. ! ba home hu
ewrythh .. satna: for il Top
EutbluU area traffic free
Jtree1 ~~ block from park.
Clean and ready to move
Into .. OW1lltt movlr.-Eaat.
Prlced for quick We. MO.~
To -csll: Mary Gr.Jiam &Q..8190
Fartl Walker
lmmaculate condition.
fonnal dintni room,
breakfast nook, en·
largfd master 1 u It t'.
Healthy 1lud lot on a quiet street. Liltrd at
S39.950 It wfil not last
I •)1 : • .:-.l\~t\'•'J\~\l!t°''
tharmtfls 2 an bolJle on R-2
lot, wttb rocn to expand.
11.rtplac., bit-in ldtch. FA
blat, beam I otll1D&a. par.
quet r:loon. n1ol yard w/
lanai, dbl gar, pr1ct $C,50l.
day aftemoon at 2946 Maui 293 E. 17th St, 646.44H EXO.USlVE WITH us LARGEST 646-4193 !ireplace1. Chl•ner has bourhl OPEN HOUSE
Place. 11;&& .. ..;; ... .., ...... 12.000 8q. fl. ~ bedl"QOO\, Pool 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 M00u"sr""'"'sEL=L.-,lm-m-"'"""3'"'B°"R, ~th EZ F 1' home ln o •• __. .... :ioo a,..., er· tentl3 • HA· 2518 Via Mlirin1
"'10 3 hdroom. 11/i Ba. ~ ........ · ""' ,.,.,....,.,..,..,..,..,. .. 11~~ BA home, fully ........ td, VA 126900 n For appt. Jean Van Ou 1' ...... • ' • BeautUui & Custom built.'"' coww-.-l Flttplwo, deluxe <arpem Duple• $24,950 all tho xtru. adJ. to &Oil f "rin•" ~
GE TY -ood noon Easl!ide Bordtt A •'>..t 900 64S-8403 I • • 2 BR. Ir. Fam nn. 21i1: ba & 1.\iE...~~~;c:I< hard• Only $22,loo JEAN SMITH, Eutslde Colla Mesa. Mani· '°"""· ~· · MO "'"'SPRING room !or NldlUM w/lowly
1\"0rd noor. a: double car 3 BR. llxer-1.1pper; $21.500: «"" .... nl> •"TY view. By Owner. 642-3219
out of state owner must
.ell • lease/option or leue
·NOW VACANT . Goraeoul
4 BR home with formal
dlninc room, huae fam\bl
""""· 3 bootha .. comple1''1
cuatomized. Alk1na; $U,500
• submit. CALL. Iii R.
BLACK M0-1151 Cop an
ewe) Herltaae Reill Estala
Mes• Vtrdt • 5 hdro.m
Luxury Living. l balhl.. Dtn.
In&: room PLUS a tovei, me
fonn f!'1m. pool Proteuion-
aJ lAnd1e1.11flW. RMr 11vinr
room with tire~. Bullt-
inL Preadp location.
TARBELL 2955 Harflor
Realtor Pfllle aeparatinc units C2 $2500 do\1.·n: m; Bellu t. ~. ~ BAY VIEW Fee Lot 15• x
400 E. 17th. C.M. 146-3255 h<lnn1 e. chl. Extra II.fie 644·1843 OWNER • "an11iime" 195' w/ plans. $15,500.
..1_ kitchen atta. in 1 unH. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.~I. 011o'!'IE'r 548-7249 or 54l--Q)1 ~or Irvine -$26,400 W11l..McCardl1, Rltn. •=-======='-'========-l.======Zi::::::::::. t'Bli:DROOMS, 2 baths. Huie 1 · _,._._ bedroom aulle I: 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. .. _,... 548·7129 E\.-et. 6f4.-0684
14, lroadwr, 64541*' -"' booth ,.ea11, 1oc11"', ..,~~~~~~!'!"·I E~ 642-1453 646-4579 !:tth~~~ ';::;, :c:e~ 1 -10-k NET NET NET
friauat H J E Lone tenn ffoues on thil SPECTACU' •1tt · re or. Ill'! r. • ~ce.Ut-nt Income tnvHtmenr. -. ta_~ lhed irowxt•. St0-1720 Wilk to Gol4en Wtlt con1se T~llLL 2 955 H•rbor eamree relllm and utound-trorn UU. luxwiom. )'reltiat1===~~~~--Jt11 f\lture poulbilitles. Prlce
-·· • lArie -· D:A YIDSON RICllty Sll4,00J. lnoome ll,IOO pr 21> boothl; •fonn&l . ~ .. 2 STORY yr NET.
room plus a tamll,y J'OOft\ la S mt. 2 baths, 1aJ"lfl fam + Walktr A-Ltt 1-fr. Levint
a ~ eowrec;J »&tSo -... laoome Investment Dept. next to your p.rdefl kitchen dlllfnl, ... _, bit-IN. beauti-MS-9451
th all ~"'> ful decor. $31,'°1 --~--'--'~~-wt the convenient """ RJtl". 2750 Harbor Bl. CM 511 Q/ LOAN ~.~ldlate poue"."". ,.._ .,,., 54S-61'2 14 i1l
HARBOUR REALTY hyme:nt1 $141 mo. includes
-4 Bod~r!..,,-75-40----3-~22~,500~' 4 BR/3 Bltlls/Pool
• S-JU/mo lncluin P1Tt Nolhlrc to equal thla1 2 ~n Houte Sat/Sun 1-6
$19,950 50G Wamer, HWlt. BUdl 10 UNITS all 4 I.Arte bedroms. IJlfl.C-147.a595 on 3 lou. AdJa.cent lo Ocean-io\1' Uv. rm .. 1'.4 BA. large ,.. • .., ... -... •••! front. Sl!5.000. len<."@d Y&f'd. Neu ..-hoolii
• 3 BR. l'U'I. JI&& baths. Family room. Isola!-129 Tewne St .. C.M.
e Newly polntrd lnolde Od "°' .... "'°"' with en-$21,900 Bltr. 6tU130 Ewll. 54-012'.l c~ l'.lf'tplace vY"'rlookl e KENNEDY • ...... bo1ck poUo with ,.. GENCO RIALTY CO.
--==~~==~-1 BBQ. Dtoeam IOtcben • bui!t-1 ~==,....,"=IMG2~'=~-GREAT BUY! ............. -.... WANTED TO BllY I"'.
Tll'O 2 Brm hornet ln exttl· tt. 540-l'l'lO bedroom ~ tab O'¥ef
"'"' """"-,.,, -hu TARBELL 2955 Harbor loan • ,...._ °"""'
~ce. hmal dlnt~ rm. IS YOUk AD Df ~I· $135.00. Have calh for ~
Onbr $26.9tll'). TIEDT Sam ~ ..m b9 ty. Call 5'a-a995 &ftet 5:30
__ J_ean_&n_l_th_646-3'S5 ____ 0 b»t'fnr hr .. D\111 ta.em. PM
4 BR _ $24, 950 81lboa R11I E&111a Co. • s.. c.ut P1a2L 1mmroi-
100 E. Balboa. Blvd., BIJbol ate ~. Owntt!B.rok· Anume 51/~ o/1 61Ml40 er $4M332. Loan u )'OU bava Uruca. Land or
eoo,.. Pltlt • """"· "'"! BEACH BARGAIN ""'!: ~:_ "',,:;_~-...
yard. walk to ~ a Modtm ! BR. 2 ba "A" Al80 . builder to Joint wnture
IC'b:Joll. . . rranw. ·~ to Ocean • up to 2J unit& on your Pyr•mld ERhaftlOl'I. $25,IOO • tmN. lot er built to .ult.
-Ca~ Rlty. 541-1290 Call Ooo:ar ...._ 64&<877 b hmm ft.Icy 54:a.1m. 1797
UAILY PILOT WANT ADSI OfArffiE )"Our want ad now. Or:enst Ave., Of
• • ' • ' ' ' t
• ' • •
' I
v -
Ii' • •
• ,)
"' b • b
A • • [
L • (
' (
N: • I
t • (
~-...... --. . .-.---~ ........... ~ ...................... -..-....-.. .... .,...,.ru,,.....,..,""' ... "" .. .,. ..... ..,. .. ..,...,.,..,...,.,.. .. ..., ......... .., ...... ,.. ...... ...,...,,......,...,.,....,....,.,. .... ..,..,...,...,,...., ..... ...,.,. .. ,...,..
HClusu POR SALii HoJ/1s ~,~HI ·,~Li , ~111 l'Oll IALI • HOUIU ~ .. ~~'
0t -;er --· --,li!CI t'Ol!O--!J!ler•I ·-1oopC!f!r•I' • 1111
f ""
Beaatifal Executive· Home '
'dPIN SUND~Y l·S , . ,
l'eol -Jetty VI..., 4 Bil I Fornlly llm, 3 both1 -Sll,500
4515 G,or~1m, Comoo Sho,.,
Wm. Wlntcin, ltealtor
229 Morino, lolboo bt.nd
675-3331 Opon 'tit 9 Ivory Night
I ;No.;.;.;;w;,;po;;;rtc;.,.i!l!=•c;;h.;._....;.;l200;;.; Lido Isle 1351 -ELEGANT. well blt A only
$2%,900. FHA or VA. 1.oned
JU. Large llvizw r m . ,
fitepL, cpts, drJie, elec.
kitch, 2 SR., den. Owner.
-$W,000 DOPL!:X wltll 3 BR, 2 balha up. 2 BR I: 1
!IA -.. 2 l'll>lcl. -t patio with room to enlarp.
. ' EAST SIDI cost A M1$A'
Charmine 3 bedroom 01 2 Ndtoom Ir den.
1 % balhl, flrtphtce, carpeu Ir dr1poa, bullt-
in> Ir lorted air heal Thll well landscaped
bo111<1 can be found on a huce R2 Jot with a
very large fenced back yord, with. room for
a boa~ c1mper, or build a rontal unit! It has
• paved alley entrance for easy access. Loca·
lion II just about per!ect, l 'h bib to New-
port grade l<;hool, and only 2 bib to new city
park. Eut 17th street and WesicHlf ahopptnc
and two other schools within walldnc dJs.
lance. For appointment to aee, write:
• ; ... • "f " ""' ·1 s.w;s.,, ~ 11, 1M ' OAJ\.1 ,.I.Gt
AINTAl:S ·--UNTAu·· -o;:·:;:-~:::-!'r.Amc'".--. --r:::,."'tillf"'l""A""U.;;.;;,;;;..;.;=~
H1a111 1U..,._ltW ~ ......... A Pv"'lllwtl ~ Unfurftldl ..
l \,
LHUlll ,.;.ch. 27* !!''!p!;t Hol.-.io 1210 0t-1t -4000 Huntl""911 -4400 New!""!. -HOO
Lli( '~ ~ Ip. l~lf4i'Ceol•'Me.a0
•• .UJO' LAl!QJ; ~. utn tum. ON BAY -IJtlo. 1 a . ~-=-ll:;uJ llL Newpo<t-lftts. l\lii :t<lt-"'mltvr• ~ oidONldllli ool):llO. patio.,.. 1;, -). -, . ~ s-. or 2 $25 M II! ,Walk.,ll>p'r.--· eo.t -awtlL
t j)C-"iir, '1-0ll, wMtwi ,....,. 6 -· 1" -FULi. -llft':O 2 BR. Lu,e upatoln. All 111$ •Ill Incl. ~ ~ 116 ... -· av; ~ _,.,. 6 --~..::'.:!:.. A-• BUrbl -lncldtlotl, $UO mo. 210tl 1 BR. Dti-1111-. -Sllll llloL •tu. -l>WlWao A -tit 1*t ·-,.··~ ·~• el 11oridl. 5!6-3m 1y ·bull. -!In.
DutloxooPUm. 2975
nJJlH-2 Bro1% Ba. Apt
mall)' eXtru. $UO. 5'5-3104 .. --ltENfALS
H-· Unfumlshod
O.ner1I 3000
WtD tendlCIMd tiomt wUb ICCt dflJOilt o.a.c. Avail Jan 12. en..2251
a ...,, i&iii ieac.d )lock H.P.R.C. Lt•uno IMch 4705 I""=~,,,.-=-.=-== yard. l..oe&tSon II Jut 'atibut ,.UmltuN R.nt1l1 1·--~-------· 1NE.W 3 Br. 2 Ba. 411 3Stll
..-._ 111 bll\l ID Ntwpid 511 W. oo:c.M. , -MODERN View 891, -h Ill. Newport lalancl, $Sl5
11rad111chool. "'4 only 2 bl.U 1MI W, uclo, Aobu> '114-ml end, 2 •tort. 2 BR, 111 M~ m.M!3; 6'1S616l
lo new clty pltk. Eut 11th HOLIDAY PU.IA Ba. 2 8\J1\deck:!, pr. J blk I -·
J-t and )V .. tcuu ,11¥>P; DELUXE Spaciowo 1Jldnn lbopp!JtC-b<ach. v.,., ·-::El::•::.• .:B;•:::':.' --.....:·="":«i: PiYll and two other llChooll Flan.. ' • iB> mo. 4!M-9982 wt:tbLn W"'w-dlat&nct ttllll apt $l3S Plus util. Presfr"ge I •• ·lion t'or d•i~n"°· . -n .. t.a pool. Amplo parldne RENTALS WU
I' I · I'. No dilldnon.No pets Apt .. Unlurnlahod · 1 YClte Clf1Y 1965 Pomoaa, CM ' 64).S&SBl--'-------
WQUJ!Df lox P•12 $100; l·Bdrm. YUd. Gin1r1t sooo • -= :"a11 ~. w~ . DailLPllOt . w~w~ VE. NDOME
For leue, deluxe 1888 tq. tt.
4 BR., 2\i ba. A_pt. Frplc:.,
drapes. carptta, wet bar.
prlv. balconlel; dbl, prqe
o!l kltdl. l>ialrwubor, dbl.
oven, pool Convenient to
oboP'I·· acboolo A ....,. Ranllh .-Summer, W1J>. 3 BR. Ir• -;t;I, .,.ts, ~. ·~-t ••---4100 ttr, Yea; around. bit-Im. x1nt 'View ot ~ ..... __ ._.._. _____ .;,.o
1 l'rivate !'arty • RID 'CARPET • :iz. ~12'1'1 •vaU now. • .INTRQDUC!NG • Wilker Rutty
3336 VJa ,Lido -
IMMA.ar .ATE APTS! tlOn. ~T~~ ONLY '325 MONTH
llWfFS. P>ndo • 2 BR. I
BA. apllt --· view. By owntt. 644--0801
lox 1'612 ' ,., N°'!!!!!· $ho"° 3220 u 12) '
2 ., ··~ LIDO LOTS m w:~-m..i .. N.B. • • D n l'llot •13-Jl63 WATEllFRO>IT, ...... • a Uere BUIL ER'S PRICES a y .. . . r •J • pool 2 Avail; 4 Br. 3 Ila. .
OPPORTUNITY NOW I TWO W#lRit,,pj!Si>EldTE 2 f1'plca; 3 Br. 2 S.., lam. °""lie Count;'• e..utllul
c1-10 Shopplnt, Pork lOwpeot llooch
• Spacloul s ""' 'ea 1-=;==Mt~r.::Af!f;!!o·:.,'==:I EAST SIDE'CosrA MESA
ALL nns AND ru
Charminl: 3 tledroom or 2
bedroom & den, 1',t baths,
fireplace. carpets & dtape!'l,
buill·in & forced air heat.
This well landscaped home
can be found on a huge R2
Jot with a very large fenc-
ed back yard, \Vith room for
a boat. camper, or build a
rental unit! lt has a paved
alley entrance for easy ac-
ceS1. U>cation is just about
perfect, 1% blks to Newport
lfade school, and only 2 blka
to new dt;y park. Eaat 17th
1treet and Westclitt shop.
pins and two other schoolll
wtthln walkfng dlat4nce· For
appointment to see, write;,
Priv8te Party:
Daily Pilot
81ycre1t 1223
IVAN WEµ.s modern
custom 4 BR, 3 ha, 14 ft
beam ceilings thruout •
Anthony pool. Reduced from
$80,000 to ~. 750. 646-2021
Call for infonnation I ::=======:;::-;-.;;;;:1tls"_____ out or 1tltt ~ must rm. l.eaae or ~ll ~ Adult livin&: COJDPleJc
""5200 L IN h 1705 llNTALS sell .. leaetoptlon or lease INQ. •t '32 Procpect St. tom tum or untum,
• 2 BR. w/411) or ofc. Coron• dtl Mar 5250 e Swim l'<>ol. PuVareen
• Frpl, !Jlcllv/1ndry !>.c'lt P II It R II lguno ' Ho._ Fumllhod N-v ,.,,,. .,_, .. -1 Bdrm 2 Bdnna ete 1rrt ·~ Y . f ;;; ~~·;\thGorpous!o-·• SPACIOUS 4 BR, 3 BA. bit• -~°'~ Cu.tom DESERTED Gonor11 2oOQ ... ~ ""· """'· d'P'. nr """ & o....,, 1145 An1hol111 Ave.
r:i. c::.i , ·~r
Hunfington Be•ch 1400
$1900 down takts this c:harm·
ing 4 BR 2 bath home. Shin-
gle roof tops o1t this clean
well landv.aped y a rd I:
home. Bright kitchen with
a 11 modern c:onvenlencea,
avocado carpeUn&, · drapea
included in A trul.)' chum•
~ borne. $173/mo. includ-
ing taxes. .....
Gorgeoua 3 Bedroom home
with ankle dMp' ci.rPelire
throuihout. 0:ey. brick ti.re-
place. Double Ga.raae. JJuge
lot for th!? kids. M price
$19.000. GI no c:aah down.
$160 per month lncludu all.
Why Rent?
Walker & Lee
COsrA MESA W-28:2~ dinina room, hup family pools. $715. See now , • Luxu.rlous Gardens SPANISH $195; 3 BR. w/w. Garqe. room, 3 b&ths &. oompletcly ~ e ·BUbblfng tprlng l brook FOR SAU; Ott LEASE VILLA Sundec:k. Pleue call: cuatombml~· Ac"'ALL\nc $41,500 -----• 42' Pool & therapy bath Channel Reef
BY THE SEA," located on
J..aauna's famed Riviera
Coast. Nestled in the ROCK
tailed ~ 1tyling, le•·
Broker m69SO -su t. M R · University P1rk 3237 • Activity 'l'OOm/billiards PtnthouH Apt. BLACJ{ 5f6..1Ul { o pen 2 e Sauna Bath •::.o:n Rentala to Share 200S eves) H.Pia,erbaJ Estate 3 Bit bl.lhl. fam rm. com-• Put•hu.. ....,., per mo to reliable P&l'· muntty PoGl. tennis ks ... '6 green tics oru,v. Olet Salbbu.ry $145; 2 BR. 1 ba. dupl~; $275/mo he. 833--2493 par • e Outside Gas BBQs Realtor. 673-6900 Student Opportunity atove, rtfria., 'W/W, fen<*! · •End. garages&: storage 1117. 2 BR 1 ba Priva~ Bdnn. bath, au yard. Broker 534-6980 . \ CENTER ol town • betw~n • • ., w/w, :";' :~= ::~ pXI; 4 BR. 2 be.., tncd. Corona dtl, Mir 32.W Bay 4 Ford/Harbor&: New. hltna. ::::· ~
-!or ... , --yd., .,,..,, !rpl. QUI-• 2 BR. ;ir;;a;;:, port
blr. Send quallfications A P<t OK. -5Uao Guap S1S5 mo. 2000 Panons, CM 64U611I COlll M-5100
-11oxM...,Da!Jo>Pilot. Cotto -i100 -1trAptl'llml85. SEA LARK
WORKING w_.. er rlr1 --~ MOTEL l!>ecellent, park llU ..,.. to IPre home with wome S BR home, dolt to lhopptnc 615-a'ra ""T rooodfnal far .iwi. nqu..
-""'ks •wmnc llourl. • 1Cboo1a. Dem . fhnl Jr 2 lllt. 1\1 llL, -tlrpo, re!. WEEKLY RATES Ina peoeo • -
SSO. month 548-$172 O>U • puochW. -tot, ...... °'"" vie•>. Lie 1225 2301 Nowport Blvd., CM DUcrlmhltlUv• Ttiwill
WIU. mare ri11. 2 Br, 2 ofJ It. park. at or tralltr. Mo..·!~; MS-2290 • 646-7445 • 1, 2 .. 3 llbRM. APT&
BA apt w/-rlr1 or Laue r<qd. '4Ml<J8 alt 6 lot.... 3SOO $ZS ...,._ U POOi. NO !,'!IJ!.ll)ll:I(
Obie. d.,n open to entry student. N. B. area. 64i-m1 pm. ""• P · MARTINJOV"'
hall and massive llv. rm., WANT 2 you.na liberal mind· 2 BR ·HOU89,, 11\ ctJUrt w/ 4 BR 2 BA, w/boat al.Ip. •Studio le. Bach apls. , ' , • , T ~
WITH l~ FT. HIGH VAULT· ed be.chekin to 1h&re nice earaae & yard: water pd. , blt·i~. pitki, BBQ. $42S 'rho. •Ind Utlls & Phone eerv. GARDEN Am.
ED CEil..INGS OF OPEN 3 Br home, N.B. 6Th-42Q5 F'int A. Ia.st mo's ~nt req. TI4: 529-lftkl .2Ll:37'8-0891 •Maid Service· TV avail. '18th & s'arita Ana, C.M.
1 I: 2 BR. Furn Ii Unfurn
Frplcs I Pri I Patios I
Pools. Tennis • Conbrt'I Bk·
bt. 9 bole ~tt/Gn.en.
900 Sea Lane, c.aM 6"-2611
(M~~ nr. Coast Hwy)
$165. 2 BR Cpll<. dl", patio,
lodry, lfdnr, ad u It I,
Highlands. Eves "' wlmda
613-<132 '
SHARP New 3 ·BR. 2 bath,
!lreplace • dock. Avallahle
now. Don V. Franklin. Rllf, m-2222
Huntlnsito• IMch. $400
WOOD BEAMS SUPPORT· WANTED, 3rd girl to share $UO per mo. •230-4 Cecil e New Ca!e & Bar Call Mrs. Hendenon 648-~42 ED BY HEAVY CROSS apt. vk. Ha-H.S.; •tu· Pl. C.M. Lido i.i..1 3351 2376 Newport Blw. 54&-9755 tm Saµts An" Aot U3. C.M. •.EXCLUSIVE . ~!:RSF. !REMPELAXCEI CAO~ dent pre!. S50 mo. 6'$-1544 IMMAC. 5 BR '-bath LARGE bacbdor, n Ice 1 Y . ON·TH,.•IE "CH
., • .i;......:.--blt-tns, cpl:l/drps, patio~ 3 BR &-de~., 2 Ba. trplc, furnished. Available Jan. lS. Ii' A
7682 Edinger ORNAMENTAL A DOB E C et Meg 2100 Conv. loc. $210/mo Ieaae. stove, ~frli . .,·crpta Ii drps. Employed adult preferred. ~A VILLAGE 2 & 3 Bedroom Aptt.
Wutc.llfl_ 1230 8:12-44.55 Open .Eve& 510-5140 BIOCK & R...Ell _TILED. 0 • . --.# No ~ls~ 5ls:ossu--Yrly le.a -by. -o..w n e..r 545'-M21 -Spacioua -2--~~ -Br.-Apta. tl.tJXUJ'9 -ttving to-pJeaae:""tbe>l---l!f-1 1.:.:===------7 UNITS HEARTH. Llv. rm. over-3 BEDRoou~ Uke nt\Y COn-644--1238 \Vf!lllkendl. ( BEDROO Crpts, drps bltinll Cose to _A ... d'-~-1nati-N--Finest Custom Quality looks terraced patio & at-dltlon. eo;;ieteb' fUmiah. 2 BDRM house w/prqe, · Ji:C4 2 dra M .. Car Pet 1, abp'i & scbis. ouidren OK. ~Me "":t.... ...... .....
thruoUt this spacious fords an OUTSTANDING ed. AdWbl only or maybe fenced yard, crp\:s &-drps. Huntlntten ..... h 3400 pes, bu1ltms. Pool. No WO up. 1h ff (
gra.cloul • Bd, 3 ba home DEWXE OCEAN VIEW. Complet.ly one c:bild. S""""'1n( pool. adulll only. 261J Elden ..... . 2214 C.U..• Aw. ApL ~ Mgr e "·uni nglon
Elec BI kit, fully insul-modern kitchen hu ornate recreation tt:nter at m ex-Aw .. C.M. S11S Mo. 8'13-5270 FREE RIW+.Al. 8001( """"''""'SIMl84~~~=-;:--/•""!'!!!'!!'~~~!!!".... !('
atod, panellod den • $15,500 ~3 :::= ~~ '"" ..,.,, ..... ALL BILT-IN tra ctwp. $235. mo. A&o•t 1-3 BR (ar J'Unl) Drop lzi'll'L.. SllARP Bach. unit nr. So. "THE SEVILLE" • P1clflr .· m ·~&R.VC.>a ~~ Re~~ yn old. 2i,s blocks to ocean RANGE & OVEN, DISH-5'6-41.U 21122 Santa Ana Ave. C.M. 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath. Double Cst. Plaza; -nr new furn., New 2 BR. w/pnp $140. "
,)'Ll in demand are., Flnanclnc WSHR., GARB. DISP., etc. l-BDRM. Gva&e A+it-~ Ganp. ·llscMioD forotl cpta. drpl. $125 Incl. util. CAdultaJ. Fenced, priv. )'U'd
BY OWNER. 3 BR 2 ba, avail. lln!ble ..,,.,_ AlkiOI a, opens to lfe. dln!ll( rm. Clean " attractive • $120 4 BR. 2 llA; newly -tcd ftnl01 iUlilf.....,-.. Mr. Smith !16-386i · cpt.t, ~. bl..., ....., pd:
excel cond. 2 bib Wesctlltt ff~~ e ••• •-e · 30( Catrwo St. -mo. $185'JX> pertnilth. Poaible 2 ,JµL Quiet.· Adulll6 N ~.Santa. Ana Ave. 7tt 0cet.n 1'~., H.t'.
Mops .l .cbool& 543-8281 -~· WIDE CEliTRAL CORRI· ~•N 645-0861 -Option. PETS. $140. 761 S co It • 636-4120 • ''1n4) 536-148'1 Tod W1y Riiy. 536-2579 DOR w/W. !loora, leads to WtlkW• L PL CM ~23 NEW. .
Hlrbor Hlghllnd. 1235 6 UNITS 3 HUGE BD"' ... , SER-N...,.rt IMch 2200 ' '. ee · · · 2 Br. 2 Ba. ........... $125 ~; 2 A a'l!R. ~= ----------1 C:.llogo Pirie 3115 EAS'l'SIDE, Qu;et; 2 Br. ID!ns, "1>11. drpo, Jncl gor.
\Valk to beach. Partly turn. VICEI? B.Y·! ~nffiOQJ.IS • .2 BR bouae, partially ~ 78d~lrirler elec. bltna. patio. Adults on-Club 'bse & pool. $195. ~~~~. =::~?: 4 BR., Wn!J.Y. nn. ~~ ba.
Enclosed 'La?lal, '.l patio.
Crpt'd. drpcl, bltns. Must
sell, leav'g arta. $48,9SO.
?l501 Anita Ul,-NB ,Qwner, !'1Mf:-11P.I'" • ..( ~~ . : 1'1, t ..
Price· reduced tar quick ;j!W ~ A-~l't~ furnished, available 6 mo, S ~· plus pat ~ S42-4f5 ~.-5*5140 J,y.361-BC>ale,642-1298 54-0-4179 aft 4 Sat or all 2 Children OK. Nr. Bea.ch
sale.$15,000dn toexiSting V~tyled:~hu:the $125. SID $th St., ~~Ne~~~ 3 B&. S 1~· yard ATI'R.3 BR.apt.,2 ba., daySun: Blvd. a: Main, ~ose to loa~, approx. 203 return GRACES OF "OLD WORLD 7l4-879-09S? OWDtr on Pl'fJ1llael sat~ $140 Yrty, t' •Wt 2 child w/w c:arp .. drptl, attr. yd. S180. 2 ~Qew .'indiv'idual schools & thoppine. 847..QIOS BRAVSH°EA~ ftlALTY .CH.ARM'.'ccanbiN!dwittr.the OCEAN front; 2 Bdrm., ~ -..... ; o~ Nr.' -'·, ~Yfl. ~ ~1: &40--0l.54; 646-6922 uni~!.'11 'c:es.:4i&hwasll-OPEN Hous&.,-1•New ,,.Apt.
• modern conveniencetl DI a tiftplaee. 'Adults. Winter. . ... : · ~ •. , s\a\U' , , •. 2 BR iumWll?d, near stiop-er, stoves, drapta. Adult.. H~ 2 b1c1fka from beach.
847-85.11 Ev!5.:..~ newer home. It's an im-$175Mo.Inc:.util.6TWID N..,.rtt..ch , a-•tJdo 1?6StVanBUr!n M2-7123 ping 'Cuter. Sl35. M2-8499. ill,E. 18ttnllf.l~O or Prvt. Sun Decks 1£ Patio,
'.Unlver1it.Y Park 1237
BY OWNER, 3 Br, 2% Ba,
tam rocm, hu everything!
. Priced to sell! 833-0104
RfPO $795 DOWN plac:able buy at, 1-BDkM., carport. On Penn. -4 BR. like new, nr Doua;lu 313 17th Pl. c.M. (213) 838-'MI Fireplace -SUn. U-f, 31D
$42,500 FULL PRICE YOQll( cplt. pre!. $110 Mo. A lbops. 16392 LWmont ~NAl,SAU PALMB e DUPLEX ' ... BR.· bit-In•. 8th St. Hunt. &h.
Vacant 4 BR, good..,.., no LOWER ON. PYMT. Alt. 3,Pll <2!il Gl-2279 1/8 Lane A..U now $2lllmo i-.;·2 BR.. Pool' <rPtl .. drp~.ilncd yard, Wint Prlvocy? Now I
2nds. New paint. Qulck pog. ' 0.K. OCEAN Fitnt houie, 3 bd. TOWNHOUSE 1eue. ~ -.1m 177 &Zlnd St. 60-3645 ,patioS...Spo~ 9µiat .Street ONE BR's NEAR OCEAN
aeS!ilon. MISSION REAL TY Win~ OK $175. 2 Bdrm. 2 Bath 1-BR. home to mature adlt MR!fUiW detlred, no $130 ~. ''" ,1 S1Z7 mo ($142 Fum) IU'aP
Coro.no dol Mir 1250 HAFF DAL REAL TY !185 So. Coalt u..,,., Loa\lna mo. m..tlS8 2 ~ CU!>otU cpl. $80 Mo, """"pd. 315 -For IMMED. ~; 2 Br., 202 -14th. 536'13U ·m.i.714
lilil-.-.iiiiiiiiiiiiilw f740 Warner, F.V. ~ Phone Ctt4) Gf.0131 $200/Month 12th HS. Wbndl only ~ U• ~ cpt.. drpiJ!i,'itow; pr., 2 A 3 iii apta. 2 Ba, patio. llollioll 2300 Pool> • Adults Only! . ·.......,, , patio. No POlt.41 Clllld OK. ,_, --•--•---~ Ir leCIC 3 BR. Ba. mim. -.:: ~ afudJ;;, c:rpb, ms. Re!tt.•req. 5'&-I<n6 u~c. -·-· --~ , _ _, OPfM 1·5 SUNDAY 4 BR, 2 BA. ·-· lllp. h an. 7\ .... .... .u,.., .. ,,,,chlld OK.1!45.' DD A·-" ~-· 1 $140 :i~J:..40.~'1171 t«stf~
2414 Vista Del Oro
Newport Beach
·.$34,500 ! !
Cozy 2 BR. 1% bloclal to bch.
Room to build units.
$28.500 218 14th 8t.
R. D. SLATES, .II.fir.
847·3519 Eves. 536-7840
Corner 3 Br. 2 Ba. Fam nn.,
gar, frplc, c:rpts, drps, bit·
ins, stereo, intercom, fttt &:
burglar aJann. By o\\-ner.
$23,500. 8182 Holland Dr.,
H.B. 847.&«1
MONARCH BAY· A atamor-
ous 4 bednn home in thi&
exclwiive c:ommunll;y, de-
signed for indoor • outdoor
livine, exquisite formal din-
ing rm, paneled den w/FP,
ample bulltln storqe, pn.
vale patio oU muter .uttt,
lowly prden • $95,GOO.
blt·lnl, p&Ho, BBQ. • mo. e1fty, Inc. req. \ / ~ ll&-04.96 · -.... ·-· • ;:-;;;:;-c=,..·~==---.
'114 ~ 213 il7&-0!9l 901 Dover Dr!w SUI,. 221 ' '"'°' '""'fiE~"' 2 BR IM>Iex, private JUd. ' ' 645-2tl00 -~ -.....,;,. IMch ' 3705 e POOL ""°ULTS e . -12> th st..ot Pallo, . ..,..ts, ~-lo 2J ~ · 1 Bi~. Util. incl. ·•15-1821 pool $135. 142-J.540 .
Lido l1S. 51 LEASE New 3 BR ~ ~ 2 roo~ atudio cot· 147 Flower, Co.ta M~ 2 BR. Spl~•: w/w cpts., DEL~ 2 Br, $125.-Mo.
dominJufn,; :~. Walk to tlP• Superb '11"'· privacy, BEA11I'. lge. 2 Br. 1% ba. newly Ja.•' 2 bath!!; ...... ts d ...... encl pa"·· bl' Tompor1ry Quarters lcbooll, •"'-'ti" center I frplc, dblt prqe, patio, •tudio, pool, adult!. $185 .... .-... "'i:·e)ody Ln ~ .. · • ...,, ~· "' _,.,.~-,. S1lO uu.<.111, an . Ins. Nr 1hopping. 847-8692 hrnllhed Lido rental. 3 patk. Clrpeta. drapes, auto garden. . incl. crpta, 2310 Santa. Ana 645-2933 548-J.458 • iJ~ ===· ~ ~u:~ ~-=·$281) ~o. ~The :=snina~ii s ~~:r; NIWpGrt a.ach 4200 UNTURNW lra,R.. 2 BA, ··.t 2 ~~= !: =''
F. ~ J L ..,.,.;1 -4~ near e•ld , poo 816 Palr?. ~ eb . .,. to une ..,,.., mo. 4 BR, 2 Ba. Newpt Hgtt:, SMALL 3 BR. car part, IWI private pltlo. $165 mo. Aak for Mn. Gtumk;y. 05 San Bernardino St, $250. •ASOVE Hi&:h acbool, 2 •BR, 646-3020 · 2 &: 3 BR .. 2 baths, )riv. Ptt• l1tntt, Rfflty " Mo. 673-U98 or bus ph. ruatlc c:hann. $140. Leue, deck .Em~ adult.. ~ · pat.io; heated pool.
16(6 W1stcllft Dr, NB MU.200 531...UZO Mr. Youna: ref!I. Show Jan. 3, l:z5 IA 3'.tb :St. UP,1tair•. rear. n4: 3 BR, <:prts. ~·· Blt·ins. B8994
LARGE. S BR A: !'am. Dble. 3 v: ~ new JOftf' du-ro:t'; ~ apt. No ~=~: ~ lease. S1nf1 Aft~, , "' " ·~·5620
1111 .... l.S1nd 2355 !rple, upper N.....,.. Bay. 'p·•-·, ..... cp.. • ·~. cloildren or ..... 24llill E. 2 BR. N•wly Rodec. New ~ 1275 mo. 1e-. AvatL Feb. = ...., ~ • -~ 16 m $125 VE!lr.·llfun ·2 er, 1· Ba.
-· ---·---
bu got to be the belt value
In thia fine area tor a l·
ltofl' 3 BR. 2 bath home on iars* lot with llOme View.
Abltntee owner more intel'9
uted in quick ala than P1'I>
fit • SEE 'IlllS ONE TO-
Large separate tamily room,
quallty ........ 3'' pool with
filter It heater. Gl or ntA
tenru:. Price is rl&:ht at
BAYFRONT 5 BR. til .June 1ai, ~ owmr, qt. Gu,. Sundeclt. patn •1949 tb. crptl, drps. tn&. mo. GIJ'deli · Apts.. Prv patio.
EMERALD BAY • Ocoon ht. $32!S or )'fly $.'1111 Incl rraiiiillDlrii£a....., llo1&: 491-34!11 Eva. Npt. 8'lcb &4M684 '48-0045 PoQL Nice area. -1525
Side Hwy. An tiefudl7 u.tQ. ~ Martha « ._. ... l'kl 1 ,_ ... &YoarAdtaourd•efHledtf MOBlLHome1 Lido Peninl., LIKENEW2Br,.newcpta.,i.O:=:=:;;,;::=:::;~=I Poul JonH Ralty
847·1266 Eve&. 5J&.712t -tcd -. with _. ... , l1M'lM. Mn. Wb!1I! bl !Ill Otsdh4 -a..dt . .....,. will ho ·l"'*lllr tor encl. cabana: prtv, patio. 41)>1.. bl>~•aroort; no '--=:"'! ~ ,Mm
nlticent l1lrt 6 COOllll-Dial 60Sll tor RDULTI -_. . tt;"Dlol -Adulll. no -m-Ol9S piflo; O<luill .-·MU1119 ::iz= =
2 BR ToM-... By Owner
$15,'50 • $9M co... M
mo. incl taxu A Ins.
962-6864 to lee,
4bedrmt. 1orma1-rm. t====::=:=,...,:;.:..,==:mO:O::==-==========f s ii6Rllt. 11 b1k. to beach: S; 1!11. 11i ho. Cblldre• ldO'CLllil' DJINI ·
-rm with wtt bar, ,.. 0.MS11 20llOGewltl 2000 0.-.I :iooc> 1211 40th 8l.4lliO: uni. S1'5 'litloOmo: Mn. DuiiJdi.; ·Mgr. LUX1JRY JVJU(/bNJ'UIUf cluded 1: qiedoQI rear Pl'--· 815-3249 . 862 W. Center, ApL 1 Ytu17 !Aue. 1 Ir 2 lktnnl.
den "It• lovely "-• 1 BR. Garaae Apt. II bile 3 '!if( 2 S.., b'pl.," doOed -to Shore 6 Sliopo 644-1133 Ev ... ~505
4 BDRM house near btacb,
2 yean old, Muat sell!
963-1432 aft 5
1134,500. Q.lill'O ~,( 1)~~i::!,e tobeh.Yrly. ·-.Adnltl;ltl0•-1> Oceunldfrom..,.., .....
TURNER ASSOCIATES p~ J..'QtJ ~II>-~ ).:I , p m 33rd sc. NB. ~.tlcalilll1o 1-t lromSllltlmoup.1 ....
682 No. C..ot Blw. •••o f)iii; 1ntn apt. ~ iV"--DUPLEX
SOlITH or llI\VAY C·3 ZONED near beach
h'onl. 25 x 117 wf 11.c:ceu
to allt'y. $12,950. ~
LagUna Beach <n4l 494-1177 Solve a Simple S~letl Won! .Puzzle for• Chad<le C...On• ·dol Mor -,jli!>o. bltna, patio, ltioL 2 BDR, 2 bath duplox !>.cln&
WESTERN AWAltD ~ FURN. ·blch. a Pt; Mita. no pets. $145. 546-6183 ocean, tew steps to l&Dd. JUST $36,COO
Eac:b Unit hu brick fire·
place, I Br, Jge kitchen 1£ Living rm. CMpott. N'*ds Santi An• Hftt. 1630
3 I: 4 Br. Seml Custom O!:d';'"Ct!-~ m.,:k!~. -;::---....,.....-, ,pri~. Bullneu man ; tee 2 BR. $120. Stove, disposal $215 mo. 494-2157 ,
Homl'!I from $35.450.00 Naw •l~le 'Mlnft. Prfnt i.tt.;. of ~-...,,,. to appreciate. Util. pd. &. crpts. 132 E. Bay, Apt Ri~UtATE, ~
under c:onstructlon. Located each In ill llnti of aquares. 6?5-48S9 A, 494-2792 Gtntf.11 • J 1~
on Mountain View Drive, off 2 BDRM d I ~ h 2 BR. lmmac, E. side
Tyrol Drlve. 1·0 TIE I I up ex near ""'ac: ' 1 · 'Rental1 W1nted 5990 A.P.I. SALES AGENTS IUlll. per month. Alt'1' '· dup °'· Re.,. " qwet ---~..;.;.--"..;.;I
I I' I I I Ii . * 675-315.3 • adults. Patio. 642-2890 WANXEO Ocean view t. ~:61~ . . . . . . _ f70-lAOlELOR APT LG~.~ Jm., 1% baUl8,iwfiw 3 im.-~;'!£' ·~
• UUJ paid. I-Adult only. 'eptt.,~""'sfO"le; l'll'b. p.raae tlu."\V pa7
some decorating. SEE Tt-.is! NORTH Orange 5 bdr, 2 ha
CLIF PRIEST, RealtOr home. Lot 100x100', finished
Since 1957 dbl gar, alley tnt, on Cul
3034 E. Coast Hwy., CdM de Sac, 2 bike to achoolJ.
l"!!!!!!!!!!!cn~l!ll'-615-!!!3581!!'!!!!!1!!. ! I Must sell thia weekend.I I' '97-1181 BY OWNER Conclomlnlusn 1950
3 BR home, "l>ta. dpro, Loguno _IMch 1705 f BR. 2 Ba ~
!rplc, blt·lnl, M zone, Nice ;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,· on J'alrvlew, CJ1. -GOO.
CdM Joe. Call 6'JS.2319 -1.aeyttme;::::;:;:·====;~,/ Truly Mam •-/ ~-~l'!-. l• Wallt nt ..... • wood, 2 -~,. ...._
lolboo Penlnoul• 1300 decks with Ocean Vn. A~ •--. M3-1m ~
r1wn entry, pnlen .._, Dupi..oo..,.S.lo 1975 NEED more room! How 3 Bedrooms, ~ b&U.. 1arp _ _
about tbia Balboa Penn lMna room. WNIUll tire-NEWPORT ~ for .i. ..
Home. 31,4 BR, 4 BA, place, bl& pn,ae, rocm fer 200' to hMda. Or will ~
Hybrid Bmnud& I r a 11 s pool. $4.1,950. equltJ for pod Lquna
loawn to "'8.rpen yout put· lftJdlnti&l Jot. P. o. Bel:
tnig game. Shuffle board Medlterr1"•1n VIiia 1423. HWltfnaton Beach. U'ea. Ocean vitw, sun deck. Maan~nt <>«-an A Can-(n.t) 8'6-GKS. Ow'ntt
Open 1-.'i Sat It sun. 1500 Yon Views. secluded, custom-----·-----
E. Off11.n Blvd. $50,500. bit, 2 yrs old, 3 BR. 3 baths, Aplrtments
Agent 6?3-40l7 family rm, open stair well, For S.le 19IO
Lido Isl• 1351 tile ro(lf, muttt bedroom OUl'STANDlNGLY beautituJ 25 x 14• beamed ctilln,p. 20 unit apartment devtlop..
Fa•cln1tln9 Ch1rm $49,Wa'lr RMI litat• ment adJaoe:nt to oon.it
Smart i .. tory 3 9d + small 31671 Coat Hlway c:ompln ln CI a" em on t,
Bd (IU!e u oaa!nlJhery 4n.1272 CaliL Pl1otd •t S.T x Cf'Oll.
etc). Bl kit, Ci' lot. South Ftll' ule C wW trade tar
patio. Cpll. -la.000 °""'" COUnt; -..... R. C. GJU:ER. Realt; 'w:i.~ bl:.!':..:: """""1. $'It.GOO eqult;. Stlb-
Hl& VJa Udo 6'13-a!OO <rJaw. "1.llOIL M).13CIS 1111:.:r:.:..-ftMlfy
DAILY PILOI' WANr ADSt Wblto El-Ul-121115 E1ML ll$'.ll3a
ISONLIT I 873-8936 &loo .,,lkl-OK.~1132,. $300 + mohthl,. ~
I I Ii I I \ .t, • J.Aip 1 BR duplex. t EMPLOYED iadJ wants 1
l1lboa 4200 $110 ~ .. °!.~eaae. ~ BR Vnfuni Apt ~ irM
a.EAi( 8achelor Aptt, )'ltd, ~ to $110, Git or CllTplrf-
IFllt 10 D I All utn Incl '75 1IP l.SR., Garqe, srove,. l4MOlil aft/5
f-;.;,;.;-o;-._,IP"T-1 l ~~~~~=:~~ 315 E. Balboa Blvd lt.tlllgera.... $11111 ' 1 BR. Apt mrn oo uallmt -;.:~~1::;:;;1;::r:::::1:::; -~ :. Bacht .... : :m s:_~:p~.~ : !\'~ ~. ~ .=
rM AD NIT I prtvats b<o.eh. UtlliU.. pd. )ool, no "'"· btwn 5 6 8 11111-1 • ~-_,_.._..,.....,.....,,...... IUO/mo. 9211 E. Balbol * ...,_ * • LANDLORDS • I . I I I I' QllDfw lnon cno of the d• Blw. 113-6790 i llR. 1>rpo. "°"' patio. FREE RENTAL SERVICE '::~-=~-=-:::::·=~-::: llglltfvl llicrt 110rloo ·of 0 . BACHEl,OR Apia, util paid. ""-"'"· "° pe!L $115 mo. ---• · .. I Hoory, "She had thdt unlqlio $75 "' m mo. 31Jl t. Bal'\'" ~ 2 ADUL'&.i ,., .... need ~11.-.,.0_Y..,l'"'l_s,...· ...... -.-f lumlnotlty In hir eyes •hot mw .. BaJbO&. cat. N B ·""' 5200 rum. 2 llr.· hl>liae or apL 1 I I I I I """"~•girt wfflr~er firat l:'."'-7...;:~~77.'::l!!-!!J~rl~'! It\"' rd.e\!-&q,14~ ~--~~--~---~-sultOr ond'to o lcltten with Its '-tuntinoton .... h 4400 UNnJRNISHED Apt. -WANTED 'J'o. mil ftlduatdlJ ,....,..,...,..,....,.~---.--• UTILITIES PAID Newport H(lt& Lux•r,o., b<tildl"' ISll.1o l(Jtltl ·,.. ft. IPUJLOY I•~· ,,,. "'° '"""'r;•:,.... ~-Rtis. poo1 •IFw' d••••x ..... -'-=====or= , r j ~ inno h oL.. .... -....... D It" 1PHt-1evet, 2 bM. trpt, -• E I I' I .-~~-' .. • hil-" :;;. ~ .... i:i:.'. -• .,.... • thick carpt1.. d " p u , Rooms for ltont "95 • •-·-e !131-2114 e ....... Avalts6"° Jan. IS, -· -·-•_,,,..,. ____ .,,..._
1-S!l eor&4 ~ fin. $275. Call after g p..m. t'OMFOJ\TABLE roortl b •=o:. .. r r r r·r r r 1·. r r·: .~A;-~~---. ~~~ ..... •r 1· Ii I l&I •• I I I I I :, ~il~~~~l~ ":.·'.::'~~
Se•au ,,._ a........, IN DI..,. a.UNI Ad\1111 ool), I BR. pool l1llll. '* !br Mia W1'lil ~crf3S.Cl50 -~----suo--..,.....--'•-"'-"-•n_•_ft ___ ,.,_ ... _ .. ___ ~~...:o;l~mll"""'ca;;;;;;nw~t'Ol~•;;,;.;M~T-21Z;;;;;;__.'""4l511 WhlteEeplwlts!
. '
' '
---------.-----~~ -.. -' ----..----------.. _______ ·--·----··--~----·----------~-------·
I c;
-H IWl,V l'llOT '• &\llM.-""''"1 11, 1969
T...... .flttAl'I,~ IUSIN~~··', .~NOJJMGllll!ill'f'~ "" ?~l':Dl,!CTo~Y uqss.a !!A!l,,'OYMJ~1 JOIS;&-~Ml't.0Yltl11'1T
;,G•••NI ' ·-• ~ ,, •• ' , PINA~._~ ,...--~icu .. .n .1 .,.. -----1Mn1111 .•'Uiri'.iii.; w~Mo.."'1200 !Nip Winted7Mon'b41 ' a-..•· illllt ,1995. Rlnchet , . 6150. aw. o.no.+.,o1t110~ 11e-.lll 1 , , '· • . '.'\\ • -• = = . . ., •-, . * APT. CLi;»QNG ;( t ~ ··~ TECHNJCL\N '
" Clltl.EG&•O< -·Pl · Glil' ........ =--::...;..· ,:,• Sto; ' '.::-• • ...._.. ~"'-' -., .
l!'Je.1'11111..,. Kil In I .'OWN-;YO~ ...... l!li\:'l!l... ctltrl • 9f . ..,' 1 " wttt;'fA1Jls Ct.E'l'i111NG 11 . f'eSSi ·1 PllOOU.VTTEST .
• ~ ~ $lt 1'M '•D . OWN RANCHO'. ·~ ~..!:ieic • 'on 'll!l ...... 116 ' ' ... ' 'BEi o· . . . TJi~MNICIAN
• -..... •• , .• · · • ••· Qunlno s..-'*' · ' · · · pe11•t•rs CQl,LEG!lar~-· llt~l>.t~!O~,?! ~iit-L-1-·-••j.,aaut.<GI.~ , . f l~l~f •, 675' 18 U E>pulencecllnlop:d\<.
entr •t. _. ' own » ~ ~ ,,..,..t .., -~-" Att ctl -._ ..... .. cuttry or crptal• filter °"' :> • ·~ ... v. "'"'-·Aun 0orooa 4'1 MAlr .. .$10,00Q • . re .. ,~~'X : < • , "1 EU!', .,....ltooed. 11.lO br, •ub"r ••-rl--Pl'Odudlon f<st, Doy or _=:"p.t. Bch. _. Mo. • a: 5 mJ.n. • f1orn the neartlt ·1 'Av~~;~ aOOd It»:_ ' • ~~ = ·. ·ii , · ., . , Plieue ~ own banaen. ;nf(i~ One~~ •:i~ ntpt ahlft avall&blt.
-· __ ..,.. .. l"lab!JoiA •ocb\,Olt, .. , Ii-~~·~-"'" ,ll.,, -' l~ .I ' .L, I 3 d hlft F0Jl)'Wna;womut.•Nl,lent D.v ~lblf'·.1cio..1e • .Mf.Ada.!:M.,8~1ltf '~ ia, .• ..,.J>l.Y!i"~ ~·. ·• , • 1 ~lr4bninc an ,Of\!01' r 1 • CONTACT
or ~mp. Npt tlta nr betu.Cilut. tte IO;ll PQW'le • • 't --~VR t: ' nl: 58M531lJ.OPM ! · <-~~.1 -._ $1.15...1..~· Reference.Ii Good c.ompany beM· LUKE WOOD Wt&l:dU1. Single s:i4. Dblc $2.000 Ptr ~. easy term~ -.1tETIR D 1-'"fl'V "'°-... A,LCPHOUU. A.GOO,r.nous · • • ,. •J541kwu or IM.-M05 . . fits, exc911ent tutu,. . nu. MMTll • 11.vail3ble. })ft.~ in•erest ~ ~)t~ Oil lit A Phone 612.1217 <Or .,,.I:•\ to r ----~ddy,1 Wtnt? Wblddya O..t " '' I .r'ir==r=;;;:;===I fdr .U.dy work•rt.
IDEAL J<oOm "" Elupl'>"d OK r,,; f\ujhtr lrifumolio~ · s..i..r >il·i;.il P:o. 80' U2:1 c.o1111 Ms> S~CfJl(L~ C~SIFlf.AT!ON FOR. t.;;.;~;.;... , 6810 -'11Pl1 It"••-, ,1 ·Mn,,.'C.)f. Qoee-in. SU per r1""1'E' eall 9f!nn_Thon1p.')On • SELECTIVE §IN;:n;;:;"' : • 'l •ffA,TURAL1BORN SWAPrERS ' ~ , '\~k. 548--1969 '"1111 u14-~ 1 • <--ial Rit'1 * •. •· ' , •• • S.PRIN~LERS , Eckhoff &. AssOC., Inc. R:e.al E1t1t• LoaM 6340 ~lai; ~tg:lhle mer., & woo1C, ll, '.. ~ Ir~ t:.. U, lr 'BOOO PLEASAtJT room (or ~'Ork· UI'" \V ........ A • -'-• ,-21.{jfj~G. tto 8,. .... 5 Ll11t -~-s timK,-~ bu.c:k• ! • ' WJ!·'.,_~ ~ " ed ~ girl; ho~ privl~cs. "' · .... iupmun vl'. HOME. LOA .. S.-' ... • .,. -"•-=liVL.n --io Muff 1Nc\:ua~: • '. ' * V'S.IN•-» ...
n"• aft. nu .... , .. ~ Oran&c aw . I~ """'-..... i.... I 'llf--.. '! " '""'* ... I ~ ~. tr.ck. ~Wf\lt "°"~ •• nt In ,, ..... '# COMMERCIAL' ~idenlial \All r""' ,,........ OJ '"""l·26ll., EYe.,_:,~:c~ ave ;""w U'Hlnc .,. .J. ~;1• A "" t1 , ~ • '-'.Jn ~ ptmor •NII, ... .odhti. w .._ o1 -4'1"1'.1i.ins. , •• 1-===""'·"· .c=,---,.~. ~-.,. " ~·... in~t.. Cbei.:k OW' .6.~ i:.9s_unwnin•• :i r )-'t'fWING 50R Slr,Lf ;.. TltM>IS oNJ. YI I (iarde.11..ing_ A ~puig,
'l'°!!I•, Trlr. Crtt. 5997 p_.m•2n<1T!i1•=· , AIUYWEST ', ·, :. PttONE 642467& . ' JotComU-
TR.AlLER Ss>eCf' avail. Pool. AcNe9-· -:0 , . 62.0i) ,sattte~M~ ~;. ~ -ANNOLTNCES •; To Piece YOuf 1'ir1der'1 P.t1 r1diA -Ad -Piperhanglng
putUnr cm .. .nutnobo&td, 14. Dow~ I' !!!' '""· $395 m2m 1 ~ 14 . r.J..u~he,!, .. ~... N~. ~~, 1'll>' lo 1'I -""'" . Wil'11ir«1on $ll!O. Pointing A50
rec. rm. Mulls only, no full price bll)'S ~ ac. in Eves. 613-1865 • gq.11~ ,. -~M·30 tt.sJb.""""1'. beac~•!W• tN'de eqbit)' net pet mo.'.iiWJfue. Traae.i--=;:...----=..:1
peu.TradewiMTr-tjler So.Cal.L.Sbewtelt,.326W. · -liivlf"I 5 . .-i ror ~UCUPIV1 l'ff!den-T.D.'s, land..or ~No.V VET'SBondedPaintlng.
VQJa;re, 2191 Harp Blv., 3rd, L.A. (213} 623-SlQt,, Monlf Wenttd. , 63$0 ''r.,
· very:' B'T"'ayh tlal Jot ·JY.o: 'Box 1'23, t1wner. 646-1629· -ci--213i. Free F;st< Lie. I: Insur.
? Plrf.cinnel ,Qffice
U. S, Divers
33ll W. Warner
Santa Ana
C.M. _. CRES Vall rn -~ · cycle rune ! H1mtlngto\l .• -· ......... -.~ .· (n4) 434-S!f.9. ' ·~ .... jobs Welcome. ,..;:;;======"'!~ A ey "'"'nter GET lit&'. + 011 your money. ~ 10 ~-M StlMIOCt'~~ _ ........ --vu,
•• om. P---6000 Citrus~· $1100: ~r aCl.'e "focal Mi~ need& •'HIM, serv"••J~-E'i .. a · t, Beaut wooded bl~-lots fr c"'--,-=,.,-,=--' ..._, '.,. M t W ter Wjll ttivid -_...... ~-_ QO!"i'T . Jll""' , WISH for "6 ' ' -VINYL wall c ove r i n g -e · a · e • 1'.Wlll pve 21-ij' T.D. cm:JCJ.rit. Hll!VOll~' !<.I.•-'1~ ... -1." oo -yr.tound.:t1:ver, llvd r&. ~lalist -kit. &~ baths. FOREMAN e SIJrlfl"'. -for Gashout 532-297'1 or ~-' R.2 income prop. W-1361 "~ Staal'A:· Eggs. i'= t som,eu1Wg ,.., '"'"""" )'our P\V•i Lake-. 6'lcCf!S. .Porfer· ih:t'eria! A labor. Est. •
6 wtit coml bldg Coast llwy. z. . . ,.· " :a,,"'21<5-~ ,bome':" .. bnd. .areat buys vtllevea: ~ lor6'plf.oe 847-1~ Autom1tlc Scr•w Cd.M. 1~ sci.GSQ. Price Resort Property 6205 ANNOU.fiteMENT-Si"' . .-NewPort Beach ill .tij,,Ys OMSified Ads. airplane. Agent ~ ' :t.. --, _
$65,CO>.·Ln. bl.·-$2'1,000 xcl. ·• FOR. ·ftent Furn .. Mnm·· 'and N°..!.'CE$ ~ ~ _ ,(across from ,Pier & • ,, Will trade 17 ft Performer , -3'.> uffi( ·DeluXe ·-apts 'adja· ~R, EXTERIOR Mtchln.,_Day Shift
8rkr. 6'1'3-0173 anytin1e. moth P.ttn. Condo. pool It F0Und (Frff .Aci11 ~-6400 .. , Dory ]'16et) out boa.rd. (a11 (ibc. glass) ~ni to coJlege ID Oafemont ~':tf ',lt JJlt , :,r;:.Jsn .50
HOME & INCOi\IE by O\VN-S!luna, aletp.s 8. 540-2130 for lull ar· part payment 0.7 x 11,'r'OIS ~ $19,000 eq, < ~
ER 10.2 BO. 1~1 ba. apts. & LRGE b1k female (:i>!l"\e v// Fu11t.ratf 6411 .on-· ~\v: ·carpet,-dra~s, Trade for Qianife County e INT -EXT, ANY ,SIZE
f Bd. · 2 ba. re:s. 3 Yr. Mount. & Desert 6210 wht ring neck le: all 4 legs. · '• l~s;:ap.10(, block fencmg vac. comm. rutr. 841~1266 , JOB. Xlnt work, l'e~, tree
old. Pool. 2310 Santa Ana, No collar V~ S.A.. Hgt!. -WESTMINSTER · ~r P:~: ~; 60-4980 after 100 AcreJ" clear, $30,000 est JIM. 00-4669
01 615-1393 BEAU1'fFUL High Desert; 54~1355 -·-. . . --equi~. WANT House.·Units P AINTING1 intcr.-exterior
WA;N'i'ED: Sm. Tr a i I er HS !:,'·.,\\'/~~ladn·,"",~al~. "'.',",~,· .. · J.:OUNO ran male PllP.PY .2 MEMOR~~ 'AIK !ia.~;·_luxuryBa ,1~.~·Beduplehx 'Or :comm•t, Call Sta~ lk1 .. ::~·~~ed. Free
Park.. Principals on!Y.. Box " I.A.I ""' " to 3 months. CleBS. -plastie , MOrtUlf'.l a Cemetery on ·~!Jpef\ \Y..• ·~...,, a.c · Art GlovinetU. Bkr. estuna es V'W"U.wo
2141. Costa Mesa. Cal. 926:Ki all cooler, Xln1 loc. nr. 29. collar. Vic. Paularino " Coinpl•te·Junefik' '· BR .. 'l ba. $24,000 Eqwty. 673-7420-673-9187 INTER or.,Ext. PAINTING,
-+-· Pa1ms. S7500 Furn. SJl-.273'1 Coolidge. 546-6411 ' Waa~ ~a&oned ~ o. •. ::s ' :,...-,~--=-~~ IMMED SERVICE Local
B • p rt 6050 t'1/CS. or \\'eek.end~. . from.$245 .. Ow"r (~ .~..1368 · F~ Lawn Freedom Ct. f, r:REE 548-M usin~ rope Y BLK & Wht COcker &pan!el, Cem•ttry· lo"'1 • LAKE-!ft.A V·A·il··.Cl'IT. Co~ Qypts $500 un: re eat.
M-1 HEART ·ol Garden Jema l e, very cl.d. V1f· .. · from $150 .~ . Primct.Cl dowotoWn .lot. dertiric«J . for ~panion PAPp~n.~GGING
Grove business. 4 ox 2 4 o, R. E. Wanted 6240 Ofllegc . Prtr. ~25:'Ii Qr 11'C!u4tt f:Qdowmenl Can . N(y ':pat4,Urbt~ .ot--is&oo _CO{pts ~c View ~rii-..... ,~ 11-.n
$1,950. 545--1942 eves. I ·N-EED--lO-Aettt-...,.~R.1-...,N-mlh--&IS.ffi39 · Ev~-lo one beautiful tor &w.~ itµpjex..!Or home, • _etecy. ·· ~· · -G75-30a
• . FOUND near, C-or-Chnge ~ pJage ~lea cost,:· IDana -Pf'.. 11,ie&.: 644-2902 ' Maul 'lta'jVaU -. near ney.o
1'61fne11 Rentel 6060 ~~--onbo: Del~· Coa~ Mesa, Betff l'lo ~ ~ . . . Ha~.~~ vW:~~ .h,w hpme $69,Si:>O, tree&; clear. _Plasterlr\g, Reoair 6880
MESA Verde Medical & +.-1 -p • , pu~py with n:a. collar, : J..48al. Beach, .W~ beck, frol:it aeats..1I'rade Jor ~~a.dlorcl~~~ ~i:·~~~ e PAT'S Plutering ~ all
ProJessional BuikJI"'" ""to BUSINES$ eftd: ,. ~7733 -~-1125 ~ • ·· ·~21 :2.redb.i}dlback11eat& '··•.u:wi .J.UA£ """,..,.... Types, Free estimate. Call .. ,. ..., · FINANCIAL · BLACK 8! firey dog, appears . · . .·962·1-188-di.Ill Salisbury Rlty'673-6900 Sot0-005
l\hut be dynaniic and
have the ability to take
complele charge of sin·
gle and muJtiple spin·
die aulo.-screw machine
dert. /
Orange.'County manufac-
turer of precision com·
ponetlts has i m m ed.
opening for qualilied pel'-
IOfl ·having managerial
capabilities as well as
tnfJlUfacturlng k n o w l-
edge. A_pplieantll mu a t
have .al least 3 years
~upervisory' experience.
Excellent growth potent-
lal '~ild company bene-
fits. Send complete re-
Sume of background, ed-
uCalioa and~ salary re-:v:,:~~a:.~!t to ?e old;. found . vie. ,SERVICf:.s~~Of(t· F/C h•""·:MlJter .nc Pal .. *FAIR DEAL*.
II·-Oppo· rtunllles 6300 Fashion Island Neurnnrt • .. 3 ( m Trade G""" •ite Squarebaclt: ta:U~tt~. ~tactve1: ----'--'----,.---· --&ach. Call: 96s414:t ~·.-~-~~y~i~f~ 2' . 6550 ~~~~~e~:n~~~ FOR eqUfvate~t':ooli shape
Ptumbing 6190 quirementll lo
----"------:-. I Box M-6ll The Daily Pilot
~l'>IBING 24 hr. serv. FULL TThfE
' ' Radio Co.
3324 W. W1rnor
Sent• Ana
All applications t'l!!viewed
on merlt with no b.lu ti>
ward Race, Color. Ctted or
Prtfcr some experience tn
manufacturing facilities, OJ>-
erate fork·llfL__drives com-
pany truck. Good bendits
and \\'Orking condition&.
An equaf'~rtunity
1485 Dale \Yay. Costa·Mesa
Drive, Cool> '""8. '49-0395 Ca~~~~~.V.,:,~~1' YELLOW• whlto mal• klt·. WILL ~ yo"f ohild wmeonubmit. , VIV ""'C.u ~~ ... , ~ , <DRONA del Ma,r ~~ty Excellent income fo;-tcw l)'. Found near Harbor &; • in lri;: ~ .. h1~e !Etnc-64&,9143 ~ ShGp 1n busy _location. ·hr!l ... weeltly .worlm (days or· ~ker St, 94: .~aft 6 ed ·Yard lllik'1':~.1:.00bemi\ft P-\lps 'AKC 4Bedroom&Familyfl4neh
Wock """· ·Lio., '"'"'·' H"LP WANTED rernOOel, repair, rooter sev,, _ .~ , •
Spring · Realty eip&Ming
age.in, opened: No, 4 office
on Harbor Blvd., Co 1 t a
Mesa, need experienced
Real Estate Sales Auoclate
who could q~ !or mfLD-
agement posiOon to lead an
agi:ressive sales staff. For
excellent career opportunity
in a dynamic:\ sales atmos-
phere, phone or send resume
to l\1r. Gardner, alt infor-
mation held in strictest con.
f\dence. SPri~ Realty -
2629 Harbor Blvd. -540-4824
' f
; Farmer beauty shop moved eve:s.l relilling -and collect· & \l'knds 54~16 : l'airViri.<:> f!r oVt!f 3 Ill' beautiful stock .su.; .. value'. li~e \\'ilh ·~~d & filte~-
. ~ _ ~ILJa!Pr _fl ua r t·e rs . i!llt m9ne>_1W'!l ~in 0~., n,u,TIER~Y pln ca}.! and ~~~WU~·-'$25. wkly. Ti'nd'-" tor-· mini bike; guns .,oo ~·Boa~~~~9·~~w;
I Ret;onablc l' e n-t . Call ated dlspenSt'N; Ir> Orange ) entlfy ...... -3'125" -~·.~.f't_:.:__:_ - . or.? 7' -~· ' -. u• ' ' -.-
Hutchens, 114: Slf-6511 Co u n I~ and sUITOuhding . _ -· WlLr.. · 6llftiilr mJ:: horrit,' · 548-6'19'4 . . R~allor 6754392
NEWPORT SHORES Shop-area. 'No selling'. (tlandles Lost _, .· ·. 6401' · fericed·'--far~·preltr 00.bY ZONED M-1 wl ~J)ie f. -Honolul1,1. H.a w a i i; sep.
ping ciiater; dl'KI sbop; ruune ·brand .-cand)' a11d LOST T\vo. 6 toed : kiitens; .. or_ over S m ~!cf, ~~-rental $20,~ c ~ u.J t . hcime Condo Complex, 3
no tease req. J3,4aul. lix· snaCksf.$16.'iO cashrcquired. , Id 1 . dS' -. !tom iUlilOok S.t:hool, WANT: Mobile flame & *:i2,ba.:Val .$44,000: Sl4.-p; 1, r-so t int 1 . .. n10 o . mlXe Ja111t-se, *-53SL•<>lf f ood • · . t born 1 ~ ·-eq. ,~de pa.rt,.equity tujes, carp .. rnirrcn:, racks o ~ na erv e-.v 1n 1 tabby f.iiSlli'"" since Jan . . . ~ .. car or rune . e. . 1 __ , a .. aJ G15-2805
A etc. 6U-J94,a -.:i r. Orange County: Seod name, 2nd fro~ 100) 'iillr Santiago; NE.Ep. m@Jl!!itC 'tgr :n1y 5 Phone 645--0139. for.~"'·',... tor. s"°MALl=~.-re-..,-na"""•"G_p_n"·"""" I addrels and phone number N.B. Ca1l 1Wf>..Z763, reward. )'l' <M.11111.HOlre. ra:r )"Ol.Il's, Hlive 6 units, .want smaJI What do you have to trade?
Store Buildings ' ~n busy ·~~~OUTE DEPARTf.fF.Nt'' TOR TIE Point 1ema 1 e reas .• tt:'.a&IJlOot, School. house 1-luntingtoi:i·Seaeh or ~~Jn:;,1~~;; ~~= eorona de! ~ location. s· 11 0,,.,.. ~;...i;:i-a COsta Mesa area. Bkf'. D. '":1 _,,n, P.0.~3846 . ian1ese cat. ll! ........ , .... t ·• l.e\1i 54s.9'51 · ~ ,1 1ia;pnst ~·~malrea dcal. Call Hutchens, ·~:_ o.;>(>"'UJu Anaheim,Cilif. 923m coal. wearing Dea. collar & W'llLD~ my ~e v.;cek ne, . . -.
COST.a Me1a, ~ E . 17th. FRIGIDAIRE IO tag. Rewaid! Vic Jfvine.: _da$'~, Oun~ 'filtb~ ;pill)'. l\ii Ton_. plwnbilJ&-t?l'_ele<.'-·~ Ford PickUp 'hT, ideal
Long ground lea.St, alley ac· & Santiago NB! 548-8969 Qllipmlnn.m~tht · C.o a ~. trician truck, good , eond., ror camJ)et'. Auto, trans.
cess. 100· Fron~. Qwner JET ACTION SPRING. '-' ... ~~ie1. fem .. hrwn ·ptaza-~ . iu;e1 .hln:-Pi~ raclr.t, ~.alue ... Tiade, Jor TD. boat, land. ~ ~· ' ~· RABV '"'""'-. .. "~ -··· . """'"°''··;oo 31s~ N.B. u1 .... .iu.>'I &autifuJ renewed -Laundry. & wht, vie 21,st &. Santa' _ .. ~ ... Y~;s.it ·w ·°"mc, .,.,.,.,. ,,..., ·· 1i73-6020
Nr. Newport Pier
Wbt>Jesale !IW'SelY.-equip.
S300 mo. C)'preu St. Nr air·
porl. House avail. 548-5044
Offlco R1nt1I 6070
28 washers. ll dryers, W lb. Ana st., C.M. 548-fil6l ~!l.-0 ..:JioWly. --L-01v e . . 4.~ ..
washer-. $18,000 yr. gross RC\\'arcl. ~ _,. chilrlr«n. 'i!'ld cire 'C. Ocean v~ ~_'1evel:qnit. Occ'anrront lot. for incmne'
inc. Find out how easy it is· BLACK. Chinesb , l'i\ig;' lost 645'-11!16 1 • 1 '" , . • dopk>x Ii. cenun·, Incl VB.cant • Apple Vlly lot for tD,
to own! · around 17fh··St. ai'ea. ·c.M. ¢A~s1Tr1~ day pr we&, roroer .lo.\.. S~;,000-:V:,ab r~ · -1-car~1Jt1 l!~nits co;.~i:>9.-Matic f'emall'. A:sk Mr jana_, . my . -No. -Huntington -Bch cated 1n l•Mo;ro ' Bay, Will for aptex. ll68
Equwm,,t. Inc. 64s-2354 .•.. · · 'ho1ne. V.ic &\wanls & trade!or 1-f..~~ ~PAY!e Qt.t e'o'J!'s ~71 1
2~i'~.ltQc}'alcll{'ill WST Since -9;,~ CREY Edinger. 897-8452 :;Olld .VW-am\bi-.'631wASOO Tr:ade~20. Ac. JM::ricultural
Fullerton 714 "25-7833 -CAT /blk;1il''1ir.'· .1 CHU.D Care I~· mother'!! eng. 3S,7l)Oni&,J"orPcrsche, land, 600 ft. 'on main hwY. 1 ~;.o'.) :. a -w . '' ir ~· whi e \Vho have to woi;lr'and doil't Karrl},iln Ghla:"ar" .V\V bug 6 mi lo nearest sm khvn nr
Goin9i.frilG Business? ·U~erbody; nn~ Pk., want to .leave tlfeif 'childrCn o( like value: Re~·~
,531-1~ , ,_ LARGE CO. EXPANDING
-Ne -job too~small--·· -_NQW-HlRlNG __ _ e 642-31~'> e PERMANENT WORK. NO
.---EXP. NEC. IN S 0 f.I E
Remodel." Re!)alr 6940 DE?Ts. AS WE HAVE A -• · i.! TRAINING PROGRA~f FOR
IF YoU ~ .remodeling. YOUNG MEN 18-45.
pain~ or repairs, Call TOP WAGES
Dick. 642-1791 ' PROFIT SHARING p L A N
S.WJnl! • 6960 START WORK
. . IMMEDIATELY e Dre~ng·Alteration! CAU. FOR APPOINTMEN.T Special-on Hems · * 646-&146 * SAT., MON .. & TUES.
ALTERATIONS, & Custom PR. 4•7253
Dressmaking. Very f i n e
work. App't. 548-71~
N~at, accurate. -.20 yrs. exp.
T)LE, Ceremlc 6'74
' CSCcond ShifU
* Verne, thl'I Tile Man * Prefer experience and care
.Q.lst. work. Jnatal) & repairs. of industrial offices & lacil·
No job .too snJ.BJI.. Plaster ities. ~
patch. Leaking s h·o we r
reP,aiJ' •. 847-1957/846-0206 LAGUNA BEACH
Air Conditioned
~ Onie spaces available in
n.ewea:t office bU.11d1n& at
p?lme location tn downtown
Golder( !ittti"flitY m·~aoh Irvine. Rew • just a.nyWhere-:----6~6-7200 sim.:22fS . An equal opportunity
area. -!'11t~~·a . 66 Service ~: -"')'Our;ig Wald"n 6995
s.tauon fo;r I p.c-; 1101 Bay-parrot; viZ~~:'s~hi .. WlJ.L BabySit ·my:oome. l * * * *' '* *'··--·-e~-----· side & l.1itH Dr., Newport Foun~ V~ . or 2 ehldrn· trdnf.. e,ge 1'1~ • • ~-·· WELDING &: Bu-l'n ing ;l-"-85-o-D"C.i=o~W~',;'~· ~°"=''~M~"-"'
Beam.to<IU, WST btao~ Wii!rot'w•tfi $600: ~~-!~.YriJ._. --ood °''"''· sERYltE DIR-RRv !i£ERVl.CE DIRECTORY-"°'tablo '• u 'P m' n '' MECHANIC l ' . Liguu Beach. Air cood~
U:Onet. carpeted, tM.aµtiful
I paiteI~ partlponing. T w o
entranees: FrontaJ:e on
FOrest Ave., rear leads to
Mtmclpal parking lots. $50
per month for space-. Desk
and chain 1vaUable tor $3. ! Buliness hours IUl5WEring
,. ,,
s$-vice avalll.ble for SIO.
All ulilHie• paid exce{l!
.... 9166
Deluxe Offices
SUITES or atnete olfices b'Om
I ~ $75. C&rpe1s. air condition-
, • ing •. ~tarlal service,
' central loca.tioll. Orange
: ; Cbanty Bank Bldg. ?30 E.
17th'st., CM.-f-t2.t485 1:
. 0Wce1 suitable for aim·
, ; mercial, Medical, Dental
' • •
. ' • .
Air..o:ind., crpts. lilevator.
from flO
541-503.2 OR 675-2464
OFFICES: 2, 300 -t· sq. ft.
each; street level; Coast
H\Y)'. Corona de! l\t a r
1 COMJ.lERC. -300 Sq, 11.
1 INDUST. -800 sq. (L
• 646.-2130 •
2 SMALLER priv o(c's F'urn •
with U8e of ~pUoa Room.
HIU'Jtl Fottin. 6tl-5IXXI
lndustri1l Ptop.
I ~ WANTED to buy, t acre
iM.Ulrtrially 7.(11111!(1 property.
'• -, .
So. Orange Co. kx 3862
runerton. cal.
• I Ct.11oa:Rc1At
J Prime location buUdina: for
• lf.X. office, ~ • barber
: ~ ol\OI> • ,.WI. only 134.900. : ma. 6\f:lqT I• -lili(wt~I Rent~I 6090
CHUQ1n'1t0WQER Vii! Npt Bctr"'{'Huhtington ornan1ental iron. Ca 11 Journeyman mechanic, e.x-
n4: 772-T,IJ'o1_·._ TI4: 714-1043 Bch. 646-~ ri, ;c DEPENDAIJ: ca ,re. Car~ntering 6590 E19ctrl'u1 :'.'· 6640 aaytime.' 536-6782 perienced Foreign or Do-
Esr . B':JSINESS. Wsr: 4 ·P~ts band -Pref.-wkly care 01 2-4 yrs, -JOBS &· EMPLOYM&NT n1estic. One of the oldest
Beer, '":'ineO<"..de.h. Gro~ code N70;7'.-\'1t .. 211;1 & Llc. Hrbr/ Baker. 546-1539 A-1 FLAG Electric; gCn'l elec-Foreign car service depart-$40,~, good., COila Mesa Orange CM;-il46.o4l02· Eve8: BABYSITTING. Ill)' OOnie, Carpentry, &hy '~t.e Job! tricians. Comc'I, l' es·• Job Wlntad, Lady 7020 ments in Orange C.O. Flat
location. ·At.king $14,500. ' , day~ only., Xlnt re£erenceS'. ·Cail Gurdon 847-6745 Main\: Sm jobs ,v· el c' rate & ,varranly v:ork $11.00
Will consider .financing for LOST: all \\'bile lc1n. kitten, Fenced yd. $i-47&1 MASTER carpentet, $-t per 54.9-1045 SECRETARY, Admin., Eng, per hour, puy based on 50;
alij .. , b·•a• CALL abL 8 \Vks old·. vie. Adams nAn[ra•! 10 Y-· • 'p 5-0% "· II ""· qu l<.'U. "''"'· : AL \VILL babysit JN YOUR hour. Remodel.ing; Repair~. · j o.:v.. '-• '" .. • • .c.Ace ent WOnu11g con-BLACK ;.:o;·Jt'I I 0 &~lencia, .C.1'>1. 540-4177· ,,,2 "A"" """ ~""" Garden ng 6680 Desires 'challenging JXlSi· dili""~. Mu•t hav• 0,,. ha·" ' ;i Pen HOME tlf\Y "°ur $1.25 hr.; .,.. -vw3 or ...,..,..,J\N ------"'"' " " '"'
e\-esl 'HEP.l't.'.CE REAL MA ·s black' ~allet. Vic 4111! 24 hr: rates. 548-4m PHONE l\fark 6-4 2-911 9. -· •· AN'J'.HONY~S I.ion progressive firn1 & bu:sy tools. Ca11 l\lr. Ke 11 y, F~ St on ..... ~,,~--, NB 10 ,c;oUicc. 892-5929 49~-9771 or 54J.-"""' . .-....,~.... · • "="" """' · · -:--" -----Framing , finishing, plyboard' ~·-.•r~ritft 'S01ce· """~
1 f.·IAN ·Olp e r a t i o n ::: ·,..-aJ(Jablt' .. Reward. ,fiG-7300 Sr~ck, Masonry, etc. &di')"Vall fU!,il, tap'g, Reier. .. · 644· 1948' GENERAL house'l'liork. $'2.25 * D' I S I .
l''ood-to--go Sanchvicti Shop. ~¢~: Red 1\!-11i_, viC. 6560 BUDGET LANDSCAPING
Excel. location, Costa l\lesa.' '~na ' ' ·name · -· Sell or iell8C. IH2-8913 ' _s.vrlnc!v; • 107 BUILD, RemOOel, Re_pair Ce~ent, (Qncret~ 6600 , .P~·~:1:;Nb\v!PJ!P~· ·
*BABY s~.out-' -, ,_. .• Briel!:. block •. conere~e. CEMENT 'vork, no job too '. Exp. Hqrticulturist
fit. Actual Co'S\ bver "?'60QJ1 Pehonafl ' 1't. 640$. -ci;i>ntry, no )Ob too small. -amall, reasonal:jle. Free .
Sell $3."JJ or best offer. -Lie Contr. ~ esUm. :fl. Stµflick. ~8-8615 JAP~ ¥4-i'denmg, ~rol 540-l99S ASTROLOGY C l a.ss -· Malnl l,.a~dscap1n&
==--=-.,.,.-=-~-.,,_,...~ s~ng J,ap 15 .. Begnr'11 f.., :~r)ln_t•ring 659_9 _ • B~ ~·~CRETE ,Clean\lp: li37~1
Ctrl'E Beaut)' Salon !*' 'the Advncd. -F'or 1nfr. ca 11 . . . W~, pool·d~-;'lloon, JAPANESE ~·ardent r,
wllttr. ·•very 'feasonl.ble! 546-8961 1\Er~ .ALTE~~S Patios. J>hone !642-8514 .. t'>~..Moe,t vi-ce~·Ex·
NB. Call ·S.c ""'4100 · PACIFIC PARTNERS ~~;."11> ""'~..\.NO is>b ,IO<l -iir small. -~.;.ll<JUl\>l•·~
WANTED! O«-&l• llquor !Ji 1969 let !JS help )'OU fiiid J•-...,,,.,.. • ....._""" ..,uce~ It. ~ct .. Free CUttiEdae Lawn .
licenR for Orange Co~ty ' tbnl special P.trsofl you'vtt ~-QUlCKER. YOU .cAlJ... · e~. ·~~ .. or .~"'3 _ Malntroance. Ucensed
Call: 64.2-8l39 ~n look.tng -fOr. -S45-1534 . n-tE QU~Cl\ER YQ9 ·SELL . Tbon'~ ('.qqqete, no Job ~645-2318 alt .f
ANNO.IJNCtMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 , • to ~mall. Free ~IUl!-Jes. ctn· & 'edge lawn comp!
end NOftCES · -• 646-1234 "e ·• mvl~ .. Lie. 546-5261 . eves , ;. . •!'fl NOTj£ES •nd l\IQTICES . ; · CONCRETE work: ill """'· & ""k'"d'
Announcements 6410 Announc•INl\h 6410 An n<wncem9nt1 .1 • 6410 Pool docks If. custom. CaU l=z·========-
-· 54&-1324 General Senic.. 6612
Concrete sawing k removal
_Stale Lie.· e 842-1010
ailld Cori . 6610
CONCRETE' 'vork, hauling,
clean-up. sprkh-,;, n e w
lawn1. Reas. 642 -585 7;
-·----.. HEATING&. Air Cond. Serv
WILL take care ot diildren .\ repair, also Wa.!lber &
in qzy OOme. Vic \Vilson dl')'el' reptir. 24 hr SttV. a:'~iew. CM._ ~1929 842'-7Zl1 or 847--5681
' ~ • , HA:ULlNG. Cleanup garages, Centr1ct9rt: --6620 odd '9>1:11: etc. Fret! est. Jim U ~. /Qie . Collage ' , 1 · e rltOOltS .\DJ?rilO}'.{S • .~ aftYtime
l L'ft emttiuctioo • ~ .~ ki....., or ~""!• &730
191 E. 16th, COSTA MESA
Jdnuar'I 15/h al f 0 ·a.:m~
-~·---'•--' .. -
" .
tt:niw. 6fn&le ~ « 2; ·. • _. _
n1 ... ,, 'clia~ deaigned. For~ CLEAN UJl..!I, t.'8J'ai'es etc. ~-i--.0 in:'-.t .....__ · Trf'e rtmcwll. durup, skip eatima~ . '°"""'" .,.......... backhoe, WI, 8 rad e .
• 847-lSU ·-• 9G'l--81'5
Additions • Remodeling
Fred H.: Gerwick. Lie.
~1 .• * . Sf9.2170
ADDITIONS -RetnOdeltng •
Cabanota-... BLock Fences.
. Free Estimates. 642·9852
C.rpet Glunino 6625
~~~--~~ LrrE Hauling & cleanup.
RtaJ!Ollable. ·Any atta. Call
.6-G-l&Sl •
TR.JM, -Md~. tl"('(!s. Gen.
clt!P-UP, na~ it! I haul,
ro.~blt. ~z-4030
HAlJl.ilNG, clean-Up &
main!.; JlQ job too sniall.
Reas. ntts. 675-6549 Evrs.
per hour. plus transporta. tree . a esmen .
lion. References. 673-6661 r need 4 1nC'n imn1ed. to fill
_ new sales positions in the
Domestic Help 7035 Orange County area, selling -----'----1 stereos & sewing machine:s.
Chinese live-ins. Cheerful . Three leads per day. OUr
Permanent. Experienced customers call w. No gim·
Far East Agency 64U703 micks or gilts. Honest sales
~ b;. hard workers..-Highest
Help Wanted, Men 7200 pay in tbe business, 100% '---'----''-..;...--1 financing , med. ins., etc.
ASSISI'ANT MANAGER Call mo.!:rtings 9 to 12, after-
.LOANS noons 3 to 5, 526-6616. Experienced consumer f,inan-1 ____ ..;... ___ _
ce people to jdin America's * COOKS leading growth Co. Ex·
cellent salary, top beneifts.
Jo~or intervil"\\', phone Mr.
S'vishcr at 645-loo:l.
F'ireside Thrift
2200 Harbor Blvd .. C.J\f.
~J(J Slate \Vidc OUire;
Assets over $60.000,000.
One Full Time
One Part Tim•
Exper. preferred but not
necessa1y. Apply in person.
Snac:k Shop .# 9
3446 E. Coast H\vy., Cdi\1
Experience with a n t e n n a
$250. PER. MONTH hookup and minor plumbing
Need men now. Must be ne•t neeessary. The right man
and aggreS!!lve. Work 6 lo to train klr a pp Ii an c e
10:30 P.111. 547-1182 technician. CALL MR •
braft1man.Mechanlc1I WEBSI'ER -548--3430
Some experience •. Sa 1 a r ~ FVLL Ume position, st&rtin&'
commensurate with expen-as liquor clerk & training
ence and ~· Good • u buyer Jn fOod &. gourmet
comPM,Y. Oiallena:lna: work. dept Pl'Trlf!r experieDCed.
2120 Placentia AYE!. Set Jlarold, ID-Time, 4~
Costa Mesa E. 11th st., Co!lta ?olcsa .
Neat ~ppearnnoe _able lo Silk wcreen prirlte..-required.
m('C~ and deal \\·Ith the Exp'~. with circuit board.
public: Full Cimt'. MUst ap-S~eady job with prospects.
ply in person, HO!ldaJ 3761 Binth St., N.B. $46-7100
Health Spa., 2300 Harbor, YOUNG M _, C.f.I. an to I.earn 1.,,.,..
11trvlcing & repair equip.
PRE · Preg Piber Glass J$44j MaanoJla. \Ve-stmlnsti:t
_._ Assembly Trainee ~
l\lechanical aptitude. Telo BAR~ERIMrr: or ttnt 2
Division, WoolaeY Marine ~It established s h op .
Industries, Jnc. 887 We!lt $37.50 week. ~2f144
16th St., Newport 642-42&1 EXP'D. COUNTERMAN * CITY Atrro PARTS * FRY COOK 2071 Placentia., C.M.
fast ti l"ificicnt; a bow av-EXPER. Service S ta t I o D
erag~ W&.«J: m'edic&I ins. Attn'dnt Full time. Appl)'
Apply 2..t PM. Denny's, 1697 Placentia. C.M .
tS4n Beach Blvd, HWllJkh .• FRY COOK . App' y'
ARCH. DRAFTWN Flyi"' BuUtt, 311)1 N•wport
Dami Point Of~ 491h\1n Blvd. N.8. 673--09TT
-----· ·--· --------·---·-·· -----------~--
R&D. No production line. Di·
versified experience fequir.
ed. 5 yr. minimum. Attrac·
tlve wages and benefit!'i.
Advtnced Kinetica, In"
1231 Victo'ria. C'M
An equal opp:>rtunity
Grad~te f..1echanical or Pe--
lroleum. Min. 2 years ex-
perience in the design ot 'oil
tools &.~l,!ip{lltif!1. Excellent
oppoJ.'tlli'IUy 1br.:dle right en-
gineer. Contact: J. R. Solum
or 54!nd resume to B & \V
Incorporated,' 1~ So. Nor-
mandy Ave., Torrance. 213;
DA 4-1106
S1le1men • Cemetery
Guess tvhere the big money
is? Can you. use more ln-
1..-ome ? Think you. can sell in
the home? Pacific View
Memorial Park. N.B. offers
a professional career opp:>r·
tunity. Full training, Start
earning first \\·eek. \Vbal
does it cost to investigate?
Call ~1r. \Vard for appt .
have recent experience of
incoining receivin~ of stores
and ra\v materiaJ, tool crib
control a.nil sfilpping &
packaging procedures
Servonic Division of Gulton
Industries, Jnc. 1644 Whit-
tier Avl" .. Costa Mesa. An
equal opportunity employer.
Largest exclusi~ mortagage
insurer, representing over
300 savings and loan associa·
tions. No prospecting, no
collectlo'JJs, All leads furn-
ished. U yoo are a top sales-
man and & good closer, caD:
(714}> 962-8161
WANTED: Qualilied in·
dividual lo do income ta.x
returns. Individuals
Partnerships, Co11>0rati011s.
Full or part tin1e. Contact
J. 8 . Saunderson.
\\'estern Business Scrv. Inc .
563 W. 19th St., C.M.
54&-1250 642-0'.!12
or/and part time. Neat &J>
pea.ranee. Must be able lo
meet and deal "'ith the
pu.bljc, good figure, Apply
In person, HOiiday Health
Spa, 2:IXl Harbor Blvd ..
SERVICE Station salesman,
Exp'd. Sala ry + com-
mission. apply in pawon .
24362 El Toro Rd., Laguna
you be li<'llng the hottest
area Huntington Beach?
Viii~ Real Estate 962-4471
01' 546-8103
men capabl~ of cle.n1,. or·
flee building ol bank tn thtir
lel3ut'e hOun. Wri~ name.
aod phone number to Sox
M-608 Daily Pilot
SHfPPER-Oilna & g i I l 1
Whale. f'l'td Ardenon Co.
6Sl W. 171h Strttt. Costa Me,.
ia1iidq, """"'1U,1969 Un.Y l'tt.oT\:z'; IOIS&.l!MPi.~YMM J01s'a::ifl\~L-OY~fENt 1')1_§!0U[!l.~W~L!;l' O!:!Y~~~~~l~'IM~-~KO~·~YMI~!!!-& ""Ill'.~ MttfHAHOlSl'POll MIRCRANDISI rv" M DISI NJit· MlllCKlNDISI Pit ' (~·~~ , -... . , .•. 1: ~~ • ;1111 M•.· w-7.._ I AM» nrAD1 . ~ N'fO ~·-SALi AND'TRA.E!_ SALi AND ·TltADI, ' Holp w111~ ""' w11"f· _: ' Hoi, • ......, .._ • ., • -v , • w-7400 l't 1111 •7.. l4Clf •e ~ mtl.llr •. u..itur. IHIR1llll,,_ IOOO Ajtpllo....,_ ·' 1100 1"111._' & °'Wfnt, •Ital
O~~'!!.:.,j . "T=:~TNORCH .~ r 1 ,;~~ ~~'1-..:~·~~ ... ~1~~f.~•r,.b~·~ ,U:O.~'rJt.L1 rrvlllll .. 11 l ~ A1'1VmrNINO ' ~ .... Sp.... -.,1...:t.c~. llUn It.AYE )""'-' 19,.~~--C ~ iliaie. . , YALU:T · • 1-1 ,.........,,.____"_ -135.-. . .,. '"""· · pro1...ioo.11-..W-~ ""°'Fb -·"11'1> up,lo ala' rv/ Wl[l~ Exidl'ftl-..... ::"i · ~ REDIG..Kd.......,., JO Pl~ ond OIOANl \~eo::;e.;;:., =~)'ean~fl~ • Ill •7 , ..... ..,.,._._..,..W:: "WI r . ·-·· 7551 ... ht Mwrf.....,,I ,61 5'iiiMlft S.mp~ ca.rt.,..1':r91::4.$,w ~-,·Wurtl~•Knlhi
M u~ ~ .. Bookkeeper ~-todQdo: "SERVINCPQll-TJ:AU' .... ----~ AlltoOlrlltmu,.._.,. vtwlfv~. pbmt;'loe -•"'-'J'lll .. -· W•C...."odTho 8 Woocl.carvedarmcllY111.1&.111Jn1chl!r co~,.,..,..... .... ·~Sppiollol:lll l~c. ~ u .. 1rvi... lnd o.mPiex ' . Plail ; • 111.i.1 Spot For You or love Jlell 5 Pc Octag011 dart oat din Ht -with "'* '°P -..... Stare •hl\lk> .......... PQ
N'pt B. 1~ WeiteUtl "'2..fu2, EVENING tN'fEJtvrgyS fl9sponi1We top le1tel e Group lJfe tmur. 'r.1t11 Net Luck" W /black or avocldo ftalMd dlatn; 8 Pc 'BR· $50. M7·1U2 after $ PM H~ ~e •.••••• mf
S.A. UlZ N. Bro.d_Way MAY BE ARRANCEO WI'l'H pMltlon 1or'sherp, tak• e Pront ~ Tttfro. ''It's K~ How" , 11et. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg_ mirror 2 MfYTAG Automatk: ~.ubtr, ~Piano com~··~~ -!\1!"133/ 1 VARIAN DATA ch•~ tlrl. MWI hovo men11 ... 1 ,. · FEMALE l>IVJSION • commod<os, decor1tlve be1dboimfln Spanish .,.,.u.nt amdltion $40. Chlcio!rlor ~, ... IT<'
• •. ucollo•I ~ kil I 1 Incl.• Emp-•vino• plan Exec Se<\Y.ltee pdl to 1600 . oak dealan with matohlng box spr111p, mat. IMT~/.U Baldwlo.1.11!"'' °'P'I" WI
$500. MO. GUAR. · , MA<;HI"~ -•-rthind•' h ndlo · llto • Profit -bao\ll ~'!.~mcer •••• to 1400 ire.. & lrJme. , d Apattment ,a. •to•• "w~mond1 .!,1ll v .'.'.."!! !!!;'! 2722 MICHELSON DRIVE -' ""'nl&I /\Mt I S Id 1nc1· cr1 ' II • sis: 1 "'• tztr "'"u · --.r -1r Yob m1.-el our require-bkk11111.., bUH-.g. Under --.,. _.,., "'° w. ... -I (-Im~·-·;) ... NI tenw o '"' ue y ....... M .. ,,,. .. p~-,.·· .. •• •'-....._ 1nenta. ' (Mitl!lie:lsoftOr • .al r-.. I II ru: ~ lWI\. l\.COl:oU ·~ ~ •••••••••• .,.,_ Shop Around -lefore.-yeu buy ..... USI • 646-8662 • \..l,JWI -.-IQ!:, • '"' ....
F.ull or·P1rt Tlmo ;,..l>orff ll!f.) JS. Coll e, r "'· !7l4l 962.Wl lloolckeeper •••••••••• to"'° VALUI •1095 '5 FULL 'PRICE 5•29 95 OeJ""" ~-wuher. Gould itlutlc c,..pony" I
w~ have ftlldentl who an:
CIU'ftln( $900. month .. roore-
\Yoaderf'uJ' Co. 1-De.Clti. l.'e-
tlmnent,·ho1pit.allpuon, in-
surance, e,tc.
Nowport I . 642-511 O w .. tml,,st•r 192-5611
Fful TI~' lite mttha.nlcl.
$2.00 per hr. + comm.
sta. attndats $1.80 + comm.
in HWIL Bch. For app!.
call (213) 56&--0966
Jen$en Marine Corp.
23.3 Fisher, c.r.1.
Agencie1, Women 7300
Alpha neumerlc.al-L o n r
term auignroenl5o dayi. Loni: Beach uu: F r e e , parking. . { .
230 E. 3rd Street Looa: Beath, Callt.
(213) 'C3U791
Equal opportunity erri~r
See Betty Bruce 'at '
Agericy for Career Girls
UO W. Colet HW)' .. N, B,
By 11.ppolllt. 6-lft-3939
m•l 833-2400 642-3910 saieeo ........... eoq.. MALE l>MSION ' ' • • ' ,_7 • . 2045 N. >W11. Still& Ma
• .. 1~ountaJn Valley ~ Sale•, F1nancl&l .•• , to $300 or .. ""' II KtW •• ~.66 per ~tk 3 eyclr,* ':i-4"*" __ So. of 1"ref:Wt.Y, 511'.Qllll ' : l"N .. ;5•. EXl'ERIENCED Equal -_..,.. Jnipedor '!'" ... i •• ,.,. No Down-Use Our SldN Cbll'(e Plan · Moll' II Fri ·m • Sun'~ I
y ..,.... .................. 1800 No Fancy Front -BUT Quallty V.iu,,-. Inside ~-tlectric;.dryer·~ FREE ORGAN L!l;SONS
3 1•,~: ~.~,'° 7 . ~:::,~:1;,~~ ' RN or 'LYll "W• !:l°li>W~ :;:! lobe APPROVED FURNl'NRE s.~ ..:,:"~ , w~a,,::.i:,."";. a11 I
New coo..ie..nt bosp1W. umnllllft' 215t HARllOR. COSTA MESA A-"--. -1110 ... -.. '"'IM -1 Scheduled. to open em at UNITED CALIFORN IA NE&D&D FULL TIME l'IUIUUUH~ lt Yean same locatlon 1ame owner. ""~°'"' -0rpn; You . do •"" ,,. ..
~:,,,~"'%..'° :-N::. · BANK Apply PERSOllll.. ~ D111y ,_, ~, v1 •Nr1auEs :: .. :;;;:~--=r:·.~·
portl"°'pli.!M,N.B. 222 OcNn Avonuo 'Sund1y 10.51 SHOW AND SALE ,........,,_, ___ I
s T o'c K 'Ct.,E R K. IN· L• ... una leach Newport H..rbor 200 Wulclttt Drtw 541-9660 Januart 16. 17, 18, 19 on Tu.:lay. Jm:L~ 14, at t
VENTORY' c 0 N T R 0 L . -Conv1letemt Hotpft1I Lobby omc. Thun, :rrt, Sat 1·10 PM PM. Exc:dleot tt&ebtr'. 494-6546 64'n64 Corner lTth •.irvme Sunday lU P?it Allo· cla.w tht' ................. _ I Stock room e""., ·familiar Equal pq"-·•lty em-•o-r "" , , ....... ~ ... h ..... -1..1 ... 1 Audl _, rod trol.,.. __ _. op ., ... , v< .z• Newport Beach .:,...,. ~ ... ~ • Aint.r'med1at•arsan ~~e lyp~"g. pn1<zu11tts. Offices 1n all of Furniture IOOO Gar ... 'S.fe I022 torlum. LOrc Beach~ A student.. Nomlml -.ldon.
WAITRESSES S EC RE T A RY /~seatt:h Oranp County :y Ocean Ave. Sip up now & awl4 l:be ,
LE:i i%t:eyo~~s~!~ Assistant, 2S-40. Sma111 • pvt. 86-2770 S 0 L l D 0ieny Tl" diam. RE 1' RIG E RAT OR $35 VAST atock Amer A Eur rush! ,
"'A1 """"' hl.starlcal research tbrary, round dinl.n!ir table with 6 O:ludw:1 ~ a SlO. Tables turn a clocks. Larry FUN ENTERTAINING .,.. .....,.,., Experienced • Over 21 Beach area. Jntelllge.nl, at-Hakpr-cook Lacuna '·· • $400 captajn dl&Jn. $175. Stt' S It $2. Inside & otitaide ?ttorpn Antiques, 14 2 8 . KN0WLEDGEAJU4l
cQual opportunity employer APPL y tractive, pkuant personali.. ~~e~rt •·· = Sit: ·an.er ,10 .AM 'at 2115 doon $2. Compl kit. cabinet Newuort tnvd., c. lif!-Call lot further information.
EXPERIENCED ty, good typlat. Must be Hakpr-cook Ne:wpart·::: $.100 •,Ahli~ La. NB' \v/1\nk & dlsh'A'Uber $15. -MAMMO.ND
WAITRESS AMIGOS ~~=edal~~~~=.•:: Couple: Cook, hlkpr, ch&uf/ 6f' ·MAI:'Lf rb•tclf . '-r.,$775. Bathroom bult11 $2. Obie Sewing M~chlne1 '1120 In CO.RONA oi;u MAR
wk.days. but.onewomanBalboA 3 piece rpla. $~.Kina: beds, eompl. $15. Wooden, 2854E.QutHwy ~ F•rnlly R••t•Ur•nt ..................... to $8oo iize bed,. compt -· $150. ~l:~tec::t ~~~!:I ~ 1:~.IN.:~:·,le--= W:i: WJlDAYSlll I
428 ,E, 17th St. NOH.ES AIDES HOUM!:oy:5~~;!$400 :f:!'°~~ ~All· Misclampi,jllahe1.A:~ walnut ctblnet..Bu~ton
SURF .. SIRLOIN l=otl• Mou 642-4262 Apply ln Peraon Geo,.. Au••.~ ....... RusnC; .... -wlllta Cheap! = Supe-. C.M. .., .. , blind-.. ......... llialM!i l;it'ces de ~ -I
5930 ,P•c. Ctt. Hwy. c!~U:: =tal . l.116-B E. 16th. SA 547--0395 marble top d1nin&: table "6-9188 etc wlthou.t attachment.. but We~ ltlll'dilcXKznt,.
Newport Booch LITE QFFICE 1879'> Dela...,. St., llnll Bcll R lfo w/&JaOI ""°" tnrned beee O.OSED BUSINESS. Com· $39.81 or 11.17 ' mo . all pionol " orplll ln GIO
WANTED: Qua 1\l t·ied in-• ....,.,. e••y~ _1 __ .. _ estaNu~~.. Ip $150 146-2292 . • mercW Slot ,car tr.ck; I ~~ .. tee ltilJ ~ Call Jut days ot tbe o-t:Jilov...
. cilvidual to do income tax .,.,n... ~ "''' '"""' ._.. ........ .,... --' l&Dea w/ ~r IOlld al,lte ~·~ inc Sale. It will eDilt )'O(I:
•·-· 1 d · id 1 TELEPHONE WORK 1y !>!on thnl Fri· own w........_ """"...., Food BEAUTIFUL l>!edltm:oPWJ,. · •-· -··-.,_ s·~~ -to wa1· l ~fl~-=hlps.n c~~'. 'MUsr. BE NEAT.. ~. i.Baby. R ~fer . .t: cockb1!, CooU. Hltch. turnt~. d1nin& Rt, atatl. ~ ~t.:d b:c~' JJ&h't:ct Mutlcal In~. 8125 ;;;7~t; · .-vv ' _,
F\tll or part tlfue. C.ruitact GOOD PAY 1,,,'44--=260ll=""='"'-;=...,,..=,,-· help. Call Beni1e, Ml-TT96 ~: 1old; :~ aign. $1D) value, $:i00. Mile * *·BASS Elee lflllta;-,.Xlnt WARD'S' BALDWIN STUDlO
J. B .. saw.le"°"' w .. tm PERMANENT POSmON WOULD You l1k< to •makr ARGUS AGENCIES Yi: o • new bobby llerM, RC cond like $10 Ho\1aw l8ll1 -· CM. -
Business Service lnc. 663 CONTACI' MR. KENNEDY $3 $5. -hr. u BEAUTY ~ C Ne"(JIOrt. Blvd, C.M._ Be&u~l~ .~: tet plants, motor&. etc. Ctllo body• elea-C:~. vibe arm,
• \V. lllth St., C.M. .lntervlewinl; 10 am to 2 pm COUNSELOR! No can-&. butfd.;~matchin& chain ;too. M\lc b o u a e b o Id Jlnt cond. SS1. l'TOA Parlt: TeleVftlon 8205
546-1250 642-0712 1489 E. WARNER vustrw. 675-0809 School•ln1trudion 7600 -&: 3 le.vn.J0:'9Tt • furnigb.lnp. 2123 Ao-A eat~-· .... """ ~ ~ I Lane NB "'· -~•. "'~ RENT, "rV $10 WORK IN Cdfll . SANTA ANA. CALIF. Tho Nowport School BIL. Sull'l,"'mplete. 0.... ~ , . 'or 642-5484 No 1-(t . ,._ d-SECDt:"l"ARY '9r,, .~ Jn-540-6676 Jobs Men, Wom. 7500 of 1 1 m~ never mar. $125. ......,...'C'0 ta -~ Son _ M•• !lur~ & ritufuar Fund ---------UI nlll Call bti' ~or·~ 5. 642-715T 2 '.1"f.IN beds $2".) ea. Cheat ., • .,.,...;.. pe •n.v.c ... er. Y 534-04n or ..... -...uu ~~L.-.l o.Uera Sa~ mamtn& ~-or arawtra $25. Redwoad. 500 with mies • speakers,. USED TV1125 &: up..=Bqalrl
Apply in P•rson
work. ""Require ~n0nmi.m1 It-Wa1'tress ZODYS clasaes In Modem Buaintls EX1RA t eoii:ec. desk, Finl $185 takes. 54&-M73 In .~ ~ = must take re!<ponsibility. Sal. _ ~ ~ • Enafuh •-Letter Wrl01 ..... , antiqued. 1~ us. picnic table I: benches $XI. -"")I or ..,.,.,.. -_ sorv_o ..... n_wnte_p_O._&:( .... .,. ... ,. ,R Light fixtlln!a, household NEVER uaed Rodeo Bass Harbor m .. CM. 645-1872 -~-,_.. ----• ---· E\'enlng--daMe!!I in-6elt -~--and COmm.ltCla1 ss-ea:.· ~--·· r -$3&.-Gene--l.ewia , Piiftit.lH9 TV
O(JM!STIC;HELP !~t'OJla dE>J lilar, Calif. APPLY IN PERSON Orange Coonty.&torts provement program. The.e HARp RolJUJ.J>le 6 drawer M'any other tum.· Jtema, amplffier$45. 546-1647 ~ ,\ihd~··$so .. C&ll after' 5 All kin ds; Housekeepen;, -~~====-R£UBEN~s have immediate openings tor are in addiUon to our da.y· chef/:. $61\i),~t co nd ' · Washer le built-In gai'range -1130 pm.·f>13-6Z35 ~ir!t8.!t~y' A. ~~~: .LAUNDRESS time typine and shorthand ~18 ~1Y • over!. '296 Villanova Rd. Pianos a Orpns I =="'=;:=:i=;::====I
F II ti SMALL APPLIANCE claue•. 6 YEAR Olbi Brand new C:M. 545-0184 HI p•r& 5 i210 '° Ire jobo. . u -COCO'S AND RADIO DEPT. 642.3170 condltlon. New motu.u. NEW YEAR'S l'PEc:JA!.S ' ' · i.r.-' ARGUS AGENCIES Apply In Person GARAGE SALE 1n Uaed 18ffl p. ~e~rt Blvd., C.l\f. Huntington Beacl1 . MANAGERS Lifetime Gift, typewrtUnc. $30.~tmi, FRI. SAT. SUN HAMMOND ORGANS ~!,,.:!lli-·• ~~ ~
Convalescent Ha&pital 1555 W . Adams Children, srandchildren, or OONTEMJORlUtY 3 piece· Furniture -Wul'ltr 1tT·2 cmcert Model ,, S1895 "' "' ·~
Help_ W•nted 1879'l ,Delawar St., Hntg Bch Cost• Meu Apply Jn pe~n to yourself! Individually tu. leCtlonal ttlta. $S5. prye:r ·Stove· MISC C-3 With speaker •.••• $17&1 tn ~t c:onlGlt.
Worrien 7400 HOSPITALITY Hostes.s is tottd Chilcoat 10 leuona 64MOP :m82 South West Spruce M·lOl Deluxe Spinet •· U095 ~ 11m =· ~
Clerk Typist
Typing «> wpm on I.BM
electric. Experience in
electronic tndust:ry de-
J\lini1num one year in-
dustrial e)\-perieoce. mr.1
keypunch. Swina: ihill.
?--lust be available for
afternoo n/evening shlJI.
Recenl industrial ~xperi·
ence multiple board plus
typing and/or teletype
19700 J1mbore• Road
Newport Reich
AD applicants reviewed on
merit with no bias toward
Race, Color, Creed or Sex.
_..,. tor met= woman TELLER MR. BERN$TEIN typ""' "hooL 113 Del Illar, LIKR N• »•pc. lge ,.._ Santa Ana. '46-<957 M-2 Splnol >Japle •••• $595 ..,;mlr>. 0 ~
lo ,,·elcome newcomers to CM. MS-2&59 HonaJ. lfl!ft"'1loral clWr FRI. 7. 9, Sat ii: Sun 11 • (. 3022 Spinet, Walnut ··•• $4!X! ft .Wart:hoUle. ~
community, Must have Excellent-opportunity ror %ody1 Store Mgr. MERCHiHDISE FOR fo m1.tch,~$250. 561379 -Ga1 re~. 20· treeur, IQJlell Mon Is Fri eves. WJI x,G;ifsoN Stereo, 100
typewrittt, car anc'. be bon-teller at our Costa f.!ea 120 E. Orangethorpe SALE AND TRADE radios, 23" TV, tape record HAMMOND watt ., AM IF M • Gar.
dable • .Apply ¥ East Main Olflce. ~er or CUh Anaheim, C•lif. IOOO Offlcie E..vtPmtnt IOl I A comp, crib &t antlques. In CORONA DEL J.1AR changtr. See to appreciate .. SL, &rite 7, l'\i.$tln. 544-692.5 c ha11""1 ""'F-~-refl'il!Te<jS -Call Furniture 314. Evenin& C&nyon Rd., 2854 E. Coast Hwy., 673-89.10 $500. c.u anytime 548-1441' • • -er• avlnns 'C'-·n' opportunl.., ....... 1oy-~ .. ~ ~ AD._..,.. .. ., ~~ 11.•-..te WANTED: Automotiveo.ttice • °""'..... Y _ _.. .... SPANISH FURNITURE Ansa·Phone tar ule, ......,... u,.........,, 2-Manual Artisan 'nlea.tre "'~ ~·~• _..,.
manager. Comp I et e 2?00 ~~vd-. ~· Iii RETURN El> FRO ~I Like new. '250. REFRIG., pins pong t&ble Organ-w/orche1tra bells A AM·FM $11'5.
knowiedge' '·or a utomotiVl.! 1 **DRIVERS * MODEL H'JMES. SAVINGS • • MT·lfi •, A lawn mo":er, TV set. external sound system: ~' 546-5113
general ledger thru fina'.n· -..~ TO 80%. Spanl'h quilted $10 ea. + '56 Chev. $40. ~ ~Ternu. rd -
ial M .. unE,\VOMAN ror 'quali-N Ex • A'c. 1 -r Ta-R-"o •-... v c statement neoeuary. 0 n.r1ence sofa&: love seat, 3 oak Uviq G•rl"'e S•I• I022 545-7910 iaa, &e· G, o organ .,.-~ ••
)I B ,.._,, ._.. ty pie shop, 5 day sctiedule. r-• 1c1-~" ~
·. . area. ....u.u "' r. Nec:essary'. room tables, 2 living room GARAr.,;-Sale household .. N. -· 1 ·o·RGAN. 5 Robinson 842-77!11 \Vill train for 7 day opera· lamps .1: Spanish. painting. GARAGE "Sale: Ewrythi.ne I~ '~1tur'.e, antiques,
• GENERAL OFFICE ·e tion. Apply 9 am lo J pm, Must have clean Calitornia E! Prealdente kin 11 l z e for baby, love Rat. wtp. etc. ~:J•k SI. ',,_, .. _ 300 W.~t lffd., NB '111\lJ'I & Fri., it VI'S PIE drl "na rd A pl <. • 1 .._..._._ ~1~'UI Securities & Insurance Co : CO G vi .... reco · P Y bedroom suite, oak triple chlna, lot1 more. 962-4$13 .,..:....,·, ~• sun oruy. linnl.-.:-• TIA E, 191 E. 16th, YELLOW CAB CO D<.:U OE ¥
REVERE Sterea -T • p e
Recorder; Cartridp IJ'ltnn.
automatic With tapes. X1nt
ccmd-111'5. 494-m·
In tNewpo~ Be/a2ch, needs C.M. 186 E. 16th St. • ~~ ..... A: 2m~-~lna: WALN\Tf A velvet llvrm 4 G~~ ~.ile furn18hl~ ~¥1':1~~1
ma ure ga \11 yrs gen 1---------. a ........ u, ""uuuvuea. dlnrm aet, photo. IU'deZllnc do t"'t.tt' Sun 404 IN'. P~, 1,''rn··'·,··M;Or1•.•,• oJc ~·Must type 60 'vpm C.OSta ?.fesa. ~lze matttt:ss Irr box equiP.,.,tc etc! 497wll81 ~· M """" .,.,....,,1y. ~ ..,.. HOUSEKEEPER ·liiOiiiiiiiiii; _____ .,.._ • boudoir 1am.,. ·' =· , .. ar · I
6!2-9360 • place Spanl>h MVU(thl iii:",: . . 7115, N~. C<IM. Fri., COCllt.. us c: 4Xs. Dev. lllnprJ. ~ Ne.w Omvaleseqt Hospital si iron n..1.. thN s 19..f f\aml u".l . Bl d CM 200 'mm • 35 mm Telfpbata. ONE GIRL OFFICE Apply 393 H.,.lial M , N•w· e AlfS e $20. =.ng & .. ~.SO·~::;: f ,·TO YOU & lou ~'t:1....,,!.... tw-e 1839 ~:;'lf'Qrt 71• ' 4l<5 Vlwe. 2%"3\4 ~thln.
Gefl('ral office work. Book· port Beach. Comer Newport ' IM?lJ Mparately, Euy Cftdlt. l1IE QWCKER YOU CA.I.J., ~ 2 31.4X4l.4 5Pee<1 li'i:PJdc. 2.11
.keeping, dispatching. 5 Days, BWd. &t Hospital Rd. WllOl.eule Lighting F ixture HAMD..TON FURNITURE ORGANIC Fertillztt, qed . HAMMOND~ Steinway • Ya· Rollie. Lots ~.. ·
lop pay for qualified pet'· PART TrME evening.s s to Showroom. Sales experie~ 5!K8 westminlter Ave., J)or11e manure combined 11IE QUJaa::R YOU SELL maha • new & used pianos Surt only. 14~""7. ~n. call 642-9390 for inter-9. Telephone appointment nee. Salary plus comrrus-aU with wood havinp Good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!I v\e\v on Jan. 15th. . \Vestmlnstu. 89f-'434 d Y • , of all m*s. Beat buyt in --
secretary for prolesslonal 1Wn. 10 a.m. lo 9 p.m., Sal mulch. 8J3.5332 or MS.493l. So. Calif. rlcht here. l500 * GENERAL OFFICE man. Business v."Oman able 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sun. betw I Is 5 Mon thru SCHMJDf·MUSIC co., SpOt'ttngGoocla
Some• accounting, typing to dominate a conversation. • 547-6351 • 12 p.rn. to 5 p.m. Fri. 1/31 • 1907 •N. :P.lain.
and phone experience. Ap-675-l!m HIDE-a-bed, never used 2 YEAR old Water Cocker ,. .. Slnta Ana
ply Henderson TV & Appli· BABYSIITER. Re 11 a b I e ·-~-~ ---$100. :: BR. $l't5; 1-kinplze, Spaniel, all black. Needs () WURLIT!:tR Spinet orpn,
COMPL. Outfit for Scuba
diving. Xlnt cond. S%A. or
olkr. 546-00'111149MS:l ~n~, 1877 Harbor Blvd., \\'Oman, must lo\'e children, REASLAELSETSifE 1-rull sil.e, 1-twin. g· sofa family to love A Pl:O~ Reed mod• 44 $450 w/bench
•1 • have o>An transp. Hrs 9 to & love &eal den fumitutt, allO fenced yard. To rood Xlnt coiwf. &14-0063, SC7-3544 SOCK rr TO 'EM! * TELLER * 6 PM. 642-<1706 aft 7 Pl\f. MEN OR WOMEN' coffee A: end ta~. oc-Jx>me. 5"8--0580 lilt _;;;:;;,;~;,::;::;:,==~======,_.,,=;:_::::::I
for Savings and Loan. E.'I'.· or all day Sat. 2 licensed Salespeople need· calional chain, alao chair FREE 1umber for firewood, Pianos a Orp1n1 8130 Pl1noe·t. CJrtaM 1130
perlttlC'e desirable. Phone WAITRESS wanled 18 & ed now. Active, well·located A ottoman. Many other Free be.by buggy & ttrolle:r. '
675-5010 for appt. ove r, full & part time. A~ office. Good preen~. items. M~at lldl ewrythin&:! Totlet .t: tank. '53 Plymouth ,
Equal opportunity employer ply In penon 2 PM to 5 CLIF PRIEST, Rialtor ~ mos old, all tnedlte~ paru. 64f...5483. 28f E.
\VoMEN Needed for PM dally. Snack Shop Jr. Since 1957 ranean, very reuonablel Walnut St . .cM. &ft 4 pm.
laminating work, 2 dayw per Harbor & 19th. CM 3034 E. Cout H'l'.'Y., CdM Call'8'11)..J.SD2 ' LOVABLE year old male
week, Sl,6$ hr. Cal l SALES! re c entlonist , fn4) 6~3581 MOVING! half poodle, 1hot1,
547--070!!, Tri-D-Vision l41S mature 1 ad y, •om e-Houseful of furniture, Must holuebroken. Fret to good
E. Edlngcr, S.A. telephone. Direct sales ex-GUARANTEED aell l Eady American lMna borne. 827-3725 or 962--1530
OPERATORS, Expe1ienced perience necessary. For fn. INCOME room aet. COUH Ir end ta. eve1. 1·13
in single needle & m>erlock., terview, 772-3426 For Real· Estate HC6Ulees bles. &fr!& & wuher. Din-F[t.EE to iood home
gPOd piece '\\Wk. prices. TEACHER nttd.s babysltfer during training period In ac-ette, mattre&sel j: box w/yard. Pure black Lab
i;teady ·work. \\'ill take • tor 2 mo old baby, my tlve Harbor An!a Office. For &J>rln&•· Nearly new. Prlv le German Shepherd mix.
PIANO STOCK .:as:.·~ WI . c .. '.9 .
No Monoy Down-No Poy-nt "Tll Morch
f!remont Gr•nd
............ $S95
H.1;.,mOnd Chord ....
few trainees. 14042 Locus t homt, older lady pref. interview, send back&round prty, 539-9046 Good watchdog. 4 mOs. old.
Opportunity for alert indl-St, Westi,-ii~ter, .53.4-8738 6'1J..6984 & qualUicaUons to: I ~ 1/13 vldual to work in 11:3Je1 dept. SALES TRAINEE MOVING to Amaller home, Fema e. TIME F.OR
fl11• to11•. Ap•rtin111t
U-. R•t· f tt5.. ,
Wurlitzer Grind
. ........... $795
Or91n .... $265
at snWJ fnfg, co. ~fust ha\'t liOUSEKEEPER. live • in: EXP£!UENCED S e 1v i n i BOX p 654 many fine ho u 1 e ho 1 d BEAUT. Fem C!)l.lle/Shrp
good shorthand, typing •kill•. woman alone. handicapped; Ma~ne Operalol"!I. F•w 'DAILY PD..()T articles &; tum aacritlced mbc, 5 lflQI,, 1ovet child.,
be '\\'illing to do variety o/_ no Iii tin~. S2J \Vk. Cjill :r.ton-trainees being accepted. -coucbee. chain,, ruca. • ndi: Ja:, fenc'd, are & H
duties. Good advancement '"'d_,".,"=a.._m_2,...,..,.' .,---,,-2907 S. Oak, S. A. 7;:»-3:30. • MAN OR WOMAN • lhi "I roach. 1cr.e e·n, Un u au a I co I orl nt. QUICK CAS
posiibililics. \VANT p art l i me BOOKKEEPERS part time, 25 to ltO . . dlshu, bric•·bra.c. SI.le 548-1978 , iiil
Staco, Inc:.
1139 Baker S!.
housekeeper or babysitter (1 days or evenings 10 work School • Home, coorthnatin;: bqing Sat. _1400 Dolphin HOMEMAKING ?.tquint I
child I mornings o n I y, on tncome tu: J"Cl ums call work. 10 to 30 hr&. a week. Ten-ace, lrvu. Terrace, recipes to Home £commies 1
644-:!621 S9J.,.6l02 or 5ll-5483 ' School, church or.Scoutlnc CdM. itudent or tejcber. THR. OUGH A
Costa Mesa 92626
.... · '' work helplul. Poe1tions im· w:o..-... -.. ____. ....__ d'--1133 1/14 er • .... or pt time. CASJ-IIER ii: Concession girl mediately av&il. 1f accepted. ~ w . ..,,...,,. re ..... ,~ .... .,.,, ..... "''
Must be 18"1l" older. Apgly: Tntinlna: at our expense. v-1 .._ 'SPA eo,,..,. .uu-.; '
An equal opportunity
No eves or SUn. Costa Mesa 1_ ..1 .... lfud1-model homes YEO J·-·'-~-.,;J:
Stationers, App in pen;on. Port The&.~. Corona ~ Mn Hobkltk. B39...f207 dean.ton canoellatJon. vacc. Good family dot.
• • ves. Re•I E1t•t• s.1., RD FURN-'RI ~ -270 E. 17th. C.M. Mar aft 6 e Sl*nllh It. Medltern.?lffll etc E. Cout ffl'"hw•v Corolla DAIL' y PILOT
EXPER. Bakery s.Ie.11girl. DAY Wait re II a • nla:ht Men &. Women 11 u de! Mar, 9 to 5 "FO~T•OMA="T"'""D"r"lvo"· ~Th""'r"'·u'·1 Contact Mr. Richard1JOn, Ho 1 t e • 1 • o 111 m an D:pandlna &Pin. Office # 1144 NeWport llvd.,~CM FRIENDLY. black. Q>cker
Photo sales, everiln&, wo1·k. Trotter's Bakery 234 Forest Restaurant, 801 E. Balboa 4 openlnrs available for ever/ nlctrt tU 9 Poodle 1yrold.spayed19>-
J to 9 pm. Age )9.22., Av. Laguna Bch. Blvd ., Balboa liceneed men &. W'()Tnen, Jn-Wed .. Sat ·• Sun. 'ID t male. Love 1 cblldren.
201 E.17th SI. CM 60-5101 ?fEEDED: EJ1.perie!'lce MATURE wuman as church stint iOcomt & tralninl'· Mr OUJC~ CASH ...,_ l/ll
PER ~lid SeamKtresz. Call 497-1335, LO ~ -·'-~ -HOUSEKEE I ",-' nursery attt'ndant Sun. 9:30 Gardner, Sp r In i Realty, V. am. w .... u.. m . • beth be~n U A 5 PM tar till ...,_,, -""' -a v CllI't', private room .., , 12. \..all Mrs. Fl'Olt, 540-4824 • la coat· ., ... ,-up....... el')'
T.V. 5\1 d'3 1 -i,, penn. •• inl<.-vlew. '4~ i-.,Ca"""'-.,w=-_,L,.-,H"""~I -FOR PURNITURE cute. 83Mll<, 5H-9 2 01
Job & paid vacation. $2111. DENT AC ASS!SfANT PHONE SOWCITING r """" e p AP,PLIAHCE$ OR EVfl. l/L!
• l\1o. !)40-9212 Elq>erlence neoesury. No eXpertence ~I Full time or Wkendi. ANTIQUIS~ DAY oR BEAUT. Pure-bred fem.,
H ou s E K E E P E.B • * 642-8814 * Holldl,,v Health Spa 2300 Min age 18, apply in perwm NIGHT 636-3620 1 bklltan G. Shep.' II moa.
' ?.fothcrleu home. Live In. OPERATORS Blind stitch-Harbor, Oxta J.feu. UDO CAR WASH SACRIFICE , E•rly All lhotl, hllebrkn., loYl's
Penn JIO.~tlori. ~1'-.5012 hand linishen-Gannent f.ac. Colttnelle-OJtUG at E. 17th Costa MHll Amu\can Blrchwmd hutdt, child. BC-1'224 1/11 f.IANT~IUSI' tory M:iltt-su.-m N.B. Oerlt. experienced. CHEF • COOK ~· hlch. 5' Mde. Table BUC fems.Le Poodle. ~' , ..
WANTED. LEGAL seaetary, mu.st be e 675-0644 e HOSTESS-e ,BUSBOY with laey Sulan '-1 captain II tt.11. Vtt"1 4 ~thuatb6c ~~_,,.-..::-1'\-i;:;.r,r:~' ·, • 642·'00J • tut. aC'CUrate "'°!niJt. -atnd TEAClfER ••ant. t.b)'wltter ALLEY WEST chain 1 cobb&tt'•, bnch. doe· l45-0139 i.; .,.. lA1 ' 'llfl j
s/h. 838-6460 nr 53&-«ml rn-.4566 ~ r<. ' Responsible """""' le earn "-"~ in home. Udo !&le, 2106 W. Ocranfront SHEP.-MalnnlM: tenwJe pup\ l ,;:::
for 10 month o14 pt. ?.ty RN'1 and LVN'1 Ref. ftqd. 6'J3..314&. Alt. 5 Newport Seadl STANLEY Octqonal Dlntna 9 1'kL Hu hlld' lhltl. Coad
home. Pl'~ ~ llv.ntinrton Beach area. COUNTER Gb11 part·time; C 0 UPLES-tMMED. ope~ I Game tble, ~t tron w/ebildren. •be 1/13 .,.... l -
ORY aeanine~ firls. 14'J-.9SU 1:or Faaetr.Frtt2, 899 w. lnp. Pt. thnt, N.B. area. =h :,..""::~ .. '!. ... : 4 MO old blonde Wlre-b&tr
Experlitnmd. \VORKlNG Mother needs 19th St.. Costa Mesa App. 40t N. Harbor Blvd. dlltreiled white pecA1'I tin. Te r r I e •. Pl • 1 f u I •
Call 541·9500 bdun rp:m babysitter tor dtemoons.. COMPANION for t~ SlniA Am. $175, Colt $«50. Call 6"-0&29 ~1 1/U
SECRETARY with dental Call befott 2 PM ~2358 lady, Newport arc a , oo=IJP=u;~,.-.,,-.ted_Jo_r_kl_lcho_n BEAtmf'UL Shephttd ~
assi.!lant experience fo r BABYSrr 2 children, 3 day& 673-3301 t)I" 544-«ill care •t local churdl. phorw: ~uJ: :~~=:.. pie& nd id homes. 12 to
dcntnl 11peclall&t. gc.ss1' wk. in afternoons; ~ GIRL To_..._. trirn he.ts 64&-7147 a to S. aplll foundaHon. ~l·\n ehoote from. ~2959 1/13
Wol11111t. Pitltt • ..•. '"" Aeolltn oraM
............ $195
l11utlful d1cor1li~1
W1l11ut. R19. $1096.
Jocob Doll Grond
".......... $89S
Ebony. hc1ll1ttt to&•-
l•,. $1095. •
Baldwin MK Grind
.. "........ $995
... , •.....•.. $495
Y •m•h• Spinet
Orgon . . . . $7'S
............ $7'5
V;'Hh R•.,1rb ~
~101monc( Mo.iii
B3 ••.... "$2495
l"clvil'.!111 Mo4•1 l\4
l111I• 1Sit*•••r
F1D•l•u1 t.i111. s,;,11l j_ 1!11. R•9. fl lSO Splrwts/ConMI ..
"hlckorlng Or1ncl: NIW • ,....,,,_,
:. · · · · · · · · • $1295 W~llnill li'tNif Ptl
R1fl11l1h1J h• Sp•nld1 &.H c!"~ltl•"f· Ane,
_Wol11wt. R19, $15tl. f.,,,..,,t1••·
CONSOL.ETT!S , ''-'*11•n(-t•n• '-''ct'•"· ............. ,,, wu~~Vt'llTS4" -~ ....... fft.rcli ,..1-wJ.rcT1I 1tyl1 •
CW• c111'f 11tio11 : l.t.\.DWJN , , ~ L I tlo ,.,.., ..ActOSO ~IC:' •• $411
Elrly Amet.lc.n J W1l1111.....-'.\ ro•l ~·-
.......... :. $659 . c~~llPWJ ·'·~ ... ,. ,,.._s ..... t•dJ .. ~frfJ~ r~s. 1 ••
, Trodltlon•I .. $449 ·-Jtil'nY:t,AliC" ~ ~1::::.=~ ,,~, · ~:::r :~~·: ·,;. ::~
·~---·-····· ""' ~, .... f111tth. Otie.,
•••· t t•._s .... tJ.111 • •11N1. J:••· JI,.,"~
-MAllYllOf"TOCHOOSl-11 -
0P!N 1M Doll y_' Fri, 'Tll•P S.... 12.6
1139 NEWPORT. '~~~TA MUA, ~· mE QUiCKER YOu' ClLL.. home•Hunt. Bch. ~ MARCIE 'lttB8 SOCK 'rrTO ;EN! frame. Never u8ecl. $91. MALE PuPW (ltlO*Uy toy
TI-IE QtnCKER m.r SELL Cl fARCE yoorivant ad now. 2:194 s. 0..t Hwy, t.aauna 80Ck rr TO 'EM! WOl'th SZll). 1424\.111 (ICICllUI) J ~ -...muu. l11t.n..-tl-.i rt •M Ft•tkf', Ge_.• ~' __ .... llilililiilil!!!!ill'
' ---------------. ---------------·--------------~·-· -·-------------
' •
•••--•• -- --------·~---~---------· -----· ,., ______ .. ,.,P\ ... -............... _,,, ........... , .... " .. "'··~+r.:.¥"'·"'""'"-'-""""""'"~'':'£".:':.'!'!':<:.',<"<:".:."":--~'-~"-~-·~;.::,'!tX-'::!':'::'::o.;.:•.t..=:•:::• ... :::· ;..:;:..:::T::::R=t:;:::t:;':"-"'ll:';;:;;;:<••• ... --• •
,....., __ U.lllt
e NIWPOIT llACH 2211 ..... ....
• COSTA MISA -now .... ..,
e HUNTllMTON IU.CH -JOt -Sfiwt
e LAGUNA llACH 222 -A...;,.
t· ~ ,, •' 'II, ~
Her-'( tfow 'r.!' C~11 Use
Ow~ Plme·A·U-• .... -., .... -...,.., .. -, .. ti!' ~ .,., 4 ....... , .....
• Ne LIR•IRllf ..... .....
.• ---.......... Wltlt ... -... $1L c....u ...... .-...... ,.. ...
<XlLLEGE Girl wllbeto to USEDlll<e ..,J llrao on 14 ...... fltll •a S.5 HI' ....;.,,. I&..;...._. 'l'WlN bods SID ~~Twin WASHER $lO. Deyer 120, COLOR T.V. %1" Mm!nl, STllD!O 0..-_. ..... !DO ST~ albwnto 'l5c .n eood quality dothel. o r l 5 I n c b r i ma, broller owQ, l[rlll top iz. tl$. 5G.(l836 bed bcdfe111t-._,,.bolnt Coucb $10. a.Jr is. TV u ii szs, !'.UY automatic extra btdl'OOftl d r a! t t n 1 MCh. art1at • .Jara:e drawtna .m. 1 (froln Judy'•) '1"'4. mbctllanoeUI 1izn: $ 5 • TnandJe bed, .JI metal. &'OOd J Jo"ROSTED wl&IN SlO liiih , with ~ '25-Couch. SS.. ea. 14 ft. BoaJ. S25. lSS3 wuhlr, $2S. a1b ... wttbout tat;iie, . lapip, 3:1 1a11 o n cllpboa.nl U. 1arv-open and
a1ld lhoel. lb:ll! nw $1 8t7-4533 oondltian $10. HJ-.3l.S8 $12. M0-6GO • ~ brocade ,$25. Dlmtte E. Ocean Blvd. Bal Sal mattrta $1S .• 203Tl Bayview aquartwn a.nd stand, walnut clORd end wrenches $1.
ICIJlWO'a) ~ 4 • 700 x 15 6 pJy truck SEARS One v,:heel tnlltt,,. · .at. excellent' ebncHUon $25. Ir: Sat a.tt.12:PM Aw., ofJ' Meta Of., CM booklcne, budbo.rd and 0.,,_.:,,:,,'-'l.;,'6~-,.,,..,---.,...,-
PAIR DuDab toldlnc chain BED divu $9, platform tlrea $5 each. ... JS" Ford Euy.li.te· trailer hltell . '. ~~ ~r ~-~ ~ ~'-:!' DOUBLE Ma.ttreQ w i l h 3 H.P '° 4 HP Bri&ls . ml hotal tor Jarden ,,,. entry SIZE U clothing. Wrts.
$lO ncb. Step-oo ytllow =:r :.· 4 ?o=bogany end rlms SS each. ~2"7 11».CIXI 81\1 fuel OU ~ 1: ..,"llltwln .... '"''" ,...,17 .... -.= ~ and box aJll'lna $25.00 Stratton qtnes $15 &ad $25. hall, 25 each. Gray 1Uk drule•. tops, capria and
prtqe can $.1. Yellow I ece O:irome BICYCLES $& $25.. Boom lb& f~ n(l 11:oY11 .., coz:net, ""'.. Twin mattftu box ~ MAC 10. S25. 1 HP 01'on drt,pet 12 panM1 $4 tacb. ahorts • every ltem ~
brtt.d blXI: $1 T wt n dinrtte tel llO. Call s:tS-03llS • $ ~ 5 · '"" .. pi.,_,,., ... lC"'I ...... -~,.. ~ dNQ. 1 at $15, 1 at fnJne PS.OD. 1'brte piece: and R.1111 heda:e dJpper sal. brown dnpH wUh Sold pin each. Good condUJon. b&by bedapresdl p ew::b. Pair Uncllklirw S IPffd fl.6) 10 ..., ' .,,. ....... ". w~ '10. 4 awivel chain $15 •tripe allO lhort white Item• t..m.1'1) 50c e.ach.
w!vet ~-lllitlam)$l0. ANTIQUES' --'i*!I $2), 3~ boY• ml llrao 110. S45 CooO. ' . .._ -_. SJ),llJ Girl'• Stb>aroY blloo Pl. drapK $15. 2 bu '""°" red ~ •Jll •••
•• ...:---$25,U74A·Man"l·~•u. Stltwrq$Z5. , . " V...St,CM.51H!OO ·~ SS. -l4 ..,,. .... _. __ t$l0. 5'9-<lll69 ~·=·~===°""=,,-~I -~. • MO ·~· u.--........ -"' """I ml-· old pot UP~ HO'~--~·-•.• -.,=:-==-,.---I °""'.b.itted can• back N __ ,.,,_ ... ~• .. ~.' ,, ...... ,_ ..... TIST ..,., fl• Twin ; ••rE ·-•u. u , _...._ _.., .-. EUREKA Tank Vacuum ··• ~-•--_ _. i.;)l~ .............. _.., i.GAVE P!ult, huge, i:.Y~ .... ~~ lmM' 411. ~ ._. .......,..... ~ .,... -.u Arm rb&ir $5 DO 6 O 4 ~ ' tneuu <U"OO_.., 1&1nPI auu ft)Clter $25. eh a 11'• Id t btiMldfuL ,_ 41&' U9t wcrtb rotjlcr $25, oak Jee at.am '15. I chatn ~~iii*) headboud '3 ~·s fi4hing ~ of boltl p. Box ~ N~ CD M: l13-e55 ~ ~~-~. tanJc16.. lbadel, electric heater, MW" dtopleat tah'e $8, ).d!r ror-
-M.. .....,_ _ chair $lD, all need mrDfl chair $11.$ Pair llviiv pole and reel SI Nk:e men's 11 1'.Jot; --i. dlaita 11 .-........ ~ "" inc machlm ~ $5 .,._ ,..... .. 2 ma• .........
NW. llMtW -Bamboo repair, Oak hi· bac.t Cap-Chain $25. Matchtnc ot-~ it, ·leather $4. • +• '° •-1 SHARA.DON pellet l\1D. RCA poriab&e T.V. $25.12" wb. New· oriental ..... din,-~.~-.~= IS Slab door table $S 3 talo's c:ba1r $25, sil'ltt •·-toaw1 .. .., -. •-.. n "-p ~-"e 1, .. -.... _,..._ e~ch. Better cba.lr9 '2 each. $». 2-m nwrlto&dll an:l fi G..E.. Part:ab)e-T.V. U0. 11" d ~ t b ~ .. aa.u-. -.. ..,...,.._ ..... Herwt fountain with fJowtn.. ,,,,.,. ....,...., _.... ~ iuuu.i ......... ' --BlC worlclng Cr o a I I! Y ~ ' eoora--«:reen. 0 e r tihte and wble webbed foot $150, cut trJllli watne• Iron lT' PORTABLE TV $25. fl. Huge decoradiie pota , barTl!l carb., $20 i!a.; ~ Portable T.V. $15. ~ dtccn.W ttems ea.. Stl!!cra1 needl pnnp SS Child'• $6. Hot. .w-t hcmd &OOd ..,.__._._.._,,... a•o--wet .. h m.7S 1bl. t2S each. rl!trlcerato,rm. Old Oievy Astro chrome rims. master $12. Sunbeam hair ._ b'--'• with trabtlnc ebair$18.knltthwballtalllt red'WDOd tabk $5.. can &JD. tor bqinnfn $25, wtt suit ~ ..... UC -~ &r:ii p\geOft or bltd cage hampet Sl Better hamper $20 both; 546--6829 after deyer ff, 2 Stttl foldinl ~ """"~ 1&diu lk1 $5, medlct.M cahtmt (new) day.~ &mall size SS. ~ STOVJ: $23. ~ MJ.iwr, $3.50 Fire u•1-•lsher 2'ii $3 Re 8:.m • o! paper file 12:00 noon.. cfia.ln fur boat 12 each. ' fl. bathroom orPn1zer rack -'-· ...... __ .. rv ... ...,. each DOubJt: wood head-•.:: -~ _,,,,_ ._ tie bootl '10 etch. New..,... f 3 aing1e pa.net room
pn!!ZIUre ~..,. ""' U&lu-"""'!'9'• ' ' r " pl ~ 'Mllkr $8.50 board $5. SifWle headboard CHilJlCRAFT Crib an d .., ·~" -.,-.;• &uw~ tirte 14" both '25.. Drl.wtna: dl~lder $2, mirrOr 16 X Z4 ~ph macblne $15, QbriiES bamptt si.SJ. Ea&: tncub&tOr SJ, SW $2. Electric brolltr $2 Elec· mattresa $25. Nl&ht stands S5. Record player ging~e pads 1arae and amall $1 $2, burlap pictures $1..50, fOU! UKd bird Q&eS 50c F1re.fCfetn 31 « .~ ~vy wooden spo&b to make tab1t; trlc dceji feyer $4 "RCA $2S. 5 drawer chest $25 J'!JCOl"d $3. G.E. Clock radio each. Milcell&oeoua lot cm--TV stand $2. 113-9186 to $3..50, 2m Pacillp CQyl bftM ot,op ctraw ·~ or· tO)il t;;. Caster wtid walnut 1V (works a little) Lamp $5. Dn!aaer and mlr-$7. Electric floor waxer $6, tume jewelry new, 50c to 1 ,..:~~'-"-~--
HAMILTON Beach electric Hwy., H.B. ~ sl.7.50. $Wibeam tout.I' $4. Sl each. Rtli: cleaner SJ 1_ ,1 0" 1 t 11,_ ror $25.. 2001 Hi&hl&nd NB. 6 Electric alann clocks $2 ~. Rloe paper foil wrap MINOX microfilm c~ra knife $10 lnevtt uRd) L:L e·-· ..... _._,......,__ ..... "a erm remnan s ...,.. l:.AD A<><>" • $4. Glass top coffee table $25. 67J...9186 TWIN DeU5 whlte and &oi. -..;a. ctochtl'I'.'" GI&""'"' Shotiun Pt 25c lb. Rubbl?r • $l. l2xl5 rug $10 Personal ....,,__,. 26., x lS" $8. 2 T.V. Stan& braDdy sniften and chip l-'"---------
Toastn\Utft' beaW-; hardly $25 e.acb, boll 5PrinP l'Ml-¥.li~tge IQ deep._ ~· c:a.nylng bag for akin diving tape nx:order S8 Book or STOVE. 4 burnens, rood con-13 • ••. Standard aOO..'tt and dip sets 45c to $4. INLAID mahogany . coHee
used 18 Ke.Dn'IOft hOt plate, treues. $Z each. two Wtsuna:houte lamp, tntra?td gear $3.50 Pi"8 vise $4.50 t hell $.1 End table $1 d'Uoh ....,, S-'--and · " "92---lMa table $10, white leather
a1.mon mw $7.50 Books and bedspreads $5. Q a 111 e d fl'.50. WalkiR& canes S3 and Overload springs tor can N°:t sao good coffee tab!~ 1 .....,. ..,_ ... ,. mat· mix!na: 1 valve 17
51. ,.39.,lO\I men's valet with hangar
l'@COtda lOo-$1. Pictun!a ~ dWr =. lJ tnch $5. Good jeney dresses 14 $4.50 Trailer hltc!I $2. Tow $1 Belttt coffee tables $4 =~~~ ~10$5~-i: Channe Pl., N.B. luu3 GA~~1:.,~ h~. -.s:.ll~c k' 11tand, $4. Odds and ends,
'145. 31642 Santa Roa.. 'IV $25. 961-«>49 to 20, $3 and $5. OR 3-4668 bar fr.50 ·Heavy duty 50 atth. Brown ~ Tovar camping lamps $1 each. DESIGNER Ci b the s • frames, trom 50 cents to
4&3114 raM. 310 Femleat amp battery chafler, ~ tress, mw $5. New car jack Camping stove $2. lJ52l Dre 11 es, au 1 ts and SINGER tread 1 e sewing $10. Sunday 1!}12, 2001
M O N 1 T O R W a. • b I n 1 ~reel~ pole rftl , work '7 .!il Small electrical $2. Rardbe.ck books liiC • Lucille Sl Gude Grove spcrtswear, aizea 10-U $1 machine $25. K e n m o r e Kings Road, N e w p o r I
macblne, tll'IJ but ftl!shty. • ~ C!llCine GUI?Q:A pip, baby_ Peru-motors from atrcn.ft and S1 Paper backs lOc each. CkJR to ' ~ and to $25. Everythtns in ex-portable sewin&" machine Beach.
Floor model p;rlablt. hu parla '5 .. ~ lmt aloft vian, all white $2.50 each. tape re::ordera lOc taeh.. Red "'-~-la $5. t .. -... M--11-cellent condltlon. Fubion $ll, 2 toutera &2 each, 2 , . wrtnpn · an4 pump $15. $25, girl'~ &hoe lb.~ $12. One red femalti $1673--1133 Acetylene oxygen weldlac ,_..,...,.. mp -~... -·---jewelry elect:ric cottee pots $2 and CUTE Siamese ~ttens $)(1,
M6-S<. mecban1c • lool bo:i Qt. CANARIES. _.,...,_.. 90ft aanaes $15 eacb. Long hose wall mtmn 1$4 Aeac~ i: VOLVO PuU fl-3 548-Z80. ~=ba&s ~· tcf $5. $4 2 water air coolers $8 536-4893. 16102 Olive Circle,
'ft.ADIAL tins 15" Semperlt m~ tools 25c • rollen $10. i'.k;;"Si' Red $10 Lead 15c 1 bar, SU ~~ ~~c~ u7"ae ~ 2218 D P1aceilUa CM Womens eboa •bie 9 and ~ $10, new mqu!ne Fountain Vally
rttl Ponche. Aimmt new $:1.0,woodcarvtl'.lp$1-SZ5. wsrbitt1:$15.6'13-ll33'(Sbb-per 100 lb.!:. 15' chain JS. $4. Walnut pQrtable TV ANTIQUE Oak chest al. 10 $1. to $L Brawn wic boldtt $1, Steno-ty pe GIRL'SSpyderblcycle,sood
$25 each. VW bodY parta white fl3nnaJ. weddUw: dress 4Q' and week dQI) No 12 volt bait tank pump $12. •land $S Marble like planttt dra~ $2). Dlnett. •l alld Sl5.-Sat.ooly 16.QSC typewriter M, G.E. fioor' i=""""=="""==;,""'=-=='==i SS g volt car radio ss. $2.\ Sea ~ ~ ~· Sa~ plew. lOO ft %'' braidied cable with plant $4 Portable'batr chalrl $10 Plat:fonn rocker Mal'OROLA furiO record tan $4. wtd&e end table
1_.. -> u volt car 11u1ey ......., tire and is. W.. b!acktoud· $.1-'il m,.r 14 "°""'hold llem• and .-... no Very old .....,. and ......, 125, 12, end lablo wllb ..,.,.., I. No commercial firms
stereo $;Z5. 4 track .tena trindabWJd $6. baby CU' eeat llABBITS! 3 fitidcs. -).'Our Heavy duty hand truck $3), 5c • 50c. Dotible bed frame wooden cheat $10 Rollawa,y VoJahalanclef' camera and $1. ateam irons p ~ or prJv1fe business m1y
albumS ~ each. 1st ol 12" S2. electric drill $8, electrlc ~ · tO~ mll'fi ~tj 2 2B Canyon Or. Costa $ ·3 Ne w N at 1on-a1 bed $10. 548-2580, 2211 D cue '15. Yuchlca camera travel irons $1 each, 2 patio
wide dual whedl and tiftt ==-~ . :: noc!!: ~~:~ "'~!,Pi>i~ 0
1)1 Mesa. 540-9990 . Geographies 25c eAch. Old Placentia, CM and Cl.fl!! $15, t.errlth clock chairs 50c e•cb, carved UM. th ... columns.
$25 2 • 14" Altro-map flt cent Utes $3 • SB, PiaaUc • .one ..,.v.'l'n.· ~ ~ LUGGAGE, v.1l!_te 'Samsorute TV $l. Older vanity dresser MINIATURE Dutch bunnies radio $10, Channel muttt aervlnc tray $1, artillclal 2. EACH ITEM for
Ford ot PlyrDouth 'SU each. Dov.~ new 5c • 25c. ..m. Ct!ntle petl, !ifUSt 9e1I iiet, Sour piaCes J,w. each. and night 15tand $10 Fiower $1.50 and SJ. 546--9965 radio $10, stainlffll silver plant $3. canni.!Jter aet sele must be priced
Cryataa for Jobrean CB Pwtable tape recorder $20 tod•Y· 873-113.l ' Hair dryer in ~ zipper arrangements 50c • $3. Huge BABY Crib white with mat-watt • service for al:< $15, £lime) "· 8C-M46 $25
radk> '2 each. llOv to 1».T electric train $10. table with n" TELEVISION console, tr_ave.I caR-, ,l!_e f7. ~10. turtle shell $5. New SCl't'f'n tress. Al shape Ul Baby Antenna $3, Play tape and CHILD'S school desk lO!Jd nO price over •
converter tor CB radio $5. 4 chalr1 $12,. U" x 48" walnut cabioet In con-Kidney •. ~M.~c .dlles~wg door $9 Camell 50c • $2. accessories $1-$5. S44-0892 tapes $15, 2 red 9 x 12 c;ond.IUon. 536-8296 i. DIME • A • L I N E
Women'• clOthes Di8" 12, llted •tan $10. vacuum tempcrary stylina: J2:l. New table, unfirushetf~nUi tfUck .Tool boxe!I S1 ea dh · rugs $5 each, ladies stretch. ads are accepted 1ncf
Nb. aldl1a, bl.OWilU 50c-S5. cleaner SS. e 1 e c tr I c LM1Y SW:lbeam shaver JS. plate. glau lOIJ,,. er used Chi-istm~ Items 5c • $2. SURFBOARD 6'3" $ 2 5 _ slacks mes 42 • '2 i2 palt. ELECTJUC lawnmowtt $10, b
Steel screen divider, custom l'PJiaeiie $1S,_J,p *~ ~--. ~610 ~,.,,P. ta'W -~U~ ~im~pr. No:. 3 .CM.:.. _l!Pder;w:a.tn_gpear.fMP s s $2 _eacil. J:ieautilul T.V, monttor__na. plilt..nip,, P!!. rtsht~ _al _.~ uniq_ue _ ~vii wig $25, draftlrw board wlth Bab7 canilgt:. 00~ to I.II. e, u t Ln1ptre O'tll-.u;J.. Farmer John wet au.it $5. Jona dark tall $7. Ph. plea Cfil pieces) $1 and $2. service to our' p1tron
m Towne St.·60--4826 parallel rule $21, draftinc cw btd $18. Jump nt $5. style, both . ~ MAN'S Schwinn bi c y c I e LI 8-@7 962--t8S7, 19361 Brookbunt atationery items 5c to $1, ind the DAIL y PILO
i.(i) wood bandles le each. machine $20, •tore ioDdoal UOth very good mnditiOn. ll a ~ · b • q u . Patio ST.SO. 644-1656 Sp. 185 RB fumHure, cloth1nl' and bric-the , ht
100 electric plup 10o •ch. $15, binoculan $25, Coleman Infant .eat, needs belt $1. tumiture, , b u I a. r G o o D condition blonde 2 1WIN Bunk bed maltreues •·brae from 10c to $1. %JI& reserves rig to
250 electric coUa ~ each. Wrtem '11. maw bats am 549-216t · aluminum: n rider Mahogany double bed m.. $7.50_ .. eh. 1 rocker, antique f • 14 INCH deep dlah Spin-Delawue, H.B. timit their pubtie1tion
Yard tools $l each. 15 lb. bags new S2 • $S Pb $15 Glider Rocker eluding box sprlns and mat· S15 E1ectric Black Angus ner wbeel CXMf"lo $90 va.IUI!, BABY crib $12, B&thinettl! to one d1y e1ch week. bowline ball and lilll $5. 536-6i.ss. 8 AM to 8 PM · BEAUTIFUL MUe. Sealpoint $S. 642--7984 , {E tress $15 Electric 1Qastrr oven $3). Electric rntter SJ. ~ uJed fl each, 1 set $5. M1·7131 ~~~~~ maltfta 110.~'!!1;.';.~, SCRArf; TS !,Cl;~~=?~:.= =1.:~L~i;, ~~~"= ~~~;
S142.50191I Senta AD&Ave., oo~e.as ....,. Eledrlc each. 5'M792 PETERSON high cbalr 1$5 21'" T.V. good condition $25. roHuerle uaed once $25. DAJLT PILOT Cl&lllft .. eacb'I'Nllul.•utt~&••• TYP~ER..;,.Remin&ton PLASTIC Scoop chairs S2 ANS!lt!' $, ~.No.1.eo.taMeu. transistQti%.edSJ~!.16-5.180 hearth eltctrlc brotI•r port prompt1., to tu
. C.M b~t $6 Brus clock $10. Peterson ltrolltr $S Car Portable sewing machine TYPEWRITER rebuilt runs Copper cba.ftng di.ab never Department ~ .tola
• , MS-0800 FOR Sale; new pal.arold IW• Terror_~ orbit_ 11ee.t $2. 646-1926 $10 Portable ftCCnl player, like new $22.50. MS-7165. u..cl $1. 9C-5972 or th ... Dtm•.A.·Una "P'
MAPLE Tabl.i! and chain AIR condltlone SJ) lnger camera with cue $15, ande Sorel -J~-.1o.1 LADIES original 3 pitte 8et~U speaktn. $10 1301 Cbeckwriter p a y m a a t e r HOTPOINT Refrigerator $25, •aUOlll:
' S2S. 54S-5IM4. &AM~:30 PM •tools $6 ea~h. ~:::. 893--0937 :_ ~-Mousf·l-<q•o.w wool suits, llke new, me s . Bristol, ·CM-549-4395 rflb\lllt $25. 548-7165 good condition, 90-3151
KENMORE Automatic be~, 8' x 7• and 1M('F0R Sale-CoUeaia-te chic Quotefromone:"OtthJde-8&10$15each.548-3m
~. vtQ' aood condition x 6 % • with ms $2L clothes alze 'l.J.Q. $l-SlS. lighUul short s\orlea or 0. G E. portable:
$25. Fendtt aldrts for 1961 540-00.59 Tovar trl!lats brown $8, Henry: "She had that unique ~rn=~. ·like DeW $10'.
Fmt.-,'!""' SS pair. 2 "Open CHROME fOl'llLica kitchen 893o-093'1 luminosity in her eyes .that 548-Jnl :!:' Whlrisiam.I new .1:.tlonkr 11e.t, four c~i25. 9 x MOVING, Dlnettl! ~t. with cornea to a girl with her first PATIO Table • ., Coffee table
poo comu.u... 12 red~ nur and .. a .. 2 chain $5, ~·" · suit.Dr and to a kitten with ..,. wuhtr ~ dry!:r, aood-can---, .,..... ~ · Its FIRST MOUSE" SJ Slat beMh SS. Camp cot
dHion., D) volt electric $25. $25. ·l~r SLIP Oover chall' pJfl . · -and mattrea $3 TOI! cbesb
Data u n 4 1 peed SIMMONS ~. Good cahtbet $10. Pa • , ..,_pad LETI'ERMAN 1 we~ t er 50c Redwood fendDg and transmiaab>. excellent COD-a:mditioc fZ.c.~7 cover tf. DouWe itlTh!::I • gate $5. Fan $4. TV aerial
dilkm S25. lff..1115 -;mf;;;; is. ~'li:ft.f{'l:for Royal Blue, me 40• never ss. Comer table. tt Sofa '""~===~--· ,REFRIGEJUUlR. $25. Cu CbJld $L 125 '.11P"'il!J.!lc worn 112 MS-311l -" I> Scctlonal 110 Typwrlll!r DIST RE SSE D M a p 1 e ranp $25. ~ter $25. ---hose tt.. -~-DELUXE ironer $15. "'6-5814 t&ble $2.50 2 Irons SL Cock boolaee $25. Co• Lu.me Electric brotiQll}15. Lawn ............ ~·
Jewe)ry ~ 80'1f'I mowu S5. ~iFJ $5. medicl.oe C;9 $S. Floor 8' DAVENPORT, ~hape radio·$3 TV •t&bd $2.·.Bar
dotbes. me 16, 50c am IWr drytt $5. ~ ia Nord. lamp $L table $15. ~ .Sh atool 50c Bmnboo ·carWn
$1. Women's do-"'°' Lido Ille. S.f AM to 1am.-'1 .. $5. ~ Bl\ICO ENLARGER ""..: z'll\t 125 "'1c .SU.Ing cart $2. """"'
12 snd 1(, 50c to ;s. Shoe 3 PM Jl ere.cent. 6G-&'>1'fiy·" each. Radio $5 Tv $15. ll(5 50c Pole lampa 50c 1'.flp!:e
roller akafa. worn once, DACHSHUND •f!UPPY 9 NEEDLE Point•ljtar foot Fullerton. CM rouM table $1.0 Pool table
AND REA~H l'HE ORANGE COAST'S BIGGEST MARKET ibe I, $11. A!IO 1 pa.Ir, weeks old. AHe ~ e I • stool) $5.. Oothet im· 10-12 UNFINISHED cabinebi 4 $25. BBQ $1. End tables
abe ~.$3. Ca'am1c& Sl-U Beautiful. -. MS-fil.34 50e -$3.50 ~ 17·50 drawer 1'"·"'-nt desk wltlo $1. Relrlgerator $20. Olet!;l ~ ~ ...., · C&binet for toota ar brooms ,...,. of drasera S8 Chait $3
PHEASANTS SS. Fane Y $4.50 Pots and paps 50c -formlca top $22.50 Bookcase Anchor and cl\llln St S5mm ·-----------------------------------! GOO?.Uaedmattr•~1e1 pigeons $4 Rare ·drlckma $1.SO Garden tooli; l0o-$t hutch SlO 2 drawe_r nights-movie projector SS. Books
>-3l $5 each. 2--52 $10 $2. Cardinal $8. 642-3263 Kitche utensils lOc $l tand SIG 3046 K1llybrook, l(lc each. 642-1574. 1116 A 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES each. 284 Knox St., C.M. SWING set !ramie-'1.ith 2 Large~ barrtl 50c. Man; CM 540-9779 Tulip Lane. Of
55 BUICK SUper, extn. 1wtng11. Stllt'dy 2-\ii inch tut>-mile. itema. 64J.-0738,. 1617 BEU. &: HOWELL movie SURFBOARDS, two, SlO and ----r----r----r----r----T""-:----ir----_,.---...,..---1
clean, need& transmbslon lng ro.so. 545-S70% E. Balboa. Blvd., Bal. 10 projector $25. 8mm Kodak $25. 10 speed bike SM 1\\-1> J 4 7 12 ~. $15. 5 pllon cuting RED\\'OOD tab! ( benche.a AM to 4 PM Sal and Sun. movie camera $5. 1V:.i.n Stingrays· $2 and S5 3 HP ----·1----·1----·1----TIMIS TIMU TIMIS TIMIS = !,'~ ?_.~n .. ~~ $20 Kitchen ta~ u Garden EllBROlDER.Y PBfll\1 .I can movie ligh~ S5 Screen $7.50 MOTOR $8 Tachometer SlO 1----1-.!!!~-1-~~-1---!~~-1-~~::.__I •• ....., , ..... ,,_...... •1.e&'""" r • 1I _1.,., New rod and reel $8.50 Anti-nt9tributor $10 Typewriter ...
$7.50. Wbeelt tor 250 and cart $4 Lounre patio cbalr PhMl 1 .sZtubel oj' """'·' ~ que Indian pots $15 $5. Booka 10c-50c Ga.mes ----·i----1----1----·1----1----11----1·----1----1
350c'C Hondas. 13) each. $2.50 Small comer table $5. pdce fd'· c· Ai.& ~na fi<O:n Handmade i;ll~r and tur-15c Clothes 25c-$2. 280 Koox $6 $15.90
Honda parts $1.-425. ~ =~~wl~ tra;n;,: :·~~N~f~t -book quolse ringJ, polished stone Pl., C.M. 548-6970 Sat. &: ----1----1----1----·l----·l-:.$4:.:':.:50.::__1_..:..::.:'80:..::.._1_•::.1
Costa Meta. Small chair .50 ~---~ . necklacea and braceleb $1· Sun. $5 10 H.21 $1.10 $20 10 St BUICK $Z. 54>1425 ..--.-.......-60 VW coovutlb1e top $l5. .$5. Rock collection 50c-SJ. 7""",.-.T"AP=E,.. "'R<OOid<r===-· -,..-.la • .. •· ' =~~-~----1 motm' 12. BIJl.b.que tds Rear 'Window With gears, Couch $'7.50 Corner 1te-p with box Zc each. S40--f1'25 ----·1----·1----·1----·l----1----11----1..:...---1----1
DESK IZ. Old -1211 ~ Small bencb 11. 5 0 complele I> eech. VW run-tabl• 14.50 Table •odlo "''° 1,;:~=;;::...=:::..;::;:::::;, $6.00 $9J6 $15.55 $24.30 am $lO Cmntct lOc -$1. Retractabae dothal lint $L ning boards $2.50 each. TMt Elec~c kitchen clock $3.50 PAIR 01 new twin ____ ..._ ___ ..._ ___ ..._ ___ J.. ___ J,..:::;::,.,.J:...;:.:;::,:__J,_:::;:::,..J...:::~~I
Baby clothes, aize 3 Metal table '1. Electric burlier 'Coleman atove, new Bowling ball with bag and bedspreads. bei&e, cost $18,
monthe-3yra (.:me never dryer $5. Sfl:ln&'e dlest $.3 $1.t. f0.-367! after .5 or ahoe• $1D FJectrtc deep-fey $10 for both. Ant t q u e
worn) 5e--50c Ba•. 1 l n e t t Sf6-.S11l. 163 Rud.Ion, CM ~. 1f,. 0 Camp stove, new SlO grocers acale $25.. Sun lamp ::i~ and ~altirts $3.!iO. COMMERCIAL fur ·~ 'SfROu.ER $9 Baby sea.lea 2 German beer stelns ~ '.r'J>~;A~'f:f' before board"':':~ Cup.. machine $25. 53&-015.1 . $5 OM!at of drawers $10 each . Hand·made
uaed. bo:r. Sl H.0: :: LARGE cue 6 tt x g ft Baby clothes $2. Playpen 11tagecoach $10. 548--4903 BLUE Qlip stamp boob $3.
electric train (never used) x 2 ft deep. Siding gla11 $5. Bottll! wanner S 1, WOMEN 'S ~ Sc-$2. _,64,,,s.<384=,....,=,,-,,..,.,.,.,,.~
.$25. n44 Ora~ Ave. No. doors with drawn'S Oil the Wonderhorse$5. Hairdryer Blnocu14nl 7x35 and case NICKEL Silver railroad c. C.M. 6C-23£i6 (bouae in bottom $25. 536-0153' $2.50 Steam iron $2.50 Deep u.eed Onal! $10 Por'atble t!lec'. splice. $2.50 646-4384
rur) 1955 VS CHEVY head& $10 fat frytr $4 1 pair ladies tric clotqe! dryer .$15 Be.by SKI Boots Henke, boys 15ize
ELECTRIC Dryft' $5 Large each. Cl'ank shaft $5. Clalcb and 1 pair men'1 ice ables fW1'1llurt from $1 -$6. f"-6l\ like new $2.5. Rubber
acrttn TV with remote con-and prtasure plat!! $5. 6 and boots, stze 5 and 8 pllaoccs. some new from ski boots. sitt 3. $5. llockey
trol $25. Melal 20 pllon cyl. truck block $211. 6 cyt. $5 each. Party dresses, size Sl.50-l25.. Record pl~. 11kat!:!I, alze. 6, $10. LitUP
containen 7Sc each. Fihe.t truck head $15. Bell hou51l"8 9 and ll, $10 each. 2 \\'OOI (2) ~ ,l.\ld $4. ~ttery • boy figun!: skatCs:, size 1
drums.. all sizH for packing $10. Ca I' bu re tor and tftSRJ. •lze 12, $2 each. bone figurine! 5c·$8. Lam pg ,ss"'.~646-3~'°'159""'~~~~ or truh SOc-$1. ~ manifoldt" ~. ~ 2 pair whlt• libttgluii $1420 Powtt ~ $5 New LADIES Hi-fashion knits. &:
dra-• tt Small ...... ,are roll of wam.-'Mawr ..,,. ~...._u • .,,,.. ,•-i•l6 CEILING H1cb p I ant•, 283 CHEVY &bclrt bloclCI ,... ~· ""y d 14 J llhl' 24 ] .. ":!. ~ • "" ....., ,... pbilodendrone • n d othen minus crank $15. Heads $11li table $7. Typing table $4 pa 11n an . ;ra;i S4 to $'1. 643-2890
S5-C1.0 Ont or an.wmi pair. Starter• and Armcbair$5.Met:alcanape AmoldAve.C.M.548-9526 MA11'RES.~\Nearnewdou
wlth mimlr '10 4B shim ~ne:raton SS each. Fb' frame $2. Cub Sc o u. t PING-PONG tables S 15 • bk $12. 8prinp free, 2 x
hlch heels SL 1 pair coni ~ $S. Outcbel: $5. Wide unlfarm 1f Bath mat eet tropical p1ant and pot $10, 3 tt table and chain $5
colw dfapet. buuttM SS. tfte: on 14 tncb wbeels JZ ~~uod=:e ril.fo chair $2, boet safety ~ n::-ahelvet:rna:~h,
Trtm-twtst exadw $t. HI =-:;;r :~ ""S:: Scuba reg 11 lat• t $10. =ta~ ·~i: IOlid ~ each. Ou.~
Centtt st. Apt. 4· 50-IMT 4 apeet1 llnkap m_ 141 9C.Q3CD « 98MS19 $20, hardbound childmi'a a:torap cupboe.rdl '1D Old
WHITE ldnpim ...,._rd a,e.vy 6 cy1 motor oomplete WEDGE Belly board, like daalc boob 50c each, LaSalle trenot;ype. wurlca
$1G.-Shae chip damp 1loob Sl5. 6C pow@ql* .z. PaW l'lltW $25. Dectrlc foorball l'ftOt'lt• Zic, bar atooll $1.50, Sl.5. 642-2890
S1.SG each. Blondie end tah&e 14 lnch Pontiac cbrohw game $4 Recxird pla)'l!r $5 ft0:1C'd playtt parts 25c to ~V'"'A"CtJUM=,.,-=110,~-.,,......,-,..., ..,.,~
with wroucbt Iron lep $5. 'l\.'heell $25. »-'m2. 2191 Jlcnesb:le came S l, 5 o. fl, ultruonlc cleaner SS.. S2 ho lat .S2,, hair ~
'KN t)'pl!wrttier table $'1.50. Meyer Pl. Cotta Mna. 54&-8822. 839 Towne St., CM airlll bike SlO. portable TY •J' t P e
Ship'a dinner btD SS. Blaclc ,, , ·~ badm'·ton ,. ............. ., "' dolboilst $5. Worfcl Book deAk dl&1r $3.50. Ladles: nt'W STANDARD t;yf)eWrjttt $18. TWO 24 _boy 1 bicycles. ;;rulzu "''sprca~"""'s.4': encyclopedia ia. rlbhes $5,
'01JNOn bd velvet evening Partabae tntwntu SU. Good conditon $15 each. pllf\\'OOd Chrllltma11 outaide card table JJ, 2 Madras ;'°'"" •lie 11).U US. Shock· BowllbQ: ball wt th bq SL 546-3.198 d e c 0 r 111 t 1 0 n $l e-iu:h. bedspreads S1 t:1., step stool
;lnc plnlt theatb dn:D ~ilh lee &kattl, I.be & $5. era.. Ml.hopn,y Macu:Gie rack motnrcycle carrying rac.k $1, nwaioal te1pot $2. china
tJeeveSet1 CIOlt S1i. Shof'R and sllvf'r tra,ys, cope.. ~. MahocMY trarne lat;f' $2. mott'lt"cyti• hclmtt Tf, caniltt:r lift $l0, framed p~
to match $3 (she. 7%). pltchrn, some p. wt. r •• ovtl mirror s~ 28 x 34 IJn.Y and •team lrorr $7, fWl'ft Md brlc-e.·brac $1 ff,
,11en-. and woman'• dothti, llO"" vtry old Zc • SS. Mt.pel f.rlmc D"tlm>r $20. artilidAI RoWft'll fJC to· ,1, 24232 Via Aqullr&, i...,una ~11, 25c lo $5. Bu&inette Electric addlna rn.achW JI~ "'* • x g $20. bulletin bOlml 75e, tioudotr ~N~"''°"'"'l"',"-'""""""""=-r.-
W1Ui' J'lfllow a:ktrt fl.50. $25. Floor acrubber and MUk dua dlah $ S. chalr $3.. sultcuea $5 to ANTIQUE Tn.IN< ps, Osed
... .... $2.50.. Baby · pr.ilJlbtr a Unique p4tce eutnUwn cha!\nc dish $10. ..,"' aolf cl ti. aM rt-.. brick 8c Cbfh table SlO.
........ ailOel 50t • $l. Of drlttwood ... Sal lJ.$. Butnllum CAWnlle s 5 . ;,;ddle ten':il5 n.cq:ta n: ~ Bar doon SU.SO Sri aw. Jal Mw HocMr 1arp Mc-&ndQ' 1-2 p.m. I fi 0 S\Jvu pla!M c I Kt re t te I.Jone! train ~ and track $4. ~7 ~ :;; &dPft US. Ditto Bra.dWQ", CJ4. M!Mr $3. &M-1'79 25c. to $5, old echool dcsksTIL 0=T--A~.S~Jm~~So-fto_l_20_,_M_U1_lc
•~• mecblnt. wmb PffOTO a1arttt leM, tn,,. 90JWINN ContltlrntaJ 10 $8, maiahide: coucl'I ~ al&nd '5, Sli::IOI SJ. o.hw """1 fl! ~and -ond -pS. E:lectrtc speed. El<or.llent oondltlon, S.lurday -1""611 l50t Anlla SS. _ .. la. 11-&Q $3,
lliC, -C'.ll.lllfll!ll Drift, 11\dtar di). lNw Vlbruonic asking $25. Ml)..4.J.91 &tier Lane, Nnrrpcn 8 e a c b Toya, bc>Oks 50c • SS.. DHk • ± b 9'li f. CM. 5CMl'il7 0>.. llD-C321 5 PM Mf-3104 SIO. Lamp 11 56-63!1
P11b"1h for,,,,,,, ••• doy•, botln"l119 ••• •••••••••• •• ,, •••••·•••••, ,.,
Clo1tifi11tlo11 , , , ••• , , , • , • , • , •• ••,. ,, • , •••••••• , , , , , ••• , , •• ,, , , , , •
N1rn1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·•••••••••
Aoildrou • , , , , •• , • , ••• , • , , , , ••••••• , , • , • , • , •••• , • , •••••••• , •••• , •
City • , • , , ••••• , , , , , •••••••• , • • • • Pheftt • , , , , , , , , , , , , , •• , , , , • , • ,
r11t enly .... word in •ocli
•P•c• '""'· l11chrdo yo11t
o.ldttll or ph1110 nu111lt1r,
Tho t.01t of yo11r od 11 ot t"-
ond of tho tino 011 which tho
lo1t word of yor.rr od 11 wtlt-
t•"· Add $1.00 ••tro If T''
do1iro 1110 of DAILY PILOT
l os 1orv!to wifh '"l ilod fl•
-----------CUT HIU -PASTI ON YOUl IN'flLOPI -----------
Orange Coost DAILY PILOT
P. O. lox 1560
Con M-, C.Uf, 9262'
-=~~-='=='~ ·-----: -=----_ --_-
.. ,,...,.,,. c .................... ...,..,.,,.,T'""~ ... -~-~•~:z";;•o-o -·a_.,,,,.._,...,,..,,,...,.,,.....,, 1--• ~• ·~··--_,, ___ ..,,.,..,~T"-~--..,..·~----~T""".__ ____ ~~---·-........---.....,-· ........ ...,,.. _... ,., .. -
Split front and dble. door -near new -
Refrigerators -Bronze tone A wh1~
Retrtaer•ton. wuh~i •tows, dryers, treeien, dl!h-..... aahen • new I: URa twin, full, queen Ii: kin& 11ze
box eprip: le mattttss.
USED : Spanish, ?-ledllt, ~todern. PrO\llndaJ. ~taple .t. Flt Provincial. Good quality -near new -name· bran~ furniture. Couches, loveseall, hide • a • btdl.
occ chalr1, dlnette11 din nn sets, 8 pc ppe psttern
wrought Iron marb' top din rm set. 9 pc Span din
rm set. buftell, chinas, sel'\l"ers,_ m,aple canopy bed·
room sell, lnahot: din rm sets &: OOC1l'nl sets. Tables-
cotfee A: end -all style&.
Color TV'' -BI: W TV'5
Stereos & Combos~ All styles
Thomuv!Ue din rm set. roWld marble top · table,
marble top buffet, 4 pc gold I: white king BR sets,.
John Alden desk, ~a.r chests, beaut 8 pc cherry·
wood dln rm set, game Ht,,6 hospital beds. MAJ'!Xi MANY OTILER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS ·iu
A~ Commission G11lery
7722 Garden Grove Blvd., Wftfmlnster
Vi Ii.Ii Wnt .t .._ ........ Gr"9 11¥4.
·-· $11" pen end LIVESTOCK
Cm 1120
DAVID L fRASllt Y&lllOl\a 10 dirt .ikt.
Call: ONclc Avery $325. 1nwtted .. c. $195.
1424 Vla Oporto, N.B. e -e
OAJU.JNG Slamete ~tteNI, 813-5252 * 4M-391S Ewa. '85 HONDA ~ 11:1. Sl50 s ... 1 point, 2 blue point. FREEi ...... ofl«r. can lll-1\MT
tl5 each. 96).-0936 Baile loltlng CIUfft -""-'-; -'.,.~·===--
WANTED: Stud Service for Ottered to Public by '6' SUZUKI 1J)
female Siamese In ecchallO Balboa Power Squadron ·a KM.kt
fQr kHten or 1 646-3843 StartJr:w 1 PM Mon. Jan. 13 60-QC ...,..1~t,.,1 1tt
.1 ~rlupor1 -
.!l 1111.1or1 ·.
Dop 112.S ~u:;r:. i:r.=..~.: 1:7::.H %iO dirt track 197~~~':.~YD.
GREAT DANE, f a w n port Beach. NO ADVANCE 8'B-07tt VW ...:= •·--~-I.;========
REGISTRATION NECEs. -~~ ~~ -· -· MG female, ~an cropped, 32" SARY, ENROU. AT a.ASS '68 BSA ~ lmmac. ...,>Y IWll p.xt. $T95. Call after'
tall, 14 ~ old. Good with 1$55 '00 ml $Im. Must ..UI 5 PM IG-mT 1---------
H.,,t, I-" 147 .. 555
S ml N. o1Outl!W>.008ci1
Wa HaYO 'Em Alli
B'.Jr stE US!!
1981 !Wtoer, C.M. 64&9303
ELMORE chlldren. Great in home. '"""22 or G73-"f.cr more 6GollRIO days; ltMOIT ew. MG
Well mannortd, •how .,.. fn!o. VESPA 125 -$15 I__._. A-NGO 15300 Beach Bhd., W-~ chanWlon blood UJW. lll64 29' OWENS DC· 98U571 aak for Don "r"'= Sii•, S.rvlee, Partl PbaDe ..._
s&criac.1 ~ I "' 0. ,,,bridgo, fully equ!pped. e Spot c.lb tor Im-Olmplala..,. lolG _.., -· '4~2790 Ev... New paint. SO Hn °" Wt ,... .... tor UlY Im.... !let Ult ...., &llfln Amodot TRIUMPH
3 YR OUJ FEM. ......u1. Make o II• r. Auto S.rv!COI ~ ol ,...,, maim H N I -------
Dacblhund aood w/childten W-!dB afttt 6 PM & Parts 9400 or omdltkn. 1 1Y UI btfcn · . 8'9 01' TRIUMPH TR ! .. Etd!Jent
$15. Dachlhund VJP' a wkl )'flU tell. i:: L II o RI) oondJtklft. M95. Elmore
On Each "01<''·
You Get: * 27 POINT PR.E-
• mat• '2>, tem. 110. Sallboata 9010 SEt a1 u ... • """"'"" MOl'OP.S. l5.1lO a..c11 BM. Sport Can, 9'll -*MONEY· BA.CK 8600 ~6 alt 6 mac ......,. A -IDf W..........,. *"''m c..,. Blvd .• G.G. GUARANTEE IF
BEAGLE pups AKC, male 71' VIKING Sloop. SAUCY Fard. 535-8895 "'™ TR Spitfire M. Spotlell) Wh. Sporting G~• 8500 M11<911anooua I'-"--=--~-~-
. & female very Iona: eart, vlrtua.lly reblt in AUi. VW 36 hp tn(lnl, noel. R.econd.. Nr new t."On4itloft. YOU ARE NOT
SlOIS, Head Giant Slalom, )1APLE Ta~ plus 5 chairs, .kl Aho Nd Former fleet champ 2 Itta cond. $175. Meyers Ml.NI Priced to kll. 546--1184 SATISFIED r
new bottoms, 205 lengtb, line cond. Gas re Ir i g . good mar "I•· 1 ot aaila, extras. Powbie bua:Y 84$--2621 SUD; Head stand., good Sleeper couch S20. \Vhlte service. 596-0558 Balboa. Ille slip, tdeal for . '67 Spitfire, $1325. I
coN!., ''""th 210; !90, mod..,. tee cart & •tudy AKC Dachohwxl, o~ots, > -f4oJJllet. Alim. 5 ?riv pri>. "3-2!90 '68 IMPALA 1'
673-2452 deak-& 1928 "A" Super house broken, 6 mo. $2!5, S1700, w/ttnna to respomf-Tr1ll1r, Tnv11 . 9421 · '' · -
BRAND new Lanie plastic Stock. call 549-3569. 1805 or oUer. To aood bome. ble pty. Stiown by appt .. ·-~ ' YOLKSW AGIN Cuss tom ocontu~~ !:. ~-. Bootl d Jamaica Rd., :r.resa Verde, 96W4~ 64.f.-l~ KENSKIU.. ........ $1419 ~ 9t~:-?i1ust ~ll~~74f. -CM:------·~··PLAYFUL Beaa"le pup, '1 LIDO 14,-No. 1680,--:;tth =~~SW:~ P-V.W.-Biii, eompe81'>fi -$2·7-99_, ___ 1
642-1M9 10 AM to 5 PM Daily, mo. old male, AK C trailer and cover North No l>D'ltl far 1 mo. or $S8 )"!llow, S mo. new tlrt1, • '1
SKIS.Head Miuiters 205 Xlnt. G~en tools, patio furn. Reg!Bt'd, had all 1hohl, $50. aalls. ' total dn. pmt 6 '81 mo. chrome whll, teblt •I'll by OK Utttl C•r 1
$75. Bindings Nev. Toe, air . cond. washer/dryer, 545-8993 675-4163 0.A.C. Autborned dealer pnd. with 8 mo par, now I ' D
Solamon cable heel SlO. refrig, ba.r-b-q elec . Mixed lJtASA ~PoodleCAL 2.0. Gtnoe.-S.,ln aalli. forAvion,1.t)ttonantlTtrry ki1!.!1!.t~.~ '64r lm~ Q, .. r,
642-371.f edge.r/mo"-er. S~ ltemt. ,upplea. $30. Principals on-Racine &ear· Xlnt ODnd. trallen. "-T ._, V8,-9'Mfdide, P.SI" alr. * SURFBOARD * Mo"""·"'" cheap. 6'2-,>1210 ly. 499-2128 ....,,.16 Rick laldlno'a 116 V.W. recent enatne , •Pllr~!l!!.4 'blue In col,..,
BEA"!JT 9' beer bat w/port. AKC rq. lrilb Setter Pups. CAL 2\ full c:ruiae Mobll1 World owrbaW. new palnt. ntw (UJ~~ Ba!rrn':1·~:,e~~3" ;e,r~~·m~:::.~r;,1 ~ Webcyn line, 6 wkl old, Pulpit, life 1:e~· d~ 19432~ach81 .• H.B.IS2·1317 &rwl'o black ltbr. You'w ~~:oo.= ~r.· $~ · , j * 548-180'7 * amplifier $125. 9' BlUI! nylon &t&-1'138 $3995. 644-09Sl 436 5. Harbor Bl .•. SA 531..sT70 rot ·to -I: drtvt. $1115. afta 4 PM Oii1J V•lw UM Cat l=~=-=r-:=:o·='-' davenport $9'5. Studkl coach S~VER G~ poodle, good SNOWBIRD No. 274, partly FOR SALE t' x r WARDS Elman SllOl'l CU.. till ikl"".;;;.,,vw"",;;_----· 45, .·,uro •• ,tu~~. ~ed·i: Simmons $45. 549-3612 with children. $25. 893-5420 rffUnd. Fltmerita, tralJer. TENT TRAILER • sm.oo. Garden Grow Blvd., GO • ntW paint, 1969 '65-FORD Cust. n•n~ V cl A afttt 3 P}.t $300. Call 528-6049 When met up with 1lderoom LATE '6'7 MG Midi t loid-~ 1eeta &: tnt. Good
675-3l05 ~hme:::~mld PRECIOUS Black Cock+ lT SLOOP with Aila: Is it ls '7' x ~·· 'nitre-ii a AUsfm H~ •n Jq Eye ~;· 15.000 Ml. ~ to =-~· $«1). ~-~l~utomaUc. P.S.
:lor over $300 Take over poo. Female. i20. trailer $300. Firm. 642-6.1'1S double bed 4 x r on top ol Sprite. Real lbarp little car. ltl"'rice. $250 And take ovtr ,15 VW• AY/1'M., sunroof• Weekend Sptda.lt
MIKtl11neou1 8600 mall · "Ml60.c:uh. MS-1044 ft 5 :JO PM trailer. Extru hrlude new $5£15. Elmore Spart Can. P11%11ls. Karl, 96S-55U • • $1099 --='----,I s pymnts or_.. a :_ , llttnse vlates. 3" foam mat. 9BU Gardb GrOY9 Blvd., MG '51 TD Rtd w I white rnuat lt1l. Bat o t f e r ! ,
FRIDAY IS l"mllt dept. 535-7.m REGlSTER.ED German LIDO 14, No. U22 w/caw:r, trea, t:raller hitch &: ball, CG ' fibe .... las '""", interior ex· ~.... OM V•lw UMll Cir
YARDAGE DAY BEAUTIFUL eggWll white short hair P.,lntet" Pups far trailer, North .US. mue __ __._ --.., __ _. -•~-... ...., \"-'f!li •:c:natioa CdM • • • ··• ~ h 6'>-0933 .... -·~· ~-~~ ~-'6> AUSTIN He·"· 6-cellon~ ,...,.. robll mt0 "."'' In Cost.I Meta nylon carpet, U', X 16' + _.e, "'" eac A: white. Lille new. 841-5351 trte hookup for tum a1.emJ,1. Need& IOme ~ P5G. cl.ah. 547-<llDL or ~ •es 1500 6 YW·:squan;back. '66 CAPRICE New RleCUon, fantastic prlo-hl.Ilway runner 14' x 32". BOSJ'ON Terriers. 8 wka, 'I'nlller ts in excellent ~ M5-47fl Ct:::~ Rad.to, niifl thu, clutch. Sports itda.n. Loaded wl
es every Friday 10 AM at: Magneu chord Organ. all AKC Olamp blood line. Power Cn1iMrs 9020 dttion 9nd must be wn to ~ ' ' Cocoa qtft Good. oond. extru. Black vinyl root.
INTERNATIONAL in good cond. 962-4857 539-7815 be appreclattd• Call Bob '62 A Healy, 300 MK II Rd.I. ll_Q '57, Red/blck lnL Wire $J.5oo Stl;lilDt~r strato seat I, beauutul
YARDAGE 2 • SNOW TIRES w/ Rlms PUPPIES. ~he.rd Mix. g 25' OWENS Cabin. CrulAer 631-C156. , ~.!iOO orlc ml., 0/D, 'W!W,, ~-: yooc! shape. ~ '65 VW ~~· radio. maroon. <YCI...555)
2750 Harbor Blvd, ~!pl :o~iiee~ bGood~: wee, k~ a11~. '4h i:.~9&9 2 :.'a:na1'e ~i;,:: 19 lT. TR.Avn. traller. Self J1500 or best oUtt. ~ · ="e~ Bl~ Mll JQnt co -JiCWO. ~7'; _ $1999
C.O.t& Mesa Yon . . u ur · ema es, . eac · Chrysler Marine en 1 contained. Excellent con-CORTINA i ' .~ noVWan,~.-.. · n~ , OK UM c.r
Good cond. 673-7537 aft 6 -Recently overhauled. stS dftlon, 1 bedroom, 1 full ""' u.,llA11--"'-"=-="-'---1
POOL ' pm. H-ll30 ra.i1q, bait tank. i<,250. beth. Full> Eqmp. 1•.550 .. ., c6RTINA cr, MH. , • . ·MGB •natn•. II i4 'tnck "'"°· '66 FORD Cust.
BROTHER indust. ~ 6 YR A.Q.H.A. Mare. Prof 540-9261 548--0751 1395 .. _. SC6-«J33-il 5::ri. Mach Nr new Antlmuo ._._ 11pd. JArrt eond. $ · . 1917 mvo, IOw mlleagt, rood e-., 1 • 500, VB automatic, P.S,. TABLES · · .. y~ trnd for tntenn rider. ~1'11 PRICE REDUCED! CAMPING u-.r 4x4x2. Water 962-5703 ttrea, red ext. with black 1984 .VW Mu5t sell! $650 or air' <RTH371l. Low, low:
European weapon!, gun, Stable, Lag Canyon Rd, aak 25' Meridian, tibergla.s proof canvu top. Good tnt. 673-1642 btat oft&-ialt1 price.
•worn. 1'"1• Wh". 83&-8702 '" Nancy. cndaer. Xlnt cond. Fully tltt•. Equip w/ u1 .. $175 DATSUN ''!ft= $1·399 Ntw slate ~ val Now $295
23 Models to choose from S59 up. 213: 692-4167, £92..2101
If you MU sell or bll)'
1ive Windy a try
Auction.I Friday 7:30 p.m.
Windy's Auction Barn
Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'I
20751Ai Newport, CM 64&8686
NEWPORT Beach Tennis
Club Company membership
tor sale • 2 regular
membenhtpg + 1 social
member&hlp. Priced well
below cost. Days 547-8406,
Eves 6'13-6436
with quilted mattre111, 1plit
foundation, bltn !ramo. Nev·
er used $98, worth .$250.
Remnants, umplea & MW
ands Sat. Only 8 a.m. lo 2
~.m. 929 Balter, Co1ta MeP.
FOAM mattren, matching
1prlnp, hard11.-ood head·
board & frame. Retrl;.
Qccu\onn..I chait'I. Table
model TV. Slate bench.
Good cond. 5.l)....2974 aft 6
& wknda.
Gi\RAGE Sale Irvine Terr.
Woodard pa.lie> him.: tae.
BBQ, 2 metal bookca111?1;
1tu<:Uo couch 11tl; Orp.Jonk:
oraan; misc. lW Santanella
Terr., 673-5723
eve. loaded. Owner 646--9739 or best oUtt. TI4: 53frl088
STYLED Blonde wig I et TRANSPORTATION TU".~A t ••ti,,, .-PORSCHE '68 vw_.:, .)'fllow lacquer, 0... V•lue Uted C.r . ' 32' GRAND Ban .. d~"' ~· ~ '67 DATSUN , 10,000 ..._ LutbtNnt In--=::...:,:c:c..o~::="-1'. ~eria1"1·0~·J11,'·wo-m~vn~ Boafl & Yachts 9000 Oviler, fully equipped tncl SqltWdrl' aeanBa! Great tor Bia Rdan. Neat new! Ont , .... Po-~. su-r Cpo· tarior. '1*». ~1003 '66 B,..L Al R Slls sell S:uea.u ~v;,, FREE radar. m-8176 4-7 PM ~ mta, ja or ! owner. 7800 Miles on ~ N~t':: f1nl8'h wlblacic 19"1 VW .JD1maculate. Ori C ' · --==-.-==;--ometer. Ovmed by little 'oil lntt Full -..ip lndd owner. J.ai.1'm radio. Beat V8 automatic, P.S. &It FINEST Mink Stole. Size 18-I Cl Bo $ 9048 '67 Shut& 21 ' Mlt mlD from Laguna. 4 Spd, r. Y '"""" · · cond. <RHA267l . Ne vr
20 Lt. ('Olor (Aeroilian) Ex. Basic Boat ng apes it tor• chrome wheels, AM/FM, co-Offer. 6U0110 Del Mon~. Year Saln Specl&J. OFFERED TO PUBLIC cont&in&d, Canopr. dlr, rad.kl, heater, auto. Sea-co mats, etc., etc. 12 olhlr $ 99 cond. $375. 1/3 orig. cost. BY BOAT sroRAGE &6M07't fotJn blue extmor, pluJh Pmlchel to choole 1rom. '65 VW new motor, new tires. 13
MG-1656 all 5 H 1 B h Sa.ii or power up to 20' black ~ather bucket Ml.ta. Xlnt cond. Olrome whll.
UPHOI..SrERING • $79.50. 2 p:.~s:..d~:~ Fenced yard. N e w p 0 r t I ·T-r----~------,-500.... $75 Cuh dela:, will fine prvt tlnttd aJ.au. &G-OU ... V•IW u ... Cir
pc. (European cra.ttsm.enJ 1 M .. l 20 7 PM Baylrnnt. Monthly rat.Q lb-~ prty. 49f.o9773 ot' 54S-0534 '64 VW sedan: 1mmac. MH, '65 Ood 4 d ~. ~~ .~~~~5 s:1H':,U~ :;ach Hiah elude .• ·~~~at *SPORTSMINS VA"* m!llRARI ~er.~~~o..:rn vs automat~.eP.S., al~· ;
School, H.B. c.11 Antho<Q>"'• * TRUCKS * .--coDd. <PCHA47J. Sal" , MEN 'S !'il. 8~ med. Henke For further info call 83t-2:z8l They Are All Here At '17 VW, $1595. very dean. price today.
aid booi., used onco l!O; 842-1227 or 8-46-2350 Si ¢ il!ou PERRARI 3100 W; Cottt -· $000. cuh, bani< -$1299 ~Is 5:t 3 white :ihoe skates, 1. FT. OJ.atom tiimltiio Afrcr1ft 9100 Fantutlc DI nh N..,port lmporta Ltd. er. Newport Beach S3T.81 Mo. 0.A.c. 147"'4011
like new $6. 536--6149 Raeer. Blue and aoJd. Reid)' tlJt tmmd&t.t Ui(t .a~t:J'• oaJy autbof.. IG-~thorlied MC Dt:s:;.764 •f& vw Bui, $1100 rtrm, o.M Y•lue U,.. C.r
COOKWARE Stalnle• low rraner A bot.t freably Prl. 'Piiot Coul'M dtllwr)t 12t4 -..-. ~llent c:ondltlon. 65 BEL AIR
hoat watode" ""' fl". pt t n" d. Now ""'" 115 dn, $21),lf mo. Mooney BEACH CITY SALES· SERVICE • PAllTI POR. lik"OO. AM/FM, Liil· (1J '9&-2133 /
Salesman q u It SAC. $65. n l u •• h yd e . Uphollt.,. AJrcraft s.iu. r M Pardo 3100 w. Cout Hwy. nJt. 43,000 mJ., pr. pty., 1958 vw 4-t>t. V8. P.S. Power1Ude;
NEW Mr. Tel!Ser 543-73&3 Three 16i,2 hp Champion Oranp c 0 u n t y Alzpo:t DODGE Newport Beach allte sraY/black Interior, ._ !!:.:.::. {l'f
G CO 51}. Unbe-
1 R-..1 • engines. C.Ompltte w It b 549-2668 or 5'6-1610 l4S65 Be h Blvd (H 39) 6«2-94m 541J.l7" 536-391'9 aa-<11538 I: 882--271! ""'•'*'
St au f~r wuuc1ng several fuel tanks, ateerlng ac 540-2650' wy. Authorized MG Dealer •eo $ PORSCHE, n;blL ~bl· lW VW &illper, SuncUal $1199
Mach1n1 -$85. and controls. See at 2808,_M_o_b_ll_a_H_o_me_• __ 92_00_ Huntlngton Beach 'SlnC cond. AM/''l'M, ~ unit, new Unit, tram, nblt * 548-4753 * Lafayette. Newport Beach. 1-FIAT atru. $2115. 1545--0Tts ti •I'll· R.lff Perfl MS-Im
SACRIFICE! Duo to illnooa; BOGARTUS BAY HARBOR IKWWTlf MOTORS 047-1272 e '6f vw, SUnrool e
single membetlhip Newport YACHT SALES Mobile Homu Show mn POilciiE 1964 C. Clean. • -• Beach Tcnni! Club 540-6192 ArA/Fm, _ ~--2745 w. Cat Hv.·y 548-2592 1969 10. 12 WIDE SALE 2116 Har~-•1....1 1 owner. -· • 96).lfi85. PE~1CO Aquarium T1 pl ·ss Col-24 Sloop 13995. 40 ft • «i ft &. 64 ft. _.. u -. m..339 or ~
w/ll uorescent Hahtl. 25' Otrta O'Nlter $23.50. 1 OR 2 BEDROOMS Cotti Meta
962·1.129 CaC 9-5 .er Dietel Kl:tch $22,500. M Low M '81 Ford i,; Toll P1ckuJi
CUSTOM bit crown 90!&, 50· 'J'w Oil Stephen• S33,ln:t Sll96 Down -$69.01 Per Mo. V.a, automadc ·••••••• S*i
Frigidaire. tool work bench, 15~ Bayltnu pleuure boat Incl. tax, Uc., del. and •t-Up 642-4666
do( house. 549-0111 aft 5. Built In Wuhlngton ror and :I yean inlwuce. 2 '63 GMC iiOO 2T cab:
So 1425 Baker St., at Harbor c•-~-P/• ~--STEREO tape n=corder, ny rough wattt. 75 hp Mercu.ry Costa Mesa 714 "~"9470 '-"'· "' ......... '"""' SOO with mies &. speaJcen. motot. Trailer l cover in-.,...,. ea. 6.SFord ~T Pu: auto,
Finl $185 takes. 54&--Mn cludtd. All in xlnt aind. ST ART LIVING, raROET trans ideal amplr, $650.
GLASS top table 31 x 49, $800. 1lrm price. 4!J6..9300 TAXES! NG yard work; Servbolt 506 31lt It, r.1 .ac G tt-ooa~l 20 • ,.. -· mobll """""' '!!. -::::....'~ .. :; -::-.::: , SKODA wrought Iron 4 cbain $:i0, 17 FT. Perform•. lslandM' .....__ 1111• ._ ,MIJ&I .,... ...
G.E. T.V. $20. 53&-.39:D. D • 1 u.. m 0 d • l (a 11 ...... ..,., read7 to moYe into; roao Pk:kup. 1198 C&mptr '1981 Call ~1-~-------
Wo Havo Thom· Alll
· BtJT SD' usr
Oeo4V•lwU ... C.r
165 FORD Cust. ,
SOO. VB. automatic. P.S., al r. (PES873J. Thi I week'• prtce
A beauutul car fOT \ht deterimtn&U11K bu 1 t r. Orlllnal 1Uver color, all , -·$1199
OM Yalu. UIH C• DOUBLE size bunk bed&. t I her 1la1 I) D\ltboat In •r. at the beach: Special. J7,«111 mu., ManJ Ml tar' ~s:ia-1510 ' 10 SKOOA, 2 dr. nil'll Coad.
Sturdy, cu1tom made. lllO. cu.tam .nap down cover. Uw th • O"OUP of people extraa inc, A.IC. $2«1D.:' i IQ milk P"' (al, MOit: BllD, G\"otti Chwro1et: btllt\'el
Cal1494-2157 8.'! ~~:i· 1100 :.~:... .... life~: ~N R•••turo : JAGUAR '!76cr-Ph.OlM11il J... TOYOTA-VOLVO ~o~h: :;;t~:;:i-:..~
2 PAIRS Ilk! boot:I, sik 12: p ne pm. tun. Pleue eall: 538,...2731 -----11111:11 R&tbor, C.M. 8*l303 PortaUon ptobltml to
SKIS' Hoad Maa"r 215, Henke 5 bu<kel I< o, USED 13' fi•htnr "'~""""' "'036-0500 ~· Auto. Good cond. ='66 J~~~~~ .~o~w/ SUBARU , * New VolYOI * "'" marker toe LS bed, Child'• lCaslingpr lace $15. 49'-7378 wr.1% hp JohMOn & trailer, ~..,. ..... Du.al wu· RCJ91 .......__ ""'•--.,-.... .._ uo "-rr
I •-~i. . ., -New • """ ,.~. -•• -* ....._,.. ---~ •--1ea~ GIT A " .~ .. 3' skll'l, po es & ......... II %dark broWft Moutoo -· • ..... ... 1iDflr Pan Amfl'leu, Para., ~ .. ~,,,=11D~-""'+Ml;;o."°1Ja~t"'t:I""' ----awv.. ur lH9 SOMllU • ' ' .... ,..... •
11. ~:~STOLE ~m~~I: ~ms. Schock Boat" =~..==.~·rat ~~ ... Ill\~.~ ~·~":~=1a':".: a::.·~:~ Hea,:,n~.::., l! r::...~ ~~;~·::~ :.s;~::s~~!.,: 5~/~~'.~'. ~;~~t."':"5t: ~~;~ ~ :~1m"!.=~ !i"'J!..ic..:-: :~me~.'~: GROTH
dlntlle let. wUh blue noral PHIUlJ gu: dryer, 1 yr pts BLACK a.rt. u· GllMPU 53•.as71 5'1--70l1 ' c··-· ~ls rHC\'IDl"'\LET ro..i c ... .,.. "' mod•m & war. 1100 °• 0 u ... ""' ""'"" tnboanf outl>oud. 10 • oo KIT ·a OIEV. ,,_ Pldalp. SUNllAM Antte .-" ~ ..,.. i;,. ,.....,,
otylo. !<5 completa. &-21~ Ballow "" C.M. '*""" All oxtru. 121i.o. "'"" be 1 Bil SPACIOOll r Bed. R • H, Mab otfor, 'a _, __ CltnMt. ~ IHI.,..,. lllll o.ipa. -11111 llACM .. W.
YARDEMEN SW1botJ'd g"?''. UTllJTY Trtr. 4X8. idHJ wn at The Dunes. m-U2l •ll crimfltlit MS-.UltO DIQ' NM9'7'1, eYH ~ nm W. Cout Hwy. ~_,.r Jd'lt.D89 dllw, All Qrf .............
Wood tall-back $311. SlolUoNI lO< com9 trlr. "' doll IJ!r. H IT. OOAT 'IS Ii Ton CWvy Pickup Newport Beadl =·-~_;.:: ........ -· I --4 141-411f°. HI •D
noor poll.she" tlood con-a11o .,, accordlan 046-3<31 """""'""'" ,,,... 0.., Mo!or H-9215 0ua1 W11H1a, v ........ lfl'. -04Q.llll -. _.. -f.ttPll .. _. ~!""~ ..... 110D Opoti<T oa... "all 10 •.x.
dltion $1S. $46413 21 " TV $39. TV-Radio tube m.mo COltJ'r::z..You. won't babew 16-3211 Mthorized MG DeeJtt ....... ..U.'a...,. ~ tlnn.. ~...... •
GERMAN R.4010 $1.00 checker sz. Both work VflrY DIRTY but Dry. lt ' Fantlay ltJ a •es.. low mlleqt lac WUJiiiit80H BODY XKf'Conv. ·113. tulb"1"tai'td Ii,.,..,. .t. i...t M ilifii.Y. OD ~ illiD HO G11"9' di! a II. )(M
A<XX>RDIAN" $S0 p:id. 646-l!'l25 ~ua Wallltr'IJrnb bit. lit air a:ind-pvt pty .-. odl for plumbtr/t:l«:trlclllft lo "'"'· Blk w/ftd Int. IN a ..., pmc, ..... ntm. .....,. ,..... a..,, l:llal CU Mil ft w1dt a DAIL.. , ---•c..·.;.50-_'111'1.-._• __ ... D~ ~78 for. R.&WLTS $300 ~ finn. 673-54M °"...;.*w;;.r.;..;;;llc,7.ZW='-------*_;,IT.l-e;;;.;,l;;:.11;_*__ tlrff A: top. m48:zL e111..-ZW.. ,..,_, PI.LOTW.\NT Alli! 5\2..n
------.. -
I (
10 .. _
NEW 1969
I OOOlt ll'OltTI lOO. MDTOI'.
10, ... ~
$2187 11
INClUDlf ltAllY ~IPMll(I'. "US
lALLY STll't
·== YOUR CHOiCi •
; NM 1., fAlC9N
\ "2121 . :-.:.-
tlioal HAIDTOP
52398 ~..:-
NEW 1'69 T-81RD
'3998 "··-' lit.
The '69s Are Coming!
AS ~GE COUNTT1 ONLY SHWY lMlllCAN DWll~I W~---.· ·--cOoPmTING wmrTRElAtmno-ccun·lft ...,y-
Of IHI '681 U
Now •v1ro9i119 15 c1r1 si-r woe~ th~t con .Do r•toilt4 •f wholt11 lt to tho p11bllc.
, l11f tho doolort 011 th111 oldor cors. SAVE I I
!'f..~1:0:, tr;;· :~11=: 1m1~ :.:,··~:~~=-::.. '"'J" +2 tnlt>Kk1 ":.J '':f}. '""
'65~~ANG t~. F11llY to!UI,...., l~t'~.I. (..ll..l Ip} WI' dDwfl Ill' tr-.
$795 •ULL '"Cl -~31 PEI )0 MONTHS
'66 FORl)?.Z:JLITRE l ;Jf"'
I '''''"'"' H1rdtop. 11, 1n,ino, outom1tie, oir conditioning, p-•• 1toori~t· 1$VX. '611. 20 '1. down or lr1d1, l luo look prico $22 35.
$1595 •Vll '"Cl 48 PEI 16 MONTHS
'61 FORD F350 ~
Cob l Ch111i1. IGlll71 I. 20 % dow11 •'trot!;. •
$695 •U<L Pll~ ~ 'Pll 24 MONTHI • •'b
Rodio, hoelot, pow1r 1toorin 9. 10ho4J 7tll. 20% •-11 •r tr1do.
$795 •Vll '"Cl $29 PEI JO MONTHS
l ritlth Rocln9 Groin. Equippff. CUOV 65JI. 20~ 4~ or tr1d•·
$1495 PULL PllCI $45 PH H MONTHS
'64 MERC. WAGON 10 PASS. j
Colo11y Pork. Full power, •it. IJZY 7111. 20 )'. down er tr•d•.
$1095 PULL PllCI $38 Pll JO MONTHS
Full powor, oir co~ditionint. IFtU700 l 20'1. d1wn or f(td1.
$1195 PULLPllCI $44 PllJO~ONTHS
Fwlt powH, lood1d. Air co11ditioni11g. IRIR177 ) 20" tlow11 or trod•.
$1495 •Vll HICE $52 Pll JI MONTHS
0IMP/i~A ·
2 Do1r Tordtop. v.1, 1ulom•ti .. rHio, i.,,1.,,.,ewer d .. rl"I. IKFZt!JI. 101' lowti· •r tr1cll". •• . ..
$895 •Vll PllCI $30 Pll JI MOMTHI
'67 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU (21 . r •• ,, d.0010 fr•'"· Fvll PDWDf', f1ctory t•r.' ,,. •• ,,. w1rr•11ty. "1T •101 rrxu 71fJ
-lO % "O'Wfl It tr&do, r ,
$3195 •VLL P11ci · $86 fll U .MONTHS·
'64 FORD SAtE ( 13 To C~oose From)
2 C,... 4 n,.., $od&11., H1r4to,.. Corrvortlblos, Wo91n1, 101J1• w/1ir I p, ttrng.
v.,, e11t1rw•llc. fvHy ~.-i,,.d. ITW• 4JI). 21% do-et tro41.
$695 PULL NICI $23 m )0 MONT"I
Lew mllMt•· hll ,,;.,,,, 1ir conlllitlonl111g, IUEX 4JJI. 20 % dowfl., tr1d1.
$1895 PULL PllCI $49 m H MONTHS
' .
9IOO Hewe ... 9IOO New Cars 9800
! .. . .lt'" • TllANSl'ORTATIOM
Johnton't Private Cam.,.i1n to Combat Run-
rN•y Inflation Wiii Offer TMM p,.y .. ,.
End Cluranco Spoclab to, ... Buylnt Public
In the Spirit of "Let's Mike Frlenda ln1tead
of lnfl1tiOn." (No O.alen Permitted 'Til Af-
ter 15th of J1nu1ry.)
'62 COMET $595
Dtllfl St•. W•t· llelie & Httttr. PUF091 •
'62 Plymouth Fury $695
St•. w.,. v.1, tMfomallc. ,ow•r 1tttrlftf, rtcUt
111d lleefer. FWV594.
'63 T·BIRD. $1095
Whift with bltcli leferior. Full power, ftetory
air co11ditie11in9. Shtrp. IYE417.
'64 CHEVROLET $1195
4 Dr. lmp~l1. v.1, eutomotlc, f1clory 1ir co~
dltionln,. pow1r •l•1rin9, powor brok11, rocl10
tnd h1otor. Kll745.
'64 Mere. Montclair $1195
H1rdtop Coup•. V. I, outom1tic, foctory tir,
pow•r 1tr., pow1r broklt, A.IH. whit•. IOXl67.
'64 LINCOLN $1895
4 Dr. C.JW1rtiblo. Full powor, fod. oif. 101617.
'65 OLDS 98 $1895
4 Dr. Hord Top. Full powor, foci. oir. t-1111.79 2.
c1uD ,w.1011. l 11ot, oulo., v1ry clo1n. RIAlll .
'65 LINCOLN $2495
4 Dr. Cont. full power I foct. oir. Full lo1thor.
1• C• L.t O• HerMf 11•4.
Johnson & Son
Qt> ~l (~I!!-.~~ rree IF==-..:.
ca' ree R. , ............. a rj"' Car Rad~o &
u ower Brakes
During our Red, White & Blue Sale, you can get
extra cost options on your next J3velin, Rebel or
Ambassador without paying a cent extra .
There are three special savings packages. Our
Red Special gives you a FREE CAR RADIO. The
White Special means a FREE CAR RA,DIO &
POWER BRAKES. The Blue Specia l gives you a
ROOF. The choice is yours. But hurry, savings
like these are available for a limited time.
We think it's. about time somebody had a
bellavable car sale. That'S .)YhY we're offering
some very real values on all colors of sale·
equipped Javelins, Rebels and Ambassadors.
119 HARBOR BLVD. near 19th St., Costa Mesa
Ol'l!N SUNDAYS PKONE 642-6023
•VI, .... toJ11otic, ,,.,,.
1t11ti119, r1dio, k11t1r, d•··
•luxe wk1tl eov1r1, h11d
•••1h 111d m1ny, 1111ny•
•"'ore! 9ZI05111 .,,
!• lmmediat• Deliv•ry • 1
I: $199 •·
• DOWN :, ...... , ..... ~ .. :
•AP,,.... Crfflt. GMAC• ...... fl...... .I ......... ,
8Compl•t• S.les . s." .• '
•ice •ncl Parts Oepett.• 1
•ment for JAGUARS. •
• 511 The E.-cilin' • 1969 Jegu1r l o4•y • )•••••••· • BRAND NEW•
• -1969-: • OPEL • • • • ONLY
• • • $1899 . :
• •
•Fully •qwipp•d inclwdint•
•duel'"'"'' eylind1r brob•
1y1fo'", hoot1r, whil e woll1,.
•duol 1pood •ind1hi1ld wip.
••r1, wornin9 fluhor, r1dio,
• 1fc, 9103411 •
USED CARS • • • • '67 IUICK l"1.,.. •
•Full po-r, f1ctory 1ir, l•w•
•mil••9•. CTHl521) • • $3995 •
• '63 IUICK Sl!ylork
.H.T. Cp•. Automolic, rid·•
io, h11t1r, power 1l••ring,
•f1ctory oir IFXC94'11
• $1295 :
• '67 JAGUAR 420 •
•S•d1n. I own1r, 11,000•
miler, full pow1r, 1ir.
• con d., wire whool1. IVCK
.2851 •
.. 65 OLDS Dynamic aa• •'4 01. H.T. RIH, outo., PS,
••ir co11d. IMOYl461 •
• $1495 • • •
• '66 TEMPEST •
.H.T. Coup•. R1dio. h11 t•r .•
outom1tie, pow•r 1f•1rin9 .•
• !SVE661l '
• $1695 • • • '61 THUNDHllRD •
• Lo11d1u. Full pwr., fee. •lr,.
10,000 '"il11. IXSll.1111
: $3995 :
• 4 door lt1rdtop . RIH, Du·•
• to .• PS. IFXX25t I •
• $395 •
•tor1nod1, Full power ond•
•f•cfory oir condilionint ·•
• ISt.111821 •
• $2995 •
• ''1 IUICK Sk,... •
• Sport collp•. RIH, 01110., •
• PS, 1ir cond. ITUZSltl • •
• $2595 • •. . • 66 DODGE M-• 4 Or. H.T. RIH. 1uto.,
• PS, oir cond. fl,UOJ21 • • • $2195 , .• _ _,_ _____ .
: 23• E. 17th ST. : ,
• 548-7765•
• Mon.Fri 1:30 •m •
• lo9pm •
• Saturday 1:30 am •
• to6pm •
• Sunday• 1:30 em ii '
• to 6 pm
<!H[ IJl(~ C: Q"'I~
~·---..... , ....... b. ... ·-------. --...
. .... ~-------~--'""-........ ,;, :·tAI.!l~EA~· rqr Nl~E[~~
J • :, -• \ , ' • I f ' \'ll: <. •
,...._ ..... ____ .....,_ ..... ~---...i ................ _....,... . .• , . -..;.... .!.'. __ • -._ ' ! f l!!,: ,. ~ ...
""'~ ' t~.,J.:.:
. --s41 . $1999 PlllCI
• •
'1 ·~""-i IMO~llllJ I 'f."' Of IMDGO!WY, ON llVll. '
•"' --
' ~ '
-~· . •·
" ·lMh '1)
-.;11'<a •.
~;..1 . ~.~
.. . .,
' · v ···a:30 '/t,lil.'-to •:OO"'P.M:• MONDAY"-thnt fllllD.AiY "' '
9:00 A.t.f. to 6:00 P.M, SATURDAY and SUNDAY ,.
' '
Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer 14!,. :1~@, ~he Orange Co,~'!~4f~r .. ~Nci·
~£~ti • ~ ,.,
'"' •· ·• ·:· __ , .. ,
'•' ,,. _____ _
'.,1----·-; ·-· ,_ -=r _,
' ' •• ; DltLAC
I *f · JA"' .
. .
.,;'f"'-!l ~ ;..).• • . I " ' 2600 ~:H~rl\or Bl~· .~ Co~t~'·Mesa: .. .. ~--·Mo Q' · o·-o· ....
. ' ..... . . u y..... . • -. . -'·~·_;: ~
'87 COUGAR XJt7, a.ir, PIS,
d~ brakes & widf ovah,
X!nt co!jd. "950-. 549--0!!2 . ,
. .. _._ -
" . -' .
" . ~ · 1"11RD
'57 T0BIRD
! ' I
' I . I''
!2U 1JIE• 4111-
. .
NIW . l,96.9 ~DODGE
!~z~!;~~!!~~.~~.~!~,~!!.-· :')69~DAlff-5VlllGllS .
"'"' ol•u ...... ~~~ rid•, "" ... , '"''"''· tochomoter W/C/ii<.\. power BAAND NEw 2-DOdR·· .tlQDTOl$ •t-'rlnv. sports ftflhil whf4~2.iont piint, bi.Jmblebt1 stripe,~chromt 1t1mped ' 1 · · .. ;i. < ' -"' · road whe1fs,. nOllt r ion pactag-. t11rn· s19n111, 1xl1 ratio 3.55,· 1Jr scoop quarter Choice of colors. Fully factory equi~ with • All Viiiyl interior • radded
Fully equipped ·including--<VinyJ f1JOf, WP# tira, fuU ·wheel discs, rMnote control
mirrpri sports strg. ~~1.,,dlx.,w,liffl COYtl:J, •I~ CMtr. #ll23A9El29179)
'"'''· "'-Motor~t •rns1D9. USED, LOW MILEAGE. -· Clash ·• Heaie'r )9-Defroster. M&taf.'#ll23A9~96,. LL23A9~112980, ·$so ~80 -f2 ; ·-·' ·. a-. LL23A9E123'568 .. $: -2;. ·1· .. -.•... 8: ....... _.·_ . . . 52288 . TOTAL DOWN ~~AL MONn«i, :: : - . • . ' ' -. •
. '-AYMlllT P~Y/AINT ;•
__ !~TAL PIJCr_it..l=. 'iMMIDIATI DELIVERY , .IMMEDIATE !>UJ.VUY JOTAL PlllCI 'tl:fe... + , " · · · · ·n· t ,_, ....... , ... ,.... ... _ .. .,._,. __ __. .... .-· TOTAL PRICE • ,.::;. .. ~ ..... ~Yi DIUV~.,.J
Full factory equipped including • Vinyl inferior • Padded dash • Heater
• Oefrostir • 318 V-8 engine:-Motor #OL23F9Dl75810 & DL23F90181591. ' --
· '67 MUITAN!t· H.T.
V-f. "'*' 1lr, Mt.'"""-""""~,_., ~u _.{lt"791. st6•a· = s5· -= s5·· 7· ~\. · 1 0 +TAX•.uc., / mn. nMT.
Y..f, •Yfa. frara., 10'"1 llHrlrlf. '"1f •nd ""'"' ,...,, (St1. No. 6JOXl1Pf7) $988 :::.· s3· 3::::: $<13~;:~. +TAX. UC. n111. • n111t.
Air ..... au! .. ,,_,,,._ llHl'lftl, """"' brtbl, rffit Mid )IHttf. l'-r. Ma. DIS511"'66) $888 :::.· s29::::~ $29:.r:.. _ .+ W..6.UC. _ . r'lllT. nMI,
''S CHIYiiOLIT liilP~LA "'"'°" v.a, ;,,. .1-.~ lt.M, '.s..--· cHaxw1 $788 ::::· s26:r;: s26m111· .+TAX, llC. ""''· ,.on.
. 'H .,ODGI P.OLA.U 500 2 DR. H. T.
V.t,'eutc. INM., ,...._, liMter, P.l.'*llN, Mlf11ttlL(UU09)
NICI · '°""' ' •Tlllf. $788 TOTAL $26"'" $26"'" . . ~:+tut uc. .. -, • ma: . ""''·
'65 ClllYILLI llDAN ·
· ·,65 ..GDGI lotpNn 440 , ·
U... Kll'llllifll. F.ctHY 1lr, V-t, ,.nttffflfllf,~..,,._ INM., Ult, !JW:. (aGVp&J
s1088 :~':' s3~= s36~-+ TAX a, UC. l'TMT.. nMT. . ' ' _,
'65 ·OLDS C~LAP, •. ·
a.Mr ll1Nhp. «2. V-t, rt.ii• '"4 h"'''· l'OW" ftffriltt.'hdlf H1t1. , (~r. toe. ~"31IM140101) • lf'088 :'~':' s3· 6=·· SJ61.V:'r. . ~ + TAX. lJC. \... ~ ~Mf. nMf.
-'64 TNUNDERllRD 2•DR. H.T.
h eltfY Air CONDITIONIHO, ~k tr..,1., ~ l .,;.Nf, fvl1 P'Wt'· (S.r. Mo. "11321 ll959) $988 ~~::: s33:::.~ s33~iit + TAX ' ll(, mft. ftlllt.
. '64 .YO~ft f
2-dr., f.1PMd, hffttt. (PF1.it7'U
$688 :::: $23"'" +m •uc. · =~ . '. '
s23:N.:1. "Ill'·
•• •\
• • 1 t
1:'.:D 1961: ·WAGOlf·
. . ' ' ..
Choice of colors. Full factor( <quipped includi·ng. heate(,~-defrosier, etc.
Motor #Wl45B9El23047, Wl4589El23751!
_..I'll.,, ftcl. 1!r cllld., l'I\. Mt., J111J. m.r .. lludd loHh, wsw, ltlldn '°" fUOS711 "688 :'~ s5· 7::::~ s57:.r.::. . I . +TAX & uc.. "'"· nllf. . -
2 ... MlrdllP (fUPt. Allie. tr-., power rtterint .. ltr1kd,..vi"yl lillttr\9r. IREMl46) s1 ·188 :::.· s4om.~ s40~~\. +TAX .. LIC. n11r. nMT.
•is ClilVILU MALllU CPI.
s1088 :::.• s36::::~ s3&.ll'•i. +TAX & l lC. rTMT. u;:;:t. • . . .
Air -d., ....to. lrw :, U H, P.S., "1w. CPIK7ol3) $988 ~~::.1
·• s33:~; s33!~~-+ TAX .. UC. ' . nMt. nwr. . .
llulftop CouPt •il'll •~tt. tr.ns., rldi' btlltr, .. ,., vinyl lntu .. bucktt 1t111. (TZJ I IO)
$988 ::~ s33:r.li s33 ""1· . . ~ +TAX' llC. n1111. . ~·
DIL 'l·I W/fld flf'I lif, _, llHr., IN-~~!_!, 1lllo. tr1111., lt.<, "''* lil'H,. whell tliKS. IY"~l68) -
$588 ::~ s19 :::.'.l + lAl .. UC. .rYMT. $19 ""' w:~~-
• ,
. .. , .
\ # ,-'
1M14D,1ATi Dli.ivERY
" .
• I